y F 317 1 .M2 S4 iJ- Copy 1 1 v-^ V^eL a\^ ^ Qj: WV LAND OF MANATEE PROPERTrES FOR SALE IN MANATEE COUNTY, FLORIDA ISSUED BY JNDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENT SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY REVISED TO DATE o HIS list of properties is compiled with a view to giving the interested pro- spector or homeseeker an idea of what can be had in the famous Manatee Country. ^ If you are interested to any extent and would like specific information regarding any of the parcels herein- after mentioned write me to that effect, giving the number of the pro- perty, and I will take pleasure in advising you fully with reference thereto. Address :J'' J. W. WHITE, General Industrial Agent Seaboard Air Line Railway, Portsmouth, Virginia. JAN ■^■^ NUMBER 6, NUMBER 7. NUMBER 8. NUMBER 9. NUMBER 10. NUMBER 11. NUMBER 12. NUMBER 1. The Young & Clarkson place adjoining the Manatee Lemon Co., con- taining 22 acres, divided into orange and grapefruit grove and vegetable farm; has fine frontage on the beautiful Terra Ceia Baj-, with fish and oysters for the gathering; two dwellings, artesian well, and is fully equipped for growing celery, lettuce, cabbage, potatoes, beans, cukes and eggplants. Price, $8,000. NUMBER 2. The Snooks place on Lemon avenue, all good land and in cultivation, suitable for fruit and vegetable growing. Price, $1,000. NUMBER 3. Fifteen acres of rich hammock land. $50 an acre on good terms. NUMBER 4. Five-acre lot on Manatee River; would make four choice home places, with fruit trees. Price, $750. NUMBER 5. Four-acre bearing grove and fine dwelling for $3,500. One-acre lot in Fogartyville, well located, 500. Two splendid water fronts in Palmetto, $1,000. Three acres and new five-room house, $1,000. Six and two-thirds acres near canal, all cleared and fenced, $500. Five-acre young grove and good vegetable land, $1,000. Eight acres on canal, part muck land, $240. Three tracts of 10 acres each, very rich land, $50 per acre. NUMBER 13. Twenty acres at head of canal, all cleared and fenced. $300 cash, $600 in one year and $600 in two years. NUMBER 14. Two hundred acres near Erie, all muck land, $10 per acre; good terms. NUMBER 15. One hundred and sixty acres of Fuller's land, at transportation; samples tested and found perfect. Price on application. NUMBER 16. Ten acres near Palmetto embracing old bearing grove; pays good interest on $15,000; will take $7,500, NUMBER 17. Twenty acres on railroad, 10 acres in orange and grapefruit trees, most of them bearing, balance good fruit a,nd vegetable land, all fenced and cleared, $3,600. NUMBER 18. Forty acres, 15 of same in cultivation, four-room house, 50 grape- fruit trees. Price, $1,000. NUMBER 19. Twenty-two-acre orange and gi-apefruit grove near Manatee Lemon Co.; has fine frontage on bay. Price. $10,500. NUMBER 20. Choice residence and business lots in growing town of Parrish. NUMBER 21. Ten-acre orange and grapefruit grove on Terra Ceia Bay, $2,250. NUMBER 22. One-half-acre lot, three-room cottage, $400. NUMBER 23. The Ed Williams place on McMuUen Creek, 40 acres, $900. NUMBER 24. The Durrance grove, 8 acres, 6 acres in grove, $1,100, NUMBER 25. Three lots of 4 acres each, good farming land, $50 per acre. NUMBER 26. Building lots, $10 down, $10 per month, price according to loca- tion, abstract furnished with deed. NUMBER 27. J, W. Alexander place ai head of the canal, 120 acres of land; 50 acres in cultivation, 10 acres in bearing orange and grapefruit trees, good dwell- ing and barn. Price, $5,000; good terms. NUMBER 28. The Joe Watts place on Terra Ceia Bay; 15 acres, nearly all in bearing orange and grapefruit trees; one-fourth mile water front. Price, $8,000. NUMBER 29. North Palmetto addition, 60 acres on acreage basis of $100 per acre, or entire tract for $3,000 cash. Also some good selections on the best streets in Palmetto; can be rented as soon as improved. Price and terms on application. NUMBEK 30. Handsome city residence property tor sale, "the place where the tail tree is. ' This property faces on three streets, it has a fronta.ge of li(j leet on Prospect avenue tine most attractive residence street in South Florida; l5o feet on Park Place (wuich runs througn two blocks to Main street at the Opera House), and llti feet on l^airview street. The cottage (six rooms) is substantially built of selected lumber; the foundation timbers of hewn light-wood will last for centuries. It is ceiled and painted tnroughout; has brick cnimney, treely-drawing sitting-room hre-piace and bed-room hue; four commodious closets; 5o running feet of veranda; two cisterns and ruuniug water in kitchen; well giving water suitable for washing purposes. There is separate servant's house, large out- house, poultry house and yard, etc. The property also contains, one of tne largest mango trees in the county which bears heavily each year; 13 large bear- ing orange trees and several young trees; ever-bearing lemon; Thomas and Herbemont grapes; Kelsey plum (purple); lig; Catley guavas; all of these bear- ing. Also the following magnificent ornamentals: "tne tall tree," Eucalyptus globula, Callitris robusta, Cupressus semper virens. Sago palm, Cycas revoiuta. Phoenix reclinata, Bauhinia (purpurea). Hibiscus, tour Sabal palmetto, and zJ feet live oak. Price, $:i,800. MUMBEH 31. A 20-acre bearing orange grove at Parrish; located just one block from the depot, containing 885 large bearing orange and grapeiruit trees whica will make from 4,0UU to li.OUU boxes of iruit annually; a large two-story store building that will rent for $2U per month and is fully insurea; has an artesian well 645 feet deep, with engine and tower; all under a good fence and in first- class cultivation. This grove is second to none in the county and is well worth $25,U0U, but at present I will sell for $15,000 cash. NUMBER 32, One hundred acres of very fine land well located on the Little Mana- tee River and near the railroad, with good buildings and 500 of the best and largest orange and grapeiruit trees in the county; no disease or insects, and is witnout exception as good a grove as there is in the State. It will mane from 4,000 to 6,000 standard boxes of fruit annuallj. Price, $17,000; part cash. NUMBER 33. Thirty-two acres of extra fine land situated on the Manatee River 8 miles east of Palmetto, with good buildings, and 20 acres of the very best orange and grapefruit trees in Manatee County capable of producing from 5,000 to 6,000 boxes of fruit annually. A