Circular No. 7 : : : Office of the Quartermaster-General, 1 909 UC 263 .05 1909 ^STRUCTIONS GOVERNING THE Copy 1 rnu^UREMENT OF SUPPLIES AND ENGAGEMENT OF SERVICES QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT U. S. ARMY Issued by the Quartermaster-General to carry out the provisions of G. O. 1 8, 73, and 1 76, War Depart- ment, 1908, and G. O. 28, War Department, 1909 Approved by the Secretary of War WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1909 Circular No. 7 : : : Office of the Quartermaster-General, 1 909 INSTRUCTIONS GOVERNING THE PROCUREMENT OR, SUPPLIES AND ENGAGEMENT OFJSERVICES QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT U. S. ARMY Issued by the Quartermaster-General to carry out the provisions of G. O. 1 8, 73, and I 76, War Depart- ment, 1908, and G. O. 28, War Department, 1909 Approved by the Secretary of War WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1909 o N P ar - 27 ment, and shelter (except services of Class III, these A P ps.3.4,and5. instructions) of troops in the field and garrison, and transportation of the Army and its supplies, which can be anticipated, and therefore estimated for in advance of 8 the period for which required, and engaged by authority of the Secretary of War or the Quartermaster-General for the entire or definite part of a fiscal year at fixed or agreed rates of compensation, and for which apportion- ments of funds can be made by the Quartermaster- General. Apps.3,4,and5. 29. Class II. — Includes services, personal and non- personal, similar to those included in Class I, and for repairs to public buildings (A. R., 1026), lighting, heating, water and sewer systems, fire-protection apparatus, roads, walks, wharves, drainage, and improvement of grounds, not included in the annual estimates therefor, the place where and period during which required can clauses 2 and not be anticipated, but which may be necessary, author- ciauses'2 and 3, ized by Army Regulations, General Orders, or proper authority, and for the payment of which in the opinion of the Quartermaster-General apportionment of funds can be made. 30. Class III. — Includes all services required, as per annual estimates for — 1025' R incius 1 ive° ( a ) Repairs to public buildings, including plumbing, App. 7. lighting systems and fixtures, and steam, hot-water, or hot-air heating apparatus within the buildings; App. 7. (b) Repairs to and maintenance of lighting and heat- ing systems exterior to buildings, including central plants pertaining thereto ; App. 7. (c) Repairs to and maintenance of sewer systems, in- cluding purification plants, and water systems, including reservoirs and pumping plants; App. 7. (^) Repairs to roads, walks, wharves, drainage, a.nd improvement of grounds. a pp- 7 - Based upon which, annual apportionments will be made for Class III services and Class B supplies. Par. 248(g). 31. Class IV. — Includes all other services, for which requests will be submitted through proper channels for the action of the Quartermaster-General. APPORTIONMENTS. Apps 10 'i to 7, 32. Object of. — The object of apportionments is — m pars. V 23 24 28 ( ft ) To give to each department, command, or inde- pendent station, its proper proportion of the appropria- tions, for the purpose of procuring supplies and services of designated classes; (&) To enable department and other authorities to do for troops in their respective commands that which has and 29. Pars. 2 and 3. 9 heretofore been done by the office of the Quartermaster- General for the entire Army. (c) Thereby giving to officers of the Quartermaster's Department an opportunity to perform duties and meet responsibilities in time of peace, similar to those that will be required of them in time of war. 33. Responsibility will consequently devolve upon ^t't^i'd^lin- these authorities to see that the troops are properly and sh p e ars 23 24 28 promptly supplied with supplies of Classes A and B and 29, and 87 - furnished with services of Classes I, II, and III, that the published instructions are carried into effect, and for the observance of section 3 of the act of February 27, 1906. App ; s * 34. When made and on what based. — Apportionments of funds for supplies of Classes A and B, and services of Classes I, II, and III, will be made by appropriations or App. 9. items, by the Quartermaster-General, as soon as practi- cable after approval of the army appropriation act, as follows : (a) For Class A supplies, based upon the quantity and { a)Ab\lnd d w 4 ' cost of such supplies furnished under the various items of the several appropriations during a preceding fiscal year, as shown by the quarterly report of cost. (b) For Class B supplies and Class III services, annu- Pars. 24, 30, and ally, based upon the annual estimates for — . an ' d (?) '. (1) Repairs to public buildings, including plumbing, A - R - 1021 t0 lighting systems and fixtures, and steam, hot water, or Ap p 7 hot-air heating apparatus within the buildings; (2) Repairs to and maintenance of lighting and heat- a pp- 7 - ing systems exterior to buildings, including central plants pertaining thereto; (3) Repairs to and maintenance of sewer systems, in- a '->p- 7 - eluding purification plants, and water systems, including reservoirs and pumping plants; (4) Repairs to roads, walks, wharves, drainage, and a pp- 7 - improvement of grounds. (c) For Class I services, annually or semiannually in the Par - 28 - discretion of the Quartermaster-General, based upon esti- mates submitted for services of this class, or upon the cost thereof as determined from the records of the Quarter- master-General's office for the entire or definite part of a preceding fiscal year. (d) For Class II services, quarterly, on receipt from Par. 29. the offices concerned of estimates, based upon the cost of the services of this class furnished under the various items of the several appropriations during a preceding fiscal year. 10 pars. 24 and 30. ( € ) y OT Class III services: To be included with Class B supplies. •n P i ar s1've 85 10 9 °' 35. How made. — Chief and depot quartermasters and quartermasters of independent stations will be advised of the apportionments to their respective departments, depots, and stations for the several classes of supplies and 10 Par - 17; a pp- services, by "Letters of apportionment." (Form 151.) p «- 13 ALLOTMENTS. 36. Object of. — The object of allotments is to give to each post and station its proper proportion of the ap- portionments made to departments and commands of which it is a part, and to inform the post or other au- App.s. thorities as to the amounts of funds within the limits of which supplies and services can be furnished their re- a. r., 751 to S pective posts or stations. The total of allotments will 754, inclusive. . , ., . . -. in no case exceed the sum apportioned. 37. By whom made. — Subject to approval of the proper commanders, allotments will be made by — (a) Chief quartermasters to the headquarters," posts, stations, and military commands of their departments, and recruiting stations whose accounts they settle. (b) Depot quartermasters and quartermasters of in- dependent stations to subordinate stations, recruiting, or other stations whose accounts they settle. 29 P and3otApp 2 9.' 38. When madi and on what based. — Allotments of funds for supplies of Classes A and B and services of Classes I, II, and III will be made by appropriation or items as soon as practicable after receipt of letters of Par. 34 apportionment, upon the same basis as the apportion- ments from which the allotments are made, as follows: pars. 16 and 97. (a) For Ckgs A SU p p i ieS; quarterly; a sufficient amount being held as a reserve from which to make addi- tional allotments for this class of supplies to meet neces- sities which may arise, causing posts or stations to unavoidably exceed their original allotments. (b) For Class B supplies and Class III services, annually. (c) For Class I services, annually or semiannually. io P , a and 4 i62 49, 57, W For Class II services. The amount apportioned for services of this class to be held as a reserve and allotted only upon approval by proper commander of requisi- tions from subordinate posts, stations, or commands. « The headquarters of a territorial division or department will, for all purposes o f these instructions, be considered as a post, of which the chief quartermaster is the quartermaster. 11 (e) For Class III services, to be included with Class B supplies, annually. 39. How made. — Post and other subordinate quarter- Pars, no and masters will be advised of the allotments to their respec- tive posts, stations, or commands for the several classes of supplies and services by "Letters of allotment" (Form 151). issued by chief, depot, and other quarter- „ Par. 14; Apps. v " J } ir J i -K) to 51, inclusive. masters. NUMBERING. 40. For the purposes of this system of supply and to facilitate reference in connection therewith the following methods of numbering will be observed: (a) For the items of the appropriation. — The items of a pp- ,j - each appropriation are numbered from 1 consecutively, preceded by the initial letters of the respective appropri- ations. Thus, the items of appropriation "Regular Sup- plies" will be R. S. 1, R. S. 2, etc.; of "Incidental Expenses," I. E. 1, I. E. 2, etc. Subdivisions of an item will be indicated by the item number followed by letters, as"R. S. la," "R. S. lb," etc. (b) For headquarters of departments and posts. — Head- a pp- f)3 - quarters of departments and the posts and stations of departments are numbered by assigning a block of one hundred numbers to each territorial department. To headquarters of the departments are assigned the initial numbers and to the posts and stations (commencing with the one farthest east and proceeding west) the consecutive numbers of their respective blocks so far as necessary. (c) For quartermaster's depots and independent stations. — -Vpp. 63. To these are assigned numbers within the blocks assigned to the territorial department in which they are situated, leaving a sufficient interval between the last post number and the first depot or independent station number to allow consecutive numbers for any new posts which may be established within the department in the future. (d) For offices of constructing quartermasters. — To these v pp- 63. are assigned numbers between 1 and 99, preceded by the letter "C;" thus, CIO. (e) For recruiting offices. — To these are assigned num- App. 63. bers between 1 and 99, preceded by the letter "R;" thus, R25. (f) For letters of apportionment. — Letters of apportion- ment will be given distinctive numbers as follows: For departments. — The left-hand figure will be the digit representing the department's block of hundreds, 12 the two figures to the right will designate the fiscal year, following these the figure representing the quarter and the last the serial number of the letter for the quarter. Thus letter of apportionment No. 10921 would indicate: "1," Department of the East; "09," fiscal year 1909; "2," second quarter of the fiscal year, and "1," first letter of apportionment to the department. For quartermaster's depots, independent stations and offices of constructing quartermasters, the above system will be followed, except that for the digit on the left indi- cating the department will be substituted the whole num- ber assigned to depot, independent station, or office, the two figures following will designate the fiscal year, the next one the quarter, and the last the serial number of the letter for the quarter. Thus letter of apportionment No. 3990924 would indicate the Jeffersonville depot, fiscal year 1909, second quarter, fourth letter; No. R250913 would indicate recruiting station No. 25, fiscal year 1909, first quarter, third letter; No. C 100934 would indicate the constructing quartermaster's office No. 10, fiscal year 1909, third quarter, fourth letter. (g) For letters of allotment. — Letters of allotment issued by chief quartermasters to the posts, stations, and head- quarters of their departments will be given a distinctive department number, on a sj^stem similar to that of the Quartermaster-General's Office for letters of apportion- ment, taking as the initial figure the distinctive post num- ber. Thus, for the Department of the East, No. 1250931 would indicate post No. 125, fiscal year 1909, third quar- ter, first letter. Those issued to recruiting offices will be given a distinctive number, taking as the initial figure the recruiting station number in lieu of a post number; thus, R250911 would indicate the recruiting station R25, fiscal year 1909, first quarter, first letter. Should it be neces- sary for depot or other quartermasters to issue letters of allotment, these instructions as to numbering will be fol- lowed. (h) For requisitions. — Each requisition submitted will bear the number of the post or station from which it originates, followed by a serial number for the requisition without regard to class. The serial number will begin with No. 1 for each fiscal year, the numbers of posts and headquarters are fixed. The post and serial number as written will form a combined, distinctive, identifying number (201-17) which will be referred to in all matters pertaining to the requisition. 13 41. Each headquarters of a department, and each post, station, and office to which a number is assigned will pro- vide a rubber stamp bearing its number in gothic type followed by a dash, thus: 102 — PRICE LIST. 42. A price list of Class A supplies, and such Class B . C i6m . Q ' M " ° supplies as are usually carried in stock at depots, based on the cost thereof as stated in the quarterly reports of stock submitted by the several suppl} r depots, will be pub- lished semiannually b} T the Quartermaster-General for use in the preparation of requisitions. When, as in the case of " assorted," etc., articles, reference is made in the list to catalogue, the catalogue price will be used. 43. When suitable supplies can be purchased locally at Par. 55. a price no greater than that stated in the price list, the local price will be stated in the requisitions. In all other cases the prices shown in the price list will be used. 44. Supplies issued on requisitions will be invoiced at prices .as follows: (a) At stock or cost price when this price is less than shown by price list. (b) At price shown by price list when the stock or cost price is greater than that shown on requisition. (c) At the depot's stock or invoice price, where, as in the case of "assorted," etc., articles, reference is made to a catalogue, or no price is stated in the list. 45. Depots and other designated supply points will keep a blotter or record of the losses on account of sup- plying stores at prices less than the cost thereof, and will submit to the Quartermaster-General, at the close of each quarter, the total, under each appropriation, of such losses. FORMS, THEIR PREPARATION AND USE. 46. Form No. 151 is designed for use as follows: A P p. 10. (a) For issuing letters of apportionment by the Quar- . a PP s. 34 to 44, „ & ,, _„, ls ^ j ^ inclusive. termaster-General s Office. (b) For issuing letters of allotment by all offices from in ^v e 46 10 51 ' which allotments are made. (c) For keeping apportionment accounts in all offices ^{^ve 34 10 U ' to which apportionments are made. (d) For keeping allotment accounts in all offices to and ^p^ 46 10 51 ' by which allotments are made. 14 Par. 95. 47. Form No. 151 is divided into two horizontal sec- tions. The upper section is designated the "Credit side," and the apportionments or allotments, etc., are entered thereon as credits. The lower section is designated the "Debit side." and the liabilities and actual charges are entered thereon as debits. This blank will be punched for filing in loose-leaf binders and will be filed as herein provided. REQUISITIONS. 48. Form No. 60 will be used in submitting requisitions for all supplies and services except those for which a special blank is provided. Requisitions for supplies and services will be prepared strictly in accordance with the classifications defined in paragraphs 22 to 31, inclusive. Supplies enumerated in Circular 6, Q. M. G. O., 1909, as Class A, under an item of any appropriation, will be con- sidered and requisitioned for as Class A supplies under any other item or items of the same appropriation under which the purpose for which the supplies are required will properly place them. inclusive 22 t0 31 ' ^. "^ se P ara t e requisition, complete in itself, will be o Ci i9o 6 9 Q ' M ' °' mac ^ e ror eacn class of supplies or services and for each of the designated depots or points of supply. Separate Apps. u to 19, requisitions as to appropriations will not be required, but articles will be listed alphabetically under appropriations from which purchased, and the item of the appropriation to which chargeable wall be noted in the column of re- marks opposite the entry of the article. Apps. n to 19, 50. If quantities of any article are required under several items of an appropriation, only one entry of the article in alphabetic order is required under an appro- priation, the quantities thereof under each item being indicated opposite the article in column of remarks. 51. Requisitions for Class A supplies will be prepared as follows : Par. 37. (a) In quadruplicate at posts and stations to which allotments are made. Three copies will be forwarded through proper channels to the chief, or other, quarter- master from whom allotments are received, and one retained. Par. 35. (b) In duplicate a at independent stations. One copy will be forwarded through commanding officer to the designated supply point, and one retained. a Where desired, one less copy may be made and a press copy retained. 15 52. Requisitions will be forwarded from the posts or stations where prepared at least thirty days prior to the beginning of the quarter for which the supplies are re- quired. 53. The number of the Quartermaster-General's letter Par. •» this fact noted thereon. On the last invoice should be noted that the requisition is completed so far as the depot or other supply point from which the supplies were fur- nished is concerned. ANNUAL ESTIMATES. 69. Estimates will be prepared and submitted annu- a. r., 751 to ally, in accordance with Army Regulations, General Or- Pars. 24 and 30. ders, and instructions on blank forms, as follows : 75014—09 2 18 a pp •'-'*• (a) Repairs to public buildings, including plumbing, lighting systems and fixtures, and steam, hot-water, or hot-air heating apparatus within the buildings. (Forms 126, 126-a, and 126-b.) a pp 29 (b) Repairs to and maintenance of lighting and heat- ing systems exterior to buildings, including central plants pertaining thereto. (Form 127.) App. 30. ( c ) Repairs to and maintenance of sewer systems, in- cluding purification plants, and water systems, including reservoirs and pumping plants. (Form 110.) App.3i. (d) Repairs to roads, walks, wharves, drainage, and improvement of grounds. (Form 120.) w^7aiid Se >x' (^ Amounts required for payment of authorized civilan employees (Class I services, personal.) \ C pars e 27and^s' (/") Amounts required for payment of enlisted men on extra duty (Class I services, personal). \ppls2 par ' 2? 07) Amounts required for paj'inent for Class I non- personal services, such as light, heat, water, rentals, etc. 70. These estimates will show the kind of supplies and services and the estimated cost of same under each of the appropriations and will be submitted to the Quarter- master-General's Office in duplicate, one copy of which will be returned to the office submitting same, with letter of apportionment for the services. 71. Apportionments will be made for the purposes of these " estimates based upon the reports and recommen- dations pertaining thereto, from which allotments will be made to posts and stations by chief or other quarter- masters. FUNDS. 085' R " "'^ ami ^- Funds will be supplied for purposes for which they Pare 26 aad ii' are a PPortioned, allotted, or specifically authorized, and when furnished must be as a charge to an apportion- par. 40 (/) and men t, allotment or specific authority, the number of the letter of apportionment, letter of allotment, or specific authority, under which the funds are required must be quoted on the estimate, except as provided for depot Par. 223. quartermasters for funds for replenishment of stock. ESTIMATES OF FUNDS. 7 h ''inclusive ^3. Estimates of funds will be prepared in duplicate 10 a 8 t i 33 on ^ ie prescribed blank (Form No. 28, as amended), the duplicate to be retained by the officer making the esti- mate and the original submitted as follows: 19 (a) To the Quartermaster-General: By all officers to whom apportionments are made; or to whom specific authority is given for the procurement of supplies or services not covered by a letter of apportionment; and by designated depots and supply points, for purchase of supplies for replenishment of stock. (6) To chief and other quartermasters making allot- ments: By officers to whom allotments are made or to whom chief or other quartermasters transmit or quote specific authorities of the Quartermaster-Generars Office for supplies or services other than those for which allot- ments are made. 74. Estimates of funds should be submitted at least once a month, but may be submitted oftener if necessary, a sufficient time in advance of the period for which required to insure the funds being on hand when pay- ments become due. 75. Appropriations will be entered in the order in a pi» > which they appear in the Army aj >propriation act as pub- lished in General Orders of the War Department. 76. To avoid accumulation of funds in the hands of A - K • 585 and disbursing officers, only such funds as are required to meet current needs will be estimated for. 77. Quartermasters designated to settle accounts cov- G.0.74, wo., ering charges on bills of lading and transportation requests, and telegraph accounts, will, a sufficient time a., r., 1198. prior to the beginning of a fiscal year, submit to the Quartermaster-General estimate for funds in amount equaling the highest pavment on account of such charges. i J ars. :w to 247, m any one month of the preceding fiscal year. 78. Subsequent estimates of funds for purposes stated Par. 107 in the preceding paragraph should be limited to amounts necessary to meet outstanding charges, considering. Pars. 240 to 247, available funds on hand. INVOICES OF FUNDS. 79. The blank invoice (Form No. 26) now authorized A l{ fi43 - will be used in the transfer of funds, and will be prepared by the officer transferring funds and disposed of in ac- cordance with instructions on the form. WORKING BALANCE. 80. A cash working balance based upon estimates of the amounts required under the respective appropriations 20 from which disbursements are currently made will be supplied each chief and depot quartermaster and to quartermasters who procure and furnish supplies or serv- ices for purposes other than the maintenance of their own offices. 81. Disbursements from the working balance can only be made for purposes authorized by the Quartermaster- General by letter of apportionment or other specific authority. Pars. 73 (a) and 82. The working balance will be maintained by funds supplied on estimates of funds submitted to the Quarter- rar. 170. master-General covering the amounts disbursed, quoting the number of the letter of apportionment, or date and number of the specific authority of the Quartermaster- General's office, on account of which the disbursement was made. 83. The working balance is an advance of cash to en- able quartermasters to promptly meet current obligations, thereby expediting the transaction of public business, and is subject to the call of the Quartermaster-General at any time. It is therefore essential that officers to whom working balances are furnished keep an accurate account with same, that they may know at all times its status. Every disbursement from the working balance is chargeable either to a letter of apportionment or to a spe- cific authority of the Quartermaster-General, to which reference will be made in posting the amounts disbursed to the account with the working balance. LETTERS OF APPORTIONMENT. a pp- io- 84. Letters of apportionment will be issued on Form 151, and will state as a credit the entire amount of funds, of each appropriation, available for the procurement of the classes of supplies and services specified, as follows: Pars. 23 and 34 p or ClttSS A SUppUeS. App. 34. (a) For fuel, forage, and mineral oil, annually, sixty ar. 248 (6). ( ] a y S p r i or to the beginning of each fiscal year. App. 3h. (b) For outer civilian clothing for discharged prisoners, quarterly, sixty days prior to the beginning of the quarter for which required. App. 37. (c) For all other supplies of this class, quarterly, sixty days prior to the quarter for which required. (a). Par. 248 (a). Par. 248 (a). 21 For Class B supplies and Class III services. p »rs. 24 and 84 (d) For repairs to public buildings, including plumbing, a pp- 38. lighting systems and fixtures, and steam, hot water, or hot-air heating apparatus within the buildings, annually, sixty days in advance of the fiscal year concerned. (e) For repairs to and maintenance of lighting and a pp-38. heating systems exterior to buildings, including central plants pertaining thereto, annually, sixty days in advance of the fiscal year concerned. (/) For repairs to and maintenance of sewer systems, a pp- 38 including purification plants, and water systems, including reservoirs and pumping plants, annually, sixty days in advance of the fiscal year concerned. (g) For repairs to roads, walks, wharves, and drainage ^ pp 3 ^- and improvement of grounds, annually, sixty days in ad vance of the fiscal year concerned. Far. 248 (d). Par. 248 (d). For Class I Services. Par - 28 - (h) Personal, civilian, semiannually, forty-five days pa < ^ la 2 7 SeA ' sec * 1 ' prior to the beginning of the period covered by the appor- p^^l'cc). tionment. (i) Personal, extra duty, annually, forty-five days prior a ^ la 2 ^ se A > sec - 4 - to the beginning of the fiscal j r ear. a pp- 40. (j) Nonpersonal, for the purchase of light, heat, and 27 ciause B . p w - water, for rentals, for the hire of telephones, etc., drayage, £p p - 2 ^- (c) etc., annually, forty-five days prior to the beginning of the fiscal year. (k) Nonpersonal, for subscriptions to newspapers and 27 clause B > par - periodicals, annually, sixty days prior to the beginning of Par - 248 < c )- the fiscal year. (I) Nonpersonal, for transportation charges on bills of 27 clause B > par - lading and transportation requests, annually, thirty days App - 42 - prior to the period for which required. (m) Nonpersonal, for settlement of telegraph accounts, Clause B - P ar - annually, thirty days prior to the period for which re- a pp . 