Glass. Book ___ Useful Reference Series No. 6 LITERARY ANNUALS AND GIFT BOOKS LITERARY ANNUALS AND GIFT-BOOKS A Bibliography with a descriptive introduction by FREDERICK WINTHROP FAXON, A.B. (Harv.) Former Secretary American Library Association Member Bibliographical Society of America, American Library Asso- ciation, Special Libraries Association, Massachusetts Library Club, etc., etc. BOSTON, MASS. THE BOSTON BOOK COMPANY 1912 *V c Reprinted., with many changes and additions, from the Bulletin of Bib- liography, 1908 to 1911. The introduction, addenda and chron- ological index now first published. One hundred and fifty copies printed from type, '2- The Riverdale Press, Brookline, Mass. CONTENTS Page Preface vii Introductory Chapters: — I. Origin and duration xi II. Physical appearance and make-up xiv III. Duplicate and spurious issues xvii IV. Literary and artistic value xxi Explanation of abbreviations, etc xxviii Bibliography, Part I Bibliography of American annuals 1 Bibliography, Part II Bibliography of English annuals 81 Addenda and Errata 113 Chronological Index 129 PREFACE Some ten years ago my attention was first called to this interesting and well-nigh forgotten phase of printing, by the discovery of a few choice copies of literary annuals and gift-books in my father's library. Not being able to discover any even partially com- plete bibliography, I began listing every copy that came to my notice, as a revival of interest in these books was apparent among collectors owing to the fact that the first editions of articles by noted writers, and engravings by well-known artists, were often included. The Boston Public Library Bulletin of October, 1893, contains a list of some one hundred and twenty-five titles, representing that library's collection at that time. In the July, 1902, issue of the Bulletin of the New York Public Library is printed a list of that library's literary annuals, a large collection of these having been acquired by gift at about that time. This list contains one hundred and eighty-five titles, and over four hundred volumes. It makes note of the curious fact that certain American "gifts" had different titles, but the same contents. But the notes on this subject there printed are far from exhaustive, and as far as the writer knows, no study of these spurious and duplicate issues has hitherto been made. It is one of the most interesting phases of the subject in hand, viii PREFACE and while the notes made in this bibliography are probably not complete, they will save many a col- lector from needless duplication of matter, and they throw a strong light on this rather questionable practice of certain publishers. The English publi- cations were known as "Drawing-room annuals," and the only printed list of them known to me is by Charles T. Tallent-Bateman of Manchester. It is in tabular form, contains one hundred and nine titles, and may be found in the Papers of the Manchester Literary Club for 1897. The assistance Mr. Tallent- Bateman has given me is acknowledged below. There are included in my list several titles of maga- zines which, in order to share in the sale of annuals, were gotten out at the end of each year with slightly changed titles. A few entries, with proper notes, are made covering books with titles which make them appear to be "annuals" when they are really mis- cellanies not in true "gift-book" form. In 1908 was commenced in the Bulletin of Bibli- ography the serial publication of my bibliography with a request for additions and corrections. Owing to the impracticability of holding the type indefi- nitely, the matter was rearranged in octavo form and shortly after each installment appeared was, with any additions available, printed off and the type distributed. About the time this serial publication began, I determined to include in the list the little 32mo books of which "The Hare-bell," "The Golden Gift" and "The Flower Vase" are examples. These flour- ished' in the forties, and while not "annuals," were "literary gift books." Some of them ran into ten, or PREFACE ix even more, editions, each practically from the same type. In book-sale catalogues these are usually in- cluded with the "annuals," and, while most of them would more properly be classed under "selected poetry," they also claim a position in a list of "gift- books." This explains the rather long list in the Addenda, a large proportion of the added entries being these modest 43^x2^-inch gifts. Much as I deplore having to look in two places for what should be found in one alphabet, it seemed better to include all titles discovered up to the date of publication, as the list is thus rendered more nearly complete. The chronological index to titles which has been added will be found useful as showing when the various gift -books started and the extent to which their pub- lication was carried in certain years. I wish to make especial mention here of the valu- able assistance given me on Part II of this volume, The English Annuals, by a fellow enthusiast in Man- chester, England, C. T. Tallent-Bateman, Esq., whose printed list of the English annuals has been referred to above. He has kindly consented to read the galley for this part of the bibliography, and has added over two hundred and fifty titles to the list, many of them not in the British Museum. It is only to be regretted that he has been unable to supply the full record of these new titles — size, pagination, etc., — in time for inclusion here. The initials T.-B. are added after the entries supplied by him, and none of these have been found by me in any of the American libraries I have checked. I also wish here to record my grateful appreciation of the courtesies extended to me at the Library of x PREFACE Congress, New York Public Library, Philadelphia Mercantile Library, Boston Public Library, Colum- bia University Library, Harvard University Library, and the Boston Athenaeum, where every facility was afforded me for the study of their collections. F. W. F. WEST ROXBURY, MASS., January, 1912. LITERARY ANNUALS AND GIFT-BOOKS INTRODUCTORY I ORIGIN AND DURATION As a mere list of these interesting books would mean but little to those not familiar with the volumes at first hand, and as the custom of collecting them is growing, I venture to introduce the list by a few explanatory pages, in the hope that many book- lovers and lovers of art may become interested. "The Forget-me-not," published in England in 1823, was undoubtedly the first "literary annual." It was published by R. Ackermann, and edited by Frederic Shoberl, who noted the success of certain "Almanacs" and "Pocketbooks" which were then appearing in Germany. His surmise that an improved variety of these books would find support in England seems to have been correct. The results must have exceeded his fondest hopes, for the "gift-book" demand in- creased until it can only be called a fad or a craze. The lone Forget-me-not of 1823 was joined by two others in 1824, and nine came forth in 1825. In 1832 sixty-three different "gifts" under as many different titles claimed a share of the public's patronage. The decline was as rapid as the rise, for in 1857, the year of the final or 30th annual issue of the xii LITERARY ANNUALS "Keepsake," this phase of book-making in England was practically over. "The Forget-me-not" had appeared regularly for twenty-five years, "Friendship's Offering" had twenty- one volumes to its credit, "Heath's Book of Beauty" came forth seventeen times to adorn my lady's boudoir, or grace her drawing-room table. The best account of the English Annual "craze" will be found in Papers of the Manchester Literary Club, 1902, pp. 78-98, the article being entitled, "The Forget-me- not," and contributed by Mr. Tallent-Bateman. In the United States, while publishers were a little slow in getting started, the fad developed into even greater proportions and lasted longer. In 1826, three years after the English pioneer, the "Atlantic Souvenir" saw light in Philadelphia, compiled after the pattern of its English brethren, getting its pictures abroad, but employing American writers, as did most of the early American annuals. In 1832, when the English output was at high-water mark, America had but twelve or thirteen. It may be assumed that the British volumes sold in the American shops, thus dividing the demand. As the English "tokens" gradually disappeared, the Ameri- can publishers issued an ever-increasing number, until from 1846 to 1852 an average of sixty appeared each year — sixty-six have been recorded for 1851, and there were probably others. By 1860 the Ameri- can literary gift-book was practically a thing of the past, henceforth only to be found in attics, or second- hand stores. "The Rose of Sharon" holds the American record for duration, with its eighteen volumes. "The AND GIFT-BOOKS xiii Token" was successful during fifteen years, while the "Odd Fellows Offering" gladdened the hearts and eyes of its patrons for twelve years. Many lived for two or more years, but the great majority came only once, and, not being strong enough to hold their place, were soon forgotten. Many there were which, in bidding for part of the public's favor, were not ashamed to take on the name of some famous issue, lately deceased; still others were these same well-known "back numbers" brought forth anew with different names and current dates, thus successfully passing as new "tokens of love or friendship." Be it said to their credit, such practices were never indulged in by the English gift- book publishers. xiv LITERARY ANNUALS II PHYSICAL APPEARANCE AND MAKE-UP The "really truly" gift-books had an appearance and make-up all their own, very different from any other volumes. At first they were the small duo- decimos, then octavos, and finally some of them appeared as quartos. Their bindings were ornate, often to the point of gaudiness. If of leather the covers were heavily embossed, or profusely gilt, or if a cloth was desired, a watered silk dress gave distinc- tion to the volumes. Some of the earlier ones had engraved paper sides, usually green. Some had bind- ings with a floral design inlaid with mother-of-pearl. A few had slip-cases to protect their bindings, a ribbon being attached with which to pull forth the volume. Some had large paper editions, sold at a higher price than the regular copies. The contents consisted of prose — short stories and essays — and selected poetry often with flowery borders about each page. There were illustra- tions — engravings or colored plates — dignified in the catalogues as embellishments. These num- bered anywhere from one to twenty-five or thirty and were either illustrative of the text (though there are suspicions that oftentimes the story was written up to the pictures), or had no connection whatever with the contents. There was, usually, an engraved or colored "inscription plate" upon which the donor was expected to write his name and that of the fortunate recipient-to-be. Many of the later "tokens," AND GIFT-BOOKS xv especially the spurious ones, had crudely colored inscription plates and illuminated title pages. The pagination almost invariably began in Roman num- erals, covering contents pages, list of plates and preface, then Arabic figures for the rest of the book. When there are found two series of pages in a volume, each beginning from page 1, and there are twelve en- gravings or twelve colored flower plates, it may be taken as a sign that what we have is really a monthly magazine, a year's numbers of which are bound up to look like a new annual, and with an appropriate name. In their names these literary annuals were espe- cially distinctive. They were gifts, tokens, souvenirs, mementos, keepsakes and offerings, with all conceiv- able qualifying adjectives, or else they bore the name of some flower, plant or gem. Every phase of every subject had its token, from "Mourner's Chaplet" to "Marriage Ring," from "Mother's Present" and "Young Maiden's Mirror" to "Young Man's Guide" and "Pastor's Gift." There were "Leaflets of Mem- ory" and "Thought Blossoms," "Rainbows" and "Snowflakes," and "Dewdrops." The subtitle was usually "A Christmas, New Year's and Birthday Present." Thus in binding, contents, illustrations, and name these interesting "butterfly books" were easily distinguished from the common run. They were sold at all pi ices, some bringing a guinea in England, and $5.00 in America. Then, in a class by themselves, were the little American-printed books, usually in dark cloth bindings, about 4J^ x 2% inches in size. These were not "annuals," but were "gifts," and most of them had several reissues with xvi LITERARY ANNUALS various dates, but from the same stereotype plates. Types of these were the "Bouquet," "Casket of Love," "Floral Gems," "Flower Vase," "Hare-bell," "Prim- rose." They flourished from about 1844 to 1852. C. W. Everest was the editor of many of them. They ordinarily were illustrated by a frontispiece only. AND GIFT-BOOKS xvii III THE DUPLICATE AND SPURIOUS ISSUES While there was apparently no reissue of any of the English annuals, with simply a change of date or name, the number of those printed in America, which appeared again under different titles but with practically the same contents, was evidently very large. Except for the few duplications noticed in the New York Public Library list, no one seems to have been aware of this curious practice of some publishers. In the bibliography which follows it will be noted that nearly every American Annual which was so successful as to run for several years has one or more namesakes, but without date on title. In listing books of the same title undated copies are placed first, followed by the rest chronologically arranged. In reality, however, the undated annual was almost invariably of later issue than those which bore dates. In other words, whenever a successful series ended there were publishers ready to enter the field with a spurious "gift-book" of the same name in order to supply the not inconsiderable demand there must have been for "this year's volume" of some old favorite. The stereotyped plates of some unsuccessful venture were purchased for a song, the date was removed, the title changed, and some inferior or worn-out picture plates used. Thus apparently the "Token" or the "Amaranth" still flourished. This renaming was so clumsily done xviii LITERARY ANNUALS in many cases that the original title still appeared in the preface, thus at once unmasking the book. In other cases the alteration was well done, and even the first article in the book was changed. In some of them the original list of plates still remained, with different pictures inserted in the body of the work. In others this page of the contents was omitted, leav- ing a break in pagination, or a new list of plates was made and substituted. For example: the "Snow Flake" was published from 1849 to 1855 in Philadelphia, by E. H. Butler & Co. In 1855 Leavitt & Allen New York, brought out an undated "Snow Flake" that was really "Moss Rose" with slight changes. In 1856 the same firm appears with a "Snow Flake," this time the "Magno- lia" of 1836, with new plates and the final pages omitted. By not having any date visible, these spurious volumes could often be used over and over again in successive years by simply using a different colored leather binding. Leavitt & Allen, and Cornish, Lamport & Co. seem to have done most of this work of issuing spurious or false tokens. The opposite of the above practice is also common. That is, a gift-book of high merit was used in later years under other names. For instance "The Token and Atlantic Souvenir" of 1840 appears both as "Honeysuckle" and as "Moss Rose" in 1848, as "Atlantic Souvenir" about 1853, and as "Token of Friendship" and "Friendship's Gift" in some other years. In nearly every case the plates vary, but the text is identical. Evidently the quality of contents was intended to sell these, the old type having been secured for little or nothing. AND GIFT-BOOKS xix Another peculiarity is the appearance of the same volume with different imprints. "The American Juvenile Keepsake" of 1834, New York, appears from Bristol, R. I., and from Brockville, N. C, and was also issued under the titles of "Gift," "Gem," and "Youth's Keepsake," in later years. One wonders if a confiding public was willing to buy "Amaranth" in 1849, and "Garland" in 1850, "Keepsake of Friendship" in 1851, "Magnolia" in 1852, "Token of Friendship" in 1853, "Casket" in 1854, and "Memory's Gift," in 1869, when all these seven were one and the same inside. Did the fair recipient of the same stories and poems each year under a different name modestly refrain from tell- ing of her discovery when next the admirer called? We may ask how, if Emily Percival really edited the "Amaranth," 1852, G. S. Monroe could edit the same work in 1854 under title of "Keepsake of Friend- ship," and Clara Arnold in 1855 as the "Magnolia." Were G. S. Monroe and Clara Arnold noms de plume of Emily? We imagine not; those worthy people never knew they had edited these works, but they were the editors of previous successful volumes of those names, and the publisher of these bastard gifts did not hesitate to adopt both name and editor. The case of "The Wreath of Wild Flowers," a book of miscellanies, by John Milton Stearns, published in New York in 1846, and copyrighted in that year, will serve as a final example of how some publishers met the demand for a new annual each year. With the addition of a preliminary poem, and some extra plates, Mr. Steam's work was used as "Amaranth" in 1851, Boston; "Garland" in 1852, Boston, edited xx LITERARY ANNUALS by Emily Percival; "Keepsake of Friendship," in 1853, Boston, edited by G. S. Monroe; "Token of Friendship" [1854], Boston, and also New York, and finally as "Magnolia" with a preface date of 1853. Nearly all these books vary in the unpaged poem at the beginning, and in the plates. Enough has doubtless been said here to show the advantage of a bibliography which might prevent collectors from duplicating material, though there must still be cases in which I have failed to note the repetition of contents. AND GIFT-BOOKS xxi IV LITERARY AND ARTISTIC WORTH The literature of the "gift-books" was remarkable for its freedom from the slightest taint of impropriety. There was never a contribution that savored of the lack of refinement. These volumes were intended as gifts, and were such that they might ornament the drawing-room table of the most fastidious without offense either to mind or eye. The list of contrib- utors to the English Annuals included all the fore- most writers of the time. We find such names as Byron, Southey, the Howitts, Macaulay, Scott, Wordsworth, Lamb, Coleridge, Praed, Hood, Ruskin, Lytton, Landpr, Shelley, Campbell, the Brownings, Moore, Tennyson, Dickens, Thackeray, and many more. It was the proper thing to write for these "tokens." Toward the end of the "annual" fad, it became beneath the dignity of famous authors to contribute and 'the favor of royal and titled persons was with- drawn. The Countess of Blessington probably did much to stay the approaching oblivion by lending her name and giving of her time as editor to several successful series, notably the "Keepsake" and "Book of Beauty." From her position and her wide acquaintance in literary and art circles she was en- abled to command contributions from authors and artists of high repute. Her presence did much also to keep "annuals" in vogue among the aristocracy. All the better class of "gift-books" throughout their xxii LITERARY ANNUALS existence diluted their good things with many a mediocre article by unknown or unnamed authors. As early as 1828 The Quarterly Review asks, "Why, when there are in the country men able and willing to contribute such things [referring to quotations made from several current 'gift-books'] to literary pocketbooks, is there no one production of this class which it is possible to point out as distinguished throughout for its literary excellence? Are the classics of our age to continue to see their beautiful fragments doled out year after year in the midst of such miserable and mawkish trash as fills at least nineteen pages out of every twenty in the best of the gaudy duodecimos now before us?" This is perhaps putting it too strongly, but it shows the tendency to make a few good essays and a sprinkling of true poetry carry off the whole book. Whatever may be said of the literary contributions, the illustrations were usually of a very high order in the early years before the field was overfilled and both pictures and text suffered from the competition and consequent cheapening of price. Engravers were paid, it is said, as high as ,£150 for a single plate, and the artist or owner of the paint- ing to be engraved received at times a like sum for permission to use it. Engravings of pictures by Turner, Clarkson, Stan- field, Stothard, Samuel Prout, Martin, Mulready, Landseer, Cattermole, Eastlake, Wilkie and others were included. A favorite method was to give illus- trations from Shakespeare or Milton, the Waverley Novels, Pilgrim's Progress, or Don Quixote, and then have these written up to by nameless authors. AND GIFT-BOOKS xxiii In the United States much the same course was followed by the "gift-book" publishers. At first the little volumes were below the English standard of excellence, the field being new and untried and the publishers timid about such great expenditures as were made across the water. In fact most of the plates were from paintings by English artists, but the text from the first was all American. The foremost writers found a place in the contents of many of the American "gifts," and hence collectors of first edi- tions of the works of such men are eagerly seeking "annuals" at the present time. Many of the best American engravers are represented by fine plates in these "presents." Sartain contributed many illustra- tions, while those books illustrated with one or more plates by John Cheney are much in demand. To show the extent to which the foremost American authors of the time are