Gass ^ fd 8 Book : ^ 5^ /2- T. ^ V HtCtlVEU DECi8iy08 .7) ^ V STATE OF KANSAS. Adjutant General's Office, ToPEKA, June 30, 1902. The volunteer regiments of Kansas which were regularly mustered into the service of the United States — including the regiments of the Spanish and Philippine wars — number twenty-three. (In addition to these were two colored infantry regiments and four batteries of light artillery, one of the batteries being composed of colored men.) A printed record has been made of all the Kansas volunteer organiza- tions except the Third, Fourth and Eighteenth Regiments. The Third and Fourth Kansas Regiments were organizations of mixed arms, enrolled in the summer of 1861 and reorganized and consoli- dated with other organizations in the sjjring of 1862. The infantry companies were transferred, and formed what was thereafter known as the Tenth Kansas Volunteer Infantry ; the cavalry comjaanies were transferred to other cavalry organizations then being formed, and the artillery companies constituted the First Kansas Battery. I have deemed it proper even at this late day — forty years after the service was rendered — to prepare and secure the printing of distinctive rolls of these organizations, and give them a place among the records of the Kansas volunteers. The Eighteenth Kansas Cavalry was really but a battalion of four companies, mustered into the service of the United States on the loth day of July, 1867, and serving four months against the hostile Indians along the western Kansas frontier. The rolls of the Eighteenth are also herewith submitted. The Nineteenth Kansas Cavalry was organized and mustered in on the 20th day of October, 1868. The service rendered was also on the frontier against the Indians. This regiment was mustered out on the 18th of April, 1869. The rolls of the Nineteenth Kansas Cavalry were printed in the Adjutant General's rejoort of 1870, but that re- Ijort is now very rare, and it is but proper that a reprint be made. The rolls of the Nineteenth Regiment, hereafter submitted, are not a reprint of the edition of 1870, but are records newly compiled from the original muster-rolls of the regiment. The records of the Third and Fourth Kansas Volunteers filed in this office could scarcely be considered records. I secured from the War Department at Washington a transcript of the records there on (3) 4 Adjutant General's Report. file — also very incomplete — and have made up the rolls from these and other sundry records. The preparation of the rolls of the Third and Fourth Eegiraents alone has required from me more than three months of close application and labor. I have felt that this is a duty that should be delayed no longer, and that joossibly, as a Kansas soldier, conversant with the early his- tory of the Kansas volunteer regiments from association and personal experience, I might be better fitted to do the work. After forty years, memory becomes not always reliable, but I have done the work to the best of my ability, and submit the result, such as it is, to the charitable consideration of the old soldiers of Kansas. Very respectfully, S. M. FOX, Adjutant General THIRD AND FOUETH KANSAS VOLUNTEEE REGIMENTS, 1861. ROLL OF OPFICEES AND ENLISTED MEN. THE THIRD AND FOURTH KANSAS VOLUNTEER REGIMENTS. When the civil war began, in 18G1, Kansas had just been admitted to the Union as a State, and the newly organized State government was scarely in run- nmg order when it became necessary to raise troops to defend the border and respond to the requisition of the President for volunteers. However, two regi- ments were quickly placed in the field — the First and Second Kansas Infantry Regiments, whose bravery and heroism at the battle of Wilson Creek have given unfading luster to the name of Kansas. Both of these regiments were ordered out of the State as soon as organized. Had the State government been permitted to control the organization of the two succeeding regiments much confusion would have been avoided, and more systematic records would have been left of the organizations originally designated the Third and Fourth Kansas Volunteers. Senator James H. Lane, however, was commissioned a brigadier general of volun- teers, and came to Kansas from Washington with a roving commission to raise regiments of volunteers. He proceeded in accordance with hie own will, in a great measure independent of the State government, to raise troops; the Third and Fourth Kansas Volunteers were raised under his authority. These two regiments, together with the Fifth Kansas Cavalry, organized about the same time, constituted what was then known as "Lane's Brigade." Elementary ideas of military organization seemed to prevail at the time the Third and Fourth Kansas regiments were organized, as they were regiments of mixed arms, mainly infantry, but each regiment possessing cavalry and artillery companies. The Fifth regiment was purely cavalry. When the battle of Wilson Creek was fought (August 10, 1861) scarcely a battalion of these organizations had been recruited, but, expecting that Price and McCulloch would immediately follow their dearly bought victory by an in- vasion of Kansas, enlistments became rapid, and in a short time about 2500 men had been enrolled. By the presence of these newly organized troops along the Missouri border Kansas was saved from rebel invasion when Price moved north to the capture of Lexington. While not constituting a very imposing army. Price had recently had a specimen of Kansas fighting at Wilson Creek, and the presence of these Kansas regiments along the state line suggested a delay that he could ill afford to risk in his desire to reach the Missouri river before General Fremont could throw an opposing army in his way. The Third and Fourth Kansas volunteer regiments were neither at any time complete organizations, and after the danger of an invasion by Price had passed recruiting for these organizations became very slow ; the regiments being or- ganized under state authority were securing most of the new enlistments. The new organizations presented more promising possibilities for position or promo- tion, and, beside, were cavalry regiments, and the experienced horsemen of the West preferred to ride when an opportunity to do so was at hand. In the spring of 1862 the War Department ordered the reorganization and consolidation of the Third and Fourth Kansas regiments. This was done, the infantry companies forming a new regiment, thereafter known as the Tenth Kan- sas Volunteer Infantry. It would have been very proper to have designated the new consolidation as either the Third or Fourth Kansas Volunteers, instead of the Tenth, but both regiments thought their regimental designation the one to _ adopt, and to settle the contention the next vacant number was assigned to the 8 Third and Fourth Kansas Volunteers. reorganization. The cavalry companies were transferred to the Fifth, Sixth and Ninth Kansas Cavalry regiments, and the artillery companies were consolidated into the First Kansas Battery. In following the history of the Third and Fourth Kansas Volunteers, confusion appears in the specific designation of several companies in both regiments. This confusion is explained by the fact that about January 1, 1862, certain companies were shifted about and the designating letter changed. That a clear understand- ing may be had, these changes are given in detail below. It will be understood that all references made to companies will be by using the designation last as- signed and borne at the time the consolidation of the two regiments was made. The changes made in designations in the Third Kansas regiment were as fol- lows: Captain Thomas Bickerton's artillery company, originally designated "Com- pany G," lost its designating letter and went to the foot of the regimental roster as "Bickerton's Artillery Company." Captain Snyder's infantry company, originally Company H, became Com- pany G. Captain Stevenson's infantry company, originally Company I, became Com- pany H. Captain Stewart's cavalry company, originally Company K, became Company I. Captain Vansickle's cavalry company, originally "Vansickle's Independent Company of Scouts," and later Company L, Third Kansas, became Company K. Companies A, B, C, D, E and F retained their original designation until the date of consolidation. The changes made in the Fourth Kansas regiment were slight, and were as follows : Captain Thomas Moonlight's artillery company, originally designated "Com- pany D," lost its designating letter and went to the foot of the regimental roster as "Moonlight's Artillery Company." Captain Zacheus Gower's company of the Sixth Kansas Cavalry was, by or- der dated December 31, 1861, transferred to the Fourth Kansas Volunteers and assigned as Company D. All other companies of the Fourth Kansas retained their original designation. No Company K was ever organized in the Fourth Kansas. At the date of consolidation, the disposition of the several companies of the Third and Fourth Kansas Volunteers was as follows: THIRD KANSAS VOLUNTEERS. Company A (consolidated with Company C) became Company C, Tenth Kan- sas Infantry. Company B became Company F, Fifth Kansas Cavalry. Company C (consolidated with Company A) became Company C, Tenth Kan- sas Infantry. Company D (consolidated with Company H) became Company E, Tenth Kansas Infantry. Company E became Company D, Fifth Kansas Cavalry. Company F became Company I, Tenth Kansas Infantry. Company G became Company D, Tenth Kansas Infantry. Company H (consolidated with Company D) became Company E, Tenth Kansas Infantry. Company I became Company C, Ninth Kansas Cavalry. Third and Fourth Kansas Volunteers. 9 Company K became Company I, Sixth Kansas Cavalry.* Captain Bickerton's Artillery Company was transferred to the First Kansas Battery. FOURTH KANSAS VOLUNTEERS. Company A (consolidated with Company H) became Company G, Tenth Kansas Infantry. Company B became Company B, Tenth Kansas Infantry. Company C became Company A, Tenth Kansas Infantry. Company D, mustered out in accordance with letter of instruction, Depart- ment of Kansas, dated March 4, 18G2. Company E became Company A, Sixth Kansas Cavalry. Company F became Company F, Tenth Kansas Infantry. Company G became Company H, Tenth Kansas Infantry. Company H (consolidated with Company A) became Company G, Tenth Kansas Infantry. Company I was broken up, its officers were mustered out, and the company divided between Companies B, F, and H, Tenth Kansas Infantry, and First Kan- sas Battery. The members of the Third and Fourth Kansas Volunteers were accounted for in the new organizations to which they were transferred as though they had served with the last organization from the beginning of their original term of service, no reference being given to the fact that the first part of their service had been rendered as members of the Third and Fourth Kansas regiments, or that such regiments ever existed. Company I of the Third Kansas, transferred to the Sixth Kansas Cavalry as Company I of that organization, and later mustered out, and Company D of the Fourth Kansas Volunteers, mustered out at the date of the consolidation and not assigned to any other organization, have heretofore had no record as volun- teer organizations. There are also a considerable number of men who were dropped from the original rolls by reason of casualty who have no place in the record of the volunteers. As the Third and Fourth Kansas were original and distinct organizations, and performed brave and faithful service for eight months or more as such, it seems proper that a record should be made of them as distinctive regiments, and the individual records of the men recorded. Their service was rendered forty years ago; it is a tardy justice, and but few of the men recorded live to know that a place has been given them in the records of the civil-war regiments of Kansas. Although a transcript of all the records of these regiments filed in the War Department has been secured, the records are very incomplete, and many mani- fest errors appear in the muster-rolls, but the original signature of the individual soldier nowhere appears, and a comparison cannot be made. When a name ap- pears differently spelled in three places, it is difficult to guess which, if either, is the correct one. When "Hiram" appears as "Hyrum," and "Peter" appears as "Peetir," one wonders if "Wallis" should not be "Wallace" and "Dunkin" should not be "Duncan," but it is hardly safe to assume such to be the case. The records as relates to the date of consolidation of the reorganized com- panies of the Third and Fourth Kansas are not absolutely certain. The consoli- dation was made in accordance with letter of instruction. Department of Kansas, * Claim being made that this company had been recruited for home defense, it was finally mustered out late in the summer of 1862. No record of it appears in the rolls of the Sixth Kan- sas Cavalry. The Company I there recorded was an entirely different organization, having been recruited by Captain Blake in 1863. 10 Third and Fourth Kansas Volunteers. dated February 20, 1862. The infantry companies of the Third were mustered for consolidation on February 28, 1862, and those of the Fourth on March 4, 1862. The consolidation was effected April 3, 1862. The cavalry companies were transferred about the same time. Company I of the Third was transferred to the Ninth Kansas Cavalry on March 27, 1862, The artillery companies were consolidated by authority of Special Orders No. 42, District of Kansas, dated April 24, 1862. The organization of the consoli- dated battery ( First Kansas Battery ) was effected about June 1, 1862. A previous attempt had been made to transfer Captain Bickerton's Artillery Company of the Third Kansas to the First Kansas Infantry as an artillery organization, and to break up Captain Moonlight's Artillery Company of the Fourth and distribute it among the companies of the same regiment as infantry; but dissatisfaction being created, by the advice of General Sturgis the order was modified, and the con- solidation was made in accordance with Special Orders No. 42, above referred to. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 11 Third Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. The Third Kansas Volunteer Regiment was organized by Gen. J. H. Lane in the summer of 1861. It was a mixed organization, composed of infantry, cavalry and artillery companies. In the spring of 1862 this regiment was reorganized, the infantry companies, with those of the Fourth regiment, were consolidated into the organization thereafter designated the Tenth Kansas Volunteer Infantry ; Companies D and F were transferred to the Fifth Kansas Cavalry ; Company I was transferred to the Ninth Kansas Cavalry, and the artillery company (origi- nally Company C), was transferred to the First Kansas Battery, FIELD AND STAFF. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Colonel. James Montgomery. Lieutenant Colonel. James Q. Blunt Major, Henry H. Williams. 1st Lieut, and Adj. Casimio B. Zularsky. First Lieut, and Q. M. John G. Haskell Surgeon, Albert Newman. Mound City . Mount Gilead Osawatomie. Boston, Mass. Lawrence , Assistant Surgeon. Richard W. Shipley. . Chaplain, H H. Moore. Osage July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24. '61 July 24, '61 Colonel from enrollment ; mus- tered out as Col. and remus- tered as Lieut. Col. Feb. 14, '62, date of consolidation ; never assumed this rank; made Col. of 2nd South Caro- lina Colored Inf. Lieutenant Colonel from en- rollment; mustered out as Lt. Col. and remustered as Maj. at date of consolida- tion ; never assumed this rank ; promoted Brigadier General. Major from enrollment ; trans, to field and staff, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. Co. E, 3rd Kan. Vol. (Cav. Co.); pro. Adjt. July 24, '61 ; no official rec- ord but was mustered out at date of consolidc-tion. Quartermaster from enroll- ment; trans, to the field and staff", 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Surgeon from enrollment ; mustered out Feb. 14, '62. Assistant Surgeon from enroll- ment. No ofiicial record, but was evidently mustered out at date of consolidation. Chaplain from enrollment ; mustered out Feb. 14, '62. 12 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Third Reg-iiiient, Kansas Volunteers. NONCOMMISSIONED STAFF. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Sergeant Major, Marcus D, Tenney . Sergeant Major. John Sherrin Q. M, Sergeants Alburtus Knappj... Alfred J. Lloyd.... Com. Sergeant. John O verdear Chief Bugler. Frederick Vogle . . Drum Major, James K.Scott.. .. Baldwin City, Granada, Neb., New Lancaster. . . Aug. 15, '61. Auburn, Trading Post, Hospital Steward. Frederick Hammond, Marmaton. Osawatomie. July 12, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 22, '61 July 27, '61 July 12. '61 July 25, '61 Dec. 9, '61 July 12, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 22, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 12, '61 July 25, '61 Dec. 9, '61 Enrolled pvt. Co. H (old Co. I ) ; pro. Sergt. Maj. Sept. 12, '61; pro. 1st Lt. Jan. 15, '62; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat. Enrolled pvt. Co. B; pro. 1st Sergt. July 12, '61 ; pro. Sergt. Maj. Jan. 27, '62; trans, to noncom. staff 10th Kan. Vols. at consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Regt. Q. M. Sergt. July 24, '61 ; red. to rks. Oct. 1, '61, and assigned to Co. G. Enrolled pvt. Bickerton Artil- lery Co. (formerly Co.G) ; pro. Co. Q. M. Sergt. — , '61; pro. Regt. Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 1, '61. Enrolled pvt. in Cav. Co. E; pro. Regt. Com. Sergt. July 27, '61 ; trans, to N. C. S. 10th Kan. Inf. at date of consoli- dation. Enrolled pvt. Co. B ; appointed Co. bugler ; pro. chief bugler ; red. to bugler, and assigned to Co. B. Enrolled pvt. Co. — ; appointed drum. — ; appointed Drum. Maj. Aug. 28, '61 ; retd. to rks. at consolidation, and trans, to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Hosp. Stew. Dec. 9, '61 ; red. to rks. at date of consolidation, and trans, to Co. G, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 13 Third Regiinent, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY A. Was organized July 24, 1861 ; was consolidated with Company C, and on April 3, 1862, was transferred, and became Company C of the new Tenth Kansas Volunteer Infantry. Name and rank. Captain. JohD Foreman . First Lieutenant, George D. Brooke... Second Lieutenant, Isaac M. Ruth First Sergeant, Robb, Andrew W... Sergeants, Link, Andrew J.. Residence. Han way, John S. Daller, George... Brown, Charles . . Myers, Newton J. Corporals, Myers, Newton J. Blunt, JohnE Lawrence , Kan. City, Mo. Lawrence , Mount Qilead Lawrence . Mount Gilead Date of enrollment. July 24, '61 Date of muster. July 24. '61 Remarks. July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Paola. Robinson, Robert W. Service, PeteriW Spencer, Thomas Black, Amos H Elliott, Eugene B.... Freeman, Ira R Elliott, Theodore.... Miller, Charles F Le Roy Lawrence , Lawrence Mount Gilead Mound City. Mount Gilead Le Roy July 24, -61 July 24, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 2, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Mound City.. Mount Gilead Neosho Falls, W.Liberty, la. Aug. 9, '61 July 24, '61 Oct. 29, '61 Feb. 15, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Captain from enrollm't ; trans, to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. First Lieutenant from enroll- ment: trans, to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Second Lieutenant from enroll- ment ; mustered out at date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. : pro. 1st Sergt. July 24, '61 ; trans, to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. ; trans, to Co. A, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., Oct. 9, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. July 24, '61 ; trans, to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. July 24, '61: trans, to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. ; red. torks. Feb. 13, '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61 : pro. Sergt. Oct. 9, '61 ; trans, to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61; pro. Sergt. Oct. 9, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61 ; trans, to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61 ; trans, to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61 ; red. to rks. at consoli- dation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp July 24, '61 ; red. to rks. . Enrolled pvt. : pro. Corp. July 24, '61 : trani. to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., data of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61 ; died of disease near Lamar, Nov. 11, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. red. to rks. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. trans, to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. j pro. Corp. trans, to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol Inf., date of consolidation. 14 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Third Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY A — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Musicians, Owens, John Gurney , Seneca Kerklain, Perry Privates, Barhan, Christian Barhan, Henry Batson, John Batson, Robert Ball, Lewis Beardsley, Ezra T Black, Amos H Bloomer, Henry Brown, Charles Buckner, Calvin Buckner, Nimrod Blunt, John E Cayot, Jule C Cochran, William O.. Cunningham, James C. .. Cunningham, John W, Daller, George Elliott, Eugene B Elliott, Theodore L... Farrow, James K Fagg, Thomas R Freeman, Ira R Fender, John W Fisher, Henry Garrett, Alexander E Lawreuce . . Mound City. Garnett Mount Gilead Ozark Co. Mo. Marmaton.. Le Roy Lawrence ... Le Roy Mt. Vernon, Mo Mount Gilead Le Roy Neosho, Mo... Mount Gilead Paola Neosho Falls Garnett , Mount Gilead Neosho Falls, Sarcoxie, Mo. Mount Gilead July 24, '61 July 20, '61 Dec. 11, '61 July 24, '61 Nov. 8, '61 Nov. 7, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 2, '61 Nov. 7, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 23, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 1, '61 Aug. 2, '61 Aug. 9, '61 Sept. 9, '61 Dec. 4, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Feb. 15, '62 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 Enrolled private ; appointed muse, at enrollment; retd. to rks. Enrolled private; appointed muse, at enrollment; retd. to rks. Enrolled private ; appointed muse. ; trans, to Co. C, lUth Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion, as "Thomas" Beards- ley. Promoted Corp. July 24, '61. Deserted at Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 1, '61. Promoted Sergt. ; red. to rks, Feb. 13, '62 ; trans, to Co. C. 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. July 24, '61. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. July 24, '61. Promoted Corp. Promoted Corp. Died of dis. at Ft. Scott, Kan., Jan. 15, '62; name also ap- pears as James W. "Farrah." Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. ; red. to rk.-<. Died of dis. at Fort Scott, Dec. 12, 1861. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 15 Third Regiment, Kausas Volunteers. COMPANY A- Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks Prii'cites. Gurney, Seneca Hanway, John S Harris, Ransom F Harris, Roswell P Hatch, John S Heflin, Abner Hoenicke, Charles Hopkinson, Pliny D.. Jones, William Kaufman, Solomon. .. Kerklain, John A Kerklain, Perry King, Joseph S Link, Andrew J Lupton, Columbus C. McCrea, Basil G McDaniel, William B Maxon, Thadeus W. . Miller, Arthur J Miller, Charles F Morrison, Augustus. . Meyers, Newton J. . . . Nett, William A: Owens, John Reynolds, Adrian Robb, Andrew W Robinson, Robert W. Ross, Edward C. Service, Peter W —2 Granby, Mo. Mount Gilead Springdale, Iowa. Lawrence Mount Gilead Lawrence . lola Lawrence Le Roy. . . . Garnett . . . Lawrence .. PapinsTille, Mo . Mount Gilead Carthage, Mo. Springdale, Iowa. . West Liberty, Iowa, Springdale, "lowa. . Lawrence Carthage, Mo, Lawrence . July 30, '61 July 24, '61 Oct. -28, '61 July 24, '61 Le Roy . Mount Gilead Mound City Le Roy Mound City. Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 2, '61 Dec. 11, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 1, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Nov. 22, '61 Oct. 28, '61 Oct 29, Oct. 28, '61 '61 July 24, Nov. 22, '61 '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 13, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 6, '61 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Feb. 13, '62 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 13, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 13, '62 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Appointed muse. ; ret. to ranks ; trans, to Co. C, lOtli Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Promoted Sergt. July 24, 1861. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. V'ol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co, C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Appointed muse. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, If th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. July 24, '61. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Appointed muse. July 24, '61 ; retd. to rks. ; trans, to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolista- tion. Promoted 1st Sergt. July 24, '61. Promoted Corp. July 24, '61. Died of disease at Fort Scott, Kan., Dec. 1, '61. Promoted Corp. July 24, '61; red. to rks. ; trans, to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. 16 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Tliird Regfiinent, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY A— Concluded. Name and rank. Kesidence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. PHvaie.s. Spencer, Thomas Mount Qilead July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Promoted Corp. July 24, '61; red. to rks. ; died of dis. at Paola, Kan., Mar. 13, '62. Spriggs, Nathaniel . .. Le Eoy Aug. 1, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Strong, Samuel Mount Gilead July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Transferred to Co. C, lOth Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tioH. Thomas, Nathan Springdale, Iowa. . Oct. 28, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Tyler, Malachi Garnett Aug. 19, '61 Died of dis. Mar. 30, '62, at Fort Scott. Vance, William PapesviUe, Mo Aug. 16, '61 Killed by guerrillas in Bates Co.. Mo., Sept. 18, '61. Van Wort, Jacob L. .. Geneva July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Tranferred to 5th Kan. Cav. Nov. 1, 1861, and later to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav. Vinton, Marcus M Aug. 23, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Willey, William H.... lola July 30, '61 * * Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Willhite, John Pleasant Grove . . . Aug. 13, '61 Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Williamson, lambert P.. Springdale, Iowa. . Oct. 23, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Williamson, Reason C. . . Pleasant Grove . . . Oct. 28, '61 Transferred to Co. C, ICth Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Woolf, William W.... Lawrence July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Boll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 17 Third Reg-iincnt, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY B— Cavalry Company, Was organized July 12, 1861, at : When the Third and Fourth Kansas Volunteers were consolidated, in the spring of 1862, this company was assigned to the Fifth Kansas Cavalry as Company F. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Captain. James M. Williams. First Lieutenant. Henry Moore 8eco7id Lieutc7iant. Ansel D. Brown First Sergeant. Sherrin, John Lachenmeyer, Charles. Sergeants. Lachenmeyer, Charles. Young, Grover... Melvin, Royal T. Dunlap, Henry M. Hill, William H... Coleman, Joseph R. Clarke, Mason B Derracan, Hiram R. Younkers, Henry. Corporals. Clarke, Mason B.. Derracan, Hiram . Plotts, Joseph Leavenworth Burlington. . Granada, Neb. Topeka. July 12, '61 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 Captain from enrollment; trans, to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. First Lieutenant from enroll- ment; traus. to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Second Lieutenant from en- rollment; trans, to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- dation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. July 12, '61; pro. Sergt. Maj. Jan. 27, '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. July 12, '61 ; pro. 1st Sergt. Jan. — , '62 ; trans, to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. July 12, '61 ; pro. 1st Sergt. Jan. — , '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Jan. 12, '61 ; trans, to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pfvt. ; pro. Sergt. Jan. 12, '61 ; trans, to Co. F, 5th Kan. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Jan. 12, '61 ; red. to rks. Dec. — , '61. Enrolled pvt. : pro. Sergt. Jan. 12, '61 ; killed by enemy in Cass Co., Mo., July 24, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Jan. 12, '61 ; red. to rks. . Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp, July 12, '61 ; pro. Sergt. ; trans. to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 12, '61 ; pro. Sergt. ; trans. to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 12, '61 ; pro. Sergt. Feb. — , '62 ; trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 12, '61 : pro. Sergt. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 12, '61 ; pro. Sergt. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 12, '61; trans, to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- I solidation. 18 Boll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Third Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY B— Cavaley Company — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Corporals, Mitchell, John C. Younkers, Henry. Keith, James Driscoll, John .. Davis, James G. Carpenter, John M Minor, Edwin P. Schoen, Augustus. Mann, Frederick.. Brock, David Foster, George W . Keller, Squire B.. Schaus, Matthew . Buglers. Vogle, Frederick. . Dorley, Alexander. Farrier, Hall, Ozias Privates. Alderman, Henry, sr. Alderman, Henry, jr. Allen, David , Baker, George E Branson, Gilbert H. Branson, Ole A Bedwell, James M.. Fort Lincoln, Fort Lincoln, Cold Springs, July 12, '61 Sept. 1, '61 J July 12, '61 Oct. 2, '61 Fort Scott. . . . July 12, '61 July 12, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 12, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 Aug. 23, '61 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 Fort Scott . . . Aug. 23, '61 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 12, '61 ; disc.fordis. Feb. 11, '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 12, '61 ; pro. Sergt. Feb.—. '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. — , '61 ; trans, to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- .solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — , '61 ; reduced to ranks. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. — , '61 ; trans, to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Feb. 10, '62; trans, to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — ; trans, to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — ; disc, for dis. Aug. 1, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — ; deserted at Fort Lincoln, Sept. 8, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — ; red. to rks. Jan. — , '62. Enrolled pvt.; pro. Corp, — ; trans, to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav,, date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt, ; pro. Corp. Jan. — , '62 ; reduced to ranks Jan. — , '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — ; reduced to ranks Jan. — , '62. Enrolled pvt. ; appointed bu- gler —, '61; appointed chief bugler—; returned to cOtn - pany as bugler ; trans, to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; appointed bu- gler — ; trans, to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cal., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; appointed far- rier; trans, to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Discharged for dis. Feb. 11, '62. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred from Co. C Sept. 20, '61 ; trans, to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Transferred to Co, F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 19 Third Reg'inient, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY B — Cavalry Company — Continued. Name and rauk. Privates. Bevin, William . Bright, Samuel . Brock, David . .. Brown, Elijah F. Brown, Ira Brown, James R. Brown, Samuel A. .. Burns, James H. Carpenter, John M.. Clark, Mason B Clark, 3ufus S Crawford, James W. . Cline, David Colclazure, Jackson . Coleman, Joseph R. . Cooper, Isaiah. Dana, William. Davis, James G. Delfs, John Derracan, Hiram. Driscoll, John Dorley, Alexander . Droger, John G . . . . Drought, Edward S.W., Dunlap, Henry M. .. Emile, John. Edmunds, Thomas. Frazier, John M Foste r, George W Grant, Raymond. R.. Gibson, William Groom, James ... Hall, Ozias , Residence. Osawatomie. Cold Springs, Fort Lincoln, Kan. City, Mo. Fort Lincoln, Fort Lincoln, Cold Springs, Date of enrollment. July 12, '61 Dec. 1, '61 July 12, 61 Oct. 12, '61 July 12, '61 Oct. 2, '61 July 12, '61 Sept. 23, '61 Oct. 2, '61 July 12, '61 Sept. 1, '61 July 12, '61 July 17, '61 July 12, '61 Date of muster. July 12, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 12, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 12, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 12, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 12, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 12, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 12, '61 Remarks. Discharged for dis. Feb. 11, '62. Deserted Sept. 20, '61. Promoted Corp. — '61 ; red. to rk.s. Jan. — '62; trans, to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav,, date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Deserted July 26, '61. Deserted Oct. 18, '61. Promoted Corp. Feb. 10, '62. Promoted Corp. July 12, '61, Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. July 12, '61; red. to rks, — ; trans, to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Discharged for dis. Feb. 11, '62. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Dec. — , '61. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. July 12, '61. Promoted Corp. — , '61 ; red. to rks. . Appointed bugler. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. July 12, '61 ; red. to rks. Dec. — , '61 : trans, to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Discharged for dis. July 24, '61. Transferred to Co. F, .5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Transferred to Co. F, 5ih Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Appointed Co. farrier. 20 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Third Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY B — Cavalet Company — Continded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks, Privates. Herschlep, John S . Hill. William H. . Holmes, Edward F. Huestes, William E. Hunter, Samuel S .. Jared, James Jones, Jonathan Jones, John S Osawatomie.. Eiokman's Mills, Keith, James . . . Keller, Squire B , King, William ... Kurtz, John C. ... Fort Lincoln Lachenmeyer, Charles Long, Myron McAdow, David M . McGough, John C . Cold Springs, Fort Scott. . . Mann, Frederick.. Martin, Alonzo B . Martin, Sylvester L. Marvin, Francis G.. Melvin, Royal T. Miller, Francis.. Fort Scott. Minor, Edwin P. .. Mitchell, John C . Month, Frederick. Muller, Fritz Nailor, Oliver O wings, Samuel Packard, William H. Penwarden, Thomas. Fort Scott. July 12, '61 Dec. 1, '61 Dec. 3, '61 July 12, '61 Oct. 13, '61 Sept. 1, '61 July 12, '61 July 17, '61 Nov. 23, '61 July 12, '61 Sept. 1, '61 July 12, '61 Sept. 1, '61 July 12, '61 Nov. 17, '61 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 12, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 12, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 12, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 12, '61 Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. July 12, '61. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Dec. — , '61. Promoted -Corp. Jan. — , '62; red. to rks. Jan. — , '62. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Knn. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. July 12, '61. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. . Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. July 12, '61. Killed in a., Bates Co., Mo., Sept. 15, '61. Promoted Corp. Promoted Corp. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 21 Third Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY B — Cavalry Company — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. Peterson, Isaac S . Pickett, Francis G. Pbilbrick, Robert C. Plotts, Joseph Ralston, James A. Redburn, Martin V.B. Robinson, James . Rhoads, Philip M Ryan, James . . Spain, George. Schaus, Matthew. .. Stegoweit, Edward. Shenrock, Charles H. Sherrin, John. .. Sleeper, John P. Scoggins, John. Schoen, Augustus. Schultz, Louis Schultz, Samuel Titus, Daniel H. Thomas, William H.. Thompson, Samuel K. Townsend, Joseph T. Vaught, Nevin A , Vaughn, James F. Vogle, Frederick. Wait, Charles E.. Weston, Jacob... Whitney, John A. CedarCo.,Mo, Fort Scott... Osawatomie. Kan.City.Mo, Fort Lincoln, Fort Scott. . . . Aubrey. Cold Springs, Fort Lincoln, Oct. 27, '61 July 12, '61 Nov. 25, '61 July 12, '61 Dec. 8, '61 July 12, '61 Aug. 15, '61 July 12, '61 Oct. 2, '61 Nov. 7, '61 July 12, '61 July 22, '61 July 12, '61 July 22, '61 July 12, '61 July 17, '61 Nov. 21, '61 July 12, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 12, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 12, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 12, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 12, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 12, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 12, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 22, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 12 '61 Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion ; killed in a. at Tumback Creek, Mo., April 26, '62. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. July 12, '61. Died of disease at Mound City, Kan., Feb. — , '62. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan- Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tiop. Died of accidental gunshot wound Jan. 11, '62. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. July 12, '61; red. to rks. Jan. — , '62. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted 1st Sergt. July 12, '61. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5tli Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Killed bv the enemy near But- ler, Mo., Sept. 12, '61. Transferred to Co. F, 5tli Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav,, date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Appointed bugler — , '61, Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan, Vol. Cav., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav. late of consolida- tion. 22 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Third Regiinejit, Kansas Volmiteers. COMPANY B — Cavalry Company — Concluded. Name and rank. Privates. Wilson, William. Wright, William H... Wittenberg, Marcus.. Woodruff, JeremialiB. Young, Benjamin Young, Grover ... Younkers, Henry. Residence. Fort Scott. Topeka. Date of enrollment. July 12, '61 Aug. 14, '61 July 12, '61 July 17, '61 July 12, '61 Date of muster. July 12, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 12, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 12, '61 Remarks. Transferred to Co. F, 5tii Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5tb Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. July 12, '61. Promoted Corp. July 12, '61. Boll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 23 Third Regiment, Infantry Company. COMPANY C — Infantry Company. Never recruited to full requirement. Was consolidated with Company A at date of consolida- tion of the Third and Fourth Kansas Volunteer Regiments (spring of 1862), and became Com- pany C, Tenth Kansas Volunteer Infantry. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Captain. WiUiam R. Allen. First Lieutenant. Barclay Coppoc Second Lieutenant. Joseph K. Hudson First Serf/eant. Hudson, Joseph K Thrasher, Luther A. . . Sergeants. Keislar, Josiah. . Gregg, Eli H . Corporals. Gregg, Eli H ... . Fowler, Oscar... Musician. Thrasher, Archibald E, Privates. Allen, David Alexander, Robert B . . Belknap, Charles A. .. Bonsall, Charles Botsford, Andrew H.. Bowersock, Asa Jefferson, O.. Salem, O. Salem, O. lola Springdale, Iowa. West Liberty, la.. West Liberty, la.. Kingville, O. lola Mound City. Salem, O Williamsfield, . Salem, O.... Middleburg, .. . Springdale, Iowa, July 30, '61 July 30, '61 July 30, '61 July 30, '61 Aug. 28, '61 July 30, '61 Aug. 23, '61 Aug. 23, '61 Oct. 25, '61 Jan. 26, '62 Sept. 20, '61 Oct. 8, '61 Oct. 15, '61 Oct. 6, '61 Oct. 28, '61 July 30, '61 July 30, '61 July 30, '61 July 30, '61 July 30, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 30, '61 Sept. 6, '61 Sept. 6, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Feb. 11, '62 Feb. 11, '62 July 30, '61 Captain from enrollment ; mus- tered out Feb. 13, '62. First Lieutenant from enroll- ment ; killed by fall of Platte river bridge in Missouri Sept. 3, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Seret. July 30, '61 ; pro. 2nd Lt. Sept. 20, '61 : trans, to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. July 30, '61 ; pro. 2nd Lt. Sept. 20, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. Nov. 20, '61; red. to Sergt. and trans, to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Nov. 20, '61 ; trans, to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 20, '61; pro. Sergt. — , '62; trans, to Co. C, lOth Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 20, '61 ; pro. Sergt. — . '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — , '61 ; trans, to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; appointed muse. — , '62; trans, to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; appointed team- ster ; trans, to Co. B Sept, 20, '61. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. 24 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Third Kegiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY C — Infantry Company — Concludded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. lickinson, 'Williain H. H. Fowler, Oscar , ■Gardner, Joseph , flregg.Eli H Hewitt, William F..., Hudson, Joseph K Hudson, Samuel R . . Huntley, James W Keislar, Josiah Kille, Clayton Lupton, Jonathan R. Montgomery, Henry C Moore, Charles S Mottinger, Daniel O.. Mottinger, Henry Picking, William A. .. Robinson, Samuel S.. Sharpnack, William N Smith, Sidney B Southwick, Albert Thrasher, Archibald E Thrasher, Luther A... Weaver, Stanton Westfall, Joseph Westfall, Thomas J... Salem, O , Kingville, O. Wakarusa ... West Liberty, la . Salem, C... Williamsfleld, . . Springdale, Iowa. Salem, O .... Springdale, Iowa. JefiFerson, O. Alliance, O. . Salem, O.... Williamsfield, 0. Springdale, Iowa. lola , Salem, Ohio. Springdale, Iowa. July 30, '61 Oct. 25, '61 July 30, '61 Aug. 23, '61 Oct. 7, '61 July 30, '61 Oct. 10, '61 Oct. 15, '61 July 30, '61 Sept. 6, '61 Oct. 1, '61 Oct. 10, '61 Oct. 7, '61 Oct. 8, '61 July 30, '61 Jan. 26, '62 Aug. 28, '61 July 30, '61 Sept. 21, '61 Sept. 6, '61 July 30, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 30, '61 Sept. 6, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 30, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 30, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 30, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 30, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Nov, 20, '61, Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted 1st Sergt. July 30, '61. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. Nov. 20, '61. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. \'ol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan, Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan, Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C. 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan, Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Appointed muse. — , '62. Promoted 1st Sergt. Nov. 20, '61. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 25 Third Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY D — Infantry Company. Organized August 25, 1861. When the Third and Fourth Kansas were consolidated, in the spring of 1S62, and became known thereafter as tl»e Tenth Kansas Vohinteer Infantry, this company was consolidated with Company H ( formerly Company I ) and became Company E of the Tenth Kansas Infantry. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Captain. John F. Broadhead. . Fh'si Lieutenant. David Schoen Second Lieutenant. Lloyd McDougal Mound City. Marmaton . . Mound City Kirsl Serr/eant. Smith, Solomon I Marmaton .. 'Serf/eants. Oakley, Edward E. Hardy, Robert Williams, Edward Brass, Robert S Corporals. Stainbrook, Andrew. Hall, Francis F Hardy, Robert . Haskins, Edwin C. Wheeler, James K Oliver, Joseph Williams, Edward.. Fort Scott.... Marmaton . .. Mound City.. Marion* July 25, '61 July 25, '61 July 25, '61 July 25, '61 July 25, '61 July 25, '61 July 25, '61 July 25, '61 July 25, '61 July 25, '61 Marion* Marmaton July 25, '61 Aug. 5, '61 July 25, '61 July 25, '61 Feb. 14, '62 July 25, '61 Mound City.. Marmaton... Mound City. Captain from enrollment trans, to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. First Lieut, from enrollment trans, to Co. E, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Second Lieut, from enroll- ment; mus. out at date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. July 25, '61; trans, to Co. £. 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt.; pro. Sergt. July 25, '61 ; trans, to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt, July 25, '61 ; red. to Corp — , '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. — , '61 ; red. to Corp. — , '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. — , '61 ; red. to Corp. Feb. 16, '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 25, '61 ; trans, to Capt. Bain's Co. of scouts Oct. 23, '61. Enrolled pvt. : pro. Corp. Oct. 23. '61 ; trans, to Co. E. 