Marshal •Foci r^ <^A \ #i%^ Class _i=L___ Book £l. u CcpigkN° T^ g TC CQEXRIGHT DEPOSIT. Indiana Historical Collections Copyriffht, 19i2 Till' Iiuliana Historical ( 'onimission INDIANAPOLIS WM. B. BURFORO. PRINTER 1922 MARSHAL FOCH DAY NOVEMBER 4, 1921 "Le jour de gloire est arrive" OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE Celebration Ciiven in Honor of Marshal Ferdinand L. Foch Indiuiuipolis, November 4, 1921 PublisliL-d by the INDIANA HISTORICAL COMMISSION Indianapolis 1932 .0^' 1> ^ V?' INDIANA HISTOIMCAL COMMISSION Dr. Frank B. Wynn, President Samuel M. Foster, Vice-President Harlow Lindley, Secretary Gov. Warren T. McCray James A. Woodburn Oiiarles W. Moores Matthew J. Walsh Mrs. John N. Carey Lew I\I. O'P.annon John W. Oliver, Ph.D., Director Lucy M. Flliott, Assistant Director MAY -2 '22 0)"! A674157 ^w9 J ANNOUNCEMENT "Mai'shal Focli Day, Novemlier 1, 1921, " will long- he remembered in Indiana history. It will take its place alongside the memorable Welcome Home Day of May 7, 1919, when the state paid gloi'ious tribute to her re- turning heroes of the World Wai'. In years to come it will be regarded as one of the epochal events in our state's history, comparable only to the triumphal ova- tion accorded that other great Frenchman, General LaFayette, who in 1825 was officially welcomed by the citizens of Indiana. As the years go by, and as the children of later gen- erations study the history connected with America's pai'ticipation in the World War, they will speak rev- ei'ently of him who guided to victory the great armies of the allied nations of the world. No man since the dawn of history evei' held under his command armies even approximating' in numbers those directed l)y this militaiy genius. Marshal Ferdinand L. Foch. His battle front extended fi'om the Sea of Galilee to the North Sea. The combined fighting forces of fifteen allied nations were sul)ject to his orders. In his hands rested the fate of more than 8()(),()()0,00() free people. His commands had only to l)e given to be obeyed. But none can ever say that this military leader misused or abused the power that was assigned him. The realiza- tion of the unlimited power that w^as his made him appear all the more careful in exercising it. This mil- itary leader, a brilliant soldier and a devoted patriot, possessed that bravery and moi'al courage which was equalled only hy his modesty. As long- as the history of free peoples is studied, and as long as the spirit of patriotism is kept alive, the name of Marshal Foch will be respected and honored. 6 MARSHAL FOCH DAY During- the summer of 1921 an invitation from the American Ijegion was extended to Marshal Foch, in- viting him to visit the United States of America. For the city of Indianapohs to have been selected as one of the points on Marshal Foch's itinerary to the United States, was indeed an honor that seldom comes to the people of our city and commonwealth. Believing that a complete record of the events that occurred on that historical day — Noveml)er 1, 1921 — should be perma- nently preserved as a part of Indiana's history, this publication has Ix^en prepared. The Marshal Foch Day Committee which had charge of the program of November I, 1921, suggested to Gov- ernor Warren T. McCray and the m?mb,crs of the In- diana Historical Commission the advisability of pre- paring an historical record setting forth a full report of the proceedings of that day. The Historical Com- mission assumed the responsibility of assembling the material and of preparing this official report. The Marshal Foch Day Committee kindly volunteered to provide the funds necessary for the printing and bind- ing of this little book. To Dr. Carleton B. McCulloch, Chairman of the Committee; to ex-Governor Samuel M. Ralston, who originally suggested the historical value of issuing this publication, and to the other members of the Marshal Foch Day Committee, the people of Indiana are indebted for their conscientious efforts to make this day a landmark in our state's history. JOHN W. OLIVER, Director, Indiana Historical Commission. State House, Indianapolis, December 15, 1921. CONTENTS Fuse It 1 . Announcfnu'iit 2. Fordimiud L. Focli: liiof^rapliicnl Sketch 10 3. Official Invitations to Visit Indianapolis !•") -4 City and State Prepare to Receive Distinsui^'n'd Guest 1^^^ 5. Marshal Foch's Arrival in Indianapolis 35 (i. The Parad(^; Presentation of Laurel Wreath; ''Living R(h1 Cross"; Reviewing Stand 45 7. I)(Hlicati()U of Corner Stone for The American Legion Building ' ^ 8. Banquet, Riley Rooni; Clayi)o«)l Hotel ^-'^ 9. Public Mass Meeting, Cadle Tabernacle 89 ILLUSTRATIONS Page 1. Marshal Foch 9 2. Arrival at Union Station (2 views) 3() 3. Marshal Foch iit the Spc^cchvay (2 ^•ie\vs) 41 4. Planting Elm Tree, ( ountry Club 44 5. Marshal Foch's Official Car Leading Parade (2 views) 40 6. Culver Black Hoi'se Troop in Parade^ 52 7. Marion County Legion Military Band 58 8. Marshal Foch and Aid, Standing at Foot of Monument (iO 9. Presenting Wreath to "Miss Lidiana" (2 \iews) . . (12 10. Living Red Cross (Hi 11. Reviewing Stand 72 12. Marshal Foch, Governor McCray, and Hanford MacNider Re^•iewing Parade 74 13. Dedication of Corner Stone for American Legion Building 76 14. Corner Stone American Legion Building 79 15. Church Pillar from C^athedral in Belleau 82 1(3. Banciuet, Riley Room, Clay])0()l Hotel 84 17. Cadle Tal)ernacle, Mass Meeting 92 18. Gold Medallion Presented to Marshal Foch (2 views) 96 (S) IE. ^S^^^WI^ (Courtesy of Medos Gravulle, Indiunapoliie, Olficial Pliotographer of Marshal Foch Parly on Tour of the United States) FERDINAND L. FOCH "My left is giving way, my right is falling back, consequently I am ordering a general offensive, a decisive attack by the center. ^^^^^„ It was this historical message that brought Ferdi- nand L. Foch to the attention of the warring nations of the world in September, 1914. The writer of the message was at that time referred to either as a crim- inal braggart, or one of the greatest of generals, de- pending upon the success or the failure of the attack. If it failed, an entire nation would have demanded the life of the man who was so foolhardy as to send his command to certain death. If it succeeded, his mes- sage was destined to take its place in history along with other famous war orders, such as "Don't give up the ship"; "England expects every man to do his duty" ; and, "We have met the enemy and they are ours". The attack did not fail. The man who issued the message succeeded in that memorable Imttle of the Marne in Septemb,er, 1914, in checking an invading enemy which was threatening the destruction of civ- ilization itself. A review of the biography of this world character re- veals qualities of true greatness. He was born Octo- ber 2, 1851, at Tarbes, a small city in the Pyrenees. He attended school at Rodez and Saint Etienne, and in 1869 entered Saint Clement's Jesuit College in Metz, where a great number of the youth of France were specializing in Military Science. From an early age, Foch was a devoted student of Napoleon, and l^efore he was twelve years old had mastered Thier's "History of the Consulate and the Empire." (10) MARSHAL FOCH DAY 11 Dui-ing- the Franco-Prussian War he enlisted as a private in the Fourth Infantry Regiment, l)ut did not see active service. Following' the close of that war, so disastrous and humiliating to France, young Foch en- tered the Ecole Polytechnique at Fontainelileau. He was next transferred to the Ecole de Guerre, and ap- pointed Instructor in military history and strategy. While teaching in the Ecole de Guerre, he wrote two l:ooks, "The Conduct of the War", and "Principles of War". In 1896 he attained the rank of Major, and by 1901 held the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. In 1907 he was promoted to Brigadier-General and placed in com- mand of the artillery of the Fifth Corps at Orleans. Shortly thereafter he was assigned to the post as Com- mandant of the Ecole de Guerre. In 1911 he was placed in command of the Thirteenth Division at Chau- mont, and the following year w^as promoted to the command of the Eighth Army Corps. A year later he was transferred to the position always considered a post of honor in the French Army — the Commander of the Twentieth Army Corps, with Headquarters at Nancy. Years before the outbreak of the World War, Gen- eral Foch had inspired in the hearts of the French people a hope that French generalship would in the next conflict pi'ove a worthy match for the Germans. He had devoted the best years of his life to a close study of the plans followed by the German General Staff during the Franco-Prussian War. Calmly and methodically he had analyzed the operations of the Gei'man army in that war, and had in turn instructed his pupils to be able to adopt a flexible campaign, one that would lend itself to quick and rapid changes. When the awful world conflict broke forth in the summer of 1914, the famous Twentieth Corps of the 12 MARSHAL FOCH DAY French Army, under General Focli's command, fought its way through the middle of the invading army into German Lorraine. General Joffre, who was in com- mand of the French Army, appointed General Foch to command the newly created army — the Ninth — and under the brilliant leadership of General Foch, the in- vading German Ai'my was stopped fii'st at the Marne, and a few weeks later was checked in its march toward Calais. During the campaigns of 1915, 1916, and 1917, Gen- eral Foch played a conspicuous part in the numerous battles along the entire front. Finally, in 1917, when General Joffre retired from the command of the French Army, General Foch was appointed Chief of Staff. His frilliant successes during the campaign of 1917 in checking the German drive made his name a household word, not only throughout all France, 1 ut throughout the lands of the allied nations. The Germans realized that if they were to succeed they must at once mar- shal their combined strength in one final, desperate drive against the Allies. The time selected for this final campaign was during the months of Fel)ruary and March, 1918. A crisis was at hand. The allied nations were forced to com})ine their forces under one general if they were to withstand the onslaughts of the invading foe. Re- ports were l^eing circulated that the French Govern- ment was considering the withdrawal of its armies from the front. Even the evacuation of Paris was being talked of. Stephane Lauzanne, in his recent l)Ook, "Great Men and Great Days", gives a dramatic de- scription of the events that occui'red during the last week of March, 1918. Clemenceau, Poincaire and Loucheui" had gone to Doullcns to meet with the Eng- lish advisers, Haig, Milner, and others. When they MARSHAL FOCH DAY 13 reached Doullens an Englisli conference was in session, and wliile they waited the Frenchmen walked back and forth in front of the Hotel de Ville. General Foch was there, and his opportunity came to express to the French President his disapproval of the suggestion that the French troops lie withdrawn. The historic words spoken by General Foch on this occasion are re- ported by Lauzanne: "Paris! Paris has nothing to do with this matter. Paris is far off. We ought to stop the Boche right here. We have only got to say, 'He shall not pass!' and he will not pass. We can always stop the Boche. We have only got to give the order. It is only neces- sary to say, 'Retreat no further.' I will guarantee you that three-fourths of the battle is won when we know we are not going to retreat. France is France, and France does not die. Haig and Petain are two men who are keeping a door closed, each one by pushing on a separate bolt. The door has lieen broken down. There they are, both of them, each one at his own bolt, watching the enemy pour in and not knowing how to close the door and who ought to make the first move. "You know my method. I would drive a nail in the door, here; then one at that point; then at this one. The Boche would b>e almost stopped. Then Fd drive another in here and the Boche would l^e stopped. We can always stop the Boche." A conference was immediately aii'anged with the English generals, and Genei'al Foch again announced his plan for stopping the invading army. "This is our man," announced Lord Milnei', and M. Clemenceau voiced his approval. General Foch had saved the day, and this brilliant leader, student of military science and men. was placed in command of the greatest army the world liad ever seen. The spirit of this magnificent 14 MARSHAL FOCH DAY leader was at once felt along- the whole fighting front. The different units of the Allied armies began to move as one man. And finally in September, 1918, the order went forth for that great offensive, which ultimately led to the triumphant victory that crowned the efforts of the allied nations on that memorable day, Novem- ber 11, 1918. "Foch, he is our man." MARSHAL FOCH INVITED TO VISIT INDIANAPOLIS Upon learning- of the prospective visit of Marshal Ferdinand Foch to the United States as a guest of The American Legion during the fall of 1921, the Marion County Council of The American Legion decided to ex- tend an official invitation to the French Marshal, urging him to visit Indianapolis on his American tour. Dr. Carleton B. McCulloch of Indianapolis, himself an ex- service man, and who was planning to join