202 LIST OF MEMBERS MASSACHUSETTS Society of the Cincinnati; INCLUDING \ rOMPl KIK asoll of tl)e flDrigiual iEemberja;, Brief Biographies Compiled from the Recorixs of the Society and other Origikal Sources. BOSTON: printed for thk society, 1880. GENERAL OFFICERS OF THE CINCINNATI. Hon. HAMILTON FISH, LL.D., President-General of the New York Society. Vice-President-General vacate by decease of Hon. James Simons, A.M., of South Carolina. GEORGE WASHINGTON HARRIS, Esq., Secretary-General of the Pennsylv^ania Society. RICHARD IRVINE MANNING, Esq., Assistant Secretary-General of the Maryland Society. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Esq., Treasurer-General of the New York Society. WILLIAM BERRIEN DAYTON, Esq., Assistant Treasurer-General of the New Jersey Society. NEXT TRIENNIAL MEETING IN APRIL, 1881, IN CHARLESTON, S. C. SECRETARIES OF THE STATE SOCIETIES OF THE CINCINNATI. MASSACHUSETTS. Francis W. Palfbey, 13 Exchange Street, Boston. NEW YORK. John Schuyler, 63 William Street, New York City. NEW JERSEY. Francis B. Ogden, Underwriters' Agency, 175 Broad- way, New Y^ork City. PENNSYLVANIA. Francis B. Caldwell, 1606 Wallace Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. MARYLAND. James L. McLane, 43 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, Md. SOUTH CAROLINA. Col. James Simons, 77 Broad Street, Charles- ton, S. C. LIST OF MEMBERS MASSACHUSETTS Society of the Cincinnati INCLUDING A COMPLETE asoll of tl^e jSDrigtnal iHeniber^, WITH Brief Biographies Compiled from the Records of the Society and other Original Sources. BOSTON: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY 1880. C^ ^ 1) -V o% ^H With Compliments Oj SAMUEL C. COBB. ^ociet^ of tl)t Cincinnati ITS FOUNDERS AND ITS OBJECTS. The Society of the Cincinnati was established at the close of the Revolutionary wai", in May, 1783, by officers of the American army, just previous to its disbanding, in the cantonment at Newburgh, on the Hudson River. It vi'as designed to be a " Society of friends, to endure as long as they shall endure or any of their eldest male posterity, and, in failure thereof, the collateral branches who may be judged worthy of becom- ing its supporters and members." It was founded on certain " immutable jirinciples," viz., to preserve inviolate the rights and liberties secured by the war, to pi'omote and cherish union and national honor between tlie States, to render per- manent the cordial aifection subsisting among the officers, and espe- cially to assist such officers, or their families, as might be in need. The Society was divided into State Societies. All officers of the American army, who had resigned with honor, aftei: three years' service in the capacity of officers, or who had been deranged by the resolutions of Congress, upon the several reforms of the army, or who had continued to the end of the war, were entitled to become parties to this institution, on subscribing one month's pay, and signing their names to the general rules in their respective State societies; and the " eldest male brandies " of such officers as had died in the service were also entitled to membership on the same terms as children of actual members. By virtue of resolutions adopted in 1854 and 1856, each State society has now the right to regulate the terms and qualifications for the admission of members, " provided that admission be confined to the male descendants of original members (including collateral branches as contemplated by the original constitution) ; or to the male descend- ants of such officers of the army or navy as may have been entitled to admission, but who failed to avail themselves thereof, within the time limited by the constitution ; or to the male descendants of such officers of the army or navy of the Revokition as may have resigned with honor, or left the service with reputation, or to the male collateral relative of any officer who died in service without leaving issue." The male descendants of those who were members of State societies which have dissolved may also be admitted into existing societies, on such terms as those societies may prescribe. The sum of $700, by the present rules of the Massachusetts Society, is to be paid by each j)erson admitted under the above rules, whose ancestor was not a member of the Society. The Massachusetts Society was incorporated by Act of the Legisla- ture in 1806. It holds an annual meeting at Boston on the 4th of Jvdy. Its business affairs are transacted by the officers and a Standing Committee, who hold regular meetings in March and Novem- ber of each year, at which times applications for membership are considered, and aid is voted to beneficiaries out of the income of the Society's fund. Boston, July, 1880. Note. — Applications for aid or membership, and information concerning the Society, may be made to FRANCIS W. PALFREY, Secretary, 13 Exchange St., Boston. OFFICERS assarj)uselts S>mti\\ of tlje Ciiuinnati. 1880-1881. ^rcstticnt. Hon. SAMUEL C. COBB. Firc=|3rfsilitnt. CHARLES D. HOMANS, M. D. SDreasurcr. WINSLOW WARREN. Srcrctarg. F. W. PALFREY. Assistant STrcasurer. GAMALIEL BRADFORD. "Assistant Sccrctarg. DAVID G. HASKINS, Jk. Standing (jnommittEc. WILLI.\M I'EKKINS. ! Gen. HENRY .J. HUNT, U.S.A. Kkv. SAMUEL K. LOTHKOP, D. D. EDWAKU S. MOSELEY. (Jen. WILLIAM RAYMOND LEE. Prof. BENJAMIN A. GOULD. 1 BENJAMIN H. GREENE. Gen. SILAS CASEY, U. S. A. 1 ALEXANDER WILLIAMS. J. HUNTINGTON WOLCOTT. CHARLES W. STOREY. JOHN PICKERING. (ComintttEc of JFinance. SAMUEL C. COBB. WILLIAM PERKINS. J. HUNTINGTON WOLCOTT. OFFICERS Oi assacljusctfa Smd^ of t\}t Ciurinnati. PEES ID E NTS. Elected. Bexjamin Lincoln 1783 John Brooks 1810 David Townsend 1825 JuDAH Alden 1829 James Sever 1845 Henry Burbeck 1846 Robert Gould Shaw 1849 Charles Stewart Daveis 1853 Alfred Louis Baury 1865 James Warren Sever 1866 Henry Knox Thatcher 1871 Samuel Crocker Cobb 1880 VICE-PRESIDENTS. Elected. Henry Knox 1783 John Patterson . . 1785 William Eustis . . 1786 David Cobb . . 1810 William Tudor . 1811 William Eustis . 1820 David Townsend 1821 Judah Alden . . 1825 Francis Green 1829 Daniel Jackson . . 1832 John Hart 1834 Benjamin Pierce 1836 Elected. James Sever .... . 1839 Henry Sewall . . . . 1845 Joseph Prescott . . . 1846 James Lovell .... 1849 Charles Stewart Daveis 1851 Alfred Louis Baury 1853 James Warren Sever . 1865 Winslow Warren . . 1866 Henry Knox Thatcher . 1870 Samuel Crocker Cobb . 1871 Charles Dudley Homans . 1880 Vlll LIST OF OFFICERS. TREASURERS. Elected. Elected. Henry Jackson . . . . 1783 Samuel Perkins . . . . 1841 John Winslow . . . 1809 David S. Townsend . . . 1845 Robert Williams . . . 1811 William Perkins . . . . 1847 Robert Gould Shaw . . . 1836 Winslow Warren . . 1878 ASSISTANT TREASURERS. Benjamin Heywood . 1783 David S. Townsend 1841 John Winslow . . . 1794 John Pickering . , . 1845 Adams Bailey . . . 1809 John Bryant 1846 Robert Gould Shaw . 1825 Henry A. Peirce . . . 1865 Samuel Perkins . . . 1835 SECREl Gamaliel Bradford . . ''ARIES. 1877 John Brooks . . . . 1783 Adams Bailey . . . 1851 Thomas Edwards . . 1786 James Warren Sever . 1859 David Townsend . 1807 Samuel Crocker Cobb . 1865 John Callander . . . 1821 Charles Dudley Homans 1871 Thomas Jackson . . . 1834 Francis Winthrop Palfrey 1880 AS SIS TAN T S ECRETARIES. Joseph Crocker . . . 1794 Adams Bailey .... . 1834 Samuel Armstrong . . 1798 James Warren Sever . 1851 John Callender . . . 1806 Benj. Henderson Greene . 1859 Adams Bailey . . . 1808 Leonard Crocker Bowleg . 1863 John Callender . . . . 1809 Winslow Warren . . 1873 Thomas Jackson . . . 1821 David G. Haskins, Jr. . . 1878 HONORARY MEMBERS. * Prescott, William Hickling, LL.D., 1845. * Warren, John Collins, M.D., 1847. * Webster, Daniel, LL.D., 1851. ADDRESS OF PRESENT MEMBERS. 1875. Alden, Samuel, M.D. . . . Bridgewater, Mass. 1841. Arnold, Leonard .... Somerville, Mass. 1877. Bailey, S. D Bath, Me. 1879. Bailey, Walter L Scarsdale, N.Y. 1867. Baury, Frederic F 13 Pemberton Square, Boston. 1876. Bell, Charles Upham . . . Lawrence, Mass. 1880. Bowles, Stephen W., M.D. . Springfield, Mass. 1852. Bradford, Gamaliel . . . Grantville, Mass. 1880. Bradford, Robert F., Com. U.S.N. . Portsmouth, N.H. 1859. Bradford, Thomas Gamaliel . Union Club, 3 Park St., Boston. 1859. Bullard, James Sherborn, Mass. 1877. Bullock, F. Prescott ... 446 West 23d Street, New York City. 18.50. Burbeck, William H. . . . New London, Conn. 1870. Casey, Gen. Silas, U.S.A. . 155 S. Oxford Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 1878. Chase, William Salem, Mass. ' 1873. Clapp, Charles B Gardiner, Me. 1829. Clarke, Samuel C Marietta, Ga. 1856. Cobb, Samuel C 235 Boylston Street, Boston. 1880. Cummings, Prentiss ... 33 Hancock Street, Boston. 1880. Davis, Charles Henry, Lt.- Com. U.S.N Washington, D.C. 1872. Doland, John J Lawrence, Mass. 1854. Drew, Clement 9 Copeland Street, Boston. 1873. Eaton, Charles M Grantville, Mass. 1839. Edwards, John Portland, Me. 1863. Emerson, Nathaniel W. . . 9 Old Slip, New York City. 2 10 ADDRESS OF PRESENT MEMBERS. 1848. Eustis, William 270 So. Third St., Philadelphia. 1864. Gould, Benjamin Apthorp, Ph.D Cordoba, Argentine Republic. 1853. Greene, Benjamin H. . . . Brookline, Mass. 1876. Haskius, David G., Jr. . . 23 Court Street, Boston. 1803. Hastings, Edmund T. . . . Medford, Mass. 1871. Heywood, John G Worcester, Mass. 1874. Hodge, J. Russell .... Plymouth, Mass. 1868. Homans, Charles D., M.D. . 90 Boylston Street, Boston. 1867. Hunt, Gen. Henry J., U.S.A. Atlanta, Ga. 1870. Jackson, Francis .... Lanesville, Mass. 1869. Keyes, Alex. B., Capt. U.S A. Fort Concho, Texas. 1866. Knapp, Gilbert C Franklin, Mass. 1863. Lawrence, Amos A. ... Longwood, Mass. 1879. Lawton, Charles 444 Washington Street, Boston. 1867. Lee, William Raymond . . 13-5 Amory Street, Boston. 1855. Lillie, Daniel C North Easton, Mass. 1867. Lincoln, Benjamin .... Dennysville, Me. 1868. Lothrop, Rev. Saml. K., D.I). 12 Chestnut Street, Boston. 1854. Lovell, Mansfield .... Bennett Building, N.Y. City. 1872. Maxwell, William Munroe . Heath, Mass. 1857. McKendry, George Albert . Westboro', Mass. 1878. Moore, John W., Chief Eng. U.S.N Champlain, N.Y. 1867. Moseley, Edward S. ... Newburyport, Mass. 1875. Nicholson, J. W. A., Commo- [City. dore, U.S.N 1.53 AYest 47tli Street, New York 1873. Nixon, Marcellus .... Framingham, Mass. 1880. O'Brien, Edward K. . . . Thomaston, Me. 1875. Palfrey, Francis W. ... 13 Exchange Street, Bo^on. 1856. Peirce, Hon. Henry A. . . San Francisco, Cal. 1847. Perkins, William .... 83 Movmt Vernon St., Boston. 1872. Perry, Andrew P Maplewood, Mass. 1866. Peters, John L Worcester, Mass. 1867. Pickering, John Salem, Mass. 1873. Pierce, Henry D Hillsboro', N.H. 1859. Pierce, Josiah 12 Beaufort Gardens, London, S.W. 1845. Preble, William Pitt . . . Portland, Me. 1852. Rice, Nathan P., M.D. . . 192 Broadway, New York City. 1857. Richardson, George D. . . Stoneham, Mass. ADDRESS OF PRESENT MEMBERS. 