R2 401 .C8 Copy 2 Book S*Jl Copyright N°_ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. ^■«a~ BOOKS BY M. E. CRAMER BASIC STATEMENTS AND HEALTH TREAT- MENT OF TRUTH English and German, Cloth .$ .50 DIVINE SCIENCE AND HEALING Cloth $2.00 . BOOKLETS Who and What God Is; Him Declare I unto You 15 cts Faith, as a Grain of Mustard; Successful De monstration 1 5 cts Unity of Life 10 cts Divine Science, the Christianity of Christ, and Christian Science and Gnosticism, Com- pared 10 cts God Incarnation versus Personal Re-Incar- nation 25 cts Genesis Lessons, 8 Manuscript $5.00 8 Primary Manuscript Lessons $2.50 By C. L. and M. E. Cramer. MA LIN DA E. CRAMER. BASIC STATEMENTS AND HEALTH TREATMENT OF TRUTH A SYSTEM OF INSTRUCTION IN DIVINE SCIENCE, 1?f APPLICATION IN HEALING AND FOR CLASS TRAINING, HOME AND PRIVATE USE PERCEIVED THROUGH A STUDY OF DIVINE SCIENCE, AND PROVEN THROUGH REPEATED DEMONSTRATIONS TO BE APPLICABLE ALIKE TO ALL IN THE DEMONSTRATION OF HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY EIGHTH EDITION REVISED BY II. E. CRAMER Author of "Divine Science and Healing' Editor of HARMONY . SAN FRANCISCO: '90S LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Copies deceived JUN 22 1905 CLASS? 3 COPY B. COPYRIGHT, 1905 BY M. E. CRAMER BASIC STATEMENTS AND HEALTH TREATMENT OF TRUTH PREFACE The arrangement of this consecutive course of condensed les- sons, under the heading of Basic Statements and Treat- ment, is designed to be a simple, practical method which, when understood and practiced will enable students to realize whole- ness for themselves, and for others. Wholeness is comprised of pure Being, perfect thought and result. It is the all of Life, Love, Truth, Intelligence, Substance, Power, and Presence for which we are seeking. It means Health, Satisfaction and Success. CONTENTS PART I BASIC STATEMENTS OF DIVINE SCIEXCE FOR HEALTH TREATMENT I. Healing by the Christ Method - - - - 11 BE SINCERE IN YOUR EFFORTS PART 1 1 Introductory - - - - - - 27 Directions for Application of Treatment - 28 Whatto Accept and Whatto Reject, as Taught at Home College I. Statement of Being. At-one-ment is Harmony. At- one-ment is Salvation. Agree with Thine Adversary Quickly. Treatment of Wholeness - - 31 II. Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Make You Free Treatment of Perpetual Health Against Mortal Inheritance ------ 35 III. I have Overcome. Treatment, of Adjustment for the Healing of Environment - - - - 37 IV. Treatment, of Illumination. Dehypnotizes from Erron- eous Beliefs of Subjection - - 39 V. The Way of Life. Perfection of Body '- - 40 VI. Strait is the Gate and Narrow the Way Which Leadeth Unto Life. Treatment, of Dominion Over all Suf- fering - - - - - - - 42 VII. Treatment, for Opulence 44 VIII. He that Believeth on Me. the Works That I Do Shall He Do Also. Treatment, to Demonstrate the Comforter - - - - - - 45 IX. Like Expresses Like. Treatment. Against Bodily Lim- itation and for Demonstration of Opportunities - 47 X. Specific Treatment of Dominion - 49 XL Scientific Treatment Against the Desire for Liqu 50 XII. Treatment, Truth for General Bodily Healing - - 51 XIII Treatment, for Perfect Sight 52 XIY. Treatment, for Healing of all Acute Disease - - 52 XV. Treatment, for Perfect Digestion 54 Brief Summary - - - - - - 55 perceive and know what is, was and ever more shall be, the eternal. To be free in Truth is to be what is and is now free from error. What your highest conception of Divinity is, that claim to be and you will press forward to> the mark of your high calling in at-one-ment. "Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand ;" "for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth." The whole armor is the whole of God, God in his entirety. TREATMENT II. OF PERPETUAL HEALTH, AGAINST MORTAL INHERITANCE "Make the tree good and the fruit good." I affirm these truths for myself ; they are fully my own, they apply alike to all. I do this and demonstrate the Truth that there is no mortal parenthood or inheritance, no mortal source or cause operating in creation at this time. 36 BASIC STATEMENTS I and my Father arc One. I am infinite; Like produces like; God is Spirit., the only Cre- ator; That created by Spirit is spirit; We are conceived in right- eousness and born in true holiness; All forms are manifesta- tions of Spirit; We are immaculately con- ceived in the Spirit of whole- ness, and are begotten of God; In the beginning God cre- ated heaven and earth; "Heaven and earth, the seas and all that in them is," are God expressed. God is always the God of the living; Truth is my freedom. Therefore, there is no finite. Therefore, no production is unlike the Creator. Therefore, there is no physical causation or crea- tion. Therefore, no created thing is of the earth and earthly. Therefore, we are not con- ceived in sin nor born in in- iquity, (inequality). Therefore, there are no material forms. Therefore, we are not