Class. Book.. j Copyright! . . COPYRIGHT DEPOSm The Letters of a Woman Who Was BY THE WOMAN <&GXj WALTER H. ROBERTSON 209 West Fifteenth Street MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 1917 <^pH2j ff Copyright 1917 walter h. robertson / APR 17 1917 t/ ©GI.A460349 ^_ FOREWORD This book, which has been written by a young woman who is not familiar with the sub- jects dealt with, contains truths which cannot fail to convince you of a life outside the physical existence. It is especially impressive since it bears the stamp of earnest appeal and sincerity. The circumstances connected with its com- position are compelling, and it is important that these facts should be made known that the readers of this book can draw their own con- clusions regarding its authenticity. The man- ner in which the young woman discovered that she possessed psychic power was unusual. The first message which she received came on a Sun- day evening early in October when a small party of persons were amusing themselves by receiving messages from discarnate spirits. The method used was the simple one of the drinking glass and the alphabet which was printed in large letters upon a square of bristol board. One of the ladies in the party was apparently the only one who could draw a control. No messages of weight or importance were received until after the guests had departed. The seance had taken place at the home of the young woman who has 6 The Letters Of written this book. She was so thoroughly ex- cited over the events of the evening that she decided to try to get a message alone. The glass immediately began to move and letters formed intelligent messages. That was the be- ginning of many interesting and unusual mes- sages, which gradually led up to the writing of this book. On the eighteenth of October, in 1916, early in the forenoon when the young woman was alone busily engaged with her house- hold duties, a voice so natural that it failed to startle her told her to get the glass. This she refused to do. The voice was insistent and the girl suddenly realized that it was not a natural occurrence and hastily got the alphabet and the glass. It moved rapidly, almost eagerly, and spelled out that the spirit controlling the glass was Mrs. Thomas and that she wanted to write a book. A few days later Mrs. Thomas com- menced the writing of her book through this method. However, the strain was so great up- on the young woman that after a few pages had been written she was ready to give up in despair of ever completing it. At this point Mrs. Thomas spelled out the following message: "Put away the glass and I will control your arm." This seemed almost impossible to the girl, but she A Woman Who Was 7 took a pencil and a pad of paper and after an interval of a few minutes the pencil began to move with jerks but always very rapidly, and the writing of the book was resumed through the automatic control. It took fifty-one hours to write the book, averaging about three hours a day. This book carries a direct appeal to those who have been seeking for knowledge of this character. It is written in a simple, straightforward manner, in the form of letters such as a mother would write to her children from a foreign land, giving ad- vice and counsel, making many sage observa- tions about life in the spirit world and on earth. The book expresses her various moods. She tells of her sorrows, her trials and regrets, relat- ing also many unusual experiences of other en- tities with whom she has come in contact. Those of you who read this book cannot but be convinced of its sincerity and truth and its effect will be that of giving you a new hope and of making all who read it better men and women. With this explanation I submit to the read- ers the following chapters. Editor PREFACE The object of this book is to place before the masses in clear, condensed form some initial truths pertaining to the spiritual existence which in the due course of time we are all called upon to assume. Many of these truths have before been extolled, although in such a ponderous form as to be accessible only to a student or scholar. My mission is to impart to the masses this in- formation in clear concise form that they may fully comprehend and understand its full mean- ing. By accepting these facts you will find that you are gaining something which you have never before possessed. The essentials that are necessary to advance evolution consciously are, first, the keenest desire for the truth, then you must acquire devotion and finally a clear under- standing. After you gain these qualities you will be ready to accept the truth and spiritual knowledge. I am not imparting these truths through my own understanding but through that of high entities who are taking upon them- selves the great responsibility of enlightening the masses. Through previous incarnations I was drilled and coached that I might become the channel for this work. The young girl 10 The Letters Of whom the adepts have chosen has also gone through rigid training and since early childhood of this life she has been under the constant observance of the adepts who were awaiting fuller development of that spiritual strength which even now is only in its bud. This young woman has been chosen as the channel through which these teachers will impart such truth as the world never before has possessed. There are to be five more books of greater length which will explain fully every phase of life in the spiritual existence and on earth. This book is merely the means for introducing the great works which are to follow. The next book is full of vital interest and a narrative runs through- out it and it will be known under the name of "The Diary of an Adept." It will contain as- tounding truths and experiences which even the advanced student has yet to learn. The time has come when the world must accept these truths. It has been so decreed and from this time on there will be revelations made which we hope will convince the people in the world of the absolute truth of a spiritual existence after death. This great work is taken up with the point in view of enlightening those people who desire to know the absolute truth about life. A Woman Who Was 11 Many of you would before have accepted these teachings had they been presented in more readable form, which would appeal to the best that is in you. In the perusal of this book I would suggest that you study completely each thought and try to get the spiritual meaning as I have tried to convey it. There are many books that can be obtained that expound these spiritual truths to a certain measure, but hu- man mind, no matter how highly developed it may be, cannot grasp fully the significance of these facts and in writing of these truths they are not always accurate in stating them. It is indeed my sincere wish that this work and those which will follow it will be accepted by the public and that some good may be gained through our combined efforts. Since we know that we cannot progress through ignorance, why not take up the candle' of spiritual illumination and hold it before us that we may be guided through our existence without getting so sorely bruised and weary, and since you know that by gaining full consciousness of the spiritual exist- ence you will have gained something which is immortal and cannot but help to serve you and to lighten the burdens that all human beings are called upon to bear. And so I say unto all 12 The Letters Of Ages and Races, Strive for the finest, noblest things in life. Keep your ideals lofty and do your utmost to live up to them. We all fall at times beneath the level we have set out to gain and there is no disgrace in that. The disgrace is staying down when you might well arise and even gain the great heights that appear so far away; and my purpose is to help you to gain that knowledge of the first essential truths that will help you to climb up without falling or even stumbling on the way. My great hope is that these facts will be accepted in the spirit they have been given. With this thought in view I offer without apology the following chapters. The Woman The Letters of a Woman Who Was March 31, 1914. I have undergone the experience of death and I feel completely at a loss; I seek constantly to find some means through which I can com- municate with my children. I can see them as plainly as I could in life, but the vastness of the barrier between us is tremendous. I can feel that there are heights before me which I must climb very soon, but I shall linger near my old associations as long as possible. During the few hours previous to death I had lain in a seemingly unconscious state, although in reality my mind had never been more active. I reviewed every experience through which I had passed until the events of my whole life had been placed before me. And when they were finished I passed out of the door of a physical existence and in at the door of a spiritual life. April 1st, 1914. Although there is no time or space here, I will set it down that these letters may be com- 14 The Letters Of prehensible to you. I am existing in the mental sphere which is the state of existence nearest the earth. The first sensation that I experienced after the so-called death occurred was that of being in a profound space. There was only that maddening and external space surround- ing me on every side. I felt the motion of ob- jects and I heard a medley of sound without being able to distinguish anything and I fought that unseen presence with all my mental strength; I was like a person battling for life in mid ocean. Then behold! For as suddenly as I had become conscious of that invisible something I became aware of a strange illu- mination and it was possible for me to discern the objects that before had been veiled from my presence. There was life all around me and of various forms. A helper came to help me to grasp the surroundings and under his guidance I learned to know the different forms of life on the mental plane. April 2nd, 1914. The inhabitants of this plane suffer intensely; they all cling to the physical and mourn be- cause they have lost that physical vehicle which prevents them from functioning in the material A Woman Who Was 15 sense. We are all drawn to some phase of an earthly existence. Many of the entities here hover over their earthly grave in perfect agony. It is gruesome to look at the inanimate cold body which once was the instrument through which the true ego found expression. Had it been possible for most of us here to have real- ized that there was a spiritual existence ahead, we could have saved much of this utter misery which we are now enduring. During my last life on earth I was exceedingly material; how- ever, I was not gross. It was the comfort and pleasure of life which I loved and which still attracts me greatly. Had I been less domineer- ing, I might also have escaped this phase of life which is my punishment for erring as I did. My earthly nature was one of impulse, storm and sunshine and it will take a long period of time for me to outgrow these faults. I took a keen interest in current events and what this or that person was doing and I do the same here. I am curious about all my surroundings and watch the attitudes of the entities with keenest interest and sympathy. Many entities arrived here at the same time I came, most of whom had died from tuberculosis and thought it necessary to go on coughing and suffering, 16 The Letters Of and, when they discovered that they had cast off that physical shell, their surprise was un- believable. One ego, a very young girl, came about a week before I came, and she seems in great misery; she had left a little crippled brother behind her and she tries to talk to him. At present she is leaning over his bed imploring him to speak to her, but, of course, she is not manifest to him and his perfect unconsciousness of her presence is causing her new sorrow. This same entity died as the result of an automobile accident and she seeijis to live over those dread- ful experiences. She is completely earthbound and will not listen to that voice which is calling us to higher and better existences. April 30th, 1914. I have been unable to write until now, as I have been very unhappy; the grief of my chil- dren has caused me much discomfort and I have been trying to reach them, but they could not see me. I wish they could know that I am all right and that I would rather they would not grieve for me. How dreadful that rigid Christian demonstration is! Why go through the gruesome ceremony of looking at the cast- off shell as it lies in its casket? It means noth- A Woman Who Was 17 ing. How much better it would be if they would realize the consciousness of my present existence and help me through their strong de- sire to rise above this earthbound condition, which is so distressing. May 6th, 1914. Life here seems endless and I am beginning to wonder if I shall ever be able to sever the bonds that connect me still with that earthly life. Even my favorite chair attracts me and I long to sit in it as I used to do. I combat these desires, because I know that if I seek to satisfy them I will remain in this present state of life. That physical body which I cast off is slowly disintegrating and it is indeed painful to look upon it as it is very difficult to make my- self realize that it is as the shell a little new born chicken casts off and amounts to nothing more. One becomes greatly attached to that vehicle and I hope my experiences will help you living beings to know the futility of letting the material absorb your entire attention. The en- tities here are all working out of their own in- dividual earthly attachments and desires and they do not greatly concern themselves with the suffering of those around them. This is 18 The Letters Of especially true if they have remained here any length of time. Entities just arriving are far more susceptible to the vibrations and are curi- ous to know about every phase of existence here. The novelty soon wears off and they set themselves to work out of this state of exist- ence. December 10th, 1914. I have gone through many experiences since my last letter and am about to ascend to the fourth astral plane, where I will take up my spiritual or astral evolution. That physical shell which I cast off nine months ago has disinte- grated and I have lost all desire to function on the physical plane. My family has ceased to grieve. My unhappiness is over, and now I will ascend to better things. Now that I am able to look back over previous events, the one incident that impresses me most is that of my existence here in the spiritual world before. When I was called upon to assume a physical existence the last time I did so very unwillingly and had to be forced to accept it as the only way that could be, as it was necessary for me to live in the physical state many more times; but the spiritual life was so satisfying that I A Woman Who Was 19 dreaded to leave it for the sharp discomfort of the physical body. I remember now of looking into my future existences and seeing plainly the experiences through which I was to pass, but when the time for physical rebirth came I lost the consciousness of all things spiritual and I completely forgot that unwillingness to descend to a material life until physical death again loosened the bonds and I was permitted to re- view and digest those occurrences again. January 1st, 1916. I am now existing on the fourth plane and it is vastly different from that state of existence I have left. This plane is the intermediate one and is where the masses coming from the earth begin their astral evolution. In looking at the physical existence from here it looks cold and uncomfortable and I have no wish to retrace the ground between us. It is the beginning of a new year and there is much boisterous gaiety on the physical plane. The garish lights and music are attracting the human lot; even my own children are participating in this mawkish pleasure and every one is seemingly enjoying it. How very near it all is and yet how far removed from this existence! 