the official party of The American Legion that was to make a tour of the devastated regions of France during the summer of 1921, was requested to personally carry invitations from the Governor of Indiana, the Mayor of Indian- apolis, and the Chairman of the Marion County Council of The American Legion, inviting Marshal Foch to visit the city of Indianapolis. Dr. McCulloch personally presented the following letters to Marshal Foch in the city of Metz, late in August, 1921. Governor's Invitation July 28, 1921. "M. Ferdinand Foch, Marshal of France, Paris, France. My Dear Sir : "In behalf of the Commonwealth of Indiana, it gives me pleasure to extend to you, through Colonel C. B. McCulloch, late of the A. E. F., a most cordial invi- tation to visit Indiana upon the occasion of your tour of the United States next October as the guest of The American Legion. (15) 16 MARSHAL FOCH DAY Assuring you that our citizens will gi-eatly appreci- ate the honor of your acceptance of this invitation, I am Very truly youi's, Signed: WARREN T. McCRAY, Governor of Indiana." The American Legion's Invitation August 1, 1921. "As chairman of the Marion County Council of The American Legion, I have the honor and privilege of speaking for the members of The American Legion, who reside in the city of Indianapolis, and also of ex- tending to you a cordial invitation to visit our city wliile you are a guest of our country. "We admire you liecause of your sterling qualities as a man, as a soldier and as a statesman. We are con- scious of the great service you gave the cause of the Allies in the World War and we hope that we may be given an opportunity of having you as a guest during your visit in our country. Indianapolis, the official home of the national organization of The American Legion, will consider it a veiy great honor if you will consent to be with us at such time as it may be con- venient for you while you are in the United States." Signed : J. F. CANTWELL, Chairman, Marion County Council of The American Legion." Mayor's Invitation August 1, 1921. "My Dear Marshal Foch : "It gives me great pleasure to extend to you a most genuine and coi'dial invitation to visit the city of In- dianapolis during your stay in this country. MARSHAL FOCH DAY 17 "I know that every citizen will feel highly honored in havin«' you with us as oiii' honored guest. This city is proud of being- the home of The American Legion, and from these national headquarters patriotism is dis- persed to all pai'ts of the world. "The American Legion and all other patriotic organ- izations join me in extending to you in behalf of all our citizens this invitation. "Sincei'ely hope we may be honored with your ac- ceptance. I am asking Colonel C, B. McCulloch, who represents the Order of Foreign Wars and The Amer- ican Legion and who is coming to your wonderful coun- try, to deliver this invitation in person. Sincerely yours, C. W. JEWETT, Mayor, Indianapolis, Indiana." When Dr. McCulloch officially presented the invita- tions to Marshal Foch, in Metz, the Marshal was un- able to state definitely whether or not he would be able to accept. He expressed a keen desire, however, to visit Indianapolis, due to the fact that this city had been selected as the seat of the National Headquarters of The American Legion, and added that every effort would be made to include this city on the itinerary of his American travels. Subsequently while on boat returning from France, Dr. McCulloch was appointed a member of the Na- tional Distinguished Visitors' Committee, and acting upon the direction of the Chairman of this Committee, he again cabled Marshal Foch as soon as he reached Indianapolis, urging his acceptance. Also a cablegram was sent to the French Embassy at Paris, urging its co-operation in persuading Marshal Foch to pay an official visit to Indiana. Early in October, 1921, the 2—20472 18 MARSHAL FOCH DAY Distinguished Visitor's Committee held a meeting* in Chicago to arrange Marshal Foch's itinerary, and at that time the official invitation from Indiana was pre- sented by Dr. McCulloch and readily accepted. The date was set for Friday, November 4th, subject to the approval of the French Embassy. In due course, the approval was received, and Indianapolis and the State of Indiana immediately began preparations to receive the distinguished French visitor. PREPARATIONS FOR RECEIVING THE DISTIN- GUISHED VISITOR The city of Indianapolis, Marion County, and the State of Indiana all united in the plans for officially en- tertaining- Marshal Foch. The City Council of Indian- apolis on October 17, 1921, appropriated the sum of $15,000 as its contribution in providing for a great pa- triotic celebration. The action received the unanimous endorsement of every member of the council. Also Marion County voted $10,000 for the same purpose, and the State of Indiana appropriated $5,000. A commit- tee of five was appointed by the City Council to offi- cially represent the city of Indianapolis in receiving and entertaining the Marshal. The committee con- sisted of Jesse E. Miller, and Gustave G. Schmidt, coun- cilmen ; Henry F. Campbell, Charles F. Coffin, Presi- dent of the Chamber of Commerce, and Robert H. Bryson, City Controller. All citizens of Indianapolis were called upon to join in the patriotic celebration, and were requested to lay aside the ordinary duties of the day in order to pay fit- ting respect to the Marshal's coming. They were urged to decorate their homes and places of business, not only with the Stars and Stripes, but also with the tri-color of France. Special efi'orts were made to se- cure pictures of Marshal Foch and have them placed in windows and other public places. A generous display of bunting and wide streamers was also urged in deco- rating the homes and buildings of the city. A special invitation was sent to the Culver Military Academy i-equesting that the famous Black Horse Troop ))e sent to Indianapolis on November 4, in order to act as a special escort for Marshal Foch. Citizens generally united in the request extended by the City Council, and (19) 20 MARSHAL FOCH DAY for days preceding' the arrival of the distinouished vis- itor great excitement prevailed among the citizens of Indianapolis. Charles F. Coffin, who was named as a member of the Executive Committee, obtained the consent of E. Howard Cadle to hold the Marshal Foch mass meeting in the Cadle Tabernacle on the night of November 4th. Also the Nordyke and Marmon Company immediately announced that they would place at the disposal of the committee a special Marmon seven-passenger car, painted French gray, and adorned with the Foch coat- of-arms. Notables of State and Nation Invited Realizing that Marshal Foch's visit would be an event of state-wide and even nation-wide importance, Governor McCray issued a special invitation to Presi- dent Harding, members of the Cabinet, Governors of all states. Mayors of Indiana cities with population of 5,000 or more, and all cities in the United States with a population of 100,000 or more, and to delegates to The American Legion's National Convention, then in ses- sion in Kansas City, inviting them all to attend the dedication of the grounds and laying of the corner stone for the Indiana war memorial building by Mar- shal Foch, November I, 1921. The invitation was as follows: <>\xe < iovcriioi-o. ■ hicluuui . Hic . 'v?i-iiuH 2i vclicalion o. llic , )roiiiicl.> and Olio ,n\c -Laiiiii*.! o Ino Loi'iicr colo v'l mcSvlalioiuil ' 'loadauarlci";"* . ' )iuL[uui ''he Liinoricaii Actiioii r liuiuii-itu ll'tii' rMlcinorial ' 'icivliiuuul . 'ocli, . 'lie . ^Kaolialo . i'rai\cc on.Ji-ulmi Inc ourlli ti > /Lowinbcr lunclcvii liuiulrcil (.mcl Iwcnlii • one al < ) i\(.li(.m>.i|ioli.'> 22 MARSHAL FOCH DAY Proclamations Official recognition of Marshal F'och Day on the part of the State of Indiana, and the city of Indianapolis, was voiced in the proclamations issued l)y Governor Warren T. McCray and Charles W. Jewett, Mayor of Indianapolis. Following- is a copy of the proclamation issued by Governor McCray: "The State of Indiana is to l^e signally honored when Ferdinand Foch, the Marshal of France, comes to Indianapolis on Friday, November 4, as the distinguished guest of The American Legion. The visit of the world's greatest military genius is a marked appreciation of the valiant service rendered his beloved country by Indiana's heroic men and women in the world's greatest struggle for the supremacy of those principles which insure human liberty and life. The commander-in-chief of the allied army comes to Indianapolis to dedicate the foundation stone of the state memorial to be erected to the memory of our soldiers and sailors who gave up their lives in the late World War. This stone is from the Marne ))ridge at Chateau Thierry, near where the American men made such a gallant stand under the magnificent leadership of our own General Omar Bundy, and it is fitting, indeed, that this solemn ceremony should take place in the presence of the great French commander. Such an occasion commands our united interest, and appeals to our state pride. It will pass into history as a most notal)le event. May it long be rememl:ered by our honored guest as one of the pleasing, outstanding features of his visit to our country. MARSHAL FOCH DAY 23 The day sliould l^e oliserved in a most fitting manner, creditable alike to city and state. Let us honor our guest as his rank and achievements justly deserve. Let every means he taken to show our appreciation of his visit and the high esteem in which he is held in the hearts of the American people. Let all business be suspended, so far as practic- al)le, and a half holiday be declared, permitting old and young to pay honor and respect to Ferdinand Foch, the Marshal of France." WARREN T. McCRAY, Governor of Indiana. Indianapolis, October 31, 1921. Following is a copy of the proclamation issued by ]\Iayor Jewett: "On Friday, November 4, 1921, Indianapolis is to be honored to have as our guest. Marshal Fer- dinand Foch, the commander-in-chief of the allied armies in the World War. Indianapolis has never honored a more distin- guished man than Marshal Foch. His military genius is recognized without a peer in the present age, and, without a doubt, history will record the fact that Marshal Foch is the greatest military commander the world has ever known. He comes to us, bearing the greetings of the French Republic. His visit will serve to strength- en the bond of friendship first established ))y George Washington and LaFayette in revolution- ary days, and made strong and permanent in the World War between the American and French peo- ple. This will be a great and memorable occasion 24 MARSHAL FOCH DAY to the citizens of Indianapolis, It will long be re- membered as one of the outstanding, brilliant events in the history of our city. That we may enter into the spirit of the wel- come and reception that Indianapolis will give to Marshal Foch, I call upon the entire citizenship, in so far as is practicable, to make Friday, November 4, a holiday ; to display the American and French flags together from public buildings and resi- dences; to suspend business as far as is practica- l)le, that our people may have an opportunity to participate in this great occasion. Let us all wel- come our distinguished guest in the spirit of the French Republic and the American Government, and pay honor and reverence to our noble guest." CHARLES W. JEWETT, Mayor of Indianapolis. American Legion Co-operation The week preceding the coming of Marshal Foch, Claude E. Gregg, Commander of The American Legion, Department of Indiana, sent a bulletin to the command- ers of all local posts in the state, urging them to send a large representation to Indianapolis to participate in the Marshal Foch Day events. Also, Dr. Carleton B. McCulloch, Chairman of the Foch Day Executive Com- mittee, issued an appeal on October 26th, urging the one hundred and twenty-five thousand vetei'ans in In- diana to take part in the parade, and expressed the hope that there would be a one hundred per cent at- tendance. Following is a copy of the bulletin sent out October 26, 1921, to the local posts by Commander Gregg: "On November 4, Marshal Foch, commander of the allied armies during the World War, will be MARSHAL FOCH DAY 25 the guest of Indiana at Indianapolis. This will ))e one of the largest demonstrations ever known to the people of Indiana, and every ex-service man and woman should take part in the program of the day. The interurban lines have granted a re- duced rate of one-way fare for round trip for this occasion, and we believe the steam roads will do likewise. "Briefly, the program is as follows: Marshal Foch will ariive at the Union Station at 9 a. m. A salute of nineteen guns will be fired as he enters the station. The band will play 'La Marseillaise' and then 'The Star-Spangled Banner'. The Mar- shal will then l^e escoi'ted from the station by the famous Black Horse Troop of Culver. The Cul- ver, DePauw, Indiana, and Purdue Universities, Marion County Legion and other bands will pro- vide music. "An auto race will be held at the motor speed- way at 10:30 a. m., probably four or five cars par- ticipating. This event will be free to every one. "The parade will form at 1 :30 p. m. at the south side of the State House, moving eastward in Washington street at 2 p. m. The