im- purely conceived in separa- tion nor begotten of the Flesh. Therefore, there is no ma- terial heaven or earth. Therefore, there is no heaven, or earth, or seas, or anything therein, that is born of time or place, God is never the God of the dead. The tree is good, and the fruit is good. God is good, and I am good. The Creator is good, and the creature is good. God's will is done in creating earth as it is in creating heaven. There is no law over God. There is no law over man. The One all which I am is all law. Beside the word which is God, without which nothing is made that is made, there is no Law. HEALTH TREATMENT 37 BASIC STATEMENT FOR TREATMENT III. (C I HAVE OVERCOME " To overcome is to come over from the theory of becom- ing to Being, and know the Truth of the correct relation of Cause and effect existing between the Creator and crea- tion. Being Source and Cause, is being that which in- cludes all creation ; this is dominion. It is true that I am hid with Christ in God ; my possibility is the possibility of God idea; my existence is this possibility or idea made manifest; for beside God there is none other. It is God who says : "Be ye holy, because I am holy/' As God's knowledge is omniscience there can be no knowledge that it is not. Knowledge is free from suffering, failure, and dissatis- faction. For this reason, from the standpoint of at-one- ment alone can the false sense of them be erased. It is God, the Infinite One, who says, that to know self is to know all there is to know. We are neither fruitless nor deceived in claiming God-knowledge, absolute conscious- ness of truth ; we are blessed of the Lord. True knowledge ' is certain perception of the Truth of at-one-ment, the unity of God. 38 BASIC STATEMENTS TREATMENT III. OF ADJUSTMENT FOR HEALING OF ENVIRONMENT "THE WORDS THAT I SPEAK, THEY ARE SPIRIT AND THEY ARE LIFE^ There is no enmity. I am infinite and all-pervading Love. I have manifested all things, and they live within me. I am both Love and loving in all that live and move and have being. I am unmoved by all that live. I move within and act upon all form. I am Love in the midst of all climates and changes of the weather. I am not affected by the wind, the storm, nor the calm. I am unchanged by either heat or cold. I, Love, possess and am master of all things. There is no power given in existing forms, conditions, circumstances, or events that I am not. All that I manifest is spirit and is life. I am perfect ad- justment. My body is not subject to a false sense of things ; to disease, to mental conditions or physical environ- ments. There is no sin, mortality or corruption. My body is at one with the Source and Cause of all form. It is not the maker of itself ; neither is it the maker of other forms. It is subject to nothing. It exists within and is at-one with all there is. I, who made it, am its life, intelligence, substance and power. It is not sick, and there is nothing within its nature opposed to what these words imply. HEALTH TREATMENT 39 TREATMENT IV. OF ILLUMINATION DEHYPNOTIZES FROM ERRONEOUS BELIEFS OF SUBJECTION God is not what he is through choice. Man is not what he is through choice. There is no optional nature to either God or man. The allness of the all cannot choose between two or more different things what it will he. The I that I am beside whom there is none, has no choice as to the nature of Be- ing. It is the nature of wholeness, Infinitude of Knowl- edge, Power and Presence, to express itself. This is done within itself and unto itself. Man is what he is just as God is what he is. As God is life, love, truth, substance, intelligence and power, so am I, life, love, truth, substance, intelligence and power. Illumination is One. I am it ; I am concentration ; I am self-poised, self-centered and free. I am in no way subject to the law of cause and effect. I am it. There is no law over me, none to come against me. For there is none that I am not. My senses are spiritual ; I am their illumination. I observe all things truthfully. My house is now set in Order according to perfect illumination. 40 BASIC STATEMENTS BASIC STATEMENT FOR TREATMENT V. THE WAY OF LIFE "Whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he thinketh that he hath." To claim to possess the opposite of what you are seeking, prevents the realiza- tion and enjoyment of what is sought. Whosoever believes that he is not whole, from him is taken away that which he thinks he has; the unfailing health of Being is not real- ized and enjoyed by believ- ing that we are not whole. The Broad Way. Error never claims life or freedom for the present; it always hopes to become; hence, it does not testify of truth, nor bear witness of what the I am is. "Take heed how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given." To claim that you possess that which you have sought, brings the full realization and enjoyment of it. Whosoever believes in his heart that he