represented in this class of literature, a few are here cited, rather at random, and with no attempt to make an exhaustive list: — Nathaniel Hawthorne has his first published pro- duction in the "Token" of 1830, and contributions in the same publication in 1831, 1832, 1833, 1835 to 1838, inclusive. He also appears in the "Boston Book," 1841; "Youth's Keepsake," 1835; "Memo- rial," 1851; and "Scenes in the Life of the Saviour," 1845. Edgar Allen Poe contributed his "Manuscript found in a bottle" to the "Gift" of 1836, and had other pieces in 1842, 1843 and 1845. He also con- tributed to "Mayflower," 1846; "Missionary Memo- rial," 1846; "Opal," 1844 and 1845; "Leaflets of Memory," 1850; and "Irving Offering," 1851. xxiv LITERARY ANNUALS The first of Whittier's writings to appear in book form was his "Light in the Binnacle," in the "Memo- rial," 1827. There are contributions by him also in "Oasis," 1834; "Literary Souvenir," 1831; "Laurel," 1837; "Youth's Keepsake," 1835; "Scenes in the Life of the Saviour," 1845; "Fountain," 1847 "Bouquet of Flowers," 1845; "Christian Keepsake,' 1840; "Liberty Bell," 1846; "Missionary Memorial,' 1846; "Opal," 1846, 1847; "Christian Souvenir,' 1851; "Young Lady's Cabinet of Gems," 1854 "Cloud Crystals," 1864, and "Evergreen," n.d. Bryant had contributions in the "Album," 1824 "Beauties of Sacred Literature," 1852; "Cloud Crystals," 1864; "Lady's Book of Flowers," 1846 "Laurel," 1837; "Literary Souvenir," 1831; "Ma- sonic Token," 1868; "Premium," 1833; "Talisman,' 1828, 1829, 1830; "Thought Blossom," n.d. and 1855 "Wide Awake Gift," 1855. Emerson will be found in the "Gift," 1844, 1845 "Marriage Offering," 1848; "Liberty Bell," 1851 "Wide Awake Gift," 1855; "Cloud Crystals," 1864 O. W. Holmes added his contributions to help make up "Youth's Keepsake," 1831; "Token," 1831, 1833 1837; "Laurel," 1837; "Boston Book," 1841 "Bouquet of Flowers," 1845; "Lady's Book of Flowers," 1846; "Fountain," 1847; "Memory and Hope," 1851; "Young Lady's Cabinet of Gems," 1854; "Wide Awake Gift," 1855. Longfellow had a good share in the "annual" craze, though doubtless, as with other authors, he appears in many without his knowledge. We find pieces by him in "Atlantic Souvenir," 1828; "Token," 1833, 1842; "Boston Book," 1841; "Laurel," 1837; AND GIFT-BOOKS xxv "Liberty Bell," 1845, 1846; "Opal," 1847; "Scenes in the Life of the Saviour," 1845; "Gift," 1845; "Bouquet of Flowers," 1845; "Irving Offering," 1851; "Dew Drop," 1852; "Young Lady's Cabinet of Gems," 1854; "Wide Awake Gift," 1855; "Chris- tian's Gift," 1857; "Cloud Crystals," 1864. Lowell appears in the "Token," 1842; "Gift," 1844; "Missionary Memorial," 1846; "Fountain," 1847; "Liberty Bell," 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1848, 1849, 1851; "Memory and Hope," 1851; "Christian Souvenir," 1851; "Dew Drop," 1852; "Cloud Crys- tals," 1864; and "Evergreen," n.d. We find contributions by Irving, J. G. Percival, N. P. Willis, FitzGreene Halleck, Mrs. Sigourney, Edward Everett, Mrs. Stowe, Goodrich (Peter Parley), Cooper, Catherine Sedgwick. In short, all the American authors may be found in the pages of these annuals. The work of American engravers in these annuals is notable. John Cheney, for example, who was perhaps the foremost engraver of portraits of his time, contributed to many volumes, until they had so deteriorated that there was no longer a place for work of such quality as his. His plates appear in "Juvenile Souvenir," 1828; "Token," 1828, 1830to38, inclusive; "Memorial," 1828, 1851; "Casket," 1829, 1830; "Moral and Religious Souvenir," 1828; "Lady's Cabinet Album," 1832, 1835, etc.; "Moss Rose," 1854; "Youth's Keepsake," 1830; "Lily," 1839; "Coral," n.d.; "Token of Friendship," n.d.; "Token or Affection's Gift," n.d.; "Gift," 1836, 1837, 1839, 1840, 1842 to 1845; "Literary Souvenir," 1838, 1840, 1844, 1845; "Magnolia," 1837; "Christian Keep- xxvi LITERARY ANNUALS sake," 1838, 1839, 1840; "Friendship's Offering," 1841; "Remember!" n.d.; "Ladies' Scrap Book," 1845; "Opal," 1845; "Dew Drop," 1852; "String of Diamonds," 1857. Cheney's plates were in some cases used over and over again in various volumes, sometimes with the title changed, sometimes with it omitted. The plate entitled Love Letters in the "Gift," 1837, was also in "Literary Souvenir," 1838. "Magnolia," 1837, had Esperanza, but this same picture appears in "Token or Affection's Gift" (n.d.) as The Bridge. Reflec- tion in "Christian Keepsake," 1838, becomes Night in "Friendship's Offering," 1841. "The Gift," 1839, has Helen; "Literary Souvenir," 1840, calls her La Jeune Jaquette, and in 1844 she appears a third time, but now as Isabel. Enough has been said to show what an interesting field for a Cheney collector is here spread before us. Several of the "annuals" mentioned above do not appear in Mr. Koehler's exhaustive catalogue of Cheney plates. Is it to be wondered at that certain volumes of the "Atlantic Souvenir," "Gift" or "Token" sell at auction as high as $16.00, when they contain articles there first printed, or poems "not to be found in the collected works" of some favorite author, or per- chance fine impressions of a master-engraver's work? Sometimes contributors did not sign their articles, and discoveries can doubtless yet be made in this fascinating field by those who have made a study of the style in which Poe or Whittier wrote. I hope that this introduction to the bibliography which follows may be the means of still further AND GIFT-BOOKS xxvii awakening the interest of book-lovers in this almost forgotten fad of a past generation. A contributor to the Atlantic Monthly in 1893, in an article reminiscent of his boyhood acquaintance with these little volumes, says: — "These books were not to be resold; a last year's Annual was not to be thought of as a present how- ever attractive in itself. Its date betrayed it. They were gifts, and often treasured up as the faded rose and the ivory Malbone miniature of her bridal days are treasured in the matron's cabinet, because they were haunted with the secret and subtle fragrance of bygone memories. If an old Annual could tell its own life-story, and if I could write it down as it should be written, what pages I should proudly aspire to in the best American periodical ! But I fear that they are gone, and that my dream of filling a college library shelf with a complete collection of them is only a dream." Would not this writer be surprised to learn that his library shelf would have to be much longer than the popular five feet to hold the collections now exist- ing? The New York Public Library has a very large collection; the Library of Congress nearly as many. Other libraries are collecting them as oppor- tunity offers. The following bibliography includes mention of two thousand volumes, most of which have been seen by the compiler. The day of the new "annual" may have passed long ago, but assuredly the "old annuals" are with us to remain. xxviii LITERARY ANNUALS ABBREVIATIONS USED AND EXPLANATION OF ENTRIES For convenience of reference a running number is given each volume. In cases where there are different editions, or different titles to same work, the title of first article is added in quotation marks as an aid to identification. The size is given in inches and fractions of an inch, but always measured by the page, not the cover. The number of plates includes not only engravings, but also the engraved or illuminated titles and in- scription plates, as these are usually listed with the engravings in the books. Brackets around the number of plates signify that no list of plates was given in volume. In alphabetical arrangement the titles beginning with "Lady's" and "Ladies' " are placed as if spelled the same way because in several instances the same volume appears under both spellings. The volumes listed may be referred to in the libraries indicated by the initials which follow each entry, though the absence of reference to any of these libraries does not necessarily mean that the volume is not there to be found. Library abbreviations are as follows : — B. A. Boston Athenaeum. B. M. British Museum (entry made from catalogue only). B. P. Boston Public Library. C. U. Columbia University Library. AND GIFT-BOOKS xxix F. Examined by compiler in private collections, or bookstores. H. U. Harvard University Library. L. C. Library of Congress, Washington. N. Y. New York Public Library. N. Y. S . New York State Library, Albany (collection destroyed by fire, 1911). P. M. Philadelphia Mercantile Library. T.-B. Title supplied by Mr. C. T. Tallent-Bateman. U. M. University of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor. U. W. University of Wisconsin Library, Madison. # Titles not found by compiler, but notice of such publication found. Abbreviations used : — c. copyright. col. colored. ed. edited, edition, editor. engr. engraved . front. frontispiece. ilium. illuminated. illus. illustrations paged with text. 1. leaf, leaves. n. d. no date. n. p. no place. P- page, pages. p.l. preliminary leaf or leaves. pi. plate, plates. pref. preface. v. volume. vig. t. vignette title. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Attention is called to the Addenda, pages 113-128. PART I. AMERICAN. Affection's gift; a Christmas, New Year and birthday- present. New York, Leavitt & Allen, 27 Dey St., n. d. [1854 or 55]. 4 p. 1. viii, 9-81, 21., 5-175 p., [6 pi.,] 7x5. "Appropriate sphere of woman." U.W. (1) This is "Lady's manual," 1854. Also issued as "Token and Atlantic souvenir," N. Y., n. d., and "Memory's gift," n. d. : or, a holiday present. New York, J. C. Riker, 1832, c. 1831. "3 p. 1., 13-288 p., 10 pi., 6-i x 4i. N.Y. (2) ; a Christmas, New Year, and birthday present for 1854. Philadelphia, E. H Butler & Co., c. 1853. x p., 1 1., 13-328 p., 8 pi., 7i x 4|. L.C., N.Y., U.W. (3) , a Christmas, New Year and birthday pre- sent for 1855. Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co., 1855, c. 1854. x p., 1 1., 13-328 p., 8 pi., 7\ x 4|. B.P., L.C., N.Y. (4) ■ for the loving and the loved, by John Cole Hagen. Philadelphia, John E. Potter, 1859, c. 1859. iv., 5-144 p., [3 pi.,] 7\ x 4|. U.W. (5) Affection's keepsake. New York. * (6) Album, The. New York, F. R. Lockwood, 1824, c. 1823. x p., 1 1., 13-156 p., engr. title, 7 x 4f . B.A. (7) Also copies 8% x 5J£. Album, The; see Lady's Album. Album of love, The. New York, Leavitt & Allen., 1853. 128 p., 4| x 2|. N.Y. (8) Aloe, The, a gift for all seasons. Ed. by Henry W, Herbert. New York, Lamport, Blakeman & Law. 1854. 3 p.l., 11-260, 2 1. 1\ x 4J. "The magnolia. 'Not in the autumn.' " H.U. (9) This is "Magnolia." 1836, with changed pi. and p. (264)- 300 omitted. See also "Friendship's token," N. Y., n. d., "Gift of affection," n. d., "Morning glory," n. d., "Memo- ry," c. 1854, "Snow flake," n. d. Amaranth, The, or token of remembrance; a Christmas and New Year's gift, ed. by Emily Percival. Bos- ton, Phillips, Sampson & Co. n. d. 288 p., 7 pi., 7^ x 4|. " To Juliet." U.W. (10) Same as 1855. Amaranth, The, or token of remembrance; a Christmas and New Year's gift, ed. by Emily Percival. New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. 5-6, 9-288 p., [6 pi.,] 7i x 5. " To Juliet." B.A., B.P., U.W. (11) Same as N. Y., 1869. Same as Boston, 1855 edition, except different plates, and pages 7-8, the list of plates, omitted. There are at least two editions of this N. Y., n. d. issue, each with different plates. . Philadelphia, Thomas J. Ash. n. d. lp.l., 296 p., [5 pi.,] 5| x 3i. "The two smugglers." B.P. (12) ; or masonic garland; ed by C. W. Moore. v. 1, Boston, 5828-9 [1828-9]. * (13) , a literary and religious offering designed as a Christmas and New Year's present, ed. by J. H. Buckingham. Newburyport, Charles Whipple, c. 1831, 2 p. 1., 7-180 p., front., 5§ x 3£. N.Y., L. C. (14) . Philadelphia, 1840. See Literary Amaranth, 1840. ; a gift for all seasons. Philadelphia, Ameri- can Sunday School Union, c. 1841. 235 p., 9 pi., 5| x 3|. N.Y., P.M. (15) a gift for all seasons. Philadelphia, Ameri- can Sunday School Union, 1842, c. 1841. 235 p., 9 pi., 7 x 4£. N.Y., U.W., P.M. (16) Same as c. 1841 above, except on large paper, and two of plates transposed. . Philadelphia, 1845. See Literary Amaranth, 1845. , or token of remembrance, a Christmas and New Year's gift for 1847. [v. 1. ] Boston, Phillips 6 Sampson, 1847, c. 1846. viii p., 11., 11-324 p., 7 pi., 64 x 4A. " The Amaranth." U.W., N.Y., B.P., L.C. (17) Issued as " Garland," 1848, with first article changed to "The Garland"; issued as "Keepsake of friendship," 1849, with another change in first article; issued as " Ladies' gift," N. Y., n. d., also 1850, and 1851; and as " Gift of affection," N. Y., n. d. PL vary in all editions. , or token of remembrance, a Christmas and New Year's gift for 1848. [v. 2. ] Boston, N. C. Barton, 1848, c. 1847. vi p., 1 1., 9-288 p., 6 pi., 7h x 4|. " Immortality." N.Y., B.P., L.C. (18) Issued as " Garland," 1849, with first article changed; as " Keepsake of friendship," 1850, with still another substi- tution of first article. , or token of remembrance, a Christmas and New Year's gift for 1849. [v. 3. ] Boston, Phillips & Sampson, 1849, c. 1848. vi p., 1 1., 9-322 p., 6 pi., 7 x 4|. " Medora." B.A., N.Y. (19) Also issued with imprint Worcester, E. Livermore, 1849. P.M. Issued as " Garland," 1850, with first article changed to " Song," and different front. A col. t. is added. The " Casket," Boston, pref. d. 1853, and " Casket," N.Y., n. d., are same except first article changed to " The quiet eye," etc., and the front, and engr. t. replaced by col. pre- sentation pi., and col. t. " Memory's gift," N. Y., 1869, and " Memory's gift," N. Y., n. d., 322 p., are same except pi. and first article, " The quiet eye," pref. is that of " Casket." " Token of friendship," Boston, pref. d. Aug., 1852, is same except first article, " The new year." " Keepsake of friendship," Worcester, 1851, is same, except that first article is " Friendship," and front, and engr. t. are replaced by col. presentation pi., and col. t. " Magnolia," 1852, is same with first article changed to " Love of nature." — , or token of remembrance, a Christmas and New Year's gift for 1850. [v. 4. ] New York, Gates, Stedman & Co., 1850. 288 p., [4 pi. and engr. t.,]7x 4|. " To Kate." L.C., C.U. (20) Issued as " Garland," 1851, with first article changed and 2 pi. substituted. Issued as "Magnolia" [ 1853 ] with front article changed and only 2 pi. the same. — - — — , or token of remembrance, a Christmas and New Year's gift for 1851. [v. 5.] Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1851, c. 1850. 5 p. 1., 276 p., 6 pi., 7 x 4|. " Forest maid " on first unpaged leaf. " The Refugee," first paged article. N.Y., B.P., U.W., L.C. (21) This is " Wreath of wild flowers," 1846, with addition of pi. and preliminary unpaged 1. The " Garland," 1852, and " Keepsake of friendship," Boston, 1853, are same as this except the preliminary unpaged article" Forest maid " is replaced by " Humil- ity," and the engr. t. gives place to a col. t. "Token of friendship," Boston, n. d., [pref. d. Aug., 1854, ] and " Token of friendship," N. Y., n. d., are same except preliminary unpaged article "Forest maid " is replaced by " Who are the happy," and front, and engr. t. are re- placed by col. front, and col. t. The " Magnolia" [ pref. d. 1853, ] is same, except " Forest maid" is replaced by " Who are the happy." , or token of remembrance, a Christmas and New Year's gift for 1852, ed. by Emily Percival. [v. 6.] Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1852, c. 1851. 288 p., 7 pi., 7i x 4|. " Heather bell." N.Y., B.P., U.W. (22) Also issued as " Garland," 1853," " Magnolia," 1855, and " Keepsake of friendship," 1854, which are the same except first article. , or token of remembrance, a Christmas and New Year's gift for 1853, ed. by Emily Percival. [v. 7.] Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1853, c 1852. 288 p., 7 pi., 7\ x 4f. " Desdemona." N.Y., B.P. (23) Also issued as " Garland," 1854, and "Keepsake of friendship," 1855, with change in first article. Amaranth, The, or token of remembrance, a Christmas and New Year's gift for 1854, ed. by Emily Per- cival. [v. 8. 1 Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co 1854, c. 1853. 288 p., 6 pi., 7i x 4|. " Daugh- ter of the Bardi." N.Y., B.P., C.U., U.W. (24) " The Garland," Boston, 1855, " The Garland," Boston c. 1854, "The Garland," N. Y., n. d., are same as this, except that they have an added engr. t. " The Garland," N. Y., 1869, is same, except it has only engr. t., and no pi., and omits p. 7-8, the list of pi. , or token of remembrance, a Christmas and New Year's gift for 1855, ed. by Emily Percival. [v. 9. ] Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1855, c. 1854. 1 p. 1., 5-288 p., 7 pi., 7$ x 4|. N.Y., B.P., U.W. (25) Also issued with imprint, Boston, n. d., c. 1854, and Bos- ton entirely without date, and N. Y., n. d., with plates changed and p. 7-8, list of plates, omitted; and N. Y., 1869, plates changed and p. 7-8 omitted. — — , or token of remembrance, a Christmas and New Year's gift, ed. by Emily Percival. New York, Geo. A. Leavitt, 1869. 1-6, 9-288 p., [6 pi.,] 7 x 4| F. (26) This is the same as " Amaranth," Boston, 1855, with plates changed and p. 7-8, list of plates, omitted. American book of beauty, The, or token of friendship, a gift for all seasons, ed. by a lady. Hartford, Silas Andrus & Son, n. d. 2 p. 1., 7-128 p., 8 pi. [7 in list ], 10 x 6|. L.C. (27) American comic annual, ed. by Henry T. Finn. Boston, Richardson, Lord & Holbrook, 1831, c. 1830. viii) 220 p., [13 pi., and many illus.,] 6| x4&. F. (28, American cottage life. See Fireside poetical readings. American gift book, The. See Rough and ready annual, 1848. , a perpetual souvenir. New York, J. C. Derby, 1856, c. 1855. xii, 13-312 p., 7^x5. U.W. (29) The issues by Derby and Jackson, 1858, c. 1855, and 1859, c. 1855, are identical with above. L.C. American juvenile keepsake, The, ed. by Mrs- Hof- land. Bristol, R. I., J. Gladding & Co., n. d. 252 p., 9 pi., 5| x 3|. "London cousin and country cou- sin." L.C. (30) This is same as New York issue, c. 1834. , ed. by Mrs. Hofland. New York, C. Wells, c. 1834. 2p.l.,iii-iv, vii-x, 1-252 p., 9 pi., 6 x 3|. N. Y., U. W. (31) This was also issued with imprint Bristol, R. I., n. d., and with imprint Brockville, N. C, 1835. The Gift, New York, 1847, is reprint of this, omitting list of pi., all but a few pi., omitting two articles and rearranging others. " The Youth's keepsake," New York, n. d., of which at least two editions were issued, one of them 1846, or after, is reprint of this, with but 6 pi. ' The Gem," 1849, is same, except it has 8 pi. American juvenile keepsake, The, ed. by Mrs. Hofland. Brockville, N.C., 1835. * (32) This is the same as New York, c. 1834. , for 1836, ed by Mrs. Hofland. New York, C. Wells, c. 1834. 2 p. 1., iii-iv, vii-x, 1-252 p., 9 pi., 5| x 31. N. Y., L. C. (33) This is the same as New York, c. 1834. , ed. by Mrs. Hofland. Bristol, R. I., J. Gladding & Co., n. d. [1837 on back of original pub. binding. ] 5 7 8 x 31. F. (34) This is the same as New York, c. 1834. , ed. bv Mrs. Hofland. New York, C. "Wells, c. 1834 [1840 on back of binding]. L.C. (35) This is the same as New York, c. 1834. American keepsake for all seasons, ed. by Anna Wil- mot New York, n. d. * (36) This is the same as 1851. for 1851, ed. by Anna Wilmot. New York, Cornish, Lamport & Co., c. 1850. vi p., 1 1., 9-312 p., 7 pi., 7^x5. N.Y.,B.P.,L.C, U W. (37) for all seasons, ed. by Anna Wilmot. New York, Cornish, Lamport & Co., c. 1851. vi p., 1 1., 9-312 p., 7 pi., 7£ x 4£. B.A. (38) Same as 1851. American poets' gift. Title on publisher's binding of Poet's gift, 1845. which see. Amethyst, The, an annual of literature, ed. and pub. by N. C. Brooks. Baltimore, Wm. A. Francis, 1831, c. 64th year of independence. 1 p. 1., 5-6, vii-x, 11-290 p., 8 pi., 5i x 3£. N.Y., B.A. (40) , or poetical gems, a gift book for all seasons, ed. by Mrs. M. P. James. Boston, James French, 1850. iv., 5-128 p., 4£ x 2|. N.Y (41) Amulet. Boston, Otis, Broaders & Co., n. d., vi p., 1 1., 9-296 p., 9 pi., 61 x 4£. L.C. (42) Same as 1846. . A Christmas and New Year's or holiday present, with nine beautiful engravings. Boston, Otis, Broaders & Co., 1846. vi p., 1 1., 9-296 p., 9 pi., 61 x 4£. L.C, N.Y., C.U., B.P., U.W. (43) In some copies sub-title reads "A Christmas and New Year's present for 1846." This has old Token plates- There is an edition exactly like this but without date. L. C. (43a) Annual, The, of the Board of Education of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church in the U. S., ed. by John Breckinridge, [v. 1.] Philadelphia, Rus- sell & Martien, 1832, c. 1832. iv, 5-318 p., [5 pi.,] 5| x 3i. F. (44) Annual, The, [v. 2], 1833. * (45) [v. 3], 1834. * (46) , of the Board of Education of the Presby- terian church in the U. S., a New Year's offering for 1835, ed. by John Breckinridge. Philadelphia, Joseph Whetham, 1835, c. 1834. 352 p., 6 pi., 5£ x 3|. B.P. (4>7) Engr. t. reads, Philadelphia, Russell & Martien, 1834. Annual souvenir gallery, an illustrated gift book for all seasons, ed. by Emily Percival. Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1852, c. 1851. 1 p. 1., 294 p., 13 pi., 10+ x 7. F. (47a) This is "Souvenir gallery," 1850, with last 2 p. omitted. See also "Souvenir annual," n. d. Annualette, The, a Christmas and New Year's gift for children. Boston, Samuel G. Simpkins, 1840, c. 1839, iv p., 1 1., 7-137 p., [4 pi. and engraved t., illus.,] 5£x3i. N Y., B.P. (48) , a Christmas and New Year's gift for children. Boston, William Crosby & Co., 1841, c. 1840. 