parade will contain troops from Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Na- tional Guard troops, several military and Legion bands, and thousands of former service men and women. Immediately after the parade the ground for the state war memorial and for the permanent national headquarters of The American Legion will be dedicated. A pul)lic meeting will be held in the Cadle Tabernacle at 8:30 p. m. "Make arrangements now to come to Indian- apolis November 4. Bring your post banners for the parade, have all your members wear their uni- 26 MARSHAL FOCH DAY forms. Make your temporary headquarters and check your banners at the State House." On November 1, Commander Gregg issued a second message through the IndianapoHs newspapers, in which he especially urged Indiana ex-service men, re- gardless of the fact as to whether they were mem])ers of The American Legion, to send a one hundred per cent representation to Indianapolis to participate in the Marshal Foch Day parade. lie added: "I wish it were possible for me to get into per- sonal touch with every post in the state before parade time, to urge them to send representatives. If it is impossible to send a sizable delegation, I hope all will send at least two men with the stand- ards of the post, because they all will be massed from over the state at the head of the parade." Accompanying the statements sent out by Com- mander Gregg, Dr. McCulloch, Chairman of the Exec- utive Committee, issued the following appeal to all vet- erans of the World War: "All ex-service men who do not belong to The American Legion are equally urged to come to In- dianapolis and participate in the parade. Every such man should come in uniform, if in any way possible, but the fact that he does not have a uni- form should not keep him away. Report at parade headquarters on the south side of the State House at 1 o'clock. Assignments to position in the pa- rade will be made at that time, "This is a tribute that eveiy ex-service man owes Marshal Foch, and the dignity and honor of The State of Indiana calls for a one hundred per cent attendance." MARSHAL FOCH DAY 27 Appointment of Committees In order that the greatest pu))licity possi))le might be given Marshal Foch Day, and in order that it might have the widest democratic appeal to the entire cit- izenship of Indiana, it was decided to appoint several representative committees to assist in this historical event. The Executive Committee consisted of: Dr. Carleton B. McCulloch, Chairman Bowman Elder, Secretary ]\Iayor Charles W. Jewstt Governor Warren T. McCray Charles F. Coffin Samuel D. Miller The following named committees were also appoint- ed to assist in the Foch Day program: Automobiles — M. E. Noblet, Chairman; Paul H. Brown; S. M. Dean; R. W. Miller; William D. Small; Fritz Sny- der ; Clarence Stanley ; H. K. Stormont, and Harry Stutz. I] and — W. E. Pittsford, Chairman; Gideon W. Blain ; Stanley C. Brooks; John P. Carroll; Richard H. Habbe; John McNutt; John McShane; Eugene C. Miller, and William Mooney. Banquet — G. Barrett Moxley, Chairman; Judge Solon J. Carter; Dr. Edmund D. Clark; Edward L. Mayer; Martin A. Prather; Russell J. Ryan, and Evans Woollen, Jr. 28 MARSHAL FOCH DAY Ceremonial — Walter Myers, Chairman ; Robert A. Adams ; T. A. Flaherty ; Myron M. Hughel ; Ed Jackson ; Rob- ert L. Moorhead; Dr. Lafayette Page, William Guy Wall, and Roljert S. Wild. Commissaiy — John B. Reynolds, Chairman; Annis Burke; William R. Seeker; Fred B. Sherman; Cecil B. Smith, and V. D. Vincent. Decorations — Ralph A. Lemcke, Chairman; J. Frank Cant- well; Robert F. Daggett; Jesse Miller; Hence Orme, and Thomas D. Stevenson. Disabled Soldiers — Mrs. Wilbur Johnson, Chairman; Miss Marga- ret McCulloch; Mrs. Stuart Dean; Mrs. Russell Fortune; Mrs. Robert Hassler; Mrs. C. E. Hender- son; Mrs. L. B. Hopkins; Mrs. Chauncey DeWitt Meier; Mrs. Charles E. Millard; Mrs. F. E. Mus- kovics; Mrs. Nicholas Noyes; Mrs. Richard W. Smitheram, and Mrs. Gordon B. Tanner. Finance — Henry F. Campbell, Chairman; Frederic M. Ayres; William J. Fink; Fred Hoke; Dick Miller, and Samuel E. Rauh. Health— Dr. Herman G. Morgan, Chairman ; Dr. Larue D. Carter; Miss June Gray; Dr. Carl Habich, and Dr. Ray Newcomb. Liaison — Robert H. Tyndall, Chairman ; Harry M. Ager- ter; Dr. E. J. DuBois ; Donald H. McGibeny; Sid- ney D. Miller, and Gay A. Wainwright. MARSHAL FOCH DAY 29 Parade — Harry B. Smith, Chairman ; Gideon W. Blain ; John J. Boaz; Lee Biisch; Solon J. Carter; Brandt Downey ; Will O. Jericho ; Bertram Kingsbury ; Marshal T. Levey ; Clarence Martin ; Robert L. Moorhead ; Louis J. Morgan ; Albert T. Pdch ; Ar- thur R. Robinson; Robert H. Tyndall, and Charles O. Wesbey. Police — A. L. Taggart, Chairman; Henry L. Dithmer; J. E. Kinney, and Felix M. McWhirter. Public Comfort — Roltare Eggleston, Chairman ; Herman P. Lie- ber; Ad F. Miller; John Paul Ragsdale; George Rinier; Paul T. Rockford; Maurice Tennant, and Nelson G. Trowbridge. Publicity — Dr. T. Victor Keene, Chairman; Clyde Allen; Myron R. Bone; Herald D. Feightner; Curtis Hodges, and Benjamin F. Lawrence. Speedway — Carl Fisher, Chairman ; James Allison ; T. E. Myers, and Arthur Newby. Transpoi'tation — John C. Millspaugh, Chairman; William Bart- ley ; J. H. Call ; J. W. Coneys ; R. C. Fiscus ; J. W. Gardner; C. L. Henry; M. V. Hines; F. B. Hums- ton ; L. B. Jay ; J. K. Jeffries ; P. Jack Landers ; J. M. Morisey; F. N. Reynolds; W. H. Strauss; Will- iam Ward, and Bert Weedon. A special reception committee headed by ex-Gover- nor Samuel M. Ralston was appointed to officially re- 30 MARSHAL FOCH DAY ceive Marshal Foch upon his anival in Indianapohs. The meml)ers of Governor Ralston's committee were: A. Mrs. Ella Aker ; Dr. Ro})ert J. Aley ; Judge Albert B. Anderson; Samuel Ashby; Henry C. Atkins; Col. W. A. Austin ; and Col. N. K. Averhill. B. Frank T. Baker ; Frank C. Ball ; Mrs. J. M. Barcus ; A. A. Barnes; Colonel John T. Barnett; Judge Ira C. Batman; Arthur R, Baxter; Joseph E. Bell; F. O. Belzsr; Henry W. Bennett; Mrs. R. C. Bennett; All)ert J. Beveridge ; Colonel D. H. Biddle of Fort Harrison; Remster Bingham; Lemuel Bolles; Charles A. Bookwalter; Benjamin Bosse of Evans- ville; Colonel F. S. Bottoms of Fort Harrison; Willard S. Boyle ; Lieutenant-Governor Emmett F. Branch ; Franklin L. Bridges ; Colonel T. H. Bridges ; Ernest Bross ; Arthur V. Brown ; Frank E. Brown; Hilton U. Brown; Will H. Brown; Dr. William Lowe Bryan of Bloomington ; Miss Adah Bush ; Robert Butler, and Russell T. Byers. C. Mrs. Anne Studebaker Carlisle of South Bend; Mrs. Elizabeth Carr; Mrs. Solon J. Carter; Judge Solon J. Carter ; Brigadier General George Casler ; Judge Harry Chamberlin ; Rt. Rev. Joseph Char- trand; Mrs. Edmund D. Clark; Dr. Edmund D. Clark; Charles E. Coffin; Paul Comstock of Rich- mond; Charles E. Cox; Mrs. Linton A. Cox; Clif- ford Craig, and Russell Creviston. D. Frank C. Dailey ; Eugene H. Darrach ; Judge Ethan A. Dausman ; Thomas C. Day ; Caleb S. Denny; C. W. Depka, and Winfield T. Durljin of Anderson. E. G. A. Efroymson; William L. Elder; John G. Emery; W. E. English; Judge Solon A. Enloe; Jesse Eschbach; T. H. Escott; William P. Evans and Judge Louis B. Ewbank. MARSHAL FOCH DAY 31 F. Mrs. J. S. Ferris; Mrs. Caroline Marmon Fesler; Leo Fesler; Rabbi Morris M. Feuerlicht; Colonel R. T. Fleming- of Fort Harrison ; Stoughton A. Fletcher; Will Fogarty; Michael E. Foley; William Fortune; D, N. Foster of Fort Wayne; Charles Fox ; William F. Fox ; Dr. F. W. Foxworthy ; Rev. Joseph M. Francis ; Mrs. Alice French ; Captain H. G. Fry of Fort Harrison ; James Fry, and Dr. Sum- ner I. Furniss. G. Fred C. Gardner; E. E. Gates; Rev. Francis J. Gavisk ; Willard J. Gemmel of Broad Ripple ; Lewis W. George; Colonel L. R. Gignilliatt of Culver; John D. Gilpin of Fort Wayne; William P. Glsason of Gary ; A. M. Glossbrenner ; Daniel Glossbrenner ; A. H. Godard; James P. Goodrich of Winchester; Dr. A. B. Graham ; Charles A. Greathouse ; Claude E. Gregg of Vincennes; Neal Grider; Dr. George R. Grose, President of Depauw University, Green- castle ; Mrs. J. N. Gullefer of New Augusta. H. Richard Habl.e, Walter G. Hadley of Danville; Lieutenant-Colonel Laurence Halstead of Fort Harrison; Paul Haimbaugh of Muncie; W. W. Hammond; Cope J. Hanley of Rensselaer; Henry L. Hardin ; Dr. Isaac S. Harold ; Russell B. Harri- son; William D, Haverstick; Will H. Hays of W^ashington ; Frank H. Henley of Wabash ; Wil- liam P. Herod; Mrs. Philip Hildeln-and; L. N. Hines ; Alexander R. Holliday ; John W. Holtzman ; Carl Houston of Marion; Thomas C. Howe; Kin Hubbard ; Louis Huesman ; Dr. Charles D. Humes ; Charles A. Hunt of Jeffersonville and George B. Hunt of Richmond. L O. B. lies ; and Will Irwin of Columbus. J. Mrs. Harry Jacobs; Dr. Henry Jameson; Mayor Charles W. Jewett, and Aquilla Q. Jones. 32 MARSHAL FOCH DAY K. Edward Kahn; Mrs. Joseph B, Kealing-; Joseph A, Kehler; Dr. Bernays Kennedy; Mrs. Ralph E. Ken- nington ; Charles W. Kern ; Henry Ketcham ; William A. Ketcham ; J. L. Kimhrough of Muncie ; Major M. Kirl^y of Fort Harrison; Edward II. Knight and Miss Pauline Kurnick. L. Hugh McK. Landon ; Ulysses S. Lesh ; Major James A. Lester of Fort Harrison ; Charles S. Lewis, Sr. ; J. K. Lilly; James W. Lilly; Captain Livengood, and Charles J. Lynn. M. Judge Rol)ert W. McBride; John F. McClure of Anderson; Mrs. Charles W. McCord of New Al- bany; Major T. M. McCorkle of Fort Harrison; Governor Warren T. McCray; Mrs. Alice Foster McCulloch of Fort Wayne ; Mrs. Hugh McGibeny ; Charles A. McGonagle of Plainfield; Joseph A. McGowan ; W. J. McKee of Pellston, Mich. ; Judge Willis C. McMahan; James B. Mahan; Walter C. Marmon; Henry W. Marshall, acting President of Purdue ; Thomas R. Marshall ; Charles Martindale ; W. J. Merrill; Charles W. Miller; Mark Miller; Mrs. W. H. II. Miller; William J. Mooney; Louis H. Moore of Fort Wayne; Charles W. Moores; Judge David A. Myers and Quincy A. Myers. N. Senator Harry S. New of Washington; Arthur T. Newby; L. Russell Newgent; William Newhouse of Cumberland; Judge Alonzo L. Nichols; Mere- dith Nicholson; J. H. Nicolas; Colonel H. F. Noble of Culver ; Rev. Raymond R. Noll. O. Cornelius O'Brien of Lawrenceburg ; Howard O'Neil of Crawf ordsville ; Perry O'Neil; Charles J. Orbison, and Alvin M. Owsley. P. Colonel J. K. Parsons of Ft. Harrison; Gavin L. Payne ; Colonel Oran Perry, and Alfred Potts. MARSHAL FOCH DAY 33 R. Lieutenant E. W. Read of Fort Harrison; Major- General George W. Read of Fort Harrison; Mrs. R. S. Records of Lawrence; Charles O, Remster; Judg-e Charles Remy; Lieutenant-Colonel J. C. Rhea of Fort Harrison; Judge Arthur R. Robin- son; Ben Rogers of Frankfort; Colonel E. A. Root; Dr. Virgil Rorer; A. M. Rosenthal; Samuel D. Royse of Terre Haute; John C. Ruckelshaus; Dr. 0. S. Runnels, and Oswald Ryan of Anderson. S. John Scherer; Lieutenant-Colonel Theodore Schultz of Fort Harrison ; F. J. Schwartz ; Carl H. Shank ; Joseph H. Shea; Elmei- W. Sherwood of Linton; Miss Mary 0. Siebenthal ; Daniel W. Simms of La- fayette; Fred C. Sims; L. E. Slack; W. L. Slink- ard of Bloomfield; Charles B. Sommers; Marcus S. Sonntag of Evansville; Major T. C. Spencer of Fort Harrison; Frank D. Stalnaker; Mrs. H. P. Stanford; John E. Stephenson; Colonel G. R. Stor- mont of Lafayette; Elmer Stout; Philip B. Strapp of Greensburg; Thomas L. Sullivan; Dr. J. A. Swails of Acton ; Mrs. Lucius B. Swift, and Lucius B. Swift. T. Thomas Taggart ; Booth Tarkington ; Harold Tay- lor ; T. N. Taylor ; William M. Taylor ; Cecil Teaguo of Brookville; Miss Mary L. Thomas; William H. Thompson; Rev. Demetrius Tillotson; R. L Todd; Judge Howard L. Townsend; Judge Julius C. Travis, and Harry D. Tutewiler. V. Fred Van Nuys, and Tarquina L. Voss. W. Major C. A. Waldman of Fort Harrison; Dr. Ernest Wales ; Edmund Wasmuth ; Senator James E. Watson of Washington ; Ben J. Watt of Prince- ton ; W. B. Wheelock; Larz A. Whitcomb; Rev. Frank S. C. Wicks; Judge Benjamin M. Willough- 3—20472 34 MARSHAL FOCH DAY by ; Dr. A. L. Wilson ; Colonel J. S. Wilson of Fort Harrison ; Paissell Wilson ; Eben H. Wolcott ; Evans Woollen ; Dr. Frank B. Wynn, and Thomas A. Wynn. Y. Kenneth Yarnelle of Wabash, and George Yoke. MARSHAL FOCH'S ARRIVAL IN INDIANAPOLIS The train carrying Marshal Foch and his party from St. Louis to Indianapolis arrived at the Union Station promptly at nine o'clock a. m. The official reception committee, headed by ex-Governor Samuel M. Ralston, as Chairman, and two hundred citizens were at the sta- tion to gTeet him, while thousands waited outside the station and packed the streets leading- to the Claypool Hotel. As special aides to assist in conducting the Marshal Foch party. Governor Ralston had appointed Daniel I. Glossbrenner, Humphrey C. Harrington, W. T. Escott, Perry O'Neil, and Henry Ketcham. The ceremonies attending the Marshal's arrival and the reception accorded him, are most fittingly described by a reporter on one of the local papers. "Up on the elevated tracks, to the rear and wholly out of sight of the multitude that was waiting a sight of the celebrity, a committee for reception gathered a little while before the train arrived. Samuel M. Ral- ston, former Governor of Indiana ; Warren T, McCray, Governor ; Captain Thomas M. Halls, chief of the secret service for Indiana, with his assistants, high figures in the several groups of soldiers, and citizens who, col- lectively, presented a real and a notable I'epresentation of the state and its handsome capitol, were there. The vigilance of the secret service, of the police department and the admonition of the committees served to keep the spaces up there and in the main building below it, clear of the mass of the waiting multitude, and clear too, of all shoving, commotion or other disturl)ance. "A glance at the faces of the men of the reception line, as the train came thundering in from the west, was worth while. Every eye was bright, every feature, every attitude spelled keen expectancy. (3o; MOOREFIELD Marshal I'dcli and Pajty .