is whole, to him unfailing health and wholeness is realized and enjoyed here and now. The Narrow Way. Truth always claims to be Life eternal and to be free now; hence, it testifies of itself, all there is, and bears witness of what the I am is. Hereby know we the Hereby know we the Spirit claims of false belief. of Truth. HEALTH TREATMENT TREATMENT V. PERFECTION OF PURITY OF BODY The Pure in Heart See God. Therefore, I affirm in thought, word and act : 41 There is no death, error, or ignorance within me; There is no hate, covetous- ness or pride within me; There is no doubt, fear or weakness within me; There is no selfishness, prejudice or aversion within me; There is no sense of evil, disease or dissatisfaction within me; I do not think evil thoughts; I know not failure; For "I am" Spirit, Spirit is Life, Truth Wisdom. and and I am Love, Justice, and Perfection. I am Knowledge, Love, and Faith. I am all-pervading pres- ence; I am no respecter of •persons. I am Goodness, Ease, and Satisfaction. I am pure in heart clean in thought. For God is success. and "I and my Father are one, and not two." I am free with the freedom of Truth. I am alive with God-life. I am at rest and at one with all that is. God, the All Life, is my life. In these affirmations I worship God in Spirit and in Truth. I am alive forevermore. I claim all that eternal life implies, and to me it is given. 42 BASIC STATEMENTS BASIC STATEMENT FOR TREATMENT VI. ^STRAIT IS THE GATE AND NARROW THE WAY WHICH LEAD- ETH UNTO LIFE ; AND FEW THERE BE THAT FIND IT " I have found the narrow way which leads unto life, it is Unity, I walk in the "New and living way." The few who find it are my Father and I, we see that the "Outer is as the inner" ; the creature is as the Creator ; that the tree is good and the fruit is good; and the All as one infinite Good. We see : "I* and my Father as one." I, therefore, realize eternal Life and enjoy heaven here; for in at-one-ment God's will is done. To believe that evil, sin, sickness and death are realities, and that we are subject to them, is to have other gods before Me. The desire naturally yields to what w r e believe has dominion over us. "Ye believe in God, believe also in me." "This is the work of God, that ye believe on Him whom God hath sent." Equality is the law that unites Father and Son, or Creator and creation. HEALTH TREATMENT 43 TREATMENT VI. OF DOMINION OVER ALL SUFFERING There is no evil power or All power is God., and all thing. things are good. There is nothing material. All that is, is Spirit. My body is not subject to My Body is Spirit, and is pain or disease. perfect peace and rest. Feeling does not originate Feeling inheres in thought, in the body. I do not feel pain. My thoughts are of God and are painless. There is no sin in mind. There is but One mind, and it is wholly Divine. There is no sin in body. My body is the expression of Mind. There is no sickness in Truth is perfect freedom. Truth. There is no death in Life. Life is All in All. I am Life. 44 BASIC STATEMENTS TREATMENT VII. FOR OPULENCE "Let the word of God dwell in you richly/' "I am that I am, and beside me there is none other." "I Am, is my name forever." I am perfect harmony. All my works are done in Truth; all My ways are just and right. I am Opulence. I am Totality ; the Universal and the abundance of the manifest universe. I know no lack, want nor poverty. I am the fullness of health, infinite supply and Omnipresent wealth. I am Omnipresence, Omnipotence and Omniscience, demon- strating my abundance continually. "All that is made is mine." HEALTH TREATMENT 45 BASIC STATEMENT FOR TREATMENT VIII. "HE THAT BELIEVETH OX ME, THE WORKS THAT I DO SHALL HE DO ALSO" To believe on Jesus, the Christ, is to know that you are in the kingdom of God as his dear Son, and that you are just the same in being and existence as is Jesus, the Christ. "And at that day ye shall know that I am in the Father, and ye in Ale, and I in you/' The Comforter that the Father sends, which shall abide with you, is the Spirit of Truth. Now is always the time to believe in the truth vou are, and be comforted. TREATMENT VIII. TO DEMONSTRATE THE COMFORTER XOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME I believe that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, that the work of Christ is being done. "The Law of the spirit of Life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the Law of Sin and Death/' I am the Light of the world, and can say : 46 BASIC STATEMENTS There is no fear; There is no fear of sep- aration from God, within me; There is no fear of sin, sickness, or sorrow within me; There is no fear of death, weakness, or want within me; There is no fear, anxious care nor doubt within me; There is no fear that I shall become helpless and a burden to my friends; For God is all-pervading Love. For God is One insepar- able Omnipresence. For now am I saved, my health is established, and my joy