140 p., 1 1., [illus.,] 5| x 3|. N.Y. (49) , a Christmas and New Year's gift for chil- dren. Boston, Wm. Crosby & Co., 1842, c. 1842. iv, 5-137 p., [3 pi.,] 5| x 3£. F. (50) , a Christmas and New Year's gift for children Boston,T. H. Carter, 1843. iv, 9-160 p., [3 pi.,] 5| x 3£. B. P. (51) , a Christmas and New Year's gift, ed. by a lady. Boston, T. H. Carter & Co., 1844, c. 1843. xii, 13-142 p., 1 1., [colored front., ilium, t 6 pi.,] 5f x3£. N. Y. (52) , a Christmas and New Year's gift, ed. by a lady. Boston, T. H. Carter & Co., 1845. viii, 9-141 p., 6 pi., 6 x 3|. C.U. (53) [There was no issue for 1S46.] , a Christmas and New Year's gift, ed. by a lady. Boston, Benjamin B. Mussey, 1847. viii, 9- 144 p., 4 pi., 6x4. F. (53a) Apples of gold in pictures of silver, ed. by Edward B. Fellows. New York, Nafis & Cornish, c. 1848. xii, 13-264p.,9pl.,6x4. F. (54) Appleton's juvenile annual for 1869, a Christmas and New Year's gift for young people. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1869, c. 1868. 382 p., 7 pi., 7 x 4|. P.M. (55) Atkinson's casket. See "Casket," 1826-1S40. Atlantic souvenir, The, a Christmas and New Year 's gift. New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. [1853, S4 or 55]. viii 9-264 p., [6 pi.,] 1\ x 5. "Rainbow bridge." N.Y.. U W (56 This is really"The token and Atlantic souvenir," Boston, 1840, with p. 265-304 omitted, and plates changed. See also "Honeysuckle," 1848, "Token of friendship," n. d., "Friendship's gift," n. d., "Moss rose," 1848. , a Christmas and New Year's offering. 1826. [v. 1.] Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea. 2 p. 1., 353 p., [engr. presentation pi., 7 pi.,] 5.£ x 3£. N.Y., B.P. (57) In slip case. , a Christmas and New Year's offering. 1827. [v. 2.] Philadelphia, H. C. Carev & I. Lea. x p., 1 1., 360,p., 10 pi., -5£ x 34. N.Y.,'B.A., L.C. (58) , a Christmas and New Year's offering. 1828. [v. 3. ] Philadelphia, Carey, Lea & Carey, c. 1827. xii,384 p., 14 pi., 5£ x 3£. N.Y., B.P., L.C. (59) Portions of 1827, 1828, reprinted in Spanish as El Aguinaldo, Filadelphia, 1829. , a Christmas and New Year's offering. 1829. [v. 4. ] Philadelphia, Carey, Lea & Carey, c 1828. x p., 1 1., 360 p., 12 pi., 5£ x 3£. N.Y., B.P., L.C, U.W. (60) , for 1830. [v 5. ] Philadelphia, Carey, Lea & Carey. 1830, c. 1829. xii, 13-328 p., 12 pi., 5lx3|. N.Y., B.P., L.C, U.W. (61) , for 1831. [v. 6.] Philadelphia, Carey & Lea, 1831. xii, 13-328 p., 13 pi. [including pre- sentation pi.] , 5| x 3|. N.Y., B.P., U.W. (62) , for 1832. [v. 7.] Philadelphia, Carey & Lea, c. 1831. xii, 13-328 p., 12 pi., 6 x 3|. N.Y., B.P., L.C, U.W. (63) After 1832 The Atlantic souvenir was merged in "The Token." Atlantic souvenir, The, for 1859. New York, Derby & Jackson, 1859. viii p., 1 1., 11-288 p., 12 pi., 9i x 6i|. N.Y., B.A. (64) Autumn leaves. Original pieces in prose and verse [ed by Anne W. Abbot ]. Cambridge, John Bartlett, 1853, c. 1853. vi p., 1 1., 200 p., 7 x 4|. B.A. (65) Baltimore book, The, a Christmas and New Year's pres- ent, ed. by W. H. Carpenter and T. S.Arthur. Balt- imore, Bayly & Burns, 1838. viii, 9-296 p., 6 pi., 7ix4.£. N.Y. (66) There is an edition with date erased on title, but with 1839 on back of publisher's cover. N.Y. (66a) Beauties of sacred literature, ed. by Thomas Wyatt, Charlestown [Mass.], Ladies New England Art Union, 1852, c. 1848. vi p., 1 1., 220 p., 8 pl.,9£xo£. F. (67) Beauties, The, of the English annuals for 1835. Hart- ford, Silas Andrus & Son, 1846. 2 p. 1., 192 p., 1h x 4£. P.M. (68) Selections from Forget-me-not, Gem, Friendship's offering, and English annual, for 1835. Benison, The. Name on back of publisher's leather cover of Lady's manual, N. Y., 1854. B.P. Biographical annual, containing memoirs of eminent persons recently deceased, ed. by R. W. Griswold. New York, Linen & Fennell. 1841. c. 1840. xii., 13-307 p., front, 7fx4£. 12 mo. F (69) Book of beauty, The. New York, Leavitt & Allen, c. 1855. 3 p. 1., 17-290 p., 1 1., 8 pi,, 9i x 6|. C.U. (70) . Late Victorian era, ed. and arranged by Mrs. F. Harcourt Williamson. New York and London, 2 vols, 1896. (71) . The era of King Edward VII, ed. by Mrs. F. H. Williamson. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1902. (72) Book of flowers. Title on back of "Flora and Thalia," Phila., 1836. Book of gems, The, a gift for all seasons, by Eugene Sin- clair. Manchester, N. H., Wm. H. Fisk, 1854, c. 1850. x, 11-312 p., [3 pi. and ilium, t.,] 6& x 4^. B.A. (73) This is a reprint of " Gems for you," 1850. Also reprinted in 1856. * (73a) Book of pearls, The. A choice garland of prose, poetry and art. New York, D. Appleton & Co. 1849. 11-280 p., 20 pi., 9x6. L.C. (74) Book of the boudoir, or memento of friendship. A gift for all seasons, ed. by Ellen Louise [Louise Chandler Moulton]. Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co. c. 1853. viii, 9-400 p., 6 pi., 9^x7. N.Y., P.M. (75) There was also an issue of this, New York, W. H. Appleton, n. d. iv, vii-viii, 9-400 p., [8 pi. and ilium, t.,] 8Jx 6£. F. (76) . N. Y. 1855. * (77) Boston book, The, being specimens of metropolitan litera- ture, occasional and periodical, [ed. by Henry T. Tuckerman]. [v. 1.] Boston, Light & Haton, 1836, c. 1835. xii, 13-312 p., 1\ x 4^. N.Y., C.U. (78) , for 1837, being specimens of metropolitan literature, ed. by B. B. Thatcher. [v. 2.] Boston, Light & Stearns, 1837, c. 1836. xii, 13-360 p., 7x4i N.Y. (79) — , being specimens of metropolitan literature, [ed. by Geo. S. Hillard]. [v. 3.] Boston, George W. Light, 1841, c. 1840. xii, 13-352 p., 7 x 4^. N.Y., C.U. (80) , being specimens of metropolitan literature. [v. 4.] Boston, Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1850, c. 1849., viii, 364 p., front., 1\ x 5£. N.Y., P.M. (81) Boudoir annual, The, a Christmas, New Year and birth- day present for 1846. Boston, Phillips & Sampson, 1846, c. 1845. 4 p. 1., 13-100 p., 16 pi., \\\ x 9. N.Y. (82) Bouquet, The, containing the language of flowers and their poetic sentiments, by a lady. Boston, Oliver L. Perkins, 1844, c. 1844., 128 p. [5 pi.,] 4| x 2|. F. (83) , containing the poetry and language of flowers, by a lady. Boston, O. L. Perkins, 1845. lp.l.,128p., Ipl.,4ix2f. L. (84) Same as 1844. Also issued with imprint Benj. B. Mussey, 1845. Also issued as "Bouquet of flowers," 1845. Bouquet of flowers, 1845. Same as (S3). * (84a) Boys' scrap book, The, 1839. [Philadelphia] American Sunday school union, viii p., 1 1., 11-255 p., 6i x 5£. B.C." (85) Bridal token, The, or a hint to husbands. Pawtucket [R. I. ], Smith & Stanley, 1846. vi, 7-92 p., 4J x 3 F. (86) Bridal wreath, The, a wedding souvenir. Boston, 1848. * (87) Brilliant, The, a gift book, ed. by T. S. Arthur. New York, Charles Scribner, n. d. viii, 9-304 p., [15 pi.,] 8| x 6. F. (88) Same as 1850- , a gift book for 1850, ed. by T. S. Arthur. [v. 1.] New York, Baker & Scribner, 1850. viii, 9-304 p., 15 pi., 8i x 6. H.U., U.W. (89) Issued later by Charles Scribner, n. d. Also issued for 1851 and identical with 1850, has list of 15 pi., and engr. front, not listed. N.Y. (89a) Buds and blossoms for the young, by Mrs. Hughs. Philadelphia, Lindsay & Blakiston, 1850, c. 1848. 205 p., [9 pi.,] 6f x5i. F. (90) Cabinet. Philadelphia, J. Laval & S. F. Bradford, c. 1829. vi, 18, 13, 34, 20, 4, 3 p., 9 pi., 5£ x 3f. F. (91) A series of sketches of members of the national adminis- tration, each paged separately. This is also bound up with "Talisman," 1830, and lettered on back of pub. [?] cloth case, "Cabinet and talisman." F. Cabinet annual, The, a Christmas and New Year's gift for 1855. Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co., 1855, c. 1854. xiv p, 1 1., 19-264 p., 24 pi., 7f x 5J. H.U., C.U. (92) Cabinet of modern art. Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co., n. d. [1st series.] 264 p., 25 pi., 7f x 5J, "Mary of our village." F. (93) . Second series. Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co., 1852, c. 1851. xiv p., 1 1., 17-264 p., 25*pl., 7f x 5f . F. (94) Casket, The, or flowers of literature, wit, and sentiment for 1826-40. Philadelphia, S. C.Atkinson. (95) These are really magazines, not annuals. 10 Casket, The, a gift book for all seasons, illustrated. Boston, Phillips & Sampson, n. d. vi p., 1 1., 9-322 p., 6 pi., 1\ x 5. "The quiet eye." N.Y., B.A. (96) Also issued by Leavitt & Allen, New York, n. d. Same as "Casket" [1853]. N. Y. See note under "Amaranth," 1849, which this really is, with change of first pages [9-12] and plates. , a Christmas and New Year's present for children and young persons, 1829. Boston, Bowles & Dearborn, c. 1828. viii, 268 p., 7 pi. [only 5 listed], 5fx3Jr. B.P. (97) , or youth's pocket library. Hingham [Mass.], C. & E. B. Gill, 1834, c. 1829. 4th ed. im- proved. 256 p., [6 pi.,] 5^x3^. F. (98) of entertaining and useful reading. New York, Chas. S. Francis & Co., 1843. 287 p., pi., 6f x 4. P.M. (99) This is the third series of the library of entertaining and useful knowledge, each having a different name. , a souvenir for 1845. New York, Edward Kearny, xxiv, 25-395 p., [6 pi.,] 7 x 4£. U.W. (100) , a gift book for all seasons, illustrated, Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co.. n. d. [pref. Aug.. 1853]. vi p., 1 l.,9-322p.,6 pl.,7ix4i. "The quiet eye." P.M. (101) This is really "Amaranth," 1849 [which see] with p. 9-12 replaced with two poems, and with variations in plates. This "Casket" was also issued entirely without date both by Phillips, Sampson & Co., Boston, and by Leavitt & Allen, New York, also by Phillips, Sampson & Co., Boston, with preface dated Aug., 1854. See also "Garland," 1850, "Token of friendship" [1852], "Keepsake of friendship 1851, "Memory's gift," N. Y., n. d., and N. Y., 1869, Magnolia," 1852. Casket of gems, The, a gift for all seasons, 1863. Bos- ton, William H. Hill, Jr., 1863. 5-93 p. inch 9 illus , 5fx4i. . F. (102) Casket of love, The, from the most celebrated authors. Philadelphia, Henry F. Anners, n. d. 7-120 p., 4£ x 2f . F. (103) Catholic keepsake, The, ed. by Prof. Walter. Philadel- phia, M. Fithian, Aug. 16, 1845. vi. 9-252 p., 9 pi., 1\ x 3f . * (104) Also issued from Baltimore, Murphy & Co., n. d., with same text, but none of the pi. except ilium, t. "A legacy regained." L.C. (104a) Cecilian gift, The, or romances of the musicians. New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. 259 p., 7 pi., 1\ x h\. * (105) Centre table, The, illustrated by 50 fine engravings. New York, Leavitt & Allen, 1860. 5-264 p , 50 pi. 9|x7J. U.M. (106) Charleston book, The, a miscellany of prose and verse Charleston, Samuel Hart, Sen., 1845, c. 1844. viii, 404 p., 7*x4i. N.Y., L.C. (107) Charm, a book for boys and girls, illustrated. Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., C. 1854. iv p., 1 1., 7-167 p. 7pl.,6ix4f. F. (108) Children's annual, a Christmas, New-Year and every-day gift book for 1853, by Mrs. Colman. New York, S. Raynor, 1853, c. 1852. 216 p., 10 pi., 6 x 3£. J P.M. (109) Children's garland, The, from the best poets. Selected and arranged by Coventry Patmore, 1863. Cam- bridge [Mass.] , Sever & Francis, 1863. xii, 354 p., ilium, t., 6|x4i. F. (110) Child's annual, The, or conversations instructive and entertaining for the use of children, by a lady. Phila- delphia, Thos. T. Ash, 1831. 190 p., 12 col. pi., 5fx3*. H.U. (Ill) . Boston, Allen & Ticknor, 1834, c. 1833. vi, 192 p., [16 pi.,] 5fx3Jr. H.U., L.C. (112) . Boston, William D. Ticknor, 1837. vi, 192 p., 17 pi., 5fx3f. F. (113) Child's first gift, The, for 1848. Collected and prepared by Amos Smith, Jr. Boston, Edwin J. Mann, 1848. 1 p. 1., 5-48 p., 5f x4f. F. (114) Child's gem, The. New York, 1833. * (115) . New York, Samuel Colman, c. 1838. [v. 2.] 2 p. 1., 7-144 p., Zi x 2£. F. (116) , for 1842, ed. by a lady. New York, S. Colman, c. 1841. x p, 1 1., 13-144 p., 12 pi., 4ix3|. L.C. (117) , for 1844. Ed. by Mrs. S. Colman. * (118) . Boston, T. H. Carter & Co., 1845. * (119) Child's keepsake, The. 1st ed. * (120) ■ , a book of original poems for the young, by E. Porter Dyer. 2d ed. enlarged. Boston, C. Stone, 1854, c. 1852. viii, 9-128 p., front., 4£ x 3. F (120a) Child's Token. New York.iS. Colman, 1842. * (121) Christian comforter, The. 1st ed. * (121a) Christian diadem, The, and family keepsake, a reposi- tory of religious and literary gems, ed. by Z. Paten Hatch. New York, v. 1, 1851. iv, 5-308 p., 12 pi. 9x5f. B.A. (122) Really a magazine. , and family keepsake, j?a gift book for all seasons. In two parts. Ed. by Z. Paten Hatch. New York, 1853. 11-212, 5-202, iii-iv p., 13 pi., 8|x5f. B.A. (123) Really a magazine. Also pub. in 1855. 12 Christian family annual, by Rev. Daniel Newell. New York, [v. 1,] 1843. vii, 300 p., pi., 8£ x 5£. B.P. (124) Really "The Christian family magazine," which is issued at end of year as an annual, v. 1, Sept. 1841 — Ag. 42. Also issued as "Christian family magazine or parents' and children's annual," 1842, c. 1842. , 1844. New York. [v. 2.] 302 p. (125) This is vol. 2 of "Christian family magazine," Sept., 1842 — Ag. 1843. , for 1845, ed. by Rev. Daniel Newell, [v. 3.] New York. 432 p., 24 pi., 8f x 5f . F. (126) This is also issued without date. It is the "Christian family magazine," vol. 3. Christian keepsake, The, a Christmas & New Year's gift, ed by Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. [1856 or after]. 262 p., 6 pi., 7x5. "The infant St. John." C.U. (127) This is "Religious souvenir," 1839, with different pi. and p. 263-88 omitted. , and missionary annual, ed. by Rev. John A. Clark, 1838. [v. 1. ] Philadelphia, Wm. Marshall & Co., c. 1837. viii, 9-312 p., 11 pi., 6£ x 4£. N.Y., B.A., U.W. (128) and missionary annual, ed. by Rev. John A. Clark, 1839. [v. 2.] Philadelphia, Wm. Marshall & Co., c. 1838. viii, 9-312 p., 10 pi., 1\ x 5. N.Y., B.P., U.W. (129) and missionary annual, ed. by Rev. John A. Clark, 1840. [v. 3.] Philadelphia, Wm. Marshall & Co., c. 1839. viii, 9-320 p., 9 pi., 1\ x 4f. N.Y., B.A., U.W. (130) and missionary annual for 1847. Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1847, c. 1846. viii, 13-316 p., 9 pi., 1\ x 4f. N.Y., B.P., U.W. (131) , and missionary annual for 1848. Philadel- phia, Brower, Hayes & Co., 1848, c. 1847. viii, 13-316 p., 9 pi., 7ix4f. N.Y.,B.P.,U.W. (132) and missionary annual for 1849. Philadel- phia, Brower, Hayes & Co., 1849, c. 1848. vi p-, 1 1., 13-330 p., 9 pi., 7x4J. N.Y., B.P., U.W. (133) , or friendship's memorial, a gift for all seasons ed. by Rev. Enoch Hutchinson. Nashua, N. H., J. M. Fletcher, 1850. vi, 7-338 p. [7 pi.,] 9 x 5£. F. (133a) Christian offering for 1832. Boston, Lincoln & Ed- mands, 1832, c. 1831. viii, 231 p., [7 pi.,] 6£ x 4£. N.Y., B.P., (134) Reprinted in 1837 and 1844 with slight change. See below. 13 Christian Offering. Boston, James B. Dow, 1837, c. 1831. viii 231 p., front., engr. t., 6 x 3f. B.P. (135) Reprint of 1832 except front, is different and all other plates except engr. t. omitted. See also 1844. and churchman's annual, ed. by Rev. John W. Brown. New York, Sherman & Trevett, 1839, c. 1838. x p., 1 1., 13-204 p., 1\ x 4£. N.Y. (136) Boston, James B. Dow, 1844, c. 1831. viii, 231 p., front., engr. t., 6£ x 3f . B.P. (137) Same as 1837. Engr. t. dated 1843. Reprint of 1832, with different front., and with other pi. except engr. t. omitted. Christian parlor book. New York, 1845 et seq. This is the title given vols, of "Christian parlor maga- zine" when issued as an annual. Devoted to science, literature and religion. New York, George Pratt, 1851. iv, 358 p., 25 pi., 9f x 6J. N.Y. (138) , 1852. * ( 139) Christian souvenir, The, an offering for Christmas and the New Year, ed. by Isaac F. Shepard. [v. 1.] Boston, Henry B. Williams, 1843, c. 1842. 304 p 6 pi., 6fx4i N.Y., L.C., U.W. (140) This was also issued with 1844 on the back of cover, otherwise identical. H.U., B.P., B.A. (141) ■ ed. by Rev. H. D. Moore, v. 1, Philadelphia, F. C. Wilson, 1847. 384 p., pi., 8 x h\. (142) Really a magazine. See "Christian wreath." and missionary annual for 1851. Auburn [N. Y.] , Derby & Miller, 1851. 4 p.l., 372 p., [6 pi.,] 7 § x4 f- N.Y., B.P. (143) Ilium, t. reads "Christian souvenir and missionary memorial. This is "Missionary memorial," N. Y. 1846, with different pi. Also issued as "Christ's messenger," 1848 and "The Evergreen," N. Y., n. d. , an illustrated annual, New York, 1858. * (144) Christian wreath. Philadelphia, 1847. [vol. 1.] T? 11 .1.1 • ,. , N -Y-' (144a) Really a monthly periodical. Christian year, The, or thoughts in verse for the Sun- days and holydays throughout the year. 3d Amer. ed. Philadelphia, Lee & Blanchard, 1842, c 1834 xvi, 17-320 p., 6i x 4i. L .C. ' (145) Christian's annual, The, a miscellany for 1846. Phila- delphia, Henry F. Anners, 1846. 288 p., 9 pi 6x4 L.C, B.P., CU. (146) 14 Christian's gift, The, ed. by Rufus W. Clark. Boston John P. Jewett & Co., 1857, c. 1856. vi p., 1 1., 9-308 p., 7pl. r 8£x5£. N.Y. (147) Christmas blossoms and New Year's wreath for 1847. [v. 1.] Boston, Phillips & Sampson, 1847, c. 1846. iv p., 2 1., 7-168 p., 6 pi., 7 x 5\. B.P., L.C., U.W. (148) , and New Year's wreath for 1848, by Uncle Thomas, [v. 2.] Boston, Phillips & Sampson, 1848, c. 1847. 3 p. 1., 17-168 p., 6 pi., 7x5. L.C., B.A. (149) Phillips & Sampson continued their series by issuing in 1849 "Christmas roses," Boston, while "Christmas blossoms" was taken over by a Philadelphia publisher for 1849. , and New Year's wreath for 1849, by Uncle Thomas. [v. 3.] Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co., 1849, c. 1848. 3 p.L, 17-176 p., 6 pi., 7x5. P.M. (150) , and New Year's wreath for 1855, by Uncle Thomas. [v. 4. ] Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co., 1850, c. 1849. 3 p. 1., 17-176 p., 6 pi., 7 x 4£. L.C. (151) , and New Year's wreath for 1851, by Uncle Thomas. [v. 5.] Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co., 1851, c. 1850. 3 p. 1., 17-256 p., 6 pi., 7x5. N.Y., L.C, B.A., U.W. (152) , and New Year's wreath for 1852, by Uncle Thomas. [v. 6.] Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co., 1852, c. 1851. xiv p., 1 1., 17-256 p., 6 pi., 7 x 5\. L.C, U.W. (153) , and New Year's wreath for 1854. Philadel- phia, E. H. Butler & Co., 1854, c. 1853. xiii-xiv p., 1 1., 17-256 p., 6 pi., 6|x5i. L.C, N.Y. (154) Christmas garland, a miscellany of verses, stories and essays. Chicago, H. Stone & Co., 1901. (155) Christmas roses and New Year's gift for 1849. Boston, Phillips & Sampson, 1849, c. 1848. 3 p. 1., 17-180 p., 6 pi., 7x5J. H.U., B.A. (156) Follows v. 2 of "Christmas blossoms," 1848, as that series had been taken over by a Phila. publisher. and New Year's gift, a present for young people. Boston, Phillips & Sampson, n. d., c. 1848. 3 p. 1., 17-180 p., 3 pi., 7x5^. • C.U. (157) "A second edition [of 1849] from same plates, with a slight change in title, and lessening somewhat the number of engravings." (Advertisement.) Christmas tales. Boston, Munroe & Francis, n. d. 288 p., 5|x3£. N.Y. (158) Made up from articles destined for "Forget me not," but crowded out. 15 Christmas tribute, The, and New Year's gift, a souvenir for 1851. Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co., 1851, c. 1850. 3 p. L, 13-329 p., 9 pi., 7£ x 4J. N.Y., B. P., U.W. (159) Also issued without date. Christmastide. Boston, 1878. * (160) Christ's messenger, or The Missionary memorial. New York, E. Walker, 1848, c. 1845. 4 p. 1., 372 p., [6 pi.,] 7fx4Jr. F. (160a) This is "Missionary memorial," 1846, with different pi. Also issued as "Christian souvenir," 1851, and "The Evergreen," N. Y., n. d. Churchman's annual. Title on back of "Christian offering," 1839. Cloud crystals, a snow flake album collected and edited by alady. New York, Appleton & Co., 1864, c. 1863. 158 p., 28 pi. and ilium, t., 10 x 1\. L.C., B.A., U.W. (161) Also issued with date, 1865; and reprinted in 1883. Comic annual. Title on back of "American comic an- nual," 1831. Companion and token. Title on back of "Young lady's companion." Compliment for the season, A. 1832. New York, N. B. Holmes, viii, 9-216 p., [4 pi.,] 5| x 3f . B.A. (161a) Coral, The, a gift for all seasons, illus. with 8 beautiful steel engravings, ed. by Henry W. Herbert. New York, Cornish, Lamport & Co. n. d. v, 9-300 p., 8 pi., 7-j x 4£. "The magnolia. 'Not in the au- tumn.' " N.Y. (162) Some copies have 1851 on back of cover. PM. This is "Magnolia," 1836, with changed plates. See also "Aloe," 1854, "Friendship's token," N. Y., n. d., "Gift of affection," n. d , "Morning Glory," n. d., "Memory," c. 1854, "Snow flake," n. d. Coronal, The, and young lady's remembrancer, ed. by Rev. Frederic Janes. New York, James H. Pratt & Co., 1853, c. 1852. vi p., 1 1., 9-384 p., 10 pi., 8J x 5f , B.A., P.M. (163) Coronet, The, or choice gems for the home circle. Phila- delphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co., n. d. viii, 9-304 p., 10 pi., 9 x 6i. "Blanche Evelyn." F. (164) Crystal fount, The, for all seasons, ed. by T. S. Arthur, New York, Cornish, Lamport & Co., n. d. [circ. 1854.] viii, 9-320 p., 10 pi., 7f x 5£. "The fountain." U.W. (165) Crystal gem, The, John S. Adams, ed. Boston, J. Buffum, c.1853. 96 p., 3x2. "Water." L.C. (166) 16 Dahlia, The, a memorial of affection for 1842, ed. by a lady. New York, James P. Giffing, c. 1841. 180 p , 6 pi., 6 x 3f . F. (167) Dew drop, The, a tribute of affection, for 1852. [v. 1. ] Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1852, c. 1851. x p., 1 1., 13-316 p., 9 pi., 1\ x 4£. B.P. (168) , a tribute of affection for 1853. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1853, c. 1852. x p., 1 1., 13-328 p., 8 pi., 1\ x 4f. N.Y., B.A. (169) . Title on cover of "Dew-drops of the nine- teenth century," 1854. Dew-drops of the nineteenth century, gathered and pre- sented in their brightness and purity by Seba Smith. Floral department by John B. Newman. New York, J. K. Wellman, 1846-7, c. 1845. viii,9-216p., [8 col pi. of flowers,] 1\ x 4J. B.A. (170) This was reissued as "Gift of friendship," for 1848, N. Y., with 6 steel plates, but no flower plates, though floral department is present. Also reissued as "Keep- sake," 1848. Also issued without "The floral department," and with- out plates, N. Y., 1846, c. 1845, 203 p. B. P. (170a) , gathered and preserved in their brightness and purity by Seba Smith. Floral department by John B. Newman. New York, Lamport, Blakeman & Law, 1854. viii, 9-216 p., 5 steel pi. and col. t., 7ix4f. B.P. (171) This is same as 1846-7, except by different publisher and having 5 pi. added, and the col. flower pi. omitted. Back of cover reads, "Dew drop." See also "Gift of friendship," N. Y., 1848, "Keepsake," 1848. Diadem, The, for 1845, a present for all seasons, with splendid engravings. [v. 1.] Philadelphia, Carey & Hart, 1845. 