D 209 .L47 Copy 1 QUESTIONS DESIGNED TO ACCOMPANY LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS PUPILS' EDITION NEW YORK D. APPLETON AND COMPANY 1900 QUESTIONS DESIGNED TO ACCOMPANY LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS PUPILS' EDITION NEW YORK D. APPLETON AND COMPANY 1900 Library of eongrai^ Offlee of the MAY ] 4 19U0 Kcgltter of Copyrights SECOND COPY. 59084 Copyright, 1900, By D. APPLETON AND COMPANY. ^^ PREFACE The questions which we here present to the teacher for use with the Pupils' Edition of Linton's Century Charts have been found available in the class room in two ways : first, as affording groundwork for daily lessons; and sec- ondly, as an aid in reviews and examinations. They are preceded by a series of exercises sufficiently copious to insure on the part of the pupil a perfect knowledge of the mechanism of the Charts before entering upon the his- torical studies. These exercises have been prepared for use with a set of the large Century Charts, which may be procured either mounted and fixed upon a movable stand, or in five single sheets, mounted as wall maps. No difficulty will be found, however, in adapting a large part of the exercises to the Chart Atlas. Any text-book of United States history, whether brief or comprehensive, may be studied in conjunction with the Charts. This remark may be applied to foreign history also; the synchronisms — of English and French history especially — being given with sufficient fullness to form a foundation for wide historical studies. Perhaps the Charts will give most efficient results when combined with a gen- eral Modern History. iii IV PREFACE A useful and attractive feature of the Charts is their suggestiveness to instructors whose lessons are given by lecture. Innumerable topics appear, now in isolated de- tails, now as a connected whole. Hints and brief touches, too, stimulate inquiry on the part of the student, and foster the habit of independent thought and reference so neces- sary in the acquirement of real culture. MECHANISM OF THE CHARTS The Century Chart is divided into one hundred small squares, called year-squares, arranged in ten horizontal rows, each row representing ten years, or the decade of a century. Diagram A I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5\ 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 2 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS Diagram A represents a numbered diagram of a Cen- tury Chart. As will be seen, the years are counted from the top left-hand square, each year having its own fixed place on the Chart. The heavy lines — one horizontal, the other perpendicular — which intersect each other in the center of the Chart are designed solely to facilitate naming at sight the date of any year-square. EXERCISES A COPY of the large Century Chart being placed be- fore the pupils, the teacher, pointer in hand, begins at the first square and proceeds slowly through the first decade, the class announcing distinctly in unison the number of each square. This process may be continued successively through the remaining rows or decades till year-square 100 is reached. Or, if the teacher prefer, he may pause after the first decade and require two repetitions — one by odd and one by even numbers, as : — 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ; — 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ; and another without regard to order, as : — 8, 3, 6, 1, 9, 4, 7, 2, 10, 5. He should call attention to the heavy line whicli separates 5 and 6, and emphasize these num- bers, which are landmarks in the decades. The four succeeding rows or decades may be treated in the same thorough manner, thus completing the first half of the century, after which the teacher may return to year-square number 1, and proceed downward through the first perpendicular row with the pointer, the class announc- ing the numbers 1, 11, 21, 31, 41 at least three times; then the numbers of the second row, 2, 12, 22, 32, 42 ; and so on through the remaining rows. After this drill the class will be prepared in some measure for promiscuous work, or *' skipping about," which the teacher may continue at will on this portion of the Chart. In entering on the last half of the century, the teacher will do well to drill the class with special care on the dec- ade just above and the decade just below the heavy hori- 3 4 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS zontal line, so that the forties and the fifties may be clearly defined and easily connected. They are landmarks of the century, as the fives and sixes are landmarks of the dec- ades. Pointing, then, to the respective squares, let the teacher require numbers 41, 51 ;— 42, 52 ;— 45, 55 ;— 49, 59 ; —43, 53;— 47, 57 ;— 44, 54;— 48, 58 ;— 46, 56 ;— 50, 60;— 50, 51 ;— 50, 52 ;— 50, 53 ;— 50, 55 ;— 50, 58. The method pursued in the study of the first half of the Chart may now be applied to the last half ; after which the teacher should institute a rather prolonged and careful re- view of the perpendicular rows, proceeding from top to bot- tom of the Chart in regular order, as, from 1 to 91, from 2 to 92, from 3 to 93, etc. ; or he may call first for the rows of odd numbers and then for those of the even ones ; or, if he find the class equal to it, he may require the rows pro- miscuously. As this part of the work demands great thor- oughness, the three ways may be used in succession with advantage to the learners. A special exercise on the decades will complete the me- chanical portion of the work, and obviate a slight difficulty that is met with in reckoning the tens. The pupils are apt naturally to locate the twenties in the second row, the thir- ties in the third row, the forties in the fourth row, and so on. Let the teacher, therefore, pointer in hand, impress upon his pupils the fact that year-square number 20 com- pletes the second decade ; year-square number 30 the third decade; year-square number 40 the fourth decade, and so on ; whereas year-square 21 begins the tliird decade, year- square 31 the /owr^/i decade, year-square 41 the ^/i^Z^ decade, year-square 51 the sixth decade, and so on, to the end. After a unison drill like the foregoing, the class will be prepared to study the year-squares on their Pupils' Edition of the Charts more intelligently and more systematically. To the perfect memorizing of the year -squares, therefore, the first study hours should be devoted — the illustrations. EXERCISES 5 symbols, and novel bits of information, however fascinating, being quite set aside during this first arithmetical process. A study hour faithfully employed will have fitted the pupils for a successful examination on the year-squares by means of Diagram B, in which all the dates belonging to Diagram B 93 27 I 14 66 32 41 84 50 77 15 46 94 38 8! 58 63 7 78 29 39 68 13 57 4 75 87 96 23 43 51 89 37 73 92 26 2 10 44 62 70 3 55 21 19 40 97 33 61 86 22 90 76 45 36 69 18 59 85 11 47 12 28 60 52 83 31 72 8 99 64 35 49 82 74 5 56 24 98 17 88 54 67 9 20 91 79 42 16 30 6 71, 80, 95 48 100 .25 65 34 5a the squares of a century have been purposely misplaced. The diagram has been arranged with a view to the" conven- ience of the teacher, that, while testing the readiness of his pupils in pointing out the year-squares, he may name pro- miscuously all the dates of a century without omitting or 6 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS repeating any, since Diagram B contains all the numbers from 1 to 100. This exercise is, of course, an individual drill. Each pupil takes successively the pointer and desig- nates the year-squares for a specified length of time — a min- ute or two ; or he may be required to yield the pointer to another on the first failure. DlAGBAM C 1st 1 2 3 A 5 6 7 8 9 10 2d II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3d 21 22 23 24- 25 26 27 28 29 30 4th 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 5th 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 6th 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 7th 61 62 63 64. 65 66 67 68 69 70 8th 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 9th 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 10th 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 The teacher may now institute a competitive drill on the decades. Diagram D will be found convenient for this pur- pose, as the decades are numbered at the left of the dia- gram. The following series of questions, having been sue- -30 ;— 40 -31 ;— 41 -45 ;— 55 EXERCISES 7 cessfuUy tested in class work, are offered to the instructor, to be used at option. They should be answered by the pupils in unison without reference to the Chart, since after the stud- ies already achieved the pupil will find it easy to assign the year-squares to the proper decades by means of the memory alone. Optional Questions In what decade is year-square 10; — 20 50 ;--70 ;— 90 ;— 100 ? In what decade is year-square 11 ; — 21 61 ;— 61 ;— 71 ;— 81 ;— 91 ? In what decade is year-square 25 ; — 35 65 ;— 75 ;— 85 ;— 95 ? The teacher may call for the year-squares of other rows in regular order, if he should deem it necessary, or he may proceed at once to promiscuous questioning, in which he may follow the order given below, or choose numbers at will from the diagram. In what decade is year-square 85 ; — 53 ; — 37 ; — 19 ; — 62 ; —44 ;— 21 ;— 76 ;— 10 ;~98 ;— 29 ;— 84 ;— 38 ;— 75 ;— 46 ;— 63 ;— 91 ;— 50 ;— 72 ;— 25 ;— 69 ;— 80 ;— 23 ;— 78 ;— 16 ;— 41 ; —99;— 60? Exercise on Prominent Events When pupils have attained facility in the mechanical exercises the instructor may require them individually to point out certain prominent events on each Chart, naming the dates at the same time ; or the teacher, pointing to the year-square and announcing the event, may call for the date in class unison. A few minutes' preparatory drill, however, will be found necessary on each Chart, that the distinctive century may be fixed in the mind. Therefore, on exposing the XVth Century Chart, the teacher first explains that 1401 begins 8 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS the century and 1500 closes it ; and then, pointer in hand, calls for the dates in full of at least ten year-squares, as 1425, 1447, 1460, etc. Events of the XVth Century to he pointed out, — The Birth of Columbus, 1435 ; Discovery of America, 1492 ; Co- lumbus in Chains, 1500; Accession of Queen Isabella of Castile, 1474. Accession of English Sovereigns : Henry V, 1413 ; Henry VI, 1422 ; Edward IV, 1461 ; Edward V and Eichard III, 1483 ; Henry VII, 1485. Art of Printing In- vented, 1436 ; Battle of Shrewsbury, 1403 ; Joan of Arc at Orleans, 1429. Events of the XVIth Century. — Death of Columbus, 1506 ; Death of Queen Isabella, 1504 ; Conquest of Mexico, 1521 ; New World first called America, 1507 ; Discovery of the Mississippi, 1541; Rise of the Dutch Eepublic, 1579; Edict of Nantes, 1598. Accession of English Sovereigns : Henry VIII, 1509; Edward VI, 1547; Mary, 1553; Eliza- beth, 1558. Accession of Francis I of France, 1515 ; First Circumnavigation of the Globe, 1522. Events of the XVIIth Century. — Settlement of the Colony of Virginia, 1607; of New York, 1614; of Massa- chusetts, 1620; of New Hampshire, 1623; of Connecticut, 1633 ; of Maryland, 1634; of Rhode Island, 1636 ; of Dela- ware, 1638 ; of North Carolina, 1663 ; of New Jersey, 1664 ; of South Carolina, 1670; of Pennsylvania, 1682. Accession of English Rulers : James I, 1603 ; Charles I, 1625 ; Oliver Cromwell, 1653; Charles II, 1660; James II, 1685; Wil- liam and Mary, 1689. Death of Shakespeare and Cer- vantes, 1616 ; of Francis Bacon, 1626 ; of Ben Jonson, 1637 ; of Milton, 1674 ; of Galileo, 1642 ; of Claude Lorrain and Murillo, 1682. Events of the XVIIIth Century. — Declaration of Inde- pendence, 1776; Birth of Washington, 1732; his First In- auguration, 1789 ; his Death, 1799 ; First Colonial Con- gress, 1765; the Boston Tea Party, 1773. Accession of EXERCISES 9 English Sovereigns : Queen Anne, 1702 ; George I, 1714 ; George II, 1727; George III, 1760. Eeign of Terror in France, 1793 ; Death of Addison, 1719; Death of Sir Isaac Newton, 1727; Settlement of Georgia, 1733; Battle of Bunker Hill, 1775. Events of the XlXtli Century. — Inauguration of Presi- dent Jefferson, 1801 ; of President Lincoln, 1861 ; of Presi- dent Garfield, 1881 ; of President Pierce, 1853 ; of President Polk, 1845 ; of President Cleveland, 1885 ; of President Mon- roe, 1817 ; of President Jackson, 1829 ; of President Grant, 1869 ; War with Great Britain, 1812 ; Civil War, 1861-'65 ; A¥ar with Mexico, 1846-'48 ; War with Spain, 1898. Ac- cession of English Sovereigns : George IV, 1820 ; William IV, 1830 ; Queen Victoria, 1837. Death of Longfellow and Emerson, 1882 ; Death of Macaulay, Irving, and Prescott, 1859. Exercise on the Symbols The pupil should next acquire a mastery over the vari- ous symbols used on the Charts to illustrate classes of events; these symbols will be found enumerated and ex- plained on the Chart Atlas. The symbols of the second column, beginning with that of Austria and ending with that of Wiirtemberg, inclusive, appear only on the XlXth Century Chart; hence, if the teacher think proper, the study of these may be postponed until later in the course. In class exercises on the symbols the use of the Chart Atlas is to be preferred, yet lessons will prove equally inter- esting and satisfactory with the large Chart if the symbols can be easily discerned by all the pupils. Questions on the Symbols What does a crown symbolize? A fleur-de-lis in black? A fleur-de-lis outlined ? A thistle ? The star of the garter ? 10 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS What symbol denotes the accession of a Spanish sover- eign ? Of a Portuguese sovereign ? Of a Eoman pontiff ? Of a king of Denmark ? Of an emperor of Germany ? Of a Turkish sultan ? Of a Kussian monarch ? Of a king of Prussia? Of a king of Aragon ? Explain the three uses of the Portuguese symbol. Explain two special symbols which appear — one refer- ring to Charles V of Germany, the other to the Union of Calmar. What symbol shows the accession of an emperor of Aus- tria? Of a king of Greece? Of a king of Bavaria? Of an emperor of Brazil ? Of a king of the Belgians ? Of a sovereign of Holland? Of a king of Wiirtemberg? Of a king of Saxony ? What is the symbol of a present emperor of Germany ? Why? What symbolizes the first inauguration of a president of the United States ? The second inauguration ? How is the shield located when a vice-president enters upon the duties of the office ? Describe the symbol for the admission of a State into the Union. What does a cannon symbolize ? Describe symbols of Indian hostilities. How does the symbol of a treaty of peace differ from that of a treaty of commerce ? How are American events distinguished from foreign events on the charts? Where are deaths recorded ? What does a lyre typify ? A violin ? How is a painter's death symbolized ? A sculptor's ? What symbol denotes an execution ? An assassination ? questio:n"s on the discoyeey and colonization of ameeica and the histoey of the united states QUESTIONS ON THE XVth CENTURY 1. What is the first 3^ear of this century ? What is the last? 2. What European nation was foremost in maritime discoveries prior to 1492? What is the symbol of this nation ? 3. What was the great object of Portugal* in these enterprises ? Answer : To discover a route by sea to India and China, and thus render trade with those countries more easy and profitable. 4. When does the Spanish cross appear for the first time? 5. What great event does this year-square commemo- rate? 6. When and where was Christopher Columbus born? 7. Describe in one clear, well-constructed sentence the picture which illustrates his birth. 8. How old was Columbus f when the Eastern Empire was taken by the Turks ? 9. What two year-squares of the ninth decade make * Venice and Genoa had long enjoyed almost a monopoly of Orien- tal trade. In 1453, by the fall of Constantinople, Genoa was de- prived of her share, which she had conducted with the ports along the Black Sea, and the whole of this lucrative traffic fell to Venice. The grand project of all Europe at this time was to open a water route to the East. t The ruin of trade in his native city of Genoa must have affected Cohimbus deeply. Even at that early age he had conceived his scheme of a westward ocean route to India and China. 3 13 14 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS mention of Columbus, and what do they tell you about him? 10. What does the first year-square of the tenth decade record concerning him ? 11. Who was Queen Isabella? In what year did she begin to reign? AVho was her consort? 12. Describe in one interesting and carefully constructed paragraph the voyage of Columbus. 13. Locate Palos. Locate San Salvador. Locate the Canary Islands. 14. When did Columbus begin his second voyage? What new discoveries did he make ? 15. Locate Jamaica. Locate Porto Rico. 16. In what year did he make a third voyage, and with what result ? Who had already discovered the mainland of North America? 17. How were the labors and sacrifices of the great dis- coverer rewarded in 1500 ? 18. What event is recorded in 1499, and what special significance has it in the history of our country? * 19. How often does the Spanish symbol appear in the last decade ? 20. What country is typified by the star of the garter which marks two squares of this decade? 21. Name these year-squares. — What does the first record? 22. Sebastian,! the younger Cabot, made a second voy- age : in what year and with what result ? 23. What English king gave the Cabots their commis- sion ? * See XVIth Century Chart, 1507. This expedition was a private one. Alonzo de Ojeda took with him Amerigo Vespucci as his geographer. f His chief object was to find a shorter passage by the northwest to India. The English based their claim to this country on the dis- covery of the Cabots. QUESTIONS ON THE XVth CENTURY 15 24. What year-square gives the date of this king's ac- cession ? Of his death ? * 25. What was the last discovery of this century ? In what year and by whom was it made ? 26. What sovereigns reigned in Spain when Columbus discovered the New World ? Who reigned in Portugal ? In England? In Scotland? In Denmark ? In Sweden? Who was the papal sovereign ? f * See XVIth Century Chart, 1509. f The Pope was the acknowledged arbitrator in all cases of con- flict between Christian nations : so we find Spain and Portugal peti- tioning him to confirm their rights to the newly discovered regions, and submitting to his decision in regard to the apportionment of lands. QUESTIONS ON THE XVIth CENTURY 1. What is the first year of the century? What is the last? 2. How many year-squares on the first half of the Chart bear the Spanish cross ? 3. How many year-squares on the last half bear the English star of the garter ? 4. How many year-squares of the first decade record events touching America ? 5. What do two of these squares tell you about Colum- bus? 6. Name two cities near the western verge of the Gulf of Mexico. 7. On year-square 1566 you find recorded the death of a venerable companion* of Columbus. Tell what you know of him. 8. What exploration marks 1501? 9. What famous explorer appears for the first time in 1504? 10. What death is recorded on this year-square? 11. By how many years did the death of Queen Isabella precede that of Columbus? 12. What event appears on the 10th year-square? What * Bartholomew de las Casas, who accompanied Columbus on his second voyage, was a Spanish missionary devoted to the Indians. He crossed the ocean six times in his efforts to ameliorate their condition, addressing Charles V in fearless terras in their behalf. His History of the Indies is still in manuscript. 16 QUESTIONS ON THE XVIth CENTURY 17 is an isthmus? What two countries does the Isthmus of Darien connect ? What two bodies of water does it sepa- rate? 13. Who discovered the Pacific Ocean ? In what year ? Under what flag did he sail ? Tell what you know of him. 14. What does year-square 1511 record concerning Cuba? What strait north of Cuba? AVhat island south? In what part of Cuba is Santiago ? 15. Tell what you know of the naming of the New World.* 16. When was Florida f discovered? By whom, and under what circumstances ? 17. What monarch's death is recorded in 1516? 18. Who was his successor? | What higher dignity did the new king attain in 1519? When did he abdicate, and to whom did he yield his double crown ? 19. Give the details regarding Mexico which you find on three year-squares of the second decade and one year- square of the third, naming also the dates. 20. How many centuries did Mexico remain a province of Spain ? What mode of government did she afterward adopt?* 21. What notable event marked the year 1522? 