11 1862. Sawyer, George A., Paymas- ter, U.S.N Kansas City, Mo. 1871. Sever, Rev. Winslow Warren Poughkeepsic, N.Y. 1875. Seward, Richard T. ... 842 Washinotou Street, Boston. 1858. Shaw, Francis George . . . "West New Brighton, Staten Is- hmd, N.Y. ' 1852. Shute, Daniel South Ilingham, Mass. 1840. Soren, John J 19 Greenville Street, Boston. 1880. Sproat, Henry Hamilton . . Freetown, Mass. 1862. Stoddard, John T Plymouth, Mass. 1846. Storey, Charles W. ... Brookline, Mass. 1873. Thompson, Charles II., M.D. Lebanon, Pa. 1868. Torrey, William Bath, Me. 1870. Townsend, General E. D., U.S.A Washington, B.C. 1872. Trumbull, George Clapp . . Cambridge, Mass. 1871. Tudor, Frederick .... 4 Washington Sq., N.Y. City. 1878. Upham, Joseph B Portsmouth, N.H. 1865. Vose, Rev. James G. . . . Providence, R.I. 1876. Vose, Thomas S 1 HoUey Square, Boston. 1857. Wardwell, William H. . . . 24 Tremont Row, Boston. 1871. Warren, J. Collins, M.D. . . 58 Beacon Street, Boston. 1870. Warren, Winslow \ ... 39 Court Street, Boston. 1877. Wetmore, George Peabody . Newport, R.I. 1877. Whiting, William D., Com. U.S.N Bureau of Navigation, Wash- ington, D.C. 1871. Wild, Charles Tidd .... Chelsea, Mass. 1862. AVilUams, Alexander ... 139 Newbury Street, Boston. 1870. Winslow, Charles II. . . . Mount Aubnrn P.O., Mass. 1875. Wolcott, J. Huntington . . 238 Beacon Street, Boston. NAMES OF THE ORIGINAL MEMBERS. Abbott, Josiali, Ensign. Abbott, Steplien, Captain. Adams, Henry, Regimental Surgeon. Alden, Judah, Captain. Allen, Nathaniel C, Captain. Allen, Noah, Major. Amos, Jotham, Lieutenant. Andrews, William, Lieutenant. Armstrong, Samuel, Lieutenant. Ashley, Moses, Major. Austin, John, Lieutenant. B. Bailet, Adams, Captain. Bailey, Luther, Captain. Balcomb, Joseph, Lieutenant. Baldwin, Jeduthun, Colonel. Ballantine, Ebenezer, Surgeon's Mate. Ballard, William H., Major. Bancroft, James, Lieutenant. Barlow, Joel, Chaplain. Bassett, Barachiah, Lieutenant-Colonel. Baury de Bellerive, Captain. Baylies, Hodijah, Lieutenant-Colonel. Benson, Joshua, Captain. Blake, Edward, Lieutenant. Blanchard, John, Captain. Bowles, Ralph H., Lieutenant and Adj. Bowman, Samuel, Lieutenant. Bradford, Andrew, Lieutenant. Bradfotd, Gamaliel, Colonel. Bradford, Gamaliel, Lieutenant. Bradford, Robert, Captain. Bramhall, Joshua, Lieutenant. Brigham, Origen, Surgeon's Mate. Brooks, John, Lieutenant-Col. Comm. Brown, Ebenezer, Lieutenant. Brown, Oliver, Captain-Lieutenant. Bugbee, Edward, Lieutenant. BuUard, Asa, Lieutenant. Burbeck, Henry, Captain. Burnham, John, Major. Bussey, Isaiah, Captain-Lieutenant. C. Callender, John, Captain-Lieutenant. Carleton, Moses, Lieutenant. Carleton, Osgood, Lieutenant. Castaing, Peter, Lieutenant. Chambers, Matthew, Captain. Chapin, Samuel, Lieutenant. Clap, Caleb, Captain. Clap, Joshua, Lieutenant. Clayes, Peter, Captain. Cobb, David, Lieut. -Col. Commandant. Cogswell, Amos, Captain. Cogswell, Samuel, Lieutenant. Cogswell, Thomas, Major. Condy, Thomas H., Lieutenant. Cook, David, Captain. Cooper, Ezekiel, Captain. Cooper, Samuel, Adjutant. Crane, John, Colonel. Crane, John, Regimental Surgeon. Crocker, Josepli, Captain. Crowley, Florence, Lieutenant. Cushing, Nathaniel, Captain. Cusliiuff, Thomas, Lieutenant. NAMES OF ORIGINAL MEMBERS. D. Dana, Benjiimin, Lieutenant. Danforth, Joshua, Lieutenant. Daniels, Japlieth, Captain. Darby, Samuel, Major. Davis, Ebenezer, Lt. and Brig. Quarter Master. Davis, James, Lieutenant. Davis, John, Lieutenant and Adjutant. Dean, Walter, Captain. Dix, Nathan, Captain. Dodge, Levi, Lieutenant. Drew, Seth, Major. Duffleld, John, Kegimental Surgeon. E. Eatox, Benjamin, Lieutenant. Edwards, Thomas, Lt. and Judge Adv. Egleston, Azariah, Lt. and Pay-Master. Emerson, Nehemiah, Captain. Emery, Ephraim, Lt. and Pay-Master. Eustis, William, Hospital Surgeon. Everett, Pelatiah, Lieutenant. Eysandeau, William, Lieutenant. Felt, Jonathan, Captain. Finley, James E. B., Eegimental Surg'n. Finley, Samuel, Regimental Surgeon. Fisk, Joseph, Regimental Surgeon. Floyd, Ebenezer, Ensign. Foster, Elisha, Ensign. Foster, Thomas, Lieutenant, Fowles, John, Captain. Freeman, Constant, Captain-Lieutenant. Freeman, Thomas D., Lieutenant. Frink, Samuel, Ensign. Frost, Samuel, Captain. Frothingham, Benjamin, Captain. Frye, Frederick, Ensign. Fuller, John, Captain. G. Gardner, James, Captain-Lieutenant. Garrett, Andrew, Lieutenant. George, John, Captain-Lieutenant. Gibbs, Caleb, Major. Gilbert, Benjamin, Lieutenant. Goodale, Nathan, Captain. Goodwin, F. L. B., Surgeon's Mate. Greaton, John, Brigadier-General. Greaton, John W., Ensign. Greaton, Richard H., Ensign. Green, Francis, Captain. Greenieaf, William, Lieutenant. Gridley, John, Captain-Lieutenant. H. Hall, James, Lieutenant. Hamlin, Africa, Ensign. Hancock, Belcher, Captain. Hart, John, Regimental Surgeon. Hartshorn, Thomas, Captain. Harvey, Elisha, Captain-Lieutenant. Haskell, Einathan, Captain. Haskell, Jonathan, Lieutenant. Hastings, John, Captain. Heatli, William, Major-General. Heywood, Benjamin, Captain. Hildreth, William, Lieutenant. Hill, -Jeremiah, Lieutenant. Hinds, Bartlett, Captain-Lieutenant. Hi well, John, Lt. and Insp'r of Music. Hobby, John, Captain. Holbrook, David, Captain. Holden, Aaron, Captain. Holden, Abel, Captain. Holden, John, Lieutenant. Holden, Levi, Lieutenant. Holland, Ivory, Lieutenant. Holland, Park, Lieutenant. HoUister, Jesse, Captain. Ilomans, John, Surgeon. Hooker, Zibeon, Lieutenant. Horton, Elisha, Ensign. Houdin, M. G., Captain. 14 NAMES OF ORIGINAL MEMBERS. Howe, Eichard S., Ensign. Hull, William, Lieutenant-Colonel. Hunt, Ephraim, Lieutenant. Hunt, Thomas, Captain. Hurd, John, Ensign. Ingersoll, George, Lieutenant. J. Jackson, Amasa, Ensign. Jackson, Charles, Ensign. Jackson, Daniel, Lieutenant. Jackson, Ebenezer, Lieutenant. Jackson, Henry, Colonel. Jackson, Michael, Colonel. Jackson, Michael, Lieutenant. Jackson, Simon, Captain. Jackson, Thomas, Captain. Jefferds, Samuel, Lieutenant. Johnston, John, Captain. K. KiLLAM, Joseph, Captain. King, Zebulon, Captain. Knapp, Moses, Major. Knowles, Charles, Captain-Lieutenant. Knox, Henry, Major- General. L. Earned, Simon, Captain. Laughton, William, Surgeon's Mate. Leavenworth, Nathaniel, Surg'ns Mate. Lee, Daniel, Captain. Lee, William R., Colonel. Leland, Joseph, Lieutenant. Leonard, Jacob, Ensign. Lillie, John, Captain. Lincoln, Benjamin, Major-General. Lincoln, Rufus, Captain. Liswell, John, Lieutenant. Lockwood, William, Chaplain. Lord, Jeremiah, Ensign. Lovell, James, Lieutenant. Lunt, Daniel, Captain. Lyman, Cornelius, Ensign. M. M'Cay, Daniel, Ensign. McKendry, William, Lieutenant. Marble, Henry, Lieutenant. Mason, David, Jun., Lieutenant. Maxwell, Hugh, Lieutenant-Colonel. Maynard, John, Lt. and Quarter-Master. Maynard, Jonathan, Captain. Maynard, William, Captain. Means, James, Captain. Mellish, Samuel, Lieutenant. Miller, Jeremiah, Captain. Miller, Joseph, Lieutenant. Mills, John, Captain. Mills, William, Captain. Mooars, Benjamin, Lieutenant. Moore, William, Captain. Moore, William, Lieutenant. Morgan, Benjamin, Surgeon's Mate. Morrel, Amos, Major. Morton, Silas, Lieutenant. Myrick, Samuel, Lieutenant. N. Nason, Natli'l, Lt. and Quarter-^VLaster. Nelson, Henry, Lieutenant. Newliall, Ezra, Lieutenant-Colonel. Newman, Samuel, Lieutenant. Nicholson, Samuel, Capt. in the Navy. Nixox, Thomas, Colonel. North, William, Captain. O. Oliver, Robert, IMajor. Oliver, Alexander, Ensign. NAMES OF ORIGINAL MEMBERS. 15 Pardee, Aaron, Lieutenant. Parker, Benjamin, Lieutenant. Parker, Elias, Lieutenant. Paterson, John, Brij^ailier-General. Peabody, Ebenezer, Lieutenant. Peirce, Benjamin, Lieutenant. Peirce, John, Captain-Lieutenant. Peirce, Silas, Captain. Perkins, WilUam, Major. Peters, Andrew, Lieutenant-Colonel. Pettingill, Joseph, Major. Phelon, Edward, Lieutenant. Plielon, John, Lieutenant. Phelon, Patrick, Lieutenant. Pike, Benjamin, Captain. Pope, Isaac, I\Iajor. Popkin, Jolui, Lieutenant-Colonel. Porter, Benjamin Jones, Surg'ns Mate. Pratt, Joel, Lieutenant. Prescott, Joseph, Hospital Mate. Putnam, Rufus, Brigadier-General. R. Randall, Thomas, Ciiptain. Rawson, Jeduthun, Ensign. Reab, George, Lieutenant. Remick, Timothy, Captain. Rice, Nathan, Major. Rice, Oliver, Lieutenant. Richardson, Abijah, Regimental Surg'n. Rickard, William, Lieutenant. Ripley, Hezekiah, Lieutenant. Rouse, Oliver, Captain. Rowe, John, Ensign. Sampsox, Crocker, Lieutenant. Sargeant, Winthrop, Captain. Satterlee, William, Major. Savage, Joseph, Captain. Savage, Henry, Lieutenant. Sawyer, James, Ensign. Scammell, Samuel L., Ensign. Scott, James, Ensign. Seldon, Charles, Lieutenant. Sever, James, Ensign. Sewall, Henry, Captain. Seward, Thomas, Captain. Shaw, Samuel, Captain. Shepherd, William, Colonel. Shepherd, William, Ensign. Shute, Daniel, Regimental Surgeon. Smith, Ebenezer, Captain. Smith, Ebenezer, Captain. Smith, John K., Captain. Smith, Joseph, Lieutenant. Smith, Josiah, Lieutenant. Smith, Simeon, Captain. Smith, Sylvanus, Captain. Spring, Simeon, Lieutenant. Sprout, Ebenezer, Lt.-Colonel Comm. Stacey, William, Lieutenant-Colonel. Stafford, John R., Ensign. Stephens, William, Captain. Stocker, Ebenezer, Lieutenant. Stone, Jonathan, Captain. Stone, Nathaniel, Lieutenant. Storer, Ebenezer, Lt. and Pay-JLaster. Story, John. Story, William, Captain. Sumner, Job, Major. Swan, Caleb, Ensign. T. Taylor, Othniel, Captain. Taylor, William, Lieut, and Quarter-M. Taylor, Tertius, Lieutenant. Thacher, James, Regimental Surgeon. Thacher, Nathaniel, Lieutenant. Thomas, John, Regimental Surgeon. Thomas, Joseph, Captain. Thomas, Thaddeus, Lieutenant-Colonel. Tisdale, James, Captain. Torrey, William, Lieutenant and Adj. Town, Jacob, Lieutenant. Tovvnsend, David, Hospital Surgeon. Treadwell, William, Captain. 16 NAMES OF ORIGINAL MEMBERS. Trescott, Lemuel, Major. Trowbridge, Luther, Lieutenant. Trotter, John, Captain. Tudor, William, Lieut.