Class Book 10^ U Copyii^IitN^. COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. HISTORY OF OXFORD. / ::■• I PART FIRST, CHURCH RECORDS, BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS. ETC. BY W. C. SHARPE, AUTHOR OF THE HISTORY OF SEYMOUR, Etc. ed according to act of Congress, in the year 1885, by W. C. Sharpe, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. RECORD PRINT, SEYMOUR, CONN. 1885. PREFACE TO PART FIRST. Two or three memories may sometimes reach back a hundred and fifty or two hundred years, but the aged sires and matrons whose fathers told them what their grandsires saw and did a century and a half ago are fast passing away. Even the old records, brown and brittle with age, are crumbling and disappearing. Three of the closely written leaves of the oldest volume of Oxford records, which evidently gave the earliest vital statistics of the parish, are gone, while others are so worn as not to be fully decipherable. Old documents are destroyed by accident or scattered far and wide by the migration of families. In view of this, and to bring these matters into convenient form for reference and preservation, the following pages have been compiled. The original parish records are in two volumes, one of which was kept by the pastor and contained a record of such matters as came under his direction, and the other by the clerk of the society, containing a record of the society meetings and of such business as the laws of the colony reserved to laymen. Many names were found of which it is difficult to determine the exact spelling, and others in which the spelling is evidently incorrect. Kno^ving that the value of such records depends upon their reliability, great care has been taken to make a correct copy.' The figures on the right of pages 23 to 27 and 34 to 53 are in the original record and were evidently intended to show at a glance the number of the event recorded. The incompleteness of the town record of deaths, pages 76 to 70, is to be regretted, yet even as it is they will be of great value. It will be seen that on these pages the children are mostly omitted, the registrar evidently entertaining the strange idea that it was unnecessary to record the deaths of the little ones. Those who may be able are requested to furnish any information, old papers, etc., which may aid in making the remainder of the work more complete and interesting. HISTORY OF OXFORD. THE ECCLESIASTICAL SOCIETY. The town of Oxford comprises an area in the honored Commonwealth of Connecticut which has had its full share in the development of those forms of government which secure so much of civil and religious liberty. Its sons and daughters faithfully toiled to lay the foundations of present prosperity and sacrificed much that justice and freedom should triumph. iNTot incorporated as a town until 1798, yet clothed with the powers of an independent parish in 1741, it is to the parish records we must look for most of the details of more than half a century, and in the minutia of the aifairs of the ecclesiastical society so carefully preserved, we find a key to many incidents of pioneer life. The history of a church is, to a great extent, the history of the people of the people of the parish, and in many cases, is about the only available record which gives any details of the earlier inhabitants, whose descendants have left their impress on the society and institutions of the country from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and fi'om British America to the Gulf of Mexico. The first petition for the setting apart of Oxford as a separate parish was made to the General Assembly in May, 1740, and on the 7th of May, 1741, the petition was granted in the following words : "Whereas upon the memorial of Timothy Worster, John Twitchel and John Towner, &c., dwelling in the and northwest part of the township of Derby, Isaac Trowbridge, John Weed, Jonas Weed, Joseph Weed, Thomas and Joseph Osborn, dwelling in the southwest part of Waterbury woods, in the old society in said Waterbury, and Isaac Knowles, Joseph Towner, Eliphalet Bristol, John Tift, and Aaron Bristol, dwelling in the southeast part of the township of W^oodberry woods in the parish of Southberry, mov- ing to the General Assembly holden at Hartford, May, anno Dom. 1740, that they might become one entire, ecclesiastical society, and praying for a committee, &c.-, the said General Assembly did appoint a committee, who accordingly making their report to the General Assembly at New Haven in October last, and the same not being accepted ; and the said General Assem- bly in October last appointing another committee, Colo. Benjamin Hall, Capt. Isaac Dickerman and Capt. John Fowler, to view and report, &c.: And whereas the said last mentioned committee have to this Assembly made their G IlISTOKY OF OXFORD. report that according to the direction of said Assembly they have repaired to the abovesaid places, &c., and find and are of opinion, that it is necessary and best that the said inhabitants be made a distinct, separate ecclesiastical society, and that their bounds and limits be as followeth : Beginning at the mouth of the four mile brook in Derby bounds, where the brook emptieth itself into the great river, and to run as said brook runneth by said brook unto the bridge that is between the dwelling houses of Abel Gun and John Holbrook; and from said bridge by the highway that runneth between the land commonly called the Camp's Mortgage and the land called Quakers Farm Purchase, unto the river called the Little river; and thence as the Little river runneth to Naugatuck river; and thence northerly, by said Naugatuck river, that being the east bounds of said society, imtil it comes to the dividing line between the towns of Derby and Waterbury ; thence turning westerly and running as the line runneth between the towns of Derby and Water- bury, as aforesaid, until it comes to the southeasterly boundary of Thomas and Joseph Osborn's Farm in the bounds of Derby ; and from thence to run northerly to the northeast corner boundary of Jos. Weed's farm in Waterbury town bounds ; and from thence a northwesterly line to the northeast corner boundary of Isaac Trowbridge's farm, in said Waterbury town bounds : and from thence to run westerly, in the line of said Trowbridge's farm, about sixty rods, to Woodberry town line ; and thence to the northwest corner of Isaac Knowles' farm in the township of Woodberry; and from the northwest cor- ner of said Knowles' farm a west line to the eight mile brook, in the bounds of Woodberry; and then by the said brook, until it comes to the dividing line between the towns of Woodberry and Derby; and thence to run westerly in the line that divideth between the said towns of Woodberry and Derby, unto the great river ; thence by the river southerly to the first mentioned boundary, the mouth of four mile brook ; as by said report on file, dated May the 7th, anno Dom. 1741." '■'■It is thereupon resolved by this Assembly, That the above said memori- alists, inhabitants of Derby, Waterberry and Woodberry, situate and living within the bounds and limits above described, be and become together one entire, separate aad distinct ecclesiatical society or parish, subsisting and known by the name of the parish of Oxford, and endowed with all powers and privileges wherewith other parishes within this government are by law endowed." The first meeting of the society was held June 30, 1741. The following is an exact copy of the record : Att a meetting of the Parrish or society of oxford, in the Colony of Con necticut, on the thirtieth Day of June, 1741, being Lawfully warned and held att the house of ""'Samuel Twitchels. Isaac Trowbridge, of said Parrish, by a major vote was chosen Clerk of the same, and the oath by Law provided for a society Clerk was to him administered in said meeting pr Sam" Bassit, Esquir, Justice of peace. THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 7 Att said meeting "•'Isaac Knowles by a major vote was chosen modderator for said meeting. Voted and Past in said meeting that ™''Caleb Perry, "''Ebenezer Riggs, "'•■John Luram to be a committee for said society to take care of the pruden- tials of s"^ society. Voted and past in said meeting to bier a minister for this Present year. Voted and Past in said meeting that "''John Towner, ""abial Fairchield and ™''Sam" Twitchel to be a minister committee for this Present year, and to hier a minister upon probation. Voted and Past in said meetting that thear shall be a rate made of five pence upon the pound upon the list in the year 1740, in order to Defray the Charges of hiering '"'"Birdsey. this vote the inhabitants on Rock house hill are exempted from paying and Charges there of. Voted and past in said meeting that ""Ephraim Washband shall be a Collector and Treasurer and to collect and gather s^^ five peney Rate by the first day of September next Ensuing. Voted and Past in said meeting that '"'John Towner and m' Sam^^ Wostor shall be in with the first committee in order to take care of the pru- dentials of said society. test pr me, ISAAC TROWBRIDGE. Society Clerk. At a society meeting held Oct. 6th, 1741, it was voted to build a meeting house and to ask the General Assembly at their next session to appoint a commission to decide where the meeting house should be built. Mr. Ebenezer Riggs was appointed agent for the society to present the matter to the General Assembly. The following is the order of the Assembly : "Upon the report of Capt. Isaac Dickerman, Mr. James Talmadge and Mr. John Hitchcock, appomted by this Assembly to affix the place for the inhabitants of the parish of Oxford to build their meeting house upon, &c., the said committee having viewed their circumstances, and have set down a stake and laid stones to the same, at the south end of the hill, com- monly called Jack's Hill, and near the highway that runs on the east side the Little river, on land belonging to Ephraim Wasbbourn, which said place the said committee report to be the most convenient place for the said in- habitants to build a meeting house upon ; Resolved by this Assembly, that the abovesaid place be the place for the said inhabitants to build their meeting house upon ; and the said inhabitants are hereby ordered to build a meeting house at the said place accordingly." At the meeting of Oct. Oth, which was held at the house of John Twitchel, John Chatfield moderator, it was voted "to disannul that vote that was past to hier a minister upon probation," and to lay a tax of one penny on the pound to defray the charges of a court committee. Sergeant Timothy Wooster and Mr. James Wheeler were appointed a committee to hire a min- ister for that year. It was also voted that the places to post notices of society meetings should be at the houses of John Lum, Jonathan Griffin, Joseph Lewis, Isaac Knowles, Joseph Davis and Joseph Wood, and that the meet- ings on the Sabbath be held at the house of Samuel Twitchell "till y^ year be ended." HISTORY or OXFOIID. ADMISSIONS TO CHURCH FELLOWSHIP. 1764:. Mary Hawkins, wife of Zacliariah Haw- kins, June 3. Hannah Guun, Aug;. 5. Joseph Osborn and his wife Rebecca, Sept. 6. Abijah Hide, by letter from church at Ripton, Oct. 7. Samuel Chatfleld, Jr., and his wife Joanna, Dec. 3. 1765. Zerviah Chatfield, Lewis Wheler and Rachel Towner, Feb. 3. Deborah, wife of Eleazer Wooster, and Esther, wife David Woodruff, June 2. "Anna, my spouse" (written by Rev. David Bronson), and David Wood- ruff, Aug. 4. Mamie Ward, Sept. 1. Edward Riggs and Joel Northrop, Oct. 3. Zerviah, wife of Oliver Chatfield, Oct. 6. 1766. Daniel Osborn, Jr., and wife Mary, Jan. 26. Oliver Chatfield, April 6. Sarah, wife of Arthur Wooster, Apr. 6, by letter from the church at Newtown. Lois, wife of Nathan Fairchild, Apr. 26. John Holbrook and Eunice, his wife, Aug. 24. 1767. Caleb Caudee, Jr., and Anna, his wife. Mar. 8. Zerviah, wife of Abiah Fairchild, Aug. 2. David Graves and his wife Hannah, Oct. 4, by letter from Norfolk. 1768. Eunice Riggs and Eunice Peck, Apr. 3. Lieut. Daniel Chatfield and Prudence, his wife, Apr. 24. Joanna, wife of Daniel Wilniot, Aug. 7, by letter from Woodbury. 1769. JeremialiJohnson audHannaJi, his wife, Gershom Lake, Feb. 12. [Jan 15. Abigail Lyman, June 11. Joseph Russel and Elizabotli, his wife, July 30. Eleazer Bartholewmy and Abigail, his wife, Oct. 1. 1770. Merriara Washband, Mar. 27. Naomi, wife of Ensign John Bassett, Apr. 1. Thankful, wife of Ebenzer Johnson, June 3. Sarah, wife of Samuel Tucker, June 3. Jeremiah Riggs and Anna, his wife, July 1. Jabez Riggs and Sarah, his wife, July 8. Abraham Beecher, 2. 177S. Deborah, wife of David Fabrick, Apr. 5. Isaac Trowbridge and Judith, his wife, July 26. Noah Russell Lyman and Comfort, his wife. Mar. 21, 1773. Capt. Ebenezer Clark of West Haven, Apr. 11, 1773. Josiah Perry, Tabitha Perry and Anna Hawkins, Oct. 10, 1773. Lieut. John Bassit, Dec. 5, 1773. Isaac Beecher, Apr. 9, 1774. Desire, wife of Abraham Beecher, July 24, 1774. Elizabeth, wife of John Trumbull, Dec. 11, 1774. Hannah, wife of Isaac Beecher, Feb. 5, 1775. Joseph Towner, Jr., and Mary, his wife, May 12, 1776. Dinah, wife of Lieut. John Griffin, frons N. Cheshire, Apr. 6, 1777. Joseph Riggs and Anne, his wife, May 11, 1777. Mable, wife of Samuel Cande, April 5, 1778. Eunice, wife of Justus Cande, March 19, 17—. Dr. Osee Dutton, June 24, 1781. John Towner and Racliel Iiis wife, Aug. 26, 1781. Elizabetii Whitmore, Oct. 28, 1781. Lois, wife of Reuben Perkins, Dec. 30, 1781. Sarah Wooster, July, 14, 1782. Abial Fairchild and wife, by letter from Watevbury, Apr. 27, 1783." THE CONGREGATIONAL CHUBCH: 1784- April 18'^ Joseph Osborn, Jr., & Sar.ah his wife, receiv'' to special ordinauces. April 18*, Levi Trowbridge & Hannah his wife, receiv^ to special ordinauces. May 16"', Nehemiah Cande & Content his wife, receiv^ to communion. June 30"', Asenath, wife to Amos Hine, c. June 27"', Elizabeth, wife to Dr. Osee Button, receiv'^ to communion. 1785. April 24"', Ethiel Perkins, receiv^ &c. Ocf 18"', Abigail Johnson. 1786. April 30"', Gael Bristol, Jn--. 10"', Abijah Hide, Jn^ 1787. , Mary, wife of Jesse Scoot, by letter from Ripton. , M'^^ Anna Brownson, consort to Rev<^ D. Brownson. , George Clark & Lydia, Iiis wife. , wife of Maho(?) Riggs. 1788- Jan' G"', Betty, wife to Amos Fox. Sepl^ 25t^ LukeBunell & Sarah his wife Ocf^l'i"', Elizabeth, wife of Dan" Perkins. 1796- May 3'', Mable, wife to James Perry. June 37"', Olive Perry. July 4"', Charles Lewis & Lois his wife. Oct. 34"', Eunice, wife to Benj"' Bradley. 1791- May l^S Rebekah, wife to Ephraim Hin- man. May 1^*, Elijah Harger, by a letter from the Pastor & C"" of Gunville. Sepf 4th, Sarah, wife to Phiueas John- son, by a letter from the Pastor & C''' at Salem. 179S. Jan'" 1^, Isaac Chatiield & Sarah his wife. May 6t^ John Botsford & Rachel his wife, by a letter from the first church in Derby. Sep*' 23'^ Sam" Andrew Buckingham & Esther his wife. 1793- Jan' 6"', Bennitt Rice & wife, received to Ordinances and Communion by a letter from the Pastor of the C''' Che- shire. June 2'^, Keziah, wife to John Bassit, J"^. July 7th. Capt. Jeremiah Riggs and his wife Anne, by a letter from the Pastor & Chh South . Sept. 8, Thomas Leavenworth, by a let- ter from the pastor of the first Chh in Waterbury. 1794- July 6, Ruth, wife to Nehemiah Durand . 1795. Mar. 1"*, Hannah, wife of Tho^ Clark, April 5, Ebenezer Buckingham, Jn' Esq"^ & Olive his wife. August 23'', Ebenezer Fairchild & Eunice his wife. 1796. May 1"', Beck, wife to Roger Negro. 1798. Sepf 16lh, Zebulon Lines & Lois his wife. Sepf 30, David M-^Cune «fc Sally his wife. 1799. May 36, David Bunnell & Polly his wife. I8OO, May 1^ Voted that Lyda, the wife of Daniel Candee, by a letter Recommen- datory from the Pastor and church of Harwintou be Rec"* a Member of this church. July 6, Decon James Wheeler & Mary his wifeRec'^ to Communion by a let- ter Recommendatory from the pastor & church in Bethany. July 6, Samuel Buckingham & Ruth his wife Reed to communion. Dec'" 28, Elijah Treat &Esther his wife. 1801. July 5, Lemuel Beardsley & Mary his wife. Sept' 6, Eunice Hinman. I802. July 1st, Anne Bassitt. July 4"', The wife of Enoch Perkins * by a letter from the Pastor & C"'' of Watertown. Nov 4*^ Joseph Lines, Treat Loveland & Betty his wife, Timothy Wheeler & Hannah liis wife, Isaac Riggs & Sarah his Wife, Sheldon Candee, Timothy Candee, Hannah, Wife to Clark Loveland, Chloe, Wife to Philo Thomas, George Steel & Esther his wife. 18OS. March 3'', Ruth, Wife to Joseph Lines by letter from Pastor of Chh in Beth- any. 10 THE CONGREGATIONAL CHUBCH. April 28, Voted that Phebe, Wife of Nathan Stiles, be recv^' as a Member of this Chh bj' Virtue of her being a Member of a Chh in Chusetowu. June 13, Sam" Buckmgham received to Communion. June 12, Uri Scoot & Esther his wife reeV* to Communion, by a Letter from the Chh in Salem. No. 170. Sept. 4, Cap' Abel Wheeler & Eunice his wife, recv^* to Communion. 1804 June 24, Mehitable Beardsley, (Widow) recv<* to Communion bv a letter from the Pastor Chh Kipton. 180S. Jan"^ 6, Ruth, Wife to Ensign Le'.vis H. Wakle, recv^ to Communion by a let- ter from the Pastor in the first Chh in Huntington. 1808- August 14*'', Cap*. Ebenezer Riggs & William Marris Recvd to Ful eommu- niou. 1809- Apriel IG, Samuel Heaton, Widdow Sabry Riggs, & Isaiah Caude & Ma- lissa his wife, recvd to full Commu- nion ISIO. Charity, the wife of Samuel Riggs, recvd to full communion with this church. The wife of Joseph Riggs recvd to full communion with this church. 1811. Jany 6, Dr. Noah Stone recvd to com- munion with this church by reccom- menddatiou from 2'^ church in Guil- ford. Rosalind, consort of D'". N. Stone, to Communion with this church by rec- ommendation from the first church in Lyme. May 5, M. John Fairchild tfe Mary his wife received to full communion. July 7, Mrs. Lucy A. Cande, the wife of Timothy Caude, received to commu- nion with this chh by reccommeuda- tion from the chh in Coventry, N. York. Nov. 3, The wife of Data Mun recvd into church. Eunice Scott received into the church. Wife of Gideon Tucker recvd to full communion. 1813. May, Samuel Tucker cV Wife received to full communion. 1814. June, Gideon Perry received to full com- munion. o Communicants received by y** Rev** Mr. Lyman, taken off from his Files. Abiel Fairchild and his wife received to comuuiou from y" Pastor and C''' of Christ in Stratford bairiug Date Oct"^ 28"S 1745. Jonas Weed and his Wife Received to Comunion from y'' Pastor and C''' of Christ in Northbury, bairiug Date Sept' 25*, 1745. Samuel Wooster and his Wife, and Thomas Ufiford and his Wife, received to Communion from y" Pastor and C''' of Christ in Southbury hairing date Dec. 20, 1745. Alice Weed, y^ Wiffe ©f John Weed, received to Communion from y*^ Pastor d Qhii Qf Christ in West Haven, hairing Date A. D. 1745. Isaac Trowbridge and Jouatlian Grif- fin, received to Communion from y" Pastor and Ch'' of Christ in Ripton, hair- ing Date Oct'- 27"', 1745, Joseph Smith and Elizabeth his Wife, Received to Comunion from y Pastor and Ch'' of Christ in Darby, hairing Date Jan' 9, 1745-6. Hannah y'^ Wife of Timothy Russell received to Comunion from y Pastor and Ch'' of Christ in Newtown, hairing Date March 2^, 1763. Joseph Orsbou and Esther liis Wife, Received to Comunion from y Pastor & Ch'' of Christ in west Haven, hairing Date Oct^ 29'", 1745. Sarah, Wife of JohnDurand, Received to Comunion from y" Pastor and Ch'' of Christ in Darby, hairing Date Dec'' 5, 1745. Samuel Chatfield and Auue his Wife, Received to Comunion from y Pastor and Ch'' of Christ in Reading, hairing Date Oct' 20'", 1745. Mary y wife of Joseph Davis Received to Communion, from y"^ Pastor and Ch'' of Christ in Darby, bairiug Date Jan"^ 31, 1745-G. THE CONGREGATIONAL CMUBCH. 11 Samuel Wbeler Received to Coniniu- nron from j° Pastor and Ch'' of Christ in Darby, bairing Date Dec' 4''', 1745. Joseph Toraliuson Received to Com- munion, from y'* Pastor and Ch'' of Christ in Darby, bairing Date Oct^ 29«>, 1745. N. B.— The Above were Received to Special Ordinances by Letters Recom- mendatory from y*^ Pastors and Chh^ specifyed, as taken from y*^ Files. A True Record. Test. David Brownson, Pastor. Jan'- 16, 1757. Thomas Clark & Su- sannah his Wife admitted to full Com- munion. Feb"" 29, 1756. David Johnson and Esther his Wife was admitted to full Communion. March 25, 1750. Jabez Thompson and Sarah his Wife admitted to full Com- munion. June 30, 1751. Daniel Hawkins was admitted to full Communion. Dec 12, 1755. Lidy, Wife of Zadock Hawkins admitted to full Communion. March 18; 1759. John Riggs Juu'^ and his Wife Abigail admitted to full Com- munion- March 4, 1750. Rachel, y« Wife of Richard Smith, admitted to full Com- mnnion. April 5, 1753. Benjamin Buunel Jun"^ & Ruth his Wife admitted to full Com- munion. Feb"- 23, 1752. Elisha Lewis admitted to full Communion. Dec 25, 1757. Sam" Woodruff & Ann his Wife admitted to full Communion. July 21, 1754. Benjamin P"'ox, and Es- ther his Wife admitted to full Commu- nion, in this Church. March 23, 1751. Coe Hinman was ad- mitted into full Comuniou. March 31, 1751. Doro, Negro, admit- ted to full Communion. July 26, 1761. Ebenezer Buckingham & his Wife admitted to full Comunion. Jan'' 15, 1758. Abiel Fairchild Jn' & his Wife admitted to full Communion. Samuel Hull received to Communion from y'' Pastor «fc Chh of C. in South- bury. ^ Annah Wife to Moses Sperry Received to Communion from y'^ Pastor & Chh of C. in Amity, bairing Date, Ocf 9th^ 1754. Isaac Knowls & Martha his Wife, Eliphalet Bristol, and Elizabeth the Wife of Cornelius Hull, and Peter, Ne- gro Servant to s'' Knowles, Received to Communion from y^ Pastor & Chh of C in Southbury, bairing Date Nov"^ 27th, 1745. Joseph Wade Received to Communion from y*^ Pastor & Chh of C. in Water- bury, bairing date Jan'' 28th, 1746. Mary Smith Received to Communion from y^ Pastor & Chh of C. in Wood- bury bairing Date Sept'' 4th, 1761. Abigail y*^ Wife of Samuel Wheler re- ceived to Communion from the Pastor & Chh of Christ in Ripton bairing date Aug^t 20, 1746. Ruth Wife and Rachel Daughter to Isaac Trowbridge received to Commu- nion from y" Pastor, & Chh of Christ in Ripton bairing Date Jan' 20th, 1746. Abigail y*^ Wife of Samuel Hitchcock, received to Communion from the Pastor & Chh of Christ in West-Haven, bair- ing Date Dec 23, 1760. Joseph Lewis received to Communion from y'= Pastor & Chh of Christ in Waterbury, bairmg Date Ocf^ 27th, 1745. Silence y'' Wife of John Lumm, Eliza- beth y'' Wife, and Elizabeth ye Daugh- ter of John Chatfield, Hannah y" Wife of John Riggs, Sarah y'^ Wife of James Wheler, Mary y" Wife of Timothy Rus- sel, Abigail, Sibillia, and Mary Russels, all received to Communion fromy" Pas- tor and Chh of Christ in Darby, bairing Date Jan^ 7th, 1746. Sarah y'= Wife of John Towner re- ceived to Communion from y° Pastor & Chh of Christ in Daubury bairing Date, May 28th, 1746. Caleb Cande and his Wife Lois re- ceived to Communion from y*" Pastor and Church of Christ in West-Haven. Deacon Jeremiah Peck and his Wife received to Communion from y"^ Pastor and Chh of Christ in Northbury, bairing date April 27th, .1747. 12 OXFORD HISTORY. Abigail y^ Wife ox Aaron Sperry re- ceived to Comtuuuion from y*^ Pastor and Chh of Christ in Amity, bairing Date NovJ 13tb, 1758. Eicbard Burton admitted to Occasion- al Communion from y<= Pastor & Cbb of Christ in Southbury bairing Date May 31^ 1756. Jean, y'' Wife of John Towner SeuS Joseph Towner, and John Towner Jn"", Mary Towner, and Elizabeth Baker, received to Communion from y Pastor and Chh of Christ in Southbury, bairing Date Dec' 30th, 1745. Arther Wooster, and Sarah y^ Wife of Ebecezer Basset received to Communion from y'= Pastor and Chh of Christ in Darby, bairing Date Jan'" 8th, 1746. Thomas Kuowls and his Wife Ee- ceived to Communion from y" Pastor and Chh of Christ in Southbury, bairing Date Ocf 12th, 1761. , Elizabeth y*^ Wife of Joseph Twitchel received to Communion from y« Pastor and Ch'' of Christ in Darby bairing Date Jan'- 27th, 1746. Sarah Tomlinson Eeceived to Com- munion from y*" Pastor and Ch'' of Christ in Newtown, bairing Date March 5, 1746. Abner Johnson and Abigail his Wife received to Communion from y" Pastor and C"^ of Christ in Darby, Dated 1758. Daniel Orsborn and Obedience his wife received to Communion from y® Pastor and Ch'' of Christ in West Haven, bairing Date June 5th 1758. Maiy y*^ wife of Phineas Johnson re- ceived to Communion from y*^^ Pastor & Ch'' of Christ in Amity, bairing Date Septi- 26, 1756. . Arab Ward and his wife received to Communion from y*^ Pastor and Ch'' of Christ in Eipton, bairing Date June 3d, 1756. Mehitable, wife of Jonathan Griffin received to Communion from y<^ Pastor and Ch'' of Christ in West Haven, bair- ing Date, Jan> 22^, 1746. Obedience, ye wife of John Chatfield, received to Communion from y*' Ch'' of Christ in West-Haven, bairing Date July 17"', 1753. The above a true coppy as taken from ye Files of y^ Eev' M' Lyman. Test. David Brownson, Pastor. An account of those y* owned y*^ Cove naut Taken from y'' Files of y'' Eev<* M' Lyman. April 6, 1753, Abraham Bassit owned his Covenant. Nov" 12, 1752, James Pangboru and Prudence his Wife owned y^ Covenant. FeV 17, 1754, Charles Griffin owned his Covenant. Aug' 19, 1750, Sam" Hitchcock and Ann his Wife owned y*^ Covenant. Febi' 19, 1758-9, Pero Negro owned his Covenant. June 2, 1755, Oliver Chatfield and Zer- viah his Wife owned y^ Covenant. Aug^t 31, 1760, Joshua Perry & Masy his Wife owned y*^ Covenant. Oct^- 5, 1760, Jabez Harger & his Wife owned y*^ Covenant. June 28, 1761, Yelverton Perry and his wife owned y*^ Covenant. An account of those y' owned y*^ Cov- enant. Pi D. Brownson, Pastor. 1767'- Nov'' 15th, Hannah Wooster owned her •Covenant. lers. April 3'', Noah Candee and Martha his Wife owned y® Covenant. irea. Febi 19th, Anne, wife of Eichard Smith owned her Covenant. March 5"', Gideon Tucker and Eunice his Wife owned y'' Covenant. Sept^ 3d, Eobart Wheler and Euth his Wife owned y*" Covenant. Sept^' 3'^, Dan" Tucker and Hannah his Wife owned y" Cov"'. Dec'' 24*", David Pierson & Lois his wife Eeceived by letter from Derby. ITVO. July 1^', John Duraud Jn^' & Desire his wife owned y® Covenant. 17"ri- Aug^* 1^*, Jared Buckingham Eeceived by Letter from Derby. Aug^' 1=', John Eiggs & Elizabeth his wife Eeceived by Letter from Derby. Aug^*20ti', Joseph Washband «& Anna his Wife owned y'' Covenant. Sepf^^ 8"', Ebenezar Eiggs Jn'' & Anna his Wife owned y^ Covenant. THE CONGREGATIONAL CHUBCH. 13 177S- FeV 2'^, Gideon Tutle & Mary liis wife Received by Letter from Southbury. July 36"', Sam" Tucker Received by a Letter from Derby. Nov 16"% Eleazar Sperry & Dorcass his Wife owned y^ Covenant. 17'73. Aug'* 1^*, Jeremiah Durand & Hannah his Wife owned y^ Covenant. Aug^* 15"', Gideon Perry & Hannah his wife owned y*^ Covenant. Septi26"', Joseph Wooster & Hannah his Wife owned y*' Covenant. Oct!' 3^ Elizabeth, Wife to John Trum- bull, owned her Covenant. 1774. Feb'' 6"', Shores Uflford and Elizabeth his Wife owned y" Covenant. April 24"', Gideon Caudee owned his Covenant, Ocf 2"^, David Cande & his wife Dinah owned y*' Covenant. 177S. March 5"', John Towner & Rachel his Wife owned y^ Covenant. Aug^* 20, Nathan French & Lucy his Wife owned y'' Covenant. 1776. Dec'' 8th, Isaac Tomlinsou & Mary his Wife owned y*' Covenant. 1777. Sepf 7*'', Desire, Negro Wench, owned her Covenant. 1778. April 5"', Samuel Cande owned his Cov- enant. June 14"', John Chatfield Jn^ & Mary his Wife owned y'' Covenant. Dec 20"', John Wilcocksou & Ann his wife owned y*' Covenant. 1770. June 6"', Anne Wife to John Goodsell owned her Covenant. 1780. March 19*1^, Jared Osborn & Freelove Ame his wife owned y'' covenant. March 19'^, Justus Cande owned his covenant. April 2'^, Isaac Chatfield & Sarah his wife owued y*? covenant. July 16, James Riggs & Sarah his wife own'^ y'' covenant. July 16, Joseph Bassit & Molly his wife own*^ y*" covenant. 1781. April 1, Eli Chatfield & Lois his Wife own'' y^ covenant. 1787. April 8, Timothy Johnson, Jn"^ Renew' his covenant. April 22, Lieut. Naboth Osborn & Susie his Wife renewed their covenant. April 22, Samuel Buckingham & Ruth his Wife renewed their covenant. July 15, Sam" Tucker, Ju', & Silence his Wife renew'^ their covenant. Sepf^ 30, Sarah, wife of Jer'^ Mather Kelly, renew'' her covenant. 1788. July 20, Isaac Brizcho & Mary his wife renewed their covenant. Job Cande & Sarah his wife Renew'' their covenant. 1790. June 20, Abel Waters & Ruth his Wife renew'' their covenant. July 25, Hezekiah Hine & Hannah his Wife renew'' their covenant. July 25, David Smith, Ju', & Abilena his Wife renew'' their covenant. August 15, Truman Stodard & Sarah his ■wife renew'' their covenant. Dec^ 5, Roger Perkins & Betsey his Wife renewed their covenant. 1791. April 10, Amos Fox and Jemima his Wife renewed their covenant. June 5*, Moses Cande & Sarah his Wife renew'^ their Covenant. July S\ Medad Candee & Betty his Wife renew"^ their Covenant. August 7"', Nehemiah Durand & Ruth his Wife Renew'' their Covenant. Sept'- 18"', Truman Bristol & Polly his Wife renewed their Covenant. Sept^ 18, John Buckingham & Lucy his Wife renew'' their Covenant. 96 179?- April 23'', William Lewis Jn^ & Sarah his wife renewed their Covenant. April 22'', Nath" Buckingham Jn^' & Silena his wife renewed y" Covenant. May 6*^, Lucy Tucker Renewed her Covenant. May 13"', Daniel Fox & Elizabeth his Wife Renew'' their Covenant. NoV^ 4"', Joel Perry & Betty his Wife renewed their Covenant. 105 14 OXFORD HISTORY. 1793. Jani" 27'^, Lewis Blackmau renewed his CovenaDt. May 12"', Molly Bristoll renewed her Covenant. June 2<', Pbilo R. Bristol & Nabby bis Wife Renewed their Covenant. 1794. Aug. 24*'S Samuel Riggs and Charry his wife renewed their Covenant. Aug. 24, Philo Beecher & Mary his Wife renewed their Covenant. Sept^' 21^', John Riggs S^^ & Mary his Wife Renewed their Covenant. Sept. 21, W™ Morriss & Elizabeth his wife Renewed their Covenant. Sepf 23"i, Daniel Smith & Lucy his wife Renewed their Covenant. Sepf^^ 28^11, Daniel Riggs Renewed his Covenant. 120 1796- Jani' 17"', Enoch Bristoll & and Sarah Wife renewed their Covenant. Dec^- 11"', Capt. Asahel Hide &l Mary Dorman Leavenworth [his wife Chester Smith & Kezia his wife Philemon Hiuman & Polly his Wife Renewed their Covenant. 1797- Oct' 15, Walker Wilmot & MilleCent renewed their Covenant. Ethiel Louusbury & Betsey his wife renewed their Covnt. Caleb Tomliuson & Nabby his wife wife renewed their Covent. Nov"" 26, Joseph Perkins & Sarah his wife renewed their covn*. 1798. May 27*, Cyrus Cande & Rebekah his Wife Renew* their Covenant. Sept"' 9, Lemuel Beardsey & Mercy his wife Renewed their Covenant. 1799- October 13, Miles Loveland & Anne his wife Renewed their Covenant. 1800. Sepf" 21, Joseph Riggs & Lyddia his wife renewed their Covenant. Sept""' 21, John Fairchild & Mary his wife renewed their Covenant. Sept"" 21, David Beecher & Polly his wife renew* their Covenant. REMOVALS. April 27*1', 1764, Abigail the wife of of Aaron Sperry Dismissed from this Chi' & Recommended to the Ch*' at G. Barriugton. April 3", 1765, Peter Negro Dismissed & Reccomended to the C''*' at Amity. July 18"', Samuel Chatfield and Joan- nah his wife Dismissed from this Church & Recomended to the Church at Water- bury. Dec' l^S Ebenezer Blackmau & Mar- gett his wife dismissed from this Church & Recomended to the Church at Noble- town. June 7"', 1767, Lois the wife of Amos Camp Jn'^ Dismissed from this Church and Recomended to the Church at New Milford. March 25, 1770. Joel Northrop Dis- missed from this Q\\^ & Recomended to the Ch*' at Newbury. June 5*, 1770, Eleazar Wooster & De- borah his Wife Recomended to the Church of Christ at Goshen.^ June 5*'', 1770, Elizabeth the wife of John Smith Recomended to the Church of Christ at Goshen. Nov' 1770, Eunice Wife to David Mansfield Recomended to the Church at Northbury. May 8'', 1772, David Graves & Hannah his wife Recomended to the Ch^' in Southbury. June 7*'', Samuel Woodruffe and Ann his wife Recommended to the Ch^^ in Litchfield South Farm. July 26"', Reuben Hale Recommended to tlie G^"^ at Hartland. Jan-^ 17"', 1773, Nathan Fairchild & Lois his Wife Recomended to the Ch'' at Ripton. May 16"', Gershom Lake & Zerviah his wife Dismissed from tliis Cliurch & Recomended to the Ch*' of Christ where God in his Providence may call y"". Sept' 5"', John Holbrook aud Eunice his Wife Recomended to the Church in Southbury. 1774, May 30"', Jeremiali Riggs and Anne his wife, recomended to the Church at Litchfield South Farms. 1775, Feb'^26"', Thomas Ufford and Ma- ble his wife dismissed from this Church THE CONGREGATIONAL CUUBCH. 15 and 1 ecoraended to the Church of Christ where God in his providence may call them. 1776, Noyi 24"', Isaac Trowbridge & Judith his wife dismissed from the watch & care of this Ch^ & Recomeuded to the C^^ at Litchfield, by vote of the Chi^. Nov^' 24''^, voted that James Paugborn & Prudence his wife be dismissed from the Ch^^ & Recomended to the Church Sharon for the Privilidge of Baptism of of Children. 1781, June 10*1^, voted, That Cap* Dan- iel Cliatfield & Prudence his wife be dismissed from this Ch^' and be Recom- ended to the Ch^ in Waterbury for the Privilidges of Special Ordinances. 1783, Feb. 10th, Voted that Joseph Washbqrn & his wife be recommended to the Ch'^ in part of Spencertown for the Privilidge of Baptism of their Chil- dren. 1783, July IS*"^, Voted that Lois the wife of Reuben Perkins be Recomended to the Church at West britaiu for the Privi- lidges of Special Ordinances. 1783, Oct'- 12«', Voted, that Sarah Downs be Recomended to the Church at Sauders- fiield for the Privilidge of Special Ordi- nances. Nov 9*1', Voted that Joseph Osboru Ju' and Rebekah his wife be Recom- ended to the Ch'' at Westbritain for the Privilidge of Special Ordinances. 1786, Sept^- 24*11, Voted that Tabitha Wife of M^' Reuben Tucker be recom- ended by Letter to the first C''' in Derby for the Privilidge of Special Ordinances. Novi- l^t,1789. Voted that Mary the Wife of Thomas Kuowles be recom- ended to Communion in the Church at Lottania. May 8% 1791, Voted that Gad Bristol! Jni' be recomended to Communion in the Church at Southbury. July 38*11, 1793, Voted that Nehemiah Cande and Content his wife (being moved from us into the New Settle- jnents) be recomended to any Church where God in his Providence may call them. May 3^ 1795, Voted the Eleazar Woos- ter and Deborah his wife be recomeuded to the Pastor & C^^ of Bethlehem for Gospel Ordinances. May 1^ 1796, Voted that John Bots- ford and Rachel his wife be Recomended to the Church in Salisbury. Jan' 3\ 1797, Voted that David Cande be Recomeuded to the Pastor & C'^ at Harrington as having Renew* his Cove- nant and of a good moral character. Test. D. Brownson, Pastor. xMay W^, 1803, Voted that Anne the wife of Abner Bradley be Recomended to the C^'^ in Woodbridge. Test. D. Brownson, Pastor. 