property well worth $25,000. Present price, $15,000; part cash. NUMBER 34. Twelve acres of first-class land located two miles from Palmetto; all in grove which makes from $4,000 to $8,000 worth of fruit annually; big packing house and artesian well. Everything simply first-class. With $5,000 worth of fruit, price $17,000. NUMBER 35. Fifteen acres of fine land at Oneco, 10 acres of which is in fine bearing orange grove with $2,000 worth of fruit on the trees, and will have a much larger crop another year. A strictly first-class property. Price, $8,500. NUMBER 36. Eleven acres of land, 10 of which is in grove with $2,000 worth of fruit on trees. The grove, fruit, fencing and land all first-class. Will make at least $3,000 next year. Located within one mile of the depot at Manatee. Price, just as it stands with fruit, $9,0000. NUMBER 37. Forty acres of good land; 10 acres in large bearing orange trees, $2,000 worth of fruit on trees, beautiful front on Braiden River, everything in first-class condition. Price for all, $7,500. NUMBER 38. Ten of the best residence lots in Braidentown; all in one block on Manatee avenue; four acres in all. Price, $5,000. NUMBER 39. Four hundred and forty acres on the big new canal, one mile south of Braidentown; extra fine fruit and vegetable land. In 40-acre lots at from $20 to $50 per acre, or all for $10,000; part cash. NUMBER 40. Six hundred and forty acres of first-class fruit and vegetable land, 320 of which is well-fenced and ditched. Will sell in 40-acre tracts at $25 per acre, or all for $10,000; or I will sell an undivided half-interest in the whole for $5,000. NUMBER 41. Eight acres; one-haJf mile from railroad; 175 bearing orange trees; netted $600. This place has a rocky creek running through it, hence it is well drained. Price, $2,500. NUMBER 42. Twelve acres on Booley Creek; 100 bearing orange and grapefruit trees. This adjoins No. 41 and would be an addition to it. Price, $1,200. NUMBER 43. One hundred and thirty acres; 330 bearing orange trees, 15 budded grapefruit trees, a few plum and peach trees, also grapes; nicely located on the bank of Braiden river. Price, $3,500. NUMBER 44. New house on corner of Center and Academy streets; one acre of land; rich garden spot. Price, $1,500. NUMBER 45. Town lots for residence or business. Range all the way from $75 to $500. NUMBER 46. Several river front lots for residence. These lots are so located that a good view can be had up or down the river for miles; they are also near the trolley line. Price, $250 per lot. NUMBER 47. Fiveacres; three of it set to trees; 280 in all, 200 of them bearing; 22 grapefruit, half bearing; in good neighborhood; near school and railroad station; healthy location. Price, $3,000. NUMBER 48. Five acres at Oneco; 4 acres set to orange and grapefruit trees in good bearing. This is a good neighborhood, near school, church, postoffice and stores; one-half mile from Seaboard depot; one acre fine truck land when cleared. Price, $2,500. NUMBER 49. Twenty acres in Manatee hammock; 15 under cultivation; 300 bear- ing orange trees; 200 three-year-old, just beginning to bear; 100 set out one year ago; 600 in all, with 80 grapefruit trees. Price, $7,500. NUMBER 50. Six and two-thirds acres of good land; 250 orange trees, all bearing. Price, $3,000. This property is so located that it can be added to and make 20 acres, having 600 trees. Price of the 20 acres, $8,000. High and healthy location. NUMBER 51. Thirty-six acres near Palmetto, nearly all cleared; fine flowing well; small house; large barn; on marl road to depot. Price, $120 per acre. MUMBER 52. Sixteen acres of land on the bank of a creek, one and a half miles from Sarasota Bay; five miles from Manatee; three-fourths of a mile from switch on the Seaboard Railway; 175 large orange trees, produce from 500 to 800 boxes fine oranges per year; room to put out more trees; fine rich bayhead on place; living water on place the year around; will be sold on easy terms. Price, $2,700. f^J UMBER 53. Rich hammock land in five-acre lots; well located; good for fruit or vegetables. Prices vary from $50 to $150 per acre, according to quality and location. One can grow vegetables between the trees three to four years, which is an inducement over buying pine land. MUMBER 54. Fifteen acres fronting on Braiden River; well protected from cold; one and a half miles of water to the north; house of five rooms; barn and other outbuildings; 350 bearing fruit trees — orange, grapefruit and lemon; about 1,000 nursery trees, and quite a number of other tropical fruit trees; one mango tree, the owner sold $30 worth of fruit last year; oysters and fish at the door, in the waters that will be conveyed with this land. Price, $2,750. ^j UMBER 55. Three acres in the town of Manatee, fronting on the river 500 feet; high, dry bank; fine residence property; large live-oaks all along the front; 20 large orange trees; two small houses; wind-mill; water piped to both houses; in good neighborhood; one block from trolley line. This is the most desirable water-front along the Manatee River that can be bought. Price, $3,700. NUMBER 56. Ten acres of first-class land; 100 budded trees, 30 bearing; all choice varieties; new eight-room house; fine large barn^ quarter mile from post- office. Seaboard depot, church and stores. Price, $2,500. NUMBER 57. Six acres in the town of Manatee; three acres rich garden land; balance good orange land; 200 large bearing orange trees. Some of the trees in this grove have produced over 25 boxes of fine fruit at one picking. This is a bargain that one meets but once in a lifetime. Do not hesitate to write as soon as you read this if you want to invest in an orange grove. Price, $4,000. NUMBER 58. Thirty-two acres, one mile from Manatee; 500 orange and grape- fruit trees. This is a nice home place, just far enough out of town to be free from town tax, and plenty near enough to enjoy all that is to be enjoyed by living in town. This place will have to be seen to be appreciated. Price, $6,500. NUMBER 59. Sixty-six thousand acres of pine timber that will cut 2,500 feet of lumber and 40 turpentine boxes per acre. Price, $4.25 per acre. NUMBER 60. One hundred thousand acres of pine and cypress timber land; esti- mated to cut 400,000,000 feet of pine and 300,000,000 cypress lumber per acre; has water transportation. Price, $8.00 per acre. NUMBER 61. Four hundred thousand acres pine land; part cypress; will cut 3,000 feet of pine and cypress and 35 