LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. €liap.^JnqCopyright No. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. THE Ancient of Days Renewed; OR THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES FOUND TO HAVE BEEN WRITTEN 1,826 YEARS AGO BY FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS, WHICH IS CONFIRMED BY THE APOCRYPHA, THE APOCRYPHAL NEW TESTAMENT, THE BOOK OF ENOCH, THE BOOK OF JASHER, AND SOME SACRED BOOKS THAT HAVE ALWAYS BEEN RECKONED AMONG THE PROFANE. BY HENRY S. WILLIAMS. CHICAGO chicago newspaper uniof „^^^^ . ,. - - , --^^ 1897 ^^==^ ^7-— = ^^ Ck'^^^^ Copyright, rSgy, by Henry S. Williams, Raymond, Cal. INTRODUCTION. The Scriptures are written in numerals, miracles, sym- bols, orders, names, threatenings, commandments, prom- ises, parables and many wonderful ceremonials, all of which go to make a mystery of mysteries, unparalleled by anything that ever came before the mind of man, all of which are hieroglyphics for man to interpret the Scrip- tures, as the advancement of man is the progression of the literal creation, the proofs of which rest upon physical science ; in this there is no mistake, as mathematics cannot be disputed. We find in the prophecies many dates, epochs, intervals and numbers, all of which have a mathematical meaning, the proof of which has been accumulating every hour since the birth of Christ, which was the creation of all things; also all time that the Scriptures furnish a correct chronological history, as there is no correct chronology from the supposed six days' creation to the birth of Christ; but all very well know that we have a correct literal chronology of 1,897 years to the present time of our era. Yet we are not positive that those 1,897 years began at the exact time when Christ was born, hence there is a variation of about three years in the numerical calculations of the preceding volume. These variations can only be removed by establishing the time when Christ was born, yet there is a correct chronology in the Scriptures of the same interval since the birth of Christ which is symbolized by intervals, numerals, ceremonials, parables and miracles, supposed by all theology to belong to the six days' creation, all of which are not literal, but symbolize literal chronology and literal events since the literal creation, which began at the exact time when Christ was born, and as there is no proof that this present Christian era began at the exact time of the birth of 4 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. Christ, hence our chronology varies, as the Christian era does not harmonize with the birth of Christ, which unharmony is part of the veils upon the Scriptures. The exact date of the birth of Christ is important to our chron- ology, as the literal creation will continue every hour from that time until the end of the six ages, which ages Josephus says are to be shortened lest no flesh would be saved. At the end of the six ages comes the political and financial resurrection and transfiguration. The history of the United States is found to have been written 1,826 years ago by Flavins Josephus, and in that part of his works where he treats of his own family and of the actions of his own life proves to be the history and actions of our United States Treasury Department. In the beginning was the word, hence the word was the beginning; that word was put upon the pages of prophecy, and it has been a constitution, which has created all things enumerated in the six days- — ages of creation even the Heaven and Earth and the things that are there and therein created. Present theology teaches that the word was first given to the Jews, which is an error, because the scattered pages of Scriptures first cre- ated ancient Israel our prototype; then after Israel in the same manner that all religious creeds have been created came the creation of the religion, church and nation of the ancient Jews, which was a prototype of our present monetary system, which will be destroyed at the end of the exact number of years after A. D. 1826 that the ancient Jewish temple was destroyed after the birth of Jesus Christ. My constructure lacks workmanship, but is foimded upon allegorical Scriptural prophecies, which are the rock of ages. When the giants behold the location, they will build a new temple, great and high, upon the same foun- dation; then my structure, crude and slender, will be remembered as gossamer, harbinger of the storm, which shattered the veils over the face of prophecy, and swept staggering theology of nineteen centuries into the past. HENRY S. WILLIAMS, Raymond, Cal. Introduction 3 God tiie Universe and the Scriptures Are Equally Incompre- hensible 13 The Earth and World in Prophecy Does Not Mean the Globe. 18 The Bible Suppressed in France in 1793, and Reinstated in Just Three and One-half Years Afterwards 19 The Municipality of Paris, France, Express Their Determina- tion to Dethrone the King of Heaven 21 The Earth Swallowed Up; the Serpent's Flood 22 Fourteenth Amendment 23 Fifteenth Amendment 24 The Six Shortened Ages 25 The Famous Codes of Justinian 26 Some Numerical Prophecies of Jossphus 27 The Symbolic Numbers of 18 and 300 : 28 Bible Translated Into Greek, 277 B. C 29 The Antitypical 300 Children of Israel 30 Parliament of Edward I., 1306 A. D 31 Cromwell Refuses a Crown 32 Wandered in the Wilderness from 1736 to 1776 23 The Democracy of Moses 35 The Dragon Cast Out of the United S ates 36 Parliamentarian Democracy of Cromwell in 1656 38 Rahab's House Was on the Walls of Monarchy 39 Abraham Circumcised 318 Men 40 Home Missionary Society in 1826 41 Christ Came in the Ark or Tabernacle of a Body 42 • Table from Adam to the Flood 43 Table of 5,879 Years 46 5 6 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. Before Her Pains Came She Was Delivered of a Man Child. . 47 One Hundred Million Stood Before the Ancient of Days to Be Judged 49 The Ancient of Days Had 3,000,000 Servants 50 A Throne of Firey Flames, with Wheels of Burning Fire 51 The Son of Man Brought a Sword 52 The One Like Unto a Son of Man 53 The Mystery of Three Letters 54 He Came Like a Thief in the Night 55 Washington's Historic Sword 56 From an Unknown Poet 59 Fire Thrown Into the Golden Window 60 Linen Cloth Left in the Senate 62 The Symbols of Creation 67 The Affliction of Job 70 Christ Transfigured on a High Mountain 71 Symbolic Creation of Six Ages 74 Josephus Shortens the Years 77 2656 (1556) — 1 100, Shortening the Ages 78 All Europe Is of One Language (one design) 78 Europe Leaves Ofif to Build the City and Tower 80 A World-Wide Signal 82 A Republic Is the Only Salvation 83 The Sun and Moon Stood Still 84 The "Six and Thirty M'oments 86 Josephus Symbolizes the United States 87 Josephus and Seventy-nine National Banks Saved by Ship of Cyrene in 1866 89 Slavery in the United States 90 Riddles 94 The Eleven Hundred Pieces of Silver 95 Samson Slew More Dead at His Own Death than He Slew in His Life 96 Absurdity of the Jews Being Restored 97 The Mingled Blood of Israel 100 The Ships of Tarshish .' loi The Waiting Isles 103 INDEX. 7 A Tent that Shall Not Be Removed io8 Our Gates Shall Be Continually Open 109 Joseph Shall Have Portions iii The Last Record of the Jews 113 Josephus Was an American Hislorian 114 The Creation of the Symbolic Six Ages 115 Tables of the Antediluvian Patriarchs 117 The Nephilim Were in the Earth 118 The Age of Man to Be 120 Years 119 For with Him One Day is 1,000 Years 120 Marriage of Adam and Eve 121 Beasts Symbolize Fanatical Nations 123 The Abomination of Desolation 124 Empire of Alexander the Great 125 The Colonial Stamp Act 126 The Stamp Act Was 145 Years After 1620 127 King Alexander to His Brother Jonathan 129 Holland and United States Make a Treaty 130 Simon, Judas and John 132 Washington, Jefferson and Adams 133 Washington Made a Marshal of France 135 The People's Booths 135 Liberia and the Pyramids 137 An Altar and a Pillar in Egypt 140 The Temple of Dendera in Egypt 141 The Great Pyramid 143 Weights and Measurements of Our Coins 146 Entrance to the Grand Chamber 147 The Thirty-six Inch Stone Step 148 The Fiftieth and Twenty-fifth Courses of Masonry 149 The Alkalescency of the Queen's Chamber 149 The Niche of Five Sections 150 The Parliament of Cromwell 152 Floods of Many Nations 154 Deluge of Europe 157 Noah Will Dwell in the Plain of Shinar 159 The Seventh Generation After Seth 160 8 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. The Life of Man Becomes Shorter i6i The Flood Began in 1656 A. D 162 English National Debt $3,500,000,000 i6| Ark Resting in Armenia , 165 The Nakedness of Noah 168 Where the Children of Japheth Settled 169 The Chaldean Zodiacal Cycles 170 The Easter Island 171 Delug? Legends of America 172 Toltec Legend of the Flood 173 The Mandan Indians' Flood 174 Many Tribes Have Flood Traditions 175 Heaven Symbolizes the United States 177 The Son of Man 179 John Saw Animals in Heaven i8r The- Twenty-four Elders 183 One Hundred and Twenty Years of Idol Worship 184 King of Israel Will Be Cut Off 185 Cast Their Silver in the Streets 188 Storehouses Suddenly Found Empty 189 Mingled Blood of Israel 190 Rahab and All Her Family 191 Money Changers Cast Out 192 Mountain Established on the Mountains 193 When Is the Last Days? 194 Great Voices in Heaven 195 Seventh Agency Upon the Air 196 Voice from the Throne Saying, It Is Done 197 Methodist Churches of America 198 Tobias and His Seven Sons ?-. 203 From of Old Like a Pool of Water 204 Preface of Flavius Josephus 206 "But Because Almost All Our Constitution Depends on the Wisdom of Moses, Our Legislator" 208 The Fifty-sixth Year of Josephus' Life 210 The Life of Flavius Josephus 212 Common Words Used by the Masses of the American People. 213 INDEX. 9 Judith Destroys Holofernes 214 Garrisons Set in the High Cities 222 Achior's Description of the United States 225 The Narrow Passages of the River Euphrates 227 The Silver Lamps 228 Smote Twice Upon His Neck 229 Camp of Holofernes in 1895 230 Noah Is Drunken and Naked 231 A Mark Put Upon the Vagabond 232 Slime and Brick 233 Confound the Language of Europe 234 The Agencies in Mid-Heaven 235 Fallen Is Babylon the Great 236 The Banquet of Servants 237 Judith's Introduction to Holofernes 238 Billions of Supposed Wealth 239 Starving Millions of India 240 The Earth Shall Stagger 241 Bagoas, the Eunuch 242 The United States Was of Age in i8p6 243 Arouse Noah from His Wine 244 Horrible Vision Appearing in the East 245 No Chronology Before Christ 246 Jesus Christ Was the Creation 247 The Aprons of Fig- Leaves 248 Skins of Beasts for Clothing 249 Table of the Antediluvian Patriarchs 250 Second Table of the Antediluvian Patriarchs 251 The Creation Represented by Symbols .252 The Grand Embarkation 253 Sold, Yet There Was No One to Buy 254 Moses Was Born in 1656 A. D 255 Rahab the Harlot 256 Christ .Was of the Lineage of Rahab 257 The Temple Set on Fire July 27th, 1896 258 God Repents that He Created Nations in Europe 259 Political Europe Will Pass Away 260 lo ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. The Sun and the Moon .261 Every Nation of Europe Afraid 262 The Ark Covenant Alliances of Europe 263 Plagues Come Upon the Whole Earth 264 Sword Unto the Belly 265 Smoke and Dust Go Up Unto the Heavens 266 The Foreigner; Contracted Currency 267 He Shall Besiege Thee in All Thy Gates 268 Nothing Left Him in the Siege 269 Cain the European Vagabond 270 Destroy the Whole Race of Mankind 271 The United States Died in 1896 272 Forty Years in the American Wilderness 273 The First and Second Adam 274 The Object of Christ Is the United States 275 Cain Named the City After His Son 276 W'here the Children of Ham Settled 277 The Vagabond in France 278 The City that Cain Built in the Land of Nod 278 The Turks Came from Turkestan in India 279 Thus the City Was Built, and the Arabic Mohammedans Be- came Turks 280 Where the Sons of Japheth Settled 281 The Seventh Bowl Is Poured Upon the Air 282 Japheth (Russia) Will Be Enlarged and Dwell in the Tents of Shem 283 All Europe Will Be Afraid 284 Europe Is to Be Divided Into Three Parts 285 Plagues Are to Come Upon All Europe 286 The Powers of Heaven Will Be Shaken, and Europe Will Reel To and Fro Like a Drunkard and Be Removed Like a Hut 287 The Antitypical Exodus in 1736 288 The Bones of Joseph Carried Out of Egypt 289 Moses Vanished from the Colonials in 1776, When the War Cloud Stood Over Him; He Disappeared in a Certain Valley ..290 INDEX. II Savannah, Darien and Augusta, in the Colony of Georgia, in 1736 292 The Younger Receives the Greater Blessing 293 Thirteen States in Palestine 294 The First Creation 296 God Can Neither Be Defined by Any Words, Nor Conceived by the Mind 297 Europe Utterly Emptied 298 A Creation of Symbols Only 299 Vespasian Was a Symbol of Our Currency and Was Born in 1837 300 Golden Window Set on Fire 301 Proclamation in the English Language 302 English House of Commons 303 Solomon Symbolized Charlemagne 304 Our Twenty-fourth President 307 Mount of Olives Cleave in the Midst 308 Turn Things Into Another Meaning." 309 Fifty-third Congress 310 The Sun Shall Be Darkened 313 Vespasian Born in 1837 314 The Siege of Jerusalem 315 The Root of All Evil 317 Numbers Slain in the Siege 318 Jerusalem Symbolizes Our Monetary System 319 Vespasian and Titus Have a United Triumphal Entry Into Rome 320 General of the Eenemy Slain 322 Vespasian Builds a Temple to Peace 323 Last Pompous Show in the Forum, Rome 324 Last Evil Times, and It Causes Resurrection 325 Transfiguration After Six Ages 326 The Ages of Creation Are Shortened 327 The Romans Commanded by General Titus 328 Our Present Monetary System Receives Its Death Stroke 329 The Refuge for Juvenile Delinquents 330 Numerals of Josephus 332 12 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. Shall a Land Be Born in One Day? 333 Discovery Impossible Until 'Literalized 334 Tower of Babel 33 '> Rahab the Harlot 2>2>7 The Arch of Titus Now Standing in Rome 338 All Things that the Scriptures Say Were Created in the Be- ginning Began to Literally Appear at the Birth of Christ. .340 Symbolisms 342 Phaeton Goes to His Suspected Father's Palace. The Sun (United States), Heaven in Prophecy, All Are One. Apollo, His Father, Sits in the Sun's Bright Palace, on High Columns Raised, with Burnished Gold and Flaming Jewels Blazed, Where the Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, Years, and Ages Are Arranged, and in Order Stand; and in the Portal Are Displayed on High (the Work of Vul- can) a Fictitious Sky. In Proof of His Legitimacy Phae- ton Is Given Permission for One Day (Year) to Drive the Steeds of the Sun, and the Vulcanean Chariot, from the Heavens to the Earth (from the United States to Euroup). The Chariot Will Be Peculiar; a Golden Axle Will the Work Uphold; the Rolling Wheels Will Be Orbed with Gold; the Spokes, in Rows of Silver, Will Be Placed to Please the Sight, and the Pole .Will Be of Gold. 351 The Seat of Particolored Gems Will Be Set, Diffusing a Silver Light. The Horses Were Pyroeis, Aethon, Phlegon, and Eous. Phaeton FoTgets Their Names, Loses Control; the Horses Become Furious, the Golden Axle Fuses, and Politically and Financially Burn Up All Europe in the Year 1899 A. D 351 God, the Universe, and the Scriptures Are Inconipre= hensible. The veils on the Scriptures can only be removed by numerical calculations. As the prophecies, also the laws of Moses, are written in symbols, as the things created in the beginning were all symbols, and are all used by the prophets as symbols, consequently they will have to be interpreted by numerals. Yet they answer for command- ments without the interpretation of numerals, as God, the universe and the Scriptures are incomprehensible. The self-styled philosophers in their arguments against God and his Christ often say that the universe is governed by law, and that it is from common and natural causes. This seems to be good philosophy and common sense as far as it is carefully argued. But if a Christian should inquire of the philosopher how large the universe is that is governed by law, and how much of that common cause it requires to administer the law throughout the entire universe, he would be unable to answer the ques- tion unless he had explored the universe. Yet he could ansvv'er by asking another, namely, as to the dimensions of the Christian's God; and aside from the Scriptures, one could be answered as satisfactorily as the other. God, in the Scriptures, has only given man a history of what is called the six ages, the heaven and the earth, and the things therein contained, but he has not given him a his- tory of the universe, and there is but little said of a uni- verse. The heaven there described is the abode of his people on this globe, and is not celestial, as it refuses to spiritualize, and the earth so often mentioned means the old Roman earth, or world, as it was commonly called in the days of old, when the United States of Israel was being typified by the ancient Israel of Palestine. The Scriptures say nothing of the universe, and the 13 14 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. merest hint of anything concerning the globe, aside from the heaven and the earth, is all that can be found. That heaven and earth created in the beginning only symbolized Europe, which was occupied as the old Roman territory, and was anciently known as the earth, or the whole world; and the heaven was symbolized by Christ, or the man- child that was born in a day, for man was created from the dust of the earth, and as the United States was created from the earth (Europe), it is symbolized by the heaven in prophecy. God has not given his people a history of the universe to decipher, nor even all of this globe itself, that we are frequently calling so small, but only a part of it, and that part where it concerns his own special people that he calls Israel; yet there are great men, and many of them philosophers, who hasten to proclaim to the world that the universe is governed by a law — a statement that the lowest of mankind has never been accused of doubting — and a majority will tell you that they believe that law to be inexorable. Have any of them told us where the law came from? Assuredly not. But then, of course, there could be some fertile law-oroducing soil somewhere in the universe that would supply the law in sufficient quan- tities, and th'^. administration of that law would have to be, as they say, inexorable. These great philosophers that are proclaiming Christianity a myth and the Scriptures a fiction, are positive of their so-called proof of a law that governs the universe, and that the proof of that law de- stroys the truthfulness of the Scriptures, or the possibility of the story of Christ being true. We have yet the first person to meet who will deny this sublimest of truths: The universe is governed by law. Not even the wandering tribes who have a sufficient language to make themselves understood will deny it. Yet who has gone out into the universe, and when did any return from there? Has there come a report from any of its borders? What part of the universe is occupied by our sun and its planetary system? Is it in the east, the west, the north, or in the south? or is it in the upper or lower part? No one has told us. Speedy thought lags at the conjectural stations of its constellations,' and the GOD AND THE UNIVERSE. 15 searchlight of the mind has not glanced on the borders of its territory. To ponder on its vastness is to bring out its incomprehensible immensity. The law that gov- erns the universe is equally incomprehensible in its magnitude, and there can be no proof that it is not administered by a ruler that is incompre- hensible. Then there can be no proof that one could bring against the possibility of this globe, mankind, and all things on the globe being governed by the same in- comprehensible ruler; and that same ruler could have a written law that was already with mankind, but was not yet comprehended; nor would it ever be until the advent of the lime he had chosen to make it known. This he could do at such times and in such a manner as the progress of mankind demanded. God, the universe, and the Scriptures are equally incomprehensible. The works of Josephus are one great revelation, and in time they are to be explained by the Almighty and incomprehensible ruler of the universe; and all therein will come to pass when that little part concerning the Israel of the United States begins to appear in the events that are fast culminating in the affairs of his nation and fulfilling those parts of the Scriptures that will reveal his people as being located in the prophetic heaven — the United States of America, the ancient of days, which will be the new Jerusalem. If the Scriptures signified the globe when the earth and world were mentioned, then when its rotundity was discovered by circumnavigation a part of their symbolic mystery would have been destroyed, contrary to the great plan of the Creator from the beginning of the foundation of the world (Roman world or earth), as that would have been a plain, open fulfillment of that part of the prophecy since Christ. Consequently, it would have been a hin- drance to that work, "his strange work; and bring to pass his act, his strange act." — Isaiah, chapter 28-21. In the thirty-fifth verse of the thirteenth chapter of St. Matthew it is written: 'T will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things hidden from the foundation of the world." Matthew is speaking here, not of the foundation of l6 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. the globe, but of the Roman world. Again, in the first verse of the second chapter of St. Luke, it says: "Now it came to pass in those days there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be enrolled."