22. Write an account of this event in a brief and inter- esting paragraph. * Waldseemiiller (Valt-za-miller) was a German professor of geog- raphy. Having read a pamphlet by Vespucci whicli contained the first printed description of the mainland of the New World, he sug- gested that the continent should receive the name America. f The Spaniards landed on Easter Sunday, a day which they call Pascua Florida, or Flowery Easter : hence the name. \ Charles was the son of Joanna and Philip I, and consequently the grandson of Ferdinand and Isabella. Spain was at the height of its glory during his reign ; it was said that the sun never set upon the dominions of Charles V. * See XlXth Century Chart, year-squares 1821 to 1824. 18 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 23. Where is the Strait of Magellan ? What two great bodies of water does it connect ? Where did Magellan * die ? •24. What two striking events mark 1524 ?f 25. Had a French explorer X appeared before Yerraz- zani? 26. Who explored and named the Eiver and Gulf of St. Lawrence in 1534? Under what king? (See 1515.) 27. When did he make a second voyage? Locate New- foundland. Nova Scotia. Where is the city of Montreal?* 28. Four year-squares beginning with 1524 contain notes relating to Pizarro : name the dates and recite the facts given. 29. Where is Peru ? Locate the city of Lima. 30. How did Pizarro and Almagro, his companion, die ? 31. Write the story of the conquest of Peru in three striking and impressive paragraphs. 32. What great American historian wrote the Conquest of Peru and the Conquest of Mexico ? What other cele- brated history did he write ? 33. What contemporary || of his wrote a History of the Life and Voyages of Columbus, and The Alhambra ? 34. In what year did De Soto ^ start on an expedition, * Magellan was killed in battle in one of the Philippines. His lieutenant completed the voyage, and on his return to Spain he was presented by Charles V with a coat-of-arms bearing a globe and the motto : " You first sailed around me." f Verrazzani explored the coast from Carolina to Newfoundland, and, claiming the country for the French king, named it New France. X See 1506. This was a private enterprise. * Hochelaga was an Indian village which Cartier named Mont Real (Royal Mountain). II See XlXth Century Chart, year-square 1859, death-corner, for the names of these two authors. ^ Fernando de Soto had distinguished himself in the invasion of Peru. QUESTIONS ON THE XVIth CENTURY 19 and under what flag? He failed and succeeded — how? When did he die ? Where was he buried ? 35. More than a hundred and thirty years after De Soto's discovery, two great French explorers carried on his work : one descended the Mississippi from Lake Michigan to the Arkansas ; the other sailed to the mouth of the great river. Name these explorers * and the year-squares which commemorate them. 36. Where does the Mississippi take its rise? Into what gulf does it flow ? Name three of its great arms or tributaries. 37. Who had attempted the conquest of Florida before De Soto, and when? 38. What does year-square 1564 record of Florida? What did French Florida comprise ? 39. What previous attempt at colonization had the Huguenots made? Where was Port Eoyal? Fort Caro- line ? What small river near the latter ? 40. How did Melendez treat the new colonists? 41. How and by whom was the massacre avenged three years after ? 42. When and where did Melendez found the first town in the United States? Give its name. 43. Was Oartier's French colony in Canada a success ? 44. What do year-squares 1540 and 1542 tell you about Eoberval ? 45. What notes regarding Spanish explorations do you find on the squares just mentioned ? \ 46. Who in 1582 explored the region visited by Coro- nado? How did he name it? What town did he found? * See XVIIth Century Chart. t Coronado, traveling by land, penetrated as far as the region now known as New Mexico and Arizona. Alarcon sailed up the Gulf of California and the river Colorado; Cabrillo continued the explora- tions commenced by Alarcon. 20 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS What great river flows through this region southward and empties into the Gulf of Mexico ? What two republics does it separate ? 47. In what year and by whom was a fruitless attempt made to settle Brazil? 48. What enterprise appears under the star of the garter in 1576 ? Where is Erobisher Bay ? 49. Where is Davis Strait ? Who explored and named it, and in what year ? 50. What does the illustration on year-square 1578 rep- resent ? * What connection between this year-square and that of 1583 ? 51. Seven year-squares, beginning with 1567, record cir- cumstances concerning the English navigator, Sir Francis Drake ; \ form a connected story of the details. The seventh square marks his death — in what year ? 52. When was Virginia named, and for whom ? 53. What part had Sir Walter Ealeigh in exploring expeditions ? 54. Who introduced potatoes and tobacco into England, and in what year ? 55. Describe the illustration J on year-square 1590. * Gilbert was half brother to Sir Walter Raleigh. He started for America the next year with a small fleet, but was obliged to turn back. His last voyage was disastrous, and he was swallowed up by the waves. f (1572) This was a piratical expedition. At first sight of the Pacific he resolved to explore it. (1579) The Spanish, who held pos- session, had named the country California ; Drake named it New Albion. X Governor White had sailed to England for supplies. On his return to Roanoke he found the colony deserted. The colonists had left their new address, Croatan. on a tree. Search was made for them, but in vain. This was Sir Walters last effort at colonization. He had expended more than two hundred thousand dollars in his great schemes. QUESTIONS ON THE XVIth CENTURY 21 56. Why is an infant represented on year-square 1587 ? * 57. What celebrated explorer appears for the first time on year-square 1599? Why does the type-sign inclose a cross and a fleur-de-lis ? 58. What three nations made discoveries and explora- tions in America during the sixteenth century? 59. What did the Spanish explorations comprise ? An- swer : Florida, Peru, the Pacific coast, the Mississippi, and Mexico. 60. Where were those of the French ? Answer : Around the Eiver and Gulf of St. Lawrence and on the eastern coast of Florida. 61. What regions did the English explorations include ? Answer : Those at the extreme north, those on the Pacific, and especially those within the domain of Virginia. * Miss Virginia Dare, the granddaughter of Governor White, was the first child born of English parents in America. QUESTIONS ON THE XVIIth CENTURY 1. What is the first year of this century ? What is the last? 2. Name the first discovery which appears under the star of the garter. Why is the Dutch symbol * on this square ? 3. Where is Cape Cod? Nantucket? Martha's Vineyard? 4. Whose death is recorded on year-square 1607 ? 5. What two American events f mark 1603 ? 6. Under the auspices of what king did Champlain sail this time to Canada? (See 1589.) 7. What does the illustration of year-square 1604 repre- sent? 8. What is noted under the fleur-de-lis on year-square 1605 ? What is Acadia now called ? 9. In 1608 Champlain ascended the St. Lawrence River and planted a colony — where ? Locate this city. 10. What large body of water did he discover and name ? Where is it situated ? 11. Champlain was appointed governor of Canada I in 1620 : what king gave him his commission ? Give the year of this king's accession. 12. When and by whom was Baffin's Bay explored ? Describe this bay. * The Dutch East India Company was the first of the great Euro- pean trading companies. •j- Pring was deputed by Bristol merchants to open trade with the Indians for sassafras and furs. t Champlain was justly called the " Father of New France." 22 QUESTIONS ON THE XVIIih CENTURY 23 13. In what year did James I grant two charters * for purposes of trade and exploration? What did the com- pany named on the left banner obtain ? On the right ? 14. What does year-square 1607 tell you of these two companies ? 15. Where, then, was the first permanent settlement made by English in America ? In whose honor did they name the town and river ? 16. How many of the colonies were settled in this cen- tury ? How are they symbolized on the chart ? 17. Give the names and dates of settlement of the first four colonies. 18. Which of these did the Dutch claim and settle? From what country did they come ? How did they name the new colony? 19. Give the names and dates of four colonies settled in the fourth decade of the century. 20. What symbols distinguish the initial M of Mary- land from that of Massachusetts ? 21. By whom was Delaware first settled, and what name did it receive ? How many years elapsed between the set- tlement of Delaware and that of North Carolina ? 22. What three colonies were settled in the seventh dec- ade of the century ? 23. What colony was founded twelve years after South Carolina ? By whom ? 24. Name the colonies f in the proper order, giving the date of settlement of each. * The London Company had the exclusive right to settle in South- ern Virginia between the Potomac and Cape Fear, while the Plym- outh Company had the control of Northern Virginia from the east- ern end of Long Island to the northern limit of Nova Scotia. f Georgia will be found on year-square 1733 (XVIIIth Century Chart). It may be included in this general survey of the colonies, if the teacher think proper. 220 Report of the Librarian of Congress 1930. April 28, at 4.45 p. m. Lecture by Hubert J. Foss, London, England, on Modern English Composers. Under the provisions of the Coolidge Foundation five half -hour recitals of chamber music were broadcast from station WJZ, of the National Broadcasting Co., in New York City: 1930. March 23. Elshuco Trio (Brahms— Trio in C major, Op. 87). March 30. London String Quartet (Beethoven — Quartet, Op. 18, no. 2). April 6. Compinsky Trio (Arensky — Trio in D minor, Op. 32). April 13. Musical Art String Quartet ( Schubert— Quartet "Death and the Maiden"). May IS. Nathaniel Shilkret, clarinetist, and string quartet (Mozart— Clarinet Quintet, K. 581). A- concert by the Compinsky Trio was tendered by the Library to the Westchester County Center, White Plains, N. Y., on April 12, 1930, on the occasion of the formal opening of the new chamber music hall. Outside of the foundation's work, the following con- certs, under the auspices of the Friends of Music in the Library of Congress, have been given in the audi- torium of the Library : 1929. December 11. Russian Church Choir of New York, con- ducted by Andreev Salama. 1930. March 19. Philadelphia Chamber String Simfonietta, con- ducted by Fabien Sevitzky. In October, 1929, a limited edition of Charles Martin Loeffler's Canticum Fratris Solis (Canticle of the Sun), set for voice and chamber orchestra to the hymn by St. Francis of Assisi, in a modern Italian version by Gino Perera, was published under the provisions of the Coolidge Foundation by the Library of Congress. Full orchestra scores and parts have been distributed as gifts to the leading libraries, conservatories, and symphony orchestras cf the United States and Europe. Periodical. Division 221 PERIODICAL DIVISION (From the report of the chief, Mr. Parsons) Statistics. periodical division during the past year (separate files) was 9,424 (8,880 in 1929), which includes 6,391 different titles. Among these are 1,927 journals received from the Copyright Office. The journals deposited by the Smith- sonian Institution and until last year included in these figures are now accessioned almost entirely in the Smith- sonian division of the Library and are not counted here. This change in method accounts for the apparent decline in number of files given above. Official documentary series and almanacs, annual reports, yearbooks, and other material of the kind, which are received in other divi- sions of the Library, are not counted in these statistics. The whole number of periodicals received in the pe- riodical division (sejDarate items) was 139,923 (last year 139,813). New titles added during the year number 1,462 and include 529 by copyright, 798 by gift, and 135 by sub- scription. Those received through the Smithsonian Institution are no longer accessioned in the periodical division. The number of newspapers received at the close of the fiscal year was 901 (last year 892), of which 751 are pub- lished in the United States and 150 in foreign countries. Of the newspapers published in the United States 548 are dailies and 203 weeklies. Of the newspapers pub- lished in foreign countries 121 are dailies and 29 are weeklies. The Library now receives second files of 179 American papers, which are used for binding. Of these, 141 are the gift of their publishers, and 38 come through copyright deposit. This wise generosity of the newspaper pub- lishers is most gratifying, since the original files are in such constant use that they become worn and unfit for permanent preservation. The number of newspapers re- tained for binding is as follows: American, 213; foreign, 138: total, 351. 2G QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 48. Give the details you find on year-squares 1614, 1615, 1618, and 1623 * relative to New Netherlands or New York. 49. In what year was the Dutch West India Company chartered ? 50. They sent out a colony under Gov. Peter Minuit : f in what year ? Tell what you know of his purchase. What great metropolis now occupies the island he bought ? 51. Where did Dutch traders settle in 1633 ? 52. What war in 1643 ? What do the symbols signify? 53. When did Governor Stuyvesant ]; arrive in New Amsterdam ? Do you know anything of his character and mode of government? 54. What do year-squares 1651, 1654, and 1655 tell you about the D utch ? 55. What happened to New Netherlands in 1664? 56. Explain the second symbol of j^ear-square 1667, and give the details below it. 57. When did war break out again between England and Holland? What symbol typifies the war? How did it affect New York? (See 1673, 1674.) 58. When did New York become a royal province ? 59. What catastrophe is illustrated on year-square 1690? 60. What colony was founded in 1620, and by whom?* Give the facts found on that year-square concerning it. * Fort Orange was a great stronghold for the Dutch. When the English took it they named it Albany. + Minuit was deposed from his office in 1632. lie then proceeded to Stockholm, and without difficulty obtained a commission as gov- ernor of the Swedish colony about to set sail for America. He founded New Sweden. X He had lost a leg in the service, which was replaced by a wooden one bound with silver: hence he was familiarly called " Old Silverleg." * In 1620 the Plymouth Company was dissolved at its own re- quest and the Council for New England formed for purposes of coloni- zation. Before patents had been issued, a hundred emigrants, known as the Pilgrim Fathers, had already landed on Plymouth Rock. QUESTIONS ON THE XVIIih CENTURY 27 61. Two of the leading men mentioned on the square made settlements within the next ten years : who were they, and what towns did they found ? 62. Which of the leading men appears on year-square 1622 ? Explain the illustration. What New England poet has made him the hero of one of his poems ? 63. What other notes on year-square 1622 concerning New England ? 64. When was New Hampshire founded, and by whom ? 65. What is said of Gorges and Mason on year-square 1629 ? On year-square 1639 ? 66. When was Massachusetts Bay Company incorpo- rated? 67. When was the city of Boston founded, and by whom? When and by what company was Charlestown founded ? Locate both. 68. When did Massachusetts emigrants settle at Hart- ford? 69. What is said of Massachusetts refugees under Cod- dington? 70. What famous institution of learning was founded in 1638 ? In what state and near what large city is Cambridge situated? For what is the English city of Cambridge* noted ? Can you tell on what small river the latter city is built? 71. When was Connecticut settled? Name the first settlers. What two bands came from Massachusetts ? * The founders of Harvard were ahnost all Cambridge University men. Milton (see 1674) immortalized this university, his Alma Mater, in his exquisite pastoral poem, Lycidas : "For V7e were nursed upon the selfsame hill. Fed the same flock by fountain, shade, and rill." " Xext Camus, reverend sire, went footing slow." " Camus " was the god of the river Cam, on which Cambridge (bridge over the Cam) was built. 28 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 72. What is said of Connecticut on year-squares 1630 and 1631 ? On year-squares 1635 and 1636 ? 73. Tell of the war in 1637. What do the lowered tomahawks signify ? 74. When was New Haven Colony founded, and by whom ? Locate New Haven, Hartford, Windsor, Saybrook. 75. What is said of Massachusetts Bay Colony and New Hampshire in 1641 ? 76. What four colonies formed a confederacy,* and for what purpose ? In what year ? 77. When did King Philip's war take place ? Write the story of the war. 78. When and how did Maine become a part of Massa- chusetts, and until what year ? 79. What is said of the Massachusetts charter on year- square 1684? 80. What illustration on year-square 1692? Tell what you know about this delusion. 81. What is said of Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Colonies on year-square 1692? 82. When were Connecticut and Saybrook Colonies united ? 83. When did Charles II grant a charter to Connecticut? 84. When and by whom were New Haven and Connec- ticut Colonies united ? 85. Tell the story of the Connecticut charter. De- scribe the illustrations on year-squares 1687 and 1693. 86. When did New Hampshire become a royal province, and how was it governed ? 87. Who founded Ehode Island, and in what year? Why had he left Massachusetts ? What Indian chief wel- comed him? 88. What is said of Ehode Island on year-square 1637? * The initials within the circles of the type-sign refer to the Massa- chusetts Bay, Plymouth, Connecticut, and New Haven Colonies. QUESTIONS ON THE XVIIth CENTURY 29 89. When was Newport founded? Locate Newport. Locate Providence. 90. When were Providence and Ehode Island Planta- tions united by charter ? 91. Who granted these colonies a second charter, and in what year ? 92. What happened to all the New England charters in 1G86 ? Under what governor ? 93. Whose portrait marks the year-square 1632? Ee- cite the inscription below it. 94. What English king was reigning when Lord Balti- more received his charter? Who was his queen? When and how did this king die ? 95. In what year was Maryland settled, and by whom ? For whom was the colony named ? 96. When did Clayborne's Eebellion take place ? 97. When was the Toleration Act passed by Maryland ? Explain it. 98. What is recorded of Maryland on year-square 1655 ? On year-square 1691 ? On year-square 1694? 99. In what year was Delaware (New Sweden) founded, and by whom? What does the year-square tell you con- cerning the colony ? 100. What hostile demonstration did the Dutch * make in 1651? 101. What did the Swedes do in 1654? 102. How did the Dutch retaliate in 1655 ?t 103. What does 1663 record of North Carolina? 104. Had any previous attempts been made to settle that region? (See 1651 and 1661.) * The Dutch had attempted to settle Delaware in 1631, and now claimed the territory. f In 1664 Delaware was seized by the Duke of York, who sold it in 1681 to William Penn. It remained under the control of Pennsyl- vania until the Revolution. 30 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 105. What is said on year-square 1665 of two Carolina colonies ? 106. Locate Albemarle Sound. Locate Cape Fear. Into what body of water does Cape Fear Kiver flow ? Describe the course of the Chowan River. Where is Wilmington ? 107. Explain Locke's Grand Model.* 108. What do you know of the settlement of South Carolina ? f 109. Where is Charleston? Port Royal? What river forms the western boundary of South Carolina ? 110. What additional points do you find on three year- squares regarding South Carolina ? X 111. In 1664, New Netherlands having been granted to the Duke of York, to whom did he cede the Jersey lands? 112. Year-squares 1618 and 1623 give points about the early settlement of the Jersey lands : what are they? 113. Where was Bergen ? What waters bound New Jer- sey on the east ? What river forms its western boundary ? Where did the Dutch build Fort Nassau * in 1623 ? 