20 The Letters Of March 15th, 1916. It has been two years since I passed from the physical existence and I am only now beginning to learn the knowledge that is essential to pro- mote spiritual growth. Some entities are, of course, much more evolved than others and it is the same with the vegetable and animal in a lesser sense. Each state of existence is trans- ferred to the planes most suited to its own individual state of maturity. Man must carve out his own evolution and through only intense suffering or spiritual illumination can he gain exalted heights. Misery, grief and despair all teach their lesson and it is necessary to spirit- ual growth that they be learned at some period of one's evolution. March 21st, 1916. The object of these letters is to give a helping hand to humanity and to teach you the glory of going on with banners flying. The great blessings you will receive through pro- gressing in all consciousness of the truth is greater than I can impart to you. The fine points of evolution that have been so cunningly worked out are almost more than the human mind is capable of conceiving. We are all con- A Woman Who Was 21 scious of the fact that there is absolute justice in every phase of life and on every plane. These powerful scales must balance; every ac- count has to be paid in the fullest measure. There is only one way and one goal; some reach it sooner through seeking constantly for that spiritual awakening, while others, the masses, in fact are forced forward in the steady march of evolution as I have been through misery. It should be a source of comfort to every human being to learn and progress spiritually. How- ever, this is usually not the case and misery becomes the whip lash that drives humanity forward. April 9th, 1916. It has been a constant source of pleasure to me of late to review my former experiences and to compare them all and find out just how much I have progressed. I seem to have gained constantly and the adepts have kept me under close surveillance for many hundreds of years that one day I might become the channel for their great work. The entities here are all reviewing and digesting their former experiences just as I am. In being able to look back upon these former lives it becomes a teacher to us and 22 The Letters Of we learn not to do the things that retard our growth. April 15th, 1916. What wonderful things do happen. A great and splendid Being has come among us to-day, imparting courage and strength to all. I never knew that there could be an entity of such grandeur. He reflects the glory of the Master. His countenance is more beautiful than light. He is on his way to help the sufferers of Europe. I shall live in the radiance he has left behind him and shall strive to gain that state of perfec- tion more than I have ever before striven for anything. April 20th, 1916. Many helpers are rushing to the battlefields to help the wounded and dying soldiers and I will relate some of their experiences a little later. The effect of the hideous death dealing instru- ments is terrible and the earth seems in an up- heaval of devilishness and hate. The merciless- ness and callousness with which the soldiers kill each other is revolting in the extreme. How- ever these conditions, the dying and suffering are all essential in that the world will be made A Woman Who Was 23 to realize the futility of wrong living and wrong thinking. These men who are dying and those who have died will return to be born again cleansed of some of the foulness of human nature. Every phase of this terrible war is working good for the coming generations, for the world was becoming sluggish and people were bent on their round of pleasure. The loathsome vices of the present day are appalling and it is only through this very suffering that the world can be brought to change its per- spective. The little children who are being left fatherless and the mothers who have had to endure the agony of parting with their husbands never to meet again during this life, are simply working out karma which they generated in previous incarnations. When these debts are all paid evolution will have taken a mighty stride ahead and one of the darkest hours will have passed. There is a source of great com- fort in knowing that while to-day we are paying debts, to-morrow and the days in the future are clear and it is entirely in our own hands to what use we will put them. We can generate good karma or evil and it behooves us to keep to the illuminated path of righteousness if we wish to escape working out of more karma. 24 The Letters Of The gross and material things cannot endure; they are only temporal and the only advance- ment that really counts is that which will enable one to comprehend the true existence. Perfection is in the far distance to be sure, but one can gain it much sooner through working intelligently and in harmony with the law. April 21st, 1916. The helpers have been extremely busy to- day; many hundreds of soldiers have been killed and wounded. It is very difficult for these soldiers to become quiet and it sometimes takes much time to convince them that they have left their physical body behind them. Andre, a young Frenchman of twenty years, has been especially troublesome. He was shot down by a German major and his hatred toward that particular soldier made itself manifest when he looked down on the battlefield and saw the Germans breaking through the French lines; he plunged among them and struck in all his ugly fury at them. However, it did not help him and did not affect the fighting men, because he had been unable to materialize. His fury was especially directed at the German major at whom he repeatedly struck. It is indeed beau- A Woman Who Was 25 tiful and noble, the work of these helpers and it would be impossible to keep order without them; they lighten the suffering of soldiers who are dying. A young English soldier, David Mallowe by name, was terribly mutilated and left in an unconscious condition among the other unfortunates to die, during a recent battle. One of the helpers who had been waiting to assist stepped forward in the form of a human being and knelt beside him. He stroked the feverish head and when the soldier regained consciousness he was there to lessen his suffer- ing. Presently he attempted to sit up but fell back moaning and gasping in the utter agony that the effort caused. The helper threw a veil over his mind and caused that physical shell to be cast off. This same helper assisted David when he became conscious that he was no long- er existing on the physical plane, to grasp his surroundings and then lulled him into a state of semiconsciousness that he might rest after the ordeal through which he had passed. A recent experience of a French lieutenant is also worth relating that it may prove the power of these invisible helpers. There is no such thing as luck; every occurrence has to be guided through help, and help is always given to those 26 The Letters Of who deserve it. This lieutenant was riding towards headquarters and had to cut in at the rear of the German camp. He was seen and several of the German soldiers immediately pursued him mounted on fresh horses. In the possession of the French lieutenant were valu- able dispatches and it meant disgrace if he allowed himself to be captured. He urged his mount on, he gave no thought to his personal danger; his one idea was to get the papers to his commander. Finally he reached a river; he stopped, hesitated and sent the horse lunging in. The Germans aimed and fired; bullets rained around the Frenchman without once finding their mark. One German soldier, Hans Swartz, by name, pursued him way out into the river and was killed when his horse stumbled and threw him and then trampled him to death in his fright. The lieutenant reached the shore safely although his mount was completely ex- hausted and died on reaching the shore. He, however, staggered for hours through the forest and was finally rescued by a brother soldier who was out scouting. He reached headquarters and delivered his dispatches and was decorated for bravery by his general. Had he been less brave and less deserving of help he would have A Woman Who Was 27 been killed many times over. An invisible hand guided him out of his danger and turned the rain of bullets from him. These incidents are constantly occurring and will continue to occur to the end of the great world conflict. Help is given to every nation equally and wherever it is deserved. God is not on the side of the Allies more than he is on the side of the Germans. He knoweth all and seeth all, and judgeth wisely. May 4th, 1916. I have been directed to correct a view point that has become general and one which is de- cidedly wrong and unfair. Of late race hatred has become very pronounced and it is being directed at Germany who is fighting against such great odds. It is so human to judge from one's narrow and cramped point of view. I am in possession through the highest sources of the truth regarding this matter. The great world war is responsible for much of the hatred be- tween the nations involved. All nations are equally to blame no matter what any human being says regarding the subject, that fact re- mains fixed and settled. But when an entity who is supposed to be evolving spiritually lets 28 The Letters Of material motives and earthly hatred enter into his writing he is retarding his own evolution. There is no nationality in the spiritual existence. The cause of this conflict began centuries ago and the discord became more apparent with each succeeding generation. In the near future there will be peace and little will have been gained materially by any country. However, from a spiritual standpoint much has been gained, since long standing karmic debts have been paid; the trumpet has sounded and evolu- tion will have taken a long step in advance. Nietzsche is not responsible for the conditions that exist at present. His philosophy was in- deed a material one and he met a sad fate, but the present condition of affairs would have been, had Nietzsche never existed. There is a pro- nounced belief in paganism among certain sec- tions of Germans and they openly flaunt their belief; but this very same condition exists also in England and in France although it is to be sure covered over partially with the gloss of religion. I merely make these statements that things may be properly balanced. I wish to correct the wrong ideas and impressions that the masses have formed. There should be no race hatred. You are all human and each one A Woman Who Was 29 is doing his share to advance the evolution of soul. You are each and all a spark of the great infinite mind, God, that created every living creature. June 6th, 1916. To-day I am going to tell you something about life on the astral planes. There are eight planes, not including the mental sphere which is the lowest of all spiritual planes. The first and second planes are passed over by most persons. Only the very lowest types of the human races require to spend any time on these. The savage races and the least evolved of the white races evolve in these low spheres. The third plane is where drunkards, sensualists and criminals begin their astral evolution and they go through intense agony, often seeking to gratify their earthly desires. If such an entity succeeds in getting possession of a human being he can satisfy his cravings to a certain extent and it is that invariably which causes men to drink intoxicating liquors to excess or to overeat. However, these low egos do not seek to control highly developed or sensitive persons. They are only attracted to those of their own caliber. A sensualist can gratify his 30 The Letters Of loathsome desires through gaining possession of a low type of human being and it is that which causes many of the terribly depraved and ut- terly horrible incidents which take place in the world. Persons of great strength of character and strong will are never tempted into the possession of these vile entities and for this reason every person should begin to acquire a knowledge of life as it really exists. When you allow yourselves to go on in a maze of material- ism and worldly pleasure you are only existing in the unreal things and still have the greatest truth to learn. I wish also to explain some- thing about the greatness of the thought force. Every thought that leaves one's consciousness generates new matter according to the char- acter of that thought, either for good or for evil, and rebounds back at the sender with double its strength. A greater part of the human race chooses the path of least resistance, but if you could only realize what it leads to you would willingly climb the steep cliffs to avoid the greater suffering that it is the lot of those to work out of who choose to glide through life, never thinking of that existence in the future, knowing little about it and caring less, for when once the wheels of evil actions and dissipation A Woman Who Was 31 are set in motion it is difficult to stop them. They move slowly at first and the transgressor continues blindly on his way, never dreaming of the consequences. The forces begin to move more rapidly and still the erring human mind believes itself capable of controlling the situa- tion until these forces become as pounding demons and it is beyond the power of human will to control them. When men are influ- enced by these evil forces and driven before the storm they become weakened creatures and abhorrent wrecks which the creatorintended to be human beings full of vitality and strength and possessing a purpose in life. This truth should be a solemn teacher of which is the way to pursue and indeed I hope that it will impart its lesson. After an entity reaches the higher planes evolution becomes much more pronounced and the desire for the ma- terial pleasures exists no more. On the fourth and fifth planes the masses of humanity begin their evolution after the so-called death occurs. Entities existing on these planes have no morbid desires and their influence is always good if exerted over human beings at all. The sixth, seventh and eighth planes consist of more highly evolved egos and that existence is still 32 The Letters Of farther removed from the physical plane. On the seventh and eighth planes entities are con- scious of the human race only when the entity has recently passed through the experience of death and wishes to console his dear ones whom he has left behind him. The entities on the eighth plane are of the highest astral types and are superior in wisdom and knowledge. In speaking of planes I do not mean to give the impression of an existence such as the physical; each spiritual plane is a state of consciousness and it is according to the development of the ego into which state of consciousness he will be sent when the physical shell is cast off. June 10th, 1916. In looking over these letters I feel that perhaps I have had a tendency to preach. I do not wish to preach. I mean these letters as a deep appeal only. I appeal to the reason which you all possess either in a small or large sense. I long for you to see the truth. By investigating these facts that I have put down you will find them all logical and true. It is that you may possess a clearer insight into these truths that this little book is being written. A great majority of the human race exists in ignor- A Woman Who Was 33 ance of the actual truth about life. Theosophy has done great work in enlightening the world and those who earnestly study and strive for the knowledge of the true existence will be rewarded for their efforts. June 16th, 1916. Many things have taken place since I last wrote a letter. The Master of Light has again been among us. He teaches courage and pa- tience and helps every ego to rise above his own vibration and causes us to progress more rap- idly. There is going to be need soon for highly developed entities and he is coaching the most highly developed ones among us to gain more knowledge that we may assist in the formation of the coming cycle. The love and truth that radiates from His being is won- derful and the radiance He leaves behind is as the sunshine and we live in it until He comes again. He departed in a cloud of light to other planes where He will teach the other entities as He has taught us. June 17th, 1916. I am going to tell you something of the coming race or cycle as the Master of Light has 34 The Letters Of told us. Theosophists and various other cults believe that beautiful souls have died in the war that they might be reincarnated soon, to be of assistance in the coming cycle. They are mis- guided in this belief. Partially beautiful souls have died during service to their countries, but it was to hasten their own individual evolution that they endured physical death. Perfected souls or entities who have developed highly enough will reincarnate into the new race and it is these great almost perfect beings who will be teachers and masters in the new cycle. The cycle in which we are living at the present time has been an exceedingly material one. The pendulum swings both ways; one cycle will be material and the next spiritual. The world to-day possesses more spiritual