^ (One translation has it taxed and one registered.) Again, in the third verse of the same chapter, it says: "And all went to enroll themselves, every one to his own city." From this it is plain that the Roman empire, including Palestine, was commonly called the world, or earth; and it was so called by all the prophets. It therefore seems to be an established fact that whenever the terms earth or world were used by the prophets, they alluded to that part of the globe which was governed by the Romans, and to that part only. Bearing in mind, also, that all prophecies were spoken in parables, their meaning can only be revealed by their allusions and illustrations being typical or symboli- cal of some event that has gone before, or some era or occurrence that is to follow. When the key to these prophecies has once been obtained they can be solved and explained with mathematical accuracy. Starting out upon these premises, we contend that all the prophecies of the ancient prophets go to prove that the heaven, or new Jerusalem, spoken of by them was none other than the United States of America. This can be shown so clearly that no one can dispute it. Every event that has happened, and every era that has rolled round in the United States has been as plainly and unerringly predicted as though the prophet himself had been architect and ruler of all things. Keeping in our minds, then, that the earth or world, when spoken of, means the Roman earth or world, we next find that the foundation of the earth or world alludes to a time when a system of laws were codified and put into force, and not to the creation of the globe, for no nation can be said to have been founded until it has established a regular and per- manent system of laws by which its people are to be governed. The first establishment of this kind was after the creation of the second Adam, which was Chi"ist; con- sequently, the birth of Christ was the real creation of all things, even the heaven and the earth, and the things GOD AND THE UNIVERSE. 17 that are there and therein. The Old Testament consti- tuted the first creation, as all the things said in the old Scriptures to have been created in six days of creation were symbols. Even the six days themselves were sym- bols, as they symbolized six periods, or six intervals of time after the real creation, which began with the birth of Christ; and the Creator, through his Scriptures, will reveal all these mysteries in their order just as they were designed to be. The foundation of the world, from which the Lamb was slain, occurred during the reign of Jus- tinian, in the year 533, A. D., and to that period we look for those foundations. We find the following prophecies in the thirteenth chapter of Revelation, commencing at the fifth verse: "And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and there was given to him authority to continue forty and two months." Taking each day to mean a year, forty and two months would be twelve hundred and sixty years. There is an interval of twelve hundred and sixty years from the publication of the Justinian Pandects, in 533, to the year 1793, when those laws precipitated upon France (which is a tenth part of the city, also a tenth part of the Roman world) the reign of terror and the suppression of the Bible and New Testament — these being the two witnesses that are referred to in Revelation, chapter 11-7, as having been killed after having testified in sackcloth for twelve hun- dred and sixty years. Then after three and a half years the French Assembly restored them and they heard a great voice from heaven (the United States) saying: "Come up hither." That voice was the toleration of all religions in heaven (the United States), and about that time these facts had become heralded all over the Roman world, especially in France, by the returning soldiers who had fought for the freedom of the United States of America. In the sixth verse of the same chapter it says: "And he opened his mouth for blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, even them that dwell in the heaven." This statement shows that those who dwelt in heaven were his people somewhere in the flesh, and not in the celestial heaven, as many suppose. i8 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. because earthly or physical things cannot blaspheme against spiritual things. In the seventh verse it says: "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them; and there was given to him authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation." In the eighth verse it says: "And all that dwell on the earth shall worship him, every one whose name hath not been written in the book of life of the Lamb that hath been slain from the foundation of the world." And in the ninth verse: "If any man hath an ear to hear, let him hear." (The latter indicates symbolic mystery.) The founda- tion of the w'orld here mentioned .was laid in 533, A. D., by the Justinian code of laws which went into efifect at that time, and the 1,260 years following constituted the dark ages ending with the French revolution in 1793, and at the same time the rise of the United States, or the loundation of heaven, commenced. At the foundation of the world in the year 533 the Lamb was slain by the blasphemous powders of the Justinian code of laws which tryannized over all the Roman world, until it began to weaken in about the year 1793, by the annulling of the titles and confiscation of 7,000 estates belonging to the nobility and clergy of France. And there was given him authority over every tribe and people, and tongue, and nation, and all that dwell on the earth shall worship him, every one whose name has not been written in the book of life of the Lamb that hath been slain from the founda- tion of the world. Now mark that the text says that the beast had authority over every tribe and people, and tongue, and nation that dwells upon the earth (not the globe), as the Justinian code of laws did not then have power outside of the earth (Europe), at least not every tribe and people and tongue and nation outside of the Roman territory. Here is more proof that when the prophets speak of the earth or world they are alluding to that part of the globe included in the old Roman territory, and not the entire globe. This beast positively symbolizes the fanati- cal belief in the divine right of kings, because it is the only power that ever had authority over every tribe and GOD AND THE UNIVERSE. 19 people, and tongue, and nation of Europe, or any other collection of tribes, peoples, tongues and nations in any part of the globe. In 1793 a decree passed the French Assembly sup- pressing the Bible. Just three years after a resolution was introduced into the Assembly superseding the decree, and giving toleration to the Scriptures. The resolution lay on the table six months, when it was taken up and passed without a dissenting vote. Thus, in just three and a half years the two witnesses stood upon their feet, the appalling results of the reign of terror had compelled France to take her hands from off the two witnesses. Revelation, chapter 11-12: "And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, 'Come up hither.' And they went up into the heaven in the cloud; and their enemies beheld them." As soon as the decree of infidelity passed the Assem- bly scenes of blood, carnage and horror began; and in that earthquake France, a tenth part of the city, fell; which was a tenth part of the earth (Europe). It is said by those who have examined the French records that just seven thousand of the clergy and nobility lost their titles; and the remnant that escaped the horrors of that hour gave glory to the God of heaven (United States) by adopt- ing a similar constitutional democracy. Revelation, chapter 11-13: "And in that hour there was a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell ; and there were killed in the earthquake seven thousand persons; and the rest were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven." They heard a great voice from heaven (United States) saying, "Come up hither." About that time — 1793 to 1797 — the free institutions of American democracy, espe- cially the toleration of all religions, was being published tliroughout all Europe, and especially in France, by the returned French soldiers who had fought under Lafayette to establish democratic freedom in the great republic of heaven. Revelation, chapter 12-7: "And there was war in heaven; Michael and his angels going forth to war with the dragon; and the dragon warred and his angels." 20 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. Revelation 12-8: "And they prevailed not, neither was their place found any more in heaven." Revelation 12-9: "And the great dragon was cast down; the old serpent, he that it called the devil and satan, the deceiver of the whole world, he was cast down to the earth, and his angels were cast down with him." Michael was the arch-angel, which means chief angel; and angel symbolizes an agency of some kind; consequently, Michael is the chief agency, which is the liberal institutions of the United States. Now Michael and his angels were pitted against the dragon and his angels. The dragon is called the old serpent, satan and devil. The battle was fought in heaven. The dragon, devil, satan and his angels prevailed not, neither was their place found any more in heaven. The latter words implies to their former residence in heaven before they were case down to the earth. The dragon, satan, devil and his angels dwelt in heaven until 1776; then the battles in heaven began. Michael and his angels were victorious, and the devil and his angels lost. The dragon, devil, satan and his angels symbolize monarchy and its agencies that lost the battle that was fought in heaven. The main battle lasted from 1776 to 1783, when monarchy was cast out of the United States down to the earth (Europe). Revelation, chapter 12-12: "Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe for the earth and for the sea; because the devil is gone down unto you, having great wrath, knowing that he hath but a short time." Woe for the earth (Europe), and for the sea (politics), because the devil is gone down unto you, having great wrath, knowing that he hath but a short time. The time of monarchy in Europe is short; it is even now at the door. Revelation, chapter 12-13: "And when the dragon saw that he was cast down to the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man-child." The dragon persecuted the woman (democratic Christianity) which brought forth the man-child. The United States is the man-child, and the nation that was GOD AND THE UNIVERSE, 21 brought forth in a day. And when the dragon (monarchy) saw that he was cast out of heaven (United States) he .'A ent forth to make war with the rest of her seed — the rest of democracy; then all Europe allied themselves against republican France. Revelation, chapter 12-14: "And there were given to the woman the two wings of the great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness unto her place where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent." The woman was given the two wings of the great ei'gle that she might fly into the wilderness unto her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from monarchy, which would be three and one-half years that France and Spain, the two wings of Europe — the great eagle — nourished the woman, the mother of the man-child, by the secret alliance of Spain with France, April, 1779, when both attacked England with their naval forces in August, 1779, by laying siege to Gibraltar, thus aiding the United States to gain her inde- pendence. Spain seems to have aided France in order that France might aid the American colonies against their enemy. Great Britain. Mark how the fourteenth verse reads: "Into the wilderness, unto her place, where she was nourished from the face of the serpent for a time, and times, and half a time" — which is equal to three and one-half years. Revelation, chapter 12-15: "And the serpent cast out of his mouth after the woman water as a river, that he might cause her to be carried away by the stream." About 1793 satan (infidelity that was caused by the oppression of monarchy) cast great influences against the woman, who symbolized the great Roman Catholic church, the mother of all churches, by the leaders of the municipality of Paris, France, in their madness of atheism, publicly expressed their determination to dethrone the king of heaven. And the crowning act of this satanic drama was when the goddess of reason, personified by a beautiful woman, was introduced into the convention and declared to be the only divinity worthy of adoration. 22 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. The churches were closed, religion everywhere aban- doned, and on all the public cemeteries were placed the inscription, "Death is an eternal sleep." France, in declaring war against the Creator, the church and the Scriptures, at the same time declared war against all the kingdoms of Europe (earth), and in the great struggle that ensued the Bible was re-instated, and the priests and bishops were in the majority recalled, the churches reopened and the worship of the Almighty was restored to near what it was before the revolution. Thus the earth swallowed up the flood of infidelity cast out of the serpent's mouth. The woman's (church) influences (who was mother of all the living) was nourished from the face of the ser- pent for a time, and times, and half a time, by French soldiers in America under Lafayette, from about July, 1780, to September, 1783, when peace was declared be- tween Britain and the United States. Thus closed the most important war in which England had ever been engaged — a war which originated in her ungenerous treatment of the American colonies. The expense of blood and treasure which this war cost England was enormous; nor did her European antag- onists suffer much less severely. The United States was the only country that could claim any beneficial results from the war, and these were obtained by a strange union of opposing motives and principles on the part of Euro- pean powers. France and Spain, arbitrary despots of the Old World, had stood forth as the protectors of an infant republic, and had combined, contrary to all the principles of their political faith, to establish the rising liberties of America. They seemed but as blind instruments in the hands of God, employed to aid in the dissemination of those republican virtues that are destined to overthrow every system of political oppression throughout the globe. The woman (the church), with the twelve stars, also obtained great privileges in the United States; in fact, all privileges except marriage with the state, for Christ had said that there would be no marrying nor giving in marriage there — in heaven — (the United States). Daniel says in the eleventh verse of the twelfth chap- GOD AND THE UNIVERSE. 23 ter of his book: "And from the time that the continual burnt offering shall be taken away and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days" (years). The continual burnt offering was taken away in the year 603, A. D., when Phocas usurped the imperial throne, murdered the Emperor Maurice and his sons, and ac- knowledged the supremacy of the Bishop of Rome. Now, 1,290 years added to 603 carries us to 1893, the beginning of the second term of the administration of Cleveland. The setting up of that vile administration is what Daniel terms the abomination of desolation. I am aware that some may be incredulous as to the abomina- tion of the Cleveland administration, but time will bring forth the interpretation of the prophecy, and we believe that Daniel will be found to be correct, and that the consequences of that administration and the continua- tion of the things that were then set up will come glaringly before the people of the United States. In the twelfth and thirteenth verses of this same chapter Daniel says: "Blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. But go thou thy way till the end be; for thou shalt rest and shalt stand in thy lot at the end of the days." On the 20th day of July, 1868, Secretary Seward issued a notice of the adoption of the fourteenth amend- ment to the Constitution of the United States by a majority of the States. By adding the 1,335 years to 533, we are carried to the year 1868, when the United States adopted the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution. As the 1,335 years end in 1868, and as there was to be a blessing at the end of that time, we give these incidents to establish that time; and they are of sufficient import- ance to do so. Section one of the fourteenth amendment reads as follows: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United -States, and of the States wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of 24 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal pro- tection of the laws." On Christmas Day, 1868, President Johnson issued a second amnesty proclamation, declaring unconditionally and without reservation, a full pardon and amnesty to every person who had participated in the late rebellion. The fifteenth amendment to the Constitution, giving the right of suffrage to all citizens of the republic, without regard to race, color, or previous condition of servitude, was recommended by a joint resolution of Congress, February 26, 1869. It was subsequently ratified by the requisite number of States. Now, some may ridicule this event as one of too little consequence to be mentioned by the prophets in holy writ, yet the ways of God are past finding out. In the year 533, A. D., the Justinian code of laws caused the following results: The woman (which sym- bolized God's people, or the church) fled into the wilder- ness for 1,260 years, with twelve stars on her head. The dark ages continued for 1,260 years from that time. The two witnesses, the Old and New Testaments, wore sack- cloth for 1,260 years from 533, A. D. It was the begin- ning of the symbolized foundation of the world. As Christ was the spirit of prophecy, it is said of him that he will utter things hidden from the foundation of the world. The foundation of the world does not mean the creation of the world; for they are separated in their beginnings by thousands of years, and both are symbolic periods of time. One began six thousand and the other only 1,363 years ago. The latter event was small compared with the former. We make the assertion that the creation mentioned in the first chapter and verse of Genesis, as follows: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth," was only a symbolized history of six thousand years, and all the things that were created, including heaven and the earth at that creation, are all used throughout the Scrip- tures to symbolize something that was to come, or take place, during the six periods comprising the six thousand symbolic years. Which years were shortened so as to GOD AND THE UNIVERSE. 25 symbolize the six shorter ages since the Hteral creation, which began at the birth of Christ. Barnabas, chapter 13-4: "Consider, my children, what that signifies; he finished them in six days. The meaning of it is this: that in six thousand years the Lord God will bring all things to an end." Then will come the resurrection and transfiguration, which will be political, and was symbolized by the trans- figuration of Jesus in the high mountain. Mark, chapter 9-2: "And after six days Jesus taketh with him Peter, and James, and John, and bringeth them up into a high mountain apart by themselves, and he was transfigured before them." Mark, chapter 9-3: "And his garments became glis- tering, exceeding white ; so as no fuller on earth can whiten them." Mark, chapter 9-4: "And there appeared unto them Elijah with Moses; and they were talking with Jesus.