LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. rMTEO STATES OP AMERIC'A. / \ ^ -i»r- LIBRARY OF CONGRESSr Shelf ___... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. TINY FOLK OF SUNNY DAYS NEW ILLUSTRATIONS IN COLORS AND IN MONOTINT BY MAUD HUMPHREY Jltustrator o/ " Bates o/ the Year" NEW VERSES BY EDITH M/THOMAS Authof- of " Babes o/ the Year '* NEW YORK Copyright^ 1889, by FREDERICK A. STOKES & BROTHER MDCCCLXXXIX f & ^1 ^1 "V t< »^ -i^ COPVMWTJedS.BV FltCDUCK A.6T0*affoC»il, a tulip cjay, H pink, a mo&est violet, a ^aisp wbite, au5 micinouctte; But tbeu, just tben, sbe cbaueeD to see Ube flower of jfranec, tbe fleur«5e«Us ; Sbe Inucjbe^ outricjbt, auC) C>roppe5 tbe rcst,- " XTbis flower II love tbe verv best ! " — EDITH M. THOMAS. \ .-^ (lltalian (rhil^). ^^i. ' "¥(Ilbcu \?ou tell v?ouv bca^ir^ &car /iliav?, jfor wbat blcssiiuiy C^o vow pvav??" ""Cbat no tvost nn: flowers mav fear, llbat no banocr sball eoinc near V,. Hum bclplesi? bownv? tbtng Still too voiuui to fl\? or £iino ! -EniTIl M. THOMAS. C0rr1M&«» («M,»< 'OlOWlCtt *.iTOHU * ■MWIft 13ou're not content wltb tbe roses alone, TOe roses' lover son too wonib bin5! Hb, little fingers be soft anO l?in5, Xtgljtlp, Ifobtlv, tbe bntterfli^ bolM 1l3e F3as onlg one ba^ to call b(s own, an5 sou, ms sweet, bare a tbousan&=fol&. —EDITH M. THOMAS. i^. f^W^ ,u>^ \ # CdPvniMTJseS.e* moiRtCK A.SlOKes i emni to Spanish Cbilb. B soft brown e^e, an5 a lovtiiG beart, H winsome smile— get a roguisb art, 3for m? little labg bas learneD tbe tricf?, Mitb motioii slow anb motion guicft, TLo mafte ber fan speaF? wbatever sbe will, Ubougb ber 5aint\? lips are perfectly still. TLaliC care! wF^en tlje ba\?s are browsg anD warm, Sbe will put i^ou to sleep witb a waving cbarm! —EDITH M. THOMAS. PDPYRiem JSfW.Sv f RfOCM*CK A-STO-fES f BPOTHlt . Hfdcan Cbilb. {Zo tl)c Ibollv^bocl?.) /IDcrrv frienb anb jolls fellow,— CIMl&ren of tbe sun are we; IF am brown anb \?ou are v?ellow, li)et we always bo atiree. J^ou an& IF are nercr fretting — Sweet, ol&, bomeU} 1boUv?bocl? — 'JSout tbe freclUes we'll be getting, Hf we venture out to wall? ! l^ou can't wall? — but tben \?ou're growing XTaller erers bap tban H;— l^ou can't wall? — ^et tbere's no l?nowtng But sou'll sometime reacb tbe sl?g! -EDIT If .V. THOMAL m^: ! (3ennan Cbilb. plump as ripe September peaeb (®n tbe boiigb just out of reacb), Cbeerful as September sun "Mbcn tbe barrest worl? is t>onc, Brigbt rour face as moruintj sin? ! Xiebliuo — &arllnfl— wbs so sb^? Simple little German mait), TlClitb 50ur cap anb flajen braib, Snowg . hercbief smootb anb neat, IKHooben sboes upon pour feet— Xift to mine \>oi\v mobest e\?e — aLieblimj — Darlimj — wb\? so sbs? Dear bome=bobv, bomelv Dresseb — (Xil?e a brown tbrusb in its nest)— Ibere's a little song in praise Of v?our bclpful banbs anb \va\?s ! Mitb a bimpleb smile repl\? ;— Xieblimj— barlimj — wbg so sby? —EDITH M. THOMAS. \^ I