16 OXFORD HISTOEY. Decem"^ 7, 1800, Voted that Samuel Buckiugbaiu & Riitlihis wife be Recom- meuded to Communion in the Church in Middlebury. Test, D. Bronson, Pastor. March 1, 1801, Voted that Cap* Jere- miah Riggs & Aime his Wife be recom- mended to Christian Communion Wher- ever God in his Providence shall call them. June 6'!' 1803 Voted that Rachel Wife to Gad Bristol be Recomended to the C^'^ in Middlebury. Test D. Brownson, Pastor. Oct. 24"', 1802 Voted that Abigail Wife of Noah A. Fulford be Recomended to the C^^ of Elsworth, in Sharon. Test D. Brownson, Pastor. July 24'!', 1803 Voted that Chloe Wife of Philo Thomas be Recomended to the Chi' at Northfield. Test D. Brownson, Pastor. Jau-^ V^ 1804 Voted that Cap*. Timothy Wheeler, & Hannah his Wife, be Re- comended to tlie C^" of Pollit. Test D. Brownson, Pastor. May 8^1' 1808 Voted that David Buu- nel and Polly his wife be recommended to the Church at Watertown. Test E. Buckingham, Recorder. March 3'^ 1811 Voted that Ruth the consort of Levi N. Wakele be recom- mended to the church in Wolcott. Test N. Freeman, Pastor. May 1814 Voted that Eunice wife of Eldad Scott be recommended to the church in Salem. N. Freeman. June 12 1814 Voted that Joanna widow of Jehial Preston be recommended to the church in Harrington. N. Freeman. THE CONGREGATIONAL CHUBCH. 17 BAPTISMS Daughter to Nathan French & Lucy his Daughter to Robart Wholer «fe Ruth his Wife. n Sou to David Peirson & Lois his Wife. Daughter to John Riggs, &■ Abi- gail his Wife Son to Gideon Perry and Hannah his Wife. Son to Jolin Riggs Jn'' & Elisa- beth his Wife. 1776. Feb^' 4"^ Isaac Wildmau Son to Joseph Osborn Jn' & Rebecka his Wife. Feb^ 4th Jeremiali Sou to Jeremiah John- son & Hannah his Wife. March 17*^ Cyrus Son to Caleb Cande Jni' Sc Anna his Wife. March IT*"^ Mable Daughter to Shours Ufford & Elizabeth his Wife. April 14"' Hannah Daughter to Jeremiah Durand & Hannah his Wife. April 21"t Polly Daughter to Nathan Buckingham & Esther his Wife. April '^S'l^ Patty Daughter to David Woodruff & Esther his Wife. May 5'^' Philemou Son to Abr"' Beecher & Desire his Wife. May 12*1' Abigail Daughter to Joseph Towner Ju'& xMary his Wife. May 26«' Charre Daughter to Eben^i Riggs Ju'' & Anne his Wife. July 26"' John Son to Christopher Smith. Aug't 25*^ Lucena «fc Lucinda Daughters twins to David Cande & Dinah his Wife. Sepf 4"! Tabitha Daughter to Joshua Perry & Mary his Wife. Sept'' 10* Rosannah Daughter to Oba- diali Scoot & Wife. Sepf lo"' Aunah Daughter to Ethiel Perkins, baptised on her Mother's Right. Sept»- 29'!^ Billy Augustus Son to the Rev'' D. Brownsou & Anna his Wife. Ocfi' 6"^ Silas Son to Joseph Washband & Anne his Wife. Dec^' 8"' Silas Son to Isaac Tomliuson & Mary his Wife. 1777. Jan'' 5*, Silas Sou to Eleazar Sperry & Dorcas his Wife. Jau^' 20*'' Mary Wooden Baptized. March 9"', Joseph Son to Joseph Woos- ter & Hannah his Wife. April 6*'' Eunice Dau"^ to Widow Lois Riggs. April 13*'^ Jabez Son to David Pierson & Lois his Wife. May 11"', Betsey Daughter to Joseph Riggs and Anne his Wife. May 18"' Asa Son to Nathan French & Lucy his Wife. June P* John Son to Abial Fairchild & Zerviah his Wife. June 8"', Betty Daugliter to John Du- rand & Desire his Wife. June 15*^ Simeon Sou to John Towner & Rachel his Wife. June 22'' Zachariah Son to Cap' Zacha- riah Hawkins. June 22'' Hannah Dau^' to Gideon Perry & Hannah his Wife. July 6"^ John Son to Justus Bristoll Sc Sarali his Wife. 18 OXFORD HISTORY. Septi" 3d Euuice Daughter to Gad Bris- toll & Rachel his wife. Sept'- 7"^ Desire Negro Wench Baptized. Sept"^ 7^" Mehitable Dau'' to Desire Negro Weuch. Sept^ 14'" Amos Son to Richard Smith & Anne his Wife, baptized on the Mother's Right. Sept' 14'ii Mary Dau'^' to Elisha Gritfiu & Mary his Wife. Sepf 14^" Mary Dau'^ to Noah R. Ly- man & Comfort his Wife. Nov 2** James Sou to James Perry & Mable his Wife. John (?)Sou to Abijah Hide. 1778. r 4"' CLarry Daughter to Joseph Towner Jn^'. 1- 21^t Abiah Daugliter to Gersham Lake & Zervia 1- 15t>i Chxrinda Dau'^ to Ens" Noah Cande & Mar — arcli 1'' Eli Son to Abraham Beeciier & Desire h March 25'" Sally Dau'^' to Sam" Russel baptized on March 26'" Arnold Sou to Caleb Cande & Anna hi April 5'" Mable Wife to Samuel Cande baptized. — ril 5'" Amos Son to Samuel Cande & Mable his — 11 19'" Isaac Son to Isaac Tomlinsou & Mary his Wife. 1 26'" Joseph Sou to Gideon Tucker & Euuice Ids wife. y 10'" Daniel Sou to Joseph Wash- band & Anna his Wife. y 17'" Auna Daugliter to Isaac Bun- nel & wife. y 24'" James Son to Robert Wheel- er & Ruth his Wife. e 14'" David Son to Joseph Woos- ter & Hannah his Wife. 14'" John Fredrick Sou to Johu Chatfield Ju'' & Mary his Wife. — uly 12'" David Son to Isaac Beecher & Hannah his Wife. Aug. 9'" Anne Dau" to Lieut Eben^"^ Riggs Ju'^ & Anne his Wife. Sepf 20'" Polly Dau" to David Cande and Dinah his Wife. Oct* 18'" Polly Dau" to Jeremiah John- son & Hannah his Wife. 280 NoV^ 7'" Joshua Sou to Joshua Perry & Marcy his Wife. Dec"^ 20'" Josiah Sou to John Wilcock- sou & Ann his Wife. 1779. Joseph Sou to David Pierson &. Lois his Wife. David Sou to Rev Elislia, sou to Caleb Caiide & Aune his Wife. 8* Sarah Ann, Dan*' to Johu Chat- field & Mary his Wife. *'' Laban, Son to Desire, Wife to Laban, Ne,a:ro. — "' David Son to Joseph Towner, Ju', and Mary his Wife. Ruth (?) D ^1' to White & Han (The above entry is the last on page ^d of the ohl record and partly worn off.) Baptisms by tlie ReV M^ Lyniau, tak- en off from his Files. May 27, 1750, Samuel, Son of Joseph Orsbon. 27, 1750, William, Son to Richard Smith. 27, 1750, Anna, Daughter of Zach- ariali Hawkins. June 21, 1752, Johu, Son of Thomas Uftard. June 14, 1752, Ann, Daughter of Daniel Hawkins. Aug'* 9, 1752, Gideon, Sou, and Hannah, Daughter, twius to Sara" Wheler. 9, 1752, Elizabeth, Daughter to Sam- uel Hitchcock. March 22, 1749, Rodah, Daughter to Jo- seph Lewis. 29, 1749, Betty, Daughter to Moses Bristol. Dec'' 13, 1749, Ebenezer, Son to Samuel Hitchcock. Aug"' 13, 1749, Jeremiah, Sou to John Duraud. Febi- 7, 1748, Edmun, Sou to Timothy Washband. March 8. 1752, Timothy, Son of Caleb Candee. 8,1752, Isabel, Daughter to Elisha Lewis. June 11, 1749, Rachel, Daughter to Mo- ses Bristol. DeC^ 12, 1752, Hanah, Daughter of James Pangboru. June 19, 1748, Joseph, Son to James Wheler. March 25, 1750, Lois, Daughter to Jabez Thompson. July 27, 1755, Naboth, Son to Joseph Orsbon. Jany 15, 1750, Philis, Negro woman to James Wheler. 17, 1750, Joseph, Son to Joseph Towner. Aug^t 30^ 17(31^ Benjamin, Son to Thom- as Uftbrd. Septi- 6, 1761, David, Son to Abijah Hide. April 5, 1747, Phebe, Daughter to Jonah Weed. May 17, 1747, Ebenezer, Son to Abiel Fairchild. 24, 1747, Daniel, Son to Israel John- son. 24, 1747, Luvaua, Daughter to Elea- zer Wooster. Sepi' 28, 1749, Dorcas Johnson, baptized upon account or Isaac Knowles &Wife. Aug^t — , 1751, Sarah, Daughter to Moses Bristol. June 30, 1751, Elizabeth, Daughter to Daniel Hawkins. April 12, 1753, Abraham, Sou, to Abra- ham Basset. April 8, 1753, Andrew, Sou to Coe Hiu- mau. May 3, 1759, Ely, Son, Ruth and Lois, Daughters, thrins to Daniel Orsbon. Aug'^t 24, 1755, Mary, Daughter to Dan- iel Hawkins. Ocf 28, 1758, Auar, Son to Avah Ward. Dec' 10, 1758, Amos, Sou to Beujamin Fox. Dec' 19, 1758, Oliver, Sou to Oliver Chat- field. 19, 1758, Timothy, Sou to Phineas Johnson. Sep*i' 2, 1753, Ester, Daughter to John Basset. March 19, 1758, Sarah, Daughter to Ephraim Andres. Feb^ 19, 1749, Pero, Negro, upon his con- fession of Faith was baptized. Dec' 3, 1752, Saiuuel, Son to Joseph Ors- bon. Feby 29, 1756, David, Sou to David Johnson. 20 OXFORD March 15, 1759, James, Son to John Riggs, Jun''. Oct^29, 1752, Beujamiu, Sou to Epliraiui Wash ban, upon his mother's account. March 20, 1748. Joseph, Son to Joseph Orsbon. Nov'^5, 1752, John, Sou to John Chattield, Jun^ 5, 1752, Anna, Daughter to Joseph Trowbridge. ' Aug^* 26, 1759, Joseph, Son to Zachariah Hawkins. Nov 30, 1755, Nezer, Sou to Samuel Hitchcock. Dec! 8, 1754, Sarah, Daughter to Daniel Orsbon. March 4, 1750, Rachel Smith, v'' Wife of Richard Smith was baptized on her own Accouut. — ril 4, 1756, Justis, Sou to Caleb Cande. 4, 1756, Gideon, Son to James Pangborn. 22, 1755, Samuel, Son to Robart Hawkins. 28, 1749, Micah, Son to Samuel Wooster. May 28, 1749, Naomi, Daughter to Eleazer Wooster. May 28, 1749, Laban, Sou to Pero, Negro. Sepf 23, 1750, Moses, Sou to James Wheler. July 29, 1750, Eunis, Daughter to Moses Hawkins. Aug' 5, 1750, Jeremiah, Son to Ebenezer Riggs. 5, 1750, Elizabeth, Daughter to John Riggs. 5, 1750, Gidecm, Son to John Chat- field. July 15, 1750, Joseph, Son to Timothy Wooster. Ocf^U, 1753, Moses, Son to Moses Bristol. 14, 1753, Sarah, Daughter to Daniel Hawkins. July 20, 1755, Daniaras, Daughter to Zadok Hawkins. March 17, 1754, Samuel, Sou to Caleb Caudee. Feb>" 29, 1754, Nehemiah, Son to John Durand. 17, 1754, Kathariue, Daughter to Charles Griffiu. HISTORY. May 18, 1755, David, Son to Israel Trowbridge. May 12, 1751, Elizabeth, Daughter to John Durand. May 19, 1751, Eunice, Daughter to Sam- uel Wooster. June 2, 1751, Eliezer, son to Robart Hawkins. July 15, 1753, Ely, Son to Israel Trow- bridge. DeC^ 4, 1754, Ruth Ame, Daughter to Richard Smith. June 2, 1754, Ely, Sou to Oliver Chat- tield. Jans' 20, 1758, Richard, Sou to Richard Smith. March 25, 1757, Hannah, Daughter to Abraham Basset. Mar. 15, 1757, Ann, Daughter to Samuel Hitchcock. July 7, 1754, Sarah, Daughter to Samuel Wooster. Deci 7, 1755, Ely, Son to Moses Bristol. 7, 1755, Ann, Daughter to John Riggs. May 14, 1750, Hannah, Daughter to Samuel Wheeler. Sepf^ 8, 1754, Ruth, Daughter to Zach- ariah Hawkins. Aug^t 12, 1750, David, Son to Abial Fairchild. Aug^* 19, 1750, Samuel, Son to Samuel Hitchcock. Deer 12, 1755, Lidy, Wife to Zadok Hawkins, was baptized upon her own account. June 19, 1757, Betty, Daughter to John Smith, Jun"^. April 2, 1758, Lucy, Daughter to Et>en- ezer John sou. June 11, 1758, John, Sou to John Bassit. 11, 1758, John, Sou to Charles Griffin. Jany 10, 1757, Susannah, Daughter to John Ovitt. April ] 1, 1759, Ephraim, Son to Thomas Uphard. 11, 1756, Sibil, Daughter to Isaac Trowbridge. 11, 1756, Huldah, Daughter to Charles Griffin. May 3. 1752, Gaylord, Son to Zachariali Hawkins. THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. May 17, 1752, Esther. Daugliter to Isaac Trowbridge. Ocf 36, 174(5, Hannalj, Daughter to Samuel Wooster. April 6, 1757, Mose's, Sou to Abraham Wooster. Sepf — , 1753, Joseph, Sou to Ebuuezer Riggs. Feby 7, 1756, Obedieuce, Daughter to Johu Chatfield. Deer 25, 1757^ .^^y^ Samuel, Nathan and Philosephus, Daughter and Sons to Samuel Woodruff. July 21, 1754, Benjamin Fox. July 21, 1754, Comfort, Daughter to Benjamin Fox. July 21, 1754, Agar, Son to Abiel Fair- child. July 21, 1754, John, Son to Ebeuezer Blackmail. Sept'- 7, 1760, Edward, Son to Sam" Hawkins. Aug'*' 31, 1760, Mary, Daughter to Josh- ua Perry. Oct^- 5, 1760, Sarah, Daughter to Jabez Harger. Novi 30^ i7g()^ Nathaniel, Sou to James Paugborn. Dec 7, 1760, Sarah, Daughter to Elias Whitraore. Dec' 11, 1761, John, Sou to Samuel Woodrufl'. Dec'- 11, 1761, Martha, Daughter to Peter Wooster. June 17, 1756, Elizabeth, Daughter to Johu Bassit. Nov', 1745, Spears, Son to Thomas Ufford. Nov', 1745, Jared, Son to Joseph Orsbou. Dec^ 1745, James, Son to Joseph Trow- , bridge. >nDec^ 1745, Funis, Daughter to Deacon Ebenezer Riggs. Feby 16, 1746, Moses, Son to Joseph Weeds. Feby 16, 1746, John, Son, aud Elizabeth, Daughter, twins to Zachariah Haw- kins. Feby 18, 1759, Andrew, Sou to Samuel Woodruff. Feby 25, 1759, Ebeuezer, Son to Timothy Washbon. 21 March 23, 1760, Mary, Daughter to Sam" Hitchcock. March 16, 1760, Mary, Daughter to Sam" Chatfield, Jn'. March 'iS, 1751, Daniel, Son to Isaac Trowbridge. July 26, 1761, Enoch, Son to Aaron Sperry. July 26, 1761, Abigail, Daughter to Eben- ezer Buckingham. July 26, 1761, Sarah, Daughter to Israel Trowbridge. June 28, 1761, Sarah, Daughter to Yel- verton Perry. July 5,1761, Noah,Son to Daniel Hawkins. Nov'' 10, 1748, Hannah, Daughter to John Chatfield. Dec"- 25, 1748, Elitus, Son to Joseph Trowbridge. Jauy 15, 1758, John, Son to Abiel Fair- child, Jl^ Dec' 22, 1758, Sarah, Daughter to Johu ■ Chatfield, Jn'. April 21, 1754, Mary, Daughter to Isaac Trowbridge. April 28, 1754, Prudence, Daughter to Jauies Paugborn. Sepf 27, 1761. Moses, Son to Zachariah ■ Hawkins. Octr 4, 1761, Ebenezer, Son to Ebenezer Johnson. March 26, 1749, Naomi, Daughter to Isaac Trowbridge. April 10,1749, Phebe, Daughter to Thom- as Ufford. ' The above a true copy as takeu from the Files of the Rev^ M» Lyman. Test, David Brownson, Pastor. 1786. Jany 29*'', Jason, Son to Lieu* Sanv' Cande & Mabel his Wife. March 12"', Billy Ranslear, Sou to Gid- eon Tucker & Eunice his Wife. April 18*'', Noah Russel, Sou to Noah Russel Lyman & Comfort bis Wife. July 23'S Esther, Daut^' to Nehemiah Cande «fc Content his Wife. Aug"* 27*", Selena, Dau*"- to Gideon Cande. Oct'- 11*", Huldah, Dau*' to Doct* Osee Dutton & Elizabeth his Wife. OXFORD EISTOBT 22 & Wife. 1787. Jau> r\ Barritt, Sou to Justus Caude & Euuice W^^Vife^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^tS:;S:1:i^^e"apt.edonUer Marcli 0"', Leman, bon to Eleazar »p J.ft?"rprsl't„JosepUKi.. ApVlToeor^ltu to Ri».* ^.'^"jCb: SCO to Joseph Osboro. ,^:ferH-rDau..toT.,otb. A^?r.irLov;ca,Dau»toUeu.Na>,ot. ,°^^,,%rr;trsa.«B„c.. ineham & Ruth his Wife. May - Ruth Anu, Dauu^ to Joseph Wooster & Hannah his Wife junelO-,Lucinda.Dau-toCap Eben ezer Riggs& Anne his Wif^.^ July 15^ Burton, Son to bam Ju^ & Silence his Wife. July 15- Lucy, Dau- to Amos Fox ^ .^^"I^i'Ieth" son to Jesse Scoot & ^£%is^'ife;b^Pt-edo.biB-th- A^'rSlfMicajah. son to Gideon Per- ry & Hannah his Wife. Sen- 2^ Lois, Dau- to Nathan Fan st^'e^ta^e H:nnah ^ Sarah ' Daut'u; Jere» Mathew Kelly & Sarah WsWite,baptized on their mother. OcT28"S John, Son to John Townor & Rachel his Wife. r>;^„.Xr Dec^ 9t\ Moses, Son to Moses Riggs^ Susa his Wife, baptized on the moth- er's right. ^^g3_ janv 27- Patty, Dau^ to Cap' Sam racde & Mable his Wife. JaT2rJ%ClarkWoodruffSon oNehe miah6ande& Content his Wife. Febv 7-. Leva. Daut^ to Timothy John- M'arch'Te^S Jonathan & Julee^ Sons to George Clark & Lydia his Wife. AmTll' Almira Clementina, Daut^ to ""'Doct' 6see Dutton & Elisabeth his Mry''4?^ Ruth, Dau- to Sam" Bucking- ham & Ruth his Wife. June 13-, Elijah, Son to Jesse Scott &^ MaiT his Wife baptized on las moth- J:ly"o^' Elizabeth, Dau- to David jn\T20^\ Isaac Anson, Son & PoUy Roxana, Dau- to Isaac Brischo & J^SS-. Son to Joseph woos- ter & Hannah his Wife. August 3^ Lois, Daut^ to Joseph Town pr Jn^ & Mary his Wife. Sept^ 21-, Hannah, Dau- to Gideon Per- Se^t'^B^ty"^^^^ O^^rS^^-toJohuBotsford Oct m'sarah, Dau» to Dan. Chattield & Elizabeth his Wife, baptized on her mother's right. Oct^ 26-, Lorinda, Dau''^ to Naboth Os- born & Susa his Wife. ,^Y^■^n^^ ' Oct^28'iS Enoch & Daniel, Sous to Dan Perkins & Elizabeth his Wite bap- tized on their mother's right. Nov'l7-, Leverit, Son to Joseph Os- born Jn^ & Sarah his Wife. Dec™;-, Laurea, Dau- & Horace, Son to Job Cande & Sarah his wife. 1789- Jany 20'i', Sheldon Warden, presented Kxr Pnn' Abr™ Bassit. Ai^riU" Almira, Dau" to Eleazar Sper- rv & Dorcas his Wife. May 24'^ Laurea, Dau- to Jared Osborn & Freelove Amy Ins Wife. May 31-, Anne, Dau- to Joseph Riggs & Anne his Wife. ^, , p r ,.„,an May 31-, Sarah, Daut^ to Noah R.L. man fc Comfort his Wife. . M^y 31-, Hannah, Dau" to Nehemiah Duraud & Rath his Wife. THE CONOBEOATIONAL CHUBCH. 23 July 19*'\ Lemau & L3^mau,Sons, twins, to George Clark & Lydia his Wife. Aug^* letn, Esther, Dau^^ to Job Cande & Sarah his Wife. Sepf 20"^, Samuel, Sou to Joseph Woos- ter &. Hannah his Wife. Nov' l^S Gilead, Sou to Nehemiah Cande & Content his Wife. Novi i5th^ Billy Austin, Son to Jer^^ M. Kelly & Sarah his Wife, baptized on its mother's right. Dec» 6*'', Julia, Dauf^ to David Cande. Dec"- IS^'S Samuel, Son to Cap» Sam" Cande & Mable his Wife. Dec"^ 20"', Asa, Son to Gideon Cande. 1790. Jany 5">, Julie, Son to Tho^ Kimberly & Arma his Wife, baptized ou his moth- er's right. Jany 17*1^, Sophia Charlotte, Daut^ to D"^ Osee Duttou & Elizabeth his Wife. April 25"S Polly, Dau'^ to Olive Perry. baptized on account of her Grand Parents, Mr. & Mrs. James & Mable Perry. May 30*'S Ransom, Son to Joseph Os- born, Jnr &, Sarah his Wife. 465 June 20"% Curtiss, Soa to Abel Waters & Ruth his Wife. July 4"\ Garry, Son to Charles Lewis & Lois his Wife. July 25^^, Lampson, Son to David Smith Jn"^ & Melissa his Wife. August 8*^ Sophia, Dau'' to Dan. Chat field & Elisabeth his Wife baptized on her mother's right. August 15, Polly, Daughter to Timothy Johnson Jn'. 470 August 15f^ Lucy, Daut' to Sam" Buck- ingham & Ruth his Wife. August 15'^, Cerina, Dau*"^ to Truman Stoddard & Sarah his Wife. Sept' 12"', Milly, Presented for Baptism by Roger, Negro. Sepfr 15'^, James, Son to James Riggs & Sarah his Wife. Sepf 15"', Nancy, Sally, Milly, Lorain, Harriet, Clarissa, 474 Daughters to )■ Hezekiah Hine & Hannah his wife. 480 Oct'' 24^^, Andrew, Seymour, Merritt, Sons to Benj" Bradley, baptized on their mother, Eunice Bradley's right. Ocf- .31'', Sarah, Dau'> to John Townor & Rachel his Wife. Dec^^ 5"', Esther, Dau"^ to Roger Perkins & Betsey his Wife. 485 1791. Jany 9'^, Lucy, Dauf to Justus Cande & Eunice his Wife. Jany 16"S Lewis, Son to Naboth Osborn & Susa his Wife. Feby 23d^ Lois, Dau^ to Isaac Chatfield & Sarah his Wife. April W^, Betty, Dau"- to Amos Fox & Jemima his Wife. May 1'*, Lyman, Son to Abel Waters & Ruth his Wife. 490 May 29*1', Maria Sylvia, Dau'f to D"- Osee Dutton & Wife. June 5^'^, Clark, Son to James Riggs & Sarah his Wife. June 5*11, Nancy, Dau*"^ to Moses Cande & Sarah his Wife. June 12"\ Amirita Julia Abbetance, Dau'T to Isaac Brischo & Mary his Wife. July 3S Russel, Son to Joseph Wooster & Hannah his Wife. 495 July 3*^, Bassil, Son to David Cande. July 3<*, Russel Parley, Son to Medad Cande & Betty his Wife. July 17"', Asa, Son to Gideon Cande. August 7"', John, Son to Nehemiah Du- rand & Ruth his Wife. Aug"' 2V\ Billy Levitt, Son to Nehemiah Cande & Content his Wife. 500 Sepf^ 18"S Cretia, Dau" to Truman Bris- tol & Polly his Wife. Sepf 18"', Phunny, Dauf^ to John Buck- ingham Aj. Lucy his Wife. Nov' 6"', Harvey, Son to Jared Osborn & Freelove Amy his Wife. Nov 20"', Leveritt, Son to David Smith Jn"^ & Abilena his Wife. Dec' 13*^ Agnis, Dau" to Benajah Chat- field & Wife baptized on the right of its Grandmother, Zeruiah Chatfield. 505 1792- Marcb 25tb, William Harlow, Son to Hez^ Hine & Hannah his Wife. 24 OXFORD HISTOEY April 8">, Patty, Daug^'^ to Cap* Sam" Cande & Mable his Wife. April 8*''. Rosetta, Dau" to George Clark & Lydia his Wife. April 15"', Sally, Dau*' to Jer^' M. Kelly & Sarah his Wife, baptized on her mother's right. April 22^ Nathan Lewis, Sou to Nathan Buckingham Jn'^ & Selena his Wife. 510 April 22^^, Burr, Son to Charles Lewis & Lois his Wife, baptized on his moth- er's right. April 24"', Wait, Son & Esther, Dau*"- to W"' Lewis J"^ & Sarah his Wife. May 6'^', Roswell Burr, Sou to Lucy Tucker. May i::5"', Judsou, Son to Daniel Fox & Elizabeth his Wife. 515 May 20"', Treat, Son toBenj" Bradley & Eunice his Wife, baptised on his mother's right. June 24"', Leverett, Son to Luke Bun- nell & Sarah his Wife. July 22d, Enos, Son to Lieu* Job Cande & Sarah his Wife. August 5"', Nathan, Son to Sam" Buck- ingham & Ruth his Wife. Sept* 23'', Esther, Wife to Sam" A. Buckingham, baptized. 520 Sepf 28'', Sherman, Son to Sam" A. Buckingham & Esther his Wife. Sept. 23d, Pharry, Dau*^ to Roger Per- kings & Betsey his Wife. Ocf 2V*, Snkky, Dau^^^to John Bucking- ham &■ Lucy his Wife. Oct"^ 28"', Saraii, Dau" to Joseph Woos- ter & Hannah his Wife. Nov'^ 4"', Betsey, Dau" to Medad Cande &, Betty his Wife. 525 Nov' 4"^, Betty, Dau" to Joel Perry & Betty his Wife. NoT-^ 18"', Rusha, Daut' to Timothy Johnson, Jn'. Dec' 9*1', Sally, Dau*' to Moses Cande & Sarah his Wife. Dec 30*'', Susanna, Dau*' to Nehemiah Cande & Content his Wife. Jan> y', Lewis, Sou to Abijah Chatfield & Hannah his Wife, baptized on his mother's right. 530 Jan> 27"', Roswell, Sou to Lewis Black- man. March 17*'', Meritt, Son to David Cande. May 12*'s Hester, Dau*^ to Molly Bristol. June 2 ', Comfort Maria, Dau*"^ to Philo R.Bristol »lv: Nabby his Wife, baptized. June 5*'', Roswell, Son to Eliakim Beardslee & Wife. 535 June 5*'', Henry, 1 Sons »J^ Daut'" to John, ! John Bassit, Jn'" & ! Kezia his Wife, bap- J tized on their moth- er's right. Sally, Polly, June 27*'', Ethiel, Son to Joseph Perkins & Sarah liis Wife, baptized on the right of its Grandmother, Esther Perkins. 540 July 4"', Lecta, Dau" to Jared Osboru & Freelove his Wife. July 14*'', Leman Stone, Sou to Naboth Osborn & Susa his Wife. July 16"', John, Son to Isaac Chatfield &: Sarah his Wife. Ocf^ 13*^ Calvin, Son to Thomas Leav- enworth. Jan> 19*1', Esther, Dau" to David Smith, Jn"^ & Abilena his Wife. 545 Feb>" 27*'', Harvey, Son to Cap* Jeri* Riggs it Anue his Wife. March 2'*, Aurelius, Sou to Sam" A. Buckingham & Esther his Wife. March 30*'', Eliiah, Son to Eben" Hin- nian, Jn',& Eunice his Wife, baptized on his mother's right. April 20*'', Aviss, Dau*' to Cap' Sam uel Cande & Mable his Wife. April 20*1', Nancy, Dau*' to Benitt Rice & Wife. 550 ' April 20*'', Reuben Mills, Son to Heze- kiah Hine & Hannali his Wife. April 20"', Polly, Dau*'' to Moses Caude & Sarah his Wife. April 27*1', Laura, Daut' to Truman Stoddard & Sarah his Wife. May 18"', Nathau, Sou to Kezia, Wife to John Bassit, Jn^ June 14"', John Riggs) Sous to Joel Per- and > ry and Elizabeth Benuitt, ) his Wife. 555 June 15*1', Abigail linda Ann, Dau"^ to Dan' Fox (Sc Elisabeth his Wife. June 15*'', Azel, Sou to John Bucking- THE CONGREGATIONAL CIIUIWJI. liatn it Lucy his Wife. Juue 22'', Esther, Daut^ to David Riggs &. Betty his Wife. July G"', Noyes, Sou to Euuice Bradley, Wife to Beuj" Bradley. .560 July 20''', Cande, Sou to Roger Perkius & Betsy his Wife. Aug^t i7th^ Haunah, Dau'"" to James Riggs & Sarah his Wife. Aug't 18"', Susa, Dauf toPhiueas Johu- son & Sarah his Wife. August 24"S Roswell,Sou to Sarah, Wife to Jeremiah M.Kelly. August 24"', Luciua, Dauf to Samuel Riggs &. Gharry his Wife. 505 August 2-1"', Laura, Daut' to Philo Beecher & Mary his Wife. August 3P^ Kezia, Daut' to Philo R. Bristol & Nabby his Wife. Sept'- 14"', Chester, Son to Hannah, Wife to Abijah Chatlield. Ocf 8"', Hannah, Dauf^to Joseph VVoos- ter & Hanuah liis Wife. Ocf 8"', Laura, Daut' to Abel Waters & Ruth his Wife. 570 Oct^ 5"', Elias, Sou to Eliz ibeth, Wife to Dan. Chatfield. Oct^ 14"', Lucy & Charry, Daughters to David Smith & Lucy his Wife. Ocf 14"', Stephen, ) Philo & [ Sons to David Edward, ) Riggs. 575 Ocf 14"', Lyman, Sou to Wm. Morriss & Elizabeth his Wife. Ocf 19"', Lester, Sou to Sam" Bucking- ham &. Ruth his Wife. Ocf 30"', Lewis, Son to Eli Chatfield, presented by M"^^ Nickols. Nov'^23'', Rossita, Dauf-to Medad Cande & Betty his Wife, 580 Dec^ 14"', Esther, Dau*-^ to Timothy Johnson, Jn^ Dec'' 25"', Sarah, Dauf to Nathan Buck- ingham, Jn"^ (S;^ Silence his Wife. 1795- Jany28"', Lemuel, Son toEli.sabeth Dut- ton. Feby 28'^, Rebekah, Dauf^ to Abigail, W^ife to David Perkins. March 3'\ George, Son to Gideon Cande. 585 March 7"', Joel, Son to Joseph Durand presented by Lieut. John Bassitt. April 5"', Asahel, Son to Joseph Townor & Mary his Wife. Aprils"', Clarissa,Dauf to Ebeu" Buck- ingham, Ju' & Olive his Wife. April 5"', Sally Maria, Dau"" to William Morriss & Elizabeth his Wife. July 5"'. :\Iaria, Dauf^ to Sam" Tucker, Jn'' & Silence his Wife. .590 July 5"', Alma, Dauf to Luke Bunuel & Sarah his Wife. July .5"', Maria & Laura, Dauf" to Jolin Riggs the 3d & Mary his Wife. July 26"', Roxauia, Dauf to Lewis Blackman. Sepf 3'^, Julia, Dau"- to Ebeuezer Fair- child &. Eunice his Wife. 595 Sepf G"', Leverett, Son to Cap* Job Cande & Sarah his Wife. Sepf 27"', Esther, Dauf to David Smith Jn'' and Abilena his Wife. Ocf 4"', Aguis, Dauf to Roger Perkins and Betsey his Wife. Ocf 18'^ Anne Maria, Dauf to Moses Caude & Sarah his Wife. irse. Feb^ 9"', Pollv, Daut^^ ?"" ^^^'\ Bnstol, & Burrit, Son ( »^aP izedou their ) mother s right. Feby 14"', Luthauia, Dauf to Naboth Osborn & Susa his Wife. Feby 14"', Eunice, Dauf to Justus Caude & Eunice his Wife. Feby 28"', Roxana, Dauf to Eben^r Buck- ingham & Olive his Wife. Feby 28"', Hezekiah, Sou to John Buck- ingliam & Lucy his Wife. 605 March l*^^Rosewell, Son to Agur Curtiss & Polly his Wife, baptized on the right of its grandparents, M"^ Nathan Buck- ingham and Wife. March 6"', Bennett, Son to Enoch Bris- tol &, Sally his Wife. March 13"', Philomela, Dau" to D-^ Osee Dutton & Elisabeth his Wife,upou her mother's right. 610 March 27"', Lucy Maria, Dau"' to Joel Perry & Betty his Wife. May 15"', Harvey, Son to Truman Stod- ard & Sarah his Wife. May 15"', Lyman, Sou to Jledad Cande & Betty his Wife. May 29"', Hariott, Dauf to Philo Beech- er & Mary his Wife. 26 OXFOBD HISTORY. July W\ Polly, Daugtr to Nehe'^Durand & Ruth bis Wife. 615 Augst 7th^ pijiio^ gou to Kezia, Wife to John Bassit, Jn^. Augst gth^ Truman, Son to Isaack Chat- field & Sarah his Wife. Sept"^ 11*11. Esther, Dau'r to Sam" A. Buckingham & Estlier his Wife. Ocf 9t^ Thirza, Daut' to Hez^^ Hine & Han ah his Wife. 620 Ocf 9*", Lewis, Son to Truman Bristol & Wife. Ocf lOtb, Calvin, Son to Cap' Asahel Hide & Wife. Oct' 17"% Charles, Son to Roger Perkins & Betsey his Wife. Dec"" 4"', Nathan, Son to Isaac Brischo & Mary his Wife. Dec ^% Joel, Son to Luke Bunnell & Sarah his Wife. 625 Dec 11"', Wyllys, Son to Chester Smith & Kezia his Wife. Dec' ll*^'', Betsey, Dau*' to Dorman Leavenworth & Lucy his Wife. Dec 11"% Clarissia, Dauf to Philemon Hinman and Polly his Wife. Dec 25'^ Nathan Beecher, Son to Eben- ezer Fairchild & Eunice his Wife. Deer 3iflt^ Nancy, Dauf to Elizabeth, Wife of Dan. Chatfield. 630 1797- March 13, Lucy, ( Daughter & Sons to Markus < Cap* Asol Hide & Cyrus, ( Mary his Wife. April 1, Betsey, Daughter to William Morris & Elisabeth his Wife. April 23, Enos, Son to Abijah Chatfield &i- Hannah his Wife, baptized on his mother's right. 635 May 14, Manson, Sou to Nathan Buck- ingham, Jn"" & Selene his Wife. June 25, Lois, Daughter to Moses Cande & Sarah his Wife. July 23, Anne, Daughter to Timothy Johnson. August 11, Sarah, Daughter to David Can dee & Abigail his Wife, baptized on her rite. August 27, Eunice, Daughter to Samuel Riggs & C harry hie Wife. 640 September 10, Noah Russel Lyman, Son to Philo Riggs Bristol & Nabby his Wife. September 10, Melitta & Meritta, twins to Enoch Bristol & Sarah his Wife. Septem'" 29, Ursula, Daughter to David Smith Jn^^ & Abilene his Wife. Septem^*'^ 29, Lucy, Daughter to John Buckingham & Lucy his Wife. Oct*^ 15, Joseph, Son toEthiel Lounsbury & Betsey his Wife. 645 Ocf 15, Locca, Daugh'to Caleb Tomliu- son & Nabby his Wife. Ocf^ 16, Charry & Daniel, Daugh"" and Son to Walker Willmot and Mille Cent his Wife. Ocf^ 29'^ Cynthia, Daugh' to Asel Hide & Mary his Wife. Nov> 19"% David, Son to Ebenezer Buck- ingham and Olive his Wife. 650 Nov'' 26, Eunice, Daughter to Benjamin Bradley & Eunice his Wife. Novi' 26, Alta, Daughter to Joseph Per- kins & Sarah his Wife. 1798. Feby 13*^ Augustus, Son to Samuel Buckingham and Rutli his Wife. April 22d, Bazil, Son to Cap* Sam" Cande & Mable his Wife. April 29"% Thirza, Dau*!- to Joel Perry & Betty his Wife. 655 May 27*1^, Mary, Dau*»' to John Riggs, 3d & Mary his Wife. June 3, Sally, Daughter to Naboth Os- born & Susa his Wite. June 17*^ Rebekah, Dauf^ to Truman Stodard & Sarah his Wife. August 5, Ralph, Son to Roger Perkins & Betsey his Wife. Sepf^ 2% Spencer, Son to Hez'' Hine & Wife. 660 Sep*!' 9, Laura, Daughter to Lemuel Beardsley & Mercy his Wife. Sept'- 24*^ Rose we 11 & Betsey, Son & Daughter to Abeel Winters «fc Ruth his Wife. Sept"^ 25, Benjamin Vincen & Alvin Austin, Sons to Zebulon Lines & Lois his Wife. 665 Sepf 30"% James, Son to Daniel McCune & Sally his Wife. Ocf^ 21«% Stiles, Son to Chester Smith & Wife. Dec^^ 9"% Mark, Son to Dorman Leaven- worth & Lucy his Wife. CONGBEGA TIONAL CH UECH-BAFTISMS. 27 Dem'' 30''', Cyrus, Son to Truman Bris- toll & Polly bis Wife. 1799- Fcby 3'', Clark, Sou to Samuel A. Buck- ingham & Ester bis Wife. Feby 28'!^, Zeroi, Son to Isaac CbatBekl & Sarab bis Wife. 671 March 10, Lucinda, Daughter to Elijah Harger. March 10, Sherman, Son to Zebulon Lines & Lois bis Wife. March 17, Sally, Daughter to Caleb Tomlinson & Nabby bis Wife. March 31, Elisha, Son to George Clark & Lydia bis Wife, baptised on bis mother's right. 675 April 21^^ Polly, Daughter to Ebenezer Buckingham 6i. Olive bis Wife. April 21^^ Handford, Son to Eben"" Fair- child & Eunice bis Wife. April 28, Parsoxe, Daughter to Cyrus Candee & Rebekah bis Wife. May 11*'', Riverus, son to Martha, Wife of Noah Caude. May 19, Woodruff, son to Moses Candee & Sarah his Wife. 680 May 26, Lockwood, Son to David Bun- nell & Polly his Wife. June 30, Beulah, Daughter to Natlian Buckingham. Jn"^ & Selene his Wife. July 7, Wm. Son to Wm. Morris & Elis- abeth bis Wife. August 27, Elizabeth An, Daughter to Elizabeth, Wife to Dan. Chattield. Sept'' 8*, Leman, Son to Sam" Riggs & Charry his Wife. 685 Sepf 15, Hervey, Son to Luke Bunnell & Sarab bis Wife. Sept"^ 15, Ira, son to Enoch Bristol & Sally his Wife. October 13, Amanda, Daughter to Miles Lovlaud & Anne bis Wife. Ocf 27*1^, Alvin, Son to Timothy John- son. 690 Novr 15"', Miah & Sheldon, Sous to Jermiab M. Kelly, baptised on their mother's right. Dec"^ 4*1', Agnis, Daut' to Cyrus Caude & Rebekah his Wife, isoo. Jany 9"', Polly, Dau'^ to David McCume & Sally bis Wife. Feby 16"', Hannah, Daut"^ to Ilauuah, Wife to Abijab Chatfield. Feby 23'', Adoniram, Son to Roger Per- kins & Betsey bis Wife. 695 April 6, Julius, Sou to Daniel Cando & Lydia bis Wife, on his mother's right. April 6'^ Polly, Daughter to David Smith & Abilene bis Wife. April 20"', Elam, Son to Lemuel Beards- ley & Mercy bis Wife. May 9, Ira, Sou to Cap* Asabel Hide & Mary his ^Vife. May 9, Sebastian Maria Ximenes Pe- trucbio, Son to Doct"^ Hosea Dutton & Elizabeth bis Wife baptized on bis mother's right. 700 June 26, Minerva, Daughter to John Basset, Jn'^ & Kezia bis Wife, baptiz- ed on its mother's right. July 6, Charles, Son to Benjamin Brad- ley & Eunice bis Wife, baptised on bis mother's right. July 6, Sarab, Daughter to Walker Will- mott tSi Millecent bis Wife. Sept"''^'^ 7, Esther, Daughter to Moses Candee & Sarab his Wife. Sept"''"^ 14, Avis, Daughter to Joseph Townor & Mary bis Wife. 705 Sept'"'"^ 21, David Noyce, Son to Joseph Riggs & Lyddie bis Wife. Sepf't)'" 21, Abiel, Son to John Faircbild & Mary his Wife. Sept"''" 21, Isaac, Son to David Beecher & Polly bis Wife. Octo'" 20, Simon, Son & Susan & Eliza, Daughters to Susa Riggs. 710 Octo'"^ 26, Auer Fowler, Son to Cap* Hez- ekiali Hiue & Hannah his Wife. Dec"''"" 14, Sally Daughter to Caleb Tom- linson & Nabby his Wife. j)ggmbr 14^ Elizabeth An, Daughter to David Buunel & Polly liis Wife. Dec"''" 28, Esther, Wife to Elijah Treat baptised. 715 1801. January 11, Tbirza, Daughter to Zebu- lon Loins & Lois bis Wife. Jany 27, Philemon, Son, and Maria, Daughter, to Elijah Treat and Esther his Wife. March 22, Giles, Son to Miles Loveland and Anne his Wife. April 5, Bush, Son to Dorman Leaven- worth and Lucy his Wife. 720 COSGREOATIONAL CIllJItClI-MARRIAaES. 29 MARRIAGES. May 4thj ij64. These may Certify all iziJioni it inay Concern y^ those (Per= sons who are Specified by J^ame on the following (Pages ivere Tiiarried to each other. Test: (LJVIO fh(kOWJ^SOJ^, (Pastor. May 4, Samuel Smith and Sarah Ward, both of Oxford, entred into y^ Mar- riaa;e Covenant. Sept^ 5*1^, Daniel Osborn, Ju"'', of Oxford, k, Mary Picket of Darby entred into y** Marriage Covenant. 27^'^ Isaac Northrup and Hannah Wheeler of Oxford entred into the Marriage Covenant. April 10*^, Caleb Candee, Jn'', and Anna Sperry, both of Oxford, entred into the Marriage Covenant. March 4*'^, Isaac Scott of Waterbury and Sarah Smith of Oxford entred into y'' Marriage Covenant. May 5"^, Enos Camp, Jn"", of New Milford, married to Lois Wheler of Oxford. Sept'" S*!, Ezekiel Perry and Martha Wooster entred into the Marriage Covenant. Dec" SS*!, John Riggs and Elizabeth Hawkins, both of Oxford, Married. Deo'' 30*1', Abraham Hotchkiss and Hannah Weede, both of Waterbury, entred into the Marriage Covenant. June 5*1', Enos Candee and Nabby Hatch, both of Oxford, Marryed. Aug«* 11, Jeremiah Riggs and Anne Woodruff, both of Oxford, Married. Sepf 8*1', Samuel Fenn of Waterbury married to Rachel Osborn of Oxford. Nov'" 16*1', Daniel Curtis of Southbury married to Tryel Ward of Oxford. Nov'' 17*1', John More of Newtown married to Dorcas Washbon of Oxford. 30 OXFORD HISTORY. Teb' 14">, Lieu*. Thomas Clark and Eunice Riggs, both of Oxford, married to each other. April 12*1', Samuel Oteman of Allington married to Hannah Wooster of Oxford April 12, Eben^'" Osborn and Mamie Ward, both of Oxford. Augst 17*1^, Jeremiah Peck, Ju»», of Waterbury,raarried to Lois Bunnel of Oxford Sepf 11th, Jabez Kiggs and Sarah Osborn entered into y'' marriage Covenant. Oct'' 20**^, Cap*. Joseph Osborn & M''^ Abigail Lyman married to Each other. Dec 24*^, Isaac Nichols & Abigail Lyman, married. Feb. 8*1', Isaac Johnson of Southbury maried to Sarah Nichols of Oxford. Aug«* 2*1, Dan" Bassit of New Stratford married to Elizabeth liassit of Oxtord Feb'". 13*'', Noah Russell Lyman married to Comfort Fox. March 4*'', Mark Porter of Waterbury married to Abial Perkins. April 4*'', Benoni Ilurlbut of Litchfield married to Phebe Ufford of Oxford. Sepf 29th, Joseph Tucker & Eunice French, both of Derby, married. Dec'' 5*'', Eleazar Sperry married to Dorcass llolebrook. Jan''. 8*1', Abner Woolcot married to Catherine Griffin. Feb''. 5*1', David Cande of Oxford iMarried to Dinah Bristoll of West Haven. March 17, Ebenezer Hitchcock of Bethany mar. to Abigail Pritchard of Derby. April 30*1', Gideon Perry Married to Hannah Hinman. May 14*1', Gideon Candee married to Anna Andrus. Aug«* 12*1', j^t^j^Ij Dui-and, Ju'"', of Derby, married to Ruth Foot. Nov^ 22*^, Jeren)iah Durand IMarried to Hannah Trowbridge. Dec'" 13*1', Ezra Foot Maried to INIarey Durand of Derby. .June 10*1', Shoars Uflford Married to Elizabeth Durand. Sept'" 2'i, Nathan French married to Lucy Johnson. Nov^ 1**, James Pritchard, Jn'", of Derby, married to Rachel Warren of Bethany. Dec*' 5*1', Enoch Twitchel and Abiah Camp, both of Oxford, entered into the Marriage Covenant. Jan'". 3'i, Ebenezer Wooster and Ruth Hawkins, both of Oxford, entered into the Marriage Covenant. Feb*". 2*1, Reuben Sherwood of Ridgebury and Sarah Graves of Oxford Entered into the Marriage Covenant. Feb''. 17*1', Cap*. Zachariah Hawkins and Rachel Perry, married. CONGREGATIONAL GUURCIT-MAIUUAGES. 31 March 3'\ Elijah Hawkins of Oxford and Anne Davis of Derby, married. April 20*"', Alexander Sperry & Eunice Wooster, married. May 22'\ Lemuel Ilinman & Mary Blackman, married. July 7"', John Holbrook, Jn', of Derby, ^<, Huldah Fox of Oxford, married. Aug»* 17*^, Ebenezer Plant of Derby & Esther Bassett of Oxford, married. Ocf 2*1, Elihu Bates & Hannah Andrus married. Dec"" 7"', Ebenezer Warner & Elizabeth Pritchard of Derby, married. Dec'' 21''*, Aaron Mallery of Southbury and Anne French of Derby, married. Jan''. 