n ^ ELd ^ KI Id) CHEAP EDITION (ABRIDGED) TEN CENTS LE FAVOR'S CURIO STORE is not on the front street, but it will pay you to look for it — in the rear of the Metropole Hotel, 200 feet straight ahead from the steamer wharf Headquarters for MOONSTONE, ABALONE SHELL and BLISTER PEARL JEWELRY VERY CHEAP UNMOUNTED SPECIMENS ^'^^•'^ PENNANTS IN NEW DESIGNS Prices Reasonable LE FAVOR PAYS LESS RENT SAVES YOU MONEY Ask for illustrated "Story of the Abalone," free to visitors. Contains much interesting information not easily obtainable, and is a souvenir in itself. STATIONER Y PHONOGRAPHS BOOKS, MUSIC and PICTURES DOLLS, TOYS a7id GAMES TRUNKS and BAGS L E FAVOR'S Stamford Bldg. Metropole Ave. IfotplltliUar ON OCEAN FRONT All Outside Rooms Prices Reasonable Quiet and Comfortable H. D. MACRAE CO., Proprietors. Avalon, Catalina Island California fflurtus ^nh ^tummm LOOK FOR THE SIGN OF H. D. MACRAL CO. TAKE HOME A SOUVENIR OF CATALINA ISLAND We desire to call your attention to our large line of fishing tackle. The largest selection on the coast suitable for the big fish of Catalina Island. You are cor- dially invited to call and inspect our large line of Catalina mounted fish. We carry the finest line of Aba- lone Pholas (Blister) Pearls on the coast. Sole agents for the Celebrated Guar- anteed Sea Kelp Souvenirs. We also Carry a large lineof Abalone Shell Jewelry, Catalina Moonstones, Corals, Shells, Indian Baskets, Navajo Blankets, etc., etc. WILSON'S GUIDE TO AVALON The Beautiful AND THE ISLAND OF SANTA CATALINA WITH THIRTY ILLUSTRATIONS HARRY WILSON, M. A. /I SECOND AND CONDENSED EDITION The complete edition of this book, with full information about everything connected with Avalon, with sixty illustrations and including "The Story of the Wise Old Bird," can be obtained for 25 cents. Great care has been taken to secure accuracy and correct information in this book, but the author cannot hold himself responsible for the consequence of any errors that may be found, or of any change in times, prices, etc. He has done his best to provfde the visitor with as accurate information as possible, and wishes him a pleasant and enjoya- ble stay at Avalon. The author will be glad to receive corrections in preparation for another edition of this book. The reader of this Guide will derive great assistance from the use of Wilson's Map of Avalon and Catalina Island (price 25 cents) which is published as a companion to this work. PUBLISHED By THE WILSON MAP & GUIDE CO. Avalon, Cal. and 118 South Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal 1914 Copyright 19H by Harry Wilson rs(.^ HOTEL STAMFORD A SHORT HALF BLOCK FROM WHARF METROPOLE AVE. Rooms single or ensuite, with or without housekeeping — electricity for cooking — a comfortable house close to the front at popular prices $1.00 a Day and Up J. H. STAMFORD Hardware and Paints Plymouth Manila Rope Agent for Anchors — Chain Chi- Namel — Jap-a-lac Life Preservers Hygienic Kalsomine All Kinds of Boat Supplies Heath & MUligan Products 1 0c and 1 5c Counters Tt; ■ STAMFORD HOTEL BUILDING Metropole Ave. , 1 1 J |\J ! q m r The street Opposite ^ CI, A S TG 3 1 2' the Steamer Wharf Avalon The Beautiful and the Island of Santa Catalina How to Spend Your Time. Three Hours at Avalon. The great majority of those who visit Avalon come only for a few hours, at least on their first visit. They come over by the morning boat and they return the same afternoon. They reach Avalon about twelve twenty, and as the steamer returns at a quarter to four (out of the season somewhat earlier), this leaves the visitor, at the most, three clear hours for sightseeing. The pity of it is that so much of these three hours is generally wasted for want of previous knowledge and arrangement. There are two things that must be done during these three hours: the first is, lunch, and the second is a visit to the Marine Gardens. The latter is abso- lutely imperative. To visit Avalon and not see the Marine Gardens is like going to Niagara and not seeing the Falls. And as the cra\'ings of hunger are a great bar to any kind of enjoyment, lunch must