boxes. Price, $3.75 per acre. NUMBER 62. One hundred and twenty-five thousand acres of round pine timber; will cut 4.000 feet per acre and 3-t boxes. Price, $3.75 per acre. NUMBER 63. Just one mile south from the Manatee postoffice is a tract of 33 acres; 10 acres cleared and in trees; 250 large seedlings; 112 tangerines and grapefruit, 60 tardiffs, 65 jaffir and ruby oranges; abundance of vegetable and rich celery land; bees, chickens, small house and household goods; a large front yard rilled with flowers and shrubbery; received prize 1904, South Florida Fair, for largest variety of products. Price, $6,800. NUMBER 64. A nice little home in the town of Manatee; one and one-quarter acres of land with small four-room house; 89 of citrus fruits, seedlings, grapefruit and tangerines; also peach and plum trees; a good garden spot for home con- sumption. Price, $1,500. NUMBER 65. One mile from Manatee depot; is a five-acre grove; some of the largest and best producing trees in Manatee County; netted on investment 25 per cent, this year. Price, $3,000. NUMBER 66. One mile from the town of Manatee; is a 40-acre tract of land — 22 acres of pine land and 18 acres of hammock, six acres of which is in trees, grapefruit and oranges; netted 20 per cent, on investment this year. Several trees on this place bore 20 boxes of fruit to a tree. Best hammock for vegetables; a rare bargain for some one. Price, $4,000. NUMBER 67. A good 10-acre orange grove near the town of Manatee, with 20 tangerines, 10 Washington navels, 120 seedlings, 100 tardiffs, 1 Maltese blood and 40 small grapefruit. Price, $4,000. NUMBER 68. A good grove with 16 acres of fine land, one-fourth mile from Oneco postoffice; eight acres of yellow subsoil land; rest fine bayhead; 700 trees, of which 350 are old bearing seedlings, the remaining are grapefruit and tangerines. Price, $5,000. NUMBER 69. A beautiful location on the far-famed Sarasota Bay; 14 acres of elegant hammock: four acres on the bay front; fine building lots surrounded by palms and massive oaks. This place is two miles north of Sarasota. Price,. $4,000. NUMBER 70. A large grove of 13 Vt acres at Oneco, near depot; nine acres cleared; 200 large trees; 200 young trees; tangerines, tardiffs and grapefruit; three acres of fine bayhead; easily drained; two flowing springs. Price, $5,000. NUMBER 71. Waiting now to be cleared and planted; 18^^ acres of the best hammock; only one mile from Manatee depot. This includes good orange and vegetable lands. Can be easily drained as north line of property is bounded by large canal. Price, $80 an acre. NUMBER 72. Near the mouth of Manatee River there are 40 acres of land all cleared; bayhead, scrub and pine. Five acres in grove, mostly in grapefruit. Price, $2,000. NUMBER 73, Two miles north of Sarasota on Seaboard Air Line; 20 acres of land, about three-fourths hammock; six acres cleared; sugar-mill that cost $250 small camping house; 100 orange trees; made $360 this year on cane aion& Price, $2,000. NUMBER 74. One mile south of Manatee; five acres of hammock land; four acres cleared; 330 trees, one-half of which are just bearing; 20 boxes this year- graoe- fruit and seedlings. Price, $1,600. ' NUMBER 75. Near Ellen ton, on the Manatee River; 40 acres of land, all ham- mock; six acres in house enclosure, with 100 trees; three acres to be reserved; 34 acres outside of house lot, all cleared and under fence; large house, ten rooms Price, $6,500. NUMBER 76. Write for particulars of 15 acres of fine Ellenton hammock, all cleared and fenced, ready for planting. Price, $1,500. NUMBER 77. A small orange gi-ove that yields a large per cent, on money in- vested; five acres of land, three acres of which are in trees— 62 grapefruit and 200 seedling orange, and a few tangerines are just coming into beariajt. Price, $1,300. NUMBER 78. One of the best orange groves; one mile south of Manatee depot; having five acres cleared and planted in trees; 350 large seedlings; 30 budded Centennials and six grapefruit. Price, $4,500. NUMBER 79. One hundred and twenty-seven acres near mouth of Manatee River on south side; four acres cleared; 200 trees; good garden spot. Price, $4,000. N UMBER 80. On the principal street in Braidentown, a good boarding house for sale; ]6 rooms; dining-room 24x30; two stories high; rents for $30 per montlu Price, $3,000. NUMBER 81. Thirty-three acres in land, of which there are 10 acres of bearing trees, 10 acres in young budded trees, one year old; a few tangerines, 225 small grapefruit. Parson Browns; pineapple and boones; six acres not cleared; high sandy hammock; crop last year brought $4,000. Price, $15,000. NUMBER 82. A fine grove in the Ellenton hammock; 20 acres of land with 800 large bearing trees; 300 small ones; one-third being grapefruit. Price, $10,000. NUMBER 83. Just one mile from the town of Manatee; is a 20-acre grove, all cleared, except five acres, and all under fence; 300 large bearing trees; 300 small ones, one to four years old. In this number are 125 grapefruit trees, 25 tangerines, 11 big navels, six Mediterranean sweets. Price, $7,500. NUMBER 84. One of the finest hotel sites in south Florida; in the town of Mana- tee, at the junction of the Manatee and Braiden Rivers; man can not do what Nature has done to make so lovely a spot, with a half mile of river front. It makes quite a scene with its towering hickory and palm trees, its massive oaks and beautiful cedars. There are 70 acres, 35 acres being good high land; the rest is in water, giving full riparian rights; oystering and fishing at this' spot fine. Price, $10,000. NUMBER 85. Four hundred acres of land just south of Oneco; good pasture lands; some orange and some trucking land. Price, $6.00 an acre. NUMBER 86. Good saw mill in the town of Manatee; on river and near Seaboard Air Line Railway; 50 H. P. boiler; 45 II. P. engine; saw-mill complete, with horse, wagon, oxen log carts, etc.; 800 acres of land; 2,500 feet to acre; steam- boat. This outfit can be had for the low price of $5,500. NUMBER 87. Thirty-acre grapefruit and orange grove; 2,784 grapefruit trees from three to twelve years old; 300 bearing orange trees; crop last year netted $7,567 on 10 acres of this grove. This magnificent grapefruit and orange grove is situated on Terra Ceia Island facing the bay, a spot protected from cold by the waters of Tampa Bay. The Seaboard Air Line depot is within three-fourths of a mile of the grove; the Independent Line of steamers touch at a dock within 200 yards of the