Class CDEXRIGllT DEPOSm '-'{S Cd^IalFORNIA and other selected mEiym From the Writings of rX ^ I Artlmir Franklin Fulleif ('Literary Production No. 38) AUTHOR OF A Book of Poems, Vol. 1 A Book of Poems, Vol. 2 The Golden Chalice and Other Poems By the Fire-^lace and Other Poems brother iMine and Other Poems Friendship and Other Writings The Joyous Life — Seven Essays: 1, The Joyous Life; 2, Education; 3, At the Foot of the %tin- bouo; 4, oAmbition; 5, Bene'volence; 6, Faith; 7, Work Wrestling the Wolf oAn Old Soldiery Kathleen 3dusic Lore, and 27 Other Books Published By ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO., 1138 S. Valencia Street Los Angelei, California JAN 2G 1920 ^ Page California ,.5 A Good World 10 The Quest of Life 11 The Miracle of Love 12 Brown Eyes 13 Blue Eyes 14 I've Found a Man 15 Remembered 16 A Happy Pair 17 Farewell 18 Little Blossom 19 Good Cheer 20 What Is Love 21 I Wonder Why 26 A Woman's Love 29 Anchorage 30 Because I Know You Love Me 32 The Narrow Way 33 The Lode-Star 33 Seeker's Song 34 Waiting 35 Heart Courageous 36 The Ultimate 37 II Cammino (The Way) 38 By the Western Sea 39 4 ©C!,A559519 cV^ CALIFORNIA e count! And straightway make the life-glow mount; They boost the spirits, scale the wall — Aver, 'tis a good world after all! 10 THE QUEST OF LIFE The wildest song of joy. The loftiest words of praise, Bow down in awe and silence — The skill of Orpheus stays! A theme too grand for mortal terms — The Dawn of Bliss now heaven affirms; The Gift of Love — unbought, unsnared. All freed of self — with grace prepared. Oh, is this really true? What merit can I show? Of beauty, fame or riches No dower can I bestow. Nor have I wrought for thee, dear heart. Nor used Dan Cupid's guile or dart. Pray tell — hast come through Fancy's dream To vanish with the Day-star's beam? 11 THE MIRACLE OF LOVE The miracle of love has come to me! The Answer to my voiceless prayer I see. A queen among her kind my need hath guessed — Hath brought me joy, content, and sweetest rest. O gende, velvet hands that raised my head From dust and ashes, and about me spread TTie magic mantle of unselfish love Exalted thus my soul to planes above. O beaming eyes of wondrous hue benign With golden, feminine heart and mind they shine; They gazed on me with understanding sweet — With loving impulse, warm her heart then beat. Sweet, tender lips — dear arms and bosom fair, How dared I hope that I might nestle there? And clasp you yet again in long embrace — Press raptured kisses on your neck and face! O lovely creature, full of grace and charm, God grant that none shall do you any harm; Would I might shield and guide you where you go- Companionship and service humbly show. For, since I held you, life hath sweeter grown — And blessed seeds of hope and joy are sown; Would God 'twere mutual — then my own you*d be- Rejoicing, love to spend your life with me. 12 BROWN-EYES Brown-eyes with tender light aglow, Lotus-Hke, wondrous and shy, Wherein a spirit more lovely doth show Than the temple which men descry; Soft thine arms and tender thy breast; Womanly charms upon thee rest, Ah! 'tis no wonder I love thee best. Sweet maid with the tender brown-eyes. Brown-eyes! Intelligence shining there. Telling of progress and light. Would you could tell me your owner does care And the future for me is bright! Hers the touch of an angel's hand. Thrilling with joy as though heaven planned We'd bless each other and understand — Dear Love, with the tender brown-eyes. 13 BLUE EYES Blue eyes that smile "good morning," Beaming with loving care, Watching, to tell their sweet owner That here is a task she can share ; Interest and constancy kindling Love-lights that faithfully shine, Though her soul seem to be faulty Its virtues but prove it divine. CHORUS Love brings to Life sweetest music — A language all its own; Speaking in look and contact. In service and in tone. She is my loving companion Binding with homely ties; And I'm blessed all my days, in a thousand ways By her of the sweet blue eyes! Blue eyes, with gaze so unflinching Tell of a heart pure as dew, Ideals a wee bit old-fashioned But sweet as the summer's