5*'', Hezekiah Wooden & Eunice Perkins of Derby, married. Jan'". 25*^1, Israel Baldwin & Elizabeth Hatch, both of North Guilford, mar. Aug^* 24"', Jonathan Lumm the 3'\ of Oxford, & Lydia Pritchard of Derby, Oct'- 22*1, Ichabod Dean & Elizabeth Twitchel, Married. [married. Nov'" 13th, Joseph Biggs of Oxford and Ann Oanfield of Derby, married. Dec"" 19th, Isaac Tomlinson & Mary Hawkins, married. Jan^ 2oth, Joseph Smith of Newbury and Keziah Murry of Oxford, married. June 19th, Tobias & Eachel, Negro Servants to Cap^ John Wooster, mar. June 23*\ David Johnson, Ju'', & Elisabeth Ilotchkiss, Married. Sept' 2(>th, Ephraim Andrus of Oxford and Mary Skeels of Southbury, then Married. Oct' 14:th, Joseph Tomlinson of Oxford and Elizabeth Hull of Derby, married Jan"" 3'', Ephraim Skeeles tO Sarah Baldwin of Southbury, Married. Feb''. 20th, John Chatiield of Oxford & Mary King of Southbury, married. June 30th, Jared Osborn of Oxford & Freelove Anne Mallery of Southbury. Septr 30th, Caleb Perry & Sarah Eaton, married. Octr I''* Roger, Negro, and Beck, Negro Wench, married. Novr 19th, John Wheeler & Sarah Johnson, both of Derby, married. June 4th, Samuel Chatfield of Oxford tO Eunice Perkins of Derby, Married. Augs* 5th, David Tharp of Judea & Elizabeth Tomlinson of Derby, Married. Angst 5th, Eli ChatHeld of Oxford & Lois Mallory of Southbury, Married. Deer 22'\ Justus Cande of Oxford t€' Eunice Norton of Judea, Married. Janr. 17th, Timothy Cande of Oxford t€* Esther Thomas, Married. Febr. 28th, Lemuel Smith and Hannah Bassit, Married. March 4th, Nathaniel Flowers & Susanna Steel, both of Derby, married. March 4th, Ashbel Steel of Derby & Eunice Thompson of Oxford, Married. March 4th, William Keeny & Melinde Steel, both of Derby, Married. March ISth, Joseph Bassit, Ju", of Derby, and Molly Hinman of Oxford, Mar- April 8th, Sherman Hatch and Sarah Bassit, Married. .'^2 OXFORD HISTORY. May 17th, Adinah Strong of Soutlibury and Anne Scoot of Salem, Married. May 29th, Isaac Chatfield and Sarah Whitmore, Married, Angst 19th, Justus Johnson of Southbury and Sarah Thomas of Derby, mar. Novr 7th, Samuel Hull, Jnr, of Derby and Charlotte Phelps of Simsbury, m. Novr 11th, Beman Hale and Hannah Davis of Derby, Married. Novr 11th, Nath" Johnson of Derby and Rebekah Parson of Oxford, married. July IGth, Reuben Chapman and Hannah Botsford of Derby, married. Angst 22'\ Abner Riggs of Oxford and Phebe Rowland of Redden, married. Septr 2Gth, Moses Riggs and Susanna Tucker, Married. Septr 28th, Gideon Chatfield and Betsy Jones, Married. Octr 22'i, Isaac Bunnel, Jnr, and Hannah Tyler, Married. Novr 9th, Joseph Fairchild of Oxford and Hannah Wheeler of Derby, mar. Deer 6th, Nehemiah Cande and Content Woodruff, Married. Febr 15th, Edmund Mallery of Southbury and Mable Johnson of Derby, mar. rebr25th, Silas Hawkins and Sarah Perry, Married. March 1st, Bears Tomlinson and Sarah Bassit of Great Hill, married. March 15th, Jehiel Iline and Elisabelh Johnson, Married. April 9th, Amos Tuttle and Rachel Jones, Married. May 24th, Thomas Kimberly of Woodbury and Army Hawkins of Oxford. Septr 6th, Abel Pierson and Hannah Fairchilds, married. Septr 9th, Noah Thomas and Mary Toles of Bethany, Married. Septr 30th, Peter Hawking and Sussa Dutand, Married. April 4th, Andrew Graham, Jnr, of Woodbury, and Sarah Smith of Derby. June 13th, Joseph Beach of Waterbury and Hannah Miles of Oxford, mar. June 17th, Eli Smith of New Milford and Huldah Merwin of Oxford, mar. .Tanr 9th, George Clark of Oxford and Lydia Osborn of Salem, Married. Janr 19th, Dr. Osee Dutton and Elizabeth Trowbridge, Married. Febr 5th, Jesse Meigs and Hannah Pritchard of Bethlehem, Married. March 6th, Nathan Tomlinson of Greathill and Zerviah Bassit of Oxford, m. March 10th, Joseph Osborn, 3'\ and Sarah Smith, Married. March 13th, Ebenezer Twitchel and Jerusha Finch', Married. March 2Gth, William Bunnel and Sarah Dorman, Married. April 17th, Joseph French of Ripton and Sarah Chatfield of Oxford, married April 30tli, Benjamin Bradley and Eunice Downs, Married. June 29th, Reuben Hiccock and Sarah Wheeler of Derby, Married. Novr. 24th, Samuel Tucker, Jnr. and Silence Moss Married. May 3d, Daniel Cande and Lidy Wilmott Married. MARRIAGES. 33 Sepf 8*1', Timothy Johnson Jn^' of Oxford & Olive Adams of Salem, married Sept' 19*^5 Daniel Stark & Electy Loveland of Derby married. Oct>' 6*^, Abraham Canlield of Greathill & Mable Johnson of Derby,married. Oct'" 12*'', Phineas Johnson Jn'' & Lois Skeels married. Nov' 8^^, Elijah Durand & Anna DeLavan married. Nov 30"', Lewis Stancliff of South-britain & Mable Griffin of Oxford, mar. Dec' 2*1, Richard Pitt & Sarah Osborn of Salem married. Feb^' 16"', Nathaniel Pangborn & Sarah Wooden, married. March 9"', Bradford Steel Jn'" and Ruth Wheeler of Derby, married. March 10"', Jonathan Hinman & Betty Hinman of South britain, married. March 21**, Samuel Faulkner & Sarah Person, married. March 31^*, Luke Bunnel & Betty Bates, married. May 25*^, Joel Gilbert of Ripton & Patience Chatfield of Oxford, married. June 28*1', Samuel Buckingham & Ruth Fairchild, married. July 24*'', Obed Weebster of Litchfield & Betsey Lake of Oxford, married Aug^* 7*'', Nehemiah Durand & Ruth Jones, married. Aug^* 18*'', John Coe & Ruth Johnson of Derby, married. Sept' 20*'', Solomon Parker of Watertown & Huldah Flin of Oxford,raarried. Oct' 16*", Reuben Tucker of Derby & Tabitha Perry of Oxford, married. Nov' 3'', Simeon Stoddard of Woodbury «& Milly Thomas of Bethany, married. Nov' 24*11, Benj'" Hilton & Sarah Munson of Watertown, married. Dec' 7*'', Amos Fox & Betty Perry, married. Dec' 12*'', Zachariah Fairchild & Hannah Durand of Great Hill, married. Jany 1®*, Isaac Hawkins & Anne Smith, married. Feb^ 12*'', Dan. Chatfield & Elizabeth Wliitmore, married. Feby 12*'', Amos Dunning of Southbritain & Milo Perry of Oxford, married. March 7*'', Reuben Hawkins & Anna Wooster, married. March 30*'', Curtis Peet of Southbury & Mary Johnson of Oxford, married. July 19*'', Jedediah Munn Jn' and Molly Hubbard of Southbury, married. Oct' 1^*, Abel Wheeler of Derby & Eunice Riggs of Oxford, married. Nov' 22^1, Benjamin Bunnel & Mary Twitchel, married. Dec' 19*'', Uriah Morehouse of Fairfield :k Beulah Lewis of Oxford, married. Dec' 21'**, Luke Bunnel & Sarah Buckingham, married. Jany 17*'', John Smith & Lucy Parker, married. Feby 15*'', Daniel Roe Jn' of Long island & Nabby Tucker of Derby,married. April 11"', David Cande & Abigail Buckingham, married. Sep*' 2d, Abel Holbrook of Great hill & Hannah Clark of Oxford, married. Nov' 25*'', Amos Coe of Southbury & Elizabeth Burrel of Oxford, married. Dec' 26*'', Daniel Smith of Southbury & Anne Brownson of Oxford, married. 34 OXFORD HISTOEY. JanJ" 31«t, Eben" Johnson Jn'" & Lois Pitcher, married. Feb^ 5*^, Nathaniel Wooster & Charity Plum, married. FebJ" 14, George Xorton & Kachel Bates of Eoxbury, married. June 2*^, Abel Smith of Great hill & Damaras Botsford, married. August 10*^, James Wentworth & Desire Durand, married. 160 August 21^*, Miles Basset & Mariamne Ward, married. Ocf 9*1^, Russel Beebe, State of N. York & Esther Bristol of Oxford married. Oct^ 9"^, Issachar Norton of Washington & Esther Woodruff of Oxford, mar. Nov'" 2'!, Medad Keeny & Lidia Ranney of Derby, married. Nov 25«\ John Atleby & Elizabeth Barber. State N. York, married. 165 Dec"- 25*11, Abel Waters of Oxford & Ruth Curtis of Stratford, married. Dec"" 3pt, Jethro Martain, negro, & Olive, Negro, married. Jan^ 21^*, David Smith & Abilena Beecher, married. JanJ" 21^*, Moses Cande and Sarah Woodruff, married. Jau^' 26*1^, Isaac Whitney and Betty Whitemore of Derby, married. No. 170 March 26*1^, Moses Johnson and Clary Twitchel, married. April o^^, Daniel Hide and Eunice Beard, married. April 16^^, Charles and Lois Cande, married. July (j^^, Asa Osborn of Southbury and Sarah Hide of Oxford, married. Ocf 4*11, Ezra Johnson and Betty Tucker, married. 175 Dec*" 30*1^, Nathan Buckingham Jn'" and Selena Lewis, married. Feby 18*11, Enoch Bristol of Oxford and Jean White of Southbury, married. April 29*11, Medad Cande and Betty Bristol, married. June 2*1, Roger Perkins and Betsey Cande, married, Sept^ 17*ii, Joel Perry and Elizabeth Riggs, married. 180 Sepf 30*1', Gitieon Booth and Hannah Stonecliff of Southbury, married. Ocf 17*ii. Amos Fox and Jemima Flin, married. Jany 6*ii, Philo Riggs Bristol and Nabby Lyman, married. JanJ" 12*ii, Jehiel Peet of Oxford and Lois Manvil of Woodbury, married. March 16*ii, George Holmes of the State of N. York and Eunice French of Oxford, married. 185 March 30*ii, Isaac Wooster and Mary Ann Perry, married. April 14*11, Daniel Fox and Elizabeth Smith, married. May 9*1', Phineas Johnson of Oxford and Sarah Terril of Salem, married. Oct"" 27*ii, Samuel Riggs and Charry Riggs, married. Jan^ 9*ii, Richard Freeman of Waterbury and Hannah Souars of Oxford, mar. Jan^ 12*ii, Abijah Chatfield and Hannah Reecher, married. March 15*1", Ephraim Judson of Huntington and Anne Lewis of Oxford, mar. MAllKIAGES. 35 March 28"\ William Morriss & Elizabeth Thomas, married. Ocf 29*^, Ebenezer Buckingham, Jn''., & Olive Woodruff, married. Nov^ 20^^, Ebenezer Ford Bennet of Newtown & Anne French Beardslee of Oxford, married. 195 Jan'" 1''*, John Riggs, 3*\ & Mary Beecher, married. Jan'" 16'^, Joseph Perkins & Sarah Cande, married. Jan'" 24*'', John Beecher & Polly Thomas, married. Feb'" 13*'', Cap* Joseph Osborn & M'^ Elizabeth Tomlinson, married. April 24*1', Winthrop Blagley of Southbury & Lucy Wooster of Oxford, mar. June 3^, Walker Wilmott & Millicent Hitchcock, married. June 29*1', Ezra Johnson & Betty Curtiss, married. Aug®* I''*, Philo Beecher & Marry Biggs, married. Sepf 4*'', Joseph Tuttle & Anna Perkins, married. Sept'" 18*'', Samuel Jones «& Esther Lyman, married. 205 Ocf" 20*'', Abel Woodward of Watertown & Susanna Woodruff of Oxford, m. Oct" 27*1', Philemon Hinman of Oxford and Mary Finch of Farraingbury, m. Nov'" G*i', Eliphas Bradley of Southbury and Bettsey Perry of Oxford, mar. Nov*" 7*1', Lieut. Samuel Wheeler and Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, married. Nov'" 12*1', Jonathan Law of Milford and Rebekah Davis of Oxford, married. Jan"" 27tb, Joseph Perry and Currents Kimberley, married. May P*, Isaac Hill and Elizabeth Ann Bunnel, married. June 21^*, John Salem Hide and Betsey Twichel, married. Sept' 4th, Enoch Johnson and Grace Leavenworth of Southbury, married. Nov'" 9th, David Riggs and Hannah Wheeler, married. 215 Nov'" 30th, Aaron Brownsou of Southbury and Anne Ward of Derby, mar. Dec'" 25tb, Lewis Mynott and Anne Barnes, married. Jan'" 25tb, Zebulon Lines and Lois Andrus, married. Jan'" 28tli, Thomas Clark, Esq'., and M'"^ Hannah Curtiss, married. May 5th, Edmund Austin of Waterbury and Ranna Wheeler of Derby, mar. May 10th, Isaac Riggs and Sarah Wheeler, married. May 31^*, Billy Carpenter or Derby and Sally Gilchrist of Woodbury, mar. June 5th, Lyman Smith and Milly Hitchcock, married. June 26th, Moses VYlieeler and Betsey Ann Loveland, married. June 30th, Gideon Perry and Comfort Sherwood, married. 225 July 30th, Josiah Smith and Betty Holbrook, both of Derby, married. August 27th, Amos Wheeler and Nabby Holbrook, both of Derby, married. Sept'" 20th, Jonathan L. Nickels and Lois Riggs, married. Oct'" 25th, Lemuel Beardsley and Mercy Perry, married. Nov'" 5th, Caleb Tomlinson and Nabby Fairchild, married. 230 Nov^ 22-^ Agur Curtiss of Huntington and Polly Buckingham of Oxford, m. 36 OXFOED HISTORY. Dec*' 13th, Dorman Leavenworth and Lucy Tucker, married. Jan*" 31"*, John Fairchild and Mary Lyman, married. March 3'\ Gideon Judson of Roxbury and Betsey Durand of Oxford, mar. April 10th, Ethiel Lounsbury and Betsey Riggs, married. April 25th, Moses Osborn of Salem and Comfort Cande of Oxford, married. May 19tb, Josiah Tucker and Polly Moore, married. June 2**, Lewis Peirson and Esther Smith, married. June 2*^, John Hinman and Abigail Pood, married. 240 Nov' 27th, Gideon Paton of Newtown and Hannah Harger of Oxford, mar. Dec'^' 8th, David Wooden and Sarah Wooster, married. Dec'' 22"^, Cyrus Cande and Rebekah Mun, married. Jan' 1^*, Joel Buckingham & Anne Bristol, married. Jan'" 19*'', Truman Baldwin of Salem & Anne Hurlbut of Roxbury, married. Jan'' 22*1 Noah R. Lyman & Phebe Porter, married. April 26, George Steel & Esther Buckingham, married. July 7, Andrew Bates & Anne Perry, married. Dcm"- 31«t, SAMUEL M. KEE and ELECTE ANDRUS, married. Frby 4"', '98, Silas Foster of Gal way and Patty Woodruff of Oxford, married. Feby 22"'!, Miles Loveland & Betsey Ann Twitchell, married. April 18*'', Zachariah Hawkins, Jn'', & Sally Mallory, married. June 12*'', Josiah Brownson & Mary Williams of Midlebury, married. Novem^'' *''5, John Buckingham & Esther Osborne,' married. Feb'' 27*'', Levi Riggs & Nancy Washburn, married. 255 Nov 27*'', John Smith of Derby & Molly Bristol of Oxford, married. May 2"'', Abner Hinman, Southbury, and Polly Beardsley of Oxford, married June 9, Arad Skeels & Sarah Lake, married. IHOO. Jan'' 5*'', David Dickernian & Mable Kelly, married. Jan'' 30*", Sam" Riggs, 2'"^, & Elizabeth Rigby, married. 260 August 27*'', Andrew Hik & Sarah Anne Chatfield, married. Janu''-^ 18, Jabez Prindle of Xewton & Susanna Wooster of Oxford, married. Jan''y 22'', Samuel Twichel & Lucy Hinman, married. May 20*", Philo Sanford & Charry Whelor, married. May 27*", Isaac Clark and TTuldah Griffin, married. 265 Novem'' 12, Timothy Cande and Lusane Twichel, married. Novm'"' 22, James Wheeler, 3'*, and Phebe Sanford, married. Dec" 9, Phineas Turrele of Bethany and Ruth Wooster of Oxford, married. Decemb'' 24, David Wooster of Oxford and Joana Stilson of Newtown, mar. MAKFJAGES. 37 Jan'' 26*'', Joseph Blake and Louisa Osborn, married. 270 Jan'' 27*'', Leverit Lines and Sally Blake, married. Feb'' 4"^, Josiah Swift of Derby and Esther Twitchell of Oxford, married. Feb^' 18*", Clark Bunnel of Oxford and Elinor Rodes of Milford, married. Feh'' 24*'^, Isaac Addison Bischo and Sarah Davis, married. April 8*'', Ebenezer Anson Ri,^;gs and Sebra Holbrook, married. 275 Nov'' 16*'', John Limberner and Fanny Marting, married. Jan'' 12*'', Timothy Hitchcock of Woodbridge and Urania Twitchell of Oxford. Jan'" 24*'', John C. Hull and Hannah Chatfield, married. Jnne 23^', Samuel A. Buckingham of Oxford andMary Campof Lincolm, ra. Aug«* 3'', Caleb Cande, Jn'', and Lucina Twitchel, married. No. 280 Oct^' 6*'', Henry Broomfield of Cheshire and Rebekah Law of Oxford, married. Ocf Sl'^*, Oliver Buckingham of Bethany and Hester Sanford of Oxford, m. Nov'' 20*'', Jeremy Hull Twitchel and Anne Cande, married. Nov'" 23'* Joel Finch and Grace Twitchel, married. Jan^ 25*'', Elias Scott and Lucinda Riggs, married. 285 March 28*'', Salmon Griffin and Betsey Lewis, married. Ocf^ 24*'', Ebenezer Humberfield and Anne Riggs, married. Nov'" 14*'', Gideon Riggs and Susan Pitcher, married. Nov'" 21^*, Edward Moss of Derby and Lois Twitchell of Oxford, married. isoe. Jan'" 29*", Hiram Osborn and Sally Finch, married. 290 March 12th, Rosewell Cande and Jury Riggs, married. May 18th, Richard Baker of Bridgeport and Hannah Kelley of Oxford, mar. No"^"" 1, Isaac Chatfield, J'"', and Sabria Beebee, married. Dec. 31, Agur Miner of Southbury to Polly Bassett of Oxford. Feb. 5, Isaac Treat to Eleanor Stiles. March 11, Bennet Pangman to Susan Clark. Samuel Mallery to Lucretia Davis. 25, Ransom Clark Lord of New Haven toCharitySperry of Woodbridge. Parsons of Derby to Merib Lyman of Oxford. Ap. 9, Wheeler Lewis to Marian Spencer. July 15, M'^. Nath®' G. Huntington of Hartford, candidate for the ministry, to Elizabeth Tucker of Woodbridge. Nov. 29, Havey Smith Boothe of N. Stratford. Dec. 31, Issac Towner to Eunice Johnson. 38 OXFORD HISTORY. ISll. April 22, Parley Bugbee of Woodstock to Anne Wilmot of Oxford. May 8, Nathan Harris of Southbury to Maria Bristol of Oxford. 16, Cyrns Hawkins to Olive Towner. Oct. 6, George Bennett of Huntington to Sally Beardsley of Oxford. 26, Charles Tomlinson to Esther Cande. 'Nor. 1, Bowers Johnson to Lotta Trumbull. Nov. 19, Truman Strong to Nancy Garret. Nov. 24, Beers of Trumbul to Esther Lewis of Oxford. Dec. 15, Chauncey Cooper to Anna Cande. ISIS. March 9, Burr Nash of Fairfield to Polly Oatraan. 22, Peck of Newtown to Mary Griffin. April 5, Lyman Baldwin of Southbury to Nancy Cande. 30, Abial Nichols to Lucina Hinman. May Joseph Deforest of Woodbury to Leete Hull. May 17, Isaac Smith to Sarah Bristol. Dec. 9, Eldad Scott of Salem to Eunice Scott. James Spencer of Oxford to Eunice Pritchard of Derby. 1S14. Feb. 1, Bennet Hitchcock to Ansa Bradley. Ransom Mallory and Lucy Cande. Harvey Tyler & Eunice Riggs. John P. Andrus to Eunice Cande. An Account of those y* entred in to y*' Marriage Covenant with eacli other, taken from y^ Files of y'^ Rev^^. W. Lyman, April 10, 1754, Benjamin Fox and Esther Chatfield entred into y*" Marriage Covenant. May 22, 1749, Richard Smith & Rachel Wilmot entred in to y'' Marriage Covenant. Jan"' 1749-50, Isaac Tomlinson & Sibilla Russell entred in to y'' Marriage Covenant. Feb'" 12, 1751-2, Elisha Wheler & Hannah Perry entred into the Marriage Covenant. Jan^ 29, 1751-2, Jesse Wheler and Elizabeth Hull entred into y'' Marriage Covenant. April 22, 174G, Andrew Minroe of Branford and Elizabeth Baiar of Darby entred into y® Marriage Covenant. April 22, 1746, Timothy Washband of Darby and Hannah Curtis of Stratford entred into y^ Marriage Covenant. , % MARRIAGES. 39 Jan'' 15, 1747-8, Isaac Trowbridge and Judath Hale entred in to y*" Marriage Covenant. Aug^* 29, 1759, Reuben Hail and Diantha Ward entred into y« Marriage Covenant. June 13, 1757, John Riggs, Jun"', and Abigail Peet entred into y° Marriage Covenant. Ocf 24, 1 754, Stephen Hull and Jane Sperry entred into y" Marriage Covenant. Feb^ 19, 1755, David Zunson of Southbury and Sarah Trowbridge of Oxford entred into y*' Marriage Covenant. Oct"' 1, 1752, Benjamin Bunnel and Ruth Smith entred into y" Marriage Covenant with each other. Feb'' 23, 1757, Abial Fairchild , Jun'" and Hannah Chatfield entred into y° Marriage Covenant. Feb'' 23, 1757, Joseph Fairchild and Huldah Porter entered into y*' Marriage Covenant. Aug^t 14, 1753, Caleb Perry and Rachel Smith entred into y'" Marriage Covenant. June 20, 1747, John Durand and Sarah Chatfield entred into y'" Marriage Covenant. April 1, 1750, John Starr of Danbury and Auis Twitchel entred in to y*' Marriage Covenant. June 14, 1754, Peter Wooster and Martlia Smith entred into y'' Marriage Covenant. Augst 21, 1753, Jose|)h Smith and Hannah Mallery entred y*" Marriage Covenant. March 15, 1759, John Smith of Darby and Abigail Gunn of Waterbury entred into y® Marriage Covenant. June 30, 1747, Pero and Phylis, Negroes, Servants to James Wheler, entred into y*^ Marriage Couenant. Sept^- 30, 1700, Gideon Tuttle and Mary Stiles, both of Woodbury, entered into the Marriage Covenant. Dec^r 9^'', 1701, Naboth Candee and Esther Trowbridge entred into y Mar- riage Covenant. June 14, 1750, Blisha Lewis and Tamar Hale entred into the Marriage Covenant. Feb"" 14, 1759, John Manvil & Elizabeth Weede entred y'' Marriage Covenant. March 0, 1700, Nathan Buckingham and Esther Osborn entred into y*^ Mar- riage Covenant. A True Coppy. Attest : David Brownson, Pastor. Aug^t 7, 1701, Richard Smith & Anne Sylbe, Married. Dec'' 30, 1705, Alexander Johnson & Hannah Riggs, Married. Dec 30, 1755, Reuben Atwater of Cheshire and Mary Russel, married. BAniSMS. « BAPTISMS. Continued from page 25. June 7, Sheldon, son to William Morris & Betsey his Wife. July 9, Jeremiah, son to Ruth, Wife of Nehemiah Durand. July 9, Daniel, son to Elizabeth, Wife of Dan Chatfiekl. July 26, John Harpiu, sou to John Riggs, Jnr., & Mary his Wife. August 9, Jason, son to Truman Stoddard & Sarah his Wife. 715 August 30, Sina, Daughter to Cyrus Candee & Rebecca his Wife. August 30, Polly Maria, Daughter to David Beecher & Polly his Wife. Septem^" 13, Larapson, son to Molly, Wife to John Smith. October 18, Elizabeth & Anne, Twin Daughters to Sam" Riggs & Charry his Wife. 720 :N'ov'"'»" 8, Harry, son to Sarah, Wife to Jeremiah M. Kelly. ISTove'"'" 8, Ira, son to Philo Beecher »& Mary his Wife. Dec'"^' C, Daniel, son to Naboth Orsbon & Susa his Wife. Jan»' 17*1', Caroline, Dau*'' to Chester Smith & Wife . Feb'- 5"', Sally, Dau*'' to Sam" A. Buckingham & Esther his Wife 725 Feb"- 25*^, Minerva, Dau*'" to Joseph Riggs & Wife. March 25"', Betsey, Dau*' to Nathan Buckingham, Jn'", & Selina his Wife. April 13"', David, Son to Joel Perry & Betty his Wife. April 16"', Edmun, Son to Ethial Lounsbury & Betsey his Wife. April 25, Harriet, Daughter to Enoch Bristol «& Sally his Wife. April 25, Eliza, Daughter to Lemuel Beardsley & Mercy his Wife. April 25, Nathan, son to George Steel & Esther his Wife. April 25, Augustus, son to David Bunnell oc Polly his Wife. April 27"', Caroline, Dan"' to Moses Cande & Sarah his Wife Sally, ) May 7"', Betsey, > Daughters to Thomas Leavenworth, Minerva, ) May 9"', Roxa, Dan" to Cap^ Job Cande & Sarah his Wife. June 9"', Polly, Dau" to Truman Bristol & Betsey his Wife. June 27"^, Caroline, Dau"' to W^alker Wilmott & Millicent his Wife. Aug«* 1«*, Minerva, Dau" to David Machine & Sally his Wife. 42 OXFORD HISTORY. Aug«* 23'^, Harriet, Dau*'' to David Smith, Jn^, & Abilena his Wife. Sepf 5*^, Peerlus, Son to Timothy Johnson. /^Truman, -vr 1- \ Lois, — Lanson, 4th < Alvin, — Children to Treat Loveland & Betty his Wife. ' / Daniel, C^ Horace, Chester, Son to Isaac Briggs & Sarah his Wife. Dec^ 26"', Anne, Dau*'" to Nancy, Wife of Enoch Perkins. Jan'- 9, S-^^^^^'i ] Son & Dau*^' to Cloe, Wife to Philo Thomas. ' Merando, ) ' Jan^- L8"', Lyman, Son to Abel Waters & Wife. Jan'' 2G, ^ Simeon, ^ 1 Betsey, ( Sons & Daughters to Cap*. Timothy Wheeler and \ Hannah, & ? Hannah his Wife. ( Nathan, ) FeV V\ Philo Burnt, Son to Philo R. Bristol & Nabby his Wife. Feb"" Q^^, Lucinda, Daut' to Timothy Cande. March 3% Zebulon Marshal, Son to Zebulon Lines & Lois his Wife. March Gth, Thirza, Daut'' to Elijah Treat & Esther his Wife. March 7*'', Caroline, Daut^' to Elijah Harger. May 15*^, Lyman, Son to John Fairchild & Mary his Wife. May 22^ Eliot, Son to W'". Morris & Betsey his Wife. May 22'\ Samuel, Son to Caleb Tomlinson & Nabby his Wife. May 22'!, Jane, Daut'' to David Beecher & Polly his Wife. June 12*'^, Horace, Son to Sam" Buckingham. Augs*^ 22'^, Harpin, Son to Miles Lovehind & Anne his Wife. Sepf 4*1', Rusha Marthea, Dauf to Uri Scott & Esther his Wife. Sept'' 4*'', Pierpoiot, Son to Sam" Briggs & Charry his Wife. Sept'' 7*'', Garwood, Son to Kezia, Wife to John Bassit, Jn^ Oct'' 19"', Ebenezer, Son to Eben^'' Fairchild & Eunice his Wife, Dec'' 21^*, Isaiah, Son to W'". Bunnel, presented & dedicated by his Gran- father, Isaac Bunnel. Jan'' 15*1', Clary, Dau*'' to Truman Stoddard & Sarah his Wife. Feb''3'i, Julia Ann, Daugh*'' to Nathan Buckingham, Jn'., & Selena his Wife. March 9*i', Justus, Son to Timothy Cande. Mirch 18*'', Aurin, Son to Daniel Cande & Lydia his Wife. March 18*'', Meritt, Son to Joseph Riggs & Wife. March 20*'', Alecta, Dau*'' to Naboth Osborn & Susa his Wife. May 13*1', Hanford, Son to Treat Loveland & Betty his Wife. May 13, Lucinda, Dant' to George Steel & Esther his Wife. May 22'i, Wales Woodward Austin, Son to Moses Cande «& Sarah his Wife. MARRIAGES. 43 May 22*^, Hariot, Dan*'- to Joel Perry & Betty his Wife. June 17"', Mehetable, Dau*'' to Lemuel Beardsley & Mercy his Wife. June 24, David, Son to Ethiel Lounsbury & Betsey his Wife. July 29*'', Polly Augusta, Dau*'' to Cyrus Cande & Rebekah his Wife. August 2G*'', Sylvania, Dau*' to Truman Bristol & Wife. Sepf 16*1', Lucinda, Dau*"- to John Riggs & Mary his Wife. Sepf 16"'-, Garry, Son to Chester Smith & Keziah his Wife. Sepf^ 19*", Alfred, Son to Elijah Harger. Sept^ 23'\ Emmeliue, Daug*'' to Enoch Bristol. Dec. 2*^, Marcia, Daug*'" to Zebulon Lines & Lois his Wife. DeC" 23*1, Mary, Daugh*'' to Luke Bunnel & Sarah his Wife. Dec*' 30*1', JqIius, Son, & Junia, Daug*'', Twins, to Samuel Buckingham. Dec 30*1', Oyntha. Dan*' to Eben^'' Buckingham & Olive his Wife. Jan'" 13*1', Lucey, Dau*'' to Dorman Leavenworth & Lucy his Wife. Jan*- 26*1', p^tty, Dauf to Timothy Johnson. April 7*1', Caroline, Dau*' to Ruth, Wife of Lewis Waklee. May 12*1', j„ij.^ ^^^^ Dau*'' to Miles Loveland & Anne his Wife. June 23^ Jason, Son to W". Morriss & Betsey his Wife. June 23*1, Charlotte, Dau*'' to Nancy, wife of Enoch Perkins. July 2P*, Charry, Dau*'" to Sam" Riggs & Charry his Wife. July 28*1', Stiles, Son to John Fairchild & Mary his Wife. Ocf 6*11, Selena, Daut'" to Nathan Buckingham, Jn'", & Selena his Wife. Nov'" 12*1', Hepzibah, Dau*' to Cyrus Perry, baptized on its Grandfather, (jideon Perrv's, Right. Jan'" 28*1', Philo, Son to Truman Stoddard & Wife. Feb'" 2*1, Patty, Daughter to Elijah Treat and Esther his Wife. June IS*!", Nancy, Dau*'" to Ebenezer Buckingham and Olive his Wife. July 8*1', Daniel, Son to Mable, Wife to Jeremiah M. Kelley. Aug^* 4*1', Timothy, Son to Timithoy Johnson. Augs* 4th^ Eunice Genett, Daut'" to Timothy Cande. Aug^* 18*1', Juiiia, Dau'" to Joseph Riggs. Aug''* 31®*, Edmond, Son to Ethiel Lounsbury. Sept'" 14*1', Polly Caroline. Daugh*'" to Chester Smith. Oct'" 28, Patty Genett, Daughter to Moses Candee and Sarah his Wife. Oct' 28, Nathan, Son to Joel Perry and Betty his wife. July 16, Clark Smith, Son of Mr. George Steele. August 13, Betsy, William and Harry, children of Sara^i Heaton. October 1st, Lucinda, daughter of Elias Scott. 8, James Andrew, son of S. A. Buckingham. 44 OXFORD HISTORY. Nov. 5, A child of Sam'l Buckingham. Dec. 24, Mary, daughter of Wakelee. ISIO. April 2G, Abel, Son of Truman Bristol. Nov. 25, Atwater, sou of Elijah Treat. Eunice Agusta, daughter of Isaiah Cande. William Austin, ) n /• t\t tth r -r> i • i Wales Woodruff, } S<>«s of Mr. Eb^ Buckmgham. May 5, Harriet Sophia, daughter of Rev'^ N. Freeman. June 23, Silas Gunn, Grandson of M''. Uri Scott. July 7, Esther Maria, daughter of M'". George Steele. Aug. 25, Asahel Lewis, son of Mr. Elias Scott. Sept. 8, Elizabeth Maria, Daughter of Walker Wilmot. Mary Elizabeth, Daughter of D^ N. Stone. Oct. 6, Polly, daughter of Joseph Riggs. ISIS, Jan'" 6, Amelia Lucretia, Daughter of W™ Morris. Feb. 16, Burnet Dwight, son of Timo Cande. April 23, Mary, daughter of Sam'l A. Buckingham. iedut'a, } C™-" «f Mun. 1S13. April 24, John Robinson, Son of Rv'^ N. Freeman. Eunice, Daughter of D"^. Noah Stone. DEATHS. . 4^"^ DEATHS. April 6^^, Abigail, Daughter to Lieu*. Sam'^ Wheler, in y® 20 or 21^* year of her Age. Augs* 2, Agnes, Daughter to Lieu*. Sam^' Wheeler, Died in y'' 10^'' year of her Age. Sept'' 1, Ruth, Wife to Nathan Fairchild, Died in y® 21«t year of her Age. 30, Yelverton Perrey, died in y*' 78*'' Year of his Age. Nov'" 9*'', Sarah, Wife to Isaac Nichols, died in y*' 27*'^ Year of her Age. r> Dec"^ 2^, A Child of Yelverton Perrey, died aged 2 Days. Jan'' 3*', Ruth, Daughter to Nathan Fairchild, died aged 4 Months. Feb'' 14*^^, Mehitabeel Bunnel, Widow to Benjamin Bunnel, Deceased, died in y" 59*'' or 60*'' year of her Age. March 26, Hannah, Wife to Isaac Northrop, died in y^ 38*'' Year of her Age. July 11*'', Rachel, Wife to Yelverton Perry, died in y** 25*'' Year of her Age. Jan'' 10*'', Sybillia, Daughter to Isaac Trowbridge, Jn', died in y^' 11*'' Year of her Age. May 12*'', Pel, A Negro Boy, and Servant to David Johnson, died in the 5*'' Year of his Age. May 22^, Micajah, Son to Gideon Perry, died. Nov'' 23*1, Sarah, Wife to John Durand, Sen'', deceased, died. Jan"" 17"', An infant Child to Jared Osborn died. Feb"" 13*1', Sarah, Daut' to Jeremiah Mather Kelly, died. March 4*i', An Infiiut Child to David Tomlinson died. 135 March 4*'', A Child to Ephraiiu Andrus died. March 11"', Lucinda, Daut' to Ephraim Andrus, died. April 11"', Mary, Wife to Phineas Johnson, died. May IG*^, Betty, Wife to Amos Fox, died. May IG"', Ruth, Widow to Robert Wheeler deceased, died. 140 June 30"', Oliver Chatfield died. March 25*^, Leveritt, infant Sou to Joseph Osborn, Jn'', died. April 13'^, Pero, Negro, died. July 2'\ Mary Perkins, Widow to Roger Perkins Deces**, died. Sepf 24*1', jg.^.ig Beecher died. 145 Nov'' 5*1', Wife to Jonathan Griffin, died. Nov'' 6*1', Abijah Hide, Jn'', died. ITOO. March 1-^*, Lois, Widow to Caleb Cande, Deceased, died. March 27*i', A Child to Elijah Hawkius died. March 29*i', Betty, Wife to Ezra Johnson, died. 150 March 31^*, Beers Perry drowned. May 1^*, Polly, Dan*'' to Olive Perry, died. May 6*1', Eunice, Wife to Jared Buckingham, died. May 9*1', Leraan, Son to Eleazer Sperry, died. May 13*", Hannah, Wife to Gideon Perry, died. 15£ June 9*", Eunice, Dau*'" to Nathan Davis, died. July 14*1', Qiiye, Dau*"^ to James Perry, died. August 21®*, Asa, Son to Gideon Cande, died. Sepf 17*'', Anne, Widdow to Sam" Wooster deceased, died. Nov' 6*1', Noah Russel Lyman, Son to N. R. Lyman, died. 16<) Nov' 30*1', Joseph Townor died. Dec"" 31**, Josiah Perry died. March 19, Joseph Riggs died. April 4"', A Child to Elijah Hawkins died. 50 OXFORD HISTORY. March SO^i^, Lucy, Dau*'' to Xoah Tomlinson, died. 165 April 26^'^, Dezire, Wife to James Wentworth, died. May 28*^, Abigail, Wife to Cap*. Joseph Osborn, died. Augs* 4th^ Elizabeth, Wife to David Perkins, died. Sepf 23^, Patty, Dau*' to Cap^ Sara" Cande, died. Sepf 24th, Hannah, Wife to Sam" Oatman, died. 170 Oct^ 26*"^, Sarah, Dau" to Noah R. Lyman, died. j)ggr 4th^ ^jj infant Child to Isaac Buckingham died. Dec'' 18**", Agnes, infant Child to Benajah Chatfield, died. Dec 22'^, Mary, Wid. to Abiel Fairchild Deceased, dead. Feb'- 9^^, An Infant Child to Truman Stodard, died. 175 Feb"" 16*^, Chancey, Son to Phineas Johnson, died. Feb^ 26*1^, Comfort, Wife to Noah R. Lyman, died. March o*^, Edward, Son to Cap^ Joseph Osborn, died. June 25^^, Abigail, Wife to Lieu* Sam" Wheeler, died. Ocf 28*1^, Lyman, Son to Abel Waters, died. 180 Dec lo***. An Infant Child to John Bassit, Jn'', died. March 11*^, Eunice, Dauf to Jared Buckingham, died. June 8*% A Child to Daniel Hide, died. June 28*'', Ethiel, Infant Son to Joseph Perkins, died. July SI"**, Joseph, Son to Robart Wheeler deceased, died. 185 Ocf 30"', Lieu* John Chatfield died in the 98*'' year of his age. Dec'^ — An Infant Grand Child to John Riggs deceas*^, died. JanJ" IG, Abigail, Daut' to Joseph Townor, died. Feby 16*'', An infant Child to Thomas Clark, Jn^, died. i These 2 died with Feby 25*'', Anne, Dauf to David Smith, died. { thesmall pox. 190 March 22*^, Joseph, Son to Joseph Riggs deceas"*, died in the small pox. March 25*'', David Johnson Riggs, Son to Jos'" Riggs Decs*^, died. April 3*^, Polly, Dauf" to Eleazar Sperry, died. May 10*'', Laurin, Son to Cap* Jos'' Riggs, died. June 22*1, Eunice, Wife to Tho^ Clark, Esq', died. 195 June 23*', Esther, Dauf to David Riggs, died. July 17*'', Ebenezer Bassit the aged, died. July 18*"', Betty, Wife to David Riggs, died. Sept'" 12*'', Leveritt, Son to Daniel Smith, Jn', died. Sepf 15*1', ^Q.^]^ Tomlinson Sen*", Died. 200 Sepf" 16*'', Joseph Osborn Jn"", Died. Sept' 18*'', Esther, Dauf" to David Smith Jn', died. Sepf" 19*'', Lampson, Son to David Smith, Jn*", died. Sepf^ 30*'', Lecta, Dauf" to Jared Osborn, died. DEATHS. 51 Ocf 5^^, Cretia, Dauf to Truman Bristol, died. 205 Oct' 22*^, Leman Stone, son to Nabotli Osborn, died. Oct'- 23'^, Mehitable Griffin died in the 104"' year of her age. Ocf 27*'\ Freelove Anne, Wife to Jared Osborn, died. Dec'' 9"', Rosetta, Daut' to George Clark, died. March 8"', Joel, Son to Joseph Durand, died. 210 May 20"', An Infant Child to Joseph Perkins, died. June 27*'^, Betsey, Daut' to Medad Cande, died. Sepf 30*'', Dec" Ebenezer Buckingham, died. Ocf 2*^, Azel, Son to John Buckingham, died. Oct'' 7*'', Sukky, Daut' to John Buckingham, died. 215 Jany 19*", David Twichel, died. Feby 9*'', Polly, Dauf to Gad Bristol, died. Feby 19*'', Burritt, Son to Gad Bristol, died. March 9*'', Abigail, \Vi^ criminal slandring and Backbiting, and evil-speaking which is expressly, and repeatedly forbiden in God's Holy Word, and so is highly dis- honourable to God, and justly Matter of Offence to all y" People of God. That y*" Complainant being justly grieved, and offended, did according to y« Direction of our Lord Jesus Christ, in such case provided, go to y« s"^ Sam'* Whaler, and betwene him and himself alone told him his Fault, but he re- fusing to hear him, s** Complainant proceeded according to y« above men- tioned Direction, to take two of y** Brethren of s*^ Ch^^, and did with them go again and tell him his Fault, but without y« desired effect, and to his grief. And now according to Christs Rule he finds himself obliged to tell y® Matter, as he now does to the Ch*^ hoping his offending Brother, who has refused to hear him or y" Brethren with him will hear y® Ch^, wherefore y* s** Com- plainant desires his Rev*^ Pastor, and Brethren in Christ, to take Cog- nissance of the s*^ Matter, and Hear, Judge, Weigh, and determine s** Cause on hearing y« Evidence sd Complainant has in Readiness to produce in sup- port of y*^ Charge, brought in this Complaint, when called thereto. Dated in Oxford Sept^ 25*'^ 1765. Asah Ward. Rev. Messrs. Humphrey and Woodbridge were called in to advise and assist in the matter. Deacon John Lum, Capt. Joseph Osborn, Ensign Thomas Clark and Mr. Samuel Wooster were appointed to confer with Wheeler and Ward and endeavor to effect a reconciliation. These dignitaries being unsuccessful a meeting was held Jan. 30th, 1766. " Upon Consideration of the Facts, and hearing y^ Evidences in s*^ Case, it was l^t Determined by the Ch*", that, the Declaration of s** Sam" Wheler was not in Peremptory Terms, but by way of Oppiuion. — 2*i'y tryed by Vote wheather a Confession exhibited by s** Sam" Wheler, some Time Since to s^ Asah Ward was a Sufficient Confession, s"* Vote passed in the Negative. 3'^ Voted that s** Sam" Wheler should exhibit a publick Confession. 4*'''y Vot- ed that Deacon John Lumm, and Cap* Zechariah Hawkings, should go out with me in order to assist in drawing up a confession which was in y^ words following (viz:) "I Samuel Wheler, acknowledge, that Some Time in March 1765, I did openly utter Some Expressions (as my Opinion) against Asah Ward, a member of this Ch'', Contrary to the Rules of Gods Word, whereby I have grieved him and this Ch*^, for which I am heartily Sorry, and ask his Forgivness, and the Forgivness of all Gods People for me, promiss- ing by divine grace assisting me wherein I have offended to do so no more. Signed p"" Samuel Wheler. Oxford Jan^ SO^i^ 1766. It was voted that this "confession" was sufficient and that it "be read in publick next Lord's day, in the forenoon, immediately after ye sermon was ended," which was done and Wheeler "was restored to Charity." BIRTHS. 