GUIDE TO HIST- ORIC PLYMOUTH ILLUSTRATED «€ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Chap. 1 Copyright No. SML< 39t UNITED STATES OFAMERICA. NATIONAL MONUMENT TO THE FOREFATHERS. GUIDE TO Historic Plymouth Localities and Objects of Interest ILL US T RATED PLYMOUTH, M ASS. Copyrighted, and Published by A . S . BURBANK 33089 ML © o s 53 2 y H f . vs \ © g O *N o\ C^Ci Page Beach Point ....-••- • 62 Burial Hill .■;..-..■••■■ 46 Church of the First Parish . . . • • 45 Church of the Pilgrimage 44 Clark's Island ........ 64 Cole's Hill ......... 35 Court House ........ 23 Courtship 65 Gov. Bradford's House in 1621 .... ,43 Gurnet .... 33 Harbor ....*..... 61 Industries . . . 71 Landing of the Pilgrims ..... 32 Leyden Street . . ..... 39 Manomet Bluffs . 57 Mvles Standish Monument 38 Morton Park 68' National Monument . . . Frontispiece and page 7 North Street 28 Old Fort and First Meeting-House, 1621 . . 56 Old Houses 73 Pilgrim Antiquities 14-22 Pilgrim Exiles 36 Pilgrim Hall ■ 12 Plymouth as a Summer Resort . . . . 75 Plymouth High School . . _ . . . . 69 Plymouth in 1627 . . .... 42 Plymouth Rock 27 Prison -7 Standish House . 5 The Town ... 69 Town Brook 66 Town Square 43 Voyage of the Mayflower Shallop ... 63 Watch Tower 58 Watson's Hill 58 Copyrighted, 1900, by A. S. Burbank, Plymouth, Mass. 68757 Historic Plymouth* "The Pilgrim Fathers — where are they? The waves that brought them o'er Still roll in the bay, and throw their spray, As they break along the shore." HE introduction of visitors to Plymouth, as they come by rail, is at Seaside, a station in the extreme north part of the town. The dividing line between King- ston and Plymouth runs through the middle of the little station, and the northerly part, which is the residence of the station keeper, is in Kingston,' and the southerly part, the station proper, is in Plymouth. CAPTAINS HILL, DUXBURY STANDiSH HOUSE, BUILT BY SON OF MYLES STANDISH, 1666. As the cars move past the thicket of trees and shrubs to stop, the occupants come in full view of the beautiful panorama of Plymouth Harbor, spread out before their eyes. At the near left, across the bay, is seen Captain's Hill, so called from its being the home of Capt. Myles Standish, and on its crest is a monument in honor of the Pilgrim warrior, sur- mounted by a statue of fourteen feet in height. Farther along is seen Rouse's Hummock, the Ameri- can terminus of the French Atlantic cable. The next •^W* THE MAYFLOWER IN PLYMOUTH HARBOR. prominent object is Clark's Island, where the Pilgrims spent their first Sabbath in Plymouth. Next to this is the headland of Saquish, and beyond is the Gurnet with its twin lighthouses. Opposite these, the bold bluff of Manomet thrusts itself out into the bay, while nearer inland the long, thin ribbon of Plymouth Beach runs across the harbor, like an artificial break- water, to arrest the waves of the ocean. Few scenes can surpass this in loveliness, if the visitor is fortunate enough to arrive when the tide is in. Although by the configuration of the land Plym- 6 outh Harbor seems to have been designed for a perfect haven against every wind that blows, unfoftu- nately it is dependent upon a full sea for depth enough of water to lloat vessels of much draught at the wharves. In 1876 the United States Government dug a channel from the wharves to Broad Channel, where there is always a good depth of water, so that now vessels drawing six feet can come to the wharves at low tide, and at high tide those drawing twelve or fourteen feet. Further improvements have since been made by the Government in this channel, and at the wharves. Immediately upon leaving the station of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, on arrival in Plymouth, and while traversing Old Colony Park, on the way to the main street of the town, the Samoset House is in full view in the front. Looking towards the Samoset House, on the way through the park, the first street on its right is Cushman Street ; and the walk continued up Cushman Street will shortly bring the visitor to The National Monument to the Forefathers* ** HE cornerstone of the National Monu- P ment was laid Aug. 2, 1859, and the ^ work entrusted to Hammatt Billings, )p who drew the design for the Monument in all its details. The main pedestal was put in position in 1S76, and in the following 7 summer the statue of Faith was erected. The Monu- ment was completed in October, 1888, and dedicated with appropriate ceremonies Aug. 1, 1889. It is built entirely of granite, the statues all coming from the quarries of the Hallowell Granite Company, of Maine. The idea of building a monument to the memory of the Pilgrim Fathers was early entertained in the town, and was formed into a definite object by the organization of the Pilgrim Society ; which object was kept steadily in view by them, and prosecuted to a successful conclusion. 8 The plan of the principal pedestal is octagonal, with four small and four large faces ; from the small faces project four buttresses or wing" pedestals. On the main pedestal stands a figure of Faith. One foot rests upon Forefather's Rock ; in her left hand she holds a Bible ; with the right uplifted she points to heaven. Looking downward, as to those she is addressing, she seems to call them to trust in a higher power. On each of the four smaller or wing pedestal is a seated figure ; they are emblematic of \ \ ::S &\ the principles upon which the Pilgrims proposed to found their commonwealth. The first is Morality, holding the Decalogue in her left, and the scroll of Revelation in her right hand: her look is upward toward the impersonation of the Spirit of Religion above; in a niche, on one side of her throne, is a prophet, and in the other one of the Evangelists. The second of these figures is Law: on one side Justice; on the other Mercy. The third is Educa- tion : on one side Wisdom, ripe with years ; on the other Youth, led by Experience. The fourth figure is Freedom : on one side Peace rests under its pro- tection ; on the other Tyranny is overthrown by its powers. Upon the faces of these projecting pedes- tals are alto-reliefs, representing scenes from the history of the Pilgrims, — the Departure from Delft Haven; the Signing of the Social Compact; the Landing at Plymouth ; and the first Treaty with the Indians. On each of the four faces of the main pedestal is a large panel for records. That in front contains the general inscription of the monu- ment, viz., " National Monument to the Forefathers. Erected by a grateful people in remembrance of their labors, sacrifices and sufferings for the cause of civil and religious liberty." The right and left panels contain the names of those who came over in the " Mayflower. " The rear panel is plain, to have an inscription at some future day. The total height of the Monument is eighty-one feet, from the ground to the top of the head of the statue. The following are some of the dimensions of this great piece of work, said, on good authority, to be the largest and finest piece of granite statuary in the world : the height of the base is forty-five feet ; height of statue, thirty-six feet. The outstretched arm measures, from shoulder to the elbow, ten feet one and one-half inches ; from elbow to tip of finger, nine feet nine inches ; total length of arm, nineteen feet ten and one-half inches. The head measures around at the forehead thirteen feet seven inches. The points of the stars in the wreath around the head are just one foot across. The arm, just below the short sleeve, measures six feet ten inches around ; below the elbow, six feet two inches. The wrist is four feet around. The length of the finger pointing upwards is two feet one inch, and is one foot eight and one-half inches around. The thumb measures one foot eight and one-half inches around. The cir- cumference of the neck is nine feet two inches, and the nose is one foot four inches long. From centre to centre of the eyes is one foot six inches. The figure is two hundred and sixteen times life-size. Pilgrim HalL ETURNING to Court Street (the main street) from the Monument grounds, and passing the head of Old Colony Park, we soon see on our left a build- ^ Al ing with a Doric portico, standing a little way from the street. This is Pilgrim Hall, 12 erected in 1824 by the Pilgrim Society as a monu- mental hall to the memory of the Pilgrims. In 1880 it was rebuilt in a fireproof manner, at a cost of over $15,000, by Joseph Henry Stickney, Esq., a wealthy Baltimore merchant of Boston nativity, who on a casual visit to Plymouth became so impressed with the importanee of preserving with the greatest care the interesting relics of the Pilgrims there deposited, that he most liberally made this large expenditure to secure these precious memorials from loss by fire. PILGRIM HALL. At the same time he provided for better classification and exhibition of the articles, those immediately con- nected with the Pilgrims being disposed, mostly in glass cases, in the main hall, while an interesting museum of antique curiosities is arranged in the room below. Exteriorly, marked improvement was made by raising the Doric porch to the height of the main building, ornamenting the pediment with a finely 13 executed allegorical " Landing," in demi-relief, and repainting and sanding the whole front in imitation of stone. Quite a change was made in the front area by the removal of the portion of Plymouth Rock, which for forty-six years had been a prominent object here, back to the Landing-place. The iron fence formerly surrounding the Rock now stands at the northerly side of the building, enclosing an appropri- ate slab bearing as an inscription the wording of the memorable " Compact " made in the cabin of the " Mayflower," and the names of the forty-one signers of this compact appear on the heraldic curtains of this fence. The hall is kept open daily, with the exception of Sundays, at regular hours, for the accom- modation of visitors, a fee of twenty-five cents being charged. In the vestibule of the building a hand- some tablet of Tennessee marble bears the following inscription : — PILGRIM HALL. B UILT A. D. i S 2 4, 15Y THE PILGRIM SOCIETY, IN MEMORY OF THE FOREFATHERS. REBUILT A. 1). iSSo, 15 V JOS. HENRY STICKNEY, Of Baltimore, Md. At the right is the curator's neatly furnished ante- room, where visitors record their names and find entrance to the main hall. In this ante-room is a picture of the "Landing," executed in distemper, pre- sented by Robert G Shaw, of Boston. Here also is 14 a clock once owned by Gov. Hancock, and is still keeping correct time, although over one hundred and ninety years old. On the wall hangs a commission from ( Miver Cromwell, Lord Protector of England, to Gov. Edward Winslow, as one of the arbitrators between Great Britain and the United Provinces of Holland. It is written on parchment, and is particularly valu- able from having a contemporaneous portrait of Cromwell, which is in the upper left-hand corner. The original signature was torn off by some unscru- pulous visitor, but has been supplied by a finely executed fqc-simih \ The main hall is forty-six by thirty-nine feet, with walls twenty-two feet high, and is lighted entirely from the roof. A good background is made for the pictures by plain maroon coloring of the walls, with a handsome Grecian border above, while neat fresco- ing covers the ceiling. At the east end is the large picture of the "Landing," thirteen by sixteen