42. quired. (n) Personal, for apprehension of deserters, quarterly, £• r., 120. _ . Csl3>USQ A, S6C. Of thirty days in advance of the quarter for which required, par- 27, and par. App. 43. Par. 248 (e). (0) Personal, donations to discharged prisoners, quar- a pp . 3R. terly, thirty days in advance of the quarter for which required. (p) Class II services, quarterly, thirty days prior to the Par. 29. beginning of the quarter for which required. Par. '248(c). 22 ?«•%, r/a,s-& III services. App. 38. par. 248 w. (( ^ Included wlth class B supplies. a. r., 518, 522.. (r) For all supplies and services contracted for, after an par. 248 (A), advertisement, under proper authority, not included in above apportionments, upon award of contract. Par. 248(A). ( s ) Special apportionments for supplies and services not included in, or provided for by, any of the above apportionments. pare. ii and 35. 85. Letters of apportionment will be prepared and disposed of as follows: Apps. 34 to 44, ( a ) I n triplicate, for all apportionments to offices from inclusive. which allotments are made, the original and duplicate copies being forwarded to the office to which the appor- tionment is made, and the triplicate copy retained in the office of the Quartermaster-General. (&) In duplicate, for all apportionments to offices Irom which allotments are not made, the original copy being forwarded to the office to which the apportionment is made, and the duplicate copy retained in the office of the Quartermaster-General. 86. There will be but one letter of apportionment issued for a specific purpose for the period for which the appor- tionment is made. Any additional amounts apportioned App. 45. will be covered by supplemental letters, reference being made to the number of the original letter of apportion- ment. a. r.,584. 87. The amounts apportioned will not be used for any tnSnta? t0 35 ' supplies or services other than those of the classes specified iMiusfve. 1 t0 S ' and for which apportionments were made, except as pro- o?i909 Q ' M G ' vided for herein, nor will they be exceeded except to meet exigencies ° of the service, of which full explanation will be required. APPORTIONMENT ACCOUNT. 88. The letter of apportionment (Form 151) becomes the apportionment account upon receipt in the office to which the apportionment is made. A separate account will be kept for each apportionment on the form re- ceived as a letter of apportionment, the amounts having 34to n 44,inciusn^e.been entered thereon as credits by the Quartermaster- General's Office. a An exigency can not be created by the simple certificate of a public officer that it exists. An exigency involves a state of pressing necessity so great that the public interests would be prejudiced if the contem- plated purchase was not made. (3 Dig. Compt. Dec, 286.) The term ''public exigency " refers to an exceptional and urgent necessity requir- ing the immediate performance of the work or service. (Ibid., 328.) 23 89. Other credits are additional apportionments, of app. t.v which the office to which they are made will be advised by office letter, stating the number of the letter of appor- tionment to which the additional apportionment per- tains, and the amount apportioned under each of the appropriations concerned. Upon receipt of an addi- tional apportionment, the date and Quartermaster- General's office number of the letter will be entered in proper columns with brief note as to why, or purpose for Line 2. App. which, the increase in apportionment was made, and theApp. 40. amounts entered under proper appropriations. 90. Should additional troops be transferred to a depart- ment, an additional apportionment will be made by the Quartermaster-General, which should be taken up on this record as a credit. Should troops be transferred from a department and not replaced, corresponding deduction will be made in the next apportionment to the depart- ment by the Quartermaster-General. DEBITS. 91. The debits of an apportionment account may he considered as of two classes : (a) Those incident to allotments. Lines 5 to 13, \pps. :U; 5 to 9. App. 36; 5 to 12, App. 37; 5 to 14. App. 38; 5 to 10. Apps. 39. 40, and 41. and o to 12, \pp. 41. (b) Those resulting from transactions incident to the Lines 5 to 9, ,. ,, Apps. 42 and 43. procurement of supplies and services for which the appor- tionment is made. 92. Debits of the first class (a) arise in offices of the. m>k -^ to n, ' inclusive. chief and other quartermasters to which apportionments are made, for allotment to posts and stations subordinate thereto, for purposes as stated in the letters of apportion- ment. As the amounts allotted to the several posts and stations are determined or fixed by the office making the allotments, the amounts so allotted are definite, and there- fore actual charges, and will be entered in the debit column under each appropriation. 93. Upon receipt of the letter of apportionment (in duplicate) the amount to be retained as a reserve under each appropriation (as in the ease of (lass A supplies, j'ine'3. Apps. Class I services, extra duty, Class B supplies, and Class III a ne 3 V App 36: services, etc.) will be determined upon and deducted from} l £| W] j^l\ l& : the amount apportioned under the respective appropria-'],',. 1 ' lme 10 " App tions. The balance of the apportionment under each ap- inclusive 36 " propriation will then be allotted to the posts and stations andTApp.lfe.'' 24 Lines 5 to io, under the jurisdiction of the office to which, and for the inclusive, App. ■> t » 37 period for which, the apportionment is made, taking into inclusive, App! consideration the cost during the corresponding period of a Lines 5 to 9, in- preceding fiscal year as shown by quarterly reports of c Par. e 84. pr cost, changes in strength of garrison, and such other con- ditions as may affect the needs of the individual post. indu&Lve 34 t °an a pp- 40 - ment account as unallotted balance. 99. The post requiring the additional amount will be advised by letter that the amount allotted in the original letter of allotment (quoting number thereof) is increased by the amounts stated under each appropriation In the App. 52. date column will be entered the date of the letter author- izing the increase, and in column designated "Voucher or 56 Llne 2> App - L/A No." the C. Q. M. O. No. of the letter. 100. Should a chief quartermaster, by reason of reduc- Pars - 36 and 90- tion of garrison or other cause, decide to reduce an allot- ment made a post, he will advise the post by letter of the reduction, staling the appropriations and amount under each, by which the original letter of allotment Line 4, App. 40. (stating number) is reduced, and will take up, on credit Line 32, App. side of proper apportionment account," under each appro- priation the amount of the reduction as a credit to the reserve fund account, making a corresponding charge (in debit columns) on the allotment account of the post concerned. CLASS II SERVICES, APPORTIONMENT ACCOUNT. App. 44. 101. Apportionments for Class II services will be held Par. 29. as a reserve, from which to make allotments to posts and Par. 16. stations for payment for services of Class II, and to meet emergencies which may arise, and will be allotted only upon receipt of requisitions for specific services of this Pars. 48, 49, and class, for which no provision is made by allotment for Class I services and Class A supplies at the post or station from which the requisitions are received, and which, in the opinion of the chief quartermaster, are considered proper and necessary, and are approved by the depart- par. 38 ( g a ^ e J J (b) Number of the requisition in column designated a pp- 55 - "Voucher or L/A No." (c) Brief description or notation of requisition, giving class of supplies, period, and fiscal year for which required, etc., in proper column. (d) The estimated cost of the supplies as shown by the requisition, in column headed "Liability," under each appropriation involved. 119. Invoices, received from a depot or other point of 12^15^18?' w! 20; supply, transferring supplies on requisitions (Form 117),n pp 2,n, App.«| prepared in accordance with paragraphs 62 to 68, inclu- ip p! 5 <>; 5 to Io| sive, these instructions. 5"^'™^, App." (a) The date of the invoice in the date column. ?£; VVapp! (&) Number of the invoice in column designated AppSsVn, le! "Voucher or L/A No." FuJRi ffi £ (c) Brief notation indicating the invoicing office, mini- f,'n,'il' App.' sa- ber of the requisition on which the supplies are furnished, 5and 10 ' App ' 58 - etc., in proper column. 30 (d) The actual cost of the supplies as shown by the invoice, in column headed "Debit" under each appropri- ation involved. App n % 14 i6 t0 ami 12 °- Other vouchers, etc., are posted in a similar way. 17, App. 47; 14 to 22, App. 53; 16 and 17, App. 54; 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 18, App. 55; 6, 10, 15, 17, 19, App. 56; 6, 8, 10, 12. 14, 16, 18. 23, 22, 24, App. 57; 6 to 11. 13 to 18, 20 to 25, App. 58; 6 and 7, App. 59. 121. When a requisition is entirely completed and proper debit entries pertaining thereto have been made in the post allotment account, the entry of the liability amount of the completed requisition, and the debit amounts pertaining to that requisition, should be checked, to indicate that the requisition has been completed, and that the liability charge by reason of such requisition has been replaced by an actual debit. 122. The post allotment accounts covering allotments for a given period should be kept open until all requisi- tions entered therein have been completed or otherwise finally disposed of. 123. Should supplies be transferred from one post to another within a department to fill requisitions, their cost will be charged against the allotment of the post supplied and the department reserve credited with a like amount. 124. Should employees be transferred from one post to another within a department, the allotment for services of the post to which the employees are transferred will be increased and that of the post from which they are transferred will be decreased accordingly, and the proper entries will be made on the "Allotment accounts" of the posts concerned to show the transactions. SAVINGS. ■ t'ars. 17 and 125. If after the close of a quarter or period covered by an allotment the total debits, plus the estimated cost of unfilled requisition liability, is less than the total amount allotted under the respective appropriations, the difference will be reported, by letter, as savings, to the office making the allotments, reference being made in each case to the letter of allotment under which the savings have accrued. 126. The amount of savings accruing under an allot- ment for Class A supplies, other than fuel, forage, etc., and citizens' outer clothing for discharged prisoners, will, when ascertained, be immediately taken up as credits on allotment account for Class A supplies for the period following that during which the savings accrue; and the respective allotment accounts under which the savings have accrued will be debited with the amount of such 31 savings, with notation in proper column as to the allot- ment account on which the savings have been taken up as credits. Savings for the fourth quarter of a fiscal year will be reported, but not carried forward as a credit. **»«■ 125 and 127. Upon receipt, in the office making allotments, of reports of savings on account of Class A supplies, other than fuel, forage, etc., and citizens' outer clothing for discharged prisoners, the amounts thereof will be debited Far. 120 in proper columns in apportionment accounts, and in allotment accounts of posts for the period to which the savings pertain, and credited on corresponding accounts for the ensuing period, report thereof being made to the Quartermaster-General, showing the amount of savings under each appropriation, and reference being made to the number of the letter of apportionment under which the savings have accrued, and to the number of the letter of apportionment to which the savings have been credited. 128. When the entire amount of funds furnished for the payment of employees, extra -duty men, Class II services, purchase of Class A supplies, or other purposes, is in excess of the actual payments for such services and purchases for the period for which furnished, the bal- ances remaining on hand will be considered as savings and charged as liabilities on allotment account for Class I Unes 6 and 7, , . ... , , , . App. 48; 7 and 8, services, personal, civilian employees, to be used m App. se. making payments to this class of employees, for services p a r. 126. during the ensuing period. 129. In making these postings, notations should be p,ir - 128 - made in proper column showing the specific sources from which the savings were made. 130. In submitting estimate of funds for the ensuing a. r. 585 and 1018 period the amounts thus taken up as a liability on allot- Par. 76. ment account for Class I services, personal, civilian, must be shown on the estimates as cash balance available for Par. 12b. Class I services. 131. Similar action will be taken by quartermasters of independent stations and depots as to savings accruing under apportionments made their offices. FUEL, FORAGE, STRAW, AND MINERAL OIL. ^ •»• 132. So far as practicable, fuel (Items R. S. 8, 9, 10, a. r. 753, 754. 14, 17; I. E. 32; A. T. 40a, 41a; W. and S. 1); forage (Item R. S. 24); bedding (Item R. S. 25); and mineral oil (Item R. S. 9a), will be purchased under contract, as 32 a. b., Art. li. provided in paragraph 559, Army Regulations, for which purpose specific apportionments will be made, based upon Par. 84(a). awards of contracts made by chief, or other, quarter- masters, an abstract of which will be forwarded to the Quartermaster General when awards are made. 133. Apportionments will cover 100 per cent of the cost of the supplies, as shown by the abstracts of awards re- ceived in the office of the Quartermaster-General, and will be allotted to the posts in amounts sufficient to cover 100 per cent of the cost of the fuel, forage, straw, and mineral oil, for which contracts have been made at the respective posts. 134. Quartermasters charged with the receipt of these supplies under contract will make timely requests (which for the purpose of identification in accounting should be numbered serially) on contractors, for deliveries in such quantities and at such times as may be necessary to meet the needs of the service, copies of which requests will be forwarded to the chief quartermaster at the same time the original request is sent to the contractor. Lines 5 to 9, in- 135. The money value of the supplies so requested will S'ra.' Apps ' 4 be entered on debit side of the account as a liability against the amount allotted for the kind of supplies cov- ered by the request, reference being made to the serial Lines h to 2i, number thereof, and the actual cost of supplies, as shown « and 53. by the vouchers covering deliveries under contracts, will be entered as a debit against the allotment. 136. Each voucher issued to cover deliveries of fuel, forage, etc., under a request, should bear reference to the request number, and the voucher covering the final de- livery should show in addition thereto notation that the request has been completed. When entry of such vouch- Lmes 14 to 2i, ers is made on the debit side of the allotment account, the !r5 e ' Apps ' number of the request to which the voucher pertains will be entered in proper column, following the brief particu- lars of the voucher. 137. When a contract for fuel, forage, straw, or mineral oil is increased, the amount of the increase will be taken up on the credit side of the allotment account, under the appropriation and kind of supplies to which the increase pertains, and the date and office number of the commu- i.jne 2, Apps. nication authorizing the increase, and particulars, entered. 46 and 53. to 33 138. When a contract for fuel, forage, straw, or mineral oil is reduced, the date and office number of the commu- nication directing the reduction, particulars as to the con- tract and percentage of the reduction, and the money value of the reduction, will be entered on the debit side Lines 10.11,12, and 13, Apps. 46 of the allotment account. The money value of the reduc- and 53 - tion will be entered under each kind of supplies and each appropriation to which chargeable, in both the liability and debit columns. 139. The apportionment of 100 per cent of the cost of fuel, forage, straw, and mineral oil contracted for will generally be sufficient to provide all such supplies with- out increases of apportionments by the Quartermaster- General. RECORD OF INCREASES AND DECREASES OF CONTRACTS FOR FUEL, FORAGE, STRAW, AND MINERAL OIL. 140. In order that the chief quartermaster may know the amount available under each appropriation of the apportionment for fuel, forage, straw, and mineral oil to provide for increases in excess of 100 per cent of con- tracts, a record of such increases and decreases will be kept on form 151, and will be filed in loose-leaf binder a pp-35. immediately following the apportionment account for fuel, forage, etc. 141. On the credit side of this account will be entered, A pp in 35 2 ' 3 ' and4 ' by the chief, or other, quartermaster to whom the appor- tionment is made, under each appropriation, the amounts apportioned for the several kinds of supplies. 142. On the debit side of the account will be entered. Li' n< ? s 5 to 12, inclusive, App. the increases and decreases of contracts as they occur. 35 - 143. The amounts of the decreases of contracts under each appropriation become credits from which additional allotments on account of increases in excess of 100 per cent of contract and not exceeding the maximum increase stipulated for may be made. 144. These credits should not be considered as avail- able only to cover increases of contracts for the particu- lar kind of supply under which the credit accrued, but as applicable to cover increases of contracts for the sev- a. r. 602. eral kinds of supplies under each appropriation covered by the letter of apportionment and under which credits have accrued, i. e., a credit accruing from fuel (R. S.) can be used to cover increases in forage, etc. (R. S.). 145. If credits accruing on account of decreases of con- tracts are not sufficient to meet required increases in 75014—09 3 34 excess of 100 per cent thereof, chief, or other, quarter- Line^ App. 34. masters will advise the Quartermaster-General of the kind of supplies, the percentage of increase, the appro- priation under which, and amount of additional funds required, based upon which an additional apportion- ment will be made by the Quartermaster-General and allotted by chief quartermasters. REWARDS FOR APPREHENSION OF DESERTERS. a. r., 120. 146. The apprehension and delivery of deserters (Item Clause A, sec. rf J x | par- 27 and par. J g 24) is a personal service of Class I, and apportion- ments for the payment of rewards therefor will be made quarterly, based upon the cost of such services during a preceding fiscal year. App. 43. 147. These apportionments will not be allotted to posts by chief quartermasters, but will constitute a basis on which to estimate for funds for payment of rewards for apprehension of deserters. 148. In addition to the funds covered by letter of appor- tionment, chief quartermasters will be furnished an ears 2i, and so amount in cash from which thev will, immediately on to 83, inclusive. . ~ ' , receipt thereof, tt-ansler to, and place to the credit of, the quartermaster of each garrisoned post an amount not less than $100, to be set aside and held by the quarter- master receiving same for use only in payment of rewards for the apprehension of deserters, in compliance with the requirements of General Orders, No. 59, War Department, 1906. 149. That the chief quartermasters may at all times have funds on hand from which to reimburse the working balances of posts, a sufficient amount (say 50 per cent) of the total of the working balances, appropriation " Inci- dental expenses," of the posts in the several departments will be set aside by the respective chief quartermasters from their general working balances and held for this purpose. 150. Whenever payment is made by a post quarter- master of reward for apprehension of a deserter, he will immediately advise his chief quartermaster by telegraph of the amount paid. The chief quartermaster will con- sider all such telegrams as estimates of funds, will at once place to the credit of the quartermaster con- cerned, from his working balance, an amount equaling the amount reported disbursed by the post quarter- ■ 35 « master, and advise the post quartermaster, by tele- graph, of the amount thus supplied, which will be entered c iusi"| s App r,, 43 n by the chief quartermaster on the debit side of the appor- tionment account in the debit column as a charge against the apportionment, entering in proper columns the date and chief quartermaster's office, number of telegram, and the name of the post to which the funds were supplied. 151. The chief quartermaster will reimburse his work- ParS2 - ing balance by submitting to the Quartermaster-General estimate of funds, quoting in the estimate the proper Quartermaster-General's Office letter of apportionment number. 152. If, after expiration of the period for which an apportionment for this purpose is made, an unexpended balance of the apportionment remains, the amount of such balance will be reported to the office of the Quartermaster- General and the account closed. DONATIONS TO DISHONORABLY DISCHARGED PRISONERS. Pars. 28 and vi (o). 153. The payment of donations to dishonorably dis- charged prisoners is considered as for a Class I personal service, for which apportionments will be made quar- terly, based upon estimates submitted by chief or other quartermasters. These estimates should cover the prob- able number of prisoners entitled to a donation that will be discharged during the period, and be forwarded so as to reach the office of the Quartermaster-General not later than thirty days in advance of the quarter for which required. 154. Apportionments for this class of services will be a pp- 36 - made on Form 151. Allotments will be made to posts in amounts reported by the posts as being required. Should an unallotted balance remain, the amount thereof will be carried to the credit side of the apportionment account for use as a reserve, from which to make such additional allotments as may be necessary. Should an unexpended balance remain at the end of the quarter for which the apportionment was made, the amount of such balance will be reported to the Quartermaster-General's office as soon as practicable after the end of the quarter. HARBOR BOATS. 155. Funds for the procurement of supplies and services ri f c ar ;., J 3, M '™ (1 for vessels of the harbor-boat service, Quartermaster's °-p}^% , and Department, will be included in apportionments made — { (\ ) (c) ' {h) ' aud 36 (a) To chief quartermasters for harbor boats under their immediate direction and at posts subordinate to their offices. (b) To depot quartermasters and quartermasters of independent stations for harbor boats under their direc- tion. inclusive 8 t0 61 ' 156. Separate requisitions for supplies and services for App. 12. harbor boats should be made, the name of the boat or boats for which the supplies are required being shown on the requisitions. Line 6, apps 47 157. When entries of liability charges on account of and 54. ... ... such requisitions and of actual debits from invoices are made in the allotment account, the name of the boat or boats for which the supplies are required should appear in the column in which particulars of requisitions and invoices are entered. App. fio. 158. Chief quartermasters will require separate cost inclusive. ' record, of supplies and services furnished, kept for each harbor boat, under their immediate direction, and at posts of the department at which harbor boats are employed. 159. Depot quartermasters and quartermasters of independent stations will keep the same record for harbor boats employed under their direction. UNITED STATES ARMY MINE PLANTERS AND CABLE STEAMERS. andlo. 234 ' m ' 16 °- Tne United States mine planters and cable to ^Inclusive 32 s ^ eamers ( exce pt the transport Burnside) will, for the arc f'o m g P ur P oses °f these instructions, be considered as independ- °f>fus > i2 28 29 en t stations, and separate apportionments for the procure- and (pi (c) ' (A) ' men t °f supplies and services will be made to each by the Pars. i8itoi89, Q uar termaster-General. Apportionment accounts and inclusive. ^ . • App. to. C ost records will be kept and requisitions prepared and submitted as directed in these instructions for quarter- masters of independent stations. inclusive 48 t0 61 ' 161. Quarterly requisitions for supplies for mine plant- tion'f' for e mineers and cable steamers will, as a rule, cover all Class A p Par. Is; arc. 6, supplies that will be required by the respective vessels in M - • °-> 190y - t} ie quarter for which the requisitions are submitted. lations lior mme 162. Should quartermaster's supplies for the detach- p anters. ment of enlisted men on duty on such vessels be required at any time while the vessel is away from its home station, such supplies will be obtained on regular requisition at 37 any convenient post. The quartermaster upon whom such requisitions are made will furnish such of the sup- plies as may be on hand and will invoice them to the quartermaster of the vessel making the requisition, for- warding one copy of the invoice to the Quartermaster- General, through the chief quartermaster of the depart- ment. The quartermaster of the mine planter or the cable steamer, as the case may be, upon receipt of invoice covering supplies, will make proper charges in his allot- ment account and cost record. 163. Should the apportionment to the mine planter or Pare. 62 and 63 the cable steamer be exhausted, when requisitions referred to in paragraph 162 are submitted, the quartermaster of the vessel concerned will, immediately upon receipt of invoice covering the supplies, inform the Quartermaster- General of the cost of same, with request for an additional apportionment and statement as to the necessity for the supplies. The amount of such additional apportionment will, if made, be deducted from the next quarterly appor- tionment to the mine planter or cable steamer concerned. 