57 BIRTHS. FROM THE TOWN RECORDS. The follo-w ng list is arranged in the same manner as on the records, and is an exact reprint, in spelling, superiors, &c., as nearly as can be given in type. Andrews, Ezra, 1790, Mar. 11. ) Betsey, 1793, Feb. 19. [ Of Eph"' & Mary. Liicy,"^ 1800, Oct' 4. ) Andrews, John Pierce, Esq', Son of Beuj'" & Hannab ; then of New Haven, born Si-pt. 7, 1788. Lucy Kebecca, daughter of John P., Esq"', 1815, Dec. IG. Charlotte Augusta, Daughter of John Andrews, June 3"', 1818. Alls, Elizabeth D., d'' of Abel and Elizabeth, 1819, May 21. Sebastian Albert Dutton, son of the same, 18lil, Apr. 25. Caroline Amelia, d' of the same, 18^:3, Dec'' 3. Philomela d'' of the same, 1820. Atwood, Charles W", s. of Henry C. & Jane, 1823, July 27. lUirrett, John, 18(14, Sept. 12. j w-n- ^' IT i«n!^' ^^'■' l< ( ^i'il'lren of Sam'^ & Maria; William H., 808, Apr. 28. K ,^^^.^ -^ James, 1811, Feb. 15. V •' Mary Ann, 1813, Mar. 7. J lialdwiu, Lavinia, d' of Daviil, 1815, Sej)t. 18, Bristol, Polly, 1802, May 17. \ Sylvania, 1804, June 24. / Thompson, 1800, Oct. 2 ( (.,^.,^j,.^^^ ^^. ,^,^.^^,^,^^^^ ^. j^^^ jj. Abel, 181 IS, Mav 28. / Cynde, 1810, Sept 12. I Maria, 1817, July 18. ) Bidwell, George A., Nov. 20'", A. D. 1825. ^ ^,,j,^^,.^^,^ ^^^ Xormand A. Frederic S., Ju y 25 , A. D. 182 . ^ ^^ ^^^^^^^.^^ j3i^,„,,„ Mary Jane, July 4''', A. D. 1832. ) Bradley, William W., son of Seymour & Parlas B., NoV 25, 1820. Bassett, Mary Elizabeth, d'' of Eneas & Sabia, xMay 8, 1823. Bradley, Mary Ann, Sepf 20'»', 1819. ) Henry N., June 18*'', 1822. [ Children of Treat & Sally Br;idl(>y. Burr,' born F Children of Amos Lydia Bates. Charles, 1812, March 17. ) Beardslee, Laura, June 17, 1798. ) rn -n ^ a n v i\,t -i?i -n^ \ 19 -lonn i Children of Sanv' & Mary. l*/lam, leb. 13, 1800. ) •' Beardslee, Polly, d"^ of Jared & Betsey, 1799, Sept. 19. Beecher, Isaac, s. of David & Polly, 1799, Nov. 20. Polly Maria, d"" of the same, 1801, June 28. Beardslee, Louisa Ruth, d'' of Elara & Esther, born August 31**^ 1827. Children of Benjamin and Eunice Bradley: Andrew Bradley, a sou, born May 17'-'', A. D. 1786. Seymour " " July 1''*, A. D. 1788. Meritt " " April V^^^, A. D. 1790. Treat " " Mar. 15"', A. D. 1792. Noyes " '• May 17"', A. D. 1794. Eunice " daughter, Sept. 13"', 1797. Charles " son, May 15'", A. D. 1800. Bryan, Betsey, 1790, Jnn-^y 20. ") Sally, 1791, Auir. 0. i /-,i -i i e r i- * T.., i'7n< T -J y Children of Isaac 6:, Anna. Ira, 1^94, June 3. { Nancy, 1798, Apr. 8, ] Hervy, 1800, June 5, of the same. Alenson, 1802, Augt., of the same. Baldwin, Marianne, d^ of Jesse G. & Lydia R., Feb. 18, 1831. Ba.ssett, Polly, 1770, Sept. 28. '] Nathan, 1794, March 13. I /-,, -n e t i i, v jr ; T31 ;i i^n/' T o- ^ C 11 dreu of John, J'., oc Kezia. Philo, 1<96, Jnne2o. { ' ' 1899, Nov. 17. 3 Bassett, Andrew, 1791, Sept. 14. ) Joel, 1792, Sept. 21. } Of Edw^ & Polly. William, 1794, Sept. 18. ) Bradley, Rhoda, d''. of Philo & Rhoda, 1800, Sept. 13. Botsford, Susan, d'. of Sam". & Antha, 1803, Jan'>' 27. Bunnell, Catharine, d''. of Renus & Temperance, born July 7"', 1827. BuDiell, Polly, 1790, June 28. j ^^ ^^^„,„^ ^^^ ^^^^ Lewis, 1<98, June lb. ( BIRTHS. 59 Bunnell, Leverett, 1792, May 13. ") jJel,%796,^October 14. \ ^^ ^"^^ '"^ ^arab. Hervey, 1799, July 6. ] Bunnell, 1797, May 7. ) .^^ T-k • i p ti n Lockwood, 1798; Nov. 25. } ^^ ^^^^*^ ^ P^"-^' 1800, Sept. 2, of the same. Bunnell, d''. of Truman & Anna, 1800, Aug. 13. Bunnell, Chester, 1788, Apr. 12. ) Reuben, 1795, Ocf. 30. > Of Benjamin & Mary. Renas, 1799, May 14. ) Bunnell, Charles Beers, s. of Erastus & Charlotte, 1822, Nov»". 8. Buckingham, Thomas, 1791, Nov. 10. 1 Esther, 17*»6, Apr. 14. | Clark, 1798, Sept. 21. ]■ Of Andrew & Esther. Anrelius, 1793, Nov. 30. Another died 1801, Aug. 30. Buckingham, Rowena, 1795, Dec''. 20. ^ David W. 1797, Sept. 25. [ Of Eben & Olive. Polly, 1799, Feb. G. ) Buckingham, Beulah, d'. of Nathan J. & Selene, 1799, Apr. 25. Buckingham, Asahel, 1794, Mar. 22, ) Ilezekiah, 179.j, Nov. 28. ^ Of John and Lucy, dec'>. Lucy, 1797, Apr. 28. ) Susanna, 1799, Mar. 13, of John and Estiier. 1800, Sept. 30, of tlie same. Buckingham. Clarissa, 1794, Aug. 27. ] ' Cvnthia, 1804, Aug. 17. [ Sf'''f ' JqIIq' t^''"'- ^<- y «f Eben & Oliv Eben', 1809, June lb. W'". Woodruff, \.^,n o . r \TiT \ A. .■ } 1810, Oct. 0. Wales Austm, ) ' 3 Buckingham, James Andrew, .-. 1809, Apr. 20. ) Mary, May .-. 11, 1811. J- Of Capt. and Mary. Sam" Andrew .-. 1815, Dec''. 2. ) Bassett, John T., born Sept. 30*'', A. D. 1838. 1 Louisa A., born July 15"', A. D. 1840. Children of John Helleu M., born Aug. 17*", A. D. 1842. V R. & Mary Ann Marv Gilbert, Mar. 10, A. D. 1845. Bassett. Samuel Allen, born Feb. 19, 1848. \ 60 HISTORY OF OXFORD. Bassett, Russel, born January 23'''\ A. D. 1784. Kezia, born Aussst 20"^, A. D. 1785. William, born Jan'>' 13"', A. D. 1788. Hannah, born August d^^, A. D. 1790. Ebenezer, born September 15*^, A.D. 1792. ( Children of Eneas, born August 16*^^, A. I). 17C4. \ Samuel & Mary Sam" ]McNiel,born Dec. 17*'', A. D. 1796. ( Bassett. Polly Minervy, born Jan'-y b^^, A. D. 1800. Markus, born May 10"', A. D. 1802. Grace, born Jane l'^*, A. D. 1804. Abraham, born July 4"', A. D. 1808. Bassott, John R., born April .30"', A. D. 1815, son of Samuel & Abegail Bassett. Browne, Jane Harrison, d. of Rev. Abr'" & Lucy Maria, Dec'' G"', 1830. Clark, Betsey, Dec^ 1789. ) Patty," 1792, Mar. 18. f ^p ,, , . ,, .i David, 1794; Aug. 19. t 0^ ^^^<^^ '^' ^^''^^•^^'^• Patty, 1896, Nov. 9. ) Clark, s. of Samuel & Eunice, 1799. Nov. 1. Church, s. of W^ & Lois, 1800, Oct. 24. Cande, Charlotte, d. of Enos & Elizabeth, 1823, Sept»-. Chatfield, Lois, 1790, Oct. 28. 1 John, 1793, May 30. ( ,.„ , 00, T..,,.,!,^ i^oc T IP )• Oi Isaac «x barali. iruman, l<9b, June lb. f Zera, 1798, Dec'". ) Clark, Elisha, s. of George & Lydia, Jan'y 22, 1799. Chatfield, Curtiss, 1782, NoV 3. ) Isaac, 1786, Oct. 15. V Of Isaac & Sarah. Oliver, 1788, July 17. ) Chatfield, George, sou of Devine & Mamora, Dec'' 13, 1810. Chatfield, Abia, 1790, May 20. \ Asahel, 1792, Mar. 10. / Elias, 1794, July 11. f Nancy, 1790, Aug. > Of Dan" & Elizabeth. Eliz. Ann, 1799, Jau'J 12, I Racliel, 1787, Jau'y 21. \ Sally, 1789, Aug. 28. / Coger, Charles William, born July 7"', 1829, child of Jeremiah c^ Ainaritter Coger, Cande, Eunice Augusta, July 17"', 1810, daughter of Isaiah & Millissa. Cooper, Joseph, s. of Chauncy & Anna, 1812, Aug. 10. BIRTHS. 61 t The following is rearranged so as to bring together all the items regarding each family, for |i greater convenience of reference. Couch, children of Bradley and Aurelia : Betsey, born Aug. 23, 1807. James, Oct. 23,1808. Cande, children of Justus and Eunice : Isaiah, July 31, 1779. Burritt, Oct. 28, 1786. Sheldon, July 15, 1781. Lucy, Sept. 26, 1790. Timothy, Jan. 18, 1784. Eunice, Oct. 2, 1795. Cande, Justus, son to Caleb and Lois, Feb. 17, 1756. Eunice, his wife, July 12, 1758. Cande, Leverett, son of Job and Sarah, June, 1795. Cande, Aurin, son of Daniel and Lydia, Jan. 25, 1804. Cande, Elizabeth Charlotte, Nov. 4, 1810, d. of Benjamin and Almira. Cande, Archibald, .-. son of Caleb J. and Sina, Oct. 19, 1804. Cande, children of Cyrus and Rebekah: Agnes, Feb. 14, 1797. Sina, June 27, 1801. Perloxa, Feb. 10, 1799. Cande, Julius, son of Daniel and Lydia, Feb. 17, 1800. Cande, children of David and Hannah: George Wiard, Oct. 7, 1809. David Bristol, May 2, 1816. George Newell, June 5, 1811. Frederic Augustus, June 15, 1818. Mary Elizabeth, Aug. 2, 1813. Charles Addison, June 23, 1823. Cande, children of Levi, Esq., and Lucy: Burrit. Catharine. Adeline. William. Juliet. John, Henrietta. Ann, March 15, 1822. Cande, Polly, d. of Levi and Anna, March 27, 1799. Cande, children of Timothy and Lucinda: Lucinda, Jan. 28, 1802. Justus, .-. Jan. 15, 1804. Eunice Janette, Feb. 8, 1806; died July 28, 1809. Burritt Dwight, Nov. 8, 1811. Cable, children of Roswell and Hannah: Mary Anne, March 8, 1820. Julia Elizabeth, May 18,1826. Agur Edwin, Feb. 3, 1822. Frederick Abijah, Aug. 29, 1828. Lavinia Lucy, July 24, 1824. Betsey Mariah, Sept. 28, 1830. Cables, children of Isaac and Julia : Polly Eliza, Sept. 27, 1801. David Sanford, Dec. 21, 1807. 62 HISTORY OF OXFORD. Chambers, George Orlando, son of Francis and Ruth, Sept. 15, 1801. Chapman. Children of Reuben and Polly: Austin, April 25, 1806. Polly Ann, March 10, 1813. Eliza, June 17, 1808. Chatfield, children of Chester and Clarissa: Philo, born Sept. 21, 1816. Martha, May 22, 1824. Hervey and Henry, May 14, 1819. Lucretia Mary, Feb. 23, 1831. David, April 18, 1822. Chatfield, Amanda Henrietta, d. of Henry and Amanda, b. Jan. 26, 1822. John Lyman, Sept. 13, 1826, son of Polaski and Amanda. Clark, children of Elias and Susan C. : Newton, Dec. 17, 1806. Sarah, March 11, 1809. Elias, April 6, 1811. Jonah, Feb. 11, 1813. Susan, March 11, 1809. Clark, children of David and Clary: Charles, Jan. 22, 1818. David, Jan. 26, 1820. CuRTiss, Laura, d. of Stephen and Mary, Aug. 7, 1790. Davis, children of Capt. John and Mehitabel: Sarah, March 31, 1783. Nabby, Dec. 21, 1795. Anson, Sept. 5, 1785. Nancy, Dec. 21, 1795. Truman, March 13, 1787. Joseph Wheeler, Aug. 13, 1798. John, Sept. 8, 1788. Sheldon, Sept. 2, 1800. Lucretia, Sept. 22, 1790. Lewis, Jan. 26, 1803. Mary, May 28, 1792. Burritt, July 12, 1806. Chara, Feb. 8, 1794. Julia Maria, July 4, 1810. Davis, children of John and Laura: John Riggs, Dec. 20, 1814. Otis, Feb. 8, 1825. Isaac Beecher, April 15, 1817. William Hart, March 10, 1829. Davis, children of Lewis and Lucinda: Henry, born Oct. 10, 1830. Mary, Oct. 31, 1840. Franklin Lewis, June 19, 1847. Davis, Isaac Beecher, son of William and Patty, May 26, 1798. Driver, Jane Ennis, d. of James, Oct. 21, 1828. DURAND. Children of Nehemiah and Ruth : John, March 8, 1791. Polly, July'3, 1796. DuRAND. Children of Joseph and Pena: Elijah, Sept. 6, 1790. Glover, April 25, 1796. Betsey, Dec. 27, 1792 J d. Feb. 6, 1795, Clary, July 21, 1799. BIRTHS. 63 DUTTON, children of Hosea and Elizabeth: John, ]S"ov. 11, 1783. Maria Sylvia, April 10, 1791; d. 1794 Israel, Dec. 29, 1784; d. 1812. Eunice, March 20, 1793. Huldah, Aug. 23, 1786; d. 1794. Lemuel, Jan. 23, 1795; d. 1795. Alraira Clementina, March 15, 1788. Philomela, Jan. 22, 1796. Sophia Charlotte, Dec. 11, 1789. Elizabeth, Feb. 14, 1798. Sebastian Maria Ximenes Petruchio, Jan. 26, 1800; d. 1824. Thomas Albert Buoneparte Jeiferson, Jan. 27, 1802. DUTTON, children of Thomas and Lucinda: Albert Augustus, Feb. 5, 1829. Eliza Maria, Feb. 23, 1831. English, children of David: Mellissa, Nov. 29, 1793. David A. B., Dec. 18, 1807. Anna, April 1, 1796. Sally G., Oct. 11, 1804. Minerve, Feb. 1, 1802. English, Joel, son of David and Jerusha, March 26, 1799. English, children of Clement and Sarah : Daniel, April 24, 1794. Sarah R,, Nov. 26, 1806. Amos, Dec. 28, 1798. Stephen Bennet, Aug. 6, 1807. Fabreque, Asa Louis, son of William L., May 9, 1828. Fairchild, children of Ebenezer and Eunice: Julia, Feb. 19, 1795. Hanford, March 7, 1799. Nathan, Oct. 12, 1796. Fairchild, children of John and Mary: Abial, April 25, 1800. Stiles, May 6, 1805. Lyman, Feb. 8, 1803. Fairchild, children of Hanford and Elvira: William Augustine, Nov. 6, 1822. Sterne Delos, Feb. 17, 1828. Freeman, Harriet, d. of Nathaniel and Mary, Nov. 20, 1810. French, Bennet, son of Elisha and Ruth, July 7, 1800. French. Children of Joseph N. and Sarah : Sheldon, April 18, 1784. Joseph, Feb. 21, 1791. Nichols, Sept. 4, 1785. Sally, May 11, 1793, Lucy, Feb. 2, 1787. David, April 16, 1795. John, April 27, 1789. Philo, June 17, 1797. French, Sarah Augusta, d. of David and Elizabeth, Jan. 7, 1830. GiBBS, Simeon Martin, son of Gideon and Eunice, Sept. 10, 1811. Graham, Sarah Mariah, d. of George William and Evelina, March 4,1824. Gripfin, children of Jonathan and Lydia: Daniel. Mahitabel, July 6, 1798. G4 HISTOEY OF OXFORD. HarGtER, children of Elijah and Sarah: Lucinda, Jan. 5, 1799. Caroline, Sept. 5, 1802. Harger, children of Alfred and Ruth : Catharine Jane, Jan. 1, 1831. Charles, Jan. 23, 1834. Henry, April 14, 1832. Hatch, children of Sherman and Sarah : Sally, July, 1795. Benjamin Austin, Oct. 18, 1799. Clarissa, Jan. 13, 1798. Seymour, Nov. 20, 1801. Hatch, Ghauncey Miles, son of Chauncey M. and Julia, May 24, 1822. Hawkins, children of Isaac and Anna: Russell, April 27, 1792. Isaac, March 28, 1796. Zachary, Feb. 1, 1794. Amos, March 29, 1798. Hawkins, children of Zachary, Jr., and Sally. Lydia, Dec. 2, 1798. Marcia, Aug. 28, 1800. Hawkins, children of Elijah and Abigail: Asa, Aug. 18, 1796. Phebe. Hawkins, Lewis, first child of Asa, March 29, 1822. Hawkins, Elizur, son of Lu and Sarah, Jan. 11, 1802. HiGGiNS, d. of Sylvester and Comfort, Aug. 29, 1799. HiNMAN, children of Philemon 'and Polly: Clary, Nov. 2, 1794. , Sept. 5, 1790. HiNMAN, Lyman, son of John and Abigail, July 8, 1798. HiNMAN, children of Simeon and Phebe: Betsey Phebe, March 14, 1822. Nicholas, Oct., 22, 1827. John Wanzer, Nov. 9, 1824. HUBBEL, children of Joseph and Betty : Harry, Nov. 29, 1789. Mills, Feb. 17, 1798. Merit, June 12, 1793. Betsey, Feb. 5, 1800. Joel, March, 1795. HUBBEL, children of Richard and Mercy : Almena, Aug. 9, 1793. Augustus, March 20, 1795. Hull, children of Abel and Abigail : Abel, June 4, 1794. "^ Samuel, Dec. 28, 1790. , Jan. 12, 1800. Hull, children of Ezra and Betty Ann: Polly, May 30, 1797. Bennet, Feb. 1, 1799. Hull, Amanda, d. of Isaac and Diana, April 12, 1812. BIRTHS. Humphrey, children of Cyrus and Nancy: Bernard, May 31, 1820. Kancy, March 19, 1822. 65 Hyde, children of Daniel and Eunice: Merrit, May 12, 1791. Merrit, Jan. 2, 1794. Garry, April, 1795. Hyde, children of Capt. Asahel and Mary: Marcus, Oct. 30,1791. Cyrus, April 6, 1794. Calvin, March 17, 1796. Hyde, children of Nathan and Sally: Lorren, Aug. 21, 1792. Harry, June 29, 1794. Nathan, Feb. 8, 179G. Hyde, children of John and Betsey: Alencon, July, 1795. David, Sept. 28, 1797. Hyde, children of Joseph and Anna: Alva, Jan. 8, 1794, Clarissa, May 24, 1796. Frederic, Aug. 10, 1798. Eunice, March 20, 1801. Cynthia, July 11, 1797. Ira, Nov. 17, 1799, Asahel, Oct. 15, 1797. Sally Lovilla, April 14, 1799. Horatio, 1800. Patience, Jan. 19, 1790. Isaac, May 23, 1803. Daty, April 26, 1805. Sheldon, Aug. 31, 1808, George, Feb. 1, 1812. Hyde, children of Aurelius and Sarah Ann: David Aurelius, May 10, 1802. Mary Jane, Oct. 20, 1806. Sarah Ann, June 14, 1804. Jane Janette, Dec. 20, 1807. Hyde, Laura Jane, d. of Abijah and Sally, Jan, 28, 1826. Johnson, children of Ezra and Betsey Curtiss, Feb. 27, 1794. Betsey, 1795. Ralph, Aug. 2, 1797. Johnson, children of Timothy and Olive: Jerusha, Sept. 27, 1792. Alvin, Sept. 20, 1799. Anna, May 4, 1797. Johnson, children of Asa and Polly : Charles, Aug. 15, 1827. Nancy, Jan. 23, 1829. Johnson, Susanna, d. of Phineas and Sarah, June 25, 1794. Johnson, children of Phineas, Jr., and Lois: , July 31, 1797. , Oct. 15, 1799. 66 HISTORY OF OXFORD. Johnson, children of Sbubel and Chloe, colored: Nancy, May 6, 1784. Henrietta, June 10, 1794 ; d. Oct. Mille, Nov. 26, 1785. [15, 1795. Isaac, 13ec. 26, 1787; d.Dec.30,1787. Charles, Oct. 26, 1796. Amy, July 22, 1789. Eunice, Oct. 26, 1800. Julia, Aug. 12, 1791. Betsey, June 5, 1803. Johnson, children of Hervey and Anne: , Aug. 10, 1819. , 1824. , Jan. 25, 1821. Martha, Nov. 6, 1826. , Sept. 27, 1822. Kelly, , son of Matthew, March 3, 1799. LiMBOURNiER, children of John and Fanny: Janette, July 5, 1802. James Wallace, Feb. 9, 1814. Mary, IMay 8, 1806. Janette, 2d, Sept. 17, 1816. Jane, May 12, 1808. Harriet, Oct. 29, 1818. John, March 20, 1810. Robert Bruce, March 21, 1821. Lydia, Feb. 18, 1812. Lewis, children of Silas and Mary: Hepzibah, Nov. 22, 1791. Nancy, Sept. 1, 1793. LUM, children of Billy and Deidamia: Sally, Oct. 16, 1799. Jane, Jan. 29, 1804. Enos, Nov. 21, 1801. George, March 20, 1809. LUM, Polly Maria, d. of David and Polly, 1802. Lines, children of Zebulon and Lois: Sherman, Nov. 12, 1798. Thirza, Oct. 3, 1800. The first born after the incorporation of the town. Little, children of William and Martha: Lewis, June 27, 1792. Anson, Sep. 18, 1794. Leavenworth, children of Dorman and Lucy: Betsey, Oct. 19, 1796. Mark, Sept. 28, 1798. Lake, children of Walker and Anna: Isaac, Aug. 7, 1801. . Lucius, June 8, 1807. Eliza, May 21, 1803. Sally, April 11, 1809. Mary, May 22, 1805. Anna Augusta, Jan. 1, 1814, LOVELAND, children of Benjamin and Hannah : Abijah, Nov. 11, 1797. Alfred. Asa, Dec. 13, 1799. McEwEN, children of David and Sally: James, July 6, 1798. Minerva, May 19, 1802. Polly, Oct. 31, 1799. BIETHS. 67 Meigs, children of Samuel and Lorena: Sarah Elizabeth, May IG, 181G. Benjamin Clark, Aug. 14, 1820. Jane Caroline, April 14, 1818. David Tomlinson, Feb. 21, 1822. MiNOT, Betsey, d. of Lewis and Anna, Nov. 27, 1797. Morris, children of William and Betsey: William, May 6, 1799. Jason, May 3, 1805. ' Sheldon, April 8, 1801. Adeline, Oct. 9, 1806. Elliot, April 9, 1803. MUNN, children of Deodate and Selina: Ehoda, June 14, 1809. Seduski, March 24, 1811. MUNSON, children of Charles and Lorana: Janette, May 5, 1800. Eliza, April 10, 1806. Van Tuyl Barbara. Isaac, April 23, 1808. Vanderbilt, Feb. 17, 1804. Betsey, Feb. 15, 1810. Nichols, Polly, d. of Lewis and Betsey, July 3, 1796. Nichols, children of Russell and Abigail : Rigg, Nov. 30, 1799. Isaac, Oct. 26, 1809. Lucy, May 23, 1802. Benjamin, April 10, 1817. Oatman, children of David and Sarah: Polly, Jan. 25, 1794. Charles, Nov. 4, 1799. David, Jan. 19, 1797. Oatman, George, son of Charles and Sally, May 2, 1822. OSBORN, Ransom, son of Joseph and Sarah, April 5, 1790. OsBORN, children of Naboth and Susanna: Lewis, Jan. 2, 1791. Sally, April, 1798. Leman Stone, June 4, 1793. Daniel, Oct., 1801. Luthena, Nov., 1795. Eletas, Dec, 1813. OSBORN, children of Ambrose and Rebekah : Eunice, Feb. 17, 1825. Noah Ambrose, May 25, 1829. Amanda, Oct. 13, 1826. Sarah Rebecca, July 23, 1830. OsBORN, Martha Candee, d. of Ambrose and Avis, June 13, 1834. OsBORN, children of Ransom and Sarah : Sarah, Sept. 2, 1816. Joseph Miles, Oct. 25, 1824. Ruth Ann, July, 1818. Rosalind Mary, May 17, 1827. Esther, July 8, 1822. Martha Caroline, May 31, 1829. Peet, children of Jehiel and Lois: Nancy, Nov. 1, 1792. Lois, Jan. 1, 1804. Betsey, Oct. 13, 1794. Sally, July 30, 1808. Eunice, Sept. 10, 1799. Lydia, Dec. 2, 1809. Minerva, Oct. 5, 1801. 68 HISTORY OF OXFORD. PlERSON, children of Lewis and Esther: Elijah, Nov. 23, 1797. Eli, March 17, 1799. Perkins, children of David and Abigail: Polly Ann, June 15, 1790. , Dec. 3, 179G. Rebekah, March 24, 1793. , Jan. 21, 1799. Hannah, March, 1795. , Nov. 1, 1800. Perkins, children of Rogers and Betsey : Fairy, July 28, 1792. Charles, Sept. 26, 1796. Cande, May 26, 1794. Ralph, June 12, 1798. Agnes, 1795. Adoniram, Nov. 25, 1799. Perkins, Alta, d. of Joseph and Sarah, April 25, 1797. Perkins, children of Roswell and Eunice: Mark, Jan. 23, 1822. Lucy, March 20, 1826. Sally. Sally Caroline, Jan. 1, 1823. Perry, children of Joel and Betty : John Riggs, Jan. 20, 1791. David, March 10, 1800. Betty, June 28, 1792. Harriet, Sept. 10, 1803. Bennet, Jan. 31, 1794. Nathan, April 17, 1806. Lucy, Jan. 10, 1796. George, Sept. 9, 1809. Thirza, Feb. 15, 1798. Eunice, April 13, 1815. Perry, children of Caleb : Benjamin, July 18, 1792. Caleb, July 18, 1794. Perry, Manvil, son of Aurinda, Oct. 24, 1799. Perry, Jane, d. of Cyrus, Oct. 29, 1822. Perry, John Dutton, son of James and Mary, Aug. 31, 1821. Perry, Elizabeth Jane, d. of James and Lois, March 12, 1825. Perry, children of George and Betsey Ann : Salina, July 7, 1832. Emily Amelia, April 12, 1838. George Albert, March 6, 1835. Prindle, Maria, d. of Jabez and Susanna, June 9, 1801. RiGGS, children of Esq. John and Elizabeth: Betty, Aug. 15, 1768. Nabby, April 2, 1779. Samuel, Aug. 7, 1770. Gideon, Jan. 30, 1782. John, Dec. 22, 177L Anna, June 20, 1784. Mary, Nov. 20, 1773. Lucy, Jan. 17, 1787. Joseph, Oct. 11, 1775. Leveret, July 16, 1788. John, Esq., was born April 10, 1743. Elizabeth, his wife, Jan. 10, 1746. BIRTHS. 69 RiGGS, children of Samuel .•. and Charity: Eunice, June 27, 1797. Chary, April 9th, 1805. Leman, July 19, 1799. Anson, April 19, 1807. Elizabeth and Anne, Aug. 2,1801. Jane, Nov. 14, 1809. Pierpont, May 18, 1803. Samuel, April 29, 1818. RiGGS, children of Leman and Sina: Mary Jane, April 19, 1823. Charles Pierpont, Nov. 30, 1827. RiGGS, Oliver, son of David and Hannah, Sept. 14, 1797. RiGGS, , son of Samuel and Betsey, Nov. 18, 1800. Rockwell, Benjamin Franklin, son of Jacob and Hannah R., Oct.20, 1824. RowE, children of Frederic and Hepsibah : Georgianna, Sept. 10, 1822. Frederic Wesley, Jan. 27, 1828. Hepsibah Minerva, May 9, 1824. Scott, children of Jesse and Mary : Hervy, May 1, 1796. David, July 15, 1801. William, July 5, 1798. Scott, children of Elias .-. and Eunice: Lucinda, Aug. 2, 1809. Eunice Mariah, Dec. 18, 1814. Asahel Lewis, May 25, 1811. Lewis. Scott, Julian, son of Ransom and Nabby, April 23, 1827. Scott, Merit Beecher, son of Lyman, Dec. 26, 1827. Seely, , son of William and Olive, March 28, 1800. Sherman, Cynthia, d. of Sherman and Lucy, June 14, 1810, later of Newtown. Sheeman, children of Ira and Hannah: Sarah, Nov. 11, 1815. Ira Elijah, June 12, 1826. Skeels, children of Arad and Sally: Jason, Dec. 21, 1802. Aurin. Burrett. Sally Minerva, d. of Arad and Sibyl, Feb. 12, 1812. Smith, Nathan, son of John and Lucy, June 20, 1796. Smith, children of David 3d and Polly: Sheldon, March 7, 1792. Hepzibah, Oct. 26, 1797. Smith, children of David, Jr., and Abilena: Ursula, Aug. 5, 1797. Polly, Dec. 24, 1799. Smith, children of David 4th and Eliza: Betsey, Nov. 20, 1797. , Feb. 23, 1800. Smith, children of Abel and Damans: Lucinda, May 2, 1793. , Dec. 19, 1798. Jonas, 1795. 70 HISTORY OF OXFOED. Smith, Andrew Harley, son of Andrew and Ruth, Nov. 23, 1800. Smith, children of Andrew and Ruth : Willis Judd, June 12, 1791. Evalina, Oct. 24, 1796. Williard, Jan. 7, 1794. Isaac, May 10, 1803. Smith, children of Chester and Keziah: Wyllys, June 17, 1796. Stiles, Aug. 20, 1798. Smith, children of Isaac .-. and Sarah: Sarah, Feb. 16, 1801. Sally. Josiah, Sept. 23, 1803. Susan. Philo. Sylvia. Smith, Burritt, son of Abraham E. and Eraraa Maria, Aug. 4, 1820. Smith, Samuel, son of Hervey and Susan, Jan. 27, 1824. Smith, children of Willis and Olive: Ira Barnes, Jan. 3, 1829. Eunice. Spring, children of Samuel, Jr., .•. and Nabby: George Alonzo, April 29, 1821. Mary Ann, June 27, 1826. Charles Isaac, Oct. 29, 1823. Stlles, David, son of Gunwood .-. and Nancy, Sept. 22, 1824. Stone, children of Noah and Rosalind: Mary Elizabeth, July 9, 1811. Andrew, Nov. 25, 1815. Eunice, Nov. 12, 1812. David, Dec. 23, 1817. Martha, May 15, 1814. ToMKlNS, children of Francis and Mary : Hull, Dec. 22, 1798. , son, Nov. 1800. TOMLINSON, children of Esq. David and Lorena: Charles, June 19, 1785. Bennet Benedict, May 5, 1799. David, July 11, 1787. Mary Ann, March 10, 1801. Maria Theresa, Aug. 1, 1789. Janet Adeline, \ j ^ p ^o^^o David, Aug. 1, 1791. George Albert, i '^"^^ ^' -^*""^- Lorena, Aug. 4, 1793. Eliza, May 29, 1805. Lydia Augusta, Sept. 25, 1795. Henrietta, Sept. 13, 1807. Jane Caroline, June 30, 1797. William Augustus, Sept. 15, 1809. TOMLINSON, children of William Clark and Amy : Sally, Oct. 2, 1796. Burton, June 1, 1805. Curtis, Feb. 3, 1798. Russell, April 5, 1807. Clark, May 30, 1799. Charles, July 6, 1809. Harry, March 17, 1801. Bennett, May 1, 1811. Stephen, July 29, 1803. William, Feb. 1, 1813. TOMLINSON, Sally, d. of Noah and Mary, May 10, 1794. BIETHS. 71 TOMXINSON, children of Caleb and Abigail : Locky, June 2G, 1797. Sally, 1800. Sally, Dec. 28, 1798. Townee, children of Asahel and Abigail : Truman Hurlbert, Oct. 21, 1822. Martha, July 8, 1826. Albert Bronson, June 23, 1824. Enos Warner, June 27, 1830. Treat, Hervey, son of Daniel and Betsey, May 15, 1797. Treat, Maria, d. of Elijah and Esther, Dec. 22, 1799. Trumbull, Emily, d. of Thomas, April 30, 1820. Trussell, , son of Phineas and Rachel, Dec. 9, 1800. Tucker, children of Josiah and Polly : Nancy, Oct. 12, 1798. Laura, Oct. 29, 1800. Tucker, children of Josiah and Betty : Mary L., Sept. 1, 1808. George W., July 17, 1812. Harry W., Feb. 22, 1810. Sarah, Sept. 11, 1814. Tucker, Henrietta, d. of Daniel and Laura, May 21, 1811. TwiCHEL, Anson, son of David and Margaret, March 10, 1790. Twichel, Polly, d. of Eben and Jerusha, March 8, 1800. TwiTCHEL, Edwin, son of Sheldon and Mary, Oct. 16, 1827. TwiTCHEL, children of Benjamin and Claraina: Robert, Jan. 9, 1777. Grace, July 26, 1785. John, July 21, 1779. Ruth Ann, April 1, 1790. Esther, July 15, 1781. Hannah, Oct., 1792. Lusaner, Aug. 20, 1783. Benjamin Starr, Feb. 27, 1798. Wales, children of Isaac Miles and Lois — born in New Haven : John Heaton, June 12, 1800. Catharine, Jan. 9, 1807. Samuel Albert, May 10, 1802. Washband, children of Josiah, Jr., .-. and Keturah: Josiah Smith, July 31, 1793. Starr Sterling, Feb. 12, 1807. Julia Laminta, April 0, 1797. Seth Perkins Staples, Feb. 15,1810. George Washington, Jan. 30, 1803. Washband, Catharine S., d. of Josiah and Mariah, Aug. 25, 1823. Waters, children of Abel and Ruth: Laura, July 28, 1793. Betsey, June 1, 1798. Rosswell, July 3, 179G, Wattlis, William, son of Joseph, Oct. 10, 1820. Wells, children of Gershom and Hannah: Herman Perry, Jan. 15, 1806. Ari Bennett, April 8, 1812. 72 HISTORY OF OXFORD. Wheeler, Abel, son of Samuel, Jr., and Lois, Dec. 18, 1765. Eunice, his wife, July 25, 1771. Wheeler, children of Robert and Ruth: Samuel, July 2, 1769. Sarah, July 26, 1775. Elisha, Jan. 29, 1771. James and Joseph, dead. Moses, March 4, 1673. Wheeler, children of Samuel and Phebe: Sally Maria, Nov. 7, 1797. Birdsey Glover, Aug. 12, 1807. Betsey, June 10, 1803. Wheeler, children of Robert and Julia Laminta: Betsey Ann Sarah Elizabeth, Oct. 30, 1820. (This is given in another place as Oct. 20, 1821.) George, Feb. 3, 1823. Elisha, Oct. 31, 1836. Smith, Jan. 30, 1826. Julia Ann, Nov. 20, 1840. Robert, Jr., March 23, 1828. Welcoxson, Frances Ann, d. of N. J. and Ann, July 26, 1831. WiLMOT, children of Walker and Polly : John, Feb. 11, 1809. Jane, July 26, 1813. Eliza, Aug. 7, 1811. Julia Ann, May 20, 1817. WiLMOT, Sally, d. of Walker and Milicen't, May 4, 1800. Wooden, Susanna, d. of Charles and Eliza, Aug. 30, 1789. Wooden, Hannah, d. of William, Oct. 9, 1797. Woodruff, children of Nathan and Charity : Maria, Nov. 15, 1797. ■ , Aug. 30, 1799. WOOSTER, Nathan, Nov. 2.5, 1766. ) ^^ • i in » ^ ir-oo riu-n ' Chanty' Plum, jily 26, 1767. } ^^™^^^ ^'^- ^^^'^^- ^^'^<^'^^'' Mamie, Sept. 23, 1789. Bennet, Oct., 1795. Grace, Jan. 9, 1791. Clarissa, March 4, 1798. Anna Maria, Nov. 13, 1793. Nathan Ransom, Nov. ]8, 1809. (Died Oct. 29, 1794.) WooSTER, Samuel, son of Samuel, dec'd, and Betty Perry, Dec. 31, 1790. WooSTER, children of Joseph and Hannah : Russell, April 26, 1791. Hannah, July 7, 1794. Sally, Aug. 5, 1792. WooSTER, Enos, son of Isaac and Marian, Nov. 17, 1794. WooSTER, children of Joseph, Jr., and Eliza Ann: Austin, Feb. 2, 1797. Lucy, Nov. 16, 1799. Newton, Feb. 28, 1798. Melissa, Nov. 26, 1800. WooSTER, Seth Madison, son of Sheldon and Sally, Feb. 23, 1812. WooSTER, children of Russell and Avis: William Burr, Aug. 22, 1821. Samuel Russell, April 22, 1829. Cynthia Cordelia, Dec. 1, 1824. MAEEIAGES. 73 MARRIAGES. John Pierce Andrews, Esq., to Eunice, d. of Justus Cande, Sept. 13, 1814. Abel A. Allis and Elizabeth Button, May 3, 1818. Benjamin Bunnel,aged 24, and Mary Twichel, aged 27, N"ov.22,1786. Aiuos Bates, son of Elihu, and Lydia Lum, d. of Jonathan, Jan. 29, 1802. Eben Buckingham and Olive Woodrutf, Oct. 28, 1792. Andrew Buckingham and Mary Camp, June 23, 1803. Truman Bristol and Betsey Thompson, Dec. 18, 1801. Irenus Bunuell and Temperance Baldwin, Sept. 4, 1826. Justus Cande and Eunice Morton, Dec. 21, 1778. Isaiah Cande and Mellissa Biggs, Oct. 25, 1807. David Cande, son of David, now of Harwinton, and Hannah, d. of Abijah Catlin of Harwinton, Kov. 14, 1808. Timothy Cande, son of Justus, and Lucena, d. of Benjamin Twichell, Nov. Benjamin Cande and Alraira C. Dutton, Feb. 21, 1810. [11, 1801. Elias Clark and Susan C. Newton, Oct. 24, 1805. Hosea Dutton, physician, son ot John and Abigail, from Southington, to Elizabeth Trowbridge, d. to Israel and Mary of Oxford, Jan. 19, 1783. Capt. John Davis and Mehitabel Thomas, April 10, 1782. Jonpti N. French and Sarah Chatfield, April 17, 1783. Nathaniel Freeman and Mary B. Fox, Nov. 20, 1810. Aurelius Hyde, son of Capt. Abijah and Sarah Ann Chatfield, d. of John, Deodate Mun and Selina Batemau, Nov. 22, 1807. [Aug. 5, 1801. Jehiel Put and Lois Manderville, Jan. 12, 1791. Clark Phelps and Laura Monson,both of Oxford, Nov. 17, 1833. John Biggs, Esq., son of Joseph and Mabel of Derby, and Elizabeth, d. of Capt. Zach. T. Hawkins, Dec. 22, 1767. Andrew Smith and Euth Judd, July 6, 1790. Arad Skeeles and Sally Lake. and Sibyl Wooden, May 5, 1811. Noah Stone and Rosalind Marvin, Oct. 1, 1810. Benjamin Twichell and Claraina Hawkins, Feb. 26, 1776. Josiah Tucker and Polly Moore. and Betty Wheeler, March 12, 1808. Nathan Wooster and Charity Plum, Feb. 5, 1789. Abel Wheeler and Eunice Riggs, Oct. 1, 1786. Samuel Wheeler and Phebe Glover, Oct. 20, 1795. 74 HISTORY OF OXFOED. DEATHS. Bristol, Angeline, Nov. 14, 1828, aged 10. David, Nov. 25, 1828, aged 7 years. Brown, Mrs., of Woodbridge, March 27, 1829, aged 74. Bassett, Thomas, son of Ezra L., April 10, 1831, aged 2. Buckingham, Clark, June 21, 1840, aged 41. Bunnell, Charles, March, 1838, aged 80 years. Benjamin, Sept. 20, 1840, aged 77. Buxton, Thomas, May 1st, 1841, aged 38. Beardslee, Lemuel, Nov. 23, 1841, aged 70. Bradley, Nancy, Nov. 9, 1828, aged 43. Cande, George W., son of David and Hannah, May 26, 1810. Caleb, December 1, 1828, aged 85. Horace, Jr., May 10, 1831, aged 4 months. Sarah, wife of Job, March 20, 1840, aged 75. Sarah, widow of Moses, October, 1841, aged 72. Chatfield, Henry, Mar. 21, 1822, in N. Carolina, aged 30. Hannah, wife of Abijah, Nov. 28, 1826, aged 73. John F., son of John and Molly, Aug. 3, 1826. Elizabeth, widow of Gideon, March 2, 1827, aged 64. Mary, wife of John Chatfield, January 21, 1827. Jennette, d. of Divine and Mamie, Oct. 1, 1831, aged 11. Mary, d. of Lewis and Thirza, Nov. 4th, 1831, aged 2 yrs. 9 m. John, June, 1837. Clark, Sherman, April, 1822, agd 39. Sheldon, April 10, 1840, aged 55. Camp, Eli B., March, 1841. Davis, Daniel, formerly of Derby, Mar. 20, 1822, aged 74. Nathan, January 4, 1823, aged 69. Otis, son of John, Jr. and Laura Apr. 12, 1842, aged 18. John, Jr., Aug. 8, 1844, aged 56. Dean, Elizabeth, widow of Ichabod D. and Wooster Twichel, Oct. 9, 1822^ Dutton, Dr. Hosea, Oct. 9th, 1826, aged about 72. [aged 88. Ferguson, John D., Nov. 14, 1828, aged 35. Hyde, Mary, widow of Capt. Abijah, Nov. 14, 1822, aged about 90. Mary, wife of Capt. Asahel, 1823, aged 54. DEATHS. 75 Hull, Widow Betty Ann, Dec. 31, 1839, aged 67. Hawley, Javed, Esq., Jan. 27, 1822. Humphrey, Cyrus, Aug. 22, 182G, aged 29. Nancy, his wife, Aug. 25, 1826, aged 30, Homer, his son, Aug. 17, 1826, aged about 18 months. Hatch, Catherine, d. of Chauncey M., June 12, 1827, aged 15. Julia, wife of Chauncey M., March 19, 1840, aged 49. Hinman, Phebe, wife of Simeon, April 29, 1830, aged 39. Harger, Caroline Jane, d. of Alfred and Ruth, June 25, 1831. Elijah, March 21, 1840, aged 76. Joy, Edward R., son of Jesse and Sally, Aug. 22, 1826, aged 2 years. Johnson, Ebenezer. Betsey, widow, Nov, 11, 1841, aged 72. Jackson, Moses, Esq., Oct, 5, 1837, aged 34. Kiu)berly, Eunice, wife of Julius, December 19th, 1826, aged 36. Loveland, Betsey A., wife of Miles, July 13, 1827, aged 49. Leavenworth, Sophia, wife of Calvin, Esq., Sept. 20, 1839. Meigs, Benj. Clark, son of Samuel and Laura, April 21, 1821, aged 8 m. Nichols, Isaac, December 23, 1826, aged 56. Osborn, Henry, son of Thos. L. and Eunice, Sept. 20, 1828, aged 2. Ambrose, May 22, 1840, aged 55. Clarissa Towner, wife of Joseph Osborn, Oct. 19, 1832, aged 54. Perkins, ^Nlark, son of Roswell and Eunice, aged 1 m. Lucy, d. of Roswell and Eunice, March 2, 1832, aged 5. Peck, David, May 3, 1841, aged 80. Phebe, wife of Parks, Nov. 1822, aged 67. Riggs, David, Mar. 26, 1822, aged 56. Edward, July 21, 1821, aged 59 years and 6 mouths. Samuel, Nov. 18, 1835, aged 65. Julia, wife of Mr. Ebenezer, Aug. 9, 1844, aged 34. Stone, Mary E., Nov. 9, 1814, aged 3 yrs. 4 mos. Scott, Ransom, Sept. 6, 1828, aged 41. Julia Ann, Oct. 6, 1828, aged 1 yr. 6 mos. Thomas, son of David C. and Eliza, March 6, 1832, aged 7 months. Mrs., wife of Uri, Apr. 11, 1840, aged 81. Smith, Mary, wife of David, Oct. 28, 1822, aged 62. Sherwood, Orrin, March 31, 1840, aged 29 ; instantly fell dead when at his work, apparently in good health. Spring, Samuel Isaac, April 13, 1828, aged 35. Stoddard, Merab, Sept. 15, 1828, aged 28. 76 HISTORY OF OXFOED. Sanford, John, Nov. 16, 1826, aged 51. Laura, daughter of Moses, April 16, 1822, aged 22. Jane, daughter of Harris and Emeline, March, 1836. Towner, Enos, son of Asael and Abigail, Feb. 27, 1832, aged 1 yr. and 8 mos. Mary, widow of Joseph, June 24, 1822, aged 67. Tomlinson, Hon. David, senator, Mar. 23, 1822, aged 60. Henrietta L., d. of David and Loveiia, Aug. 14, 1829, in her 22d year. Twitchell, Jerusha, wife of Capt. Gilbert, June 9, 1822. Tyrrell, Phinehas, formerly of Woodbridge, Nov. 27, 1822, aged 74. Wallace, John, May .30, 1840, aged 52. Juliann, wife of John, June 13, 1840, aged 51. Wheeler, Abel, Oct. 27, 1830, aged 65. Daniel, Oct. 1, 1821, aged 39. Ezra, April 4, 1840. Williams, Sabrina, May 20, 1825, aged 28. Wise, Nancy, August 23, 1827, aged 42. Wooster, Merit, Lois, widow of Thomas, Aug. 29, 1822, aged 94, Mary, daughter of Samuel, Feb. 13, 1823, aged 84. 1S13. John Davis, 30. Col. Davis' son, 13. Lorenda Kimberly, 25. Andrew Smith, 47. Samuel Hitchcock's wife, 56. Widow Rachel Bristol, 72. James Baldwin, 50, Widow Esther Cande, 86. Philo Holbrook, 56. Capt, Bradley, 46. Miles Bassett, 50. Wait Bassett's wife, 27. Zeriah Riggs, 20. Isaac Bradley, 21. Elias Clark, 32. Bradley, 14. Samuel Bassett's wife, 48. David Smith's wife, 46. Philip, negro, drowned. Widow of Zadoc Sanford, 62. Esq. Wales's wife, 30. Chloe, negress, 50. John Sutton, 30. Dea, Buckingham's wife, 70. Reuben Chapman's wife, 34. Jared Buckingham, 81. Esq. John Riggs, 71. Nisa Morriss, 17. Gideon Perry, 82. Elisha Grriffiu, 82. Lois Hawkins, 65. Elnathan Lake, 75. Patty Towner, wife of David, 30. Lewis Minot, 70. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Noah and Rosa- Ebenezer Prindle, 81. lind Stone, Nov. 9, 1814. Joseph Wooster's wife, 31. John Riggs, Esq., June 18; 71. Samuel Eaton, 47. John Hawkins, 65. DEATHS. 