2 p. 1., 9-100 p., [11 pi. and engr. t.,] HxSf. N.Y., B.P. (172) - — ■ — , for 1846, a present for all seasons, with ten engravings. [v. 2.] Philadelphia, Carey & Hart, 1846, c. 1845. 96 p., 10 pi., lOf x 8+. B.P., P.M. (173) , for 1847, a present for all seasons, with ten engravings. [v. 3.] Philadelphia, Carey & Hart, 1847, c. 1846. 100 p., [10 pi.,] lOf x 9. ' N.Y., B.A. (174) , a souvenir for the drawing room and parlor and gift book for all seasons, illustrated with twelve steel engravings by first artists, ed. by Emily Perci- val. Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., n. d., c. 1853. 4 p. 1., 11-288 p., 12 pi., 9f x 1\. N.Y., B.P. (175) Also issued without date or c. date. H.U. (175a) 17 Diadem, The, a souvenir for the drawing room and parlor, and gift book for all seasons, ed. by Emily Percival. New York, W. H. Appleton, n. d. 4 p. 1., 11-288 p., [10 pi. and ilium, t.,] 8J x 6^. N.Y. (176) ■ This is identical with 1853, except smaller size, and omitting 2 pi. and adding ilium, t. Also issued by Leavitt & Allen, New York, n. d. 3 p. 1., 11-288 p., [12 pi.,] Wa. x 7 3 A- F. Dial of love, The, a Christmas book for the young, by Mary Howitt, illustrated. Philadelphia, Lindsay & Blakiston, 1857. 4 p. 1., 13-189 p., 9 pi., 7 x 4f . F. (177) Probably American reprint of English magazine of this name. Domestic and religious offering. Sub-title and title on back of cover of "Fireside poetical readings," 1843. Drawing-room annual, The, a present for all seasons. Philadelphia, Lindsay & Blakiston, n. d. [1843]. vi p., 1 1., 9-64 p., 15 pi., 8J x 8£. "Ella." L.C. (178) Drawing room scrap-book, The, with twenty illustra- tions, ed. by Amelia W. Lawrence. Philadelphia, Carey & Hart, 1850, c. 1850. 102 p., [20 pi.,] 10^x81. N.Y. (179) Drops from Flora's cup, or the poetry of flowers. Bos- ton, G. W. Cottrell & Co., c. 1845. x, 11-160 p., col. front., col. t., 5|x3i. L.C. (180) Also issued by Oliver L. Perkins, Boston, 1846, c. 1845, otherwise identical except col. front, is different, and size 4% x 2%. Eclectic gift-book, The, for the holidays, 1859-60. New York, W. H. Bidwell, 1859-60. 1-12, 1-284 p. F. (181) This is "Eclectic magazine," v. 48, 1859 with 6 p. 1. [p. 1-12], and 5 pi. inserted at beginning. Educational annual. Title on back of "Annual of the board of education of the general assembly of the Presbyterian church in the United States." ElAguinaldo. See note under "Atlantic souvenir," 1828. Emblem, The, a gift for all seasons, with new and ele- gant illustrations. New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. [1856 or after], viii, 9-263 p., 6 pi., 1\ x 4f. P.M., B.A. (182) Emerald, The, a collection of graphic and entertaining tales, brilliant poems and essays gleaned chiefly from fugitive literature of the nineteenth century, ed. by Epes Sargent. Boston, John L. Shorey, 1866. vi, 3-316 p., 6f x4J. P.M. (183) The "Gem" series began with this and pub. announce it will be followed by Sapphire, Amethyst, Topaz, Dia- mond, etc. 18 Evergreen, The, a Christmas, New Year and birthday gift. New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. [circa 1858 ]. 4 p. 1., 252 p., 6 pi., 7i x 5. N.Y., B.A., U.W. (184) This is "Missionary memorial," 1846, with p. 253-372 omitted, a proem added, and pi. added. See also "Christ's messenger," and "Christian souvenir,' 1851. , Philadelphia, American Sunday School Union, 1837. vi p., 1 1., 9-159 p., 8 pi., 5f x 4|. P.M., U.W. (185) , or church offering for all seasons, ed. by Joseph Salkeld. v. 1. New Haven, 1844. 380p.,illus. U.W. (185a) Really a monthly magazine, issued at end of year as an annual, 1843-53 , for 1847, a present for all seasons, embellished with ten elegant steel engravings. Philadelphia, Carey & Hart, 1847, c. 1846. xii, 13-300 p., 10 pi., 9^x6. N.Y., B.A. (186) , or gems of literature for 1850, ed. by Rev. Edward A. Rice. New York, J. C. Burdick, 1850. iv, 7-308 p., 12 pl.,[8pl.,] 8|x5|. N.Y. (186a) A magazine. Plates vary from list. Excelsior annual, The, or pupils' gift for 1849, ed. by Edward B. Fellows. New York, Nafis & Cornish, c. 1848. xii, 13-264 p., 10 pi., 6£ x 4£. N.Y., L.C., U.W. (187) All written by pupils in New York City. Fables of Flora, ed. by Miss S. C. Edgarton. Lowell, Powers & Bagley, c. 1844. iv, 5-144 p., col. front., 4|x2f. L.C. (188) Family circle, The, its affections and pleasures, ed. by H. A. Graves. Boston, Gould, Kendall & Lincoln. c. 1843. vi, 7-128 p., 4^ x 2f. F. (188a) Also issued with 1845, on title, c. 1843, and also with only date c. 1843. F (188b) This with "Marriage ring," and a special t. and preface prefixed, was issued as "Wedding gift." Family circle and parlor annual, N.Y. vols. 1-14 1843-1856, ed. by Rev. D. Newell, and later by Mrs D. Newell. Really was a magazine, "Family circle." B.P. See "Parlor annual," another of its annual titles, and "Youth's parlor annual." Fireside poetical readings, . . . designed as a domestic and religious offering. Collected and pub. by Dexter S. King. Boston, 1843, c. 1842. ii, 3-313 p., [1 pi., ] 1\ x 4^-. In two parts. Part I, Domestic offering; Part II., Religious offering. B.P., C.U. (189) Back of book reads "Domestic and religious offering." 19 Flora and Thalia, or gems of flowers and poetry, by a lady. Philadelphia, Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1836. 7-240 p., many col. pi. of flowers, 5J x 3^. F. (190). Back of book reads, "Book of flowers." Floral fortune teller, a game for the season of flowers, by Miss S. C. Edgarton. Boston, A. Tompkins, 1848, c. 1846, vi p., 1 1., 9-160 p., ilium, t., 4| x 2\. F. (190a) Floral gems, or the songs of the flowers, by Mrs. J. Thayer. 3d ed. Boston, James French, 1847, c. 1846. iv, 5-128 p., front., 4J x 2f . F. (190b) Floral keepsake, The, with 30 engravings elegantly col- ored from nature, ed. by John Keese. New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. [1853, 54, or 55]. 112 p., 30 pi., 10x7|. L.C., U.W. (191) Same as 1850, but with less plates. Reissued Leavitt & Allen, 1854. Also reissued n. d. [1856, or a little later] , Leavitt & Allen, New York. F. (191a) , for 1850, with 46 colored engravings, ed. by John Keese. New York, Leavitt & Co., 1850. 112 p., 46 pi., 9Jx7i. F. (192) , with 30 engravings . . . etc. New York, Leavitt & Allen, 1854. Same as n. d. above. F. (192a) Floral offering, The, a token of friendship, ed. by Frances S. Osgood. Philadelphia, Carey & Hart, 1847, c. 1846. 1 p. 1., signatures 3-32 [each 4 p. ], 10J x 8f. B.A. (193) , a token of affection and esteem . . . by Henri- etta Dumont. Philadelphia, H. C. Peck & Theo. Bliss, 1853, c. 1851. 300 p., [6 col. pi. of flowers ]. C.U. (194) Also an ed. identical except imprint, Theodore Bliss & Co., 1863, c. 1851. C.U. (194a) Floral wreath, The, an offering of friendship, John S. Adams, ed. Boston, J. Buffum, c. 1851. 96 p., 3x2. L.C. (195) Floral wreath and treasury of entertaining and useful knowledge, v. 1, 1848, New York, ed. and pub. by Rev. D. Newell. Really a magazine. Floral year, The, by Mrs. Anna Peyre Dinnies. Boston, Benj. B. Mussey, 1847, c. 1845. xii, 13-265, 12 pi., 7f x 5J. U.W. (196) Flora's album, ed. by John S. Adams. New York, Leavitt, Trow & Co., 1848. 128 p., col. front. 32mo. L.C. (197) Flora's gem, or the bouquet for all seasons, ed. by A. A Phillips. New York, Nafis, Cornish & Co., [circa 1848]. viii, 103 p., 10pl., 9f x7f. * (198) 20 Flora's interpreter, or the American book of flowers and sentiments, by Mrs. Sarah Josepha Hale. 14th ed. improved. Boston, Thomas H. Webb, [circa 1847]. c. 1833. x p., 1 1., 13-262 p., 1 1. [2 pi.,] 7i x \\. F. (199) The 1st ed. was c. 1833; the 6th had new preface date, 1837, and "imoroved" added to title. This was republished in London as "Book of flowers," without permission. , and fortuna flora, by Mrs. Sarah Josepha Hale. Boston, Sanborn, Carter, Bazin & Co., c. 1848. x p., 1 1., 13-288 p., 4 pi., 1\ x 4i. U.W. (199a) A new edition of "Flora's interpreter" published 16 years before, with "Fortuna flora" added. Flora's lexicon, an interpretation of the language of flowers with an outline of botany and a poetical in- troduction by Catharine H. Waterman. Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1852, c. 1839. 252 p., 4 pi., 1\ x 4f . F. (200) Reissued in 1857 without change. F. Flower garden, The, or chapters on flowers, a sequel to "Floral biography," by Charlotte Elizabeth. New York, M. W. Dodd, 1840. iv, 5-330 p., engr. t., 7i x 41. F. (201) Flower vase, The, containing the language of flowers and their poetic sentiments by Miss S. C. Edgarton. Lowell, Powers & Bagley,"1844, c. 1843. iv p., 11., 7-157 p., col. front., 4f x 2f U.W. (202) The same was issued in 1847 and again in 1848 Lowell, c. 1843, Merrill & Heywood, and in 1850, Lowell, Joshua Merrill. F. Floweret, The, a gift of love, by Miss A. M. Wells. Bos- ton, T. H. Carter & Co. * (203) Flowers of literature and ladies' keepsake, a selection from some of the best authors of England, Scotland. Swisserland [sic ] and America, by a lady of Rhode Island. Providence, Albert C. Greene, 1850, c. 1850. 142 p., 7x41 N.Y. (204) Flowers of loveliness, a token of remembrance for 1852. Philadelphia, Henry F. Anners, c. 1851. 288 p., 9 pi., 9i x 6£. L.C. (205) Forget-me-not, or the philipena, Lowell, n. d. * (206) Same as 1846. , a Christmas, New Year and birthday gift. New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. 2 p. 1., 7-260 p., [6 pi.,] 1\ x 5f. "The prior of St. Michael." C.U., P.M., U.W. (207) This is "Pearl," Phila. 1853, with p. 261-70 omitted and variation in piates. There is also an ed. pub. by Geo. A. Leavitt, n. d. [circa 1869]. ti F (207a) Also issued as "Passion flower," c.1854, "Pearl Gift," n. d., and "Philopcena," n. d. 21 Forget me not, The, a gift for all seasons. New York. Nans & Cornish, n. d. [circa 1845]. vi, 7-232 p., [9 pl.,1 5| x 3f . "The young Tyrolese." F H.U., U.W. (208) This is "The lily," 1831, with pi. changed, otherwise the same throughout. Even the preface speaks of it as "Lily." Forget-me-not, a gift for 1846, ed. by Alfred A. Phillips. New York, Nafis & Cornish, c. 1845. xii, 9-282 p., 7 pi., 6x3f. N.Y. (209) ■ , or the philopene by Mrs. J. S. F. Lunt, Lowell, Nathaniel L. Dayton, 1846, c. 1845. vi., 7-128 p. col. t. 4£ x 2f. F. (209a) Reissued in 1847, and 1852 with change in spelling of sub-t. Forget-me-not, The, or the philipena, by Mrs. Lunt. Lowell, Nathaniel L. Dayton, 1847, c. 1845. vi, 7-128 p., col. front., 4£ x 2f. U.W. (210) Lettered "Philipena" on back of cover. Same as 1846. Also issued without d. P.M. (210a) There is an ed. d. 1852. F. This was also pub. under title "Philipena," 1847. for 1848, ed. by Alfred A. Phillips. Nafis & Cornish, 1848, c. 1847. vi p., 1 1., 9-307 p., 9 pi., 7|x4i. N.Y., P.M. (211) for 1849, ed. by Alfred A. Phillips. New York, Nafis & Cornish, 1849, c. 1848. viii, 9-318 p., 1 1., 8 pi., 7£x4£. N.Y. (212) for 1850, ed. by Mrs. Emeline S. Smith. New York, Nafis & Cornish, c. 1849. x, 11-310 p., 8 pi. [only 7 on list ], 7| x 4f . N.Y., L.C., U.W. (213) for 1851, ed. by Mrs. Emeline S. Smith. New York, Cornish, Lamport & Co., c. 1850. vi p., 1 1., 9-312 p., 8 pi., 1\ x 4J. B.P., U.W. (214) , for all seasons, ed. by Ida Maitland. New York, Lamport, Blakeman & Law, C. 1851. 264 p., 7pl., 6J-X4*. N.Y., C.U. (215) , or the philipena, by Mrs. Lunt. Lowell, Nathaniel L. Dayton, 1852, c. 1845. vi, 7-128 p., 5fx3f. F. (216) Same as 1846, except larger in size. , a Christmas, New Year and birthday gift. New York, Leavitt & Allen, c. 1855. 5-264 p., 7 pi., 7^x5. "The seaman's wife." N.Y., B.P. (217) Also issued as "Philopoena," n. d. and "Glen annual," n. d. Fountain, The, a gift, ed. by H. Hastings Weld. Phila- delphia, William Sloanaker, 1847, c. 1846. iv p., 1 1., 7-252 p., 8 pi., 8i x 5i. L.C., B.P. (218) Freedom's gift, or sentiments of the free. Hartford, S. S. Cowles, 1840, c. 1840. viii, 9-108 p., engr front., 1\ x A\. F. (219) 22 Freemason's gift, a Christmas and New Year's offering. New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. [1853, 54 or 55]. viii, 9-263 p., 4 pi., 7i x 5. L.C. (220) Called "Masonic offering" at top of p. 9. Friendship. New York, Leavitt & Allen, c. 1854. 2 p. 1., vii-viii, 9-264 p., 8 pi., 1\ x 4f. "Cecelia." C.U. (221) Illuminated title reads "Friendship, a souvenir." and back of cover, "Friendship's token." Also issued as "Passion flower," n. d., "Moss rose," n. d. PI. vary. Friendship's gift, a Christmas and New Year's annual. New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. 2 p. 1., 11-264 p. [6 pi.,] 1\ x 5f . "The carpenter's daughter." L.C. (222) The same is issued with Pub. George A. Leavitt, n. d. [circa 1869]. C.U. This is "Friendship's offering," c. 1855, with different pi. and list of illus. omitted. See also "Gem annual," n. d., "Lady's annual," n. d , a Christmas and New Year's annual. New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. [circa 1856]. viii, 9-264 p., 6 pi., 1\ x 5. "Rainbow bridge." U-.W. (223) This is really the "Token and Atlantic souvenir," Bos- ton, 1840,_ with p. 265-304 omitted and pi. changed. See also "Token of friendship," New York, n. d., "At- lantic souvenir," New York, n. d.; "Honeysuckle," 1848. of moral and entertaining literature, ed. by Mrs. M. O. Stevens. Boston and Lowell, Edward A. Rice, [v. 1-2,] 1847. 1-192, 1-192 p., 8f x 5. A periodical. , a souvenir for 1848, ed. by Walter Per- cival. Boston, John P. Hill, 1848, c. 1847. vi p., 1 1., 12-312 p., 10 pl.,7£ x 4f . C.U., L.C, B.P., U.W. (224) Also issued as "Lady's gift," 1849. , a token of remembrance, ed. by Josephine Gilbert. Lynn, M[as]s., Thomas Herbert, 1852, c. 1850. 320 p., 7 pi., 7 x 4J. "Gaspar Poussin." P.M. (225) Pref. speaks of it as "Lily of valley." Also issued without date, except the pref. date of July, 1850. B.P. (225a) This is really the "Lily of the valley," for 1851, with its name, and name of ed. changed. Also issued as "Mignonette," 1856, omitting p. 259-320 and 2 pi. Friendship's jewel, a gift of remembrance, ed. by J. S. A. Boston, J. Buffum, c. 1851. 96 p., 3x2. N.Y. (226) Friendship's memorial for 1853. New York, Edward H. Fletcher, 1853. iv, 5-304 p., 10 pi., 9£ x 5f. N.Y. (227) Friendship's offering, a Christmas, New Year's and birth- day gift. New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. vi, 9-264 p., [5 pi. and col. presentation pi.,] 3f x 5f . "The portrait." N.Y. (228) Also issued by Geo. A. Leavitt, n. d. [circa 1869]. N.Y., P.M. (228a) Also issued as "Memory's gift," N. Y., n. d., "Moss rose," c. 1854, and "Philopcena," n. d., with variation in pi. 23 Friendship's offering, ed. by Miss Catharine H. Water- man, 1841. [v. 1.] Philadelphia, Marshall, Williams & Butler, c. 1840. vi p., 1 1., 9-320 p., 10 pi., 6| x 41. N.Y., B.P., U.W., L.C. (229) , ed. by Mrs. Catharine H. W. Esling, 1842. [v. 2.] Boston, E. Littlefield, c. 1841. vi p. 1 1., 9-320 p., 10 pi., 6| x 4i N.Y., B.P., L.C. (230) and winter's wreath, a Christmas and New Year's present for 1843. [v. 3. ] Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co., c. 1842. vi p., 1 1., 9-320 p., 10 pi., 6x4i. N.Y.S. (231) Also issued with imprint, Boston, Lewis & Sampson, 1843, c. 1842. L.C, N.Y. (231a) Also issued with imprint Phila., Z. Pratt, 1843. B.P. (231b) Also issued in large paper, T% x 4%\ F. (231c) , and winter's wreath, a Christmas, and New Year's present for 1844. [v. 4.] Boston, Lewis & Sampson, c. 1843. vii p., 1 1., 9-320 p., 6£ x \\. L.C, N.Y, U.W. (232) , a Christmas, 'New Year and birthday present for 1845. [v. 5.] Boston, Lewis & Sampson, 1845, c. 1844. vi p., 1 1., 13-340 p., 9 pi., 7\ x 4f . N.Y., B.P., C.U., B.A., U.W. (233) Also issued with imprint Butler & Williams. , a Christmas, New Year and birthday present for 1846. [ v. 6.] Boston, Phillips & Sampson, 1846, c. 1845. vi p., 1 1., 13-292 p., 9 pi., 1\ x 4|. N.Y., L.C, B.P., B.A., U.W. (234) , a Christmas, New Year and birthday present for 1847. [v. 7. ] Boston, Phillips & Sampson, 1847 c. 1846. vi p., 1 1., 13-316 p., 9 pi., 1\ x 4f. N.Y., L.C, B.P., C.U. (235) . a Christmas, New Year and birthday present for 1848. [v. 8. ] Boston, Phillips & Sampson, 1848. c. 1847. vi p., 1 1., 13-316 p., 9 pi., 1\ x 4f. N.Y., L.C, B.P., U.W. (236) , a Christmas, New Year and birthday pres- ent for 1849. [v. 9. ] Boston, Phillips & Sampson 1849, c. 1848. vi p., 1 1., 13-330 p., 9 pi., 1\ x 4|. N.Y., B.A., U.W. (237) , a Christmas, New Year and birthday pres- ent for 1850. [v. 10.] Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1850, c. 1849. vi p., 1 1., 13-330 p., 9 pi., 7ix4f. N.Y., B.P., U.W. (238) , a Christmas, New Year and birthday present for 1851. [v. 11.] Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1851, c. 1850. x p., 1 1., 13-330 p., 9 pi., 1\ x 4f. N.Y., L.C, B.P. (239) > a Christmas, New Year and birthday present for 1852. [v. 12.] Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co., 1852, c. 1851. x p., 1 1., 13-330 p., 9 pi., 1\ x 4f . L.C, B.P., C.U. (240) Friendship's offering, a Christmas, New Year and birth- day present for 1853. [v. 13. ] Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co. 1853, c. 1852. x p., 1 1., 13-328 p., 9 pi., 7f x 4f . N.Y., L.C., B.P., U.W. (241) , a Christmas, New Year and birthday present for 1854. [v. 14.] Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co., 1854, c. 1853. x p., 1 1., 13-328 p., 8 pi., 1\ x 4f . L.C., B.P., B.A. (242) , a Christmas, New Year and birthday present for 1855. [v. 15. ] Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co., 1855, c. 1854. x p., 1 1., 13-328 p., 8'pl., 1\ x 4f. N.Y., L.C., B.P., U.W. (243) , a Christmas, New Year and birthday gift. New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d., c. 1855. 5-264 p., 7 pi., 1\ x 4£. "The carpenter's daughter." B.P. (244) Also issued as "Gem annual," n. d., "Friendship's gift," n. d., and "Lady's annual," n. d., but pi. vary. Friendship's token. See "Friendship." . New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. [ 1853, 54, or 55 ]. 2 p. 1., 9-260 p., 5 pi., 1\ x 5. C.U. (245) Really "The magnolia," 1836, with different pi., and p- 261-300 omitted. See also "The coral," "Gift of affection," n. d., "Morn- ing glory," n. d., "Memory," c. 1854, "Snow flake," n.d., "Aloe," 1854. and lover's gift. Buffalo, Geo. H. Derby & Co., 32mo. * (246) Gallery of mezzotints, The, an annual for 1849. New York, M. H. Newman & Co., 1849. 224 p. [?], 21 pi., 8ix5i. "To Lamartine." F. (247) Garland, Th'e, New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. See 1855. N. Y. (247a) , for 1830, designed as a Christmas and New-Year's present. New York, Josiah Drake, 1830, c. 1829. viii,9-324p., 12 pl.,5f x3f. N.Y. (248) "Consists of choicest pieces which have appeared in 'The token' and 'Legendary.' " Issued also for 1831, New York, C. H. Peabody, 1831, c. 1829. F. (248a) Issued again 1839 with added p. and different pi. See below. for 1839. A Christmas, New Year and birth- day present. Boston, Tubus A. Noble, 1839. viii, 9-10, 1 1., 11-116, 1 1., 117-264, 1 1., 265-294, 1 1., 295- 331 p., 1 p., [8 pi.,] 6Jx4. N.Y., L.C., B.A. (249) Same as 1830 with p. 325-31 added and 4 1. text in- serted, unpaged, in body of vol., each to go with pi. inserted. All the pi. are different. for 1840, a Christmas, New Year and birthday present. Boston, Tubus A. Noble, 1840. viii, 9-331 p., [7 pi.,] 6|-x3f. N.Y., L.C., C.U., B.P. (250) This is same as 1830 with p. 325-31 added, but has 3 of the pi. of 1839, and 4 of the pi. of 1830. 25 Garland, The, or token of friendship, a Christmas and New Year's gift for 1848, ed. by Emily Percival. [v.l.] Boston, D. P. King, 1848, c. 1847. viii p., 1 1., 11-324 p., [7 pi.,] lh x 4f . "The garland." N.Y., B.P., L.C., U.W. (251) Also edition with imprint "Z. & B. F. Pratt," and "John Philbrick." Some copies have plate at p. 17 omitted. Really "Amaranth," 1847, with first article changed and engr. t. changed to ilium, t. and one pi. substituted. See also "Keepsake of friendship," 1849,_ which is same with another substitution in 1st article. See also "Ladies' [or Lady's] gift," 1850, 1851, "Gift of affection," n. d. , or token of friendship, a Christmas and New Year's gift for 1849, ed. by Emily Percival. [v. 2.] Boston, David P. King, 1849, c.1848. vi p., 1 1., 9-288 p., 5 pi., 7i x 4|. "The garland." C.U., B.P., L.C. (252) Also edition with imprint "Charles Burnett, Provi- dence." This is really "Amaranth," 1848, with change in first article. See also "Keepsake of friendship," 1850, which is same except still another first article. or token of friendship, a Christmas and New Year's gift for 1850, ed. by Emily Percival. [v. 3.] Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1850, c. 1849. vi p., 1 1., 9-322 p., 6 pi., 71 x 4f . "Song." N.Y., B.P., L.C, U.W. (253) This is "Amaranth," 1849, except first 3 p. of text, differ- ent front, and ilium, t. Also issued as "Casket," [1853], with still another differ- ent first article — -"The quiet eye" — and as "Keep- sake of friendship," Worcester, 1851, with change in first text pages. A col. presentation pi. and col. t. in place of front, and engr. t. Also issued as "Memory's gift," N. Y., 1869, as "Token of friendship," Boston, 1852, and "Magnolia," 1852. , or token of friendship, a Christmas and New Year's gift for 1851, ed. by Emily Percival. [v. 4.] Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1851, c. 1850. 288 p., 6 pi., 7ix4|. "Zelica." L.C, N.Y., B.P. (254) Really "Amaranth, "1850, with first article changed and col. t. and col. front, substituted. See also "Magnolia" [1853]. or token of friendship, a Christmas and New Year's gift for 1852, ed. by Emily Percival. [v. 5.] Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1852, c. 1851. 