property, giving cheap and quick transportation to points north, connecting with the A. C. L. Ry. at Tampa, 40 miles distant. This property should be seen to be appreciated. The crop on trees now is worth $12,000 at a conservative estimate. Two artesian wells, flowing 250 gallons per minute, furnish all the water required for irrigation purposes when necessary. Price $45,000. NUMBER 88. Thirty-two acre orange and grapefruit grove on Terra Ceia Bay; one-half mile from S. A. L. Ry.; 840 grapefruit trees bearing; 535 orange trees bearing; crop this year on trees is worth $8,000. The grapefruit trees are five years old and just coming into bearing. This grove is well protected from cold by Terra Ceia and Tampa Bays. Price, $23,000. NUMBER 89. Forty acres on Terra Ceia Island; half mile from railroad station; 18 acres of this tract is A-1 orange and vegetable land. Price, $1,600. NUMBER 90. Bighteen-acre grove; artesian well cost $600; 900 bearing trees; 300 young trees; all best varieties, budded on sour stock; one and a half miles from S. A. L. Ry. This grove will pay 10 per cent, on the investment this year. The bearing trees are six years old. One mile from Manatee. Price, $9,000. NUMBER 91. Eleven-and-a-half-acre seedling orange grove; 500 bearing trees; prospective crop worth $2,200; one mile from station. Price, $9,000. NUMBER 92. Eighteen-acre orange and grapefruit grove; one and a half miles from station; 128 old seedlings; balance best budded varieties; budded trees are from four to six years old; crop on trees is worth $1,700. In two years this property will yield 3,000 boxes of fruit. Price, $12,000. NUMBER 93. Forty acres on Braiden River, three miles from station; 550 old bearing seedling trees; crop on trees, 2,000 boxes, worth $2,500. Price, $8,000. NUMBER 94. Nine acres fine hammock land; 300 bearing seedling trees; artesian, well; one and a half miles from station; crop on trees worth $800. Price, $4,000. NUMBER 95. Twenty acres of land; five acres A-1 vegetable land; balance in best budded varieties of grapefruit and orange from four to six years old; three- fourths mile from railroad; crop this year 300 boxes, worth on trees $750; good shell and marl road to Braidentown, distant one and a half miles. Price, $10,000. NUMBER 96. Fifteen-acre grove opposite No. 99; small house of three rooms; 1,400 trees, 900 bearing and balance just coming into bearing; crop on trees worth $1,000; in two years crop will sell for $2,500 to $3,000. Price, $10,000. NUMBER 97. Forty acres of land; 20 acres in grove just coming into bearing; one mile from station; two and a half miles from Braidentown; twenty acres in cleared land suitable for vegetables and citrus fruits. Price, $8,000. NUMBER 98. One hundred and five acres; 25 acres in bearing trees of best varieties; crop on trees worth $5,500; house cost $5,500, stable $1,200; all modem conveniences; three and a half years old; in splendid condition; two and a half miles from Braidentown. Price, $30,000. NUMBER 99. Fifteen acres; 12 14 in grove; crop or. trees worth $2,500; half mile from railroad station; three and a quarter miles from Braidentown. Price, $10,000. NUMBER 100. Ten acres; six in grove; 450 bearing trees; six-room house; three and a quarter miles from station; crop worth $700 on trees. Price, $4,500. NUMBER 101. Six room house in best residence part of Braidentown; bath and toilet; lot 140x171; outhouse for servant; three minutes' walk to postoffice. Price, $3,500. NUMBER 102. New six-room house: lot 50x105; good neighborhood; near post- office; in Braidentown. Price, $1,600. NUMBER 103. Six-room house; 27 large-bearing grapefruit and orange trees; lot 140x300; good location; near water; in Braidentown. Price, $3,500. NUMBER 104. Six-room house in Braidentown; 600 yards from postoffice; corner lot 145x210; near trolley line. Price, $2,500. ;NUMBER 105. Four-room house in Braidentown; one and a quarter miles from postoffice; on Ware's Creek; one and a half acres of land; few small-bearing orange trees. Price, $1,600. NUMBER 106. Lot on river front; bluff seven feet; 300 feet on water; 200 fept deep; 40 bearing orange trees; a beautiful location for winter home. Price, $2,700. SSIUMBER 107. Ten acres near Oneco; three-fourths mile from postoflace and railroad; 450 bearing trees; five-room house; crop on trees worth $800. Price, $4,500. IN UMBER 108. Fifteen hundred acres of vegetable and orange land near Sarasota. These lands were selected from a tract of 14,000 acres; 40-acre tracts and up at prices ranging from $15 to $35 per acre. »s.' UMBER 109. One hundred and twenty acres, fenced; one and one-half miles from Sarasota; 55 acres of this tract is saw-grass land suitable for vegetables, sugarcane and rice. These lands rent for $20 per acre cash, net; the balance of tract is partly cleared ready to plow; good stable and quarters for hired man. Price, $G,COO. SSJUMBER 110. Niae-room house in Sarasota; 500 feet from water front; lof^ 200x300; stable. Price, $3,500. NUMBER 111. Six town lots in Sarasota, 100x100, on Pineapple avenue, $300 each. INUMBER 112. Twenty-six hundred acres of prairie, saw-grass, hammock and pine, subject to turpentine and timber lease; one and a half miles from railroad. Price, $4,550. 5NUMBER 113. Fifty-four hundred and forty acres; two and a half miles from railroad; 2,200 acres of this tract is saw-grass land; balance prairie and pine. Price, $21,760. aNj UMBER 114. One hundred and twenty acres on Sarasota Bay; four miles north of Sarasota; $50 per acre taken in blocks six acres long and one acre front on bay. WUMBER 115. "The Palms." This beautiful property situated on Sarasota Bay, two miles north of Sarasota, comprises five acres of land, 460 feet front on the bay, bluff 16 feet above tidewater, beautiful lawn and ornamental plants. The house has 17 sleeping-rooms, social hall, large dining-room, parlor and reading- room, all furnished; back building, kitchen, wash-room, servant's quarters. Price, $9,000. 