complete. For God is my Life, strength and abundant sup- ply. For I dwell in Love, and Love dwells in me. For the gift of God is Eternal Life, I am life, ever restful, active, and free from burden. For my substance. body is eternal For in God there is no fail- ure. He is my unfailing sight and hearing. But of power, and of Love and a sound mind. I do not fear age of body; there is no age; There can be no failure of mental faculties, sight or hearing; God hath not given us the spirit of fear; I fear not, doubt not, resist not. Love is without fear, I know not fear, I am Love. I am complete and perfect in God-love. I now realize that I am all for which I have sought. I am in the Holy of Holies, self-illumined. I demonstrate perfect health, peace and satisfaction. I am at rest in my thoughts. I am clean in thought and pure in heart. I see God as All in All. I have no life or self-hood apart from God. I am satisfied and happy. I am God rest. HEALTH TREATMENT 47 BASIC STATEMENT FOR TREATMENT IX. LIKE EXPRESSES LIKE When an estate is bequeathed, there is a specified time for the heirs to possess it. Our inheritance is purity throughout ; it is that in our mental and bodily existence we are spirit. Now is the time specified by the Eternal One for us to claim our Being, our sonship in God, "To- day is the day of salvation" ; this inheritance is the redemp- tion of our body. TREATMENT . IX. AGAINST BODILY LIMITATION AND FOR DEMONSTRATION OF OPPORTUNITIES "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth." The Holy Spirit is here and I am here. Two things the reverse of each other cannot occupy the same place at the same time. Because the Spirit is holy, I am holy. W noleness is my inheritance bequeathed by the in- separableness of the All. Now I am all possibility that I 48 BASIC STATEMENTS can ever be or express. I am eternal Life, and I manifest it fully. I am Spirit, and it is my day of perfect knowledge. I am baptized into Christ and have pnt on Christ. The one who anoints with the Spirit of Truth is God. I am- perfect in thought, motive and feeling. I am harmonious in word, deed and sensation. I am accurate and definite in all I think and do. I am the idea of success. I am all oppor- tunity, and know no limitation. I am sight, hearing, health, faith, power and understanding. I manifest all that I am. All my ways succeed. I am not a servant, but a son, radiat- ing the light and glorifying the life of the Infinite One. My possibilities are immortal, incorruptible, unalterable. The whole earth and the fullness thereof is Mine. Thus is God glorified on earth. "All that the Father hath are mine." Of all that Thou hast given me I can lose nothing. Nothing that belongs unto Thee can be lost. This is in- heritance or inheriency. There is no corruption, no mortal- ity, death is swallowed up of Life. There is no enemy. God is Life, and there is none beside. "Be still and Knozv That I Am God/' HEALTH TREATMENT 49 TREATMENT X. SPECIFIC TREATMENT OF DOMINION Treatment ten and eleven are to be used to heal of the desire for liquor and of the belief that man is under the dominion of appetite. Speak the name of the one receiving treatment, and say : I do not condemn thee. I love and am one with thee. Our Father we thank Thee for the knowledge that Thou art All, and art in all, as the ever-present Life and living good. As such, we worship Thee in the spirit of whole- ness, and see Thy glory manifest in earth. In Thy Truth we sanctify all things as Thou sanctifiest all with thy pres- ence. Our brother acknowledges Truth. Enjoys thy pres- ence and entertains Thee as his constant companion. He loves to affirm the Truth, that Thou hast made all things like unto Thyself, and hath placed no* limitation upon them ; Thou hast not measurest thy spirit unto him. He partakes of thy inseparable and unlimited nature. Thy wholeness of Being is given unto him. He exercises absolute domin- ion and is neither subject to appetite nor desire. Dear brother, you cannot be tempted. There is no one to tempt and none to be tempted. You are whole, pure and good, there is nothing impure or unholy in you. You pro- nounce yourself good, you refuse to pronounce against God, you love to pronounce with Him, and declare your freedom. 