5 p. 1., 276 p., 6 pi., 7i x 4f. "Humility." N.Y., L.C, B.P., U.W. (255) This is "Wreath of wild flowers, "1846, with unpaged 1. preceding p. 1, preface changed, and pi. added. It was issued also as "Amaranth," 1851, with a variation in text of the unpaged preliminary 1., as"Keepsake of friend- ship, ed. by G. S. Monroe," 1853, as "Magnolia" [pref. d. 1853], as "Token of friendship," Bost. [1854], and N. Y., n. d. 26 Garland, The, or token of friendship, a Christmas and New Year's gift for 1853, ed. by Emily Percival. [v. 6.] Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1853, c. 1852. 288 p., 7 pi., 1\ x A\. "The heather bell." C.U. (256) Really "Amaranth," 1852. Also see "Keepsake of friendship," 1854, and "Magnolia," 1855, which are same except first article. or token of friendship, a Christmas and New Year's gift for 1854, ed. by Emily Percival. [v. 7.] Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1854, c. 1853. 288 p., 7 pi., 1\ x 4f . "Use of flowers." L.C., C.U., B.P., U.W. (257) Really "Amaranth," 1853, with first article changed. See also "Keepsake of friendship," 1855, same except first article. , or token of friendship, a Christmas and New Year's gift for 1855, ed. by Emily Percival. [v. 8.] Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1855, c. 1854. 288 p., 7 pi., 1\ x 4f . "Daughter of the bardi." B.P., U.W., P.M. (258) Also issued without date, c. 1854. H.U. N.Y. Also issued Leavitt & Allen, N. Y., n. d. Also pub. by Geo. A. Leavitt, N. Y., 1869, omitting all pi. but engr. t., and omitting p. 7-8 ["list of illus."]. This is really "Amaranth," 1854, with engr. t. added or token of friendship, a Christmas and New Year's gift, ed. by Emily Percival. [v. 8.] New York, Geo. A. Leavitt, 1869. 1-6, 9-288 p., engr. t., 7 x \\. P.M. (259) This is same as 1855, with list of plates [p. 7-8] and all plates but engr. t. omitted. Gathered leaves, or miscellaneous papers by Miss Hannah F. Gould. Boston, Wm. J. Reynolds, 1846, c. 1845. 304 p., front., 6fx4i. N.Y. (260) Gem, The, a Christmas and New Year's present for 1840. [v. 1.] Philadelphia, Henry F. Anners, c. 1839. viii p., 1 1., 17-287 p., 7 pi., 6x4. N.Y., B.P., U.W. (261) , a Christmas and New Year's present for 1842. [v. 2.] Philadelphia, Henry F. Anners, c. 1841. vi, 7- 288 p., 7 pi., 6± x4. B.P., C.U. (262) , a Christmas and New Year's present for 1844. Philadelphia, John Robinson, vi, 7-288' p., [6 pi.,] 6i x 4. U.W. (263) Same as 1842 as to text. for 1848, ed. by Father Frank. New York, E. Kearney, c. 1848. iv p., 1 1., 7-284 p. B.P., P.M. (264) Same as "Juvenile gem," 1846. Issued 1852, omitting 8 of the 11 articles on p. 232-84, and repaged, ending p. 252. 27 Gem, The, for 1849. New York, Edward Kearney. 252 p., 8 pi., 6x3f. B.P. (265) Also issued with imprint Henry F. Anners, 1854. Same as "American juvenile keepsake," 1834, with 1 pi. omitted. See also "Youth's keepsake," N. Y., n. d., "The gift," 1847, which omit list of pi. and most of the pi. , a present for all seasons, ed. by Father Frank. Philadelphia, Henry F. Anners, 1852. iv p., 1 1., 7- 252 p. C.U. (266) Same as 1848, except 32 p. [8 articles] omitted. Also issued with imprint date 1853. F. (267) Also issued with imprint date 1855. N.Y. (268) , a token of affection for 1854. Philadelphia, Henry L. Anners, 1854. 252 p., [4 pi.,] 51 x 3f. F. (269) Same as 1849. , a token of affection for all seasons. Philadel- phia, Henry F. Anners, 1855. iv p., 1 1., 7-252 p., [4pl.,]5f x3f. N.Y. (270) Same as 1848, except 32 p. are omitted. Gem annual, The, a Christmas and New Year gift. New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. [1856 or after]. 3 p. 1., 11-264 p., 6 pi., 7ix4|. "The carpenter's daughter." C.U. (271) This is "Friendship's offering", c. 1855. See also "Friendship's gift," n. d., and "Lady's annual," n. d., which have different plates, and no list of pi. , a Christmas and New Year gift. New York,. Leavitt & Allen, n. d., 8, 11-264 p., [5 pi.,] 7ix4f. "The seaman's wife." B.A. (271a) This is "Forget-me-not," c. 1855, with different pi. See also "Philopcena," n. d. , a Christmas, New Year and birth-day present for 1854. Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co., 1854, c. 1853. 9-328 p., 8 pi., 7\ x 4f. N.Y., B.P., L.C. (272) a Christmas, New- Year and birthday gift for 1855. Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co., 1855, c. 1854. x p., 1 1., 13-328 p., 8 pi., 7£ x 4f . N.Y., L.C, B.P., U.W. (273) Gem of the season, The, with ten fine illustrations. New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d., [1856 or after]. 3 p. 1., 9-288 p., 10 pi., 9i x 6*. "The new year." U.W. (274) ■ — — , with twenty plates by Sartain, ed. by John Holmes Agnew. [v. 1.] New York. Leavitt, Trow & Co., 1846, c. 1845. viii, 1-60 p., 20 pi., 9* x 6£. N.Y., B.P., C.U. (275) for 1848, with 20 splendid engravings. New York, Leavitt, Trow & Co., 1848, c. 1847. 224 p., 20 pi., 8i x 5f. "Time's far flight." C U., U.W. (276) 28 Gem of the season, The, for 1849, with 20 splendid en- gravings. New York, Leavitt, Trow & Co. 224 p., 20 pi., 9J x 7|r. "To a lady." N.Y., C.U., B.A., L.C. (277) for 1850, ed. by N. Parker Willis. New York, Leavitt & Co., 1850, c. 1849. 5-222. p., 1 1., 16 pi., 9ix6f. N.Y., U.W. B.A. (278) for 1851, Elegantly illustrated. New York, Leavitt & Co., 1851. 236 p., 10 pi., 9J x 6f. N.Y., C.U. (279) , a souvenir for 1852. New York, Leavitt & Co., 1852. 2 p. 1., 9-244 p., 12 pi., 9x7. L.C. (280) a souvenir for 1853, elegantly illustrated. New York. Leavitt & Allen, 1853. 1 p. 1., 9-228 p., 12pl., 9ix6£. N.Y. (281) Reissued for 1854. , a souvenir for 1854. N.Y. (282) Exactly like 1853. , with 10 beautiful illustrations. New York, Leavitt & Allen, c. 1856. xiv p., 1 1., 17-264 p., 10 pi., 9ix6i. N.Y., C.U., U.W. (283) Gem of the western world, The, for 1851, ed. by Mary E. Hewitt. New York, Cornish, Lamport & Co., c. 1851. vi p., 1 1., 9-320 p., 9 pi., 7f x 5£. B.P., B.A., U.W. (284) Gems for the fireside, comprising moral tales, essays, biography and poetry. New York, John F. Scovill, n. d. [circa 1855]. 9-430 p., 6 engravings, and 6 colored pi., 8f x 5f . "Song of the sea" [music]. B.A. (285) This is probably a magazine. Gems for you, from New Hampshire authors, ed. by F. A. Moore. Manchester, N. H., William H. Fisk, 1850, c. 1850. x, 11-312 p., 7i x A\. C.U. (286) Also issued with sub-title, "A gift for all seasons." Re- issued in 1851. Reprinted in 1854 with plates added and called "Book of gems." Gems from American female poets, ed. by R. W. Gris- wold. Philadelphia, H. Hooker, 1842. x, 11-92 p., 32 mo. L.C. (287) Gems from American poets. New York, D. Appleton & Co. [1842]. Engr. front. * (288) Gems from the sacred mine, or holy thoughts upon sacred subjects, by clergymen of the Episcopal Church, ed. by Thomas Wyatt. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1851, c. 1850. vi p., 1 1., 13-236 p., 7 pi., 6| x 4f. B.P. (289) Gems of beauty, or literary gift for 1849, ed. by Emily Percival. [v. 1.] Boston, Phillips & Sampson, 1849, c. 1848. 3 p. 1., 15-296 p., 8 pi., 9J x 6J. LC (290) 29 Gems of beauty, or literary gift for 1850, ed. by Emily Percival. [v. 2.] Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1850, c. 1849. 3 p. 1., 15-296 p, 8 pi., 9J x 6£. B.P., L.C. (291) , or literary gift for 1851, ed. by Emily Percival. [v. 3.] Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1851, c. 1850. 3 p. 1., 15-296 p., 8 pi., 9i x 6^. N.Y. (292) , or literary gift for 1852, ed. by Emily Percival. [v. 4.] Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1852. 3 p. 1., 9-288 p., 8 pi. [and ilium, list of pi.], 9J x 6J. U.W. (293) , or literary gift for 1853, ed. by Emily Percival [v. 5.] Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1853, c. 1852. 3 p. 1., 11-288 p., 8 pi. [and ilium, list of pi.], 9J x 6i- N.Y., L.C. (294) — , or literary gift for 1854, ed. by Emily Percival. [v. 6.] Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1854, c. 1853. 3 p. 1., 11-290 p., 9 pi., 9i x 6£. B.A. (295) , or literary gift for 1855, ed. by Emily Per- cival. [v. 7.] Boston, Phillips, Sampson , & Co. 1855, c. 1854. viii, 9-288 p., 9 pi., 9£ x 6£. N.Y. (296) Gift, The, Philadelphia, Carey & Hart, n.d. vi p., 1 1., 17-328 p., 8 pi. [7 pi. in reality, vig. t. being omitted], 7f x 4f . "The brook." N.Y.S., U.W. (297) Same as 1843, with vig. t. and dates omitted. , a Christmas, New Year and birthday present. Philadelphia, Carey & Hart, n. d. iv, 7-300 p., [13 pi.]. 8f x 5-J-. "A gleam of sunshine." N.Y. (298) Reissue of 1845, changing front, and engr. t., and add- ing 5 Cheney pi. , a Christmas and New Year's present, ed. by N. P. Willis. Boston, 1829. x, 348 p., 3f x 6. F. (299) , a poetical remembrancer selected from the work of native and foreign authors. Concord, N. H., Currier & Hall and Asa McFarland, 1835. 322 p., front., 4|x3. B.P (300) , a Christmas and New Year's present for 1836, ed. by Miss Leslie, [v. 1.] Philadelphia, E. L. Carey & A. Hart, xii, 17-292 p., 9 pi., 6i x 4. N.Y., L.C, B.P. (301) , a Christmas and New Year's present for 1837, ed. by Miss Leslie, [v. 2.] Philadelphia, E. L. Carey & A. Hart, c. 1836. vi p., 1 1., 17-325 p , 10 pi., 6£ x 4. L.C, B.A., U.W. (302) A few copies were issued in 1% x 4J£ size with proof plates. N. Y. , a Christmas, New Year and birthday present for 1839, ed. by Miss Leslie, [v. 3.] Philadelphia, E. L. Carey & A. Hart, c. 1838. iv p., 1 1., 17-328 p., 9 pi., 6i x 4i. N.Y., L.C, B.P.L. (303) 30 Gift, The, a Christmas and New Year's present for 1840, ed. by Miss Leslie, [v. 4.] Philadelphia, Carey & Hart, c. 1839. viii, 17-328 p., 9 pi., 7| x 4f. N.Y., B.P., L.C., U.W. (304) There is an edition with n. d. on title, and no preface, but c. 1839. P.M. (305) , a Christmas and New Year's present for 1842. Philadelphia, Carey & Hart, c. 1841. viii, 17-322 p., 8 pi , 7i x 4f. N.Y., L.C., B.P., U.W. (306) Said to have been issued also in large paper size. , a Christmas and New Year's present, 1843. Philadelphia, Carey & Hart, c. 1842. vi p., 1 1., 17- 328 p., 8 pi., 7£ x 4f . N.Y., L.C. (307) Also issued in large paper, 9J£ x 6. 2 p. 1., vii-viii p., 1 1., 17-328 p. C.U. Also issued without date, omitting the vig. title. N.Y., U.W. (307a) , a Christmas and New Year's present, 1844. Philadelphia, Carey & Hart, 1844, c. 1843. iv p., 1 1. 7-296 p., 8 pi., 8f x 5£. N.Y., L.C, B.A.. U.W (308) , a Christmas, New Year and birthday present, 1845. Philadelphia, Carey & Hart, 1845, c. 1844. iv p., 1 1., 7-300 p., 8 pi., 8f x 5£. N.Y., L.C, B.P., U.W. (309) This was_ reissued without date with engr. front, and engr t. different, and 5 Cheney pi. added. , for 1847. New York, Edward Kearny. 252 p., [4 pi.,] 5f x 3f. N.Y. (310) A reprint, with new t. and 2 articles omitted, and articles rearranged of "American juvenile keepsake," 1834, omitting list of pi. and several pi. See also "Youth's keepsake," N. Y., n. d., and "Gem," 1849. , 1851. viii, 13-304 p., 8 pi., 7J x 4J. "Crevice in the tower." C.U. (311) Note: This copy without title in C. U. has 1851 on cloth back, and in preface refers to "Gift for 1851." Gift book for young ladies, or familiar letters on their acquaintances, male and female, employments, friend- ships, etc., by Dr. Wm. A. Alcott. Auburn, [N. Y.,] Derby & Miller, 1853, c. 1852. xvi, 13-307 p., front., 7x4£. U.W. (312) Gift book of gems, The. A literary offering for all sea- sons, illustrated with fine mezzotint engravings, ed. by Emily Percival. Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1853, c. 1852. 288 p., 8 pi., 9i x 6J. B.A. (313) illustrated. Bangor, [Me.,] David Bugbee & Co., C 1856. xii, 312 p., [6 pi.,] 8i x 6. L.C, C.U. (314) Last p. misnumbered 324. Gift for all seasons, a juvenile annual. Philadelphia, Henry F. Anners, 1844. vi, 7-216 p., front., 6 x 3f . N.Y. (315) 31 Gift for all seasons, illustrated with steel engravings. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1853. 288 p., 9 pi., 6£x4£. H.U., N.Y. (316) Has title "The gift" on back. Gift for the holidays. Philadelphia, American Sunday- School Union. 9 pi * (317) Gift for you, A, of prose and poetic gems, by Eugene Sin- clair. Boston, G. W. Cottrell, 1857, c. 1855. x, 11- 312 p., 7£x4£. P.M. (318) Also reissued in 1858, with illuminated title, "Gem of prose and poetry," and colored front., back of cover reading, "Gift of prose and poetic gems," 6f x 4^-. F. (319) Reissued in 1859 with engr. front., 6f x 4^. B.P. (320) , as a remembrancer, a present for all sea- sons, by Gertrude Radcliffe Whedon. Albany, 1865. 4to. * (321) Gift from fairyland, A. New York, D. Appleton & Co. C. 1838. vi p., 1 1., 174 p., illus., ilium, t., 7| x 4£. F. (322) Gift leaves of American peotry, ed. by Rufus W. Gris- wold. New York, J. C. Riker, c. 1849. x p., 1 1., 13-288 p., 7 pi.. 8f x 5f . F. (323) Gift of affection. Title on'back of Affection's gift. New York, n. d. Gift of affection, The, a Christmas and New- Year's pres- ent. New York, Leavitt & Allen, 379 Broadway, n. d. [1856 or after]. 3 p. 1., 9-260 p., 6 pi., 7 x 4f. "The magnolia, 'not in the autumn.' " B.P. (324) This is "Magnolia," 1836, with pp. 261-300 omitted and different plates. See also "Coral" and "Friendship's token," n. d., "Morning glory," n. d., "Memory," c. 1854, "Snow flake," n. d., "Aloe," 1854. , a Christmas and New- Year's present. New York, Leavitt & Allen, 379 Broadway, n. d. [1856 or after], viii, 9-264 p., 6 pi., 7J x 4J. "The stu- dent's dream." B.P., C.U. (325) Also issued with street address of pub. omitted. N.Y. (325a) , a Christmas and New Year's present. New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. viii, 11-324 p., ||6 pi.,] 7Jx 5. "The gift. Friendship." P.M. (326). Also issued by Geo. A. Leavitt [5 pi.] B.A. (326a) This is "Amaranth," 1847, with change in first article, and different pi. See also "Ladies' [Lady's] gift," 1850, 1851, "Garland," 1848, "Keepsake of friendship," 1849. Gift of affection. New York, Leavitt & Allen, 47 Dey St., n. d. [1855 ?]. x, 11-260 p., 8 pi., 7J x 5. "Poetry of the affections." F. (327) , a souvenir for 1852. New York, Leavitt, & Co., 1852. x p., 1 1., 11-288 p., 7 pi. U.W. (328) 32 Gift of affection. A souvenir for 1853, ed. by Rufus W. Griswold. New York, Leavitt & Allen, 1853 * (329) . New York, 1869. * (330) Gift of flowers, or love's wreath. New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. [1853, 54 or 55]. 262 p., 8 pi. "Hymn to the flowers." U.W. (331) , or love's wreath for 1853, ed. by Rufus W. Griswold. New York, Leavitt & Allen, 1853. 287 p., [6 pi.,] 6f x 4f . N.Y., L.C. (332) Reissued for 1854. , love's wreath for 1854. Same as 1853 ex- cept color of the border design around each page. N.Y. (333) Gift of friendship, The, a token of remembrance for 1847. [v. 1. ] Philadelphia, Henry F. Anners, 252 p., [6 pi., ] 6 x 3f. B.A., U.W. (334) Gift of Friendship, The, a token of remembrance for 1848. [v. 2.] Philadelphia, Henry F. Anners, c. 1847. 252 p., 6 pi., 6£ x 4. (335) , or token of remembrance for 1848," Dew drops of the nineteenth century, ed. by Seba Smith. New York, John Levison, pref. d. 1845. viii, 9-216 p., [6 pi., ] 1\ x 4i. U.W. (336) This has no connection with the Phila. publication of same name. A reissue of "Dew-Drops of the nineteenth century," 1847-8, omitting the col. p!., and substituting 6 engr. , a token of remembrance for 1849. [v. 3.] Philadelphia, Henry F. Anners, c. 1848. 256 p., 6 pi., 6£x4. B.P., B.A. (337) . a token of remembrance for 1850. [v. 4. ] Philadelphia, Henry F. Anners, c. 1849. 252 p., 6 pi., 6£ x 4. L.C. (338) , a token of remembrance for 1851. [v. 5. ] Philadelphia, Henry F. Anners, c. 1850. viii, 244 p., 6 pi., 6| x 4. L.C, U.W. (339) , a token of remembrance for 1852. [v. 6. ] Philadelphia, Henry F. Anners, c. 1851. vi, 7-252 p., 6 pi., 6^ x 4. L.C. (340) , a token of remembrance for 1853. [v. 7. ] Philadelphia, Henry F. Anners, c. 1852. 252 p., 6 pi., 6£x4. L.C, B.P., C.U. (341) , a token of remembrance for 1854. [v. 8. ] Philadelphia, Henry F. Anners, c. 1853. 252 p., 6 pi., 6i x 4. L.C, C.U., U.W. (342) , a token of remembrance for 1855. [v. 9. ] [Pref. calls it 10th vol.] Philadelphia, Henry F. Anners, c. 1854. 252 p., 5 pi., 6£ x 4£. N.Y., L.C, B.A. (343) 33 Gift of love, A. Boston, G. W. Cottrell, n. d. 128 p. 9-128 p., col. t., 5i x 3f . N.Y. (344) Half-t. to second group of paging, "The memento." Gift of love, a token of friendship for 1853, ed. by Rufus W. Griswold. New York, Leavitt & Allen, 1853. xiv, 15-288 p. [6 pi.,] 6| x 4|. F. (344a) Illuminated t. p. reads "Gift of love, a souvenir for 1853." Also issued with date 1854. , a token of friendship for 1854, ed. by Rufus W. Griswold. New York, Leavitt & Allen, 1854. xiv, 15-288 p., [6 pi.,] B.A. (344b) Same as 1853. Gift of sentiment. Friendship's gift. New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. [1853, '54 or '55]. viii, 11-264 p., 8 pi., 7^ x 5. "Poetry of the sentiments." F. (345) Same as 1853 with p. 265-320 omitted, and floral border in various colors instead of all in green. . A souvenir for 1853, ed. by Rufus W. Griswold. Illustrated. New York, Leavitt & Allen, 1853. ix, 11-320 p., [6 pl.,]6f x4£. N.Y., B.P. (346) All pages have flora! border in green. Also issued without date, with p. 265-320 omitted and borders in different colors. See above. Also issued 1854, with p. 289-320 omitted. See below. , a souvenir for 1854, ed. by Rufus W. Griswold. Illustrated. New York, Leavitt & Allen, 1854. viii, 11-288 p., 6 pi. B.A. (346a) Same as No. 345 above with p. 289-320 omitted. Gifts of genius, a miscellany of prose and poetry by American authors. New York, C. A. Davenport, c. 1859. xii, 13-264 p., 7f x 5. F. (347) Girls' gem. Title on back of Holiday gem for girls. Girls' scrap book, 1839. [Philadelphia ] American Sun- day School Union, vii p., 1 p., 1 1., 11-238 p., [5 pi., ] 6| x 5i. N.Y. (348) Golden chalice, The, or mental draughts from many fountains. Boston, J. W. Hubbard, [date erased]. 7-392 p., [plates, ] 9 x 5f . C.U. (349) Probably "Ladies' companion" was issued as an annual under this name. Golden gift, The, a token for all seasons, ed. by J. M. Fletcher. Boston, J. Buffum, c. 1846. viii, 9-128 p., front., 4£ x 2|. N.Y. (350) Also issued with imprint of G. W Cottrell, Boston. F. (350a) Also at Nashua, N. H. J. Buffum, 1847. c. 1846. F (350b) Also at Nashua, N. H. J. Buffum, 1848, c 1846, and 1850, c 1846, front., presentation pi., F. (350c) Also Boston, J. Buffum, 1851. F. (350d) 34 Golden gift, 1849. Date on illuminated title of 1850. , a wreath of gems from the prose and poetical writers of England and America. Prepared espe- cially as a gift book for all seasons. By Emily Perci- val. Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1850, c. 1849. 2 p. 1., 7-252 p., ilium, t. (dated 1849), 7f x 5£. B.P., B.A., U.W. (351) Reissued in 1853 with additional pages. See below. , a token for all seasons, ed. by J. M. Fletcher. Boston, J. Buffum, 1851. viii, 9-128 p., 2 col. t., 4^ x 3f . F. (352) Same as c. 1846 copy. , a wreath of gems from the prose and poetical writers of England and America Prepared especially as a gift book for all seasons By Emily Percival Boston, Phillips Sampson & Co., c. 1853. 2 p 1, 7-288 p., [6 pi.,] 7f x 5f. N.Y., B.P U W (353) Same as 1850, with p. 253-288 added. Golden keepsake, The, or ladies' wreath. A gift for all seasons, ed. by Mrs. S. T. Martyn. New York, J. M. Fletcher & Co., n. d. vi p., 1 1.. 418 p , 1 1., 24 pi., 8£ x 5J. N.Y. (354) Golden leaflets, a selection of poetry designed as a pres- ent for all seasons, ed. by J. M. Fletcher Boston, J. Buffum, c. 1848. 128 p., 5J x 3£. U.W. (355) Also issued 1852, c. 1848. F. (355a) Golden present, The, a gift for all seasons, ed. by Mrs. J. Thayer. Boston, J. Buffum, C 1848. 128 p., 5£ x 3f B.P. (356) In 1849 this same book was issued with imprint Worcester, J. Buffum, 1849, ±% x 2%\ P.M. (356a) Also issued in Nashua, N. H., J. Buffum, 1849, 4*£ x 2%. N.Y. (356b) In 1850 this same book was issued with imprint, Nashua, J. Buffum, 4% x 2%, but without the ilium, t. F. (356c) Also in 1850 at Worcester, S. A. Howland. F. (356d) In 1851 it was issued at Worcester, S. A. Howland. U.W. (356e) Golden vase, The, a gift for the young, by Hannah F. Gould. Boston, 1843 (?) * (356f) ■ , a gift for the young, by Hannah F. Gould. 2d ed. Boston, Benjamin B. Mussey, 1844, c. 1842. viii, 9-224 p., [4 pi.,]' 6f x 4|. F. (356g) Same as 1843. Golden wreath, The, a Christmas and New Year's pres- ent, elegantly illustrated. New York, D. Appleton & Co., n. d. [185-?]. 288 p., 10 pl.,9£ x 6£. B.P. (357) Good girls' annual, a Christmas and New Year's gift by- Frances Broderip. N. Y., Leavitt & Allen Bros., n. a. [circa 1857]. 2p.l., 11-292 p., [2 pi., ] 6f x 4£. "Wee Maggie." N.Y. (358) Harbinger, The, a May-gift. Boston, Carter, Hendee & Co., 1833. vi p , 1 1., 96 p., 8£ x 4£. F. (359) Hare-bell, The, a token of friendship, ed. by Rev. C. W. Everest. New York, J. Winchester. 1844, c. 1843. viii, 9-192 p., front., 4f x 2f. p. (360) . a token of friendship, ed. by Rev. C. W. Everest. Hartford, 2d ed., Henry S. Parsons, 1844, c. 1843. viii, 9-192 p., front., 4f x 2f . N.Y. (361) The 10th ed. was dated 1849. p. (361a) Same except front, is different. . a token of friendship, ed. by C. W. Everest Hartford, W. Jas. Hamersley, 1852, c. 1843 viii, 9-128 p., 4f x 2f. p. (362 ) Same as 1844 with 15 articles omitted, 1 transferred tront. omitted, and whole re-paged. Hawthorn, The, a Christmas and New Year's present, 1845. New York, J. C. Riker, 1845. ivp., 2 1., 9-208 p., 6* x 4J. L.C., B.P., C.U., U.W. (363) Holiday gem for girls, The, embellished with fine en- gravings. Philadelphia, American Sunday School Union, c. 1843. 3 p. 1., 9-184 p., [4 pi., ] 5£ x 3f . F. (364) Holiday gift, Philadelphia, 1849. 10 pi., 12mo. * (365) , 1851, 9 pi. * ( 366) Home annual, The, a token for 1854, ed. by J. T. Headley. New York, Leavitt & Allen. 304 p., 16 pi., 10£ x 7|.' F. (367) a token for 1855, ed. by J. T. Headley. New York, Leavitt & Allen, 1855. v, 5-304 p., 16 pi [and ilium, t., ] 9i x 6i. b.P. (368) Home recreation, a collection of tales of peril and adven- ture, voyages and travels. A new gift book for young readers, by Grandfather Merryman. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1850, c. 1849. 