review. Blue eyes, so luminous, tender. Their evening message disclose; Calm as a river at sunset. Trustful — as a God-child who knows I CHORUS 14 I'VE FOUND A MAN Shoulders broad and hips so trim, Sinews tough as a hickory limb; Light as a panther, lithe as an eel. Chest like a greyhound — a grip like steel; Lion of heart, with a voice that rings. Tuned like a harp of a thousand strings; As kind as brave and as brave as strong — My heart with him he took along. REFRAIN Tve found a man I can love for aye — Tve found a comrade for work and play; Ne'er known such joy as now thrills with gle< The greatest love has come to me! Mind as keen as Damascus steel — Able to grapple with any deal ; Genial spirit — generous too — Gifted with conscience, leal and true; I know by his frame he can play a man's roh I see by his thoughts he's a noble soul; I see by his eye he's sincere — wants me — With joy I'll yield to Love's decree! REFRAIN I've found the man I can love for aye — I've found my comrade for work and play; Ne'er known such joy as now thrills with gl The man I love is loving me! 15 REMEMBERED Sweetheart, the days and nights are long- Night-birds echo my lonely song; Nor sigh nor song my heart reHeve From dark till dawn or morn till eve. What though I dream of wish fulfilled. The yearning yet remains unstilled; 'Tis you I crave — to you I cleave — From dark till dawn and morn till eve. REFRAIN My Consolation — Sweet Repose — With yours my soul e'er linking. Of all the world 'twas you I chose, Of you then, still, I'm thinking. The distant hills lie blue and grand Like sea-waves made by master-hand; As sure as they, my love receive From dark till dawn and morn till eve. TTiy living presence bring to me — Nor fancy aught can solace be But thine own self; thy joy come weave From dark till dawn and morn till eve. REFRAIN 16 A HAPPY PAIR Soft the perfumed air is blowing Sweetly sing the happy birds, Shines the splendid sun, bestowing Kindly beams like gracious words; Love by equal love reflected Claims its own as two agree; Call and AnsTver, heard, respected- — Holy ties that bind, yet free. Now the best in them exalted. Faith and Hope with Love descried. Tender thoughts and joy in service Humanness thus glorified. Joy be theirs, today, tomorrow — Harmony and rapport new; God revealing, scouting sorrow — Progress all their whole lives through. FAREWELL We have packed your things for travel, Wished you both all wedded bliss While each thing we have handled We've foreseen we'll often miss. All is done save bidding God-speed And we're holding back our tears As we hope for a re-union Ere the months have grown to years. May the ties that bind grow stronger As the scroll of life unrolls; May each find, before much longer. Fond ambition's worthiest goals. Don't forget we're watching, waiting — Keeping home-fires burning, too; Fame and Fortune raise your rating — But — come home and joys renew. 18 LITTLE BLOSSOM O sweet little blossom so stately and gay Reflecting God's sunshine in your blessed way. It's good that you're with us — a gift from above — The world would be darker without you to love. O sweet little blossom, we're watching you grow — Unfolding quite flower-like as years come and go; And birthdays, it seems, are adding so fast While each phase of childhood too quickly is passed. O sweet little blossom, our refuge is here: That you are God's child and there's nothing to fear! We'd help you to choose the best use of your time, And onward and upward in progress to climb. 19 GOOD CHEER My heart with love o*erflowing. In all around I see But beauty, joy and kindness — A world from gloom set free; The sky so soft, in azure deep. The radiant sun with quickening sweep; Awake, rejoice, with vision clear. Now spread the gospel of Good Cheer! The birds their paeans singing. The flowers in myriad hues. In grateful rapture springing. Their happy homage choose; With nature glad, shall man be sad And let his thought with gloom be clad? Awake, rejoice! thy vision clear — Come share with me the real Good Cheer! 