not be neglected. What the visitor should do as soon as he leaves the pier is to turn sharp to the right and visit the Information Bureau, and, if necessary, exchange his ticket for a special pass for the returning steamer. This is to prevent disappoint- ment in the event of the steamer being crowded. He should then either take lunch at a restaurant or procure it at a grocery store for consumption on his way to the marine gardens in a glass-bottom boat. N. B. — Sand Dabs are excellent. The next thing for him to do is to go to the Pleasure Pier and endeavor to fit in a visit to the Seal Rocks with his excursion to the Marine Gardens. If one of the fast motor boats is starting for Seal Rocks, he should make that journey first. It will take about three quarters of an hour, and there will be ample time for a visit to the Marine Gardens afterwards. If on the other hand Glass-bottom Power-boat Glass-bottom Row-boat the motor boat has gone, he maj- take tickets for a later journey in it, and visit the Marine Gardens first. There are two kinds of glass-bottom boats, the large power-boats which accommodate upwards of one hundred people at a time, and the row-boats which WILSON'S GUIDE TO AVALON take some sixteen on each trip. One of the large boats usually starts a few min- utes after the arrival of the steamer and returns in about an hour, after visiting the Marine Gardens in the vicinity of Abalone Point. On its return another boat is started on a similar trip. The time when these boats leave is announced by megaphone on the arrival of the steamer. The comparative advantages of the large and small glass-bottom boats are as follows: the smaller boats can go closer to the rocks, and show portions of the Gardens which the larger boats cannot visit. On the other hand, the larger boats will cover a much larger amount of the Gardens than the smaller ones. Those who are staying on the Island are strongly advised to use both kinds of glass-bottom boats. The large power-boats are owned by the Meteor Boat Co. The row-boats are usually owned by the boatman who is in charge. A Day at Avalon. People who are remaining one night at Avalon are advised first of all to get lunch and to secure a location for the night, then to visit the Marine Gardens at Sugar Loaf in a glass-bottom row-boat; at 3 o'clock to take the glass-bottom power-boat to Seal Rocks. This will bring them back to Avalon about 4:30. They should then stay on the Pleasure Pier and watch the return of the fishing launches, the weighing of the fish, and the feeding of the seals; they should also secure a place for the night trip in the speed motor-boat; this must on no account be missed. 7:30 p. m., Open Air Concert in Greek Theatre. 9 p. m.. View, or join in, the dancing in the Pavilion. These two engagements must be worked in with the expedition in the speed motor-boat to see the flying fish. If a visitor cares for music and does not care for dancing, he will arrange to go by a late trip in the motor-boat which will probably be the best as the night will be darker. On the other hand, if he wishes to join in the dancing he will make a point of taking a ticket for an early trip in the motor-boat. Next Morning. Do not get up to see the sun rise as in summer it is always cloudy in the early morning. Those who wish to make the most of their time will go swimming at half past seven, and then dress and get breakfast, and be ready at 9 o'clock either to take the stage coach to the Summit, or the glass-bottom power-boat to Moonstone Beach, or the speed motor-boat to the Isthmus. All these trips return about 11:30 a. m., and a visit to the Aquarium may be made before lunch. After lunch, visit Buena Vista Park by the Incline Railway, where an admirable view can be had, and light refreshments may be obtained. A walk may be made along the road above Buena Vista Park which leads down by Pebbly Beach, and a return made along the seashore. This is a beautiful expedition, and an hour and a half should be sufficient for a good walker. Or a visit may be made to the Old Wireless Station via St. John's Heights, return- ing