5-238 p 1 1 [10pl..]6ix4i. p. K ( 369 j Honeysuckle, The, for 1848. New York, Nans & Corn- ish 1848 viii, 9-304 p., [6 pi. and ilium, t. List of pi is that of Token, ' 1840, but none of them are pres- V 1 * 4 *- LC -. U -W. (370) This is "Token and Atlantic souvenir," 1840, with differ- ent pi. and ilium, t. ■ L C See also "Atlantic souvenir," n. d., "Token' of friend- ship n. d., Friendship's gift," n. d., "Moss rose," Housekeepers' annual and lady's register, 1844. Boston Redding & Co., c. 1843. 11-96 p., col. front., 7 x 4£ B.P. (371) Not a true gift book. Also issued for 1845, T.H.Carter & Co. B.P. (37l a ) 36 Humming bird, The, a Christmas, and New- Year's gift, ed. by Ida Maitland. New York, Leavitt & Allen, 379 Broadway, n. d. [1856 or after ]. 5-254 p., 6 pi., 6| x 4J. "Children at play." B.A., P.M. (372) Also issued by Leavitt & Allen, no street, n. d., and 2 pi. changed. L.C. (372a) Issued later, 1869, Geo. A. Leavitt, list of pi. omitted, and pi. changed. F. (372b) Also issued Geo. A. Leavitt, n. d., and no street. F. (372c) Hyacinth, The. New York, J. C. Riker, 1831. 240 p., engr. front., engr. t., 16mo. * (373) Hyacinth, The, or affection's gift, a Christmas, New- Year's and birth-day present for 1845. [v. 1.] Phila- delphia, Henry F. Anners, c. 1844. vi, 7-216 p., [ 4 pi.,] 6 x 3f. N.Y., L.C. (374) This was issued later with a leaf design printed over the "for 1845" on' title. Otherwise the same. F. (374a) , or affection's gift, a Christmas, New- Year's and birth-day present for 1846. [v. 2.] Philadelphia, Henry F. Anners, c. 1845. 216 p., [6 pi.,] 6 x 3|. L.C, U.W. (375) , or affection's gift, a Christmas, New- Year's and birth-day present for 1847. [v. 3.] Phila- delphia, Henry F. Anners, c, 1846 216 p., [5 pi.,] 6 x 3f. N.Y., C.U. (376) , or affection's gift, a Christmas, New- Year's and birth-day present for 1848. [v. 4.] Philadelphia, Henry F. Anners, c. 1847. 216 p., [5 pi.,] 6 x 3|. N.Y., L.C, U.W. (377) , or affection's gift, a Christmas, New- Year and birth-day present, [v. 5.] Philadelphia, Henry F Anners, 1849, c. 1848. 220 p., 5 pi., 6 x 3f . N.Y., C.U., B.P. (378) , or affection's gift. A Christmas, New Year and birth-day present for 1850. [v. 6.] Philadel- phia, Henry F. Anners, 1850, c. 1849. 216 p., 5 pi., 6 x 3f. N.Y., L.C. (379) , or affection's gift, a Christmas, New Year and birth-day present for 1851. [v. 7.] Philadelphia, Henry F. Anners. 216 p., 5 pi., 6 x 3|. B.P., L.C (380) , or affection's gift, a Christmas, New Year and birth-day present for 1852. [v. 8.] Philadelphia Henry F. Anners. 216 p., 5 pi., 6x4. N.Y., L.C. (381) , or affection's gift, a Christmas, New Year and birth-day present for 1853. [v. 9.] Philadelphia, Henry F. Anners, c. 1852. 216 p., 5 pi., 6x4. N.Y., L.C, U.W. (382) , or affection's gift, a Christmas, New- Year and birth-day present for 1854. [v. 10.] Philadelphia, Henry F. Anners, c.1853. 216 p., 5 pi., 6 x 3f. L.C, B.P., C.U. (383) 37 Hyacinth, The, or affection's gift, a Christmas, New Year and birth-day present for 1855. [v. 11.] Philadelphia, Henry F. Anners, c.1854. 216 p., 5 pi., 6 x 3£. F. (384) Illustrated ladies' keepsake, ed. by A. Abbott. New York, John S. Taylor, 1852. vi, 384p., 13 pi., 9£ x 6£. * (385) Illustrated souvenir. A gift book for the holidays for 1852, ed. by the author of the "Glory and downfall of Edom." Boston, Stone & Pratt, c. 1852. 3 p. 1., 1-190, 1-190 p., 42 pi., 8f x 5i. B.P. (386) Infant's annual, The. New York, C. Wells, 1839. 1-28, 1-29 p., illus., 4£ x 3|. C.U., U.W. (387) Iris, The, or annual visitor for 1844, ed. by Daniel Mal- lory. New York, Robert P. Bixby & Co. x, 11-220 p., [6 pi.,] 5J x 3f. N.Y., L.C. (388) Iris, The, an illuminated souvenir for 1851, ed. by John S. Hart. [v. 1.] Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1851, c. 1850. xii p., 1 1., 19-312 p., 12 pi., 9 x 6£. N.Y., L.C, C.U., U.W. (389) , an illuminated souvenir for 1852, ed. by John S. Hart. [v. 2.] Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1852, c. 1851. xvi, 19-298 p., 12 pi., 9 x 6&. L.C. (390) , an illuminated souvenir for 1853, ed. by John S. Hart. [v. 3.] Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1853, c. 1852. xiv p., 1 l„ 17-314 p., 12 pi., 9£ x 6£. N.Y., B.A., P.M. (391) Irving offering, The, a token of affection for 1851. New York, Leavitt & Co., 1851, c. 1850. viii p., 2 1., 13-276 p., 6 pi., 71 x 4f. N.Y., P.M. (392) , a token of affection for 1852. New York. Leavitt & Co., 1852. 4 p.L, 13-312 p., 7 pi.. 7J x 4f. U.W. (393) Jackson wreath, The, or national souvenir, by Robert Walsh, with continuation by James McHenry. Phila- delphia, Jacob Maas, 1829. viii, 9-88 p., 3 1., 8 pi., 8i x 5. F. (394) Jewel, The, a token of friendship for 1839. New York. pi., 16mo. * (395) , or token of friendship, an annual for 1843. New York, R. P. Bixby, 1843. 248 p., 5 pi., 6 x 3f. N.Y. (396) Reissued in 1844. Also issued as "Juvenile forget-me-not," N. Y., n. d., with pi. different. , or token of friendship, an annual for 1844. New York, R. P. Bixby & Co., 1844. viii, 9-248 p., 5 pi., 6 x 3f. C U., U.W. (397) Same as 1843. 38 Jewel, The, a holiday gift for boys and girls, ed. by Emma F. Allston. New York, J. Winchester, 1844. vi, 7-160 p., 10 pi., 5J x 4£. * F. (398) , or token of friendship. New York, Ansel Edwards, 1846. 248 p., [6 pi., 5 pi. on list,] 5f x 3f F. (399) Same as 1843, with 1 pi. added , or token of friendship, a Christmas or New- Year's present. Hartford, S. Andrus & Son 1847 c 1846. 248 p., 5 pi., 5f x 3f . U.W. (400) Same as 1843. Josephine gallery, The, ed. by Alice and Phoebe Cary. New York, Derby & Jackson, 1859, c. 1858. viii, 9-287 p., [8 pi.,] 9i x 6£. U.M. (401) Juvenile annual, The, or holiday melodies, by Mrs. M. H. Maxwell. Boston, Stone & Pratt, 1852, c. 1852. iv p., 1 1., 7-101 p., front., 4£ x 2f. N.Y. (402) Juvenile forget-me-not, The, a Christmas and New Year's present. New York.Leavitt & Allen, n. d. [1856 or after]. 248 p., [6 pi.,] 6^x4^. P.M. (403) This is "Jewel," 1843, with different pi. Also issued N. Y., Geo. A. Leavitt, n. d., with different pi. except front. U. W. (403a) Also N. Y., 1869, with all pi. different except front. U.W. Juvenile forget me not. A Christmas, New Year's and Birth Day present for 1839. [v. 1.] Philadelphia, Thomas T. Ash & Henry F. Anners, c. 1838. 180 p., 6 pi., 6£ x 4. N.Y., B.P. (404) , a Christmas, New Year's and Birth Day pres- ent for 1841. Philadelphia, Henry F. Anners, c. 1840. 180 p., [4 pi.,] 6 x 3f. L.C. (405) , a Christmas and New Year's present. New York, George A. Leavitt, 1869. 248 p., [6 pi.,] 6i x 4£. C.U. (406) Same as N. Y., n. d. issue. Really "Jewel," 1843. Pi. vary. Juvenile gem, The, for 1846, ed. by Father Frank. New York, E. Kearny, c. 1845. iv p., 1 1., 7-284 p., [4 pi. and ilium, t., illus.,] 5f x 3f. B.P., C.U., U.W. (407) Also issued without date, c.1845. F. (407a) The same was issued as "Gem," 1848. See also "Gem," 1852. 1855. Juvenile keepsake, The, a gift book for young people, ed. by Clara Arnold. Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., c. 1851. xii, 13-148 p., 8 pi., 7 x 5J. N.Y., H.U. (408) Juvenile scrap-book and youth's annual. Providence, S. R. Weeden, n. d. 180 p., 8 woodcuts, 5^ x 3f . B.P. (409) Title "Youth's Annual," on back of cover. and youth's annual. Providence, 1845. * (410) 39 Juvenile scrap book for 1849, a Christmas and New- Year's present for young people. New York, viii, 9-144 p., 28 pi., 51 x 3f. F. (411) Juvenile sketch-book, a token for New Year. Boston N. S. Simpkins & Co., 1828. 3 p. 1., 9-211 p., front., of x 3f. H.U. (412) Juvenile souvenir, The, by the ed. of the "Juvenile mis- cellany," 1828. Boston, Marsh & Capen and John Putnam, c. 1827. 184 p., [3 pi.,] 5% x 3£. B.P., B.A. (413) Keepsake, The, ed. by J. T. Headley. New York, Leavitt & Allen, 379 Broadway, n. d. [1856 or after], v, 5-304 p., 9| x 7^. "John Morley." U.W. (414) Also issued without street and number on imprint. F. (414a) , a Christmas, New Year's and birthday present for 1845, New York, D. Appieton & Co., 1845, c. 1844. 288 p., 10 pi., 6£ x 4£. N.Y., U.W. (415) , or token of remembrance for 1848. Dew drops of the nineteenth century, ed. by Seba Smith. New York, John Levison. viii, 9-216 p., [5 (?) engr. pi., and 5 (?) flower pi.,] 1\ x 4£. F. (416) This is the same as "Dewdrops of the nineteenth cen- tury," 1846-7, except pi. See also "Gift of friendship," 1848. , a gift for the holidays, with illustrations by artists of eminence, [v. 7.] New York, J. C. Riker, 1851. 288 p., 9 pi., 9^ x 7. B.A. (417) The successor of "Opal," v. 1-6. , a gift for the holidays, with illustrations by artists of eminence, [v. 8.] New York, John C. Riker, 1852. 304 p., 10 pi., 9£ x 6|. F. (418) , a gift for the holidays, with illustrations. [v. 9.] New York, 1853. B.M. (419) Compiled from the English "Keepsake" and other sources, by W. T. Keepsake Americaine, New York, [in French and printed in Paris,] 1831. * (420) Has pi. of "Atlantic souvenir," 1830. . N. Y. [et Philadelphia 1832, all > French ]. xii, 362 p., [12 pi.,] 6£ x 4. F. (421) Keepsake of friendship, a Christmas and New Year's annual for 1849, ed. by G. S. Monroe, [v. 1.] Worces- ter, Tucker & Ruggles, 1849. viii p., 1 1., 11-324 p., 6 pi., 1\ x 4f. "Friendship." C.U. (422) Really "Amaranth," 1847, with first article changed. See also "Garland," 1848, which is same except first article. 40 Keepsake of friendship, a Christmas and New Year's annual for 1850, ed. by G. S. Monroe, [v. 2.] Worcester, E. N. Tucker, 1850. vi p., 1 1., 9-288p., 6 pi., 1\ x 4f "Friendship." B.P., B.A., U.W. (423) Really "Amaranth," 1848, with first article changed. See also "Garland," 1849, which is the same except first article. , a Christmas and New Year's annual for 1851, ed. by G. S. Monroe, [v. 3.] Worcester, E. N. Tucker, 1851. 322 p., 6 pi., 7\ x 4f . "Friend- ship." B.A. (424) Really "Amaranth," 1849, with p. 9-11 replaced by two poems, and front, and engr. t. replaced by col. presentation pi., and col. t. See also "Garland," 1850, Casket," 1853, "Memory's gift," n. d., and 1869, "Token of friendship" [1852], "Magnolia," 1852. , 1852. ? * (425) "Amaranth," 1850, was probably reissued as "Keepsake of friendship," 1852. , a Christmas and New Year's annual for 1853, ed. by G S. Monroe, [v. 5.] Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1853. 5 p. 1., 276 p., 6 pi., 1\ x 4|. "Humility." N.Y., B.P., U.W. (426) This is "Wreath of wild flowers," 1846, with unpaged p. 1. added, and plates added. It was first reissued as "Amaranth," 1851, in the same fashion with different articleon the unpagedleaf, then as "Garland," 1852, with still another change in unpaged p. 1. See also "Mag- nolia" [pref. d. 1853], "Token of friendship," N. Y., n. d., which are same except unpaged 1. and pi. , a Christmas and New Year's annual for 1854, ed. by G. S. Monroe, [v. 6. ] Boston, Phillips, Samp- son & Co., 1854, c. 1853. 3 p.l., 5-288 p., 7 pi., 1\ x 4f , "Friendship." B.P. (427) This is really "Amaranth," 1852, with first article changed. See also "Garland," 1853, "Magnolia," 1855. , a Christmas and New Year's annual for 1855, ed. by G. S. Monroe, [v. 7. ] Boston, Phillips, Samp- son & Co., 1855, c. 1854. 1 p.l., 3-288 p., 7 pi., 1\ x 4f , "Use of flowers." N.Y., C.U., B.P. (428) Also issued omitting all dates on title, c. 1854. U.W. (428a) Also issued with imprint, New York, Leavitt & Allen, c. 1854. This is identical except different pi. and iist of pi. omitted [p. 3-4]. N.Y., U.W. (428b) Later reissued by Leavitt & Allen, with only 1 pi., similar to those in former issue by same firm. N.Y. (428c) Reissued by George A Leavitt, 1869 [5 pi.] F. (428d) Really "Amaranth," 1853, with first article changed. See "Garland," 1854, same except first article. Lady's album, The. New York, Nans and Cornish, n. d. [circa 1845]. xii, 348 p., 21 pi., 7| x 4J. "The kelp gatherer." B.P. (429) Title on engr. t. p., "Album." Also issued with 13 pi. F. (429a) Also issued Nafis and Cornish, n. d., but with 1848 on back of book. (4296) Also issued as "Moss rose," n. d. [c. 1845] and 1854. Really "Lady's cabinet album," 1832, et seq. 41 Ladies' and gentlemen's pocket annual for 1834, an illuminated pocket-book. * (430) Lady's annual, The, a Christmas and New Year gift . New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. [1856 or after ]. 1 p. 1., 7-264 p., 6 pi., 7f x 5f. H.U., U.W. (431) Also copies with "Ladies' annual" on cover. Really "Friendship's offering," c. 1855, with different pi. Issued as "Friendship's gift," n. d. Issued as "Gem annual," n. d., but with different pi. and a list of pi. : — , a souvenir of friendship for 1849, ed. by- Emily Percival. N. Y., D. Appleton & Co., 1849. 216 p., 26 pi., 6f x A\. N.Y., B.P., C.U. (432) Lady's annual register and housewife's memorandum book for 1838-1843. Boston. 7f x 4f. B.P. These are not true gift books. Lady's book, The, of flowers and poetry, to which are added a botanical introduction and a complete floral dictionary, and a chapter on plants in rooms, ed. by Lucy Hooper. New York, J. C. Riker, 1842, c. 1841. 11-263 p., [col. pi. of flowers,] 7J x U. C.U. (433) This is also issued, 1843, c. 1841, p. [3] -275. F. (434) Lady's cabinet. Title on back of "Young lady's cabinet of gems." Lady's cabinet album, The. New York, pub. for the booksellers, n. d. xii, 348 p., 21 pi., 6f x 4J. "Kelp- gatherer." B.P., U.W. (435) Engr. t., "Album." This is same as 1832, except has col. presentation pi. and different front., and vig. t., which do not agree with list of pi. . New York, Peabody & Co., 1832. xii, 348 p., 21 pi., 6§- x 4£. B.P. (436) Reissued exactly identical, Peabody & Co., 1834. (436a) B.P. Reissued exactly identical, E. Sands, 1835. N. Y. (436Z>) An edition by E. Sands, 1837. B.A. (436c) See "Lady's album," n. d., "Moss rose," n. d. Ladies' casket, The, and friendship's offering. New York, Burdick, Reed and Roberts, n. d. [circa 1850]. 8£ x 5J. N.Y. (437) Really vol. 9 of a magazine. — - . Lowell. 32mo. * (438) Ladies' choice. See "Young ladies' choice." Ladies' companion, or sketches of life, manners and morals at the present day, ed. by a lady. Philadel- phia, H. C. Peck & Theo. Bliss, 1851, c. 1851. 288 p., ilium, t., 7i x 4f . N.Y.S. (439) Ilium, t. reads, "Young lady's companion." Ladies' diadem, The, a token of friendship for 1848, 1853 ed. by Edward A. Rice. New York. 8£ x 5J. B.P., U.W. These are really magazines. 42 Ladies' gems, 1849. * (440) Ladies' gift, The, a souvenir of friendship. Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., n. d. viii, 11-324 p., [2 pi. and ilium, t., ] 7^ x 4|. "Friendship." L.C., B.A., U.W. (441) Also issued as "Lady's gift. U. W. (442) Same as 1850, which see for note. , a souvenir for all seasons, ed. by Walter Perci- val. Nashua [N. H.] , Charles T. Gill, 1849. vi p., 1 1., 13-312 p., 10 pi., 7i x 4f. C.U. (443) This is "Friendship's gift," 1848. , or souvenir of friendship, illustrated. Boston, David P. King, 1850. viii, 11-324 p., [2 pi. and col. front.,] 7i x 4f. U.W. (444) This is "Amaranth," 1847, with first article changed, all but 2 pi. omitted. See also 'Gift of affection," n. d., "Garland " 1849, "Keepsake of friendship," 1849. Ladies' gift, The, or souvenir of friendship, illustrated. Boston. David P. King, 1851. N.Y., B.P. (445) Same as 1850, which see for note. Ladies' illustrated keepsake, The, ed. by Asahel Abbott, [v. 1. ] New York, John S. Taylor, 1852, c. 1851. vi p., 1 1., 9-384 p., 12 pi. [really 13 pi.] , 8f x 5|. N.Y. (446) . 1853. * (447) Ladies' keepsake, a gift for all seasons. Highly embel- lished. New York, John F. Scovill, n. d. [circa 1862 ]. 208 p., [6 pi.,] 8i x 5£. N.Y.S. (448) Ladies' keepsake and home library. New York. 9£ x 6J This is a magazine. Lady's manual, The, of moral and intellectual culture by Rev. Hubbard Winslow and Mrs. John Sanford. New York, Leavitt & Allen, 1854, c. 1853. viii p., 1 1., 9-81, 5-175 p., 8 pi., 6% x 4J. "The appropriate sphere of woman." B.P. (449) Called "Benison" on back of cover. Also issued as "Affection's gift," n. d., "Token and Atlantic souvenir," n. d., and "Memory's gift," n. d. Ladies' parlor companion, The. New York, 1852. [v. 8]. 8| x 5£. Really a magazine, "Baptist memorial." Ladies' scrap-book, The, a New Year and Christmas gift. New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. [1856 or after], iv, 7-268 p., [6 pi.,] 1\ x 4f. C.U. (450) Same as 1845, except pi. vary and last p. are omitted. . Hartford, S. Andrus & Son, 1845, c. 65th year of U. S. independence, iv p., 1 1., 7-336 p., 10 pi., 6| x 4i. P.M. (451) This is also issued, Hartford, S. Andrus & Son, n. d., c. 65th year of U. S. independence, and with col. flower pi. in place of front, called for. B.P. (452) Also issued 1850. F. (452a) Also issued, Hartford, S. Andrus & Son, 1854, omitting last two pi. F. (4526) 43 Ladies' souvenir, The, ed. by N. Parker Willis. New York, Leavitt & Allen, c. 1853. 5-224 p., 12 pi., 9i x 6f . U.W. (453) Lady's token, The, a gift of friendship, ed. by Coates- worth Pinckney. Nashua, N. H., J. Buff urn, 1848, c. 184S. 128 p., col. t., 4J x 2|. C.U. (454) Same, Boston, G. W. Cottrell, c. 1848, col. t. F. (454a) Ladies' vase, The, or polite manual for young ladies. Original and selected. By an American lady. 3d ed. Hartford, Henry S. Parson, 1847, c. 1847. vi, 7-139 p , front., 4| x 2f . F. (454b) Ladies' vase of wild flowers, The, a collection of gems from the best authors, by Miss Colman. Auburn, Alden Beardsley & Co., 1852, c. 1846. viii, 9-126 p , col. front.. 4£x2f. F. (454c) Ladies' wreath, The, a selection from the female poetic writers of England and America, a gift book for all seasons, by Mrs. Hale. Boston, Marsh, Capen & Lyon, 1837, c. 1836. 408 p., [engr. front., and vig. t.,]7ix4j. N.Y., B.P. (455) , 2d edition, improved and enlarged. 1839. 436 p. B.P. (456) Ladies' wreath, an illustrated annual. New York, 1847. v. 1,+ 8J x 5£. This is a magazine. Ladies' wreath, The, a souvenir for all seasons, illus- trated. Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1855. 288 p., 6 pi., 1\ x 4f. F. (457) Also issued without date. B.P. (457a) Laurel, The, a gift for all seasons, being a collection of poems by American authors. Boston, Edward R. Broaders, 1836, c 1835. 252 p., 6 x 3*. F. (458) Same as the following. , a gift for all seasons, being a collection of poems by American authors. Baltimore, Bayly & Burns, 1837, c. n. d. 252 p., 5f x 3f. F. (459) Laurel leaves, original poems, stories and essays by Longfellow, Whittier, Holmes, Bryant, Lowell. Bos- ton, Wm. F. Gill & Co., 1876, c. 1875. xvi p., 2 1., 21-446 p., 8§ x 6f . B.A. (460) , a chaplet woven by the friends of the late Mrs. Osgood, ed. by Mary E. Hewitt. New York, Lamport, Blakeman & Law, 1854. 8-347 p., front., col. t., 9 x 5f. F. (461) This was first published as "The Memorial," 1851. Laurel wreath, The, a Christmas, and New Year's gift ed. by Rev. S. D. Burchard. New York, Leavitt & Allen, 379 Broadway, n. d. [1856 or after], viii, 9-263 p., 6 pi., 1\ x 4f . "Annuals." N.Y., B.P. (462) This is the 1846 issue with p. 264-364 omitted, and sonnet p. 70 replaced by "Sea gull"; plates are differ- ent. 44 Laurel Wreath, The, ed. by Rev. S. D. Burchard. Hartford, S. Andrus & Son, c. 1845. 2 p. 1., vii-viii, 9-364 p., 7 pi. [and col. front.], 7f x 4£. "Annuals." H.U., B.A. (463) Same as 1846, except that "Sonnet" p. 70 and "Sea gull" p. 364 are transposed, 3 pi. omitted, list of pi. revised to agree, preface omitted, and col. front added. B.A. Another issue of this, with 10 pi. [and col. front.]. F. (464) ■ , ed. by Rev. S. D. Burchard. Hartford, S. Andrus & Son, 1846, c. 1845. viii, 9-364 p., 10 pi., 6f x 41. "Annuals." N.Y., B.P., B.A. (465) Also issued for 1847, with no date on title page, c 1845) and 1847 on back of book. U.W. (465a) Also issued without date, c. 1845. [See 7 pi. edition above, and also the N. Y. n. d. issue with p. 9-263 and different pi.] . Leaflets of memory, compiled by the ed. of the "Oriental Annual." New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. [1856 or after], xii p., 2 1., 17-224 p., 12 col. pi., 9J x 6f. "Wild flowers." N.Y. (466) ■ , an annual for 1845, ed. by Reynell Coates. [v. 1.] Philadelphia, Butler & Williams, c. 1844 xp, 11., 13-328 p., 12pl., 9£x6£. N.Y..B.A. (467) , an annual for 1846, ed. by Reynell Coates. [v. 2.] Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co., 1846, c. 1845. viii, 15-306 p., 12 pi., 9| x 6J. N.Y., L.C., B.P. (468) ■ , an illuminated annual for 1847, ed. by Rey- nell Coates. [v. 3.] Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co., 1847, c. 1846. viii, 15-306 p., 12 pi., 9£ x 6J. L.C., B.P. (469) , an illuminated annual for 1848, ed. by Rey- nell Coates. [v. 4.] Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co., 1848, c. 1847. viii, 17-312 p., 12 pi., 9£ x 6£. NY., L.C., C.U. (470) , an illuminated annual for 1849. [v. 5.] Phila- delphia, E. H. Butler & Co., 1849, c. 1848. xvi. 17- 312 p., 12 pi., 9|-x 6£. L.C., C.U. (471) , an illuminated annual for 1850, ed. by Rey- nell Coates. [v. 6.] Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co., 1850, c. 1849. xvi, 17-312 p., 12 pi., 9x6. N.Y., L.C., P.M. (472) , an illuminated annual for 1851, ed. by Rey- nell Coates. [v. 7.] Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co., 1851, c. 1850. xvi, 17-312 p., 12 pi., 9£ x 6$. L.C., H.U. (473) , an illuminated annual for 1852, ed. by Rey- nell Coates. [v. 8.] Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co., 1852, c. 1851. xvi, 17-312 p., 12 pi., 9| x 6|. L.C., B.P. (474) 45 Leaflets of memory, an illuminated annual for 1854. [v. 9.] Philadelphia,!!. H. Butler & Co., 1854, c. 1853. xvi, 17-314 p., 11 pi., 9£ x 6£. L.C., P.M. (475) , an illuminated annual for 1855. [v. 10.] Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co., 1855, c. 1854. xvi, 17-314 p., 11 pi., 9x6. L.C., P.M. (476) , an illuminated annual New York, Leavitt & Allen, c. 1855 [1856 on cover]. 4 p. 1., 17-308 p., 10 pi., 9 x 6£. C.U., B.P. (477) , with ten beautiful illustrations. New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d., c. 1856. 