3MUMBER 116. Thirty-two acres within two and a half miles of railroad; five and a third miles from Sarasota; 880 seedling orange trees twelve years old; crop last year sold on trees for $3,380. Price, $11,000. gSlUMBER 117. Seventy acres of land; 55 cleared; 45 acres in grove; crop last year sold for $6,500 on trees; this year the crop is worth $7,000 on the trees. Two years from date this grove will yield 11,000 boxes of fruit, with $3,200 expense of operating; railroad station two and three-quarters miles west of place; three and a quarter miles from Sarasota. Price, $35,000. fsl UMBER 118. Four hundred and ninety-one acres on Sarasota Bay, south of Sarasota nine and a quarter miles; 1,980 feet of this tract fronts the bay; bluff five to seven feet above tide. This tract is well situated and suitable for truck gardening and raising citrus fruits. Price, $6,000. gsiUMBER 119. Three hundred and forty-seven acres at Venice, 20 miles south of Sarasota; three and a quarter miles water front on bay; Gulf beach 400 yards west of property across a bay and point. The finest fishing, hunting, oysters and clams are within touch of the property. This is an ideal location for a small colony. Price, $12,500. fN UMBER 120. One and a half miles on Gulf of Mexico, one mile south of Venice; Beautiful beach, good hunting and fishing: 191 acres. Price, $4,500. IMUMBER 121. Residence in city of Braidentown; two-story house in good con- dition, with five rooms: outhouses, barns, sheds and chicken house with yard for fowls; Episcopal church on opposite corner; trolley line runs past the door; excellent neighbors; one mile from Braidentown steamboat dock; Manatee River about 700 feet distant; fine views of which from all portions of the property; all the buildings and fences in good order; a cistern and a well at house, and •another well at bam. The lot, which is on a desirable corner, contains one and a half acres, and is set out to choice varieties of oranges, tangerines, mandarins, grapefruit, guavas, bananas and grapes, all bearing. One can probably get a good return on the investment at once from the fruit crop. There is no better section of the United States for all kinds of citrus trees, and they are in a healthy state of growth. This is a desirable home, ready for occupancy, and if seen will be appreciated. Price, $2,500. NUMBER 122. Residence in city of Braidentown; two-story house with six rooms, almost new; corner lot containing one-half acre of excellent garden land; barn, well, cistern; only two blocks from county high school. Price, $1,000. NUMBER 123. Residence in city of Braidentown; two-story house in good con- dition; lot of one-half acre, located within short distance of high school; fine neighborhood; good soil, which has been well cultivated. Price, $1,000. NUMBER 124. Ideal site for winter home; a most charming location on Sarasota Bay, at Osprey, Florida; 12 miles from Sarasota, but very soon the railroad will be running within two miles as the nearest station; a shell mound making a bluff 19 feet above high tide; perfect drainage; free from malaria; a fine shell beach in front; lovely view of Little Sarasota Bay, and across Little Sarasota Key can also be seen the Gulf of Mexico. Large oak trees make a place that can easily be made into a magnificent park; also fine palmetto and other trees. Sly feet of water within 30 yards of the beach at low tide; several handsome residences in sight, belonging to gentlemen who make them their winter homes; postofiice, chapel and school near by; good fishing and hunting grounds at hand; six to seven acres in the tract; 200 feet front on bay. Price, $2,000. NUMBER 125. Bay front, with 20-foot bluff; five miles south from Osprey, on line of railroad; finest residence site and orange land; keys 200 yards from mainland, making Gulf easily accessible. Price, $40 per acre. NUMBER 126. Lots; good business property; opposite new depot site at Braiden- town and on Main street; two blocks from court-house; big bargain at $500 each. NUMBER 127. Twenty acres unimproved land, one mile south of Braidentown; a choice tract of the very best land for orange groves and for all citrus fruits; high rolling pine land; also rich soil for raising vegetables. The tract is partly cleared, ready for use at once; has perfect drainage, and just the place for one who wishes to start an orange grove and in the meantime do a profitable truck garden business; warm locality during winter months; close to transportation; a desirable neighborhood; suited for trucking and tender fruits; a rare bargain at $2,000. NUMBER 128. Ten acres garden lands just outside Braidentown city limits. The new county drainage canal runs along the west boundary line, giving an abso- lutely satisfactory drainage; very little clearing to be done; almost ready for the plow. Part of the land has formerly been under water during the rainy sea- son, but when the canal under construction has been completed it will be per- fectly drained, and the previous moisture for a part of the year has made of this the richest of vegetable land. The tract being well protected from the wind makes it very warm in the winter and early crops can be shipped from it when high prices prevail. Nothing could be better adapted for trucking purposes. Celery, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes and eggplant can be raised with good profit on this land. It is but two miles south of the Manatee River, and less than that from the railroad. At $1,500 money can be made from the start. NUMBER 129. Eight miles from Braidentown; 1,000 acres of orange and garden land; on the Cortez Peninsula, between Palma Sola and Sarasota Bays. Price, $25 to $40 per acre. NUMBER 130. Forty-acre tract, three miles south of Braidentown; one mile from railroad depot; 14 acres cleared; eight acres in fruit trees; half the tract first- class orange land, balance choice vegetable land; a bargain. This property in- cludes a fair two-story house. Price, $2,500. NUMBER 131. Five thousand acres and the best large tract in south Florida; southwest from Braidentown; bay front; good timber and fine land for fruit and vegetables. Price, $10 to $20 per acre. NUMBER 132. Forty-acre tract; 12 acres cleared; 1,200 budded oranges set out two years ago. Price, $4,000. NUMBER 133. Thrifty young orange grove; close by the city of Braidentown; 20 acres of land of which 10 acres are fenced and cleared, and seven acres are set to choice budded trees of the best varieties. There are 350 trees— 150 being four years old in full bearing; 200 are three years old beginning to bear By another year it will be an orchard all bearing, paying good interest on the in- vestment with yield increasing each year. In addition to the orange trees just mentioned, are 100 choice budded peach trees. These will bear season 1906 Within three years the grove will be worth $8,000. The situation is in a first- class neighborhood; quarter of a mile from the city limits; on a main thorough- fare with a