^lamlini; ojtsiik' I'nlon Station. As tlio liand started to play La Marsi'illaise, Mar.-lial Koch stood at salute. Reading left to right: Governor Mr- Cray: Mayor Jewctl : Marshal Foch; Ex-Governor Ralston, and Dr. McCulloch. MOOREFIELD Another view, showing the Reception Committee with Marshal Foch at Union Station MARSHAL FOCH DAY 37 "As the coaches came alongside the main l)ody of the waiting group, they gathered into a close-pacl^ed mass at tlie steps of the car in which the Marshal and his company wei'e, and even before the train had come to a full stop, they could see through the windows a little band of blue-clad forms. There was a storm of cheer- ing, spontaneous and prolonged, for the watchers knew that one of those forms was that of the man whose vision and courage, whose complex gifts summed up in the great word "genius," availed to make 10,000,000 men become as a single sword in his hand, who wielded the most stupendous army ever formed, and with it overthrew the greatest menace that civilization ever opposed. "Another moment and the man himself stepped through the rear door and came down the steps ; a fig- ure less than the medium height, slight, rather than full in mold, precise and self-possessed in gesture and giving at once the impression of exceeding force and tenacity. This impression was reaffirmed by the face of the man, a chin of that width and strength of chisel- ing which is the sign of a will inflexible. "The grizzled, grayish moustache did not conceal th" lips, or the look of firmness they wore, yet the cut of the mouth was not unkindly. The face was overrun by creases that told of care, of trouble borne so long- that the stamp of it shall never entirely pass away. But in the eyes of the man the reality of his character was revealed still more convincingly. "They were wide apart, gray eyes that looked coldly down on the waiting group, for an instant. Then the Marshal smiled and his face was transformed, and who- ever saw him knew that he carried a large heart under the gray of his cloak. He gave the quick, vivacious French salute, and stepped down to grasp the hand of 38 MARSHAL FOCH DAY former Governor Ralston, who was at the lower step of the coach. " 'Marshal Foch', said Mr, Ralston, 'two hundred and fifty representative men and women of the Official Reception Committee welcome you to our city and to our state, and invoke the blessings of God upon you, and upon your people.' "The Marshal bowed in acknowledgment. In the next few moments he gave his hand to all those near him. Then he was taken, arm in arm by Mr. Ralston and Governor McCray, and with secret service men pre- ceding and following- and with all the committee which had lieen at the train pouring after, the guest de- scended the stairway, passed to the south doors of the waiting-room and inside, between the cheering ranks in the main building. "Except for a pathway, kept open by ropes and by police patrols along them, evei'y inch of the space in the waiting-room was packed, and every voice was raised in a thunder of salutation. With his hand at rigid salute, the Marshal was escorted through the station and down to the lower step on the north. There he and those with him stood, while the Culver Band struck into the rolling measures of "La Marseillaise." The Mar- shal glanced toward the east, where the band stood, as the strains burst out, and again came that transform- ing smile. "The shout that went up as he appeared on the steps of the station arose in such volume that it seemed that all the Hoosiers in the world must be contributing. The clapping of thousands of hands swelled the tumult, and the thunder of drums, of brass and silver instru- ments, made it such a moment as the city had not often, if indeed it had ever known. Save for his smile and the quick salute, the great commander made no sign. Standing surrounded by dignitaries to whose MARSHAL FOCH DAY 39 shoulders the flaming red top of his round, gold-braided cap haidly reached, he seemed still to be a saddened man. "The ceremony had been brief at the train. It was brief at the steps. A corps of photographers, stationed a little way out from the station steps, snapped pic- tures with lightning speed. The l)and, concluding the great French hymn, swung into the American National Anthem. A!)Ove and all about, the crisp breeze tossed the Stars and Stripes and the tricolor of France into intertwining folds, and the onlookers, unless they were exceedingly matter-of-fact, had something of the emo- tions of a swift and many-colored dream. "Then the allied hero was helped to a seat in an auto- mobile with Governor McCray, Hanford MacNider, the new commander of The American Legion, and Dr. Mc- Culloch. The Marshal's companions and the commit- tees that had to do with the reception, entered other machines, all in waiting. And with the chorus of shouts of welcome, with the hurrahs of boys and men and occasionally with the prayers of women, tremulous blessings uttered through the tumult of acclaim raining thick upon him, Ferdinand Foch was whirled away to take his place in the second episode of his visit to the Iloosier people." Meridian Street north from Jackson Place, and Washington Street, to the State House, were lined in most instances back to the doors of the business houses with a throng eager to see the military hero who di- rected the allied armies to victory. As the official car bearing Marshal Foch, and escorted by the Culver Mil- itary Academy Band and Black Horse Troop, turned into Meridian Street from Jackson Place, the crowds quickly recognized the Marshal and cheers resounded. All the way up Meridian Street one could hear the cheers. There was a continuous ovation. 40 MARSHAL FOCH DAY The crowd was most dense at Washington and Merid- ian streets, where the Hne turned toward the Claypool, and just opposite the hotel. Many stood l^ehind the pohce Hues opposite the Washington Street entrance to the hotel for the half-hour of the reception taking place inside, waiting for Marshal Foch to reappear and start for the Speedway. Reception at Claypool Hotel The official welcome of the city and the state was extended to Marshal Foch and his party at the formal reception in the mezzanine floor of the Claypool Hotel. Escorted by Governor Warren T. McCray and former Governor Samuel M. Ralston, the Marshal was taken immediately to the mezzanine floor. After a pi'ivate welcome by the Governor and Mayor Charles W. Jewett, the members of the special reception committee passed by and greeted the French party. Standing in the receiving line were Marshal Foch, Governor McCray, Mayor Jewett, former Governor Ralston, Mr. MacNider, General Desticker, Charles W. Bertrand, General W. D. Connor, Count de Chambrun, Colonel Frank Parker, Colonel Francis Drake, Major De Mierry, Capt. L'Hopital, Dr. De Songeyran and Dr. Andre. After spending about half an hour in the Clay- pool Hotel greeting hundreds of persons who passed by and shook hands with the Marshal, he was then taken to the Speedway to see the automobile races. The Speedway Races Following a lirief rest in the private quarters pro- vided for the Marshal at the Claypool Hotel, he was then taken to the Speedway where a twenty-five mile automobile race was staged in his honor. A crowd of twenty-five thousand people had gathered in the grand Marshal Focli extending coHKraf illations to Eddie Hearne, winner ol the J.")-niih> race. 42 MARSHAL FOCH DAY stands, and when the Miirshal's party leadin.u' a lonji" line of automol)iks i)assed throuiih the gates, a rousinji,' cheer was - persons were special guests at the banquet: Governor Warren T, McCray, Chairman Judge Albert B. Anderson; Dr. Paul Andre; Charles M. Bertrand; Lemuel L. Bolles; Colonel Bridges; Count de Chambrun; French Consul Christen ; Charles F. Coffin ; General W. D. Connor; General Desticker; Franklin D'Olier; Colonel Francis Drake ; John G. Emery ; Carl Fisher ; Wil- liam Fortune; Col. Leigh Gignilliatt; Claude E. Gregg; Charles W, Jewett; William A. Ketcham; Delancy ivountze ; Captain L'Hopital ; Ilanford MacNider; Carleton B. McCulloch; Thomas R. Marshall; Major De Mierry; Samuel D. Miller; Colonel Frank Parker; Samuel M, Ralston; Gen- eral George W. Read; Alton Roberts; Dr. De Songeyran ; Marcus S. Sonntag ; Thomas Taggart, and Robert Tyndall. A special musical program in which all of the num- bers were by French composers, had been provided l)y the Orloff Trio as follows: Gavotte Louis XIII Ghys Berceuse "Jocelyn" Godard Pas des Escharpes Chaminade Carmen Bizet Le Cygne Saint-Saens Arabesque De Bussy Elegie Massenet Valse "Faust" Gounod The only ceremony held at the Country Club was the planting of an elm tree at the east corner of the lawn by Marshal Foch. THE PARADE The most spectacular feature of the entire day was the mihtary parade. For weeks precedhig the coming of Marshal Foch special efforts had been made through the press, by coi'respondence, l)y telephone and tele- graph, to bring together the greatest array of military units that had ever assembled in Indiana. Under the direction of Adjutant General Harry B. Smith, every unit of the Indiana National Guard was urged to par- ticipate in the parade. From the State Headquarters of The American Legion, Indiana Department, special appeals had been sent forth, urging every ex-service man in the state to again don his uniform and march with his comrades in honor of the great Chief who had guided them on foreign soil. The day preceding the arrival of the French Marshal different units of the Indiana National Guard began to assemble in Indianapolis. The guard was composed of the 151st and 152d infantry regiments, the 139th and the 181st artillery regiments, and a number of special detachments. Every unit of the guard was repre- sented. The units were from Indianapolis, Elkhart, Frankfort, Ft. Wayne, Newcastle, Flora, Shelbyville, Martinsville, Ladoga, Attica, Greensburg, Gary, Ma- rion, Noblesville, Rensselaer, Salem, New Albany, Delphi, Windfall, Rushville, Colfax, Columbia City, Goshen, Muncie, Kokomo, Evansville, Angola, Colum- bus, Spencer, Seymour, Darlington, Mishawaka and Tipton. A steady stream of special trains and interurban cars brought the National Guard units to the city. Fifty special interurban trains, four special steam trains and special coaches on three regular steam trains were re- quired to bring the Guardsmen. The special interur- (45) MOOREFFELD Upper view— Official car occupied by Marshal Foch, Governor McCray, Dr. McCulloch (left seat), and Hanford MacNider (right seat). Lower view— Marsha! Foch and Governor McCray. MARSHAL FOCH DAY 47 ban cars were sent out to the various towns on the nig-ht of November 3, in order to be ready to leave early lor Indianapolis. A special tiain on the Pennsylvania Railroad left Gary and stopped at Flora, Frankfort, Colfax and Darlington, bringing 200 National Guardsmen from Gary, 50 from Flora, 150 from Frankfort, 50 from Col- fax and 50 from Dai-lington. Another special running over the Chicago and Eastern Illinois and Pennsylvania llailroad brought 200 National Guardsmen from Evans- ville and Terre Haute. A third special train over the Pennsylvania Railroad brought from Madison Battery E, 181st Field Artillery. It carried 96 officers and men of Battery E and complete equipment. Eleven flat cars were required to transport the 155mm. guns, tractors and other equipment of this unit. The Mishawaka unit of the National Guard, consisting of 90 men arrived in three special coaches. Special interurban cars brought National Guard units from Elkhart, Portland, New- castle, Ft. Wayne, Marion, Noblesville, Windfall, Colum- bia City, Goshen, Muncie, Kokomo, Angola, Tipton, Martinsville, Attica, Ladoga, Delphi, Salem, New Al- bany, Seymour, Columbus, Greensburg and Rushville. A special train over the Monon brought the National Guard company from Rensselaer. Also a special train brought the Culver Black Horse Troop and Band, numbering approximately 150 men. The Indiana University band of 90 men and 90 Bloom- ington National Guardsmen arrived in four special coaches over the Pennsylvania Railroad. The parade was organized under the following special orders of Adjutant General Smith: 48 MARSHAL FOCH DAY HEADQUARTERS. Grand Marshal, Marshal Foch Parade. Orders No. I. 1. The i^arade ^vill ho held on Friday, Novemher lih, at 2:00 p. ni. 2. The followino- ollicers will serve as Assistant Marshals, and are assi<>'ned as rollows: First Division — Colonel William G. Everson Major Albert T. Rich Major Pearle A. Davis Major Glenn Van Auken Captain Louis J. Kosler, Ji'. Captain Lee S. lUisch Lieutenant IL D. Galiher Second Division — Colonel Robert L. Moorhead Major Will 0. Jericho Major Rrandt Downey Captain Louis J. Morgan Captain Myion Cosier Third Division — Colonel Gideon W. Rlain Major Arthur Robinson Major Clarence Martin Captain Charles O. Wesbey Captain P>ertram Kin.usbury Fourth Division — Major Joseph 11. Ward Major A. IL Wilson Major Fred Stokes Captain E. Bailey Lieutenant J. A. Bryant MARSHAL FOCH DAY 49 Fifth Division — Major John J. Boaz, M. C. Captain Samuel Fletcher The Assistant Marshals will report to the Grand Mai'shal at the office of the Quartermaster General at 1 :()() p. m. on the day of the parade. 