Class _ Book "Fgs H^ft^ SSO. 1»4. r ^•T . Criu > MAYNARD'S English • Classic • Series ^^^' — ' -i_i— I— I— I— I— I— I— i_i— I— i. r #*^tr>%': S' i-«=SE5>»^ i GRANDFATHERS CHAIR ^ "^yc Nathaniel Hawthorne ■i^i^i_i^i_i_i_i_i.,i_i_i.,i^i NEW YORK Maynard, Merrill <5c Co. 43,45 <&! 47 East lOIiJ St. J ENGLISH CLASSIC SERIES, FOR Classes in English Literature, Reading", Grammar, etc EDITED BY EMINENT ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SCHOLARS, Each Volume contains a Sketch of the Author's Life, Prefatofy and Explanatory Notes, etc., etc. 1 Byron's Prophecy of Dante. (Cantos I. and II.) 2 Milton's Li'Allegro, and II Pen- seroso. 3 LiOvd Bacon's Essays, Civil and Moral. (Selected.) 4 Byron's Prisoner of Chillon. 5 Moore's Fire Worshippers. (Lalia Kookh. Selected.) 6 Goldsmith's Deserted Village. 7 Scott's Marniion. (Selections from Canto VI.) 8 Scott'sLay of theL,ast Minstrel. (Introduction and Canto I.) 9 Burns'sCotter'sSaturday Night, ! and other Poems. 1 10 Crabbe's The Village. 1 11 Campbell's Pleasures of Hope. j (Abridgment of Part I. ) 13 Macavilay's Essay on Bunyan's I Pilgrim's Progress. 1 13 Macaulay's Armada, and other Poems. ! 14 Shakespeare's Merchant of Ve- nice. (Selections from Acts I., III., and IV.) 15 Goldsmith's Traveller. 16 Hogg's Queen's Wake, and Kil- meiiy. 17 Coleridge's Ancient Mariner. 18 Addison's Sir lloger de Cover- ley. 19 Gray's Elegy in a Country Churchyard. 20 Scott's L.ady of the Lake. (Canto I.) 21 Shakespeare's As Ton r.ike It, etc. (Selections.) 83 Shakespeare's King John, and Kichard II. (Selections.) 23 Shakespeare's Henry IV., Hen- ry V., Henry VI. (Selections.) 84 Shakespeare's Henry VIII., and Julius Cajsar. (Selections.) 25 Wordsworth's Excursion. (Bk.I.) 26 Pope's Essay on Criticism. 27 Spenser'sFaerieQueene. (Cantos I. and II.) 28 Cowper's Task. (Book I.) 29 Milton's Comus. 30 Tennyson's Enoch Arden, The I..otus Eaters, Clysses, and Tithonus. 31 Irving's Sketch Book. (Sele( tions.) 32 Dickens's Christmas Caro (Condensed.) ii3 Carlyle's Hero as a Prophet. 34 Macaulay's W^arren Hasting; (Condensed.) 35 Goldsmith's Vicar of W^ak* field, (Condensed.) 36 Tennyson's The Two Voice and A Dream of Fair Womei 3 7 Memory Quotations. 38 Cavalier Poets. 39 Dryden's Alexander's Feas and MacFlecknoe. 40 Keats's The Eve of St. Agnes. 41 Irving.'s Legend of Sleepy Ho low. 42 Lamb's Tales from Shak< speare. 43 L.e Row's How to Teach Rea< ing. 44 Webster's Bunker Hill Ors tions. 45 The Academy Orthoepist. I Manual of Pronunciation. i 46 Milton's Lycidas, and Hym I on the Nativity. I 47 Bryant's Thanatopsis, andothtj Poems. I 48 Buskin's Modern Painter (Selections.) 49 The Shakespeare Speaker. 50 Thackeray's Roundabout F: pers. 51 "Webster's Oration on Adan and Jeflf'erson. 52 Brown's liab and his Friends. .53 Morris's Life and Death « Jason. , 54 Burke's Speech on America! Taxation. 55 Pope's Rape of the I