knowledge than it has ever possessed before, but it will not accept this knowledge; it desires only the ma- terial pleasures and material power. The spirit- ual truths have been brushed into the back- ground and it was only the great war which could change conditions and force the human race to realize the futility of wrongdoing. The new cycle will be one of great spirituality and the new race through the intense suffering that it will have passed through will grasp the beau- A Woman Who Was 35 tiful truths of life hungrily. Even in this generation the new race is beginning to form and there are a few selected cults which are living according to the true law and life as they understand it. The masses of the present age are greatly like the woman who started out to visit a friend who had recently returned to the city. The woman had looked forward with keen anticipation to the pleasure of an after- noon spent in the company of this friend. So when the time came she boarded a street car and on nearing what she supposed to be her destina- tion began to seek in her purse for the book that contained the friend's address. After a futile search she turned hopelessly to the conductor for assistance. In a vague manner she remem- bered the name of the avenue. The conductor directed her accordingly and she started in search of her quest. She got no results and after tramping in several directions had to return home and secure the address. With this firmly clasped in her hand she had no difficulty in finding her way, although most of the pre- cious time had been spent needlessly and there was little time left to spend with the friend. And so it is with the people of the earth. You start your earthly journey with a faint glimmer 36 The Letters Of of spiritual truth in your possession, but after you travel a short distance through life you become confused as to which is the proper way to pursue and seek assistance. After traveling in several different directions you arrive at no place and find it necessary to retrace all the ground and begin the spiritual journey over again. As a consequence much of your valu- able time has been wasted and you possess less time in which you may develop your spiritual nature on earth. If you would avoid making this great mistake, cultivate your own spiritual intuition and if you follow that which comes intuitively you will not need outside assistance and will progress far more rapidly. However, it is through the sheer force of desire that you will be given the power to proceed. June 25, 1916. Let tranquility reign in God's great soul shaping world; all is well and while many things appear beyond our ken, in reality life is as an open book. "If you wish to possess a knowl- edge of life as it really exists, cultivate your in- tellect and acquire the desire necessary and all things will be made manifest unto you," so saith the Master of all intelligence and life. If A Woman Who Was 37 you feel inclined to doubt what I tell you, look around at the elements of life, at the grass grow- ing under foot, the wheat in the fields and the fruit on the trees. Where do they come from? You will answer that they have sprung from the seed and that is true, but that little seed is a spark of the Divine Essence of life, the Great Infinite Being who has created every good thing. Even the deformed creatures for whom you feel such intense pity are part of the great scheme of life and they are reaping in this life what they have sown during previous incarnations. Not a single infliction is caused unjustly and every agony that is endured is of its own mak- ing and every height we gain, every glory that is ours, must be gained through merit. The Great Father is not a finite being who doles out favors promiscuously. His love is of the most supreme order. He is absolutely just and gives nothing unless it has been earned. It is the habit of some persons to kneel down and pray after committing some wrong act. They pray for forgiveness for that wrong, but the only way in which it can be atoned for is by working it out, paying the debt and making the wrong act right. As surely as there is a sun and moon so is there cause and effect and when the human 38 The Letters Of mind becomes capable of comprehending these facts much of the present suffering will de done away with. When you commit an act that will harm any one, then an effect is forthcoming that will make you suffer. And so it is in every phase of life whether here or on earth; our every act is put on record; every thought that leaves our consciousness is recorded in the ahkasic records, and in the due course of time we will all be given the opportunity of reading them. There are perhaps two persons now existing on the physical plane who can read these records correctly; even an entity is not always capable of reading them. June 28th, 1916. I am writing these letters in such a manner that if you were to read one each day several times over you would comprehend only part of the hidden meaning. There is food for much thought in them all. I have written them in this way that you may cause your sluggish spiritual natures to awaken partially at least. St. John said, "Verily, verily I say unto you, he that entereth not by the door into the fold of the sheep, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber, but he that entereth A Woman Who Was 39 in at the door is the shepherd of the sheep and to him the porter openeth." He meant that if you try to climb to great spiritual heights with- out earnest endeavor and through the use of material methods you would be as a thief and a robber. But if you will enter in at the door of spiritual understanding you will gain the true consciousness and your mortal perspective will no longer be distorted. It is so difficult for the average person to understand the true state of existence. We are apt to grope blindly as one would in a dark room without being able to reach the object for which we are seeking. If we had an illumination we could find it without groping at all and much sooner. It is so with the journey of evolution. Some evolve much more rapidly than do others, because they are conscious of that spiritual illumination which lights their way. When you close your eyes to these truths it is to evade the reckoning for a day perhaps, but it will come in its own good time and your regret will be great indeed. Per- haps these facts are all dry and uninteresting, but if you will only strive to comprehend their significance and will seek out the vital truths of this existence you will save so much misery. I am trying to the utmost of my power to ap- 40 The Letters Of peal to that divine spark which is in each and all and every living creature. July 2nd, 1916. To-day's letter will be how to become the pupil of a master. There are very few human beings ready to become the pupils. Develop- ment of the highest order is essential. The most vital necessity is truth; one must be truthful in thought and deed. Do not deceive yourself, for if you deceive yourself you will deceive others. After this difficult but essential lesson has been acquired, learn to be unselfish. It is most es- sential that one should be entirely unselfish. Do not haggle over small things; give them up. The master requires the pupil to be above argument. It is perhaps the most common of human faults and one of the most difficult to overcome. The pupil of a master must be ab- solutely devoted to the spiritual life, ready and willing to give up all material pleasures. He will be called upon to endure countless hard- ships to test his worth. A very strong will is also required, for the way is steep and rough, and without a will of tempered steel the pupil would fall to the depths. His motto is, "I will," and it makes no difference what the master re- A Woman Who Was 41 quires of the pupil his answer is always "I will." The pupil of a master can readily be distin- guished from the ordinary human being. He goes through life with a purpose and his time is filled with worthy employment. The pupil may remain under the surveillance of the master dur- ing several incarnations before he becomes per- spicacious enough to continue the work alone, although he must be in a receptive state of mind first that he may become a pupil. Some- times a pupil is taken on trial if he possesses a keen desire to be taught by a master; he is given the opportunity, but if his will does not remain firm he is discountenanced at once and all further communication between the master and him- self is cut off. It is like a boy graduating from the primary grades at school to the higher ones. If by chance he passes the examinations and is promoted but cannot keep up the work required, he is accordingly sent back to the lower grade to learn his lesson more fully. It is that way throughout one's lives. We are all forced to learn the lessons that have been neglected. Everyone must be thoroughly learned before we are allowed to leave the physical existence be- hind us and it is for this reason that reincarna- tion is essential to progression. 42 The Letters Of July 6th, 1916. The world is in confusion and there is much need of enlightenment; much must be proven to the human mind that it will cease erring and will be willing to move on according to the law of evolution. The Master of Light came among us and pointed down at a boy, a young boy not more than eighteen, and he said to us, "Behold that is the body into which the Christ will enter," and he selected two among the souls to guard the boy from harm. He has long been under the guidance of a master who is prepar- ing his body for the reception of the Christ and that body is now in readiness for the Christ who will soon come again. And the Master of Light said further, "He is now ready to give up his vehicle to the Christ. He shall assist in the new cycle and shall be as my right hand and will do as I bid. His will is as steel tempered fine. His aura showeth only the light of strength and purity. I have said my word. Let it be remembered." And so it was made known to us into what body the future Christ would enter. The teacher who will come must possess a wide outlook that he may appeal to the present age. He will be expected to discuss politics and economics. He must take an interest in the A Woman Who Was 43 present day mode of living. These things have all been met and the coming teacher will appeal to all alike. The coming of this teacher will mark a new era in the history of the world. July 13th, 1916. To relieve the apparent dryness of my work I am going to relate some intensely interesting anecdotes of different entities. It will be of interest to many of you to compare these ex- periences with my own. About a year ago a woman of great intellectual strength came here. She had been a leader of New York society and was completely absorbed in the material things. However, during the last days of her life on earth she changed her attitude. Through in- tense physical suffering she was made to see the folly of letting the material existence take full possession of the ego. She lost all desire to re- main amid the worldly luxuries that surrounded her and eagerly took up that spiritual life that awaited her. After the physical shell was cast off she arose to good things and began evolution here in all consciousness and grace, appreciat- ing the spiritual and casting down the material. She did not find it necessary to remain in the mental sphere at all as the physical left no at- 44 The Letters Of traction for her. The only unpleasant sensa- tion that she experienced was when the family and friends mourned over that inanimate body which had once been the instrument through which she had found expression. She says that she would not go back to the physical existence as she left it and is perfectly content to continue her spiritual evolution here. Of course, after a long period of time she will return again to that physical, but her understanding and conscious- ness will remain with her to a certain extent as that is the way her nature naturally inclines. Another rather interesting experience is that of Earl Kitchener, who was the great military leader of England. He was a man of great strength of intellect and character. He had been a deep thinker, a scholar and decidedly a man of sterling worth. He was a man whom most persons found it very difficult to approach. He accepted few men as friends and their worth had to be fully proven to him before he accepted them as his own equal. At heart he was a man of great kindness until the great conflict came. Then his mind became intent upon slaughter. The desire to gain victories for his country at any cost caused him to forget entirely that the Divine Father rules over one country as well as A Woman Who Was 45 another and is just to all. When death over- took Earl Kitchener it found him unprepared. His mind was in a perfect chaos or upheaval and his spiritual nature was entirely dominated by the mortal mind. It was his lot to enter the mental sphere and work away from the desire to kill and gain material victories. His suffer- ing was intense. He suffered every agony of soul that it is possible to endure. His spiritual and real self battled with that physical self un- til the real and eternal mastered the mortal mind. When the soul gained possession he as- cended into the sixth plane and his being has been glorified by that experience. His perspec- tive is entirely changed; his being radiates pa- tience and kindness, so that dreadful experience of death has been to him enlightenment. He has gained a power that before he never had possessed and this great soul is hastening on toward perfection more rapidly than could have been hoped for had death not overtaken that physical body. He is deeply penitent for hav- ing had a part in the conflict but that had been ordained and no power of his could have pre- vented the war. Another type of entity is that who when physical birth occurred was exceed- ingly spiritual. Such an entity would have to 46 The Letters Of be highly evolved, almost ready to leave incar- nation behind him. This type would lead a spiritual life, would think of his neighbors' com- fort more than his own and would go out of his way to help those who need it. Such a man was Elbert Hubbard and he has arisen to almost perfect spirituality. He is an inspiration to those around him and many entities absorb of his spiritual strength. His pleasure is that of doing for others and it is indeed the greatest, noblest pleasure of all pleasures. These types are the ones constantly coming here. The latter type is to be sure a very rare one, as few human beings have reached a high state of develop- ment. There is first the very material type, second the ordinary material, third the com- bination of both, fourth a very spiritual type. The mode of functioning in our spiritual exist- ence is, of course, ethereal. We do retain bodies similar to the physical one in appearance com- posed of ethereal matter. We do not function in a physical sense. It is not necessary in the spiritual world to give any thought to the com- fort of the body; since that body is not physical it needs no attention such as the physical one would need. We do not eat or sleep or get tired or sick here; life is formed of much greater A Woman Who Was 47 things. We have far busier lives than do you who are existing in the material world. Just as you have steady employment so have we work which keeps us busy all the time we remain here. We help each other in many ways. Where one entity is bearing a heavy burden the other will help to make it lighter. These burdens we en- dure are all mental or spiritual ones. We are not immune from impatience and anger here, al- though as we advance we lose these faults. Entities of a lower character who have certain attachments or desires can satisfy their crav- ings to a certain extent in some instances. These egos are many years in outgrowing material desires while a few work out of this phase of life very rapidly. Entities such as sensualists, glut- tons or drunkards seek to gain control of human beings of a low caliber such as themselves. When these entities take control of a human being they can satisfy their own desires and this is invariably the cause of human beings, eating and drinking to excess. Drunkards are usually those who are lead by a malign or evil entity. It is exceedingly dangerous to let such an entity gain control, as in time the person who is controlled loses his personality in that of the ego and is no longer capable of controlling himself. He is 48 The Letters Of completely at the mercy of the evil spirit and it is almost impossible to