2i WHAT IS LOVE I Pray tell me, what is love? Is it an ardent fire Which burns insatiate — Incontinent desire? Is it a white-heat flame Which full control assumes The powers of the frame All heedlessly consumes? Pray tell me, what is love? The lure of sense-delight That makes you disregard The morrow and the right? Convenience, comfort, mood Of your companion, till You clutch the witching food And gain th* ecstatic thrill? Or yet, is love the thing That casts respect aside To let self revel, king, Nor lofty thoughts abide, As does dumb brute whose mind Is limited to sense. And as a creature, find Such course life's recompense? The answer yet I seek — A sane reply I crave; Let him with wisdom speak- — The need for Truth is grave. Is love companionship In idleness and ease Long tarrying where you yield And appetites appease? 21 II What is love? Let you have conquered fleshly urge — Attained to intellect's lofty height — But deign to heed my cry — diverge; From your plateau of thought recite. Is love the cold impassive claim Of appreciation, virtue, worth. Intelligence, skill and lofty aim — Which knows more dignity than mirth — And scorns the pleading humanness Of this, the being chosen then. To be the nearest, dearest; yes. Your chum in all your kind may ken? Will it scorn Dame Nature's plain-told plan — Her bounteous gifts, which should rejoice; Or grace and charm, releasing ban On sight and sound and smell and choice? The pulsing flesh that waits the touch Which in one blissful moment pays For all the fights that cost so much And all the grief of life allays? Will love despise the fond caress — The throbbing frame that longs to bless; The heart that pleads to sacrifice — And counts no pain too great a price But yearns to comfort, rest and give. If but thereby the mate may live. Will love forget — replace so soon This comradeship — life's dearest boon? 22 Will it hold asceticism right And humanness but carnal mind — Constrain the child to coldly slight. Condemn its mother, nature-blind? Do you say, affection's foolish stuff That infant fondling really seems But mammal instinct, sure enough. And kisses, fit for Judas' schemes! Ill Arise, ye souls that claim to be re-born, And left the toys of infancy behind; The lure of Hedonism who've learned to scorn — The things of present life, for heaven resigned. Tell me. Is love that vague, ethereal thing. Impersonal essence, straight from Paradise That makes man live the Golden Rule and cling To habits of philanthropy precise? That lifts the robber's victim from the dust Or gutter-fallen son of Bacchus takes To sheltering arms of home, new hope and trust? Which prompts a vice crusade — or slumming, makes A show of kind concern, dispensing tracts Among soiled doves who missed the happier way — Feels duly shocked to see what Shame enacts — To view these wrecks and degradation's prey? Define love clear. Is it love that doth endow A hospital or more where the poor may pitch. Or is such done that Fame may view; avow The giver grgeat. Behold — one man was rich! Or is it love that stands betwixt a man , And his just sentence as the mighty can. Or is their clemency more but to impress The masses and make show of tenderness? 23 Have patience with me — do not scorn to tell So my untutored soul may grasp the sense! Is it love that gives up all that pleases well To go to foreign lands and there dispense One's own preferred religion to those folk Of other tongues — but notions quite as clear As ours, regarding Truth; who light invoke And worship God with holy faith and fear? Perceive no need of doctrines new, and creeds That seem the fruit of Holy Writ. They feel. Too many sects and zealots' points but feed Dissensions, and great verities conceal. They too with me would ask: Oh, is this love — Which feels no personal regard for one. And none more close or dear — none stand above The rest, in thought and heart — no ties begun? IV Avaunt! Ye all are warped, the issue waive; Ye stall and speak with faltering tongue And logic quite as dull as earthling's grave. When on this matter ye should be full strung. When human wisdom fails to qualify — When sages, seers and prophets shrug and shirk Mayhap some simple God-child such as I Can tell the story — pierce the fog and murk. Ah love! to know thee is to live indeed! 