^ :Jpfe> ***** •^w ^ -Jillr *** ; #l °o v-o x • % ** *is "*b j> . * ' • * "^ o* o • " • « **b .y ,i'i, \^ * A REVIEW OF THE DEFENCE OF GENERAL CASS'S COURSE ON THE WILMOT PROVISO. The Washington " Union' of Saturday, September 23d, contained an elaborate argument, if a bundle of misstatements may be thus dignified the object of which was to prove that General Cass has been always consis- tent in his course on the Wilmot Proviso, and, as a consequence of this always opposed to that measure. Ii may not be proper, perhaps, 10 charge General Cass with its authorship, but the editor of the Union has dis- closed enough to justify us in characterizing it as General, Cass's own defence. He tells us, in plain language, that, "to prevent any further misrepresentation on the subject, he stales what he knows, and in dofhg so he wishes it to be distinctly understood that he makes the statement, not onlv on his own responsibility and understanding of the facts as they occurred at the time, but on the authority of General Cass hi/nse/f.'" It is, then General C ass who speaks on this occasion, and not the " or" V'^>* V™y* \ •a 4 o A**.... *. * tit » c° ,c^ °v ** V % •*• " A^ <• -VVT* .0* "o, -.-.7*" A <■ *-Tn«' 0' \ > „ 1 • n **• : • »- "> < o • ,