*' The transfiguration, Mark says, came after six days, which is a symbol of the six ages, the end of the six thou- sand symbolic years, which will terminate between 1899 and 1900. His clothes symbolize governing laws, and they became bright and shining, exceedingly white, such as no fuller on earth (Europe) can whiten. Jesus talking with Elijah and Moses symbolizes the old Mosaic democracy that will begin to be somewhat observed and renewed after 1899 by the United States. The high mountain that Jesus was transfigured upon symbolizes the great and strong civil government that was to be trans- figured. The mountain being high will apply to the high standing in which our government is held by the nations of the globe at the time the transfiguration will begin. Barnabas, chapter 13-6: "And what is that he saith, and he rested the seventh day; he meaneth this: that when his son shall come and abolish the season of the wicked one, and judge the ungodly, and shall change the sun and the moon and the stars, then he shall gloriously rest in that seventh day." After the six thousand years his son shall come; meaning Christ's works and influences, as he is the spirit of prophecy that will begin then to change the sun and 26 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. the moon and the stars; meaning that the highest magis- trates of the United States of Israel will be changed, which will be part of the transfiguration. The famous compilation of the Roman laws known as the Pandects and codes of Justinian was a collection of scattered monuments of ancient jurisprudence, and the putting in order of whatever was useful in the books of former jurisconsults. This celebrated work finally gen- erated enough of the wisdom of antiquity to lose itself for several centuries in its own gloom, and the dark ages which it caused, but was dug up in the middle of the twelfth century. The digest which Gibbon has made of it is now received as the text 'book on civil law in some of the universities of Europe. Some Numerical Prophecies of Josephus. Jewish War Book 6, chapter lo: "That whereas Jerusalem had been five times taken formerly, this was the first time of its desolation. A brief account of its history: And thus was Jerusalem taken in the second year of the reign of Vespasian on the eighth day of the month Gor- pieus (Elul) — about the middle of September 1898 or 1899. "It had been taken five times before, though this was the first time of its desolation ; for Shishack, the King of Egypt, and after him Antiochus, and after him Pompey, and after them Sosius and Herod took the city, but still preserved it; but before all these the King of Babylon conquered it and made it desolate 1,468 years and six months after it was built. But he who first built it was a potent man among the Canaanites, and is in our tongue called Melchisedek (the righteous King), for such he really was ; on which account he was (there) the priest of God and first built a temple (there) and called the city Jerusalem, which was formerly called Salem. However, David, the King of the Jews, ejected the Canaanites, and settled his own people therein. It was demolished entirely by the Babylonians 477 years and six months after him; and from King David, who was the first of the Jews who reigned therein to this destruction under Titus, were 1,179 years; but from its first building to this, its last destruction, were 2,177 years; yet hath not its great antiquity, nor its vast riches, nor the diffusion of its nation over all the habitable earth, nor the greatness of the veneration paid to it on a religious account, been sufificient to preserve it from being destroyed. And thus ended the siege of Jerusalem." The Nicean Council opened June 19th, A. D. 325; add to this date 1,468 years intervening between the build- ing of Jerusalem and its first desolation by the King of 27 28 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. Babylon, and we have the year 1793. This was the year that the French Assembly passed a decree suppressing the Bible, which is the event typified by the first desola- tion of Jerusalem. The Council of Nice was the first great general assembly of the church, and in this venerable assen'ibly 318 bishops, together Vk^'ith the legates of the Pope — St. Sylvester — condemned the Aryan heresy. The 318 bishops of the Council of Nice were symbolized by Abraham's army of the same number. The three hun- dred symbolized the grand embarkation that left England and landed at Savannah, Georgia, in 1736, and who wan- dered in the wilderness forty years, or until the year 1776; and the eighteen symbolized the eighteen men that John Brown had with him at Harper's Ferry in 1859; also Abraham's three friends typified the three friends of John Brown that did not cross the river, thus leaving him (Brov/n) the exact number, according to prophecy. 325 A. D., date of Council of Nice. 1,468 Years from foundation to destruction of Jerusalem. 1,793 Date the Bible was suppressed in France. We quote the following from Apocyphal New Tes- tament, eighth chapter of Barnabas, 11, 12, 13, 14: "For the Scripture says that Abraham circumcised three hun- dred and eighteen men of his house. But what, therefore, was the mystery that was made known unto him?" 12: "Mark, first the eighteen and next the three hundred. For the numeral letters of ten and eight are I H. And these denote Jesus." 13: "And because the cross was that by which we were to find grace; therefore he adds three hundred; the note of which is T (the figure of his cross). Wherefore by two letters he signified Jesus, and by the third his cross." 14: "He who has put the engrafted gift of his doc- trine within us knows that I never taught to any one a more certain truth ; but I trust that ye are worthy of it." In the year 726 Emperor Leo HI. ruled at Constanti- nople. This Prince, known as the Iconoclaust, or image breaker, was typified by King David. In the year 726 Leo HI. issued his celebrated decree against image wor- NUMERICAL PROPHECIES OF JOSEPHUS. 29 ship (the Canaanites symbolized image worship). Add to the date of this decree (726) the time that elapsed between the coming of David to Jerusalem and the de- struction of the city (477 A. D.) and we have the year 1203. In 1203 Pope Innocent III. founded the Inquisi- tion, for the purpose, as he said, of converting the Albigens. Consequently the temple was demolished in the year 1203. From' the first building of the city of Jerusalem to its destruction under Titus was 2,177 years. In the year 277, B. C, the Scriptures were translated from Hebrew into Greek, which is prophetically called the building of Jerusalem by Ptolmey Philadelphius. Taking this date {2^^, B. C.) from 2,177 years, the time that elapsed between the building of Jerusalem and its destruc- tion under Titus, we have the year A. D. 1900, the end of the six thousand years, or the six symbolic ages, which is the beginning of the resurrection of the living, the United States of Israel. It (Jerusalem) was demolished entirely by the Babylonians 477 years after him (King David). Taking the time of the translation of the gospel from Hebrew unto Greek as a base as before {2^^, B. C.) we add the 477 years mentioned above and we have 200, A. D. This is the date of the beginning of the persecution of the Christians by Septimus Severius, who first permitted the magistrates to execute the old laws on this subject, and who afterward expressly authorized their conduct by a new edict issued in the tenth year of his reign, A. D. 202. Then the persecutions became general against the Christians. A. D. 477 From King David to the destruction of Jerusalem. A. D. 726 When Leo issued his decree against image worship. 1,203 Inquisition founded by Innocent III. A. D. 2,177 From the building of Jerusalem to its destruction. B. C. 2yy Time when the Bible was translated from Hebrew into Greek. 30 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. 1,900 Is to be the end of the six symboHc ages and the beginning of the millenium, the first resurrection, or that of the Hving — the United States Constitution. A. D. 477 From King David to destruction of Jerusalem. B. C. 277 Time of translation of gospel into Greek. A. D. 200 Beginning of the persecution of Christians by Severus. The Antitypical Three Hundt-ed Children of Israel — Knoxvn as the Grand Etnbarkation When They Left England — Who Landed in Savannah^ Georgia^ Under Ogelthorpe^ in the Tear i/jd, and Which Were Symbolized by the Israelites Under AIoscs. Antiquities, Book 2, xv., 2: "How the Hebrews under conduct of Moses left Egypt. They left in the month Xanthicus, on the fifteenth day of the lunar month, 430 years after our father Abraham came into Canaan, but 215 years only after Jacob removed into Egypt. It was the eightieth year of the age of Moses, and of that of Aaron three more. They carried out the bones of Joseph with them, as he had charged his sons to do." In the year 1521 the Council of Sorbonne, in Paris, under the influence of the French monarch, declared that flames, and not reasoning, ought to be employed against the arrogance of Luther; and in the same year the Diet of Worms, at which Charles V. presided, pronounced the imperial ban of excommunication against Luther. Now, if to 1,521 we add 215, we have a total of 1,736, the year of the landing of the mystic 300 under Oglethorpe at Savannah, Georgia. 1,521 Excommunication of Luther (Jacob). 215 From the time Jacob (Luther) went into Egypt until the exodus. 1,736 Landing of the children of Israel under Ogle- thorpe (Moses). In the year 1306 the cause of Scottish freedom was revived by Robert Bruce, and he was, in the spring of NUMERICAL PROPHECIES OF JOSEPHUS. 31 that year, crowned King of Scotland, at Scone, by the revolted barons. This is the event typified by the coming of Abraham into Canaan. Add to this date (1,306) the time that had elapsed from the coming of Abraham into Canaan to the exodus (430 years) and we have i ,736 — the antitypical exodus — as before. 1,306 Crowning of Robert Bruce (Abraham). 430 From Abraham (Bruce) to the exodus. 1,736 Landing of the three hundred children of Israel under Oglethorpe (Moses). Taking the time that elapsed from the entrance of Abraham into Canaan till the exodus (430 years) from the date of the landing of the three hundred at Savannah, Georgia (in 1736), we have 1306, which is the last year of the reign of Edward I. of England, when several im- portant additions were made to the English Constitution, of which the most valuable was that concession wrung from the King, by Archbishop Winchesla and the Earls of Hereford and Norfolk, viz., that no taxes should thence- forward be levied on the people without the consent of their Parliamentary representatives. In all of our Creator's holy books there is such a decided favor shown to the democratic form of govern- ment that it almost amounts to a command for man to live under a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. 1,736 Landing of the three hundred under Oglethorpe (Moses). 430 From Abraham in Canaan to the exodus. 1,306 Parliament of Edward I., which obtained conces- sions from the King. This Parliament was typi- fied by Abraham coming into Canaan. The year 1306 rises into importance and is typified by Abraham, not because Edward I. was King at that time, but because Parliament at that time began to assume its modern shape and ceased to be an irregular, incoherent and experimental body, and in that time became a well defined legislature; and to this day a statute of Edward I. 32 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. is as much a law of England, if unrepealed, as a statute of Queen Victoria. These are some of the types and symbols of the Scriptures that are pointing the world to a democratic form of government, and there are many more in the Scriptures pointing in the same direction. The landing of the mystic three hundred at Savannah, Georgia, we find to be the antitypical exodus of 1736. Josephus says that at the time of the exodus, or going out of the Hebrews from Egypt, Moses was 80 and Aaron 83 years of age. We may find, then, the event typified by the birth of Moses, by taking eighty years from 1736, or the date of the antitypical exodus. This would carry us back to 1656, the year that Oliver Cromwell was offered the dignity of a king by the Parliament of England, which honor he refused. We find the Cromwellian Parliament of 1656 to be the antitypical fiood that will eventually drown all the living creatures (monarchical governments) upon the earth (Europe). That Parliament was typified by the Ark, which means Covenant. Not Cromwell, but the refusal of the crown by Crom- well, was typified by Moses, and at that time, and in that event, was born the spirit that eighty years later led the chosen people, three hundred in number, to the anti- typical Canaan of America. In the same manner that we find the birth of Moses, we find that of Aaron three years earlier, or in 1653. In that year Cromwell dissolved the Rump Parliament, and summoned a more just one in its stead. As the execution of the ceremonial laws of the Hebrews was placed in the hands of Aaron, so the care of the English laws was entrusted to a more just Parliament, in order that they might be the more impartially enforced; and here again, the event, and not the instrument, was typified by Aaron. Antiquities, 4-8: "Moses lived 120 years, one-third of which time he ruled his people." That forty years, during which time Moses ruled his people, was in America, from 1736 to 1776, from the time of the exodus to the end of their wanderings. The exodus, as we have explained, was the coming of the three hundred to Savannah, with the spirit of freedom, in 1736. The wan- NUMERICAL PROPHECIES OF JOSEPHUS. 33 derings of Israel for forty years in the wilderness corre- sponds with their forty years of colonial existence, when the colonists possessed the spirit of freedom, but not its substance, as the original Israel possessed the promise of a land flowing with milk and honey, but not the land in substance. At the end of ancient Israel's forty years wandering, they entered the promised land, and at the end of antitypical Israel's forty years' wanderings, from 1736 to 1776, they obtained the freedom, the spirit and promise, for which they had wandered and striven for forty years to obtain. • Then Joshua ruled the people twenty-five years, or from 1776 to 1801, when the judiciary of the United States was reorganized and the Supreme Court was made to consist of five justices, with the celebrated John Marshall as chief justice. The rule of Israel by Joshua, as recorded in sacred history, was followed by a rule of judges. After the end of Joshua's rule, in modern Israel in 1801, we find him succeeded by judges. The judges of the Supreme Court, as a matter of fact, had, or exercised, but little power prior to 1801, but after that date the court, under Marshall, assumed increasing power, until many and bitter were the complaints of usurpation. The revolution of 1776 is the river Jordan that Moses was not allowed to cross over. Deut., 34-1 : "And Moses went up from the plains of Moab (progeny of a father) unto Mount Nebo (interpre- ter) to the top of Pisgah (a fragment), that is over against Jericho (a fragrant place), and the Lord showed him all the land of Gilead (a hill of witness) unto Dan" (Judge). Deut., 35-4: "And the Lord said unto him, this is the land which I sware unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, saying, "I will give it unto thy seed; I have caused thee to see it with thine eyes, but thou shalt not go over thither." The above quotation states positively that the land in question was promised only to their seed, and the same promise was made to each of them, individually, and to their seed, thus showing that it was to be realized in the future. The Lord spake this way to Moses on the top of 34 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. Pisgah, saying- in substance: "I give thee land to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; you can look over and see it, but I will not allow you to go over the river." The river Jordan which Moses was not allowed to cross is typical of the colonial institutions that were compelled to die when they were superseded by the constitutional laws after Jordan — the revolution of 177.6. The Democracy of Moses. The first six verses of tiie thirty-fourth chapter of Deuteronomy describes the progress of the democracy of Aloses up to the year 1776, as from that place (date) the Colonials began to realize that before them was a great, free republic, of which all Palestine is used to typify. "And the Lord said unto him (the colonial democracy): This is the land which I sware unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, saying, I will give it unto thy seed." Now Abraham, Isaac and Jacob never existed only on the pages of prophecy, to symbolize the primitive democracy which created the democracy of Moses, which was the Parliament under Cromwell in 1656, and that parliamen- tarian spirit led the grand embarkation of three hundred Israelites out of Europe (out of monarchy — out of Egypt) and landed them in Savannah, Georgia, in the year 1736, just eighty years after 1656. Moses was just eighty years old when he left Egypt with the children of Israel and took up their line of march through the wilderness for forty years, until Moses reached the age of 120 years in 1776. The democracy of Cromwell was eighty years old when it left Europe, and in that same year, 1736, it plunged into the great American wilderness and wandered forty years until 1776. In the wilderness means without a gov- ernment of their own. The laws of the Colonials had to give place to that of the United States in 1776, forty years after 1736, and 120 years after 1656; so did Moses die at the age of 120 years in the year 1776. Moses symbolized the democracy of Cromwell in 1656. When Moses died his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated; thus he symbolized the Colonials in the days of 1776. Although they changed Constitutions, their republican eye was not dim, nor had the natural force of their democratic spirit abated. Exodus 33-11: "And the Lord spake unto Moses 35 36 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. face to face, as a man speaketh to his friend." How the Almighty talked to Moses. Moses never existed only upon the pages of prophecy ; he symbolized the democracy of the parliaments in the time of Cromwell, which became an organized power in the year 1656, symbolizing the birth of Moses, and that parliamentarian spirit of democ- racy conducted the antitypical children of Israel out of the antitypical land of Egypt to the wilderness of America in the year 1736. Then came their wandering in the wilderness for forty years, until 1776, when they received exactly what had been promised to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob — the promised land, the great republic of heaven; the heaven where Michael and his angels fought the dragon and his angels, but the cause of the dragon prevailed not, and he and his angels were cast down to the earth (Europe). The devil, dragon, serpent and satan all symbolize monarchy. The devil, dragon, satan, which is monarchy, was cast out of the kingdom of heaven between 1776 and 1783, as the battle between Michael, the chief angel of God, and the dragon lasted for seven years. Moses was 80 years old when the Israelites left Egypt (Europe) in 1736, then wandered in the Ameri- can wilderness forty years until he was 120 years old, in 1776. The democracy of Moses, originated by town meetings, conventions and the ballot, which is the chief way that God communicates with the human family ; and by that means God talked face to face with Moses. Of all the miracles on the pages of prophecy, the first of them to be literally fulfilled was when Christ was born of a virgin; which indicates that Christianity sprang from a virgin church, or a theology which, until that time, had never been united with a state. Long before our era God had caused the books of the Old Testament to be written and placed in the hands of men in the land of Canaan, in Jerusalem, and its general vicinity; and the Jewish nation had been founded upon those books, more resembling a church than a nation, as it was more ecclesiastical than civil. Thus Judiaism was but little afifected when their country was absorbed by the Roman empire, as Judaism had long been possessed of several factions when the Romans took possession of the country. Ten of their THE DEMOCRACY OF MOSES. 