77 David Tomlinson, Jr., 23. Widow of Thomas Osborn, 64. Widow Sanford, about 60. Elijah Smith's widow, 76. James Perry's wife, 77. Dea. Nathan Buckingham, 80. Aurelius Hyde's wife, 34. John Towner's widow, 67. Hannah Johnson, 45. Elnathan Lake's widow, 74. Widow Hannah Elton, 80. Esq. Riggs' widow, 69. Rosswell Perkin's wife, 21. Leverett Rigg's wife, 25. Nehemiah Durand's wife, 57. Zerviah Fairchild, 77. Widow Terrel, 86. Caleb Spencer, 30. Bened Burrall, 80. Chester Smith's wife, 44. Joseph Clark's wife, 48. Josiali Tucker's wife, 42. Gideon Chatfield, 62. Widow Eena Hyde, 82. Wm. Yates, 35. Erastus Cande, 32. Sheldon Wooster's wife, 33. James Cartier, 102, foreigner, p. Claudius Barthelimi's wife, 74. Jared Hawley's wife, 33. Justus Bristol's wife, 79. George Bennet's wife, 30. Betsey, daughter of Samuel Rig^ Enos Towner, Jan., 40. Capt. nine's wife, Feb., 67. John GritRn, Feb., 94. Daniel French's wife, Sarah, 60. Samuel Buckingham, 46. Marcus Hyde, 23. Eleazer Lewis, 84. Erastus Linos, 64, Nov. 15th. his wife, 67, Nov. — . Capt. Philo Beecher, 42. Abijah Wooster, 44. Abial Fairchild, 84. Capt. Andrew Buckingham's wife, 42. Gideon Tucker, 70. Joseph French, 57. Ellen Bunnel, 36. Widow Elizabeth Minot, 57. Baker's wife, 34. Capt. Joseph Loveland, 79. Abia Sharp, 24. Abner Johnson's girl, 20. Leman Wooster, 2L Caleb Cande's wife, 76. Alexander Johnson, 86. Laura Osborn, 27. Samuel Chapman, 60. Bowers Washband, 73. Philip, Esq. Tomlinson's negro, 36. Isaac Towner's wife, 30. Sherman Hatch, 67. Ephraim Andrews, 62. Curtis Jordan's wife, 28. And ten under 12 years. s, 17. Nathan Vose, March, 47. Joseph Wooster, Jr., May, 57. T. ScoviPs wife, July, 52. 78 HISTORY OF OXFORD. Dickerraan's girl, March, 18. Moses Rigg's wife, March, 55. BeDJamin Bradley, July, 65. Philo French, Aug., 19. John Button, Aug., 90, Martin Beebe, Sept., 04. Phineas Johnson, Sept., 90. William Vose's wife, July, 45. Lois Towner, Julj;, 32. William Church's wife, Oct., 54, and three children. Samuel Riggs' girl, iSTov. 15. Burton Tucker, Nov., 33. William Tomlinson, Nov., 47. Joseph Wooster's wife, Dec, 76. James Perry, 95. Justus Bristol, 83. Maria Peck, 22. Silas Hawkin's wife, 58. Widow Pangman, 53. Dr. Cande, Apr. 19, 75. Whiting Mitchell's wife, Jan., 50. John Smith, 60. Widow McN'eil, Mar., 78. Sarah Twitchell, 85. Jared Hawley's wife, April, 24. Peter Larkin, pauper, 64. Lyman Nichols, 49. Yelverton Perry, 83. Anna Wattlis, 21. Edward Riggs, July, 60. Ann Bunoull, 84. Jared Hawley, Esq., 40. Esther Beardsley, 74. Daniel Davis, 74, D. Tomlinson, Esq., 60. David Riggs, 57. Sherman Clark, April, 37. Henry Chatfield, 30. Widow O'Cain, 70. Gilbert Twichel's wife, 40. David Scott's wife, 24. Asahel Hyde's wife, 54. Nathan Davis, Feb 1, 69. David Scovil, 24. Widow of Pat Tomlinson, 54. Lydia Hawkins, Aug. 4, 87. Samuel Rigg's girl, 11. Billy Lum, 42. 1^31, Eunice Bristol, Aug., 44. Widow Smith, Sept., 54. Daniel Wheeler, 40. James Perry's wife, 35. Betty Ragen, Oct., 57. Widow Joanna Wilmot, 85. John Hinman, Dec, 42. Chittenden Cande, 40. Mrs. Swift, 26. iJS^aS. Widow Mary Towner, 67, Lois Wooster, 94. Bennett Tomlinson, 23. Widow Dean, 88. Widow Mary Smith, 62. Widow Mary Hyde, 87. Burrit Harger, 16. Phebe Park, 71. Phinehas Terrell, 74. lSa3. Ephraim Hubbel's wife, 40. Widow Mary Wooster, Feb. 13, 84. Widow of Bowers Washband, 67. DEATHS. 79 Bazi], son of Capt. S. Cande, 25. Joshua Perry's wif(3,.April, 85. Joshua Perry, 87. Smith Washburn, May, 29. Moses Wheeler's wife, June, 74. David Towner, July 4, 43. John Riggs' wife, 85. Moses Sperry's wife, 38. Anna Bateman, widow, 63. Henry Wooster, about 50. Balera Touilmson, 21. Amos Clark, 48. Abigail Dutton, April, 92. Charles Hyde, June 20, 21. Wealthy Jones, 22. Luther French, 50. his wife, 54. Abel Waters' son, 20. Betsey Towner, id., 40. Widou- Abigail Nichols, March, Widow Cornish, 87. Asahel Hyde, 09. Lyman Scott, 54. Thomas Bassett, 2. Horace Cande, 2d, 4 months. Caroline Bunnell Stacy, 22. Koxaua Hine, 32. David Perkins, 04. Julia Fairchild, 30. Ellen McCnire, 3. Chickery Jeftery, a black, 45. Enos Towner, 2. Rockwell, 2. Lucy Perkins, 5. Thomas Scott, 7 months. Mary Ann Tomlinson, 31. Widow of Perry, 35. Moses Wheeler, 73. Yelverton Perry's wife, 70. Ln Hawkins' son, 22. Captain Jehial Hine, Dec, 02. Widow Coger, 74. William Seeley, 74. Lyon, 45. Neher Durand, 72. ' Mark Bassett, 23. Sebastian Dutton, Sept. 9, 24. Rachel Towner, 81. Jonathan Beers, about 80. Amos Bates' wife, June, 42. Sabrina Williams, about 30. Gilbert Osborn, July, 43. Samuel Tucker's wife, Aug., 09. Pierpont Riggs, Oct., 22. 78. David Beach, Nov., 55. Ruth Wheeler, 30. Collins Chapman, 74. Catharine Harger, 6 months. Jesse Smith, 74. Jane Wooster, 5. Jennette Chatfield, 11. Mary Chatfield, 3. Seeley, 2. Jennet Hinman, .28. Susan Clark, 42. Widow Mary Andrews, 77. Beach Brothvvell, 37. John Bassett, 74. Anna Bunnell, GQ. Lois Johnson, 75. Lewis Buckingham, 21. Elihu Bates, Dec. 16, 1834, about 82. INSCRIPTIONS. 81 BURIALS 1 N ZoAR Bridge Cemetery. Edward Bassett, died Jan 21, 1841, aged 90 years. Daraarius, wife of Edward Bassett, died Feb. 24, 185G, aged 78. Anne, died October, 1870. Eliphas Bradley, died Aug. 19, 1843, aged 74. James, son of Whiting and Annie Bradley, died Sept 11, 1846, aged 19. Annie E., wife of Charles E. Bradley, died March 12, 18G3, aged 32. Mr. Nichols French, died Feb. IS, 1811, aged 25. Mr. Joseph N. French, died July 15, 1816, aged 57 years. Sarah French, relict of Joseph N. French, died Dec. 21, 1829, aged 72. Sheldon French, died Apr. 30, 1840, aged 57 years. Philo French, son of Joseph and Sarah French, died Aug. 15, 1819, aged 22. Leraan Clark, died May 29, 1859, aged 70. David French, died June 4, 1845, aged 49. Austin W., his son, died March 13, 1837, aged 14 months. Mr. John Hawkins, died Sept. 22, 1814, aged 69 years. Lois, his wife, died July 14, 1814, aged 65 years. Elijah Hawkins, died April 18, 1809, aged 8 months. Elizur M. Hawkins, died Nov. 26, 1823, aged 22. Lauren Hawkins, died Nov. 15, 1836, M. 38. Lee Hawkins, died March 17, 1860, aged 82. Sarah, his wife, died Dec 24, 1864, aged 93. Moses Hawkins, died Oct. 28, 1838, aged 57 years. Elizabeth, former relict of Moses Hawkins, died 23, 1851, aged 72 years. Mrs. Abigail Hull, wife of Mr. Abel Hull, died Sept. 29, 1805, aged 47. Stiles Judson, died Nov. 6, 1826, aged 52 years. Aner, wife of Stiles Judson, died Nov. 3, 1826, in her 52d year. Hetty, daughter of Stiles and Aner Judson, died Nov. 2, 1826, aged 21. Timothy Johnson, died August 26, 1844, aged 86. Olive, his wife, died May 9, 1844, aged 82. Mr. William Lewis, died Dec. 11, 1834, aged 76. Mrs. Martha Lewis, wife of William Lewis, died Jan. 26, 1835, aged 75. 82 HISTORY OF OXFORD. Harriet E., daughter of Francis J. and Almira Lewis, died March 22, 1862, aged 3 years, 5 months and 15 days. Giles Loveland, died Nov. 22, 1866, aged 65 years and 10 months. Cornelia, daughter of Giles and Larinda Loveland, died Oct. 3, 1841, aged 5 years, 3 months and 16 days. Henry E., died Oct. 4, 1841, aged 3 years, 1 month and 1 day. Henry Lum, died May 26, 1857, aged 76. Deborah, wife of Henry Lum, died July 11, 1842, aged 60. Mr. Gideon N"orthrop, died April 20, 1818, aged 76. Truman Pool, died Aug. 28, 1818, aged 24 years. Grace A., wife of George B. Robinson, died May 8, 1846, aged 26. Andrew Gibson Scott, died Sept. 14, 1805, in the 33d year of his age. Susan, daughter of Andrew G. and Susan Scott, died Jan. 20, 1805, aged 17 months. Philander Sharpe, died Apr. 30, 1879, aged 73 years. Mrs. Sarah Sharpe, died May 10, 1860, aged 76 years. Eugene Sharpe, died Oct. 9, 1842, aged 32 years. Wyllis, son of Eugene Sharpe, died Fep. 24, 1818, aged 2 months. Nelson, son of Eugene Sharpe, died Sept. 10, 1819, aged 1 y. and 9 m. George Thomas Sharpe, died July 21, 1067, aged 56 years. Mrs. Betsey Sharpe, died Feb. 9, 1877, aged 57 years. Eugene, son of Geo. T. Sharpe, died Mar. 17, 1847, aged 1 year. John Sharpe, died Oct. 27, 1825, aged 46. Mrs. Catherine, wife of John Sharpe, died Feb. 3, 1815, aged 35 years. Thomas Sharpe, died Mar. 4, 1805, aged 58 years and 9 months. Mrs. Mary Treadwell, wife of Thomas Sharpe. Sarah, wife of Charles Betts and daughter of Ira and Hannan Sherman, died Feb. 25, 1836, aged 20 years. David Smith, departed this life Aug. 31, 1817, in the 46th year of his age. Captain Samuel Smith, died Dec. 7, 1874, aged 75. Flora, wife of Samuel Smith, died Jan. 26, 1802, aged 59. Isaac Smith, died Sept. 14, 1836, in the 60th year of his age. Sarah, relict of Isaac C. Smith, died March 28, 1846,aged 67. Mr. Elijah Smith, died April 4, 1805, aged 75 years. Mrs. Anna, relict of Mr. Elijah Smith, died Jan. 4, 1815, aged 73 years. George T. Stoddard, died Dec. 2, 1878, aged 59 years. Nellie M., daughter of Geo. T. and Mary Stoddard, died Feb. 3, 1864, aged 4. Royal G., son of George T. and Mary Stoddard, died Oct. 24, 1803, aged 6 m. Leroy G., son of George T. and Mary Stoddard, died Sept. 2, 1855, aged 2 y. Miss Abigail Tuttle, daughter of Caleb Tuttle, died June 27, 1811, aged 40. Amos Williams, died Feb. 5, 1845, aged 79. Mary J. Williams, died Feb. 22, 1839, in the 23d year of her age. INSCRIPTIONS. 83 Joseph Wooster, born Dec. 11, 1776 ; died May 27, 185G, aged 79 years, 5 months and 16 days. Elizabeth A. Wooster, wife of Joseph Wooster, died May 12, 1814, aged 34. Buried by her side four of their children, namely, Melisse W., David W., David W., Amarilla W. Seth C. Wooster, died April 28, 1834, aged 22 years ; George H. Wooster, died Feb. 22, 1834, aged 20 years ; sons of Sheldon Wooster. Sheldon Wooster, died Feb. 19, 1862, aged 76 years, 5 months, 25 days. Sally, wife of Sheldon Wooster, died Jan. 6, 1818, aged 34. Lucy Ann, wife of Sheldon Wooster, died June 6, 1860, aged 73. Samuel Wooster, born July 16, 1789 ; died July 8, 1872. Priscilla, his wife, born April 13, 1794; died Jan. 23, 1883. Clarissa, her mother, wife of Amos Williams, died 1.5, 1859, aged 101 years, 1 month. OLD QUAKER FARMS CEMETERY. Leverett Candee, son of Horace and Caroline Candee, died Aug. 13, 1837, aged 13 years and 10 months. Gideon Chatfield, died April 23, 1817, in tlie 62d year of his age. Elizabeth, wife of Gideon Chatfield, died March 2, 1827, aged 65 years. Bennet, son of Gideon and Mrs. Elizabeth Chatfield, died Sept. 27, 1801, aged 3 years and 7 months. Sarah Chatfield, wife of Billy Chatfield, died July 14, 1843, aged 62 years. , Elijah Durand, died March 6, 1804, ^t. 73. Anna, his wife, died Oct. 7, 1801, ^t. 70. Betsey Maria, only child of William and Laura M. Griffin, died June 25, 1860, aged 16 years, 10 months and 15 days. Elijah Harger, died March 20, 1840, aged 74 years and eight months. Sarah K., wife of Elijah Harger, died March 5, 1841, aged 68 years and 2 m. Burritt, son of Elijah and Sarah Harger, died Nov. 13, 1822, ^t. 16. 84 HISTORY OF OXFORD. Ruth Harger, wife of Alfred Harger, died Jan. 1, 1852, aged 45. Catherine J., died June 24, 1831, sb. 6 months ; Edwin, died Sept. G, 1848, aet. 2 years ; children of Ruth and Alfred Harger. Ira Hawkins, died Jan. 8, 1853, aged 62. Sally, died Oct. 6, 1852, aged 58. Silas Hawkins, died Oct. 15, 1844, aged 88. Sarah Hawkins, wife of Silas Hawkins, died Feb. 24, 1820, aged 58. Lydia Thomas, wife of Nathan Taylor of Litchfield and Capt. Zachariah Hawkins of Oxford, died Aug 4, 1820, aged 87. Leonard A. Hotchkiss, died Sept. 4, 1865, aged 38. Elizabeth I., his wife, only daughter of Everett and Jane E. Hubbell, died Sept. 20, 1863, aged 32. Wales A. Hubbell, died May 16, 1866, aged 23 years. Jane E. Sperry, wife of Everett Hubbell, died Jan. 13, 1877, aged 66. Mary, wife of Abijah Hyde, died Oct. 15, 1822, aged 84 years. Wells Judson, died June 18, 1827, in the 73d year of his age. Ruth Judson, died Sept. 11, 1839, aged 64. Jonathan L, Nichols, died May 29, 1821, in his 49th year. Lois, wife of Jonathan L. Nichols, died March 29, 1847, M. 73. Sarah, daughter of J. L. and Lois Nichols, died April 20, 1868, JE. 71. Isaac Nichols, died March 5, 1806, M. 57. Mrs. Abigail, wife ot Isaac Nichols, died March 20, 1825, aged 77 years. Isaac Nichols, died Dec. 23, 1826, in his 57th year. Mary, wife of David Smith, died Oct. 8, 1822, aged 62 years. Silus Sperry, died July 26, 1850, aged 73. Lucinda, wife of Silus Sperry, died Sept. 1, 1849, aged 60. Zalmon Tomlinson, died July 1, 1805, aged 40. Patience, his wife, died May 15, 1820, aged 53. Nancy Tomlinscm, died March 12, 1831, aged 35. Balsora Tomlinson, died Feb. 26, 1822, aged 20 years. Mrs. Hannah Russel, wife of Timothy Russel of Oxford, died May 26, 1773, aged 76 years. M. David Woodin, died June 10, 1797, in the 61st year of his age. Mrs. Lorana Woodin, wife of M. David Woodin, died April 10, 1794, in the 53d year of her age. Joseph Wooster, died Dec. 18, 1819, in his 76th year. Samuel Wooster, his father, died Sept. 16, 1776, in his 70th year. Ann Wooster, his mother, died Sept. 14, 1791, in her 81st year. Hannah, his wife, died Dec. 11, 1835, aged 80 years. Dolly, his daughter, died Mar. 7, 1777, aged 3. David, his son, died Jan. 15, 1778, aged 3 years. Lucy, his daughter, died Nov. 20, 1783, aged 1 year. \ / V OXFORD Sketches and Records PART TWO. Compiled and Published by W. C. Sharpe, seymour, conn. RECORD PRINT, SEYMOUR, IQIO. s-p.-} OXFORD CENTER. The Center, as shown in the view, with the Congregational Church at the head of the upper green, and the church of St. Peter at the south of the lower green, and the lines of handsome residences on either side, is one of the prettiest villages in the state. At the right of the upper green is the Congregational parsonage, next to that is the Episcopal rectory, and a little further to the right long stood the village schoolhouse. On the right also, at the southerly angle of the road turning to the east was for many years the home of the village physician. At the left of the Congregational church is the fine old colonial residence of the late S. P. Sanford. On the west side of the street was for a century the village inn, the place of rest and refreshment for man and beast on the main road from the ports of New Haven and Derby to the towns far to the northwest. On the west side of the green also were the houses of the village postmaster and the Judge of Probate, while a little to the rear flowed quietly along a clear stream which at times fills its banks with a swollen and more turbulent current which then merits its name of Little River. All around the green from time to time as the years have passed have been the homes of some of the well-to-do and leading mem- bers of the community, shaded by the grand old elms and maples, the growth of a century, while the store and blacksmith shop and other industries were clustered near. The lower green, being level, was more especially the place for the annual assembly of the mili- tary company which was an established institution of the principal Connecticut towns in the olden time. THE EARLY SETTLEMENT. The land included in the bounds of the town of O.xford was purchased from the Indians at various times from 1678 to 1710, the principal deeds having been those of Wesquantuck (now shortened to Squantuck), Rockhouse Hill, Camp's Mortgage, the Quaker Farms Purchase, and the North Purchase. The date of the first settlement within the limits of the town has not been established, 84 OXFORD. but as a tract of land in the westerly part of the town was desig- nated as the Quaker's Farm in 1683 it is evident that at least one white man had settled there before that date, and it is probable that other settlers had already made their homes in the verdant and fertile valleys. A well preserved document found at Quaker Farms some years ago gave a description of a la3'out of 170 acres "at Quaker's Farm" for Lieut. Johnson, made March 27, 1688, and refers to "the com- mon road" through "the place commonly called the Quaker's Farm." It is probable that there was a considerable number of settlers here before 1680, as it is recorded that in that year it had become necessary to establish the town bounds between Derby and Waterbury and on May i8th of that year the Plantations of Derby and Mattatuck appointed a committee to set the bounds. The latter appointed Wm. Judd, Thomas Judd and John Stanley, Jr., and Derby appointed Joseph Hawkins and Abel Gunn. They be- gan at a stack twelve miles north of Derby and went westerly "to a stone marked with m on ye north side and d on 'ye south side, lying on ye west sd nagatock (Naugatuck) or mattatock river," etc. If this was all a wilderness why the need of setting the boundaries at so early a date.'' On the other hand it is evident that the twenty miles between Derby and Mattatuck, which includes Oxford, was considerably taken up by settlers and that this gave occasion for the call for a settlement of the bounds. In 1683 Joseph Hawley of Stratford proposed to have his grant in Derby, then agreed upon, laid at Quaker's Farm, and in 1705, he exchanged land at Quaker Farms with Thomas Sharpe for land owned by the latter in Stratford. In 1699, (April 24th) Samuel Riggs' land was laid out by Samuel Riggs and John Tibbols on Five Mile Hill, six score rods on each side except the north, where it measured six score and fifteen rods; bounded southerly on land of John Hulls and John Tibballs, "westward with bous brooke so called, and northward with Wedow Denman & towns land, and estard with a Little Brooke that nmeth into the Little River." At the same date is described "Widdovv Denmans division of land and swamp in the great neck * * * southward on Samuel Riggs his land," etc. There is therefore abundant evidence that the History of Derby, page 229, is in error in saying that "The first permanent settler at Quaker's Farm was some time after 1707." THE EARLY SETTLEMENT. 85 The records show that by January, 1710-11, a sufficient time had already elapsed from the first settlement at Quaker Farms for there to be confusion over the alotments of land to different pro- prietors to such an extent that action regarding it was taken in the Derb}' town meeting, and the records of the holdings which were made soon after indicate that there was then quite a prosperous settlement within the limits of this purchase. A few of them were as follows : John Chatfield, in 171 1, had his division "in the swamp upon the Five Mile Brook and the land adjacent, on the northward side of the path that goeth to Woodbury." John Tibbals, in 1711, had land "upon the great neck, on the east and westward side of the westward branch of the Five Mile Brook, bounded northward with Samuel Riggs and John Hull's their I^ands * * * and westward with Woodbury Road and com- mon land." John Hull's land was described May 14, 17 11, as "in Quaker's Farm Purchase on the east side of the country road not far from Quakers Farm, is bounded * * * westward by Woodbury road, north by land of Samuel Riggs," etc. John Pringle's land at Good Hill, over the Eight Mile Brook, was bounded west on Samuel Nichols' land, otherwise on undivided land, in 171 1. 1/ Samuel Riggs is recorded as having his land Dec. 10, 171 1, on Five Mile Hill, bounded "southward with land of John Tibbals." The Quaker Farms Purchase extended easterly to the Nauga- tuck river, and beyond, and therefore included not only a large proportion of the southern part of Oxford, but a considerable part also of what is now Seymour, the Indian deeds overlapping one an- other. The list of names of proprietors in March, 172I, is here giv- en as the best available record of the heads of families here at that time. "Here followeth a list of names John Muns( n 18 which is ye augmented List which is the En^ Nikols 90 Rule for Devidini? the Lands in Quakers Joseph Nikols 33 Farm Purchace that are yet undevided Abraham Person 72 7 - which is as followeth: Steaphen Peirson Juti' 76 10 £ s. d. Steaphen Peirson Sn'' 78 - En^ Sam'! Ba^sif 28 - - M'- Pinto 29 - George Black 21 John Pringle 32 - - Sam" Bowers 76 12 - John Pringle 85 10 86 OXFORD. . Sam". Brimsmaid 22 10 Abiram Canfield 23 - JohnChatfield 113 - - John Davis 70 4 Micah Deiiman 74 - M>^ Jobn Durand 87 12 Francis French 135 Abel Gunn 157 17 6 Capt Sam" Gunn - - - Ebin : Barger 135 10 Jabiz Harger 23 Joseph Hawkins 201 15 Jonathan Hill 21 Deacon Abel Holbrook 129 7 6 John Hull 103 3 Capt Joseph Hull Jw 866 5 James Humphres 25 - - Coll: Ebenezer Johnson 219 1 9 Ebenezer Johnson 72 16 - Jeremiah Johnson 159 John Johnson 49 10 Joseph Johnson 43 - Peter Johnson 123 - Jonathan Lumm 70 4 Sam" Moss 43 W" Moss 147 15 Ebin:Riggs 102 - - Edward Riggs 69 - - Lt John Riggs 240 18 En^ Sam" Riggs bS 10 Andrew Smith 132 6 Ephraim Smith 36 John Smith Jun' 20 John Smith Sn^ 98 10 Joseph Smith 46 10 Benj: Stiles 26 5 - John Tibbals 123 2 6 Abraham Tomlinson _ _ _ Isaac Tomlinson 192 John Tomlinson 76 10 Sam" Tomlinson 49 5 6 W'" Tomlinson 58 10 John Towner 48 - John Twitchel 78 Sam" Washbon 74 2 W»^ Washbon 117 Jobn Weede 82 2 Selvester Wooster 39 - - Tho'* Wooster 175 10 Timothy Wooster 117 5285 7 9 The deed of the Wesquantuck and Rock House Hill purchase is here given as of interest as shownig what Indians until then were considered the owners of the land, the spelling being that of the original record and without punctuation other than the ver}- few marks there found. Weescantook and Weesquantook, later Wes- quantuck, will be recognized as the original of the present name, Squantuck, where the "Great River" flows about forty feet above the sea level, from whence in a distance of only a mile in a direct line there is a rise of 550 feet to the top of Rock House Hill. To all to whom these presents shall come Know y*^' that wee Neighbour Rutt Cockapaton Sachom Nonnawauk Gyousoon Keux- on Raretoon Tazchun Corroon Rashkannoot proprietors of Wees- cantook with y'' consent off our Saggamore for twenty pounds in hand rec'd & divers other & good consideracion us thereunto mov- ing have sold & do by these pres'" fully and absolutely sell alienat & assigne set over give grant & confirme unto Wm Tomlinson senior & Junior and y'' Widdow Hannah Tomlinson James Hard, Jonathan Lume Timothy Worster off Derby in his Majesties Col- THE EARLY SETTLEMENT. 87 ony off Connecticott & y'' County of New Haven & their hcTS executors administraters & assignes a certaine tract off land call'd and known by y'' name off Weesquantook & Rochoushill bounded South with y*" four mile brook North with y'' 5 mile brook East with Woodbury road y* now is & West with the Great River for them y'' aforesaid Purchasers their heirs and assignes to have hold use occupy possess & enjoy as their own proper estate & Inher- itance from y'" date of these pres'^ for ever without any manner off lett hinderance molestation, disturbanc denyall challenge clayme evict'n ejection trouble or demand & w^ soever off or from us y" above said Indians or heirs executors or administrators or from or by any other person or persons for from by or under us affirming our selves to be ye true Propriaters off ye above sd tract of land & y* we have in our selves good right & full power to sell ye same & do free & clear & freely & clearly acquitt exonerate & discharge y*' above sd tract off land from all other & former gifts grants bar- gaines sales mortgages dowries joyntures wills entailes rents taxes & incumbrances whatsoever And we do further engage & covenant firmly by these pres^' for or selves our Heires executors & admin- istrators to & with y"" afor sd purchas their Heires & assigns to signe seal & deliver any other & former deed & conveyance off y*' afore s'' Tract off land as y'' sd Purchas their heires & assignes shall be advised by their Council learned in y'' law In witness wroff & for confirmation off all w''' wee have to these pres*' put to our hands & scales in Derby this fifthteenth off August 1698 Neighbor Rutt x his mark Signed sealed & delivered in Cockapatouch x his mark y'' presence off us Nonnawauk x his mark Jno James Gyouson x his mark Eleazer Browne Keuxon x his mark Mawquash x his mark Raretoun x his mark Cheshconeeg x his mark Tazchun x his mark Rash koinoot x his mark Thomas sect x his mark The above nam'd Proprietors appeard before me & ac- knowledged y'' above written Instrument to be their act & Deed y'' date above Ebenezer Johnson Justice Ver a Copia Entered March 19 1700 lea 1701 88 OXFORD. The "Camp's Mortgage" Purchase. Dec. 23, 1700, Ebenezer Johnson, Wm. Tomlinson and Samuel Riggs were appointed a committee to buy the mortgage of Nicholas Camp. On Jan. 13, 1702 it was voted "that y"" Indian mortgage bought off M'' Nicholas Camp off Milford shall be paid for by y*" Town of Derby, four pounds to be p'^." On Jan. 15, 1702 it was voted "That Capt. Ebenezer Johnson Ensigne Sam' Riggs Serjeant Brinsmead Jn" Bow^'* Timothy Worster & Jn" Riggs survey & measure y^ tract off y'' Indian Purchase bought off IvP Nicholas Camp off Milford." This purchase was confirmed by the Indians Mar. 5, 17O2, as follows, omitting the legal verbiage. "In confirmation of a mortgage made to M'' Nicholas Camp off Milford containing a certain tract off land lying and scituate within y" bonds of Derby bounded as specifi'd in that mortgage viz South- ward with Derby Purchase Westward w*'' a range of swamps near on to Moose hill Northward with a little River known and com- monly cal'd by y*" name of little River eastward with Naucatuck River w*"^ is a parcel off land ab* three mile square, be it more or less * * * give grant and confirme unto y'' town of Derby y*^ afore s'* Tract of land 5th of March 1702." This deed was signed by Cockapatani, sagamore; Ahuntaway, sachem; Will Dr, Rowangusook, Tijachome, Will Toto, Jn" Toto. The witnesses were Arkumi, Artownhood, Jn° James, Mary James. In 170 2-3 it was divided up among the proprietors, and high- ways four rods wide were laid out through it. AN EARLIER DEED OF THK S0LTHWE8T PART OF OXFORD. This Indentar made this sixt day of Agust in y'" year of our lord Christ one thousand Six hundred eighty & Seaven and in the third year of the Reign of our Soveraign Jaems the Second of england Scotland france & Ireland King defender of the faith &c: Between cockapatouce: John banks: Jack chebrook; stastecksam: & Sunka- qene: meshilling: tackamore: pussekes: & mamosen: cockapotane. wamunka: wecalope: Indians proprietars of wesquantack & putta- tuck & of the Land in the great Neck at Derby in the county of New Haven & Collony of Conecticut in New england one the one parties: & linete: Ebenezer Johnson edward woster & Abell Gunn agents for the town of derby in the county & collony afore s'' in Newengland wittneseth that we cockapotouce John banks: &c: the Indians above s'': for & In consideration of twenty one pound in OXFORD. 89 good Indian pay to be paid att Mr, Nicoles Campes att Milford within six months from this date where with we doe confess our- Selves fully sattesfied contented & paid ; have sold & by these presents have freely clearly & absolutely Bargained & sold to the sd lieut eb: Johnson, ed: Woster & Abell gunn together with the inhabetants of Derby proprietors with them: one percell of land being & liing in the great Neck: at Derby: Bounded on the South east with the four mile Brook & another littel Brook y* fals into the littel River & Bounded North & North east with the little river that Runs into nagatuck.River: & Bounded north west & west with the eight mile Brook: & Bounded west & South west with the west chanill of puttatack River, & woodbury path from the six mile Brook to the four mile Brook: All this above mentioned land the above Said cockapatouce John Bankes: &c Indians and proprietares of the sd land doe fully freely Absolutely & clearly sell & alienate to the sd inhabatants of Derby," &c. Signed by Cockapatouce, John Banks, Joshua Lee, John Sristen, Jack, Cockapotany, Tackamore, Meshiling, Chebrook, Nanoques, Stastockam, Wanxacun, Sunkaquene, Wetupaco, Pusseckes, Nan- awag. The other "little brook y^ falls into the little river" is evidently the brook that Hows along the south side of Moose Hill. The following deed, given Jan 31, 17 10, appears to include the eastern part of the present town of Oxford. "In consideration of six pounds current silver money by Ens. Samuel and Lieut. Joseph Hull of Derby, agents *** have sold *** a certain tract of land bounded as follows, south by the Little river so called, westward by Woodbury bounded up to two chestnut trees marked, which are the bounds between Waterbury, Wood- bury and Derby, and then the line runs in the line dividing the township of Derby and Waterbury until it comes to the middle of Towantick pond, which is the northerly bounds of the land, thence Southwardly by marked trees until it comes to the brook that runs down the west side of Towantick hill unto the Little river. This deed was signed by Nanawaug, Jack, Charles, Tackamore, Mes- killing, Mackwash, Durgen, Ackcutrout. The Indian witnesses were Curens and Wattakis. The Rock House Hill and Five Mile Hill road appears to have been laid out before 1676, as on Feb. 28 of that year it is recorded that "At a meeting of the Committee appointed by the General 90 OXFORD. court Ma}' P3, 1675. to state a place for a ferr)'' (at Derby) and a highway from it to Woodbury, after deciding about the ferry," also "The}^ do apoynt a highway of foure rods wide from the said fery by the Rivar Side upwards to wards Wodbery, unto the upper eand of the above said old feld and then up to the hollow at the upper eand of the said old feld unto the high way that is now used to wards wodbery," other records indicating that the highway referred to was over Great Hill. Rockhouse Hill and Five Mile Hill, and through Quaker Farms. The variations in the spellings of the Indian names was prob- ably due to the fact that in all cases they were written by white men, the Indians onl}' making their mark, and were doubtless written as they seemed to be pronounced, and varied by each who had occasion to write them, including the town clerks who copied the deeds upon the records. For instance the name of the Sachem Nonnawauk is also spelled Nonnawaug, Nannawaug, Nonawaux and Wonawak. Mauquash, the last sachem of the Pootatucks, is also written Mawquash, Mackwash and Mockwash. That some of the land in the Quaker Farms purchase was allotted to settlers as early as 1689'is evident from a record in 1703 of a vote that Capt. Ebenezer Johnson have liberty to take up land in Quakers Farm Purchase, land not previously laid out, he to take up said land "according to his list that was when y*" land was pitched upon, viz: 1689, & upon y^ foregoing termes have y*" like priviledge with his neighbors there." The prices of produce to be received in payment of the tax of one penny on the pound in 1703 were — wheat 6d. per bushel, rye 4d, Indian (corn) 3d, oats 2d, tiax gd per pound. OXFORD. 91 Punkups, Pleasant Vale, Riverside and Zoar Bridge. The valley on the easterly side of the Housatonic river, from the Five Mile Brook to and for some distance above' Zoar Bridge, was known for more than half a century as Punkups, as it still is by some of the older people of the surrounding territory. Eight Mile Brook was the dividing line between the towns of Oxford and Derby, and in consequence the people south of the line went to Derby to vote, while those north of the line voted in Oxford, and as in the earlier times the lines of demarcation was not always closely observed, some took their choice of a voting place and went to the nearest. Derby was a Whig town, while Oxford was Democratic, and this with other reasons was incentive enough to incite a sterling old Democrat named Lum, familiarly known as " Uncle Harry," to engineer a set off that should put all of Punkups and part of Squantuck into the town of Oxford. Punkups at that time was a flourishing neighborhood. There was a woolen mill, a foundry, an axe factory, an auger factory, a bellows factor3\ a cotton mill, a sawmill and a tannery. The tan- nery had its own primitive arrangement for grinding bark. A huge circular block of granite was leveled on the surface and over the bark, laid on this, a granite wheel about a foot thick and five feet in diameter was rolled to crush the bark, just as apples were crushed in the ring mill of that day. A ring mill was a circular trough into which the apples were put and a circular disk made of wood, weighing some hundred pounds, propelled by a horse hitched to the end of a pole that went through the center of the wheel, as a shaft, crushed the apples. As the season for making cider was a short one the ring mill in this case was available the larger part of the year for crushing bark for the tannery. But the progress of events changed Punkups. The old indus- tries mostly languished and died out. About 1840 two brothers, Webb and Beach Downs, from Mon- roe, entered on the scene. They had built by contract a break- PUNKUPS, PLEASANT VALE, RIVERSIDE AND ZOAR BRIDGE. 93 water at Black Rock, near Bridgeport, and had thereby cleared three or four thousand dollars. With this capital Beach took the sawmill at Punkups, and as he and Webb owned land across the river they conceived the idea of moving Zoar bridge down where it would be convenient for them to bring their logs over. The Zoar bridge was then a big covered bridge. This they took down and moved it down, but without thinking it necessary to buy the stock of the bridge company. The result was that when they applied for a charter and toll rates the old company opposed them on the ground that they were within a mile of the place where the old company was exclusively authorized by the legislature to collect toll. The Downs bridge was then nearl}' a mile and an eighth from the original location, but the charter of the old company did not restrict them to the exact location and they could if they chose build further south and this would preclude the proprietors of the Downs bridge from getting a permit to collect toll. A charter for the Downs bridge was therefore refused, and as the old company immediatel}' built a new bridge for the accommo- dation of Zoar people, the Downs bridge was thrown open to the public. It was a losing game and the Downs brothers never recov- ered from the financial loss. The bridge was carried away by a flood Nov. 13, 1853, and only small remains of the old abutments mark the place where it stood, a few hundred feet above Otter Rock. Early in the nineteenth century it occurred to the inhabitants of Punkups that some kind of a place of rendezvous was desirable, and, as a church was the proper thing, one was built on the " bee" plan. Some gave land, others timber, others labor, and a few money. The only stated services for years were by Methodist ministers, who, "riding the circuit," came around once a month or oftener. Between times anybody occupied the church. Mormon apostles, Quakers, Second Adventists, and, in one case, a man who talked in an unknown tongue. The only regularly organized religious society in the neighbor- hood came to be the Pleasant Vale M. E. Society. There being no objections, in process of time as services increased monthly to fortnightl}^ and later to weekly, the society practically occupied the church. A vote was taken to turn the old building over to the Methodist Episcopal presiding elder for the district, but the vote 94 OXFORD, was said to be invalid, and the record of the vote being afterward burned, the building was still a neighborhood affair. When a compan}' was chartered to build a dam in the Housa- tonic below the church the question of legal ownership of the church became a practical one, and in the dilemma the general assembl}' chartered The Stevenson Union Church Association, giving the building to the corporation, in "trust, for the benefit of the people in the neighborhood. While Punkups was the name of the localit}-, the first postoffice was located in a little store at the east end of, Zoar bridge and the postoffice was named Zoar Bridge. Years later the Postoffice Department issued an order forbidding the keeping of mail in a room where intoxicating liquors were sold. As the Zoar Bridge postoffice was in a store in which liquors were sold, as well as groceries, the postoffice could no longer be kept there and in order not to lose the postoffice. R. S. Hinman, the proprietor of the "Pleasant Vale Boarding School for Boys," about a mile south of the bridge, took the office, and in doing so, changed the name to Pleasant Vale. A few 3'eais later the boarding school was sold, and, as the pro- prietor was about to resign his office of postmaster, he received notice from the postoffice department that Pleasant Vale was so nearly like Pleasant Valley, a postoffice in Litchfield county, that it was necessary to change the name. The new postmaster chose the name of Riverside. Ten years later he resigned, and, as there were some who preferred the old name — Zoar Bridge, that was again made the name of the postoffice. A few 3'ears later the building of a railroad up the west side of the Housatonic and the establishment of a postoffice at the sta- tion, Stevenson, did away with the postoffice at the end of Zoar bridge. Until this time the mail had been brought from Derby by market wagon, sometimes once a week, and again twice a week, Tuesday and Friday. As the hour of its arrival was uncertain there was a world of comfort taken sitting in the dingy old store and discussing current events, both neighborhood and national, while waiting for the mail, but this excuse was now lost, and the store lost its popularity and was discontinued. The Riverside school district is still known by that name in Oxford. 