1 64. Should it be necessary to replace supplies furnished p ar. 97. as indicated in paragraph 162, the post quartermaster transferring them will submit requisition therefor, attach- ing thereto a copy of the invoice covering the supplies transferred to the mine planter or cable steamer, which it is desired to replace. The quartermaster will, upon receipt of such requisition, allot to the post, from his reserve fund, the necessary funds required to cover the same, and report such action to the Quartermaster- General, in order that the department apportionment may be correspondingly increased. SUPPLY OF COAL AND FRESH WATER. 165. Coal and fresh water required for the use of the p^g 60 ^ ula . United States Army mine planters and cable steamers p°"n ter g° r Mine will be supplied as follows: (a) By requisition submitted to the quartermaster at the home port of the vessel, when there; (6) By requisition submitted to the local quartermas- ter when steamer is in a port at which there is stationed a quartermaster by whom water and the required quality of coal can be supplied; (c) By purchase in open market at lowest obtainable, a. r. 552 to 554, . . . f_ . inclusive. rates after inviting competition verbally or otherwise 38 when coal or water can not be supplied as authorized in (6) hereof. In purchases of coal due regard will be given to the list of equivalents of fuel published by the Quarter- master-General's Office. Pars. 18410159, j qq Quartermasters of United States Army mine inclusive. ^ _ •> planters and cable steamers will keep cost record (Form 152) of coal and water received, entering in the record the name of the article and the item number of the ap- propriation to which it is chargeable, date of receipt and cost, and will render to the Quartermaster-General at the end of each quarter a statement showing the total App. 9. cost of each of these articles and items of the appropria- tion act to which they are chargeable. 167. In addition to the foregoing, quartermasters of mine planters and cable steamers will, immediately upon receipt of coal, submit a report to the Quartermaster- General's Office showing date of receipt, where and from whom received, kind of coal, trade name, quantity, cost per hundred pounds, total cost, and the appropriation to which chargeable. Par. 165. j 68. If coal is received on invoice, the appropriation under which it was purchased will be stated in report. Quartermasters supplying coal as authorized in para- graph 165 (b) will state on invoice transferring same, the item number and appropriation under which the coal was originally supplied the station. 169. When quartermasters of mine planters and cable steamers purchase coal and water as authorized in para- graph 165 (c), they will prepare and certify vouchers covering the supplies purchased, stating on the vouchers the number of the letter of apportionment to which chargeable, charge the cost of the supplies purchased on see citations, apportionment account and cost record, and forward the Vouchers to the chief quartermaster of the department in which the purchase was made, for settlement; and will report to the Quartermaster-General, by letter, the cost of the supplies, stating appropriation and letter of appor- tionment number to which chargeable. Par. 82. jjq Upo-ii receipt by chief quartermasters of these vouchers they will promptly pay the account from their working balance of the appropriation concerned, to reim- burse which, they will submit to the Quartermaster-Gen- eral an estimate of funds, quoting thereon the number of the letter of apportionment stated on the voucher. 39 ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE. t .^s. 1 ' Eejut tions. 171. Apportionments of funds will be made' by the the Quartermaster-General to the general superintend- ^^^P^ 32 ents of the Army Transport Service and to quarter- an j ar |e C g fand masters at ports, under whose directions transports are J 2, Par g 4 ^ e %|: operated, for their own offices and for the transports un- ti0 1 ^ ^ 2 6 28 der their direction, for the procurement of supplies and M and 3L services, and for such ordinary repairs to vessels as may be necessary after each voyage. 172. The General Superintendent of the Army Trans- (a £ a [cj 3 anJ 3 (d 3 )! port Service and those quartermasters at ports under 3 ^ 3 ( ^ ) 37 an ( ^ ) ' (( 3 ) 8 whose direction transports are emplo3 7 ed bear the same 3 ^ si 4 ^ e; t0 72 b8 t ' 'i^ relation to their vessels that chief quartermasters of Inclusive; ? 84 t0 (c? territorial departments bear to the posts of their depart- $• 85 V^aTto ments, and allotments will be made and apportionment nolinjn^ojand" and allotment accounts kept and posted by these officers, cursive; m to 200" and allotment accounts by quartermasters of transports ^'inclusi^and as herein directed for chief and post quartermasters. 2 ^ 8 - 173. The allotments made to quartermasters of trans- ports in commission will be sufficient to cover the supplies and services required for each round-trip voyage. 174. Report of expenses and cost of transports in com- A p an ^u-^- mission for each round-trip voyage will be rendered to tions - the Quartermaster-General's Office at the end of the voyage on Form 234 by the quartermaster of the trans- port as at present. 175. When requisitions for supplies or services are a p& t 38 R^"ui|l submitted by transport quartermasters to quartermasters tt0 ™£ 53 at ports other than the home port, the number of the Quartermaster-General's Office letter of apportionment a to which the supplies or services are chargeable will be stamped on the requisition by the transport quarter- master. 176. Quartermasters at ports other than the home ports of vessels of the transport service, furnishing them supplies or services, will state on invoices covering sup- plies transferred or reports of cost of services furnished, the number and date of the Quartermaster-General's Par - 53 - Office letter of apportionment to which chargeable, as shown by the requisitions for the supplies or services. 177. Upon return to the home port the transport quartermaster will make special report to the general a Officers making allotments to transports will transmit this number to the trans- port quartermaster with the letter of allotment. 40 superintendent, or officer in charge, of the transport service,, of the cost of supplies and services, each sepa- rately, under the appropriations involved, furnished him at ports other than the home port, giving name of port at which furnished. 178. The officer to whom such reports are rendered will, after making proper entries in allotment accounts and cost record, forward same to the Quartermaster- General, where, upon receipt, the amounts stated therein will be charged against the apportionments concerned and the account of the officer furnishing such supplies and services credited with a like amount. 179. At ports other than home ports of the transport service where coal is procured under annual contracts or otherwise for supply of transports and funds for payment of winch are included in apportionments or allotments made to such ports, the quantity furnished will be invoiced to the quartermaster of the transport receiving the coal and the cost thereof stated on the invoice. The transport quartermaster will charge the cost of the coal invoiced against his allotment, but will not include the cost of the coal in report required in paragraph 177. laC*"' 17 and 1^0- Transport quartermasters will, upon return to a home port, report to the officer making allotment, savings accruing thereunder. The officer to whom this report is rendered will take such savings into consideration when making allotments for the next round trip vovage. 181. The furnishing of necessary supplies and services for transports out of commission and to harbor vessels pertaining to the transport service will be regulated by the General Superintendent of the Army Transport Service, or quartermasters at ports under whose direction such vessels are emplo3 T ed, and allotment and cost ac- counts pertaining thereto will be kept by these officers. taciiSive 84 10 189; !^ 2 - Report of cost of transports out of commission, harbor boats of the transport service, and cost incident to office and other shore expenses, including docks, etc., will be rendered quarterly on Form 152 to the Quarter- master-General, by the General Superintendent of the Army Transport Service and quartermasters at ports having such vessels under their control, par. i7i. 183 The Q eiiera j Superintendent of the Army Trans- port Service, and quartermasters at ports under whose direction transports and harbor boats pertaining to the transport service are assigned, will take final action on 41 all requisitions for supplies and services for which appor- tionments are made. Requisitions for supplies or serv- ices not covered by apportionments will be submitted for the action of the Quartermaster-General. COST RECORD. 184. This record (Form 152) will show under the several £££; jj°- items and subitems of each appropriation the cost of sup- plies and services which have been actually supplied posts in each department, and each independent station, during a fiscal year. 185. It will be kept in duplicate, in loose-leaf binder, in offices of post quartermasters and quartermasters ol independent stations, a separate sheet, or sheets, being used for each appropriation. 186. It will be posted from invoices covering transfer pl"' 6 ^ 11 ^^ of stores supplied posts, from depots or other sources of 236 - supply, and from vouchers covering supplies purchased or services paid for, by the post quartermaster or quarter- master of independent stations. 187. Before posting invoices or vouchers to the cost record, the cost per item as shown therein should be Ap P- 9 - abstracted by items and subitems, and the total cost only for each item or subitem entered in the cost record. 188. Postings to the record from invoices and vouchers will be made as fellows: (a) Date column. — Date of invoice covering transfer of the supplies or date of voucher covering purchase of sup- plies or payment for services. (b) Number column. — Invoicing officer's number of invoice, or voucher number of officer making payment for supplies or services. (c) Class of supplies or service column. — The class of supplies or services concerned. (d) Item column. — The total cost of supplies and serv- ices, each separately, as shown by the invoice, voucher, etc. 189. After the close of each quarter, one copy of the cost record under each appropriation will be forwarded to the chief quartermasters of the respective departments by the posts concerned, and to the Quartermaster-General by quartermasters of independent stations. The last sheet of the complete cost record will show a summary of the total cost, under each appropriation, of the several classes of supplies and services, each separately. 42 QUARTERLY COST REPORT. 190. Upon receipt of cost records of posts and stations in chief quartermaster's office, or office of quartermasters making allotments, they will be entered in consolidated A P p. 6i cost record (Form 153) by posts, alphabetically arranged, A.pp.9. under items and subitems of appropriations, and one copy thereof will be forwarded so as to reach the Quarter- master-General's Office not later than twenty days after the close of the quarter for which rendered. The last pars. 23. 24. and sheet of the consolidated cost record will show a summary 2ti to 31, inclusive. ■ J ot the total cost to the department, under each appro- priation, of the several classes of supplies and services, each separately. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. Pars. 36 to 39, 191. Upon receipt of letters of apportionment, chief and US 46°(6) and quartermasters will make allotments as directed 03^ these instructions, care being taken that the allotments for civilian employees include,, the full amount required at each post for their payment during the period covered by the letter of apportionment; those for payment of en- listed men on extra duty are in such amounts under the a. r., 175. several appropriations as may be authorized by the department commander; and those for Class I services, Par. 70. nonpersonal, are based upon estimates from posts and inclusive. ' stations and include the kinds of services required under each appropriation. par. 55. 192. Chief, or other, quartermasters making allotments will, upon receipt of requisitions for Class A or B supplies, stamp in a conspicuous place on each copy of the requi- sition the number and date of the Quartermaster- General's letter of apportionment to which the supplies are chargeable. The requisitions will then be carefully scrutinized, and if not prepared in accordance with para- graph 49 of these instructions it will be returned for cor- rection. If it is found that the cost exceeds the allotment to the post concerned, it will be modified to meet the allotment, or returned to the post through proper channels Pars. 16, 38 (a), for revision, unless it is determined to cover the excess by making an additional allotment from the reserve. a. r., 522 and 193. Articlesjrf Classes A and B may, in the discretion Pars. 23. 24, 55, of department authorities, except as indicated in list of Q.M 87 6 a o., 1969! such supplies, be supplied by whichever of the following inclusive. t0 ' ways is deemed most advantageous: 43 (a) Purchase by chief quartermaster and shipped to posts. (b) Authorized purchased by post quartermaster in the vicinity of the post. (c) Supply from a designated depot. Par. 203. (d) Partial supply from a designated depot, purchase by chief quartermaster, and by post quartermaster in vicinity of the post. Par. 203. (e) Transfer from posts within the department when Par. 123. there is an excess of supplies. 194. When the correctness of the requisition is finally. r ar ?- 48 ,t° 56 ' . . . . . inclusive; M) and determined, if the entire requisition is to be supplied 61 - from one point (a supply depot, purchased by chief, or other, quartermaster, or purchased by post quarter- master), such action will be noted on all copies of the requisition. If the chief, or other, quartermaster decides to order partial supply of a requisition by purchase in the locality of the post submitting same, partial supply by his own office, and the remainder from a designated depot, he should check on the three copies of the requi- sition the supplies to be purchased by the post quarter- master thus (X), with notation that "Articles checked thus (x) to be purchased by the quartermaster, Fort , at an approximate cost of $ ;" the sup- plies to be purchased by his office thus (#), with nota- tion that "Articles checked thus (#) to be supplied by chief quartermaster; and the supplies to be furnished from a designated depot thus ( s /), with notation that "Articles checked thus (V) to be supplied by the de] of quartermaster ." 195. When action is had as above the requisition will a. r. 751 to 754 ^ 1 r inclusive; 1013 be submitted to the department, or other, commander tor and 1014. his action, and upon return of the requisition, the chief, or other, quartermaster will enter the estimated cost thereof, as approved, in the liability column, under each Pars, ne (a) . ll ' , , and 118, and cita- appropnation involved, on the allotment account ot trie tions thereto. post concerned. 196. When entry of the requisition is made as directed Par. 203 . -.1 • •,- Circ. f>. Q. M in the preceding paragraph, one copy or the requisition g. o., 1909. will be forwarded to the designated depot, if supply is ordered therefrom, one copy returned to the post sub- mitting same, and one copy retained by the chief, or other, quartermaster acting on the requisition. 197. Should the chief quartermaster direct a post quar- ^Par&ssandioa termaster to purchase locally and pay for supplies called 44 for on requisition, he will, when he returns the copy of the requisition to the post for supply, transfer the funds necessary to cover the purchase, and the quartermaster making the purchase will report to the chief, or other, quartermaster, by letter, the cost of the supplies, stating voucher numbers, amount under each appropriation, and the requisition number under which the supplies were purchased. Upon receipt of this information the Lines 16 and 17, chief, or other, quartermaster by whom the allotments were made, will enter in debit columns of proper post allotment account, the cost as reported. Par. 204. jgg Chief ^ depot, or other quartermasters to whom requisitions are referred for supply, will ship immediately such articles as can be supplied from stock on hand, and purchase and ship in the shortest time possible articles not in stock, observing law and regulations. Pars.55andi93. 199. The employment of a reputable chemist will be authorized when services are required for the purpose of testing paints, Babbit metal, oil, and other articles subject to adulteration. Chief quartermasters must, when purchasing supplies themselves or directing the purchase by post quartermasters, require the quality, etc., of the articles purchased to conform to standard samples and specifications. and a n9 andcita^ 2 ^- Upon receipt by the chief quartermaster of copy tions thereto. f invoice he will post amount of same to proper post allotment account and forward the invoice to the quar- termaster to whom it is addressed for file as a voucher to his retained return. DEPOT QUARTERMASTERS, or! ply as follows: to aHndulh-e 32 2 ^1- Apportionments will be made to depot quarter- i59 ,ars ' 131 and masters and quartermasters at designated points of sup- Pars.23,28,and ( a ) F or the use of their own offices only, of which 29 inclusive. ' . (n^fye 12 10 124 ' accounts will be kept as directed for keeping allotment accounts b} T post quartermasters. ^Pars.23,28,and (b) For Class A supplies and services of Classes I and II for recruiting stations, the accounts of which they are designated to settle. Pars. 13 and 36 202. They will make allotments to the recruiting sta- to 38, inclusive, . • . . ° and 237. tions supplied under their supervision and advise them by letter of the amounts allotted under each appropria- tion and the purposes for which allotted. No letters of allotment will be issued, but allotment accounts with the 45 several recruiting stations will be kept in the office of the depot quartermaster making the allotments in the same manner, and in accordance with the same instructions, as chief quartermasters keep allotment accounts with the in ^^ n2tol24> posts in their departments. 203. Depots and designated points of supply will fill, ( C J a an r ?- «2 to 68, * t t i inclusive. invoices to one requisition for Class A supplies. In other words, the stock of Class A supplies on hand should be so complete that the necessity for purchases to complete requisitions for such supplies as are usually issued would be reduced to the minimum. 212. A system of supply that requires the issue under ordinary conditions of more than two invoices, or three at most, to complete the supply of a requisition, involves a great volume of unnecessary paper work and the use of services of employees that might be profitably used for other purposes. 213. The holding of invoices in order to make one set Ci i907.' Q ' M ' * cover several shipments, some of which have gone for- ward, is prohibited, but it is not the intention that each purchase should be covered by a separate invoice. With a stock properly kept up, it is believed to be practicable to so assemble the few supplies necessary to be especially purchased to fill requisitions as to forward them in a few number of lots, thereby materially reducing the num- ber of separate invoices, and at the same time avoid the confusion resulting from holding invoices long after shipments have been made. 214. If it becomes apparent that the stock of any arti- cle of supply at a depot is not being draw T n upon because of local purchases to fill requisitions, the fact will be reported to the Quartermaster-General by the depot quarter- master, with full description of the articles of stock not being drawn upon, and a statement of quantities on 48 hand, prices, condition, and probable needs under cur- rent conditions. REPLENISHMENT OF STOCK SPECIALLY MANUFACTURED. 215. A stock sufficient to cover one year's issues of all Class A supplies, such as conform to adopted standard specifications of the Quartermaster's Department, which makes them special and therefore procurable only under contract, will be provided each depot concerned. 216. The stock of these special Class A supplies will be replenished under contract when procurable from manufacturers in local markets and in such quantities as are required for replenishment. If, however, the interests of the service can best be subserved by pur- chasing in larger quantities than any one depot would require or the local markets can supply, depot quarter- masters will submit to the Quartermaster- General a requisition for replenishment of special Class A stock, showing quantities and kinds of supplies desired, with an estimate of the cost of each. Similar estimates will be called for from all depots handling these special Class A supplies, the estimates abstracted in the Quarter- master-General's Office, and the entire quantity adver- tised for by designated depots, as may be directed by the Quartermaster-General. 217. Should contract for the entire quantity of any of these articles be made by one depot quartermaster, the quantity and kind of supplies required by the other depots, from which estimates were received for replen- ishment of stock, will be transferred and invoiced to them by the depot purchasing the supplies, one copy of the invoice being sent to the Quartermaster-General. 218. The depot purchasing the supplies and issuing invoices covering transfer to other depots will receive credit therefor, a corresponding charge being made against the account of the respective depots to which the supplies were transferred, by the depot quarter- masters receiving the supplies and in the Quartermaster- General's Office. The funds required for the payment of these supplies will be furnished to the depot quarter- master handling the contract, on an estimate from his office, and as a charge against his account. 219. Should contracts be made by the several depots covering the quantities required for their respective 49 depots only, funds for payment will be supplied on esti- mate as in the case of replenishment of any other articles of Class A. CREDIT LIST OF INVOICES. 220. Depot quartermasters, and quartermasters of supply points, will forward to the office of the Quarter- master-General, daily, if the number of invoices issued are of such volume as to warrant such action, and in no case less than three times a week, a list of invoices (Form 154), requesting credit on account of supplies App.62. transferred to fill requisitions. 221. A separate list of the invoices upon which credits are requested, in the order issued, pertaining to each letter of apportionment, and for each appropriation, will be prepared in duplicate. These lists will be assembled, securely fastened together, and a summary of the total credits requested, under each appropriation, entered on the last sheet. The lists so consolidated will be consid- ered as one list, numbered serially by the office preparing them, and the original, with the invoices pertaining thereto, forwaid?d to the Quartermaster-General. The duplicate will be retained in the office where prepared and constitute the credit account. 222. The amounts under the several letters of appor- tionment as shown. by the lists will be charged to the letters of apportionment involved, on the books of the Quartermaster-General's Office, and placed to the credit of the depot, or designated point of supply, submitting the list. 223. Funds to replenish stock will be obtained bv Pars - 73 (°)» 75 j , , . , 76, and 207. depot quartermasters and quartermasters of supply points by quoting on estimate in column designated "L/A or Q. M. G. O. authorization" the serial number of the consolidated list or lists of invoices opposite the amount, under the respective appropriations included in the list quoted. 224. Estimates of funds may include all or part of the Pars. 73, 75, and credits shown in the consolidated lists, as the depot quar- termasters deem necessary. 225. When estimates of funds which include funds covered by lists of invoices are prepared, the amounts thereof, pertaining to the list or lists of invoices, will be entered, on the proper duplicate list, by the depot, or other, quartermaster submitting the estimate, under the 7fi014— 00 4 50 totals of the respective appropriations, as shown by the lists, as a debit against the credit claimed. Upon receipt of letter of advice (Form 218a) from the Quartermaster- General's Office, these entries will, if in agreement there- with, be checked thus (V), and the balance, if any, of the credit brought down. If the Quartermaster-General's letter of advice should differ from the amounts shown on lists as having been estimated for, the amounts indicated in the letter of advice will be substituted for the entries from which it differs and the matter adjusted through correspondence. The letter of advice will, however, generally state reasons for differences in amounts between it and estimate of funds. 226. When all credits shown in lists of invoices have been satisfied by supply of the funds represented thereby, the list will be stamped "All funds supplied." POST QUARTERMASTERS. Pars. 38 and 39. 227. Requisitions for supplies or services, covering the procurement of which allotments are made, will not be submitted until allotments for the purpose have been re- ceived. Pars. 42 and 43, 228. The cost of the articles shown in the column ' ' Esti- o., 1909. " mated cost" will be as shown by price list published by the Quartermaster-General's Office, except in cases where catalogue price is quoted, or the quartermaster has ascer- tained through inquiry that the price in the vicinity is no greater or less than the list price, considering quality of the article as directed in paragraph 55, when the local or the catalogue price will be quoted and asterisk entered opposite the local prices with notation at end of requisition "actual prices in local market." pars. 48 to 6i, 229. The requisition will be submitted in triplicate to 7.5i to ToVincui-the post commander for approval and be forwarded through proper channels to the department authorities. Pars. 193 (6) 230. Upon return to the post quartermaster of one copy and (d), 194, 196, l . ... .. 5.