by the Coach Road; this will take about forty minutes. For Those Spending Two Days at Avalon. If the stay is extended over two nights, we strongly advise that either the morning or the afternoon of the second day should be spent in a fishing expedi- tion on a launch. This costs $5.00, but it is well worth-while, as it will give a reminiscence that will last a life time. WILSON'S GUIDE TO AVALON A visit to Descanso should be included and if the tide is low the energetic will like to ascend Sugar Loaf, from which there is a beautiful view of Avalon. Also, the stage drive to the Summit is full of interest. If the fishing can be arranged for the afternoon, an expedition to the Summit, or by glass-bottom power-boat to Moonstone Beach (this trip includes a visit to the Marine Gardens at Sugar Loaf and along the coast and is well worth taking); or the Isthmus, may be taken in the morning. The arrangements for the fishing should be made on the previous day, application being made on the Pleasure Pier to the owners of launches. If the fishing expedition takes place in the morning, the afternoon may advantageously be spent bj' an expedition to the Summit, or failing this, to Descanso Canyon or Pebbly Beach. A charming walk can be taken inland past the Golf Links to "Chicken Johnnie's;" or a game of golf or tennis may be plaj'ed, for which all requisites can be rented at the Golf House; or a row-boat mav be hired at the Pleasure Pier. For those who stay more than two nights on the Island, we strongly recom- mend the complete trip round the Island. For this excursion the boat starts at 9 o'clock and returns about 5 p. m., lunch being served at thelsthmus, and included in the cost of the trip. The scenery on the other side of the Island is magnificent and full of interest. The Seals. A constant source of interest and amusement are the seals which frequent the Bay of Avalon, and who make their home at Seal Rocks, some three miles away. These seals are not of the species which supply the valuable seal-skin, but are considerably larger, and from the roar which they make when they are hungry have acquired the title of Sea-lions. During the day time some of them are almost alwavs to be seen near the Pleasure Pier. 'Old Ben" on the Parade at Avalon. These seals have become very tame, so much so that they often seize the fish that have been caught as soon as they are thrown upon the landing float. Sometimes they can be tempted on to the pier, or even on to the road. Though in appearance they are very ferocious, they have never been known to harm anyone. BAKER PHOTO CO On. the Beach by the Bath House Sole Eastman Agency Kodak Finishing, N. C. Films, Kodaks for Rent Submarine Garden Postals Fine Island Views CATALINA HEADQUARTERS FOR EVERYTHING PHOTOGRAPHIC CATALINA ISLAND Glidden Family Flats ONE OF THE BEST LOCATIONS IN AVALON Two, three and four room flats completely furnished, up to date for housekeeping. Single rooms and porches for sleeping. Wide cool porches with hammocks. Clean, airy rooms and good beds, with view of ocean and moun- tains; and reasonable prices. ELECTRIC LIGHTS For any further information write or call at Glidden Flats Maiden Lane, North of Grand View Hotel WILSON'S GUIDE TO AVALON nine holes has been laid out with great care, the hazards being ail entirely natural, no artificial bunkers having been made. Tennis The Tennis Courts are situated close to the Club House, and are much used during the summer months. Both the Golf Course and the Tennis Courts are open to all visitors at a moderate charge. All that is necessary for these games can be rented or purchased at the Club House. The Golf Links are open all the year round. Hunting There are a large number of wild goats in all parts of the Island except in the immediate vicinity of the town of Avalon, but the best ground for hunting is in the Salta Verde district, where a large section of the Island has been cut off by fences and reserved for hunting purposes. Visitors who wish to hunt have to employ the services of a guide, who will at least give them the opportunity of showing