3. Organizations will form at the points indicated below, and be I'eady to move at 1 :30 p. m. The parade will move promptly at 2:()() p, m. The Assistant Mar- shals will march at the head of their various divisions. First Division — 11th Infantry Band Battalion 11th U. S. Infantry Form on south side of Washington Sti-eet, facing- east. Head of column about 100 feet west of Capitol Avenue. Culver Military Band Black Horse Troop Marshal Foch and Reception Committee (in autos) Form on south side of Washington Street, right resting on Senate Avenue, facing east. Second Division— 151st Infantry Band, I. N. G. 151st Infantry, I. N. G. Engineers Signal Company Form on east side of North Senate Avenue, right resting on Washington Street, facing south. 181st Field Artillery Band, I. N. G. 181st Field Artillery, I. N. G. Form on east side of South Senate Avenue, right resting on Washington Street, facing north. 4—20472 50 MARSHAL FOCH DAY 152d Infantry Form on west side of North Senate Avenue, right resting- on Washington Street, facing south. 139th Field Artillery Purdue Band Rainbow Division Form on west side of South Senate Avenue, right resting on Washington Street, facing north. Third Division — American Legion Band Foreign Service Men (in uniform) Form on west side of North Missouri Street, right resting on Washington Street, facing south. Ladies American Legion Auxiliary Ladies A. W. 0. L. Berry-Copeland Post of ex-Service Nurses Form on south side of West Market Street, right resting on Missouri Street, facing east. Indiana University Band Foreign Service Men (not in uniform) Form on west side of South Missouri Street, right resting on Washington Street, facing north. Fourth Division- Colored American Legion Band Colored American Legion Form on south side of Washington Street, right resting on Missouri Street, facing east. Fifth Division — Depauw University Band Wounded Soldiers (in autos) Form on west side of North Capitol Avenue, right resting on Washington Street, facing south. 4. Headcjuarters will be established at Capitol Ave- nue and Washington Street, and organizations will re- MARSHAL FOCH DAY 51 port leady to move as soon as they have taken posi- tion. 5. Line of March: Parade moves east on the south side of Washing- ton Street to Pennsylvania Street, countermarches on north side of Washington Street to Meridian Street, north on Meridian Street around west side of Circle (%) to East Market Street, east on Mar- ket Street to Pennsylvania Street, north on Penn- sylvania Street to North Street, east on North Street to Delaware Street, north on Delaware Street to Sixteenth Street, west on Sixteenth Street to Meridian Street, south on Meridian Street to New York Street, west on New York Street to Senate Avenue, and disband. 6. The reviewing stand will be at the southwest corner of Meridian and Vermont streets. By direction of General Harry B. Smith, Grand Mar- shal'. MAJOR MARSHALL T. LEVEY, Chief of Staff. As the hour of the parade approached, it seemed as if the whole State of Indiana were present to partici- pate in the event, either to march in review, or to view it from the sidelines. In anticipation of the huge crowds special precautions had been taken by Alexan- der L. Taggart, President of the Board of Public Safe- ty, and who had been named as Chairman of the Com- mittee on Police, by issuing orders demanding that fol- lowing the hour of six o'clock a.m., the entire parade area would be closed. No parking or traffic of any de- scription was permitted within the restricted zone. Special guards were appointed to prevent anyone from attempting to enter the restricted area with a vehicle. MARSHAL FOCH DAY 53 The official order announced that this would be "pedes- trian's day", and due to the fact that the line of march would extend almost five miles, the crowds were urged to distribute themselves along the entire distance. Promptly at two o'clock the parade started and the different units swung into line of march in honor of the great commander that had led them to victory a short three years ago. The weather for that day was per- fect. The bright blue sky gave the sun a chance to beam down on a city and state that had given over a day in honor of the greatest hero of modern times. In the first automobile rode Marshal Foch, Governor McCray, Dr. Carleton B. McCulloch, chairman of the executive committee, and Hanford MacNider, National Commander of The American Legion. In the second car: Mayor Charles W. Jewett, Major General George W. Read, General Desticker of the Foch party, chief of staff for Marshal Foch since 1914; Brig- adier General W. D. Connor, U. S. A., attached to the Foch party; Alvin B. Roberts of Michigan, chairman of the distinguished visitors committee of The Amer- ican Legion. In the third car: Charles F. Coffin, president of the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce; Charles M. Ber- trand of the Foch party, the president of the Inter- Allied Veterans' Association; Count de Chambrun, a descendent of Lafayette; Franklin D'Olier, ex-national commander of the Legion ; Thomas R. Marshall, ex-vice- president of the United States, and Samuel M. Ralston, ex-governor of Indiana. In the fourth car: Samuel D. Miller of the executive committee. Major De Mierry of the Foch staflf. Colonel Frank Parker, United States Army, attached to the Foch party as honorary aide to the Marshal; Captain L'Hopital, personal aide to Marshal Foch ; DeLancy 54 MARSHAL FOCH DAY Kouiitze. a member of the distiiifiiiished visitor's com- mittee ol the Legion, and Judge Albert B. Anderson. In the iifth car: Robert H. Tyndall, national treas- iii'er of The American Legion and ex-colonel of the 15(»th Field Artillery of the Rainbow Division; Colonel Francis Drake, commander of the French department of the Leg-ion; Lieut. De Songeyran of the Foch party; Dr. Andre, personal physician to Marshal Foch; Lemuel Bolles, national adjutant of the Legion, and Monsigneur Francis H. Gavisk. In the sixth car: William A. Ketcham, past grand commander of the Grand Army of the Republic ; Rol)ert C. Norton ; Mr. Hutchins ; D. W. IMontgomery ; and Van R. C. King of the National Legion Committee, and Marcus S. Sonntag of Evansville, chairman of the Indi- ana War Memorial Commission. In the seventh car: Ralph A. Lemcke, chairman of the conmiittee on decoration ; Thomas Taggart ; John J. Wicker; W. W. Smith; Leo A. Stafford; and C. E. McCullough of the National Legion Committee. In the eighth car: Colonel Bridges, chief of staff of the Fifth Army Corps Area ; J. ]\I. Loughborough ; Fred Dickman ; J. F. Garrity and Lieut. Van Den Ecke of the Legion Committee; and T. A. Christen, consul of France for the Cincinnati district. The showing made i)y the recently organized Indiana National Guard, with approximately 1, ()()() men in line of march, was an inspiring sight. Numerous were the comments heard regarding the different units. The following letter is typical of several similar expressions received by Adjutant General Harry B. Smith: MARSHAL FOCH DAY 55 HEADQUARTERS FIFTH CORPS AREA Fort Benjamin Harrison Indiana November 10, 1921. Hon. Warren T. McCray, Governor of Indiana, Indianapolis, Indiana. Dear Sir: I wish to congratulate you upon the splendid ap- pearance of the Indiana National Guard at the review given to Marshal Foch on November 4th. It is a force that the state may well be proud of. The excellent condition of the equipment of the Bat- tery from Madison showed painstaking care and atten- tion and was a subject of much favorable comment. Very sincerely, G. W. READ, Major General, U. S. Army. The Battery from Madison referred to in the letter was Battery E, 181st Field Artillery, which appeared with its full ecRiipment, including 155mm. guns and caterpillar tractors. The l)attery had its equipment in the best of order and it brought forth cheers all along the line of march. Marshal Foch's car was escorted by the famous Black Horse Troop from Culver Military Academy, one of the picked cavalry troops of the United States. The Cul- ver lads with their gray-blue uniforms trimmed in black, with saddle blankets of the same color, and their drawn sabres flashing in the sunlight, presented a pic- ture which will ever be remembered by the thousands who lined the streets on that memoral)le day. The showing made by Black Horse Troop from Cul- ver Military Academy was one of the outstanding fea- 56 MARSHAL FOCH DAY tures of the parade. Marshal Foch was so pleased with this unit that he addressed a special letter to Colonel Gignilliatt congratulating him upon the equipment and hearing of the Culver cadets. Following is a copy of the letter: Ltr; Marechau Foch Lo Ij Hov'jrtibre ISai Moi! choT Colonel , Lti brillant-,; tanua at i'attituda dtiij eXfeves da la CulvSr uiiii.ary Academy ti'ont vlv-amaiit frapp^^- lors du s^joui", que C'iii I'ait a IndiaJiupoli^io 4 KavaHibro Jorr.ifjr . mes f-Jii ci I'lti ons 6 u vou3 de.v.and- d'atre l'int,-3rpi' ■ jjrdial aouvanir au- pi-ia da VU3 jjiiii'jo jubordonnes . ■Agr^gz , JiSon oh'sr Colonel , l'a3.-m- rance da ir.tsa aailloura sen lime n^:;d . Translation November 15, 1921. My Dear Colonel : The brilliant equipment and bearing of the cadets of Culver Military Academy impressed me vividly during the stay which I made in Indianapolis on the fourth of November last. MARSHAL FOCH DAY 57 I am desirous of conveying to you my congratulations upon this event and of asking you to express to your young subordinates my cordial recollection of them. Accept, my dear Colonel, the assurance of my best wishes. (Signed) F. FOCH. Presentation of Laurel Wreath to "Miss Indiana" When the Marshal's car reached Monument Circle, Miss Celine Popp and Miss Katrina Fertig of the Alli- ance Francaise stepped from the sidelines with a large bouquet of roses. This floral token was presented to Marshal Foch in behalf of the Alliance. Arriving at the south front of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, Marshal Foch's car stopped, and he descended with his aide, General Desticker. Here occurred one of the most beautiful ceremonies of the day, the presentation of a laurel wreath to "Miss Indiana." Marshal Foch and his aide slowly ascended the south steps of the monument, and as they reached the top of the first flight of steps, the Marshal paused and reverently gazed upon the towering shaft, the shrine of patriotism for Indiana's "Silent Victors." Then with his aide he ap- proached "Miss Indiana," represented by Mrs. John Harrison Bull, and presented the wreath. The large iron gates at the base of the monument swung open, and re- ceived "Miss Indiana," bearing this memorable token of friendship from our Allied nation. While the ceremony was taking place, the chimes on the Christ Church played "Lead, Kindly Light," and the thousands who lined the sidewalks around Monument Circle stood in silent reverence, and renewed their pledge to forever stand by our sister repul)lic in fighting for the freedom of humanity. The laurel wreath was later placed in a special case provided for its safe-keeping, and will be ^fARSHAL FOCH DAY 59 viewed l)y thousands of visitors as a symbol of friend- ship between the American and French nations. Mar- shal Foch then returned to his official car, and the pa- rade proceeded. Disabled Veterans Amidst the joy and exhilaration that marked the passing- of the parade, there was one division that brought a feeling of sadness to the hearts of the spec- tators. This was the sight of the disabled veterans, who were given special honors in the parade. It seemed that eveiy wounded veteran who was able to take part in the parade was present. A special com- mittee headed by Mrs. Wilbur F. Johnson, had made careful plans for providing all disabled veterans a chance to take part in the parade. Some sixty auto- mobiles were engaged to transport these heroes. A long line of flag-draped cars driven by women dressed in the attractive uniform of the Motor Corps drivers, filled with men who had suffered wounds or contracted illness from which they had failed to recover after a period of three years passed in review. Generous indeed were the cheers given to these battle-scarred veterans. Although bearing the marks of the field of battle, or the devastation of disease, their pride was not humbled and their spirit mingled with the happy prayers of rejoicing that went up from thousands of hearts. The committee in charge of providing cars for the disabled veterans consisted of: Mrs. Wilbur Johnson, Chairman; Mrs. Stuart Dean ; Mrs. Paissell Fortune ; Mrs. T. B. Hamilton ; Mrs. Robert Hassler; Mrs. E. C. Henderson; Mrs. L. B. Hopkins; Miss Margaret McCulloch ; Mrs. Chauncey DeWitt Meier; Mrs. Charles E. Millard; i: « « < .B S. 1 o O ^ — > a o B r C. '.x 3 ri _Q s J ai X bi) «j -a c flj *C C3 _c; ffi 'a: ■^ c 0^ Si is s 2 - o c a/ 6 s 1 g o s T3 T^ ^ a - K ^ a S S .i: aj o C c3 ~ -Q j: .2 I; ?* !