37 tribes had long since disappeared and out of memory, except the Httle recorded of them in the sacred books. A foreign people had been placed in the kingdom of Israel and its name had been changed to that of Samaria and Galilee. The Jewish temple in Jerusalem had become a cattle market and a place to change money, and there had become many factions among the Jews in Jerusalem. The people of Judea and Samaria heartily despised each other, and all Palestine seemed to be ripe for revolution and rebellion when Jesus Christ came upon the scene, as pre- dicted in the Old Testament. And there was at that time remaining in Palestine the old worn-out church of the Jews, which had been founded upon a reformed theology brought out of Egypt many years before, under the name of the "Law of Moses," as it is written, "Out of Egypt have I called my son." All there was to the great Jewish church had emanated from the Scriptures and from Egypt in a day when Egypt was the chief seat of learning and the worship of one God through the agency of many symbolisms. The religion of the Jews was simply an improvement on that of Egypt; hence it was symbolized by the story of Israel coming up out of Egypt. In turn the religion of the Jews was superseded by that of Christianity; hence Christianity in its turn will be succeeded by the kingdom of God when the Israel of the United States is resurrected and transfigured, its resurrection beginning in the year 1896, when it was 120 years of age — for after Moses the life of man (nation) was to be 120 years only. The Almighty could have caused the books of prophecy to be written by presenting an object to the writers in such a way that in long years after they were written they would become prophecy of a still further age in the futvire. In like manner He caused the pyramids, especially great Cheops, to be built, by presenting an object to the builders by which their architects would have to employ plans, measurements and proportions which in future ages would become prophetic witnesses to coin- cide with the prophecies in showing man a part of the great plan of the Creator; thus the Almighty could have caused the pyramids and all of the Scriptures without any 38 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. people or any person being directly inspired. Further than, that, he could have caused all these things without employing the aid of miracles, as miracles never existed further than on the pages of prophecy, to symbolize literal things that were to come in the future. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses were all types of primitive democracy, in the same manner that all persons that are mentioned by the prophets are not individuals, but are used to typify institutions, orders or nationalities of some kind; hence it is possible that they never existed, other than on the pages of prophecy. If Moses had been a person and written the books containing the laws, then he must have written the account of his own death; and it is possible that all there ever was of the children of Israel prior to the causes of, and the beginning of the United States, is the scattered people known as Hebrews, Israel- ites, and Jews, as they could have derived their appellatives from the Scriptures as other churches have derived their names; thus the story of the children of Israel coming up out of Egypt and wandering in the wilderness forty years, ess one month, was in some manner caused by the Creator to be written to symbolize the real democracy of Jesus Christ coming up out of monarchy to the heaven of the United States; which will be the New Jerusalem as soon as it is resurrected and transfigured. The resurrection of the United States began in 1896, when the nation was 120 years old. Genesis 6-3: "And the Lord said, my spirit shall not strive with man forever, for that he also is flesh; yet shall Jhis days be an 120 years." Flavins Josephus' "Antiquities of the Jews," book i, chapter 6-5: . . . "For the life of man was already by degrees diminished, and became shorter than before, till the birth of Moses, after whom the term of human life was 120 years, God determining it to the length that Moses happened to live." Here we have the assurance that man is to live only 120 years. The word man in the Scriptures always symbolizes a nationality of some kind; the birth of Moses symbolized the birth of the parliamentarian democracy under Oliver Cromwell in 1656. That parlia- mentarian spirit of democracy lived and caused the three THE DEMOCRACY OF MOSES. 39 hundred (a sacred number) emigrants, known in history as the grand embarkation, to leave England and land in Savannah, Georgia, in the year 1736, eighty years after 1656, and from their landing it was forty years until they came to the Jordan in the year 1776, which forty years literalized the children of Israel's forty years in the wilder- ness, as it was forty years of experience, or of uncertainties, without a Constitution of their own. The forty and eighty makes the 120 years of Moses' life, which ended when he had conducted the children of Israel to the Jordan in 1776. Joshua, 34-7: "And Moses was an 120 years old when he died; his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated." Thus Moses symbolized the old colonial democracy that was compelled to die in 1776, to give place to that of the United States. The keen desire of the Colonials for a free republic had not lost its vitality in the least when the change came in 1776. Then Joshua took command and conducted them over Jordan, the waters politically standing up in a heap until they passed over dry shod; then came the seven years' war for inde- pendence by Joshua marching around the walls of Jericho for seven consecutive days (years) before they fell. Jericho symbolized monarchy, whose walls fell after the seven years' war. Rahab symbolized the CathoUc church, who aided our spies, or envoys, in Europe to persuade the nations of Europe to aid and recognize the United States in its struggle for independence. The great church is built upon the walls of monarchy, so Rahab had her house upon the walls of Jericho. Jericho symbolized monarchy in the colonies which fell; yet Rahab and all her 1 datives were saved alive ; they were saved by red tape, or a scarlet cord, meaning the same thing. Rahab and all her family means all the churches; her family were all saved and protected, yet they were all set without the camp of Israel; meaning that the churches would not be allowed to be a part of the nation of Israel, thus dispelling the idea of the union of church and state in the United States forever. Notice that Christ said that in that world there would be no marrying or giving in marriage. — Matthew 22-30: "For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are as angels m 40 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. heaven" — agencies in the United States. This more par- ticularly means after the resurrection, as then the state will not be married to anything, not even to the trusts, political parties, railroads, national banks, or any other of the combinations of plutocracy. As the United States was seven years gaining independence, from 1776 until 1783, so it may be seven years in its resurrection, from 1896, when it was 120 years old, the allotted age of man after that of Moses, until 1903; but the powers that be in the United States are already wound up for that event. Moses was a type of the colonial laws that governed the antitypical children of Israel in the American wilder- ness from the landing of the antitypical, mysterious three hundred children of Israel that are known in history as the grand embarkation. Now, why do the three hundred emigrants who came to Georgia with Oglethorpe in 1736 typify the children of Israel? Barnabas, 8-1 1 : "For the Scripture says that Abra- ham circumcised 318 men of his house. But what, there- fore, was the mystery made known unto him?" Barnabas, 8-12: "Mark first the eighteen and next the three hundred. For the numeral letters of X. and VII. are I. H., and these denote Jesus." John Brown was the son of man, and the eighteen men which he had with him at the foray at Harper's Ferry denote that he was the son of man; the three of his men that did not cross the river were emblematical of the three friends that Abraham had — Aner, Eschol and Mamre. (See. Genesis 14-24.) These are the three men that were with Abraham in his expedition against the four kings who captured Lot and his family, and who aided to liberate the King's prisoners — Lot and family. Barnabas, 8-13: "And because the cross was that by which we were to find grace, therefore he adds three hundred; the note of which is T (the figure of his cross). Wherefore by the two letters he signified Jesus, and by the third his cross." Matthew, 24-30: "And then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven. And then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the son of man coming THE DEMOCRACY OF MOSES. 4» on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." Matthew, 24-27: "For as the lightning cometh forth from the east and is seen even into the west; so shall be the coming of the son of man." The foregoing refers to the coming of the son of man, and what some theologians call the second coming of Christ. The son of man has already come the second time. He came in the year 1859; and they crucified him in that year on December 2d. "He arose the third day." A day as spoken of here means one of our years ; and the third day, from Septem- ber, 1859, brings us to the close of 1862, when the emanci- pation proclamation was issued, to take effect the first of January following. John Brown, the son of man, arose with power and great glory when the shackles fell from millions of slaves in 1863. Christ and his revolutionary sentiments typified John Brown, the son of man, and his revolutionary senti- ments. The Home Missionary Society and kindred socie- ties encouraged John Brown's descent upon Harper's Ferry, as a thief in the night, thirty-three years after the birth of the Home Missionary Society, in the year 1826. The birth of the son of man is the organization of the Home Missionary Society in 1826. The present monetary system of the United States was typified by the old Jewish temple; also its destruction was typified by Christ when he overturned the tables of the money-changers in the temple. Apocryphal New Testament: Nicodemus, 22-11: "And we find in the first of the seventy books, where Michael, the archangel, is speaking to the third son of Adam, the first man, an account that after five thousand five hundred years, Christ, the most beloved son of God, was come on earth." By "on earth" we mean the old Roman earth, or world, and to this Cyrus came. He was a Messiah, the same as Christ; also he was the annointed of God. Nicodemus, 22-12: "And we further considered that perhaps he was the very God of Israel who spoke to Moses, Thou shalt make the ark of the testimony; two cubits and a half the breadth thereof and a cubit and a half the height thereof." 42 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. Nicodemus, 22-13: "By these five cubits and a half for the building of the ark of the Old Testament, we per- ceived and knew that in five thousand years and a half (one thousand years) Jesus Christ was to come in the ark or tabernacle of a body." Michael, the archangel. Angels always symbolize an agency of some kind, consequently archangel means one of high rank, a chief angel; and as all the Scriptures are founded on Christ and his people Israel, then Michael, the archangel, must symbolize the chief agent, which is Christ; and Christ, of course, has a chief representative, and that representative must be his people Israel, the people of the United States, as they are the most Christianized of any nation on the globe. With the assistance of^ the explanation made by Nicodemus, we will try and find the end of the 5,500 years when the Messiah is to appear. This explanation given by Nicodemus is found in the chapter above quoted, beginning with the sixteenth verse, as follows: "And we found the account of the creation and at what time he made the heaven and the earth, and the first man, Adam, and from thence to the flood were two thousand two hun- dred and twelve years, and from the flood to Abraham, nine hundred and twelve years, and from Abraham to Moses, four hundred and thirty years, and from Moses to David, the King, five hundred and ten years, and from David to the Babylonish captivity, five hundred years, and from the Babylonish captivity to the incarnation of Christ, four hundred years, the sum of all of which amounts to five thousand and a half (thousand)." A simple calculation will show that the total sum of these numbers is not 5,500 years, but 4,964 years, or 536 less than 5,500. This would bring us to 536 years before Christ, which is the date of the birth of Cyrus, the event foretold. The Babylonish captivity mentioned as five hundred years after David and four hundred years before Christ (Cyrus) was not of necessity a captivity by Babylon, or the people of Babylon, but one like Babylon. For example: A Frenchman may have manners and habits that are THE DEMOCRACY OF MOSES. 43 English, without having ever seen England or an English- man. From Adam to flood 2,212 From flood to Abraham . 9^^ From Abraham to Moses 43° From Moses to David 51° From David to Babylonish captivity 500 From Babylonish captivity to Christ 400 Total 4,964 Cyrus was annointed by God, B. C 536 5,500 Cyrus was to do all of his will, and was called by the name of Cyrus some hundreds of years before he was born, by the prophets. 1. Isaiah, chapter 45, i, 2, 3, 4: "Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him, and I will loose the loins of Kings; to open the doors before him, and the gates shall not be shut; 2. "I will go before thee, and make the rugged places plain; I will break in pieces the doors of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron ; 3. "And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I am the Lord, which call thee by thy name, even the God of Israel. 4. "For Jacob, my servant's sake, and Israel my chosen, I have called thee by thy name; I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me." The meaning of all this is that Cyrus is a Messiah, the anointed of God, and he creates somewhat of a revolution, perhaps as much of a revolution, in his day, as Jesus Christ did in his. There are four Messiahs — all revolutionists: Cyrus, Jesus of Nazareth, John Brown, the son of man, and another, like unto the son of man, who is yet to come, in sentiment, power and great glory. Revelation, chapter 14-14: "And I saw, and behold, a white cloud; and on the cloud I saw one sitting like 44 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. unto a son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle." The "white cloud," as above quoted, is not like unto the warclouds (black clouds) which carried John Brown and his little band on their mission to Harper's Ferry, but a cloud of peace, clothed with sentiment, power, and great glory. Daniel, chapter 7, 13-14: "I saw in the night visions, and, behold, there came with the clouds of heaven one like unto a son of man, and he came even to the ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. . 14: "And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all the peoples, nations and languages should serve him; his dominion is everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed." The son of man, spoken of above, will come at the end of the six thousand symbolic years, between the years 1896 and 1901. He is the result of the three preceding revolutionists — Cyrus, 536 years before Christ; Jesus Christ at the 'beginning of the Christian era, and Home Missionary Society, with its revolutionary and abolition principles, in 1826. Matthew, chapter 26-64: "Nevertheless, I say unto you, henceforth ye shall see the son of man sitting at the right hand of power, and coming on the clouds of heaven." As clouds, generally speaking, in this connection, signify troublous times, or warfare, the cloud upon which the "like unto a son of man" will come is not like these, but a white cloud, a cloud of peace (on a mission of peace), a financial cloud of trouble, or one other than that of blood, as "white cloud" means one that will terminate in a blessing. The one "like unto a son of man" on the white cloud, will terminate in the transfiguration spoken of by Mark. 2. Mark, chapter 9, 2, 3, 4: "And after six days Jesus taketh with him Peter and James and John and bringeth them up into a high mountain apart from them- selves ; and he was transfigured before them." 3. "And his garments became glistening, exceed- ing white; so as no fuller on earth can whiten them." THE DEMOCRACY OF MOSES. 45 4. "And there appeared unto them Elijah with Moses; and they were talking with Jesus." This last is the greatest revolution of all. He it is who will cast out the money-changers from the temple, mentioned by Matthew, Mark and John. We will give John's version: 13. John, chapter 12, 13, 14, 15, 16: "And the pass- over of the Jews was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem." 14. "And he found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves and the changers of money sitting." 15. "And he made a scourge of cords, and cast all out of the temple, both the sheep and the oxen; and he poured out the changers' money and overthrew their tables." 16. "And to them that sold doves he said, take these things hence; make not my Father's house a house of merchandise." This has never been fulfilled; it was mentioned by Matthew, Mark and John, and will be accomplished by one "like unto a son of man," mentioned by Daniel, and will begin some time in the year 1897 or 1898, as the end of the six ages (six thousand years) will come about that time. This does not refer to the son of man, as he came as a thief at night, in the year 1859, but as the power and fulfillment of the three preceding Messiahs. They were all revolutionists, and each created a renovating revolu- tion in his day. The high mountain that Jesus was transfigured upon symbolizes the United States, as great, or high, mountains always symbolize great civil governments. Revolution, transfiguration and resurrection, in sub- stance, mean the same. Without revolution there cannot be resurrection, and without resurrection there cannot be transfiguration. Following is a table of the age's of the seven symbolic antediluvan patriarchs and their meaning: Age of Adam 930 years. Age of Seth 912 years. Age of Enos 905 years. 46 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. Age of Canaan 910 years. Age of Mahalaleel 895 years. Age of Jared 962 years. Age of Enoch 365 years. 5,879 years. And Enoch walked with God and was not, for God took him, in the year 1776, or in the beginning of the year 1777. Enoch walking with God is a symbol of the adop- tion of the righteous Constitution of the United States. The astronomical year 5,879 is equal to our era — 1776 — and is the year in which God took Enoch ; and his walking with God was a symbol of the adoption of the righteous Constitution of the United States, and 120 years added to 1776, brings us to the end of the six ages, in 1896-7, and of the symbolic world, 5999-6000. The six thousand years are not literal years, as all of that vast creation that was created in six days (first of Genesis) was a creation of symbols for the express purpose of symbolizing the literal epoch and creation of Jesus Christ,, the second Adam. Genesis, chapter 1-14: "And let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years." The year 4103 is the astronomical and symbolic year of the creation of Jesus Christ, the second Adam, called by the prophets the creation of God, and the astronomical year 5879, when God took Enoch, and which is equal to our era, which, of course, includes the year 1776; then add the age of the United States — 120 years — (the age of man), and we have 5,999, which is the end of the age of man, and the year 1896 of our present era, at which time comes the beginning of the first resurrection, which is the resurrec- tion of the living, or the transfiguration and transforma- tion, which will be accomplished within a period of about three years (possibly in the year 1900), which was sym- bolized by'the three days that Christ laid in the grave, and the three years that the son of man, John Brown, laid in the grave before his mission — that of liberating the slaves — was accomplished by the emancipation proclama- tion in the United States. Josephus says that the age of man (nations) would, after the time of Moses, attain to the age that Moses happened to live, which was 120 years, THE DEMOCRACY OF MOSES. 