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. July •25, '61; red. to Corp. — , '62; trans, to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. (Also appears as " Charles Ed- win Haskins." ) Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — , '61 ; trans, to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf. date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — , '61 ; trans, to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — , '61 : red. to rks. — , '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — , '61 ; trans, to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. ♦Marion township, Bourbon county. 26 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Third Kegiinent, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY D— Infantet Company —Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Corporals. Edwards, Lewis A. Jones, Eli B Kimbley, Isaac. Hall, Abel K Brass, Robert S. Musicians. Scott, James K.. . Groves, David M. Privates. Baldwin, Willis. Barber, Levi N Barker, Nathaniel G. Brass, Robert S. Brown, Chad.. .. Brown, Isaac Burns, George W Chad wick, Luther M. Chambers, John J.... Cooper, James .' . . . Cooper, Montgomery, Cosbow, Jacob Cowan, Henry Marion*. . . Marmaton. July 25, '61 Marion* . Marmaton.. .. Kansas City, Mo. . . Marmaton.. .. Mound City.. Marion*... Mound City.. Marmaton.. .. Mound City.. Marmaton.. .. Fort Scott.... Mound City.. July 25, '61 Nov. 6, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 5, '61 July 25, '61 Aug. 13, '61 July 25, '61 Aug, 12, '61 July 25, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Aug. 14, '61 July 25, '61 Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — , '61 : red. to rks. — , '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — , '61 ; red. to rks. — , '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — , '61 ; red. to rks. — , '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — , '61 ; trans, to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; oro. Sergt. — , '61 ; red. to Corp. Feb. 16, '62 ; deserted Feb. 22, '62. July 25, '61 Enrolled pvt. ; appnted. muse. — , '61 ; pro. Drum Major, N. C. S., Aug. 28, '61. Feb. 14, '62 Enrolled pvt. ; apptd. muse. — , '61 ; trans, to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Feb. 14, '62 Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. July 25, '61 Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. — , '61. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Feb. 14, '62 Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. July 25, '61 Feb. 14, '62 July 25, '61 Feb. 14, '62 Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. (Appears on original rolls as " Shadwick," see below.) Transferred to Co. E. 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan* Vol. Inf., date of consolida" tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. * Marion township, Bourbon county. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Thii'd lloginieiit, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY D — Infantry Company — Continued. 27 Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. Cox, Lafayette Edwards, Jonathan C. Edwards, Lewis A Fisher, William H.... Fly, John W Gardner, John T Gardner, Thomas H.. , Gates, Barnett Goff,JohnH Groves, David M Hall, Francis F Hall, Abel K Hamm, Adam E Hardy, Robert Haskins, Edwin C Haven, William M Hendrix, James Hursh, ChristopherW, Isherwood, John Jones, Eli B Kimbley , Isaac Kimbley, Joseph Mason, John W Mason, Owen Mattison, James W. .. McGee, Thomas Fort Scott. . . Mound City. Marion* Mound City. Marion* Marion* Marmaton . . Mound City. Marion* Kan. City, Mo Marmaton . .. Marion* Marmaton . .. Mound City . . Marmaton . .. Marion* Marmaton . .. Timber Hills, Marmaton . .. Marion*. Marion*. Marmaton . ., Oct. 23, '61 July 25, '61 Aug. 18, '61 July 30, '61 July 25, '61 Aug. 23, '61 Aug. 12, '61 Nov. 6, '61 Aug. 5, '61 July 25, '61 July 30, '61 July 25, '61 Aug. 23, '61 Aug. 9, '61 Aug. 5, '61 July 25, '61 Feb. 4, '62 July 30, '61 Aug. 23, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Feb. 14, '62 July 25, '61 Feb. 14, '62 July 25, '61 Feb. 14, '62 July 25, '61 Feb. 14, '62 July 25, '61 Feb. 14, '62 July 25, '61 Feb. 4, '62 Feb. 14, '62 Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. — , '61 ; red. to rks. — , '62; trans, to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Acted as Chaplain of post at Fort Lincoln from Sept. 10, '61; disc, for dis. at Camp Defiance, March 11, '62. Trans-ferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Appointed muse. — , '61. Promoted Corp. Oct. 23, '61. Promoted Corp. — . '61. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. July 25, '61. (Nameappearsalsoas "Charles EdwinHaskins.") Pro. Corp. — , '61. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Transferred toCo.E. 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Promoted Corp. — , '61 ; red to rks. — , '62 ; trans, to Co E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Promoted Corp. — , '61 ; red to rks. — , '62 ; trans, to Co, E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan, Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Discharged for dis. Sept. 16 '61, order of General Lane. t_„ * Marion township, Bourbon county. 28 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Third Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY D — Infantry Company — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. Miller, James. . Nickerbocker, Peter.. Oakley, Edward E... Oakley, William T.... Oliver, .Joseph Osborn, Philip Petticrew, William. .. Porter, Charles K Potts, William T Pruitt, Thomas W.... Putnam, James M — Ralston, William S. .. Ramsey, Austin H — Ramsey, William T. .. Reeder, Thomas B Rice, Charles D Robison, William E.. Ross, Calvin K. P Roush, James G Stainbrook, Andrew.. Stainbrook, Benjamin Shadwick, Luther M. Smith, Asahel. .. Smith, Solomon Stout, Joseph . . . Potosi Marmaton . .. Fort Scott. . . . Marmaton.. .. Mound City.. Marmaton.. .. Marion * Timber Hills, Marmaton.. .. Marion* Marmaton.. .. Marion* . . Fort Scott. Marmaton Marion * . . Marmaton July 27, '61 July 26, '61 July 25, '61 Aug. 10, '61 Aug. 12, '61 July 25, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 12, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Aug. 5, '61 July 25, '61 July 30, '61 Aug. 12, '61 July 30, '61 July 25, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Feb. 14, '62 July 26, '61 July 25, '61 Feb. 14, '62 July 25, '61 Feb. 14, '62 July 25, '61 Feb. 14, '62 July 25, '61 Feb. 14, '61 Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. .July 25, '61. Transferred to Co. E, lOtii Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. — , '61 ; red. to rks. — , '62; trans, to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol.^lnf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Detached with Co. G, 4th Kan. Vol., as muse. ; trans, to Co. E, lUth Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. July 25, '61. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. ( See '■ Chadwick," Luther M.) Trans, to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted 1st Sergt. July 25, '61. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. * Marion township, Bourbon county. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 29 Third Kegiinent, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY D — Infantry Company — Concluded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates, Scott, James K Marmaton . .. July 25, '61 July 25, '61 Appointed muse. — '61 ; pro. Drum Major, N. C. S., Aug. 28, '61 ; ret. to rks. by leasou of consolidation ; trans, to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Wheeler, James K Mound City.. July 25, '61 July 25, '61 Promoted Corp. — '61. Williams, Abijah Marion* July 30, '61 Feb. 14, '62 Discharged for dis. Sep. 26, '61. Williams, Edward Mound City . . July 25, '61 July 25, '61 Promoted Sorgt. — '61. Williams, John Marion* Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. * Marion township, Bourbon county. 30 Roll of Offi-cers and Enlisted Men. Third Regiinent, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY E — Cavalry Company. This company was organized during July and August, 1861, and when the Third and Fourth Kansas Volunteers were consolidated — the infantry companies forming the Tenth Kansas Vol- unteer Infantry — this company, being cavalry, was transferred to the Fifth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry and became Company D of that regiment. I Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Captain. Henry C. Seaman . Mrst Lieutenant. Joseph H. Trego — Second Lieutenant. Orlin C. Morse First Sergeant. Page, Charles J.. . . Mound City. Mound City. Mound City. Mound City. July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Jnly 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Barnett, George. Q. M, Sergeant. Eaton, Charles Sergeants. Barnett, George. . . . Wattles, Theodore W., Mound City. Mound City. Beavers, Moses W. Stone, Wesley Duncan, William B.. Corporals, Young, William C. Beason, Clarkson L. . Want, Joshua F. Baird, William . July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 19, '61 July 24, '61 Mound City July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Captain from enrollm't ; trans, to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. First Lieutenant from enroll- ment; trans, to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Second Lieutenant from en- rollment ; trans, to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. July 24, '61 ; red. to rks. Dec. 1. '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. July 24, '61 ; 1st Sergt. Dec. 1, '61 ; trans, to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. July 24, '61; trans, to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. July 24, '61; let Sergt. Dec. 1, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. July 24, '61 : trans, to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. : pro. Sergt. Aug. 19, '61; trans, to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. July 24, '61; trans, to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61; Sergt. Dec. 1, '61; trans, to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Promoted Corp. July 24, '61 ; red. to rks. Dec. 1, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61; trans, to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61; red. to rks. Dec. 1,'61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61 ; trans, to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 31 Third Rejfiiiient, Kansas Voliiuteers. COMPANY E — Cavalry Company— Continced. Name and rank. Corporal.s. Duncan, William D. Lamb, Miles DennisoD, George W., Reeves, Alexander Murphy, Lawrence . .. Baird, Eugene Hayes, William B Underwood, Finley L. Smith, John Bucilers. Perrin, Asa Delano . Perrin, Charles . Farrier. Benneful, Theodore. Privates. Abbott, John A . Alkerson, William H. Bates, Henry Baird, William Baird, Eugene Baine, Daniel Barrett, George Bramley, Robert Beavers, Moses W... Beason, Clarkson L, Benueful, Theodore, Britton, George W . . Bridges, Thomas.. .. Brooks, Warrick T.. Residence. Mound City, Fort Scott... Mound City. Mouud City. Mound City . Fort Scott. . . Mound City. Fort Lincoln, Mound City.. Fort Scott... Mound City. Date of enrollment. July 24, '61 Aug. 22, '61 Aug. 25, '61 Date of muster. July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Sept. 9, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 23, '61 Dec. 11, '61 Sept. 8, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 3, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 19, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 23, '61 Sept. 9, '61 Aug. 6, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Feb. ii,' '62 Remarks. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61 ; pro. Sergt. — . Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61 ; trans, to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61 : trans, to Co. D, .5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61, red. Dec. 1, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61: red. Dec. 1, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. 1, '61 ; trans, to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. 1, '61; trans, to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. 1, '61 : trans, to Co. D, ,5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. 31, '61;^ trans, to Co. D., 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; appointed Co. bugler July 24, '61 ; trans, to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; appointed Co. bugler — , '61 : trans, to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; appointed farr. ; trans, to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Deserted Dec. 11, '61. Promoted Corp. July 24, '61. Promoted Corp. Dec. 1, '61. Also spelled "Bayne." Trans. Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Promoted Sergt. July 24, '61. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan, Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. Aug. 19, '61. Promoted Corp. July 24, '61. Appointed farrier — , '61. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Deserted Dec. 11, '61. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. —3 32 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Third Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY E — Cavalry Company — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Privates. Fort Scott.... Aug. 23, '81 Aug. 20, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Cameron, Barton Cartright, George S. . . Mound City.. Sept. 9, '61 " Clark, Benjamin F . . . Shawnee Sept. 30, '61 " Cleal Alfred Mound City.. July 24, '61 Aug. 29, '61 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Cochran, Henry Commons, William M. Fort Scott. . . . " " Crystal, Peter " Dec. 16, '61 " Dennison, George W . . Dorman, William Mound City.. Barnesville. .. July 24, '61 Sept. 10, '61 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Fort Scott.... Mound City.. Fort Scott. . . . Aug. 22, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 22, '61 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Duncan, William D. . . Eaton, Charles Everhart, James M. .. Everland, Johnson. . . . Mound City.. Aug. 4, '61 " Eubanks, Daniel Fort Scott.... Aug. 23, '61 " Fairbanks, Elihu Mound City.. Aug. 24, '61 " Barnesville .. July 29, '61 Sept. 10, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Freeman, James Flint, Ara Mound City.. July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Griffith, Samuel Aug. 6, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Hanlan, Samuel " Aug. 18, '61 " Hayes, William B Henson, Enoch Fort Scott.... Sept. 6, '61 Aug. 23, '61 " Helton, Samuel W.... Mound City.. Nov. 6, '61 " Hinton, Vachel " July 29, '61 •• Hopkins, John Hughes, Ceola Aug. 17, '61 Fort Scott.... Aug. 23, '61 Remarks. Transferred to Co. D, Sth Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Name also spelled "Carl- recht." Trans, to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Name also spelled "Cochorn." Trans, to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. July 24, '61. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan, Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. July 24, '61. Promoted Sergt. July 24, '61. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan, Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Acted as wag. ; trans, to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Dec. 31. '61. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Deserted at Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 1, '61. Deserted at Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 29, '61. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Third Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY E — Cavalry Company — Continued. 33 Name and rank. Privates. Hunter, John F Hunter, Thomas H. . Ireland, Abraham Jones, James Jordan, Amos Kennison, Edward C. King, William Lamb, Miles Lowe, James McCoUister, Archibald McCoUister, Noah... McDow, William Minchell, Byron L... Mitchell, Thomas W. Murphy, Lawrence... Neece, Hardy H Neece, James E Overdear, John Page, Charles J Page, William Perrin, Asa Delano... Perrin, Charles J Perkins, John M Reaves, Alexander. . . Ringer, William L. . . Rockwell, Amos Residence. Fort Scott.. .. Mound City.. Fort Scott., Mound City.. Lawrence Mound City.. Kansas City, Mo... Mound City.. Leavenworth Mound City.. Fort Scott.... Mound City.. Fort Scott. Date of enrollment. Aug. 23, '61 Sept. 16, '61 July 24, '61 July 26, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 23, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 17, '61 July 24, '61 Oct. 5, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 7, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 23, '61 July 27, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 18, '61 Aug. 23, '61 Date of muster. Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. n, '62 Remarks. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, .'ith Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, .5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan, Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. July 24, '61. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan, Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan, Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred from Co. F, 3rd Kan. Inf. Sept. 1, '61 : trans, to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan, Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. July 24, "61; red. Dec. 1, '61 ; trans, to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan, Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Regt. Com, Sergt. July 27, '61. Promoted 1st Sergt. July 24,"61 ; red. to rks. Dec. 1, '61 ; trans, to Co, D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan, Vol. Cav., date of consolida^ tion. Appointed Co. bugler July 24^ '61. Appointed Co. bugler, — , '61, Transferred to Co. G, 4th Kan, Vol., Sept. 8, '61. Promoted Corp. July 24, '61; red. Dec. 1, "61 ; traus. to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan, Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan, Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. 34 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Third Reg-imeut, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY E — Cavalry Company — Concluded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates, Rowe, Jacob . . . . Slater, David H Simms, William M. . . Smith, John Smith, Patrick Stockham, Albert.... Stockham, Harmon. . Stone, Wesley. Shont, Elijah.. Sumner, Orien Umphrey, John H... Underwood, Josiah B. Underwood, Finley L. Varnum, Charles Ware, Oscar ^ant, Joshua ■Wattles, Theodore W. White, Francis M White, William C "Wikles, Lawson H. . . . '3foung, William C Zularsky, Casimio B . . Mound City . Osawatomie. Fort Scott... Mound City. Mound City . . Fort Scott. . . , Mound City.. Fort Scott. . . . Mound City . . Fort Scott. . . . Fort Lincoln, Mound City.. Aug. 14, '61 Dec. 4, '61 Aug. 23, '61 Sept. 9, '61 July 24, '61 July 29, '61 July 24, '61 July 29, '61 Aug. 10, '61 Aug. 23, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 23, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 23, '61 Sept. 6, '61 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 July 24, Feb. 11, '61 '62 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Dec. 31, '61. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Discharged for dis. Aug. 31, '61, order of Colonel Montgom- ery. Discharged fordis. Sept. 17, '61, order of Colonel Montgom- ery. Promoted Sergt. July 24, '61. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Discharged for dis. Dec. 6, '61. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Dec. 31, '61. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan Vol. Cav., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan Vol. Cav., date of consolida tion. Promoted Corp. July 24, '61 red. Dec. 1, '61 ; trans, to Co D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Promoted Sergt. July 24, '61. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan Vol. Cav., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan Vol. Cav., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. D, 5th Kan Vol. Cav., date of consolida tion. Promoted Corp. July 24, '61 red. to rks. Dec. 1, '61 ; trans to Co. D, 5th Kan. Vol. Cav. date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Lieut and Adjt. July 24, '61. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men, 35 Third Keg-iment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY F — Infantry Company. This company was orioranized in July, 1861. In the spring of 1S62, when the Third and Fourth Kansas Volunteer Repiments were consolidated — the infantry companies forming the 10th Kan- sas Volunteer Infantry — this company became Company I of that regiment. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Captain, Charles P. Twiss. First. Lieutenant. William C. Jones.... lola lola Second Lieutenant. James R. McClelland, Pemberton R. Eves. First Sergeant. Eves, Pemberton R. Hill, John F lola Rockford. July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Rockford. Topeka... Sergeants. Minchell, Byron L... Haizlip, John Stubblefleld, Harvy N, Thorp, John E Jobe, James M HUl, John F Reese, Absalom C Corporals. Jobe, James M Merritt, John W Christy, James L Manser, Richard F... lola Lane P.O. Elizabethtown. lola Paris Topeka. .. . lola July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 25, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Feb. 27, '62 July 24, '61 Paris Osawatomie. Ida July 25, '61 July 24, '81 July 26, '61 July 24, '61 Feb. 27, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 27, '62 July 24, '61 Rockford. Captain from enrollment ; trans, to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. First Lieutenant from enroll- ment ; trans, to Co. I, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Second Lieutenant from en- rollment ; died of disease at Fort Scott, Dec. 11, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. — , '61 ; 2nd Lieut. Dec. 16, '61 ; trans, to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. — , '61 ; 2nd Lieut. Dec. 16, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Sept. 2, '61; 1st Sergt. Jan. 1, '62; trans, to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf. as Sergt., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. ; red. to rks. and trans, to Co. E Sept. 1, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. .July 25, '61 ; trans, to Co, I, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. — , '61 ; trans, to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. — , '61 ; transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — '61 ; Sergt. Dec. 16, '62; trans to Co. I, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf. date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. — 1st Sergt. Jan. 1, '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. from pvt. Jan. 1, "62; trans, to Co. I, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — , '61 : Sergt. Dec. 16, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — , '61 ; trans, to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf. as a pvt., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61 : trans, to Co. I, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — , '61 ; trans, to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. 36 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Third Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY F — Infantry Company— Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Corporals. Kennett, Charles F. Reynolds, Peter. Duley, Maurice . Jones, George D. Osawatomie. Rockford lola Privates. Ballance, William. Bayless, Jacob Bird, Hamilton Buck, Harmon A Bullington, Pleasant. Burgess, Samuel Burks, William Butler, Alexander ... Ohio City ... Xenia lola Marmaton.. . Mound City. Marmaton.. . Osawatomie. Butler, Levi Christy, James.. Cutler, Abram .. Dagett, John F. lola Dixon, Thomas Duley, Maurice Eves, Pemberton R. Ford, Isaac Fuller, James. .. Geer, William J. Grant, George W. Haizlip, John Hamblin, William. Hill, John F. .. . Houser, John F. Jellison, John Jones, .Alexander . Jones, George D.. Marmaton.. . Barnesville. . Rockford. ... Marmaton.. .. Osawatomie. Barnesville. . , Lane P.O.... Barnesville.., Topeka Manhattan. Elizabethtown. . Marmaton . lola July 24, '61 July 25, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 28, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 23, '61 July 25, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 7, '61 July 29, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 26, '61 Aug. 19, '61 July 31, '61 Aug. 6, '61 July 25, '61 July 24, '61 July 26, '61 Aug. 31, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Feb. 27, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 27, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 27, '62 Feb. 14, '62 Feb. 27, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 27, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 27, '62 Feb. 27, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 27, '62 July 24, '61 Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — '61 ; trans, to Co. 1, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida^ tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — red. to rks. — . Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — '61 ; trans, to Co. 1, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61 ; trans, to Co. I, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Deserted Sept. 5, '61. Promoted Corp. July 24, '61. Discharged to accept pro. in 2nd Iowa Vols. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Discharged for dis. Feb. 28, '62. Promottd Corp. — , '61. Promoted 1st Sorgt. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion Died of dis. at Springfield, Mo., Nov. 8, '61. Transferred to Co. I, lOth Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. I, lOth Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. — '61. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. 1,10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. July 24, '61. Roll of Officers and Enlisted 31 en. 37 Third Rejifimeut, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY F— Infantry Company — Concluded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Priiotes. Jobe, James M Keith, William B... Kennett, Charles F. Lewis, John W Lewis, Lester. McQlasson, John W. McKee, Milford Malcom, George R... Mann, Josiah Z Manser, Richard F. .. Masterson, Thomas D Merritt, John W Minchell, Byron L... Moore, Samuel N. Moyer, Jacob Piatt, James H. .. Perkins, Mark Reese, Absalom C. Reynolds, Peter... Sailing, James Stalker, William ... Steel, Leonard J Simpson, Alfred J .. Smith, Henry D Stubblefield, Harvy W.. Thorp, John E Thomas, Wiseman Vance, William. Walters, John .. Wicks, William M Woodruff, James G. . Paris Osawatomie. lola Ohio City ... lola Mound City Rockford. Garnett .. Osawatomie. lola Neosho Falls, Marmaton . .. Xenia Elizabethtown. . . . lola Osawatomie.. Marmaton Rockford.. Carlisle ... Humboldt, Elizabetbtown. lola Lawrence . Ohio City. July 24, '61 Sept. 6, '61 Aug. 1, '61 Dec. 6, '61 July 24, '61 July 26, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 20, '61 July 24, '61 Sept. 7, '61 July 25, '61 July 31, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 7, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 22, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 25, '61 July 31, '61 July 24, '61 Feb. 27, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 27, '62 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Feb. 27, '62 July 25, '61 Feb. 27, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 27, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 27, '62 Feb. 27, '62 Promoted Corp. — , '61. Promoted 2nd Lieut. Co. H Aug. 2, '61. Promoted Corp. — , '61. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Died of disease at Fort Scott, Dec. 31, '61. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tiou. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. — , '61. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. — '61. Promoted Sergt. ; trans, to Co E,3rd Kau.,Sept. l,'61,aspvt, Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Pro. Sergt. Jan. 1, '62. Promoted Corp. — , '61 ; red. — trans, to Co. I, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. 1,10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Promoted Sergt. — , '61. Promoted Sergt. — , '61. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Deserted Feb. 17, '62. Died of dis.. Fort Scott, Dec. 25, '61. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. 38 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Third Kegiineut, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY G — Infantry Company. This company, until after January 1, 1862, was Company H of the Third Kansas Infantry. After that date it became Company G. This company was organized in July and August, 1861, and when the Third and Fourth Kansas Volunteers were consolidated — the infantry companies forming the Tenth Kansas Volunteer Infantry — the company became Company D of that regiment. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Captain. Eli Snyder First Lieutenant, John Downing Second Lieutenant. Frederick A. Smalley, Fiist Sergeant. Martin, Daniel Milton Sei'geants. Sheridan, George A. .. Main, Elisha L. Taylor, Joseph D Kinter, Benjamin F. . Corporals. Tattle, Cyrus.... Knapp, Francis Whitaker, John'p Dedo, Frederick... Osawatomie. New Lancaster.. . Osawatomie. Osawatomie.. Linn county.. New Lancaster. Miami county Osawatomie. Osawatomie. New Lancaster. . . July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Feb. 11, '62 July 26, '61 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Plummer, Simeon B.. Heraty, Jolin . Durno, William M Hendrix, Jackson Linn county. Osawatomie.. New Lancaster Osawatomie. July 26, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Captain from enrollment; trans, to Co. D, 10th Kans. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. First Lieutenant from enroll- ment; res. Feb. 4, '62. Second Lieutenant from en- rollment; trans, to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidalion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. July 24, '61 ; trans, to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. July 24, '61 : trans, to Co. D, lOth Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. July 24, '61 ; trans, to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol, Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. : pro. Sergt. July 24, '61 ; trans, to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. July 26, '61 ; trans, to Co. D, lUth Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61; trans, to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61 ; trans, to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61 ; trans, to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61 ; trans, to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61 : trans, to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61 : trans, to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Aug. 28, '61 ; killed while scouting near Butler, Mo., Dec. 14, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Aug. 28, '61 : trans, to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 39 Third Kegrinieiit, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY G — Infantry Company — Continced. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Spangler, Henry. Qillett, Maxon K. P7-ivales. Agan, Michael. Akerman, William . . . Ames, Leander Blakely, William Baker, Wesley Barnes, George W. . . . Brooks, John Brown, Rufus Butner, William Brunner, John A Canfleld, Francis M . Campbell, Sylvanus . Carver, Isaac Chandler, George W. Clement, Washington J Clement, William A.. Chestnut, John C Trading Post, Osawatomie. Blooming GroTe. . . Osawatomie.. Osceola, Mo.. Linn county.. Osawatomie.. Blooming Grove. . . Fontana New Lancaster. . . . Osawatomie.. Trading Post, Osawatomie.. Blooming Grove. . . New Lancaster. . . . Osawatomie., Darr, John Damon, Elbridge C. Dedo, Frederick . Dier, Sebastian... Osawatomie., Linn county.. Osawatomie.. Diehm, Jacob F Dougherty, Milton Thompson. Aug. 2, '61 Aug. 30, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 24, '61 Miami. Aug. 2, '61 July 29, '61 Sept. 8, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. n, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 19, '61 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Feb. 11, '62 Feb. 11, '62 Enrolled private; appointed muse. — , '61 ; trans, to Co. D, ICth Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled private ; appointed muse. — , '61 ; trans, to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan . Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Tranferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. No further record. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. July 24, '61, Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan, Vol, Inf., date of consolida- tion. 40 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Third Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY G — Infantry Company — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. Dougherty, Milton Thomas. Durno, William W.. Ebert, Michael Gladish, Leander J. Gillett, Maxon K Goodman, Harrison. Gowers, James M Hancock, William M.. Hairgrove, William .. Haskins, Thomas Hatch, Andrew Heraty, John Hendrix, Jackson Hobaugh, Benjamin D. Howard, Charles M. . . Jetfers, Joseph F Knapp, Alburtus Knapp, Francis. Keever, John.. .. Kenneda, James R. . Kinter, Benjamin' F. . , Long, Joseph McBride, Benjamin F. Main, Elisha Martin, Daniel Milton Martin, William C Maddox, James A Mil er, Andrew J iller, Enoch Miami , Osawatomie. Blooming Grove . Fort Scott. . . Osawatomie. Blooming GroTS . Fort Scott... Barnesville. . Blooming Grove . Fort Scott... Osawatomie. New Lanoaster . . Osawatomie. Fort Scott. . . Osawatomie. Hew Lancaster . . Osawatomie. New Lancaster . . Osawatomie. New Lancaster.. . Osawatomie. Blooming Grove . New Lancaster. . . July 24, '61 July 25, '61 Aug. 30, '61 July 24, '61 Sept. 8, '61 July 24, '61 July 26, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 2, '61 July 25, '61 July 26, '61 Sept. 18, '61 July 24, '61 Sept. 19, '61 July 26, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Feb. 11, '62 Feb. 11, '62 July 24, '61 Feb. 11, '62 July 25, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Feb. 11, '62 Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Aug. 28, '61. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Appointed muse. — , '61. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Died of dis., Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 31, '61. Deserted Sept. 17, '61, at West Point, Mo. Transferred to Co. D , 10th Kau. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. July 24, '61. Promoted Corp. Aug. 28, '61. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Regt. Q. M. Sergt. July 24, '61; red. to rks. Oct. 1, '61, and assigned to Co. G ; trans, to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Promoted Corp. July 24, '61. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. July 26, '61. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. July 24, '61. Promoted 1st Sergt. July 24, '61. Deserted at Mound City, Kan., Aug. '22, '61. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 41 Third Kegiinent, Kansas Voluuteers. COMPANY G— Infantry Company — Concluded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. Mann, John Trading Post, July 29, '61 Feb. 11, '62 Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Newcomb, James D. . . Osawatomie. . Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Olney, James A July 24, '61 Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Prichatt, Whitfield... July 29, '61 Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Priddy, Jesse F New Lancaster. . . , Dec. 27, '61 Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Priddy, John W Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Priddy, WiUiam A.... July 29, '61 " Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Polhamus, Robert C. Osawatomie.. Aug. 12, '61 Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. inf., date of consolida- tion. Pond, Hiram Trading Post, July 29, '61 Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Plummer, Simeon B.. Osawatomie.. July 24, '61 Promoted Corp. July 24. '61. Richart, Benjamin — Aug. 17, '61 Transferred to Co. D, lUth Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Roberts, Thomas F... July 29, '61 Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Ruble, William S July 24, '61 Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Smart, Mark Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Spangler, Henry ..".... Trading Post, Aug. 2, '61 Appointed muse. — , '61. Sheridan, George A . . . Linn county.. July 24, '61 Promoted Sergt. July 24, '61. Sheridan, John B New Lancaster . . . Nov. 25, '61 Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Speaker, Henry Mound City . . July 24, '61 Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Shiver, John R New Lancaster . . . Dec. 10, '61 Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Taylor, Joseph D Miami county July 24, '61 Promoted Sergt. July 24, '61. Tracy, George T New Lancaster . . . July 28, '61 Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan, Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Terrel, Josiah B Mound City.. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Trebold, Hendrick Kansas City, Mo. .. Oct. 15, '61 Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Tuttle, Cyrus Osawatomie.. July 24, '61 Promoted Corp. July 24. '6t. Wells, Henry C Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Williams, James Aug. 19, '61 Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Whitaker, John P .... " July 24, '61 Promoted Corp. July 24, '61. Wood, Robert W * * Nov. 21, '61 Transferred to Co. D, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. 42 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Third Reg-iiuent, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY H — Infantey Company. This company, previous to January 1, 1862,',was designated as "Company I " ; after that date the designating letter was changed to " H." The organization was effected in August, 1861. When the reorganization and consolidation of the Third and Fourth Kansas Volunteer regi- ments was accomplished this company was merged into Company D, and the consolidated com- panies became Company E, Tenth Kansas Volunteers. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. CajHain. Samuel Stephenson. First LieiUenant. James M. Arthur. . . . Second Lieutenant, William B. Keith.... First Sergeant, Pope, James A Sergeants. Ramsey, Simmons. Cottle, Thomas D.. Ramsey, Robert W. Dunkin, Amos L. Flora, John W ... Pope, James A... Corporals. Sewell, Martin V. B.. Williams, Amaziah. . Moran, Jesse W Ivy, Martin T Privates. Alford, John Bathurst, William M Butler, Shubel Butler, Thomas C. ... Cottle, Thomas D.... Mound City.. Marion*. Marion*. Twin Springs Marion* Mound City. Marion* Keokuk, la.. Marion* Mound City. Minneola. ... Fort Scott .. Paris Lane P. O.. Osawatomie Twin Springs, Aug. 2, '61 Aug. 2, '61 Aug. 2, '61 Aug. 2, '61 Aug. 2, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 2, '61 Aug. 5, '61 Aug. 10, '61 Aug. 2, '61 Aug. 5, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 29, '61 Oct. 1, '61 Dec. 31, '61 Aug. 9, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 2, '61 Aug. 2, '61 Aug. 2, '61 Aug. 2, '61 Aug. 2, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 2, '61 Aug. 5, '61 Aug. 10, '61 Aug. 2, '61 I Aug. 5, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 29, '61 Feb. 24, '62 Feb. 14, '62 Aug. 13, '61 Captain from enrollment ; died of dis. at Mound City, Kan., —,'61. First Lieutenant from enroll- ment ; mustered out Feb. 14, '62. Second Lieutenant from en- rollment ; trans, to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt- Aug. 2, '61 ; red. to Sergt. at consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. — , '61 ; trans, to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. : pro. Sergt. — , '61 ; red. to rks. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. — , '61 ; trans, to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. — , '61 ; died of dis. at Osawa- tomie, Kan., Dec. — , "61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. — ; trans, to Co. E, 10th Kan.Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt.; pro. 1st Sergt. Aug. 2, '61 ; red. to Sergt. at consolidation; trans, to Co. E, and later to Co. I, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. Enrolled pvt. red. to rks. Enrolled pvt. red. to rks. Enrolled pvt. red. to rks. ; pro. Corp. — ,'61. ; pro. Corp. — ,'61 ; at consolidation. ; pro. Corp.— ,'61 ; at consolidation. ; pro. Corp. —.'61; at consolidation. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, and later to Co. I, ICtli Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. E, and later to Co. I, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Promoted Sergt. — , '61 ; red. to rks.. and trans, to Co. E, and later to Co. I, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. * Marion township, Bourbon county. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men, 43 Third Regiment, Kansas Voluuteers. COMPANY H — Infantey Comp ant— Continued. Name and rank. Priidles. Drake, Milton K. Drake, William. Dudley, John M Dunkin, Amos L Freeman, William J. Ford, John Flora, John W.. Hardon, James , Hawkins, David. Hinton, William H. Howland, Silas B. .. Huffman, John A. Huffman, William H Hurd, James Ivy, Martin J Jameson, Zenus D... Landers, John N McClure, Wiley B.... McNalley, John McNalley, Peter Moran, Jesse W Musgrave, Charles. Pope, James A.. Raferty, James , Ramsey, Robert Ramsey, Simmons... Roosa, Reuben R Sewell, Martin V. B. .. Smalley, William A.M. Tenney, Marcus D Vasky, Isaac Residence. Mound City.. Mound City. Marion* Mound City . Fort Scott... Lexington, Mo. Mound City.. Xenia Marion*. Mineola . Xenia Fort Scott. . Fort Lincoln, Mound City.. Xenia. Marion* Timber Hills, Marion*. Keokuk, la... Xenia Baldwin City, Mound City.. Date of enrollment. Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 5, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Sept. 2, '61 Aug. 25, '61 Aug. 10, '61 Aug. 11, '61 Aug. 10, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 26, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Oct. 9, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Sept. 4, '61 Aug. 25, '61 Aug. 29, '61 Sept. 4, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 2, '61 Aug. 25, '61 Aug. 2, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 10, '61 Aug. 5, '61 Aug. 2, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Date of muster. Aug. 7, '61 Feb. 14, '62 Aug. 3, '61 Feb. 14, '62 Aug. 10, '61 Feb. 14, '62 Aug. 3, '61 Feb. 14, '62 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Sept. 4, '61 Feb. 14, '62 Sept. 4, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 2, '61 Feb. 14, '62 Aug. 2, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 10, '61 Aug. 5, '61 Aug. 2, '61 Feb. 14, '62 Remarks. Transferred to Co. E, lOtli Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Died of disease at Mound City, March 29, '62. Promoted Sergt. — , '61. Died of disease at Mound City, Feb. 26, '62. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. — . '61. , Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Died of disease at Fort Scott, Nov. 19, '61. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. No further record. Died of disease. Promoted Corp. — , '61 ; red. to rks. and trans, to Co. E, and later to Co. I, ICth Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. — , '61 ; red. to rks.; trans, to Co. E., 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted 1st Sergt. Aug. 2, '61 Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. — , '61. Promoted Sergt. — , '61. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of cons. Promoted Corp. — , '61. Transferred to Co. 1, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of cons. Promoted Regt. Sergt. Maj. Sept. 12, '61. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of cons. ♦Marion township, Bourbon county. 44 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Third Reg-iiiient, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY H — Infantey Company — Concluded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Private. Williams, Amaziah... Marion* Muscatine, Iowa.. Fort Scott. . . . Mound City.. Aug. 3, '61 Sept. 24, '61 Nov. 21. '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Feb. 14, '62 PromotedCorp. — , '61,; red. to rks., and trans, to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Transferred to Co. E, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Died of dis. at Osawatomie, Young, John W Kan., Dec. 22, '61. Deserted Mar. 2. '62. ♦Marion township, Bourbon county. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 45 Third Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY I — Cavalry Company. Until January 1, 1862, this company was desisernated "Company K," Third Kansas Volunteers ; after that date it became Company I. This company was orpauized as a cavalry company, dur- ing July, August, and September, ISBl. Wlien the infantry companies of the Third and Fourth Kansas Volunteers were consolidated into the Tenth Infantry, this company, being cavalry, was assigned to the Ninth KansHS Cavalry as Company C. Name and rank. Captain. John E. Stewart . First Lieutenant. John Bowles Second Lieutenant. ■Washington J. Buchanan . . . First Sergeant. Emerick, Joseph.. . Quartermaster Scrgt. Dickinson, Theodore J Sergeants. Hill, Elizur Hunter, George Rhodes, Elnathan Palmer, Barnabus D., Armstrong, Andrew J. , Corporals. Basinger, Peter W Cansdell, Argent McCormac, David T. C. . . Knowlton, Atwood J., Residence. Lawrence .. Lawrence .. Lawrence , Lawrence . Topeka. Prairie City . Lawrence .. Hartford . Prairie City Lawrence . Ottumwa, Date of enrollment. July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, "61 July 25, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 8, '61 July 28, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Date of muster. July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 8, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Remarks. Captain from enrollm't : trans, to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. First Lieutenant from enroU- jnent; trans, to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Second Lieutenant from en- rollment; trans, to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. July 24, '61 ; killed in a., Dry- wood, Mo., Sept. 2, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Q. M. Sergt. July 27, '61 ; trans, to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. July 24, '61 ; trans, to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. July 24, '61; trans, to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. July 25, '61 ; trans, to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt ; pro. Sergt. — , '61 ; trans, to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Sept. 26, '61 ; trans, to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — , '61 ; trans, to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav,, date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — , '61 ; trans, to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — , '61; trans, to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 29, '61 ; trans, to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. 