-Col. and Judge Adv. Gen. Tucker, Joseph, Lieut, and Pay-Master. Tupper, Benjamin, Colonel. Tupper, Anselni, Lieutenant and Adj. Turner, Jonathan, Captain. Turner, Marlbry, Lieutenant. Turner, Peleg, Lieutenant. Turner, Thomas, Captain. VosE, Elijah, Lieutenant-Colonel. Vose, Joseph, Colonel. Vose, Thomas, Captain. w. Wales, Joseph, Lieutenant. Walker, Robert, Captain. Walker, Edward, Lt. and Pay-Master. Wardwell, Joseph, Lieutenant. Warren, Adriel, Lieutenant. Warren, James, Jun., Lt. of the Navy. Warren, John, Lieutenant. Watson, William, Captain. Wattles, Mason, Captain. Webb, George, Captain. Webber, Daniel, Lieutenant. Wellington, Elisha, Lieutenant. Wells, Benjamin, Lieutenant. Wells, James, Lieutenant. Wells, Thomas, Captain. Wesson, James, Colonel. White, Haffield, Captain. White, Edward, Lieutenant. Whiting, John, Lieutenant. Whitwell, Samuel, Surgeon. Wilds, Ebenezer, Lieutenant. Williams, Abraham, Captain. Williams, John, Captain. Williams, Joseph, Captain. Williams, Robert, Lt. and Pay-Master. Williams, Ebenezer, Lieutenant. Wing, Jonathan, Ensign. Winslow, John, Captain. Woodbridge, Christopher, Captain. Woodward, Samuel, Surgeon's Mate. Yeoman, John, Lieutenant. Whole original number, 337. LIST OF MEMBERS. The Names of Original Membeks ake phinted in Old English. ^ftiJOtt, postal), of Andover, com. ensign 19 Oct. 1781 ; b. 29 Dec. 17.)9; d. Lemington, Vt., Feb. 1837. ^iJlJOtt, .StCJJijCn, b. Andover, Mass., 12 Aug. 1749 ; d. there 9 Aug. 1813; com. captain 28 May, 1778, in Tupper's (11th); afterward in M, Jackson's (8th) regiment ; major-general of militia ; succ. by grandson Stephen Abbott Ciiase. ittramS, ^i^enrg, b. 29 June, 1758, Roxbury; d. 1793; H. U. 1775; app. surgeon's mate in Wesson's (9th) regiment, 1777 ; surgeon 14 May, 1781 ; in Tupper's (Gth) regiment, 1783. ^ITlCn, ^UTrai), b. Duxbury, Mass., 3 Oct. 1750 ; d. there 12 March, 1845; ensign in Cotton's regiment, May, 1775; lieu- tenant in Bailey's regiment, 1776; com. captain 1 Jan. 1777, serving through the war; vice-president Mass. Soc. Cin. 1825— 29; president, 1829-45. ALDEN, SAMUEL, b. 24 Jan. 1803; graduated Harvard, 1817; practised medicine in Hanover, N.H. ; after that in almshouse Boston, Mass. Gen. Hospital under Dr. Warren. Settled ; married in Bridgewater, Mass. He is youngest child of Judah Alden, an original member; adra. 1875. ^llrn, :C tit JStUcribr, flouts, adm. 1789 ; b. Fort Dauphin, St. Domingo, 16 Sept. 1753 ; d. Middletown, Conn., 20 Sept. 1807 ; received a military education in France; became a planter in St. Domingo ; captain of volunteer chasseurs serving at the siege of Savannah under D'Estaing, and until the close of the war, receiving several wounds ; aide to Gen. Lincoln in sup- pressing Shays's insurrection in 1787. BAURY, FREDERIC, second son of Baury de Bellerive, adm- 1813 ; b. 1792 ; lost in the U.S. sloop of war " Wasp," Sept. 1814; app. midshipman 1809; attached to the " Constitution," and in her when she escaped from a British squadron, and at the capture of the " Guerricre " and of the '' Java ; " promoted to lieutenant and attached to the " Wasp." For his services in the capture of the " Reindeer " Congress voted him a sword. 22 MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF BAURY, ALFRED LOUIS, D.D. (Yale College, 1865), son of Baury de Bellerive, adm. 1823 ; vice-president 1853-65 ; president 1865; b. Middletowu, Conn., 14 Sept. l794; d. 26 Dec. 1865; ord. deacon Protestant Episcopal Church, 28 Sept. 1820; priest 28 Nov. 1822; rector of St. Mary's, Newton Lower Falls, Mass., 1823-51; of St. Mark's, Boston, 1855-58. BAURY, FREDERIC FRANCIS, second son of Alfred L., b. 1843; adm. 1867; volunteer lieutenant U.S. navy during the Rebellion ; appointed acting master's mate in U.S. vol. navy, 1861 ; promoted in '62 to acting master for gallantry and meri- torious conduct in the engagement between the frigate " Con- gress " and the rebel ram " Merrimac," the first combat with an ii-on-clad vessel. Mr. B. fired the first shot, thus opening the engagement. Present at the various attacks on Charleston, S.C., from '62 to '64 ; cut out and captured with a boat expedi- tion in the Savannah River the English steamer "Alliance" with her cargo and twenty-nine prisoners ; promoted for meritorious conduct to acting vol. lieutenant, 1864. Present at both attacks upon Fort Fisher in '64, and Jan. 1865 ; in the last, while lead- ing a company of sailors in the assault, was shot through the body; mentioned in the official despatches of Commodore Henry Knox Thatcher for bravery and meritorious conduct in the face of the enemy ; was honorably discharged at his own request, Feb. 1869, since when he has resided in N.Y. City. JJagllCS, iJ^Otriiaf), b. Sept. 1756 ; d. Dighton, Mass., 26 April, 1843; Harvard University, 1777; app. aide to Gen. Lincoln in Dec. 1777; aide to Washington, rank of lieutenant-colonel, 13 May, 1782-83. Many years U.S. collector ; judge of probate, Bristol Co., 1810-34. BAYLIES, EDMUND, b. Hingham, 22 Sept. 1787; eldest son of Hodijah, adm. 1857 ; d. Taunton, 1878. BELL, CHARLES U., adm. 1876 ; b. Feb. 26, 1843, at Exeter, N.H. ; great-grandson of Thomas Cogswell, an original member; graduated Bowdoin College, 1863. Practises law in Lawrence, Mass. JSntSOn, J^OSljUa, lieutenant in 21st regiment, 1775-76; cap- tain in Putuam's (5th) regiment, 1 Jan. 1777-83 ; deceased. THE CIXCINNATL 23 BINNKY, HORACE, LL.D. (Harvard University, 1827), adm. 17S)G; b. Philadelphia, 4 Jan. 1780; Harvard University, 1807. His father. Dr. Barnabas (son uf Capt. Barnabas, of Boston), b. 1751 ; Brown University, 1774; surgeon revolutionary army; settled in practice after the war at Philadelphia, where he died, 21 June, 1787. Horace was eminent at the Phila- delphia bar ; member Pennsylvania legislature, 1806-7; mem- ber of Congress, 1833-38. Many years a director of the U.S. bank. SSIclttC) lEtftDilCtT, d. 1702, leaving a widow, Dorcas (living in Boston, a. 81, in 1837, and six children) ; com. second lieutenant Crane's artillery, 10 Sept. 177.5 ; afterward regimental quarter- master. BLAKE, ROBERT, eldest son of Lieut. Edward, adm. 1809; d. 1853. ISldnCljartr, JJO^jn, of Sutton, d. New-York City, 9 Aug. 1821 ; com. captain in Wesson's (Uth) regiment, 1 March, 1777. )SlOt[g0t) (tUlt'by lieutenant New Hampshire line, adm. 1788 ; deceased. JSOiDlCS, i^alfllj fl^HVt, b. Boston, 10 March, 1757; d. Ma- chias, Sept. 1813; ensign in Patterson's regiment, 1776; lieu- tenant in Vose's (1st) regiment, 1777 ; prom, to lieutenant and adjutant, 28 Feb. 1779; served at Saratoga, Monmouth, and Yorktown ; commanded the first company that entered New- Yoi'k City on its evacuation by the British ; clerk of the courts of Washington County, and postmaster of Machias from 1789 to his death. BOWLES, LUCIUS QUINTUS CINCINNATUS, eldest son of Ralph Hart, adm. 1814; b. Machias, 6 March, 1789; d. Roxbury, Mass., July, 1843 ; removed to Montpelier, Vt., and commanded a company which marched to Plattsburg, N.Y., in 1814; member Maine Senate. BOWLES, LEONARD CROCKER, third son of Ralph Hart, b. Machias, 12 Sept. 1796; adm. 1860; assistant secretary since I860 ; publisher; died March 2, 1876. 24 MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF BOWLES, Dr. S. W., adm. 1880 ; grandson of R. H. Bowles, an original member ; b. Machias, Me., Dec. 21, 1835 ; graduated Williams College, 1856, with degree of M.D., College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, N.Y. City, 18G0 ; was assistant surgeon during the late war ; commissioner of prisons for Massachusetts. Physician ; resides in Springfield, Mass. JSOtOman, Samuel, b. Lexington, Mass., 2 Dec 1753 ; d. Wilkesbarre, Pa., 28 June, 1818 ; ensign in Greaton's (3d) regiment ; com. lieutenant in Vose's (1st) regiment, 22 April, 1782. Served at Lexington and in many battles of the war, and walked arm-in-arm with Andre to the place of that oflftcer's execution. Captain 11th U.S. infantry, 8 Jan. 1799, to June, 1800. 33ratrfOttr, i^ntJrelU, b. Duxbury, Mass., 2 June, 1745 : d. there, 1 Jan. 1837 ; Harvard University, 1771 ; brother of Col. Gamaliel ; lieutenant and quartermaster in Brooks's (7th) regi- ment, 1781-83 ; afterward a teacher. iJratrfOrtr, iSfamalirl, b. Duxbury, Mass., 2 Sept. 1731 ; d. there, 9 Jan. 1807 ; a descendant of Gov. Bradford ; was a captain in the French war, 1756-58; rose to the rank of major, and during the revolutionary war commanded the 14th Conti- nental regiment ; afterward a representative and judge. BRADFORD, ALDEN, LL.D. (Bowdoin College, 1833), third son of Col. Gamaliel, adm. 1812; b. Duxbury, 19 Nov. 1765; d. Boston, 26 Oct. 1843 ; Harvard University, 1786 ; tutor in Harvard University, 1791-93; pastor of Congregational cliurch, Wiscasset, Me., 1793-1801 ; clerk of Massachusetts Supreme Court; secretary of state of Massachusetts, 1812-24; author of a " History of Massachusetts," &c. BRADFORD, THOMAS GAMALIEL, son of Alden, b. 13 Dec. 1802 ; Harvard University, 1822 ; adm. 1849 ; resides in Boston. 35tatffOtTr, ^amalirl, second son of Col. Gamaliel, b. Dux- bury, 4 Nov. 1763 ; d. Cambridge, 7 March, 1824; ensign in his father's regiment in 1779 ; lieutenant, 8 Oct. 1780. After the war he followed the sea until 1808; was warden of the Massa- chusetts State prison, 1813-24. THE CINCINNATI. 25 BRADFORD, Dr. GAMALIEL, eldest son of Lieut. Gamaliel, adtn. 18-24; b. Boston, 17 Nov. 1795 ; d. 22 Oct. 1839 ; Harvard University, 1814; physician in Boston; superintendent Massa- chusetts General Hospital, 1833-39. BRADFORD, GAMALIEL, eldest son of Dr. Gamaliel, b. 1831 ; Harvard University, 1849; adm. 1852; resides at Gran tville, Mass. i5Catrfortr» MofJCrt, b. riymouth, Mass., 1750; d. Belpre, Ohio, 1823; descended fi'om Gov. William; ensign in Bailey's (2d) regiment, 1775 ; lieutenant 1776; com. captain 21 June, 1779 ; served through the war from Bunker's Hill to Yorktown ; brev6tted major in 1783 ; settled in Belpre, Ohio, in 1789. BRADFORD, ROBERT F., b. Boston, Mass., 1837 ; appointed midsliipman in 1852 ; Naval Academy, 1852 ; graduated 1856; sailed in U. S. service European squadron and West Indies, 1856-57 ; Gulf of Mexico, 1858 ; passed midshipman, 1859 ; ordered to coast of Africa, acting master of U.S. sloop-of-war, 1859-61 ; com. as lieutenant in 1861 ; executive officer U.S. gunboat, 1861-62 ; engaged in attack upon batteries at Sewell's Point in '62, also in reduction of Yorktown and Gloucester on York River and vicinity ; lieutenant com. July 16, 1862 ; execu- tive officer U.S. steam sloop 1863-64; instructor in gunnery at Naval Academy 1865; executive officer and commander U.S. gunboat 1868-70 ; assistant in Bureau of Yards and Dock, navy department at Washington, D.C. ; commander, .Tune, 1870 ; in- spector of ordnance, 1870-71 ; same office at navy yard, Ports- mouth, N.H., 1872-74; commanding U.S. steamer 1875-78; inspector of ordnance and navigation officer at Portsmouth, N.IL, 1879-80; adm. 1880. ]9tanTi)t(n» JJO.SijUa, ensign in Bradford's (14th) regiment; com. lieutenant 5 Feb. 1779 ; d. before 1812. ]SVtgi)atn, #riflen, M.D., com. surgeon's mate in Bailey's (2d) regiment, 25 April, 1781 ; settled in Schoharie, N.Y., as a physician ; d. there about 1815. ]$rOOU!!j) 30i)ny M.D., LL.D., physician of Medford, Mass., b. 31 May, 1752 ; d. 1 March, 1825 ; commanded a company of minute-men at Lexington ; major in Bridge's regiment at Bun- 26 MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF ker's Hill ; lieutenant-colonel M. Jackson's (8th) regimSnt, 1 Jan. 1777 ; colonel commanding 7th regiment, 11 Nov. 1778- 83 ; major-general of militia ; Governor of Massachusetts, 1816-23; secretary Mass. Soc. Cin., 1783-86; president 1810- 25 ; delivered the oration before the Society 4 July, 1787. BROOKS, ALEXANDER SCAMMELL, son of John, b. Med- ford, 19 Oct. 1781 ; killed, 19 Dec. 1836, by steamboat explo- sion at St. John's bar, cojist of Florida ; captain U.S. artillery in the war of 1812; brevetted major for gallantry at Platts- burg ; lieutenant-colonel 4th artillery, 6 April, 1835; adm. 1825 ; succeeded by Alexander Brooks Keyes. iStOtQU^ lEiJenCfer, b. Quincy, Mass., April, 1757 ; d. Newton Corner, 1 Sept. 1844; com. ensign Bailey's (2d) regiment, 28 Sept. 1777 ; com. lieutenant of Vose's (1st) regiment, 21 March, 1782 ; d. before 1845. BROWN, FREDERICK W. S. A., eldest son of Ebenezer, adm. 1845 ; deceased. iSVOtatl) (BWOtVf of Lexington, b. 25 July, 1753 ; lieutenant of artillery at siege of Boston ; captain-lieutenant of Crane's artil- lery, Nov. 1775, to 28 May, 1779 ; removed to Virginia ; settled on the Ohio River, aud gave his name to the place, — " Brown- ville ; " deceased. BRYANT, JOHN, nephew of Lieut. David Mason, jr., adm. 1802; d. Boston, 5 Feb. 1865, a. 84 ; merchant of Boston ; assistant treasurer Mass. Soc. Cin. 1846-65. iSUQiitty iStftoartr, d. Boston, 8 Oct. 1804; left a widow, Ruth, aud live children ; lieutenant in Baldwin's regiment (artificers) ; com. 1st lieutenant 12 Nov. 1779 ; afterward in Hazeu's regi- ment. iSUllartr, ICsa, of Sherbom, b. 27 April, 1758; d. 1804-5; ensign in Sprout's (12th) regiment; com. lieutenant 5 July, 1779 ; in 2d regiment in 1781-83. BULLARD, JAMES, grandson of eldest brother of Asa, adm. 1859 ; b. Sherbom, 20 Jan. 1813 ; resides in Sherborn, Mass. BULLOCK, F. PRESCOTT, adm. 1877 ; resides in New Y'ork. Journalist. THE CINCINNATI. 