smooth hard road; the entire 20 acres of the best quality of land and well drained; certainly a bargain at $3,500. NUMBER 134. Large and flourishing orange grove; 18 acres finest hammock land; perfectly drained; about 1,400 trees of the best varieties, all bearing; two and a half miles south from Manatee River; not far from the city of Braidentown; will pay good interest on $20,000; a very choice property at a bargain Price' $12,000. NUMBER 135, Forty acres, and good land; 250 trees; large ones, and very fine cues; two miles south of Braidentown, on the main road; plenty of good land for vegetable or fruit culture; room to set out more groves, or raise large crops of early vegetables; perfect drainage. A splendid place for a family to make a living on, and enjoy a good home; neighbors of the right kind. Price, $5,000. NUMBER 136. Twenty acres, four miles south of Braidentown; 800 bearing trees, which can be made to yield from 3,000 to 4,000 boxes of fruit each year; good land; well drained; two-story residence with five rooms; good bam etc Price $7,500. NUMBER 137. A neat one-and-a-half-story house, barn, etc., with 90 acres good land, in the heart of what is known as Orange Ridge, the famous orange section; within sight of Oneco Postoflice, and close to the well-known Royal Palm Nur- series; 700 old orange trees in fair condition, capable of bearing, with good culti- vation, 3,500 boxes of oranges each season; an unexceptionally good investment Price, $7,500. NUMBER 138. Five acres on Ware Creek, close to the city of Braidentown; about 60 bearing trees, such as grapefruit, tardiffes and tangerines; 80 grapefruit trees just coming into bearing; the remainder of the grove set to small trees — about 127 tardiffes, 30 pineapple-orange; nearly 1,000 buds in nursery stock; about 1,000 rough lemons unbudded; also budded Japan persimmons, budded pecans on hickory growth, 15 kumquats, six large Catley guavas and one fig tree; shipped last season 90 boxes grapefruit and 50 boxes oranges. Price, $2,250. NUMBER 139. Eighteen acres in grove on hammock land; 1,232 trees from two to seven years old — 397 grapefruit, 186 pineapple-orange, 240 tangerines, 17 King, 60 Parson Brown, 59 Tardifl;, 169 Centennials, 46 seedling, 58 Jaffa; present crop valued at $2,000; price, without fruit, $10,000. Located one-half mile from ship- ping point. Terms, one half cash; balance one and two years. NUMBER 140. Forty acres; six acres in grove, orange and grapefruit; one mile from station. Price, $4,000; one-half cash; balance one and two years. NUMBER 141. Sixteen acres; 974 trees, half orange and half grapefruit; two acres of excellent vegetable land; trees just beginning to bear; one and a quarter miles from station. Price, $6,400; one-half cash; balance one and two years. NUMBER 142. Ten acres of excellent orange land fenced and ditched; two and a half acres in grove; 200 trees, 100 each orange and grapefruit; two and a half miles from station. Price, $1,200; terms to suit purchaser. NUMBER 143. Eleven and a half acres; 10 acres in grove; present crop valued at $1,500; three-quarters of a mile from depot. Price, without fruit, $8,000; one- half cash; balance one and two years. NUMBER 144. Twelve acres: 1,000 trees, half orange and half grapefruit, just beginning to bear; one and a quarter miles from station. Price, $7,200; one-half cash; balance one and two years. NUMBER 145. One hundred and ten acres; bay front property; laying along the water's edge of Terra Ceia Bay; natural oyster beds; a bargain at $100 per acre. NUMBER 146. Forty-acre truck farm; under fence; dwelling, barn; fine natural spring; 15 acres in cultivation. Price, $2,500. NUMBER 147. Thirteen-acre grove, bearing grapefruit and oranges; last year's crop 2,500 boxes; irrigated by flowing well, underground pipe; bay front. Price, $(;,500: $3,000 cash; balance on easy terms. NUMBER 148. Ten-acre grove, bearing grapefruit and oranges; on Terra Ceia Island; good dwelling and bam. Price, $5,000. NUMBER 149. Twenty-five acres on Terra Ceia Bay; 15-acre grapefruit grove; irrigated by flowing well and underground pipe; $3,000 crop this year. Price, $10,000. NUMBER 150. Twenty-acre tract; 12 acres old bearing grove; fine shape; crop this year 4,500 boxes; eight acres heavy hammock land. Price, $15,000; easy terms. NUMBER 151. Fifty -three and one-third acres; one mile north of Palmetto; under fence; part cleared; best hammock land; on Lemmon avenue. Price, $45,000. NUMBER 152. Ten-acre young grapefruit grove; on S. A. L. Ry. (spur); one-half mile north of Palmetto. Price, $2,500. NUMBER 153. Twenty -acre tract; 16 acres budded grapefruit grove bearing; Bay front; shipping station in southeast corner, S. A. L. Ry.; fine flowing well; best protected property in the State. Price, $10,000. NUMBER 154. Fifty-three-and-one-third-acre tract; 35 acres bearing grove; best hammock land; under fence; dwelling, barn and flowing well; crop this year $7,500. Price, $25,000. NUMBER 155. Ten-acre grove, mostly bearing; outbuildings; well improved; fine shape; flowing well. Price, $4,000. NUMBER 156. Forty-acre budded grove, bearing; half grapefruit, balance pine- apple and tardiffes oranges. Price, $16,000. NUMBER 157. Seventy-two acres; 20 acres fine budded grapefruit and orange grove. Price, $15,000. NUMBER 158. Forty-acre tract; under wire fence; ten acres nice, young grape- fruit grove, budded. Price, $4,000; terms to suit. NUMBER 159. Five hundred acres; no finer land for truck farming in the state; 10 to 100-acre lots; to suit purchaser. Price, as to location and quality of soil. NUMBER 160. Twelve thousand five hundred acres of excellent wild land on or close to track of West Shore Railroad and within easy distance of Sarasota, suitable for citrus fruit culture and trucking. Can be sold either by forties, or as one property. Price very low; title perfect; taxes paid. NUMBER 161. Two-story, artificial stone building at central corner in Sarasota, containing bank, telephone exchange, postoffice, drug store, 11 ofllce rooms and one other store about to be rented; building 100x50 feet; fitted with water, gas and lavatories throughout and wired for electric lights; admitted to be the best stone block in the county. Price, $18,000 net. NUMBER 162. Two-story, artificial stone building on bay front with 250 feet front and riparian rights. This building is designed for sanitarium and will be finished immediately. It will contain all modem conveniences and has an excellent artesian well