RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE BOSTON WITH LISTS OF COMMUNICANTS, BAPTISMS MARRIAGES, AND FUNERALS 1699- 1872 p^rapf^s'j^TE brattle: square church. M I The Manifesto Church RECORDS OF THE Cfturcli in Mvnttlt ^q[itare BOSTON WITH LISTS OF COMMUNICANTS, BAPTISMS MARRIAGES, AND FUNERALS 1699 — 1872 BOSTON THE BENEVOLENT FRATERNITY OF CHURCHES 1902 .13sB7 University Press : John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, U.S.A. lEtiitorial Cammtttce. ELLIS LORING MOTTE. HENRY FITCH JENKS. JOHN HOMANS, 2D. PREFACE. IN the year 1697 there were in the town of Boston the brick meeting- house of the Quakers and five churches, — the First, Second, Third or Old South, the First Baptist, and King's Chapel. In these five churches, except the last, Calvinism was preached in its full rigor, and the early customs and prejudices of New England were maintained in force. The communicants exercised a distinct and original jurisdiction in church affairs. Candidates for admission were obliged to give a public relation of religious experience ; and so great was the dislike to the Church of England that the reading of the Scriptures and . the use of the Lord's Prayer were refused in their services because they were, included in the forms of that church. The elective body in the choice of the minister was the communicants ; and beyond that as a barrier to the passage of any element dangerous to the established con- gregational organization was the power lodged in the body of ordained clergy to object to or veto the election of a pastor who seemed to them unfit for the common service of the gospel. In 1697, under the guidance of John Leverett and William and Thomas Brattle, a movement began to found a religious society which should take the liberal side on these questions. On the loth of January, 1698, Thomas Brattle conveyed the land on which the meeting-house was to stand ; and on the loth of May, 1699, a formal invitation was extended to Benjamin Colman, then in Eng- land, to be ordained there, and return to this country and be its minister. Mr. Colman was a native of Boston, twenty-six years of age, who had been prepared for college by the celebrated Ezekiel Cheever, and was graduated from Harvard College in 1692. The liberal policy of the church was declared in a manifesto (supposed by some to have been written by him), which was published almost ' immediately upon his return. viii PREFACE. In this manifesto were announced the principles which were to govern the new church, which related entirely to order and worship, and of these the principal were : — 1. The reading of some portion of Holy Scripture in public worship at the discretion of the minister ; 2. The administration of baptism to the children of any person who would make a genuine profession of Christian faith and a desire and purpose to educate them therein ; 3. The relinquishment of the relation of experiences ; and 4. The permission of all the members of the congregation, without distinction of communicants and non-communicants, to act and vote in parish affairs and in the election of a minister. In June, 1 701, it was thought desirable to furnish Mr. Colman with an assistant, and Mr. Eliphalet Adams was so engaged; but the engage- ment terminated, not altogether pleasantly, in about two years and a half. For the next twelve years Mr, Colman had sole charge of the parish ; and then, in August, 17 15, Mr. William Cooper was chosen a colleague pastor, and ordained on the 23d day of May, 17 16. This relation was harmoniously maintained for twenty-seven years, until the death of Mr. Cooper, Dec. 14, 1743, after a short illness. "William Cooper loved Calvinism in all its austerity, extravagance, and tumult. Without any extraordinary qualifications for a popular preacher, he was a laborious and devoted minister." ^ On the 2ist day of May, 1745, Mr. Samuel Cooper was ordained as the successor of his father as colleague to Dr. Colman. About fifteen months later, Aug. 29, 1747, Dr. Colman died. " Dr. Colman was not so fortunate as to be a universal favorite, whether from personal qualities or because the odium excited by the innovations of his church upon the established ecclesiastical order never entirely subsided ; but it does not seem to have disturbed him, since he felt himself secure in the regard of his own people."'^ Dr. Cooper retained the sole pastorate from the death of Dr. Colman until his own death, which occurred suddenly on the 29th of December, 1 783, when he was fifty-eight years of age. These three pastors of The Church in Brattle Square were natives of Boston, and each was chosen to and declined the presidency of Har- vard College. Dr. Cooper was one of the most prominent public men of his day, and exerted a very great influence in the events which led up to the Revolution. 1 Dr. Palfrey's Anniversary Sermon. 2 Jhid. PREFACE. IX « To less uncommon endowments he joined an address and what is called a talent for affairs which, if he had not been the leading divine, would per- haps have distinguished him as the most accomplished gentleman and adroit statesman of his country and time. While his name appears to the public view prominent upon the records of patriotism, in the memory of his religious associates it is embalmed no less in the odor of sanctity." ^ It was not till the spring following his death that any attempts were made looking towards securing a successor to Dr. Cooper, and not until the following October that the choice fell upon the Rev. Peter Thacher, of Maiden. Mr. Thacher was not, like his predecessors, a native of Boston, but was born in the neighboring town of Milton, during the temporary residence there of his parents. So unusual was it then for a church to call to its service the settled pastor of another church that the propriety of the act led to much dis- cussion, in which the newspapers took a prominent part. For the account of the circumstances, reference must be made to Dr. Lothrop's history of the Brattle Street Church, in which they are fully treated. At a meeting of the church, held December 12, 1784, Mr. Thacher was invited to become pastor. He accepted the invitation, and was in- stalled on the 12th of January, 17S5. Dr. Thacher's ministry lasted nearly eighteen years. He died at Savannah, Ga., whither he had gone in search of health, on the i6th of December, 1802, when he was in the fifty-third year of his age. A me- moir of him will be found in the eighth volume of the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. " Mr. Thacher's preaching was direct, practical, and earnest ; but he is said to have owed his remarkable popularity not more to his evident piety and zeal and the power of his mind and style than to the graces of a most captivating elocution. His memory is most gratefully to be honored, who, having access to minds which controlled the public opinion, engaged and secured their influence in favor of all that is most valuable to men." ^ After his death the society was for nearly two years without a minister. On the 9th of December, 1804, Mr. Joseph Stevens Buckminster was invited to become the pastor. He accepted the invitation, and was ordained on the 30th of January, 1805. The ministry of this remark- able man was exceedingly brief, but made a deep and lasting impression. He died on the 9th of June, 1S12. "Mr. Buckminster was one of those who seem appointed to the high and needful ofifice of conciliating to religion the minds of intellectual and tasteful men."* 1 Dr. Palfrey's Anniversary Sermon. 2 IHd. 8 Ibid. X PREFACE. He was succeeded by another brilliant man, whose ministry was still briefer than his own. On the loth of December, 1813, Edward Everett, a graduate of the Class of 181 1 at Harvard College, was invited to the vacant pastorate, and was ordained on the 9th of February, 18 14. He was elected to the Ehot Professorship of Greek Literature in Harvard College, and his connection with the society was dissolved March 5, 1815. After his resignation the pulpit was vacant more than three years, until, on the 20th of April, 18 18, Mr. John Gorham Palfrey was invited to fill it. He accepted, and was ordained on the 17th of June, 1818. In February, 183 1, Mr. Palfrey left his position to become Dexter Professor of Sacred Literature in Harvard College. The pulpit was then vacant for four years, until April, 1834, when the Rev. Samuel K. Lothrop, then of Dover, N. H., was invited to it, and was installed June 18, 1834. Dr. Lothrop's ministry lasted until 1876, when he resigned. The old church originally erected by the undertakers in 1 699 was built of wood. It had a tower and bell on the west end, and a door on the south side, opposite to which was the pulpit. Its window frames were of iron. It had never been painted, inside or outside. Within a few years after Mr. Cooper's ordination it was found necessary to enlarge it, which was done by an addition to the building in the rear of the pulpit, with pews on the floor, and a gallery. As late as 1766 additional pews were constructed. After seventy years a movement for a new church was begun, and in 1772 John Hancock offered a generous contribution towards the erection of a new church. This was finally decided upon ; and the society assembled for the last time in the old house on the loth of May, 1772. The old house was taken down and the ground cleared between May 14 and 18, and on June 23 the corner-stone of a new building was laid. The whole work was finished so that services were held in the new build- ing on the 24th of July, 1773. The troubles of the Revolution soon came on. Dr. Cooper left Boston, April 16, 1775, for what was supposed would be merely a visit, but did not return until after the evacuation, March 17, 1776. Services were only occasionally held in the church during his absence. The journal of Timothy Newell, deacon of the church, printed in the Col- lections of the Massachusetts Historical Society (4th ser., vol. i, p. 261) gives some account of the vicissitudes the building underwent during that period, and of its occupancy, Oct. 27, 1775, as barracks for the British soldiery. The night before the evacuation the church was struck by the cannon PREFACE. xi ball so familiar to the past generation as its distinguishing feature. It knocked out a few bricks and fell to the ground, was picked up by Mr. Turell, who lived opposite, and preserved by the family, serving, it is said, for many years as a weight for the front gate. In 1825, when the church was repaired, it was inserted in the spot where it struck ; and from that time, in the words of Dr. Holmes, the church — " Wore on its bosom, as a bride might do, The iron breastpin that the rebels threw." The ball is now in the cabinet of the Massachusetts Historical Society. The house was again opened for worship after the evacuation on the 19 th of May. In November, 1778, the society, by the will of Lydia Hancock, came into possession of the house in Court Street, which was occupied as a parsonage by successive ministers until July, 1855, when the Supreme Court, in the decision of the celebrated case, Proprietors of the Church in Brattle Square v. Moses Grant ei al., authorized its disposal ; and the proceeds were invested in the estate No. 12 Chestnut Street, which was occupied by Dr. Lothrop until his death in 1886. In 1 87 1 it was decided to sell the church estate and remove to a loca- tion on the land in what is known as the Back Bay district. The last service was held in the church edifice July 30, 1871. The new building was completed in 1873, and dedicated on the 22d of December. The acoustic properties of this edifice were so defective that it was soon seen that there was litde probability of the successful maintenance of the church. Many prominent parishioners had died in the interval since the removal from the old building, and the strength of the society was seriously impaired. After the resignation of Dr. Lothrop a paralysis seemed to take possession of those in authority ; and after a short time, the burden of the debt seeming insurmountable, the building was sold, and came into possession of the First Baptist Society. The corporation, however, was not dissolved. It still retained the parsonage house and some charitable funds. These, by action of the Parish, were transferred to the Benevolent Fraternity of Churches, and the corporation was so merged in the same that the Fraternity has now become its legitimate successor, holding its property and discharging its trusts. The church as a distinct entity practically becoming extinct with this action, it seemed desirable that the existing records should be printed as a memorial, and the Benevolent Fraternity became responsible for this being done. The work of editing and preparing them for the press was intrusted to a committee of the old church and society, composed of Mr. Ellis L. Motte, for many years parish clerk ; Rev. Henry F. Jenks, xn PREFACE. a son of the church under the ministry of Dr. Lothrop ; and John Homans, 2d, M.D., also a son of the church, the grandson of Dr. Lothrop. The work has been long in hand, as it had to be pursued in the leisure from engrossing professional pursuits. The editing has been mostly done by Mr. Jenks and Dr. Homans of the committee, though the former has had the chief supervision and responsibility for it ; and it is now set forth as a monument of the church which represented the first liberal move- ment of Congregationalism in Boston, which was marked for the distinc- tion of its ministers and the high character and wide usefulness of those attendant upon its services, who occupied the most exalted positions in city and State during its nearly two centuries of active life, and which finally, leaving the scene of its glory, went out of existence as the result of the most singular fatuity and the most unfortunate combination of circumstances. Few churches have enjoyed a higher prestige, or ren- dered more useful service to the community, than that which in its beginning was known as the Manifesto Church. The records are contained in two volumes, the older bound in parch- ment or vellum. About the middle of the book begin the records proper, the first page of which we have reproduced in a size about two-thirds of the original. The book also contains Dr. Colman's record of com- municants, of baptisms and marriages, and receipts of money. During the joint ministry of Dr. Colman and Mr. Cooper the record seems to have been kept solely by the former, although the official acts of the lat- ter are recorded. The younger Cooper paid little attention to the rec- ords. Twenty lines on one half-page of the records and about as many more on a loose sheet comprise all that stands recorded in his own hand of his ministry of thirty-nine years' duration. In the handwriting of Dr. Thacher is a list of the baptisms administered, the marriages sol- emnized, and the admissions to the church made during Dr. Cooper's ministry, purporting to have been copied from his interleaved almanacs. Dr. Thacher's own records were carefully kept, and those of Messrs. Buckminster, Everett, and Palfrey are pretty full. Dr. Lothrop's records are not very complete. He had the habit of Dr. Cooper of keeping many minutes in his diaries, and these have not been accessible. The records of the parish, separate from the church, and of the building committee which erected the meeting-house in 1772, are con- tained in several other volumes, but as their substance is to be found in Dr. Lothrop's history, it has not seemed expedient to include them in the present publication. In printing these records we have followed the manuscript exactly, only correcting one or two manifest errors, which we have noted. We PREFACE. XI 11 have avoided notes as far as possible, and have made no attempt to identify persons under differences of spelling. This has been particularly the case in the Index, where we have preserved the different spellings of the same name, occasionally bringing two or more variations together, but usually making cross references. With the Index we have taken especial care, indicating under each name the particulars of its use, so as to enable those who consult it to know without turning to the page whether any individual case fulfils the requirements of their search. In the running title of the baptisms we have used the spelling with which Dr. Colman heads his list. This was done inadvertently at first ; but, having been done, we concluded to let it remain. The copy of the Manifesto which we give is that belonging to the Boston Athenaeum, referred to by Dr. Lothrop in a note on page 208 of his " History of Brattle Street Church " as interesting because of having been originally the property of Benjamin Walker, one of the undertakers, and bearing his name, and because of the memoranda written upon it, of which it is impossible to say whether they are votes which'Mr. Walker was intending to propose, or votes actually passed by the society, but in either case throwing light upon the sense in which two important articles of the document were intended to be received. For the use of the plate of the picture of Dr. Colman we are indebted to the Congregational Education Society. The pictures of Mr. Cooper and his son, Dr. Cooper, are reproduced from the pictures by Smibert and Copley in the possession of the Massachusetts Historical Society ; the picture of Dr. Thacher is an enlargement of a small engraving in a number of the Polyanthos in the library of the same society; that of Mr. Buck minster is taken from the picture by Stuart, the property of Mr. Arthur T. Lyman. For the picture of Mr. Everett, which is a copy of a photograph made from a picture by Gilbert Stuart Newton at the time he was appointed Eliot Professor of Greek at Harvard College, and considered a remarkably fine likeness, we are indebted to the courtesy of the classical department of Harvard University, and particularly of Prof. M. H. Morgan. The picture of Dr. Palfrey is copied from an oil painting in the possession of his daughters, representing him at about the time he was pastor of the church rather than in his later years ; and that of Dr. Lothrop, showing him near the close of his ministry, has been several times printed, — in the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, in the History of the Massachusetts Cincinnati, and in his autobiography, printed but not published. The views of the interior of the church are from photographs taken by Black, the well-known photographer, shortly before the demolition of xiv PREFACE. the building. The picture of the old parsonage house is from a water- color in the possession of the Misses Palfrey. The ground plan of the meeting-house and the list of proprietors of pews and the call for a church meeting are from papers in the possession of the Hon. Samuel A. Green, M.D., LL.D., who has allowed us to copy them. Ellis L. Motte. Henry F. Jenks. John Homans, 2d. August, 1901. CONTENTS. Page Records 3 Memoranda of Dr. Lothrop 92 List of stated communicants : Men 95 Women 102 List of communicants : Received by Peter Thacher, pastor 114 Admitted during the ministry and after the decease of the Rev. Joseph S. Buckminster ". . . 117 during the ministry of Rev. E. Everett . . . . 117 after the departure of the Rev. Mr. Everett . . 119 during the ministry of Rev. J. G. Palfrey . . . 120 •during the ministry of Rev. S. K. Lothrop ... 123 Baptisms : By Dr. Colman 124 By Dr. Colman and the Coopers, father and son, from . . 136 By Rev. Dr. Samuel Cooper, copied from his interleaved almanacs by his successor, Rev. Peter Thacher . . . . 171 In the vacancy between the death of Dr. Cooper and the set- tlement of Mr. Thacher 191 By Rev. Peter Thacher 192 By Rev. Joseph Stevens Buckminster 208 By the same at other societies 214 After the decease of the Rev. Joseph Stevens Buckminster . 215 From the ordination of Rev. Edward Everett 216 After the dismissal of Mr. Everett 217 From the ordination of Rev. John G. Palfrey 219 From the installation of Rev. S. K. Lothrop 226 xvi CONTENTS. Marriages : Page By Dr. Colman 227 By Rev. Dr. Cooper, from his interleaved almanacs . . . 247 By Rev. Peter Thacher 256 By Rev. J. S. Buckminster 269 By Edward Everett 272 By Rev. J. G. Palfrey 272 By Rev. S. K. Lothrop 276 Deaths in the Brattle Street Society : From Feb. i, 1805 278 From Feb. 9, 1814 283 From June 17, 1818 2S4 From June 18, 1834 294 Loose sheets in Dr. Lothrop's handwriting containing lists of : Proposed communicants 295 Baptisms 296 Marriages 297 Deaths 299 An account of all moneys received by Dr. Colman 301 Index : Part I., to the Records, pp. 1-93 315 Part II., to lists of communicants, baptisms, marriages, and funerals, pp. 95-314 339 Addenda : Additional entries of Dr. Cooper 441 Index to Addenda 445 Appendix 447 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Church in Brattle Square, erected 1773 Frontispiece To face page Reduced copy of first page of the Church Book 3 Facsimile of the Manifesto 5 ' Rev. Benjamin Colriian, D.D 12 Rev. William Cooper 24 Rev. Samuel Cooper, D.D 32 The Interior of the Meeting House : the Pulpit end .... 34' Notice of Parish Meeting 36 The Interior of the Meeting House : the Organ end .... 38 Ground Plan of the Meeting House and List of Proprietors of Pews 40 Rev, Peter Thacher, D.D 46 Rev. Joseph S. Buckminster 50 Rev. Edward Everett, D.C.L 56 Rev. J. G. Palfrey, D.D., LL.D 64 Parsonage House 70 Rev. S. K. Lothrop, D.D 84 ' RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE BOSTON 1699-1872 ^v r<^ ^ t ^ >* ?-^'.S ^sv". J-VS -^ 5^' i ^ t.- r 4 J CtJ Boston in New England. December 12. 1699. A Church Book, Containing an Accoimt, designed by the help of GOD, of the Concerns & Votes of this Church, now Erected & Setled in Brattle street, fro7n the present date. Recorded by Benjamin Colman, Pastor. I HAD been Absent from this my Native Country upwards of four years, imploy'd as a Candidate for the Evangelical Ministry, to w".** my Parents & my own Choice devoted me ; occasionally preaching in the City of London, the University of Cambridge, & the Town of Ipswitch in England ; for about the Space of two years ; & then more statedly had been Ap- pointed by the Presbyterian Board at London to be the Minis- ter of y\ Dissenting Congregation in the City of Bath, Sommer- setshire: When on the 19* day of July 1699, I received an Invitation from the Gentlemen the Undertakers of this Church, subscribed by M' Thomas Brattle, Cap. Benjamin Davis, M' John Mico, M' Thomas Cooper, & M' John Colman in the Name of the Rest, to come over & be their Minister; only proposing to me that the Holy Scriptures might be publicly read every Sab- bath in y* Worship of GOD, & that they might lay aside y' Relation of Experiences which were imposed in the other Churches in the Town, in order to y^ Admission of Persons to y* Lords Table. This Invitation was accepted by me : & the more Acceptable it was by reason of the kind & Encouraging Letters which accompany'd it from my Excellent Friends y^ Hon"" Mf John Leveret, y" Reverend William Brattle, Ebenezer Pemberton, Simon Bradstreet, & others. 4 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Being arrived at London August i. 1699. I asked Ordination of the Presbytery there, & on the fourth day of said Month the Solemnity was attended after a public Lecture at ye Meeting- house of the Rev. M' Christopher Taylor, to whom I succeeded at Bath. I was Ordained by Prayer with the Imposition of y* Hands of y? Reverend Richard Stretton, John Spademan, Robert Fleming, & Christopher Taylor. M"" Stretton pray'd, M' Spade- man made y" Exhortation. From many other Reverend Ministers I received Testimonials of my good Conversation while in England, namely the Rev. Daniel Williams, John Quick, Matthew Sylvester (who particu- larly regretted to me their Absence from the City at the time of my Ordination, & that they had not y^ Opportunity to have laid their Hands upon me) John Showers, Timothy Rogers, Edmund Calamy, Thomas Cotton, Isaac Mauditt, &c. On Wednesday the first of November 1699. I arriv'd at Boston, thro' the Favour of GOD. The next day the Under- takers visited me in a full Meeting at my Brothers House ; A few dayes after M Brattle presented me with fifty pounds in Money in the Name of the Undertakers. Soon after we kept a day of Thanksgiving in private to Almighty GOD, for the many Smiles of His Providence on our Undertaking unto that Day. I preach'd from, i Cron. 29. 13, 14- On Tuesday Decem. 12. at a private Meeting at M' Mico's House, after Solemn Calling upon GOD the following Brethren declar'd their Consent & Agreement to walk together in all the Ordinances of our Lord Jesus Christ. Namely Thomas Brattle, Thomas Clark, Benj^ Davis, Thomas Cooper, Benj!* Walker, Richard Draper, William Harris, John Colman, John Kilby, Zechariah Tuthill, John Noyes, Oliver Noyes, William Keen, Joseph Allen Mr Walker & Draper were then chosen to officiate for the present as Deacons : but soon after made their Excuses. The 24. Instant, being Lords day, was agreed upon for our first public Meeting in the new built Church. niif 1 I -i i DR. COLMANS MINISTRY. 5 Voted that M' Colman present the Desires of the Society to the Ministers of the Town to keep a day of Prayer with us. That Job Ingram be Sexton. Wednesday Decern. 20. at a General Meeting at M' John Colmans house ; by the Importunate Entreaties of the Society M' Brattle & Cap. Davis were prevailed upon to take y! Deacons Care upon them for one year. Voted Unanimously that y? psalms in our public Worship be sung without Reading line by line. Lords day, Decem. 24. we met for public Worship in our pleasant new-built House. I preach'd from 2 Cron. 6. 18. I omit on purpose the differences & troubles we had with any Nei's hours about our Proceedings ; only am obliged to leave this Acknowledgment of our great Obligation to y- Hon''''' William Stoughton Esq-, Leiu' Governr of the Province, the Rev"* W William Brattle of Cambridge, the Rev"? My Clark of Chelms- ford, & My Danforth of Dorchester, for their good & Kind Endeavours for our peaceable Settlement. Wednesday the 31. of January, was separated by us for public Imploring the Presence of GOD with us, His pardon and Bless- ing; & accordingly Solemnized. The Rev"" M' James Allen began with prayer & I preach'd In the afternoon M' Willard began, M' Increase Mather preach'd & M^ Cotton Mather concluded. February 4"' , being Lords day, I first Administred the Sac- rament of the Lords Supper. [There are among the Records two loose sheets in a handwriting other than that of Dr. Colman, — probably that of the Treasurer. The record which they contain is inserted here, where it belongs chronologically.] Boston 14'*^ ffeb'y' 1699. Upon y? Treasurers giving y^ Undertakers of y* New Meeting- house Met together this evening at M' Meers's, on acco' of about 400 E) that there is needfuU more than y* 11 50* at % 6 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. first subscribed by them, for y^ paying off of y" Workmen & y^ compleat finishing & furnishing of said Meetinghouse; y*" Undertakers did Subscribe y^ Summs here under mentioned, amounting to neare 300 To in y^ whole — M' Thomas Clark offering to forbeare o' paying him neare 100 lb for y^ bell, lead &c untill we have mony eneough in Stock to do it. R) sh d The. Brattle lends eighteen pound „ 18 „ „ John Mice lends eighteen pound „ 18 „ „ 14- Benjamin Walker lends twelve pound „ 12 „ „ 10- Benj^ Davis lends twelve pound „ 12 „ „ 11- Thomas Palmer lends twelve pound ,,12 „ „ 9- Zechariah Tuthill lends twelve pound „ 1 2 „ „ 15- Timothy Clark lends twelve pound „ 12 „ „ 7- Joseph Allen lends „ 12 „ „ 5- Tho. Banister lends ... „ 1 2 „ „ 8- Elkanah Pembrook lends „ 12 „ „ 18- Thomas Cooper lends . „ 12 „ „ 6- Stephen Minott lends „ 12 „ „ 17- John Colman „ 12 „ „ 2- James Meeres „ 12 „ „ 4- Richard Draper „ 12 „ „ 13- John Kilby „ 12 „ „ 12- W" Harris lends Twelve pound „ 12 „ „ 3- Abraham Blish lends „ 1 2 „ „ 16- William Keen lends twelve pound „ 12 „ „ Tho. Clarke forty pound twelve shillings . . . „ 40 12 „ I- Addington Davenport Twelve pound . . . . „ 12 „ „ £ „ 292 12 „ Then, it being agreed that M' Thomas Clarke, T Brattle & M' Jn° Mico should chuse their pews before y' rest, — there were 18 lots, or papers numbred from i to 18, drawn by y* rest of y^ Undertakers, according to y^ number prefixed to each one's name in y*" Margin, & it was Voted, that tomorrow in y^ afternoon, being Thursday the 15* instant, at four of y'' clock, y° Undertakers should meet at y^ Meetinghouse, to choose their pews there, according as their lots were, he that had number I to choose first, number 2 next, &c. then it was VOTED, I. That T Brattle be desired & appointed Treasurer for the DR. COLMAN S MINISTRY. 7 New Meetinghouse, to receive & pay all monyes belonging to the same. 2. That there be Six persons chosen beside y' said Treasurer, that is Seven in all, with him to be a Comittee for disposing of the pews & Seats of y^ Meetinghouse, & ordering y^ monyes & other concerns of said building. 3. y^ persons chosen to be of y^ Comittee aboveh^ w"* y^ Treasur' were M' Benj^ Walker, w° had 1 5 votes. M' Benj" Davis, w° had — 15 votes. M' Tho. Clark, w" had — 13 votes. M' Richard Draper w° had — 13 votes. M' John Mice w° had — 12 votes. & M' Addington Davenport w° had 12 votes./ = Boston 2^ April 1700./ The aboves'' Committee, all of them Save M' Davenport, met at M'' Monks, this Evening ; & after they had agreed that Jn° Roberts should have 10/8 & Andrew Willett 12/8 for their Service in looking after y^ boys for one quarter of a year to y' time, w*"*" w' to their content; they Agreed with Job Ingra- ham that he should have 40/8 for Sweeping y" meeting house & ringing y" bell for one quarter of a year untill this time ; & that he shall have eight pound y^ first of next April, for sweep- ing y* Meetinghouse, & ringing y" bell, — washing y* Coinunion linnen, & Scouring y^ plate &c one year untill that time, also y' 5' be p"^ him more y" y^ 40' aboves*^ for w' he disbursed. Ordered that 20/8 be p"^ Miller for 10 load of shingle for mending y° way to y" Church. & Ordered that Deacon Barnard be presented with a piece of plate of y^ value of Twelve pound, & that T Brattle do speak to M' Noyse to make a Silver tankard of that value, & do present y^ Same unto Deacon Barnard in y* name of y* Comittee, as an acknowledgint of their gratitude to him for his service in building of y' Meetinghouse. 8 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. At a Meeting of all y^ Comittee aboves'' at M' Meers April y^ 8* in y^ Evening Upon y^ hearing of M' Dassetts proposalls about a way ten foot wide through his ground to y^ Meetinghouse, which he seems wiUing to allow us, provided we will be at y^ charge of remooving his house at y" bottom of s'' ground, & making a fence along his side of s"^ way & paving s'^ way ; It was referred to T Brattle & M' R Draper to treat with s'' Dassett, & to come to some issue w*" him about y* Same Proceeding then about y^ pews not taken up by y* Under- takers ; It was agreed & Voted, i/ that the little pew under y'' Northwest Stairs be valued at Ten pound, y^ two little pews between y^ West dore & y" Southwest stairs at twelve pound each, & all y^ rest of y^ pews at fifteen pound a piece. 2/ that M- Nath' Oliver have y' first choice 3<^'y •/ At a Meeting of all y" CoiTiittee, but Capt" Davis, at M- Monks May 24th in y*" evening . / Voted, that M' Joseph Marriner may have the pew under the Northwest stairs for 12 Bb. Voted 2) that y^ Deed of y^ land whereon y^ Church is built, be filled up & Recorded. M' Everard's Acco' of work don on y" foreseats & pulpit was thought overcharged, & it was referr'd to M' Clark & M' Walker to settle it Voted 3) that y^ way going up from y'' Dock to y^ Meeting- house be paved from y'' entrance up to M' Macarty's horse block or a little higher. Voted 4) that y^ sufiie of fifty pound be taken out of y^ con- tribution mony, in lieu of y* 50 ft) that was presented to M' Benj • Colman, & put to y*" mony for building the Church ; & that out of said mony they that have paid their subscriptions to y'' finishing s'' Church be repaid, so soon as there shall be eneough mony gatherd in for y" pews that are sold to defray y' same, & other remaining charges of s'' church or building. At a Meeting of y' Comittee at M" Monks Aug. 2'^ in y' Evening, present all but M' Davenport & M' Walker. DR. COLMAN S MINISTRY. 9 Voted l) That there be a meeting of y' Comittee at M" Monks on every Lecture day at o' Church, about Sunset. Voted 2) That M"" Tyler may have that pew in y" Womens Gallery, next to y" North side of y^ Meetinghouse, M' Bullfinch that pew next to M' Tylers, Capt"' Mold that pew next to M' Bullfinches, & fflorence Macarty that next to Capt"' Molds. Voted 3) That M' Grove Hirst & M' Jn" Balentine may have that pew N° 31, being y" middlemost of those 5 in y^ flank of y^ Womens long seates, w*"*" M' George chose at first, but relin- quisht for a pew in y"" Gallery. Voted 4) That, upon Capt"" Davis signification that there were some Gentlemen w° desired they might at their own charge paint y^ front of y^ Galleries, posts, dores &c y^ w""'' was now only primed, once over with a lighter colour ; y^ s'^ Gentlemen have leave to do according to their desire in that respect. At a Meeting of y^ Comittee Aug' 30"' at M'' Monks, present all but M' Davenport. / Voted, & Agreed i) that y^ meeting of y^ Comittee w"*" was appointed last time to be at M" Monks, every Lecture day evening be on every Tusedy next following the Lecture at o"' Church, at sunset. Then M' Cunnabell's Acco* was read over, & it was agreed that it should be farther considered at o' meeting next Tu[esday] Mr Cunnabell to have notice thereof, that he be then present. Ordered also, that Jo. Rogers have notice of o"" meeting, in order to his coming to Some agreem' with us, about y" ground behind o' Church, w''*' we heard he desired for to put his cattell in. Voted 2) That a boatload of good oak wood & about 10 or II cord, be bought & Sent in to o' pastor for his winter store, also 4 load of wallnut billetts for y* use of his study. Ordered also that Job Ingraham do carry Clark's Bible w'''' Duncan Campbell gave to o' Church, unto o' pastors house for his use. lO RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. At a Meeting of y^ Comittee at M" Monks, on Tus"^^ evening f- Sept^ all present but M"^ Mico./ M' Cunnabell was with us. & after we had perused his Acco' of work don about o' Meetinghouse, as making the pews, pulpit, canopy, foreseats &c, it was Voted, that M' Cunnabell be allowed One hundred twenty Seven pound ten shillings, in full of his s'^ Acco' whereof 92" 10/ for 37 pews at 5/8 3) pew, 20'*' for y= pulpit & canopy, & 15" for y* 2 foreseates & other work abo' y^ Church, wherew"' M' Cun- nabell expressed himself satisfied. At a Meeting of y^ Committee at M'' Monk's Tusedy Evening gber gth J ^00. every one present. Voted, that y^ Deed of y^ Land whereon y* New Meeting- house is built be delivered to M' Thomas Clark, for to keep for y^ use & behoof of y^ Undertak""' Voted, that M' Grove Hurst have liberty to enlarg his pew in y^ Womens gallery next M' George's about 2 or 3 inches, as he desired of M^ Draper & T Brattle. Voted that it be left with M' Addington Davenport, Rich** Draper & T Brattle, to draw up & execute y'' Deed of y" land for a lane through M' Dassets land to y' New Church in Brattle Street, & that y" Treasur^ for s"" Church do pay y'= s"* Dassett 15^^ for y^ s*^ granted land when he signs y^ Deed thereof. Voted also, that it be left to M^ Mico & Capt"'^ Davis to get Swabs & pales for y' Meetinghouse, in case of fire. [Dr. Colman's record is now continued.] January 3*? 1701. M' Brattle excused himself from Continu- ing any longer the Care of y? Deacons place, & Mr Draper was chosen into his place. On Fryday Jan. 3 1 . with Thanks for past Services, M' Daven- port reported to me in y? presence of the Undertakers their Vote of ten shillings more p week Salary. Now fifty shil- lings p week. On June 9*^ 1701. A considerable Number of Brethren came DR. COLMAN S MINISTRY. 1 1 to my house with a proposal of getting me a stated Help if it were pleasing to me. On y* following Sabbath I acquainted the Church with it: who met on June i8. & voted a Constant help for one year, & without y^ Nomination of any person they wrote their Votes, which were found unanimous for M' Eliphalet Adams, M' Adams accepted the Invitation, only reserving to himself this Liberty, that if any Invitation to do service elsewhere were offer'd him within y^ Year, which he might think proper to Consider of, then he would give us timely & sufficient Notice of it. At the Expiration of the year, August, 3, 1702. The thanks of y* Church were voted to M- Adams for his Services, & y* Choice of him was renewed for to help us in a stated way for one year more. Which he again accepted, unless any Offer more considerable be made him within that time. Major Davis did at this meeting excuse himself from any further Care of the Deacons place, in which he had kindly con- tinued till this time. And M"" John Kilby was chosen in his place, & accepted. August 2. 1703. the Year being again Expired, the Thanks of y^ Church were renewed to M' Adams for his Labours. Voted by a great Majority (16. against 7.) that we were not in a Capacity yet to call any One into Office among us. And then M' Adams was unanimously chosen for another year. August 23. We received M' Adams his Answer That he should be ready to continue his help among us as formerly for one half of year, scil, to y^ first day of February next, if that might be acceptable : And that as to further Engagement he should not be backward were it not he feared it might prove Inconvenient. At the End of the half year M' Adams left preaching statedly with us. And here I willingly omit the Mention of y^ Divisions & Angers among us upon his departure. Only I think it proper to Insert, that one matter of Offence then given & hainously taken, being that y^ Proprietors of the House had declared it to be their Right to say, when we were ripe for the 12 RFXORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Calling a Minister to Office ; I did therefore at a Church Meet- inc held July 21. 1704, propose it to y" Proprietors Present, who were 18. in number (M^ Mico M^ Meers & Cap' Tuthill being absent) Whether They expected any particular Priveledge, on the Account of their Propriety in the House, in the Choice or Call of any Minister to Office, above & beyond the rest of their Brethren? To which fourteen of the Proprietors answer'd directly — that they did not. namely, Thomas Brattle Esq', Thomas Palmer Esq', Thomas Clark, Richard Draper, John Kilby, Thomas Cooper, Addington Davenport, William Harris, Timothy Clark, John Colman, Stephen Minot, Abraham Blish, Joseph Allen, W^ Keen. It was then moved, whether the Communicants did not think themselves obliged to do their part, to maintain the Ministry, as much as the Proprietors? to which they all answer'd in the Affirmative, — that they did think themselves equally bound, every man according to the Ability which God has given him. After the uncomfortable Church Meetings past we had none for several years. On January y^ 20"" 1707, 8. the Congregation kindly rais'd my Salary to three pounds a week. On October the 12"' 171 1. The old Meeting house being burnt down, with a great part of y? Town, Our Chh. invited the Pastors of y^ said first Chh. who were wont to meet there, to preach with us in turns every Sabbath, & to joyn in the Administration of all Ordinances ; to which they with their Church consented, & continued with us unto May the fourth 1 7 13. When they took leave of us with a very grateful Letter, read publicly by me to our Congregation, & went into their new House. July 24. 1 7 13. The Reverend M' William Brattle Pastor of the Chh. in Cambridge, signifyed to me by a Letter the Legacy of his Brother, Thomas Brattle Esq', lately deceased, of a pair of Organs, w"'' he dedicated & devoted to y^ praise & glory of God with us, if we should accept thereof; & within mui (AArv-vn ^^y| DR. COLMANS MINISTRY. 1 3 y' year after his decease procure a sober person, skilful to play thereon. The Church, with all possible respect to the memory of our devoted Friend & Benefactor, voted, that they did not think it proper to use y^ same in y^ public Worship of God. July. 4. 171 5 was our first public Meeting of the whole Con- gregation, when y? following Votes passed, 1. That they did apprehend & judge it to be for y^ Glory of GOD & the good of this Church & Congregation, that another Person be chosen into the Pastoral Office among us. 2. That in order thereunto the first Tuesday in August be kept as a Day of Prayer, to implore y^ Divine Direction, & Guidance in the said Election. Accordingly Tuesday, y^ second of August was observed by us with prayer & fasting, the Ministers of y- Town assisting at it. On August the 16'^ the Congregation met for the Election of a second Pastor, & after y^ Opening of y^ Meeting by prayer, as usually, & a Discourse had agreably to y^ Occasion; y- ques- tion was put. Whether the Brethren were ready to proceed & write their Votes, for the Election of some other Person into the Pastoral Office with me? & if they were that they would signify it by lifting up their hands : Whereupon all y^ Hands were lift up. The Brethren then wrote their Votes, & put them into the Box on y^ Table before me, which were counted & opened ; & out of sixty six votes, there were sixty for M- William Cooper. It is to be noted, that no Person was nominated, nor M' Coopers Name once mention'd, either now or in the former Meeting, until y'^ Votes were counted, & I had declar'd his Election by this great Majority. There were then named, & appointed to wait on M' Cooper with this Vote in the Name of the Congregation, The Deacons, M' Davenport, M' Dudley, M^ Palmer, M^ Harris &c, to desire his Answer in due time 14 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. D^ Noyes then proposed our using some better version of the Psalms ; and Cap! Clark proposed that there might be a con- stant Exposition of y^ Scriptures after the reading of them every Lord's day. Both which matters after some discourse of them were left to further Consideration, if need were. On September the 7'!' 1715. we received M' Coopers Answer, signifying his Acceptance of our Call, his desires of our Prayers for Him, & that we would however excuse him from engaging presently in a constant Course of preaching; it being a very early day with him. At a Congregation Meeting, October y^ 7"^ 1715. I acquainted the Brethren how M' Cooper had explain'd himself to me, scil. That he fear'd if he should immediately engage in a Course of constant preaching it might hinder him too much in his prepar- atory studies, & therefore his desire was that for y^ first year he might be expected to preach but once in a fortnight: Also he pray'd that we would not for this first year propose his Ordination. I observ'd to the Brethren the Humility & modisty of M' Coopers desire, & then y? following Votes pass'd, Nemine Contra. 1. That M' Cooper be desir'd to preach as often as he could conveniently with us, & that it be left to me & him to supply the Pulpit at other times, & the supply had be paid out of what is allowed to M' Cooper. 2. That M- Cooper be allowed for this year forty Shillings a Sabbath, or every week. The matter of Ordination was then discoursed, & at last it was resolved to let it rest for yf present, in compliance with M' Coopers desire. At a Church meeting, Tuesday March. 20, 17 16. I proposed the bringing forward M! Coopers Ordination ; & accordingly the twenty third day of May following was fixt upon : On w'^'' Day the Solemnity was accordingly attended, & He was publicly separated to y? Work of the Ministry, & unto the Pastoral Office over this Church, by the Laying on of y^ Hands of the Presbytery, with fasting & prayer. DR. COLMAN S AND MR. COOPERS MINISTRY. 1 5 At a Church Meeting August y" 20. 171 7. M' Benjamin Gibson was chosen into the Deacons Office among us, & approved by the Pastors. Sometime after he signified his Acceptance & took his place. At a Church Meeting March. 8. 17 18, After much Discourse it was voted, That there be an equal Dividend of y^ next Remains of y^ Moneys collected at the Sacrament, after y" payment of the charges for the Holy Table ; the one half to be distributed by the Deacons to y? poor; the other to be applied to y" further supply of y? Communion Table with plate: provided that y' Distribution to y^ poor do not exceed y^ Summ of ten pounds p annum. At a Congregation Meeting March 16, 1720, M' Cooper being about to marry, I proposed y'^ raising & fixing his Salary for his hon'''^ support, & that it might be equal at least to mine; & that they would please to provide a House for him to dwell in. And accordingly y^ following Votes were passed, 1. That M- Coopers Salary be three pounds five Shillings a week. 2. That Mr Cooper be allowed a House to dwell in. 3. That a Committee of five, namely M' Harris, D' Noyes, Coll. Minot, Cap' Steel, & Mr Fitch, be appointed forthwith to enquire after some convenient House for him, & make report to y^ Society 4. That M' Coopers fire-wood be allow'd him. Voted then also, That M' Ingram y^ Sexton be from hence- forth allowed sixteen pounds a year Salary. N B. Some time in y^ Month of January preceding y^ last Votes, some of y* Brethren of y- Church having express'd to us their desires of a Monthly Lecture to be held in our place of Worship, y? Afternoon of every Fryday before the Adminis- tration of yf Lords Supper; And we taking into our Consider- ation y' y- said Holy Ordinance is administered in y^ first l6 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Church of Christ in the Town at y^ same time thro'out y? year y' it is with us ; The Chh. did therefore come into a Vote, to request & invite them to joyn with us in y^ setting up the said Lecture, & that it be carried on by their Rev** Pastors, M' VVadsworth & Foxcraft, together with us ; & be attended & supported equally by them & us, for our mutual Edification by the will of God. Accordingly we wrote unto them in y" Name of the Church, & the said First Chh. in y^ Town did readily come into the Proposal; & it was opened by me on Fryday, March. 4. 1720./ from these words, Exodus. 24. 9, 10, 11./. At a Meeting of the Congregation. Sept. 5. 172 1, Deacon Draper inform'd the Congregation, that in this time of distress by the Smalpox, & upon the removal of so many out of the Town, the weekly Collections had fallen so far short of what is necessary for the Support of y" Ministers, that it was necessary a Summ of shout fifty poimds be presently rais'd, for the paying the Arrears due & the laying in Wood for the winter. After some Discourse on one Method & another for a present Supply it was Voted, That Cap^ Steel, Coll. Ballantine, M' Hedman, Coll. Alford, M^ Fitch be a Committee to treat with the Proprietors of the House, about applying part of the moneys in their hands, arising from the late Additional Building to the present Service. The Brethren of the Church were then desired to stay, & Deacon Kilby informed the Brethren, that upon his late failing in his Estate, when he put over y'' whole of it into the hands of his Creditors, he had forgot to secure the Churches Money intrusted with him ; Namely, the Moneys collected at y^ Monthly Sacraments. Whereupon it was voted, That M' Thomas Clark, Capt. Tim. Clark, M' Tay, Coll. Minot, & M' John Colman be a Committee to look over Deacon Kilbys Account of the Sacrament Collec- tions ; & that they treat with his Creditors about the Church Stock gone by this means into their hands; & if they can't DR. COLMAN S AND MR. COOPERS MINISTRY. 1 7 prevail to recover it, that they claim in the Name of the Church among the Creditors. At a Meeting of the Congregation, Septem. 19. 1721, The Answer of the Proprietors to the late Proposal of the Com- mittee from the Congregation was read, & the Congregation Voted a Compliance with it The said Answer of the Proprietors was as follows. Whereas the Congregation of the Church in Brattle Street have this 7"" of September 1721. applied to us the Proprietors of the same, by a Committee of five Persons, chosen for that purpose, at a Meeting of both Church & Congregation, for the Ballance of the Moneys rais'd from the Sale of the Pews when the Addition to y*" Chh. was made, desiring the same may be added to y^ Contribution money, for the supply of the present Deficiency thereof; And whereas the Prudentials of the said Church & Building hath hitherto necessarily fallen under our management & direc- tion from the foundation to this day; Exact accounts & methodical Books having hitherto been Kept & laid open by the Treasurer every year to the Satisfaction of the Society, as well as a fair Entry made of all Votes, and Determinations, for the more regular carrying on the Affair; & we think to the satisfaction of every one that shal give themselves the trouble to look into them ; & they wil be very welcome so to do : And whereas it is Our Opinion the present Exigence & deficiency of the Contribution might better be made up by Subscriptions than any other way; & that the aforesaid Money be kept in bank for y^ defraying of all Contingent Charges that wil necessarily & frequently arise on y^ House ; and that upon every Occasion we may not be put to y* trouble of calling the Congregation together to raise the money, in a Method yet to be contrived & agreed upon, & it may be difficult to come at; that while the grass grows the steed starves : Now Gentlemen, Since it is & alwayes was our sincere desire to have this money applied for the general Good & benefit of 3 1 8 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. the Whole & to no other use & purpose whatsoever; & You can't agree with us in this method, but still desire & request to have the Mony applied as aforesaid ; We say in Answer, That if this be thought the most effectual way to Encourage a more chearful Contribution for the future, for the carrying on & promoting the Worship of God among us ; & the Congre- gation wil be under the same Obligation with the Proprietors to pay any Person or persons, Owner or Owners of any pew or pews in said Meeting-house, such Sum or Sums of money as they gave for said pew or pews, upon their leaving of any of them, according to Receipt passed therefor: As also to repair said Meeting house when it needs, & to support the Minister or Ministers from time to time as God shal enable ; And let this be voted & Enter'd in the Church Books as a standing Memo- rial, & Discharge of the Proprietors or any of them ; Excepting their Several proportions in common with the rest of the Con- gregation: In such case we are willing to apply the Money as desir'd. Thomas Palmer. In behalf & at the Desire of the Proprietors. The Congregation then proceeded to the Choice of a Com- mittee, for y^ managing the Affairs of the House, Pews &c. And first voted that the Committee before chosen for the year by the Proprietors do stand : scil, William Harris Eq' , Treasr, M^ Thomas Clark, Timothy Clark Esq', M^ Walker & Coll. Minot. Secondly, That four more be added to them ; namely, Thomas Steel Esq', Coll. Ballantine, Coll. Alford, & M' B. Fitch. Thirdly that this Committee stand till January next, when the Congregation wil proceed to a new Choice. At a Congregation Meeting, Fryday, January 12, 1721, 2 the Choice of a Treasurer first came on, to succeed in the place of the Worthy William Harris Esq' , deceased : & the Votes fell on the Hon'''.' Addington Davenport Esq^ Voted that the Committee of the Congregation be seven in number, the Treasurer alwayes one. DR. COLMANS AND MR. COOPERS MINISTRY. 1 9 The Votes for the Committee were bro't in & the Choice fell on Thomas Palmer Esq!" , Timothy Clark Esq' , Thomas Steel Esq: , Coll. Minot, Coll. Ballantine & Coll. Alford. M' Davenport not being present was notified of the Choice made of him & sending his Excuse, it was voted, That the Committee now chosen be desired to urge his Acceptance, & if they cannot prevail with him, that they then appoint one from among themselves to act as Treasurer till y- next meeting of the Congregation. Lastly it was voted. That the annual meeting of the Congre- gation for the chusing a Treasurer & Committee, be from hence forward on the first Wednesday in August. M' Ingram the Sexton then mov'd for some Allowance to be made him for looking after the plate & linnen for y^ Com- munion Table: & it was referr'd to the Consideration of the Church at their next meeting, if they shal judge it fit. Tuesday February 6. 1721. Addington Davenport Esq', having received the Books & Moneys of the Church & Congre- gation from the Committee aforesaid, in token of his accepting the Choice that had been made of him to be their Treasurer, was pleas'd to come & inform the Pastors thereof. At a Meeting of the Congregation, August 28. 1722. The Accounts of the Treasurer & of the Deacons were then Audited & allowed. M' Davenport then excused himself from acting any longer as Treasurer. Votes were thereupon call'd for, & Thomas Palmer Esqr. was chosen by a great Majority, Capt. Tim. Clark excus'd himself from acting any more as one of the Committee. And M": Jacob Wendal was chosen into his room. The former Committee were Re-chosen. Thomas Palmer, Treas' , Addington Davenport, Thomas Steel, Stephen Minot, John Ballantine, John Alford, Jacob Wendal. The Thanks of the Congregation were voted to M^ Tho : Clark, Timothy Clark Esq' , & Deacon Draper for the Services, many & great, done by them to y^ Society in the care they have taken of y"- House, or moneys, &c. 20 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Septem. 9. being y^ Lords Day the Church was stayed after y? publick Exercises were over, & it was proposed to them to fill up the Vacancy in the Deacons Seat, by the Death of M' Kilby; & it was voted to meet for that end (by Gods will) on ye. next Tuesday come fortnight, at 1 1 . of ye Clock, in the forenoon. At a Church Meeting Septem. 26. 1722. After Prayer to God it was put to the Church, Whether They were ready now to proceed to Elect another into the Deacons Office; which being signified in the Affirmative, y^ Votes were brought in, — w''.'' by a great Majority were found for M' John Edwards ; But he absolutely excusing himself from accepting the Call ; the Brethren were desir'd to come to a second Choice, & y^ Votes were found by a great Majority for M' Jacob Parker, who some time after accepted & took his place. The Petition of M' Ingram, the Sexton, was then laid before the Church, for some Allowance to be made him, for his Keep- ing, cleaning, bringing & carrying the Plate for the Communion Table, & washing the Linnen us'd thereat: And the Church Voted him an Allowance of forty Shillings p Annum for his Service therein. The Church then proceeded to Enquire what the Committee appointed Septem. 5. 1721, had done in treating with the Creditors of the late Deacon Kilby, since deceased, about the Church Stock gone by his Neglect into their hands; & being inform'd of what had pass'd between the Creditors & them, it was resolv'd that the Church wil come in among the Creditors & take their part in the Dividend of his Estate; That a Com- mittee be appointed therefore to claim & receive for them; and that y* said Committee be February 10, the Church was staid, being the Lords day Evening, when we proposed to them the Keeping a Day of Prayer for the Effusion of the Spirit of Grace upon the Children of the Flock; wliich was Voted, & the first Tuesday in March was fixed on for the time : w'*' was accordingly kept. DR. COLMAN S AND MR. COOPERS MINISTRY. 21 At a Congregation Meeting, Octob': twenty second, 1723. The Treasurer & Committee of the last year were Rechosen ; & the accounts of the Treasurer & Deacons audited & accepted. It was recommended to the Committee to fill with persons proper y^ vacant Pews in the Galaries; that y^ Negroes be directed to leave y" back Seats of y" lower & go into those of the upper Galary: & that they dismiss Roger from looking after y" Boyes, & provide some fitter person. The Congregation being dismissed the Church staid, & voted the Buying a Tankard of Deacon Draper, to be valu'd by Mr Noyes & Edwards, & that it be paid for out of the Church Moneys. At a Congregation meeting September 9. 1724. The Treas- urer & Committee of y^ former year were Rechosen, namely Thomas Palmer Esq- Treasurer, Addington Davenport Esq' Thomas Steel Esq' John Alford Esq' M' Stephen Minot, M' John Ballantine, M' Jacob Wendal. The Pastors then withdrew, leaving the Congregation to con- sider of some way or other to supply the deficiency in their Salary for their Support; when they readily Voted the coming unto a Subscription of a Present unto y? Pastors, to be equally divided between them ; & that Deacon Gibson & Deacon Parker, assisted by Mr Jacob Wendal & M' Benj? Fitch & Mr William Tyler be desired to take y*" trouble & care upon them of putting forward the said Subscription. At a Meeting of the Congregation Septem. 21, 1725. After prayer I acknowledged to y" Brethren y" Kindness of God w^'' they had shown to us in y^ year past, that we had received from y" hands of M' Benj? Fitch five hundred pounds, & thirty pounds more from y^ hand of Deacon Parker; w'^-' we pray'd God to reward to them. We then took our leave, & y? Brethren chose their Com- mittee, & voted y*" raising y* Salary's of their Pastors from henceforth to four pounds a week each. 22 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. March. 13. 1726 y*" Church being stay'd, after y* dismission of the Congregation, We acquainted the Brethren, That ye Pastors of the United Churches in y' Town were unanimously of Opinion (after serious & deUberate Consideration & much discourse together) That it might serve many excellent Ends of Piety if the Several Congregations had Collections made in them on dayes of Fasting & Thanksgiving. And that whereas we were now approaching toward the Annual Day of Prayer & Fasting in the begining of the year, the Ministers had agreed together to propose the matter to their respective Congre- gations, that such a Collection might be made on the Fast now appointed. We added, That we did not propose the Gathering any great Summs ; if it were but a little more than our ordinary Con- tributions on y^ Lords-dayes, it might suffice. The moneys so collected we proposed to be by every Congregation deposited in the hands of some Committee of their own chusing, as a Kind of Evangelical Treasury for the propagation of religion & piety, & to be held sacred to such use ; & not a farthing of it to be drawn out & applied at any time ; but by y^ Advice & consent of said Committee ; Who shal Keep an exact account of all that they disburse, to whom, for what, & on what Occasions; so that the Congregation may when they please, from time to time, see how their moneys are applied. In short, we told 'em, that y^ Proposal was — That every particular Church would furnish it self, by such Collections on our Anniversary dayes of prayer & praise, with a smal stock or Fund for the propagation of the Gospel: & that our prayers & alms might together go up for a Memorial before God. After some Consideration had of this proposal, the Church voted that such a Collection be proposed to y^ Congregation to be made on y*" Day of prayer approaching; & that y^ moneys collected be laid by till y" annual Meeting of the Congregation in August or September next, when the Congregation might take y' Proposal now made for constant Collections on dayes DR. COLMANS AND MR. COOPERS MINISTRY. 23 of Fasting & Thanksgiving into their Consideration, & deter- mine on it as God should direct them. On y^ next Lords-day we informed the Congregation of y* Advice of y? Church respecting the proposed Collection, & on y' Day of prayer March, 24, it was readily complied with & forty pounds were gathered, which y'' Deacons were directed to deliver into y" hands of Thomas Palmer Esq, Treasurer for y^ Congregation, to be kept by him till y" Annual Meeting of the Congregation. On Tuesday Sept. 21. 1726. The Congregation took into Consideration the disposition of y* Moneys collected, & voted, That ten pounds of the forty may be applied to uses of piety abroad, & particularly with an eye to y'' Meeting house of Providence : the other thirty pounds to be disposed of among y*" poor & needy of our own Church & Congregation. That y^ Pastors & Deacons of y^ Church, together with the Standing Committee of the Congregation for the year, be a Committee to dispose of & distribute y^ said Money. That also because many poor people are like to want needful firing, clothing &c this winter, therefore a Collection be made for their releif & supply on our next Thanksgiving day, & y^ moneys then col- lected be put into y" hands of the aforesaid Committee, to be by them distributed. The Congregation were pleased also to vote M": Colman thirty pounds this year for house-rent; being y* first House rent ever allowed to him ; at y^ End of twenty six years. November y? 10. was solemniz'd a Day of publick Thanks- giving to God, when y"" Collection for y^ poor was made, & we gather'd seventy two pounds, seven shillings. September 26. 1727. The Congregation at their Annual Meeting continued to M' Colman thirty pounds for House-rent y' year ensuing. And a Collection for y^ poor y"" next Thanks- giving day, to be distributed by y* Pastors & Deacons. 24 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Thursday, Novem. 7. 1728, being y" day of Publick Thanks- giving ; a Collection was made for y* poor & for pious Uses, & ninety four pounds were Contributed. Lord's-day, Jan'^ 5. 1728, 9. The Church being staid we propos'd to them y*" chusing another Deacon, our aged & hon*^ Brother M' Richard Draper being confined by growing Infirmities, & a threatning sickness w"'' gave us great Reason to apprehend his approaching change. On y*" good Deacon died, having ministred with us in yf Deacons Office twenty seven or eight years, & (to y" Glory of Gods free Grace) discharg'd his Office well. On February 4, at a Church Meeting M' John Philips, Stationer, was chosen into y^ Deacons Office, & accepted of y^ Call. At y* same time y^ Church came into y" following Vote, That considering the fall of Moneys, & y^ dearness of Pro- visions, & y^ sense y*" Congregation had of the Insufficiency of y^ Salary's of their Pastors to answer y^ necessary Expenses of their Families; therefore it was advisable for y^ Congre- gation to come into a voluntary Contribution or free Gift to y^ Ministers on some approaching Sabbath, & that whatsoever shal be gathered be given to them ; over & above their stated Salary. Accordingly y*" next Lords-day y" Congregation were notified of said Desire of the Church, & y* Lords day after was collected 140. pounds, w''.*' was divided between the Pastors. Novem. 13. 1729. Being Thanksgiving day; was collected 155" 10. 0./107" for the poor of our own Church: 23" 10' for ye Pastors: 20" to be delivered to Deacon Henchman of y^ South Church : 4" 10' o for y^ support of y^ Worship of God at the Town of Providence. Decem. 27. Y^ Congregation made a Collection for the Pastors, to make up y* Deficiency of Salary for their needful 1l/hh<^' / i^-o-f^ytyl/^. DR. COLMAN S AND MR. COOPER S MINISTRY. 25 Support y^ last Year, & one hundred pounds were gather' d, & divided equally to them. September. 16. 1730. At a Congregation Meeting warned for y" farther necessary support of y" Worship of God, forty Shillings p week was further Voted to each of y* Pastors ; & that y^ weekly Allowance to 'em should be six pounds for y^ year to come. January 24. 1730, i. At y^ Desire of many of the Congre- gation a Proposal was made for a Collection for y^ poor in Marblehead, in this time of Distresse with them by reason of y' smal pox; & y^ next Lords-day y" Collection was made, one hundred & twenty pounds ; put into y*" Hands of M' Bowdoin, M^ Wendal, M'. W? Tyler & M^ Tho: Jackson ; to be by them remitted in such way & manner as might best serve y" poor there in their present Necessities. I know also of twenty four pounds from two of the Congregation y* Week before this. October 8, 1731. Y^ Congregation met, & voted twenty pounds to poor M? Lazenby about to have her breast cut off; & the purchasing a new Pall for funerals; & to have a Col- lection y*" 21. Instant, for defraying y^ Charges of y*" Year. And that y*" weekly Allowance to y" Pastors for y* next Year be six pounds. On y^ Lords-day, Novem. 21. Collected 103. pounds. October 17. 1732. The Congregation met, & chose Jacob Wendal Esqr Moderator, & Voted, That y^ Moneys due to defray y*" Charges of y' Year past, about 120", be raised by a voluntary Contribution; on ye next Thanksgiving Day; & that ye Rev. Pastors be desired to give Notice of it to y* Congregation y" next Lords Day. That six pounds p. Week be allowed to y' Pastors y^ next Year, beside their Wood & House Rent as in y^ Years past. That y^ Income of y" Pall, belonging to the Church, be dis- 4 26 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. posed of by y^ Rev'' Ministers & Deacons, among y* poor of y^ Congregation. That y^ Committee for y^ Year ensuing be desired to speak to each Person that hath a Pew in the Church, & inform them of y^ Contributions falling short from Year to Year, & that it is expected y- every one y- has a Pew below contribute at least half a Crown every Sabbath, & they y' have Pews in y^ Gallery each one at least Eighteen pence. That Thomas Palmer Esqr. be Treasurer y*" Year to come ; & that John Alford, Jacob Wendal, Richard Bill & James Bowdoin Esqr. be ye Committee for this Year. October 26. was Kept in Thanksgiving to God & ninety four Pounds were collected, with some Bills for y^ poor. December, 18, 1733. The Congregation met, & voted that y* Moneys for defraying what remains of y^ Charges for y^ Year past be collected by a voluntary Subscription through y^ Con- gregation; & y" Overplus that may be collected do remain as a Church Stock for y" Deficiencies that may be in y^ next Year. The same Committee was continued, & Salary's At a Meeting of the Congregation October 11. 1736. Voted that the two hundred pounds, for w''*' Mess" Palmer & Balston gave their Bonds, payable next May ; now in the Hand of y* Treasurer ; be given as a Present to our Rev'^ Pastors, with the Interest due thereon, equally between them. Tho: Palmer. Moderator. The Committee chosen for y' year ensuing were Thomas Palmer, Jacob Wendel, James Bowdoin, Richard Bill, & John Fairweather, Esqrs. It was also voted, That a Committee be chosen to collect y° sum of about 120" to make up y* Deficiencies of y^ Year past : And that for Time to come a Subscription be made by every Contributor what he wil annually give toward the Sup- port of y' Worship of God among us, to prevent any future annual Deficiencies. Lordsday Evening Decem. 26. Y" Church were informed of DR. COLMAN S AND MR. COOPERS MINISTRY. 2/ y' Desires of Joseph Rix, Samuel Sprague, John Peirce, to be dismissed from their Relation to us, in Order to their imbody- ing with Brethren from other Churches, for y^ worship of God in New Boston ; & their prayer was granted ; & y^ next day the Pastors gave them Letters of Dismission, — NB. Within a Year or two afterward they returned to us of their own Accord. Tuesday Novem. 7. 1738 The Congregation at their Meeting voted to allow sixty pounds p Annum Rent to y'^ Pastors for their Houses: had some Discourse about a new Version of y* Psalms to be used in y"" Church; to have a Collection to defray y^ Charges of y^ years past, & to adjourn to Decem. 19. / Y* Moneys Collected were 135" Decem 19. Met according to Adjournment, & I proposed to y^ Brethren to have Collections on Dayes of Fasting & Thanksgiving, w'.*" was voted for y* year to come. And a Committee was appointed to cons: of the Proposal of a new Version of y^ Psalms, & when they had done so to call a Meeting. Also voted a Collection y^ Sabbath after next in way of Gift to y* Pastors. Decem. 31. Collected 144'i & divided to y^ two Pastors. Septem. 10. 1739- The Committee appointed to consider of a Change of Version of the Psalms, made their Report in the Negative, that at present they could not advise to any new Version. The Salaries were voted as usual, & a Committee raised to consider of y^ most likely Methods to raise our Contributions. Deacon Parker made a Motion, that some more sutable Person might be desired to set y^ Psalm, it was referred to y^ Pastors & standing Committee to advise on it. Y" Com- mittee, M' Palmer, Chh Treasurer, Coll Wendell, M' Bill, Majr Sewal, M' Fairweather. Then y^ Meeting adjourned to Tuesday ^7. of November next. NB. The Meetings always opened & concluded with prayer. 28 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Soon after y" Committee met & applied to our good Brethren M' Macom & M' Johnson, & prevailed with 'em to sit together & lead us in y^ Ordinance of Singing. Novem. 27. Congregation met according to Adjournm't & voted, y- y* Moneys to be collected this week at y" Thanks- giving, be disposed of by y^ Deacons, to pay y^ forty pounds Arrears for y^ year past; & y" Remainder for y'^ poor of y^ Church & Congregation. Voted also a Collection y^ next Day of fasting & Prayer, ye Moneys to be disposed of by y" next Congregation Meeting. Novem. 1740. Y" Congregation met again & voted a Col- lection on the Thanksgiving, to be divided between y^ Pastors, w'^'' amounted to 130" & was divided 65" to each. Novem. 4. 41. Y^ same Vote renewed, & a Collection also on y*" next Fast, to be disposed of as y^ Congregation shal direct. Sept' 13. 1742. the Salary raised to Eight pounds a Week, & ye House rent to 70" p An: & a Collection for y" Ministers y^ next Thanksgiving Day. Nov' 15. 1743. Salary & Rent voted as before; & a Col- lection for y* Ministers on y" next Thanksgiving day. When about 105. pounds were Collected. Boston. Decem' 26. 1743. It is awful to me to enter on this Leaf y^ sudden Death of y*" Rev'' M' Cooper, who has been with me in y^ Pastoral Office twenty seven Years, & a Pastor after Gods own Heart unto this Church. On Tuesday Dec' 5. he complain'd of some dull heavy pain & Disorder in his Head ; never y"". less was at y^ Evening Lecture W^ us; but kept House (as I also did) Wednesday Thursday Fryday. On Fryday Evening I heard he had not been well, & on Saturday I went to see him, & found him DR. COLMAN S AND MR. COOPER S MINISTRY. 29 on his Bed, in his Cloaths, easie & cheerful, & he told me M' Foxcroft w'' preach for him y" next Day. On y^ Lords-day I preached in y" Morning & gave Thanks for y" Lightness of his Indisposition in my Prayer for y^ Re- moval of it. But before Noon y*" Doctors found the threatning Symptoms of a lethargic or Apoplectic Kind, & immediately went into y*" use of proper Medicine to prevent the Increase of them ; but with little or no effect. I inform'd y^ Congregation hereof in y* Begining of y" After- noon Exercise, & y" chapter that fell in Course happed to be as if chosen on the Occasion ; & in y*" close of y" Exercise I desir'd y*" Church to stay, & said to 'em, that h became us early to have a Day of Prayer wherein to cry unto God for his invaluable Life, y- by his holy Will it might be spared unto us : — while I was thus speaking, Coll Wendel came in from M" Coopers house, whither he went as y" Congregation broke up, & bro't us Word that y*" symptoms increas'd so much, that we must meet y^ next Morning, w!!! was immediately agreed on, & y" Deacons went to y" five Senior Ministers, who early came y^ next Morning, & by ten in y^ morning there was a great Assembly; M' Checkly began with Prayer, I preached from Acts [ix. 34.] Eneas, Jesus Christ maketh thee whole, & M' Webb clos"" with Prayer, p. m. M' Prince began with Prayer, D' Sewal preached from & M' Foxcroft clos'd with Prayer. There was much of the Presence of God with us, & never was there seen in Boston (it maybe) a like Assembly of Silent Weepers. But at Evening ye Symptoms were more threatning, & at six on Tuesday Morn, he expired & slept in Christ. The Con- gregation met that Afternoon & voted to bury him by a Subscription, w''' presently rose to nine hundred pounds; They put his whole Family & me into Mourning, & gave Rings to all ye Ministers of y^ Association. On Thursday y" Funeral was attended with great Solemnity. The Church & Congregation walked before y^ Herse, two & two; & never was there a greater Mourning thro' y" Town & Country. The Ministers that bare y^ Pall & y^ Deacons of 30 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. y* Chh had mourning Gloves & Hat-bands ; w^^ was new to us, but very decent. The Salary was voted to be continued to y'^ Family, till further Order. On y^ Lords-day following D' Sewal preached with us in y" morning on these words, for if we believe that Jesus died & rose again, even so them also &c Ye next L. Day M' Prince, — I have fought a good fight, I have finished my &c. My own funeral Discourse was on Jesus his weeping in his Way to y* Grave of Lazarus. Y' Committee of y^ Church asked me to print it at their own charge. Y^ rest of y^ Ministers followed in their Course, preaching with great affection & praying for us, to our great Comfort & I trust Edification. — I thank God, now at two Months End, I have found strength renewed for y^ doubled Work & Care w'.'' this Bereavment hath called me to. — March 30. very weak & infirm almost y" whole of this Months, & wearisome Nights of Catarhe & Cough are appointed me : M' Professor M- Apple- ton & M' President Holyoke are taking their Turns with us. April 22. Y'' Church voted that Tuesday y^ 15 of May be kept in prayer w*^ fasting to seek ye Divine Conduct in y^ Choice of another Pastor, in Gods Time & Way. May 16. Accordinly Yesterday was religiously observed by us ; M' Prince began in y^ Morning with Prayer, I preached from ye Prayer of Moses to y*" Lord, y" God of y* Spirits of all Flesh, to set a Man over y' Congregation : M' Gee closed with Prayer; In y° Afternoon Exercise, M' Checkly prayed, D' Sewal preached, — If my words abide in you, ask w' you wil &c: Mf Welsted closed y^ Exercise. August 6. 1744. The Congregation met 8: voted y^ raising my Salary to nine pounds p Week; & adjourn'd to y" first Tuesday in September, then to take into their Consideration, — " whether they wil come into y^ Nomination of some Candidates to preach statedly each his Month, in order to our coming at y° End of three or four Months into y^ Election of one of them DR. COLMAN S MINISTRY. 3 1 into y" Pastoral Office? M' Whalley, M^ Vinal, M' Langdon & M' Sam" Cooper were named by me to y" Brethren. Collections were also voted at y^ Thanksgiving & Fasts of y' Year for y" poor of y^ Chh. & Congregation, to be dis- tributed by y^ Pastor & Deacons & Committee as they shal think good. Septem' 4. 1744. The Brethren of y' Church & Congre- gation met according to Adjournment, & ye Meeting being open'd by Prayer, they after a little Discourse on the Proposal made by Me at y^ last Meeting; agreed to write their Votes, yea or nay. Whether we shal now come into a Nomination of three Persons, to preach each his Month w'l" us? reserving to our Rev. Pastor y^ Liberty of asking M' Samuel Cooper to preach also, if he find himself inclined to begin his Evangelical Ser- vices. [In margin: 52. Yea: 13. Nay.] Accordingly every One wrote their Votes, which being openly counted (besides near twenty for some other Persons) 54 were found for M' John Whalley, 61. for M^ William Vinal, 59 for M' Samuel Langdon. Voted that at y^ Expiration of y* Months aforesaid, the R. Pastor, with the Advice of y^ Deacons & the Committee of the Congregation, do call another Meeting of the Church & Congregation. Sept' 5. I wrote to each of y^ Gent" Candidates informing them of y^ Votes of y^ Congregation respecting their serving us each a Month ; & requesting their Compliance with said Vote: & also to M' Samuel Cooper: — Who all willingly com- plied & fulfilled their Months, to the great Acceptance & Esteem both of y" Pastor & y^ Congregation. Decem. 26. Y^ Committee & y^ Deacons met at my House, & unanimously advised to y" Calling a Meeting of y" Chh & Congregation y" Monday following, at ten in y^ Morning, " Then to advise & determine whether they wil proceed to y^ Electing One into y* Pastoral Office, or what they may judge further 32 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. necessary thereunto. — They were accordingly notified on y* following Lords Day, & all desired to attend y^ Meeting with previous Prayer for y" gracious Direction of God on so important an Occasion. Accordingly y" next Morning, Decern. 31. y* Brethren met at y^ Hour appointed, a very full Meeting, of no less than 138 in number; when having open'd y" Meeting with a Prayer suted to y^ Occasion, I spake to 'em in ye following Words, " Honoured & dearly Beloved, — You well remember that at your last Meeting, the fourth Day of Sept' past, you nominated & chose four Persons, to preach each his Month with us ; who have accordingly done so ; every One of them appearing now to you, I suppose, by y" Grace & Gifts of God in them, very like to prove great Blessings in their Generation. — At y" Meet- ing aforesaid you were pleased also to vote your Assembling again as on this Day; & I thank God for ye Opportunity of seeing you together; with a happy Prospect of Unity & Comfort in y'' great important Point that we are met upon. — The Year of our Mourning, under y" holy bereaving Hand of God upon us, is now finished. — We have from one Lords-day to another, as well as on our sett & solemn Dayes of Humiliation & Prayer, been supplicating y" great Head of y^ Church to repair y" Breach, in his own Time & Way, & give us another Pastor after his own Heart, gifted & spirited like y" dear Deceased ; & I hope y" Gracious Saviour has such a One in store for you & your Children, your Families & Housholds. Thro' y^ Patience of God I continue with you to this Day, under ye growing Infirmities of Age ; Never y* less having obtained Help of God I have not failed, in one Administration or other, I think, to minister every Lords Day ; & I thank God to your kind Acceptance. And if I may now live to see you united in your Choice of another Pastor, as I once saw your worthy Predecessors with not a few of your Selves here present, I shal rejoice & give Thanks with you all; Yea might this be y^ Day, it wil be a gladsome one to me. I need not repeat y* Names of y^ young Gentlemen who Xy^^ -Q^t^/i^<>r—^ DR. COLMAN S MINISTRY. 33 have been preaching to you at your Request ; Mess" Whalley, Vinal, Langdon & Cooper : — " Show Lord w"'^ thou hast chosen ! & lead us in thy Truth & teach us ! in Paths of Righteousness for thy Name sake; in y* Determinations of this Morning. Amen. It was then taken into Consideration, Whether we were now ready to proceed to y*" Election of One into y^ Pastoral Ofifice with me ; & agreed that ye Question should be put, & y* Answer given by lifting up their Hands; — whereupon almost every Hand were lift up with an appearing great Alacrity & Gravity. Accordingly the Assembly proceeded to write their Votes, w^^ was done, & they were given in at y^ Table, number'd & open'd in y^ presence of all, & found one hundred, thirty & eight ; out of which one hundred & sixteen were for M' Savinel Cooper, Son of the Rev. M- Cooper deceased. The Brethren then named a Committee, with y" Deacons of y^ Church, to wait on M' Cooper & inform him in their Name of this their almost unanimous Election of Him into y'' Pastoral Office over them: by Name Jacob Wendell Esq', James Allen Esq', William Tyler Esq', Hugh Hall Esq', William Downes Esq', John Erwin Esq', & M' Thomas Hancock; who accord- ingly carried the Vote to M' Cooper written & attested by y^ Pastor. And from this Time M- Cooper preach'd to us himself, or supplied y^ Pulpit. March 7. 1745. He gave his Answer in Writing, w''' I read to y^ Congregation y^ Lords-day after. To y' Rev* D! Colman, to be communicated to y* Church & Congregation. " Since it has pleased God, in whose Hands y^ Hearts of all are, to incline me (as I w^ humbly hope) in some good Measure from proper Views & Motives to devote my Self to y*" service of the Sanctuary ; & whereas in his Sovereign Providence he has led this Hon*^ Church & Congregation to call me into the Relation of a Pastor with them ; After having seriously deliberated on y^ matter, & taken y^ Advice of my 5 34 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Rev'' Fathers in y^ Ministry, with humble Prayer to God for his gracious Direction in so important an Affair ; The Call has appeared to me so clear & strong that I dare not refuse it : I do therefore hereby testify my Acceptance of this Your Invitation, not without a sense of y^ Greatness & Importance of y^ Ministerial Work & of my own Weakness & Insufficiency, & so a Dependance on y^ Grace of God which alone can be sufficient for me ; Nor yet without great Incouragment from y^ Unaninity with w".** you were led into this Determination ; the Interest I trust I have in your Affections as well as Prayers ; & y^ great Helps I am like to receive from y'' Advice & Instruction of your Venerable Pastor, who has been & I doubt not wil continue to be a Father to me : but above all from the Promise our Saviour has made to his Ministers of his Presence with them to y" End of y* World. But yet considering my Years, & great Want of Study & Experience I must ask of you, as you know I have a dear & engaging Example for it, that my solemn Separation to y*" Work of y^ Ministry may be deferred for a Year, & that in that time I may not be expected to preach but once in a fortnight, if it should please God to strengthen our Aged Pastor as he has hitherto done, & you think it convenient to grant me this Liberty — And now my Fathers & Brethren, entreating you to continue that Candour & Goodness you have hitherto shown me, & asking y! your Prayers (w'^.'' I am confident I have) that y^ Gifts & Graces of y^ Holy Spirit y* Mantle of Elijah may rest upon me &c., I am your Servant in our Lord Samuel Cooper. I then said to the Church, — " you have y^ Pleasure, my Brethren, to hear y" Answer of M' Cooper to the Call you have given him to y'' Pastoral Office over You in y^ AfiEirmative, that God has graciously inclin'd him to accept it; & that accord- ingly he gives Himself first unto y^ Lord & unto you by y' Will of God, to be y^ Servant of your Souls for Jesus sake all y* dayes of his Life. You wil therefore now look upon him as your own in y^ most special, sacred, spiritual & endearing Relation, & I pray God he may long & alwayes come to you in y^ Fulness of y" Blessing of y" &c. As to what he proposes respecting our excusing him from a constant preaching to us every Lords-day for y^ present year, & that his Ordination may not be bro't on in it ; as it must be DR. COLMAN S AND DR. COOPER S MINISTRY. 35 ovvn'd to be a modest & prudent Request in him, becoming his tender Age, so I doubt not you wil readily yeild to his Desire, as far as y'' Infirmities & Weakness of my Age wil permit you ; & further he wil not desire. — But y" Consideration of that matter wil, it is likely within a little time, come before you in a Meeting of y^ Congregation. July. 19. 1745. The Hon^ Committee of y^ Chh. & Congre- gation, with y^ Deacons, were desired to meet at my House this Evening & when met I proposed to them my Desire that Mr Coopers Ordination might be bro't on before Winter; my own Infirmities being so many that I tho't it my Duty to propose it, & y^ true Interest of y^ Chh. & Congregation that it should be so. After some Discourse had upon y" thing proposed, they every One present concurred in & advised to it. The Time then was also considered, & y" Month of October was fixed on as y^ most sutable. It was agreed that I should accordingly call a • Meeting of the Church & Congregation within a few Weeks, to know their Mind, having first signified to M- Cooper y^ Mind of y° Committee. Sept. I. I notified a Meeting of y" Brethren of y^ Chh & Congregation on y^ Premises, w''' was had on Tuesday, y^ 3f, when they unanimously voted to grant M^ Cooper his Request, & defer his Ordination till y^ Spring of y* next Year. NovT 18. Y^ Brethren of y^ Congregation held their annual Meeting; & voted a Gift of one hundred pounds to D' Colman out of y^ Moneys now in y^ Hand of y^ Deacons, on the Account of his extraordinary Expenses in y^ Funerals of y' late years in his Family: & that M' Coopers Salary from y* Day of his accepting y" Call to y^ Pastoral Office among us be made up eight pounds each Lords Day; & that there be Col- lections for y* poor of y" Church & Congregation on y* Annual Dayes of Thanksgiving & Fasting: A Meeting full of Love & Union. 36 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Decern- 5. being y^ Annual Day for Thanksgiving; y' Col- lection for y^ poor amounted to 172 p'l!. March. 13. being y^ Day annual Day for Fasting & Prayer, the Collection for y^ poor amounted to 132 pounds. On y' 23. I propos'd & call'd a Congregation Meeting, on Tuesday 25. to consider of a Day for y^ Ordination of M' Samuel Cooper, y*" Pastor Elect. On y^ 25"" the Congregation met, & the Meeting being op'ned with Prayer by y' Pastor, after more than an hours Debate, voted 1. That y^ Ordination of M' Samuel Cooper be in y^ Month of May ensuing, by y^ Will of God, & on Wednesday y" 21. of said Month ; the Rev. Pastor desiring M' Cooper, in y^ Name of this Meeting, on y*" second or third Lords-day from this Date to give a Confession of his Faith in y* public Assembly. 2. Voted at y^ Request & Desire of y^ Rev"^ Pastor D' Colman, That in Case he find himself disabled by y' Infirmi- ties of Age, or bodily Weakness, to preside in y^ proposed Ordi- nation, pray & give y" Charge, with y" Imposition of y? Hands of y^ Presbytery, then that he be desired to request y" Rev. D! Sewal in the Name of the Church to preside & lead in that part of the Solemnity. 3. That y^ Deacons of y* Church, with y^ standing Com- mittee, be desired to make y^ necessary Provisions, & order matters for y* Entertainment of y^ Council of Churches when convened on this great Occasion. 4. That the Rev'* Associated Pastors of Boston & Charles- town with y* Churches under their Care, & y^ Rev^ & Hon** Church of Christ in Cambridge under y^ Pastoral Care of y^ Rev*^ M' Appleton, be timely wrote to, & their Presence & Assistance by their Elders & Messengers be desired on this Occasion. 5. That Mess" Thomas Hubbard, Thomas Savage, Moses Dishon and Thomas Maccarty, Brethren of this Church, be (U 4-) t i % t t i i t 4-J p-— 4 ^ 1 — ■ 4 t^ ;-^ ^ *^ o c ^^ (V) CJ rt C/5 QJ. •- s o w o 4-i cy^ C/5 to c CD 4-> CD >^ § • r • -^ M- J5 5> >> ^ i LJl PT| JL.JU^ ■^ <»> iv ^ ^^ ''^' "^>.^' ^f< ^>sN.«r< -^\.o v^Vs*«i ^s'^ ^ *al^* ^ 5 ^ *^ ^1 ^Jg ^ 7 ^A^e^n^Ay' ^4 DR. THACHERS MINISTRY. 4 1 Voted, That M' Newell, M' Greenleaf & M^ Appleton be a committee to collect, sort & count the votes for deacons. The church then proceeded to the election and it appeared from the report of the committee, that there were thirty three voters, of which Cap. John Gore had thirty votes, Samuel Barrett Esq' and M' James Landman, each thirty one and that the said gentlemen were chosen. March 2. 1788. The three persons chosen the last Sabbath to be deacons accepted the appointment and were introduced to the office this day. Sep.' 14 1788 A letter from the second parish in Portland was communicated to the church, informing of their having united in the choice of a gospel minister & their having ap- pointed the first day of October for his ordination, and requesting the presence & assistance of the church upon this occasion. And the church Voted, To comply with the request and Dea. Newell, Dea. Gore, Judge Wendell and M' Codman were chosen to represent the church on this occasion. March i 1789. The pastor communicated to the church a letter from the church in Hollis Street, requesting the presence & assistance of the church on March 12"* next, at the instalment of The Rev M' Samuel [West] and the church Voted, To comply with said request, and the deacons with Gov"" Bowdoin, Judge Sullivan, M' Cooper and The Rev. M' Smith were chosen to represent the church on that occasion. April 19, 1789. The pastor communicated to the church a letter from the church in Charlestown, purporting that they had made choice of The Rev. M' Jedediah Morse for their minister, and appointed the thirtieth instant for his instalment, . and requesting the presence of the church by their pastor and delegates, to assist on that occasion, whereupon The church Voted, To comply with said request, and the deacons with 6 42 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Governor Bowdoin, M' Kneeland, M' Hancock, M"" Ben. Austin and M' Guild were chosen to represent the church on that occasion. At a meeting of the church June 7, 1789, the following vote was passed. Our brother Samuel Adams who, in the year 1742, was admited to full communion with this church, but who, for many years past, has congregated and communed with the church in Summer street, being desirous to enter into a more immediate connexion with the church under the pastoral care of The Rev' M' Joseph Eckley, We do hereby recommend him to the charity and fellow- ship of the said church, as he hath always (so far as is known to us) conducted agreably to his covenant engagements. June 21. 1789. The pastor communicated to the church a letter from the church of Concord in New Hampshire, asking their presence at the instalment of The Rev. Israel Evans on July the first next, but The church on account of the distance and the unfavorable- ness of the season declined complying with the request. May 16 1790. The pastor communicated to the church a letter from the first church in Exeter, New Hampshire, asking their presence at the ordination of M' William F Rowland, on the first Wednesday in June next, and the church Voted, to comply with their request. Dea. Newell, Dea. Gore, W Balch, M' Storer and M' Appleton were chosen to represent the church on that occasion. Aug. 28. 1 791 The pastor communicated to the church a letter from the first church in Maiden informing us, that their reverend pastor and the church & parish, had mutually agreed, that a seperation should take place between them & requesting the presence of the church by their pastor & delegates to join DR. THACHERS MINISTRY. 43 with other churches in ratifying & confirming said agreement, where upon the church, Voted, To comply with this request, & elected Deacons Newell & Gore to attend as delegates from the church on this occasion. Aug. 2 1792. The church stayed and the pastor commu- nicated to them a letter from Deacon Barrett, resigning for divers reasons his office in the church, whereupon the church Voted, That they accept his resignation, that his conduct in the office has been acceptable to them and that they have a grateful sense of his services. Some proposals were made by the members of the church to vary its proceedings as to the mode of admission to ordi- nances and the church Voted, That on this day four weeks they will take these proposals into consideration. Oct' 7. 1792. The church met according to adjournment & considered & debated upon the propositions laid before them at the last meeting, and Voted, That no more explicit confession of sin shall be required of any person as a term of admission to either of the ordinances than is expressed in the covenant used in this church on admission thereto. 2. Voted, That the admission of members to full communion be in future confined to the church without their being pro- pounded to the congregation. The meeting was then adjourned to this day four weeks Nov. 4 1792 The church met according to adjournment and took into consideration the following proposition viz That the church consider those who have renewed their bap- tismal covenant and have made a public profession of religion as members of it subject to their watch and discipline, and that they be admitted to full communion at any time when they desire without a new profession of their faith, if on their 44 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. standing propounded to the church for one month, no objection shall be offered thereto. And the church Voted, That the further consideration of this proposal subside. Feb. 3** 1793- The church stayed, and the pastor com- municated to them a letter from Deacon Lanman resigning, for various reasons, his office in the church, who thereupon Voted, To defer the consideration of this matter till the next Lord's day after service, and in the mean time to desire Deacon Lanman to continue in the exercise of his office. Feb. 10 1793 The church met according to adjournment, and the pastor informed them that Deacon Lanman, having heard the sentiments & desires of divers members of the church, had concluded to withdraw his resignation & continue to discharge the dutys of his office, The church then Voted, That, on the Lords day evening after the next com- munion, they will proceed to the choice of a deacon in the room of Deacon Barrett, resigned. March 3'' 1793 The church met according to appointment and proceeded to the election of a deacon, the whole number of voters was thirty; M' Nathaniel Hall had 23. votes and was chosen. The church then Voted, That they would immediately proceed to the choice of another deacon. The number of voters was 28; M' Moses Grant had 28 and was chosen. April f^ 1793 M' Nathaniel Hall accepted of the choice and was introduced to the office of a deacon, as also, some time after, did M' Grant Nov. 3 1793 The pastor communicated to the church a letter from the church and christian society in the east parish in Pownalborough, informing that they had invited M' Alden DR. THACHERS MINISTRY. 45 Bradford to settle with them as a gospel minister and appointed the 14"" of November for his ordination, asking the presence and assistance of the church by the pastor and delegates on this occasion, whereupon The church Voted, That the pastor write to the church and society in Pownalborough and inform them that the church regret their inability, through the lateness of the season, to comply with this application, and express our earnest wishes and prayers for their peace and happiness. Jan^ 25 1794 The pastor communicated to the church a letter from the new south church in Boston informing that they had chosen M' John Thornton Kirkland to be their min- ister and requesting the presence and assistance at his ordi- nation on the 5"' day of February next, whereupon the church Voted, To comply with their request and the deacons. Judge Sullivan, M^ S Barrett, M^ Storer, M^ Appleton & M^ Balch were chosen to attend as messengers of the church on this occasion. July 20. 1794. The pastor stayed the church and commu- nicated to them a letter from the first church in Lynn, request- ing their presence and assistance at the ordination of M' Thomas Gushing Thacher, appointed for the 13"" day of August next, whereupon the church Voted, To comply with their request, and the deacons, M^ Russell, M^ Cooper, M^ Storer, M^ Balch and Judge Wendell were chosen to attend as messengers of the church on this occasion. At a legal meeting of the church of the congregational society in Brattle street in Boston held at the meeting house of the same on the seventeenth day of August 1795 Thomas Russell Esq' Moderator Voted, That Timothy Newell, John Gore, James Lanman, Nathaniel Hall and Moses Grant, deacons of said church be and they hereby are impowered to sell either at public auction 46 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. or private sale, the dwelling house and so much of the land purchased by said church of Jonathan Merry and Stephen Fales as is now fenced off, also a privilege to the well and a passage way for carts and carriages at the west end of said dwelling house from the premises to Brattle-street (the land on the west side of the fence late erected by the parish and land north of said meeting house being reserved for the use of the parish) and to make and execute good and sufficient, warantee deed or deeds of the same. Voted, That the deacons be impowered to sell the remainder of the land, which the church bought of said Merry and Fales, situated north and north east of the meeting house, at public or private sale and at such time as they shall think to be most for the interest of the society, and on condition that no build- ing shall be erected between the meeting house and the land belonging to David Bradlee and so as to leave a passage way not less than thirty feet wide to meet the other passage way of twenty feet on the east side of the meeting house and to make and execute a sufficient warrantee deed or deeds of the same. Sep' 20 1795. The pastor communicated to the church a letter from the church in Maiden, informing that they had chosen M' Aaron Green to be their colleague pastor with Rev'' M" Willis, and appointed Wednesday September 30"' for his ordination and requesting the presence of the church on that occasion, whereupon the chh Voted, To comply with said request, and the deacons with M' Russell, M"^ Storer, M' Hancock, M' Hunt and M^ Boyle were chosen as messengers of the church on this occasion. A similar request from the church in Machias, that they would assist in the ordination of M' Clarke Browne, on Wed- nesday Sep"^ 7'^ next, in Boston, was communicated at the same time to the church, who Voted, to comply with this request also, and the deacons with M"" Appleton, M' Cooper, M"" Barrett, M^ Codman & M' Balch, were chosen to represent the church on this occasion. (/ tuZ (f^iM^^^^^^i^^^ DR. THACHERS MINISTRY. 47 Feb. 28. 1796. The pastor communicated to the church a letter from the church in Princeton informing that they had made choice unanimously of M' Joseph Russell to be their minister & appointed March 17"' next for his ordination request- ing the presence on that occasion, whereupon the chh Voted, To comply with said request, and the deacons with M' Russell, Judge Sullivan, Judge Wendell & M' Balch were chosen as messengers of the church on this occasion. March 5 1797. The pastor communicated to the church a letter from the church in Brookline informing that they had made choice of M' John Pierce to be their minister and appointed Wednesday March 15 next for his ordination, and requesting the presence and assistance of the church on this occasion, whereupon it was Voted, To comply with said request, and the deacons with M' Storer, Judge Sullivan, Judge Wendell and M' Appleton were chosen as messengers of the church on this occasion. Sep' 24. 