27 J3urftrd\, Ji}tnVViy b. Boston, 8 June, 17.54; d. New London, Conn., 2 Oct. 1848; lieutenant of artillery at siege of Boston; com. captain in Crane's artillerj', 12 Sept. 1777 ; present at Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth, and brevetted major in 1783; app. major commanding U.S. artillery, 4 Nov. 1791 ; lieutenant-colonel 7 May, 1798; colonel 1 April, 1802; brev- etted brigadier-general, 10 Sept. 1813; president Mass. Soc- Cin. 1846-48. BURBECK, WILLIAM H., of New London, eldest son of Gen. Henry, b. 3 Oct. 1823 ; adm. 1850 ; resides in New London, Conn. J^Uni^am, JOijU, b. Ipswich, Mass., 10 Dec. 1749; d. Derry, N.H., 8 June, 1843; lieutenant in Little's regiment at Bunkei-'s Hill, Long Island, and Trenton; captain, 1 Jan. 1777, of light infantry in Brooks's (8th) regiment at Saratoga, Monmouth, and Stony Point ; served under Lafayette at the capture of the British redoubt at Yorktovvn, and promoted to major 9 Jan. 1783. In 1788 he was one of the founders of Marietta, Ohio ; he afterwards settled in Derry, N.H. ; succeeded by his grand- son, J. J. Dolaad. J5USSCg, KStliail, of Stoughton, ensign in Heath's regiment, May, 1775 ; lieutenant in Greaton's (24th) regiment at siege of Boston ; captain-lieutenant Crane's artillery, 1777-81 ; d. Jan. 1785. CCallcntlCr, 3(ii)n, d. Alexandria, Va., Oct. 1797 ; captain of artillery at Bunker's Hill and cashiered; entering the ranks as a private soldier, his bravery at Long Island, where he was taken prisoner, occasioned his being restored to his rank, 1 Jan. 1777, and he served with honor through the war. CALLENDER, JOHN, b. Boston, 4 Feb. 1772; d. there, 20 Nov. 1833 ; eldest son of Eliezer and Elizabeth, sister of Gov. Gore; (m. 23 Nov. 1768) ; Harvard University, 1790 ; attor- ney ; representative Massachusetts Legislature ; clerk Supreme Judicial Court ; adm. 1802 ; assistant secretary 1806 and 1809- 21 ; secretary 1821-33. 28 MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF ^atlCtOn, ^IWOSCS, of Boxford, ensign and quartermaster Put- nam's (5th) regiment; lieutenant 7 May, 1782; quartermaster 1783 ; deceased. CaiietOn, ©SflOOtJ, of Haverhill, Mass., b. 1742; d. Litchfield, N.H., June, 181G; served in the provincial army at Louisburg, 1758 ; ensign and quartermaster in Sargent's (16th) regiment, 1776, and at tlie peace was a lieutenant in McFarland's Invalid regiment ; afterwards a teacher of mathematics in Boston and elsewhere ; noted also as a pedestrian ; author of treatises on navigation and arithmetic, and of majjs of New Hampshire, of Massachusetts, and of the United States. CASEY, SILAS, brevet major-general U.S.A., grandson of Capt. Nathan, and nephew of Dr. Lincoln Goodale; adm. 1870; b. East Greenwich, R.L, 12 July, 1807; West Point, 1826; served in Florida and in Mexico ; colonel 4th. infantiy, 9 Oct. 1861 ; brigadier-general of volunteers, 31 Aug. 1861 ; major-general, 31 May, 1862; brevetled brigadier-general U.S.A., for Fair Oaks; brevetted major-general for services in the Rebellion, 13 March, 1865; retired 8 July, 1868; author of "System of Infantry Tactics," 1861 ; resides in Brooklyn, N.Y. (S^aStaittfl, Pttfl% of France, com. 24 April, 1779 ; lieutenant in H. Jackson's (16th) regiment; aide to Gen. Duportail ; in od regiment in 1783 ; deceased. (ti)HXni}ttUy fttatijftD, of Chelmsford, lieutenant in Varnum's (9th) regiment in 1776 ; com. captain in Nixon's (6th) regi- ment, 11 Nov. 1779 ; died in Dunstable in 1809. Ci)aptn, S0!)W, d. Norway, Me., 1816; entered the army as a private in May, 1775 ; promoted to ensign in Shepard's (4th) regiment ; com. lieutenant and adjutant 14 April, 1780 ; ^^I'esent at siege of Boston, Burgoyne's surrender, Monmouth, and Rhode Island. DAVIS, WILLIAM P., eldest son of John, adm. 1819 ; deceased. UraU) 212Salt0r, of New Marlboro', Mass., d. in Western New York, about 1827, while on a visit to a son ; lieutenant in C. Smith's (13th) regiment, 1777 ; captain in Marshall's (10th), retired 1 Jan. 1783. DEARBORN, HENRY ALEX. SCAMMELL, eldest son of Gen. Henry (of the New Hampshire Societj^), adm. 1832 ; b. Exeter, N.IL, 3 March, 1783 ; d. Portland, Me., 29 July, 1851 ; William and Mary College, 1803 ; collector of the port of Bos- ton, 1813-30; member of Congress, 1832; adjutant-general of Massachusetts, 1835; Mayor of Roxbury, 1847-51. l^iVi tUCati^att, of Woburn, lieutenant in Wood's company, Bald- win's regiment, 1775-76; at siege of Boston; com. captain 1 March, 1777, in Wesson's (9th), afterward in M. Jackson's (8th) regiment. I!9Otr00) lL0l)t) of Beverly, com. lieutenant in Marshall's (10th) regiment, 15 Dec. 1778; in Vose's (1st) regiment in 1783; pensioner; living in New York in 1820; deceased. DOLAND, JOHN J., grandson of Major John Burnham, whom he succ. in 1872 ; son of Eliza (Burnham) and John Doland ; b. 29 Aug. 1826, Derry, N.H. ; was a member of the Mass. House of Representatives for 1862-63; president of City Coun- 36 MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF cil of Lawrence, 1868-69 ; secretary of Essex Co. Manufactur- ing and Mechanics' Institute ; editor assistant of" New England Odd Fellows' Journal ; " justice of the peace for County of Essex. JiOlUbCt, ^ftCt, adm. 1791 ; adjutant in Sargeant's (16th) regiment, 1775-76; captain in H. Jackson's (16th) regiment, 1777-83; many years, and until 1816, an inspector in Boston custom-house ; d. 23 June, 1816. IBOUllfU, tI?^rtoOOtl, JScnjamin, b. Shrewsbury, Mass., 25 Oct. 1756; d. Worcester, 6 Dec. 1816; Harvard University, 1775; lieutenant in Nixon's regiment, 1775 ; paymaster 1 Jan. 1777 ; captain 10 April, 1779; after the war he was a farmer; judge of Court of Common Pleas, Worcester County, 1802-11; twice a presidential elector ; assistant treasurer Mass. Soc. Cin. 1783. HEYWOOD, BENJ. FRANKLIN, M.D. (Yale Medical College, 1815), eldest son of Benjamin, adm. 1858 ; b. Worcester, Mass., 24 April, 1792; d. 7 Dec. 1869; Dartmouth College, 1812; physician of Worcester. HEYWOOD, JOHN G., adm. 1871 ; resides in Worcester, Mass. ?l^lltrreti), SSIlIliam, of Dracut, Mass., son of Major Ephraim, an early settler of Dracut ; ensign in INI. Jackson's (8th) regi- ment ; com. lieutenant 14 Sept. 1780 ; served through the war ; afterwards high sheriff of Middlesex County ; deceased. ?^in, Sf^fWTtai), d. Boston, 16 July, 1801, a. 45 ; com. lieutenant in H. Jackson's regiment, 25 Oct. 1779 ; in Sprout's (2d) regi- ment in 1783. fJ^intiBy 3Jartl0tt, com. lieutenant in Marshall's (10th) regi- ment, 30 Jan. 1777; afterwards captain-lieutenant; deceased. ^iiUlU, 30?)Jl) *^o™- lieutenant in Crane's artillery, 22 Feb. 1780; afterwards inspector and superintendent of music; d. April, 1788. 46 MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF P|0i)tJ5, JJOi^U, lieutenant in H. Jackson's (IGth) regiment ; com. captain in 9th regiment, 24 July, 1781 ; in Mellen's (3d) regi- ment, 1783 ; U.S. Marshal for the district of Maine, 1794-99; d. Portland, Me., 1802. HODGE, JAMES THACHER, adm. 18G4; b. Newburyport, Mass., 12 March, 1816; d. by the foundering of a steamer in which he was a passenger, in a gale on Lake Superior, 15 Oct. 1871 ; Harvard University, 1836 ; son of Michael Hodge, of Newburyport, and Betsey Hayward Elliott, widow of Daniel A., of Savannah, Ga., and daughter of Dr. James and Susannah Thacher, who d. Plymouth, 27 Feb. 1871. Eminent as a mineralogist and geologist, and had been for many years occu- pied in surveys of the coal, copper, and other mineral regions of the United States, Canada, &c. ; succeeded his grandfather. Dr. James Thacher. HODGE, JOHN RUSSELL, adm. 1874; eldest son of James Thacher Hodge ; resides in Plymouth, Mass. fl^OltirOOit) IBabitl, b. Wrentham, Mass., 10 Feb. 1748 ; d. 30 Jan. 1834; lieutenant in Shepard's (4th) regiment; com. captain 14 April, 1780. fJ^OltttVif ^atOn, d. about 1810 ; 2d lieutenant in Whitcomb's regiment in siege of Boston; lieutenant and afterwards captain in Brooks's (7th) regiment ; made prisoner by the Indians in 1778, while serving in the northern army, and held some time in captivity, to the permanent injury of his health. ' ll^Oltren, ^IJtl, of Sudbury, Mass., d. New York City, 3 Aug. 1818, a. 67; adjutant of Nixon's (6th) regiment from May, 1775, and present at siege of Boston; com. captain, 1 Jan. 1777; selectman in Marlborough. 1783. jD^OltJfJt, SO^n, b. Concord, Mass., 1753; d. Leicester, Mass., 13 March, 1828 ; lieutenant and adjutant in Joseph Read's regiment in siege of Boston ; com. lieutenant in Nixon's (6th) regiment, 13 April, 1780; present at the battle of Bunker's Hill ; one of the storming party at Stony Point, and served through the war ; major of brigade under Sullivan in Rhode Island, 1778-79. THE CINCINNATI. 47 P?Oltrtn, HfiJl, of Sudbury, d. Newark, N.J., 19 April, 1823, a. G'J ; com. lieutenant in Nixon's ((Uli) regiment, Jan. 1779; served from 1776 to 1783; was for three yeais an officer in Washington's Life Guard, and saw much hard service. P?OUantr, KiJOrg, b. Marlboro', IVIass., 27 Dec. 1739; removed to Petersham, Mass., in 1753; he served in the old French war (1757-03) ; com. lieutenant in Putnam's (5th) regiment 11 Marcli, 1778 ; after the war he removed to New York, where he was living in 1820 ; deceased. ^OUantr^ }3«1^^» brother of Ivory, b. Shrewsbury, Mass., 19 Nov. 1752; d. Bangor, Me., 21 May, 1844; entered the army in 1775; ensign in Putnam's (5th) regiment; com. lieutenant 18 Oct. 1780 ; also paymaster and clothier of 5th regiment ; captain of militia in suppressing Shays's insurrection, of which he wrote a manuscript account covering 250 pages. HOLLAND, CHARLES TURNER, only son of Park, adm. 1862 ; b. Eddington Bend, near Bangor, Me., 25 June, 1806; deceased. fi^OUiUttVy 3^^^^) ^- Burlington, Vt., 20 Jan. 1831 ; lieutenant in Vose's (1st) regiment ; promoted captain 21 March, 1782 ; in H. Jackson's (4th) regiment, 1783. ?