feet, painted by Henry Sargent, of Boston, an amateur artist, and presented by him to the Society in 1834. Its estimated value was $3,000, and the massive frame cost about $400. At the left is a portrait of the venerable Dr. James Thacher, the fust secre- tary of the Pilgrim Society. He was the author of Thacher's Military Journal and a History of Plym- outh, which has been considered one of the best ever published. The picture upon the right is a fine painting, and a most excellent likeness of the gentleman who so disinterestedly and generously remodelled and beautified Pilgrim Hall, — Joseph J 5 Henry Stickney, Esq., of Baltimore. The portrait was painted by D. G. Pope, a Baltimore artist, and in subject and execution is worthy of its place in this Pilgrim temple. In the middle of the south wall is hung the large copy of Wier's Embarkation from Delft Haven, from the original in the rotunda of the Capitol at Wash- ington, done for the Society by Edgar Parker ; and on either side are portraits of Rev. John Alden, great-grandson of John Alden of the " Mayflower ; " Dr. James Kendall, for fifty-two years minister of the First Church ; Hon. John Davis and Col. John Trumbull. In the centre of the north side hangs the noble gift of ex-Gov. Alexander H. Rice, of Massachusetts, — Charles Lucy's large painting of the Embarkation. This picture is of great value, and at a prize exhibi- tion in England took the first premium of a thousand guineas. It is altogether different in color and tone from either of the others, and will bear close study. Original portraits of the Winslow family — Gov. Edward Winslow, Gen. John Winslow, Gov. Josiah Winslow and his wife Penelope — are hung on either side of the Embarkation. Josiah Winslow was the first native-born governor of the colony. His grand- son, Gen. John Winslow, was a major-general of the British Army, and held several important commands. He was the officer who, under orders from England, removed from their homes the French Acadians, whose sorrows Longfellow has made classic. The portrait of Gov. Edward Winslow is the only one in existence, so far as known, of any person who came in the " Mayflower." 16 Upon the westerly wall is a number of portraits, including those of Hon. Joshua Thomas, the first president of the Society, and of Deacon Kphraim Spooner. The latter was a prominent citizen of the town, chairman of the selectmen through the Revo- lutionary War, in which capacity he rendered the country efficient service, and for fifty-one years was town clerk. There are large portraits of Gen. Joseph Trumbull, first speaker of the House of Representa- tives at Washington, and of Hon. Daniel Webster, the famous Massachusetts statesman, whose home was in Marshneld, near Plymouth. Besides these are a tine portrait of Washington, and a copy from an original portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh, painted in 1775 by E. Alcock, London, and formerly the prop- erty of President Jefferson. Portraits of the Winslow family, including John and Isaac, and that of Eliza- beth Wensley, are also on this wall. The most prom- inent among the pictures which occupy this end, however, are the original crayon sketch, made in 18 17 by Edwin White, for his large picture of " The Sign- ing of the Compact," in the Trumbull Gallery at New Haven, Conn., and W. F. Halsall's valuable and finely executed painting of the "Mayflower" at anchor in the harbor of Plymouth in the winter of 1620. These two pictures are well worthy the attention they receive. With these also are engravings of scenes in Pilgrim history, some of much merit. Across the head of the hall, under the Sargent picture, is a raised platform and railing, and here are shown the large articles connected with Pilgrim his- tory, as the model of the " Mayflower," the chairs *7 of E'der Brewster and Gov. Carver, the Peregrine White cradle, etc. A case at the opposite end of the hall contains a collection of articles belonging to the First Church, among which is the book given Gov. Bradford by Pastor John Robinson, brought over in ELDER BREWSTER'S CHAIR. CRADLE OF PEREGRINE WHITE. the " Mayflower " by Bradford, and afterwards given by him to the church ; a book printed by Elder Brewster ; the note-book of Elder Faunce ; a number of interesting autographs ; and a collection of vessels used in the Sacrament, presented to the church many years ago, but now superseded by those of more modern style. The Alden case stands on the south side of the hall, near the Sargent picture, and contains John Alden's Bible, printed in 1629; a halberd he once owned and probably brought with him in the " May- 18 flower"; also ancient documents with his signature. Next to this is the Standish case, in which is the famous Damascus sword of the redoubtable Pilgrim captain. Gen. Grant, on his visit to Plymouth, < )ct. 14, 1880, was much interested in this ancient weapon, and handled it with evident satisfaction. The Arabic inscriptions on the blade have always been a puzzle, and, notwithstanding many attempts, remained unde- cipherable until the visit to the town, June 7, 1881, L t SWORD, POT AND PLATTER OF MYLES STANDISH. of Prof. James Rosedale, of Jerusalem, with a troupe of Arabs from Palestine. Mr. Rosedale, being an excellent linguist, was shown the sword, and pro- nounced the inscriptions to be of different dates ; one of them in Cufic, very old, and the other in mediaeval Arabic of a later period, but still very ancient. To the last he readily gave the following translation : — l 9 " With peace God ruled His slaves (creatures), and with the judgment of His arm He troubled the mighty of the to i eked." He had no doubt that the weapon dated back two or three centuries before the Christian era, and might be much older. It is probable that this famous blade came down to Capt. Standish from the Crusaders, and possessed an interesting history even in his day. In this case are an iron pot and other articles found a number of years since in the cellar of the Standish house at Duxbury. There is also a piece of embroi- dery, worked by the daughter of Capt. Standish, at the bottom of which is wrought the following verse : - — Lorea Standish is my name, Lord, guide my heart that I may do Thy will ; Also fill my hands with such convenient skill As will conduce to virtue void of shame, And I will give the glory to Thy name. Below the Standish case is one containing a mis- cellaneous collection, among which is one of the most interesting relics in the hall ; this is the first patent granted to the Plymouth colonists by the New Eng- land Company, and is the oldest state paper in exist- ence in the United States. A patent was granted by the Virginia Company in the name of John Win cob, but never used. About the time of the departure of the Forefathers from England for this country, a new company was created by a royal charter, within the limits of which Plymouth was included, and in 162 1 this patent was given to John Pierce and his associ- ates by the New England Company, and sent over in 20 the " Fortune," arriving here in November of that year. This patent was found in the land office in Boston, among a mass of old papers, by William Smith, Esq., one of the land committee. The Hun. John Davis, then editing a new edition of Morton's New England Memorials, obtained it for his use in this book, and from him it came into the possession of the late Morton Davis, Esq., in whose family it remained until recently, and was finally deposited in the hall by Mrs. Wm. H. Whitman. It bears the seals and signatures of the Duke of Lenox, the Mar- quis of Hamilton, the Earl of Warwick and Sir Fer- dinando Gorges. There is one other signature, but it is so obscurely written as to be illegible. On the north side, nearest the ante-room, is the Winslow case with articles that have been in posses- sion of this family, and near by is the Winslow table, of massive English oak, and a chair, both articles hav- ing formerly been the property of Gov. Edward Wins- low. Next above this is the White case, containing interesting relics formerly belonging to William White and his son Peregrine. Next is another miscellane- ous case, in which is the famous long-shot Thompson gun, and the gun barrel with which King Philip was killed. The original manuscript of Mrs. Heman's celebrated ode, "The breaking waves dashed high/' as also the original of William Cullen Bryant's poem, " Wild was the day, the wintry sea,' 1 both presented by the late James T. Fields, of Boston, are also in this case, together with a copy of Eliot's Indian Bible, of which there are now no more than four, it is believed, extant. There is here likewise a piece 21 of a mulberry-tree planted at Scrooby, England, by Cardinal Woolsey. The north ante-room is fitted up as a library, and contains cases of ancient, rare and invaluable books, and ancient documents belonging to the Society. An old sofa formerly owned by Gov. Hancock, upon which he probably sat and plotted treason with Samuel Adams against the English crown, is in this room. On the walls of this room are copies of the Winslow portraits, the originals of which are now in the main hall, having become the property of the Society, by request of the late Isaac Winslow, of Hingham, in 1883. Here also may be seen the orig- inal signatures of those present at the Pilgrim Society dinner Dec. 22, 1820, at which time Mr. Webster delivered his famous oration. The roll contains the names of many distinguished men of those times. In this room is the coat-of-arms of the British crown, which in " Good old colony times, when we were under the king," hung over the judge's seat in the colonial court house, now our old Town House. When the Revolution broke out and the loyalists had to flee, this was carried away by the Tory judge, or clerk of the courts, to Shelburne, N.S., from whence it was returned, some years ago, to its old home. From the first ante-room a flight of stairs conducts to the basement, where all desired conveniences for visitors will be found. In the lower hall is an inter- esting museum of articles, which have been separated from the Pilgrim collection, and as pertaining to ancient days in many instances, or as curiosities, will well repay examination. 