- - -■ , i i i- t and 197. of the requisition with notation oi action taken by chief quartermaster the post quartermaster will, if authority is given for the purchase locally of certain or all of the sup- plies called for, proceed to purchase the supplies, ob- serving law and regulation. Par 184 to 189, 231. When purchase of the supplies authorized has been completed and payment made therefor, the post quartermaster will enter as an actual debit against the allotment, under each appropriation, the amount of the 51 purchase, showing date and number of the voucher or vouchers covering the purchase and making reference to the number of the requisition to which the purchase per- Lines 16 and n. . . ^ r r App.47. tains. 232. Upon completion of the purchase of supplies, the Par197 post quartermaster will report the cost under each appro- priation to the chief quartermaster, stating voucher num- bers and date of purchase, and purposes for which savings, if any, will be used. 233. Should a post quartermaster find that supplies of Pars. 24 and 56. Class B, required for repairs under allotments made for that purpose, can not be advantageously purchased in local markets, he should prepare and submit requisition for the supplies required as directed for Class A, entering the date and number of the requisition in proper columns, and the amount of the requisition in proper liability col- Lines, App.55. umn of the allotment account for annual repairs. INDEPENDENT STATIONS. 234. Independent stations designated as points of sup- r Pars. 131 and ply of the Quartermaster's Department and those to which recruiting stations are assigned for the settlement Pars. 201 to 226, of accounts will keep records, accounts, etc., as herein di- m< rected for the depot quartermasters ; all other independent Pars - 112 10 12 L .,,.-, -. . inclusive, and ci- stations will, in such matters, observe the directions for tations thereto; Par. 184 to 1S9, in- post quartermasters. elusive. 235. Requisitions for Class A supplies for independent circ.6,Q.M. g. stations will be forwarded to the depot or point of supply designated for the territory in which the station is situated, unless some other point of supply has been designated for a particular station. 236. Quartermasters of independent stations not de- Cir c- 6, q. m. g. pots or points of supply will not purchase Class A supplies locally unless especially designated or authorized to do so. RECRUITING STATIONS. 237. Allotments will be made to the several recruiting an ^ a ^ 13, 102 stations by the chief, or other, quartermaster's office to which they are assigned, and the allotment accounts kept only in the office to which the apportionments are made, the several recruiting stations being advised of the amount allotted to each for Class A supplies and services of Classes I and II, but no allotment accounts need be kept at the recruiting stations. 52 238. Requisitions for Class A supplies and services of Classes I and II will be prepared as directed in these instructions and forwarded to the designated chief, or other, quartermaster for final action and supply of the supplies and services. 239. Vouchers covering accounts pertaining to recruit- ing stations will be stated and certified by the recruiting officers and forwarded to the designated chief, depot, or other quartermaster for settlement of the accounts. QUARTERMASTERS SETTLING TRANSPORTA- TION ACCOUNTS. A P p. 9. 240. Quartermasters issuing bills of lading will indicate on the left-hand margin of the face thereof the item or subitem of the analysis of the Army appropriation act, herewith, to which the articles shipped or each of them pertain. Similar notation will be made on the back of transportation requests. g.o.74,w.d., 241. Quartermasters issuing bills of lading will prepare ears. 244 and copies of the memorandum bills of lading (Q. M. D. Form 79), including notation showing items and subitems, and those issuing transportation requests will prepare copies thereof (Q. M. D. Form 17) and immediately forward same to the officer designated to settle charges thereon. 242. Quartermasters receiving memorandum bills of lading or transportation requests pertaining to the ac- counts of carriers whose bills are not settled by their offices will at once forward same to the officer designated to settle them. o. o.74,w.d., 243. Upon receipt of the memorandum copies of bills 1908, par. 577. r • » • 1 of lading and copies of transportation requests, the set- tling officer will at once compute the charges thereon, 1908, parf'589.' D " cash and bond-aided separately, at tariff or contract rates for the shipment or journey. Within ten days after the end of each calendar month report by totals under each item and by method of transportation will be made to the Quartermaster-General on Q. M. D. Form 149, a separate report being made for cash and bond-aided charges. a pp- 9 - 244. The foregoing report will be made according to the items and subitems of the analysis of the Army appro- priation act, published herewith, the charges on account of bond-aided roads being reported separately from those entitled to cash payments. 53 245. Following is a list of the leading railroads and Par. 240. steamship lines in the United States, showing station and 190s, pars.Wund officer of the Quartermaster's Department by whom Pars. 77 and 78. accounts payable to them will be settled, viz: Chief Quartermaster, Department of the Lakes, Chicago, HI. Ann Arbor Railroad. Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Northern Railway. Chicago, Indianapolis and Louisville Railway Company. Chicago, Cincinnati and Louisville Railroad. Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company. Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway. Chicago and East Illinois. Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company, lines east of the Missouri River. Chicago and Alton. Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis Railway Company. Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic. Grand Rapids and Indiana Railway. Hocking Valley Railroad. Illinois Central Railroad Company. Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad. Lake Erie and Western Railroad. Michigan Central Railroad. New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad. Ohio Central Line. Pere Marquette Railroad. The Pullman Company. Wheeling and Lake Erie. All other local railroads, Department of the Lakes. Chief Quartermaster, Department of Texas, San Antonio, Tex. El Paso and Southwestern System. Gulf, Colorado and Sante Fe Railway. Houston and Texas Central. International and Great Northern Railroad. Texas Central Railroad. Texas and Pacific Railway Company. San Antonio and Aransas Pass Railway Company. Southern Pacific Company, Atlantic System. All other local railroads, Department of Texas. 54 Depot Quartermaster, Jeffersonville, Ind. Alabama Great Southern Railroad. Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railway Company. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway. Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific Railway. Evansville and Terre Haute Railway. Louisville and Nashville Railroad. Louisville, Evansville and St. Louis Railroad. Louisville, Henderson and St. Louis Railway. Depot Quartermaster, Philadelphia, Pa. Cleveland, Akron and Columbus Railway. Cumberland Valley Railroad. New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad. Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad. Philadelphia and Reading Railway. Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Pennsylvania Company. Vandalia Line. Depot Quartermaster, Boston, Mass. Boston and Maine Railroad. Central Vermont Railway. Maine Central Railroad. All other railroads in New England except otherwise assigned. All accounts for transportation of headstones. Depot Quartermaster, St. Louis, Mo. Kansas City Southern Railway. Kansas City, Mexico and Orient Railway. Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway System. Missouri Pacific Railway Company. Quincy, Omaha and Kansas City. St. Louis Southwestern Railway. St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Com- pany. St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad Company. Wabash Railroad Company. Depot Quartermaster, Washington, D. C. Annapolis, Washington and Baltimore Railway. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern Railroad. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway. 55 Norfolk and Western Railway Company. Norfolk and Southern Railway. Norfolk and Washington Steamboat Company. Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad. Seaboard Air Line. Southern Railway Company. Washington Southern Railway. Western Maryland Railroad. Depot Quartermaster, New York City. •Boston and Albany. Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg Railway. Central New England Railway. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Delaware and Hudson Company. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company. Erie Railroad Company. Grand Trunk Railway System. Lehigh Valle}^ Railroad. Long Island Railroad. New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad. New York, Ontario and Western Railway. New York Central and Hudson River Railroad. West Shore Railroad. All Atlantic Ocean water transportation. All other local railroads, Department of the East (except New England). Chief Quartermaster, Department of the Gulf, Atlanta, Ga. Alabama and Vicksburg Railway. Atlanta and West Point Railroad. Atlanta, Knoxville and Northern. Atlantic Coast Line. Central of Georgia Railway. Charleston and Western Carolina Railway. Mobile and Ohio. Florida East Coast Railway. Georgia Railroad. Georgia Southern and Florida Railway. New Orleans and Northeastern Railroad. Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway. The Western Railway of Alabama. Vicksburg, Shreveport and Pacific. Western and Atlantic Railroad. All other local railroads, Department of the Gulf. All Gulf water transportation. * 56 Chief Quartermaster, Department of the Colorado, Denver, Colo. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway System. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway System (coast lines). Colorado and Southern Lines. Colorado Midland. Denver and Rio Grande Railway Company. Oregon Short Line Railroad. Santa Fe, Prescott and Phoenix. Rio Grande Western Railway. All other local railroads, Department of the Colorado. Chief Quartermaster, Department of Dakota, St. Paul, Minn . Chicago Great Western Railway. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha. Grand Northern Railway Lines. Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie. Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad. Northern Pacific Railway Company. Wisconsin Central Railway. All other railroads, Department of Dakota. Disbursing Quartermaster, Portland, Greg. Astoria and Columbia River Railroad. Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company. Local steamer lines on Columbia River. Chief Quartermaster, Department of the Missouri, Omaha, Nebr. Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railway (lines west of Missouri River). St. Joseph and Grand Island Railway. Union Pacific Railway. All other local railroads, Department of the Missouri. Depot Quartermaster, San Francisco, Cal. ] Southern Pacific Company, Pacific system. San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad. All other local railroads, Department of California. All Pacific water transportation except those at Puget Sound and Alaska service. 57 Quartermaster, Seattle, Wash. All accounts for the movement of government troops or supplies locally between Pacific coast points and Alaska and trans-Pacific water transportation routed via ocean vessels sailing to or from Puget Sound. 246. The accounts of express companies for shipments Par. 240. to the general supply depots of the Quartermaster's De- partment will be settled by the depot quartermaster to whom consigned. Those for shipments to posts or sta- Q- o. 74, ioos, . , . .... r -n i 111 pars. 578 and 580. tions within a territorial department will be settled by the chief quartermaster of the department in which the post or station is situated, except for the Department of the East, which will be settled by the depot quartermas- ter, New York City, and those for the Department of California, which will be settled by the depot quarter- master, San Francisco, Cal. STATEMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ACCOUNTS, AUDITOR'S SETTLEMENT. 247.. When transportation bills include charges for serv- ice over bond-aided lines, disputed items, or any matters which necessitates their being transmitted to the Auditor for the War Department for settlement, the officer to whom such bills were originally rendered will prepare a statement on Q. M. JD. Form 150, showing items and sub- items, according to the analysis of the Army appropria- tion act herewith, and forward same to the Quartermaster- General, with the bills and other papers relating thereto. AUTHORITIES. 248. Authorities to be quoted on vouchers by quar- termasters purchasing supplies or in payment of services: (a) For Class A, supplies other than fuel, forage, straw, and mineral oil; Circular No. 7, Q. M. G. O., 1909. (b) For fuel, forage, straw, mineral oil, date of contract covering the supplies. (c) For Class I, services, personal, civilian employees; for Class I, 1 services, nonpersonal; and for Class II, serv- ices; number and date of Quartermaster -General's Office letter of apportionment. (d) For Class B supplies and Class III services; num- ber an 1 date of Quartermaster-General's Office letter of apportionment. 58 (e) For payment of rewards for apprehension of de- serters; paragraph 120, Army Regulations. (f) For donation to discharged prisoners; number and date of Quartermaster-General's letter of apportionment. (g) For Class D supplies and Class IV services, not procured under contract; date and Quartermaster- General's Office number of authority. (70 For all supplies or services procured under con- tract; date of contract. INSTRUCTIONS EFFECTIVE. 249. The provisions of Circulars 1 and 11, Q. M. G. O., 1908, the amendments thereto, and instructions issued in accordance therewith will continue to be observed with reference to transactions for the fiscal year 1909. 250. For transactions for the fiscal year 1910, and suc- ceeding fiscal years, the instructions herein contained will take effect and be in force at once, superseding and revok- ing Circulars 1 and 11, Q. M. G. O., 1908, all amendments thereto and instructions issued thereunder, and all other ( irculars and instructions of this office in conflict herewith. J. B. Aleshire, Quartermaster-General, U. S. Army. Approved, Feb. 26, 1909. Luke E. Weight, Secretary of War. APPENDIX 1. War Department, Office op the Quartermaster-General, Washington, August 10, 1907. To the Secretary of War, War Department. Sir: With a view to carrying out a general policy of decentralizing the duties of the Quartermaster's Department, I have the honor to recommend that all quartermaster's supplies required for the use and equipment of troops in the field and in garrison, for the purchase of which, in the opinion of the Quartermaster-General, definite allotments of funds for the several military departments can be made to chief quartermasters, be supplied from designated depots of the Quartermaster's Department upon requisitions approved by department commanders within the limit of funds so allotted, and subject to such instructions regulating this method of supply as may be recommended by the Quartermaster-General and published in General Orders of the War Department. The compilation of the necessary data upon which definite allotments can be based, and the details incident to the inauguration and operation of the system of furnishing supplies as above recommended, are now in progress of preparation in this office. It is respectfully submitted that among the advantages of this system of supplying troops may be mentioned : 1. It will place upon department commanders and their chief quartermasters the- duty and responsibility for the proper and economical supply of their commands, and therefore will insure a proper equipment of troops for field service at all times. 2. It will give the chief quartermasters and other quartermasters the experience of supply in their respective spheres (a limited independence) and bring to their offices duties and responsibilities in time of peace they would be required to meet in time of war. 3. It will give elasticity to the entire Quartermaster's Department and relieve the office of the Quartermaster-General of many details which, it is thought, more properly pertain to the offices of the chief and post quartermasters. 4. As the allotments can not be exceeded, it will enforce greater economy in issues, better care and protection of supplies than obtain at present, and will tend to prevent deficiencies in appropriations. 5. Inasmuch as the allotments made will necessarily have a proper relation to the number of troops to be supplied, the tendency will be to encourage and stimulate among department commanders and department chief quartermasters a spirit of rivalry to accomplish with means available the best possible results toward keeping troops in good condition for active service at all times and well supplied with articles necessary for their comfort while in garrison. 6. It will obviate the accumulation^ surplus stores at posts in the department and lessen losses through deterioration of stock from remaining too long in storage. J. B. Aleshire, Quartermaster-General, U. 8. Army. Respectfully submitted to the Secretarv'of War recommending approval. J. F. Bell. Chief of Staff. August 15, 1907. Approved. Wm. H. Taft, Secretary oj War. 59 APPENDIX 2. General Orders,! War Department, No. 18. / Washington, January 24, 1908. 1. All quartermaster's supplies required for the use and equipment of troops in garrison and in the field for the purchase of which, in the opinion of the Quartermaster- General of the Army, apportionment of funds to the several territorial departments can be made, will be supplied from designated depots of the Quartermaster's Depart- ment upon requisitions approved by department commanders within the limit of funds so apportioned. 2. The Quartermaster-General will make apportionment from the several appro- priations under his control to chief quartermasters of territorial departments in the United States covering the cost of all supplies procurable under the provisions of this order. A list of such supplies, showing the paragraph of the Army Regulations or the general order fixing the allowances or authorizing final action by department commanders, will be prepared and published by the Quartermaster-General. Sup- plies enumerated on such lists that can not be furnished under contract for delivery at posts and stations will be furnished on estimates and requisitions approved by department commanders. These estimates and requisitions will be forwarded by chief quartermasters to the proper depot quartermaster or other quartermaster at the places of supply designated. 3. Apportionment of funds will be made as soon as practicable after approval of the act of Congress making appropriation for the support of the Army, and depart- ment commanders will be held responsible that troops are properly and promptly furnished with the supplies indicated on the lists referred to in the preceding para- graph and that the published instructions relative thereto are carried into effect. Department commanders, in conjunction with chief quartermasters, will also be held responsible for the strict observance of the provisions of section 4 of the act of Congress approved March 3, 1905 (page 8, General Orders, No. 46, War Department, March 23, 1905), and of paragraph 580, Army Regulations. 4. Under the provisions of paragraph 8S8, Army Regulations, inspectors-general will inquire into and report upon the business methods of all chief quartermasters and other officers on duty in the Quartermaster's Department under the conditions named in this order, with special reference to the application of the principles enun- ciated herein. 5. This order will take effect July 1, 1908. [1273468 A— A. G. O.] By order of the Acting Secretary of War: Official: Henry P. McCain, Adjutant-General. 60 J. Franklin Bell, Major-General, Chief of Staff. APPENDIX 3. War Department, Office of the Quartekmaster-General, Washington, April 20, 1908. To the Secretary of War. Siu: Referring to my letter of August 10, 1907, outlining a general policy of decen- tralizing the duties of the Quartermaster's Department, and your approval of its appli- cation to the furnishing of supplies, I have the honor to request authority to extend the policy to services, both personal and not personal. This request is based upon the same reasons as given for supplies, which data com- piled in this office show to be applicable also to services. Preparation of instructions to apply to a decentralization of the procurement of services similar to those published for supplies in Circular 1, Q. M. G. 0., 1908, has progressed far enough to show the plan to be entirely practicable, and it is desired to put such system in operation on July 1 next, simultaneously with the corresponding method of procuring supplies. Very respectfully, J. B. Aleshire, Quartermaster-General, U. S. Army. [First indorsement.] War Department, April 23, 1908. Approved : Wm. H. Taft, Secretary of War. 61 APPENDIX 4. General Orders, \ War Department, No. 73. | Washington, May 8, 1908. 1. 1. All quartermaster's services required for the use and equipment of troops in garrison and in the field for the procurement of which, in the opinion of the Quarter- master-General of the Army, apportionment of funds to the several territorial depart- ments can be made, will be supplied at the places where they are required upon requests approved by department commanders, within the limit of funds so appor- tioned. The laws, rules, and regulations governing the classified civil service as to personal services and the laws and regulations as to services not personal will be carefully observed. 2. The Quartermaster-General will make apportionment from the several appro- priations under his control to chief quartermasters of territorial departments in the United States covering the cost of all services procurable under the provisions of this order. 3. Apportionment of funds will be made as soon as practicable after the approval of the act of Congress making appropriation for the support of the Army, and depart- ment commanders will be held responsible that, where required, the services are properly and promptly supplied and that the published instructions relative thereto are carried into effect. Department commanders, in conjunction with chief quarter- masters, will also be held responsible for the strict observance of the provisions of section 3 of the act of Congress approved February 27, 1906, published in Orders "D," War Department, April 6, 1906, and of paragraph 580, Army Regulations. 4. Under the provisions of paragraph 888, Army Regulations, inspectors-general will inquire into and report upon the business methods of all chief quartermasters and other officers on duty in the Quartermaster's Department under the conditions named in this order, with special reference to the application of the principles enun- ciated herein. 5. This order will take effect July 1, 1908. [1373643, A. G. O.] By order of the Acting Secretary of War. Official: Henry P. McCain, Adjutant-General. 62 J. Franklin Bell, Major-General, Chief of Staff. APPENDIX 5. General Orders, I War Department, No. 176. j Washington, November 7, 1908. I. The provisions "of General Orders, No. 18, War Department, January 24, 1908, and of paragraph I, General Orders, No. 73, War Department, May 8, 1908, are extended so as to make them of general application to the entire Army. [1445113, A. G. O.J By order of the Secretary of War: Official: Henry P. McCain, Adjutant-General.^ J. Franklin Bell, Major General, Chief of Staff. 63 APPENDIX 6 War Department, Office of the Quartermaster-General, Washington, January 25, 1909. The Secretary of War. Sir: With a view to extending the decentralization system of the Quartermaster's Department, as approved by the Secretary of War, August 15, 1907, and April 22, 1908, I have the honor to recommend as follows: 1. That annual estimates for repairs to public buildings, as provided for in Army Regulations 1021 be forwarded to this office by department commanders (prior to mak- ing allotments to posts) with their recommendations, so that apportionments to cover the repairs can be based upon said recommendations and the estimates and the appor- tionments receive approval of the Secretary of War, based upon which department commanders will make allotments to posts, as was done last year. 2. That the annual estimates for repairs to public buildings include estimates for repairs — (a) To the building proper. (6) To the plumbing within the building. (c) To the lighting fixtures within the building. (d) To the steam, hot water, or hot air heating apparatus within the building. 3. That annual estimates be prepared for repairs to — (a) Lighting systems exterior to buildings, including lighting plants. (b) Heating systems exterior to buildings, including central plants. 4. That annual estimates be prepared for repairs to — (a) Water systems, including reservoirs, pumping plants, etc. (6) Sewer systems, including purification plants. (c) Roads, walks, and wharves. (d) Drainage. (e) Improvement of grounds. 5. That these estimates be forwarded from posts to department headquarters not later than April 1, and forwarded by department commanders to this office not later than May 1. 6. With these estimates this office will be enabled to make annual apportionments for the repair and maintenance of the several systems above referred to and thereby enable po?t authorities to make necessary repairs, under the supervision of depart- ment commanders, without submitting the numerous special estimates now being received by this office. Very respectfully, J. B. Aleshire, Quartermaster-General, U. S. Army. Approval recommended. J. F. Bell, Major-General, Chief of Staff. Approved: L. E. W. 64 APPENDIX 7. General Orders, 1 War Department, No. 28. J Washington, February 11, 1909. 1. All quartermaster's material, supplies, and services required for annual repairs at military posts and stations, for the procurement of which in the opinion of the Quartermaster General apportionments of funds can be made, will be supplied in accordance with existing regulations, within the limit of funds so apportioned, upon approved estimates as hereinafter set forth. 