^OmanS, SOijn, M.D., b. Dorchester, Mass., 1752-53 ; d. at sea in June, 1800; Harvard University, 1772 ; com. surgeon in Sargent's (16th) regiment, 1 Jan. 1776 ; in Sheldon's dragoons from 18 Dec. 1776, until he resigned, 4 Aug. 1781 ; afterward practised medicine in Boston. HOMANS, JOHN, M.D., eldest son of Dr. John, adm. 1840 ; b. Boston, 17 Sept. 1793 ; d, 17 April, 1868 ; Harvard University, 1812 ; M.D. 1815; physician of Brookfield, and after 1829 of Boston, and president Massachusetts Medical Society. HOMANS, CHARLES DUDLEY, M.D., eldest son of Dr. John (2d), adm. 1869 ; elected secretary 1871 ; b. Brookfield, 5 Dec. 1826 ; Harvard University, 1846 ; practising physician in Boston. 48 MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF fJ^OOfHtty Zi^Jeon, b. Medfield, Mass., 12 Feb. 1752; d. Newton, 24 Dec. 1840 ; in a company of minute-men at Bunker's Hill, and soon after promoted to ensign ; com. lieutenant in Putnam's (5th) regiment, 11 April, 1780. HOOKER, ZIBEON, eldest son of Zibeon, adm. 1841 ; b. Sher- born, Mass., 6 Aj^ril, 1780 ; d. there, 7 Dec. 1869. fj^OVtOMy IBliU^^y com, ensign in Vose's (1st) regiment, 2 April, 1781 ; pensioner; liying in Connecticut in 1820 ; deceased. ?1^0Utrin» I^Cci^ael ^aiiriCl, lieutenant in Bigelow's (15th) regiment, com. captain 28 June, 1779 ; captain and deputy- quartermaster under St. Clair in 1791 ; d. Feb. 1802 ; supei'- intendent of U.S. military stores at Albany. fkO^^f BiCt)artr SurCOmi), b. Boston; d. 22 Jan. 1793; com. ensign in 4th regiment, 21 June, 1782; app. lieutenant 2d U.S. infantry, 4 March, 1791 ; captain 2d sub-legion, to rank from Nov. 1792. HOWE, THOMAS, eldest brother of Richard S., adm. 1803 ; b. Boston, 1763 ; d. there, 9 Aug. 1824. HOWE, RICHARD SURCOMB, eldest son of Thomas, adm. 1825 ; d. 1825-26. HOWE, THOMAS, only surviving son of Thomas, b. Boston ; adm. 1828; d. 1 May, 1829. fl^Ull, (Ken. aSIilliam, b. Derby, Conn., 24 June, 1753 ; d. Newton, Mass., 29 Nov. 1825; Yale College, 1772; adm. to the bar in 1775 ; com. major 1 Jan. 1777; lieutenant-colonel of Greaton's (3d) regiment, 12 Aug. 1779; after the war practised law in Newton ; a leading member of Massachusetts Legisla- ture ; major-general of militia, and efficient in quelling Shays's insurrection, 1786 ; judge of Court of Common Pleas ; governor of Michigan Territory, 1805-14; brigadier-general U.S.A., and commanded northwestern army, and surrendered at Detroit, 15 Aug. 1812 ; condemned by court-martial to be shot, but par- doned by President Madison ; author of a defence of himself, 1814; "Campaign of the Northwestern Army," 1812; deliv- ered an oration before the Mass. Soc. Cin., 4 July, 1788. THE CINCINNATI. 49 f^Untf 2Spi)r(Ttm, d. Albany, Sept. 1805, a. 47 ; lieutenant in H. Jackson's regiment, 9 Aug. 1781-83. fO^UIlt, ^TijOmaS, of Watertown, Mass., b. 1758 ; d. Belle- fontaine on tlie Mississippi, 18 Jan. 1808; ensign in Bond's regiment at siege of Boston ; lieutenant and captain (com. 1 March, 1779) in II. Jackson's regiment ; fought at Lexing- ton (on the morning of the battle of Lexington, being a lad of seventeen, his mother met him coming down stairs from his room, with his fowling-piece on his shoulder, and asked where he was going. " To see what all the excitement is about." She took him back to his room and locked him in. Two hours after she went to let him out, but he had descended from the window by the water-pipes, and reached Lexington just as Lord Percy arrived. He took part in the work, and did not return until forty-eight hours after the British were in Boston. He was afterwards appointed ensign in Bond's regiment.), Bunker's Hill, at Stony Point, where he received a bayonet wound, and in Wayne's Indian campaign, 1794; app. captain 2d U.S. infiintry, 4 March, 1791 ; major 2d sub-legion, Feb. 1793; lieutenant-colonel 1st infantry, April, 1802; colonel 11 April, 1803. HUNT, HENRY JACKSON, grandson of Capt. Thomas, adm. 1867; b. Detroit, Mich., 1819; West Point, 1839; entering the artillery, he was brevetted captain and major for gallantry in the Mexican war; major 5th artillery, 14 May, 1861; lieutenant-colonel 3d artillery, 1 Aug. 1863; colonel 5th artillery, 4 April, 1869; brigadier-general volunteers, 15 Sept. 1862 ; commanded the artillery of the army of the Potomac in its various battles and sieges; brevet brigadier-general U.S.A., 13 March, 1865. He was engaged in all of the following bat- tles : Siege of Vera Cruz, Yorktown, and Petersburg, Cerro Gordo, Churabusco, Molino del Rey, Chapultepec, Bull Run, Gaines Mills, Garrett's Farms, White Oak Swamp, Glendale, Malvern Hill, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Rappahannock, The Wilderness, Spottsylvauia, North Anna, Cold Harbor, assault of Petersburg, 1864; assault and capture of Petersburg, 1865; pursuit and surrender, 1865, 7 50 MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF of General Lee's army. He received many very favorable notices for his gallantly and meritorious conduct during these engagements. Address, Atlanta, Ga. ^UrtJ, Jj0i[)U, Jr., d. Boston, 21 Aug. 1784, a. 24; com. ensign 18 June, 1781, in H. Jackson's (9th) regiment. KUfiCrSOn, ©ftOtfiC, d. Keene, N.H., July, 1805, a. 51 ; enter- ing Gridley's regiment of Massachusetts artillery (afterwards Knox's and finally Crane's), he served from Bunker's Hill to Yorktown, having been com. 1st lieutenant 10 June, 1779 ; ajjp. lieutenant of U.S. artillery, 4 March, 1791; captain April, 1793 ; major 8 July, 1802, to 1 Dec. 1804. INGERSOLL, GEORGE GOLDTHWAIT, D.D. (Harvard University, 1845), only son of George; adm. 1818; b. Boston, 4 July, 1796; d. Keene, N.H., 16 Sept. 1863 ; Harvard Uni- versity, 1815 ; pastor of Unitarian Church, Burlington, Vt., 30 May, 1822, to 31 March, 1844; and of the Unitarian Society in East Cambridge, 5 Dec. 1847, to 14 Oct. 1849. J^aCi^jSOn, ^masa, b. Newton, Mass., 5 June, 1765 ; d. New York City ; com. ensign 30 Oct. 1782, m the regiment of his father. Col. Michael Jackson ; afterward president of a New Y'"ork City bank. JJaCltSOtl, C^ljatlCS, b. Newton, 4 Jan. 1767 ; d. unmarried in Georgia, 1801 ; com. ensign 4 Feb. 1783, in the regiment of his father, Col. Michael. JJaCftSOn, IBaUiCl, b. Newton, Mass., 23 July, 1753 ; d. Water- town, Mass., 13 Dec. 1833; present at Lexington battle; sergeant in Foster's artillery company at siege of Boston ; in Bryant's comj^any at Fort Washington, and for six months a prisoner ; pointed the cannon that destroyed four British vessels in the North River, for which service promoted to lieutenant ; com. 1st lieutenant 12 Sept. 1778 ; succeeded to the command of the company on the fall of Bryant at Brandywine, where all the officers except himself, and more than half the company, were killed or wounded, and received the thanks of Gen. Knox THE CINCINNATI. 51 for his bravery ; also at Germantown, Monmouth, and York- town ; brevet major at the close of the war ; major U.S. artil- lery, 1798-1803; warden of the Charlestown State prison; vice-president of the Mass. Soc. Cin., 1832-33. JACKSON, DANIEL, eldest son of Major Daniel, adm. 1834; b. Newton, Mass., 30 Aug. 1785 ; d. 31 May, 1835. JACKSON, FRANCIS, son of Daniel, grandson of Major Dan- iel, adra. 1870 j b. Newbern, N.C., 15 Feb. 1831 ; resides in Lanesville, Essex Co., Mass. StlCfeSOn, 32t0ne?tr, son of Col. Michael, b. 18 Dec. 1763 ; d. Middletown, Conn., 81 Oct. 1837; com. 2d lieutenant in Crane's artillery, 27 June, 1781. JACKSON, EBENEZER, eldest son of Lieut. Ebenezer, adm. 1857 ; deceased. JaCUSOn, (HSftn, fi^tntSf b. Boston, 1747 ; d. there, 4 Jan. 1809 ; com. colonel 16th Massachusetts regiment, 12 Jan. 1777 ; commanded the 9th regiment under Sullivan in Rhode Island in 1778, and at Springfield^ N.J., in 1780 ; colonel 4th regiment 1783 ; the first treasurer Mass. Soc. Cin. 1783-1809 ; major- general of Massachusetts militia, 1793-97. JACKSON, EDWARD, only nephew of Gen. Henry, adm. 1809 ; deceased. JACKSON, JOSEPH HENRY, eldest male heir of Gen. Henry (subsequently took the name of Thayer), adm. 1826 ; deceased. JfaCttSOn, IWlCijaCl, b. Newton, Mass., 18 Dec. 1734; d. there, 10 April, 1801 ; lieutenant in the French war; captain at Lex- ington ; major of Gardner's regiment at Bunker's Hill; lieuten- ant-colonel of Bond's regiment at siege of Boston and invasion of Canada ; severely w'ounded at Montressor's Island, N.Y., 23 Sept. 1776 ; colonel 8th regiment from 1 Jan. 1777, to the end of the war, in which his five bi'others and five sons were engaged. JaCifeSOU, ifWiCljiTfl, Jr., b. Newton, 12 Sept. 1759 ; son of Col. Michael, ensign and paymaster in his father's regiment, 1 Jan. 1777 ; com. lieutenant 15 Dec. 1779; d. 15 Oct. 1802. 52 MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF JJaCfeSOn, ^Sitnon, b. Newton, 20 Nov. 1760 ; d. there, 17 Oct. 1818; son of Col. Michael, lieutenant in his father's reginaent, 1779 ; com. captain 12 April, 1782. JJaCftSOtt, 2ri)0tnaS, com. captain in Crane's artillery, 22 Feb. 1780; d. 1790. JACKSON, THOMAS, only son of Capt. Thomas, adm. 1802; assistant secretary, 1821-34; secretary from 1834 to his death in Boston, 6 Dec. 1850, a. 73 ; merchant. ^tJffttlS, .SanrUfl, lieutenant in Crane's artillery ; com. 1st lieutenant 10 Oct. 1778 ; d. before 1812. JJOijnStOn, lJOl}n, adm. 1789; d. Boston, 28 June, 1818, a. 66; a painter and member of Paddock's artillery company of Bos- ton ; captain in Knox's, afterwards Crane's artillery, serving in that arm from April, 1775, to Oct. 1777, when he was wounded and made prisoner. After the war he was a portrait-painter in Boston ; succeeded by J. J. Soren. KEYS, ALEX. BROOKS, grandson of Alex. S. Brooks, and great-grandson of Gov. John Brooks, adm. 1869 ; b. Dedham, Mass., 26 July, 1846; com. 2d lieutenant 1st battalion Massa- chusetts heavy artillery, 25 Ma)', 1864; 2d lieutenant 12th U.S. infantry, 23 Feb. 1866; 1st lieutenant and brevet-captain 10th cavalry. Address in 1879, Fort Concho, Texas. f^tHani) J)OSfpt> ^f Gloucester, b. 1739 ; living in 1816; lieu- tenant 5 May, 1775, at siege of Boston ; afterward in Putnam's (5th) regiment; captain 14 Oct. 1780 ; in Vose's (1st) regiment, 1783 ; deceased. i^ilTfi, ZclJUlOtt, b. Raynham, Mass., 16 Oct. 1750, lieutenant in Bradford's (14th) regiment; com. captain 4 Oct. 1780; in Brooks's (7th) regiment, 1783; emigrated to Ohio after the war, and killed there by the Indians in May, 1789. Itnap, iJWOSeS, b. Mansfield, Mass., 1743; d. 7 Nov. 1809; captain in Joseph Read's regiment at siege of Boston ; in Shepard's (4th) regiment, 1777-78 ; com. major in Marshall's (10th) regiment, 5 Nov. 1778; iu Cobb's (5th) regiment in 1783. THE CINCINNATI. 