22 The Court House* '•Though justice be thy plea, consider this, — That in the course of justice none of us should see salvation." T our right hand, soon after leaving Pilgrim Hall, we sec a large building with a handsome facade, standing a little back from the street, and fronted by a small park. This is the County Court House, erected in 1820, and remodelled in 1857. It is one of the finest buildings of the kind in the State, and the judges of the different courts give it precedence in point of beauty, convenience, etc., over all they visit. It has two entrances. The northerly one leads to a corridor, from which is a stairway to the large court room above; admittance to witness, grand jury and waiting rooms. The southerly entrance is to a corridor paved with Ver- mont marble, and from which leads a flight of stairs for the court, members of the bar, officers and jury- men, to the court room ; also giving access to the Probate Court room and office of Register of Pro- bate. On the left, below, is the room of the Clerk of Courts, with the room of the County Treasurer opposite ; beyond, on the right, is a waiting-room, with that of the County Commissioners on the left. At the farther end of the corridor is the Registry of Deeds office. In the latter room the visitor will find much of interest. Here are the earliest records of Plymouth Colony, in the handwriting of the men who are now held in reverence the world over for their courage in braving the perils of an unknown sea and an equally unknown shore, to face the dangers of savage men and savage beasts, in their constancy to what they believed to be their duty, and for planting on this spot the great principles of a government by the people, — " A church without a bishop, A state without a king." Here is their writing, some of it quaint and crabbed, some fair and legible. Here, on these very pages, rested the hands, fresh from handling the sword and the musket, or the peaceful implements of husbandry, of Bradford and Brewster and Standish, and others of that heroic band. Here is the original laying-out of the first street, — Leyden Street. Here is the plan of the plots of ground first assigned for yearly use, which they called, in the tinge of the Dutch 24 tongue they had acquired in their long residence in Holland, " meersteads." Here are the simple and yet wise rules — laws they can hardly yet be called — laid down for the government of the infant colony. Here is the will of Standish ; the order establishing jury trial, in Gov. Bradford's writing; the order for the first customs law ; the division of cattle into lots, one cow being divided into thirteen lots. It was four years after the Landing before any domestic r ■ 1 ■ ^> 1 [ J W,5 ™ @ ■>£#.- .---»— . . . . . i d 1 u i?i j ■* ! i ^^" , ,. >\ I m» #, 1 W*^ msBr -f- t PILGRIM MEERSTEADS, TOWN BROOK. cattle were brought over, and in order to equalize them they were divided into lots, each family having one. It must have been a pretty nice affair to divide the milk of one cow among thirteen parties, to satisfy all. Here, also, is the original patent to the company from the Earl of Warwick, granted in 1629, with its great wax seal engraved for the purpose, and the original box in which it came from England. Here are signatures, also, of nearly as much interest as 2 5 those of the Pilgrims themselves, — the marks of the original proprietors of all these broad fields and forests, whose names are represented by signs of bows and tortoises, of reptiles and animals. Here are also ancient deeds written in the Indian language, as put in form by Eliot and Mayo. The record clerk must have had his patience severely taxed when they were copied. A handsome lawn lies in the rear of the Court House, and near by is the residence of the sheriff of the county and keeper of the prison. Opposite Court Square is the new Memorial Methodist Church, a fine building erected in 1885-86, which is an ornamental and prominent feature of the locality. The building at the right of the church is the Old Colony Club, instituted in 1769. Next beyond is Russell Building, in which is located the Pilgrim Book- The Prison* I stood in Venice, on the Bridge of Sighs — A palace and .1 prison on each hand." 'N the rear of the Court Mouse stands the County Prison, a substantial brick house, with granite trimmings. There are eighty-nine cells, the average num- ber of prisoners being about sixty-five. The workshop accommodates some fifty prisoners, who are kept at some light employment. All its appointments are of the most modern character, and in charge of the model sheriff of the county, ('apt. A. K. Harmon. This establishment is one of the best penal institutions in the State. It may be visited at stated hours on week days on application at the sheriff's room, at the left of the vestibule. The Rock* A rock in the wilderness welcomed our sires From bondage far over the dark rolling sea; On that holy altar they kindled the fires, Jehovah, which glow in our bosoms for thee." ONTINUING our way along Court Street a little farther, we come to North £) Street, at which point the name of the main thoroughfare changes to Main Street, the business section of the town. Turning down North Street, leading to the water, in a little distance we come to the brow of the 27 ££&: -'-M i ' U "* ' ■ i \ " •2 I] 28 hill. On the left Winslow Street winds northward, and on it we see an old mansion, partially hidden by two noble old trees. This house was built by Edward Winslow, brother to Gen. John Winslow, some time before the Revolution. He had the frame got out in England and brought over for this purpose. The trees in front were planted by his daughter about 1760. Additions were made to the house in [898, which is now owned and occupied by C. L. Willoughby. Descending the hill, at our right, a short distance, we see a beautiful and artistic structure of granite in WINSLOW HOUSE. BUILT IN 1734. the shape of a canopy, supported on four columns, and under this is the Rock, now world-famous. The upper portion of this renowned boulder, nearly all of that which is now in sight, was for one hundred and five years separated from the original Rock, and during this long period occupied localities remote from the Landing-place. In 1775, during the first fresh enthusiasm of the Revolution, in endeavoring to raise 29 the Rock from its bed on the shore, to prevent its being covered by the filling-in of a wharf about it, this piece split off. Auguries of the separation of the colonies from the mother-country were then drawn from the circumstance, and the upper part was taken, amidst much rejoicing, to Town Square, where it wa s CANOPY OVER PLYMOUTH ROCK, -COLES HILL. deposited at the foot of a liberty pole from which waved a flag bearing the motto, " Liberty or death." It re- mained there until 1834, when at a celebration of the Fourth of July it was carried in procession to Pilgrim Hall, deposited in the front area, and enclosed by the iron fence which now surrounds the tablet with the Compact near the same spot. Here it remained forty- six years, its incongruous position, away from the water, not being understood by visitors without lengthy ex- planation. Mr. Stickney, the gentleman by whose liberality the alterations in Pilgrim Hall were at this time being made, recognized the impropriety of this 3° separation of the Rock, and proposed reuniting the parts at the original Landing-place. The Pilgrim Society readily acceded to this proposition, and accord- ingly on Monday, Sept. 27, 1880, without ceremony, this part of the Rock was placed beneath the Monu- mental Canopy at the water-side, the reunited pieces probably now presenting much the same appearance as when the Pilgrim shallop grazed its side. As to the identity of this Rock, and the certainty of its being the very one consecrated by the first touch of Pilgrim feet on this shore, there is not the slightest loophole for a doubt. Ancient records, now accessible, refer to it as an object of prominence on the shore, before the build- ing of the wharf about it in the year 1 7 4 1 . Thomas Faunce, the elder of the church, who was born in 1646, and died in 1745, was the son of John Faunc , who came over in the 'Ann " in 1623. At the age of ninety- five years, hearing that the Rock, which from youth he had venerated, was to be disturbed, he visited the village, related the history of the Rock as told him by his father and contemporary Pilgrims, and in the presence of many witnesses declared it to be that upon which the Forefathers landed in 1620. Thus it has been pointed out and identified from one generation to another, and from the days of the first comers to the present time. Xot a shadow of distrust rests upon it as being the identical spot where the fust landing was effected on the shore of Plymouth. Only a century and a half have elapsed since Elder Faunce gave this personal testimony, and the lives of two or three elderly people cover that period, so the evidence is of positive rather than traditional character. 3i The Landing* ET us picture to ourselves the scene on that Monday morning, when, after their rest on Clark's Island, they came in their shallop to inspect the new coun- try that they had providentially found. The wharves and buildings and every trace of civil- ization vanish. All is wild and unknown. Across the harbor comes the boat, every eye anxiously and keenly scanning the strange shore to dis- cover the presence of human beings, who will be sure to be enemies. They coast along the shore by cliff and lowland, hand on wea- pon, every sense alert for the e x- L J — — — i ' p e c t e d warwhoop and attack. A steep and sandy cliff, the base of which is washed by the water, meets their eye ; at its foot a great boulder, brought from some far-away coast by glaciers, in some long-gone age. Oval in form, with a flat top, it seems the very place to bring the great clumsy boat up to, as from its top they can spring to the shore dry-shod, a matter which, after their previous wading in the ice-cold water at the Cape, is of no small moment. 32 The shallop is steered to its side ; the company steps upon the Rock, and the Landing of the Forefathers, now so reverently commemorated, is completed. Look along the shore at this day, north or south, and you may see cliffs as this was then. Divested of romance thrown around it by time, it should be remembered that the "Landing" was that of the exploring party which had coasted around the bay, the "Mayflower" then being in Cape Cod Harbor. According to " Mourt's Relation," the exploring party, having landed from the Rock, " marched also into the lane and found divers cornfields and little running brooks, a place very good for situation. So we returned to our ships again with good news to the rest of the people, which did much comfort their hearts." The " Mayflower " weighs her anchor, and spread- ing sail moves across the bay. Feeling carefully their way, they pass the Gurnet, and navigate along the channel inside the beach, until, at the wide bend towards the town just above the present Beach Pa- vilion, as is believed by those who have studied the situation, the anchor is dropped, not to be again disturbed until the following spring. But the location is not yet settled. Some, with the alarm of the recent encounters vividly impressed upon them, think the Island, surrounded by water and easily defended, would be a good place. Jones River, sending its waters unabridged to meet the waves of the bay, attracts the attention of others. " So in the morning, after we had called on God for direction, we came to this resolution, to go presently ashore again, and to take a better view of two places which we thought most fitting for us ; for we could not now take time for further search or consideration, our victuals being much spent, especially our beer, and it being now the 19th of December. After our landing and view- ing the places, so well as we could, we came to a conclusion, by most voices, to set on a high ground, where there is a great deal of land cleared, and hath been planted with corn three or four years ago ; and there is a very sweet brook runs under the hillside, and many delicate springs of as good water as can be drunk, and where we may harbor our shallops and boats exceeding well ; and in this brook fish in their season ; on the further side of the river also much corn ground cleared. In one field is a great hill on which we point to make a platform, and plant our ordnance, which will com- 34 mand all around about. From thence we may see into the bay, and far out into the sea ; and we may see thence Cape Cod. Our greatest labor will be the fetching of our wood, which is half