throw off that influence. It has been done, however, and if the person will set out with the firm purpose of breaking away from the influence, he can do it, although the battle is a very long and hard one. These evil entities often get control of children and in such instances cause them to become morally perverted and irresponsible. There are just as many dangerous personalities and influences here as there are on earth and they are more power- ful, because they can watch every opportunity and you may be sure they never overlook one. These malign entities are of the lowest types and are only in the lowest state of development. The reason for which I am explaining these matters is that you who may read this book will be in possession of true facts and can accordingly guard against these dangerous entities and in- fluences. July 20th, 1916. Reincarnation has been so widely discussed that I think it will be worth while to use it as a topic for this letter. Persons are likely to ask: Why is incarnation essential to evolution? How can a man or woman gain an education A Woman Who Was 49 without going to school? How do human be- ings broaden their outlook? Only by coming in contact with other human beings. When a woman remains at home too much she gets in a rut so to speak and even loses all interest in affairs outside the home. This type of woman does not expand; she is not healthy and her viewpoint is decidedly narrow and cramped. It is so with the soul, or ego; without incarna- tion the soul could not expand; it takes the combination of the material and the spiritual to round out and perfect the ego. Incarnation is only a small part of the experiences of the soul, but it is quite as essential as evolution in the spiritual world. Gold in its raw state is practically without value; after it has gone through various refining processes it comes out polished and beautiful and is very valuable. It is so with the ego; in the beginning the ego was only a small undeveloped atom and seem- ingly had no outlook or future, but through hundreds of years of refining that ego gradually gained consciousness. This evolution continues until the development has reached the state of humanity. When the ego has grown past the lower kingdoms it becomes an individual and has a distinct personality of its own. It is then 50 The Letters Or reincarnated as a person. This soul must also evolve until it has reached high enough spirit- ual development to discard incarnation. So it is necessary for the ego to experience human emotion as well as spiritual that he may possess full knowledge and insight and understanding of life as it really exists. The sacred laws have been so finely worked out that not the slightest thing that is essential to spiritual perfection has been neglected. The soul, or ego, has its most vital experiences after life on the physical plane is over, but when the soul has reached high enough development to evolve only in a spiritual sense he is almost a perfect being. This is the simplest manner in which I can ex- plain the cause of incarnation. It is a broad subject and the book which is to follow this one will explain every detail and give the cause in such a manner as has never before been given. July 25th, 1916. My dear earth people, I feel great sympathy for you all. The intense heat of the physical plane is quite unbearable, I know. So many little babies have come here. Dear little crea- tures that have been unable to withstand the discomfort of the physical plane. Helpers have A Woman Who Was 51 been busy making suitable places for these little ones who will return to the physical very soon again to take up the work that has been in- terrupted. It is quite sad to see these little babies seek for their mothers. They do not seem able to comprehend at first that they are not existing in the natural sense. After they are soothed by helpers they become perfectly content and await in patience for the time to return to the physical again. In most cases these children return within a very short time to the earthly existence. These entities are, of course, developed, although for a time they realize only their limitations. Every phase of life both here and on earth is different in its aspect and it takes these various phases to complete and round out the true existence. August 6th, 1916. I have had in mind for some time a few rules I would give the human being to live by. You must all know that until you are master of your physical body you cannot hope to be mas- ter of the mind and you will find that until the physical desires are put under foot the spiritual nature cannot develop. If human beings would only follow certain set rules or self laws and 52 The Letters Of would never disobey them, they would find the way could be made much easier. You should plan to arise at a certain hour each morning and always do it. Eat less or no animal flesh at all, if that is possible. Do not drink intoxicating drinks. Drink is a brawler and wine a mocker and whosoever erreth thereby is not wise. Christ drank no beverage except the pure juice of the grape. Live clean lives and keep your intellects clear. When you have gained con- trol of your physical selves thus far, learn to control your errant thoughts. This is far more difficult, but through concentration and strong purpose you may accomplish even this. When you have met these things, the spiritual nature is ready for conscious development. Self-sac- rifice is most essential to the evolution of the ego and must be learned at the very beginning. The path of conscious development is not an easy one to follow, but nothing in the universe that is worth while was ever gained without effort. Christ sweat spiritual blood for his fellow creatures and so in a sense do we all sweat spiritual blood when first making an at- tempt to gain our foothold. The human beings that live for the material pleasures only and accept the physical comfort at the expense of A Woman Who Was 53 the spiritual do not give the higher nature even a glimmer of an opportunity to make itself manifest. In these instances it is only through soul agony that the transgressors are brought to time. It is said in the Bible, "Fret not thyself because of evil doers; neither be thou envious of them that work unrighteousness; for they shall be cut down like the grass/' meaning that you who are developing in all consciousness of the truth should not worry over the person who is going along the easy road, for the path of pleasure leadeth to destruction. The road of righteousness is a hilly and rough one when one travels it in lack of understanding, but there is always the comfort of knowing that you are gaining in godliness and will at some distant time be a perfect being. It is only through honest work and effort that you can gain perfect spirituality. Every intelligent person should be conscious of possessing a purpose in life and should do his utmost to strengthen that pur- pose. There are great difficulties to be sur- mounted both here and on earth and it takes both courage and strength of purpose to over- come them. When human beings become hum- ble and forget self they will have taken a step ahead. All persons are full of their individual 54 The Letters Of importance and are so very egotistical that they cannot accept teachings which jar them out of their rut or interfere with their own limited perceptions. I do not write these truths be- cause of a desire to preach, but because the world has great need of help in this present hour and I am endeavoring to give some of the neces- sary assistance. There are closer connections now between the spiritual and the material than ever before and every possible channel is being put to work. Psychic phenomena are being more widely discussed than ever before and persons are more eager to accept these facts and I will say that in the very near future a pronounced change will be seen and felt throughout the physical world. August 16th, 1916. I have been exceedingly busy getting to- gether sufficient true data that I might be able to explain to you the different forms of mate- rializations. There is so much misunderstanding regarding materialized beings that in a clear condensed way it should be stated. There is first the shell or cast off astral body of the entity who has taken existence in the mental or devachanic sphere. This shell floats around A Woman Who Was 55 in the astral world until it finally disappears in much the manner that the physical body disin- tegrates. This shell is what is commonly seen around the medium's cabinet. It is an evil thing since it is entirely controlled by outside forces and is galvanized into seeming intelli- gence through these material forces. It is a thing to avoid coming in contact with, since unconsciously you are responsible for its com- ing. This form of materialization is the com- monest one. The second form is the true form or ego, who materializes. The entity often makes himself manifest immediately after death, especially if the friends and near relatives are exceedingly emotional in their expression of grief for the departed one. The entity will then seek to get to them, since their outpouring of lamentation causes him great discomfort. He is very seldom able to appear, however, before anyone except those persons who possess clair- voyant power and these persons are very few in number. The departed entity also is some- times found haunting the earth grave, agonizing over the still physical body, although, when he learns the futility of this, he ceases to linger there. It only prolongs the earth bound condi- tion and keeps him in bondage to the material. 56 The Letters Of The higher astral types also materialize on cer- tain occasions. Such incidents are more rare, however. Not long ago a young girl was in a very bad train wreck. Her father had passed over many years previous to this, although he had kept watch over this young daughter always. When the two trains collided he ma- terialized and took his child out from under a burning car. She saw her father plainly al- though when she was found to be safely removed several feet from the accident no one could account for it and the girl herself believed the father to have been only a vision she had seen in her semiconscious state. In cases of extreme suffering these entities often materialize and are afterward accounted for by delirium of the suiferer when in reality they are real entities and not weird fantasies of a tired or feverish brain. Also before physical death occurs a dying person is often heard to say, "I see the most beautiful angel or I see such and such a dear one," who had passed before. Human beings have never accounted for these appari- tions which indeed are not apparitions at all but are helpers waiting to assist that soul through the door that leads to a spiritual exist- ence. These are the first two classes of mate- A Woman Who Was 57 rializations. The third is that of the helper or adept who can and does materialize at his will. He does good every place. He can be in New York in one hour and in London the next. Often these helpers take the form of an ordi- nary human being and help the dwellers of the Ghetto or the slums in New York. One in- stance worth relating is that which X. K. had in Chicago in a low district. X. K. is a master and does a vast amount of good work. In this case he materialized as a minister of the church and was apparently calling on the members of these families to make observations. In one particular family he found disease rampant. The father and mother were both in a deplor- able syphilitic condition. There were six chil- dren all huddled up in various corners. Their mother was giving the youngest child stale beer. Both were in a pitifully intoxicated condition. The father was a man of great stature and small brain. He was a cruel, almost animal-like creature under whose evil influence the mother had become an abject wreck. When X. K. appeared at their door he was bidden to depart by the father. He slipped in and waved the man into a corner. The man felt the powerful vibra- tions of the master and cowered in utter fear. 58 The Letters Of The filth and loathsome uncleanliness was appal- ling. The whole family was evidently resigned to slowly dying of absolute decay and unclean- liness. The master stepped up to the woman and took the child who was about nineteen months of age. It was blue and bony and almost ethereal in appearance from lack of nourishing food and proper care. It was dying, although it had escaped from the disease which was slowly eating up the parents. X. K. set to work removing as much of the filth as was possible. He cleaned the children and through his own method he brought the woman out of her stupor. For many weeks he continued to go to this family as a minister. The children were sent to school; the little ailing child was given the proper care and the father has been brought to know of the Grace of God. He now works steadily and keeps a fine family together. He and his wife were both healed and entirely cured of the deplorable disease affecting them. They have taken quarters in a good neighbor- hood and the father carries a balance in the savings bank. Such an incident is almost unbelievable, but in reality it is true and is only an example of our adept's wonderful work. I could name countless other cases which from A Woman Who Was 59 a material standpoint are accounted for as chance work when in reality they are guided by these superhuman helpers. The world is constantly receiving help in this manner and it accepts blindly without knowing the true source of all supply. The fourth and last form of materialization is that of the entity who exists in the devachanic state. He no longer has a material body, but through sending thoughts into the hearts of the people, in such a manner warnings and premonitions are given. When you suddenly feel a kind or exceedingly beauti- ful thought you may know the vibration of these entities has carried into your own con- sciousness, and their work is beautiful and helpful. Every fine impulse and unselfish de- sire you feel is strengthened and helped to mature through these entities' vibrations. The deva- chanic existence is commonly called the Heaven World although in the sense you would take it, it is not the Heaven you read of in the Bible. It is the resting place after the many incarna- tions on earth and after countless spiritual existences. When the entities reach a certain high point of evolution they are given a com- plete rest and in this Heaven World every dream is realized. No splendor is too great to realize 60 The Letters Of there. Your every desire is fulfilled and life is peaceful and beautiful and the entities are con- scious of the great outpouring of love from the Logos. There are above this Heaven existence many great planes to which these entities ascend in the due course of time. These different forms of spiritual consciousness are almost beyond human conception. The form of the beings who dwell in the Heaven World, is entirely soul and thought. There no longer remains an ethereal form which resembles the physical in appearance. It is quite unexplain- able since mortal mind cannot conceive of an existence without a body and it takes hundreds of years to acquire the fundamental truths of existence and laws as they really are, not as they appear to be. Everything the human eye is capable of seeing is called real, when actually the objects you can focus your gaze upon are temporal, and not only that, but sight is not accurate and these objects are different than they appear to be. That which is true appears to be not and that which is not true appears to be. You all know that the average human being knows little or nothing of astronomy. To a student it is a pleasure and not in the least difficult to look at and perceive the in- A Woman Who Was 61 visible planets. And it is the same with the realities of life. A student of the true life can perceive the meaning of the invisible when the average material human being gropes blindly without being able to absolutely comprehend the invisible which he cannot see and feel with his physical senses. We that appear to you as non-existent are more vitally alive and full of the great purpose than you can ever possibly be during your present existence. The average smug Christian is to be pitied and no less. He does not comprehend the spiritual teachings of his own religion and what could be more pitiful than that, to accept and believe in some- thing entirely false. Christ never meant his words to be taken literally. He was not cruci- fied in the flesh but in the spirit. How few living