46 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Third Reginieiit, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY I — Cavalet Company — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Corporals. French, Benjamin Coleman, Charles J. .. Ottumwa Kanawaka . .. Lawrence — Ottumwa Lawrence Sept. 8, '61 Nov. 5, '61 Oct. 17, '61 Sept. 8, '61 Aug. 15, '61 July 24, '61 Nov. 4, '61 Oct. 20, '61 Aug. 8, '61 July 28, '61 July 24, '61 Nov. 24, '61 Sept. 1, '61 July 28, '61 Sept. 8, '61 Oct. 17, '61 Sept. 1, '61 Oct. 8, '61 July 31, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Oct. 20, '61 Dec. 2, '61 Oct. 8, '61 July 24, '61 Nov. 5, '61 Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. Feb. 12, '62 29, '61 ; trans, to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — , '61 ; trans, to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — , '61 ; trans, to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Buglers, Gordon, Charles Aug. 15, '61 July 24, '61 Feb. 12, '62 Oct. 20, '61 Aug. 8, '61 '61 ; trans, to Co. C, 9th Kan, Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; appointed bu- gler Auff. 15, '61 ; killed in a., Drywood, Mo., Sept. 2, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; appointed bu- Privates. Lawrence .... Hartford Prairie City . . Burlington. .. Brooklyn Ottumwa Lawrence Brooklyn Kanaas City, Mo . . Ohio City Big Stranger.. Fort Scott.... Burlington . . . Lawrence Prairie City.. Kanawaka. .. gler Sept. 21, '61 ; trans, to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Allen, Jeremiah Armstrong, Andrew J., Basinger, Peter W — Basinger, William — Bradley, Milton Bradbury, Benjamin . . Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Died of dis.. Ft. Scott, Dec. 15, '61. Promoted Sergt. Sept. 26, '61. Promoted Corp. July 28, '61. July 24, '61 Nov. 24, '61 Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan, Benedict, Walter F... Biglow, Moses Booth, Edward Feb. 12, '62 Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Nov. 29, '61. Feb. 12, '62 Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Feb. 12, '62 Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Bushnell, Wellington, Feb. 12, '62 Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Cansdell, Argent Conant, Lorendus Coleman, Charles J... July ,24, '61 Feb. 12, '62 Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. — , '61. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. — , '61. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 47 Tliird Rcginieut, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY I — Cavalry Company — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. Belong, John F Auburn July 24, '61 Jan. 6, '62 Dec. 22, '61 Sept. 8, '61 July 24, '61 Jan. 7, '62 Sept. 8, '61 July 27, '61 July 24, '61 Oct. 17, '61 Sept. 1, '61 Nov. 4, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Nov. 28, '61 July 24, '61 Oct. 8, '61 July 24, '61 Sept. 9, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Nov. 28, '61 July 24, '61 Oct. 20, '61 Sept. 9, '61 Nov. 28, '61 Oct. 8, '61 July 24, '61 Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Appointed bugler Sept. 21, '61. Promoted Q. M. Sergt. — , '61. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Dickinson, Theodore J.. .. Topeka Auburn Lawrence Ottumwa Lawrence Ottumwa .Auburn Mansfield Topeka Osage Lawrence Ottumwa Neutral Lands Kansas City, Mo. . . Lawrence Burlington. .. Prairie City.. Lawrence — Leavenworth, Ottumwa Lawrence Auburn Palmyra Elmandaro. .. Burlington. .. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9tl) Kan. Dooley, Thomas J Emerick, Joseph Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. July 24, '61 Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted 1st Sergt July 24, '61. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. French, Benjamin — Fitz, George T Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Nov. 29, '61. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Fitzpatrick, Henry . . . July 24, '61 Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Deserted, Clinton, Kan., Oct. 20, '61. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Fox William H H . Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Gibbons, Robert Gilpatrick, Marcus F.. Goodman, Thomas J., Gordon, Charles Hadlow, John W Harryman, George W., Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Feb. 12, '62 July 24, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Appointed bugler Aug. 15, '61. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. July 24, '61 Oct. 8, '61 July 24, '61 Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Dropped as des., Dec. 10, '61 ; Henry, William was later taken up in Co. C, 9th Kan. Cav. (Killed in action June 17, '63.) Killed in a., Drywood, Mo., Sept. 2, '61. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Hill, Elezur July 24, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. July 24, '61. Hitchcock, Betheuel.. Hobo, Philip Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. "Drummed out," Oct. 3. '61. Hoover, John J Hunter, George Hyde, James C Jackson, Brice A Jones, Thomas B Jordan, Quincy A July 24, '61 Feb. 12, '62 Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. July 24, '61. Tran.-:^ferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Tran-sferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Feb. 12, '62 Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. 48 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Third Reg^iiiient, Kansas Voluiiteiers. COMPANY I — Cavalry Company — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. Julian, Thomas B Knowlton, Atwood J. Lebo, James Lee, Joseph , Leonard, Orletus . McCormac, David T. C. McDaniel, Jesse Macey, Robert E Mahaffey, Daniel E. March, William P .. Mayrley, Lewis Meinhaus, William H. Mapleton. ... Ottumwa. ... Elmandarc Auburn Lawrence .. Burlington. Elmandaro... Minton, John Palmer, BarnabusD. Pearson, Jeremiah . . . Phillips, Aaron W. . . Phillips, William T. Quiett, James H Rice, Benjamin W. . . Rhodes, Elnathan .. Rliodes, William Rogers, John. Rote, Thomas H.. Shawbell, John G. Strange, Robert Slayton, WiUiam W.. Strawn, James C. Scott, Charles C . Scott, Henry , Ottumwa Prairie City. Ottumwa.... Lawrence Leavenworth Le Roy , Hartford . Lawrence , Ottumwa.. Brooklyn. Ottumwa. Independence, Ottumwa.. Twin Mounds, Kan.City.Mo. Aug. 22, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Nov. 26, '61 Nov. 4, '61 July 24, '61 Oct. 8, '61 Nov. 2, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Nov. 29, '61 July 24, '61 Sept. 8, '61 July 24, '61 Aug.lS, '61 Sept. 19, '61 July 24, '61 Sept. 8, '61 July 24, '61 July 25, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 5, '61 Nov. 28, '61 Oct. 13, '61 Sept. 9, '61 Sept. 8, '61 July 24, '61 Oct, 1, '61 Aug. 22, '61 Aug. 7, '61 July 24, '61 Feb. 12, '62 Aug. 7, '61 Feb. 12, '62 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 15, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Aug."7,''6i Aug. 5, '61 Oct. 17, '61 Feb. 12, '62 July 24. '61 Feb. 12, '62 Discharged for dis. Sept. 8, '61. Promoted Corp. Nov. 29, '61. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C,'9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. — , '61. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Probably should be " Myerly." Trans, to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Deserted, Fort Scott, Nov. 18, '61. Promoted Sergt. — , '61. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Seri?t. July 25, '61. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Diedof dis.,Osawatomie,Kan., Dec. 10, '61. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Deserted at Springfield, Mo., Nov. 5, '61. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Third Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY I— Cavalry Company — Concludkd. 49 Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. Stoker, William E.... Shull, William H Thomas, James B Updegraff, Herman... UpdegrafE, Samuel.... Van Wirt, Jacob L. .. Ward, William Wetzell, Charles M.... Whelan, Cyrus W Williamson, Walter S., Wooten, John Wylan, Peter Yeager, William... Ottumwa Le Roy Topeka Elmandaro... Geneva Burlington. .. Harrisonville, Mo., Lawrence Ottumwa Denver, Colo. DeSoto Emporia Nov. 29, '61 Sept. 9, '61 July 24,61 Aug. 7, '61 Nov. 2, '61 July 24, '61 Sept. 9, '61 Nov. 4, '61 July 24, '61 Sept. 8, '61 Aug. 9, '61 July 24, '61 Nov. 24, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 7, '61 July 24, '61 Feb. 12, '62 July 24, '61 Aug. 9, '61 July 24, '61 Nov. 24, '61 Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan, Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida' tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Killed at Maple Creek, Mo., Oct. 25, '61. Died of dis., Mound City, Kan., Jan. 1, '62. 50 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Third Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY K— Cavalet Company. This company was knowu as " Vansickle's Company of Independent Scouts," and was irregu- larly organized. When Third Kansas Regiment was merged in other organizations it was as- signed to Sixth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry as Company I, but during July or August, 1^62, was mustered out, and is not accounted for in the rolls of the Sixth Kansas Cavalry — Company I of that organization having been organized in the spring of 1863, and is not identical with this company. Name and rank. Where joined. Date of enrollment. Date of remuster. Remarks. Captain. John H. Vansickle. . First Lieutenant. Charles W. Ford . . . . Second Lieutenant. Wilson W. Wright . . . First Sergeant. Adams, Sidney P. . . Stanfield, David. Sergeants. Anderson, William C. Atkinson, Alfred Wells, Augustine Key, Carter R Corporals. Backman, John J Backman, Clement C. Anderson, John R Osborn, Luther Hobart, Guy C Osborn, Robert Starr, John Withers, Andrew J — Privates. Adams, Sidney P Fort Lincoln , Camp Brown, Fort Lincoln, Fort Lincoln, Fort Lincoln, Oct. 10, '61 Nov. 30, '61 Oct. 10, '61 Oet. 11, '61 Oct. 10, '61 Oct. 10, '61 Feb. 10, '62 Feb, 10, '62 Feb. 10, '62 Feb. 10, '62 Feb. 10, '62 Fort Lincoln, Oct. 10, '61 Feb. 10, '62 Oct. 11, '61 Fort Lincoln, Oct. 11, '61 Feb. 10, '62 Captain from enrollm't ; trans, to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation.* First Lieutenant from enroll- ment ; trans, to Co. 1, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Second Lieutenant from en- rollment; trans, to Co. I, 6tk Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation.* Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Serg. ; red. to rks. Nov. 30, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Serg. Nov. 30, '61 ; trans, to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation.* Enrolled private ; pro. Sergt. ; trans, to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidatien.* Enrolled private ; pro. Sergt. ; trans, to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation.* Enrolled private; pro. Sergt.; trans, to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation.* Enrolled private ; pro. Sergt. ; trans, to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation.* Enrolled private ; pro. Corp. ; trans, to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation.* Enrolled private; pro. Corp.; trans, to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation.* Enrolled private ; pro. Corp. ; trans, to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation.* Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. ; trans, to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation.* Enrolled pvt. : pro. Corp. ; trans, to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation.* Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. ; trans, to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation.* Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. ; trans, to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation.* Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. ; trans, to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation.* Promoted 1st Sergt. ; red. to rks. Nov. 30, '61 ; trans, to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation.* * The company, having been irregularly mustered, was mustered out about August 1, 1862, i is not accounted for in the records of Sixth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry. and is not accounted Boll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 61 Third Resiineut, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY K — Cavalry Company — Continued. Name and rank. Where joined. Date of enrollment. Date of remuster. Remarks. Priratcs. Allen, Samuel, .. Fort Lincoln Alsop, Levi Anderson, William C. Anderson, John R. Atkinson, Alfred Atchison, John Backman, Clement C. Backman, John J Baker, Nathan Bay less, Jacob Berry, Green C Beachamp, Jesse Carter, Joseph S Casner, William H.. .. Chaney, Pascal S Cooper, William Copeland, John H Dodge, Otis Edwards, William N.. Ellis, Martin O Flemming, Mordecai. . Gailey, Smith Hamilton, Thomas . .. Hammond, Frederick, Hobart, Guy C Hobson, Winton Howerton, Lee Huddleston, James. .. Fort Lincoln, Fort Scott.... Fort Lincoln, Fort Scott. . . . Fort Lincoln, WestPoint,Mo, Fort Lincoln, Mound City.. Fort Lincoln, O.sawatomie.. Fort Lincoln, Fort Scott.... Nov. 25, '61 Oct. 28, '61 Sept. 1, '61 Oct. IQ, '61 Dec. 31, '61 Oct. 10, '61 Oct. 14, '61 Sept. 24, '61 Nov. 18, '61 Oct. 18, '61 Oct. 14, '61 Oct. 10, '61 Nov. 25, "61 Oct. 15, '61 Oct. 24, '61 Dec. 30, '61 Oct. 10, '61 Dec. 16, '61 Oct. 10, '61 Oct. 14, '61 Dec. 9, '61 Oct. 10, '61 Fort Lincoln, Oct. 14, '61 Feb. 10, '62 Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* \^.. Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Promoted Sergt. Promoted Corp. Promoted Sergt. Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Promoted Corp. • Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* ( See Co. L, 6th Kan.) Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* (See Co. I, 6th Kan. Cav.) Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Promoted Corp. Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* *This company, having been irregularly mustered, was mustered out about August 1, 1862 and is not accounted for in the records of the Sixth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry. 52 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Third Reg-iiiient, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY K — Cavalry Company — Continued. Name and rank. Privates. Johnson, Joseph. Key, Carter R.. Keyes, Jotham . Lanford , Alfred Love, Charles McClarney,WilliamH, McClung, James Markham, Solon Marrow, Charles Martin, John H Mason, Charles Mills, Robert H Nedham, Merritt Osborn, Luther. Osborn, Robert., Ott, Abram Ott, Michael Packett, Joseph W. . . . Keeds, John Reeves, William M Rice, John I Roden, William Bosbery , James Russell, James Russell, Preston D .. . . Starr, James Starr, John Where joined. Fort Lincoln, Mound City.. Fort Lincoln Mound City.. Fort Lincoln, Camp Dsfiance . . . . Fort Lincoln, Mound City., Fort Lincoln Fort Scott..., Fort Lincoln Mound City. Fort Lincoln, Date of enrollment. Sept. 1, '61 Oct. 10, '61 Oct. 28, '61 Nov. 25, '61 Oct, 10, '61 Oct. 25, '61 Oct. 10, '61 Nov. 16, '61 Sept. 23, '61 Jan. 21, '62 Oct. 10, '61 Oct. 11, '61 Dec. 17, '61 Oct. 29, '61 Sept. 26, '61 Nov. 9, '61 Oct. 10, '61 Oct. 14, '61 Oct. 18, '61 Dec. 16, '61 Oct. 10, '61 Oct. 29, '61 Oct. 11, '61 Date of remuster. Feb. 10, '62 Remarks. Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Promoted Corp. Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consnlida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Promoted Corp. Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan, Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan, Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan, Vol. Cav.; date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan, Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Promoted Corp. * This company, having been irregularly mustered, was and is not accounted for in the records of the Sixth Kansas mustered out about August 1, 1862, Volunteer Cavalry. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 53 Third. Reg'iuient, Volunteer Infantry, COMPANY K — Cavalry Company — Concluded. Name and rank. Privates. Stanbrook, Andrew... Stanbrook, Mathias.. Stanfield, David Smart, Greenberg Senteny, Orsemas Stevenson, John Smith, Edmond H Smith, John Smith, William E Simmons, John W. H. Scott, Henry M Slough, John P Teagae, John Trim, Charles Thomas, John Totolles, Martin Yorhees, George W Wells, Augustine Withers, Andrew J. . . . Withers, John Withers, William D. . . Williams, Amaziah. .. Williams, William D.. Wilson, John Wines, John Wright, Jasper Woolf , Joseph Where joined. Osceola, Mo. Fort Lincoln Mound City. Fort Lincoln Mound City.. Fort Lincoln Date of enrollment. Oct. 22, Oct. 27, Oct. 10, Sept. 22, Oct. 29, Oct. 18, Dec. 16, Sept. 6, Oct. 10, Sept. 22, Dec. 16, Oct. 10, Oct. 14, Oct. 2, Sept. 21, Oct. 6, Sept. 16, Oct. 10, Oct. 11, Oct. 10, Oct. 28, '61 Sept. 21, '61 Sept. 22, '61 Sept. 28, '61 Oct. 18, '61 Date of remuster. Feb. 10, '62 Remarks. Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan Vol. Cav., date of consolida tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan Vol. Cav., date of consolida tion.* Promoted 1st Sergt. Nov. 30 •61. Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan Vol. Cav., date of consolida tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan Vol. Cav., date of consolida tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan Vol. Cav., date of consolida tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan Vol. Cav., date of consolida tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan Vol. Cav., date of consolida tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan Vol. Cav., date of consolida tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan Vol. Cav., date of consolida tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan Vol. Cav., date of consolida tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan Vol. Cav., date of consolida tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan Vol. Cav., date of consolida tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan Vol. Cav., date of consolida tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan Vol. Cav., date of consolida tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan Vol. Cav., date of consolida tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan Vol. Cav., date of consolida tion.* Promoted Sergt. Promoted Corp. Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav,, date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* Killed in a. at Butler, Mo., Dec. 14, '62. Transferred to Co. I, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion.* ♦This company, having been irregularly mustered, was mustered out about the 1st of August, 1862, and is not accounted for in the records of the Sixth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry. 54 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Third Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. ARTILLERY COMPANY. This company was originally Company G (Artillery), Third Kansas Volunteers. After January 1, 1862, was known as "Artillery Company, Third Kansas Volunteers," and was later consolidated with First Kansas Battery.— S. O. No. 42, District of Kansas, April 24, 1862. Name and rank. Captain. Thomas Bickerton. First Lieutenant. N orman Allen Second Lieutenant, Hartson R. Brown... Fimt Sergeant. Cook, John B Q. M. Sergeant. Lloyd, Alfred J Sprague, Shelby. Sergeants. Riley, Thomas.. Kearney, Michael. Caveness, Alpheus A. B . . Rundlett, Henry.. Corporals. Irwin, Crassey K. Willey, Fletcher A.. Thomas, Edward P. Horner, Thomas M. Bugler. Lowe, Eli C... Artificer, Haney, Daniel. Privates. Brady, James.. . Cartwright, Clark . Caveness, Alpheus A. B . . . Cone, Leander W. Cook, John B Residence. Lawrence , Lawrence Auburn. Auburn Prairie City.. Mound City.. Baldwin City, Prairie City. Blooming Groves . Baldwin City Auburn. Date of enrollment. July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 22, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Jan. 31, '62 July 24, '61 Aug. 3, '61 July 24, '61 Date of muster. July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 22, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Jan. 31, '62 July 24, '61 Aug. 3, '61 July 24, '61 Remarks. Captain from enrollm't; mus- tered out Feb. 15, '62, order W. D. First Lieutenant from enroll- ment ; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Second Lieutenant from en- rollment: mustered out Feb. 15, '62, order W. D. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt* July 24, '61 ; trans, to 1st Kan- Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro.Q.M.Sergt. : pro. Regtl. Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 1, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Co. Q. M. Sergt.' Sept. 30, '61 ; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat. as Sergt. Apr. 24, '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. ; red. to rks. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. July 24, '61 ; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. July 24, '61 ; red. to rks. Enrolled pvt.; pro. Sergt. Jan. 1, '62; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61 ; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat, Apr. 24, '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61; red. toi-ks. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61 ; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 24, '61 ; red. to rks. Enrolled pvt. ; app'ted bugler ; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat. as pvt. Apr. 24, '62. Enrolled pvt. ; appointed artf. ; retd. to rks. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan, Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Promoted Sergt. ; red. to rks. ; trans, to Ist Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '6i. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Promoted to 1st Sergt. July 24, '61. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 55 Third Kegiineut, Kansas Volunteers. ARTILLERY COMPANY -Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. Darity, James Dixon, William. .. Dodd, Samuel Evans, David Flemming, Jacob. Fuller, Josiab Gray, John S Gilliland, William. Haney, Daniel Hambaugh, George W Hanley , Horace Harris, John P Helm, Thomas N .., Horner, Thomas M Irwin, Crassey K. Jones, Jonathan. Jones, Lewis B.. . Kearney, Michael. Keller, Harvey.. . . Leonard, James Lowe, Eli C Lloyd, Alfred J.... McNett, Jeremiah , Macy, Eberley Dec. 23, '61 July 24, "61 Dec. 23, '61 July 24, '61 Baldwin City Mound City . Sept. 5, '61 Sept. 5, '61 July 24, '61 July 24, '61 Osawatomie. Leavenworth. Lawrence .... Lawrence... . Auburn . . . Lawrence , Markham, Thomas Moore, Ezra Mueller, Henry Myers, Ernest Pinneo, Avery D . . . Reinerman, Matthias, Riley, Thomas Shawneetown Mound City Rundlett, Henry C. Shaw. William D... Sprague, Richard... Sprague, Shelby Spencer, Madison,. Stephens, David B Prairie City.. Aug. 3, '61 Dec. 2, '61 Aug. 22, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 22, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 22, '61 July 24, '61 Jan. 31, '62 Aug. 22, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 3, '61 July 24, '61 Oct. 21, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 22, '61 Sept. 23, '61 July 24, '61 Dec. 23, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Dec. 2, '61 Aug. 22, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 22, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 22, '61 July 24, '61 Jan. 31, '62 Aug. 22, '61 July Aug. July Oct. July 24, '61 3, '61 24, '61 21, '61 24, '61 Aug. 22, '61 Sept. 23, '61 July 24, '61 Dec. 23, '61 July 24, '61 Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. - Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Deserted Dec. 24, '61. Appointed artf. ; retd. to rks ; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. ' Promoted Corp. ; red. to rks. ; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Promoted Corp. July 24, '61. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '82. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Promoted Sergt. July 24. '61. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Appointed bugler ; retd. to rks. and trans, to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Promoted Co. Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 1, '61. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Probably should be "Massey." Trans, to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24. '62. Promoted Sergt. ; red. to rks. ; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Promoted Sergt. Jan. 1, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Promoted Co. Q. M. Sergt. Sept. 30, '61. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. 56 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Third Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. ARTILLERY COMPANY -Concluded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. Smith, Charles Trent, James B Tinkham, Andrew. . . Thomas, Edward P. Van Horn, John C Walton, Eli Welch, Preston C... Willey, Fletcher A.. Wood, Melvin. Mound City. Osawatomie. Aug. 22, '61 Nov. 3, '61 Oct. 14, '61 July 24, '61 Feb. 3, '62 July 24, '61 Aug. 22, '61 Nov. 3, '61 Oct. 14, '61 July 24, '61 Feb. 3, '62 July 24, '61 Bat. Bat. Transferred to 1st Kan, Apr. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Apr. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Promoted Corp. July 24, '61. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Feb. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Promoted Corp. July 24, '61; red. to rks. ; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. Apr. 24, 62. Fourtli Eei>imeut, Kansas Yolunteers. The Fourth Kansas Volunteers, organized by General James H. Lane, was composed of companies of the several arms. In the spring of 1862, the Third and Fourth Kansas were consolidated, and the companies assigned as specified at the head of the roll of each company organization. FIELD AND STAFF. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Colonel. William Wear.. Wyandotte. Lieutenant Colonel. John T. Burris Olathe. Major. Otis B. Gunn . . Atchison , First Lieut, and Adjt. James A, Phillips June 20, '61 Aug. 19, '61 Dec. 31. '61 July 16, '61 Aug. 19, '61 Aug. 19, '61 Dec. 31, '61 July 16, '61 First Lieut, and Q. M. A. Larzalere Alfred Gray Surgeon, John W. Scott . Quindaro lola Assistai^t Surgeon, Edwin H. Grant George A. Miller. Chaplain. ReederM. Fish... Feb. 11, '62 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 16, '61 Jan. 15, '62 Aug. 16, '61 Feb. 17, '62 Aug. 15, '61 Jan. 17, '62 Sept. 4, '61 Colonel from enrollm't; trans, to F. and S., 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Lieutenant Colonel from en- rollment ; trans, to F. and S., 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Major from enrollment; trans, to F. and S., 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Adjutant from enrollment; trans, to F. and S., 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Assigned to 3rd Indian Home Guards. Quartermaster from enroll- ment; trans, to F. and S., 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Surgeon from enrollm't ; trans. to F. and 8., 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. Co. F; pro. As- sistant Surgeon Sept. 1, '61 ; disc, at Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 26, '62, order of General Hunter. Assistant Surgeon from enroll- ment; mustered out Apr. 19, '62. Chaplain from enrollment; no record of muster-out on file. (57) 58 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Fourth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. NONCOMMISSIONED STAFF. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Sergeant Major. Thomas M. Laws... Troy. Benjamin Wheeler. Aug. 13, '61 July 20, '61 Aug. 13, '61 July 20, '61 Q. M. Sergeant, John Landis Caleb A. Wood worth, Commissary Sergt. Henry E. Palmer Atchison Leavenworth, Alexander B. Simmons . Drum Major. Nathaniel D. Bingham. . . Humboldt.... Hospital Steward. Daniel L. Chandler. . Aug. 13, '61 July 16, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 16, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 17, '61 Aug. 13, '61 July 16, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 16, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Enrolled pvt. Co. F ; pro. Sergt. Maj. Aug. 18, '61 ; red. to rks. and trans, to Co. F Sept. 11, '61. Enrolled pvt. Moonlight's Ar- tillery Co. ; pro. Sergt. July 20, '61 : pro. 1st Sergt. Sept. 8, '61 : red. to rks. at own re- quest Oct. 8, '61 ; pro. Sergt. Maj. Nov. 1, '61; red. to rks. and trans, to 1st Kan. Bat., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. Co. F; pro. 1st Sergt. Aug. 15, '61 ; pro. Regtl. Q. M. Sergt. ; red. to rks. at own request Feb. 28, '62, and trans, to Co. F. Enrolled pvt. Co. B ; pro. Regtl. Q. M. Sergt. Sept. 1, '61 ; red. to rks. and trans, to Co. B at date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. Co.— ; pro. Regtl. Com. Sergt. Sept. 7, '61 ; disc. Apr. 19, '62. Enrolled pvt. Co. C ; pro. Regtl. Com. Sergt. Nov. 14, '61 ; red. to rks. and assigned to Co. C. Enrolled pvt. Co. F ; pro. Drum Maj. Oct. 12, '61; mustered out Apr. 19, '62. Enrolled pvt. Woodruff's Artil- lery Detachment ; appointed Hosp. Stew. Aug. 17, '61 ; red. to rks. and trans, to Co. H., 10th Kan. Vol. Inf.. date of consolidation. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 59 Fourth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY A— Infantry Company. Organized in Wyandotte county in July, 1861. When the Third and Fourth Kansas regi- ments were consolidated, a portion of Company A was transferred to the First Kansas Battery, but the larger portion was consolidated with Company H, and became Company G, Tenth Kan- sas Infantry. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Captain. James H. Harris. First Lieutenant. William C. Harris.. ., Second Licutejuint. John C. Anderson Wyandotte. Wyandotte, First Sergeant. Anderson, John C Grant, William. Sergeants. Lennon, John J. , Molton, William. Galvin, James . Boone, Daniel Corporals. Mitchell, James . Powell, Richard. Harris, Mortimer C. . Saylor, Benjamin F. . Nicholas, Anderson W Privates. Anderson, John C Angela, William H.. Alexander, Joseph Alexander, Lycurgus. Doniphan.. Wyandotte. Kansas City, Mo. Wyandotte. July 12, '61 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 July 17, '61 July 12, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 12, '61 July 25, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 12, '61 Oct. 1, '61 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 July 17, '61 July 12, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 12, '61 July 25, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 12, '61 Captain from enrollment : mus- tered out as Capt. Mar. 2, '62, at consolidation of M and 4th Regts. ; mustered in as 1st Lt. Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. 1st Lt. Nov. 15, '61 ; mustered out March 4, '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. July — , '61 ; pro. 2nd Lt. Nov. 6, '61 ; mustered out Mar. 4,'62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. July — , '62 ; pro. 2nd Lt. Nov. 6, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. Nov. 6, '61 ; red. to rks. Mar. 4, '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Aug. 18, '61 ; trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Nov. 6, '61 ; trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., as pvt., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Nov. 6, '61; trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., as pvt., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Nov. 6, '62; trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., as pvt., date of consolidation ; deserted at Wyandotte, Mar. 17, '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 25, '61 ; trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Aug. 17, '61 ; trans, to Co. Q, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 6, '61; trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 6, '61 ; red. to rks. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 6, '61. ( Dropped from roll per G. O. No. 18, Dept. of Kan.. Aug. 5, '62.) Trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Promoted 1st Sergt. from en- rollment. Acting Q. M. Sergt. ; died at Wyandotte, Kan., Feb. 28, '62. Died at Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 24, '61. Died at Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 15, '61. 60 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Fourth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY A — Infantry Company — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster,, Remarks. Privates. Barnett, Gadsden. county Blackford, Samuel. Boone, Daniel Brown, Leander. Burke, George .. Burris, John — Carlin, William. W.vandotte. .. Coffey county Ohio City .... Corey, James . ., DeShane, John Elliott, John..., Franz, Andrew. Fenton, John . . Galvin, James . Grant, William. Graham, William H. Griffin, William Wyandotte. . Sugar Creek. Wyandotte. . Doniphan .... Kan.City,Mo Harris, Mortimer C Harris, William C .., Hicks, William , Holden, Richard . Johnson, Allen. Johnson, Charles C. Wyandotte. Wyandotte.. Oct. 21, '61 July 12,61 Oct. 31, '61 July 15, '61 July 12, '61 Oct. 22, 61 Feb. 1, '62 Aug. 10, '61 July 12, '61 Dec. 17, '61 Aug. 10, '61 t July 17, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 12, '61 Dec. 21, '61 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 12, '61 Mar. 4, '62 Aug. 10, '61 July 17, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 12, '61 July 12, '61 Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kap. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion ; (des. Apr. 9, '62), Promoted Sergt. Nov. 6, '61 ; trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., as pvt., date of consoli- dation; (des. at Wyandotte, Mar. 17, '62). ( See Woodruff's Artillery De- tachment.) Trans, to 1st Kan. Bat. at date of consoli- dation. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. ( See Woodruff's Artillery De- tachment.) Trans, to 1st Kan. Bat., date of consolida- tion. Died of dis. at Wyandotte, Jan. 14, '62. (See Woodruff's Artillery De- tachment.) Trans, to 1st Kan. Bat. at date of consoli- dation. ( See Woodruff's Artillery De- tachment.) Trans, to 1st Kan. Bat. at date of consoli- dation. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. ( Des. at Wyandotte, Mar. 7, '61.) Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan, Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. Nov. 6, '61; trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan.Vol. Inf , as pvt., date of consoli- dation. Promoted 1st Sergt. Nov. 6, '61 ; red. to rks. Mar. 4, '62 ; trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Deserted Jan. 31, '62. (Was probably murdered by rebel neighbors in Clay Co., Mo., Oct. '61, and was not a de- serter.) Promoted Corp. Nov. 6, '61. Promoted 1st Lt. Nov. 15, '61. ( See Woodruff's Artillery De- tachment.) Trans, to 1st Kan. Bat. at date of consoli- dation. (See Woodruft''s Artillery De- tachment.) Trans, to 1st Kan. Bat. at date of consoli- dation. (See Woodruff's ArtiUery De- tachment.) Trans, to 1st Kan. Bat. at date of consoli- dation. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 61 Fourth Regiwient, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY A— Infantet Company — ConclIjded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks P7ivates. Klinefogle, Charles. Wyandotte. Lonnon, John J . . . . Lennon, Thomas.. Lewis, David. Littlechief, John.. McCully, John H . McKirk, William., Mitchell, James .. Molton, William.. Kan. City, Mo, Wyandotte. .. Nicholas, Anderson W, Powell, James Powell, Richard . Rick, Mathias ... Saylor, Benjamin F. .. Saylor, Zachariah Shambeck, George J.. Tracy, John Wyandotte. Manhattan. Wyandotte. Ogden . July 12, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 12, '61 Wyandotte. Welch, Frederick. Williams, Jacob . . Wilson, William. Dec. 27, '61 July 25, '61 July 12, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 12, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 17, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 12, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 12, '61 July 15, '61 July 12, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 12, '61 July 25, '61 July 12, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 12, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 17, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 12, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 12, '61 Jan. 1, '62 Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. Aug. 18, '61, Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. (See Woodruff's Artillery De- tachment.) Trans, to Ist Kan. Bat., date of consolida- tion. ( Indian.) ( See Woodruff's Artillery De- tachment. ) (Indian.) Re- ported on sick furlough Mar. 2, '62 ; no further record. Deserted at Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 2, '61. Deserted at Wyandotte, Kan., Jan. 12, '62. Promoted Corp. July 25, '61. Promoted Sergt. Nov. 6, '61; trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., aspvt., date of con- solidation. Promoted Corp. Nov. 6, '61. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Aug. 17, '61. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan, Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Nov. 6, '61; trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion, as pvt. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. (See Woodruff's Artillery De- tachment.) Trans, to 1st Kan. Bat. at date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Deserted at Wyandotte. Kan., Jan. 3, '62, (See Woodruff's Artillery De- tachment.) Trans, to 1st Kan. Bat., date of consolidation. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat., date of consolidation. 62 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Fourth Regrinient, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY B — Infantry Company. This company was organized at Atchison, by Capt. Matthew Quigg. In March, 1862, it was consolidated with Company H, and became Company B, Tenth Kansas Volunteer Infantry. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Captain. Matthew Quigg. Atchison . First Lievtenant. Seth M. Tucker Atchison , Second Liettienant, David Whitaker Topeka, First Sergeant, Smith, Joseph Serfieants, Marcus, Moses Outis, Allen T Weed, George W Rebner, Charles D . . . Corporals, Patten, James A. Fort leayen worth, Atchison , July 16, '61 July 16, '61 July 16, '61 July 26, '61 July 16, '61 July 16, '61 July 16, '61 July -, '61 July 26, '61 July 16, '61 Topeka. Atchison Atchison., Whitaker, BenjaminF. Pardee., Long, John A Sanders, William. Atchison. Privates, Bailey, George R.. . Barth, Casper Brigel, Charles Carmine, James H. Atchison Westport.iMo. Atchison Seneca July 16, '61 July 23, '61 July 16, '61 July 16, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 16, '61 July 16, '61 July 23, '61 July 16, '61 July 16, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 16, '61 Captain from enrollment; trans, to Co. B, 10th Kan.Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. First Lieutenant from enroll- ment; trans, to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 2nd Lt. ; trans, to Co.B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. from enrollment; trans, to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. from enrollment; trans, to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. from enrollment; trans, to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. from enrollment; appointed Ord- nance Sergt. Oct. 5, '61 ; retd. to Co. — ; trans, to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. from enrollment ; red. to rks. date of consolidation ; trans, to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. from date of enrollment; trans, to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. from date of enrollment ; trans, to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. from date of enrollment; trans, to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp, from date of enrollment ; trans, to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation; de- serted April 19, '62. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Fourth Kegrinient, Kansas Yoluiitcers. COMPANY B — Infantey Company — Continued. 63 Name and rank. Privates. Childers, George W... Cliilders, Lewis Comstock, Cyrus Cook, John Deecke, Louis Dreves, Ludwig Evans, Charles Flad, JohnM Flynn, Frank Hart, Charles Hawke, Herbert Henry, Benjamin F. . Hodin, Valentine. Jager, John Jaiser, Jacob Kline, Adam Residence. Pardee , Atchison. Kan. City, Mo. Atchison. Kan. City, Mo Atchison. Long, John A McCreery, WiUiam H. H. McDonald, William. . McNamare, Archibald Marcus, Moses Masters, Charles H. .. May, Enoch E Kan. City, Mo. Atchison. Pardee.... Atchison. May, David May, William J Motes, Joseph Harvey —5 Pardee DeKalb, Mo. Pardee Atchison Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. July 24, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 16, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 17, '61 July 16, '61 July 19, '61 July 16, '61 Aug. 19, '61 July 16, '61 Aug. 10, '61 Jan. 6, '62 July 23, '61 Aug. 1, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 16, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 16, '61 July 24, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 16, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 17, '61 July 16, '61 July 19, '61 July 16, '61 July 16, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 23, '61 Aug. 1, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 16, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 16, '61 Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B.lOth Kan. Vol. inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred toCo. B, lOth Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, lOth Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, lOth Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Deserted Aug. 26, '61 ; retd. to duty Oct. 2S, '61 ; des. again Jan. ^9, '62. Transferred to Co. B, lOth Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B,10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Deserted Feb. 16, '62. Evidently returned to duty. Trans, to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Name also as "Hotin." Trans to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf. date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. from date of enrollment. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt, from date of enrollment. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of cons. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. B,10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., daet of cons. 64 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Fourth Reg^iment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY B — Infantey Company — Concluded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates, Murray, James Outis, Allen J Patton, James A Pfhal, John Perkins, William.... Price, Harvey Randall, Byron W... Rebner, Charles D... Reynolds, Charles A. Riley, Alexander Rhodebaugh, Thomas S.. Rochet, Louis Sanders, William Smith, Joseph Snyder, George W Souther, Louis Treffy, Frederick Turner, James S Walker, William Weed, George W Witcher, John Whitaker, Benjamin F.. . . Whitaker, David Whitaker, Frederick S.. . . Wider, Marion Woodworth, Caleb A. . Atchison . Aug. 10, '61 July 16, '61 Topeka Pardee Atchison Fort Leavenworth Atchison Aug. 23, '61 July 16, '61 July 23, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 23, '61 July 16, '61 July 26, '61 July 23, '61 July 16, '61 Topeka Atchison..... Pardee Topeka Atchison Mt. Pleasant, Atchison Aug. 10, July 16, '61 Aug. 23, July 16, July 23, Aug. 1, July 23, July 16, July 26, July 23, '61 '61 '61 '61 '61 July 16, '61 Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. from date of enrollment. Promoted Corp. from datejof enrollment. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred toCo. B, 10th Kan, Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. date of en- rollment : red. to rks. date of consolidation ; trans, to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan, Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. from date of enrollment. Promoted 1st Sergt. from date of enrollment. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. This name also appears as "Sutter." Trans, to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf , date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. from date of enrollment. This name also appears as "Vitcher." Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Inf., date of consolidation. Promoted Corp. from date of enrollment. Promoted 2d Lieut, from date of enrollment. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Acted as Q.M. Sergt. from Sept. l,'6l to date of consolidation ; trans, to Co. B. 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of cons. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 65 Fourth Keg-iment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY C — Infantry Company. Was organized in Johnson county July 16, 1861. On March 15, 1862, it was assigned to the consolidated organization known thereafter as the "Tenth Kansas Volunteer Infantry," and became Company A of that regiment. Name and rank. Captain. Josiah E. Hayes. First Lieutenant. Thomas E. Milhoan Second Lieutenant. Fernandes H. Burris. First Sergeant. Stone, William B. . Sergeants. Hall, Harvey R.. Swart, Isaac T. Elledge, William B... Kretsinger, William O, McGannon, Thomas . . Corporals, Hartley, John H . Gardner Reed, Richard P. R.. Paola Beckett, Coleman Town, Ezra B . Paola McGannon, Thomas.. Olathe Williams, Andrew J. Residence. Olathe. Olathe. Olathe. Olathe. Kan. City, Mo, Lanesfield.. .. Black Jack. Olathe. Leavenworth, Date of enrollment. July 16, '61 July 16, '€1 July 16, '61 July 16, '61 July 16, 'S July 16, '61 Date of muster. July 16, '61 July 16, '61 July 16, '61 July 16, '61 July 16, '61 July 16, '61 Remarks. Captain from enrollm't ; trans, to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. First Lieutenant from enroll- ment-trans, to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. ^econd Lieutenant from en- rollment; trans, to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. ; trans, to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. S^rgt. ; trans, to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt.; pro. Sergt.; trans, to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt.; pro. Sergt.; trans, to Co. A, lOth Kan* Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. ; trans, to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. 