a quarter of an English mile : but there is enough so far off. What people inhabit here we yet know not, for as yet we have seen none. So there we made our rendezvous, and a place for some of our people, about twenty, resolving in the morning to come all ashore and to build houses."' Cole's Hill. Xot Winter's sullen face, Not the fierce, tawny race In arms arrayed, Xot hunger shook their faith ; Xot sickness' baleful breath, Xot Carver's early death, Their souls dismayed." SCENDING the broad flight of steps that now leads to the brow of the hill. and turning to the left, we tread upon sacred, hallowed ground. Here were buried, in that dark, sad winter in which they landed, half of their little band. The terrible tale is told concisely by the narrator already quoted. " This month (March) thirteen of our num- ber die. And in three months past dies half our company — the greatest part in the depth of winter, wanting houses and other comforts, being afflicted 35 with the scurvy and other diseases which their long voyage and unaccommodate condition brought upon them, so as there die sometime two or three a day. Of a hundred persons scarce fifty remaining; the living scarce able to bury the dead ; the well not *m THE EXILES. sufficient to tend the sick, there being, in their time of greatest distress, but six or seven, who spare no pains to help them." They buried them on this hill, and levelled the graves, and in the spring fol- lowing planted corn above them, that the Indians might not know the extent of their great loss. At four different times the remains have been discov- ered. In 1735, in a great rain, the water, rushing down Middle Street to the harbor, caused a deep gully there, exposing human remains and washing them into the sea. In 1855 workmen engaged in digging trenches for the water-works found parts of five skeletons. The graves were in the roadway, 36 about five rods south of the foot of Middle Street. One of the skulls was sent to a competent anato- mist in Boston, and was pronounced to be of the Caucasian race. The remains were carefully gath- ered and placed in a metallic box, properly in- scribed, and interred on Burial Hill, subsequently being deposited in the chamber of the canopy over the Rock, at its completion in the year 1867. Again, on the 8th of October, 1883, during repairs on the hill, other remains were found, which were carefully removed, and afterwards, on the 20th of November, enclosed in a lead box and re-interred on the precise spot of their original burial. Directly over the grave a granite slab has been placed by order of the town, bearing an appropriate inscrip- tion. On the 27th of November, 1883, others still were found which lie undisturbed near the last, and their exact resting-place is designated on the mem- orial slab above mentioned. Cole's Hill has other histories also. From the first days its position over and commanding the harbor led to its being selected as a place of defence. In 1742 the General Court granted a sum of money to the town to erect a battery here. In 1775, the old defence having gone to decay, a new one was built and manned, and continued to be kept up during the war. In 18 14 still another fort was thrown up here, and placed in charge of companies of soldiers stationed in the town. 37 MYLES STANDISH MONUMENT, DUXBURY. Leyden Street* (Originally named First Street, afterwards in the Records called Great and Broad Street; named Leyden Street in 1823.) "There first was heard the welcome strain Of axe and hammer, saw and plane." A.LKING around the brow of the hill, through Carver Street, we pass the Universalist Church, erected in 1826 on the spot where stood the ancient Allyne House, one of the last of its architecture to disappear in the colony. Standing on this elevation, we can see the reasons for the selection of this place for the settlement. There, below us, are the waters of " the very sweet brook," into which the " many delicate springs " still continue to run. How sweet they must have tasted to the palates of those poor storm-tossed wayfarers, who for months had been drinking the ship's stale water ! Sweet and pure they are now as they were then. Then the brook came to the sea in its natural wildness, unfettered by bridge or dam. Where it met the waters of the ocean was quite a wide estuary, so that before the lower bridge was built schooners of considerable size were wintered here nearly up to the second bridge. Beyond it is the land where there was " much corn land cleared." Opposite the large elm-tree on the bank they built their first building, a "common house." In 1801, in digging the cellar of the upper house opposite the tree, sev- eral tools and a plate of iron were found, which 39 gjjWAL Htt c Fein,- IffmJour. * 1 S3 1 © I §{ fvitnc/s Cooke. > * Zftfrft A tie f ton. ^oif BSadfofcf. John Biiiinyton. A ffiyhu/ciy leading to Town B/'ook. KfngSt 7}ourMain St. e 'Jff//i*m BSeutsfcy. Stephen Hopkins. John Goodman,. John Afoul/and. Petet> 8rt>uin. Samuef Fuffet*. Common V Cole '5 Hill ^VRrsr Burial Place t^e Harbor 40 without doubt were in this house. It was about twenty feet square, and thatched. It took fire in the roof Jan. 14, T621, and the thatch was burnt. It was a common log house, such as is built now by Western pioneers, and probably was not used many years. These articles found were probably left in it unnoticed when vacated, and only came to light when the little colony to whom they were so useful had expanded into a great nation. A sign now marks this spot. " Mourt's Relation" furnishes us an interesting: record : — "Thursday, the 28th of December, so many as could went to work on the hill, where we purposed to build our platform for our ordnance, and which doth command all the plain and the bay, and from whence we may see far into the sea, and might be easier impaled, having two rows of houses and a fair street. So in the afternoon we went to measure out the grounds ; and first we took notice how many families there were, willing all single men that had no wives to join with some family, as they thought fit, so that we might build fewer houses ; which was done, and we reduced them to nineteen families. "To greater families we allotted larger plots: to every person half a pole in breadth and three in length, and so lots were cast where every man should lie; which was done and staked out," and this was laying out of Leyden Street. An unfinished plan of this street is to be seen on the old records at the Court House. 41 Plymouth in 1627. N 1627, Isaac DeRasieres, an officer from the Dutch Colony of New Neth- erlands, now New York, visited Plym- outh, and in a letter to Holland sends the following description of the appear- ance of the place : — " New Plymouth lies on the slope of a hill stretch- ing east toward the sea coast, with a broad street about a cannon shot of eight hundred [yards] long, leading down the hill, with a [street] crossing in the middle, northwards to the rivulet and southwards to the land. # The houses are con- structed of hewn planks, with gar- dens also enclosed behind and at the sides with hewn planks, so that their houses and court-yards are arranged in very good order, with a stockade against a sudden attack ; and at the ends of the street are three wooden gates. In the centre, on the cross street, stands the Govern- P.LGRIMS GO,NG TO CHURCH. ^ ^^ bef()re wMch is a square enclosure, upon which four pateriors [steen-stucken] are mounted, so as to flank along the streets. Upon the hill they have a large square house, _.. ' M ' i '^% . * An error in statement of the points of the compass is here evident. It should be "southwards to the rivulet and northwards to the land.' 1 ' 42 with a fiat roof, made of thick sawn planks, stayed with oak beams, upon the top of which they have six cannons, which shoot iron balls of four and five pounds, and command the surrounding country." Town Square* ALKIXG up Leyden Street, we pass on our left the church of the Baptist So- ciety, built in 1865 to replace their old house of worship on Spring Street, burned in 1861. We now enter Town Square, shaded by its noble elms, planted in 17S4. On the corner of Main Street is a large building:, built in 1876 by Mayflower Lodge, I. O. O. F. This building covers the spot on which stood the house of William Bradford, so many years the Pilgrim governor. GOV. BRADFORD'S HOUSE IN 1621. 43 Above this is the Congregational Church, known as the " Church of the Pilgrimage." I ■ft , .^., >, v ,. THE CHURCH OF THE PILGRIMAGE. The present building was erected in 1840, and stands very near the site of the First Meeting-house in Plym- outh, built in 1638. A tablet on the front of the church bears the following inscription : — This tablet is inscribed in grateful memory of the Pilgrims and of their successors who, at the time of the Unitarian contro- versy in 1801, adhered to the belief of the Fathers, and on the basis of the original creed and covenant perpetuated, at great sac- rifice, in the Church of the Pilgrimage, the evangelical faith and fellowship of the Church of Scrooby, Leyden, and the " May- flower," organized in England in 1606. Opposite is an old building, now the Town House. This was built in 1749 as a court house, the town con- tributing a part of the cost for the privilege of using it. When the new court house was built, in 1820, this building was purchased by the town. At the head of the square is the First Parish Church, the original church of the Pilgrims. The first " meeting-house," as the Pilgrims called 44 them, to distinguish them from houses of worship of the established church, has been proved, by the in- vestigations of Mr. W. T. Davis, to have stood on the north side of the square, near the spot occupied by the tower of Odd Fellows' Hall and the store of Hatch & Shaw. Of this we know but little, except that it was erected in 1638 (the Forefathers before that time worshipping in the fort on the hill), and had a bell. In 1683 a new building was erected, not on the same lot, but farther out at the head ot the square. This was forty-five by forty feet, sixteen feet in the walls, had a Gothic roof, diamond window glass and a bell. In 1744 still another church was CHURCH OF THE FIRST PARISH. built on or near the same site. This remained until 1830, when a Gothic edifice was erected. This stood farther up the hill than the previous one, and was destroyed by fire in 1892. The present building was completed and dedicated on December 21, 1899. 45 Burial Hill. The Pilgrim Fathers are at rest: When Summer's throned on high, And the world's warm breast is in verdure dressed, Go, stand on the hill where they lie." *EYOND and above Town Square stretches the verdant slope conse- crated from the earliest years of the colony as a place of sepulture. Here repose the ashes of those who survived the first winter. " In one field a great hill, on which we point to make a platform and plant our ordnance, which will command all round about. From thence we may see into the bay and far into the sea." GOV. BRADFORD'S MONUMENT, BURIAL HILL. Marble tablets mark the location of the Old Fort and Watch Tower, while numerous stones and monuments, which can easily be deciphered, point out resting- places of Pilgrims and descendants. 