50 BASIC STATEMENTS TREATMENT XI. SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT AGAINST DESIRE FOR LIQUOR To God there is no idea or possibility of limitation ; no sensuous appetite or desire; hence, dear brother James you are not limited, environed by, nor subject to any seeming appetite or desire for liquor, nor to the belief that you are. You cannot express anything real that does not represent Being; therefore, you are free in Truth at this time; nothing binds nor limits you. Thou art, O God, pronouncing him good and very good, free and whole, for thou dost contain him at this time in Thy limitless Being and Love. Dear Brother, listen to the voice of God speaking within you, saying, "You do not slumber in sense delusion ; there is no sense delusion. You are not limited or controlled by desire. In truth you control desire. You have dominion over it. You do hear and understand My words of supreme freedom. You are free to witness My presence working in you. Listen, and understand what I say to you : liquor is neither the life, intelligence, substance, power nor peace for which you are seeking. It cannot give you strength, success, health, or satisfaction ; nor can it prove to be a 'source and cause of happiness to you. You do not believe that you desire or need it ; you know that it supplies no HEALTH TREATMENT 51 want ; you know that you are immortal and are eternal life with Ale. You are in no way dependent upon liquor for health, strength, success or happiness. I, alone, am the source of all that you need. Your body is now radiant, strong and healthy with My presence. There is no dark- ness within you. You now understand that what I say to you is Truth. I am your Life, love, truth, substance and peace, and you are filled with perfect satisfaction at this time. Behold! thou art made whole." Amen! TREATMENT XII. TRUTH FOR GENERAL BODILY HEALING My life, substance, intelligence and power is God ; there is nothing more, and nothing less. I am what I am, whole, perfect, without sin, or any disease, because God and God manifest is all there is. I have not sinned ; I do not fall short of Truth ; I have not missed the mark of my high calling in Christ Jesus ; I am not burdened with environments ; I am not heavy laden with surrounding conditions ; I am not weak with hope deferred ; I am in my Father's kingdom, enjoying the power and glory of it ; I am free, here and now. 52 BASIC STATEMENTS TREATMENT XIII. FOR PERFECT SIGHT I regard the holy presence of God within me sufficient for all demonstration of sight, health and prosperity. His presence within me is Omniscience, the All-seeing. I cannot see apart from Omniscience, for I am not sepa- rated from its Omnipresence, and in It my sight has never failed ; it is not dimmed ; sight cannot fail ; my eyes are the eyes of the all-seeing One; I see perfectly at this time. I have sought and found. No conditions of the past or of the present have any power to limit or environ me, no seeming condition can possibly reach or mar the sight that I am. I am ever and ever all-sufficient in God. TREATMENT XIV. FOR HEALING OF ALL ACUTE DISEASE Suggested from the allegoric Truth of the second chap- ter of Genesis, and used successfully by the author in pneumonia, chest troubles and different acute conditions. A river of God flows out to water the garden now; from thence it becomes into Four heads. Your blood is the first head. This river flows perfectly in every organ and atom of your body. Your blood is a river of God. Its rise and flow is God. It is the blood of God, the blood HEALTH TREATMENT 53 of life, the blood of love, of intelligence and power. It is the blood of Christ, free, unobstructed, strong, pure and healthy. The obstructions that seem to be are not real. There is perfect circulation, and you are equalized from head to foot, free in every part. The second head of this river of God is breathing. God now breathes the breath of life into you. Your breath has its rise and flow in God. There is no obstruction, no con- gestion. Your breath is the breath of God, of life, of love, of intelligence and power. It is the breath of Christ, un- obstructed, strong, pure, healthy and free. You breathe freely, fully, deeply. Nothing binds nor limits your breath- ing ; its power is permanent and unlimited. The third head of this river of God, whose rise and flow is God, is your perfect digestion and Assimilation. God blends perfectly in you, and God-perfection is ex- pressed perfectly in you now. You are One with God and One w 7 ith your food, and are receiving, all that you do receive, perfectly, and are giving off or forth perfectly of what you have and are. There is a fourth head to this river of God, which is perfect generation. These all water every organ and atom of your body with the water of life. There is now direct generation from God in you ; you are quickened anew from head to foot, and are perfect, whole, complete, healthy, full of the activ- ity of Omnipotent power. You are a living son, radiat- ing intelligence and health. These words of Truth are strength to your body, health to every part, sight to your eyes, and hearing to your ears. 54 BASIC STATEMENTS TREATMENT XV. FOR PERFECT DIGESTION "All Thine are mine and All mine are Thine." The Glorious liberty of my body is that of a child of God; which is heir of God and joint heir with Christ. Digestion is Unity of Substance. Its source is God. The food I digest is one with Me. There is no conflict between Me and my food. There is perfect agreement and assimilation. Whether eating or drinking I do all to the glory of God. "I am the bread of Life." "I am