what they can do with a rifle. Appli- cation should be made at the Information Bureau, where guides and horses, and if necessary, rifles can be hired. No hunting is permitted unless a guide is taken. Catalina Harbor Ancient Pirate Harbor EASTMAN AND ANSCO KODAKS AND CAMERAS FILMS PHOTO SUPPLIES P. V. REYES ^l)otograpl)er Developing and Printing done by Professional Men NO TANKS USED SANTA CATALINA ISLAND, CAL. THE FINEST PANORAMIC VIEWS IN STATE FISH PHOTOS KODAKS FOR RENT On the Sea Front, Overlooking the Harbor Close to the Bath House Bay Vie^v Hotel All the rooms in the hotel have windows com- manding a view of the sea front and Avalon Harbor. The principal bathing place is immedi- ately opposite the Bay View Hotel, as is also the favorite anchorage for visiting yachts. The Hotel faces the center of life on the water. WIDE PORCHES MODERATE PRICES ^j^^ M. M. LARHART, Proprietor Camp Columbia Avalon, Catalina Island, Cal. WILSON'S GUIDE TO AVALON Deep Sea Fishing Everj'onc knows that the great attraction of Avalon is the Deep Sea Fishing. The waters around this Island not only swarm with great fishes, but they swarm with fish which are not only great but game. Many fish will give up and come to the surface of the water as soon as they are hooked: not so the great game-fish, the Leaping Tuna, the Leaping Sword Fish, the Black Sea Bass, the Albicore, the YellowtaiL etc.; they will fight for their lives, and fight until their last breath, and with the tackle that is in use at Avalon, in a great number of cases especially when dealing with inexperienced fishermen, they fight success- fully and break away. Such fishing is no mere slaughter, and the fish when they are caught for the most part find their way eventually into the market and are used for food. Row-boat Fishing Row-boats can be hired at the Pleasure Pier, and the sum charged covers the hire of fishing tackle and bait. An "anchor" should be taken to secure the boat from drifting with the tide. Some of the best spots for hand-line fishing are off the Sugar Loaf, beyond Descanso Beach, beside the kelp-bed off the Torqua Springs, off the rock between Moonstone Beach and White's Land- ing, off Abalone Point, and off Jewfish Point. These are some of the best spots, but just outside any bed of kelp is sure to be a good place for fishing; while there is no place in the sea near Avalon where large fish may not be caught. Meals a la carte Excellent Service Bri stol The largest and most Exclusive Cafe on the Island. We excell in Fish dinners. Lunch counter in connection. Fresh Bakery Goods every day. SUPERIOR COFFEE AVALON, CAL. VUICH, PAVLOVICH, GIURASICH Proprietors Mi \k Mwnm fji risrth uy Early in morftiiw and Disturbetfc tN wl5«fe IfottStHold. ^, Wtghty are Wm fm^nW^m Vtgctth forth fuit V0 > » Fishing Tackle WILSON'S GUIDE TO AVALON to satisfy all the spooks of all the dead and gone Indians who ever lived on Catalina Island. Rumor says that the tone of the spook's voice has been improved by art. There is another Spook Cave at the head of Long Point, so that the spooks may be said to call to one another across the bay. The next point of interest is Torqua Spring which is marked by a large reservoir, where fresh water can be obtained if it is needed. The spring is named after the Indian hero of Professor Holder's romance of Catalina (a good book for boys). Off Torqua Spring there is a great bank of kelp which makes an excellent fishing ground for row-boats and hand-lines. A short distance further on we come to Willow Cove, where there is a charming little house which was owned by Mr. Carraher, but which has lately passed to other hands. Further on we come to a wider beach called Camp Banning, a canyon at the foot of Mount Banning where the boys from the Whittier Reform School make their camp every summer. At least it is not strictly every summer, as if any of the boys attempt to escape from the camp they are all kept at home the following summer and lose their outing When the boys have left the Island the girls have their turn on the beach. Next we come to Gallagher's' Beach, a beautiful curve of shelving sand with a reef of rocks running out into the sea. These rocks can be climbed with ease and the fish can be seen swimming in the deep waters amongst the beautiful sea-weeds. This beach is an ideal spot for a row-boat picnic. A little further on Frog Rock will be easily recognized; and then comes Hamilton Beach, where row-boats are stored during the winter and repaired for summer use. Many an old boat finds its last resting place on this beach. .'