46 The marble obelisk in memory of Gov. William Bradford, the second governor, with its untranslatable Hebrew text ; and its Latin inscription, freely ren- dered : " Do not basely relinquish what the Fathers with difficulty attained," erected in 1825, is near to us, and around it are numerous stones, marking the graves of his descendants. A little back, on a path to the rear entrance to the hill, is the oldest stone in the cemetery. It must be remembered that for many years the colonists had far other cares, and many other uses for their little savings, than to pro- vide stones to mark their graves. These had to be imported from England at much cost, and conse- quently it was some years before any were able to afford the expense. The oldest stone is that to the memory of Edward Gray, 168 1. Mr. Gray was a merchant, and one of the wealthiest men in the colony. Near the head of this path is a stone to William Crowe, 1683-84. Near by is one to Thomas Clarke, 1697, erroneously reported to have been the mate of the " Mayflower," but who came in the "Ann," in 1623. Clark's Island, supposed by many to have been named for Thomas Clark, received its name from John Clark, now known to have been the mate of the ''Mayflower.*' Beside the grave of Thomas Clark is that of his son, Nathaniel, who was one of the councillors of Sir Edmund Andros, Gov- ernor of New England. Other old stones are those of Mrs. Hannah Clark, 1697 ; and John Cotton, 1699. These are all the original stones bearing dates in the seventeenth century. There are some with dates of that century which have been erected since, by 47 descendants, including the monument to Gov. Brad- ford, before alluded to ; the monument to Robert Cushman ; and the stone over the remains of John ■?7k . ' *?KIS LIFE MARCH .'' . mi -** I z^r'\ ^r^--.'^^ ;~- j:-cv ' V^*** >-- !•/:-> '* ;* GRAVE OF THOMAS CLARK. Howland. The inscription on the latter stone reads as follows : — Here ended the Pilgrimage of JOHN HOWLAND who died February 23. 167s. aged above 80 years. He married Elizabeth daughter of JOHN TILLEY who came with him in the May- flower Dec. 1620. From them are descended a numerous posterity. " Hee was a godly man and an ancient professor in the wayes of Christ. Hee was one of the first comers into this land and was the last man that was left of those that came over in the Shipp called the Mayflower that lived in Plymouth." — [Plymouth Records. Near the Bradford monument are the graves of his family. The face of the stone at the grave of 48 his son, Major William Bradford, shelled off in 1876-77, but the inscription has since been retraced. The cut following is reproduced from a view taken of the original, and is an exact facsimile : — R I PSRSlYtS miym J ' & ■ M r*/<^ &.*) GRAVE OF WILLIAM BRADFORD. Here lyes ye body of ye honourable Major William Bradford, who expired Feb'y ye 20th, 1703-4, age 79 years. He lived long, but still was doing good, And in his country's service lost much blood, After a life well spent, he's now at rest, His very name and memory is blest. At the grave of another son the headstone reads as follows : — 49 Here lyes interred ye body of Mr. Joseph Bradford, son of the late Honorable William Bradford, Esq., Governor of Plym- outh Colony, who departed this life July the ioth, 1715,111 the eighty-fifth year of his age. The following are some of the inscriptions of the older stones : — Here lyes ye body of Mrs. Hannah Sturtevant, aged about sixty-four years. Dec. in March, 1708-9. Here lyes buried the body of Mr. Thomas Faunce, ruling elder of the First Church of Christ in Plymouth. Deceased Feb'y 27, 1745, in the ninety-ninth year of his age. The fathers — where are they? Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. [Elder Faunce was the last who held the office of ruling elder in the church. He was contemporary X &>J W' FR r *v/ :3Atf r iN m Kg j 'T- H 75 n Tr? • -■ LI P'£ w i H £*.»• w^:-..... ^^ ^ ; >*m foftr^ WrV) * v '*^fe^ i''v- ar Fannie Crombie. As young as beautiful ! and soft innocent as g; 54 d gay-as soft ! "and --- -^ aS y ° Ung ' On the path by the fence in the rear of the hill: — The father and the children dead, We hope to Heaven their souls have rled. The widow now alone is left, Of all her family bereft. May she now put her trust in God, To heal the wound made by His rod. On a stone raised to the memory of a child : — He listened for a while to hear Our mortal griefs; then tuned his ear To angel harps and songs, and cried To join their notes celestial, sigh'd and died. A little farther on in this path is the stone to Tabitha Flasket, 1807 ; the epitaph on which, writ- ten by herself, breathes such a spirit of defiance that it attracts much attention : — Adieu, vain world, I've seen enough of thee; And I am careless what thou say'st of me : Thy smiles I wish not, Nor thy frowns I fear, I am now at rest, my head lies quiet here. Mrs. Flasket, in her widowhood, taught a private school for small children, at the same time, as was the custom of her day, doing her spinning. Her mode of punishment was to pass skeins of yarn under the arms of the little culprits, and hang them upon nails. A suspended row was a ludicrous sight. Mr. Joseph Plasket (husband of Tabitha) died in 1794, at the age of forty-eight years. The widow wrote his epitaph as follows: — All you that doth behold my stone, Consider how soon I was gone. Death does not always warning give, Therefore be careful how you live. Repent in time, no time delay, I in my prime was called away, 55 Nearly opposite this is one on a very young child: — The babe that's caught from womb and breast, Claim right to sing above the rest, Because they found the happy shore They never saw or sought before. As this path comes out on the brow of the hill, near a white fence, is a stone to Elizabeth Savery, 183 1 : — Remember me as you pass by, As you are now, so once was I ; As I am now, so you will be, Therefore prepare to follow me. A little from the path up Burial Hill, to the left, just below the Cushman monument, a marble tablet THE OLD FORT AND FIRST MEETING-HOUSE marks the spot where the fort of the little colony was situated, quite a portion of its outline still being distinct, particularly at the easterly corner. We can see at once with what sagacity the site was chosen, undoubtedly by Standish. It commanded Leyden 56 Street and the approaches from the brook over which the Indians came. Standing here, we have a view of the southern part of the town. The blue heights of Manomet Hills shut in the horizon. Beyond them lies the little hamlet of South Plymouth, a rural village with sum- mer hotels, the Manomet and Brastow Houses, of considerable celebrity, especially among sportsmen. On this side is the village of Chiltonville, with its churches and factories. Far down to the shore, MANOMET BLUFFS. near the head of the Beach, is the Hotel Pilgrim. This hotel has long been known as one of the finest summer resorts on the coast. Nearer lies the south- erly portion of the main village. There is the com- mon, laid out very early as a "Training Green," the name it bears today, with the Soldiers' Monument, erected in 1869. 57 Watson's HilL PPOSITE is Watson's Hill, now cov- ered with houses. This was the " Cantauganteest " of the Indians, one ^WLfflfi- VW$ °^ their favorite resorts, where they 1l/<£^K^^^& had their summer camps, and on the level below planted their corn. It is famous as the scene of the treaty with Massasoit. Gov. Bradford Town Brook. Watson s Hi THE TOWN FROM THE SOUTH. had a tract of land assigned him here on which to raise corn, and to this day portions of the hill remain in the Bradford name and others of direct descent from him. The Watch Tower* A little to the north of the site of the old fort another tablet marks the place of the brick watch tower erected in 1643. The locality of this tower is 58 indicated by four stone posts set in the ground to mark its corners. The brick foundation is still there, about a foot below the surface, and the old hearthstone on which the Pilgrims built their watch fires still lies where they placed it, on the south- erly side of the enclosure. The location of the tower was discovered several years ago in digging a grave, when the sexton came upon the foundation. The SITE OF THE WATCH TOWER, 1643. Back of this is seen the lot of Rev. Adoniram Judson, the famous missionary to Burmah. town records of Sept. 23, 1643, nav ^ the following entry in regard to it: "It is agreed upon by the whole that there shall be a watch house forthwith, built of brick, and that Mr. Grimes will sell us the brick at eleven shillings a thousand." This is the first mention of brick in the records of the colony, and it is to be presumed that this marks about the 59 time of the first brickyard. The cause of the tower being built was probably the threatenings of the In- dians, which resulted in the Narragansett war. Still later, in 1676, another fortification was erected on the hill, it is presumable covering the same area, enclosing a hundred feet square, " with palisadoes ten and a half feet high, and three pieces of ordnance planted on it." The town agreed with Nathaniel Southworth to build a watch house, " which is to be sixteen feet in length, twelve feet in breadth, and eight feet stud, to be walled with boards, and to have two floors, the upper floor to be six feet above the tower, to batten the walls and make a small pair of stairs in it, the roof to be covered with shingles, and a chimney to be built in it. For the said work he is to have eight pounds, either in money or other pay equivalent." This being only thirty-two years after the building of the brick tower, it would seem as if the latter could hardly have fallen or been taken down, and it is possible, if not probable, that the wooden watch tower was built upon the old brick one ; but of this we can only conjecture. This was in the period of King Philip's war. From this might have been seen the blaze of the houses at Eel River (now Chiltonville), and the terrible war-whoop almost heard as the savages burst upon the little hamlet, near where is now the store of Mr. George W. Bram- hall, on that peaceful Sabbath when they left eleven dead bodies and smoking ruins to mark their savage onslaught. 60 The Harbor* =/ ROM the easterly brow of Burial Hill we have a beautiful picture of the harbor and its surroundings. Below us the ground slopes to the water, cut into terrace below terrace, with the buildings upon them. At its foot are the wharves and harbor, and beyond is the Beach, near which the " May- LONG THE WHARVES. flower" swung at her anchors. Manomet is the range of misty blue hills stretching into the bay on the right. Kingston and Duxbury, with Captain's Hill, are on the left, and far out Clark's Island, Saquish and the Gurnet, with the thin, sandy strip of beach joining the latter headlands. On the Gurnet is Fort Andrew, and at Saquish is Fort Standish, both earthworks built by the Government during the 61 civil war of 1861-65. The sites are the property of the United States. The Gurnet, it is said, takes its name from a somewhat similar promontory in the English channel, near Plymouth, England. On it are located a United States life-saving station and lighthouse. Saquish is an Indian word signifying an abundance of clams. Clark's Island was named from the mate of the "Mayflower," who commanded the shallop on the expedition when the island was dis- covered. The following statistics were furnished by Capt. A. M. Harrison from the United States Survey of 1 i to^t* Wk x jB^^ 9 ^** ■Z-- '■■■^&**~ "tfSar 'Jl&t*'"^- . '. . _ ^m*»? 'it L OFF BEACH POINT. Captain's Hill, Duxbury, in the distance. 