1797. The pastor communicated to the church a letter from the second church in Berwick, informing that they had made choice of M' Joseph Hilyard to be their minister and appointed Wednesday October ii"" for his ordination, and requesting the presence and assistance of the church on this occasion, whereupon Voted, That considering the distance and some other cir- cumstances it will not be convenient for the church to attend on this occasion, but that the church in Berwick be assured of our best wishes for the divine presence & blessing with them and their pastor elect. Oct' 29. 1797. The pastor communicated to the church a letter from the church in Milton requesting their presence & assistance at the ordination of Rev. Joseph M'Kean on Nov. i. next, whereupon Voted, to comply with this request, and the deacons with 48 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Judge Barrett, Col. Boyle, M' Storer & M' Hancock were chosen as messengers of the church on this occasion. June 30 1799 The pastor communicated to the church a letter from the church in federal street, Boston, requesting their presence and assistance at the ordination of M' John Snelling Popkin on July lo"" next, whereupon Voted, To comply with this request, and the deacons with Gov. Gill, Judge Wendell, M' Storer, M' Hancock & Col. Boyle were chosen as messengers of the church on this occasion. Oct- 6 1799 The pastor communicated to the church a letter from the first church in Boston, requesting their presence and assistance at the instalment of The Rev. William Emerson on the 16*'' instant Whereupon Voted, To comply with this request, and the deacons with Governor Gill M"^ Cooper, M"^ Storer, M^ Balch & M' Hancock were chosen as messengers of the church on this occasion. Dec' 15. 1799 The pastor communicated to the church a letter from the first church in Plymouth, requesting their presence and assistance at the ordination of M' James Kendall on the first day of January next Whereupon Voted, To comply with said request, and the deacons with Governor Gill, Judge Sullivan and M' Balch were chosen as messengers of the church on this occasion. October 25 1801. The pastor communicated to the church a letter from the church in Chelsea requesting their presence and assistance in the ordination of M' Joseph Tuckerman on the fourth of November next. Whereupon Voted, That the deacons with M' Storer, Judge Wendell, Judge Sullivan M' Hancock & M' Balch, represent the church at the proposed ordination. DR. THACHERS MINISTRY. 49 Sunday December i6. 1804. The Church met after divine service this afternoon, and chose Ebenezer Storer Esq' Mod- erator and Peter Thacher, Scribe. Voted, that the Treasurer of the Church be requested to procure two books, for preserving the Church records; and that Hsts of baptisms, marriages, communicants, and deaths in the Society be recorded in one, and the votes and proceedings of the Church in the other. It being necessary to supply the vacancy, occasioned by the removal from Town of M' Nathaniel Hall and M' James Lan- man, late deacons of this Church ; voted, that on the evening of the 30"" inst. being the Sabbath after the next, the church will proceed to elect, by a written vote, two deacons in suc- cession. Adjourned. Sunday, December 30. 1804. According to adjournment, the Church met after divine service this evening. Deacon Grant and M' William Bradford were chosen a com- mittee to count and sort the votes for two deacons to be chosen in succession - The number of votes in the first choice was 24. M' Asa Hammond had 17 and was chosen. The number of votes in the second choice was 26. Peter Thacher had 25 and was chosen. P T. declared his acceptance of the office. The meeting was then adjourned to the evening of the 13"" January next after divine service Sunday, January 13*'' 1805. The Church met according to adjournment. A letter to the Church from M' Asa Hammond, in which for the reasons contained in the same he declined the office of a Deacon, to which he was at the last meeting chosen, was read. After which the meeting was dissolved. Peter Thacher, Scribe. 50 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. At a meeting of the Committee of the Brattle Society on the 26"* day of December 1804. The committee after a conference with M'- Joseph Stevens Buckminster on the subject, agreed, that the day assigned for his ordination be the last Wednesday of January next 1805, — that the religious exercises be performed in the forenoon — & that the ordaining Council be invited to attend at the Court room of the county Court house in Court Street at nine o'Clock in the morning of said day. Voted — That to the following churches letters missive be sent requesting them to be present & assist by their Pastor & delegate or delegates, or by delegates only when the Pastoral office happens to be vacant. 1. The north chh. in Portsmouth under the pastoral care of the Rev. Joseph Buckminster D.D. 2. The south chh in Portsmo: under the united pastoral care of the Rev. D'' Haven & the Rev. Timothy Alden. 3. Church in Waltham Rev. M'- Cushing - And the following associated chhs in this town & vicinity. 4. First chh in Boston Rev. William Emerson 5. Second or old north chh. Rev. D' Lathrop - 6. Old South chh. Rev. D^ Eckley - 7. New north chh. Rev. D'- Eliot 8. New South chh. Rev. D"^ Kirkland 9. Federal Street chh. Rev. M'' Channing. 0. Hollis Street chh Rev. D" West - 1. Chh at West Boston Vacant. 2. Chh. at Roxbury Rev. M' Porter 3. Chh. at Charlestown Rev. D' Morse. 4. Chh. at Dorchester Rev. M' Harris 5. Chh. at Jamaica Plains ■ Rev. M' Gray. 6. Chh. at Brookline Rev. Mr Pierce 7. Chh. at Roxbury Rev. M' Bradford 8. Chh. at Chelsea Rev. M' Tuckerman. Voted — that M' Storer, M' Cooper, & Judge Sullivan be requested to communicate the aforegoing determinations to the u cJii>i^ c^^-^f/C<^^ MR. BUCKMINSTERS MINISTRY. 5 I Church ; & to desire the chh to cause letters missive to be written to the aforenamed chhs to invite their assistance accordingly. Sabbath even^ Dec. 30"' 1804. At a meeting of the chh. according to adjournment, the proceedings of the parish committee, as contained in the above being communicated to the church thereupon Voted — That a committee of seven be appointed to carry the same into effect — that this Committee cause letters missive to be sent to the chhs above named — & that they meet with the Council at the time & place appointed, to represent the chh. in all matters relating to the ordination of M' Buckminster Voted — That the Hon. James Sullivan, Hon. Oliver Wendell, Ebenezer Storer, Esq. Deacon Moses Grant, M- Nathaniel Balch, M' Ebenezer Hancock, & Peter Thacher Esq. constitute this committee. 1805. Dec: 22 At a meeting of the chh. after divine service in the afternoon a letter was communicated from the West Chh. in Boston requesting our presence & assistance by Pastor & Delegates in a council to be convened in Boston Jan: i. 1806, for the purpose of setting apart M' Charles Lowell to the work of the ministry there. It was voted to send five Delegates when the following gentlemen were chosen ; The two Deacons, with Judge Wendell, Judge Sullivan, & M' Storer. Upon motion of M' Hancock two more were added; & M""' Hancock and M'' Balch were chosen. 1806. April 27. The chh was stopped after meeting at the request of the pastor. He stated to them that as he sh"* probably be with them but one communion more (being about to take a voyage to Europe for the establishment of his health) he wished to know their minds, whether persons now propounded could be admitted into the chh on the next Sabbath w''' w'' be com- munion. Upon the question's being taken it was established as 52 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. a rule, that it was sufficient for admission, that the wish of him who is about to join sh"* stand propounded from one meeting of the chh to another. 1808. Jan. 3. The chh. stopped after communion, when the pastor informed them that he had received a letter from the two deacons Grant & Thacher, requesting him to lay before the chh the propriety of choosing one or two additional deacons. It was agreed that the measure was expedient. A motion was then made that two deacons sh'' be chosen, w'^'^ was carried in preference to one, 12 to 9. It was then unanimously agreed to come to the choice on the last Sabbath in this month. Jan. 31. The chh met after service P. M. to proceed to the choice of two deacons, when it was moved to reconsider the former vote, & to choose at present only one. This was agreed to, & upon giving in the votes it appeared that the whole number of votes was twenty two, of w'" twenty one were for M' W"- Andrews. March 6. The pastor announced to the chh. the M'- Andrews acceptance of the office of Deacon ; his letter follows,* May 8. The brethren of the church met after service. A letter was communicated by the pastor from the Old South chh. in Marlboro' street inviting us to assist by our Pastor & dele- gates in the ordination of M'" Joshua Huntington as Col- league pastor with the Rev"* D' Eckley on the 18"' day of May 1808. It was voted to send seven delegates ; when the follow^ brethren were chosen : the three Deacons ; W" Cooper, Nath' Balch, Eb. Hancock, es'q., and his Exellency Gov. Sullivan. Sept. II. The chh. stopped after service, & a letter was read from the South parish & chh. in Portsmouth, N. H. invit- * This letter was not copied into the book, and now is not to be found. — Eds. MR. BUCKMINSTERS MINISTRY. 53 ing US to assist by Pastor & delegates in the ordination of M' Nathan Parker as their minister The chh. agreed to send, & seven Delegates were chosen the Deacons, M^- Hancock, M'- Brewster, M' Hammond & . . . but in consequence of the threatening appearances of the weather no one was present at the ordination from our chh. The ordination took place on the 14th. Nov 20. The pastor communicated a letter from the 2^ chh in Dorchester inviting us to assist in the ordination of M'" Jno. Codman a member of our own chh. Voted to send seven delegates — the 3 deacons — M'' Hancock, Boyle, Brewster, & Withington. The ordination to take place on Wednesday 7"* December. Dec. 4. The chh stopped to vote M' Codman the customary certificate of regular standing, & recommendation to be given by the pastor. 1809. Feb. 25. The pastor communicated a letter from the chh. in HolHs Street, Boston, requesting our assistance in the installation of the Rev. Horace Holley on the 2"^ Wednesday in March next. Voted to send 7 delegates viz. the 3 deacons — M"' Hammond, Homer, Tilden, & Hancock. Oct. 1809. The pastor communicated a letter from the chh in Waltham, inviting our assistance in the ordination of M' Sam'- Ripley. — 22 Nov. 1809. We voted to send 7 delegates viz 3 deacons, & M' Hancock &c. N. B. The chapel chh. in Tremont Street Boston under the pastoral care of the Rev. M" Freeman & Gary was among the chhs. invited on this occasion. April 21 1811. The pastor communicated a letter from the chh. in Boston called the New South inviting us to assist in the ordination of M'- Sam' Cooper Thacher. 54 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. N. B. In giving M'- Thacher his recommendation to the fellowship of the Chh with wch he was to be connected, I did not think it necessary to call the chh together, as this is directly- contrary to the practice vindicated by the founders of our chh. & is entirely unnecessary. In the present case I was the more willing to establish this precedent as there could be no doubt of the great affection & esteem borne to M' Thacher in whose settlement among us I most gratefully rejoice. Voted to send six delegates viz. 3 Deacons & Messrs. Han- cock, Hammond & Gorham 1 8 13 July 4. The Deacons communicated a letter from the First Church in Boston requesting our assistance in the ordina- tion of M' John Lovejoy Abbot on Wednesday the 14'^ ]u\y. Voted to send five delegates viz the 2 Deacons, M' Ebenez' Hancock, Alden Bradford Esq' & M' Ebenez' Withington. 18 1 3 Nov' 25 The Deacons communicated a letter from the New North Church in Boston requesting our assistance by delegates in the ordination of M' Francis Parkman on Wednes- day the 8"" day of December next. Voted to send five delegates, viz. Deacons Grant & Thacher, M' Ebenezer Hancock, Col. John Boyle & M' Henderson Inches. 1 8 14 Jany 9"" At a meeting of the Church, January q"" 18 14, after divine service in the morning, Peter O Thacher, being the Moderator of the meeting. The Deacons communicated a vote of the first Church in Cambridge, under the Rev. D' Holmes, certifying that M' Edward Everett was admitted a member of that Church Oct. 18. 1812 that he had by his desire been dismissed from that Church, and that he had, during the connection, conducted as become [sic] the gospel of Christ. It being further signified to the Church that M' Everett wished to be admitted to our com- munion, it was thereupon voted, to receive him as a member of this Church in full communion. The moderator read the following records of the proceedings MR. EVERETT S MINISTRY. 55 relative to the settlement of M' Everett, which had been communicated to the Deacons pursuant to the votes of the Society, viz, The Society met on Sunday the 31'' day of October 1813 at the request of the Standing Committee Meeting on the 24"' instant — of which the following is a copy, viz. The sub- committee for the supply of the Pulpit having notified the Committee, that the term for which M' Edward Everett had engaged to supply the Pulpit would close with the next Sab- bath and it appearing that the Society, so far as their opinions had reached the Committee were in general favorably im- pressed with the manner in which the duties of the desk had been discharged by Mr Everett, therefore. Voted, That a meeting of the Society be convened on the next Sabbath in the afternoon, immediately after divine service, and that it be submitted to the consideration of the members. Whether they will invite M' Everett to preach upon probation, or will take any other measure in relation to him as a candidate for the ministry? On motion to invite M' Everett to preach on Probation no objection was offered and on the question being put, Voted unanimously — That the Standing Committee be requested to invite M' Everett in the name of the Society to preach four Sabbaths, on probation. At a meeting holden by adjournment on Sunday Nov' 28"' 1813 at the meeting house — General Arnold Welles Moderator. M' Edward Everett having compleated the term for which he was requested to preach to the Society on probation and having exhibited satisfactory evidence of his talents, learning, piety and other ministerial endowments — The Society being like- wise impressed with a belief that his settlement with us would promote the happiness of this Church and serve the interests of our holy religion, Therefore, Voted, That M": Edward Everett be invited to settle with us as the Pastor of this Church — that the Standing Committee be 56 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. requested to communicate to him this Vote and to cause his answer when received to be made known to the Society At a Meeting of the Society on Sunday Deer 26 1813 — General Welles, Moderator: The answer of M' Edward Everett subjoined to the proceed- ings of this Meeting having been read to the Congregation from the Pulpit, by the Rev'^ M' Thacher, and again at this Meeting by the Moderator, Voted, That the Standing Committee of the Society be authorized and requested to unite with M' Edward Everett in appointing a day for his public induction to the ministerial office and in selecting the ordaining Council. Voted, That the Standing Committee cause the proceedings of the Society relative to the settlement of M' Everett to be communicated to the Church and that they be requested to send Letters missive to the Churches which shall be selected to compose the ordaining Council, to be present on that occasion, & to assist by their Pastor & Delegates, or by Delegates only, where, the Pastoral office may happen to be vacant. M' Everett's Answer to the invitation of the Society Cambridge, Dec* 24'.'' 1813. To the Society in Brattle Square. My Christian Friends, — Having made the call to be your Pastor the subject of my most serious deliberations and prayers, I now signify to you my acceptance of it. I am encouraged to this decision, less by a reliance on my own strength, than on your kindness & candour and the hope, I feel, that in all my duties and trials, I shall be supported by your councils & prayers. Deeply as I am affected with the experience I have had of your indulgence and especially with this last mark of your confidence, I will not profess to look forward to the arduous office to which you have called me without a deep anxiety. I regard with great diffidence of myself the various & extensive duties, which it devolves upon me, and the solemn responsibility with which I must discharge them , And when I recall the illustrious gifts & graces of him in whose place I am called to stand, I am oppressed with the sense of my weak- ness. Yet I know that your indulgence which has brought me to this ^^pCCt/~c:^-nrz<^ MR. EVERETT S MINISTRY. 57 station, will not desert me there, and I humbly trust that the good providence of God will not first fail me, at the season when I need it most. While I rest therefore in him, for the grace which is sufficient for me, suffer me to look to you for that liberal reception of my services, and that generous interpretation of my conduct, on which all the outward comfort and happiness of my life depend. The happy circumstances under which you have given me this invi- tation, have not been lost upon my gratitude. I have felt and shall feel it my duty to preserve by every effort, that Christian unity, of which you have made so grateful an exercise and it is my heart's desire to God, that the connexion which has thus commenced in harmony, may be continued in the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace ; & that God would bless this connexion to the promotion of Christian Truth, and make it subservient to our common & eternal good, is the fervent & humble prayer of your faithful. And Affectionate Servant And Friend Edward Everett. At a Meeting of the Standing Committee on Tuesday Jan^ 4'' 1814 — Voted That the Ordination of M' Edward Everett be attended on Wednesday the 9"" Feb^ next — Voted That the ordaining council be composed of the following Churches — viz., The first Church under the Rev*^ John L. Abbot. The second Church under the Rev"* John Lathrop DD. The Old South Church under the Rev*^ Joshua Huntington. The New North Church under the Rev*^ Francis Parkman. The New South Church under the Rev^ Samr. C Thacher. The Church in Federal Street under the Rev"^ W^ E Channing. The Church in Mollis Street under the Rev'^ Horace Holley. The West Church under the Rev'' Charles Lowell. The First Church in Cambridge under the Rev** Abiel Holmes. DD. The Church in Medford under the Rev^ David Osgood DD. The First Church in Dorchester under the Rev** T. M. Harris. DD. The First Church in Roxbury under the Rev** E. Porter. DD. 58 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Also the Rev'^ John T. Kirkland. DD. President of Harvard College, And the Rev"^ Henry Ware Professor of Divinity in the same. A true copy from the records, Attest Rd. Sullivan Clerk. Whereupon it was voted, That a letter be sent from this Church to the Pastors of the several Churches & to the other Rev'? Gentlemen named in the foregoing vote, requesting their attendance for the purpose therein expressed, & that the Deacons, Grant & Thacher, be a committee to sign the said letters in the behalf of the Church. Voted, that the Deacons be a committee to communicate to the Ordaining Council the proceedings relative to the settlement of M' Everett & to represent this Church in all matters wherein they are concerned. On suggestion of the Deacons, that it would, in their estima- tion, be for the interest of the Church, to elect one other to fill the office of a Deacon, & that the present was a favourable opportunity to take the subject into consideration, it was voted, that at the adjournment of this meeting, the Church will proceed to the choice of one to fill the office of a Deacon among us, & the meeting was then adjourned to Sunday the 13. Feb^ next to meet after divine service in the afternoon. Attest, P. O. Thacher, Moderator. Feby 9. 1814. In pursuance of the preceding measures the ordination of Edward Everett to the pastoral care of the B. S, Church & Society took place this day. The Ecclesiastical council consisted of the members made \jic\ above: and after considerable discussion upon the subject of receiving from the Candidate a confession of faith ; which was asked for by Rev. Dr Osgood ; a Motion was made by the Rev. Dr to proceed to Ordination upon the candidates professing his belief in the (commonly called) Apostles' creed. To this motion the agree- ment was unanimous except that Rev. Dr. Holmes and Mr Huntington forebore to vote and Deacon Whalley a delegate MR. EVERETT S MINISTRY. 59 withdrew. The Exercises of the day were an Introductory prayer by Rev Dr Lathrop, Sermon by Rev. Dr. Kirkland, Ordaining prayer by Rev. Dr. Osgood, Charge by Rev. Dr Porter, Right hand of Fellowship by Rev. Mr. Thacher, and Concluding prayer by Rev Dr Harris. Feby 13. At a Church Meeting held after divine service this P.M to make choice of a Deacon, Mr Alden Bradford was unanimously elected. 1 81 5 Jan. 29 The brethren of the church met after divine service and a letter was communicated by the Pastor from the Church in Lunenburg Requesting us to attend by Pastor and delegates the ordination of Mr. David Damon at that place: Feb'' V\ — Upon the suggestion of the Pastor that The distance of the Place & the Inclemency of the season might make it Incon- venient to attend it was Voted to Comply with the Request of the Church in Lunenburg in attending the Ordination of Mr. Damon if convenient to the Pastor & delegates to attend. — It was Voted that the Three deacons be the Three Delegates. March 12 At a Church meeting held after divine service this afternoon, a letter was communicated from the first Church in Boston, informing that they had made choice of M' Nathaniel L Frothingham as their Pastor, & asking the presence of the Church, by their Delegates, at the ordination on the 15"" instant. It was voted to comply with the request and that Deacons Grant & Bradford, & Brothers Hancock, Phillips and Richard Sullivan be the Delegates upon that occasion. Note. At a meeting of the Society on the 5'^ a letter was communicated from the Rev. Edward Everett, our Pastor, informing of his election to the Greek Professorship in Harvard College, & expressing a desire, for the reasons therein stated, that his pastoral relation with this Church should be dissolved. After Deliberation, the Society voted to comply with his request. The proceedings upon this occasion, which occasioned deep 6o RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. regret in the minds of the parish, and which issued in the dissolution of a connection, which though of short continuance, had been attended with mutual harmony and with great advan- tage & happiness to the Church, are recorded at length in the records of the Society. July 2'', The Church met after service this evening, to con- sider a proposition of the Deacons of the First Church, that the monthly lecture, on the friday before the Communion, should in future be attended at the Chauncey Place. Whereupon, after debate, it was voted, that the Deacons Grant, Bradford & Thacher be a Committee, to confer on the subject, with any Committee, which should be appointed on the part of the First Church, & to report whenever it may be convenient. July 23 The Church met after service this evening & receved from the Deacons the following report viz The Committee appointed by the Church at their last meeting, to confer with any Committee of the First Church on the subject of holding the Friday Lecture, in future, at the Church in Chauncey Place, report : that considering the distance to which the First Church have removed their place of worship, & that a large proportion of the members reside in parts of the town, which are distant from Brattle Square ; it is, in the opinion of your Committee, attended with some inconvenience & disadvantage to them, to attend the lecture at the present place of worship. But considering that the union of our churches in this agreeable service has happily subsisted for nearly a century, and that its convenience & utility have been acknowledged by both, especially by our Pastors in times past ; the Committee are induced to recommend, as the result of their conference, that the lecture be hereafter holden alternately at the Churches in Chauncey Place & Brattle Square, and that notice of the time & place of holding the same be regularly given on the sabbath preceding. The Com- mittee make this recommendation, from a desire to preserve the connection with the First Church, & are satisfied, that its adoption by us will be regarded by our Brethren of that Society as a proof of our sincere desire to promote their prosperity, & likewise to maintain the fellowship of our Churches. Per order, Moses Grant. July 22. 1815 MR. EVERETT'S MINISTRY. 6 1 which being read, it was voted to accept the same & that a record thereof be made. 1816 Dec' 22 At a meeting of the Church held after divine service this afternoon, a letter was communicated from the Second Church in Boston, informing that they had united in the choice of M' Henry Ware, as their pastor, and asking the presence of this Church by two delegates, at the ordination, which was appointed to take place on Jan^- i- 18 17. It was voted to comply with the request, and Deacons Bradford and Thacher were chosen Delegates for the occasion. 1 818 Jan li'= At a meeting of the Church, after divine service in the afternoon — the following statement from the Deacons was read & voted to be placed on the records of the Church — The Deacons of the Church in Brattle Square ask leave to inform their Brethren, that on the S"' instant they received from the Executors of the last Will of the late Deacon Moses Grant the sum of eight thousand six hundred fifty dollars ~, in three per cent Stock of the United States; & the sum of two hundred & sixty four dollars £ balance of cash remaining in his hands at his death, as Treasurer of the Church. — The said sum of $8650.16 is made up of sundry sums of money, which have been in times past bequeathed to the Deacons in trust, & constitutes a fund, the interest of which is to be by them distributed among its poor members. The names of these Benefactors, so far as they are now ascertained, are Timothy Clarke, Thomas Hancock & Nathaniel Gray Esqrs, Hon. James Bowdoin, Thomas Gray, William Erving & Timothy Newell Esqrs. Lydia Hancock & Elizabeth Bowdoin & the Thursday evening charitable Society. The intention of the benevolent persons has been faithfully complied with ; & the Deacons have been enabled to assist & encourage many excellent persons, some of whom have fallen from affluence, & all of them deemed to be objects of charity. — In the death of Deacon Grant, the church has lost a most worthy & diligent officer, who honored 62 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. his christian profession by a Hfe of piety & benevolence. He was chosen to office in the year of 1793. For many years he served the society as their Treasurer. In the year 1798 he succeeded the late venerable Deacon Newell in the office of Treasurer of the church. From that time to his death he continued faithfully & cheerfully to assist in the administration of the ordinance of the Supper, & to attend to the management of the property & to the care of the poor. His memory & example excite the most grateful & respectful recollections. The records of the church & of the pews are now in the care of Mr. Bradford, and the property in the hands of Mr. Thacher. The Deacons submit to the consideration of their Brethren the propriety of attending in due time to the election of an officer in the place of Deacon Grant. And in the mean time they will use their diligence that nothing shall be omitted, which may tend to the prosperity of the Church — April 12- At a Church meeting after public worship P.M. on motion, it was voted. That the church will proceed, on next Lord's Day, to the choice of one or more of the brethren to be Deacons. April 19. The Church met after public worship, according to adjournment, when it was voted to proceed to the choice of two Deacons — The votes being collected & counted were found to be as follows viz. 21 for Hon. John Phillips, & 17 for Mr. Moses Grant, and 3 for Joseph Hall Esq- and the afore- named John Phillips & Moses Grant were declared chosen accordingly. 18 1 8 April 26. At a meeting of the church & society after public worship, it was voted jinatiimously to invite Mr. John G. Palfrey to take the charge of this Society as a minister of the Gospel, he having preached several days on probation, with a view to a settlement by request of the Society, & given full satisfaction of his talents, learning, piety & other ministerial endowments. It was also voted to provide a house for the use DR. palfrey's ministry. 63 of Mr. Palfrey, & such a quantity of fire wood as he should from time to time require, & to pay him thirty dollars a Sabbath, or week, to be paid monthly — It was also further voted, that from a regard to the health & usefulness of Mr. Palfrey, & from the consideration, that it would be mutually beneficial to him & to the Society, he be authorized, at the expense of the Society, to employ some person to preach every fourth sabbath, for the period of five years. The standing Committee of the church & Society were requested to communicate the above votes to Mr. Palfrey; &, on receiving his answer, to make the same known to the Society. May Io'^ The following letter was communicated by the standing Committee, from Mr. Palfrey, to the Society, viz. Cambridge, May 5* 1818. To the members of the church and Society in Brattle Square^ Boston, Brethren, — Your Committee have communicated to me your votes of the 26"'' of April inviting me to the office of your gospel minister. I have received this mark of your regard & confidence, less as a flattering testimony of approbation, than with a humbling consciousness how much I am indebted for it to your candour, and of the insufficient ability, with which the duties it calls me to undertake must be discharged. I look forward with an anxiety more & more lively, the nearer I approach to them, to the labors & trials of the christian ministry ; & I do not reflect, without concern, on the solemn responsibility, under which they must be met. I consider, with a painful interest, the extent of the charge, for which I am about to make myself accountable : And when I remember how eminently a kind providence has hitherto favored you with the means of religious improvement, I am oppressed with the thought, of what demands it must first be my lot to make on your indulgence. On the other hand, I am encouraged to enter on this new way, which providence opens before me, by the past experience I have had of divine goodness & your candour. In the circumstances, with which your invitation has been accompanied, I see the most gratifying proof of the existence of dispositions, such as, if they continue to be exercised, will do all, which depends on them, for my happiness, & furnish every facility to the success of my ministerial labors. It will be my constant 64 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. study to cherish them, & to deserve them better. I regard them as imposing on me a further obhgation to zeal & dihgence in the work, to which the divine will & your favor have called me : And liberally as they have been given, they will compel me to look for the fault in myself, if I should ever be so unhappy as to forfeit them. In the singular unanimity, which has marked your call for my services, I find not more a circumstance most grateful to my own feelings, than the manifestation of a spirit of christian peace, which it will be my continual aim to cul- tivate, and which augurs most happily for the prosperous issue of my exertions. What I have uniformly experienced of the liberality of your sentiments, I view as a pledge entirely to be relied on, that your con- fidence will not be lightly withdrawn ; and, much need as I shall have to ask you to receive well designed, in the place of successful efforts, I shall not doubt, that my motives will always be viewed with a liberal construction, & my exertions met, on your part, by such corresponding dispositions as can alone make them effectual to your religious improve- ment and salvation. Finally, I trust & pray, that my weakness may be made strong in the strength of that Master to whose service I am called; and do not doubt that I shall be aided with his guidance and blessing in proportion to the sincerity, with which I devote myself to his cause Impressed as I am most seriously with these sentiments, brethren, trusting humbly in God for the communication of that grace without which our purposes & expectations are vain, and looking confidently to you for that kind interpretation of my conduct which is essentialto give encouragement and a happy event to my endeavors, I signify to you my assent to your proposal. In so doing my mind is penetrated with the reflexion, that while I am receiving from you, as far as they may be communicated from one to another, the charge of your most important, your spiritual concerns, I am in turn giving up my earthly happiness to the care of your kindness. That each may guard with vigilance & tenderness the weighty trust thus mutually reposed, and that the inter- esting connexion about to be formed may be to all of us the means of present and eternal good, is the earnest hope & constant prayer of your faithful friend & servant in Christ. John G. Palfrfy By request of the Society, the Committee & Mr. Palfrey met to fix on a day for his ordination & to select the ordaining Council. And Wednesday, the 17"' day of June was proposed, and the following churches were invited to attend, viz — ^ DR. palfrey's ministry. 65 The first church in Boston, Rev^ Mr. Frothingham, Pastor. Second, or North Church in do. Rev^ Mr. Ware, Pastor. Old South Church in Boston, Rev'' Mr, Huntington Pastor. New North Church in do. Rev^ Mr. Parkman, Pastor. New South Church in do — Church in Federal Street in do. Rev^ Mr. Channing, Pastor, Church in Hollis Street, in do, Rev^ Mr. Holley, Pastor. Church at West Boston, Rev"* Mr, Lowell, Pastor, Church in Medford, Rev^ Dr, Osgood, Pastor. Churches in Cambridge under Rev'' Dr. Holmes & Mr. Gannett. Churches in Roxbury under Rev"? D- Porter M'- Bradford and Mr. Gray. College Church under D' Kirkland & D' Ware, Church in Brookline, Rev"? Mr. Pierce, Pastor. Church in Lancaster, Rev'' Dr. Thayer, Pastor. Churches in Dorchester under Rev'' Dr. Harris & D- Richmond. Church in Chelsea, Rev'' Mr. Tuckerman Pastor Church in Hingham, Rev"? Mr. Coleman, Pastor Church in Charlestown, Rev'? Mr. Walker Pastor 1 818 May 17. Agreeable to a vote of the Society on the 10- the above, together with other proceeding in relation to the call giving [.yzV] to Mr. Palfrey to settle as the Pastor of the Church & society, was communicated to the church, with a request, that the Church would send letters to the aforenamed Pastors & churches, inviting them to attend & assist in the ordination of Mr, Palfrey, the day above mentioned: When it was thereupon voted, that the Deacons be requested to pre- pare letters accordingly & sign them in behalf of the church — and also, that they lay copies of the proceedings of the church & Society, touching the invitation to Mr. Palfrey, before the ordaining council when convened. It being suggested, that Mr, Palfrey had expressed a desire to be admitted a member of this Church, tho' no written application was made by him, and it being stated that he was 9 66 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. a member of the church in the University in Cambridge under the pastoral care of Rev^ Dr. Kirkland on motion of Deacon Thacher, it was voted unanimously to receive and admit him a member of this church, of which he is soon to take the oversight & charge. June ly'^ 1818. The pastors & delegates from twenty one churches invited to assist in the ordination of John G. Palfrey met at the court-house, at 9 A. M. the usual papers having been exhibited, the candidate at the request of Dr. Osgood read a paper expressing his views of the Christian System. The Rev. Mr. Huntingdon [sicl expressed his dissatisfaction, but the council after some debate voted to proceed to the solemnity, Mr. H. alone opposing. The Rev, Dr. Thayer introduced the services with prayer, Dr. Porter gave the sermon from Matthew VII. 28. 29. President Kirkland the consecrating prayer, Dr. Osgood the charge, Mr. Frothingham the right hand of fellow- ship, & Mr. Colman addressed the throne of grace in conclusion. Oct. 11'^ At a meeting held after divine service, letters missive from the new South Society in Boston were submitted by the pastor, requesting the Church to attend by their pastor & delegates the ordination of Mr. Francis W. P. Greenwood. It was voted to attend by the pastor & four delegates; viz, the three deacons & Col. Hancock. Dec. 27? At a meeting held after divine service the pastor informed the brethren, that the first church, observing the great neglect into which the sacramental lectures had recently fallen, had chosen a committee to consider the subject, & to confer with any committee whom they might appoint, with a view to devise measures for securing a more general attendance. The proposition was approved, & the pastor, with the three dea- cons & Mr. Bond chosen a committee of conference. — The result was, that at a meeting holden in the course of the week, it was determined that the four next lectures should be attended in Brattle Street, & the committee then meet again DR. palfrey's ministry. 67 for the purpose of deciding on a permanent arrangement for the mutual benefit of the Societies. April 4* 1 8 19. At a meeting holden after divine service letters missive were submitted by the pastor from the church in Hollis Street Boston & from the first Independent church in Baltimore requesting us, the first to attend the ordination of Mr. John Pierpont, on the I4'.t inst, the latter that of Mr. Jared Sparks on the 5- of May. Whereupon, Voted; to comply with both invitations; to assist in the ordination of Mr. Pierpont by the pastor & three deacons, & in that of Mr. Sparks by the pastor & such delegation as he may appoint ; & to request the pastor to communicate to the church in Baltimore our congratulations on the success with which divine providence has followed their design, & our wishes for their increase & Christian prosperity. June 20*:? Letters missive were submitted from the church in Watertown, inviting us to attend the ordination of Mr. Convers Francis on the 23!? inst. Whereupon, voted to accept the invitation, & be represented on that occasion by the pastor, Deacons Bradford & Grant, & Hon. Br. Phillips. 1820. Oct. 15*? Letters missive were submitted from the North church in Salem, requesting our assistance in the ordina- tion of Mr. John Brazer on the 14* November. Whereupon, voted to comply with the request, & be represented on that occasion by the pastor, & Deacon Bradford. 1 82 1. Jan. fr^ Letters missive were submitted from the third church in Hingham, requesting our assistance in the ordination of Mr. Charles Brooks, on the 17'^ inst. Whereupon, voted to comply with the request, & be represented on that occasion by the pastor, & Deacons Thacher & Bradford. Jan. 28- At a meeting of the brethren after divine service in the afternoon, it was 68 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Voted ; to dismiss Br. Henry Rice from this church at his own request. Sept. 2^ Letters missive were submitted from the South Parish in Bridgewater & the East Parish in Salem, inviting us, the former to attend the ordination of Mr. Richard M. Hodges on the 12^ inst. the latter to attend the installation of Rev. Mr. Flint on the 19'-^ inst. whereupon. Voted ; to comply with the requests, & to be represented on the former occasion by the pastor & Deac. Bradford, on the latter by the pastor & Deac. Thacher. Dec. g~ Letters missive were submitted from the first con- gregational church in the city of New York, informing us that they had made choice of Mr. William Ware to be their pastor, & requesting us to be represented in the council convened for his ordination on the 18? inst. Whereupon, Voted ; to comply with the request & to be represented by the pastor (if he shall be able to attend,) by Deac. Bradford, Mr. Bond, & such other delegates as the pastor may appoint. 1822. March lo'.? A letter was submitted from Mr. Sam' J. May, informing us that he had complied with a request to preach to the Society in Brooklyn, Connecticut, during six months, & requesting us to be present at his ordination as an evangelist on Thursday the 14'-? inst. in Boston; it being con- sidered important to the religious interests of said society that the Christian ordinances, of which they had been long deprived, should be administered to them. Whereupon, Voted ; to comply with the request, & to be represented in the council convened for the ordination of Mr. May by the pastor & three deacons. 1823. Oct. 26*^ Letters missive were submitted from the first ecclesiastical society in Brooklyn, Connecticut, inviting us DR. palfrey's ministry. 69 to assist by our pastor & delegates at the installation of Rev. Samuel J. May as their pastor on the ^^^ of November. The church being informed that it will not be convenient for the pastor to be absent from Boston at that time, Voted ; that it is not expedient to appoint delegates for the occasion, but that Rev. Mr. Palfrey be requested to write to the Society in Brooklyn, expressing our joy at their prospect of the happy settlement of a minister, & assuring them of our prayers to the great Head of the Church, that he will prosper their proposed union for the permanent prosperity of their church, & for the general diffusion of Christian Truth. 1824. June 27* Letters missive were submitted from the church & Society in Federal Street, Boston, requesting our assistance at the ordination of Rev. Mr. Ezra Stiles Gannett as colleague pastor with Rev. Dr. Channing. Whereupon, Voted ; to comply with the request, & to be represented by the pastor, the deacons, & Hon. Brother Parker. Sept. 5? A committee, appointed at a meeting holden last month, to confer with a committee of the First Church on the subject of devising means to make the monthly lecture more extensively useful, reported, by Deacon Thacher, their chair- man, their advice that application be made to the church in Federal Street, & the church in Church Green, requesting those churches to unite with ours & the church in Chauncy Place in maintaining an evening lecture to be holden monthly, on the Thursday previous to the communion, in the meeting house in Federal Street. Whereupon it was Voted; that the report be accepted, & that the pastor be desired to make such application. Oct. 3^ The pastor reported that the proposed arrangement for the monthly lecture had been acceded to, & was expected to go into effect by a meeting of the four churches for worship together on the fourth day of next November. 70 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Letters missive were at the same time submitted from the East church & Society in Barnstable, requesting our assistance on the sixth day of October at the ordination of Mr. Henry Hersey as their pastor. Whereupon it was Voted ; to comply with the request, & to be represented by the pastor & Deacon Bradford, 1825. Jan. 2t Letters missive were submitted from the Unitarian Society in Philadelphia, requesting our assistance at the ordination of M' William H. Furness on the 12'^ inst. Whereupon it was Voted; that the pastor's engagements not permitting his absence at this time, the request be respectfully declined The pastor having suggested that the journey of the ordain- ing council would be attended with expense, which it might be inconvenient for some churches to incur, it was further Voted ; that at the next communion season the members of this church will increase their usual contribution, the surplus to be appropriated, at the discretion of the officers, to defray the charge of the journey of the ordaining Council. Jan. i6'.7 Letters missive were submitted from the New South Church in Boston, & the Christian Church in Amherst, N. H. requesting our assistance, the former at the ordination of Mr. Alexander Young Jr. on the 19? inst. the latter at the installation of Rev. Edmund Q. Sewall on the 26'^ inst. Whereupon it was Voted ; to comply with the requests, & to be represented on the former occasion by the pastor, & Brother Jared Sparks, & on the latter by the pastor, & Brother John C. Gray. 1825. Jan. 30*^ Letters missive were submitted from the Second Church in Roxbury & the Twelfth Congregational Society in Boston, requesting our assistance, the former at the ordination of Mr. John Flagg on the second day of February, the latter at the ordination of Mr. Samuel Barrett on the ninth of the same month. Whereupon it was DR. PALFREYS MINISTRY. 7 1 Voted ; to comply with the requests, & to be represented on the former occasion by the pastor & Deacon Bradford, & on the latter by the pastor & Hon. Brother Parker. Feb. 6v Letters missive were submitted from the Independ- ent Congregational Church of Christ in Barton Square, Salem, requesting our assistance at the Installation of Rev. Henry Colman. Whereupon it was Voted ; that the invitation be respectfully declined, & that the pastor be requested to communicate this vote, & to express the Christian good-will of this church to the Church in Barton Square, Salem, & to assure them of our wishes & prayers for their Spiritual & temporal prosperity. The pastor accordingly communicated a copy of this vote, with the following letter; The Church in Brattle Square, Boston, to the Independent Congregational Chiirch of Christ in Barton Square, Salem ; Greeting. Brethren ; We have received your letters missive, inviting us to assist by our pastor & a delegation at the installation of Rev. Mr. Colman as your pastor. Having considered the same at a meeting holden on the 6^ inst. we have voted respectfully to decline your invitation, not perceiving that an Ecclesiastical Council is rightly constituted except of representatives of churches. Respecting, however, in you that liberty of judgment which we exercise for ourselves, we assure you of our wishes & prayers for your Christian prosperity, & subscribe ourselves your brethren in the faith & fellowship of the Gospel. For the Church in Brattle Square ; John G. Palfrey, pastor. Feb. 13*? The pastor informed the church that he had received a letter from Rev. Mr. Colman, in behalf of the Church in Barton Square, apprizing him of the invitations to certain private individuals to be members of the council for the approaching Installation having been withdrawn, & renewing their invitation to us. Whereupon it was 72 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Voted ; to accept the invitation, & to be represented by the pastor & Brother George Bond. 1826. Oct. 8.*? Letters missive were submitted from the First Congregational Church & Society in East Bridgevvater, requesting our assistance at the ordination of Mr. John A. Williams, on the iB*? inst. Whereupon it was Voted ; that, on account of the engagements of our pastor, the invitation be respectfully declined, & that the pastor be requested to communicate to said church an assurance of our interest in their prosperity, & of our hopes & prayers that their happy prospects may be fully realized, & their pastor long be a blessing to them & their children. Oct. 22.^ Letters missive were submitted from the Church in Chelsea, requesting our assistance on a council, convened on the 24'^ inst. to consider the proceedings of said church touch- ing a dissolution of the connexion between them & Rev, Joseph Tuckerman, their pastor; &, if cause appear, to declare said connexion dissolved. Whereupon it was Voted ; to comply with the request, & to be represented by the pastor, & Brother George B. Cary. Nov. 5*? Letters missive were submitted from the Purchase Street Congregational Society in Boston, requesting our assist- ance at the ordination of Mr. George Ripley on the 8'^ inst. Whereupon it was Voted; to comply with the request, & to be represented by the pastor & Hon. Brother Webster. 1827. March 18*^ Letters missive were submitted from the Second Congregational Society in Worcester, requesting our assistance at the ordination of Mr. Alonzo Hill on the 28? inst. Whereupon it was Voted ; to comply with the request, &, (the pastor's engage- ments not allowing him to leave town,) to be represented by Deacons Thacher & Bradford. DR. PALFREY S MINISTRY. 73 1828. March 23.^ Letters missive were submi.tted from the First Independent Church of Baltimore, Maryland, requesting our assistance at the ordination of Mr. George W. Burnap on the 23t day of April next. Whereupon it was Voted ; to comply with the request, and the pastor's engage- ments not allowing him to leave town, to be represented by Deacons Thacher & Bradford, & Judge Hall. Also, Voted; that the pastor, Deacon Thacher, & brothers Bond & Lawrence be a committee to consider whether any change can advantageously be made in the manner of taking the con- tribution at communion seasons. May 18':? A letter was communicated from Deacon Bradford, resigning his office in this church, on account of his intended removal from town; whereupon, on motion of Judge Parker, it was Voted ; that the Moderator write to Deacon Bradford, expressing the respectful & grateful sense entertained of his character & services while a member & officer of this church, & the cordial wishes for his future welfare, with which, in accepting his resignation, we commend him to the blessing of God. 1828. Letters missive were submitted from the South Con- gregational Society in Boston, requesting our assistance at the ordination of Rev. Mellish I. Motte on the 21?? inst. Where- upon it was Voted ; to comply with the request, & to be represented by the pastor & Judge Parker. June 8.V Letters missive were submitted from the Second Congregational Unitarian Society in the city of New York, requesting our assistance at the ordination of Mr. WilHam Parsons Lunt on the 19'? inst. Whereupon it was Voted ; to comply with the request, & to be represented by such brother as the pastor may engage. 74 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Aug. 31? Letters missive were submitted from the West- minster Congregational Society in Providence, Rhode Island, requesting our assistance at the ordination of Mr. Frederick Augustus Farley, on the tenth day of September next. Where- upon it was Voted ; to comply with the request, & to be represented by Deacon Grant 1828. Dec. 2S~ Letters missive were submitted from the Third Congregational Society in Portsmouth, requesting our assistance at the installation of Rev. Asahel Davis on the V- prox. Whereupon it was Voted ; to comply with the request, and to be represented by such brother as the pastor may engage. The pastor submitted the expediency of choosing one or more deacons, & it was Voted ; to choose two brethren to be deacons, & that the third Sunday in January be assigned to make that choice. 1829. Jan. iS.'r^ Satisfactory arrangements not appearing to have been made to engage the services of two brethren in the office of deacon, it was Voted ; to postpone the choice till next Sunday, after divine service in the forenoon. Letters missive were submitted from the First Christian Society in Kingston, requesting our assistance at the ordination of Mr. Jonathan Cole on the 21- inst. Whereupon it was Voted; that the pastor write to said Society, in behalf of this church, congratulating them on their happy prospects, & respectfully declining their invitation. Jan. 25'-? The brethren not appearing to be yet prepared for the election of deacons, it was Voted ; that Hon. Chief Justice Parker, George Bond Esq. & Hon. H. G. Otis, with the present deacons, be a Committee to recommend to the Church two suitable persons as candidates DR. PALFREY S MINISTRY. 75 for the office of deacon, at a meeting to be held at the Church, by adjournment, on the second sabbath in February next. Feb. 8^' The Committee appointed at the last meeting made their report, & Dr. Brown being requested to collect & count the votes, it appeared that the whole number was twenty-two, & that all were for Mr. Cheever Newhall, & Dr. John P. Spooner, who were accordingly declared to be chosen. Letters missive were submitted from the first Unitarian Society in Dover, New Hampshire, requesting our assistance at the ordination of Mr. Samuel Kirkland Lothrop, on the 18'-^ inst. Whereupon it was Voted ; to comply with the request, & to be represented by Mr. George Bond, or, in case he should not be able to attend, by such brother as the pastor may appoint. March 8v Letters missive were submitted from the Second Church in Boston, requesting our assistance at the ordination of Mr. Ralph W. Emerson on the 11'^ instant. Whereupon it was Voted ; to comply with the request, & to be represented by the pastor, & Messrs. Otis & May. Letters were communicated from Mr. Cheever Newhall & Dr. John P. Spooner declining to accept the office of deacon. May 17? Letters missive were submitted from the Church & Society in West Cambridge, requesting our assistance at the ordination of Mr. Frederic H. Hedge on the 20^ inst. Where- upon, it was Voted ; to comply with the request, & to be represented by the pastor, & brothers John C. Gray & George Chapman. Sept. 6~ Letters missive were submitted from the church in the East Parish of Augusta, requesting our assistance at the installation of Rev. Mr. Ford on the 9'^ inst. The question arose whether this communication was suitable to be acted on in any manner, as it did not inform us what 76 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Other churches, or whether any, were invited to compose the Council. But, it being understood that, in any case, it would not be convenient for this church to send a delegation, & the omission being supposed to have been merely accidental, it was Voted; that the Pastor write to the Church in the East Parish of Augusta, in behalf of this church, congratulating them on their happy prospects, & respectfully declining their invitation. 1830. Jan. 3.^ Letters missive were submitted from the third Congregational Church & Society in Cambridge, request- ing our assistance at the installation of Rev. James D. Green on the 6^ inst. Whereupon, it was Voted ; to comply with the request, & to be represented by the pastor and Mr. Inches. On motion of Mr. Bond, it was Voted; that a Committee be appointed to consider the expediency of discontinuing the contribution at the communion season. And Messrs. Bond, Amos Lawrence & Inches were appointed to compose said Committee. Feb. 21':? A letter from Deacon Thacher was submitted, resigning his office in this church. Whereupon it was Voted ; that the thanks of this church be presented to Judge Thacher for his long & faithful services as an officer thereof. Voted ; to adjourn to the next Lord's day, then to take steps, if convenient, towards a supply of the vacancy. Feb. 28v Voted ; that Messrs. Thacher & Bond be requested to propose three brethren at some future meeting of the church, as candidates for the office of deacon. Voted ; that, till an election be made. Deacon Grant be re- quested to engage the aid of some of the brethren at the communion service. DR. PALFREYS MINISTRY. 77 March 21^ After prayer, Mr. Thacher, chairman of the Committee appointed at the last meeting, informed the brethren that they had agreed to propose Messrs Amos Lawrence & George W. Coffin as candidates for the office of deacon. Messrs. CooHdge & Hale were desired to collect, sort & count the ballots, who reported that the number was twenty- eight, & that they were all for Messrs. Lawrence & Coffin, who were accordingly elected. Voted; that Deacon Grant & Mr. Coffin be added to the Committee, chosen Jan. 3^ to consider the expediency of dis- continuing the contribution at the communion season. May 16'^ Letters missive were submitted from the First Church & Society in Cambridge, requesting our assistance at the ordination of Mr. William Newell on the 19? inst. Where- upon it was Voted; to comply with the request, & to be represented by the pastor & Deacon Grant. May 30* The Committee appointed, on the third day of January last, to consider the expediency of discontinuing the contribution at the communion season, made a report. Voted ; that the consideration of said report be assigned for a meeting on the last Sunday of June. June 27*^ Letters missive were submitted from the First Church & Society in Roxbury, requesting our assistance at the ordination of Mr. George Putnam on the 7^ day of July. Whereupon it was Voted ; to comply with the request, & to be represented by the pastor & Deacon Lawrence. The consideration of the report of the Committee appointed on the third day of January last, was resumed ; & it was Voted ; to accept the same, (for which see files,) & that the practice of this church be regulated henceforward accordingly. Voted ; that the deacons, with Judge Thacher, be a Com- mittee to report a statement of the property in plate possessed ^S RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. by the church, & a plan for the future disposition of such portion as is not used in the communion service. Sept. iQr Letters missive were submitted from the First Unitarian Church in the city of Washington, requesting our assistance at the ordination of Mr. Cazneau Palfrey on the 5th. day of October next. Whereupon it was Voted ; that the Pastor write to the First Unitarian Church in Washington, in behalf of this church, congratulating them on their happy prospects, & respectfully declining their invitation. 1 83 1 June 5 Letters missive were received from the Second Parish in Roxbury requesting our assistance by a dele- gate at the ordination of M- George Whitney on Wed^ the 1$^^ June at 3 elk. Whereupon, voted to accept the invitation & to be represented by our late pastor Pro' J. G. Palfrey. 1832 February 27 Letters missive were received from The Independent Congregational Society in Barton Square, Salem to assist in the installation of Rev'^ James W Thompson on Wednesday the lo"* March at 10 Clk. Whereupon voted to accept the invitation and that Moses Grant & Samuel F Coohdge attend as delegates and in case of any inability in either to go, that Fred"" T Gray be a substitute. July 15 At a meeting of the Church after morning services the following letter was read To the church of Christ in Brattle St Boston Rufiis A Johnson sends greeting Christian Brethren — I have reed an invitation from the Unitarian Congregational Society in Pittsburg Pa. to minister to them in the gospel for one year, they are desirous on account of their distance from other Congregations with whom they can hold fellowship, that he who preaches to them should also administer the ordinances ; & to that end have requested that I might receive ordination. I therefore in their behalf do respectfully invite you, by your Pastor & delegate to join a council DR. PALFREYS MINISTRY. 79 of Churches for the purpose of ordaining me to the pastoral office in said church, on Sunday evening July 22''. The Council will meet at Berry St. Vestry at 7 o elk P. M. Wishing you blessing from Almighty God and asking your prayers in my behalf I am your brother in a common faith RuFus A. Johnson The churches invited are, The Rev'' Henry Ware, Chapel church Cambridge — Rev*^ William Newell first church do. Rev'' Francis Parkman new north church Boston — Rev'' Ezra S. Gannett Federal St. church Boston — Whereupon, Voted ; that two delegates be appointed, and Mess' Grant & Coffin were chosen. 1832 July 22 A meeting of the Church was held after Divine Service this day, & a similar letter was received from M' Allanson Brigham, as the foregoing from M' Rufus A Johnson, both of whom were to receive ordination in the eve^ at Berry St Church, — Whereupon, voted, that the Deacons attend as Delegates from this Church 1833 Oct- 27 Church met after services in the afternoon, to act upon an invitation from the first Church in Framingham, to be present by Delegates at the ordination of M' George Chapman. Voted ; to accept & elect two Delegates. Voted ; that M' Moses Grant and Jon^ Chapman represent this Church. Nov 17 The Church met after the morning service to receive a Communication from the Second Church, to attend the Ordination of M' Chandler Robbins on the 4* of December. Voted ; to accept the invitation, and that the three Deacons be the Delegates. 1834 March 9 The Church met after the morning service to act on an invitation from the Second Congregational Society 8o RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. in Nantucket, to attend the installation of the Rev'* Henry F Edes on Wednesday March 26-. On motion it was voted to accept the same ; Also that Brother George W Coffin and George Bond be requested to attend as delegates Voted that in case either of these Gen" be unable to attend, the Deacons of the Church may supply their places by others May II. 1834 A meeting of the Brethren of the church was held by request from the desk after the Morning Service to act upon a communication from the Proprietors of the church respecting the settlement of the Rev'? Sam- K. Lothrop ; of which the following is a copy; At a meeting of the Proprietors of the Church in Brattle Square holden on Sunday the thirteenth day of April ult. it was unanimously Voted; That the Rev'' Samuel Kirkland Lothrop of Dover, in the State of New Hampshire be & he hereby is invited to settle with this Religious Society as its Pastor & Teacher. Voted ; That if the Rev''' Mr Lothrop accept this invitation this Society will keep the Parish House in Court Street in suitable repair for his residence & will pay him Eighteen hun- dred Dollars pr annum in Monthly installments Voted ; That in addition to the compensation above men- tioned and for the purpose of preventing his public instructions in the early part of his settlement from being too arduous and also to enable him to pursue his professional studies without detriment to his health as well as to afford him an opportun- ity of attending to his pastoral relations & becoming better acquainted with the members of the Society the pulpit shall be supplied during the first two years for thirteen Sundays in each year at the expense of the Society Voted that a special com- mittee of five be appointed to communicate these votes to the Reverend Gentleman & report his answer. At the same meeting the following Gentlemen were appointed upon the Special Committee, Viz : James Austin, Amos Law- rence, Geo Bond, Benj* T. Pickman Esqrs. & Honl Judge DR. LOTHROPS MINISTRY. 8 1 Thacher. The Committee upon the fourteenth day of April addressed a letter to the Rev'-' Mr Lothrop enclosing a copy of the above votes & upon the 21st ult received an answer thereto enclosing a reply to the Society in which he signified his acceptance of their invitation At a meeting of the Society holden on Sunday the fourth day of May instant the Committee reported their proceedings to the Society and the answer of Mr Lothrop which report of the Committee was unanimously accepted. At the same meeting it was Voted ; That the standing Committee be requested to communicate to the Church connected with this Society the proceedings of the Proprietors in regard to the selecting of the Rev'^ Mr Lothrop to be our Pastor & Teacher and that said committee be authorised to arrange with the Pastor elect a time for his Installation & to take all such measures for that solemnity as have heretofore been usual on similar occasions or which they may deem suitable and proper at the present time Attest IVERS J. Austin, Propr" Clk. Whereupon it was unanimously voted, that they do approve the doings of the Society, respecting the sett= of the Revv, Sam- uel Kirkland Lothrop as their Pastor & Teacher, and that the same, together with his answer, be recorded on the Church Record. Voted, that the Deacons of this Church, Moses Grant, Amos Lawrence, and George W Coffin be authorised, to send Letters Missive, in the name of the Church, to the several churches, which shall be selected to compose the Ecclesiastical Council, inviting them to assist by their respective Pastors & Delegate at the Installation of the Pastor Elect. Voted, that the Deacons be a Committee in behalf of the Church, to unite with the Stand*^ Committee of the Society, and with the Pastor Elect, in agreeing upon the Churches which shall be invited to compose the Council, in appointing a convenient day for the Installation, and in adopting all such other arrangements, as are usual and proper for the occasion, II 82 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. The subject of a quantity of superfluous silver-plate, belong- ing to the Church, by the bequest of several Individuals amounting in all to 43.5 oz, which is now never used at the communion was brought before the Church by the Deacons Whereupon, Voted : That Judge Thacher with the Deacons be a committee to consider what disposition if any can be made of the same and report Attest Moses Grant Moderator Copies of the Letter addressed to the Rev"^ S K Lothrop with his answer Boston April 14 1834 Rev° Sir, — By direction of the Church in Brattle Square we transmit to you an authenticated copy of the votes of the Proprietors of pews passed yesterday, and we desire to express to you the high gratification we feel in being the organs of this communication.* The unanimity of the meeting on this interesting subject will we trust be considered by you a very strong reason for complying with their request and must give you an assurance, as well of your usefulness in the proposed connection as of the mutual satisfaction to be expected from it. We beg leave to add that the peculiar situation of the Parish make us desire to receive your reply, so soon as your convenience will permit and induces us to hope not only that it may be favourable to our wishes but that early arrangements may be made for your entering upon the new duties, which you are invited to assume. We are Sir, In behalf of our Fellow Worshippers, with cordial salutation and great personal regard Your friends 'James T Austin Signed by - George Bond Amos Lawrence Ben^ T Pickman ^ Peter O Thacher To the Committee of the Church and Society in Brattle Street Boston. Genl^' — Your communication of the 14"' transmitting a copy of the votes passed by the Proprietors of pews in Brattle Street Church, inviting me to become their pastor and Teacher, reached me in due season. * A note inserted at this point, " (The votes on the second page back)." DR. LOTHROP'S MINISTRY. 83 I herewith enclose to you my answer to the question proposed by that communication. I have made apphcation to my present parish requesting that our connection may be dissolved on the iS"" of May next which will be the close of my present quarter. After that time I will take charge of the Bratt'^ St pulpit, and supply it by exchanges. My installation I should wish to have postponed till my domestic arrange- ments are completed, and my family settled in the Parish House that there may be nothing after that to interfere with my parochical duties. I thank you Gent- for the very kind and friendly manner in which you were pleased to make your communication and beg you to accept the assurances of the high consideration and great personal esteem, with which I am your friend & serv- S. K. LOTHROP. To Hon' James T. Austin, '\ Amos Lawrence, Esq. George Bond, Esq. Hon. Ben. T. Pickman, Hon. Peter O. Thacher. Conf Dover N H April 21— 1834 To the Church and Society in Brattle Street Boston — Christian Friends, — Your Committee in the most friendly and respectful manner communicated to me the votes by which you invited me to accept the important office of your Religious Teacher and Pastor. This testimony of your esteem & confidence expressed with such unanimity of opinion could not fail to be grateful to my feelings, at the same time a call to decide a question of such importance as the relin- quishment of my present charge, and the acceptance of a situation so honourable & dignified in itself as the one you offer me, so arduous in its duties, so hallowed in the eyes of all by the men of genius, learning & piety who have filled it, could not fail to awaken in me the deepest anxiety. In deciding it I have found myself surrounded by difficulties and dejection arising from a distrust in my own abihties to meet your expec- tations and from my expressions of strong attachment on the part of my people and their extreme unwillingness to relinquish my services Having given to the subject then enquiry and deliberation its impor- tance demands I have come to the conclusion that compliance with your wishes is my proper and necessary course. I hereby signify my deter- mination with the consent of my Church and Society, for which I have applied, to accept your invitation. 84 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. To this determination of Providence I submit with trembling solicitude relieved however by a confident expectation that I shall receive all proper indulgence, and support from those with whom I shall be connected and sustained by the hope that my best exertion as Pastor of your ancient and venerable church will be crowned by the blessing of God, with honourable usefulness With Christian Salutation and great Respect I am bretheren your friend & Serv- S. K. LOTHROP. Dover N H April 21 1834 The following Churches are invited to compose the ordaining Council at M' Lothrop's installation the 18"" The Boston Association of Churches in this City ; also Rev"* M' Putnam Rev<* B'- Gray Rev'' M'- Whitney Rev'' D- Harris Rev'' M' Cuningham Rev^ M^ Alger Rev'' D' Pierce Rev^ W- Walker Also the Cambridge University Church Rev^ Professor Ware Ware Jun' and Palfrey Salem Church Rev'' M'- Brazer Newburyport do. Rev'' M' Fox Dover N H First Unitarian Church Philadelphia do. do. do Rev^ M' Furness First Unitarian Church in Cambridge Rev'' M' Newell June 18'** 1834. The Pastors & Delegates from the above churches, invited to assist in the installation of Rev. S. K. Lothrop, met at Concert Hall at 9. a. m. The usual papers hav[ing] been exhibited, the Council professing them satisfied, voted to proceed to Installation, The Introductory Prayer was offered by Rev Mr Robbins, Sermon by Rev. Prof. Palfrey, Prayer of Installation, by Rev Mr Parkman, charge by Rev. Roxbury Church (( do <( do Dorchester do <( do. Chelsea do. Brookline do. Charlestown do. ^ /t, DR. LOTHROP'S MINISTRY. 85 Mr Walker, Fellowship of the Churches by Mr Frothingham, Concluding Prayer, Mr Newell. Aug. 17"" 1834. A letter was received from William G. Eliot, stating his intention to visit the Western States, as a Minister of the Gospel, & his desire to be ordained as an Evangelist before his departure & inviting this church to be present by Pastor & Delegates at a Council to be assembled for this purpose, at the Berry Street Vestry, on Sunday Evng, the 17"' inst, at 7 o'clock. It was submitted to the Church & thereupon Voted ; To comply with the request, & be represented the Pastor being absent, by Judge Thacher, William Lawrence, & Moses Grant. Octob'. 26^' A Letter Missive was received from the Ex- ecutive Committee of the Benevolent Fraternity of Churches inviting the presence & the assistance of this Church, at an Ecclesiastical Council to be convened for the purpose of ordain- ing the Rev. Charles Barnard & the Rev Frederick T. Gray, as Ministers to the Poor, in this City. It was read to the Church, this day. Whereupon, Voted; That this Church comply with the request, & be represented by the Pastor, & Brothers, George W. Bond, Francis A. Gray, & W™ R. Sumner. Feby 15* 1835 At a meeting of the Church holden this day, the Pastor laid before the Church the following proposi- tions, relating to the covenant & forms of admission to the Communion: i'' That the covenant written in the small Pulpit Bible, be adopted as read by the pastor, as the covenant of this Church; there never having been any vote of the Church adopting it. 2^ That any person wishing to join this Church & not approving our covenant he may be received to fellowship, upon professing his Christian intentions & Christian faith in any other form of words he may prefer. 3'' That whenever any individual is desirous of joining this church, & from timidity or any other cause, is indisposed to acknowledge the Covenant in 86 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. public, he may acknowledge it in private, & shall be received to fellowship, whenever that acknowledgement shall be publicly- announced by the Pastor. After some discussion, in which, Messrs J. C. Gray, Geo. Bond, Alden Bradford & Peter O. Thacher took part, these propositions were on the Motion of W" Lawrence, referred to a Committee, to consist of the Pastor & Deacons & 5 others. On Nomination, Messrs. J. C. Gray, P. O. Thacher, Geo. Bond, Henderson Inches & Nathan Hale, were put upon this Committee. May 31''. A letter Missive was received from the First Con- gregational Church in Ouincy, inviting the presence & assist- ance of this Church, at an Ecclesiastical Council, to be convened on the 3'' of June next, for the purpose of Installing the Rev. Wm. P. Lunt as Colleague Pastor with the Rev. Peter Whit- ney — It was read to the church this day. Whereupon voted, That this Church accept the invitation, & be represented by the Pastor, & George W. Bond, Delegate. June 20*''. A Letter Missive was received from the 2'^ Con- gregational Society in Portland Maine inviting the presence & assistance of this Church at a Council to be convened on the 24"* inst for the purpose of Installing the Rev. Jason Whitman as their Pastor. It was read to the Church whereupon, Voted That this Church be represented on the Council, by the Pastor & Alden Bradford, Delegate. July 5"" A Letter Missive was received from the l^' Congre- gational Church in Dorchester, requesting our aid & presence at the ordination of Rev. Nathaniel (B, sic) Hall as Colleague Pastor, with Rev. D' Harris : Read to the Church, Whereupon Voted, That this Church comply with the request, be represented by the Pastor & Henderson Inches, Delegate. July S**"- At a meeting of the church, this day holden, the Committee appointed to consider the propositions submitted to the church by Pastor, presented the following report — DR. LOTHROP'S MINISTRY. 87 The first proposition offered by the Pastor relates to the adoption of the Covenant written in the small pulpit Bible as the Covenant of this Church. After a full & free discussion of this point it seemed to the Committee, that the Covenant, now in use tho' in the main very simple & general in its terms did yet contain some few expressions, of a technical character; such at least, as are in use to signify belief & from their nature imply belief in certain doctrines that are matters of dispute among Christians & which it is therefore desirable not to introduce into a Church Covenant. The Committee thought therefore that by omitting these & making some other slight alterations, the Covenant now in use might be improved, rendered accepta- ble to ail, made so simple that no serious & right-minded person could object to it, & that consequently all ground for the adop- tion of the second proposition of the Pastor, to which some of the Committee in Common with many members of the Church have serious objections, might be removed. The Committee propose therefore that the following form of profession be adopted as the Covenant of this Church : You declare your belief in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven & earth, & your acceptance of the Old & New Testament as a revelation of the mind & will of God to men. You profess repentance toward God & faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, as the promise Messiah & Saviour of the world. You promise to walk with God & this Church of his in all his holy ordinances & to yield obedience to every truth of his which has been or shall be made known \.o you diS your duty, God assisting you by his Spirit & Grace. We then the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ in this place, do admit & receive you to fellow-ship with us, to watch over you in [the] Lord, & to carry it toward you as becometh our sacred relation to you. And this we do with our prayers to the God of all Grace that you & that we may be faithful to our religious engagements. The second proposition of the Pastor, was as follows. Resolved, "That if any person wishing to join this church, do not approve of our Covenant he may be received to fellow- 88 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. ship, upon professing his Christian faith & Christian intentions in any other form of words he may prefer." The Committee do not recommend the adoption of this resolution ; because it seemed to many of their number, that if any Covenant were estabhshed, there was a propriety in having one & the same for all, & in the opinion of all the Committee, the greater simplicity made in the Covenant, by the alterations proposed & the peculiar feature introduced by the expression, "yield obedience to every truth that has been or that shall be made known to you," implying the liberty of change in individual opinion & progress in religious knowledge, seemed to render the resolution unnecessary either for the promotion of truth or the enjoyment of christian ordinances. The Committee recommend the adoption of the third prop- osition, as altered & amended in the following resolution. Resolved, " That whenever any individual is desirous to join this Church & is unable, from reasons which shall be deemed satisfactory by the Pastor, to make an acknowledgment of the Covenant in public, it shall be in the discretion of the Pastor, to receive such acknowledgment in private, & such person shall be received to fellowship whenever that acknowledgment shall be announced to the Church." In relation to the Baptismal Covenant, submitted to this Committee on the motion of Mr Bond, the Committee are of opinion, that it should be left to the discretion of the Pastor to require such acknowledgments, & profession from the Parents or guardians, as shall be satisfactory to himself. The views here presented, are such as the Committee trust, will be satisfactory to all, & will tend to preserve the harmony & promote the increase & improvement of the Church. All which is respectfully submitted, (Signed) S. K. LOTHROP, fo7' the Committee. After some discussion, the report was unanimously accepted, & the covenant here proposed, is to be hereafter used as the Covenant of this Church. DR. LOTHROP'S MINISTRY. 89 On motion of Mr Bond, Voted, " that this report be read on Sunday, to the whole Congregation & that copies of the cove- nant by [sic'] printed & distributed in the pews " — Nov 1837. After the Communion service on the i" Sunday in this month, the pastor called the attention of the Church to the importance of having stated monthly meetings of the Church for mutual edification & religious improvement & appointed a meeting to be held at the parsonage in Court Street on the Friday Evening before the next Communion ; these meetings to take the place of the Union preparatory Lecture, which the other Churches, associated in it, viz D' Channing's, The First Church, & Church Green & the Purchase Street, Mr Ripley's were disposed to relinquish. At the first meeting held, as appointed the Pastor read a brief paper on the objects of such Church Meetings, the manner in which they should be con- ducted & the benefit to the individual & to the body to be derived from them. The meeting was well attended & successful. Nov. 1838 — At a meeting of the Church held on the 16'*' of this month. Deacon Grant presented an application of the Pitts Street Chapel, under the care of Rev. F. T. Gray, one of the Ministers at large in the employ of the Benevolent Fraternity, for the loan of some of the communion plate of the Brattle Square Church that was not used by them. In presenting this application Deacon Grant said that it ought certainly to [be] complied with, as our Church had a consider- able quantity of plate which was not used in the monthly communion service & that it ought not to be denied to some poorer, who needed it. On his motion it was Voted ; That the Deacons have authority to loan to the Pitts Street Chapel such pieces of plate as might be appropriate & desirable for their use in the Communion Service. Also Voted ; That the Deacons with Peter Oxenbridge Thacher be a committee with authority to examine all the Church plate not in use ; to have it appraised & report what disposition should 12 90 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. be made of it; the opinion being expressed that it ought to be sold & the proceeds invested & the income of the same used in behalf of the poor of the Church. Dec. 29, 1839. A meeting of the Church was held this day at the House of Deacon Moses Grant, Cambridge Street, at which the Committee appointed more than a year ago on the unused plate of the Church made a report; presenting a schedule of the different pieces, the number of ounces in each, & the value of the same per ounce according to the estimate of the most prominent jeweller in the city; & recommending that it be sold according to that estimate of appraisal. Objec- tion was made that it was hardly respectable, certainly not pleasant for Brattle Street Church to offer its supernumerary pieces of plate most of them gifts for the communion service for sale in any public way. While it was very proper to sell it & make the income available to the poor of the Church, it should be done in a private & not public manner. It was then proposed that as there was a very full meeting of the male members of the church the plate should be sold then & there by auction; the Brethren to bid for choice & then select what piece or pieces he chose at the appraisal. This was done ; & in a few moments the pieces were all sold. As the bidding grew slack at the very last, & only one piece remained unsold ; it was moved that that piece be presented to the Pastor. The brother acting as auctioneer, " do you mean to the Pastor or to Rev Mr Lothrop?" the mover said, "I mean to our present pastor as his personal property " ; & the motion prevailed. The proceeds of the whole sale amounted to nearly twelve hundred dollars. Monthly Church Meetings not resumed this Winter The pastor delivering a course of Sunday Evg lectures in the vestry instead. Oct 4''' 1840. At a meeting of the Church held this day, a letter missive from a Committee of HoUis Street Church was read inviting us to be represented on an Ecclesiastical Council DR. LOTHROPS MINISTRY. 9 1 to consider the difficulties between Hollis Street Church & its Pastor Rev. John Pierpont. After some discussion the letter was referred to a Committee of which Dr J. G. Palfrey, now worshipping with us was Chairman. Oct. ii"' 1840. At a meeting of the Church held this day; D' Palfrey in behalf of the Church & the Committee presented a full report, closing with the opinion that it was expedient & proper that this Church should be represented on the Council. The Report was accepted, & the Church agreed to be represented on the Council the Pastor & as Delegate, Rev. D' Palfrey. Febry. ii"" 1841. Letters missive from the Committee of the Hollis Street Society inviting the Church to be represented on an ex-parte Council to be convened on the 15"^ inst were laid before the Church & after discussion the proposition or invi- tation was accepted; & the Church was represented by the Pastor & D' Palfrey. March 7'*' 1841. There being a clear prospect that the above ex parte Council would by agreement of parties be changed into a mutual council & would have a long work before them, D' Palfrey asked to be excused from serving as Delegate & then Richard Sullivan was appointed in his place. March 2i^'- A letter missive from Church in Sterling, in- viting us to be represented on a ecclesiastical council for the ordination of their pastor elect, Rev Mr Fosdick ; accepted Mr W™ Lawrence appointed Delegate. Note — Had rather a bad time at this Council through the refusal of Mr. Fosdick to present any testimonials of his Church membership, christian character & theological education &c. He denied the right of the Council to make any such inquiries, I voted against proceeding to ordination ; but was overruled by the Council, who voted to proceed to ordination. The Churches are growing very negligent & loose in these matters. Hereafter I shall go to as few ordinations as possible, & keep no record of letters missive. 92 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Jany 4th 1846, A letter missive from Church in Barre, ask- ing our presence & sympathy at a Council to be convened on the 7- to ordain their pastor elect, Rev W™ Henry Bond,* a son of this Church. Invitation accepted & Deacon Geo. W. Coffin Delegate. MEMORANDA. [On a loose sheet in Dr. Lothrop's handwriting, lying in the Record-book.] Upon the resignation of Deacon Geo. W. Coffin, in consequence of his removal to Jamaica Plain, Stephen Palmer Fuller was chosen Deacon of the Church 1848. Upon the resignation of Amos Lawrence in consequence of growing infirmities in 1850, Hon Nathan Hale was chosen Deacon of the Church. Upon the death of Mr Hale Peter T. Homer was chosen Deacon on the 6"^ of May i860. After the death of Deacon Moses Grant, in 1861, various attempts were made to supply his place, but all the brethren designated declined, & we remained with two Deacons, Stephen P Fuller & Peter T. Homer. After Deacon Fuller's death, in the spring 1871, after the Communion service on the i^' Sunday in May the Pastor of the Church called attention to the fact that we had but one deacon & that it was important for various reasons that we should have three, which had been the invariable custom of the Church, till recently & a special meeting of the [Church] was appointed for the consideration of this subject, to be held at the parsonage on the 28"^ of May ; & at this meeting after conversation. Deacon Homer, Mr Geo. Howe & Mr Eben Dale were appointed a Committee to nominate two persons to be chosen Deacons. At a meeting of the Church held after communion June 4* 1871, this Committee nominated Mr O. W. Peabody & Mr Ellis L Motte, & they were unanimously chosen. Both these Gentlemen subsequently declined, & since there has been no action of the Church upon the subject; P. T. Homer is the sole deacon, but Rev. C. T. Thayer who has declined being a candidate for the office, kindly assists in the distribution of the elements. I hope that there may be a revival of respect for the office & some proper persons be induced to accept From my diaries S. K. L. Aug 10 187s * This name should be Henry F. Bond. — Eds. LISTS OF COMMUNICANTS BELONGING TO THIS CHURCH, AND OF BAPTISMS, MARRIAGES, AND FUNERALS. A LIST OF ALL THE Stated Communicants belonging to this particular Church in Boston : their Names, y^ time of their Admission. N. B. Ye asterism * to any Name signifyes that Person to be received by vertue of the Communion of Churches. The Mens Names &-'c. 1. Thomas Brattle. 2. Thomas Clark. 3.*Benjamin Davis. 4. Thomas Cooper. 5.*Richard Draper. 6. William Harris. 7. John Colman. 8.*Benjamin Walker. g. Zechariah Tuthill. 10.* John Kilby. 11. William Keen. 12. Joseph Allen. 13. John Noyes. i4.*01iver Noyes. i5.*Nathanael Oliver. i6.*Thomas Banister. i7.*John George. 1 8.* William Pain. i9.*John Chip. 2o.*John Kilby, Sen' 2i.*Elkanah Pembrook. Stephen Minot. Grove Hirst. Addington Davenport. Francis Thresher. Samuel Keeling Gregory Sugar. Thomas Palmer, Esq' Henry Gibbs. 30. Francis Clark. 3i.*Calvin Galpin. 32. Daniel Noyes. 33. Abraham Harris. 34. Nathanael Oliver. Junf 35. John Glover. 36.*Seth Smith. 37. Chris : Sanders. 38. Joseph Parsons. 22. 23- 24. 25- 26. 27. 28. 29. Time of Admission. December. S'l'iegg February. 4"* 1700. [Date of Death.] May, 18. 1713. Decern. 1734. November. 26. 1704. April. 18. 1705. April. 15. 1704. July. 25. 1709. November. 20. 17 14. January. 8'^ i7of . March. 3^ 1 700. Aprill. 7'^ 1700. May. s'.*" 1700. July. 8"* 1700. October. 6'!' 1700. January. 5"" 170^. 1701. July. 6"" 1 70 1. August. 3I 1 701. January. 4'!^ 1701. August. 2? 1702. May. 2"^ 1703. 1703- December 5'.'' 1703. November. 7'!* 1703. 1732. October, 28. 1717. April 25'^ 1707. March. 24. 1709. 96 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. No. Names. 46. 47- 48. 49. 50- 51- 52. 53- 54- 55- 39. Thomas Webber. 40. Isaac Quenonault. 41. Benjamin Pitman. 42.*Thomas Gushing. 43.*Nathanael Lyndal. 44. Francis Holmes. 45.*Samuel Grey. WilHam Habberfeid. Joseph Giddinge. William Webster. Samuel Grey. John Staniford. Thomas Banister, Jun' Jonathan Willis. Jacob Parker. Jonathan Pollard. Stephen Willis. 56. William Hayden. 57. Timothy Glark. 58. Thomas Steel. 59. William Cooper. 60. Samuel Kenny. 61. Thomas Powel. 62.*John Gilbert. William Noyes. John Minot. John Penhallow. Joseph Larding. Caleb Thomas. Ebenezer Stratton. 69. Thomas Gushing. Jun^ 70. Joseph Worth. Daniel Epps. John Jones. John Hastings. Jonathan Sewal. Joseph Creesy. 76. James Smith. 77. Joseph Ricks. Samuel Morrice. Jacob Caldwel. Samuel Whitwell. John Ballantine, Philip Perewaye. John Potwin. Ebenezer Cornish. 85. Joseph Fitch. 86. Jonas Clark. 87. Obadiah Gore. 88. John Grey. 63- 64. 65- 66. 67. 68. 71 72, 73 74 75 78. 79- 80. 81. 82. 83- 84. Time of Admission. [Date of Death.] March. 5'^ 1704. October. i'5 1704. Deceas'd 1710. March. 4'^ 1705. May. 1705. Sept. 2. 17 11.//. November. 3"? 1706. June. 1726. March. 6'.*" 1707. January. 12. i7o|. June. 14. 1711.//. in 1 712. 1717. June. I. 1 713. in 1 7 16. in 1725. July. 6' February, i" 1708. March. 7"? June. 7'^ January. 2"? 1709. February. 6-. July- 3' August. 7'.'* Noveber. 6']" February. 4"' 1710. May. 7"' March. 4'^ //.1711. June. 3? July, i^' February. 3"? 1712. January. 29. 17H. October. 5'!' from M' Showrs of London. February, i. 1713. April. 5. July. 7. from D! Calamy. London. Aug' 2. from Marshfeild. August, 2^ Sept. 6'.'* Novem^ 7'^ March. 7'!' 17 14. May. 2^ from y? South Chh. July. 4. September. 5. March. 6. 17 15. June 5'-\ 17 15. July. 3- August. 7. Novem. 21. 1731. October. 3. 1721./ Septem. 20. 17 16./ October. 8. 17 21. LIST OF COMMUNICANTS. 97 No. Names. 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Samuel Sewal. John Bulkley. Christian Snowman. Thomas Johnson. James Munden. William Parker. Seth Dwight. Joseph Dwight. Benjamin Haly. Benjamin Gibson. Hezekiah May. 00. M' Judge Mynzie. Addington Gardiner. Benjamin Franklin. Elijah Vinal. Thomas Ruck. John Young. John Manning. Jonathan Blake. 08. Josiah Dennis. 09. John Hirst. 10. James Franklin. 11. William Healy. 12. Samuel Haly. 13. Stephen Minot, Jun! 14. Alexander Miller. 15. Daniel Coit. 16. Jacob Tredwell. 17. Benjamin Andrews. 18. Benjamin Bass. 19. Nathanael Parkman. 20. Joseph Billings. 21. John Coney. 22. John Edwards. 23. William Hooker. 24. Solomon Pike. 25. John Phillips. 26. James Lenox. 27. Thomas Danforth. 28. Hopestill Foster. 29. Mark Newmarsh. 30. Samuel Dummer. 31. James Davenport. 32. Edward Boylston. 33. Benjamin Fitch. 34. Joseph Eaton. 35. Samuel Goodwin. 36. Alexander Ramsey. 37. Benjamin Gibson. 38. Gamaliel Rogers. Time of Admission. [Date of Death.] October, 2. Novemb' 6. January, i. 1716. from Mr Graven'.' Chh. in London. February. 5. Novem. 172 1. May. 6. May. 8. 1719-/ October. 7. from y? North Chh — . November, 4. from Scotland. March. 2. 171 7. April. 7. from London. May. 5. June. 2. July. 7- August. 4. October. 6. November. 3. January. 4. 1718. February. 2. March. 2. April. 6. 17 18. June. I. Novemb' 2. January. 4. 1719. October. 1721. May. 1726. July. 1 72 1. 1727. May. 3. September. 6. February. 7. 1720. April. 21. 1724. March. 6. May. I. August, 7. Septem. 4. February. 5. 1721. March. 5. May. 7. 1729. in 1726. 1723- 98 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. No. 139- 140. 141. 142. 143- 144. 145- 146. 147 Names. Samuel Milleken. Samuel Langdon. John Maudsly. Isaiah Tay. Edward Mecom. Moses Bass. Joseph Lyons. Azor Gale. Joseph Balch. 148. John Davenport. 149. Will? Patten. Edward Mobberly. Richard Salter. Alexander Gregory. William Fullerton. Daniel Watts. John Milleken. James Stretton. Peter Penny. Elias Getting. Andrew Tyler. David Cutler. Ezra Pitcher. Jonathan Gushing. Peregrine White. 164. Samuel Torrey. 165. John Alford. 166. Adino Bulfinch Junf 167. Nath. Doubledy. Ahijah Estis. Thomas Norris. John Fairweather. Peter Gibbons. John Ellis. Nathanael Gobbet. Jacob Emmons. Samuel Odel. 176. Timothy Burbank. 177. John Gushing. Thomas Johnson. William Pratt. John Steel. John Draper. Joseph Gidding. Abraham Blish. Joseph Parker. 185. Jonathan Edmunds. 186. Moses Deshon. 187. John Welsh. i88. Joseph Edwards. 150. 152. 153- 154- 155- 156. 157- 158- 159- 160. 161. 162. 163. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173- 174. 175- 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. Time of Admission. [Date of Death.] in 1723. June. 4. from y^ Old Church. May. 23. 1 730. Novembr 4. from London. Decem. 3. January. 7. 1722. February. 5. April. 5. May. 6. from D' Mathers. October. 7. May. 25. 1730. February. March. 3. 3- 1723' July- 7- March, i. 1724. April. 5. May. 3. Oct. 1727. June. 7. July. 5. August. 2. Septem. 6. January. 3, 1725. April. 4. October. 3. Decem. 5. March. 6. 1726. May I. June. 5. July. 3. February. 5. 1727. April. 2. June. 4. Septem. 3. Decem. 3. LIST OF COMMUNICANTS. 99 No. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193- 194. 195- 196. 197. 19S. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 203. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 22S. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233- 234- 235- 236. 237- 238. Names. John Peirce. Samuel Franklin. John Perry. Samuel Sprague. Richard Billings William Hasey. Joseph Hasey. Ebenezer Kilby. William Davis. John Reed. John Wass. Hopestill Foster. William Blair. Joseph Scot. John Jeffries. Thomas MuUins, Jun' Joseph Davis. Timothy Batt. Samuel Butler. John Ridgaway. Lawrence Dows. Thomas Webber, Jun' Thomas Warden. Nathanael Milliken. James Addison. Joseph Sherburn. Josiah Torrey. Thomas Flag. Edward Jennings. Matthias Cowdrey. David Bacon Belcher Noyes. John Brown. James Greaves. Thomas Hog. John Holt. Henry King. John Tanner John West. John Scottow. William Downe. John Lovel. James Clark. Richard White. Samuel Dix. John Ela. Jacob Wendal. Mylam Alcock. Joseph Wakefield. Daniel BeU. Time of Admission. January. 7. 1728. After the Earthquake. February. 4. 1728. March. 3. April. 7. 1733- Novem. 3. Decern. 7. 1729. from Mr Woods Chh.London. February, i. 1730. March, i. April. 5. October. 4. April. 4. 1 731. from Mr Woods of London. ]a.n'r 2. 1732. Sept. 3. Octo. I. Nov. 5. Jan7 7. 1733. from Mr Thatcher & Webb. Feb: 4. March. 4. August. 6. February. 3. 1734. March. 3. July- 7- Septemb' i. L.ol lOO RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. No. Names. Time of Admission. 239. Edward Marrit. Septem. i, 1734. 240. Nathanael Coit. June. I. 1735. 241. John Greenleafe. Jan^^i. i73f. 242. Samuel Edward, March. 7. 1736. 243. Jaleel Smith. 244. John Wakefield. 245. William White. May. 2. 246. Ebenezer Storer. from York. 247. David Primus. July. 4. 24S. Adam Winthrop. Sept. 5. 249. Edward Lad Sanders. 250. Ratdiff, free Negro. ^ Oct. 2. 251. Stephen Minot, Junf Novem. 7. 252. Benj'^ Sumner. Decern. 5. 253. Richard Bill. Jan7 2. 1737. 254. Scipio, servi to M' Beacham. March 6. 255. David Freeman. Septem. 11. from Province Town. 256. James Worth. April. 2. 1738. 257. Peter Chardon. July. 3. from Mf L'Mercier. 258. Zabdiel Boylstone. Novem. 5. 259. James Foster. 260. John Ballantine. Decem. 3. 261. John Norton. Jan7 7. 1739. 262. Timothy Newell. 263. Samuel Martyn. May. 6. 264. Francis Righton. Oct. 7. 265. Benj^ Stokes. Novem. 4. 266. Andrew Tyler Jun- 267. Thomas Whittemore. 268. Benj? Jepson. Decem. 2. 269. Abiel Whalley. Jan7 5.- 1740. from M' Webbs. 270. Adino Bulfinch Sen- 271. Samuel Whitimore. 272. James Pitson. 273. Thomas Wade. Febr 3. 274. Robert Sagget. May. 4. 275. Job Coit. Augl 7. 276. Richard Surcomb. Febr. i. 1741. 277. Benjamin Willis. March i. 278. Benjamin Child. 279. Samuel Phillips Savage . April. 5. 280. Thomas Hubbart. 281. Edward ^Vinslow. 282. William Phillips. 283. Robert Cunningham. May 3. 284. Obadiah Cookson. June 7. 285. Thomas Jackson. 286. Thomas Maccarty. 287. Edward Pain. LIST OF COMMUNICANTS. lOl No. Names. Time of Admission, 288. John Dennie. 289. John Dixwell. July- 5- 290. William Enipson. 291. Richard Cowel. 292. George Smith. August. 2. 1 741. 293. William Boardman. 294. Samuel Cooper. Septem. 6. 296. William Warren. 297. Cuffee Negro to Widow Cowel. 298. Samuel Turner. October 4. 299. Philip Viburt. Novemf i. 300. Ebenezer Plummer. 301. Charles Brown. Febr^ 7. 1742. 302. John Barret. 303. James, Negro to M' Colman 304. Walter Baker. April. 4. 305. Benj^ Sampson. 306. Thomas Stacy. 307. Thomas Phillebrown. May 2"? 30S. Samuel Adams. 309. William Brown. 310. James Ridgaway. June 6. 311. Daniel Boyer. July 4. 312. Samuel Norton. Sept^ 5. 314. Ebenezer Messenger. 315. Thomas Amory. Oct' 3. 316. John Gore. April 3. 1743. 3 1 7. Pompey, Servant to M' Abiel Whalley. May i. 318. Isaac Lincoln. J"iy 3- 319. John HoUiman. from Chh. in Salem. 320. Scipio, Negro Serv' to Cap' Fairweather. May. 6. 1 744. 321. Cezar Servant to Mf Daniel Barker August. 5 322. Sharper Serv' at M' Lowders. 323. Cezar Serv' to Mf John I Dennie, Sen' 324. John Reynolds from Bristol 325. Timothy Balsh. Ocf 7 326. George Searle. Octf 6. 1745. 327. Thomas Green. Febry 2. 1746. 328. Cezar Serv! to Cap' John Wendell. Novf 2. 329. Joseph Palmer from G' Britain. Decem. 7. 340. Isaac Wendell from Albany. '■ Stated Communicants &c — , y' Womens Names &c. No. Names. Time of Admission. [Decease.] 1 *Mary Tuthill. 2 *Rebecca Saffin. 3 *Mary Mico. 4 *Mehitabell Cooper. 5 *Lydia George. 6.*Sarah Banister. 7.* Jane Pembrook. 8.*EIizabeth Royall. 9. Elizabeth Davenport. 10. Sarah Tuthill. 1 1 . Abigail Atkins. 12. Elizabeth Thresher. 13. Sarah Colman. 14. Mary Mould. 15. Susanna Cambell. 16. Priscilla Johnson. 