^'' '* •— 22 O g n - o Li^ -^3 "3 -C .. p«5 MARSHAL FOCH DAY 61 Mrs. F. E. Moskovics; Mrs. Nicholas Noyes; Mrs. Richard Smitheram. and Mrs. Gordon Tanner. Automobile Drivers A. Mrs. F. L. Allen, and Miss Mable Ay res. B. Mrs. H. H. Brooks. C. Miss Helen Caperton ; Mrs. G. H. A. Clowes ; Miss Elizabeth Clune; Miss Carolyn Coffin; Mrs. Albert M. Cole, and Miss Mildred Conklin. D. Miss Dorothy Darmody. E. Mrs. A. W. Early. F. Miss L. Feeney; Mrs. J. W. Fesler; Miss Marjorie Fisher, and Mrs. H. R. Fitton. G. Mrs. Jack Gould. H. Miss Virginia Hall; Mrs. R. H. liassler; Miss Amelia Henderson; Mrs. C. E. Henderson; Miss Dorothy Herd; Mrs. G. E. Home; Miss Beulah House, and Miss Ethel Hutchinson. J. Mrs. Wilbur Johnson. K. Mrs. J. L. Kalleen; Mrs. Robert Kendrick; Miss Pearl Kiefer; Mrs. Lucien King-, and Mrs. E. L. Kruse. L. Miss Sara Lauter. M. Mrs. H. B. McColley; Miss Margaret McCulloch; Miss Lillian McMurray ; Mrs. Charles Millard; Mrs. F. E. Moskovics, and Mrs. J. F. Moyer. N. Mrs. Nicholas H. Noyes. O. Mrs. Warren Oakes. P. Mrs. P. T. Payne, and Mrs. H. L. Peterson. R. Mrs. G. A. Ramsdell, and Mrs. William M. Rock- wood. S. Miss Ruth Sheerin ; Mrs. Thomas Sheerin ; Mrs. F. Z. Sherer; Mrs. Richard Sinclair; Mrs. R. W. Smitheram, and Mrs. Samuel Sutphin. COBURN Picture of .Marshal Foch with his aide presenting tho Laurel Wreath to "Miss Indiana' (Mrs. John II. Bull). MARSHAL FOCH DAY G3 T. Mrs. Gordon Tanner ; Mrs. Donald Test ; Miss Dor- othy Test; Mrs. Skiles Test, and Mrs. Robert H. Tyndall. V. Miss Rosamond Van Camp ; Mrs. Anton Vonnegut, and Mrs. C. F. Voyles. W. Mrs. A. L. Walters, and Mrs. Douglas Wheeler. Relief Cars W. H. Biddlecomb; Stuart Dean; A. Kuiker; II. B. McNeeley, Jr. ; A. B. Prouty, and H. M. Winter- ingham. The following men from the U. S. Veterans' Bureau assisted in recruiting and gathering up the disabled veterans : William P. Snethen, Chairman; John H. Ale; Dr. Charles Bayer ; Dr. John Hoffman ; Dr. Charles W. Myers ; Dr. Melville Ross, and Dr. Carroll Tucker. The "Living Red Cross" Another beautiful featuie of the parade was the "Living Red Cross." On the north side of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument a white field represented by a white canvas had been prepared, and under the direc- tion of Mr. William Fortune, Chairman of the Indian- apolis Chapter of the American Red Cross, and Miss Agnes F. Cruse, Secretary, four hundred Indianapolis women, wearing red head-dress and scarfs, were massed in the form of the symbol of the Red Cross. As the slanting rays of the November sun shown down upon the brilliant red, contrasted against a field of white it presented one of the most beautiful pictures of the entire day. A list of those who took part in the formation of the "Living Red Cross" is herewith included: 64 MARSHAL FOCH DAY Mr8. I III oh McGibeny, Chairman Section No. 1 — Miss Martha Carey, Captain Lieutenants: Mrs. William IT. Coleman Mrs. Howard Gay Mrs. Walter Mayer Mrs. Fred Sims Mrs. Clarence Strickland Mrs. Frank G. Wood Section No. 2 — Miss Natalie Brush, Captain Lieutenants: Miss Jane Ridgely Mrs. Theodore Stein. Jr. Mrs. Ileniy Talhott Miss Emma Vahle Section No. 3 — Mi's. Wolf Sussman, Captain Lieutenants: Mrs. W. II. Blodgett Mrs. J. Albert Bristow Mrs. A. B. Conkle Miss Frances B. Eichman Mrs. C. II. Jose Mrs. Lelioy Kahlei- Mrs. J. C. Kiddle Miss Alma Sickler Mrs. Charles R. Sowder Mrs. Geor«e Traugott Mrs. Louis WoU" Section No. 4 — Mrs. C. J. lioach. Captain Lieutenants: Mrs. Wilbur Dark Mrs. Harry W. Grifhth Mrs. Fred Hoke Mrs. Ralph Kennington MARSHAL FOCH DAY 65 Mrs. James Taylor Mrs. Stanley M. Timberlake Mrs. Frank Wood Section No. 5 — Mrs. Herbert T. Warner, Captain Lieutenants : Mrs. W. J. Beckett Mrs. J. E. Florea Mrs. Kin Hubbard Miss Charlotte Lesh Mrs. Gavin Payne Mrs. S. E. Perkins Mrs. P. C. Rubush A. Mrs. Robert P. Alexander; Mrs. Sam Ashby; Miss Sarah Ashby; Miss Merrill Ashley; Mrs. Sarah Avery; Mrs. Otto D. Axline; Mrs. A. S. Ayres, and Mrs. Fred M. Ayres. B. Mrs. F. J. Bag-ley; Miss Julia Bailey; Mrs. P. B. Bailey ; Mrs. A. M. Baker ; Mrs. J. T. Baker ; Mrs. U. G. Baker; Mrs. E. Bamberger; Mi's. W. D. Bancker; Mrs. J. F. Bainhill; Miss May Barr; Mrs. W. E. Barton ; Mrs. Charles F. Bayer ; Miss Edith Becker; Mrs. J. R. Beckett; Mrs. A. L. Benson; Mrs. Frank Berlin ; Miss Addy Birch ; Mrs. W. H. Blodgett; Mrs. Charles Bookwalter; Mrs. F. Born; Mrs. Isaac Born; Miss Nell Bracken; Miss Mar- garet Braun; Mrs. Francis Brickley; Miss Julia Brink; Mrs. J. A. Bristow; Miss Anna Broch- hausen ; Mrs. Austin Brown ; Mrs. William Brown ; Mrs. William J. Brown; Mrs. J. T. Brush; Miss Natalie Brush; Mrs. Albert Burdilf; Mrs. E. L. Bui'nett, and Miss Emma Byfield. C. Mrs. E. A. Cahill; Mrs. John N. Carey; Miss Martha Carey; Mrs. Alvin Carpenter; Mrs. D. B. Cai'ter; Mrs. Jackson Carter; Miss Lucile Carter; Miss Ada Case; Mrs. George Catterson; Mrs. A. 5—20472 MARSHAL FOCH DAY 67 B. Chapman; Mrs. Walter Child; Miss Sue Chip- man; Mrs. Henry Churchman; Mrs. A. J. Clark; Mrs. Edwin Clark; Mrs. Benjamin Claypool ; Miss Mildred Clearwater; Miss Catherine Coburn; Mrs. Albert W. Coffin ; Mrs. Charles Coffin ; Miss Flor- ence Coffin; Miss Belle Cohn; Mrs. W. II. Cole- man ; Mrs. Georo-e Coml)s ; Mrs. A. B. Conkle ; Mrs. John Connor; Mrs, George Conover; Mrs. Louis Corcoran; Mrs. E. L. Cothrell; Miss Zelma Cray- bill; Mrs. M. Creasy; Mrs. H. A. Crossland; Miss Agnes Cruse; Miss Helen Cruse, and Mrs. Warren Curry. D. Mrs. E. T. Daab; Mrs. Wilbur Dark; Mrs. James P. Darnell ; Mrs. Charles Davidson ; Miss May Davis ; Mrs. Thomas W. Demmerly ; Miss Eleanor Dickson ; Miss Harriet Dithmer ; Mrs. Samuel Dowden ; Mrs. Charles Dryer ; Mrs. F. M. Dunning, and Mrs. H. B. Durberrow. E. Miss Minnie Eck ; Mrs. Louis Efroymson ; Miss Frances Eichman ; Mrs. F. E. Ellis; Mrs. J. B. Elstun; Mrs. Edwin Embich ; Mrs. W. A. Esch- bach; Miss D. Eufey; Miss Edith Evans; Miss Margaret Evans, and Mrs. William Everly. F. Mrs. Richard Fairbanks; Mrs. Thomas Farrell ; Mrs. C. E. Ferrcll ; Mrs. Morris M. Feuerlicht ; Miss Julia Fish; Mrs. John Fishback; Mrs. C. B. Fletcher; Mrs. E. E. Fletcher; Mrs. Jesse Fletcher; Mrs. J. E. Florea; Mrs. David Fox; Mrs. Joseph M. Francis, and Mrs. M. E. French. G. Mrs. Charlotte Gall; Mrs. H. 0. Carman; Mrs. Frank Garstang; Mrs. Reginald Garstang; Mrs. Gerald Gates; Mrs. W. B. Gates; Mrs. Zola Gaumer; Mrs. Clifford Gay; Mrs. George Gay; Mrs. Howard Gay; Mrs. Pierce Gay; Mrs. George A. Geise; Mrs. Walter Geisel; Mrs. Carl Gibbs; 68 MARSHAL FOCH DAY Mrs. L. Godman; Mrs. L. Goldsmith; Mrs. H. D. Goode; Mrs. J. F. Goodwin; Mrs. G. W. Gordon; Mrs. John S. Gordon; Mrs. Jack Gould; Mrs. M. L. Gould; Miss Daisy Graffty; Mrs. Agnes F. Gran- nis ; Mrs. E. C. Gray ; Mrs. Myron R. Green ; Mi's. Walter Green ; Miss Doris Greeson ; Mrs. F. F. Gregory; Miss Anna Louise Griffith; Mrs. Harry Griffith; Mrs. William Griffith, and Mrs. Harry Grimes. H. Miss Edna Haddath ; Mrs. H. H. Hadley; Mrs. Frank Haight; Mrs. Charles Hall; Mrs. Lawrence Halstead ; Mrs. Harry Hammond ; Mrs. Carrie M. Handy ; Mrs. C. H. Hardy ; Mrs. Edward Harmon ; Mrs. Warren C. Harrell; Miss Gladys Hartman; Miss Laura Hartman ; Mrs. Otto F. Haueisen ; Mrs. Don P. Hawkins ; Miss Marie Hawekotte ; Miss Virginia Hayes; Miss Hattie Haymann; Mrs. Paul Haynes ; Mrs. W. H. Hayward ; Miss Jessie Heath ; Mrs. W. L. Heiskell; Mrs. Fred Helk; Mrs. John Hendricks; Mrs. E. G. Hereth; Mrs. Harriett Hereth ; Mrs. Don Herrold ; Mrs. H. B. Heywood ; Miss lona Hirsch ; Mrs. E. L. Hitch ; Mrs. Cushman Hoke; Miss Alice Holliday; Mrs. Frederick Holli- day ; Miss Lucy Plolliday ; Mrs. W. J. Holliday, Jr. ; Miss Elizal)eth Horner; Mrs. Arnold Houser; Mrs. Kin Hubbard; Mrs. W. J. Hubl)ard ; Mrs. Henry Huder; Mrs. E. O. Hunter, and Mrs. J. N. Hurty. J. Mrs. H. Jacobs ; Mrs. Rosina Jacobs ; Miss Marie Jensen ; Mrs. John B. Johnson ; Mrs. Richard O. Johnson ; Mrs. Russell Johnson ; Miss Helen John- ston, and Mrs. C. H. Jose. K. Miss Sai'a Frances Kackley; Mrs. LeRoy Kahler; Mrs. David Kahn ; Mrs. Henry Kahn ; Mrs. Ella K. Kalley; Miss June Keefauvre; Mrs. E. A. Kemp; Mrs. W. H. Kennedy ; Mrs. Ralph Kennington ; Mrs. Henry Ketcham; Mrs. Ray Kibler; Mrs. Ed- MARSHAL FOCH DAY 69 son Kidder; Mrs. Irving King; Mrs. G. S. King- ston ; Miss Jessie Klingman; Mrs. Ernest Kneffler; Miss Arda Knox ; Mrs. Will Kortepeter, and Mrs. Ernest Krutsch. L. Miss Elizabeth Lair; Mrs. Hugh McK. Landon; Mrs. Austin Laycock; Miss Mary Laycock; Mrs. Edward Legg; Mrs. Guy Lemon; Mrs. Charles P. Lesh ; Miss Charlotte Lesh ; Miss Helen Lesh ; Mrs. P. W. Lesh; Mrs. Louis Levey; Mrs. Marshal Levey ; Mrs. R. Levi ; Mrs. A. L. Lockridge ; Miss Ethel Lomasney; Mrs. Leo Lowey; Mrs. 0. C. Lukmbill; Mrs. David Lurvey, and Mrs. C. R. Lydick. M. Mrs. R. O. McAlexander ; Mrs. Bert McBride ; Mrs. Fred McCarthy; Mrs. E. H. K. McComb; Mrs. F. W. McDougall; Miss Katherine McNamara; Mrs. M. H. K. Malone; Mrs. C. M. Malott; Mrs. Frank Malott; Mrs. H. A. Mansfield; Mrs. L. A. Mans- field ; Mrs. Walter Marmon ; Mrs. Val Martin ; Mrs. J. L. Mason ; Mrs. 0. C. Maurer ; Mrs. Bruce Max- well; Mrs. S. Mayer; Mrs. Walter R. Mayer; Mrs. C. W. Meinsinger; Mrs. R. L. Mellett; Mrs. J. C. Mendenhall ; Miss Marian Messick ; Mrs. B. Meyer ; Mrs. Claude Miller; Mrs. H. D. Miller; Mrs. Wil- liam W. Miller; Mrs. Robert Milliken; Miss Anna Mock; Mrs. Hazel Moore; Mrs. H. M. Moore; Mrs. J. M. Mooi-es; Mi-s. J. M. Moorland; Mrs. Owen Mothershead ; Mrs. B. Moyer ; Miss Emma Mullen ; Miss Kate Murphy; Mrs. Theodore Myers, and Mrs. W. A. Myers. N. Miss Mary Neil; Mrs. J. B. Nelson; Mrs. Laura Neu; Mrs. J. H. Nicholas; Mrs. Charles Nichols; Mrs. Clarence Nicols, and Mrs. James Noel. 0. Mrs. George O'Connor; Mrs. G. S. O'Connor; Mrs. M. M. O'Connor; Mrs. Harry Ohr, and Mrs. W. H. Orchett. 70 MARSHAL FOCH DAY P. Mrs. E. E. Padgett; Mrs. E. R. G. Parker; Miss Frances Parsons ; Mrs. Gavin Payne ; Mrs. Charles Pearce ; Miss Carrie Perkins ; Mrs. S. E. Perkins ; Mrs. Norman Perry; Mrs. John Pfaff; Mrs. O. G. Pfafl ; Mrs. Walter PfalF; Mrs. I. J. Price, and Mrs. 0. M. Pruitt. R. Miss Olive Radian ; Mrs. Oren Ragsdale ; Miss Ruth May Railsback; Mrs. Robert Ramsey; Mrs. Frank Randall ; Miss Lorena Ray ; Mrs. Henry I. Ray- mond; Miss Lillian Reeves; Mrs. Lilly Reeves; Mrs. A. Renard ; Miss Laura Reynolds ; Mrs. J. V. Richardson ; Mrs. T. A. Richardson ; Mrs. Charles Riddel; Mrs. J. C. Riddle; Miss Jane Ridgeley ; Miss Lollie Ringgold; Mrs. Claude Ritchie; Mrs. Clyde J. Roach; Mrs. James Roberts; Mrs. E. J. Ptobinson; Mrs. George Ross; Mrs. P. C. Rubush; Mrs. E. Runkle; Mrs. L E. Rush; Miss Magenta Ryan, and Mrs. Chester A. Ryker. S. Mrs. L. Sagalowsky ; Mrs. J. Sampson ; Mrs. G. M. Sanborn; Mrs. Charles Schaff; Mrs, Bloor Schlep- py; Mrs. Eli Schloss; Mrs. Sarah Schmidt; Mrs. G. H. Schmoe; Mrs. Fred Schortemeier ; Mrs. Edwin Schuler; Mrs. M. Scott; Mivs. S. Sebel; Miss Saydc Sebel ; Mrs. E. S. Severin ; Miss Anna Sharp ; Mrs. M. V. Sharritts; Miss Florence Shearer; Mrs. H. C. II. Shearman ; Miss Margaret Shipp ; Miss Grace Shirley; Mrs. Marion Shreeve; Mrs. Julia Shub- rick; Mrs. G. Shuler; Miss Alma Sickler; Mrs. Fred Sims ; Mrs. Elmer Singer ; Mrs. J. R. Smith ; Mrs. W. C. Smith ; Mrs. C. R. Sowders ; Mrs. Elmer E. Spenner; Miss Helen Spring; Mrs. Guy Stay- man ; Mrs. Theodore Stein ; Mrs. Robert Stephen- son ; Mrs. T. B. Stevenson ; Miss Jean Stewart ; Miss Mae Strawn; Mrs. J. Street; Mrs. Clarence Strickland ; Miss Vay Stringer ; Mrs. A. L. Stubbs ; MARSHAL FOCH DAY 71 Mrs. Thomas Stucky; Mrs. Daniel Sullivan, and Mrs. Wolf Sussman. T. Mrs. Henry M. Talbott ; Miss Florence Taylor ; Mrs. Franklin Taylor; Mrs. James Taylor; Miss Nell Taylor; Mrs. W. L. Taylor; Mrs. Stanley M. Timberlake; Mrs. W. Tomlinson; Mrs. Charles Trotter; Mrs. C. D. Trowbridge; Mrs. Charles Turner, and Mrs. Robert Tyler. U. Mrs. Albert Uhl. V. Miss Emma Vahle; Mrs. R. P. Van Camp; Miss Josephine Vestal; Mrs. Almus Vinton, and Mrs. Edward Vonburg-. VV. Miss Flora Wachstetter; Miss Coradell Wade; Miss Eva Waggoner; Miss Nell Wadley; Mrs. Herbert T. Wagner ; Mrs. Hattie Wanglm ; Mrs. O. L. Watkins ; Miss Joy Weer ; Mrs. W. A. Welden ; Mrs. C. R. Wellover; Miss Christine Wente; Mrs. C. E. Wesbey; Mrs. Cora Young Wiles; Mrs. Lavina Williams; Mrs. Myron Williams; Mrs. Arthur Wills; Miss Mary Winter; Mrs. Charles Woerner; Mrs. Louis Wolf; Mrs. Charles Wood; Mrs. E. M. Wood; Mrs. F. G. Wood; Mrs. Grace Wood; Mrs. Horace Wood; Mrs. Benjamin Wright; Mrs. P. F. Wright, and Mrs. Isador Wulfson. Y. Mrs. Fred Young. Z. Mrs. Shaffer Ziegler. Reviewing Stand After the advance guard of the parade had made its way through the roped-off, flag-draped streets, and had reached the reviewing stand located at the corner of Vermont and Meridian streets. Marshal Foch and his party left their cars and took their places in the stand. As the Marshal climbed into the box reserved for him, he acknowledged the shouts of the admiring thousands ^LiW ^^Lj||H^ftteg fr; MARSHAL FOCH DAY 73 of people near enough to recognize him. To his left sat Governor McCray, while to his right sat his inter- preter, Sir Francis Drake. Grouped about Marshal Foch were General Desticker, Captain L'Hopital, Lieut. DeSongeyran, Lieut. Van Den Ecke of his own party; Major General George Read, commanding 5th Army Corps of United States at Fort Benjamin Harri- son, Colonel L. R, Gignilliatt of Culver Military Acad- emy, Colonel John B. Reynolds, secretary