1853-57 : From the shore end of Long Wharf, in a straight line, to Gurnet Light, the distance is four and seven-sixteenths statute miles, or three and seven- eighths nautical miles. The length of Plymouth Beach, from the foot of Manomet Hills to the beacon on extreme point, is three and five-sixteenths statute miles, or two and seven-eighths nautical miles. The 62 length of the Beach, from its junction with the main- land to the beacon, is two and five-eighths statute miles, or two and one-fourth nautical miles. Voyage of the Mayflower Shallop* ROM here we can trace the whole course of that expedition which started on its voyage of discovery from the " Max- flower " in Provincetown Harbor, directly opposite us across the bay. Coasting along the inside of Cape Cod at the right, its sandy shore hidden by distance from our sight, some of the v THE "MAYFLOWER" IN PLYMOUTH HARBOR. exploring party on foot, forcing their way through the tangled wilderness, sometimes wading in half- frozen water through the surf or across brooks, they slowly make their way. Constantly on the alert, and two or three times attacked and beating off their 63 assailants, the shallop with her company nears Manomet headland. And now it began to snow and rain and the wind to blow and the seas to rise. Now the hinge of the rudder breaks, and oars are got out to steer with. Master Coppin, the pilot, bids them to be of good cheer, for he sees the harbor which he had promised them. Across the bay they steer, keep- ing on a press of sail to make the desired harbor before nightfall, when crash goes the mast, broken into three pieces, and the shallop is near being wrecked. Now the flood-tide takes them and bears them in past the Gurnet nose, and Master Coppin, finding himself in a strange place that he had never seen before, throws up his hands and exclaims : "The Lord be merciful to us, I never saw this place before," and in his terror would have run the boat on shore, " in a cove full of breakers," between the Gurnet and Saquish ; " but a lusty seaman which steered bade those that rowed, if they were men, %$&$£ l k) "ijlfifefe ?^-.*^ *> vu/ ^SjL^J CLARK'S ISLAND. View from the Saquish. 6 4 about with her, or else they were all cast away." The short twilight of the winter day had faded into darkness, as the storm-tossed and dispirited company found themselves " under the lea of a small island." There it is before us, the third highland to the left — THE C( 65 the first being the Gurnet and the second Saquish. They landed, and kept their watch that night in a rain. Gov. Bradford, in his history, gives us a few more particulars : " In the morning they rind the place to be a small island secure from Indians. And this being the last day of the week, they here dry their stuff, fix their pieces, rest themselves, return God thanks for their many deliverances, and here the next day keep their Christian Sabbath." Tradition says that from a large rock with a flat top that is there now, bearing the inscription, " On the Sabboth day wee rested," the first prayer ascended on this shore ; and there, for the first time in New England, praise and thanks were given, to that watchful Provi- dence that had guided and guarded them. The next day, Monday, they sailed up to the shore below us, and, stepping on Plymouth Rock, made the explora- tion which ultimately determined them to fix upon this place for their plantation. Town Brook* "And there is a very sweet brooke runnes under the hillside, and many delicate springs of as good water as can be drunke." — Gov. Bradford. T the foot of Burial Hill, on the south side, the Town Brook flows through the centre of the town, "vexed in all its seaward course by bridges, dams and mills." Along the banks the Pil- grims erected their first dwelling-houses and brought water from "the very sweet brook" below, into 66 which the "many delicate springs" still continue to run. Jt is a favorite resort for artists who delight in sketching the picturesque scenery and ancient architecture. The stream proceeds from Billington Sea, about two miles distant from the town. It furnishes a valuable water power at the present, and in the days of the Pil- grims, and for nearly two centuries after, it abounded with alewives almost at their doors, affording an im- portant resource for the supply of their wants. The tide flowed for some distance up this stream and formed a convenient basin for the reception and safe shelter of the shallops and other vessels employed in their earlier enterprises of fishing and traffic. Over this brook came the great sachem Massasoit, with twenty of his braves, on a visit to the Pilgrims, when ENTRANCE TO MORTON PARK. 67 was concluded that treaty which during its continu- ance of forty years conduced so effectually to the safety and permanance of the colony Morton Park. NE of the most attractive spots in old Plymouth, and one that the casual visi- tor does not always see, is Morton Park. <*m±v /jm^.ivwiji Lying a little more than a mile from K59S^2*^ the village centre, it makes a convenient pleasure-ground for Plymouth people, and the beauty BILLINGTON SEA, MORTON PARK. of the place is such as to attract all lovers of wood- land scenery. Nature has done her most to make the park charming, and man has very wisely made little 68 attempt to improve it. One hundred and fifty acres there are, consisting of deep woods and open country, hills and valleys, brooks and ponds. The park nearly surrounds Little Pond, consisting of forty acres, and borders for a mile on the historic Billington Sea, which has 308 acres. Roads and paths have been laid out in romantic situations, and a few trees planted, but otherwise the wild woodland remains in its natural state. In 18S9 tne l an d was given to the town by several public-spirited citizens, and the park was named for Nathaniel Morton, Esq., one of the donors. The Town* ^Y the census of 1895 *h e population of Plymouth was 7,958. The total valua- tion of the town in that year was $6,646,750, of which $4,646,525 was real estate and $2,000,225 personal. The number of polls assessed was 2,416. Few towns are better provided with city conven- :-^i— PLYMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL. 69 iences. A system of water-works, introduced in 1855, supplies the inhabitants with pure water from the great ponds that lie in the woods a few miles south of the main village. The main thoroughfares are lighted by electricity, and both electricity and gas are in use for illuminants in public buildings, stores, fac- tories and dwellings. An electric street railway furnishes connection with the adjacent towns, and is a source of much pleasure in summer for trolley trips to the beaches, hotels, and suburbs. The town has a public library containing eleven thousand volumes. Its schools rank among the best in the State, and its high-school building, erected in 1 89 1 at a cost of forty thousand dollars, has accom- modation for over two hundred pupils. In its reli- gious denominations are represented the Unitarian, Congregational, Baptist, Universalist, Methodist, Catholic, Episcopal, Advent and German Lutheran faiths. The town contains five banking institutions, — the Old Colony and the Plymouth national banks, the Plymouth, the Plymouth Five-Cents and the Plymouth Co-Operative savings banks, occupying two fine brick buildings on Main Street. There are seven excellent hotels within the town limits, three of them well known as summer resorts. Plymouth has good streets, her principal thorough- fares being macadamized. The sidewalks throughout the centre of the town are concreted. Her stores are kept abreast of the times, and two weekly newspapers chronicle the happenings of local and neighborhood interest. 70 Its Industries* HE character of Plymouth's industrial life has entirely changed within a half- century. Within the memory of men now living, the time was when the town boasted a fleet of seventy-five fisher- men and enjoyed prestige as a fishing port. In com- mon with other seaport towns of New England, this COURT STREET. industry has departed, lout thriving manufactories have risen on the ruins of her maritime glory. Plymouth's manufacturing industries show r great diversity of character, and with rare exceptions have- been exceedingly prosperous. The yearly value of their total product is not far from seven million dol- lars. The great cordage works at North Plymouth, one of the very largest concerns of the kind in the world, employ many hundred hands, and have built 7i up a flourishing village of their own in that quarter of the town. There are two large mills engaged in the production of woolen and worsted cloths, and two making cotton duck. Three extensive factories keep many of Plymouth's inhabitants busily employed in the manufacture of tacks and rivets. An iron foundry does a heavy business in stove-making. Besides these there are manufactories of boots and ALONG SHORE FROM STEPHEN'S POINT. shoes, bedstead joints, insulated wire for electrical purposes, products of zinc and copper, ornamental nickel articles, nails and tack-plate, woven seamless pockets, saw-gummers and swages, barrels, boxes, kegs and kits, and numerous smaller enterprises. The electric light and power company furnishes power for several of these establishments. Plymouth's manufactured products bear an excel- lent name in the markets of the world, her cordage, duck and woolen goods being particularly well and favorably known. 72 Of late years many Plymouth residents have en- gaged in the cranberry culture on an extensive s< ale, and their ventures have been exceedingly profitable. A new industry, and one which is growing to large proportions, is the raising of brook trout and spawn for the markets. poin they Old Houses. LYMOUTH contains many old buildings antedating the Revolution, but they have been repaired and modernized so that they do not have that appearance at present, and visitors are often disap- ted in not finding the antique structures which expected. ( )ld people, now living, can remem- ber when several of these buildings had ovens " and chimneys built on the outside. 