2. The annual estimates for repairs to public buildings required by paragraph 1021, Army Regulations, will include estimates for repairs as follows: (a) To the buildings proper. (6) To the plumbing within the buildings. (c) To the lighting fixtures within the buildings. (d) To the steam, hot water, or hot air heating apparatus within the buildings. Annual estimates will also be prepared for repairs to — (a) Lighting systems exterior to buildings, including lighting plants. (b) Heating systems exterior to buildings, including central plants. (c) Sewer systems, including purification plants. (d) Water systems, including reservoirs and pumping plant-. (e) Roads, walks, and wharves. (/) Drainage. (g) Improvement of grounds. 3. The commanding generals of territorial divisions and departments and com- manding officers of places excepted from the control of department commanders will carefully examine the estimates referred to above and will forward them, with their recommendations, to The Adjutant General of the Army not later than April 15 of each year. 4. Based upon the estimates and recommendations received, the Quartermaster General, with the approval of the Secretary of War, will make apportionments from which division, department, and other commanders will make allotments for repairs. [1480478 A— A. G. O.] By order of the Secretary of War: J. Franklin Bell, Major-General, Chief of Staff. Official: Henry P. McCain, Adjutant-Genera I . 75014—09 5 (05) Appendix 8. War Department, Washington, April 6, 1906. Orders: The following extract from the "Act making appropriations to supply urgent defi- ciencies in the appropriations for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, and for prior years, and for other purposes," approved February 27, 1906, is hereby published for the information and guidance of all concerned: "Sec. 3. That section thirty-six hundred and seventy-nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States, as amended by section four of the deficiency appropriation act approved March third, nineteen hundred and five, is hereby further amended to read as follows: "Sec. 3679. No Executive Department or other Government establishment of the United States shall expend, in any one fiscal year, any sum in excess of appropriations made by Congress for that fiscal year, or involve the Government in any contract or other obligation for the future payment of money in excess of such appropriations unless such contract or obligation is authorized by law. Nor shall any Department or any officer of the Government accept voluntary service for the Government or employ personal service in excess of that authorized by law, except in cases of sudden emergency involving the loss of human life or the destruction of property. All appro- priations made for contingent expenses or other general purposes, except appropria- tions made in fulfillment of contract obligations expressly authorized by law, or for objects required or authorized by law without reference to the amounts annually appropriated therefor, shall, on or before the beginning of each fiscal year, be so appor- tioned by monthly or other allotments as to prevent expenditures in one portion of the year which may necessitate deficiency or additional appropriations to complete the service of the fiscal year for which said appropriations are made; and all such appor- tionments shall be adhered to and shall not be waived or modified except upon the happening of some extraordinary emergency or unusual circumstance which could not be anticipated at the time of making such apportionment, but this provision shall not apply to the contingent appropriations of the Senate or House of Representatives; and in case said apportionments are waived or modified as herein provided, the same shall be waived or modified in writing by the head of such Executive Department or other Government establishment having control of the expenditure, and the reasons therefor shall be fully set forth in each particular case and communicated to Congress in con- nection with estimates for any additional appropriations required on account thereof. Any person violating any provision of this section shall be summarily removed from office and may also be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars or by imprisonment for not less than one month." A strict compliance with the provisions of the foregoing section is enjoined upon all officers and employees in and under the War Department. Wm. H. Taft, Secretary of War. D (66) APPENDIX 9. Analysis of the army appropriation act, fiscal year 1910. Beginning July 1, 1909, the items, subitems, and 1910 numbers given below will be used on all requisitions, accounts, etc. [Subitems are in italics, new items in small caps, and new provisions in the law in the column "Pur- pose for which supplied" in italics.] APPROPRIATION: "REGULAR SUPPLIES." Item. Supplies or service. Purpose for which supplied. R. S. 1. R.S.2... R. S. 3... R. S.4... R. S. 5... R. S. 6... R. S. 7... R. S. 8. R. S. 9.. R. S. 10. R. S. 11. R. S. 12. R. S. 13. R. S. 14. R. S. 15. R. S. 16. R. S. 17. R. S. 18. R. S. 19. R. S. 20. R. S. 21. R. S.22. R. S. 23. Care and protection. Stoves (heating) Heating apparatus . R. S. 24. R. S. 25. Ranges Stoves (cooking) Appliances Repair and maintenance 7a. Repair and mainte- nance of heating apparatus. 7b. Repair and mainte- nance of heating stoves, ranges, and cooking stoves. 7c. Repair and mainte- nance of cooking appliances. Heat 8a. Appliances for han- dling and prepara- tion of fuel. 8b. Heat, purchase of. Light 9a. Illuminating sup- plies. 9b. Installation and ex- tensions of light- ing systems. 9c. Light, purchase of. Fuel Engine supplies Post bakeries 12a. Repair of. Ice machines Maintenance ice machines. . . Cold storage Laundries, construction of . . Laundries, operation and maintenance of Furniture Text-books Paper Equipment Tableware Mess furniture Of regular supplies of the Quartermaster's Denart- ment. [Required for heating offices, hospitals, barracks, and I quarters, recruiting stations, and the U. S. Military [ Prison. For cooking and serving food at posts. Of heating and cooking appliances. Forage (in kind). Bedding For furnishing heat and light for the authorized allow- ance of quarters for officers and enlisted men, for officers of the National Guard attending service and garrison schools, and for recruits, guards, hospitals, storehouses, offices, the buildings erected at private cost in the operation of the act approved Mag 1, 1902, and for sale to officers. \Required in the operation of modern batteries at / established posts. Building, not including oven. i Where required for the health and comfort of the J troops. ,U military posts in the United States and its island possessions. Necessary for post schools and libraries. \For kitchens and mess halls, each and all for the enlisted I men. including recruits. For the horses, mules, and oxen of the Quartermaster's Department at the several posts and stations and with the armies in the field, and for the horses of the several regiments of cavalry and the batteries of artillery and such companies of infantry and scouts as may be mounted, and for the authorized number of officers' horses. (67) 68 Analysis of the army appropriation act, fiscal year 1910 — Continued. APPROPRIATION: "REGULAR SUPPLIES"— Continued. Item. Supplies or service. Purpose for which supplied. R. K. 11. K S s s. s. s s s 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Straw Stationery Typewriters, and ex- change OF SAME. For soldiers' bedding. V p J? That no part of the appropriations for the Quarter- master's Department shall be expended in printing, unless the same shall be done by contract after due notice and competition, except in such cases as the emergency will not admit of the giving notice of com- petition, and in cases where it is impracticable to have the necessary printing done by contract the same may be done, with the approval of the Secre- tary of War, by the purchase of material and hire of necessary labor for the purpose. APPROPRIATION: "EQUIPMENT OF OFFICERS' SCHOOLS, MILITARY POSTS." E. O.S.I. . E. O.S.2.. E.O. S. 3.. E. O.S.4.. Instruments l|For the purchase of the necessary, required for the uince iurniture I e q U jp men t and use of the officers' schools at the otCaori«d Articles:::: J several militar ^ p° sts - APPROPRIATION: "INCIDENTAL EXPENSES." Item. I.E.I. I. E.2. I. E.3. I. E. 4. I. E. 5. I. E.6. I.E. 7 I.E. 8 I. E. 9.. I. E. 10. Supplies or service. Purpose for which supplied. Telegrams 2a. Telephones, rental of. 2b. Telephone tolls. Extra pay to soldiers em- ployed on extra duty in the erection of barracks, quarters, and storehouses. Extra pay to soldiers em- ployed on extra duty in the construction of roads and other constant labor for not less than ten days. Extra pay to soldiers em- ployed on extra duty as clerks. Extra pay to soldiers em- ployed on extra duty for prison overseers. Extra pay to soldiers Expresses Escorts. Interments. I. E. 11. I. E. 12. Reimbursement of expenses of burial and transporta- tion of remains. Office furniture %. Cost of, on official business received and sent by officers of the arm v. Employed on extra duty, under direction of the Quar- termaster's Department. For post quartermasters at military posts. At posts designated by the War Department for the confinement of general prisoners. Of the U. S. Military Prison guard. Expenses of, to and from frontier posts and armies in the field. Expenses of, to paymasters and other disbursing officers, and to trains where military escorts can not be furnished. Expenses of the interment of officers killed in action or who die when on duty in the field, or at military posts or on the frontiers, or when traveling under orders, and of noncommissioned officers and soldiers. And in all cases where such expenses would have been lawful claims against the Government, reimburse- ment may be made of expenses heretofore or here- after incurred by individuals of burial and transpor- tation of remains of officers, including acting assistant surgeons, not to exceed the amount now allowed in the cases of officers, and for the reimbursement in the cases of enlisted men not exceeding the amount now allowed in their cases, may be paid out of the proper funds appropriated by this act. Authorized. 69 Analysis of the arm:/ appropriation act, fiscal year 1910 — Continued. APPROPRIATION: "INCIDENTAL EXPENSES"— Continued. Item. I. E. 13 I. E. 14 I. E. 15 I. E. 16 I. E. 17 I. E. IS I. E. 19 I. E. 20 I. E. 2] I. E. 22 I. E. 23 Supplies or service. Purpose for which supplied. Laborers . I. E. 2-1. Interpreters Spies Guides Clerks Other employees Clerks Foremen Watchmen Organist Recruiting 23a. Baths. 23b. Billposting. 23c. Drayage. 23d. Ice. 23e. Laundry. 23f. Telephone service. ir.ig. Removal of garbage and ashes. 23h. Altering white cloth- ing for recruiting parties. Deserters, apprehension, securing and delivering of. Hire of, in the Quartermaster's Department, including the care of officers' mounts when the same are furnished by the Governrrn i>i . Hire of, for the army. ^Compensation of, to the officers of the Quartermaster's / Departmeiii For the U.S. Military Prison. Incidental expenses of. I. E. 25 Donation of $5. I. E. 26. I. E. 27. I. E. 28. I. E. 29. I. E. 30. I. E. 31. I. E. 32. I. E. 33. Hire of veterinary surgeons.. Purchase of medicines for horses and mules. Picket ropes Blacksmith's tools and ma- terials. Horseshoes Blacksmith's tools for the cavalry service. Shoeing "of horses and mules. Additional expenditures Including escaped military prisoners and the expenses incident to their pursuit, and no greater sum than $50 for each deserter or escaped military prisoner shall, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be paid to any civil officer or citizen for such services and expenses. To each dishonorably discharged prisoner upon his release from confinement, under court-martial sen- tence, involving dishonorable discharge. For (the following expenditures required for) the sev- eral regiments of cavalry, the batteries of light artil- lery, and such companies of infantry and scouts as may !><■ mounted, the authorized number of officers' horses, ami for 1 rains. Such as are necessary and authorized by law in the movements and operations of the army, and at mili- tary posts, and not expressly assigned to any other department. APPROPRIATION: "HORSES FOR CAVALRY, ARTILLERY, AND ENGINEERS.' H. C. A. &E. 1. H. C. H. C. H. C. H. C, H. C. H. C. A. & E. 2. A. &E. 3. A. & E. 4. A. & E. 5. A. & E. 6. A. &E. 7. H. C. A. & E. 8... H. C. A. &E. 9... Horses foh officers enti- tled TO PUBLIC MOUNTS. Horses for the cavalry Horses for the artillery Horses for the engineers j Horses for the service school and staff colleges. Horses for the Indian scouts. Horses for the infantry, mounted. Horses for the Hospital j Corps. Expenses incident thereto...' For the cavalry, artillery, and engineers, service school and staff colleges, and for the Indian scouts, and for such infantry and members of the Hospital Corps in the field campaigns as may be required to be mount- ed, and the expenses incident thereto: Provided, That the number of horses purchased under this ap- propriation, added to the number now on band, shall be limited to the actual needs of the mounted service, including reasonable provisions for remounts, and unless otherwise ordered by the Secretary of War, no part of this appropriation shall be paid out for horses not purchased by contract after competi- tion duly invited by the Quartermaster's Depart- ment and an inspection under the direction and au- thority of the Secretary of War. When practicable, horses shall be purchased in the open market at all military posts or stations, when needed, at a maxi- mum price to be fixed by the Secretary of War: Pro- vided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used for breeding purposes: Provided further, That, no part of this appropriation shall be expended for the purchase of any liorses below the standard set by army regulations for cavalry and artillery horses. 70 Analysis of the army appropriation act, fiscal year 1910 — Continued. APPROPRIATION: "BARRACKS AND QUARTERS." Item. Supplies or service. Purpose for which supplied. B & Q. 1 Barracks and quarters la. Construction. lb. Rental of. For troops, other than seacoast artillery. R &Q.2 &Q. 3 & Q. 4 For the safe-keeping of military stores. R 2a. Construction. 2b. Rental of. R 3a. Construction. 3b. Rental of. R & Q. 5 Furniture Furniture Buildings and grounds Temporary buildings Construction of temporary buildings and stables. Repairing Extra duty pay To provide such furniture for the public rooms of olti- B & Q. 6 cers' messes. For officers' quarters at military posts as may be ap- F & Q. 7 proved by the Secretary of War. Hire of, for' summer cantonments. \>, & Q. 8 At frontier stations. R & Q. 9 B & Q. 10 Public buildings at established posts. R & Q. 11 Of enlisted men employed on same (viz, construction and repairing public buildings). APPROPRIATION: "MILITARY POST EXCHANGE." M. P. E. 1 Construction. M. P. E. 2 Equipment. M. P. E. 3 Maintenance Of suitable buildings at military posts and stations for the conduct of the post exchange school, library, reading, lunch, amusement rooms, and gymnasium, * * * to be expended in the discretion and under the direction of the Secretary of War: Provided, That not more than forty thousand dollars of the above appropriation shall be expended in the construction of buildings at any one post or station. APPROPRIATION: " TRANSPORTATION OF THE ARMY AND ITS SUPPLIES.' Including transportation of the troops when moving either by land or water. A.T.I Transportation of the army. . la. Transportation of im- pedimenta and, or- ganization property accompanying troops changing station* lb. Transportation of public animals ' v with troops chang- ing station. lc. Transportation of horses of changing station. Id. Procurement of street car tickets and com- mutation railroad tickets. A. T. 2 And its supplies. 2a. Transportation of sig- nal stores. 2b. Transportation of en- gineer stores. 2c. Transportation of medical stores. A. T. 3 Transportation of baggage... 3a. Change of station of officers. 3b. Change of station of enlisted men. 3c. Change of station of civilian employees, A djutant-Gen'eral's Department. * The designation "Transportation of impedimenta and organization property" (item A. T., la) is to cover the transportation of all troop or company property and impedimenta regardless of the character, and does not include transportation of baggage of officers accompanying troops. Such baggage should be listed and charged to its proper item number, viz, 3a. 71 Analysis of the army appropriation at \ fiscal year 1910—- Continued. APPROPRIATION: "TRANSPORTATION OF THE VKUV AXD ITS SUPPLIES" -Continued. Purpose for which supplied. A. T. 4. A. T. .",. A. T. 6.. A. T. 7. A. T. 8.. A. T.9.. Transportation of baggage — Continued. 3d. Change of station of civilian employees, Inspector-General's Department. 3e. Change of station of civilian employees, Judge - Advocate- General's Depart- ment. 3f. Change of station of civilian employees, Quarter master's Department. 3g. Change of station of civilian employees, Subsist enc e De- partment. 3h. Change of station of civilian employees. Medical Depart- ment. 3i. Change of station of civilian employees, Corps of Engineers. 3j. Change of station of civilian employees, Ordnance Depart- ment. 3k. Change of station of civilian employees, Signal Corps.' 31. Change of station of cm Man employees, of the Pay Depart- ment. Including the cost of packing and crating. Transportation of recruits . . . 5a. Street-car tickets and commutation rail- road tickets. Transportation of recruiting parties. 6a. Street-car tickets and commutation rail- road tickets. Transportation of appli- cants for enlistment. 7a. Street-car tickets and commutation rail- road tickets. Transportation of persons . . . Transportation of supplies to the militia. 9a. Clothing. 9b. Camp and garrison equipage. 9c. Other quartermaster's stores. 9d. Subsistence stores. 9e. Medical supplies. 9f. Engineer's supplies. 9g. Ordnance, ordnance stores, and small arms. 9h. Signal stores. Transportation of necessary- agents and other employ- ees. 10a. Of the Adjutant- General's Depart- ment. 10b. Inspector-General's Department. 10c. Judge - Advocatt - General's Depart- in i nt. Between recruiting stations and recruiting depots. On their discharge from the U. S. Military Prisonfto their homes (or elsewhere as they may elect), pro- vided the cost in each ease shall riot be greater than to the place of last enlistment. Furnished by the War Department for the permanent equipment thereof. 72 Analysis of the army appropriation act, fiscal year 1910 — Continued. APPROPRIATION: "TRANSPORTATION OF THE ARMY AND SUPPLIES"— Continued. Item. Supplies or service. Purpose for which supplied. A. T Transportation of necessory agents and other employ- ees — Continued. lOd. Quartermaster's De- partment. lOe. Subsistence Depart- ment. lOf. Medical Depart- ment. lOg. Corps of Engineers. lOh. Ordnance Depart- ment. lOi. Signal Corps. A. T. 11 Transportation of clothing and equipage. A. T. 12 Transportation of other quartermaster's stores. 12a. Transportation of cavalry, artillery, and engineer horses from place From army depots, or places of purchase or delivery, of purchase. to the several posts and army depots, and from these 12b. Transportation of depots to the troops in the field draft and pack animals from place of purchase. A. T. 13 Transportation of horse equipments. From the places of purchase, and from the places of delivery under contract, to such places as the cir- A T. 14 Transportal ion of subsist- cumstances of the service may require them to be sent. ence stoics. A. T. 15 Transportation of ordnance, From the foundries and armories to the arsenals, forti- ordnance stores, and small fications, frontier posts, and army depots. arms. A. T. 16 Wharfage i A. T. 17 Tolls [■Payment of. A T. 18 Ferriages 1 • A. T. 19 Transportation of funds Of the army. A. T. 20 Payment for army transpor- tation. For the payment of army transportation lawfully due such land-grant railroads as have not received aid in government bonds, etc., as provided by law. A. T. 21 Draft animals 21a. Hire of draft animals. 21b and 22b. Supplies incident to care of draft and pack a ni- mals. Pack animals The purchase and hire of. Limited to such numbers as are actually required for the service, including reasonable provision for replacing unserviceable A T. 22 animals. --«« 22a. Hire of pack animals. 22c. Hire of horses, riding. A T. 23 Harness, purchase of 23a. Park rigging. 23b. Pack rigging parts. 23c. Harness. 23d. Harness, parts of. A T. 24 Harness, repair of 24a. Tools for repairs of pack rigging and harness. 24b. Materials for repairs of pack rigging and harness. A T 25 Wagons, purchase of 25a. Wagon supplies and repair parts. 25b. Purchase of auto- mobiles. Purchase and repair of. required for the transport a- i tion of troops and supplies and for garrison pur- poses 1 T 26 Wagons, repair of 26a. Wagons, repair of material. 26b. Wagons, repair tools. 26c. Repair of automo- biles. 26d. Operation and maintenance of automobiles. A T 27 Carts, purchase of A T 28 Carts, repair of A T T T 29 Drays A 30 31 Drayage /At the several depots. A Cartage 73 Analysis of the army appropriation act, fiscal year 1910 — Continued. APPROPRIATION: "TRANSPORTATION OF THE ARMY AND ITS SUPPLIES"— Continued. Item. Supplies or service. Purpose for which supplied. A. T. 32 Teamsters Other employees [•Hire of. A. T. 33 A.T.34 Enlisted men driving teams. A.T.35 Enlisted men repairing means of transportation. lF,xtra-duty pay of A. T. 36 Enlisted men employed as trainmasters. A.T.37 Ships (purchase of). 37a. Ships, repair of transports. A.T.38 Boats (purchase of). 38a. Hire of, for the artil- lery service. A. T. 39 Other vessels (purchase of), i 39a. Other vessels, repair of. Sailing public transports A. T. 40 40a. Fuel. 40b. Deck supplies. 40c. Engine supplies. 40d. Stewards' (Q. M.) ' supplies. 40e. Employees. 40f. Water. 40g. Laundry. 40h. Pilotage. 40i. Stevedoring. 40j. Removing ashes. The expenses of sailing public transports and other 40k. Painting and clean- : > vessels on the various rivers, the Gulf of Mexico, and ing. the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. 401. Miscellaneous shore \ expenses. 40m. Towage. A. T. 41 Other vessels 41a. Fuel. 41b. Supplies. 41c. Employees. 41 d. Miscellaneous ex- penses. 41e. Water. 41f. Charter or hire of. A. T. 42 Harbor boats I Purchase of. A. T.43 Harbor boats Repair of. Repair of. A. T. 44 Boats for the seacoast artil- lery service. APPROPRIATION: " ROADS, WALKS, WHARVES, AND DRAINAGE." R. W. W. &D. 1... R. W. W. &D.2.. R. W. W. &D.3... R. W. W. &D. 4... R. W. W. &D. 5... R. W. W. &D.6... R. W. W. &D. 7... R. W. W. &D. 8... R. W. W. &D.9... Roads (construction of) la. Repair oj. Walks (construction of) 2a. Repair of. Wharves (construction of)... 3a. Repair of. Enlisted men employed in opening roads. Enlisted men employed in building wharves. Employees Drainage Dredging channels. Caee and improvement of GROUNDS. For the construction and repair of. Extra-duty pay of For the pay of. For the d isposal of. 74 Analysis of the army appropriation act, fiscal year 1910 — Continued. APPROPRIATION: "WATER AND SEWERS AT MILITARY POSTS." Item. Supplies or service. Purpose for which supplied. W. &S w. &s, w. & s w. &s w. & s w. & s. w. & s w. & s, 1 Procuring water 2 Introducing water to build- ings. 2a. Installations and exten- sions of plumbing within , buildings. 3 Eire apparatus Purchaseof. 4 Fire apparatus \ Repair of. 5 Sewage i For the disposal of. 6 Water systems 6a. Plumbing within build ings. 7 Sewer systems 8 Employees For hire of. For procuring and introducing same to buildings and premises at such military posts and stations as from their situation require it to be brought from a dis- tance. For repairs to. Note. — Under item W. & S. 1 mil be included purchase of water, installations and extensions of water supply systems to and including the pumping machinery, and expenses connected with the operation thereof, as fuel, engine supplies, etc. Under W. & S. 2 will be included installations and extensions of water distributing systems, compris- ing mains, pipes, hydrants, etc., exterior to buildings, which convey water from the supply systems to the buildings. Under W. & S. 2a will be included the plumbing within buildings and the necessary connections thereof with the water distributing systems and the sewer systems. Under W. & S. 6 will be included repairs to the water supply and distributing systems. Under W. & S. 6a will be included repairs to plumbing provided under W . & S. 2a. APPROPRIATION: "BARRACKS AND QUARTERS, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS." B.&Q..P.I.1.... B.&Q., P.I. 2.... B.&Q., P.I. 3.... B.&Q., P. I. 4.... B.&Q., P. I. 5.... B. & P. I. 6. B.&Q., P. I. 7... ^office'rsTnd eSedmen* ^Continuing the work of providing for the proper, of t>2p»™«= enllsted men - I the Army of the United States lawfully on duty in Pa^^ofrents; including: J the Philippine Islands. Building sites j Additions to existing mili- ^Acquisition of title to, as may be necessary. tary reservations, and. | Shelter for animals and sup- j Necessary for post administration purposes. plies. All other purposes. APPROPRIATION: "CLOTHING AND CAMP AND GARRISON EQUIPAGE." C. & E. C. &E. C. & E. C.&E. C. &E C. &E C. & E C. &E C.&E C. & E C. &E C. & E C.&E 1 Cloth 2 Woolens 3 Materials 4 Clothing, the manufacture of. 4a. By Quartermaster's Department. 4b. By contractors. 4c. Clothing, purchase of, from contractors. 5 Altering. 6 Fitting.. 7 Washing. 8 Cleaning. 9 Equipage. 9a. Manufacture of, by Quart ermaster's Department. 9b. Manufacture of, by contractors. 10 Packing 11 Handling 12 : Similar necessaries 13 Citizens' outer clothing C. & E. 14 Indemnity for clothing, bed- ding, etc. For the army, for issue and for sale at cost price, ac- cording to Army Regulations. Clothing, when necessary. For purchase of. Expenses of. To cost not exceeding $10, to be issued upon release from confinement to each prisoner who has been confined under a court-martial sentence involving dishonorable discharge. To officers and men of the army for clothing and bed- ding, and so forth, destroyed since April 22, 1898, by order of medical officers of the army, for sanitary reasons. 