E LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. @^ap iqnirir^i !f Shelf ....L.qqi UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. TMP92-006274 POLITICAL FRAUDS^' ^ (LAWYER AND COUKT ROBBERY.) One ©f the most infamous politicar frauds perpetrated in this country- was the knavish support given hypocritically by Senators Culloni and Farwell, as pretended Republicans, to the nomination ol" that little swindling, corrupt, unconscionable Democratic lawyer shark, Mel. Fuller, as Chief Justice of the Highest Court on Earth. He never had an}- experience on the bench as Judge before, not even as Justice of the Peace, but considerable amount of practice at the Bar as a swindling lawyer shark in comparative obscurity. Cleveland went to the right resort for corrupt, swindling, bribing lawyer office timber. (Chicago is an omnium gatherum of the worst lawyer sharks in the world. There is no crime in the whole cata- logue of crimes that they are not capable of committing, that they have the courage to perpetrate in swindling people out of their honest property, and some of the Judges on the bench are no bet- ter. Were it not for Judges Gresham and Blodgett, and a few other Judges, Chicago would take fire and l)uni u]) again like its ancient prototype, Sodom). A base insult to the United States Supreme Court and Con- gress, and an infernal fraud on the people ; installing himself. What an infamous fai-ce and fraud — holding the Bible in one hand and his oath of office in the other hand, and administering to him- self that sacred obligation of installation. No wonder he ti-embled when he read his oath recpuring him to do justice to all alike, know- ing that he has not a single sentiment of justice in his whole being. Like Senator Farwell's stump-tail banking currency scheme at- tempted to be perpetrateorations — as a substitute for our valuable V . S. liaiikiug system. <; V wliidi lias l,ul uv.. l.a.l Iratures, to-wil : 'louble iiiteivst extorted from the people and no security to the depositor. National legal tender treasury notes made redeemable in coin, interchangeably convertible into United State bonds, as the demands or beneficial uses thereof might require or pay best— and banks of deposit and discount only, put under security to the depositor, would be a per- fectly safe system of National Finance. The redemption of some two hundred million dollars of the present National Bank currency issue (or the entire amount outstanding) with legal tender I nited States Treasury notes made redeemable in coin and the reissue at a lower interest of the United States bonds held as security there- for, would put in circulation as money, some eight hundred nnUion dollars of our National debt, thus made the best currency m tlie world, sustained and made par in gold— valuation by the credibility and responsibility of the United States of America, whose National bonded indebtedness is worth some thirty per cent. ].remium in gold, at only four per cent, interest. And still this vitally valu- able system of National finance for the i)eople is declared by Dem- ocratic political lawyer sharks totally unconstitutional. Nothing is constitutional with such lawyer cut-throats but to impoverish the country and beggar the people as they swindle their clients. This National debt should be refunded on fifty years' time, payable optionally with tlie Government or renewable after titty years, at two or three per cent, interest, to bring it down t<» par m gold or coin valuation. (The present generation has done enough to save or defend this Union ; let coming generations ].ay tlu> debt). The banks would be re(juired to give no security for the re- demist ion of this National Treasury note currency (they should dc- po>il I'liitcd States honds and receive their interi'st iheii'oii as security tor their de|M.sitors. whose UK.ney they u>e). whi.'h, by its vve:ir and tear aiul losses by lire au.l water and otherwise, and in su|.pl\ing the .ieniand for our presi^nt I'nited St.ates legal tender 'I'reasury note currency, r.deem.il.le in gold and silver coin, would consume this National -Icbt in tiuu', the b.-st currency in the world. thus made elastic by its intei'chaiigeablc convevtibilitv into United States bonds, without any possibility of money panics. This sys- tem of finance would be self-regulating-, supplying safely all equit- able demands for money. Senator Farwell, in his attempt to perform a resurrection on the gambling, stump-tail banking swiiuUe of tlie Western States and his support of Mel. F'uller, may have a sub rosa interest in the scientific draw-poker skill of the Senator and his confederate, the late Minister Schenck. Senator Cullora states, as per reports, that that session of the Legislature of Illinois in M'hich Fuller and Goudy had a remarkable whiskey demijohn leadership of copperhead distinction, "was the meanest Legislature