53 KNAPP, HIRAM, of Franklin, Mass., eldest son of Moses, adm. 1857 ; b. \S April, 1787 ; d. 18 Aug. 18G5. KNAPP, GILBERT CLARK, eldest son of Hiram, adm. 18GG; resides in Franklin, Mass.; b. Franklin, Mass., 12 Jan. 18U. W^nO^t fi^tnVSf one of the originators and founders of the Soci- ety of the Cincinnati ; its first secretary-general, and first vice- president of the Massachusetts Society ; b. Boston, 25 July, 1750 ; d. Thomaston, Me., 25 Oct. 1806 ; bookseller and mem- ber of an artillery company in Boston ; aide to Gen. Ward, and an engineer at the siege of Boston ; colonel of Massachusetts regiment of artillery, Nov. 1775 ; brigadier-general 27 Dec. 1776, and commanded the artillery of the main army during the whole war; major-general 22 March, 1782; Secretary of War, March, 1785, to Dec. 1795 ; subsequently a member of the legis- lature and of the executive council of Massachusetts ; succeeded by H. K. Thacher. BnOtolCS, ®i)arlPS, of Massachusetts, d. 1796; entered the army in 1775 ; com. a lieutenant in Crane's artillery, 1 Jan. 1777; captain-lieutenant and paymaster, 13 Sept. 1780; left the State in 1787, and d. unmarried. 2LaCtUtr, Simon, b. Thompson, Conn., 1754; d. Pittsfield, Mass., 16 Nov. 1817; ensign in D. Brewer's regiment, May, 1775, at siege of Boston ; lieutenant in Eb. Francis's regiment in 1776 ; ndjutant in Shepard's (4th) regiment, 1 Jan. 1777 ; captain, 5 Nov. 1778; aide to Gen. Glover in 1782; settled in Pittsfield in 1784 ; member of Congress, 1801-5 ; colonel 9th U.S. infantry, 1812-15; many years sheriff of Berkshire County. HaUflljtOn, 2]2ainiam, com. surgeon's mate in Bigelow's (15th) regiment, 20 April, 1780; in Vose's regiment in 1783. De- ceased. LAWTON, CHARLES O., gr. gr. grandson of Hez. Ripley, an original member; adm. 1879 ; b. Leominster, Mass., 24 April, 1857. 54 MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF LAWRENCE, AMOS ADAMS, son of Amos, grandson of Ma- jor Samuel, of Groton, adm. 1863 ; merchant of Boston ; b. 31 July, 1814; Harvard University, 1835; resides Longwood, Mass. HCctiJCntotlttlj, t^Catijanicl, com. surgeon's mate in M. Jack- son's (8th) regiment, 1 Feb. 1780; d. before 1812. iUCCt IBjlUtCl) of Sheffield, lieutenant in Sj^rout's (12th) regi- ment; captain in Greaton's (3d) regiment, 1 Jan. 1777; pen- sioner; living in Pennsylvania in 1820; deceased. Hce, SMilliatn 3^., b. Manchester, Mass., 1744; d. Salem, Mass., 26 Oct. 1824 ; removed early in life to Marblehead, where he was a merchant ; captain in Glover's regiment, 1775 ; major in 1776, lieutenant-colonel in 1777, and colonel in 1778. A brave and skilful officer, and iiighly esteemed by Washing- ton. In a resolution of the Continental Congress, expressed in • very complimentary terms. Col. Lee was recommended to Wash- ington for the appointment of adjutant-general of the army, which appointment he declined, preferring, as he stated to Washington, to remain in the field at the head of his regiment. U.S. col- lector of the i5ort of Salem, 1802-24. LEE, W^ILLIAM RAYMOND, eldest grandson of Col. W. R. Lee, adm. a member of the Society 1867 ; civil engineer ; sei'ved dui'ing the War of the Rebellion 1861-65 as colonel of the 20th Mass. Infantry ; brevetted brigadier-general for gallant and meri- torious services during the war ; chief engineer of M.V.M. on the staff of His Excellency John A. Andrew, with the rank of brigadier-general, and charged with the duty of preparing a system of obstructions to the entrance of Boston harbor ; U.S. assessor internal revenue, 3d district of Mass., 1868-72 ; resides in Boston^ Htlantr, JJOSCpIj, b. Grafton, Mass., 1757; d. Saco, Me., 1839 ; entered the army as a private, or non-commissioned officer; com. lieutenant in Wesson's (9th) regiment, 28 Dec. 1777 ; in M. Jackson's (8th) regiment in 1783; afterward settled in Saco; member of State Senate. THE CINCINNATI. 55 LELAND, JOSEPH W., eldest son of Joseph, iidm. 1852; b. Saco, 1805; d. there, 7 Sept. 1858; Bowdoin College, 1826; lawyer in Saco ; some years county attorney. ILttinaptr, St'tCO^t ^^- Bndgewater, Mass., 1757 ; d. there, April, 1811 ; com. ensign 27 Feb. 1782, in Sprout's (2d) regiment. HilUe, SOljU) b. Boston, 18 July, 1753 ; d. West Point, N.Y., 22 Sept. 1801 ; a cooper by trade, and a member of Paddock's artillery company ; lieutenant of artillery, 1775; com. ca{)tain 1 Nov. 1778, and afterwards aide to Gen. Knox ; served with distinction at Long Island, AVhite Plains, Trenton, and Prince- ton, Brandywine, massacre at Paoli (bringing off his cannon in safety), Germantown, and Monmouth; app. captain 2d U.S. ar- tillery, 16 Feb. 1801 ; commanded at West Point at the time of his death. LILLIE, JOHN, eldest son of Major John, adm. 1812; b. Mil- ton, Mass., 8 May, 1791 ; d. Willimantic, Conn., 20 Jan. 1855 ; he was the eighth cadet admitted to West Point Academy ; was for a short time during the war oi 1812 a captain of Massachu- setts militia ; was afterward a merchant, and about 1848 re- moved from Maine to Connecticut. LILLIE, DANIEL C, eldest sou of John, adm. 1855; b. 27 Feb. 1828 ; resides in North P^aston, Mass. HtlUOllt) 3Scn|amin) b. Ilingham, Mass., 24 Jan. 1733; d. there, 9 May, 1810 ; representative of Hingham in the General Court, 1772-74; member of Provincial Congress, 1774-75 ; its secretary, 1775 ; major-general of militia, 1776 ; app. major- general by the Continental Congress, 19 Feb. 1777 ; second in command at the surrender of Burgoyne, and severely wounded, 8 Oct. 1777 ; took command of the Southern army in Dec. 1778; repulsed an assault of Savannah, Ga., 9 Oct. 1779 ; sur- rendered Charleston to Sir H. Clinton, 12 May, 1780, after a vigorous defence ; commanded the centre at Yorktown, and re- ceived there the capitulation of Cornwallis's army, 19 Oct. 1781 ; Secretary of War, 1781-84; commanded the force that sup- pressed the insurrection of Shays, 1787 ; collector of Boston, 56 MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF 1789-1808 ; member of the convention which ratified the U.S. Constitution; first president Mass. Soc. Cin. 1783-1810. LINCOLN, THEODORE, of Dennysville, Me., son of Theodore and grandson of Gen. Benjamin, adm. 1854; deceased. LINCOLN, BENJAMIN, eldest living son of Theodore, adm. 1867 ; resides in Dennysville, Me. ILintOln, J^UfUS, b. Taunton, Mass., 23 Nov. 1751 ; d. Ware- ham, Mass., 11 Feb. 1838; a lieutenant at siege of Boston; raised a company at Taunton, and com. lieutenant in Brad- ford's (14th) regiment, 31 Jan. 1777; captain, 13 April, 1780; in Brooks's (7th) regiment, 1783 ; made j^risoner at Derby, near Philadelphia, in 1777 ; exchanged in 1778 ; removed to Wareham in 1799. LINCOLN, RUFUS, eldest son of Rufus, adm. 1856 ; b. Taun- ton, Mass., 26 Sept. 1785 ; d. Wareham, Mass., 29 Jan. 1868. ILiSUlCU) SOijn, com. 2d lieutenant Crane's artillery, 1 Feb. 1777 ; accidentally killed by a fall vphile a U.S. commissary of public stores at Albany, where his widow, Ann, was living some years later (1808). HOCfeiDOOtr, Mt^, fflSaiUiam, b. Wethersfield, Conn., 21 Jan. 1753; d. Glastenbury, Conn., 23 June, 1828; Yale College, 1774; tutor there, 1779-80; chaplain 1st Massachusetts bri- gade, 1783 ; pastor of First Church in Medford, 1784-96; of Glastenbury, 1797-1804. ILOttl, JJCtenrialj, of Berwick, Me., d. there about 1795 ; com, ensign in Nixon's (6th) regiment, 15 June, 1781. LOTHROP, SAMUEL KIRKLAND, D.D. (Harvard Univer- sity, 1852), grandson and eldest representative of Rev. Samuel Kirkland, chaplain in the Revolutionary army, on the staff" of Gen. Sullivan, 1779 ; adm. 1868 ; b. Utica, N.Y., 13 Oct. 1804 ; Harvard University, 1825 ; ordained Dover, N.H., 18 Feb. 1829 ; pastor of Brattle Street (Unitarian) Church, Boston, since 18 June, 1834; author of "Life of S. Kirkland," "His- tory of Brattle Street Church," «S:c. THE CINCINNATI. 67 ILOUCU) ^amtUy b. Boston, 9 July, 1758 ; d. St. Matthew's Parish, S.C., 10 July, 1850 ; Harvard University, 177G ; son of James, member of Con professor of Greek in Harvard University, 1815-26 ; Eliot pro- fessor of Greek literature, 182(3-33. IPorttr, J3cn|amin SonCS, b. Beverly, Mass., 20 Sept. 1763; d. Camden, ]Me., 18 Aug. 1847 ; educated at Byfield Academy; studied medicine with his uncle. Dr. Jones, a surgeon in Conti- nental army ; com. surgeon's mate in Tupper's (Hth) regiment, 10 April, 1780 ; afterward practised in Maine, where he was also a councillor and senator from Lincoln County. THE CINCINNATI. 69 Pratt» JJoel, of sterling, b. 1752; d. 1844; com. lieutenant in Bijzelow's (15th) regiment, 1 Marcli, 1779 ; in II. Jackson's (4th) regiment in 1783. PRATT, JOEL, eldest male heir of Lieut. Joel, adm. 1845 ; b. 2 March, 1789; d. 13 Sept. 18G8. 33^^fi> SO^)W, captain in Sprout's (12th) regiment, com. 5 July, 1779 ; d. in New York City Sept. 1812, PREBLE, WILLIAM PITT. Jr., eldest male heir of Lieut. Jo- seph Tucker, of York, Me., son of Hon. W. P. Preble, adm. 1845 ; b. Portland, Me., 19 April, 1819 ; lawyer and clerk U.S. District Court at Portland. ^f CSCOtt, JJOStpIj, last survivor of the original members of the Mass. Soc. Cin., and vice-president in 1846-49 ; son of Dr. Jonathan, b. Halifax, N.S., 6 Jan. 1762; d. Great Barrington, Mass., 1852 ; entered the general army hospital as a student of Dr. Brown, and at seventeen was appointed mate ; was in the action at Ticonderogu ; in Sullivan's expedition against the In- dians, and with Greene's army in the Carolinas ; afterward for many years a physician in Halifax, N.S., succeeded by Frederick Prescott Bullock in 1877. J^l'itf* SSlilliant, heutenant in Crane's artillery ; deceased. ^Utltam, JiUfUS, b. Sutton, Mass., 9 April, 1738; d. Marietta, Ohio, 4 May, 1824; a millwright; a private soldier in the campaigns of 1757-60 in Canada; then settled in New Brain- tree, Mass. ; lieutenant-colonel in D, Brewer's regiment. May, 1775 ; employed as an engineer in constructing the siege works around Boston : chief engineer of the defences of New York in 1776; com. colonel 5 Aug. 1776, and commanded the 5th regi- ment until com. brigadier-general, 7 Jan. 1783, distinguishing himself at Saratoga ; aide to Gen. Lincoln in quelling Shays's insurrection; founded Marietta, Ohio, in 1788; app. a judge of Northwestern Territory, 1789 ; app. brigadier-general in Wayne's army against the Miami Lidians, 4 May, 1792 ; U.S. surveyor-general 1793-1803 ; member of the Ohio Constitu- tional Convention in 1803. 70 MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF jKantrall, Gliomas, of Boston, a. New Yol-k, Jan. 1811 ; entered the artillery, 24 April, 1775 ; captain-lieutenant at siege of Boston and battle of Long Island ; captain and long an aide to Gen. Knox ; received eight wounds and made prisoner at Paoli ; severely wounded at Germautown, and left for dead. i^atajSOIt) JJCtrUtiian, ensign in Vose's (1st) regiment, com. 15 June, 1781; d. before 1812. 3Cteatf, ((SftOtQty resided at Williamstown, Mass., prior to 1806, when he moved to Salem, Washington Co., N.Y., where he d. 20 June, 1838, a. 84; ensign in Brooks's (7th) regiment; com. lieutenant 16 April, 1780; regimental and brigade quartermaster. 3^CttI0l> f^tnV^y quartermaster and ensign in Col. Armaud's legion, 1779-80; afterward lieutenant ; deceased. 