17, '6t; trans, to Woodruff's Artillery Detachment ; trans, to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. ; trans, to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. ; trans, to Co. A., 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. at enrollment; red.torks. — '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. from enrollm't; red. to rks. — , '61. (See Woodruffs's Artillery De- tachment.) Enrolled pvt.; pro. Corp. Dec. 17, '61 ; acted as Post Adjt., Ft. Lincoln, Aug. 20, to Nov. 13, '61; pro. Sergt. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. 17, '61 ; trans, to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inft., date of con- solidation. 66 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Fourth Reg-iiiient, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY C — Infantry Company — Continued. Name and rank. Eesidence. Date of enrollment, Date of muster. Remarks. Musiciaiis. Loaid, Joseph E. Smith, James 1 Lawrence, James J. Privates. Adair, Thomas.. Anderson, John O. . . . Beckett, Coleman R . Bo wen, Addison Burgess, George W. . . Butler, Guy K Miamiville . . . Wea Gardner Olathe. Paola. . Carter, John H Collins, Benjamin F. Cox, James H Cummings, Seymour. Davis, Alpheus M . . . . Davis, Thomas B Deadrick, Benjamin . Dodge, George , Dodson, Isaiah Drammond, John H . Dunn, Barney Elledge, Joseph H — EUedge, William B. Finch, Charles H.... Friend, George... Grey, Edward H . Olathe Marysville. Olathe Leavenworth, Marysville Gardner Paola Fort Lincoln, Marysville.. .. Squiresville.. Marysville.. .. Spring Hill. . , Osawatomie. July 16, '61 July 16, '61 Aug. 18, '61 July 16, '61 Sept. 14, '61 Aug. 10, '61 Oct. 4, '61 July 16, '61 Aug. 17, '61 July 16, '61 Nov. 6, '61 Sept. 16, '61 July 16, '61 Sept. 16, '61 Sept. 19, '61 July 16, '61 July 16, '61 Aug. 18, '61 July 16, '61 Sept. 14, '61 Aug. 10, '61 Oct. 4, '61 July 18, '61 Aug. 17, '61 July 16, '61 Nov. 6, '61 Sept. 16, '61 July 16, '61 Sept, 16, '61 Sept. 19, '61 Enrolled pvt. ; app'ntd muse. July 17, '61; trans, to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inft., as pvt., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; app'ntedmusc. ; retd. to rks. at own request Nov. 4, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; app. drummer Nov. 21, '61 ; trans, to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., as pvt., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. at enrollment ; red. to rks. ; trans, to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. A. 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Deserted at Paola, Kan., Aug. 18, '61. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan, Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Deserted at Wyandotte, Kan,, March 17, '62. Acting Cliaplain at hospital, Kansas City, from Dec. 17, '61 ; trans, to Co. A, 10th Kan. Inf., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida-, tion. Promoted Sergt. Transferred toCo. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Boll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Fourth Regfiiiient, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY C — Infantry Company — Continued. 67 Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. Gilbert, Samuel N Grover, Jacob Grover, William Hall, Harvey R Ham, Perry Hammond, John H . . . Hartley, John H Harting, Frederick. .. Hayes, John E Heir, James P Hughes, Randolph . .. Hurley, Benjamin F.. Kretsinger, David L.. Kretsinger, William O. Kitzmilier, George W. Lawrence, James J.. Leary, Cornelius Loaid, Joseph E McClaren, James McCullough, William McQannon, Thomas., McGill, Squire F Mcllwain, William C. Mensee, William E. . . . Miller, Jonathan S . .. Noteman, Alden Payne, Bena jah Osawatomie Fort Scott..., Fort Lincoln, Kan. City, Mo Olathe Gardner Black Jack... Olathe Black Jack... Marysville . .. Black Jack... Squiresville.. Gardner Olathe Miamiville. .. Gardner Paola Olathe. Paola Marysville . .. Wea Humboldt.. .. Sept. 16, '61 Nov. 4, '61 Nov. 15, '61 July 16, '61 July 19, '61 July 16, '61 Nov. 16, '61 Aug. 17, '61 Sept. 24, '61 July 16, '61 Aug. July 31, '61 16, '61 Aug. Nov. 24, '61 4, '61 Sept. 16, '61 Nov. 4, '61 Nov. 15, '61 July 16, '61 July 19, '61 July 16, '61 Nov. 16, '61 Aug. 17, '61 Sept. 24, '61 July 16, '61 Aug. July 31, '61 16, '61 Aug. Nov, 24, '61 4, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, iOth Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf.. date of consolida- tion. Appointed muse. Nov. 21, '61 ; trans, to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., as pvt., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Appointed muse. : trans, to Co. A, lUth Kan. Vol. Inf., as pvt., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. ^, Promoted Corp. Dec. 17, 61. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf.. date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. 68 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Fourtli Reg-iment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY C— Infantry Company —Continukd. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. Pitsch, Peter Wea Aug. 17, '61 Aug. 17, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Potter, Joseph E Sac and Foi Agency July 16, '61 July 16, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Reed, Richard P Paola ' ' ' ' Promoted Corp. Eomery, Edward W.. Le Roy Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Rose, Jonathan Squiresville.. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Swart, Isaac T Lanesfield ' ' ' ' Promoted Sorgt. Sherman, John H Sac and Fox Agency Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Simmons, Alexander B,. . . Spring Hill.. Promoted Reg. Com. Sergt. Nov. 14, '61 ; red. to rks. ; trans, to Co. A, 10th Kan.Vol, Inf., date of consolidation. Simmons, William A.. Squiresville . . July 25, '61 July 25, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Smith, Hiram G Paola July 16, '61 July 16, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Smith, James I Wea " " Appointed muse. ; red. to rks. at own request Nov, 4, '61 ; trans, to Co. A, 10th Kan.Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Smith, Sidney S Squiresville.. Aug. 16, '61 Aug, 16, '61 Died of disease at Wyandotte, Feb. 17. '62. Stone, William B Olathe July 16, '61 July 16, '61 Promoted 1st Sergt. from en- rollment. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Talbott, James N Miamiville... .. <. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Tha vis, Augustus Olathe Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolda- tion. Treblett, George Thompson, John W, . . Wyandotte . . . Sept. 22, '61 July 16, '61 Deserted at Wyandotte, Jan. July 16, '61 16, '62. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Town, Ezra B Paola ' ' * * Promoted Corp. from enroll- ment ; red. to rks. — ; trans. to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Tyler, Basil W Fort Scott... Sept. 22, '61 Sept. 22, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan, Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Umphries, David Olathe July 16, '61 July 16, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan" Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Umphries, Linville. .. Aug. 17, '61 Aug. 17, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Vreeland, Charles E. . Gardner July 16, '61 July 16, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Waddell, George G.... Wyandotte . . . Dec. 18, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Wager, Elliott C Paola July 16, '61 July 16, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Wallace, William G... Olathe July 19, '61 July 19, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Walker, William Shawneetown Jan. 25, '62 Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Williams, Andrew J.,. Leavenworth July 16, '61 July 16, '61 Promoted Corp. Dec. 17. '61. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 69 Fourth Regiiuent, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY C — Infantey Company — Concluded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. Wilson, James Squiresville.. Aug. 17, '61 Aug. 17, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, lOtli Kan. Wilson, Owen D '■ Aug. 21. '61 Aug. 21, '61 Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Wilson, Samuel S Ang. 17, '61 Aug. 17, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol Inf., date of consolida- tion. Wingrove, Benjamin.. Wea July 16, '61 July 16, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Winkley, Frank S Miamiville. .. Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Woodcock, Absalom . . Gardner Aug. 17, '61 Aug. 17, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Woodcock, Simeon B. July 19, '61 July 19, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. 70 Boll of Officers mid Enlisted Men. Fourth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY D— Infantry Company. Originally organized July 31, 1861, as a company of Sixth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry. Trans- ferred to Fourth Kansas Volunteers, General Orders No. 3, December 31, 1861. Assigned as Com- pany D (Captain Moonlight's Company D being thereafter designated as " Moonlight's Artillery Company"). This company was mustered out in accordance with letter of instruction, Head- quarters Department of Kansas, dated Fort Leavenworth, March 4, 1862. Name and rank. Captain, Zacheus Gower . First Lieuteyiant. Michael Tippie Second Lieutenant. Daniel C. Knowles.... First Sergeant. Stephens, Robert P. .. Sergeants. Barr, Samuel Northway, Samuel N . Potter, Asberry S Wilmont, Marion L. .. Everts, Charles N Corporals. Everts, Charles N Stewart, Nicholas Brillhart,Valentine F. Forbes, Reuben J Knowles, John S Tippie, Reasin Curry, James Dye, Troy Patrick, William H... Privates. Atwood, William C. Babbit, William.... Barr, Samuel Berry, Isaac. . , Where enrolled. Fort Scott. Fort Scott. Fort Scott. . . Fort Scott... Fort Scott. Fort Scott. Fort Scott. Date of enrollment. Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 24, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Date of muster. Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 24, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Remarks. Captain from enrollment; mustered out in accordance with letter of instruction. Headquarters Dept. of Kan., Mar. 4. '62. First Lieutenant from enroll- ment ; mustered out with Co.* Second Lieutenant from en- rollment ; mustered out with Co.* Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. ; mustered out with Co.* Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Aug. 3, '61 ; red. to rks. Nov. 2, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. ; mustered out with Co.* Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. ; mustered out with Co.* Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. ; mustered out with Co.* Enrolled pvt. : pro. Corp. Aug. 3, '61 ; pro. Sergt. Nov. 2, '61 ; died of typhoid fever, at Wy- andotte, Kan., Feb. 23, '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Aug. 3, '61 ; pro. Sergt. Nov. 2, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Aug. 3; '61 ; died of typhoid fever, at home, near Fort Scott, Jan. 26, '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. ; mustered out with Co.* Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. ; mustered out with Co.* Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. ; mustered out with Co.* Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. ; mustered out with Co.* Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. ; mustered out with Co.* Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 2, '61 ; mustered out with Co.* Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 2, '61 ; mustered out with Co.* Mustered out with Co.* Transferred to Co. K, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., Aug 25, '61. Promoted Sergt. Aug. 3, '61 ; red. to rks. Nov. 2, '61; mus- tered out with Co.* Mustered out with Co.* ♦Company mustered out in accordance with letter of instruction. Headquarters Depart- ment of Kansas, March 4, 1862. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Fourth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY D- Infantry Company - Continded. 71 Name and rank. Privates. Berry, Martin H.. Bearce, Eli H Brewer, Alva H.. Brillhart, Peter D Brillhart, Valentine T Bowers, William Boyd, Adam Brown, Abraham B. .. Buckles, Milton A .. Clark, George W Cosley, Thomas Curry, James Dye, James A Dye, Troy Ecart, Etna Everts, Charles N.. Finn, Thomas Forbes, Reuben J. . Gannon, Lawi-ence. Gailey, David Where enrolled. Fort Scott. Gilworth, John Glines, Samuel L... Griffin, James Gower, William M. Hamilton, Thomas.... Harbin, Calvin Harris, David '.'. Harris, John H Harrington, William R... Helmerick, Frederick Hopkins, George H. B. Howard, William A... Humphreys, William.. Hutton, Basil W Jones, William H Jordan, Thomas J Kite, Absalom Knowles, John S .. Loar. Wilsons Long, Martin .'. Mc Kinney, William.. Masyan, William H... Merrill, Granderson M. Merrill, James N...!" Miller, Thomas Mintou, James Moore, Alexander Northway, Samuel N.. O'Shea, Michael Overocker, William R Patrick, William H.. Perkins, Alexander H Perkins, James W. . Phelps, William J Potter, Asberry S.. Potter, David J Potter, John M. Potter, William. '.'.'... Rafferty , James Reese, Simon Rice, James H... Robb, John M .'.' Rockwell, Erwin G... Spencer, John T Shelman, Andrew J. . Stephens, Robert P. . Stewart, Amos Stewart, Andrew J. ! '. Stewart, Joshua N.. . Stewart, Nicholas ... Stewart, William, 1st. * Company mustered o of Kansas, March 4, 1862 Date of enrollment. Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 22, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 25, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 19, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 20. '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Date of muster. Remarks. Aug. 15, '61 Mustered out with Co.* Aug. 22, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 25, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 19, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 20, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 12, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 9, '61 Aug. 4, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Dec. 10, '61 Aug._ 3, '61 Dec. 10, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 12, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. _3, '61 Jan. 10, '62 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Promoted Corp. Mustered out with Co.* Promoted Corp. Mustered out with Co.* Promoted Corp. Nov. 2, '61. Mustered out with Co.* Promoted Corp. Aug. 3, '61. Mustered out with Co.* Promoted Corp. Mustered out with Co.* Transferred to Capt. Bayne's Co. of scouts, at Fort Scott, Oct. 31, '61. Mustered out with Co.* Discharged for dis. Nov. 2, '61. Died of disease, at Fort Scott. Dec. 28, '61. Mustered out with Co.* Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Discharged for dis. Sept. 17, '61. Mustered out with Co.* Promoted Corp. Mustered out with Co.* Died of lung fever, at Wyan- . ,. ,„, I ^ dotte, Kan.. Feb. 18, '62. Aug. 15, 51 Mustered out with Co.* Aug. 25, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 20, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 22, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Oct. 31, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 25, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 20, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 22, '61 Ang. 15, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Promoted Sergt. Mustered out with Co.* Discharged for dis. Aug. 25, '61. Promoted Corp. Nov. 2, '61. Mustered out with Co.* Promoted Sergt. Discharged for dis. Aug. 22, '61. Mustered out with Co.* Deserted at Fort Scott, Aug. 31, '61. ^ Mustered out with Co.* Promoted 1st Sergt. Mustered out with Co.* Promoted Corp. Aug. 3, '61. Mustered out with Co.* ut in accordance with letter of instruction, Headquarters Department 72 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Fourth Regiment, Kausas Volunteers. COMPANY D — Infantey Company— Concluded. Name and rank. Where enrolled. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates, Stewart, William, 2d, Smith , Joseph A Scott, Ezra S Stockham, Hamilton, Stockham, William... Tippie, Reasin Trotter, Henley B Vermillion, Edward R. Vermillion, HarmanW Fort Scott. Waddel, Moses.... Waddel, William. Weeks, William T Wilcox, George E. Wilcox, William T Wickham, Thomas Willard, Albert Wilmont, Marion L Wilson, Joseph S Zellers, Levi Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Sept. 17, '61 Oct. 3, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Oct. 3, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Mustered out with Co.* Transferred to Co. D, 6th Kan., Sept. 25, '61. ( No record in 6th Kan. Vol. Cav.) Mustered out with Co.* Died of lung fever, at home, near Fort Scott, Feb. 2, '62. Promoted Corp. Died of gunshot wound rec'd in an affray at home, near Mapleton, Kan., Dec. 14, '61. Mustered out with Co.* Died of disease, in hospital at Fort Scott, Dec. 22, '61. Mustered out with Co.* Discharged for dis. Nov, 2, '61. Discharged for dis. Sept. 29, '61. Mustered out with Co.* Promoted Sergt. Mustered out with Co.* ♦Company mustered out in accordance with letter of instruction, Headquarters Depart- ment of Kansas, March 4, 1862. Eoll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 73 Fourtli Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY E — Cavalry Company. Was a cavalry organization, recruited in Wyandotte county, in July, 1861. At the time of the reorganization and consolidation of the Third and Fourth Kansas Volunteer regiments, the company was assigned to the Sixth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, and became Company A of that regiment. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Captain. George W. Veale . Topeka. First Lieutenant, Matthew W. Clary.. Second Lieutenant. John A. Johnson First Sergeant. Crooks, Thomas ... Q. M. Sergeant. Bartles, Jacob H.. . Sergeants. Smith, John T .. Howell, Thomas G. . . . Breedlove, James B. . . Wren, William H Corporals. Kleinknecht, Jacob I, Robitaile, Robert W.. McFadden, Alanson A, Wyandotte. .. Wyandotte . . . Wyandotte. .. Leavenworth, Quindaro Leavenworth, Monrovia Quindaro Wyandotte . . . Quindaro Carlton, George A Freeman, Granville P. Bennett, Benjamin T. J.. . . Quindaro .. . July 21, '61 July 21, '61 July 21, '61 July 21, '61 July 21, '61 July 21, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 21, '61 July 21, '61 July 30, '61 Aug. 12, '61 July 21, '61 July 21, '61 July 21, '61 July 21, '61 July 21, '61 July 21, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 21, '61 July 21, '61 July 30, '61 Aug. 12, '61 July 21, '61 Captain from enrollm't; trans, to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav.. date of consolidation. First Lt. from enrollm't ; trans, to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 2d Lt. July, '61; trans, to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. July 21, '61; trans, to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. July 21, '61 ; trans, to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. July 21, '61; trans, to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. July 21, '61; trans, to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Aug. 1, '61 ; trans, to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. July 21, '61; trans, to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 21, '61 ; deserted at Osceola, Mo., Oct. 24, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 21, '61 ; trans, to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 30, '61 ; trans, to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Aug. 12, '61; trans, to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 21, '61 : trans, to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 21, '61; des. at Kansas City, Nov. 1, '61. 74 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Fourtli Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY E — Cavaley Company — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Corporals. Hurd, Benjamin W. .. Quindaro July 21, '61 July 21, '61 Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. July 21, '61; trans, to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Coddall.John H Aug. 12, '61 Aug. 12, '61 Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Aug. 12, "61 ; trans, to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. McVay , James Oct. 7, '61 Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Jan. 1, '62; trans, to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Powell, Joseph E Wyandotte. .. July 21, '61 July 21, '61 Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Jan. 1, '62; trans, to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of con- solidation. Bugler. Harrison, James Leavenworth, July 31, '61 July 31, '61 Enrolled pvt. ; app. bugler — , '61 ; trans, to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. RufliQux, Louis E Kan. City, Mo. Oct. 12, '61 Enrolled pvt. ; app. bugler ; ret. to rks. J<'arrier. Lievoux, Victor Wyandotte. .. Aug. 4, '61 Aug. 4, '61 Enrolled pvt.; app. farrier; trans, to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Blacksmith, Myers, Charles C Fort Scott.... Oct. 12, '61 Enrolled pvt. ; app. black- smith Oct. 12, '61; trans, to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation. Privates. Adams, Thomas B July 21, '61 July 21, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Babbitt, James M July 23, '61 July 23, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of- consolida- tion. Bartles, Jacob H Leavenworth, July 21, '61 July 21, '61 Promoted Co. Q. M. Sergt, July 21, '61. Bearse, Joseph Hyannus, Mass. Feb. 1, '62 Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Bennett, Benjamin T. J.. . . Quindaro. July 21, '61 July 21, '61 Promoted Corp. July 21, '61. Breedlove, James B. .. Monrovia — Aug. 1, '61 Aug. 1, '61 Promoted Sergt. Aug. 1, '61. Bisbee, George M Leavenworth, July 21, '61 July 21, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Bisbee, Lucius A July 30, '61 July 30, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Bolton, Eugene C Quincy, 111 ... Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 8,' 61 Transferred to Capt. Moon- light's Art. Co. (formerly Co. D, 4th Kan. Vols.) Brown, Isaac W Oct. 7, '61 Transferred lo Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Brown, Matthew Quindaro * * Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Brumback, John Aug. 14, '61 Aug. 14, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Coats, James Iowa Point... July 30, '61 July 30, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Coats, William .. • < << Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Carlton, George A — Quindaro Aug. 12, '61 Aug. 12, '61 Promoted Corp. Aug. 12, '61. Coddall, John H ' ' * ' ' ' t . . . II Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 75 Fourth Kcgiuieiit, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY E — Cavalry Company — CoNTiNnED. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. Collins, James C. Cotter, Amos.. . Cotter, Hiram . Cotter, John H Crooks, Thomas Darling, Thomas J... Dick, Jacob Donnellj'i Joseph R. Duncan, James Duncan, John Quindaro .. Wyandotte . . Quindaro Wyandotte. . Quindaro Drysdale, William. . . Dzienbon, William.. Freeman, Granville P. Fox, William Parkville,Mo, Quindaro Grindle, Theodore Greeley, Ashley H Glenn, William Greyeyes, Silas Hanford, Joseph Hammill, Thomas. Harrison, James Hawkins, Joseph A. . Heisler, Emanuel F Herard, Francois. .. Hicks, James Hipp, Joseph Wyandotte. .. Leavenworth Quincy, 111. .. Quindaro Wyandotte . . . Leavenworth, Quindaro .... Wyandotte. .. Quindaro. Howell, Thomas G Hurd, Benjamin W. .. Ingersoll, Sutherland, Jerrell, Alfred N Leavenworth Quindaro Wyandotte. .. Quindaro July 31, '61 Oct. 7, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 21, '61 Sept. 12, '61 July 21, '61 Oct. 28, '61 July 21, '61 Aug. 10, '61 Feb. 1, '62 July 21, '61 Oct, 7, 61 Aug. 4, '61 July 21, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Oct. 7, '61 Feb. 1, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 31, '61 July 30, '61 Aug. 18, '61 Oct. 7, '61 July 21, '61 Aug. 12, '61 July 21, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 31, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 21, '61 July 21, '61 July 21, '61 Aug. 10, '61 July 21, '61 Aug. 4, '61 July 21, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 31, '61 July 30, '61 Aug. 18, '61 July 21, '61 Aug. 12, '61 July 21, '61 Aug. 1, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted 1st Sergt. July 21, '61'. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A. 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Deserted at West Point, Mo., Sept. 24, '61. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. .July 21, '61. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Capt. Moon- light's Artillery Co. Oct. 1,'61. Appointed bugler. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- • tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. No further record. (Is proba- bly error; should be "Jo- seph Nipp; " see below.) Promoted Sergt. July 21, '61. Promoted Corp. July 21, '61. Discharged at Kansas City Oct. 10, '61, order Col. Weer. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. 76 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Fourth Reg-iment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY E — Cavaley Company — Continued. Name and rank. Privates. Johnson, John A. • Karrahoo, John. . Knapp, Chauncey Ketchum, David B.. .. Kleinknecht, Jacob I. Lane, James Landrum, Benjamin L. . . Lanham, Abraham . . Lee, Thomas P Lievoux, Victor. Lowry, John — Lucas, Timothy. McCasey, Patrick. McFadden, Alanson A McGruire, Lewis A McVay, James ... Mahony, Patrick. Mayfleld, Isom. Myers, Charles C. .. Nichols, Henry B. .. Nipp, Joseph Osborn, Robert Overhulls, James E. .. Palmer, Benjamin — Peacock, George Pennington, Simeon. Petigo, Alfred T Powell, Joseph E. Reck, Benjamin F Riley, Michael H.... Robitaile, Robert W. Residence. Wyandotte. .. Quindaro Monrovia Quindaro Wyandotte. ., Atchison Leavenworth Wyandotte. Shawnee . .. Quindaro Leavenworth Fort Scott. . Leavenworth Pleasant Grove . . James' Crossing . Date of enrollment. Quindaro Wyandotte. Leavenworth, Quindaro July 21, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 21, '61 July 30, '61 Aug. 4, '61 July 27, '61 July 30, '61 Aug. 4, '61 Aug. 6, '61 July 21, '61 Aug. 18, '61 July 30. '61 July 21, '61 Oct. 7, '61 Aug. 12, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Oct. 12, '61 July 30, '61 Aug. 12, '61 Nov. 25, '61 Aug. 6, '61 July 21, '61 Oct. 7, '61 July 21, '61 July 30, '61 July 21, '61 Aug. 1, '61 Aug. 14, '61 July 21, '61 Date of muster. July 21, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 21, '61 July 30, '61 Aug. 4, '61 July 27, '61 July 30, '61 Aug. 4, '61 Aug. 6, '61 July 21, '61 Aug. 18, '61 July 30, '61 July 21, '61 Aug. 12, '61 July 30, '61 Aug. 12, '61 Aug. 6, '61 July 21, '61 July 21, '61 July 30, '61 July 21, '61 Aug. 1, '61 Aug. 14, '61 July 21, '61 Remarks. Promoted 2d Lt. July — , '61. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan, Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. July 21, '61. (Deserted.) Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Appointed farrier. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Ean. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Deserted at Fort Leaven worth, Aug. 19, '61. Promoted Corp. July 30, '61. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Jan. 1, '62. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan- Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Appointed blksm'hOct. 12, '61. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Killed in a. Sept. 22, '61, at Dry- wood, Mo. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Jan. 1, '62. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. July 21, '61. Boll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 77 Fourth Regiment, Kansas A^olunteers. COMPANY E— Cavalry Company— Concluded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. RnfF, George... Ruffieux, Louis E Russell, Benjamin F., Shafer, Samuel Sharpe, George W Wyandotte . . Kansas City, Mo . Quindaro ... Smith, John T Stil wagoner. Andrew. Solomon, John . . . Stoppani, Tobias. Vanmeter, John.. Wallis, Joseph Quindaro Parkville, Mo. Wyandotte . Quindaro .... Wernitsh, Augustus J, Wren, William H. Williams, George. Quindaro . . . Johnstown, Ohio. Wise, Edward White, Peter White, Thomas Youngheim, Eli J Wyandotte.. Atchison . . . . Quindaro ... .\ug. 4, '61 Oct. 12, '61 July 21, '61 Aug. 5, "61 July 27, '61 .July 21, "61 Feb. 1, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Oct. 7, '61 July 27, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 21, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 21, '61 July 30, '61 July 30, '61 Aug. 1, "61 Aug. 4, '61 July 21, '61 Aug. 5, '61 July 27, '61 July 21, '61 July 27, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 21, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 21, '61 July 30, '61 July 30, '61 Aug. 1, '61 Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Appointed muse. ; retd. to rks. ; trans, to Co. A, 6th Kan. Cav., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. July 21, '61. Transferred to Co, A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan' Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. V«l. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Capt. Moon- light's Art. Co. Oct. 1, '61. (See 1st Kan. Bat., "Joseph Wallace.") Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. July 21, '61. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolida- tion. 78 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Fourth Reginient, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY F— Infantry Company. Was recruited in Doniphan county, and was organized August 6, 1861. At the reorganization and consolidation of the Third and Fourth Kansas Volunteer regiments this company was as- signed as Company F of the new Tenth Kansas Volunteer Infantry. Name and rank. Captain. John J. Boyd.. . First Lieutenant. Nathan C. Price — Second Lieutenant. Cyrus Leland, jr First Sergeant. Landis, John Haskell, Andrew J. Landon, Mark T. Sergeants. Hyler, John Robb, Chauncey D. Haskell, Andrew J. . . . Cherry, George L Saxey, Alfred Corporals, Hoverson, Edward, Trant, James M . Cordonier, Victor. Stewart, Thomas.. Payne, David L. .. Smith, Charles H. Residence. Troy. Troy. Troy. Troy. Troy. Troy. Date of enrollment. Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Date of muster. Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Remarks. Captain from enroilm't ; trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. First Lieutenant from enroll- ment; trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Second Lieutenant from en- rollment; trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. Aug. 15, '61 ; pro. Regtl. Q. M. Sergt. ; red. at own request, and ret. to Co. F as pvt. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Aug. 6, '61 ; pro. 1st Sergt. Aug. 15, '61 ; red. to rks., sentence Regtl. C. M., Jan. 15, '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt, Jan. 20, '62 : trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Aug. 6, 1861 ; trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Aug. 13, '61 ; trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Aug, 6, '61 ; pro. 1st Sergt. Aug. 15, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Aug. 6, '61 ; pro. Sergt. Aug. 15, '61 ; red. to Corp. Mar. 3, '62. Enrolled pvt, ; pro. Sergt. Aug. 6, '61; trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Aug. 13, '61 ; trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Aug. 6, '61; trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Aug. 6. '61; trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol, Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Aug. 6, '61 ; red. to rks. Feb. 28, '62, Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Aug. 15, '61 ; red. to rks. Nov. 21, '61, Enrolled pvt, ; pro. Corp. Aug. 6, '61; trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 79 Fourth Keginient, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY F — Infantry Company — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrcllment. Date of muster. Remarks. Corporals. Campbell, George I. Landis, Daniel. Cherry, George L. Baublitz, Henry ^lusician. Miller, Augustus . Wagoner. McNeely, Frank . Privates. Adams, Joshua R. Anderson, Peter Baldwin, James W. Beall, Andrew Beall, Lloyd Berry, David R. Berry, Francis. Baublitz, Henry Bower, Jonas . . . Brogan, Patrick. Brown, William R. Burke, James. Bryan, John .. Campbell, George I. Case, George C Case, Thomas P. Cherry, George L. , Clementson, Clem , Aug. 6, '61 Troy. Leavenworth Troy. Doniphan . Geary. Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 20, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Dec. 29, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Jan. 8, '62 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 12, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Jan. 8, '62 Aug. 6, '61 Troy. Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 3, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 20, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 12, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Jan. 8, '62 Aug. 6 61 Aug. 13, '61 Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Aug. 6. '61 ; trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Aug. 6, '61 ; trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Aug. 6, '61 ; pro. Sergt. Aug. 15, '61 ; red. to Corp. Mar. 3, '62; trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Jan. 20, '62 : trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. : app. muse. ; disc, for dis., at Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 15, '61. Enrolled pvt.; app. wagoner; trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Discharged for dis. Oct. 15, '61, at Kansas City, Mo. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Jan. 20, '62. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan, Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Deserted at Fort Leaven- worth, Aug. 18, '61. Discharged for dis. Feb. 15, '62. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Aug. 6, '61. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Aug. 6, '61. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. —6 80 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Fourth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY F — Infantry Company — Continued. Name and rank. Residence, Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks, Privates. Chill, Zebulon.. Troy. Collins, Owen. .. Combs, Michael. Troy. Cordonier, STictor. Cowen, Hugh Doniphan , Cowger, Henry S. Garr, Enoch Grant, Edward H. Gibson, Washington. Haskell, Andrew J.. . Harr, John Hatton, William H. Hoverson, Edward.. Hyler, John Kelly, John A Kendall, Tubal K, Landis, Daniel. Landis, Henry. Landis, John,. . Troy, Troy, Troy, Atchison Landon, Mark F. Laws, Thomas M. McNeely, Frank McNutt, Simon.., Miller, August. Nelson, Nels O. Nichols, Thomas W. Payne, David L Robb, Chauncey D. Saxey, Alfred Searcy, William C . Troy. Aug. 13, '61 Aug, 6, '61 Aug, 13, '61 Aug, 6, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug, 6, '61 Aug, 13, '61 Aug, 6, '61 Aug, 13, '61 Aug, 6, '61 May 31, '61 Aug, 13, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug.^ 6, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 6, '61 May 31, '61 Leavenworth Troy Troy. Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. Aug. 6, 13, '61 '61 Aug. Aug. 6, 13, '61 '61 Jan. 8, 3, 29, 13, '62 '61 '61 '61 Aug. Dec. Aug. 3, '61 Aug. Aug. 13, '61 Aug. Aug. 6, 13, '61 '61 Aug. Aug. 6, 13, '61 '61 Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Discharged for dis. Oct. 13, '61, at Kansas City, Mo. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Aug. 6, '61. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan, Vol, Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Desertedat Fort Leavenworth, Aug. 18, '61. Promoted to Asst. Surg. Sept. 1,'61 ; trans.toField andStaff ; disc, at Kansas City Jan. 23. '62 ; no record of commission. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. Aug. 6, '61; pro. 1st Sergt. Aug. 15, '61 ; red, to rks., sentence Regtl, C, M„ Aug. 15, '61 ; des. from hospital at Kansas City, Mo., date unknown. Deserted at Fort Leavenworth, Aug. 18, '61. Discharged for dis. Oct. 9, '61. Promoted Corp. Aug. 13, '61. Promoted Sergt. Aug. 6, '61. Transferred to Co. K, 1st Kan. Vol. Inf., Feb 2, '62. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Aug. 6, '61. Transferred from Co. K, 1st Kan. Vol. Inf., Feb. 2, '62. Promoted 1st Sergt. Aug. 15, '61 ; pro. Regtl. Q. M. Sergt. ; red. to rks. at own request, and trans, to Co. F ; trans, to- Co. F, 10th Kan, Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Promoted 1st Sergt. Jan. 20, '62. Enrolled pvt. Co. F ; Reg. Sergt. Maj. from Aug. 18 to Sept. 11, '61 ; red. to rks., and trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Appointed wagoner. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Appointed muse. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Aug. 15, '61 ; red. to rks. Nov. 21, '61 ; trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Promoted Sergt. Aug. 13, '61. Promoted Sergt. Aug. 6, '61. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 81 Fourth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY F — Infantry Company — Concluded. Name and rank. Kesidence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Prhdtes. Stewart, Thomas., Troy . Silence, Charles W. M. Silence, Levi Smith, Charles H. Shultz, Augustus.. Doniphan . Tracy, Joseph L . Trant, James M... Thompson, Nels .. White, James. Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. _6, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 13, '61 Promoted Corp. Aug. 6. '61 ; rod. to rks. Feb. 28, '62 ; trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Aug. 6, '61. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Aug. 6, '61. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. 82 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Fourth Regiment, Kansas Volimteers. COMPANY G — Infantey Company. Was organized in Allen county and mustered in at Fort Leavenworth, August 7, 1861. At the reorganization and consolidation of the Third and Fourth Kansas Volunteer regiments, this company was transferred to the new Tenth Kansas Volunteer Infantry, and, with a portion of Company I, became Company H of that regiment. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Captain. Napoleon B. Blanton, First Lieutenant. Samuel G. Stewart.. . Second Lieutenant. James H. Signor First Sergeant. Whitlow, Benjamin H. Sergeants. Nichols, David P., Woodward, John C . Rittenhouse, Levi .. Jackson, Daniel «-Carothers, Washington E. 'Corporals. Woodward, John C . Carman, William E. Bennett, William H. . Brady, Samuel. Rittenhouse, Levi — Stewart, James H Humboldt. . . . Humboldt. Mound City. Humboldt. . . Aug. 10, '61 Aug. 10, '61 Humboldt.. . Humboldt. Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Sept. 15, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Oct. 20, '61 Mch. 4, '62 Sept. 10, '61 • Oct. 20, •61 < « Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '81 Aug. 25, '61 Mch. 4, '62 Aug. 30, '61 ' • Aug. 25, '61 • • Oct. 20, '61 ' * Captain from enrollm't ; trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. First Lieutenant from enroll- ment; trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. (Transferred from Capt. Mil- ler's Co. Inf. Nov. 26, '61.) Com. 2nd Lt. Dec. 24, to rank from Sept. 15, '61 ; trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. Aug. 7, '61 ; trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 15, '61 ; trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Aug. 30, '61 ; pro. Sergt. Nov. 1, '61 ; died of dis., at Wyandotte, Jan. 8, '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. 10, '61 ; pro. Sergt. Feb. 1, '62; trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. (Trans, from Capt. Dudley's Cav. Co. Nov. 26, '61) ; en- rolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Dec. 10, '61 ; trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Dec. 10, '61 ; trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Aug. 30, '61 ; pro. Sergt. Nov. 11, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Aug, 30, '61 ; trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 15, '61; trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 1, '61; trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. 10, '61 ; pro. Sergt. Feb. 1, '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. 10, '61 ; trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men, 83 Fourth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY G— Infantry Company— CoNTrNUED. Name and rank. Cor)wrals. Winebright, John G. Strosnider, Elijah.. Residence. Behnont. Stewart, Daniel E. Musicians. Dye, Amos. Pruitt, Thomas W.. Wagoner. Darnall, Lorenzo D, . Privates. Agnew, William. Blandin, Solomon.., Brady, Samuel R.. .. Brady, William M... Beck, John M Beck, Philip. Bennett, Joseph M. . . Bennett, William H.. Bingham, Nathaniel D. Bullock, James N... Burgeon, William.. Butler, Nathan Humboldt... Timber Hills, Humboldt. Humboldt... Date of enrollment. Sept. 17, '61 Sept. 28, '61 Oct. 20, '61 Sept. 19, '61 July 25, '61 Sept. 11, '61 Sept. 16, '61 Sept. 8, '61 Aug. 25, '61 Nov. 21, '61 Sept. 30, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Dec. 24, '61 Aug. 30, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 12, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Sept. 17, '61 Date of muster. Mar. 4, '62 Mar. 4, '62 July 25, '61 Mar. 4, '62 Mar. 4, '62 Aug. 7, '61 Mar. 4, '62 Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 12, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Mar. 4, '62 Remarks. (Transferred from Capt. Dud- ley's Cav. Co. Nov. 26, '61.)* Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. 10, '61 ; trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. (Transferred from Capt. Dud- ley's Cav. Co. Nov. 26, 1861. J* Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. 10, 61 ; trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. 10, '61 : trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt.; app. muse; trans, to Co. H, lOth Kan. Vol. Inf., as pvt., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. Co. D, 3d Kan. Vols. ; detac'd with this Co. ; retd. to original Co., and trans, to Co. H, lOth Kan. Vol. Inf., (Jate of consolida- tion. (Transferred from Capt. Dud- ley's Cav. Co. Nov. 26, '61.)* Enrolled pvt. ; app. wagoner ; trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan, Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Nov. 1, '61. Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. (Transferred from Capt. Dud- ley's Cav. Co. Nov. 26, '61 ) ;* trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. Oct. 15, '61. Promoted Drum Major, and trans, to noncommissioned staff Oct. 12, '61. Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion (Transferred from Capt. Dud- ley's Cav. Co. Nov. 26, '61 ) : * trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan, Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. * The companies referred to as "Captain Dudley's Cavalry Company," "Captam Millers Infantry Company," were evidently local home-guard organizations. No records of these organizations are filed in the Adjutant General's office of Kansas. 84 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Fourth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY G — Infantry Company — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates, Buxton, James H. Buxton, John L. . . Humboldt Carothers, Washington E. Chilson, Edwin P Humboldt. . . . Cole, George . Coplin, James Carman, William. Cox, William J. C. Darnell, Lorenzo D. . Dotson, Marcus F. . . . Dotson, Robert Dye, Amos Edwards, William N. Frank, Andrew J Fuller, Jesse T. Haddam, Levi M. Halford, William W. Hanby, William M.. . Harris, Andrew J. ... Harris, Francis M... Howard, John F Irwin, Albert Humboldt Mount Vernon, Mo, Humboldt,. Aug. 25, '61 Oct. 20, '61 Sept. 12, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 25, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Sept. 11, '61 Nov. 27, '61 Sept. 19, '61 Sept. 10, '61 Sept. 30, '61 Aug. 25, '61 Sept. 10, '61 Aug. 25, '61 Sept. 6, "61 Oct. 14, '61 Dec. 23, '61 Aug. 25, '61 Mar. 4, '62 Aug. 7, '61 Mar. 4, '62 Aug. 7, '61 Sept. 11, '61 Mar. 4, "62 Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt, Dec. 10, '61. ( Transferred from Capt. Mil- ler's Inf. Co. Nov. 26, '61 ) ; * trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Died of disease, near Hum- boldt, Kan., Dec. 8, '61. Promoted Corp. Aug. 30, '61. Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. ( Transferred from Capt. Dud- ley's Cav. Co. Nov. 26, '61) ;* appointed wagoner. Transferred to Co.H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co.H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Appointed muse. ; retd. forks. ; trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. (Transferred from Capt. Mil- er's Inf. Co. Nov. 26, '61 ) ; * deserted near Humboldt, Kan., Feb. 2, '62. ( Transferred from Capt. Mil- ler s Inf. Co. Nov. 26, '61);* trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. (Transferred from Capt. Mil- ler's Inf. Co. Nov. 26, '61 ) ; * trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. (Transferred from Capt. Dud- ley's Cav. Co. Nov. 26. '61 ) ; * trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. H, ICth Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co.H. 