'Tis love deals gently, kindly all the way — Expresses life, meets every shade of need. Creates all beauty's marvelous array; Calls forth the grand parade of Wisdom's part. Fills all God's universe with joy and good. With oil for every head and balm for heart. Gives all a use and place as Wisdom should. 24 'Tis Love inspires, uplifts and glorifies — Brings out the latent powers and good descries In everything about — or low or high — And knows it is the Truth that God is nigh. So on this plane, 'tis only worth the name When equal in each phase. Our present frame Needs ministrations — body, mind and soul — And no one part may claim to be the whole. By loyal, earnest loving, here on earth. We win promotion — gain a higher birth. To bear and forbear, vanquish self, we learn — That only good can bless we thus discern. We see it is our blessed part to be The best of what we are — high humans — free To choose our course and harvest what we sow; Old carnal mind is dross we must outgrow. Ah, Love is understanding, sympathy; It longs to help — it scouts all tyranny, 'Tis Love that doeth good — casts out all fear; It is of God — fills heart and life with cheer! 25 I WONDER WHY I wonder why there seems no other way To rise, except we fall ; or flowers gay With concentrated fragrance only bless When torn from state and crushed within a press? That better qualified to win, each soul Which earnest strives, yet fails to win its goal? Why hopes deferred till anguished, sick, we cry, Seem best for growth? Ah me — I wonder why? I wonder why the Truth is hard to see — Why we can be misled and few agree; Why some who yearn for light but find the dark — Defeat and bondage seem each life to mark? Why 'tis so rare to find one who can bless — Can give us courage by their tenderness; Why swine can lure the pearls — nor know, nor try. While those who strive get naught — I wonder why? I wonder why with chance so rare and fleet. In vain I sued for mercy at your feet, And shameless bared my ardent, weary soul — Believed we understood and echoed toll; Why choice of words or passing mood offends, When still the heart no bitterness intends, But only yearns to help and bless and try To speak in fond caress — I wonder why? 26 I wonder why your graceful, curving lips, Your rounding cheek, soft eyes, and charm, eclipse The women-folk that I have chanced to meet — In all that heart could wish you seem replete; Yet like a mirage in the desert waste You came, a vision sweet — but soon efFaced; Since, while rve may, I could not qualify For fellowship with you — I wonder why? I wonder why so seldom realized Are those sweet dreams we have idealized. And things we think we want and fight to get Prove void of satisfaction when they're met; And priceless treasures offer but in vain — Are scorned, e'en when one knows rebuff will pain! But if hereby you're spared one anguished sigh, 'Tis better so. And yet — I wonder why? I wonder why the secret still is hid Of how to get all good and peace ; and rid Our consciousness of all that blights and grieves — So he who toils the fairer wage receives! If it must be that I but yearn in vain And strive unblessed — the ministry of pain^ — I'll do my bit, (since you reward deny!), Why cheat us both — O Love, pray tell me why? 27 I wonder why this trial has come to me — What ancient CAUSE made this RESULT to be- Demands that I may ardent soul must quell, Resist your charm — the gifts I love so well! Must cease my pretty speeches, act so cool — Renounce the role of sentimental fool! To hopes of sweet communion say goodbye — Go on, accept my fate — but wonder, why? I wonder why, in spite of thought and grit It proves so hard to find a place we'll fit — The thing we want is ofttimes out of reach — And all our struggles fail to span the breach; From glint of silken tress of red-wood hue To sole of grace-wise feet, all told, you're you! Who takes of joy must pay in sob and sigh, I'll cease — ^you say I must! I wonder why? I wonder why 'tis not my lot to give All that you wish and pray for. Yet you'll live Perchance, to see it is the simple fact That none could furnish