73 1 )utch The oldest house now standing is the so-called Doten house on Sandwich Street, about half a mile from the centre of the town. It was built in 1660 by William Harlow, and in 1773 was owned by Nathaniel Doten from whom it descended to heirs who still hold it. Among other old houses still remaining are the Leach house, on Summer Street, built in 1679; the Howland house, 1666; Cole's blacksmith shop, 1684; the Shurtleff house, 1698; the Crowe house, JYT-) SMM WILLIAM HARLOW HOUSE, 1677. Built of timber from old Burial Hill Fort. 1664; and the William Harlow house, built in 1677, partly of the material of the old fort on Burial Hill. The Winslow house on North Street is a good example of the colonial style of architecture. It was built about 1754 by Edward Winslow, who was a great- grandson of Gov. Winslow of the colony. He pur- chased the land from Consider, a grandson of John 74 Howland, who was one of the "Mayflower'' pas- sengers. It is now owned and occupied by C. L. Willoughby, who has made considerable additions to the house. As a Summer Resort* Viewed simply as the landing-place of the Pilgrims, Plymouth has an interest which attaches to no other spot in America. The number of visitors from all parts of the country increases with each year, as his- toric sentiment becomes more widespread and facili- ties for travel are multiplied. It is estimated that fifty thousand strangers visit the town every summer. It is not alone on account of its history that Plym- outh is attractive to the visitor. The beauty of its scenery, the unusual healthfulness of its air, the purity of its water, the variety of its drives, the num- ber of ponds within its limits, and its unbounded re- sources for the sportsman and pleasure-seeker, have been more widely recognized with each recurring season. It combines the most interesting features of town and country, and has direct connection with New York, by the Fall River Line and the Plymouth & Middleborough Railroad. The distance from Bos^ ton is thirty-seven miles by rail, with frequent trains; and during the summer months a daily steamer is on the route between the two places, the sail being a delightful one. As a summer resort for health and pleasure, Plym- outh has great attractions. Plymouth and the adjoin- ing towns of Kingston and Duxbury nearly encircle 75 a harbor of almost unrivalled beauty, a source of endless pleasure to the summer visitor. There are good sand beaches for surf and smooth-water sea bathing. In the Bay are opportunities for fine sport in the mackerel season, and a haul of sea-perch, tautog, cod or haddock is always to be had. Plym- CLARK'S ISLAND. outh extends over a territory about eighteen miles long, and from five to nine miles wide ; and beyond the settled parts of the town is a succession of wooded hills. This large tract is interspersed with hundreds of large and small ponds (or lakes) stocked with fish, furnishing limitless fields for the lover of nature, or seeker of pleasure, in walking, riding, fish- ing: or hunting;. 76 The Compact Signed in the Cabin of the "Mayflower," Nov. iith, Old Style, Nov. 21ST, New Style, 1620. " In the name of God, amen, we whose names are underwritten, the loyal] subjects of our dread sov- eraigne Lord, King James, by the grace of God, of Great Britaine, Franc and Ireland king, defender of the faith, &c\, haveing undertaken, for the glorie of God, and advancemente of the Christian faith, and honor of our king and countrie, a voyage to plant the first colonie in the Northerne parts of Virginia, doe by these presents solemnly and mutualy in the pres- ence of God, and one of another, covenant and com- bine ourselves together into a civill body politick, for our better ordering and preservation and furtherence of the ends aforesaid ; and by vertue hereof to enacte, constitute and frame such just and equall laws, or- denances, acts, constitutions and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meete and convenient for the general good of the colonie, unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. In wit- ness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cap-Codd the n of November, in the year of the raigne of our soveraigne lord, King James of England, Franc and Ireland the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth, ANo Dom 1620.'' 77 Members of the "Mayflower" Company Arriving in Cape Cod Harbor. John Carver. Katherine Carver, his wife. Desire Minter. John Howland. Roger Wilder. William Latham. Maid Servant. Jasper More. William Brewster. Mary Brewster, his wife. Love Brewster. Wrestling Brewster. Richard More. His brother. Edward Winslow. Elizabeth Winslow, his wife. George Soule. Elias Story. Ellen More. William Bradford. Dorothy Bradford, his wife. Isaac Allerton. Mary Allerton, his wife. Bartholomew Allerton. Remember Allerton. Mary Allerton. John Hooke. Richard Warren. John Billington. Eleanor Billington, his wife. John Billington. Francis Billington. Edward Til ley. Ann Tilley, his wife. Henry Sampson. Humility Cooper. John Tilley. His wife. Elizabeth Tilley. Francis Cooke. John Cooke. Thomas Rogers. Joseph Rogers. Thomas Tinker. His wife. His son. John Rigdale. Alice Rigdale, his wife. James Chilton. His wife. Mary Chilton. John Crackston. John Crackston, Jr. Samuel Fuller. Myles Standish. Rose Standish, his wife. Christopher Martin. His wife. Solomon Power. John Langemore. William Mullins. His wife. Joseph Mullins. Robert Carter. Priscilla Mullins. William White. Susanna White, his wife. Resolved White. William Holbeck. Edward Thompson. Stephen Hopkins. Elizabeth Hopkins, his wife. < Hies Hopkins. Constance Hopkins. Damaris Hopkins. Oceanus Hopkins. Edward Doty. Edward Leister. Edward Fuller. His wife. Samuel Fuller. John Turner. His son. Another son. Francis Eaton. Sarah Eaton, his wife. Samuel Eaton. Moses Fletcher. Thomas Williams. Digory Priest. John Goodman. Edmund Margeson. Richard Britteridge. Richard Clarke. Richard Gardiner. Gilbert Winslow. Peter Browne. John Alden. Thomas English. John Allerton. William Trevore. Ely. 78 d t$i i oric s _ Catalogue of Photographs Souvenirs Guides Histories Illustrated books PUBLISHED BY A.S.BURBANK JHlcjrtm lBoohstore Plymouth Mass PRISCILLA. 25c. each, by mail. Mounted or unmounted. Size 5x8. All views of historic interest have descriptions printed on backs of mounts. Please order by numbers. i. Plymouth Rock. 2. The Canopy over the Rock. 3. The "Mayflower" in Plymouth Harbor, from painting by W. F. Hallsal-1, Pilgrim Hall. 4. The Canopy and Cole's Hill; first burial place of the Pilgrims. 5. The Harbor, as seen from Cole's Hill. 6. Leyden Street, first street laid out in New England. 7. Site of the Common House, Leyden Street, fust house erected by the Pilgrims.. 8. Leyden Street in 1622, showing first or Com- mon House, Gov. Bradford's House, and the buildings assigned to Brown, Goodman, Brewster, Billington, Allerton, Cooke and Winslow. 9. Town Square, showing site of First Church, Town House, formerly the Old Colonial Court House, A. S. BURBANK, Pilgrim Book Store t Plymouth, Mass, 81 built in 1749, and Odd Fellows' Block, occupying the site of Gov. Bradford's House. 10. Old Burial Hill, from the Town Square en- trance. 11. Site of the Watch Tower, Burial Hill, erected in 1643. View also shows the lot of Rev. Adoniram Judson, the celebrated missionary to Burmah. 12. Site of the Old Fort, Burial Hill, built in 162 1 as a defense against the Indians, and also used as a place of worship. 13. The Old Fort and First Meeting-House, Burial Hill. 14. Gov. Bradford's Monument, Burial Hill, show- ing also the graves of his family. 15. Grave of Edward Gray, 1681 ; John Howland, 1672. 16. Main Street. 17. Court Street, view north from Shirley Square. 18. Court Street, view south from Pilgrim Hall. 19. County Court House, where the early records of Plymouth Colony are kept. 20. County Prison, Russell Street. 21. Pilgrim Hall. 22. Interior of Pilgrim Hall, showing Charles Lucy's famous painting of the Departure from Delft Haven ; also, smaller pictures and relics. 23. Interior of Pilgrim Hall, showing Sargent's painting of the Landing, and Weir's Embarkation ; also, relics and portraits. 24. Landing of the Pilgrims, painting by Sargent. A. S. BURBANK, Pilgrim Book Store, Plymouth, Mass. 82 25. The Departure from Delft Haven, painting by Charles Lucy. 26. Embarkation of the Pilgrims, painting by Weir. 27. Gov. Carver's Chair; Ancient Spinning-Wheel. 28. Elder Brewster's Chair; Cradle of Peregrine White, the first Pilgrim baby. 29. Sword of Myles Standish ; Iron Pot and Pewter Platter, brought by Standish in the "May- Mower;'' Table owned by Gov. Edward Winslow. 30. Samoset House, side view. 31. Samoset House, front view. 32. Cushman Street. ^^. National Monument to the Forefathers. 80. Statue of Freedom, National Monument. 81. Statue of Law, National Monument. 82. Statue of Education, National Monument. 83. Statue of Morality, National Monument. 86. Treaty with Massasoit, alto-relief on National Monument. 87. Landing of the Pilgrims, alto-relief on Na- tional Monument. 34. Old Colony Park. 36. Clark's Island, where the Pilgrims spent their first Sabbath in Plymouth. 37. Pulpit Rock, Clark's Island, from which the first sermon was preached. t,8. The Gurnet, headland at entrance of Harbor. 39. Plymouth Beach, — view along the outside. 40. The Pavilion, Plymouth Beach. A. S. BURBANK, Pilgrim Book Store, Plymouth, Mass. 33 42. View along the Docks. 43. Along Shore from Atwood's Wharf. 44. North Street. 46. Memorial Methodist Church. 47. Plymouth Cordage Works. 48. Town Brook, into which now the " many deli- cate springs " mentioned by the Pilgrims. 49. Almshouse Pond. 50. The Town, — bird's-eye view from Cannon Hill. 53. Standish Mills, from Deep Water Bridge. 54. Deep Water Bridge. 55. Outlet Billington Sea, so called from Francis Billington, one of the Pilgrims who discovered it. 58. Boot Pond, — picturesque view with rocky foreground. / 60. Morton Park, entrance. 61. Little Pond, Morton Park. 63. Eel River. 64. Manomet Bluffs. 65. Rocky Shore, Manomet. 66. Manomet House, front view. 67. Manomet House, side view. 70. Surf view. 72. Barker House, Pembroke, 1628, the oldest house in New England. 73. Plymouth in 1622, — a combination picture, showing Leyden Street, the Old Fort, Landing from the Shallop, Plymouth Rock, and the ship " May- flower." A. S. BURBANK, Pilgrim Book Store, Plymouth, Mass. 84 Gov. Bradford's House in 162 74 75 76 77 7S ton ] 79 84 88 less 90 91 92 tance 93 94 95 built 96 1664 97 1666 98. William Harlow House, built of timber from the Old Burial Hill Fort by William Harlow, 1677. 99. Homestead of Gen. John Winslow, 1726. 100. The Town House, formerly the Old Colonial Court House, built in 1749. 1 01. The Winslow House, built in 1754 by Ed- ward Winslow. Colonial architecture. 102. Cole's Blacksmith Shop, 1684. A. S. BURBANK, Pilgrim Book Store, Plymouth, Mass. 35 Billington Sea and Island. View near Little Pond, Morton Park. Brook Road, Morton Park. The Frost Cake, view from the Bridge, Mor- ark. Bill Holmes' Dam, Morton Park. The Saquish. Grave of Dr. Francis LeBaron, "The Name- Nobleman," 1704, Burial Hill. Market Street, view from foot of Spring Hill. View along the Wharves from Stephen's Point. Off Beach Point, — Captain's Hill in the dis- Marine View from Beach Point. Picturesque View from Town Brook. Oldest House in Plymouth, the Doten House, by William Harlow, 1660. The Crow House, built by William Crow, The Howland House, built by Jacob Mitchell, 103. Leach House, 1679. 104. Statue of Myles Standish. 105. Myles Standish Monument. 106. Standish House, Duxbury, built by son of Myles Standish, 1666. 107. Captain's Hill, Duxbury, the home of Myles Standish, showing Standish House and Monument. 108. Grave of Daniel Webster, Marshfield. 109. Winslow House, Marshfield, built about 1700. no. Fireplace and Secret Closet in chamber of Winslow House, Marshfield. in. Colonial Doorway of Winslow House, Marsh- field. 112. John Alden House, Duxbury, 1653. 113. Bradford House, Kingston, 1675. 114. Hotel Pilgrim. 123. The Courtship. John Alden and Priscilla. 124. Departure of the " Mayflower," A. W. Bayes. 125. Priscilla, from painting by Geo. H. Boughton. 126. Pilgrim Exiles, from painting by Boughton. 127. Pilgrims going to Church, by Boughton. 128. Two Farewells, from painting by Boughton. 129. Return of the " Mayflower,'' by Boughton. 130. Portrait of Edw. Winslow, Governor of Plym- outh Colony, one of the " Mayflower " company. The only authentic portrait of a " Mayflower" Pilgrim. 132. Portrait of Penelope, wife of Gov. Josiah Winslow. She came to New England in 1635. 