4 p. 1., 17-264 p., 9£ x 6f. N.Y., C.U. (478) Legendary, The, consisting of original pieces principally illustrative of American history, scenery and manners, ed. by N. P. Willis. Boston, S. G. Goodrich, 1828, c. 1828. v. 1-2 together: v. 1, vi. p., 1 1., 1-286 p. ; v. 2, viii, 1-278 p., 7} x 4f. F. (479) Probably originally issued in 2 vols, separately. Liberty bell, The, by friends of freedom, 1839. [v. 1.] Boston, American anti-slavery society, 1839, c. 1839. viii, 104 p., engr. front., 6f x 4. N.Y., L.C. (480) Also with imprint Boston for the Mass. anti-slavery fair. N.Y., U.W. (480a) , by friends of freedom, 1841. [v. 2.] Boston, Mass. anti-slavery fair, 1841. 3 p. 1., 144 p., 6£ x 4$. F. (481) -, by friends of freedom, 1842. [v. 3.] Boston, Mass. anti-slavery fair, 1842. vi, 204 p., engr. front., 6i x 4. N.Y., L.C. (482) , by friends of freedom, 1843. [v. 4.] Boston Mass. anti-slavery fair, 1843. viii, 208 p., front., 7\ x 4£. L.C, U.W. (483) , by friends of freedom 1844. [v. 5.] Boston, Mass. anti-slavery fair, 1844. vi-viii, 232 p., front., 7\ x 4£. L.C. (484) , by friends of freedom, 1845. [v. 6.] Boston, Mass. anti-slavery fair, 1845. vi p., 1 1., 356 p., front., 7\ x 4Jr. N.Y., L.C. (485) , by friends of freedom, 1846. [v. 7.] Boston, Mass. anti-slavery fair, 1846. vi p., 1 1., 268 p., front., 7\ x 4f. N.Y., L.C. (486) A few issued on large paper, 8J£ x 4^. , by friends of freedom, 1847. [v. 8.] Boston, National anti-slavery bazaar, 1847. viii, 304 p., engr. t., 7\ x 4£. N.Y. (487) Also on large paper, & z /i x 5. , by friends of freedom 1848. [v 9.] Boston, National anti-slavery bazaar, 1848. viii, 292 p.. engr. t., 7\ x 4f. N.Y., L.C. (488) Also in large paper, 8J^ x 5. 46 Liberty bell, The, by friends of freedom, 1849. [v. 10.] Boston, National anti-slavery bazaar, 1849. viii, 292 p., front, and engr. t., 7 x 4J. N.Y., L.C. (489) , by friends of freedom, 1851. [v. 11.] Boston, National anti-slavery bazaar, 1851. viii, 304 p., engr. t., 7£ x 4£. N.Y. (490) , by friends of freedom, 1852. [v. 12.] Boston, National anti-slavery bazaar, 1852 viii, 304 p., engr. t., 1\ x 4J. N.Y., L.C. (491) , by friends of freedom, 1853. [v 13.] Boston, Mass. anti-slavery fair, 1853. viii, 208 p., engr. t., 7ix5|. N.Y. , L.C. (492) , by friends of freedom, 1856. [v. 14.] Boston, Mass. anti-slavery bazaar, 1856. viii, 200 p., engr. t., 1\ x 4J. N.Y., L.C. (493) , by friends of freedom, 1858. [v. 15.] Boston National anti-slavery bazaar, 1858. viii, 328 p., 7i x 4f. (494) , by William R. Wallace. N. Y. 1862. This is not an annual. Lilies and violets, or thoughts in prose and verse on the graces of maidenhood, by Rosalie Bell. New York, 1855. * (495) Lily, The, a holiday present with steel embellishments. New York, E. Sands, c. 1830. vi, 7-232 p., [10 pi.] 5fx3f. "Young Tyrolese." B.P., U.W. (496) Also issued for 1839 [date on back only]. Also issued as "Forget me not," n. d., Nafis & Cornish, without presentation pi., plates vary. , a colored annual for 1831. New York, R. Schoyer, 1831, c. 1830. vi, 7-232 p., [7 pi. colored by hand,] 5f x 3£. N.Y. (497) Same as 1830. , a colored annual for 1832. New York, Charles Wells, c. 1830. vi, 7-232 p., 10 pi., 6| x 4. N.Y. (498) Same as 1830. PI. same, but on yellow paper and uncolored; has wider margins. , a colored annual for 1834. New York, Charles Wells, c. 1830. vi, 7-232 p., [10 pi.,] 61 x 4. N.Y., L.C. (499) Same as 1830. , a colored annual for 1835. New York, E. Sands, 1835, c. 1830. vi, 7-232 p., [7 pi.,] 61x4. N.Y., L.C. (500) Same as 1830, except pi. vary and are in black, on yellow paper. , a holiday present with steel embellishment. New York, E. Sands, [1839 on back of cover,], c. 1830. vi, 7-232 p., [10 pi.,] 5f x 3f. F. (500a) Same as 1830. 47 Lily of the valley, The, a gift for all seasons, with illus- trations. Boston, James M. Usher, n. d. 4 p. 1., 13- 236 p., 6 pi., 7*x4f. F. (501) for 1851, ed. by Mrs. M. A. Livermore. [v. 1.] Boston, James M. Usher, c. 1850. 320 p., 7 pi., 6f x 4*. L.C., B.P., U.W. (502) Also issued as "Friendship's gift," n. d. and 1852. "Mignonette," 1856, is same up to p. 258 except poem, "The lost jewel," p. 31-4, is substituted for "The angel guest." for 1852, ed. by Mrs. M. A. Livermore. [v. 2.] Boston. James M. Usher, c. 1851. viii, 11-307 p., 6 pi., 6fx4*. B.P., B.A. (503) Also issued as "Mayflower," Lowell, 1853. ■ for 1853, ed. by Elizabeth Doten. [v. 3.] Boston, James M. Usher, 1853, c. 1852. vi p., 1 1., 11-306 p., 6 pi., 6| x 4*. L.C., B.P. (504) Issued as "Mayflower," 1854. for 1854, ed. by Elizabeth Doten. [v. 4.] Boston, James M. Usher, 1854, c. 1853. vi p., 1 1., 11-314 p., 7 pi., 7x4*. B.P., H.U. (505) Issued as "Mayflower," 1855. for 1855, ed. by Elizabeth Doten. [v. 5.] Bos- ton, James M. Usher, 1855, c. 1854, viii p., 1 1 , 11- 303 p., 7 pi., 61 x 4f. N Y., B.P., L.C., U.W. (506) Probably reissued as "Mayflower," 1856. for 1856, with illustrations, [v. 6.] Boston, James M. Usher, 1856, c. 1855. iv p., 1 1., 13-256 p., 6 pi., 7 x 4f. N.Y., C.U., U.W. (507) Issued as "Mayflower," 1857. for 1857, with illustrations, [v. 7.] Boston, James M. Usher, 1857, c. 1856. iv p., 1 1., 13-356 p 6 pi., 7x4f. N.Y., L.C., B.P. (508) for 1858, with illustrations, [v. 8.] Boston, James M. Usher, 1858, c. 1857. 4 p. 1., 13-243 p , 6 pi., 7 x 4f . N.Y., U.W. (509) Also issued as "Mayflower," Lynn, n. d. for 1859, with illustrations, [v. 9.] Boston, James M. Usher, 1859. 4 p. 1., 13-236 p., 6 pi., 7 x 4f. U.W. (510) Literary amaranth, The, or prose and poetry by Nathan C. Brooks. Philadelphia, Kay & Brother, 1840. viiip ,1 1., 11-264 p., 8 pi., 7x4*. N.Y., U.W. (511) Second ed. Kay & Brother, 1845. F. (512) Engr. t. reads "Amaranth"; also back has "Amaranth," both editions. Literary casket, a gift for all seasons. New York, n. d. B.P., U.W. Really a monthly magazine, issued as an annual. 48 Literary souvenir, a Christmas and New Year's present ed. by Wm. E. Burton. Philadelphia, E. L. Care and A. Hart, 1838, c. 1838. 2 p. 1., 17-212 p., 16 pi., 8x5i. L.C., N.Y., PM. (513) , a Christmas and New Year's present for 1840, ed. by Wm. E. Burton. Philadelphia, E. L. Carey and A. Hart, 1840, c. 1839. 2 p. 1., 17-226 p., 13 pi., 8x5i- N.Y., L.C., B.P., U.W. (514) , a' Christmas and New Year's present for 1844, with 10 engravings. Philadelphia, Carey and Hart, vi p., 1 1., 9-252 p., 10 pi., 6 x 3|. N.Y., C.U., B.P. (515) , a Christmas and New Year's present for 1845, with 10 engravings. Philadelphia, Carey and Hart, 1845, c. 1844. vi p., 1 1., 13-252 p., 10 pi., 6i x 4|. L.C. (516) Little gem, The, a Christmas, New Year's and birthday present. Hartford, Silas Andrus & Son, 1847. vi, 7-144 p., front, and col. t., 3| x 2f . F. (517) Little gift. Boston, 1844. * (518) ■ . Boston, T. H. Carter & Co., 1845. * (519) Little keepsake, The, selected from the writings of J. C. Lavater. New York, S. Colman, 1843. 96 p., 5 pi., 4fx3f. F. (520) , 1844. * (521) . Boston, T. H. Carter & Co., 1845. * (522) Little republic, The, original articles by various hands, ed. by Mrs. T. S. Smith. New York, Wiley & Put- nam, 1848. 1 p. 1., vi, 228 p., front., 5f x 4f. F. (523) Love gift, A, for 1845. Boston, Saxton, Peirce & Co.. 1845. xiv, 15-144 p. , ilium, t., 5fx3J. N.Y. (524) Lyric gems, a collection and select sacred poetry, ed. by Rev. S. F. Smith. Boston, Gould, Kendall & Lin- coln, c. 1844. viii, 9-128 p., 4f x 2f. F. (524a) Magnolia, The, or gift book of friendship, ed. by Clara Arnold. New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. 288 p., [6 pi.,] 7^x5. N.Y. (525) This is 1855 with nearly all pi. different. — for 1836, ed. by Henry W. Herbert, [v. 1.] New York, Monson, Bancroft, c. 1835. vi p., 1 1., 9-300 p., 13 pi., 1\ x 4f . "The Magnolia 'Not in the autumn.' " P.M., N.Y., U.W. (526) Reprinted in 1839, omitting preface. Reprinted in 1841, New York, A. & C. B. Edwards, c. 1835, with first line of "advertisement" altered. Issued in 1842, New York, S. E. S. Brown, c. 1835, 12 pi. Issued in 1843, New York, Robt. P. Bixby & Co., 12 pi. Issued without date in 1844 [1844 on back of vol.], New York, Robt. P. Bixby & Co., v, 9-300 p., 7 pi. Has only part of the plates of 1836 and a different frontispiece. 49 Magnolia, The — (continued). issued as "Morning glory," n. d. with different pi. Issued as "Coral," n. d., with different pi.; as "Friend- ship's token," N. Y., n. d., omitting p. 261-300; as "Memory", c. 1854, with less and different pi., omittin p. 261-300; as "Gift of affection," n. d.; as "Snow flake", n. d., omitting p. 261-300, and different pi., and as "Aloe," 1854, different pi. and omitting p. 265-300. , for 1837, ed. by Henry William Herbert. [v. 2.] New York, Bancroft & Holley, c. 1836. v. p., 1 1., 9-352 p., 15 pi., 1\ x 4f. N.Y., L.C., B.P.. (527) , 1839, with 13 fine engravings. 7^ x 4f . L.C. (528) Same as 1836, with preface omitted. , 1841. New York, A. & C. B. Edwards, c. 1835. N.Y. (529) Same as 1836, first line of "advertisement" changed. , 1842. New York, S. E. S. Brown, c. 1835. 12 pi., 1\ x 4f . N.Y., U. M. (530) Same as 1836, except pi. vary. , 1843. New York, Robt. P. Bixby & Co. 12 pi. C.U., L.C. (531) Same as 1836, except variation in pi. This was also issued in 1844 without date [1844] on back of cover. N.Y. (531a) , Friendship's gift of moral and entertaining literature, ed. by Mrs. M. O. Stevens. Boston, Jordan & Wiley, 1847. 8 x 5^. B.P. This is a magazine [v. 1-2 bound as 1 vol.]. , or gift book of friendship, ed. by Clara Arnold Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., n. d. [pref. dated Aug., 1851, 1852 on back of cover], vip., 11., 9-322 p., 6 pi., 1\ x 4f . "Love of nature." N.Y., U.W., B.P. (532) This is "Amaranth," 1849, with articles on p. 9-11 changed from "Medora" to "Love of nature." See also "Casket" Boston [1853], and N. Y., n. d., "Garland," 1850; "Memory's gift," N. Y., 1869; and N. Y., n. d.; "Token of friendship" [1852], "Keepsake of friendship," 1851. , or gift book of friendship, ed. by Clara Arnold. Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., n.d. [1853 on back, pref. dated Aug. 1852]. 288 p., 6 pi., 1\ x 4f . "The village home." L.C. (533) This is "Amaranth," 1850, with first article changed, and all pi. but 2 different. See also "Garland," 1851, "Keepsake of friendship," 1852. , or gift book of friendship. Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., n.d. [pref d.Aug. 1853]. 2 p. 1., vi, 276 p.,6pl.,7ix5. "Who are the happy?" U.M. (534) This is "Wreath of wild flowers, 1846, with pi. and unpaged p. 1. added, and preface changed. See also "Amaranth," 1851, "Garland," 1852, "Keepsake of friendship," 1853, "Token of friendship" [1854], all of which are the same with variations in first unpaged article, and in pi. and preface. 50 Magnolia, The, or gift book of friendship, ed. by Clara Arnold. Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1855, c. 1854. 288 p., 7 pi., 7£x4f. "Friendship." N.Y.,C.U.,B.P. (534a) Also issued without date, except c. 1854. N.Y. (5346) An edition by Leavitt & Allen, N. Y., n. d., with pi. different. N.Y. (534c) Reissued by Geo. A. Leavitt, New York, 1869 [with 4 pi.]. F. (535) This is "Amaranth," 1852, with "Heather bell" changed to "Friendship," rest the same, and with engr. t. and engr. front, changed to col. t. and col. front. See also "Garland" 1853," "Keepsake of friendship," 1854. Maple leaf, The, or Canadian annual. Toronto, 1849. * (536) Marriage offering, The, a compilation of prose and poetry. Boston, Wm. Crosby & H. P. Nichols, 1848, c. 1848. viii,207p.,engr.t.,6fx4f. F. (537) Reissued with imprint date, 1849. U.W. (537a) Reissued with imprint date, 1851. B.A. (537b) Reissued with imprint date, 1852. B.P. (537c) Reissued with imprint date, 1859. C.U. (537d) Marriage ring, The, or how to make home happy, from the writings of John Angell James. 30th thousand. Boston, Gould, Kendall & Lincoln, c. 1842. vi, 7-128 p., 4J x 2f. F. (537e) This with "Family circle" added, and a t. and preface prefixed, was issued as "Wedding gift." Masonic offering, The, for 1852, ed. by John Perry and Paschal Donaldson. New York, Cornish Lamport & Co. c. 1881. viii, 9-320p.,8pl.,8x5£. F. (538) Also issued in 1854. * (538a) Masonic token, The, a gift book, ed. by William T. An- derson. New York Masonic Publishing and Furnish- ing Co. 1878, c. 1868, 290 p., 4 pi., and illus. in text, 9 x 51. F. (539) Mayflower, The, a gift for all seasons, ed. by Emma Florence. Lynn [Mass.], Thomas Herbert, n. d. 3 p. 1., 13-243 p., 6 pi., 7 x 4f. N.Y., B.A. (540) This is "Lily of the valley." 1858. , for 1846, ed. by Robert Hamilton, [v. 1- Boston, Saxton & Kelt, 1846, c. 1845. vi p., 1 1.. 11.] 354 p., 7 pi., 6f x 4£. N.Y., L.C., B.P. (541) , for 1847, ed. by Mrs. E. Oakes Smith, [v. 2.]' Boston, Saxton & Kelt, 1847, c. 1846. xv p., 1 1., 17- 304 p., 9 pi., 6f x 4J. N.Y., L.C., B.P. (542) , for 1848, ed. by Mrs. E. Oakes Smith, [v. 3.] Boston, Saxton & Kelt, 1848, c. 1847. xvi, 17-304 p,, 9 pi., 6f x 4£. N.Y., B.P., U.W. (543) , a gift for all seasons, ed. by Emma Florence. Lowell. John Philbrick, 1853. viii, 11-307 p., 6 pi., 7£x4£. B.P. (544) This is "Lily of the valley," 1852. 51 Mayflower, The, a gift for all seasons, ed. by Emma Florence. Boston, John Philbrick, 1854, c. 1852. vi p., 1 1., 11-306 p., 6 pi., 6| x 4£. B.P., U.W. (545) AlsoissuedwithimprintLowell, Tohn Philbrick. F. (545a) This is "Lily of the valley," 1853. , a gift for all seasons, ed. by Emma Florence, Boston, John Philbrick, 1855. vi p., 1 1., 11-314 p., " 7 pi., 7i x 4J. N.Y., B.P. (546) Also issued with imprint Lowell, John Philbrick. F. (546a) This is "Lily of the Valley," 1854. , 1856. * (547) Probably "Lily of the valley," 1855, was reissued as "Mayflower," 1856. May-flower, The, for 1857, with illustrations. Lynn Thomas Herbert, 1857. ivp., 1 1., 13-256 p., 6 pi., 7x4f L.C. (548) This is "Lily of the valley," 1856. Memento, The, a gift of friendship, ed. by C. W. Everest. New York, Buckland & Sumner, 1847, c. 1844. [2d ed.] x, 11-292 p., [4 pi.,] 6£ x 4£. B.A., U.W. (549) Preface says "has been before the public under another name." Several pages have been added. Also issued in 1848, with 288 p. U.W. (549a) Also issued in 1849, with 288 p. F. (5496) Also issued in 1850, with 288 p. F. (549c) Memento of friendship, a gift of affection, ed. by C. W. Everest. Hartford [Conn.], Brockett & Hutchinson c. 1851. x, 11-288 p., 6 pi., 7| x 4£. N.Y., U.W. (550) Also issued with [5 pi.] and imprint Brockett & Hutch- inson. i F. (550a) Same as "Memento," 1847, except preface has new date, Aug. 27, 1851, and has additional pi. and less p. Memorial, The, a Christmas and New Year's offering, ed. by F. S. H[ill]. [v. 1.] Boston, True & Greene, n. d. [1827 on back label, pref. d. Nov. 1826]. viii, 9-268 p., [4 pi.,] 6$ x 4. N.Y., B.P., L.C. (551) , a Christmas, New Year's and Easter offering for 1828, ed. by Frederic S. Hill. [v. 2.] Boston, True & Greene, x p., 1 1., 13-407 p., 12 pi., 6J x 4. B.P., B.A. (552) , written by friends of the late Mrs. Osgood, and ed. by Mary E. Hewitt. New York, George P. Putnam, 1851, c. 1850. vi, 7-346 p., 10 pi., 9x6. F.(553) Also issued as "Lauer Memories of home, The, an illustrated annual for all sea- sons NewjYork, 1860. iv, 5-428 p., [7 pi.,] 8£x5f. F. (554) Memory. New York, Leavitt & Allen, c. 1854. 4 p 1., 11-260 p., [8 pi.,] 6fx4^. "Magnolia, 'not in the autumn.' " P.M. (555) Illuminated title reads, "Memory, a souvenir." Back of book has "Memory's gift." This is "Magnolia," 1836, with different and less pi., and p. 261-300 omitted. See also "Friendship's token," N. Y., n. d., "Coral," n. d., "Morning glory," n. d., "Gift of affection," n. d., "Snow flake," n. d., "Aloe," 1854. 52 Memory and hope. Boston, Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1851, c. 1S50. xii, 244 p., 8 x 5£. F. (555a) Memory's gift. New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. vi p., 1 1., 9-322 p., [4 pi.?] 7x5. "The quiet eye." P.M. (556) Also issued by Geo. A. Leavitt, 1869. This is "Amaranth," 1849, with first article changed and different pi. The "Casket," N. Y., n. d., and Boston [1853] are also same. See also "Garland," 1850, "Token of friendship, [1852]," "Keepsake of friendship," 1851, "Magnolia," 1852. . New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. [1853, '54 or '55]. vi, 9-264 p., [6 pi.,] 7\ x 5. "The portrait." N.Y., U.W. (557) Also issued as "Friendship's offering," N. Y., n. d. "Moss rose," N. Y., c. 1854, and "Philopoena," n. d., with variation in pi. . New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. [1856 or after]. 3 p. 1., vii, 9-81p., 1 1., 5-175 p., 6 pi., 7\ x 4f . "Appropriate sphere of woman." U.W. (558) This is 'Lady's manual," 1854. Also issued as "Affection's gift," N. Y., n. d., and "Token and Atlantic souvenir," N. Y., n. d. . New York, George A. Leavitt, 1869. vi, 9-322 p., [6 pi.,] 7x5. N. Y., C. U. (558a) Same as No. 556 above. Merry's [Robert] annual for all seasons, [by S. G. Good- rich]. New York, Samuel Colman, 1840, c. 1839. x, 11-200 p., front, and ilium, t., h\ x 4J. B.P. (559) Mignonette, The, or the graces of the mind. New York, D. Appleton & Co.,. 1842. 1 p. 1., 6-192 p., [8 pi.,] 4fx2£. H.U. (560) Mignonette The, a gift for all seasons. New York, D. Appleton & Co., c. 1856. 288 p., 9 pi., 7f x h\. N.Y., B.P. (561) , a gift for all seasons, by Bell Hawthorn. Bos- ton, Shepard, Clark & Co., 1856. 258 p., [5 pi.,] 6£ x 4|. "Gaspar Poussin. L.C. (562) This is "Lily of the valley," 1851, with p. 259-320 omitted; p. 31-4, a different poem substituted, and pi. are same except engr. t. and one other are omitted. See also "Friendship's gift," 1852. Mirror of life, The, ed. by Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. Philadel- phia, Lindsay & Blakiston, 1848, c. 1847. xii, 13-240 p., 11 pi., 9x5f. U.W. (563) Also issued without date, c. 1847. B.A. (563a) Miscellanies first published under the name of the Talisman, by G. C. Verplanck, W. C. Bryant, Robt. C. Sands, in 3 vols., illustrated with fine engravings. New York, 1833. N.Y. (564) These 3 vols, are same as Talisman, N. Y., 1828-30. Missionary memorial, The, a literary and religious souvenir. New York, E. Walker, 1846, c. 1845. xii, 372 p., col. front., col. t., 1\ x 4f . B.A. (565) Re-issued with added pi. as " Christ's messengers," 1848; "Christian souvenir and missionary memorial," 1851. Also issued as "The Evergreen," New York, n. d., with p. 253-372 omitted, and proem added, pi. vary. 53 Mrs. Gilman's gift book. Title on back, on an eng. t. of "Gift book of stories and poems." (See addenda.) Moral and religious souvenir. Boston, N. S. Simpkins & Co., 1828, c. 1827. 288 p., 3 pi., 5£ x 3£. [In slip case.] N.Y., U.W. (566) Morning glory, The, a gift for all seasons, by H. W. Her- bert. New York, Cornish, Lamport & Co., n. d. [circa 1851]. vi, 9-300 p., [7 pi.,] 1\ x 4£. B.P. (567) This is "Magnolia," 1836, with variation in plates. See also "Coral," n. d., "Friendship's token," N. Y., n. d., "Memory," c. 1854, "Gift of affection," n. d., "Snow flake," n. d., "Aloe," 1854. Moss rose, The. New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. vi p., 1 1., 9-264 p., [6 pi.,] 7£x4f. "The baron's vow." B.A., B.P., U.W. (568) Also issued by George A. Leavitt, n. d. [circa 1869]. P. M. (568a) Also pub. as "Snow flake," c. 1855. . New York, Leavitt & Allen, n. d. [1853, 54, or 55]. 2 p. 1., vii-viii, 9-264 p., [6 pi.,] 1\ x 5. "Cecelia." U.W. (569) Also issued as "Passion flower," n. d., "Friendship," c. 1854, "Friendship's offering, N. Y., n. d-, 'Cecelia'"; pi. vary. Moss-rose, The, by C. W. Everest. [1st ed.] * (570) , for a friend, ed. by C. W. Everest. Hart- ford, Brown & Parsons, 1843, c. 1842. 2d ed. x, 11- 192 p., front., 4£ x 1\. (F. 571) Same as 1st ed., except some of former articles are omitted and new ones substituted, and engr. front, added. Moss rose, The, or an annual gift. New York, Nafis & Cornish, n. d. [1845 on back], xii, 348 p., 21 pi., [really only 10 pi.,] 7 x 4^. "Kelp gatherer." N.Y., C.U., U.W. (572) An issue 1854 omitted p. 251-348, and had 7 pi. This is "Lady's cabinet album," 1832, with varia- tion in pi. See also "Lady's album," n. d. , a gift for all seasons, ed. by S. G. Goodrich. New York, Nafis & Cornish, 1846. vii-viii, 9-304 p , [11 pi.,] 1\ x 4J. "Rainbow bridge." B.P., B.A., U.W. (573) Also issued, N. Y., n. d., [1846 on back,] [9 pi.]. B.A. (573a) This is "Token and Atlantic souvenir," 1840, with plates changed. See also "Atlantic souvenir," n. d., "Honeysuckle," 1848, "Friendship's gift," n. d., "Token of friendship," n. d. , a Christmas and New Year's present, ed. by S. G. Goodrich. New York, Nafis & Cornish, 1847. 2 p. 1., 9-272 p., [4 pi.,] 7x4J. "The stranger's nephew." N.Y., B.P. (574) This is "Token and Atlantic souvenir," 1841, with pi. changed, and the article "Ireland and the Irish," p. 65-180, replaced by 12 short pieces. , ed. by Alfred A. Phillips. New York, Nafis & Cornish, n. d. [pref. dated 1847]. viii, 9-311 p. 8 pi., 7f x 4^. "The early settler " B.P., L.C. (575) Moss-rose, The, for 1850, ed. by Mrs. Emeline P. Howard . New York, Nafis & Cornish, c. 1849. viii, 9-312 p., 10 pi., 7J x 4f . "Harry Lincoln." N.Y., C.U. (576) Also issued without date and sub- title "for all seasons" [pref. dated 1849]. N.Y. (576a) Moss rose, The, for all seasons, ed. by Mrs. Emeline P. Howard. New York, Cornish, Lamport & Co., c 1851. vi p., 1 1., 9-344 p., 7 pi., 1\ x 4|. "Isabel." B.P. (577) , a gift for all seasons. New York, Lamport. Blakeman & Law, 1854. xii. 250 p., [7 pi.,] 1\ x 4f , "Kelp gatherer." F. (578) This is the [1845] issue with p. 251-348 omitted; really the "Lady's cabinet album," 1832, with p. 251-348 •omitted. , New York, Leavitt & Allen, c. 1854. vi, 9- 264p.,8pl., 7Jx5. "The portrait." F. (579) Also an edition n. d. [1856 or after]. _ F. (579a) Also issued as "Memory's gift," n. d., "Friendship's offering," n. d., and "Philopcena," n. d., with variation in pi. Mother's and young lady's annual, a gift book for the holidays, with 42 engravings and flowers. Boston, Cyrus Stone, c. 1853. vi, 3-200, 5-202 p., 42 pi. B.P., U.W. (580) Mother's present, The, a holiday gift for the young; original and selected, by Mrs. Colman. Boston, S. Colman, 1847, c. 1846 viii, 9-222 p., [5 pi.,] 6J x 3£. L.C. (581) Mourner's chaplet, an offering of sympathy for bereaved friends, by John Keese. Boston, Gould, Kendall & Lincoln, 1844, c. 1844. vii p., 1 1., 9-128 p., 4| x 2f. L.C. (582) Mourner's friend, The, or sighs of sympathy for those who sorrow, ed. by J. B. Syme. Worcester, S. A. Howland, 1852, c. 1852. 