47 The antitypical Moses died in the year 1776, in our era, at which time began the United States, which is called man by the prophets; consequently the age of man will end 120 years from the year 1776, which will be in the year 1896, at which time began the transfiguration which the prophet Nahum calls the preparation of God. What Nahum, the prophet, means by the preparation of God is the rapidity with which the numerous parties — political and social — are springing into existence, all of which have for their watchword the cry of reform, which are the Salvationists ("the valiant men in scarlet"), the socialists ("the mighty men of the red shield") the break- ing up of party lines, and the formation of new political parties and the fusion, during the political campaign of 1896; and also the sudden reformation of the doctrines preached by the ministers of all churches; all of which goes to show that the masses of the people are clamoring for reformation on one line or another, which signifies that the preparation of God, for the transfiguration, has begun. Genesis, chapter 6-3: "And God said, my spirit shall not strive with man forever, for that he also is flesh; yet shall his days be an hundred and twenty years." The passage above quoted symbolizes the strivings of his people, for one hundred and twenty years, or from the year 1776 to the resurrection of the living in 1899, when a better and clearer knowledge of God will be given to his people — the United States of Israel. Then the iniquities of the nation will be brought to light, when there will be a great cry for reform throughout the entire nation from that time forward, until all will know that they are his special people. Isaiah, chapter 66-6: "A voice of tumult from the city, a voice from the temple, a voice of the Lord that rendereth recompense to his enemies." That was the demand of the American colonies for justice from their governing despotic monarch before the revolution of 1776. Isaiah, chapter 66-7: "Before she travailed she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child." This quotation symbolizes Zioh's right- 48 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. eous Constitution that was adopted by the colonies, and which created the revolution of 1776. Isaiah, 66-8: "Wlio hath heard such a thing? Who hath seen such things? Shall a land be born in one day? Shall a nation be brought forth at once? For as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children." This signifies that she became a nation at once, and has been such ever since her declaration of independence. "Before her pains came she was delivered of a man child." This signifies that this country became a nation by the Declaration of Independence, before the war of the revo- lution, from 1776 to 1783. The principles set forth in the Declaration of Inde- pendence created the nation and caused the war of the revolution; it being a nation before the great struggle came — before her pains came. Daniel, chapter 7-2: "Daniel spake and said, I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds of heaven brake forth upon the great sea." 3. "And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another." The four great beasts are the four empires that succeeded each other in the old Roman world. y-y. "After this I saw in the night visions, and, be- hold, a fourth beast." These night visions signify that the fourth beast would occupy the interval of the dark ages, 1,260 years, the 1,260 sackcloth years that intervened be- tween the years 533 and 1793. "And behold a fourth beast, terrible and powerful, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth; it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet; and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns." The ten horns of this beast signify the ten gov- ernments, or kingdoms, that existed by delegated power, derived from some headship existing within themselves. They represent the ten governments that occupied the territory known as the ancient Roman earth, or world, when Rome was in its glory; and the vision extends to about the years 1776 and 1793, and perhaps longer. The ten kingdoms occupied this territory some time prior to the year 1793. THE DEMOCRACY OF MOSES. 49 Daniel, chapter 7: "I beheld till thrones were placed, and one that was ancient of days did sit; his rai- ment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like pure wool; his throne was like fiery flames, and the wheels thereof burning fire." The placing of the thrones is the building of the first thirteen States, out of the colonies. They are placed, that is, they are changed, and put in a dififerent position toward each other, and the rest of the globe. "And one that was ancient of days did sit." This one means the general government of the United States, sitting, or presiding, over all the States, or thrones. The words, "ancient of days," implies its priority of existence as a nationality of its kind. It had ceased to exist, but now rises into being again. The very coming of the ancient of days implies his absence from a position he once occu- pied. The restoration of Israel to nationality in the latter day was promised, and as that nationality was to be a Christian one, it is conclusive that the one that was ancient of days was the promised nationality of Israel restored — the democracy of Moses in a Christian dress. There have been many ancient republics, but that law delivered to Moses 1,491 years before Christ, by the Almighty himself; that created the most ancient repub- lican form of government recorded in history. This must be the one typified by Daniel's "ancient of days," in the seventh chapter of the book of Daniel, verse 10, which is as follows: "A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him; thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him; the judgment was set, and the books were opened." The number of people that waited on the ancient of days as ministering servants plainly represent the peo- ple who composed this new nationality. Their number is distinctly stated to be thousand thousands. This sum is just three millions. It does not say that there were thou- sand of thousands, as the word "of" would have implied multiplication, but since it was omitted the addition of these numbers is rather implied. The "time times" is just three times, and so "thousand thousands" is just three thousand. Each thousand should be multiplied into itself, 50 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. the same as the ten thousand times ten thousand of the wicked are, who stood before the ancient of days. Now, multiply each thousand by itself and add the sums and they will make just three millions, and are those who min- istered unto the ancient of days, and is the number of the population of the United States of Israel, or that the ancient of days contained in the year 1776, when the nation was born. Those who stood before the ancient of days were plainly they who were to be judged, and their num- ber is ten thousand times ten thousand, which is just equal to a hundred millions of people. The hundred millions of people that stand before the ancient of days to be judged are Europeans. This fact is seen from the very nature of the case. The ancient of days destroys the beast, which represents the Roman (European) earth, with its corrupt alliances. The judgment when it was set, and the books when they were opened, were set and opened on account of the ravenous character of the beast. The "ancient of days" was to have two epochs in his history. The first is that of the destruction of the beast. (A beast is a symbol of a despotic power). The sitting of "the ancient of days" is also a different epoch from that in which the judgpient was set, and the books were opened. These judgments will be administered by the United States on monarchy with both justice and mildness after the attainment of its great power. The sitting of the judgment on the beast represents the decision of the ancient of days to destroy monarchy. The opening of the books shows that democracy will bring up all the his- tory of monarchy, and on account of its universal char- acter in history will determine its doom, and it represents the actual beginning of the political judgment on Euro- pean monarchy. A man's foes are of his own household. When the prophets speak of a man they they do not mean a single individual, as man always sym'bolizes a nation with the prophets. The foes of the United States is the contraction of its circulating medium, thereby centralizing the power of wealth to such an extent that it rules legislation in its favor, to the extent of overthrowing the entire present THE DEMOCRACY OF MOSES. 51 monetary system that will never rise again; but a new one will be resurrected out of it. It will come soon after the half-hour silence in heaven; that half-hour silence will be a stagnation of some king — in the United States of the powers that be — which may be caused by a financial panic, for in its present famished condition it could never recover. Will the one who is ancient of days, with his burning wheels and flaming throne, answer in any way as a type of the United States? If not, what does he typify? Is there another nation that will answer to this description? No; there is not. "White garment" answers to our righteous Constitution, and his "white hair" answers to his ancient origin, and his "wheels of burning fire" to the rapidity with which we have taken first place among the nations of the globe. Before the year 1776 what was the pace of the nations? Were their motions like flames and their wheels like burning fire? Not at all ; the world was a slow- coach before our time. We are a cyclone compared with the times and nations before the year 1776. Navigation then was a snail, now it is a tempest; then it was a galley with oars, now it is a palace driven with superhuman and invisible force. Then all was sluggish ; now all is motion ; then all was ignorance, now all is information; then a pillar of cloud led the world; now a pillar of fire. The rise of this nation was the result of the birth of organized democratic liberty. Philosophy had pro- nounced it impossible and monarchy had scouted it as an idle conceit, yet it is here with great power. Here, sci- ence and art have sown seeds of perennial fruit to blossom now and ripen early in the approaching millennial sum- mer. Blot us from the globe with all of the influence we have exerted upon it, directly and indirectly, and black night would remain. Then monarchies would invite all hell to a feast of thanksgiving over an event so delightful to iniquity, and the remnant of Paganism would leap from decrepitude to youth, and despotism would embrace the globe in his confraternal arms, and all would dance with delight over the grave of their common and dreaded foe. The son of man came to the United States in 1826 and emancipated the slaves in 1863. The one "like unto a son 52 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. of man"'will come in 1897-8 or 1899. He will cause the res- urrection of the living, or he will revolutionize the Consti- tution of the United States, which is called by the prophets the resurrection of the living, and which they also call the first resurrection, as the revolution that will come soon after in Europe will be the second resurrection, or the resurrection of the dead, as they are to rise from the dust of the earth, and the earth symbolizes Europe, the old Roman territory. This vision lasts until the thrones are placed (the thirteen original States), and one that was ancient of days did sit, and the same panorama held Daniel's gaze until one like unto a son of man came with the clouds of heaven, meaning our financial troubles fast approaching, and came to the one who was ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. (Daniel 7-13.) This is the fourth Messiah that creates a revolution. Cyrus, Christ and John Brown being the three preceding ones. Now, this one who came to the ancient of days was like unto a son of man. In the New Testament Jesus is called the son of God, and also the son of man, but Daniel says in 7-13, that he that came with the clouds (clouds signify w'ar of some kind) of heaven to the ancient of days was one like unto a son of man; consequently, he must come after the year 1776, as the anicent of days cannot be found in prophecy earlier than that date, and he will not answer to anything but the United States of America (the Israel renewed), and is the new Jerusalem. (A new Jerusalem is not an old one.) The second coming of Christ, or the son of man, was in 1826, as the Home Missionary Society, and kindred societies, and their influence went with John Brown to Harper's Ferry, when 33 years of age, or thirty-three years after 1826, in the year 1859. He came like a thief at night that the Scriptures might be fulfilled. He was crucified and rose again the third year (typified by three days) with power (the United States army) and great glory — with the Emancipation proclamation, which went into effect January ist, 1863. He fulfilled what was said of Christ, that he brought not peace, but a sword. Again, Matthew, 10-36: "A man's foes shall be they of his own THE DEMOCRACY OF MOSES. 53 household/' The foes of the United States Government ("man"). The one Hke unto a son of man that is to come in about 1897 or 1898, of course, will be some revolutionary order similar to that which influenced the son of man in his attack on Harper's Ferry, and which will be near three years in bringing about its reforms, which allotted three years was typified by the three days before Jesus was resurrected after his crucifixion, and the three years before the son of man arose from the grave with his emancipa- tion of slavery, in 1863. He (the son of man of 1859) came not for peace, but with a sword. He destroyed the iniquitous laws of his people, and he was hated and despised, as was his proto- type 1,859 years before. Further on in this volume we will show how the Scriptures make mention of the eighteen men that John Brown, the son of man, had with him at Harper's Ferry, and the three friends, or those of his men that did not cross the river and take part in the foray at the arsenal. The one like unto a son of man is like the one Daniel saw coming with the clouds of heaven to the ancient of days. His coming will date from the beginning of the first resurrection, or that of the living; his coming means the coming of the political and financial resurrec- tion and transfiguration which began in 1896 and be about three years in its transfiguration. "And they brought him near before him" (the ancient of days), signifies that the United States, as a power, will sit in judgment from that day on forever, even forever; for Daniel says that his dominion is that which shall not be destroyed. Isaiah, chapter 52, 14-15: "Like as many were aston- ished at thee (his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men)." 15. "So shall he sprinkle many nations; kings shall shut their mouths at him; for that which had not been told them shall they see, and that which they had not heard shall they understand." "Marred more than the sons of men." This will apply to Christ, and also to the son of man (John Brown), and also to the United States, as 54 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. this country was prepared for Israel, by the teachings of Christ, as he said he would prepare them a place. "And kings shall shut their mouths at him," was clearly foretold of this country, for kings, and the most powerful govern- ments, as can already be seen, are very cautious how they antagonize any position assumed by the United States. "Marred more than the sons of men." This govern- ment is called in prophecy the son of man, and will be so called for the first one hundred and twenty years of its existence. Many nations have been astonished at the United States at dififerent periods, especially when its ruin ap- peared inevitable, but like our miraculous prototype of old, it emerged every time with renewed vitality and in- creased confidence in national abilities. The saying of Ezekiel, 39-26, is being fulfilled: "And none shall make them afraid." (Make this Government afraid.) The Coming of the Son of Alan^ John Brown — Like a 771 i if at Night — 7n the Year Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-nine^ and Whose Coming Was Predicted by the Prophets. Apocryphal New Testament: Barnabas, Chap. 8, 9- 10-11-12-13: "But you will say the Jews were circumcised for a sign, and so are all the Syrians and Arabians, and all the idolatrous priests, but are they therefore of the cove- nant of Israel? And even the Egyptians themselves are cir- cumcised." 10. "Understand, therefore, children, these things more fully, that Abraham, who was the first that brought in circumcision, looking forward in the spirit to Jesus, cir- cumcised, having received the mystery of three letters." 11. "For the Scripture says that Abraham circum- cised 318 men of his house. But what, therefore, was the mystery that was made known unto him?" 12. "Mark first the eighteen, and next the three hundred. For the numeral letters of ten and eight are I H, and these denote Jesus." John Brown, the son of man, had at Harper's Ferry, in the year 1859, just eigh- teen men with him, thus denoting Christ. 13. "And because the cross was that by which we COMING OF THE SON OF MAN. 55 were to find grace; therefore he adds three hundred, the note of which is T (the figure of his cross). Wherefore by two letters he signified Jesus, and by the third his cross." Antiquities, Book I., Chap. lo-i: "Abraham pursued after them (the four Assyrian Kings who captured Lot and his family) till, on the second day, he drove them in a body into Hoba, a place belonging to Damascus; and thereby demonstrated that victory does not depend on multitudes, and the number of hands, but the alacrity and courage of soldiers overcome the most numerous bodies of men, while he got the victory over so great an army with no more than 318 of his servants, and three of his friends; but all those that fled returned home inglo- riously." The actual force which John Brown had at Harper's Ferry consisted of only twenty-two men, including him- self, three of whom never crossed the river; that would leave just eighteen men with him in the foray at the ar- senal. Jesus Christ was a type of the son of man that was born in the year 1826, in the birth of the Home Mission- ary Society, and similar societies. When 33 years old (in 1859) he came upon Harper's Ferry like a thief m the night. The servants of the high priest captured him and he was crucified (hung). He arose again the third day (year) in Lincoln's proclamation to free the slaves — exact- ly what he came to do — and his rising was with power and great glory. His coming was as the lightning shineth in the east and is seen even to the west (by telegraph), yet they knew him not. One hundred and thirteen years ago a native of Vir- ginia, a statesman, indeed, by nature and by training, said: "With what execration shoukl that statesman be loaded who, permitting one-half of the citizens to trample on the rights of the other, transforms those into despots and these into enemies. Can the liberties of a nation be deem- ed secure when we have removed their only firm basis — a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God, that they are not to be violated with- out his wrath? 