3^CtntCl^) ^TintOtijg, d. 1784; sergeant in Fernald's company, Phinney's regiment, 1775; com, lieutenant 13 Nov. 1776; com. captain in Sprout's (12th) regiment, 14 Oct. 1780 ; brigade- major 14 May to 1 Dec. 1781 ; in Vose's regiment in 1782-83. (Sou Timothy, of Cornish, Me., elected a member Mass. Soc. Cin. in 1838.) 3KiCe, ISTatijan, b. Sturbridge, Mass., 2 Aug. 1754; d. Burling- ton, Vt., 17 April, 1834; Harvard University, 1773; son of Rev. Caleb; lieutenant and adjutant in Greaton's (24th) regi- ment at siege of Boston ; aide to Gen. Lincoln ; com. major 7 May, 1777 ; in H. Jackson's (4th) regiment in 1782-83. RICE, NATHAN, third son of Nathan, adm. 1849 ; b. Hingham, Mass., 27 Dec. 1789; d. Jacksonville, Fla., 5 March, 1852; merchant of Boston. RICE, NATHAN PAYSON, M.D. (Harvard University, 1853), eldest son of Nathan, adm. 1852; b. Cambridge, Mass., 26 INIay, 1828; M.D. of Harvard University, 1853; graduated A.B. 1849 ; resides in New York City. 3KlCe, ©lliJCr, b. Sudbury, Mass., 26 July, 1752; d. Belpre, Ohio ; ensign in Wesson's (9th) regiment, 1777 ; com. lieuten- ant 5 Sept. 1781, in H. Jackson's regiment; in the 4th regiment in 1783 ; removed from Walpole, N.H., to Marietta, Ohio, about 1788. THE CINCINNATI. 71 J^lCijartrSOn, ^ill'lalj, M.D., adm. 1789; b. East Medway, Mass., oO Aug. 1752; d. Medway, 10 May, 1822; studied at Harvard University (1770-72) ; surgeon's mate in Greaton's (3d) regiment; surgeon 6 Nov. 1776 to 1 Jan. 1781, in Put- nam's (5th) regiment ; after the war, during which he was long a prisoner in New York, he settled in Medway, where he was eminent as a physician and also as a botanist. RICHARDSON, HORACE, grandson of Abijah and son of Joseph, adm. 1845; b. 23 Sept. 1795 ; deceased. RICHARDSON, GEORGE DRAPER, eldest son of Horace, adm. 1857 ; b. Medway, 18 Sept. 1823 ; resides in Stoneham, Mass'. J^iCttartf, SSIilliant, b. Massachusetts; d. Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 1813; ensign in PI. Jackson's (16th) regiment, 1778; com. lieutenant in 9th, 14 April, 1782; captain U.S.A. 1794-1800. J^lfllffi, ?i^0?Cfeialj, b. Duxbury, Mass., 1751 ; d. 18 Oct. 1841, at Kingston, whither his family removed in 1759; com. lieu- tenant in Bailey's (2d) regiment, 1 Jan. 1777 ; lieutenant and adjutant 1780 ; brigade quartermaster 1783. RIPLEY, JOSEPH TILDEN, of Kingston, eldest son of Heze- kiah, adm. 1843; deceased. ROB BINS, NATHAN BACON, Jr., grandson of Hezekiah Ripley, and son of Capt. N. B. Robbins, adm. 1858 ; b. Ply- mouth, Mass., 31 July, 1831 ; drowned at Rochester, Minn., 1 July, 1859 ; Williams College, 1856 ; a lawyer of Rochester, and a member of the Constitutional Convention of Minnesota. ROBBINS, KENELM, grandson of Hezekiah Ripley, adm. 1863 ; b. Plymouth, May, 1839 : d. Jackson, Miss., 28 Feb. 1870 ; West Point, 1863 ; app. 2d lieutenant of 5lh cavalry, 11 June; brevetted 1st lieutenant 1 Aug. 1863, for gallantry at Brandy Station, Va. ; 1st lieutenant 12 June, 1864; severely wounded at Opequan, 19 Sept. 1864, and brevetted captain ; captain 4th infantry, 22 Jan. 1867. J^OiJCl'tS, 3^id)artr JUrOOfee, d. 19 Jan. 1797 ; aide to Gen. Lincoln, 1782 ; captain South Carolina artillery ; app. captain 2d U.S. infantry, 4 March, 1791 ; major 28 Feb. 1793. 72 MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF JXOUUty ©UiJCt, of Wreatham, d. about 1812; com. lieutenant in Putnam's (oth) regiment, 1 Jan. 1777 ; afterward a captain ; left a son, Oliver, of Roxbury. iflOUlC) SO^)Jl> ^- Gloucester, Mass., 1755; d. Lisbon, Me., Nov. 1816; enlisted as a private in his father's company; fought at Bunker's Hill and in many important battles ; ensign in M. Jackson's (8th) regiment at the peace ; commanded a company in quelling Shays's insurrection, and was a skilful and coura- geous officer. .Sampson, OtrOCUet, b. Kingston, Mass., 25 April, 1749; d. there, 7 July, 1823 ; Harvard University, 1771 ; com. lieuten- ant in Bradford's (14th ) regiment, 31 Jan. 1777 ; lieutenant in Brooks's (7th) regiment, 13 April, 1780. Satflent, aSSintijrop, b. Gloucester, Mass., 1 May, 1753 ; d. New Orleans, 3 June, 1820; Harvard University, 1771 ; en- tered the army in 1775 ; com. captain-lieutenant in Knox's ar- tillery, 16 March, 1776; captain in Crane's artillery 1 Jan. 1777 ; present at Trenton and Brandy wine ; aide to Gen. Howe, and made brevet-major ; app. surveyor of Northwestern Territory, 1786; its secretary, 1787; governor, 1798-1801; adjutant-general of St. Clair's army, and wounded on its defeat, 3 Nov. 1791 ; adjutant and inspector-general in Wayne's cam- paign, 1794-95 ; settled near Natchez, Miss. SARGENT, GP:0RGE WASHINGTON, only son of Winthrop, adm. 1835 ; b. Natchez, 2 July, 1802 ; d. 14 May, 1864, having been shot by ruffians who entered his house for plunder, May 10; Harvard University, 1820. .^Saiia^C, fi^tMVS) com. lieutenant and adjutant in Greaton's (3d) regiment, 11 Nov. 1777 ; d. before 1812. SaijafiC, StlSCpi), b. Boston, 13 June, 1756 ; d. Berwick, Me., 20 Jan. 1814; captain in Lamb's (2d) artillery, 1780-83; re- sio-ned his conamission 26 Oct. 1791, after sixteen years and six months' service. SAVAGE, Capt. CHARLES TYLER, eldest son of Capt. Jo- seph, adm. 1822 ; b. Berwick, Me., 15 March, 1797 ; deceased. THE CINCINNATI. 73 cSclttCtlCC, SlStllltdni) captain and afterward major in Ilazen's roiiinient; deceased. ' •S'cl*. C< ' ' v. SaU)|)Cl% 3amtHy b. Eiurlington, Vt., 1762; d. there, 25 May, 1827 ; sou of Ephraini w fc vftge , a major at Bunker's Hill, and a lieutenant-colonel at Saratoga ; served at Bunker's Hill; com. ensign 22 Feb. 1781, in M.Jackson's (8th) regiment; after- ward in Hamilton's light infantry at capture of redoubt at York- town. SAWYER, HORACE BUCKLIN, second son of James, adm. 1852 ; b. Burlington, Vt., 22 Feb. 1797 ; d. Washington, D.C., 14 Feb. 1860; app. midshipman U.S.N., 4 June, 1812 ; lieuten- ant, 1 April, 1818 ; commander, 9 Dec. 1839 ; captain, 12 April, 1853 ; in the " Constitution" when she took the " Cyane" and "Levant," and presented with a sword by his native State for his share in that achievement. SAWYER, GEORGE AUGUSTUS, eldest son of Horace B., adm. 1862 ; paymaster in the U.S.N. ; served through the War of the Rebellion. Five generations of this family, in direct de- scent, have contributed of their number to the military or naval . service of their country. Address, Kansas City, Mo. StammEll, cSamUCl HCSlte, son of Dr. Samuel, of Mendon, afterward of Bellingham, and brother of Col. Alexander, com. ensign 30 Aug. 1781, in Smith's (12th) regiment; d. before 1812. cSCOtt, ^antfS, com. ensign 14 Dec. 1781 ; in Brooks's (7th) regiment in 1783 ; deceased. cSrltren, djaiirS, d. Troy, N.Y., l Jan. 1820, a. 64; entered the army in 1777 ; com. lieutenant in H. Jackson's regiment in March, 1778 ; senator for eastern district of New York and Re- gent State University. .SCbcr, JJatWCS, b. Kingston, Mass., 2 Nov. 1761 ; d. 16 Dec. 1845 ; Harvard University, 1781 ; com. ensign in Brooks's (7th) regiment, 1 Feb. 1781 ; post captain U.S.N. (1799-1801) ; one of the first six app. on the reorganization of the nav}' by Presi- dent Adams; vice-president Mass. Soc. Cin., 1839-45; presi- dent, 1845. 10 74 MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF SEVER, JAMES WARREN, eldest son of Capt. James, adm. 1847; secretary, 1859-65; vice-president, 1865; president, 1866-71 ; b. Kingston, Mass., 1 July, 1797 ; d. Boston, 16 Jan. 1871 ; Harvard University, 1817. SEVER, Rev. WINSLOW WARREN, son of James Nicholas, son of John, who was brother of Ensign James, adm. 1871 ; b. 31 Jan. 1832; Theological Seminary of Virginia, 1856; Prot- estant Episcopal clergyman of St. Luke's Hospital, New York City ; resides in Poughkeepsie, N.Y''. ^CtDall) fi^tnVSit ^- York, Me., 24 Oct. 1752 ; d. Augusta, Me., 11 Sept. 1845 ; entered the army as a corporal in D. Bradish's Falmouth company, and present at siege of Boston ; com. cap- tain in Sprout's (12th) regiment, 20 June, 1779 ; aide to Gen. Heath in 1783; settled in Hallowell in 1783 ; seventeen years register of deeds ; clerk of the District Court, 1789-1818; ma- jor-general (8th division) State militia ; vice-president Mass. Soc. Cin., 1845. SeiUartr, ^TijOmaS, b. Boston, 1751 ; d. there, 27 Nov. 1800; a hatter by trade, and a member of Paddock's artillery company of Boston ; captain-lieutenant in Knox's artillery' in 1776 ; com. captain in Crane's artillery, 1 Jan. 1777. SEWARD, THOMAS, only son of Capt. Thomas, adm. 1802 ; b. Boston, Nov. 1770; d. there, 25 April, 1852. SEWARD, RICHARD T., adm. 1875; resides in Boston, Mass. ; b. 11 Aug. 1827, Boston; grandson of Thomas L., an original member ; draughtsman. ,^))atU, .SamUtl, b. Boston, 2 Oct. 1754; d. 30 May, 1794, on the passage from China ; lieutenant in Knox's artillery, 1 Jan. 1776 ; adjutant, Sept. 1776 ; captain-lieutenant, 1 Jan. 1777 ; brigade-major, March, 1778 ; aide to Gen. Knox, Aug. 1779-83 ; captain of artillery, 12 April, 1780 ; secretary of the officers who formed the Society of the Cincinnati ; seoietary in U.S. War Department under Gen. Knox ; U.S. consul to China, 27 Jan. 1786-89; reappointed, 10 Feb. 1790; member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences. THE CINCINNATI. 76 SHAW, WILLIAM, eldest brother of Capt. Samuel, adm. 1800 ; b. Boston, 30 March, 1756; d. 13 Aug. 1803. SHAW, ROBERT GOULD, only son of Francis, and nephew of William, adm. 1812; b. Goldsboro', Me., 4 June, 1776; d. Bos- ton, 3 JNIay, 1853; acquired wealth as a merchant, and eminent for philanthropy ; treasurer Mass. Soc. Cin., 1836-41 ; president, 1849-53. SHAW, FRANCIS GEORGE, eldest son of Robert G., adm. 1858; b. Boston, 23 Oct. 1809; resides in. West New Brighton, Staten Island, N.Y. SijflJavtr, S2iltniam, b. l Dec. 1737 ; d. Westfield, Mass., 11 Nov. 1817 ; served in the French war of 1756-63, attaining rank of captain ; lieutenant-colonel of Danielson's regiment at siege of Boston ; colonel, 4 May, 1776 ; commanding the 4th regi- ment through the war ; particii)ated in twenty-two engagements ; wounded at New York, 18 Oct. 1776; as brigadier-general of militia suppressed Shays's insurrection in 1786-87 ; major-gen- eral of militia; member of Congress, 1797-1803. SHEPARD, NOAH, son of Col. William, adm. 1832 ; b. West- field, 20 Feb. 1769; d. before 1849. ^^- Milton, Mass., 23 April, 1754; d. New York City, 16 Sept. 1789 ; Harvard University, 1778; entered Har- vard University in 1774, but joined the army early in 1775 ; lieutenant in Bond's regiment at siege of Boston ; com. captain THE CINCINNATI. 