180 p., front., 6| x Z\. F. (583) Mourner's gift, ed. by Mrs. M. A. Patrick. New York, Charles S. Francis, 1841. * (584) My holiday annual, a Christmas and New Year's gift, by V. T., illustrated. New York, Allen Bros., n. d. 278 p., \. P.M. (1306) , a Christmas, New Year's and birthday pres- ent for 1832, ed. by Frederic Shoberl. [v. 10. ] Lon- don, Ackermann; and Carey & Lea, Philadelphia. 356 p., 12 pi., 6x3f. N.Y., P.M. (1307) The first issue of new series. , a Christmas, New Year's and birthday pres- ent for 1833, ed. by Frederic Shoberl. [v. 11.] Lon- don, R. Ackermann. 356 p., 11 pi., 6 x 3f. N.Y., P.M. (1308) , a Christmas, New Year's and birthday pres- ent, 1834, ed. by Frederick Shoberl. [v. 12.] London, Ackermann & Co. 356 p., 11 pi., 6 x 3|. P.M. (1309) Also issued without date. N.Y. (1310) , a Christmas, New Year's and birthday pres- ent for 1835, ed. by Frederic Shoberl. [v. 13.] Lon- don, Ackermann & Co. 356 p., 10 pi., 6^ x 4. N.Y., B.P. (1311) , a Christmas, New Year's and birthday' pres- ent for 1836, ed. by Frederic Shoberl. [v. 14.] Lon- don, Ackermann & Co. 356 p., 11 pi., 6^ x 4. P.M. (1312) Also issued without date. N.Y. (1313) , a Christmas, New Year's and birthday pres- ent for 1837, ed. by Frederic Shoberl. [v. 15.] Lon- don, Ackermann & Co. 356 p., 11 pi., 6£ x 4. N.Y., P.M. (1314) , a Christmas, New Year's and birthday pres- ent for 1838, ed. by Frederic Shoberl. [v. 16.] Lon- don, Ackermann & Co. 360 p., 11 pi., 6| x 4. P.M. (1315) Also issued without date. NY. (1316) , a Christmas, New Year's and birthday pres- ent for 1839, ed. by Frederic Shoberl. [v. 17.] Lon- don, Ackermann & Co. 360 p., 11 pi., 6^ x 4. N.V., B.P. (1317) , a Christmas, New Year's and birthday pres- ent, ed. by Frederic Shoberl. [v 18.] London, Ackermann & Co., 1840. viii, 9-360 p., lip ., 6i x 4. N.Y., B.P. (1318) , a Christmas, New Year's and birthday pres- ent for 1841, ed. by Frederic Shoberl. [v. 19.] Lon- don, Ackermann & Co. 354 p., 11 pi., 6^ x 4. P.M. (1319) 93 Forget-me-not, a Christmas, New Year's and birthday- present for 1842, ed. by Frederic Shoberl. [v. 20.] London, Ackermann & Co. 354 p., 11 pi., 6| x 4. B.P., P.M. (1320) , a Christmas, New Year's and birthday pres- ent for 1843, ed. by Frederic Shoberl. [v. 21.] Lon- don. 354 p., 11 pi., 6^x4. B.P., P.M. (1321) , a Christmas, New Year's and birthday pres- ent for 1844, ed. by Frederic Shoberl. [v. 22.] Lon- don, Ackermann & Co., 354 p., 11 pi., Q% x 4. N.Y., P.M. (1322) , a Christmas, New Year's and birthday pres- ent for 1845, ed. by Frederic Shoberl. [v. 23.] Lon- don. 322 p., 10 pi., 6i x 4. N.Y. (1323) , a Christmas, New Year's and birthday pres- ent for 1846, ed. by Frederic Shoberl. [v. 24.] Lon- don, Ackermann & Co. 286 p., 10 pi., 6£ x 4£. N.Y. (1324) , a Christmas, New Year's and birthday pres- ent for 1847, ed. by Frederic Shoberl. [v. 25.] Lon- don, Ackermann & Co. 286 p., 10 pi., 6f x 4f . B.P. (1325) The last issue. Forget me not. London, 1856. T.-B. (1325a) . London, T. Nelson & Sons, 1863. xi p., 1 1., 13-192 p., front., 5| x 3£. U.W. (1326) Friends' annual, or aurora borealis for 1834, ed. by mem- bers of the Society of Friends. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Charles Empson. xiv p., 1 1., 274 p., [2 pi.,] 6J x 4. N.Y., B.P., L.C. U.W. (1327) Issued in 1833 as "Aurora borealis." Friendship's gift, London. See "Amaranth," London, Ed. Lacey, n. d. , London. Reprint, ed. by C. Cecil, London. Holmes, successor to Lacey [circa 1850] . T.-B. (1327a) Friendship's offering, London, G. Kershaw & Son, n. d. viii, 9-256 p., [6 pi.,] 7 x 4^. "To a friend." U.W. (1328) , a literary album, ed. by Thomas K. Hervey. [v. 1.] London, Lupton Relfe, 1824. vi, 222 p., [6 pi.,] 5ix3f. B.A. (1329) , or annual remembrancer. A Christmas and New Year's gift for 1825. [v 2.] London, Lupton Relfe. viii p., 11., 291, 60 p., 14 pi. [only 13 in reality], 5ix3f. B.A. (1330) , a literary album, ed. by Thomas K. Hervey. [v. 3.] London, Lupton Relfe, 1826. xvi, 398 p., 13 pi., 5£x3£. B.P., B.A. (1331) , a literary album, ed. by Thomas K. Hervey. [v. 4.] London, 1827. xii, 348 p., 11 pi., 5£ x 3£. B.P., B.A. (1332) 94 Friendship's offering, a literary album and Christmas and New Year's present for 1828. [v. 5.] London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1828. xii p., 1 1., 385 p., 13 pi., 5fx3|. B.A. (1333) , a literary album, and Christmas and New Year's present for 1829. [v. 6.] London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1829. xii, 420 p , 13 pi., 5£ x 3£. N.Y., B.P., B.A. (1334) , a literary album, and Christmas and New Year's present for 1830. [v. 7.] London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1830. xii, 384 p., 13 pi., 6 x 3f. N.Y., B.A. (1335) , a literary album, and Christmas and New Year's present for 1831. [v. 8.] London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1831. xii, 408 p., 13 pi., 6 x 3f. N.Y., B.P., B.A. (1336) — — , a literary album, and Christmas and New Year's present for 1832. [v. 9.] London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1832. xii, 384 p., 12 pi., 6£ x 3|. N.Y., B.P., B.A. (1337) and winter's wreath, a Christmas and New Year's present for 1833. [v. 10.] London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1833. xii, 384 p., 12 pi., 6 x 3J. N.Y., B.A., P.M. (1338) With this issue absorbed "The winter's wreath." ■ — and winter's wreath, a Christmas and New Year's present for 1834. [v. 11.] London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1834. xii, 384 p., 12 pi., 6x4. N.Y., B.P., B.A. (1339) and winter's wreath, a Christmas and New Year's present for 1835. [v. 12.] London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1835. xii, 384 p., 12 pi., 6| x 3£. N.Y., B.P. B.A., (1340) and winter's wreath, a Christmas and New Year's present for 1836. [v. 13.] London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1836. xii, 382 p., 11 pi., 6x4. B.P., B.A., U.W. (1341) and winter's wreath, a Christmas and New Year's present for 1837. [v. 14.] London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1837. xii, 384 p., 11 pi., 6x4. N.Y., B.P., B.A., U.W. (1342) and winter's wreath, a Christmas and New Year's present for 1838. [v. 15.] London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1838. xii, 384 p., 11 pi., 6 x 4. N.Y., B.P., B.A. (1343) — — and winter's wreath, a Christmas and New Year's present for 1839. [v. 16.] London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1839. xii, 384 p., 10 pi., 6| x 3|. N.Y., B.P., B.A., U.W. (1344) and winter's wreath, a Christmas and New Year's present for 1840. [v. 17.] London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1840. xii, 384 p., 10 pi., 6x4. N.Y., B.A., U.W. (1345) 95 Friendship's offering and winter's wreath, a Christmas and New Year's present for 1841. [v. 18.] Lon- don, Smith, Elder & Co., 1841. xii, 384 p., 11 pi., 6£x3£. N.Y., B.P., B.A. (1346) and winter's wreath, a Christmas and New Year's present for 1842. [v. 19.] London, Smith, Elder & Co , 1842. xii, 384 p., 10 pi., 6 x 3£. B.P., B.A., C.U. (1347) and winter's wreath, a Christmas and New Year's present for 1843. [v. 20.] London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1843. xii, 384 p., 9 pi. [pi. no. 4 was never issued, see preface], 6 x 4. N.Y., B.A. (1348) of sentiment and mirth, 1844. [v. 21.] Lon- don, Smith, Elder & Co., 1844. viii, 240 p., 10 pi., 8i x 5^. N.Y., L.C., B.A., U.W. (1349) Gage d'amitie. London, Fisher, 1834-41. T.-B. (1350-1357) Garland, The, London, 1852. T.-B. (1358) Gem, The, a literary annual, ed. by Thomas Hood. [v. 1.] London, Wm. Marshall, 1829. 324 p., 16 pi., 6 x 3f . N.Y. B.P., (1359) Also issued in large paper, T% x 4J£. L.C. (1360) , a literary annual, ed. by Thomas Hood. [v. 2.] London, W. Marshall, 1830. xii, 275 p., 13 pi., 6f x 4£. N.Y., P.M. (1361) ■ , a literary annual, [v. 3.] London, W. Mar- shall, 1831. xii, 276 p., 12 pi., 6£ x 4J. F. (1362) Also issued as "Hibernian keepsake," 1832. — , a literary annual, [v. 4.] London, Wm. Mar- shall, 1832. viii, 276 p., 12 pi., 6|- x 4J. "N.Y., L.C. (1363) Gem of art, The, one hundred steel plates selected from The keepsake, Heath's annuals, etc. London, folio, 1830, 1834. 2 vols. T.-B. (1364-1365) Gem of loveliness for 1843, by H. I. & W. Stevens. 2d ed. London [1843]. 8vo. T.-B. B.M. (1366) Gems of art. A token of remembrance, illustrated by superb line engravings. London, Whittaker & Co. n. d. xvi, 224 p., 23 pi., 7f x 5£. B.P., C.U., (1367) Gems of beauty displayed in a series of highly finished engravings after Cattermole, Paris, etc. Text by the Countess of Blessington. London Virtue, royal 4to. 1836-40. 4 vols. T.-B., B.M. (1368-1371) Geographical Annual, The, 1832-6. Lond. Bull. 8vo. T.-B. (1372-1376) Gift, The, a book of tales and pencillings in poetry and prose, illustrated by great artists. London, T. Nel- son & Sons, 1866. viii, 9-336 p., [17 pi.,] 6£ x 4f. B.A. (1377) Gift for all seasons, The, ed. by William Anderson. London, Smith, Elder & Co. ,1839. x, 354 p., 1 1., 9 pi. 6ix4. U.W. (1378) , ed. by William Anderson. London. 2d edi- tion. John Chidley, 1840. x, 243 p., [pi.,] Q\ x 3f . P.M. (1379) Same as 1839, except last pages omitted. 96 Gift of Love and Friendship, The, London, Nelson, 1846. 12mo. T.-B. (1380) Golden childhood, or the child's own annual of pictures, poetry and music. London, Ward, Lock & Tyler, n. d. viii, 9-320 p., illus., 1\ x 6. F. (1381) Graces, The, or literary souvenir for 1824. London, Hurst & Co., 1824. T.-B., B.M. (1382) Heath's book of beauty, 1833. ed. by L. E.L[andon]. [v. 1 ] London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown. Green & Longman, vi p., 1 1., 264 p., 19 pi., 1\ x 4^-. N.Y., B.A. (1383) , 1834, ed. by Countess of Blessington. [v. 2.] London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman, vi p., 1 1., 280 p., 19 pi., 7f x 4f . N.Y., P.M. (1384) , 1835, ed. by the Countess of Blessington. [v. 3.] London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman, vi p., 1 1., 264 p., 19 pi., 1\ x 4|. N.Y. (1385) , 1836, ed. by the Countess of Blessington, [v. 4.] London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman, vi p., 1 1., 280 p., 19 pi., 1\ x 4f . N.Y., B.A., U.W. (1386) , 1837, ed. by the Countess of Blessington. [v. 5.] London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman, vi p., 1 1., 264 p., 19 pi., 1\ x 4f. B.A., P.M. (1387) , 1838, ed. by the Countess of Blessington. [v. 6.] London, Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longmans, vi, 280 p., pi., 9£ x 6|-. P.M. (1388) , 1839, ed. by the Countess of Blessington. [v. 7.] London, Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longmans, vi p., 1 1., 280 p., 12 pi., 9 x 6|. B.P., N.Y. (1389) , 1840, ed. by the Countess of Blessington. [v: 8.] London, Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longmans, vi p., 1 1., 280 p., 13 pi., 8f x 6. (1390) , 1841, ed. by the Countess of Blessington. [v. 9.1 London, vi p., 1 1., 280 p., 16 pi., 9£ x 6f. N.Y., B.P., B.A. (1391) , 1842, ed. by the Countess of Blessington. [v. 10.] London, Longman, Brown, Green & Long- mans, vi p., 1 1., 278 p., 1 1., 13 pi., 8f x 6. C.U. (1392) , 1843, ed. by the Countess of Blessington. [v. 11.] London, Longman, Brown, Green & Long- mans, vi p., 1 1., 280 p., 13pl.,9x6£. B.P. (1393) , 1844, ed. by the Countess of Blessington. [v. 12.] London, Longman, Brown, Green & Long- mans, vi p., 1 1., 280 p., 13 pi., 9x6. C.U. (1394) , 1845, ed. by the Countess of Blessington. [v. 13.] London, Longman, Brown, Green & Long- mans, vi p., 1 1., 280 p., 13 pi., 8f x 6. C.U., B.A. (1395) 97 Heath's book of beauty, 1848, ed. by the Countess of Blessington. [v. 14.] London. * (1396) , 1847, ed. by the Countess of Blessington. [v. 15. J Longman, Brown, Green, & Longman, vi p., 1 1., 1-280 p., 13 pi., 9 x 6i. (1397) Continued as "Book of beauty," 1848. Heath's gallery of engravings, 4to, 1836, ed. by C. Heath. London, Longman. T.-B. (1398) ■ , 1837, ed. by C. Heath, London, Longman. T.-B. (1399) , 1838, ed. by C. Heath, London, Longman. T.-B. (1400) Heath's gems of Beauty, 4to, ed. by Lady Blessington. London, Longman, 1836-40. See Gems of beauty. Heath's picturesque annual, [v. 1.] London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, 1832. iv p., 2 1., 256 p., 26 pi., 7£x4|. B.P. (1401) Also pub. in large paper with proof plates. T.-B. . [v. 2.] London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman, 1833. iv p., 2 1., 256 p., 26 pi., 7| x 4£. B.P. (1402) Also pub. in large paper with proof plates. T.-B. , for 1834. [v. 3.] London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman, 1834. 3 p. 1., 256 p., 21 pi., 7fx4|. B.P. (1403) Also pub. in large paper with proof plates. T.-B. , for 1835. [v. 4.] London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman, 1835. iv p., 2 1., 256 p., 21 pi., 7f x4f. U.W. (1404) Also pub. in large paper with proof plates. T.-B. , for 1836. [v. 5.] London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman, 1836. iv p., 2 1., 256 p., 7fx4f. U.W. (1405) Also pub. in large paper with proof plates. T.-B. . [v. 6.] London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Longman, 1837. vi p., 1 1., 264 p., 20 pi., 9i x 6£. F. (1406) . London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown Green & Longman, 1838. vi p., 1 1., 264 p., 19 pi., 9£ x 6£. F. (1407) . London, Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1839. vi p., 1 1., 256 p., 20 pi., 9J x 6£. F. (1408) , for 1840. London, Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1840. viii, 274 p., 15 pi., 9£ x 6£. U.W. (1409) , for 1841. London, Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1841. viii, 288 p., 16 pi., 9^ x 6^. B.P., U.W. (1410) . London, 1842, Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, viii, 268 p., 21 pi., 9£ x 6j. B.P. (1411) 98 Heath's picturesque annual. London, Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1843. viii, 256 p., 18 pi., 9£ x 6£. F. (1412) , for 1844. London, Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans, 1844. xivp., 1 1., 246 p., 18 pi., 9£ x 6£. U.W. (1413) , 1845. Longman, Brown, Green & Long- mans, 1845. viii, 311 p., 13 pi., 9x6f. F. (1414) This is vol. 2 of "Cattermole's historical annual." Hibernian keepsake for 1832, The. London, C. Fleming, xii, 276 p., 12 pi., 7f x 5. F. (1415) Same as "Gem," 1831. Historical keepsake. London. T.-B. (1416) — — . 2d. series, ed. by John W. Dalby. London, T. Hurst, 1836. 365 p., 20 pi., 6£ x 4. N.Y., P.M. (1417) Historical souvenir and literary cabinet, The. London, circa 1840. 8vo. Hive, The, a Selection of Poetry. T.-B. (1418) London, 1832- T.-B. (1419) London. ill us., * (1420) Holiday keepsake, by Mrs. Sherwood, post 8vo. n. d. [circa 1840]. Hommage aux dames. London, John Setts, Jr., 1825. iv, 159 p., 4 p. music, many blank p. for notes, 1-15 p., [7 pi.]. N.Y., B.P. (1421) [Hood's] comic annual. See Comic annual. Hood's comic annual. London, [v. 1-20] 1869-88. 8|-x6}-. B.P. (1422-1441) Humourist, The, a companion for the Christmas fireside, by W. H. Harrison, with 50 engravings from designs by T. Rowlandson. London, 1831, R. Ackermann. xiv, 286 p., 50 pi., 7 x 4£. F. (1442) , a companion for the Christmas fireside, by W. H. Harrison, embellished with 80 engravings. London, R. Ackermann, 1832. xii, 3-288 p., 81 pi., 7x4. F. (1443) Hunter's annual, The. London, Baily & Co., 1838. 12 mo. T.-B. (1444) . London, Baily & Co., 1839. 12 mo. T.-B. (1445) Imperial, The, a Christmas and New- Year's present for 1839. London, Wm. Tombleson. 2 p.l., 9-195 p., 10 pi., 8x5. N.Y., B.P., B.A. (1446) Also issued "for 1841, Wm. Tombleson & Co., 1841." B.P. (1447) Infants annual, The: or Nursery Present. London, 1831. T.-B. (1448) . London, 1832. T.^B. (1449) . London, 1833. T.-B. (1450) Iris, The, a literary and religious offering, ed. by Rev. Thomas Dale. [v. 1.] London, Sampson Low, 1830. xii, 332 p., 11 pi., 6^x4. N.Y. (1451) Follows "Offering," 1829. Iris, The, a religious and literary offering, ed. by Rev. Thomas Dale. [v. 2.] London, Sampson Low, 1831. xp, 1 1., 334 p., 11 pi., 6£x4. N.Y., B.P. (1452) Iris of prose, poetry and art, for 1840, ed. by Mary Russell Mitford. London, 1839. pi. T.-B. (1453) Janus. Edinburgh, Oliver & Boyd, 1826, (no illustrations). T.-B. (1454) Jennings' landscape annual, 1835, 1836. See Land- scape annual. Johnson's shooter's annual: 1830, The, London, Johnson. T.-B. (1455) Juvenile Album, The, 1832: a reprint of the Forget-me- not for 1831. London, Tarry & Co., T.-B. (1456) Juvenile amulet. London, Edward Lacey, 1835 [?] . 6 pi. T.-B. (1457) Juvenile bijou, ed. by Miss Leslie. London, n. d. circa 1830, reprinted circa 1844. T.-B. (1458-1459) Juvenile forget me not, The. See also "Ackermann's Juvenile forget me not," an entirely different publi- cation. , 1828. [v. 1.] T.-B. (1460) — -, a Christmas and New Year's gift, a birth- day present for 1829, ed. by Mrs. S. C. Hall. [v. 2.] London, N. Hailes. x p., 1 1., 239 p., 16 pi., 6| x 4. U.W. (1461) — -, a Christmas and New Year's gift, or birthday present for the year 1830, ed. by Mrs. S. C. Hall. [v. 3.] London, N. Hailes. viii, 229 p., 12 pi., 6^ x 4. N.Y., B.P. (1462) "Ackermann's juvenile forget me not," 1830 and follow- ing years, is entirely distinct, being a rival and imitator of this series. , a Christmas and New Year's gift, or birthday present for the year 1831, ed. by Mrs. S. C. Hall. [v. 4.] London, Frederick Westley & A. H. Davis, viii, 224 p., 12 pi., 6^x4. N.Y. (1463) , 1832, ed. by Mrs. S. C. Hall. [v. 5.] London, Westley & Davis, viii, 9-221 p., 8 pi., 6J x 4. F. (1464) Juvenile forget-me-not, a Christmas and New Year's gift, or birth-day present, 1833, ed. by Mrs. S. C. Hall, [v. 6.] London, R. Ackermann, 1833. viii p., 1 1., 11-224 p., 11 pi., 6^x4. N.Y. (1465) — , a Christmas and New Year's gift, or birth-day present, 1834, ed. by Mrs. S. C. Hall. [v. 7.] London, Ackermann & Co. viii, 9-240 p. [237-40 are ads.]. N.Y., B.P. (1466) , 1835. [v. 8.] T.-B., B.M. (1467) , a Christmas and New Year's gift, or birth-day present, 1836, ed. by Mrs. S. C. Hall. [v. 9.] London, Ackermann & Co. iv p., 1 1., 7-232 p., 10 pi., 6£ x 4. N.Y., P.M. (1468) 100 Juvenile forget-me-not, a Christmas and New-Year's gift, or birth-day present, 1837, ed. by Mrs. S. C. Hall. [v. 10.] London, Ackermann & Co., 1837. iv p., 1 1., 7-240 p., 10 pi., 6^x4. U.W. (1469) Juvenile forget-me-not, The, ed. by Mrs. S. C. Hall. London, R. Ackermann, n. d. iv, 7-254 p., [4 pi.,] 6ix3f. N.Y. (1470) . ed. by Mrs. S. C. Hall. London, T. Nelson & Sons, 1862. viii, 9-224 p., 6| x 4. P.M. (1471) Juvenile keepsake, 1829, ed. by Thomas Roscoe. Lon- don, Hurst, Chance & Co., 1829. xiv, 224 p. [8 pi.,] 6^x4. N.Y. (1472) , 1830. T.-B., B.M. (1473) . London, Edward Lacey, 1835. T.-B. (1474) Juvenile keepsake, The, sm. 4to, ed. by P. Carle. Lon- don, Darton & Co., 1850. T.-B. (1475) Juvenile landscape annual, The. London, c. 1830. T.-B. (1475a) Juvenile missionary keepsake. London, 1846. 8vo. T.-B., B.M. (1476) Juvenile offering, The. London, Leicester [1848.] 16mo. T.-B., B.M. (1477) Juvenile scrap-book, The, by Mrs. Ellis. London, 1840. [v. 5.] 105 p., 16 pi., 7fx5|. P.M. (1478) Continuation of "Fisher's juvenile scrap-book" series. , 1841. T.-B. (1479) , 1842, by Mrs. Ellis. London, Fisher, Son & Co. vi p., 1 1., 92 p., 16 pi., 71 x 5. B.P. (1480) Engr. t. reads, "Fisher's juvenile scrap-book." , 1843, by Mrs. Ellis. London, Fisher, Son & Co. 2 p. 1., 103 p., 16 pi., 7fx5i. N.Y. (1481) , by the author of "The women of England." [S. S. Ellis.] 1844. London, Fisher, Son & Co. 2p.l., 100 p., 16 pi. 7£x5£. N.Y. (1482) , 1845, by Mrs. Ellis. T.-B., B.M. (1483) , 1846, by Mrs. Ellis. T.-B., B.M. (1484) , bv the author of "The women of England," 1847. Fisher, Son & Co., London. 102 p., 16 pi., 7fx5. F. (1485) Vig. t. reads "Fisher's juvenile scrap-book." , by Mrs. Ellis, 1848. T.-B., B.M. (1486) , by J. Strickland, 1849. T.-B. (1487) , by Mrs. Milner, 1850. T.-B. (1488) Juvenile wreath. The title of Part 2 of Amaranth, n. d., Edward Lacey. Keepsake, The, for 1828. [v. 1.] London, Hurst, Chance & Co. xii, 312 p., 19 pi., 7i x 4f . L.C., B.P., B.A. (14S9) — , for 1829, ed. by Frederic Mansel Reynolds. [v. 2.] London, Hurst, Chance & Co. viii, 360 p., 19 pi., 7i x 4f. L.C., B.P., B.A. (1490) 101 Keepsake.The, for 1830, ed. by Frederic Mansel Reynolds [v. 3.] London, Hurst, Chance & Co. viii, 352 p., 18 pi., 1\ x 4f. N.Y., L.C., B.A. (1491) for 1831, ed. by Frederic Mansel Reynolds. London, Hurst, Chance & Co. viii, 320 p., 7ix4|. N.Y., L.C., B.P. (1492) for 1832, ed. by Frederic Mansel Reynolds, [v. 5.] London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, iv, 320 p., 17 pi., 1\ x 4f . N.Y., L.C., B.A. (1493) , for 1833, ed. by Frederic Mansel Reynolds. [v. 6.] London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman, iv, 308 p., 17 pi., 1\ x 4f. N.Y., L.C., B.A. (1494) , for 1834, ed. by Frederic Mansel Reynolds. [v. 7.] London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman, vi p., 1 1., 312 p., 17 pi., 1\ x 4f . N.Y., L.C., B.P. (1495) , for 1835, ed. by Frederic Mansel Reynolds. [v. 8.] London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman, vi p., 1 1., 296 p., 17 pi., 1\ x 5. N.Y., L.C., B.P. (1496) , for 1836, ed. by the Hon. Mrs. Norton, [v. 9.] London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman. 2 p. 1., 324 p., 19 pi., 7\ x 4f. N.Y., L.C., B.P. (1497) , for 1837, ed. by Lady Emeline Stuart Wort- ley, [v. 10.] London, Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman, vi p., 1 1., 328 p., 18 pi., 1\ x 4f L.C., B.A. (1498) — , for 1838. [v. 11.] London, Longman. Orme, Brown, Green & Longmans, vi p., 1 1., 272 p., 12 pi., 9Jx6i. N.Y., L.C., B.A. (1499) , for 1839, ed. by F. M. Reynolds, [v. 12.] London, Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longmans, iv p., 2 1., 272 p., 12 pi.,