Illinois ever liad." And still Senator Cullom was mean enough to vote for one of the leaders of that meanest copperhead legislature for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America, thus far to defeat the struggling peo- ple in their efforts 'to resist the purposed free trade swindle of Cleveland & Co., which means reduction of labor in this country to the price of pauper labor in Europe, while our toiling people have been receiving double the pay for their labor under our high pro- tective tariff that they ever received before ; for instance, our hired girls who used to receive from -f 1.50 to §-2.00 now receive from ^4.00 to lio.OO per week, other laborers are paid pro rata at least two to three times as much as they pay in Europe for the same labor. And laboring men can get a good cotton shirt, linen bosom and cuffs, at 50 cents to fl.OO each, and other fabrics//-^ rata in tliis country under our high protective tariff. The free trade scheme would turn the balance of trade now in our favor against the United States some !i;200,()ui),()o() per year, payable in g(»ld only — bankrupting our currency, credit and coun- try. We shouhl have no money to l)uy anything at any price, fc^verybody, who knows anything, knows that free trade means competition in labor wherever free trai(iniplly, and stimulating, encouraging, rewarding eve y nu'rit and paying every just claim promptly protecting every national virtue and im])i()vc- ment, tlic people want that President four years longer. One Paper clamors for a six years' term of ))resiskin leather in all its uses (throwing mutton, an article of the most healthful meat diet away), can be produced by pauper labor in any market of Europe or of the world, cheaper than we can produce the same, we must abandon sheep raising and purchase all the productions of that one of our domestic industries and means of living for our people in said cheapest markets, with- out tariff — which tariff and principal is now paid by foreign pur- chasers of all our surplus in that line of our domestic industries. Say nothing of the hundreds of millions of dollars in gold that would be sent oiit of our country, how would our people live, now dependent on their daily labor for support, employed in our woolen industries ? Will free trade theory retire everyone employed in our woolen industries on a gold and silver fortune sufficient to pur- chase his living henceforward in the cheapest markets in the world, and pay costs of government and national improvements without any tariff income by direct taxation pro rata ? Astors and Vander- bilts might stand that for awhile, if they could convert their prop- — 10 — erty into gold before illimitable separate free silver coinage and the cheap markets of Europe could get it all. But it will be said that when pauper labor and cheap markets ill Euroj)e thus annihilate our woolen industries, all who have bien employed therein must work for the price of pauper labor in Europe, or go to raising wheat, cotton, rice, sugar, or some other useful and lawful employment. Let us see how that will work on free trade theory. Can they not raise wheat, cotton, rice and sugar or tobacco witli pauper labor in foreign countries ? Foreign countries present us with almost boundless harvest fields for wheat, cotton, rice, sugar and tobacco. Let us look at wheat products, the principal reliance for bread and living for the whole human race. Wheat can now be raised in British India cheaper by nearly one-half with pauper labor than it can be raised in the United States of America. It is difficult now to find any profitable market for the surplus wheat productions of the U. S. All India wants to become the deficit supply harvest field for Europe, is railway transportation (now being rushed to completion by Great Britain) to transport her productions to mar- ket ; which, together with the products of Australia, Egypt, Russia, and each foreign countrj^'s domestic supply, furnished by pauper labor on the cheapest living — limits foreign markets very alarm- ingly. But the free trader is playing the lawyer, with the United States as a client. What do lawyers care how their clients earn their money so long as lawyers get their swindling demands, until their clients are bankrupt. Lawyers generally are free traders at the ruinous cost of the suffering people. Litigation is ruinous to tlie clients or lawj'ors' victims. The question is, shall we guard our home industries by a liigli protective tariff, as we have done, and so continue to ])ay our toil- ing people the highest wages and give to them the best living of any people on earth, and maintain with the balance of international trade in our favor, an overflowing treasury, and thus fully pre- — 11 — pared build a reliable navy, and guard our extensive sea-coast with ample fortifications, enlarge our much needed harbor