of the Indian- apolis Chamber of Commerce ; ex-vice-president Thom- as R. Marshall, Dr. C. B. McCulloch, and other mem- bers of the Executive Committee. As the various organizations passed the reviewing stand, the distinguished visitor manifested the keen- est delight in exchanging greetings and salutes. A re- porter on one of the local papers related in his happy manner some of the events that occurred. "When the Purdue University Band passed, playing the war songs, 'Over There' was recognized by the Marshal and his face lighted up like a school boy, " 'That is a favorite,' he said to Governor McCray. "A battery of newspaper photographers ranged up in front of the box and aimed their cameras at the Marshal, and the famous smile that won a war flashed as he said : " 'Voila, there are many of the press gentlemen.' The cameras clicked and he settled back in his position. "As the National Guard of Indiana swung into view, the Marshal turned to Mr. Drake and said: " 'These are the fellows who made a great American army, and look so young.' Mr. Drake told him that the guard had been reenlisted and was not fully drilled. The Marshal laughed and said: " 'It does not take them long to learn, they are husky fellows.' He then asked about the number of men In- Review in;;; Stand: Goveriiri- MrC'ray, Mar;ion ac- cepted the oifi in the name of the National Org-aniza- tion. in responding*- to Governor McCray's address he said: "As the representative of the ex-service men ol' The American Le<>ion. and on behalf of the Leg-ion and the citizens of lndianai)olis and Indiana, I ac- cept the ground for the plaza as a concrete expres- sion of the high approval of Indiana for the splen- did men to whom it is dedicated. "It is a magnificent tribute from the state made as an exi)ression of regard for the achievement of those men. We are glad that the Legion is on your heart and it will help us to grow if you have faith in what we are doing. The inspiration which we biought l)ack with us from the great war was engendered by the man who is our guest today. It has developed a spirit of service we hope by as- sociation in the Legion to keep alive. We owe it to the men who did not return to keep up that spirit if we can do so. If we do so, no man need fear for the future of America. The Amei'ican Legion is gratified with this gift." MAh'SHM. FOCI I DAY 81 Kiaiikliii D'Olici'. i)ast national coininaiulor of The American Legion then dedicated the ground, and si)oke as follows: "in the name of The Anieiiean Legion I now dedicate this Mcinoiial i)laza. 1 dedicate it to the memory of those who fell in the service of their country by land and hy sea. Their lives are glori- ous before us; theii' deeds ai'e an inspiration. As they served America in time of war, yielding their last i"ull measure of devotion, may we serve Amer- ica in time of peace, so living that justice, freedom and democracy may endure forever. "I dedicate this Memorial plaza to tliem and with it I dedicate The American Legion to the etei'iial service of our country and the pivsei'va- tion of their heroic memory." Marcus S. Sonntag of Evansville, Chaiiinan of the War Memoi'ial Conmiission, tluMi lower(>d the coi-ner stone to its place. Following the placing of the stone, Commandei- Claude E. (- seven oilicers and three thousand men in his regiment, (85j 86 MARSHAL FOCH DAY and how at the close only one officer was left, and the regiment had been refilled thirty times. M. Bertrand made a brief reply. Charles F. Coffin, President of the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce was next called on, and paid tribute to the distin.uuished visitor, and particularly to the manner in which he had conducted the cam- pai<>ns of the allied armies under his command. "March 26, 1918," he said, "is a date indelibly written upon the pages of American and European history. It was not easily written. It required three hard years, the surrender of many preju- dices, and the loss of millions of lives to write it. That date has sunk into the hearts of every man. It was on that day that General Foch, now Marshal of France, became Commander of all of the allied armies. The spring- of 1918 did not open auspi- ciously for the Allies, since the Germans had pre- pared iov an assault which they believed would overthrow the allied armies and end the war vic- toriously for them. America remembers with pride that two days after Marshal Foch assumed command. General Pershing- visited him, and an- nounced that the American people regarded it as a great honor for their troops to fight under his command. Mai'shal Foch broug'ht with him tal- ents that rank him with the g'reatest military men of any age. lie employed these talents, not to place a royal diadem on his bi'ow, but to destroy forever the brutal and selfish assumption that 'rigiit makes might,' and for the perpetuation of liberty under law." At the conclusion of Mr. Cofhn's talk, the 500 men and women were on their feet waving- the tri- color of France, and shouting' the praises of their MARSHAL FOCH DAY 87 guest. When he arose to reply to the welcome, the Marshal appeared to he greatly touched ))y the tribute. After a short pause he began to speak and his words, spoken in French, were interpreted by Colonel Fi'ank Parker, U. S. A. : "It would be exceedingly difficult for me to re- ply properly to the complimentary words ad- dressed to me tonight. Likewise it would be ex- ceedingly remiss on my part were I not to make an effort to give an answer and to express my ap- preciation for the reception I have received in your city. "On the faces of all whom I have seen in every direction, I feel that I have seen what we all wished to accomplish — victory. And all the while I have kept in mind the great sacrifices this great state has made in the war. Three hundred thou- sand men,^ and a vast quantity of arms and ma- terials — by all this she has shown she wished to have the victory, must have it at any price. It is the same principle that was later applied on the wholesale for the entire American army in France. That army was determined to have the victory at any price. Particularly when General Pershing came to me on the 28th of March and said to me that his troops were at my disposal. This deter- mination of the populace at home, of the army on the field, well laid out for us our duty. In the presence of this invincil)le energy, the chiefs had a very clear road laid out for them. "I can never then make it too clear that victory came from the universal and homogeneous inten- tion to conquer. If we have conciuered, don't sup- ' These fig'ures are incorrect; Indiana had approximately 128,000 men in service in the World War. — Editor. MARSHAL FOCH DAY pose for an instant that we are drunk with victory. If we made war, it was but with a view to peace. War is a means and peace is the end to be ac- complished. "I have seen, while in command of the allied armies, millions of young men of promise. In the presence of this, can anyone be beside himself to believe that there is any efficacy in war, otherwise than a means to peace? "France did not want war in 1914. No one can want war today. Every one today desires peace. We won the war, it is now for us to maintain the peace, and if we desire the formula for that, it is the same as for winning the war. Union for just peace, and a lasting peace, and in this union, of force, I invite and call you all, a union for liberty and humanitv." MASS MEETING The climax of the day's prog-ram was the mass meet- ing held in the Cadle Tabernacle. For two hours be- fore the meeting was scheduled to begin, crowds began to move toward the Tabernacle, and by six o'clock, an hour before the doors were opened, thousands of peo- ple were crowded about the entrances. When the doors were finally opened, scarcely three minutes had passed until the immense Tabernacle was filled, and the crowds began to collect at all the doorways and en- trances. More than twelve thousand persons forced their way into the building, while the newspapers re- ported that some two thousand stood up around the outer walls of the auditorium. A special program had been arranged as follows : Program Colonel Carleton B. McCulloch, Presiding 1. Community Singing, 7 : 30 to 8 :30 o'clock . Audience 2. "La Marseillaise" Choir 3. Invocation Rt. Rev. Monsignor Francis H. Gavisk, V. G. 4. Address Hon. Warren T. McCray, Governor of Indiana 5. Address Hon. Charles W. Jewett, Mayor of Indianapolis 6. Presentation of Flowers from American Wo- men's Overseas League Miss Adah Bush, Representative 7. "America" . Choir 8. Presentation of Souvenir Medallion from Citi- zenship of City and State Samuel D. Miller (89) 7- -20472 90 MARSHAL FOCH DAY 9. ConfeiTing of Companionship in the Military Order of Foreign Wars of the United States Companion Carleton B. McCulloch 10. Response .... Ferdinand Foch, Marshal of France 11. "The Star Spangled Banner" Choir, Audience and Band 12. Benediction Rev. S. L. Martin, Department Chaplain Amer- ican Legion Cadle Tabernacle Choir Joe Overmyer, Director American Legion Band of Indianapolis Ililler Francis, Director Special seats had been provided for the wounded and other soldiers in the center of the building, just in front of the stage. Seated l^ehind the disabled soldiers were the women who had seen service overseas. On either side were persons who had been admitted by American Legion tickets. Special programs and tri- color flags of France were distributed by the Boy Scouts, and every person in the assembly had a ban- ner. When the Marshal's party arrived at nine o'clock, the great audience heard the bugle call ATTENTION! When the blue-uniformed French visitor appeared in view, a demonstration occurred which is seldom seen in this city. The entire audience in the big auditorium arose, and amid a wild waving of tri-colors and a deaf- ening roar of voices, the distinguished visitor bowed in acknowledgment to the generous greetings accorded him. The demonstration lasted for more than three minutes, and was not ended until Dr. McCulloch, the presiding officer, stepped to the front and motioned for silence. The big Tabernacle Choir composed of more than a MARSHAL FOCH DAY 91 thousand voices, under the direction of Joe Overmyer, entertained the audience with songs. The audience joined in the singing of "Onward Christian Soldiers," "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," and other familiar songs. The disabled soldiers were called on to sing a verse of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" and re- sponded with much enthusiasm. After an encore they sang "Over There," "Smile, Smile, Smile," and "Good- bye Broadway, Hello France." When the "Marseil- laise" was announced, the entire audience joined in the singing, and Marshal Foch's eyes gleamed with pride and emotion as he stood erect listening to the singing of the great French National anthem. There occurred just before the formal reception be- gan, one beautiful incident, which had not been planned by the Program Committee. A little four-year-old girl, Adele Claire Fishbein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fishbein, 309 E. 21st street, and granddaughter of Adolph Asche, an ex-captain in the World War, dressed in Alsatian costume, bearing three flowers of the French National colors, was lifted to the platform by a group of soldiers and presented to the Marshal. He drew her to him, smiled broadly, and then placed a kiss on each of her little cheeks. The audience ap- plauded heartily. Dr. McCulloch then introduced the Rt. Rev. Mon- signor Francis Gavisk, who ofi'ered the invocation, at the conclusion of which the Lord's Prayer was repeated by the audience. At the conclusion of the invocation, Governor Mc- Cray was introduced, and officially welcomed on behalf of the State of Indiana, the distinguished visitor. The governor spoke as follows: "This is indeed a wonderful occasion and the remembrance of this day will live in our hearts and MARSHAL FOCH DAY 93 minds as long as we enjoy the pleasure of memory and recollection. It is certainly a great privilege to have as our guest the world's greatest military genius, Marshal Foch. "From the days of the Revolution there has existed a peculiar friendship between the country of his birth and the Nation which was saved by the financial and personal service rendered by one of his illustrious countrymen at a time of dire dis- tress and approaching disaster. "At that time lasting obligation was imposed upon us as a Nation. After waiting over a cen- tury we at last had a chance to show that we were not forgetful or unappreciative of the part General Lafayette played in helping to establish the inde- pendence of our colonies and thus make it possible for this country to expand and develop until it has reached its present strength and power. By this chain of circumstances the nations of France and the United States are firmly and securely bound. "When the life blood of our friend and bene- factor was being sapped almost to the point of Na- tional collapse, I rejoice that we arose to the oc- casion, rushed in with all our power and resources and helped France save the day for justice and humanity. "By this act and by the seal of the blood of thousands of our brave boys who sleep the eternal sleep under the blue skies of sunny France, the perpetual alliance of