17. Sarah Mackarty. 18. Elizabeth Black. 19 Sugar. 20. Jane Colman. 21. Anna Brokus. 2 2.*Mary Chip. 23.*Mary Hubbard. 24.*Deborah Clark. 25. Sarah Draper. 26. Rebecca Kilby. 27. Elizabeth Mills. 28. Hannah Harris. 29. Elizabeth Witcum. 30. Jane Phuz. 31. Sarah Banister, Junr, 32. Anna Noyes. 33. Judith Colman. 34. Susanna Noyes. 35. Elizabeth Keeling. 36. Sarah Tyler. 37. Mary Jesse. 38.*Abigail Purrington. 39. Mercy Minot. 40.* Hannah Mariner. 4 1.* Abigail Pitman. 42. Deborah Cushing. 43. Elizabeth Hirst. 44. Rebecca Leveret. 45. Mary Pollard. 46. Francis Banister. 47. Katharina George. February. 4* 1700. September. I9|^ 1704. 1713- Decem. 1733. January. 1733. June 30. 17 1 1.//. January. 20'.'' 1706. April!. 7'^ 1700. May. 5'^ 1700. June. 4*1* 1 700. July. 7'!" 1700. October. 6'!" 1700. April 6'!* 1 701. November. 13. 1700. July. 13. 1707. January. 27. i7o|. Oct. 26. 1 731. May. 3'? 1 701. March. i7H" January. 4'^ 1701. Decem. 171 7. March, i^.' 1702. Aug' 18. 1712. June. 7. 1702. March. 2^ 1703. September 6* 1702. August. 31. 1703. October. 4* 1702. December 6'^ 1702. February, 7'!" 1703. January. 2^ 170^. June 6* 1703. 1730- December s'l' 1 703. 1704. April I. 1705- February 17. 17^^ July 10. 1 7 16./ July, i^' November. 25. April. 7'!* 1706. August. 4*^ 1733- LIST OF COMMUNICANTS. 103 No. Names. Time of Admission. [Decease.] 48. Esther Archer. Septembf i" 49. Abigail Palmer. October. 6'^ 50. Esther Sugars. 51. Mary Smith. 1715- 52. Silence Keen. 53. Lucy Dudley. November. 3. 54. Eleanor Read. January. 5'^ 1707. 55.*Susanna Grey. March. 6'!^ 56. Hannah Ellis. 57. Elizabeth Grey. 58. Elizabeth Russel. S9.*Lucy Grey. May. 4* 60. Sarah Beard. July. 6'." 61. Mercy Bridgham. 62. Rebecca Adams. 6;^. Mary Jones. October. 1709. 64. Rebecca Clark. September, 7*^ November. 1 0. 1 7 1 1 .//. 65. Susanna Mills. 66. Mercy Ovington 67. Mary Banister November. 2"? 68. Hannah Keen. December. 7'? April. 25. 1 7 15. 69. Eliz. Mariner. 70. Elizabeth Hall. March. 7'^ 1708. 71. Lydia Thaxter. June. 5*!" 1709. 72. Dorothy Willis. July. 3' 73. Eliz. Rogers. September. 4* 74. Sarah Boucher. February. 4'^ 17 10 75. Elizabeth Randal. 76. Martha WiUis. 77. Ursula Parker. April. 2^ 78. Dinah Hayden. May. 7'? 79. Hannah Baker. July. 2^ 80. Sarah Bill. August. 6*^ 81. Cloris. A negro Woman ;. October. 1'^ 1727. 82. Sybil Edwards. September. 3. 17 10. 83. Dorothy Ball. December. 7'.'' 84. Mary Fitch. April. I'.' 1 71 1. 85. Rebecca Pearson. 86. Hannah Ellis. May 6'^ 87.*Zillah Perry. Communion Chhs. from Boxford. 88.*Ann Leblonde. from North Chh. 1726. 89. Elizabeth Symonds. January. 6. 1712. 90. Hannah Smith. 91. Elizabeth Archer. 92. Elizabeth Giddinge. February. 3. 93. Amoretta. Negro' Serv! May. 4'!' 1721. to M'.= Myriam Tyler. 94. Hannah Rawlings. August. 3. 95.*Hannah Noyes. Jan. 4. 1 7 13. from Roxbury. 96. Mary Bulkley. Febru^- i. 104 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. No. Names. 97. Eliz. Shrimpton. 98.* Holton. 99.*PrisciIla Thomas 00. Martha Epps. 01. Hannah Grafton. 02. Mary Balch. 03. Mary Twing. 04. Patience Gant. 05. Mary Hesket. 06. Elizabeth Lowle. 070 Mary Ballantine. 08. Grace Breck. 09. Mary Kilcup. ID. Sarah Wendal. 11. Margaret Tucker. 12. Elizabeth Cowel. 13. Sarah Gore. 14. Ann Colman. 15. Sarah Maccarty. 16. Desire Peronneau. 17. Anna Patten. 18. Elizabeth Ellis. 19. Mary Flynt 20. Sarah Marshal. 21. Sarah Lambert. 22. Esther Andrews. 23. Elizabeth Mackenny. 24. Deborah Fairfeild. 25. Mary VVainwright. 26. Jerusha Boylston. 2 7. Ann Thomas. 28. Elizabeth Star. 29 Mary Watkins. 30. Mary Kneeland. 31. Elizabeth Peirce. 32. Hannah Bowdoin. ;^^. Martha Smith. 34. Mary Henshaw. 35. Abigail Webb. 36. Ann Schoolmaster. 37. Anna Parker. 38. Mary Ruck. 39. Mary Clark. 40. Ann Craiton. 41. Mary Bathe. 42. Esther Morrice. 43. Jennet Bulfinch. 44. Prudence Clark. 45. Esther Maccarty. 46. Esther Lemony. Time of Admission. [Decease.] April. 5. from Marblehead. from Marshfeild. March. 7. 1714. April. 4. May. 2. September. 5. December. 5. January. 2. 1715. May. I. July. 3- Aug' 7. Septem. 4. from Carolina, from Charlestown. Novera. 6. February. 5. 17 16. April. 4. 1 7 18. May 6. June. 3. 17 1 6./. May. 1717. September. 2. July, 1730. October. 7. Novem. 4. Decern. 2. / January 6. 17 17.' February. 3. 1727. March. 3 . May. i . 1717- April. 7. 1732. LIST OF COMMUNICANTS. 105 No. Names. Time of Admission. [Decease.] 147. Mary Basset. May. 5. 148. Zerviah Davenport. 149. Deborah Heath. 150. Francis Corwithin. June. 2 Decem. 1717. 151. Mary Moffat. 152. Mary Pearson. 153. Mary Timberlake. July. 7. 154. Experience Weeks. 155. Sarah Penuel. 1719. 156. Sarah Larman. August. 4. 157. Sarah Scott. 158. Dorothy Torrey. 159. Eliz. Dorothy. 160. Ann Mundon. 161. Phoebe Royal. September i. 171 7. 162. Grace Davenport. Oct. 1 72 1. 163. Mary Minot. October. 6. 164. Ann Allen. 165. Hannah Kelinick. 166. Mary Young. December, i. 166. Hannah Green. January. 5. 1718. 167. Rebecca Webster. 168. Martha King. March. 2. 169. Ann Ings. 170. Rebecca Gibbon. April. 6. 171. Margaret Clark. 1 72. Abigail Collis. 173. Mary linox. [?] 174. Anna Billings. May. 4. 175. Margaret Fletcher. 176. Rebecca Stoddard. June. I. 177. Rebecca Smith. 178. Elizabeth Dyer. July. 6. 179. Mary Turner. 180. Lydia Goodwin. 181. Hannah Harvey. Sep. 7. from y? Church at Salem. 182. Elizabeth Miller. January. 4. 17 19. 183. Rebecca Holmes. Febr. 3. 1730, i./ 184. Rebecca Scotto. February, i. 185. Mary Clay. March, i. 186. Ruth Naughly. June. 7. 187. Ann Hodsden. in 1726. 188. Elizabeth Tyley. July. 5. in 1724. 189. AHce Cox. 190. Hannah Cooper. August. 2. in 1732. 191. Jane Collins. from Mf Craighed in Dublin. 192. Rebecca Gore. September. 6. 193. Elizabeth Pope. October. 4. 194. Eliz. Lowder. March. 6. 1720. 195. Edith Mynzie. 14 I06 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. No. Names. Time of Admission. [Decease.] 196. Lydia Key. March. 6. 1720 197. Sarah Willis. 198. Mary Sugars. April. 3. 199. Elizabeth Pain. 200. Katharine Newton. 201. Abigail Mason. Novem. 1721, 202. Eliz. Tyley. May. I. 203. Mary Clark. August. 7. 204. Abigail Parrot. March. 5. 1721. January. 172^, 205. Elizabeth Dix. May. 7. 206. Martha Darby. June. 4. 207. Mary Hirst. 208. Sarah Wilson. 209. Ruth Nevvcomb. August. 6. 210. Eliz. Crawford. Sept. 3. 211. Katharine Mynzie. Decern. 3. 212. Sarah Tanner. 213. Mary Newcomb. February. 5. 1722 214. Rebekah Kilby. April. I. 215. Susanna Clyde. 216. Experience Salter. May. 6. Dismissed from Df Matheri 217, Eliz. Haley. 218. Anna Noyes. June. 3. 219. Mercy Rogers. August. 5. 220. Ehzabeth Wensly. Oct. 7. 221. Sarah Fowles. 222. Mary Nowel. 223. Eliz. Meers. November 4. 224. Hannah Case. Decern. 2. 225. Mehitabel Selby. January. 6. 1723. 226. Mary Hale. 227. Hannah Martyn. 228. Mary Young. March. 3. 229. Rebecca Marshal. July- 7- 230. Ruth Bennit. Sept. I. 231. Susanna Candish. 232. Susanna Jacobs. Octobr 6. in 1732, 233. Ann Robie. Decern, i. in 1726. 234. Mehit. Gibson. 235. Blanch Hall. in 1725. 236. Abigail Kenny. January. 4. 1724. 237. Mary Pain. February, 2. 238. Mary Brielsford March, i. 1724. 239. Martha Nevers. 240. Myriam Tyler. April. 5. 241. Sarah Rand. May. 3. 242. Margaret Alford. June. 7. 243. Jerusha Fairweather. August. 2. 244. Judith Cooper. Novem. i. 245. Sarah Rickers. LIST OF COMMUNICANTS. 107 No. Names. Time of Admission. 246. Mary Herrick. Decern. 6. 247. Elizabeth Cox. Febr. 7. 1725. 248. Ann Franklin. April. 4. 249. Eliz. Edwards. July. 4. 250. Mary Steel. Septem. 5. 251. Martha Isgate. Octob"; 3. 252. Sarah Edwards. Decern. 5. 253. Mary Loveridge. 254. Eliz. Shannon. Febr7 6. 1726. 255. Esther Fisher. March 6. 256. Dorcas Wright. April. 3. 257. Hannah Gushing. June. 5. 258. Rachel Rebrock July. 3- 259. Sarah Rogers. Septem. 4. 260. Ann Woas. Octob: 2. from Df Oldfield. 261. Margaret Cargil. from London-deiTy. 262. Katharine Drowne. Novem. 6. 263. Hannah Meers. Decern. 4. from y^ Rev. Mf Walter, 264. Hannah Gibson. Jan7 I. 1727. [Roxbury. 265. Elizabeth Gibbens. Febr. 5. 266. Elizabeth Phipps. March. 5. 267. Eliz. Foster. 268. Sarah Davenport. 269. Hannah Hasy. 270. Hannah Teal. 271. Dorcas Hesket. 272. Tamasin Rogers. May. 6. 273. Ann Norman. June. 4. 274. Lydia Scottovv. July. 2. 275. Ann Gofifin. August. 6. 276. Deborah Eustis. 277. Ann Cotton. Octob: I. 278. Sarah Hambleton. 279. Mary Foster. 280. Mary Storer. Decern. 3. 281. Mary Welsh. 282. Rachel Thwing. 283. Mary Blair. January. 7. 1728. After the Earthquake. 284. Abigail Erwine. 285. Susanna Peirce. 286. Margaret Parker. 287. Rebecca Ransford. 288. Charity Whitehouse. 289. Susanna Allin. 290. Hannah Jackson. 291. Rebecca Parker. 292. Hannah Davis. 293. Jane Masum. 294. Mary Brown. 295. Rebecca Peabody. 108 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. No. Names. 296. Mary Walker. 297. Dorcas Snow. Mehitabel Scot. Judith Bulfinch. Elizabeth Hall. Agnes Addison. Hannah MuUins. Eliz. Thompson. Sarah Uran. Jerusha Fairweather. Deborah Pain. Sarah Stoddard. Elizabeth Allen. Sarah Thompson. Esther Plaisted. Mary Kilby Mary Tompson. Eliz. Blancher. Mary Hawks. Ursula Knap. 316. Mary Kenny. 317. Rebecca Ridgaway Sarah Boucher. Jane Young. Rebecca Knowlton. Mary Ford. Anna Warden. Abigail Milleken. Eliz. Milleken. Sarah Waine. Eliz. Hubbart. Mary Morrice. Eliz. Pitts. Mary Melvin. Sarah Pain. Eliz. Melvil. Abigail Durham. Lydia Sweat. Time of Admission. [Decease.] 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303- 304- 305- 306. 307- 308. 309- 310. 311- 312. 313- 314- 315 February. 4. 1727. 3i». 319- 320. 321. 322. 324- 325- 326. 327- 328. 329- 330- 331- 332. 334- 335- 336- 337- 338. 339- 340. 341- 342. 343- 344- 345- 346. Mary More. Eliz. Adams. Mary Hands. Joafina Levett. Hannah MuUins. Ann Green. Abigail M'Kullock. Mary Hanmer. Hannah Sprague. Eliz. Quincey. Hannah Ellis. March. 3. March 3. 1728. April. 7. died. 1733. died. May. 24. 1730. May. 5. June 2. July. 7- August. 4. Septem. i. Octoby 6. Decern, r. January. 5. 1729. March. 2. April. 5. LIST OF COMMUNICANTS. 109 No. 347- 348. 349- 350- 351- 352- 353- 354. 355- 356- 357- 358. 359- 360. 361. 362. 364- 365- 366. 367. 368. 369- 370- 371- 372. 373- 374- 375- 376. 377- 378. 379- 380. 381. 382. 383- 384- 385. 386. 387- 388. 389. 390- 391- 392- 393- 394- 395- Names. Ruth Morgridge. Lydia Kill. Eliz. Dennet. Sarah Kenny. Martha Richardson. Sarah Ruggles. Eliz. Allen. Susanna Willis. Susana Cowdry. Susanna Ducher. Eliz. Greaves. Rachel Danforth. Sarah Smalpeice Ruth Gardner. Katharine Browne. Lydia Alden. Rachel Hog Ruth Rissener. Margaret Staniford. Elizabeth Hassey. Mary Johnson. Betty. Free Negro. Elizabeth Craft. Sarah Barron. Mary Turnbull. Priscilla Wakefield. Martha Allen. Hannah Wakefield Sarah Billings. Susanna Pilsbury. Lucy Davenport. Susanna Noyes. Sarah Phillips. Martha Merrit. Becham. Lydia Cutler. Jane. Negro' Woman, free late Servant to Mrs Pym deceased. Dorothy Howard. Mary Wendal. Mary Foster. Myriam BeU. Sarah Byles. Lydia Bartlet. Mary Butler. Mary Balch. Katharine Wendel Brownel. Mary Dill. Margaret Sherbum. Time of Admission. July. 6. Octobr 6. Novem' 2. Decern. 7. April. 5- 1730- January. 3. 1731. Febr. 7. March. 7. April 4. from M' Jennings London. September. 5. 1731. November. 7. from Milton. Jan^ 2. 1732. Febr^. 6. March 5. April. 2. May. 7. from Roxbury. M' Walter. August. 6. Septem. 3. Decem. 3. February. 4. 1733. March 4. May. 6. August. 5. Novem. 4. January. 6. 1734- March. 3. April. 7. June. 2. Septem. i. Octob: 6. Decern, i. January. 5. 1735. from Charlestown. from Newtown, from Dorchester from New York, no RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. No. Names. Time of Admission. 396. Sarah Thomas. February. 2. 397. Hannah Greenleif. March. 2. 398. Mary Lenox. April. 5. 399. Martha Burn. July. 6. 1735 from M^ Shutleif, of Ports- 400. Jemima Lane. August. 3. mouth. 401. Ann Pain. 402. Rebecca Clark. Septem. 7. 403. Mary Pierce. 404. Judith Rawlins. Oct. 5. 405. Martha Bulkley. Nov. 2. 406. Sarah Edwards. Decern. 7. 407. Eliz. Clark. 408. Margaret East. Jan^. 4. 1736. 409. Mary Edwards, March. 7. 410. Rebecca Kennedy. 411. Elizabeth Yendals. 412. Eliz. Coulton. May. 2. 413. Ruth Everden. 414. Hannah Winslow. June 6. 415. Susanna Newman. 416. Eliz. Welsh. from Reading. 417. Mary Winthrop. Sep. 5. 418. Bridget Lad. 419. Bridget Sanders, 420. Hannah Bass. 421. Ann Campbel. 422. Elizabeth Sancross. 423. Hagar, free Negro. Oct. 2. 424. Eliz. Henshaw. Nov. 7. 425. Sarah Minot. 426. Sarah Barger. Decem. 5. 427. Rebekah Paddock. from East Yarmoth Chh. 428. Hawes. Jan'^ 2. 1737 429. Anna Bell. March 6. 430. Eliz. Newton. April. 3. 431. Unice Nichols. 432. Deborah Colman. May. I. 433. Dorothy Newton. 434. Lydia Wise. August. 7. from M"" Thatcher & Webb. 435. Eliz. Prescot. Novem. 6. 436. Mary Thorn. 437. Sarah Thomas. Jah7 I. 1738. 438. Eliz. Hutta. 439. Hannah Littlefield. March. 5. 440. Mary Way. April. 7. 441. Eliz. Lewis. May. 4. from Hasset, p! of Hingham. 442. Sarah Tyler. 443. Rebekah Florence. • 445. Sarah Stebbins. Octo. I. 446. Susanna Davis. LIST OF COMMUNICANTS. Ill No. 447- 448. .449- 450- 451- 452- 453- 454- 455- 456- 457- 458. 459- 460. 461. 462. 463- 464. 465- 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473- 474- 475- 476. 477- 478. 479- 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. 485. 486. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493- 494. 495- 496. 497- 1739- Time of Admission. Decern. 3. January. 7 March. 4. April. I. May. 6. Oct. 7. Decern. 2. Jan7 5. 1740 January 5. 174.0. May. 4. Septemf 7. October. 5. Nov- 2. Decern. 7. Names. Deborah Balsh. Ann Desaign. Mary Hawes. Harris Halden. Mary Ballantine. Lucretia Sturgis. Eliz. Scutt. Mary Boardman. Hannah Lamson. Eliza Lee. Rebekah Miller. Sarah King. Mary Bass. Jerusha Allen. Miriam Williams Margaret Davis. Eliz. Maycock. Hannah Butler. Sarah Masters. Eliz. Davenport. Mary Perraway. Catharine Welsh. Eliz. Flagg. Mary Brown. Mary Merrick. Mary Emmons. Anna Parker. Rachel Jackson. Violet, Servant to Mf W? Tyler. Mary-Anna Clark March. Martha Smith. Ann Newman. Hannah Jones. Mary Warden. April. 5. Ehz. Hall. Mary Rogers. Hannah Davis. May. 3. Katharine Wendel. Judith Bulfinch. Mary Flag. Eleanor Biscomb. Jane Brion. Hannah Cotes. Hannah Newcomb. Mary Oliver. Katharine Bulfinch. June. 7 Eliz. Davis. Mercy Wendel. Margaret Letchmere. Margaret Winslow. from Yarmouth. Febr. 1741. 112 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. No. Names. 498. Mehitabel Stoddard. 499. Elizabeth Foye. 500. Margaret Maccarty. 501. Susanna Vintenon. 502. Jane Cook. 503. Mary Kilby. 504. Eliz. Lee. 505. Mary Lee. 506. Sarah Suden. 507. Mary Giles. 508. Abigail Dennie. 509. Mary Stoddard. 510. Sarah Stoddard. 511. Ann Vinal. 512. Abigail Cole. 513. Mary Beck. 514. Sarah Oliver. 515. Mary Fairweather 516. Ann Whitten. 517. Eliz. Storer. 518. Eliz. Scot. 519. Sarah Edwards. 520. Eliz. Muggridge. 521. Sarah Cox. 522. Sarah Cotes. 523. Violet. Negro Serv! to 524. Sarah Tyler 525. Mary Green. 526. Sarah Russel. 527. Katharine Bell. 528. Hannah Parsons. 529. Abigail Hail. 530. Rachel Flag. 531. Eliz. Moulin. 532. Sarah Rogers. 533. Lydia Osborn. 534. Mary Mirak. 535. Hannah Hertford. 536. Sarah Chardon. 537. Eliz. Shepherd. 538. Hannah Pereway. 539. Abigail Hurry. 540. Martha Stow. 541. Abigail Bill. 542. Eliz. Moreton. 543. Mercy Bridgham. 544. Abigail Tucker. 545. Katharine Gore. 546. Esther Perkins. 547. Eliz. Scutt. Time of Admission, July. 5. 1 741. August 2*: M'. Righton. Septem. 6. October 4. Novem. i. Decern. 6. Jan'^3. 1742. Febr^. 7. March. 7. April. 4. June 6. LIST OF COMMUNICANTS. II No. 548. 549- 550- 551- 552- 553- 554- 555- 556. 557- 558. 559- 560. 561. 562. 563- 564- 565. 567- 56S. 569- 570- 571- 572- 573- 574- 575- 576. 577- 578. 579- 580. 581. 582. 583. 584. 585- 586. 587. 588. 589- 590- 591- 592. 593- 594- Names. Eliz. Vintenon Margaret Huey. Deborah Nans. Mary Allen. Grace Willis. Eliz. Beckam Eliz. Clark. Mary Gayhegan. Eliz. Willis. Eliz. Foster Mary Steel. Sarah Cox. Ann Cox. Hannah Cox. Mary Skinner Mary Cooper. Joanna Rogers. Margaret Connor. Mehitabel Pool. Katharine Hewey. Abigail Phillips. Time of Admission. July 4. July. 4. 1742. August. I. Septem' Novem. Decern. Jan^>'. 2. March. April. 3 May. I. Nov: 6. 5- 1743- 6. Dinah. Serv' to M'Boardman.Febr. 5. 1744. Margaret Downes. Mary Wendell. Lydia Bell. Jane Usher. Eliz. Kent Susanna Reynolds. Flora. Serv' to D'. Bulfinch. Bridget Sanders. Clarinda. Sarah Denny. Mary Steel. Eliz. Wendel. Tamasin Hales Rebecca Marshal. Mercy Cook Abigail Phillips March. April. I. May. 6. August. 5 March. 3.1745- April. 7. from Salem. Octr 6. Jan^^-5- from Eastham. Febr^ 2. 1746. |CatalineVan-dike from Albany-Decem. 7. (Mary Wendell. Mary Palmer. from Devonshire. Sarah Foster, from Ipswich Mary Lewis. Febr^ i 1747. Bethia Oliver. June. 7. Cloe Negro Maid to Cap' Steel. July. 5. Hannah to Cap' J. Wendell. alias Wendell IS List of Communicants received into the church in Brattle- Street, Boston, by Peter Thacher, Pastor. March 6.1785. April 3- ^785 May I ^785 Sepr 4 1785 Deer 4 ^785 May 7 [786 July 2 ] [786 Aug. 6 [786 Sep! 3- 1786 Aug. 5 '787 Novr 4 1787 Jan, 6 [788 March 2 ] 788 June I [788 Nov' 2 [788 Dec: 7 [788 April 5 1 [789 May 3 [789 Aug 2. [789 Decf 6 C789 February 7 : 1790 March 7 1 [790 April 4 1 [790 May 2 ] [790 NovT 7 [790 Deer 5 [790 Jan. 2 [791 Feb. 6 [791 April 3 [791 May I [791 July 3 [791 Aug. 7- [791 Sepr 4 [791 Octr 2 1791 Dee' 4 1791 Jan. I 1792 June 3j [792 Mary Balch, wife of Nath'. Balch. Sarah Apedaile. Margret Phillips Martha Goldthwait Susanna Goldthwait Sarah Minzee Rebecca Greenleaf, daughter of William Greenleaf Habijah Savage, William Pierpoint & Lydea Gendell Hannah Sumner, wife of Benjamin Sumner Sarah Frazier, Mary Burke, Lydea Austin Rebecca Rich Mary Turell Hannah Gardner, wife of Gardner. Hannah Bradshaw, wife of Simon Bradshaw Elizabeth Greenleaf, wife of Daniel Greenleaf. Mary Deming Greenleaf, wife of Thomas Greenleaf. Joshua Green junr Hannah Chapman Mary Polleys Isaac Adams Rachel Rea wife of Daniel Rea Abigail Norwood Sarah Welch Elizabeth Barrett wife of Samuel Barrett Esq' Nathaniel Gray «Si Frances Boyd. John Codman jun"^ & Ann Cromartie Margret Boyd and Elizabeth Grant Elizabeth Newell James Keney Sarah Bowdoin wife of James Bowdoin Esq' Kezia Deane Martha Shattuck, wife of Will"" Shattuck Priscilla Cooper, wife of Richard Wibird Cooper Ruth Frothingham, Aaron Emmons Betsey Smith. Sarah Kennedy, Mary Jacques, Elizabeth Smith Susanna Gray, wife of Edward Gray Esq!', Nancy Greenleaf, Joseph Warren Homer, Samuel Norwood. Mary Lyon, Edward Holyoke. Sarah Newell, wife of James Newell. Rebecca Bill. John Boyle Edward Draper Margret Winslow LIST OF COMMUNICANTS. 115 July i^' Aug. 5. Deer 2 Feb. 3 March 3 April 7 May 5 June 2'* July 7 Aug. 4 Octf 6 Novr 3 Janr 5 March 2 April 6 May 4 June I Sep' Novr April June Aug. Octr April May June July Aug. Sep^ Novf Dec! Jan. 1792 792 [792 '793 '793 793 793 '793 '793 '793 '793 793 '794 '794 '794 '794 '794 794 '794 '795 795 '795 795 '795 [796 796 796 [796 [796 796 1796 [796 '797 Feb. 5 1797 May 7 1797 June 4 1797 Sepr 3 1797 Jan. 7 1798 Feb. 4 1798 May 6 1798 July I 1798 Sepf 2 1798 Dec! 2 1798 April 7 1799 May 5 1799 Lydea Haskins Mary Ingraham Elizabeth Hubbart, Lucy Richards Mary Goldthwait, Esther Goldthwait, Elizabeth Eliot Elizabeth Pirch Katherine Codman, wife of John Codman Esq' Elizabeth Draper and Ebenezer Little Boyd Eunice Callender and Mary Haskins Susanna Jackson and William Ladd, the latter bap- tized at the table. Elizabeth Rowland Elizabeth Haskins John Southack Daniel Grover Sarah Kettell Thomas Russell Sarah Phillips Marg* Grant, wife of John Grant Elizabeth Greenleaf Jemima Carey, wife of Jonathan Carey Mary Gavet, wife of Charles Gavet Elizabeth Baker Sarah Hammond, wife of Asa Hammond Elizabeth Barrett Thankful Lyon moved Chloe Green Martha Saunders Sumner, wife of Samuel Sumner Sarah Frazier, who was baptized at the table. Sarah Wendell Fanny Haskins & Mary Cleverley Elizabeth Russell, Sarah Masters & Sophia Jackson Elizabeth Morse, who was baptized at the table. Samuel & Lydia Henchman Spear & Elizabeth Perkins George Jackson, who was baptized at the table. Derby Vassall, who was baptized at the table. Susanna Read, who was baptized at the table Sarah Mandeville Oliver Brewster Mary Whittam. who was baptized at the table Hope Collier & Mary Jepson Mary Minot & William Farmer Rebecca Bowes Elizabeth Herrick Hannah Goldthwait Elizabeth & Hannah Lonman, & Mary Hill baptized at the table Mary Mountfort Moses Gill Lucy Spear, wife of Samuel Spear. Jonas Clarke Minot Nancy Newell Il6 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. June I 1799 Katherine Goodale wife of A. Goodale, Lois Swayne Novf I 1799 Hannah Perkins &. Lucy Adams, the latter baptized at the table Feb. 2 1800 Ann Grant, wife of Moses Grant ; Lucy Whitwell, wife of Nathaniel Whitwell & Susanna Whitwell, wife of William Whitwell, the latter baptized at the table. May 4 1800 Joseph & Comfort Whittemore Sep' 7 1800 Hannah Sumner Decf 7 1800 Mehetabell Ryan & baptized at the table Feb. I. 1801. Susanna Beals March i. i8or. Mary Brewster, Benjamin Scot & Foster Low June 7 I So I Mary Stillman & Susanna Parsons Sep. 16 1 80 1 Nancy Vassall & baptized at the table. October 4 iSoi Prudence Whitwell December 6 1801 Susanna Hunt Jan. 3 1802 Elizabeth Austin, Mercy Shivrick Hatch March 7 1802 Elizabeth Boyle, Sally Dyer, Joseph Sumner April 4 1S02 Hannah & Ann Winslow Storer, Dorcas Greenleaf, & Mary Thacher May 2 1802 Nabby Greenough July 4 1802 Sarah Homer Sepf 5 1802 Charity Shaw Following these names, at the foot of the page, is the following memorandum in pencil, apparently in the handwriting of Dr. Palfrey. — [Eds.] Remaining alive (1828) with us Alive absent 1820 Mary Turell Martha Goldthwait Ann Cromartie Ruth Frothingham J. W. Homer S. Norwood M. Lyon Ed. Draper Sarah Phillips Sarah Hammond M. S. Sumner D. Vassall A. Grant M. Brewster N. Vassall H. Swan The following persons were admitted to the communion by different ministers during the vacancy between the death of D'' Thacher & the settlement of J. S. Buckminster Henderson Inches Ruth Richardson 1804. John Codman M'^- Mary Stillman Sally Balch 1805. Jan. 6. Peter DoUiver who was baptized Communicants admitted duriiig the ministry of "Jos. S. Buckminster to the chh in B, S. 1805 Mar. 3. Margaret Whitwell wife of Samuel Whitwein Susan Richardson wife of Benj. Richardson I by D'- Eliot. Lucy Vassall (black woman) wife of Derby V. J May 3 1 . Sarah Cobb wife of Samuel Cobb Samuel Cooper Thacher. Timothy Fuller Hannah Greenough daughter of Nath. Greenough. Oct. Nov. 1806 Jan April May June July August 1806. August Nov. 1807. March May 5. Nathaniel Call 6. Elizabeth Baxter wife of John Baxter Abigail Codman Parnell Codman 4. W- Jephson William Andrews with his wife Mar}' Andrews. Joshua Thaxter with his wife Ruth Thaxter William Gibbs Hunt ] ,.,, nv/r ^ c i tt ^ Elizabeth Hunt | ^^^^^'^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^"^ ^^^^ Hannah Davis wife of Charles Davis Sarah Duncan Catharine Dexter wife of Sam' Dexter Catharine Dexter daughter of do. do. Elizabeth Perkins wife of Perkins. Susannah Storer daughter of Deacon Storer Harriet Otis daughter of Sam' AUyn Otis Ann Brown who was also baptized Susannah Inches wife of Henderson Inches Elizabeth Inches ) , , . r t7i- u ..i. t 1 c, u T u r daughters of Elizabeth Inches. Susannah Inches ) ° Anna Howard Spooner I. Esther Green Whitney, wife of Jon^ Whitney ^ , ^^ Mary Young, wife of Alexander Young \ ^ ■/ . Elizabeth Brooks, who was also baptized. J 6 Susan Parkman, wife of John Parkman ^ Elizabeth Kimball i, -n r iir r. ■> r^ > by Professor Ware. Sarah Green [ •' Anna Dickson, who was also baptized. J 3 Joanna Matchet wife of William Matchet, by Professor Ware. by Professor Ware. Betsey Perkins. Nancy Perkins. Rachel Thaxter ) u T\r wi Sally Thaxter. | by D' Ware. Isaac Boyle ") , Dr Elliot. Eliza Boyle, George Homer by Dr Ware. Il8 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. June July 7 Samuel Salisbury Jun. ") & Nancy Salisbury his wife j 5. Henry Rice by D' Ware. D' Buckminster. 1808 Jan May June July Aug. 3d Abigail Renkin Charles & Sally Barnard Ann Rindge Stocker (who was also baptized I. Abigail Lodge (wife of Giles Lodge) Mary Russell Norwood (baptized at the table 5. Samuel Rogers Sarah Minot (widow of Steph? Minot) 3 Elizabeth Pollard 7. John Langdon Sullivan 1809. C Mary Gorham "^ Feb. I Abigail Warren I daughters of D' J. Warren. (^ Rebecca Warren J March - Lucretia Baxter July 2. Lucy Foster & Rachel her sister. „ Stephen & Mary Gorham „ Susan & Joanna Davenport August. 6. Mary Gorham jun' „ Mary P. Haven wife of M'- Joseph Haven „ Minot Mary 1810 March 4 Sarah Lyman. April I. Jonathan Whitney. October 7. Mary & Harriet Welsh 1811. Jan. Feb. Aug. Sept. Nov. 6. Keziah West, & Charlotte Welsh. 3. Catharine, Sarah, & Elizabeth Whitwill 4. George Bond, & Anne Sigourney Bond his wife who was baptized at the table I. Silvia Taylor Nutting & Charlotte Perham Nutting (sisters who were bap :) 3. Lucy Maria Buckminster Newell Withington & Susan his wife (who was bap. at the table) Lydia Conant. Admitted after the decease of the Rev. Joseph S, Buckminster. 1812 Oct. 4. Amos Lawrence & Sarah Lawrence his wife. "^ By the Rev. > Professor Richard Sullivan. J M<^Kean. 1813 Sept' 5. Mary Otis by Rev. D' Kirkland 1814 Jan^* 2. Isaac Parker and Rebecca Parker his wife ^ By Rev. \ Professor John Phillips and Sally Phillips his wife J Ware. Communicants admitted during the ministry of E. Everett. 1814 March 6. Wm. P. Rice. April 3. John B. Brown. May I. Ruth Bradshaw. Harriet Warren daughter of Dr John Warren. Sarah Preston Everett. Alexander Hill Everett. June 6. Marcia Otis Torrey Wife of John Torrey July 3. Hannah Williams wife of Robert Williams William & Mary Cochran. Lydia Eames (baptised at the table Feb'y 5 Hannah H. Dexter. Frances Bray wife of Joseph Bray. Communicants after the departure of the Rev. M"" Everett. 1816 Oct : 6. Micah Whitney Hill by Rev. D' Foster. 1817 May 4. Lydia Hammatt Welsh by Rev. D' Mac Kean. Communicants admitted during the ministry of J. G. Palfrey. July 5'.^ Joanna Cunningham Nichols. Nov. I"' Rebecca French (who was baptized at the table.) Dec. 6*.^ William & Susan Lawrence. George H. Apthorp. Jan. 3?? Feb. 7'? May 2^ June 6'^ July 4'^ Nov. 7^^ Mary Warren Sally Humphreys. Mary E. N. Griffith. Lucy Melville Elizabeth Greenough Obadiah Wright Nancy Wright Mary Nutting (who was baptized at the table.) Stephen Palmer Fuller Margaretta B. Bradford Eliza Lane (who was baptized at the table.) Saml. F. Coolidge Margaret & Abby Oliver. 1820 1. Feb. 6'.^ Dorothy Hancock Boyle Caroline Heywood Eliza P. & Alice Sumner. May 7t,H Mary Ann Perkins. June 4'-^ Sarah Murphy. Sept 3^ Elizabeth Masters Nov. 5'^ Lydia. Bordman. 1821 '% Jan. 'f)> Hannah D. & Mary Ann Hammond. Feb. 4',f John C. & Elizabeth P. Gray. Mary C. Hammatt. '-■ May 6'.^ Mary L. Ingersoll Elizabeth Baxter Eliza Scudder. Sept. 2^ Francis & Nancy Everett. Nov. 4'.^ Cheever Newhall. Dec. 2^ Ann Richardson March 3*? Thomas & Nancy W. Everett. Frances R. Wright. I here record, that on the admission of these members, — the first who were admitted in the year 1822, — I omitted these words in the covenant; "the merits of our glorious Redeemer for; " wh. alter- ation I intend to be permanent. April 7tH May 5''^ Sept. i^? LIST OF COMMUNICANTS. 121 The sentence hitherto stood. "And this you do with an humble dependence upon divine grace for assistance & the merits of our glorious Redeemer for acceptance." The exclusion here implied of divine grace as the ground of our hope of acceptance I consider as unauthorized by God's word, which teaches that the grace of God bringeth salvation, and that by grace we are saved. And I no where find the merits of Christ set forth as the proximate cause of the Christian's salvation. Eleanor & Jane Walker. Harriet Emery. Samuel Pettes. (baptized at the table.) Sarah Pettes. Catherine Smith Humphries. Harriet Johonnot. Margaret Wendell Phillips. Dec. if Augusta Stearns (baptized at the table.) Hannah Dorety. Mary Elizabeth Dorety (baptized at the table.) Helen Melville. Grace Webster. Minerva Rogerson (baptized at the table.) Hannah Reed. George Humphries. Frederick T. Gray. Hezekiah & Charlotte Blanchard. Elizabeth Dyer Stacey. Miriam Phillips. Harriet Hinkley Sturgis. Charles Warren. John P. Spooner. Catharine Humphries. Elizabeth W. Spooner. Martha W. Spooner. Mary Evans. Edward N. Fessenden. George Howe. Elizabeth Johnson. Susan Inman Minott. Harrison Gray Otis. Harriet Brown Derby. Lucy Ann Derby. Charlotte Edwards Hannah Jones Spooner. i6 1823 Feb. 2I June I?.' July- 6'.? Sept. Nov. 2? Dec. 7*^ 1824 Jan. Feb. April Sept. 4^!^ 5'.^ Oct. 3^ Nov. f}^ 1825 Feb. 6. April May 1826 3^ June, 1827 March \^ May 6'.^ June 3^ 122 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Sept. 2^ Mrs. Mary Ann Parker, wife of Edward W. Parker. Nov. 4'.^' Pamela Augusta Sophia Dearborn (baptized at the table) Julia Gorham. Dec. 2m Lucy Newell Chapman 1828. Jan. 6'.l' Abigail Harding, & ) Norwood. Elizabeth Russell ) Feb. 3"? Elizabeth Salisbury Mary & Anna Jones. April 3^ Martha Lewis Peabody May 4'.^ William Russell Sumner. June I?' Mary Andrews Peter T. Homer. Oct. 5*.!* Mary Ann Fales 1829. March i.' Abbot & Catharine Lawrence ; & Augusta Brewster. April 5*.^ George Chapman Lucy Downes. May 3^ Elizabeth Brimmer, & ) t l Sarah Watson j Aug. 2"? George Washington Cofifin. (baptized at the table.) Oct. 4'.l' John & Harriet Dodd ; (the latter baptized at the table.) 1830. Jan. 3^ Catharine Hammond. Harriet Gushing Sheafe. May 2? Alfred Henry Sumner. June 6'^ Charlotte Edwards, & Caroline Billings. Aug. i^.* Henry Pettis. Sept. 5'^ Louisa Antoinette Rice, & Emily Parker. Oct. 3'? John Greene Norwood, & Charles Andrews Farley. °"°' ^ ' S:p°hfa Ma^"' } By P^^-- J <^ ^^"^y Nov. 4 Lydia Draper by Professor Palfrey Dec 2 Jonathan Chapman J' I p^^^^^^^^p^^f Francis Henry Gray j ■' ' 1833 Janu^ Mary Eliza Frothingham by Rev^ Mr Peabody Sep- I Sophia Pollard. . by Rev^ M' Fumess. 1834 Feb' 14 M*:? Kidder by Recomm" from the Second Church Elizabeth Little by Letter from Marlborough Sep' 23 1832 Communicants admitted during the ministry of S. K. Lothrop, 1834. Oct. 4"*. William Dawes Hammond 1834. Jay 4"* George McDonough Thacher J. S. Buckminster Thacher Martha Ann Eastman Feby. 4*''. Sarah Darling (baptized at the Table) May. 3<*. Sophia P. Lobdell June 4'''. Edward Warren Oct. 3"^. [ Daniel Mac Gregor. Elizabeth Warren Mac Gregor. (baptized at the Table) Oct. J Sarah Elizabeth Thacher Mary Gilmor French Evehna French. ^ Ellen Weld French Nov. 5'^. Mary Ridgway Homer. Feby. r Andrew Johonnot ) j^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ \ William Thompson j ^ Feby ] Stephen Salisbury (^ Ann Salisbury March Francis Barnard Smith. May. i". Richard G. Wait, baptised at the Table. Laura Wood June s***. Caroline Lodge. Note. — This is all the record of communicants admitted during Dr. Lothrop's ministry that appears in the books in our hands. Many more are known to have been admitted, not a few of whom are still living. We know (see page 92) that Dr. Lothrop kept many records in his diaries, and it is quite certain that these contained lists of communicants ; but these diaries have disappeared. There may also have been another book of Church Records, deposited with the Parish Records, and therefore destroyed with them in the great Boston fire of 1872. No other book containing his Records has thus far come to light. — [Eds.] A List of Persons Baptised by me ; by vertue of & in obedience to Our Saviours ynstitution : S^. Mat. 28. 19. N.B. — Y, signifyes years; M., Months; VV., Weeks; D., Dayes; H., Hours; A., Adult. Their Names. Zecharias Tuthill. Sarah Tuthill. Silence Keen. Hannah Keen. William Keen. John Keen. Abraham Blush. John Blush. Age. 28 29 16 9. George Mi not. II. 12. 13- 14. 15- 16. 17- 18. 19- 20. 23- 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31- 32. 33- 34- 35- 36. 11- 38. 39- 40. 41- 42. 43- 44 45- 46. 42- 48. 49. The Time When. Y". Place where. Day. Month. Year. \ I.Dec. 1699. {S?l?°"' 1 Parents names. Time of decease & burial. 172I. Katharine Kilby. John Pitts. Eliz. Heath. John ] Eliz. \ Edwards. Mary J Martha Symons. David Jesse. Mercy Wooding. Elizabeth Black. Abigail Atkins. Elizabeth Gent. Sarah Gent. Elizabeth Allen. Charity Black. Esther Mackarty. Esther Procter. Ann Allen. Ann Colman. Joseph Fitch. Mary Royal. Esther Robinson. John Ela Mary Wilkinson. Jane Wilkinson Thomas "1 Katharina [ Bulfinch. Adino J Richard Lux. Mary Hyat. Olive Smallpeice. John Smalpeice. Eliz. Delarock. Eliz. Delarock. Jane Delarock, Eliz. Gent. Esther Wilcott. William Randal. Mehitibel Hamms. Mary Hamms. 15 13 7 16 13 Y. 8d. 8d. 3W. 2 D. 5 Y. 3 Y. 1 w. 20 Y. 2'W. 25 Y. 25 Y. 16 M. 18 Y. 20 Y. 18 Y. 5 w. 2 D. I 3 H- 3 D. I D. I Y. 30 Y. 17 16 6 4 I 12 2 20 I 25 3 2 20 20 I D. 12 Y. 10 |- 24. Dec. 1699. ( Boston, William N.E. & Keen. V 14- Jan. 28. 18. Feb. 3. March. 1700 10. 31- 24. April. 28. 2. May. 5- M9- J 4. June. 7. July. 28. 4. Aug. 25. 5. Oct. 6. Novem. 1 702. 13. Abraham & Martha Blush. Stephen & Mercy Minot. John Kilby. John Pitts. Joseph Heath. John Edwards. In private. David Jesse. May. 2* 1700. In private. Thomas Atkins. Eliz. Black. Florence Mackarty. Obadiah Procter. Joseph Allen. John Colman. Joseph. Eliz.Royal 15 Sept 1700// In private. 6. Octob! 1 700. Adino Bulfinch. 20, 27. Mary Hyat.^ Olive Smalpeice. [• Eliz. Delarock. )■ W"? Randal. 1 Probably belongs on the line below. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 125 rXheir Names. Age. The Time When. Y« Place where. Parents names. Time of decease "I & burial. -' Day. Month. Year. 50. Sarah Robinson. ^ 3. Nov. 51. Samuel Bulfinch. I W. 24. Adino Bulfinch. 52. Mary Landon, 20 Y. 15. Dec. 53. Mercy Landon. 20 Y. 54. Thomas Draper. 3D- 5. Jan. X']0\ Rich'.' Draper. Jan. 1702. 55. Mary Paine. I w. 12. W." Paine. 56. Thomas Platts. 2 D. 2. Feb. Tho. Platts. 57. Joseph HaU. 2 Y. 16. March. 1 701. 58. Edward HalL I y. 59. Sarah Noyes. I w. 6. April. I70I. Boston. N. E.John Noyes. Aug. 24. 1702. 60. Ehzabeth"] 61. Sarah j^Boen. 3 Y. 2 Y. 13- W™ Boen. 62. Mary J 6 M. 63. Elizabeth Rowe. 20 Y. 20. 64. Abigail Newal. 4 Y. 27. Mary Newal. 65. Richard Brockus. I W. 4. May. Anna Brokus. 66. Addington Davenport. I W. 18. Addington Davenport. 67. Wilniot Mould. I D. 6. July. Mary Mould. 68. Elizabeth Ela I VV. 20. John Ela. N932. Sept. 10. 1 701. 69. Mary Lyde. I W. 3- Aug. ^0. Mehitibel Cooper. I W. 29. Thomas Cooper. Sep. 3! 1701. 71. Mary Jesse. I D. 21. Sept. David Jesse. 72. Samuel Mulligan. I D. John. Eliz. Mulligan. 73. Robert "J 74. Hannah ^Pain. 9 Y. 28. Eliz. Pain- 6 75. Mary J 2 76. William Pain. I W. 26. Oct. July. 18. 1702. 77. Thomas Palmer. 4D. 9. Nov. Thomas Palmer. Dec. i. 1701. 78. William Delarock. I w. 4. Jan. 170^. Eliz. Delarock- Nov. 28. 1702 79. Thomas Edwards. I w. 18. John Edwards. 80. Sarah Smith. 4W. 22. Feb. Mary Smith. 81. Ephraim Randal. I w. 22. March. W"? Randal. July. 31. 1702. 82. Margaret Maccarty . I D. 29. 1702. Sarah Mackarty. Dec. 28. 1702. 83. Rebecca Kilby. I W. 5. April, John Kilby. 84. Sarah Morris. 8w. Charles Morrice. 85. John Thorning. 6y. 17. May. Sarah Thorning. 86. John Davenport. I D. 31. Addington Davenport. Sept. 1702. 87. Elizabeth Peirce. 10 Y. John Peirce. 88. John Peirce. 8 Y. 89. Peter Minot. I w. 14. June. Stephen Minot. Nov. 1702. 90. Sarah Beal. 20 Y. 28. 91. Esther Heath. I W. 26. July. Joseph Heath. 92, Ann Morris. I W. 27. Sept. Charles Morrice- 93. Mary Thomas. 30 Y. 18. Oct. 94. Richard Thomas. 6 Y. Mary Thomas. 95. Phineas Jesse. I w. 27. Dec. . David Jesse. June. 28. 1703. 96. Knight Leverett. I w. 3. Jan. lyof: Thomas Leverett. 97. Samuel Mould. I D. 10. Mary Mould. 98. Sarah Neal. 2AV. 31- Henry Neal. 99. Gennet Johnson. r w. 14. March. ,1703. Priscilla Johnson. 100. Ann Bushee. II. April. M^ Bushee. loi. Susanna Smith. Seth Smith- 102. Elizabeth Pain. 18. Eliz. Pain. 103. Elizabeth Pitts. 25. John Pitts. 104. Abigail Milburn. 16 Y, 13. June. 105. Elizabeth Allen. I w. 27. Joseph Allen. 106. Sarah Larkin. 20 Y. I Aug. 126 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. f Their Names. 07= Sarah Larkin. 08. William Bulfinch. 09. John Hall. 10. Orchard Guy. ir. 12. 13. 14. 15- 16. 17. 18. 19, Mary Faulkner. Smalpeice. Ann Edwards. Martha Foster. Sarah Palmer. Mary Noyes. Mary Cater. John Davenport. William Webster. 20. John Platts. 21. George Minot. 22. Mary Hurst. 23. Ann Hyat. 24. Joseph Mulligan. 25. John Colman. 26. Elizabeth Larkin. 27. Ann Broccas. 28. Anna Noyes. 29. Hannah Fitch. 30. Joshua Leverett. 31. John Hobbs. 32. Eliz. Jesse. 33. William Waine. 34. Eliah Adams. 35. Sarah Pain. 36. Esther Morris. 37. William Draper. 38. Margarie Frost. 39. Joseph Allen. 40. John Mould. 41. Benj? Colman. 42. Hannah Clark. 43. Gamaliel Rogers. Twins. 44. William Rogers 45. Agnes Crown. 46. Olive Smallpeice. 47. Sarah Doubledy. 48. Abigail Pain. 49. Abijah Doubledy. 50. Mary Turner. 51. James Meers. 52. Elizabeth Baker. 53. Elizabeth Davenport 54. Martha Palmer. 55. Sarah Pits. 56. Thomas Dudley. 57. Rebecca Russel. 58. Christopher Kilby. 59. Nathaniel Bulfinch 60. Harborne Banister, Twins. 161. Torshell Banister. Age. 5 W. I D. I W. 7 M. 9 Y. 3M. 3D- 3 I w. 20 Y. I W. I W. I D. I D. I W. I W^. I w. 3 D- I w. ! W. 6m. I w. 3i>- I w. 18 Y. 1 w^. 20 Y. 20 Y. 2 Y. I W. I W. The Time When. Day. Month. Year. 15- 22. 12. Sept. 10. Oct. 17- 7. Nov. 21. 28. 5. Dec. 19. 30. Jan. 6. Feb. 13. Feb. 20. 5. March. 19. 26. 23. April. 7. May. Y« Place where. Parents names. Sarah Larkin. Adino Bulfinch. Time of decease"! & burial. J 1704. 1704. 14. 21. 1 1 . June, 25. 2. July. 16. 13. Aug. 3. Sept. 24. 8. Oct. 15- 5. Nov. John Guy. Olive Smalpeice.^ John Edwards. Thomas Foster. Thomas Palmer. John Noyes. Addington Davenport. Mary Webster. Tho. Platts. Stephen Minot. Grove Hurst. Mary Hyat. Boston, N. E. John Eliz. Mull-. John Colman. Sarah Larkin. Anna Broccas. Oliver Noyes. July. 1705. Thomas Leverett. John Hobbs. David Jesse. Sarah Waine. Eliah Adams. WiUiam Pain. Charles Morris. July. 1704.//. Rich'} Draper. July. 25'!" 1704.//. Mary Frost. Sept. 1704.//. Joseph Allen. Mary Mould. Myfirst-born Son. 18. Sept. 1704. Francis Clark. Joseph Rogers. Olive Smalpeice. 24. 21. Dec. Jan. 1705. 25. March. 15. April. 27. May. 10. June. I w. Sarah doubledy. Elizabeth Turner. John Meers. Thomas Baker. Addington Davenport. Thomas Palmer. Aug.I2'^I7o6. John Pits. Paul Dudley. April. 20*1705. Eliz. Russel. June. 1705. John Kilby. Adino Bulfinch. June 2^ 1705. Tho. Banister, Jun; Sep. 1 705. 1 Sic, though it should probably be a line belovr. June. 29*1' 1705. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 127 |_ Their Names. 162. Sarah Pain. 163. Susanna Noyes. 164. Edwards. 165. Oliver Noyes. 167. Hannah Mariner. 168. Richard Emmons. 169. John Bonne-Mason. 170. Gregory Hobs. 171. Richard Draper. 172. Thomas Cooper. 173. Samuel Keeling. 174. Phebe Royal. 175. Mary Mansfeild. 176. Henry Neal. 177. John Ballantine. 178. Samuel Hurst. 179. Joseph Adams. 180. Deborah Clark. 181. Sarah Thomson. 182. George Giddinge. 183. Edward Lilly. 184. Eadey Minzey. 185. Mary Brooks. 186. Eliz. Robinson. 187. Eliz. Allen. 188. Susanna Jesse. 189. Abigail Kenny. 190. Rebecca Leveret. 191. John Webber. 192. John Hall. 193. Abigail Allen. 194. Richard Green. 195. Katharine Minzey. 196. Rebecca Greenow. 197. Mary Jones. 198. James Robinson. 199. Margaret Procter. 200. Rachel Procter. 201. Eliz. Green. 202. Furnil Smalpeice. 203. Eliz. Colman. 204. John Larkin. 205. Thomas Foster. 206. Thomas Banister. 207. Mary Morrice. 208. Esther Andrews. ) 209. Martha Andrews. \ 210. Edward Mulligan. 211. Deborah Thomas. 212. Hannah Brewer. 213. Christopher Minot. 214. William Pain. 215. Benj? Fitch. 216. Elizabeth Turner. 217. Elizabeth Hurst. 218. Elizabeth Mariner. Age, When. Year 19 Y. I W. I W. A. A. A. A. 2W. I W. 1 W. 2 W. 1 W. 2 Y. I W. A. 1 W. 2 Y. I Y. I W. 1705. The Time Day. Month. 17. 24. 8. July. IS- 5- Aug. 12. 26. 2. Sept. 9- 7. Oct. 28. 4. Nov. II. Nov. 9. Dec. 16. 30. 6'.'' Jan. 1706. 13. Jan. 1706. 10. Feb. 17. 10. March. 17- 24. 14. April. 5. May. 12. 25. 2. June. 9- 16. y« Place where. 6. July. 25. Aug. 22. Sept. 29. 20. Oct. 27. 3. Nov. Parents names. Ehz. Pain. John Noyes. John Edwards. Oliver Noyes. Time of deceaseV & burial. J July. 1705. Mariner. Ehz. Emmons. Sept. 18. 1706. Alphonso B- Maison. John Hobs. Richard Draper. May 20. 1706. Mehitabel Cooper. Samuel Keeling. Aug. 28'!'! 705 Nov. 5'^ 1705. Henry NeaL John Ballantine. Nov. 4'.'' 1705. Grove Hurst. Eliah Adams. April. 1706. Francis Clark. Abigail Thomson. Joseph Giddinge. Richard Lilly. May. Io'^ 1706. David Jesse. Samuel Kenny. Thomas Leveret Thomas Webber. Joseph Hall Joseph Allen. Ann Green. Eadey Minzey. Rebecca Greenow, James & Eliz. Robinson. Obadiah Procter. Ann Green. Olive Smalpeice. John Colman. Oct. 17 1707. Sarah Larkin. Thomas Foster. Oct. 1706. Tho : Banister, JunL Charles Morrice. Esther Andrews. John Mulligan. Joshua Thomas. Ann Brewer. Stephen Minot. William Pain. June. 1707. Benj"* Fitch. Eliz. Turner. Grove Hurst. Hannah Mariner. 128 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233- 234- 235, 236. 237- 238. 239- 240. 241. 242. 243- 244. 245. 246. 247- 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253- 254. 255. 256. 257- 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. [Their Names. Age. The Time When. Parents names. Time of decease"] , burial. J Day. Month. Year, & Alphonso Mason. Alphonso Mason. John Vallantine. 10. John Vallentine. Deborah Skinner. 17- William Skinner. Robert Gutridge. Robert Gutridge. Stephen Parker. 19. Jan. 1707. Stephen Parker. Zabdiel Boylston. 16. Feb. Jerusha Boylston. Rebecca Webster. 2. March. William Webster. Mary Mansfeild. 23- Mary Mansfeild Hannah Platts. 13. April. Thomas Plats. Thomas Webber. Thomas Webber. Judith Cohnan. 4. May. John Colman. Rebecca Davenport 25. Addington Davenport. Joseph Adams. Eliah Adams. John Banister, I w. 8. June. 1707. Tho. Banister, JunI Samuel Draper, Richard Draper. Joseph Edwards. 15- John Edwards. Sarah Staniford. Sarah Staniford. Sep. 27. 1707. Rebecca Adams. 30 Y. 22. John Cowel. i w. 6. July. William Cowel. Daniel Webb. Isaac Webb. James Bridgham. 20. Mercy Bridgham. Deborah Pain. 27. Eliz. Pain. 1708. Oliver Noyes. 7. Sept. Oliver Noyes. April . 9'!^ I 708. Thomas Pitts. John Pitts. Hannah Allen. Joseph Allen. Hannah Mariner. 21. Hannah Mariner. Nov. 23.1707. Joseph Giddinge. 27. Oct. Joseph Giddinge. William Skinner. II Jan. 1708. , Will. Skinner. William Pain. I. Feb. William Pain. March. 2. 1708. Benjamin Pickman. Benj? Pickman. Nathanael Lyndal. 22. Nath. Lyndal. Joseph Wakefeild. Esther Wakefeild. Jane Colman. 29. (Leap-year) My first Daughter. Rebecca Webster. 7. March William Webster. Samuel Kenny. Samuel Kenny. Eliakim Palmer. 28. Tho. Palmer, Esq^ Robert Holmes. 4. April Nath. Holmes. Joseph White. II. Joseph White. Edy Mynzie. Edy Minzie. Samuel Holmes. 18. Francis Holmes. Aug. 1708. Thompson. Abigail Tompson. Mary Cook. Adult. 2. May. Joseph Parker. i w. Stephen Parker. Hannah Hurst. 9' Grove Hurst. Mary Larkin. « Sarah Larkin. John Robinson "1 Twins, y "1 June. {►Eliz Robinson 1708. Grace Robinson J J July- 1708 Timothy L'faveur. 20. June Anna L'faveur. Abigail Bulfinch. 27. Adino Bulfinch. Mary Boucher. I. Aug. Lewis Boucher. April . 1709. Nicholas Kilby. John Kilby. Lucy Turner. John Turner. Joshua Thomas. 15' Joshua Thomas. Elizabeth Keeling. 22. Samuel Keeling. Michael-Smith Webb. 5. Sept. Isaac Webb. Lydia Neal. II. Henry Neal. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 129 [Names. Age. 275. 276. 277- 278. 279. 2S0. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293- 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303- 304- 305. 306. 307- 308. 309- 310. 311- 312. 313. 314. 315- 316. 317- 318. 319- 320. 321. 322. Samuel Green. William Smalpeice. i w. Dorotiiy Morrice. Edward Bulkley. Martha Smith. Ebenezer Tolman. George, Negro 30 Y. Serv'. to Mrs. Gray. Peter. My own In- dian Boy. 1 1 Y. Deborah Clark. i w. Martha Darby. A. Elizabeth Neal. A. Benjamin Haly. A. Mary Tucker. A. Sarah Colman. i w. Francis Skinner. Elizabeth Hall. Rebeckah Parker. Lucy Dudley. Rebecca Adams. Benj? Beath. Edward Pain. John Boylston. Edward Waine. Ransford Greenow. Jane Steel. Nathanael Mulligan. Peter Minot. Henry Gaily. Hannah Cowel. Edmond Vallentine. Archdale Palmer. William Jeffries. Deborah Pain. Nathanael Hobbs. Hannah Barret. James Pitts. Mary Pitman. Jane Hurst. Abigail Chubb. A. Eliphalet Parker. i w. Jonathan Allen. Elizabeth Mansfeild. Belcher Noyes. Joshua Mariner. Jonathan Blake. Ephraim Giddinge. Thomas Kenny. Mary Larkin. Day. Month. Year. 26. ID. Oct. 17. 14. Nov. 28. 1708. 30. Jan. 1709. 6. Feb. 13. 20. 6. March. 13- 20. 27. 3 Aprill. 17- 24. 15. May. 20. June. 3- July- 24. 14. Aug. 4. Sept. II. 25. 16. Oct. 23- 6. Nov. 323. Eleazer Davenport, i w. 27. Nov. 1709 324- 325- 326. 327. 328. Mary Webber. Katharina Howel. Deliverance Wakefeild. Thomes Ruck. Sarah Playe. 25. Dec. 15. Jan. 29. 26. Feb. 1710 Parents or Sponsors. Samuel Green. Olive Smalpeice. Charles Morrice. John Bulkley. John Smith. Ebenezer Tolman. Francis Clark. Decease.] Nov. 6. 1709. John Colman. William Skinner. Joseph Hall. Jacob Parker. 1710 Paul Dudley. Esq' Sept. 11 '.''1709. Rebecca Adams. Adam Beath. William Pain. Aug'. 16. 1 71 2. Jerusha Boylston. Sarah Waine. Rebecca Greenow. Thomas Steel. John Mulligan. Stephen Minot. Eliz. Cally. WiUiam Cowel. John Vallentine. Thomas Palmer. Silence Jeffries. Eliz. Pain. John Hobbs. John Pitts. Sept. 2. 1709. Benjamin Pitman. May. 1710. Grove Hurst. Stephen Parker. Joseph Allen. Mary Mansfeild. Oliver Noyes. Hanah Mariner. Nov. 3. 1709. Eliz. Black. Joseph Giddinge. Samuel Kenny. Sarah Larkin. Addington Daven- port. Esq^ Thomas Webber Katharina Howell. Esther Wakefield. Mary Ruck. Ann Playe. Jan. 28. 17^- Dec. Feb. 1709 12.175 17 I30 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. [Names. Age. Day. Month. Year. Parents or Sponsors. Decease.) 329. Mary Boucher. 5. March. Sarah Boucher. 330. James Perryway. 12. Phillip Perryway. 331. William Vetch. 19 Coll. Vetch. 332. George ) ^^^^^^ 333. Margaret ^ 30. Aprill. Adam Beath. 334. Mary Smalpeice. 14. May. Olive Smalpeice. 335. Peter Buckley. 28. John Buckley. 336. Sarah Banister. 18. June. Thomas Banister. June. 14. 171 1. 337. William Holmes. Francis Holmes. 338. Isaac Webb. Isaac Webb, deceas'd/ 339. Thornton Starr. 25- Joseph Star. July iS. 171 1. 340. Eliz. Boylston 2. July. Jerusha Boylston. Jan. 5. 1711. 341. Doroth}^' White. 9- Joseph White. 342. Zechari'as Skinner. 16. William Skinner. 343. Abigail Chub. Abigail Chub. 344. Cloris. A Negro'woman. A. 345. Rebecca Smith. I W. 6. Aug. John Smith. 346. Francis Righton. 27. Eliz. Righton. 1710. 347. Elizabeth Palmer. 10. Sept. Thomas Palmer, Esq^ Nov. 26, 348. Elizabeth Bill. Sarah Bill. [1710. 349. William Pickman, I. Oct. Benj\ Pickman. 350. James Pitts. 15- John Pitts. 351. Sarah Noyes. 22. Dt Oliver Noyes. 352. Daniel Epps. 12. Nov. Daniel Epps. 353. David Pulciver. I Y. 19. David Pulciver. 354. Susanna Pulciver. I W. 355. Benjamin Colman. 3. Dec. John Colman. 356. Jane Jeffers. Silence Jeffers. Dec. 9. 1710.//. 357. Rebecca Green. Samuel Green. 358. Haly. Benj^ Haly. Sept. 18. 171 1. 359. Lucy Dudley. 10. Paul Dudley. Esq^ 360. Elizabeth Thomas. 17- Joshua Thomas. 361. William Hayden. William Hayden. 362. Sarah Morse. 24. Nathan ael Morse. 363. Thomas Sympkins. 31- John Symkins. 364. Francis Plaisted. 21. Jan. 1711. Francis Plaistead, 365. Sarah Webster. William Webster. 366. Henry Timberlake. 1 W. 28. Jan. 171 1. Mary Timberlake. 367. Ursula Parker. 18. Feb. Jacob Parker. July. 1712. 368. Mary Briggs. A. 4. March. 369. Mary Mascal. 2 Y. Mary Briggs. 370. Thomas Mullin. I Y. Thomas Mullin. 371. Hannah Mullin. I\V. 372. Thomas Thomson. Abigail Thomson. 373. Stephen Willis. 18. Stephen Willis. Jan. 3. 171 2. 374. Eliz. Greenow. 25. Rebecca Greenow, 375. Eliz. Chub. A. I. April. 376. Eliz. Chub. 7 Y. y Eliz. Chub. 377. Benj? Chub. 5 Y. 378. Nath. Chub. 2 Y. J 379. Rebecca Peirson. 8 Y. Rebecca Peirson. 380. Gidney Clark. I w. 8. Francis Clark. 381. Eliz. Lvndal. 22. Nath. Lyndal. July. 18. 1711. 382. Thomas Steel, 6. May. Thomas Steel. 383. Sarah Scott. 13- Ebenezer Scott. 384. Peter Bowdoin. 20. James Bowdoin. Aug. 1. 1712. 385. Ann Pain. 10. June. William Pain. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 131 [Names. Age. Day. Month. Vear. Parents or Sponsors. Decease.] 386. Charles Morrice. 389.^ Mary Holmes. 24. 390.^Ebenezer Kilby. I.July. 400.' James Minot. 22. 401. Eliz. Addison. 5. Aug. 402. William Cowel. 12. 403. Joshua Mariner. 26. 404. Samuel Banister. 2. Sept. 405. Samuel Parsons. 16. 406. Stephen Minot. 407. Phillip Blake. 408. Mary Ruck. 409. Thomas Tyler. 23- 410. Dorcas Collins, A. 7. Oct. 411. Prudence Keeling, i w. 14- 412. John Larraby A. 21. 413. Josiah Collins. i w. 414. Elizabeth Gore. 4. Nov. 415. Mary Webber. 416. Mary Worth. 417. Jerusha Boylston. II. 418. Larraby. 25- 419. John Jeffrys. 2. Dec. 420. Thomas Palmer. 9- 421. Isaac Jackson. 422. Elizabeth Mulligan, i w. 16. Dec. 1711. 423. Rebecca Sharp. 6 Y. 6. Jan. 1712, 424. William Lackie. i w. 13- 425. Abigail Scott. 426. Abraham Perriway. 20. 427. Martha Darby. 428. Bethiah Mansfeild. 10. Feb. 429. Sarah Haly. 24. 430. Rebecca Smith. 431. Mary Sharp. 432. Obadiah Morse. 2. March. 433. Samuel Maxwel. 434. Jane Cook. 9- 434. Anna Hayden. 435 Thomas Smalpeice. 436. Sarah Kenny. 16. 437. Eleazer Pritchard. 438. Experience Ranger. 439. Daniel Mondon. 440. Joseph Sears. 23- 441. Eliz. Giddinge. 442. Rebecca Edmonds. 30- 443. Eliz. Cally. Charles Morrice. Francis Holms. John Kilby. Stephen Minot. Agnis Addison. William Cowel. Hannah Mariner. Sep. 6. 1711.//. Thomas Banister. y": Rev"? M": Joseph Parsons. Stephen Minot, Junr Newcomb Blake. Oct. 1711. Mary Ruck. William Tyler. 444. Isaiah Barret. 445. Joseph Savel. 446. Sarah Turner. 447. Martha Smith. 44S. Richard Edwards 449. Samuel Tyler. 450. Hannah Welsh. 451. John Welsh. 452. Hannah Welsh. 6. April. 13- 21. 4. May. II. A. 18. 2 Y. ' 4Y. Samuel Keeling. O. C. ;:} Dorcas Collins. Obadiah Gore. Thomas Webber. Mary Worth. Jerusha Boylston. John Larraby. Silence Jeffrys. [By ye. Thomas Palmer, Esq-: ] |^f ^ ^^■. ^ T , r\ P^ y " adsworth Grace Jackson. O. C. ) with us. John Mulligan. Mary Sharp. Martha Lackie. Deliverance Scott. James Perriway. Robert Darby. Mary Mansfeild. Benjamin Haly. Rebecca Smith. Mary Sharp. Nath. Morse. Samuel Maxwel Elisha Cook, Junr O. C William Hayden. Olive Smalpeice. Samuel Kenny. John Pritchard. John Ranger. Daniel Mondon. Eliz. Sears. Eliz. Giddinge. Aug. 28. 1713. Rebecca Edmonds. July 12. 171 2./ Eliz. Callv. [By Mr Wadsworth. Samuel Barret O. C. Aug. 14. 1 713. Joseph Savel. O. C ByM^. Bridge. Eliz. Turner. John Smith. Nov. 1712. John Edwards. Nov. 1712. Samuel Tyler, Jun": Hannah Welsh. O. C. O. C. O. C. Aug. 26. 1 713. O.C. 132 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. 453- 454- [Names. Eliz. Bulkley. Anna Minzie. Age. I W. Day Month. Year. 455. Eleazer Davenport. 456. Abigail Alkins. 457. Joseph Black. 458. Abigail Star. 459. Margaret Pulciver. 460. William Hirst. 461. Rebecca Dudley. 462. Sarah Dolbier. 463. Rebecca Williams. 464. Mary Toleman 465. Mary Shaddock. 466. Judith Rawlings. 467. Katharine Hall. 468. Peak. 469. Nathanael Clark. ^ Twins, y 470. Edward Clark. J 471. Eliz. Bill. 472. Sarah Noyes. 473 Rebecca Shaddock. 474. Joseph Shaddock. 475 George Howel. 476. Thomas Welch. 477. James Chub. 478. Mary Worth. 479. Mary Pitts. 480. Mary Oliver. 481. James Rand. 482. Richard Lovel. 483. Dorcas Brooks. 484. Mary Ballantine. 485. Elizabeth Orne. 486. Martha Shaw. 487. Eliz. Brenton. 489. Ann Gibbins. 490. Stephen Willis. 491. Samuel Thayr. 492. Eben Burgess. 493. Samuel Steel. 494. Mary Bridgham. 495. Jennet Bulfinch. 496. James Belnap. 497. Ben'f White. 498. Francis Epps. 499. Rebecca Crown. 450. Benj^ Beathe. 451. John Paine. 452. Abigail Bulfinch. 453. Eliz. Moulin. 454. William GofT. 455. EHz. Willis. 456. Thomas Skinner. I w. A. I W. 2 y. I w. A. I W. A. I W. 45 ?• 458. Mary Skinner. Jacob Parker. June. July. 25. IS- 6. 13 27. 10. Aug. 10. Aug. 17- 31- 7- 14. 21. 5- 23- 30. 7- 14. 28. 1712. Sept Oct. Nov. Dec. 4. Jan. 1713. 18. 25. I. Feb. I w. 8. March, 1713. Parents or Sponsors. Decease.] John Bulkley. Nov. 29. 171 2. Edy Minzie. Addington Davenport. [ 1 7 1 2 . Esq' in private life. May 30. Mercy Alkins. O. C. M' Bridge Eliz. Black. Joseph Star. David Pulciver. Grove Hirst. April 6. 1713./ Paul Dudley, Esq'' Aug. i. 1712./ M-: Dolbier. O. C Jonathan Williams. O. C. Ebenezer Toleman. Hannah Rawlings. Joseph Hall. Eliz. Peak. O. C. Ehz. Clark O C. M^ Bridge Sep. 19. Sarah Bill. John Noyes. Mary Shaddock. M^ Wadsworth Kath. Howel. Thomas Welch. Abigail Chub. Mary Worth. John Pitts. Rebecca Oliver Robert Rand Priscilla Lovel. Richard Brooks. ) John Ballantine, Jun John Orne. O. C. John Shaw. O C. Ebenezer Brenton. John Gibbins. Stephen Willis. Cornelius Thair. Eben. Burgess. Thomas Steel. Samuel Bridgham O.C. [worth. Mi-Wads- O/- [worth. • '-" M'Wads- O.C. ) M^ Bridge. i O.C Sam" Belnap. Joseph White. Daniel Epps. O.C. Adam Beathe. William Paine. Jennet Bulfinch. Thomas Moulin. Samuel Goff. } p. Eliz. Willis. [ ^■ William Skinner. Jacob Parker. C. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. ^33 [Names. 459. Hannah Plaisted. 460. Mary Holms. 461. licnjamin Parker. 462. Benjamin Haly. 463. Hannah Scot. 464. Anna Courser. 465. John Larraby. 467. Benj^ Edmonds. 468. Sarah Fiske. 469. Jeremiah Hayden. 470. Kuth Blackman. 471. Miles Thomson. 472. Francis Clark. 473. Dorcas Collins. 474. John Mathews. 475. Samuel Langdon. 476. Robert Timberlake. 477. Scipio. Negro child Serv' to M'.^ Sergeant. 478. William Bowdoin. 479. Ann Green. 480. Abraham Perriway. 481. Mary Searle. 482. Miles Thomson. 483. Katharine Tyler. 484. WiUiam Cowel. 485. Mary Vetch. 486. Mary Boylston. 487. Arthur Creek. 488. Mary Tyler. 489. George Kilcup. 490. Spillar Mondon. 491. Oliver Noyes. 492. Mary Allen. 493. William Colman. 494. James Marshal. 495. Joseph Marshal. 496. Sarah Marshal. 497. Thomas Haly. 498. Eliz. Webber. 499. Samuel Mattocks. 500. Mary Linix. 501. James Morrice. 502. William Noyes. 503. William Purrington. 504. Eliz*! Wainwright. 505. Rebecca Gutrige. 506. John Snowman. 507. Miriam Gore. 508. Joseph Pulsiver. 509. Briant Parrot. 510. Abigail Parrot. 511. John Welsh. 512. Anna Warden. 513. Benj? Waine. 514. William Sears. 515. John Ruck. Age Day. Month. Year. Parents or Sponsors. Decease.] 22. Francis Plaisted. Francis Holmes. Stephen Parker. 12. April. Benj. Haly. Deliverance Scot. 19. Sarah Courser. John Laraby. Rebecca Edmonds. [worth. 26. Mary Fiske. O. C. M'. Wads- 10. May. WiUiam Hayden. Eliakim Blackman. A. 17- I W. Francis Clark. 7. June. Dorcas Collins. 14. Sarah Mathews. 21. Samuel Langdon. Mary Timberlake. Mehitable Sergeant. 30. James Bowdoin. Samuel Green. James Periway. 12. July. John Searl. Sep. f. 1713/ 19. Miles Thomson. 2 Y. 26. Lewis Laroon. I W. William CoweL 2. Aug. Coll. Vetch. Jerusha Boylston. Mary Creek. 9- William Tyler. Mary Kilcup. Daniel Mondon. 16. Oliver Noyes. Joseph Allen. 30. John Colman. Sept. 6. 1713. Sarah Marshal. 2 Y. 30. Aug. 1713. Sarah Marshal. I Y. Oct. 16. 1 713. A. 6. Sept. I W. 20. Thomas Webber. Admonition Mattocks. 27. Mary Linix. 4. Oct. Charles Morrice. William Noyes. 18. Benj? Purrington. 25. Francis Wainwright 15. Nov. Robert Gutridge. 22. Christian Snowman 6. Dec. Obadiah Gore. 27. David Pulsiver. A. 17. Jan. 1714. I W. Briant Parrot. Thomas Welsh. Thomas Warden. 24. Sarah Waine. Eliz. Sears. 31- Mary Ruck. 134 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Si6. 517- 518. 519. 520. 521. 522. 523- 524. 525. 526. 527. 528. 529. 530. 531- 532. 533- S34- 535- 536. 537- 538. 539- 540. 541. 542. 543- 544- 545- 546. 547- 548. 549- 550. 551- 552. 553- 554- 555- 556. 557- 558. 559- 560. 561. 562. 563. 564. 565. 567. 568. 569. 570, 571. S72. [Names. Age. Seisly. Negro' Ser- A. vant to M"-.^ J. Mico. James Webster. I W. 14. Eliphal Tyler. John Coolidge. John Jones. A. Mercy Buchanan. Hannah Eldrige. Rachel Sharp. I w. Rebecca Parker. Nathan Howel. Mary Jones. William Minzie. Joseph Pritchard. 28. Esther Turner. 4. Edward Pain. 24. Mary Blackman Robert Cally. Mary Smalpeice. David Steel. 1 w. Lewis Boucher. Mary Gant. James Gant. Elizabeth Buckly. Elizabeth Simpkins. Lucy Davenport. Edward Masters. Sarah Cotton. Joseph Ricks. A. Joseph Ricks. i w. John Parker. Hannah Hayden. John Newman. John Chub. William Hirst. Joshua Thomas. Martha Willis. William Bill. Jane Hobbs. Mary Hesket. William WhitwelL Mercy Marshal. Edward Pain. John Mullin. Sarah Searle. John Lee. Mary Blake. Susanna Pitts. John Mondon. Elizabeth Mattocks. Margaret Star. Margaret Addison. Sarah Barger. Adino Bulfinch. Eliz. Lowle. Hannah Mariner. Ann Craiton. A. Day. Month. Year. 7. Feb. 21. 28. 7. March. 21. April. 2. May. 9- 16. May. 30- 13. June 19. 26. 18. July. 1714. I. 8. 22. Aug. 5- Sept. 26. 3- Oct. 10. 17- 31- 7. Nov. 14. 21. 12. Dec. 26. 2. Jan. I7IS Parents or Sponsors. Decease.] William Webster. Sam'.' Tyler. Jun' John Coolidge. Mary Sharp. Jacob Parker. Katharina Howel. John Jones. Edy Minzie. John Pritchard. Eliz. Turner. Sarah Pain. Eliakim Blackman. Eliz. Cally. Olive Smalpeice. Thomas Steel. Sarah Boucher. Patience Gant. John Bulkly. John Simkins. Addington Davenport, Esq! Eliz. Masters. Hannah Cotton. Joseph Ricks. Jacob Parker. William Hayden. Robert Newman. Abigail Chub. Grove Hirst. March 13. 1715. Joshua Thomas. Stephen WiUis. Sarah Bill. John Hobbs. Mary Hesket. Sam'.' Whitwell. Sarah Marshal. WiUiam Pain. Thomas Mullin John Searle. Eliz. Lee. Ehz. Blake. John Pitts. Daniel Mondon. Admonition Mattocks. Nov. 1714 Joseph Star. Agnes Addison. Mary Barger. , Jennet Bulfinch. Eliz. Lowle. Adam Mariner [May 28. 1715. Baptised by M', Jo- seph Sewal, in my absence. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 135 A. A. I W. A. I W. [Names. Age. 573. Abigail Colman. i w. 574. Samuel Breck. 575. John Thwing. 576. Nathanael Coit. 577. John Minot I W. 578. Joseph Welsh. 579. Joseph Thomas. 580. Joseph Royal. 581. Hannah Clark. 582. Leverett Oliver. 583. Hannah Perreway. 584. Mehitabel Bushnell. 585. Grace Cockcraft. 5 86. Mary Peirson. ^87. Margaret Haly. 588. Susanna Kenny. 589. John Hesket. 590. Abigail Silleven. 591. John Wainright. 592. John Kilby. 593. Lydia Ballantine. 594. Thomas Henchee. 595. Edward Wilkinson. 596. Edward Previer. 597. Winborn Adams. 598. Jane Blackman. 599. Samuel Haly. A. 600. Sarah Lamarken. 601. Margaret Lamarken 602. Lydia Tyns. 603. Mary Brainsford. 604. Esther Langdon. 605. Mary Webber. 606. Zechariah Hall. 607. Mary Verry. A. 608. Joseph Coolidge. i w. 609. Mary Armstrong. 610. Abigail Ruck. 611. Mary Mugridge. A. 612. Ann Smith. i w. 613. Mary Scott. 614. Thomas Langley. 10 Y. 615. Mary Langley. 13 y. 616. James Plaistead. i w. 617. Hannah Rawlings. 618. Thomas Peirson. 619. Edward Gant. 620. Barbary Palmer. 621. Saml' Bowdoin. 622. Thomas Boylston. 623. Mary Greenleaf. 624. James Hubbard. 625. EHzabeth Jones. 626. Jane Briggs. 627. Jacob Wendal. 628. James Linix. 629. Timberlake. Day. Month. Year. 16. 23- 29. Jan. 1715. 13. Feb. 27. 6. March. 13- 20. 27. 3. April. 17- 24. I. May. IS- 22. 29. 5. June. 12. 26. 3- JuJy- 10. July. 1 71 5. 17. 31- Aug. 7. 21. 28. Sept. 4. Parents or Sponsors. Decease.] My second Dau'ter. Grace Breck. John Thwing. Job Coit. Stephen Minot, Jun'. Jan. 1715. Thomas Welsh. Caleb Thomas. John Royal. Francis Clark. Rebecca Oliver. Philip Perrewaye. William Bushnel. Benj. Haly. Samuel Kenny. Mary Hesket. Francis Wainwright. Mary Kilby. John Ballantine. Joshua Henchee. Rebecca Wilkinson. Edward & Previer. y« Rev. M^ Hugh Adams. Eliakim Blackman. Sarah Lamarken. AmmaruttaTyns. Negro. Hercules Breilsford. Samuel Langdon. Thomas Webber. Joseph Hall. John Coolige Richard Armstrong. Thomas Ruck. John Smith. Ebenezer Scott. Mary Langley. Francis Plaisted. Hannah Rawlings. Mary Peirson. Patience Gant. Tho : Palmer Esq^ James Bowdoin. Jerusha Boylston. William Greenleaf. John Hubbard. John Jones. Mary Briggs. Sarah Wendal. Mary Linix. Mary Timberlake. July. 1715. 136 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. 630. 631. 632. 633- 634- 635- 636. 637- 637- 638. 639- 640. 641. 642. 643- 644. 645. 646. 647. 648. 649. 650. 651. 652. 653- 654. 655. 656. 657. 658. 659. 670. 671. 672. 674. 675. 676. 677. 678. 679. 680. 681. 682. 683. 684. 685. 686. 687. 688. 689. 690. 691. 692. 693- 694. 695. [Names. Age. Day. Month. Year. Parents or Sponsors. By w™ Baptized.] John Dorothy. Eliz. Dorothy. Joseph Hayden. 18. William Hayden. Sarah Willis. 25. Sarah WiUis. Katharine Patten. Oct. 2. Anna Patten. John Willis. Sarah Willis. Anna Warden. 9- Thomas Warden. William Noyes. 23. William Noyes. Joseph Beath. 30. Adam Beath. Eliz. Emms. Hannah Emms. Susanna Candish. A. Nov. 6. John Freeman J ^ Robert Sanco. > ,, ,„ 13- Fidelia Sanco.P^g'"^ Ann Oliver. I W. 20. Brattle Oliver. Hannah Parrot. Briant Parrot. John Morrice. Dec. II. Charles Morrice. Eliz. Mackarty. William Mackarty. Eliz. Cowel. Jan. I. 1 71 6. William Cowel. Sarah Gore. Obadiah Gore. Robert Sanco. Negro. Robert Sanco. Sarah Perronneau. 22. Desire Perenneau. Thomas Parker. William Parker. Sarah Smalpeice. I W. 29. Jan. I7l|. Olive Smalpeice. // Colman. Eliz. Lamarkin. Sarah Lamarkin. Ursula Parker. 5. Feb. Jacob Parker. Elizabeth Larraby. John Larraby. John Minot. 12. Stephen Minot Jun'. John Sears. Eliz. Sears. Mary 6y. 4. March. Thomas Johnson. Rebecca t^u^o^., Mercy J«hnson. A- 2. Elizabeth. 4 M. Elizabeth Davie. I W. II. Humphry Davie. Mary Gray. John Gray. Nicholas Boylston. 18. Thomas Boilston. John Masters. Eliz. Masters. William Tyler. William Tyler. Eliz. Ricks. Joseph Ricks. John Rowland Young, A. 25. Elizabeth Young. 10 M. John R. Young. Sarah Torrey. I W. Torrey. Sarah Tyley. 8. April. Samuel Tyley. William Parsons. 22. y": Rev*? Joseph Parsons. Theophilus Kirkman. 13. May. Grace Kirkman. Marg-aret Pain. 27. William Pain. M^. w? Cooper. Abigail Noyes. T^i „ M^, „„ y° Sabbath after John Noyes. \,^ Ordination. Benj^ Pricherd. John Pritcherd. John CoUis. Abigail Collis. Jane Boucher. 10. June. Sarah Boucher. Willis. 17- Stephen Willis. Samuel Kilcup. 24. Mary Kilcup. // Colman. Eliz. Steel. 22. July Thomas Steel. // Cooper. John Bulkley. John Bulkley. Mary Wainvvright. 29. Francis Wainwright.// Colman, Eliz. Mariner. 12. Aug. Adam Mariner. // Cooper. Samuel Haly. 19. Benj. Haly. John Meinzies. I.W. 19. Aug. 1 716. Edith Meinzies. Cooper. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. ^Z7 696. 697. 698. 699. 700. 701. 702. 703- 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711. 712. 713- 714. 715- 716. 717. 718. 719. 720. 721. 722. 723- 724. 725. 726. 727. 728. 729. 730- 731- 732. 733- 734- 735- 736- 737- 738. 739- 740. 741. 742. 743- 744- 745- 746. 747- 748. 749- 750. 751- 752. [Names. Daniel Mondon. Grace Fairfeild. Ann Hobbs. William Greenleif. Mary Kilby. Hannah Green. Samuel Webster. John Turner. James Addison. Mary Fullerton. William Gray. Lydia Hutchins. Benjamin Hews. Eliza. Larmon. Sarah Davenport. John Ballantine. Katharine Patten. Susanna Pereway. Joseph Purrington. William Pitts. John Ruck. Eliakim Blackman. Joseph Candish. Bedgood Bulfinch. William Bushnel. John Marshal. Elizabeth Boylston. Myriam Tyler. Leverett Oliver. Sarah Harris. Eliz. Tyley. Samuel Goodwin. John Steel. Thomas. Mary Balch. Ebenezer White. Mary Langdon. Jahleel Smith. Benjamin Mullins. Joseph Star. Margaret Maccarty. Job Coit. Sarah Tyns. Negro.' Elizabeth Bodoin. Philip Barger. Benjamin Parker. Hannah Hews. Samuel Healy. Joseph Candish. Elizabeth Dorothy. John Hirst. Mary Hirst. Mercy Wendal. Samuel Keeling. Moses Norman. Thomas Hubbard. Susanna Brielsford. Age. Day. Month. Year. Parents or Sponsors Ann Mondon. Ministers. 1 15 Y. I W. A. I W. I w. 26. 2. Sept. 9- 16. 30- 7. Oct. 21. 28. 4. Nov. n. 18. 2. Dec. 9- 16. 6. Jan. 1717. I w. 27. 3. February. 10. 17. 10. March. 17. March. 1717. 31- 7. April. 14. 21. 28. 5. May. 12. 19. 26. 16. June. 23- 13- 7. July. 14. 18 John Hobbs. Will'" Greenleif. . Colman. Mary Kilby. Ann Green. William Webster. Eliz. Turner. Agnes Addison. Alexander Fullerton. Benjamin Gray. Cooper. Eliz. Hutchins. Hannah Hews. Sarah Larmon. James Davenport. Colman. John Ballantine, JunL Anna Patten. Philip Pereway. Benj?. Purrington. John Pitts. Thomas Ruck. Eliakim Blackman. Cooper. Jennet Bulfinch. W"? Bushnell. Sarah Marshal. Jerusha Boylston. Colman. Andrew Tyler. Rebecca Oliver. Benji Harris. Thomas Tyley. Cooper. John Goodwin. Mary Steel. Caleb Thomas. Mary Balch. Colman. Abigail White. Samuel Langdon. Colman. John Smith. Thomas Mullins. Joseph Star. W™ Maccarty. Cooper. Job Coit. Ammoretta Tyns. Hannah Bowdoin. Mary Barger. Stephen Parker. Hannah Hews. Margaret Healy. Colman. Joseph Candish. Eliz. Dorothy. Cooper. Sarah Wendal. Samuel Keeling Esq!i Moses Norman. John Hubbard. Colman. Hercules Brielsford, 138 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. August. IS 29. 6, 13- 20. [Names. Age. Day. 753. Abigail Bulfinch. A. 28. 754. Sarah Parrot. i.w. 755. Hannah Kenny. 756. Mary Previer. in private. 13. 757. Jane Maro. in private. 16. 758. Henry Timberlake. a. 18. 759. Abigail Johnson. i.w. 760. Abigail Fife. 761. Samuel Sprague. A. 24. 762. Joseph Milford. I. 763. John Wakefeild. i.w. 764. Robert Smalpeice. 8. 765. William Thomas. 766. Ebenezer Scot. 767. Gideon Young. 768. Jacob Parker. i. 769. Eliz. Wainwright. 770. Robert Lee. 771. Anna Bullock. 772. John Erskine. 773. William Davenport. 774. Margaret Pike,alias 7. Y. Smith. 775. Ann Hobbs. i.w. 27. 776. Joseph Willis. "J"]"]. William Parker. i. 778. Thomas Wardel. IS- 779. John Blackman. 780. Joseph Ricks. 781. Robert Darby. 782. Samuel Whitwell. 783. Mary Cowel. 784. Sarah Boylston. 785. John Miller, 786. Mercy Brock. A. 787. Andrew Tyler. i.w. 788. Martha King. A. 789. Henry King. 6. Y. 790. Martha King. 3. 791. Elizabeth Pulsiver. i.w. 792. Ann Ings. 2.Y. 793. Jane Ings. i. M. 794. James Johnson. I.w. 795. David Crouch. A. 796. Joseph Crouch. 797. Eliz. Kirkman. I.w. 798. Eliz. Hedman. 798. Sarah Tyler. 799. Richard Pain. 6 April. 800. Alexander FuUerton. 801. Penn-Townsend Searle. 13- 802. Mary Timberlake. 803. William Patten. 27. 804. Edward Blake. 805. Blanche Hall. 806. Eliz. Gray. i.w. 4. May. 1718. Month. Year. Parents or Sponsors. Briant Parrot. Samuel Kenny. Edward Previer. Francis Maro. John Johnson. John Fife. Ministers] Cooper. Colman. September. Esther Wakefeild. Olive Smalpeice. Cooper. Joshua Thomas. Sarah Scott. John Young. September. 17 1 7. Jacob Parker. Colman. October. Francis Wainwright. Cooper. Rejoice Bullock. ^ Patrick Erskine. James Davenport. Mary Smith. December. 22. 5 January. 1718. 12. 26. 2. February. 16. 23- 2. March. 23- 30. Colman. Cooper. John Hobbs. Sarah Willis. William Parker. Thomas Wardel. Eliakim Blackman. Joseph Ricks. Robert Darby. Samuel Whitwell. William Cowel. Thomas Boylston. Allexander Miller. Andrew Tyler. Martha King. David Pulciver. Ann Ings. Thomas Johnson. Colman. Grace Kirkman. Philip Hedman. William Tyler. William Pain, Cooper, Alex. FuUerton. John Searle. Henry Timberlake. Anna Patten. Jonathan Blake Joseph Hall. Benj? Gray. Colman. 1 Should be on line below. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 139 [Names. 807. Grace Howard. 808. Benjamin Star. 809. IVIargaret Parker. 810. Mary Parker. 811. Sarah Hunt. 812. Mary Hunt. 813. Mary Minot. 8 14. William Vinal. 815. Stephen Clav. 816. WilHam Fletcher. 817. Sarah Uuncom. 818. Mary Turner. 819. Anthony Sears. 820. Sarah Stoddard. 821. Henry Perkins. 822. William Perkins. 823. Eliz. Pelham. 824. Martha Adams. 825. Mary Adams. 826. Sarah Letherland. 827. William Leatherland. 828. Rachel Leatherland. 829. Eliz. Tylee. 830. William Baily. 831. Benjamin Baily. 832. John Baily. 833. Sarah Baily. 834. John Noyes. 835. Robert Buckly. 836. John Peck. 837. Sarah Leatherland. 838. Ehz. Haly. 839. Jonathan Foster. 840. Elizabeth Masters. 841. John Shaw. 842. John Lee. 843. Joseph Greenleaf. 844. Martha Willis. 845. Mary Perkins. 846. John Picken. 847. Hannah Munden. 848. Samuel Heath. 849. Eliz. Pereway 850. John Ridcjaway. 851. Sarah Marshal. 852. Scipio. Negro. 853. James White. 854. Fidelia Sanco. 855. John Gore. 856. William Scott. 857. Sarah Larman. 858. Eliz. Welsh. 859. Susanna Jacobs. 860. Eliz. Wendal. 861. Eliz. Lenox. 862. Hannah Everden. 863. Susanna Crouch, Age. Day. Month. Year. Parents or Sponsors. Grace Howard. Ministers.] II Eliz. Star. 18. Stephen Parker. A. I. June. Cooper. 8.M. Sarah Hunt. I. W. Stephen Minot Jun": Elijah Vinal. 6. M. Mary Clay. l.W. 8. Margaret Fletcher Robert Duncom. A. IS- l.W. 22. Eliz. Scars. 13. July. David Stoddard. 29. June. Mary Perkins. A. 20. July. 27. Colman. ii.y. Sarah Letherland. 9- I. w. 3. August. Sam" Tylee. Cooper. 4. y. John Baily. 3-Y. I. w. 10. Oliver Noyes. 17- John Bulkley. Margaret Peck. Sarah Letherland. 24. Saml' Haly. A. 31- I. W. Eliz. Masters. Rachel Shaw. 7 Septemb^ John Lee. 14. W".> Greenleaf. 2. Novem. Stephen Willis. Colman. l.W. 2.November.i7i 8. Mary Perkins. Thomas Picken. Colman. 9- Anna Munden. Deborah Heath. 30- Philip Pereway. John Ridgaway. 14. December. Sarah Marshal. Cooper. A. l.W. 21. Abigail White. Robert Sanco. 4. January. 1719. Obadiah Gore. Colman. William Scot. II. Sarah Larman. Thomas Welsh. 60. Y. 25. I. W. Sarah Wendal. Mary Lenox. I. February. Hannah Everden. Cooper. 140 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. [Names. 864. Sarah Hubbard. 865. Eliz. Morris. 866. Jane Addison. 867. Kesiah Ring. 868. Ann Thomas. 869. Judith Bodoin. 870. David Crouch. 871. Martha King. 872. John Brock. 873. Negro' Fortune. 874. Ma^y Mugridge. 875. Allen Steel. 876. Sarah Clark. 877. John Wise. 878. Sarah Smith. 879. Sarah Armstrong. 880. Rebecca Harris. 881. Sarah Marshal. 882. Charles MuUings. 883. Lydia Kenny. 884. Thomas Maccarty. 885. Rachel Marshal. 886. John Colt. 887. Abigail Patten. 888. Esther Egan. 889. Francis Keeling. 890. Ann Jeffries. 891. Richard Steel. 892. John Twing. 893. Mehitabel Stoddard. 894. Jsaac Parker. 895. James Cox. 896. Esther Rawlins. 897. Sarah Letherby. 898. Zechariah Sims. 899. Hannah Sims. 900. Sarah Haly. 901. Jonathan Fuller. 902. Hannah Hews. 903. Mary Gray. 904. Ehzabeth Star. 905. Alice Cox. 906. Hannah Langdon. 907. Hannah Fife. 908. Mary Mulligan. 909. Andrew Tyler. 910. Abigail Bulfinch. 911. Ann Norman. 912. Benjamin Stokes. 913. Rebecca Stokes. 914. Joanna Burril. 915. Edward Wilkinson. 916. Deborah Balch. 917. Rebecca Kilby. 918. Thomas Mynzie. 919. John Ricks. 920. John Young. Age. Day. Month. Year. Parents or Sponsors. Ministers.] I.W. John Hubbard. Charles Morrice. Agnes Addison. A. 15- I. W. I. March. Joshua Thomas. 8. Hannah Bodoin. David Crouch. Colman. IS- Martha King. Mercy Brock. A. 22. I. Y. 29. Mary Mugridge. I. W. 5- April. Thomas Steel. Jonas Clark. Cooper. I. Y. Mary Wise. I.W. 12. John Smith. Sarah Armstrong. Benj? Harris. A. 19. I. W. Thomas Mullins. I.W. 10. 23- May. 1 719. Samuel Kenny. William Maccarty Colman. 7- June. Sarah Marshal. Cooper. 14. Job Coit. 21. Anna Patten. A. I.W. 28. 5. July. 19. A. 26. I.W. 2. August. 16. 23- 30- 6. September. 2. Y. I.W. I. Y. I.W. 13. 20. 23. in private. 4. October. II Esther Egan. Saml' Keeling Esqr John Jeffries. August. 24. 1719. Mary Steel. John Thwing. David Stoddard. Colman. William Parker. Hannah Rawlings. John Letherby. Zechariah Sims. Samuel Haly. Ann Fuller. Hannah Hews. Benj^ Gray. Cooper. Eliz. Star. James Cox. Samuel Langdon. John Fife. John Mulligan. Andrew Tyler. Jennet Bulfinch. Moses Norman. Colman. Rebecca Stokes. Joanna Burril. Rebecca Wilkinson. Mary Balch. Mary Kilby. Edy Mynzie Joseph Ricks. Cooper. John Young. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 141 921. 922. 923- 924. 925. 926. 927. 928. 929. 930- 931- 932. 933- 934- 935- 936. 937- 938, 939- 940. 941. 942. 943- 944. 945- 946. 947- 948. 949. 950. 951. 952. 953- 954- 955- 960. 961. 962. 963- 964. 965. 966. 967. 968. 969. 970. 971. 972. 973- 974- 975- 976. 977- 978. 979- gSo. [Names. Age. Day. Month. Year. Parents or Sponsors. Ministers,] Elizabeth Whitwell. Sam'.' Whitwell. Robert Bulkley. I November John Bulkley. Colman. Robert Logan. I.W. 1 5. November. 1 7 19 (. Mary Logan. Colman. Nathanael Martyn. 29. Nath. Martyn. Mary Skarlet. Mehitabel Skarlet. Margaret Fitch. 6. December. Joseph Fitch. Cooper. Elizabeth Deming. 13- Charles Deming. Jenny. Servant woman 20. to Mr John Pym Isabella Miller. 27. Alexander Miller. John Hercules Brielsford John Hercules Brielsford. John Armstrong. S.January. 1720 . Richard Armstrong. Colman, Hannah Boylston. 10. Thomas Boylston. Thomas Warden. Thomas Warden. Sarah Davenport. 17- James Davenport. Royal Tyler. 31- William Tyler. Mary Barger. 7. February. Mary Barger. Cooper. Joseph Howard. 14. Grace Howard. Sarah Davis. 28. William Davis. Hannah Newcomb. Edmund Newcomb. Timothy Parrot. 6. March. Briant Parrot. Colman. William Henry Erskine. 20. Patric Erskine. Mary Blackman. Eliakim Blackman. Katharine Newton. A. 27. Abigail Mason. Benjamin Hedman. i.w. Benjamin Hedman. Sarah Letherland. Sarah Letherland. Eliz. Fullerton. Alexander Fullerton. Dorcas Willis. Sarah Willis. John Sears. A. 3. April. Cooper. William Minot. i.w. Stephen Minot, Junr Jonathan Baily. 10. John Baily. Charles Burril. Joanna Burril. Ruth Arnold. Ruth Arnold. Thomas Gross Fayerweather, 17- Jerusha Fayerweather. Nathanael Edmunds. Sarah Edmu'.ids. Thomas Pain. 24. William Pain. William Seers. I. May. John Seers. Colman. Mary Perriway. 8. Philip Perriway. Eliz. Addison. 29. Agnes Addison. Mary Brown. Mary Brown. James Shaw. Rachel Shaw. Richard Cowel. 6. June. William Cowel. Cooper. John Hirst. i.w. 20. June. 1720. John Hirst. Cooper. Elizabeth Lee. 3- July- John Lee. Colman. Martha Stoddard. 17- David Stoddard, Josiah Boylston. Zabdiel Boilston. John Blake. Jonathan Blake. Tuthill Hubbard. 24. John Hubbard. Mary-Anna Vittery. 31- Edward Vittery. Mary Ballantine. 7. August. John Ballantine. Cooper. James Timberlake. Mary Timberlake. Eliz. Lowder. 14. Mary Foye. 21. John Fletcher. Margaret Fletcher. Eliz. Mundon, AnnMundon. Joseph Eaton. A. 28. 142 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. 981. 982, 983- 984. 9S5. 986. 987. 988. 989. 990. 991. 992. 993- 994- 995- 996. 997. 99S. 999- 1000. lOOI. 1002. 1003. 1004. 1005. 1006. 1007. looS. 1009. lOIO. lOII. I0I2. IOI3. IOI4. IOI5. IO16. IOI7. loiS. 1019. 1020. 1021. 1022. 1023. 1024. 1025. 1026. 1027. 1028. 1029. 1030. 1031. 1032. 1033- 1034. 1035- 1036. 1037. [Names. Elizab. Sewall. James Ridgaway. Eliz. Hutchinson. Joseph Scott. John Smith. Josepli Greenleif. Abigail Hale. John Steel. Abigail Pulsiver. Oliver Noyes. Abigail Hale. Eliz. Marshal. Sarah Tanner. Samuel Cox. John Chub. Susanna Welsh. William Tyler. Thomas Stokes. Benjamin Crouch. Sarah Eaton. Caleb Harris. Love Larman. Sarah Wendal. William Everden. Alice Pickering. Jacob Parker. Samuel Haly. Elizabeth Egin. Ann Kenny. Benj> Broom Tyler. Sarah l>lackman. John Patten. Ebenezer Heath. Bethia Cornwell. Sarah Doming. IMary Howaid. Sarah Wilson. Samuel Baily. James Fayerweather, Mary Bulkley. Philip Langdon. Susanna Gidney. Hannah Newcomb. Mercy Brock. Rebecca Parkman. Timothy Ruck. Benjamin Star. James Scot. John Peck. John Loverige. Mary Ricks. Benj'^ Whitwell. Eliz. Crawford. Joseph Fitch. John Mulligan. Eliz. Beacham. Thomas Sims. Age. I. W. A. I.W. A. I.W. A. I.W. A. I W. Day. Month. Year. 1 8. September. 2. October. 8. 23- 6. November. 13- 20. 27. II. December. 25. I. January. 1721 8. IS- 29. 12. February. 19. 5. March. 12. INLarch. 1 721. 2. April. 16. 23. 30. 7. May. 14. 21. 28. 4. June. II. If Parents or Sponsors Jonathan Sewal. John Ridgaway. Ministers.] Colman. Cooper. Will".' Hutchinson. Colman. in pri- A. I.W. 2. July. 9- 30- 6. August. 20. 27. 3. September. Joseph Scott. John Smith. W"' Greenleif. Thomas Steel. David Pulsiver. Oliver Noyes. Abigail Hale. . Sarah Marshal. James Cox. Abigail Chub. Thomas Welsh. Andrew Tyler. Rebecca Stokes. David Crouch. Joseph Eaton. Benj' Harris. Sarah Larman. Sarah Wendal. Hannah Everden. Cooper, [vate. Colman. Cooper. Colman. Cooper. Colman. Colman. Jacob Parker. Samuel Haly. Esther Egin. Samuel Kenny. Cooper. John Tyler. Eliakim Blackman. Anna Patten. Deborah Heath. Colman. Abraham Cornwel. Sarah Deming. Grace Howard. John Baily. Jerusha Fayerweather. Cooper. John Bulkley. Samuel Langdon. Abigail Gidney. Edmund Newcomb. Colman. Mercy Brock. Nath. Parkman. Thomas Ruck. Elizabeth Star. William Scot. Margaret Peck. Mary Loveridge. Cooper. Joseph Ricks. Saml' Whitwell. Joseph Fitch. John Mulligan. Sarah Beacham. Eliz. Syms. Colman. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 143 [Names. Age. Day. Month. Year. Parents or Sponsors. Ministers.] 1038. Hannah Martyn. 24. Nath. Martyn. 1039. Anna Parker. I. October. W".' Parker. Cooper. William Cooper. 8. Rev. M": Cooper. 1040. Eliz. Willis. IS- Sarah Willis. I04I. Samuel Franklin. 22. Hannah Franklin. 1042. Ann Thomas. 29. Joshua Thomas. 1043. Joseph Coit. Job Coit. 1044. Mary. Negro. A. Servt to M^ Peirce. 12.N0vember.1721 [. Colman. 1045. Samuel Sprague. i.w. Samuel Sprague. 1046. Mary Addison. 3. December. Agnes Addison. Cooper. 1047. James Miller. 10. Alexand": Miller. Colman. 1048. Sarah Morse. 4. Y. 17- Nath. Morse. Cooper. 1049. Hannah Morse. 3. Y. 1050. Nathanael Morse. 2. Y. I05I. Mary Young. i.w. 24. John Young. 1052. Valentine-Derry Dorothy. 31- Eliz. Dorothy. I053- Benjamin Thwing. John Thwing. 1054. Samuel Porter. 28. January. 1722. (At Medford, upon ye. death") /-«i^_„ 1 of ye. Rev. M"; Aaron Porter. ] '-Oiman, 1055. Norman. Moses Norman. Cooper. 1056. Edward Pain. II. February. William Pain. 1057. Mary Hedman. Philip Hedman. 1058. Thomas Warden. Thomas Warden. 1059. Job Brielsford. 18. Hercules Brieford 1060. William Brielsford. 1061. Susanna Clyde. A. 18. March. Colman. 10G2. Sarah Timberlake. i.w. 8. April. Mary Timberlake. Cooper. 1063. Mercy Wendall. IS- Sarah Wendall. 1064. Jonathan Burril. 29. Joanna Burril. 1065. Mary Arnold. 6. May. Ruth Arnold. Colman. 1066 Mary Green-leaf. 13- W';' Greenleaf. 1067. Sarah Kilby Mary Kilby. 1068. John Hubbart. 20. John Hubbart. Cooper. 1069. Lydia Eaton- 9. June. Joseph Eaton. 1070. Mary Tyler. 16 William Tyler. 107 1. Ann Palmer. 24. Ann Palmer. 1072. John Lenox. Mary Lenox. 1073- Katharine Gore. I. July. ObadiahGore. Deceas'd. Colman. 1074. Hannah Parker. 8. W'l' Parker. 1075. Mary Lee. John Lee. 1076. Rachel Welsh. 29. Thomas Welsh. I077- John Symmes Pitts. John & Mary Pitts, 107S. Samuel Mynzie. 5. August. Edy Mynzie. Cooper. 1079. Sarah Tanner. Sarah Tanner. 1080. Joshua Scott. 19. Joseph Scott. 1081. Mary Stretton. James Stretton. 1082. Lydia Cox. 2. September. James Cox. Colman. 1083. Mary Wilson. 7. In private. Mary Wilson. 10S4. Jane Clark. 9- Mary Clark. 10S5. Isaac Munden. 23- Ann Munden. 1086. Thomas Haley. 30- Saml' Haley. 1087. Sarah Stokes. Rebecca Stokes. 1088. Thomas Nowel. 2.M. 7. October. 1722 . Mary Nowel. Cooper. 1089. William Tyler. i. w. 14. Andrew Tyler. 1090. Sarah Cowel. 21. William Cowel. 1091. Hannah Hale. 28. Abigail Hale. 1092. Timothy Clark. 4. November. Jonas Clark. Colman. 144 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. 1093. 1094. 1095. 1096. 1097. 1098. 1099. 1 100. IIOI. 1 102. 1 103. 1 104. 1105. 1 106. 1 107. 1 108. 1 109. mo. nil. 1112. 1113. III4- 1115. II 16. II 17- 1118. 1 1 19. 1 1 20. 1121. 1 1 22. 1 1 24. 1 125. 1 1 26. 1127. 1128. 1 1 29. 1 1 30. 1131. 1 132. 1133 II34- II35- 1 1 36. II37- 1138. II39- 1 140. 1141. 1 142. II43- 1 144. II45- 1 146. II47- 1 148. 1 149. 1150. [Names. Edward Wensley. Martha Roberts. Samuel Marks. Deborah Morse. Edmund Nevvcomb. Mary Fairvveather. Margaret Fletcher. Benjamin Uran. Samuel Langdon. Esther Waters. William Waters. Jonathan Deming. Josiah Marshal. Hannah Davis. Ebenezer Heath. Eliz. Cutting. John Milleken. Mary Boylston. Rebekah Ridgaway. William Crouch. Mary Hubbart. Eliz. Davenport. Esther Beacham. Zechariah Syms. Margaret Fitch. Martha Smith. Joseph Everden. Ann Thomas. Benj^ Loveridge. Nathanael Jackson. Hannah Sprague. Ebenezer Balch. Ann Peck. Ebenezer Chub. John Perreway. Simeon Stoddard. Thomas Armstrong. Eliz. Stoddard. Mehitabel Cooper, Sarah Marshal. Aaron Willis. John Welsh. William Edmunds. Joseph Fullerton. Rebekah Marshal. Mary Sewal. Joseph Foye. Sarah Allen. Mehitabel Scott. Mary Soper. Phoebe Pemberton. Sarah Brielsford Elizabeth Hall. Mary Steel. Eliz. Maycock. John Hubbard. Rachel Hoe. Age. Day. Month. Year. Parents or Sponsors. Ministers. II. Eliz. Wensley. 25. James Roberts. 2. December. Mary Marks. Nath. Morse. 6. January. 1723 . Mary Newcomb. 13- Jerusha Fairvveather. 20. Margaret Fletcher. Sarah Uran. Samuel Langdon. A. 27. 2. M. Esther Waters. i.w. 3. February. Sarah Deming. Cooper. Sarah Marshal. 17- William Davis, Deborah Heath. 6.Y. Elias Cutting. I.w. John Milleken. 24. Thomas Boylston. 3- March. John Ridgaway. Colman. David Crouch. 10. Zech. Hubbart. James Davenport. Sarah Beacham. Eliz. Syms. 17. Joseph Fitch. 24. John Smith. Hannah Everden. 7- April. Joshua Thomas. Cooper. Mary Loveridge. 14. Thomas Jackson. Samuel Sprague. 19. May. Joseph Balch. Colman. Margaret Peck. *> June. Abigail Chub. Cooper. 9- Philip Pereway. 16. W"} Stoddard. Rich<^ Armstrong. 30. Eliz. Stoddard. Rev. M": Cooper. John Marshal. Stephen Willis. I . w. 7. July. 1723. Thomas Welsh. Colman. Sarah Edmunds. 21. Alexander Fullerton. I. September. Rebekah Marshal. Cooper. 8. Jonathan Sewal. Colman. 15- Rebekah Allen. 22. Joseph Scott. A. 29. I.W. Phoebe Pemberton. Hercules Brielsford. 6. October. Hugh Hall. Cooper. 20. Mary Steel, 27. Eliz. Maycock. 3- November. John Hubbard. Colman. 24. Thomas Hog. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. H5 [51. 52. 153- '54- '55- 156. '57. [58. [59. [60. [61. [62. 163. r64. [65. [66. [67. [68. [69. [70 [72. 173- 174- 175- [76. 77- [78. [79- h. [82. 183. [84. [85. [86. r87. 190. [91. [92. [93- [94. 195- [96. [97. [98. 199. [200. [20I. [202. [203. [204. [205. 206. [207. [Names. Benjamin Star. Martha Star. Katharine Greenleaf. Eliz. Rogers. Ann Fovvles. Abijah Estis. John Norman. Mary Wendall. Eliz. Miller. Charity Ricks. Thomas Fairweather. Thomas Uran. Benjamin Lenox. Peregrine White. Age. Day. Month. Year. Parents or Sponsors. Ministers.] 3Y. I.W. A. I W. Margery Tyler. Jane Pain. Ann Marks. Jane Guthrie. Kirbee Stokes. Nathanael Boylston. Ann Young. Joanna Paker. Katharine Kilby Ruth Blackman. Abigail Blackman. Mary Waters. Nanny Coit. Joseph Storer. Ehz. Mcdonald. Margaret Wensley. Giles Fyfield John Rogers. > Mary Rogers, j James Mynzie. Elizabeth Dudley. Zechariah Hubbart. John Addison. Elizabeth Loveridge ? Sarah Loveridge. ) Thomas Milleken. Ann Thomson. Samuel Haly. Samuel Sprague. John Marshall. Mary Nowell. John Bulkley. James Arnall. Benjamin Warden. Mary Cutting. Mariana Hale. John Smith. Robert Larman. Sarah Lee. Sarah Tyley. Prudence Fitch. Sarah Rogers. Dorcas Davenport. A. 84 I. w. 2. Y. I.W. I . W. I. December. 22. 29. 19, 26, 2 9' 16, Joseph Star. Wt Greenleif. Tamsen Rogers. Sarah Fowles. Cooper. Moses Norman. January. 1724. Sarah Wendall. Colman. Alexander Miller. Joseph Ricks. . February. Jerusha Fairweather. Cooper. Sarah Uran. Mary Lenox. 23. I. March. IS- 5- 26. April. April. 1724. 3. May. 10. 17- 31- 28. June. 5- July- 12. 19. 2. August. 9- 16. 23- 30- 19 Andrew Tyler. William Pain. Mary Marks. Samuel Guthrie. Colman. Rebekah Stokes. Thomas Boylston. John Young. Jacob Parker. Mary Kilby. Eliakim Blackman. Esther Waters. Job Coit. Ebenezer Storer. John Mackdonald. Eliz. Wensley. Martha Fifeild. Mercy Rogers. Edee Mynzie. William Dudley. Zech. Hubbart. Agnes Addison. Mary Loveridge. Cooper. Cooper Colman. Cooper. Colman. John Milleken. Robert Thomson. Samuel Haly. Cooper. Samuel Sprague. Colman. John Marshal. Mary Nowel. John Bulkley. Ruth Arnall. Thomas Warden. Cooper. Elias Cutting. Abigail Hale. John Smith. Sarah Larman. John Lee. Thomas Tyley. Joseph Fitch. Tamasin Rogers James Davenport. 146 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. [Names. Age. Day. Month. Year. Parents or Sponsors. Ministers.] 1208. Isaac Deming. 6. September. Charles Deming. Colman. 1209. Royal Tyler. 13- William Tyler. 1210. William Simms Elizabeth Simms. 1213. William Stoddard. 20. William Stoddard. 1214. Sarah Downe. 27. .1215. Joshua Thomas. 4. October. Joshua Thomas. Cooper. 1216. Susanna Rand. 18. 121 7. Mary Newcomb. Mary Newcomb. 1 21 8. William Ballantine. I. No-ember. John Ballantine. Colman. 1 2 19. Mary Pemberton. 15- Phoebe Pemberton . 1220. Thomas Melvill. Thomas Melvill. 1221. Samuel Cox. 29. James Cox. 1222. William Maycock. 6. December. Eliz. Maycock. Cooper. 1223. Sarah Edwards. 13- Thomas Edwards. 1224. Elizabeth Gibbins. A. 3. January. 1725 Colman. 1225. Benjamin Foster, i.w. Joanna Foster. 1226. William Bricksee. 10. Eliz. Bricksee 1227. Joseph Hubbart. 17- John Hubbart. 1228. Daniel Mondon. Ann Mondon. 1229. Margaret Morison. 24. David Morison. 1230. Susanna Crouch. 31- David Crouch. 123 1, Rooksby Marshal. 14. February. Sarah Marshal. Cooper. 1232. John Wenslow. 7. March. Sarah Wenslow. Colman. 1233. Hannah Ridgevvay. John Ridgeway. 1234. Elizabeth Bray. Eliz. Bray. 1235. Lydia Morse. 14. Nathanael Morse. 1236. Jane Mobberly. Edward Mobberly 1237. Martha Marks. 21. Mary Marks. 1238. John Mortimer. Richard Mortimer 1239. Sarah Bowen. A. 28. 1240. Humilis Williams. 1241. Ratcliff. Negro.' 1242. Thomas Gushing, i.w. Thomas Gushing. 1243. Judith Bulfinch. Thomas Bulfinch. 1244. Mary Uran. Sarah Uran. 1245. Samuel Cooper. 4. ApriL William Cooper. Cooper 1246. Thomas Lazenby. Zerviali Lazenby. 1247. John Bowen. II. Sarah Bowen. 1248. James Oliver. 18. Rebekah Oliver. 1249. Ebenezer Blackman. Eliakim Blackman 1250. Lydia Hall. 29. Hugh Hall. 1251. Eliz. Allen. Rebekah Allen. 1252. Sarah Milleken. John Milleken. 1253. Nathanael Cunningham. 2. May. Ann Cunningham. Colman. 1254. John Tyler. 9- Andrew Tyler. 1255. William Chub. Abigail Chubb. 1256. Martha Nealy. Andrew Nealy. 1257. Sarah White. A. 16. 1258. Ruth Bill. 1259. Abigail Bill. 17.M. Ruth Bill. 1260. Samuel Mynzie. i.w. 23- Edy Mynzie. 1 261. Abia Franklin. Ann Franklin. 1262. Dorothy Foye. 30- 1263. Timothy Balch. Joseph Balch. 1264. Jacob Bill. Ruth Bill. 1265. John Edwards. 20. June Mary Edwards. Cooper. 1266. Mary Storer. 27. Ebenezer Storer. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 147 1267. 1268. 1269. 1270. 1271. 1272. 1273- 1274. 1275. 1276. 1277 1278. 1279. 1280. 12S1. 1282. 1283. 12S4. 1285. 1286. 1287. 1288. 1289. 1290. 1 291. 1292. 1293. 1294. 1295. 1296. 1297 1298. 1299. 1300. 1301. 1302. 1303- 1304. 1305- 1306. 1307. 1308. 1309. 1310. 1311. 1312. 1313- 1314 I3I5' 1316 1317 1318, 1319 1320, 1321 1322 1323 A. l.W. [Names. Age. Joseph Cowel. \ Christopher Cowel. f Ehzabeth Cobbet. Sarah Davis. Eliz. Scott. MehitableFulIerton. l.W Elizabeth Heath. Jonathan Clark Benjamin Welsh. Sarah Sprague. Susanna Greenleaf. Elizabeth Hubbart Mary Philips. Mary Barron. Henry Lowder. Lucy Boylston. Alexander Star. Katharine Beney. Thomas Fletcher. John Fifeild. Thomas Patten. Margaret Sewal. Timothy Fitch. Dennis Egins. Jacob Wendal. Susanna Perriway. William Archer. Thomas Symson. Mary Vinal. Edmund Ouincy. John Gibbins. John Stoddard. Eliz. Bulfinch. Benj'f Rogers. William Lenox. Jonathan Blake. Anna Wensley. Mary Davenport. Mary Jackson. Hannah Brielsford. Jane Mobberly. Mary Melvil. Mary Haly. Anna Gale. James Addison. William Edgel. Hannah Foye. Mary Tyley. Benjamin Fairweather. Sarah Banister. Rachel Rebrock. Catharine Wendal. Abigail Bulfinch. , John Masters. . Susanna Hubbart. . Mary Hawk. . Abigail FuUerton. Day. Month. Year. 18. July. 25. 8. August. 8. August. 1725. 22. 23- 30- 5. September. 26. 3. October. Parents or Sponsors. William Cowel. Ministers.] Colman. ID. t7- 24. 14. November. 27. 25. December. 9. January. 1726. 5. February. 27. 6. March. Nathanael Cobbet. William Davis. Cooper. Joseph Scott. Alexander Fullerton. Cooper. Deborah Heath. [private. Mary Clark Colman. la Eliz. Welsh. Cooper. Samuel Sprague. William Greenleaf. Colman. Zecharias Hubbart. John Philips. Timothy Barron. Cooper. Thomas Boylston. Joseph Star. Katharine Beney Margaret Fletcher. Martha Fyfield. Robert Patten. Jonathan Sewal. Joseph Fitch. Esther Egins. Colman. Eliz. Wendal. Philip Pereway. 13- 20. 27. 3. April. ID. 17- I. May. 15- 28. A. r2. June. 1726 l.W. 26. 3- July- 17- 24. 7. August. Cooper. Andrew Symson. Elijah Vinal. Colman. Edmund Ouincy. Cooper. Eliz. Gibbins. William Stoddard. Colman. Jennet Bulfinch. Tomasin Rogers. James Lenox. Jonathan Blake. Eliz. Wensley. James Davenport. Thomas Jackson. Hercules Brielsford. Edward Mobberly. Thomas Melvil. Samuel Haly. Cooper. Azor Gale. Agnes Addison. William Edgel. Colman. Thomas Tyley. John Fairweather. Rebekah Banister. Cooper. Jacob Wendal. Thomas Bulfinch. Eliz. Masters. Colman. John Hubbart. Mary Hawk. Alexander Fullerton. Cooper. 148 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. 1324. 1325- 1326. 1327, 1328. 1329. 1330- 1331- 1332. 1333- 1334- 1335- 1336- 1337- 1338. 1339 1340. 1341- 1342. 1344- 1344- 1345- 1346. 1347- 1348. 1349- 1350- 1351- 1352- 1353- 1354- 1355- 1356. 1357- 1358- I359- 1360. 1361. 1362. 1363- 1364. 1365- 1366. 1367. 1368. 1369. 1370. 1371- 1372. 1373- 1374- 1375- 1376. ^377- 1378. 1379' 1380, 3- Y. I. w. 7.Y. I. w. [Names. Age. James Bowdoin. Thomas Kilby. Love Larman. James Collins. Eliz. Rogers. Katharine Tyler. Rachel Steel- Eliz. Maycock. Sarah Howard. Abigail Greenleaf. Benjamin Hale. James Pitts. Eliz. Pitts. James Young. Mary Maddis. Sarah Stibbins. Sarah Cox. James Franklin. Peter Novvel. Eliz. Loveridge Alexander-Bulman Star. Susanna Hubbard. Joseph Lee. Sarah Newcomb. John Phillips. Mary Marks. Ann Miller. Andrew Tyler. Eliz. Storer. David Sprague. Abigail Uran. Thomas Fitch. Lydia Coit. Henry Ouincy. Mary Mortimur. Thomas Downe. John Warden. Benjl Milleken. Richard Draper. Peter Gibbens. i.w. Mary Hobart. William Plaisted. Margaret Mitchel. Isaac Ridgeway. John Ellis. James Hall. William Davis. Desire Thomson. John Smith. Elizabeth Bricksee. Abigail Everden. Mary Rogers. Sarah Bill. Benjamin Eglestone. Rebekah Watts. William Hasy. Rebekah Cowel. Day. Month. Year 14. 28. II. Septemb^ Parents. Ministers.] 25. 2. October. Hannah Bowdoin. Mary Kilby. Sarah Larman. Damaris Collins. Mercy Rogers. Andrew Tyler. Colman. Mary Steel. Eliz. Maycock. Abigail Howard. Cooper. William Greenleaf. Abigail Hale. 16. 30- 6. November. 13- 20. 27. 4. December. II. 25- S.January. 1727. IS- 22. 29. 5. February. 26. 26.February.1727 5. March. ' 12. 19. 26. 2. April. 9- 16. 23- 30. 21. May. Mary Young. Martha Maddis. Eliz. Stibbins. Eliz. Cox. Ann Franklin. Colman. Mary No well. Mary Loveridge. Joseph Star. Zech. Hubbard. John Lee. Mary Newcomb. John Phillips. Cooper. Mary Marks. Eliz. Miller. William Tyler. Eben. Storer. Samuel Sprague. Sarah Uran. Colman. Joseph Fitch. Job Coit. Edmund Quincy. Richard Mortimur. W? Downe. Thomas Warden. Edward Milleken. Cooper. John Draper. . Peter Gibbens. Cooper. Joshua Hobart. Colman. Francis Plaisted. Ann Mitchel. John Ridgeway. John Ellis. Andrew Hall, Medford. William Davis. Cooper. Robert Thomson. John Smith. Colman. Eliz. Bricksee. Hannah Everden. Cooper. Gamaliel Rogers. Sarah Bill. Eliz. Eggleston. Daniel Watts. Hannah Hasy. W™ Cowel. Colman. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 149 1381. 1382. 1383- 1384. 1385- 1386. 1387. 1388. 1389. 1390. 1391- 1392. 1393- 1394- 1395- 1396. 1397- 1398. 1399- 1400. 140 1. 1402 1403 1404. 1405. 1406. 1407. 1408. 1409. 1410. 141 1. 1412. 1413- 1415. 1415. 1416. 1417. 1418. 1 41 9. 1420. 1421. 1422. 1423- 1424. 1425. 1426. 1427. 1428. 1429. 1430. I43I- 1432. 1433' 1434 1435 1436 [Names. John Ran. Katharine Hog. Jonathan Sewal. Samuel Edmunds. Abigail Bulfinch. Esther Mounford Sarah Morison. John Russel. WiUiam Deming. Thomas Eustis. Lydia Kill. John Scot. Nathanael Cobbet. Joshua Eustis. Eliz. Mulligan, Sarah Bowen. Hannah Russel. Elias Cotting. Mary Tyler. Thomas Wakefield, Age. Day. Month. Year. A. I. W. A. . Y. , W. Benj? Wheeler. Elizabeth Hall. Hannah Foster. Eliz. Greenleif. Abraham Wendal. Susanna Fullerton Mary Morse. John Scut. Eliz. Stoddard. Susanna Rogers. Mary Foster. Isaac Jones. Mary Greenow. Rebecca Boylston. Edward Gushing. James Pitts. William Fullerton. Mary Barron. Mary Moor. John Moor. Jacob Giles. Ann Cunningham. Josiah Davenport. Abigail Torry. Benjamin Wheeler. Cezar. Negro ser«. to M"' Scot, Rebecca Edgel. Eliz. Thompson. Thomas Cooper. John Erwin. Deborah Fletcher. Alexander Phillips. Jeremiah AUin. Violet. Negro Woman William Bartlet. Ann Cox. I w. 28. 4. June. 18. 25. 9. July. 23- 30- 6. August. 13- 27. 3. Septemb' 10. 24. Septem. 1727 15. October. 29. 5. Novem. 25. 3. Decern. 10. 3- A. I. W. Sarah Ran. Thomas Hog. Jonathan Sewal. Sarah Edmunds. Thos Bulfinch. Mary Mountford. David Morison. Charles Deming. Deborah Eustis. I. w. A. I. W. A. I.W. 10. 17- 24. 14. Jan7 1728. 21. 28. 4. February. II. 18. 25. Ministers.] Cooper Colman. Joseph Scott. Nath. Cobbet. Deborah Eustis. John Mulligan. Sarah Bowen. Samuel Russel. Nicholas Cotting. Cooper Andrew Tyler. John Wakefield. | w^drons, Ruth Wheeler. Hugh Hall. Cooper. Joanna Foster. W"? Greenleif. John Wendal. Colman, Alexander Fullerton. Nathanael Morse. Cooper. Eliz. Scut. William Stoddard. Tamasin Rogers. Colman Mary Foster. John Jones. at M'. Waldrons. Thomas Boylston. Thomas Gushing. Cooper, William Fullerton. Timothy Barron. Colman. Ann Cunningham. James Davenport. Colman. WiUiam Edgel. William Cooper. Abigail Erwin. Margaret Fletcher. At y^ North-brick. Rebekah AUin. EUz. Bartlet. James Cox. Cooper. I50 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. [Names. 1437. William Hasey. 1438. John Patten. 1439. James Masters. 1440. Sarah Gushing. 1441. John Scholly. 1442. Mary Emmons. 1443. Andrew Sympson. 1444. James Moodey. 1445. Sarah Balsh. 1446 Elizabeth Coit. 1447. Eliz. Vinal. 1448. Mary Brown. 1449. Samuel Durham. 1450. Abigail Durham. 1451. Eliz. Durham. 1452. Mary Durham. 1453. Ann Durham. 1454. Thomas Dor. H55- Jonathan Crouch. 1456. Samuel Larman 1457. Sarah Maycock. 1458. John Mico Wendal. 1459. Jonas Fitch. 1460. Nathanael Doubledy, 1 46 1. Rachel Haley. 1462. Hannah Cock. 1463. Eliz. Hubbart. 1464. Thomas Bulfinch. 1465. Zechariah Hubbart. 1466. Sarah Traleven. 1467. Charles Traleven 146S. David All. 1469. Abraham Ouincey. 1470. Mary Arthur. 1471. Priscilla Smith. 1472. Adino Bulfinch. ) 1473. Nathanael Bulfinch ( 1474. Hannah Howard. •475 Jonathan Sewal. 1476. Love Marks. > 1477. Esther Marks. ^ 1478. John Nowel. 1479. Hannah Sprague 1480. Katharine Tyler. 1481. Thomas Gibbens 1482. John Draper. 1483. John Amory. 1484. Sarah Scott. 1485. Sarah Knowler. i486. Ann Green. 1487. Thomas Tyley. 1488. Abigail Moberlv. 1489. Abigail McRullock. 1490. Mary Gushing. 1491. Samuel Young. 1492. Mary Loveridge. 1493. Martha Loveridge. Age. Day. Month Year. 3. March. 17- 24. 14. ApriL i.w. 21. April 1728. 28. A. 6. M. I.W. 4. Y. I.W. 12. May. 19- 2. June. 9- 16. 23- 30- 14. July. A. 4. August. II. Parents. Ministers.] William Hasey. Colman. Robert Patten. Eliz. Masters. John Gushing. Ann Scholly. Jacob Emmons. Cooper. Andrew Sympson. Eliz. Melvil. Joseph Balsh. Job Goit. Cooper Elijah Vinal. Mary Brown. Abigail Durham. Harbottle Dor. David Grouch. Sarah Larman. William Maycock. Colman. Jacob Wendal Cooper. Joseph Fitch. Samuel Haley. James Cock. John Hubbart. Thomas Bulfinch. Zech. Hubbart Sarah Traleven Margaret All. Edmund Quincey. Colman. John Smith. Adino Bulfinch. Jun^ Abigail Howard. Jonathan Sewal. Mary Marks. Cooper. 18. 25. I. September. 22. Mary Nowel. Sam.' Sprague. Andrew Tyler. Eliz. Gibbens John Draper. Rebecca Amory. Colman. Joseph Scott. Septem.29. 1728. Abigail Mackullah. Colman. October 6. Joseph Green. Cooper. Thomas Tyley. 13. Edward Mobberly. Abigail M'Kullock. 20. Thomas Gushing:. 27. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 151 1494. 1495- 1496. 1497- 1498- 1499- 1500. 1501. 1502. 1503- 1504. 1505. 1506. 1507. 150S. 1509. 1510. 1511. 1512. 1513- I5H- 1515- 1516. 1517. 1518. 1519- 1520. 1521. 1522. 1523- 1524. 1525- 1526. 1527. 1528. 1529. 1530- 1531- 1532. 1533- 1534- 1535- 1536. 1537- 1538. 1539- 1540. 1541. 1542. 1543- 1544. 1545- 1546. 1547- 1548. 1549. A. I. W. [Names. Age. Eliz. Tyler. Ann Fullerton. John Beacham. Mary Hanmer. Thomas Ceilings. John Warden. Mehitabel Brielsford Samuel Russel. Sarah Waine. Abigail Young. Mary Downe. Mary Grice. Sarah Edmonds. Elias Randal. Hannah Cooper. Rebekah Ransford. Charles Lenox. Eliz Gibbens. Sarah Ellis. Experience Willis Pitts Hall. Lucy Hale. Susanna Brixsee. Jemima Landen. Samuel Giles. William Healy. Isaac Ridgaway. Henry Lowder. Rich'^ Mortimer. James Blake. Eliz Milleken. Violet. Negro Serv^ to M" Righton. Joseph Rogers. Eliz. Winslow. Susanna Blake. Abigail Erwin. Ann Lee. John Hubbart. Mary May cock. Josiah Mecum. Ruth Cunningham. Martha Star. Ann Cobbet. Benjamin Cowel. Benjamin Davis. Elizabeth Mitchel. Eliz. Masters. Mary Emmons Eliz. Moor. Mary Doubledy. William Stoddard. Hannah Greenleaf. Richard Billings. Jonathan Sewal Mary Torrey. Jane Marks. Month. Day. Year. Parents. Ministers.] Novem. 3. 10. 17. 23- Decern. 8. IS- 22. January. 5. 19. 26. 1729. February 2. 16. 23- March. 9. 16. 30. April May. June 5- 20. 18. July 22. 29. 6. 13- 27. August 3. 10. 17- 31- Septem. 21. William Tyler. Colman. Alexander Fullerton. Sarah Becham. Damaris Collins. Cooper. Thomas Warden. Hercules Brielsford. Samuel Russel. Colman William Waine. James Young. William Downe. Eliz. Grice. Jonathan Edmonds. Esther Randal. William Cooper. Cooper. Rebecca Ransford. James Lenox. Peter Gibbins. John Ellis. Hugh Hall. Abigail Hale. Eliz. Brixsee. Thomas Landen. Hannah Giles. Colman. W'-i; Healy. John Ridgaway. Rich'^ Mortimer, Jon'? Blake. Sam'.' Milleken. Gamaliel Rogers. Cooper. 1729. Eliz. Winslow. Cooper. Susanna Blake. Abigail Erwin. Colman. John Lee. Eliz. Hubbart. Cooper. Eliz. Maycock. Edward Mecum. Ann Cunningham. Joseph Star. Nathanael Cobbet. William Cowel. Colman. William Davis. Ann Mitchel. Eliz. Masters. Jacob Emmons. Mary Moor. Cooper Nathanael Doubledy. William Stoddard. William Greenleaf. Richard Billings. Jonathan Sewal Samuel Torrey. Mary Marks. Colman. 152 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. 1550. 1551. 1552. 1553- 1554- 1555- 1556. 1557- 1558 1559 1560. 1561. 1562. 1563- 1564. 1565. 1567 1568 1569 1570. 1571. 1572. 1573- 1574- 1575- 1576. 1577- 1578. 1579- 1580. 1581. 1582. 1583. 1584. 1585. 1586. 1587. 1588. 1589. 1590. 1591. 1592. 1593- 1594. 1595- 1596. 1597- 1598. 1599. 1600. 1 601. 1602. 1603. 1603. 1604. 1605. 1606. [Names. Age. Sarah Billings. John Billings. Abiah Davenport. Mary Fullerton. Walter Fairweather. Eliz. Wendal. Eliz. Ouincey. Eliz. Edwards. Sarah Treleven. Ruth Thomson i.y. Francis Thomson i. w. Susanna Rogers. Ann Waters. A. Rebekah Waters. 