56 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. "Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever, that, con- sidering numbers, nature and natural means, only a revo- lution of the wheel of fortune is among possible events. That it may become probable by supernatural interfer- ence. The Almighty has no attributes that can take part with us in such a contest." This was the language of Jefiferson in his "Notes on Virginia," written in 1783. It was in the County of Jef- ferson (in Virginia) that Brown made his foray in 1859. He harbored in the county of Washington, in Maryland, for three months, and descended upon Jefferson County at the end of that time, and when the astonished succes- sors of Washington and Jefferson saw him first he held in his hand the sword of Washington and was enacting Jef- ferson's declaration of freedom in favor of the slaves, that the Scriptures might be fulfilled; and they were fulfilled with a vengeance in the years of war and disaster that fol- lowed. Washington'' s Historic Sword. After John Brown had taken possession of the Ar- senal on October i6th. 1859, about midnight, he dis- patched six of his men to capture Colonel Lewis W. Washington and his negroes. In capturing Colonel Washington they also seized that historic dress sword which had been given by Frederick the Great to George Washington with the memorable words: "From the oldest soldier to the greatest" engraved upon it. A well-known Congressman who interviewed him a few minutes after his (Brown's) capture, gives us the following: Approach- ing him I began the conversation with the inquiry: "Cap- tain Brown, are you hurt anywhere except on your head?" "Yes, on my side here," said he, indicating the place with his hand. (The principal wound of Jesus Christ was in his side). At the critical period of the civil war, when the issue was still undecided, save in the councils of God, at 'the close of 1862, Lincoln put forth his first edict of emanci- pation and followed it up January ist, 1863, with the final proclamation that the slaves in the rebellious States were from that day free. Brown had slept in his grave among COMING OF THE SON OF MAN. 57 the Adirondack Mountains but three years when this triumph was realized. His friends gathered to celebrate so happy an event, at the house of one of his most faithful and active supporters in the Virginia campaign, George Stearns, of Middleford, Mass. It was one of the last of those meetings in which the old anti-slavery men and women came together, and rejoiced face to face. Garrison and Phillips, Emerson and Alcott, Dr. Howe and his wife, Mrs. Childs, Moncure Conway, Martin Conway, and many others, now dead or widely scattered. This gather- ing was antitypical of the Lord's Supper. Here is the son of man's (John Brown's) speech, which he made to the court that sentenced him to the gal- lows: "This court acknowledges, as I suppose, the valid- ity of the laws of God. I see a book kissed here which I suppose to be the Bible, or at least the New Testament. That teaches me that all things whatsoever I would that men should do unto me I should do even so unto them. It teaches me further to remember them that are in bonds; as bound with them I endeavor to act up to that instruc- tion, I say I am too young to understand that God is any respecter of persons. I believe that to have interfered as I have done — as I have always freely admitted, I have done — in behalf of his despised poor, was not wrong, but right." This was Brown's authority for the capture oi Harper's Ferry. The same given by Ethan Allen at Ti- conderoga when he commanded surrender, 'Tn the name of the great Jehovah and the Continental Congress." He had pursued the same line of reasoning before this, and shortly after his capture. Following is an interview between Senator Mason and Brown shortly after the latter's capture relative to his raids: Senator Mason — "How do you justify your acts?" Capt. Brown — "I think, my friend, you are guilty of a great wrong against God and humanity, and it would be perfectly right for anyone to interfere with you so far as to free those you willfully and wickedly hold in bond- age. I do not say this insultingly." Senator Mason — "I understand that." Capt. Brown — "I think I did right and that others will do right also who interfere with you at any and all times. I hold that the Golden Rule: 'Do unto 58 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. Others as you would have them do unto you/ applies to all who would help others to gain their liberty." Lieut. Stuart's interview: "But you don't believe in the Bible?" Capt. Brown — "Certainly I do — I want you to understand, gentlemen, that I respect the rights of the poorest and weakest of the colored people oppressed by the slave system just as much as I do those of the most wealthy and powerful. That is the idea that has moved me, and that alone. We expected no reward, except the satisfaction of doing for those in distress — the greatly op- pressed — as we would be done by. The cry of distress of the oppressed is my reason, and the only thing that prompted me to come here." There is Brown's authority for capturing Harper's Ferry. Does it look like the work of a criminal or that of a lawless man? No, but quite the contrary. It is very much like what a Christ would do or say. The son of man came on the war clouds of heaven, as was predicted by Daniel. He came in an age by no means graiid or noble in appearance, but it will be recorded and remembered when all the battles of the rebellion are for- gotten. His age has hardly yet begun; but it will con- tinue forever. Not even his closest friends suspected his great mis- sion. If they had, the Scriptures would not have been fulfilled, as he was to come as a thief in the night. He em- bodied all the more humane sentiments of later times. His faith in God was supreme, his belief in foreordination ab- solute, and his courage phenomenal. The emotion of fear seemed to be quite unknown to him, except in the form of diffidence. He was dififident of his power, in speech or writing, yet who of all his countrymen have uttered more effective or immortal words than he, him- self, and the societies that backed and encouraged him in money, arms, and in sentiment? John Brown was only a representative of the son of man that was embodied in the Home Missionary Society, Abolition, and all other kindred, humane and charitable orders of anti-slavery sentiment. Part of the service he has rendered to his country was by his heroic impersona- tion of traits, that all mankind recognize as noble. The COMING OF THE SON OF MAN. 59 cause of the poor slave had need of all the charms that ro- mantic courage could give it. His defenders were treated with the same contempt that was attached to himself. They were looked upon with aversion by patriots; they were odious to trade, distasteful to fashion and learning, and impious in the sight of the churches. At a single stroke by Brown all this was changed. The cause that had been despised suddenly became hated, feared and re- spected; and out of this new fear and hatred the mission of Brown was accomplished. The frantic efforts of the South to defend its iniqui- tous system of slavery, ending by firing on Fort Sumpter, made Lincoln's emancipation proclamation possible. It would be fair to say that all people, in proportion to their sensibility and self-respect, sympathize with Brown, for it is impossible to see courage and disinterestedness, and the love that casts out fear, without sympathy. The very year of his coming is foretold by the proph- ets, and he is spoken of by Christ as the son of man com- ing on the clouds of heaven. The word "heaven" symbol- izes the United States throughout all the prophecies. He is also the one who comes "to the ancient of days" spoken of by Daniel, that sat on the right hand of power. His commission was one of the grandest ever assigned to any being on the globe, yet it was, in the sight of the laws of the land, theft, treason and murder. An unknown poet and prophet had written while Brown was yet alive, though condemned to death, as follows: "But, Virginians, don't do it, for I tell you that the flagon Filled with blood of old Brown's offspring was first poured by Southern hands, And each drop from old Brown's life-veins, like the red gore of the dragon, May spring up, a vengeful fury, hissing through your slave-worn lands. And old Brown, Osawatomie Brown, May trouble you more than ever, when you've nailed his coffin down." Christ and the son of man were both revolutionists. Jesus Christ came to his people to revolutionize their old, 6o ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. iniquitous institutions, and he says to them: "Think not that I came to send peace on the earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." (Matthew, 10-34.) And his saying W'as fulfilled with a vengeance by the destruction of the greater part of themselves and their temple, by the Roman general, Titus, under Vespasian, in the years 70, 71 and y2 A. D. and, as a nation, they have been obliterated from the world ever since. Matthew, 24, 30-31: "And they shall see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory." 31. "And he shall send forth his angels with a great sound of trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." Matthew said these things after Jesus had been dead and ascended up to heaven for about fifty years; therefore, he is speaking of the coming of the son of man. Christ was a type of the son of man, but he was not the son of man himself. The son of man, John Brown, sprung from the testimony of Christ. The son of man was born in the year 1826, May loth (Home Missionary Society), and when 33 years of age (which was in 1859), he was crucified (hung), and as he was the antitypical Christ, the Jewish temple will be de- stroyed in the new Jerusalem (the United States), y2 or yT, years after the year 1826, which will be in 1898-9. Our present monetary system was typified by the old Jewish temple in Jerusalem, Palestine ; and this temple is the only house of worship that the Jews have worshipped in since the year 72-3 of the Christian era. The soldier that climbed on the shoulders of another and snatched somewhat out of material that was on fire, and wdthout waiting for orders, hurled the burning firebrand through a golden window that communicated with some of the Cloisters (States) on the north, typified the fusionists that endorsed W. J. Bryan and the silver wing of Democracy, July 27th, 1896. The sentiment of that fusion will go forth until it destroys the present monetary system of the United States, and perhaps also that of the globe. The old tem- ple was fired, on the 27th of July, seventy years after the birth of Christ, and the fusionists endorsed the silver THE GOLDEN WINDOW FIRED. 6j wing of Democracy July 27th, just seventy years after the birth of the son of man (Home Missionary Society), in 1826; and the temple will be destroyed within three years after, 1896, by that monetary sentiment that was typified by the Roman general, Titus, son of Vespasian, when he destroyed the old Jewish temple. The birth of Christ does not agree with the beginning of the Christian era, yet the destruction of our present monetary system will be in the exact year after 1826, that the ancient Jewish temple was destroyed after the 'birth of Christ. The ob- scurity and uncertainty of the date of his birth is a part of the veils upon the scriptures. "Like unto a son of man." The language here used implies companions, or one of a certain number of the same kind. His time will be at the beginning of the transfiguration, and after the end of the age of ma.i, whose years are to he 120; and according to prophecy, he will create the greatest revolution that has ever been on the globe. The stroke that the monetary system will re- ceive at about that time in the United States will stagger the banking system of the entire globe, wdien the gilt- edged securities of to-day will become worthless for the want of money to represent them. Then will come a new order of things, as there is not gold and silver sufificient on the entire globe with which to liquidate 7 per cent, of its indebtedness at the present time, 1896. The gold coin of the globe would scarcely pay the na- tional debt of the British Empire alone; a majority of whose subjects are the most wretched of any upon the globe. Some may say that such great changes from the com- mon order would have to be brought about by a miraculous power, but in this event there is no promise of any such power, as such a thing would be as much out of place as the days of miracles are, and the miracles were only used in the Scriptures to illustrate through the mysterious veil the great events that were purposely hidden until the end of the six ages in the beginning of 1900, which is the end of the six thousand symbolic years, and the beginning of the millennial Sabbath of a thousand years, or the first resurrection. The great revolution will be accomplished 62 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. without the aid of a miraculous power, as He that could, if necessary, employ that power will have all nations wound up in time for that event. As to the destruction of the Jewish temple by Gen- eral Titus, all modern historians tell us that it was de- stroyed seventy years after Christ, which is not correct, as the siege lasted about three years; the temple was set on fire in the year 70 after Christ, but that fire did not cause its destruction, as the siege lasted until the 71st and perhaps 73d year after Christ; for that siege Josephus is chief authority, and his writings are sacred, and like all sacred, prophecy, has the miraculous and the veil upon it, and as Christ was in the grave three days a symbol of three years, also, it was three years after the execution of John Brown before his great emancipation went forth. So the siege of Jerusalem might have lasted three years before the temple was destroyed, so in like manner it may be three years after the United States reached the age of 120 years allotted to it before it is resurrected, which will be the destruction of our present monetary system, and the complete overthrow of plutocracy, which will spread throughout all Europe. Zephania 1-14: "The great day of the Lord is near and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the Lord. The mighty man (nation) crieth there bitterly." Is the son of man, John Brown, that came in 1859, hated more by the people he was sent to than Jesus Christ was b}^ the people to whom he was sent? The hatred was the same, as they were both radical revolutionists, and both of their lives were forfeited, and after their deaths the same intense hatred rankles in the hearts of each people that they were sent to revolutionize. The Constitutioit of the New State of Kansas — The Toting Alan Who Escaped N^aked^ Leaving His Linen Gai-jnent on the United States Senate Table^ in i8^g. John 18: I to 11: "When Jesus had spoken these words he went forth with his disciples over the brook Kidron where was a garden into which he entered, himself and his disciples." 2. "Now Judas, also, which betrayed him, knew the GARMENT LEFT ON SENATE TABLE. 63 place; for Jesus ofttimes resorted thither with his disci- ples." 3. "Ju^i^s then, having received the band of soldiers and officers from the chief priests and the Pharisees, Cometh thither with lanterns and torches and weapons." 4. "Jesus therefore, knowing all the things that were coming upon him, went forth, and saith unto them, 'Whom seek ye?' " 5. "They answered him, 'Jesus of Nazareth;' Jesus saith unto them, T am he.' And Judas also, which be- trayed him, was standing with them." 6. "When, therefore, he said unto them T am he,' they went backward, and fell to the ground." 7. "Again, therefore, he asked them, 'Whom seek ye?' And they said, 'Jesus of Nazareth.' " 8. "Jesus answered, 'I told you that I am he; if, therefore, ye seek me, let these go their way.' " 9. "That the word might be fulfilled which he spake, of those whom thou hast given me I lost not one." 10. "Simon Peter therefore, having a sword, drew it, and struck the high priest's servant, and cut ofi his right ear. Now the servant's name was Malchus." The word Malchus means a Kingdom, or a nation- ality of some kind; and cutting his ear off signifies that the nation would become deaf in regard to the theft and murder that was committed at Harper's Ferry by the son of man, in 1859; and the healing of the ear symbolizes the interpretation of those things after the lapse of a few years. The healing of the ear is mentioned by Luke, in Chap. 22-51, as follows: "But Jesus answered and said, 'Suffer ye thus far.' And he touched his ear, and healed him." Mark 14-48: "And Jesus answered and said unto them, 'Are ye come out as against a robber, with swords and staves to seize me? I was daily with you in the tem- ple teaching and ye took me not.' But this is done that the Scriptures might be fulfilled.' And they all left him and fled." "And they all left him and fled," was fulfilled in 1859, when all of his (John Brown's) supporters, left him to his 64 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. fate. The Abolitionists, his disciples and brethren, all fled, or kept silent. Mark 14-51 : "And a certain young man followed with him, having a linen cloth cast about him, over his naked body. And they lay hold on him. But he left the linen cloth and fled naked." Now the account that Mark gives of the young man that escaped naked seems to be super- fluous and entirely out of place; and it certainly appears to ' be a trivial thing inserted into an account of a great event, and it has been called ridiculous by many unbelievers in the divinity of the Scriptures, and if it was not a symbol, we would have to agree with them on that point. But such is not the case; it symbolizes the territory of Kansas that escaped naked (not allowed admittance into the Un- ion) in that same year of the son of man, and was one of the events that agitated the people in that day. As the new Constitution (linen cloth) of Kansas, rati- fied by the people in October, 1859, was laid before Con- gress, at its session in that year; and so strong was the free State sentiment in the House that a bill admitting Kansas as a free State passed it by a vote of 134 to 73; but when the bill went to the Senate that body refused to pass it, so strong was the slavery sentiment among a majority of its members. The dying act of the party of slavery was the refusal of the Senate on the 7th day of June, i860, to take up the bill, by a vote of ^2 to 28. Thus the young- man (Kansas) escaped naked; leaving his linen garment on the Senate table. Garments are symbols of Govern- mental Constitutions. White linen garments symbolize pure Constitutions. These things are written in the his- tories of Israel (United States) along with many more, and when they are searched out and properly compared and put in order, then they will be testimony of the son of man, the same as the New Testament is a testimony of Christ. Then it will be the spirit of the prophets, and then will be fulfilled that which Isaiah says will be, in Chap. 25-7, which is as follows: "And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering that is cast over all peoples, and the veil that is spread over all nations." A mountain, with the prophets, signifies a civil government. Then many of the ancient histories that have always GARMENT LEFT ON SENATE TABLE. 65 heretofore been called profane, and not even suspected of being otherwise, will be found to be sacred, and the entire history of the United States will be found accurate- ly symbolized in them. The reason why the Scriptures are not believed to be divine by so many persons throughout all the civilized na- tions, is that if they did all believe in them, they (the Scriptures) would be a standing falsehood, and would not be fulfilled. As the prophets plainly state that they will not believe, though one from the dead should rise and de- clare it to them. If all mankind believed in the Scriptures, then the story of the veils in the temple, tabernacle, and the one that Moses was compelled to wear over his face on descending from Mount Sinai while talking to the peo- ple concerning the laws that he had received from God on the Mount, would be superfluous and false. 2 Corinthians, Chap. 3, 12-13-14-15: "Having, there- fore, such a hope, we use great boldness of speech, and are not as Moses — " 13. "Who put a veil upon his face, that the children of Israel should not look steadfastly on the end of that which was passing away." 14. "But their minds were hardened; for until this very day at the reading of the old covenant the same veil remaineth unlifted; which veil is done away in Christ." 15. "But unto this day, whensoever Moses is read, a veil lieth upon their heart." The Apostle Paul plainly asserts that Moses put the veil upon his face that the people w^ould not perceive the things that were passing away, and the new order of those that were approaching. And to those that read the old covenant (Old Testament) he says the veil of obscurity will remain. And to this very day, those who read the story of Moses remain in the same gloom, which gloom, or veil of obscurity, would be done away in Christ. We find Christ predicted in the old covenant just the same as we find the creation predicted; as it is a book, or coven- ant, foretelling by symbols the real creation of God, which began at the birth of Christ. And we find the story of Christ in the books that have been written since his birth, such as the New Testament, the Apocrypha, and the 66 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEW'i:b. Apocryphal New Testament; the gospels, epistles, and all their pieces now extanit, attribb'ted to the first three or four centuries after Christ. Also we have to go to the works of Josephus for the l^'ey with which to unlock the liidden mysteries of the creation mentioned in the Book of Genesis; which was a creation of symbols/ symboliz- ing the creation of Christ; which creation began with the Christian era. The Symbols of Creation. Adam and Eve, and their sons, Noah and his sons, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph, Aaron, Moses, Job and Samson, the children of Israel, Saul, David and Solo- mon, and all the judges and the Kings of Judah and of Israel, and all their high-priests, these, together with their feasts, passovers, circumcisions, their wars, journeys, wan- derings, riddles, miracles, offerings, ceremonials, seasons and intervals of time, their ark, temple, tabernacle, and its curtains, veils, golden candle-stick, and all the vessels of the temple, the molten sea, the Canaanites, Philistines, and all the nations found in Canaan by the children of Israel, and the land of Canaan, and even Jerusalem, the devil, satan, and the dragon, were all symbols, and they were all for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years; also the Archangel symbolized Christ and Christ symbolized the United States of Israel, which is the chief angel — agency of the Almighty. All things created be- fore Christ symbolized the. literal creation which began with the birth of Christ. The dragon, satan and devil symbolized monarchy and the things pertaining to it; in proof of this, we will refer to Job, as he symbolizes the United States, and its troubles in these days of the Lord's preparation by the scourges that are upon us, by adopting the customs of European monarchy. Job 1-6: "Now, there was a day when the sons (na- tions) of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and satan (monarchy) came also among them." 7. "And the Lord said unto satan, 'Whence comest thou?' Then satan answered the Lord and said, 'From going to and fro in the earth (Europe) and from walking up and down in it.' " 8. "And the Lord said unto satan, 'Hast thou con- sidered my servant Job (the United States), for there is 67 68 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man (nation)' "; mark, none like the United States in Europe, one that feareth God and escheweth evil.' " 9. "We did eschew evil before the evils of these later days came upon us. Then satan answered the Lord and said, 'Doth Job fear the Lord for naught?' 