114. What did Berkeley do with his share of the Jersey lands in 1674 ? || * Lord Clarendon and his noble friends wished to form an aristo- cratic government in the Carolinas, and Locke, the philosopher (1G32- 1704), was employed to devise a suitable plan. They forgot, however, to take the rights of the people into consideration, and their scheme failed. f The Carolinas were under one government till 1729, when they were divided into North and South Carolina. From that time till 1776 each was a separate royal province. X Up to 1695 (see year-square) Carolina had advanced little in popu- lation or wealth. But with the advent of the new grain, which grew luxuriantly, a change came, and South Carolina soon had a lucrative commerce. It has always been the largest rice-producing State in the Union. * It was nearly opposite the present site of Philadelphia. II In 1682 William Penn purchased East Jersey from the Carteret heirs. The Quakers granted to the people many of the privileges of self -go vern m ent. QUESTIONS ON THE XVIIth CENTURY 31 115. Tell what you learn of the settlement of Pennsyl- vania from year-squares 1681, 1682, and 1683. 116. Eead and reproduce in three carefully constructed paragraphs the story of Penn's foundation, describing his mode of government and his treatment of the Indians. 117. What points do year-squares 1692 and 1694 give about Penn ? 118. Where is Philadelphia? What notable events in the early history of our country took place there ? * 119. What explorations made under the French flag during this century have you already studied ? 120. What is recorded of the French in 1626? 121. When, where, and by whom was the first college f in North America founded ? 122. In what year was Montreal founded, and by v/hom ? 123. What is recorded under the fleur-de-lis in 1668 ? 124. Where is St. Mary's ? What two great lakes does St. Mary's River join ? 125. What State does Green Bay indent? Where is the city of Green Bay ? On what great lake is Marquette situ- ated? 126. Near the south of what great lake is Joliet ? In what State are Joliet and La Salle ? * Philadelphia was the largest and most important city in the American colonies. See XVIIIth Century Chart, year-squares 1774, 1776, 1787, 1790. f The Jesuits were missionaries belonging to the Society of Jesus, founded in 1540 (see year-square) by St. Ignatius of Loyola. The French Jesuits were among the first to push their way into the wilderness. Men of noble intellect, equipped with all kinds of learn- ing, they descended to the practical arts of life — to the most menial employments in their new field of labor. In 1669 they had already made their way to Lake Michigan and founded missions at Sault Ste. Marie (Falls of St. Mary), Mackinaw, and Green Bay. ]\Iany of them, still in early youth, were put to death with horrible tortures by the savages. 32 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 127. How far did Father Hennepin explore the Missis- sippi ? In what year ? 128. Where are the Falls of St. Anthony? What large city of Minnesota is situated at the Falls ? 129. In what year did Father Marquette sail down the Mississippi ? Describe his voyage. He and Joliet set sail at Mackinaw: where is it? What great lake did they cross? Where is Green Bay? How did they sail from Green Bay to Portage? What lake does the Fox Eiver pass on its way? Having arrived near Portage, the party carried their canoes about two miles and embarked upon a large river which flows into the Mississippi : what is this river called? They pushed downward till they reached the mouth of the Arkansas Eiver, where He Soto had crossed the Mississippi — in what year? What tribu- taries of the great river had Father Marquette * passed ? 130. What is said of La Salle and the Mississippi in 1682? 131. In whose honor did he name the country ? (See year-square 1643.) 132. When and how did La Salle die ? 133. What colony was founded by the French \ toward the close of the seventeenth century ? Locate Biloxi. * In the last canto of Hiawatha, by Longfellow, you will find a beautiful description of the first visit of Father Marquette to the Illinois, a friendly tribe of Indians. The welcome of the noble chief runs in this wise : " Beautiful is the sun, strangers. When you come so far to see us ! All our town in peace awaits you, All our doors stand open for you ; You shall enter all our wigwams For the heart's right hand we give you." f After the discovery of La Salle, the French built a chain of trading-posts and forts from the St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico. The English regarded this as an encroachment upon their territory, QUESTIONS ON THE XVII th CENTURY 33 134. What is pictured on year-square 1688 ? 135. What war * began with the accession of William and Mary ? 136. What catastrophe is represented on year-square 1690 ? f Where is Schenectady ? 137. Whose portrait ;[ appears on year-square 1700? and put in a claim to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. These rival claims embittered the struggle which began in 1689, in which the Indians of Canada and Maine sided with the French, and the Five Nations with the English. * A revolution in England forced James II and his queen, Mary of Modena, to flee to France, where Louis XIV afforded them protec- tion. A war was thus kindled between the two nations which ex- tended to their American colonies. f This attack was in retaliation for the descent of the Iroquois upon Montreal, in which fifteen hundred French were massacred. X The accession of the grandson of Louis XIV to the throne of Spain caused the War of the Spanish Succession, in which England joined in 1702, This war also extended to the American Colonies. QUESTIONS ON THE XVIIIth CENTURY 1. What is the first year of this century? What is the last? 2. Give the American events on year-square 1701. Where is Detroit? Saybrook? 3. What war was going on in Europe at this time ? 4. What was the object of the Grand Alliance between England, Holland, and Germany ? 5. What death is recorded in 1701 ? 6. When did Queen Anne begin to reign? Who was she? How long did her reign last? 7. By what name was the War of the Spanish Succes- sion known in England and America? (See 1702.) In what year did it close, and by what treaty? Where is Utrecht? 8. Name three American events on year-square 1702. Where is St. Augustine? W^ho founded it?* Locate Mobile. 9. What is recorded of Delaware in 1703? 10. When and where was the first newspaper f pub- lished in the colonies? Where is Boston? 11. What catastrophe happened in the same year? Where is Deerfield ? Into what large river does the Deer- field empty ? * See XVIth Century Chart. f This was a weekly paper. The American Daily Advertiser, Philadelphia, 1784, was the first daily. 34 QUESTIONS ON THE XVIIIth CENTURY 35 12. What does year-square 1705 tell you of Governor Moore?* 13. What two American events of the war are related on year-squares 1706 and 1707? 14. What is said of Acadia in 1710 ? 15. When and where was the first post oflSce established in the colonies ? 16. What troubles occurred in North Carolina f in 1711 and 1712? 17. What grant did Louis XIV make in 1712 ? Where is Natchez, the present site of Fort Eosalie ? 18. In what year did George I of England ascend the throne ? 19. What war in 1715? What do the symbols typify? What is said of Maryland on the same year-square ? 20. When was New Orleans founded, and by whom? Tell what is said of Saybrook School on the same year- square. 21. Near what lake is New Orleans situated? What territory did Louisiana J; then include? What are the present boundaries of Louisiana ? 22. What do year-squares 1719 and 1729 tell you of the Carolinas ? 23. What is mentioned of inoculation, and on what year-square ? 24. When did George II succeed to the English throne ? * Governor Moore, of South Carolina. Georgia was then a part of his domain. The colony of Georgia was founded later, and named in honor of George II. f The Tuscaroras were overthrown in 1713. Those who survived fled northward, and joining the Five Nations formed the sixth of that confederacy. X Louisiana, or New France, then inchided the region extending from the Alleghanies westward to the Rockies and from the Gulf of Mexico northward to British America. 36 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 25. Give details of Bering's discovery as found on year- square 1728. 26. When was the city of Baltimore founded ? The city of Eichmond ? Locate both. 27. What massacre in 1729? How was it avenged in the following year ? 28. When and where was George Washington born ? 29. When was Georgia founded, and by whom? 30. What note about Georgia in 1742 ? In 1752 ? 31. What is said of New Jersey on year-square 1738? 32. When and where was the first college founded in New Jersey ? When was it removed, and to what city ? 33. Give the war details of year-square 1739. 34. What is said of Mount Vernon in 1743 ? 35. What war began in Europe in 1740? What war did Frederick II begin the same year ? 36. What was the English and American phase of the war called ? Why did the war affect the colonies ? 37. What capture did New England colonists make, and in what year ? * Locate Cape Breton Island. 38. What peace closed King George's war, and in what year? 39. Tell how the sugar plant was brought into the United States, and by whom.f 40. When did Great Britain adopt the Gregorian Calen- dar? 41. How many years after its first proclamation? (See year-square 1582.) 42. Explain the illustration on year-square 1752. What name does the death record bear ? * Louisburg was a famous stronghold, called the Gibraltar of Amer- ica ; it was restored to the French by the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle. f The first sugar mill was erected in New Orleans in 1758. The annual output of the sugar-cane crop is now about two hundred thou- sand tons. QUESTIONS ON THE XVIIIlh CENTURY 37 43. What three forts* did the French build in 1728, 1731, and 1749? Describe the geographical position of these forts. 44. What grant was made to the Ohio Company,! and in what year ? 45. What is pictured on year-square 1753 ? 46. What fort is outlined on year-square 1754? At the junction of what two rivers was it built, and by whom ? 47. What happened at Great Meadows (G. M.) that year? 48. What was the fate of Fort Necessity (Ft. N.) ? 49. What two defeats are recorded in 1755 ? Write an account of the first in two paragraphs. 50. What does the lower picture on the same square represent? In what beautiful poem has Longfellow en- shrined this simple-hearted and injured people ? 51. When did the Seven Years' War in Europe begin? What was the American phase of the war called ? Explain the symbols on the square. Why does the fleur-de-lis bind the tomahawks? 52. What fort was captured on Lake Ontario that year, and by whom ? 53. What capture was made in 1757? Who became Prime Minister | of England that year ? * The English viewed with great anxiety these new strongholds. France had a line of about sixty military posts extending from the St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico. f Lawrence Washington, the elder brother of George, was presi- dent of the company, whose grant embraced the region now West Virginia and southwest Pennsylvania. The French at once built new forts and attacked the English surveyors. Major Washington was deputed to visit and warn the French commander to withdraw his troops from the Ohio valley ; but his mission was unsuccessful, and war broke out soon after. X He was a stanch friend to the colonists, and sent fresh troops from England to fight their battles. When Fort du Quesne was taken it was named in his honor Fort Pitt (now Pittsburg). 38 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 54. Give the war record in America for 1758.* 55. What great surrender marked 1759 ?f Who com- manded the English ? Who commanded the French ? 56. Locate Quebec, Louisburg, Kingston (Fort Fronte- nac), Niagara, Crown Point, Ticonderoga, Montreal. 57. Eead the story of the fall of Quebec at length, and reproduce it in an interesting and dramatic para- graph. 58. Tell what you know of the final surrender of Canada in September, 1760. 59. George III ascended the throne one month later : how was he related to George II ? 60. What tribe of Indians gave trouble about this time? 61. After having lost Canada, what did France do with Louisiana? I What happened to Havana in 1762 ? Locate Havana. 62. In what year did the war end in America, and by what peace ? * Locate Paris. 63. What came to trouble the new peace the same year? 64. What significance has the symbol ? Who was Pon- tiac ? Locate Detroit. 65. What province did Spain cede to England in 1763? When was it retroceded to Spain ? QQ. What oppressive measures did Great Britain take in regard to the colonists in order to pay her war debt? (See 1764, 1765, 1766, 1767.) * English victories : July, capture of Louisburg ; August, of Fort Frontenac (now Kingston) ; November, of Fort du Quesne. f Niagara, Crown Point, and Ticonderoga also surrendered that year. X It remained in the possession of Spain till 1800 (see year-square), when Napoleon obtained its retrocession to France. * The long series of wars just ended had served to unite the colo- nists in a common bond, and by training them to the use of arras had prepared them for the great struggle for Independence. QUESTIONS ON THE XVIII th CENTURY 39 67. What three striking results of the Stamp Act are found on year-square 1765? Whose portrait ai)pears on this square ? 68. Eead Patrick Henry's great speech, and write a sum- mary or a brief criticism of it. 69. When was the Stamp Act repealed? Did taxation of the colonies cease ? 70. What does the illustration on year-square 17G8 tell you? 71. What two events of 1770 heralded the Revolution? 72. When was the Gaspe burned, and by whom ? 73. Explain the picture on year-square 1773. Tell the story of the Boston Tea Party. 74. How did the British retaliate on the Bostonians the next year ? 75. What was the Boston Port Bill ? * 76. What extraordinary assembly of the colonists met shortly after to protest against these wrongs? In what city? 77. What decisive events in 1775 opened the Eevolu- tionary War? 78. What great appointment was made by the Second Continental Congress? When and where did General Washington assume command of the army ? f 79. What revered names fill the death record of 1775 ? Which general led an expedition to Canada and fell at the first fire ? In what battle did the other fall ? 80. Have you read The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere? Grandmother's Story of Bunker Hill? Name the authors. * This bill closed the harbor of Boston to all commerce and navi- gation, and transferred the board of customs to Marblehead and the seat of government to Salem. Other " intolerable Acts" were passed, and the people were virtually under martial law. f At Cambridge, Mass., July 3, 1775, beneath a noble elm, which has become famous in song and story. 40 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 81. Reproduce the first-mentioned poem in elegant prose. 82. Locate Lexington, Medford, Concord, Charlestown, Salem, Marblehead. 83. Tell the story of the Declaration of Independence. 84. Why is the bell pictured on this square ? Do you know the prophetic inscription on the Old Liberty Bell ? 85. Write from memory the last paragraph of that noble " Declaration," beginning with the words : " We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America in gen- eral Congress assembled." * 86. When was the present United States flag adopted ? 87. What do the thirteen red and white stripes signify ? How many stars were then on the blue ground? How many stars now adorn it ? 88. What brave young nobleman of France enlisted as a volunteer in 1777, and distinguished himself at Brandy wine, Monmouth, and Yorktown ? 89. What treaty and material aid did he obtain for the colonies in 1778? 90. What notable English surrender took place in 1777? 91. Tell what you have learned from your historical studies of the battles which preceded this surrender. — What of Boston, March 17, 1776 ? What of Fort Moultrie, S. C. ? Of Long Island ? 92. Describe Washington's retreat across New Jersey in 1776. 93. Tell of the victory at Trenton; the victory at Princeton. 94. Describe the battle of Bennington (1777) ; of Bran- dywine ; of Germantown. 95. Describe Burgoyne's invasion and defeat. * If not in the text-book, this paragraph may be dictated by the teacher, and then read in unison before being memorized. QUESTIONS ON THE XVIITih CENTURY 41 96. Recite the war record given on year-square 1778. 97. What naval victory was obtained in 1779 off the English coast ? 98. Tell about the taking of Stony Point by the British, May 31, and its recapture by General Anthony Wayne, July 16. 99. What two military heroes are named in the death corner of 1779 ? 100. What is pictured on year-square 1780? Tell the story of Arnold's treachery, and the capture of Major Andre. 101. Describe the battle of Camden, S. C, August 16, 1780. What brave general fell in this battle ? (See death corner.) 102. Give an account of the victory at King's Mountain, October 7, 1780. 103. Describe the campaign of General Nathanael Greene in the South in 1781 ; the battle of Cowpens, S. C, January 17; of Guilford Court-house, K C, March 15 ; of Eutaw Springs, S. C, September 8. Locate these towns. Locate Yorktown. 104. What decisive event marks year-square 1781 ? 105. Give a description of this final victory. 106. What part had France in it? What was its re- sult? 107. When was the independence of the United States acknowledged by Great Britain ? 108. What four American events are noted on year- square 1783? 109. When was the first minister sent from the United States to England ? In what other country had he already been minister? Locate The Hague. 110. What is said of a rebellion on two year-squares of the ninth decade ? 111. In what year was the Constitution of the United States framed, and where ? 42 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 112. When was it adopted,* and by how many States? 113. When was the Northwest Territory f organized? 114. Who was the first President of the United States? 115. When and where was he inaugurated ? When was he re-elected? Describe the symbol of inauguration of a president. 116. When was the national capital transferred from Xew York, and to what city ? 117. What revolution began in the year of Washington's first inauguration ? How did it affect the United States ? 118. What war raged for some years in the Northwest? Give the notes found on year-squares 1790 and 1791. Who ended it, and when ? 119. When and where was the first national bank char- tered ? When was a national mint established ? 120. What picture | is found on year-square 1793 ? 121. What is recorded of France in this year? What royal personages were guillotined ? 122. In what year did a whisky insurrection take place, and where? 123. What four treaties were ratified in 1795 ? 124. What three new States were admitted into the Union during President Washington's administration ? 125. What is the prominent feature of year-square 1796 ? * The Constitution went into effect March 4, 1789. North Caro- lina ratified it on November 21st of that year, and Rhode Island in 1790. f New York, Virginia, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, who claimed lands extending from the Ohio to the Mississippi, yielded up that region to the General Government for the common good. They hoped that Congress, by the sale of the lands, would obtain money to pay off the immense debt entailed by the war. The Northwest Territory included the present States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and eastern Minnesota. X The crop of cotton in 1791 was 2,000,000 pounds; through the stimulus given by the cotton gin it had increased to 48,000,000 in 1801. QUESTIONS ON THE XVIIIth CENTURY 43 126. Who was the second President of the United States ? When and where was he inaugurated ? 127. What was the leading event of 1798? What de- partment was established, and what laws passed that year ? 128. What event cast the country into mourning in 1799? 129. Write an estimate of the character of George Washington. 130. When was peace re-established between the United States and France ? AVhat cession was made of Louisiana that year ? 131. What is said of the seat of government on the same year- square ? QUESTIONS ON THE XlXth CENTURY 1. What is the first year of this century ? What is the last? 2. Who was the third President of the United States ? When was he inaugurated, and where? How many terms did he serve ? 3. What war did the United States engage in during the first year of the century ? 4. What does the principal type-sign of 1802 inclose? Locate West Point. 5. Give the details of the war with Tripoli found on year-squares 1803, 1804, and 1805. 6. When was Louisiana purchased ? Prom whom and at what cost? What region did it comprise at that time?* 7. Who was First Consul of France at the time of the Louisiana Purchase? When did he become Emperor of the French ? 8. What death is recorded in 1804? 9. What illustration marks year-square 1807? 10. In what year did the United States forbid slave trade with foreign countries ? 