1-2-10 PUNKUPS, PLEASANT VALE, RIVERSIDE AND ZOAR BRIDGE. 95 Zoar bridge still exists as shown herewith. The first bridge here is said to have been built before 1800, and the bridge com- pany incorporated and rates of toll established. The bridge was known as the Ezekiel Curtiss bridge about as much as Zoar bridge. It was built with logs bolted together for the sides, and was carried away by an ice freshet in 1835. In 1837 Elisha Hubbell built another bridge and kept the store at the east end, beside collecting the toll at the bridge. In 1840, at the time of the removal of the bridge by the Downs brothers, the following notice appeared in the New Haven Palladium of Jan. gth: ZOAR BRIDGE.— Notice is hereby ^iven. that a petition has been brought to the General Assembly to be holden at New Haven in May next. (1840). for an act of incorporation authoriz- inj; the Petitioners, or such others as may be willing to associate, to build a bridge over the Ousatonic River, at or near the former site of Zoar Bridge, lately taken down; with liberty to take such reasonable toll as may be established by the General Assembly. Dated at Monroe, the 28th day of February. 18-10. About 1842 Mr. Hubbell took Edwin Wooster in company with him. This Wooster was the man who went over the Derby dam in a scow and lost his life. In 1845 William A. Bradley took the store and collected the toll, until April i 1848, when George Sharpe took the place and remained there six years. The store was on the north side at the end of the bridge, and on the south side was a house which was occupied by the bridge tender and his family. The bridge tender hired the bridge by the year, and collected the toll, his profit being in what he collected over and above the yearly rental. On November 13, 1853, there was a great freshet which washed down the west end abutment and one third of the bridge went off, but it was immediately rebuilt, Philo Smith being the boss builder. April 30, 1854, there was a freshet about two inches higher than the one in the preceding November, partially undermining the w^est pier so that it settled down eighteen inches. These were the two highest freshets ever known, said old folks who were eighty years old at that time. Walter Bradley, now living at Stevenson, was there and crossed the bridge when the water was at the highest mark, leading his horse across, and the water was running in the road between the barn and the east end of the bridge. Wm. A. Bradley rented it again for three years, from April i, 1854, to April I, 1857. In February, 1857, an ice freshet carried off one pier and two thirds of the bridge, but it was rebuilt the same year, and in the spring of 1858 George Sharp hired it again 96 OXFORD. for three years. Charles Smith followed for a term, and others, until 1875, when it was carried off again, and then the stock com- pany decided not to rebuild it. Wm. A. Clark of Monroe owned the majority of the stock, and the vote went as he said. Wm. A. Bradley bought Clark out and he set out to have the towns of Oxford and Monroe rebuild, and there was some controversy over it. Bradley employed Judge Munson of Seymour, and the two towns decided to rebuild rather than stand a lawsuit over it, and a suspension bridge was decided on as less likel}' to be carried away by a freshet. It was built in 1876, at a cost of $13,225.78, the towns of Oxford and Monroe each paying one half of the expense. After it was built by the towns Charles Gilbert rented it (as the highest bidder) for three years or until it was transferred from the towns to the counties. The towns were authorized to take tolls until it passed over to the counties, when the charter was annulled by the Legislature, and the tolls were abolished, the bridge being kept in repair by the two adjacent counties. OXFORD TAXPAYERS IN 1792. 97 OXFORD PEOPLE IN 1792, The following is a copy of the tax list of the town of Oxford on the list of 1792, and is of interest as showing who were the landed proprietors and heads of families at that date. The warrant was directed to Josiah Strong, "Collector of the Town Rate of Derby, for the Society of Oxford," and was laid on an assessment of four pence on the pound. The warrant was signed by John Hum- phreys, Justice of the Peace. Jabez Bacon, £— Moses Cande, £31 17 6 Enoch Baley, 25 16 Caleb Candee, 77 3 9 Eliakim Bardsley, 55 10 6 Job Candee, 29 2 6 Justus Barnes, 18 Abijah Chatfleld, 85 13 3 Abraham Bassit, 63 12 Benajah Chal field. 30 6 Edward Bassit, 20 14 9 Gideon Chatfleld, 43 7 Job a Bassit, 54 6 8 Isaac Chattield, 38 15 John Bassit, Jr., 41 16 6 John Chatfleld, 21 2 Samuel Bassit, Jr., 30 6 Samuel Chatfleld, 31 13 Truman Bassit. 10 William Church. 39 6 3 T. Miles Bassit, 28 Abel Clark, 23 1 3 Elisha Bates, 44 16 6 George Clark, 24 9 6 Lewis Blackmau, ^ 23 Hezekiah Clark, 57 7 6 Johu Botchford, 20 5 3 Thomas Clark, Esq., 116 Charles Bradley, 10 16 6 Thomas Clark, Jr., 79 16 3 Isaac Br>an, 49 10 John Davis, 53 5 Andrew Buckingham, 26 17 6 Elijah Durand, 68 16 6 Ebenezer Buckingham, 46 13 Joseph Durand, 26 3 Ebenezer Buckingham, Jr., 26 12 6 Nehemiah Durand, 35 12 Natban Buckingham, 92 9 Osee Dutton, 7 2 Charles Buunel. 23 7 3 Abial Fairchild, 65 15 9 Isaac Buunel, 7 8 3 Nathan Fairchild, 61 18 9 John Bunnel, 18 Daniel Finch, 27 9 Luke Bunnel, 20 19 3 Nathan Frt^nch, 48 5 6 Reuben Bunnel, 20 Sherman Hatch, 20 11 3 William Bunnell, 29 Elijah Hawkins, 53 16 6 Benedict Burwell, Jr., 18 Silas Hawkins 39 6 David Cande, 9 Zachariah Hawkins, 69 6 9 Euos Cande, 2 1 3 Hial Hine, 49 6 Gideon and Medad Cande, 43 6 6 Ebenezer Hoadley, 14 15 6 Justus Cande, 47 8 Joseph Hubbel, 21 16 Richard Hubbel, Abel Hull, Silas Curtiss, Huutington, Andrew Hurd, William Hurd, Abijah Hj'de, Asel Hyde, Daniel Hyde, Joseph Hyde, Nathan Hyde, Abner Johnson, Ebenezer Johnson, Jr., Ezra Johnson, Jeremiah Johnson, Timothy Johnson, Selah Judd, EInathan Lake, Dorman Leavenworth, Amzi Lewis, Asahel Lewis, Eunice Lewis, Silas Lewis, William Lewis, William Lewis, Jr., Z^'bel()n Line's, William Little, Noah R. Lyman, Mary Merwin, Lewi.s Mvnott, Isaac Nichols, Jared Osborn, Joseph Osboin, Joseph O-born, Jr., Joshua O. born, Thomas Osborn, Nathan Pangman, Daniel Perkins, Ethel Perkins, Ethel Perkins, Roger Perkins, Caleb Perry, Gideon Perry, James Perry, James Perry and son, Eli Person, Anne Riggs, David Riggs, OXFORD. £39 13 6 Eb^^nez^'r Riggs, £69 18 6 45 3 3 Edward Riggs, 29 8 6 11 12 John Ritrgs. 107 6 9 19 ■iWoses Riggs, 88 7 2 U» Samuel Rigys, 27 85 18 6 Zadock San ford, 36 5 43 18 6 Asahel Scott, 21 26 Jesse Scott, 23 7 6 46 9 David Smith, 21 7 6 19 David Smith. Jr. 24 10 29 18 6 David Smith, 3d, 24 111 18 9 Elijah Smith, Jr., 40 12 6 21 Gershom Smith, 21 35 2 6 John Smith, 22 9 18 6 Jonathan Sperry, 13 17 38 5 Josiah Strong, 62 15 5 13 David Tomlinson, 114 12 6 21 Noah Tomlinson, 22 13 3 5 4 Noah Tomlinson, Jr. 43 12 12 4 6 John Towner, 58 19 6 4 18 Joseph Towner, 3 6 27 15 Rachel Towner, 1 4 22 1 6 Daniel Treat, 45 15 3 29 10 Josiah Tucker, 18 18 Samuel Tucker, Jr. 23 4 25 2 Bt^njamin Twichel, 41 2 6 20 18 David Twichel, 10 59 11 3 David Twichel, 29 10 6 18 18 David Twichel, Jr., 82 8 104 15 Ebenezer Twichel, 26 9 9 39 1 John Twichel, 49 8 9 53 1 6 Joseph Twichell, 87 10 6 40 15 Stephen Warner, 2 16 6 31 Josiah Washburn, 91 17 6 133 9 9 James Wentworth, 21 32 2 6 Elisha Wheeler, 27 48 19 Samuel Wheeler, 80 19 6 55 15 6 Samuel Wheeler, Jr., 39 5 1 10 Walker Wilmott, 6 15 38 7 6 Charles Wooden, 18 10 20 David Wooden, 46 15 6 72 13 9 Salmon Wooden, 18 1 William Wooden, Jr., 29 9 52 16 6 Susannah Woodruff, 4 16 50 17 Arthur Wooster, 79 9 59 4 6 Ebenezer Wooster, 119 15 14 17 Elisha Wooster, 27 2 Isaac Wooster, John Wooster, Esq., and son, Joseph Wooster, Nathaniel Wooster, Nathan Wright, ASSESSMENTS. Gideon and Medad Cande, Job Cande, Dr. Osee Dutton, 5 6 TAX LISTS IN 1792-5. Hial Hine, Scott, Jnsiah Strong:, David Tomlinson, Noah Tomlinson, Nathaniel Wooster, 99 £21 133 72 8 23 11 21 5 5 10 £5 5 15 £25 5 5 The foregoing is a true copy taken out of Derby Grand List of the year 1793. Test John Humphrey, Clerk. A later list without date contains seventy-one new names, and other variations are — Wooding^ instead of Wooden, Ebenezer Riggs has the title of Deacon, Joseph Osborn is Captain, and the Jnr. is omitted after the name of Ebenezer Johnson. There is a line "Samuel and Samuel Chatfield," seeming to indicate that there were two of the name, probably father and son, taxed together; Ethiel Perkins (Ethel in previous list) moved to Vermont in 1795; Timothy Johnson died Aug. 29, 1796 : and David Twitchell Jan. 19, 1796 ; so that the list would appear to have been made out early in 1795. The Isaac Bunnel named in the earlier list is supposed to be the one who enlisted at Waterbury and served in the Revolu- tionary War. The new names in this later list were as follows : Simeon Andrews. Elihu Bates. Abraham Beecher. Isaac Beecher, Deacon Daniel Bennit. Gideon Buckingham. Isaac Bunnell, Jr. Benedick Burritt. Daniel Candee. Nehemiah Candee. Samuel Candee. Eli Chatfield. Oliver Chatfield. John Churchel. Silas Constant. Joseph Davis. John Durand. David Fabrieque. Thomas Fling. Amos Fox. John Goodsell. John Griffin. Edward Hawkins, John Hawkins, John Hide. Andrew Hierd, Stratford. Samuel Hitchcock. Joseph Holbrook. Abigail Johnson. Daniel .Johnson. William Jordain. John Lewis. Samuel Lewis. Nciboth Osborn. Samuel Patterson, Mary Perkins. Arthur Perry, Ripton. Yelverton Perry. David Person. Nathan Persons. Ebenezer Plant. Richard Plat. Stephen Plat. Capt. Ebenf Riggs. Dea. Ebeni" Riggs. James Riggs. John Riggs, Jr. Joseph Riggs. Lowis Riggs. Abigail Shelton. Richard Smith. Samuel Smith, Jr. Charles Strong. Aaron Tharp. Edmund Treat. Phllo Treat. Israel Trowbridge. Daniel Tucker, Jr. Gideon Tucker. Samuel Tucker, Sr. Gideon Tuttle, Enoch Twitchell. Jabez Twitchell. David Wells. Robert Wheeler. John Williams. Daniel Wilmot. David Woodruff. Abel Wooster. Joseph Wooster, Jr. Thomas Wooster. Sethi Den Kails. OXFORD RECORDS. lOI MARRIAGES IN QUAKER FARMS By Squire David Tomlinson, from 1799 to 182 1. An exact copy of the original record kept by him. Married by the Subscribing authority on the First Day of Oct. 1799, Moses Riggs and Eunice Clarke, both of Oxford. David Tomlinson, Jus. of Peace. Married on the 25th Day of Dcembr, 1799, Elijah Wooster of Salim to Anna Bunnell of Oxford, Both of New Haven County, by me. David Tomlinson, Just, of Peace Married by the Subscribing authority on the 25 Day of Febry, 1800, Phineas Trussle To Rachel Perry, both of Oxford. David Tomlinson, Justice of Peace. Married by the Subscribing authority on the 5th Day of Novem- ber, 1801, Wooster Clark of Oxford to Nancy Severance, of Derby, in New Haven Count3\ David Tomlinson, Just, of Peace. Married by the subscribing authority on the 17th Day of Sept., 1803, Mr. Noble Baldwin of New Milford to Miss Mary Hinman of Oxford. Oxford, Sept. 17th, 1803. David Tomlinson, Just, of Peace. Married by the subscribing authority on lOth Day of March, 1804, Sheldon Wooster To Sabre Perr}', both of Oxford- David Tomlinson, Justice of Peace, Married by the subscribing authorit}^ on the 4th Day of Octo- ber, 1804, Curtis Lum of Southbury To Eunice Hawkins of Oxford. David Tomlinson, Just, of Peace. On the 9th Day of January, 1805, Garshom Wells of New Town in Fairfield Count3% to Hannah Hawkins of Oxford in New Haven County. David Tomlinson. Justice of Peace. Married by the subscribing authority on the 12th day of July. 1805, Belden Burt of Ridgefield in the County of Fairfield, to Le- vina Johnson of Southbury in Litchfield County. David Tomlinson, Justice of Peace. On the first day of September, 1805, James Lum of Southbury in Litchfield County to Lucy Hawkins of Oxford in New Haven Countv, 102 MARRIAGES, On the r6th day of December, 1805, James Green to Althea Hawkins, both of Oxford in New Haven County. On the 31st day of December. A. D. 180s, Sheldon Wooster to Sally Hull, both of Oxford. On the 17th day of May, A. D. 1806, Philo Wooster of Skohary in the State of New York to Sally Hawkins of Oxford. On the 24th day of August, A. D. 1806. Isaac Hull to Diana Skeels, both of Oxford. On the 8th da}^ of November, 1806. Richard Hawley of South- bury in Litchfield County to Hannah Peck of Derby in New Haven County. On the 8th day of November, 1806, Stephen Tread well to Sally Richardson, both of Oxford in New Haven County. On the 3d day of September. 1807, Sheldon Bunnel to Ana Morehouse, both of Oxford in New Haven County. On the 7th day of September, 1807, Judson Perry of Southbury in New Haven County to Ana Segor of Huntington in Fairfield County. Married on the 21st day of June, A. D. 1810, Mr. Eliot Bassett of Oxford to Miss Sally Pangmon of said Oxford. Married on the 6th day of January, 181 1, by the subscriber, Al- son Hendrix of Southbury to Cyntha Bunnel of Oxford. David Tomlinson, Justice of Peace. Married by the subscriber on the 5th day of May, 181 1, Arad Skeels to Sybila Wooden, both of Oxford. David Tomlinson, Justice of Peace. Married on the 8th day of July, 181 1, by the subscribing auth- ority, David Mallery of Cornwil in the County of Litchfield to Su- sanna Botsford of Oxford. David Tomlinson, Justice of Peace. Married bv the subscribing authority on the second day of Sep- tember 181 1, John Durand to Betsy Clark, both of Oxford. David Tomlinson. Justice of Peace. On the 1 2th day of July, 18 12, Mr. Lorrins Perce of Southbury to Miss Polly Bennett of Oxford. David Tomlinson. Justice of Peace. On the I2th of January, A. D. 1813, Asahel Stilson of Bethli- ham in Litchfield County to Hannah Hull of Oxford in New Haven County. David Tomlinson, Justice of the Peace. On the 24th day of January. A. D. 1814, Ezra Wheeler of Huntington to Polly Bebee of Oxford. David Tomlinson, Justice of Peace. MARRIAGES BY SQUIRE DAVID TOMLINSON. I03 On the I2th day of February, 1814, Chester Bunnell to Roxy Dunning, both of Oxford in New Haven County. David Tomlinson, Justice of Peace. On the loth day of June. A. D. 1814, John Garrett to Anna Bugbee of Oxford in New Haven County. David TomHnson, Justice of Peace. On the nth day of March, 1821, Henry Hoyt of Danburv to Pruela Hendrix of Oxford in New Haven County. David Tomlinson, Justice of Peace. Married on the 23d day of November, 182 1, by the subscribing authority, Philo Bassitt to Nancy Bryan, both of Oxfoid in New Haven County. David Tomlinson, Justice of Peace. FROM THE RECORDS OF ST. PETER's CHURCH. BAPTISMS. Miss Betsey Elizabeth Leek, adult, June 27, 1847. Frederick Ray, son of Thomas C. Osborn, June 27, 1847- Julia, daughter of Enos Chatfield, June 27, 1847. Mary Louisa, Ellen, Sarah Martha, Charles Ward, children of Vic- tory Lounsbury, July 11. 1847. George Washington, son of Coggswell, July 11, 1847. George Henry, son of Maria Morris, Nov. 13, 1847. Albert William, Franklin Miles, Charles Hudson, Mary Jane, chil- dren of David R. Lum, Feb. 27, 1848. James Tyler, Elisha Wheeler, children of Elisha W. Gedney, May 28, 1848. Nathan Anthony, Maria Elizabeth, Polly Ann, children of Mrs. Elizabeth R. Styles, May 28. 1848. Mary Ellen McLean, adult, July 9, 1848. Sarah Jane, daughter of John Beecher, Sept. 3, 1848. Roswell Hanford. Glover Wheeler, Hannah Jennette, children of Roswell Cable, Sept. 3, 1848. Horace Scott Cable, adult, Sept. 9, 1848. Charles Abner, Catherine Ann, children of H. S. Cable, Sept. 9, 1848. Mary Maria, adult, Jane Augusta, children of Mr. Peck of Wood- bridge, Sept. 17, 1848. Orlando Cable, son of Joel Osborne, Sept. 17, 1848. Henrietta Mary, daughter of Hiel Botsford, Oct. 13, 1848. 84-n-06. I04 FROM THE RECORDS OF ST. PETER's CHURCH. INFANT BAPTISMS. Elsie Maria, Alice Jane, children of Nelson B. and Maria Williams, Sept. I, 1850. Eunice Frances, Elizabeth Jane, Mary Ann, Atwater Bryant, chil- dren of Atwater and Elizabeth Ann Treat, Sept. i, 1850. Huldah Elizabeth, daughter of Chauncey M. and Minerva B. Hatch, Sept i, 1850. John Thomas, Louisa Antoinette, Helen Mae, Mary Gilbert, chil- dren of John B. and Mary Ann Bassett, Sept. i, 1850. Mary Elvira, daughter of Ransom and Maria Hudson. Sept. 1850. Elizabeth Adelaide, daughter of Washington and Adeline Benham, Sept. I, 1850. Francis Ann, George Smith, children of Smith and Ann M. Gunn. Sept. I, 1850. Mary Sophia. Henry Samuel, children of Elisha and Eliza Wheeler, Oct. 26, 185 1. Franklin Lewis, son of Lewis and Lucinda Davis, Oct. 26, 1851. Henrietta Eliza, daughter of Horace and Ann Tomlinson Cable, Oct. 26, 185 1. Frederick Kellogg, son of Harry and Mary Antoinette Sutton, Oct. 26, 185 1. Samuel Allen, son of John B. and Mary Ann Bassett, June 24. 1853. Virgil, Homer, Leonidas, Harry, Floyd Frost, children of Edward B. and Angelina T. Hitchcock, July 3, 1853. Eliza Irene, daughter of Lyman and Maria J. Terrell. July 3, 1853. David Hotchkiss, Mary Henrietta, children of Frederick Augustus and Louisa Augusta Candee, Oct. 3, 1853. Julia Elizabeth, Lilian, children of Wilson H. and Julia E. Clark, Sept. 17, 1854. Idella Maria, Elijah Burt, children of Atwater and Elizabeth Ann Treat, Sept. 17, 1854. Lucy Ann, Frances, children of Moody A. and Ellen Jane Brown, Sept. 17, 1854. Frank Alonzo, son of Alonzo and Lavinia L. Leek. Nov. 21. 1854. Elizabeth Amanda, dau. of Alonzo and Lavinia L. Leek, Nov. 28. '54. Frank Albert, son of Harry and Mary Antoinette Sutton, Mar. 23. '55. Jeanetta Adeline, Louisa Elizabeth. Frederick Catlin. children of Frederick Augustus and Louisa Augusta Candee. Mar. 23. 1855. Frances Electa, dau. of Frederick and Sarah Caples. April 16, '55. Frederick Lewis, son of Atwater and Elizabeth Treat, May 11, '56. INFANT BAPTISMS. '^5 Alfred Newton, son of Elishaand Eliza Ann Wheeler, May i8, 1856. Henry, Emma, children of David and Mary Hawley, May 18, 1856. Sarah Eliza, dau. of Stiles and Mary Amanda Fairchild, May 18, '56. Lucy Aldane Davis, William Otis Davis, Dec. 28, 1858. George Augustus Candee, Dec. 28, 1858; Louisa A. Candee, Jane Jennette Hotchkiss, Dec. 28, 1856; sponsors, JaneE. Hotchkiss, Jane E. Hubbell, S. Clark. Laura Ann Lake. Dec. 28, 1858; sponsors, Laura E. Carley, Ellen S. Lake, Anna M. Clarke. Annie Fairchild Clarke, parents sponsors, Dec. 28, 1858. John Hamilton Carley, Emmett Albert Carley, Charhe Warner Carley, Dec. 28. 1858; sponsors, M. Hatch, James F. Carley, Laura E. Carley. David Delbert Perry. Sept. 10. i860; sponsors, Mrs. Maria Hudson, Elizabeth J. Perry, Mrs. Perry. Jennie Maria Parmely. March 22, 1863; sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Parmely, Miss Jennie Treat. Sarah Mina Wheeler, sponsors, Laura Chatfield. Mrs. H. C. Hatch, Oct. i I, 1852. Noyes Ely Ailing, son of Edwin B. and Laura C. Ailing, Mar. 7, '63. George McClellan Davis, son of Wm. H. and Frances J. Davis. July 19. 1862. Sarah Josephine Adeline Pardee, sponsors, C. M. Hatch, Electa Davis, Delia E. Fairchild, Feb. 9. 1858. Mary Louisa Spencer. Sept. 15. 1851; Frederick William. Jan. 2, 1853; Martha Edith, Sep. 9, 1854; Charles Henry, Sept. 19, 1856; George Frances, Dec. 21.' i860; children of Henry and Mary Spencer. Edwin Leroy Oatman. July 4, 1853; William Josiah, Nov. 22. 1856; Horace Hurd, Oct. 23, i860; sponsors, G. Burton Oatman, E. Oatman. R. Hudson, Polly Oatman. Henry Perry Williams, sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, C. M. Hatch, May 20, 1863. Leander Andrew Bunnell. April 5. 1852; Charles Albert. Nov. 11, Lelia Henrietta, Aug. t6, 1855; Martha Eliza, Jan. 4, 1858. sponsors, James Bunnell, Mrs. Lucy Bunnell. Mary Maravina, Sept. 20. 1850; Idella Jane, Nov. 11, 1852; William Nehemiah, May 25. 1855; Charles Burton, July 16, 1859; Lin- netta Grace, March 6, 1861; Nancy Maria: Feb. 26, 1863; chil- dren of Nehemiah and Nancy Andrews. Edwin, son of John F. and Sarah Riggs, Feb. 27, 1861. I06 INFANT BAPTISMS. Eva, daughter of John F. and Sarah Riggs, Jan., 1863. Emma Maria, dau. of John D. and Hulda Whymbs, Feb. 11, 1862. Frederick Alfred, son of Lucius P. and Emily C. Sperry, Oct. 16, '63. Charles Bennett, son of Egbert L. and Harriet C. Warner, Jan. 14, 1864. Charles Smith, Nov. 11, '57, Samuel Benjamin, Mar. 18, '60, Mary Augusta, July 8, '59, children of Benjamin U. and Esther A. Beecher. Mary Esther, dau. of Albert D. and Maria E. Smith, July 26, 1864. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Henry S. and Bridget Hubbell, Nov. 19, 1864. Nellie Russel, Nov. 23, '64, Smith Anthony, Jan. 6, 1865, children of Charles R. and Orinda T. Oatman. Isaac Beecher, son of Wm. H. and Frances J. Davis, May 22, '66. Charles Ward, George Ward, Mary Eliza Ward, Aug. 20, 1865, sponsors, Peter and Susan Lee Ward. Nettie Lewis, dau. Lewis and Nancy Tucker, Sept. 2, 1865. Willie Arthur, May 16, '62, Herbert Perry, Apr. 27, '64, children of William H. and Martha Riggs. Alma Elizabeth, dau. of Nelson B. and Elizabeth J. Williams, June 6, 1865. Fred Clinton, son of Clinton and Olivia N. Hart, Sept. 11, 1862. Arthur Gains, son of Egbert L. and Harriet C. Warner, Dec. 12, '65. Howard Lee Babcock, Aug. 19, 1866. John Edson, son of Charles and Mary Ann Perry, Apr. 6, 1866. James William, son of Henry Jones, June 15, 1856. Frederick Otis, Sept. 2, 1855. Elmer David, Apr. '62, Edgar Cor- nelius, Oct. 8, '64, children of David W. and Mary L Riggs. Franklin Perry, Apr. 21, 1867. Annie Maria, dau. of Merrill and Sarah Maria Baldwin, Jan. 24, '60. William Fred and Mary Francis Rhodes, July 7, 1867. Arthur Ray Osborn, July 7, 1867. Addie Maria, dau. of Albert D. and Maria E. Smith, Sept. 25, 1866. Lizzie Maria, dau. of Edwin and Laura Ailing, Feb. 27, 1867. Wilson Henry. Dec. 3, 1858, Helen Marian, Aug. 27, '61, children of Wilson and Julia Clark. Clarissa Ellen Treat, Mar. 26, 1868. Dennis Edson. son of Leverett and Emily C. Lindley. Feb. 7. 1865. William Henry Miller. Sept. 6, 1868. Albert Henry, son of Albert B. and Louisa M. Towner, Feb. 22, i86y. INFANT BAPTISMS. I07 Emma Jane Brighton, Mar. 23, 1855; sponsors Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hatch, Delia Fairchild. Emmagene, dau. of WiUiam Coney, Sept. 22, '62. Charles Andrew Schofield, May i. 1859. Betsey Lewis, Feb. 1858. Otis David, son of David Hawley, Aug. 8, 1869. Mary Fairchild, Aug. 23, 'd^, Lillian Fairchild. Nov. 2, '69, children of Joseph W. and Sarah E. Moody. Herbert Hudson, son of Albert D. and Maria E. Smith, Nov. 17, '68. Edwin Osborne, Feb. 2, '6S, Sarah Frederica, Nov. 4, '69, children of Fred'k O. and Sarah E. Cable. Mary Lewis, dau. of Egbert L. and Harriet C. Warner, May 31, '69. Mary, dau. of Cosmo F. and Sarah A. Allen, Dec. 21, 1868. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Ellen M. Thompson, Jan. 7, 1868. John Edward, son of Anthony B. and Ellen M. Hinman, Nov. 1871. Clara Barton, Tomlinson, Nov. 25, '65. Clarence Eugene, son of Edwin J. and Laura C. Ailing, Sept. 15. '72. Martha May, dau. of William H. and Martha Riggs, Jan. 25, 1872. Mary F^rances, dau. of Truman E. and Frances E. Hurd, Aug. 26, '66. Catherine Maria, June 19. '70; Sarah Electa, Sept. 27, 'tz; children of Orlando C. and Idella J. Osborn. Katie Elizabeth, dau. of Frank B. Andrews, Feb. 27, 1872. Fannie, dau. of William Coney, April 5, 1874. Arthur Russell, son of Frederick Russell Keeney, Apr. 5, 1874. Jennie May, dau. of Elijah B. and Sarah A. Treat, April 20, 1874. Lewis Henry, son of Frank L. and Mary E. Davis, Aug. 23, 1874. Anna Louise, dau. of Charles H. and Kate E. Butler, June 7, 1874. Frederick Augustus Candee, Jan. 27, 1859. Eli Alfred Carley, Aug, 28, 1859. David Hawley, John Hawley, March 9, i86o- Edward Andrew, son of William and Mary M. Congo. Oct. 6, 1870. Edward Russell and Carrie Julia, children of Heber and Jennie G. Chatfield, June 4, 1S70. Amy Louisa, dau. of Albert B. and Louisa M. Towner. Mar. 14, '71. Elmer, son of Smith and Mary J. Osborn, July 5, 1869. Henry Amor Taylor, Mar. 3, '61; Albert Taylor, Apr. 15, '64; Mary Jane Taylor, Feb. 15, '67; Charles Eberton Taylor, Mar. 14, '70. Emma Augusta. Apr. 5 '62; Ida May, Oct. 4, '63; daughters of Albert Seeley. I08 FROM THE RECORDS OF ST. PETER's CHURCH. MARRIAGES. Burr Ailing of Oxford and Sarah E. Hartson of Seymour. May 25, '51. George A. Allen and Ellen P. Austin, both of Prospect, May 15, '74. Henry D. Baldwin of Southbury and Grace D. Chatfield of Oxford, Sept. 29, 185 1, Arthur H. Bartholomew and Henrietta E. Cable, both of Oxford, Jan. 14, 1874. Benjamin U. Beach of Cheshire and Esther A. Smith of Oxford, June 8, 1856. Willis M. Benham and Mary H. Tuttle, both of Woodbury, Nov. 10, 1855. David W. Bronson of Southbury and Mary A. Booth of Oxford, June 10, 1852. Eras E. Burr of Southbury and Ellen T. Abbott, Oct. 25, 1871. John A. Bussanik of Riverhead, L. I., and Jane A. Gunn of Oxford, May II, 185 1. Charles H. Butler and Kate E. Fowler of West Haven, Nov. i, '68. Frederick O, Cable and Electa Davis, both of Oxford, April 24, '53. Alexander Campbell and Jennie Polhamius, both of New York, July 30, 1873. Frederick C. Candee and Julia A. Keeney of Southbury, Nov. 13, '78. James F. Carley and Mary A. Wooster of Quaker Farms. Sept. 9, i860. Beecher Chatfield of Oxford and Mary E. Seymour of Dubuque, la., Sept. 14, 1851. Divine Chatfield and Laura Perry, both of Oxford, Dec. 19, 1855. Heber C. Chatfield of Oxford and Jennie G. Wooster of Seymour, Jan. 26, 1868. Howard Chatfield of Bethany and Emma Carrington of Seymour, Aug. 80, 1857, Wilson F. Clark of New Haven and Julia Cable of Oxford, Feb. 26, 1849- Franklin L. Davis and Mary E. Lane, both of Oxford, Dec. 11, '72. John Davis of Seymour and Augusta E. Fairchild of Oxford, May 9. 1852. William H. Davis of and Catherine M. Fairchild, both of Oxford, Jan. 28, 1874, by Rev. John T. Pearce. William O. Davis and Hattie Benham, 1879, by Rev. J. H. Van Buren. Edmund L. Doolittle of Seymour and Mary Ann Sperry, Apr. 5, '68. MARRIAGES. lOQ William A. Downs and Augusta M. Smith, both of Oxford, Oct. i, '68. Herbert J. Fairbanks of Guilford, Vt., and Harriet E. Gale of Ox- ford, Oct. 22, 1874. Charles S. Fairclough and Janette A. Wheeler, June 5, 1887. Benjamin Graham and Sarah M. Graham, both of Oxford, Sept. 14, 1856. John Gray of Newtown and Mary E. Robinson of Southbury, June 13. 1876. Henry C. Hawkins of Derby and Henrietta M. Hotchkiss of Ox- ford, Dec. 31, 1851. John Hawley and Laura Davis, both of Oxford, June 8, 1861. John M. D. Hendrick of New Haven and Harriet A. Sanford of Ox- ford, March 5, 1857. Anthony B. Hinman and Ellen N. Benham, both of Oxford, Nov. 6. 1859. Charles B. Hinman of Southbury and Hannah Smith of Oxford, Oct. 12, 1857. Clark I. Hitchcock and Mary R. Pullon, both of Seymour, Sept. I, 1867. Laurin Hotchkiss of Westville to Amanda Leek of Oxford, Feb. 12, 1849. John M. Hubbard of Orange and Laura B. Davis, Oct. 4, 1874. Truman E. Hurd and Frances E. Wheeler, both of Southbury, Oct. 17, 1865. Erastus J. Hurlbut of Washington and Emeline G. Ailing of Ox- ford, March 30, 1853. Nathan S. Johnson of Derby and Betsey M. Cable of Oxford, Aug. 31. 1851. Wheeler Judson of New Fairfield and Elsy Tuttle of Oxford, May I, 1851. Peter Keeney of Norfolk and Catherine Murphy of Collinsville, Dec. 25, 1872. John Knapp of Derby and Nancy A. Worthington of O.xford, June 9. 1856. John N. Leonard of New Haven and Martha F. Pardee, Aug, 4, '69 William Lewis and Ellen Burton, both of Oxford, Feb. 24, 1874. Miles Loveland and Mrs. Maria Jones, both of Oxford, Nov. 5. 1848. William Lum and Mary E. Gunn, both of Oxford. June 16th, 1847. Rev. John H. McCrackson of Hartford and Cora G. Bailey. June 6, r88v I lO FROM THE RECORDS OF ST. PETER S CHURCH. Julius W. Monson of Wallingford and Lucy A. Carley of Oxford, June I, 1865. Joseph W. Moody Upper Jay. N. Y., and Sarah E. Fairchild of Oxford. Nov. 28. 1866. Frederick E. Morris of Seymour and EveHna I. Roberts of South- ford, Sept. 12, 1883. William J. Oatman and Sarah E. Edwards, both of Southbury, April 2. 1880. Joel Osborn and Catherine S. VVashband, both of Oxford, June II, 1846. Elmer H. Pardee and Louise E. Candee, both of Oxford, Nov. 20, '79. Edwin S. Parmelee of Southbury and Mary Ann Treat of Oxford, Sept. 14, 1859. James Pemberton of Waterbury and Mary Jane Riggs of Oxford, Sept. 3, 1850. Cornelius C. Perkins of Bridgeport and Jannetta A. Candee of Ox- ford, Nov. 21, 1867. ' Charles Perry and Mary Ann Ailing, both of Oxford, Aug. 10. 185 1. Horace B. Perry and Sarah J. Beecher, both of Oxford, July 15, '68. Everett S. Piatt and Edna Hine, Sept 14. 1886. John J. Reynolds of Seymour and Sarah J. Richardson of Middle- bury, June 28, 1866. Herbert B. Richards of Southbury and Lillian H. Towner, Dec. 28, 1874. Charles Riggs of New Haven and Augusta Smith of Oxford, June 22, 1848. David C. Riggs and Esther A. Twitchell, both of Oxford, Nov. 11, '55 James P. Riggs and Henrietta Perry, both of Oxford, Dec. 2, 1869 Charles W. Robinson of Southbury and Idella M. Treat, April 24, '72 George P. Sanford and M. Augusta Judd, both of Oxford, Jan. 1 5, '68 Albert L Smith and Maria E. Hudson, both of Oxford, Sept. 27, '63 Jervis Somers of Southbury and Antoinette Hawley, Apr. 19, 1877 George Sperry and Mary A. Cable, both of Oxford, Nov. 19, 1845 Lucius P. Sperry of Davenport, la., and Emily Chatfield of Ox- ford, Jan. 29, 1856. Robert Stevens and Ella L. Wheeler, both of Southbury, Feb. 18, '85. Charles W. Storrs of Seymour and Mary L. Davis of Oxford, Mar. 30, 1863. William W. Thomas of Huntington and Julia Chatfield of Oxford, Aug. 18. 1867. MARRIAGES. Ill Elijah B. Treat and Sarah A. Curtis, both of Oxford, Apr. 23, 1873. Lewis B. Tucker and Nancy I. Sutton, both of Oxford, Sept. 20, '63. Horace H. Twitchel of Naugatuck and Polly O. Kane of Oxford, Nov. 14, 1847. Geo. H. Upson of Waterbury and Grace S. Barnes, Nov. 4, 1880. Orvin D. Warner of Derby and Helen S. Hawley, Dec. 25. 1872. Theron R. Warner of Ansonia and Eliza A. Bassett of Southbury, July 14, 1851. Henry S. Wheeler of Southbury and Hannah A. Candee. Dec. 5, 'tj. Joel M. Wheeler and Mary A. Smith, both of Oxford, Jan. 20, 1869. Robert Wheeler and Sarah Ward, both of Oxford, Sept. 27, 1876, by Rev. E. K. Lessell. Nelson B. Williams and Elizabeth I. Perry, both of Oxford. March 17, 1861. David N. Woodruff of Woodbury and Nancy S. Benham of Nauga- tuck, Sept. 15, 1855. Charles H. Woodward and Nellie R. Oatman, Oct. 6, 1886. Edwin J. Wooster and Anna G. Loughlin, both of Oxford, Aug. 4, 1885. Horace B. Wooster of Middlebury and Nancy E. Riggs of Oxford, Nov. 12, 1848. BAPTISMS. Laura C. Ailing, July 19, 1857. Erwin B. Ailing, Aug. 18, 1855. Mary L. Anketell, 1839. Mary A. Anketell, Feb. 9, 1862. Thomas J. Anketell, May 14, 1864. Elizabeth P. Barnes, Aug. 12, 1859. John S. Barnes, Apr. — 1861. Sarah Beecher, Jan. 14, 1846. Ellen M. Benham, Aug. 13, 1837. Elizabeth A. Benham, Oct. 14, 1848. Hattie A. Benham. May 30, 1854. George Brighton, Oct. 5, 1852. Kate E. Butler, Aug. 4, 1848. Betsey Cable. June 8, 1803. Glover W. Cable, April 2, 1S44. Henrietta E. Cable, May 17, 185 1. 112 FROM THE RECORDS OF ST. PETER'S CHURCH. Louisa A. Candee, April 12, 1825. David H. Candee, Sept. 22, 1846. Jennetta A. Candee, May 30, 1848. Louisa E. Candee, April 11, 1850. Mary H. Candee, Sept. 29, 185 1. Frederick C. Candee, Aug. 15, 1854. Hannah A. Candee, June 9, 1856. Eli A. Carley, April 12, 1809. Ellen S. Carley, June 3, 1838. Laura E. Carley, Sept. 28, 18 13. Lucy A. Carley, Sept. 19, 1832. James F. Carley, May 5, 1837. Addison B. Clarke, Jan. 31. 1842. Alice E. Clarke, July 30, 1843. John R. Davis, Dec. 20, 1814. Sarah J. Davis, Oct. 29, 1819. Laura Davis, Sept. 13, 1840. Wm. Hart Davis, March 10, 1829. Frances J. Davis, June 18, 1837. Albert A. Dutton, Feb. 5, 1829. Julia A. Downs, Oct. 29, 1847. Hanford Fairchild, Mch. 7, 1799. Delia Elvira Fairchild, Oct. 7, 1800. Sarah M. Fairchild, Sept. 6. 1829. George A. Fairchild, Nov. 13, 1838. John H. Fairchild, April 22, 1837. Sarah E. Fairchild, Aug. 2, 1848. Charles B. Graham, Jan. 21, 1857. Chauncey M. Hatch, Nov. 16, 1786. Huldah C. Hatch, 1793- Henry Abijah Hawkins, May 27, 1864. David J. Hawley, May 27, 1799. Mary Hawley, Sept. 14, 1803. Henry Hawley, May 5, 1848. Emma Hawley, Mch. 19. 1850. Samuel E. Hubbell, June, 29, 1830. Maria Elizabeth Hudson, Nov, 21, 1840. Mary Elvira Hudson, May 14, 1849. John P. Hubbell, Nov. 8, 1834. Chas. T. Hubbell, Aug. 24, 1836. Henry S. Hubbell, Dec. 24, 1839. BAPTISMS. 113 Frederick William Hubbell, Mch. 24, 1843. Wales Austin Hubbell, Sept. 24, 1844. Lewis Bennett Hubbell, Mch. 17, 1847. George Sperry Hubbell, Feb. i, 1849. Celestia A. Hubbell, Aug. 24, 1840. Agnes Mary Keeney, May 24, 1862. Frederick Augustus Lane, Jan. 15, 1863. Julia S. Leavenworth, Sept. 4, 1845. Sarah E. Leavenworth, Oct. 30, 1847. Frank A. Leek, Aug. 14, 1844. Elizabeth A. Leek, July 4, 1853. Emma Lounsbury, June 25, 1845. Tully Lounsbury. Mch. 8, 1847. David R. Lum, Julv 3, 1815. Mary B. Lum, Mch. 26, 1816. Albert W. Lum, May 2, 1838. Franklin M. Lum, May 13, 1840. Charles H. Lum, Oct. 2, 1843. Mary J. Lum, Feb. 14, 1846. Henrietta M. Lum, Sept. 8, 1858. Nellie R. Oatman, Nov, 23, 1864. Smith A. Oatman, Jan. 6, 1865. Thomas C. Osborne, Oct. 6, 1808. Nancy R. Osborne, Sept. 18, 1810. T. Smith Osborne, Feb. 2, 1839. Mary R. Osborne, May 22, 1842. F. Ray Osborne, March i, 1845. Orlando C. Osborne, March 23, 1847. Betsey M. Osborne, Apr. 4, 1857. Lois Perry, October — 1790. Elizabeth J. Perry, Mch. 12, 1825. Ellen O. Perry, bap. May 10, 1854. Charles B. Perry, Dec. 9, 1855. Sarah Ann Smith, Nov. 16, 1833. Daniel Albert Smith, May 25, 1837. Laura C. Smith, June 20, 1842. Lucy Esther Smith, Apr. 20. 