10. " 'Hast thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath, on every side? Thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his sub- stance is increased in the land." There has been a hedge about us and our substance has increased as no other na- tion upon the globe, up to the beginning of our devilish troubles in these years of the Lord's preparation. • II. "But put forth thine hand now and touch all that he hath, and he will renounce thee to thy face." 12. "And the Lord said unto satan, 'Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand.' " Here God gives all that we have over to satan, which is the influence and devilish customs of European mon- archy, of which the principal curse is their contracted cur- rency system, that we have adopted, and it, like some monster ghost with putrid lips, has blown poison dew up- on all we have; while we as a nation, the monarchy of Europe is careful not to lay its hand upon any position that we may assume, except by the subtility of its com- bined monetary systems, and that only by the aid of our own corrupt combination that God has purposely allowed to come into power, that we may be transfigured and resurrected when we are brought so low that it will come as if by natural consequences. Our calamities are coming upon us as they did upon our prototype Job; while one messenger would be speak- ing there would come others, with stories of disasters. The death of his servants and young men symbol- izes the death of our institutions and young industries, that is serviceable to the commonality of our nation. 22. "In all this Job sinned not nor charged God with foolishness." And Job (United States) still holdeth fast his integ- THE SYMBOLS OF CREATION. 69 rity, although thou, satan (monarchy) movest me (the Lord) against him to destroy him without cause. Then satan says, "Put forth thine hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh and he will renounce thee to thy face." And the Lord said unto satan, "Behold, he is in thine hand; only spare his life." So Satan (monarchy) went forth from the presence of the Lord, and smote Job, with sore boils, from the sole of his foot unto his crown. The bone »nd flesh of Job symbolize our constitutional laws, that have and will be tampered with by our Congress, Senate, and Supreme Court, through the influence of combined mammon. Mark this, that the powers that rule us are allowing the Cubans to be slaughtered the same as the satan-devil, power of Europe (earth) is allow- ing the Armenians to be butchered. The powers of the money lenders will not allow their interests in Spain and Turkey to be endangered; they not understanding that the end of plutocracy is at hand. Then Job's three friends called to see him. So they sat down with him upon the ground seven days and seven nights, and none spake a word unto him ; for they saw that his grief was very great. And Job answered and said, "Let the day perish wherein I was born, and the night which said there is a man child conceived." Job was a symbol of the United States (man child) that was conceived in 1776. The night of the seven years' war for independence. The United States had three friends then, France, Holland and Spain; and we are to have three friends in these last seven years of tribulation who are to sit upon the ground with us and say not a word until the seven years are ended. Consequent- ly, France, Spain and Holland may be our friends, as they are all liable to be republics at the end of that time. Then the Lord said to Job's three friends. Job 42-8: "Now, therefore, take unto you seven bullocks and seven rams, and go to my servant Job, and offer up for yourselves a burnt offering; and my servant Job shall pray for you; for him will I accept, that I deal not with you after your folly; for ye have not spoken of me the thing that is right, as my servant Job hath." So Eliphaz the Temanite and 70 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. Bildad the Shuhite and Zaphan the Naamathite went and did according as the Lord commanded them, and the Lord turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends. And the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had be- fore. Then came there unto him all his brethren, and all his sisters, and all they that had been acquainted before. "Now being acquainted before" means that the three friends, Spain, Holland and France have all been repub- lics, and all three aided the United" States (Job) to gain independence in 1776- 1783. "And did eat bread with him in his house; and they bemoaned him, and comforted him concerning all the evil that the Lord had brought upon him ; every man also gave him a piece of money, and every one a ring of gold." "So the Lord blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning; and he had 14,000 sheep and 6,000 camels, and 1,000 yoke of oxen, and 1,000 she-asses." "He had also seven sons (young republics) and three daughters (three just institutions resembling churches). And in all the land were no women found so fair as the daughters of Job ; and their father gave them inheritance among their brethren, and after this Job lived 140 years and saw his sons and his son's sons, even four genera- tions." "So Job died, being old and full of days." Job was a symbol like all other men that are men- tioned in the Scriptures. Job symbolized the United States and as Job recovered from his evil time, and came into pos- session of twice as much as he had before he fell into the power of satan (monarchy). The recovery of Job from the influence of Pluto (Satan, devil, dragon, Europe), all of which mean the monetary combine of civilization, sym- bolizes our recovery from the influence of the plutocratic powers that are starving thousands upon thousands throughout all civilization; also Job's recovery symbol- izes our transfiguration when we are to have twice as much as we had before. Now mark this assertion: "Every man also gave him a piece of money." The above means that the conditions of civilization will be such that all men (nations) will be THE SYMBOLS OF CREATION. 71 commercially obliged to be our friends. So every nation will contribute their piece of money to the United States, and our power among the nations of the globe will become greater than that of the Roman Empire when it was in its greatest glory; as the old Israel was only a type of the United States, which will be the Israel of God. When it is resurrected — transfigured and turned over to God by the testimony of Christ — then it will accord with the laws of Moses, as he was seen talking with Christ when he was transfigured on the high mountain. The high mountain symbolizes our great civil government at the time of our transfiguration. The downfall of plu- tocracy and the reformation of our monetary system will chiefly constitute our resurrection, which is transfigura- tion. Then will follow the resurrection of the dead, which means the dead nations of the earth — Europe, where sa- tan (monarchy) has been "going to and fro," and walk- ing up and down in it, since history began. II. Esdras 6-58: "But we, thy people, whom thou hast called thy firstborn; thy only begotten and thy fervent lover, are given into their hands." We are now in the hands of satan, dragon, devil, which is the influence of monarchical plutocratic Europe, but that influence is to be broken suddenly; soon after the end of the fruitless international monetary congress, that will soon assemble in Europe. Then will come to pass the saying of Zephaniah. Zephaniah 3-15: "The Lord hath taken away thy judg- ments, he hath cast out thine enemy the King of Israel; even the Lord is in the midst of thee; thou shaft not fear evil any more." Thus the power of our President, Congress and Su- preme Court, will be nearly all taken from them, and be- fore anything can become a constitutional law, the masses of the people will have to pass upon it, just the same as our great legislator, Moses, had to consult the majority of the children of Israel when they were typifying the United States, which is the greatest miracle that God ever created in the sight of any of his creatures upon this planet. Then we will not fear evil any more after the war in 72 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. heaven is over and the great dragon is cast down, the old serpent, he that is called the devil and satan, the deceiver of the whole world — Europe; he was cast down to the earth — Europe and his angels; agencies were cast down with him. Now the devil and his angels, as they exist in the im- agination of the present theology, if real, would make a grotesque appearance in their celestial heaven, which also exists only in their imagination. Woe for the earth (Europe) and for the sea (the po- litical sea) because the devil (monarchy) has gone down unto you, having great wrath, knowing that he hath but a short time; after the fall of American plutocracy, the Euro- pean dragon will be in a greater rage and fear than ever before, and Christianity (woman) of Europe will be perse- cuted. The woman (Christianity) brought forth the man child. The man child symbolizes the United States, which was brought forth by the Christian churches preaching the testimony of Christ. Revelation 12-17: "And the dragon waxed wroth with the woman, and went away to make war with the rest of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and hold the testimony of Jesus, and he stood upon the sand of the sea." Monarchy (dragon) will stand upon the political sea of Europe and make war upon the remnant of Christian Democracy that remains in Europe, which is the seed of the woman, and of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and of Moses, the great democratic legislator. Esdras 7-30: "And the world (Europe) the territory of the old Roman earth, shall be turned into the old si- lence seven days (years) like as in the former judgments, so that no man (nation) shall remain." The above means the seven years tribulation that is now hastening upon the world (Europe) which will be the destruction of every monarchy in Europe. Esdiras 7-31 : "And after seven days (years) the world (that part of Europe) that awaketh not shall be raised up (the law of Moses will be adopted) and that shall die that is corrupt." The Scriptures have been with men for thousands tHE SYMBOLS OF CREATION. 73 of years, yet the greater part of them are only known as profane histories. All the churches are founded upon the old and new testaments, and they call them canonical, and some others they call Apochryphal; the latter they have little regard for, and there are but few who ever look at them. The books of Jasher and Enoch, and the sixth and seventh books of Moses are scarcely known to be in existence; then, of course, they are not thought to be sa- cred by any of the churches, or they would have publish- ed them the same as the books of the Old and New Testa- ments; yet up to this time that would have been useless, as all theology has not yet comprehended the first chapter of Genesis, not even the 14th verse, which reads, "And let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years," The Symbolic Creation of the Six Ages. Genesis 1-15: "And let them be for lights in the fir- maments of the Heaven (the United States) to give light upon the earth (Europe) and it was so." Gold and silver have been sought after by all civiliza- tion since there was a recorded history. And the esti- mated amount of gold and silver in circulation upon the globe is eight billion dollars, while the number of men, both freemen and slaves, that have spent their lives in search of the precious metals are beyond estimation, but the numbers are certainly prodigious ; perhaps an average lifetime of a man for each any every dollar now in circula- tion would be much too small an estimate. The Almighty has given his Scriptural histories to lift man above the worship of gold, silver, wood and stone, or any and all kinds of idols. It is evident that the Scrip- tures were not intended to reach the immediate vicinity of the heathen, who literally bow down before material idols, but to the most educated — even the most practically educated, as there are many men of great education, yet there are few of them not bound to some creed and they dare not step beyond its bounds even if they possessed the requisite amount of liberal information. All the pos- sessions of Christ were included in his liberal information of which the Christian theology of to-day does not pos- sess, neither will it as long as jealousy, bigotry, and fanati- cism remain and prevail with it. The Scriptural law of God was given to man, not lit- erally, word for word, but in allegory, hieroglyphics, sym- bols, signs, numerals and miracles, of which there were no beginning until the literal creation, which did not begin until the birth of Christ, as he is called the second Adam. Thus man was left apparently to be his own free agent, 74 SYMBOLIC CREATION OF THE SIX AGES. 75 while translating, deciphering and comprehending the laws of God. The veils of the temple, tabernacle, and the one that Moses wore upon his face, are sufficient to prove that the Scriptures were to remain under a cloud for a time. If the Scriptures were literal, plain and distinct, then man would not have been his own free agent to do good or evil, but an abject slave, which is absolutely contrary to all the laws of God. The Scriptures teach us that God v/ill accept of a willing sacrifice, and that he will not ac- cept of an unwilling servant; neither is an unwilling gift acceptable with him. 'Men are not yet advanced far enough in science and ■civilization to suocessfully decipher the sacred, political Scriptural histories, .and compare their sym'bolism'S with the history of struggling democracy, since the literal crea- tion began, with the birth of Christ. The old repu'blic of Israel under the democracy of Moses symbolized the be- ginning of the parliamentarian spirit of democracy in the year 1656 under Cromwell, which landed exactly three hundred (a mythical number) emigrants (antitypical chil- dren of Israel) at Savannah, Georgia, in the year 1736, just eighty years after 1656, which eighty years was two-thirds of Moses' life. Then Moses and his antitypical children of Israel wandered in the wilderness of America forty years, until the year 1776, when Moses died at the age of 120 years, as Moses symbolized the old colonial democracy *-hat was compelled to die or give place to that of the re- public of the United States, in the year 1776, which sym- bolized the death of Moses, as that colonial spirit (eye) had not grown dim nor its vitality ceased in the least. Then Joshua took command and marched seven consecu- tive times around the walls of Jericho before they fell, which symbolized the seven years' war of the Revolution before the walls of monarchy fell in the year 1783. When men are advanced far enough to look beyond the present staggering theology, and read the Scriptures which contain the exact political history of the great lit- eral Israel of the United States from the birth of Christ, which was the beginning of the literal creation, as the crea- tion recorded in Genesis was not literal, but only a writ- 76 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. ten one to symbolize the literal creation of God, for in Christ were to be all things, even the Heaven and Earth (World-Europe) have been created si-nce that time. In Josephus we find that the life of man after Moses was to be the exact number of years that Moses hap- pened to live, and that was 120 years. Man, in the prophecies, symbolizes a nation, and the United States of Israel was born at the death of Moses; consequently our death began in July, 1896. Then we will hear the death rattle of the nation, which may continue for seven years, as the struggle for independence lasted seven years. The earth (Europe) will reel to and fro like a drunkard, and it will be removed like a cottage, and the powers of Heaven (United States) will be shaken. Then will be seen the sign of the son of man coming with the clouds (troubles of the United States) of Heaven with power and great glory. Then will come the resurrection. It will be what the prophets call the resurrection of the living, as that is to come before that of the dead. A repub- lic is called the living, and a monarchy that of the dead. All the earth (Europe) is to be resurrected into republics, or a republic; the latter occurring soon after our resurrec- tion. Then men will not spend their labor and lives after gold and silver for the purpose of a medium of exchange, when our resurrected government can so easily put its stamp of legality upon some more convenient material. Josephus Shortens the Years. As Scriptural chronologers have always varied to the extent of some hundreds of years, and as the Scriptures have ever been veiled, our chr<9nology may vary in some of its unimportant parts for the want of time and skill. Our chronology is an archetype, and is founded upon the rock of ages, the beginning of the literal creation of God, which is symbolized by the sacred, allegorical, Scriptural his- tories, chief of which are the Apochryphas and the works of Flavins Josephus, by which we are enabled to pene- trate a few of the veiled mysteries of the older prophecies. According to Josephus, we contract the allegorical ages before Christ and then lap them over onto the literal ages since Christ, who was the second Adam, and the be- ginning of the literal creation of God, which was symbol- ized by the allegorical creation during six days (ages) when the heaven and the earth and the things that were there, and therein created, of which all were symbols, to symbolize the literal creation of God, which began with the birth of Christ, for in Christ are all things. Antiquities of the Jews. Book I.