75 Analysis of the army aj)propriation act, fiscal year 1910 — Continued. APPROPRIATION: "CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR OF HOSPITALS." Item. Supplies or service. Purpose for which supplied. C. & R. H. 1 Construction. C. & R. H. 2 Repair C. & R. H. 3 Extra-duty pay of enlisted men. Construction, expenditures for. Repairs, expenditures for... Construction Repair. C. &R. H.4 C. &R.H.5 C. & R. II. 6 C. &R.H. 7 C. & R. H. 8 1 Expenses. C. &R.H.9.. C. & R. H. 10. Additions (to hospitals) Modern and sanitary hos- pitals. I Of hospitals at military posts already established and I occupied. Employed on same (construction and repair of hos- pitals at military posts, etc.). Of general hospitals. Incident thereto (construction and repair of general hospitals). To meet the requirements of increased garrisons. The erection and completion of, as per appropriation act. APPROPRIATION "QUARTERS FOR HOSPITAL STEWARDS." Q. H.S.I Q. H. S. 2 Q. H. S. 3 Construction of quarters \ For hospital stewards at military posts already estab- Repair of quarters / lished and occupied. Extra-duty pay j Of enlisted men employed on same. APPROPRIATION "SHOOTING GALLERIES AND RANGES.' S. G. &R. 1. S. G. & R. 2. S. G. & R. 3. S. G. & R.4. S. G. & R. 5. Shelter ) Shooting galleries >For small-arms target practice. Ranges for small arms | Ex^Sesv:::::::::::::::::::H dentthereto - APPROPRIATION "MAINTENANCE OF THE ARMY WAR COLLEGE." M. A.W.I Fuel... M. A. W.2 Lights. M. A. W. 3. M. A. W.4. M. A. W. 5. M. A. W.6. Chief engineer Assistant engineer.. Firemen , Elevator conductor. For heating the Army War College building at Wash- ington Barracks. For lighting the, building (Army War College) and grounds. For pay of. APPENDIX 10. Letter of No Office of , ,19... Sir: Funds for the procurement of during the fiscal year 19.., under appropriations and in amounts stated in credit column below are hereby apportioned for the purposes and period herein stated. Quartermaster. o . o In this column state briefly details of transactions. Appropriations. 0> $3 §3 Credit. w > ~x OCT ^-( i-( 6c* *A rt £> Hs £* •■§ 3.2 3 - Debit. Lia- Deb- Lia-' Deb- Lia- Deb- Lia- Deb- bility. it. bility. it. bility. it. bility. it. 0" = < Note.— Headings to be filled in to suit the purpose for which the blank is used. (76) First quarter, fiscal year 1910. To be supplied from New York DeDot. APPENDIX 11. REQUISITION (Extra sheet). War Department. Q. M. D. Form No. 60-A. (Modified January 13, 1908.) Attach to Form 60 with paper fasteners. No. 112-1. Date, May 25, 1909. Class A. Appropriation, see below. APPROPRIATION l: REGULAR SUPPLIES.* Quan- tity hand. Con- sumed pre- vious quar- ter. Re- quired, #1 V 2 V 30 \i 10 ,' 2 # 12 ^6 V 4 l'3 ; x i v* ' V 144 (/6 V 1 V 250 VI (/3 it 12 #72 #3 #12 #3 #24 #1 I #2 : #i #12 i #1 ^3,000 ! #24 #e ! # 500 #12 #36 #12 #6 I #36 #io Description of articles. Alphabet, steel, set. . Alcohol, wood, galls. Asbestos, lbs Asphaltum, galls Bars, pick Baskets, coal Blades, hack-saw Boilers, coffee, 30 galls., cop- per bottom, round, with faucets. Boilers, round, 20 galls., square, with copper bottom. Boilers, round, 20 galls., cop- per bottom, with faucets. Cement, bbl Charcoal, bushels Chimneys, lamp, for Q. M. D. lamps. Chisels, cold. J" face Clay, fire, bbl Compound, boiler, lbs Cleaner, flue, 3" 5. 75 Dusters, feather 3.75 Bands, rubber, gross 2.40 Blocks, memo. it2026 2. 16 Boards, clip, letter size 75 Books, blank, 3 qr. horizontal . 90 ruling only. Books, letter copy, letter size.. Books, memo., pocket size, flexible covers. Book, time, small Bowls, copying Brush, copying Clips, paper, Gem, gross Crayons, gross Envelopes, official, with pen- alty stamp #9. Erasers, rubber, Fabers I. & P. Erasers, steel Fasteners, paper, McGills. #2 .. Folders, paper Ink, black, pts Ink, red, bots. 2 oz Inkstands, single Mucilage, bots. 4 oz Paper, carbon, sheets Paper, folio post, qrs * Actual cost in local markets (77) Esti- mated cost of quan- tity re- quired. $5.00 1.80 6.00 7.50 1.25 3.60 .90 4.60 1.80 8.50 * 3. 25 3.60 7.20 .90 3. 75 25.00 Remarks: Use foreach article must be stated. Par. 49, 50, Circular No. 7, Q. M. G. O., 1909. Item R. S. 1 Item R. S. 7a ItemR. S. 7ft Item 5 R. S. la, R. S. 7ft. Item R. S. 7ft ItemR. S. 1 Item R. S. 9 ItemR. S. 6 .do. .do. Item R. S. la do ItemR. S. 9a ItemR. S. 9 do Item 100 R. S 9, 150 R. S. 11. Item R. S. 9 do Item R. S. 27... do do do 3.75 4.80 .15 .20 .35 2.40 .20 6.40 .72 1.50 1.00 2.40 3.60 1.20 .75 3.60 10.00 ; do. 3.00 I do. do Quan- tity ap- proved by C. Q. M. 1 6 144 6 1 250 1 3 12 72 3 12 3 24 1 2 1 12 1 3, 000 24 6 500 12 36 12 6 36 1,000 10 Actual cost of art cles sup- plied. $5.00 2.00 4.50 7.30 1.50 3.00 1.00 5.00 2.20 3.25 2.25 6.00 .90 3.75 20.00 5.00 3.75 2.00 2.75 1.20 1.20 4.00 3.60 .15 .30 .25 2.00 .25 6.40 1.00 1.50 1.00 2.40 4.00 1.00 1.25 3.50 10.00 2.50 78 APPROPRIATION "REGULAR SUPPLIES "—Continued. Quan- tity on hand. Con- sumed pre- vious quar- ter. Re- quired # 100 #250 # 300 #20 # 500 #1,000 #24 #144 #12 #2 # 6 # 12 #72 #0 Description of articles. Paper, foolscap, qrs Paper, legal cap, qrs Paper, letter, qrs Paper, note, qrs Paper, blotting, shts Paper, T. W., letter, No. 2J, qrs. Paste, library, bots Pencils, lead, Dixon's #2 Pens, steel, gross, 4 048 4 Spen- cerian #2 4 J stub. Racks, pen Sponges, cup Tape, office, spools \\ ax, sealing, ozs Weights, paper Total regular supplies 250. 37 Esti- mated cost of quan- tity re- quired. Remarks: Use for each article must be stated. Par. 49, 50, Circular No. 7, Q. M. G. O., 1909. $1.50 Item R. S. 27. 27.50 do.. 36.00 I do.. 2.00 10.00 11.00 2.75 3.00 0.00 .40 .00 1.20 1.44 .60 do. do. do. do. do. do. Quan- tity ap- proved by C.Q.M. 100 250 300 20 500 1,000 24 144 12 2 12 72 6 APPROPRIATION "INCIDENTAL EXPENSES.' j/50 Y ;> YS j/20 Y 1 V 6 V 6 V 3 #1 Y 15 Y 24 V 6 #1 #24 tf 2 Acid, carbolic, crude, galls I 85. 50 Acid, muriatic, galls : 5. 75 Alcohol, wood, galls ' 2.70 Alum, lbs I 2. 00 Anvil, 200 lbs ' 16.00 Baskets, desk i 1.20 Baskets, waste 1. 80 Brushes, desk ' 1.20 Clock, office 3. 75 Compound, welding, lbs I 3.00 Mats, cuspidor, rubber I 4.80 Mats, door, rope j 3.60 Stand, dictionary 1. 75 Tacks, thumb 30 Wrenches, Stillson 12" 3. 00 Total incidental expenses. 56.35 Item I. E. 33 50 do 5 Item I. E. 12... 3 Item I. E. 33 20 Item I. E. 29 1 Item I. E. 12 6 do 6 3 do 1 Item I. E.29 Item I. E. 12 do 15 24 6 1 do 24 Item I. E.29 2 APPROPRIATION "ARMY TRANSPORTATION. Y 2 Y6 Y 6 Y 12 Y 36 )' 24 Y 12 Y 12 Y& »/ 12 X 300 X 300 (/ 72 XL 000 X3,000 (/ 15 # 600 ^2 Y 6 ,/ 4 Y -' Y 4 Aprons, rain, amb Awls, saddlers 1" Blades, awl, 1" Blankets, horse Brooms, stable Brushes, horse Blocks, brake, E. W Boards, sand, E. W Bolts, king, E. W Chains, fifth Lead, white, lbs Lead, red, lbs Links, open, \" Feet lumber, "oak, 1" by 6" by 14'. Feet lumber, white pine, 1" by 12" by 14' clear. Metal, babbit, lbs Nails, lbs.; 1 00 6d, 500 Sd Pots, glue Rasps, wood, 9" Screw-drivers, spiral Squares, steel Wrenches, monkey. 10" Total army transportation 446. 74 SG.00 .90 .72 42.00 25. 20 12.00 2.40 8.40 .60 6.00 * 27. 00 * 27. 00 4.52 * 72. 00 *180. 00 6.00 $18. 00 .70 1.80 2.00 1.50 2.00 Item A Item A do. Item A do. do. Item A. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Item A. do. do. do. do. T T 25a 24o 2 6 6 T 216 & 226.. 12 36 24 T 2(ia 12 12 6 12 300 300 72 1,000 3,000 15 T. 206 600 2 6 4 2 i. * Actual cost in local market. 79 APPROPRIATION "WATER AND SEWERS, MILITARY POSTS." Con- Quan- sumed tity pre- Re- on vious quired. hand. quar- ter. V' 50 j 500 1 12 ,' 2 ,/ 6 X 3 X 100 y 24 1 1 r 50 X 100 X 200 )/ 50 I' 10 X 10 X 12 1 1 V 1 X 15 1 1 Description of articles. Alum, lbs. Bricks, fire Brooms, corn Brushes flue, 3" Buckets, G. I., 2-gal Cement, bbls Clay, fire lbs. Cloth , emery sheets . Cutter, pipe, 3 wheel, for pipe from 1" to 4". Grease, Albany lbs. Hose, garden, 1", ft. 3 ply rubber. Lead, white lbs Oil, cylinder gall Oil, engine gall Polish, metal gall Soap, Ivory, cakes Tools, firing set Torch, gasoline Turpentine gall Vise, pipe, for pipe 1" to 6". Esti- mated cost of quan- tity re- quired. $5.00 8.00 3.60 7.50 3.00 *9.75 *3.00 .50 5.25 6.00 *11.00 * 18. CO 30.00 6.50 *6.00 *.48 9.00 5.25 *9.00 17.00 Total water and sewers. . . 163. 83 Remarks : Use for each article must be stated. Par. 49, 50, Circular No. 7, Q. M. G. O., 1909. Item W. & S., 1,2,3, 4. 5. do do do do Item VV. & S.,5 ItemW. & S. 4 do do Item W. & S. 4 & 5. . Item W. &S. 1 Item W. & S. 4 & 5. ItemW. &S. 1 do Item W.& S. 1&4. ItemW. &S. 1 Item W. & S. 4 & 5. ItemW. & S. 1 Item W. & S. 1 & 4. Quan- tity ap- proved by C.Q.M. 500 12 2 6 3 100 24 1 50 100 200 50 10 10 12 1 1 15 1 Actual cost of articles sup- plied. $5.00 c.(il) 3.00 7.00 2.8S 9.75 3.00 .40 5.00 5.00 11.00 18.00 25.00 (i.OO 6.00 .48 7.50 5.00 9.00 15.00 150. 01 APPROPRIATION "ROADS, WALKS, WHARVES, AND DRAINAGE." X 12 #6 V 6 X 10 1 6 X 4 Cement bbls.. *39.00 | Item R. W. W. & D. la Drainers, cast iron, 2 J feet 42.00 diameter, \" perforation. Clow catalogue, plate 7. page 39. Hammers, stone, 4 lbs I 2. Lime bbls. .1*12. 50 Rakes, steel 3. 00 Wheelbarrows, steel * 1 7. 00 Total R. W. W. andD. 115.90 R.W.W. A 1). 7. R.W.W.& R.W. W.&D.2a R.W.W.& R.W.W.& 39.00 37.00 2.00 12.50 2.50 17.00 110.00 RECAPITULATION. Regular supplies ! 250.37 Incidental expenses 56. 35 Army transportation ' 446. 74 Water and sewers, M. P j 163. 83 Roads, walks, W. &D I 115.90 * Actual cost in local market. Articles checked thus # supplied by Chief Quartermaster. Articles checked thus | ordered from New York Depot. Articles checked thus X to be purchased by Q. M. I ort Andrews, for delivery after July 1, 1909, at a cost not to exceed appropriations for R. S., 83.25; A. T., $324; W. S.. $57.23; R.W.W.D., $68.50; total, $452.98. Charge to letter of apportionment No. 11011. Respectfully submitted. Approved: -, Quartermaster. — — ■ , Commanding. Station, Fort Andrews, Mass. First quarter, fiscal year 1910. To be supplied from New York Depot. APPENDIX 12. REQUISITION. War Department. Q. M. D. Form No. 60. (Modified January 13, 1908.) No. 112-2. Date, May 26, 1909. Class A. Appropriation, A. T. SUPPLIES FOR LAUNCH "CAPT. GREGG.' Con- Quan- sumed tity pre- Re- on vious quired. hand. quar- ter. ( 10 1 3 I 3 V 6 I 1 I 3 I 6 \> 1 ► 6 X 1 ]/ 15 i 6 xioo V 50 X 4 V 10 X 50 V 30 X 12 xioo X 10 X 50 X 10 Description of articles. : Esti- I mated , COSt Of ' quan- tity re- i quired. Acid, muriatic, gall $6.00 Alcohol, wood, call ' 2.70 Asbestos wieking, lbs., J" I .90 Brooms, corn 1.80 Broom, coir 1. 75 Brushes, varnish, flat, 1" 1. 05 Brushes, scrubbing 36 Brush, tube. 3" , 3. 75 Buckets, water, G. I., 3 gall ... 3. 00 Cement, Portland, bbl * 3.2.5 Cement, smooth-on, lbs 3. 00 Chisels, colli, .'." face ! .90 Clay, fire, lbs T * 3.00 Compound, boiler, lbs 6. 00 Dusters, feather * 5. 00 Emerv, powdered, lbs 1. 00 Graphite, flake, lbs *10.00 Hose, steam, J", ft I 6.00 Lye, cans ; * .48 Nails, 6d, lbs * 3. 00 Oil, cylinder, gall , * 6.50 Oil, engine, gall *30.00 Oil, signal, gall j * 2.20 Total I 101.64 Remarks: Use for each article must be stated. (Pars. 49, 50, Circular No. 7, Q. M. G. O..1909.) & Actual j *'£ -cost of proved larticles I by C. Q.M. sup- plied. \\\\ Item A. T. 4lb. 1 15 6 100 50 4 10 50 30 12 100 10 50 10 $5.75 3.00 .75 2.10 1.50 1.00 .30 4.00 2.88 3.25 2.50 1.00 3.00 6.00 5.00 .75 10.00 6.5( .48 3.00 6.50 30.00 2.20 101.46 *Actual cost in local market. Articles checked thus \/ ordered supplied from New York Depot June 1, 1909. Articles checked thus X to be purchased bv Q. M., Fort Andrews, after .Tulv 1. 1909, at a cost not to exceed $63.43. Charge to Letter of Apportionment 11011. Respectfully submitted. Approved: Station, Fort Andrews, Mass -, Quartermaster. -, Commanding. (80) APPENDIX 13. First quarter fiscal year 1910. To be supplied from Philadelphia Depot. REQUISITION. War Department. Q. M. D. Form No. 60. (Modified January 13, 1998.) No. 112-3. Date, May 26, 1909. Class A. Appropriation, R. S. Quan- tity on hand. Con- sumed pre- Re- vious iquired quar- ter. Description of articles. Bowls, chopping.. Chopper, meat Cleaver Dippers Forks, meat Graters Knives, bread Knives, butcher.. Mill, coffee Openers, can Pans, frying Saw, meat Scale and weights. Total 23.62 Charge to Letter of Apportionment 11011. Respectfully submitted. Approved: , Commanding. Station, Fort Andrews, Mass. 75014—09 6 Esti- mated cost of quan- tity re- quired. $2.40 5.50 .63 .70 .44 1.08 .72 .60 4.07 .60 2.28 .65 3.95 Remarks: Use for each article must be stated. Pars. 49, 50, Circular No. 7, Q. M. G. O., 1909. Quan- tity ap- proved by C. Q. M. Item R. S. 6.— To re- place articles in- spected and con- demned. Required to complete allow- ance. Actual cost of articles sup- plied. $2.40 5.50 .63 .70 .44 1.08 .72 .60 4.07 .60 2.28 .05 3.95 23.02 -, Quartermaster. (81) First quarter fiscal year 1910. To be supplied from New York depot. APPENDIX 14. REQUISITION (extra sheet). War Department. Q. M. D. Form No. 60-A (Modified January 13, 1908.) Attach to Form 00 with paper fasteners. No. 112-7. Date, June 15, 1909. Class A. Appropriation, as stated. APPROPRIATION "REGULAR SUPPLIES" FISCAL YEAR 1910. Quan- tity on hand. Con- sumed pre- vious quar- ' ter. Re- quired. 5 12 1 1 Description of articles. 3 6 6 3 12 50 30 6 800 72 1 12 100 50 100 100 3 1 10 10 1 10 100 1 1 100 Acid , sulphuric, galls A mmonia, galls Adjusters, lamp conl Brace, car) 'enter's, 12" SV Bronze, gold, lb Brushes, floor Brushes, paint, 1-1" and 2-3" . Brushes, scrubbing Buckets, G. I Cans, oil, squirt, copper, 1 qt . . Cards, steam indicator pipe, lbs Is, wood, !", h", I". : lamp, type vIII, fi Elbows, C. I., lj" "iite. carl on iiut. 12-u", km;" Graphite, lbs Grease. All any. 11 - Hose, steam, i". it Knobs, porcelain, \", gross Line. tape. 100 ft Packing, rubl er. 11 s Packu I, lbs an £000 Paper, qrs Rags, cleaning, lis Square V al vc, I low-off Wire, tvpe VIII, lbs Esti- mated cost of quan- tity re- quired. Remarks: Use foreach SH* article must be i ll "~ stated. Pars. 49, 50, a P" Circular No. 7, Q. Proved M. G. O., 1909. by C. Q. M. S5.50 15.00 .60 1.10 2.00 1.80 .75 .90 3.00 2. 25 4.20 1.50 1.50 4.20 24.00 36.00 18.00 17.011 5.50 40.00 15.111) 4.05 2.50 4.00 12.50 1.80 1.30 12.00 .30 2.50 26. 00 Total R. S Item 9. . . .do. . . .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Actual cost of articles sup- plied. $207.50 APPROPRIATION "INCIDENTAL EXPENSES" FISCAL YEAR 1910. letter '■s, farriers Cutter, clinch Cuspidors Dividers Drills, twist. {'," Grindstone, complete Hammers, blacksmith, 1' lb. H renches, monkey, vi" Veterinary su Belladonna, F. E. ozs. Camphor, gum, lbs. . . Capsicum, ozs Chloroform, lbs S2.10 Item 12 1.25 29.. 3.00 do.... .50 do.... .35 do.... 1.20 Item 12... .60 Item 29... 1.44 do.... 1.64 do.... .75 do.... do.... 3.75 do.... .36 Item 27 3.90 do .24 do .40 do.... (82) 83 APPROPRIATION -'INCIDENTAL EXPENSES" FISCAL YEAR 1910-Continued. Quan- tity on hand. Con- sumed pre- I Re- vious quired, quar- ter. Description of articles. Veterinary supplies— Cont'd Cosmoline, lbs Creolin, lbs i. meal, lbs Iodoform, ozs Oil, olive, galls Quinine, sulphate of, ozs Salol, ozs Tar, pine, lbs Total I. E Esti- mated cost of quan- tity re- quired. $1.00 3. 00 .70 2. 30 11.20 1.38 .75 . 50 13. 11 Remarks: Use for each article must be stated. Par. 49, 50, Circular No. 7, Q. M. G. O., 1909. Item 27 . Quan- tity ap- proved by C.Q.M. 1 3 APPROPRIATION "ARMY TRANSPORTATION," FISCAL YEAR 1910. 12 12 12 3 4 1 6 2 24 12 2 600 6 1 2 6 6 Bands, back, amb ick, 6-mule amb Bars, brake Beams, brake, E. W i I gon Blankets, park Blocks, brake Boards, bottom , E. \V E. W x 3", 100 v 2". Boxings, wheel, E. W us, amb. set Bridles, riding Collars, amb. harness, 20" Total A. T 12.00 16.32 6 00 3.00 27.50 [9 50 3.00 6.00 5. 40 1.60 2.16 3. 00 2.75 5. SO 4 56 15.42 138. 81 Item 24b . Item 26a . Item 26a. Id Items 21b -22b. Item 23d C J Actual cost of articles sup- plied. S43.ll $138.81 APPROPRIATION "WATER & SEWERS, MILITARY POSTS," FISCAL YEAR 1910. 100 75 100 34 2 6 72 10 yon 300 144 1 32 4 , sq . ft Belting, leather, ft yds., Xo. xx, 54" wide Cocks, bibb, brass, f" Cocks, cylinder Mops, cotton Nipples, G. I. |" Packing, rubber, lbs ft Pipe, lead, -\", ibs Reducers. G. I, from Torch, gasoline Tubes, boiler, 1" Valves, gate, 12" Total, W. &S 15.00 45.00 51.00 3.00 1.20 7. 20 4 50 45.00 14 40 4.50 64 00 36.00 Items! & 5. S25.S0 Requisition forwarded to New York depot for supply. Charge to Letter of Apportionment 1 '. RECAPITULATION. Regular supplies Incidental expenses 43. 11 Army transportation i Respectfully submitted. Approved : — , Comrm Station, Fort Andrews. Mass. S325. so Quartermaster. APPENDIX 15. First quarter fiscal year 1910. To be supplied from Jefferson Depot. REQUISITION. War Department. Q. M. D. Form No. 60. (Modified January 13,1908.) No. 112-8. Date, July 22, 1909. Class A. Appropriation, as stated . APPROPRIATION "REGULAR SUPPLIES, FISCAL YEAR, 1910. Con- Quan- sumed tity pre- Re- on vious quired. hand. quar- ter. 5 3 2 Description of articles. Army ranges, No. 1 Army ranges, No. 3 Army ranges, No. 4 Total Esti- mated cost of quan- tity re- quired. $271. 00 126. 72 230. 00 627. 72 Remarks: Use for each article must be stated. Par. 49, 50, Circular No. 7, Q. M. G. O., 1909. Quan- tity ap- proved by C. Q. M. Item 4. Actual cost of articles sup- plied. $627. 72 APPROPRIATION "ARMY TRANSPORTATION, FISCAL YEAR, 1910.' Carts, dump Carts, hand Wagons, escort Wheels, front, E. W Wheels, hind, E. W Total 526.38 $97.50 101. 88 237. 00 36.00 54.00 Item 27. Item 25 . Item 25a $526. 38 Charge to Letter of Apportionment 11011. Supplied from stock. Requisition completed. Respectfully submitted. Approved : -, Quarter} — , Commanding. Station, Fort Andrews. Mass. 84) APPENDIX 1G. First quarter fiscal year 1910. To be supplied from Philadelphia Depot. REQUISITION. War Department. Q. M. D. Form No. 00. (Modified January 13, 1908.) No. 112-9. Date, July 15, 1909. Class, A. Appropriation, Regular Supplies. Quan- tity on hand. Con- sumed pre- Re- vious quired quar- ter. 63 312 03 63 39 312 4:: 150 63 30 312 30 312 1 3 63 312 312 Description of articles. Boats, gravy Bowls Bowls, sugar Boxes, pepper Cruets, viuegar. .. Cups Dishes, pickle Dishes, vegetable. Pitchers, sirup Pitchers, water... Plates, dinner Plates, meat Plates, soup Pots, mustard Saltcellars Tumblers Total. Charge to Letter of Apportionment 11011. Supplies from stock. Requisition completed August 10, 1909. Respectfully submitted. Approved: , Commanding. Station, Fort Andrews, Mass. Esti- mated cost of quan- tity re- quired. Remarks: Use for each article must be stated. Par. 49, 50, Circiilar No. 7, Q. M. G. O., 1909. Quan- tity ap- proved by C. Q. M. Item 22. do.. do.. do.. do.. 17.01 37.44 17.01 2.52 9. 75 24.96 do. 7.98 do. 49.92 I do. 35 91 do. 18.30 do. 28.08 do. 33.60 do. 31.20 ' do. 8.82 I do. 3.15 do. 21.84 I do. 12. 4S do. 359. 97 Actual cost of articles sup- plied. $359.97 -, Quartermaster. (85) APPENDIX 17. First quarter fiscal year 1910. To be supplied from REQUISITION. War Depart Q. M. D. Form No. 60. (Modified January 13, 1908.) \'o. 112-4. Date, .1 une 25, 1909. 1 1 services. Vppropriation, as below. APPROPRIATION "REGULAR Si " FISCAL YEAH Con- Quan- sumed tity pre- Re- on V011S quired. hand. quar- ter. Description of an icles. One tinner, 10 days, at $2.50 per day. Esti- mated cost of quan- tity re- quired. Remarl art'cle must be stated Circular No. 7, Q. M. G. O., 1909. ap- proved C.Q.M, cost of articles sup- plied. $25.00 ! Item R. S. 7c— The $25.00 services of 1 tie I h asked for are rieci sary to place the cooking i b risils a this repair. The funds for paymenl of this employee should be supplied Immediate- ly after July 1st, if request is approvi d. APPROPRIATION "INCIDENTAL EXPENSES," FISCAL YEAR, 1910. Shoeing public animals, 6 horses and 4 mules during first quarter, at $1.50 per animal. Hire of a veterinarian to ad- minister the mallein test to public animals at post. 10 visits at $5.00 per visit. Total, I. E 83. 00 Item I. E. 32. This work is to be done underinforn ment pending the assignment of a per- manent blacksmith. I. E.26 APPROPRIATION "ARMY TRANSPORTATION," FISCAL YEAR, 1910. Hire of a saddler 10 days, at $2.00 per day. For repair of 7 wagons and re- painting same. To be done under agreement at an ap- proximate cost of $12.50 per wagon. Total A. T. $20. 00 87.50 107. 50 Item A. T. 24.— Re- pairing harness at post. Item A. T. 20.— The 7 wagons at the post are badly in need of repairs. It is esti- mated that the work can be done within the figures named. $20. 00 87.50 Respectfully submitted. Approved : , Commanding. Station, Fort Andrews, Mass. -, Quartermaster. (80) APPENDIX 18. First quarter fiscal year 1910. To be supplied from REQUISITION. War Department. Q. M. D. Form No. 60. (Modified January 13, 1908.) No. 112-5. Date, July 10, 1909. Class IV services. Appropriation. A. T. APPROPRIATION "ARMY TRANSPORTATION," FISCAL YEAR 1910. Quan- tity on hand. Con- sumed pre- vious quar- ter. Re- quired. Description of articles. Esti- mated cost of quan- tity re- quired. Remarks: Useforeach article must be stated. Pars. 49, 50, Circular No. 7, Q. M. G. O., 1909. Quan- tity ap- proved by C. Q. M. Actual cost of articles sup- plied. Scraping and repainting bot- tom of steamer "Capt. Gregg.'' Hauling steamer on ways Replacing 6 stanchions on port side forward. Furnishing and installing new capstan. Total $375.00 75.00 12.00 35.00 Item A. T. 43 This work to be adver- tised for and done under formal agree- ment. 497.00 $497. 00 Approved Q. M. G. O., July 25, 1909. Charge to Q. M. G. O., #244244. Respectfully submitted. Approved: — , Quartermaster. — , Commanding. Station, Fort Andrews, Mass (87) APPENDIX 19. First quarter fiscal year 1910. To be supplied from ; REQUISITION. War Department. Q. M. D. Form No. 60. ed January 13, 1908.) No. 112-6. Date, July 10, 1909. Class D. ' A ppropriation, as stated . APPROPRIATION "REGULAR SUPPLIES," FISCAL YEAR 1910. Quan- tity on hand. Con- sumed pre- vious quar- ter. Re- quired. Description of ar> Esti- mated cost of quan- tity re- quired. Remarks: Use for each article must be stated. Pars. 49, 50, Circular No. 7, Q. M. G. O., 1909. Quan- tity- ap- proved by C. Q. M. Actual cost of articles sup- plied. 4 3 Radiators, each 32 sq. feet heat- ing surface, tapped for 1" pipe. Plate 6 Nelson's Cata- logue, page 12. Electric testine machine. Plate 60 Electric Mfg. Co. Cata- logue, 1908, page 364. $48. 00 125.00 Item R. S. 3. To re- place 4 radiators in troop barracks, cracked and unserv- iceable. it .in U.S. 9. Required to test electric light- ing system for breaks in insulation, etc. 4 1 $48.00 125.00 Total 173.00 173. 00 APPROPRIATION *'R. W. W. AND D. 4," FISCAL YEAR 1910. Road scraper, 2-horse. Plate $110.00 10, page 16, Simmonds Hdwe. I Catalogue, 1908. ItemR. W. W. do Do. 17.00 do Do. 5.50 do Do. 40.00 do Do. 15.00 do Do. 4.05 do Do. 2.50 do Do. 4.00 do Do. 12.50 do Do. 1.80 do Do. 1.30 do Do. 12.00 do Do. .30 do Do. 2.50 do Do. 26.00 do Do. 267. 50 2. 10 Good Item 12. 1. 25 do Item 29. 3. oo do Do. .50 do Do. do 1)0. L. 20 do Item 12. ,.60 do Item 29. 1.44 do Do. 1.64 do Do. .7;". do Do. .80 do Do. do Do. do Item 27 3. 00 do Do. do Do. .40 do Do. 1.00 do Do. 3. 0(1 do Do. .70 do Do. 2. 20 do Do. 11.20 do Do. 1. 38 do Do. . 75 do Do. ,. r do Do. 43.11 (96) 97 Transfer of quartermaster supplies from depot Q. M. at New York City, to , Q. M. at Fort Andrews, Mass., for transportation and delivery to Continued. Quantity (in figures), Articles. ARMY TRANSPORTATION. 12 Bands, back, amb . . . 12 Bands, back, 6-mule. . 12 Bands, belly, amb . . . 3 Bars, brake 4 Beams, brake, E. W. 1 I Bed, escort wagon. . . I Blankets, pack 2 i Blankets, saddle 24 j Blocks, brake 12 j Boards, bottom, E . \\ 2 Bolsters, E. W 600 Bolts, carriage, 100 |" J" by 2". 6 Boxings, wheel, E. W. . 1 Breechings, amb. set 2 Bridles, riding 6 Brushes, horse 6 Collars, amb. harness, 20" Total by 3", 100 , s g " by 3J", 400 100 75 100 34 2 6 72 10 300 300 144 1 32 4 WATER AND SEWERS, MILITARY POSTS. Asbestos, sq. ft Belting, leather, ft Canvas, yds. Np. xx 54" wide. Cocks, bibb, brass, j" Cocks, cylinder Mops, cotton Nipples, G. [., |" Packing rubber, lbs Pipe : G. I., |", ft Pipe, lead, i", lbs Reducers, G. I. from 1" to §". Torch, gasoline Tubes, boiler, 1" Valves, gale, 12" Cost when new. $12. 00 16. 32 6.00 3.00 4.80 27.50 19.50 3.00 6.00 5.40 1.60 2.16 3.00 2.75 5.80 4.56 15.42 Total. 138. 81 8.00 15. Oil 45. 00 51.00 3.00 1.20 7.20 4. 50 45. 00 27.00 14.40 4.50 64.00 36.00 325. SO Condition. Good... Good.. Remarks. Item 246. Do. Do. Item 26a. Do Do. Item 236. Do. Item 26a. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Item 23d. 216 & 226. Item 23d. Items 4, 5. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Charge to letter of apportionment 11011. Supplies from stock. Requisition completed. Invoiced this 10th day of Aug., 1909, and dropped per receipt, voucher No. 865, 1st quarter, fiscal year 1910. Return of iuvoicing officer. 75014—09- Invoicing Officer. APPENDIX 28. [First page of cover.— Form 126 (amended Feb. 8-09).] Annual estimate of repairs required for public buildings. At Fort Monroe, Va., during the year ending March 1, 1910- Respectfully submitted. j , Quartermaster. Approval recommended as indicated in first column. RECAPITULATION. -, Commanding Post. Apportionment. Kstimate. Recommended by department commander. $865 325 185 14 Allotted B. & Q SI, 025. 50 377. 00 335. 00 14.00 S500 R.S W. & S 240 185 I. E 14 K.T... 35.00 35 35 Total 1,786.50 1,424 974 Date, , 1909. Recommended as indicated in second column. Commanding Department. Date, , 1909. Allotted as indicated in red in third column. -, Commanding Department. (98) 99 [Second page of cover.] INSTRUCTIONS. 1. To be mailed from the post not later than April 1st, and forwarded to The Adjutant-General from department headquarters not later than April 15th. 2. The estimates will be prepared in triplicate for posts under the jurisdiction of department commanders. The three copies will be forwarded to department headquarters and one copy with recommendations of the department author- ities forwarded to The Adjutant-General. For depots and independent stations the estimate will be prepared in duplicate, and both copies with recommendations forwarded to The Adjutant-General. Apportionments will be made, based upon these estimates, which will then be returned to the department for allotment to the post. After allotment has been made by the department commander, one copy of each report will be forwarded to The Adjutant-General and one copy will be sent to the post, one copy being retained at department headquarters. 3. Estimates for the Philippine division will be forwarded as above to the divi- sion commander for his action. 4. See paragraphs 1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, and 1485, Army Regulations, 190S, and General Orders 163, War Department, of 1908. 5. A page or sheet will be inserted for each building at the post and for each iron flagstaff, garbage crematory, power-plant building, etc. Sheets will be arranged according to the numbers of the buildings and bound in covers in serial order. 