accommo- dations, improve most substantially our river navigation, pay liberal premiums to the best development of our gold and silver raining interests, contribute largely to the most valuable forest culture and irrigation on our millions of naked, waste prairies; and especially construct in the most permanent and ample manner our national ship canals as highways of commerce as herein suggested. Our government ought immediately to secure the exclusive right of way across the Isthmus over the most feasible route for an inter-ocean ship canal in South America, with the exclusive right to protect the same under the United States flag, of the government having jurisdiction of the country through which said canal would be built. That would annex all the country between said canal and the United States to the United States practically. Then secure the right of way through Canada from Lake Huron or Georgian Bay across Lake Kipissing, and along the Ottawa River into the St. Lawrence, at or near Montreal ; with the exclusive right to protect the same under the United States flag. This would virtually annex the northern provinces to the United States, and make the Monroe doctrine practical, and secure our entire country against foreign invasion, with every commercial advantage. Blackwell with a corps of engineers under the patronage of the government of Great Britain, surveyed this Ottawa River ship canal route, and offered to construct the same with ample capacity to ad- mit any of the ocean steamers or shipping into our ui)per lakes, and complete the same in ten years for $24,000,000. Our country cries out, saying : " Where are our national statesmen ? Have we no national statesmanship?" There never was a time when any nation had such mighty op- portunities and ample means to secure its national interests, and build imperishable monuments to the country's fame as the United States of America have at this present time. And still Congress is — 12 — spending national time and national money wrangling over many minor things for most ignoble purposes. Let it not be forgotten that low tariff secures balance of trade against the United States, and high tariff secures balance of trade in our favor, other things being equal. From 1848 to 1860, low tariff gave balance of trade against the United States 8390,000,000 in gold and silver. From 1875 to 1888 high tariff gave balance of trade in favor of the United States, $1,600,000,000 in gold. Look at the present scheme of free traders, bimetalists, Silver- ites & Co., to buy in our Government bonds and valuable national currency before maturity on a profit to the rich bondholder, at a cost to the dear people of about thirty per cent, premium in gold paying 8130,000,000 in gold now^ for every 8100,000,000 of our National bonded indebtedness on low interest, at par, when due and payable. , This is a lawyer's love for the dear people, purely Democratic. The National banker might, and why not? buy three per cent. Government bonds, when issued as herein suggested, at about par, and swap them off as banking security for their four or six per cent, bonds, held for the same purpose, with Cleveland's treasurer, or about thirty per cent, profit at the cost of the dear people, and go right on with their double interest banking extortion. Cleveland, acting now not by, nor through his conflicting coadjutors in true lawyer knavery to swindle the people undei- false pretenses, /ur- posed victim to sleep with his velvet wings while it fastens its fangs on the jugular vein and sucks the life-blood out of the victim, then leaves him to wake up to helpless starvation and death. Instead thereof the mask is at least partially torn off and wo have a death struggle for the sectional spoils by local sharks in the face of National distress and ruin. — 13 — Free Traders and confederates seem to be tortured and dis- tressed in view of our overflowing United States Treasury, even while the whole country under our high protective tariff, was in the highest state of prosperity and the people were comparatively affluent. There is something mysterious about this Democratic agony over an overflowing Treasury. Does our Democratic Gov- ernment want to take away all our means of improvements and pro- tection and levy direct taxation on the people beggared by free trade for the support of the Government, allowing foreign nations to come to this country to build our inter-ocean ship canals as a foot-hold for their powerful navies? Are Free Traders & Co., catering to the rebellious "States and foreign powers, who built and fitted out pirate men-of-war to destroy our shipping in that savage murderous rebellion ? Look at Cleveland's attempt to restore the rebel flags taken by our brave Union soldiers on fields of conflict and carnage, prizes for our glorious Union soldiers' bravery. Look again and see the rebel soldiers in their rebel