beings grasp that fact. When I look down upon the lack of understanding and in- sight it wrings my soul to its depths and I reach out my arms in supplication to you all. You cannot hear the voice, because the voice of God is still and small and the howl of evil is drown- ing it. When Christ set forth the command- ments he meant you to accept them and live according to them; but they were not to be taken literally either. The old fashioned Chris- 62 The Letters Of tian idea of "Thou shalt not labor on the seventh day" is meant in a spiritual way. It does not mean that you must sit in meditation merely, but it means that you shall do no evil thing. Do not harm your brother. Do not slander your neighbor. Any wholesome pleasure is yours and it is quite as necessary to be good on Monday as it is on the Sabbath. Every day is holy in the sight of the Creator and you cannot pay your sins by meditating on the Sabbath and then immediately sinning when the week days start. If you would only take up your Bible in a sane rational manner and seek for the spiritual enlightenment it contains, it would work a miracle, but it is rarely done; conse- quently the human lot is a hard one and there is much to be worked out yet. August 20th, 1916. I am intensely interested in the newest relig- ion, Christian Science. It has a great many splendid points, although Mrs. Eddy's view point was limited, and commercializing the heal- ing is retarding and keeping undone the great good it would otherwise accomplish. Christian Science healers should not heal because they are being paid and they do not heal; the Creator A Woman Who Was 63 does that. They are merely used as the channel through which the healing passes. Just as the girl who is taking down this book is not writing it; she is a channel even as I am. You will perhaps set up the cry that you think it quite right to pay out of gratitude for the help it has given you. Very true, you should be grateful and willing to give something toward the support of the semi-healer, and you undoubt- edly would be governed by that desire. The fault lies with those who practice healing in issuing statements of healing given. It is a terrible thing to do and as long as these prac- titioners seek for material gain they will never accomplish that which they would if they lived in a humble fashion. It is an entirely different age from that when Christ existed to be sure; but if you wish to live as Christ lived and heal as Christ healed you will be obliged to do as Christ did. It makes no difference what faith you are of; if your desire is pure and your mode of living is in keeping, you will get the perfect healing. The healings of the present day scien- tists are imperfect and accordingly not per- manent. The true and perfect healing is per- manent. I merely bring in these facts to cor- rect, if possible, the present method, for if it 64 The Letters Of continues as it is Christian Science will suffer a great decline and will become extinct. For this reason, if no other, it behooves the believers of Science to turn their face hither and fight off the material nature that their faith may expand and grow into a beautiful and perfect realiza- tion. The simpler life you lead, the nearer your Creator you are. All the superficial crea- tions of man and the affectations of the present day are as tinsel on a Christmas tree and amount to even less. They are perishable and are not in any way desirable. By that I do not mean to say that refinement and education are not necessary, for they are. You can acquire both education and refinement without going to college or to a finishing school. It remains in your own hands to round out and make the most of your earthly existence. You must be adaptive and desirous of attaining fine heights. Keep your ideals lofty. Be big. Cast your lot in with big people and live according to the highest ideals as nearly as you find it possible. Do even as a pupil of a master does. Say, "I will" and always make your material nature bow down before the spiritual and finer nature. That is the way the adepts and masters have gained perfection; through using indomitable A Woman Who Was 65 will and possessing great courage. Do not let your fellow creatures affect your own knowledge of right and wrong. It does not in the least matter what the world thinks or pretends to know about you; but it is that which you know you are harboring in your own consciousness. The world contains a great many beautiful beings in the form of thought and could be full of these beautiful thoughts if you would all work in unison and harmony. The greatest of all evils is self deception. It is the root of most every crime that is committed and should be combated as a devil and cast away. When you once start deceiving yourself you begin to deceive others and deception causes you to lie and steal and sometimes even kill to avoid being found out. There are more phases of materialism than you can count and as long as you allow either the desire for luxury at the expense of some one else or the lust for power to hold sway over you, it will keep you from realizing to the full extent the blessings you would otherwise receive. The gross sensations of life are so very evil in their influence that I entreat you from the depths of my soul to over- come them. Change the course of your exist- ence while you still possess a physical body to 66 The Letters Of function with, so that when the experience of death overtakes you it will find you on guard and ready to take up that spiritual existence in a higher state of consciousness. August 22nd, 1916. In Nietzsche's philosophy he expounded the superman. It is an interesting and worth while topic. There will be supermen and women in a future cycle, although that period of evolution is still in the far future. When the superman comes into existence the difference between him and the present man will be vast indeed. He will be larger and more perfect in physique. His intellect and mind will be far superior to that of the man of the present age. The ma- terialism of this day will not dominate him; he will live a life full of noble purpose. His am- bitions will be spiritual. He will crave knowl- edge of the Infinite and will be able to perceive more of the invisible. Every superman will possess psychic and clairvoyant power. When that phase of development has been reached the hardest and most difficult part of the journey of evolution will have been passed and spiritual enlightenment will be very pronounced. It would not be possible for the human mind of A Woman Who Was 67 to-day to conceive of the spiritual splendor of the superman. These are facts that will be proven in the due course of time and for this reason I say continue your way in all conscious- ness of the truth. Christ lived such an exist- ence and through such training of His soul and mind He gained perfect spirituality and came back to teach His fellow creatures the way. It is often stated in Christian Science that the physical world does not really exist, that it is a figment of the imagination. They are mis- guided in believing this. For the physical has always existed just as the spiritual has always existed and it must continue to exist forever. It is a part of the plan and serves its purpose. If it were not for the physical existence the evolution of soul would be all one-sided. You see examples of this one-sided development every day in the world. A great musician usually develops his talent at the expense of all other necessary faculties and it would be so with soul development. It would not be nor- mal and complete without experiencing the human emotions as well as the spiritual and the soul could never gain that state of perfec- tion which we all hope for. It is indeed true that we spend only one thirtieth of our time on 68 The Letters Of the physical plane; but during the physical existence you can accomplish a great deal toward the end in view and you can make noticeable advancement. The temptations of the flesh are far greater than are those of the spirit and if you can make spiritual advance- ment while functioning with a material body and can overcome countless temptations the accomplishments of the ego, or soul, are that much greater. Mrs. Eddy said in Science and Health, "There is no physical science," but physical science is vital to the growth of the in- telligence, or ego. It is that which helps to form and round out the true state of being. Many so-called Christian Scientists also believe that when she said, "There is no death" she meant a physical death, which is a misunderstanding on the part of the Scientists. The real "I am" is as eternal as the Creator himself and can never die. The soul is a spark of the divine essence of life. If I could set before you a plan or map of the greatness and vastness of the scheme of evolution and life you would each and all be utterly astounded and even this the coming teacher will do, to teach you more com- pletely the universal law and commandments that you may understand more fully the in- A Woman Who Was 69 visible power which after all is the only power which is permanently established. When Christ lived before, He taught the people in a way that would most appeal. He taught them by using signs and symbols and parables and they were all written down in the Scriptures and the people of a later day reading them took the meaning literally. The spiritual truth and beauty of His work was completely lost and it is only at this late day that human beings are beginning to grasp the significance of His great teachings. When He comes again all will be changed. St. John, the Divine, said in Reve- lations, "Behold, he cometh with the clouds and every eye shall behold him. I am the Alpha and the Omega, saith the Lord God, that which is, which was and that which is to come, The Almighty." There is little hope for those human beings who are governed by agnosticism as one must be alert and keen in desire for spiritual phenomena to occur before it possibly can happen. Faith can remove mountains, but, of course, that faith must be perfect and of a fine character. These sayings of mine are more than ben trovatos; they are actual facts and can be proven in your every day life. Dieu et mon droit. I am willing to 70 The Letters Of undertake the responsibility of dictating this work in the hope that a few of the millions will accept it and strive to comprehend it. It has been thus dictated by jure divino and I am humble enough to follow out these directions to the best of my small ability. Aug. 24th, 1916. It is indeed surprising the amount of fear and dread that human beings experience when the subject of death is discussed. It is the commonest of all fears and one that must some- time be realized according to the mortal sense. The secret of perfect fearlessness is to be aware of the existence into which you will pass and learn to distinguish the different routes. You can acquire a marvelous sense of sureness and poise by studying this book. There is meaning in every word and thought, because there is a purpose back of it all. The one and only way to overcome the fear of the physical death is to feel intuitively that you are not passing into oblivion but on to a better existence. Human beings who commit suicide are cowards and do not realize until it is too late that there are les- sons which must be learned. It is like a small boy playing truant. He escapes the hard les- A Woman Who Was 71 sons of school for a day but when he returns the next day he has lessons to make up and new ones to learn, besides the feeling of shame he experiences for having taken the easiest way of getting a rest. When people who take their own physical lives awaken to consciousness in the spiritual world they feel a great shame for having given up to a momentary weakness and they suffer pangs of agony, because they realize how futile it was to give up the physical instru- ment before the time was right. It makes evo- lution much slower, because the persons have to return to earth again and complete their ex- periences there before they can take up the exist- ence in the spiritual sense as they were meant to take it up. When suffering, either mental or physical, appears to be more than you can pos- sibly bear, lift up your heart to the Creator and get strength. If you earnestly seek, all good things will be given unto you. It is the wrong outlook, the narrow viewpoint and lack of under- standing that keeps you from realizing the full blessings you were intended to enjoy. All pov- erty, sickness and vices are of your own mak- ing. The Creator has no part in these unpleas- ant experiences of life. There are certain effects from certain causes and in such a manner that 72 The Letters Of you will learn. When a baby learns that a stove is hot he will keep away from it and when you learn that certain actions will bring certain unpleasant results you will cease committing these errors and when you cease to err you cease to suffer. Every phase of life must be logical and evenly balanced; otherwise the Creator would not be a supreme spiritual being. When you look around at the poor deformed creatures you feel intense pity, and you say to yourself, Why must it be that humanity must suffer this way? What has that innocent person done to merit this terrible disfigurement? Would you call God just if he permitted his creatures to suffer unjustly? Then why do they suffer? Un- less you are aware of the divine laws you will not know that that very creature who you are pitying is reaping as he has sown. The Creator is not responsible for his deformity. He made his own karma and must pay his karmic debts. No one is responsible for his suffering except himself and when he gains the light and knows how to accept his life, he will seek to pattern himself after his Creator and live a life that will cause him to be glorified at some future time. Most every living person has at some period gone through some phase of deformity and has A Woman Who Was 73 committed suicide during some incarnation. We all pass through the various stages of develop- ment. Some work out of the lower existence far more rapidly and there are a very few who are climbing the short and dangerous path that they may gain spiritual exaltation more quickly. In most instances it is exceedingly unwise to attempt to hurry development; it is better to progress in a normal manner as too much meditation along one subject, especially one so broad and serious, is quite likely to cause a human mind to become unbalanced. There are very few persons who are under perfect enough con- trol to ascend the steep path of rapid develop- ment and you should be wise enough to study slowly and continually until you are capable of grasping all these fundamental truths in the proper fashion. August 25, 1916. Deo non Fortuna come all good things, con- silio et animis you may gain the most exalted heights and through careful perusal of these beautiful words you would realize how fully that is true. The person who absconds from the true existence and eagerly accepts a substi- tute is utterly lacking in discretion, since if he 74 The Letters Of were discreet he would study consciously all laws pertaining to the true state of existence, not as it merely appears to be. Everything is different under the surface and it is so with life. Alas! We rare]y learn of our folly until it is beyond our control and it is then only through intense discomfort and pain that we learn not to transgress. To show you how thoughtless it is to commit suicide, for instance I will relate an incident of a woman who came here a month ago. She had suffered great mental agony, al- though it was her own fault. She did not real- ize it then. Her husband began paying atten- tion to a younger, better looking woman. She almost lost her reason when she learned of his unfaithfulness to her. Instead of making the most of life and making herself captivating enough to win him back she moved and threat- ened him to the very limit. He simply ignored her and became more and more indifferent. The root of all the evil was her jealousy. She had imagined so many things about him and had accused him so often that finally it drove him right into the company of the other woman who possessed a kinder disposition. It was quite the effect taking place and had she been a wiser woman she would have pulled up short and A Woman Who Was 75 would have molded her life and his along better lines. It is such weaklings who cause the great- est tragedies of life. She gave full sway to the demon of jealousy and moroseness that held her, and after her husband finally left her, she took her own life. That man is going through life with a heavy burden to bear. The pity all rested on the wife's side. No one could com- prehend a man allowing his wife to eat her heart out as he had done, and the suicide was the climax of the tragedy. When Mrs. R. awak- ened to consciousness here she opened her eyes to the true state of existence. She is now aware of her great mistake, although it is quite beyond her power to undo that which is already done. She cannot lessen the burden her husband is bearing. She cannot comfort him or beg for- giveness; that is the bitter part. When the wine is gone the dregs remain. The blessing that is hers is the insight she possesses. She is not floundering in a sea of darkness, for she knows life. She will, of course, return to an earthly existence much sooner than shall we who have lived out our natural lives. She must again be tested and tried out. Her trials will be great and she must endure them in all patience, since she will only be paying up old karmic debts. 