\nd after this Descanso Canyon, where the beautiful home of Mr. Hancock Banning is situated; which is followed by Sugar Loaf and Avalon Harbor. 'You Can Only Get at Me by Wireless' WILSON'S GUIDE TO AVALON All Yellowtail — Caught in One Day at Avalon. Prices The undermentioned prices are the charges usually made during the summer season at Avalon. They are given for the general information of visitors, but are not to be considered as being in any wa)" official. Out of the season lower prices may be obtained in some instances, notably in the rent of houses. Accommodation in Hotels, Rooming Houses and Tents, from 50 cents a da)-, upward. Tents, Small Tent for two persons, ^6.00 a week. Large Tent for four persons, ^ILOO to $14.00 per week; $2.00 a week extra for each additional person. Kitchen Tents, $LSO a week. In all cases a reduction is made when taken for a longer period. Furnished Houses may be rented from about $25.00 a week, upward. All Glass-Bottom Boats, per trip, 50 cents each person. Speed Motor-Boats — Short trip to Seal Rocks or Moonstone Beach $0 . 50 To Isthmus 1 .00 Excursion Launches — To Isthmus — Lunch included 1.00 Round the Island, Lunch included 1 . 50 Fishing Launches — Half Dav, $5.00; Whole Dav, $10.00. Large Launches, Half Day, $6.00; All Day, $12.00 or $15.00. Special terms when hired by the week. These prices include the use of rods, lines and bait. Sailing Boats — One hour, $1.00; two hours, $1.50; half dav, $2.00. All day, $3.50. Small Sloop, $4.00 a day. WILSON'S GUIDE TO AVALON Row Boats — One hour, 25 cents; half day, $1.00; all day, $1.50. These prices include the use of hand-lines and bait. Fishing Rods may be rented. By the week. Flat-bottom Boats, $4.00; Round-bottom Boats, $5.00. Driving, Stage Coach to Summit, Round Trip, $1.00. Riding Horses, $3.00 per day. Hunting, Goats, Quail and Doves. Horses, $3.00 each. Guide $5.00. A horse must be taken for the guide. Rifles and Shot Guns, 50 cents a day. Hotels. In the following is a list of Hotels, the numbers and letters are references to the locations as shown on Wilson's Map of Avalon. D4, 5 D5 D5 D5 DS DS HOTELS 6 Metropole 1 Grand View C4 7 Stamford 2 Pacific C4, 5 8 Hermosa 3 Bay View CD4 9 Central 4 Rose C4 10 Del Mar 5 Catalina C5 11 Glenmore There are also numerous Rooming-houses, Apartments, Flats, Camps, etc., for rent. WE WILL MEET YOU AT AVALON Announcements Trips Order Information McAfee's Wonderful Searchlight Trips The '"Catalina Fl\'er," tlie "Geco" and the "Comet" are the onl\- original boats engaged in showing this wonderful sight, tlie only trip of its kind in the world. In order to see the Flying Fish properly it is necessary to go in boats of great speed fitted with powerful searchlights. The above named boats are fitted with penetrating searchlights with wide angle dispersing lenses, which are by far the most powerful of any at Avalon. THOUSANDS OF FLYING FISH roused by the searchlight (See cut on next page) The Catalina Fh'er has a new searchlight of extraordinary power which rouses every Fh'ing Fish in the sea. There is nothing like it on any other boat. Take the Catalina Flyer, the Geco or the Comet to see the Flying Fish Dance the Tango Thousands of Flying Fish may be seen at the same time rising under the powerful searchlights of the Catalina Flyer, the Geco and the Comet. DAYLIGHT TRIPS every day to Seal Rocks, The Isthmus or Round the Island, showing many Flying Fish and all points of interest. Freedom from seasick- ness guaranteed on these rapid boats. For all boating trips consult the ticket agents of the Catalina Excursion Co. JOSEPH McAfee, Piesidcm LIBRARY OF CONGRESS