in the grounds. Beautifully situated on the bay. NUMBER 163. One hundred and ten acres in golf course, all under good fence, and about 30 acres in town limits, with up-to-date club-house, stables, bam, etc., and 20 acres of very fine saw-grass land, at east end, under cultivation 1905; golf course very eligible for building sites. Price for whole property, $10,000. NUMBER 164. Lots in Sarasota from five acres down to 50x100 feet, and in price from $5,000 down to $100; including bay fronts, small cottages, etc. NUMBER 165. Very desirable dwelling-house in Sarasota, situated between two branches uniting behind house, and close to tidewater, with about six acres of cultivated land; orange trees, grapefruit, pineapples, etc., with good flower garden and lawn. House contains sitting-room, study, dining-room, stone con- servatory, five bed-rooms, bath-room, lavatory, etc., kitchen and pantry; water supplied by air motor from deep-driven well; large water tank for rain water; gas throughout; stables and coach-house, with sleeping accommodation for help, go with the property. Price, $10,000 net. NUMBER 166. Several tracts of wild land throughout the county, picked for their excellence many years ago. Prices from $5.00 an acre up. NUMBER 167. Contains 120 acres; 15 cleared; five acres in bearing grove; on Little Sarasota Bay; five miles south of. the town of Sarasota; two-story dwelling- house; good well of water; barn and other outbuildings. Price, $3,675. NUMBER 168. Contains six acres; adjoins the town of Sarasota; two-room dwell- ing-house and other outbuildings; under ience and in cultivation, with 150 citrus fruit trees. Price, $2,100. NUMBER 169. Contains eight acres; two miles north of the town of Sarasota; one-half is saw-grass; partly cleared. Price, $700. NUMBER 170. Contains three acres; adjoins the town of Sarasota. Price, $175. NUMBER 171. Contains 560 acres; 450 acres fine saw-grass which is now being drained; balance pine land of good grade; five miles from Sarasota; one mile from station and packing-house on Seaboard Air Line Railway. Price, $8,400. NUMBER 172. Contains 90 acres; 30 acres in cultivation; five acres in citrus fruit trees, all bearing; two-story dwelling-house, barn and other outbuildings; one and a half miles from Sarasota. Price, $4,500. NUMBER 173. Contains four acres; in the town of Sarasota. Price, $1,600. NUMBER 174. Contains 20 acres of land; three miles from Sarasota; five acres hammock. Price, $500. NUMBER 175. Contains five acres; five miles south of Sarasota; on the bay. Price, $500. NUMBER 176. One lot in town of Sarasota, 100x100 feet; two-story dwelling- house of nine rooms; barn and other outbuildings; good well; also cistern. Price, $2,000. NUMBER 177. Contains one and a half acres; in town of Sarasota; new four-room dwelling-house. Price, NUMBER 179. Contains 340 acres; 275 acres saw-grass in cultivation; 50 acres of hammock, 20 acres of this in cultivation; three miles from Sarasota, and on the Seaboard Air Line Railway, with $3,000 packing-house on side track; all the above land under cultivation; rents for $20 per acre per year. Price, $26,125; one-half cash; balance one and two years, with eight per cent interest. NUMBER 180. Contains 60 acres, with a fine eight-story house that cost $5,000, with large barn and outhouses; 14-foot wind mill and large tank, with water pipe all over house; eight acres in bearing orange trees; the crop from this grove for the last five years has sold for $3,500 each year; about 10 acres outside of grove in cultivation for field crops; four miles east of Sarasota; one-half mile from railway station and packing-house. Price, $25,000. NUMBER 181. Contains two lots; in town of Sarasota; two-story dwelling-house of eight rooms. Price, $2,200. NUMBER 182. Contains 20 acres; 10 acres fenced; five acres cleared on which are 66 large bearing orange trees and three lemons; one and a half miles south of Sarasota, on Sarasota Bay. Price, $1,350. NUMBER 183. Contains four lots, 50x100; in town of Sarasota and near the bay. Price, $500 for the four lots. NUMBER 184. Contains two lots; on Main street in town of Sarasota; 100x100 feet. Price, $200 each. NUMBER 185. Contains one lot, 100x200 feet; in town of Sarasota; two-story house of 10 rooms, and outbuildings. Price, $4,000. NUMBER 186. Contains five acres; fenced and in bearing orange grove; one and a half miles from Sarasota. Price, $1,000. NUMBER 187. Contains 40 acres; seven acres cleared and fenced; one-story, five-room house, with barn and other outbuildings; 300 orange and grapefruit trees; six miles from Sarasota; one-half mile from bay. Price, $1,500. NUMBER 188. Contains 80 acres; 15 fenced and seven cleared; one-story, three- room house; one and a half miles from bay and five miles from Sarasota. Price. $1,200. NUMBER 189. Contains 10 acres; all cleared and fenced, and set in orange and grapefruit trees; will begin bearing next season; three miles from Sarasota. Price, $3,000. NUMBER 190. Contains 40 acres; eight acres cleared and fenced; four-room house: barn and other outbuildings. Price, $1,200. NUMBER 191. Contains three lots; in town of Sarasota; three-room dwelling- house. Price, $900. NUMBER 192. Contains 24 lots; on Anna Maria Key; all these lots are 50x200 feet; fronting on Sarasota Bay. Price, $50 per lot. NUMBER 193. Contains three acres; in the town of Sarasota. Price, $400. NUMBER 194. Contains two lots; on the bay; in the town of Sarasota; two dwelling-houses and outbuildings; yards sodded with Bermuda grass. Price, $7,000. NUMBER 195. Contains one corner lot and one lot adjoining; in town of Sara- sota; each lot 50x100 feet. Price, $100 each. NUMBER 196. Contains 40 lots; in town of Sarasota. Price $100 each. NUMBER 197. Contains 10 lots, each with a four-room cottage. Price, $6,000 for the 10 lots and buildings, or will sell separate. They are now renting for $75 per year. NUMBER 198. Contains one lot 50x105 feet; two-story, 10-room house on the bay and on Main street in the town of Sarasota; now renting for $60 per month; built last year. Price, $4,500. NUMBER 199. Contains a tract of land known as Gulf View, of 17 lots, which is so peculiarly situated as to offer advantages unequaled in the State of Florida for select winter homes. Gulf View extends from Little Sarasota Bay to the Gulf of Mexico. Gulf View is situated in Manatee County, five miles south of the town of Sarasota, which is at present the terminus of the Seaboard Air Line Railway, and has