11. What State was admitted into the Union during President Jefferson's administration ? * It included the country between the Mississippi and the Rocky Mountains. From it were formed the States of Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Western Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Kansas, and the greater part of Colorado, Wyoming, Mon- tana, and the Indian Territory. 44 QUESTIONS ON THE XlXth CENTURY 45 12. Who was the fourth President of the United States? In what year was he inaugurated? In what year re-elected ? 13. What act* was repealed in the year of his inau- guration ? 14. What two American items on year-square 1810? 15. What two war notes on 1811 ? Explain the symbol. 16. What momentous event marks the following year- square ? What was this war called ? What does a cannon symbolize ? 17. What details pertaining to the war do you find on year-squares 1812, 1813, and 1814? Where is Ghent? 18. Write the story of Perry's victory in two interesting paragraphs. 19. What was the last battle of the war, and when fought ? t 20. Describe from your historical studies two battles of the war. 21. Write the history of the famous national song, The Star-Spangled Banner. 22. What is said of the Creek War on two year-squares of the second decade ? 23. What war J is recorded in the central type-sign of 1815? * On account of the ill-treatment our sailors had received from France and England, the Embargo Act had been passed in 1807, pro- hibiting the sailing of any American vessel from our ports. The dis- tress and discontent caused by the immense loss of trade led to the repeal of the act. f Peace had been signed some weeks before (Dec. 14), but news traveled slowly in those days, and the good tidings had not yet reached Gen. Jackson. This war has been called the " Second War for Independence." X The Algerines had preyed upon our commerce in the Mediter- ranean. Commodore Decatur compelled the Dey to give satisfaction for the outrages committed. 4 4:6 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 24. What does the illustration of year-square 1816 rep- resent ? 25. What two States were admitted into the Union dur- ing President Madison's administration ? 26. Who was the fifth President of the United States ? In what year was he inaugurated? In what year re- elected ? 27. What South American republic came into existence in the year of his inauguration ? Bound this republic. What battle confirmed its independence in 1818? 28. What war during 1817 and 1818, and how brought to a close ? 29. What province was ceded to the United States in 1819,* and by whom ? 30. What does the vessel on this year-square represent ? 31. What new South American republic was formed in 1819? 32. When did George III, of England, die, and who was his successor ? 33. What bill f was passed by Congress in 1821 ? Ex- plain it. 34. What four year-squares tell the story of Mexico's struggle for freedom ? Give the details found on them. 35. What is the prominent announcement of year-square 1822 ? Of year-square 1823 ? 36. Explain briefly the Monroe Doctrine. J 37. When did Lafayette visit the United States? * An area of 60,000 miles was thus procured at a cost of $5,000,000. f The Missouri Compromise provided that in the Louisiana terri- tory north of 36° 30' north lat., except in Missouri, slavery should be forever prohibited. Missouri was admitted as a slave State. This act was repealed by the Kansas-Nebraska Bill in 1854 X In American politics the doctrine of the nonintervention of European powers in affairs of the American continents. President Monroe's message to Congress in 1823 proclaimed this doctrine, which has ever been a part of the policy of the United States. QUESTION'S ON THE XIX th CENTURY 47 38. What province of South America asserted its in- dependence in that year ? 39. When was the great American Express line begun, and by whom ? 40. When was Boston first lighted by gas ? Philadel- phia? 41. What five States were admitted into the Union during President Monroe's administration ? 42. Who was the sixth President of the United States ? When was he inaugurated ? How many terms did he serve? 43. When was the Erie Canal * opened ? Locate Buffalo ; Albany. Locate Lockport ; why so called ? 44. What two noted patriots died in 1826, and on what anniversary ? 45. Tell what is said of the first railway in the United States. 46. When and by whom was the first locomotive imported to the United States ? 47. When and by whom was the first locomotive built in the United States ? 48. Name two eminent American artists who flourished in the early part of this century. In what year did each die ? What symbol is used to designate an artist ? 49. Write a brief and interesting biographical sketch of one of these painters. f 50. When was the Protective Tariff Bill X passed ? * This is the principal canal in the United States, extending from Lake Erie at Buffalo to the Hudson River at Albany. It is over three hundred and fifty miles long, cost $8,000,000, and was eight years in construction. Lockport was so called on account of the series of locks at that point in the canal. f Stuart was eminent as a portrait painter. His portrait of George Washington is esteemed the best ever painted of the great general. X A heavy tax was levied on imported goods in order to protect the American manufacturer. This tariff was violently opposed by the South, as it safeguarded in the main the interests of the North. 48 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 51. Who was the seventh President of the United States ? When was he inaugurated ? When re-elected ? 52. How did South Carolina resent the Protective Tariff in 1832?* 53. How was South Carolina pacified in the following year? 54. What two Indian w^ars troubled President Jackson's administration ? Give the details. 55. What three year-squares contain points about the United States Bank? Repeat them. When had this bank been first chartered ? f 56. What two American notes on year-square 1834? Why do the fleurs-de-lis border the central type-sign? 57. What do you learn about Texas from three year- squares in the fourth decade ? 58. What two States were admitted into the Union during President Jackson's administration? 59. Who was the eighth President of the United States? When was he inaugurated ? How long did his administra- tion last? 60. What cause of national distress marked the year 1837? 61. Who became sovereign of England that year? 62. What is illustrated on year-square 1838 ? 63. What is said of the Seminole War in the following year ? 64. When was Daguerre's invention announced ? 65. Write an account of his invention, and mention some recent improvements in the art. * Nullification : the refusal of a State to obey a law which it be- lieves to be contrary to the Constitution. South Carolina threatened to secede if the law should be enforced. The antislavery movement, too, had begun in the North and added immensely to the excitement prevailing throughout the Southern States. f See XVIIIth Century Chart, last decade. QUESTIONS ON THE XIX th CENTURY 49 QQ, What bill was passed by Congress in 1840 ? 67. Who was the ninth President of the United States? When was he inaugurated ? 68. How long did he live after his elevation ? 69. Who succeeded President Harrison as the tenth President of the United States ? What does the shield in the right-hand corner signify ? 70. What was President Tyler's first act? 71. What four national items does year-square 1842 contain? 72. What did the Webster- Ashburton Treaty * accom- plish? 73. Write a biographical sketch of Daniel Webster. 74. Where is the Croton Eiver? How is the water con- veyed to New York city ? f 75. What invention holds the chief place on year-square 1843 ? What of the first line constructed ? When was the first public dispatch sent over the wires ? 76. What treaty was negotiated in 1844? What is said of New York and Illinois on that year-square ? 77. Who was the eleventh President of the United States? When was he inaugurated? Did he serve more than one term ? 78. What States were annexed X during that year ? 79. When and where was the United States Naval Acad- emy opened? How many years before had the Military Academy been founded ? Locate Annapolis ; West Point. * By the Webster-Asliburton Treaty, so called from Daniel Web- ster and Lord Ashburton who framed it, the present boundary be- tween Maine and Canada was fixed, and provision made for the sup- pression of the African slave trade and the mutual extradition of fugitives from justice. f The Croton Aqueduct, built in 1843, has been replaced by a new one completed in 1890, which surpasses in extent and magnificence all other modern constructions of the kind. X The annexation of Texas was the cause of the war with Mexico. 50 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 80. What was the leading event of 1846? 81. What boundary treaty was made that year? 82. What institution founded in the National Capital? 83. What can you say of Wilmot's Proviso ? * 84. Give the war record of 1847. 85. Locate Buena Vista ; Vera Cruz ; Chapultepec ; Molino del Eey ; Mexico. Which is the capital city of the republic? 86. What American poet wrote The Angels of Buena Vista ? Eead it, and reproduce it in prose. 87. What two minor points do you find on year- square 1847? 88. When and by what treaty f did the Mexican War come to an end ? 89. When was Iowa admitted into the Union ? Wis- consin? 90. Who was the twelfth President of the United States? When was he inaugurated? 91. What new department was established by Congress that year ? 92. When did President Taylor die? 93. Who succeeded him as the thirteenth President of the United States? 94. What treaty in 1850? What bill J did Congress pass that year ? Explain it. * It was attached to an appropriation bill. The bill was for the purchase of Mexican territory, and the proviso for the prohibition of slavery in this territory. The latter passed the House, but was re- jected by the Senate. It produced great excitement in Congress and in the country at large. f The United States gained California and New Mexico by this treaty. Almost every distinguished officer of both armies in the civil war had been trained in the war with Mexico. X The question of slavery had now become the most exciting and the most dangerous to the country. The Omnibus Bill was a com- promise measure, the chief provisions being the admission of Cali- QUESTIONS ON THE XlXtli CENTURY 51 95. Who invaded Cuba in 1850? What happened to him in the following year ? 96. Recite the other points on year-square 1851. What names fill the death record? Have you read the Leather- Stocking Tales, by Cooper? 97. What great Southern statesman died in 1850? 98. AVhat two famous American statesmen and orators died in 1852 ? 99. What State was admitted into the Union during President Fillmore's administration? 100. Who was the fourteenth President of the United States? When was he inaugurated ? Was he re-elected ? 101. When was the Gadsden Purchase * made, and what was it ? What Territory was organized the same year ? 102. What two treaties were ratified by the United States in 1854? 103. What bill,t enacted in the same year, repealed the Missouri Compromise? When had the latter passed? Explain both. 104. When did the Ostend Conference J take place? Explain it. What library was opened in New York the same year ? f ornia as a free State, the organization of Utah and New Mexico with- out restrictions on slavery, the abolition of the slave trade in the District of Columbia, and a Fugitive Slave Law. * By a treaty negotiated by Gadsden, the minister to Mexico, the United States obtained from that country the tract now included in Southern Arizona and New Mexico for $10,000,000. f By this bill the Territory of Nebraska was divided into two parts, the southern portion being called Kansas ; the settlers of each were left to decide whether slavery should be tolerated or not. This bill was an important link in the chain of events leading to the civil war. \ This conference related to the transfer of the island of Cuba to the United States. For the cession Spain was to be offered $120,- 000,000 ; the proposition, however, was rejected. Ostend is a seaport of Belgium. 52 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 105. Eecite the five American notes on year-square 1855. 106. What of Kansas in 1855, 1856, and 1858? 107. Who was the fifteenth President of the United States? When was he inaugurated? Did he serve more than one term ? 108. What trouble affected the whole country the first year of his administration ? What American sculptor died that year ? What is the symbol of a sculptor ? 109. What is said of the Atlantic cable on three year- squares, the notes bearing a common type-sign ? 110. When was Mount Vernon bought, and by whom? 111. What is the prominent feature of 1859 ? What is said on this square of General Scott ? Give the names in the death record of that year. 112. What two portentous events marked 1860 ? Why did South Carolina secede? 113. What embassy visited the United States in 1860 to further commercial interests between the two countries ? In what administration was Perry's Treaty drawn up ? 114. Who was the sixteenth President of the United States ? When was he inaugurated ? Have you read his inaugural address ? When was he re-elected ? 115. What war opened in the year of his inauguration ? 116. What ten States followed South Carolina in seced- ing from the Union ? 117. What State * was admitted into the Union in 1861 ? What Territories organized ? 118. How long did the civil war in the United States last? * Kansas for almost five years had been torn by civil war. The Free-State and the Slave-State men set up rival governments, and scenes of blood were so common as to earn for the country the name Bleeding Kansas. The Lecompton constitution sanctioned slavery, and was rejected by the people. Kansas was finally admitted as a free State. QUESTIONS ON THE XlXth CENTURY 53 119. Where was the first shot fired, and on what day?* 120. Give briefly the leading events of the war in 1861. Answer : Fort Sumter surrendered, April 13 ; battle of Bull Run, July 21; Wilson's Creek, August 10; seizure of Mason and Slidell — the " Trent affair " — November 8, 121. When was slavery abolished in the District of Columbia ? 122. What two ex-presidents died in the same year? 123. Give a record of the battles of 1862. Answer : Bat- tle of Mill Spring, January 19; capture of Fort Henry, February 6 ; of Fort Donelson, February 16 ; sea fight of Monitor and Merrimac, March 9 ; Newbern, March 14 ; Shiloh, April 6, 7 ; siege of Yorktown, April and May ; capture of New Orleans and forts, April 24 ; Williamsburg, May 5 ; Fair Oaks, June 1 ; Seven Days' Battles, June 25 to July 1 ; Cedar Mountain, August 9 ; second battle of Bull Run, August 30 ; Chantilly, September 1 ; South Mountain, September 14 ; Antietam, September 17 ; luka, September 19 ; Corinth, October 4 ; Fredericksburg, De- cember 13 ; Murfreesboro, December 31 to January 2, 1863. 124. When did the Emancipation Proclamation take effect ? Explain it. 125. Why was West Virginia admitted as a separate State, and in what year? 126. What Territories were organized in 1863 and 1864? What State admitted in the latter year ? 127. Giye the principal war notes of 1863. Answer : Battle of Chancellorsville, May 1-4 ; Vicksburg campaign * The Confederates in Charleston demanded the surrender of Fort Sumter, situated in the harbor. Major Anderson declined, and the Confederates fired the first gun at the fort at daybreak, April 12, 1861. The bombardment lasted thirty-four hours, no one being killed on either side. The fort was surrendered, and held by the Confederates till February, 1865. 54 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS —battles of Grand Gulf, April 29-May 3 ; Eaymond, May 12; Jackson, May 14; Champion's Hill, May 16; fall of Vicksburg, July 4 ; battle of Gettysburg, July 1-3 ; Ohicka- mauga, September 19, 20 ; Chattanooga, November 23-25. 128. What two generals died in 1863? 129. When was Crawford's Statue of Liberty raised to the dome of the Capitol ? 130. Name the principal battles of 1864. Answer : Bat- tle of the Wilderness, May 5-7; Spottsylvania Court-house, May 7-12 ; Sherman's campaign in northern V^irginia, May and June ; Cold Harbor, June 1-3 ; defeat of the Alabama by the Kearsarge, June 19 ; Atlanta, July 20-22 ; naval vic- tory at Mobile, August 5 ; Winchester, September 19 ; Cedar Creek, October 19 ; Sherman's march to the sea, November and December ; battle of Nashville, December 15, 16. 131. W^hat eminent romancist died in 1864? Name three of his works. 132. What change of government * took place in Mexico in 1864? 133. How long did the new emperor reign? When and how did he die ? 134. When did President Lincoln's second inaugura- tion take place ? Give the circumstances of his assassina- tion. 135. Who succeeded President Lincoln as the seven- teenth President of the United States ? 136. Eecount the battles and surrenders of 1865. An- swer : Surrender of Fort Fisher, January 15 ; battle of Averysboro, March 16; Bentonville, March 19-21; Five Forks, April 1 ; surrender of Richmond, April 3 ; surrender of General Lee at Appomattox, April 9 ; of General John- ston, April 26 ; of General Kirby Smith, May 26. * Maximilian, Archduke of Austria, was brother of Francis Joseph, the Austrian emperor. An assembly under French influence offered him the throne of Mexico, which he accepted. QUESTIONS ON THE XlXth CENTURY 55 137. What were the Federal losses* in this great war? What were the Confederate losses ? 138. What three notable amendments f were made to the Constitution after the war, and in what years? What did they effect ? 139. Several amnesties were offered to the South ; in what years ? 140. What two bills did Congress pass in 1866? What celebrated general of the United States army died that year? 141. When and how did the United States acquire Alaska? 142. What department was established in 1867 ? What bill J: was passed by Congress that year? Tell what you know of it. 143. What mode of government was imposed upon the South in 1867 ? 144. When did the impeachment and trial of President Johnson take place ? Tell what you know of the trial. 145. In what year was China first opened to commercial intercourse by the Burlingame Treaty ? * 146. What State was admitted into the Union in Presi- dent Johnson's administration ? What Territory formed ? * The Union army lost about 360,000 men ; the Confederates 300,000. f The Thirteenth Amendment made the negro a free man, the Fourteenth made him a citizen, and the Fifteenth made him a voter. :{: The President and Congress were at variance on the subject of reconstruction. The Tenure-of-OfRce Bill was passed over his veto ; this prohibited his removing from office even the members of his cabinet. He denied the power of Congress to make the law, and shortly after removed Edwin Stanton, Secretary of War, for which act he was impeached by the House, * Burlingame negotiated as special ambassador from China trea- ties with the United States, England, Holland, Sweden, Prussia, and Denmark. 56 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 147. Who was the eighteenth President of the United States ? When was he inaugurated ? When re-elected ? 148. Write a biographical sketch of the new President. 149. What amendment to the Constitution was adopted in 1870? 150. When was the Pacific Railway completed? 151. In what year was the Weather Department estab- lished at Washington ? What three names famous in the history of the civil war mark the death record of that year? 152. What treaty * was signed in 1871 ? What award connected with this treaty is noted on the following year- square ? Give date of the great fire in Chicago. 153. W^hat two points concerning Boston on year-square 1872? 154. Who decided the Northwest Boundary question, and when ? 155. On what year-square does his portrait appear? 156. What four points does the leading type-sign of 1873 inclose? 157. What war note appears on this square? What names in the death corner ? 158. What great celebration took place in 1875 ? What other notes on this year-square ? 159. What celebration signalized 1876 ? 160. What details under the war symbols of that year- square ? What invention is announced ? What deaths ? 161. What State was admitted into the Union during President Grant's administration ? How many States did the Union now comprise ? 162. Who was the nineteenth President of the United States? When was he inaugurated ? Was he re-elected ? * It stipulated that certain disagreements between the United States and Great Britain should be settled by arbitration rather than by the sword. QUESTIONS OK THE XIX th CENTURY 57 163. What was his first act of conciliation toward the South ? 