76 The Letters Of There are countless cases similar to Mrs. R's., and if you who are now existing in the world could but realize the utter futility of it all, you would not slip along; you would not allow the tide to carry you beyond wading distance from the shore of common sense and discretion. August 29th, 1916. A most interesting subject is regarding seers, psychics, clairvoyants, etc. Most persons are in- deed skeptical in regard to the occult and in all justice I must admit they have ample cause to be, since many of the so-called psychics are the most ordinary kind of fraud and, if it is possible to discriminate between the true psychic and the impersonation, I should strongly advise you to never go to one of the latter. It is bound to leave an impression upon your mind which is indelible and even though these persons do not possess the natural psychic force in even a small degree, they can send out harmful thoughts. The way of the true clairvoyant is indeed a difficult one, since so many deceptions of that order are being practiced. There are also dif- ferent classes of mediums. First, the one who attracts merely shells and malign spirits. This type should religiously be avoided. The atmos- A Woman Who Was 77 phere of this sort of a seance is exceedingly harmful. There are different types of mediums as well as types of people and spirits, or souls. The various types of clairvoyants see from vari- ous levels and often they are so undeveloped as to see distorted visions and in such instances their information is not at all accurate. The only information that can be called absolutely correct and accurate in every sense is that given through a master, since all other entities are of a more or less undeveloped order and are not aware, to the full extent, of the life surrounding them. The only type of clairvoyant that is re- liable is that which is under the direction of a master. Such a person is accordingly of a high spiritual order and lives a more ethereal exist- ence. By that I do not mean to imply that such a person would be free from all material im- pulses, for that is not true. They do work away from the lower state of consciousness more rapidly and are able to perceive the invisible where the ordinary sluggish human beings need must struggle for a long period of time before reaching so high a level. Every one will at some future period of development possess clair- voyant powers. It will be as much a part of you then as your hands and arms are now. You 78 The Letters Of have perhaps noticed at various seances how each medium draws different types of entities. Entities are attracted to their own kind and if entities of a lower plane communicate through the same medium as do those of higher levels, it would denote that the medium is possessed of both characteristics and whichever impulse held out the stronger, that impulse would draw en- tities in accordance. Every side of existence can and must be given an account of. Nothing is as mysterious as it appears. It is like a blind man. He cannot see the world; consequently he cannot feel that it really exists. A blind man feels only taedium vitae and longs for the time to come when he will possess spiritual sight, if he be not permitted to possess physical sight. After all he is learning something which will never leave him again and that is patience and self- control. And it is so with you all; you cannot conceive of the invisible life, because vou are blind to it. But be consoled, for the voice of the people is the voice of God. As I said in an earlier letter the master selects his pupil with an eye to the possibilities that the pupil may possess and unless the clairvoyant has gained his power through a good and wise source he cannot in any possibility attract an entity who A Woman Who Was 79 is highly evolved; the vibration between one and the other would not be in accord. It would not stand to reason and could not be made right in any sense. That accounts for the various types of mediums and psychics that exist. Many have forced this occult development and have used it only for material gain or to harm. In such cases the power is evil and consequently can draw only the lowest types of astral beings. Keep this as your motto, Nil desperandum, and live according to it. September 2nd, 1916. I have lived up to the present and I feel quite satisfied with my letters in that I know they are sincere and carry an appeal to you all. I am not writing them at my own will or through my own small understanding; a great mind is guiding me and I am content. I am deeply impressed with the vigor of life that you all express and I feel that this vigor may be turned into splendid use after careful study and guid- ance. It will be wise for you to remember that since you think you exist, without thought you would become as nil. So keep your thoughts high and put honor and truth before riches of 80 The Letters Of the earth. To accomplish this is tour de force and the reward is eternal life. September 3rd, 1916. To-day I will discuss Buddhism as it is, not as it may appear to be, and I feel that some light ought to be cast on the present condition of Hin- dooism and Buddhism. In many instances Hin- dooism and Buddhism are all right and the fol- lowers are doing that which seems true and good. There are many highly evolved men among them, but for the average Hindoo who claims to impart spiritual truth and knowledge I have little in favor to say. These men invariably practice deception on their followers who are usually women of refinement and possess large incomes or fortunes. These women usually live to re- gret the influence of the Swamies. In a great many instances they accept money for impart- ing their philosophy and I could give in detail and name countless sad experiences that women have gone through by allowing themselves to be lead or influenced by these Hindoos. I do not mean to make these assertions to harm but only to give you understanding of these phil- osophies and their followers. These teachings which I am writing down are not in any way A Woman Who Was 81 connected with any of the philosophies of the present day. The egotism of the so-called theosophist is usually his own greatest draw- back. He is so apt to believe he has developed rapidly and consequently blinds himself to the actual state of his own consciousness. Theos- ophy in itself is Divine Wisdom and those who in all truth attempt to live according to that which it teaches are the nearest to having gained the desired understanding. There are indeed very few who are following in all honesty the way it directs. Most of the so-called theos- ophists listen to the ideas and opinions that they form themselves and there are a great many teachings which they expound which have simply been conceived of in man's own brain and are not of divine origin in any sense. Man's viewpoint and his perception of life are sadly limited and lacking, so how can one man tell other men how they shall live? The greatest drawback of these Eastern cults is that they lay too much stress on the personality of material beings and really they are more absorbed in the personalities of their teachers than they are in the true philosophy that theosophy teaches and to be sure it does contain a tremendous amount of fine, uplifting thought. The Buddhist does 82 The Letters Of not live according to the teachings of Buddha in that they worship idols and burn incense not to the spiritual uplift that Buddha meant them to get but to the material side of his philosophy. Through worship of the symbol they have come to look upon that symbol as the real object and it only proves the more conclusively how dis- torted the average human perspective really is. It is invariably true of the rigid orthodox re- ligions too, since they accept Christ's beautiful teaching in a literal form and all the wonder, the greatness and vastness of life is lost in this manner. The secret of all understanding lies in the proper interpretation. A woman may learn to sing an Italian song. She may even pronounce the words as softly as they were meant to be, but if she does not understand the meaning of the song the best part of it is lost and she cannot sing it as she would if she knew the meaning. And it is so with religion. You can believe and go along reading your Bible and your philosophies, but if you do not understand the meaning of that religion you do not gain any enlightenment by reading and believing in it. The only way is to continue on your journey of evolution with thankfulness and gratitude in your heart and in your consciousness; repeat A Woman Who Was 83 Ich Dien, as a German would say and always remember ex nihilo nihil fit, which in Latin means, from out of nothing nothing comes. Nothing produces nothing. Knowing this you can realize how acts produce acts and thoughts produce thoughts and when you have no good thoughts think nothing at all, since nothing pro- duces nothing. September 9th, 1916. Oh Grasping Materialism, could you be but shattered into a thousand pieces and allow the human beings who are now in bondage unto you to become free, how glad I would be. My hands are tied in that, since we must all work out our salvation. It remains for each one to break the chains that bind you to materialism. I doubt if many of you who will read this book are aware of the power of vibrations passing from one consciousness into another. Some persons are unusually susceptible and sensitive to either good or evil vibrations. There are various forms of them and it might be well to name them that you will be able to distinguish between them and avoid coming in contact with harmful ones as much as possible. Anger causes a keen or sharp vibration and causes new ef- 84 The Letters Of fects to take place which rebound back into the consciousness of the person who allowed him- self to become angry. Every inclination or de- sire causes a vibration to take place, although to the sense of the ordinary human being they are seldom felt unless they are of a powerful nature. Intense passion of any sort causes extremely heavy and depressing vibrations to form. You have perhaps felt upon suddenly entering a room a deep depression or feeling of uneasiness. It is because of the character of the vibrations of which the atmosphere of the place is formed. Each individual forms different vibrations or impressions and it is these vibrations which also color his personality to a great extent. In the presence of some persons you feel a comfort and ease. In such persons the vibrations are of a better type. Anger, distemper and surliness are not in the disposition of such persons except in a very small sense. They have learned the power of self-control and know unconsciously how to mold their own vibrations. I remem- ber distinctly of my own disposition on earth. I was very sensitive to vibrations, although I did not know then how to account for the sensa- tions I experienced. Into every home that I went I felt different vibrations; sometimes the A Woman Who Was 85 very air appeared to be electrified with depres- sion. In other homes I have found the spirit of kindness and hospitality just as dominant. You know by having had experiences of your own how distinctly uncomfortable another person can make you or how very happy. It is according to the vibration between you just how you will feel. Of course, your own vibrations have some- thing to do with the feeling that you experience. Every living creature is constantly sending forth these vibrations, since he is constantly thinking and acting and vibrations are the result of speech, thought and actions. I could devote the space of a whole book to this one subject; it is so wide and it varies so greatly. The vibration a materialist sends forth is like a living thing and it plants new seeds of materialism in the hearts of others. By associating with densely material, pleasure loving folk you will in time be just as they are. Though your own nature inclines toward spiritual things, you can smother that nature until it becomes almost separated from you by simply closing your eyes to all but that which the senses can perceive. Persons say so often, I do not believe in anything which I cannot see or feel. How pitiful; how little hope there is of enlightening them. It is they who 86 The Letters Of suffer such agony after the physical bonds are severed. It is this type who finds it his lot to agonize until he has burned these desires and inclinations into ashes. He must submit and bend his head humbly sometime and how much better to bend your head humbly now and avoid the suffering afterward. When hell is spoken of in the Scriptures it means exactly what I am telling you in this book. It is the agony, re- morse and sorrow which you experience for hav- ing not lived spiritual, godly lives. Carpe diem, enjoy the present day, embrace the opportunity, improve time. September 12th, 1916. I have since coming into a spiritual exist- ence witnessed many entities coming here as the result of accidents and dreadful sicknesses, and their first sensations after death are so unusual that I have decided to relate a few of them that you may understand more fully how little death in itself really means. Aside from being interesting and unusual they are all true experiences and have been undergone by count- less persons. An experience of this nature which has perhaps impressed me most was that of A. H., a young aviator of considerable fame. A Woman Who Was 87 He had been known the continent over. Dur- ing one of his famous dips the engine was shut out by the force of the wind; he failed to adjust it and fell several hundred feet to his death. His body was horribly mutilated by the force of the fall; indeed it was a sight to cause the most courageous to shrink from in horror. However, his spirit left the body before the plane reached the earth. Upon awakening into consciousness, he says his first thought was, Well, how in the world does it happen I am not hurt after falling from such a height? Then he looked around him, he seemed in a partial darkness, he could feel nothing and the shadows were so deep as to leave him uncertain. He believed that he was lying on the aviation field and that it had grown dark. When he was about to investigate further a helper appeared before him. The boy thought he was his own mechanic and in a rather jocular manner he said, "Well, Tom, I sure had some tumble, but I am as whole as a new whistle, so roll a cigarette for me; I feel rather unsteady." The helper motioned him to remain quiet and he took hold of him saying, "Come, I wish to show you some- thing." He made it light around them and then he pointed down at a wrecked machine 88 The Letters Of from under which they were removing a body. "That is your physical body," continued the helper, "you have left that vehicle for all time, you are now dwelling in the mental sphere." The boy looked and looked upon the body that was so badly crushed and hurt and finally he turned away. He found it a most difficult task to realize that he was no longer a human being and for a long time he was only content while watching other aviators flying their planes. He brooded and clung to that phase of the material until he saw his favorite aviator killed in the manner that he had been physically annihilated. After that he was content to work out karma. He had been a clean but densely material fellow and had possessed little belief of a God or a future life. He had believed that when death overtook him he would simply cease to exist for all time. At first he rebelled, as many of us do; then he grew sad and finally he became re- signed. I cannot say that he is