4P utn am H (£,ount^ ical Putnam County it f) Historical Society IN COMMEMORATION OF THE VISIT OF THE NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION To West Point, N. Y. October 5, 6, 7, 1915 fl Putnam County, formerly a part of Duchess, was made a separate county in 1812 by Act of Legislature. It comprises what was known as the Highland Patent, deeded to Adolph Philipse in 1697. F)2T COMMITTEES GENERAL COMMITTEE Miss Mary H. Haldane Chairman. Mr. Gouveneur Kemble President of the Putnam County Historical Society. Colonel Clarence Townsley Superintendent of the United States Military Academy. Mr. Stuyvesant Fish First Vice President of the Putnam County Historical Society. Mr. a. Augustus Healy Putnam County Historical Society. Mr. William Beverly Rogers Putnam County Historical Society. Mrs. Louis Fitzgerald Second Vice President of the Putnam County Historical Society. COMMITTEE ON ENTERTAINMENT Mrs. Louis Fitzgerald Chairman. COMMITTEE ON EXCURSIONS Rev. Dr. Walter Thompson Chairman. WIDE WIDE WORLD CIRCLE Mrs. Edw.\rd Livingston Chairman. EXCURSIONS Tuesday Oct. 5th Parade 4:15 P.M. Wednesday, October 6th 1:30 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. Alternate excursions for Wednesday, Oct. 6th Organ Recital 12 o'clock. Fort Montgomery. Stony Point and return. Garrison. Points of interest. Site of Beverly Robinson House. Mandeville House. Upjohn House, Gen. Putnam's headquarters. North, Middle and South Redoubts. Mrs. H. Fairfield Osborn's Reception at Castle Rock. Beacon (Fishkill on Hudson). Washington's Headquarters at Newburgh Gen. Steuben's Headquarters at Mount Gulian. The lilirary where the Society of the Cincinnati completed its organization. The Old Trinity Church and the Old Dutch Church at Fishkill. The Albany Post Road. . Thursday Oct. 7th 10:00 P.M. Reception and supper given by the Putnam County His- torical Society. Points of interest at West Point, Old Chapel, Museum, Washington's Portrait in the main hall of the library, links of old Chain at Trophy Point, Flirtation Walk. 3:00 P.M. Afternoon tea at Constitution Island at the former home of Miss Warner, given by the Chairman of the Enter- tainment Committee of the Putnam County Historical Society. 4:15 P.M. Evening Parade. POINTS OF INTEREST AT GARRISON, NEW YORK Wednesday Philipse Tract or Highland Patent, which comprised the Oct. 6th whole of Putnam County. Washington, a friend of the Philipse Family. Beverly Robinson married Susanna Philipse, who was one of the heirs of the Philipse Patent. 3:00 P.M. Site of Beverley Robinson House. Beverley Robinson House was the Headquarters of the Continental forces for the defense of the Highlands. From this house Benedict Arnold deserted to tne British forces. The Arnold Path. Benedict Arnold, in making his escape from the Beverley House, upon the capture of Andre, is said to have has- tened along this path to the river, where a boat conveyed him to the Vulture. Mandeville House. Built near the beginning of Beverley Lane, which became a public road in 1866. Upjohn House. Said to have been the Headquarters of General Israel Putnam. Mrs. Putnam died here, and is buried under St. Philip's Church in the Highlands. North Redoubt. Middle Redoubt, or Fort Hill, mentioned in General Heath's orders 1780. South Redoubt POINTS OF INTEREST AT NEWBURGH, NEW YORK Wednesday, Albany Post Road. This road was cut through the High- October 6th lands bv Lord Louden during the French and Indian 4:00 P.M. ^.ww » .*•». war Alternate Excursions Mrs. H. Fairfield Osborn's Reception, Castle Rock. Washington's Headquarters at Newburgh. "It was on these grounds that Washington was encamped with his troops at the close of the Revolution. "Here it was that the events of the Newburgh letters occurred. "Here Washington refused the crown and gave to his' loyal followers an example of true patriotism. "It was at Newl)urgh that the American troops under Washington were encamped when Peace between Great Britain and the United States was declared. Here the troops were disbanded. General and Mrs. Knox were frequent guests at the Head- quarters. Mount Gulian — (Fishkill Landing) Beacon, Headquarters of General Frederich William, Baron von Steuben. It was built on the land known as the Rombout Patent consisting of more than 10.000 acres. This land was acquired in 1683 by a deed of conveyance from the Wap- penger Indians by the distinguished merchants in New Amsterdam, Francis Rombout and Gulian Verplanck. "Gulian Verplanck, grandson of the patentee, having ob- tained by partition with his sisters, one third of the original third set off to himself and his cousins, that is to say, one- ninth of the entire rating," built this historic house. The house still remains in the family, with much of the land, and is one of the few properties that retains the original land deeded by the Indians. POINTS OF INTEREST AT FISHKILL, NEW YORK Alternate Baron von Steuben was a Prussian officer who came to Excursions ^i^jg country in 1777, and offered his services through Silas Deane, and was very valuable in organizing the army and instructing in tactics. He wrote the first manual of arms and which was published by Congress in 1779. In the library at Mount Gulian the Society of the Cin- cinnati completed its organization. The Society was formed at Newburgh on June 2, 1783. "The Dutch Church," organized in 1716. Building erected in 1731. Provincial Convention met here 1776. Military Prison during the Revolution. "Trinity Church." Founded by Samuel Seabury in com- munion with the Church of England 1756. Building erected about 1760, occupied by New York Pro- vincial Convention, which removed from White Plains, September 3, 1776, used as a Hospital by the Army of Washington until disbanded June 2, 1783. POINTS OF INTEREST AT WEST POINT, NEW YORK Alternate Excursions Thursday afternoon, October 7th 3:00 P.M. Old Chapel. Filled with historic interest, it was taken down, but re- built in its present site in the military cemetery, brick by brick, owing to the strong sentiment of the Army. In the chapel hangs an old English flag, said to be the only one not restored to England, and the subject of much diplomatic negotiation. A Tablet on which the name of Arnold has been erased. The New Chapel. An example of Military Gothic. The organ is one of the finest in the country. Fort Putnam. The Museum. The Library. Stuart's Washington, a fine portrait given by Miss Anna Warner, hangs in the Main Hall The links of the Chain at Trophy Point. At low tide the piles to which they were attached ai Constitution Island can be seen. Flirtation Walk. Constitution Island was named from the fort of that name erected in 1775. From this point the Chain extended across the river during the latter part of the Revolution. On this island is "Wood Crag," the late home of Miss Susan and Miss Anna Warner, the authors of "The Wide, Wide World" and other American novels. The kitchen part of this house is a fragment of the old barrack erected in 1775. Here in the dining room Miss Anna Warner held her Bible Class for Cadets for many years. PRINTED BY EDWIN S. GORHAM H W. 45TH ST., NEW YORK LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 108 225 5