133. Portrait of Gen. John Winslow, second in com- mand of the expedition against the Acadians in 1755. A, S. BURBANK, Pilgrim Book Store, Plymouth, Mass. 86 Pilgrim Literature. A History of Plymouth, by Wm. T. DAVIS. The best history of the Town of Plym- outh, from the Landing of the Pilgrims down to the present time. A concise yet comprehensive sketch of the Pilgrim movement, its origin, its growth, its development and of the settlement at Plymouth, to which it finally led. Illustrated with diagrams and Plymouth views. Price by mail, $2. 50. The Pilgrim Republic, by John A. Goodwin, a very complete history, in popular form, of the Pilgrims in their English homes, their Dutch halting-place, and their development of Plymouth into a per- manent community. By mail, ^4.00. Ancient Landmarks of Plymouth, by WM. T. Davis, former President of the Pilgrim Society, an Historical Sketch and Titles of Estates; Genealogical Register of Plymouth Families. By mail, $4.00. The Story of the Pilgrims, by Morton Dexter. Illustrated with views in Austerfield. Leyden and Plymouth. By mail, $1.25. Standish of Standish, by ]\sv. (i. A 1 STIN. A story of the Pilgrims. Deeply in- teresting. Historically accurate. 1 6mo, cloth, 422 pages. By mail, $1.25. Holiday edition, 2 vols., illustrated, S5.00. Betty Alden, by Jane G. Austin. The story of the first-born daughter of the Pilgrims. i6mo, cloth, 384 pages. By mail, $1.25. A. S. BURBANK, Pilgrim Book Store, Plymouth, Mass. 87 A Nameless Nobleman, by Jane G. Austin. A story of the Old Colony. i6mo, cloth, 369 pages. By mail, $1.25. Dr. LeBaron and His Daughters, by Jane G. Austin. A story of the Old Colony. i6mo, cloth, 460 pages. By mail, ^1.25. David Alden's Daughter, and Other Stories of Colonial Times, by Jane G. Austin. 161110, cloth, 316 pages. By mail, $1.25. Little Pilgrims at Plymouth, by F. A. Humphrey. The Pilgrim Story told for Children. i6mo, cloth, 331 pages, illustrated. By mail, $1.25. Faith White's Letter Book. Letters supposed to have been written from Plymouth, 1620 to 1623. i6mo, cloth, 365 pages. By mail, $1.25. Myles Standish, Captain of the Pilgrims, by John S. C. Abbott. i6mo, cloth, 372 pages. By mail, $1.25. Poems of the Pilgrims, collected by Z. H. Spooner, with photographic illustrations. By mail, $1.00. The Pilot of the Mayflower. A Tale of the Children of the Pilgrim Republic. By Hezekiah Butterworth. Illustrated by H. Winthrop Peirce and Others. i2mo. Cloth. By mail, $1.50. A. S. BURBANK, Pilgrim Book Store, Plymouth, Mass. 88 L.tfC. Illustrated Plymouth Books. Guide to Historic Plymouth. I descriptive of the historic points and localities famous in the story of the Pilgrims. Illustrated with many half-tone engravings, and sketches in pen and ink. A beautiful cover design in color, by Ilallowell, of John Adder) and Priscilla. Trice by mail, 25 cents. Handbook of Old Burial Hill. Its history, its famous dead, and its quaint epitaphs, by Frank II. PERKINS. Illustrated with pencil drawings, sketches, and tracings of the curious old gravestones to be seen in this place of sepulture of Pilgrims and descendants. Price by mail, 25 cents. This miniature de- sign is from the cover of a fine holiday edition of the new- illustrated folio, " Pil- grim Plymouth." The 'illustrations are » full-page, with brief descriptive lines, and consist of reproductions of his- toric subjects! and Plymouth of to-day. In flexible cloth covers, printed in colors. Price, 25 cents ; by mail, 30 cents. Historic Towns of New England. Edited by Rev. Lyman P. Powell. The volume presents a connected account of the more important events and incidents in the history of Plymouth, Concord, Cambridge, Portland, Rutland, Salem, Boston, Deerfielcl, Newport, Providence, Hart- ford, New Haven, and Cape Cod towns. 160 illustrations, octavo. P>y mail, S3. 50. The Pilgrim Town of Duxbury, Illustrated. Twenty-four full-page illustrations of historic houses and paintings. Mayflower relics, and scenes about the homes of Standish, Winslow, and Alden. brief descriptive lines accom- pany the pictures. Size of book, S x 10. Price, 25 cents; by mail, 30 cents. A, S. BURBANK, Pilgrim Book Store, Plymouth, Mass. 89 Historic Pilgrimages in New England. Among Landmarks of Pilgrim and Puritan Days and of the Provincial and Revolutionary Periods. By Edwin M. Bacon. 475 P a g es and 130 illustrations. By mail, $1.50. Sketches about Plymouth. Etchings by W. If. W. Bicknell. Six etchings of pict- uresque and historic places about Plymouth, printed on 10 x 12 paper, and tastefully enclosed in a white portfolio. The set mailed for #1.00. Single plates, 25 cents. Coats of Arms of Mayflower Families. Bradford, Rowland, Standish, Alden, Brewster, Fuller, Winslow, White, Warren. Reproductions from Pen and Ink Draw- ings, 25 cents each by mail. Coats of Arms in Water Color furnished to order. A^Tf €? ^S^fefe i ^-m _ -**^#* Reduced-size Print from "Old Houses in Plymouth" a Portfolio of Pen and Ink Sketches by H. C. Dunham. Price by mail, $1.00. A. S. BURBANK, Pilgrim Book Store, Plymouth, Mass. 90 Souvenirs, Sterling Silver Pins. Correct representations of Plymouth Rock and of the ship " Mayflower" in the shape of stick pins and hat pins. Price of either design, postpaid, 25 cents. Plymouth Historical Plates. These plates are made to our order in England by Wedg- wood. The border design of roses is copied from a plate of the last century. The color, a deep old blue, gives the effect of old china. There are four subjects,— " The Mayflower in Plymouth Harbor," "The Landing of the Pilgrims," "The Return of the Mayflower," " Pilgrim Exiles." Plates are nine inches in diameter, 50 cents each. Can send only by express. Mayflower Pitchers. Colonial shape. Capacity one quart. Old blue color, to match plates. Price, $1.25 each. Plymouth Rock Paper Weights. Glass models of the world-famous Rock, with 1620 in raised figures on the top, and appropriate words on the base, with the lines : — " A rock in the wilderness welcomed our sires From bondage far over the dark, rolling sea; On that holy altar they kindled the tires, Jehovah, which glow in our bosom for thee." " A paper weight that means something." Made in two sizes. Price, postpaid and securely packed, 35 and 50 cents each. The Plymouth Calendar. A new Pilgrim picture every month. Each monthly page of the Plymouth Calendar shows in half-tone a pretty view in the historic old town of Plymouth. By mail, 25 cents. A. S. BURBANK, Pilgrim Book Store, Plymouth, Mass. 9 1 THE EXILES. Reduced from large illustration in " Pilgrim Plymouth Illustrated.' E LECTROTYPES of engravings of paintings and historic places can be obtained for illustrating special editions. A specimen sheet of cuts will be sent on application. A. S. BURBANK, Plymouth, Mass. Sterling Silver Spoons, Souvenirs of Pilgrim Plymouth. COFFEE. TEA. Mayflower $1.00 $1.50 Plymouth Rock . 1. 00 1-25 Courtship of Myles Standish 1. 00 I.5O Priscilla .... • 1-25 I.5O Myles Standish • 1-25 I.50 Landing of the Pilgrims 1. 00 I.50 John and Priscilla 1. 00 2.00 Plymouth Rock (light weight) .50 Add ten cents if you want package registered. A. S. BURBANK, Pilgrim Book Store, Plymouth, Mass* 92 » A happy reminder " of the good old tlavs of John Alden and the days of I'riscilla, the Spinner," are the John and I'riscilla dolls. Dressed in ye costumes of 1620, they make delightful souvenirs for the little ones. Eleven inches in height, 50 cents each ; by mail, 65 cents, or .Si. 25 for the pair. The Mayflower Game. A new game, after the plan of " authors," consisting of fifty-two cards, each one illustrating by a fine half-tone picture some historic place or object in old Plymouth, or some scene relating to Pilgrim history. Each picture is accompanied by a short descriptive text instructing the player in the story of Plymouth and the Pilgrims, the whole making an amusing and interesting game. The cards show Plymouth as it appeared in to itter the landing, the Pilgrim* built 1 what is now called Burial Hill 1 a place of worship 1621 and as it is to-day, including the first houses, the old meeting-house fort, the sword of Myles Standish, and other Mayflower relics now in Pilgrim I fall, pictures of John Alden and Priscilla, some of the oldest houses now standing in Plym- outh, and paintings of scenes in Pilgrim life. We send the game by mail on receipt of twenty-five cents. A. S. BURBANK, Pilgrim Book Store, Plymouth, Mass. 93 \ Y e Sworde of Myles Standish " Spake, in the pride of his heart, Myles Standish, the Captain of Plymouth, — ' This is the sword of Damascus I fought with in Flanders.' " — Longfellow. The famous Damascus blade of the redoubtable Pilgrim Captain is one of the most valuable relics to be seen in Pilgrim Hall. It was handed clown to Myles Standish from the Crusaders, and possessed an inter- esting history even in his day. Our swords are perfectly copied from the original, even in the engraving of the curious Arabic inscription on the blade. Prices, by mail : — Paper Cutters, sterling handles and blade«, $1.00 Paper Cutters, sterling handles, steel blades, .75 Scarf Pins, sterling, . . . .1.00 Scarf Pins, oxidized, 50 Book-marks and Blotters. Three subjects : Plymouth Rock, The Mayflower in Plymouth Har- bor, Pilgrim Hall. Book-marks on wide silk ribbon, twenty-five cents. Blotters, fifteen cents, postpaid. Plymouth Rock Chocolates. Baker's Sweet Chocolates, moulded in the shape of Plymouth Rock, with figures 1620. Boxes by mail, 15, 35, and 70 cents. Pressed Mayflowers. Dainty Christmas offerings in the shape of a card bearing a pressed Mayflower (Trailing Arbutus), the emblematic flower of Pilgrim Plym- outh. In one corner, the ship Mayflower,and beneath, appropriate lines from the " Courtship of Myles Standish." Price, 10 cents each by mail. 94 I Plymouth Colony in 1622. [The original painting of this important historical subject can be seen at the Pilgrim Bookstore, Court Street, Plymouth.] We have photographs of this painting, size 5 x 8, at twenty-five cents each ; also a very tine artotype reproduction, printed on heavy plate paper, size 22 x 28, making a handsome picture for framing aud a valuable historic work to exhibit in school-rooms, public libraries, and rooms of historical societies. We will send this picture in a special mailing tube for one dollar. Points of Interest. The first thing to do after arriving at Plymouth is to secure the best service possible to see the places of interest and have them properly explained. If you will inquire for A. C. CHANDLKR & SON'S CARRIAGES, which are always at the depot and wharf on arrival of trains or boat, you will secure good teams and experienced drivers and guides. A. C. CHANDLKR & SON, Livery and Hack Stables, Middle St. and Park Ave., Plymouth, Mass. Connected by telephone. Excursion parlies a specialty. A. S. BURBANK, Pilgrim Book Store, Plymouth, Mass. 95 DON'T FAIL TO VISIT THE Old Curiosity Shop t KEPT BY WINSLOW BREWSTER STANDISH, (A lineal descendant of Capt. Myles Standish) DEALER IN ANCIENT and ANTIQUE FURNITURE, PEWTER WARE, CROCKERY and CHINA, FIRE SETS, OLD BOOKS, and a variety of Ancient Articles. Also a large assortment of Views, Guide Books, and other Plymouth Souvenirs. Water St., near foot of Leyden, PLYMOUTH, MASS, mTf.^ampbell, i I Leyden St., Plymouth, Mass., Sole proprietor of the First Plymouth Souvenir Spoon, THE MAYFLOWER. Always in stock : Fine China, Embroidery Materials and Fancy Goods. AGENT FOR CHOICE ASSORTMENT HUYLER'S CANDY, OF CIGARS. J. W. COOPER, Pharmacist, howland block, Plymouth, - - Mass. LARGE PRESCRIPTION ICE CREAM SODA, DEPARTMENT. FRUIT FLAVORS. 9 6 AUG 10 >« uu LIBRARY OF CONGRESS