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. * The companies referred to as " Captain Dudley's Cavalry Company," " Captain Miller's In- fantry Company," were evidently local home-guard organizations. No records of these organi- zations are filed in the Adjutant General's office of Kansas. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 85 Fourth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY G— Infantry Company— Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date o muster. Remarks. Privates. Jackson, Daniel Humboldt . .. Sept. 10, '61 Mar. 4, '62 (Transferred from Capt. Dud- ley's Cav. Co. Nov. 26, '61 ) ; * pro. Sergt. Dec. 10, '61. Loomis, Hiram K " Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Died of disease near Ft. Scott, Sept. 6, '61. McNew, Henry " " Deserted at Greenfield, Mo., Nov. 13, '61. Mayberry, William... Humboldt Sept. 23, '61 Mar, 4, '62 ( Transferred from Capt. Dud- ley's Cav. Co. Nov. 26, '61.)* Trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Maxwell, Joel W Oct. 9, '61 ( Transferred from Capt. Mil- ler's Inf. Co. Nov. 26, '61.)* Trans, to Co. H, lOtli Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Maxwell, William F.. Sept. 13, '61 ( Transferred from Capt. Mil- ler's Inf. Co. Nov. 26, '61.)* Trans, to Co. H, lOth Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Morgan, Thomas O... Aug. 31, '61 Transferred to Co. H, lOtb Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Morris, James L Garnett Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Transferred to Co. H, lOth Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Morris, Thomas R Transferred to Co. H, lOth Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Mountain, Theophilus, Humboldt Oct. 13, '61 Mar. 4, '62 (Transferred from Capt. Mil- ler's Inf. Co. Nov. 26, '61.)* Trans, to Co. H, lOth Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Nichols, David P.... Aug. 7, '61 Sept. 12, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Mar. 4, '62 Promoted Sergt. Oct. 15, '61. Patterson, William H. Humboldt . .. ( Transferred from Capt. Mil- ler's Cav. Co. Nov. 26, '61). Trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Platter, David P Jan. 14, '62 Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Perkins, John M lola July 24, '61 July 24, '61 (Transferred from Co. E, 3rd Kan. Vols., Sept. 8, '61.) Trans, to Capt. Bain's Co. of scouts Dec. 1, '61. Pruitt, John Humboldt Nov. 21, '61 Mar. 4, '62 Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Pruitt, Thomas W.... Timber Hills, July 25, '61 July 25, '61 Enrolled pvt. Co. D, 3rd Kan. Vols. ; detached with this Co. ; appointed muse. Rittenhouse, Levi.... Oct. 20, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Mar. _4, '62 Aug. 7, '61 Promoted Corp. Oct. 15, '61. Stewart, Daniel E Promoted Corp. Dec. 10, '61. Stewart, James H .... ' ' ' ' Stewart, John E Humboldt Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Stoops, Robert K Nov. 27, '61 Mar. 4, '62 Transferred toCo. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Strosnider, Elijah Humboldt.. .. Sept. 28, '61 (Transferred from Capt. Dud- ley's Cav. Co. Nov. 26, '61.)* Pro. Corp. Dec. 10, '61. Tait, Charles G Allen county, Dec. 24, '61 Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. * The companies referred to as "Captain Dudley's Cavalry Company, Captain Miller s In- fantry Company," were evidently local home-guard organizations. No records of these or- ganizations are filed in the Adjutant General's oSice of Kansas. 86 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Foiirtli Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY G — Infantry Company — Concluded. Name and rank. Eesidence. Date of enrollment. Dat&of muster. Remarks. Privalcs. Vest, Hiram Garnett Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Waggoner, William F. Humboldt Dec. 24, '61 Mar. 4, '62 (Transferred from Dudley's Cav. Co. Dec. 16, '61.)* Trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Inf., date of consolidation. Webb, Calvin J Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Webb, Daniel E Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Webb, David W Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Weech, John ' ' Sept. 20, '61 Mar. 4, '62 (Transferred from Capt. Mil- ler's Inf. Co. Nov. 26, '61.) Trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Welch, Henry C Sept. 17, '61 Died of disease, at Wyandotte, Kan., Jan. 8, '62. Wheeler, John C Sept. 20, '61 Mar. 4, '62 ( Transferred from Capt. Dud- ley's Cav. Co. Oec. 16, '61.)* Trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Whitten, Andrew F... Sept. 13, '61 (Transferred from Capt. Mil- ler's Inf. Co. Nov. 26, '61.)* Trans, to Co. H. 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Whitten, William W.. (Transferred from Capt. Mil- ler's Inf. Co. Nov. 26, '61.3* Trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Whitlow, Benjamin. . . ' ' Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Promoted 1st Sergt. Aug. 7, '61. Woodward, John C . . . " 1 " " ' ' Promoted Corp. Aug. 10, '61. * The companies referred to as "Captain Dudley's Cavalry Company" and "Captain Mil- ler's Infantry Company" were evidently local home-guard organizations. No records of these organizations are filed in the Adjutant General's olEce of Kansas. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 87 Fourtli Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY H — Infantry Company. Orffauized mostly in Riley county, in August, 1861. Wlien tlie Tliird and Fourth Kansas regiments -were consolidated, Company H was consolidated with part of Company A, and became Company G of the lOtli Kansas Infantry. Name and rank. Capiat n. James M. Harvey First Lieutenant. John U. Parsons Second Lieutenant Andrew G. Ege Josephus D. Warner. First Sergeant. Warner, Josephus D . Crafts, Fred. Sergeants. Crafts, Fred Fox, Francis J. Walker, William F. Knight, George K. .. Waters, Micah D.. Wohlwend, Gregor. Corporals. Hastings, S. Louis. Kent, John W Chapman, Job L, Deits, Lewis A... Residence. Milford. Ogden . Doniphan Co, Ogden Ogden . Ogden . Rock Creek .. Ogden Ogden . Bachellor , Ogden . Date of enrollment. Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 16, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 18, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Date of muster. Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 16, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 18, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Remarks. Captain from enrollment; trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. First Lieutenant from enroll- ment; died at Lawrence, Dec. 22, '61. No record of muster out. Enrolled pvt. ; i5ro. 1st Sergt. from enrollment ; pro. 2d Lt. — , '61 ; trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. from enrollment ; pro.2nd Lt. — , '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. from enrollment; pro. 1st Sergt. — , '61 ; trans, to Co. G, Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. from enrollment; pro. 1st Sergt. —,'61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. from enrollment: trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. from enrollment; died of dis., at Kansas City, Oct. 3, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. from enrollment; trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., as pvt., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 24, '61 : trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 24, '61 : trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. : pro. Corp. from enrollment; trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. from enrollment; trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. from enrollment ; trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf. ; date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. from enrollment; trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Foiirtli Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY H — Infantey Company — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Corporal. Crafts, William G... 3Iusicians. Tracy, Thomas H Birum, Alfred G Oliver, Charles Privates. Austin, William Bradbury, Joseph... Brake, Robert E.... Brannin, John Brewer, Josephus. .. Birum, Alfred G Buzbee, Charles Buzbee, Benjamin .. Crafts, Fred Crafts, William G... Chapman, Job L.. .. Davidson, Michael . . Dayton, Theodore. . . Deits, Lewis A Dix, Jonathan W. .. Easley, John V Eustace, James , Fox, Francis J Hastings, L. Reed .. Hastings, S. Louis.. Ingraham, Frank H Ogden . Wyandotte. .. Indianola Osawatomie.. Beverly, 111... Lawrence Kan. City, Mo. Ogden Indianola Osawkee Ogden Bachellor Beverly, 111... Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Dec. 10, '61 Aug. 17, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Oct.' 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Ogden . Rock Creek. Neutral lands . . . Kan. City, Mo, Ogden Sept. 10, '61 Oct. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Mar. 4, '62 Aug. 17, '61 Aug. 15, '61 Mar. 4, '62 Aug. 7, '61 Mar. 4, '61 Oct. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Mch. 4, '62 ; trans, to Co. Q, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Enrolled pvt. ; app'nted muse. from enrollment : trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., as pvt., dateof consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; app'nted muse, from enrollment : trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., as pvt., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; app'nted muse. — , '61 ; trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to 25th Mo. Mch. 4, '62. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Appointed muse. ; trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol, Inf., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. from date of enrollment. Promoted Corp. Mar. 4, '62. Promoted Corp. from enroll- ment. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. from enroll- ment. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan, Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to 25th Mo. Vols. Promoted Sergt. from enroll- ment. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. On roll as "Solomon L. Hast- ings." Pro. Corp. from en- rollment. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf,, date of consolida- tion. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 89 Fourth Regiment, Kausas Volunteers. COMPANY H — Infantry Company — Concldded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. Jones, Thomas G Brooklyn Aug. 26, '61 Died of disease, Kansas City, Dec. 27, '61. Knapp, Samuel S Manhattan... Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Kent, John W Ogden < i * * Promoted Corp. from enroll- ment. Knight, George K Promoted Sergt. from enroll- ment; trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Kyer, Charles Fort Riley. .. < • * » Transferred to Co. G 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Lynch, John Kansas City, Ko. . Oct. 7, '61 Mar. 4, '62 Transferred to 25th Mo Vols Mch. 4, '62. McCandless, William, Coifey Co Sept. 10, '61 Tran.sferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Miller, Charles Manhattan... Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Transferred to Co. Q, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Mitchell, Isaiah Brooklyn Dec. 10, '61 Mar. 4. '62 Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Morehouse, George... Rock Creek.. Aug. 26, '61 Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Mulcahy, Philip Kansas City, Mo . . Dec. 26, '61 Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Murphy, John Oct. 7, '61 Transferred to 25th Mo. Vols. Mch. 4, '62. Norman, John E Beverly, 111... Aug. 17, '61 Aug. 17, '61 Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Oliver, Charles V Osawatomie.. Dec. 10, '61 Mar. 4, '62 -Appointed muse. Parsons, Samuel P.... Wyandotte... Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Diedof dis. at Wyandotte, Feb. 26, '62. Eehfeld, Frederick J. . Ogden Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Died of dis. at Wyandotte, Jan. 8, '62. On rolls also as "James A. Eeynolds, Henry " Aug. 10, '61 Aug. 10, '61 Rich, J. Alonzo Wyandotte. .. Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Rich." Trans, to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Rogers , Samuel Rock Creek.. Dec. 10, '61 Mar. 4, '62 Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Tracy, Thomas H Wyandotte. .. Aug. J, '61 •Aug. 7, '61 Appointed muse. Thomas, William M.. Leavenworth, Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Vernon, Alexander.. .. Kansas City, Mo . . Oct. 12, '61 Mar. 4, '62 Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Waldo, Samuel W.... Rock Creek.. Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Transferred to Co. Q, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Wall, Frank H Aug. 26, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Discharged for dis. Oct. 13. '61. Walker, Thomas H.B. Ogden Aug.'7',''6i' Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Walker, William F... Rock Creek.. * * " Promoted Sergt. from enroll- ment. Warner, Addison R. .. Ogden " " Died of dis., at Fort Leaven- worth, Dec. 1.5, '61. Waters, Micah D Fort Riley.... Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Promoted Sergt. Oct. 24, '61. Warner, Josephus D.. Ogden Aug. 7, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Promoted 1st Sergt. from en- rollment. Wohlwend, Gregor. . . . ,, * * Promoted Sergt. Oct. 24, '61. Young, Richard F Ogden Transferred to Co. G, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. 90 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Fourth Reg-iiueiit, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY I — Infantey Company, Was recruited at Quincy, 111., during August, 1861, At the date of reorganization and con- solidation of the Third and Fourth Kansas Volunteer regiments, this company was broken up, the officers were mustered out, and the company merged in Companies B, F and H of the Tenth Kansas and in the First Ifansas Battery. Name and rank. Captain. William Bruce . . First Lieutenant. William Woodruff.. Second Lieutenant. William Woodruff... Charles Harris. First Sergeant. Harris, William H.. . Harris, Charles Anderson, Henry S. . . Herrington, Franklin , Sergeants. Phillips, Daniel McKnight, John McCarty, Daniel Dickison, William H . Slonigar, Jacob. Neal, Robert B.... Corporals. Freeling, Andrew . Phillips, Daniel. . . Jones, Evan J. B. Neal, Robert B... Root, Aaron. Residence. Quincy, 111. . Quincy, 111. . Quincy, 111. . Quincy, 111. . Lawrence .. . Quincy, III. . Quincy, 111. . Date of etiroUment. Quincy, 111. Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug, 21, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Aug, 30, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 30, '61 Date of muster. Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug, 8, '61 Aug, 8, '61 Aug, 21, '61 Aug, 30, '61 Aug, 8, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug, 8, '61 Remarks. Aug, 30, '61 Captain from enrollment; re- signed Jan, 17, '62. Second Lieutenant from en- rollment; pro. 1st Lt. Sept. 12, '61 : commanded Artillery Detachment; mustered out Apr. 30, '62. ( See Woodruff's Artillery Detachment.) Second Lieutenant from en- rollment; pro, 1st Lt. Sept. 12, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. Aug. 21, '61; 2nd Lt. Sept. 12, '61 ; mustered out Mar. 4, '62. Enrolled pvt, ; pro, 1st Sergt, ; red. to rks. Aug. 30, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt, Aug. 21, '61; 2nd Lt. Sept, 12, '61. (See Lt. Woodruff's Artillery Detachment.) Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. Aug. 30, '61 ; trans, to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Cav., as Sergt., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro, 1st Sergt. — ; red, to rks. Jan. 11, '62, Enrolled pvt, ; pro, Sergt, Jan. 11, '62; red. to Corp. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. ; red. to rks. at date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. ; red, to rks, at date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. ; red. to rks. at date of consolida- tion ; trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Also appears as "Slonagle." Enrolled private ; pro. Sergt. Jan. 11, '62; red. to rks. at date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. ; red. to Corp. Jan. 11, '62, Enrolled pvt. ; pro, Corp. Aug, 8, '61 ; red. to rks. Jan. 11, '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Jan. 11, '62; red. to Corp. at date of consolidation ; trans, to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt, ; pro, Corp. ; red, to rks. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. ; red. to Corp. Jan. 11, '63; red. to rks., date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Jan. 11, '62; red. to rks. date of consolidation. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 91 Fourth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY I — Infantry Company — Continded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Corporals. Long, Nathaniel C. Franson, Henry Lenart, Garret.. Musician. Bemis, Hiram. .. Pi-ivates. Allen, Judson. . Anderson, Henry S. Bailey, Frederick. . Ballon, John Bartell, George . Bee, Joseph. — Bratten, George. Beemis, Hiram. Bolton, Eugene C . . . Brooks, William J.. Balkwell, John Burk, Louis Clark, Albert. Cline, John . . Quincy, 111. Quincy, 111. Humboldt. Lawrence .. Quincy, 111. Aug, 21, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Sept. 12, '61 Aug. 30, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 30, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Topeka. Couch, Comodore P. . . Cunningham, Peter... Church, Elias Dickison, William H. Franson, Henry Franson, Hiram Quincy, 111. Mound City Quincy, 111. Aug. 21, '61 Feb. 1, '62 Jan. 1, '62 Aug. 8, '61 Nov. 25, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Jan. 11, '62 ; red. to rks. date of consolidation. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. : red. to rks. : trans, to Lt. Wood- ruff's Artillery Detachment. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Aug. 8, '61 ; red. to rks. Jan. 11, '62. Enrolled pvt. ; apptd. muse. ; ret. to rks. and trans, to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted 1st Sergt. Aug. 30,'61. Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Sick at home ; no further rec- ord. Deserted fromQuincy, 111., Aug. 22, '61. Sick at home ; no further rec- ord. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol, Inf., date of consolida- tion. Appointed muse. ; retd. to rks., and trans, to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf. date of consolida- tion. Transferred from Co. E, ; trans, to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of cousolidation. Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. No further record. Is proba- bly " William L. Burke," and v^as trans, to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Name also spelled " Klein." Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. ; red. to rks. at date of consolidation ; trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation, Promoted Corp. ; red. to rks. ; transferred to Lt. Woodruff's Artillery Detachment; no further record. Transferred to Co. F,10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. 92 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Fourth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY I — Infantry Company — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollmeht. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates, Freeling, Andrew, Gassett, Eli T.... Glenn, William... Harris, Charles . ... Harris, William H . . . . Quincy, 111. . Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Helts, Poppy J. Herrington, Franklin , Hickey, Henry. Huber, Gregor. Her, John W Jaquith, William H. Jones, Evan E. B Aug. 21, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Aug. S, '61 Keeler, Samuel Kelley, Nathan F.M. Kelley, William J Lenart, Garret Long, Nathaniel C McCarty, Daniel McKeever, Daniel McKnight, John May, Henry L Morris, John Myre, Christopher Quincy, 111. Topeka Quincy, 111.. Aug. 30, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Feb. 1, '62 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 30, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Promoted Corp. date of enroll- ment; red. Jan. 11, '62; trans, to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Appears also as "Garrett." Trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. E Oct, 1,'61 ; (trans, to Co. A, 6th Kan. Vol. Cav., date of consolidation.) Promoted 1st Sergt. Aug. 21, '61. Promoted 1st Sergt. Aug. 8, '61; red.torks. Aug.20,'61 ; trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Name also given as " Huls." Trans, to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consoli- dation. Appears there as " Huls." Promoted 1st Sergt; red. to rks. Jan. 11, '62 ; trans, to Lt. Woodruff's Artillery Detach- ment. No further record. Trans, to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. See Lt. Woodruff's Artillery Detachment. Transf. to 1st Kan. Bat. Tranferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Corp. ; red. to rks. at consolidation ; trans, to Co. F, ICth Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan, Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Promoted Corp. Aug. 8, '61 red. to rks. Jan. 11, '62; trans to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf. date of consolidation. Promoted Corp. Jan. 11, '62 red. to rks. and trans, to Co, F. 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Promoted Sergt. ; red. to rks. on consolidation; trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Transferred to Capt. Moon- light's Art. Co. Promoted Sergt. ; red. to rks, at date of consolidation; transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Appears also as "Christian Myre " ; trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 93 Fourth Regiment, Kansas A^oluutcers. COMPANY I — Infantry Company — Continued. Name and rank. Privates. Nailan, Jordan Neal, Robert B. Newton, Augustus. Newton, Festus M . Olden. George W. Oliver, Charles.. . Owens, Daniel C. Owens, William R .. Phillips, Daniel Plosmyser, William. Powell, William . Robinson, John G. Rodiman, John . . . Rogers, David .... Root, Aaron Root, Howard . . . . Stiglan, Ambrose . Slonigar, Jacob. Shuster, Sede Taylor, Joshua . Tiltrell, Carl Titus, Joseph Totten, Samuel . . Trout, Richard . . Truxal, Michael , Residence. Quincy, 111. Date of enrollment. Quincy, 111. . Quincy, 111. . Lawrence . Chili, 111,... Quincy, 111. Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 30, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 30, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Feb. 1, '62 Jan. 1, '62 Feb. 1, '62 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Date of muster. Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 30, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 30, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Remarks. Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. ; rod. to Corp. Jan. 11, '62; red. to rks., date of consolidation; trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of cousolidation. Died of disease Sept. 30, '61. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Probably error ; should be "Al- den" (see Woodruff's Art. Detachment) ; deserted at Quincy, 111., Aug. 22, '61. Discharged as a minor. Transferred to Co. F, lOtli Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- dation. Transferred to Co. B, lOth Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Promoted Sergt. Jan. 11, '62. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Name appears also as "John C. Powell"; reported "ab sent without leave " ; no fur ther record. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Promoted Corp. Jan. 11, 62 red. to rks., date of consoli- dation ; trans, to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con solidation. Enlisted in Co. E, 1st U. S. Inf, Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Promoted Sergt. Jan. 11, '62 red. to rks., date of consoli- dation ; trans, to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con solidation. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan, Vol. Inf., date or consolida tion. Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. 94 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Fourth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY I — Infantry Company — Concluded. Name and rank. Privates. True, Christopher Watts, Thomas D. Warmsy, Michael. , Washman, Louis . Welch, Thomas Williams, William . Weisman, Philip. . . Zachariah, Just . . . Residence. Kansas City, Mo. Quincy, 111 . Quincy, 111 . Date of enrollment. Jan. 21, '62 Aug. 21, '61 Feb. 1, '62 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Date of muster. Aug. 21, '61 Aug, 8, '61 Aug. 21, '61 Remarks. Transferred to Co. B, 10th Kan- Vol. Inf., date of consolida tion. (See Woodruff's Artillery De- tachment) ; deserted at Au- brey, Kan., Feb. 10, '62. Transferred to Co. F, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolida- tion. Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Killed by gunshot, Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 13, '61. In hands of civil authorities awaiting trial ; no record of discharge. ( See Woodruff's Artillery Detachment.) Transferred to Co. H, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Appears also as " Hugh Zach- ariah" ; trans, to Co. F., 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., date of con- solidation. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 95 Fourth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. LIEUTENANT WILLIAM WOODRUFF'S ARTILLERY DETACHMENT- Artilleet Company. Althouph treated as a distinct or^auization iu orders, tliis detacbment seems to have been composed of details from Compauies A, H, aud I, and most of the men are accounted for in tlieir former company. It has been thought best to malie a record of the detachment as a separate organization. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. First Lieutenant. William Woodruff.. First Sere/cant. Anderson, Henry S. Sergeant. McGannon, Thomas.. Privates, Alden, George W. Quincy, 111. Lawrence Olathe Quincy, 111., Brown, Leander , Burns, Byrom. .. Carlin, William. Chandler, Daniel L. De Shane, John. Shawnee . Elliott, John. Franson, Henry. Quincy, III., Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 30, '61 July 16, '61 Aug. 8, '61 July 12, '61 Aug. 8, '61 July 12, '61 Aug. 17, '61 Feb. 1, '62 Aug. 10, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Sept. 12, '61 Aug. 30, '61 July 16, '61 Aug. 8, '61 July 12, '61 Aug. 8, '61 July 12, '61 Mar. 4, '62 Aug. 10, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Huber, Gregor . Herrington, Franklin, —7 Second Lieutenant Co. I from enrollment; pro. 1st Lieut. Sept. 12, '61 ; assigned to com. of Artillery Detachment, 4th Kan. Vols.; mustered out April 30, '62. ( See Co. I.) Enrolled pvt. Co. I ; pro. 1st Sergt. Aug. 30, '61 ; trans, to Woodruff's Artillery Detacli- ment. (See Co. I.) Trans, to Co. B, 10th Kan. Vol. Inf., as Sergt., date of consolida- tion. Enrolled pvt. Co. C ; pro. Corp. Dec. 17, '61 ; trans, to Wood- ruff's .Artillery Detachment; pro. Sergt.; trans, to Co. A, lOtli Kan. Vol. Inf., date of consolidation. Deserted at Quincy, 111., Aug. 22, '61. (Appears in Co. I as "George W. Olden." ) Original enrollment in Co. A ; trans, to Woodruff's Artil- lery Detachment; trans, to to 1st Kan. Bat., date of con- solidation. Deserted at Quincy, 111., Aug. 22, '61. Original enrollment in Co. A; trans, to Woodruff's Artil- lery _ Detachment ; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat., date of consoli- dation. Promoted Hospital Steward Aug. 17, '61: trans, to Co. H, lOtli Kan. Vol. Inf., as pvt., date of consolidation. Original enrollment in Co. A; trans, to Woodruff's Artil- lery Detachment ; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat., date of consoli- dation. Ori.ijiual enrollment in Co. A ; trans, to Woodruff's Artil- lery Detachment: trans, tt) 1st Kan. Bat., date of consoli- dation. Originally enrolled in Co. I; pro. Corp. ; red. to rks. ; trans, to Woodruff's Artillery De- tachment. ( No record of discharge.) Originally enrolled in Co. I; pro. Sergt. ; red. to rks. Jan. 11, '62; trans, to Woodruff's Artillery Detachment ; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat., date of con- solidation. Originally enrolled in Co. I; pro. 1st Sergt. ; red. to rks. Jan. 11, '62; trans, to Wood- ruff's Artillery Detachment. ( No record of discharge.) 96 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Fourth Regriinent, Kansas Volunteers. LIEUTENANT WILLIAM WOODRUFF'S ARTILLERY DETACHMENT- Artillery Company — Concluded. Name and rank. Privates. Hicks, William . Holden, Richard. Johnson, Allen. Lewis, David , Littlechief , John , Shumback, George Watts, Thomas D. Williams, Jacob. Williams, William. . . Residence. Quincy, 111. Quincy, 111. Date of enrollment. July 16, •61 Dec. 21, '61 July 12, '61 July 17, '61 Aug. 8, '61 July 12, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Date of muster. July 16, '61 July 12, '61 July 17, '61 Aug. S, '61 July 12, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Remarks. Originally enrolled in Co. A; trans, to Woodruff's Artil- lery Detachment; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat., date of con- solidation. Originally enrolled in Co. A; trans, to Woodruff's Artil- lery Detachment; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat., date of con- solidation. Originally enrolled in Co. A ; trans, to Woodruff's Artil- lery Detachment ; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat,, date of con- solidation. Originally enrolled in Co. A; trans, to Woodruff's Artil- lery Detachment ; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat., date of con- solidation. Originally enrolled in Co. A; trans, to Woodruff's Artil- lery Detachment; "absent on sick furlough since Not. 4, '61." ( No record of disc.) Originally enrolled in Co. A; trans, to Woodruff's Artil- lery Detachment; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat., date of con- solidation. Originally enrolled in Co. I; trans, to Woodruff's Artil- lery Detachment; deserted Feb. 15, '62, at Aubrey, Kan. Originally enrolled in Co. A ; trans, to Woodruft''s Artil- lery Detachment ; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat., date of con- solidation. Originally enrolled in Co. I; trans, to Woodruff's Artil- lery Detachment. "In hands of civil authorities awaiting trial." Deserted at Leaven- worth, May 28, '62. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 97 Fourth Kegriiuent, Kansas Volunteers. CAPTAIN MOONLIGHT'S ARTILLERY COMPANY. "Moonlight's Artillery Company " was originally designated "Company D, Fourth Kansas Volunteers." It was organized at Leavenworth, and consisted of recruits made up of recently discharged United States soldiers to a great extent. This company, in accordance with the provisions of Special Order No. 42, Department of Kansas, dated April 14, 1.S62, was consolidated with Lieutenant Woodruff's Artillery Detachment, of the Fourtli Kansas Volunteers, and Cap- tain Bickerton's Artillery Company (formerly Company (}), of the Third Kansas Volunteers, and formed, after consolidation, the First Kansas Battery. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Captain. Thomas Moonlight.. . First Lieutenant, Alonzo H. Kent Second Lieutenant. Thomas Taylor First Sergeant. Wheeler, Benjamin. Newton, William Sergeants. Wheeler, Benjamin. Walker, James C . . Watts, Caswell B.. . Golden, William L. Corporals. Hackett, Ansel B Glass, Michael Witts, John Ireland, Ambler. Privates. Bassett, Peter. .. Bruce, James . .. Bolton, Eugene C . Duval, John B. Fay, Patrick... Leavenworth Foot, Harmon D.S.H. Glass, Michael Golden, William L. Goodrich, Jacob... Hackett, Ansel B . . America City July 20, '61 July 20, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 20, '61 July 20, '61 Oct. 1, '61 Aug. 6, '61 July 20, '61 Aug. 7, '61 Nov. 1, '61 July 20, '61 July 20, '61 July 20, '61 Leavenworth Quincy, 111. .. Oct. 12, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 18, '61 July 20, '61 Oct. 1, '61 Aug. 1, '61 Aug. 6, '61 Aug. 6, '61 July 20, '61 Oct. 12, '61 Aug. 8, '61 Aug. 18, '61 July 20, '61 Captain from enrollment; ap- pointed Capt. and Asst. Adjt, Gen. Apr. 14, '62. First Lieutenant from enroll- ment ; resigned May 14, '62. Second Lieutenant from en- rollment; trans, to 1st Kan, Bat. May '20, '62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. July 20, '61 ; pro. 1st Sergt. Sept. 8, 61 ; red. to rks. at own request Oct. 8, '61. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. ; red. to rks. ; des. at Leaven- worth, Kan., May 15, '62. Enrolled pvt. ; 20, '61 ; pro. 8, '61. Enrolled pvt. red. to rks. ; worth. May Enrolled pvt. ; 22, '61 ; trans May 20, '62. Enrolled pvt. 1, '62; trans May 20, '62. pro. Sergt. July 1st Sergt. Sept. ; pro. Sergt. — ; des. at Leaven- 15, '61. pro. Sergt. Dec. . to 1st Kan. Bat. pro. Sergt. Apr. to 1st Kan. Bat. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. — ; red. to rks. — . Enrolled pvt.; pro. Corp. — ; red. to rks. — . Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Apr. 1, '62 ; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat. May 20, "62. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. May 8, '62; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat.- May 20, '62. No further record. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat- May 20, '62. Transferred from Co. E, 4thi Kan. ; no record of discharge. No further record. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. May 20, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. May 20, '62. Promoted Corp. ; red. to rks. ; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat. May 20, '62. Promoted Sergt. Apr. 1, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. May 20, '62. Promoted Corp. ; red. to rks. ; trans, to 1st Kan. Bat. May 20, '62. 98 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Fourth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. MOONLIGHT'S ARTILLERY COMPANY — Concluded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. Hammell, Thomas. Irwin, AUen Ireland, Ambler ... Judge, Francis Kincaid, Matthew . Kornman, Andrew. Lewis, Andrew J. . . McKee, Abraham . . McKee, Isaac Newton, William.. . America City. America City O'Brien, George O'Donnell, John Ormsby, Richard Renfew, Edmond Eenfew, Martin Tattle, Charles Van Benthusen, George, Walker, James C Wallace, James. Wallis, Joseph . . Watts, Caswell B... Wheeler, Benjamin. Witts, John. Aug. 1, '61 July 29, '61 Nov. 1, '61 Oct. 7, '61 July 29, '61 Aug. 18, '61 Nov. 1, '61 Aug. 18, '61 July 20, '61 Aug. 16, '61 July 20, '61 Aug. 1, '61 July 29, '61 Aug. 18, '61 July 20, '61 Aug. 20, '61 July 25, '61 Oct. 1, '61 May 18, '62 Aug. 7, '61 July 20, '61 July 20. '61 July 20, 61 Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat, May 20, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. May 20, '62. Promoted Corp. May 8, '62. Transferred to It-t Kan. Bat. May 20, '61. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. May 20, '61. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. May 20, '62. No further record. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. May 20, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. May 20, '62. Promoted 1st Sergt. ; red. to rks. ; deserted at Leaven- worth, May 15, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. May 20, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan, Bat. May 20, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. May 20, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. May 20, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat- May 20, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. May 20, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. May 20, '61. Promoted Sergt. ; red to rks, ; deserted at Leavenworth, May 15, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. May 20, '62. Transferred to 1st Kan. Bat. May 20, '62. Promoted Sergt. Dec. 22, '61. Promoted Sergt, July 20, '61 ; pro. 1st Sergt. Sept. 8, '61 ; red. to rks. at own request Oct. 8. '61 ; pro. Sergt. Maj. Nov. 1, '61 ; red. to rks. and trans, to 1st Kan. Bat. May 20, '62. Promoted Corp. April 1, '62. The original records of this company filed in the office of the Adjutant Gen- eral of Kansas are exceedingly meager and are very incomplete, and this roll has been made up under difficulties, and from the nature of attending conditions may not be absolutely correct. ROLL OF THE Eigliteentli Kansas Volunteer Cavalry. (battalion.) Organized July 15, 1867. Mustered Out November 15, 1867. The Eigliteeiitb Kansas Volunteer Cavalry (Battalion). After the close of the civil war and the muster-out of the volunteer regi- ments, the Regular Army was not sufficient to aflford the necessary protection against the depredations of hostile Indians along the Western frontier. Indian raids upon the Western settlers were frequent, and their protection became a matter of deep solicitude. Companies were organized, under the provisions of the state militia law, among the frontiersmen, which performed brave and most efficient service. Under the authbrity of the War Department, in July, 1867, a volunteer cavalry battalion of four companies was organized and mustered into the United States service ; this organization was designated the Eighteenth Kan- sas Volunteer Cavalry. It was mustered in on the 15th day of July, and im- mediately took the field. This organization consisted of 358 officers and enlisted men, and was commanded by Major Horace L. Moore, of Lawrence, late lieuten- ant colonel of the Fourth Arkansas Volunteer Cavalry. The regiment served four months, and met the Indian marauders in several sharp engagements, which always resulted to the disadvantage of the hostiles. A number of men were killed and wounded in the battalion, the loss in casualties being about ten per cent. The battalion was mustered out on the 15th day of November, 1867, hav- ing always received the commendation of the Regular officers under whose ob- servation they served, for bravery and efficiency. 100 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Eigliteeutli Kansas Volunteer Cavalry. FIELD AND STAFF. Mustered into United States service July 15, 1867. Mustered out and discharged November 15, 1867. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Major. Horace L. Moore — Sereieant Major. John W. Ramsey.. .. Q. M. Sergeant. Charles Rost Chief Busier. Frank Thomas Hospital Steirarcl James A. Willey Lawrence .. .. Garnett Leavenworth, Lawrence . Lawrence .. July 2, '67 July 4, '67 July 2, '67 July 5, '67 July 6, '67 July 15, '67 July 15, '67 July 2, '87 July 13, '67 July 13, '67 Commissioned as Capt. in Co. A ; pro. and mustd. in as ma- jor July 15, '67; mustd. out with regiment. Transferred from Co. C, by S. O. No. 5, dated July 15, '67. Returned to and mustered out with original company. Transferred from Co. B, by S. O. No. 5, dated July 17, '67. Returned to and mustered out with original company. Transferred from Co. A, by S. O. No. 5, dated July 17, '67. Returned to and mustered out with original company. Transferred from Co. A, by S. O. No. 5, dated July 17, '67. Returned to and mustered out with original company. Boll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 101 Eighteenth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry. COMPANY A. Mustered into United States service July 15, 1867. Mustered out and discharged November 15, 1867. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks Captain. Henry C. Lindsey. First Lieutenant. Thomas Hughes Second Lieutenant. John H. Wellman. . . . First Sergeant. Lyon, Daniel W Sergeants. Lovejoy, Norman A. . Stone, Lyon B Bennett, Richard D. . Norvell, John C Ragland, James W . . . Willey, James A Corporals. Davis, Henry R. Marshall, John T Hadley , James A McKinney, George A.. Davidson, William F.. Carroll, Charles D Harris, George A Wilkerson, James W.. Buglers. Matheny, David J Thomas, Frank. Topeka. Lawrence . Topeka. Lawrence , Lawrence . Topeka Lawrence . Topeka Lawrence ... Lawrence .. . Topeka Fort Harker. Topeka Lawrence . Topeka... . Franklin. . Lawrence . July 2, '67 July 2, '67 July 2, '67 July 4, '67 July 4, '67 July 6, '67 July 2, '67 July 6, '67 July 2, '67 July 5, '67 July 14, '67 July 2, '67 July 4, '67 July 6, '67 July 2 '67' July 5, '67 July 7, '67 July 15, '67 July 15, '67 July 15, '67 July 13, '67 July 15, '67 July 13, '67 July 13, '67 July 15, '67 July 13, '67 July 15, '67 July 13, '67 July 13, '67 Mustered in a.s Captain ; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered in as 1st Lt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered in as 2d Lt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. 1st Sergt. July 13, '67; mus/ered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Sergt. July 15, '67 ; mustered out wish regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Sergt. July 1^, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Sergt. July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Sergt. July 15, '67 ; mustered out witii regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Sergt. July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Sergt. July 15, '67 ; mustered out witii regt. ; served as Hosp. Steward (see F. and S.) Enrolled as pvt.; app. Corp. July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. July 15, '67; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt.; app. Corp. July 15, '67; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt.; app. Corp. July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. July 15, '67; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. July 15, '67, mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. bugler July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. bugler July 15, *67 ; mustered out with regt. ; served as chief bugler (see F. and S.) 102 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Meyi. Eigliteeutli Kansas Volunteer Cavalry. COMPANY A — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Farriers. McConnell, John Lawrence July 2, '67 July 13, '67 Enrolled as pvt. ; app. farrier July 15, '67; mustered out with regt. Miller, John Enrolled as pvt. ; app. farrier July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Privates, Adams, David Lawrence Topeka. July 6, '67 Julv 4, '67 July 13, '67 July 1.5, '67 Mustered out with regt. Bailey, John A ... — Bennett, Richard D. .. Lawrence July 6, '67 July 13, '67 Promoted Sergt. July 15, '67. Bourassa, Theodore S. Topeka. ' ' ' ' Mustered out with regt. Boyles, Clemens J " July 4, '67 July 15, '67 Deserted July 26, '67, at Paw- nee Rock. Brown, Robert E ' ' ' ' ' ' Mustered out with regt. Bunce, John J ' ' ' ' July 13, '67 ' ' ' ' Clark, Frank A Fort Barker.. July 14, '67 July 15, '67 ' ' ' ' Cochrane, Samuel L . . Lawrence July 4, '67 July 13, '67 Killed in action, Sept. 14, '67, at Stormy Hollow. Crabbs, William ' ' ' ' ' ' Mustered out with regt. Crabbs, Edward ... ' ' ' ' July 15, '67 ' ' ' ' Carroll, Charles D.... Topeka ' ' ' ' Appointed Corp. July 15, '67. Dale, George W. . . ' ' July 2, '67 July 13, '67 Mustered out with regt. Danforth, Clarence S. Lawrence July 3, '67 ' • 4 t . . Davis, Henry ■ ' July 2, '67 ' ' Appointed Corp. July 15, '67. Davidson, William F. Topeka July 4, '67 ' ' ' ' ' ' Deacon, Robert. , Fort Harker. . July 14, '67 July 15, '67 Mustered out with regt. Duncan, Edward W .. Topeka July 2, '67 July 13, '67 Died July 25, '67, at Walnut Deserted July 18, '67, at Fort Edgington, William.. Lawrence Jtfly 8, '67 " Harker. Everhart, Jacob Topeka ' ' " Mustered out with regt. Fine, Daniel M Lawrence July 3, '67 ' ' 11 11 Gilgis, John ' ' July 4, '67 ' ' Died July 24, '67, at Walnut creek. Mustered out with regt. Gosnell, Willis .. July 5, '67 July 15, '67 Green, Jasper H Topeka July 2, '67 July 13, '67 11 11 Green, Elmer A ' ' ' ' * * 11 11 Hadley , James A Fort Harker. . July 14, '67 July 15, '67 Appointed Corp. July 15, '67. Harper, .Joshua M Lawrence — Julv 6, '67 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Harrell, John " July 8, '67 July 13, '67 Wounded in action, Sept. 12, '67, near Smoky Hill river ; mus- tered out with regt. Harris. George A ' ' July 6, '67 ' ' Appointed Corp. July 15, '67. Hiel, George ' ' July 2, '67 July 15, '67 Mustered out with regt. Holmes, Benjamin F. . ' ' July 10, '67 July 13, '67 • 1 11 Jordan, Frank ' ' July 6, '67 July 15, '67 ' ' ' ' Kelly, Samuel M " " July 13, '67 Deserted July 25, '67, at Wal- nut creek. Kidder, Byron ' ' July 8, '67 July 15, '67 Deserted July 25, '67, at Wal- nut creek. Kneeland, John Topeka July 4, '67 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Kreiger, Jacob Lawrence — July 6, '67 July 13, '67 11 11 Lacy, William ' ' ' ' ' ' 11 11 Lovejoy, Norman A... ' ' July 4, '67 July 15, '67 Appointed Sergt. July 15, '67. Lyon, Daniel W ' ' ' ' July 13, '67 Appointed 1st Sergt. July 13, '67. Mustered out with regt. Mace, Daniel H .