8. Y. Sarah Waters. 2. Y. Eliz. Waters. 1. y. John Smalpeice. i. w. Jeremiah Fitch. Sarah Scot. Sarah Allin. A. Mary Foster. i. w. Hannah Haly. i. w. John Durham. Lydia Draper. Abraham Morine. John Allen. Timothy Barron. Thomas Bill. John Gushing. Thomas Tyler. Ebenezer Storer. Samuel Turell. Joseph Green. Benj^ Cox. Sarah Davis. William Rand. Samuel Phillips. Dorcas Marshal. Jacob All. Mary Blake. Mercy Thomas Samuel Wheeler. Martha Williams John Read. Samuel Bartlet. Samuel Newcomb. Eliz. Edmunds. William Healy Mary Fletcher. Ebenezer Hayward. Abigail Bulfinch. Isaac Becham. Daniel Gibbens. Edward Davis. William Maycock. John Brown. 2. Y. Joseph Brown. 2. Y. Month. Day. Year. Parents. Ministers ] 28. Sarah Billings. Octob^ 9. James Davenport. William Fullerton Cooper. 19. John Fairweather. Eliz. Wendal. Edmund Ouincy. Sarah Edwards. Sarah Traleven Novem^ 2. Robert Thomson. Colman. 16. 23- Decem. 7. 14.December.1729. 28. II. January. 1730. 25. I. February. 15- 8. March. IS- 22. 29. 3. May. 17- 31- 21. June. 2. August. 9- 23. 30- 6. Septem. Tamasin Rogers. Ann. Waters Sarah Smalpeice. Joseph Fitch. Joseph Scot. Joanna Foster. Cooper. Samuel Haly. Cooper. Abigail Durham. John Draper. Sarah Morine Rebecca Allen Timothy Barron. Colman. Ruth Bill. John Gushing. Andrew Tyler. Ebenezer Storer. Cooper. Rev. Eben. Turell. Colman. Joseph Green. Alice Cox. Cooper. Joseph Davis. Sarah Rand. Colman, John Philips. Rebekah Marshal. Abraham All. John Blake. John Thomas. Ruth Wheeler. Martha Williams. John Read. Eliz. Bartlet. Mary Newcomb. Jonathan Edmund. William Healy. Margaret Fletcher. Cooper. Abigail Hayward. Adino Bulfinch. Sarah Becham. Gibbens. William Davis. Eliz. Maycock. John Brown. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 153 [Names. Age. Day. Month. Year. Parents. Ministers.] 1607. 1608. 1609. 1610. 1611. 1612. 1613. 1614. 1615. 1616. 1617. 1618. i6ig 1620 1621. 1622. 1623. 1624. 1625. 1626. 1627. 1628. 1629. 1630. 1631. 1632. 1633- 1634. 1635- 1636. 1637- 1638. 1639. 1640. 1641. 1642. 1643. 1644. 1645. 1646. 1647. 1648. 1649. 1650. 1651. 1652. 1653- 1654. 1655. 1656. 1657. 1658. 1659. 1660. 1661. 1662. 1663. Ebenezer Brown, i. m. Samuel Sprague. i. w. 13- Samuel Sprague. Colman. Joseph Tyler. 27. William Tyler. M": Chauncey Sarah Stoddard. William Stoddard. Abigail Kempton. A. II. October. Cooper. Charles Hobby Hubbart. I. W. 18. Zecharias Hubbart. Benjamin Giles. Anna Giles. Mary Tucker man. Mary Tuckerman. 1-^ Abiah Brown. A. 25. Edward Scot. i. w. Joseph Scot. Mary Young. Mary Young. Ann Render. i. w. I. November. 1730 Elizabeth Render. Colman. Anna Warden. 15- Thomas Warden. Sarah Nowel. 22. Mary Nowel. Thomas Maccollo. Mary Maccollo. Sarah Bayard. 29. Belthazar Bayard. Ann Wendal. 13. December. Sarah Wendal. Cooper. Lydia Coit Job Coit. John Waters. John Fullerton. Alexander Fullerton. James Young. 27. James Young. Isaac Cowdry. A. 17. January 1 73 1. Colman. Hannah Billings. I.W. John Billings. John Blake. 24. Jonathan Blake. Cooper. John Dradgat Allen 21. February. Eliz. Allen. Isaac Cowdry. Isaac Cowdry. Katharine Tyley. 7. March. Thomas Tyley. Colman. Jacob Ridgaway. John Ridgaway. Dorcas Brown. 14 Mary Brown. Mary Ransford. 28 Rebekah Ransford. William Bean. Sarah Bean. Joseph Billings. 4. April Richard Billings. Cooper Edward Mecom. Edward Mecom. Pepperil Tyler. 18 Andrew Tyler. Nathanael Emmons. Jacob Emmons. William Waine. William Waine. James Ducher. 25 Susanna Ducher. Sarah Fitch. 9. May Joseph Fitch. Colman. John Russel. Samuel Russel. Isabella MacCuUoch. 16. Abigail MacCulloch. Ann Cock. James Cock, Jun? Joshua Green. 23- Joseph Green. Samuel Torrey. 30- Samuel Torrey. Mercy Hale. 20. June. Abigail Hale. Cooper. Sarah Merian. 4. July. Sarah Merian. Colman John Cotting. Nicholas Cotting Nathanael Barrel. II. John Barrell. Benjamin Edmunds Jonathan Edmunds. Thomas Johnson. Thomas Johnson. Zechariah Alden. 25. Lydia Alden. Sarah Doubledy. Nathanael Doubledy. Nathanael Cobbet. I. August. Nathanael Cobbet. Cooper. Mary Phillips. IS- John PhiUips. Thomas Maycock. 22. Eliz. Maycock Moses Belcher Bass. 29. Moses Bass, Francis Blithe I. w. 29. August. 1 73 1 . Jane Blithe. Cooper. William Haly. 5. September. 20 Samuel Haly. Colman. 154 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. [664. 1665 [666 [667. 1668. 1669. 1670. [671. [672. 1673- 1674- [675. [676. [677. [678. [679. [680. 5i. ?2. [683. [684 [685. 1686. 16S7. [688. 1689. [690. [691. .692. [693. [694. [695. [696. 1697. [69S. [699. [700. [701. [702. 1703. [704. [705. [706. [707. [708. [709. [710. [711. 1712. 1713- [714. 1715. [716. [717. [718. 1719- [720. [Names. Age. Day. Month. Year. Parents. Ministers.] John Wendal. 12. Eliz. Wendal. Elizabeth Erwin. 19. Abigail Erwin Eliz. Mitchel. Margaret Mitchel. Matthew Milleken Samuel Milleken. Thomas Cox. Thomas Cox. Benjamin Rogers. Gamaliel Rogers. Antipas Marshal. 26. Rebekah Marshal Stephen Fullerton. William Fullerton Nathanael Smith. 10. October. Martha Smith. Sarah Smalpeice. 17- Sarah Smalpeice. Eliz. Jackson. 24. Thomas Jackson. Cooper. Jervais Star. Joseph Star. Ruth Everton. A. 31- Jane Viburt i. w. 14. November. Jane Viburt. Colmaa Simon Rogers. Tamasin Rogers. Jane Sewal. 21. Mary Sewal. Eliz. Scottovv. Eliz. Scottow. Mercy Turner. 28. Mary Turner. Eliz. Eglestone. 5. December. Eliz. Eglestone. Cooper. Mary Barron. 12. Tim, Barron. Eliz. Foster. Sarah Bill. 19. Ruth Bill. John Treleven. 26. Sarah Traleven. Joseph Brielsford. ) Benj' Brielsford. ) 2. Jan7 1732. Mary Brielsford. Colman. Margaret MaccuUy. Mary Maccully. Sarah Foye. 9- Sarah Foye. Nehemiah Haywood. Abigail Haywood. Sarah Mortimer. 16. Richard Mortimer Henry Tuckerman. Mary Tuckerman. William Whitten. 23- Ann Whitten. Ruth Ripener. A. 30. Sarah Blake. i.w. John Blake. Hugh Hall. 6 Febr^y Hugh Hall. Cooper. Rebekah Lenox. James Lenox. John Loveridge Mary Loveridge. Eliz. Hassey. A. 27. Betty, free Negro'. 19. March. Colman, Margaret Fairweather I.W, 26. John Fairweather. Ruth Wheeler. 2. April. Benj'^ Wheeler. Cooper. Mary Storer. 9- Eben' Storer. Catharine Scot. i. w. 16. April. 1732. Joseph Scot. Cooper Abigail Bartell. Eliz. Bartel. Lydia Browne. 30- Abiah Brown. Hannah Young. 7. May Mary Young. Colman Sarah Perry 14. John Perry. William Coit 28 Job Coit. Eliz. Hasey. 4. June. William Hasey. Cooper, Mary Bayard. 9. July. Belthazar Bayard. Colman. Sarah Barron. Sarah Barron. Rachel Barron. Peter Barron. Enoch Greenleif. 16. William Greenleif. Eliz. Green. 23- Joseph Green Nathanael Barrel. John Barrel. Sarah Scutt. Eliz* Scut. Hannah Bacon. 30- David Bacon. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 155 [Names. Day. Month. Year I721. I 722. 1723- 1724. 1725. 1726. 1727. 1728. 1729. 1730. 1731- 1732- 1733- 1734- 1735- 1736. 1737. 1738. 1739 1740. 1 741. 1742. 1743- 1744- 1745- 1746. 1747- 1748. 1749- 1750. 1751. 1752. 1753- 1754- 1755- 1756. 1757- 1758. 1759- 1760. 1761. 1762. 1763, 1764. 1765. 1766. 1767. 1768 1769. 1770. 1771. 1772. 1773- 1774- 1775- 1776. 1777. Thomas Ransford. Rebekah Ransford. Mary Turnbull. A. 13. August Cooper. Adino Bulfinch. i. w. 20. Adino Bulfinch Jun? Augustus Hale. 3. Septem? Mary Hale. Colman. John Downe. 10. William Downe. Thomas Lee. John Lee. David Torrey. Samuel Torrey. Sarah Minot. 24. Stephen Minot Ju"^ Wilham Ervvin Abigail Ervvin. Eleazer Davenport. James Davenport. John Tyler. I. October. Andrew Tyler. Cooper. Abigail Phillips. John Phillips. Joseph Billings. 12. Novem. John Billings. Colman Jacob Emmons. Jacob Emmons. Mary Emmons. Lindal Stoddard. 26. William Stoddard. Hannah Cooper. 3. December. William Cooper. Cooper. Joshua May. Eliz. May. Joseph Wakefield 10. Joseph Wakefield. William Johnson. 31. Thomas Johnson Benj' Mecum Edward Mecum. Mary Colton. 14. January. I73f . Eliz. Colton. Colman. John Maycock. I. w. 21. January. 1733 . W'l' Maycock Colman. Matthias Cowdry. 28. Isaac Cowdrey. John Welsh Billings. 18. February. Richard Billings. Cooper. Ehzabeth Healy William Healy. Charity Healy Benjamin Fitch 25- Benjl Fitch Jun^ Oliver Wendal. II. March. Jacob Wendal. Colman. John Fullerton. William Fullerton. Samuel Spilsbury. 18. Susanna Spilsbury. Dorothy Wendal. 25. Eliz Wendal. Abigail Waine. William Waine. Joseph Cox. I. April. Eliz. Cox. Cooper. Mary Blake. Jonathan Blake. Sarah Tuckerman. IS- Mary Tuckerman. Edward Mortimer 6. May. Richard Mortimer. Colman. Martha Cobbet. 13- Nath. Cobbet Mary Russel. Samuel Russel. Eliz. Blackman. 27. Eliakim Blackman. Katharine Ouincey 3. June. Edmund Quincy. Cooper. Sarah Beacham. Sarah Becham. Nathanael Howard Abigail Howard. Richard Young. 10. James Young. Hannah Tyley. 24. Thomas Tyley. Samuel Wakefield. S.July Hannah Wakefield. Colman. William Wakefield. Mary Alden. Lydia Alden. Mary Clark. James Clark. Jerusha Blowers. 29. Jerusha Blowers. Moses Baron. Sarah Baron. John Scott. 12. August. Joseph Scott. Cooper. Henry Bass. 19. Moses Bass. Ann Foye. 2. September Sarah Foye. Colman. Thomas Wakefield. Hannah Wakefield. William Newcomb. Mary Newcomb. Nathanael Smith. 9- John Smith. 156 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. [Names. Age. Day. Month. Year. Parents. Ministers.] 1778. Tamasin Rogers. Tamasin Rogers. 1779. Thomas Baron. 16. Timothy Baron. 1780. Abigail Erwin. 23- Abigail Erwin. 1 78 1. Elisha Cook Philips. Sarah Philips. 1782 Edward Green. Joseph Green. 1783. James Cock. James Cock. 1784. John Fitch. 7. October. Joseph Fitch. Cooper. 1785. Sarah Torrey. Samuel Torrey. 1786. Mary Cox. i w. 28. October. 173; ;. Thomas Cox. Cooper 1787. Eliz. Butler. 7 1788. Mary Butler. ]■ 4. November. Samuel Butler. Colman 1 789. James Lyndal Stoddard. 18. William Stoddard. 1790. Lucy Davenport. James Davenport. 1791. Benjamin Eglestone. Eliz. Eglestone. 1792. Richard Davis 9. December William Davis Cooper. 1793. Sarah Howard. Deborah Howard. 1794. Samuel Traleven 16. 1795. Gayer Coffin. A. 23- 1796 Rebecca Coffin. i.w. Gayer Coffin. 1797. Christopher Tyler. 30. Andrew Tyler. 1798. Hannah Pitts. 6. January, 1734. James Pitts. Col man. 1799. Sarah Scottow John Scottow. 1800. Elizabeth Masters. 13- Eliz. Masters. 1801. Gibbs Hall. 20. Hugh Hall. 1802. Eliz. Barren. John Barrel. 1803. Samuel Badger. Joseph Badger. 1804. John Rogers. Gamaliel Rogers. 1805. Thomas Maccollo. Thomas Maccollo. 1806. Abigail Phillips. 19. February. John Phillips. Cooper. 1807. Robert Black. 3. March. Ruth Black. Colman. 1808. Samuel Fletcher. 10. Margaret Fletcher. 1809. Ebenezer Maycock. William Maycock. 1810. George Yendal. 17- Eliz. Yendal. 181 1. Mary Ridgaway. John Ridgaway. 1812. John Greenleaf. 24. William Greenleaf. 1813. Sarah Bayard. 31. Balthazar Bayard. 1814. John Everard. Dorothy Everard. 181 5. John Vibert. Jane Vibert 1816. Mercy Hail 7. April. Sarah Hail. Cooper. 1817. John Bill. Ruth Bill. 1818. Jerusha Fitch. Benj^ Fitch. 1819. Lydia Cutler. 12. May. David Cutler. Colman. 1820. Joseph Edmund. 19. Jonathan Edmund. 1 82 1. Eleazar Star. 2. June Benj. Star. Cooper. 1822. Ann Wass. Wilmot Wass. 1823. Rebekah Wendel. 16. Mary Wendel. 1824. Edward Mobberly 23- Edward Mobberly. 1825. Charles Giddinge Joseph Gidding. 1826. Joseph Sure 30- Mary More. 1827. Richard Billings. I w. July. 21. 1734. John Billings. Colman 1828. Elizabeth Sprague. Samuel Sprague. 1829. Lydia Brown. August. II. Abiah Brown. Cooper. 1830. Matthew Wakefield. Joseph Wakefield. 1831. Rachel Reed 18. John Reed. 1832. Mary Rappeno. A. 25 1833. Samuel Tyler. i w. W^ Tyler 1834. Eliakim Blackman. Eliakim Blackman. LIST OF PERSOrS BAPTISED. 157 [Names. Age. 1S35 Sarah Marine 1836. John Whitten 1S37. Lydia Bartlet. 183S. Sarah Uowne 1839. William Erwin 1840. John Foye. 1841. John Kilby. 1S42. Sarah Emmons. 1843. William Townsend. 1844. Jacob Quincey. 1845. Susanna Lee. 1846. Elizabeth Green. 1847. Anna Coulten. 1848. Elizabeth Hasey. 1849. Nathanael Hasey. 1850 Jacob Young. 1 85 1. Elizabeth Blowers. 1852. John Stoddard. 1853. Eliz. Brown. 1S54. Isabella Ransford. 1855. William Cowdry. 1856. Samuel Johnson. 1857. Eliz. Smalpeice. 185S Ebenezer Ranger. 1859. Hannah Storer. i860. Myriam Bell. 1861. Hannah Bemis. 1S62. Prudence Fitch. 1863. Mary Billings. 1864. Hannah Nichoson 1865. Samuel Fullerton. ) 1866. Elizabeth Fullerton ^ 1867. James Clark. 1 868. John Phillips. 1869. Eliz. Barron. 1870. Ann Torrey. 1871. Sarah Phillips. 1872 James Knowles. 1873. Richard Greenleaf. 1874 Eliz. Russel. 1875. Ebenezer Mecum. 1876. Joanna Rinkin. 1877. Eliz. Bulfinch. 187S. Edmund Wendel. 1879 Joseph Cunningham 1880. John Wakefield 1 88 1. James Davenport. 1882. Samuel Sprague. 1883. Rebekah Cox 1884. Elizabeth Gidding. 1885. Moses Belcher Bass. 1886. Joshua Scottow. 1887. Mary Butler 1888. Dorcas Coffin. 1889. James Bayard. 1890. Mercy Sturgis 1891. Samuel Waine. Month. Day. Year. Septem. i. 8. IS- 22. 29. Octob!^ 6. 13- 27. Parents. Ministers.] Sarah Marine. Ann Whitten. Colman Lydia Bartlet. William Downe. Abigail Erwin. Sarah Foye. Ebenezer Kilby. Jacob Emmons. Mary Townsend. Edmund Quincy. Cooper. John Lee. Joseph Green. Eliz. Coulten. Nathanael Hasey. Eliz. Young. Novem. 3. Jerusha Blowers. Colman. 24. William Stoddard. Cooper. Decern. 15. Mary Brown. Rebecca Ransford. 22. Thomas Johnson. 29. Sarah Smalpeice. Eben. Ranger. 1735. Eben. Storer. Colman. Daniel Bell Cooper. Margaret Bemis. Colman. Joseph Fitch. Richard Billings. Hannah Nicholson 1735 William Fullerton. Colman James Clark. Sarah PhiUips. Cooper. Timothy Barron. Samuel Torrey. John Phillips. Eliz. Knowles. W'." Greenleaf. Colman. Samuel Russel. Edward Mecum. Benj? Rinkin. Adino Bulfinch. John Wendel. Eliz. Cunningham. Hannah Wakefield. James Davenport. Samuel Sprague. Cooper. James Cox. Colman. Joseph Gidding. 20. Moses Bass. 27. John Scottow. August. 3 Samuel Butler. Gayer Coffin 10 Balthazar Bayard. Samuel Sturgis. William Waine. Jan'-y Febr. March. I. w. March. 19' 2. 2 9- 16. 30- April. 6. May. 13- 20. 27. 4- 18. 25. June. 15- 22. July 13- 158 RECORDS OF THE CHU^.CH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. 892. 893- 894. 895. 896. 897. 898. 899- 900. 901. 902. 903- 904. 905. 906. 907. 908. 909. 910. 911. 912. 913- 914. 915- 916. 917. 918. 919. 920. 921. 922. 923- 924. 925. 926. 927. 928. 929. 930- 931 932. 933- 934- 935- 936- 937- 938. 939- 940. 941. 942 943- 944. 945- [Names. Myriam Williams Joseph Fitch. William Young Esther Everard. Joseph Beacham. Mary Tyler. John Welsh. Samuel Rowel Mary Bulkley. Joseph Brown. Judith Chardon. Emma Blowers. Elizabeth Pitts Joshua Scut. William Marine. Abraham Wendel. Hannah Billings. Benjamin Rogers. James Maccullo. Dorothy Quincy. Colebrun Barrel. Jemima Furnace. John Cox. Charles Green. William Kennedy. Thomas Warden. Abigail Barron. Richard Bartlet. Ebenezer Kilby. Margaret Wass. William Vibert. James Knap. Scipio. ServJ to ) M^ Becham ^ Nathanael Howard Ebenezer Ranger Ebenezer Pilsliury, Sarah Edwards. Ann Molton. Richard Mortimer. Abigail Cutler, m. Sarah Oliver. James Erving. Samuel Egglestone. James Nichols. Eliz. Cunningham. Susanna Newman. Edward Winslow. John Lovel. Joseph Hasey. Sarah Lee. John Vinal. Mary Butler. David, Negro. Cuffy, Negro. Age. Month. Day. Year. Parents. Ministers.] 24 W!" Williams 31 Benj> Fitch. James Young. Dorothy Everard. Sept. 7- Sarah Becham. Colman. 14. Andrew Tyler. John Welsh. Eliz. Rowel 21. Martha Bulkley. Oct. 5- John Brown 12. Peter Chardon. Nov. 2. Jerusha Blowers. 9- James Pitts. Eliz. Scut. Sarah Marine. 16. Jacob Wendel. John Billings. I w. Novem 16. 1735. Tamasin Rogers Mary Maccullo. Colman. 23- Edmund Quincy. 30- Ruth Barrel. Eliz. Furnace. Decem 7- James Cox. Cooper 14. Joseph Green. 28. Rebecca Kennedy Thomas Warden. Jan-iy II. 1736. Sarah Barron. Colman. 25. Sarah Bartlet. Eben. Kilby M^ Chancey Febr. 8. Wilmot Wass. Cooper. IS- Jane Vibert. A. 22. Eliz. Knap. I. w. March. 14- Deborah Howard. Ebenezer Ranger. Colman. 21. Susanna Pilsbury. Joseph Edwards. A. 26. I. W. Richard Mortimer p. 198 1 David Cutler. A. April. 4- Cooper. I. AV. John Erving. Eliz. Egglestone. II. James Nichols. May. 9- Eliz. Cunningham Colman. A. 23. 9. Y. Hannah Winslow. I. W. John Lovel. Nathanael Hasey. June. 6. John Lee. Elijah Vinal. Cooper. A. 20. 27 Dr. Bulfinch ) Masters M^ Storer. ( ^^^asters. 1 This reference, which, in the original, is in the margin, is to a page on which marriages are recorded, one of which is of this Abigail. See page 249. — Eds. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 159 [Names. Age. Month. Day. Year. Parents or Sponsors. Ministers.] [946. 1947- [948 [949 [950 1951. [952 1953- [954 [955- 1956 1957 1958. [959. [960. [961. [962. [963. [964. [965. [966. 1967. C969. [970. 1971. [972. t973- [974. 1975- 1976. [977- [978. [979. [980. [981. [982. [983. [984. .985. [986. [9S7. [988. [989. [990. [991. [992. '993- [994. [995. 1996. [997. [998. [999. 2000. 2001. Eliphaz Tyley. > Hannah Tyley. | I. w. Thomas Tyley. Robert Timberlake 3-Y. July. 4- Mary Timberlake, Colman. Sarah Timberlake. 4. Y. Grand mother Sarah Colman. I. w. 25. Sarah Colman. Daniel Bell. David Bell. Lettice. Negro. A. J. Staniford. Master. Susanna Tuckerman I. W. Aug. I. Mary Tuckerman. Cooper. Eliz. Smalpeice. Sarah Smalpeice. Abigail Cocks. Thomas Cocks. Ebenezer Ridgaway. 8. John Ridgaway. Edward Lad. A. 15- Dorcas Russel. I. W. John Russel. Bridget Lad. A. August 29. 1736 Cooper Bridget Sanders. William Phillips. I.W. Sept. 5- Ehz. Phillips. Colman. EHz. Wendel. Mary Wendell. Hannah Quincey. 12. Josiah Quincey. Rebekah Coulton. Eliz. Coulton. Mary Townsend. Mary Townsend. Hagar Ratcliff. A. Phillis. Negro Serv'. 26. to M'- Webber. Sarah Rogers I, W. Gamaliel Rogers. Mary Hall. Octo. 3- Hugh Hall. Cooper. Sarah Quincy Edmund Quincy. Sarah Johnson. Thomas Johnson. Ruth Torry. Josiah Torry Sarah Putnam. Joseph Putnam. Rachel Kile. Robert Kyle. Jacob Wendel. 24. Eliz. Wendel. Hannah Fitch Joseph Fitch. Mary Emmons Jacob Emmons. Daniel Bel. 31- Daniel Bell. Rachel Rankin Nov. 7- Benj Rankin Colman Ebenezer Welsh. 14. Elizabeth Welsh. Thomas Welsh. Joseph Badger. Joseph Badger. Mensa, Negro. Phillis. Jane Tyler. Andrew Tyler. Cooper. Hannah Pitts. James Pitts. Mensa, Negro. A. 28 Servl toM^ Hall. Colman Ruth Greenleif I W. Decern 5- Will Greenleif. Cooper. Zabdiel Fitch. Benji Fitch, Jun'. Thomas Savage. 12. Thomas Savage. Ehz. Welsh. 26. Eliz Welsh. Daniel Brown. John & Abiah Brown. Martha Bulkley. Jan'-.y 2. 1737. Martha Bulkley. Colman Mary Storer. 9- Ebenezer Storer. .Sarah Henshaw. 16. Eliz. Henshsaw. Eliz. Cobbet. 23- Nath. Cobbet. William Williams. Febr. 6. W™ Williams. Cooper. Margaret Flag. 27. Thomas Flag. Will"!' Guise Haggar. i . Y. March. 7- William Haggar. Colman Joseph Haggar. I.W. James Bayard. 20. Balthazar Bayard. Eliz. Newton. A. 27. i6o RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. 2002 2003 2004, 2005. 2006. 2007. 2008. 2009. 2010. 2or I. 2012. 2013. 2014. 2015. 2016. 2017. 2018. 2019. 2020. 2021. 2022. 2023. 2024. 2025. 2026. 2027. 2028. 2029. 2030. 2031. 2032 2033. 2034. 2035. 2036. 2037. 2038. 2039. 2040. 2041. 2042. 2043 2044. 2045- 2046 2047. 2048. 2049. 2050. 2051. 2052. 2053. 2054. 2055. 2056. 2057. 2058. [Names. Sarah Barron. Ursula Coffin. Dorothy Newton. Joseph Gray Ransford. Deborah Colman. Elizabeth Marion Rebekah Davenport Samuel Butler. Sarah Erwin. Susanna Young. 1 Anna Hanse Alexandr Leath Miller. Susanna Wendel. Christopher Kilby John Snell. Sarah Mecom. Jonathan Howard. Nathanl' Wakefied. William Lee Eliz. Sherburn. Sarah King. Alexander McCulIa. Peter Prescot. James Nicholson. Simon Rogers. Jonathan Whitten. William Phillips. John Wendel. John Goold. Peter Chardon. James Clark. Ruth Freeman. William Bennet. Thomas Phillips. Jerusha Blowers. Abigail Bell. James Lovel. Rebekah Kennedy. John Black. Dinah Becham. Joseph Edwards. James Wakefield. Eliz. Furness. Mary Waine. John Pits. Henry Flint Wendel. John Loring. Abigail Browne. John Colman. Sarah Edmund. Jonathan Craft Mary M^^Cloud. Eiliza Huttea. Thomas Bulkley. John Campbel. Jane Barnes. William Judawine Age. Moi >.■ . Day. Year. Parents. Ministers.] i.w. April. 10. Timothy Barron. Rebekah Coffen. Cooper. A. 24. I.w. May. I. Rebekah Gray. Colman. 15- Deborah Colman. Sarah Marion. 29. James Davenport. Samuel Butler. June. II. John Erwin. Cooper I.w 12. : [737. James Young. Anna Hanse. Elijah Miller. Cooper 19- Jacob Wendel Ebenezer Kilby. 26. Sarah Snell. July 3- Edward Mecom. Colman 17- Deborah Howard. Hannah Wakefielc John Lee. I. 24. Joseph Sherburn. 31- Henry King. August. , 6. Mary McCullah. Cooper. 21. Eliz. Prescot Hannah Nicholson Tamasin Rogers. 1. 28. Ann Whitten. Septem . 4. John Phillips. Mary Wendel. John Goold. Caiman. II. Peter Chardon. James Clark. David Freeman. Octob^- 2. Eliz. Bennet. Cooper. 16. Sarah Phillips. 30- Jeruslia Blowers. Daniel Bell Colman. Novem . 6. John Lovel. Rebekah Kennedy Ruth Black. 13- Sarah Becham. Joseph Edwards. 20. Joseph Wakefield. Decern! ; 4. Eliz. Furness. Cooper II. William Waine. Colman. 18. James Pitts. 25- Eliz. Wendell. Cooper. January, i. 1738. Eliz. Loring. Colman. 8. Abigail Browne. 22. Sarah Colman. 29. Jonathan Edmund Eliz. Craft. I. February 5. David McCloud. Cooper. 12 Eliz. Huttea. March. 5- Martha Bulkley. Ann Cambel. Colman. A. 12 I. w. 19. Jane Judawine. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 161 [Names. Age. Month. Day. Year. Parents or Sponsors. Decease] 2059- Daniel Brown. John Brown. 20JO. Ebenezer Cunningham . Eliz. Cunningham. 2071. David Cutler. 26. David Cutler. Cooper. 2072. Thomas Macculloch Abigail Macculloch. 2073- Mary Way A. April. 9- 2074- Jonathan Fitch. I. W. Joseph. Fitch. 2075. Eliz. Davis. 30. William Davis. Colman. 2076. David Bell. May. 7- David Bell. 2077- Mary Putnam. Joseph Putnam. 2078. Henry Green June 4- Joseph Green. Cooper. 2079- Margaret Sumner. II. Benji Sumner. 20S0. Mary Way. I. W, June 25- 1738. Mary Way. Cooper. 2081. Mary Lazenby. Zerviah Lazenby 20S2. Hannah Bass. July- 2. Moses Bass. Colman. 2083. Judith Colman. 9- Deborah Colman 20S4. Hannah Worth. 16. James Worth. 2085. Jacob Wendel. 23- Jacob Wendel Jun '. 2086. Sarah Barron. Timothy Barron. C087. Eliz. Lewis. Eliz. Lewis. ?o88 Oliver Noyes. August. , 6. Belcher Noyes. Cooper. 2089. Sarah Perry. 13- John Perry. 2390. Sarah Stebbins. A. 72. 2091. Rebekah Florence. I. W. Rebecca Florence :'D92. Sarah Miller. Elijah Miller. 2093. Jonas Clark Minot 20. Stephen Minot Jun": 2094. Mary Phillips. Septem • 3- John Philips, Deacon, Colman. ;595. Susanna Brown 16 E K Sewal. 2096. Thomas Flagg. Thomas Flag. .:o97. Eliz. Wakefield. John Wakefield. : .98. Susanna Townsend. October 8 Mary Townsend. Cooper -99- Benaiah Lee John Lee. : 1 00. John Emmons Jacob Emmons. -101. James Rankin Benja. Rankin. 2i02. Josiah Flag. Novem, • 5- Josiah Flag. Colman. 2103. Joseph Latrop. 12. Deborah Latrop. Cooper. 2104. Rebekah Rogers 19. Gamaliel Rogers. 2105. Esther Ouincy. Decern. 3- Edmund Ouincy. 2106. Jacob Hawes. 10. Mary Hawes. 2107. Ann Desaign A. 24. 2108. George Erwin. I. W. John Erwin. 2109. John Dennie. 30 Abigail Dennie. Colman. 2IIO. Martha Eagleston. Eliz. Egelstone. 2III. George Smalpeice. Sarah Smalpeice. 2II2. Mensa, Negro Janury 7- 1739. Mensa & Lettice. 2II3. Anna Coffin. Febr. 5- Rebekah Coffin. Cooper. 2II4. Harris Halden. A. 25. 2II5. Hannah Cocks. I. W. Alice Cocks. 21 16. John Butler. Samuel Butler. 2II7. Esther Gould. March S- John Gould. Colman. 2I18. Mary Dodge. Mary Dodge. 21 19. Paul Yendal. II. Eliz. Yendall. Cooper. Hence 2120. George Lewis. A. 18. forward I take ye 2I2I Jemima Ellithort. 3- Y- Eliz. Spurrier. fore -noon exur- cise, & leave ye 2122. Benjamin Haws. I. w. Anna Haws. Baptisms (as at 2123. 2124 Benjamin Bill Anna Coffin. Ruth Bill. Rebecca Coffin. times of late I have done) to M^ Cooper. 2125. Thomas Bennet. 25. Ehz. Bennet. 21 l62 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. [Names. Age. 2126. Mary VVendel. 2127. Henry King. 2128. Catharine Braket. 2129. Lydia Scotow. 2130. Pyam Blowers. 213 1. Mary Phillips. 2132 Peter Franklin Mecom. 2133. Ann Davenport. 2134. Abigail Lovel. 2135. Sarah Bryant. 2136. Daniel Marrow. 2137. Hannah Storer. 2138 Marjory Williams. 2139 John Savage. 2140. Sarah Russel. 2141. Mary Gobbet. 2142. Sturgis. 2143. Samuel Johnson. 2144. Richard Bill Henshaw. 2145. Simon Howard. . •2 1 46. George Newmarsh Clark. . I . W. 2147. John Hutta. 2148 Josiah Brown. 2149 Mary Nicholson. 2150. Joseph Crouch. 2151. Margaret Wendell. 2152 William Colman. 2153 Isabella Ransford. 2154. Mary Fitch. 2155. Ebenezer Townsend. 2156. Josiah Wendell. 2157. Edward Prescot. 2158. Alford Butler. 2159. William Way. 2160. David Stoddard. 2161. Charles Florence. 2162. Eliz. Jackson. 2163. John Hunt Wendell. 2164. Titus. Negro. 2165. Robert Lee. 2166. Mary Bulkley. 2167 Benjamin Whitman. 2168. Stephen Flag. 2169. Deleverance Wakefield. 2170. Lydia Cutler. 21 71. William Young. 2172. James Sumner. 2173. Mehitabel Putnam. 2174. Sarah Halden. 2175. Obadiah Bell. 2176. Stephen Minot 2177. Elizabeth Sturgis. 2178. Mary Furnace. 2179 Benj) Phillips. 2180. Eleanor Brown 21 8 1. Abigail Barron. 2182. Henry Bass, ' Probably C signifies that Colman baptised by Cooper, as indicated on p. I June 27 3- 10. 24. July r. 8. 15- July. August 22. 29. .19. Month. Day. Year. Parents or Sponsors. Ministers ] April. I. Mary Wendel. 8. Henry King. Eliza Brackett. 15. John Scottow. 22. Jerusha Blowers. May. 13. Sarah Phillips. Edward Mecom. 20. James Davenport. John Lovel. William Bryant. Anna Marrow. Ebenezer Storer. W"; Williams. Thomas Savage. Samuel Russel. Nathanael Cobbet. Lucretia Sturgis. Colman. Thomas Johnson. Cooper. Eliz. Henshaw. Deborah Howard. 1739. J^mes Clark. Cooper. Eliz. Hutta. John Brown. Hannah Nickolson Joseph Crouch. 26 Jacob Wendell. Sarah Colman Rebecca Ransford Joseph Fitch. Ebenezer Townsend. John Wendel. Eliz. Prescot. Eliz. Butler Mary Way. William Stoddard. Rebekah Florence. Eliz. Jackson. Jacob Wendell Jun'. Mensa & Phillis. Robert & Mary Lee. Martha Bulkley. Ann. Whitman. Josiah Flag. 1740. Joseph Wakefield. David Cutler. James Young. Benj? Sumner. Joseph Putnam. Harris Halden Daniel & Myriam Bell. 17. Stephen & Sarah Minot Prince Sturgis. Eliz. Furnace. 24. John & Mary Phillips. Barnel Brown 2. Sarah Barron. C.^ Q. Moses Bass. Sept. 16. Oct. 14 21. 28. Novem. iS Decem": 25. 2 Januar) 9- 23- 30- '13- 20. February 3. ID. March. baptised this and the others similarly marked, the others being all 61.— Eds. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. I6 [Names. Age. 2183. Samuel Bell. 2184. Samuel Fullerton. 2185. John Edwards 2186. Mary Lee. 2 1 87. Nathanael Coit. 2188. Eliz. Bracket. 2189. Francis Bennet. 2190. Elizabeth Ratclif, Negro. 2191. Belcher Noyes. 2192. Richard Surcomb. 2193. Benj.' Colman. 2194. Joseph Allen. 2195. Edward Waine. 2196. Benjamin Colman. 2197. Susanna Miller. 2198. Josiah Quincey. 2199. William Russel. 2200. Eliz. Arno. 2201. Benjamin Johnson. 2202. Buckley Prescot. 2203 ]\Iary Green. i.w. 2203 Benj. Crouch, 2204. Joseph Jackson. 2205. Sarah Townsend. 2207. Eliz. Rogers. 2208. George Collins 2209. George Davenport. 2210. Martha Scot. 221 1. Joseph Lovel. 2212 Thomas Stoddard. 2213. Ann Erwin. 2214 Katharine Wendell. 2215. Lydia Wise. 2216. James Pitts 221 7. Jeremiah Jackson Nicholson. 2219 W"". Parker. 2220. Ann Newman. A. 2221. Jacob Hawes i. w. 2222. Deborah Robins. 2223. Samuel Butler. 2224. Anna Dodge. 2225. Hannah Pitson. 2226. Nathanael Simson. 2227. John Bell 2228. Hannah Cotes. A. 2229. Mitchinson Green, i w. 2230 John Walter Wendel. 2231. James Worth 2232. John Mecom 2233. Samuel Sedin. A. 2234 Habijah Savage i. w. 2235. William Lee. 2236. Jeremiah Jackson Nicholson 2237. Tamils Negro' Woman, A. servant to Cap. Smith 2238. Eleanor Biscomb.- A. 2239. Brown. Month. Day. Year. 16. April. June. July 23- 30. 20. I. 22. 29. 6. 13- 20. 27. August 10. 24. 31. Sept. 7. Oct. Nov. 14. 28. 5- 1740 26. 16. 23- 30. Decern. 14 28. Jan. 4. 1 741. 25. Feb^ I. 22. March, i. 15- 22. April. 5. 12 May 19 26. 3 Parents or Sponsors. Ministers.] David Bell. W'." Fullerton. Joseph Edwards. John Lee. Nath. Coit Eliz. Bracket. Eliz. Bennet. Ratcliff. Belcher Noyes. C. Rich':' Surcomb. Sarah Colman. Jerusha Allen. W'." Waine. Hannah Colman. Rebekah Miller. Josiah Ouincy. Samuel Russel. C Dorothy Arno Thomas Johnson C. Eliz. Prescot. Thomas Green Cooper Joseph Crouch. Abigail Jackson. Ebenezer Townsend. Gamaliel Rogers. Mary Collins. James Davenport. Joseph Scot. John Lovel. C W"} Stoddard. John Erwin. John & Eliz. Wendel John Wise. James Pitts. Hannah Nicholson. Thomas Parker. Mary Hawes Deborah Robins. Ehz. Butler. C Mary Dodge. James, Hannah Pitson. Nathanael Simson. John Bell. Joseph & Ann Green. Mary Wendel. Judith Worth. Ed"'^ & Jane Mecom. Thomas Savage. Robert & Mary Lee Hannah Nicholson 164 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. [Names. Age. 2240 2241 2242. 2243. 2244. 2245. 2246. 2247. 2248. 2249. 2250. 2251. 2252. 2253- 2254. 2255. 2256 2257. 2258 2259. 2260. 2261. 2262. 2263. 2264. 2265. 2266. 2267 2268 2270. 2271. 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278. 2279. 2280. 2281. 2282 2283. 2284. 2285. 2286. 2287. 2288. 2289. 2290. Barron Hannah Pitson i. w. Katharine Negro to j A. Samuel Sturgis. f Benjamin Lambson. A. John Renkin i. w. Joseph Smalpeice Jane Cook A Daniel, Negro man / to D-: Bulfinch. f William Baker i. w. Zilpah. Negro Mary Marrow. Benj^ Tucker. Jane Tyler. Mary-Anna Philips. William Downe. Dinah. Negro to A. M"' Bordman John Bell. i. w. Mary Young Oliver Greenleif Robert King Eduth Mynzie Eliz. Coit. Cuffee. Negro to A. M^5- Cowel. Phillis to M": Storer. Eliz. Mullet Clark, i.w. Hannah Smith William Bennet. Abraham Wendel Robert Hunt. Lydia Parsons Pompey, Negro Mr Whalley A. Sharper Negro JVl! Lowder Cloe. Negro M:- Steel Katurah, Negro M^ Pitts Edmund Moreton i.w. Scipio Negro. M^ Quincey I. Y. Joseph Putnam. i.w. John Ridgaway. Scipio. Negro A. Cap"^. Fairweather. Hannah Emmons, i.w, William. Negro M-; Smith. A. Cszar. Negro M^ Davenport Mary Mirac John Peirce. Mary Gould. Thomas Odel James Brown. Thomas Lord. Peter, Negro. Wid Boylston. Month. Day. Year. Parents or Sponsors. Ministers.] 10 James & Hannah Pitson 17. Benj'^ Renkin. 24. Sarah Smalpeice. 31. June. 14. W'^ & Sarah Baker. 21. Daniel, Negro to Dr. Bulfinch, July. 12 Mary Marrow. 19. Abigail Tucker. 26. W'." & Jane Tyler. John & Mary Philips. W™ Downe, Jun": Aug. 2 Daniel & Myriam Bell. 9- James & Jane Young 23- W'." Greenleif. Henry & Sarah King. W." Mynzie. 30 Nathanael Coit. Sept. 6. 1 741, , James Clark. Colman. 13- John & Mary. Cooper. 20. Eliz. Bennet Anna Merry 27. Jacob Wendel JuoT Robert Hunt. Hannah Parsons. Octo^ 25. Eliz. Moreton Scipio Cap'. Osborn. Nov! I. Joseph Putnam. Colman. 8. Eliz. Ridgaway. Cooper. Jacob Emmons. Decern. 20. Colman. I.w. 27. John Peirce. I. w. J amy 24. 1742, John Gould. Cooper. 7. Y. Martha Odel. I.W. Feb! 7. Mary Brown. Sarah Lord. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 1^5 A. 5- 2 A. I.W. May June. II. 25- 9- i6. 3°- 6. [Names. 2291. Martha Oliver. i.w, 21. 2292. Zilpali. 2293 Joseph Goreham. A. 28. 2294. Sarah Wendel. i.w. 2295. Anna Halden March. 14 2296 George Roulstone 21. 2297. Thomas Warden 2298. Thomas Phillebrowu April 4. 2299. Sarah Russel. 2300. Jonathan Tindell 2301. Abigail Bulfinch 2302. Thomas Knox. 2303. Samue! Lovel. 2304 Mary Cutler. 2305. Elizab. Robins 2306 John Wise. 2307. John Hutta. 2308 Hannah Fowler. 2309. Sarah Fowler. 2310. John Fowler. 231 1. Deborah Nevers, 2312. Jane Dennie. 2313. Mary West. 2314. Samuel Sumner. 2315. Mary Deline. 2316. Sarah Lawrence. 7. Y. June. 6. 1742. 2317 Susanna Lawrence. 5. - 2318 Rebekah Lawrence. 3. - 2319 Thomas Lawrence, i. - 2320. Anna Marrow. i.w. 20. 2321 Mary Foster. July. i. 2322 Samuel Cheney. 2323 Benj^ Renkin. 11. 2324 Sarah Baker. 2325 William Badger. 18. 2326 Eliz. Bracket. 2327. James Stoddard. 2328 Ebenezer Townsend. 2329. John Wakefield. 2330 William Farnum. 2331. Rebecca Arno 2332. Catharine Nicholson. 2333. Dorcas Welsh. 2334 Bristol Negro, free. A. 2335 Elizabeth Prescot. i.w. 2336 Mary Lincoln. 2337. Sarah Edmund. 2338. Peter Pace. 2339. George Yendels. 2340 Priscilla Worthylake. A. 2341 Priscilla Worthylake. I.M. 2342 Sarah Chardon. I.w. 2343. George Green. 2344. Eliz^ Putnam. 2345. John Symson. Novem": 7. 2346. Elizabeth Wendel. 14. 2347. Benjamin Child. 21. Age. Month. Day. Year. Parents or Sponsors. Ministers.] 25. August. I. 22. 29. Septem^ 5. 12. 19. Octt 3. 10. 17- Nath. Oliver. Mensa & Lettice. John & Eliz. John & Harris John & Ruth. Thomas Warden. Thos. & Eliz. Phill. Sam'! & Sarah. Jon'^ Tindel W™ & Katharine. Adam Knox. John Lovel. David Cutler. Deborah Robins John Wise. John Hutta. Hannah Fowler. Abigail Dennie. John West. Benj. Mercy Sumner. Mary Deline Sarah Lawrence. Cooper Joshua Foster Jacob Cheney. Benj^' Renkin. W".^ & Sarah Baker. Joseph Badger Eliz. Bracket. W™ & Sarah Stoddard Eben'i Townsend. Joseph Deb. Wakefeild. John Farnum. Dorothy Arno. Hannah Nicholson John Welsh. Eliz. Prescot. Colman Jedediah Lyncoln. Jonathan Edmund. Cooper Mary Pace. Eliz. Yendels. Priscilla Worthylake Peter Chardon. Ann Green. Joseph Putnam. Nath. Symson. Jacob Wendel Jun^ Benj. Child i66 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. [Names. Age. Month. Day. Year. Parents or Sponsors. Ministers 28. Abijah Lewis Jan'-.y 2. 1742. Benj^ & Hannah Colman William Uowne JunL ii 30. Timothy Marrow 2 20. John & Anna Adams. Febru-iy 6. Ebenezer Storer. Moses Bass. John & Abiah Brown Joanna Price 13 Stephen & Sarah Minot. James & Stephen Pitts. March 6. Eliz? Davis. Deborah Howard. Robert & Mary Lee. 13. Joseph Crouch. Gamaliel Rogers. Eliz. Moulton March 20. 1743. James Davenport. Cooper Mary Wendel. Thomas Savage. 27. Edw"? Mecom. Hannah Moor April 3- John Eliz. Wendel David & Lydia Cutler ro. Henry & Sarah King. 25. John Bell. May I. Wl' Mynzies 8. James & Mary Dodge. 22. Joseph Scot. James Morrice. Daniel Bell. 29. Eliz. Pain June 5- Eliz. Dwight 10 Stephen Morine. 26. Benj^ Church. July. 3. John Lovel. Colman. Mary Tuckerman. EUz. Eaglestone. 10. NathL' Coit. Cooper. 24. Thomas Flag. August 7. 14. W? Hicklin. 21. Mary Collins. 28. Eliz. Loring. Eliz. Peck. Sept. II. Catharine Serle. 18. Eliz. Henshaw. Mary Brown. Oct^ 2. Sarah Smalpeice. Eliz. Ridgaway. 23. Mary Hawes. Nov^ 6. Hezekiah Usher. Colman. 27. John West. Cooper Thomas Parker. Decern' : 25. Belcher Noyes. Colman 2348 Abigail Lewis. 2349. Benj^ Colman. 2350. Joseph Downe. 2351. Eliz. Marrow. 2352. Anna Adams. 2353. Sybil Storer 2354 Joseph Bass. 2355. Benj^ Brown. 2356 Lucy Price 2357 William Minot. 2358 Thomas Pitts. 2359. Solomon Davis. 2360 Deborah Howard 2361 Jacob Lee. 2362. Mary Crouch. 2363 Ann Rogers. 2364 Eliz. Moulton 2365. Addington Davenport. I VV. 2366. Jacob Wendel. 2367. Alexander Savage. 2368. Josiali Mecom. 2369. Sarah Moor 2370. Isaac Wendel. 2371. Jonathan Cutler. 2372. Martha King. 2373. William Bell 2374. Catharine Mynzies 2375. James Dodge. 2376. William Scot. 2377. Sarah Morrice. 2378. Sarah Bell. 2379. Mary Pain 2380 Jonathan Dwight. 2381. John Morine. 2. Y. 2382. Stephen Morine. i.m. 2384. Mary Church. i.w. 2385. Rebekah Lovel. 2386. Susanna Tuckerman 2387. Henry Eaglestone. 2388. Mary Coit. 2389. Martha Flag 2390. Nansy Negro, A. serv'i to D.Gibson. 2391. John Hicklin. i.w. 2392. George Collins. 2393. Mary Loring. 2394. John Peek. 2395. Thomas Clark Searle. 2396. Eliz. Henshaw. 2397. Doras Brown. 2398. Dorcas Smalpeice. 2399. Rebekah Ridgaway 2400. Epps Sergeant. 2401. Mercy Usher. 2402. Susanna West. 2403. Thomas Parker. 2404. Nathanael Noyes. I Evidently the i and 2 are intended to show that these names are out of order. Probably 20 should be 23, in the column of days. — Eds. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 167 [Names. Age. Month Day. Year. Parents or Sponsors. Ministers.] 2405. William Pitts. Jan':y 15 1744. James Pitts. 2406. Benj^! Willis. Benj. Willis. 2407. George Smith. 22. George Smith. 2408. Benj ; Coffin. 29. Gayer Coffin. 2409. Adam Knox Adam Knox. 2410. Thomas Wade. Febrr 5- Thomas Wade. 241 1. Francis Gore. John Gore. 2412 Sarah Lewis. Abia Lewis. 2413. Mary Marrow. Anna Marrow. 2414. John Young. 12. James & Jane Young. 2415. Mary Cooper. March. 4- Mary Cooper 2416. Daniel Nicholson Hannah Nicholson 2417. Hannah Colman. II Hannah Colman. 2418. Benj? Jackson Abigail Jackson. 2419. Henry Andrews. John & Margaret. 2420. Thomas Wise. John Wise. 2421. James Marrow. 25, Timothy & Mary Marrow. 2422. Eliz. Warden. i.w. March. 25- 1744 Thomas Warden. Colman. 2423. Bethia Baker April. I. W™ & Mary Baker. 2424. Mary Huttea Eli? Huttea 2425. Mary Ricks. Eliz. Ricks. 2426. Csezar, Negro. Caezar, Servant, to Mr. Davenport. 2427. Mary Timberlake. 6. Y. IS- Mary Timberlake. 242S Hannah Sprague. i.w. Samuel Sprague. 2429 Esther Davenport 22. James Davenport. 2430. Susanna Renkin. Benj'} Renkin. 2431. Thomas Wendell. 29. John & Eliz. Wendell. 2432. Elizabeth Cutler. David & Lydia Cutler. 2433- Susanna Clark. James Clark. 2434- Faith Savage. May. 13- Samuel Phillips Savage 2435- Scipio. 4. Y. 20. Scipio: Serv^ to M^ Fairweather. 2436. Cezar. 2437- Joseph Tucker. June. TO. Abigail Tucker. 2438. James Robins. 17- Deborah Robins 2439- Mary Pace. July 8 Mary Pace. 2440. Flora, Negro. A. IS- Serv'. to D-: Bulfinch. 2441. Rebekah Sumner, i.w. 22. Benj. & Mercy Sumner. 2442. Deborah Gould. John Gould. 2443- Bridget Sanders. A. 29. 2444. Susanna Green. i.w. Ann Green. 2445. Eliz. Cheny. August 12. Jacob Cheny. 2446. William Colman. 19- Sarah Colman. 2447. Hannah Savage. 26. Thomas Savage. 2448 Daniel Scot. Joseph Scot. 2449. Joseph Putnam. Joseph Putnam. 2450. Ruth Baker. Walter Baker. 2451. Violet. Mensa & Phillis. Servf to Bro Staniford 2452. John Arno. September. 2. Dorothy Arno. 2453- Samuel Barron 9- Timothy Barron. 2454. Rebecca Lincoln. Jedidiah Lincoln. 2455. Lydia Logan. 16. Mercy Logan. 2456. Rebeca Wendell. 23- Jacob Wendell Jun: 2457. Solomon Townsend. October 7. Ebenezer Townsend. 2458. John Dennie. 14- John Dennie Jun'. 2459. Daniel Rogers. Gamaliel Rogers 2460. Samuel Tribute 3 Y. Ann Tribute 2461. John Tribute 2. m. 1 68 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. 2462. 2463. 2464. 2465. 2466. 2467. 2468. 2469. 2470. 2471- 2472. 2473- 2474. 2475. 2476. 2477. 2478. 2479. 2480. 2481. 2482. 2483. 2484. 2485. 2486. 2487. 2488. 2489. 2490. 2491. 2492. 2493- 2494. 2495. 2496. 2497. 2498. 2499. 2500. 2501. 2502. 2503. 2504. 2505. 2506. 2507. 2508. 2509. 2510. 25 1 1. 2512. 2513- 2514. 2515. 2516. 2517. 2518. [Names. Age. Month. Day. Year. Parents or Sponsors. Ministers.] Jane Foster. i.w. Eliz. Foster. Eliz. Fullerton 21 William Fullerton William Lovel 28. John Lovel. John Minot Stephen Minot. Jun^ William Brown November. 4. John Brown Ann Bowden. 18 John Bowden. Jonathan MoUineu. Michael MoUineu Charles Florence. 25. Mary Florence. John Adams. Anna Adams. Joanna Tilden December. 2. Jonathan Tilden. Mary Ridgaway. 9- James Ridgaway. Joseph Cuningham. 30- Robert Cunningham. Hannah Bell. Janr*' 13- 1745- John Bell. Joanna Green. Thomas Green. Joshua Laurence Sarah Laurence. Lydia Coit. 20. Nath" Coit. Zaccheus Moreton. 27. Eliz. Moreton. Joseph Philips. February. 3. Deacon John Phillips. Benj* Waine. William Waine. Hannah Casson ID. Abigail Casson. Clarinda. A. 17- Serv'. to M^ Pollard Joshua Henshavv. i. w. FebrY 17. 1745 Eliz. Henshaw. Colman. Thomas Hickling. March. 3- WiUiam Hickling. John Jenkins 10. Mary Jenkins. Joseph Dodge. 17- Mary Dodge. George Smith. George Smith. John Barret. 24. John & Hannah Barret. Sarah Church. 31- Benj'*. Church. Stephen Usher. April. 7. Jane Usher. Jane Mecom. 14. Edward Mecom. Abigail Phillips. William Phillips. Lydia Worthylake. Priscilla Worthylake. Silence Tod. » 21. William Tod. Mary Tod. John Gore. 28. John Gore. M^ Abbot. Sarah Wendell. May. 5- John & Eliz. Wendell. Colman. Edward Ransford. Rebekah Ransford. William Marine Stephen Marine. Samuel Eaglestone, Eliz. Eaglestone. James Colman. 19. Hannah Colman. Rebekah Wendel. June 2. Mary Wendell. Priscilla Reynolds. 9- John & Susanna Reynolds. Ann Edwards 16. Joseph Edwards. Eliz. Pitson. 23- James Pitson. Francis Sympson. July. 7- Nath. Symson. Katharine Bracket. Sam'.' Bracket. Elizabeth Farnum. 14. John Farnum. CiEsar. Negro Child. 21. Nancy ; Serv' to Deacon Gibson. Katharine Searle. 28. Katharine Searle. Sarah Ridgaway Eliz. Ridgaway. Martha Johnson. Augusi .25. Thomas Johnson. M''. Foxcroft Zilpah, Negro Child. Septem. i. Pompey & Dinah. Colman. Eliz. Billings. 8. Richard Billings. Mary Dixwell. John Dixwell. Anne Peck. Eliz. Peck. David, Negro Child. Scipio. Serv^ to Cap. Fairweather. Mary Cutler. IS- David Cutler. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 169 2519. 2520. 2521. 2522. 2523. 2524. 2525. 2526. 2527. 2528. 2529. 2530. 2531- 2532. 2533- 2534- 2535- 2536. 2537- 2538. 2540. 2541. 2542. 2543- 2544. 2545- 2546. 2547. 2548. 2549. 2550. 2551. 2552. 2553- 2554. 2556. 2557- 2558. 2559. 2561. 2562. 2563. 2564. 2565. 2566. 2567. 2568. 2569. 2570. 2571. 2572. 2573- 2574. 2575- 2576. [Names. Age. Month. Day. Year. William White 29. Martha Knox. Samuel Andrews. Oct": 7 Sarah Merrow. Martha Parker. • 21. Ebenezer Messenger. Novem. 3. Eliz. Badger. 10. Sarah Howard. 17. Mary-Ann Brown. 24. Samuel Pitts Decern. 8. Rebekah Paquinet. Mary Florence. 15. Barnabas Cook Jane Davenport. 22. Sarah Rankin. Mary Moor. William Savage. i.w. 29 Decem'. 1745. W!2' Sergeant Hawes. ' \, George Hesket Smalpeice. Titus. Negro' Child. Elizabeth Brown Jeremiah FuUerton Belcher Noyes. William Lovell. Mary Wendell John West. William Cooper Mary Robins. Eliz. Wise. Abigail Tucker. Gillam Bass. Sarah Crouch. Mary Colman. William Bell. Mary Sumner. Abigail Jackson John Pace. Sarah Oliver. Thomas Tilden. Katharine Cofifin John Bowden. Samuel Gould. Sarah Clark. Joseph Ricks Coit. Jacob Dennie. James Mecom. James Ridgeway. Francis Minot. Sarah Putnam Daniel Churchill. Richard, Negro. Sarah Child. Mary Moreton Eliz. Townsend. Phillis. 5. January 1746. 12. 26. 2. February. 17- 23. March. 30- 13. April. 20. 25 May. 8. June 22. 29. 6. July. 13 20. 27. 3. August. 10. 17- 24. 14. September 5. October. Parents or Sponsors. Ministers.] William White. Adam Knox. John & Mary Andrews. Anna Marrow. Thomas Parker. Mr Welsteed. Ebenezer Messenger. Colman. Joseph Badger. Dorothy Howard. Mary Ann Brown. James Pitts. Tamasin Paquinet. Mary Florence. Mercy Cook. James Davenport. Benji Rankin. Hannah Moor. Samuel Savage Colman. Mary Hawes. Sarah Smalpeice. Mensa& Lettice. Servant to M": Staniford. John Brown. W" Fullerton. Belcher Noyes. John Lovell. Jacob Wendell, Junr Mr Prince. John West. Katharine Cooper. Mr Foxcroft. Deborah Robins. Colman. John & Hannah Wise. Abigail Tucker. Moses Bass. Mr Prince. Joseph Crouch Colman. Hannah Colman. Mr S. Cooper Daniel & Myriam Bell Benj? Sumner. Colman. Abigail Jackson. Mary Pace. Sarah Oliver Jonathan Tilden. Cooper. Rebekah Coffin John Bowdea, John Gould. Mr Byles James Clark. Nathanael Coit. Colman. John Dennie, JunH Cooper. Edward Mecom. Colman James Ridgeway Stephen Minot Jun^ Joseph Putnam Sarah Churchill. Clarinda, Serv'. to Coll. Pollard. Cooper. Benjamin Child. Colman Eliz. Moreton. Ebenezer Townsend. Scipio, Servr to Capt. Fairweather. Cooper. lyo RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. [Names. Age. 2577. 2578. 2579. 2580. 2581. 2582. 2583. 2584. 2585. 2586. 2587. 258S. 2589. 2590. 2591. 2592. 2593- 2594- 2595- 2596. 2597. 2598. 2599. 2600. 2601. 2602. 2603. 2604. 2605. 2606. 2607. 2608. 2609. 2610. 261 1. 2612. 2613. 2614. 2615. 2616. 2617. 2618. 2619. 2620. 2621. 2622. 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 Samuel Cutler. Obadiah Gore. William Warden. Thomas Green } Eliz. Green ^ James Pitson. Solomon Wheeler. Ruth Lamb. Thomas Hutter. Mary Jenkins. Priscilla Greenleif. I Hezekiah Usher Mary Palmer. Joseph Ricks Eliz=? Marine. Joseph Sympson. Nathanael White Abraham Remick. Sarah Dodge. Edmund Dwight. William Todd. Rebekah Florence. Hannah. Negro Dorothy Quincy. I William Colman. Susanna Scot. Stephen Willis Parker. Jedediah Hammond. Dinah, Negro. Jacob Adams. Mary Oliver. Mercy Bell. Margaret Newman. Mehitabel Coburn. Sarah Graves. Alexander Savage James Hatch. Samuel Gould. Lydia Messenger. Bethia Oliver. Samuel Wise. Judith Cooper. John Henshaw. Mary Edwards. Mary Tilden. Ann Jackson. About this Time baptis'd Elizabeth Warden. — w. A. . W. 6.Y. I. W^. Day. Month. Year. Parents or Sponsors. Miiiisters.] 19. David Cutler. Colrnan John Gore. Thomas Warden. 2. November. Thomas Green. Cooper. 23- James & Eliz. Pitson. Margaret Wheeler) Colman, at Mr 14. December. 21. 4 January. 1747. 25. James Lamb. i h"sXrer°ion 8. February. 22. I. March. 29. 12 April. 26. .3. May 17. 24. 31- June July. 7- 21. 5- 12. 19. 26. August 2. 9- 16. Colman. Cooper. Colman Eliz. Hutter. Cooper. Mary Jenkings. John Greenleif. M"! Cooper. Jane Usher. Joseph Palmer. Eliz. Ricks. Stephen Marine. Increase Sympson. Colman. William White Cooper. Ursula Remick Mary Dodge. Eliz. Dwight. William Todd. Mary Florence. Cap'. Wendell. Edmund Quincy. Hannah Colman. Joseph Scot. Thomas Parker. Philip Hammond. Pompey Negro. Anna Adams. Cooper. Mary Oliver. John Bell. Colman. Henry Newman. Cooper. Seth Coburn. Tamasin Hales. Thomas Savage. Benj. & Ann Hatch. Esther Gould. Ebenezer Messenger. Bethia Oliver. John & Hannah Wise. Rev"? Samuel Cooper. Colman. Eliz. Henshaw. Joseph Edwards. Jonathan Tilden. Cooper. Abigail Jackson. Tho^, Warden. This finishes the Records of that accomplisht and eminent Servant of God Doc^ Benjamin Colman who died 29'^ Aug? 1747 Record of Baptisms solemnized by the late Rezf^ D*- Samuel Cooper, pastor of the church in Brattle-street 1747 Jan. i8 Mary, daughter of John & Mary Dixwell 25 Hekekiah of Hezekiah Usher Mary of Joseph Palmer Joseph of John Rick Elizabeth of Eliz. Marion Feb. 6 of Increase Simpson 22 Nathaniel of William White March I Abraham of Remick April 26 daughter of Cap. Florence May 31 Jacob Adams Mary Wendell June 21 Margret of Henry and Margret Newman of Coburn July 5 Alexander of Thomas Savage 12 James of Benjamin and Ann Hatch 19 Samuel of John and Esther Gould. 26 Bethiah of Daniel & Bethiah Oliver Lydia of Ebenezer Messenger Samuel of Hannah Wise Aug. 16 Tilden & Jackson Sep": 27 Sarah of George & Katherine Searl Oct'. 18 Katherine of Katherine Cooper Nov. 22 Oliver S of Belcher & Ann Noyes 29 Mary of John & Abiah Brown Dec! 13 Frances of Deborah Robbins 20 Susannah of Nathaniel Simpson 27 Sarah of James Foster 1748 Jan. 3. Phillip of Eliz. Lansing Nathaniel of John Lovell John of Thomas & Mary Wade 10. Katherine of Katherine Brown 31- William of Will? Fullerton Feb. 7 Timothy of Abigail Fitch 28 Margaret of Tho? & Margaret Marshall March 6 Mary of Edward & Jane Mecom Elizabeth of Thomas Hubbard 13- Hannah of Elizabeth Brackett 20 Mary of William Greenleaf Sambo & Peter, negroes. April 10. Judith of James & Elizabeth Pitts Sarah of John & Sarah Dennie 172 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. John Amoretta May 15. Elizabeth 2 2 William Joseph 29 William June 5. Obadiah 12. Thomas 19. Margret Andrew 26 Hurriah Samuel July 1 7 Abigail Elizabeth 24 Elizabeth 31. Ann Mary Shurt & Aug. 14 Samuel Sep' 4 Peter Oliver 18 Hannah Octr 9 Ebenezer 16 Mary Joseph Nov^ 6 William 20 Mary Decern' ; 4 Hannah Joseph 18. Sarah 25. Mary, Jan. 15. Joseph 22. Margret 29. Ann Susannah William Feb. 5. Daniel William 26. Martha May 7. Stephen Isaac 28 Elizabeth Aug 6. Martha William 13, Elizabeth 2 7 Mary Sep: 3 James Elizabeth 1 Priscilla 24 Simon Ray of John Dixwell of Scipio Fayerweather of Benj" & Mary Sumner of William & Hannah More of Joseph & Deborah Coit of Samuel Russell of John & Frances Gore of Thomas & Sarah Jackson junL of John Andrews of Andrew Hall of Elizabeth Hutter of Samuel Osborn of Benjamin Rankin of John & Priscilla Greenleaf of David Bell of Benjamin & Hannah Colman Ruth Hatch (adults) of Samuel & Sarah Savage of John & Mary Wendell of Henry & Margret Newman of Edward & Jannis Morton of Jacob & Elizabeth Cheney of John & Elizabeth Ricks of Benjamin & Mary Child of Geoffry Currier of John & Hannah Henley of Pompey & Dinah (Negroes) of William & Katherine Cooper of Benjamin & Martha Parker 1749 of David & Lydia Cutler of Timothy & Abigail Fitch of Belcher & Ann Noyes of Daniel & Bethiah Oliver of Joseph & Sarah Putnam of Hezekiah & Jane Usher of Joseph & Abigail Jackson of John & Martha Gerrish of Joseph Scott of Isaac & Elizabeth Smith of Edmund & Elizabeth D wight of Grace Spear of William Ballentine of George & Katherine Searl of Henry & Mary Quincy of James Foster of Thomas Warden of John & Abigail Lovell of Thomas Hubbart LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 173 Oct! Novf Decf Feb. March April May Aug. Aug. Octr Nov' Decf I. Joseph 15. Elizabeth 12. Adam Sarah 26 Ward, 10 Benjamin Benjamin 25 4- II I. 15- 20, 19. 26. 25- 2. 16 23 of James Bowden of John & Lydea Bell of Adam & Martha Knox of Stephen & Sarah Minot of Benjam" & Mary Hallowell of Benj. & Hannah Colman of John Gould 1750 John of John Greenleaf Sarah of Benjamin & Mary Sumner Joseph of Susannah Moreton Mary of David Bell John of WiUiam Todd Ann of More Richard Bill of Joshua Henshaw John of Seth Coburn Elizabeth of William Greenleaf Daniel of Daniel & Bethiah Oliver Samuel of James Clarke Mary of Gear & Rebeckah Coffin Samuel of Samuel & Sarah Pool Mary of Henry & Margret Newman Robert of John & Sarah Smallpiece Timothy & Andrew twins of Thomas & Mary Green Ann of John Trevett Sarah of Isaac & Bridget Ridgway Katherine of John Andrews Ezekiel & Hannah, twins of Thomas Savage John of John & Hannah Henley Elizabeth of John Lovell Elizabeth of John Jenkins Hugh of John Hutter Elizabeth of William Greenleaf jun' Sarah of David Cutler Elizabeth of Isaac & Elizabeth Smith Leorano. Joseph & Deborah, twins of Thomas & Deborah Hubbart. Mary of Joseph Coit Bartholemew of Joseph Putnam oamuei 01 i5racKeti 1751 • No records 1752 Feb. 2. Francis of John Gould 16. Mary of John Provence March I. Esther of John & Esther Trevett April 5- Hannah of Cap" & Elizabeth Molton 174 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. 26 Holmes May 17. Sarah 24 Katherine June 7. Nathaniel Joseph 14. Samuel July 19. Thomas 26 Samuel The stile now alters. Sept'. 24. James Elizabeth Samuel Oct^ 8. Samuel 2 2 Robert John Sarah 29 Benjamin Nov'- 5. Elizabeth 12 Judith 26 Mary Susannah London DecT 3. Ann 10 Joseph 1 7 Mary 24 John 3 1 Daniel Jan. 14. Sarah William Sarah Feb. 4 Hannah Feb. 18. Nathan March 4 Abigail 18 John April 8. Susannah 15. Margret & Mary Abigail May 6. Edward 13. William 20 John June 10 Elizabeth James 1 7 William July 15. Elizabeth Elizabeth 2 2 Sarah Aug. 5. Joseph of Nathaniel & Martha Simpson of John & Frances Gore of Thomas & Mary Green of Thomas Jackson of William Ball of Samuel Downes of Benjamin & Mary Hallowell of William & Mary Todd of James & Elizabeth Bowdoin of Isaac & Bridget Ridgway of Clarinda (negro woman) of David Cutler of Adam & Martha Knox of Jonathan & Martha Edwards of Samuel & Sarah Pool of John & Hannah Henley of Seth & Elizabeth Cobum of William & Katherine Cooper of John & Abigail Lovell of John & Mar)f Jenkins of Scipio (Fayerweather) of John & Elizabeth Hutter of Samuel & Sarah Savage of Henry &: Mary Quincy of Thomas Johnson of Daniel BeU 1753 of Mary Smith of Mary DoUer of Sarah Currier of Timothy & Abigail Fitch of Nathan & Grace Spear, of Joseph Greenleaf of Joseph & Abigail Jackson of Benjam". & Mercy Sumner twins of Henry & Margret Newman of Henry & Margret Bromfield of John Bell (a blind man) of David & Elizabeth Bell of Solomon & Elizabeth Davis of Daniel & Elizabeth Boyer of Mensas & Lettice (negroes) of Benj" & Elizabeth Eustis of Isaac & Elizabeth Smith of Elizabeth Cromartie of James Dodge of Benj5 & Mary Hallowell LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. /D Sept! Oct. Nov^ Deer 19. 26. 16. 21. 28 II 18 25 30- Thomas of Story & Sarah Dawes Thomas of John Edwards Gideon Ray of Thomas Hubbart Walley of Joseph & Mary Sherburne Phoibe of Benj" & Hannah Cohnan Anna of Obadiah & Martha Curtis [pencilled in] William Brattle of John Mico & Katherine Wendell Jane of Margery Tillock William of W™ & Mehetabell Hyslip Phillip of Isaiah Odbur John of Jacob Ridgway Martha of Benj. & Elizabeth Brandon William of William Ball. Jan. Feb. Feb. March April May June July 6. Mary 13 Mary Katherine 2 7 Elizabeth II. Susannah Hephzibah 9 16 23 9- 16 23 30 6. 13 19. 20. i«. 15- 22 29 13 20 Lydea George Benjamin Susannah Isaac James Rebecca Anthony Frances Gilbert Edward Isabella Rebecca Timothy Mary Benjamin Elizabeth Nathaniel Nathaniel Walker William Thomas ]\Iary Elizabeth Josiah Thomas 1754 of Andrew & Sarah Hall of Martin & Mary Gay of Jonas & Mary Fitch of Timothy & Abigail Fitch of W-° & Mary Greenleaf of More. 1755 of Richard & Lydea Dana of Benj. & Elizabeth Eustis of John & Abigail Lovell of Andrew & Sarah Hall of John T^Iico & Kath'; Wendell of William & Eliz. Dall of Joseph & Sarah Putnam of Daniel & Bethiah Oliver of John Bell of James Masters of Benj? & Hannah Coleman of Story & Sarah Dawes of Timothy & Abigail Fitch of Thomas & Mary Green of John Edwards of Samuel & Sarah Pool of John & Elizabeth Welch of Nathaniel & Abigail Donn of Nath' & Mary Appleton of Isaac & Elizabeth Smith of Thomas & Sarah Savage of John & Priscilla Bryant of William & Mary Todd of Nathl & Abigail Richardson of Joseph & Abigail Greenleaf 176 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Aug. lO. ( Martha [in p( 1 Elizabeth mcil] of Obadiah Curtis 24 Samuel of William & Katherine Cooper John of Isaiah & Sarah Audibert Sepr 14 Jack of Scipio (Fayerweather) Oct! 26 Priscilla of William & Hannah Greenleaf Nov! 2 Francis of Hezekiah Usher Ann of James Top Katherine of Daniel & Eliza. Boyer 23 George of Ezra & Pleasant (negro) 30 Mary of Isaac & Mary Vibird Deer 14. Rebecca of John & Mary Wendell Susanna of John & Frances Gore 1756 Jan. 4- Mary of Jacob & Mary Ridgway Edward of Solomon & Elizabeth Davis David, of William & Mehetabell Hyslip no more entries this year 1757 Jan. 9. Sarah of Benjamin & INIary Hallowell 16 Abigail of Elizabeth Huttah 23 Jane of William & Sarah Flagg Feb. 6. Sarah of John Provence 13- Josiah of Katherine Nottage 20 William ^ Dorothy Thomas of Ephraim Turner Samuel March 6. Mary of Isaac &: Elizabeth Smith Grizzel of John & Mary Cotton 13- Hannah of Joseph Putnam 20. Sarah of William Greenleaf Elizabeth of James Masters April 3 Elizabeth of William & Katherine Cooper Susannah of Elizabeth Moreton 10 Elizabeth of Elizabeth Rogers 17 Mary of Grace Spear 24 Samuel of Thomas Green 1757 May I. Mercy of Mercy Hegshaw Abraham of Benjamin Eustis 8. Sarah of Thomas & Sarah Savage Sarah of Henry & INIargret Bromfield 15- Thomas Fitch of Andrew & Mary Oliver Mary of John & Elizabeth Welch Elizabeth of Samuel & Eliz. Downe James of John & Mary Wendell LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 177 22 Violet & Sylvia (negro children) June 5- William of Henry & Margret Newman Thomas of Obadiah Curtis 12 James of Mary Smith 26 Rebecca of John Gore Abigail of Samuel & Hannah Waterhouse July 10. Henry of John Andrews Richard of Richard Billings 17 Archibald of Archibald & Eliz. M-^Niel John Jones of John & Hannah Spooner 24 Daniel of John Greenleaf 31 Thomas of Solomon & Elizab. Davis Aug. 7- Elizabeth of W'" & Mehetabel Hyslip Isaiah of Isaiah Audibert 21 Sarah of Thomas & Hannah Flucker Sepf 18 Elizabeth of John Phillips Octf 2 Anna of Andrew Hall Sarah of Josias & Mary Byles Thomas of John Amory 23 Nancy (serv! to W" ' Greenleaf) Elizabeth of Ruth Freeman Novf 7- Abiel Walley of Joseph Sherburne 27 Katherine of Isaac Wendell Deer 4. Mary & Sarah of Edward Paine Timothy of Jonas Fitch II Joseph of Thomas Jackson 25 William of Jonathan Williams Dorothy of John Lewis 1758 Jan. I. Elizabeth of Priscilla Bryant 8 John, of John Mico & Kath. Wendell 15 of Thomas Hubbart Feb. 19. David of David & Kath. Ochtherlony Elizabeth of Martin Gay 26 James of James & Eliz. Cromartie March 5- John of Nathaniel Appleton 12 Mary of Ebenezer Storer jun"' 26 Sarah of Mary Homer William of Hannah More April 9- Rebecca of Jacob Ridgway 16. Mary of Mary Hallowell 23 Joseph of John & Abig. Edwards Sarah of William Dall May 7- Susanna of Joseph & Abigail Jackson Joseph of Joseph Billings 21 William of Nathan & Grace Spear 28 Isaac of Isaac & Bridget Ridgway June II Anna of John Bell James of James & Sarah Stuart 23 lyS RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. July 1 6 William 23 Sarah Sepy 24 Christopher Oct' I. Sarah 8 James 15 Elizabeth Nov. 5. Sarah 1 2 Mary 19 George Scott Deer 3. Samuel 1 7 Henry Josiah & Samuel 24 George Richards Jan. 21. Samuel Feb. 1 1 . Patience 18. Mary March II. John 25 Isaac April I. Sarah 15. INlary Nancy 22 Ann May 6 John Jerusha 20 Sarah Ann Rebecca 27 George Abigail June 1 7 Pleasant, servant Rebecca 22 John July 8 Dorothy 15 Mary William Peter 22 Quintus (servant 29 John Jacob Aug. 19. Josiah 26 John Sepr 16. Mary 23 Samuel 30 Mary Oct'. 2 1 Jane Nov^ 1 8 Anna 25 Nathaniel of William Greenleaf of John & Elizabeth Welch of John & Frances Gore of Elizabeth Mecom of Ephraim Turner of Solomon & Elizabeth Davis of James Masters of Sarah Flagg of Joshua & Anna Winslow of Henry & Margret Newman of Samuel & Sarah Savage of Josiah & Mary Byles of Stephen Minot 1759 of William & Katherine Cooper of Edward & Elizabeth Moulton of Samuel & Hannah Waterhouse of Thomas & Mary Green of Isaac Wendell of Samuel & Elizabeth Downe of John & Mary Smith of Silvia (negro) of James & Elizabeth Rogers of Thomas Hubbart of Samuel Phillips of Joseph Sherburne of Jonathan WiUiams of Jonathan Edmunds of Elizabeth Draver of John Edwards taM' Flucker of Andrew Hall of John Amory (in private) of John & Dorothy Lewis of William & Hannah Pike of Simeon & Mary Polley. of Peter Boyer of M'^ Bulfinch) adult of John & Mary Barden of Benjamin Eustis of Nathan & Grace Spear of Isaiah & Sarah Audibert of John & Frances Gore of Abigail Doggett of Benjamin & Mary Hallowell of James & EHzabeth Cromartie of Daniel & Anna Maccarty of Abigail Dunn LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. Dec. 2 Anna Green of Joshua & Anna Winslow 30 Elizabeth of Josiah & Mary Byles 1760 Jan'. 6. , John of Adam & Martha Knox 13 EHzabeth of William & Elizabeth Warden Richard of Joseph & Abigail Billings 27 Mary of Nathaniel & Rachel Appleton Feb. 3- Edward of Henry «Sc Margret Bromfield 10 William of William Greenleaf 17 John of William & Katherine Cooper 24 Elizabeth of Thomas & Elizabeth Jackson Ma[r]> ch 9 John of John Greenleaf 16 Sarah Churchill 23 William of John Phillips jun' 30 Thomas Cheney of Isaac & Bridg' Ridgway William of John & Hannah Spooner April 20. Sarah of Obadiah & Martha Curtis John of Nathaniel Tailor May II William of John & Elizabeth Welch Violet of Silvia (Servant to M' Jones) 25 Benjamin Lynde of Andrew & Mary Oliver June I. Elizabeth of Thomas Bell 8 Isaac & Seth of Sarah Churchill July 6 Sarah of Sam! Phillips Sz Sarah Savage 13 Benjamin of Jonathan Williams 20 Mehetabel of Solomon & Eliza"" Davis Martin of Martin & Mary Gay Aug. II. Sarah of James & Sarah Stuart 17 John of John & Abigail Edwards Elizabeth of Jonathan & Ruth Freeman Sep^ 7. John of Henry & Margret Newman 14 John of James & Rebecca Masters Oct^ 5- Katherine of David & Kath1'= Ochterlony 12 Eunice of Henry & Eunice Quincy 19 Ezekiel of Thomas & Sarah Savage Novf 2 Temperance of Mary Stuart 9 James of Peter Boyer 16 Richard of Joseph & Abigail Jackson Josiah of William & Sarah Flagg 23 Ebenezer of Joseph & Sarah Putnam Nathaniel of Nathan' Hancock Dec! 14 Michael of William & Mary Homer 28 Rufus Green of John Amory 1 76 1 Jan. 4. Benjamin of Benjam" & Mary Hallowell Mary of John & Frances Gore Elizabeth of Ephraim Turner 18 Susannah of Moses Wheal 179 I So RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sep^ Oct^ Nov. Dec! Jan? Jan. Feb. March May I Susanna, 8 Ann 1 5 Sarah Jane 8 Charles 5. Elizabeth James Samuel 1 2 EUzabeth 1 9 Richard 2 6 David 10 George & Henry 31 Anna & Katherine 2 1 Mary 28 Peter 19. Mary 26 John Isaac Timothy Simeon William 16 Elizabeth Charles 6. Sarah 13 Joseph '2 7 Sarah 4 Mary Nathaniel 1 1 Henry Martha Fitch 25 Flora I. Richard Wibird Lilly Mary 15 Lucy 2 2 Jacob 13. Sarah 20 Moses Mary 3 Nathaniel 17. John 24 Jonathan 3 1 Mary Al[i]ce 21. Thomas 7. Susanna 2 1 Lewis 16 Thomas of Thomas & Judith Hubbart of John & Ann Lovell jun' of Edmond & Eliz* Moreton of Jane M'^Farling of Ebenezer & EUza. Storer of Edward Ladd Saunders of James & Elizabeth Rogers of Matthew & Eliz. Wakefield of Andrew & Eliz. Newell of Joseph & Abigail Billings of David Bell of Nathan! Appleton of John & Eliz. Welch of Christian Bruce of John & Mary Smith of Thomas Jackson of William & Margret Phillips of John Greenleaf of Timothy & Eunice Fitch of Simeon & Mary Polleys of William & Elizabeth Warden of Jacob & Mary Ridgway of Thomas & Frances More of James & Sarah Stuart of Nathan & Grace Spear of Josias & Mary Byles of Isaac & Bridget Ridgway of Nathaniel Taylor of Solomon & Elizabeth Davis of John Mico & Kath^ Wendell of Sylvia (servant to M? Jones) of William & Kath. Cooper of James & Elizab'I' Cromartie of John & Mary Cotton of Samuel Phillips & Sarah Savage of Isaac & Mary Wendell of John & Elizabeth Dennie of Isaiah & Sarah Audebert of John Champney 1762 of Nath' & Mary Hall of Joseph & Sarah Putnam of Jonathan & Ruth Freeman of John & Anna Lovell of James Sumner of John & Mary Bray of Peter & Susanna Boyer of John & Abigail Edwards of John Amory LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. i8i 30 Nathaniel Margret June 6, Katherine 27 John Murdock James Smith Benjamin July 4. Katherine II Joseph Lee Benjamin John 18 Nathaniel 25 William Aug. 15. William 2 2 Lucy James Sep. 12 Elizabeth Flagg James Jonathan Sepf 19. Katherine Oct! 3. Daniel 17. Abigail 24 Mary Josias Nov! 14 Franklyn 2 1 John 28 Nathaniel Dec! 1 2 Grizzle 26 Elizabeth of Nath' Hancock of William & Margret Phillips of John & Frances Gore of Walter & Mehetabell Logan of James & Mary Love 11 of Samuel Rock of John & Elizabeth Welch of Andrew Newell of Benj. & Mary Gray of William & Elizabeth Dall of William & Hannah Pike of Edward & Rebecca Pain of Thomas & Judith Hubbart of Joshua & Anna Winslow of James & Rebecca Masters adult of Ephraim & Dorothy Turner of Jonathan & Martha Edmunds of William & Kath": Cooper of William Greenleaf of Joseph & Abigail Ridgway of Benjamin & Mary Hallowell of Josiah & Katherine Nottage of Jonathan Williams of Isaac & Bridget Ridgway of Benj. & Eliza'I' Eustis of John Cotton of Elizabeth Freeman Jan. 2. Nathaniel Feb. 1 3 Anna 20 Elizabeth 2 7 Samuel Edmund John March 6. James 20 Andrew 2 7 Abigail Rachel April 3. Thomas 17 John Brown Rosanna Mary May I Mary Whitmore 15 Eunice William 29 Edward June 5. Sarah Anna 1763 of Thomas & Sarah Fletcher of David & Elizabeth Bell of Will? & Eliz'."^ Warden of Samuel & Eliz'^ Downe of Thomas & Esther Green of William & Mary Homer of James & Al[i]ce Sumner of John & Margr! Spooner of Nath' & Abigail Dunn of Richard & Sarah Green of NathI & Rachel Appleton of Tim° & Eunice Fitch of Jane McFarling of Isaac & Mary Viburt (adult) of Andrew & Sarah Hall of Benj? & Eliz'."" Pierpoint of Oliver & Mary Wendell of William Si Sarah Flagg of John & Abigail Edwards 1 82 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. July Aug. Sep^ Oct! Nov! Decf Jan. Feb. March April May 19 10. 17 24 31 7- 14 4 II 25 13 27 II. 18 Jonathan of John & Katherine Amory William of Natha' & Sarah Tailor Gilbert of Katherine Ochtherlony John of John Brown Elizabeth & Abigail of John & Sarah Provence Benjamin William Jonathan Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth William Henry William John Sarah Josiah Mary Martha Addleton Ann Benjamin Thomas Dawes, Thomas Mary Jeremiah John Elizabeth Elizabeth of John & Elizabeth Welch of James & Elizabeth Rogers of Henry & Margret Newman of John & Ann Lovell of Samuel & Eliza'^ Minot of Henry & Hannah Bromfield of Archibald M'Niel of John & Sarah Webb of William & Priscilla Greenleaf of Edward & Abigail Walker of Solomon & Elizab*.'' Davis of John & Mary Phillips (adult) of Henry & Eunice Quincy of Benj. & Hannah Sumner of Tho^ & Frances More of Thomas & Rebecca Shepherd of Nathaniel & Mary Hall of Thomas Jackson of James & Mary Lovell of Alexander & Christina Bruce of William & Elizabeth Dall 1764 See Addenda, p. 440. 1 3 Hannah 3 Sarah 10 Thomas Rebecca 1 7 Abigail 24 Martha Elizabeth 17. Isaac Townsend Elizabeth 7. Isaac Sarah 14 Samuel Isaac Joseph Ruth 2 1 William •12. Benjamin Colman William 1765 of Isaac & Mary Vybert^ of James & Alice Sumner of Obadiah & Mercy Curtis of Joseph & Abigail Hall of Edward & Abigail Walker of John & Elizabeth Welch of Samuel & Susanna Draper of David & EHza* Bell of Thomas & Rebecca Shepherd of Solomon & Elizabeth Davis of William & Margret Phillips of John & Sarah Web of William & Olive Daws of Joseph & Ann Barrell of James & Elizabeth Rogers of John & Katherine Amory of John & Eliz. Dennie of William & Hannah Pike 1 In Dr. Colman's Diary given Wibird. See p. 441. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. ^83 26 June 2. John 1 6 James 23 Ann July 14 WilUam Oct^ 20 George Novf 3. Edward 17. Martha 24 Sarah Dec! 8 Joseph 15. John Jan. 5. Abigail James 26 Thomas Feb. 2, William 1 6 Ann 23 Rebecca Jonathan Patten Mary March 9. Susanna Treat 30 Sarah Temperance April 6. John Scottow 20 John 2 7 William 18 Rebecca 25 Elizabeth Mary June I. Rebecca July 13. Samuel Caleb Brooks Aug. 3. Samuel 10 Jacob 24 Hannah Sep^ 7 Charlotte Sep! 21. at the west chh, Thomas Ebenezer Oct' 12 Daniel Edward Samuel 19 William Dudley 26 James & Susanna Mary Nov! 16. Samuel 23 Joseph Dec! 28 Francis of Samuel & Mary Horn of William & Martha Hersey of William Greenleaf of Henry & Eunice Quincy of Nathaniel & Mary Balch of William & Mary Homer of Edward & Rebecca Pain of Jacob & Martha Wendell of Samuel & Elizabeth Minot of Joseph & Abigail Ridgway of William & Katherine Cooper 1766 of Abigail Gwin of Isaac & Bridget Ridgway of Andrew Newell of William & Sarah Greenleaf of Joshua &i Ann Gardner of Thomas & Elizabeth Amory of Nath' & Mary Hall of John & Mary Wise of James & Sarah Stuart of Samuel & Sarah Snow of Jonathan Williams of Isaac & Eliz. Colman of Richard & Sarah Green. of Habijah Savage of John & Ann Lovell of Thomas and Rebecca Shepherd of Benj. & Elizabeth Eustis of Levi & Mary Stutson of William & Priscilla Greenleaf of Thomas «Sc Judith Hubbart of Joseph & Abigail Hall of Benj? & Hannah Sumner of Jacob Wendell jun' of Richard Emmons of Nathaniel Appleton of Saniuel Quincy, of Martin Gay of Peter & Susanna Boyer of Edward & Abigail Walker of William & Abigail Barrett of John & Mary Cotton of James Williams of William & Mary Berry of William & Martha Hersey of Thomas & Elizabeth Newell of John & Katherine Amory 184 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. 1767 Jan. 4- William of William & Margret Phillips 18 Nathaniel of Thomas Green Nathaniel of James & Rebecca Masters 25 Eunice of Timothy & Eunice Fitch Feb. I. Eupheme of Archibald Cunningham Sarah of Samuel & Sarah Appleton 15 Benjamin of John & Eliza*!> Welch 22 Thomas of James Lovell March 15- Joseph of Giles & Mary Alexander 22 Susanna of James & Alice Sumner 29 Thomas of Thomas & Eliza'^ Amory April 12. Lucy of Samuel & Lucy Rotch 19 Rebecca of Andrew & Elizab'^ Newell William of James & Elizab'l' Rogers Dinah of female serv! to Cap. Bradford May 10. Samuel of Samuel & Elizab. Minott Sarah of Josiah Nottage 17 Mary Smith of Samuel & Mary Horn 24 Margret of Nath! & Mary Balch 31 James of James & Lydea Dodge June 7- Lydea Dodge (adult) Joseph of Joseph & Elizabeth Waldron 28 Sarah, servant of M' M'^Neal John Gardiner of Joseph Wise Aug. 30 Mary of Benjamin & Eliz. Pierpoint Rachel of Richard & Sarah Green Sep! 6. Mary of Samuel & Sarah Howard 13 Joseph of Joseph & Eliz. Warren Sarah of John & Joanna Stutson 27 Jacob of Thomas & Frances More Jacob of Jacob & Martha Wendell Nov. 22. Polly of William & Mary Davis 29 Richard Brooks of Rich"* & Eliz. Emmons Mary of Aaron & Mary Cabot Dec! 6 Jonathan of William & Hannah Pike 13 Edmond of William & Sarah Greenleaf Cato, servant of M' ■ Bowdoin 20 Elizabeth of John & Cicely Hodgdon 27 Elizabeth of John & Anna Lovell Abigail Stainer r t t, p tv/t ah & Elizabeth of Joseph & Mary Allen 1768 Jan. 24 Joseph of Joseph & Abigail Ridgway Feb. 21. Jenny of Habijah Savage Samuel of Samuel & Sarah Snow Cato (adult) servant to M"'^ Hancock 28 George Ruggles of Oliver & Dorcas Greenleaf LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. ■S5 March April May June July Aug. Sep' Oct! Nov. Dec! Jan. Feb. March April 27 10. I. 15 29 12 19 3 24 31 21. 28 4 25 9- 30 6. 13 27 18. 22. 29 5 12 19 12 26 Ebenezer Turell Samuel Cooper Roland Sarah William Thomas Solomon Edward Betsy Elizabeth Isabella Katherine Joshua Joseph Betsy Sarah of John & Eliz'^ Dennie of Gabriel & Judith Johonnot of John & Mary Cotton of Levi & Mary Stutson of Solomon & Ehzabeth Davis of Thomas & Sarah Fletcher of George Hews of of Nathaniel & Rachel Appleton of Thomas & Elizabeth Araory of John & Jane M^Farland of William & Katherine Cooper of Joseph & Abigail Hall of Sharper (serv' to M' Wendell) of Alexander & Eliza*!' Smith of Isaac & Elizabeth Col man Hannah Farrand (adult) Dora Servant to M! Clark (adult) Joseph Jane Richard John Hercules Benjamin Frank (servant to M" Hancock) of Joseph & Mary Dennie of Boston & Lizzy of Peter Boyer of Norton & Sarah Brailsford of William & Abigail Barrett John Henry Hannah Thomas Waldron John Elizabeth Nathaniel Robert Elizabeth of John & Mary Wise of Thomas & Judith Hubbard of William & Mary Homer of James & Alice Sumner of William & Lucy Newhall of Daniel & Margrett Scott of Thomas & Esther Green of William & Priscilla Greenleaf of Nathaniel & Sarah Tailor 1769I of Oliver & Mary Wendell of John & Abigail Adams of James & Mary Lovell of John & Cicely Hodgdon of John & Mary Savage Sarah Susanna Mary Elizabeth Sarah Jenny (of Cato serv! to M' Hancock) Samuel of Samuel & Sarah Appleton of Gabriel & Judith Johonnot of Archbald & Lydea Cunningham of Giles & Mary Alexander of Benj? & Elizabeth Eustice of John & Katherine Amory of Joseph & Elizabeth Warren of Isaac &JV[ary Vibird Zechary Archbald Hannah Prudence Katherine Mary Sarah David Hyde 1 See p. 442 for additional baptisms. 24 1 86 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. William Bulfinch Nancy i6 Benjamin 23 Thomas Joseph 28 Katherine May 7- John 14 Elizabeth 21 Charles Harrison Mary 28 Susanna June 4- John 18 Elizabeth 25 Mary July 2. Jacob 16 Mary 23 John 30 Benjamin Aug. 6. Ann John Ruth 13 Susanna Thomas John 20 Silvester Sep' 10. Charles Jan. 14. Henry Feb. 4- Elizabeth March 4. Nathaniel 18 James April I. Thomas 15 Thomas 22 Elizabeth Betsy 29 John May 13 20 Peter Chardon June 3- Elizabeth Charles July 8. Jonathan 22. Thomas Elizabeth Aug. 12. John Sepr 2. Susanna Joshua William Joseph Astin of David & Abig. Hyde of Samuel & Mary Horn of James & Eliza'!" Williams of James & Eliza. Rogers of James & Lydea Dodge of David & Abigail Hyde of John & Joanna Stutson of William & Al[i]ce Baker of Tim? & Eunice Fitch of Nathaniel & Mary Balch of James Robbins of John & Rebecca Thompson of John & Elizabeth Dennie of John & Sarah Webb. of William & Margret Phillips of Samuel & Elizabeth Minot of Volentine & Hephzibah Sullivan of Josiah & Kath Nottage of Thomas & Elizab. Amory of Joseph & Abigail Hall of Oliver & Dorcas Greenleaf < of Joseph & Mary Allen of Joseph & Eliza. Waldron of John Brailsford of John & Mary Cotton of Joseph &z Ann Barrell 1770 of John & Katherine Amory of Isaac & Eliz. Smith of W" & Abig. Barrat of Joseph & Abigail Ridgway of Jane Adamson of John & Mary Savage of Thomas Popkin of Will"^ & Mary Farnum of Habijah & Eliza. Savage of Aaron & Mary Cabot of John & Judith Scott of William Homer of Thomas & Jud. Hubbard of John & Abigail Adams of Thomas & Eliz. Amory of Joseph & Elizabeth Waldron of Joseph & Abigail Hall of John & Sarah Gore of Joseph & Mary Turell of Samuel & Sarah Snow of William & Alice Baker of Richard & Sarah Green LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 187 Hannah 1 Sep! 9. Daniel < 16 Susanna 23 William ' Peter Oct'. 21. Edward Anna Stevens Nov. 25. Francis Dec! 2. John 9. William 1 6 Frank 23 George Minot William Jan. 6. Dudley Elizabeth Blanchard Sarah Feb. 3 Sarah 1 7 George March 10 Mary 16 1 7 Martha 24 Nancy April 7 Anna William Cox 14 Elizabeth 2 1 Mary May 1 2 Sally 19 Rebecca June 23 Elizabeth July 7 Isaac Aug. 4. Nathaniel 1 1 Thomas 18 (At old South) PhiUis / serv! of M' 25 Sarah Sarah Sep^ 1 5 William Hannah 1 2 John John Octr 20 Mercy 2 7 William James Nov, 1 7 Thomas Dec! I John Kitteridge Nicolas ic. Edward of John & Mary Wise of Daniel & Maigret Scott of Levi & Mary Stutson of William & Lucy Newall of Cato (to M' Hancock) of Edward & Eliz. Clarke of William & Eliza. Royall of Francis & Susanna Green of William & Margret Phillips of James & Mary Lovell of Frank & Dory (negroes) of Nath! & Sarah Tailor of Oliver & Dorcas Greenleaf 1771 of John & Mary Cotton of Sam! & Sarah Appleton of Isaac & Eliza. Colman of Sarah Andrews of Archbald & Lydea Cunningham of James & Elizabeth Rogers of Samuel & Elizabeth Minot (in pvatej of Sam' & Elizabeth Salisbury [in pencil] of John & Cicely Hodgdon of Benj? & Elizabeth Eustice of James & Lydea Dodge of Samuel & Mary Horn of William & Martha Hearsay of Thomas & Sarah Popkin of William & Rebecca Flag of David & Elizabeth Hyde of Edward & Abigail Walker of Nath' & Elizabeth Call of Thomas & Rebecca Green Wheatly of John & Elizabeth Dennie of Ellis & Elizabeth Gray of Samuel & Sarah Howard of Daniel & Rachel Rea of John Adams of Thomas & Elizabeth Amory of Joseph & Mary Allen of William & Mary Bowes of Sharper (serv! to O Wendell) of Stutson of Joseph & Abigail Hall of Ward Nicholas & Ann Boylston of William & Mary Davis 1 88 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Charles 22 Sarah 29 Polly of Francis & Susanna Green of Elisha & Mercy Cole of John & Polly Savage J any. Feb^ March April May June July Aug. Oct: Novr Decf Jan. Feb. 1772 5. Daniel i week of Joseph & Abigail Ridgvvay. 19. Anthony Allen (adult) Elizabeth 2 weeks of Anthony Allen. 26. Sukey of Nathaniel & Mary Hall. 2. Lucy Watkins (adult) of Henry Bass of Joseph & Elizabeth Warren of Habijah & Elizabeth Savage of Norton & Sarah Brailsford of James & Susanna Robbins of James & Alice Sumner of Stephen & Abigail Floyd of William & Mary Berry of James & Rebecca Mastin of Aaron & Mary Cabot of Daniel Scott of W'l' & Abigail Barrett of William & Annie Turner of William Greenleaf John Chesman (adult) & his son John Abigail of Benjamin Hatch Elizabeth of Jacob & Martha Wendell Elizabeth of Thomas & Frances More William of James &Elizab.Williams (in private) 16. (at Pownalborough) Mary & Hannah children of Jonas Fitch 3 10 17 7 14 28 13 Henry Mary Debby Sarah Polly Mercy Melville Stephen & Abigail Ebenezer Robert William Smith Freeman Jonathan Nancy 18. Sarah James [in pencil] 22. Christian 29 Joshua Elizabeth Rebecca 6 Polly 13 James 20 Sarah 28 Mary 3. Susanna I o Margret 24 Alexander Samuel 31 Elizabeth 7. Abigail Byles (adult) of Nathaniel & Sarah Taylor of James Loring of Levi Stutson of Samuel & Sarah Snow of Nathan' & Ehz. Call of Zaccheus & Rachel Morton of James & Lydea Dodge of William & Ma[r]tha Hearsey of Ellis & Sarah Gray of Joseph & Abigail Hall of Francis & Susanna Green of Sharper (serv' to M' O Wendell) of Thomas & Rebecca Green of Ruggles of Timothy & Elizabeth White LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 1S9 14 Sarah of William & Mary Bowes Charles of James & Mary Lovell Joseph Tyler of Edward Blanchard 28 Lewis of Archbald Cunningham March 7- Rachel of James & Elizabeth Rogers 21 Lydea of Nathan & Lydea Fletcher Betsy of Samuel &i Sarah Appleton 28 Oliver Cromwell of Oliver & Dorcas Greenleaf John of Samuel & Mary Horn April 18. Rachel Ruggles of John & Polly Savage May 2 Joseph of Thomas & Sarah Popkin 23 of William Hawes June 6. Abigail Perkins of Joshua & Ann Winslow 13 Isaac of Isaac & Elizabeth Colman Sarah of Daniel & Rachel Rea June 20. David of David & Abigail Hyde July II. Samuel of John & Joanna Stutson William of William Quiner 25 Sally of William & Rebecca Flag Edward of Benj. & Anna Waine Aug. I. Susanna of John & Mary Adams 22 Elizabeth of William & Mary Dawes 29 John of John & Mary Cotton Sep^ 5 Deliverance of James & Alice Sumner Rebecca of Anthony & Rebecca Allen Rebecca Pratt of Stephen & Abigail Floyd 19. Elizabeth of Lewis & Susanna Gray 26 John of John & Mary Wise Oct' 3- Jacob of Jacob & Mary Hall George Hartwell (of Cato serv' to M' Hancock) 24 Samuel of Samuel & Sarah Gray Hannah of Samuel & Mary Pool Novf 7. Jacob of William & Mary Homer 14 Hannah of Joseph & Hannah Barrell 21 Ann Eaton of Norton & Sarah Brailsford Deer 5- Marion of William & Mary Burton 19 Abigail of Edward & Abigail Walker 1774 No records 1775 No records 1776 May 19. Nancy of Joseph & Hannah Barrell June 9 Sally of Amos Windship Samuel of Nancy Prince (negro) 23 Comfort of William Quiner July 28 Arthur of Thomas Baron 190 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. of Benj. & Anna Richardson of William & Mary Burton of Duncan & Susanna Ingraham of Nathan' & Eliz. Call 1777 of Samuel & Mary Lawrence of Joseph & Hannah Barrell of Ellis & Sarah Gray of James & Sarah Perkins of William & Alice Baker of John & Elizabeth Chapman of William & Martha Hearsey of James & Abigail Sumner of Joseph & Elizabeth Coolidge of William & Miriam Phillips of Daniel Rey of William Dawes of Nicholas & Elizabeth Bowes of John & Jane Adamson of John & Eliza. Cook of John & Olive Gushing of Mary Cabot of Edward Draper of Habijah & Elizab. Savage of Thomas & Jane Dakers of James & Mary Lovell of Daniel & Margrett Scott of John & Sarah Tyler of Samuel & Sarah Howard of Samuel & Joanna Pitts of John Stutson of John & Mary Adams of Foster of Samuel Allyne & Elizab. Otis of Jacob & Martha Wendell 1778 of Daniel & Mary Bell of John & Mary Fenno of John & Jane Loring. of William Phillips jun' of William & Al[i]ce Baker ngton of John & Dorothy Hancock of Henderson Inches Joseph of Isaac & Sarah Whittemore Nov. 271790 The above entrys were transcribed from interleaved almanacks (in which his records were kept by the late D' Cooper) and were faithfully extracted by Peter Thacher Aug. 4- Ruth OcU 6 William 27 Sukey Novf 10 Nathaniel Feb. 2. Samuel 9 Elizabeth Storer 16 Ellis Sally March 2. Samuel 30 Elizabeth April 13- Benjamin Nancy May 4 Jonathan II Martha 18 Israel Putnam June I. Elizabeth John 15 Hannah 29 Samuel White July 6 Aug. 24. Lydea & Sally 31 William Sep: 28 Jane Octr 5 George John 26 John Nov'. 2. Sally 23 James 30 Samuel Deer 7 14 William Oliver 21 George 28 Nathaniel March 29. William Greenleaf John Ward April 5- James Tyng 26. Jonathan May 3 Al[i]ce 24 John George Wash June 7- Susanna A List of the Baptisms administered in the church of Brattle Street during their vacancy. Nov! 23 1 783. George Greanleaf, son of Daniel and Bell Thomas John Hancock, son of Thomas jun' & Lucy Gushing Dec! 13 1783 Elizabeth Cutts, daughter of John and Lowell Decf 28 1783 A child of M"' Green Jan^ 4 1784 Harriet, daughter of M' Brown Betsey, daughter of M"' Eustis Feb. 29 1784 Hannah, daughter of M' Gardner April 4 1784 Peggy, daughter of Lendal and Pitts William son of Morrill May 2 1784 Nancy, daughter of James and Mehetabel Sullivan Betsy, daughter of John and Elizabeth Boyle Nabby daughter of John and Warren Polly, daughter of John and Loring Maria, daughter of William and Davis Frances, daughter of Wells Mary Parker, daughter of William and Martha Shattuck. Betsy Ebee, daughter of John and Wise James, son of Habijah and \_Elizabet/i] Savage ^ Samuel Cooper, son of Joseph and Abigail Hixon Phillips, son of William jun' and Baker Charles Jones, son of Ephraim and Fenno Thomas son of Greenough Thomas son of John & [Ann] Bromfield David son of Lewis Catharine Barton, son of Samuel and Bradford Elizabeth, daughter of John & Ruth Andrews William and James, sons of Zechary and Mary Hicks Nancy, daughter of Morrill Sally, daughter of Nathaniel and Call William son of Thomas and Welch. Hannah, daughter of Thomas and Hannah Newell Samuel, son of Henry & Deborah Newman Charles Russell, son of John and Codman Charles, son of Nathaniel Walker and \_Sarah'\ Appleton At different periods in the vacancy Priscilla, daughter of John and Priscilla Melville Polly, daughter of William [B. and Mary Tufts'] Bradford Betsy Cooper, daughter of Norton and [Sarah] Brailsford The publication of the 24th Report of the Record Commissioners of Boston, containing the births from 1700 to iSoo, has enabled us to fill up some of the gaps in this record. Where we have found the actual record corresponding with that here, the name has been put in Roman characters in brackets. Where we have found the parents' names only in connection with other records, so that our identification is conjectural, we have put the name supplied in italics, — Eds. May 23 1784 June 6 1784 June 20 1784 July II 1784 July 18 1784 July 25 1784 Aug. I 1784 Aug. 8 1784 Aug. 15 1784 Aug. 22 1784 Sep! 5 1784 Sep! 12 1784 Sep' 19 1784 Sep! 26 1784 Oct! 10 1784 Nov! 7 1784 Dec! 19 1784 Dec! 26 1784 Jan. 2 1785 Record of Baptisms Solejnnized by Peter Tkacker, Pastor of the church in Brattle Street or by other ministers acting in his Stead. Jan. 23 1785. Jan. 30 1785. March 6 1785 March 19 17S5 April 17 1785 April 24 1785 May 15 1785 May 22 1785 June 5 1785 June 26 1 785 July 3 1785 July 10 1785 Aug. 7 1785 Aug. 21 1785 Sep! 4 1785 Sep^ II 1785 Oct! 16 1785 Oct' 30 1785 Nov^ 27 1785 Dec' 18 1785 Dec' 25 1785 JanY 22 1786 Jan?' 29 1786 Feb. 12 1786 Feb. 26 1786 March 19 1786. April 4 1786 Joseph Gardner, son of Daniel and Rea William, son of Nicholas & Rebecca Bowes Sarah Abbot, daughter of John & Rebecca Kneeland Nancy Means, daughter of Cato Steed a free negro Sarah Chardon, daughter of Samuel & Joanna Pitts. Charles, son of Joseph & Katherine Bush William Chapell owned the covenant & was baptised. Susanna, daughter of Thomas & Hannah Wells Jonathan, son of Jonathan & Elizabeth Bruce Melvin, son of James & Abigail Sumner William, son of Joseph & Alice Cross William, son of John & Olive Gushing Benjamin, son of Benjamin & Elizabeth Guild Benjamin son of Ebenezer & Katherine Wells Amos Sampson owned y^ covenant & his daughter Joanna was baptized. Charles, son of Lendal & Elizabeth Pitts Harriet, daughter of John & Sarah Green Mary Mitchel owned the covenant & her daughter Re- becca Hill was baptised. Lucy, daughter of Samuel jun' & Elizabeth Barrett. Ephraim Copeland, son of Samuel & Rebecca Beals. Sukey, daughter of Henry and [Ruth] Prentiss Sally, daughter of Samuel and Whitwell William, son of William & Katherine Scollay William, son of William and Abigail Chapell Jonathan Mountfort, son of Nathaniel & Hannah Green ough John Green, son of Edward and Sarah Draper Mary Polleys, daughter of Joseph & Hannah Eustis Samuel, son of John and Warren William, son of William & Elizabeth Gridley. William, son of William & Fear Colman Mary, daughter of Thomas and Anna Le Moyne Samuel Cooper, son of Peter and Elizabeth Thacher John Marston jun! owned the covenant and his daughter Anna-Eliza was baptized. Samuel, son of Benjamin & Anna Richardson. Parkman, daughter of Norton & Anna Brailsford George, son of John & Mary Fenno. Thomas, son of Habijah and [Elizabeth] Savage Martha, daughter of Richard and Hannah Gardner George W^ashington, son of John & Elizabeth Boyle. John & George, sons of James & Lydea Dodge (in private) LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 193 April 9 1786 Nancy, daughter of Samuel & Susanna Wilton. April 16 1786 Mary, daughter of Henry & Deborah Newman. May 21 1786 Appleton Prentiss owned the covenant & his daughter Emily was baptized. June 4 1786 Mary, daughter of John and Lowell June 18 1786 Elizabeth, daughter of Col. Pope of Dartmouth was baptized on account of his wife Elizabeth, a mem- ber in full communion with us. July 2 1786 John, son of John & Sarah D'' Vermonnett Mary Henderson, daughter of William & Mary Burke July 16 1786 Benjamin, son of John & Ruthy Andrews Robert, son of Thomas & Priscilla Melville Polly, daughter of Braddock & Polly Loring July 30 17S6 Henry, son of Daniel and Mary Bell Aug. 20 1786 Mehetabell, daughter of Robert George & Sarah Burchen Aug. 27 1786 Betsy, daughter of Zechariah & Mary Hicks Sarah Pine was admitted to own the covenant. Oct' 29 1786 Peggy Tufts was admitted to own the covenant and her daughter, viz. of William & Peggy Tufts was baptized by the name of Peggy. Nov' 5 1786 Joseph & John, sons of Joseph & Sarah Pine Nov! 26 17S6 Eunice Callender owned the covenant. Eunice, daughter of Benjamin & Eunice Callender. Dec' 3 1786 Sarah, daughter of Thomas & Sarah Russell Dec' 17 1786 Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer & Katharine Wells. Jan?' 7 1787 John, son of William & Martha Shattuck Jan. 14 1787 katy, daughter of Joseph & Katherine Bush Jan. 21 17S7 Charles, son of John & Olive Cushing. Jan. 28 1787 Mary Frothingham was admitted to own the covenant. Feb. II. 1787. Sarah, daughter of Jonas Clark and Hannah Minot. March 4 1787. Samuel, son of Nathaniel jun- & Mary Frothingham March 1 1 1787 Mary Gavet owned the covenant. Abigail, Cheesborough, Grant, daughter of John Coffin & Abigail Jones Samuel Adams, son of Thomas & Hannah Wells. March 18 17S7 Katherine Thomas, daughter of William & Hannah Barton March 25 1787 Josiah Quincy, son of Benjamin & Elizabeth Guild Mary, daughter of Samuel & Joanna Pitts. April 8 1787 Charles Sullivan, son of Charles & Mary Gavet. April 15 1787 John, son of Samuel jun' & Elizabeth Barrett May 20 1787. Elizabeth Hall & Sarah M^Niel, children of Peter & Mary Mitchel. June 10 1787. Frances, daughter of Stephen & Molly Gorham June 17 1787 John Winthrop, son of Jonathan & Hastings Charles, son of Peter & Elizabeth Thacher July I 1787 David Spear & John Ingersol grandchildren of David & Sarah Spear & baptised on their account. July 15 1787 Maria, daughter of Thomas & Anna Le Moyne Aug. 5 1787 Simon & Abigail Edes, children of Simon & Hannah Bradshaw. 194 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Aug. 12 1787 Aug. 19 Sepr I Sep: 9 Sep! 23 Ocf 21 1787 Novf 7 1787 Nov' 18 1787 Decy 16 1787 Jan. 20 1788 l-^eb. 10 1788 Feb. 12 17S8 Feb. 25 1788 March 8 1788 April 13 1788. April 20 1788 May 4 1788 May 18 1788 May 25 1788 July 27 1788 Aug. 24 1788 Aug. 31 17S8 Sepr 14 1788 Octr 5 1788 Oct' 19. 1788 Oct' 26 1788 Novr 9 1788 Novr 16 1788 Decf 4 1788 Deer 14 1788 Decf 28 1788 Jan. 18 1789 Feb 8 17S9 787 787 787 787 Gilbert, son of Hezekiah & Esther Blanchard Benjamin Gray owned the covenant Sally, daughter of Benjamin & Sarah Gray. Polly, daughter of James & Lydea Dodge John Brown & Benjamin Hall (in private) sons of John Brown & Hephzibah Fitch. Mary Elizabeth, daughter of John & Mary Fenno Samuel, son of Edward & Sarah Draper Nathaniel Appleton, son of Appleton & Silence Prentiss. Real,^ son of Nathan and [Joanna] Bond Eliza, daughter of Samuel and [Sarah] Whitwell Katherine Johnson owned the covenant & was baptised. Joshua Lapham owned the covenant. George, son of Joshua & Susanna Lapham Henry, son of Thomas and [Elizabeth] Welch Harriet, daughter of Samuel Allyne & Mary Otis Thomas Gushing, son of Henry & Deborah Newman Braddock, son of Braddock & Polly Loring Arthur, son of Habijah & [Elizabeth] Savage Thomas, son of Thomas and Mary Deming Greenleaf Mary Runney owned the covenant. Jane, daughter of Thomas and Priscilla Melville Stephen Badger, son of William and Hitchings Robert, son of Robert and Mary Runney. Samuel, son of Nathaniel and Katherine Johnson Rufus, son of Daniel and Mary Bell Jeremiah Williams owned the covenant. Samuel, son of James and Abigail Sumner Matilda, daughter of Jeremiah and Matilda Williams Dorothy Hancock, daughter of John and Elizabeth Boyle Becky, daughter of John and Abigail Warren George, son of Nathan and [Joanna] Bond Henry, son of Ebenezer and Katherine Wells George, son of Zechariah and Mary Hicks William, son of Samuel and [Sarah] Whitwell John Howe, son of John and Sarah Green. Benjamin Sumner, tertius, owned the covenant Margaret Green, daughter of Benjamin 3'' and Maria Sumner Mary Wallis, daughter of Charles and Mary Gavet. Allen, son of Jonathan and Foster Susanna, daughter of Thomas and Hannah Wells John, son of Thomas and Anna Le Moyne Susanna Coffin, daughter of John Cofifin and Abigail Jones Samuel, son of Samuel and Curtis Charlotte, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah Gray. Nathaniel, son of Benjamin and Eunice Callender Katherine Cooper, daughter of Norton and Anna Brailsford 1 Printed Royal in 24th Report of Record Commissioners of Boston. — Eds. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 195 March 2 April 5 April 1 2 April 1 9 May 10 May 17 May 31 June 13 July 12 July 19 Aug. 9 1789 Aug. 16 1789 Aug. 23 1789 Aug. 30 1789 Sep^ 20 1789 Sepr 27 1789 Octr 25 1789 Novf 22 1789 Jan. 3 1790 Jan 10 1790 Jan. 24 1790 March 2 1 1790 March 28 1790 April 4 1790 April 18 1790 May 23 1790 May 30 1790 June 20 1790 Aug. 15 1790 Aug. 29 1790 Sep' 5- 1790 Sep' 12 1790 Oct' 31 1790 Novr 7 1790 Dec' 12 1790 789 789 789 789 789 789 789 789 Caroline & Maria, daughters of Appleton and Silence Prentiss 789 Samuel Eliot, son of Charles and Cole 789. Fortune Synimes owned the covenant. Jenny, daughter of Fortune & Jenny Symmes (free negroes) Amelia, daughter of Stephen & Molly Gorham Elizabeth-Ann, daughter of Benjamin & Elizabeth Guild Charles, son of Moses and Sarah Grant William, son of John and Ruthy Andrews Elizabeth Davis, daughter of Jeremiah & Matilda Williams Thomas, son of John and Abigail Warren Polly, daughter of Nathaniel jun' & Mary Frothingham Katherine Wendell, daughter of Samuel & Margret Cooper William Spooner owned the covenant John Phillips, son of William and Mary Spooner William Parsons, son of Charles and Mary Sigourney Sarah, daughter of Nathaniel and Hannah Greenough Sally Champney, daughter of Joseph & Hannah Eustis Mary Hodgdon, daughter of Thomas & Jemima Low Mary Penhallow, daughter of Daniel & Mary Austin Benjamin Lincoln, son of William & Martha Shattuck Margret, daughter of Henry & Deborah Newman Hannah , daughter of Braddock & Polly Loring George Washington, son of Abraham & Rachel Perrin. N. B The general was present Anna, daughter of Thomas & Anna Le Moyne. Mary, daughter of Jonas Clarke & Mary Minot Elizabeth Eustis, daughter of Ebenezer & Katherine Wells Edward, son of Edward and Sarah Draper Benjamin Tufts, son of Hezekiah & Esther Blanchard John Scollay, son of Thomas & Priscilla Melville Thomas, son of Thomas and Hannah Wells Lydea, daughter of William & Mary Hitchings James, son of John and Elizabeth Boyle James Bird jun' owned the covenant & his son James was baptized Katherine Wendell, daughter of Samuel & Margret Cooper Frederick, son of Stephen & Molly Gorham Harriet Barker, daughter of Daniel and Mary Bell George, son of Moses and Sarah Grant William, son of William and Mary Phillips John, son of Robert and Sarah Burchen George, son of John and Abigail Warren Polly Conant daughter of Appleton & Silence Prentiss John Whiting, son of Charles cSc Mary Gavet. George Brownsden, son of Samuel & Curtis. Edward Gray owned the covenant 196 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Jan. 9 1791 Feb. 27 1791 March 13 1791 March 29 1791 April 3 1 791 May I 1 79 1 June 26 1791 July 17 1791 July 31 1 791 Aug. 7. 1791. Aug. 14 1791 Aug. Sepr 28 II 1791 1791 Oct!^ 9 1791 Octy 30 1791 Nov! 6 1791 Novf Nov! 13 20 1791 1791 Nov' Deer 27 4 1791 1791 Dec!^ 18 1791 Deer 25 1791 Jan. 8 Feb. 19 March 1 1 1792 1792 1792 March 29 1792 April April I 8 1792 1792 Mary Ann, daughter of Edward & Susanna Gray Ann, daughter of Ebenezer and Katherine Wells Margrett, of Henry and Deborah Newman Judith, daughter of Richard and Priscilla Cooper Samuel, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Snelling William Gibbs of Samuel and ElizabV' Hunt. Joseph Maverick son of Charles & Cole Margret of John & Elizabeth Boyle James, son of James Davenport & Mary GriflEith John Coburn, son of Edward & Sarah Draper Mary Runey, daughter of Benjamin & Sarah Gray Harrison Gray Otis owned the covenant Elizabeth Gray, daughter of Harrison Gray & Sally Otis Daniel Greenleaf, son of Joseph & Jane Ingraham Sarah Wentworth, daughter of Daniel & Mary Austin Joseph Newell owned the covenant Polly, daughter of Joseph & Sally Newell Eliza, daughter of Braddock & Polly Loring Peter, son of William & Martha Shattuck Harriet, daughter of Joseph & Hannah Eustis Samuel Crease owned the covenant Samuel, son of Samuel & Elizabeth Crease James Allen owned the covenant Mary Louisa, daughter of James & Allen Amelia, daughter of Stephen & Molly Gorham Edward Reynolds owned the covenant Jane Thompson, daughter of Edward & Reynolds John Baxter owned the covenant Eliza Marshall, daughter of John & Elizabeth Baxter Desire Barker, daughter of Daniel & Mary Bell John, son of Thomas & Anna Le Moyne. Mary Hamilton & Fanny Grooms adults owned the covenant & were baptized. James, son of Fortune & Jenny Symmes (free negroes) Simeon Stodder owned the covenant Sukey, daughter of Simeon & Sukey Stodder William Phillips, son of Samuel & Margret Cooper Thomas Larrabee owned the covenant David Watts Bradlee, son of Thomas & Lucy Larrabee Thomas Howe owned the covenant Mary Surcomb, daughter of Thomas & AUice Howe Mary Winthrop, daughter of William & Mary Spooner John Roulstone owned the covenant George, son of John & Dolly Roulston Fanny Otis, daughter of Alexander & Mary Hamilton Harriet, daughter of Charles & Mary Sigourney George Eustis, son of Ebenezer & Katherine Wells Amelia, daughter of Moses & Sarah Grant Joseph, son of James & Patty Burdekin George, son of John & Katherine Codman LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 1 97 April 22 1792 Joshua Hall owned the covenant John Carnes, son of Jonas & Dorothy Welch Elizabeth, daughter of Joshua & Elizabeth Hall April 29 1792 Joseph Warren, son of Thomas & Jemima Low May 6 1792 Harriet daughter of John & Abigail Warren Edward, son of Henry & Deborah Newman William, son of Richard Wibird & Priscilla Cooper May 13 1792 William Cheever, son of James & Sarah Newell June 3 1792 Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth Hunt June 10 1792 Susanna, daughter of Nathaniel & Mary Frothingham June II 1792 Charlottee, daughter of Appleton & Silence Prentiss June 17 1792 Lewis Carnes owned the covenant John Adams, son of Thomas and Abigail Welch Nathaniel Greene, son of Lewis & Carnes June 21. 1792. John Collins, son of John & Elizabeth Mason (in private) July I 1792 James, son of Thomas and Hannah Wells July 15 1792 George, son of John & Ruthy Andrews Aug. 5 1792 Elizabeth Jones owned the covenant Margret Champlin, daughter of John Coffin & Elizabeth Jones. Aug. 12 1792 James, son of John & Elizabeth Boyle George, son of Stephen & Molly Gorham Aug. 26 1792 Susanna I nman, daughter of Jonas Clarke & Mary Minot Lucy, daughter of Thomas & Priscilla Melville Harrison Gray, son of Harrison Gray & Sally Otis Sepr 15 1792 George Denys, on account of M" Abigail Hixon, who solemnly engaged to educate him in the christian religion William Warden, son of Samuel & Elizabeth Crease (in private dangerously sick of the small pox. Sep' 21 1792 Joseph, son of Joseph & Hannah Blaney (in private) Sepr 23 1792 William Andrews owned the covenant Sukey Stutson, daughter of William & Polly Andrews Octf 7 1792 Isaac Phillips, son of Charles Sz Mary Gavet Octr 21 1792 James Masters owned the covenant James & Ruthy children of James & Polly Masters Nov' 4 1792 Alexander Matthewson owned the covenant Harriet, daughter of Braddock & Polly Loring Mary Ann, daughter of Alexander & Rebecca Matthewson Novf 25 1792 John Edmunds, son of Robert & Mary Runey Dec' 30 1792 Edward, son of Edward & Susanna Gray Jan. 6. 1793 Joseph Ward, son of Nathaniel & Hannah Greenough Feb. 7 1793 Eliza Debuke, daughter of Edward & Nancy Cole Feb. 17 1793 Ehza, daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth Snelling Feb. 24 1793 Margret, daughter of John & Dolly Roulstone March 3 1793 Edward, son of Edward & Reynolds March 10 1793 Richard Surcomb, son of Thomas & AUice Howe April 14. 1793 Ebenezer Niles & John Delano owned the covenant Mary, daughter of Ebenezer & Mary Niles Ebenezer, son of ditto Betsey, daughter of John & Betsey Deleno 198 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. May June June June June June ^14 7 9 II 16 23 1793 1793 1793 1793 1793 1793 July 21 1793 July 28 1793 Aug. Aug. 4 26 1793 1793 Sepf Sep^ Sep^ Oct^ I 8 22 13 1793 1793 1793 1793 Oct^ Nov^ 27 10 1793 1793 NovT Nov^ 17 24 1793 1793 Dec^ 22 1793 Dec^ Jan. 29 5- 1793 1794 Feb. Feb. 3 16 1794 1794 Feb. March 23- L 2 1794 1794 March March March April April May May ' 9 123 130 20 27 4 18 1794 1794 1794 1794 1794 1794 1794 Edward, son of Edward & Rachel Rennuf William & Sarah, children of William & Mercy Collins Christie Hamilton, daughter of James & Allen Martha Phips, daughter of William & Martha Shattuck John son of Alexander & Mary Hamilton Alexander Young owned the covenant Sally Ridway, daughter of Alexander & Christiana Curtis Young Edward, son of Henry & Deborah Newman Thomas Marshall, son of John & Elizabeth Baxter Catherine Margret, daughter of John & Catherine Codman Aaron, son of Isaac and Abigail Adams Charles, son of Charles and Elizabeth Howland Thomas, son of Stephen and Molly Gorham Andrew Kettell owned the covenant Eleanor, daughter of Andrew and Eleanor Kettell George Albert son of Lewis and Carnes Moses, son of Moses and Elizabeth Bennett Elizabeth, daughter of John Coffin and Elizabeth Jones William Burroughs Procter owned the covenant Lydea Bowes, daughter of William B and Lydea Procter William, son of William & Polly Andrews Martha Edmunds, daughter of Benjamin & Sarah Gray Lucy, daughter of Simeon & Sukey Stodder Sarah, daughter of Joseph and Sally Newell Joshua, son of Joshua and Elizabeth Hall Daniel, son of Daniel and Mary Austin Frederick William Geyer jun^ owned the covenant Frederick William, son of F'd'k W^" jun"" & Rebecca Geyer Michael, son of Fortune and Jenny Symmes James, son of Ebenezer and Catherine Wells Sally, daughter of Harrison Gray & Sally Otis Ellen, daughter of Appleton and Silence Prentiss Elizabeth Parsons, daughter of Charles & Mary Sigourney Samuel, son of Richard Wibird & Priscilla Cooper George Homer owned the covenant Thomas son of Thomas and Alice Howe George, son of George and Sarah Homer Sarah Postell, daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth Hunt Robert, son of James & Polly Masters Sally Bradlee, daughter of Thomas and Lucy Larrabee William, son of William & Mary Spooner William Otis, son of William Otis & Betsy Wyer Richard, son of Samuel & Elizabeth Crease John, son of James & Patty Burdekin Mary, daughter of Joseph & Mary Francis LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 199 June 1 1794 June 22 1794 July 13- 1794 Aug 10 1794 Aug 17 1794 Sep- 14 1794 SepT 21 1794 Sep- 28 1794 Oct^ 5 1794 Nov^ 30 1794 Dec^ 7 1794 DecT 21 1794 Janr 7 1795 Feb. I. 1795 Feb. 8. 