LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, ©IpquB/V ©up^rig^i Ifa* Shelf ^ti3- UMTED STATES OP AMERICA. Familiar Instructions OF ev. vjether jyTc^uley Foundress op uhb Institute op the Religious Sisters op CQergy, Dublin, Ireland. EDITED BY THE SISTERS OF MERCY, ST. LOUIS, MO " If thou wilt incline thy ear, thou shaft receive instruction."— ECCL. Chap. VI.— 34. 11 See ye that I have not labored for myself only, but for all that seek out the truth."— ECCL. Chap. XXIV.— 47. k»$$fr ST. LOUIS, MO.: EV. E. CARRERAS, PRINTER, PUBLISHER AND BINDER, 117 and 119 Locust Street. 1888. •y* i if V \ COPYRIGHT, i883, THE SISTERS OF MERCY, ST. LOUIS, MO, TO (fynt ^lessed fj>dtj of J^ency THE Beloved Advocate, the Principal Protectress, the Star of Hope of the Sisters of Mercy : THAT THE Holy Institute, Founded Under Her Invocation, May be Defended Against its Enemies ; AND THAT She May Obtain for Those Whom Her Divine Son has Made His Spouses, to Dispense His Mercies to Their Fellow- Creatures, the True Splrlt of Their Sublime Vocation, Are These Simple Instructions of THEm Revered Foundress, Most Humbly and Affec- tionately Dedicated. ACRDSTICi GQary, GQother of (Dercy. ARY, sweetest, holiest Name, ^fter Jesus, earth can claim. Rarest melody, its sound fields, where heav'nly joys abound. gttother spotless ! Mother fair ! (!), let us thy virtues share. Shou art sinless, let us be genceforth undefiled, like thee. (£ver let our hearts, like thine, f^est in Jesus' Heart Divine. O'er us, Queen of Mercy, reign; jgaith, Hope, Love, for us obtain. ^Horning Star! let thy soft ray, ($ver light us on our way. Refuge, of the sinful, we dome, poor suppliants to thee, ^earning for thy sympathy. Sm. JOSEPH'S d>ONYENJH OP &EI^GY} Sm. iiouis, fflo. EDITOR S P^EFAGE, CTHIS little volume may be considered as a sup- plement to the recent "Life of Catharine McAuley," as it portrays yet more fully the glow- ing fervor of her true and deep Religious spirit. While it is not doubted that any reader of these Instructions, would fail to be edified and enlightened, yet, as the edition appears for the first time in print, it is deemed well to give a brief account of the authenticity of the same, as well as to mention that some portions of chapters, also an occasional sentence, has been omitted, where it entered too much into detail; and in order to classify the subjects better, sections of different chapters have been placed under the one heading. Otherwise, no material alterations have been made, or in the least tend to affect the pur- port of the Instructions. These Precepts have been used in manuscript form in many of the convents in Ireland, but, in this country, a favored few only, have been in possession of the valued treasure. Among these is the Community in Rochester, N. Y., from whom vi EDITOR'S PREFACE. a copy was obtained some years since^ by the Sisters of Mercy in St. Louis, Mo. Hence, before bringing out this edition, the MS. in hand was duly examined and declared authentic, as Mother McAuley's spirit, that is the spirit of a Religious Sister of Mercy, is breathed in every line. More- over, one in the novitiate, Baggot Street Convent, Dublin, and who is at present a member of a Community of Sisters of Mercy in America, remem- bers having heard these same Instructions read from a manuscript for lecture in the novitiate, Baggot Street Convent, before she came on the mission to the United States. The editors have spared no pains to render these precepts of their Revered Foundress accept- able in every point to those who are so for- tunate as to obtain a copy, and sincerely trust that all within whose sphere they come, may not fail to appreciate and profit by the many beautiful, spiritual lessons, so simply and so lovingly offered by the " Saintly Foundress." ST. JOSEPH'S CONVENT OF MERCY, St. Louis, Mo. Feast of the Compassion of the B. V. Mary, 23d of March, 1888. CONTENTS. Chapter I.— Of the Object of the Institute " II.— Of the Schools «« III.— Of the Visitation of the Sick " IV.— Of the Admission of Poor Women to the House of Mercy .... V.— Of the Vow of Holy Poverty . VI.— Of the Vow of Chastity .... VII.— Of the Vow of Obedience .... VIIL— Of the Office and Mental Prayer IX.— Of the Spiritual Exercises and Renewal of Vows X.— Of Confession and Communion " XI.— On Devotion to the Passion of Jesus Christ, to the Blessed Sacrament, and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus " XII.— Of Devotion to the B. V. Mary " XIII.— Of the Perfection of Our Ordinary Actions .... " XIV.— Of the Employment of Time " XV.— Of Silence 11 XVI.— Of Union and Charity . 11 XVII.— Of Humility . " XVIII.— Fasts and Abstinence " XIX.— Of the Refectory " XX.— Of the Care of the Sick Sisters and frages for the Dead— Prayer On the Religious Life Maxims and Counsels .... Addendum SUF 1 8 16 23 27 32 39 47 54 60 72 83 88 94 99 106 112 121 126 129 132 135 151 UinptiwaktiZs : fQAI^GH 6JPH, 1888, UUfr ^Z^. ^VOta WW, Vicar- General, St. Louis. FAMILIAR INSTRUCTIONS OF FjEYE^END CQOTHEI^ CQcflULBY. o>o<^Oo