these two great Republics will be everlastingly and irrevocably established. "It is therefore a great pleasure to have with us the man who was Commander-in-Chief of our American army when it saw service in his coun- try — a man whom the world recognizes as the greatest general of all ages, a man who is re- 94 MARSHAL FOCH DAY spected, admired and loved ))y the people of every Nation that fought for, or sympathized with, the cause of the allies in the great World War. "There is nothing we can do, Marshal Foch, to fully and appropriately express our admiration and love for you. We appreciate beyond expression the honor you confer upon this state and city by your visit. May God bless you and give you health and strength to enjoy the honors which you have so richly earned." The next address was given by Mayor Charles W. Jewett, in which he welcomed, on })ehalf of the city of Indianapolis, Marshal Foch : "The city of Indianapolis is very honored to have as a guest a distinguished citizen of France. It is a distinct pleasure to welcome Marshal Foch in Indianapolis. "On the fields of battle of the great World War, he was the comrade of our boys. This fact is a peculiar bond that makes us feel very near to him on this occasion. We are very honored to be host to the man, who, at the time of the world's great- est danger and crisis was accepted by the allied armies as the greatest military commander of the present day. We are very grateful that he has given Indianapolis such a rank of distinction in placing us among the few cities of this country to be honored by his visit. "The history and the progress of the American republic owe much to France. Since the days of the Revolution, when Lafayette rendered such a splendid service to our forefathers in their fight for independence, we have loved the French peo- ple. This bond of friendship established by George Washington and Lafayette between the MARSHAL FOCH DAY 95 American republic and France has united the two great Republics together until the present hour. The great World War has strengthened this friendship, and the l)onds of sympathy existing between the French people and us will live forever after. "Marshal Foch, we welcome you, in spirit of pa- triotism, of free government; in spirit of the French Republic and of our own government. May our common ideals, our love of equality, fraternity and liberty, as exemplified by your government and ours, may our common purposes, our associa- tions on the fields of battle, serve to strengthen the Iwnds of friendship which unite these two great Republics in a relationship so harmonious. We salute you with reverence and respect; we con- gratulate you with admiration and honor, we wel- come you with deep sympathy, love and affection. Marshal Foch, I deliver to you the mystical key which has opened the hearts of our citizenship, from which flow our love and appreciation of your great and noble work in which we had the honor of calling you commander." Following the conclusion of Mayor Jewett's address. Miss Adah Bush, representing the American Women's Overseas League, presented to Marshal Foch a beauti- ful bouquet. Miss Bush, dressed in an overseas uni- form of dark gray, presented the floral token and ad- dressed the Marshal as follows : "On l)ehalf of the American Women's Overseas League of Indiana, a state unit of the National organization representing several thousand Amer- ican women who rendered volunteer service over- seas under your high command, I bring you greet- ings. C B DYER Gold Medallion (showing both sides) presentedjto Marshal Foch by citizens of Indianapolis. MARSHAL FOCH DAY <)7 "Holding- in grateful memory the universal kind- liness and courtesy of your countrymen through diflicult, and for some of us dangerous days, we are banded together and stand pledged not only to uphold the principles for which our soldiers fought, l)ut to preserve and strengthen the ties of friend- ship uniting France and America. "I have great pleasure, Marshal Foch, in publicly reaffirming that pledge in your honored presence, in presenting this token of our affection for you and your glorious France," Samuel D. Miller, speaking as the representative of the citizens of the city of Indianapolis, and the State of Indiana, presented to Marshal Foch a solid gold medallion, on the front of which was a replica of the Indiana Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument. Inscribed above the design were the words "Indianapolis, Novem- ber 4, 1921." The other side showed the French seal in the center flanked by the seal of the State of Indi- ana and The American Legion seal. Above the seal were inscribed the words: "To Marshal Ferdinand Foch," and below the seal was the Latin inscription: "In Memory of Our Friendship." Mr. Miller spoke as follows: "Mindful of the gallant youth who, one hundred forty-four years ago flouted the commands of his King, outfitted an expedition from his private for- tune, and sailed westbound across the seas ; and a little later, with the sturdy Rochambeau by his side and a band of valiant Frenchmen at his back, helped our forefathers erect this Republic as a permanent abiding place in the world for enlight- ened freedom; "Mindful of another expedition in more recent years, when the men of America, actuated by no 98 MARSHAL FOCH DAY gainful motive ))iit acting- solely in the In'oad inter- est of humanity, sailed eastbound across the seas and took their places side by side, for weal or woe, with the men of France and so gave battle to the arch-enemy of enlightened freedom, with the cry "They shall not pass" — and, no Hun passed, save from the here into the hereafter ; "Mindful of the glorious fact that there has never been an hour from Lafayette to you, Sir, when the United States and France could not take each other by the hand and, with heads thrown back, each look squarely into the gleaming eyes of the other and, with perfect understanding of all that it implies, utter the sacred word 'Friend' ; "Mindful of the solemn resolution which lives — a vital thing in the breast of every true American that this tie shall never cease to bind ; "Mindful, Sir, of the deathless distinction which your leadership brought to the arms of the Allies ; "Mindful of all these things and more, on behalf of the one hundred fifty thousand sons and daugh- ters of Indiana, living and dead% who answered their country's call and "went down to the field of glory, to do and to die for the eternal right" ; on behalf of the lil)erty-loving women and men of this fragrant valley of the Middle West who, in the dark hour, toiling as they had never toiled be- fore, stood firm and kept the faith unflinchingly; in token of their esteem and respect for you. Sir, and voicing their fervent hope that the fair fields of France may never again be profaned by the foot of an invading foe, and that, as the shadows lengthen in your ripening years, you may see naught but enduring peace, plenty and happiness ' Indiana .sent only about 128,000 men into service. — Editor. MARSHAL FOCH DAY 99 as the lot of your people, oui- friends — and that all good things of earth may be yours, I ))eg- of you to accept this souvenir of your visit to our beloved city and state." Dr. McCulloch, Chairman of the Executive Commit- tee then conferred upon Marshal Foch a Companionship in the Military Order of Foreign Wars. In presenting the medal of honor to the distinguished visitor, Dr. McCulloch spoke as follows: "The Military Order of Foreign Wars is a Na- tional order to perpetuate the glorious history and the traditions of the Army and Navy of the United States of America. "It believes that Honor, and Justice, and Truth are the concomitants of Bravery and Patriotism. "It is honored in welcoming men who believe that such attributes are the foundation stones of character. And it honors such men in extending to them its comradeship. "It receives its inspiration from the Knights of the Round Table of King Arthur's time, as it also is inspired by the memories and example of that gallant company of the Salle Des Preux at Pierre- fonds and such patriotic characters as your Du Guesclin and Chevalier Bayard, "These Knights are dust, Their good swords rust Their souls are with the Saints, we trust." "But, Sir, the memories of their high patriotism and Military Gloi-y have not rusted, they are green in our thoughts and as an unforgettable example of what our own goal should be. 100 MARSHAL FOCH DAY 'Tor how can man die better Than by facing- fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers And the temples of his Gods." "Sir, we are proud that the Indiana Chapter has the honor of conferring upon you meml^ership in this Society. The example of your great career and the immeasurable inspiration to us, your erst- while Comrades in Arms, and the great American people who sent us to your shores." When Marshal Foch stepped forward to receive the emblem of meml)ership in the Military Order of For- eign Wars, the audience of twelve thousand rose en masse, and joyously waved the small French i)anners that had been distributed at the opening- of the meet- ing. Amid a deafening roar of applause and the wav- nig of the thousands of banners, the grizzled old vet- eran, who had spent the greater part of his life either in preparing for ^vars or in the fighting- of them, ap- peared greatly moved. Finally when quiet was restored, he responded to Dr. McCulloch's remarks. Pie spoke in French and his interpreter in turn translated his statements into English : "War is not an end. Victory is not an end. War and victory are but means to an end— and that final end is peace, a just peace, which includes the right of every one to work without interruption. "We have attained this end, and by victory we shall maintain it. Without bitterness, without provocation, we shall continue a just peace. But to attain this end in peace means work, the same as in war, a united eflfort. Should we maintain this eff"ort, we shall certainly see the end we seek. MARSHAL FOCH DAY 101 And we feel sure tonight we shall retain this peace, sure, laboriously and justly. "The manifestations I have received here to- night, not only by word but by act, have profound- ly touched me. They have made me feel that in doing what I have done, I have done what you wished. In war I feel that I was not only sup- ported by the men who fought, but by the nations that sent those men. Everywhere, on the front, in the rear, in the ambulances, every one multi- plied his efforts almost with one idea — victory. "By this great inspiration, the chiefs had their way well marked out for them and they had but to follow it." Rev. S. L. Martin, Department Chaplain of The American Legion then pronounced the benediction, and the great meeting adjourned. Marshal Foch and his party were then escorted to the Union Station where they boarded their train for Chicago. Thus ended the day — one that is destined to become a landmark in the patriotic history of Indiana. MARSHAL FOCH'S LOVE FOR AMERICA The followino- interview g'iven out hy Marshal Foch immediately upon his return to Paris reveals so gen- uinely his love for America thiit it seems appropriate to use it here. The interview as reported in the In- dianapolis Star, of January 8, 1922, was communicated by Laura A. Smith, special correspondent : "I bring back with me the impression of a stu- pendous counti'y," said Marshal Foch. "But, understand me well : this country is even more stupendous in the future it has before it, than in its present. One evening, on crossing a state frontier, I was met by its governor, and I asked him: 'What is the ai'ea of your state?' His re- ply was a figure as large as that of all France and the population was 4,()()(),()0(). 'Could you accom- modate, feed and give work to 40,000,000?' I asked, and he I'eplied in the affirmative. Well, that is America. Today it is a country of 120,- 000,000 souls, but one day it may contain 400,- 000,000. It is a stupendous country, and an ad- mira))le one, too. It has not grown simply by vir- tue of its members, but because of its sentiments and ideals. During the war, for example, Amer- icans were inspired l\y an ideal as great as the world and they truly believed themselves crusad- ers." Asked if he believed Americans really loved France, he replied emphatically, "Yes, I believe in their love as I believe in the light of the sun. I, who am not easily moved, have been stirred by their warm welcome, on the first (102) MARSHAL FOCH DAY 103 day as on the last. On that last day I was in Hartford, I was asked to leave the train and was led by my guides to a small cottage and they placed me before an old-fashioned table there. I asked why they did this, 'Because,' they replied, 'in this very room and before this very table, Lafayette stood ninety-seven years ago.' I remained only a quarter of an hour, but when I returned to my train I found it magnificently decorated with wreaths and flowers. It was in a train of flowers that I returned. "America is the one country in the world which has known how to plant liberty and make it flower. She binds to her with inseparable ties the millions of men whom we have been unable to hold and whom she knows how to attract. I passed through Italian, Polish, German, Czech colonies, but I saw only Americans, cast and fashioned thoroughly in the American mold." ""^ &