MISREPRESENTATIVE P R 0013 "W Ql /. 'SlitLdL.' f/i'L^S :iass_^0^lUa. Book .\^v {irVl55' COPYRICIIT DKHOSIT. Misrepresentative Women "-^For long with horror she has viewed The naked Truth for being nude " MISREPRESENTATIVE WOMEN By Harry Graham Author of ^^Misrepre^ntdtive Men'''' and *^More Misrepresentative Men'''* ft- illustrated by Dan Sayre Groesbeck NEW YORK DuFFiELD & Company MCMVI LiBKARY of CONGRESS Two Copies Received SEP 24 1906 n Ccpyrififht Entrv CLASS A XXc, No. COPTB. ' Copyright, iqo6, by DUFFIELD & COMPANY Pziblished, September, 190b Contents PAGE Publishers' Preface ■ . 7 Eve 13 Lady Godiva 19 Miss Marie Corelli 27 Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy ........ 35 Mrs. Grundy 41 Mrs., Christopher Columbus 49 Dame Rumor 57 The Cry of the Children 63 The Cry of the Elders 71 An Epithalamium 79 The Self-Made Father to His Ready-Made Son 85 The "Author to His Hostess 91 On the Decline of Gentility Among the Young 97 "Lochinvar" 103 Abbreviation's Artful Aid . . « . . . . iii Author's Aftword 117 List of Illustrations ** For long with horror she has view e a The naked Truth for being nude^* .... frontispiece FACING PAGE ** Gentle Reader y who so patiently have waited'*'* lO ** Her wardrobe, though extremely small, sufficed a somewhat simple need'** 14 ** At the Heart of her spouse she continued to storm'''* ... 20 ** Were she to mingle with her ink a little milk of human kindness** 28 ** And so he daily left her side to travel 0* er the ocean far** . 50 " Where the spinsters at tea are collected, her arrival is hailed with delight** 5<^ ** He is yearning for the chance of reading Gibbon** .... 64 ** How glad the happy pair must be that Hymen* s bonds have set them free ** 80 ♦*/ wonder why they look such frights** p2 ** Small wonder she receives a shock each time she views thy billycock** p