6. This estimate will include repairs to (a) The building proper. (b) The steam, hot water, or hot air heating apparatus within the building. (c) The lighting fixtures within the building. (d) The plumbing within the building. 7. For hospitals and hospital corps sergeants' quarters, all expenditures for repairs during the preceding year will be reported, but estimates will be sub- mitted on this form only for repairs required to heating apparatus or lighting fixtures. Estimates for other repairs, chargeable to the appropriations for hos- pitals and hospital stewards' quarters, are to be forwarded separately by the surgeon for the action of the Surgeon-General. 8. Estimates for repairs to shooting galleries and other buildings chargeable to the appropriation for " Shooting galleries and ranges," will be rendered separately to The Adjutant-General, but exnendituresfor preceding year will be reported on these blanks. 9. The appropriations from which repairs are payable are as follows: (a) Barracks and quarters.— Repairs to all public buildings at established posts in the United States, except those indicated in these instructions as payable from other appropriations. (b) Barracks and quarters, Philippine Islands. — Repairs to public buildings in the Philippine Islands which in the United States are made from the appropria- tion •' Barracks and quarters." (c) Reiulir supplies.— Repairs to bakery and laundry and power-plant build- ings, steam-cooking systems, heating apparatus and gas or electric fixtures in all buildings except post exchanges and gymnasiums, and electric wiring or gas piping in all buildings except hospitals and hospital stewards' quarters, post exchanges, and gymnasiums. (d) Incidental expenses.— Repairs to iron flagstafls, electric bells, and fire-alarm systems. i (e) Water and sewers. — Repairs to crematories and pump houses, and plumb- in" in all buildings except hospitals, hospital stewards' quarters, post exchanges, and gymnasiums. 100 [Third page of cover.] (f) Army transportation.— Repairs to elevators in all public buildings, where installed, except hospitals. 10. In reporting expenditures made during preceding year all repairs to each building and its appurtenances during the prescribed time will be included, no matter from what appropriation paid, but additions to buildings, alterations, and remodeling of same, and new installation of plumbing, heating, and lighting systems will not be reported or estimated for on this form. Repairs to window and door screens, wail lockers, and other appurtenances will be included in esti- mates for repairs to building proper, but the installation of same will not be included in the report of cost or in the estimates of repairs required. (A com- plete renewal of plumbing, heating or lighting systems, screens, etc., for a building or a renewal of a substantial part of an si systems will he classed as an installation and will not be included in these estimut 11. Water and sewer systems, pumping plants, heating, lighting and power plants, wharves and boathouses, roads, walks, grading, etc.. will not be included in these estimates. (Repairs to pump houses and to power-plant buildings will be included, but repairs to machinery contained in these buildings will be omitted from these estimates.) 12. Chief quartermasters and post quartermasters will enter for each building, on their copy of Historical Record, the amounts reported herein as expended during the preceding year. 101 Place, Monroe, Fort, Va. (Designation:) Administration building; condition, good. Expenditures since March 1st, preceding year. Repairs to building (B. & Q.) Repairs to heating plant (R. S.) Repairs to lighting (R. S.) Repairs to plumbing (W. & S.) Repairs to (I. E.) Repairs to (A. T.) Total $185 00 30 00 20 00 32 00 8 00 10 285 00 Estimate of amount required for ensuing F. Y. (a) For repairs to building proper (B. & Q.) Painting metal ceilings Varnishing woodwork Repairing locks on doors Glass for basement windows 35 00 175 00 8 00 13 00 (6) For repairs to heating apparatus. . . 1 set of grate liars ...(R.S.) 231 mi mi (See reverse side for other repairs.) No. of Bldg., 77. 102 No. of Bldg., 77. (Designation: ) Administration building — (continued). (c) For repairs to lighting (R. S.) 1 switch box Repairs to elec. It. meter (<2) For repairs to plumbing (W. <& S.) 1 tank regulator Replacing hot-water heater Replacing.v ash howl in lavatory For other repairs (if any) (A. T.) Repairs to elevator TOTAL FOR EACH APPROPRIATION. Appropriation. B.&Q R.S W.& 3.... A.T Total Estimate. Recom- mended by I depart- ment com- mander. Allotted. $231 $215 $100 85 ! 75 50 L97 150 150 35 35 35 548 475 335 103 Place, Monroe, Fort, Va. (Designation:) Double barracks; condition, good. Expenditures since March 1st, preceding^year. Repairs to building (B. & Q.) Repairs to heating plant (R. S.) Repairs to lighting (R. S.) Repairs to plumbing (W. & S.) Repairs to (I. E.) Repairs to ( ) Total Estimate of amount required for ensuing F. Y. (o) For repairs to building proper (B. & Q.) Building No. 10. Repairs to gutters and downspouts Plastering ceiling Painting woodwork Building No. 11. Repairs to windows and doors Repairs to main stairway Repairs to wainscoting on first floor (6) For repairs to heating apparatus (R. S.) Building No. 10. Repairs to furnace Repairs to ventilators Building No. 11. Repairs to ventilators $120 00 28 00 13 00 5 00 1 00 167 00 59 50 45 00 175 00 35 ' 00 48 00 37 | 00 399 50 00 00 (See reverse side for other repairs.) No. of Bldg., 10 and 11. 104 No. of Bldg., 10 and 11. (Designation:) Double barracks — (continued). (c) For repairs to lighting (R. S.) Building No. 10. Repairs to wall switches $15 no Repairs to elec. wiring 10 00 Building No. 11. Repairs elec. light fixtures in dormitory 34 00 Repairing electric meter 8 00 .7 00 (d) For repairs to plumbing (W. & 8;) Building No. 10. Repairing urinal stalls 25 | 00 Repairing washbowl 5 ' 00 New sink in lavatory 8 nn Building No. 11. Repairing water-supply pipes 32 28 10 00 Repairing waste pipe . ! 00 Repairing water-closet 00 108 00 For other repairs (if any) (I. E.) Building No. 11. Repairing electric bells 9 00 TOTAL FOR EACH APPROPRIATION. Appropriation. Estimate. Recom- mended by depart- mem com- mander. Allotted. B.&Q R.S $399. 50 147. 00 108. 00 9.00 8350. 00 125. 00 100. 00 9.00 $200. 00 100 00 VV.& S 100 00 I.E 9 00 Total 663. 50 584.00 409 00 105 Place, Monroe, Fort, Va. (Designation:) Double officers' quarters; condition, fair. Expenditures since March 1st, preceding year. Repairs to building (B. & Q.) Repairs to heating plant (R. S.) Repairs to lighting (R. S.) Repairs to plumbing (W. & S.) Repairs to (I.E.) Repairs to ( ) Total Estimate of amount required for ensuing F. Y. (a) For repairs to building proper (B. & Q.) Building No. so. Repairs to sash Repairs to stairs Relaying floors 1st story . $328 , 00 17 00 2 00 11 00 1| 75 Building No. 51. Renewing pillars on porch Repairs to doors and windows. (6) For repairs to heating apparatus — (R. S.) Building No. 50. Repairs to heating pipes Building No. 51. Repairs to furnace 359 35 15 i 50 i JO L5 395 00 00 • era *ide. for other repairs.) No. of Bldg., 50 an.) .1 106 No. of Bldg., 50 and 51. (Designation:) Double officers' quarters — (continued). (c) For repairs to lighting (R. S.) Building No. 50. Repairs electric wiring.. Repairing elec. fixtures . $20 18 Building No. 51. Repairing watt meter 7 : 00 45 00 (J) For repairs to plumbing (W. & S.) Building No. 60. Washers for spigots Replacing washbowl Building No. 51. Repairing water-closet tank. Repairing waste pipe 30 For other repairs (if any) (I. E.) 2 new batteries for elec. bell system 00 TOTAL FOR EACH APPROPRIATION. . ; propria tkra. Estimati'. $395 145 30 5 Recom- mended by depart- * ment com- mander. Allotted. B. &Q R. S W. &S $300 125 30 5 $200 90 30 I. E 5 Total 575 460 325 107 Si 2. *- Si « I 1 to, , CO ?§> s s fas aj ft .-ft ft-H g 3 CO ooo ddood ■p 9) a .9 rj SO tig «,d § | ft'o G bo£ -: - >- h S o ft ft^, 3 c3 Km t>» ft -^2 d,o o to «3 ~ Sis so aft a o co :s.SaMPn oooo •a liii S3?? a ft^ Cj£2 05 g bocS : so bo be bo o g us g be bofe a S3 cd oooo C3 c3 c3 c3 ftftftft CD CO Q> a boa> 3 d n flo CD .Sod :-3 :°o :d ■8 3 sag :"sf Ss CSMM ■P O H © ■ a 2 „r ft'o? , bo+j *3 +^> ^h "35* .a i_ ta — a h a " c — eoftH a> .2 to g s ~ ■£ S d a> °.S _ oradiK bo to 3 108 [Form No. 127 (authorized by Sect'y of War, Feb. 11th, 1909).] Annual estimate of repairs required to machinery and apparatus of lighting plant, lighting sys- tem exterior to buildings, central heating plants, and healing systems exterior to buildings. At Fort Brown during year ending March let, 1910. Respectfully submitted. > Quartermaster. Approved. , Commanding. AMOUNT OF ESTIMATE FOR REPAIRS (APPROPRIATION R. S.). Lighting plant (or substation) $107. 00 $95. 00 Lighting system, exterior to bldgs 84. 65 SO. 00 Central heating plants 72. 00 CO. 00 ; 50. 00 Heating system, exterior to bldgs -iS. 00 40. 00 40. 00 Total ] 311.65 I 275.00 255.00 Recommended by department commander. Allotted by department commander. 890. 00 75.00 Recommended as indicated in second column. 19—. , Commanding Department. , 19-. Allotted as indicated in red in third column. ■ , Commanding Department. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. To be mailed from the post not later than April 1st, and forwarded to The Adju- tant General from Department Headquarters not later than April 15th. -2. The estimates will be prepared in triplicate for posts under the jurisdiction of Department Commanders. The three copies will be forwarded to Department Head- quarters, and one copy, with recommendations of the Department authorities, for- warded to The Adjutant General. For depots and independent stations the estimate will be prepared in duplicate, and both copies, with recommendations, will be for- warded to The Adjutant General. Apportionments will be made, based upon these estimates, which will then be returned to the Department for allotment to the post. After allotment has been made by the Department Commander, one copy of each report will be forwarded to The Adjutant General and one copy will be sent to the post, one copy being retained at Department Headquarters. 3. Estimates for the Philippine Division will be forwarded as above to the Division Commander for his action. 4. This estimate will include repairs to and maintenance of: (a) Machinery and apparatus in the lighting power plant or substation. (b) To lighting systems exterior to buildings, electric light lines, street lighting, transformers, etc. (c) Central heating plant, boilers, machinery, and apparatus. (d) For heating systems exterior to buildings. 5. Repairs to the buildings in which power house or central heating plant is located will not be included in this estimate, but the repair and maintenance of all machin- ery, boilers, and apparatus in connection with the lighting power plant and central heating plant, the lighting system exterior to buildings, and the heating systems exterior to buildings, whether underground or overhead, will be included. 6. Supplies necessary for the operation of any part of the system, like fuel, oil, waste, engine supplies, boiler compound, etc., will not be included in this estimate, as they will be included in allotments for Class A supplies. 7. In reporting expenditure made in preceding year will be included the amount expended for the repairs and maintenance similar to those indicated in paragraph five. 8. Additions, extensions, new installations, or complete renewals of a substantial part of any of the above will be classed as an installation and will not be included in these estimates. 9. See G. O. 163. W. D. 1908. 10. The appropriation from which these repairs are payable is ''Regular Supplies." 109 o CO M ft w PL, Ph Oi - r *> II o ss ~ S o ii § .*- *» |S cu -25 !- CO >>. i-H O CS » p (DO ES- >. a c £ Ugg 9 a ~ — ■- 03 £ © . £ >,*o co to MM P c h a £.5 _; "3 o o o o o oo oo o oo r^ ct: »rj qo CC OOCO ^t TJH ,2c2ft CcSXtS ffi •?; » m w S*o - c o> rt o « P "J~ > > q} o o o o o c3 c? ^ ™ r^ P.p,S.aD ( c v c -_ - o o oo e-' ooo oo ooo oo ooo oo . ~"0 J .2 9> J_0 it "^ a Oj cu q ^ "is cr 3 ,J - A) -1 u :. a j c v. c c_ tii i Is rt c - o hi ft q '3 co u OJ H ■Jl " El ? 111 _ 110 [Form No. 110. (Authorized by Sect'y of War, Feb. 11th, 1909.)] Annual estimate of repairs required to machinery and apparatus of pumping plant, water system exterior to buildings, sewage-disposal plant, sewerage system exterior to buildings and fire-extinguishing apparatus. At Fort Blank, Ga., during year ending March 1, 1910. Respectfully submitted. Approved . quartermaster, U. S. A. , Commanding. AMOUNT OF ESTIMATE FOR REPAIRS (APPROPRIATION W. & S.). Kumping plant Water system exterior to bldgs. . . Sewage-disposal plant Sewerage system, exterior to bldgs Fire-extinguishing apparatus Total Estimated. $218 1,800 1,100 123 72 Recommended by department commander. $180 1,500 900 123 72 Allotted by department commander. 3,313 2,775 Recommended as indicated in second column. Allotted as indicated in red in third column. ,19- -, Commanding Department. ,19-. — , Commanding Department. INSTRUCTIONS. 1 . To be mailed from the post not later than April ] st, and forwarded to the Adjutant- General from Department Headquarters not later than April 15th. 2. The estimates will be prepared in triplicate for posts under the jurisdiction of Department Commanders. The three copies will be forwarded to Department Head- quarters, and one copy, with recommendations of the Department authorities, for- warded to the Adjutant-General. For depots and independent stations, the estimate will be prepared in duplicate, and both copies, with recommendations, will be for- warded to the Adjutant-General. Apportionments will be made, based upon these estimates, which will then be returned to the Department for allotment to the post. After allotment has been made by the Department Commander, one copy of each report will be forwarded to the Adjutant-General and one copy will be sent to the post, one copy being retained at Department Headquarters. 3. Estimates for the Philippines Division will be forwarded, as above, to the Divi- sion Commander for his action. 4. This estimate will include repairs to and maintenance of — (a) Machinery and apparatus in the water-pumping plant. (b) The pipe lines, wells, reservoirs, tanks, and all other parts of the water system exterior to buildings. (c) The sewage-purification plant or sewage-disposal plant, including machinery and apparatus. (d) Sewer mains and all other parts of sewerage system exterior to buildings. (e) Fire-extinguishing apparatus. 5. Repairs to the buildings in which the pumping plant is located will not be included in this estimate; but the repairs and maintenance of all machinery, boilers, and apparatus in connection with the pumping plant and disposal plant, the water mains, sewer mains, tanks, reservoirs, etc., pertaining to the water and sewerage system will be included. . .: . . Ill 6. Supplies necessary for the operation of any part of the system, like fuel, oil, waste, engine supplies, boiler compound, etc., will not be included in this estimate, as they will be included in the allotment for Class A supplies. 7. In reporting expenditures made in preceding year, the amount expended for the repairs and maintenance similar to those indicated in paragraph 5 will be included 8. Additions, extensions, new installations, or complete renewals of a substantial part of any of the above will be classed as an installation and will not be included in these estimates. 9. See General Orders 163, War Department, 1908. 10. The appropriations from which these repairs are payable is "Water and Sewers at Military Posts." 112 XI < ^ *, to S C3 ■S 6a iapuBitrruoo },dap A<\ paAOjddc junoui y C 3 o c io a CM 3 €© 2 8 M o o o o o o •}soo pojirarnsji S 8 i s e4 Description of repairs required during ensuing fiscal year. Road around parade requires addi- tional resurfacing 100 cu. yds. Crushed rock to be purchased, work done by prisoners. Service road in rear of officers' quar- ters should be resurfaced with mac- adam. Work to be done by con- tract. 100 cubic yards of gravel will be re- quired for general repairs. Work to be done by prisoners. Skilled labor and material required in rebuilding steps and repairing walk leading to Quarters No. 61. Present condition. o .3, S O cj O ■a t, -a O O O O O O © Pm O «8 g as CJ •isoo O 3 o •- CM 3 a g) r-.3 3 ga 2?~ ^ & 3 pq o vj a.' :-. S3 ~ O *a € "•a 3 a g Pm p. • •e^a — a T3 •pjBiJ ojBnbs jaj o 9% 8 oi By contract i chase and hire. Contract Purchase and prison labor. Contract ■a?ea | 1 : i ^ 2 a H o •spreX 1 8 § » a aj'Bnbs 'tjajv' ' °~ " ° " CM — GO •?99j 'q;8uaq O O Q 1 O CO O O O 00 o CO cm -v 1 "^ rH ■»83] ''III'I.U ~g OS o 2 o c a : So 3 t - 1 3 o 3 _ •2 1 II From guardhouse to wliarf. Road around pa- rade ground. Service road in rear of olficers' quarters No. 1-9. Riverside avenue east of guard- house. New approach walks to Quar- ters No. 71. ■qnauiaAoad un jo sssio •s oj ii ill pan 's qjno 'spBOH £jn*M 113 250. 00 100. 00 20. 00 2,400.00 o 1 © o O © 250.00 100.00 20.00 2,400.00 100. 00 400. 00 South wharf: 10 new stringers, 5 bearing piles, and 400 sq. ft. of new decking required. By contract. North wharf: Repairs to wharf drop machinery, railing along south side of approach. \\ ork to be done by purchase and hire. The heading at outlet of main drain requires repairs. Work to be done ? by purchase and hire. This work is necessary in order to se- cure a minimum depth of 12 ft. re- quired forQ. M. steamer, 4,800 cu. yds., at $0.50 cu. yd. Terraces in front of Administration Building require sodding to pre- vent further erosion and preserve form. To be done by purchase and hire. For setting out trees and shrubs, 8100; grass seeding, $25; purchase and repair of tools for care of grounds, including a one-horse lawn mower, $275. 1* '3 Good.... Fair t-l Poor Good.... O o 8 8 8 1 1 •- i -^ i a • o , o Pure h a se and hire. Contract . . .. P u r c h a se and hire. 11-8 2 2 si p 100 to CD •- P 3 03 Ph 1 ^ : o o o 1 25 u a) .a a fi & s CO Brick with v i t r ified pipe. Open joint v i trilled pipe. 5.5 gSkb 03 One catch basin and drain in rear of Barracks No. 1. Subsoil drains bri- de r parade ground. Dredging around head of wharf. General parade, yards around q uarters. and around barracks. B9S • pue saAit:i(AV •Sn iSpaap [. ire aS BUIB.ICI •spunojS j( ) JU.UUOAO.lduiI - s 75014—09- 114 [Form No. 120. (Authorized by Sec'y of War, June 24. L908. 1 I Amended Feb. 11, 1909. i] Annual estimate of repairs to roads, walls, wharves, sea walls, and drainage, ami. fin- dredging and improvement of grounds. At Fort Blank, during year ending June 30, 1.909. Respectfully submitted. Approved : Quarter. AMOUNT OF ESTIMATE (APPROPRIATION R. W. W. & D.) Comrnanding. ■ ^corn- j Allotted by Estimated, b'de'art- j department merit tun- j mand mander. Roads •- Walks Wharves Sea walls • Drainage Dredging Improvement of grounds. Total. 20 2, 400 5C0 20 2,400 450 4,020 3,970 Recommended as indicated in second column. -, 19- manding Department. — , - — , 19-. Allotted as indicated in red in third column. ( 'ommanding Department. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. To be mailed from the post not later than April 1st and forwarded to The Adjutant - General from department headquarters not later than April 15th. 2. The estimates will be prepared in triplicate for posts under the jurisdiction of department commanders. The three copies will be forwarded to department head- quarters, and one copy, with recommendations of the department authorities, for- warded to The Adjutant-General. For depots and independent stations the estimate will be prepared in duplicate, and both copies, with recommendations, will be for- warded to The Adjutant-General. Apportionments will be made, based upon these estimates, which will then be returned to the department for allotment to the post. After allotment has been made by the department commander, one copy of each report will be forwarded to The Adjutant-General and one copy will be sent to the post, one copy being retained at department headquarters. 3. Estimates for the Philippines Division will be forwarded as above to the division commander for his action. 4. Under the heading "Repairs Needed for Ensuing Fiscal Year" will be given complete description of the kind and extent of the repairs estimated for and the best method of doing the work, whether by contract, by purchase and hire, by use of prison labor, etc. 5. Additions, extensions, or extensive reconstruction will be classed as new work and will not be included in these estimates. 6. See General Orders 163, War Department, 1908. 7. The appropriation from which these repairs art" payable is "Roads, Walks, Wharves, and Drainage." 115 cc X c 2; Pli <3 SS»S?ISS 5 •■S.2 '*S> i^2 o o o o o © c oo o oo o o © o © ©»o © © tj-OhM "3< CM 2-^3 «> - f^o .5 r OJ o © o o © o o o o © o © © o O © O © U3 © O ^OHOI ^ CM o.S a 3 ,£ t. 3 ca |1S? .s ® o is O cji t^ ft Q is t- o ^ ^ h_; ■a « g c g s a> -jjottgo-gl ■e«t; ; o , § : 3 s. ft, R pE| g R g DQ >- C £ ft 3 o ft «5 «C N W C5 O -- M 119 ^ a, -1 ^~ - 5 © o oooo ooooo OJ tP r-t IQ (M ooooo o oo oo ooooo A P-, <5 OrS 'i^-H 2 £ bo O-^k. ss .a +J +J> -I-S +J oooo oooo IO O N 00 © 120 A, W X Ph — * 2 «*« *a O 7; ■-" 02 & ^ O. CD — « fl .5 s 3 S ^3 a. ;-. 3 a, "S, a,-— 3 o GO 0) 3 (3 *o 3 a a S Ss 0>_Q ■ a £ CO o a> J S- 3 Co pj <4> H-s; H "" -C „ w^ *■" te < ° fe o ai Tj , Q E" 5 n « o^ .. o T3 « 0» o o 121 . I .2 0) fl >> ,Q 03 R ) 2 03 R * i Q c ,o 03 .2 3 ! '— 1 £" o C > oc ooo c o ft c • > oooo o O O CO o c c o o <) > C 1 .£3 o o c o o c o ir C ffl CiCOKO c o H £ i p R at c o-r ■d '■< 03 ti, ci 3 03 3 c e oooc c e c o C : O OOOOOC^ o M c c o o o c o o c s c; c >- 2 c -Q o o o c if o j> c c « t— tr? CD Ci 1— OC CN o o u R «a •o ■d a 03 >, cp 03 £> F> 03 3 d o o 03 a 03 u o 03 » 4J a « -3 c 3 6 ,0 OJ R >H g CD CO a a c u c p - c - "5 1 5^ tx <-> - !> O 03 c c 03 -O = <-- C.3 „ -D C 03 • «Sj2 t'C'C'C'S ft a CO 3 c a > "o3 o Eh E .d O O O O 3 0) t— < < J*h fe fe fc i- R i-i o . "S £% fl " o«ri 3 — o oo ooo £^ o P ?I 5 ~1 cc o 1 i-i-'ihNCOO ^ o s 03 Q rH 1 1 K ■v .- o t- X ~ r -, C! 122 p, p. « c3 O 00 CO M Ph P4 c3 CS 05 m c3 ED CO SO. 2 1=1 +» 05 -§.2 c 05 P I -a « so ~ H CO no 2 x 3 6 05 ^£ W O n»"« — X P o 50 fc< wa c£ •— 05 a> 05 2S 05 _ *l o o -^ P"o5 «* 2 § h -~ -P a •< O^ t*,3 a ■" .2 ° PS S 3 05 <*3 «.a w G o ^•g 123 X Q m '■£ fe o o p. CL.H O ft o> 3 O a K" Is . ->— — I a. w ..s a> ** Q,3 r-t.2 <*} (J) 3 & g a o * .h no -i-i a, re co CjD O CJ fX ■£ *-> •-"^ tn ■*> O a, w o rt ^ £ >» a> - S Is c 3 fo en m a o \ i oooooo o 1 p o o oooo oo o 1 d -^ i oooooo o ^J t •r OO o O ^ CJ s ■£> ^r oo oo ^o oo o ~ C3 115 C I S9 t-H CM 93 ft O v.: 1 s t-. >> ,. £ s s 6 '^2 2 2 *^ 2 3 O o • o 'oo O *-- o o •O 'OO o _ O +5 o • o ■ oo o +5 t- o *J3 . uj . w io o ,Q i * 06 CD CD rt " n 'J. I rt fi 99 , 13 1 9 >. >> £3 o CJ 5 3 C3 l P. pq 2 03 a c o oo o o o : 3 o OO ooo S ! O o ooooo o a, p, <; r oooooo o t P. P. < cS O +^ Q o oooo o d +2 oooooo o 3 03 P X -1' o in ft c ooooo o M CS CO J -: O O to to «-3 1 ea ai . 03 •a 1" 2 3 p- 3 § .S ,s 1-1 3 kJ s s oooo ■ c c o = c oooo • c c o o s d oo 3 e oooo '• c OOOO ■ X p ■^ o o Q o £ O O O O • CN ■8 CI ft ~ ^; p W >. ^-_ 3 3 tf 3 C3 a s .2 .2 o 03 C3 a C3 j 1 ; (h O o '3 ! '3 C i p J ■a £ : -5 F t>> _; a t>> s a ■ 53 CO CD C5 -3 CD M O -z a. | S CD '• .Si '. 3 \ ! | T3 CD o > - | 3 CD - P h- I iz I b > 0^ i- - '- - c • '. CD a c - f c H p 1 r&f.&Scr " 5 CD in — »_ - 2 43 — r-'" CD c 2 c \ I 5 o 3 e - Ii H O "I ."<- ^^ =-' 5" -. -. - - - ? o S 3 03 > !s o H ) 5 p ' i-.-Kte^ e J3 c 5 a £ 1 H k< ^ ^ hti 3 O O O 0«H fl £ ooooo- t-H lrHh - rt ^O < I , ,-,- c ) 3 . cD-r- c 1 - c. 1 i oi c^i ci csl ci 200000 - (N '< C-i ^ O Li o . CvS c E (M C-l C^l CM Oi C- o o o o o c t^ CI ^r CJ — E k 1 3 li- c 1 r HHHjirao -( .-1 i— 1 rH r-l ^H la - \ ^^^22= c 3 i a ed c [ : 3 CD C o_ o P ! " : : r fi v - i • JOMOOlO i- o tt t- - ^ 3 = 3 r- ! S3 124 H »— i Ph < tp CO w d •^ 01 -1 '■~ — 3 XI •= a> o« no = 1 Oh t CI) > -^ £ a o.y O o ^ ■M a 00 c &. r <3 cu cs < s ► sj P-Q •Jg 52 >t~, o a; ©- tf* pf! a 5 E- S J3 - <" t r: fs ■< « 5? o *" CD 01J3 H s a < E«H 3 C .. o a 0Q.15 T3 W 0) U o = OO 00c 00c <= OO c c U5 p c O00 ^ c <~ c = c CMCN .- B«1»€»S c S t- Ol 1 - rt- CM CO CC ^ C~ C3 03 t. r- ft p O P. CO g 03 H >, "*-* t>> i <: 3 • c OC l OO OO C C e c m c- «C t c n 0- O . JS d § ■— _o H •9 C8 .2 *C p, o pq 3 c: OO c ■— c c c p. CO C oo- 00000c c Pi > 2 '3 ^ c3 M 3 e = - c = £ co « CO *j 1-; • - 1*3 cm X! Cl - « c ~« c p. p. St ft ^ 3 CO 03 >. 3 4^ 60 4) ^ * 3 ri o a h^ rn m - m n - s m C d •^ -T CN «•<* lOCDNCOOC CM 125 2 si > . —.IS n o> to ci ff! +5 — y. ,G.S *■§ — r ° co G s < G 00 o o j5 g o.y C o « D, G Oh 0) rt a >, e O.Q «] 32 O 0) -s: c -G pTo> Oh© <5 v © C* ,G - «■* s- s s i§ BM fs-i G ©* .. o « - t».t3 T3 PC © u o o oooo c o 1 oooooo o 3 o 1 . j oooooo d o ! •- i otnc o '~ '~ o ^ co ;o -^r i^ »c ^r C3 Sfe> H* fi ! •* "£ B9 O P. 3 03 >■ ♦^ i-J I t>> 6 J- § o '- lO CT P /. -^ ■a 3 C3 CO |j .is c cs o u ■2 h c3 rt _g m 3 p. p a oc oooo o Pi c oooooo o a> d +^ oooooo d o o o o O O iC o < 3 a> CO "cD P ic o co i— <* ic o P. -p" X 1V9 O) "3 a a> tA 1 ^ 'S 3 hH 3 C OO ooc o o OO o oc o o S3 c'd doc d CD c OO o o — o 3 O O o o in o P. Cl P ■Sn -r cox cm" Pi CI f: O) 3 5 3 M £> bo 3 « "5 - a c ■§ ,C oa '5 3 CB - p a — CD o ei i2 E '-. , » a ■a >> en •5 t p c 0! a) O 5 CD c >< - •a ^:> : > a? s C s P E 1 3 "c rt "H «° gx i "3 o 2 c "C (- ^- t^ i^ ^ E a oooooo <; Pufc^fiifeC u o . -t* -r -f -r -T - 3-1 -± o o oo o PJ E t-O) -^"M C > r-< rt rf ci n . c 1 o a? o IS P Htf i CMCC^P mco<--oo^ c ( rH 127 ^ 4-a •o •j. 6 -S & O d o> a s o T3 U c 3 c M !— I A -- OS Of J5.S fcc a) — r "» OS ft £ ~ CO »-( s-. cS <-y HO ft 0> O to O C a ft » s 0> ft co T3 eg o ,3 rt o.y ss ~ *^ a i P. ft © O oi cvo S >, * S-g rJ Ih C Q} >« P-d PS"©> ft H> 0> 03 f- 1 s •< K fc o s- •-+- cp CO ,0 £ ^ "rt c $3 la 3 & o- •• o n 0> o ;. c o c d a c "3 o o c CD o c B 00 03 c P, »-l M e*. C3 se o ft ft 8 03 , • o ^ CD -£ M ft? o d o |H c « N -t j 3 a £:§ ■6 O o CD o SH o o ■a »o © a (N 03 P* ft O C ft ft 3 a c o 1 P. cS ft V c c ~ £ o CO CD c r ftw 03 CD f bo CD 03 '•- ep ft "eel p o o a> CD o 'S CO o a ■c a a O " _o 03 CO 03 J-, "S c a- n c o '3 c r^ CD *- •o c >> d c *= - a — 03 .Si £ is "S 2fs 1o ^ ft a ^S rr CD — ' 03 *- .2 S*3 C 03 03 4^» o c p e cc o a a o a CD 03 a -H co" co' o a 153 &C b£ " '^3 3 O cd 2 a a ) O 03 03 - 3 coo g-o ^°' 5 c5a a 3 C .2 .2 Sis M a • e o3*;+j ' "^ 3 - CD CD « | *!&&& S • o O ° 5DC3S lO iH iC 9 rHM* — • ca t : ^^- , " 5s c _ tNOO-cf .o ■3 t^ oo CS 128 00 3 o o l-l .3 i-H a 6 _pj £5 T3 6 » . 