all — aye, something lacked! I beg you be not ruthless now, forsooth. But yield to reason, face the cruel truth! The strongest man or thing must shortly die — But has his day. Is this not mine? Then why? 28 I A WOMAN'S LOVE Mere man — so dull thou art of ear and eye, To read a woman's soul, small use to try; E'en though in other things thy wit be keen. The vastness of her depths remain unseen. All man beholds is that which, mirrored now. His ardent self, just when she doth allow Upon her surface — as when two souls touch — Man bows in awe that she can love so much! Hence, seldom fair esteemed or understood. She must add patience to her store of good; Must rise to towering heights and find reward In learning umelf-ed love doth joy afford! A mere man, such as I, may never gain So high a sphere — a fit response sustain; Yet I recall with awe your deeds and touch — Who would have dreamed that you could love so much? 29 ANCHORAGE Bursting with joy this glad heart seems- The world with glory glows; With music sweet anon it teems, All fair the breeze that blows. Loveliest creature ever seen — At last my heart finds rest; My peerless, radiant, gentle queen. Thou art life's dearest, best. Fair, creamy white thy velvet sheath — Thine eyes so tender, sweet; All womanly the soul beneath — With charm thou art replete. Gladly I pass the giddy throngs — Sensations new they seek; TTieir laughter, empty as their songs. Their way, all downward, bleak! Glorious the guerdon of thy breast! Within thy loving arms Is quiet joy, and peace and rest — Heart-home that lifts and charms! Thy silken hair — I love its sheen; Thy form so soft and round; Thy lips whose graceful curves I ween, For lingering kisses bound. 30 While I adore thine outward mask, Tm happier still to know Thou hast a mind — nor shirk thy task. And daily progress show. Heart that forgives — nor charges fault— I think of thee with tears Of grateful yearning; you exalt And scout despair and fears! Ambitious, energetic too, And loyal to the core ril love you all our whole lives through. Sweet pal — then better, more. 31 BECAUSE I KNOW YOU LOVE ME How fair and bright the world all seems; Fulfilled are all life's dearest dreams; With hope and joy the future gleams Because I know you love me! I fear no ill, I know no care, And good seems blooming everywhere — No longer hard the way I fare, Because I know you love me! The zephyrs blow a kind caress. The world seems full of tenderness; While all I touch essays to bless. Because I know you love me! How good it seems to be alive! Now higher impulse seems to thrive; No longer need I search and strive — Because I know you love me! The air seems filled with sweet perfume, The earth, the sky, seem all a-bloom. And lonely grief no more finds room Because I know you love me! All is success — I've found my Prize! Behold love's blessing in your eyes! Whate'er my lot, for you I'll rise. Because I know you love me! 32 THE NARROW WAY None but the good are beautiful. None but the kind are truly great; None but the wise are dutiful. None but the faithless hesitate. Only the grateful can rejoice — Only the honest rest in peace. Only the meek are soft of voice. Only the patient gain release! THE LODESTAR With fear and doubt enthralling The mortal Adam-man, Will, cannot save from falling. Nor bless the dearest plan; The cup of worldly pleasure Yields naught but bitter dregs; And empty proves earth's measure — In vain for joy he begs. But for the man who catches A glimmer of the Truth, Comes power that more than matches AH claims of ill, forsooth. "Let there be light!** said Godhead — And there was light indeed; So shall the child, illumined. Find cure for every need. 38 SEEKER'S SONG O Sun of Truth, dawn thou on us who wait; Open our eyes. The mists of mortal thought now penetrate — Destroy its lies. Systems of thought and creeds in countless throng Veil heavenly skies; They teach sincerely wrong. O Day-Star, many say thou*lt come again In human form; Come as a thief at night and none know when — Wilt all transform. Yearning for truth, our hearts now overflow; Mark Error's storm — Make haste — we need thee so! Look on the tears by earnest seekers shed — Their ceaseless search; Perplexed, bewildered, and so oft misled, They can but lurch. Those promises fulfill that we may know Thy Body — Church; Come Lord, we need thee so! 34 WAITING mother — it is night and time to pray; 1 kneel in holy silence in the way You taught me in my early childhood's course And nurtured daily. Thus Prayer's gentle force Still permeates my heart and life; dost see? Ah, tend me now as here the world I flee To seek a closer touch with God above And strive to feel e'en now, your tender love. 