< .. July 15, '67 Marshall, John T Topeka July 5. '67 ' ' Appointed Corp. July 15, '67. Matheny, David J Franklin ' ' July 13, '67 Appointed bugler July 15, '67. Metz, Charles S Topeka. July 3, '67 Deserted Aug. 10, '67, at Fort Lamed. Metz, Finley S ' ' July 2, '67 " Deserted July 26, '67, at Paw- nee Rock. Miller, John Lawrence — Topeka July 2, '67 July 4, '67 July 15, '67 Appointed farrier July 15, "67. Mitchell, George Mustered out with regt. Moore, David Lawrence .... July 5, '67 July 2, '67 July 13, '67 It It McConnell, John.. .. Appointed farrier July 15, '67. McCormick, Arthemus ., ' ' July 8, '67 ' ' Mustered out with regt. McQinley, Nelson D.. ' ' July 10, '67 ' ' 11 11 McKinney, George A.. Topeka July 2, '67 ' ' Appointed Corp. July 15, '67. Nicols, Crosby B Lawrence July 10, '67 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Norvell, John C Toreka July 2, '67 ' ' Appointed Sergt. July 15, '67. Parman, Giles G Lawrence July 9, "67 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Phagan, James ' ' July 2, '67 ' ' 11 11 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 103 Eig^hteenth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry. COMPANY A — Concluded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. Powers, George H Franklin July 5, '67 July 13, '67 Deserted July 14, at Fort Lamed. Lawrence Topeka July 8, '67 July 2, '67 Mustered out with regt. Ragland, James W... Appointed Sergt. July 15, '67. Lawrence July 9, '67 July 10, '67 Mustered out with regt. Ralf, Clarence S ... Reignolds, John M . . . July 6, '67 Deserted Aug. 26, '67; retd. Sept. 15, '67; restd. to duty without loss of pay; mus- tered out with regt. Reignolds, Hiram Fort Harker . July 16, '67 Not mustered. . . Deserted Aug. 22, '67, at Fort Larned. Lawrence July 2, '67 July 6, '67 July 13, '67 July 15, '67 Mustered out with regt. Saum, Nathan P Service, Guy Topeka July 2, '67 July 13, '67 " " Severs, Robert Lawrence July 9, '67 ' * * * * * Seymour, William — ' ' July 6, '67 ' ' 1 ( ( t Sharrai, Eugene Topeka July 4, '67 July 15, '67 I • 11 Sherman, William M, * ' * * ' ■ It (1 Simmons, James Lawrence July 6, '67 July 13, '67 11 11 Smith, Henry Douglas July 4, '67 ' ' 11 11 Speer, William Lawrence July 5. '67 ' ' 11 11 Stone, Lyon B Topeka July 4, '67 July 15, '67 Appointed Sergt, July 15, '67. Stroup, James Lawrence July 2, '67 July 13, '67 Mustered out with regt. Sun, Louis Fort Harker . July 14, '67 No record. Thomas, Frank Lawrence July 7, '67 July 13, '67 Appointed bugler July 15, '67. Tice, William Topeka Lawrence July 4, '67 July 5, '67 July 15, '67 July 13, '67 Mustered out with regt. Walton, Charles G — Died July 23, '67, at Comanche Hollow. Willey, James A ' ' July 6, '67 ' ' Appointed Sergt. July 15, '67. Williams, Matthew... ' • July 8, '67 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Wilkerson, James W.. Topeka July 2, '67 ' ' Appointed Corp. July 15, '67. Wilmoth, Stephen — July 4, '67 July 15, '67 Deserted Aug. 22, '67, at Fort Larned. Wilson, William " " " Mustered out with regt. Woolary, George ' ' July 2, '67 July 13, '67 (1 11 Yengling, Williams. .. Ellsworth .... July 12, '67 ' * 11 104 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Eighteenth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry. COMPANY B. Mustered into United States service July 15, 1867. Mustered out and discharged November 15, 1867. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Captain. Edgar A. Baker First Lieutenant, John W. Price Second Lieutenant Samuel L. Hybarger Francis M. Stahl..., First Sergeant. ' Stahl, Francis M Milne, William D Sergeants. Milne, William D Buttles, Lester F Jenner, William Lannigan, Philip J. . Gaston, James R Walker, Robert H... Wright, Harrison H. Courtney, Henry D . . Corporals. O'Brien, Philip P.... Harriott, John G Kelly, William H.... Witter, John A Bertram, George W. . Webb, Charles K Fort Harker. . FortHarker. . Fort Harker. . Auburn Auburn Eugene Eugene Auburn Topeka Junction City Louisville.. . Topeka Junction City Eugene Junction City Louisville. . .. Junction City July 13, '67 July 13, '67 July 13, '67 July 1, '67 July 1, '67 July 2, '67 July 2, '67 July 15, '67 July 15, '67 July 15, '67 Aug. 8, '67 July 13, '67 July 13, '67 July 1, '67 July 3, '67 July 5, '67 July 6, '67 July 3, '67 July 5, '67 July 2. '67 July 8, '67 July 2, '67 July 6, '67 July 5, '67 July 3, '67 July 13, '67 Mustered in as Capt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered in as 1st Lt. ; mus- tered out Vfith regt, Mustered in as 2nd Lt. ; died July 26, '67, at Fort Larned. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. 1st Sergt. July 13, '67 ; pro. 2nd Lt. Aug. 8, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. 1st Sergt. July 13, '67; pro. 2nd Lt. Aug. 8, '67. ^nroUed as pvt. ; app. Sergt. July 13, '67; pro. ist Sergt. Aug. 8, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Sergt. July 13, '67 ; pro. 1st Sergt. Aug. 8, '67. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Sergt. July 13, '67; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Sergt. July 13, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Sergt. July 13, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Sergt. July 13. '67; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Sergt. July 30, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Sergt. July 13, '67 ; die^ July 30, '67, at Pawnee Fork. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. July 13, '67 ; pro. Sergt. Aug. 8, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. July 13, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. July 13, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. July 13, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. July 13, '67 ; deserted July 26, '67, at Fort Larned. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. July 13, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. July 13, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 105 Eighteenth Kansas Vohmteer Cavalry. COMPANY B — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Coi-poruh. • Kinkade, Alexander.. Junction City July 3, '67 July 13, '67 Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. Aug. 13, '67; mustered out witli regt. Miller, Simon P Auburn July 5, '67 Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. Aug. 27, '67; mustered out with regt. Courtney, Henry D . . . Topeka July 2, '67 Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. July 13, '67; pro. Sergt. Aug. 8, '67. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. Howell, Levi A Eugene July 5, '67 " Aug. 8, '67; mustered out with regt. Privates. Anderson, Thomas Junction City July 8, '67 ' ' Killed in action, at Beaver creek, Aug. 2i, '67. Applebee, William.. .. ' ' July 6, '67 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Armstrong, Samuel. .. Eugene July 3, '67 " Deserted July 26, '67, at Fort Larned. Bates, William Junction City July 8, '67 ' ' Deserted Sept. 2, '67. Bertram, George W... Louisville.... July 5, '67 Appointed Corp. July 13, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Benson, JoLn B Junction City Julv 6, '67 July 15, '67 Deserted Ang. 8, '67. Bowzer, George Fort Harkei July 5, '67 Nov. 12, '67 Mustered out with regt. Brown, William ■ ' July 13, '67 July 15, '67 Deserted Aug. 13, '67. Block, Gustave ' ' July 14, '67 ' ' De.?erted July 26, '67. Bradley, William Junction City July 9, '67 July 13, 7 Mustered out with regt. Buttles, Lester F Auburn July 1, '67 ' ' Appointed Sergt. July 13, '67. Butler, Benjamin F... Eugene July 8, '67 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Corey, Cornelius ' ' July 2, '67 July 15, '67 t . t ( Clark, Winfield Louisville.. . . July 5, '67 July 13, '67 ' ' ' ' Cooper, Robert A Topeka July S, '67 July 15, '67 ( ( It Cook, John W Auburn .. Junction City July 5, July 6, '67 '67 July 13, 67 11 (1 Conklin, Luke Deserted Aug. 13, '67. Cobb, George B ' ' July 5, '67 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Corman, Henry ' ' ' ' ' ' Died July 21, '67, at Ft. Harker. Cohee, Jefferson Indianola July 2, '67 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Courtney, Henry D Topeka ' ' ' ' Appointed Corp. July 13, '67. Cripps, James Eugene July 10, '67 July 15, '67 Deserted July 19, '67. Crawford, Richard... Fort Harker. July 14, '67 ' ' Deserted July 21, '67. Davenport, Elijah J.. Eugene July 2, '67 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Dunnagan, James H.. Louisville.. . . July 5, '67 July 13, '67 Deserted July 26, '67 ; retd. Oct. 25, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Mustered out with regt. Durand, George W. . . . Leavenworth, July 2, '67 Nov. 12, '67 Eastwood, Joseph R.. Junction Citj July 5, '67 July 13, '67 1 . i . Emmerson, Samuel W. Auburn > " July 15, '67 11 11 Forrester, Lamerlane, Louisville.. . . ". July 13, '67 Wounded in action Aug. 22, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Fox, John Fort Harker. Auburn July 13, July 5, '67 '67 July 15, '67 July 13, '67 Mustered out with regt. Garrison. Doctor J . .. " Gaston, James R. ... Junction City July 6, '67 ' ' Appointed Sergt. July 13, '67. Gilmau, William H... ' ' July 5, '67 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Gloer, John L * * " Died July 26, '67, at Walnut creek. Gordon, Joseph H Auburn * * " Wounded in action Aug. 22, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Griffiths, Perry Eugene July 6, '67 July 15, '67 Deserted July 21, '67. Gruber, Samuel Fort Harker. July 14, '67 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Halleck, James C Louisville.. . . July .5, '67 ' ' De.serted July 21, '67. Hays, John W Eugene July 2. '67 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Heintzman, Bartholomew, Auburn July 5, '67 July 13, '67 It 11 Herriott, John G Eugene July 2, '67 * * Appointed Corp. July 13. '67. Hilly, William Junction City July 8, '67 " Wounded in action Aug. 22, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Howell, Levi A Eugene July 5, '67 " Appointed Corp. Aug. 8, '67. Huggins, James B — Louisville ' ' ' ' Mustered out with regt. Hunter, Charles K ... ' ' ' ' July 15, '67 1 1 1 1 Jackson, Stephen H.. Junction City July 6, '67 July 13, '67 It It Jenner, William Topeka July 3, '67 Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Sergt. July 13, "67. Jones, Nicholas B Junction Citj- July 10, '67 July 15, '67 Mustered out with regt. Keene, Selven P Fort Harker. July 15, '67 Nov. 12, '67 11 1 1 Kelly, William H .... Junction City July 6, '67 July 13, '67 Appointed Corp. July 13, '67. Kennedy, Barton M. .. Eugene ' ' " Mustered out with regt. 106 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Eighteenth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry. COMPANY B — CONCLDDED. Name and rank Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. Ketrer, Johu H.. . . Junction City .July 7, '67 July 13, '67 Mustered out with regt. Kinkade, Alexande r.. July 3, '67 ' ' Appointed Corp. July 13, '67. Kirkpatrick, VVillif im, Eugene July 2, '67 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Kosmopolite, Fran k.. FortHarker.. July 14, '67 July 15, '67 11 11 Kreiger, Alfred.. .. ' ' July 13, '67 ' ' ' ' ' ' Lafarmer, Lewis.. . . . Eugene July 3, '67 July 13, '67 1 < 11 Large, James M. . ' ' ' ' ' ' ■ 1 11 Lannigan. Philip ,. . . . Junction City July 5, '67 ' ' Appointed Sergt. July 13, '67. Milne, William D. ... Eugene July 2, '67 ' ' 11 11 Miles, John W — ... Louisville.... July 5, '67 July 15, '67 Mustered out with regt. Miller, Simon P. .. Auburn ' ' July 13, '67 Appointed Corp. Aug. 27, '67. Mills, William .. Topeka July 2, '67 July 15, '67 Mustered out with regt. Mitchell, George \^ ?... FortHarker.. July 18, '67 Nov. 12, "67 ■ ■ ' ' Moses, James W . Louisville.. .. July 5, '67 July 13, '67 11 11 McCune.Theophilu sH. Topeka July 2, '67 July 15, '67 Died July 26, '67, at Walnut creek. Mustered out with regt. McDole, Milton. .. Eugene July 2, '67 July 15, '67 McDonald, John.. . . . Junction City July 9, '67 July 13, '67 .1 11 McGuffin, Charles ... Olathe ' ' July 12, '67 11 11 McGuire, William .. Fort Dodge.. Aug. 8, '67 Nov. 12, '67 11 11 McNown, William .. Indianola — July 5, '67 July 13, '67 11 1 1 Neill, Thomas July 2, '67 July 15, '67 July 13, '67 11 11 Norton, Charles. . . . . Eugene 11 11 O'Brien, Philip P. . . . Junction City July 8, '67 ' ' Appointed Corp. July 13, '67. O'Rourke, John... ' * July 10, '67 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Peltier, Alexander ... Louisville.. .. July 5, '67 ' ' Deserted July 26, '67. Price, George W . . Eugene July 6, '67 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Roberts, William : "'... Xuburn July 5, '67 * ' ' ' ' ' . . . Leavenworth, July 2, '67 Nov. 12, '67 Served as Q. M. Sergt. (see F. and S.) ; mustered out with regt. Deserted July 26, '67. Salladay, David C ... Topeka July 12, '67 July 13, '67 Schooler, Nathan "^ .. Junction City July 9, '67 ' ' 11 11 Smith, William H . .. Auburn July 5, '67 ' ' Mustered out with regt. . . . Fort Harker.. July 14, '67 Nov. 12, '67 July 15, '67 11 11 Smith, William H. H., Deserted Sept. 2, '67. Stahl, Francis M.. ... Auburn July 1, '67 July 13, '67 Appointed 1st Sergt. July 13, '67. Mustered out with regt. Stewart, Milton... Junction City July 3, '67 " Stewart, William I [... Auburn July 5, '67 ' ' 11 11 Stewart, Edward . ... Fort Hays.... Aug. 17, '67 Nov. 12, "67 11 11 Tasey, Anthony. . Louisville.. .. July 5, '67 July 13, '67 II 11 Twittery, James R Junction City July 3, '67 July 15, '67 Deserted July 26, '67. Umbarger, Martin . . Fort Harker.. July 5, '67 Nov. 12, '67 Mustered out with regt. Vangundy, Alva C. ... Auburn ' ' July 13, '67 11 11 Vosburg, John B. . . . . Junction City July 6, '67 ' ' H 1 • Walker, Robert H ' ' July 3, '67 ' ' Appointed Sergt. July 30, '67. Warrill, Orrin . . . Lawrence July 6, '67 Nov. 12, '67 Mustered out with regt. Webb, Charles K.. . . . Junction City July 3, '67. July 13, '67 Appointed Corp. July 13, '67. Witter, Jolin A.... ... Louisville.. .. July 5, '67 ' ' 11 11 Wright, Harrison H.. ' ' Appointed Sergt. July 13, '67. I Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Kighteeutli Kansas Volunteer Cavalry. COMPANY C. Mustered into United States service July 15, 1867. Mustered out and discharged November 15, 1867. 107 Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks, Captain. George B. Jenness First Lieutenant. Peleg Thomas Second Lieutenant. Janius Reynolds First Ser (leant. Ballard, Alonzo Sergeants. Fellows, John W Reynolds, Adrian Carpenter, George W. Campbell, George A .. Peck, Frank A Springer, George W. T, Ramsey, John W Corporals. King, Jonathan Rockhold, John M.... Kirkland, John A. McKenney, Jonathan VI.. Johnson, Hugh N Stewart, Andrew J. . . . Ruckle, David L Howell, Levi F Ottawa Wyandotte. Garnett. Washington. Ottawa Garnett Wyandotte . . Garnett Ottawa Garnett Wyandotte. . Garnett Wyandotte. . Ottawa Garnett Washington, July 2, '67 July 6, '67 July 4, '67 July 6, '67 July July July July July July 6, '67 4, '67 6, '67 4, '67 5, '67 4, '67 July 6, '67 July 4, '67 July 6, '67 July 5, '67 July 9, '67 July 4, '67 July 6, '67 July 15, '77 July 15, '67 July 15, '67 July 15, '67 July 15, '67 July 15, '67 Mustered in as Capt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered in as 1st Lt, ; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered in as 2d Lt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. 1st Sergt. July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Sergt. July 15, '67 ; mustered out witli regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Sergt. July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Sergt. July 15, '67; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Sergt. July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt.; app. Sergt. July 15, '67; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Sergt. July 15, '67; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Sergt. July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. ; served as Sergt.- Maj. (See Field and Staff.) Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp, July 15, '67; mustered out with regt. Name " Kring " in muster-in roll. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. July 15, '67; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. July 15, '67; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. 108 Pioll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Eighteenth Kansas "Volunteer Cavalry. COMPANY C — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Wagoners. Carman, Augustus — Fort Harker . July 15, '67 July 15, '67 Enrolled as pvt. ; app. wagoner July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. North, William H.... Ottawa July 9, •67 Enrolled as pvt. ; app. wagoner July 15, '67 ; mustered out with legt. Privates. Allen, Solomon Wyandotte. .. July 6, '67 July 15, '67 Mustered out with regt. Armstrong, Phyletius, ' ' ' ' 1 i 1 . Ballard, Alonzo Washington.. ' ' Appointed 1st Sergt. July 15,'67. Bobbitt, David ' ' July 5, '67 Mustered out with regt. Booth, John Ottawa July 4, '67 ' ' ' ' Bringle, (ieorge L Garnett ' ' " " Brown, John W ' ' ' ' 11 1 . Bulson, Aaron S " " Died July 25, '67, at Walnut creek. Campbell, George A. . . " " Appointed Sergt. July 15, '67. Carman, Augustus . Fort Harker . July 15, '67 Appointed wagoner July 15, '67. Carpenter, Thomas H. Washington .. July 8. '67 Mustered out with regt. Carpenter, George W., Wyandotte. .. July 6, '67 Appointed Sergt. July 15, '67. Cook, John S Washington.. July 8, '67 Mustered out with regt. Covey, Hezekiah Garnett July 4, '67 Deserted July 25, '67. Crafford, John Washington .. July 6, '67 Mustered out with regt. Davis, Orrin C ' ' ' ' 11 II Davis, Nathaniel . . ' ' ' ' II II DriscoU, Montillon C, ' ' ' ' 11 11 Dugan, Robert G. ... Junction City July 10, '67 11 11 Fellows, John W Ottawa July 6, '67 Appointed Sergt. July 15, '67. Fleak, Murphy C ' ' July 8, '67 Mustered out with regt. Fleming, Henry Wyandotte. .. July 6, '67 Fugate, Wiley Ottawa July 8, '67 11 I . Gaddus, William E... ' ' ' ' Deserted July 25, '67. Gaddus, Zebedee ' ' ' ' Mustered out with regt. Goodenstein, Max . Fort Harker . July 15, '67 II 11 Graham, Columbus T. Ottawa. ... July 8, '67 Deserted July 25, '67. Haines, David Wyandotte. .. July 6, '67 Mustered out with regt. Hamby, William N. .. Garnett July 4, '67 II 11 Headley, James E. D., ' ' ' ' II 11 Hendricks, Walter Washington.. July 6, '67 11 11 Holloman, Harvey A., Garnett July 4, '67 Deserted July 25, '67. Horn, William ' ' Mustered out with regt. Howel), Levi T.. Washington .. July 6, '67 .Appointed Corp. July 15, '67. Huddlestun, Alexander.. Ottawa July 8, '67 Mustered ont with regt. Hurdy, Joseph Wyandotte .. July 6, '67 II 11 Ivey, Henry C Ottawa July 4, '67 Died July 23, '67, at Ft. Harker. Jackson, James M . . Lawrence July 3, '67 Mustered out with regt. Johnson, Hugh N Ottawa July 5, '67 Appointed Corp. July 15, '67, Kerns, Elmer Y ' ' July 8, '67 Mustered out with regt. King, Jonathan Wyandotte. .. July 6, '67 Appointed Corp. July 15, '67. Kingsbury, Winfield S. .. ' ' ' ' Mustered out with regt. Kirkland, John A. .. Garnett July 4, '67 Appointed Corp. July 15, '67. Knowlton, Walter A... Fort Harker . July 15, '67 Deserted (date unknown). Lane, William H Ottawa. July 8, '67 Deserted July 15, '67. Layering, Squire S. . Washington .. July 6, '67 Mustered out with regt. Masterson, Thomas G. Fort Harker . July 15, '67 Died Aug. 22, '67, at Beaver creek. Minor, James H Ottawa July 5, '67 Deserted July 25, '67. Montgomery, George.. Beer Garden . July 9; '67 Deserted (date unknown). Moon, Esby W Wildcat creek... July 8, '67 Mustered out with regt. McQue, John J Garnett July 4, '67 11 11 McKenney, Howell W. Wyandotte. .. July 6, '67 Died July 19, '67, at Ft. Harker. McKenney , Jonathan W . . ' ' ' ' Appointed Corp. July 15, '67. North, William H Ottawa July 9, '67 Appointed wagoner July 15, '67. Paramore, Edward H. ' ' July 5, '67 Mustered out with regt. Paska, Lyle B Washington.. Ottawa July 6, July 5, '67 '67 II 11 Peck, Frank A Appointed Sergt. July 15, '67. Peppard, Oliver C .. Wyandotte. .. July 6, '67 Mustered out with regt. Perkins, William M... Ottawa. July 8, •67 11 11 Pomeroy , John H Fort Harker . July 15, '67 11 11 Ramsey, John W Garnett July 4, •67 Appointed Sergt. July 15, '67. Reynolds, Adrian ' ' ' ' 11 II 11 Robinson, Charles Fort Harker . July 15, '67 Deserted July 15, '67. Rockhold, John M Wyandotte. .. July 6, '67 Appointed Corp. July 15, '67. Ruckle, David L Garnett July 4, '67 II 11 11 Saunders, Hiram D. .. Ottawa July 6, '67 Died July 19,'67, at Ft. Harker, i Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Eigrliteenth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry. COMPANY C- Concluded. 109 Name and rank. Privates. Shultz, Thomas J.... Smith, George Sperrier, George W. . Spencer, Moses Sport, William H . .'. Springer, George W. T Stewart, Andrew J Stewart, Charles C ... Sutherland, William. Towell, James H Ware, Edward Warthen, James H . . Webb, John B Witson, John S.... Wolf, John : Woolery, John D Worley, Eli J Residence. Date of enrollment. Garnett July 4, '67 Washington ., July 6, '67 Junction City July 10, '67 Garnett July 4, '67 Ottawa July 5, '67 Garnett July 4, '67 Ottawa July 9, '67 Garnett July 4, '67 Wyandotte... July 6, '67 Ottawa., Washington , Wyandotte. . Ottawa Wyandotte. .. Ottawa I July 8, '67 July 5, '67 Wyandotte. ..I July 6, '67 | Date of muster. Remarks. July _ 15, '67 Mustered out with regt. Deserted July 25, '67. Appointed Sergt. July 15, '67. Appointed Corp. July 15, 67. Mustered out with regt. Died Aug. 28, '67, at Fort Hays. Mustered out with regt. Died July 19, '67, at Ft. Harker. Mustered out with regt. Deserted July 15, '67. Mustered out with regt. 110 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Eigliteentli Kansas Volunteer Cavalry. COMPANY D. Mustered into United States service July 15, 1867. Mustered out and discharged November 15, 1867. Name and rank. Kesidence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Eemarks. Captain. David L. Payne First Lieutenant. John M. Cain Second Lieutenant. Henry Hegwer First Sergeant, Jackson, John B Sergeants. Jones, John P Richards, Frank Campbell, Henry H., Black, Stephen S Boswell, Joseph A, . . . Koons, James B Harvey, James H Ellinger, Martin L. . Corporals. Ellinger, Martin L. . McLanahan, Jeroma B Moote, William J . . . . Cralle, Thomas Elliott, Cyrus J Koons, James B Larrod, Thomas Black, James H Leavenworth, Atchison. Topeka. Olathe. Fort Harker. . Leavenworth, Atchison Fort Harker.. Olathe Atchison Atchison Leavenworth, Atchison Leavenworth, Atchison Olathe Fort Harker.. Atchison July 2, '67 July 3, '67 July 9, '67 July 8, '67 July 5, '67 July 2, '67 July 8, '67 July 5, '67 July 6, '67 July 8, '67 July 8, '67 July 6, '67 July 5, '67 July 9, '67 July 5, '67 July 8, '67 July 6, '67 July 15, '67 July 15, '67 July 15, '67 July 15, '67 July 15, '67 July 15, '67 Mustered in as Capt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered in as 1st Lt. ; raus' tered out with regt. Mustered in as 2nd Lt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; appointed 1st Sergt. July 15, '67 ; mus- tered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; appointed Sergt. July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; appointed Sergt. July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; appointed Sergt. July 15, '67; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; appointed Sergt. July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; appointed Sergt. July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; appointed Sergt. July 15, '67; red. to rks. Aug. 30, '67. Enrolled as pvt. : appointed Sergt. July 15, '67; red. to rks. Aug. 31, '67. Enrolled as pvt. ; appointed Corp. July 15, '67 ; pro. Sergt. Aug. 31, '67; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; appointed Corp July 15, '67 ; pro. Sergt. Aug. 31, '67. Enrolled as pvt. ; appointed Corp. July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. : appointed Corp. July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; appointed Corp. July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt.; app. Corp. July 15, '67 ; mustered out with regiment. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Sergt. Julv 15, '67 ; red. to rks. Aug. ;^0, '67; pro. Corp. Sept. 1, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. Aug. 31, '67; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Corp. Aug. 31, '67 ; mustered out with regt. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Ill Eigrliteeiith Kansas Volunteer Cavalry. COMPANY D— Continued. Name and rank. Privates. Black, Stephen S Black, James H Black, John P Blake, John W 31y, Albert R Boswell, Joseph A Branner, Robert Brown, Thomas Brunner, Leo F Bundy, Allen M Burgess, Henderson P. L. . , Cameron, Henry Campbell, Henry H... Chambers, George Chilton, Raleigh Colbrant Augustus E Craile, Thomas Dean, Alfred D Dickson, William Dubois, Duran T Duft'ey, Dennis Duffield, David S Dunn, David H Eaton, John EUinger, Martin L.... Elliott, Cyrus J Fallon, John Frances, John F Gruber, Harrison Hartman, Davis R.. .. Harvey, James H Hathaway, Linden . . . Hawkins, Eugene A. . . Hays, Albert M Henderson, John B.. . . Hendricks, Jesse Hughes, Charles F Jackson, .John B Jacklin, Thomas Jarred, Elias Jones, Thomas Jones, John P Jones, Harris T Kelly, James King, James L Koons, James B Larrod, Thomas Lewis, John B Lewis, Peter Luckey , James R Lynch, Jasper N Marcuse, Theodore.... Martin, Jacob Martin, Hiram Maxwell, William P.. Moote, William J Moreland, William H. Morton, itamuel A. H. Morris, Jasper McDaniel, William F. McLanahan, Jerome B. . . Residence. Atchison . . Leavenworth, Olathe Atchison Fort Harker. Atchison . . Olathe Atchison . . Leavenworth. Olathe Leavenworth, Fort Harker.. Leavenworth, Olathe.. .. Atchison . Fort Harker., Leavenworth Atchison Olathe Leavenworth, Atchison Fort Harker.. Leavenworth, Olathe, . Leavenworth, Fort Harker., Leavenworth, Olathe Fort Harker. Atchison Fort Harker., Olathe _. Leavenworth Atchison .... Leavenworth Olathe Atchison Olathe Atchison Olathe Leavenworth, July 6, '67 Date of enrollment. July 8, '67 July 6, '67 July 5, '67 July 11, '67 July 5, '67 July 8, '67 July 6, '67 July 2, '67 July 8, '67 July 7, '67 July 9, '67 July 8, '67 July 9, July 8, July 5, July 6, July 8, July 5, July 10, July 2, July 8, July 6, July 7, July 8, '67 July 7, '67 July 8, '67 July 11, '67 July 6, '67 July 8, '67 July 9, '67 July 2, '67 July 8, '67 July 5, '67 July 11, '67 July 2, '67 July 6, '67 July 5, '67 July 8, '67 July 7, '67 July 9, '67 July 7, '67 July 5, '67 July _ 2, '67 July 6, '67 July 5, '67 July 8, '67 July 6, '67 July 8, '67 Date of muster. July 15, '67 Not mustered, . . July 15, '67 Remarks, Appointed Sergt. July 15, '67. Appointed Corp. Aug. '41, '67. Mustered out with regt. Appointed Sergt. July 15, '67. Died July 18, '67, at Ft. Harker. Mustered out with regt. Died July 24, '67, at Ft. Harker. Appointed Sergt. July 15, '67. Deserted Aug. 21, '67, at Fort Hays. Mustered out with regt. Died July 24, '67, at Ft. Hark Appointed Corp. July 15, '67. Deserted Nov. 2, '67, at For Dodge. Mustered out with regt. Died July 24, '67, at Ft. Harker. Mustered out with regt. Appointed Corp. July 15, '67. Mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. Sergt. July 15, '67 ; red. to rks. Aug. 31, '67; mustered out with regt. Deserted July 18, '67, at Fort Harker. Mustered out with regt. Deserted July 18, '67, at Fort Harker. Deserted Sept. 25, '67, at Fort Hays. Mustered out with regt. Appointed 1st Sergt. July 15, '67. Deserted Sept. 12, '67, at Fort Hays. Mustered out with regt. Deserted Sept. 25, '67, at Fort Hays. Appointed Sergt. July 15, '67. Deserted Sept. 25, '67, at Fort Hays. Mustered out with regt. Appointed Sergt. July 15, '67 ; red. to rks. Aug. 30, '67 ; pro. Corp. Sept. 1, '67. Appointed Corp. Aug. 31, '67. Deserted July 18, '67, at Fort Harker. Mustered out with regt. Died July 16,'67, at Ft. Harker. Appointed Corp. July 15, '67. Mustered out with regt. Deserted Aug. 5, '67, at Fort Larned. Appointed Corp. July 15, '67. 112 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Eighteenth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry. COMPANY D — Concluded. Name and rank. P7-ivates, McVeigh, Bailej' Norris, Francis M Norris, Samuel Parker, Jolm Parmeley, William. . . . Parry, Morgan L Pay ton, Alfred Phillips, Irving Ramey, Pleasant Rhodes, William L. T Richards, Frank Richardson, Eugene T Roe, William E Rushlow, Joseph , Rust, George T Salmons, John H Sapp, Calvin Sidner, Frank Smith, John H Smith, George D Sternberg, John F Swisher, James H. W Thompson, Charles S Treacey , Edward Weaver, Gilmore M . . , Wilcox, William A... Williams, George A . . , Wilson, John Winner, Frank Wycoff, Peter P WycoiT, William M.... Residence. Olathe Atchison Leavenworth, Fort Harker. . Atchison Leavenworth, Olathe Atchison Fort Barker.. Leavenworth, Fort Barker.. Atchison . Fort Barker. . Fort Barker.. Leavenworth, Atchison Leavenworth, Fort Barker. Leavenworth, Olathe Date of enrollment. July 9, '67 July 8, '67 July 9, '67 July 11, '67 July 5, '67 July _ 8, '67 July 2, '67 July 8, '67 July _ 5, '67 July 6, '67 July 8, '67 July 5, '67 July 8, '67 July 13, '67 July 11, '67 July 8, '67 July 11, '67 July 7, ,67 July 9, '67 July 8, '67 July 2, '67 July 11, '67 July 2, '67 July 9, '67 July 8, '67 Date of muster. July 15, '67 Remarks. Died July 15, '67, at Ft. Barker. Mustered out with regt. Died July 24, '67, at Ft. Lamed. Appointed Sergt. July 15, '67. Deserted Sept. 25, '67, at Fort Bays. Mustered out with regt. Deserted July 18, '67, at Fort Barker. Mustered out with regt. Deserted July 31, '67, at Fort Larned. Mustered out with regt. Deserted July 26, '67, at Fort Bays. Deserted July 18, '67, at Fort Barker. Died July 24, '67, at Ft. Larned. Mustered out with regt. Deserted Sept. 12, '67, at Fort Bays. Deserted July 18, '67, at Fort Barker. Deserted July 18, '67, at Fort Barker. Mustered out with regt. ROLL OF THE Nineteentli Kansas Volunteer Cavalry. Organized October 20, 1868. Mustered out April 18, 1869. The Nineteenth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry. In the spring of 1868 Indian depredations were renewed, and in June the Cheyennes made a raid into the State as far as Council Grove. In August a raid was made on the settlers of the Solomon and Saline valleys; men, women and children were murdered, and other fearful atrocities committed. In September Governor Crawford called into the State's service five companies of cavalry, to be organized from the militia, for service on the frontier. These companies fur- nished their own horses, but were supplied with ordnance equipment and sub- sisted by the general government. These companies were immediately organ- ized and at the post of duty. Their presence along the border of the western settlements was salutary, and but few depredations were committed while the sturdy frontiersmen remained in the field. In October General Sheridan, whose energetic presentation of the matter seems to have awakened the officials at the War Department, received instruction from the Secretary of War to raise a regi- ment of Kansas volunteer troops for six months' service. On October 9 he made his request to Governor Crawford ; on October 10 the governor issued his proc- lamation, and ten days later the Nineteenth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry was mustered into the service of the United States. Governor Crawford resigned, and took the command of the regiment in person. The regiment served under General Sheridan while he conducted the energetic -campaign of the winter of 1868 and 1869. No severe fighting resulted, but the Indians were given no rest. The winter was very severe ; violent storms were frequent and the snow deep, and the hardships endured by the troops were terrible. The Nineteenth Kansas was mustered out at Fort Hays on the 18th day of April, 1869. 114 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. N'meteenth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. FIELD AND STAFF. Mustered into United States service October 29, 1868. Mustered out and discharged April 18, 1869. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Colonel. Samuel J. Crawford . . Horace L. Moore Topeka Nov. 4, '68 Oct. 30, '68 Nov. 4, '68 Mar. 23, '69 Mustered in as Col. ; resigned Feb. 12, '69. Mustered in as Lieut. Col. ; pro. Col. Mar. 23, '69; mus- tered out with regiment. Lieutenant Colonel. Horace L. Moore Topeka lola Oct. 30, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 30, '68 Mar. 23, '69 Mustered in as Lieut. Col. ; pro. Col. Mar. 23, '69. Mustered in as Major ; pro. Lieut. Col. Mar. 23, '69; mus- tered out with regiment. Majors. lola Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Nov. 4, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 30, '68 Nov. 4, '68 Mar. 23, '69 Charles Dimon Richard W. Jenkins.. Milton Stewart Topeka Lieut. Col. Mar. 23, '69. Mu.stered in as Capt. Co. Q; pro. Major Oct. 30, '68; mus- tered out with regiment. Mustered in as Major; mus- tered out with regiment. Mustered in as Capt. Co. K; pro. Major Mar. 23, '69; mus- tered out with regt. Siirgeon. Mahlon Bailey Topeka Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Mustered in as Surgeon ; mus- tered out with regt. Assistant Surgeons. Ezra P. Russell Robert Aikman Topeka Oct. 20, '68 Nov. 11, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Nov. 11, '68 Mustered in as Asst. Surgeon ; mustered out with regt. Mustered in as Asst. Surgeon; mustered out with regt. Adjutant. James W, Steele Topeka Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Mustered in as Adjutant ; mus- tered out with regt. Quartermaster. Luther A. Thrasher. .. Topeka Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Mustered in as Quartermaster ; mustered out with regt. Commissary. John Johnston Topeka Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Mustered in as Commissary ; mustered out with regt. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 115 Nineteenth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. NONCOMMISSIONED STAFF. Mustered into United States service October 29, 1868. Mustered out and discharged April 18, 1869. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Serf/ea n t-Major. George G. Gunning . . . John G Kay Leavenworth, Junction City Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Enrolled as pvt. Co. E; pro. 1st Sergt. Oct. 28, '68; pro. Sorgt.-Maj. Nov. 12, '68: red. to rks. and trans, to Co. E April 4, '69. Enrolled as pvt. Co. K; pro. Sergt. Jan. 1, '69; pro. Sergt.- Maj. April 8, '69; mustered out with regt. Q. M. Sergeant. Francis M, Brown — Topeka' Oct. 13, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Enrolled as pvt. Co. A; pro. Q. M. Sergt. Dec. 29, '68; mustered out with regt. Commissary Serr/t. William Mather Topeka Oct. 18, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Enrolled as pvt. Co. A; pro. Com. Sergt. Dec. 29. '68; mustered out with regt. Hosintal Steward. Gamaliel J. Lund Topeka Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Mustered in as Hospital Stew- ard ; mustered out with regt. Chief Bugler. William Gruber Leavenworth, Franklin Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 27, '68 Enrolled as pvt. Co. E; pro. bugler Oct. 28, '68 ; pro. chief bugler Nov. V.i, '68 ; accident- ally shot and killed Mar. 6,'69. Enrolled as pvt. Co. F; pro. bugler Oct. 28, '68 ; pro. chief bugler Mar. 6, '69 ; mustered out with regt. Veterinary Surgeon. George Davidson Topeka Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Enrolled as pvt. Co. A; pro. Vet. Surg. Dec. 3. '68; mus- 1 tered out with regt. 116 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Nineteentli Regiment, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. COMPANY A. Mustered into United States service October 20, 1868. Mustered out and discharg April 18, 1869. Name and rank. Hesidence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Captain. Allison J. Pliley First Lieutenant. Benjamin D. Wilson. Second Lieutenant. Raleigh C.Powell... Joseph Beacock Firs' Sergeant. Hadley, James A Q. M. Sergeant. Curtis, Orrin A *. Sergeants. Wilson, James M Howell, Lewis A Conwell, James M . . . McBee, Jeremiah. ... Casebier, John W Corporals. Cooper, John Sherman, William... Maddox, Thomas H. Davis, Ephraim B... Cohee, Jefferson Fowler, Charles O... Maley, John Mason, William Cart, Peter McMahon, Bernard. , Topeka Topeka Topeka Topeka Topeka, Topeka Topeka. Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Mar. 23, '69 Oct. 13, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 20, '6 Oct. 20, '68 Mar. 23, '69 Oct. 20, '6 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 20, '6S Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 13, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 13, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 21, Oct. 20, Mustered in as Capt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered in as 1st Lieut. ; mus- tered out with regt. Resigned ; res. accepted Jan. 5, '69. Mustered in as 2Dd Lt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. Mar. 23, '69; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 26, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 26, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt, Oct. 26, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. ?6, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct 26, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. : pro. Sergt. Oct. 26, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 26, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 26, '68; mustered out witli regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 26, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt.; pro. Corp. Oct. 26, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp, Oct. 26, '68 ; red. to rks. Nov. 27, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp, Oct. 26, '68 : red. to rks. Nov. 27, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 26, '68 ; red. to rks. Feb. 6, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 26, '68; red. to rks. Jan. 9, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp, Nov. 27, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. 20, '68; mustered out with regt. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 117 Nineteenth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers— Cavalry. COMPANY A — Continued. Name and rauk. Residence. Corporals. Smith, Andrew J. McDowell, James P. Bugler. Andrews, William G. Privates. Adams, William E . . . Alton, Olof Andrews, William G. Brown, Francis M. . . . Brvan, Frank E Butler, Henry C Caldwell, James B . Canfleld, Thomas P. Carlson, Charles — Cart, Peter Casebier, Jolm W... Cohee, Jefferson ... Conweli, James M.. Cooper, John Cooney, William — Creek, Isaiah Curtis, Orrin A Topeka. Topeka. Topeka. Curtis, Noah E. . . Daubon, Frank E. Davidson, George. Davis, William Davis, Ephraira B . Dolloway, Charles C. Duer, Thomas W Dunner, Albert Eckley, James Enoch, Samuel Fowler, Charles O ... Furg:eson, Porter . ... Gay, William Hadley, James A Hanson, John Hays, John M HensoQ, Levi A Herrington, John — Herrmian, Lewis . . . . Hilbish, Aaron Howell, Lewis A Hudson, John H — Jacobson, Andrew . . . Johnson, Martin Johnson, Andrew P. James, Martin V Jordon, Sylvester — Laiblin, Charles F.. Larama, Joseph Lazelle, Marmaduke D Linton, John Lundgren, Gustofl.. Maddox, Thomas H. Maddox, John P — Maley, John Marshall, Andrew J. . Mason, William Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 13, '6S Oct. 16, Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 13, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 12, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 12, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 14. '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 13, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 14, 'S8 Oct. 13, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 13, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 13, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 20, '6 Oct. 20, '68 Remarks. Oct. 21, '68 Oct. -20, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 21, '6 Oct. 20, '6 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 21, Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Feb. 26, '69; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Feb. 27, '69; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. bugler Oct. 26, '68; mustered out with regt. Mustered out with regt. Promoted bugler Oct. 26, '68. Promoted Regt. Q. M. Sergt. Dec. 29, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Nov. 27, '68. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 26, '68. Promoted Corp. Oct. 26, '68. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 26, '68. Promoted Corp. Oct. 26, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 26, '68. Mustered out with regt. Transferred to non-com. staff as Vet. Surg. Dec, 3, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 26, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 26, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted 1st Sergt. Mch. 23,'69. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 26, '68. Mustered out with regt. Died of dis. Feb. 23, '' Camp Supply, I. T. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 26, '68. Mustered out with regt. PromotM Corp. Oct. 26, '68; red. to rks. Feb. 6, '69 ; mus- tered out witli regt. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 26, '68; red. to rks. Jan. 9, '69; mus- tered out with regt. 118 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Nineteenth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry- COMPANY A — Concluded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. Mather, William W. . . Moffett, Isaiah B Morrison, .John L McBee, John McBee, Jeremiah McClain, Willard A... McClain. James H McCarter, Reed McCarty, Duncan McDowell, James P. . . McHazard, Cornelius, McMahon, Bernard. .. Nelson, Charles P Pappan, Otwain Pappan, Stephen Perkins, Joseph D Peterson, Soree N Powell. Stephen D. .,. Razer, Guthart Rice, William Riddle, Thomas Rogers, Francis M ... Rogers, George W Seavey, Charles Sherman, William Shutts, Charles Smith, William Smith, Andrew J Smith , George D Stackhouse, Charles . . Stanley, James Stumbaugh, Sampson Templeton, John C . . Thompson, Archibald Turner, John Updegraff, Albert Vanderpool, Thomas B. .. Vane, Francis M Walker, Livingston.., Watkins, William. ... Williams, Francis M. . Williams, Henry Wilson, James M Wright, Robert M .... Topeka. Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 13, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 13, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 12, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 12, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 13, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 20, '6 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 21, '6 Oct. 20, '6 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 21,' 68 Promoted Com. Sergt. Dec. 29, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 26, '6 Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Feb. 27, '69. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Dec. 20, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp., Oct. 26, Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Feb. 26, Deserted Feb. 25, '69. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 26, Mustered out with regt. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 119 Nineteenth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. COMPANY B. Mustered into United States service October 23, 1868. Mustered out and discharged April 28, 1869. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Captain. Charles E. Reck. First Lieutenant. Henry H. McCoUister, Second Lieutenant. Charles H. Champney, First Sergeant. Rine, John Richards, David P. . . . Q. M. Sergeant, Wigg, William J Sergeants. Rine, John Richards, David P Perry, John W Wilson, Adam Mitchell, Winfrey Hill, John Corporals, Langlois, Joseph Jupp, James R Donahoe, Patrick H.. Rankle, Joseph Lear, Jesse G Sullivan, Frank Day, Thomas Gardner, Charles Topeka. Topeka . Topeka. Atchison . Atchison Atchison , Atchison . Oct. 23, '68 Oct 28, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Mustered in as Capt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered in as 1st Lt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered in as 2nd Lt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; returned to Sergt. Dec. 11, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68 ; pro. 1st Sergt. Dec. 11, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 30, 68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; returned to Sergt. Dec. 11, '68; mus- tered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; pro. 1st Sergt. Dec. 11, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. 1, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp, Dec. 10, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. CorJ). Jan. 19, '69; mustered out with regt. '• 120 Roll of Officers arid Enlisted Men. Nineteenth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. COMPANY B — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Corporals. Angus, William... Connolly, Arthur Eaton, John Farrier. Abbott, George Atchison. Atchison. Privates. Abbott, George Albrecht, Frederick C. Amnions, George Angus, William Bates, James L Bayless, Theodore Blakely, Henry Boen, John Bradley, Georare H Bunshoe, Michael Caruthers, William. .. elites, Noah B Conger, Samuel Connolly, Arthuy Cox, Thomas Craig, Dobson Day, Dudley Day, Allen Day, Thomas Deets, William Deets, John W Donahoe, Patrick H.. Dunkelberge, Nathan, Eaton, John Epsom, Polk Estes, Asa Falconer, James Flynu, JohnVV Fowler, Sidney. . Gardner, Charles Gocher, Julius Hann, William Harden, William J..., Harrell, Jacob Harvey, Oliver H. P.. Hill, John Horton, Charles W.... Hurst, Elisha S Jacobs, Peter. Jones, George M Jones, John M Judd, John M Jupp, .James R Key, William Keplinger, Daniel S., Lane, John W Langlois, Joseph Langston, Jesse Lay ton, Perry Leonard, Peter Letcher, Alex , Letcher, William H . Lear, Jesse G , Atchison. Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 27, '68 Oct. 22, '6S Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 21, '6S Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 22, '6s Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 27, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 25, 'loA Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 21, '6s Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 18, '68 Oct, 19, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 23, '6S Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 23, '6-( Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68 ; red. to rks. Jan. 19, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68 ; red. to rks. Dec. 1, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68 ; red. to rks. Dec. 1, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; appointed farrier Oct. 30, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Appointed farrier Oct. 30, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, '68; red. to rks. Jan. 19, '69; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, '68; red. to rks. Dec. 1, '68; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Dec. 10, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, '68; red. to rks. Dec, 1, '68; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered out with regt. Deserted Dec. 23, '68, at Fort Hays. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Jan. 19, '69. Mustered out with regt. Deserted Nov. 17, '68. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 30, '6 Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, '6 Mustered out with regt. Deserted Jan. 11, '69. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, '6 Deserted Dec. 7, '68. Mustered out with regt. Deserted Dec. 7, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, '6 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Niueteeutli Kes-iineut, Kansas Volunteers -Cavalry. COMPANY B — Concluded. 121 Name and rank. Residence. J'ri rates. Long, Elisha Martin, Jolin M Martin, Henry Mitchell, Winfrey — Morris, VV infield S... Morris, Jesse B McBride, William ... Nelson, Samuel Norris, Francis M — Noves, George Parnell, George A. ... Perkins, Nathan G. . Perry, John W.... — Potter, George W — Potter, Isaac Potter, Daniel Powell, Thomas. ... Rankle, Joseph Reardon, Morris Reed, James Rhodes. Buford A Richards, David P — Rine, John Rutledge, Grandison.. Runnels, Jeston Schafer, Christian — Scott, Marion H Shanley, Thomas Spencer, Josiah B Stewart, William Stillwell, William S... Sturgeon, Alexander.. Sullivan, Frank Sweeney, W'illiam... . Thompson, .