excellent market, daily free delivery of mail to your own wharf. This boat also carries passengers and freight; government channel runs along entire bay front, from 10 to 50 feet from the shore; the above 17 lots extend from the bay to the Gulf; 200 feet frontage on each side, from 800 to 1,000 feet long; contain from four to five acres each. The entire bay front is covered with a beautiful growth of live oak, cedar and palms, which extends about two-thirds of the way to the Gulf, giving exceptionally beautiful residence sites. Many of these magnificent trees are hundreds of years old. The Gulf beach is a beautiful expanse of white sand, 50 to 150 feet wide and about 'five miles long, extending from Sarasota Pass to the rocks at Little Sarasota Pass, affording a good opportunity for picking up beautiful sea shells, and is a contin- uous hard, smooth road. Excellent surf-bathing — the beach having a very gradual slope, is free from undertow. One-half mile from Little Sarasota Pass, which is noted for excellent fishing. Little Sarasota Bay is famous for the quality of its oysters and clams. Shooting and boating can not be excelled in the State. There are many fine winter homes along the bay, just east of Gulf View. Telephone connections can be obtained by applying to the Peninsular Telephone ■ Co.. whose lines runs near here. The first four lots will be sold at $500 per lot, after which prices will be on application. NUMBER 200. Twenty acres (two acres deep); fronting on Sarasota Bay; three miles south of Sarasota. Price, $1,000. NUMBER 201. Twenty acres high-class orange land; two and one-half miles south of Sarasota; on main road to Venice; one-half mile from bay. Price, $60 per acre. NUMBER 202. Twenty acres good orange land; one and one-half miles south of Sarasota; on main road; one-half mile from bay. Price $50 per acre. NUMBER 203. Forty acres orange and trucking land; three acres in bearing grove; several acres cleared and fenced; small house. Price, $2,000. NUMBER 204. A tract of 120 acres, with three-quarter mile frontage on Tidal Creek; navigable with launch or gail boat, to bay three-quarter mile distant. NUMBER 205. Forty-five acres of this tract is high-class orange land, with four acres in grove; 10 acres under cultivation, and six-room house; four miles from Sarasota. Price, $3,800. NUMBER 206. Forty acres orange and trucking land, with large mineral spring; four miles south of Sarasota; one mile from bay. Price, $1,000. NUMBER 207. Twenty-five hundred acres; timber reserved; two miles from Sea- board Air Line Railway, Fruitville Station; five miles from Sarasota. Price, $2 per aqre. NUMBER 208. Twenty acres orange land; two miles south of Sarasota; one- quarter mile from bay. Price, $50 per acre. NUMBER 209. Three hundred acres saw -grass trucking land, with artesian wells; under cultivation. Price upon application. NUMBER 210. Five acres bayhead garden land uncleared; three miles south of Sarasota; one-quarter mile from dock; on Sarasota Bay; adjoining property has artesian well that drains through bayhead. Price, $75 per acre. NUMBER 211. Thirty-five acres; three acres cleared and fenced; four-room house; two miles from Sarasota. Price, $800. NUMBER 212. Twenty-five acres; four acres cleared; small house; two miles from Sarasota. Price, $750. NUMBER 213. Two and one-half acres in grove; in Sarasota; near Sarasota Bay; a desirable property. Price, $2,500. NUMBER 214, Fifteen-acre tract; seven acres in orange trees; 500 large seed- lings; 100 young trees; one mile from Oneco Station; on Orange Ridge. Price, $4,500; one-half cash; balance in one year. NUMBER 215. Twelve and one-half acres, all cleared and fenced; four and one- half acres in grove, part bearing; small house; one mile from Oneco Station. Price, $2,500. NUMBER 216. Five acres; said to be the best land on Orange Ridge; about two acres in two-year-old trees; one and one-half acres in bayhead celery land; one and one-half acres orange land, uncleared; fine building site; few rods from Oneco Station. Price, bargain, $1,100. NUMBER 217. Eleven acres orange and trucking land; on Orange Ridge; one- half mile from Oneco Station; six acres cleared and fenced. Price, $1,100. NUMBER 218. One hundred and sixty acres wild land, containing some orange and trucking land; one mile from Oneco Station. Price, $7 per acre; one- half cash. NUMBER 219. Ten-acre orange grove (15 acres in tract); on Orange Ridge; one- half mile from station; average crop $2,000; good reason for selling. Price, $8,000. NUMBER 220. Ten acres scrub oak hammock land; five acres in young grove; 35 rods from Oneco Station. Price, $1,300. NUMBER 221. Four hundred acres wild land; one-half mile from Oneco Station; on Seaboard Air Line Railway. Price, $5 per acre. NUMBER 222. Ten acres orange land, mostly cleared; four acres in grove; new two-story house and bam; one-quarter mile from Oneco Station. Price, $2,500, NUMBER 223. Eighteen and one-third acres; on Orange Ridge; near Oneco Sta- tion; one-half tract cleared and fenced; five acres in young grove. Price, $2,300. NUMBER 224. Eighty acres; on Seaboard Air Line Railway, between Oneco and Sarasota, at Rearden Siding; 4.5 acres in saw-grass trucking land; under culti- vation; balance orange and hammock land. Price, $3,300. NUMBER 225. One hundred and twenty acres at Rearden Siding, between Oneco and Sarasota; seven acres in bearing grove with packing-house; 40 acres in saw-grass land, under cultivation; all the tract orange and trucking land. Price, $10,000. NUMBER 226. Six acres (two acres deep); bay front; four miles south of Sara- sota. Price, $600. NUMBER 227. Building lots for sale in Bahia Vista (Bay View) Heights; addition to Sarasota; near Sarasota Bay; fanned by Gulf breezes. These are the most desirable building sites near Sarasota and the bay; lots 106x200. Prices, $125 to $150. NUMBER 228. Three corner building lots; in Sarasota; Mango avenue and Seventh street; lot 100x100. Price, $1,000 each. NUMBER 229. Business store and lot; a desirable location; on Main street, Sarasota. Price, $1,350. Lot for business purposes; located on Main street, near bank and postoflBce, Sarasota. Price, $1,500. NUMBER 230. One corner building lot; in Sarasota; Mango avenue and Seventh street; 100x100. Price, $1,200. NUMBER 231. Saw-grass, hammock and bayhead garden lands, citrus fruit lands, building sites, etc., in and about Oneco and Sarasota, and down the bay. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 497 149 8