79 in Greaton's (3cl) regiment, 1 Jan. 1777; major 1783; com- ' missioner after the war to settle the accounts of the U.S. vvitli Georgia. SUMNER, CHARLES PINCKNEY, son of Major Job, adm. 1803; b. Milton, Mass., 20 Jan. 1776; d. Boston, 24 April, 1839; Harvard University, 1796; high sheriff of Suffolk County, 1825-39. SUMNER, CHARLES, LL.D. (Harvard University, 1859), eld- est son of Charles P., adm. 1840 ; b. Boston, 6 Jan. 1811 ; d. March, 1874; Harvard University, 1830; Cambridge Law School, 1834; U.S. senator since 1851; chairman of Senate Committee of Foreign Affairs, 1861-70. ^U)an, Rio Janeiro, 9 March, 1830; Harvard "University, 1796 ; projector and first editor of "North Ameri- can Review " ; member of the legislature ; originator of the [)res- ent Bunker Hill Monument ; one of the founders of the Boston Athena3um ; app. consul to Lima in 1823 ; charge d'affaires at Brazil iu 1827 ; author of" Life of James Otis," &c. TUDOR, FREDERIC, eldest brother of William, adm. 1834; b. 4 Sept. 1783 ; d. 6 Feb. 1864 ; founder of the ice traffic. TUDOR, FREDERIC, eldest son of Frederic, b. 11 Feb. 1845 ; adm. 1871; chief engineer; New York, 4 North Washington Square. STUppCt, ^USClnt, son of Gen. Benjamin ; b. Chesterfield, Mass. ; d. INIarietta, Ohio, 25 Dec. 1808 ; com. lieutenant in his father's regiment (lltli),26 Sept. 1780. crupper, 33cn|amin, b. Stoughton, Mass., 1738 ; d. Marietta, Ohio, June, 1792 ; a soldier in the French war (1756-63) ; ma- jor of Fellow's regiment, May, 1775, at siege of Boston, where he distinguished himself; com. lieutenant-colonel in Ward's regi- ment, 4 Nov. 1775; colonel 11th regiment, 7 July, 1777 ; 6th 84 MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF re<»iment, 1783 ; present at Saratoga and Monmouth ; brevetted brigadier-general, 1783 ; member of Massachusetts legislature from Chesterfield, and active in suppressing Shays's insurrec- tion ; settled in Ohio in 1787 ; one of the founders of Marietta in 1788, and a judge. STUtnCt*, JJOnatJjan, of Scituate, d. about 1820; lieutenant in Marshall's (10th) regiment; com, captain 4 Oct, 1780; in 5th regiment in 1783 ; pensioner. TURNER, PEREZ, of South Scituate, Mass., eldest son of Perez, who was son of Jonathan, adm, 1827 ; deceased. JTurner, J^arltrg, baptized, Hanover, Mass., 30 July, 1757 ; ensign in Bailey's (2d) regiment, 1777; com. lieutenant 10 Aua-. 1781 ; in 5th regiment in 1783 ; pensioner ; living in 1820 ; deceased. STUtntC, ^Clffl) of Scituate, lieutenant and quartermaster in Marshall's (10th) regiment; served four years; d. before 1812. STUtncr, STijOntaS, com. captain in H, Jackson's (16th) regi- ment, 24 April, 1779 ; afterward in 9th, and in Brooks's (7th) in 1783; d, before 1812. UPHAM, JOSEPH BADGER, great-grandson of Amos Cogs- well, whom he succeeded ; b, Portsmouth, N.H., 25 Dec, 1840 ; graduated Bowdoin College, 1861 ; entered U.S. navy otficer of engineer corps, 17 Nov. 1862 ; passed assistant engineer from 1 Jan. 1868, and placed on retired list of the navy 27 Dec. 1875, on account of ill health caused by service in the late war, Vonty 1Ell|a!), b. Milton, Mass., 24 Feb. 1744; d, there, 19 March, 1822; captain in Heath's, afterward Greaton's regiment, at sief e of Boston ; com. lieutenant-colonel in the regiment of his brother Joseph, 21 Feb. 1777, and served through the war, in which four of the brothers were engaged, VOSE, ELIJAH, eldest son of Col, Elijah, adm, 1822 ; b. Milton, Mass,, 1 Jan, 1790; d. Boston, 12 Aug, 1856, VOSE, Hon, HENRY, eldest son of Elijah, adm, 1860 ; d. 17 Jan. 1869. VOSE, FRANCIS, son of Elijah, grandson of Col, Elijah, adm. 1870; d. in Boston, 1880. THE CINCINNATI. 85 Vonty JOSrpI^, b. Milton, 7 Dec. 1739; d. there, 22 May, 1816 ; major and afterward colonel of Heath's regiment, 1774-75 ; app. lieutenant-colonel of Greaton's (25th) regiment, 4 Nov. 1775, and distinguished at siege of Boston ; served in Canada in 177G; com. colonel 1st regiment 21 Feb. 1777; served in New Jersey, Rhode Island, and INIonmouth ; closed his service in Lafayette's corps at Yorktown, and was brevetted brigadier- general. VOSE, ISAAC D., third son of Joseph, adm. 181 G; b. Milton, Mass., 22 Oct. 1773; d. a widower, without issue, at Norfolk, Va., 2 Oct. 1835. VOSE, RUFUS CHANDLER, eldest son of Solomon, son of Col. Joseph, adm. 1837; b. 29 June, 1798; merchant of Au- gusta; adjutant-general of Maine, 1838; d. about 1842. VOSE, Rev. JAMES GARDINER, son of Col. Josiah H., and grandson of Col. Joseph; adm. 1865; Yale College, 1851; Andover Seminary, 1854; ordained 20 Oct. 1857; professor of rhetoric and oratory in Amherst College, 1.S56-65 ; pastor of the Beneficent Church, Providence, since 1865. TJOSe, ^f^OtnUU, b. Milton, Mass., 8 May, 1753; d. Tliomaston, Me., 28 Dec. 1810 ; com. captain in Crane's artillery, 2 Dec. 1778; merchant in Watertown ; removed in 1787, at the solici- tation of Knox, his warm personal friend, to Tliomaston, Me., where he was three years surveyor of tiie port ; superintended in 1809 the erection of the fort on George's River, Me. VOSE, THOMAS S., b. Thomaston, Me., grandson of Capt. Thomas, adm. 1876. SlSEcllClS, JJOSCpI), ensign in Marshall's (10th) regiment; com. lieutenant 4 Oct. 1780; in 6th regiment in 1783; pensioner; living in 1820 ; deceased. 212SaIfe0r, 2£tlU)avTl, d. before 1802; lieutenant and paymaster in Shepard's (4th) regiment. 212Ealfe0l% 3^Oi)0l% lieutenant in Sprout's (12th) regiment; com. captain 5 July, 1779, in H. Jackson's (9th) regiment; in 2d regiment in 1783 ; d. Windsor, Mass., Jan. 1834. 86 MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF S2SartrtocU, JJOSfpij, b. Salem, 29 Jan. 1760; d. Rumforfl Point, Me., 5 March, 1849; com. ensign in Vose's (1st) regi- ment, 18 Jan. 1782 ; in many severe battles. WARDWELL, WILLIAM H., son of Joseph H., grandson of Lieut. Joseph, adm. 1857 ; photographer of Boston. mWiUtttXly ^TrviCl, ensign in S. Brewer's (12th) regiment, Jan. 1777; com. lieutenant 7 April, 1779 ; in Vose's (1st) regiment, 1781-83 ; deceased. ^WLUXttXly JJameS, Jr-, son of Gen. James and Mercy Otis Warren, of Plymouth, adm. 179G; d. Plymouth, Mass., 6 Aug. 1821, a. 64; Harvard University, 1776; lieutenant Revolution- ary navy, 1776-80. WARREN, HENRY, of Plymouth, brother of James, adm. 1825; b. 1764; d. 6 July, 1828 ; collector for district of Plymouth. WARREN, WINSLOW,M.D., of Plymouth (University of Penn- sylvania, 1817), eldest son of Henry, adm. 1829 ; vice-president, 1866-70 ; Harvard University, 1813 ; d. 10 June, 1870. WARREN, WINSLOW, of Dedham, only son of Dr. Winslow, adm. 1870 ; Harvard University, 1858 ; Cambridge Law School, 1861 ; counsellor of Boston ; assistant secretary, 1877-78 ; treas- urer, 1878 ; member Mass. Hist. Soc. 3123lcltt0H, JJOljW, ensign in Bigelow's (15th) regiment; com. lieutenant 19 May, 1782; in 5th regiment, 1783; pensioner; living in New York in 1820 ; deceased. WARREN, JOHN COLLINS, M.D., eldest son of Dr. John, and nephew of Gen. Joseph, adm. 1854; b. Boston, 1 Aug. 1778 ; d. there, 4 May, 1856; Harvard University, 1797; an eminent surgeon of Boston ; one of the founders of the Massachusetts General Hospital ; president of the Massachusetts Medical So- ciety, and of the Boston Society of Natural History. WARREN, JONATHAN MASON, M.D., son of John C, adm. 1863; b. Boston, 5 Feb. 1811; d. 19 Aug. 1867; Harvard University, 1832 ; physician of Boston. WARREN, JOHN COLLINS, M.D., only son of Dr. J. M., adm. 1871; Harvard University, 1863; physician of Boston; 58 Beacon St. THE CINCINNATI. 87 S21Iat.*»0n, aSHiUiam, d. Lincoln, Mass., March, 1828, a. 83; ensign in Fellow's regiment, May, 1775, at siege of Boston ; lieutenant in Ward's regiment in 177G ; com. captain in II. Jack- son's (Oth) regiment, 26 July, 1779; in 3d regiment in 1783. SlSlattlCS, JHaSOn, d. 21 July, 1819; ensign in Nixon's regi- ment, 177(); lieutenant, 1777-80; com. captain 13 April, 1780. 2I21Jci)i), CEJfOl'flC, of Holden, lieutenant in Francis's regiment, 177(5; com. captain in 'Sliepard's, afterward H. Jackson's (4th) regiment, 1 Jan. 1777 ; living in 1823 ; deceased. 512UClJl)Cl% SJaniCl, d. Sandford, Me., 1 Feb. 1827 ; ensign in Bailey's (2d) regiment ; com. lieutenant 30 April, 1782. WELLINGTON, ELISIIA, of Concord, Mass., d. about 1804; ensign in Greaton's (3d) regiment; com. lieutenant 26 July, 1782; in Brooks's (7tli) regiment in 1783. WELLINGTON, ELISHA, eldest son of Lieut. Elisha, adm. 1804; b. Concord, 11 Feb. 1781; deceased. SlSSClIS, iScnfamin, d. 3 June, 1828 ; ensign in Yose's regiment in 1777 ; com. lieutenant 4 May, 1780. S^tHS, panics, b. Hartford, Conn., 1760 ; d. there, 23 Feb. 1806; enlisted in Shepard's (4th) regiment in 1775 ; com. lieu- tenant in Tupper's (11th) regiment, 16 Oct. 1780; after the war a merchant in Hartford. WELLS, Rev. ELEAZER MATHER PORTER, D.D., eldest son of James, adm. 1829; b. Hartford, Conn., 4 Aug. 1793; educated at Brown University ; served in the war of 1812 ; li- censed as a Congregational minister in 1823, officiating at Ply- mouth and aftei-ward at Calais, Me. ; ordained deacon in the Protestant Episcopal Church, 1826 ; priest in 1827 ; pastor of St. Stephen's Chapel, Boston, since 1846 ; deceased. SlOcUlS, STljOniaS, d. Boston, 1799 ; com. captain in Crane's artillery, 1 Jan. 1777, remaining five years and three months in the service ; married Hannah, daughter of Hon. Samuel Adams, 1782 ; adm. 1788. WELLS, SAMUEL ADAMS, eldest son of Capt. Thomas, adm. 1808; d. 12 Aug. 1840; member of Constitutional Convention, 1820 ; president of Atlas Insurance Company, Boston. 88 MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF SlSCSSOn, S«IinCS, d. Marlborough, 15 Oct. 1809, a. 72 ; major and lieutenant-colonel of L. Baldwin's regiment at siege of Boston ; raised and commanded the 9th regiment, and distin- guished at Saratoga and at Monmouth, where he was severely wounded by a cannon-ball. WETMORE, GEORGE PEABODY, great-grandson of Gen. William Shepard ; b. Loudon, Eng., 2 Aug^., 1846; Y^'ale Col- lege, 1867; Columbia College, LL.B., 1869; first Presidential Elector, State of Rhode Island, 2 Nov., 1880; adm. 1877; resides in Newport, R.I. aSaijltC, IStriUartr, b. Brookline, 1758 ; d. Savannah, Ga., 9 Jan. 1812; where he was many years naval officer; ensign in M. Jackson's (8th) regiment; com. lieutenant 6 March, 1778, ' and served through the war. 2129ii}ltC» f^Hf&tltiy b. Danvers; d. about 1817, near Waterford, Ohio, where he left descendants ; lieutenant in Hutchinson's regiment at seige of Boston ; com, captain in Putnam's (5th) regiment, 1 Jan. 1777; served at Lexington, Trenton, Hub- bardton, and Saratoga; emigrated to Ohio in Dec. 1787. 512!El)ltin0, SO^JW) b. Lancaster, 24 Feb. 1760 ; d. Washington, D.C., 3 Sept. 1810 ; in the Lexington battle; under Arnold on Lake Champlain; ensign in Sprout's (12th) regiment; com. lieutenant 5 July, 1779 ; adjutant 1780; present at Saratoga and Y'^orktown ; lieutenant-colonel 4th infantry, 8 July, 1808; ad- jutant and inspector of the army, 17 July, 1809 ; colonel 5tli infantry, 31 Dec. 1809. WHITING, WILLIAM DANFORTH, grandson of John, whom he succeeded in 1877 ; b. Boston, 27 May, 1823 ; ent. U.S. navy, 1841; midshipman during Mexican war; lieutenant at opening of War of the Rebellion ; took an active part in the capture of the fort at Port Roj^al, S.C, and in blockading the Atlantic ports, and in all the operations against Charleston, and the capture of Forts Wagner, Gregg, and Sumter ; promoted to captain 1872; in 1878 was called to duty at Navy Dept. as chief of Bureau of Navigation, with the rank of commodore. 213!9l)lttocn, 2Br.