1795 Feb. 22 1795 March I I 1795 March I 8 1795 March ^15 1795 March 116 1795' March 122 1795 April 5 1795 April 12 1795 May II 1795 May 18 1795 May 31 1795 June 21 1795 Samuel Perkins owned the covenant Charles More, son of Braddock «& Polly Loring Elizabeth Call, daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth Perkins Charlotte, daughter of Joseph & Hannah Eustis George and Harriet, children of Stephen & Molly Gorham Eliza Partridge, daughter of Thomas Waldron & Elizabeth Sumner Deborah Gushing, daughter of Henry & Deborah Newman John Cornish, son of James & Sarah Newell Eleanor, daughter of John & Esther Dorr Samuel, son of Samuel & Elizabeth Snelling Susanna Stutson, daughter of Alexander & Christiana Curtis Young Eliza, daughter of Joseph and Whittemore N. B. He this day owned the covenant Samuel Sumner owned the covenant Stephen Salisbury, son of Samuel & Martha Saunders Sumner Eliza, daughter of William & Mercy Collins Joseph Low owned the covenant Joseph Harris, son of Joseph & Sarah Low John Haskins, son of William & Mary Lad (in private) Anna, daughter of Joshua and Elizabeth Hall Eliza, daughter of Edward and Susanna Grey Lucy, daughter of Thomas and Priscilla Melville Eliza, daughter of Nathan and [Joanna] Bond William, son of William B and Lydea Procter John Lucas, son of Asa and Sarah Hammond Mary, daughter of John Coffin & Elizabeth Jones William, son of Alexander and Mary Hamilton Frederick Seymour, son of Lewis and Carnes John, son of John and Betsey Deleno John, Joseph Putnam & Sally Shattuck, children of John & Wise (in private William, son of Thomas & Alice Howe John, son of John & Elizabeth Baxter John Osborn owned the covenant John, son of John & Catherine Macaulay Osborn John & Maria Green children of Jonathan & Jemima Carey Henry, son of John & Abigail Warren Isaac Trask owned the covenant Nabby, daughter of Isaac & Trask William Phillips, son of Samuel & Margret Cooper William Amory, son of John & Katherine Codman John, son of Ebenezer & Mary Niles 200 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. June 28 1795 July 5 1795 July 12 1795 July 26 1795 Aug. Aug. Sep^ 9 6 1795 1795 1795 Sep- 6 1795 Sep- 20 Oct^ 18 1795 1795 Nov^ IS 1795 Dec' 20 Dec- 27 Jan. 10 Jan. 31. Feb. 7 1795 1795 1796 1796 1796 Feb. 14 1796 Feb. 2 1 Feb. 28 March 6 March 1 3 March 20 April 3 April April 24 May I May 12 May 22 May 29 1796 1796 1796 1796 1796 1796 1796 1796 1796 1796 1796 1796 Mary Foster, daughter of Harrison Gray & Sally Otis William, son of Ebenezer & Katherine Wells Elizabeth Sewall, daughter of Stephen jun' & Martha Higginson Stephen Gulliver owned the covenant Stephen, son of Stephen & Nabby Gulliver Daniel Mace owned the covenant Daniel, son of Daniel & Hephzibah Mace James, son of John and Wise (in private) Samuel, son of Braddock & Polly Loring Ruthy daughter of Nathaniel & Mary Frothingham Helen daughter of Appleton & Silence Prentiss Harriet, daughter of Isaac & Abigail Adams Theodore French owned the covenant Susanna, daughter of Theodore & Elizabeth French Mary Wayne owned the covenant Mary, daughter of & Mary Wayne George & Caroline, children of Henry & Deborah Newman Caroline Augusta, daughter of Frederic Will? & Rebecca Geyer Sarah Mills, daughter of Samuel & EHzabeth Crease Henry, son of Stephen and Molly Gorham William Johnson owned the covenant Emmeline, daughter of William & Sally Johnson Thomas Dakin, son of Joseph & Mary Francis Mary, daughter of John and Marston Abigail, daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth Perkins Jonathan Hunt owned the covenant John Larkin, son of Jonathan & Hannah Hunt Caroline, daughter of Thomas Waldron & Elizabeth Sumner Eliza, daughter of Joseph & Whitteraore Mary Copen, daughter of Robert and Mary Runney . Elizabeth, daughter of Nathaniel & Hannah Greenough Michael, son of Fortune & Jenny Symmes Elizabeth Smith, daughter of William Otis & Betsy Wyer Robert Gordon owned the covenant Sarah, daughter of Robert and Gordon William Collier owned the covenant Sarah & William, children of William & Hope Collier Anna Adams, daughter of Joshua & Elizabeth Hall Joseph, son of Amos & Elizabeth Bennet Sarah Wyer, daughter of Joseph & Sally Newell Mary, daughter of Samuel & Polly Ruggles Charles, son of Asa & Sarah Hammond George, son of Benjamin & Eunice Callender LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 20I June 5 1796 June 26 1796 Aug. 6 1796 Aug. 21 1796 Sep' 4 1796 Oct^ Oct^ Oct^ 2 27 30 1796 1796 1796 Nov' Dec^ Dec^ 20. 4- 26 1796. 1796 1796 Jan. I. 1797 Jan. Jan. 22 29 1797 1797 Feb. 3 1797 Feb. March March ^9 ^ 5 1 12 1797 1797 1797 March 119 1797 April 9 1797 April April 18 23 1797 1797 April May May 30 21 1797 1797 1797 June 25 1797 July 16 1797 James Ridgeway, son of Thomas & Alice Howe John Cofifin, son of John Coffin & Elizabeth Jones AUyne, son of Harrison Gray & Sally Otis Sarah Farnsworth, daughter of Jonathan & Jemima Carey. William, son of William & Mary Lad Mary, daughter of William P. & Mary Andrews George Goldthwait, son of George & Martha Ingersoll Samuel Roach owned the covenant Samuel, son of Samuel & Roach Mercy Hudson owned the covenant John Davie, son of James & Sarah Gummer (in private) Jacob Eustis owned the covenant Margret Roberts, daughter of Thomas & Frances Burley George son of Jacob & Elizabeth Eustis Anna, daughter of Henry and Deborah Newman Edward, son of William Burroughs & Lydea Proctor Samuel Perkins, son of Samuel & Lydea Henchman Spear (in private) Thomas, son of Thomas & Lucy Larrabee Joseph, son of Joseph & Mercy Hudson James Bartlet, son of Nathaniel & Mary Grey John Phillips owned the covenant Thomas Walley, son of John and Sally Phillips Elizabeth English, daughter of Richard W & Priscilla Cooper Francis, son of John & Katherine Codman John Phillips, son of William & Mary Spooner Samuel Barrett, son of Samuel & Martha Saunders Sumner Joseph, son of Stephen & Nabby Gulliver Sally daughter of Joseph & Hannah Eustis Thomas, son of Ebenezer & Mary Niles Susanna, daughter of Edward & Susanna Grey William Carr owned the covenant William & Francis, sons of William & Nancy Carr Mary Conning & EHzabeth Aldrich (in private) Nathaniel, son of Ebenezer & Katherine Wells Christopher, son of John & Elizabeth Baxter William, son of Alexander & Christiana Curtis Young John, son of John & Mary Andrews of John & Betsy Deleno (by M' Holmes) Rebecca Holmes Croswell owned the covenant & was baptized Mary, daughter of John & Marston Alice, daughter of Thomas Waldron & Elizabeth Sumner Ebenezer Little, son of Ebenezer Little & Sarah Boyd 26 July July 23 30 Sep. 3 Sep' Sepr 17 23 Oct' Oct^ Octr I 15 16 Novr Nov^ 12 26 Nov' Dec' 29 3 202 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. 1 797 Aaron, son of Samuel & Elizabeth Crease (by M' Porter) 1797 Rebecca Wainwright daughter of Robert & Gordon 1797 Elizabeth Usher, daughter of Joseph & Mary Francis Mary, daughter of Isaac & Trask 1797 Henry Hasell, son of Samuel & Elizabeth Hunt 1797. Simmons & Nancy Wheelock, children of Samuel & Rebecca Austin Barron (in private) 1797 William Conant, son of Appleton & Silence Prentiss 1797 Charles, son of John & Elizabeth Boyle 1797 Sarah Snow, on account of Sarah Snow (her aunt) in private 1797 Hannah Dawes, daughter of Asa & Sarah Hammond 1797 William, son of Henry & Deborah Newman Sally Sumner, daughter of George & Sarah Homer William Campston, son of Joseph & Howe 1797 Sarah Sweetser, daughter of Joseph & Sarah Low 1797 Elizabeth, daughter of Stephen & Molly Gorham Charles, son of John & Abigail Warren Ebenezer Turell, son of William P & Mary Andrews William Hookway, son of William & Mary Collins Dec' 10 1797 Benjamin, son of Benjamin jun' & Mary Wayne James, son of James & Sarah Mitchelhill Dec' 17 1797 James Clap owned the covenant William, son of William and Sally Johnson Joseph, son of Joseph and Comfort Whittemore Hannah, daughter of James and Clap Jan. 14 1798 Helen, daughter of Thomas & Priscilla Melville Deborah, daughter of Braddock & Polly Loring Jan. 21 1798 Elizabeth Frazier, daughter of Fred'' W jun' & Rebecca Geyer Jan. 22 1798 Charles Amerow, son of John & Anne Kingman (in private) Feb. 4 1798 Theodore, son of Theodore & Elizabeth French Feb. 18 1798 Timothy, son of Joseph & Sally Newell March 4 1798 Mary Berry, daughter of Isaac & Townsend March 18 1798 Else Sumner, daughter of Thomas & Else Howe April I 1798 John H Bowes owned the covenant John Rodolph, son of John H & Bowes May 6 179S George Follings owned the covenant Jane, son of George & Sally Follings May 7 1798 Thomas, son of Benjamin & Elizabeth Lee May 20 1798 Jacob Roberts, son of Thomas & Frances Burley June 3 1798 Rebecca Hunt, daughter of Seth & Desire Thacher Thayer William White owned the covenant Hannah, daughter of William & White June 17 1798 Mary, daughter of Ebenezer & Katherine Wells Charles, son of Andrew & Eleanor Kettell June 24 1798 William, son of William Otis & Betsey Wyer LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 203 July I 1798 Elizabeth Sevvall, daughter of Stephen jun' & Martha Higginson Elizabeth Green, daughter of William & Mary Jepson July 15 1798. George, son of Thomas and Davis (in private) July 28 1798 Sarah, daughter of 'Jliomas Waldron & Elizabeth Sumner July 29 1798 Samuel, son of John & Mary Andrews Sep. 23 1 798^ Jacob Homer owned the covenant Jacob [Henry] son of Jacob & Anna Homer George Washington & John Adams, twin sons of Samuel & Martha S[aunders] Sumner Henry, son of William B & Lydea Procter Sep. 30 179S Esther, daughter of William & Hope Colher Sarah, daughter of Joshua & Elizabeth Hall Nov- 4 1 798 Abdiel, son of Ebenezer Little & Sarah Boyd Mary Ann, daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth Perkins Nov^ III 798 John, son of Samuel & Elizabeth Hunt Nov- 22 1798 Aaron, son of Aaron & Margret Jaquith (in private) Nov- 25 1798 Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Ann Bradford Dec' 2 1798 Thomas Simmons, son of Samuel & Rebecca Austin Barron Dec- 23 1798 Elizabeth, daughter of John & Katherine Codman John, son of Edward & Rebecca Grey Dec- 29 1798 John Tainter owned the covenant John, son of John & Olivia Tainter Nancy, daughter of Fortune & Jenny Symmes Feb. 3 1799 John Foster son of Joseph & [Sarah] Low Feb. 17 1799 Eliza Henrietta, daughter of John & Elizabeth Baxter Feb, 24 1799 William, son of James & Polly Masten Lucy Richards, daughter of Joshua Gee & Lucy Davies March 2 1799 Susanna, daughter of Ebenezer & Mary Niles Robert Wainwright, son of Robert & Gordon March 24 1799 Joseph Allen, son of Simeon & Sukey Stodder John Bradlee, son of Joseph & Mercy Hudson April 12 1799 Job Wheelwright, son of David & Tyler (of the old brick) April 27 1799 Ellis & Margret, children of Oliver & Peggy Hartshorn. Christina Curtis Stetson, daughter of Alexander & (Christina Curtis) Young May 5 1799 Mary Anne, daughter of Appleton & Silence Prentiss Sarah Hurd, of John & Sally Phillips May 12 1799 Sarah Annis owned the covenant John son of & Sarah Annis May 19 1799 Samuel, son of Samuel & Margret Cooper Eliza Ingalls, daughter of Fisher & Betsy Gay James, son of Joseph & Mary Francis May 26 1799 John George, son of Nathaniel & Lucy Whitwell Susanna Ridgway, daughter of George & Sarah Homer 1 This record was erroneously entered first among Marriages with fuller par- ticulars as given in brackets. — Eds. 204 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. June 23 1799 July 21 1799 Aug. 8 1799 Sep^ 20 1799 Sep' 22 1799 Sep^ 29 1799 Oct^ 6 1799 Oct^ 13 1799 Octobc '•3I- 1799 Nov- 6 1799 Nov^ 10 1799 NovT 20 1799 Nov- 24 1799 Dec^ I 1799 Dec^ 8 1799 June 9 1 799 Henr}% Katherine, Eliza, John Wyer & Mary Gary, children of A and Katherine Goodale Eliza Thayer, daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth Crease Perkins Nichols owned the covenant & his daughter Harriet Orne was baptized. Perkins & Bridget Nichols ^ William, son of John & Abigail Warren Rebecca Kinney, daughter of William tSc Hope Collier Asa Penniman owned the covenant George Royal of Asa & Penniman Eliza, daughter of Isaac & Trask Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel & Mar}' Read Samuel, son of Samuel & Sarah Kettell Sally, daughter of Amos «Sc Elizabeth Bennet Emmeline, daughter of Isaac & Abigail Adams David Fletcher, son of Samuel & Bradlee Charles, son of William and Mary Spooner WiUiam, son of Henry & Deborah Newman George Barber, son of John and Catherine M Osborn Ann Green (an adult) & her infant daughter Ann Samuel Foster, son of Seth & Desire T Thayer Martha, daughter of Joseph & Howe George, son of Samuel & Lucy Spear John, son of Thomas and Lucy Larrabee Dec- 15 1799 Sukey, Thomas, Abigail & Josiah, children of Josiah & Ruth Danforth Ann Knox owned the covenant Ann Richardson, daughter of Robert & Ann Knox Dec- 29 1799 George Washington, son of Isaac & Townsend Sarah, daughter of Joseph Warren & Sally Homer Jan. 5 1800 John Gardner & William Loring owned the covenant George Washington, son of William & Sally Johnson John Dean, son of John & Gardner John, son of William and Loring Jan. 12 1800 Thomas, son of Joseph and Comfort Whittemore Jan. 23 1800 Jonathan Pattin, son of Jonathan Pattin &: Abigail Hall Jan. 26 1800 Joseph Fritz owned the covenant Mary Ann, daughter of Asa & Sarah Hammond Andrew Moreton, son of Joseph & Fritz Feb. 2 1800 William, son of Samuel & Susanna Roach Feb. 16 1800 William Scot, son of Benjamin jun"' & Mary Wayne Nathaniel Call, son of William & Mar}' Jepson Feb. 23 1800 AVashington, son of Thomas and Frances Burley March 2 1800 Susanna Gee, daughter of Charles Sz Hannah Davies ; the father owned the covenant Sarah Cuyler, daughter of Thomas Waldron & Elizabeth Sumner Mar}', daughter of John & Mary Andrew 1 Printed Nicholas in the 24th Report of the Record Commissioners of Boston. — Eds. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 205 March 1 7 March 30 April 6 April 13 April 20 May May 1800 1800, 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 May 25 1800 June 8 1800 June 18 1800 June 29 1800 July 13 1800 Aug. 31 1800 Oct. 5 1800 Oct- 19 1800 Octr 26 1800 Nov^ 9 1800 Nov^ 30 1800 Jan. II 1801 Jan. 25 1801 Feb. 8 i8oi Feb. 15 1801 March I 1801 March 22 1801 April 5 1801 Job Drew owned the covenant Harvey, son of Job & Sarah Drew William, son of John & Betsey Deleno Benjamin Sumner owned the covenant Benjamin Clough, son of Benjamin & Sally Sumner Thomas, son of William & Nancy Can- Henry Otis, son of William Otis & Betsy Wyer Sarah Ann, daughter of George & Sally Follings Louisa, daughter of John H & Bowes Abner, son of James & Clap Mary Lanman, daughter of George & Martha Ingersol Samuel Barron, son of Jonas & Sarah Coolidge John Vial, son of Samuel & Rebecca Austin Barron Rodolph Charles, son of Frederick W jun^ & Rebecca Geyer James & Margret Odell owned the covenant & their daughter Margret was baptized Elizabeth & Rebecca, twin children of Samuel & Mary French of Aaron & Margret Jaquith Joshua Gee, son of Joshua Gee & Lucy Davies of Samuel & Fanny Penniman Sophia Harrison & James William, children of Harrison G & Sally Otis William Hasell, son of Samuel & Elizabeth Hunt James Long, a mulatto, on the bed of death George Adams, son of John & Elizabeth Baxter Thomas, son of Nathaniel & Mary Volentine Alexander, son of Alexander & Mary Young William Russell, son of Samuel & Martha S Sumner George Washington, son of Robert & Gordon Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob & Elizabeth Eustis James, son of John & Elizabeth Boyle William, son of Joseph & Hannah Eustis George, son of William Burroughs & Lydea Proctor Sally Welch, daughter of Isaac & Abigail Adams William, son of John & Olivia Tainter Samuel, son of Samuel & Elizabeth Perkins \V^i]liam, son of Jacob & Anna Homer Consider Orcutt owned the covenant Anna Eaton, daughter of Consider & Rebecca Orcutt Adeline, daughter of Oliver & Peggy Hartshorn Sally Owen, daughter of William & Ruthy Farmer Samuel, son of John & Sally Phillips Mary Ann, daughter of Perkins & Bridget Nichols Mary, daughter of Benjamin & Abigail Scot Hannah Rea, daughter of Joseph Warren & Sally Homer George, son of Samuel & Margret Cooper Patty, daughter of James & Mary Masters Joseph, son of Joseph & Mary Francis 206 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. April 19 1 801 George, son of Samuel & Lucy Spear May 3 1 801 Mary Brooks, daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth Crease May II 1 80 1 Sarah Russell, daugter of Sarah Wyman (in private) May 24 1801 William, son of & Sarah Annis (by M"" Green) May 31 1 80 1 George Champlin & Martha EUery, of John Cofifin & Elizabeth Jones Samuel Foster, son of Seth & Desire Thacher Thayer June 7 1 80 1 Anna Maria, daughter of Oliver & Mary Brewster Susanna Gee, daughter of Charles & Hannah Davies June 14 1 80 1 Prudence, daughter of Ebenezer & Katherine Wells June 15 1 80 1 Elizabeth Howard & Sally Barker, of Richard & Betsy Knights June 21 1 80 1 Robert Harrington owned the covenant Edward, son of Robert & Elizabeth Harrington July 5. 1 80 1. Susanna, daughter of Edward & Susanna Gray Martha Salisbury, daughter of Stephen jun' & Martha Higginson Mary Ann, daughter of William & Mary Jepson Mary, daughter of John & Mary Andrew Christopher John, son of Jonathan Pattin & Abigail Hall Henry, son of Appleton & Silence Prentiss. Willard Clarke owned the covenant & his son Willard was baptized Nancy Newell, daughter of Wilkes & Nancy Barber Hannah Clements, daughter of Isaac & Trask Charles, son of Jonas and Sarah Coolidge Katherine daughter of William & Sally Johnson Henry, son of Isaac & Townsend George, son of John & Elizabeth Baxter Samuel, son of Asa & Sarah Hammond George Henry, son of Samuel & Elizabeth Snelling Prince Clarey owned the covenant and was baptized. Darius Boardman owned the covenant Betsy, daughter of Braddock & Polly Loring Frances daughter of Darius & Frances Boardman Edwin son of John H and Bowes Peter Burr owned the covenant Henry, son of Peter and Ann Burr Samuel Gridley, son of Joseph & Howe Joseph, son of Joseph & Fritz Charlott Hubbart, daughter of Thomas Waldron & Elizabeth Sumner Frances Boardman (an adult, in private) Henry Shepherd, son of Benjamin & Sally Sumner Margret Matilda, daughter of James & Margret Odell Rowland Bennet owned the covenant Clarissa, daughter of Joshua Gee & Lucy Davies Elizabeth Greenleaf, daughter of Rowland & Bennet Feb. 7 1802 William Brown, son of Nathaniel & Mary Volentine July 22 1801 July 25 1801 Aug. 2 1801, Aug 28 1801 Sep": 6 1801 SepT 13 1801 Sep^ 27 1801 Octr 4 1801 Octoberl I 1801, October 2 5 1801 Novr I 1801 Nov^ 8 1801 Nov^ 22 1801 Nov' 29 1801 Dec! 16 1801 Dec! 20 1801 Jan. 3 1802 Jan. 24 1802 LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 207 Feb. 21 1802 March 7 1802 March 28 1802 April 4 1S02 April 6 1802 April 25 1802 May 9 1802 May 10 1802 May 30 1802 June 6 1802 July 4. 1802 July II 1802 July 18 1802 July 25 1802 Aug. 22 1802 Sep^ 5 1802 Sep"^ 12 1802 Sep' 19 1802 Sep! 26. 1802 OcV. 3 1802 Oct! 31 1802 Nov! 7 1802 Nov 14 1802 28 1802 Dec 5 1802 19 Jan^ 9 1803 16 (< 23 (( 30 (C Feb 13 by M' Emerson. " Mary of Bela Beal, who owned the covenant. J 10 Samuel of Samuel and Elizabeth Perkins (by M' Kendall of Weston.) 3 1 William of William and Mary Jepson (by M' Miltimore of Stratham N. H.) Sept. 14 Charles Augustus of Elias & Mann. " Ann America of OHver C. and Wyman " Levi of Levi and Mary Beals. The )■ by Rev. M^ Emerson. father owned the covenant. " Caroline Matilda of Jeremiah & EUza- beths Fitch 28 William Bears of Joseph & Nabby Eustis, (by M"" Green.) Oct. 5 Matthew of Samuel & Susannah Roach ' Rhoda of Benjamin & Abigail Scott John Drew of Benjamin & Susannah Richardson Nov. 2 Lewis of Lemuel and Hannah Clark, (by M' Channing of New London, C.) Dec. 7 Francis Boardman of Thomas and Mary Howe ) -p y-.,. Ware Francis Holland of Derby & Lucy Vassall. j ^ 14 Christina Curtis Stutson of Alexander and Mary Young, by M' M'Kean. 1807. JanJ' 4 Hannah Ray of Joseph Warren and Sarah Homer, by D' Ware. 1 1 Benjamin Renkin of John N. & Sarah Hammatt Welsh, by M' Emerson. Feb?' 22 Jonathan of Jonathan and Margaret Chapman, by D' Morse. 1 Rev. E. G. Porter tesU. — Eos. 2 Should be Mary. — Eds. by Dr. Buckminster. June 7 July 12 }> 26 August 30 LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 211 April 5 Alfred Perkins of Perkins and Bridget Nickols ] " Charles James Fox of Thomas and Frances > by D' Ware. Burley J May 17. Thomas Hubbard of Thomas W. & Elizabeth Sumner (by M' Andrews.) Caroline Lucretia, of John & Elizabeth Baxter (by Dr. Buckminster) Elizabeth, of Samuel Jr & Nancy Salisbury (by D' Osgood) Martha Waldo of William & Elizabeth Spooner (July 6. private by M' Emerson) William Henry of Samuel & Lucy Spear, (by M' Harris) John of John A & 1 bv D^ Ware Harriot Augusta of John A & Parker j "^^ ^ ^^^'^ Sept. 20 William Foster of Harrison Gray & Otis Allen of Jeannette Monroe of Thomas & Howe Oct 1 1 James of Thomas & Mary Revallion (black) owned the cov' 25 Caroline Joanne of Obadiah & Wright Mary Elizabeth daughter of W" & Mary Savage ) 24 Feb. Marc 7- ;h 6. 27. April I7''' 212 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. June 19. Elizabeth Call of Jacob & Sally Stearns 26. Susan Matilda of Benjamin & Susan Richardson — ^"'^ '°- Sbt.hS«„}°f Elizabeth Pollard " Esther Green of Jonathan & Esther Green Whitney " Samuel of Sam' & Nancy Rogers Aug. 10 Amasji^ | of Nath' & Hannah Seaver (private Baptism both NalhanaelT^"^^-) Sept. 2. Margaret Minot of Cap' W" G. & Weld " 4 Mary Elizabeth of Israel & Mary Dawes, (private — child dying He owned cov.) 16. Sarah Rogers of W"'- & Elizab. Spooner (premature) private baptism. 24. John of John & Moore (man of colour belonging to Episcp. chh.) private baptism 25. Sarah of Thomas & Sarah Hughes. „ Rebecca Green of W"' & Rebecca Austen Oct. 2. of Brigham (private baptism) 9. Elizabeth Richards of Joshua G. & Davis Nov. 13. William Henry of Margaret Jaquith (private baptism) 27. Samuel of W" & Jephson — Dec'- 8. John Porter of John W. & Lydia Hammatt Welsh. 25. Charles Ward of Elijah & Susan Davenport. " Rufus Amory of Fred : & Geyer — 1809 Jan. 29. William of Alex. Young & — Adeline Frances of Perkins Nichols & Mary Frazier set. 6 mo. of J. Gardner (private baptism) Mary Jane of John & Susan Parkman George M'^donogh of Peter & Charlotte I. Thacher. Sarah Seaver of Richard & Sarah Sullivan (private bap.) Samuel set. 2 yrs. of John & Gardner (pr. b.) George of Giles & Abigail [Harris] Lodge Joseph of Samuel & Susannah Roach Hannah Bartlett of Lewis & (AbigLli) Low (He owned the cov^) John James of John & Abigail Eaton (He own** the cov') Hester Gill of Sam' & Hester Billings (priv. Bap.) Jacob Sheafe of Charles & Nancy Gushing June 25 John Hancock of Samuel & Lucy Spear " Samuel Frederick ) r c 1 e n/r t- • „ „,.„. jj ^ of Samuel & Mary Tram William Henry j ^ July 9. Julia of John & Mary Gorham " Caroline of James & Esther Goodspeed George of Jonathan & Margaret Chapman Oliver Wendell of Ebenezer & Abigail Withington Elizabeth Perkins of Nathanael & Susan Sturgis Peter Thacher of Nath' & Mary Tolman of Robert Crosset (by M' Emerson) Mary Smith of Thomas & Howe Feb. 20. March 19 26 April 2 II 23 May 14. ji )> 24. 28 Aug: Oct. 31 20 8. Nov. 22, 5 12 LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 213 Nov. 19. Augusta of W'"& Rogers (priv. Bap.) 26. Ellis Gray of Joseph & Sarah Hall Dec. 17 Sarah Watson of Henderson & Susannah Inches 31. George Owen of W^&i Farmer 28 Baptisms 1809 1810. Jan. 7. Almira of Sam' & Sarah Hammond (private Bap) 28 George WiUiam of John & Sally Phillips Feb. II Thomas Swan of Capt. William G. & Weld (private B.) Julia Ann of Amos & Juliet Wright (He own' covenant) Ann Gardner of Sam' & Nancy Salisbury 18. Lydia Ann of Peter & I.ydia Brigham Abigail Woods of William & Abigail Perkins Mary Wyman of Jonathan 6c Esther G. Whitney James of Samuel & Elizabeth Perkins Emily of Isaac &c Rebekah Parker John Green of Samuel & Mary Norwood Sally Kimball ^ of Darby «& [Lucy] Vassall (blacks) Sidney Boylston of Robert & Williams Sidney of Joseph Warren & Sarah Homer Corinna of Joseph & Mary Haven Timothy Lewis of Daniel & Hephzibah Mace Theodore Oxenbridge of Peter & Charlotte I Thacher Oliver of Oliver & Cath : Brewster (private B) James of Giles & Abigail Lodge William of William & Mary Savage f David & ^ I William Edwards of David & Hale Sept, 2. George Middleton of Charles & Sally Barnard Lucia Maria of Francis J. & Abigail Newton 9. Lydia of John & Cath : Osborne 26. Sarah Augusta of M"- Scott (on M'' Cobb's ace' priv. B) 30. Charles of Josiah & Gillmore (who own' cov') Mary of John & Abigail Eaton Oct. 7. Horace of Nathaniel & Hannah Seaver 21. Lucy Maria Seaver of John & [Sophia] Laitner William Griffin of Joseph & Willicut Robert Goff of Robert & Mary Milliage (priv. B) George Harrison of Harrison Gray & Otis (priv B.) Nov. 18 Elizabeth Ann of Samuel & Lucy Spear Nathaniel Call of William & Jephson George Richard of George & Sally Sullivan (he own'' cov' priv. B.) Dec. 9.5 Mary Ann Bowdoin ( Albert Atwood of Samuel & Susanna Roach 30 Matilda Ray of Thomas W. & Elizabeth Sumner 40 Baptisms 18 10 1811. Jan. 17. George of Thomas & Sally Hughes 1 Given Campbell in 24th Report of Boston Record Commissioners. — Eds. March I. 18. April I. IS- May 6. 13- 27. July I. IS- 22. 24. Aug. 5- 2 14 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Febr. 1 7. Anna Cabot Lowell of Richard & Sarah Sullivan March 17. Charles Francis of John & Anna Barnard 18 Child of Capt. Jona : & Margaret Chapman (in private) 24. Lucina Mehetable of Joseph & Adams April 7. child of J. Hudson 14. Lydia Henchman Perkins of Ebenezer & Abigail Withington 28. Augusta of Joseph N. & Howe " Thomson Kidder of Jacob & Anne Homer May 5. Mary Gilmore of Ephraim & Rebekah French 16. James Horace of James & Sarah Penniman " Sarah of Samuel & Sarah Salisbury " James Bowdoin of George & Sarah B. Sullivan June 23. Frances Mary of Hugh H & Nancy Clark " Charles William of Charles & Nancy Cushing " Margaret Smith of George & Humphreys July 7. George of Oliver & Hannah Keating " George Theodore of George & Eliza Lyman (He own'' cov') 28. Anne Linzee of Bryant P. & Zebiah Tilden Aug. 4. Anne Sigourney Bond an adult baptized at the Table " George William of George & Anne Sigourney Bond " Sarah Abbot of Nathaniel & Reed " f Anne Maria — Stephen — Henry Stanbridge — Caroline ( Frances & Adeline Augusta 5 children of Stephen & Gibson (priv' she own"* cov.) II. Charles of James & Sarah Taylor Stewart Sept. I. Silvia Taylor & Charlotte Perham Nutting adults, baptised at the Table 22. George of Joseph Warren [and Sarah] Homer " Harriet Lee of Amos & Wright Nov. 3. William of Oliver & [Cath.] Brewster " Susan Withington an adult baptized at the Table. 16 Sarah Anne of J. F. & Priest (He own'* cov*) Dec. 15. Wendell of John & [Sally] Phillips " Elizabeth Joanna of Jonathan & Esther Green Whitney. 37 baptisms 18 11. Baptisms admiinstered at other Societies by me J. S Buckminster. 1805. Jan 2 Gustavus of Job & Sarah Drew at West Boston. Emily of Matthias & Murch at do. Sept. 3. Henry Tilden of Phillips at Old Brick of M'- Wight. M'- Bates's parish Dedham. 1808. Apr. 3. Sam' Parkman of Nath' & Sturgis Mary Sargeant of Rogers (priv. Baptism) 1811. April 28. Henry of Francis Gray brother Em. parish private bap. Record of Baptisms after the decease of the Rev. Joseph Stevens Buckminster,, which took place June 9''' 181 2. — 1812 July 5. Joseph Stevens Buckminster, of Peter Oxenbridge & Char- lotte I. Thacher by Rev. D' Porter. " 12. William Hammatt of William & Lucia Simmons by Rev. M' Holley Aug. 20. Sally Ann of Israel Jun' & Sally Thorndike, who previously owned the covenant, private, by the Rev. D' Kirkland. Sept! 19 William Henry of Charles & Sally Barnard, (private, by Rev. W. E. Channing.) Sept! 2 7 Mary Balch of Thomas & Sally Huges | , ^^ Pnrf-Pr Mary Pickard of David & Hale S ^^ ^ ^^^^^ Oct. 18 Stephen of Samuel Jun' & Nancy Salisbury 1 k -Rp w " Clarissa of Josiah & Gillmore I" f PI * ' a William Richards of Amos & Sarah Lawrence. J ' ^ Nov! 15 Elizabeth of George & Anne Sigourney Bond by Rev. M'* Cary Dec! 13 Herman Brimmer of Henderson & Susannah 1 u -n vrr Liches > TT ^- 1 " John Warren of John & Mary Gorham J ° 1813. JanT 10 James Sullivan of John C & Susanna Warren. ) by Rev. M'' " Sarah Blake of Nath' R. & Susanna Sturgis. j Holley Feb^ 14 Richard Miller of Jonathan & Margaret Chapman, by Rev. M' Holley. " 28 Henry of Newell & Susan Withington, by Rev. M' Channing April 1 1"' Sarah Ann of Joseph & Sarah Hall, by the Rev. President Kirkland (private) born Aug: 4. 18 12. June 6 Ann Maria of Thomas W.& Elizabeth Sumner.") " George Jotham of Joseph & Adams J- by D' Osgood " William Murray of John & Sarah Stewart J July 4 Charlotte Ann Lewis of Leonard & Charlotte Lewis French, by D' Barnard 18 Horace, of Oliver & Hannah Keating by Rev. M"" Lowell. Aug 15 William son of William & Mary Wilcut by D"" Ware. Aug. 22 Ellen, of William F. & Phebe Brazier bv D' Ware. Sept! 26 Maria Dall of Bryant P. & Zebiah Tilden by Rev. Noah Worcester. Oct. 10 John Robinson of Alden & Margaret Bradford by D' Lathrop. Nov! 7 John Brooks of Joseph & Sarah Hall by Rev. D' Kirkland " 21 Charlotte Langdon, of Giles & Abigail H Lodge by Rev. M^ Holley. " 28 Samuel, of Thompson & Mary Ann Kidder, by Rev. M' Lowell. 2l6 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Decf 5 Thomas Johnston of Joseph Warren & [Sally] Homer by D'^ Porter. 1813. Dec. Elizabeth Frances, of Israel Jun. & Sally Thorndike, born Oct. 9 18 13, was baptized in private by Rev. D' Kirkland. Note. D"" Kirkland recollects this baptism — it is recorded in the family Bible of Mr Thorndike, but, through some mistake or omission, there being no pastor at the time, it was not put upon the Records of the church in Brattle Square — Satis- fied that such a Baptism was administered*, it is inserted in the Records by the sub- scriber at this Date Oct. 30"^ 1839, S. K. LoTHROP, Pastor of the Church in Brattle Square — Baptisms from the 07'dination of Edward Everett Feby 9. 18 14. Feby. 13. 18 14 Edward Augustus son of John & Barnard. Elizabeth Boyle daughter of Charles & Eliz. Everett. Richard Whelling of C. D. & Nichols \ C D. Nichols f owned the cove- j Vnant & had their J°^""^ I children baptized / in private. Peter Oxenbridge Son of P & C. I. Thacher Helen Anne of David & Hale by Dr. Lathrop. Susan Gray of Wm. A & Mary Ann Fales. Sarah Matilda of Daniel & Hollis. Charles Henry of John & Osborn (in private) William Boardman of Will™ & Susan Lawrence Mary Phillips of Geo. W and Mary W. Coffin. Helen Louisa of Sam! & Perkins. Richard of Richard & Sarah Sullivan. Mary Ann of William & Mary Cochran. 8 Charles James of N. R. & Susan Sturgis. 15 George of Simmons of Josiah and Clarissa Gilmore. June 6. Clarissa May of Calib B & Hall. In private he own- ing the covenant, this baptism by Pr. Kirkland in my illness 1 2 George of W"' & Abigail Perkins. — 18 Francis of Wm G. & Weld. July 3. Mary Anne of Henderson & Susanna Inches Lydia Fames (Adult at the table) July 10 of Robert & Hannah Williams (Dr. Porter) July 1 7 Sophia Kendall of Thomas & Sophia Marshall. — July 24 Juliann Sanderson of S. F and A. S. Coolidge of Jona. & Chapman. Feb. Do Do March 27, 13 April 27 17" May I. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 217 July 30 Susan of Nathaniel & Prentiss (They owned the Covenant. — Sept 18 Augustus of Oliver and Hannah Keating. Dec 6 and Priest Jan. I Mary Taggart wife of W'" Taggart (They owned the Covenant) [1815] Mary Elizabeth of William & Mary Taggart 15 Frederick Lane of J W & [Sally] Homer. 19 Sarah Ellis Stearns wife of Simon Stearns (They owned the Cov') William Henry of Simon & Sarah Stearns. George Augustus Jany 29 Sarah of John & Bradford (He owned the covenant) by Rev D^ M'Kean. Baptisms after the Rev. M" Everett was dismissed at his own request^ in consequence of his election to the Greek Professorship in Harvard College. March 19 Frances Ann of Giles & Abigail H. Lodge by Rev. Dr M'Kean. May 7 John Warren of D" John C & Rebecca Bfown George of Eben & Billings Francis Delano of Samuel G & Sarah Williams, who owned the covenant ^ June 19 John Osborn of George & Catherine Humphreys by Rev. D^ M^Kean Sept' Rebecca Lucinda of Leonard & Charlotte Lewis French by Rev. D' Lathrop Nov^ 25 Mary Appleton of Bryant P & Zebiah Tilden by Rev. Dr. M'^Kean Dec": 10 Sarah Blake of Nath! R & Susan Sturgis by D° Caroline Augusta of Moses S & Elizabeth C. Judkins, by Rev M' Parkman in November. 1816 April 7 William Henry of William & Mary Taggard by Rev D"" Holmes 14 Mary Collins of John C and Susanna Warren by Rev Francis Parkman. May 5 Rebecca of William & Abigail Perkins by Rev D' Kirkland June 23 Henry of Thomas & Sally Hughes Frederick William of Samuel F. & A. S. Coolidge Ann Langdon of Giles & Abigail H. Lodge 28 by Rev M' Bartlett " (of Marblehead) 2l8 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. July 21 August 25 Sept' I. 1817 Jany 5 March 2 May II 25 July 13 August 3^ 17 Eliza Symmes — of George W. & Mary W. Coffin by Rev. D"^ Harris Hallowell Gardiner, of D"" John and 1 , Samue^cX^er of Peter O. & I- Rev. W™ E. Channing. Charlotte I Thacher J Samuel Woodward, of Samuel Woodward & Charlotte Kendal baptized by Rev. Dr Ware, June, 18 15. Charlotte Richards of Samuel Woodward & Charlotte Kendal by Rev"! R. Sanger — Grenville Tudor of John & Sally Phillips by Rev. Dr Holmes. William of Jonathan & Margaret Chapman by Rev D' M^Kean. Francis of John & Sarah Bradford "] Moses of Charles & Sarah Grant V by Rev D' M'^Kean. Elijah of Newell & Withington J Ann Maria of Henry & Maria Rice 1 Charles Royall of George & Ann S. [ Rev W? E. Channing Bond J Sarah Louisa ) of James & Sarah Penniman by Rev. Henry Hutchinson j D' Richmond. Helen Maria of Ebenezer & Billings by Rev D"' Richmond Arnold Welles of D^ John C & Rebecca Brown Mary Ann Spear of George & Catherine Humphreys George of Nathaniel R & Susan Sturgis by Rev. F. Parkman. Sarah of Nathan & Sarah H Hale. 1 Hannah Elizabeth of Zebina & Elizabeth > by Rev. The! Gray. Sears. J by Rev. W. E. Channing. April May 19* James, son of Giles & Abigail H. Lodge 10" May 24. George Winthrop, son of George W. and M. W. Coffin. Charlotte Augusta, daughter of Samuel F. and A. S. Coolidge both by Rev'^ Mr. Gray — Julia, daughter of Daniel & Grace Webster By Rev**. DI Bancroft. Baptisms from the ordination of yohn G. Palfrey. June I'jtk 1818. June 2i5i Emily of John Collins & Susanna Warren Frances Sarah of Jonathan & Esther Greene Whitney. 28^ Fisher Ames of William & Mary Trow Taggart. 2 9',^ Lydia Elizabeth of William & Susan Lawrence (in private, to its burial) July 5* Elizabeth Snoden ] of Charles Colton & Joanna 1 Charles Colton ) Cunningham Nichols > in private Ebenezer of Ebenezer & Abigail Barnard (adult) J July 19*4^ Henry Rowland of William & Lucia Simmons 26$ Anne Sigourney of George & Anne Sigourney Bond. Aug. 23^ Rebecca of John & Sarah Bradford Evelina T Abraham \ of Ephraim & Rebecca French. Ellen Weld J Sept. 6* Henry of Henry & Maria Rice. Oct 1 1^ Daniel Waldo of Samuel & Ann Salisbury. 13$ Samuel Dexter of Samuel M, & Catharine McKay, (in private.) 18$ James Fowle Baldwin of Thomas & Sophia Marshall. Nov. i^ William Washington ~| Helen Louisa \ of David & Lydia Forsaith. Jane Wilson J William Edward \ ^^ ^ ^ Catharine B. Priest. Charles Henry ) Rebecca French (adult) Gardner Rand of John N. & Lydia H. Welch. 8$ Samuel Prevost of Saml. & Augusta Dexter. 2Ci^^ Henry of John & Mary Gorham. Dec. 6$ Abigail Pope Gibson of Worhani & Esther F. Priest (of Hollis St. Soc.) Dec. 13'^ Nancy Rogers of Jonathan & Margaret Chapman (by Br. Gannett.) 27*^ Nathan of Nathan & Sarah H. Hale. 1819. Feb. fi George of Charles C. & Joanna C. Nichols. June 6$ Robert Charles of Ebenezer & Elizabeth Billings. 13*4^ Louisa Ann of Benj. & Louisa Ann Adams. July 4'^ Eliza Ann Weld of Samuel & Nancy Rogers. June 11$ July 2$. 23"?. Aug. 6-^ Sept. 3i Oct. iS 220 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Sept. 5'-? Buckminster of John C & Rebecca Brown Oct. 24$ Mary Ann French & |^ of Jeremiah M.& Mary B. Hartford, " Joshua Clark (adopted) j they owning the covenant, (private) 1S20. Jan. 30'^ William Everett of Simon & Sarah E. Stearns. March iq~ Emily Hughes ) r t 1 tt c r, . tt 1 • T AT \ J° " Betsey Halpuig. Mary Sanderson of Saml. F. & A. S. Coolidge. April 30'-^ William Spooner of George W. & Mary W. Coffin. Ozias Goodwin of Jonathan & Margaret Chapman. Elizabeth of William & Mary Cochran. Louisa of Henry & Maria Rice. Eustace of Samuel M. & Catharine McKay. Henry Frederick of George & Anne Sigourney Bond. Miranda of Isaac & Mary Poor (in presence of Deac. Thatcher, she owning the covenant.) Martha Bird of Jared & Hannah Allen. Martin Brimmer of Henderson & Susan Inches Edward of Daniel & Grace Webster. Lucretia Peabody of Nathan & Sarah H. Hale. Anna Bigelow of Abbot & Catharine Lawrence, (he owning the covenant.) 15$ Bartholomew Welsh of Wm. & Mary T. Taggart. 16$ Joseph of Joseph & Nancy Piatt, (in private. Nov. 27$ Sarah Bush of William & IMary Jepson. Dec. 3" Francis of John & Mary Gorham. 1821. April 15'" Wm. Prescott of Franklin & Elizabeth Dexter (of Br. Greenwood's Society, they owning the covenant. 20*.^ Charles Francis of William & Lucia Simmons. Mary Holmes Sarah \Vyman of Solomon & Jewett, She owning Elizabeth Kendall >■ the covenant ; in private, Dea. Thacher David Sawyer being present. Martha J May 6•^ Catharine Brewer of Jno. F. & Catharine B. Priest. Joseph Henr}' of Zebina & Elizabeth L. Sears. June 3" George William of George & Sarah Howe, (he owning the covenant.) George Henry of William & Susan Lawrence. Caroline Walter of Benj. & Louisa Ann Adams. 5*^ John of Thomas & Mary Wallis. July i^- Harriot Tilden of Nathl. R. & Susan Sturgis. I [5] Henry Abrams of Ephraim & Rebecca French, (in private.) 22" Samuel Waldo of do. Aug. 2 " Ann Barnard of Francis & Nancy Everett, (in private.) Sept. 9*.^ Mary Christina of Lemuel H. & Sarah R. Osgood (they owning the covenant.) Oct. 6'.^ LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 22 1 Ann Brooks of Samuel & Eliza Henshaw. 17"" Abby Francis of Joseph R. & Mary Newell, (in private.) Oct. 21" William of Charles C. & Joanna C. Nichols. " " Rosamond & } of Oliver & Ann Everett (by Rev. Prof. Ann Vincent ) Everett, in private.) ^''' '^ " luzaT'^ ^^'°''' ^ } °^ ^"^^^^ ^- ^ ^^''^ ^"^^^^- Nov, 1 1'.^ Mary Gore of Moses & Mary Grant. 1822. March 25'^ Harriet Elizabeth of John (deceased) & Harriet Emery April 7'-^ Ellen Maria of George & Anne Sigourney Bond, (in private) May 19"* Elizabeth Dyer Stacey (She owning the covenant.) Mary Elizabeth ^ Maria Treat |- of Elizabeth D. Stacey. & George Washington J Edward Everett of Nathan & Sarah H Hale. James of Abbot & Catharine Lawrence. Sarah Ann of Wm. & Mary T. Taggart. June 30'^ Charles of Daniel & Grace Webster. Sept. 8'.^ Sidney Boylston of Robert & Sarah Williams. Abigail Collins of John C. & Rebecca Brown. Henry Augustus Emery & I rr^ e o ^u • tt l • Charles Edward Wright ]of George & Catherine Humphries. 27'" Henry Sarah Ann Eleazer Porter William Samuel, & Mary Elizabeth ]lcJh ^''""^^^"''"^ } of Jacob & EUza C. Farnsworfh. Nov. 5*^ Sumner Stanley of Jared & Hannah Allen, (in private.) lo'.^ Harriet Samuel Theodore & Henry 25'^ Mary Lannan of Betsey Halping. (widow.) Dec. I"' Hannah Tuckerman Dorety (owning the covenant) Caroline Augusta &c ) r t p„ ,t-i James Gorham | °^ J^"^^^ ^ ^^""^^ ^«^^'y- 1823. Jan. 12'^ Emeline Augusta of Francis & Nancy Everett. March 9'^ Mary Elizabeth ^ Andrew Edwards > of Andrew & Harriet Johonnot. William Harris J March 30'^ Sarah Ridgway Young of Lemuel & Sarah R. Osgood. April 6'.^ James of Nathl. R. & Susan Sturgis. 12 Adeline Elizabeth of John F. & Catharine B. Priest, (in private) May 4'^ Martha Ann of William & Lucia Simmons Peter Oxenbridge of P. O. & Charlotte I. Thacher. ' of Samuel & Sarah Pettis. of Samuel & Eliza Frothingham. 22 2 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. '^'' Mar^PrLott} ^^ J°^^ ^ ^"g^^^^ Stearns. 25'^ Moses Pierce of Moses & Mary Grant. June I" Susan Elizabeth of William & Susan Lawrence. " Samuel Puffer of Nathl. S. & Clarissa P. Rand. I5'.l' William Whittemore, and ) by Rev. Mr. Henry Wentworth, of Henry Somes & Mary Ann Low. j Bigelow. 22" Henry of Henry & Ann B. Wainwright. (in private.) 29^"? Daniel Dennison of Jacob T. & Eliza Slade ; (of Br. Channing's parish) July 6'.^ Minerva Rogerson (at the table.) 13'? Caroline Elizabeth of Benjamin & Caroline Huntingdon; of the New South Society. Cephas Parker (adult.) "] jn George Henderson Adams ^ of Cephas & Susan S. private, Susan Christina V Parker he owning the > (Deacon Alexander Young J covenant. Bradford Richard Sharp of Alexander & Mary Young J present.) Mary Means of Amos & Nancy Lawrence. William of John & Sarah W. Bradford. Thomas Wright of Thomas & Nancy W. Everett. Louisa Gore of James & Hannah Dorety. Sarah Hammond of John G. & Mary A. Palfrey. Charles Frederick of Charles F. & Caroline H. Adams. Mary Bordman of Wm. & Susan Lawrence. Rebecca Warren of John C. & Rebecca Brown. Grace Sanderson of Saml. F. & A. S. Coolidge. Edward William Pynchon of Charles C & Joanna C. Nichols. George Augustus of John F. & Catharine B. Priest. Elizabeth Champlin of Isaac U. & Martha E. Coles, (In private, she owning the covenant.) Amelia of Joel & Elizabeth Prouty ; of St. Paul's Church, in private. 21"' Mary Caroline of Francis & Nancy Everett. Caroline Augusta of William & Mary T. Taggart. Dec. 27'."^ Charlotte Augusta of Hezekiah & Charlotte Blanchard. Ann Olivia of Richard & Charlotte Edwards. Susan White Seaver of Moses & Mary Grant. Cornelia of Samuel & Eliza Frothingham. George Blankern of George B. & Helen M. Cary. Reuben Augustus of Reuben & Hannah Reed. Harriet Sophia of Andrew & Harriet Johonnot. Robert Shaw of Nath. R. & Susan Sturgis. Annah Sophia Tileston of Thomas & Nancy W. Everett. Augusta of John & Augusta Stearns. Mary Russell of Samuel & Mary R. Norwood. Eliza Lewis, & George Brigham ; of Hezekiah & Eliza Newton. Theodore Samuel Whittemore of Henry S. & Mary A. Low. Sept. 21^? Oct. s'.^ 1824.' Jan. 4',l> Feb. i'^ 29'1' March 7 28'.^ July 18'.^ Oct. lO'f 14'.^ Nov. IQ*!- 182 5 Jan. 2i _th 9.. Feb. 20'.^ March }} 2f} April 3^ May 1'} June ig'l- 26'.l' LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 223 Horatio Taylor, & Mary Ellen ; of Asa & Eliza C. Farnsworth Hannah Russell of John G. & Mary A. Palfrey. Mary Stuart of Hezekiah & Eliza Newton by Rev. D' Ware. Alexander of Nathan and Sarah Hale by Rev M' Furness. John Abbot of Abbot & Catharine Lawrence by Rev M' Hontoun^ Emily Matilda of Charles Frederick & Caroline Hesselrigge ) Adams by Rev M"" Greenwood. ) George of John R & Sarah W. Bradford by Rev. M' Walker. Charles Frederick, & ) ^ ^ p c u tt r. ,xrir > of Gcorge & Sarah Howe. George William j ° Elizabeth of Thomas & Nancy W. Everett. Edward Codman of Edward W. & Mary Ann Parker. Mary Brimmer of William A. & Sarah I Warner. Harriet Bordman of William & Susan Lawrence. Adam Smith of George & Catherine Humphreys. John Hunt of Samuel & Eliza Henshaw. Mary Griffith of Stephen P. & Mary E. N. Fuller. Henry Porter of Hezekiah & Charlotte Blanchard. Elizabeth Stevens & James Henry, her child ; — in private. Robert Means of Amos & Nancy Lawrence. Amelia Deblois of Moses & Mary Grant. John Downes of William & Hepzy D. Austin. Arnold Welles of John C. & Rebecca Brown. Susan of Nathan & Sarah H. Hale. EHza Locke, adult, (in private.) black. Timothy Bigelow of Abbott & Catharine Lawrence. Caroline Augusta of Lemuel H & Sarah R. Osgood. Elizabeth of Thomas & Nancy W. Everett. Jane Sarah of William A. & Sarah I. Warner. Sarah Noyes of Simon & Sarah E. Stearns. Margaret Jarvis of Edward W. & Mary Ann Parker. John Gorham of John G. & Mary A. Palfrey. Henry Felt Baker (in private.) FH H^r^^'l \ °^ Henry F & Caroline Baker. John of John & Augusta Stearns. 1828. Jan. 15'.'.' Harrison Gray 1 Arthur Henderson, & V of Eliza H. Otis, (in private.) Edmund Dwight J March 23- Margaret Eliot of Charles E. (posthumous) & Augusta Magee (in private) April 9'.V Lucinda of Antonio & Rebecca Mattis. (black.) Amoretta do. Mark Nathaniel do. June 22" Richard Chamberlain of Thaddeus & Sarah C. Nichols. ^ Probably Huntoon of Canton. — Eds. July 3" 17 Nov' 6 20 182 !6 March 26 Aug. IS'' Sept. 3^' Sept. lyM" Oct. i^f 29'^ Dec. \f^ 24'.l' 182 7 Jan. 7- March 4',^ April i^.; May 13'" June I?-' July r^ 1 5'' 22S Oct. 7- Nov. iS'.V 25'.^ Dec. 2^ 23^ 2 24 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. July 27'^ Horace Walter of Charles F. & Caroline H. Adams. Aug. 26'^ John Samuel of Samuel & Caroline Richardson, (in private. Sept. 1 7'!' Jonas Whitney Vassall (black) of Jonas Whitney & Frances Holland Clarke, she owning the covenant. Oct. 12'.'? Edward of George B. & Helen M. Cary. Mina Elizabeth of John G. «& Margaret K. Brown, (in private. Dec. 7'" Frances Eliza of Moses & Mary Grant. i6'.^ Henry Peleg of George W. & Mary W. Coffin, (in private.) 21^' Caswell ] Mary Ann )■ of Levi & Mary Beal ; (in private.) Martha ThaxterJ 1829. Jan. 2 2" George Upham of John B & Rebecca Brown April ip'.l' Charlotte Augusta of Hezekiah & Charlotte Blanchard. 2 2"?. James Dorety of Richard T & Mary Elizabeth Woods, (in private.) Aug. 2^ Alexander of Nathan & Sarah [H.] Hale Frederick Spelman of Thaddeus & Sarah Nichols. Abbott of Abbott & Catharine Lawrence. " I6■^ Mary Frances of William & Susan R. Lawrence. Sept. 18'!! Ann Eliza of George & Ann Sigourney Bond. 27'.'! Sarah Ellen of John & Caroline Homans. Oct. 20'.!' Frances Maria, of William & Margaret R. Goodman, of Cin- cinnati, Ohio ; in private, they owning the covenant. Nov. 25'.!' Francis Henry of Samuel & Susannah Hammond, (in private.) Dec. 6!.'' John Phillips of John P. & Abby E. Spooner. George Dudley of George & Susan Howe. 1830. April 25'!' Thomas Thacher ; in private, owning the covenant. Thomas, & Mary Anna, of Thomas & Caroline Thacher. June 27'^ Thomas Porter, Richard Alexander, & Harriet Maria Prescott, of Thomas & Charlotte Edwards ; in private. July 12*.^ Caroline Frances, of Thomas & Nancy Everett; in private. 18'.'.' Charlotte Christina, Elizabeth Helen, Adeline Hannah, Edward Curzon, & Francis Jacob, of Jacob Abner & Julia Rogers ; (in private.) Henry William, of Rufus & Louisa Antoinette Rice ; (in private.) Aug. is'l* Mary Emily, of Edward W. & Mary Ann Parker; (in private.) Sept. 19* Caroline Elizabeth, & Daniel Greenleaf ; of Daniel G. & Caroline A. Ingraham in private. Oct. 31^? Sarah Paine of George & H. M. Cary. LIST OF PERSONS BAPTISED. 225 Nov. 7'^ Sarah Bumstead of Moses & Mary Grant. Dec. 1 2'^ Henry Hill of John «& Maria Gertrude Downes. Theodore Bliss of Theodore B. & Martha Barrett ; (in pri- vate ; the latter a ward of Capt. Downes.) 26'.^ Timothy Warren of Timothy & Olive Phinney. (in private.) 1831. Feb. 2i^' Samuel Hubbard of Samuel & Susannah Hammond, (in private.) April 3 The following children of Nathaniel K. G. Oliver [and] Anna Oliver were this day baptized by Rev'* J. G. Palfrey I - Marshall. 2'' Daniel Augustus 3. Thomas Vinton 4. Henry Kemble 5. Ellen Evans 6 William Caldwell 7. Elizabeth Thomas. 8 Cordis. April 10 John Augustus Dodd born Aug 16 1811 in private James Edward do. . April 5 1815 Caroline Perkin do. . Ocf 5 1818 Isabella do. Aug' 3 1822 June 5 Frances William Winthrop son of Professor J. G & Mary Palfrey baptized by him this A.M. Born April 11 1831 June 10 Helen Derby Daughter of Charles T. & Lucy Ann Catlin July 3 Charles Hale, Child of Nathan & Sarah [H.] Hale Horatio Fiske, Child of Thaddeus & Sarah Nichols Aug 2 1 Susan Elizabeth Child of Doc'' I P Spooner & Abigail 28 Harriet M^Donough Child of Edw^ W Parker & both baptised by Rev"^ M' Furness from Philadelphia 1832 Feb^ 20 Child of M'. S. P. Fuller & [Martha E.] Sarah Ann Ellen daughter of Edward W & Mary Ann Parker baptized by S Thottle Pastor of Church in Townsend. July 15 Harriet Bordman Homans Child of Doct' John & Caroline Homans By Rev"^ John Helen Cordis Adams Child of Ben" & G Palfrey at Louisa Adams. I Brattle Street Theodore Chase, Child of Theodore [ two latter own- & Clarissa Andrews Chase. ing the Cove- Sarah Eliza Sigourney Gushing, nant. Child of Tho^ P. & Martha A. Gushing J Dec' 30 Catharine Bigelow Lawrence, Child of Abbot & Catharine Lawrence by Prof J G Palfrey June 9 Rev'' John G Palfrey baptized the following children of Samuel F & Martha L Barry on Sabbath Day in private, the Deacons being absent from the City none were present. " William Frederick " and " Mary Emily " Sept! I John Gorham, son, of George & Ann Bond by Rev'^l M' Furness of Phila. 1834 Jan^ 1 2 Ann, Child of Nathan & Sarah [H.] Hale by Rev'' J. G Palfrey April 20 Abraham & Charlotte Clark Children of Thomas & Charlotte Edwards in private by Professor Palfrey, M. Grant being present — 29 226 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. June 8 John Geyer Ingreham Son of Daniel Greenleaf & Caroline Augusta Ingreham was baptized at home by the Rev** Prof Palfrey. May 29"'' William M. Rogers, Pastor of Cong Church, in Townsend Mass — baptized Eliza Lewis, daughter of Edward W. & Mary Ann Parker — in private — Baptisms from the Installation of S. K. Lothrop. June i8''' 1834. 1834 July 20 Sarah Ann. Page, of Kilby & Rebecca Page (in private) Sept. lo""" George, of George W. & Sophia Bond, at the house. Ot. 12'^ Anna Louisa, of Thomas Parkman & Martha Ann. Gushing. Novr. I3'''' Anna Maria, of Geo. W & Mary Coffin (at the house) Dec. 7"'- Stephen Palmer, of Stephen P. & Martha E Fuller — Dec. 28'*^ Susan Boylston 1 " " William Edward > of George & Susan Howe at the house. " " James Henry. J Dec 28"'- James Rollins Walker, adult, at Mr G. Howe's. 1835. Jany 4"'. Mary Augusta of S. S. & Curtis at the house — 1 7"" Augusta Porter, of Hezekiah & Charlotte Blanchard — Feby. 4"'' Joseph Stevens Buckminster, of S. K. & M. L. Lothrop. March 10* Hannah, of Thomas C. & [Frances (Barnard)] Smith at the house, July s'*"- of Rufus & Rice (at the house) Nov. IS**"' Hester Billings | of Thomas & Caroline Billings Thacher Caroline Billings j (at the house) Dec. 6'^- George Bigelow, of Theodore & [Clarissa Andrews] Chase. Dec 20^ Samuel, of Samuel & Susanna C. Hammond. By the Rev. Dr Palfrey at the House. Dec. 27"'- Samuel Bradford, of George, & Sarah Dana, (at the house) Ellen Russell, of C C. & Lombard. June i^' Thomas Jenkins, '\ Sophia Prentiss ( of T. J. & S. P. Lobdell, at the Elizabeth S[alisbury] t house — Francis Gardner. ) June. 12** Frances Pickering, of Benjamin & Louisa Adams. John Corgill, of T. P. & Martha Ann Gushing. LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 227 A List of all jj/f Persons Marry ed by me, Benf^ Colman, Presbyter, in Boston N. E. According to y^. laws of this Province. THEIR NAMES. 1. Charles Morrice, 2. Esther Ranstrope. 3. Edward Stephens 4. Rebecca Harris 5. Anthony Foster 6. Elizabeth Hambleton. 7. Joseph Smith. 8. Mercy Lobden. 9. James Bryant. 10. Honor Treferig. 11. Zechariah Adams, 12. Dinah Lord. 13. Richard Fyfeild 14. Mary Drew. 15. Simon Slocom. 16. Abigail Weetly 17. Derham "> being two Negro & V Servants of 18. Grace ) Mljames Liblonds 19. Thomas Maccollister 20. Johanna Holland. 21. Henry Sanders 22. Sarah Ransford 23. Mr William Watts. 24. M^' Eliz. Clark. 25. Mr James Gooch 26. M" Sarah Tuttle 27. Mr William Haberfeild 28. M'? Jane Bagworth 29. Mr Thomas Foster, 30. M? Martha Blush. 31. M: John Bant, | 32. M? Sarah Colman ) XX. Titus ) , . o f being two Negro serves ^ f of Mr Tonath. Pollard. 34. Doll ) 35. Anthony Fratree. p] ) 36. Mary Skelton. ) TIME WHEN. PLACE WHERE. 1700. September, 5-. Boston, i. 10. o. October, 8^- o. 12. o. 170% January 23"? 1701. June. July, August. 25'^ 28*1^ September. 29. October. 16. 1702. May. 29. August. 3^ November, 1 2* 26'^ December. 17'.'' 0. 6. 0. 0. 6. 0. 0. 6. 0. 0. 12. 0. o. 6. o.//_ o. 6. o.// O. II. O. Z' o. 18. O. // 0. II. O. // 1. o. o.// 170%. deceased. 1703 January 7'^ 1703- April!. May. 23- 28'^ o. 10. o.//, o. 8. o.//^ 228 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. THEIR NAMES. y 37. John Hobbs, 38. Susanna Sugars. 39. Thomas Board, 40. Priscilla Ransford. 41. William Waine, 42. Sarah Beal. 43. William Edwards, 44. Cealia Lyon. 45. M^ Thomas Baker. 46. M'f Eliz. Waldern. 47. Daniel Ballard. 48. Dorcas Wilcot. 49. Samuel Kenny. 50. Abigail Winget. 51. Mr Thomas Thatcher 5 2. M? Margaret H ay wood. 53. Thomas Webber. 54. Mehitabel Banks. 55. John Minzes, 56. Eadey Pain. 57. Mr John Meers 58. M" Sarah Grigs. 59. Mr John Staniford. 60. M? Sarah Bant. 61. William Letherland, [?] 62. Sarah King. 63. Mathew Vibret. 64. Sarah Fare 65. W. Thomas Short, 66. M'? Eliz. Frost. 67. Mr Zebdiel Boylston, 68. M" Jerusha Minot. 69. Mr Josiah Clark, 70. M? Sarah Chamberlain. 71. Mr Francis Righton. 72. M^ Eliz. Royal. 73. Mr Francis Plaistead. 74. M''? Hannah Colman. 75. Stephen Parker, 76. Margaret Clark. 77. Mr Nath. Lyndal 78. M"-? Eliz. Smith 79. AP Lewis Liron, 80. M^^ Kath. Cutburt. 81. Seth Smith, 82. Eliz. Humphryes AGE. TIME WHEN. PLACE WHERE. June. 2 2"^ o. 12. o. // 24*? August. 5'^ December. 25'? 30* 1704. September. 28* November. 16'.'' December \^^ 19'.'' o. 6. o.// o. 6. o.// o. 10. O. /^ o. 10. o.^ o. 9. o.^ January. i^r 1705 July I2'^ deceased, July 4. 1707. q. 12. O.^ 1705 August. October, Boston. 13'' 16'!' N.E. November. 28* December. 13- 0. 3- 0. 1706. January. January. I8'^ 24'^ 0. 0. 12. 6. 0. 0. March. 5" March. 28'^ April. II*^ 0. 6' 0. May. 20'!^ I. 10. 0. October. 3' 0. II. 0. " 30- 0. 2. 6. LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 229 THBIR NAMES. AGE. TIME WHEN. FLACB WHERE. 83. Peter Sergeant, Esq! December. 19. I. 10. 0. 84. Wf Mehit. Cooper. 85. Thomas Cloyee 26. 0. 6. 0. 86. Sarah Scott. 87. M' Joseph Fabins. 1707. 88. M'.' Kath. Haywood January 2. 89. Mf Daniel Allen, 7- 0. 10. 90. M'? Sarah Gibbins. 91. M' Arthur Jeffery. 23- 0. 10. 0. 92. M" Silence Keen 93. Mr Abraham Blish. May. S'.'* I. 6. 0. 94. M? Susanna Tuttle. 95. Mr Jonathan Ketteel. 0. 6. 0. 96. M'? Kath. Waters. 97. Mr Sam'l Sanders. June. 26. 0. II. 0. 98. M'? Ehz. Maccarty. 99. M' Tim. Lafavour, August. f- 100. M'.' Anna Willard 10 1. Mf George Ingersol, Sept. 2^. Boston, N.E . 0. 6. 0. 102. M? Eliz. Gourding. 103. John Mellens. October. 23- 0. 3. 0. 104. Abigail Milboum 105. Timothy King. November, 21. 0. 6. 0. 106. Sarah Trondey. 107. Phillip Perreway, December. Io'^ 0. 6. 0. 108. Johanna Mariner. 109. Mf John Smith. 1708. no. M? Martha Brenton. February. 5*? 3- 0. 0. III. The Rev. W. Sampson Stoddard. I 20'.*' 112. M^' Eliz. Davis. i 113. John Lacooter. March. 3*? 0. 6. 114. Eliz. Mariner. 115, Isaac Stollard, March. 27^ 0. . 0. 116. Mary Cox. 117. M' Lancelot Lake, May. 6* 0. II. 118. M'.' Katherine Child. 119. Mr James Lowle. August. 12* 120. M'.^ Eliz. Gustin. 121. W. Samuel Tyley, 22I 0. 5- 122. M'.^ EUz. Tulley. 123. Mr William Sanders ) ( Septemb' 7- 0. 8. 0. 124. M? Bridget Ladd. 125. Mr Nathan Howell, ) October. 7- I. 6. 0. 126. M? Katharina George, j" 127. Mr Ebenezer Baker. I 128. M" Ann Hall. 230 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. THEIR NAMES. 129. 130. 131- 132. 134- 135- 136. 137- 138. 139- 140. 141. 142. 143- 144. 145- 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 152. 153- 154. ^55- 156. 157- 158. 159- 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. Mr Jonathan Bumel, M'f Susanna Rogers. Edward Cooper. Abigail Berry. Peter Villers. Hannah Oxford. Mf Richard Bill, M'? Sarah Davis. Joseph Morse. Mary Hands. Mf John Thatcher, M" Mary Mould. Mr Thomas Welch, M""? Eliz. Rogers. Mf Nathanael Morse, Sarah Draper. William ") w. Wni Webster. & V kegro' Servt.s BettV. I ^' ^"' Keen. Peter Lamarkin. Sarah Easmouth. Joseph Phillips. Susanna King. Mf James Addison. M'.^ Agnes Crown Mr Gyles Dyer. M? Mary Banister. Mr Obadiah Gore. M'.^ Sarah Kilby. Mr Edward Wade, M^? Hannah Platts. Mr. James Smith, M? Susanna Campbel Robert Savage, Margaret Soyle. Benj'' Leonard, Patience Allen. Mr Fr. Clark. Negro' Servants. Mfs Miles. Jeffry & Rose. James Peck. Hannah Barker. Mr Andrew Palms. M? Eliz. Gray. John Egbeer. Sarah Cooper. TIMB WHEN. PLACE WHERE. November. 25- 0. II. 0. March. 17- 0. 10. 0. March. 25- 0. 2. 6. 1709. June. 30 I. 0. 6. 7- 0. 0. August. 4* o. 10. o December. i. o. 6. o 1710. lb. s. d. March, 9'^ Boston. N. E. o. 10. o. 30- 6'^ March. April. June. 22I October. 5'.** 26'^ November. 2 . 30- 1711. January. 8'^ 18. 25. February. 6'" April. 4* 2. o o o. 10. o. o. 10. o. o. 10. o. o. 6. o. o. 8. o. o. 5. o. o. 15. o. o. 5. o. LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 231 THEIR NAMES. AGE. TIME WHEN. PLACE WHERE. LB. S. 173- James Phipps. May. II'." 0. 5- 0. 174. Sarah Tucker. 175- Lazarus Oxman, July. I2'^ 0. 7- 0. 176. Gartright Berry. 177. William Hall. 17- 0. 6. 0. 178. Eliz. Wilcot. 179. Mf James Nolan, August. 24. 0. 10. 0. 180. M" Hannah Peck. 181. Henry Lucas. 28. 0. 5- 182. Abigail Verry. 183. M' John Gibbins. October, 4- 0. IB- 184. M" Rebecca Gray 185. John Millar. November. 7 '^ Boston, N.E . 0. S' 0. 186. Sarah Lancaster. 187. Josiah Baker. 14. 0. 6. 188. Susanna Pumery. 189. Mf John Pumrey. December. 13- I. 10. 0. 190. M? Lydia Gilbert. 191. Thomas Bumpas. 19. 192. Rebecca Robinson. 193- John Dutch. 20. 0. 7- 0. 194. Elizabeth Harrise. 195- 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. } T fc Negro' Serv'. to jenrey. q^i^ checkiey. "Rranrpc ^^S™' Woman trances, of Mad'» Bridges. My Honoured Father, My William Colman. M" Lydia Checkiey. M' Ebenf Brenton. M^= Eliz. Lyndal. John Hayes. Sarah Walker. William Smallage, Eliz. Battle. John Burges. Ruth Willy. M^ George Kilcup. M? Mary Thatcher. W. W'" Cook, M? Hannah Collings. The Rev'.' Mr Joseph Baxter | Mad'" Rebecca Saffin. j Zechary Needham ) Martha Moray. ) Samuel Langdon. ) Esther Osgood. f March. 6. 17 12. 20. April. 3. 10. May. 2. IS- June. 26. July. 16. August. 8'.* 10. o S- o 6. o 5- o 5- o 4. o. 7. o. 232 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. THEIR NAMES. 217. Mr Sam". Mattock. 218. M? Admonition Tucker 219. M' Shem Drown. 220. M'.' Kath. Clark. 221. Mf John Harvey. 222. M'^' Martha More. 223. ^M^ffohn Whiting 224. M'.' Mary Cotton 225. Mr Sam'! Whitwell. 226. M" Ehz. Archer. 227. M.' Edward Wilkinson 228. M? Rebecca Leverett 229. Daniel Merchant. 230. Mary Stallard. 231. Mr Jeremiah Philbrick. 232. M'.' Mary Maccarty, 233. M: Christian Snoman. 234. M" Mary Cooper. 235. Mr Edward Colman. 236. M? Mehitable Hands, 237. M' Israel How. 238. M'^ Judith Clark. 239. Mr Briant Parrot. 240. M'.' Abigail Clark. 241. Mr Edward Masters. 242. M" Eliz. Lacooter. 243. Edward George. 244. Sarah Corley. 245. Mr John Gore. 246. M'' Rebecca Smitn. 247. David Franklin 248. Elizabeth Aires. 249. Mr Nathanael Pain. 250. M'f Sarah Clark. 251. Mr John Smith. 252. M? Ruth Kenny. 253. Joseph Ricks. 254. Elizabeth Reyner. My Hond Father in law, 255. Mr Thomas Clark. 256. M? Abigail Reach. 257. Mr Richard Draper, 258. M'f Lydia Thaxter. 259. James Barter. 260. Eliz. Elhset. AGE. TIME WHEN. PLACB WF«£RE. LB. S. Septembr 11. o. 6. o. 18. I. 12. o October. 23. o. 12. o. 30. 1712. November. 21. December. 4- II. 25- 1713- January. 27 February. 26. March 25- April. 22. May. 4. June. 18. 25- July. 4- 23. August. 13- 18. September. 4. o. 6. o. o. 15. o. I. o. o O. 12. O o. 8. o 0. 9. o 1. o. o o. 15. o 0. 5. o. 1. 10. o o. 3. o. o. 5. o O. 10. o O. 10. o o. 5. o. LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 233 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273- 274. 275- 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293- 294. 295- 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303- 304- THEIR NAMES. Robert Sanco, free negro. Fidelia Serv'. to Mrs Franklin Mr John Jeffries. M? Ann Clark. M' Thomas Bernerd, M'f Sarah Parker. Samuel Ranger. Mary Pickman. M' Samson Shepcot. M'.* Ann Lambert. M^ Benj! Starr. M" Mary Maylam. Mr Ralph Wood. M'.' Mary Boyd. M^ Edward Vittery. M? Anna Farrisse. Y' Hon*^!^ Isaac Addington, Esqf Madam Eliz. Waimvrigl Mr David Stoddard. M" Eliz. Shrimpton. M' Philip Bargier. M? Mary Smith. Mr Solomon Townsend, M" Esther Sugars. Mr John Steel. M? Mary Talley. Peter Wood. Margaret Needham. M' William Dowers. M'.' Hannah Beath. Mr Edwf Stanbrige. M" Mildred Darrel. Mr John Macdaniel. M? Mercy Lynsford. Anthony Tyns I ^^g^, Mr Edward Gray. Wf Hannah Ellis. Mr Jacob Wendel. M-:^ Sarah Oliver. Richard White. Abigail Purrinton. M' Nathanael Emms M" Hannah Grafton. TIME WHEN. PLACE WHERE. LB. S. September. 17. 1713- September. 24. October. 2". 8. IS- November. lo'l" 13- 19. December. 23- 17 14. March. 8'^ April IS- April. 29. May. 14. June. 17- 24. July. I. 2. 12. August. 15. September. 30 I. 10. 0. 3- 0. 2. 6 0. 10. o. 10. o 0. 5- 0. 5- 0. 12. 0. I. ID. 0. 0. 14. I. 0. o. 10. o. 0. 4. o. 1. o. o. o. 10. o 0. 6. o 1. o. o I. 12. O o. 5. o. 234 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. THEIR NAMES. AGE. TIME WHEN. PLACE WHERE. LB. S. 305. James Gardener. ] 17. September. 0. 8. 306. Mary Parrisse. J 307. Mf William Ings. , 23. 0. 10. 308. M^^ Ann Play. \ 309. Mf Thomas Newton. , 29. October. 0. 10. 310. M" Katharine Pain. ' 311. Caleb Finch. 5. November. 0. 5- 0. 312. Mercy Alkin. 313. Thomas Jones. 8. December. 314. Hannah Man. 315. Mr William Mackarty. 9- I. 0. 0. 316. M'? Margaret Powel. 317. Joseph Williams, woiato. 318. Sarah EngHsh. Indian. - both free. 319. Robert Gamsbee. f 31. 0. 5- 0. 320. Eliz. Alcock. >• \ 321. Mf Henry Wright 20. January. ifYi^-, 0. 6. 0. 322. M? Hannah Wade, 323. William Barnes. •^ 9. February. 0. 5- 0. 324. Mary Davise. 325. William Parker. I 1715- 326. Anna Knap. 1 4. April. 0. 5- 0. 327. M' Ebenezer Graves. !. 2^* I. 0. 328. M" Eliphal Hopkins. 329. M'' Thomas Boylston. •^ 4. May. 0. 15. 0. 330. M" Sarah Morecock. 331. Mr W™ Goodwin. • II. 0. 10. 332. M'.^ Jane Ashfeild. ^T^l. James Mallet. I 19- 0. 6. 0. 334. Sarah Creek. 335. M' Thomas Whitemore. 1 25. 0. 10. 0. 336. M" Dorothy Thomas. 337. Mr Robert Larmon. ^ June. 9. 0. 10. 338. M" Sarah Tyley. 339. M' John Arnault 1^ 28. 0. 5- 0. 340. M'.' Eliz. Proctor. 341. Mr Icabod Allen. \ July. 7- 0. 5- 0. 342. M? Eliz. Symonds. 343. Mf James Coats ) 21. 0. 10. 0. 344. M" Hannah Pain. 345. John Kirkman. t 25. 0. 7. 0. 346. Grace Cockcraft. 347. Mf James Goochjunf, ) Septem. 30. 348. M? Elizabeth Hobbie. 349. James Pringel. ) October. 26. 0. 5- 0. 350. Eliz. Hall. LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 235 THEIR NAMES. 351- 352- 353- 354- 355- 356- 357- 358- 359- 360. 361. 362. 3^3- 364- 365- 366. 367- 368. 369- 370- 371- 372. 373- 374- 375- 376. 377- 378. 379- 380. 381. 382. 383- 384- 385- 386. 387- 388. 389- 390- 391- 392- 393- 394. 395- 396. M' James Gilcrest. M? Ann Shepcot. Mf Mathevv Adams. M'? Kath. Brigden. Jonathan Budden. Eliz. Giddens. Mr Joseph Hodsden. M'.' Christian Mason. Alexander Fullerton. Eliz. Belcher. M' Thomas Foster. M'? Sarah Maccarty. Mf Thomas Moffat. M? Mary Dafform. The ^QyA Joseph Baxter. M'? Mercy Bridgham. John Pendree, Hannah Eaton. Mf Benj. Harris M'f Sarah Matthews William Smalman. Sarah Ingersol. Mf Philip Kalnack M'? Hannah Chamberlain Mr John Johnson. M'f Abigail Parsons. James Cranston Lydia Gridly. John Abbot Hannah Spencer. James Combs. Mary Batdes Christopher Capril Mary Hunewel. Mf Thomas Vales. M'f Mary Ewel. Ml Milam Alcock. M'f Esther Andrews. Mr Nicholas Michael. M'f Jane Sanderson. Mr Estice Hatch. Wf Mary Rolph. Ml Patrick Erskine. M'f Sarah Maxwell. William Landee. Mary Peck. ..} TIME WHEN. PLACE WHERE. LB. S. Novem. 17. 0. 10. 0. 0. 10. 0. Novem. 29. 0. 10. 0. Novem. 29. Decern^' 29. 1716. January. 4« S- 12. February, 21. March. I. April. 12. May. July. August. Septem. October. Novem. 1717. January. 15- Boston, N.E. o. o. 22. 3- 13- 10. 14. 20. 26. 7. o. 6. o. 14. o 10. o 6. o 6. o 5. o. 10. o. O. 12. O. o. 5. O o. 5. O. ID. 0. 7- 0. ID. 0. 7- 0. IS- I. 10. 0. I. 12. 0. 0. 7- 0. 236 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. THEIR NAMES. AGE. TIME WHEN. PLACE WHERE. LB s. 397- Mr Jacob Royal. February. 22. I. 8. 0. 398. M." Rebecca Adams. 399- Joseph Anno March. 14. 0. 5. 0. 400. Eliz. Smith. 401. John Mynzie, Esq' March. 25- 402, M'f Katharine Lake 403- M: John Phillips. April. 5- 0. 5- 404. M" Francis Garland 405- Mf Caleb Blanchard. April. 5. Boston, N.England . 0. 7- 406. M" Alice Wheeler. 407. M' Richard Hunt. II. 0. 10. 408. M'? Sarah Williams. 409. M' Nath. Rogers. May. 9- 0. 10. 410. M? Eliz. Porter. 411. 412. Priscilk l^^g^^'^^^^- 23- 413- Mr William Fletcher. ' I 29. I. 10. 414. M? Margaret Gushing. \ 415- Mr Samuel Greenwood. ~ • August. 8. I. 10. 416. M? Mary Fitch. \ 417. Mf John Lawson. ~ 13- 0. 5- 418. M'.' Sarah Selsby. ] 419. Mr Elisha Vinal. IS- 0. 8. 420. M^^ Eliz. Ellis. 421. Mr Adam Crocket. 22. 0. 5- 0. 422. M'? Hannah Munden. The Rev"^ \ 423- Mf Jonathan Gushing. >■ October. 24. 424. M''.' Elizabeth Gushing. \ 425- Benjamin Stoaks. ^ November. 4- 426. Rebecca Kirbee. [ 427. John Warren. 1 18. 0. 5- 428. Mary Butler. ' 429. William Hinks. 1 1718. 430- Eliz. Edwards. J January. 16. 0. 5- 0. 431- Ir-rmce, ^,f ^j^., Kingsland. C 23- 432- Katharine Cojoe, free. ) 433- Robert Pindar. ) February. 14. 0. 5- 0. 434- Rebecca Clark. J 435- William Jones. ) May. 22. 436- Ann Schoolmaster. ) 437- Thomas Brown. ) 29. 438. Esther Street. J 439- Elias Braddock. ) October. ] 4. Boston, N.E. 0. 5- 0. 440. Dinah Mattox. ) LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 237 441. 442. 443- 444. 445- 446. 447- 448. 449. 45°- 451- 452- 453- 454- 455- 456. 457- 458. 459- 460. 461. 462. 463- 464. 465- 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473- 474- 475- 476. 477- 478. 479. 480, 481 482 483 484 THEIR NAMES. > Mr ^ Jonathan Sewall, / M^^ V Eliz. Alford. ) Mr Joseph Fitch. ) M'? Margaret Clark. ) Mr Robert Marshal. > M'? Mary Maccarty. > Mf W™ Maycock. ) M'f Mary Meers. j Thomas Wilson. ) Sarah Thomson. ) Mr Joshua Wroe. ) M? Anna Webster. ) Ephraim Philips. ) Ann Fenwick f M- Sam'! Royal. ) M" Priscilla Adams. ) W. Antipas Marshal. \ M'? Rebecca Kilby. ) George Newman. ) Sarah Nevvcomb. \ Alexander Ghrimes. ) Eliz. Delarock. j W. Mark Potts. \ M'? Abigail Silloway. ) John Garnet. ) Wilmot Moulds. > Mr. Isaiah Tay. ) M" Mary Watkins. \ Morris Gibbins, ) Mary Roberts. ) Mf Joseph Scot. ) M" Mehit. Webber, f Mr Stephen Gushing. \ W^ Kath. Kilby. [ Mr Andrew Halliburton M'? Naomi Fig. Mr Benjamin Rolph. ( M'f Eliz. Garland. \ Mr John Legg. ) M'? Jane Brown ) Mr John Yeaman. ^ Mr' Eliz. Shrimpton. John Hide. Sarah Waldo. TIME WHEN. PLACE WHERE. LB. S. Decern. 17. i- 12. o. Janu7 IS- March. 23- 1719. June 31- 17- 30- Septembf 3- October. 19. November. 5- 12. 19. December. 22. January. ■} 1720. March. April May. 24. 7- 14. February. 18. 23- 0. 10. 0. 0. 10. 0. I. 0. 0. 0. 3- 0. I. 10. o 0. 7. o. 1. o. o. I. o. o. o. 6. o. 0. 4. o. 1. o. o. 0. 5. o. 1. o. o o. 7. o 0. 10. o 1. o. o. o 10 o. Boston, N.E. I. I. o. o. 7. I. 10. o. } 6. 19. 4. 10. o. o. 7. o. 238 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. THEIR NAMES. y 485- 486. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493- 494. 495- 496. 497- 498. 499. 500. 501. 502. 503- 504- 505- 506. 507- 508. 509- 510. 512. 513- 514- 515- 516. 517- S18. 519- 520. 521. 522. 523- 524- 525- 526. 527- 528. Y1 Rev. Mf Jon'? Townsend M" Mary Sugars. M' Barth. Gidany. M'? Abigail Mason Benjamin Symmons. Margaret Gibson. William Tozer. Eliz. Pickering John Hazel. Martha Clark. Mf Andrew Ross. M""? Sarah Warren. The Rev. M' Sam'.' Checkley. M? Eliz. Rolph. Mf W" Stoddard. M? Sarah Pitts. M' Alford Butler. M? Mercy Tay. Mf Derick Carver. M'.' Susanna Holton. William Dudley, Esq! M" Eliz. Davenport. John Allam. Jane Williams. Mf John Waterman. M^^ Eliz. Bassit. William Dolbear. Mary Hooker. Mf Thomas Amory. M? Rebecca Holmes. Capf Francis Fowle. M? Sarah Morrice. Mf John Warters. M'.' Esther Brown. The Rev? Jo. Leverett, M? Sarah Harris. Mf Joseph Urann. M? Sarah Jamison. Mf James Davenport. M'^ Sarah Franklin. Mf Zach. Hubbard. M^? Mary Hobby. Elias Pecot. Jane Bee. 0. 10. 0. 5- 0. 10. 0. 10. 0. AGE. TIME WHEN. PL^CE WHERE. LB. S. D. 26. Sept. 15. 19. Octobo. 3. 31- 1721. January. 5. 27. February. 29. March. 10. 23- April. 10. 13- May. 9. Boston N.E. August. 31. February. 2. 172 /^ Esq' I 1722, I. 10. o. I. 0.0. 0. 5. o. 1. 10. o. o. 5. o. O. 10. o. 0. 4. o. 1. 10. o. I. o. o. O. 10. o. ] April. May. June. 15- 21. 0. 10. o. 1. 0.0. o. 5. o. LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 239 THEIR NAMES. 529- 53°- 531- 532. 533- 534- 535- 536- 537- 538. 539- 540- 541- 542. 543- 544- 545- 546. 547- 548. 549- 55°- 551- 552- 553- 554- 555- 556. 557- 558. 559- 560. 561. 562. 563- 564- 565- 566. 567- 568. 569- 570- 571- 572. 573- 574. Mr William Wilson. M'? Susanah Langsdon. Mf Nath" Cunningham. M'? Ann Boucher. M' John Moseley. M';" Hannah Peck. Nicholas Anthony. Rachel Arminton. Mf John Marshal. M? Jane Hedman. M'. Jeremiah Allen. M'^ Rebecca Kilby. William Thorel. Mary Peterson. Mf Hugh Hall. M^' Eliz. Pitts. M^ William Robie. M? Ann Pollard. M' Thomas Pemberton. M? Phoebe Royal. John Robinson. Mary Long. Mf' William Maycock. M" Eliz. Sears. Mr Azor Gale. M'? Anna Noyes. John White. Sarah Belcher. M! Samuel Bridgham. Wf Rebekah Wilkinson Mr Ebenezer Storer. M'.' Mary Edwards. Anthony Brumsoley, Eunice Anderson. Mr Richard Mortimer. M? Lydia Wharton. M' Benjamin Pool. M'? Mehitabel Gibson. Mr Robert Jarvis. M'.' Mary Cross. Mr John Vaning. M'' Katharine Newton. M' William Welch. M'.^ Hannah Anderson. Mf George Clark. M7 Sarah Tompson. TIME WHEN. August. PLACE WHERE. 13- LB. 0. S. D. 10. 0. 27. I. 10. 0. 30. 0. 5- 0- Septem. II. 0. 5. 0. October. II. 2. 0. 0. 18. I. 0. 0. 23. 0. 5. 0. 31- 3- 0. 0. Decembf 6. I. 0. 0. II. 3- 10. 0. January. 8. 172/3, 0. 5. 0. 21. I. 0. 0. 31- I. 10. 0. February. 7- 0. 5. 0. 1723. June. Boston N.E. 12. I. 0. 0. 20. I. 0. 0. August. 22. 0. 5- 0. October. 22. 0. 10. 0. Decem. 17- I. 0. 0. 1724. January, Febru7 29. 17- 0. 0. 15. 0. 10. 0. 21. 0. 3- April. i6. 0. 10. 0. 240 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. 575- 576- 577- 578. 579- 580. 581. 582. 583- 584- 585. 586. 587- 588. 589- 590- 591- 592- 593- 594- 595- 596. 597- 598- 599- 600. 60T. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. THEIR NAMES. Mr Thomas Barnes. M" Eunice Tompson. M"' Edward Mobberly. M'f Jane Whippo. Richard Otes. Sarah Dandy. M' Thomas Bulfinch. M? Judith Colman. Mr Richard Thackway. M? Hannah Harvey. M' Jonathan Sewal. M" Mary Pain. M' Sam") Brickwood. M" Grace Howard. Samuel Martyn. Susanna Canawit Mr John Beney. M" Kath. Mynzie. Mr George Rogers. M^' Rebekah Par. Mf Edmund Quincey. M? Eliz, Wendal. Mf Jonathan Blake, M" Mary Bennet. TTT-ii Negro Man to M^s ^V Meers Sisly. Servt to M'^.s Mico. MT Thomas Beard, M7 Martha Maylam. John Clark Esqr M^' Sarah Leverett. M'. John Scottow. M? Eliz. Cock. Mr Sam'! Smith. M'.' Jerusha Mather. M' John Barnes. M? Esther Langdon. My John Erwin. M? Abigail Phillips. Nathanael Hubbard Esql M'.' Rebekah Gore. Mr Benj^ Wheeler. M"'.^ Ruth Newcomb. John Powel. Eliz. Everton. M' Joshua Hubbard. M? Hannah Allen. TIME WHEN. PLACE WHERE. LB. S. D. 17. O. 10. o. 1 June. August. Octoby Novem. Decern. 1725- February. April. May. July. August. Novem. Decern. January. 1726. April. May. June. 23- 3- II. 24. 8. 17- 10. 31- 2. 15- 26. 20. 21. 24. 2. 5. o. 2. o. o. 15. o. 5. o. 5. o. o. o. o. 10. o 7. Boston o. 5. o 15. 3. o. o. 13. o. 10. o 8. o. 15. o. 30. o. 10. o. 3- I. 10. o. 5. o. o. 10. o LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 241 THEIR NAMES. 621. Mf Nicholas Cotting. ) 622. M'.' Mary Chauntrel. ) 623. Y" Rev. Mr Ebenezer Turell, 624. M? Jane Colman. 625. Mr Aaron Read. ) 626. M'f Mary Soper. ) 627. Mr Thomas Hill. ) 628. M" Hannah Gushing. ) 629. Ml Robert Thomson > 630. M? Ruth Whittimore ) 631. Percy Codner. ) 632. Sarah Hide. f [63 3] Mr Stephen Richards. ) 634. 635- 636. 637- 638. 639- 640. 641. 642. 643- 644. 645- 646. 647. 648. 649. 650. 651. 652. 653- 654- 655- 656. 657- 658. 659- 660. 661. 662. 663. 664. 665. M-- My M'? M^ Esther Flint Saml' Milleken. Martha Fyfield. Richard Billings. Mary Welsh .} Mr Ebenezer Wright. M? Deborah Winkell, Mf John Clark. M'' Martha Adams. M' Cornelius Judevine M? Mary White. Mr William Bulfinch M? Katharine Wendal Mr David Lee. ) M? Lydia Sweet. { Mr Adam Mariner. ) M? Rachel Hayward. ) Mf David Bacon. ) M? Eliz. Greenleif. j Mf Isaac Clark. ) M" Patience Converss. ) Cesar. Negro' Servants to ) Su. Mr Scot. j Mf John Le Cross. M" Margaret Hawksworth, Mf John Foye. | M'f Sarah Boucher. j Mf Benj-^ Bartlet > M" Eliz. Larkin. j" Mfi David Dodge, > M'f Margaret Thisgate ) Mf Thomas Johnson. ) TIME WHEN. PLACE WHERE. 22. ) August. II. 1727. June. 22. July- 13- Novem. 30. .} 1728. 666. M" Rachel Thwing. )" April. October. Decern. 1729. January. April. June. August. Septem. Octobf Decembf 1730- June, 31 5- 18. 17- 1 1 . Boston. 19. 30- 3- 4- 24. 7- 4- 18. 23- 30- 2. LB. S. D. o. 15. o o. 10. o 3. o. o. o. 10. o. o. 10. o. 3. o. o 0. 10. o 1. 10. o 0. 10. O 1. o. o. o. 7. o. 3. o. o o. 10. o. o. 7. o. 1. o. o. 2. O. O 3- o- o O. lO. o 242 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. THEIR NAMES. AGE, 667. The Rev. Mf John Morehead 668. M? Sarah Parsons. TIME WHEN. PLACE WHERE. LB. s. D. 669. Mr John Pearce. 670. M'f Martha Gamsby. August. 20. 0. 10. 671. Samuel Smith. Octobf 8. 0. 5. 672. Mary Merchant. %J 673. Mr. John Kneeland, 674. M'.' Prudence Clark. March. 18, I. 9' 675. Mf Jonathan Dwight 676. M? Mary Lane. 1731- April. 15- I. 0. 677. Mf Arington May. 678. M^' Eliz. Thomas. May. 13- I. 0. 679. Mf John Everard. 680. M" Dorothy Morrice 20. I. 0. 681. Mr Saml' Cockrill. June. 15- 0. 10. 682. M'? Eliz. Andross. "^* Negro Servants *^ to Mrs Gilbert. 684. Guff. June 1 7. Boston N E.G. 10. 0. 685. Mr. Samuel Marshal. 686. M? Mary Webster. July. I. 3- 0. 0. 687. Mr William Sheaf, 688. M? Eliz. Foye. August. 12. 3- 0. 0. 689. Mr John Wendal. 690. M'? Mary Oliver. Novem. II. 3- 0. 0. 691. Mr John Cox, 692. Mf^^-J Eliz. Gaily. Decern. 13- 0. 15- 0. 693. Mf Thomas Cull, 23- 3- 0. 0. 694. W? Eliz. Bulkley. 695. Mf John Dorrel, 696. M? Mehitabel Calder 1732- Jan7 4- 0. ID. 0. 697. Mf John Reynolds, 698. M? Rebekah Lupton 6. 0. 15- 0. 699. Mf Benj"! Church. 700. M'? Hannah Dyer. March. 6. 3- 0. 0. 701. Mf John George, 702. M? Eliz. Knight. April. 27. 0. 10. 0, 704! Betty'^} Negro's both baptised. ) June. 25- 705. Timothy Robinson, 706. Eliz. Thomas. } July. 6. 0. 10. 707. Mf' Pyam Blowers. ) 708. M? Jerusha Fairweather ) August 24. 3- 0. 0. 709. Mf Thomas Hope. 710. Wf Sarah Gold. } Octof 2. 0. ID. 0. LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 243 THEIR NAMBS. 711. Mr Isaac Perkins. 712. M^= Sarah Hurd. 713. M.'. James Pitts. 714. M" Eliz. Bowdoin. 715. Mf John Clark. 716. M? Hannah Ruggles. 717. Mf Isaac WiUiams. 718. M'f Hannah Meers. 719. Mf William Greenleif. 720. M? Ruth Ruggles. 721. Mf Daniel Berry. 722. M? Eliz. Buchanan. 723. Thomas Ramsteed, 724. Mercy Hatton. 725. Mf William Williams. 726. M" Myriam Tyler. 727. Mf David Christopher, 728. M" Sarah Morgan. 729. Mf Peter Chardon, 730. M" Sarah Colman. 731. Mf Joshua Henshaw. 732. M? Eliz. Bill. 733. Mf Thomas Flagg. 734. M? Martha Richardson, 735. Mf John Colman. 736. M? Sarah Pain. 737. Mf Charles Florence, 738. M? Rebekah Addison. 739. Mf Eben. Simpson. 740. M" Eliz. Watland. 741. Revf Eben. Turell 742. M" Lucy Davenport. 743. Mf Peter Prescot. 744. M-^? Eliz. Cull. 745. Thomas Tomlinson. 746. Isabella Frasier. 747. Mf Joseph Putnam, 748. M? Sarah Uran. 749. Mf John Scollay. 750. M? Mercy Greenleafe 751 752 753. Mf Adam Winthrop. 754. W? Mary Hall. 755. Mf Miles Carter. 756. M? Sarah Traleven I. Ratcliff )r ^ Hagar, j^ee negroes. TIME WHEN. PLACE WHERE. LB. s. 12. 1. 0. 0. 26. 4- 0. 0. Novem. 9- 2. 0. Febr. 15- I. 0. 1733- May. 9- 2. 0. August, 9- I. 0. Septem. 13- Septem 27. Boston. 4- 0. 0. Octo. II. 0. 10. 0, Decern. 6. 27. 4- 0. 1734- July. 25> I. 0. Decem. 26. — 1735- May. IS- 3- 0. August. 12. I. 0. Oct. 23- — Novem. 13- 3- 0. 0. 27. — Febr7 19- — 1736. March. 10. 3. 0. 0. April. June 22. 30- o. 10. o. 244 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. 57- 58. 59- 60. 61. 62. 64. 65- 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71- 72. 71- 72. 73- 74- 75- 76. 77- 78. 79- 80. 81. 82. 83- 84. 85- 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93- 94. 95- 96. 97- 98. 99. 800. THEIR NAMES. AGE Mf W".' Bennet, ) M'f Eliz. Maccarty. f Mf Thomas Steel, \ M'f Mary Gushing. ) Mf James Dodge, > M'? Mary Balsh. ) Pompey Servt. to M' Terrey "> Jane, Free ) John Gold. ") Esther Langdon ) Dr John Loring. "> M? Eliz. Vryling. | M' James Worth. > M? Judith Rawlings | Timothy Morro. ) Mary Lenox. ) Mr Barn el Brown. ) Mf' Abigail Kellum. \ Mf Francis Moore. ) M^' Eliz. Welsh. j MfPowningBridgham, \^ M'? Sarah Pulciver. J Mf Nathanael Coit, | M^^ Eliz. Ricks. j Richard Wibird Esq' > Wf Eliz. Wendel. ) Mf Sam'.' Goodwin, ) M? Eliz. Willard ) Mf Thomas Gee, > M"".' Susanna My-Good. ) Ye Rev. Mf David Jewet, ) M'.' Patience Phillips, ) Mf Benjamin Colman M'.' Hannah Pemberton Mf Jonathan Holmes. M? Katharine Hammit, Mf Samuel Whitermore M" Rebekah Stearns. John Vingus ) , ., -L t free Negroes Jane. ) Mf James Pitson M? Rachel Danforth Mf Joseph How. M" Mary Boardman Mf Thomas Nowel Mf.' Christian Robinson TIME WHEN. PLACE WHERE. LB. :..] •} .} July. August. Sept. Novem. Decern. 1737- June July August. Novem. 1738. Septem. Oct. Novem. Febr 1739- April. July. August. Febr. 1740. April April. May. May July. 6. 23- 16. 30- 4- 9- 21. Boston. 21. 12. — ID. 5- 19. o. o. o. o. 2. 12. O. 30- IB- S' 5- 16. 21. 24. 24. 8. 22. I. I. o, o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. 10. o I. o. o. LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 245 THHIR NAMES. 801. Mf Nath. Morse 802. M'? Sarah Brown 803. Mr John Edwards S04. M? Abigail Smith. 805. Mr W™ Downes. 806. M? Margaret Fitch 807. MrNath'I Oliver. 808. M? Mercy Wendell. 809. Mr Jacob Cheinie 810. Wf Eliz. Beal. 811. James - Negro' Serv' to John Colman Esq' 813 Violet Servant to Mr Francis Righton. 815. Mr Joseph Scot 816. M? Eliz Greenleif 817. Mr Francis Plaisted 818. M!' Hannah Sherburn 819. Mf Seth Coburn 820. M? Eliz. Scott. 821. Mf Edmund Dwight. 822. M" Eliz. Scutt 823. Mf James Hovey, 824. M? Sarah Ruggles 825. Mf Samuel Savage, 826. M? Sarah Tyler. 827. M' Stephen Parker 828. M'? Ehz. Whippo. 829. Mf Nathan Carpenter. 830. M? Mary Fairweather. 831. Mf John Dennie 832. M^^ Sarah Wendell. 833. Mf John Cumpston. 834. M" Ann Newman 835. Rev^^ Mf Jer. Condy, 836. M? Sarah Drowne 837. Mf Robert Logan. 838. M'f Mercy Bridgham. 839. James Welch. 840. Susanna Smith 841. Mf Joseph Birch 842. M"^.' Margaret Sherbum. 843. Mf Thomas Fluker 844. M? Judith Bowdoin 845. Mf Abraham Tuckerman 846. M'? Sarah Sedon TIME WHEN. PLACE WHERE. LB. 31- I- August 26. 4. March. 12 2. 1741. June 25. 3. Octf 8. — i74>^. Jan7 7. — March. 1742. April. July August Novem. II. Boston. 3. o. o 27. I. Decem. 27. 1743- July. 28. Sept 8. Oct. 7- 27. Novf 10. Decem. 29. 1744. Jan'y II. June 12 2. 6. 2. — July 26. 246 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. 847- 848. 849- 850. 851. 852. 853. 854. 855. 856. 857- 858. 859. 860. 861. 862. 863. 864. 865. 866. 867. 868. 869. 870. 871. 872. 873- 874. 875- 876. 877. 878. THEIR NAMES. Mr Ebenezer Messenger M'f Lydia Cocks. Mr John Walpool. M^^ Sarah Read. Mf W? Cooper. W? Cath. Wendell. "HiVL- SerV to M^ Cade ^^'-1^) of Charlestown, Clarinda : to Coll. Pollard. Mr John Steel, M? Mary Sunderland. Mr Timothy Rogers. M'f Lucy Boylstone Mr Henry Newman M'.' Margaret Fletcher Mr Moses Dobell. Wf Sarah Suitor, Mr Rich^ Sloper M^' Mary Uran. Mr Benjamin Hallowell M? Mary Boylstone. Rev. Mr Samuel Cooper M-^.^ Judith Bulfinch Mr Isaac Smith, M'f Eliz. Storer. Mr John Neale, M'.^ Sarah Cotes Mf Owen Harris M? Mary Smith 1747. Mingo ) June. Cloe ( Servts to Cap' Steel, but not published. Boston, Servant to M-; James Oliver. ) July. Kate, Servt to Capt Thomas Child, j AGE. TIME WTHEN. PLACE WHERE } March. 4- 1745- March. 29. April. 25- May. 16. May 23, 45 46. Jan? 20. Febr? 20. 1746. April. 21. June 13. Boston. Septr Octobr Novf Jan? 28. IS- — 16. — 30, 7- — 3- 3- 3- 23 May 7 21 Aug. 20 Sep' 6 24 Octf I 8 Novf 8 9 16 26 LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 247 Record of Marriages by Rei/^. ly. Cooper, taken from the same originals {i. e. his manuscript notes in interleaved almanacs, see page 190). 1747 March 12 Robert Fothergill & Eliz. Forden William Thomas & Ann Snelling Anthony Stickney & Dorcas Davenport George Pollings & Mary Brown Matt. Kennedy & Jane Viburt Stephen Hunnyvvell & Eliz. Welch David Robinson of Stratham & Lucy Hale Samuel Russell & Eliz. Hacher Thomas Gushing & Deborah Fletcher Jos Huxford Esther Egen Andrew Watkins Jane Frost. Jefferey Gurrier Mary Hutchins. Charles Simpson Mary Cowel John Henley Hannah Lucker Samuel Hastings Ursula Knap Decf 24 Royal Tyler Mary Steel 1748 Jacob Bill Dorcas Brown Joseph Uran Hannah Lucker James Bowdoin Elizabeth Erving John Ingraham Elizab. Coit Rev*? Benj" Prescot Mrs Mary Colman Gharles Ferleaven Abigail Young William Scott Nanny Goit Joseph Lee Sarah Gocks 1749 Jan. 15. Ephraim Turner Dorothy Foye 1750 April 17 William Thomas of Plimouth ; Mercy Logan May 20 Nath. Williams, Jane Minot 24 Thomas Greenough, Sarah Stoddard Oct' 25 John Harris, Mary Brown William Hyslip, Mehetabel Stoddard NovT 15. Gharles Moulin' s widow Decf 13. Daniel Bell, Desire Barker Jan. 5 May 23 Sepr 15 Octr 6 Octr 13 Novf 24 Deer 6 248 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Jan. 13- April 5 Aug 9 Nov. 30 Jan. II, 18 Feb. II March I 22 April 5 June 21 Aug. 23 Oct' 14 Nov' 8 13 Dec! 13 Feb. I 13 Jan. 30 March I 6 13 30 May 8 II July 30 Sepr 4 25 Oct' 5 30 Novf 2. 9 Decf II 1752 Thomas Dolbier of Dorchester, Sarah Morse of Boston Thomas Vibird, Mary Mallett Benjamin Davis, Elizabeth Phillips Simeon Smith & Elizabeth Trundy 1753 John Welch, Elizabeth Hall Jacob Ridgway, Mary Donham John White, Elizabeth Beacham Benjamin Hail, Mary Beal Thomas Symmes, Rebecca Marshall D' Simpson Jones of Hopkinton, Grizzel Martin of Boston John Pulling, Jerusha Bradbury Thomas Powell, Elizabeth Hall Revl Joseph Parsons, Mrs Eliz. Scott Benjamin Walcutt, Elizabeth Marshall Noah Doggett, Mary Clark Joseph Eustice, Ann Beers Hon. John Osburn, Mrs Elizabeth Pierce John Sever of Kingstown, Judith Cooper of Boston Josias Byles ; Mary Dixwell 1754 Jonathan Simpson, Margret Letchmere Thomas Phillips, Mary Barron. 175s Isaac Wendell, Mary Banks Joseph Johnson, Mary Thompson Edmund Grice Dolbear, Sarah Bill Gregory Ivers, Hannah Worth Daniel Dolorson, Temperance Norton Richard Green, Susanna Renkin James Stuart, Sarah Bradstreet John Green, Lydea Draper Samuel Phillips, Elizabeth Blowers Ephraim Cook, Mercy Hale John Cotton, Mary Dudley Joseph Arpin, Sophia Pixlinre [x/V] Abraham Wiell, Mary Barrett Hon. William Brattle, Martha Allen Thomas Clark, Ursula Coffin George Mitchell, Sarah M-Kenzie LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 249 Jan 18 Feb. 24 March 10 April 14 21 June 2. July 21. Aug. 25 Octr 20 Dec! 19 Jan. 3 18 March 13 April 6 May 25 Nov^ 10 16 Dec' 19 Jan. IS Feb. I. March 29. April 5 May I 31 June 12 July 19 Aug. 7 Novr 15 Dec: II 31 Jan. 1757 M'. David Ochterlony, M" Katharine Tyler George Ridgway, Sarah Curtis Ebenezer Webber, Love Larman Edward Green, Mary Storer Timothy Curtis, Sarah Ridgeway Clarinda, Servant to M'' Pollard, Joseph to Col. Wendell M' Ebenezer Mecom, M'' Susan. HUler M' William Loring, M" Ann Norris Samuel Whitney, Abigail Cutler (Bap. No. 1931) John Leverett, Mary Greenleaf 1758 Joshua Winslow Esq"^, M" Anna Green Samuel Hood, Rebecca Foreacres M' James Roberts, M""' Eliz. Ryder James Grayham, Mary Monett M" Joseph Henshaw, M'' Sarah Henshaw George Jeffry Esq"' of Portmouth, M" Elizabeth Winthrop of Boston M' Owen Richards, M" Elizabeth Tucker Thomas How, Rebecca Sarcomb M' Samuel Collier of Marblehead, M" Mary Lewis of Boston 1759 M' Nathaniel Taylor, M'^ Sarah Phillips Daniel M'^Carthy, Ann Savage Benj. Pierpoint, Eliz. Shepherd John Tinges, Clearanna Carnes M' Joshua Merrick, M""' Susanna Cain John Bradley, Rebecca Pierce M' Wensley Hobby, M'' Sarah Johnston Samuel Emmes, Susannah Newman Benjamin Goldthwait, Sarah Dawes Thomas Fossey, Abiel Howard George Scott Esq', M" Abigail Erwing Henry Quincy, Eunice Newell 1760 5 M' James Caruthers, M" Anna Coffin 9 Daniel Barber, Eliz. Little 15 Rev'' Charles Chauncy, M" Mary Stoddard 17 Archibald Moncrief, Sarah Lewis 32 250 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Feb. 6 7 28 March 24 25 May 15 May 22 June 2 5 12 26 8 17 Aug. 14 21 Sep' 30 Oct: 21 Dec: 23 Jan. 22 Feb. 3 10 March 5 April 16 23 May 21 June 11 Aug. 20 27 Nov! 3 26 Dec' 17 29 Jan. 7 Feb. 23 John Gribble, Eliz. Page Alexander Bruce, Christian Hayboth Levi Stutson, Mary Curtis David Bell, Elizabeth Wakefield James Kenny, Mary Putnam Moses Wheat, Susannah Brown Mungo Carnes, Mary Kelley Richard Green, Sarah Scottow John Lovell, Ann Dudley John Cox, Deborah Dwelly William Phillips, Margrett Wendell Alexander Young, Mehetabell Ridgway Timothy Newell, Mary Amory George Marshall of Portsmouth, Dorothy Everard of Boston Tom, Serv' Edw'^ Langdon, Phillis to James Noble Esq' Joseph Gillman, Jane Tyler Rev'^ Ebenezer Turell of Medford, M" Jane Tyler of Boston M' Caleb Davis, Hannah Ruggles Tho! Vallentine, Margret Glashire Arnold Welles, Susannah Jones 1761 Thomas Smith, Elizabeth Barron Mf Samuel Abbot, M" Sarah Kneeland John Dennie, Elizab. Jackson M' Joseph Allen, M'' Mary Jenkins M' John Man, M" Isannah Fadre Newton Prince Serv' to M' John Gould jun' Martha Bamaby (free negroe) Cato, negro servant of M' John Spooner, Violet, of M' Edward Perkins M' Walter Logan, M'' Mehetable Minot M' Samuel Rotch, M""' Lucy Atwood M' Joseph Ridgway, M" Abigail Bell James Sumner, AUice Waldron James Erwing, Lucy Whitburne Nathaniel Gray, Priscilla Remick Arthur Savage, Eliz. Sturges 1762 John Lord, Mary Pulcifer Sam' Waldo Esq' of Falmouth, Sarah Erwing of Boston M' James Paterson, M" Sarah Byles LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 25I March 11 M' Joseph Waldo, M" Matha Jones 18 M' Daniel Berry, M'^ Mary Phillips April 8 M' Thomas Green, M'' Esther Trevitt M' John Melvill, M" Deborah ScoUay Samuel Warden, Mary Bullock M' Edward Walker, M" Abigail Lovell M^ John Brown, M" Sarah Tanner M' Henry Bromfield, M'^ Hannah Clark M' Peter Gwin, M" Abigail Waine M"" Samuel Minot, M" Eliz. Davis M' Joshua Green, M'' Hannah Storer William Rogers, Mary Trustee Nathan Milward, Jane Cammel John Phillips Esq', Miss Mary Winthrop M' Joseph Whipple of Portsmouth, Miss Hannah Billings of Boston John Hodgson, Cicela Graham William Gray, Sarah Tyley 1763 Thomas Smith. Elizab"' Howard Jacob Williams, Margret Salt Jonathan Jackson, Mary Tings M' Nathaniel Balch of Providence, M*"^ Mary Fletcher of Boston M' Aaron Cobbett, M" Mary Lee M' Giles Alexander, M" Mary Wendell M" Thomas Crafts, M'^ Frances Gore Jerathmeel Bowers Esq', M" Mary Sherburne Thomas Shephard, Rebecca Ridgway M' Joseph Henderson, M'^ Mary Billings M' Samuel Horn, M" Mary Bowden Benjamin Blake, Eliz"' Harris M' John Marshall, M'' Mary Tyler M' Valentine Sullivan, M" Hephzibah Whiting Prince, Serv' to Cap. Savage, Dinah to M" Ridgway J W John Callender, M" Sarah Bell Samuel Adams, Mary Willings Mitchel Murphy, Elizab"' Bell John Newmarch Esq' of Portsmouth, Sarah Billings of Boston Nov^ 10 M' Joshua Gardiner, M" Dorcas Coffin William Hearsey, Martha Russell 13 July I Sepr 10 23 27 Octy 7 8 21 Oct' 28 Novf 4 Dec! 16 April 7 28 May 4 26 June 20 30 July 7 21 Aug. 10 15 17 23 Sepr 6 8 Octr 7 20 25 30 252 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Decf 8 20 22 March 18 27 Oct^ 2 14 22 5- Decf Jan. 2 14 21 March 12 March 2 April 3 May June July Octf Nov! Dec! Jan. Sepr M- James Williams, Eliza* Gross Mack, Serv' to Leiu' Governor, Phillis to James Noble Esq' William Greenleaf, Sarah Quincy Heman Stone of Harwich, Mary Freeman, Boston William Perkins, Abigail Cox John Hammett, Sarah Edwards 1764 Records lost 1765 M' John Wakefield, M'^ Rebecca Cox M' John Gabriel, M' Rebecca Sumner M' Zechariah Foss of Portsmouth, M'^ Hannah Adams of Boston D' Saml Marshall Miss Lucy Tyler Col. William Tailor, M'' Sarah Savage Stephen Hillman, Fear Baker 1766 Abraham Baltin, Hannah Scollay M"' Elijah Ingraham, M""' Ann Pilsbury William Beway, Mary Dodge Prince, servant of Cap. Watts, Zilpa of Cap. Freeman William Pitts, Elizabeth demons Archibald Cunningham, Lydea Scott Bryant, Ann Cade Frank of M^^ Green, Dolly of Richard Clark Esq' Zaccheus Morton, Rachel Ager Cato of Nath! Balston Esq' Rose of Deacon E Storer M' Elisha Clark, M'^ Sarah Hall George Roulstone, Mary Stevens Jack of Sam! Grant, Cloe of M'^ Storer Bossinger Foster, Elizabeth Craige John Stutson, Joanna Green William Johnston, Christy Bruce M' Gabriel Johonnot, Judith Cooper Joseph Turell, Rachel Steel 1767 M' Duncan Stewart, Miss Ann Erving o Hon. John Temple Esq', Miss Elizabeth Bowdoin 9 William Wetter Esq' of Preston, Connecticut, Elizabeth Dra- per of Boston 29 12 24 21 13 20 24 I 2 18 25 8 LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 253 Sep' 17 Octf 19 Novf 26 Decf I 9 21 Jan. 2 21 Feb. 4 March 14 31 April 6 May 5 June 9 23 Sep' 29 Nov' I 30 Dec' 29 Jan. 19 March 23 30 June 7 Aug. 17 Sep' 4 5 Feb. 22 March 21 April 19 May 3 31 June 5 July 19 Octr 18 19 22 Richard Longley, Mary Edes Sharper — Mr Oliver Wendell, Mary Hill (free mulatto) Cap. Alexander English, Miss Mary Barker William M'Tadden, Jerusha Jones M' John Scott, M'' Judith Chardon Sam' Phillips Savage, Bathsheba Johnston 1768 James Farrand, Hannah Wise Michael Hammond, Eliz* Pitson John Allen, Mary Green M' Nath' Tailor, Miss Sarah Minott Richard Bill, Abigail Kenny James Noble Esq', M" Rachel Savage Thomas Brewer, Mary Gleason Robert Gordon, Margrett Fitch Nathaniel Baker, Deborah Jenkins Samuel Lawrence, Mary Daws Eleazer Callender, Elizabeth Gore Samuel Allen, Abigail Jackson M' Giles Brewer, Miss Ann Tabey Farquar M'^Killavery, Eliz"" Jones 1769 Joseph Helyer, Susanna Wilkins William M^Kean, Sarah Manning Samuel Warden, Miriam Bell Will, Serv' to Cap. Newell, Jane (free negro) George Spiggs, Ann Saunders Thomas Perkins, Mary Fenno Samuel Mason, Esther Jenkins 1770 M' Henderson Inches, M'^ Sarah Jackson John Clemens, Lydea Lewis (free negroes) Rev? Phineas Whitney of Shirley Miss Lydea Bowes of Boston Francis Treboe, Margret M'^Kimro William Gooch, Deborah Hubbard Joseph Niles, Eliz. Wall M' Elisha Cole, Miss Mercy Turner Nathaniel Call, Elizabeth Green Ellis Gray, Sarah Dolbear Benjamin Tappen of Northampton, Sarah Homes of Boston 254 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Novf 25 Isaac Winslow, Jemima Debuke Decf 2 Jonas Clark, Sarah Newmach 1771 Jan. 10 William Blair Townsend, Mary Ann Brimmer Peter ser' of M' Crosby, Rose of Deacon Storer John Moree, Hannah Tucker Joseph Pierce, Anna Dawes Charles Startin, Sarah Clark William Warden, Ruth Howell Henry Bass, Sarah Baker Robert Barton, Frances Sheldon William Cordwell, Esther Reed William Quiner, Sarah Barker Stephen Andrews, Susanna Pike John Cook, Martha Howard Alexander Mackay, Ruth Decosta Joshua Winslow, Anna Perkins Nathan' Noyes, Mary Ann Phillips John Cheesman, Elizab. Dolbear Joseph Barrell, Hannah Fitch Gilbert Warner Speakman, Sarah Minot Cesar of M' Henderson Inches, Clarinda of M" Pollard 1772 James Lanman, Susanna Dawes John Gardiner Jackson, Elizabeth Williamson Thomas Hill, Nancy M'Neal Thomas Goslin, Mary Pim Cato (servant to Hon. M' Henshaw) Sappho to M' Coffin 1773 Spencer Walker, Sarah Powers George Robinson, Lucy Quino Cuff Prince (free negro) Nancy, servant to M" Cox. James Fitzgerald, Hannah Griggs Peter Collis, Jane Mecom Henry Tebits, Mary Kennedy Thomas Nicholson, Elizabeth Parsons John Broderic, Mary Hazard June 3. Samuel Greenough of Newhaven, M'^ Abigail Jackson of Boston. 24 Jacob Cooper, Mary Tileston March I I April 4 25 May 13 23 28 30 June 20 27 Aug. 8 29 Sepr 19 Novr 21 26 Decf 19 22 June 4 Aug. 2. Sep! 24 Octf 15 Decf 31 Jan. 5- 7 Feb. 18 March t 13- 23 April 25 May 13 July 29 Aug. 13 Sepf 18 Octf 7 Octr 13 Decf 2, 16 23 LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 255 John Chandler, Sarah Dodge Moses Gill, Rebecca Boyleston William Spooner, Lucy Marshall James Cartney, Elizabeth Coburn John Clarke, Lucy Watkins John Atkinson, Elizabeth Storer Peter (serv' to M" Twing, Jane Boardman (free) Sambo, (serv' to M' Sarcomb), Silvia to M' W" Davis 1776 May 2 James Perkins, Sally Sargent July 22 John Sanders, Mary Sanders Sepf (about the 12) John Ridgway, Dorcas Ingraham Nov' 28 Samuel Whitwell, Nancy Glover 1777 April 20. Cato of Deacon Newell, Cloe of M' Frazier William Goodhue, Elizabeth Davis Zachar"" Johonnot, Margret Le Mercier Philip Paddlesford, Margret Downs John Fenno, Mary Curtiss Rev'? Jonas Meriam, Sarah Chardon Paris of M' Scott, Phillis free negro Cato of M' Copely, Lucy of M"^ Goldthwait Samuel Pendexter, Mary Pasley Thomas Rice, Elizabeth Cooper Abraham S' Croix, Margret Stephens John Spear, Abigail Arnold Peter Roberts, Polly Le fevre John Gould, Sarah Curtis Thomas Mitchel, Esther Dupee John Jepson, Ann Gooding Edward Gray, Mary Smith Thomas Welch, Abigail Kent 1778 Elish Porter of Hadley, Abigail Phillips of Boston James Merrell, Polly Glover Samuel Clarke, Martha Curtis John Cop, Margret Coolidge John Bermoune, Sarah Downe Henry Fellows, Huldah Scott Cuff Buffun, Nancy Prince 23 24 30 May 8 22 27 28 June 4 5 22 July 6 Oct' 2 26 Novf 16 Deer II March 19. April 23- May 19, June 30 July 2 13 13 256 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. July 19 Black, Rosannah Maxwell Aug. 6 Nehemiah Ingersol, Eliz. Smith Robert Clark, Rebecca Bradley January i 1791 The above records were faithfully extracted from D' Cooper's interleaved almanacks by Peter Thacher. Record of Marriages solemnized by Peter Thacher^ Pastor of the church in Brattle Street^ Boston. Jan. 13 Edmund Quincy Esq' & Miss Anna Gerrish both of Boston 28/ Feb. I. Benjamin Lincoln jun' Esq' & Miss Mary Otis both of Boston 56/ Feb. 13 M' John Grant & M" Margret Allen both of Boston 18/8 March 8 M' Bezaleel Hamlin & Miss Sarah Campbell both of Boston 6/ M' Anthony Burke & M'' Abigail Grishel both of Boston March 19 M' John Bull & Miss Nancy Wilkinson both of Boston 14/ May 5 M' Samuel Emery & Miss Mary Appleton both of Boston 48/ May 19 M' Winsley Hobby of Connecticut & Mr^ Sarah Clarke of Boston 22/ May 24 M' William Vanderlockt of New York & Miss Joanna Brown of Boston 36/ June 9 M' John Beekings & M" Mary Whittom both of Boston 6/ June 19 Cato Small & Susy Fowler both of Boston, free negroes. August 18 M' Jeremiah Bumstead & M" Susannah Marshall both of Boston 12/ Sep! 6 M' Arnold Welles jun' & Miss Elizabeth Warren both of Boston 28/ Sep' 13 M' Bellingham Watts & Miss Nancy Sawyer both of Boston 18/8 Sepr 16 M' Thomas Baylies Richmond of Dighton & Miss Elizabeth Byles of Boston 22/ Octr 9. James Lewis & Phillis Morse ; free negroes, both of Boston. Mf John Adams & Miss Elizabeth Welsh both of Boston. 6/8 LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 257 Oct' 13 M' Frederick Godeman & Miss Elizabeth Card both of Boston. 6/ Oct' 20 M' William White jun' & Miss Polly Hawes both of Boston. 6/ Novf 3 M' Richard Hunnewell & Miss Nabby Hall both of Boston. 28/ Novf 10 M' James Davenport Griffith & Miss Polly Newell both of Boston. 14/ Decf 8 M' Samuel Cooper & Miss Margret Phillips both of Boston. Dec! 15 M' Orknow Ellies & Miss Deborah Lewis both of Boston. 12/8 Dec! 22 M' Nathaniel Frothingham jun' & Miss Polly Townsend both of Boston. 28/ Dec5 25 M' William Tufts & Miss Peggy Rich both of Boston. 18/ Total. 21. 14.8 1786. Jan^ 29 M' Michael Tray & Mrs. Mary Simpson, both of Boston 6/8 Feb. 26 M' Nehemiah Norcross & M" Rebecca Simpson both of Boston 12/ May 16 M' John Gardner & Miss Content Pain both of Boston 1/6 May 25 M' Daniel Greenleaf & Miss Elizabeth Greenleaf both of Boston 28/ June 25 Mr Charles Gavet & Miss Polly Glover both of Boston 6/8 July 10 M' Daniel Rhodes & Miss Nancy Redwood Hagar both of Boston 36/ July 25 Thomas Lindell Winthrop Esq' & Miss Elizabeth Bovvdoin Temple both of Boston ;^4. 16.0 August 24 M' James Dawson & Miss Nabby Hunnewell both of Boston 1 4/ August 30 Sear Kimball & Dinah Bradford free negroes both of Boston 6/ Sepf 5 M' Frederick Eayers & Miss Sarah Stanford both of Boston 3/ Nov' 12 M' Samuel Eames & Miss Lydea Dodge both of Boston 6/ Decf 12 M' Joseph Vechner & Miss Nancy King both of Boston 9/ Dec' 14 M' Benjamin Gray & Miss Sally Edmunds both of Boston 7/4 1787 Feb. 22 Fortune Symmes & Jenny Fiellier (free negroes) both of Boston 6/ Feb. 27 M' Edward Frethey & Miss Deborah Pratt both of Boston 6/ 33 Aug. 2 Sepf 13 Octf 7 Oct' II Nov' 25 258 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. March 8 M' Isaac Pierce & M? Joanna Harris both of Boston 12/ March 25 M' Adam Kensler & Miss Elizabeth Jackson both of Boston 1 2/ March 27 M' John Deparr & Miss Peggy Dunlap both of Boston 6/ April I Anthony Livingston & Mehettabell Bennet of d° (free negroes) These above returned to the town clerk April 1787 N B Where no town is mentioned hereafter, the party or partys are of Boston. April 19 Dr. Thomas Greenleaf & Miss Mary Deming Price 28/ April 29 M' John Homer & Miss Mary Hayman 9/ June 17 M' Robert Runney & Miss Polly Edmunds 13/4 M' Thomas Powell & M'^ Abigail Oliver 13/4 July 15 M' Francis Frisley & M'" Ann Corbet 6/ N B. By mistake I dated y« certificate July 16. M' Nathaniel Johnson & Miss Katherine Amiel 6/8 M' James Adams of Antigua & Miss Anna Whitney 14/ M' William Gale & Miss Hannah Been 13/4 Plato Alvisson & Patience Lobden (Negroes) 6/ Mr John Friend of Newbury Port & Miss Sarah Kent of Boston 14/ Dec! 9. M' Peter Lear & Miss Lois Wait 12/8 M' Simeon Policy & Miss Sally Ridgway Stutson 12/ M' John Gofffriedt Bartemas & M'.