Price 15 Cents &fe. A -* Topsy Turvy Christmas GUP TILL PAINE PUBLISHING CO. DAYTON, OHIO New Entertainment Songs By Edna Randolph Worrell. These songs can be used in all manner of entertainments. The music is easy, and both music and words are especially catchy. Children like them. Everybody likes them. Sheet music. Price 25 cents each. Five copies, $1.00. WE HOPE YOU'VE BROUGHT YOUR SMILES ALONG. A welcome song that will at once put the audience in a joyous frame of mind and create a happy impression that will mean half the success of your entire program. Words, bright and inspiring. Music, catchy. WE'LL NOW HAVE TO SAY GOOD-BYE. This beautiful son- has snap and go that will appeal alike to visitors and singers. It is just the song to send your audience home with happy memories of the occasion. WE'VE JUST ARRIVED FROM BASHFUL TOWN. This song will bring memories to the listeners of their own bashful school days. Words, unusually clever. Music, decidedly melodious. A capital welcome song, or it may be sung at any time on the program with assured success. MY OWN AMERICA, I LOVE THEE. A song that will bring a thrill of patriotism to the heart of every one who hears it. The chil- dren and grown-ups just can't resist the catchy music. It makes a cap- ital marching song, COME AND PARTAKE OF OUR WELCOME CAKE. A merry welcome song and a jolly one, too. The audience will be immediately curious about the Welcome Cake, and the children will love to surprise the listeners with the catchy words. Music, easy and tuneful. LULLABY LANE. The music and words blend so beautifully that people will be humming the appealing strains long after they hear this charming song. A wonderfully effective closing song, whether sung by the school or as a solo by a little girl, with a chorus of other little girls with dolls. JOLLY PICKANINNIES. Words by Elizabeth F. Guptill. Music by Edna R. Worrell. This spicy coon song will bring down the house, especially if you use the directions^ for the motions which accompany the music. The black faces and shf»i»g eyes of the pickaninnies will guar- antee a hit. The words are gre^tf and the music just right. THE LITTLE BIRD'S SECRET. Here is just the song for those two little folks to sing together. They won't have to be coaxed to sing- it, especially when they find that the whole school is to whistle the chorus. This is a decided novelty, and will prove a rare treat to your audience. A GARDEN ROMANCE. This is a dainty little song telling of the romance and wedding of Marigold and Sweet William. It is just the song for dainty little girls to sing. COME TO THE NURSERY RHYME GARDEN AND PLAY. Here is something different for the little folks to sing. The Nursery Rhyme Folk are so familiar to children, it will be no trick for them to remember the words. The music has a most captivating swing. Paine Publishing Company - - Dayton, Ohio A TOPSY-TURVY CHRISTMAS By ELIZABETH F. GUPTILL Author of "Christmas at Pun\in Holler, "Christmas at McCarthy's," Etc. PAINE PUBLISHING COMPANY DAYTON, OHIO CHARACTERS Frank— A boy of twelve j The Earth children> Alice — A girl of ten J Knarf — A Topsy Turvy boy; really a boy of fourteen or fifteen. Ecila — His sister; a girl somewhat taller. Derf — Their little brother; the tallest boy obtainable." Mom — Their mother; a girl of nine or ten. Dad — Their father ; a boy of seven or eight. Marg — Their grandmother ; the smallest girl who can learn the part. The Spankety Man — A boy of ten or twelve. The Teacher — A boy of ten or twelve. Clanty Sauce — A very tall, thin boy. Gother Moose — A short, fat girl, of seven or eight.' Fairy — A tiny girl. Greenies — Any number of small girls. Two will do, but four are better. A small boy to be in Clanty Sauce's box is also needed. p'i Copyright, 1916, *