164. What war marked the year of his inauguration ? 165. Name four American events on year-square 1878. 166. When were specie payments resumed ? How many years had they been suspended ? * 167. Points relating to Chinese immigration are found on three year-squares. Name the years and give the de- tails, f 168. What was the population of the United States at the tenth census? At the eleventh? In what year was the latter taken ? 169. Who was the twentieth President of the United States ? In what year was he inaugurated ? How did he meet his death, and when ? 170. Who succeeded him as the twenty-first President of the United States ? 171. What great centenary was celebrated in 1881 ? 172. In what year did Longfellow and Emerson die ? 173. What two notes on year-square 1883 ? 174. Name four points on year-square 1884. 175. Who was the twenty-second President of the United States? When was he inaugurated? 176. What monument was dedicated that year? What new feature introduced into the postal system ? 177. What three generals of the United States Army died in 1885 ? 178. Tell what you know of Bartholdi's Statue of Lib- erty. 179. When was the Presidential Succession Bill passed? * During the year 1861 all the banks had suspended specie pay- ments, and the Federal Government had issued banknotes called greenbacks. f In 1888 a law was made forbidding any Chinese laborer to land on our shores. 58 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 180. In what year was the centenary of the United States Constitution celebrated ? 181. What year-square marks the great Tariff Debate ? 182. Who was the twenty-third President of the United States? When was he inaugurated? Was he re-elected ? 183. What centennial was celebrated in 1889 ? 184. What change took place in the government of Bra- zil that year ? 185. How long had it been an independent empire? (See 1822.) 186. What bill was passed by Congress in 1890? 187. What act favorable to authors was passed in 1891 ? What reform was made? 188. What names fill the death corner of that year? 189. What does the principal type-sign of year-square 1892 tell you? 190. Name four other notes which this square con- tains. 191. How many States were admitted into the Union during President Harrison's administration ? Name them. 192. What Territory was formed? 193. Who was the twenty-fourth President of the United States? When was he inaugurated? Was this his first term ? 194. What two American items mark the year-square 1893? 195. What names fill the death record of that year? 19G. When was the Wilson Bill passed ? What is said of Hawaii on this year-square ? 197. Find in the death corner of 1894 the name of a favorite New England poet, essayist, and novelist. Mention four of his patriotic poems. Have you read the Breakfast Table series? Give the title of one of his novels. 198. What exposition was held in 1895? What high army appointment was made that year? QUESTIONS ON THE XlXth CENTURY 59 199. What is the leading announcement on year-square 1896 ? What revolt is mentioned ? 200. What State was admitted into the Union during President Cleveland's second administration ? How many stars now adorned our flag ? 201. Who was the twenty-fifth President of the United States ? When was he inaugurated ? 202. What bill did Congress pass that year ? What is said of Alaska ? Bound it. 203. Against what country did the United States wage war in 1898? 204. Describe this war in three paragraphs, giving the cause of the war, its object, the chief battles, and the results of the war. 205. Bound Cuba. Locate Porto Eico. Where is Tampa Bay ? Locate Havana ; Matanzas ; San Juan. 206. Locate the Philippine Islands ; name the largest of the group. What city and bay of this island were the scene of the first engagement of the war ? 207. When was Hawaii annexed to the United States? How many years after it had declared its independence? 208. Locate the Hawaiian Islands. Name the chief islands of the group. Where is Honolulu ? 209. When was peace signed between the United States and Spain? 210. What other American notes do you find on year- square 1899 ? QUESTIOIS^S ON FOEEIGIS' HISTOKY 5^ QUESTIONS ON THE XVth CENTURY (foreign history) 1. What is the opening announcement of the century ? "Who was Froissart ? Have you read his Chronicles ? What year-square records his death ? 2. When did the battle of Shrewsbury take place? Give details found on the year-square. 3. In what great Shakespearian drama * does Hotspur have a prominent role ? 4. What celebrated Duke of Burgundy died in 1404? Who was his successor ? 5. Whose death f did John the Fearless cause in 1407? 6. In what year did civil war rage in France ? 7. When did Henry V of England begin to reign ? Who was his father? I To what House did he belong? 8. When did Henry V wage war against France ? When was the battle of Agincourt fought? * See Henry IV. Hudson's School Edition. •(• Louis of Orleans was the second son of Charles V of France, and brother of Charles VI, the Insane. There was a rivalry between him and John for the regency, and his murder fomented the strife between their partisans, which culminated in civil war. Louis's eldest son, the famous French poet, Charles, Duke of Orleans, was the father of Louis XII (see year-square 1498) ; and his second son, John of Valois- Angouleme, was the grandfather of Francis I (see year-square 1515 ; and also Linton's Genealogical Chart of France). X Henry IV usurped the throne in 1399, having defeated Richard II, who died mysteriously in prison the following year. Henry V laid claim to France, and waged war against that country in 1415. 63 64 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 9. When and by what treaty was peace made between Henry V and Charles VI of France ? 10. In what year did both kings die ? Who succeeded to the English throne ? * To the French throne ? 11. What scene is pictured on year-square 1429 ? 12. How did the English put this young heroine to death, and in what year ? 13. Write briefly the story of Joan of Arc ; or, if you prefer, write an apostrophe to her in sonnet form. 14. When and to whom was Henry VI married ? 15. What insurrection in England in 1450 ? Who was murdered that year ? f 16. What year marks the end of the Hundred Years' War? 17. What war opened two years after in England? Which House wore the red rose ? Which the white ? 18. When was Henry VI deposed ? Who usurped the throne ? 19. What French king began to reign the same year? 20. When and how did Henry VI and his son Edward die? 21. What is said of Queen Margaret on year-squares 1475 and 1482 ? Have you read A Stormy Life, by Lady Georgiana Fullerton ? 22. When and how did George, Duke of Clarence, die? Who was he? Have you read Clarence's Dream in the drama of Eichard III ? Who wrote this drama? 23. How long did Edward IV reign? Who succeeded him, and in what year ? * Henry VI was proclaimed King of England and France, in con- sequence of which hostilities continued between the two countries till 1453. f He was lord high admiral of England, and commanded at the siege of Orleans, where he was defeated by Joan of Arc. QUESTIONS ON THE XV th CENTURY 65 24. How long did the reign of the boy-king Edward V last? 25. Who murdered him and took possession of the throne ? Have you read the description of the murder of the little princes in Shakespeare's Richard III ? 26. When and where was Richard III slain ? Who was crowned king on the battlefield? Give his genealogy as found on the Chart, with dates of birth and death. 27. Of what dynasty was Henry VII the founder? Whom did he marry the year after his accession ? 28. What two insurrections took place in England during his reign ? 29. When did Charles VIII become king of France? Whom did he marry, and when ? 30. Who succeeded Charles VIII in 1498? 31. Who began to reign in Castile and Leon in 1406 ? * What was his age, and how long did he rule ? 32. Tell what you know of the government of John II. 33. What famous queen was his daughter ? 34. When did Henry IV,f his son, succeed to the crown ? 35. When was Isabella crowned Queen of Castile and Leon, and at what age? Who was her consort? | 36. Who was the father of Ferdinand II of Aragon? (See 1458.) * John II was the son of Henry HI of Castile and Catharine of Lancaster, daughter of John of Gaunt. He was a weak sovereign, but a liberal patron of learning, and his reign was marked by the re- vival of literature. Henry IV (see 1454) was his son by his first wife ; by his second, Queen Isabella of Portugal, he had a daughter, after- ward illustrious as Isabella the Catholic. f Henry's reign was remarkable for anarchy and oppression. In 1468 Isabella was appointed regent, and ruled till his death. X Isabella had been married to Ferdinand of Aragon in 1469 ; she did not resign the sovereignty to him, however, but kept it in her own hands. 66 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 37. What King of Aragon was Ferdinand's uncle ? (See 1416.) 38. In what year were Ferdinand and Isabella married ? 39. In what year were the crowns of Castile and Aragon united, and by what event ? * 40. What is said of Isabella on year-square 1491 ? 41. What two great events signalized the reign of Fer- dinand and Isabella? In what year did the fall of Gra- nada take place ? 42. When did Isabella the Catholic die ? 43. What five kings occupied successively the throne of Portugal during this century ? 44. John I (Nothus) was declared king in 1385; how long did he hold sway ? 45. What islands were discovered during his reign ? 46. Who was the leading spirit f in these nautical en- terprises ? 47. How long did Alfonso V the African J reign ? 48. What islands were discovered in 1450 ? 49. What was the chief object of Portugal in fitting out these maritime enterprises?* 50. Who succeeded to the throne of Portugal in 1481 ? * By the death of his father, John II, Ferdinand became King of Aragon, thus uniting the kingdoms. The expulsion of the Moors (1492) and the conquest of Navarre (1513) brought all Spain under one rule. t See 1432. Prince Henry (1394-1460) was the third son of King John I (Nothus) of Portugal and Philippa of Lancaster, sister of Henry IV" of England. X He was so called because of his conquests in Africa. He ran- somed the body of his uncle Ferdinand, who, having been defeated by the Moors at Tangiers in 1437, had chosen to remain a prisoner rather than yield up the Christian city of Ceuta. Ferdinand died at Fez in 1442, exhausted by ill treatment. He is the hero of The Con- stant Prince, the finest historical drama of Calderon (1600-1681). <* See page 13. QUESTIONS ON THE XVth CENTURY 67 51. What discovery in 1486 strengthened this king's hope of finding a sea route to India? Who made the discovery ? * 52. Did John II live to realize his hope ? 53. Who finally doubled the Cape of Good Hope and sailed to India? f In what year? Under what king? 54. When and how did the son and heir of Robert III of Scotland die? 55. Give the details on year-square 1406. What coun- try does the thistle symbolize ? What dynasty reigned in this century? 56. Name in order of succession the Scottish kings of the century, giving the age of each at accession. 57. How did James I X and James III die ? In what battle was James II killed ? James IV ? (See year-square 1513.) 58. Name three Scotch universities founded in this century. 59. When did Philip the Good become Duke of Bur- gundy? Whose names fill the death record of that year? 60. What order did Philip institute, and when? In what year did he die ? 61. Who succeeded Philip the Good ? Give the details you find on year-squares 1467 and 1477 pertaining to Bur- * Diaz named the cape Tormentoso, or Stormy Cape ; but when John II saw his navigator's chart he drew his pen across Tormentoso and wrote de Buena Esperanza, of Good Hope. f On year-square 1579 (XVIth Century Chart) the pupil will find the name of Camoens, the Portuguese epic poet. The hero of his great poem, the Lusiad, is Vasco da Gama. I The education of the captive prince was intrusted to the first instructors of the kingdom, so that James became one of the most accomplished rulers of his day. James I won renown in literature also by The King's Quhair (Book), a romantic poem of a high order, written while a prisoner in the Tower. 68 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS gundy. Have you read the Memoirs of Philippe de Co- mines, or Kirk's Life of Charles the Bold ? 62. Who were rival emperors of Germany in 1410? When did the Hussite war * take place ? 63. From whom was the war named ? When and how did he die ? 64. Who became Emperor of Germany in 1438 ? 65. When was Frederick IV crowned ? How long did he reign ? QQ. Who was elected emperor in 1493 ? 67. What marriage marks year-square 1405 ? 68. What famous queen \ died in 1412 ? By whom was she succeeded ? 69. Name the points on year-square 1448. What do you mean by the Dissolution of the Union of Calmar? 70. Who restored the Union of Calmar in 1497? 71. In what year was the Council of Constance held ? The Council of Florence ? 72. When did Martin V become papal sovereign ? How many years did he reign ? Who succeeded him ? 73. When did Nicholas V | receive the triple crown? 74. Eelate what is said of the great Florentine family of the Medici on year-squares 1428, 1464, 1469, 1478, and 1492. 75. Write a biographical sketch of Cosmo de' Medici. * Sigisraund claimed the crown of Bohemia on the death of Wen- ceslaus, his brother ; but the Bohemians refused to acknowledge him — hence the war. f Margaret, by the Union of Calmar in 1397, had united the king- doms of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden under her sway. Eric was deposed by the Danes in 1439 and by his other subjects in 1440. On the death of his successor, Christopher, the Union of Calmar was dis- solved, the Danes choosing Christian I for their king, and the Swedes and Norwegians Charles VIII. t Nicholas V was a munificent patron of learning, and founder of the Vatican Library. QUESTIONS ON THE XV th CENTURY 69 76. Write a biographical sketch of Lorenzo de' Medici.* 77. When was the art of printing invented, and by whom? 78. What notes about printing on four other year- squares ? 79. On what year-square does the Turkish crescent first appear ? 80. What battle marks this square? Who was taken prisoner by Tamerlane ? When did the latter die ? 81. Who wrote the drama entitled Tamburlaine the Great ? f 82. Bajazet's three sons reigned in succession in Turkey : name them. 83. In what year did Mahomet II become sultan ? 84. How long did his rule last ? 85. What great loss did Christendom sustain in the third year of his reign ? 86. Who was the last Emperor of Constantinople? 87. When did Calixtus III become sovereign pontiff? 88. Give an account of a victory obtained over the Turks \ the next year. 89. Locate Constantinople. Locate Belgrade. 90. What is said of the son of John Hunnyades * on year-square 1458? * Lorenzo, called the Magnificent, on account of his patronage of learning and the fine arts, was father of John de' Medici, afterward famous as Leo X (see 1513) ; while Julian de' Medici was father of Clement VII (see 1523). t See XVIth Century Chart— 1593, death corner. X Calixtus, though over seventy years old, gave himself with super- human energy to the crusade against Islamism. On his exaltation to the papacy he made a solemn vow " to reconquer Constantinople and to deliver the Christians languishing in slavery " at the sacrifice of all his treasures, and even at the cost of life itself, * Hunnyades and John Capistran, exhausted by their arduous labors during the siege, died the same year (1456). 70 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 91. What papal sovereign succeeded Calixtus III ? * 92. When did Era Angelico die ? Thomas a Kempis ? Rene, the Duke of Anjou? Warwick, the king-maker? Lorenzo de' Medici, the poet? Brunelleschi, the architect? * Pius II, ^^neas Sylvius Piccolomini, was an eminent scholar and historian. Among his numerous works a History of the Reign of Frederic III, a History of Bohemia, and Epistolse, are held in high esteem. QUESTIONS ON THE XVIth CENTURY (foreign history) 1. What conquest did Louis XII make in 1501 ? When did he relinquish it, and under what circumstances ? 2. How was France concerned in the League of Cam- brai? What pope joined the League? 3. What eminent pope began to reign in 1513 ? To what family did he belong? (See 1428.) 4. When did Henry VIII become King of England ? 5. When did Francis I ascend the throne of France? 6. What death and what accession in 1516? 7. When was Charles I of Spain elected Emperor of Ger- many ? What title did he assume ? Describe the symbol. 8. What three monarchs were present on the Field of the Cloth of Gold? In what year? Tell what you know of the meeting. 9. In what year did Soliman II, the Magnificent, be- come Sultan ? 10. What year-square marks the Eeformation under Luther? 11. When did the Diet of Worms take place? 12. What war note on year-square 1525 ? 13. When was Rome stormed ? Give the details. 14. When and where did the name Protestant origi- nate? What peace is recorded in the same year? 15. When and to whom did Charles V cede Malta ? 16. Tell what you find on two year-squares concerning the League of Smalcald. 71 72 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 17. When and by whom was the order of Jesuits founded ? 18. In what year did the Council of Trent open ? 19. What Diet in 1546? What was its result? What reformer died that year? 20. When did the Council of Trent close ? 21. What transfer did Charles V make of Saxony in 1548? 22. How did Maurice requite him four years after ? 23. Tell the story of Charles's abdication. What title did his brother assume ? His son Philip ? 24. When did Charles V die ? Have you read Robert- son's History of the Emperor Charles V ? 25. Who was made Chancellor of England in 1515 ? What year-square records his fall ? His death ? Have you read Wolsey's Soliloquy in Shakespeare's Henry VIII ? 26. Who became Lord Chancellor in 1529? When did he resign ? 27. When did Henry VIII divorce his queen, Katherine of Aragon ? * Whose daughter was she ? What was the relationship between her and Charles V ? 28. What papal sovereign had refused to grant a divorce ? (See 1523.) 29. What fate did Sir Thomas More meet for opposing the divorce ? Narrate the circumstances of his death. Can you name two fine prose works by Sir Thomas More ? 30. Name the other matrimonial alliances of Henry VIII. Which of his wives were beheaded, and when ? 31. What does year-square 1538 record of Ens^land? 32. Henry VIII and Francis I of France died the same year : name the year, and the successor of each. 33. What eminent poet was beheaded by Henry about * Katherine was the third daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain. Charles V was her nephew, the son of her sister Joanna (or Jane) and Philip I of Spain. QUESTIONS ON THE XVIth CENTURY 73 ten days before his own death ? What form of verse did he introduce into our literature ? 34. When did Queen Mary ascend the throne ? Whom did she marry, and when ? 35. What rebellion and what executions in 1554? 36. What stronghold of France was lost to England a few months before Queen Mary's death ? 37. Who succeeded her, and in what year? 38. Whose portrait appears on year-square 1561 ? When had she become Queen of the Scots? 39. What French king had she married? (See 1559.) Whose accession tells the death of Francis? 40. What Scotch lord* did Mary afterward marry? When was her infant son proclaimed king? 41. What year-square records the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots ? 42. Name three explorers who sailed under the patron- age of Elizabeth. 43. What fleet was destroyed by her navy, and in what year? 44. When did Elizabeth die ? How long had she reigned ? 45. What dynasty ruled in England during this century ? 46. What Scottish dynasty reigned during this and the preceding century ? 47. Name three Scottish sovereigns who succeeded to the throne during the sixteenth century, giving the year and age of each at accession. 48. Of what dynasty was Louis XII of France ? * She married her cousin, Lord Darnley, who was murdered in 1567. She was married shortly after by force to the Earl of Bothwell, on which the nobles seized her, imprisoned her in Lochleven Castle, and compelled her to abdicate in favor of her son. She escaped, how- ever, and fled for protection to her cousin Elizabeth, who confined her in prison for eighteen years and then beheaded her. 74 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 49. Of what dynasty was Francis I and his four imme- diate successors? How did Henry III die? 50. Who introduced the dynasty of Bourbon, and in what year ? 51. What notes concerning this king on year-squares 1593, 1596, 1598, and 1600? When and how did he die? 52. In what year was the Union of Calmar finally dis- solved? Who then became King of Sweden? 