-III., Vol. I.: "This calamity happened in the six hundredth year of Noah's government (age) in the second month, called by the Macedonians Dius, but by the Hebrews Marhesven; for so did they order their year in Egypt. But Moses appointed that Nisan, which is the same with Xanthicus, should be the first month for their festivals, because he brought them out of Egypt in that month. So that this month began the year as to all the solemnities they observed to the honor of God, al- though he preserved the original order of the months as to selling and buying, and other ordinary afifairs. Now, he says that this flood began on the twenty-seventh (sev- enteenth) day of the forementioned month; and this was n 78 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. two thousand six hundred and fifty-six (one thousand five hundred and fifty-six) years from Adam, the first man; and the time is written down in our sacred books, those who then Hved having noted down with great accuracy both the births and deaths of illustrious men." Thus Josephus shortens the days (years) to the ex- tent of 1,100 years. Then Mark says, in Chapter 13-20: "And except the Lord had shortened the days, no flesh would have been saved; but for the elect's sake w^iom he chose, he short- ened the days." Who are the Lord's elect? and who are they that he has chosen? An Israelite is one who has prevailed with God. The United States is his Israel, because it has adopted the ancient democracy of Moses, the great law- giver, who was ordained by God. Christ says in John 14-2: "In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you, for I go to prepare a place for you." Then his chosen are to be found where there are many mansions, which symbolize many states and re- ligions of Christ. The shortening of the days unexpect- edly brings the resurrection and transfiguration of his chosen people of the United States (Israel) in aibout three years after the United States was 120 years old, which will be a political and financial one, and it will stag- ger and finally destroy the financial systems of the globe, especially the earth (Europe) as the resurrection of th,; dead is to come after that of the living; the nations of Eu- rope are the dead, as they are asleep in the dust of the earth (Europe), where the serpent (dragon, satan, devil) has been going to and fro in the earth (Europe) and from walking up and down in it, which symbolizes monarchy in the dead nations of Europe. The United States is sym- bolized by the living, also the "Ancient of Days" symbol- izes the United States, as its Constitution is founded upon the ancient democracy of Moses. All the things created before Christ were symbols, even the heaven and the earth, as the heaven was a symbol of the United States and the earth was a symbol of Eu- rope and the surrounding territory that belonged to the JOSEPHUS SHORTENS THE YEARS, 79 ancient Roman earth or world, in the days when it was known as the Roman world or earth, as in Luke 2-1: "Now it came to pass in those days, there went out a de- cree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be enrolled." The first earth that was created symbolized the Roman earth before Christ, which continues in alle- gory and will until the earth (Europe) and the works therein are burned (politically and financially) up. The time of destruction is right at hand, even at the door, and the door is wide open. The ark (covenant) alliance of the nations of the earth is now resting upon Mount Ararat (Armenia) Eastern question. The Graeco-Turkish war is the door of the ark. Noah and his family (the nations of Europe) will soon come out, then they (Noah) will awake from his wine, and curse his younger son Cain, the son of Ham (who was a symbol of the Turks), who were symbolized by the vagabond and wanderer in the earth (Europe). Genesis ii-i : "And the whole earth (Europe) was of one language (by their alliances they are of one design), and of one speech (one sentiment), and it came to pass, as they journeyed east (adopted the laws and customs of Asia), that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly." "And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar, and they said. Go to, let us build up a city, and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven (United States), and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth (Europe)." Now their first proposition is to burn their brick throughly, instead of thoroughly; secondly, they have brick instead of stone; thirdly, they have slime instead of mortar. The city and tower which the European nations are building to reach the United States is coming into view with a vengeance; it is their many alliances and their great combination. The Lord has not confounded the language of all the earth (Europe) because they are yet building the tower of Babel, and they are yet all of one design, which symbol- 8o ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. izes the one language; tnat language is the many alliances which form the great combination of the devil , who sym- bolizes monarchy in all of its hellish designs; chief of which is its enslavement of the commonality of mankind by contracting the volume of the circulating medium of exchange whereby they control the markets of the globe. "And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded." "And the Lord said, Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language; and this is what they begin to do; and now nothing will be withholden from them, which they purpose to do." "Go to, let us (when the Lord speaks of an angel, or of us, he means his people, Israel, which are those of the United States, the angel (agency) always proceeds from his special and peculiar people) go down, and there con- found their language, that they may not understand one another's speech." "So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth; and they left off to build the city." "Therefore was the name of it called Babel, because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth (all Europe)." "And they left off to build the city; therefore was the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there con- found the language of all the earth." Now there never was a tower of Babel, only the city was called Babel. The children of men (nations) be- gan to build a city and tower on the plain of Shinar, but neither had a name; but the city was finally called by the name of Babel, after the Lord confounded their language. The proposed tower reaches heaven (United States) as designed by the great combine of Europe, both mone- tary and monarchical, as we have adopted some of their statutes and many of their customs, which has caused our present monetary afflictions, of which Job symbolized when he was afflicted by satan, as satan, serpent, dragon and devil, symbolize monarchy. But our deliverance will come soon ; the two national enactments which we will hurl against the monetary com- JOSEPHUS SHORTENS THE YEARS. 8i bine of the devilish, satanic monarchy of Europe (earth). The two enactments were symboUzed by the breaking down of the two middle pillars by Samson which supported the temple of Dagbn on the day when the lords of the Philistines gathered there to olTer a great sacrifice unto Dagon, their god. The blindness of Samson symbolizes our adversities prior to the two enactments which confounded satan (monarchy) and its monetary combinations in the earth (Europe). Judith 13-8: "And she smote twice upon his neck with all her might, and she took away his head from him." Judith 13-9: "And tumbled his body down from the bed, and pulled down the canopy from the pillars; and anon after she went forth, and gave Holofornes' head to her maid." Now the two strokes of Judith which severed the head from the body of Holofernes symbolize the same event that Samson did when he took hold of the two mid- dle pillars of the house of Dagon and threw it down upon the men and women, and upon all the lords of the Philis- tines, All the lords mean that all nations of Europe will be affected by the two strokes (enactments) and the wom- en (churches) and all the titled lords, and all the mone- tary lords; these, along with all monarchy will be over- thrown ; for these are the days of the Lord's preparation. Nahum 2-3: "The shield of his mighty men is made red, the valiant men are in scarlet; the chariots flash with steel in the day of his prepa'ration." The Salvation Army is the valiant men in scarlet; they are there now, all or- ganized and ready for their valiant work, as soon as the two enactments by the United States prepares the way. And then the socialistic, red republican, mighty men's shield will be made red; then all the earth (Europe) will quake; and then will come to pass second Esdras 6-22: "And suddenly shall the sown places appear unsown, the full storehouses shall suddenly be found empty." This means that the corrupt institutions of European monar- chy will collapse, and its supposed great wealth will be found wanting, as aside from the soil and the buildings thereon, their wealth is founded on paper, which in that 82 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. day will be worth no more than blank paper; even the no- bility and their titles will all become worthless in the day of the Lord's preparation. II. Esdras 6-23: "And the trumpet shall give a sound, which, when every man (nation) heareth, they shall be suddenly afraid." This trumpet is a world-wide signal that will make all the nations of Europe afraid. II. Esdras 6-24: "At that time shall friends fight one against another like enemies, and the earth (Europe) shall stand in fear with those that dwell therein, the springs of the fountains shall stand still, and in three hours they shall not run." Some of the Mohammedans dwell in Europe, but all lAirope does not fear them; consequently, we will assign their fear and dread to His mighty men whose shield is niade red, which is the red republicans; they all dwell in the midst of the earth (Europe). The fountains of the springs will stand still for three hours. Now, three hours is one-eighth part of a day, and a day is as a year, or a thousand years with the Lord, yet only in the creation have we found a day to symbolize a thousand years. We reckon the three hours one-eighth part of a day (year) and one-eighth part of a year is about forty-five days ; hence, there will be some kind of a gen- eral stagnation in Europe for forty-five days. II. E'sdras 6-25: "Whoever remaineth from all these that I have told thee shall escape, and see my sal- vation, and the end of your world." This means that all Europeans that escape the trou- bles mentioned will see the end of their world (Europe). II. Esdras 6-26: "And the men (nations) that are received shall see it, who have not tasted death from their birth ; and the heart of the inhabitants shall be changed, and turned into another meaning." Signifying the nations of a republican form of gov- ernment, who shall maintain their existence throughout the present fast approaching preparation, or the coming night of thick darkness upon the earth (Europe) which will remain for seven years, then will come the great mil- lennial morning (political morning) after thegreatpolitical JOSEPHUS SHORTENS THE YEARS. 83 earthquake; then the nations that have stood the shock shall see my salvation; meaning the perfections of our republic over that of a monarchy; then the hearts of their inhabitants shall be turned into another meaning, and that meaning will be a republic of the people, by the peo- ple, and for the people; which is all the salvation there ever was. It is all the salvation there is mentioned in any of the Almighty's Sacred Books, and there are many of the^m, many more than have ever entered the mind of man. Our present form of government has nearly run its course for what it was created; then comes the resurrec- tion and transfiguration, sometimes called the millennium, of which all are purely political, and not spiritual, as all theology has been teaching. The Sun and Moon Stood Still. Joshua 10-13: "And the sun stood still and the moon stayed until the nation had avenged themselves of their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher?"* Book of Jasher 88-64: "And the Lord hearkened to the voice of Joshua, and the sun stood still in the midst of the heavens, and it stood still six and thirty moments, and the moon also stood still and hastened not to go down a whole day." Jasher 88-65: "And there was no day like that, before it or after it, that the Lord hearkened to the voice of a man, for the Lord fought for Israel." Joshua 10-12: "Then spake Joshua to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel; and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon ; and thou, moon, in the Valley of Aijaion." Verse 13: "And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the nation had avenged themselves of their enemies. Is not this written in the Book of Jasher? And the sun stayed in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day." Verse 14: "And there was no day like that before it or after it. that the Lord hearkened unto the voice of a man; for the Lord fought for Israel." There was no day like that before or afterwards. Our Constitution was afterw^ards amended, so that the same danger might never occur again. In the year 1800 a Republican Congressional caucus nominated Thomas Jefiferson and Aaron Burr, for Presi- dent, being the first presidential nomination in that way in the United States; the object being to give the Presi- *In the Book of Joshua there are two a's in Jashar and only one in the Book ot Jasher. 84 THE SUN AND THE MOON STOOD STILL. 85 dency and Vice Presidency to one political party. Jefifer- son and Burr each received 73 votes, Adams 65, Pinckney 64, and John Jay i, A Rhode Island elector of the Fed- eralist party, seeing the opportunity of making a tie on Jefferson and Burr, voted with the JefTersonian Repub- licans, thus accomplishing the designs of the Federalist party, by throwing the election into the House of Repre- sentatives. A long and bitter contest followed. Thirty-five times the voting went round and the hour had nearly come when, if a President had not been chosen the goven? ~ient would have been destroyed; but on the thirty-sixth ballot Jefferson received a plurality, and the life of the nation was preserved. The extreme Federalists desired to prevent any election, and leave the President of the Senate the act- ing President for an interregnum. But Jefferson and his friends were determined, one and all, that the day such an act was passed, the Middle States would arm, and prevent any and all usurpations of the kind. The above were the substance of Jefferson's own words, and John Randolph afterwards added color and detail, when he said, "Had we not the promise of Dark's Brigade and of the arms at Harper's Ferry?" The Presidential fight in the year 1800 was symbol- ized by the fight between Joshua and the Amorites. Josh- ua the Jeffersonian Republicans, and the Federalist that of the Amorites. We have shown in other parts of this volume that Joshua symbolized the political ruler of the United States from 1776 until 1801, an interval of twenty- five years. In prophecy the President symbolizes the sun, as he is the most conspicuous luminary of the nation; and the Vice President is the next, and he is symbolized by the moon. The Jeffersonian Republicans' doings were in sight of all the people (all Israel) in holding out until they obtained the desired plurality on the thirty-sixth ballot; which was symbolized by the six and thirty moments that the sun and the moon stood still until the nation shall have re- venged itself upon its enemies. (See the 88th chapter in the Book of Jasher, and the loth chapter in the Book of 86 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. Joshua.) The six and thirty moments symbolize thirty- six times or thirty-six periods of time; so many essential elements; deciding points, so many facts, considerations, or influential circumstances. Our President and Vice President, who were sym- bols of the sun and moon, stayed or stood still, until the Republicans, led by JefTerson, gained the victory over their enemies by gaining the plurality on the thirty-sixth ballot. • The party of the Federals was styled an enemy of Israel because the members favored a centralized form of gov- ernment, which was in direct opppsition to the laws of Moses, the only salvation promised to the human family, as Moses was the great law giver. Flavins Josephus calls Moses our great legislator, and Josephus was an Ameri- can historian. By this we mean that the works of Jose- phus are a complete history of the United States. So do Jasher, and Enoch, in their books, but not so minutely; also the Apocrypha and the Apocryphal New Testament have the same history, but more in allegory. Flavius Josephus Who Symbolizes the United States Treasury Department. As we have quoted largely from the works of Jose- phus, we will teli our readers who Flavius Josephus was, or at least what he symbolized. Flavius Josephus was born of the family of our United States treasury. Life of Flavius Josephus, Verse i.: Now I am not only sprung from a sacerdotal family in general, but from the first of the twenty-four courses. (Washington's first administration was the first of the twenty-four courses, as McKinley's is the twenty-fourth.) The following is an account of the birth of Josephus: An independent treasury bill, rejected at a special ses- sion of Congress in the year 1837, was renewed again in the year 1840, by an eminent statesman, combined with the strong and repeated arguments in President Van Bu- ren's message. This caused the Senate, 23d of January, and the House, June 30th, 1840, to pass upon it, and from that date originated whatsoever we have had of an independent treasury. Thus Flavius Josephus, the histor- ian, was born in the year after Christ, 1840. In proof of Josephus being a symibol of all there has ever been of an independent United States- Treasury since the year 1840, we give the following extracts from the life of Josephus: Verse 2: "Moreover, when I was a child, and about 14 years of age, I was commended by all for the love I had to learning; on which account the high priests and principal men of the city came then frequently to me to- gether, in order to know my opinion about the accurate understanding of points of law." The fourteenth year of Josephus' age would be in 1854, when the United States Treasury Department was consulted 'by the chief officers of the nation. 87 88 ANCIENT OF DAYS RENEWED. "And when I was about i6 years old, I had a mind to make trial of the several sects that were among us." Josephus was i6 years old in the year 1856, from which time our treasury had hard fare for about three years, until it was 19 years old, in the year 1859, "These sects are three; the first is that of the Phari- sees; the second, that of the Sadducees; and the third, that of the Essens, as we have frequently told you; for I thought that by this means I might choose the best, if I were once acquainted with them all; so I contented my- self with hard fare, and underwent great difficulties, and went through them all. Nor did I content myself with these trials only, but when I was informed that one, whose name was Banus, lived in the desert, and used no other clothing than grew upon the trees, and had no other food than what grew of its own accord, and bathed himself in cold water frequently, both by night and by day, in order to preserve his chastity, I imitated in those things, and continued with him three years. So when I had accom- plished my desires, I returned back to the city, being now 19 years old, and began to conduct myself according to the rules of the sect of the Pharisees, which is of kin to the sect of the Stoics, as the Greeks call them." The United States Treasury began 19 years after 1840, in the year 1859, to assume some of the more ancient and strict ceremonials than it had ever assumed before, of which varied but little until about 1866. "But, when I was in the twenty-sixth year of my age, it happened that I took a voyage to Rome, and this on the occasion which I shall now describe. At the time when Felix was procurator of Judea, there were certain priests of my acquaintance, and very excellent persons they were, whom on a small and trifling occasion he had put into bonds, and sent to Rome to plead their cause be- fore Caesar. These I was desirous to procure deliverance for, and that especially because I was Informed that they were not unmindful of piety towards God, even under their afflictions, but supported themselves with figs and nuts." A voyage to Rome symbolizes a bill that is brought before Congress and before Caesar, that requires the aid FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS. 89 and sanction of the administration that happens to be in power at the time Josephus took a voyage to Rome, in 1866, when he was 26 years of age. "Accordingly I came to Rome, though it was through a great number of hazards by sea; for, as our ship was drowned in the Adriatic Sea, we that were in it, being about 600 in number, swam for our Hves all the night; when upon the first appearance of the day, and upon our sight of a ship of Cyrene, I and some others, eighty in all, by God's providence, prevented the rest, and were taken up into the other ship." The ship that Josephus (our treasury) took passage on to Rome had aboard besides Josephus, as passengers, about six hundred banking concerns; but Josephus says, that by the providence of God they were all shipwrecked and drowned but himself and seventy-nine others, who swam all night and at daybreak were picked up by a ship of Cyrene, which symbolizes about eighty national banks that were created about that time. The ship of Gyrene symbolizes a vicious, Oriental banking system which our national banking system and its effects upon the commonality of the nation is antitypi- cal. Slavery in the United States. Book of Jasher 88-50: "Only the inhabitants of Gibeon were greatly afraid of fighting against the Israel- ites lest they should perish, so they acted cunningly, and they came to Joshua and to all Israel, and said unto them. We have come from a distant land, now, therefore, make a covenant with us." The Gibeonites symbolize the institution of slavery in the United States, after the declaration of independ- ence, and those who had property in slaves acted cun- ningly in advocating the antiquity of its origin, which was symbolized by the long distance in which the Gibeonites had come to make their treaty with Joshua, after the cross- ing of the Jordan in 1776. Jasher 88-51: "And the inhabitants of Gibeon over- reached the children of Israel, and the children of Israel made a covenant with them, and they made peace with them, and the princes of the congregation swore unto them, but afterwards the children of Israel knew that they were neighbors to them and were dwelling amongst them." Jasher 88-52: "But the children of Israel slew them not; for they had sworn to them by the Lord, and they be- came hewers of wood and drawers of water." It was a continual saying after 1776 that the institu- tion of slavery was an oversight, and something that had been overlooked in the struggle for independence, and doubtless the slaveholders had been promised