uniforms, under a rebel flag, trailing the victorious Stars and Stripes in the dust on the battle-field of Gettysburg, to unveil the monument erected to the memory of the rebel General Pickett only a short time since. The Democrats cry out, "let by-gones be by-gones." Is not the nmrderous spirit of that infernal rebellion even now flaunting its rebel flag in our faces, unrebuked by rule or ruin Free Traders & Co., awaiting only a leader and an opportunity ? Look at Cleveland's retaliatory fishing proclamation, which turns out to be a mere windy farce to catch Irish votes, because the Irish hate Great Britain. Suppose that windy fishing proclamation of Cleve- land's had been answered by a visit from the overwhelmingly iron- clad British navy while we had no navy for our defence ; they coul^ have burned every city on our sea-coast, and destroyed what shipping we have on all waters. Query.— Would free trade coadjutors clamor then for an empty United States Treasury ? Perhaps that was the apology ; they wanted to surrender our glorious Union to foreign powers and — 14 — the Soiithern Confoueracy. It is unsafe to flatter certain kinds of enemies. Thej Avill cut 3'our tliroat the first opportunity. The right way to flatter any party is to administer just ice — not rob the innocent to curry favor with the criminal, to the contempt of friend and foe alike. Harrison honeyf ugled with that little coppei headed democratic cut-throat lawyer Mel. Fuller, who became chief of the U. S. Supreme Court, no doubt by traitors and bribery, and also honeyfugled with the Democratic party and World's Fair, and de- feated the Republican party. One Achan defeated the armies of Israel. One thing is certain, the wholesale, savage, muiderous crime s of the Southern Rebellion against the best government on earth, slaughtering hundreds of thousands of men and making hundreds of thousands of widows and orphans in distress, together with th.eir Libby Prison savage brutalities and horrors, sacrificing billions of money and destroying property beyond com])utation, partly in ]»irate partnership with foreign powers, are justly and undisputably chargeable to the criminal, rebellious Southern Dem.ocratic party and their Northern copperhead sympathizers. "Cast not your pearls before swine, lest they turn again and rend you." Now, what has the organization of the Union loyal people, called the Republican party, led by the best statesmen and most honored and reliable members of the old Democratic organization who left said party because of their crimes and corruption in their savage rebellion, done ? First, they conquered that savage rebellion— they saved this glorious Union without dismemberment— they took tlie National war debt, some three billions, when our bonds v.ere selling at fifty cents on a dollar, and made it par in gold. They have taken our National bonded indebtedness and tuade it worth twenty -five per cent, prenuum in gold; they originated and put in circulation our United States legal tender Treasury note currency, made redeemable in coin, the best currency in the world. (Originated by the author hereof). — 15 — 'Jliey established our liigli protective tariff, which tilled our country with prosperity, overflowing our National Treasury and making our peoj^le comparatively affluent, prosperous and happy, ])aying our toiling classes the highest wages received by any labor- ers on the face of the globe. They freed some four millions of slaves, as a war necessit}', and made them citizens of the United States. They honored and made glorious the Stars and Stripes — the National flag of the glorious Union — on every ocean, and made it respected in the highest degree by every nation on earth. Now, will the citizens of the United States, in the basest in- gi-atitude, dishonor the merits and remembrance of Governor ^Morton, of Indiana, of ex-Governor Boutwell, of Massachusetts, of Generals Grant, Sherman, Butler and Logan, with their numer- ous coadjutors, who left the Democratic party in their rebellion and crimes, and vote to reinstate that Democratic party in power to control the destinies of this country ever again '? Who can we trust — our faithful friends or our treacherous enemies ? The people of this country must answer and determine this vital question at each returning election. If we neglect to educate the people henceforth, we are beaten. Foreign gold has a fearfully corrupting influence. 'I'horoughly educate the people in literature, good morals, pure jjolitics and Christianity, and our country will be safe with an exalted nationality Avorthy of the Statue of Liberty recently erected in the harbor of New York City. May that Statue grow larger, and its outstretched arm never weary, and its light burn brighter and brighter during all coming tine. C. BURTON P. LYON. \Cuc &j Yet. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 608 670 2