wm< .->/''r 'X'.'- f- r>'•'<' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. , -7..., UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 1^ i\u ^nmt inttlj0r. MOODS AND EMOTIONS IN RHYME, i2mo, pp. i8o, ili.oo. WHAT I THINK. A Satire, Paper, pp. 32, 25 cents. THE POLITICIANS AND OTHER POEMS, i2mo,'pp. 290, ^1.50. THE HEGGENSVILLE PAPERS, Prose, i2mo, pp. 261, $1.25. RANDOM SHOTS AT LIVING TARGETS, i2mo, pp. 228, $1.25. ODD SPELL VERSES BY H7\r^1lOLLEY. BUFFALO Charles Wells Moulton 1891 '^ t!^"^- Copyright 1890, By H. W. HoLLEY. FRBSS OF PBTER PAUL A BRO., BUFFALO, N. V. TO THE SACRED MEMORY OF MY MOTHER THIS LITTLE VOLUME OF VERSE WRITTEN AT ODD SPELLS DURING AN ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE IS REVERENTLY DEDICATED. I. Can I think wicked thoughts, Can I dream wicked dreams, With thy purity over me beaming? With thy motherly eyes Watching over my schemes, May their faults not have something redeeming ? II. As an angel to guide, Like the light of a star, Thy dear image is ever before me ; And my heart without guile Sendeth worship afar, And my spirit bows down to adore thee ! CONTENTS. SENTIMENT AND FANCY, In Memoriamy ------- i Inspiration, ------- 4 Dreafnland, -------*- 6 Confidence, ------- g Home Charity, - - - - - - - 11 A Day Dream, - - - - - 13 Conscience, - - - - - - - - 15 Unwritten Lyrics ^ ■- - - - - - 16 love's Labor, - - - - - - - 18 A Poet's Dream, ------ 20 Then a7id Now, ------- 22 Only a Flower, - - - - - - 23 Consolation, - - - - - - - - 24 To My Wife, ------- 26 With Nature, ------- 27 A Fruitless Search, - - - - - - 28 Child Griefs, ------- ^o A71 Answer, ------- 31 A Reverie, -------- 32 Hope, -------- 33 Remorse, -------- 34 The Doubter, ------- 35 The Linnet's Wooing, ------ 36 vn CONTENTS. To- Morrow J - - - - - - - 37 /n the Clouds. ------- ^8 The £>uenna, ------- 39 Song is Sweety ------- 41 Too Late, .-.-.-- 43 I am Weary of Life ^ ------ 45 Recalled, ------- 47 Change, -------- 48 -^ Lament, ------- 49 To Fate, - - - ' - - - - -51 Unsatisfied, - - - - - - - 52 Despair, -------- 53 All is Vanity, ------- 55 7%^ Shadow, ------- ^6 A Sinner's Flea, - - - - - - 57 Does the Veil Conceal? - - - - - 59 Whose? -------- 60 ^ ^/W ^f^r^, ------- 62 is>«//F, -------- 63 Madness, -------- 64 y4 Memory, ------- 66 Weary, -------- 68 Z*^/, -------- 70 7}^