53. What notes about Portugal on year-squares 1502 and 1511? 54. When did John III begin to reign in Portugal ? 55. In what year did his grandson Sebastian * succeed him? At what age? 56. Under what rule did Portugal fall on the death of Cardinal Henry after two years' reign? Who was then King of Spain ? 57. How long did the rule of Spain last? Who re- stored the independence of Portugal, and when? (See 1640.) 58. What event occupies the center of year-square 1566 ?t 59. What important event under the Dutch anchor in 1579? I * Sebastian was grandson to Charles V also, his mother, Jane, hav- ing been the daughter of the emperor. His uncle, Cardinal Henry, became regent and succeeded to the throne on the death of Sebastian in battle. The cardinal was the last male of this line. f Holland and Belgium constituted the Netherlands, or Low Coun- tries, a dependency of Spain. Many of the cities, notably Ghent, Antwerp, Brussels, and Mechlin, had grown wealthy and powerful by their trade and manufactures. Each of the seventeen provinces held its own constitution, and the revolt was owing to the absolutism of Philip's government. X The seven northern states under their leader, William the Silent, threw off the yoke of Spain and formed the Union of Utrecht or the Dutch Republic. The other ten states remained under Spanish rule. QUESTIONS ON THE XVIth CENTURY 75 60. Whom did the Seven United Provinces appoint their stadtholder in 1581 ? 61. When did he die, and how? 62. What American historian* wrote The Rise of the Dutch Republic ? 63. When did the Turks conquer Egypt ? Under what sultan ? t 64. What three successes did the Turks have under Soliman II? 65. Locate the island of Rhodes ; X the island of Malta. QQ. What king was slain at the battle of Mohacs in 1526 ? 67. What mem.orable defeat did the Turks sustain in 1571 ? * Give details on year-square. 68. What papal sovereign sent a fleet to the aid of the Christian nations ? Who was the reigning sultan ? 69. When did Don John of Austria die? The republic became in a short time the most formidable maritime power in the world. Spain kept up the war more or less till 1648, when it finally recognized the independence of the republic by the Treaty of Westphalia. * See XlXth Century Chart— death record of 1877. f Selim I secured the throne by the murder of his father, Bajazet II, and his brothers. He annexed to his empire Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt, and a part of Persia. His son, Soliman II, the Magnificent, (1520), was the greatest of the Ottoman sultans, and equally famous as a ruler and as a patron of learning and the fine arts. X The Knights Hospitallers of St. John, a military order founded in the eleventh century, conquered Rhodes and the adjacent islets 1310-'14. Rhodes was several times attacked by the Turks, under Othman, Bajazet I, Mahomet II, and others. After its seizure by Soliman II (1522) the grand master and the surviving knights retired to Sicily until 1530, when Charles V ceded to them Malta as the perma- nent seat of the order. Soliman II besieged Malta in 1551, but was repulsed ; in a second siege, in 1565, he was equally unsuccessful. The knights took part in the battle of Lepanto. ^ Lepanto, a small town in Greece, on the Gulf of Lepanto, had been taken from the Venetians by the Turks in 1499. 76 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 70. Write a description of the battle of Lepanto. 71. What pope promulgated the Gregorian Calendar, * and in what year ? 72. When was Sir Philip Sidney slain? Mention a prose and a poetical work of his. 73. When did Christopher Marlowe die ? Name two of his dramas. 74. What two poets are mentioned on year-square 1595 ? 75. Write a brief biographical sketch of each. 76. What is the title of Tasso's great epic poem?t What Elizabethan author translated it into English ? 77. The author of the Faerie Queen died in 1598 : who was he ? Can you mention three other poems of his ? 78. Find in the death record of 1536 the name of an eminent Dutch scholar and writer. 79. When did the Italian poet Ariosto die ? 80. When did Copernicus, the great astronomer, die? What revolution did he make in astronomy ? 81. What year-square records the death of Montaigne, the French philosopher ? 82. What musical composer died in 1594 ? What artist ? 83. Give the names of six other artists who flourished in this century, with the year of death of each. * Gregory XIII was distinguished for his knowledge of civil and canon law and his zeal in the cause of education. He built and en- dowed several colleges, one of which, in Rome, was naraed the Gre- gorian College. He employed the skill of the most eminent astrono- mers and mathematicians in his reform of the Julian Calendar. f Gerusalemme Liberata, or Jerusalem Delivered. A fine transla- tion was made in 1600 by Edward Fairfax, who dedicated it to Queen Elizabeth. William Collins (1721-1748) writes : " In scenes like these .... The heroic muse employed her Tasso's art. How have I sat when piped the pensive wind To hear his harp by British Fairfax strung ! " QUESTIONS ON THE XVllth CENTURY (foreig:s" history) 1. "Who succeeded to the English throne in 1603? "Whence did he derive his right? What was his title as King of Scotland ? 2. "Whose execution marks the death corner of 1601 ? 3. "What year-square records the Gunpowder Plot? 4. What two members of the royal family did James I imprison, and in what year ? 5. When did James I die ? Name his successor. 6. In what war did England engage in 1627? 7. What surrender the following year? What assassi- nation ? * 8. When was Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, made Prime Minister of England ? 9. In what year was he beheaded ? 10. What English court was abolished in 1641 ? 11. What war was begun in 1642 ? 12. Give the notes of this war found on year-squares 1644, 1645, and 1646. 13. What English noble was beheaded in 1645? 14. When and how did Charles I meet his death ? 15. What mode of government was now proclaimed? * The Duke of Buckingham had been the favorite of James I, and continued to rule Charles, amassing treasures for himself and his relatives, and trampling on the rights of the noblest and worthiest in the realm. He had led the disastrous expedition to La Rochelle in 1627. 6 77 78 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 16. Who was the lawful heir to the English throne ? 17. Tell what is said of Charles II on year-square 1650. 18. What is said of the Marquis of Montrose ? * Have you read the poem entitled The Execution of Montrose, by Professor Aytoun ? 19. What battle took place in 1651, and with what re- sult? 20. What act was passed by Parliament that year ? 21. What war note on year-square 1652? 22. What is said of Ireland on the same square ? 23. When did Oliver Cromwell begin to rule, and under what title? 24. Tell what you know of his character. How had he treated the Parliament? 25. When did war break out between England and Spain ? Eecite the points mentioned. 26. Give three English notes recorded on year-square 1658. 27. When did the restoration of monarchy take place, and in whose person ? 28. What act was passed by Parliament the same year? 29. In what year did a great fire \ afflict London ? 30. In what year was the Peace of Breda signed ? Give details. 31. When was war again declared against Holland, and by what nations? Who was the reigning stadtholder? 32. When was peace restored ? * The Marquis of Montrose had been appointed commander in chief of all the troops to be raised in Scotland for the service of Charles II. t John Dryden (see 1700) wrote a poem called Annus Mirabilis, the Year of Wonders, commemorating the great fire of London, and the war with the Dutch. " The fire burned for three days, and laid London in ashes from the Tower to the Temple and from the Thames to Smithfield." QUESTIONS ON THE XVIIth CENTURY 79 33. Give year and details of the Rye House Plot. 34. How long did Charles II reign over England ? 35. Who succeeded him, and in what year? 36. A revolution took place in England in 1688 : what does the illustration of that year-square represent? 37. In what year was James II deposed? 38. Who replaced him on the throne of England ? How were these sovereigns related to Charles I ? Whose daugh- ter was Mary ? Whose son was William ? * 39. What war was begun in 1689 ? 40. What battle took place in July, 1690 ? Locate on the map of Ireland the river Boyne: into what sea does it flow? 41. When did Queen Mary die ? 42. When and by what peace did King William's War end? 43. When was Henry IV of France assassinated ? 44. His son succeeded : under what title ? 45. What celebrated statesman did he raise to power in 1624? 46. What is said of the Huguenots on year-squares 1627 and 1628? 47. How long did Cardinal Richelieu's ministry last? By whom was he succeeded ? What modern English au- thor wrote a drama entitled Richelieu ? 48. Who became King of France in 1643, and at what age ? His reign — one of the longest in history — ended in wLat year ? 49. In what year did the battle of the Dunes f take place? Locate Dunkirk. * See year-square 1650 for the death of his father, William II, and for his own birth. The stadtholdership remained vacant until 1672, when William III assumed it at the age of twenty-two. f This victory was gained by the allied French and English over the Spaniards on the sands (dunes) near Dunkirk. The armies were 80 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 50. In what war did Louis engage in 1672 ? 51. When was the Edict of Nantes revoked? Who had proclaimed it, and in what year? 52. Who was King of Spain and Portugal at the open- ing of this century ? 53. In what year did he die, and by whom was he suc- ceeded ? 54. When did the Portuguese throw off the yoke of Spain ? Who then became Kiug of Portugal? 55. Two Spanish monarchs appear in the last half of the century : who are they ? 56. What great war was caused by the accession of a Bourbon * in 1700 ? (See 1701.) 57. Who reigned in Germany at the opening of the century ? 58. In what year did the Thirty Years' War begin? Who was Emperor of Germany at the time ? 59. In what year and in what battle did Gustavus Adolphus fall ? 60. Who was Gustavus Adolphus, and when had he be- gun to reign ? 61. When was Wallenstein, the great German general, assassinated ? Have you read Schiller's Wallenstein, trans- lated by Samuel Coleridge ? 62. When and by what treaty did the Thirty Years' War end ? led by Marshal Turenne, of France, whose brilliant campaigns in Germany (1644-'47) had effectually prepared the way for the Peace of Westphalia. Charles II sold Dunkirk to France in 1662. * Charles II, the last Hapsburg King of Spain, dying without issue, bequeathed the crown to his kinsman, the Duke of Anjou, grandson of Louis XIV of France, who was proclaimed under the title of Philip V. There were two other claimants, and the rivalry between these princes brought on a European war known as the War of the Spanish Succession. QUESTIONS ON THE XVIIth CENTURY 81 63. Who was then reigning in Germany? In France? In Sweden? In Denmark? Who was Stadtholder of Hol- land ? Yv^ho was papal sovereign ? 64. In what year was Gregory XV elected sovereign pontiff? Urban VIII?* Alexander VII? Clement IX? 65. When and how did Charles X obtain the Swedish throne ? 66. What year-square records the accession of the Roma- noff dynasty in Eussia ? 67. What great name of this dynasty appears on year- square 1682 ? 68. What sultan began to rule in 1603 ? 69. When did Mahomet IV come into power ? 70. What great defeat did the Turks sustain during his reign ? \ 71. Mention five English dramatists whose names are found in the death record of this century. 72. Who was the author of Paradise Lost, and when did he die? 73. What year-square records the death of Dryden ? Of Waller ? Of Cowley and Jeremy Taylor ? Of Sir Walter Raleigh? 74. What English philosopher died in 1626? In 1679? 75. Name four astronomers X who flourished during this century. To what three countries did they do honor ? * Urban VIII founded the College de Propaganda Fide, finished the aqueduct of Acqua Felice, and increased the Vatican Library. f John Sobieski (King of Poland 1674-'96), after having expelled the Turks from his own kingdom, led 20,000 Poles to the relief of Vienna. In 1688 Belgrade was taken from the Turks, but retaken by them in 1690. In 1696 Prince Eugene of Savoy, who had distinguished himself at Belgrade, was made commander in chief of the imperial army against the Turks. He completely routed them at Zenta in 1697, and forced them to the Peace of Carlo witz in 1699. (See 1716-'18.) X See year-squares 1601, 1630, 1642, and 1695. 82 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 76. What great Spanish author's name appears in the death corner with Shakespeare's? Have you read Don Quixote ? 77. Two eminent dramatists held the stage in Spain during ninety years : in what year and at what age did each die ? 78. What French statesman died in 1683? What French marshal-general in 1675 ? 79. Three famous French dramatists died during the last three decades of this century : give the name and date of death of each. 80. When did La Fontaine, the French fabulist, die? Pascal and Descartes, French philosophers? The epistolary writer, Madame de Sevigne ? La Bruyere ? 81. What two artists died in 1682 ? 82. When did the Italian artist Guido die? The broth- ers Annibale and Agostino Carracci ? Ludovico Carracci, their cousin ? Eubens ? Vandyke ? Salvator Eosa ? Pous- sin? Eembrandt? QUESTIONS ON THE XVIIIth CENTURY (foreign history) 1. Name the four English sovereigns whose portraits appear on the XYlIIth Century Chart. 2. Who were the parents of Queen Anne ? Who were her grandparents ? 3. Her consort's death is recorded on year-square 1708 : who was he ? 4. What war was afflicting Europe at the time of her accession, and what was its object ? 5. By what name was the English phase of the war known? (See 1702.) 6. Who assumed the title of King of Spain in 1703 ? 7. What English duke * was made commander in chief of the allied forces against Spain ? When did he begin his career on the Continent ? 8. What celebrated Austrian general shared with him the laurels of victory ? 9. What battle was fought in 1704? What great Span- ish fortress was surrendered, and to whom? 10. What details concerning the war on year-squares 1705, 1706, and 1707? 11. What countries were united in 1707, and under what title ? * Prince Eugene co-operated with Marlborough in the victories of Blenheim, Oudenarde, Malplaquet, and others. See note, XVIIth Century (foreign), to question 70 ; and Chart, death comer, year- square 1736. 83 84 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 12. When did the battle of Oudenarde take place? Of Malplaquet ? Locate both. 13. When was the Duke of Marlborough deprived of office,* and why? 14. Who became Emperor of Germany f in 1711 ? Whom did he succeed ? How long had his predecessor reigned ? 15. When did the War of the Spanish Succession close ? Through what event and by what peace ? 16. When was the British East India Company incor- porated ? 17. Who succeeded Queen Anne on the throne of Eng- land ? Of what house was he, and how did he derive his title? What branch of the House of Stuart had been ex- cluded \ by Parliament from the succession ? 18. What treaty in 1714? Locate Rastadt. 19. What scheme terminated in 1720, and how ? What is recorded of it in 1721 ? 20. Whose name occupies the death corner of 1726 ? 21. When did George II fall heir to the crown ? How long did he reign ? 22. What trouble did England get into with Spain in 1739? 23. When did the War of the Austrian Succession begin in Europe ? Who became King of Prussia that year ? * He was restored to favor by George I in 1714. f Joseph died without male heirs. His brother and successor, Charles VI, under the title of Charles III, was the claimant of the Spanish throne. It could no longer be the interest of the foreign powers to sustain a war which would unite Spain to Austria. A truce between England and Spain was the forerunner of the Peace of Utrecht. X The rightful heir was James Francis Edward, called the Pre- tender, son of James II and Mary of Modena, born 1688 (see year- square). He was a Catholic, hence his exclusion from the throne. (See Linton's Genealogical Chart of England.) QUESTIONS Oy THE XVIII th CENTURY 85 24. "Whose royal name marks the death corner ? 25. Give the points relative to the succession of Maria Theresa which you find on year-squares 1723 * and 1731. 26. When did Maria Theresa's marriage take place, and to whom ? 27. Describe the illustration on year-square 1741. f 28. What is said of Maria Theresa on year-square 1742? 29. Who was Frederic II ? 30. Who was elected Emperor of Germany that year ? 31. What battle described on year-square 1743? 32. When was war declared between England and France ? 33. What was the English phase of the war called ? 34. Give the war details of 1744. 35. Who won a victory at Fontenoy, and in what year? 36. When did Charles VII of Germany die? What did his son, Maximilian Joseph, do upon his death ? 37. When was Maria Theresa's husband elected Emperor of Germany, and under what title ? 38. What treaty closed the war, and in what year? Locate the Prussian city | where the treaty was drawn up. * Pragmatic Sanction — an imperial decree by which Charles VI secured to his female descendants, in default of male heirs, the right of succession to Austria, Hungary, and his other domains. f Maria Theresa received offers of assistance from Frederic the Great of Prussia on condition of her ceding to him Lower Silesia, but she firmly refused. The queen convoked the Hungarian Diet at Presburg, where, displaying her infant son to the deputies, she told them she had no hope but in their loyalty. Drawing their swords they responded with enthusiasm, " We will die for our king, Maria Theresa ! " X By the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, Silesia was given to Frederic of Prussia, and the Pragmatic Sanction was sustained in Austria. But Maria Theresa was anxious to recover Silesia, and later formed an alliance with Russia and other powers for this purpose. Hence arose the " Seven Years' War." 86 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 39. What year was marked by a rebellion in Scotland? What battle that year ? 40. When and by what battle was the rebellion brought to a close ? 41. When did Great Britain adopt the Gregorian Cal- endar ? 42. What is said of Lord Olive on year-squares 1751 and 1757?* 43. When did the French surrender Canada to Eng- land ? 44. Who ascended the English throne the same year? 45. What two English notes on year-square 1701 ? 46. When was Havana captured by the British ? 47. When and by whom was Florida ceded to England? 48. When were the letters of Junius published ? 49. Who was appointed governor of Bengal, and in what year? 50. By what oppressive acts did England lose her Ameri- can colonies ? 51. When and where did General Burgoyne surrender? 52. When and where did Lord Cornwallis surrender ? 53. In what year did Great Britain acknowledge the Independence of the United States ? 54. When did the British evacuate New York ? 55. Who impeached Warren Hastings, and in what year ? Have you read Burke's impeachment? Lord Macaulay's essay on Warren Hastings? 56. What year-square records the death of the Dauphin Louis,t only son of Louis XIV ? * This victory laid the foundation of the British Empire in India. A few years after, the British East India Company secured the rich and populous district of Bengal. f The Dauphin was the father of the Duke of Burgundy, the pupil of the celebrated Fenelon, who now became heir to the throne. The Dauphin was also father to Philip V of Spain (see 1724). The death QUESTIONS ON THE XVIIIih CENTURY 87 57. What members of the royal family died in 1712? 58. Who succeeded to the French throne on the death of Louis XIV ? How old was the new king ? What was his relationship to Louis XIV ? 59. What note under the fleur-de-lis on year-square 1717? 60. What of the royal bank of France in 1718 ? 61. What happened to Law's scheme in 1720? 62. What celebrated cardinal was prime minister of Louis XV, and when did he die ? 63. In what year did Louis XV proclaim war against Maria Teresa and the United Provinces ? 64. In what war did France lose nearly all of her Amer- ican colonies ? 65. To whom was Canada surrendered ? To whom was Louisiana ceded, and in what year ? 66. When did Louis XVI ascend the throne, and at what age ? Who was his consort ? * 67. In what year did Louis XVI conclude a treaty of alliance \ with the United States? 68. In what year did the French Revolution break out ? 69. What does year-square 1793 record of France? What fate did the king and queen meet that year? 70. Write a biographical sketch of Marie Antoinette. 