03 flj O £ to a &".s +-> 0> C5 CD ** PI 00 e3 C ED 3 S U .Q 01 o M OJ PI .4 a, 0) a c3 ID -1 > O c c CUT" 0) d ^3 a Ss -o-ts a-o PS t«. jj OJ « & c^ s-a fa w UJ OJ w 03 o ea £> CD P >> s 03 3 [ ^ - CD . Q X § i 5 03 _c3 J ft o u ft Pi < 2 CD .c CJ - e e o oooo c . o o o o oo i CD r oc oooo 1 a = 1c O lO o io o»o CD p o «© X M CD si d CS h ; 2 'cj ! .Q OS 1-1 3 c o 00 *-£ o o c3 CO a C3 Sg&SsI CS " CD 03 o3 2 '3 a g t. CD — t. g fc> &S S Stiff X) >> a ■0 < .ti w g ^ aJ u fl C ^ S QJ (- •+-» C3 C 03 S- O O C5 .2 1 (- t- (- t- ;_ t- a £ o o o o o o eg a Mh fe fe fe fe Uh .c C3 £ T3 *0 'O -C T3T3 CO P P a; a; qj qj a; a) a < — l_ '- 5- i_ !-. (- f_ I- t-, C U S 09 ^ QJ QJ -2 CD^ 3 r-< > ,_, 1 iO rv CO 00 00 O •3 i> t-*r-t^t^ -— CS !>• fi 1 _, HMV u? © N CO CI O 129 c3 o> 2-3 «a a) 05 ft •^ a T3 a. 05 *> 05 5-0 75014—09 co 05 £ 3 o.y «i_, -^ 6% +J Ph o a, 05 c3 a* 3 £ O 05 <3 o^t J*l P-, 05 <1> c4 -3 „ S s COX! W s ^ -< PS ^ o id o-q ■• O W 05 Q 05 .Q - o o oooooooo - OiOOOOiQiCO o 05 f* 1 P CO >> Si S 03 2 cj 3 OOOOOOOO o d = oooooooo o o oioonooom o — • M>Onl»[ONS l-: lO t-« P ft 3 P >> >> S3 d o ft O M 6 la a! 3 05 c — oooooooo o o o < a) m P ^ 0) "3 >> •n ,Q 5 3 - o o o o o o o o c o • - o cc a ee P ft 3 >. 3 ■8 3 d o e4 a o ^2 (3 o 05 ■o t>> ^ r- cq T5 ^2 od 05 a> T p - 9. c «^f> ' 03 00 -- d a "3 C P P C3 < 4 g =~ • J5— o = o 00. dW0S . H° 3~ H 5 E d l-H o o o o o o o «i &H ft, fe (i| Cij fin fn o . C35 31 O O O 35 o o o o o o o o o l Z tH o,_^ > ITO^ICOOMIO 05 o C3 P S3 -o inONOOsiOHCi CO APPENDIX 45 War Department, Office of the Quartermaster-General, Washington, October 25, 1909. (299298.) Chief Quartermaster, Department of the East, Governors Island, N. Y. Sir: By direction of the Quartermaster-General, letter of apportionment No. 11015 is hereby increased in amounts under appropriations as follows: Regular supplies $4,400.00 Incidental expenses 50. 00 Water and sewers 550. 00 These amounts are to cover increases of contracts as follows: Fort H. G. Wright; fuel, R. S $2, 000. 00 FortH. G. Wright, M. oil, R. S 100.00 Fort. 11. G. Wright, forage, R. S 2, 000. 00 Fort Hamilton, fuel, R. S 300.00 $4, 400. 00 FortH. G. Wright, fuel, W. & S 350.00 Fort Hamilton^fuel, W. & S 200.00 550. 00 FortH. G. Wright, B. S. coal, I. E 25.00 Fort Hamilton, B. S. coal, I. E 25. 00 50. 00 Reference your letter of October 15, 1909 (No. 39560). Respectfully, , Quartermaster. (130) 131 ~ o "~ 1 e *& 03 s oo o> ti 3 o En a O is H ■J -r* - -n CD i— i Q Ph Ph «*1 efl —i s d! ~J etl -j tr /. fl o -~ v Ph - -o rt d rt cu to 03 O Pi 3 13 — 3 03 c£- * 03 £ ^3 Si co" O 03 « * W^S 3^ 2 ,2 sr fe 03 K O ..^3 «j =1 fc> o? y PCS. P. . a he £ is la £Z O OCT T?"0 • oo o • ooo • ooo • o oo • o o o -ooo ■ ooo .ooo 'oc'ov • o r- o : : : : : : ^s«^ ; : : ; iSSSS^U&g* : :% : : ■■6de Qf • C0M J' •3 'b2o ; : :. ; .; r ;d° .-! O fc~. o .a ■ . o g •_ ■- s &§ • 's > >; t>.r? a ti fe ^ £ S t- o .-^?5 °' - - - fS c q'^'O'^' » §"~ --/ « S c c 2 »■§"—•-:-: -5— -- - B-J o c «-> o o_- t --2 a-o'0'o-3 - at;-o-3 -a °°_-_-o£ b rgfc t0 c£:x t /3 M cj C K JOilC cj M fr-tv-'vj .nScPoooooooo-o d C i3 C C^^nj™ »<3*S0)II)»C3C8 o o o o o^^ ,L, ' ,c '-'.ecc:.ccc:.C3 a S3 jJjJjJ^JOOOOOOOO . o oeeoojooSoOO 00000000 >OOt*000)OHIMM'riCONC0050-'Mrt CNC*CS W C* 132 S ,2 &< A 2) 77: e 777 o C a tt; >o • d t^ • C! 00 '• ft ■ - CO ■ CD • ,a «@ > -a ■r is is £> O CT> i LO rt 3 ca 3 l-H - — :- Ss O — 00 a - OO O 30 CO o o cd ad ■^•'oocd 17 c •H 77 E CM COCO d T CD WHO c _; C@ o v ft 1 ■* ■* ,_, 00 M t^co X 77 -*> CO ^H ot3 O 1 t>> ^ O CO a 1 rt IO ca ■< ^ Pi o o TJI = 777 td 9 1^ ^i- P. d *5 ^r ■> CO ! '3 3 S9 l-H C3 3 o X n m TT l-OOIMh- o 71 "7 cn io r^ co CO : d« ■c, cot^ r^cs .2 P. s CD P IOCS CO •.- O CI <75 CM ^..-O P< M 3 CO u CO t- 7 i o CNt^ >. CO CO m t^ C3 3 co P5 o ::' ■ - i- >3 w iM EC CI 771 J3 CI 7 1 OCO a :>. 3 d o o e3 to § P — ^4-» o o CI C r. 8,0^ O ca o a a '3 CD S S Ol"-^ ft co T a .2 ^5 3 CD 3 CD o" 5! ="- "-W CD CD« CD < 1 ci 00 T ca ' <■- o'2'fl : r ^ r -f e CO 5 < < < pel - < >* '■" «? ^ : S £ $ !\_T m "7 9- $ !7 c c: ~ n^.ri n C3 c ! a^ te -= r 3 "3 c a a a • a • • a • - - |aaa « p . . . 1 So'tfo? 5 £ m . h ;-• gSQfi B: p.. ! >' > I- o d a •; fS.= o c HN« r^ '• 00 o> i •5 D - i? l i-)diM'cid'*(NPid'5 G' 1 id -Tci > HT-(i-(COWHNtOHtH'W c- *o CO ) 1D3H C IQ EC 'OtOiOi/SOCMlO'O^ < r~ooo s INMW--r-^CMM'^ — ' "^ £ 1 ^TCC^ -3 * ioioiJ?coooc^ f- l~ t- r t^oooooo ( 5 CMOS'* ir CC >h- ■y IO c - c- 1 7 ' -I 3 1- « c c > t 133 ,2 o> Q >> ; •° : c3 i : 3 1 : +? -° , « 2 o 03 2 5 g ; i : ! ; io tH 3 "O Pi C: -*- !'.!!! ! ui Pi 3 ^ a • • O ' • d >> 1 3 ; ;0 ; ; ; ; '. '. ~ '. '. '. '. ■ ';«» • ■ ■ j - •O 'OCO o • o .tp .io(N oo ; E o is Of i £5 ■CO • i-ir^ W> • o a. • > a a cc oo ; ; ; ; ; ; •-~ ■?!•■•• • • 1 5 ■":::: : : 3 a ,o +* 03 CO a OS \ • '. • -^ • ■ ^ c ; : : :p\ ««' O c °2 :8 S3 3 ®S"J5I "o ( •O I c 5 N C3 N '~ l C "' CN >, 3 S =2 £3* ^2 ■5 CU 3 eg C o o) to cu" a; ST .a O Q : & >-% r 65,2 a> "3 i . en .^ .p GO a ( ! £ j£ Z pn' £ ^1 a p c C ! j s : "-s r £ £ r s o < 2 d-2d"S dd CO 3 p P c P 2 : o|o'l QQ if feSfjii fcg t -^ ■ • c 3 . ! ! ! ! ! o ' ' c ;£ :::::« : : 1 t 3 -o 1 OJ O 01 O q; C^»o o I HH«5HtOH 00 i-t c OiOOiOiOl-- o>o g ., W^r-HjH^ C^^L « * "^O"^^?^!^ 00 00 »M CO f «o vo i' co a o«-t ? 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"3 II <•> 5 1 S r eSso 3'3'B': i co — s— ace BODY'S 4 3 CO 1— I P-i »— 1 HH f— 1 H- 1 u C > . h 4 ! c 3 a s| C ? . ;P I i c 2 ■ o. cn' -O > ; i 3 S: 5tf > 5 1 Or o- -i ICNIQIOOC ) CD Cc CJ.C 1 5 Cta-Ei.£i.C'C CO ■* T l-.^ ■ GO Ol 1— C- r n rtrt " — C -> »"* us tt 5 N00ClOrHNC< 5 2 135 0. s s Spa c 01 (M [3 CiJ T3rd / ~ v Tl >>o 5S T3 ft ri T3 4-> d * 03 o, B ; — | 0) cd >> 03 -o a CJ 05 o ,£1 ft o ^ J>* .3 So PS p <*-

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CD ,m3 ft « ® PT |a » sd "a cd Is CO CI CD SI — ' - p< \ (^ fL, 6^ fc fe pi, f^ fe &- S^ -j fe : "3 o CO :§a 03 ™ i2 a II c JOOOOOUOUOOCU >- a a b^a aB § 11 t .>>;,>>(>>>> >;§ > II eg ■— * d ; jaaaaaeaaaa^a c u a ,c c 1 5 E CN u Cl ;;;!*-! ;;;;;;;:;:; cd . ■ : <» ; CD CD > :::::::::: :p : )-? »^S u 300ooomooioo~j»o 5 £i §1 El ElS "£!£!£!.£>. 3" £! o CO 03 tS ? » OC OSOr^Oif-ICNlCO-ViO CO CO 5 — a a V. fl _ *0 ~ Si a> >-> c^ o C Sh Q3 ? — O 03 Co K ^ 03 £ ■2 ° CO ■~ 03 s nX3 PS *» ^ fl W*3 E- S -S £ ^ G 3 S"3 gf H Pi 0Q 03 < £ G^ G 3> fl 03 Q fe. .a 03 i-l ~ owownc a _ o«o-nc CI '- •g 0» US o fi ft p t>> a >> o +2 E c3 «l h-1 n c oooooc ft ft c oooooc o © - icriccsni (M 1C < a "S 03 ft a * 03 t>> a 03 73 a a a - oooooc c oooooc O — CiOCrtlQir cr. oo c. ^ x ' " • - u CN CN CI C-l CN O CO ft K p ,_7 pt 4*5 c3 t» 1, 03 | a o C3 a C5 ■M O *S 03 •c t>> 2i *j ' ' 'c- o CO 5 ciddodc E < >>>>>> a a a a a c c 1— 1 1— 1 >— ( 1— < h- 1 t— >-,° £* S4 Phi c uuouot, cn 4< ■«r co ^ a -1-3 *H 1,3 0> o ^ 03 be A ^ 00 II £3 GQ *^ ~S 00 J- «:§ B| SO in -a § P-.Q3 i3 Hlffl 3 &o «J5 ^ £ s a a s 0? v. 1 o o 88 ! ° O ii oo • o .rH CM CO tro » ,Q 09 0) ft T5 03 ft >. 03 3 £ ^2 03 3 c ooo o fl c 3 ooo o © c 3 £ IQIOO o c ' rQ -ht .-* r- 03 S9 O ft ft s 03 ft ^ fl >> 3 o .a 03 .2 ooc o c > ooo o 00 «■ a •o'odcN irf t^ £} % 9S ft ft ft 3 CO ft 03 3 >> &D 3 « ■s 3 rt *J _o a ■g £ c3 o u ca ft o -1 o CO c o . 7« '3 cn ■. 1o o 2*3. ■5 c OJ 3 a) c - ; «* : 'ft o PS « Htj 0) •a -eg 03 0) i ft ft 03 ta P 4 1 ■a o 03 03 p g fl a "o o — 3 C e 3 o3 o3 C m ft 3 co mg g q § 33-3 "5 o 61 O • • JQ CI 1-H •* > o c eg h o . t-5 3 1 * a 1?^ E c > u: •raiM 03 i^ ^~S- 'S 00 ft - flM* - •o [ ■■- 10 APPENDIX 52 Headquarters Department of the East, Office of the Chief Quartermaster, Governors Island, N. Y.. August 10, 1909 Quartermaster, Fort Andrews, Mass. Sir: Under the provisions of Circular No. 7, Q. M. G. 0., 1909, letter of allotment No. 11210115 is hereby increased in amounts under appropriations as follows: Regular supplies $1,500.00 ! Water and sewers 300. 00 These amounts are to cover increase of contracts for fuel referred to in your letter of the 1st inst. Respectfully. ' » Chief Quartermaster . (138) 139 "" fe <0 o V- w 01 h-J *H CO 1—1 ft Ph Ph o t» . o> 0> -a "S be =» .5 a Sg •a .2 .9 ft of 8 gp ft g 3 QJ O £ ft a & « a as ftO Pra 3& as .000 .000 • 000 .000 :ir 1 C — O ^.OJ, : • ■ ■ J s - *» . • ksw^S . c.cto . .f^A"^ x o s> 3 • a -•d'o-o _-< - rn'C'a- o "a "a> *aj *o "c '~ o b " « o— e-g j3-OT3-3-an - o , aT3 g-d e S'S'H ° ..••Ce^'Ct'E'E'C'C'E't. °'u, . . -Sogcoooooooo^o o o o o o^^^-^ ° .a ^j^j^j^ooaooooo -a KK&KK8Su8»»»»K> - - 00 - iO -1-2 £ 73 rt sr &H 3 PS O • • o OS o « r/}.t! < T3 u a> - CM 00 fi «: 2 IS 73 a Si 0) ft C3 is O S>> CO > 2 « 3 v.- c ©CO CO©-<00 d c CO© oooccco _o = — X rA -q'Q&co '43 IC ,Q —ICO -O CM CO CO C3 *4* 03 ft CO ^H iO F-< ,J ©& O •S ft a c3 •V rt> ^ 00 S t>> 1^ CO CO CO .ti CC ^H 06 :-? d S>> ■^ CO S ,fl C3 — U3 _"§ < 3 o ■* © © w £ O t^ N^ ft ft < % d JJ •^ - T1> TT CO ,0 5 t/> ^ M< ft M 09 a t*. 1^ C<3 s CO IS 3 CO CO IS SB a 03 1-1 3 COCN >o © lOOCM t— co CM to C-1V S3 CO 1-4 I CM — ' 4J as r3 ft - 1 " C ftg< o * w »-H CM « trtfo S 5 1 » CD O O g - 1 - - 1 od^ CO ■3 —0 O to ° to ' 1 "1' ' 1 © OI CM CM ™ ^ ^ -H — CO ~H Hg, s ^ - o* 6>1 d* i; ^ - >> a .2 » c3 •3 CD Ut O ■C 2 CD O cr two j^i oj cr M ffi a" P3 C8 C3 o"'~! U, S . .i^H^J'H .OhCm .- r r CO a a a c c3cSc3^'g - CCggcS ooo'' .0 . .0 c B aade^g^B . ja ,0 . . . CJ 3 a t— 1 SSSdoSofil P CD CD ffCC c < 'S 'to W CC CD m CD CD 'S ' CD g & • • ■ S^ 00 3 00 3'o oo . . . cd«cd;;£cd;:;;cd •iSaSSS c s- O a Z t ^ c 5 ^ MMMOMClOf^tflOd C3 lO -^ CN > HpHHrocOiHC-jio^HM" 1 1 co 10 co hhh^"»hiOOhhOhM00Oh c iQOOiOlOU!00 01iOiOiI , t»000 WflM-i-ir-. CI CN *-* r-1 f-( N Ol »-< fH i-( fl lO»O»^COCOCOCOCOI^t--l^t^.t^X)0&CC 3 *s CM COI 1 C£ 1- • cy O ~ 1- C D -I 1- CC r J > 141 „J3 «-£ H £ B~ wfc, H 13 *j ,c CD p £3 c3 3 & cu P >. a o IS C3 2 P '£ o o O n co ft o o ■£ s id <1 s 1 3 cp P a» ■a a 03 (¥5 : a _t*> ~ d IS 03 3 ■ -.' cc S3 o o OCOO ' 3 CO o +j cx5 Ht^uj ■ CD is CO o o .0 CU P : i 99 CO o c-i • CO ■ CO •-I T3 a 03 >> COO CX U0 CP CO »o CO CM . ,Q rHCO 15 03 3 «^ ri o +^ cj c3 a C3 t-l ft-; o B3 ft 5 s °.8 '3 a ■3 O OS >> tcs 3 •© o 3 CD P CU 4^> CP rv- cp o" C3 <{ (* ■< >h S ^ j4 CO a — a is £3 eg!? Zh S s "o 5 :o r^ r r c G 0* o d- c? g dd co 2 < 'Si CP p1p.Sc ' • ft • U 5P - > t> c . 9- 1 t c > J E c 1 1 z ' d 3 CI C 3 • C - > r-< ~H CN ^-« M* CC3 '_ T HHUIHOMCCH c > ioir30nc:NO>o CD c ' cS c LOCOCOl~t—t~0000 n (M CO"*I« lQONCOfl;Oi- CM CO CM c I c 1 c i : i c ^P 3 P p > 142 Hi Pi <1 CP e/j CP 2% ~ a o *- CO O > a in . 03 d ~1 CO ►— ( (D CS On ^^ u: o &3 -J CP S * 3 _3 tf £ W "to H £ 03 -^4 o>o CO CI CD CC O 3 w ft o T3 § • o ! I '. lo o • u C3 >. ■ o . . , ,o o • o '. '. '. lo d 2 ;s : : ;. ;.S o o 5 ft o « 3 o ■ o lo 1 ! !o • o oo i- o • O ;0 ■ . .o ■ O oo ft CO d .tf lo Ic5 ! ' • CO ' 00 ~^o> Pi 00 ,a ._ . ^7< . ■rt< — o < P. Q, CD o . .CM • Ol *- * rt to CO 1 1 ! !o< 3 • • • o >i oo ■ ; ; ! oc o • • • o S^ it-; oo I '. '. lo • fj '• ' '• •rf Q) W lOO . . . .iO( 'X • . . (M « 3 <35 o • '•: s i io '• !o '• o CO o • •< 3 • -O • • o • O oo o • 'c -3 ! !r^ '• • o '• t^ rr d CD o j2 • • c & • -a> • o> cr. o CN •*■•<»• IS • 00 CO s «© o • 'c u . . "S" C3 X2 oo ! ! ! lo 2 ■ ■ o *5 M t>> oo . . ■ .o o t u a S3 en bd a c 09 m CD > o m '3 lei: ' 1 .' © ■ — o o c_ 33 "2 5. 1.2, CD o . D , 1 , C . i 1 I i o a -5 3 f 1 5 i 3 .2 0) o jf*, « 2 3 j; Sfci 8 s - Sc K> . X S c/; ~' B . x on bo . 'C p ■ i } CD CD 1 03 .a o 03 10 •a CD 1 1 - i a 1 3 2 ■« »cs s § .-BO'S s gcgj ^ o — — &s " o — — p^ •* -S 1 3 3 13 CD 13 a o o i2 g^CvCOO) .to — CDOJCDCSlf - a. "- "- "- o ■- 3. *- ~ "- « = . Ki-.aiMCGi-(53«a)cat/ji-i P 5 5 £ 3 "t; °< * ir a CO 3 a a 3 o s < >-. : : : c . I» cj-% oi | §3 > o i ' £^ji>ii '. O^ ^ 1 CD 2 1 3 !-■ TO CM CO ■+ CO • 1 1 1 O 1 c •A i^ oi — ■ t>- i- ) s o tOOiCOCOC-liOSCO c 3 00 ;;- ^;- ^ CN CI — ^- ^rr ^ £ C3 •^ t^P^c^cco^woocSoroofcB' c IT A i-HCN CO'* U3CO t»WO>Oi-iNN^«OMi c 1C 1C 5 143 CO iO X I— I Ph Ph S ^ -i -1 Q 0> _>>ft g "3 a >> . o-3 2 ft? K O Wfe 0) o3 CO rQ © t^ . ■ . t-^ . -r* t^ . r- o 3 (O . . . tc ' '«3 . 'CO o © *S © ■ • • ce> « 'CO id ' to • co d s CD , co . . ,eo • • to • CO -co •CO • o M S »-. > c •COO 'O o O ;0 • O ; O c ■ i^cod • d d d 'd • d • d >> -r • CO -CI CO CO > C •ooo • • o ° ; c • o • o a> cr • co oi d • • d d 'o • d • id ■a C o> • • o o -o • o • o ft » H • ' CN CO • CO • CO • ■* cr o • • • o o '• c ■ o O 'O o o ; • O ; • ;00 ;C •o O ;0 O o id • ■ • d d • u- • id id • d d c A ■* • • • O O ' t* t^ ' 1^ CS cr> o — i • • •— < CO • 00 & M : ft ** '. ! ; ; p. 3 CO c •OOO 'O o o -c • o '• o : >> c > 'ooo 'O o o ;c • o • o 3 be c > ■ id c4 cd • d id ■l6 ■ L- • id • d 1 CO ' CO l~ . 1^ . t^ • r-~ • cr> ' j3 —I 'CO 00 « : i» * ft > • ; d o ','.'.'.'. '.'■B : o (33 ; t-t i . ft . :S : B C3 (-1 C j m ■> : :>° :g : : > '. "8 a 1 ;'S ; 09 *3 c I :&&ci :| g • >. I <-- £ • C3 ■ '5 o • 3 m C • o ~ : c. ■ cj •S u 1 oi < ^ >o c-i UOK5- '.o ^- c-. _ . C.O-. Ci_o u •[111 t» P ■ B S ^"CIH ca x a> c! •3 S-l o c3 .q - 1 XI 1 o w o e ,"3 N 7 . B B . -C3-- • -J • 5 . c; K — . • o -O -• ii .• C > • • B X *-* "2 .£ ,„ .i , j "g „!" B "3 u CO ■c a c i o 1 a C i . ft .ft ygcS . o . ^ 5 '5 ^ '3 I e | 3=3 ■ • !«= t" 3 B— E = [ :oCCt/o>^'C3o3o: 3=5 B=3 £ 3 C 3 O ~ B c *. -t-^^ct-o; ^— t. >— k. •■ c < o < 1 ^ 3 ." « ^ ^ -" :- B i* B - a ! - C _ C3 • t 3 ■ ' : :^ : c 1 • ft o Cf • ■ ■ • (- * c 3 £5 >r-l e tj j 1 1 Is* : c i a> c Jxj cjx oO'cJ, II T 1 -, T -4CN OSfhM n! 3 oX < 1 _L i o ■*»< uo r : A '-^ 4>2 c LO l-O 1-t c ; co S3 ft ^H E 1 — CM i — ". "o t ^.00 CCOO CiOO — ^"CM C-l -H OJ CO-* 5ON00C.OH CJC ovmc 5MJ0O) G 144 .S fe o S c ■c 5 _ — ' - -i d d & ♦j d y, 3 Tj to U pi 'El 0) — ' &£ •_ a> o *> ■u O dS d ;d |d — — o a o o o - o s c o 1C lO "3 •o lO — >- 3 Si 8 H - EC •j: «© o o C: o "3 in 113 _ O X o lO '-- H >-. 3 fQ :£> ao « s» o o c o o o 8 : '- ' . in lO 113 »o CI M CO B9 . - o o a o e 3 '-. lO o to m lO m c> — ■* CI c> -i Ol :i eo W — o S in « "3 i!3 13 cc N CI E i C-> CO e w >•=; c; >.-< >>— >.o >>= >> is = ftg d,o c.2 g* a . rs — cs - - - E? -^ - J3 - ~ " '- ^ * >■»> >^> >.> >.•> >. > >i> >i> >>> >-. > >»> - rt <-! <« c K c .C3 - S - S c __- = S a rt g C) fl L I I LI II II i ij I IT I r I T ll OTI-C0Ti0«OI^C0f0^'01NMOC0Nl0C0C0 L0--O— 'O— 'O — O — CC:^;^— 'O— '0—JLOr- — oc " ,> a^ 1 ^"~' ^rCUtCi!^ - ' cn ^ ?c Cl^Ci.Ir'Cl t^ oo 'o^ct;i-h"«-» _o Tl O to en CO CO CM CIO ■«• T 1 ■* 03 c CM CO CO fM M p «S o ft CO a 03 >> £ o m o rn o lO o oo oo 00 ■>a> •* a 1 o § 1 CM ■-! 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T5 S3 c c •J -5 33. h £ o ° • ■a £P§ So- .+2 53 o >.® 1-1 h £ a m -; ^ > b5 o rt - ^S.® ft is llllllllllllO M03r--NM4'»O , TON00Oiwr-.-J.rtC 1 IC0Vt0w , JZ — — - - - I I I I ~ - Ort~ .. nOt-MOO-'^lcC'J' i- e t~ z - : 3 — < M X T uO F(HHHHHnf-«--7i:]'M:i^i:i 147 Sis? bp» ; • • • u o g jflSi; y .n.2.3 -ot 3 . .S; > S S S .2! g o > g £ • s -o fe ° *r • s --m £ SfW 5- ~S »flS S — Ja of - o '7c i^^r ■ - 3 :3 ^ b rSq- 1 .2-35? fcfo bfr «„."3 ""as"" o .3 a g §3 ,3 a ° B xt g >" o . ■£ a> 04S w y§S' >> . ■£ ® O ° to >» c8>5O3303?3 ■- 3 "- d ,£! 42 .3,3 .O .3 d~,3.Q,Q,3,Q 0.3,3,3.3,0,3 148 o 13 w o 5 .go I o 5~ a ~ e3 Ci 3 g © ■o a OS ri 3 -H — a> w CD So -3 CJH-O o TJ .1 9 eS T3 o m O 01 ft c. ^ 3 ft CD x l — i ■M h '■ 3 U! «t3 a 0) 1i PS o wfc, > S Q> O l- fa ° ft 03 II OrQ -a a C 3 Pi o 02 S S e c i c c I 3 d M c s s p 0J IS a TJ § O O g i? O O d d d "3 « * a 3 &$ a s 5 s 1 s _o c •0 >rf d t- 13 03 *i IS 99 bi O ft a 03 o c M £ o U3 d d o >> t— i ^J- IS g 1 «9 .2 o «! 3 3 a 0) g c p O s ft ft s 2 3 fe < w; > o 3 Go IS 1 3 "3 IN •a ti S a fl o ■M O S a O 03 3 ■a -u g o en 03 I* 1 •S"^ • XJS '3 ■0 e ■2,t. ft . » £ w| a © a a •5 £ 7 s Pi g o — c > — — IS 15 "~* : .9 sS -S jx es '3 S M a> "" ».o^Q a c a c - a-5 a •CTa) c ■.a ftt a£-E ■3-2 i *9l X 3 4 - o » a t " a" c« >•* Hte»iC a "o ■a V • _; g a 8 .£>a aj a & b h 03 5j S " 03 . 2 £tg«Spi:£tfSpi£ 3 S w 2 a c c 1 1 u o • u o 1H a 5 5 a > •P 1 - 3 OJS^^D^D O.CC 1 1 > 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HP Ol— tlOSKflOOJrHr- ir ioio»oi2«)(Nioo^ir ■S R ^CLdClC!.ti^£lCi.t ' o3 t^t^t-^t^oooooooooc ft »- NO)* uo:ot^coaiO'- 2 SB 150 P3 Of appropriation, to be shown in requisitions 49 Of appropriation, to be shown on invoices 65 Letters of Apportionment— For Class A supplies: Fuel, forage, and mineral oil 84a Civilian clothing 84b All other Class A 84c For Class B supplies: Repairs to buildings 84c * Repairs to exterior heating and lighting systems 84e Repairs to sewer and water systems 84 ' Repairs to roads, walks, wharves, etc Improvement of grounds 84 » 160 Letters of Apportionment— Continued. For Class 1 services: i'iragraphs. Donations to ex-prisoners 84o Nonpersonal 34j , k ,1 ,m ,n Personal, civilian 84h Personal, extra duty 84i Rewards for deserters 84n Telegraph accounts S4in Transportation accounts 841 For Class II services: 84p For Class III services 84g For all other contract supplies and services 84r For all other supplies and services 84s For transportation and telegraph accounts to remain open 109 Limitations of use of 87 Numbering of 40f Numbers of, to be noted on Class A requisitions 53 One copy to be returned to Quartermaster-General 95 Supplemental, of same number may be issued 86 To be in duplicate for offices making allotments 85 Letters of Allotment— ITow and for what issued 110 Increase of 99 Numbering of 40g Reductions of 100 Supplemental, of same number, may be issued 114 To be in duplicate, one copy retained Ill To be issued for Class II services 103 Numbering (and Numbers)— By means of rubber stamps 41 Of headquarters and posts 40b, 40f Of items of the appropriation act 40a Of depots and independent stations 40c, 40f Of offices of constructing quartermasters 40d Of recruiting offices 40e Of letters of apportionment 40f Of letters of allotment 40g Of requisitions 40h Of requisitions to be entered on invoices 64 Of supplemental letters of apportionment 114 Of letters of apportionment on Class A requisitions 53 Of item of appropriation to appear on requisitions 49 Of item of appropriation to appear on invoices 65 Postings, to allotment accoimt , 117-124 Price Lists 42, 55, 228 Prices, Local, when to be stated on requisitions 43,55,228 Quartermasters, Chief- Special duties of 190-200 Quartermasters, Depot — Special duties of 201-226 Quartermasters, Independent — Special duties of 234-236 Quartermasters, Post- Special duties of 227-233 Receipts for Supplies- Form 11 7 to be used 62 To be in duplicate 63 Recruiting Stations- Special instructions as to 237-239 Requisitions — Articles on, to appear but once under an appropriation 50 Articles on, to be accurately described < •! Form 60 to be used for supplies and services 18 For Class A supplies 48 To be prepared in quadruplicate at department posts 51a To be prepared in duplicate at independent stations 51b Three copies to be forwarded to chief quartermasters 51a To be forwarded thirty days before beginning of quarter 52 161 Requisitions —Continued. For Class II services: Paragraphs. Both copies to be returned by chief quartermaster.-; 58 If funds are desired to be so stated thereon 57 To be in duplicate and in detail 57 To show material and labor separately 57 For donations to ex-prisoners 1 53 For Class D supplies and Class IV services: To be iu triplicate ; two copies sent chief quartermasters 59 Two copies to be forwarded to Quartermaster-General 59 From independent stations, Class A, to have balances certified 54 From independent stations, Class A, to be forwarded direct to depots ".lb Item numbers of appropriation to be entered on 49 Numbers of letters of apportionment to be entered on by chief quartermasters 53 Numbers of, to be entered on invoices 64 Prices to be stated on 43, 55 Separate, to be made for each class of supplies 49 Separate, to be made for each class of services 49 Separate, to be made for each depot 49 Services on, to be listed by appropriations 49 Supplies on, to be listed by appropriations 49 To be posted to allotment account 118 When to be held for allotments 22S Reports Required— Of balances of rewards for deserters 152 Of balances of donations to ex-prisoners 154 Of cost 190 Of cost of Class II services 57 Of savings 125-127 Of purchases by post quartermasters 197 Of transportation charges 243-244 Reserve- Additional allotments from 97-99 Class II apportionments to be held as 101 Definition of 19, 97 How made 93 To be credited with supplies transferred from post 123 Rewards lor Apprehension of Deserters- Apportionments for, to be made quarterly 146 Allotments not to be made for 147 Chief quartermasters to be advised by wire of payments of 150 Is Class I personal 146 One hundred dollars to be placed to credit of each post quartermaster for payments of 148 Savings- Definition of 20 Disposition of 125-131 Entry of, in apportionment accounts 127 May be used for payments to civilian employees 128 Reports of 1 25 1 27 Services- Annual estimates for Class 1 69, 70 Classification of 22,27-31, 146, 153 Class 1 28 Letters of apportionment for 84-87 Class II 29 Letters of apportionment for 84-87 Requisitions for 57,58 Class III 30 Letters of apportionment for 84-87 Class IV 31 Requisitions for 59 Donations to ex-prisoners 153, 154 Form 60, when to be used for requisitions for 48 Limitations on 60 Personal and nonpersonal 27 Telegraph 84m Transportation 841 75014—09 11 162 Stock— Paragraphs. Additions to, definition of 8 Additions to 207,208 Replenishment of, definition of 18 Replenishment of 207-209, 215-219 Specially manufactured 215-219 Surplus 214 Supplies- Articles of, to appear only once under appropriation on requisitions 50 At what prices to be invoiced 44 Classification of 22, 23-26, 48 Class A 23, 48 Letters of apportionment for 84 Requisitions for 51-54 Class B 24 Letters of apportionment for 84-87 May be procured from depots 56 Class C 25 Class D 26 Requisitions for 59, 60 Form 60 to be used for 48 Invoices of and receipts for 62-68 Limitations on 60 Must be accurately described 61 Prices, local 43, 55 Prices to be stated in requisitions 43, 55 Procurable under one item of an appropriation, are procurable under all items of same appro- priation 48 Transfer of, within departments 123 When to be purchased locally 230 Telegraph Service- Estimates of funds for payments for 77, 78 Is Class I, nonpersonal 84m Letters of apportionment for 84m, 109 Posting of, in apportionment, accounts 104-108 Transportation- Accounts, estimates of funds for settlement of 77,78 Is Class I, nonpersonal 84m Letters of apportionment for 841, 109 Posting of, in apportionment accounts 104-108 Reports of charges for 243, 244 Settlements of accounts for 240-247 Vouchers— To be posted to allotment account 117 \\ n I. inn Balance — Accurate account of, to be kept 83 Definition of 21, 83 How maintained 82, 151 Limitations on disbursements from 81 Rewards for apprehension of deserters 148. 149, 151 Will be supplied certain quartermasters 80 APPENDICES. rage. 1. Approval of Secretary of War of decentralization as to supplies 59 2. General Order 18, War Department, 1908, as to supplies 60 3. Approval of Secretary of War of decentralization as to services 01 4. General Order 73, War Department, 1908, as to services 62 5. General Order 176, War Department, 1908, extending General Orders 18 and 73, 1908, to entire army 63 ■0. Approval of Secretary of War for including various repairs in annual estimates 64 7. General Order 28, War Department, 1903, promulgating additional repairs to be estimated for annually 65 163 Pasre. 8. Orders of Secretary of War, publishing act prohibiting deficiencies 66 9. Analysis of army appropriation act, fiscal year 1910 67 10. Form 151, for use as letter of apportionment and allotment and for keeping accounts 76 11. Specimen copy of requisition for Class A, supplies 77 12. Specimen copy of requisition for Class A, supplies 80 13. Specimen copy of requisition for Class A, supplies 81 14. Specimen copj r of requisition for Class A, supplies 82 15. Specimen copy of requisition for Class A, supplies 84 16. Specimen copy of requisition for Class A, supplies 85 17. Specimen copy of requisition for Class II, services 86 18. Specimen copy of requisition for Class IV, services 87 19. Specimen copy of requisition for Class D, supplies 88 20. Specimen copy of invoice of supplies corresponding to specimens of requisitions 89 21. Specimen copy of invoice of supplies corresponding to specimens of requisitions 90 22. Specimen copy of invoice of supplies corresponding to specimens of requisitions 91 23. Specimen copy of invoice of supplies corresponding to specimens of requisitions 92 24. Specimen copy of invoice of supplies corresponding to specimens of requisitions 93 25. Specimen copy of invoice of supplies corresponding to specimens of requisitions 94 20. Specimen copy of invoice of supplies corresponding to specimens of requisitions 95 27. Specimen copy of invoice of supplies corresponding to specimens of requisitions 96 28. Specimen copy of annual estimate of repairs to buildings 98 29. Specimen copy of annual estimate of repairs to exterior heating and lighting systems 107 30. Specimen copy of annual estimate of repairs to water and sewer systems 109 31. Specimen copy of annual estimate of repairs to roads, walks, dredging, etc., and improve- ment of grounds 112 32. Specimen copy of annual estimate for Class I, nonpersonal services 115 33. Specimen copy of estimate of funds 116 Specimen copies of letters of apportionment , showing allotments, etc. 34. For fuel, forage, and mineral oil 117 35. Account of increases and decreases, contract supplies 118 36. Class A, clothing for ex-prisoners 119 37. Class A 120 38. Class B and Class III 122 39. Class I, civilian employees 123 40. Class I, extra duty 124 41. Class I, nonpersonal 126 42. Class I, telegraph and transportation accounts (no allotments) 127 43. Class I, rewards for deserters : 128 44. Class II 129 45. Increasing apportionments for fuel, forage, etc. (no allotments) 130 Specimen copies of letters of allotment, showing post allotments, etc. 46. For fuel, forage, etc., chief quartermaster's records. 131 47. Class A, supplies, chief quartermaster's records 132 48. Class I, civilian employees, chief quartermaster's records 134 49. Class I, extra duty, chief quartermaster's records 135 50. Class I, nonpersonal, chief quartermaster's records 136 51. Class II, chief quartermaster's records 137 52. Increasing allotment for fuel (no allotment account), chief quartermaster's records 138 53. For fuel, forage, etc., post quartermaster's records 139 54. Class A , post quartermaster's records 140 55. Class B and Class III, post quartermaster's records 142 56. Class I, civilian employees, post quartermaster's records 143 57. Class I, extra duty, post quartermaster's records 144 58. Class I, nonpersonal, post quartermaster's records 146 59. Class II, post quartermaster's records 148 Miscellaneous. 60. Form of report of cost 149 61. Form of consolidated cost record 150 62. Form of list of invoices 151 63. Numbers assigned to posts and stations 152 o LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 520 542 #