1846. Henry Ephraim Smith, Mch. 4, 1850. Mary Somers, Sept. 13, 1824. Jervis Somers, July 10, 1833. Nancy J. Sutton, May 29, 1840. 114 OXFORD RECORDS. Henry Sutton, May 31, 1843. Frederick K. Sutton, Apr. 27, 1851. Frank A. Sutton, April i, 1854. Ella M. Towner, Jan. 7, 1855. Lillian Hannah Towner, July i, 1858. Atwater Treat, Sept. 4, 1810. Elizabeth Ann Treat, Aug. 5, 1812, Eunice Frances Treat, Sept. 5, 1836. Elizabeth Jane Treat, May 27, 1838. Mary Ann Treat, June i, 1840. A. Br3^ant Treat, June 30, 1842. Elijah B. Treat, Nov. 30, 1842. Idella M. Treat, May 11, 1853, Charles Ward, Apr. ir, 1851. George Ward, Sept. 16, 1853. Matthew Ward, Oct. 12, 1839. Mary E. Ward, Oct. 28, 1856. James L. Wheeler, Mch. i, 1837. Frances Eliza Wheeler, Oct. 17, 1840. Martha Elizabeth Wheeler, Aug. 12, 1842. Mary S. Wheeler, Apr. 26, 1846. Henry S. Wheeler, Aug. 5, 1848. Alfred Newton Wheeler, Jan. 2. 1855. Elsie M. Williams, Feb. 16, 1841. Alice J. Williams, Nov. 19, 1846. Edward Andrew, son of William and Mary M. Coney, Oct. 16, 1870. Edward Russell, Carrie Julia, children of Heber and Jennie G. Chatfield, June 4, 187 1. Amy Louisa, dau. of Albert B. and Louisa M. Towner, Mar, 14, '71. Elmer, son of Smith and Mary J. Osborn, July 5, 1869. Henry Amor Taylor, March 3, 1861. Albert Tavlor, April 15, 1864. Mary Jane Taylor, Feb. 15, 1867. Charles Eberton Taylor, March 14, 1870. Emma Augusta, April 5, 1862, Ida May, Oct. 4, 1863, daughters of Albert Seeley. John Edward, son of Anthony B. and Ellen M. Hinman, Nov. 1871. Clara Barton Tomlinson, Nov. 25, 1865. Clarence Eugene, son of Edwin J. and Laura C. Ailing, Sept. 15, '72. Martha May, dau. of William H. and Martha Riggs, June 25, 1872. Mary Frances, dau. of Truman E. and Frances E. Hurd, Aug. 26, '66. BAPTISMS. 1 1 5 Catherine Maria, June 19, '70, Sarah Electa, Sept. 27, '72, children of Orlando C. and Idella J. Osborn. Katie Elizabeth, dau. of Frank B. Andrews, Feb. 27, 1872. Fannie, dau. of William Coney, April 5, 1874. Arthur Russell, son of Frederick Russell Keeney, April 5, 1874. Jennie May, dau. of Elijah B. and Sarah A. Treat, April 20. 1874. Lewis Henry, son of Frank L. and Mary E. Davis, Aug. 23, 1874. Anna Louis, dau. of of Charles H. and Kate E. Butler, June 7, '74 Annie Elvira, dau. of Noah J, aud Laura E. Welton, Mar. i/, 1870 Arthur Evelyn, son of Edwin J. and Laura C. Ailing:, Mar. 28, 1875 Bessie Minerva, dau. Glover W. and Elizabeth H. Cable, July 15, '75 Emma Flora, dau. of Albert B. and Louisa M. Towner, Jan. 8, '73 Katie Eliza, Dec. 18, 1868, Henry Baldwin Harrison, July 22, 1869, children of Truman E. and Frances E. Hurd. Florence Louisa, dau. of Elijah B. and Sarah A. Treat, Nov. 6, '"]"]. Bertha Maria, dau. of Henry A. and Ellen B. Lane, July 10, 1872. John Birdsey, son of Geo, P. and M. Augjusta Sanford, Mar. 13, '76. Franklin Burton, son of Edwin J. and Laura C. Ailing, June 14, '78. William Everett, son of Edward W. Chatfield, Feb. 15, 1876. Lillian Brockett, July 10, 1867, Carrie Zerniah, July 4, 1870, children of Gilbert Robinson. Frederick Alfred, Apr. 3, ''j'], Henry Roswell, Jan. 17, '79, children of Glover W. and Elizabeth H. Cable. Frances Mallett, dau. of W. O. and Hattie Davis, Nov. 28, 1880. Frederick Townsend, sonofFred'kR. and Agnes Keeney, Nov. 28, '80. Frederick Arthur, son of Fred C. and Julia H. Candee, Nov. 28, '80. Sarah Jennette, dau. of John and Laura Hawley, Nov. 28, 1880. Libbie Coe Pope, John Horace Pope, William Benjamin Pope, Al- bert Kimberly Pope, June 26, 188 1. Minnie Alice Milburn. June 26, 1881. Harr}' Elmer, son of F. C. and Julia Candee, April 16, 1882. Harry Robert, son of Robt. and Sarah Wheeler, April 16, 1882. Charles Heber, Ruth Wooster, children Heber Chatfield, Apr. 16, '82. Mary Henrietta, dau. of E. B. and Sarah Treat, April 16, 1882. child of Albert and Elizabeth Smith, June 1883. Atwater Curtiss, son of Elijah and Sarah Treat, Feb. 15, 1883. Ralph Elisha, son of Harry and Hannah Wheeler, Oct. 28, 1883. Mary Louise, dau of Elmer H. and Louise E. Pardee, Aug. 16, '84. Emma Jane, dau. of Silas S. and C. M. Booth, Sept. 12, 1875. Julia Gertrude, Sept. 17, 1880, Nelson Miles, Dec. 11, '82, Emma Jeannette, Jan. 17, '85, children of Glover W. and Elizabeth H. Cable. I l6 OXFORD RECORDS. Henry Smith, Sept. 23, '74, William Thomas. Dec. 2, '85, at South- ford; sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Wm. T. Smith, Elley Smith and C. Fairclough. Emma Rothchild, dau. of Harrj^ and Hannah Wheeler, at South- ford, May 27, 1886. Frances Polly Oatman, at Southford, Aug. 7, '83, sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Oatman. Prudence Edwards. Emma Prudence Adams, at Sonthford, Sept. 15, 1865, sponsors, Henry Wheeler, Mrs. H. Wheeler. Lydia Charlotte Milburn, at Southford, Aug. 23, 1873, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wheeler. Jennetta Augusta Wheeler, Julia Glover Wheeler, at Southford, May 16, 1886, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wheeler, Mary Clark. Jan. 6, '81, Josephine Harriet, Oct. 28, '83. children of Jennie and Edward Chatfield. Henry Stewart Davis, Sept. 7, 1883. Mary Ellen Ward, Sept. 7, 1884. William Edward Vogelsang, Dec. 29, 1885. Frederick Lane Davis, Dec. 5, '84, Mary Northrop (Lum) Oct. 22, '57, sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Davis. Lewis H. Davis. Frederick Augustus Candee, Jan. 27, 1859. Eli Alfred Carley, Aug. 28, 1859. David Hawley, John Hawley, March 9, i860. Ellen Maria Pardee, Nov. 23, 1843. Mary Jane Pardee, Aug. 25, 1848. Martha Frances Pardee, Aug. 7, 1850. Katharine Amelia Wheeler, Jan. 20, 1848. Lucy Maria Bunnell, March 29, 1830. Mary Jane Bunnell, Apr. 28, 1850. Nancy, wife of Nehemiah Andrews, Aug. 18, 1819. Jessie Mabel Lum, July 11, 1880, sponsors, mother and grandmother. Lois Elizabeth Andrew, Nov. 21, '52, Frederick William, Sept. 12, '85, sponsors, Mrs. Geo. Andrew, Daisy Andrew. Emeline Hine, at Southford, Oct. 12, 1838, sponsors, Mrs. Henry Wheeler, Rev. Mr. Potwine. Henrietta Wheeler, at Southford, Mch. 11, 1887. born 1821, spon- sors, Mrs. Henry Wheeler, Rev. Mr. Potwine. Wm. Howard Milburn, at Southford, March 11, 1887, born 1871, sponsors, Mrs. Henry Wheeler, Rev. Mr. Potwine. BAPTISMS. TI7 Le Grand Warner Lake, Jan. 10, 1833. Marion Frances Lum, Dec. 15, 1842. Mary Elizabeth Johnson, May 31, 1849. Horatio Hawkins Carley, Aug. 20, 1864, witnesses, Laura E. and Susan Hepsie Ward, Dec. 12, 1847. [Eli A. Carley. J Josephine Smith, June 14, 1854. Mary Ann Perry, May 5, 1826. Mary Ann Carley, Aug. 19, 1866. Frances Minerva, dau. of David W. and Mary L. Riggs, Nov. 17, '53. Emily Cornelia Lindley, April 21, 1867. Joseph Whitman Moody, April 12, 1868. JuHa Almira Downs, May 28, 1854. Sarah Eliza Pardee, Apr. 23, 1868. Eleanor Celestia Robinson, March 22, 185 1. William Hubert Riggs, May 31, 1868. George Andrews, May 31, 1868. Hiram Osborn Peck, May 31, 1868. Nelson Boardman, March 14, 1809. Albert Bronson Towner, March 28, 1869. William Coney, Feb. 26, 183 1. John Durey Lockwood, Feb. 17, 1844. James Philo Riggs, Sept. 23, 1835. Sarah Elizabeth, widow of John H. Fairchild, Jan. 26, 1844. Charles Henry Butler, July 21, 1844. Ellen Mary Thompson, April 15, 1850. Harmond Albert Beers, husband of Nancy E. Beers, Nov. 24, 1837. Jennette Riggs, wife of Samuel Riggs, June 16, 1819. Sarah Amanda Treat, Sept. 10, 1873. Martha Frances Hawley, Oct. 19, 1873. Eunice Julia Robinson, Oct. 26, 1873. Laura E., wife of Noah J. Welton, March 27, 1875. Frank Arthur Barrows, Nov. 9, 1885. DEATHS. Thomas Spence, d. Oct. 13, 1845. Joel Buckingham, d. Oct. 15, 1845. Mrs. Susan Peck, d. Nov. i, 1845, aged 61 years. Andrew Welton, d. May 2, 1846, aged 72 years. Elijah Johnson, d. May 23, 1847. aged 73 years. William Perry, d. Jan. 5, 1848, aged 40 years. Mrs. Clara Clarke, d. Jan. 18, 1848, aged 71 years. Il8 OXFORD RECORDS. Mrs. Phebe Wheeler, d. April 17, 1848. aged 75 years. Mrs. Lois E. Lnm, d. May 6, 1848. aged 42 years. Charles Abner, son of Horace Cable, d. Sept, 14, aged 13 months. Rana Northrop, d. Sept. 21, 1848, aged 69 years. Caroline, dau. of Joseph Conner, d. Sept. 21, 1848, aged 3 years. Ellen, dau. of Smith Gunn, d. Sept. 21, 1848, aged 3 years. Catherine Ann, dau. Horace Cable, d. Oct. 29, 1848, aged 2 y. 6 m. Horace Bunnell, d. Nov. 18, 1848, aged 53 years. Mahala Bryan (col.) d. Nov. 26, 1848, aged 20 years. Col. John Davis, d. Nov. 28, 1848, aged 93 years. John K. Bassett, d. July 29, 1849. Leverett Riggs, d. Sept. 8, 1849, aged 62 years. Smith Gunn, d. Feb. 25, 1850. aged 43 years. Zevia, dau. of Daniel Chatfield, d, Sept. 16, 1850, aged 60 years. Bennett Perry, d. March 11, 185 1, aged 57 years. William Church, d. March 11, 185 1, aged 80 years. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of George and Henrietta Candee, d. May 13, 185 1, aged 12 years. _ Sarah Bunnell, wife of Reuben Bunnell, d. Sept. 6, 185 1, aged 84 y. Bowers Johnson, d. Nov. 23, 185 1, aged 83 years. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of James and Elizabeth Moody, d. Jan 30, 1852, aged 14 years. Mrs. Sarah Twitchell, wife of AbijahTwitchell, d. Feb. 13, 1852,8676. Betty Hall, d. Feb. 29, 1852, aged 58 years. Henry, son of Charles and Sarah Nichols, d. May 13, 1852, aged 4 y. Mehitable Davis, d. Dec. 30, 1852, aged 89 years. Reuben Bunnell, d. F.eb. 2, 1853. aged 87 years. Samuel Wheeler, d. Feb. 3. 1853, aged 73 years. Sarah, widow of Edward Riggs, d, March 23, 1853. aged 88 years. Alonzo Leek, d. Jan. 10, 1854. aged 34 years. Bernard, son of Cyrus Humphrey, d. Jan. 11, 1854, aged 34 years. Thomas Baron, d. Jan. 27, 1854, aged 51 years. Maria Loveland, wife of Miles Loveland, d Jan. 29, 1854, aged 56 yrs. Martha Jane, dau. Moody and Ellen J. Brown, d. July 30, 1854.8616. Laura, widow of John Davis, Jr., d. Nov. 14. 1854. Mrs, Mamie, wife of Devine Chatfield, d. Jan. 28, 1855. aged 67. Mrs. Patty Bostwick, d. March 31, 1855, aged 86 years. Frances E., dau. Frederick and Sarah Cables, d. May 16. 1855,861 im. Sarah Clarissa Booth, d. June 14. 1855, aged 20 yrs., 8 mo. Clara, wife of John Fairchild, d. April 22, 1856, aged 56 yrs. Horace Scott, son Roswell and Hannah Cable, d. June 1 1. 1855,8623. DEATHS. 119 Rachel Hall, (colored) d. July 8, 1856, aged 56 yrs. Leverett Scovill, d. Sept. 7, 1856. Charles, son of Bennett and Delia Scovill, d. Nov. 2, 1856. Sarah Griswold, d. Dec. 18, 1856, aged 91 yrs. Orlando Cable, d. Dec. 21, i8^6, aged 60 yrs. Louisa, dau. of David and Eunice Hnrd, d. Nov. 30, 1856, aged 28. Elizabeth S., dau. of Edmund E. and Maria T. Lewis, d. Jan. 27, 1857, aged 36 yrs. George, son of Robert and Julia Wheeler, d. 1857, aged 34 yrs. Enoch Perkins, d. May 14, 1857, aged 84 yrs. Mrs. Deborah Wheeler, d. May 20, 1857, aged 88 yrs. Mrs. Maria Morris (colored) dau. of Timothy and Olive Drake, d. July 12, 1857, aged 36 yrs. Mrs. Sarah Burr, d. Nov. 17, 1857, aged 87 yrs. Mrs. Ellen J., wife of Moody M. Brown, d. Nov. 20, 1857, ae 50 y. Elvia Maria, dau. of Levi A. and Julia E. Morris, d. March 18, 1858, aged 2 yrs. Ralph E., son of Elisha and Eliza A. Wheeler, d. June 8, 1858, aged 15 years. Dwight, son of Nehemiah and Phinet Andrews, d. Aug. 22, 1858, aged 21 yrs. Frederick Lewis, son of Atwater and Elizabeth Treat, d. Aug. 22, 1858, aged 2 yrs., 7 mo. Adaline A., wife of Washington Benham, d. Oct. 7, 1858, aged 39 yrs., 6 mos. Frederick A. Candee, d. Feb. 28, 1859, aged 41 yrs. George A., son of Frederick A. and Louisa A. Candee, d. April 2, 1859, aged ii>2 mos. Maria, wife of Nelson B. Williams, d. July 9, 1859, aged 48 yrs. Eunice F. dau. of Atwater and Elizabeth A. Treat, d. April 21, 1859, aged 22 yrs., 6 mos. Johnson Camp, d. July 28, 1859, aged 65 yrs. Devine Cbatfield. d. March 24, i860, aged 73 yrs. Benjamin Graham, d. April 13, i860, aged 37 yrs. John L. Fairchild, d. April 29, i860, aged 59 yrs. David J. Hawley, d. May 23, i860, aged 62 yrs. Hinman, d. Aug. 18, i860, aged 5 days. Betsey Cable, d. Aug. 26, i860, aged 57 yrs. David D, Perry, d. Sept. 12, i860, aged 2 1-4 yrs. G. Henry Candee, d. Sept. 28, i860, aged 15 yrs. I20 FROM THE RECORDS OF ST. PETERS CHURCH. Philo Treat, d. Oct. 26, i860, aged 40 yrs. John A. Graham, d. Oct. 30, i860. Lucy Candee, d. Feb. 7, 1861, aged 79 yrs. Eunice Button, d. Feb. 10, 1861, aged 68 yrs. OHve Drake, d. Feb. 20, 1861, aged 66 yrs. Alice J. WilHams, d. Feb. 23, 1861, aged 14 yrs. Polly Graham, d. Jan. 22, 1862, aged 66 yrs. Betsie Hawkins, d. Feb. 19, 1862, aged 66 yrs. Mrs. Cahoe, d. March 30, 1862, aged 62 yrs. Mrs. Nabby Sherman, d. Oct. 2, 1862, aged 68 yrs. Mrs, Sarah Osborn, d. Jan. 4, 1863, aged 78 yrs. John Lanse, d. Jan. 17, 1863, aged 28 yrs. Francis W. Green, d. Jan. 21, 1863, aged 2 yrs. Roswell Cable, bu. Aug. 10, 1863, aged 67 yrs., husband of Hannah Cable. Jane E., wife of Leonard Hotchkiss, d. Sept. 29, 1863, aged 31 yrs. Deme Lum, d. Nov. 3, 1863, aged 83 yrs., 11 mos. Henry, son of Henry and Bridgett Hubbell, d. Nov. 14, 1863, aged 2 yrs., 3 mos. Abel W. Bronson, bu. March 8, '64, aged 66 yrs., husband of Eliza. Ida J., dau. of James and Lucy Bunnell, d. March 17, 1864, aged 4 yrs., 4 mos. Rosey, wife of Enos Chatfield. d. May 21, 1864, aged 62 yrs. Martha E., dau. of James and Lucy Bunnell, d. June 10, 1864, aged 6 yrs., 4 mos. Emma M., dau. of John D. Huldah Whymbs, bu. Sept. 28. 1864, aged 2 yrs., 7 mos. Polly Beardsley, widow, bu. Oct. 25, 1864, aged 85 yrs. Ransom Hine, bu. Nov. 1 1, '64, aged 50 yrs., son of Mrs. C. Botsford. Mrs. Rebecca Gunn, d. Nov. 24. 1864, aged 47 yrs. Charles Woodin, d. Mar. 21, 1865, aged 53 yrs. Willie, son of Theodore and Martha Wheeler, bu. Apr. 12, 1865, aged 5 weeks. Laura M., dau. of Charles and Mary Ann Perry, d. Apr. 21, 1865, aged 2 weeks, 5 days. Hattie, dau. of Harry and Mary A. Sutton, d. June 25, 1865, aged 4 yrs., 10 mos. Mrs. Nancy Lum, bu. Aug. 14, 1865, aged 48 yrs. Charles B., son of Egbert L. and Harriet C. Warner, bu. Sept. i, 1865, aged I yr., 8 mos. 5-18- '07. DEATHS. 121 Leonard Hotchkiss, widower, d. Sept. 3, 1865, aged 38 yrs. Martha L., wife of J. J. Jones, d. Nov. 24, i86s, aged 29 yrs. Samuel Candee, husband of Lucy, d. Dec. 17, 1865, aged 76 yrs. Chauncey M. Hatch, d. Dec. 20, '65, aged 79 yrs. , hus. of Huldah C. George Sperry, bu. Dec. 26, 1865, aged 54 yrs., hus. of Mary Ann. Betsy Chatfield, bu. March 6, 1866, aged 48 yrs. EHzabeth, wife of Washington Benham, d. Apr. 4, '66, aged 36 yrs. CaroHne E., wife of Bryant Treat, d. Apr. 7, '65, aged 24 yrs. , 7 mos. Sally P. Smith, d. Apr. 12, 1866, aged 73 yrs. Mary, wife of Cosmos F. Ailing, d. May 11, 1866, aged 24 yrs. Wales A., son of Everett and Jane Hubbell, d. May 16, 1866, aged 21 yrs., 7 mos. James F. Carley, d. June 6, 1866, aged 28 yrs., 11 mos., husband of Mary Ann Carley. Ellen O., dan. of Charles and Mary Ann Perry, d. July 14, 1866, aged 12 years. Letson Buckingham, d. July 23, 1866, aged 66 yrs. Mrs. Nabby Osborn, d. July 31, 1866. Charles Hubbell, d. Sept. 3, '^, aged 30 yrs., hus. of Mary Hubbell. Albert Morris, bu. Oct. 10, 1866, aged 12 years, son of Levi and Juliett Morris. Hannah, wife of Joel Riggs, d. Jan. 18, 1867, aged 65 yrs. Eli A. Carley, d. Jan. 26, '67, aged 58 yrs., hus. of Laura E. Carley. Betsey, wife of Agar Curtiss, d. Feb. 12, 1867, aged 79 yrs. George English, d. Feb. 21, 1867, aged 31 yrs. Philena Bunnell, bu. Mar. 21. 1867, aged 75 yrs. Melissa D., dau. of Albert Seeley, bu. April 20, 1867, aged 7 mos. Lucy M., wife of James Bunnell, d. May 9, 1867, aged 37 yrs. William H. Botsford, d. June 22, 1867, aged 64 yrs. Horace T. Cable, d. Sept. 5, '6-], aged 64 yrs., hus. ot Ann T. Cable. Reuben Tucker, bu. Sept. 18, ^6^, aged 85 ys., hus. of Kezia Tucker. Alice B., dau. of Gilbert and Louisa Robinson, bu. Oct. 11, 1867, aged 3 mos. Marvin R. Sanford, d. Oct. 28, 1867, aged 67 yrs. David T. Meiggs, d. Nov. 2, 1867, aged 18 days. Prudence Sperry, d. Nov. 22, 1867. aged 86 yrs. Ralph Lewis, d. Jan. 27, 1868, aged 73 yrs. John Smith, d. Mar. 24, 1868, aged ^^ yrs. Sarah Nichols, d. April 20, 1868, aged 71 yrs. Edd, son of Peter and Susan L. Ward, d. July 4, 1868, aged 30 yrs. 122 FROM THE RECORDS OF ST. PETER's CHURCH. Hannah Buckingham, d. Sept. 5, 1868, aged 93 years. Josephus Hall, d. Sept. 26, 1868. aged 87 yrs. David R. Lum, d. Nov. 4, 1868, aged 53 yrs., hus. of Mary B. Lnm. William L. Pardee, d. Nov. 22, 1868, aged 47 years, husband of Sarah E. Pardee Loraine, wife of Victory Lounsbury, d. Nov. 25, 1868, aged 73 yrs. Lucy M. Candee, bu. Jan. 27, 1869, aged 73 yrs., widow of Samuel Candee. Betsey M., wife of Clark Botsford, d. Feb. 6, 1869, aged 72 yrs. Albert H., son of Albert B. and Louisa Towner, bu. Feb. 26, 1869, aged 7 mos. Enos Chatfield, d. June 5, 1869, aged 73 years, widower of Rosey Chatfield. Patty Seeley, d. Aug. 9, 1869, aged 92 yrs. Maretia C, dau. of Theodore Wheeler, d. Oct. 9, 1869, aged 5 wks. David H., son of Louisa A. Candee, d. Oct. 16, 1869, aged 23 yrs. Moody M. Brown, bu. Dec. 26, 1869. Nancy M., dau. of Nehemiah and Nancy Andrews, d. Dec. 26, 1869, aged 6 yrs., 10 mos. George A. Fairchild, d, Dec. 31, 1869, aged 31 yrs. Charles, son of William Coney, d. Feb. 6, 1870, aged 10 yrs. Charley, son of Peter and Susan L. Ward, d. Feb. 6, '70. a. 19 yrs. John H. Fairchild, d. Feb. 22, 1870, aged 37 yrs. and 10 mos., husband of Sarah Elizabeth. Sarah J., wife of Glover W. Cable, d. April 29, 1870, aged 20 yrs., 7 mos. Isaac B., son of W. Hart and Frances J. Davis, d. May 22, 1870, aged 6 yrs. Eliza Beers, d. May 30, 1870, aged 64 years. Maria, wife of Ely Allen, d: June r, 1870, aged 72 yrs. Martha, wife of Theodore Wheeler, d. 1869. Lizzie M., dau. of Edwin B. and Laura Allen, d. June 10, 1870, aged 3 yrs., 3 mos. Delia E., wife of Hanford Fairchild. d. June 14, 1870, aged 69 yrs., 8 mos. Virtia E., wife of Stiles L. Smith, d. July 21, 1870, aged 29 yrs., 9 mos. Albert A. son of Dr. T. A. B. J. Dutton, d. Aug. 22, '70, a. 42 yrs. Hiram Osborn, d. Sept. 13, 1870, aged 85 years. Mary J., wife of David Hawley, d. Jan. 16, 1871, aged 31 years, DEATHS. 123 Lewis Davis, d. Feb. 11, 1871, aged 68 yrs., bus. of Lucinda Davies. John J. Jones, d. Feb. 21, 1871, aged 59 years. Harmond A. Beers, d. March 3, 1871, aged 33 yrs., husband of Nancy E. Beers. Keziah Tucker, d. March 29, 1871, aged 86 years, widow of Reuben Tucker. Andrew S. Graham, d. April 3, 187 1, aged 85 years. Elsie, wife of Wheeler Judson, d, April 28, 1871, aged 62 years. Henry Lane, d. May 21, 1871, aged 4 yrs., 5 mos. Joel Osborn, d. May 25, '71. a. 50 yrs., bus. of Catherine T. Osborn. Stiles Fairchild, d. June 4, 1871, aged 66 yrs., husband of Mary Ann Fairchild. John Beecher, d. July 14, 1871, aged 62 yrs., husband of Jane Beecher. Ransom Hudson, d. July 19, 1871, aged 62 years., husband of Maria Hudson. Franklin J., son of Noah J. and Laura E. Welton, d. Dec. 8, 1871, aged 4 yrs. 7 mos. Charles B., son of Noah J. and Laura E. Welton, d. Dec. 13, 1871, aged 3 yrs. 9 mos. Kate E., wife of F. Andrews, bu. March 5, 1872, aged 20 yrs. Charles A. Candee, bu. Mar. 10, 1872, aged 49 yrs., husband of Amanda Candee. Frances J., wife of William H. Davis, d. May 16. 1872, aged 35 yrs. Samuel Riggs, d. June 17. [872, aged 53 yrs., husband of Jeannette Riggs. Philo Bassett, d. July 11, 1872, aged 76 yrs. Hannah Tuttle, d. July 29, 1872, aged 60 yrs. Harry Low, d. Oct. 6, 1872, aged 100 yrs. John R. Davis, d. Oct. 18, 1872, aged 58 yrs., husband of Sarah J. Davis. Clark Botsford, d. May 5, 1873, aged 75 yrs. Jennie Wheeler, d. July 29, 1873, aged 14 mos. George N. Candee. d. June 18, 1874, aged 63 yrs. Samuel L. Downs, d. Aug. 28, 1874, aged 69 years. Sybil Skeeles, bu. Jan. 31, 1875, aged nearly 100 years. Lois Perry, d. March 15, 1875, aged 84 years 5>^ mos. Frances E., wife of Truman Hurd, d. April 12, 1875, aged 34 yrs. 5 m. Lucy A., wife of Frederick C. Candee, d. June 13, 1875, a 18 y. 1 1 m. Catherine S., widow of Joel Osborn, d. Feb. 2, 1875, aged 52 yrs. 124 DEATHS. Huldy C, wife of Chauncey M. Hatch, d. Mch. 30. 1876, aged 83 y. Julia Fairchild, d. 1876, dau. of Chauncey M. Hatch. Harry Sutton, bu. Aug. 22, 1876, aged 67 yrs,, husband of Mary Sutton. Betsey M. Osborn, d. Oct. 21, 1876, aged 19 yrs. 6mos., dau. of Joel and Catherine Osborn. Elisha Wheeler, d. Jan. ist, 1877, aged 61 yrs, (husband of Eliza Wheeler.) Jane, wife of John Beecher, d. Jan. g, 1877, aged 66 yrs. Jane E., wife of Everette Hubbell, d. Jan. 13, 1877, aged 66 yrs. Ruth A., wife of Thomas Wooster, d. Jan. 30, 1877, aged 67 yrs. Idella M., wife of Charles W. Robinson, d. Aug. 9, 1876, aged 23 yrs. 3 mos. Sarah M., widow of Smith Washband, d, June 4, 1877, aged 79 yrs. 7 mos. Orlando J., son of Orlando C. and Idella J Osborn, d. June 21, 1878, aged I yr. 4 mos. Hattie T., wife of Henry E. Castle, d. Sept. 10, 1878, aged 29 yrs. 6 mos. Clifford W., son of Lewis W. and Ruthella Robinson, bu. Nov. 28, 1878. aged 6 yrs. 5 mos. Sarah M., wife of Washington Benham, d. Feb. 22, 1879, aged 49 yrs. 5 mos. David Oatman, bu. May 31, 1879, aged 82 yrs. Charles, son of Edward W. and Jennie Chatfield, bu. July 27, 1879, aged 20 days. William, son of Albion A. and Minnie Hall, bu. Aug. 27, 1879, a. 2 m. Laura E., wife of N. J. Welton, d. Sept. 15, 1879, aged 36 yrs. Mary E. Judd, d. May 26, 1880, aged 68 yrs., widow of A. L. Judd. Sarah J. Davis, d. July 9, 1880, widow of John R. Davis. Trueworthy Munger, d. Aug. 9, 1880. Susan L., wife of Peter Ward, d. Jan. 12, 188 1. Howard C. son of E. H. and Louise Pardee, d. July 30, 1881, a. 5d. William Bailey, d. Jan. 3. 1882. Jennie Hotchkiss, d. July 12, 1882. Mary A., widow of Harry Sutton, bu. July 21, 1886. Mary Tappan, d. Jan. 27, 1886, aged 94 yrs. Elsie, daughter of Nelson Williams, d. March 28, 1886, aged 45 yrs. Orinda Oatman, d. April 25, 1886, aged 61 yrs. William Butler, d. April i6. 1886. aged 68 yrs. INSCRIPTIONS. 123 HILLSIDE CEMETERY, QUAKER FARMS. INSCRIPTIONS IN ADDITION TO THOSE PUBLISHED IN 1885. In memory of John Bassett. He died May 8th. 1804, ^t 83. Naomi, his iirst wife, died May 17, 1772, -'Et 50. Sarah, his second wife, died May 3d, 1804, ^Et 72. John Bassett. Died May 14, 1832, aged 74 yrs. Anna, wife of Truman Bunnell, died June 21, 1832, -E 66 yrs. Sterne Candee. 1828-1905. Roxy Candee. Died Nov. 17, 1858, aged 22 ys. & 8 mo. We loved her, yes, no tongue can tell How much we loved her & how well ; God loved her. too, & he thought best To take her home to be at rest. Horace Candee. Died April 12, i860, aged 73. Caroline, wife of Horace Candee. Died Sept. 26, 185 1, aged 55. Dearest mother thou hast left us Here thj' love we deeply feel, But 'tis God that has bereft us. He can all our sorrow heal. An infant son of Horace & Caroline Candee. Isaac Chatfield, died Sept. 25. 1837, aged 82. Sarah, wife of Isaac Chatfield, died Nov. 27, 1827, aged 66. Truman, son of Isaac & Sarah Chatfield, died Feb. 20, 1833. David K. Chatfield, died Sept. 15. 1853, aged 70. Mary, wife of David K. Chatfield, died Feb. 21, 1869, aged 67. In memory of John Chatfield, who died June 28, 1837, aged 85 years. Also his wife, Mary Chatfield, who died Jan. 21st. 1827, aged69years. Oh : we have watched their parting breath And closed their weary eyes. And sighed to see how sadly death Can sever human ties. In memory of Sheldon Chatfield, who departed this life July 12th, 1808, in the 23d year of his age. In memory of Lyman, son of John & Mary Chatfield. who died Sept. 29. 1805, aged 11 years. Betsey, wife of Agur Cnrtiss. died Feb. 12. 1867, aged 79. Almighty God 'tis right, 'tis just. That mortal frame should turn to dust. But oh forgive the wilful tear That would retain her spirit here. Sarah R. Curtiss, died April 16, 1859. aged 43. John R. Curtis, died Nov. Nov. 4, 1852, aged 31. Meet me in heaven. 126 INSCRIPTIONS. Betsey Maria, only child of William & Laura M. Griffin, died June 25, i860, aged 16 yrs., 10 mo. & 15 d's. Sweet is the scene when Christians die. When holy souls letire to rest: How mildly beams the closins eye. How gently heaves the expirinsj breast. Alfred Harger, died Oct. 2, 1887, aged 83. Sarah S., his wife, died Mar. 25. 1888. aged 72. Safe within the Fold. Lewis, son of Alfred & Sarah Harger, died Jan. 3, 1837, aged 8 mos. Burton Harger, died Dec. 16, 1861. aged 25 years. In memory of Elijah Hawkins, who died Feb. 23d. 1809, aged 61. Anna, his first wife, died Dec. 2d. 1794, aged 45. S. H. M. H. Z. H. R. H. 1 77 1 1774 1806 1786. By this stone are deposited the remains of Capt. Zachariah Haw- kins, a worthy and respectable member of society, who in the 90th year of his age died in faith and hope, June 27th, MD CCCVL He had 14 children who all survived him, 82 grand- children & 95 great-grandchildren. vSarah his first wife is buried in Derby, by whom he had Sarah & Mercy. Mary his 2d wife is buried 12 feet on the left of this stone, by whom he had Mary, John, Elizabeth, Elijah, Anna, Gaylord. Ruth, Silas, Joseph, Moses & Isaac. Rachel his 3d wife lies close by this on the left, by whom he had Zachariah. Lydia his relict and his sons erect this monument, their tribute of gratitude, love and honor. Silas Hawkins. Jr., Died July 3, 1890, Aged 64 3'rs. &8 mo. Sarah M. Loveland wife of Silas Hawkins, Sr., Died Jan. 3, 1888. Aged 86. Eri Hawkins, son of Silas & Sarah Hawkins, died Jan. 29, 1812, in the 17 year. Asa Hawkins. Died Dec. 9. 1868. aged 72. In memory of Wm., son of Asa lS: Hannah Hawkins, who died Oct. 22, 1825. 7E 15 mo's. Hannah, wife of Asa Hawkins, died Feb. 12, 1885. aged 86. Royal J., son of Samuel & Celestia Hawkins, died Jan. /4, 1880, JE 4 mo & 19 D's. INSCRIPTIONS. 127 Phebe A., child of Lewis & Mary G. Hawkins, died Aug. 3, 1869. 2E 4 yrs & 8 mo's. He shall gather the lambs in His arms and carry them in His bosom. Charles Nathan, son of Charles and Louisa Hawkins, died July 7, 1863, JE 6 years. We miss thee. Sarah Minerva, daughter of Charles & Louisa Hawkins, died July 18, 1863, aged 10 yr's & 6 mo. Not dead but sleepeth. Mary Louisa, daughter of Charles and Louisa Hawkins, died May 19, 1875, aged 20 yrs. Cynthia, daughter of Isaac and Sally Hinman, died Aug. 22, 1823, aged 12 years & 7 months. Here lies the body of Philo Hinman, who died April 25, 1837. aged 86, and of Mary, his wife, who died Jan. 4, 1835, aged 78. Sherman Hinman, died May 20, 1876, aged 32. When the spirit from the flesh is freed And hastens home to return. Mortals cry — A man is dead — Angels sing a child is born. In memoriam. Jennie J,, daughter of L. A. and E. J. Hotchkiss, died July 12, [882, Aged 28 y'rs. Sweet be thy rest. Martha M., wife of Samuel Hubbell, died Feb. 2, 18S0, JE 48 yrs. Phebe L., her daughter, died Sept. 23, 1879. Aged 8 years. Mary, wife of Abijah Hyde, died Oct. 8, 1861. /E 69. Sarah H., daughter of Abijah and Mary Hyde, died June 22, 1837. JE 9 mo. Sally, wife of Abijah Hyde, died July 24, 1834. JE 42. Abijah Hyde died Nov. 7, 1864. 7E 72. Lucius C. Hyde died June 20, 1824. ^E 21. In memory of Mrs. Eunice, wife of Julius Kimberly, who died Dec. 19, 1826. ^^ 36. Lucy, wife of Julius Kimberly, died Eeb. 24, 1876. Aged 75 years. Albert A., son of Julius & Lucy Kimberly, died at Baton Rouge Dec. 1863. Aged 35 yrs & 3 mo's. Isaac Nichols, died Aug. i, 1862. Aged 53 y'rs. Russell Nichols, died June 24, 1849. Aged 73. Nabby, wife of Russell Nichols, died Dec. 13, 1862. Aged 84 y'rs. In memory of Riggs Nichols who died May 17, 1844. In the 44 year of his age. Jane Caroline, daughter of Riggs & Sally Nichols, died July 30, 1835, aged 8 years. 128 INSCRIPTIONS. Prudence, wife of James Pangman,. Died Nov. 8, 1807. Aged 74. Comfort, his second wife, died Nov. 3, 1798. Aged 42 years. Gideon Perry, died July 19, 1814, aged 82 years. Hannah, his first wife, died May 13, 1788, aged 38 years. In memory of EHzabeth Perkins, wife of Daniel Perkins, who died Aug. 4. 1793, aged 38 years. The dear! no more can soeak thy praise; They dwell in silence and the grave. But we shall live to sing thy grace. And tell the world thy power to save. Elizabeth Scoville, 1897-1899. Jane Sharpe, aged 46. Henry, son of Burrett and Sarah Skeels, died April 20, 1835, aged I year and 6 months. Sweet innocence and love Is not confined in dust. My little soul is called above To join the angelick host. Ira Skeels, died Dec. 22, 1888, aged 70 years. Almira, his wife, died Sept. 4, 1884, aged 63 years. In memory of Sally, wife of Arad Skeels, who died Sept. 29th, 1810, aged 33. In memory of Arad Skeels, who died July 21, 1855, aged 76 years. Charlie J., son of G. C. and Elizabeth O. Sperry. Died Sept. 7, 1859, aged 4 ys. God gathers His pure and innocent flower; His life from earth was riven. God plucked this little bud from earth To open its leaves in Heaven MONUMENT. John Smith, died Mar. 23, 1868. Aged "jj. Grace, his wife, died Nov. 9, 1848. Aged 58. Bennett, died in Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 16, 1846, aged 24. Laura, died May 7, 1850, aged 22. Lucy, died July 25, 1884, aged 64. Mrs. Lydia Thomas, an amiable woman. She was wife of Nathan Taylor of Litchfield and Capt. Zachariah Hawkins of Oxford. She died Aug. 4, 1820. Florence A. Thrall, died Aug. 2, 1883. Aged i year & 2 mos. ^ Dau. of Curtis and Alice Thrall. In memory of Silas Tomlinson, who died Nov. 15, 1829. Aged 53. Also Polly, his wife, died Aug. 15, 1842. Aged 65. INSCRIPTIONS. 129 Edmund B. Tomlinson, died in the hospital, Newbern, Nov. 2, 1862. Aged 20. He was a member of Co. A, loth Reg. C. . v., and served in the Battles of Roanoke and Newbern. " We loved him. O! how dearly." In memory- of Juliette, wife of Burke Tomlinson, who died Oct. 7, 1853. Aged 42 3'rs. and 7 mo. In memory of Burke Tomlinson, who died Sept. 1842. Aged 35 3TS. & 6 mo. Charity Wooster, born July 26, 1767; died Dec. 25, 1857. M 90 yrs. Nathaniel Wooster, born Nov. 25, 1766; died Nov. 23, 1855. 7E 89 yrs. Marcus Wooster, died July 2, ^839, aged 25. Sarah Jane, daughter of Bennet and Sarah Wooster, died Sept. 13, 183 1, aged 5 years. In memory of Anna Maria Wooster, daughter of Nathaniel and Charity Wooster, who died Oct. 29, 1794, aged 11 mos. In memory of Mr. Arthur Wooster, who died Aug. 6. 1796. Sarah, his wife, died July 12, 1808, aged 48. Frank P. Wooster, 1852 — 1895. Henrietta A., his wife, 1856 — J. L. W. Edith Marion. 1882— 1895. Dau. of F. P. and H. A. Wooster. The grave of Leverett Candee. son of Horace and Caroline Candee, who died Aug. 13, 1837, aged 13 yrs. and 10 mo. Unknown to fortune, tamo, or vice, Delitrht of parent.s. brothers, sisters, all. None doubt he's more happy thrice. Than friends who mourn his untimely fall ; Yet who'd but lament the tlijfht of one. So yountr. so promising, so virtuous. Scarce reached his teens when called upon To meet his God in realms of bliss. Wales A. Hubbell, died May 16, 1866. Ai 23. "Those who cherished and loved him Now are left to weep and sigrh ; Yet we have these words to cheer. He was not afraid to die." Jane E. Sperry, wife of Everett Hubbell, died Jan. 13, 1877. JE 66. "Yea thoutrh I walk throu^rh the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." Leonard A. Hotchkiss, died Sept. 4, 1865. ■ /E 38. Elizabeth J., his wife and only daughter of Everett and Jane E. Hubbell, died Sept. 30, 1863. M 32. Sleep, sleep on dear friends. Death can't us long divide: A few more rolling suns Will lay me by your side. 130 OXFORD. Sacred to the memory of Ruth Judson, died Sept. ii, 1839, ^ 64. As a wife and parent she was kind, affectionate and exemplary and died in hope of glorious immortality. Sacred to the memory of Mr. Wells Judson, who departed this life June 18, 1827, in the 73d year of his age. A man of strict integrity, which will ever make his name revered by his friends. A VISIT TO PLEASANT VALE. By Miss Eliza Jane Stephens. (The following very happy poetic desciiption of what is kuown as " Pleasant Vale, " extending from Zoar Bridge on the Houstatonic to the location of the Dawson Woolen factory, will be familiar to those who were acquainted with tae place some years ago It marks the the changes of time in that locality very feelingly.) And this is dear old Pleasant Vale, Once so familiar to my sight. Here is the fair extended view, A youthful fancy's loved delight. Again I hear the river's song, And mark its rapid ceaseless flow, And watch it shimmer in the sun, As in the days of long ago. This is the path I used to tread At early morn and close of day, 'Tis worn as smooth and winds about The same inexplicable way. Here was the store where dainty sweets Were placed in jars to tempt our gaze. How covetous we soon become, What spendthrifts too in childish ways. That building has a brighter look. And more of dainties in display. But time has wrought its wonted change; I pass without regret to day. M}' road is near the mountain's base, Huge rocks o'erhead 'twould seem might fall. While mosses grew on every ledge, And wild flowers bloom about them all. The blacksmith shop was just beyond, Where truant ones were sure to tire; They loved to watch the smithy's work And linger round his cheerful fire. PLEASANT VALE. 131 THE PLEASANT VALE SCHOOLHOUSE. There's nothing now to mark the spot, Except the weeds are ranker grown, And bits of coal are mingled with A shapeless mass of dirt and stone. A little farther was a cot. With roses clustering ronnd the door. The house is gone — its habitants Are dwelling on the brighter shore. And now I reach the quaint old church, A long and well-remembered place. Time was when mid its worshipers I scarce beheld a stranger's face. Again I stand upon the step. And look within the open door, How quickly memory pictures there The listening throng that met of yore. The quiet graveyard is close by; Each stone bears some familiar name; And here and there an epitaph The sleeper's virtues yet proclaim. 132 OXFORD. In childhood oft I sought this ground; To me 'twas neither sad or drear, For cheerily the blackbirds sang, In groves of pines then growing near. And on the hillside just below We found fine ferns and berries sweet, And made beneath the maple shade A mimic house we thought complete. The rude stone bridge still spans the stream, Where youthful anglers tried their skill Till many torn and brimless hats Were proof they'd labored with a will. Below the bridge a vvealth of mint And rushes tall and thrifty grew. We gathered these at morn and noon, Now happily other children do. The schoolhouse is the very same That memory long has held so dear, For happier hours I ne'er have known Than those that passed so quickly here. Those youthful friends, where are they now .-* I try to trace their worldly lot. Though some have erred and some are dead, Among them all there's none forgot. The stern old scholar, too, who came And questioned us in ancient lore Has passed beyond our mortal ken And wiser is than e'er before. lie had his faults — we'll pass them by — His virtues our remembrance claim. And now that we are growing gray. Will evei kindly speak his name. The factory's hum is heard no more, For ruin there is all complete. And nothing breaks the silence now But babbhng brooks and songsters sweet. But this is still dear Pleasant Vale, (A homely spot to some it seems), But passing through it once again Recalls for me life's brightest dreams. yUAKER FARMS. 