=^ Katharine Girrett 6/8 M' Isaac Wyman & Miss Priscilla Boardman 6/ M' Samuel Crease and Miss Elizabeth Warden 6/ M' Enoch Wiswell and Miss Polly Hiller M' Thomas Carnes and Miss Polly Davis 28/ M' Josiah Woodward and Miss Patty Cambell M' Joseph Dennis and Miss Rebecca Brownsden 12/ D' William Spooner and Miss Mary Phillips 48/ M' Thomas Hardman and Miss Rebecca Marion 5/6 John Ingersol and Abigail Bennet (free negroes) Mr James, Henry, Langier, de Tassy, & Miss Hannah Minot 48/ Decf 4 M' Eleazer Richardson of Woburn & Mrs Lydea Gro- ver of Boston 6/ M' Andrew Morgan and Miss Peggy Stone 6/ 1789 Jan. 14 M""^ Thomas Perkins & Miss Charlotte Appleton 49/4 Feb. II M' John Erving & Miss Mary Lewis (in goal) Jan. 6 Jan. S'f April 13 May 27 July 6 July 26 Sep' 20 Octr 21 Novf 3 Novf 14 Deer 2 LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 259 March 5 March 1 9 April 2 1 April 26 May 24 Aug. 9 Aug. 16 Aug. 23 Octr 22 Octf 26 Novf Novr Novf 22 Decf 20 I 19 M' Nathaniel Ayers & Miss Katherine Gardner 28/ M' John Brown & Miss Elizabeth Austin 12/ M' Daniel Rea the third and Miss Sally Bangs 28/ The above returned to the town clerk April 23 1 789 M' James Masters & Miss Polly New 6/ M' William Page & Miss Catherine Ransford 6/ M"" Benjamin Wolcutt & Miss Elizabeth Hawes 12/ Juba Christy and Olive White (free negroes) M' Daniel Cowing & Miss Sally Rand 5/10 M' Michael Bacon & Miss Rachel Joy 5/1 M' Abiel Pierce & Miss Peggy Russell 6/ Noah Webster Esq' of Hartford & Miss Rebeckah Greenleaf 42/ M' Henry Fowle & Miss Elizabeth Bentley 12/ M' David Fairchilds & Miss Rebecca Reed 9/ M' Abner Stodder & Miss Betsy Low 5/6 Thomas Lewis & Sophia Henshaw 6/ Jan". 28 Feb. 4 Feb. 18 Feb. 25 March 9 March 28 April 15 1790 M' Alexander Hamilton & Miss Mary Groomes 6/ M' Samuel Whiting & Miss Hannah Hill M"" William Clarke & Miss Lucy Pierce, (in goal) M"" Lewis Hartshorn & Miss Susanna Fails 4/10 M' William Little & Miss Frances Boyd 48/ M' Jeremiah Clark & Miss Mary Witherton 6/ Edward Gray Esq"" & Miss Susanna Turell 48/ returned to town clerk M' Samuel Snelling & Miss Elizabeth Grant 28/ M' Michael Bird & Miss Betsy Lewis 6/ M' Jonas Welch & Miss Dorothy Carnes 27/1 M' Edward Cole & Miss Ann Farnham 28/ M' Jonas Pierce & Miss Lydea Prents-^ 6/ M' Richard Harris & Miss Polly Greenleaf Davis M' Ebenezer Blanchard & Miss Mehetabell Spear 6/ M' John Whitcom & Miss Martha Jane Wendell 6/ M' Ezekiel Whitney jun' of Watertown & Miss Ruth Gilbert of Boston 6/ Octr 3 M' William Walton & Miss Ruth Hustuns Oct' 10 M' Jacob Kuhn & Miss Hannah Frost 12/ Octr 20 M' John Roulston & Miss Dolly Smith Novf 9 M' Abraham Bazin & Miss Mary Boyer 28/ Nov' 16 M' Elisha Ellis & Miss Polly Underwood 6/ 4 20 27 May May May June 27 July 29 Aug. 8 Aug. 1 2 Aug. 30 Sepf 12 26o RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Novr 24 Gamaliel Bradford Esq' of Duxbury & M" Mary Cooper of Boston 12/ Decf 29 M' Samuel Cheney & M" Rebecca Bliss 1791 Jan'T 12 M' Simeon Stodder of Scituate & Miss Sukey Allen of Boston Jan. 30 M' Thomas Larrabee & Miss Lucy Roach March 6 M' Thomas Howe & Miss Allice Sumner March 13 M"^ Joseph Andrews & Miss Alice Bowman April 24 M' Charles Stimpson & Miss Ellen Hall June 23 John Cooper Esq' of Machias & Miss Betsey Savage of Boston July 3 M' William Taylor & Miss Sarah Pierpoint July 23 James Boyd Esq' & Miss Abigail Bulfinch Aug. 23 Benjamin Hall Esq' of Medford & M'^ Mary Green of Boston Sep' 18 M' Isaac Edes & Miss Sally Pierce Oct' 23 M' Samuel Hewes jun' & Miss Margret Milliquet Oct' 27 M' Benjamin Hearsey & Miss Betsy Arnold Octr 30 M' Joseph Blaney & Miss Hannah Winship Oct' 31 M' James M^Laran & Miss Hannah Ames Novf 10 M' James Mands & Miss Mary York Nov! 14 Cap" Michael Homer & Miss Elizabeth Rea Novf 20 M' Thomas Simmons & Miss Sally Low Novf 27. M' George Homer & Miss Sarah Sumner M' William Andrews & Miss Polly Stutson Deer 4 M' Alexander Matthewson & Miss Rebecca Wilkins Decf 27 M' William Hurley & Miss Elizabeth Barns 4/6 6/ 12/4 3/ 18/ 24/ 6/ 56/ 12/ 60/ 6/ 12/ 6/8 6/ 28/ 6/8 12/ 12/ 6/ 12/ 1792 Jan. 12 M' Samuel Belcher & Miss Sally Tucker 12/ Jan. 17 D' Isaac Green of Windsor, Vermont, & Miss Anna Barrett of Boston 28/ March 25 M' John Osborn & Miss Katherine Macaulay Barber 60/ The above returned to the town clerk May 13 M' Jacob Wendell & Miss Mary Abbot 6/ May 17 D' Daniel Adams of Keene in New Hampshire & M" Sarah Apedale 52/ June 7 M' John Leverret of Vermont & Miss Hannah Lev- errett 48/ 14 M' Rufus Harrington & Miss Elizabeth Spear 6/ 28 M' John Deleno & Miss Betsy Devrick 6/ June June July I Aug. 7 Aug. 14 Aug. 17 Aug. 19 Aug. 21 Sepf 3= Sepf 3 Sepr II Sepr 13 Sepr 23 Octf 18 LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 26 1 M' Penuel Parker & Miss Esther Hunnewell 6/ Rev. Joseph Roby of Lynn & M" Zeruiah Marston of Boston M' EHjah Bonney & M'' Nancy WiUiams 6/ M' Patrick Duggan & M" Elizabeth Cowen M' James Holt Leatherbee of Boston & Miss Rachel Williams of Charlestovvn 6/ M' Sears Kimball & Miss Phillis Herrick (blacks) 6/ M' Ebenezer Thayer & Miss Elizabeth Hobart 12/ M' Patrick Lyons & Miss Betsy Niles 6/ M' William Felt & Miss Rachel French i. 2/ M' Joseph Cross & Miss Sally Edson of Taunton 12/ Woodbury Storer Esq' of Portland & Miss Margret Boyd of Boston 28/ M' William Collier & Miss Hope James 12/ Dudley Atkins Tyng Esq' of Newbury & Miss Sarah Higginson 30/ Octf 28 M' Phineas Woodman & Miss Sukey Robbins 6/8 M' Richard Galley & Miss Susanna Jones 6/ M' James Wilks & Miss Hannah Noble M' Andrew Kettell & Miss Eleanor Bennet 1 2/ M' Francis Amory & Miss Prudence Eustis £6. 1793 M' Alexander Young & Miss Christiana Curtis Stutson 13/4 M"" Frederick William Geyer jun"" & Miss Rebeckah Frazier £6. M' William Burroughs Procter & Miss Lydea Bowes 12/ M' William Dodge & Miss Lovey Holbrook 6/ M' James Cutler & Miss Mehitabell Sullivan 60/ M' James Sutherland & Miss Isabella Millar 6/ M" Daniel Mace & Miss Hephzibah Lewis 9/ M' John Bradley & Miss Sally Hunnewell 28/ M"" Abner Torrey & Miss Susanna Hubbart 12/ The above returned to the town clerk M' William Otis Wyer & Miss Betsey Smith 6/ M"" William Nevers & Miss Abigail Wisson 6/ M"" James Sealy & Miss Susanna Tanner 6/ M' Benjamin Rouse & Miss Hannah Cook 6/ Robert Coffin & Nancy Dozzens (blacks) i/io M' John Randell & Miss Polly Goddard 24/ Hon. James Wilson Esqf of Philadelphia & Miss Hannah Gray ;^i5 Novf 2 Novf 4 Deer 9 Jan. 6 Jan. i3j Jan. 24 Jan. 26 Feb. 5 Feb. 6 March 17 April 7 April 14 April 28 May 2 May 30 June 9 July 19 Sep' 3' Sepy 19 Sepy 21 Octf 3 OcU 30 Octf 31 Novf 5 Novf 7 Decf II Dec: 22 Decf 24 262 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. M' George Carlisle & Miss Abigail Shepherd Wyer 12/ M' Gershom Flagg & Miss Eliza Jepson 1 2/ M' Joseph Symonds & Miss Susanna Hammond 12/ M' John Kennedey & Miss Sally Hall 28/5 Jean Baptiste Elizabeth Lallemant de Villchant & Jane Eliza Walker 24/ M' James Ridgway & Miss Sukey Sumner 12/ M' John Dorr & Miss Esther Goldthwait 28/ M' William Johnson & Miss Sally Adams 6/ M' John Howe jun' & Miss Hannah Homer 14/ Total £zi. 14- 7 1794 Jan. I M' Oliver Barron & Miss Polly Brock 12/ Jan. 16 M' Isaac Tapley & Miss Nancy Wayne 12/ Feb. 5. M' Hugh Bams & Miss Jane Porter 6/ Feb. 13 M' Samuel Sumner & Miss Martha Saunders Barrett 30/ March 9 M" Saumel Hearsey & Miss Mary Lendell Kinney 6/ March 18 John Appleton Esq' of Salem & Miss Priscilla Green- leaf of Boston 60/ April 17 M' Samuel Ruggles & Miss Polly Blake 12/ May 26 M' Benjamin Ober & Miss Mary Gordon 6/ M' James Svvinnerton & Miss Polly Morris 6/ May 29 M' Benj. Wheelwright & Miss Rebecca Gardner 30/ June I M' Isaac Hollis & Miss Dolly Trask 6/ June 4 M' John Amory & Miss Sally Gardner 60/ June 9 M' Asa Hammond & Miss Sarah Dawes 14/ June 10 M' William Boardman jun' & Miss Lydea Osbom 30/ June 15 James Hokens & Pheebe Lewis (free negroes) 6/ June 19 Isaac Parker Esq' of Penobscot & Miss Rebecca Hall of Boston 46/4 June 26 M' Stephen Gulliver & Miss Nabby Leavet 6/ July 2 M' Theodore French & Miss Elizabeth Dawes 30/ July 3 M' Matthew Angier of New York & Miss Rebecca Gill of Boston 12/ July 13 M' William Ker & Miss Nancy Hodgson 12/ Aug. 17 M' Samuel Roach & Miss Susanna Johnson 6/ Aug. 25 William Jewell & Betsy Davis 12/ Aug. 28 M' Ebenezer Kent of Watertown & Miss Charlotte Vinal of Boston 18/ Sepf 14 M' Reuben Wilson & Miss Hannah Tapley 6/ Octr 9 M' John Cheever & Miss Betsey Hamblen 6/7 Decf 6 M' Malthias Crocker & Miss Rebecca Volentine 12/ LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 263 Feb. Feb. 16 Feb. 26 March 3 March 21 March 22 March 29 April 6 April 16 May 14 May 16 May 31 June 7 June 14 June 21 June 23 June 28 July 5 July ^9 Aug. 8 Aug 13 Sep: 3 Sepr 9 Sep: 29 Octr II Octf 18 Octf 21 Novf 15 Novr 16 Novf iS 1795 M"" Andrew Anderson & Miss Fanny Sheaff 6/ M"' James Ford & Miss Sally Web 6/ M' John Spencer & Miss Polly Uran 6/ Cap. John Diamond Preston & M" Sarah Forbes 18/ M' John Annis & Miss Sally Cleverley 14/ Charles Eliot & Nancy Watts (free negroes) 6/ M' John Low of Wooster & Miss Abigail Hall of Boston 28/ Phineas Bruce Esq' of Machias & Miss Jane Savage of Boston 30/ William Cranch Esq' of Haverhill & Miss Nancy Greenleaf of Boston 60/ M' Samuel Powers & Miss Sally Fuller 6/ Caesar Thaling & Sylva Atkinson (blacks) Monday Hector & Freelove Watson Garner (blacks) 3/ M' John G H9l]and & Miss Lydea S Gandell 6/8 M' Jesse Cox and Miss Susanna Sumner 16/7 M' William Todd & Miss Mary Bemis 6/ M' Benjamin Rice & Miss Mary Kuhn 48/ M' Noah Porter & Miss Polly Miller 9/10 M' John Underwood & Miss Esther Blake 6/ M' John Goodwin & Miss Amity Harrington 6/ Cap. Christopher Tilden & Miss Eliza Baker 60/ M' Oliver Hartshorn of Boston & Miss Lucy Ellis of Walpole 18/ Joel Gill & Venus Ward (free negroes) 6/ Jack Dennison & Peggy Homes (free negroes) 6/ M' Josiah Linnet & Miss Eleanor Embly 6/ M' Benjamin Stutson jun' «& Miss Polly Alexander 12/ M' Joseph Symonds of Boston & Miss Polly Burditt of Charlestown 6/ M' Jacob Pettingal & Miss Hannah Powers 9/ Cap'? George Ingersol & Miss Martha Goldthwait. 5 Dollars M' Mark Newman of Andover & Miss Sarah Phillips of Boston James Simons & Mary Gordon free negroes one dollar. M' Thomas Kimble Thomas & Miss Mary Richardson 28/ M' John Gardner of Leominster & Miss Elizabeth Greenleaf 30/ Prince M Harris & Phoebe Dalton (Blacks) 6/ M' Joseph Allen & Miss Lucy Foster 12/ M' William Dawes jun' & Miss Lydea Gendell 30/ 264 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Novf 22 Scipio Gorey & Isabella Gary (Blacks) 6/ Decf 2 M' Jonas Green & Miss Nancy Brewer 24/ Dec^ 14 M' Matthew Salter & Miss Sarah Vincent 6/ 1796 M' Samuel White & Miss Sally Gary 12/ M-^ William Taylor & M^^ Elizabeth Brown 6/7 The above returned to the town clerk M' Nathaniel Reed & Miss Mary Bartlet 12/ M"" Seth Johnson of New York & Miss Mary Storer of Boston £^ M' Joseph Games jun' & Miss Dorcas Hawes 30/ M' John Andrew & Miss Mary Wise 6/8 M' Samuel Barron & Miss Rebecca Austin Low 9/ M" Henry Hoxford & Miss Rebecca Grove 13/4 M'Ebenezer Little Boyd & Miss Sarah Frazier 30/ M"" John Gall & Miss Nancy Waters 12/ M' Homer Wass & Miss Polly Newell 12/ Richard Brown & Nancy Williams (mulattoes) James Scott Esq' & Mad? Dorothy Hancock ;^i5 M' William Gowen & Miss Rhoda Bryant Gap. John Perry Gaswell «& Miss Lydea Webb M' Seth King & Miss Susanna Fobes Gato Freeborn & Eleanor Savage (blacks) M' Ezekiel Brown & Miss Pheebe Monk M' James Warren & Miss Nancy Gonant M' Elijah Glements & Miss Hannah Trask Isaac Russell & Hannah Jackson (blacks) Joseph Adams & Lucy Jackson (d°) M' Daniel Quimlam & Miss Jane Wicham M' Joshua Gee Davies & Miss Lucy Richards M' John Bolton & Miss Betsy Dennie M' James Robbins & Miss Abigail Saltmarsh M' Ebenezer Pemberton of Billerica & Miss Eliza- beth Whitwell M"' Ebenezer Brush & Miss Sally Shattuck £^. M' Richard Harris & Miss Mary Granger M' Obadiah Penniman & Miss Polly Andrews March 10 March 22 April 10 April 21 May I May 8 May 15 May 31 June 30 July 4 July 7 July 17 July 27 August 3 Aug. 19 Sep! I Sepf II Oct: 6 Octr 18 Octr 30 Octr 31 Novr 5 Novf 10 Decf 4 Deer Deer Deer II 22 ;^48. Jan. 15 Jan. 17 Feb. 9 1797 M' Josiah Porter & Miss Elizabeth Goltson M"" William Jepson & Miss Mary Gall Stephen Jones & Rebecca Falkener 6/ 42/ 16/ 12/ 12/ 6/ 13/4 24/ 24/ 6/ 30/ 6/ 13/4 28/ 1 0-0 30/ 3- o 7/6 30/ 6/ Feb. 14 March 20 March 26 April 6 April 27 May 4 May 9 May 14 May 16 June I June 3 June 4 June 18 June 27 July 2 July II July 26 July 30 Aug. 17 Aug. 20 Sepr 2 Sepf 9 Sepr 28 Octy 10 Oct: 16 Octr 29 Novf 5 Novf 19 Novr 26 Novf 29 Deer 6 Deer 17 Deer 24 Dec. 25 Dec. 26 Dec. 29 Dec. 31 LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 265 Matthew Holland & Mary Babcock (blacks) 6/ Greenville Temple Esq' & M" Elizabeth Russell ;^i5. Cap. Stephen Nye & Miss Elizabeth Skinner ■ 24/ M' John Cane & Miss Susanna Reed 12/ The above returned to the town clerk William John Benger Doble Esq' of Philadelphia & Miss Lucy Gray jCg W George Pollings & Miss Sally Salter 18/ M' Jacob Homer & Miss Anna Hill 30/ M' James Robbins & Miss Sarah Newhall 12/ M' Joseph Loring & Miss Sukey Hall 48/ M"" Joseph Brummet & Miss Ursuba Star 6/ M"" George Green & Miss Mary Brown Foggan 12/ M' Joseph Perkins & Miss Abigail Brown 30/ M"" Joseph Watts & Miss Rebecca Balch Foggan 13/2 M' Samuel Dillaway sen"" & M'^ Mary Minot 60/ Thomas Gardner & Katy Billings (blacks) 6/ William Read & Nancy Gregory 12/ M' Jacob Dochrendorff jun' & Miss Hannah Lebalester 6/ M' Oliver Hartshorn & Miss Peggy Akeley 28/ Scipio Dalton & Rosanna Haven (free blacks) M' Magnos Manson & M'' Naomi Nash 6/7 Reuben Dolliver & Charine Brighten (free blacks) 9/ M' Thomas Saintclair & Miss Polly Hillman 12/ M' John Gleason jun' & Miss Sally Mitchel 7/6 M' Peter Carrall & Miss Mary Adams 13/2 M' WilHam Whitwell & Miss Sukey Dixon 60/ M' Samuel Lyman of Northampton & Miss Mary Warren 30/ M' John Viall & Miss Eunice Low 27/9 M' John M^Elroy & Miss Sally Dod 6/ M' Robert Knox & Miss Ann Richardson 28/ M' Richard Knights & Miss Betsy Stacey 6/ M' William Chace French & Miss Polly Bowdoin 12/ M' Robert Milliken & Miss Hitty MTntyre M' Isaac Smith & Miss Susanna Saunders 9/ M' Enoch Lane & Miss Abigail Hatch 30/ M' James Odell & Miss Margret Marshall 30/ M' Scammell Penniman & Miss Fanny Groom 9/ M' Thomas R Larkin & M" Ursula Hastings 12/ M' Thomas Raymond & M'" Elizabeth Farmer 12/ Coplis Masley & Phoebe Hopkins (blacks) 6/ M' Jonathan Carey & Miss Polly Harris 1 2/ £59' 4. 8 34 266 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. X Jany 5 Jan^ 12 Jaiiy i8 Jan. 19 March 22 March 25 April 2 April 19 April 22 April 26 May 3 May 8 May 10 May 22 June 10 June 24 July 8 July 9 July IS July 22 August 2 August 8 August 23 August 30 Sep' 2 Sepf 16 Sepr 18 Sepr 23 Octr 13 Octr 21 Octr 22 Octr 23 Octr 29 Octr 30 Novf 9 Novf 16 Novf 28 Novr 29 179 ^ Abraham Waters & Polly Simons (blacks) Isaac Curtis & Sally Brown (blacks) M' John Cox & Miss Mary Comee 6/ M' David Justus Hall & Miss Melena Orcutt 12/ M' Jesse Farmer & Miss Hannah Hadley 13/2 M' Samuel Ruggles & Miss Elizabeth Haskell 18/ M' Giles Alexander of Roxbury & Miss Susanna Fowle ;^45 Joseph A Smith & Mary Wendell (blacks) M' Moses Eustis & Miss Becky Green M' Thomas Hall & Miss Rhoda Tilton Cap. Samuel ScoUay Fisher & Miss Lucy Woodman M"' John Mountain & Miss Sally Bayley M' Edward King of Halifax & Miss Hannah Kneeland Rev. William Greenough of Newton & Miss Lydea Haskins M"" James Walter & Miss Fanny Scovill M' John Blackburn & Miss Sally Linder Cap. John Salter & Miss Elizabeth Rice M' Isaac Hepditch & Miss Betsy Duff Luke Sylvester & Elce Jackson Barnabas Yassent & Eunice Bunker William Hawes Esq"^ & Miss Elizabeth M'Elroy M' Simeon Mason & Miss Rebecca Uran M' William G Weld & Miss Hannah Minot M"" Nicholas Homer & M'' Elizabeth Brown John King & Katy Thomas (blacks) John Okeley & Fanny Nichols (blacks) M' John Harris & Miss Nabby Sumner M' David S Eaton and Miss Sarah F Wilkins of Amherst John Lewie & Jane Emmons (molattoes) M' Ephraim Sale & Miss Jane Dodge M"^ James Hasselton & Miss Susanna Smith M' William Loring & Miss Polly Tucker M"' James Lennen & Miss Nelly Bunting Samuel Cobb Esq' & Miss Sally Inches £(> Peter Lewis & Lydea Brown (free blacks M' Daniel Savage & Miss Mary Woodman Cato Small & Katherine Flint M"" Isaiah Kidder & Miss Hepsy Jones Jacob Crosby & Phoebe Snow (Blacks) M' Samuel Gookins & Miss Sarah Kettle Prince Watts & Lucy Davis (Blacks) 6/ 12/ 12/ 30/ 12/ 18/ 6/ 12/ 30/ 6/ 12/ 12/ 30/ 12/ 60/ 6/ 6/ 30/ 30/ 6/ 30/ 12/ 12/ 12/ 6/ 18/ 6/ 19/8 6/ 18/ 18/ LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 267 Deer 7 Deer 16 DecT 18 Deer 27 June June July July Aug. Aug. Sep' Nov' Novr Nov. Jan. Feb. Feb. ^3 29 II Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb Feb. 18 March 4 March 1 9 March 28 April 18 April 25 May 2 May 5 May 16 May 19 20 30 18 31 I 4 29 24 26 28 12 26 27 M' Wentworth Harrington & Miss Rachel Hyde John Clayton & Dinah White (blacks ) M' David Stephens & Miss Lucy Willington M' Daniel Wells & Miss Lucy Severs M' John Dunniton & M'^ Debby Sampson 78. M' M- M M M 1799 M' John Bates & Miss Mary Davis Israel Merritt & Jenny Howard (blacks) Hezekiah Havers & Mary Ann Paul M' Joseph Warren Homer & Miss Sally Rea M" Job Drew & Miss Sarah Lawrance M' Warren Bouker of Scituate & Miss Rebecca Holmes Croswell Nathaniel W Carnes & Miss Dolly Wellman John Swain & Miss Lucy Rolf John Cross & Miss Margret Pitcher Lambert Brummet & Miss Sally Tavanor Peter Osgood & Miss Mary Prichard M' Francis Barrett & Miss Maria Foster Pallivear The above returned to the town clerk M' Charles Davies & Miss Hannah Call M"" Philip M'^Carty & Miss Sarah Bingham Cap. Norton Brailsford & Miss Ann Eaton M' William Shepherd & Miss Hannah Stacy M' James Wyman & Miss Rhoda Robbins M' Benjamin Herbert Hathorne & Miss Rebecca Hall M' George Morse & Miss Rebecca Newell M' Amos Ramsdale & Miss Phoebe Henry M' Henry Holmes & Miss Mary Burrill John Jeffers & Phoebe Smith (blacks) M' Oliver Porter & Miss Sally Abbot M' John Nazro jun' & Miss Eliza Gardner 24. 1800 March 20 March 30 M' Caleb Easte & Miss Mary Wales William Smith & Harriot Boston (blacks) Daniel Newcomb Esq' of Keene & M" Hannah Gold- thwait M' Thomas Howe & Miss Mary Ross M' Consider Orcutt & Miss Rebecca Downing James Bromfield & Susy Mitchell (blacks) 6/7 3/ 12/ 12/ 12/ 46. 2. 10 12/ 6/ 19/9 30/ 30/ 7/6 12/ 18/ 12/ 6/ 30/ 12/ 36/ 9/ 24/ 6/ 12/ 30/ 6/ 12/ 6/ 6/ 13/2 30/ 19. 6. 12/ 6/ 60/ 18/ 12/ 6/ 268 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. April 24 May I May 8 June 8 July 13 July 24 Aug. 5 Aug. 31 Octf I Oct' 19. Novr II Novf 16 Novr 18 Novr 27 Novf 29 DecT 14 Decf 28. Feb. I. Feb. 22 March I March 26 March 27 April 7 April 9 May 3 May 18 June 17 June 21 June 25 Aug 2 Sepf 3 Octf 19 Octf 29 Novf I Novf 5 Novf 18 M' Charles Clement & Miss Dolly Quincy 24/ M"i Daniel Benjamin & Miss Elizabeth Chisman 12/ Thomas West & Peggy Nichols (blacks) 7/6 M' Ebenezer T Dennie & Miss Sarah Moreton 9/ M' Matthias Murch & Miss Sally Oliver 12/ Stephen Minot & Hannah Mitchel (blacks) 6/ M' Nathaniel Davis & Miss Patty Oliver 12/ M'^John Paynes & Miss Mary Hall jQb. W George Barber & Miss Abigail Hill M' Robert Harrington & Miss Elizabeth Renouf William King Esq' of Bath & Miss Ann N Frazier M' Henry Wilkins & Miss Lucy Drowne Thomas Cole & Nancy Brown (blacks) M"" Samuel Coffin & Miss Hannah Caswell Servey James Wilhams & Lucy Harris (blacks) Cap. Wilkes Barber & Miss Nancy Newell ;^2 M' James Elder & Miss Polly Woolley George Dixon & Katy Cooper (blacks) M' Ephraim Harrington & Miss Sarah Muzzee . M' Ziba Crosby & Miss Abigail Jenkins ;^24. 1801 M' Andrew Morton & Miss Harriet Wales Phillip Young & Hannah Green (blacks) M' Abiel Pierce & Miss Anna Kingman Rev Abiel Holmes of Cambridge & Miss Sally Wendell M' John Rice & Miss Mary Robbins M' Samuel Tyler & Miss Polly Parker M' John Reed & Miss Sally May The above returned to the town clerk Levi Row & Hannah Walley M' Henry Balford of Portsmouth & Miss Polly Gale M' Thomas Lane of London & Miss Betsey Appleton M' Archelaus Goddard & Miss Elizabeth Clark Low Abraham Borkus & Nancy Bradley (blacks) Csesar Glover & Susanna Parsons (blacks) M' William English & Miss Sally Greenleaf M' Stephen Fuller jun' & Miss Lucy Hatch Thomas Cooke & Polly White (blacks) Benjamin Smith & Hagar Loring (blacks) M' David Laurence & Miss Elizabeth Clark Henry Halliday & Diana Brown 30/ 12/ 30/ 6/ 6/ 12/ 6/ 18: o 6/ 6/ 12/ IS- 6 28/ 18/7 12/ 30/ 12/ 12/ 3/3^^ 12/ 60/ 18/ 12/ 12/ 28/ 6/ 6/7 7/6 2/8 Nov' 26 Novr 29 Deer 10 Dec' 20 Deer 24 LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 269 Novr 22 M' William Clap & Miss Mary Clarke 18/ Marquis Huntley & Hannah Brown 6/7 M' Samuel Allen & Miss Betsy Richardson 18/ Anthony Smith & Pliny Phillips (blacks) 6/ Daniel Luis and Clois Freeman (blacks) 6/ M' Josiah Danforth & Miss Rhoda Woods 30/ John Lewis & Renny Scot 6/ Mr Amos J Gardner & Miss Mary Clarke 12/ 1802 M' Cornelius Coolidge & Miss Sarah Grant 28/ M' Thomas Bartlett & M'' Hannah Wilson £() M' Ebenezer Hewin jur' & Miss Nancy Call 36/ Darby Vassall (S{ Lucy Holland 12/ M' Nathaniel Frothingham & Miss Lydea Kettell 60/ M' Joseph Gould & Miss Clarissa Jouve 13/2 M' Jonathan Goodwin & Miss Sarah Baker 12/ M' John R Sloan & Miss Abigail Gould 12/7 James Barch & Margret West (blacks) 6/ Moses Ben & Jane Raymond (blacks) 4/6 Feb. II March 7- March 30 April 4- May 2 May 30 June 13 Aug. 16 Sep: 2 Sepr 23 Marriages Solemnized by yos, S. Buckminster. 1 80s January 31. M'- Thomas Hughes to Miss Sarah Balch* March. 17. M'' John Myers to M"- Sarah Prenleloup April. 18. M'- William Hartshorn to Miss Hannah Leland Stanton May 5. M'- Israel P. Dawes to Miss Mary Green. do. M'- William Taylor to Miss Sally Gushing Pierpoint. 21. M'- Bernard Abalvant to M""'- Polly Kurk. June 2. M'- Robert Milliage to Miss Mary Brown. 30. Peter Howard & Mannah Williams (blacks) July — M'- Stephen Minot of N. York to Miss Sarah Minot 7. M'- Adrastus Hall to Miss Hannah Penny do. M'- Ebenezer Dyer to Miss Patty Caswell 28. M'- Oliver F. Weld of Rumney N. H. to Miss Mary Hatch Sept. I . M'- Jonathan Cumber to Miss Rebecca Hill Mitchal. TO. W"- Hazel & Lucy Spear (blacks) 26. M'- W'"- Barnes to Miss Sarah Bates * When no town is mentioned the party is of Boston. 270 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Oct. 6. M'- Phineas Goff to Miss Susan Brown 10. Join Gill to Jane Willcome (blacks) Nov. 10. William Davis to Elizabeth Gregory (blacks) 26. M"- Henry Sheafe to Miss Lucy Gushing Dec. 6. John Butter & Hester Smith (blacks) 1806. Jan. 30 John Jonah & Dorothy Waters (blacks) May 6. Cato Babcock & Diana Gums (blacks) 1807 Nov. 10. M"^- Robert Heard to Miss Mary Ann B. Perkins " " M'- Joseph Austin to Miss Rebecca Green 12"'- James R. Goodspeed to Esther Smith Dec'- 17* Lewis Low to Harriet Bowman. 20"' Josiah Siders to Eliza Blake 180S March 10 John Henderson to Susannah Barret (blacks John Dodge to Eliza Tyler of Newburyport John Bastow of N. Yarmouth to Mary Thaxter W" Brown to Hannah Barrett (blacks) returned William Williams & Sally Coome (blacks) Mason Putnam & Alone Holbrook. John Gorham & Mary Warren. Thomas Darling & Clarissa Williams John F. Thomas & Mary Clark Moses Connor Hanson & Eliza M. Holland Henry Lane & Elizabeth Smith Joseph Hall & Sarah Gray Stephen Bruce & Hannah Peabody Aaron Davis Weld of Roxbury & Susannah Morey Adams Ithamar Davis & Margaret Bell. John Howard & Amirana Loring John D'Wolf of Rhodeisland & Mary Melvill Francis D. Nichols & Hannah Sawyer Benjamin Cha'. Rogers & Cathrine Brecho David Lawrance & Betsy Wheeler Mark Hickey & Mary Ann Meeder Jotham Stone of Brunswick & Nancy Whitwell ^5- 16. 17- April 8 May 19. June 2. >> 12"^ >> 25 »> 26 July Si- Aug. ll. Sept. 25- 26. Oct. 9- 16. 23- Nov. 17- 20. >> Dec. 2. 6. Jan 4- 26. April 13- 23- July Oct. 3- I. Jan. 17. Feb. 25- March 5- April. 20 May II. 31- June 22. 24. July 9- Aug. 16. Sept. 14. Oct. 4- 21. Nov. 5- IS- LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 27I 1809 John Roy & Eunice Crossen George Sullivan & Sarah B. Winthrop returned William Keith & Sarah Champney Polleys John Eveleth & Mary Williams W'"- Bowman & Nancy White Joseph Camp & Nabby Eustis Abel Baldwin & Sally Wares 31. James Moorfield & Nancy Eaton " John D. Edmands of Charlestown & Nancy Jones 1810. Paul Pratt & Anna Eustis Primus Hall & Martha Gardner (blacks Jedidiah Blanchard & Sarah Brydin Edward Fiske & Elizabeth Porter returned John Thompson & Lucy Kneeland William Brooks & Dille Winslow (blacks) George Lyman & Eliza Gray Otis John Spencer & Nancy Lewis Samuel Bowdlear & Harriet M. Bell Oliver Keating & Hannah Storer Nath' F. Adams & Eliza Burley George Bond & Ann Sigourney Hammatt John Dodd & Harriet Perkins Charles Sacket & Sally Woods George Bates & Eliza Hall Hosea Corthel & Susan Grouard 1811 Jan. 7. Charies Everett & Eliza Boyle June 5. Amos Lawrence & Sarah Richards July 9. Seth B. Cooke & Sarah Lyon 17. Israel Thorndike j' & Sally Otis Oct. 6. W"- Duncan & Betsey Witson (blacks) 8. Ebenezer Billings & Elizabeth Cleverley Nov. 3. Daniel Watson & Martha P. Sumner of Milton 6. William English & Sally Bond 14. William A. Fales & Mary Anne Gray returned 272 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. 16. Freeman Kelley & Patience Dix (blacks Dec. 28. James Johnson & Juda Francis (blacks Jan. 9. William D. Bell & Joanna Parkman 12. Horatio T. M'George of Boston & Nancy M'^Intire of Dedham Marriages Solemnized by Edward Everett. 1814. May I. Francis Brinley & Jerusha Cooper. 8 Cornelius Briggs & Mary Homer Howe. July 14 Samuel Cook & Catherine Amelia Langdon (Br Lowell's). Perry & Mary Baxter October Davis & Sarah Chardon Pitts. June 185 Aug. 13? 19? 26'i' Nov 30I Feb. 16^ April 15'-^ May 22^ June z% Oct. 28'^ Nov. 2I Dec. 23? Jan. 5':!^ Feb. 13^^ Marriages Solemnized by y. G. Palfrey. 1818. James Dalton & Elizabeth Tilden. Benjamin Seaver & Sarah Johnson. Cephas Parker & Susan S. Young. Samuel Quincy & Mary Hatch. Allen Whitman & Mary Brown. 1819. Richard C. Holt & Susan H. Cocks. Lewis Dodge & Nancy Dill. John H. Rice & Mary S. Minot. Thaddeus Nichols & Sarah Chamberlain. Henry Wainwright & Ann Brooks Parker George Mercer Brooke & Lucy Thomas. George Parker & Harriot W. Bordman. Charles Muzzy Carleton & Sarah Sumner Homer. Lucas Parsons & Ann Maria Gibson. I LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 273 May July Oct. Nov. Dec. 27"} 12I' 29'i' 31^^ George Howe & Sarah Marean. George Gibbon of Charleston S. C. & Caroline Perkins. James Watson Gerard of N. York & Eliza Sumner. Daniel Shillaber & Ann Brewer Green. Prince Squires & Mary Moors, (blacks.) Worham Wheeler & Susan F. Gibbs. William H. Eliot & Margaretta B. Bradford. Thomas Everett & Nancy Williams Wright. Jacob Stearns «& Hannah Davis. Oliver Fernald & Maria Hichborn. March May June Nov. Dec. 28!^ 24'^ 24'i? 182I. Melvin Lord & Susannah Ridgway Homer. Solomon Cotton & Susan Gee Davis. Thaddeus Gould & Mary Ann Hichborn. James Colburn & Mary Shelton. Isaac Barrett & Ann Sylvester, (blacks.) Jan. Feb. March June July Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1=1 6'| 13*' 2^ i6Lh 23i 24'^ 17'-? 15'' 23^. 24*^ IS22. Donald Smith & Martha Breck. Joshua White & Nancy Force Nathaniel Pope Russell & Hannah Dawes Hammond. Greenleaf Dearborn & Pamela Augusta Sophia Gilman. Simeon Child & Maria Little. Joseph Whitney & Elizabeth Pratt. Justus Perry of Keene (N. H.) & Mary Haven Edwards. Jesse Scribner & Clarissa Blanchard. William Turner & Rebecca Canterbury. Thomas Snow & Mary Ann Canterbury. Thomas Thacher & Caroline Billings. Nathaniel Curtis jr. & Emily Matilda Hall. Amos Emerson & Mary Briggs. 1823. Jan. 8'J? Timothy Emerson & Sarah Homer. Feb. 23! John Barnard of Montpelier (Vt.) & Rebecca Worster Arms. March 23I John Smith & Mary Bray. May 18*-^ James Patterson & Mary Benson. Charles Levett & Lucy Yewett. William Scribner & Anna Ball. 35 274 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. William Savage & Harriet Maria Hooper. Stephen P. Fuller & Mary E. N. Griffith. Isaac Bangs & Alicia Lecain Ivory Churchill & Mary M. Blake. John Smith & Jane Alexander. Andrew Ganzlar & Hannah Davis. Oliver W. Bird & Eliza Hatch. Isaac Underhill Coles & Martha EUery Jones. John Bowden & Sarah Hilton. Thomas Edwards & Charlotte Edwards. John Williams & Sophia Jackson, (blacks.) George Benson & Elizabeth W. Simpson (do.) Samuel W. Ayer & Harriet Emery. 1824. Danforth Davis & Lydia Mellish. John Bartley & Mary Ann F. Hartford. Granville J. Demeritt of Brighton & Ruth Gardner. John Battiste Farrier & Lydia Wainwright. John Gray Rogers & Anna Maria Brewster. George Ganzlar & Nancy Coffin. Edward Furey & Mary H. Pinder. Alexander Mactier (of New York) & Catherine Osborn. Thomas K. Thomas & Nancy Stone. 1825. Edward Reynolds jr. & Martha W. Phillips. Joseph W. Homer jr. & Rebecca Barker. Daniel Webber & Mary Low. Lewis Bailey & Mary Hall. William Gill & Elizabeth Robinson. Daniel Greenleaf Ingraham & Caroline Augusta Geyer. Foster Low & Mary Lyon. 1826. Oct. 9'-5 Benjamin F. Glover & Josephine Baxter. 1827. Jan. 24*5 Thaddeus Page & Dolly Richardson. Feb. 25*-5 Patrick Welsh & Mary Cum Norwood. March 18- Curtis Steams & Rebecca D. Barron. June 4V" i9~ 24* Aug. 17'^ Sept. 4? 18^ Oct. 23i Dec. 7? 8? 10? 29? March 9? April 22<» May < 20*J' June 3^. July I'^ Sept. 13? Oct. 2l!l Dec. 29'^ Jan. 5? 6? Feb. 13? May 19'^ 20? 24? 26^ LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 275 19'^ David Miller Pollard & Mary Ann Adams. April 12'^ Stephen W. Olney & Rebecca F. Sweetser. May 24*i' Henry Scott & Sarah Rogers. June 14*5 Samuel Howard & Mary Hunt. July 23^ Watson Freeman & Eveline Fessenden. Sept. i8'-5 Albert Drew & Mary Jeffers. Oct. 10'^ Richard T. Woods & Mary Elizabeth Dorety 1828. Jan. 2f^ Jonas W. Clark & Frances H. Vassall (blacks.) May 6*i Henry Dwight & Lucy Ann Bradford. July 2i'i William Goodman & Margaret Rand Adams. Sept. 1 1*^ Charles Sumner & Jane V. R. Walker. 2i'i John Bartley & Abigail Wallis. 25'^ George Cutter & Harriet Adams. " Benjamin Franklin Morse & Susannah Caroline Condon Leth bridge. 30'J? Henry Smith & Harriet Mot. (blacks.) Oct. 15^^ Franklin Haven & Sarah Ann Curtis. 30'J? Thomas Eastman of Palermo, Me. & Susan Frothingham. Nov. 6*5 Justin W. Clark of Hatfield & Lucy Melville. 1 1 'J? Samuel Morrill & Ann R. Carter. 1 2*^ George Gibson & Betsy Felt. Nov. 27'-^ Jonathan C Lawrence & Sarah Bray. 1829. Francis Wickers & Mary Burges. Melancthon Smith & Lucy Ann Hunt. Alexander Thomas & Elizabeth M. Rand. John N. L. Dexter & Mary L. Kingsbury. Benjamin Richardson & Eliza Parker Nathan Derby & Elizabeth Shane- Benjamin Gorham & Margaret C. Coles Samuel B. Pierce & Hannah R. Homer. 1830. John Sweetser & Harriet Dodge. Samuel F. Barry & Martha L. Peabody. Charles T. Catlin & Lucy Ann Derby. William Adams & Hannah B. Turner. Levi Beal jr. & Sophia Bowditch. Jan. IS*? 20'J? May 5? July 16^ Sept. 27? Oct. 8? Nov. 2i=i Dec. 17? March 7*^ May 28'^ June 10'^ 13'^ 276 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. July 6'^ Abram Morrell & Betsy Hamilton. 27'^ Samuel B. Sumner & Han-iet Farmer. Aug. 17'^ John S. C. Abbott of Worcester, & Jane W. Bourn. Sept. 20'-^ James Fagan & Sally Marshall. Oct. 24'-5 Joshua W. Harrington & Adelia M. Davis. Henry E. Holland & Clarissa Parsons. (List returned to the city clerk, Feb. 22I 1831.) By note from Samuel May Esq"" I make the following record. Moses Grant SenL Deacon B S Church I certify the marriage in this city, this day, of Rev*^ Henry Francis Edes of Canton (Mass'') to Miss Maria Rose Cracroft May of Boston DecL 6 1832 Sam'-- May Justice of the Peace. July 3- Sept. 14. Oct 7th Nov. &'' Nov. 24. Marriages Solemnized by S. K. Lothrop. 1834. Frederick T Gray & Elizabeth P. Chapman Benjamin G. Wainwright & Julia Ann Sanderson Coolidge. William Bullard & Nancy Gushing. Frederick A. Heath & Mary Ann Symmes. George. B. Emerson & Mary R. Fleming Solemnized at N. Bedford. Nov. 27. Franklin Mann & Marriana Davenport. 1835. Ja'y i^*- Charles Miflflin & Mary Crowninshield. John. Campbell & Susan C. Brown. James I. Mason & Elizabeth Francis Thorndike. Augustus W. Sheafe & Lucy Gushing Sheafe. Lincoln B. Knowlton & Charlotte O. Spooner. John Felton. & Lydia Jenkins. Thomas S. Jones & Lucy Ann Remick. Joseph Arnoud & Lydia Tuckerman. Charles Johnson, & Sarah B. Rogers. Amos D. Lockwood, & Sarah F. Deming. Christopher T. Thayer, & Augusta Brewster. Richard Robins & Julia Gorham. Benjamin Kirby & Matilda G. Coleman. Charles F. Jones. & Sarah. B. Vinton. Jay. 24"'- Feby. gth. March ^.h. April 23d. 25*- May. 5"- May 27. Sept. 14*- Oct. ^^ Nov. \2'^- Dec. \d^ LIST OF PERSONS MARRIED. 277 1836. George Rice & Rebecca. L. French. Henry Beal & Sarah Elizabeth Eaton. Timeus Spencer Morgan, & Juliet Pierpont. Ephraim Farnsworth, & Annah Elizabeth Russell. Nathaniel Chauncy, & Elizabeth Sewall Salsbury. 1839. W" Swazy & Joanna H. Brooks. Edward F Whitridge & Betsy Maria Ayers. Charles Barnard & Eleanor Walker Geo. B. Wellman & Sarah Lakeman. Geo. E. Cook & Ehza S. Cofifin. Rich. N. Barry & Margarett A Hinsler W:? H. Wilson & Mary M Curtis J. Mason Warren & Anna Casper Crowninshield J. Lothrop Priest & C. P. Dodd Charles R. Green & Charlotte Augusta Coolidge Greenleaf C Bachelder & Elizabeth Davis Geo. B. Watson & Elizabeth A Canterbury. 1850. April 29"' James L Baker & Nancy R Sampson. June 4"* John Cunningham & Alice Haskell. 1851. J any g'^ Seth T. Humphrey & Mary A Beal. 1852 April 26, Luther Stevenson & Caroline Louisa Parsons. Jany March. May. 2. June i' June. 8' Jany 2 j> 22 Feby 7- >> 13- March 6. )> 27. April 24, V 30. May 2^' Aug 27. Nov. 27j Dec 2S» 278 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Deaths in the Brattle Street Society from Feb. i. 1805. M"- Williams set. 75. putrid bilious fever Child of Nath' Frothingham j'. March 6. Hon. Peleg Cofifin set. 48. Schirrhus on the mesentery. April 7. M"- Catharine Davis. 22. M" Sally Tollings set. 36. Consumption of the lungs. May 2. Fortune Nichols (black man) May 27. Child of M'- Foote's. 18 months. Fever. 30. Susan Champney set. 74. old age July 12. Elizabeth Abbot, get. 21. Consumption. 26. Capt. James Erving set. Imposthume on the heart. Aug. 5. A child of M"'- Oliver at. 18 mo. Cholera infantum. 9. A child of D'- Spooner. set. 4 weeks. 12. A child of M"" W™- Spooner set. 9 weeks Hooping cough 16. A child of M'- Elijah Woodcock set. 8 Mo : Canker 18. A child of M'- Jacob Homer set. i year. Dysentery. 22. A child of M'- Thomas Howe set. i yr. & 6 mo. Hooping cough. 26. A child of Derby Vassall. (black) 5 weeks Internal Fits. 27. A child of M'- Obad : Wright. 15 mo. Hooping cough 29. A child of John Baxter. 5 mo. 31. A daughter of M""- John Brown set. 14. belong^ to M'- Em. Parish Sept. I. A child of M'- Aaron Jaquith set. 11 mo. Dysentery 8. A child of M'- Foster D'- Stillman's parish 10. Rachel Sparhawk a domestick in M'- J. Smith's family D'- Kirkland's par. 16"* A child of M'- Odiorne's. set. 1 7'J' A child of M'- Aaron Jaquith set. 3 yrs. Hooping cough. 20. A child of M'- Eb. Seavers set. 25. A child of M""- W"" Jepson set. 14 mo. do. A child of M'- Josh : Hall. set. 18 mo. Dysentery. 26. M'- J. T. Loring set. Apoplexy. M' Emerson's parish. 29. Christopher Baxter set. 8 years, child of M"^ J. Baxter. Slow fever 30. A child of M'- Sam : Whitwell set. 10 mo : do. A child of M'- David Hyde set. 1 1 mo. Hooping cough & Dysentery. Oct. I. A child of M' John H. Abbot M'- Em. parish Oct. 10. Prudy Bell Watson set. 2 yrs. Canker & Consumption LIST OF DEATHS. 279 Oct, Nov. 14. 18. 24. 30- Si- ll. do. 27. so- Dec. la. 18, 30 i8oe ). Jan. 12. 15' 3°' 31- March — 17 April 13- 17" July 26 August 5 24 Sept. 5 10 25 Nov. 17 25 Dec. 5 M" Elizabeth Wentworth set. 50. Consumption (North Chh. M' Eaton's) A child of M'- Seth Briggs set. 11 mo. (West Boston parish Miss Ann Moor set. 53. (Consumption) Albert Adams Baxter set. 3 yrs. (Burnt by falling into the fire.) A black child named Anne Phillips set. 18 mo. (Canker. A child of M'- Whiting set. Canker. Susanna Sohier set. 74. Consumption Jane Gray widow set. 76. Old age (D'- Eliot's Parish) Child of Mr. John Osborne's set. 20 months. (Peripneu- mony) Child of M' Jeremiah Fitch sdt. 7 mo. Convulsion fits. M'- Isaac Hall set. 66. Consumption Child of John R. Welsh, set. 10 mo. Canker. Child of Th. K. Thomas set. 13 mo. Quinsy. Eleanor Hall set. 7 years. Consumption (black child) M" Condy set. 43. widow woman belonging to D' Wests' parish Child of Perkins Nichols set. 6 mo. Peripneumony Child of George Odiorne aet. 4 months. do. M'- Richard Codman set 43. Palsy. Child of Jon : Whitney aet. 6 mo. Peripneumony. M"' Elizabeth Woodcock, aet. 40. Consumption M'- Benjamin Austin set. LXXXIV. Old age. Reuben White aet. 43. (belonging to M' Baldwin's congreg') M" Sarah Welsh ast. 60. Pneumonial fever. Allyne Otis aet 10. Son of Hon. Harrison G. Otis, drowned. Susanna Hunt, daughter of M' Samuel Hunt, set. 26. Consumption. Frances Baker, wife of John Baker, aet. 24. Consumption. Christina Curtis Stutson, daughter of Alexander Young aet. 8. Dropsy in the head. Susanna, wife of Edward Gray, ast 36. Consumption. Maria, wife of George Odiorne, aet. 29. Simeon PoUey aet. 45. Jaundice. Sarah Minzies aet. 70. William Bant Sullivan, aet. 25. 1807 Jany. i Justus Hannam aet. 50. Cancer. 6 Ebenezer Storer Esquire, aet. 77. (suddenly) Feb"- I March 7 May July 8 15 20 Aug. 29 24 Sept 4 20. 280 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Jany. 20. Mary Ann Carslisle aet. 11. daughter of M' Joseph Newell. Deborah Baker, widow, aet. 71. Consumption. Robert Williams, aet. 80. Samuel Lawrence, aet. 64. Nancy Buffam (coloured) aet. 67. John son of M' John Osborn aet. 8 months, (Lung fever.) Mary Masters, wife of James Masters set. 47. Consumption. Aaron Jaquith aet. 38 Lung fever Catharine Bush aet. 20. Consumption. A child of Enoch Bartlett Susanna Wendell aet. A child of M' Benjamin Scott. A child of Jeremiah Fitch (Fits) A child of Prince Hall (black aet. 5 years. (Consumpt") 24. Mary Barron aet. M"''- Wentworth Oct 1 2 Mr. Young aet. brother of Alex. Young. IS**" Child of M'- Jonathan Cumber, set. 16 mo. Canker. 16 Child of M'- Carter aet. do 25 M"- Barton aet. 83. Old age Nov. 7. Child of M' Stevens belong to D"'- Baldwin's par aet. 3 years. 10 Widow Elizabeth Cromartie aet. 76. Old age suddenly 16 Child of M' Brooks. 22 mo. Fits. 23 Widow Esther Green aet. LXXXIL Old age. Dec' M" Thomas aet. 7- Old age. 26 M". Bourne (widow) aet. burnt. Jane Dakin (widow) aet. 73. Elizabeth Lane aet. 28. (consumption) Ruthy Davenport aet. 22. (consumption) M"- Dolliver aet. Dropsy. James Allen Hallett aet. 62. (bilious fever) Susan Gray aet. 7. child of Ed. Gray Hydrocephalus M'^ Gulliver aet. consumption A child of W"" Brown (Hydrocephalus) Stephen R. Minot of N York aet. 34. Dysentery Thomas Tamble (black man) 1808 June 13 M"- Hannah Laugier aet. 40. (Consumption.) 1808 Jan. 10 16 Feb. 8 15 Mar. 15 22. April 6 17 May 8 LIST OF DEATHS. 281 July Aug Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 16 19 24 30 29 4. 6. 20. 23 3- 6. 13- 16. 1809. Jan. 18 22. Feb. I. >» 21. 26. March 19. 20 31- May 10 July July Aug. 23 5- 7- 6. 12 October Nov. 2 Decemb. i. Miss Sarah Green set. 66. (Dropsy suddenly) M' Jonas Clark Minot set. (Cancer) M" Elizabeth Frazier set. 78. (Old age) Miss Jane Bisby ?et 27. Consumption. M'- James Robins set. 64. Suddenly M^'' Elizabeth Bulfinch set. 73. Dropsy. M'- Eckly atting funeral Child of Israel P Dawes. Child of Francis Newton set. 6 mo. Nathanael Balch set. 73. Pleurisy. Child of Dr. Spooner (premature) M"- Abigail Wheat set. 43. Child of John Masters, set. Child of John Moore (black man). M' Joseph Ackley set. 57. (Gout or decay.) M'- Wiggin set. 2- (suddenly) Miss Mary Grant daughter of Deac '. Grant. (27.) (Rapid consum.) M"- Deborah Stearns set. 24 (child-birth) His Excellency James Sullivan set. 64. (ossification of the heart) Wife of Primus Hall set. 47. Consumption or (Atrophy) fi^° 30 Deaths Samuel Cooper set. Son of Fred. Geyer set. 6 years. (Consumption. ' M"- J. Gardner set. (consumpt" Child of J. Gardner set. 6 mo (convulsions) Sarah Stewart set. 57. Dropsy Elizabeth Warden set. 76 (Old age) Relief Freeman (black woman) 17. Consumption) Delia Hall set. 2 yrs. Lucretia Baxter aet. 2 yrs. Thompson J. Skinner jr. Elizabeth Inches set. 73. (Palsy & decay) Child of M'- Tilden set. 5 mo. (Hydrocephalus) M'- Homer set. (accidental death.) Thomas Downes set. LXXXIV. Old age John Asselin set. 51. (Frenchman who poisoned himself) Child of Hervey Nolen aet. 2 yrs. & half. Child of Stephen Wood set. 7 mo. William Cooper set. LXXXVIII. 36 282 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Child of J. Wilder set. 2 yrs. Child of J. Willicut aet. 7 mo. Lung fever. S^^ 20 Deaths Child of Jacob Rogers aet. 2 yrs Hydrocephalus M'^- Train Consumption Abigail Renkin set. 60. Putrid Fever Simeon Stoddard set. 42. Consumption Child of M' Fauchier set. 6 yrs. accidentally poisoned Child of H. Nolen set 5 yrs Fever David West. set. 45. apoplexy Child of Capt. W" G. Weld set. 2 yrs. fits Widow Elizabeth Howard set. 46. (Son of M' Crehore at Dorchester Consumption) M"- Billings set. 78. Child of Edward Flood set 5 mo. Oliver Hartshorn aet. Paralysis George Hubbard doraestick of A. Welles Fever Child of W'°- Savage set. 3 mo. Cholera. M''- Gear Consumption Child of Jacob Rogers aet 1 1 mo Child of J. Hudson set. 17 mo M""- Heywood set. 21. apoplexy M'^- Abigail Homer set. LXXX. M^^- Sam'- Spear set. Child-birth Edw'* Gray jr. aet. Consumption M'- Davis set. Edward Gray Sen'- Widow Elizabeth Sumner aet 53. J5^ 25 Funerals George Baylies aet. 36. Disease of the Mesentery. Child of Geo : Humphreys (sexton) Hydrocephalus. Child of M'- Boyden (Elm Street tavern) do. Debby Leonard aet. 1 7. at M' Brown's — M"- English wife of T. English cab. mak. Burnt. Child of Capt. Jona : Chapman. Few days old. George Homer j'- (Dilectissimus ! eheu !) aet. 17. Con- sumption Jonas Smith (sailor) Nervous fever. John W. Blanchard (broker) Consumption. Widow Sarah Gray aet. Rapid Consumption 7- 15 I8IC Jan. 21. Feb. 27. Mar. 22. Apr. 26 May 8. 19. 29. 31- 26. July 31- Aug. 8. 12. 24. 26. 28. Sept. 12. Oct. 16. 24. Dec. I. 4. 26. 27. 31- iSii :. Jan. 17- Feb. 26. 27. March. 6. 13- 27. April 16. 17- LIST OF DEATHS. 283 May 6. Child of David Hale 1 1 months Lung fever. 13. Child of J. Thompson 16. Funeral of Brother Emerson D'- K. prayed. I preached. B""- Holley concluded. June 14. M'^ Dillaway aet. Palsy July 4. M'^- Fulton jet. 76. Fever 10. Catherine Oliver set. Consumption. Aug. 20. M'^- Olive Paine set. Consumption 26. Joshua Hall aet. Aneurism of the Aorta 27. Widow Martha Sullivan set. 63. Apoplexy.' Sept. II. Child of Newell Withington 19. Child of M' Sam' Spear 24. Child of Joseph Willicut 27. Child of M"" Masters 17 mo. Oct. 16. Hon : James Bowdoin set. 59 Strangury. 20. Child of Derby Vassall 17 mo. 24. Child of M' Wingate 11 mo. Nov. 25. Widow Abigail Crosby ast 52. 28. Widow Dennie aet. LXXX. 28 Funerals Deaths at Brattle Street from Feb^. 9. 18 14. Sarah Loring Mi. 49. Apoplexy James Sumner — 74. Old age. S. A. Otis at Washington ^t 74. Child of Eben Billings Mary B Hughes Mx 2. Croup A black child, ^t i.- Violet do Servant of Mr Adams .^t 13. - Found dead in bed. Jonathan Barnes JSX 3 mo Whooping cough Stedman SVt of S. Cobb ^t 20 Typhus Mrs. Mary Moody M\. 86 Old age. Prentiss Whooping cough 2y. .^t. Charles Henry Osborn. Typhus, .^t. 10 m Callender. consumption .^t. 20 y. Susan Gray Fales. .^t 10 m. Oct. I. Spooner NX. 13 mo Whooping cough A black child Mt 2. Feb^ April. 10 2. June June July 13- 21 6 July July 7 17 July Sept 30 10 284 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. 8 Lucy Jackson JEt 20 Black. Consumption 13 Sarah Blake Sturgis JEt. 22 mo Dysentery 14 Sukey Gill (black) JEt 9. Typhus. I. Elizabeth Osborn ^t. 12. Billious fever. - Oct 21 Richards JEt Consumption Funeral of br. Abbot ^t 31. Dr Lathrop prayed, I preached, Mr McKean p Lowe Mt 1815 Jany 24 William Henry Stearns ^t. 3 y. Typhus fever Feby 19 Eunice Capen JEt. 34. Consumption March 3 Clarissa Allen wife of Timothy Allen. JEt 28. Consumption Phillis Holland ^t 63. 19 Elizabeth Perkins JEt 42 Consumption April I. John Warren ^t 8 William Stocker Mt 1817 Dec' 17 Mrs. Hepzibah Edwards aged 103 22^ Deacon Moses Grant aged 73 June 27th. 29'A July 3t 26'A Aug. 5':^ Deaths in the Brattle St. Society, from June 17^, 18 18. Caroline Frances Gibson .^t. 14. Typhus Lydia EHzabeth Lawrence JEt. 14 days; infantile. Susannah Jackson ^t. 57. Rapid consumption. Susan W. Grant wife of Deac. Moses Grant died in Phila- delphia, of consumption ; ^t. 31. I attended the funeral of Mr. Josiah Waters of the new South Society. He died suddenly ^t. 47. 2\% Sally Staples (servant of Mrs. Hathaway) JEt. 10. Typhus. 26'A Funeral of a daughter (Sarah Ann ; fever ;) of Mr. Wil- hams of Br. Channing's parish ^t. i^^ yrs. Catharine Welles ; 56 ; consumption. Jonas Greene ; 54 ; paralysis. Peter Oxenbridge Thatcher ; 5 ; quincy. William Perkins ; 44 ; rupture of a blood vessel. Funeral of Abigail Pope Gibson ; 18 ; consumption 19'J^ do. of Elizabeth wife of W" Hunt; rheumatism ; 54. Sept. 17* Oct. 3.^ 5*^ 5'4 9'^ LIST OF DEATHS. 285 Nov. 3^ William Hammatt ; 66- apoplexy. 9'A Funeral of Mrs. Nehemiah Freeman ; 47 ; consumption. 1 5*5- Do. Worham Priest ; 13 ms. consumption. 24'-!! Do. Mary Trevis ; 5 2 ; typhus. Dec. 2i!L Daughter of Jared Allen, 18 mos. Dropsy in the head. (name, Martha.) 27— Funeral of a child of David Dudley, 2 mos. Lung fever. (Hollis St. Soc.) 31" Augusta Bradlee Stearns ; 4; quincy. 1819. Jan. 14'i!- Sarah Lawrence ; 28 ; consumption. Feb. 19- Funeral of Mrs. McCoy; 54; consumption, (name, Isa- bella.) 20*^ Mary Ann Smith Humphreys ; 2 ; quincy. Funeral of Frederick A. Hayden ; 1 1 mos. quincy. Lydia Fames ; 27; consumption. Ebenezer Hancock Esq. 77 ; old age. Ann, wife of Arnold Welles ; 46 ; apoplexy. Martha, wife of Joseph N. Howe ; 44 ; child-birth. Henry son of Dr. John Gorham JEt. 5 mos. pulmonary fever. Margaret Akely, 70 ; consumption. Helen, daughter of Elisha Hathaway; 15 ; consumption. Hannah, wife of Robert Williams ; paralysis. Mr. Edward Masters ; 66 ; consumption. Elizabeth Brewer ; 7 5 ; dropsy. Sarah Lyman ; 36 ; consumption. John B. Hall, son of Joseph ; 7 ; putrid sore throat. John Osborn ; 48. dropsy. Mary Morant ; 75 ; consumption. Sarah ; infant daughter of Wil Laurence ; 4 days ; lung fever ; baptized by Dr. Ware. Elizabeth Ann Bond ; 19 mos. consumption. Mrs. Nancy Gibson wife of Stephen Gibson ; coUick j 47. Margaret Logan ; 75 ; consumption. Eliza Ann Brown; 21 mos. consumption. Wm. C. Briggs; 15 mos. consumption. Infant child (Ann A.) of John Stearns; 11 mos. quincy. John Boyle ; 74 ; apoplexy. KeziaWest; 57; consumption. John Emery ; 39 ; consumption. Clarissa Maynard ; 25 ; bilious fever. Hephzibah Foster ; 78 ; paralysis. 27'^ March 10-^ ii'A 26* 27'A April 7'-^ 23.? 26 May 6'' i6^A July 7'^ 30^ 25'^ Aug. 7'^ 17^ 22?. 25':^ 27':!^ Sept. 17!!! Oct. 23?. 26 Nov. 6^ 17* 23^ 26'^ 29IL 30*^ Jan 19'^ Feb. 3^ 13'^ March 3^ 4'-^ April 9'-^ May i^ 286 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Dec. i?i Jeremiah Hartford ; 39 ; consumption. 2^ Sally, wife of Israel Thorndike jun. 26 ; epilepsy. 7^ William son of Theodore Lyman; 14; diabetes. 16* Mrs. Mary Pratt; 71; paralysis. 1820 Funeral of Saml. Prince of Dr. Freeman's Society j 54 ; intestinal mortification, Sarah Mandeville ; 8 1 ; old age. Rebecca Masters ; 96 ; old age. Abigail Hutchins ; 52; paralysis: of Br. Greenwood's Society ; funeral March 6'A- Caroline Wyer ; 23 ; bilious cholick. William B. Simpson ; 28 ; consumption. Funeral of Lois Davis -of Dr. Freeman's Society; 55; consumption. 31!! Mary Stutson ; 86; cancers. June 8^ Micah W. Hill; 25; consumption. Funeral of a son (William Scollay.) of Dr. Bigelow; 6 mos. lung fever. Harrison Gray Otis ; 2 mos. Infantile. Charles Muzzy Carleton ; 24 ; consumption Fitch P. Putnam ; 36 ; chronic diarrhoea. James Brooks ; 1 1 ; epilepsy. Miranda Poor; 10 mos. infantile. Emeline H. Dorety; 15 mos. convulsions. Thankful Hewes ; 68 ; consumption. Dorcas Greenleaf ; 78 ; old age. John Grant ; ^^ ; paralysis. Augustus Mayo ; 40 ; consumption. John Allen; 22; dysentery. Mary S. Rice ; 3 1 ; puerperal fever. Sarah Hammond ; 18 ; typhus. Hannah H. Briggs ; 6 weeks ; infantile. Sarah Dobson ; 61 ; consumption. Funeral of Mrs. Ann Fessenden of Br. Greenwood's Society; typhus fever; 47. William Jepson ; 50 ; consumption. Lucy M. Halping ; 1 5 mos. rheumatick fever. Sarah Hill ; 63 ; liver complaint. Funeral of an infant daughter (Caroline Augusta ; 8 mos. infantile ;) of Mr. Dorr of Br. Greenwood's parish. Funeral of an infant son (Royal Bond Thacher ; 1 1 months ; hydrocephalus; of Charles Thacher (of Br. Greenwood's parish. ^5'^ ^7'^ 27^ July 17'^ 24'A Aug. 6*A Sept. 6'ii 7'-^ 10'^ 19':?- 29'^ Oct. lol^ 17'-^ 20'A 28'A Nov. 6'^ 11% 1 6'! 2i!L Dec. i!^ LIST OF DEATHS. 287 14IL 20'^ 1821 Jan. 2t 2zi 30'"^ 31=^ March 4'^ April 7'^ 8'A May 4^ 17'^ June 25^ 23^ July 7'^ 9'^ 17'^ Aug. 14'^ 15'^ Sept. 16% 19* 2151 Oct. 1522 Jan. Feb. March 23-. 2r. 17'^ April 13'- 19. May Aug. 3: oth Do. of an infant child (Margaret Jackson ; 6 ; hoop- ing cough ;) of Capt. Jackson, of Br. Ware's Society. Mary Bryant Richardson ; 4 ; typhus. Isabella Dodd ; 7 mos. hooping cough. William Everett Stearns; 15 mos. hooping cough. Elizabeth Scudder ; 8 mos. lung fever. Sarah Duncan ; 73 ; dysentery. Eliza Augusta French ; 13; consumption Sally Bennet; 21; typhus. Funeral of Charles Edwin Weymouth ; 9 mos. apoplexy. Elizabeth K. Thomas ; 20, typhus. Nancy Webb ; 45 ; consumption. Funeral of a child of the Female Asylum; (Lncinda Turner ;) 4 ; measles. Saml. Spear; 52 ; dropsy. Mary Thomas ; 48 ; inflammatory fever Henry Abrams French ; 19 mos. hydrocephalus. Daniel Hewes ; 77 ; jaundice William Cochran ; 40 ; slow fever. Ann Barnard Everett ; 3 weeks ; canker. John Bruce Cochran; 27; typhus. Charles Henry Newell ; 1 1 mos. casualty. Sarah G. Reed ; 13 mos ; canker in the bowels. Elizabeth Bennett ; 61; dropsy. Edward C Howe; 79; dysentery. Funeral of Widow Elizabeth Rice, of New South Society ; 61 ; consumption. Sheldon Perry ; 36 ; convulsions. Artemas Stacey ; 28 ; typhus. Margarett Cobb ; 28 ; dropsy. Ann Brown ; 72 ; dysentery Solon Hodges ; 2 1 ; peripneumony. Elizabeth Leighton ; 7 7 ; old age. Eunice Callender ; 65 ; old age. Mary Brown ; 64 ; consumption. Funeral of Robert D. Freeman (of Dr. Freeman's Society) j 23 ; consumption. Frederick W. Ingraham ; 34 ; consumption. Mary Billings ; 87 ; old age. Samuel Norwood ; 13; drowned. 288 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Sidney Boylston Williams ; 12 ; intestinal collapse. Sarah L. Draper ; 67 ; old age. Lucretia Baxter ; 42 ; consumption. Funeral of Lucy Jones ; (of Br. Channing's Society.) 60 ; consumption. John H, Halping ; 35 ; suicide. Abraham Pierce ; 54 ; consumption. George Lawrence ; 2 ; lung fever. William Homer; 96 ; old age. Funeral of Julia Davis (of Br. Freeman's Society ;) 22 ; consumption. Susan Inches ; 40 ; intestinal inflammation. Susan Richardson ; 43 ; mortification of the intestines. Ehzabeth Call Perkins ; 28 ; consumption. Margaret Phillips ; 84 ; old age. M. E. T. Richardson ; i ; infantile. Adeline Elizabeth Priest ; 8 mos ; infantile. John Adams Sumner ; 24 ; consumption. Mary L. Halping; 21 mos. infantile. Funeral of Daniel Tuttle ; 57 ; consumption. Hon. John Phillips ; 53 ; ossification of the heart. Funeral of John C. Hauff ; 67 ; strangulated hernia. Richard Holasted ; 74 ; old age. (black.) Sarah Cleverly 3 24; consumption. Funeral of Henry Wainwright; 3 mos. infantile, (of Br. Channing's parish.) George Frederick Gushing ; 8 ; dysentery. Elisha Barber ; 20 ; cholera morbus. George W. Brown ; 1 5 ; cholera. Arnold Wells Brown ; 6 ; dysentery. Funeral of Andrew Floyd ; 53 ; consumption, (of Br. Lowell's Society.) Funeral of Dudley Walker, of Milton ; 54 ; dropsy on the brain. I i*iL Funeral of Mrs. Lawrence ; (domestick of Mrs. Waters) 73 ; old age i7*A Margaret J. Parker 3 27; spotted fever. Dec. 14*5. Elizabeth Minot ; 84; old age. 30'il Charles James Sturgis ; 10; drowned. 1824 Jan. 2^ Alice Baker; 81; burned. 3i!L Susannah Hatch j 73; paralysis. 9^ 19'A Sept. 13'^ i6'A Nov. 12'^ Dec. 28^^ 1823 Jan. 4':!^ 25* Feb. 7':^ 2i!L 24'^ 25- 27* March 2^" April i8'A 3oi May i6'A i8'A 29I June 8^ IQ'il 2i!L July 2i!L Aug. 18^ 19'A Sept. 2^ 24':^ Oct. 6'^ Nov. 9'^ Feb. 2 2?. March 12'.'! 15'^ 19'Jl 3oi April 18^ May 4'^ 13?- June 4';^ lo'A July ii'ii Aug. 7*:^ 19'A Oct. lyi ^-,d LIST OF DEATHS. 289 Funeral of Betsey Rogerson ; 24; consumption. Ellen Otis ; 3 ; hydrocephalus, Eliza Nichols ; ^;^ ; consumption. Mary Stocker ; 65 ; lung fever. Mary Grififith ; 62 ; cancer in utero. Funeral of Simon Gardner of the New South parish; 34 ; brain fever. Lucy Everett; 56; burned. Elijah Utley ; 40 ; typhus. Hannah Sumner ; 40 ; consumption. Funeral of a child of James Mc.Cary; 6 days; spina bifida. Funeral of Lydia Austin ; 59 ; pleurisy fever. Elizabeth W. Spooner ; 5 1 ; lung fever. George Lawrence ; 4 mos. convulsions. Elisha N. Dwelle ; 7 mos. infantile. WiUiam J. Spooner ; 30 ; scirrhus in vesica. 23? Funeral of Mrs. Williams (Mrs. Lyman's mother • of New South Society) 84 ; lung fever. Ruth Johnson ; 73 ; consumption. Funeral of Isianna Luscomb ; 2]^ ; typhus. Nov. 7* Mary Everett ; 7 weeks ; organick disease of the heart. 22? Margaret Rush. 84; old age ; in the alms-house. Dec. 7'A Funeral of Faith Wheeler of Br. Pierpont's Society; 54 ; bilious fever. 11'^ Funeral of Franklin Whitman; 3 mos. lung fever; of Br. Lowell's Society. 1 9'Jl Charles Webster ; 3 ; lung fever. 1825 Jan. 10^^ Funeral of Elizabeth W. Andrews ; 13 ; rheumatick fever ; of N. South Society. 19'A Sarah B. Gushing ; 22; dyspepsia. 22? Nathaniel Frothingham ; 79 ; gravel. Feb. i5L Abigail Howe ; 84 ; old age. 8* Funeral of Elizabeth G. Jepson (Methodist) ; 26 ; con- sumption. Abigail Norwood ; 76 ; old age. 22? Charlotte Augusta Blanchard; 8 weeks; abortive April s'A Sarah Sweetzer Low ; 28 ; consumption. 14'iL Minerva Rogerson ; ;^6 ; consumption. May 2? Funeral of a woman at the house of correction. (Eliza Reed ; consumption ; age unknown). 37 290 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. 5'-5. Elizabeth Carroll ; 58 ; dropsy of the heart. 13'Jl Funeral of Lydia Wilson ; 63 ; consumption ; of Br. Parkraan's parish. i^— Harriet B. Newton ; 4 ; croup. June i^ Harriet Glover ; 28 ; consumption. Abigail Welsh ; 73 ; old age 7'Jl Ann Eliza Brown ; 5 ; croup. i8. Thomas Stevens ; 4 days ; convulsions. 21^1 Funeral of Martha Osborn ; ^^ ; miscarriage in child- birth ; of Br. Pierpont's Society. July 16 Hannah Sumner, Widow, ae. 75. Inflammation. Sarah Bass, Widow, ge. 64 Liver Complaint. Adam Smith Humphrey, ae, 20. drowned at Sea Lydia Hammet Welsh, ae 41 -wife of John N. Welsh. Hannah Minot, widow, as 76, Lung fever. Miss Mercy Scollay, at Medfield, ee 84. Stephen Gorham Esq', ae 79. George Gorham, ae 31. died at New Orleans. Miss Harriot Otis, daughter of Samuel A. Otis, ae 38- Brain fever. 30 M'' Lydia Lyman, Influenza, ae 62. wife of Theodore Lyman Esq^ M" Donnellan, a pensioner ae 60 - Joseph S. Read died Aug. 22"! 1825 ae 19 months ") children „ (of Joseph ^ r S. Read Lucy E. Read, died April 26, 1826 ae 4 months J jum M'^ Sarah Bowdoin Dearborn, wife of the Hon. Benjamin Dearborn, ae 64. M" Mary Gorham, widow of Stephen Gorham Esq'. Consumption ae 63. Sarah Howe ; 29 ; child-birth. C. C. Nichols ; 9 ; abscess. Hannah Storer ; 90 ; old age. Joseph Henry Baker ; 15 mos. cholera. Dorcas Greenleaf ; 45 ; consumption. Elizabeth Everett ; 4 mos ; infantile. Funeral of John Woodbury ; 28 ; consumption ; of Br. Frothingham's Society. Mary D. Hartford ; 42 ; consumption. Mary Ann French Bartley ; 20 ; consumption. Hannah Brown; (black.) 29; consumption. Oct'. 28 Nov. 18 Nov. 26 1826 Jan" 8 25 April ^7' May 24 Aug 3 22^ 23^ 25'^ 29*1 Sept. 5^-!^ 9^!^ Oct. 20'A 30'^ Dec. 16. 27'-!^ LIST OF DEATHS. 291 1827 Jan. 5% March 2r. May Il'l June 1 6'!^ 28i July iS'A 24! Aug. i^ Sept. 19'^ Oct. 16'^ Nov. 24"! Dec. si 14';^ 1828 Jan. 19'A 2l£ March 5'^ April lo'A 13'' 26'A May i!i- 9'^ 14'Jl June iSL'i 27'A July 22^ Aug. l'± 4i Sept. 5'^ 29*!!- Oct. 15'^ 24'Jl 27^ Nov. i!l 5"^ 6* II* Harrison G. Otis jr. ; 35 ; apoplexy. Arnold Welles ; 65 ; erysipelas. Funeral of George Johnson, of Br. Lowell's parish ; 24 ; drowned. Funeral of Ann Ralston, of Philadelphia ; i ; convulsions. Stephen Sumner ; 32; pleurisy. Elizabeth Hancock ; 80 ; consumption. E. C. Parker ; i ; croup. Funeral of Edward Hale; 16; scrofula; of Br. Barrett's Society. Mary Davidson ; 85 ; old age. Susan Sturgis ; 47 ; consumption. Samuel Gibson ; 1 1 mos. croup. Elizabeth Low ; 66 ; paralysis. Charles E. Magee ; 42 ; apoplexy. Ann Hichborn ; 64 ; consumption. Grace Webster; 41 ; sciatica. Ann Richardson ; 86 ; dropsy of the heart Lucinda Mattes ; 4 ; burnt. William Blake Darling ; 2 1 months ; dropsy Mary Smith Brown ; 7 ; consumption. Mary Darling ; 74 ; paralysis. Augusta Stearns ; 3 ; whooping cough. Funeral of Ellis Gray ; 48 ; cholera. James Gorham Dorety ; 7 ; whooping cough. Mary Hammatt ; 6^ ; dysentery. Elizabeth Stevens; 27 ; consumption. Funeral of Mary Ann Hutchinson ; 1 5 ; consumption ; of Br. Ware's Society. Samuel Hichborn ; 76 ; apoplexy. Samuel Whitwell; 76 ; lung fever. Funeral of Mary Cline ; 43 ; fever ; of Br. Ware's Society. Willard Stearns ; 32 ; typhus. Funeral of Lewis O. Morris; 31 ; consumption. John Robinson Bradford ; 15 ; typhus. Funeral of Elizabeth Widdifield ; 57 ; dropsy. Rebecca Stearns ; 4 weeks ; abscess. Funeral of Joanna Bond ; 78 ; paralysis. Funeral of Richard Horton ; 64 ; dropsy. Funeral of Mrs. Mary A. Dalton ; 20 ; intemperance. 292 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Dec. 4-77 rxth 31- 1829 Jan. 1 1 'A 31^ March 23^ 2 7^ May 19* Aug. I2'A isl 28'A Sept. 9*^ 22^. 29?- Oct. I2*A 14^ 25':!?- Nov. 2l!L 28'Jl i83< D Jan. 2i!L 23^. Feb.. 3^. i6'A March iS'iL May 17'A June 2f July 26'1 Aug. ii'A Sept. ii'i Oct. 2oi Oct. 28'iL Caleb Adams; 41 ; lung fever. Mary Means Lawrence ; 5 ; lung fever Lucy Vassall; 54; dropsy. Thomas F. Bedlington ; 1 1 ; apoplexy. Wm. N. Taylor ; 5 mos. infantile Funeral of a female child of Pliny & Lucretia Smith; 2 weeks ; infantile. Funeral of Edward Young ; (brother Young's son ;) 1 6 mos. croup. Frances Golden Codman ; i ; dropsy on the brain. Anne Mc Adam Codman ; 2)4 ; lung fever. Infant child of Thomas Thacher ; croup ; i year. John Gorham M. D. 46; pleurisy. Funeral of Polly Glover ; 45 ; brain fever ; of Br. Rip- ley's parish. Samuel Peabody ; 57 ; typhus. Benjamin Hammatt ; 84 ; old age. Mary Warren ; 96 ; old age George Upham Brown ; 9 mos. infantile John Warren Brown; 14; nervous Corneha Thomas ; 16; typhus. William Loomis Newton; 21 mos; cholera infantum. Funeral of Charles Adams Bass ; (of Br. Pierpont's Church ;) 8 ; abscess on the brain John Cofifin Jones ; 80 ; old age. Rachel Minot ; 86 ; old age. Francis H. Hammond; 7 weeks; infantile. Samuel Lord ; 2 ; croup. ' Margaret Grant ; 70 ; old age. Dorothy Scott ; 83 ; old age Andrew Spooner ; 18; casualty. Son of Franklin Haven ; 3 days ; infantile Samuel Cobb ; 68 ; consumption Reuben A. Reed ; dropsy on the brain ; 13. Hon. Isaac Parker; 62 ; apoplexy. Mary Russell Norwood ; 10 ; dropsy in the brain William Lewis Newton ; 3 months ; infantile Sarah Hall; 57 ; consumption. Mary Emily Parker ; 2 1 mos. convulsions. LIST OF DEATHS. 293 Nov. 2^ Mary Jones ; 45 ; intestinal inflammation. 12* John Baxter; 65; lung fever. 21^ Ann Allen; 44; consumption. 30'A Watson Dickinson of Columbia, Conn. 2 7 ; suicide. Dec. 2i5^ William A. Warner; 35 ; consumption. 25— Thomas Hughes; 55; consumption. 1831 Jan. 26* Sarah Ann Hall ; 18; consumption. Feb. 6'A Thomas Stearns; 13 mos. ; hydrocephalus. 8'Jl Keziah Dean ; 96 ; old age. 9'Jl Thomas Welsh ; 79 ; lung fever. 20 'A Abigail Jackson Greenough; 84; lung fever. April 2 Catharine Brewster 47 Consumption 7 Ann Grant. 77. paralysis 6 Ebenezer Withington 62 Consumption Sep I Son of Thomas J Lobdell. Ch!i G Lobdell aged 6 yr Dropsy on chest 8 Mary Turell aged 91 NovL 16 Edward Draper aged 82 old age 1832 Janu^ 9* John Gorham Palfrey aged 4 yrs (at Cambridge) Son of Rev"^ J G Palfrey late Pastor of this Church March 14 George Humphrey (Lung Complaint) aged 53 yrs for over 20 yrs Sexton of this Church) Widow Warren. (Wife of late Doc- John Warren aged John G Norwood (Son of Sam' Norwood) aged 22 yrs, of Consump" Ellen Louisa Lobdell aged 3 y 8 m° ) children of Thomas W^ Frederick Lobdell — lyiom") J & Sophia Lobddi Thomas Melville aged 81 Years of Nathaniel K G Oliver, on board U S Ship Potomac being on a voyage for his health, May i'". Aged 42 yrs Nov' I Lucy E Reed aged 5y 8 m°, daughter of Joseph V Read & Wife of Throat Distemper 6 Elizabeth Tucker Priest aged 6 yrs child of John F & — Priest DecL 8 Jonathan Chapman aged 76 Yrs Consumption 1833 Jan^ 1 6 Hannah daughter of Thomas J & Sophia Lobdell aged 6yrs Feb^ 12 Horatio Fisk Nickels Daughter [sic'] of Thaddeus & Sarah Nickels 2 yrs Ap' 17 D° 25 Sep' 294 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Martha S. Sumner Daugh"" of Sam'l Sumner Aged 29 yrs March 18 Samuel Rogers of Apoplexy. Aged 58 yrs April Jonathan Mosely Consumption Aged 64 - (at Dorches- ter) 1 2 Priscella Melvill (Widow of Thomas) Aged 7 7 yrs May 10 Mary Ann Darling Typhus Fever. Aged 9 yr child of Thomas Darling y m D 27 William T Rogerson Son of Robert Rogerson aged 12 - 1 1 18 killed on the spot by a fall from the stageing of a Ship at the United States Navy Yard Charlestown - June 5 Charles Freder'' Lobdell Child of Thomas J & Sophia Lobdell Aged 1 5 Months of Dropsy in the head Howe Child of George & How Copeland aged 85 Yrs Sep 24 William Chapman aged 17 yrs Son of Widow Margaret Chapman who died on his passage to the Cape of Good Hope of Consumption Oct" 24 George H Otis Son of Harrison G Otis Aged 22 y' Fever Nov' 20 Susan, Daughter of Nathan & Sarah Hale Scarlet Fever 6^ Years 27 Elizabeth Bond daughter of George & Ann S Bond Aged 21 y. Typhus Fever 1834 Jan^ 15 Sarah Wife of Joseph W Homer Aged 60 yrs June 2 George Chapman Son of Widow Margaret Chapman of Consumption Aged 25 yrs Deaths in the Society in Brattle Square from June 18'* 1834. George W. Boyle. 48. Apoplexy. James Doroty. 49. Consumption. Joseph W. Homer. 36. Inflamation. Sarah A. Darling 14. Consumption. Marian Warren 32. Inflamation. Robert Williams. 81. Old Age. George. Woodman. 2. Lung Fever. B. T. Pickman. 45. Appoplexy. 1834 July. 9- a 16 Aug. 14. Nov. 23- Nov. 27. [1835] Jany. 19. March 16. PROPOSED COMMUNICANTS. 295 April 30- May 18. July 12. Sept. Ann Fessenden. 75. Inflamation. Edwards, 3, Croup. Oliver Bugbe 19. Accidental French. 15, Brain Fever. William Spooner. 76, Old Age. William Snelling. 69. Appoplexy. Note. — We have found with these Records several sheets in Dr. Lothrop's handwriting, from which it would seem that he had begun to supplement them, perhaps from his diaries, which have now disappeared, in which, as stated on page 123, we know he was in the habit of keeping many records. This strengthens our opinion, also there expressed, that a book may have been destroyed in the Boston fire of 1872, and leads us to think he was thus endeavoring to replace it. As these sheets contain many facts likely to be of value to genealogical inquirers, and not easily accessible otherwise, we have thought it best, in spite of their incompleteness, to print them, so far as they go, as part of the Record. — [Eds.] Proposed Communicants i«3 Jany. 9- Charlotte Augusta Coolidge Mary Sanderson Coolidge ; received. April 7- James & Ann Dodd Mary Furbush Susan D Nickerson Mrs Sarah Austin May 2 Mrs Martha Cushing July 7- Elizabeth Hale Nov. 3 Anna Sigourney Cotting >> »> Susan Capen Richardson 184 .2 Jany 2^ Mrs Elizabeth Shannon Holbrook Feby. 6 April 1847 Dec 5, Helen M Billings Elizabeth F. Woodman \ ^'^'^^^'^ Hannah Jane Woodman ^ daughter Elizabeth Loring Felt Lydia Baily Felt Caroline Bartlett Hall Maria Hall April 2^ Ivers J. Austin 296 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. 1857 Jan 4' received to Church, Susan Ellen Freeman proposing Elizabeth H. Baily Mary Adeline Bayly Ann Florence Freeman March Fanny Louisa Buckly of Phil., to Church I 1839. Jan 11' April 7' April 21 May 5, June 20, July 7 1842. Baptisms John Dixwell of W" & Thompson Henry Williams of S. P. & Martha E. Fuller Mrs Ann Dodd & Her daughter, Catharine Birch of Daniel & Perkins Samuel Dana of Kilby & Rebecca Page. Charlotte Augusta ] Mary Elizabeth > of Milo & Mary Furbush. Charles Marlow, J Maria Louisa, Benjamin Beale ) Jany 12'- John Mansfield, Ann Martha, \ °^ J°^" ^ ^ ^^^"^^^ Lucy Mansfield ) ^^^^^^" April 4*'' Eugenia, of Charles & Mary B. Mifilin " 14. Anna Louisa of T. J. & Sophia P. Lobdell 1847 Dec. 10. William Hale of Francis & Maria Davidson 1848, Feby 27 Sophia Jane, of Abram & [Sophia Jane] French April 2** Esther Amory of Ivers J Austin & Sarah Amory Austin May 7. Frank [Cheney] of Phineas [Sprague] & Helen [M.] Fiske 14 Marion of P. W. & Frances Ann Freeman. 1870 May 3^^ Mellish Irving of Ellis G. & Annie P. Motte June 18"' Katharine Orne of & H. O. Harndon of Reading. July 20. D wight, of J [ohn] Spencer & Mary Ann Clark Oct. 23. Margarette Cothuoy, of Widow Mrs Joseph Abbott Nov. 5. Dwight Parker of Theodore & Susan Robinson " 5 Nathaniel Bowditch of Geo. S. & Mary E. Porter 1871. March 1 7. Mary Lyman Buckminster of L. W. & Olivia B. Tappan June 4. W" Sturgis Hooper of T. K. & Annie M Lothrop MARRIAGES. 297 Sept 24 Hugh of Henry Austin & Fanny L. Whitney Oct 28, Alice Maxwell of John & Lizzie Osborne Nov. 3, Henry Spring of J [amesj Henry & Alice Spring Blake Marriages 1836. Nov. 27, Fletcher Webster & Caroline S. White 1839 Jany 2 W" Swazy & Joanna H Brooks Jany 22 Edward F Whitridge & Betsy Maria Ayers Feby 7. Charles Barnard & Eleanor Walker Feb. 13. Geo. B. Wellman & Sarah Lakeman March e"' Geo E. Cook & Eliza S. Coffin March 27. Richard N. Barry & Margarett A Hensler April 24 Wm H, Wilson & Mary M. Curtis 30. J. Mason Warren. & Anna Caspar Crowninshield May 2^ John Lothrop Priest & C. P. Dodd Aug 27. Charles R. Greene & Charlott[e] Augusta Coolidge Nov. 27. Greenleaf C. Batchelder & Mrs Elizabeth Davis Dec 25, Geo. B. Watson & Elizabeth A Canterbury 1842 Jany 4"* Josiah Hovey & Charlotte Woodman March 2 7"" Enoch Plummer & Lydia Gillpatrick 1847. Dec 4* W" Corwin & Mary Ann Dolan 1848 Jany 1 2 Charles G Hobart & Anna Ballard Feb i'' Joseph L Hanson & Mary Ann Warren. March 30. Charles Mixter & Frances Louisa Curtis 1856, Oct. 29. Gardiner Green Hammond & Elizabeth C. Mifflin Nov. 4. Daniel Cooly & Sarah Hill 1858, April 25, Sylvanus B. Mitchell & Mary P. Dolt 1865 Edwin G. Brown & Frances A Sawyer Nehemiah Perry & Emily S. Gardner Charles E. Grinnell & Elizabeth T. Washburn Daniel L Ware & Mary B. Bartlett, Francis F. Webster & Cordelia A Sawyer Horace Dodd & Susan E. B Lincoln George S. Sullivan & Anna C. Richards Thornton K. Lothrop & Anne M Hooper Feb 26'" June 7- July jjth July j^th July 27'^ Nov. 18 1866 Feby April 30 298 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. 1867 Apra 10* Geo. T. Gould & Mary R Gardner May i^' Franklin H. Gore & Ella F Spurr 1869 May 25 Augustus O Allen & Sarah A Haven Oct Charles A Cummings & Margaret Kimball 1870. March 17, Lewis W. Tappan Jr. & Olivia B. Lothrop. May 17"* Robert E. Clary U.S.A. & Mary E. Eaton June 16"" Addison Thomas, & Alice G. Abbott July 3 William W. Knowlton & Ellen Go [ ] Aug 2d Edward Frothingham & Eugenia Mifflin, O. B. [Frothing- ham] assis. Aug 8"^ Wm A Gridly & Isabella. I. Atkins Oct 15 Charles E. Ackers & Sarah J. Grey Nov. 15 I. Rice Frye & Kittie S. Bryant Nov. 28 Alonzo T. Withington & Frances A Pike 1871, Feb. 2d. Charles H. Yeager & Eliza Morrill April 15"" Josiah K. Waite & Emeline A Nash May 4"" John Taylor & Charlotte A Thayer June 29 W'" Arnold Buffum & (Mrs) Marion Simmons July i^' Frank H Clarke (P. Master U S N. & Mary F. Philbrick at church Aug 9. Harris H. Lavers & Henrietta Colcord Sept 30. Joseph K Snyder (Baltimore) & Anne E. Atkins (N Y City) Oct 3^^ W" F. Almy & Alice Gray (Arlington Str church) " 17. Andrew Dimmock & Susan M. Merrill Nov. 28, Timothy A Sawyer & Florence Denio Dec 2 Henry H. Brackett & Helen M Thompson 1872 Jany 30, Henry F. Bond & Pauline Emerson. June 2"^ Oliver W. Farrar & Sarah E. Viaux. June 18"* Oswald A Wills & Francis Hodkins 1873- April Charles K. Amidon & Kate A Kendrick 1875, Feby. 10. Walter H. Newell & Josephine Cheever 187s May 18. James Cheever & Ella C Hickey DEATHS, 299 1839. Jan. 14. March 2. April 3^. " 12. " 26. May 5 June 30. July 5 29. Nov, 1842 Jany i 2 1848 May 4*'^ April 16. Feb. 19, 20. 28 29 March 2'^ 22'' 30 1858 May 20. 1870. May 8* June July July Sept. Oct 20, 9- 28, 4- 5, 31- Dec 1871. Jany 5 14 Feb 6 18 March i' Deaths Mrs D' Gorham Child 1 5 months of Franklin & Sarah A Haven Child of Mr & Leavens. W" only child of W" & Rebecca C Billings Son of Dr Alexander & Thomas. Charles Chauncy son of P. W& Francis Ann Freeman 2 yrs Catharine Birch of Daniel & Perkins Samuel Dana of Kilby & Rebecca Page Old Mrs Green ; Mother of Mrs Shillaber of Court Street Mrs Murphy Mary Elizabeth, of Milo & Mary Furbush Ethelinda Earle wife John Earle consumption 33. Edward Webster, Major, Son of Daniel Joseph Hall (Judge Hall) 87 Louisa Humphreys Crosby Eating saloon Lindall Street Capt. Felt. Mx Volunteer EHzabeth Langdon Lodge — D-" Bates, U S. N. at Mount Auburn Harriet Bass sister of Major Bass George Williams Grace Wainwright, remains brought from Paris Marshall — Chamber Street Henry Artemas Ward M. D. Mrs Mackey, Pemberton Sq Mrs Jones wife of Dr I. S. Jones. ■ Mr W"' Billings W R. P. Washburn Miss Goodwin Henry Atkins Mrs Samuel Curtis. Mrs Gorham Mrs Cooly Mr Blackbourn. Deacon. S. P. Fuller 300 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. 21. George Felton, 29. Mrs Gibson. (Mother of Jacob Felt), at Mount Auburn, April 5. W" Dalton May SI- Geo. H. Richards of Paris — at Church July S' Mrs Fuller (widow of Deacon S P.) Oct 19. Miss Hannah Dexter Oct 23- Mrs Tyler General Tyler's wife Nov. 15- Israel Whitney Dec 6. Eben Dale Dec 20. George Howe 1872 Jany 7. Capt Clarke, North End March 4- H. C. Humphrey at Mount Auburn, 1872 March W™ B. Dale April 4 Mrs G. Dupee Mrs Dupee's infant Mr I. P Obers Mrs Cheever May e"' Mrs Charles Brooks V 8. W. I. Rogers MONEY RECEIVED. 301 A Just & exact account of all y- Moneys^ from time to time received by Me Benp Colman, voted & setled to me by way of Salary, from f- Undertakers & Breth- ren of y New Church, erected irt Brattles Close^ in Boston, New-England : 1699.//. Y? particular Summs received. Y? Place, and Times specifyed. Y? Persons by whom paid. Fourteen pounds. I4'V/. Boston 6"^ February. '7^://. Cap* Benf Davis. Eight pounds. 8.//. in New 4th March. M'. Tho. Brattle. England.//, ^j,, ^^^.jj^ 1700.//. M^ Thomas Brattle. Ten pounds. 10.11. Eight pounds. 8.//. 7'.h May. M"- Tho. Brattle. Eight pounds. 8.//. f}" June. M'. Tho. Brattle. Ten pounds. 10.//. 8':'» July. Mess-i^ Brattle & Davis. Eight pounds. 8.//. 5. August. M^ Tho. Brattle. Eight pounds. 8.//. 19. M^ Tho. Brattle. Ten pounds. 10.//. 29. September. M": Tho. Brattle. Eight pounds. 8./A 4. November. M-: Tho. Brattle. Eight pounds. 8.//. 2. December Mess':^ Brattle & Davis. Eight pounds. 8./A 30. Tho. Brattle. Ten pounds. 10.//. 3. February. B.Davis. Rich^ Draper. Ten pounds. 10.//. 3. March. 1701. Twelve pounds, ten shillings. 12'.' lo! 7. April. Cap'. Davis. Ten pounds. Id' 5. May. Ten pounds. 10" 2. June. B.Davis. Rich. Draper. Twelve pounds, ten shillings, 12I' 10? 7. July. B. Davis. Ten pounds. lo" 5. August. B. Davis. Twelve pounds, ten sh. 12'} 10! 8. September. B. Davis. Ten pounds. lOl' 6. October. B. Davis. Ten pounds. lo" 3. November. Rich. Draper, Twelve pounds, ten sh. 12. 10? 8. December. B.Davis. R. Draper. Ten pounds. lOl' 5. January. 170^. Rich^ Draper. Ten pounds. 10'.' 2. February. Rich^ Draper. Ten pounds. IO» 2. March. 1702. Twelve pounds, ten sh. 12" 10! 6. April. Ten pounds lo'i 5 May. Twelve pounds, ten sh. 1 2'.'- 10! 8 June. Ten pounds. loV 5 l^^y- Ten pounds. lOl' 3? August. Twelve pounds, ten/sh .12'.' 10? 8'.'' September. M^ Draper &M^ John Ten pounds, I0» 5. October. [Kilby. Ten pounds. ion 2? November. Twelve pounds, ten sh. 12I' 10! 7. December. Ten pounds. lo" 4. January. i7o|. Twelve pounds, ten sh. 12'.' 10? 8. February. Ten pounds. 10? II. March. 1703. 302 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Y? particular Summs received. Ten pounds. lo'.' Ten pounds. lol' Twelve pounds, ten sh. 12I' 10! Ten pounds. 10". Ten pounds. lOl' Twelve pounds, ten sh. 12I' 10? Ten pounds. io'.i Twelve pounds, ten sh. I2l.> 101 Ten pounds. loV Ten pounds. lol' Twelve pounds, ten sh. 1 21' 10! Ten pounds. 10" Ten pounds. io'.i Twelve pounds, ten sh. I2» 10! Ten pounds. lOl' Ten pounds. lOll Twelve pounds, losh. // 12'.' 10? Ten pounds. 10'.' Ten pounds. io'.i Twelve pounds, lo! //. 12" 10! Ten pounds. IO» Twelve p^ 10! I2I' 10! Ten pounds. 10" Ten pounds. lOl' Ten pounds. 10" Twelve pounds, loL. I21' 10! Ten pounds. io'.i Ten pounds I oil Twelve pounds, 18= I21' 105 Ten pounds. lo'i Twelve pounds, ten sh. I21' 10! Ten pounds. loV Ten pounds. ioi> Twelve pounds, ten sh. 12'.' 10! Ten pounds. I0» Ten pounds. lOl' Twelve p. ten sh. I2» 10! Ten pounds. iol> Ten pounds. lo'i Twelve p. ten sh. I2l' 10! Ten pounds. I0» Ten pounds. lOl' Twelve p. ten sh. 12" 10! Ten pounds. lO'l Ten pounds. 10. Twelve pounds, ten sh. I2'l 10. Ten pounds. loli Ten pounds. lOl' Twelve pounds, ten sh. I2I' 10! Y? Place, and Times specifyed. Yf Persons by whom paid. Boston 6. April, in New 3. May. England.//. 8. June. 5- Ju'y- 2. August. 2. September. 6. October. 8. November. 7. December. 3. January. 1704. 7. February. March. Aprill. May. June. Summ. total. 553'.' 3'? July. 1704. Richard Draper 8'.h August. [& John Kilby. 51'' September. October. November. December. January. 1705. February. March. April. 8. May. 5. June. 2. July. 9. August. 4. September. 8. October. 7. November. 3'? Decemb": 8. January. 5. February. 6. March g. April. 8. May. 3. June. 9. July. 6. August. 2. September. 7. October. 4. November. 2. December. 6. January, 3. February. 3. March. 8. April. 1706. 1707. MONEY RECEIVED. 303 The particular summs received-. Ten pounds. Ten pounds. Twelve pounds, Ten pounds Twelve p. ten sh. Ten pounds. Ten pounds. Twelve pounds, lol // Ten pounds. Ten pounds. Twenty pounds. From Fifteen pounds. Twelve pounds. Summ. Tot. Twelve pounds. Fifteen pounds. Twelve pounds. Twelve pounds. Fifteen pounds. Twelve pounds. Fifteen pounds. Twelve pounds. Twelve pounds. Fifteen pounds. Twelve pounds. Twelve pound?. Twelve pounds. Fiveteen pounds. Twelve pounds. Fifteen pounds Twelve pounds. Twelve pounds. Fiveteen pounds. Twelve pounds. Twelve pounds. Fifteen pounds. Twelve pounds. Twelve pounds. Fifteen pounds. Twelve pounds. Twelve pounds. Fifteen pounds. Twelve pounds. Twelve pounds. Fifteen pounds. Twelve pounds. Fifteen pounds. Twelve pounds. Where. When. Boston. N.E. 5. May. 2. June. 7- July- 3. August. 8. September. 6. Octob^ 3. November. 8. December. 5. January. d'.' > 2 February 0. S Gift of Of whom. IQS — , 10" I2I' 10? I0» I0» 12'.' 1 01 10'.' 5. January. 1708. 10'.' 20. ^ Gift of the Church hence-forward my Salary rais'd to 3I' ^ week. •7I1 1065. 12. o . o. 15. o .0. 12. O . O. T2. 0.0. 15. O . O. 12. O . O. 15. O . O. 12. O . O. 12. O . O. 15. O . O. 12. . O. 12. O . O. 12. O . O. 15. O, 12. O , 15. O, 12. O 12. O . 15. O, 12. O 12. O . O. 15. o . o. 12. O . O. 12. O . O. 15. O . O. 12. O . O. 12. 0.0. 15. O . O. 12. O , 12. O 15. O 12. O 15. O 12. O . O. 8. March. 5. Aprill. May. 3. 1708 June. 7'.** July. 7'.'^ August. 3'? Sept. 6* October. 4'.'' Novemb^ 8^. Decemb! 6. January. 4'^ 1709. February. 7*.'^ March. 7'.^ April. 5'> May. 2'? June. S'> July. 4I'' August. 8';'' Septemb": 5* October. 3'? Novemb^ 7^'> Decemb! s'.** January. 3? 1710. February. 6'.'* March. 6'.'^ April. 3? May. 8t> June. 6'> July. 4'.'' August. 7'!; September. 5'.'' October. 2"? November. 6'.'' December. 3^. January 8'.'' 17 1 1. February. 5'.'' m R. Draper, & [M^ J.Kilby. 304 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. The particular sumras received. Where. When, 01 whom. 11. s. d. Twelve pounds. 12. 0.0. Boston March 5'.'' Twelve pounds. 12. . 0. New England. April 2? Fifteen pounds. 15. 0.0. May 6* Twelve pounds. 12. . 0. June 4* Twelve pounds. 12. 0.0. July 2"? Fifteen pounds. 15. . 0. August 7'.h Twelve pounds. 12. . 0. Septemb! 3^ Fifteen pounds. 15. . 0. October. S'.^ 1614 Sum. Tot. Twelve pounds. 12.//0 . 0. Nov. 7.// 1711, M^ Draper & Kilby. Twelve pounds. 12. . 0. Dec. 3. Fifteen pounds. 15. 0.0. Janu. 7. 1712 Twelve pounds. 12. . 0. Febr. 6. Twelve pounds. 12. . 0. March. 4. Fifteen pounds. 15. . 0. April. 7. Twelve pounds. 12. . 0. May. 5. Twelve pounds. 12. 0.0. June. 2. Fifteen pounds. 15. .0. July 8. Twelve pounds. 12. . 0. Augt. 5. Fifteen pounds. 15. 0.0. Sept. 8. Twelve pounds. 12. . 0. Oct. 6. Twelve pounds. 12. . 0. Nov. 3. Fifteen pounds. 15. . 0. Dec. 8 Twelve pounds. 12. . 0. Jan. 6. 1713. Twelve pounds. 12. . 0. Feb! I. Twelve pounds. 12. 0.0. March. 2. Fiveteen pounds. 15. 0.0. April. 6. Twelve pounds. 12. . 0. May. 4. Fifteen pounds. 15. 0.0. June. 8. Twelve pounds. 12. . 0. July. 6. Twelve pounds. 12. . 0. Augt 3. Fifteen pounds. 15. 0.0. Sep. 7. Twelve pounds. 12. . 0. Oct. 5. Twelve pounds. 12. 0.0. Nov. 8. Fifteen pounds. 15. 0.0. Dec. 7. Twelve pounds. 12. . 0. Jan. 4- 1714- Fifteen pounds. 15. . 0. Febr. 8. Twelve pounds. 12. . 0. March. 8. Twelve pounds. 12. . 0. April. 4. Twelve pounds. 12. . 0. May. 2. Fifteen pounds. 15. . 0. June. 7. Twelve pounds. 12. . 0. July- 5 Twelve pounds. 12. . 0. Augt- 3. Fifteen pounds. 15. . 0. Sep. 6. Twelve pounds. 12. 0.0. Oct. 4. Fifteen pounds. 15. . 0. Novem, 8. Twelve pounds. 12. . 0. Dec. 6. MONEY RECEIVED. 305 The particular Summs. //. 11. S. d. Where. //. Time When. //. By Whom paid. Twelve pounds. Fifteen pounds. Twelve pounds. Thirteen pounds. Thirteen pounds. Thirteen pounds. Sixteen pounds, 5L Thirteen pounds. Sixteen pounds. 5? Thirteen pounds. Thirteen pounds. Sixteen pounds. 5^ Thirteen pounds. Thirteen pounds. Sixteen pounds, 5.5 Thirteen pounds. Thirteen pounds. Sixteen pounds, 5^ Thirteen pounds. Thirteen pounds. Sixteen pounds, 5! Thirteen pounds. Sixteen pounds, 5^ Thirteen pounds. Thirteen pounds. Sixteen pounds, 5? Thirteen pounds. Thirteen pounds. Sixteen pounds, 5^ Thirteen pounds Thirteen pounds. Sixteen pounds. 5? Thirteen pounds. Thirteen pounds. Sixteen pounds, 5! Thirteen pounds. Thirteen pounds. Sixteen pounds, 5! Thirteen pounds. Thirteen pounds. Sixteen pounds, 5! Thirteen pounds. Thirteen pounds. Sixteen pounds, 5! Thirteen pounds. Sixteen pounds, 5! 12. 0.0. 15. o . o. 12. o . o. Boston NE, Jan. 3. Febr. 7. March 6. 532- 13- 13- 16. 13- 16. 13- 13- 16. 13- 13- 16. 13- 13- o o o o 5 o S o o 5 o o 5 o o 16. 5 13. o 13. o 16. 5 . o. 13. o . o. 16. 5? o. 13. o o. 13. o . o. 16. 5! o. 13. o o 5 o o 5 o o 13- 16. 13- 13- 16. 13- 13- 16. 5 13. o 13- o 477-15 • o- 16. 5.0. 13. o . o. 13. o . o. 16. s . o. 13. o . o. 13. o . o. 16. s . o. 13. o . o. 16. 5 . o. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Octob. Novem. Dec. January. February, March. April. May. June. July- August. Septem. October. Novem. Decern. January, February. 3. March. 4. April. May. June. July- August, Sept. Octobr Novem Decern. 1715. 1614"^ 0.0 532- 2146. 2146 Deacon Draper & Kilby. 17 16. 1717. January. 6, 17 18. February. 3. March. 3. April. 7. May. 5 June 3. July. 7 Aug*. 4. Septem. 8. 2623. 15. Richard Draper John Kilby. Benj. Gibson. 0/ 39 306 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. The particular Summs. Where. When. Of Whom. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. Boston. October. 6. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. Novem. 3. Sixteen pounds, 5! 16. 5 . 0. Decern. 8. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. January. 4. I719. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. February. 2. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. March. 2. Sixteen pounds, 5^ 16. 5 . 0. April. 3. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. May. 3. Sixteen pounds, 5^ 16. 5 . 0. June. 8. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. July. 8. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. August. 3. Sixteen pounds, 5! 16. 5 . 0. Septem. 6. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. October. 4. ( By M^ W™ Harris, ^ ( by Order of y! Proprietori Twenty pounds. 20. . 0. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. November. 2. Sixteen pounds, 5^ 16. 5 . 0. December. 7. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. January. 4. 1720. Sixteen pounds, 5! 16. 5 . 0. February. 8. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. March. 7. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. April. 4. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. May. 2. Sixteen pounds, 5! 16. 5 . 0. June. 6. Thirteen pounds. 13. 0.0. July. 4 Sixteen pounds, 5! 16. s . 0. August. 8. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. Septem. 5, Thirteen pounds 13. . 0. October. 3. Sixteen pounds, 5s 16. 5 . 0. Novem. 7. Sum 3142. . 518. 5 . 0. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. Jan. 2. 1721. Richard Draper. ~\ Sixteen pounds, 5= 16. 5 . 0. Febr. 5. John Kilby. (Deacons. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. March. 5. Benj? Gibson. ) Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. April. 3. Sixteen pounds, 5! 16. 5 . 0. May. 8. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. June. 5. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. July- 3- Thirteen pounds. 13 0.0 August. 7. Sixteen pounds, 5! 16. 5 . 0. Sept. 4. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. Octob^ 2. Sixteen pounds, 5? 16. 5 . 0. Novem. 6. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. Decern. 3. Sixteen pounds, 5? 16. 5 . 0. Jan. 7. 1722. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. Febru. 6. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. March. 5. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. April. 2. Sixteen pounds, 5? 16. 5 . 0. May. 7. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. June. 5. Thirteen pounds. 13. . 0. July- 3- Sixteen pounds, 5? 16. 5 . 0. August. 6. MONEY RECEIVED. 307 The particular Summs. Thirteen pounds. Sixteen pounds, 5^; Thirteen pounds Thirteen pounds. Sixteen pounds, 5^ Thirteen pounds. Thirteen pounds. Sixteen pounds, 5! Thirteen pounds. Thirteen pounds. Sixteen pounds, 5! Thirteen pounds. Thirteen pounds. Sixteen pounds, 5! Thirteen pounds. Thirteen pounds. Sixteen pounds, 5! Thirteen pounds. Thirteen pounds. Sixteen pounds, 5! Thirteen pounds. Sixteen pounds, 5! Thirteen pounds. Thirteen pounds. Sixteen pounds, 5? 13. 16. 5 13. o 13. o 16. 5 13. o, 13- 16. Where. o. Boston. o. o. 0. o. o. o. _ , o. 13. o . o. 13. o . o. 16. 5 . o. 13. o . o. 13. o . o. 16. 5 . o. 13. o . o. 13. o . o. 16. 5.0. 13. o . o. 13. o . o. 16. 5 . o. 13. o . o. 16. 5 . o. 13. o . o. 13. o . o. 16. 5 . o. 648.- Thirteen pounds. 13. o . o. Thirteen pounds. 13. o . o. Sixteen pounds, 5^ 16. 5 . o. Thirteen pounds. 13. o . o. Sixteen pounds, 5^ 16. 5 . o. Thirteen pounds. 13. o . o. Thirteen pounds. 13. o . o. Sixteen pounds, 5? 16. 5 . o. Thirteen pounds. 13. o . o. Thirteen pounds. 13. o . o. Thirteen pounds 13. 0.0. Sixteen pounds, 5? 16. 5 . o. Two Hundred sixty five. 265.0 . o. Fourteen pounds, ten sh. 14.10 . o. Twenty pounds. 20. o . o. Sixteen pounds. 16. o . o. Sixteen pounds. 16. o • o. Twenty pounds. 20. o . o. Sixteen pounds. 16. o . o. Sixteen pounds. 16. o . o. Sixteen pounds. 16. o . o. Twenty pounds. 20. o . o. Sixteen pounds. 16. 0.0. When Of Whom. Sept. 3. Oct. 8. Nov. 5. Decern. 3. Jan7 6. 1723 Jacob Parker. Febr. 4. March. 3. April 8. May 6. June 3, July 8. August, 5. Septem. 2. Octob^ 7. Novem. 4. Decern. 2. Jan^.y. 5. 1724. Febr^y. 3. March. 2. April. 6. May. 3. June. 8. July. 6. Augt. 3. Sept. 7. October. 5. 1724. Richard Draper. Novem^ 2. Benjamin Gibson. Decern. 7 Jacob Parker. January. 4. 1725. Febru-'y. 7. March. 7. April. 5. May. 3. June. 7. July. 5. August. 2. Septem. 5. 21. Y= Gift of y? Congregation. October. 3 Novem. 8 Decern. 6. January. 3. 1726. February. 5. March. 7. April. 4. May. 2. June. 6. July- 3- fDe f'cOE 308 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Summs. When. Deacons. Twenty pounds. 20. O O. August. 8. Sixteen pounds. i6. . 0. Septem. 6. Sixteen pounds. i6. o . 0. Octob^ 3. Twenty pounds 20. . O. Novena. 6. Sixteen pounds. i6. . o. Decern. 5. Sixteen pounds. i6. o . 0. Jan^y. 2. 1727. Twenty pounds. 20. . O. February. 6. Sixteen pounds. i6. o . o. March. 6. Sixteen pounds. i6. o . 0. April. 3. Twenty pounds. 20. . O. May. 6. Sixteen pounds. i6. o . 0. June. 5. Sixteen pounds. i6. . 0. July. 4. Twenty pounds. 20. O . 0. August. 7. Fifteen pounds. Rent. 15. . 0. August. 24. ' Sixteen pounds. 16. . 0. Septem. 4. Fifteen pounds. Rent. 15. . 0. 26. Sixteen pounds. 16. . 0. October. 2 Twenty pounds. 20. . 0. Novem. 6. Sixteen pounds. 16. . 0. Decern. 4. Twenty pounds. 20. . 0. Janui:y 7. 1728 946.10 . 0. Sum. 4736. Sixteen pounds. 16. . 0. February. 4. 1728 . Richard Draper. Sixteen pounds. 16. . 0. March. 4. Benj? Gibson. Twenty pounds. 20. . 0. April. 8. Jacob Parker. Tliirty pounds. Rent. 30. . 0. 10. Sixteen pounds. 16. . 0. May. 6. Sixteen pounds. 16. . 0. June. 2. Twenty pounds. 20. . 0. July. 7- Sixteen pounds. 16. . 0. August. 4. Sixteen pounds. 16. . 0. Septem. 2. Twenty pounds. 20. . 0. Octobi: 7. Sixteen pounds. 16. . 0. Novem. 4. Sixteen pounds. 16. . 0. Decem. 2. Twenty pounds. 20. . 0. January. 6 1729. Sixteen pounds. 16. . 0. Febru^ 3. Seventy five pounds. 75. . 0. 10, Benj? Gibson. •\ Sixteen pounds. 16. . 0. March. 3. Jacob Parker. > Di Twenty pounds. 20. . 0. April. 6. John Phillips. ) Sixteen pounds. 16. . 0. May. 5. Sixteen pounds. 16. . 0. June. 3. Twenty pounds. 20. . 0. July- 7- Sixteen pounds. 16. . 0. August 4. Benj? Gibson. Twenty pounds, '. Rent. 20. . 0. 30- Jacob Parker. Twenty pounds. 20. . 0. Septem-: 8. John Phillips. Sixteen pounds. 16. . 0. October. 6. Sixteen pounds. 16. . 0. Novem. 3. Twenty pounds. Rent. 20. . 0. 6. Twenty pounds. 20. . 0. Decem. 8. Fifty pounds. 50. . 0. 27. Deacons. MONEY RECEIVED- 309 Summs. Sixteen pounds. Sixteen pounds. Sixteen pounds. Twenty pounds. Sixteen pounds. Twenty pounds. Sixteen pounds. Sixteen pounds. Twenty pounds. Twenty pounds, Rent. Twenty two pounds. Twenty four pounds Thirty five pounds. Ten pounds. Rent Thirty pounds. Twenty four pounds. Thirty pounds. Twenty four pounds. Twenty four pounds. Twenty four pounds. Thirty pounds. Twenty four pounds. Ten pounds Rent. Twenty four pounds. Thirty pounds. Twenty four pounds. Twenty four pounds. Ten pounds Rent. Twenty pounds Rent. Thirty pounds. Twenty four pounds. Thirty pounds. Twenty four pounds. Twenty four pounds. Ten pounds, Rent. Thirty pounds. Twenty four pounds. Twenty four pounds. Thirty pounds. Twenty four pounds. Twenty four pounds. Ten pounds Rent. Ten pounds Rent, Thirty pounds. Ten pounds. Rent. Twenty four pounds. Thirty pounds. Twenty four pounds. Twenty four pounds, Twenty four pounds. 16. 16. 16. 20. 16. 16. 20. 24. 24. 24. 30- 24. 10. o 24. o o . o. o . o. o . o. o . o. 16. o . o. 20. O . O. o . o. o . o. O . 0. 22. O . O. 24. O . O. 35.10.0. 10. o . o. 30. o . o. 24. o . o. 30. o . o. o . o. o . o. o . o. o . o. O . 0. O. o o o 24. o 30. o 24. o 24. o 10. o 30. o 24. o 24, o 30. o 24, o 24. o 10. o . o. 10. o . o. 30. o 10. o 24 o 30. o 24. o 24. o 24. o o. o. o. o. o. . o. , o. . o. . o. . o. . o. . o. When. January. 5 — 1730 February. 2. March. 2. April. 5. May. 4. June. 8. July 6. August. 3. Septem. 7. Octob^ 5. Novem. 2. 9- Decern. 7. January. 4. 1731. February. 7. March. 8. April. 4. May. 3. June. 7. July. 5. August. 2. Septem. 6. October. 4. Novem. i, 23- Decem. 6. Jan^y3. 1732. FebrY 7. March. 6. April. 3. May. 8. June. 5. July- 3- August. 6. Sept. 4. Octo": 2. 17- 27. Novem. 6. Decem. 3. January, 8. 1733. February 4. March 5. April, 2. Deacons Gift. 912. Benj. Gibson Jacob Parker, John Philips ■i 3IO RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Summs. When. Thirty pounds. 30. o . o. May. 7. Twenty four pounds. 24. o . o. June. 4, Twenty four pounds. 24. o . 0. July. 2. Thirty pounds. 30. o . o. August. 6. Twenty four pounds. 24. o . o. Septem. 3. Thirty pounds. 30. o . o. Octo^ 8. Rent. 40. pounds. 40. o . o. Novem. 5. Twenty four pounds. 24. o Twenty four pounds. 24. o Thirty pounds. 30. o Twenty four pounds. 24. o Twenty four pounds. 24. o Rent ten pounds. 10. o Thirty pounds. 30. o Twenty four pounds. 24. Twenty four pounds. 24. o Ten pounds Rent. 10. o Thirty Pounds. 30. o Twenty four pounds. 24. o Twenty four pounds. 24. o Thirty pounds. 30. o Ten pounds Rent 10. o Twenty four pounds. 24. o Ten pounds Rent. 10. o Twenty four pounds. 24. o . o. Thirty pounds. 30. o . o. Twenty four pounds. 24. o . o. Twenty four pounds. 24. o . o. Thirty pounds. 30. o . o. Twenty four pounds. 24. o . o. Twenty four pd- 24. o . o. Thirty pounds. 30. o . o. Twenty four pounds. 24. o . o. Ten pounds Rent. 10. o . o. Thirty pounds. 30. o . o. Ten pounds Rent. 10. o . o. Ten pounds Rent. 10. o . o. Twenty four pounds. 24, o . o. Twenty four pounds. 24. o . o. Thirty pounds. 30. o . o. Ten pounds Rent. 10. o . o. Twenty four pounds. 24. o . o. Twenty four p-)^ 24. o . o. Thirty pounds. 30. o . o. Twenty four p4^ 24. o . o. Twenty four 24. o . o. Thirty pounds. 30. o . o. Ten pounds Rent. 10. 0.0. Twenty four pounds. 24. o . o. Deacons. o. o o. . o. o. , o. . o. . o. . o. , o. . o. . o. . o. . o. . o. . o. 1733- Novem. 5. Decern. 3. January. 6. 1734. February. 4. March. 4. April. 8. May. 6. June. 2. July 8. August. 5. Septem. 2. Octob": 7. 21. Novem. 4. Decem. 2. Jann' 6. 1735. Febr. 3. March. 3. April. 7. May. 5. June 2. July. 7. August 4. Septem. 8. 16. 29. Octob^ 6. Novem. 3. Decem. 8. 30- JanT 5. 1736. Febr. 2. March. 8. April. 5. May. 3. June. 7. July- 5- 988. Total 6636-; Benj? Gibson, Jacob Parker John Phillips MONEY RECEIVED. 3" The particular Sums. Place Time. Twenty four p 10! 17.10. Forty five pounds. 45- Oct! 8. Thirty six pounds. 36. Nov' 5. Thirty six pounds. 36. Decern. 3. Rent 17I' 10! 17.10. Forty five pounds. 45- Jan^y.7.i74S. Thirty six pounds. 36. Febo'. 3. Thirty six p ) ( possibly Ebenezer) of committee to prepare appendix of hymns ^g delegate to installation of Rev. J. Morse, at Charlestown 42 Hancock, Lydia benefactor of Poor Fund 61 Hancock, Thomas of committee to notify Mr. S. Cooper of his election •>■» benefactor of Poor Fund 61 Pagb Harris, Rev. Thaddeus Mason, D.D. member of Councils 50, 57, 65 makes prayer at Mr. Everett's ordina- tion 59 minister at Dorchester 84, 86 Harris, William joins in the covenant 4 subscribes to finish the Meeting-House . 6 a Proprietor 12 appointed to notify Mr. W. Cooper of his election 13 of a committee to find a house for Mr. Cooper 15 treasurer, chosen on Parish Committee, decease of 18 Haven, Rev. Samuel, D.D. member of a Council 50 Hedge, Frederick Henry invitation to ordination of, at West Cam- bridge 75 Hedman, Mr. [Philip?] of a committee to consult with proprie- tors about raising arrears of ministers' salaries 16 Henchman, Dea. Daniel deacon of South Church 24 money delivered to 24 Hersey, Henry invitation to ordination of 70 Hill, Alonzo invitation to ordination of, at Second Congregational Society in Worcester . 72 Hilyard, Joseph invitation to ordination of, at Berwick . 47 Hingham church in, member of a Council ... 65 invitation to ordination of Chas. Brooks at 67 Hirst, {or Hurst) Grove pew assigned to g authorized to enlarge pew 10 Hodges, Richard Manning invitation to ordination of 68 Holley, Rev. Horace invitation to installation of, at Hollis Street s-» member of Councils 57)65 Hollis Street Church invitation from, to installation of Rev. Samuel West 41 member of Councils 5°. 57, 65 invitation from, to installation of Rev. Horace Holley 53 to ordination of J. Pierpont ... 67 to an ecclesiastical Council .... 91 328 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Holmes, Rev. Abiel, D.D. minister of Cambridge 54 member of Councils 57) 65 refuses to vote at ordination of Mr. Everett : .... 58 Holyoke, President Edward preaches for Dr. Colman 30 Holy Scriptures to be read publicly every Sabbath in worship 3 Homer [Joseph W. ? ] delegate to installation of Rev. H. Holley at Hollis Street 53 Homer, Peter Thacher chosen deacon 92 appointed on a committee to nominate deacons 92 sole deacon 93 House rent voted to Mr. Colman, and continued . 23 continued to both pastors 25 allowed in 1738 27 amount for, raised 28 Howard, Zechariah ordination of, at Stoughton .... 40 Howe, George of a committee to nonr inate deacons . . 92 Hubbard, Thomas of a committee to make a collection for expenses of Mr. (W.) Cooper's ordina- tion 37 Hunt [Samuel?] delegate to ordination of A. Green at Maiden 46 Huntington, Rev. Joshua invitation to ordination of 52 member of Councils 57) 66 refuses to vote at Mr. Everett's ordina- tion 5^ dissatisfied with Mr. Palfrey's views, and opposes his ordination 66 Inches, Henderson delegate to ordination of Francis Park- man 54 to installation of Rev. James D. Green 76 of committee to consider terms of ad- mission to church S6 delegate to ordination of N. Hall . . 86 of committee to consider discontinuance of communion contributions ... 76 Ingram, Job appointed sexton 5 duties and compensation of, as sexton . 7 directed to carry Bible to the pastor's house 9 salary increased (1720) 15 asks for allowance 19 40J. voted to 20 Page Installations East Parish, Salem 68 Amherst, N. H 70 Invitations to a Council at Bolton 38 Chelsea 72 91 91 91 70 75 48 41 53 69 76 Hollis Street Church . . referred to a committee an ex parte Council at the same .... to Installations at Amherst, N. H. (Sewall) . . . Augusta, Me., East Parish . . . Boston, First Church (Emerson) . Hollis Street Church (West) (Holley) Brooklyn, Conn. (S. J. May) . . Cambridge, Third Society (Green) Charlestown (Morse) 41 Concord, N. H. (Evans) .... 42 Nantucket (Edes) 80 Portland, Me., Second Cong'l So- ciety (Whitman) 86 Portsmouth, N. H., Third Cong'l 74 Quincy (Lunt) 86 Salem Barton Sq. Church (Colman) 71 declined (Thompson) East Parish (Flint). . . . to Ordinations at Baltimore, First Independent (Sparks) (Burnap) Barnstable (Hersey) Barre (Bond) Berwick (Hilyard) Boston, Federal Street (Gannett) . (Popkin) . First (Abbott) .... (Frothingham) . . Hollis Street (Pierpont) . Long Lane (Belknap) New North (Parkman) . New South {Greenwood) .(Kirkland) . (Thacher) . (Young) . . Old South(Huntington) . Purchase St. Cong'l Soc'y. (Ripley) Second (Emerson) . , (Robbins) . . , (H. Ware, Jr.) , South Cong'l (Motte) . . Twelfth Cong'l (Barrett) Bridgewater, East (Williams) . , South (Hodges) ... 68 Brookline (Pierce) 47 Cambridge (Newell) "JJ West (Hedge) .... 75 Charlestown (Paine) 40 71 78 INDEX. 329 Page Invitations — continued. Chelsea (Tuckerman) 48 Dorchester (Codman) 53 (Hall) 86 Dover, N. H., First Unitarian (Loth- rop) 75 Exeter, N. H. (Rowland) .... 42 Framingham (Chapman) .... 79 Hingham, Third (Brooks) .... 67 Kingston, First Christian (Cole) . . 74 Lunenburg (Damon) 59 Lynn, First (Thacher) 45 Machias (Brown) 46 Maiden (Green) 46 Milton (McKean) 47 New York, First Cong'l (Ware) . . 68 Second Cong'l(Lunt) . . 73 Philadelphia (Furness) 70 Plymouth (Kendall) 48 Portland, Second Parish .... 41 Portsmouth (Parker) 53 (Crafts) 39 Princeton (Russell) 47 Providence, Westminster Cong'l Soc'y (Farley) 74 Roxbury, First (Putnam) .... 77 Second (Flagg) .... 70 (Whitney) ... 78 Salem, North (Brazer) 67 Sterling (Fosdick) 91 Stoughton (Howard) 40 Waltham (Ripley) 53 Washington (C. Palfrey) .... 78 Watertown (Francis) 67 Woburn (Sargent) 39 Worcester, Second Cong'l (Hill) . . 72 of Charles [F.] Barnard .... 85 Allanson Brigham 79 William G. Eliot 85 Frederick T. Gray 85 Rufus A. Johnson 79 S. J. May 68 Jackson, Thomas of a committee to distribute collection . 25 Jamaica Plain church at, member of a Council ... 50 Johnson [Thomas?] appointed to lead singing 2^ of committee to prepare appendix of hymns 38 Johnson, Rufus A. invitation to ordination of 79 Keen, William joins in the covenant 4 subscribes to finish the Meeting-House . 6 a Proprietor 12 Kendall, James invitation to ordination of, at Plymouth 48 Page KiLBY, John joins in the covenant 4 subscribes to finish the Meeting-House. 6 ciiosen deacon 11 a Proprietor 12 neglects, on his failure, to secure the church's money 16 meetings to fill vacancy caused by death of 20 Church to come among creditors of . . 20 King's Chapel invited to an ordaining council • • • 53 Kingston invitation from First Christian Society in, to ordination of J. Cole .... 74 Kirkland, Rev. John Thornton, D.D. invitation to ordination of, at New South Church, Boston 45 member of a Council 50, 65, 66 pastor of University Ch. at Cambridge . 66 makes ordaining prayer at Mr. Palfrey's ordination 65 invited to ordination of E. Everett . . 58 and preaches sermon 59 Lancaster church in, member of a Council ... 65 Land purchased from Jonathan Merry and Stephen Fales, conditions of sale of . 46 Landman, James chosen deacon and accepts 41 resigns 41 church defers consideration of his resig- nation, and he withdraws it .... 44 authorized, as deacon, to sell church land 45 removes from town, and resigns ... 49 Langdon, Samuel suggested, nominated, invited to preach as candidate 31 accepts invitation, and fulfils engagement 31 a candidate 33 Lathrop, Rev. John, D.D. member of Council 57 makes prayer at ordination of E. Everett 59 Lawrence, Amos of committee to consider changes in taking communion contribution . . 73 of committee to consider discontinuance of communion contribution .... 76 chosen deacon 77 delegate to ordination of G. Putnam . "]"} of a committee to communicate votes of parish to Rev. S. K. Lothrop . . 80 to call a council for Installation of Rev, S. K. Lothrop 81 signer of letter to Mr. Lothrop , . . %2 42 330 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Lawrence, Amos — continued. of committee to receive answer from Mr. Lothrop 83 resigns as deacon 92 Lawrence, William delegate to ordination of W. G. Eliot . 85 moves a committee to consider terms of admission to church 86 delegate to ordination of Mr, Fosdick at Sterling 91 Lazenby, Mrs. contribution for 25 Leveret, Hon. John accompanies invitation to Mr. Colman with a letter 3 Long Lane invitation from church in, to installation of Rev. Jeremiah Belknap .... 40 Lord's Supper first administered 5 Lothrop, Rev. Samuel K., D.D. invitation to ordination of, at Dover, N.H. 75 communication of proprietors respecting settlement of 80 invitation to settle given to 80 terms of settlement of 80 votes of Society regarding settlement of, approved by the Church Si doings of .Society, and answer of, thereto to be inscribed in church record . . Si letter addressed to, inviting him to be- come pastor 82 reply of, to the same 83 letter of, to the Church and Society . . 83 proceedings at installation of . ... 84 delegate to ordination of C. F. Barn- ard and F, T. Gray 85 to installations of W. P. Lunt, J. Whitman 86 ordination of N. Hall 86 signs report of committee on Church covenant and conditions of admission to Church 88 piece of communion plate presented to . 90 delegate to Ecclesiastical Council at Hollis Street Church 91 refuses to vote for ordination of Mr. Fosdick 91, note memoranda from diaries of ... 