happy, although in time he will be quite so after he has learned the futility of being attracted to material things. He will arise safely and will come to know the truth and in time he will forget the material entirely. He will then be ready to take up existence in a higher^sense. A Woman Who Was 89 Another interesting and somewhat unusual experience was that of Mrs. L. who was killed in a train wreck last February. She was first knocked into complete unconsciousness during which the car that she was in plunged down a steep enbankment and several of the occupants were buried in the snow. For many hours the body of Mrs. L. remained in its grave of snow. Her suffering was acute for a few moments and then she passed into a state of half-conscious- ness. She believed that she was listening to beautiful music, which, of course was only the sound which all persons in a half conscious state of mind apparently believe to be music. It is in reality only the receding sound which vi- brates until it finally altogether disappears. The snow in which she lay was melting ever so little and the trickle and running of the water may have sounded like music. She says of her own experience that she could not account for the sound. She also says that she saw objects moving with weird fantastic motions. These peculiar sensations and visions are, of course, accountable only in one way. Every person who has gone through the experience of death has seen different visions and has heard dif- ferent sounds. It is according to the state of 90 The Letters Of his mind when death occurred. Mrs. L. also says further that from the time she knew that death was about to overtake her she felt no desire to resist it. She was even glad to go, since she was anxious to know just what would happen after death. During her life on earth she had been an agnostic and the only emotion she felt was for those she was about to leave behind. She said that during her whole jour- ney she had felt a shadow of what was to come and in a sense she was prepared for it. She never felt afraid at all and when she found her- self as much alive as before death she was only happily surprised since she had believed in nothing before. She felt a pang of mental nausea when she saw the physical body re- covered from its burial ground of snow. She did not seem particularly affected by the grief which her husband exhibited and apparently felt. Her life had not been of the brightest kind and it was really a blessing that she found it possible to slip out so quietly, for she is much happier here. I must say that she is a fine broad char- acter and is advancing rapidly because of her firm, just disposition, or nature. It has never been difficult for her to keep on the right path and she does not possess a single material desire. A Woman Who Was 91 The greatest discomfort for her evidently will be in returning again to the physical plane. A peculiar phase of rebirth is the fact that a woman is rarely reincarnated a woman twice in succession although it does occasionally happen. The sex of the person usually alternates with every incarnation and Mrs. L. says that she has a perfect horror of being incarnated as a man. However, all of these phases of our lives will work out as they should. It only remains for us to live to the best of our ability and do that which the Master directs. Sometimes just at the close of one of your days when I look down upon you going your way in darkness as to the true source of all light and goodness, it wrings my soul to its depths but I know that it is best. The great law of karma must be obeyed in life and it is only in this manner that we can grow and learn. Mrs. L. is especially adaptive and has accepted her life here in a quiet matter- of-fact way which to me was very surprising. At first I believed her to be apathetic. I have learned that she is not so in any sense of the word. It is merely her way; she takes things as they come and does the best she knows how to meet them. She regrets nothing and mourns for nothing nor has she ever been affected in any 92 The Letters Of sense by the disintegration of the physical body. Of course, many other entities have re- signed, patient attitudes and are more than will- ing to work out of their material attractions. It is rare, however, that they retain no desire for some loved one or some precious earthly treasure whether it be human or inanimate. There are only a few entities of that character on this plane. Had Mrs. L. possessed spiritual insight she would now be on the sixth or seventh plane; but in such a manner are the scales balanced. Where she possessed patience and other necessary qualities I possess to a greater degree spirituality and understanding of life as it really is. You see entities have faults and are in many respects as inaccurate as are human beings and can see life only from their own level. If every entity here would attempt to write a book as I am doing, the books would all describe life here differently. In no way would they correspond with my own book. In- deed if I were not getting counsel, advice and understanding from a high source, which is always accurate, I would undoubtedly write an entirely different story, since from my own level things do appear differently than I am writing them. In many respects there are so many A Woman Who Was 93 sides to our life and so many different states of consciousness that unless one can get the true understanding from a high source it would be useless to attempt to give you a correct and accurate picture of our life here, our own vision is likely to be distorted or limited, although, of course, we are not limited in the sense that human beings are limited, since we know abso- lutely that there are different planes of life and consciousness while you are only surmising that there are planes of life around you. You do not feel at all certain of this unless you possess clairvoyant power. To those who possess this power the understanding comes naturally and these persons accept it, for they know and can judge for themselves. September 15th, 1916. A somewhat interesting subject is that of control and how entities are able to control mediums or psychics or give messages through an alphabet or a table. In the first place one person among those sitting around the table must be sensitive to our influence. Unless there is one sensitive, the control will not be perfect and we cannot talk or make ourselves known, and it depends very much on the type of the 94 The Letters Of person what character of entities will be drawn to the table. There are different kinds of con- trol and high entities very rarely come to a table seance. It is mostly malign or low entities who amuse themselves in this manner. The highest of all controls is that of automatic writing as only entities of the best type are capable of con- trolling the arm of the sensitive, although occa- sionally a lower entity does gain control even through this method. However, it is a forbidden pleasure and such an entity would be made to suffer for having taken control in this manner. So many people ask and wish to know how it is that we control the sensitive and in what man- ner do we gain control. It is a question that has never been answered correctly and I am going to state it clearly now. Of course, I have made it clear that in no sense are we physical; consequently that means of gaining control is eliminated. It is our personality or spirit that communicates through the medium. For in- stance, in writing this book I do not move this young woman's arm in any manner except through concentrating my whole personality or individuality upon the arm and I think what she writes and forthwith it is written. It is entirely through thought and in no other way is her arm A Woman Who Was 95 guided. So often you hear automatic writing spoken of as the writing of an invisible hand. That is a ridiculous supposition and should be eliminated at once. However, a great deal does depend upon the constitution of the person whom we control in this manner. By that I do not mean that the person must be especially good or religious. Many persons who possess psychic power have developed it by other meth- ods than by spiritual development. A clairvoy- ant can use his power for good or evil. When it is used for other purposes than for the benefit of humanity it is evil and can do great harm and no good whatever. Some one said not long ago at a seance, that he wondered whether we possess voices. Of course, we possess voices. We converse with one another as we always did; but our voices are spiritual and cannot be heard by the ordinary human being since they do not sound like your own physical voices. It would be difficult to describe a spirit's or entity's voice except that it is more a thought than a voice. We are conscious of what each other thinks and we answer in thought and the other entity is conscious of what is being answered. That is the nearest that it is possible to explain our mode of conversing. It does not explain it fully, since 96 The Letters Of it is unexplainable to a human being. I wish to say one more word about the different forms of control. The planchette used to be a common method for getting into communication with the spiritual existence. It has now become such an abused instrument that only nature spirits or prixies will be drawn to it. They have derived great amusement from it, however, and indeed it is quite a humorous spectacle for us to watch you asking your questions to these little impish spirits who answer in kind and they gurgle in their joy at the deception they so successfully play upon the sitters. They give unusually clever answers and are very good impersonators, too, often passing themselves as departed rela- tives of the sitters. There are so many forms of spiritual life and it is quite as easy to be de- ceived by spirits as it is by human beings; even more so, since it is possible to learn of the de- ceptions of human beings while those that spirits practice are not at all accountable. So when you attend seances you may know that you are completely in the dark and you may or may not be speaking to the entity who claims to be your friend or mother. There is only one solution for this problem. Do not use a planchette ever and do not attend seances except when given by a A Woman Who Was 97 highly developed psychic, since all other modes of communication are exceedingly treacherous and it is very unwise to use them. The aver- age medium is undeveloped spiritually and can draw only a low type of entity. If the psychic is under the guidance of a master and the master gives his sign, then that psychic is a developed type and can draw only the best influences to him. Another peculiar thing about control is the fact that it is only under certain conditions that we can communicate at any length; unless the medium is in a certain condition or frame of mind we cannot answer mental questions. If conditions are exactly right, it is possible to an- swer questions which have been written on a paper and sealed in an envelope. In a great many instances mediums or clairvoyants abuse themselves by overwork or by allowing them- selves to become nervous under the condition. This state of mind would quite naturally bring about conditions that would cause us to be un- able to answer mental questions and it would indeed be almost impossible to communicate at all. Very few persons realize just how sensitive a psychic is and are likely to expect too much of him. Indeed the psychic himself often does not realize how easily he can overdo and overtax 98 The Letters Of his own nervous system. In writing this book I have had to do so under very difficult condi- tions and some days I have not allowed the girl to take any dictation, since it would mean the sacrifice of her health if she were to continually work under the nervous strain that she is the victim of. Indeed she has worked under ex- ceedingly adverse circumstances and has not been in the right atmosphere for good work from the beginning. And it is so with any medium. He must work under the proper conditions to get the best that we can give. Also the com- plete understanding or part of it at least is often lost when transferred through a medium. In many instances messages you get through a table, for example, are not intended as the sitters are lead to believe, since these entities are not capable of communicating their thoughts correctly when such laborious methods are used. In time it will be possible to communicate with us in a simple and sane manner and there will then no longer be doubt as to the source of the message, because you will know intuitively. Of course, a great many things must first be learned and you will find it necessary to study thoroughly deontology before you can hope to be designated a channel through which this work will come. A Woman Who Was 99 September 25th, 1916. In starting my letter to-day I want to say one thing about the letters which have already been written. In looking them over I feel that perhaps they may at first impress you as a preachment. However, they are not meant to be such. My desire is to banish the narrow mindedness. I want every living creature to have his chance. My heartiest desire is to straighten out matters. Is it quite fair not to give the invisible souls an opportunity to prove their existence? Heretofore only a small per- centage of the people have accepted the truth about life and we have been smothered into our own spiritual existences without having been able to prove our existence in any sense when in reality we are more keenly alive than you are. So for this reason I may have preached in that I might show you the light. In my earnestness I have laid before you all a picture which will be indelible and you who read this may know that you have gained something which you can never lose, and if you feel ready to accept these truths you will have gained greater blessings than you have the insight to comprehend. You need not despair ever when you learn the truth. It is never too late to turn your steps heavenward. To be sure 100 The Letters Of it will be more difficult since the longer you trans- gress the more debts of karma accumulate and it will be indeed a task to pay all of these debts. But be brave and face the situation calmly; set out to meet every account, do not attempt to shirk the responsibility as there is no possible means of escape. But when you have met every debt of karma you have the rest of your exist- ences clear and it behooves you to generate only good karma in that you may develop spirituality, since the reward of righteousness is a place in the kingdom of Heaven and it is in the power of every living creature to attain that blessed state of consciousness, and remember omnia vincit labor j meaning that labor overcomes all things. October 16th, 1916. Some time has elapsed since I have written a letter and I am becoming attached to this means of expression. Indeed I shall miss it greatly when the work is transferred to another entity to assume, since it has given me the op- portunity of coming in contact with my loved ones on earth and I had for many months sought in vain to attract them in some manner. I feel quite satisfied and I shall be perfectly willing to continue my own evolution, since I have A Woman Who Was 101 proven to my loved ones that I exist and am even nearer to them than I was when I existed in a physical sense. And now that the time draws near for me to go on to higher levels I know that I can do so in all understanding and in perfect peace. I have done my work. I have given the message I have been directed to give and have followed orders to the best of my ability. With God as my adviser I cannot go astray. The end is only the beginning of another perfect day. And it is so with each and all of you; if you will listen to His call and seek to fol- low His advice and counsel you cannot help but go on to better and finer things. The voice is small and still and can be so easily drowned out by the louder cry of materialism and you can gain consciousness of its presence only through careful meditation and by listening and await- ing it always; remain on guard; do not let the enemy come in and take possession, for when he once gets within the gates the fight is a hard one and it is exceedingly difficult to make him retreat. The candle of spiritual illumination burneth forever. It remains for you all to seek its light and so I say unto all races and nations, peace be with you; the Master liveth always; the world is without beginning or end. The 102 The Letters Of planets never fall. Consciousness was and is and will always be. Seek ye always to gain the uttermost point, perfection, as one great man said before me, "Divine law must take its course." The spark of the Divine which is in every human soul will in time become as a beautiful rose colored flame of chastity and obedience. Look you forward to the greater things which are to come and be content to do the will of the Father. The time has come for me to conclude my book and I do so with a fervent prayer in my soul that I have been able to help you to con- tinue your ways in peace. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Ques. (1) Do efforts on the part of the dis- carnate spirits or entities to get into communication with their earthly friends or relatives retard their spirit- ual evolution? Ans. (1) In some instances, especially where the loved ones on earth are of ex- ceedingly material natures. Entities of a higher character are less likely to seek to communicate unless it is to help a loved one on earth. Ques. (2) How is it that you are able to know on what planes an individual exists? Ans. (2) By the aura of the individual we are able to denote his state of conscious- ness and accordingly we are able to know what plane he will be on. However, he may change entirely after the time in which he might be told on which plane he would go to. Since nothing is settled every one is evolving all the time and it would be 104 The Letters Of impossible to give accurate informa- tion along this line. Ques. (3) Have discarnate spirits any knowl- edge of the future life of their dear ones by which they can give accurate advice ? Ans. (3) Where the future of a dear one is positively settled we are able to guide him rightly. But when that life is not settled we could not hope to ad- vise him accurately, although we may tell him that which would be well to do. Such advice is always good and people would do well in accepting it. Ques. (4) Do we exercise the same amount of free will on the astral plane as during a physical existence? Ans. (4) In the spiritual sense we exercise far more free will, since by simply willing to do a thing we can do it, where human beings find it almost impossi- ble to do these same things. We have not the free will to harm or give com- promising information and any such A Woman Who Was 105 information given to a human being would be quite valueless, since there are certain fixed laws here which pre- vent slander in any sense of the word. Ques. (5) Does the possession of psychic power necessarily imply higher spiritual de- velopment? Ans. (5) Indeed not. A great many clairvoy- ants and psychics are quite unde- veloped spiritually, and unless they are pupils of a master they have not developed very much. A developed psychic and an undeveloped one can readily be distinguished, since one draws only fine forces while the other draws low ones. Ques. (6) What is the prime requisite to gain spiritual development? Ans. (6) Truth is the prime requisite, since without absolute truth in thought and action souls cannot logically progress. It would be quite as impossible to advance without truth as it would for a carpenter to attempt to build the 106 The Letters Of chimney of a house first instead of the foundation. Truth is the founda- tion of evolution and when truth is acquired patience and courage are yours. Since it takes patience and courage to be truthful they come as the result of truth-telling. Ques. (7) Do dreams have any reality outside the mind of the sleeping individual? Ans. (7) Some dreams have a certain mean- ing or significance and are sent for a purpose; but for the most part dreams are the result of the physical mind attempting to function intelli- gently, while the ego is elsewhere. Ques. (8) Does the practice of so-called me- diumship impair the individual de- velopment of the medium? Ans. (8) Not necessarily; but the average medium had better not be one, since it often causes him to be unable to distinguish between development and clairvoyance and unless a medium is A Woman Who Was 107 spiritually developed he cannot at- tract high forces. Ques. (9) What causes bring about natural psychic gifts ? Ans. (9) Through either forced or merited development. Some psychics have been developing for many hundreds of years to be able at some time to work some good for humanity. These powers are not acquired in one day and it takes long to develop them. Ques. (10) Would one ever be justified in using this psychic power to spy upon another? Ans. (10) Absolutely not. When a human be- ing uses this power for such a pur- pose it would be evil and would in time bring the user dire results and such a medium could only do this as a representative of the black forces. Ques. (11) What is the permanent way of ac- quiring psychic power? 108 The Letters Of Ans. (11) Through concentration and develop- ment along spiritual lines. By con- stantly wishing to do good for hu- manity you will one day possess this power. Ques. (12) Do we have a new mind in each in- carnation ? Ans. (12) In a psychical sense (partly). But the real I am is always in existence from one incarnation to another. The individuality of a soul cannot be lost. Ques. (13) What is the advantage of reincarna- tion ? Ans. (13) Because without reincarnation de- velopment would all be one-sided. The soul could not progress without expressing both human and spiritual emotions. Ques. (14) Who determines when and where a soul shall reincarnate? Ans. (14) The Lords of Karma govern the re- incarnation of souls; but the soul A Woman Who Was 109 himself holds his fate in his own hands to a certain extent, since man can live in all consciousness of the real life or he can blind himself to it. Ques. (15) How can we teach ourselves to re- member our astral experiences which occur during sleep? Ans. (15) By concentration before sleep. Ques. (16) What produces our moods of feeling of either depression or exaltation? Ans. (16) The vibration and the thought at- mosphere that surrounds you is what produces either intense depression or exaltation. Ques. (17) Is it ever right for one to investigate for himself and delve into things unseen as far as possible? Ans. (17) Not for the gratification of curiosity; but if it is a keen desire for spiritual knowledge the investigation would be justified. 110 The Letters Of Ques. (18) Does Death make any great change in man; does he suddenly become a saint or angel; and is he endowed with wisdom? Ans. (18) Emphatically not. Man's position after death is according to what his life was when death occurred. Few men have reached high enough de- velopment to be likened unto saints or angels, and their knowledge is also limited. Death causes few changes except that man is relieved of the cumbersome physical shell. Ques. (19) Is mediumship a power or a con- dition ? Ans. (19) Mediumship is a power which is acquired only by long study and concentration. Ques. (20) How is the taking of life by capital punishment regarded from an occult point of view? Ans. (20) It is decidedly wrong for one man to take another's life, no matter what A Woman Who Was 111 that man may have done. How- ever, if it is his karma to be so punished it would be quite just from the occult point of view. Ques. (21) If the world teacher already has a physical body why does the body of some disciple have to be prepared for him? Ans. (21) The world teacher is divine and pos- sesses only a spiritual body. To de- scend into the world which is densely physical, he must have a vehicle; hence the preparation of the body for him. Ques. (22) Do you believe that the Christ used the body of the Master Jesus two thousand years ago? Ans. (22) It is absolutely true that Jesus pre- pared the body for the Christ before even as Alcyone is preparing it for His future coming. Ques. (23) What becomes of the individuality of the disciple when the Christ takes full possession of his body? 112 The Letters Of Ans. (23) He ascends first into the mental sphere of existence and then is im- mediately incarnated to work with the Master, and the Christ and the disciple are nearly as one so closely allied are they. Ques. (24) What can you tell us about the power and use of thought? Ans. (24) The power of thought is life; without thought life would be as nil and the development of the ego could not go on. You can help others or harm them by sending forth powerful thoughts. The kingdoms of mankind are balanced on thought, and your evolution depends largely on what you think and how you think. Ques. (25) Can a person of low development lose his soul? Ans. (25) Souls have been utterly lost, so the records teach us. It is a rare in- stance and in such cases these souls were conscious of the beautiful truths A Woman Who Was 113 of life and deliberately set out to combat them. They are the fol- lowers of the dark forces and eventu- ally through ages of systematic wrong doing they lose their individuality and become lost. Ques. (26) How would you explain the seeming- ly causeless fears that many persons experience at night? Ans. (26) While the ego is existing outside of the sleeping body it has come in contact with evil forces. Upon re- turning to the physical body the ego registers its fear, the brain be- comes alarmed and you are made aware of the unpleasant experience. This accounts invariably for the fears you naturally believe to be causeless. Ques. (27) Are the forms of activity on the astral planes equivalent to those on earth? Ans. (27) You can employ your time as you desire and if you desire employment 114 The Letters Of that is equivalent to that of the physical existence it will be given to you. Ques. (28) Are the occupations suited to the individual tastes of the former earth dwellers ? Ans. (28) Yes, life is what you make it; but I would strongly advise you to work away from the material tastes and desires and acquire the desire for spiritual development which is vital to the evolution of soul. Ques. (29) What effect will President Wilson's re-election have in the United States ? Ans. (29) He will undoubtedly serve the people better than before, since all knowl- edge that is lasting is gained by ex- perience and he has learned much. The effect of his election on the morals of the country is favorable. Ques. (30) Do we meet and recognize on the astral planes those whom we loved on earth? A Woman Who Was 115 Ans. (30) It is seldom that members of the same family meet while existing in a spiritual sense, since each individual goes to the state of consciousness that is most suited to his own develop- ment. However, members of the same family always come in contact while incarnate. That is a karmic law. Ques. (31) Is life eternal and what are its pro- gressive states? Ans. (31) Life is without beginning or end. The progressive states are the various levels of development and conscious- ness. According to man's under- standing so is he evolved. Ques. (32) Does animal life continue the same as human life? Ans. (32) Life from the least to the greatest continues. Life of various forms rises gradually from one state of evolution to another. Indeed there are a great many animals on the 116 The Letters Of astral plane although they are not conscious of their surroundings as man is and they dream complacently on until they are returned again to earth in some other form. Ques. (33) How can man fit himself to continue life on a higher plane? Ans. (33) Only through constantly seeking the light of understanding and spiritual illumination. Man must work and acquire enlightenment. Nothing is gained except through merit. Ques. (34) What can man do to elevate the thought of the world and the warring nations ? Ans. (34) By first elevating his own thought. His individual thought sends forth vibrations and the effect is always in accordance with the thought ex- pressed. It is thought which forms the atmosphere of the creation in both a material and a spiritual sense and man can elevate the thought of A Woman Who Was 117 others by always thinking wisely himself. Ques. (35) I have always believed President Wilson to be a great ego. Am I right in so thinking? Ans. (35) No. President Wilson is not a great ego. He has many fine character- istics but greatness for him spiritually is still in the veiled future. Ques. (36) Has any adept done work in Minne- apolis among the poor? If so, will you state an experience or relate an incident? Ans. (36) Yes, work is now being done in Min- neapolis by a Master and K. X. will relate many interesting incidents re- lating to this work in his diary which will soon appear before the public. Ques. (37) Is intuition always correct? Ans. (37) Intuition is always correct; but it may readily be mistaken for impulse 118 The Letters Of and there is a vast difference between the two. Man should listen long and well to discern between them. Im- pulse passes and intuition remains. In that way you may know which is intuition. Ques. (38) How do you account for all of the different views concerning religion? Ans. (38) There are as many types of persons as there are states of consciousness and each type looks at life differently. That is why there are so many cults and sects. The principle back of each is correct; it is merely the inter- pretation which is wrong and that is sadly in need of being righted. Ques. (39) How does the rest of the universe appear on the astral plane when you are looking at one certain object? Ans. (39) It appears to each of us differently. It does not always become apparent. When I wish I often seek for a par- ticular person or object without A Woman Who Was 119 being able to locate it. I am not always able to ascertain that which I am looking for. Ques. (40) How does an entity find it possible to tell a human being about other en- tities whom he had never come in contact with during life? Ans. (40) There are thousands of connections which appear to the developed or sensitive entity and if the entity were sensitive enough he would know about the other entities by the force of the vibrations. Ques. (41) What effect does music have on a sensitive person ? Ans. (41) Music of various kinds affects various persons who are sensitive in different ways and it is the kind of music that the sensitive person would hear that would affect him. Many persons can- not listen to music at all. In such instances it is because of extreme sensitiveness to sound. It affects the nervous system and the astral 120 The Letters Of body too greatly and causes pound- ing vibrations to take place which are anything but pleasant to the person who listens to them. Ques. (42) Does a Master choose a pupil that he wishes to have under his tutelage? Ans. (42) A Master selects a pupil with an eye to his possibilities and his de- velopment also is considered. Very few persons are evolved enough to become the pupil of a Master directly in contact with him and it is not a common occurrence for a human being to be accepted as a pupil and he must have developed far beyond the ordinary people of the earth. Ques. (43) What is the difference between a disciple and a pupil of a Master? Ans. (43) A disciple does not necessarily have to be a pupil. The disciples are those who follow in faith and do that which they are directed and it is usually a pupil who is chosen to direct the disciples. A Woman Who Was 121 Ques. (44) Are the invisible helpers drawn to those whom they help by old ties or are they directed by a wonderful being? Ans. (44) The invisible helpers help all who are in any way deserving. They are guided by a wonderful being and it is because of this that they help. Ques. (45) What is meant by the word "Logos?" Ans. (45) Logos means the word, or the God of all creation and it is the constant outpouring of love from the Logos that causes life of every good form to exist. The evil that exists is of our own making and is not part of the Logos. Ques. (46) Can an entity travel as rapidly as one's thoughts do? Ans. (46) An entity can be in many places by simply willing it. Ques. (47) Will persons who have endeavored to attain perfect memory by study 122 The Letters Of and concentration have a clear one in the next incarnation? Ans. (47) A person who had made the effort to train and also retain his memory will have a clearer insight and under- standing upon the next return to the physical life, . Ques. (48) Why should one have doubts in the physical mind when intuitively one knows in the soul, that there are no doubts there? Ans. (48) The doubt that one experiences in the physical mind is merely the phys- ical self combating the real self, whenever you may feel doubt. Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: Nov. 2004 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724)779-2111