\ndrew J.. Thompson, Levi D.... Thompson Charles W., Titus, Theodore Turner, William H — Walker, Michael Warriner, William H., Watts, Joseph W.. Weathers, John H Wigg, William J.. Atchison. Wilson, Adam Woodford, Charles.... Date of enrollment. Oct. 19, '68 Date of muster. Oct. 23, Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 19, '6S Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 20, '6S Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. n, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 20, "68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Remarks. Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 28, '6 Oct. 23, '68 Mustered out with regt. Deserted Dec. 7, '68. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 30, Mustered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 30, '63. Mastered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted 1st Sergt. Dec. 11, 'i Promoted Sergt. Oct. 30, 68. Mustered out with regt. Deserted Dec. 7, '68. Mustered out with regt. Deserted Nov. 17, '68. Promoted Corp. Dec. 1, 68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 30, Promoted Sergt. Oct. 30, '68. lustered out with regt. 122 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Nineteenth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. COMPANY C. Mustered into United States service October 26, 1868. Mustered out and discharged April 18, 1869. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks, Captain. Charles P. Twiss First Lieutenant. Walter J. Dallas Second Lieutenant. Jesse E. Parsons First Sergeant. Friend, Wellington M Q. M. Sergeant. Cowan, Samuel J. .. Sergeants. McKenzie, John Fanning, Joseph Stoddard, Jonathan A. Mull, Constantine G.. Smith, Charles P Downs, William Johnson, Ebenezer. . .. Corporals. Peters, John S Hamblin, John B Spicer, Duane D Longstreet, George M. Case, William E Miller, Adelbert E.... Givens, William ...".., Tye, James M Baker, George Topeka, Topeka Topeka lola . . . , Tola lola lola. Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct, 26, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 26, Oct. 26, '6 Oct. 26, '6 Oct. 26, Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 26, '6 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Mustered in as Capt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered in as 1st Lt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered in as 2nd Lt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. Oct. 26, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 26, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 26, "68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 26, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 26, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Dec. 4, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Dec. 4, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 26, '68, red. to rks. Dec. 4, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 26, '68 ; red. to rks. Dec. 4, '68. Enrolled as pvt.; pro. Corp. Oct. 26, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt.; pro. Corp. Oat. 26, '68; mustered owt with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 26, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 26, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 26, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 26, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 26, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct 26, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro, Corp. Oct. 26, '68; reduced to ranks Dec. 4, '68. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 123 Nineteenth Reg-inient, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. COMPANY C- Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Farrier. Winans, George A. Privates. Adams, William Allen, Reuben McD. . Allen, William S Anderson, George T. . Bain, Benjamin F. Barnett, Andrew , Baker, George Becker, William F Bird, William Black, James A. Byfield, Marion J Carothers, John Case, William E .... Casta tor, John P Castator, James L.. .. Christy, George W Christy, Francis M... Clark, iTames M Clement, Charles A. .. Clinton, William .... Couchman, Samuel J, Cooper, Josiah M . Cowan, Samuel J lola' lola Cox, John A Cress, Solomon P. Denny, Isaiah G . , Denny, Columbus, Dow, George W. .. Downs, William.. Durland, Peter Ellis, William S Evans, Charles J Fanning, Joseph .... Fawcett, Franklin B. Fitzpatrick, Jacob J Fitzsimmons, Robert E.. Gilkeson, .lohn S Gillihan, Lucius M.. Givens, William Hall, David Hamblin, John B. Harrison, Alonzo M.. Hill, John A Hougham, Ira Imell, Thomas J Inge, William Jackson, Niton Jameson, Jasper Jamjson, John E. Johnson, Ebenezer. . ., Johnson, Cliarles M., Kimball, George A.. . Kirkpatrick, Crittenden. Kirkpatrick, Clay Lapham, Henry B Lawson, Emanuel .... Longstre(!t, George M Lynn, William P Martin, William B.. ., Martin, Francis Miller, Adelbort E.... Mix, Thomas L Moore, Richard P Moore, Emsly B. . . Mull, ConstantineQ.. McAfee, Albert Oct. 17, 'e Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. U, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 26, '6 Enrolled as pvt. ; appointed farrier Oct. 26, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 26, reduced to ranks Dec. 4, mustered out with regt. Deserted Nov. 9, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 26, '6 Mustered out with regt. Deserted Dec. Dec. 30, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 26, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 26, '68; red. to rks. Dec. 4, '68 ; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 26, '6 Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 26, '6 Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 26, '6 Mustered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 26, Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 26, Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 26, Mustered out with regt. Deserted Dec. 30, '68. Deserted Nov. 10, '68. Promoted Sergt. Dec. 4, Mustered out with regt. 124 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. ^NTiiieteentli Reg-iineiit, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. COMPANY C — Concluded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. Mc Daniel, William B. McKenzie, John McKenzie, Joseph Mc Williams, Charles. . O' Brien, Moses Peters, John S Pierce, William M Pierce, John Roush, Gary Shamblin, Enoch Simmons, Franklin F. Smalley, Lyman O Smith, Charles P Spaur, Joseph G Spicer, Duane D Stoddard, Jonathan A. Swan, Davison R Taylor, Andrew J Thomas, James H Tye, James M Van Slyke, Monroe . .. Vincent, George M Wieland, George M. .. Wiggins, William Willingham, William, Wilson, William F.... Wilson, Andrew Winans, George A Wolford, Albert T Woodin, John C Wyatt, Walter C Young, Julius lola Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 15, '68 Oct. U, '68 Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Mustered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 26, Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 26, Deserted Nov. 9, '68. Deserted Nov. 10, '68. Mustered out with regt. Deserted Dec. 22, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Dec. 4, ' Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 26, ' Promoted Sergt. Oct. 26, Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Dec. 4, '( Mustered out with regt. Appointed farrier Oct. 26,' Mustered out with regt. Deserted Dec. 30, '68. Mustered out with regt. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 125 Niiieteeiitli Reg-iment, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. COMPANY D. Mustered into United States service October 26, 1868. Mustered out and discharged April 18, 1869. Name and ranlf. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Captain, John Q. A. Norton First Lieutenant, Johns. Edie Second Lieutenant, Charles H. Hoyt First Sergeant, Luckey, James R Q. M, Sergeant. Bartling, William H . . Sergeants, Harris, George A Titus, James K Mears, Alexander Causdell, Argent DeLesdeiner, William Corporals, Hodson, William Shaw, William F Whited. William R... Harris, James F Griffits, William T.... Bayless, Osmond Kerns, Elmer Y Jones, Bruce Mitchell, George S Rockey, William Topeka Topeka Topeka Lawrence .. Lawrence .. Lawrence .. Lawrence . Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 17, "68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. U, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 18, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 26, Mustered in as Captain ; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered in as 1st Lt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered in as 2nd Lt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt, Oct. 26, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 26, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 26, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 26, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 26, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 26, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 26, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 26, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 26, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 26, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 26, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 26, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 26, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Jan. 1, '69; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Mar. 1, '69; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 26, '68 ; red. to rks. Jan. 1, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 26, '68 ; red. to rks. Mar. 1, '69. 126 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Nineteenth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. COMPANY D— Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. JliKjler.s. Gearbart, James. McKinzie, Gabe. . Privates. Adams, David Adams, William J ... Ackermann, Daniel . . Adolpli, George Ashford, William W.. Bartling, William H.. Bayless, Osmond Beardsley, George — Bess, Charles A Blake. John W Brander, Archie T Bressett, Sherman Brooks, Jesse L Brown, Charles Brunk, Daniel Burket, Ransom Cade, Benjamin Carson, John M Causdell, Argent Crusan, William Dally, Theodore Davis, Harry H Davis, Josiah Dickey, John DeLesdeiner William, Elam, Tillman Farrell, John H. Fleak, Charles M Freelan, John B Fuller, James Gearhart, James Gelhousen, Hugo, — Griffits, William T.... Hames, Joshua Harris, George A • Harris, James F Hester, Joseph Hodson, William Howell, Samuel Hutchinson, Sylvester L. . Hymer, David F Jamison, Joshua. Jones, Bruco Kerns, Elmer Y Lamb, James H Lane, William Llewellyn, Robert ... Lobinger, James C. . . Long, James Luckey , .James R Marshall, William.. . . Mears, Alexander Mewhinney, Mayo Mitchell, George S. . .. Miler, Charles Miller, Titus T Mix, Miles McCormick, James H. McKinzie, Gabe Osborn, Robert Owen, Robert B.... awrence. Lawrence. Oct. 23, '6 Oct. 19, 'e Oct. 15 Oct. 24 Oct. 17 Oct. 21 Oct. 30 Oct. 16 Oct. 19 Oct. 26 Oct. 19 Oct. 15 Oct. 24 Oct. 19 Oct. 24 Oct. 19 Oct. 20 Oct. 14 Oct. 20 Oct. 19 Oct. 20 Oct. 30 Oct. 22 Oct. 19 Oct. 24 Oct. 19 Oct. 14 Oct. 18 Oct. 23 Oct. 30 Oct. 20 Oct. 17 Oct. 14 Oct. 17 Oct. 16 Oct. 19 Oct. 24 Oct. 23 Oct. 19 Oct. 24 Oct. 17 Oct. 16 Oct. 19 Oct. 21 Oct. 17 Oct. 19 Oct. 26 Oct. 19 Oct. 15 Oct. 16 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 26, Oct. 26, '6 Oct. 30, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 30, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. Oct. 30, '68 26, '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. bugler Oct. 26, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt.; pro. bugler Oct. 26, '68; mustered out with regt. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 26, '68. Promoted Corp. Oct. 26, '68. Deserted Dec. 26, '68. Mustered out with regt. Deserted Jan. 1, '69. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 26, Mustered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 26, '6 Mustered out with regt. Promoted bugler Oct. 26, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 26, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 26, '68. Promoted Corp. Oct. 26, '68. Deserted Dec. 21, '68. Promoted Corp. Oct. 26, '68. Mustered out with regt. Deserted Jan. 1, '69. Promoted Corp. Mch. 1, '69, Promoted Corp. Jan. 1, '69. Deserted Dec. 25, '68. Mustered out with regt. Deserted Jan. 1, '69. Mustered out with regt. Promoted 1st Sergt. Oct. 26, Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 26, '68 ; re- duced to ranks Jan. 1, '69; de- serted Dec. 26, '68 ; retd. to duty Jan. 8, '69; mustered out with regt. Deserted Dec. 25, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted bugler Oct. 26, '6 Mustered out with regt. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Nineteenth Kej?inient, Kansas Volunteers— Cavalry. COMPANY D — Concluded. 127 Name and rank. Residence. Piiratcs. Persing, Aaron W Lawrence Pole, William Ports, Gideon W... Ralston, Robert.... Reser, Henry .. .;•• Robinson, Francis M., Rockey, William... Sanders, Charles N.. Schmucker, Charles C. Shank, Henry.... Shaw, William F„.... Simpson, Joseph G — Smith, John Smith, Alouzo M Stainbrook, James.. .. Stafford, James H ... Supernaw, Jerry E — Taylor, Noah V Titus, James K..... . YanHorn, Benjamin F Walters, William Warren, James R Warren, George W. . . Wainicke, Andrew W. Wells, Solon Wells, David Whedon, Jeffry H. .. Whited, William White, Edward F Williams, Henry Williams, Oliver Williams, James — Williamson, James F, Williamson.William T, Wood, Benjamin Wright, James Wright, Nathan Zimmerman, Ambrose P., Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 20, 'tiS Oct. 30, '68 Oct. n, '6S Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 18, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 19, '6s Oct. 18, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. ^26, '68 Oct. 30, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Remarks. Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 24, Oct. 18, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 26 Oct. 21, '68 Oct, 24, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 26, '68; red. to rks. Mar. 1, '69 ; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 26, '6 Mustered out with regt. Deserted Jan. 1, '69. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 26, Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 24, Deserted Dec. 25, '68. Mustered out with regt. Deserted Jan. 1, '69. Mustered out with regt. 128 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Nineteenth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. COMPANY E. Mustered into United States service October 26, 1868. Mustered out and discharged April 18, 1869. Name and rank. Captain. Thomas J. Darling , First Lieutenant. William B. Bidwell.. Second Lieutenant, Charles T. Brady .... First Sergeant. Gunning, George G. . Bernard, William . . . . Quartmaster Sergt. Bernard, William. . . . Fortune, George B , . . . Van Dorn, Stephen J., Sergeants. Norris, Harry J McBride, James Henry, Joseph B Jaynes, John Price, George Fortune, George B,. .. Donaldson, George W. Clifford, William B... Van Dorn, Stephen J., Lawrence, Charles . .. Residence. Topeka Topeka Topeka Leavenworth Leavenworth Leavenworth Date of enrollment. Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Nov 3, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Date of muster. Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Nov. 4, '68 Nov. 2, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 26, '63 Oct. 26, 'e Remarks. Mustered in as Capt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered in as 1st Lt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered in as 2nd Lt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. Oct. 28, '68; pro. Sergt.-Maj. Nov. 12, '68. Enrolled as pvt.; pro. Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 28, '68; pro. 1st Sergt Nov. 12, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 28, '68; pro. 1st Sergt. Nov. 12, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. I, '68; pro. Sergt. Nov. 23, '68 ; pro. Q. M. Sergt. Dec. 1, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 28, '6S; pro. Q. M. Sergt. Nov. 13, '68; retd. to Sergt. Nov. 30, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 28, '68; mus. out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 28, '68; mus. out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 28, '68 ; pro. Sergt. Dec. 26, '68; mus. out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 28, '68: pro. Sergt. Dec. 31, '68; mus. out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. farrier Oct. 28, '68; pro. Sergt. Jan. 1, '69; mus. out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 1, '68; pro. Sergt. Nov. 23, '68 ; pro. Q. M. Sergt. Dec. 1, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 28, '68 ; red. to rks. Dec. 31, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 28, '68; red. to rks. Nov. •23. '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 28, '68; pro. Q. M. Sergt. Nov. 13,' 68; retd. to Sergt. Nov. 30, '68 ; red. to rks. Dec. 26, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 28, '68; pro. Sergt. Nov. 13, '68; red. to rks. Dec. 31, Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 129 Nineteenth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. COMPANY E — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Corporals. Harris, Early Moore, John Horr, George Calhoun, Charles. .. . Moulton, Eben L Whitham, George W. . Welch, Barnabas Jaynes, John Hendrickson, Martin, Drey foos, Samuel Fricke, Ernest F Geltz, William Tweedy, Thomas J — Buglrrs. Gruber, William Lee, William H Farriers. Price, George Donaldson, George W, Saddler. Porter, Samuel Privates. Allen, Charles E... Andrews, Homer A Argo, Thomas Armstrong, James Baker, James Bayliss, Samuel N Bernard, William. Bettinger, George. Biddle, Alfred Blake, Charles H,. Brophy, Thomas.. Leavenworth, Topeka Leavenworth, Leavenworth, Leavenworth Leavenworth, Leavenworth, Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Nov. 2, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Nov. 3, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 20, Oct. 23, Oct. 26, '6 Nov. 4, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Nov. 4, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Topeka. Oct. 14, Oct. 24, Oct. 26, Oct. 24, Oct. 26, Oct. 15, Oct. 22, Oct. 26, Oct. 15, Oct. 26, Oct. 20, Oct. 15, Nov. 3, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 26, '6 Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 23, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. 1, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. 26, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. 26, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Jan. 1, '69; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 13, '68 ; red. to rks. Dec. 31 , '68 ; pro. Corp. Mch. 1, '69 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Mch. 1, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 28, '68 ; pro. Sergt. Dec. 31, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 28, '68 ; red. to rks. Dec. 31, '68. Enrolled as pvt.; pro. Corp. Jan. 14, '68; red. to rks. Jan. 1, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 28, '68 ; red. to rks. Nov, 30, '68. Enrolled as Dvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. 1, '68; red. to rks. Dec. 26, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 28, '68; red. to rks. Nov. 30, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. bugler Oct. 28, '68; app. chief bugler Nov. 13, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. bugler Nov. 1, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as private ; app. far- rier Oct. 28, '68; pro. Sergt. Jan 1, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 28, '68; red to rks Dec. 31, '68; app. farrier Jan. 1, '69 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. saddler Oct. 28, '68; mustered out with regt. Oct. 26, '68 I Mustered out with regt. De.serted Dec. 30, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Q. M. Sergt. Nov. 12, '68. Mustered out with regt. Oct. 20, '68 Nov. 4, '68 130 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Nineteeuth Regiineut, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry^ COMPANY E — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. Brown, Edward Leavenworth, Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Deserted Oct. 30, '68. Burry, Christian ' ' Oct. 20, '68 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Calhoun, Charles ' ' Nov. 2, '68 Nov. 4. '68 Promoted Corp. Dec. 26, '68. Clark, George ' ' Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Mustered out with regt. Clifford, William B... Oct. 14, '68 Promoted Sergt. Oct. 28, '68; red. torks. Nov. 23, '68; mus- tered out with regt. Collins, Alonzo ' ' Oct. 22, '6S ' ' Mustered out with regt. Critton, Jacob R ' ' Oct. 21, '68 ' ' ' ' ' ' Davis, James i! Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 19, '68 i! 11 1 ( Day, John A " " Dobie, Adam N ' ' Oct. 2i, '68 ' ' • 1 < 1 Donaldson, George W. Oct. 24, '68 Promoted Sergt. Oct. 28, '68; red. to rks. Dec. 31, '68; ap- pointed farrier Jan. 1, '69. Dreyf oos, Samuel Oct. 15, '68 Promoted (/orp. Jan. 14, '68; red. to rks. Jan. 21, '69; mus- tered out with regt. Early, Elijah :; Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 20, '6S !'. Mustered out with regt. Fisher, John " " Fortune, George B ' ' Oct. 26, '68 * * Promoted Corp. Nov. 1, '68. Fricke, Ernest F Oct. 15, '68 Promoted Corp. Oct. 28, '68; red. to rks. Nov. 30, '68; mus- tered out with regt. Geltz, William Oct. 24, '68 Promoted Corp. Dec. 1, '68; red. to rks. Dec. 26, '68; mus- out with regt. Gentry, David .1 Oct. 20, '68 .< Mustered out with regt. Gentry, Jesse " " Gloory, Leopold " Oct. 26, '68 ' ' ' ' ' ' Goodman, David ' ' Oct. 17, '68 * ' 1 ( ( ( Greenlee, George W... ' ' Oct. 23, '68 ' ' 1 ( II GriiHu, George G. . — ' ' Oct. 14, '68 Nov. 2, '68 Deserted Dec. 17, '68. Griffin, William W.... ' ' Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Mustered out with regt. Gruber, William Oct. 20, '68 ' ' Promoted bugler Oct. 28, '68. Gunning, George G.. . . Oct. 14, '68 ' ' Promoted 1st Sergt. Oct. 28, '68. Gustaf, Andres ' ' Oct. 15, '68 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Harris, Early ',', Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 24, '68 '.', Promoted Corp. Nov. 23, '68. Havens, James Mustered out with regt. Hawkins. Jacob R . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' Deserted Nov. 7, '68. Hendrickson, Martin.. Oct. 19, '68 Promoted Corp. Oct. 28, '68; red. to rks. Dec. 31, '68; mus- tered out with regt. Henry, Joseph B ' ' Oct. 16, '68 " Promoted Sergt. Dec. 26, '68. Herman, George ' ' Oct. 26, '68 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Hodshon, Richard ' ' Oct. 16, '68 ' ' i i II Horr, George :! Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 26, '68 i! Promoted Corp. Dec. 26, '68. Howe, Joseph P Mustered out with regt. Ingle, Isaac W ' ' Oct. 2a, '68 1 11 II Jayn63, John ' ' Oct. 24, '68 ' ' Promoted Sergt. Dec. 31, '68. Johnson, Charles T.. . . ' ' Oct. 15, '68 * * Mustered out with regt. Jones, George W ' ' Oct. 21, '68 ' ' II II Lally, James — Oct. 23, '68 Erroneously entered on mus- ter-in-rolls " Sally." Mus- tered out with regt. Lawrence, Charles.... Oct. 17, '68 Promoted Sergt. Nov. 13, '68; red. to rks. Dec. 31, '68; mus- tered out with regt. Lee, William H • ' Oct. 23, '68 ■ ' Promoted bugler Nov. 1, '68. Lee, James * * Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 16, '68 1' Deserted Nov. 4, '68. Leesman, Christopher Mustered out with regt. Lively, John R ' ' Oct. 26, '68 ' ' 11 11 Loss, Peter H !! Oct. 19, '68 '<'< 11 11 Melvin, Lewis 11 11 Millard, Jesse N ' ' Oct. 16, '68 ' ' 11 11 Miller, Owen << Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 19, '68 .! Deserted Nov. 7, '68. Mitcliell, Charles Mustered out with regt. Moore, .John ' ' Oct. 22, '68 ' ' Promoted Corp. Dec. 1, '68. Moulton, Eben N ' ' Oct. 16, '68 ' ' Promoted Corp. Jan. 1, '69. Mulready, John ' ' ' ' ' ' Mustered out with regt. McBride, James ' ' Oct. 19, '68 ' ' Promoted Sergt. Oct. 28, '68. McKibbon, John • ' Oct. 26, '68 ' ' Mustered out « ith regt. McMahon, James Topeka Nov. 1, '68 Nov. 2, '68 II 11 McGregor, Alexander Leavenworth, Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 26, '68 11 11 Nelson, Marquis ' ' Oct. 17, '68 ' ' • 1 11 Nohlas, Jacob " * * ' ' (1 ( ( Boll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 131 Nineteenth Kegrinient, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. COMPANY E — Concluded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. Norris, George Leavenwort h Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Mustered out with regt. Norris, Harry J Oct. 19, '68 ' ' Promoted Sergt. Oct. 28, '68. Olvis. Samuel Oct. 22. '68 Oct. 26, '68 !! Mustered out with regt. Porter, Samuel Appointed saddler Oct. 28, '68. Porter, George W Oct. 16, '68 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Powell, Charles Oct. 15, '68 ' ' ■ 1 1 > Price, George .... Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Nov. 2, '68 Appointed farrier Oct. 28, '68. Randall, Kimball S... Mustered out with regt. Rodgers, Warren Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 26, '68 ' ' Sanders, Frank H ' ' ' ' ' ' Shaetzler, Jacob Oct. 21, '68 ' • ' ' Shaw, Charles S Oct. 26, '68 ' ' ' ' Shirley, Robert N Oct. 17, '68 ' ' ' ' Simpson, George W. . Oct. 26, '68 Nov. 2, '68 ' ' Smith, Charles Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 26, '68 ' ' StafPord, Robert B.... Oct. 23, '68 ' ' ' ' Tomlinson, William.. Oct. 22, '68 ' ' • 1 11 Tweedy, Thomas J.. .. Oct. 24, '68 Promoted Corp. Oct. 28, '68; red. to rks. Nov. 30, '68 ; mus- tered out with regt. Van Dorn, Stephen J., Oct. 15, '68 Promoted Sergt. Oct. 28, '68; pro. Q. M. Sergt. Nov. 13, '68; retd. to Sergt. Nov. 30, '68; red. to rks. Dec. 26, '68; mus- tered out with regt. Watson, John !< Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 26, '68 .< Mustered out with regt. Weber, Frederick Welch, Barnabas Topoka Nov. 3, '68 Nov. 4, '68 Promoted Corp. Mch. 1, '69. Whitham, George W.. Leavenworth, Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Promoted Corp. Nov. 13, '68; red. to rks. Dec. 31, '68; pro. Corp. Mch. 1, '69. Williams, Isaac ' ' Deserted Jan. 9, '69. Williams, Harry Oct. 15, '68 Mustered out with regt. Winer, William Oct. 16, '68 Deserted Jan. 9, '69. Winright, Henry C... Oct. 22, '68 Mustered out with regt. Wolf. William H Oct. 26, '68 11 11 132 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Nineteenth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry • COMPANY F. Mustered into Uuited States service October 27, 1868. Mustered out and discharged April 18, 1869. Name and rank. Captain. George B. Jenness . . . Residence. Topeka. First Lieutenant. De Witt C. Jeuness. .. Topeka. Second Lientenant. John Fellows First Sergeant. Ramsey, John W.. .. Q. M. Scrneant. Reed, Asdrubal Serffeatitn. Wilson, James C . Tallon, Emmet.. . Cassel, Edward. . Hickok, Gilbert.. Cassel, William. Eaiy, David Topeka. Ottawa. Ottawa. Ottawa. Franklin., Ottawa . . . Corporals. Cottingham, Calvin T. Taylor, Leander W.... Huddleston, Alexander.. High, John R Ross, Aldus D. L. Spire, William Hughes, Simon P McCi)nnell, Samuel H. Tabor, John Hickok, Gilbert Ottawa. Date of enrollment. Nov. 4, '68 Oct. 27, '68 Oct. 27, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 24, '6S Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct, 23, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Date of muster. Remarks. Nov. 4, 'e Oct. 27, 'e Oct. 27, '68 Oct. 27, '68 Oct. 27, Oct. 27, Oct. 27, Mustered in as Captain; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered in as 1st Lt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered in as 2nd Lt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 30, '6S ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68: mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68; pro. Sergt. Nov. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68 ; red. to rks. Apr. 10, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; red. to rks. Nov. 30, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. : pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 30, '68; mustered out with rogt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Jan. 25, '69; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68 ; red. to rks. Jan, 25, 69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68 ; pro. Sergt. Nov. 30, '68. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 133 maeteenth Resimeut, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. COMPANY F — CONTINCED. Name and rank. Burilers. CoUett, Enoch. Rowton, John L. Farrier. Miles, Joseph — Privates. Abrams, John... Abrams, Albert.. Adams, John W. Baird, Allen F. .. Bingerman, Josephus, Blanch, David Bledsoe, Samuel ..... Bringle. George L Bund, Allen F Burney, Daniel M Carter, Joshua Carpenter, Joseph H Cassel, Edward Cassel, William Chapman, Zenas H.. Chess, John P Clark, William Claypool, James C . . . Collett, Enoch Collett, Isam Cottingham, Calvin T. Croak, Thomas Dale, Josephus H Dillon, George Dillon, Jesse Dunham, William A.. Ealy, David Residence. Franklin , Ottawa. Ottawa. lola .... Ottawa. Topeka. Franklin , Ottawa... Topeka... Franklin , Ottawa... Franklin . Topeka... Ottawa... Topeka... Franklin.. Ottawa. Emerson, David — Estes, DeWitt C... Flack, Nicholas Floyd, John P Gibbs, Francis M. . Green, Wing Green. William L. . Hagen, Hugh.. Hawley, Thomas L Hickok, Gilbert.... High, John R Holmes, Calvin . Howard, James M Howe, Gideon Huddleston, Mexander. . Hughes, Simon P — . Ingleman, Augustus P. Johnson, Charles S... Johnson, Henry. Johnson, Gilbert Johnson, Tbomas B. . . Kimmel, William T... Kinney, John Lawrence, John M — Lighthiser, George W. Loring, Williston Mackey, James T Merritt, Thomas E... Messenger, George G. Miles, Joseph.. Miller, George Li — Mitchell, Howard Topeka. Ottawa. Topeka. Ottawa. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Topeka. lola .... Oct. n, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 18, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 18, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Nov. 2, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Ocf. 20, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 20. '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. id, '63 Oct. 27, '68 Oct. 27, '6 Oct. 30, '68 Oct. 27, '68 Oct. 27, '68 Oct. 30, '68 Oct. 27, '6 Oct. 30, '68 Oct. 27, '68 Oct. 30, '68 Oct. 27, '68 Nov. 2, '68 Oct. 27, '68 Remarks. Oct. 30, '68 Oct. 27, '68 Oct. 30, Oct. 27, Oct. 30, Oct. 27, Oct. 30, Enrolled as pvt. ; app. bugler Oct. 28, '68; app. chief bugler March 6, '69. , , Enrolled as pvt. ; app. bugler Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt.; appointed farrier Oct. 30, '68; des. Mch. 29, '69. Mustered out with regt. Name on muster - in roll, " Baird, Adam F." ; des. Nov. 11. '68. Mustered out with regt. Deserted Nov. 11, '68. Mustered out with regt. Transferred to Co. I. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 30 68. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 30, bS ; red. to rks. Apr. 10, '69; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered out with regt. Appointed bugler Oct. 28, '6 Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, 68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; red. to rks. Nov. 30, 68; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered out with regt. Deserted Nov. 11, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, Promoted Corp. Nov. 30, Mustered out with regt. Deserted Nov. 5, '68. Mustered out with regt. Appointed farrier Oct. 30, Mustered out with regt. 134 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Nineteentli Regiment, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry, COMPANY F — Concluded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. McConnell, Samuel H. Ottawa Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 27, '68 Promoted Corp. Jan. 25, '68. McCord, William ' ' Mustered out with regt. McClure, Allen Franklin Oct. 17, '68 ' ' ' ' McCuUum, James Topeka Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 30, '68 It 11 Noble, Clinton Ottawa Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 27, '68 ■ 1 11 Ogle, Charles Oct. 23, '68 11 < 1 Pangburn, Alonzo Oct. 19, '68 " " Perry, William Oct. 20, '68 It 11 ' ' 11 it Quiggle, James C " " " Quiggle, William Oct. 24, '68 It 1 1 Ramsey, John W ' ' Promoted IstSergt. Oct. 30, '68. Reed, Asdrubal Oct. 23, '68 Promoted Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68. Mustered out with regt. Rodgers, Phelps Oct. 19, '68 Ross, Aldus D. L Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, '68. Rowton, John L ' ' Appointed bugler Oct. 30, '68. Rowton, Joshua G ... ' * Mustered out with regt. Rhyner, William H. .. ' ' It 11 Russell, James Oct. 23, '68 11 11 Shaffer. James Oct. 19, '68 II 11 Smith, Joel T Oct. 11, '68 II II Smith, William R 11 11 Spire, William Oct. 23, '68 Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, '68. Tabor, John Topeka Oct. 19, '68 11 II Tabor, John H Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 30, '68 Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, '68; red. to rks. Jan. 25, '69 ; mus- tered out with regt. Tallon, Emmet Ottawa Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 27, '68 Promoted Sergt. Oct. 30, '68. Taylor, Leander W . .. ' ' Oct. 19, '68 Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, '68. Tenbrock, James B. .. ' ' ' ' Mustered out with regt. Tilford, Alexander.. .. ' ' Oct. 23, '68 ' ' < 1 11 Turley, John S ' ' Oct. 19, '68 ' ' 11 11 Turkelson, Frederick, ■ ' Oct. 24, '68 ' ' 1 1 11 Walker, Albert N ' ' Oct. 19, '68 ' ' 1 1 11 Warner, George W Topeka Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 30, '68 11 11 Wilder, Fred A. Ottawa Oct. Oct. 17, '68 24, '68 Oct. 27, '68 Deserted Nov. 11, '68. Wilson, James C Promoted Sergt. Oct. 30. '68. Wise, Jeremiah ' ' Oct. 23, '68 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Wise, Robert H ' ' Oct. 19, '68 ' ' 11 II Wells, Joseph H " Oct. 23, '68 " Deserted Dec. 21, '68. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 135 Nineteentli Regiment, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. COMPANY G. Mastered into United States service October 28, 1868. April 18, 1869. Mustered out and discharged Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Captain. Charles Dimon Richard D. Lender . . First Lieutenayil, Richard D. Lender . . Myron A. Wood Second Lieutenant. Myron A. Wood Henry C. Litchfield. . James W. Brown . ... Fir ft Sergeant. Brown, James W Webb, Leland J. Q. M. Sergeant. Webb, Leland J Maguire, Thomas Sergeant!:. Cissna, Robert M Curtin, Roland W.... Wood, William L.... Pluck, James Ogden, Ira B Maguire, Thomas. ... Miller, William E.... Colebaugh, Uriah A. Topeka. Topeka, Topeka. Fort Scott. Fort Scott. Fort Scott. Fort Scott. Oct. 28, 'e Oct. 28, '6 Oct. 28, '6 Oct, 18, 'e Oct. 18, '6 Oct. 28, Nov. 4, Oct. 28, Nov. 4, Oct. 28, '68 Nov. 4, '68 Mar. 23, '69 Oct. 28, Oct. 18, '6 Oct. 19, '6 Oct. 20, '6 Oct. 18, '6 Oct. 19, '6 Oct. 21, '6 Oct. 19, '6 Oct. 21, '6 Oct. 28, Oct. 28, Mustered in as Capt. ; pro. Maj. Oct. 30, '68. Mustered in as 1st Lt. ; pro. Capt. Nov. 4, '68. Mustered in as 1st Lt. ; pro. Capt. Nov. 4, '68. Mustered in as 2nd Lt. ; pro. 1st Lt. Nov. 4, '68; mustered out with regt. Mustered in as 2nd Lt. ; pro. 1st Lt. Nov. 4, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. 2nd Lt. Nov. 4, '68 ; resi'd Jan. 22, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. Oct. 30, '68 ; pro. 2nd Lt. Mar. 23, '69 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; pro. 2nd Lt. Mar. 23, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; pro. 1st Sergt. Mar. 23, '69; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; pro. 1st Sergt. Mar. 23, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; pro. Q. M. Sergt. Mar. 23, '69; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 29, '68; pro. Sergt. Nov. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68; pro. Sergt. Nov. 30, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. ;^0, '68 ; pro. Sergt. Mar. 23, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68 ; pro. Q. M. Sergt. Mar. 23, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68 ; red. to rks. Nov. 30, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68 ; red. to rks. Nov. 30, '68. 136 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Mneteentli Regiment, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. Company G — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Corporals. Howie, Robert Fort Scott.... Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Ogden, Ira B Oct. 21, '68 Enrolled pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68 ; pro. Sergt. Mar. 23, '68. Pluck, James Oct. 19, '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68 ; pro. Sergt. Nov. 30, '68. Smilie, Philip G Oct. 22, '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp, Nov. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Martin, John N Oct. 19, '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 30, '68; mastered out with regt. Cook, Francis M Oct. 18, '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Holey, Thomas A Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Cook, William M Oct. 20, '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Feb. 22, '69; mustered out with regt. Webb, Linus S Oct. 19, '68 Enrolled as pvt. : pro. Corp. Mar. 23, '69; mustered out with regt. Brown, John H Oct. 22, '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Mar. 23, '69; mustered out with regt. Bennett, Charles C . . . Oct. 20, '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68 ; red. to rks. Nov. 30, '68. Curtis, Charles E Oct. 28, '68 Enrolled as pvt.; pro. Corp. Nov. 30, '68; red. to rks. Mar. 3, '69. Grey, William C Oct. 21, '68 Enrolled as pvt.; pro. Corp. Nov. 30, '68; red. to rks. Feb. 22, '69. Rice, Doctor G Oct. 18, '68 Enrolled as pvt.; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68; red. to rks. Nov. 30, '68. Sal tar, William H.... Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. SO, '68; red. to rks. Nov. 30, '68. Turner, Jacob R Oct. 21, '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68 ; red. to rks, Nov. 30, '68. Buglers. Clinton, Moses M Fort Scott. . . . Oct. 18, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; app. bugler Oct. 30, '68: mustered out with regt. Margraves, Anthony . . Oct. 19, '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; app. bugler Oct. 30, '68: mustered out with regt. Farrier. Morris, Samuel Fort Scott. . . . Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; appointed farrier Oct. 30, '68 ; mustered Saddler. out with regt. Smith, Edwin C Fort Scott. . . . Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; appointed saddler Oct. 30, '68; mus- tered out with regt. Black xraith. Wright, William E... Fort Scott. . . . Oct. 18, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; appointed blacksmith Oct. 30, '68; mus- tered out with regt. Privates. Adkins, William Fort Scott. . . . Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Mustered out with regt. Armstrong, Benjamiii C. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Barney, James K. . . . ' ' Oct. 19, '68 ' ' ' ' ' ' Bennett, Charles C. .. Oct. 20, '68 Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, '68; red. to rks. Nov. 30, '68; mus- tered out with regt, Blair, Samuel A ' ' Oct. 19, '68 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Brown, James W ' ' Oct. 18, '68 ' • Promoted 1st Sergt. Oct. 30, '68. Brown, John H " Oct. 22, '68 " Promoted Corp. Mar. 23, '69. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 137 Nineteenth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. COMPANY G — Continued. Name and rank. Privulcx. Brown, James M . . . . . Browne, Peres E., jr. Buflett, Oliver T Bugber, Stephen D... Campbell, Martin L. Card, Franklin J Card, Barton J Residence. Cissna, Martin M Cissna, Robert M Clinton, Moses M . . . . Colebaugh, Uriah A. Conner, John A.. . Conner, Willis A . Cook, John W Cook. Francis M.. Cook, William M.. Coshow, Jacob.. . . Crum, Marcelius . Curtis, Charles E. Fort Scott. Curtin, Roland W.. Davis, John B Decker, Isaac R. . . . Dillon, Alfred Ficklin, Walter?.. Fiindenberger, 'William A. . Gilreath, John W.. Grey, William C... Greider, Robert Grooms, William — Howie, Robert Janeway, Albert W.. . Johnson, William S. . Johnson, David Johnson, George H.. Johnston, B. Augustus.. Jones, Harper. Kingsbury, David O. Lantis, Levi Lee, Henry J Litchfield, Henry C Loar, Burr T Lockerby, Abner P... Lookinball, John F.. Maguire, Thomas — Margraves, Anthony. Martin, John N Melton, John T . . . . Miller, William E.... Moore, John R Morris, Samuel McCoy, Francis Mc Mains, Andrew. ... Ogden, Ira B Oliver, John Painter, William Parkhurst, Elijah H. Payne, Robert N ... Perriuger, Samuel W Pittman, John F Pluck, James.. .. ... Ramsay .Thomas M. B. Ray born, William B. Reynolds, Thomas A. Rice, Joshua W Rice, Doctor G Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 18, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 18, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 18, '68 Oct. 20. '68 Oct. 18, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 18, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 19, '6H Oct. 18, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 18, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 2^, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 18, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 18, '88 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 21, '6 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 18, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 18, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 25, '68 Oct. 20, 'es Oct. 18, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 18, '68 Oct. 28, Remarks. Mustered out with regt. Wounded while on duty, -Jan. 25, '69 ; absent in hospital date of muster-out. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 30, '68. Appointed bugler Oct. 30, '68. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; red. to rks. Nov. 30, '68, mus- tered out with regt. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Nov. 30, '68. Promoted Corp. Feb. 22, '69. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Nov. 30, '68; red. to rks. Mch. 3, '69 ; mus- tered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 30, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Nov. 30, reduced to ranks Feb. 22, mustered out with regt. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, '6S Mustered out with regt. Promoted 2d Lt. Nov. 4, '6 Mustered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 30, '68. Appointed bugler Oct. 30, '68. Promoted Corp. Nov. 30, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; red. to rks. Nov. 30, '68; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered out with regt. Appointed farrier Oct. 30, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, '68; red. to rks. Nov. 30, '68; mus- tered out with regt. 138 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Nineteenth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. COMPANY G — Concluded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. Richardson, Orange S. Fort Scott.... Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Mustered out with regt. Roprers, John J Oct. 21, '68 Died of disease, Feb. 25, '69. Roland. Peter Oct. 2.5, '68 Mustered out with regt. Roloy, Thomas A Oct. 18, '68 Promoted Corp. Nov. 30, '68. Ross, Pleasant D Oct. 25, '68 Mustered out with regt. Rucker, Elisha Oct. 22, '68 1 i 1 ( Saltar, William H.. .. Oct. 18, '68 Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, '68; red. to rks. Nov. 30, '68 ; mus- tered out with regt. Schwartz, Andrew — Oct. 20, '68 Mustered out with regt. Segars, George Oct. 21, '68 " Smith, Daniel Oct. 19, '68 '■ " Smith. John W Oct. 20, '68 11 11 Smith, Edwin C. Oct. 19, '68 Appointed saddler Oct. 30, '68. Smilie, Philip G Oct. 22, '68 Promoted Corp. Nov. 30, '68. Sullivan, Dennis Oct. 19, '68 Mustered out with regt. Tack, William H Oct. 21, '68 11 It Tiulin, Alexander Oct. 22, '68 11 11 Turner, Jacob R Oct. 21, '68 Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, '68; red. to rks. Nov. 30, '68 ; mus- tered out with regt. Victor, Thomas A ' ' Mustered out with regt. Webb, Leland J Oct. 18, '68 Promoted Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 30, 'fix Promoted Corp. Mch. 23, '69. Webb, Linus S Oct. 19, '68 Wiggs, William A Oct. 21, '68; Mustered out with regt. Williams. John J Oct. 23, '68 11 It Wolfort, John Oct. 25, '68 11 II Wood, William L Oct. 19, '68 Promoted Corp. Nov. 29, '68. Wright, William E.... Oct. 18, '68 Appointed blacksmith Jan. 31, '69. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 139 Nineteenth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. COMPANY H. Mustered into United States service October 29, 1868. Mustered out and discharged April 18, 1869. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Captain. David L. Payne First Lieutenant. Mount A. Gordon Second IJeutenant. Robert M. Steele First Sergeant. West, Charles H Q. M. Sergeant. Taylor, William W... Sergeants. Hale, Stephen M White, Julian C Broadsword, Israel. . Watrows, A. Chester. Floyd, William P Brooks, William Stewart, William F. . Corporals. Green, Harry Englebrick, Augustus B. Courtney, Henry E. . . Kelsey , Charles Neff, Jackson A Miller, William Courtney, James M. . Kennedy, Charles Floyd, William P Topeka. Topeka. Topeka. Troy. Troy. Troy. Troy. Burlington. Troy Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 26, '6S Oct. 24, '63 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Mustered in as Capt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Oct. 29, '68 Mustered in as 1st Lt. mus- tered out with regt. Oct. 29, '6 Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 29, '6 Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 30, '€ Oct. 29, 'e Oct. 29, Oct. 30, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Mustered in as 2nd Lt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 29, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct 29, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Dec. 4, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp, Jan. 8, '69; pro. Sergt. Jan. 11, '69; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; red. to rks. Jan. 11, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; red. to rks. Dec. 4, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. 30, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 13, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68; red. to rks. Nov. 13, '68 ; pro. Corp. Jan. 11, '69 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled pvt.; pro. Corp. Jan. 8, '69; pro. Sergt. Jan. 11, '69. 140 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Nineteenth Reg-inient, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. COMPANY H — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Corporals. Clayborn, Shelby Troy Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 23, '68 22, '68 22, '68 26, '68 21, '68 24, '68 23, '68 _24, '68 _21, '68 27, '68 24, '68 22, '68 24, '68 20, '68 24, '68 26, '68 24, '68 21, '68 24, '68 26, '68 24, '68 28, '68 19, '68 23, '68 24, '68 21, '68 24, '68 26, '68 24, '68 26, '68 23, '68 19. '68 21, '68 23, '68 22, '6S 19, '68 22, '68 20, '68 22, '68 26, '68 24, '68 28, '68 23, '68 22, '68 28, '68 24, '68 19, '68 23, '68 ^24, '68 23, '68 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 29, 29, 29, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, '68 '68 '68 '68 '68 '68 '68 '68 '68 '68 '68 "68 '68 '68 '68 '68 '68 '68 '68 '68 '68 '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68 ; red. to rks. Dec. 30, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68; red. to rks. Jan. 11, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. bugler Nov. 1, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. bugler Nov. 12, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. black- Raymond, Harvey B.. Buglers. Gribbling, Philip Wright, Morgan Blacksm ith. Troy Troy Privates. Abbott, Chnrles Troy smith Nov. 12, '68; mustered out with regt. Mustered out with regt. Adams, Joshua T Alexander, George W. Archer, William H.. .. Bailey, James M Burlington . . . Troy Berry, James S Bill, Marshal W Bickel, Charles F Deserted Jan. 1, '69. Mustered out with regt. Bohrer, Mordecai Bonesteel, Maxon Boothe, Harvey Brackett, Wesley Broadsword, Israel.. . . Brooks, William ... Broomfield, James Burnett, Theophilus.. Chamberlain, Ira Chase, James H. Cherry, George L Childers, John Clarke, John W Burlington. .. Troy '.1 i: lola Promoted Sergt. Oct. 29, '68. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; red. to rks. Jan. 11, '69; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered out with regt. Troy Promoted Corp. Oct. 29, '68; Conklin, George W.... Courtney, .James M. .. Burlington. .. Troy red. to rks. Dec. 30, '68; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Nov. 13, '68. Promoted Corp. Oct. 29. '68. Cox, William Dannevick, Peter Englebrick, Augustus B.. Burlington . . . Troy Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 29, '68. Mustered out with regt. Fleming, James Floyd, William P Promoted Corp. Jan. 8, '68. Foster, Charles Freeman, Emsley Garwood,Wilberforce Burlington. .. Troy Mustered out with regt. Appointed bugler Nov. 1, '68. Gokey, Charles Gordon, Joshua J Green, Franklin Burlington. .. Troy Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 29, '68. Gruber, Martin Hale, Stephen M Hall, Howard H Harlan, William H... Mustered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 29, '68. Mustered out with regt. Herman, John Huddleson, Robert C. Huyck, Lewis C Jenkins, Robert. Jenkins, George S Johnson, Benjamin F. Burlington. .. Troy Burlington. .. :: :: Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 141 Niueteenth Regriineiit, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry, COMPANY H — Concluded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Prii'afes. Johnson, Thomas H.. Burlington. .. Oct. 27, '68 Oct. 30, '68 Mustered out with regt. Kel*ey, Charles Troy Oct. VI, '68 Oct. 29 '68 Promoted Corp. Oct. 29, '68. Kennedy, Charles Oct. 24, '68 Landers, William ' ' ' ' ' ' Deserted Jan. 12, '69. Law, Wilson A ' ' ' ' ' ' Mustered out with regt. Linton, Thomas S ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Marango, Charles ' ' Oct. 22, '68 ' ' Deserted Feb. 12, '69. Meek, John B ' ' Oct. 24, '68 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Meek, Joseph W ' ' ' ' ' ' 11 11 Miller, Lemuel ' ' ' ' ' ' 11 11 Miller, William ' ' ' ' ' ' Promoted Corp. Oct. 29, '68. Moore, Charles ' ' ' ' ' ' Mustered out with regt. Monson, Thomas A.... ' ' Oct. 2fi, '68 ' ' 11 11 McCarty, John ' ' Oct. 21, '68 ' ' 11 11 McCarty, Jerry ' ' ' ' ' ' II II Mclntire, Velorus ' ' Oct. 22, '68 ' ' II II McNickle, John ' ' Oct. 2fi, '68 ' ' 11 II Neff, Jackson A ' ' Oct. 24, '68 ' ' Promoted Corp. Dec. 30, '68. Nile'^, Edward. » * Oct. '■•••f '6S Oct 30 '68 Mustered out with regt. Deserted Feb. 12, '69. Phillips, Charles " Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Pike, William ' ' Oct. 26, '68 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Piper, George B ' ' Oct. 21, '68 ' ' Deserted Jan. 1, '69. Porter, Mathew ' ' Oct. 24, '68 ' ' Deserted Jan. 3, '69. Raymond, Harvey B.. Oct. 22, '68 Promoted Corp. Oct. 29, '68; red. to rks. Jan. 11, '69; mus- tered out with regt. Rhodes, James H ' ' Oct. 2S, '68 ' ' Deserted Jan. 3, '69. Rhodes, William ' ' Oct. 24, '68 ' ' * * t t 1 ( Mustered out with regt. Scott, William W Burlington. .. Oct. 27, '68 Oct. 30, '68 Troy Oct. Oct. 28, ?4 '68 '68 Oct. 29, '68 II 11 Shull, Cyrus II 11 Sloan, Wilson T " " 11 II Strange, William H... ' ' Oct. 22, '68 ' ' ■ 1 11 Stewart, William F... Oct. 26, '68 Promoted Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; red. to rks. Dec. 4, '68: mus- tered out with regt. Taylor, William W.... * * Oct. 21, '68 ' ' Promoted Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 29, '68. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; Vassor, Samuel J " Oct. 26, '68 • • red. to rks. Dec. 4, '68; mus- tered out with regt. Vancuren, Alva H ' ' Oct. 24, '68 ' ' Waters, Thomas ' ' Oct. 22, '68 ' ' 1 1 II Watrows, James H.... Burlington. .. Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 30, '68 11 11 Troy Oct. ''i: '68 t « Promoted Sergt. Dec. 4, '68. Deserted Jan. 12, '69. Wells, John Oct. 29, '68 West, Charles H ' ' Oct. 21, '68 Promoted 1st Sergt. Oct. 29, '68. Weyer, Andrew ' ' ' ' ' ' Appointed blacksmith Nov. 12, •68. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 29, '68. White, Julian C " .. .. Wood worth, James W. Burlington . . . Oct. 19, '68 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Wright, Morgan Troy .... Oct. '•'6, 'HS » « Appointed bugler Nov. 12, '68. Mustered out with regt. Young, William Oct. 24, '68 " Young, Elisha ' ' ' ' ' ' Deserted Nov. 12, '6S. 142 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Nineteenth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. COMPANY I. Mustered into United States service October 29. 1868. Mustered out and discharged April 18, 1869. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Captain. Roger A. Elsworth. . . First Lieutetiant. James J. Clancy Second Lieutenant.. James M. May First Sergeant. Wilhite, Joseph H... Gilmore, Mathias Wilson, William H.. Q. ^' Sergeant, Durand, Jacob Sergeants. Wilhite, Joseph H Peers, William H McCumber, Henry D. . White, Charles Wilson, William H.., Field, Isaac Hamilton, William D Hull, Joseph S Millhouse, Isaac Jewel, Crews Pool, John Belt, Osborne W Topeka Topeka Topeka Qarnett Grasshopper Falls , Walker Garnett Garnett Grasshopper Falls Oskaloosa Grasshopper Falls Walker Garnett Grasshopper Falls Holton Garnett Greeley Topeka Oct. 29, '68 I Oct. 29, Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 31, '68 Oct. 29, Oct. 29, Oct. 29, Oct. 29, Oct. 29, '68 Mustered in as Capt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered in as 1st Lt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered in as 2nd Lt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; red. to rks. Nov. 21, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. Nov. 22, '68; red. to rks. Dec. 4, '68. Enrolled as pvt. : pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68 ; pro. Sergt. Dec. f>, '68 ; pro. 1st Sergt. Dec. 9, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; red. to rks. Nov. 21, '68; pro. Sergt. Dec. 5, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 29, '68 ; deserted Nov. 9, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; deserted Nov. 12, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68 ; pro. Sergt. Dec. 5, '68 ; pro. 1st Sergt. Dec. 9, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 29, '68 ; red. to rks. Dec. 20, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68; pro. Sergt. Dec. 20, '68 ; red. to rks. Jan. 10, Oct. 31, Enrolled as Oct. 29, '68 ; 5, '68. Enrolled as Oct. 29, '68 ; 5, '68. Enrolled as Oct. 29, '68 ; 19, '68; red. Enrolled as Nov. 1, '68; 20, '68; red. Enrolled as Dec. 20, '68 10, '69. pvt. ; pro. Sergt. red. to rks. Dec. pvt. ; pro. Slergt. red. to rks. Dec. pvt. ; pro. Corp. pro. Sergt. Nov. to rks. Dec. 2, '68. pvt. ; pro. Corp. pro. Sergt. Dec. to rks. Jan. 10,'69. pvt ; pro. Sergt. ; red. to rks. Jan, Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 143 Nineteenth Reg-inient, Kansas A'oluuteers — Cavalry. COMPANY I — Continued. Name and rank. Corporals. Spencer, Jesse J. .. .-. . . Townsley, James Hunter, Charles Baker, Jacob H Spurlock, Milton J Peterson, Nicholas . .. Adams, Merritt Wilson, William H.... Hamilton, William D. Bevin, John F Cook, Thomas E Cooper, Arthur B Hinton, John Jewel, Crews Pool, John Bugler. Bishop, Asa R Privates. Adams, Merritt Adkins, Taylor Baker, Jacob H Banks, Joseph Barr, John L Bayse, Richard Beall, Oliver M Belt, Osborne W Berry, Elias Bevin, John F Bishop, Asa R Bryant, Albert M Carpenter, Joseph H, . Calkins, Hubert Con well, Rolla H Cook, Thomas E -.10 Residence. Greeley. Grasshopper Falls, Topeka Oskaloosa.. .. Topeka Qarnett Walker Garnett Ottawa Le Roy Garnett Hoi ton Garnett Greeley Winchester.. Qarnett Grasshopper Falls Topeka Garnett Le Roy . ... Grasshopper Falls Topeka Ottawa Winchester.. Garnett Topeka Oskaloosa.. . Le Roy Date of enrollment. Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 25, '68 Oct. 2S, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 31, '68 Oct. 23, '6 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 27, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Date of muster. Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 29, '6J Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 31, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 27, Oct. 29, Remarks. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 1, '68; mustered out witli regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. .5, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. 20, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. 20, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68 ; red. to rks. Nov. 6, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68 ; pro. Sergt. Dec. 5, -68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68 ; pro. Sergt. Dec. 20, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. h, '68; red, to rks. Dec. 20, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 29, '68; red. to rks. Feb. 20, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 22, '68; red. to rks. Dec. 20, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp, Oct. 29, '68; red. to rks. Nov. 12, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68; pro. Sergt. Nov, 19, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 1, '68; pro. Sergt. Dec. 20, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. bugler Oct. 29, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 29, '68; red. to rks. Nov. 6, '68; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 29, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Dec. 20, '68; red. to rks. Jan. 10, '69; mus- tered out with regt. Deserted Nov. 4, '68. Promoted Corp. Dec. 5, '68 ; red. to rks. Dec. 20, '68; mus- tered out with regt. Appointed bugler Oct. 29, '68. Mustered out with regt. Transferred from Co. F; mus- tered out with regt. Deserted Nov. 25, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Nov. 29, '68; red. to rks. Feb. 20, '69 ; mu8« tered out with regt, 144 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Niiieteentli Reg^inient, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. COMPANY I — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates. Cooper, Arthur B Garnett Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Promoted Corp. Nov. 22, '68; red. to rks. Dec. 20, '68; mus- tered out with regt. Dale, William L Oskaloosa. . .. Oct. ]9, '68 Deserted Nov. 9, '68. Dailey, John M Topeka Oct. 27, '68 Mustered out with regt. Ueatly, George W ' ' ' ' 11 > . Dowler, Charles W . .. Grasshopper Palls . Oct. 15, '68 De?erted Nov. 9, '68. Downing, Joseph W.. Oct. 24, '68 Mustered out with regt. Durand, Jacob Garnett Oct. 22, '68 Promoted Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 29, '68. Deserted Nov. 4, '68. Dykes, Francis M .. " Egan, Michael W Grasshopper Falls.. Oct. 15. '68 Mustered out with regt. English, George. ... Junction City Oct. 27, '68 Deserted Nov. 25, "68. Eshom, Leonard M. .. Winchester. . . Oct. 20, '68 Mustered out with regt. Faler, Daniel P Topeka Oct. 28, "68 11 It Field, Isaac Garnett Oct. 26, '68 Promoted Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; red. to rks. Dec. 20, '68 ; mus- tered out with regt. Finn, Edward Topeka Oct. 28, '68 Mustered out with regt. Fightner, John Oct. 27, '68 " " Fitzgerald, William M. ' ' * * ■ C I < Fletcher, Thomas M.. Osawkee .... Oct. 21, '68 11 11 Qilmore, Mathias Grasshopper Falls., Oct. 23, '68 Promoted 1st Sergt. Nov. 22, '68; red. to rks. Dec. 4, '68; mustered out with regt. Guise, John R Topeka Oct. 28, '68 Mustered out with regt. Hamilton, William D. Garnett Oct. 20, '68 Promoted Corp. Oct. 29, '68; pro. Sergt, Dec. 20, '68; red. to rks. Jan. 10, '69; mustered out with regt. Holton Oct. 23, '68 " Promoted Corp. Oct. 29, '68; red. to rks. Nov. 12, '68; mus- tered out with regt. Horn, William Garnett Oct. 21, '68 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Holden, William R... Grasshopper Palls.. Oct. 11, '68 ' ' Deserted Nov. 12, '68. Hull, Joseph S Oct. 17, '68 Promoted Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; red. to rks. Dec. 5, '68 ; mus- tered out with regt. Hunter, Charles ' ' ' ' ' ' Promoted Corp. Dec. 20, '68. Le Roy Garnett Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 19, '68 " Mustered out with i"egt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 29, '68; pro. Sergt. Nov. 19, '68; red. to rks. Dec. 2, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Johnson, Robert Ottawa Oct. 26, '68 Mustered out with regt. Lo Roy Grasshopper Falls.. Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 17, '68 11 11 Leathers, John " " Lowry, Thomas M Topeka Oct. 28, '68 11 11 Maphet, John R. ' ' Oct. 25, '68 Deserted Nov. 12, '68. Maphet, Charles W. .. Ottawa Oct. 26, '68 11 11 Marcy , Mortimer K . . . ' ' ' ' 11 11 Mead, Norman Topeka Oct. 29, '68 Mustered out with regt. Meats, A. Francis ' ' Oct. 26, '68 11 11 Reeder Topeka Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Deserted Nov. 4, '68. Merritt, John R Mustered out with regt. Millhouse, Isaac Holtou Oct. 22, '68 Promoted Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; red. to rks. Dec. 5, '68; mus- tered out with regt. Murphy, Edward S . . . Manhattan... Oct. 24, '68 Mustered out with regt. Topeka Oskaloosa.. .. Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Deserted Nov. 12, '68. McCumber, Henry D.. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 29, '68. McDow, Jolm F Greeley Oct. 21, '68 Mustered out with regt. McLean, William F. .. Grasshopper Falls.. Oct. 26, '68 1 1 11 McKnight, Thomas N. Oskaloosa.. .. Oct. 19, '68 McGue, William K.... Garnett Oct. 26, '68 Nelson, Clark Grasshopper Falls., Topeka Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 29, '68 II 11 Odiorne, Milton Deserted Nov. 4, '68. O'Neal, Jasper ' ' Mustered out with rogt, Orwig, Anson J Garnett Oct. 23, '68 It It Parrott, Benjamin F.. ' ' Oct. 26, '68 It II Pearson, Henry Topeka Oct. 27, '68 11 II Peers, William H Grssshopper Falls,, Oct. 17, '68 Promoted Sergt. Oct, 29, '68. Peterson, Nicholas..,. Topeka Oct. 25, '68 Promoted Corp. Dec. ao, '68, Pittman, Aj-adia M . . , M Oct, 80, '6S Oct, SO, '68 Deserted Nov. 8, '68, Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 145 ' Nineteenth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. COMPANY I — Concluded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. P)-ivates, Greeley Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Promoted Corp. Nov. 1, '68; pro. Sergt. Dec. 20, '68 : red. to rks. Jan. 10, '6S; mustered out with regt. Ramsey, Daniel W. . .. ffarnett Oct. 24, '68 Mustered out with regt. Reynolds, Walter S... Grasshopper Falls., Oct. 17, '68 ' ' ' ' Roberts, Charles Topeka Oct. 29, '68 11 11 Rutledpe. Dudley Garnett Oct. 26, '68 II 11 Shultz, Odillon B ' ' Oct. 24, '68 11 II Smith, Charles Grasshopper Falls.. Oct, 17, '68 II 11 Spencer, Jesse J Greeley Oct. 21, '68 Promoted Corp. Nov. 1, '68. Spurlock, Milton J.. .. Oskaloosa — ' ' Promoted Corp. Oct. 29, '68. Stanfleld, Alexander.. Grasshopper Falls.. Oct. 26, '68 Mustered out with regt. Stansburv, Benjamin F. . . Lo Roy ' ' 11 II Stone, .John S Topeka Oct. 2,5, '68 II II Street, William D Grasshopper Falls.. Oct. If,, '68 11 11 Studebaker, William F.. HoltOQ Oct. 26, '68 11 11 Thomas, Cassius E. . . . Garnett ' ' 11 11 Townsley , James Greeley Oct. 21, '68 Promoted Corp. Dec. 5, '68. TuU, James M Garnett Topeka Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 24, '68 23, '68 20, '68 29, '68 Mustered out with regt. Tyler, John 11 II Warren, Tliomas II 11 Waterman, Bruce. Garnett Oct. 26, '68 II 11 Welfer, Edward. Winchester. .. Oct. 24, '68 Deserted Jan. 2, '69. White, Charles. Grasshopper Falls.. Garnett .. ' Promoted Sergt. Oct. 29, '68. Whipps, Robert Mustered out with regt. "Wilhite, Joseph H.... ' ' ' ' Promoted 1st Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; red. to rks. Nov. 21, '68; pro. Sergt. Dec. 5, '68. Wilson, William H.... Walker Oct. 21, '68 ' ' Promoted Corp. Oct. 29, '68. Wilson, Charles F Grasshopper Falls.. Oct. 24, "68 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Wright, William C... Garnett Oct. 21, '68 ' 11 II 146 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Nineteenth Reg-inient, Kansas Volunteers— Cavalry • COMPANY K. Mustered into United States service October 29, 1868. Mustered out and discharged April 18, 1869. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Caplain. " Milton Stewart Topeka Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Emmet Ryus .. X Mar. 23, '69 First IJeutenant. Emmet Ryus Topeka Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Charles H. Hallett.... " ' ' Mar. 23, '69 Second Lieutennnt. Charles H. Hallett. . . . Topeka Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Robert I. Sharp Manhattan. .. Oct. 17, '6S Mar. 23, '69 First Sergeant. Stults, Martin L Wyandotte. .. Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Sharp, Robert I Manhattan. .. Oct. 17, '68 " Peirce, Arthur S Junction City Oct. 26, '68 " Quartermaster Scrgt. Scott, Madison M Junction City Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Converse, West B Wyandotte. .. Oct. 16, '68 " Sergeants. Peirce, Arthur S Junction City Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Converse, West B Wyandotte. .. Oct. 16, '68 Lawrence, George W. . '■ Oct. 22, '68 Stults, Martin L •■ Oct. 24, '68 Maley, William F Junction City Oct. 22, '68 Walker, John M Wyandotte. .. Oct. 25, '68 Junction City Oct. 16, '68 Adams, John H Wyandotte. .. Oct. 24, '68 Pierpont, Charles E,. " Oct. 20, '68 Remarks. Mustered in as Capt. ; pro- moted Maj. Mar. 23, '69. Mustered in as 1st Lt. ; pro. Capt. Mar. 23, '69; mustered out with regt. Mustered in as 1st Lt. ; pro. Capt. Mar. 23, '69. Mustered in as 2nd Lt. ; pro. 1st Lt. Mar. 23, '69; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered in as 2nd Lt. ; pro. 1st Lt. Mar. 23, '69. Enrolled aspvt. ; pro. IstSergt. Dec. 21, '68; pro. 2nd Lt. Mar. 23, '69; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. Oct. 29, '6i< ; returned to Sergt. Dec. 21, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt, Dec. 21, '68; pro. 2nd Lt. Mar. 23, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; pro. 1st Sergt. Mar. 23, '69; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro, Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; red. to rks. Jan. 1, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; pro. Q. M. Sergt. Jan. 1, '69 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; pro. 1st Sergt. Mar. 23, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; pro. Q. M. Sergt. Jan. 1, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. Oct 29, '68 ; returned to Sergt. Dec. 21, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; red. to rks. Jan. 27, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 29. '68; des. Nov. 5, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Jan. 1, '69; pro. Sergt.-Major April 8, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68 ; pro. Sergt. Jan. 27, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68; pro. Sergt. Mar. 23, '69; mustered out with regt, Iloll of Officers and Enlided Mt7i. 147 Nineteenth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. COMPANY K — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Ser(/eants. Converse, William F. Corporals. Bell, Edward Kress, Wesley Seward, Orlando S.., Adams, John H Pierpout, Charles E. Converse, William F. Powell, Robert Morse, Albert B Hyner, Mike Graves, William W. . Mack, Daniel Buglers. Powell, James M Dodge, Theodore Farrier. Brown, Charles Piivates. Adams, John H Armstrong, Charles. . Baker, William Barnes, Lewis V Basseler, Simon Z — Bell, Edward Beedle, Martin V Black, William O.... Boone, Daniel Brensaw, Lewis Brown, Charles H... Brown, Charles Bulton, Frank Byerely, Samuel A... Cagle, William Carroll, Henry S Campbell, James..., Cesseviske, John.. .. Chase, Robert Chase, Aaron Q Collins, John Converse, William F. . Converse, West B CaaDiDgbam, John W, Wyandotte. .. JuuctionCity Manhattan.. Wyandotte. . Date of enrollment. JunctionCity, Wyandotte Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Date of muster. Oct. 29, Oct. 29, JunctionCity, Wyandotte.. Wyandotte. .. Manhattan... Wyandotte.. Wyandotte. . JunctionCity, Wyandotte. JunctionCity Manhattan.. Junction City Wyandotte. . Topeka Oct. Oct. lb, 24, bS '68 Oct. 25, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 25, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Wyandotte. .. JunctionCity Wyandotte. .. Oct. 24, '6S Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 25, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 25, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 25, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 25, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 25, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 25, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct, 20, '68 Oct. _16, '68 Oct. 25, '68 Remarks. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68 ; pro. Sergt. April 8, '69 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 28, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt.; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68; pro. Sergt. Jan. 27, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68; pro. Sergt. Mar. 23, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68 ; pro. Sergt. April 8, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. — ; des. Jan. 5, '69. Enrolled as pvt.; pro. Corp. Nov. 5, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt.; pro. Corp. Jan. 5, '69; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt.; pro. Corp. Jan. 27, '69; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. April 8, '69; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt.: app. bugler Oct. 29, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. bugler Oct. 29, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; app. farrier Oct. 29, '68; mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 29, ' Mustered out with regt. Deserted Nov. 5, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 29, Mustered ont with regt. Appointed farrier Oct. 29, '68. Mustered out with regt. Deserted Nov. 5, '68. Deserted Dec. 6, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 29, Promoted Sergt. Oct. 29, Deserted Nov. 5, '68. 148 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Nineteentli Regiment, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. COMPANY K — Concluded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Privates, Davis, John Drake, Demoatemor. . Dodse, Theodore. . . Dyer, William H... Eagon, James Easton, James Eugle, Charles B... Eppers, Julius Freeman, William C. Freeman, Andrew J.. Freeman, Calvin H... Gardner, Thomas H. Garrett, Andrew Garrett, Jacob Graves, William W... Gregory, Albert Hamilton, Samuel. . . Hennessey, Joseph.. . Kerrigan, Mike Hogue, Charles Holmes, Harvey Hyner, Mike James, Charles W. . . . Kay, John G Kersey, Henry Kersey, John G King, Thomas A Kress, Wesley Kudebek, William H.. Latham, George F. Lawrence^ George W., Mack, Daniel Maley, William F.. Marshall, Watson.... Mead, Benjamin Meeker, Thaddeus... Miller, Robert C Miller, Peter H Moon, Stover Morse, Albert B McBolton, John McFarland, James M. McNeal, John Norton, Edley H O' Brian, Patrick O'Connor, Joseph .... Paine, John Peirce, Arthur S Pierpont, Charles E. Powell, Robert Powell, James M Pruett, Thomas PuUen, Woodford.... Robinson, George Rose, George W Rosenberger, John A. Ryan, Stephen Salm, Frank W Scott, Madison M Sercey , George W. Sharp, Robert I Sharp, Milton Shidler, Riley , Seward, Orlando S. . . Smithy, Lewis Spicer, Elijah Stults, Martin L S weany , Solomon Vaun, George W Wadsten, Frederick. Watson, James A Wesseler, Henry H... Walker, John M , Winuerstrom, Hugo. Yates, Jackson Wyandotte. .. Junction City Manhattan... Wyandotte. .. Manhattan... Junction City Wyandotte. .. JunctionCity Wyandotte. .. JunctionCity Wyandotte. .. JunctionCity Wyandotte. .. JunctionCity Wyandotte. .. Manhattan. .. Wyandotte. .. Junction City, Wyandotte. . JunctionCity Wyandotte. .. Manhattan. .. Wyandotte. .. JunctionCity Wyandotte. .. JunctionCity Wyandotte. .. Junction City Wyandotte. . , JunctionCity Wyandotte. .. Manhattan... Wyandotte. .. JunctionCity Wyandotte. .. Manhattan. .. Wyandotte. .. JunctionCity, Wyandotte. .. Manhattan. .. JunctionCity, Wyandotte. .. JunctionCity, Oct. 23, Oct. 21, Oct. 24, Oct. 19, Oct. 21, Oct. 16, Oct. 22, Oct. 21, Oct. 23, Oct. 19, Oct. 25, Oct. 19, Oct. 17, Oct. 24, Oct. 17, Oct. 24, Oct. 25, Oct. 22, Oct. 23, Oct. 21, Oct. 16, Oct. 20, Oct. 24, Oct. 22, Oct. 17, Oct. 26, Oct. 20, Oct. 22, Oct. 26, Oct. 22, Oct. 19, Oct. 17, Oct. 22, Oct. 21, Oct. 25, Oct. 22, Oct. 24, Oct. 16, Oct. 21, Oct. 20, Oct. 25, Oct, 24, Oct. 26, Oct. 20, Oct. 24, Oct. 25, Oct. 24, Oct. 17, Oct. 23, Oct. 24, Oct. 23, Oct. 22, Oct. 23, Oct. 22, Oct. 17, Oct. 19, Oct. 17, Oct. 16, Oct. 24, Oct. 20, Oct. 25, Oct. 22, Oct. 25, Oct. 26, Oct. 23, Oct. 29, '68 Mustered out with regt. Appointed bugler Oct. 29, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Jan. 27, '69. Mustered out vritli regt. Promoted Corp. Jan. 5, '69. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Jan. 1, '69. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 29, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 29, '68. Promoted Corp. Apr. 8, '69. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; red. to rks. Jan. 27, '69; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered out with regt. Deserted Nov. 11, '68. Mustered out with regt. Deserted Jan. 10, '69. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Nov. 5, '68. Mustered out with regt. De.serted Jan. 5, '69. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 29, '68. Promoted Corp. Oct. 29, '68. Deserted Jan. 5, '69. Appointed bugler Oct. 29, '6! Mustered out with regt. Promoted Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; red. to rks. Jan. 1, '69; mustered out with regt. Mustered out with regt. Promoted 1st Sergt. Dec.21,'68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 29, "68. Mustered out with regt. Deserted Jan. 5, '69. Promoted 1st Sergt. Oct. 29,'68. Mustered out with regt. Deserted Jan. 5, '69. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 29, Mustered out with regt. Boll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 149 Nineteenth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. COMPANY L. Mustered into United States service October 29, 1868. Mustered out and discharged April 18, 1869. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Captain. Charles H. Finch First Lieutenant. Henry E. Stoddard.., Second Lieul&nant WinfleldS. Tilton. ... First, Sergeant. Elder, Ike S Straight, Charles.... Q. M. Sergeant. De Long, Thomas D. Sergeants. Straight, Charles., Boothe, Joseph B — Dougherty, David ... Maiden, Andrew J ... Lowe, John W. Miller, Samuel F. Teas, Lewis Odell, AdamC . Milne, James G. Corporals. Dougherty, David . Maiden, Andrew J. Lowe, John W Estes, John L Atwood, John R. . . . Topeka Topeka Topeka Olathe. Paola.... Olathe. . . Paola. ... Shawnee Paola ... Monticello.. Shawnee Olathe Shawnee — Paola Spring Hill. Olathe Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 25, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 29, '6 Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 29, '6 Oct. 29, Oct. 29, Oct. 29, Oct. 29, '68 Mustered in as Capt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered in as 1st Lt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered in as 2d Lt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; red. to rks. Feb. 5, '69. Enrolled as pvt.; pro. Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; pro. 1st Sergt, Feb. 11, '69; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt.; pro. Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 29, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; pro. 1st Sergt. Feb. 17, '69. Enrolled a.s pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 29, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68, pro. Sergt. Nov. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68 ; pro. Sergt. Nov. 30, 68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68 ; pro. Sergt. Nov. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 30, '68; pro. Sergt. Feb. 17, '69; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt Oct. 29, '68; des. Nov. 15, '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt Oct. 29, '68 ; des. Nov. 15, '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt Oct. 29, '68; des. Nov. 15, '"" Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68; pro. Sergt. Nov. 30, '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68 ; pro. Sergt. Nov. 30, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68; pro. Sergt. Nov. m, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68; mustered out with regt. 150 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Nineteenth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. COMPANY L — Continued. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Remarks. Ciirporals. Mills, Charles D Miller, Samuel F Paola Monticello.. .. Paola Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 25, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68; red. to rks. Nov. 29, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 30, '68 ; pro. Sergt. Feb. 17, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 30, '68; red. to rks. Jan. 23, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Nov. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt, ; pro. Corp. Nov. 20, '68; mustered out with regt. Carr, Thomas B Haigler, John M Olathe Spring Hill... Olathe Spring Hill... Warren, Thomas F Burgess, Benjamin P.. Jan. 23, '69; mu.stered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. — , '68; deserted Nov. 8, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. — , '68 ; deserted Jan. 30, '69. Buglers. Paola Oct. 26. '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 28, '68 Watt, Rolla R Spring Hill... Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Oct. 29, '68; mustered out with regt. Farrier. Olathe Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; app. farrier Oct. 29, '68: mustered out with regt. Privates. Adams, Frank M Anderson, James Atwood, John R Boothe. Joseph B Burch, John. ... .... Burgess, Benjamin P. . Campbell, Cyrus Carr, Thomas B Carroll, Jeremiah Cole, John M Contra, Thomas Crawford, John C Olathe Paola. .. Oct. 27, '68 Oct. 25, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 25, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. '26, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 29. '68 Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 29, '68. Promoted Sorgt. Oct. "29, '68. Olathe Spring Hill... Olathe. Spring Hill... Paola Olathe Paola Promoted Corp. Jan. 23, '69. Promoted Corp. — , '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Nov. 30, '68. Deserted Dec. 2i\ '68. Mustered out with regt, De.serted Nov. 11, '68. Mustered out with regt. Appointed bugler Oct. 'iO, '68. Daniel, Nathan T Mustered out with regt. Despard, Frank DeLong, Thomas D... Dodson, Foreman M . . Doughty, William F.. Dougherty, David Elder, Ike S Olathe Paola.^ Spring Hill... Shawnee . Olathe Spring Hill... Shawnee Olathe Paola Deserted Nov. 15, '68. Promoted Q.M. Sgt. Oct. 29, '68. Mustered out with regt. Pro. Corp. Oct. 29, '68. Promoted 1st Sergt. Oct. 29, '68 ; red. to rks. Feb. 5, '69 ; mus- tered out with regt. Estes, Jolm L Fenner, Samuel S Fittenberger, John . .. Francis, William Promoted Corp. Oct. 29, '68. Mustered out with regt. Gaddy, Richard M (iibson, William Gile, Henry Monticello.. . . Shawnee Gardner Olathe. Spring Hill... Olathe Monticello.. .. Spring Hill... Gardner Olathe Haines, Charles H Haigler, John M Heddleson, William.. Henderson, Augustus W.. Hills, Davids Howard, James Imel, James M Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Nov. ;«, '68. Mustered out with regt, 1 < II Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Niueteentli Regiment, Kansas Volunteers - Cavalry. COMPANY L — CONCLDDED. 151 Name and rank. Residence. Privates. Jewell, John W Johnson, Thomas.... Kiufj, Luther C. Kitchen, Edward L.. Kitchen, David T.... Lamb, Hiram La Fontain, Amos.... Lee, Oscar O Lowe, Jt>hn W Lowry, Edward. ^. .- Lykins, Edward W.... Mahr, Frederick Maiden, Andrew J — Mann, Joseph T. _ . - Man well, George W. . Marks, William J Miller, Samuel F Milne, James Gr Mills, William Millis, Charles D Moreland, Joseph — Morris. William W... Murrv, Solomon McCall, Thomas McClary, Robert McCarthy, Frank Mcintosh. Sylvester.. Odell, AdamC Otts, Robert Parsons, Orlando Patten, John D Plienix, Peter J Pierce, Russell H. .. Pinegar, William H.. Porter, John Pratt, Kossuth Radenbocker, William J Ravenscraft, John... Rayhill, Matthew.... Riley, James N Rogers, Jesse Roney , Thomas B Shiverdecker, Perry.. Shriver, Samuel Sibbitt, William Sinclair, Sanford Smith, Thomas Smith, Albert F Sparks, Sylvester.... Spotts, David L Straight, Charles.... Studabecker, John.. Spring Hill. Olathe Gardner Olathe Spring Hill.. Shawnee.. . . Spring Hill.. Paola Shawnee Paola Date of enrollment. Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Date of muster. Remarks. Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 27, '68 , Oct. 22, '68 Spring Hill... I Oct. 23, ;68 ' ' Oct. lb, OS Olathe. Monticello... Olatke Spring Hill.. Paola Olathe. Paola. . Olathe. Paola Olathe Spring Hill. Paola Olathe Paola Shawnee Paola Spring Hill. Paola Shawnee.... Spring Hill. Paola. Spring Hill.. Olathe. Paola. . Oct. 20, '68 Oct. -22, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 16, '68 Oct. 27, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 27, '68 Oct. 20, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 27, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 27, '68 Oct. 21, '68 Oct. 26, '68 Oct. 25, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Oct. 23, '68 Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 17, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 22, '68 Teas, Lewis Ware, John F Warren, Thomas F. . . Watt, RoUa R Webb, Alfred H Webber, Joshua Wheeler, Samuel Wolf, William Wood, Alfred W Shawnee Spring Hill. . Oct. 25, Oct. 17, Oct. 19. Oct. 24, '68 Shawnee , Paola Oct. 27, Shawnee Oct. 2'2, Olathe Oct. 20, 1 Oct. 21, Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct. 29, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Oct 29, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Corp. Nov. 30, '68. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 29, 68. Died April 9, '69. Promoted Corp. Oct. 29,'68 ; red. to rks. Nov. 29, '68; mustered out with regt. Mustered out with regt. Deserted Oct. 30, '68. Mustered out with regt. Deserted Jan. 30, '69. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 29, t Deserted Nov. 8, '68. Mustered out with regt. Deserted Dec. 25, '68. Mustered out with regt. Died Jan. 31, '69. Mustered out with regt. Deserted Nov. 11, '68. Mustered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 29. '68. Promoted Corp. Nov. 30, 68, red. to rks. Jan. 23, '69; mus- tered out with regt. Promoted Sergt. Oct. 29, bS. Deserted Feb. 20, '69. Promoted Corp. -. 68. Appointed bugler Oct. 29, b». Mustered out with regt. 152 Roll of Officers and Enlisted 31 en. Nineteeuth Regiineut, Kansas Voliiuteers — Cavalry. COMPANY M. Mustered into United States service October 29, 1868. Mustered out and discharged April 18, 1869. Name and rank. Captain. Sargent Moody. First Lieutenant. James Graliam Second Lieutenant. James P. Hurst First Sergeant, Wilson, James P . . . Q. M. Sergeant. Dunagan, James H. . Sergeants. Weddle, George W Tarbell, George Victor, Major A O'Rourko, Richard . .. Johnson, Frank Burleigh, Frank J Cnrj)nrals. Scott, Charles .. Rodgers, Irwin Burleigh, Frank J Rose, James Pollard, Charles Bernard, Lorraine Marsh, John Sutter, Jacob Williams, Henry Residence. Topeka. Topeka. Topeka. Louisville.. Louisville. Louisville.. Emporia . .. Manhattan. Emporia . .. Manhattan. Emporia . .. Louisville.. Manhattan. Emporia . .. Manhattan. Emporia . .. Louisville.. Emporia . .. Date of enrollment. Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 12, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 12, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 12, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 12, '68 Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 12, '68 Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 12, '68 Date of muster. Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 29, Oct. 29, Remarks. Mustered in as Capt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered in as 1st Lt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Mustered in as 2nd Lt. ; mus- tered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. 1st Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. :iO, '68 ; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Sergt. Oct. m, '68, red. to rks. Feb. 12, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68 ; pro. Sergt. Feb. 12, '69; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct, '.iO, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. ;^0, '68 ; pro. Sergt. Feb. 12, '69. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30. '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Oct. 30, '68 ; red. to rks. Dec. 6, '68. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. 6, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Dec. 29, '68; mustered out with regt. Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Jan. 5, '69; mustered out with regt. Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. 153 Niueteeutli Reg:imeiit, Kansas Voliiuteers — Cavalry. Company M— Continded. Name and rank. Residence. Da te of Date of Remarks. enrollment. muster. CorpoTals, Darnell, George Louisville.... Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. Feb. 12, '69 ; mustered out with regt. Herrington, James W. Emporia Oct. 12, '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; pro. Corp. — ; deserted Jan. 2, '69. Buglers. Grew, Frederick Topeka Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; app. bugler Oct. 30, '68; mustered out with regt. Mattoy, William Louisville .... Oct. 14, '68 Enrolled at pvt. ; app. bugler — ; deserted Jan. 2, '69. Merrit, Frederick J... Enrolled as pvt. ; app. bugler Feb. 10, '69; mustered out with regt. Fari'iers. Priddy, Charles Manhattan ... Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Enrolled as pvt.; app. farrier Oct, 30, '68 ; ret. to rks. Feb. 17, '69. Smith, Henry Emporia Oct. 12, '68 Enrolled as pvt. ; app. farrier Feb. 17, '69; mustered out with regt. Privates. Aldrich, Oliver W Emporia Oct. 12, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Mustered out with regt. Topeka Louisville .. .. Emporia Occ. Oct. Oct. 26, '68 14, '68 12, '68 1 « i * Arnold, Eli J 1 1 11 Bagrley, Lorenzo " " Manhattan... Louisville.. .. Oct. Oct. 24, '68 14, '68 1 ( 1 ( Baker, Charles .. <• Baldwin, Edward B. .. Topeka Oct. 26, '68 ' ' II 11 Bernard, Lorraine Manhattan... Oct. 24, '68 Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, '68; red. to rks. Dec. 6, '68; mus- tered out with regt. Blake, Bernsley E " " Mustered out with regt. Bowen, Myron Emporia Oct. 12, '68 11 11 Louisville .... Manhattan. .. Oct. Oct. 14, '68 24, '68 .• II 1 i Brennan, John 11 11 Bryant, Henderson N., ' ' ' ' ' ' II 11 Burleigh, Frank J ' ' ' ' ' ' Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, '68. Chalender, William. . . Topeka. Oct. 12, '68 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Emporia Topeka Louisville .... Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 26, '68 30, '68 12, '68 30, '68 14, '68 Oct. 30, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Oct. 30, '68 Oct. 29, '68 II 11 11 11 Cox, John II 11 11 11 Darnell, George Promoted Corp. Feb. 12, '69. Davis, Leonidas L Emporia Oct. 12, '68 Mustered out with regt. Denmire, Theodore. .. ' ' ' ' 11 II Denny, James N Topeka Oct. 26, '68 11 II DeWitt. Charles Emporia .... Oct. 12, '68 11 II Diehl, Philip . . Manhattan... Emporia Oct. Oct. 24, '68 12, '68 11 1 i Dobson, Joseph 11 II Dunagan, James H. .. Louisville .... Oct. 14, '68 Promoted Q. M. Sergt. Oct. 30, '68. Mustered out with regt. Ehl, Frank Emporia Oct. Oct. 25, '68 12, '68 Elliott, John Fielder, Commodore.. Louisville .... Oct. 15, '68 II 11 Gaun, William W Oct. 14, '68 11 11 Gibbons, John Emporia Oct. 12, '68 11 11 Gibbs, Charles P Louisville.... Oct. 14, '68 11 11 Gibson, George ' ' 11 11 Gill, William H Wabaunsee .. Oct. 25, '68 11 II Grew, Frederick Topekai Oct. 29, '68 Appointed bugler Oct. 30, '68. Griner, Samuel G Manhattan ... Oct. 28, '68 Mustered out with regt. Gray, Newton Louisville.... Oct. 14, '68 ' ' ' ' Hardin, Daniel K Topeka Oct. 26, '68 11 II Hensley, Abraham Emporia Oct. 12, '68 11 11 Herrington, James W. ' ' ' ' Promoted Corp. — , '68. Hester, William Topeka. Oct. 30, '68 Oct. 30, '68 Mustered out with regt. Holloway, Lindsley... Louisville.... Oct. 14, '68 Oct. -29, '68 11 11 Huber, Joseph Alma Oct. 29, '68 " ' ' Jennings, "Francis Emporia Oct. 12, '68 It 11 Johnson, Frank Promoted Sergt. Oct. 30, '68; red. to rks. Feb. 12, '69, mus- tered out with regt. Johnson,'Thomas R. .. ' ' ' ' ' ' Mustered out with regt. Kelley, James C " Oct. 25, '68 ' ' II 11 154 Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men. Nineteenth Reg^inient, Kansas Volunteers — Cavalry. COMPANY M — Concluded. Name and rank. Residence. Date of enrollment. Date of muster. Eemarks. Privatex. Kendall, Edwin N Manhattan ... Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 29, '68 Mustered out with rogt. Kennedy, Royal Emporia Oct. 12, '68 ' ' ' ' ' ' King, Levi J Louisville.... Oct. 14, '68 ' ' 1 1 11 Lake, Seth Emporia Oct. 12, '68 ' ' II II Marsh, John ' ' ' * ' ' Promoted Corp. Dec. 6, '68. Matney, James ' ' ' ' * ' Mustered out with regt. Mattey, William ... Louisville.. .. Oct. 14, '68 ' ' Appointed bugler. Merrit, Freiierick J. .. ' ' * * ' ' Appointed bugler Feb. 10, '69. .. .. .. Mustered out with regt. Mitchell, William .... Moore, John C * ' * * ' ' II < 1 Moses, James W Manhattan... Oct. 24, '68 ' ' II II Musgrove, Asa Emporia Oct. 12, '68 ' ' " " Myers, Jonathan ' ' * * ' ' II II McCulloueh, Moses... Topeka Oct. 30, '68 Oct. 30, '68 11 II Nocton, David ' ' Oct. 12, '68 Oct. 29, '68 II II O' Rourke, Richard . . . Manhattan... Oct. 24, '68 ' ' Promoted Sergt. Oct. 30, '68. Topeka. Manhattan. .. Oct. 12, '68 Oct. 28, '68 .. Mustered out with regt. PauUy, James Phe>is, Charles Topeka. Oct. 12, '68 ' ' 1 1 11 Louisville.. .. Emporia Oct. 19, '68 Oct. 12, '68 .. 11 11 Pollard, Charles ... Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, '6S. Priddy, Charles Manhattan... Oct. 28, '68 Appointed farrier Oct. 30, '68; retd. to rks. Feb. 17, "69 ; mus- tered out with regt. Qnackenbu.'^h, James, Emporia. Oct. 12, '68 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Rodgers, Irwin Louisville.. .. Oct. 14, '68 ' ' Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, '68. Rose, James Manhattan. .. Oct. 24, '68 ' ' II .1 Runyan, Alfred L " Oct. 12, '68 " Mustered out with regt. Samona, Julian Emporia * * ' ' II II Sands, Alfred Alma.. Emporia Oct. 28, '68 Oct. 12, '68 ;; 11 11 Promoted Corp. Oct. 30, '68. Smith, Henry Appointed farrier Feb. 17, '69. Manhattan... Oct. 24, '68 Oct. 15, '68 Oct. 12, '68 ;; Mustered out with regt. Smith, Ebon C Snyder, Francis N — Topeka 11 11 Oct. 3U, '68 Oct. 12, '68 Oct. 30, '68 Oct. 29, '68 II II Stubbs, Albert A Emporia " " Louisville — Emporia Oct. 14, '68 Oct. 12, '68 .. Promoted Corp. Dec. 29, '68. Tarbeil, George Promoted Sergt. Oct. 30, '68. Thomas, Henry ' ' ' ' * * Mustered out with regt. Tierney, Thomas Louisville.. .. Oct. 14, '68 ' ' Deserted Jan. 2, '69. Vandercase, Henry N. Topeka Oct. 29, '68 " Mustered out with regt. Van Vliet, Luther .... Emporia Oct. 12, '68 ' ' II 11 Vicar, James Louisville. . .. Oct. 14, '68 ' ' Deserted Oct. 31, '68. Victor, Major A Emporia Oct. 12, '68 ' ' Promoted Sergt. Oct. 30, '68, Vonwell, John Manhattan... Oct. 24, '68 ' ' Killed on duty, Dec. 28, '68. Watson, John C. ... Oct. 28, '68 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Weddle, Weorge W, . . . Louisville.. .. Oct. 14, '68 ' ' Promoted Sergt. Oct. 30, '68. Wheney, Holland G... Emporia Oct. 12, '68 ' ' Mustered out with regt. Williams, Henry ' ' II 11 Promoted Corp. Jan. 5, '69. Wilson, James P Louisville.. .. Oct. 14, '68 Promoted 1st Sergt. Oct. 30, '68. Yawning, Garrett ' ' Oct. 24, '68 Deserted Jan. 2, '69.