the living bread which came down from heaven." The bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh. By eating my flesh and drinking my blood I identify them with my- self, and express therein the life that I am. By thus eating I dw T ell in Christ, and Christ dwells in me. This being perfect oneness, I am the Christ ; so the law is now fulfilled that I live as the Father lives. Explanation — Every one who applies this treatment sees that he lives as I live, and that we are entirely free from trying to digest food spiritually or literally supposed to be acquired from a source other than what we are, or what the I am is. HEALTH TREATMENT 55 BRIEF SUMMARY Being* is God, is self-existing, the Fullness of the All. Being is not subject to power, life or law. It is all power, life and law. It is not subject to, dominated nor environed by anything. The All in All knows nothing beside, nothing to dominate nor environ. Being is Inseparable; this proves man to be self- existing, eternal, forever and ever conscious of be- ing in and of the inseparable whole. The insepar- ableness of the One Whole proves man to be higher than he has, or can ever be placed by human mis- belief or mortal misconception. God-idea is with God, and is God, without which nothing is expressed that is expressed. It is the whole of man; it is "Spirit," which is both Soul and Body. It is life, substance, intelligence and power. Divine Science reveals a higher, broader and deeper nature to man, and to all things, than any previous teach- ing except that of Christ. It is absolute freedom from the belief of the world's apostacy from God either by a fall a supposition of becoming, a carnal or mortal mind, or a lower self. There are no elements in matter, so called, of disease, lack or death, and no qualities but what are indestructible, hence eternal. This compels us to see that matter in its essential nature is free from disease, lack or death, and is therefore the direct expression of Spirit. This is the true standard consciousness which knows no corruption ; in L.crfU. 56 BASIC STATEMENTS which "death is swallowed up of life"; in which the Uni- verse is Spirit substance — One body : "we are all members of the body of Christ." For sin, sickness, and death to be real or to be any part of man — the unit of Spirit, soul and body — they would have to be qualities of God or elements of in- destructible matter; in either case they would be self- existing and eternal. To see man as Spirit, at one with God, it is essential to see the nothingness of all false beliefs, the nothingness of nothing. To do this one should analyze them perfectly, as it were, and as he sees that no place can be found for them in the self-existing nature of Being, nor in the in- destructible nature of the elements of matter, know that they must fade away into their native nothingness. There is no inharmony in expression ; inharmony is hu- man misbelief, the want of a knowledge of the perfect expression that is. Misbelief is out of harmony with knowledge. Truth makes free. It proves the One Whole to be free. How shall we dispose of matter in Divine Science? By seeing the truth of it. How shall we find freedom for our bodies ? By knowing the truth of them. The Truth of anything is the freedom of it. If there were no truth in body, there would be no freedom of body. But instead there are Truth bodies and bodies free, and we have found them, so let it be. The Home College of Divine Science 3360 Seventeenth Street, = San Francisco, Cal. Home College was incorporated under the laws of the State of California, May 4th, 1888, for Educational, Ethical and Religious purposes. The Home College course of instruction consists of four departments: Primary, Training, Theological and Normal. After completing the college course and passing a satisfactory examination, the students are given a Ministerial Certificate from the College and the First Divine Science Church of San Fran- cisco. The terms for these classes are within the reach of all. M. E. CRAMER, President C. L. CRAMER, Vice=president HARMONY A Monthly Magazine devoted to Divine Science and Instruction in the Christ Method of Healing One Dollar per Annum, Single Copies, Ten Cents. EDITED AND PUBLISHED BV C. L. AND M. E. CRAMER, 3360 Seventeenth Street, - - San Francisco, Cal. INDISPENSABLE To Every One Who Wishes to know the Truth and Enjoy Freedom. Harmony is an exponent of Divine Science. Every subject of interest to humanity is treated from a scientific standpoint, and illumined with Truth. Each issue contains articles by the best writers and most prominent workers in the cause of Truth. Each number contains scientific articles and practical instructions in Healing, by its editors. Its pages are filled with the best and most highly educative thought of the day. Advertising rates made known upon request. JUN 22 1905, :?OT 7|T^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS □DQEba^01E3