92, 93 Lowell of committee to prepare Appendix of hymns 38 Lowell, Rev. Charles, D.D. invitation to ordination of, at West Church 51 member of Councils 57) 65 Lunenburg invitation to ordination of D. Damon at . 59 Pagb Lunt, Rev. William Parsons, D.D. invitation to ordination of 73 installation of 86 Macarty, fflorence horse block of (?) 8 pew assigned to 9 Maccarty, Thomas of committee to make a collection to de- fray expense of Mr. Cooper's ordina- tion yj Machias, Maine invitation from church in, to ordination of Clarke Browne 46 McKean, Joseph invitation to ordination of, at Milton • 47 Macom [Daniel?] appointed to lead singing 28 Malden invitation from First Church, to a Council 42 to ordination of A. Green . . 46 Marblehead collection for poor of 25 Marlboro' Street Old South Church in 52 Marriner, Joseph pew assigned to 8 Mather, Rev. Cotton shares in day of prayer 5 Mather, Rev. Increase preaches on day of prayer 5 Mauditt, Rev. Isaac sends testimonial to Mr. Colman ... 4 May, [Samuel?] delegate to ordination of R. W. Emer- son 75 May, Samuel Joseph letter from 68 invitation to ordination of 68 Medford church of, member of a Council . . 57, 65 Meeres, James meeting at house of, to obtain money to finish and furnish the Meeting-House 5 subscribes to finish the Meeting-House . 6 meeting of committee at house of . . 8 a Proprietor 12 Meeting {See also Church Meetings) of Church and Congregation, 1753, Oct. 8 37 Nov. 4, 1753, notified, and held Nov. 5 38 of Congregation : 1715, Oct. 7, statement of Mr. W. Cooper's views made . 14 1720, March 16, Mr. Cooper s salary raised and house voted . . 15 INDEX. 331 Page JMeeting — contimied. 1746 March 23, called to consider a day for Mr. (S.) Cooper's ordination 36 March 25, meeting held ... 36 Nov. 25, annual 37 of society : 1S13, Dec. 26 56 of standing committee : 1814, Jan. 4, to arrange for ordination of Mr. Everett 57 Meeting-house first service of worship in the New . . 5 (the last) first service in, 25 July, 1773 .... 38 Dr. Colman preaches in 38 Dr. Chauncy preaches in 38 Merry, Jonathan land purchased of, to be sold, and con- ditions of sale 46 Mico, John Undertaker of the church 3 subscribes to invitation to Mr. Colman to become minister 3 a private meeting at house of, for unit- ing in the covenant 4 subscribes to finish the Meeting-House, and is allowed choice of pew ... 6 of committee to dispose of pews ... 7 absent from meeting of committee . . 10 committee to procure swabs .... 10 a Proprietor 12 Miller paid for mending way to the church . 7 Milton invitation from church in, to ordination of Joseph McKean 47 Ministers salaries of, voted in 1746 37 MiiNOT, Col. [Stephen .?] subscribes to finish the meeting-house . 6 a proprietor 12 of a committee to find a house for Mr. Cooper 15 (?) of a committee to examine Deacon Kilby's accounts and to treat with his creditors 16 of Parish Committee 18) J 9 rechosen 21 Mold, Captain pew assigned to 6 Monks [George.?] meetings of committee at house of 7, 8, 9, 10 Monthly Lecture church votes to invite the First Church to set up a 16 agreement made for 16 Morse, Rev. Jedediah invitation to installation of, at Charles- town 41 member of a council 50 Motte, Ellis Loring chosen deacon, and declines Motte, Mellish Irving invitation to ordmation of . Page • 93 • 73 Nantucket invitation from Second Cong'l Society to installation of Rev. H. F, Edes . 80 Negroes seats for, removed from lower to upper gallery 21 Newhuryport Rev. Thomas B. Fox, minister of, mem- ber of a council 84 Newell, Timothy of committee to count votes for deacons 41 delegate to ordination at Portland . . 41 at Exeter ... 42 at dismissal council at Maiden ... 43 as deacon authorized to sell church land 45 benefactor of Poor Fund 61 mentioned 62 Newell, Rev. William, D.D. invitation to ordination of 77 minister First Church, Cambridge, mem- ber of a council 79) 84 makes concluding prayer at installation of Mr. Lothrop 85 Newhall, Cheever chosen deacon, and declines .... 75 New North Church, Boston member of a council 50, 57965 Rev. Francis Parkman minister of, mem- ber of a council 79 New South Church, Boston invitation from, to ordination of J. T. Kirkland 45 of S. C. Thaclier 53 member of a council 57i 65 invitation from, to ordination of F, W. P. Greenwood 66 invited to join in holding monthly lec- ture 69 invitation from, to ordination of Alexan- der Young, Jr 70 New York invitation from Second Cong'l Society in, to ordination of Wm. Ware . . 68 of Wm. P. Lunt . 73 Noyes, John joins in the covenant o 4 Noyes, Oliver joins in the covenant 4 Noyes, Dr. Oliver proposes using a new version of Psalms 14 of a committee to find a house for Mr. (W.) Cooper 15 332 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page NOYES to make a silver tankard 7 of a committee to value tankard for Dea- con Draper 21 Old South Church, Boston member of a council 5o> 57) 65 invitation from, to ordination of J. Huntington 52 Oliver, Nathaniel given choice of pew 8 Ordination of Mr. Joseph Stevens Buckminster; date of, arrangements for, churches in- vited to 50 of Mr. Samuel Cooper committee appointed to defray the ex- penses of 37 of Mr. Edward Everett action of society regarding ... 56 churches invited to, and arrangements for 57 exercises at S^, 59 of Mr. John Gorhani Palfrey, arrange- ments for 64 council for 65 Organs a pair of, offered to church by represen- tative of Thomas Brattle, and de- clined i^) 13 Osgood, Rev. David member of councils 57) 65 takes part in ordination of Mr. E. Ever- ett 58 and makes ordaining prayer .... 59 requests expression of Mr. Palfrey's views, at his ordination, and gives charge 66 Otis, Harrison Gray of a committee to nominate deacons . 74 delegate to ordination of R. W. Emerson 75 Paine, Joshua, Jr. ordination of, at Charlestown .... 40 Palfrey, Rev. Cazneau invitation to installation of, declined . . 78 Palfrey, Rev. John Gorham, D.D., LL.D. unanimously chosen minister .... 62 terms of settlement of 63 letter of acceptance from 63 arrangements for ordination of ... 64 action of society regarding call to, com- municated to the church 65 admitted to this church 66 member of church of the university . . 66 ordination of 66 _ . ^ Page Palfrey, Rev. John G. — continued. requested to write to Society in Brook- lyn, Conn., declining invitation to in- stallation of Rev. S. May .... 69 writes letter declining an invitation to installation at Barton Sq. Ch., Salem 71 delegate to ordination of George Ripley 72 to installation of Rev. H. Colman at Barton Square Church, Salem 72 to council to dismiss Dr. Tucker- man 72 to ordination of M. I. Motte • • . 73 of R. W. Emerson 75 of F. H. Hedge 75 to installation of Rev. James D. Green at Cambridge .... 76 to ordination of W. Newell at Cam- bridge '^'j of George Putnam at Roxbury . . 77 of George Whitney at Roxbury . . 78 of University Church at Cambridge to installation of Mr. Lothrop . 84 preaches sermon at installation of Mr. Lothrop 84 chairman of a committee to consider in- vitation from Hollis Street Church to a Council 91 presents report of committee .... 91 elected delegate to the council .... 91 asks to be excused from serving ... 91 Pall a new, to be purchased 25 income of, to go to the poor .... 25 Palmer, Thomas subscribes to finish the Meeting-House 6 a Proprietor 12 appointed to notify Mr. (W.) Cooper of his election 13 signs reply of the Proprietors to the church's request foran appropriation to meet arrears in the ministers' salaries 18 chosen on committee 19 Treasurer i9) 21, 26 moderator of parish meeting .... 26 of committee for 1736-7 26 bond of, with Balston 26 treasurer, and of committee for 1739-40 27 Parish House in Court Street to be kept in repair for Mr. Lothrop's residence So Parish Meeting Annual, Nov. 18, 1745 35 Nov, 25, 1746 37 Parker, Jacob elected deacon, vice Kilby deceased . . 20 on committee to raise subscription for the pastors 21 pays money to them 21 INDEX. 333 Pagb Parker, Jacob — continued. moves for a more suitable person to set the Psalms 27 of committee to prepare appendix to hymns 38 Parker Nathan invitation to ordination of, at Ports- mouth, N. H 53 Parker, Hon. Samuel, Judge delegate to ordination of E. S. Gannett 69 Samuel Barrett 71 offers vote on resignation of Deacon Bradford 73 delegate to ordination of M. I. Motte . 73 of a committee to nominate deacons . . 74 Parkman, Rev. Francis invitation to ordination of 54 member of councils 57, 65, 79 minister of New North Church, Boston 79 makes installing pra)'er at installation of Mr. Lothrop 84 Pastor {or Pastors) meetings to choose a colleague ... 13 deficiency in salary of 21 receipts of 21 salary of, raised 21 insufficiency of salary of 24 meeting for salary of 24, 25 increase of salary of 25 gift of £200 to 26 gift voted to 27 collection divided between 27 Payne, Edward delegate to ordination of Z. Howard at Stoughton 40 to installation of Rev. J. Belknap . 40 Peabody, Oliver W. chosen deacon, and declines . . • • 93 Peirce, John asks dismissal 27 Pemberton, Ebenezer accompanies invitation to Mr. Colman with a letter 3 Pembrook, Elkanah subscribes to finish the Meeting-House 6 Pews choice of 6 committee to dispose of 7 appraisal of 8 Philadelphia invitation to ordination of W. H. Fur- ness at 7° Rev. W. H. Furness, minister of First Unitarian Church at 84 Phillips, John chosen deacon 24 Page Phillips, John — continued. delegate to ordination of N. L. Froth- ingham 59 chosen deacon 62 delegate to ordination of C. Francis . . 67 PicKMAN, Benjamin T. of a committee to communicate vote of parish to Rev. S. K. Lothrop ... 80 signer of letter to Mr. Lothrop ... 82 of committee to receive answer from Mr. Lotiirop 83 Pierce, Rev. John invitation to ordination of, at Brookline 47 member of councils 50, 65, 84 PiERPONT, Rev. John invitation to ordination of 67 pastor of Hollis Street Church ... 91 Pittsburg, Penn. invitation to ordination of Rufus A. Johnson as minister at 78 Pitts Street Chapel, Boston applies for loan of communion plate, and the application is granted .... 89 Plymouth invitation from First Church of, to ordi- nation of James Kendall 48 Poor Fund benefactors of 61 Popkin, John Snelling invitation to ordination of, at Federal Street 48 Porter, Rev. Eliphalet member of councils 5°! 57) 65 gives charge to Mr. Everett .... 59 preaches at Mr. Palfrey's ordination . 66 Portland, Maine invitation from Second Parish in, to an ordination 41 from Second Cong'l Society, to installa- tion of Rev. J. Whitman .... 86 Portsmouth, N. H. • North Church in, and South Church in, members of a council 5° invitation from South Church in, to or- dination of Nathan Parker .... 52 invitation from Third Cong'l Society to an installation at 74 Pownalborough, Maine invitation from East Parish of, to ordi- nation of A. Bradford 44 Prayer a day of, appointed 20 collection made on day of 21 day of, appointed for the recovery of Mr. (W.) Cooper 29 services on day of 29 a day of, for divine advice in choosing a pastor appointed, 1744 . . » . . 30 334 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Prince (Rev. Thomas) prays at service for Mr. (W.) Cooper's recovery 29 preaches after Mr. Cooper's death . . 30 gives right hand of fellowship at Mr. S. Cooper's ordination 37 Princeton invitation to ordination of Thomas Crafts at 39 delegates chosen to attend 40 invitation to ordination of Joseph Rus- sell at 47 Propounding members proposal to discontinue 43 requirements concerning, agreed on . . 51 Proprietors rights of, in calling a minister . ... 12 Joseph Allen, Abraham Blish, Thomas Brattle, Thomas Clark, Timothy Clark, John Colman, Thomas Cooper, Addington Davenport, Richard Dra- per, William Harris, William Keen, John Kilby, (James) Meers, (John) Mico, Stephen Minot, Thomas Pal- mer, (Zechariah) Tuthill . . . . 12 asked to apply certain sums to meeting arrears of ministers' salaries ... 16 reply of, to the proposal 17 proceedings of, in regard to settlement of Rev. Samuel K. Lothrop ... 80 Providence, R. I. meeting-house of, aided 23 money given for support of worship in . 24 Psalms to be sung in worship without lining , 5 use of a better version proposed . , . 14 use of a new version proposed .... 27 committee to consider the proposal . . 27 reports unfavorably 27 a more suitable person to set, desired . 27 report on proposed change of version made, and action on deferred ... 37 report accepted 38 vote to select a version of, and Tate & Brady's agreed on 38 Purchase Street Church, Boston disposed to relinquish preparatory lecture 89 Putnam, Rev. George, D.D. invitation to ordination of, at Roxbury . 77 minister of church in Roxbury, mem- ber of council 84 Quick, Rev. John sends testimonial to Mr. Colman . . 4 QUINCY invitation from church at, to installation of Rev. W. P. Lunt 86 Page Recommendation to Other Churches change of custom regarding .... 54 Relation of Experiences as a requirement for admission to the Lord's table be laid aside in this church, proposition of the Undertakers that 3 Rice, Henry dismissed 68 Richmond, Rev. Edward member of council 65 Ripley, George invitation to ordination of, at Purchase Street Church, Boston 72 Ripley, Rev. Samuel invitation to installation of 53 Rix, Joseph asks dismissal 27 RoBBiNS, Rev. Chandler, D.D. invitation to ordination of, at Second Church 79 offers prayer at installation of Mr. Lothrop 84 Roberts, John to look after the boys 7 Roger dismissed from looking after the boys , 21 Rogers, Jo to have use of ground behind church . 9 Rogers, Rev. Timothy sends testimonial to Mr. Colman . . 4 Rowland, William F. invitation to installation of, at Exeter, N. H 42 Roxbury Second Church in, Mr. John Bradford recommended to 39 invitation to ordination of John Flagg at Second Church in 70 of George Whitney at the same . 78 churches at, members of councils 50, 57, 65, 84 invitation of First Church in, to ordina- tion of George Putnam 77 Russell [? Joseph, Ezeki el, Benja- min] delegate to ordination (Thacher) at Lynn 45 (Green) at Maiden . 46 (Russell) at Princeton 47 Russell, Joseph Invitation to ordination of, at Princeton 47 Sacramental Lecture measures for securing increased attend- ance at 66 arrangements concerning 66 INDEX. 335 Page Sacramental Lecture — continued. churches (Federal Street and Church Green and First Church) invited to join with this in, and agree .... 69 Salary of Ministers in arrears, and measures to pay ... 16 deficiency in . . . 21 insufficiency of, and contribution voted for 24 collections to make up deficiency in 24, 25 increase of, allowance for .... 25 raised, 1742 28 Salem, Mass invitation of North Church at, to ordi- nation of J. Brazer 67 invitation (East Church) to installation of Rev. James Flint at invitation of Independent Cong'l Soc'y in Barton Square to installation of Rev. H. Colman at, declined . . 71 afterwards accepted 72 of the same to installation of Rev. James W. Thompson .... 78 North Church (Mr. Brazer's) a member of Council 84 Sargent, Samuel invitation to ordination of, at Woburn . 39 Savage, Thomas of committee to make a collection to de- fray expenses of Mr. (S.) Cooper's ordination 36 Scriptures expounding of, proposed 14 Second Church, Boston member of councils 5°! 65 invitation from, to ordination of Mr. H. Ware, Jr 61 of R. W. Emerson 75 of Chandler Robbins 79 Sewal, Maj. of committee for 1 739-40 27 Sewal, Rev. Joseph preaches at service for Mr. (W.) Cooper's recovery 29 after Mr. Cooper's death .... 30 at day of fasting for advice in choice of pastor 30 part to be assigned to, in Mr. (S.) Cooper's ordination 36 gives charge 37 Sew ALL, Rev. Edmund Q. invitation to installation of, at Amherst, N. H 70 Showers, Rev. John sends testimonial to Mr. Colman . . 4 Small-pox distress caused by 16 Page Smith, Rev. Mr. delegate to installation of Rev. S. West at HoUis Street Church 41 South Congregational Church, Boston invitation of, to ordination of M. I. Motte 73 Spademan, John exhorts, and joins in imposition of hands at Mr. Colman's ordination ... 4 Sparks, Jared invitation to ordination of, at Baltimore 67 delegate to ordination of A. Young, Jr., New South Church 70 Spooner, John P. chosen deacon, and declines .... 75 Sprague, Samuel asks dismissal 27 Steel, Capt. [Thomas] of a committee to find a house for Mr. (W.) Cooper 15 to consult with Proprietors about rais- ing arrears of ministers' salaries . 16 added to (Parish) Committee .... 18 chosen on committee i9) 21 Sterling invitation to ordination of D. Fosdick at 19 Storer, Dea. Ebenezer resigns, and resignation accepted ... 39 delegate to ordination at W'oburn . . 39 ordination (Crafts) at Princeton . . 40 (Rowland) at Exeter, N. H. . . 42 (Kirkland) at New South Church 45 (Thacher) at Lynn 45 (Green) at Maiden 46 (Pierce) at Brookline .... 47 (McKean) at Milton .... 48 (Popkin) at Federal Street . . 48 (Emerson) at First Church . . 48 (Tuckerman) at Chelsea ... 48 moderator of church meeting .... 49 committee to desire church to issue let- ters missive for Mr. Buckminster's ordination 50 to represent church at the same ...51 delegate to ordination of Charles Lowell 51 Stoughton invitation of First Church at, to ordina- tion of Z. Howard 40 Stoughton, Lt.-Gov. William acknowledgment to 5 Stretton, Rev. Richard prays, and joins in imposition of hands at Mr. Colman's ordination .... 4 33^ RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Subscriptions to finishing the church, to be repaid . . 8 to be made for support of worship . . 26 for Mr. (W.) Cooper's funeral ... 29 Sullivan, Judge and Governor James delegate to ordination of Z. Howard at Stoughton 40 to installation (Rev. J. Belknap) at Long Lane 40 to installation (Rev. S. West) at Hollis Street 41 ordination (Kirkland) at New South Church 45 (Russell) at Princeton 47 (Pierce) at Brookline 47 (Kendall) at Plymouth 48 (Tuckerman) at Chelsea 4S of committee to cause letters missive for ordination of Mr. Buckminster to be sent 50 to represent church at ordination . . 51 to ordination of Charles Lowell . . 51 to ordination of Joshua Huntington (Old South) 52 Sullivan, Richard clerk of parish 58 delegate to ordination of N. L. Frothing- ham 59 to ecc'l council at Hollis Street Church 91 Sumner, William R. delegate to ordination of C. F. Barnard and F. T. Gray 85 Sylvester, Rev. Matthew sends testimonial to Mr. Colman . . 4 Tate & Brady version of Psalms by, agreed upon for use 38 Tay, Mr. [Isaiah ?] of a committee to examine Deacon Kilby's accounts, and to treat with his creditors 16 Taylor, Rev. Christopher minister of church at London, in which Mr. Colman was ordained .... 4 minister at Bath 4 joins in Mr. Colman's ordination . . 4 Thacher, Rev. Peter installed as successor of Dr. Cooper . 39 Thacher, Peter Oxenbridge [un- doubtedly he originally wrote his name Peter.) chosen scribe of church, 1804 .... 49 deacon, and accepts 49 of committee to represent church at or- dination of Mr. Buckminster ... 51 Page Thacher, Peter O. — continued. writes to church recommending choice of additional deacons 52 moderator of church meetings . . . 54, 58 delegate to ordination of F. Parkman . 54 to sign letters missive and represent the church at Mr. Everett's ordination . 58 of committee of conference about Friday lecture 60 held church property after death of Deacon Grant 62 moves Mr. Palfrey's admission to the church 66 delegate to ordination of Mr. Brooks at Hingham 67 installation of J. Flint at Salem 68 reports on observance of monthly lecture 69 delegate to ordination of A. Hill at Worcester 72 of G. W. Burnap at Baltimore ... 73 resigns as deacon 76 thanks voted to, for services .... 76 of committee to nominate candidates for deacon 76 reports candidates 77 of committee to report statement of plate possessed by the church ... 77 a committee, with the deacons, to con- sider disposition of superfluous silver plate 82 signs letter to Mr. Lothrop .... 82 of committee to receive letter from Mr. Lothrop 83 delegate to ordination of W. G. Eliot . 85 discusses terms of admission to the church, and is of committee to consider the same 86 of committee with the deacons to appraise communion plate, and recommend dis- tribution of it 89 Thacher, Rev. Samuel Cooper invitation to ordination of 53 recommendation given to 54 reads letter of Mr. Everett .... 56 member of council 57 gives right hand of fellowship to Mr. Everett 59 Thanksgiving Day 1726, a collection taken 23 a collection on, voted, 1727 .... 23 taken, 1728, 1729 . . 24 Oct. 26, 1732 26 December, 1745 36 Thayer, Rev. Christopher Toppan acts as deacon 93 Thayer, Rev. Nathaniel, D.D. member of council 65 prays at Mr. Palfrey's ordination . . 66 INDEX. roi Pagh Thompson, Rev. James W., D.D. invitation to installation of, at Barton Square Church, Salem 78 TiLDEN delegate to installation (Holley) at Hollis Street Church 53 Treasurer William Harris, death of 18 Addington Davenport chosen .... 18 always to be a member of committee of congregation 18 Addington Davenport resigns ... 19 Thomas Palmer chosen 19 requested to procure books for church records 49 TUCKERMAN, REV. JOSEPH invitation to ordination of 48 member of councils 5°) 65 invitation to council at Chelsea to dismiss 72 TUTHILL, ZeCHARIAH joins in the covenant 4 subscribes to finish the Meeting-House 6 a Proprietor ..." 12 Twelfth Congregational Church invitation to ordination of Samuel Bar- rett at 70 Tyler, William assigned a pew 9 of a committee to raise subscription for the pastors 21 to distribute collection 25 to notify Mr. (S.) Cooper of his election t,-^ Undertakers of the Church invite, 19 July, 1699, Mr. Benjamin Colman to be minister 3 hold meeting to raise money to finish and furnish the church 5 choose pews 6 vote Mr. Colman an increase of salary . 10 Union Preparatory Lecture Dr. Channing's, First. Church Green, and Purchase Street are disposed to relinquish 89 Vinal, William suggested, nominated, invited to preach as candidate, accepts the invitation, and fulfils the engagement .... 31 is voted on 33 Wadsworth, Rev. Benjamin pastor First Church 16 Walker, Benjamin joins in the covenant 4 is chosen deacon, and resigns .... 4 Page Walker, Benjamin — continued. subscribes to finish the Meeting-House . 6 on committee to dispose of pews ... 7 committee to settle Everard's account . 8 absent from a committee meeting . . 8 chosen on parish committee .... 18 Walker, Rev. James, U.D. member of a council 65 minister of Charlestown 84 gives charge at installation of Mr. Lothrop 85 Waltham church in, member of a council ... 50 invitation from church in, to ordination of Mr. Ripley 53 Ware, Rev. Henry, D.D. invitation to ordination of Mr. Everett . 58 member of a council 65 pastor Chapel (University) Church at Cambridge 79, 84 Ware, Rev. Henry, Jr., D.D. invitation to ordination of, at Second Church 6i member of a council 65 delegate of University Church, Cam- bridge, to installation of Mr. Lothrop 84 Ware, William invitation to ordination of 68 Washington, D. C. invitation of First Unitarian Church of, to installation of Rev. Cazneau Palfrey 78 Watertown invitation to ordination of Convers Fran- cis at 67 Watts, Isaac hymns by, to be added to Tate & Brady's collection 38 Webb, Rev. John prays at service for Mr. (W.) Cooper's recovery • 29 prays at ordination of Mr. S. Cooper . 37 Webster, Hon. Daniel delegate to ordination of G. Ripley at Purchase Street Church 72 Welsted, Rev. [William] closed service of day of prayer for advice in choosing a pastor 30 Wendall (or Wendell), (Coll.) Jacob chosen on committee in place of Mr. Clark 19 rechosen 19, 21 of a committee to raise subscription for the pastors 21 of a committee to distribute collection . 25 rechosen on Parish Committee ... 26 43 338 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Wendall, Jacob — continued. of committee for 1736-37 26 for 1739-40 27 to notify Mr. S. Cooper of his elec- tion 33 to prepare appendix of hymns ... 38 Wendell, Judge Oliver (?) delegate to ordination of J. Paine, Jr., at Charlestown 40 at Second Parish, Portland . . 41 to ordination (Thacher) at Lynn 45 (Russell) at Princeton ... 47 (Pierce) at Brookline .... 47 (Popkin) at Federal Street . . 48 (Tuckerman) at Chelsea ... 48 of committee to represent church at ordi- nation of Mr. Buckminster . . , . 51 delegate to ordination of Mr. Lowell . 51 West, Rev. Samuel installation of, at HoUis Street Church . 41 member of a council 50 West Boston Church invitation from, to ordination of Charles Lowell 51 member of a council 5°) 57) 65 West Cambridge invitation from church at, to ordination of F. H. Hedge 75 Westminster Congregational So- ciety (Providence, R. L) invitation from, to ordination of F. A. Farley 74 Whalley, John suggested, nominated, invited to preach as candidate, accepts invitation and fulfils engagement 31 voted on 33 Page Whalley, Deacon withdraws from ordination of Mr. Ever- ett 58 Whitman, Rev. Jason invitation to installation of, at Portland 86 Whitney, Rev. George invitation to ordination of, at Roxbury 78 minister of Roxbury 84 Whitney, Rev. Peter minister at Quincy 86 WiLLARD, Rev. Samuel shares in the day of prayer 5 Williams, Rev. Daniel sends testimonial to Mr. Colman . . 4 Willis, Rev. Eliakim minister of Maiden 46 Williams, John A. invitation to ordination of, at East Bridge- water, declined 7^ Withington, Ebenezer delegate to ordination (Codman) at Dor- chester 53 (Abbott) at First Church .... 54 WiLLETT, Andrew to look after the boys 7 Woburn invitation to a council from church at . 39 Samuel Sargent, minister of .... 39 delegates chosen to council at .... 39 Wood supply of, voted to the pastor .... 9 Worcester invitation from Second Congregational Society, to ordination of Alonzo Hill 72 Worship psalms to be sung in, without lining . 5 first service of, in new meeting-house . 5 INDEX. PART II. [To Lists of Communicants, Baptisms, Marriages, afid Funerals ; ■Pages 95-314.] Com. after a name shows that it occurs in the list of communicants ; ia/., in the list of baptisms ; /at/t., moi/i., spon., that the person mentioned is father, mother, or sponsor of some child baptized ; viar., that it is that of one of the parties to a marriage; and/r(«., that it is in the list of funerals. Women married are indexed under both their single and married names, a reference to the married name in the former, and the single in the latter case, being placed in parentheses. Page Abalvant Bernard, mar. . . . 269 Polly [Kurk], Mrs., mar. 269 Abbot. See also Abbott Elizabeth, died . . . 27S Hannah (Spencer), mar. 235 John, mar 235 Rev., funeral of . 2S4 John H., Mr., child of, died 27S Mary, mar. {y. Wendell) 260 Sally, mar. (v. Porter) . 267 Samuel, mar 250 Sarah (Kneeland), mar. 250 Abbott. See also Abbot Alice G., mar. (v. Thomas) .... 298 Jane W. (Bourn), mar. 276 John S. C, mar. . . 276 Joseph, Mrs., moth. . 296 Margarette Cothuoy, bap 296 Ackers Charles E., mar. . . 298 Sarah J. (Grey), mar. . 298 ACKLEY Joseph, died .... 281 Adams Aaron, bap 198 Abigail, moth., 185, 186, 19S, 200, 204, 205, 207 Anna (Whitney), mar. 258 bap 166 moth. . 166, 16S, 170 Benj.jfath., 219,220, 225, 226 Caleb, died .... 292 Page Adams — continued. Caroline Hesselrigge, moth. . . 222, 223, 224 Caroline Walter, bap. . 220 Charles, bap. . . . 186 Charles Frederick, fath. 222, 223, 224 bap 222 Daniel, Dr., of Keene, N.H., mar. . . . 260 Dinah (Lord), mar. . 227 Eliah, bap 126 fath. . 126, 127, 128 Eliz., com 108 Eliza (Burley), mar. . 271 Elizabeth (Welsh), mar. 256 Emily Matilda, bap. . 223 Emmeline, bap. , . . 204 Frances Pickering, bap. 226 George Jotham, bap. . 215 Hani.ah, mar. (w. Foss) 252 Hannah B. (Turner), mar 275 Harriet, bap 200 mar. {v. Cutter) . 275 Helen Cordis, bap. . . 225 Horace Walter, bap. . 224 Hugh, Rev., fath. . . 135 Isaac, com 114 fath., 198, 200, 204, 205, 207 Jacob, bap. . . 170, 171 James, of Antigua, mar. 258 John, bap. . . 16S, 187 fath., 166, 185, 1S6, 187, 189, 190 mar 256 Page Adams — continued. Joseph, bap. . . 127, 128 fath. . 214, 215 mar. . . . 264 Kath. (Brigden), mar. 235 Louisa, moth. . 225, 226 Louisa Ann, bap. . . 219 moth. . . 219, 220 Lucina Mehetable, bap. 214 Lucy, com 116 bap 116 Lucy (Jackson), mar. . 264 Margaret Rand, mar. {v. Goodman) . . 275 Martha, bap 139 mar. {v. Clark) . 241 Mary, bap. . . 139, 207 mar. {v. Carrall) . 265 moth. . . 189, 190 Mary (Willings), mar. 251 Mary Ann, mar. (v. Pollard) .... 275 Mathevv, mar. . . . 235 moth. . . 214,215 Mr. Violet, serv. of, died 2S3 Nathl. F., mar. . . . 271 Priscilla, mar. {v. Royal) 237 Rebecca, bap. . 12S, 129 com. . . . 103 mar. {v. Royal) 236 moth. . . . 129 Sally, mar. {v. Johnson) 262 Sally Welch, bap. . . 205 com, . . loi Samuel, mar. . . . 251 Sarah (Apedale), mar. 260 340 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Adams — continued. Susanna, bap. . 185, 189 Susannah Morey, mar. {v. Weld) .... 270 William, mar. . • . 275 William Oliver, bap. . 190 Winborn, bap. . . . 135 Zechariah, mar. . . . 227 Adamson bap 186 Jane, moth. . . 186, 190 John, bap 190 Mh 190 Addington Elizabeth ( Wainwright), mar 233 Isaac Houb, mar. . . 233 Addison Agnes, com. . . .108 moth., 134, 137, 140, 141, 143, 145, 147 (Crown) mar. . . 230 Agnis, moth. . . . 131 Ehz., bap. . . 131, 141 James, bap. . . 137, 147 com 99 mar 230 Jane, bap 140 1 John, bap 145 Margaret, bap. . . . 134 Mary, bap 143 Rebekah, mar. . . . 243 Addleton Martha, bap. ... 182 Ager Rachel, mar. (v. Mor- ton) 252 Aires Elizabeth, mar. {v. Franklin) .... 232 Akeley Peggy, mar. {v. Harts- horn 265 Akely Margaret, died . . . 285 Alcock Eliz., mar. {v. Gamsbee) 234 Esther (Andrews), mar. 235 Page 4, 185 251 266 185 274 25 263 266 237 98 106 234 132 132 152 Milam, mar 235 . . 99 Mylam, com. . . Alcot fath Charles Bradford, bap. 207 Alden Lydia, com 109 moth. . I53( 155 Mary, bap 155 Zechariah, bap. . . . 153 Aldrich Elizabeth, bap. . Alexander Giles, fath. . . mar of Roxbury, mar. . Hannah, bap. . . . Jane, mar. {y. Smith) . Joseph, bap Mary, moth. . . i8 174 245 Page Cobbet, or Cobbett — contintted. Mary, bap 162 (Lee), mar. . .251 Nathaniel, bap. . 149, 153 com. ... 98 fath. 147,149, 151, 153)155.159,162 Coburn fath. . . . child of, bap. Eliz. (Scott), mar. Elizabeth, bap. . mar. {v. Cart ney) moth. John, bap. . . Mehitable, bap. . Seth, fath. . 170 mar. . . Cochran Elizabeth, bap. . John Bruce, com. died Mary, moth. . , Mary Ann, bap. com. Wm., died . . fath. . . Cock. See also Cocks and Cox Ann, bap. Eliz., mar. (v. Scottow) Hannah, bap. James, bap. . James, fath. . James, jr., fath. Cockcraft Grace, bap. . mar. (v. Kirk- man) . . Cockrill Eliz. (Andross), mar. Sam", mar. . . . Cocks. See also Cock and Cox Abigail, bap 159 Alice, moth 161 Hannah, bap. . . . i6t Lydia, mar. {v. Mes- senger) 246 Sarah, mar. {v. Lee) . 247 Susan H., mar. (f. Holt) 272 Thomas, fath. . . . 159 CODMAN moth. . . ... 191 Abigail, com. . . . 117 220 119 2S7 6, 220 216 119 2S7 6, 220 153 240 150 156 156 153 135 234 242 242 Page CoDMAN — continued. Anne McAdam, died . 292 Catherine, moth. . . 198 Margret,bap. 198 Chas. Russell, bap. . 191 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 203 Frances Colden, died . 292 Francis, bap. . . . 201 George, bap 196 John, fath., 191, 196, 198, 199, 201, 203, 207 hu 115 com 116 Jr., com. . , . 114 Katherine, com. . . . 115 moth. 196, 199, 20 r, 203, 207 Mary Ann, bap. . . . 207 Parnell, com 117 Richard, died . . . 279 Wm. Amory, bap. . . 199 Codner Percy, mar 241 Sarah (Hide), mar. . 241 Coffen, or Coffin Ann, com 107 Anna, bap. . . 161, 161 mar. {v. Caruthers) 249 Maria, bap. . . 226 Benja., bap 167 Dorcas, bap 157 mar. (z;. Gardiner) 251 Eliza S., mar. (v. Cook) 277 (f. Cook) 297 Symmes, bap. 218 Gayer, bap. ... 156 fath. . 156, 157, 167 Gear, fath 173 George W., fath. 216, 218, 218, 220, 224, 226 Washington, bap., com. 122 Winthrop, bap. . 218 Hannah Caswell (Ser- vey), mar 268 Henry Peleg, bap. . . 224 Katharine, bap. . . . 169 Mary, bap 173 moth 226 Phillips, bap. . 216 W., moth., 216, 21S, 218, 220, 224 Mr 254 Nancy (Dozzens), mar. 261 mar. (v. Ganzlar) 274 Peleg, Hon., died . . 278 Rebecca, bap. . . . 156 moth., 160, 161 INDEX. 357 Page CoFFEN, or Coffin — continued. Rebeckah, moth. . . 173 Rebekah, moth. . 161, 169 Robert, mar 261 Samuel, mar. . . . 268 Ursula, bap 160 mar. {v. Clark) 24S \Vm. Spooner, bap. • 220 CoiT Daniel, com 97 Deborah, moth. . . . 172 Eliz. bap 164 (Ricks), mar. . . 244 Elizab., mar. {y. In- graham) .... 247 Elizabeth, bap. . • . 150 Job, bap 137 com 100 fath., 135, 137, 140, 143, 145, 148,150,153,154 John, bap 140 Joseph, bap. . . 143, 172 fath. . 172, 173 Ricks, bap. . 169 Lydia, bap. . 148, 153, 168 Mary, bap. . . 1 56, 173 Nanny, bap 145 mar. (y. Scott) 247 Nath., fath. . 163, 164, 166, 168, 169 Nathaniel, bap. . 135, 163 com. . . . 100 mar. . . . 244 William, bap. ... 154 COJOE Katharine, mar. . . . 236 COLBURN James, mar 273 Mary (Shelton), mar. . 273 COLCORD Henrietta, mar. (». Lavers) 298 Cole Abigail, com. . , . 112 Ann (Farnham), mar. . 259 Charles, fath, . 195, 196 Edward, fath. . . . 197 mar. . . . 259 Elisha, fath 188 mar 253 Eliza Debuke, bap. . 197 Joseph Maverick, bap. 196 Merc)', moth. . . . 18S (Turner), mar. . 253 Nancy, moth. . . . 197 (Brown), mar. . 268 Samuel Eliot, bap. . . 195 Pagb Cole — continued. Sarah, bap 188 Thomas, mar. . . . 268 Coleman. See also COLMAN Benj., fath 175 Hannah, moth. . . . 175 Isabella, bap. . . . 175 Matilda G., mar. {». Kirby) 276 Coles Elizabeth Champlin, bap 222 Isaac U., fath. . . . 222 Underbill, mar. . 274 Margaret C, mar. (y. Gorham) .... 275 Martha E., o. c. moth. 222 Ellery (Jones), mar. 274 Collier Benjamin Tames, bap. 207 Esther, bap 203 Hope, com 115 moth., 200, 203, 204, 207 (James), mar. . . 261 Mary (Lewis), mar. . 249 Rebecca Kinney, bap. . 204 Samuel, of Marblehead, mar 249 Sarah, bap 200 William, bap. . . . 200 fath.,0. c, 200,203, 204, 207 mar. . . . 261 Collins, or Collings Damaris, moth. . 148, 151 Dorcas, o. c 131 bap. . 131, 133 moth. . 131, 133 Eliza, bap 199 George, bap. . . 163, 166 Hannah, mar. (!». Cook) 231 James, bap 148 Jane, com 105 Josiah, bap 131 Mary, moth. . 163, 166, 202 Mercy, moth. . 198, 199 Sarah, bap 198 Thomas, bap. . . . 151 Wm., bap 198 fath. . 198, 199, 202 William Hookway, bap. 202 COLLIS Abigail, com. . . . 105 moth. . . . 136 Jane (Mecom), mar. . 254 John, bap 136 Peter, mar 254 Pagb CoLMAN. See also Coleman Abigail, bap. . . . 135 Ann, bap. . . . 124, 172 com 104 Benja., bap. . . 126, 166 fath. . . 166, 172 Benjamin, bap., 130, 163, 163, ^n fath., 126, 12S, 135, 173, '75 mar 244 Deborah, bap. . . . 160 com. . . . no moth. . 160, 161 Edward, mar. . . . 232 Eliz., bap 127 moth. . 183, 187, 189 Elizabeth, moth. . . 185 Fear, moth 192 Hannah, bap. . . . 167 mar. (y. Plaistead) 228 moth., 163, 166, 167, i68, 169, 170, 172, 173, 175 Hannah (Pemberton), mar 244 Isaac, bap 189 fath., 183, 185,187, T89 James, bap 168 Jane, bap 128 com 102 mar. (y. Turrell) 241 John 245 bap. . . 126, 160 com 95 fath., 124, 126, 127, 128, 129. 130, 133 mar 243 Judith, bap. . . 128, 161 com 102 mar. (y. Bultinch) 240 Lydia (Checkley), mar. 231 Mary, bap 169 mar. (f. Prescott) 247 Mehitable( Hands), mar. 232 Mr., owner of James . 101 PhcEbe, bap 175 Sarah, bap., 129, 159, 185, 187 com 102 mar. (y. Bant) . 227 mar. (z/. Chardon) 243 moth., 159, 160, 162, 163, 167 (Pain), mar. . . 243 Temperance, bap. . . 1S3 William, bap., 133, 162, 167, 170, 192 fath. . . . 192 mar. . . . 231 358 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page COLTON Eliz., moth 155 Mary, bap 155 COLTSON Elizabeth, mar. {v. Por- ter) 264 Combs James, mar 235 Mary (Battles), mar. . 235 COMEE Mary, mar. {v. Cox) . 266 CONANT Lydia, com 118 Nancy, mar. {v. War- ren) 264 CONDY Jer., Rev., mar, . • 245 Mrs., died .... 279 Sarah (Drowne), mar. 245 Coney John, com 97 Conning Mary, bap 201 Connor Margaret, com. . . . 113 CONVERSS Patience, mar. {v. Clark), 241 Cook. See also Cooke Barnabas, bap. . . . 169 Catherine Amelia (Lang- don), mar 272 Elisha, Jr., o. c. . . 131 fath. . . 131 Eliza, moth 190 ElizaS. (Coffin), mar.,277,297 Ephraim, mar. . . . 248 George E., mar. 277, 297 Hannah, bap. . . . 190 mar. {v. Rouse) 261 (Collings), mar. 231 line, bap. . . 131, 164 com 112 John, fath. ..... 190 mar 254 Martha CJii>jward), mar. 254 T\Tiary, bap 128 Mercy, com 113 moth. . . . 169 (Hale), mar. . : Samuel, mar. . . . 272 William, mar. . . . 231 Cooke. See also Cook Polly (White), mar. . 268 Sarah (Lyon), mar. . 271 Seth B., mar. ... 271 Thomas, mar. . . . 268 Page COOKSON Obadiah, com. . . . 100 Coolidge, or Coolige A. S., moth., 216, 217, 218, 220, 222 Charles, bap. . . . 206 Charlotte Augusta, bap. 2 1 8 com. 295 mar. v. (Greene) 297 mar. v. (Green) 277 Cornelius, mar. . . . 269 Ehzabeth, moth. . . 190 Frederick Wm., bap. . 217 Grace Sanderson, bap. 222 John, bap 134 fath. . . 134, 135 Jonas, fath. . . 205, 206 Joseph, bap. . . . 135 fath. . . . 190 Julia Ann Sanderson, mar, {v. Wainwright) 276 Juliann Sanderson, bap. 216 Margret, mar. {v. Cop) 255 Mary Sanderson, bap. 220 com. 295 Nancy, bap 190 S(amuel) F., com. . . 120 fath., 216, 217, 218, 220, 222 Samuel Barron, bap. . 205 Sarah, moth. . . 205, 206 (Grant), mar. . 269 CoOLY Daniel, mar 297 Mrs., died .... 299 Sarah (Hill), mar. . . 297 Coome Sally, mar. (t/. Williams) 270 Cooper Abigail (Berry), mar. . 230 Betsey (Savage), mar. . 260 Cath. (Wendell), mar. . 246 Edward, mar. . . . 230 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 176 mar. {v. Rice) 255 English, bap. 201 George, bap 205 Hannah, bap. . 151, 155 com. . . . 105 Jacob, mar 254 Jerusha, mar. {v. Brin- ley) 272 John, bap. . . 179, 183 of Machias, mar. 260 Judith, bap. . 170, 174, 196 com 106 mar. (v. Johonnot) 252 {v. Sever) . 248 ( Bulfinch), mar. 246 Page Cooper — contimied. Katherine, bap. . 171, 1S5 moth., 169, 171, 172, 174,176,176, 17S, 179, 180, iSi, 183, 185 Wendell, bap. . 195, 195 Katy, mar. (v. Dixon) . 268 Margret, moth., 195, 195, 196, 199, 203, 205 (Phillips), mar. 257 Mary, bap 167 com 113 mar. {v. Bradford) 260 (v, Snoman) 232 moth 167 (Tileston), mar. 254 Mehit. {v. Sergeant), mar 229 Mehitabel, bap. . . . 144 moth. . , 127 Mehitabell, com. . . 102 Mehitibel, bap. . . . 125 Priscilla, com. . . . 114 moth. 196, 197, 198, 201 Richard, fath. . . . 196 Wibird, com. . 114 bap. . 180 fath., 197, 198, 201 Samuel, bap., 146, 176, 178, 198, 203 com. . . . loi died . . . 281 fath., 195, 195, 196, 199, 203, 205 mar. . . . 257 Rev., 170, mar. 246 Sarah, bap 172 mar. {v. Egbear) 230 Thomas, bap. . 127, 149 com. ... 95 fath. . . . 125 William, bap. 143, i6g, 197 com. ... 96 died ... 281 Rev., fath., 144, 146, 149. i5i> 155 fath., 143, 172, 174, 176, 178, 179, i8o, iSi, 183, 185 mar. . . . 246 Phillips, bap., 196, 199 Cop John, mar 255 Margret (Coolidge), mar. 255 COPELAND died . 294 INDEX. 359 Page COPELY Mr 255 Corbet Ann, mar. {v. Frisley) 258 CORDWELL Esther (Reed), mar. . 254 William, mar, . . . 254 CORLEY Sarah, mar. {v. George) 232 Cornish Ebenezer, com. ... 96 CORNWELL Abraham, fath. . . . 142 Bethia, bap 142 CORTHEL Hosea, mar 271 Susan (Grouard), mar. 271 CORWI.V Mary Ann (Dolan), mar. 297 William, mar. . . . 297 CORWITHIN Francis, com. . • . 105 COTES Hannah, bap. . . • 163 com. . . . Ill Sarah, com 112 mar. (v. Neale) 246 COTTING Anne Sigourney, com. 295 Ellas, bap., 149, com., 98 John, bap 153 Mary (Chauntrel), mar. 241 Nicholas, fath. . 149, 153 mar. . . . 241 Cotton Ann, com 107 Dudley, bap. . . . 187 Grizzel, bap. . . . 176 Grizzle, bap. . . . iSi Hannah, moth. . . . 134 John, bap 189 fath.,176, iSo, iSi, 183, 1S5, 1S6, 187, 1S9 mar 248 Mary, bap, . . . . iSo mar. (v. Whiting) 232 moth., 176, 180, 183, 185, 186, 187, 189 (Dudley), mar. . 248 Roland, bap 185 Sarah, bap 134 Silvester, bap. . . . 1S6 Solomon, mar. . . . 273 Susan Gee (Davis), mar. 273 William Dudley, bap. . 1S3 COULTEN Anna, bap 157 Eliz., moth 157 Page no 159 159 ^33 99 153 153. 155 155 109 157 147 136 104 129 12S 147 13S ) 247 164 148 COULTON Eliz., com. . . moth. . . Rebekah, bap. . Courser Anna, bap. . . Sarah, moth. . . COWDREY Matthias, com. . Cow DRY Isaac, bap. . . fath. . . Matthias, bap. . Susana, com. William, bap. COWEL Benjamin, bap. . Christopher, bap. Eliz., bap. . . Elizabeth, com. . Hannah, bap. John, bap. . . Joseph, bap. . . Mary, bap. . . mar. (v Simpson Mrs., owner of Cuffee Rebekah, bap. . . Richard, bap., loi, com., 141 Sarah, bap 143 William, bap . . 1311 ^33 fath., 128, 129, 131, 133.136,138,141, 143, 147, 148, 151 Cow ELL widow, owner of Cuffee 101 COWEN Elizabeth, mar. (v. Dug- gan) 261 William, mar. . . . 264 Rhoda (Bryant), mar. . 264 Cowing Daniel, mar 259 Sally (Rand), mar. . 259 Cox Abigail, mar. (v. Per- kins) 252 Alice, bap 140 com 105 moth 152 Ann, bap 149 com 113 Benja., bap 152 Deborah (Dwelly), mar. 250 Eliz., moth. . . . 148, 155 (Gaily), mar. . 242 Elizabeth, com. . . . 107 Hannah, com. . . . 113 Page Cox — contintied. James, bap. . . . 140, 158 fath. 140, 142, 143 146, 149, 157 Jesse, mar 263 John, bap 158 mar. . 242, 250, 266 Joseph, bap 155 Lydia, bap 143 Mrs 254 Mary, bap 156 mar. (y. Stollard) 229 (Comee), mar. . 266 Rebekah, bap. . . . 157 mar. (f. Wakefield) 252 Samuel, bap. . . 142, 146 Sarah, bap 148 com. . . . 112, 113 Susanna (Sumner) . . 263 Thomas, bap. . . . 154 fath. . . 154, 159 Craft Eliz., moth 160 Elizabeth, com. . . . 109 Jonathan, bap. . . . 160 Crafts Frances (Gore), mar. . 251 Thomas, mar. . , . 251 Craige Elizabeth, mar. {v. Fos- ter) 252 Craighed Mr 105 Craiton Ann, bap 134 com 104 Cranch Nancy (Greenleaf), mar. 263 William, of Haverhill, mar 263 Cranston James, mar 235 Lydia (Gridly), mar. . 235 Crawford Eliz., bap., 142, com., 106 Crease Aaron, bap 202 Eliza Thayer, bap. . . 204 Elizabeth, moth., 196, 197, 19S, 200, 202, 204, 206, 20S (Warden), mar. . . . 258 Mary Brooks, bap. . . 206 Richard, bap. . . . 198 Sam', bap 196 Samuel, fath., o. c. 196, 197, 198, 200, 202, 204,206, 208 Samuel, mar 258 360 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IxN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page C REASE — continued. Sarah, bap 20S Mills, bap. . , 200 William Warden, bap. 197 Creek Arthur, bap 133 Mary, moth 133 Sarah, mar. {v. Mallet) 234 Creesy Joseph, com .... 96 Crehore Mr., of Dorchester, son of, died 282 Crocker Matthias, mar. . . . 262 Rebecca(Volen tine), mar. 262 Crocket Adam, mar 236 Hannah (Munden), mar. 236 Cromartie Ann, com. . . . 114, 116 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 174 moth., 174, 177, 178, iSo Widow, died . 2S0 James, bap 177 fath. , 177, 178, 180 Jane, bap 17S Lilly, bap 180 Crosby Abigail (Jenkins), mar. 26S Widow, died. . 2S3 died 299 Jacob, mar 266 Mr 254 PhcEbe (Snow), mar. . 266 Ziba, mar 26S Cross Alice, moth 192 John, mar 267 Joseph, fath. . . . 192 mar 261 Mary, mar. {v. Jarvis) 239 Margret (Pitcher), mar. 267 Sally (Edson), mar. . 261 William, bap. . . . 192 Crossen Eunice, mar. {y, Roy) 271 Crosset child, bap. . . , George Abbot, bap. moth., o. c. Robert, fath., 0. c. 209, 212 Croswell Rebecca Holmes, bap., 212 209 209 mar. {v. Bowker) 201 267 Page Crouch Benj., bap. . . 142, 163 David, bap. . . 138, 140 fath., 140, 142, 144 146, 150 Jonathan, bap. . . . 150 Joseph, bap. . . 13S, 162 fath., 162,163, 166, 169 Mary, bap 166 Sarah, bap 169 Susanna, bap. . 139, 146 William, bap. . . . 144 Crown Agnes, bap 126 mar. {v. Addison) 230 Rebecca, bap. . . . 132 Crowninshield Anna Caspar, mar. {v. Warren) . . 277, 297 Mary, mar. {v. Mifflin) 276 CuFFEE Serv. of Widow Cowel, bap., 164, com. CUFFY bap 158 Cull Eliz., mar. {y. Prescot) 243 (Bulkley), mar. . 242 Thomas, mar. . . . 242 Cumber Jonathan, child of, died 280 mar. . . . 269 Rebecca Hill (Mitchal), mar 269 CUMMINGS Charles A., mar. . . 298 Margaret (Kimball), mar. 298 CUMPSTON Ann (Newman), mar. . 245 John, mar 245 Cunningham Alice (Haskell), mar. . 277 Ann, bap 149 moth. . 146, 149, 151 (Boucher), mar. . 239 Archbald, bap. . . . 185 fath., 184, 187, 189 Archibald, fath. . . . 185 mar. . . . 252 Ebenezer, bap. . . , 161 Eliz. bap 158 moth. . 157, 158, 161 Eupheme, bap. . . . 1S4 George, bap 187 John, mar 277 Joseph, bap. , . 157, 168 Lewis, bap 189 . Pagb Cunningham — continued. Lydea, moth. . 1S5, 187 (Scott), mar. . 252 Nathanael, bap. . . . 146 Nath'l, mar 239 Robert, com., 100, fath., 168 Ruth, bap 151 Currier Geoffry, fath. . . . 172 Jefferey, mar. . . . 247 Mary, bap 172 (Hutchins), mar. 247 Sarah, bap 174 moth. . . . 174 Curtis, or Curtiss Anna, bap 175 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 176 Emily Matilda (Hull), mar 273 Frances Louisa, mar. {v. Mixter) . . . 297 George Brownsden, bap. 195 Isaac, mar 266 Martha, bap. . , . 176 mar. {z<. Clarke) 255 moth. . 175, 179 Mary, mar. (y. Fenno) 255 (y. Stutson) 2^0 Augusta, bap. . 226 M., mar. {y. Wil- son) . . 277, 297 Mercy, moth. . . . 182 moth. . 194, 195, 226 Nathaniel, Jr., mar. . 273 Obadiah, fath., 175, 176, 177, 179, 182 Samuel, bap. . . . 194 fath. . 194, 195 Mrs., died . 299 Sally (Brown), mar. . 266 Sarah, bap 179 mar. (y. Gould) 255 mar. {v. Ridgway) 249 Ann, mar. {y. Haven) 275 (Ridgeway), mar. 249 S. S., fath 226 Thomas, bap. , 177, 182 Timothy, mar. . . . 249 CUSHING Anna Elizabeth, bap. . 209 Louisa, bap. . . 226 Charles, bap. . . . 193 fath., o. c.,209, 212, 214 Wm., bap. , 214 Deborah, com. . . . 102 (Fletcher),mar. 247 Edward, bap. . . . 149 Elizabeth, mar. . . . 236 INDEX. 361 Page C USHING — continued. George Frederick, died 2SS Hannah, com, ... 107 mar. {v. Hill) 241 Jacob Sheaf e, bap. . . 212 John, bap 152 com 9^ fath., 150, 152, 190, 192, 193 Corgill, bap. . . 226 Jonathan, com. ... 98 Jonathan, Rev., mar. . 236 Kath. (Kilby), mar. . 237 Lucy, mar. {v. Sheafe) 270 moth 191 Margaret, mar. {v. Fletcher) .... 236 Martha, Mrs., com. . 295 Ann, moth., o.c, 225, 226, 226 Mary, bap 150 mar. (Steel) . 244 Nancy, mar. {v. Bullard) 276 moth., 209, 212, 214 Olive, moth. . 190, 192, 193 Samuel White, bap. . 190 Sarah, bap 150 B., died . . • : Eliza Sigourney, bap. . . . 225 Stephen, mar. ... 237 Thomas, bap. . • . 146 com. ... 96 fath., 146, 149, 150 mar. . . . 247 Jr., com. . . 96 fath. . . 191 John Hancock, bap. . . 191 Parkman, fath., o.c, 225,226,226 • . 192 William, bap. CUTBURT Kath., mar. (v. Lerow) 22S Cutler Abigail, bap. . - . 15S mar. {v. Whitney) 249 David, bap 161 com 98 fath.,156,158,161,162, 165, 166, 167, 16S, 170, 172, 173, 174 Elizabeth, bap. ... 167 James, mar 261 Jonathan, bap. . . . 166 Joseph, bap. . . . • 172 Lydia, bap. . . 156, 162 com 109 moth.. 166, 167, 172 Page C UTLER — continued. Mary, bap. . . 165, 168 Mehitabell (Sullivan), mar 261 Samuel, bap. . 170, 174 Sarah, bap. . . . . 173 Cutter George, mar. . . . 275 Harriet (Adams), mar. 275 Cutting Elias, fath. . . 144, 145 Eliz., bap 144 Mary, bap 145 Dafform Mary, mar. {v, Moffat) 235 Dakers Jane, bap 190 moth igo Thomas, fath. . , . 190 Dakin Jane, died 280 Dale Eben, died .... 300 Wm. B., died . . . 300 Dall Eliz., moth., 175, iSi, 182 Elizabeth, bap. . . . James, bap 175 John, bap Joseph, bap 174 Sarah, bap 177 William, bap. . . . 175 fath., 174, 175, 175 177, 181, 182 Dalton Elizabeth (Tilden), mar. 272 James, mar 272 Mary A., fun. of . • 291 Phoebe, mar. {v. Harris) 263 Rosanna (Haven), mar. 265 Scipio, mar 265 ... 300 Page Danforth — continued. Rachel, com. . . . 109 mar. {v. Pitson) 244 Rhoda (Woods), mar. . 269 Ruth, moth 204 Sukey, bap 204 Thomas, bap. . . . 204 com. ... 97 Daniel Dr. Bulfinch, master, bap., fath. . 164 Darby Martha, bap. . . 129, 131 com. . . . 106 Robert, bap 138 fath., o. c. 131, 138 Darling Clarissa (Williams), mar. 270 Wm., died Dana George, fath. . . . 226 Lydea, bap 175 moth. ... 175 Richard, fath. . . . 175 Samuel Bradford, bap. 226 Sarah, moth. . . . 226 Dandy Sarah, mar. {v. Otis) . 240 Danforth Abigail, bap 204 Josiah, bap 204 fath 204 mar 269 46 Mary, died .... 291 Ann, child of Thomas, died 294 Sarah, com 123 A., died ... 294 Thomas, mar. . . . 270 William Blake, died . 291 Darrel Mildred, mar. {v. Stan- brige) 233 Davenport Abiah, bap 152 Addington, bap. . 125, 166 com. . . 95 fath., 125, 125, 126, 126, 128, 129, 132, 134 Ann, bap 162 Charles Ward, bap. Dorcas, bap. . . . mar. {v. Stick ney) . . Eleazer, bap., 129, 13 Elijah, fath. . . . Eliz., bap. . . . com Ill mar. {v. Dudley) 238 Elizabeth bap. . . . 126 com. . . . 102 Esther, bap 167 George, bap 163 Grace, com 105 James, bap 157 com 97 fath., 137, 138, 141, 144,145,147,149,152, 155,156,157,160,162, 163, 166, 167, 169 mar 238 212 145 =47 212 144 362 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Daven r o r r — continued. Jane, bap 169 Joanna, com. . • . iiS John, bap. • . . 125, 126 com 9S Josiah, bap 149 Lucy, bap. . . . 134, 156 com 109 mar. (:■. Turell) 243 Marri.-ina, mar. (:'. Mann) 276 Mary, bap 147 Mr 167 Rebecca, bap. . • . 12S Rebekah, bap. . . . 160 Ruthy, died .... 2S0 Sarah, bap. . . . 137, 141 com 107 (Franklin), mar. 23S Susan, com iiS moth. . . . 212 William, bap. . . . 13S Zerviah, com. . . . 105 David bap 1 58 Scipio, fath 16S Davidson Francis, fath. . . . 296 Maria, moth 296 Mary, died .... 291 William Hale, bap. . 296 Davie Elizabeth, bap. . . . 136 Humphrey, fath. . . 136 Davies Charles, fath., o. c, 204, 206, 207 ; mar. . . . 267 Clarissa, bap. . , . 206 Elizabeth Call, bap. . 207 Hannah, moth., 204, 206, 207 (Call), mar. . 267 Joshua Gee, bap. . . 205 fath., 203, 205, 206 ; mar. . . 264 Lucy, moth. . 203, 205, 206 Richards, bap. . 203 (Richards), mar. 264 Susanna Gee, bap. 204, 206 Davis Adelia M., mar. (y. Harrington) . . . 276 Benjamin, Ixip. . . . 151 com. ... 95 mar. . . . 24S Betsy, mar. (r. Jewell) 262 Caleb, mar 250 Catharine, Mrs., died . 27S Charles, fath. . 117,208 Danforth, mar. . . . 274 Page Davis — continued. Edward, bap. 152, 176, 1S7 Eliz., bap 161 com Ill mar. (j'. Minot) . 251 mar. {v. Stoddard) 229 Eliza, moth. 166, 182, 1S2 Eliz.abetli, bap. . . . 17S mar. (y. Goodhue) 255 moth., 174, 176,177,178, 179, 180, 182, 182, 185 Mrs., mar. {v. Batchelder) 277, 297 (Gregory), mar. . 270 (Pliillips), mar. . 24S Richards, bap. . 212 George, bap 203 Hannah, bap. . . . 144 com. 107, III, 117 mar. {v. Gaus- lar) ... 274 (f. Stearns) . 273 Richards, bap. 209 (Ruggles), mar. 250 Henry, bap iSo Isaac, bap 1S2 Ithamar, mar. . . . 270 John, bap 174 Joseph, com. ... 99 fath. . 152, 209 Joshua G., fath. . . 212 Josiah, bap 1S2 Julia, funeral of . . 288 Lois, died .... 2S6 Lucy, mar. (-'. Watts) 266 Lydia (Mellish), mar, 274 Margaret, com. . . . iii (Bell), mar, 270 Maria, bap 191 mar 272 Mary, mar. (:'. Bates) . 267 moth. . . 184, 1S7 Mehetabel, bap. . . 179 moth., 191, 203, 209, 212 Mr., died 2S2 Nathaniel, mar. . . . 26S Call, bap. . 20S Patty (Oliver), mar. . 26S Polly, bap 184 mar. (-•. Carnes) 25S Greenleaf, mar. {i>. Harris) . 259 Richard, bap. . . . 156 Sarah, bap. . 141,147,152 mar. {v. Bill) . 230 Chardon (Pitts), mar, 272 Solomon, bap. , . . 166 fath., 174, 176, 177, 178, 179, iSo, 182, 1S2, 1S5 Pack Davis — continued. Susan Gee, mar. {y. Cotton) .... 273 Susanna", com. . . . 110 Thomas, bap. . . . 177 fath. . . . 203 William, bap. . 148, 185 com. ... 99 fath., 141, 144, 147, 14S, 151, 152, 156, 161, 1S4, 187, 191 mar. . . . 270 Wm 255 Davise Mary, mar. {y. Barnes) 234 Dawes, or Daws Anna, mar. [v. Pierce) 254 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 1S9 mar. {v. French) 262 Isaac, bap 1S2 Israel, fath., 0. c. . . 212 P., child of, died 281 mar. . . , 269 Putnam, bap. . 190 Lydea (Gendell), mar, 263 Mai-y, mar, {v. Law- rence) . . 253 moth. . 1S9, 212 (Green), mar. . 269 Elizabeth, bap. 21a Olive, moth 182 Sarah, mar, (f. Gold- thwait) .... 249 mar. (:•. Hammond) 262 moth. . . 175, 175 child of . . . . 175 Story, fath. . . 175, 1 75 Susanna, mar. {v. Lau- man) 254 Thomas, bap. . . . 175 William, fath. 1S2, 189, 190 Jr., mar. . . 263 Dawson James, mar 257 Nabby(Hunnewell),mar. 257 Dean Keziah, died .... 293 Deane Kezia, com 114 Dearborn Greenleaf, mar. . . . 273 Pamela Augusta Sophia, bap 122 com 122 (Oilman), mar. 273 Sarah Bowdoin, wid. of the Hon. Benjamin . 290 INDEX. 3^3 Page Debuke Jemima, mar. (v. Wins- low) 254 Decosta Ruth, mar. (v. Mackay) 254 Delano John, o. c 197 Delarock Eliz., bap. . . 124, 124 mar. (v. Ghrimes) 237 moth. . . 124, 125 Jane, bap 124 William, bap. ... 125 Deleno Betsey, bap 197 moth., 197, 199, 201, 205 child of, bap. . . 201 (Devrick), mar. . 260 John, bap 199 fath., 197, 199, 201, 205 mar 260 William, bap. . . . 205 Mary, bap 165 moth 165 Demeritt Granville J.,of Brighton, mar 274 Ruth (Gardner), mar. 274 Deming Charles, fath. 141, 146, 149 Eliz., bap 141 Isaac, bap 146 Jonathan, bap. . . . 144 Sarah, bap 142 moth. . 142, 144 F., mar. {v. Lock- wood) 276 William, bap. . . . 149 Denio Florence, mar. {v. Saw- yer) 298 Den NET Eliz., com 109 Dennie Abigail, com. . . . 112 moth . 161, 165 Benjamin Colman, bap. 182 Betsey, mar. (v. Bolton) 264 Ebenezer T., mar. . . 268 Turell, bap. . 185 .Elizab. (Jackson), mar. 250 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 186 moth., 180, 182, 185, 186, 187 Jacob, bap 169 Page Den N I E — continued. Jane, bap 165 Jolm, bap. . . 161, 167 com loi fatii., 171, 180, 182, 185, 186, 187 mar. . . 245, 250 Jr., fath. . 167, 169 owner of Cezar . loi Joseph, bap 185 fath. ... 185 Mary, moth 185 Sarah, bap. . 171, 180, 187 moth 171 (Moreton), mar. 268 (Wendell), mar. 245 Widow, died . 283 Dennis Joseph, mar 258 Josiah, com 97 Rebecca (Brownsden), mar 258 Dennison Jack, mar 263 Peggy (Homes), mar. , 263 Denny Sarah, com 113 Denys George, bap 197 Deparr John, mar 258 Peggy (Dunlap), mar. 258 Derby Elizabeth (Shane), mar. 275 Harriet Brown, com. . 121 Lucy Ann, com. . . 121 mar. {v. Cat- lin) . . 275 Nathan, mar. . . . 275 Derham mar 227 Desaign Ann, bap 161 com Ill Deshon Moses, com 98 DE Tassy Hannah (Minot). mar. 258 James Henry Langier, mar 258 DE VERMONNErr John, bap 193 fath 193 Sarah, moth. ... 193 Pacb DE ViLLCHANT Jane Eliza (Walker), mar 262 Jean Baptiste Elizabeth Lallemant, mar. . . 262 Dkvrick Betsy, mar. (v. Deleno) 260 Dexter Augusta, moth. . . . 219 Catharine, com. . . 117 Elizabeth, com. . . 117 moth., o. c. 220 Franklin, fath., o. c. . 220 Hannah, died . . . 300 H., com. . . 119 John N. L., mar. . . 275 Mary L. (Kingsbury), mar 275 Samuel, bus. . . . 117 fath. . . . 219 Prevost, bap. . 219 William Prescott, bap. 220 Dick mar 246 Dickinson Watson, of Columbia, Conn., died . . . 293 Dickson Anna, bap 117 com 117 Dill Mary, com 109 Nancy, mar. {v. Dodge) 272 DiLLAWAY Mary (Minot), mar. . 265 Mrs., died .... 283 Samuel, Sen'r, mar. . 265 DiMMOCK Andrew, mar. . . . 298 Susan M.( Merrill), mar. 298 Dinah (Mr. Bordman, master), bap 164 negro, bap 170 com 113 mar 251 servant to Cap. Brad- ford, bap 184 moth. . 168, 172 Dix Elizabeth, com. . . . ic6 Patience, mar, (v. Kel- ley) 272 Samuel, com. ... 99 DiXON George, mar. . . . 268 364 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Dixon — continued. Katy (Cooper), mar. • 268 Sukey, mar. {v. Whit- well) 265 DiXWELL John, bap 172 com loi fath. . 168, 171, 172 Mary, bap. . . 168, 171 mar. (y. Byles) . 248 moth 171 DOBELL Moses, mar 246 Sarah (Suitor), mar. . 246 DOBLE Lucy (Gray), mar. . . 265 William John Benger, of Philadelphia, mar. 265 DOBSON Sarah, died .... 286 DOCHRENDORFF Hannah (Lebalester), mar 265 Jacob, Jr., mar. . . 265 DoD Sally, mar. (f . McElroy) 265 DODD Ann, bap 296 com 295 dau. of, bap. . . 296 moth 296 C. P., mar. (f. Priest) 277,297 Caroline Perkin, bap. . 225 Harriet, bap. ... 122 com. . . . 122 (Perkins), mar. 271 Horace, mar. . . . 297 Isabella, bap. . . . 225 died . . . 2S7 James, com 295 Edward, bap. . 225 John, com 122 mar 271 Augustus, bap. . 225 Susan E, B. (Lincoln), mar 297 Dodge Anna,bap 163 David, mar 241 Eliza (Tyler), mar. . 270 George, bap 192 Harriet, mar. {y. Sweet- ser) 275 James, bap. . . 166, 184 fath., 166, 174, 184, 186, 1S7, 188, 192, 194 mar 244 Page Dodge — continued. Jane, mar. (y. Sale) . 266 John, bap 192 mar 270 Joseph, bap. . . 168, 186 Lewis, mar 272 Lovey ( Holbrook), mar. 261 Lydea, bap 184 mar. {y. Eames) 257 moth., 184, 186, 187, 188, 192, 194 Margaret Thirgate, mar. 241 Mary, bap 161 mar. {v. Beway) 252 moth., 161, 163, 166, 16S, 170 (Balch), mar. • 244 Nancy (Dill), mar. . . 272 Polly, bap. . . 1S8, 194 Sarah, bap. . . 170, 174 mar. (f. Chand- ler) ... 255 William, mar. . . . 261 Cox, bap. . 187 Doggett Abigail, moth. . . . 178 Mary (Clark), mar. . 248 Noah, mar 248 Samuel, bap. . • . 178 Dolan Mary Ann, mar. (y, Corwin) .... 297 DOLBEAR Edmund Grice, mar. . 248 Elizab., mar. {v. Chees- man) 254 Page Dolly — mar 252 DOLORSON Daniel, mar 248 Temperance (Norton), mar 248 DOLT Mary P., mar. {y. Mitch- ell) DONHAM Mary, mar. (y. Ridgway) DONN Abigail, moth. . • . Nathaniel, bap. . . . fath. . . . DONNELLAN Mrs., died .... Dor Harbottle, fath. . . . Thomas, bap. . . . Dora serv't to Mr. Clark, bap. DORETY Caroline Augusta, bap. Emeline H., died . . Hannah, com. . . . moth. . . 221, 222 Tuckerman, bap., o. c. . 221 James, fath. . . . 221, 222 Gorham, bap. . 221 died . 291 Louisa Gore, bap. . . 222 Mary Elizabeth, bap. . 121 com. . 121 Mary (Hooker), mar. Sarah, mar. {v. Gray) (Bill), mar. . William, mar. . . 238 253 248 238 DOLBIER Mr., fath., o. c. . . . 132 Sarah, bap 132 (Morse), mar. . 248 Thomas, of Dorchester, mar 248 Doll mar 227 DOLLER Mary, moth 174 Wm., bap 174 DOLLIVER Charine (Brighten), mar. 265 Mrs., died .... 280 Peter, bap., com. . . 116 Reuben, mar. . . . 265 297 175 175 175 290 150 150 185 221 2S6 121 mar. (y. Woods) 275 Dorothy Eliz. com 105 moth. . 136, 137, 143 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 137 John, bap 136 Valentine Derry, bap. . 143 Doroty James 294 Dorr Caroline Augusta, died 286 Eleanor, bap. . . . 199 Esther, moth. . . . 199 (Goldthwait), mar. . . . 262 John, fath 199 mar 262 Mr., fath 286 DORRELL John, mar 242 Mehitabel (Calder), mar. 242 INDEX. 365 Page Dory moth 1S7 DOUBLEDY Abijah, bap 126 Mary, bap 151 Nath., com 98 Nathaniel, bap fath. Sarah, bap. . moth. . . . Dowers Hannah (Beath), mar. William, mar. . . DOWNE Eliza, moth. . Elizabeth, bap. moth John, bap. Joseph, bap. . Mary, bap. . Samuel, bap. fath, Sarah, bap. . 150 126, 153 . 126 233 • 233 176, 178 176 iSi 155 166 151 171 176, 178, iSi 146, 157, 178 mar.(7'.Bermoune) 255 Thomas, bap. . . , 148 William, bap, . . . 164 com. ... 99 fath., 14S, 151, 155, 157 Jr., fath., 164, 166 DOWNES Capt. ... Henry Hill, bap. John, fath. . . Lucy, com 122 Margaret, com. . . . 113 (Fitch), mar. 245 Maria Gertrude, moth. 225 Samuel, bap 174 fath. . . . 174 Thomas, died . . . 281 William, mar. . . . 245 Downing Rebecca, mar. (v. Orcutt) 267 Downs Margret, mar. (v. Pad- dlesford) . . . . 255 Dows Lawrence, com. ... 99 DOZZENS Nancy, mar. (v. Coffin) 261 Draper Ed 116 Edward, bap. ... 195 com. . . . 114 died . . . 293 fath., 190, 192, 194, 195, 196 Pagb Draper — conti7iued. Elizabeth, bap. . . . 182 com. . , 115 mar. {v Wet- ter) . . 252 John, bap 150 com 98 fath. . 148, 150, 152 Coburn, bap. . 196 Green, bap. . . 192 Lydea, bap 190 mar. (z*. Green) 248 Lydia, bap 152 com 122 (Thaxter), mar. 232 Richard, bap. . 127, 148 com. ... 95 fath., 125, 126, 127, 12S mar. . . . 232 Sally, bap 190 Samuel, bap. . 128, 194 fath. ... 182 Sarah, com 102 mar. {v. Morse) 230 moth., 192, 194, 195, 196 L., died . . . 2S8 Susanna, moth. . . . 182 Thomas, bap. . . . 125 William, bap. . . . 126 D raver Elizabeth, moth. . . 178 George, bap. . . . 178 Drew Albert, mar 275 Gustavus, bap. . . . 214 Harvey, bap. , . • 205 Job, fath., o. c. . 205, 214 mar 267 Mary, mar. (v. Fyfeild) 227 (Jeffers), mar. . 275 Sarah, moth. . 205, 214 (Lawrence), mar. 267 Drown Kath. (Clark), mar. . 232 Shem, mar. . . . 232 Drowne Katharine, com. , . 107 Lucy, mar. (f. Wilkins) 268 Sarah, mar. {y. Condy) 245 DUCHER James, bap 153 Susanna, com. . . . 109 moth. , . . 153 Dudley Ann, mar. {y. Lovell) . 250 David, child of, fun. . 285 Page Dudley — continued. Eliz. (Davenport), mar. 238 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 145 Lucy, bap. . . 129, 130 com 103 Mary, mar. {y. Cotton) 248 Paul, fath., 126, 129, 130, 132 Rebecca, bap. . . , 132 Thomas, bap. . . . 126 William, fath. ... 145 mar. . . . 238 Duff Betsy, mar. {v. Hep- ditch) 266 DUGGAN Elizabeth (Cowen), mar. 261 Patrick, mar. . . . 261 DUMMER Samuel, com. ... 97 Duncan Betsey (Witson), mar. 271 Sarah, com 117 died .... 287 William, mar. . . . 271 Duncom Robert, fath. . . . 139 Sarah, bap 129 DUNLAP Peggy, mar. {y. Deparr) 258 Dunn Abigail, bap 181 moth, . 178, 181 Nathaniel, bap. . . . 178 fath.. . . 181 DUNNITON Debby (Sampson), mar. 267 John, mar 267 DUPEE Esther, mar. (?■. Mitchel) 255 Mrs. G., died . . . 300 child of, died 300 Durham Abigail, bap 150 com loS moth. . 150, 152 Ann, bap 150 Eliz., bap 150 John, bap 152 Mary, bap 150 Samuel, bap. . . . 150 Dutch Elizabeth (Harrise), mar. 231 John, mar 231 DWELLE Elisha N., died . . . 289 366 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page DWELLY Deborah, mar. (v. Cox) 250 DwiGHT Edmund, bap. . . . 1 70 fath. . . . 172 mar. . . . 245 Eliz., moth. . 166, 170, 172 (Scutt),mar. . . 245 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 172 Henry, mar 275 Jonathan, bap. . . . 166 mar. . . . 242 Joseph, com. ... 97 Lucy Ann (Bradford), mar 275 Mary (Lane), mar. . 242 Seth, com 97 D'WOLF John, of Rhodeisland, mar 270 Mary (Melvill), mar. . 270 Dyer Ebenezer, mar. . . . 269 Elizabeth, com. ... 105 Gyles, mar 230 Hannah, mar. (r.Church) 242 Mary (Banister), mar. 230 Patty (Caswell), mar. . 269 Sally, com 116 Eagleston, Egelstone, Eglestone, or Eg- GLESTON, EgGLESTONE Benjamin, bap. . 148, 156 Eliz., bap 154 moth., 148, 154, 156, 158, 161, 166, 168 Henry, bap 166 Martha, bap. . . . 161 Samuel, bap. . 158, i58 Eames Lydea (Dodge), mar. . 257 Lydia, bap 119 com 119 died .... 28 Samuel, mar. . . . 257 Earle Ethelinda, w. of John, died 299 John 299 Easmouth Sarah, mar. {v. Lamar- kin) 230 East Margaret, com. . . . no Easte Caleb, mar 267 Mary (Wales), mar. . 267 Page Eastman Martha Ann, com. . . 123 Susan (Frothingham), mar 275 Thomas, of Palermo, Me., mar 275 Eaton Abigail, moth. . 212,213 Ann, mar. (v. Brails- ford) 267 David S., mar. . . . 266 Hannah, mar. (v. Pen- dree) 235 John, fath., 0. c. 212, 213 James, bap. . . 212 Joseph, bap 141 com 97 fath. . . 142, 143 Lydia, bap 143 Mary, bap 213 E., mar. (v. Clary) 29S Nancy, mar. {v. Moor- field) 271 Sarah, bap 142 Elizabeth, mar. {v. Beal) . . 277 F. (\Vilkms),mar. 266 Eayers Frederick, mar. . . . 257 Sarah (Stamford), mar. 257 Edes Henry Francis, Rev., of Canton, mar. • . . 276 Isaac, mar 260 Maria Rose Cracroft (May), mar. . , . 276 Mary, mar. {v. Long- ley) 253 Sally (Pierce), mar. . 260 Edgel, or Edgell Rebecca, bap. . . , 149 William, bap. , . . 147 fath. , 147, 149 Edmand John D., of Charles- town, mar. . . . 271 Nancy (Jones), mar. . 271 Edmonds Benja., bap 133 Jonathan, fath. . . . 151 Rebecca, bap. . . . 131 moth. . 131, 133 Sarah, bap 151 Edmunds, or Edmund Benjamin, bap. . . . 153 Page Edmunds — continued. Eliz., bap 152 Jonathan, bap. . . . 181 com. ... 98 fath., 152,153,156, 160, 165, 178, iSi Joseph, bap 156 Martha, moth. . . . 181 Nathaniel, bap. . . . 141 Polly, mar. {y. Runney) 258 Rebecca, bap. . . . 178 Sally, mar. (i'. Gray) . 257 Samuel, bap. . . . 149 Sarah, bap. . . 160, 165 moth. 141, 144, 149 William, bap. . . . 144 Edson Sally, of Taunton, mar. (v. Cross) .... 261 Edward bap 185 Samuel, com. , . . 100 Edwards Abig., moth., 177, 179, 180, 181 Abigail, bap. . . . 178 (Smith), mar. 245 Abraham, bap. . . . 225 Ann, bap. ... 126, 168 Ann Olivia, bap. . . 222 Anna, bap 181 bap 127 Cealia (Lyon), mar. . 228 Charlotte, com. . 121, 122 moth. ,222, 224,225 (Edwards), mar. 274 Clark, bap. . . 225 died 295 Eliz., bap. . . 124, 152 com 107 mar. {v. Hinks) 236 Harriet Maria Prescott, bap 224 Hepzibah, Mrs., died . 284 John, bap., 124, 146, 163, 174. 179 com., 97, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 131 fath., 175, 175, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181 mar 245 Jonathan, fath. . . . 174 Joseph, bap. 12S, 160, 177 com. ... 98 fath., 158, 160, 163, 168, 170 Lewis, bap 180 Martha, moth. ... 174 INDEX. Z^l Page Edwards — continued. Mary, bap. . 124,170,175 com no mar. (y. Storer) 239 moth 146 Mary (Haven), mar. (v. Perry) 273 Richard, bap. , . . 131 fath. . , . 222 Alexander, bap. 224 Sarah, bap. . . 146, 158 com. . 107, no, 112 mar. (i*. Hammett) 252 moth 152 Sybil, com 103 Thomas, bap. . 125, 175 fath. 146, 224, 225 mar. . . . 274 Porter, bap. . 224 William, mar. . . . 22S Egan Esther, bap 140 moth. . . . 140 Egbeer John, mar 230 Sarah (Cooper), mar. . 230 Egelstone. See Ea- glestone Egen Esther, mar. {v. Hux- ford) 247 Eggleston, or Eggle- STONE. See Eagle- stone Egin Elizabeth, bap. . . . 142 Esther, moth. . . . 142 Egins Dennis, bap. . • . 147 Esther, moth. . . . 147 Eglestone. See Ea- glestone Ela Elizabeth, bap. , . . 125 John, bap 124 com 99 fath 125 Elder James, mar 268 Polly (Woolley), mar. 26S Eldrige Hannah, bap. . . . 134 Eliot Andrew 117 Charles, mar. . . . 263 Elizabeth, com. . . . 115 Page Eliot — continued. Margaretta B. (Brad- ford), mar. . . . 273 Nancy (Watts), mar. . 263 William H., mar. . . 273 Ellies Deborah (Lewis), mar. 257 Orknow, mar. . , . 257 Ellis Elisha, mar 259 Eliz., mar. {v. Vinal) . 236 Elizabeth, com. . . . 104 Hannah, com., 103, 103, 108 mar. {v. Gray) 233 John, bap 14S com 98 fath. . . 14S, 151 Lucy, of Walpole, mar. {y. Hartshorn) . . 263 Polly (Underwood), mar. 259 Sarah, bap 151 Elliset Eliz., mar. (v. Barter) 232 Ellithort Eliz. Spurrier, spon. . 161 Jemima, bap. . . . 161 Embly Eleanor, mar. (v. Linnet) 263 Emerson Amos, mar 273 George B(arrell), mar. . 276 Mary (Briggs), mar. . 273 R. (Fleming), mar. 276 Pauline, mar. {v. Bond) 298 Sarah (Homer), mar. . 273 Timothy, mar. . . . 273 William, Rev., 214, fun. of, 283 Emery Harriet, mar. (v. Ayer) 274 moth. . . . 221 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 221 John, died .... 285 fath 221 Mary (Appleton), mar. 256 Samuel, mar. . . . 256 Emmes Samuel, mar. . . . 249 Susannah (Newman), mar 249 Emmons Aaron, com 114 Eliz., moth. . . 127, 184 Hannah, bap. . 164, 183 Jacob, bap 155 com 98 fath., 150, 151, 153, iS5>iS7ii59. 161, 164 Page Emmons — continued. Jane, mar. (v. Lewie) . 266 John, bap i6i Mary, bap., 150, 151, 155, 159 com Ill Nathanael, bap. . . . 153 Richard, bap. . . . 127 fath. . 183, 184 Brooks, bap. 184 Sarah, bap 157 Emms Eliz., bap 136 Hannah, moth. . . . 136 (Grafton), mar. 233 Nathanael, mar. . . 233 Empson William, com. . . . loi English Alexander, Cap., mar. 253 Mary (Barker), . 253 Mrs., wife of T., died . 2S2 Sally (Bond), mar. . . 271 (Greenleaf), mar. 268 Sarah, mar. {v. Williams) 234 William, mar. . 268, 271 Epps Daniel, bap 130 com 96 fath. . . 130, 132 Francis, bap .... 132 Martha, com. . . . 104 Erskine John, bap 138 Patric, fath 141 Patrick, fath. ... 138 mar. . . . 235 Sarah (Maxwell), mar. 235 William Henry, bap. . 141 Erving Ann, mar. {v. Stewart) 252 Elizabeth, mar. (z^. Bow- doin) 247 James, bap 15S Capt., died . . 27S John, fath 158 mar 258 Mary (Lewis), mar. . 258 Erwin Abigail, bap. . 151, 156 moth., 149, 151, 154, 155.156,157 (Phillips), mar. 240 Ann, bap 163 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 154 George, bap 161 John, bap 149 fath. . 160, 161, 163 mar 240 368 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Erwin — coniiftued. Sarah, bap 160 William, bap. . . . 157 Erwine Abigail M., com. . • 107 Erwing Abigail, mar. {v. Scott) 249 James, mar 250 Lucy ( Whitburne), mar. 250 Sarah, mar. {v. Waldo) 250 Estis Abijah, bap 145 com 98 EUSTICE Ann (Beers), mar. . . 248 Anna, bap 1S7 Benj':, fath. . . 1S5, 187 Elizabeth, moth. 1S5, 1S7 Joseph, mar 24S Prudence, bap. . . . 185 EUSTIS Abraham, bap. . . . 176 Anna, mar. {v. Pratt) . 271 Becky (Green), mar. . 266 Benj., fath., 174, 175, 176, 178, 181, 1S3 Betsey, bap 191 Charlotte, bap. . . . 199 Deborah, com. . . . 107 moth. . , 149 Elizabeth, bap. . 183, 205 moth., 174, 175, 181,183,201,205 George, bap. . . 175, 201 Hannah, moth., 192, 195, 196, 199, 201, 205 Harriet, bap. . . . 196 Jacob, bap 1 78 fath., o. c. 201, 205 Joseph, fath., 192, 195, 196, 199, 201, 205, 210 Joshua, bap 149 Mary Polleys, bap. . 192 Moses, mar 266 Mr., fath 191 Nabby, mar. {v. Camp) 271 moth. ... 210 Nathaniel, bap. . . . iSi Prudence, mar. (:'. Amory) .... Sally, bap, .... Champney,bap. . Thomas, bap. . . . Wm., bap. . . Bears, bap. Evans Mary, com 121 261 201 195 . 149 174, 205 . 210 Page Eveleth John, mar 271 Mary (Williams), mar. 271 Everard Dorothy, mar. {v. Mar- shall) 250 moth. . 156, 158 (Morrice),mar. 242 Esther, bap 158 John, bap 156 mar 242 EVERDEN Abigail, bap 148 Hannah, bap. . . . 139 moth., 139, 142, 144, 148 Joseph, bap 144 Ruth, com no William, bap. ... 142 Everett Alexander Hill, com. . 119 Ann, moth 221 Barnard, bap. . 220 died . 2S7 Vincent, bap. . 221 Annah, Sophia Tileston, bap 222 Caroline Frances, bap. 224 Charles, fath. . . . 216 mar. . . . 271 (Edward), preached at fun. of Dr. Abbot . 284 Eliz., moth 216 Eliza (Boyle), mar. . 271 Elizabeth, bap. . 223, 223 died . . . 290 Boyle, bap. . 216 Emeline Augusta, bap. 221 Francis, com. . . . 120 fath., 220, 221, 222 Lucy, died .... 2S9 Mary, died .... 2S9 Caroline, bap. . 222 Nancy, com 120 moth., 220, 221, 222, 224 W., com. . . 120 moth., 222, 222, 223, 223 Williams (Wright), mar. ... 273 Oliver, fath. . . Rosamond, bap. Sarah Preston, com Thomas, com. . fath., 222, 222, 223 223, 224 mar. . . . 273 Wright, bap. 222 Page Everton Eliz., mar. (v. Powel) 240 Ruth, bap 154 Ew^EL Mary, mar. {v. Vales) . 235 Ezra fath., negro . . 176 Fabius Joseph, mar 229 Kath. (Haywood), mar. 229 Fadre Isannah, mar. (v. Man) 250 Fagan James, mar 276 Sally (Marshall), mar. 276 Fails Susanna, mar. {v. Harts- horn) 259 Fairchilds David, mar 259 Rebecca, mar. {v. Reed) 259 Fairfeild Deborah, com. . • . 104 Grace, bap 137 Fairweather Benjamin, bap. . . . 147 Cap. . . . 164, 168, 169 own. of Scipio . loi Jerusha, com. . 106, 108 mar. {v. Blowers) 242 moth. . 1^4, 145 John, com 98 fath. . 147, 152, 154 Margaret, bap. . . .154 Mary, bap 144 com 112 mar. {v. Carpen- ter) .... 245 Mr 167 Thomas, bap. ... 145 Walter, bap 152 Fales Mary Ann, com. . . 122 moth. . . 216 Anne (Gray), mar. 271 Susan Gray, bap. . . 216 died . . 283 William A., fath. . . 216 mar. • . 271 Falkener Rebecca, mar. {v. Jones) 264 Fare Sarah, mar. {v. Vibret) 228 Farley Charles Andrews, com. 122 INDEX. 369 Page Farmer Elizabeth, mar. (v. Ray- mond) 265 George Owen, bap, . 213 Hannah (Hadley), mar. 266 Harriet, mar. (v. Sum- ner) 276 Henry, bap 2ti Jesse, mar 266 moth 213 Ruth, moth 211 Ruthy, moth. ... 205 Sally Owen, bap. . . 205 Wm., bap 207 com 115 fath., 205,207,211,213 Farnam Elizabeth, bap. . 168, 1S6 John, fath. . . 165, 16S Mary, moth 186 William, bap. fath. 16 1 86 Farnham Ann, mar. (v. Cole) . 259 Farnsworth Annah Elizabeth (Rus- sell), mar 277 Asa, fath 223 Eliza C, moth. . 221, 223 Ephraim, mar. . . . 277 Horatio Taylor, bap. . 223 Jacob, bap 221 fath. .... 221 Mary Charlotte, bap. . 221 Ellen, bap. . . 223 Farrand Hannah, bap. . . . (Wise), mar. . James, mar Farrar Sarah E. (Viaux), mar, Oliver W(heeler), mar, Farrier John Battiste, mar. Lydia(Wainwright),mar. 274 Farrisse Anne, mar. (v. Vittery) 233 Fauchier Mr., child of, died . . 282 Faulkner Mary, bap 126 Fayerweather Amoretta, bap. . . . 172 Jack, bap 176 James, bap 142 Jerusha, moth. . 141, 142 Page Fayerweather — co/t- iinued. London, bap. . , . 174 Scipio, fath. . 172, 174, 176 Thomas Gross, bap. • 141 Fellows Henry, mar 255 Huldah (Scott), mar. . 255 Felt Betsy, mar. (v. Gibson) Elizabeth Loring, com. Capt., died .... Jacob Lydia Baily, com. . . Rachel (French), mar. William, mar. . . . Felton George, died .... John, mar 276 Lydia (Jenkins), mar. 276 Fenno Charles Jones, bap. . 191 Ephraim, fath. . . . 191 George, bap. . . .192 185 253 253 298 274 275 295 299 300 295 261 261 300 John, fath. . 190, 192, 194 mar Ward, bap. . . 190 Mary, mar. (v. Perkins) 253 (Curtis), mar. . 255 moth. , 190, 192, 194 194 ^■il 247 247 Elizabeth, bap Fenwick Ann, mar. {y. Phillips) Ferleaven Abigail (Young), mar. Charles, mar. . . . Fernald Maria (Hichborn), mar. 273 Oliver, mar 273 Fessenden Ann, died .... 295 Mrs., funeral of . 2S6 Edward N., com. . . 121 Evelme, mar. {v. Free- man) 275 FiDELLA mar. {v. Sanco) . FlELLIER Jenny, mar. (v. Symmes) 257 Fife Abigail, bap. Hannah, bap. John, fath. 47 Page FiFIELD, FiFEILD, Of Fyfield Giles, bap 145 John, bap 147 Martha, mar. {y. Mille- ken) . . . 241 motii. . 145, 147 Mary (Drew), mar. . 227 Richard, mar. . . . 227 Fig Naomi, mar. {v. Halli- burton) 237 Finch Caleb, mar 234 Mercy (Alkin), mar. . 234 Fisher Esther, com. . . . 107 Lucy (Woodman), mar. 266 Samuel Scollay, Cap., mar 266 FiSKE .... 208, 211 Edward, mar. . . . 271 Elizabeth (Porter), mar. 271 Frank [C]. bap. . . 296 Helen [M]. moth. . . 299 Jane, moth 210 John, fath 210 John Sprague, bap. . 211 Mary, o. c, moth. . . 133 Ann Clapp, bap. 210 Phineas [S], fath. . . 296 Sarah, bap 133 Fitch Abigail, moth., 171, 172, 174, 175, 175 Benja., bap. . . 127, 155 233 13S 140 97 »59 194 1S6 175 com. . . fath. . 127, Benja, Jr., fath. . Benjamin Hall, bap Caroline Matilda, bap., 209, 210 Charles Harrison, bap. Elizabeth, bap. . . . moth. 209, 210 Eunice, bap 184 moth., 180, iSi, 184, 186 Hannah, bap., 126, 159, 174, iSS mar. {v. Barrell) 254 Hephzibah, moth. . . 194 Jeremiah, bap. . . . 152 fath. . 209, 210 child (Caroline Ma- tilda) of, died, 279, 2S0 . . is6 138, 140I Jerusha, bap. 370 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page FlTC H — continued. John, bap 156 Brown, bap. 181, 194 fath, . . 194 Jonas, bap 150 fath. . 175, 177, iSS Jonathan, bap. . . . 161 Joseph, bap. . 124, 142, 158 com. ... 96 fath., 141, 142, 144, 1451 H7, 14S, 15°. 152, 153. 156, 157, 159, 161, 162 mar. . . . 237 Katherine, bap. ... 175 Margaret, bap. . 141, 144 mar. {v. Downes) 245 (Clark), mar. . 237 Margret, bap. . . . 172 Margrett, mar. {v. Gor- don) 253 Mary, bap. . . 162, 1 com 103 mar. {v. Green- wood) . . . 236 moth. . 175, 209, 210 Prudence, bap. . 145, 157 Rebecca, bap. . . . 175 Sarah, bap 153 Thomas, bap. . . . 148 Timothy, bap., 147, 171, 177 180 fath., 172,174,175, 175, 180, iSi, 184, 186 Zabdiel, bap. ... 159 Fitzgerald Hannah (Griggs), mar. 254 James, mar 254 Flag, or Flagg Eliz., com Ill Eliza (Jepson), mar. . 262 Elizabeth, bap. . . . iSi Gershom, mar. . . . 262 Jane, bap 176 Josiah, bap. . . 161, 179 fath. . . 161, 162 Margaret, bap. . . . 159 Martha, bap 166 (Richardson), mar. 243 Mary, bap 178 com Ill Rachel, com. . . . 112 Rebecca, bap. . . . 187 moth. . 187, 1S9 Sally, bap 1S9 Sarah, bap iSi moth., 176, 178, 179, 181 Stephen, bap. . . . 162 Page Flag, or Flagg — continued. Thomas, bap. . . . 161 com. ... 99 fath., 159, 161, 166 mar. . . . 243 Wm., fath., 176, 179, i8ij 1S7, 189 Fleming Mary R., mar. {v. Emer- son) 276 Fletcher Deborah, bap. . . . 149 mar. (i'. Gush- ing) ... 247 John, bap 141 Lydea, bap 189 moth. . , Margaret, bap. . . . 144 com. . . . mar. {y. New- man) . . 246 moth., 139, 141, 144, 147, 149. 152, 156 (Gushing), mar. 236 Mary, bap 152 mar. (i-. Balch) . 251 Nathan, fath. ... 189 Nathaniel, bap. . . . 181 Samuel, bap. . . . 156 Sarah, moth. . . iSi, 1S5 Thomas, bap. . 147, 185 fath. . iSt, 185 William, bap. . . . 139 mar. . Pagb iSS, 189 . . 288 IS8, 189 177 178 . . 236 Flint Esther, mar. {v. Rich- ards) 241 Katherine, mar. (z/. Small) 266 Flood Edward, child of, died 282 Flora (serv. to Dr. Bulfinch), bap 167, 180 com 113 Florence Capt., dau. of, bap. . 171 fath 171 Charles, bap. . 162, 16S mar. . , . 243 Mary, bap 169 moth. . i58, 169, 170 Rebecca, moth. . . . 161 Rebekah, bap. . 161,170 com. . . . no moth. . . . 162 (Addison), mar. 243 Floyd Abigail, bap. moth. Andrew, fun. of . . Rebecca Pratt, bap. Stephen, bap. . . fath. . Flucker Hannah, moth. . ■ Mr Pleasant, serv. to Mr. . 178 Sarah, bap 177 Thomas, fath. . . . 177 FLUKER Judith (Bowdoin), mar. 245 Thomas, mar. . . . 245 Flynt Mary, com 104 Fobes Susanna, mar. (v. King) 264 Foggan Mary Brown, mar. (v. Green) 265 Rebecca Balch, mar. {v. Watts) 265 FOLLINGS George, bap 207 fath., o. c, 202, 205, 207, 208 mar. . 247, 265 Hannah, bap. . . . 208 Jane, bap 202 Mary (Brown), mar. . 247 moth., 202, 205,207, 20S Sally (Salter), mar. . 265 wife of Geo., moth., bap Sarah Ann, bap. . . Foote Mr., child of, died . . Forbes Sarah, mar. {v. Preston) 263 Force Nancy, mar. {v. White) 273 Ford James, mar 263 Mary, com 108 Sally (Web.), mar. . 263 Forden Eliz., mar. {v. Fother- gill) 247 Foreacres Rebecca, mar. (v. Hood) 249 208 278 INDEX. 371 Page FORSAITH David, fath 219 Helen Louisa, bap. . 219 Jane Wilson, bap. . .219 Lydia, moth. . . . 219 \Vm. Washington, bap. 219 Fortune (negro), bap. . . . Foss Hannah (Adams), mar Zechariah, of Ports- mouth, mar. . . . FOSSEY Abiel (Howard), mar. Thomas, mar. . . Foster Allen, bap. . . . Anthony, mar. . . bap Benjamin, bap. • . Bossinger, mar. . . Eliz., bap. . . . com. . . . 107, 113 Eliza, moth 16S Elizabeth (Craige), mar. 252 (Hambleton),mar. 227 Hannah, bap. . . . 149 140 252 249 249 194 227 190 146 252 154 Hephzibah, died . . 285 Hopestill, com. . . 97, 99 James, bap 172 com 100 fath. . , . 171, 172 Jane, bap 1 Joanna, moth., 146, 149, 152 Jonathan, bap. . , . 139 fath. . . . 194 Joshua, fath 16 Lucy, com iiS mar. (v. Allen) . 263 Martha, bap 126 (Bluch), mar. . 227 Mary, bap. . 149, 152, 165 com. . . . 107, 109 moth 149 Mr., child of, died . . 27S Rachel, com iiS Rev. Dr 119 Sarah, bap 171 com 113 Sarah (Maccarty), mar. 235 Thomas, bap. . . . 127 fath. . 126, 127 mar. . 227, 235 FOTHERGILL Eliz. (Forden), mar. . 247 Robert, mar. . . . 247 FOWLE Elizabeth (Bentley), mar. 259 Page Fo WLE — continued. Francis, mar. . . . 238 Henry, mar 259 Sarah (Morrice), mar. . 238 Susanna, mar. (z'. Alex- ander) 266 Fowler Hannah, bap. . . . 165 moth. . . . 165 John, bap 165 Sarah, bap 165 Susy, mar. (f. Small) . 256 FOVVLES Ann, bap 145 Sarah, com 106 moth. . . . 145 FOYE Ann, bap 155 Dorothy,bap. . . . 146 mar. (y. Turner) 247 Eliz., mar. {v. Sheafe) 242 Elizabeth, com. . . . 112 Hannah, bap. . . . 147 John, bap 157 mar 241 Joseph, bap 144 Mary, bap 141 Sarah, bap 154 moth. 154, 155, 157 (Boucher), mar. 241 Frances mar. {v. Bridges) . . 231 Francis bap 207 Daniel, bap 208 EUzabeth Usher, bap. . 202 James, bap 203 Joseph, bap 205 fath., 198, 200, 202, 203, 205, 207, 20S, 208 Juda, mar. (i/. Johnson) 272 Mary, bap 19S moth., 198, 200, 202, 203, 205, 207 moth 20S Sally Daken, bap. . . 208 Thomas Dakin, bap. . 200 Frank serv. to Mrs. Hancock, bap 185, 187 fath 187 mar 252 Franklin Abia, bap 146 Ann, com 107 moth. . . 146, 148 Benjamin, com. ... 97 David, mar 232 Page Franklin — continued. Elizabeth (Aires), mar. 232 Hannah, moth. . . . 143 James, bap 148 com 97 Mrs 233 Samuel, bap 143 com. ... 99 Sarah, mar. {v. Daven- port) 238 Frasier Isabella, mar. {y. Tom- linson) 243 Fratree Anthony, mar. . . . 227 Mary (Skelton), mar. . 227 Frazier Ann N.,mar. {y. King) 268 Elizabeth, Mrs., died . 281 Mr 255 Rebeckah, mar. (y. Geyer) 261 Sarah, bap 115 com. . . 114, 115 mar. iy. Boyd) . 264 Freeborn Cato, mar 264 Eleanor (Savage) mar. . 264 Freeman Ann Florence, com. . 296 Cap 252 Charles Chauncy, died 299 Clois, mar. (y. Luis) . 269 David, com 100 fath i5o Elizabeth, bap., 177, 179, 181 moth. . . 181 Eveline(Fessenden),mar. 275 Frances Ann, moth., 296, 299 John, bap 136 Jonathan, bap. . . . 180 fath. . 179, 180 Marion, bap. . . . 296 Mary, mar. (y. Stone) . 252 Nehemiah, Mrs., fun. of 2S5 P(eter) W., fath. 296, 299 Relief, died .... 281 Robert D., fun. of . 287 Ruth, bap 160 moth. . 177, 179, 180 Susan Ellen, com. . . 296 Watson, mar. . . . 275 French Abraham, bap. . . . 219 Abram, fath 296 Charlotte Ann Lewis, bap. 215 Lewis, moth., 215, 217 died 295 372 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page French — continued. Eliza Augusta, bap. . 211 died . 287 Elizabeth, bap. . 205, 207 moth. 200, 202 (Dawes), mar, 262 Ellen Weld, bap. . . 219 com. . • 123 Eph., fath. . . 211, 219 Ephraim, fath. . 214, 220 Evelina, bap. . • . 219 com. . . . 123 Henry Abrams, bap. . 220 died . 287 Leonard, fath. . 215, 217 Mary, moth 205 Gilmor, com. . 123 Gilmore, bap. . 214 Polly (Bowdoin), mar. 265 Rachel, mar. {v. Felt) . 261 Rebecca, bap. 120, 205, 219 com. . . . 120 moth. 211,219, 220 L., mar. (i>. Rice) 277 Lucinda, bap. . 217 Rebekah, moth. , . . 214 Samuel, fath. . . 205, 207 Waldo, bap. . 220 Sophia Jane, bap. . . 296 moth. . . . 296 Susanna, bap. . . . 200 Theodore, bap. . . . 202 fath.,o.c., 200, 202 mar. . . . 262 William Chace, mar. . 265 Frethey Deborah (Pratt), mar. 257 Edward, mar. . . . 257 Friend John, of Newburyport, mar 258 Sarah (Kent), mar. . 258 Frisley Ann (Corbet), mar. . 258 Francis, mar. . . . 258 Fritz Andrew Moreton, bap. 204 Joseph, bap 206 fath., o. c, 204, 206 — moth. . . 204, 206 Frost Eliz., mar. {v. Short) . 228 Hannah, mar. {y. Kuhn) 259 Jane, mar. {v. Watkins) 247 Margarie, bap. . . . 126 Mary, moth 126 Page Frothingham Cornelia, bap. . . . 222 Edward, mar. . . . 298 Eliza, moth. . . 221, 222 Eugenia (Mifflin), mar. 298 Harriet, bap. . . . 221 Henry, bap 221 Lydea (Kettell), mar. . 269 Mary, moth., o. c, 193, 193, 195, 197, 200 Eliza, com. 122 Nathaniel, child of, died 278 died . . . 289 fath. . . . 200 mar. . 257, 269 Jr., fath., 193, 195, 197 Octavius B(rooks) . . 298 Polly, bap 195 (Townsend), mar. 257 Ruth, com. . . 114, 116 Ruthy, bap 200 Samuel, bap. . 193, 221 fath. . 221, 222 Susan, mar. {v. East- man) 275 Susanna, bap. . . . 197 Theodore, bap. . . . 221 Frye I. Rice, mar. . . . 298 KittieS. (Bryant), mar. 29S Fuller Ann, moth 140 Henry Williams, bap. . 296 Jonathan, bap. . . . 140 Lucy (Hatch), mar. . 268 MarthaE., moth., 225, 226,296 Mary E. N. (Griffith), mar 274 moth 223 Griffith, bap. . . 223 S. P., fath. . . 225, 296 child of, bap. . 225 Dea., died . • 299 Mrs., widow of Dea., died . 300 Sally, mar. {v. Powers) 263 Stephen, Jr., mar. . . 26S P., fath. 223, 226 mar. . . 274 Stephen Palmer, bap. . 226 com. . 120 Timothy, com. . . . 117 FULLERTON Abigail, bap. . . . 147 Alexander, bap. . . 138 fath., 137, 138, 141, 144, 147, 149, 151, 153 mar. . . 235 Page FULLERTON — continued. Ann, bap. ... 151 Eliz., bap. . . 141, 168 (Belcher), mar. . 235 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 157 Jeremiah, bap. . . . 169 John, bap. . . 153, 155 Joseph, bap 144 Mary, bap. . . 137, 152 Mehitable, bap. . . . 147 Samuel, bap. . . 157, 163 Stephen, bap. . . . 154 Susanna, bap. . . . 149 William, bap. . 149, 171 com. ... 98 fath., 149, 152, 154, 135.157)163,168,169,171 Fulton Mrs., died .... 283 Furbush Charles Marlow, bap. . 296 Charlotte Augusta, bap, 296 Mary, com 295 moth. . . 296, 299 Elizabeth, bap. . 296 died . 299 Milo, fath. . . 296, 299 Furey Edward, mar. . . . 274 Mary H. (Pinder),mar. 274 Furnace Eliz., moth. , . 158, 162 Jemima, bap. . . . 158 Mary, bap 162 FURNESS Eliz., bap 160 moth 160 William Henry, Rev. . 122 Gabriel John, mar 252 Rebecca (Sumner), mar. 252 Gale Anna, bap 147 (Noyes), mar. . 239 Azor, fath 147 mar 239 Hannah, com. . . . 98 (Been), mar. . 258 Polly, mar. (v. Balford) 268 William, mar. . . . 258 Galley Richard, mar. . . . 261 Susanna (Jones), mar. 261 Gally Eliz., mar. (f. Cox) . 242 INDEX. 373 Page Galpin Calvin, com 95 Gamsbee Eliz. (Alcock), mar. , 234 Robert, mar 234 Gamsby Martha, mar. (v. Pearce) 242 Gandell Lydea S., mar. (v. Hol- land) 263 Gant Edward, bap. . . . 135 James, bap 134 Mary, bap 134 Patience, com. ... 104 moth. . 134, 135 Ganzlar Andrew, mar. . . . 274 George, mar. , , . 274 Hannah (Davis), mar. 274 Nancy (Coffin), mar. . 274 Gardener, or Gardiner Addington, com. . . 97 Dorcas (Coffin), mar. . 251 James, mar 234 Joshua, mar 251 Mary (Parrisse), mar. . 234 Gardner Amos J., mar. . . . 269 Ann, bap 1S3 moth 183 Content (Pain), mar. . 257 Eliza, mar. (v. Nazro) 267 Elizabeth (Greenleaf), mar 263 Emily S., mar. {v. Perry) 297 Hannah, bap. . . . 191 com. . . . 114 moth. . . . 192 husb 114 J. child of, died . . 2S1 fath 212 Mrs., died . . . 281 John, o. c, fath., 204, 209, 2 1 2 mar. . . 257 of Leominster, mar. 26 Adams, bap. . . 209 Dean, bap. . . 204 Jonathan Jackson, bap. 209 Joseph Henry, bap. . 209 Joshua, fath. . . . 183 Katherine, mar. (f . Ayers) 259 Katy (BiUings), mar. . 26 Martha, bap. . . . 192 mar. (v. Hall) 271 Page Gardner — continued. Mary (Clarke), mar. . 269 Frazier, bap. . 212 R., mar. (v. Gould) 298 moth. . 204, 209, 212 Mr., fath 191 Rebecca, mar. (v. Wheel- wright) 262 Richard, fath. . , . 192 Ruth, com 109 mar. (». Demeritt) 274 Sally, mar. {v. Amory) 262 Samuel, bap. . . . 212 Simon, fun. of . . . 289 Thomas, mar. . , . 265 Garland Eliz., mar. {v. Rolph) , 237 Francis, mar. (y. Phillips) 236 Garner Freelove Watson, mar. {v. Hector) . . . 263 Gavet Charles, fath., 193, 194, 195, 197 hus. . . . 115 mar. . . . 257 Sullivan, bap. 193 Isaac Phillips, bap. . 197 John Whiting, bap. . 195 Mary, com., wi. . . . 115 moth., o. c, 193, 193, 194, 19s. 197 203 Wallis, bap. Polly (Glover), mar Gay Betsy, moth. . , Ebenezer, bap. ... 18 Eliza Ingalls, bap. , . 20 Elizabeth, bap. ... 17 Fisher, fath 20 Martin, bap 179 fath., 1 75, 1 77, 1 79, 1 83 Mary, bap 175 moth. . . 175, 179 Gayhegan Mary, com 11 Gear Mrs., died .... 282 Gee Susanna(My-Good), mar. 244 Thomas, mar. . . . 244 Gendell Lydea, com 114 mar. {v. Dawes) 263 Gent Eliz., bap 124 Elizabeth, bap. , . . 124 Sarah, bap 124 Pagb George Augustus, bap, , , , 217 Serv. to Mrs. Gray, bap. 129 bap. (neg.) . . 176 Edward, mar. , . . 232 Eliz. (Knight), mar. . 242 John, com 95 mar 242 Katharina, mar, {v, Howell) .... 229 Katharine, com. . . 102 Lydia, com 102 Sarah (Corley), mar, , 232 Gerard Eliza (Sumner), mar. , 273 James Watson, of N. York, mar. . . , 273 Gerrish Anna, mar. (y. Quincy) 256 John, fath 172 Martha, bap. . . . 172 mar. . . . 172 Geyer Caroline Augusta, bap. 200 mar. (y. Ingraham) 274 Elizabeth Frazier, bap. 202 Fred, fath 2:2 son of, died . . 281 Frederick Wm., bap. . 198 Jr.,fath.,o.c., 198, 200, 202, 205, 207 mar. . . 261 moth 212 Nathan Frazier, bap. . 207 Rebecca, moth., 1 98, 200, 202, 205, 207 Rebeckah (Frazier), mar. 261 Rodolph Charles, bap. 205 Rufus Amory, bap. , 212 Ghrimes Alexander, mar. , , 237 Eliz. (Delarock), mar. 237 GiBBENS Daniel, bap 152 Eliz., bap 151 com 107 moth 150 parent , , . , 152 Peter, bap 148 fath 148 Thomas, bap. . . . 150 GlBBlNS Ann, bap 132 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 146 moth. . . 147 John, bap 147 fath 132 mar 231 374 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Gi BB IN s — co7itiniied. Mary (Roberts), mar. 237 Morris, mar 237 Peter, fath 151 Rebecca (Gray), mar. . 231 Sarah, mar. (w. Allen) . 229 Gibbon Caroline (Perkins), mar. 273 George, of Charleston, S. C, mar. . . . 273 Rebecca, com. . . . 105 Gibbons Peter, com 98 GiBBS Henry, com 95 Susan F., mar. (y. Wheeler) .... 273 Gibson Abigail Pope, fun. of . 284 Adeline Augusta, bap. 214 Ann Maria, mar. {y. Parsons) .... 272 Anne Maria, bap. . . 214 Benjamin, com. . . 97, 97 Betsey (Felt), mar. . 275 Caroline Frances, bap. 214 died 284 D 166 Deacon 168 George, mar. . . . 275 Hannah, com. . . . 107 Henry Stanbridge, bap. 214 Margaret, mar. {y. Symmons) . . . 238 Mehit., com 106 Mehitabel, mar. (y. Pool) 239 moth., o. c. . . 214 Mrs., died .... 300 Nancy, wife of Stephen, died 2S5 Samuel, died .... 291 Stephen, bap. . . . 214 fath. ... 214 GiDANY Abigail (Mason), mar. 238 Barth., mar 238 GiDDENS EHz., mar. {y. Budden) 235 GiDDING Elizabeth, bap. . . . 157 Joseph, com. ... 98 fath. . 156, 157 GiDDINGE Charles, bap. . . . 156 Eliz., bap 131 moth 131 Elizabeth, com. . . . 103 Page GiDDiNGK — continued. Ephraim, bap. . . . 129 George, bap 127 Joseph, bap 12S com. ... 96 fath. . 127, 1 28, 129 GiDNEY Abigail, moth. . . . 142 Susanna, bap. . . . 142 Gilbert John, com 96 Lydia, mar. (y. Pumrey) 231 Mrs 242 Ruth, mar. {y. Whitney) 259 GiLCREST Ann (Shepcot), mar. . 235 James, mar 235 Giles Anna, moth 153 Benjamin, bap. . . . 153 Hannah, moth. . . . 151 Jacob, bap 149 Mary, com 112 151 Samuel, bap. Gill Elizabeth (Robinson), mar 274 Jane (Willcome), mar. 270 Joel, mar 263 Joill, mar 270 Moses, com 115 mar 255 Rebecca, mar. {y. Angier) 262 (Boyleston), mar. 255 215 213, 215 213, 215 Sukey, died Venus (Ward), mar. William, mar. GiLLMAN Jane (Tyler), mar. Joseph, mar. GiLLMORE Charles, bap. Clarissa, bap Josiah, fath., o. c. moth., o. c. . GiLLPATRICK Lydia, mar. {y. Plummer) 297 GiLMAN Pamela Augusta Sophia, mar. {v. Dearborn) . 273 GiLMORE child, bap 216 Clarissa, moth. . . . 216 Josiah, fath 216 GiRRETT Katharine, mar. (y. Bar- temas) 258 Page Glashire Margret, mar. {y. Val- lentine) 250 Gleason John, Jr., mar. . . . 265 Mary, mar. (y. Brewer) 253 Sally (Mitchel), mar. . 265 Glover Benjamin F., mar. . . 274 Caesar, mar 268 Harriet, died , . . 290 John, com 95 Josephine (Baxter), mar. 274 Nancy, mar. (». Whit- well) 255 Polly, fun. of . . . 292 mar. {v. Gavet) 257 {v. Merrell) 255 Susanna (Parsons), mar. 268 Glyde Susanna, bap. . . . 143 com. . . . 106 Go Ellen, mar. (y. Knowlton) 298 Goddard Archelaus, mar, . . . 268 Elizabeth Clark (Low), mar 268 Polly, mar, (y. Randell) 261 GODEMAN Elizabeth (Card), mar, 257 Frederick, mar, . , . 257 GoFF Phineas, mar. . . . 270 Samuel, o. c, 132 ; fath. 132 Susan (Brown), mar, . 270 William, bap, . . . 132 Gold Esther (Langdon), mar. 244 John, mar 244 Sarah, mar. {y. Hope) 242 GOLDTHWAIT Benjamin, mar. . . . 249 Esther, com 115 mar. (y. Dorr) 262 Hannah, com. . . . 115 mar. (y. New- comb) . . 267 Martha, com. . 114, 116 mar. (z'.Ingersol) 263 Mary, com 115 Mr 255 Sarah (Dawes), mar. , 249 Susanna, com. , , , 114 GOOCH Deborah (Hubbard), mar, 253 Elizabeth (Hobble), mar. 234 INDEX. 375 Page GoocH — continued. James, mar 227 Jr., mar. , . . 234 Sarah (Tuttle), mar. . 227 William, mar. . . . 253 GOODALE A , fath 204 hu 116 Eliza, bap 204 Henry, bap 204 John Wyer, bap. . , 204 Katharine, bap. . . . 204 com., \vi. . 116 moth. . . 204 Mary Gary, bap. . . 204 Goodhue Elizabeth (Davis), mar. 255 William, mar. . . , 255 Gooding Ann, mar. (f. Jepson) 255 Goodman Frances Maria, bap, . 224 Margaret R., moth., o. c. 224 Rand (Adams), mar. 275 William, fath., o. c. . 224 mar. . . . 275 GOODSPEED Caroline, bap. . . , 212 Esther, moth. . . . 212 (Smith), mar. . 270 James, fath 212 R., mar. . . 270 Goodwin Amity (Harrington), mar. 263 Eliz. (Willard), mar. . 244 Jane (Ashfeild), mar. . 234 John, fath 137 mar 263 Jonathan, mar. . . , 269 Lydia, com 105 Miss, died .... 299 Sam'I, mar 244 Samuel, bap. . . . 137 com. ... 97 Sarah (Baker), mar. . 269 William, mar. . . . 234 GOOKINS Samuel, mar. , . . 266 Sarah (Kettle), mar. . 266 GooLD. See Gould Gordon George Washington, bap. 205 Margrett (Fitch), mar. 253 Mary, mar. {v. Ober) . 262 {y. Simons) 263 moth., 200, 202, 203, 205 Rebecca Wainwright, bap. 202 1 Page Gordon — continued. Robert, fath., o.c, 200, 202, 203, 205 mar 253 Wainwright, bap. 203 Sarah, bap 200 Gore Christopher, bap. . . Elizabeth, bap. , . . mar. (7/. Cal- lender) . Ella F. (Spurr), mar. , Frances, mar. {v. Crafts) 25 1 moth., 172, 174,176, 178, 178, 179, 181 Francis, bap. , , , 167 Franklin H., mar. , . 29S John, bap. . 139, 16S, 1S6 com loi fath., 167, 168, 170, 172, 174, 176, ^11, 178, 178, 179, iSi, 1S6 mar 232 178 253 29S 143, iSi 112 178, 179 ■ • m 170, 172 96 230 177 232 240 Katharine, bap. com. Mary, bap. . Miriam, bap. Obadiah, bap. com. fath., 131, 133, 136, 139, 143 mar. . . . Rebecca, bap. , , . com. . . , (Smith), mar. Rebekah, mar. {v. Hub- bard) Sarah, bap. . , com. , . , moth. . . (Kilby), mar Susanna, bap, . . Goreham Joseph, bap 165 GOREY Isabella (Cary), mar. . 264 Scipio, mar 264 GORHAM Amelia, bap. Benjamin, mar. Elizabeth, bap. Frances, bap. Francis, bap. Frederick, bap. George, bap. . died , Hallowell Gardiner, bap. 218 Harriet, bap. . . . 199 136, 174 . . 104 , 1S6 , , 230 , 176 195, 196 ■ . 275 , . 202 • • 193 , , 220 • • 195 197, 199 . . 290 Pace GoRiiAM — continued. Henry, bap. . . 200, 219 son of Dr. John, died . . . 285 John, died .... 292 fath., 212, 215, 219, 220 mar 270 Dr., fath. . 218, 285 Warren, bap, . 215 Julia, bap 212 com 122 mar. {v. Robins) 276 Margaret C. (Coles), mar. 275 Mary, com 118 moth., 212, 215, 218, 219, 220 wid. of Stephen, died . . . 290 Jr., com. ... 118 (Warren), mar. . 270 Molly, moth., 193, 195, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 202 Mrs., died .... 299 Dr., died , , . 299 Stephen, com, , . , 118 died . , . 290 fath., 193, 195, 195, 196, 197, 19S, 199, 200, 202 Thomas, bap. , , , 198 GOSLIN Mary (Pim), mar. , , 254 Thomas, mar. , , , 254 Gould, or Goold Abigail, mar. (y. Sloan) 269 Benjamin, bap. . . . 173 Clarissa (Jouve), mar. 269 Deborah, bap. . . . 167 Esther, bap 161 moth. . 170, 171 Francis, bap. , . , 173 George T., mar. . , 298 John, bap 160 fath., i5o, 161, 164, 167, 169, 171, 173 mar 255 Jr 250 Joseph, mar 269 Mary, bap 164 Ann (Hichbom), mar. . . . 273 R. (Gardner), mar. 298 Samuel, bap. . 169, 170, 171 Sarah (Curtis), mar. . 255 Thaddeus, mar. . . . 273 GOURDING Eliz., mar, {y. Ingersol) 229 Grace mar 227 376 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Grafton Hannah, com. . . . 104 mar. {v. Emms) 233 Graham Cicela, mar. (v. Hodgson) 251 Granger Mary, mar. Iv. Harris) 264 Grant com 116 Amelia, bap. . . . 196 Deblois, bap. . 223 Ann, com 116 died 293 wi 116 Charles, bap. . . . 195 fath. . . . 21S Elizabeth, com. . . . 114 mar. (v. Snell- ing) . . 259 died . . . 286 Frances Eliza, bap. . 224 George, bap. . . . 195 John, hu 115 mar 256 M 225 Margaret, died . . . 292 Margret (Allen), mar. . 256 Marg't, com., wi. . . 115 Mary, dau. of Dea. Moses, died 281 moth., 221, 222, 222, 223, 224, 225 Gore, bap. . . 221 Moses, bap 218 fath., 195, 195, 196, 221, 222, 222, 223, 224, 225 hu 116 record by . . 276 Dea., died . . 284 Pierfe, bap. . 222 Sam'l 252 Sarah, mar. (v. Coolidge) 269 moth., 195, 195, 196, 218 Bumstead, bap. 225 Susan W., wife of Dea. Moses, died . 284 White Seaver, bap. 222 Graves Ebenezer, mar. . . . 234 Eliphal (Hopkins), mar. 234 Sarah, bap 170 Gray. See Grey Alice, mar. (v. Almy) . 298 Benj., fath 181 Benjamin, bap. . . . 181 fath., 137, 138, 140 o. c, 194, 194, 196, 19S mar. . . . 257 Page Gray — continued. Charlotte, bap. , , . 194 Edward, bap. ... 197 fath., o. c, 195, 196, 197, 206 hu. . . 114, 279 mar., 233, 255, 259 Jr., died . . 282 Sen., died . . 282 Eliz., bap 138 mar. (v. Palms) 230 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 189 moth. . . 1S7 P.,com., wi. . .120 (Chapman), mar. 276 Ellis, bap 190 fath. . 187, 188, 190 fun. of ... . 291 mar 253 Francis, fath. . . . 214 Henry, com. . 122 Frederick T(urell), com. 121 mar. 276 Hannah, mar. {v. Wil- son) 261 (Ellis), mar. . 233 Henry, bap 214 Jane, died .... 279 John, fath 136 C, com., hu. . 120 Lewis, fath 1S9 Lucy, mar. (z'. Doble) 265 Martha Edmunds, bap. 198 Mary, bap. . . 136, 140 moth i8i (Smith), mar. . 255 Ann, bap. . . 196 Anne, mar. (v. Fales) ... 271 Runey, bap. . 196 Mrs 129 Nathaniel, com. . . . 114 mar. . . . 250 Priscilla (Remick), mar. 250 Rebecca, mar. (y. Gib- bins) 231 Rebekah, spon. . . . 1 60 Sally, bap 194 (Edmunds), mar. 257 Samuel, bap. . . . 1S9 fath. ... 1 Sarah, bap. . . 187, i mar. {y. Hall) . 270 moth., 188, 189, 190, 194, 194, 196, 198 (Dolbear), mar. 253 (Tyley), mar. . 251 Widow, died . 282 Susan, child of Ed, died 280 Page Gray — continued. Susanna, bap. . . , 206 com. . . . 114 died . . . 279 moth., 189, 196, 197, 206 (Turell), mar. 259 William, bap. . . . 137 mar. . . . 251 Grayham James, mar 249 Mary (Monett), mar. , 249 Greaves Eliz., com 109 James, com 99 Green Alexander, bap. . . . 188 Andrew, bap. . . . 173 Ann, bap. . 133, 150, 204 com 108 moth., 127, 127, 137, 163, 165, 167, 204 Brewer, mar. {v. Shillaber) . . 273 Anna, mar. {y. Winslow) 249 (Barrett), mar. . 260 bap 191 Becky, mar. {v. Eustis) 266 Charles, bap. . 158, 188 R., mar. . . 277 Charlotte Augusta (Coo- lidge), mar. . . . 277 Chloe, com 115 Edmund, bap. . . . 181 Edward, bap. ... 156 mar. . . . 249 Eliz., bap. . 127, 154, 170 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 157 mar. (y. Call) 253 Esther, moth. . 181, 185 wid., died . . 280 (Trevitt), mar. 251 Francis, bap. . . . 187 fath. . 187, 188, George, bap 165 mar. . . . 265 Hannah, bap. . . . 137 com. , . . 105 mar. {y. Young) 268 (Storer), mar. 251 Harriet, bap. . . . 192 Henry, bap 161 Isaac, of Windsor, Vt., mar 260 Joanna, bap 168 mar. (v. Stutson) 252 John, bap 178 fath. . . 192, 194 mar 248 INDEX. zn Page Green — continued. John Howe, bap. . . 194 Scottow, bap. . J 83 Jonas, mar 264 Joseph, bap 152 fath., 150, 152, 153, 154,156, 157, 158, 161, 163 Astin, bap. . 186 Joshua, bap 153 mar. . . . 251 Jr., com. . . 114 Katharine, bap. . . . 174 Lydea (Draper), mar. . 248 Mary, bap 163 com 112 mar. {y. Allen) . 253 {y. Dawes) . 269 \v. Hall) . 260 moth., 173, 174,175, 178 (Storer), mar. . 249 Brown (Foggan), mar 265 Mitchinson, bap. . . 163 Mr 191 Mrs 252 died 299 Nancy (Brewer), mar. . 264 Nathaniel, bap. . 184, 185 Rachel, bap. . . 181, 184 Rebecca, bap. . . . 130 mar. {y. Austin) 270 moth. . 187, 188 Richard, bap. . . . 127 fath., 181, 183, 184, 186 mar. . 248, 250 Samuel, bap. . 129,176 fath., 129, 130, 133 Sarah, com 117 Miss, died . . 281 moth., 181, 1S3, 184, 186, 192, 194 (Scottow), mar. 250 Susanna, bap. . 167, 188 moth., 187,188, ] (Renkin), mar. 248 Thomas, bap. . 170, 187 com. . . . loi fath., 163, 168, 170, 173,174,175, 176,178, 181,184,185, 187, 188 mar. . . . 251 Timothy, bap. . 173, 175 Greene Charles R., mar. . . 297 Charlotte Augusta (Cool- idge), mar. . . . 297 Jonas, died .... 284 Page Greenleaf. See Green- LEAFE and Greenleif Abigail, bap. . . 148, 174 moth. ... 175 Daniel, bap. . . 177, 181 hu 114 mar 257 Dorcas, com. . . . 116 died . . 286, 290 moth., 184, 186, 187, 189 Edmond, bap. . . . 184 Elizabeth, bap. 172, 173, 173 com. . 114, 115 mar. . . . 257 mar. {v. Gard- . 263 . 114 bap. 184 • 151 . 176 ner) wi., com Ruggles Hannah, bap. moth, . Isaac, bap. . . James, bap. . . John, bap., 156, 173, 179, 1S2 fath., 172, 173, 177, 179, 180 Joseph, bap 139 fath. . 174, 175 Katharine, bap. . . . 145 Mary, bap. . 135, 143, 171 mar. (y. Leverett) 249 moth 175 Deming, com., wi. 114 moth. 194 (Price), mar. 258 Nancy, bap 188 com 114 mar. (v. Cranch) 263 Oliver.fath., 184, 186,187,189 Cromwell, bap Priscilla, bap. . . . 176 mar. {v. Ap pleton) . • 262 moth., 172, 182, 183, 185 Rebecca, bap. . . • 183 com., da. . . 114 Rebeckah, mar. {y. Web- ster) 259 Richard, bap. . . . 157 Robert, bap 185 Ruth, bap Sally, mar. (v. English) Sarah, bap 176 moth. . . 183 " (Quincy), mar. . 252 Susanna, bap. . . . 147 Susannah, bap. ... '75 48 Pagb Greenleaf — continued. Thomas, bap. . 175, 194 fath. . . . 194 hu 114 Dr., mar. . 258 William, bap., 177, 178, 179, 183, 187 fath., 114, 135, 139, 143,145,147,148, 15', 156, 157,171,173,175,176,176, 177, 178, I79>i8i, 182,183, 183,183, 1S4, 185, 188 Jr., fath. . 173 mar. . 252 Greenleafe. See Greek- leaf and Greenleif John, com 100 Mercy, mar. {v. Scollay) 243 Greenleif. See Green- leaf and Greenleafe Eliz., bap 149 mar. (y. Bacon) . 241 (y. Scot) . 245 Enoch, bap 154 Hannah, com. . . . no John, fath 170 Joseph, bap 142 Oliver, bap 164 Priscilla, bap. . . . 170 Ruth, bap 159 (Ruggles), mar. 243 William, bap. . . . 137 fath., 137, 142, 149, 154, 159, 164 mar. . . . 243 Greenough Abigail (Jackson), mar. 254 Jackson, died . 293 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 200 com. . . . 