'Tis not so long ago you took your way To realms beyond the ken of mortal clay; But hours and days drag by with leaden feet And only night is good when solace sweet Is lent me as when Morpheus' kind embrace Brings sleep's forgetfulness a little space — Till with the morning's light I wake to know You are not here; and Ah, I miss you so! O mother, what though every earthly need Be fully met, and all you planned proceed — My schooling, culture — all a girl should own — A healthy body, now an adult grown; And while my heart with gratitude o'erflows. For all of this, yet Time a laggard goes Since nevermore on earth thy face I'll see And though I call, you cannot come to me. Those happy, golden days, O mother dear. When you, my friend and comrade, still wert near Must e'er remain the sweetest of my life — With your companionship. Ah, joy was rife; Would God your tender touch could reach me now — Your wealth of love and understanding still endow The course of life. I'll wait my call with grace, But miss you so — a loss naught can replace! 36 HEART COURAGEOUS (a cruce salus) TTiough black my night with sullen gloom. Though ripping lightnings threaten doom, TTiough loud the thunders crash and boom, M}) soul goes on unshaken! TTiough torrents pour and chasms yawn. The treacherous way make life a pawn. The "better day" forget to dawn. Thank ^od I stand unbeaten! It matters not how oft I fall — What troubles tower, what demons maul. What tricks or lies essay to pall, / am — / knon? — /'// conquer! No circumstance shall crush me down — I'll gain the heights though Fate still frown; 77/ claim m^ right of Good — my crown; The Truth-way Home, I've taken! 36 THE ULTIMATE Darkness — thick — that can be felt; Misery, mud and mire; Labor and strife to each one dealt, Affliction's torturing fire. Winter-storms and bitter cold. Skies o'ercast and gray. Comfort lean and hardship bold — New problems every day. Anger leaping to the throat — Criticism rife; Times of peace and joy remote — What bitterness in life! See! the dawning Sun shines out — Darkness disappears; Error's legions put to rout. With all its doubts and fears. Old things now are passed away As Truth is understood; No matter how things seem today, The END, the REAL, is GOOD! 87 IL CAMMING* (The Way) The Path — a tortuous Way we all must tread From cradle warm to lonely bed of ground. Whereon are problems, cares, all thickly spread, And disappointments, sore defeats abound. So must it be till Truth is understood — Till mortals scout the dross of carnal mind; Adopt the law of love — do only good. Rejoice in service, love but to be kind. In tenderness, the faults and failings hide Of these thy brethren on the road today; Bind thou the stranger's wounds — forbear to chide; And comfort one another on the Way. ^Italian — meaning, the path, the road, the course, the way of a journey. 38 BY THE WESTERN SEA Queen of the earth, O peerless one! Thine unveiled charms may none resist; But captive bow, all fairly done, And crowned by lovers thou hast kissed ; Thy glorious mountains, bosom fair. Thy fertile valleys graces rare; TTiy dazzling sunsets vanquish care — Dear California! REFRAIN By the western sea, Is the fairest lea — No room for care In you or me; Hear the zephyr's tune In the treetops croon! Hours flit by too soon In California. Here, sweet fulfillment of a dream, Edenic peace and beauty reign; While flow'r and fern and fragrance seem An endless, gorgeous, happy train. At eve the star-gemmed crown of blue To raise the gaze from earth will sue; No soul's forlorn who dares to woo Sweet California! REFRAIN 39 ^ i>i I