71. When was the French Directory organized ? 72. What republic J was founded the same year ? of the Duke of Burgundy, his wife, and eldest son, in 1712, left Louis, a child of scarce two years, heir to the crown. * Louis had been married to Marie Antoinette, daughter of Maria Teresa, of Austria, in 1770. f The war to which it gave rise cost France nearly $300,000,000, and accustoming the nation and army to republican ideas, led finally to the fall of monarchy. X Holland was invaded by the republican army under Piche^ru. The stadtholder with his family fled to England. The new republic was so called from the ancient name of the country, Batavia. 88 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 73. When was Napoleon Bonaparte appointed com- mander in chief * of the French army in Italy ? 74. When did he marry Josephine ? 75. What two republics were formed by France in 1797 ? What treaty signed between France and Austria ? 76. What is said of Bonaparte on year-squares 1798 and 1799? 77. When was the Swiss Confederacy abolished and the Helvetian Republic proclaimed ? 78. In what year did France threaten war with the United States ? When was peace signed ? 79. When was Pius VI taken prisoner by France ? 80. How long had he been papal sovereign? When did he die, and where ? 81. In what year did Bonaparte, by the battle of Ma- rengo, complete the conquest of Upper Italy ? 82. When did Prussia become a kingdom ? Who was the first king ? 83. By whom was Frederic I succeeded, and in what year ? 84. Who was the third King of Prussia ? In what year and at what age did he ascend the throne ? 85. What war did he at once begin ? Locate Silesia. 86. What does year-square 1742 tell you of Frederic II ? How was he the nephew f of George II of England ? 87. When did Frederic II begin the second Silesian War? 88. What peace yielded Silesia to him in 1748? 89. When and why X did Frederic declare a third war, and what was it called ? * He was appointed February 23, 1796 ; he married Josephine on the 8th of March. His Italian campaign was marked by a series of dazzling victories. t Sophia Dorothea, sister of George II, married Frederic William I of Prussia, father of Frederic the Great. X See notes — questions 27 and 38, page 85. QUESTIONS OK THE XVIII th CENTURY 89 90. In what year and by what treaty was this war termi- nated ? * 91. When did Peter the Great lay the foundation of St. Petersburg ? 92. What battle did he fight in July, 1709? Against whom, and with what result ? \ 93. What war was caused by the rivalry of Stanislas Leczinski and Frederic Augustus II ? Give date and de- tails of the treaty of peace. 94. When did Peter the Great die, and at what age? 95. By whom was he succeeded ? 96. When did Elizabeth of Eussia become empress ? 97. In what war X did she take part against Frederic the Great ? 98. How did Catharine II * obtain the throne ? 99. When was peace concluded between Russia and Prussia ? 100. When did Joseph II, son of Maria Teresa, become Emperor of Germany ? * The Seven Years' War raised Prussia to the front rank of Euro- pean powers. By the Treaty of Hubertsburg Frederic retained Silesia. The treaty was so called from the castle near Leipsic, Saxony, where it was signed. + Frederic Augustus of Saxony had been elected King of Poland in 1697. Stanislas Leczinski was the candidate of Charles XII of Sweden (see 1697). The defeat of Charles at Pultowa, Russia, by Peter the Great, who had formed an alliance with Frederic Augustus, restored the latter to the throne, which he retained till his death, 1733. His son, Frederic Augustus II, was then elected King of Poland, when Stanislas again appeared as a claimant. X Her army entered Berlin (1760), and pressed him so hard that he would probably have been defeated by the allies but for her timely death. (See 1761.) * She married Elizabeth's nephew, Peter III, who. six months after his accession, was deposed and strangled. Catharine then became mistress of the empire. 90 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 101. What three sovereigns took part in the first parti- tion of Poland, and in what year ? 102. Locate Poland. What gulf on the west? On the south ? 103. When did the second partition of Poland take place? Eussia and Prussia took part in it: who reigned in those countries ? 104. When was the final partition effected? The last of the German emperors shared with Russia and Prussia in this injustice : who was he, and when elected ? ^• 105. In what war did Prince Eugene distinguish him- self in 1716-'18 ? Give the details. 106. Who became papal sovereign in 1724? In 1758? 107. When did Benedict XIV \ mount the papal throne ? 108. Who reigned in Sweden at the opening of the centui-y ? 109. Who succeeded him in 1719? | To whom did she transfer the royal power in 1720? 110. Who ascended the throne of Sweden in 1751 ? In 1771? 111. When was the sovereignty of Denmark assumed by Christian VI ? By Frederic V ? 112. Who ascended the Spanish throne in 1746? In 1759? In 1788? 113. When did the reign of John V of Portugal open ? Of Joseph Emanuel ? Of Maria I da Gloria and Pedro III ? * Francis was the eldest son of Leopold II. He joined the allies against Napoleon, and on the disorganization of the German Empire renounced the throne of the Caesars (1806), and assumed the title of Francis I, Emperor of Austria. f His talents were of a high order, as is evinced by his numerous works in Latin. " He founded academies at Rome, built a number of public edifices, and was a munificent patron of learning and the arts." X Ulrica was a sister of Charles XII. She was elected as his suc- cessor, but transferred the royal power to her husband. QUESTIONS ON THE XVIIIth CENTURY 91 114. Who was Stadtholder of Holland in 1747? In 1751? 115. Who became the first King of Sicily in 1713 ? 116. When did he renounce his title to Sicily, and why?* 117. Who succeeded Victor Amadeus, and how long did he reign ? 118. What king ruled in Sardinia from 1773 till 1796? 119. When was Sir Isaac Newton knighted? When did he die ? 120. What periodical made Addison famous? What year-square records his death ? 121. When did Daniel Defoe die? Dean Swift? Prior? Pope ? Thomson and Watts ? Akenside ? 122. Xame the year of death of Samuel Johnson. Of Edmund Burke. Of Oliver Goldsmith. Of Thomas Gray. 123. Mention a work of each of the last four authors. 124. What three English novelists died in the last half of the century ? 125. Give the names of two celebrated sacred orators of France who died in 1704. Of one who died in 1715. Of one who died in 1742. 126. When did the German author Lessing die? The Swedish botanist Linnaeus ? The Italian scientist Galvani ? 127. Give the names of three musicians, of three artists, and of a celebrated architect found in the death record of this century. * Victor Amadeus ceded Sicily to Austria, and received Sardinia in return. He abdicated in 1730. QUESTIONS ON THE XlXth CENTURY (FOREIGN" history) 1. What country occupied the attention of the world at the opening of the nineteenth century ? 2. When was a concordat concluded between France and Rome? Who was the reigning pope? 3. When did Napoleon become President of Italy? 4. What title did he assume in 1804? 5. When did he make himself King of Italy ? Whom did he raise to the rank of kings the same year? 6. How did he exalt Joseph and Louis Bonaparte in 1806? 7. He made Saxony a kingdom the same year : under what king ? 8. Francis II, Emperor of Germany, renounced the im- perial throne in 1806 : what title did he then assume? 9. What three war notes mark year-square 1806 ? 10. What country did France seize the following year ? Whither did the king and court flee ? 11. What new kings in the family of Napoleon in 1807 and 1808?* 12. What political rupture occurred in 1809? f * Ferdinand VII of Spain was deposed by Napoleon, who trans- ferred to the vacant throne his brother Joseph, and raised Murat, his brother-in-law, to the sovereignty of Naples. f Napoleon seized Pius VII, and carried him a prisoner first to Savona, Genoa, and then to Fontainebleaii, France. Pius VII had protested against the " Continental System " (see 1806) as unchristian, 92 QUESTIONS ON THE XlXth CENTURY 93 13. Wheu did Napoleon divorce Josephine? 14. When did he marry Maria Louisa of Austria? 15. What is said on year square 1810 of the Papal States ? Of Holland ? Of the United States ? 16. What sudden death is recorded in that square? 17. What does it tell you of the French marshal Berna- dotte?* 18. Who was the reigning King of Sweden? 19. When did Bernadotte become King of Sweden, and under what title? Of what House was he the head? 20. What is said of France on year-squares 1811 and 1812? 21. What was Napoleon compelled to do in 1814? W^hose name marks the death corner of that year ? 22. Monarchy was restored in France in 1814 : in whose person ? 23. Who was restored to the throne of Spain the same year? What two countries were united under William I ? 24. Tell the story of Napoleon's escape from Elba.f 25. In what year and by what battle did Napoleon's downfall take place ? 26. Have you read the Eve of the Battle of Waterloo in Byron's Childe Harold? and had refused to grant a divorce to Jerome Bonaparte from his American wife, Elizabeth Patterson. * Gustavus IV of Sweden (see 1792) had been deposed by the states in 1809 on account of his despotic rule, and the crown given to his uncle, Charles XIII. Christian Augustus of Denmark had then been elected crown prince ; on his death in May, 1810, Berna- dotte, created Prince of Ponte Corvo by Napoleon, was, with the lat- ter's consent, elected Crown Prince of Sweden. f After a sojourn of ten months in Elba, Napoleon escaped, landed in France February 26, 1815, and made a triumphal journey to Paris. Louis XVIII fled to Ghent, and the empire was again established. The period between Napoleon's restoration to power and his second deposition is known as the " Reign of the Hundred Days." 7 94 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 27. Write an account of the battle of Waterloo. 28. To what island was Napoleon banished? When did he die, and at what age ? 29. In what year was Ferdinand I of Naples restored to his throne ? 30. What became of the ex-king, Murat? What French marshal was shot the same year ? 31. Who ascended the French throne in 1824? When was he deposed ? 32. Who replaced Charles X ? Of what House was the new king ? How long did he retain the scepter ? 33. What change took place in France in 1848?* 34. How long did the republic last? 35. When was the second French empire proclaimed ? What title did Louis Napoleon assume ? 36. In what year did France enter into an alliance against Russia, and with what nations ? 37. What was this war called ? When did the fall of Sebastopol take place ? Locate the Crimea. Locate Sebas- topol. 38. When and where was a treaty of peace ratified ? 39. When did Napoleon III declare war against Prussia? What was the war called ? 40. Who was then King of Prussia ? How long had he been reigning ? 41. What change of government now took place in France ? \ * Louis Napoleon was the son of Louis Bonaparte, King of Hol- land (see 1806), and nephew of Napoleon I. f The Franco-Prussian War was practically ended by the capture of Sedan, where Napoleon III surrendered to William I of Prussia. By this war France lost Alsace and the German part of Lorraine. The third French republic was then established. Adolphe Thiers was elected president in 1871 ; ]?iarshal McMahon in 1873 ; Jules Grevy in 1879, resigned 1887. QUESTIONS ON THE XlXth CENTURY 95 42. When did Sadi-Carnot become President of France? When was he assassinated ? 43. Who became President of France in 1894? On his resignation in 1895, who succeeded him ? When did the latter die ? * 44. Who reigned in Great Britain at the opening of the century ? 45. In what wars did that nation engage during the first fifteen years ? 46. When and where was Admiral Nelson killed ? \ 47. What decree did Great Britain issue against Napo- leon in 1806? What two English statesmen died that year? 48. What naval engagement took place in 1811 ? 49. When did the United States declare war against Great Britain ? 50. What naval victory recorded on year-square 1813? 51. When and where was peace concluded? 52. What English duke led the allied armies at Water- loo ? When did he die ? Who wrote an ode on his death ? 53. When did George IV ascend the throne? Whose son was he ? J 54. In what year was Catholic emancipation effected ? * 55. Who succeeded George IV, and in what year? How was he related to George I V ? * President Faure died suddenly of apoplexy in February, 1899. His successor is Emile Loubet. t Great Britain declared war against France in 1803. Nelson was killed at the battle of Trafalgar, the greatest naval victory gained by the British during the Napoleonic wars. X He had assumed the regency in 1811 on account of the mental malady of his father, George III. * The Catholic Emancipation or Relief Bill made Catholics eligi- ble to all offices of state except that of Lord Chancellor of England and Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. The Catholic lords took their seats in Parliament April 28, 1829, after an exclusion of centuries. 96 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 56. How long did William IV reign? 57. Who was his successor on the English throne ? 58. How long had Hanover been united to the crown of Great Britain?* 59. Where did a rebellion occur the year after Victoria's accession ? 60. When was Queen Victoria married, and to whom ? 61. In what year was the Webster-Ashburton Treaty concluded ? 62. What English note on year-square 1843 ? 63. What is said of an English explorer on year-square 1845? 64. What boundary treaty in 1846? 65. In what war did Great Britain engage in 1854? 66. What treaty with the United States the same year? 67. Give notes of the war on the two following year- squares ? 68. In what year was the British East India Company abolished ? 69. When did Prince Albert die, and at what age? 70. In what year was the Dominion of Canada organ- ized? 71. When was Victoria declared Empress of India? 72. In what war did England engage in 1879 ? 73. When was the Canadian Pacific Railway completed? 74. In what year did Victoria celebrate her Golden Jubilee ? 75. What papal sovereign succeeded Pius VII ? 76. In what year did Gregory XVI receive the triple crown ? 77. When was Pius IX elected ? * The Salic law, which decides the right of succession in Hanover, separated the two kingdoms after a union of one hundred and twenty-three years. QUESTIOXS OX THE XlXih C EX JURY 97 78. What note concerning Eome in the third year of his pontificate ? * 79. When and where did Pius IX open the Xineteenth Ecnmenical Council ? 80. In what year did he lose the last of his temporal dominions '? 81. Who was elected pope on the death of Pius IX ? f 82. Who was crowned King of Portugal and Brazil in 1816 ? X 83. How did Pedro I become Emperor of Brazil ? 84 To whom did he resign the crown of Portugal, and in what year ? "^h. What notes regarding Portugal on year-squares 1828, 1833, and 1834? 86. What Portuguese sovereign began to reign in 1853 ? How long did his rule last ? 87. When did Louis I ascend the throne of Portugal ? Charles I? * C'n ibe accession of Pius IX he had proclaiined an amnesty to political offenders, reorganized the municipal government of Eome, and granted a constitution to the Papal States. During the revolt he was forced to flee to Gaeta : by the aid of the French, however, he was restored to Rome in 1850. A large part of his dominions was annexed by Victor Emanuel in 1S60 ; and he was entirely deprived of his temporal power in 1870. f Leo Xm, equally eminent in piety, learning, and statesman- ship, has exerted a worldwide moral and intellectual influence from his prison in the Vatican Palace. By throwing open the Vatican Library to the researches of the learned, he has won the admiration and graritude of all nations. X Being summoned by the Cortes to return to Portusral in 1S21, John VI appointed his son Dom Pedro Regent of Brazil. The Bra- zilians. exasp>erated by the oppressive measures of the Cortes, pro- claimed Brazil an independent empire (l&'22j and conferred the crown upon the regent under the title of Dom Pedro. On the death of his father, the latter resigned his right to Portugal to his daughter, Maria 11 da Gloria. 98 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 88. When did Pedro II become Emperor of Brazil ? 89. What change of government took place in Brazil in 1889? 90. Who became Queen of Spain on the death of Ferdi- nand VII ? When was she deposed ? 91. Who accepted the throne in 1870? 92. What change in the Spanish Government in 1873? 93. What does the following year-square record of Spain ? 94. How old was Alphonse XII? How long did he reign ? 95. In what year and by whom was he succeeded? 96. Who became regent * of the infant king ? 97. What disastrous war entailed upon Spain the loss of most of her colonies ? How long did the war last ? 98. Locate Cuba ; Porto Eico ; the Philippines. 99. Who became Emperor of Austria in 1835? 100. When did Francis Joseph succeed to the crown ? 101. In what war did he engage in 1859? 102. Give details of the war between Austria and Prussia on year-square 1866. f 103. When was Elizabeth, Empress of Austria, assassi- nated ? 104. Name the Prussian kings who reigned during the first half of the century. (See 1797.) 105. When did William I become King of Prussia? 106. What war did William I wage against Austria ? 107. What great battle secured for Prussia the leader- ship in Germany ? \ * Queen Christina, his mother. \ By the Austro-Sardinian War Austria lost Lombardy ; and by the Seven Weeks' War the province of Venetia. Both were ceded to Sardinia. X The real cause of the war was the desire of Prussia to gain the supremacy in Germany and eject Austria from the confederation, of QUESTIONS ON THE XlXth CENTURY 99 108. When did hostilities open between Prussia and France ? What was the war called ? In what battle was Napoleon III captured ? 109. What territory did Prussia gain by the Franco- Prussian War? 110. When was William I created Emperor of the second German empire ? 111. In what year did William I die ? Who succeeded to the empire and died the same year? 112. When did William II become emperor ? How is he related to Queen Victoria of England ? * 113. On the murder of Paul I of Eussia in 1801, who became czar ? 1 14. What year marks the accession of Nicholas I ? Of Alexander II ? 115. When and how did Alexander II die? W^ho suc- ceeded him ? 116. When did Nicholas II fall heir to the crown ? Whom did the young czar marry,t and when ? 117. Who became King of Sardinia in 1802? 118. When did he resign in favor of his brother, Charles Felix? 119. In what year did Charles Albert]: ascend the throne ? 120. What is said of Rome on year-square 1849 ? which she had been the leader for centuries. Prussia obtained its end. William I was made President of the "North German Confed- eration," and Austria was exchided. * William II is grandson of Queen Victoria, his father, Frederic III, having married Victoria, Princess Royal, eldest daughter of the Queen. f He married Alix of Hesse, granddaughter of Queen Victoria, in 1894. X He headed the movement for Italian independence in 1848. His army was totally defeated at Novara in 1849, on which he abdicated in favor of his son. 100 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 121. When did Victor Emanuel II become sovereign of Sardinia ? 122. In what war * did he engage in the tenth year of his reign ? 123. Who was then King of Naples ? What became of his kingdom in 1860 ? f 124. What title did Victor Emanuel assume in 1861 ? 125. What war in 1866 ? What was the decisive battle of the war ? % 126. When was Rome declared the national capital of Italy ? # 127. When did Humbert succeed to the throne of Italy ? 128. What notes concerning Greece on year-squares 1821, 1827, and 1828? 129. When was Otho of Bavaria elected to the throne of Greece ? What is said of that country on year-squares 1862 and 1863? 130. Who became King of Denmark in 1839 ? In 1848 ? In 1863? 131. When did Belgium achieve her independence of Holland? 132. Who was elected King of Belgium || the following year? * By the Peace of Villafranca Lombardy was annexed to Sardinia in 1859. •f Tuscany, Modena, Parma, and the Romagna were also annexed to Sardinia in 1860. X Italy was the ally of Prussia, in the Seven Weeks' War, and by the Peace of Prague acquired the province of Venetia. * Garibaldi had led an unsuccessful expedition against Rome in 1862 ; in another, 1867, he was defeated by the French and papal forces at Mentana. In August, 1870, Napoleon III having withdrawn the protection of his army from Pius IX, Rome was immediately oc- cupied by the troops of Victor Emanuel, and the discrowned sovereign was made a prisoner in his own palace. II Leopold I was a son of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, a brother of the Duchess of Kent, and uncle of Queen Victoria. QUESTIONS ON THE XlXth CENTURY IQl 133. When did Leopold II ascend the throne ? 