133 From the Records of Christ Church, Quaker Farms. A list of members and children, with sundry dates as far as given in the records. Henry E. Bidwell, Julia A. Bidwell. Adeline Booth, Frederick Booth. John F. and Mary Ann Brush, m. 1841. James Bradley, confirmed June 3, 1864. Chester and Roxy Bunnell, m. Feb. 12, 1814. George and Sarah Bunnell, m. Feb, 13, 1848, William and Rebecca Butler, m. Mar. 1841. Chas. Henry Butler, b. July 21, 1844. Mary Butler b. Sept. — —1850. Inice Butler, b. Feb. ^1854. Samuel Candee, Lucy Ann Candee. (No dates given.) Martha Candee, b. Nov. 7, 1836. Horace Candee, m. 1816, d. Apr. 12, i860, aged 73. Sterne Candee, d. Mar, i, 1905, buried ist cemetery, Mar. 4, IQ^S- Age 'J'] . Residence, Westboro, Mass. Mary Chatfield, m. July 15, 1822. Wales Chatfield, b. Dec. 15, 1837. Thirza Chatfield, m. Feb. 8, 1823. Albert Chatfield. Sarah Ann Chatfield, b. Mar. 16, 1843, bap. Dec. 6, 1863. John Jarvis and Cornelius, ch. of Cornelius and Sarah B. Clark, bap. Apr. 9, 1876. Agur Curtis, Betsey Curtis, m. Feb. 4, 1815. Wm. A. Curtis, b. Nov. 3, 1848. Caroline E. Curtis, b. June 16, 1850. Sarah M. Curtis, b. June 29, 1852, Anson R. Davis and Mary Newton, m. May 8. 1845. He died May 4, 1885. Children: Mary Elvira, b. Dec. 15, 1846; bap. June 6, 1847. Ellen Lucy, b. May 27, 1849; bap. July 14, 1850. 134 OXFORD. Laura Booth, b. Nov. 24, 1850; bap. Sept. 21. 1851. Emma Eugenia, b. Aug. 11, 1854; bap. July 15, 1855. Charles AlHng, b. June 13, 1858. EvaHne Ameha, bap. Jan. 8, 1863. Estella Louisa, bap. Jan. 8, 1863. Amy M. Downs, bap. 1818, m. June 14, 1820. Milo Edmunds, b. Dec. 22, 1818, and Lydia Maria Bunnell, b. June 7, 1825, m. Nov. 14, 1845. Mary R. Edmonds, b. Nov. 14, 185 1. Chas. P. Edmonds, b. Sept. 19. 1854. Mary Ann, George, Elizabeth, Agnes, ch. of Benjamin English, bap. Sept. 19, 1847. George A. Flagg, b. Aug. 20, 181 1, m. Jan. 21, 1835. Mariette C. Flagg. b. Mar. 15, 1812, m. Jan. 21. 1835. Francis J. Flagg, b. Mar. 5, 1836. Mary I. Flagg, b. Aug. 14, 1838. Clark B. Flagg, b. Jan. 21, 1841. George A. Flagg, b. Mar. 17, 1843. James A. Freeman, b. Dec. 8, 1852. Ira Lincoln, son of Chas. and Laura J. Hawkins, bap. Mar. 27, 1864. Charles Hawkins, b. Apr 22. 1859, bap. 1859, I ^. Dec. 17, 1848. Louisa J. Hawkins, bap. 1832, ) Sarah Minerva Hawkins, b. Jan. 17, 1853, ) Mary Louise Hawkins, b. Feb. 16, 1855, >■ bap. Apr. 22, 1859. Charles Nathan Hawkins, b. Aug. 5, 1859, ) Grace Amelia, dau. of Chas. and Louisa Hawkins, b. Sept. 15, 1869. Silas Hawkins. Frederick Hawley. Mary E. Hendryx, b. Mar. 183 1. m. Apr. 2, 1852. Frank Hendryx, b. Nov., 1853. Oscar Hendryx, b. June, 1858. Frank Riggs, son of Harry and Mary E. Hendryx, b. Nov. 16, 1853, bap. Apr. 9, 1865. Oscar Eugene, son of Harry and Mary E. Hendryx, b. June 12, 1858, bap. Apr. 9. 1865. Lucy Hendryx. Jenette Hine, b. Jan. 29, 1805, m. Dec. 15, 1822. Sherman S. Hine, b. Aug. 1829, and Mary H. Hine. b. June, 1836, m. Nov. 20, 1855. Preston Hinman. RECORDS OF CHRIST CHURCH. 135 Silas Everette, a. 7 yrs., George Wales, a. 21 mo., ch. of John P. and Celestia Hubbell, bap. Aug. 4, 1869. John C. Hull and Julia Sherman, m. Jan. 18, 1858. John and Ann M. Hull, m. Jan. 28, 1844. Augusta Hull, b. Nov. 11, 1844. Albert Hull, b. Apr. 23, 1846. John Cyrus Hull, b. Oct. 30, 185 1. Lottie Jay Hull, b. Apr. 22, 1859. Alice Naurudan, dau. of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus E. Hyde, bap. Apr. II, 1869. Mary Augusta Hyde, b. July 13, 1871. Ira Hyde, m. Jan. i, 182 1. Marcus E. Hyde. Ann J. Jackson, Sept. 9, 1837. Samuel A. Jackson, b. July 31, 1840, d. July 22, 1859. Leonora Jackson, b. Feb. 16, 1841. Carlos Jackson, b. Aug. 30, 1844. Isabella Jackson, b. Nov. 30, 1846. Adin and Mabel Johnson, m. Nov. 23, 1808. Albert A. and Abigail Kimberly, m. Mar. 23, 1850. Edwin E. and Maria T. Lewis, Mar. 23, 181 5. She d. Jand. 10, 1868, a. 78. Edwin E. Lewis, 2d, d. May 28, 1880, aged 89. Sheldon Clark, son of Clark B. and Nancy Cornelia Lines, bap. Oct. 3, 1850. Sylvia E. Low, m. Mar. . Jane C. Lum, b. Apr. 14, 1818, m. Sept. 13, 1840, d. Oct. 25, 1892. Joseph Davis and Ellen, ch. of John Lum, bap. Sept. 19, 1847. Stephen S. and Flora M. Mallett, bap. Oct. 1833. m. May 13, i843- David T. Meigs, b. Feb. 21, 1821. Mary Lorena, dau. of Charles and Bernice Meigs, bap. July 30, 1870. Charles Edward, son of Charles and Bernice Meigs, b. June i, 1872. Sally Nichols, m. Sept. 1826. Harriet O. Nichols, b. Apr. 1838. Benjamin and Minerva Nichols, m. Mar. 24, 1839. Arthur Russell, son of Benjamin and Minerva Nichols, bap. Mar. 3, I849- Nancy E. Nichols, b. June 12, 1843. Nabbie Nichols, m. about i8d3, d. Dec. 13, 1862. Sally Nichols, m. Sept. 1826. 136 OXFORD. Harriet O. Nichols, b. Apr. 1838. Benjamin Nichols, m. Mar. 24, 1839. Minerva Nichols, m. Mar. 24, 1839. Nancy E. Nichols, b. June 12, 1843. Nabbie Nichols, m. about 1800, d. Dec. 13, 1862. Arthur Russell, son of Benj. Nichols, bap. Mar. 3, 1849. Elisha Oatman. b. Mar. 16, 1774, m. ist, 1794.; 2d, about 1837. Damaris Oatman, b. Mar. 25, 1772. m. about 1837. David and Olive Oatman, m. Apr. 1816. Horace and Polly Oatman, m. Oct. 6, 18 — . She died July 10, 1884. Charles R. and Orinda Oatman, m. Jan. i, 1850. Lillie E. Oatman, b. May 29, 1854 George B. and Frances Oatman. m. Nov. 25, 185 1. Edward L. Oatman, b. July 4, 1853. William J. Oatman, b. Feb. 1857. Mary N. Parish, bap. Nov. 22, 1868. Harmon A. and Emma J. Perry, m. Nov. 23, 1835. Horace B. Perry, b. Nov 10, 1841. Henry A. Perry, b. Nov. 10, 1841. Frederick A. Perry, b. Sept. 10, 1844. Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of Mrs. James Radcliffe, bap. Apr. 22, 1859. Cornelius Clark Rider, and his wife Sarah Bostwick, July 14, 1867. William Tomlinson, a. 9 yrs, Lillian Orinda, a. 5 yrs, Ralph Wheeler, a. 3 yrs, Bennett Hurd, a. i yr, ch. of Cornelius C. and Sarah Rider, bap. July 21, 1867. Martha Elizabeth, dau. of C. C. and Sarah (Bostwick) Rider, bap. May 9, 1869. John F. and Phebe Ritchie, m. Dec. 3, 1846 ; children: Chas. H. Ritchie, b. Mar. 19, 1847. Sarah Ann Ritchie, b. Oct. 2, 1848. Phebe Elizabeth Ritchie, b. May 2, 1850. Alice A. Ritchie, b. May 5, 1852. Emeline Ritchie, b. Feb. 2, 1854. Washington Franklin Ritchie, b. Dec. 13, 1856. Harriet Sanford, m. Dec. 8, 1825. George P. Sanford, S. P. Sanford. Marvin R. Sanford. Harriet E. Sanford. Henrietta E. Sanford. RECORDS OF CHRIST CHURCH. T37 Grace Hyde, dau. of Rev. U. P. Sanford, bap. May i/, 1848. Sybil Skeeles. Cornelia Ann Skidmore, Aug. 14, 1870. John Smith, m. Feb. 29, 18 [5. Mary Ann, dau. of John Smith, bap. Oct. 5, 1848. Lucy Smith. George Smith. Laura Cornelia, Lucy Esther, ch, of Ephraim Smith, bap. Sept. 19. 1847- Geo. C. Tomlinson and Delia Skeeles, m. Oct. 18, 1835. Geo. A. Tomlinson, m. ist, 1830; 2d, Ellen . 1842. He d. Dec. 9. i860. Geo. A. Tomlinson, (2d) b. Jan. 17, 1832. Maria Antoinette Tomlinson, b. Mar. 7, 1838. Eliza Tomlinson, b. Feb. 28, 1843. Jane Caroline Tomlinson, b. Mar. 6, 1843. Nancie E. Tomlinson, b. June 12, 1843. Charles Augustus Tomlinson, m. Eliza , Oct. 15, 1843. Willard Earl Tomlinson, b. Sept. 15, 1845; bap. Aug. 11, 1850. Phebe Augusta Tomlinson, b. Apr. 22, 1859. Wm. R. Tomlinson and Hannah , m. Mar. 27, 1841. Henrietta Tomlinson, bap. May 22, 1864. Harriet A. Tomlinson, bap. May 22, 1864. Phebe A. Tomlinson, bap. Apr. 22, 1859. Ellen Tomlinson, bap. May 22, 1864. Hannah Tomlinson, b, Dec. 14, 1807, bap. May 22, 1864. Henrietta Tomlinson, b. Feb. 18, 1836, bap. May 22, 1864. Harriet Abzora Tomlinson, b. July 5. 1837, bap. May 22, 1864. Ellen Tomlinson, b. , bap. May 22, 1864. Caroline Ellen, and Bennett Albert, ch. of Robert Treat, bap. Sept. 19, 1847. Mr. Albert Treat. Mrs, Albert Treat. Roswell Waters and Harriette , m. July, 1817. She died Nov. 24, 1863. Theodore Frelinghuysen, son of Erastus and Lydia Augustus Wheeler, b. Aug. 10, 1840; bap. Dec, 10, 1845. Philo Wooster and Sally , m. May 18, 1806, Adam Dietz Wooster. Mark Wooster, bap. Feb. 27, 1824. 138 OXFORD. Daniel Wooster, m. , Caroline , 1835. John Wooster. Mary A. Wooster, m. Sept. 9, i860. Charles Wooster, bap. Sept. 24. 1851. Harriett Wooster, b. Jan. 7, 1847, bap. May 22, 1864. Frances Maria, dau. of Thos. N. Wooster, bap. Sept. 19, 1847. MARRIAGES. Oct. 7, 1845, Frederick A. Candee and Louisa A. Hotchkiss, both of Oxford. Nov. 19, 1845, Milo Edmonds and Lydia Maria Bnnnell. Apr. 9, 1846. Alson Hendryx and Mrs. Lucy Kimberl3\ both of Oxford. Oct. II, 1847. Charles L. Dick of Newtown and Sarah E. Meigs of Oxford. Jan. 24, 1848, Enos Benham of Woodbury and Betsy Ann Waters of Oxford. Feb. 13, 1848, George Bunnell and Sarah A. Tumlinson, both of Oxford. June 27, 1848, Wm. Pendleton of Westville and Ruth Ann Candee of Oxford. Oct. 18, 1848, Wm. J. Dick of Newtown and Caroline Candee of Oxford. July 21, 1850, Edwin Tomlinson of Seymour aud Charlotte R., dau. of Ira Hyde, of Oxford-. Feb. 2, 185 1, William Church of Oxford and Mary A., dau. of Daniel L. Holbrook, of Seymour. Mar. 23, 185 1, Albert, son of Julius Kimberly, and Abigail Taylor, both of Oxford. Ap. 14. 185 1, Russell Waters of Oxford and Mary Ann Cassida of Pl3'mouth. July 20, 185 1, John Roberts of Southbury and Orry Wheeler of Derby. Oct. 31, 1851, Oliver Downs and Julia A. Bissell. both of Oxford. Mar. 7, 1852, Francis James Lewis of Newtown and Nancy Aurelia Williams of Prospect. Mar. 14, 1852, Nicholas D. Hinman of Oxford and Susan A. Peck of Birmingham. Jan. 3, 1853, John Smith, 2nd, and Sarah Lucinda Treat, both of Oxford. RECORDS OF CHRIST CHURCH. 139 Feb. 6, 1853, Richard H. Dorson and Elizabeth Bryan, both of Oxford. Mar. 7, 1853. Philander Sharp and Almina Lewis, both of Monroe. June 17, 1853, Leonard Hotchkiss and Elizabeth Hnbbell, both of Oxford. May 7, 1854, Isaac Riley Cornwall of Milford and Eunice Abigail Brockett of North Haven. BURIALS. Silas Beach, d. Oct. 12, 1853, a. T"]. Mrs. Ruth, wife of Silas Beach, d. Dec. ii, 185 1, a. 73. Clark French, son of Clark Beach and Jane Maria Downs, of Wol- cottville, d. Oct. 10, 1853, a. 10 wks. Mary, widow of Clark Beardsley, d. Feb. 4, 1853. a. 72. Sheldon Beebe, d. April 26, 1852, a. 58. Henrietta Martha, dau. of Sheldon and Lydia Beebe, d. Aug. 16, 1851, a. 3 yrs., 5 mo. Mrs. Elizabeth Beecher, d. Oct. 25, 185 1, a. 73. Mary D.. wife of Henry Bidwell, d. Oct. 8, 1852, a. 47. Mrs. Henrietta Botsford, wife of Hiel Botsford and dau. of Divid Oatman, d. May 21, 1850, a. 26. Esther Cornelia, dau. of William E. and Anna M. Booth, d. Nov, 13, 1854, a. 16 yrs, 2 mo. 26 da. Chester Bunnell, bu. Sept. 15, 1862, a. 62. Truman Bunnell, d. May i, 1848, a. 78. Mrs. Caroline, wife of Horace Candee, d. Sept. 28, 185 1, a. 64. Roxy, wife of John Candee, bu. Nov. 20, 1858, a. 22. John F., son of Frederick H. and Priscilla Chatfield, d. Oct. 3, 1851, a. 4 mo. David Kiny Chatfield, d. Sept. 15, 1853, a. 70. Mrs. Mamie, wife of Chatfield, d. Jan. 30, 1855, a. 6^ . John R., son of Agur Curtiss, d. in New Haven, Nov. 6, 1852, a. 30. Sarah H., dau. of Agur and Betsey Curtiss, bu. Apr. 17, 1859, a. 42, Sarah Jane, dau. of Nichols and Nancy French, d. June 6, 1851, a. 3 yrs, 7 mo. Ira Hawkins, d. Jan. 8, 1853, a. 62. Sally, wife of Ira Hawkins, d. Oct. 8. 1852, a. 58. Alson Hendryx, d. Aug. 23, 1854, a. 62. Mrs. Cynthia Hendryx, wife of Alson Hendryx, d. Nov. 6, 1845. Mrs. Jennette Hotchkiss, d. Apr. 13, 1847, a. 43. I40 OXFORD. Lucretia, wife of Henry Hinman, d. Sept. 24. 1855. a. 57. , son of John Hull, d. Feb. 28, 1849, a. 9 mo. Nancy Cornelia, wife of Clark Lines, d. Nov. 12, 1850, a. 22. Samuel Meigs, d. Apr. 10, 1855. William Henry, son of Samuel and Hannah Meigs, d. Aug. 25, 1850, a. 14. Whiting Mitchell, d. Dec. 24, 1845, a. 78. Nabbie Nichols, bu. Dec. 15, 1862, a. 83. Arthur Russell, son of Benjamin and Minerva Nichols, d. Sept. 11, 185 1, a. 4 yrs, 9 mo. Lillie E. Oatman, bu. Feb. 12, 1862, a. 8. Arad Skeeles, d. July 23, 1855, a. 78. Lucy Smith, relict of John Smith, d. Mar. 26. 1853, a. 92. Laura, dau. of John Smith, d. May 10, 1850. Grace Smith, d. Nov. 10. 1848. Juliet, relict of Burke Tomlinson, d. in Birmingham, Oct. 9, 1853, a. 43. David W., son of George A. Tomlinson, d. Apr. 30, 1854, a. 19. Mrs. Amaritta, widow of James Wakely, in Huntington, d. Oct. 4, 1850, a. 92. Curtiss Waters, d. Dec. 28, 185 1, a. 69. Harriet Waters, widow of Roswell, bu. Nov. 26, 1863, a. 64. Inona Sophia Wildman, d. Dec. ro, 1845. a. 13. Caroline, wife of Daniel Wooster, d. Oct. 185 1, a. 44. Nathaniel Wooster, d. Nov, 23, 18:55, a. 91. OXFORD. 141 THE CHRISTOPHER SMITH HOMESTEAD. THE CHRISTOPHER SMITH FAMILY. Christopher Smith was born in Eng- land in 1734 and with his two brothers came to Connecticut in 1754. He mar- ried the widow Abisrail (Harger) Chat- field and built a home about 1759 in what is now the southwesterly part of Oxford, then a part of the town of Derby, east of the Great Hill school house. The house was large, with the conveniences common at that period, a stone chimney with a huge fireplace which served alike for heat and cooking, kettles being hung on an iron crane which swung in and out of the fireplace. This fireplace, with the brick oven, occupied the whole side of the kitchen; the oven requiring a specially pre- pared wood for the weekly heating for the baking, the ashes' being saved for lye for soap making, and for fertilizer. In the basement kitchen, was a large furnace kettle set in masonry where the soft soap was made, food for hogs was sometimes cooked and sometimes maple sugar was made in it by boiling down the sap of the sugar maple. Near this was the chimney closet, or smoke room, where the hams, bacon and dried 142 OXFORD. beef were smoked, the latter often dry- ing on the hooks in the kitchen ceiling in company with the pie timber, strings of apples and riags of pumpkin festooned therefrom. In the attic was a hand loom on which woolen and linen cloths were woven, the woolens being from the wool of sheep raised on the farm, and the linen from flax grown there and hetcheled, bleached and spun by members of the house- hold. From this homemade linen were made articles of bed and table wear, as well as underclothing and the finest of the men's garments. From the woolens slowly woven on this big loom in the attic were made the men's and women's outer garments, blankets and winter sheets. Llnsey woolsey, a mixed cloth of linen and wool, for women's common dresses and aprons, was also woven on the old loom. The family attended services in the old Great Hill Presbyterian church situated on top of the hill where some of the old stone cellar may be seen today near ihe Davis place. Christopher Smith served in Col. Lati- mer's regiment, which went to reinforce Gen. Gates at Saratoga in August, 1777. and was assigned to Col. Poor's Con tiuental Brigade in Arnold's Division, and fought in both battles Sept. 19 and Oct. 9. In the first battle this and one other Connecticut regiment lost more than any other two regiments in the field. Upon their dismissal after the surrender of Burgoyne, Gates spoke of them as "two excellent militia regi- ments from Connecticut." The children of Christopher and Abi- gail Smith were Lucy, Abigail, Hannah and John. Lucy Smith, daughter of Christopher and Abigail, married Jeremiah Sheltou, of White Hills. Their children were Gloriana, Eliza, Horace and Smith. Gloriana Shelton became the second wife of James Smith, son of Abraham, who was the head of another old family of Derby. James' grandmother, Sarah French Smith, was a granddaughter of one of the first Episcopal clergyman of Di-rby, Rev. John Bowers, graduate of Harvard college. Gloriana Shelton Smith had one daughter, Maryett, who was organist of St. James' church, Der- by, for a number of years, and died un- married. Abraham Smith was great great grandfather to Marietta, wife of Edgar H., son of John 2nd. Abigail Smith, daughter of Christo- pher and Abigail, married David Perkins and settled on the north corner of the farm, near a road which bore the name Perklane, from the Rockhouse Hill road to Moose Hill, which has been closed to public travel for the past thirtyfive years. Their children were Harriet, Sarah, Luciuda, Laura, and Hannah. Hannah Smith, daughter of Christo- pher and Abigail, married William Wateis. Their children were Hannah, William and Susan. Hannah Waters married Tucker, uncle to Reuben Tucker of Ansonia, in the Waters home- stead, and lived at the west corner of the Smith farm on the Ruck-house Hill road, which liter became the property of Ephraim, sou of John Smith first, thence descei^ding to Ephraim's daughter Cornelia, wife of Morrell Francis, who with their son and his family now reside there. Johu Smith, 1st, son of Christopher and Abigail, b. July, 1776, married Anna Fantou, of W lite Hills, and settled in the homestead and had a family of ten, two dying in childhood. He died in 1858, aged 82. Shedied June6, 1858. Children: Nancy, b. 1799; d Oct. 5, 1858. Christopher, b. 1802; d. May 7, 1866. Stephen, b. 1804. Laura, died in infancy. Ephraim, b. 1806. Lucy, b. 1808, d. aged 2 years. Grant, b. 1810. THE CHRISTOPHER SMITH FAMILY. 143 Sheldon, b. 1813. John. b. 1815, d. June 8, 1890. Laura, 2nd, b. in 1816; d. in 1827. Nancy, daughter of John 1st and Anna Fanton Smith, died unmarried. She was a tailoress by trade and carried on business in what is now Seymour, then Humphreysville. Christopher, 2d, eldest son of John'and Anna, married Lucinda Bunnell and settled on the estate. One son, George "William, nicknamed Billy Chris, married at the age of seventeen years, Harriet Eliza Hitchcock, of the same age, and settled in Squantuck, where in after life he was famed as fisherman, also a wood sawyer in the sawmill there. He had a family of eight, six dying in childhood. Lucinda, wife of Christopher, 2d, died Aug. 9, 1846, aged 45 years. Frank H., son of Geo. W., married Lavinia Lewis, of New Jersey, and settled in Squantuck. He had an only child, Etta, who died in 1906, aged 21 years. Fanny, daughter of Geo. W. Smith, married Isaac Tomlinson, a native of SquantHck, but spent the last years of his life in Bridgeport, where a daughter, Mrs. Ithamar N. Burke, now lives, Fred- erick, son of Isaac and Fanny Tomlin- son, married, and he and wife both died in Bridgeport, leaving a son Freddie and dau:?hter Noretta, with their grand- mother, Fanny Smith Tomlin.son. Stephen, second son of John and Anna, married Summers, niece of Christopher's wife, and settled in Woodbury. They had a family of three. Henry, the son, died young, unmarried. Cornelia married William Plumb Barto, of Woodbury, later settled iu Thomas- ton, no children. Josephine married Sidney Taylor, and settled in Woodbury. Sheldon Smith, third son of John and Anna, settled in Plymouth, by trade a shoemaker, but later worked in the Seth Thomas clock shops. He married Susan Baldwin and had a family of three. Al bert, who married Christina J. Christy, a Scotch woman, and had 3 children : Jennie, who married Beach and resides in Waterbury; and Hugh, who married and has a family in Brooklyn, N. Y., besides a married daughter in Waterbury. Alfred removed to Brook- lyn after giving up his business in Bris- tol, where the youngest daughter, Mrs. Arthur King, resides. Charles, son of Sheldon and Susan Baldwin Smith, resides in the town of Westover, where he married his wife Josephine, a school teacher. They have one daughter, Mrs. Susan Billings, who lives at home with her two little giils. Ann Smith, daughter of Sheldon and Susan Baldwin Smith, married a man named Morse, no family, settled in Thomaston. Grant Smith, son of John 1st and Anna Fanton Smith, a cooper by trade, worked tor years in the Brauford lock works. He married Rebekah Sperry, had one son Elizur who married, died, and is buried, in Brauford. The latter had one son, Harry W., who grew to manhood, since then his whereabouts is unknown. Ephraim, son of John 1st and Anna Smith, married Esther, half sister of Colonel Daniel Holbrook, of Militia fame, whose estate joined the Christo- pher Smith homestead. Ephraim follow- ed farming and distilling, and raised a family of six children. His son Robert was a mason by trade, married Janette Canfield, no children, settled in Ansonia. Sarah, daughter of Ephraim, married Beach Shelton, of Vfh'\U Hills, raised a family of six. Daniel, son of Beach Shelton, who married Harriet Beardsley of White Hills, where he settled, has a family of four, Raymond, Elizabeth, Ada and Gladys. One other died in infancy. Anna, daughter of Beach Shelton, 144 OXFORD. married Warren C. Hubbell. They have a daughter Elsie and a son Sterling. Abbie C. Shellun, daughter of Beach Sheltoii, married Charles Jennings, lives at White Hills, has one little son, Cbarlys Shellon. Sadie, daughter of Beach Shelton, married C. C. Beard, of Shelton, where they reside. They have one child, Marion. Miss Lucy Shelton, daughter of Beach Shelton, Is a bookkteper in a Shelton mill. Frederick Shelton, son of Beach Shelton, married Caroline Curtiss of Shelton, where they reside, no family. Albert, second son of Ephraim, mar- ried Mary Hudson of Oxford, settled there, and raised a family of four. He died in 190S. Mary, hi> daughter, is the widow of C. B. Johnson of Oxford, where she resides, no family. Adeline is a nurse in West Haven, unmarried. Herbert, a business man of Fair Haven, married. Frederica Bishop has . a son Sterling and a daughter Beatrice (Smith). Mabel married Chester Newton and has a son Warren and a daughter Mildred (Newton). Laura Cornelia, 2d, daughter of Ephraim Smith, widow of Benjamin Chatfleld of Oxford, married Morrell Francis in 1875, until when she was a school teacher in Seymour. They had one SOD, Otis C, who married Emma Elizabeth Haines of Ansouia, in 1904. They have a little daughter, Emma Cornelia Frances, born in 1905. The Morrell Francis family reside in the WatersSmith homestead, RockhouseHill. Henry Ephraim, youngest son of Ephraim Smith, married Virginia, dau- ghter of Marcus and Sarah Green Davis, and had a family of nine. Bertha Jan- ette died in infancy. Cora Virginia died in September, 1901, unmarried, aged 26 years. Alice F., trained nurse, lives in her own home in New Haven, with youngest sister and brothers. Sarah, married Frederic Wells and settled in Orange, have a family of four, Cora Virginia, Norman, and twin girls Helen and Hazel. Frederic Ephraim, eldest son of Henry Ephraim, married Blanche Wells, lives in Shelton, have a son, Newell Allen, and a daughter Marji>rie. Nancy Janette, jouugest daughter of Henry C, is a school teacher in West Haven. Benja- min Harris, Yale student. Clifford is a student. Elmer, in school, resides with sisters Alice and Nancy in West Haven. Lucy Esther, third and youngest daughter of Ephraim and Esther Hoi- brook Smith, married Frank H. Downs in 1876. Settled in Oxford, Great Hill district, Holbrook road. John 2d, youngest son of John 1st, and Anna Smith, married Sarah Lucinda Treat, daughter of Isaac and Elinor Siiles Treat of Moose Hill, sister to William and Robert Treat, all of Oxford, in 1853. She died Mar. 9, 1874. Children : Edgar Henry, born in 1854, died in 1894. Oscar Burritt, born in 1857, died Feb. 20, 1858. Laura 2d, youngest daughter of John 1st and Anna Smith, born 1818, died unmarried in 1896. Was a tailoress. Edgar Henry, son of John 2d, mar- ried Marietta, daughter of Theodore Lester and Mary Jane Smith, of Great Hill, had a family of bix. E. H. Smith, born and died in the same house, like his father and grandfather. Bern ice Jane Smith, eldest of the children of Edgar and Marietta Smith, married William Henry Haines of Ansonia in 1902, has a family of three boys, Milton William, born 1903, Edgar Smith, born 1905, John Russell, born 1907. Ethel Gladys, daughter of Edgar and Marietta Smith, unmarried, lives on New street, Ansonia. Laura Alanta, daughter of Edgar and Marietta Smith, married Walter Edward Haines in 1904, settled at Great Hill, Seymour, have two daughters, Viola Gladys, born at Tarry- town, N. Y., in 1905, Marjorie Florence, OXFORD. 145 born in 1907, and a son, Walter Carl, born in 1909. Dixon Treat Smith, eldest son of Edgar and Marietta Smith, born 1886, lives with his mother in Ansonia. I. Reginald Smith, son of Edgar H., born 1888, is a student at the Moody school. Mount Hermon. Lester Edgar, third und youngest son of Edgar and Marit'tta Smith, born 1890, is a student in the department of steam and machine defiitfti of the Pratt Institute, school of Technology, Brooklyn, N. Y., classof '10, The Josiah Smith House, South of Zo ir Bridge. The building of the house shown above was begun by Josiah Smith about 85 years ago. He lived in the hou.'^e next below, how gone. After nearly completing the house he gave his home- stead to his sou, Josiah, and the new house to his son Philo. upon the occasion of his marriage to Betty Lum. Philo C'jmpleted the bouse and occupied it nearly fifty years, while he followed his trade as carpenter, wheelwright and bridge onilder working on Bennett's bridge, Zoar bridge, the big dam at Derby, and elsewhere. While living in the house two children were born, Betsey M., who died at the age of Mght years, and Henry J., now living in Anoonia. Later occupants of the house were Wm. E. Curtiss, now in the blacksmith business in Ansonia, and George Bassett, who moved to Ansonia and died there several years ago. Rev. Wm H. Stebbins occupied the house as a parsonage while in charge of the churches at Riverside and East Village in 1863 and 1864. 146 OXFORD. THE DR. DUTTON PLACE. The old Doctor Button house, built by Doctor Hosea Dutton in the year 1800, on a little rise of ground o\'erlooking Oxford Center, forty rods west from St. Peter's church. It was afterward occupied by his son. Doctor Thomas A. Dutton, and later was owned and occupied by Rev. Charles Smith, rector of St. Peter's church. Since 1840 it has been known as the Doctor Lounsbury place. Dr. Lounsbury died in 1895. The house has since been owned and occupied by his only daughter, Miss Emma Lounsbury. ^K(^^K(^^HMK^ THK LITTLK KIVKW F^^LLS. "THE LITTLE RIVER." By Rev. L. F. Morris. Among the hills and the woodlands wild, Arises our little river, 'Tis unknown to fame. And it has no name; It is simply "The Little River." And yet mighty streams that surge and roll. Their way through the world a winning. And make a great show. And noise as they go. Have just as small a beginning. Tis so with men who make much display. And pride themselves on their station, With small men on earth They had the same birth. The same little, common creation. This rivulet flows in sun and shade. O'er meads and through tangled wildwood; 'Tis like a man's life. With vicissitudes rife. Since the days of his early childhood. Here straight, there crooked, here swift, there Here troubled, there calm in places, [slow. It runs its way down Through our sleepy town. And never its way back retraces. And pools as quiet retreats it has. Where waters seem restful sleeping. So life here and there Has rest from all care For him who the right course is keeping. And here its waters are shrunk and scant. And there it has broad expanses; So the life we live Doth vant and wealth give With unending changes and chances. 'Gainst great impediments barring its way. Its waters ever working. Are wholesome and clear. No diseases appear In them, as in idle pools lurking. And so to him who is e'er at work And e er 'gainst obstacles going. Some great, priceless health. Some .ioy and some wealth. Are ever their comforts bestowing. The troubled rifts the winds would make On its surface, this stream pursuing. The water's strong flow Keep down as they go. So it heeds not the storms a brewing. So the stoims of life are unheeded by him Who works with zeal untiring; He keeps down its woes. As active he goes And to better things is aspiring. It may be this stream mid great rivers' fame Has never a place or portion. But its waters run free With theirs to the sea And together they're lost in the ocean. One life may be great, and one may be small. Unknown like this little river. Yet both end at last. When their time is past. In the infinite sea of their giver. Oxford, June 30th, 1890. 14^ OXFORD. A REVERY. (The house referred to was on the east side of the road a few rods south of the Seth Dea Bridge. It was destroyed by Are many years aj^o.) In fancy oft I wander to my dear New England home. The home I knew in childhood, long ago. It was sheltered in the valley and it clambered up the hill. 'Tis the dearest spot that ever I stiall know. I see the old house standing wich one foot upon the hill. While the other stood upon the level ground. The house my grandsire's sire built, and staunch and firm it stood. Its oaken beams and timbers strong and sound. I hear the children laughing as we play about the home. I hear my mother calling from the door. I see my father driving up the oxen through the lane, The ox cart filled with app'es, brimming o'er. I see the cows a-comlng through the let down pasture bars, I hear the tin-tin-tinkle of their bells. And once again I'm driving them up home at milking time, I hear the milk a-pounding in the pails. I walk beneath the maple trees that cast such grateful shade. Their braaches intertwined across the street, I hear the sap a-dripping from the hollowed eider spout, I taste the maple sugar pure and sweet. And oh I smell the fragrance of the lilacs in the yard. Their purple clusters bending with the dew, The flow'ring almond blossoms clustered by the orchard fence, Th:ir fragrance borne on every b'eeze that blew. I hear the river rushing and a- roaring in the sprins. When the icy chains of winter break away, I hear it softly murmuring its ripples o'er the stones. In summer, where we children loved to play. And there's the tangled grapevine where the luscious bunches grew The ripest just above our childish reach. The blackberries, the huckleberries, and the sweetest strawberries too, The orchard with the apple, quince and peach. I wander through the pasture, through the lane up to the oak. Whose branches cast a shade far and wide. And there's my father's trout pond and the bridge that crossed the stream. Where the speckled finny fellows used to hide. I clamber o'er the bars into my father's chestnut grove Where the purest, coolest spring I ever knew. Came bubbling from the mossy rocks just underneath the oak, I smell the fragrant mint that round it grew. I hear my mother singing to soothe our childish woes "Are there tidings," "Highland Laddie," and the rest. What hallowed memories cluster all about that dear old home. The spot, of all on earth, I love the best. Oh many, many years have passed, but ne'er forgot'will be The place where, as a child, I loved to roam. No spot on earth can ever be one half so dear to me As my childhood's dear old happy Oxford home. Helen Bassett Johnstone. San Francisco, California. OXFORD. 149 TAXPAYERS OF OXFORD IN 1802. An old and faded manuscript, attested by H. Button, "Town Clerk, &c.," as a true copy of the taxable lists of the town of Ox- ford for 1802, containing 83 names, furnishes the list given below. The rate was two mills on the dollar. The highest on the list was David Tomlinson, Esq., who paid a tax of $6.49. The next in amount of taxes w^ere Capt. Hawkins, John Towner, David Mc- Cune, E. Fairchild, Aurelius and Joseph Hyde, Elijah Durand, Wait Garrett and Truman Bassett. Joel Perry was the collector. Ephraim Andrews. John Bellamy. Joel Buckingham. Isaac Bunnel. Wm. Bunnel. Luke Bunnel. Truman Bunnel. Cother Beardsley. Jared Beardsley. Lemuel Beardsley. Clark Beardsley. Truman Bassett. Moses Cande. Cyrus Cande. Daniel Cande. Levi Cande. Isaac Chatfield. Benajah Chatfield. Susanna Cornish. Elijah Durand. Nehemiah Durand. Joseph Durand. Geo. Cables, heirs of Isaac Cable. Stephen Curtiss. Ebenezer Fairchild. Lois Fairchild. Polly Fairchild. Wait Garrett. Salmon GriflBn. Peleg Griffin. Capt. Z. Hawkins, Isaac Hawkins. Capt. Asahel Hyde. Joseph Hyde. Daniel Hyde. Aurelius Hyde. Joseph Hubbel. Hiram Johnson. Jeremiah Johnson. Abner Johnson. Eleazer Lewis. Eleazer Lewis, Jr. Wm. Lewis. Ethel Lounsbury. David McCune. David Mallory. Isaiah Mallory. Naboth Osborn. Samuel Osborn. Sarah Osborn. Elizabeth Osborn. Gideon Perry. James Perry. James Perry, Jr. Josiah Perry. Joel Perry. Peter Perry. Roger Perkins. David Perkins. James Pangman. Capt. Nath'l Pangman. David Smith, 3d. Good Hill- David Smith, 4th, Punkups. John Smith. Wm. Smith. Isaac Smith. David Tomlinson, Esq. Zalmon Tomlinson. Caleb Tomlinson. Nathan Tomlinson. Josiah Tucker. Twichel & Merwin. John Towner. Rachel Towner. Simeon Towner. Philo Thomas Francis Tomkins. Elijah Treat. James Wheeler. James Wheeler, 2d. James Wheeler, 3d. Moses Wheeler. 1 50 OXFORD. OXFORD IN 1819. The following sketch of Oxford as it was in 1819 is from the Gazetteer of Connecticut published in that year: "Oxford is a post township, situated in the northwestern section of the couty, 14 miles northwesterly from New Haven, and 40 southwesterly from Hartford; bounded on the north by Middlebury and Waterbury, on the east by Woodbridge and Derby, on the south by Derby, and on the southwest by the Ousatonic river, which separates it from Newtown, in Fairfield county, and on the west by Southbury. Its mean length from northeast to southwest is about 8 miles, and its mean breadth nearly 5 miles, comprising about 38 square miles. The surface is uneven, being diversified with hill and dale. The prevailing soil is a gravelly loam; but in the western section of the town it is a calcareous loam, and is generally fertile and productive. There is a large proportion of forests, the timber of which is princi- pally oak, walnut and chestnut. Considerable quantities of wood and timber are annually got to market, principally to New Haven; but some of which is sent to New York. The leading agricultural productions consist of wheat, rye, and some other grains, grass, butter and cheese; small meats, fowls, esculent roots and culinery vegetables are sent to New Haven market. "The town is well watered; the Ousatonic washes its south- western border, and the Naugatuck runs through its northeastern section, in addition to which there are numerous small streams. Upon the Ousatonic there are several shad fisheries. The Wood- bury turnpike, leading to New Haven, passes through this town; and also the Southbury turnpike leading to the same place, from up the Ousatonic river. "Of the mechanical employments and establishments in the town, the most important are, i Woolen Factory, 3 or 4 Limekilns, I large Hat Factory, 2 Fulling Mills and Clothiers' works, 3 Carding EAKLV INDUSTRIES. I5I Machines for customers. 3 Grain Mills and 6 Tanneries. There are 3 Mercaniile Stores and i Public Inn. "The population of the town, in 1810, was 1,445; ^"'^ there are about 200 Electors or Freemen, about 220 Dwellin