134. Who began to reign in Holland in 1831 ? In 1840 ? In 1849? 135. Who succeeded William III of Holland in 1890? 136. Who was crowned King of Sweden in 1844 ? Of what House was he ? 137. When did Oscar II begin to reign ? 138. Who was the second King of Wlirtemberg (1816) ? 139. When was he succeeded by Charles I? Who as- cended the throne in 1891? 140. Name the kings who have reigned in Saxony dur- ing the nineteenth century. (See 1806, 1827, 1836, 1854, 1873.) 141. Who succeeded to the throne of Bavaria in 1864? When and why was Luitpold appointed regent ? 142. Who became the first King of Roumania in 1881 ? 143. When did Prince Milan of Servia* assume the title of king ? 144. When did Alexander I ascend the throne of Servia ? 145. Name the kingdoms that have been founded dur- ing the nineteenth century, f 146. Who became Sultan of Turkey in 1839 ? 147. In what war was he involved from 1853 to 1856? 148. Who succeeded him in 1861 ? 149. When did Abdul Hamid begin to reign ? J 150. In what year did the Armenian massacres take place ? The Cretan rebellion ? The Gr^co-Turkish War ? 151. What war is recorded on year-squares 1894 and 1895 ? On year-square 1899 ? * After a tong struggle Servia and Roamaiiia had become inde- pendent of Turkey. Milan I abdicated in 1889 in favor of his son Alexander, still a minor. f Saxony, Wiirtemberg, Bavaria, Holland, Belgium, Italy, Greece, Servia, and Roumania. X He carried on a war with Russia 1877-'78, by which he lost large possessions in Europe and Asia. 102 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS 152. Name the other points of foreign history found on year-square 1899. 153. In what year were the X-rays discovered, and by whom? 154. On what year-square is the death of the poet Words- worth recorded ? Of Coleridge ? Of Southey ? 155. When did Eichard Brinsley Sheridan die? Lord Byron? Shelley? Charles Lamb? Charlotte Bronte? Elizabeth Barrett Browning? 156. What British historian and essayist died in 1859? What famous English novelist in 1870 ? 157. What year-square records the death of Thackeray? Of Cardinal Newman ? Of William Gladstone ? 158. When did Sir Walter Scott die ? A German poet and a French naturalist died the same year : name them. 159. In what year did Haydn die ? Name a celebrated oratorio of his. When did Beethoven die ? Von Weber ? Hummel? Schumann? Chopin? Cherubini? Liszt? Eossini? Schubert? W^agner? Mendelssohn? 160. When did Malibran, the famous opera singer, die? Sontag ? Jenny Lind ? 161. Mention the names of three violinists which appear in the death record ; the names of three sculptors. 162. When did the artist Vernet die? David? Gustave Dore ? Name some of the works illustrated by Dore. EUROPEAN SOVEREIGNS OF THE XVth CENTURY 103 U5 i?5 «0 00 05 05 rH r-t O J.— CO "^ ^ "^ "^ ba^^* O CO -^* ^ 05 O UO J>» CO ^^ "^ "^ *i -s I •"• "^ 3Jhh ^^ ^^ ^3< ^_^ r-l t-lr-2; i>-.05 O CO CO T-i CO -^ CO "^ "^ ^^ ^2 o o ^ HH O Or-i Q) 00 -H* ^J-^eo c & a 3? *i 05 M i ^ |;5 g^ g g . . . o • • Oi O Ol CJ CO CO i CO -* -^ '^ '^ ■ -«• o. ^ CO VO I—I a B 2 t> <^ ^ Tj5 1^ CO •»« 1* c2 'H & ft( •< piH fe CO Ti5 ic CO IC Ol 05 C5 ■<* -si^ -<*< '^t +i lis I o H 311 ^< 6 b 2i w^'^iJcy^iJS'— '2'-' «56 /s . =0^ . , . . t*eO g mCOQOr-iiO 'SoO^'V.COeOQOcJi •■-» cj C3 3 eg O fid ^" CO CO (M CO 00 CO ^ "^ "^ ?J> g gH -2«S C3 D eS . t— i' o «> w..^^. si' !'S^3 ?s Th o g^ CO O CO CO tJ( OS -d a S Xo- l- •s »o W 13 o . to 00 n ^' M fl S a (u a> a> w ffl a ;:h > a 'T3 '^ frS ^ ^ H c3 c3 ej www CO CO 00 00 > X o ^ P^ 3 2 « g -S -I S J5 to '§ d ^ ll ^ o n ^ CO Ci O 1>^ ^ 1^1 \6 00 ■^ ^ •^ ci o O CO 2 m Ir- 00 Oi CO ft I-H tH ^ -=^^ rt< '^ ^ ■* ^ Th ;2: 104 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS EUKOPEAN SOVEEEIGNS OF THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY, {Co7itl)iued.) Ottoman Empire. 1389. Bajazet I. 1402. Soliman I. 1410. Mousa. 1413. Mahomet I. 1421. Amurath II. 1461. Mahomet II. 1481. Bajazet 11. till 1512. EUROPEAN SOVEREIGNS OF THE XVIth CENTURY 105 A i-S CI o >r! £ -t? O 5 >» cq ^ 5^ d o :s P ^ S > •o CO (?^ <: o lO '-' '-' ^ ^ r-1 * ^ -a ^ o a ff =<- eo* fl i i-5 6:2 ,£3 > a § ^ ■s c3 §■ 1 V- 3 "C c ,£3 be o CD O W *-i cc .5 ;::; !5 CO o Ol CO ri ^ «2 lO lO lO KO hH- > B ,2 § t> ^ •5| . a 2^ ja ■^ P &H O Pt, O i^ CO '^IH 05 ro 3 CO kO O iO U3 '"■' "-I o :=: < J2 i3 .s 3 . ^- w S o . 12 ^ ^ 2 ^COO H-trjO.-H'— ' IS o ;r5 ^- g -^ :r2 CO rrt '^ X^ 03 C3 " -^^ 2 3 i g W p. 1^3 '~' -5 ITS rH 'S 2"S| a -a rQ ^•5 CO -^ Q W ^ c^ Q 3 I i »C ^ t- 05 Ol o t1< ic »o lO "d . ^ 8. VII. VIII •dVI. I. eth > s tM «s f>» >. 5 K^ rQ > -% 'B ^^ ^n-- i> s o o -d ^ :a ": ^ a s w S w i ^ lO a t~ K> CO CO O -^ lO lO 9 -«j^ o >o IC o >g J, '^ ^ o ^ .2 a> ?^ ca aj § s s 'vo i-s »-s GO a S IC O* 2 2 ^ > II a '^ a o o a> . HH X X ^ ^ j; o ?: ^ q ft^ a sm o a »0 i>I C5 o -^ rH -^ lO cr> i>. lO lO O >0 ICi 5 inn T. v., 1516 I. of ^73 OJ 'Si.'a « cS c h S ^ .S 8 a 'o 1*^5 a| 2* C5 ^ ^ C3 CO lO a ^ »o lO a ^ 1— 1 ra a P-, '— < )— t . • I— I rN I— ( XI . K X! ^ > ^> > ^ a -g o f» a o § 2 „ cih P- O J^ P O f3 w - 5q * IC 1/5 C5i to CM lO kO O lO O O O — I ©W i:^ .-^ a S § S 3q fcc TH _; rS <^ ^. S ^ ! O C ■" lO CO CO CO CO *-; C ,-1 t-H ,-1 i-( i-H CZi I— I W-3 5 « ^g -p^S g SSco TO :3jir £-S '^^ § >=^^ Oi -* r-< C4 Ci O i-H eo U5 CO CO CD 'co ^ g C3 03 CS ^ "^ O tie g > O S^Ph OJ O o Oi O CO CO ,-H Tl< 10 CO CO ^ W S S rt «^ iOrHCO-*iOJ^OCOOi.-i' OC^':^lTtllCco^^-i>.coo' COCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCO. 0£3 ^ 000 eo ic CO (M —( tH ir- CO CO CO CO CO 1^ 108 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS EUEOPEAN SOVEKEIGNS OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTUEY. {Continued.) Ottoman Empire. 1595. Mahomet III. 1603. Achmed I. 1617. Mustafa I. 1618. Osman 11. 1622. Mustafa I. (restored). 1623. Amurath IV. 1640. Ibrahim. 1648. Mahomet IV. 1687. Soliman III. 1691. Achmed II. 1695. Mustafa II. till 1703. EUROPEAN SOVEREIGNS OF THE XVIIIth CENTURY 109 EUEOPEAN SOVEKEIGNS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTUEY. Eoman Pontiffs. 1700. Clement XL 1721. Innocent XUI. 1724. Benedict XIU. 1730. Clement XII. 1740. Benedict XIV. 1758. Clement XIII. 1769. Clement XIV. 1775. Pius VI.* 1800. Pius Vn.* tiU 1823. Kings of Denmark. Oldenburg. 1699. Frederic IV. 1730. Christian VI. 1746. Frederic V. 1766. Christian VH. till 1808. Sovereigns of Sweden. Deux-ForUs. 1697. Charies XU. 1719. Ulrica Eleanora, abd. in 1720 in favor of her husband. 1720. Frederic of Hesse- Cassel. Holetein- Gottorp. 1751. Adolphus Fred- eric. 1771. Gustavus III. 1792. Gustavus IV. till 1809. Sovereigns of Russia. Romanoff. 1689. Peter the Great alone. 1725. Catharine I. 1727. Peter II. 1730. Anne. 1740. Ivan VI. 1741. Elizabeth till 1762. Holstein- Gottorp. 1762. Peter III, and Catharine II, 1762, Catharine II. alone. 1796. Paul I. till 1801. 8 Kings of France. Bourbon. 1643. Louis XIV. 1715. Louis XV. 1774. Louis XVI. 1789. French Revolution 1792. France a Republic 1799. France a Consu- late till 1804. Kings of Spain, Anjou- Bourbon. 1700. Philip V. 1724, Louis, 7 months. 1724. Philip V. again. 1746. Ferdinand VI. 1759. Charies III, 1788. Chas. IV. till 1808. Sovereigns of Portugal, Braganza. 1683. Pedro II. 1706. John V. 1750. Joseph Emanuel. 1777. Maria I, da Gloria and Pedro III. 1786. Maria I. da Gloria alone— till 1792. 1792, John, Regent, 1799, John assumed sovereign power till 1816, when, at his mother's death, he became king. Stadtholders of the Dutch Republic. Nassau- Dilleriburg. 1672. William III. to 1702. 1702, The republic gov- erned by States- Gen- eral, and they by Hensius, Grand Pen- sionary, till 1747. House of Nassau-Dietz. 1747. William IV. 1751. William V. to 1795. 1795. The Dutch Re- public converted into the Batavian Repub- lic till 1806. Sovereigns of England. Stuart. 1694. William III. alone. 1702. Queen Anne. Brunswick. 1714. George I. 1727. George II. 1760. George III. till 1820. Sovereigns of Germany. Hapsburg. 1658, Leopold I. 1705. Joseph I. 1711. Charies VI. to 1740. 1740. Contest for the throne between Maria Theresa of Austria, and Charles, Duke of Bavaria, till 1745. 1742. Charies VII. of Ba- varia till 1745, Lorraine- Hapsburg. 1745. Francis I. 1765. Joseph II. 1790, Leopold IL 1792, Francis II,, the last Emperor of Germany till 1806, when he as- sumed the title of Em- peror of Austria. Kings of Poland. 1697, Frederic Augustus I., Elector of Saxony. 1704, Stanislas Leczinski. 1709, Frederic Augustus I. restored. 1733. Frederic Augustus II. till 1763, 1763, Anarchj^ ; interfer- ence of Russia and Prus- sia. 1764. Stanislas Augustus Poniatowski. 1772. First partition of Po- land. 1793. Second partition. 1795, Third partition and final extinction of the kingdom. 110 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS EUEOPEAN SOVEREIGNS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. ( Continued. ) Kings of Prussia. Kings of Sardinia. Kings of Naples, or the Two SicUies. Hohenzollern. Savoy. Bourbon. 1701. Frederic I. 1720. Victor Amadous 1734. Carlos. 1713. Frederic WUliam II. 1759. Ferdinand. I. 1730. Charles Emanuel. 1799. Parthenopean Repub- 1740. Frederic II., the 1773. Victor Amadeus lic. Great. III. 1799. Ferdinand, after a ban- 1786. Frederic WiUiam 1796. Charles Emanuel ishment of a few weeks II. IV. till 1802. only, was restored to his 1797. Frederic William kingdom, which he re- tained till 1806. III. to 1840. Ottoman Empire. 1695. Mustafa II. 1703. Achmed III. 1730. Mahomet V. 1754. Osman III. 1757. Mustafa III. 1774. Abdul Ahmed or Achmed IV. 1789. Selim III. till 1807. * Pope Pius VI. was expelled from Rome, February 15, 1798, by the French Republic, and carried a prisoner to France. He died at Valence, August 29, 1799. His successor, Pius VII., was elected by a conclave at Venice, March 13, 1800. EUROPEAN AND BRAZILIAN RULERS 111 grand-duchy into the Kingdom of Poland in favor of Alexander I., Czar of Russia, who then assumed the additional title, " King of Poland." (See 1816, ^ 11., page 305.) The severity of the Russian rule caused the Poles to revolt in 1830 ; after the entire suppression of the insurrection, the Em- peror Nicholas abolished the "titular" kingdom, and in 1832 incorporated its territory as a province of Russia. (See 1830, ^ V., and note, page 321.) EUROPEAN RULERS OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Eoman PontiflFs. Sovereigns of Spain. Sovereigns of Portugal. 1800. Pius VII. 1823. Leo Xn. 1829. Pius VIIL 1831. Gregory XVI. 1846. Pius IX. 1878. Leo XIII. Sovereigns of Great Britain. Brunswick. 1760. George III. 1820. George IV. 1830. William IV. 1837. Victoria. Heir - apparent, Albert Edward, Pr. of Wales. King of the Netherlands. — ♦ House of Nassau- Dietz. 1814. William I., till 1830, when Belgium revolted. Kings of Holland. 1831. William I., of the Netherlands. 1840. William IL 1849. William III. 1890. Queen Wilhelmina. Kings of Belgium. Saxe-Coburg. 1831, Leopold I. 1865. Leopold II. Heir-presumptive, Prince Albert, nephew of Leopold II. Anjou-Bourhon. 1788. Charles IV., abdi- cated in 1808. 1808. Ferdinand VII. was deposed by Napo- leon, in favor of 1808. Joseph Bonaparte, who in turn was driv- en from the throne by Wellington, and, in 1813, fled from Spain. 1814. Ferdinand VII. was restored by the allies. 1833. Isabella II., till 1868, when she was deposed. 1868. Revolution in Spain. Provisional government till 1870, when the throne was accepted by 1870. AmadeuSj of Sa- voy, who abdicated in 1873. 1873. Spain a republic. 1874. Monarchy restored. A vjou- Bourbon. 1874. Alfonso XII. 1886. Alfonso XIII., un- der the regency of his mother, Queen Chris- tine. Braganza. 1799. John, Regent of Portugal, assumed sovereign power till 1816, when, at his mother's death, he be- came king. 1807. Flight of the Lis- bon court to Brazil. Portugal seized by the French. 1815. Portugal and Bra- zil were united by the Regent John. 1816. John VI., King of Portugal and of Bra- zil. 1821. John VI. returaed to Portugal, leaving his son, Bom Pedro, Regent of Brazil. King John died in 1826, when Dom Pedro, then Emperor of Brazil, re- nounced the throne of Portugal in favor of his daughter. 1826. Maria II. da Glo- ria. 1828. Miguel (her uncle), usurper. 1833. Maria II. da Gloria was restored. Her consort, Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg (1836), bore the title of King Regent tUl 1853. 1853. Pedro V. 1861. Louis L 1889. Carlos I. 112 QUESTIONS ON LINTON'S HISTORICAL CHARTS EUROPEAN EULEES OF THE NINETEENTH CENTUEY. ( Continued.) France. A consulate in 1799. 1799. Napoleon, First Consul. An empire in 1804. 1804. Napoleon L, em- peror till 1814. A kingdom, 1814 to 1848. Bourbon. 1814. Louis XVIII. 1824. Charles X., de- posed in 1830. Second Revolution, 1830. Bourbon- Orleans. 1830. Louis Philippe, king till his deposition in 1848. Second Eepublic. 1848 to 1853. 1848. Louis Napoleon, president. Second Empire, 1853 to 1870. 1853. Napoleon IIL, em- peror till 1870. Third Eepublic, Septem- ber 4, 1870. 1870. General Troehu, President of the Pro- visional Government till August 31, 1871. Presidents of the Republic. 1871. Adoiphe Thiers, elected August 31. 1873, May 24. Marshal MacMahon (Duke of Magenta). 1879, January 30. Jules Grevy. 1886, January 30. Jules Grevy re-elected, but resigned Dec, 1887. 1887. Sadi - Carnot, as- sassinated 1894. 1894. Casimir Perier, re- signed 1895. 1895. Felix F. Faure, died,1899. 1899. Emile Loubet. Last Emperor of the Old German Empire. Lorraine- Hapsburg. 1792. Francis II. till 1806. Emperors of Austria. 1806. Francis IL, of Ger- many, took the title of Francis I. of Aus- tria. 1835. Ferdinand I. abdicated in 1848. 1848. Francis Joseph. Heir-apparent, Francis Ferdinand, nephew of Emperor Francis Joseph. Sovereigns of Sweden and Norway. Holstein- Gottorp. 1792. Gustavus IV. 1809. Charles XIII., till 1818. House of Ponte Corvo. 1818. Charles XIV. (Bernadotte). 1844. Oscar I. 1859. Charles XV. 1872. Oscar IL Heir-apparent, Gustavus, Duke of Wermland. Kings of Denmark. Oldenburg. 1766. Christian ViL 1808. Frederic VI. 1839. Christian VIII. 1848. Frederic VIL, till 1863. Schleswig- Holstein -Son- derburg- Glucksburg. 1863. Christian IX. Heir-apparent, Frederic, Prince Roval. Emperors of Eussia. Holstein- Gottorp. 1796. Paul I. 1801. Alexander I. 1825. Nicholas I. 1855. Alexander II. 1881. Alexander IIL 1894. Nicholas II. Kings of Prussia. HoTievzollern. 1797. Frederic William III. 1840. Frederic William IV. 1861. William L Second German Empire. Kings ofP'ussia — heredi- tary emperors. 1871. William L 1888. Frederic IIL 1888. William II. Kings of Sardinia. Savoy. 1796. Chas. Emanuel IV. 1802. Victor Emanuel I. abdicated in 1821. 1821. Charles Felix. Savoy- Carignan. 1831. Charles Albert ab- dicated in 1849. 1849. Victor EmanuellL Kingdom of Italy. Founded in 1861. 1861. Victor Emanuel n., King of Sardinia, took the title of Victor Emanuel I. of Italy. 1878. Humbert. Heir - apparent, Victor Emanuel, Prince of Naples. EUROPEAN AND BRAZILIAN RULERS 113 EUROPEAN AND BRAZILIAN RULERS OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Kings of Bavaria 1805. Maximilian I. 1825. Louis I., abdicated in 1848. 1848. Maximilian II. 1864. Louis II. (insane). 1886. Luitpold, uncle of Louis, was proclaimed regent. Kings of Wiirtemberg. 1805. Frederic I. 1816. William L 1864. Charles I. 1891. William IL Kings of Saxony. 1806. Frederic Augustus 1827. Anthony Clement. 1836. Frederic Aureus tus II. 1854. John. 1873. Albert. Heir-presumptive, Prince George, brother of King Albert. Kings of Greece. Bavaria. 1832. Otho I., deposed 1862. Schleswig-Eo lstein-8o n- derburg- Glucksburg. 1863. George L Heir-apparent, Constan- tine, Duke of Sparta. King of Eoumania. Hohetizollern. 1881. Charles I. Switzerland. A Federal Republic. It consists of twenty-two cantonsj three of which are divided each into two independent half cantons. The supreme legislative and execu- tive authority is vested in a Parliament of two Chambers, the State Council and a Nation- al Council, which, unit- ed, are styled the Fed- eral Assembly., and, as such, represents the Su- preme Government of the Republic. The chief executive authority is deputed to the Federal Council, consisting of seven members, elected for three years. The President and Vice- President of the Fed- eral Council are the first magistrates of the Re- public. They are elect- ed by the Federal As- sembly for a term of one year, and are not re-eligible till after the expiration of another year. Kings of Naples, or the Two biciliea. Extinct in 1860. Turkey in Europe. Part of Ottoman Empire. 1876. Grand Sultan, Abdul-Hamid. The Sultan is succeeded by his eldest son, only in case there are no un- cles or cousins of great- er age. King of Servia. Obrenovitch. 1882. Milan I. abdicated. 1889. Alexander 1. A njou- Bourbon. 1799. Ferdinand IV., aft- er a banishment of a few weeks only, was restored to his king- dom, which he retained till 1806. 1806. Joseph Bonaparte. 1808. Joachim Murat, till 1815, when Ferdinand IV. — restored by the allies — took the title of Ferdinand I. 1815. Ferdinand L 1825. Francis I. 1830. Ferdinand XL (Bomba). 1859. Francis II. Revolution in Italy, 1859. 1860. Francis II. was driven from Naples by Garibaldi, and his kingdom was united to Sardinia. Sovereigns of Brazil. 1822. Pedro L 1831. Pedro n. Emperor Pedro II. was deposed, 1889, when Brazil was declared a republic. LINTON^S GENEALOGICAL CHADTS: 1. The Sovereigns of England. 2. The Poyal Family of Great Britain Its Saxon Ancestors and Alliances. 3. The Capetian Dynasty of France. LINTON'S fflSTOBICAL CENTURY CHARTS, Mounted as Wall Maps, in three different styles. Style A. With revolving supporter or swinging wall- bracKct $25.00 Style B. On rollers, with Excelsior supporter - - 23.50 Style C. On rollers, without supporter - - - - 20.00 N. B.— To Insure a prompt and extensive circulation of PUPILS' EDITION of Linton's Century Charts, a very large discount off tlie above re- tail rates will be made during the year ipoo, to teachers ordering one dozen or more of the Atlases, with Manual of Questions. PUBLISHED BY D. APPLETON AND COMPANY 72 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK THE CROWNED HEADS OF EUDOPE IN FAMILY GROUPS. No. 1. The Doyal Family of Great Britain, its Saxon Ancestors and Alliances. Chart and Manual in two styles, published by D. Appleton and Company, New York. A novel and interesting historical work. Entertaining and instructive for teachers, schools, students, and the family circle. Style A. Chart mounted on Rollers, with Manual, 42 pages, small quarto, bound in paper, $1.25 Style B. Chart on Rollers, with Manual hand- somely bound in cloth, with 34 beautiful Portraits $2.50 " This novel but thorough manner of teaching history by both chart and text-book is here perfected in a way which seems, when once under- stood, simple, and well designed to fix events permanently in the mem- ory. For example, there is no more intricate subject than the alliances and sub-alliances of the royal family of Great Britain. It is a genea- logical tree which spreads over a large territory, and varies from the over- shadowing bough to the tiniest twig which touches some punctilious small principality in the wilderness of Germany, whose head has more pedigree than territory. In this chart we have the Hohenzollern-Sig- maringens, Saxe-Meiningen-Hildburghausens, the Saxe-Coburg-Gothas, and ' the rest of the royal family ' all straightened out. It looks intri- cate, a maze of lines which seem to run to involution, but upon a little study they all fall into their proper places. Or, if we take the smaller plates of descent, such as are introduced between the pages of the man- ual itself, which explains the chart, we see the position, say, of Princess Mary of Teck set with simplicity and clearness ; she is there as the great- granddaughter of George III, great-grandniece of the first King of WUrtemberg (Frederick I), and second cousin of William II, the present king of that country. She is also remotely related to the European grandchildren of Jerome Bonaparte. So complete is the pedigree that we find Princess Mary of Teck bracketed with her consort Prince George of Wales, Duke of York, the date of their nuptials being marked July 6, 1893. It does not seem possible to make the whole system of these genealogies — and the British sovereigns possess one of the most intricate of all — more accurate, more easy of comprehension, or fuller." — Balthtiore Sun. D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, NEW YORK. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 018 458 818 3 4