120 Hannah, com., da. . . 117 moth., 192, 195,197, 200 Jonathan Mountfort,bap. 192 Joseph Ward, bap. . . 197 Lydea (Haskins), mar. 266 Nabby, com 116 Nath. fa 117 Nathaniel, fath., 192, 195, 197, 200 Samuel, of New Haven, mar 254 Sarah, bap 19S (Stoddard), mar. 247 Thomas, bap. ... 191 mar. . . . 247 William, Rev., of New- ton, mar 266 378 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Greenow Eliz., bap »3° Mary, bap ^49 Ransford, bap. ... 129 Rebecca, bap. . • • 127 moth., 127, 129, 130 Greenwood Mary (Fitch), mar. . . 236 Samuel, mar. ... 236 Gregory Alexander, com. . . 98 Elizabeth, mar. (v. Davis) 270 Nancy, mar. (v. Read) 265 Grey. See Gray Edward, fath., 199, 201, 203 Eliza, bap i99 Elizabeth, com. . . . 103 James Bartlet, bap. . 201 John, bap 203 com 96 Lucy, com 103 Mary, moth 201 Nathaniel, fath. . . 201 Rebecca, moth. . . . 203 Samuel, com. . . 96, 96 Sarah J., mar. (v. Ackers) 298 Susanna, bap. ... 201 com. . . . 103 moth. . 199, 201 Gribble Eliz. (Page), mar. . . 250 John, mar 250 ^^^^ Grice Eliz., moth 151 Mary, bap 15' Gridley Elizabeth, moth. . . 192 Lydia, mar. {v. Cranston) 235 William, bap. ... 192 fath. ... 192 Gridly Isabella (Atkins), mar. 298 Wm. A., mar. ... 298 Griffith James, bap 196 Davenport, fath. 196 mar. 257 Mary, died .... 289 moth 196 E. N., com. . 120 mar. (v. Fuller) 274 Polly (Newell), mar. . 257 Grigs Sarah, mar. (v. Meers) 228 Page Griggs Hannah, mar. (v. Fitz- gerald) . ^ . . . . 254 Grinnell Elizabeth T(ucker) (Washburn), mar. . 297 Charles E(dward), mar. 297 Grishel Abigail, mar. (v. Burke) 256 Groom Fanny, mar. {v. Penni- man) 265 Groomes Mary,mar.(i'. Hamilton) 259 Grooms Fanny, bap., o. c. . . 196 Gross Elizati}, mar. (v. Williams) 252 Grouard Susan, mar. (v. Corthel) 271 Grove Rebecca, mar. {v. Hox- ford) 264 Grover Daniel, com 115 fath 209 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 209 Lydea, mar. (v. Rich- ardson) 258 Page Guthrie Jane, bap 145 Samuel, fath. ... 145 Gutridge, or Gutrige Rebecca, bap. . . . 133 Robert, bap 128 128, 133 ■ moth. 209 242 Guild Benjamin, bap. . . . 192 fath., 192, 193, 195 Elizabeth, moth., 192, 193,195 Ann, bap Josiah Quincy, bap. . 193 Gulliver Joseph, bap 201 Mrs., died .... 280 Nabby, moth. . 200, 201 (Leavet), mar. 262 Stephen, bap. . 200, 201 fath., o. c. . 200 mar. . . . 262 Gummer James, fath 201 John Davie, bap. . . 201 Sarah, moth. ... 201 Gums Diana, mar. (v. Babcock) 270 GUSTIN Eliz., mar. (v. Lowle) . 226 fath. Guy John, fath 126 Orchard, bap. . . . 126 GWIN Abigail, bap 183 moth. ... 183 (Waine), mar. 251 Peter, mar 251 Habberfeid William, com. ... 96 Haberfeii.d Jane (Bagworth), mar. 227 William, mar. . . . 227 Hacher Eliz., mar. (v. Russell) 247 Hadley Hannah, mar. (v. Farmer) 266 Hagar com 110 mar 243 Nancy Redwood, mar. (v. Rhoades) . 257 Haggar Joseph, bap 159 William, fath. ... 1 59 Will™ Guise, bap. . . 159 Hail Abigail, com. . . . 112 Benjamin, mar. . . . 248 Mary (Beal), mar. . . 248 Mercy, bap 156 Sarah, moth 156 Halden Anna, bap 165 Harris, bap 161 com Ill moth. . . 162, 165 John, fath 165 Sarah, bap 162 Hale Abigail, bap. . . 142, 142 moth., 142, 143, 145, 148, 151, 153 Alexander, bap. . 223, 224 Ann, bap 225 Augustus, bap. . . . 155 Benjamin, bap. . . . 148 Charles, bap. ... 225 INDEX. 379 Page Hai.e — cotttinued. David, bap : child of, died . : fath. . 213, 215, 216 Edward, fun. of . . . 291 Everett, bap. . 221 Elizabeth, com. . . . 295 Hannah, bap. . . . 143 Helen Anne, bap. . . 216 Lucretia Peabody, bap. 220 Lucy, bap 151 mar. (i). Robinson) 247 Mariana, bap. ... 145 Mary, com 106 moth 155 Pickard, bap. . 215 Mercy, bap 153 mar. {^v. Cook) 24S moth. . 213,215,216 Nathan, bap. . . . 219 fath., 218, 219, 220, 221,223,223,224, 225, 225, 294 Sarah, bap 21S H., moth.,218, 219, 220, 221, 223, 223, 224, 225, 225, 294 Susan, bap 223 died .... 294 Wm. Edwards, bap. . 213 Hales Tamasin, com. . . . 113 spon. . . . 170 Haley Eliz., com 106 Rachel, bap 150 Samuel, fath. . 143, 150 Thomas, bap. . . . 143 Hall Abigail, mar. (». Low) 263 moth., 182, 183, 185, 186, 187, 188, 204, 206 Adrastus, mar. . . . 269 Andrew, bap. . . . 172 fath., 148, 172, 17 5, 175. 177, 17S, 181 Ann, mar. {v. Baker) . 229 Anna, bap. . . 177, 199 Adams, bap. . 200 Benjamin, mar. . . . 260 Blanch, com. . . . 106 Blanche, bap. . . . 138 Caleb Brooks, bap. . 183 Calib B., fath., o. c. . 216 Caroline Bartlett, com. 295 Christopher John, bap. 206 Clarissa May, bap. . . 216 David Justus, mar. . . 266 Page Hall — continued. Delia, bap 209 died .... 2S1 Edward, bap. . . . 125 Eleanor, died . . . 279 Eliz., com Ill mar. (v. Pringel) 234 (Pitts), mar. . , 239 (Wilcot), mar. . 231 Eliza, mar. {v. Bates) . 271 Elizabeth, bap., 129, 144, 149, 1S6, 197 com. . . 103, 108 mar. (i/. Powell) 248 mar. (v. Welch) 248 moth., 197, 198, 199, 200, 203, 209 E]len,mar.(:/.Stimpson) 260 Ellis Gray, bap. . . 212 Emily Matilda, mar. {v. Curtis) 273 Eunice, bap 181 Gibbs, bap 156 Hannah (Penny), mar. 269 Hugh, bap 154 fath., 144, 146, 149, 151, 154, 156, 159 mar 239 Isaac, Mr., died . . . 279 Jacob, bap 189 fath 189 James, bap 148 John, bap. . 126, 127, 186 B., died ... 285 Brooks, bap. . . 215 John Kitteredge, bap. . 187 Jonathan Patten, bap. . 183 Pattin, bap. . 204 fath. ,204, 206 Joseph, bap 125 fath., 127, 129, 132, 135, 138, 1S2, 183, 185, 186, 187, 188, 213, 215, 215, 285 mar 270 Judge, died . 299 Josh., child of, died . 278 Joshua, bap. . . 185, 198 died .... 283 fath., o. c, 197, 197, 198, 199, 200, 203, 209 Katharine, bap. ... 132 Lydia, bap 146 Maria, com 295 Martha (Gardner), mar. 271 Mary, bap., 159, 175, 182, 188 mar. (v. Bailey) . 274 {v. Baynes) 268 (v. Winthrop) 243 Page HaLjV — continued. Mary, moth., 180, 182, 183, 188, 189 (GrC^n), mar. . 260 Melena (Orci^tt), mar. . 266 moth. .... 2i6 Mr V . 159 Nabby, mar. {v. Huni^^ well) "-^57 Nathaniel, bap. . . . 180 fath., 180, 182, \ 1S3, 18S Pitts, bap 151 Primus, mar. . • . 271 wife of, died . 281 Prince, child of, died . 2S0 Rebecca, bap. . 178, 1S2 mar. {v. Ha- thorne) . 267 mar. {v. Parker) 262 Rhoda (Tilton), mar. , 266 Sally,mar.(z'. Kennedey) 262 Sarah, bap 203 died .... 292 mar. {v. Clark) 252 moth., 175, 175, 181, 213, 215,215 (Gray), mar. . 270 Ann, bap. • . 215 died . . 293 Sukey, bap 188 mar. {v. Loring) 265 Susannah, bap. . . • 175 Thomas, mar. . . . 266 William, mar. . . . 231 Zechariah, bap. . . . 135 Hallett James Allen, died . . 280 Halliburton Andrew, mar. . . . 237 Naomi (Fig), mar. . . 237 Halliday Diana (Brown), mar. . 26S Henry, mar 26S Hallowell Benjamin, bap. . . . 179 fath.,173,174,174, 176, 178,179,181 mar. . . . 246 Joseph 174 Mary, bap. . 177, 178, iSi moth., 173, 174. 174. 176,177,178,179.181 (Boylstone),mar. 246 Sarah, bap 176 Thomas, bap. . . . I74 Ward, bap 173 380 RECORDS OF THf^^ CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Halping Betsey, moth. . '220, 221 Emily Hughes, hpp^ ^ 320 John H., died . ... 288 ^at',T,. ... 220 Lucy M., Hjgfi ... 286 _Viaria, bap. . . 220 Mar;y l., died . . . 2S8 Lannan, bap. . 221 /'HaI-Y bap 130 Benjamin, bap, . 129, 133 com. ... 97 fath.,130,131,133, 135. 136 Eliz., bap 139 Hannah, bap. . . . 152 Margaret, bap. . . . 135 Mary, bap 147 Samuel, bap., 135, 136, 142, 145 com. ... 97 fath., 139, 140, 142, 145. 147, 152. '53 Sarah, bap. . . 131, 140 Thomas, bap. . . . 133 William, bap. . . . 153 Hamblen Betsey, mar. (v. Cheever) 262 Hambleton Elizabeth, mar, (v. Fos- ter) 227 Sarah, com 107 Hamilton Alexander,fath., 196, 198, 199 mar. . . . 259 Betsy, mar. (w. Morrell) 276 Fanny Otis, bap. . . 196 John, bap 198 Mary, o. c, bap., 196, 196, 198, 199 (Groomes), mar. 259 Wm., bap X99 Hamlin Bezaleel, mar. . . . 256 Sarah (Campbell), mar, 256 Ham MATT Ann Sigourney, mar.(i'. Bond) 271 Benjamin, died . , . 292 Mary, died .... 291 C, com. . . . 120 William, died . . . 285 Hammett John, mar 252 Sarah (Edwards), mar. 252 Pagb Hammit Katharine, mar. (v. Holmes) .... 244 Hammond Almira, bap 213 Asa, fath., 199, 200,202, 204, 206, 210 hu 115 mar 262 Catharine, com. . . . 122 Charles, bap. . . . 200 Elizabeth C. (Mifflin), mar 297 Eliz'h (Pitson), mar. . 253 Francis H., died . . 292 Henry, bap. . 224 Gardiner Green, mar. . 297 Hannah D., com. . , 120 Dawes, bap. . 202 mar. (v. Russell) 273 Jedediah, bap. . . . 170 John Lucas, bap. . . 199 Mary Ann, bap. . . 204 com. . . 120 Michael, mar. . . . 253 Philip, fath 170 Sam', fath., 213, 224, 225, 226 Samuel, bap. . . 206, 226 Hubbard, bap. 225 Sarah, com. . . 115, 116 died .... 286 moth., 199, 200, 202, 204, 206, 210, 213 262 (Dawes), mar. . Susanna, mar. (v. Sy- monds) . 262 C, moth. . 226 Susannah, moth. 224, 225 William Dawes, bap. , 210 com. . 123 Hamms Mary, bap 124 Mehitibel, bap. . . . 124 Hancock Dorothy, Mad., mar. (v. Scott) 264 moth. . 190 Ebenezer, died . . . 285 Elizabeth, died . . . 291 John, fath 190 George Washing- ton, bap. . . 190 Mr. ... 185, 187, 189 Mrs 185 Nathaniel, bap. . 179, 181 fath. . 179, iSi Pagb Hands Mary, com 108 mar. (v. Morse) 230 Mehitable, mar. (v. Col- man) 232 Hanmer Mary, bap 151 com 108 Hannah bap 170 com 113 Hannam Justus, died .... 279 Hanse Anna, bap 160 moth 160 Hanson Eliza M. (Holland), mar. 270 Joseph L.,mar. . . . 297 Mary Ann( Warren), mar. 297 Moses Connor, mar. , 270 Hardman Rebecca (Marion), mar. 258 Thomas, mar. . . . 258 Harndon H. O., moth. . , , 296 Katharine Orne, bap. . 296 Harrington Adelia M. (Davis), mar. 276 Amity.mar. (^.Goodwin) 263 Edward, bap. . . . 206 Elizabeth, moth. . . 206 (Renouf), mar. 268 (Spear), mar. . 260 Ephraim, mar. . . . 268 Joshua W., mar. . . 276 Rachel (Hyde), mar. . 267 Robert, fath., o. c, 206, 207 mar 268 Rufus, mar 260 Sarah (Muzzee), mar, . 268 Thadeus, bap. . . . 207 Wentworth, mar. , . 267 Harris Abigail . 210, 211, 212,215 Abraham, com. ... 95 Benj., mar 235 Benja., fath. . 137, 140, 142 Caleb, bap 142 Elizabeth, mar. (v. Blake 251 Hannah, com. . . . 102 Joanna, mar. (v. Pierce) 258 John, mar, , , 247, 266 Lucy, mar. (!<, Williams) 268 INDEX. 381 Page Harris — continued. Mary (Brown), mar. . 247 (Granger), mar. 264 (Smith), mar. , 246 Nabby (Sumner), mar, 266 Owen, mar 246 Phoebe (Dal ton), mar. . 263 Polly, mar. {v. Carey) 265 Greenleaf (Davis), mar 259 Prince M., mar. . . 263 Rebecca, bap. . . . 140 mar. {v. Ste- phens) . . 227 Richard, mar. . 259, 264 Sarah, bap 137 mar. (7/. Leverett) 238 (Matthews), mar. 235 William, com. ... 95 Harrise Elizabeth, mar. (z/. Dutch) 231 Hartford Jeremiah, died . . . 2S6 M.,fath., o. c. 220 Joshua Clark, bap. . . 220 Mary Ann F., mar. {v. Bartley) . . . 274 Ann French, bap. 220 B., moth., o. c. . 220 D., died . . . 290 Hartshorn Adeline, bap. . . , 205 Benjamin, bap. . . , 209 Ellis, bap 203 Hannah Leland (Stan- ton), mar 269 Lewis, mar 259 Lucy (Ellis), of Wal- pole, mar 263 Margret, bap. . . . 203 Oliver, died .... 282 fath. . 203, 205, 209 mar. . . 263, 265 Peggy, moth. 203, 205, 209 (Akeley), mar. . 265 Susanna (Fails), mar. 259 William, mar. . . . 269 Harvey Hannah, com. . . . 105 mar. {v. Thack- way) . . 240 John, mar 232 Martha (More), mar. . 232 Hasey Eliz., bap 154 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 157 Page Hasey — continued. Joseph, bap 15S com 99 Nathanael, bap. . . 157 fath. . 157, 158 William, bap. . . . 150 com. ... 99 fath. . 150, 154 Haskell Alice, mar. {v. Cunning- ham) 277 Elizabeth, mar. (7/. Rug- gles) 266 Haskins Elizabeth, com. . . 115 Fanny, com 115 Lydea, com 115 mar. {v. Green- ough) ... 266 Mary, com 115 Hasselton James, mar 266 Susanna (Smith), mar. 266 Hassey Eliz., bap 154 Elizabeth, com. . . . 109 Hastings John, com 96 Winthrop, bap. . 193 Jonathan, fath. . . . 193 moth 193 Samuel, mar. . . • 247 Ursula, mar. {v. Larkin) 265 (Knap), mar. . 247 Hasy Hannah, com. . . , 107 moth. . . . 14S William, bap. , . , 148 Hatch Abigail, bap 188 mar. {v. Lane) 265 Ann, moth. . . 170, 171 Benj., fath. . 170, 171, 188 Eliza, mar. (z/. Bird) . 274 Estice, mar 235 James, bap. . . .170,171 Lucy, mar. (v. Fuller), 268 Mary, mar. (v. Quincy) 272 mar. {v. Weld) . 269 (Rolph), mar. . 235 Mercy Shivrick, com. . 116 Ruth, bap 172 Susanna, died . . . 2S8 Hathaway Elisha, fath 285 Helen, died .... 2S5 Mrs., serv't of . . . 284 Pagb Hathorne Benjamin Herbert, mar. 267 Rebecca (Hall), mar. . 267 Hatton mar. {v. Ramsteed) 243 Hauff JohnC, fun.of, died . 268 Haven Corinna, bap. . . . 213 Franklin, child of, died 299 fath. . . . 299 mar. . . . 275 son of, died . 292 Joseph, fath. . . . 213 hu 118 Mary, moth 213 P., com. . . . 118 wi iiS Rosanna, mar. (v. Dal- ton) . . 265 Sarah A., child of, died 299 mar. (f. Allen) 298 moth. . . 299 Ann (Curtis), mar. 275 Havers Hezekiah, mar. . . . 267 Mary Ann (Paul), mar. 267 Hawes, or Haws Anna, bap 189 moth i6r Benjamin, bap. . . . 161 com no Dorcas, mar. {v. Carnes) 264 Elizabeth, mar. {v. Wol- cutt) . . 259 (M'Elroy), mar. 266 Jacob, bap. . . 161, 163 Mary, com in moth. 161, 163, 169 spons. . . . 166 Polly, mar. {v. White) 257 William, fath. ... 189 mar. . . . 266 Sergeant, bap. 169 Hawk Mary, bap 147 moth 147 Hawks Mary, com 108 Hawksworth Margaret, mar. {v. Le Cross) 241 Hayboth Christian, mar. {v. Bruce) 250 382 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Hayden Anna, bap 131 Dinah, com 103 Frederick A , fun. of . 285 Hannah, bap. . . . 134 Jeremiah, bap. . . . 133 Joseph, bap 136 William, bap. . . . 130 com. ... 96 fath., 130, 131,133, 134, 136 Hayes John, mar 231 Sarah (Walker), mar. . 231 Hayman Mary, mar. (v. Homer) 258 Hayward Abigail, moth. . . . 152 Ebenezer, bap. . . . 152 Rachel, mar. (v. Mari- ner) 241 Haywood Abigail, moth. . . . 154 Kath. (v. Fabins), mar. 229 Margaret, mar. (v. That- cher) 228 Nehemiah, bap. . . . 154 Hazard Mary,mar. (w. Broderic) 254 Hazel John, mar 238 Lucy (Spear), mar. . 269 Martha (Clark), mar. . 238 William, mar. . . . 269 Healy Charity, bap. . . . 155 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 155 Margaret, moth. . . 137 Samuel, bap. . . . 137 William, bap. . 151, 152 com. ... 97 fath., 151, 152, 155 Heard Mary Ann B. (Perkins), mar 270 Robert, mar 270 Hearsey. See Hersey Benjamin, mar. . . . 260 Betsy (Arnold), mar. . 260 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 190 James, bap 188 Martha, moth. . 188, 190 (Russell), mar. 251 Mary Lendell (Kinney), mar 262 Page Hearsey — contmued. Samuel, mar. . . . 262 William, fath. . 188, 190 mar. . . . 251 Heath Deborah, com. . . . 105 moth., 139, 142, 144, 147 Ebenezer, bap. . 142, 144 Eliz., bap 124 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 147 Esther, bap 125 Frederick A., mar. • . 276 Joseph, fath. . . 124, 125 Mary Ann (Symmes), mar 276 Samuel, bap 139 Hector Freelove Watson (Gar- ner), mar 263 Monday, mar. . . . 263 Hedman Benjamin, bap. • . . 141 fath. ... 141 Eliz., bap 138 Jane, mar. (v. Marshal) 239 Mary, bap 143 Philip, fath. . . 138, 143 Hegshaw Mercy, bap 176 moth. . . . 176 Helyer Joseph, mar 253 Susanna (Wilkins), mar. 253 Henchee Joshua, fath. . . . 135 Thomas, bap. . . . 135 Henderson John, mar 270 Joseph, mar 251 Mary (Billings), mar. . 251 Susannah(Barret), mar. 270 Henley Benjamin, bap. . . . 174 Hannah, bap. . . • 172 moth., 172, 173, 174 (Lucker), mar. 247 John, bap 173 fath. . 172, 173, 174 mar 247 Henry Phoebe, mar. (v. Rams- dale) 267 Henshaw Ann Brooks, bap. . .221 221, 223 254 Page Henshaw — continued. Eliz., bap 166 com no moth., 159, 162, 166, 168, 170 (Bill), mar. . . 243 Eliza, moth. Hon. Mr. John, bap 170 Hunt, bap. . • 223 Joseph, mar. . . . 249 Joshua, bap 168 fath. ... 173 mar. . . . 243 Mary, com 104 Richard Bill, bap. 162, 173 Samuel, fath. . 221, 223 Sarah, bap 159 mar 249 Sophia, mar. (y. Lewis) 259 Hensler Margarett A., mar. (t/. Barry) 297 Hepditch Betsy (Duff), mar. . 266 Isaac, mar 266 Herrick Elizabeth, com. , . , 115 Mary, com 107 Phillis, mar. (f. Kimball) 261 Herring Ebenezer, Jr., fath. . 2c8 Elizabeth Call, bap. . 208 Maria Eliza, bap. . . 208 Nancy, moth. . . . 208 Hersey, or Hearsey John, bap 183 Martha, moth., 183, 1S3, 187 Mary, bap 187 Samuel, bap 183 Wm., fath. . 1S3, 183, 1S7 Hertford Hannah, com. . . . 112 Hesket Dorcas, com 107 John, bap 135 Mary, bap 134 com 104 moth. . . 134, 135 Hewes Daniel, died . . . 287 Margret(]Milliquet),mar. 260 Nancy, o. c, bap. . . 209 Samuel, Jr., mar. . . 260 Thankful, died . . 286 INDEX. 383 Page Hewey Katharine, com. . . 113 IIewin Ebenezer, Jr., mar. . . 269 Nancy (Call), mar. . . 269 Hews Benjamin, bap. . . . 137 George, fath. . . . 185 Hannah, bap. . . 137, 140 moth., 137, 137, 140 Solomon, bap. . . . 1S5 Heywood Caroline, com. . . . 120 Mr., died 2S2 Highborn Ann, died 291 Maria, mar. (v. Fernald) 273 Mary Ann, mar.(i'. Gould) 273 Samuel, died . . . 291 HiCKEY Ella C, mar. (v. Chee- ver) 29S Mark, mar 270 Mary Ann (Meeder), mar 270 HiCKLIN John, bap 166 Wm., fath 166 HiCKLING Thomas, bap. . . . 168 Wm., fath 168 HiCKS Betsy, bap 193 George, bap 194 James, bap 191 Mary, moth. . 191, 193, 194 Wm., bap 191 Zachariah, fath. . . 193, 194 Zechary, fath. . . . 191 Hide John, mar 237 Sarah, mar. (v. Codner) 241 (Waldo), mar. . 237 Higginson Elizabeth Sewall, bap. 200, 203 Martha, moth. 200, 203, 206 Salisbury, bap. 206 Sarah, mar. (v. Tyng) 261 Stephen, Jr., fath. . . 200, 203, 206 Hill Abigail, mar. (v. Bar- ber) 268 Anna, mar. (v. Homer) 265 Page Hill — continued. Hannah(Cushing),mar. 241 mar. {v. Whiting) 259 Mary, b.ip., com. . . 115 mar. (z'. Sharper) 253 Micah W., died . . . 2S6 Whitney, com. . iiy Nancy (M'Neal), mar. 254 Sarah, died .... 2S6 mar. (y. Cooly) 297 Thomas, mar. . .241,254 Hiller Polly, mar. {v. Wiswell) 25S Susan, mar. (v. Mecom) 249 Hillman Fear (Baker), mar. . . 252 Polly, mar. (v. Saint- clair) 265 Stephen, mar. . . . 2^2 Hilton Sarah, mar. {y. Bowden) 274 HiNKS Eliz. (Edwards), mar. 236 William, mar. . . . 236 HiNSLER Margarett A., mar. {y. Barry) 277 Hirst Elizabeth, com. . . 102 Grove, com 95 fath. . . .132, 134 John, bap. . . . 137, 141 com 97 fath 141 Mary, bap 137 com 106 William, bap. . . ip, 134 HiTCllINGS Lydea, bap 195 Mary, moth 195 Stephen Badger, bap. . 194 Wm., fath. . . . 194, 195 HlXON Abigail, moth. . . . 191 spon. . . 197 Joseph, fath. . . • igi Samuel Cooper, bap. . 191 HOBART Anna (Ballard), mar. . 297 Charles G., mar. . . 297 Elizabeth, mar. {v. Thayer) .... 261 Joshua, fath. . . . 148 Mary, bap 148 Hobbey Winsley, of Conn., mar. 256 Sarah (Clarke), mar. . 256 Pace HOBBIE Elizabeth, {v. Gooch), mar 234 HOBBS Ann, bap. . . . 137, 138 Jane, bap 134 John, bap 126 fath. 126, 129, 134, ^yi, 138 mar 228 Nathanael, bap. . . . 129 Susanna (Sugars), mar. 228 Hobby Mary, mar. (v. Hubbard) 238 Sarah (Johnston), mar. 249 Wensley, mar. . . . 249 Hobs Gregory, bap. . . . 127 John, fath 127 HODGDON Cicely, moth. 184, 185, 187 Elizabeth, bap. . . 1S4, 185 John, fath. . 184, 185, 187 Nancy, bap 1^7 Hodges Solon, died .... 287 Hodgson Cicela (Graham), mar. 251 John, mar 251 Nancy, mar. {y. Ker) . 262 HODKINS Francis, mar. (y. Wills) 298 Hodsden Ann, com 105 Christian (Mason), mar. 235 Joseph, mar. . . . 235 Hog Katharine, bap. . . . 149 Rachel, bap 144 com. . . . 109 Thomas, com. ... 99 fath. . . 144, 149 Hokens James, mar 262 Pheebe (Lewis), mar. . 262 Holasted Richard, died ... 288 Holbrook Alone, mar. (y. Putnam) 270 Elizabeth Shannon, com. 295 Lovey, mar. {y. Dodge) 261 Holland Clarissa (Parsons), mar. 276 Eliza M., mar. {y. Han- son) 270 384 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page 276 227 207 263 269 263 265 265 284 207 283 HoLLAN D — continued. Henry E., mar. . . . Johanna, mar. {v, Mac- coliister) .... John G., fath. . . . mar. . . . Lucy, mar. {v. Vassall) LydeaS.(Gandell),mar. Matthew, mar. . . . Mary (Babcock), mar. PhilHs, died .... Wm., bap HOLLEY Horace, Rev., at fun. of W. Emerson . . . HOLLIMAN John, com loi HoLLIS Daniel, fath 216 Dolly (Trask), mar. . 262 Isaac, mar 262 moth 216 Sarah Matilda, bap. . 216 Holmes, or Holms Abiel, Rev., of Cam- bridge, mar. . . . 268 Francis, com. ... 96 fath., 128, 130, 131, m> Henry, mar 267 Jonathan, mar. . . . 244 Katharine (Hammit), mar 244 Mary, bap. . . 131, 133 (Burrill), mar. . 267 Nath., fath 128 Rebecca, com. . . . 105 mar. (v. Amory) 238 Robert, bap 128 Sally (Wendell), mar. . 268 Samuel, bap. . . , William, bap. . . , Holt John, com Richard C, mar. . . Susan H. (Cocks), mar Holton com Susanna, mar. (z". Carver) 238 Holyoke Edward, com. . . . 114 HOMANS Caroline, moth. . 224, 225 Harriet Bordman, bap. 225 John, fath 224 Dr., fath. . . . 225 Sarah Ellen, bap. . . 224 128 130 99 272 272 T04 Page Homer Abigail, Mrs., died . . 282 Ann, moth 210 Anna, moth. . . 203, 205 (Hill), mar. . . 265 Anne, moth 214 bap 1S6 Elizabeth (Brown), mar. 266 (Rea), mar. . 260 Frederick Lane, bap. . 217 George, bap. . i S3, 198, 214 com. . . . 117 fath., 0. c, 198, 202, 203 mar 260 Jr., died . . 2S2 Hannah, bap. . . mar. (i". Howe) 262 R.,mar.(r'. Pierce) 275 Ray, bap. . . . 210 Rea, bap. . . , Henry, bap 210 Jacob, bap 189 child of, died . 278 fath., o. c, 203, 205, 210, 214 mar 265 Henry, bap. . . 203 John, bap 181 mar 258 Jos. W., fath. . 207, 208 Joseph W., died . . 294 hu. . . . 294 Jr., mar. . 274 Warren, bap. . 207 com., 114, 116 fath., 204, 205, 207,209, 210, 211, 213,214,216,217 mar. . 267 Mary, moth., 177, 179, 181, 183, 185, I (Hayman), mar. . 258 Ann, bap. . . . 207 Ridgway, bap. . 211 com. . 123 Michael, bap. . . . 179 Capt., mar. . 260 moth 211 Nicholas, mar. . . . 266 Peter Thacher, bap. . 208 com. . 122 Rebecca (Barker), mar. 274 Sally, moth., 204, 205, 207, 216, 217 (Rea), mar. . . 267 Sumner, bap. . 202 Sarah, bap. . . 177, 204 com 116 Page Homer — continued. Sarah, mar. (z/. Emer- son) . . . 273 moth., 19S, 202, 203, 209, 210, 213, 214 wi. of Joseph W., died . . 294 (Sumner), mar. 260 Sumner, mar. {v. Carleton) . 272 Sidney, bap. . . 209, 213 Susanna Ridgway, bap. 203 Susannah Ridgway, mar. (z/. Lord) . . 273 Thomas Johnston, bap. 216 Thomson Kidder, bap. 214 William, bap. . . . 205 died ... 288 fath., 179, 181,183, 185, 186, 189 Homes Peggy, mar. {v. Denni- son) 263 Sarah, mar. {v. Tappen) 253 Hood Rebecca (Foreacres), mar. . . . 249 Samuel, mar. . . . 249 Hooker Mary, mar. {v. Dolbear) 238 William, com. ... 97 Hooper Anne M., mar. {y. Lo- throp) 297 Harriet Maria, mar. (y. Savage) .... 274 Hope Sarah (Gold), mar. . . 242 Thomas, mar. . . . 242 Hopkins Eliphal, mar. (i). Graves) 234 Phcebe,mar.(z/.Masley) 265 Horn bap 183 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 187 John, bap 1S9 Mary moth. 183, 184, i86, 187, 189 (Bowden), mar. 251 Mary Smith, bap. . . 184 Nancy, bap 186 Sam'l, fath. . 183, 184, 1861 187, 189 Samuel, mar. . . . 251 Horner Mr., died 281 INDEX. 385 HORTON Richard, died Page 291 Houghton Elizabeth, moth. . 209, 211 Ellis, bap 209 Euclid, fath. . . 209, 211 George, bap 2n HOVEY Charlotte (Woodman) mar 297 James, mar 245 Josiah, mar 297 Sarah (Ruggles), mar. 245 How Edward Comston, bap. 207 Israel, mar 232 Jos., fath 207 Joseph, mar 244 Judith (Clark), mar. . 232 Mary (Boardman) . . 244 Rebecca(Sarcomb),mar. 249 Thomas, mar. . . . 249 Howard Abiel, mar. (v. Fossey) 249 Abigail, moth. 14S, 150, 155 Amirana (Loring), mar. 270 . Deborah, bap. . . . 166 moth. 156, 158, I 60 162, 166 Dorothy, com. . . . 109 moth. . . . 169 Elizabeth, wid., died . 2S2 Elizabeth, mar.(z'. Smith) 251 Grace, bap 139 mar. (v. Brick- wood) . . . 240 moth. 139, 141, 142 Hannah, bap. . . . 150 Jenny, mar. (v. IMerritt) 267 John, mar 270 Jonathan, bap. . . . 160 Joseph, bap 141 Mannah(Williams),mar. 269 Martha, mar. (v. Cook) 254 Mary, bap. . . 142, 184 (Hunt), mar. . 275 Nathanael, bap. . 155, 158 Peter, mar 269 Sally, bap 190 Samuel, fath. 184, 187, 190 mar. , . . 275 Sarah, bap. . 148, 156, 169 motn. 184, 187, 190 Simon, bap 162 William, bap. , . . 187] Page Howe Abigail, died .... 289 Alice, motli. 196, 197, 198, 199, 201 Allice (Sumner), mar. . 260 Augusta, bap. . . . 214 Charles Frederick, bap. 223 Edward C, died . . 287 Elizabeth Margaretjbap. 209 Else, moth 202 Else Sumner, bap. . • 202 Francis Boardman, bap. 210 G., Mr 226 George, child of, died . 294 com. . . . 121 died. . . . 300 fath., 0. c, 220, 223, 224, 226, 294 mar 273 Dudley, bap. . 224 Wm. bap. 220, 223 Hannah (Homer), mar. 26 James Henry, bap. . 226 Ridgeway, bap. 201 Jeannette Monroe, bap. 211 John, Jr., mar. . . . 262 Joseph, fath. 202, 204, 206, 209 N., fath. . . 214 hu. . . . 285 Margaret, moth. . . 209 Martha, bap. . . . 204 died . . . 285 Mary, moth. . . 207, 210 (Ross), mar. . 267 Homer, mar. {v. Briggs). . . 272 moth., 202, 204, 206, 211, 212, 214 Smith, bap. . . 212 Surcomb, bap. . 196 Richard Surcomb, bap. 197 Samuel Gridley, bap. . 206 Sarah, died .... 290 moth. . 220, 223 ('\Iarean)mar. . 273 Ross, bap. . . 207 Susan, moth. . 224, 226 Boylston, bap. . 226 Thomas, bap. . . . 198 child of, died 278 fath.,0. c, 196, 197, 198, 199, 201, 202, 207, 210, 211, 212 mar. . 260, 267 Wm. bap 199 Campston, bap. • 202 Edward, bap. . 262 49 Pagb HowEL, or Howell George, bap 132 Katharina, bap. . . . 129 moth. 129, 132, 134 (George), mar. 229 Nathan, bap. . . . 134 mar. . . . 229 Ruth, mar. (v. Warden) 254 Howland Charles, bap. . . , 19S fath. ... 198 Elizabeth, com. . . . 115 moth, . . 198 HOXFORD Henry, mar 264 Rebecca (Grove), mar. 264 Hubbard Deborah,mar.(z'.Gooch) 253 Elizabetli, bap. . 171, 186 George, died .... 282 Hannah (Allen), mar. . 240 Henry, bap 185 James, bap 135 John, bap 144 fath., 135,137,140,141, 144 Joshua, mar 240 Judith, moth. . 185, 186 Mary, com 102 (Hobby), mar. . 238 Nathanael, mar. . . . 240 Rebekah (Gore), mar. . 240 Sarah, bap 140 Susanna, bap. . . . 148 Thomas, bap. . . . 137 fath. 171, 1S5, 186 Tuthill, bap 141 Zach. mar 238 Zech., fath 14S HUBBART Charles Hobby, bap IS' Deborah, bap. . 173 moth. 17-5 Eliz., bap. . . 150 com. 108 moth. . . 131 Elizabeth, bap. . 147 com. IIS Gideon Ray, bap. , 17s John, bap. . 143, 'S 1, 178 fath. 143, 146, 14 7, ISO Joseph, bap. . . 14 6, l7^ Judith, moth. 180, 18 1. 183 Mary, bap. . . . 144 Samuel, bap. . , . . 183 Simon Ray, bap. 172 386 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BKATTLE SQUARE. Page HuBBART — continued. Susanna, bap. . . 147, 180 mar.(i'.Torrey) 261 Thomas, child of, bap. . 177 com. . . . 100 fath. 172, 173, 175, 177,178, 180, iSi, 1S3 Wm,, bap 181 Zech., fath. . 144, 145, 150 145, 150 147, 153 . 282 . 214 . 214 • 203 Zechariah, bap. . Zecharias, fath. . Hudson J., child of, died child of, bap. fath. . . . John Bradlee, bap. Joseph, bap 201 fath. . . . 201, 203 Mercy, o. c, moth. 201, 203 HUEY Margaret, com. . . . 113 HuGES, or Hughes George, bap 213 Henry, bap 217 Mary B., died . . . 2S3 Balch, bap. . . 215 Sally, moth. . 213,215,217 Sarah, bap 212 moth. . . 209, 212 (Balch), mar. . 269 Thomas, bap. . . . 209 died . . . 293 fath. 209, 212, 213, 215, 217 mar. . . . 269 Humphrey Adam Smith, died . . 290 George, died .... 293 H. C, died .... 300 Mary A. (Beal), mar. . 277 Seth T., mar. . . . 277 Humphreys, or Hum- phries. Adam Smith, bap. . . 223 Catharine, com. . . . 121 moth. 217, 218, 221, 223 Smith, com. 121 Charles Edward Wright, bap 221 Eliz.,mar. {v. Smith) . 228 George, child of, died . 282 com. . . . 121 fath. 214, 217, 218, 221, 223, 282 Henry Augustus Emery, bap. . . 221 Page Humphreys — continued. John Osborn, bap. . . 217 Louisa, died .... 299 Margaret Smith, bap. . 214 Mary Ann Smith, died 2S5 Spear, bap. 21S moth 214 Sally, com 120 Hunewel Mary, mar. {v. Capril) 235 Hunnewell Esther, mar. (v. Parker) 261 Nabby, mar. (i;. Dawson) 257 (Hall), mar. . 257 Richard, mar. . . . 257 Sally, mar. {v. Bradley) 261 Hunnywell Eliz. (Welch), mar. . 247 Stephen, mar. . . . 247 Hunt Elizabeth, bap. . . . 197 com., dau. . 117 died . . . 284 moth. 196, 197, 198,202,203,305 Hannah, moth. . . . 200 Henry Hasell, bap. . 202 John, bap 203 Larkin, bap. . . 200 Jonathan, fath., o. c. . 200 Lucy Ann, mar. {v. Smith) 275 Mary, bap 139 mar. (v. Howard) 275 Richard, mar. . . . 236 Robert, bap 164 fath. . . . 164 Sam'l, fath. 196, 197, 198 2C2, 203, 205 Samuel, fath. . 117, 279 Sarah, bap., moth. . . 139 (Williams), mar. 236 Postell, bap. . . 19S Susanna, com. . . . 116 died . . . 279 William, hu. ... 284 Gibbs, bap. . 196 com. . 117 Hasell, bap. . 205 Huntingdon Benjamin, fath. . , 222 Caroline, moth. . . 222 Elizabeth, bap. 222 Huntley Hannah (Brown), mar. 269 Marquis, mar. . . . 269 Pagb Hurd Sarah, mar. (v. Perkins) 243 Hurley Elizabeth (Barns), mar. 260 William, mar. . . . 260 Hurry Abigail, com. . . . 112 Hurst, or Hirst Elizabeth, bap. . . . 127 Grove, fath. 126, 127, 127^ 128, 129 Hannah, bap. . . . 128 Jane, bap 129 Mary, bap 126 Samuel, bap. . . , 127 Hustuns Ruth, mar. (v. Walton) 259 Hutchins Abigail, died .... 286 Eliz., moth 137 Lydia, bap 137 Mary, mar. (:'. Currier) 247 Hutchinson Eliz., bap 142 Mary Ann, fun. . . . 291 Thos., Lieut. Gov. . 252 Willni, fath 142 Hutta Eliz., com no moth 162 John, bap. . . 162, 165 fath 165 Huttah Abigail, bap 176 Elizabeth, moth. . . 176 Huttea Eiliza, bap 160 Eliz., moth. . . 160, 167 Mary, bap 167 Hutter Ann, bap 174 Eliz.; moth 170 Elizabeth, moth. 172, 174 Hurriah, bap. . . . 172 Hugh, bap 173 John, fath. . . 173, 174 Thomas, bap. . . . 170 Huxford Esther (Egen), mar. . 247 Jos., mar 247 Hyat Ann, bap 126 Mary, bap 124 moth. . 124, 126 INDEX. 387 Page Hyde Abigail, moth. . 1S6, 1S9 David, bap. . . 185, 189 fath., 186,187, 189, 278 Mr., child of, died 278 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 187 moth. . . 187 Katherine, bap. . . . 186 Rachel, mar. (f, Har- rington) .... 267 William Bulfinch, bap. 186 Hyslip David, bap 176 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 177 Mehetabell, moth., 175, 176, 177 (Stoddard), mar. 247 William, bap. . . . 175 fath., 175, 176 177 mar. . . . 247 Inches Charles, bap. . . . 211 Elizabeth, com. . . . 117 dau. . . . 117 died . . . 281 moth. . . 117 Brimmer, bap 210 com 122 Henderson .... 254 bap. . . . 208 com. . . . 116 fath., 190, 208, 20S, 210, 211, 213,215, 216 220 hu. ... 117 mar. . . . 253 Herman Bnmmer, bap. 215 Martin Brimmer, bap. 220 Mary Anne, bap. . . 216 Sally, mar. {v. Cobb) . 266 Sarah (Jackson), mar. . 253 Watson, bap. 213 com. 122 Susan, died .... 28S moth. . . . 220 Susanna, bap. . . . 190 moth. . . . 216 Susannah, bap. . ,. . 208 com. . 117 117 dau. . . . 117 wi. . . . 117 moth., 208, 208, 210,211, 213 ,215 Ingersol, or Ingersoll Abigail (Bennet), mar. 258 Eliz. (Gourding), mar. 229 (Smith), mar. 256 George, fath. . 201 205 mar. . . . 229 Capt., mar. . 263 Goldthwait, bap 201 Page Ingersol — continued. John, mar 258 Martha (Goldthwait), mar 263 moth. . . . 201, 205 Mary L., com. . . . 120 Lanman, bap. . 205 Nehemiah, mar. , . . 256 Sarah, mar. (v. Smalman) 235 Ingraham Ann (Pilsbury), mar. . 252 Caroline A., moth. . 224 Augusta (Geyer), mar. . . . 274 Elizabeth, bap. 224 Daniel, fath. . . . 224 Greenleaf, bap., 196, 224 mar. . 274 Dorcas, mar. (v. Ridg- way) 255 Duncan, fath. . . . 190 Elijah, mar 252 Elizab. (Coit), mar. . 247 Frederick VV., died . 2S7 Jane, moth 196 John, mar 247 Joseph, fath 196 Mary, com 115 Sukey, bap 190 Susanna, moth. , . . 190 Ingreham Caroline Augusta, moth. 226 Daniel Greenleaf, fath. 226 John Geyer, bap. . . 226 Ings Ann, bap 138 com 105 moth 138 (Play), mar. . . 234 Jane, bap 138 William, mar. . . . 234 ISGATE Martha, com. . . . 107 IVERS Gregory, mar. . • . 248 Hannah (Worth), mar. 248 Jack bap 176 mar 252 Jackson Abigail, bap 169 mar. (v. Allen) 253 mar. (v. Green- ough) ... 254 moth., 163, 167, 169, 170, 172, 174, 177, 179 Ann, bap 17° Page Jackson — continued. bap 171 Benj., bap 167 Capt., fath 287 Eliz , bap. . . 154, 162 moth 162 Elizab., mar.(t'.Dennie) 250 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 179 moth. . . 179 mar. (v.Kens- ler) . . 258 (Williamson), mar, 254 Elce, mar. (v. Sylvester) 266 George, bap., com. . 115 Grace, o. c, moth. . . 131 Hannah, com. . . . 107 mar. (v. Rus- sell) . . . 264 Isaac, bap 131 Jeremiah, bap. . . . 182 John, bap 174 Gardiner, mar. . 254 Jonathan, mar. . . . 251 Joseph, bap. . . 163, 177 fath., 172, 174, 177, 179 Lucy, died .... 234 mar. (v. Adams) 264 Margaret, died . . . 2S7 Mary, bap. . . 147, 180 (Tings), mar. . 251 Nathanael, bap. . 144, 174 Rachel, com. . . . in Richard, bap. . . . 179 Sarah, mar. (v. Inches) 253 moth. . . . 172 Sophia, com 115 mar. (z/. Williams) 274 Susanna, bap. . . . 177 com. . . • 115 Susannah, died . • . 284 Thomas, bap. . . . 172 com. . . . 100 fath. 144, 147, 154, 174, 177, 179, 180, 182 jun., fath. . 172 William, bap. . .172 Jacobs Susanna, bap. . . . 139 com. . . • 106 Jacques Mary, com 114 James bap 187 com loi mar 245 Son of Mensas, bap. 174 Hope, mar. (v. Collier) 261 388 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Jamison Sarah, mar. (v. Urann) 238 Jane com 109 mar 253 (v. Vingus) . . 244 (v. Pompey) . 244 Jaquith Aaron, bap 203 child of, died 278,278 died .... 280 fath. . . 203, 205 bap 205 Margaret, moth. . . 212 Margret, moth. . 203, 205 Wm. Henry, bap. . . 212 Jarvis Mary (Cross), mar. . 239 Robert, mar. . . . 239 Jeffers Jane, bap 130 John, mar 267 Mary, mar. (v. Drew) . 275 Phcebe (Smith), mar. . 267 Silence, moth. . . . 130 Jeffery Arthur, mar, . . . 229 Silence (Keen), mar. . 229 Jeffrey serv. to Col. Checkley, mar 231 Jeffries Ann, bap 140 (Clarke), mar. . 233 John, com 99 fath 140 mar 233 Silence, moth. . . . 129 William, bap. . . . 129 Jeffry Elizabeth (Winthrop), mar 249 George, of Portsmouth, mar 249 serv. to Mr. Fr. Clark, mar 230 Jeffrys John, bap 131 Silence, moth. ... 131 Jenkings, or Jenkins Abigail, mar. (v. Crosby) 268 Deborah, mar. (v.Baker) 253 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 173 Esther, mar. (v. Mason) 253 John, bap 16S fath. . . 173, 174 Page Jenkings — cotiiimied. Lydia, mar. (v. Felton) 276 Mary, bap 170 mar. {v. Allen) . 250 moth. . 168, 170, 174 Susannah, bap. • . . 174 Jennings Edward, com. ... 99 Jenny bap 141 Jephson Lydia Callender, bap. . 207 moth. . . 212, 213 Nathaniel Call, bap. . 213 Samuel, bap. . . . 212 Wm., com 117 fath. . 207, 212, 213 Jepson Ann (Gooding), mar. . 255 Benjamin, com. . . 100 Eliza, mar. {v. Flagg) . 262 Elizabeth G., fun. of . 289 Green, bap. . 203 John, mar 255 Mary, com 115 moth. 203, 204, 206 210, 220 (Call), mar. . 264 Ann, bap. . . 206 Nathaniel Call, bap. . 204 Sarah Bush, bap. . . 220 William, bap. . . . 210 child of, died : died ... 286 fath., 203, 204, 206, 210, 220 mar. . . . 264 Jesse David, bap 124 fath. 124, 125, 126, 127 Eliz., bap 126 Mary, bap 125 com 102 Phineas, bap. . . . 125 Susanna, bap. . . • 127 Jewele Betsy (Davis), mar. . 262 William, mar. . . . 262 Jewet David, Rev., mar. . . 244 Patience (Phillips), mar. 244 Jewett David Sawyer, bap. . 220 Elizabeth Kendall, bap. 220 Martha, bap. . . . 220 Mary Holmes, bap. . 220 moth., o. c. . . 220 Pagh Jewett — continued. Sarah Wyman, bap. . 220 Solomon, fath. . . . 220 Johnson Abigail, bap. . . • 138 (Parsons), mar. 235 Benjamin, bap. . . . 163 Charles, mar. . . . 276 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 136 com. . . . 121 Emmeline, bap. . . 200 Gennet, bap. . . . I2y George, fun. of . . . 291 Washington,bap. 204 James, bap 138 mar 272 John, bap 174 fath 138 mar 235 Joseph, mar. . . . 248 Juda (Francis), mar. . 272 Katherine, o. c, bap. 194, 206 moth. . . 194 Martha (Amiel), bap. . 168 mar. . 258 Mary, bap 136 com 109 (Storer), mar . 264 (Thompson), mar. 248 Mercy, bap 136 Nathaniel, fath. . . 194 mar. . . 258 Priscilla, com. . . . 102 moth. . . 125 Rachel (Thwing), mar. 241 Rebecca, bap. . . . 136 Ruth, died .... 289 Sally, moth. 200, 202, 204, 206 (Adams), mar. . 262 Samuel, bap. 157, 162, 194 Sarah, bap 159 mar. {y. Seaver) 272 B. (Rogers), mar. 276 Seth, mar 264 Susanna, mar.(v. Roach) 262 Thomas, bap. . . . 153 com. . . 97, 98 fath. 136, 138, 153, 155,157,159.162,163,168,174 mar. . . . 241 William, bap. ... 155 Wm., bap 202 fath., o. c, 200, 202, 204, 206 mar 262 Johnston Bathsheba, mar. {v. Savage) .... 253 INDEX. 389 Pagb Johnston — continued. Christy (Bruce), mar. . 252 Sarah, mar. (:'. Hobby) 249 William, mar. . . . 252 JOHONNOT Andrew, bap., com. . 123 fath. . 221, 222 Edwards, bap. 221 Gabriel, fath. . . . 185 mar. . . . 252 Harriet, com. . . . 121 moth. . 221, 222 Sophia, bap. . 222 Judith, moth. ... 185 (Cooper), mar. 252 Margret (Le Mercier) mar 255 Mary Elizabeth, bap. . 221 Samuel Cooper, bap. . 185 Wm. Harris, bap. . . 221 Zechar'>, mar. . . . 255 Zechary, bap .... 185 Jonah Dorothy(Waters),mar. 270 John, mar 270 Jones Abigail, moth. . . 193, 194 Cheesborough Grant, bap 193 Ann (Schoolmaster), mar. 236 Anna, com 122 Charles F., mar. . . 276 Elizabeth, bap. . 135, 198 mar. (v. Mc- Killavery) 253 moth., o. c, 197, 198, 199,201,206 George Champlin, bap. 206 Grizzel (Martin), mar. 24S Hannah, com. . . . in (Man), mar. . 234 Hepsy, mar. (». Kidder) 266 Isaac, bap 149 I. S., Dr 299 Mrs., wife of, died 299 Jerusha, mar. {v. Mc- Fadden) .... 253 John, bap 134 com 95 fath. . 134, 135, 149 CoiSn, bap. . . 201 died . 292 fath., 193, 194, 197, 198, 199, 201, 206 Lucy, fun. of ... 2S8 Ann (Remick), mar. . . . 276 Page Jones — continued. Margaret Champlin, bap 197 Martha Ellery, bap. . 206 mar. (v. Coles) 274 Mary, bap. . 127, 134, 199 com. . . 103, 122 died .... 293 Matha, mar. (v. Waldo) 251 Mr 179 Mrs 180 Nancy, mar. (y. Ed- mands) 271 Rebecca (Falkener), mar 264 'Sarah B. (Vinton), mar. 276 Simpson, Dr., of Hop- kinton,mar. . . . 248 Stephen, mar. . . . 264 Susanna, mar. {v. Gal- ley) 261 Coffin, bap. . 194 Susannah, mar. {y. Welles) .... 250 Thomas, mar. . . . 234 S., mar. . . 276 William, mar. . . . 236 Joseph mar 249 son of Pompey, bap. . 172 of Sharper, bap. . 185 JouVE Clarissa, mar. {y. Gould) 269 Joy Rachel, mar. (t/. Bacon) 259 JUDAWINE Jane, moth 160 William, bap. ... 160 JUDEVINE Cornelius, mar. . . . 241 Mary (White), mar. . 241 JUDKINS Caroline Augusta, bap. 217 EHzabeth C, moth. . 217 Moses S., fath. ... 217 Kalnack Hannah (Chamberlain), mar 235 Philip, mar 235 Kate mar 246 Katharine bap 164 Samuel Sturgis, master 164 Page Katurah bap 164 Mr. Pitts, master . . 164 Keach Abigail, mar. (y. Clark) 232 Keating Augustus, bap. . . . 217 George, bap 214 Hannah, moth., 214, 215, 217 (Storer), mar. 271 Horace, bap 215 Oliver, fath. . 214,215,217 mar 271 Keeling Elizabeth, bap. . . . 128 com. . . 102 Francis, bap. . . . 140 Prudence, bap. . . . 131 Samuel, bap. . . 127, 137 com. ... 95 fath., 127, 128, 131, m, 140 Keen Hannah, bap. . . . 724 com. . . . 103 John, bap 124 moth 124 Silence, bap 124 com. . . . 103 mar.(f. Jeffery) 229 William, bap. . . . 124 com. ... 95 fath. . 124, 230 Keith Sarah Champney (Pol- leys), mar 271 . 271 William, mar. . . . Kelinick Hannah, com. . . , Kelley Freeman, mar. . . . Marv, mar. {y. Carnes) Patience (Dix), mar. , Kellum Abigail, mar. {y. Brown) Kempton Abigail, bap Kendal Charlotte, moth. . . Richards, bap. Samuel Woodwardjbap. fath. Kendrick Kate A., mar. iy. Ami- don) Keney James, com 105 250 272 244 153 218 21S 218 218 298 H4 390 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Kennedey John, mar 262 Sally (Hall), mar. . . 262 Kennedy Jane (Viburt), mar. . 247 Mary, mar. (v. Tebits) 254 Matt., mar 247 Rebecca, com. . . . no moth. ... 158 Rebekah, bap. . . . 160 moth. . . 160 Sarah, com 114 William, bap. . . . 158 Kenny Abigail, bap 127 com. . . . 106 mar. (v. Bill) . 253 (Winget), mar. 228 Ann, bap 142 Hannah, bap. . . . 13S James, mar 250 Lydia, bap 140 Mary, com 108 (Putnam), mar. 250 Ruth, mar. (v. Smith) 232 Samuel, bap. . . . 128 com. ... 96 fath., 127, 128, I2g, 131. 135. '381 140. 142 mar. . . . 228 Sarah, bap 131 com 109 Susanna, bap. . . . 135 Thomas, bap. . • . 129 Kensler Adam, mar 258 Elizabeth (Jackson), mar Kent Abigail, mar. (tj. Welch) Charlotte (Vinal), mar. Ebenezer,of Watertown, mar Eliz., com Sarah, mar. (v. Friend) Ker Nancy (Hodgson), mar. William, mar. . . . Ketteel Jonathan, mar. . . . Kath. (Waters), mar. . Kettell Andrew, fath., o mar. Charles, bap. Eleanor, bap. moth. (Bennet),mar. 261 258 255 262 262 "3 258 262 262 229 229 c, 198, 202 . . 261 Page KErrELL — continued. Lydea, mar. {v. Froth- ingham) .... 269 Samuel, bap. . . . 204 fath. . . . 204 Sarah, com 115 moth. . . . 204 Kettle Sarah, mar. (r. Gookins) 266 Key Lydia, com 106 Kidder Hepsey (Jones), mar. . 266 Isaiah, mar 266 Mary Ann, moth. 215 Mrs., com 122 Samuel, bap. • . . 215 Thompson, fath. . . 215 Kilby Christopher, bap. 126, 160 Ebenezer, bap. . 131, 158 com. ... 99 fath., 157, 158, 160 John, bap. . . 135, 157 com 95 fath., 124, 125, 126, 128, 131 Sen., com. . . 95 Kath., mar. {v. Cushing) 237 Katharine, bap. . 124, 145 Mary, bap 137 com. . . loS, 112 moth., 135, 137, 140, 143. 145. '48 Nicholas, bap. . . . 128 Rebecca, bap. . 125, 140 com. . . . 102 mar. (i'. Allen) 239 (v. Marshal) 237 Rebekah, com. . . . 106 Sarah, bap 143 mar. {v. Gore) . 230 Thomas, bap. . . . 148 KiLCUP George, bap 133 mar. . . . 231 Mary, com 104 moth. . . 133, 136 (Thatcher), mar. 231 Samuel, bap. . . . 136 Kile, or Kyle Rachel, bap 159 Robert, fath. . . . 159 Kill Lydia, bap 149 com 109 Page Kimball Elizabeth, com. . . . 117 Dinah (Bradford), mar. 257 Margaret, mar. {v. Cum- mings) 298 Phillis (Herrick), mar. 261 Sear, mar 257 Sears, mar 261 King Ann N. (Frazier). mar. 268 Edward,of Halifax, mar. 266 Hannah( Kneeland),mar. 266 Henry, bap. . . 138, 162 com 99 fath., 160, 162, 164, 166 John, mar 266 Katy (Thomas), mar. . 266 Martha, bap. . 138, 140, 166 com. . . . 105 moth. . 138, 140 Nancy, mar. (z/.Vechner) 257 Robert, bap 164 Sarah, bap 160 com Ill (Trondey), mar. 229 mar. {v. Lether- land) . . . 228 moth. . 164, 166 Seth, mar 264 Susanna, mar. (i*. Fobes) 264 (y. Phillips) 230 Timothy, mar. . . . 229 William, of Bath, mar. 268 Kingman Anna, mar. (v. Pierce) 268 Anne, moth 202 Chas. Amerow, bap. . 202 Delicia, bap 209 John, fath. . . 202, 209 — moth 209 Kingsbury Mary L., mar.(7'. Dexter) 275 KiNGSLAND Mrs 236 Kinney Mary Lendell, mar. (i*. Hearsey) .... 262 Kirbee Rebecca, mar. (f.Stoaks) 236 KiRBY Benjamin, mar. . . . 276 Matilda G. (Coleman), mar 276 KiRKLAND John T., Dr. ... 119 at fun. of Rev. W. Emerson . . . 283 \. INDEX. 391 Page KiRKMAN Eliz., bap 13S Grace, moth. . . 136, 138 (Cockcraft),niar. 234 John, mar 234 Theophilus, bap. . . 136 Knap Anna, mar. (v. Parker), 234 Eliz., moth 158 James, bap 158 Ursula, com. . . . 108 mar. (v. Hast- ings) . . 247 Kneeland Hannah, mar.(z'. King) 266 John, fath 192 mar 242 Lucy, mar. (v. Thomp- son) 271 Mary, com 104 Prudence (Clark), mar. 242 Rebecca, moth. . . . 192 Sarah, mar. (v. Abbot) 250 Abbot, bap. . 192 Knight Eliz., mar. (v. George) 242 Knights Bets}', moth. . . . 206 (Stacey), mar. 265 Elizabeth Howard, bap. 206 Richard, fath. . . . 206 mar. . . . 265 Sally Barker, bap. . . 206 Knowler Sarah, bap 150 Knowles Eliz., moth 157 James, bap 157 Knowlton Charlotte O. (Spooner), mar 276 Ellen (Go ), mar. 298 Lincoln B., mar. . . 276 Rebecca, com. . . . 108 William W., mar. . . 29S Knox Adam, bap. . . 167, 173 fath. 165, 167, 169, 173. 174. 179 Ann, moth., o. c. 204, 207 ( Richardson), mar. 265 Richardson, bap. 204 John, bap 179 Martha, bap. . . . 169 moth. 173, 174, 179 Robert, bap. . . 174, 207 fath. . 204, 207 mar. . . • 265 Thomas, bap. . . . 165 Page KUHN Hannah (Frost), mar. 259 Jacob, mar 259 Mary, mar. (v. Rice) . 263 Kurk Polly, mar.(v.Abalvant) 269 Lackie Martha, o. c, moth. . 131 William, bap. . . . 131 Lacooter Eliz., mar. (v. Masters) 232 (Mariner), mar. . 229 John, mar 229 Lad Bridget, bap. . . . 159 com. . . . no Edward, bap. . . . 159 John Haskins, bap. . 199 Mary, moth. . . 199, 201 Wm., bap 201 fath. . . 199, ?o I Ladd Bridget, mar. (v. San- ders) 229 William, bap., com. . 115 Laeitner George Frederick, bap. 209 John, fath 209 Mary, moth 209 Lafavour Anna (Willard), mar. . 229 Tim., mar 229 Laitner John, fath 213 Lucy Maria Seaver,bap. 213 Sophia, moth. . . . 213 Lake Katharine, mar. {v. Mynzie) .... 236 Katherine (Child), mar. 229 Lancelot, mar. . . . 229 Lakeman Sarah, mar. (r. Wellman) 277, 297 Lamarken Eliz., bap 136 Margaret, bap. . . . 135 Sarah, bap 135 moth. . . 135, 136 Lamarkin Peter, mar 230 Sarah (Easmouth), mar. 230 Lamb James, fath 170 Ruth, bap 170 164 3' 235 235 151 265 207 268 120 280 270 Pack Lambert Ann, mar. (v. Shepcot) 233 Sarah, com 104 La MB son Benjamin, bap. . . . Lamson Hannah, com. . . . Lancaster Sarah, mar. (v. Millar) Landee Mary (Peck), mar. William, mar. . Landen Jemima, bap. Thomas, fath. . Landon Mary, bap, . . Mercy, bap. . . Lane Abigail (H.itch), mar. Betsey, moth. . . . (."^ppleton), mar. Eliza, bap., com. . . Elizabeth, died . . . (Smith), mar. Enoch, mar 265 Henry, mar 270 Jemima, com. . . . no John, bap 207 Mary, mar. (v. Dwight) 242 Thomas, fath. . . . 207 of London, mar. 268 Langdon Catherine Amelia (v. Cook), mar. . . . 272 Edwd 250 Esther, bap 135 mar. (v. Barnes) 240 (v. Gold) 244 (Osgood), mar. 231 Hannah, bap. . . . 140 Mary, bap 137 Philip, bap 142 Samuel, bap. . . 133, 144 com. ... 98 fath. 133, 135, 137, 140, 142, 144 mar 231 Langley Mary, bap. . . moth. . . Thomas, bap. . Langsdon Susanah, mar. (f. Wilson) 239 Lanman James, mar 254 Susannah (Dawes), mar. 254 135 135 / 392 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Lansing Eliz., moth 171 Phillip, bap. . . . . 171 Lapham George, bap 194 Joshua, o.c, fath. . . 194 Susanna, moth. . . . 194 Larding Joseph, com. ... 96 Larkin Eliz., mar. {v. Bartlet) 241 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 126 John, bap 127 Mary, bap. . . 128, 129 Sarah, bap. . . 125, 126 moth. 126, 126, 127, 128, 129 Thomas R., mar. . , 265 Ursula(Hastings),mar. 265 La K MAN Love, bap. . . 142 mar. (». Webber) 249 Robert, bap 145 Samuel, bap. . . . 150 Sarah, bap 139 com 105 moth. 139, 142, 145, 148, 150 Larmon Eliza., bap. . . . Robert, mar. . , Sarah (Tyley), mar, moth. , . Laroon Lewis, spon 133 Larrabee David Bradlee, bap. . 207 Watts Bradlee, bap. 196 John, bap 204 Lucy, moth. 196, 198, 201, 204, 207 (Roach), mar. . 260 Sally Bradlee, bap. . . 198 Thomas, bap. . . . 201 fath., o.c. 196, 198, 201, 204, 207 mar. . . . 260 Larraby, or Laraby bap 131 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 136 John, bap. , . 131, 133 fath. . 131, 133, 136 Lathrop Dr. (John), prayed at fun. of Dr. Abbot ... 284 Latrop Deborah, moth. . . 161 Joseph, bap 161 ^^7 234 234 137 Page Laugier Hannah, died . . 280 Laurence, or Lawrence Abbott, bap 224 fath. . 223, 224 Catharine, moth. . . 223 David, mar 268 Elizabeth (Clark), mar. 268 John Abbot, bap. . . 223 Joshua, bap 168 Lydia Elizabeth, bap, . 219 Mary Bordman, bap. . 222 Frances, bap. . 224 Sarah, moth. . . . 16S Susan, moth. , 219, 222 R., moth. . . 224 Wm., fath. . 219, 222, 224 Layers Harris H., mar. , . Henrietta (Colcord), mar, 298 Lawrance, or Lawrence. See Laurence Abbot, com., hu. . . 122 fath., o. c. 220, 221, 221, 223, 225 Amos, com 119 fath. . 215, 222, 223 hu 119 mar 271 Anna Bigelow, bap. . 220 Betsy (Wheeler), mar. 270 Catharine, com., wi. , 122 moth. 220, 221, 223, 224, 225 Bigelow, bap. 225 David, mar 270 George, died . . 2S8, 289 Henry, bap. . 220 Harriet Bordman, bap. 223 James, bap 221 Jonathan C, mar. . . 275 Lydia Elizabeth, died . 284 Mary, moth 190 (Daws), mar. . 253 Means, bap. . 222 died . . 292 Nancy, moth. . 222, 223 Mrs., domestic of Mrs.Waters,died288 Page Lawrence — continued. Sarah, died .... mar. (y. Drew) . moth. . . 16: 28s 267 215 119 275 271 120 Rebekah, bap. . . . 165 Robert Means, bap. . 223 Samuel, bap. . . . 190 died . . . 2S0 fath. . . , 190 mar, . . . 253 Sarah, bap 165 com 119 dau. of Wm., died 285 (Bray), mar. (Richards), mar. Susan, com., wi. . . moth. 216, 220, 222, 223 Elizabeth, bap. 222 Susanna, bap. . . . 165 Thomas, bap. . 165 Timothy Bigelow, bap. 223 William, com., hu. . . 120 Wm., fath. 216,220,222,223 Boardman, bap. . 216 Richards, bap. . 215 Lawson John, mar 236 Sarah (Selsby), mar. . 236 Lazenby Mary, bap 161 Thomas, bap. . . . 146 Zerviah, moth. . 146, i6i Lear Lois (Wait), mar. . . 258 Peter, mar 258 Leathers EE James Holt, mar. . . 261 Rachel (Williams), mar. 261 Leatherland, or Leth- erland Rachel, bap 139 Sarah, bap. . 139, 139, 141 (King) mar. . 228 moth. . 139, 141 • • 139 . . 228 William, bap. mar. Leavens Mr., child of, died . , 299 Leavet Nabby,mar.(z'. Gulliver) 262 Lebalester Hannah, mar. (w. Doch- rendorff .... 265 Le BLONDE Ann, com 103 Lecain Alicia, mar. {v. Bangs) 274 Le Cross John, mar 241 Margaret ( Hawksworth), mar 241 INDEX. 393 Page Lee Ann, bap 151 Benaiah, bap. ... 161 Benjamin, fath. . . . 202 David, mar 241 Eliz., com 112 moth 134 Eliza, com iii Elizabeth, bap. ... 141 moth. . . 202 Jacob, bap 166 John, bap. . . 134, 139 fath. 139,141,143,145, 148, 151, 155, 157, 158, 160, 161, 163 Joseph, bap 148 mar. . . . 247 Lydia (Sweet), mar. . 241 Mary, bap. . . 143, 163 com 112 mar. (z'. Cobbett) 251 moth. 162, 163, 166 Robert, bap. . . 138, 162 fath. 162, 163, 166 Sarah, bap. . . 145, 158 (Cocks), mar. . 247 Susanna, bap. . . . 157 Thomas, bap. . 155, 202 William, bap. . 160, 163 Lefevre Polly, mar. (:/. Roberts) 255 Legg Jane (Brown), mar. . 237 John, mar 237 Leighton Elizabeth, died . . . 287 Le Mercier Margret, mar. (v, Jo- honnot) .... 255 Lemony Esther, com 104 Le Moyne Anna, bap 195 Anne, moth. 192, 193, 194, 195, 196 John, bap. . . 194, 196 Maria, bap 193 Mary, bap 192 Thomas, fath. 192, 193, 194, 195, 196 Lennen James, mar 266 Nelly (Bunting), mar. . 266 Lenox Benjamin, bap. . . . 145 Charles, bap. . . . 151 Eliz., bap. .... 139 Page Lenox — continued. James, com 97 fath. 147, 151, 154 John, bap 143 Mary, com no mar. (v. Morro) 244 moth. . 139, 143, 145 Rebekah, bap. . . . 154 William, bap. . . . 147 Leonard Benja, mar 230 Debby, died .... 2S2 Patience (Allen), mar. 230 Leorano bap 173 Letchmere Margaret, com. . . . in Margret, mar. {v. Simp- son) 248 Lethbridge Susanna Caroline Con- don, mar. {y. Morse) 275 LETHERBY John, fath 140 Sarah, bap 140 Lettice bap 159 moth. . 161, 165, 169, 174 Leveret Rebecca, bap. . . . 127 com. . . . 102 Thomas, fath. . . . 127 Leverett, Leverret, or Lever RETT Hannah, mar. . . . 260 John, mar 249 of Vermont, mar. 260 Rev., mar. . . 238 Joshua, bap 126 Knight, bap. . . . 125 Mary (Greenleaf), mar. 249 Rebecca, mar. (v. Wil- kinson) 232 Sarah, mar. (v. Clark) . 240 (Harris), mar. . 23S Thomas, fath. . 125, 126 Levett Charles, mar. . . . 273 Joanna, com, . . . loS Lucy (Yewett), mar. . 273 Lewie Jane (Emmons), mar. . 266 John, mar 266 Lewis Abia, moth 167 Abigail, bap. . . . 166 50 Pagb Lewis — continued. Abijah, fath 166 Betsy, mar. {v. Bird) . 259 David, bap 191 Deborah, mar. (i'.Ellies) 257 Dorothy, bap. . 177,178 moth. . . . 178 Eliz., bap 161 com 1 1 moth 161 George, bap 161 Hephzibah, mar. {v. Mace) 261 James, mar 256 John, fath. . . 177, 178 mar 269 Lydea, mar. {v. Clemens) 253 (Brown), mar. . 266 Mary, com 113 mar. {v. Collier) 249 (i-. Erving) 258 Nancy, mar. (y. Spen- cer) 271 Peter, mar 266 Pheebe, mar.Cf. Hokens) 262 Phillis (Morse), mar. . 256 Renny (Scot), mar. . 269 Sarah, bap 167 mar. (z/. Moncrief) 249 Sophia (Henshaw), mar. 259 Thomas, mar. . . . 259 L'faveur Anna, moth 128 Timothy, bap. • • . 128 LiBLONDS James 227 Lilly Edward, bap. . . . 127 Richard, fath. . . . 127 Lincoln, or Lyncoln Benjamin, Jr., mar. . 256 Isaac, com loi Jedediali, fath. . . . 165 Jedidiah, fath. . . 167 Mary, bap. . ... 165 (Otis), mar. . . 256 Rebecca, bap. . . . 167 Susan, E. B., mar. (y. Dodd) 297 LiNDER Sally, mar. {y. Black- burn) 266 LiNIX James, bap 135 Mary, bap 133 moth. . . 133. 13s 394 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Linnet Eleanor (Embly), mar. Josiah, mar LiNOX Mary, com LiRON Kath. (Cutburt), mar. Lewis, mar Little Eliz., mar. {v. Barber) Elizabeth, com. . . . Frances (Boyd), mar. . Maria, mar. (7^. Child) William, mar. . . . LiTTLEFIELD Hannah, com. . • . Livingston Anthony, mar. . . . Mehettabell (Bennet), mar 258 Lob DELL Anna Louisa, bap. . . Charles Frederick, died Charles G., died . . Elizabeth S., bap. . . Ellen Louisa, died . . Francis Gardner, bap. . Hannah, died . . . 293 Sophia, moth. . . 293, 294 P., com. . . 123 moth. . . . 226 Prentiss, bap. , 226 R., moth . . 296 T. J., fath. . . .226,296 Thomas B., fath. 293, 293, 294 I., fath. . . 293 Jenkins, bap. 226 William Frederick, died Lobden Mercy, mar. {v. Smith) Patience, mar. {v. Al- visson) Locke Eliza (black), bap. . . LOCKWOOD Amos D., mar. . . . Sarah F. (Deming),mar Lodge Abigail, com. . . . 263 263 105 228 228 249 122 259 273 259 258 296 294 293 226 293 226 Lodge — continued. Charlotte Langdon , bap. 2 1 5 Elizabeth Langdon, died 299 Frances Ann, bap. . . 217 George, bap. . . . 212 Giles, fath., 210, . c. 207, 208, 211, 212, 213, 215, 217, 218 hu Henry, bap. . . James, bap. . . John Ellerton, bap Mary Walley, bap. 118 . 208 213, 218 210, 211 . 207 Logan John Murdock, bap. . 181 Lydia, bap 167 Margaret, died . . . 285 Mary, moth 141 Mehetabell, moth. . . iSi Mehetable(Minot),mar. 250 Mercy,mar. (t/. Thomas) 247 moth. ... 167 (Bridgham),mar. 245 Robert, bap 141 mar 245 Walter, fath 181 mar. . . . 250 Lombard C. C, fath Ellen Russell, bap. moth Long James, bap. Mary, mar. son) . . Page Loring — contitnted. Braddock, bap. . . . 194 fath. 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 199, 200, 202, 206 Charles INIore, bap. . 199 Deborah, bap. . . . 202 Eliz. (Vryling), mar. . 244 moth. . . 160, 166 Eliza, bap 196 Hagar, mar. {v. Smith) 268 Hannah, bap. . . . 195 Harriet, bap. . . . 197 James, bap 188 fath 1S8 Tyng, bap. . • 190 Jane, moth 190 John, bap. . . 160, 204 fath. . . 190, 191 mar 244 Joseph, mar 265 J. T., Mr., died . . 278 Mary, bap 166 moth 204 Polly, bap. . . 191, 193 moth. 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 199, 200, 202, 206 293 227 223 276 276 . . 118 Harris,bap. . . 208 moth. 208,210. 211, 212, 213 215, 217, 218 Ann Langdon, bap. . 217 Caroline, bap. . . . 208 com. . . . 123 {v. Robin- 226 226 226 205 239 253 253 "5 "5 Longley Mary (Edes), mar. . . Richard, mar. . . . Lonman Elizabeth, bap., com. . Hannah, bap., com. . Lord Dinah, mar. (». Adams) 227 John, mar 250 Mary (Pulcifer), mar Melvin, mar 273 Samuel, died . . • 292 Sarah, moth 164 Susannah Ridgway(Ho- mer), mar. . . . 273 Thomas, bap. . . . 164 Loring Amirana, mar. (r. How- ard) 270 Ann (Norris), mar. . 249 Betsy, bap 206 (Tucker), mar. Samuel, bap. . . Sarah, died . . . Sukey (Hall), mar. William, fath. 266 200 283 265 204 249, 266 Lothrop AnneM.(Hooper),mar. 297 Annie M., moth. . . 296 Joseph Stevens Buck- minster, bap. . . . 226 M(ary) (L(ee), moth. . 226 Olivia B.,mar. {v. Tap- pan 298 S(amuel) K(irkland), fath 226 T(hornton) K(irkland) fath 296 mar 297 William Sturgis Hooper, bap 296 LOVEL. See Lovell Abigail, bap. . • James, bap. . . John, bap. . . com. . . fath. . 158, 160, 162, 163, 165, 166, 168 Joseph, bap 163 Priscilla, o. c, moth. . 132 162 160 158 99 INDEX. 395 Page LOVEL — continued. Rebekah, bap. . . . i66 Richard, bap. . . . 132 Samuel, bap. ... 165 William, bap. ... 168 LovELL. See Lovel Abigail,mar.(z'. Walker) 251 moth. 172, 174, 175 Ann, bap 180 moth. . . .182,183 Jr., moth. . . . 180 (Dudley), mar. . 250 Anna, moth. . . . 180, 184 Benjamin, bap. . . . 175 Charles, bap. . . . 189 Elizabeth, bap., 173,182,184 George, bap 190 James, fath. . 181,182,184, 185, 187, 189, 190 Smith, bap. . 181 John, bap 182 fath., 169, 171,172, 173, 174, 175, iSo, 182, 183, 1S4 mar 250 Mary, bap. . 174, 180, iS 5 moth., 181, 182, 185, 187, 189, 190 Nathaniel, bap. . . . 171 Priscilla, bap. . . . 172 Thomas, bap. . . . 184 William, bap., 169, 183, 187 Loveridge, or Loverige Benja., bap 144 Elizabeth, bap. . . 145, 148 John, bap. . . . 142, 154 Martha, bap 150 Mary, bap 150 com 107 moth. 142, 144, 145, 148, 154 Sarah, bap. .... 145 Low Abigail (Hall), mar. . 263 Betsy, mar. (f. Stodder) 259 Elizabeth, died . . . 291 (Clark), mar. 268 Eunice, mar. (v. Viall) 265 Foster, com 116 mar 274 Hannah Bartlett, bap. 212 Harriet (Bowman), mar. 270 Abigail, moth. 212 Henry Somes, fath., 222, 222 Whittemore, bap. 222 Jemima, moth. . 195, 197 John of Wooster, mar. 263 Foster, bap. . . 203 Page Low — continieed. Joseph, fath., o.c., 199, 202, 203 Harris, bap. . 199 Warren, bap. . 197 Lewis, fath., o. c. . . 212 mar 270 Mary, mar. {v. Webber) 274 (Lyon), mar. . 274 Ann, moth. 222, 222 Hodgdon, bap. . 195 Rebecca Austin, mar. (v. Barron) . . . 264 Sally, mar. (:;. Simmons) 260 Sarah, moth. 199, 202, 203 Sweetser, bap. . 202 Sweetzer, died . 289 Theodore Samuel Whit- temore, bap. . . . 222 Thomas, fath. . . 195, 197 Wm. Whittemore, bap. 222 Lowder Eliz.,bap 141 com 105 Henry, bap. . . 147, 151 Mr 164 LoWDERS Mr., own. of Sharper . loi Lowe died 284 Lowell Elizabeth Cutts, bap. . 191 John, fath. . . . 191, 193 Mary, bap 193 moth 191 LOWLE Eliz., bap., moth. . . 134 (Gustin), mar. . 229 Elizabeth, com. . . . 104 James, mar 229 Lucas Abigail (Verry), mar. . 231 Henry, mar 231 LUCKER Hannah, mar. (v. Henley) 247 {v. Uran) 247 Lucy mar 255 Luis Clois (Freeman), mar. 269 Daniel, mar 269 LUPTON Rebekah, mar. {v. Rey- nolds) 242 LUSCOMB Isianna, died. . . . 289 124 125 214 271 214 290 265 286 130 22S Page Lux Richard, bap, Lyde Mary, bap. . . Lyman Eliza, moth 214 Gray (Otis), mar. 271 George, fath., o. c. . . mar Theodore, bap. Lydia, wi. of Theodore, died Mary (Warren), mar. . Mrs., dau. of Mrs. Wil- liams 2S9 Samuelof Northampton, mar 265 Sarah, com 118 died .... 285 Theodore, fath. . . . 286 hu. . . . 290 William, son of Theo- dore, died . . . LYNDAL Eliz., bap. . . . (Smith), mar. mar. (.vBrenton) 231 Nath., fath. . . . 128, 130 mar 228 Nathanail, bap. . . . 128 com. ... 96 Lynsford Mercy, mar. {v. Mac- daniel) 233 Lyon Cealia,mar.(i'. Edwards) 228 M., com Mary, com. . . . mar. {v. Low) Sarah, mar. (v. Cooke) Stephen, bap. Thankful, com. . moth. Lyons Betsy (Niles), mar. Joseph, com. Patrick, mar. Maccarty. See Mac- karty Anna, bap 1 78 moth 178 Daniel, fath. . . . 178 Eliz., mar. (,v. Sanders) 229 mar. {v. Bennet) 244 Esther, bap I37 com. • • • 104 116 114 274 271 209 I'S 209 261 98 261 396 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. 158 15S 153. 161 153 161 Page Maccarty — continued. Margaret, bap. . . . com. . . . 112 Mary, mar. {y. Marshal) 237 (». Philbrick) 232 Sarah, com 104 mar. {v. Foster) 235 Thomas, bap. . . . 140 com. . . . 100 William, fath. . 137, 140 Maccollister Johanna (Holland), mar. 227 Thomas, mar, . . . 227 Maccollo Mary, moth 153 Thomas, bap. . 153, 156 fath. . . . 156 Maccullo James, bap. . Mary, moth. . Macculloch Abigail, moth. Isabella, bap. Thomas, bap. MACCULLY Margaret, bap. Mary, moth. . Macdaniel John, mar. Mercy (Lynsford), mar, Mace Benjamin Over, bap. Daniel, bap. . . 200, 209 fath., 0. c. 200, 209, 210, 213 mar 261 Henry Over, bap. . . 209 Hephzibah, moth, 200, 209, 210, 213 (Lewis), mar. 261 Jolm Lewis, bap. . , 209 Sarah Jackman, bap, . 210 Timothy Lewes, bap. . 213 MacGregor Daniel, com. . . . 123 Elizabeth Warren, bap., com 123 Mack mar 252 Mackarty. See Mac- carty Eliz., bap 136 Esther, bap 124 Florence, fath. . . , 124 Margaret (Powel), mar. 234 209 Page Mackarty — continued. Sarah, com 102 moth. . , , 125 William, fath . , . 136 mar. . . , 234 Mackay Alexander, mar. . , 254 Ruth (Decosta), mar. . 254 Mackdonald, or Mc- Donald Eliz., bap 145 John, fath. o . . . 145 Mackenny Elizabeth, com. . . . 104 Mackey Mrs., died . . , . 299 Mackullah Abigail, spon. . . . 150 Mactier Alexander, of New York, mar 274 Catherine Osborn, mar. 274 Maddis Martha, moth. . . , 148 Mary, bap 14S Magee Augusta, moth. . . 223 Charles E., died . . 291 fath. . . 223 Margaret Eliot, bap. . 223 Mallet James, mar 234 Sarah (Creek), mar. . 234 Mallett Mary, mar. {v. Vibird) 248 Man Hannah, mar. {y. Jones) 234 Isannah (Fadre), mar. 250 John, mar 250 Mandeville Sarah, com 115 died . . . , 2S6 Mands James, mar 260 Mary (York), mar. . 260 Mann Chas. Augustus, bap. . 210 Elias, fath 210 Franklin, mar. . . , 276 Marriana (Davenport), mar 276 moth 210 Manning John, com 97 Sarah,mar,(z',McKean) 253 Mansfeild Bethiah, bap. Elizabeth, bap Mary, bap. . moth. Manson Magnos, mar. . . Naomi (Nash), mar. Marean Margret, dau. of Sharp er, bap Sarah, mar. {y. Howe) Marine Elizabeth, bap. . Sarah, bap moth. Stephen, fath. William, bap. Mariner Page . . o 131 . . . 129 127, 128 128, 129, 131 265 265 273 . 170 • 157 157, 158 127 Adam, fath. . . 134, 136 mar 241 Eliz., bap 136 com 103 mar. {y. Lacooter) 229 Elizabeth, bap. . , , 127 Hannah, bap. 127, 128, 134 com. . . . 102 moth. 127, 128, 129, 131 Johanna, mar. {y. Per- reway) 229 Joshua, bap. . . 129, 131 Rachel (Hayward), mar. 241 Marion Eliz., moth 171 Elizabeth, bap. . 160, 171 Rebecca, mar. {v. Hard- man) 258 Sarah, moth 160 Marks Ann, bap 145 Esther, bap 150 Jane, bap 151 Love, bap 150 Martha, bap 146 Mary, bap 148 moth. 144, 145, 146, 14S, 150, 151 Samuel, bap. . , . 144 Maro Francis, fath. . . . 138 Jane, bap 138 Marrit Edward, com. . . . 100 INDEX. 397 Marrow Anna, bap. moth. Daniel, bap. Eliz., bap. James, bap. Mary, bap. moth. Page , . 165 162, 167 , . 162 , . 166 , . 167 164, 167 164, 167 Timothy, fath. . 166, 167 Marshal, or Marshall Antipas, bap. . . . 154 mar. ... 237 died 299 Dorcas, bap 152 Dorothy (Everard), mar. 250 Eliz., bap 142 Elizabeth, mar. (v. Wal- cutt) 24S George, of Portsmouth, mar 250 James, bap 133 Fowle Baldwin, bap. . . . 219 Jane (Hedman), mar. . 239 John, bap. . . 137, 145 fath. . . 144, 145 mar. . . 239, 251 Joseph, bap 133 Josiah, bap 144 Lucy, mar. {v. Spooner) 255 (Tyler), mar. . 252 Margaret, bap. . . . 171 moth. . . 171 Margret, mar. (v. Odell) 265 Mary (Maccarty), mar. 237 (Tyler), mar. . 251 (Webster), mar. 242 Mercy, bap 134 Rachel, bap. . . . 140 Rebecca, com. . 106, 113 mzT.(v. Symmes ) 24S (Kilby), mar. 237 Rebekah, bap. . . . 144 moth. 144, 152,154 Robert, mar 237 Rooksby, bap. . . . 146 Sally, mar. (v. Fagan) 276 Sam., Dr., mar. . . 252 Samuel, mar. . . . 242 Sarah, bap. 133, 139, 140, 144 com 104 moth. 133, 134, 137, 139, 140, 142, 144, 146 Sophia, moth. . 216, 219 Kendall, bap. . 216 Susannah, ( v. Bum- stead) 256 Thomas, fath. 171, 216, 219 Page Marston Anna Eliza, bap. . . 192 John, fath. . . . 200, 201 Jr., fath., o. c. . 192 Mary, bap. . . 200, 201 Zeruiah, mar. (7;. Roby) 261 Martin Grizzcl, mar. (v. Jones) 248 Martyn Hannah, bap. . . . 143 com. . . . 106 Nath., fath. . . 141, 143 Nathanael, bap. . . 141 Samuel, com. . . . 100 mar. . . . 240 Susanna (Canawit),mar. 240 Mary bap 143 Mascal Mary, bap 130 Masley Coplis, mar 265 Phoebe ( Hopkins), mar. 265 Mason Abigail, bap. . . . 141 com. . . . 106 mar. (v. Gidany) 238 Alphonso, bap. . . . 128 fath. . . . 128 Christian, mar. (v. Hods- den) 235 Eliz.ibeth, moth. . . 197 Francis (Thorn- dike), mar. 276 Esther (Jenkins), mar. 253 James I., mar. . . . 276 John, fath 197 Collins, bap. . 197 Rebecca (Uran), mar. . 266 Samuel, mar. . . . 253 Simeon, mar. . . . 266 Masten. See Mastin James, fath 203 Polly, moth 203 Wm., bap 203 ASTERS Edward, bap. . 134. 175 died . . . 285 mar. . 232 Eliz., bap. . . . . 151 moth, 134, 136, 139, 147, 150 151. 156 (Lacooter), mar. 232 Elizabeth, bap. 139 ,156 176 *com. . . . 120 Page Masters — continued. James, bap. 150,175,181,197 fath. 176, 178, 179. 181, 184; o. c, i97» 198, 205 hu 2S0 mar 259 John, bap. . 136, 147, 179 child of, died . 281 Mary, moth 205 wi., died. . . 280 Mr., child of, died . . 283 Nathaniel, bap. . . . 184 Patty, bap 205 Polly, moth. . . 197, 198 (New), mar. . 259 Rebecca, died . . . 2S6 moth. 179, 181, 184 Robert, bap 198 Ruthy, bap 197 Sarah, bap 178 com. . . Ill, 115 Mastin. See Masten James, fath 188 Rebecca, moth. ... 188 Robert, bap 188 Masum Jane, com 107 Matchet, or Matchett Joanna, com. . . . 117 moth., o. c. . 210 wi 117 William, hu 117 Wm., fath 210 Perkins, bap. . 210 Mather Jerusha,mar. (v.Smith) 240 Mathews John, bap 133 Sarah, moth 133 Mattes Lucinda, died . . . 291 Matthews Sarah, mar. {v. Harris) 235 Matthewson Alexander, fath., 0. c. . 197 mar. . . 260 Mary Ann, bap. . . 197 Rebecca, moth. ... 197 (Wilkins),mar. 260 Mattis (bl'k) Amoretta, bap. . . . 223 Antonio, fath. . . . 223 Lucinda, bap. ... 223 Mark Nathaniel, bap. . 223 Rebecca, moth. . . . 223 398 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Mattock, Mattocks, or Mattox Admonition, moth. 133, 134 (Tucker), mar. . . 232 Dinah, mar. {v. Brad- dock) 236 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 134 Sam", mar 232 Samuel, bap. . . • 133 MAUDSLY John, com. .... 98 Maxwell Rosannah, mar. (i/.Black) 256 131 131 Samuel, bap fath., o. c Sarah, mar. (v. Erskine) 235 May Arington, mar. . . . 242 Eliz., moth 155 (Thomas), mar. 242 Hezekiah, com. ... 97 Joshua, bap 155 Maria Rose Cracroft, mar. (v. Edes) . . 276 Sally, mar. (v. Reed) . 268 Samuel, J. P., certifi- cate fr 276 Sophia, com. . . . 122 Maycock Ebenezer, bap. . . . 156 Eliz., bap. . . . 144, 148 com Ill moth. 144, 146, 148, 151. »52. 153 (Sears), mar. . 239 John, bap 155 Mary, bap 151 (Meers), mar. . 237 Sarah, bap 150 Thomas, bap. . . . 153 William, bap. . . 146, 152 fath. 150, 155, 156 mar. . . 237, 239 Maylam Martha, mar. {v. Beard) Mary, mar. (v. Starr) . Maynard Clarissa, died . . . Mayo Augustus, died . . . McCarthy Ann (Savage), mar. Daniel, mar 249 McCarty Philip, mar 267 Sarah (Bingham), mar. 267 240 233 285 286 249 Page McCary child of James, fun. of 289 McClould David, fath i5o Mary, bap 160 McCoy Mrs. Isabella, fun. of . 285 McCulla Alexander, bap. . . 160 Mary, moth 160 McElroy Ehzabeth, mar. (v. Hawes) 266 John, mar 265 Sally (Dod), mar. . . 265 Mcfadden Jerusha (Jones), mar. . 253 William, mar. . . . 253 McFarland Isabella, bap. . . . 1S5 Jane, moth 185 John, fath 185 McFarling Jane, bap 180 moth. . . . 180, 181 Rosanna, bap. . . . 181 McGeorge Horatio T., mar. . . 272 Nancy (Mclntire), mar, 272 McIntire Nancy, of Dedham, mar. (v. McGeorge) . . 272 McIntyre Hitty,mar.(z'. Milliken) 265 McKay Catharine, moth, . 219, 220 Eustace, bap. . . . 220 Sam' Dexter, bap. . . 219 M., fath. . . 219, 220 McKean Joseph, Prof, . . . 119 prayed at fun. of Mr. Abbot 284 Sarah (Manning), mar. 253 William, mar. . . . 253 McKenzie Sarah,mar.(». Mitchell) 248 McKlLLAVERY Eliz 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204 mar 246 John, bap. . . 134, 179 Jonathan, bap. . . . 182 Margaret, bap. . . . 170 ( Fletcher), mar. 246 Margret, bap. 171, 174, 195 moth. 171,172, 173, 174, 177, 178, 179, 182 Margrett, bap. . . . 196 Mark, of Andover, mar. 263 Mary, bap. . 173, 174, 193 Robert, fath. . . . 134 Samuel, bap. . 178, 191 Sarah (Newcomb), mar. 237 (Phillips), mar. . 263 Susanna, bap. . . . 158 com. . . . no Susannah, mar. {v. Emmes) .... 249 Thomas Cushing, bap. 194 Wm., bap. . 177, 202, 204 Newton Abigail, moth. . . . 213 Greenough, bap. 211 Jackson, moth. 211 Dorothy, bap. . . . 160 com. . . . no Eliz., bap 159 com no Eliza, moth. . . 222, 223 Lewis, bap. . • 222 Francis, child of, died . 281 J., fath. . . 213 Page Newton — continued. George Brigham, bap. . 222 Harriet B., died . . . 290 Hezekiah, fath. . 222, 223 John Francis, fath. . 211 Katharine, bap. . . . 141 com. . . 106 mar.Cf.Van- ing) . . 239 (Pain), mar. 234 Lucia Maria, bap. . . 213 Mary Stuart, bap. . . 223 Thomas, mar. . . . 234 William Lewis, died . 292 Loomis, died . 292 Nichols, Nickels, or Nickols Adeline Frances, bap. . 212 Albert Perkins, bap. . 209 Alfred Perkins, bap. . 211 Bridget, moth. 204, 205 207, 209 211 C. C, died .... 290 C. D., fath., 0. c. . . 216 Charles Colton,bap. 219 fath. 219 219, 221 222 Edward Henry, bap. . 207 Wm. Pynchon, bap. . . . 222 Eliza, died .... 2S9 Elizabeth Snoden, bap. 21V Fanny, mar. (v. Okeley) 266 Fortune, died . . . 278 Francis D., mar. . . 270 Frederick Spelman.bap. 224 George, bap. . . . 219 Hannah (Sawyer), mar. 270 Harriet Orne, bap. 204 Horatio Fiske, bap. . 22.; died 293 James, bap 158 fath 158 Joanna, bap. . . . 216 Cunningham, com. . . 120 moth. 219, 219, 221, 222 Mary Ann, bap. . . 205 moth 216 Peggy, mar. (v. West) 268 Perkins, fath., o. c. 204, 205, 207, 209, 211, 212 child of, died . 279 Richard Chamberlain, bap. . . 223 Whelling, bap. 216 Sarah, moth. 224, 225, 293 404 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Nichols — continued. Sarah, C, moth. . . 223 (Chamberlain), mar. . . . 272 Thaddeus, fath. 223, 224, 225, 293 mar. . • 272 Unice, com no Wm., bap 221 Nicholson, or Nick- OLSON Catharine, bap. . . . 165 Daniel, bap 167 Elizabeth (Parsons), mar. 254 Hannah, bap. . . . 157 moth. 157, 160, 162, 163, 165, 167 James, bap i5o Jeremiah Jackson . . 163 Mary, bap 162 Thomas, mar. . . . 254 NiCKERSON Susan D., com. . . . 295 NiLES Betsy, mar. {v. Lyons) 261 Ebenezer, bap. . . . 197 fath., o.c. 197, 199, 201, 203 Eliz. (Wall), mar. . . 253 John, bap 199 Joseph, mar. . . . 253 Mary, bap 197 moth. 197, 199, 201, 203 Susanna, bap. . . . 203 Thomas, bap. . . . 201 Noble Hannah, mar. (v. Wilks) 26 1 James .... 250, 252 mar 253 Rachel (Savage), mar. 253 Nolan Hannah (Peck), mar. . 231 James, mar 231 NOLEN H., child of, died . . Hervey, child of, died . NORCROSS Nehemiah, mar. . . , Rebecca (Simpson), mar. Norman Ann, bap 140 com 107 bap 143 John, bap 145 Moses, bap 137 fath.,137,140,143,145 282 281 257 257 NORRIS Ann, mar. {v. Loring) . 249 Thomas, com. ... 98 Norton John, com 100 Samuel, com. . . . Temperance, mar. {v. Dolorson) .... Norwood Abigail, com. . . . died . . . Harding, bap. com. Elizabeth Russell, com. John G., died . . . Green, bap. . . Greene, com. . . Mary, moth 213 Curn, mar. (v. Welsh) . . 274 R., moth. . 211, 222 died . . . 292 Russell, bap. 248 114 289 211 122 122 293 213 122 . 118 211, 222 com. Samuel, com. . .114, 116 died. . , . 287 fath., . .211,213 222, 293 Smith, bap. . 211 NOTTAGE Benjamin, bap. . . . 186 Josiah, bap 176 fath. . iSi, 184, 186 Josias, bap 181 Katherine, moth. . .176, iSi, 186 Sarah, bap 184 NowEL, or NoWELL Christian (Robinson), mar 244 John, bap 150 Mary, bap 145 com 106 moth., 143, 145, 148, I50> 153 Peter, bap 148 Sarah, bap 153 Thomas, bap. . . . 143 mar. . . . 244 NOYES Abigail, bap 136 Ann, bap 172 moth. . . . 171, 172 Anna, bap 126 com. . . . 102, 106 mar. {v. Gale) . 239 Page Page NoYES — coniinued. Belcher, bap. 129, 163, 169 com. ... 99 fath., 161, 163, 166, 169, 171, 172 Daniel, com 95 Hannah, com. . . . 103 John, bap 139 com 95 fath. . 125, 126, 127, 132, 136 Mary, bap 126 Mary Ann (Phillips), mar 254 Nathan, mar. . . . 254 Nathanael, bap. . . . 166 Oliver, bap. 127, 128, 133, 142, 161 com 95 fath., 126, 127, 128, 129, 130. i33> 139. 142 S., bap. ... 171 Sarah, bap. . 125, 130, 132 Susanna, bap. . . . 127 com 102, 109 William, bap. . . 133, 136 com. ... 96 fath. . . 133, 136 Nutting Charlotte Perham, bap. 118, 214 com. 118 Mary, bap., com. . . 120 Silvia Taylor,bap., com. 118 Nye Elizabeth (Skinner), mar. 265 Stephen, Cap., mar. . 265 Ober Benjamin, mar. . . . 262 Mary (Gordon), mar. . 262 Oeers Mr. I. P., died ... 300 OCHTERLONY David, bap 177 fath. . . . 177, 179 mar 249 Gilbert, bap 182 Katherine, bap. . . . 179 moth., 177, 179, 182 (Tyler),mar. 249 Odbur Isaiah, fath 175 Phillip, bap 175 Odel James, fath., o.c. 205, 206 Margret, bap. . . . 205 moth., o.c. 205,206 INDEX. 405 Page Odel — conivtued. Margret Matilda, bap. 206 Martha, moth. . . . 164 Samuel, com. ... 98 Thomas, bap. . . . 164 Odell James, mar 265 Margret (aiarshall) . 265 Odiorne George, child of, died . 279 hu 279 Maria, wi. of, died . 279 Mr., child of, died . . 27S Okeley Fanny (Nichols), mar. 266 John, mar 266 Oliver Abby, com 120 Abigail, mar. {v. Powell) 258 Andrew, fath. . 176,179 Ann, bap 136 Anna, moth 225 Anthony, bap. . . . 175 Benjamin Lynde, bap. 179 Bethia, bap 170 com 113 moth. . . . 170 Bethiah, bap. ... 171 moth. 171, 172,173, 175 Brattle, fath 136 Catherine, died . . . 2S3 Cordis, bap 225 Daniel, bap 173 Augustus, bap. 225 Dan'l,fath. 171,172,173,175 Elizabeth Thomas, bap. 225 Ellen Evans, bap. . . 225 Henry Kemble, bap. . 225 James, 246, bap. . . 146 Leverett, bap. . 135, 137 Margaret, com, . . , 120 Marshall, bap. . . . 225 Martha, bap. . . . 165 Mary, bap. . . 132, 170 com Ill mar. {v. Wendal) 242 moth. i;o, 176, 179 Mercy (Wendell), mar, 245 Mr., child of, died . . 27S Nath., fath 165 Nathanael, com. . . 95 jr., com. . 95 Nathaniel K. G., died . 293 fath. . Nath", mar 24; Patty, mar. {v. Davis) 26S Page Oliver — continued. Rebeqca, moth. 132, 135, 137 0. c. ... 132 Rebekah, moth. . . 146 Sally, mar. {v. Murch) 268 Sarah, bap. . . 158, 169 com 112 mar. (v. Wendel) 233 169 172 176 225 275 275 205 205 267 moth Susannah, bap. . . Thomas Fitch, bap. Vinton, bap Wm. Caldwell, bap. Olnev Rebecca F. (Sweetser), mar Stephen W., mar. . . Orcutt Anna Eaton, bap. . . Consider, fath., o. c. . mar. . . . Melena, mar. (v. Hall) 266 Rebecca, moth (Downing), mar. 267 Orne Elizabeth, bap. . . . 132 John, fath., o. c. . . 132 Osborn. See Osborne Capt., spon 164 Catherine, mar. {v. Mac tier) . . 274 Macaulay, moth. 199, 204 Charles Henry, bap, . 216 died . 283 Elizabeth, died ... 284 George Barber, bap, . 204 John, bap 199 died .... 285 fath., o. c. 199, 204, 216, 280 mar 260 son of, died . . 280 Katherine Macaulay (Barber), mar. . . 260 Lydea, mar. (v. Board- man) 262 Lydia, com 112 Martha, fun. of . . . 290 Samuel, bap. . . . 172 fath. ... 172 Osborne. See Osborn. Alice Maxwell, bap. . 297 Cath., moth 213 Cath. M.,moth. . . 209 John, bap 209 fath. . 209, 213, 297 Mr., child of, died 279 Pack Osborne — continued. Lizzie, moth. . . . 297 Lydia, bap 213 OSBURN Catherine, bap. . . . 207 M., moth. . 207 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 207 (Pierce), mar. 248 John, fath 207 Hon., mar. . . 248 Osgood Caroline Augusta, bap. 223 Esther, mar. (I'.Langdon) 231 Lemuel, fath. . . . 221 H., fath., 0. c. 220, 223 Mary Christina, bap. , 220 Mary (Frichard), mar. 267 Peter, mar 267 Sarah R,, moth., o. c. 220, 221, 223 Ridgway Young, bap. . . . 221 Otes, or Otis Allen, bap 211 Allyne, bap 201 died .... 279 Arthur Henderson, bap. 223 Edmund Dwight, bap. 223 Eliza Gray, mar. {v. Leyman) . , 271 H 223 Elizabeth, moth, , . 190 Gray, bap. , 196 Ellen, died , , . . 289 George, bap 190 H., died , . 294 Harrison, bap. 213 Harriet, bap. . . . 194 com. . . . 117 dau 117 Harriot, died . . . 290 Harrison G 279 jr., died . 291 Gray, bap. 197,223 com. . . . 121 died . . . 2S6 fath.,o.c. 196,197, 198, 200, 201, 205, 211, 213, 279, 294 James Wm., bap. . . 205 Mary, com 119 mar. {v. Lincoln) 256 moth 194 Foster, bap. . 200 moth. . . 211, 213 Richard, mar. . . . 204 S. A., died .... 283 406 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Otes — continued. Sally, bap 198 mar. {v. Thorn- dike) ... 271 moth. 196, 197, 198, 200, 201, 205 Sam'. A., fath. ... 290 Sam' AUyn, fath. . . 117 Samuel Allyne, fath. 190,194 Sarah (Dandy), mar. . 240 Sophia Harrison, bap. . 205 Wm. Foster, bap. . . 211 OviNGTON Mercy, com 103 Oxford Hannah, mar. (v.Villers) 230 OXMAN Gartright (Berry), mar. 231 Lazarus, mar. . . . 231 Pace John, bap 169 Mary, bap 167 moth. . 165, 167, 169 Peter, bap 165 Paddlesford Margret (Downs), mar. 255 Philip, mar 255 Paddock Rebekah, com. . . . no Page Catherine ( Ransford), mar 259 DoIly(Richardson), mar. 274 Eliz., mar. (v. Gribble) 250 Eliza, bap 207 Joseph Willington, fath., o. c 207 Kilby, fath. . 226, 296, 299 Patty, moth 207 Rebecca, moth., 226, 296, 299 Samuel Dana, bap. • . 296 died . . 299 Sarah Ann, bap. . , 226 Thaddeus, mar. . . . 274 William, mar. . , . 259 Pain Abigail, bap 126 Ann, bap 130 com no Content, mar. (w. Gard- ner) 257 Deborah, bap. . . 12S, 129 com. . . . 108 Eadey, mar.(z'. Minzes) 228 Page Pain — coritinued. Edward, bap. • 129, 134, 134, 143, 183 com. . . . 100 fath. . 181, 1S3 Eliz., moth., 125, 125, 127, 128, 129, 166 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 125 com. . . . 106 Hannah, bap. . . . 125 mar. (v. Coats) 234 Jane, bap 145 Katharine, mar. (f. New- ton) 234 Margaret, bap. . . . 136 Mary, bap. . . 125, 166 com 106 mar. (w. Sewal) 240 Nathanael, mar. . . 232 Rebecca, moth. . . 181, 1S3 Richard, bap. . . . 138 Robert, bap 125 Sarah, bap. . . . 126, 127 com loS mar.(i'.Colman) 243 moth. . . . 134 (Clark), mar. . 232 Thomas, bap. . . . 141 William, bap. . 125, 127, 128, iSi com 95 fath., 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 134, 136, 138, 141, 143, 145 Paine Edward, fath. . . . 177 John, bap 132 Mary, bap. . . . 125, 177 Oliver, Mrs., died . . 283 Sarah, bap 177 William, fath. . . 125, 132 Palfrey Francis Wm. Winthrop, bap 225 Hannah Russell, bap. . 223 John G., Prof. . . . 122 fath. . 222, 223, 225, 293 Gorham, bap. 223 died 293 Mary, moth 225 A., moth. . 222, 223 Sarah Hammond, bap. 222 Pallivear Maria Foster, mar. (i/. Barrett) .... 267 Palmer Abigail, com. . . . 103 Page Palmer — continued. Ann, bap 143 moth. . 143 129 Archdale, bap. . , Barbary, bap. . . i.^S Eliakim, bap. 128 Elizabeth, bap. . 1.10 Joseph, com. lOI fath. . 170, 171 Martha, bap. . 126 Mary, bap. . . 170 171 com. . . 113 Sarah, bap. . T-'ft Thomas, bap. .125 131 com. . . . 95 fath., 125, 126, 126, 128, 129, 130, 131 13s Palms Andrew, mar. . . . 230 Eliz. (Gray), mar. . . 230 Paquinet Rebekah, bap. . . , 169 Tamasin, moth. . . 169 Par Rebekah, mar. {v. Rogers] 240 Paris mar 2l1 Parker Alexander Young, bap. 222 Ann Brooks, mar. {y. Wain Wright) . . . 272 Anna, bap 143 com. . . . 104, III (Knap), mar. . 234 Benjamin, bap. . . 133, 137 fath. . . . 172 Cephas, bap 222 fath., o. c. . 222 mar. . . . 272 E. C, died .... 291 Edward Codman, bap. 223 W., fath. 223, 223, 224, 225, 225, 226 hu. . . 122 Eliphalet, bap. . . . 129 Eliz. (Whippo), mar. . 245 Eliza, mar. (i-. Richard- son) . . . 275 Lewis, bap. . . 226 Emily, bap 213 com 122 Esther (Hunnewell), mar 261 George, mar 272 George Henderson Adams, bap. . . . 222 Hannah, bap. . . . 143 INDEX. 407 Pace Parker — coutimted, Harriet McDonough, bap 225 Harriot Augusta, bap. 211 W. (Bordman) 272 Isaac, bap 140 com 119 fath 213 hu 119 Hon., died . . 292 of Penobscot, mar. 262 Jacob, bap. . 132, 138, 142 com 96 fath. 129,130,132,134, 136, 138, 142, 145 Joanna, bap 145 John, bap. . . 134, 211 A., fath. . . , 211 Joseph, bap 128 com. ... 98 Margaret, bap. . . . 139 com. . . . 107 (Clark), mar. 228 J., died . . 288 Jarvis, bap. . 223 Martha, bap 169 moth. . . . 172 Mary, bap. . . 139, 172 Ann, com. . . 122 moth. 223, 223, 224, 225, 226 wi. . . 122 Emily, bap. . .224 died. . 292 moth. . . 211, 225 Penuel, mar. . . . 261 Polly, mar. (v. Tyler) . 268 Rebecca, bap. ... 134 com. . 107, 119 wi 119 (Hall), mar. . 262 Rebeckah, bap. . . . 129 Rebekah, moth. . . 213 Sarah, mar, (». Bernard) 233 Ann Ellen, bap. . 225 Stephen, bap. . . . 128 fath. 128, 128, 129, 133. 137, 139 mar. . 228, 245 Willis, bap. . 170 Susan Christina, bap. . 222 S., moth. . . . 222 (Young), mar. 272 Thomas, bap. . 136, 166 fath. 163, 166, 169, 170 Ursula, bap. . . 130, 136 com. . • . 103 William bap. 138 Pace Parker — continued. William, com. ... 97 fath. 136, 138, 140, 143. 143 mar. . . . 234 Wm., bap 163 Parkman Joanna, mar. (r. Bell) . 272 John, fath 212 hu 117 Mary Jane, bap. . . 212 Nathaniel, com. ... 97 fath. . . . 142 Rebecca, bap. . . . 142 Susan, com 117 moth. . . . 212 wi 117 Parrisse Mary, mar. (y. Gardener) 234 Parrot Abigail, bap. . . . 133 com. . . . io6 (Clark), mar. 232 Briant, bap 133 fath. 133,136,138,141 mar 232 Hannah, bap. . . . 136 Sarah, bap 138 Timothy, bap. ... 141 Parsons Abigail, mar. {,v. John- son) 235 Ann Maria (Gibson), mar 272 Caroline Louise, mar. (v. Stevenson) . . 277 Clarissa, mar. {v. Hol- land) 276 Eliz. (Scott), mar. . . 248 Elizabeth, mar. {v. Nich- olson) 254 Hannah, com, . . . 112 moth. . . . 164 Joseph, com. ... 95 Rev., fath. i3r, 136 mar. . . 248 Lucas, mar 272 Lydia, bap 164 Samuel, bap, . . . 131 Sarah, mar, (v. More- head) 242 Susanna, com. . , , 116 mar. {v. Glover) 268 William, bap. ... 136 Pasley Mary. mar. (z/. Pendexter) 255 142, 150 '36, 137 147, 150 . • 147 . . 138 Page Paterson James, mar 250 Sarah (By les), mar. . 250 Patten Abigail, bap. . . , 140 Anna, com 104 moth. 136, 137, 138, 140, 142 John, bap. Katharine, bap. Robert, fath. Thomas, bap. William, bap. com. Patterson James, mar 273 Mary (Benson), mar. . 273 Paul Mary Ann, mar. {v. Havers) .... 267 Peabody E., or A., or W, B. 0. 122 Hannah, mar. {v. Bruce) 270 Martha L., mar. {v. Barry ) . Lewis, com Rebecca, com. . . Samuel, died . . Peak bap. .... Eliz., moth., o. c. . . 132 Pearce John, mar 242 Martha (Gamsby), mar. 242 Pearson Mary, com 105 Rebecca, com. . . . 103 Peck Ann, bap 144 Anne, bap 168 EHz., moth. . . 166, 16S Hannah, mar. (v. Mose- ley) ... 239 {v. Nolan) . 231 (Barker), mar, 230 James, mar 230 John, bap. . 139, 142, 166 Margaret, moth. 139, 142, 144 Mary, mar. {v. Landee) 235 Pecot Elias, mar 238 Jane (Bee), mar. . . 238 Peirce Eliz.-ibeth, bap. ... 125 com. . . 104 275 122 107 292 132 408 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Peirce — continued John, bap. . . 125, 164 com. . . • 99 fath. . . 125, 164 Mrs • 143 Susanna, com. . . 107 PEIRSON Mary, bap. . . • >35 moth. . . • '35 Rebecca, bap. • 130 moth. . , 130 Thomas, bap. . . 13s Pelham Eliz., bap. . . • 139 Pemberton Ebenezer, of Billerica, mar 264 Elizabeth (Whitwell), mar 264 Hannah, mar. (v. Col- man) 244 Mary, bap 146 Phoebe, bap 144 moth. . 144, 146 (Royal), mar. 239 Thomas, mar. . . . 239 Pembrook Elkanah, com. ... 95 Jane, com 102 255 255 235 235 Pendkxter Mary (Pasley), mar. Samuel, mar. . . Pendree Hannah (Eaton), mar, John, mar. . . . Pen HALLOW John, com 96 Penniman Asa, fath., o. c. . . . 204 bap 205 Fanny, moth. . . . 205 (Groom), mar. 265 George Royal bap. . 204 Henry Hutchinson, bap. 218 James, fath. 214, 2l8 Horace, bap. . 214 moth 204 Obadiah, mar. . . . 264 Polly Andrews, mar. . 264 Samuel, fath. . , . 205 Sarah, moth. . 214, 218 Louisa, bap. . 218 Scammell, mar. . . 265 Page Penny Hannah, mar. (y. Hall) 269 Peter, com 98 Penuel Sarah, com 105 Perenneau, or Per- roneau Desire, moth. . . . 136 Sarah, bap 136 Pereway, Perewaye, Periway, Perra- WAY, PERREWAY, Perrewaye, Per- RiWAY, or Perry- way Abraham, bap. . 131, 133 Eliz., bap 139 Hannah, bap. . . . 135 com. . . . 112 James, bap 130 fath. . . . 131, 133 Johanna (Mariner), mar. 229 John, bap 144 Mary, bap 141 com Ill Philip, com 96 fath. 130, 135, 137, 137. '39> 141. 144, 147 Phillip, mar. . . . 229 Susanna, bap. . 137, 147 Perkins Abigail, bap. . . . 200 moth. 213, 216, 217 (Brown), mar. 265 (Cox), mar. . 252 Woods, bap. . 213 Anna, mar. \v. Winslow) 254 Betsey, com. . . . 117 Caroline, mar. (y. Gib- bon) . . 273 Elizabeth, bap. 207 Catharine Birch, bap. 296 died . 299 Charlotte (Appleton), mar 258 Daniel, fath. . . . 296, 299 Edward 250 bap 211 Elizabeth, com. . .115,117 died . . . 2S4 moth. 199, 200, 203, 205, 210, 211, 213 wi. ... 117 Call, bap. . 199 died . 28S Esther, com. . . . 112 Geo., bap 216 Page Perkins — continued. Hannah, com. . . . 116 Harriet, mar, (v. Dodd) 271 Helen Louisa, bap. . . 216 Henry, bap 139 Isaac, mar 243 James, bap 213 fath 190 mar 255 Joseph, mar 265 Mary, bap. . . . 139, 139 moth 139 (Fenno), mar. . 253 Ann, bap. . . com. . . B., mar. (y. Heard) moth. . 216,296,299 Nancy, com 117 Rebecca, bap. . . . 217 Sally, bap 190 (Sargent), mar. . 255 Sami, fath., o. c. 199, 200, 203, 205, 207, 211, 213, 216 2^3 120 270 Samuel, bap. . . . 205, 210 fath 210 Sarah, moth. . . . 190 (Hurd), mar. . 243 Thomas, mar. . . 253, 258 William, bap. ... 139 died . . . 284 fath. 213, 216, 217 mar. . . . 252 Peronneau Desire, com 104 Perrin Abraham, fath. . . . 195 George Washington, bap. 195 Rachel, moth. . . . 195 Perry Emily S. (Gardner), mar. 297 John, com 99 fath. . . 154, i6i Justus, of Keene, N. H., mar 273 mar 271 Mary (Baxter), mar. . 271 Haven (Edwards), mar 273 Nehemiah, mar. . . . 297 Sarah, bap. . . .154, 161 Sheldon, died .... 287 Zillah, com 103 Peter bap., 129; (Wid. Boyl- ston, mistress) 164, 171 mar 254, 255 INDEX. 409 239 263 263 221 221 122 221 221 221 221 221 221 Page Peterson Mary, mar. (v. Thorel) Pettes Samuel, bap., com. . 121 Sarah, com 121 Pettingal Hannah (Powers), mar. Jacob, mar. . . „ . Pettis Eleazer Porter, bap Henry, bap. . . com. . . Mary Elizabeth, bap Samuel, bap. fath. Sarah, moth. Ann, bap William, bap. Philbrick Jeremiah, mar. , . . 232 Mary (Maccarty), mar. 232 F., mar. (f. Clarke) 298 Phillebrown Eliz., moth 165 Thomas, bap. . . . 165 com. . . . loi fath. . . . 165 Phillips, or Philips Abigail, bap. 155, 156, 168 com. . 113, 113 mar. (v. Erwin) {V. Porter) Alexander, bap. Ann (Fenwick), mar. Anne, died . . . Benja., bap. . . . Elisha Cook, bap. . Eliz., moth. . . . Elizabeth, bap. . . mar. {v. Davis ) 248 (Blowers), mar. 248 Ephraim, mar. . . . 237 fath 214 Francis Garland, mar. 236 George \Vm., bap. . Grenville Tudor, bap Henry Tildin, bap. Jacob, bap 186 Jerusha, bap. . . . 178 John, bap., 148, 157, 180, 187 com 97 fath. . 147, 148, 152, 153)155.156,157,160, 161, 162,164, 177, 182, 201, 203, 205, 207, 209, 211, 213, 214, 21S mar. . . 236, 251 213 214 Pagb Phillips — contimted. John, o. c 201 Dea., fath. . . 168 Hon., died . . 288 jr., fath. . . . 179 com., hu. . 119 Charles, bap. . , 211 Jonathan, bap. . . . 190 Joseph, bap 168 mar 230 Margaret, died . . . 288 Wendell, bap. 207 com. 121 Margett (Wendell), mar. 250 Margret, bap. ... 181 com. . . . 114 mar. (i'. Cooper) 257 moth. iSo, iSi, 182, 184, 1S6, 1S7 Martha W., mar. {v. Reynolds) .... 274 Mary, bap. 147, 153, 161, 162, 164, 182 mar. {y. Berry) . 251 {v. Spooner) 258 moth. . . 182, 195 Ann, mar. (:>. Noyes) . 254 (Barron), mar. . 248 (Winthrop),mar. 251 Mary-Anna, bap. . . 164 Miriam, bap. . . . 209 com. . . . 121 moth. . . . 190 moth 209 Patience, mar. (v. Jewet) 244 Pliny, mar. {y. Smith) 269 Sally, com 119 moth. 201, 203, 205, 211, 213, 214, 218 wi. o .... 119 Samuel, bap. . . 152, 205 fath 178 mar 248 Sarah, bap. . . i!;i, 182 com. . 109, 115, 116 mar. {y. Newman) 263 {v. Taylor) 249 moth. 156, 157, 160, 162 Hurd, bap. . . 203 Susanna (King), mar. . 230 Thomas, bap. . . . 160 mar. . . . 248 Walley,bap. . 2ci Wendell, bap. ... 214 William, bap. 159, 160, 179, 184, 195 com. . . c 100 52 Phillips — continued. William, fath. 168, 180, 181, 182, 184, 186, 187, 190, 195 jr., fath. . . 190 mar. . . 250 Phillis bap 169 (Mr.Storer,master),bap. 164 (serv. to Mr. Webber), bap 159 (serv.Mr.Wheatly),bap. 187 mar. . . . 250, 252, 255 moth. . . . 159, 162, 167 Phinney Olive, moth. . . « . 225 Timothy, fath. . . . 225 Timothy Warren, bap. 225 Phipps Elizabeth, com. . . . 107 James, mar 231 Sarah (Tucker), mar. . 231 Phuz Jane, com 102 PiCKEN John, bap 139 Thomas, fath. . . . 139 Pickering Alice, bap 142 Eliz., mar. {v. Tozer) . 238 PiCKMAN B. T., died .... 294 Benja., fath. . . 128, 130 Benjamin, bap. . . . 128 Mary, mar. (y. Ranger) 233 William, bap. . . . 130 Pierce Abie!, mar. . . 259, 268 Abraham, died . . . 288 Anna (Dawes), mar. . 254 (Kingman), mar. 268 Elizabeth, mar. {v. Os- burn) 248 Hannah R. (Homer), mar 275 Isaac, mar 258 Joanna (Harris), mar. . 258 Jonas, mar 259 Joseph, mar 254 Lucy, mar. (y. Clarke) 259 Lydea (Prents), mar. . 259 Mary, com '^iio Peggy (Russell), mar. . 259 Rebecca, mar. {v. Brad- ley) 249 Sally, mar. {v. Edes) . 260 Samuel B., mar. . . 275 4IO RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page PlERPOINT Benj., mar 249 Benja., fath. . . 181, 184 Eliz. (Shepherd), mar. 249 Elizth, moth. , 181, 184 Juliet, mar. (v. Morgan) 277 Mary, bap 184 Sally (Gushing), mar. . 269 Sarah, mar. (v. Taylor) 260 William, bap. . . . 181 com. . . . 114 Pike Frances A., mar. {v. Withington) ... 298 Hannah, moth. 178, 181, 182, 184 Jonathan, bap. . . . 184 Margaret, bap. 7/. Smith 13S Mary, bap 178 Nathaniel, bap. ... 181 Solomon, com. ... 97 Susanna, mar. (v. An- drews) 254 Wm., bap 182 fath. 178,181,182,184 PiLSBURY Ann, mar. {v. Ingraham) ^52 Ebenezer, bap. . . . 158 Susanna, com. . . . 109 moth. . . . 158 PiM Mary, mar. (v. Goslin) 254 Pindar Rebecca (Clark), mar. 236 Robert, mar. . . . 236 PiNDER Mary H., mar. (v. Furey) 274 Pine John, bap 193 Joseph, bap 193 fath. ... 193 Sarah, moth., o. c. 193, 193 PiRCH Elizabeth, com. . * . . 115 Pitcher Ezra, com 98 Margret, mar. (7/. Cross) 267 Pitman Abigail, com. ... 102 Benjamin, com. ... 96 fath. . . . 129 Mary, bap 129 Pits. See Pitts James, fath. . . 160, 167 John, bap 160 fath 126 Sarah, bap 126 William, bap. . . . 167 1 Page PiTSON Eliz., bap 168 moth 170 Elizabeth, mar. (v. Ham- mond) 253 Hannah, bap. . 163, 164 moth. • 163, 164 James, bap 170 com 100 fath. 163,164,168,170 mar 244 Rachel ( Danf orth ), mar. 244 Pitts Charles, bap. . . . 192 Eliz., bap 148 com 108 mar. (v. Hall) . 239 (Bowdoin), mar. 243 Elizabeth, bap. . 125, 158 moth. 174, 192 (demons), mar. 252 Hannah, bap. . 156, 159 James, bap. 129, 130, 148, 149. 163, 190 fath. 156, 158, 159, 163,166,167,169,171 mar 243 spon. . . . 166 Joanna, moth. 190, 192, 193 John, bap 124 fath. 124, 125, 128,129, 13°. «32. 134,137, 143 Symmes, bap. . 143 Judith, bap 171 Lendal, fath. , 191, 192 Mary, bap. . . 132, 193 moth 143 Mr., master .... 164 Peggy, bap 191 Samuel, bap. . . . 169 fath. 190, 192, 193 Sarah, mar. (v. Stod- dard) . . . 238 Chardon, bap. . 192 mar. (v, Davis) 272 Stephen, spon. . . . 166 Susanne, bap. . . . 134 Thomas, bap. . . 128, 166 William, bap. . . 137, 167 mar. . . . 252 PiXLINRE Sophia, mar. (v. Arpin) 24: Plaistead, Plaisted Esther, com 10: Francis, bap 130 fath. . 130, 133 '35, ■ Pagb Plaistead — continued. Francis, mar. . . 226, 245 Hannah, bap. . . . 133 (Colman), mar, 228 (Sherburn), mar. . . 245 James, bap 135 William, bap. . . . 148 Platt Joseph, bap 220 fath. . . . 220 Nancy, moth. . . . 220 Plats, Platts Hannah, bap. . . . 128 mar. {v. Wade) 230 John, bap 126 Thomas, bap. . . . 125 fath., 125, 126, 128 Play Ann, mar. {y. Ings) . . 234 Playe Ann, moth 129 Sarah, bap 129 Pleasant bap 178 moth, (neg.) . . . . 176 Plummer Ebenezer, com. . . . loi Enoch, mar 297 Lydia (Gillpatrick),mar. 297 Pollard Ann, mar. {v. Robie) . 239 Coll 169, 246 David Miller, mar. . . 275 Elizabeth, com. . . . 118 moth. . . 212 Swan, bap. . 212 fath 212 John, bap 212 Jonathan 227 com. ... 96 Mary, com 102 Ann (Adams) mar. . . . 275 Mr 168 Mrs 249, 254 Sophia, com 122 POLLEY, or POLLEYS Mary, com 114 moth. . . 178, 180 Sally Ridgway (Stut- son), mar 258 Sarah Champney, mar. (p. Keith) .... 271 Simeon, bap. . . • 180 died . . . 279 fath. . . 178, 180 INDEX. 411 Page POLLEY — continued. Simeon, mar. . . . 258 \Vm., bap. . 178 POMPEY bap. (Mr. VVhaley, mas- ter) 164 com loi fath. . . , 168, 170, 172 mar 244 Pool Benjamin, bap. . . . 175 mar. . . . 239 Hannah, bap. . . . 189 Mehitabel, com. . .113 (Gibson), mar. 239 Samuel, bap. ... 173 fath. . 173,174, 175, 189 Sarah, bap 174 moth. . 173, 174, 175, 189 Poor Isaac, fath. . . Mary, moth., o. c. Miranda, bap. . died . Pope Col., fath. . . Elizabeth, bap. . com. . moth. POPKIN Joseph, bap. . . Sally, bap. . . Sarah, moth. , . . 187, 189 Thomas, bap. . . fath. i86, 187, 189 Porter 208 Aaron, Rev 143 Abigail (Phillips), mar. 255 Elish. of Hadley, mar. 255 Eliz., mar. {v. Rogers) 236 Elizabeth, mar. (z^.Fiske) 271 (Coltson), mar. 264 George S., fath. . . 296 Jane, mar. (y. Barns) . 262 Josiah, mar 264 Mary E., moth. . . 296 Nathaniel Bowditch,bap, Noah, mar 263 Oliver, mar 267 Polly (Miller), mar. . 263 Sally (Abbot), mar. . 267 Samuel, bap, • . . 143 POTIS Abigail (Silloway), mar. 237 Mark, mar 237 220 220 220 193 193 105 193 Pagb POTWIN John, com 96 PowEL, or Powell Abigail (Oliver), mar. . 258 Eliz. (Everton), mar. . 240 Elizabeth (Hall), mar. 248 John, mar 240 Margaret, mar. (f. Ma- ckarty) 234 Thomas, com. ... 96 mar. . . 248, 258 Powers Hannah, mar. (I'.Pettin- gal) 263 Sally (Fuller), mar. . 263 Samuel, mar. . . . 263 Sarah, mar. {v. Walker) 254 Pratt Anna (Eustis), mar. . 271 Deborah, mar. (f . Fre- they) 257 Elizabeth, mar. (v. Whitney) .... 273 Mary, Mrs., died . . 286 Paul, mar 271 William, com. ... 98 Prenleloup Sarah,mar. (v. Myers) . 269 Prentiss Appleton,fath.,o.c. 193, 194 195, 197, 198, 200, 202, 203, 206 Caroline, bap. . . . 195 Charlottee, bap. . . 197 died 283 Ellen, bap 198 Emily, bap 193 Helen, bap 200 Henry, bap 206 fath 192 Maria, bap 195 Mary Anne, bap. . . 203 moth., o. c. . . 217 Nathaniel, fath., o. c. . 217 Appleton,bap. 194 Polly Conant, bap. . 195 Ruth, moth 192 Silence, moth., 194, 195, 195, 197, 198, 200, 202, 203, 206 Sukey, bap 19 Susan, bap 217 Wm. Conant, bap. . . 202 Prents Lydea, mar. {v. Pierce) 259 Prescot, or Prescott Benja., Rev., mar. . . 247 Buckley, bap. . . . 163 Pagb Prescot — continued. Edward, bap. . . . 163 Eliz., com no moth. 160,162,163,165 (Cull), mar, . . 243 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 165 Mary (Colman), mar. . 247 Peter, bap 160 mar 243 Preston John Diamond, mar. . 263 Sarah (Forbes), mar. . 263 Previer Edward, bap. . . . 135 fath, . 13s, 138 Mary, bap 138 Price Joanna, moth. . . . 166 Lucy, bap 166 Mary Deming, mar. (y, Greenleaf) , . . , 258 Prichard, Pricherd, Pritchard, or Pritcherd Benja., bap 136 Eleazer, bap. . . . 131 John, fath, . 131, 134, 136 Joseph, bap 134 Mary, mar. (v. Osgood) 267 Priest Abigail Pope Gibson, bap. 219 Adeline Elizabeth, bap. 221 died 288 bap 217 C. P. (Dodd),mar. 277, 297 Catharine B., moth. 219,220, 221, 222 Brewer, bap. 220 Charles Henry, bap. , 219 Elizabeth Tucker, died 293 Esther F., moth. . , 219 fath. (? John F.) , 217 George Augustus, bap. 222 J. F., fath., o. c. , . 214 J. Lothrop, mar. . , 277 John F., fath. 219, 220, 221, 222, 293 John Lothrop, mar. . 297 moth. (? Cath. B.) 214, 217,293 Sarah Anne, bap. , , 214 Wm. Edward, bap. , 219 Worham, fath. . , , 219 fun. of , . 28s Primus David, com. . . . . 100 412 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Prince Cuff, mar 254 serv. to Mrs. Gil- bert .... 242 serv. to Mrs. Kings- land, mar. . . 236 serv. to Cap. Savage 251 serv. to Cap. Watts 252 Martha (Barnaby), mar. 250 Nancy, mar. (:;. Buff un) 255 moth. . . . 189 Newton, mar. . . . 250 Samuel, bap. . . . 189 fun. of . . . 286 Pringel Eliz. (Hall), mar. . . 234 James, mar 234 Priscilla mar 236 Procter, or Proctor Edward, bap. . . . 201 Eliz., mar. (v. Arnault) 234 Esther, bap 124 George, bap. . . . 205 Henry, bap 203 Lydea, moth. 198, 199, 201, 203, 205 (Bowes), mar. . 261 Bowes, bap. . 198 Margaret, bap. . . . 127 Obadiah, fath. . 124, 127 Rachel, bap. . . . 127 Wm., bap 199 Burroughs, fath., o. c. 19S, 199, 201, 203, 205 mar. . . . 261 Prouty Amelia, bap. . . . 222 Elizabeth, moth. . . 222 Joel, fath 222 Provence Abigail, bap 182 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 182 John, fath. . 173, 176, 182 Mary, bap 173 Sarah, bap 176 moth. . . . 182 PULCIVER, or PULSIVER Abigail, bap. . . . 142 David, bap 130 fath. 130, 132, 133, 138, 142 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 138 Joseph, bap 133 Margaret, bap. . . . 132 Mary, mar. (v. Lord) . 250 Sarah, mar. {v. Bridg- ham) 244 Susanna, bap. . . . 130 Page Pulling Jerusha (Bradbury), mar. 248 John, mar 248 PUMERY Susanna, mar. {v. Baker) 231 PUMREY John, mar 231 Lydia (Gilbert), mar. . 231 PURRINGTON, Or PUR- RINTON Abigail, com, . . . 102 mar. (j/ White) 233 Benja., fath. . . 133, 137 Joseph, bap 137 William, bap. . . . 133 Putnam Alone (Holbrook), mar. 270 Bartholemew, bap. . 173 Ebenezer, bap. . . . 179 Eliza, bap 165 Fitch P., died ... 286 Hannah, bap. . . . 176 John, bap 180 Joseph, bap. . . 164, 167 fath. 159, 161, 162, 164, 165, 167, 169, 172, 173. 175. 176, 179. iSo mar. . . . 243 Mary, bap 161 mar. (v. Kenny) 250 Mason, mar 270 Mehitabel, bap. . . . 162 Rebecca, bap. ... 175 Sarah, bap. . . 159, 169 moth. T72, 175, 179, iSo (Uran), mar. . 243 William, bap. . . . 172 Pym John 141 Mrs 109 Quenonault Isaac, com 96 Quimlam Daniel, mar 264 Jane (Wicham), mar. . 264 QUINCY, or QUINCEY Abraham, bap. . . . 150 Ann, bap. . . . 182, 183 Anna (Gerrish), mar. . 256 Dolly, mar. (i/. Clement) 268 Dorothy, bap. . . 158, 170 Edmund, bap. ... 147 fath. . 147, 148, 15^ 152. 155. 157, 158, 159, 161, 170 mar. . . 240, 256 Pagb QuiNCY — continued. Eliz., bap 152 com 108 (Wendal), mar. 240 Esther, bap 161 Eunice, bap 179 moth. 179, 1S2, 183 (Newell), mar. 249 Hannah, bap. . . . 159 Henry, bap 148 fath. . 172, 174, 179, 182, 183 mar 249 Jacob, bap 157 Josiah, bap 163 fath. . . .159, 163 Katharine, bap. . . . 155 Mary, bap. . . . 172, 174 moth, . . . 172, 174 (Hatch), mar. . 272 Mr 164 Samuel, fath. . . . 183 mar. . . . 272 Sarah, bap 159 mar. (t». Green- leaf) . . . 252 Thomas, bap. ... 183 Quiner Comfort, bap. . . . 189 Sarah (Barker), mar. . 254 William, bap. . . . 189 fath. . 189, 189 mar. . , . 254 QuiNO Lucy,mar.(t'. Robinson) 254 QUINTUS bap 178 Ralston Ann, fun. of ... 291 Ramsdale Amos, mar 267 Phoebe (Henry), mar. . 267 Ramsey Alexander, com. . . 97 Ramsteed Mercy (Hatton), mar. , 243 Thomas, mar, . . . 243 Ran John, bap 149 Sarah, moth, . . . 149 Rand Clarissa P., moth. . . 222 Elizabeth M., mar. (:/. Thomas) .... 275 James, bap 132 Nathi. S., fath. ... 222 INDEX. 413 Pagb Rand — continued. Robert, fath., o. c. . . 132 Sally, mar. {v. Cowing) 259 Samuel Puffer, bap. . 222 Sarah, com 106 moth. . . . 152 Susanna, bap. . . . 146 William, bap. ... 152 Randal Elias, bap 151 Elizabeth, com. . . . 103 Ephraim, bap. . . . 125 Esther, moth. . . . 151 William, bap. . . . 124 fath. . . 124, 125 Randall Hiram Page, bap. . . 211 Sami, fath 211 Sarah, moth 211 Randell John, mar 261 Polly (Goddard), mar. 261 Ranger Eben., fath. . . . 157, 15S Ebenezer, bap. , . 157, 158 Experience, bap. . . 131 John, tath., o. c. . . 131 Mary (Pickman), mar. 233 Samuel, mar. . . . 233 Rankin Abigail, bap. Benj., fath. James, bap. Rachel, bap Sarah, bap. Ransford Catherine, mar. (i/. Edward, bap Isabella, bap Joseph Gray, bap Mary, bap. Priscilla,niar. (f, Rebecca, com. moth. Rebekah, bap. moth. . . 172 159, 161, 169, 172 . . 161 . . 159 Page) 259 . . 168 .157, 162 . . . 160 • 153 . Board) 228 . . 107 . 151, 162 . . 151 153, 155. 157, 168 Sarah,mar. (v. Sanders), 227 Thomas, bap. . . . 155 Ranstrope Esther,mar. (». Morrice) 227 Rappeno Mary, bap 156 Ratcliff bap 146 Page Ratcliff — continued. com 100 fath 163 mar 242, 243 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 163 Hagar, bap 159 Ravvlings Hannah, bap. . . . 135 ■ com. . . . 103 moth., 132, 13s, 140 Judith, bap 132 mar. {v. Worth) 244 Rawlins Esther, bap 140 Judith, com no Raymond Elizabeth ( Farmer), mar. 265 Jane, mar. (v. Ben) . 269 Thomas, mar. . . . 265 Rea Daniel, fath. 187, 189, 192 hu 114 the 3 136, 138 Robert, bap. . . 138, 173 Sarah, bap. . . 136, 154 com 109 moth. 152, 154, 157, 159, 161, 164, 166, 169, 173 Thomas, bap. . . . 131 William, bap. . . , 129 Smalman Sarah (Ingersol), mar. . 235 William, mar. . . . 235 Smith Abigail, mar. (z'. Edwards) 245 Alexander, fath. . . 185 Ann, bap 135 Anthony, mar. . . . 269 Benjamin, mar. . . . 268 Betsey, com 114 mar. {v. Wyer) 261 Betsy, bap 1S5 Capt 163 Dolly, mar. (z'. Roulston) 259 Donald, mar. . . . 273 Eliz., mar. (v. Anno) . 236 (f. Ingersol) 256 {v. Lyndal) 228 (Humphreys), mar. . . 228 (Storer),mar. 246 Elizab (Howard), mar. 251 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 173 com. 114,174,186 mar. (r. Lane) 270 moth. 172, 173, 174, 175. 176, 1S5, 1S6 (Barron), mar. 250 (Trundy),mar.248 Esther, mar. {v. Good- speed) 270 Frances Barnard, moth. 226 Francis Barnard, com. 123 INDEX. 421 Page Smith — continued. George, bap. . . 167, 168 com loi fath. . . 167, 168 Hagar (Loring), mar. . 26S Hannah, bap. . 164, 226 com. . . . 103 Harriet (Mot), mar. , 275 Harriot (Boston), mar. 267 Henry, mar 275 Hester, mar. (f. Butter) 270 Isaac, bap 172 fatli. 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 186 mar. . . 246, 265 J., Mr 27S Jahleel, bap 137 Jaleel, com 100 James, bap 177 com 96 mar 230 Jane (Alexander), mar. 274 Jerusha (Mather), mar. 240 John, bap. . 142, 145, 148 fath. 129,130,131,135, 137, 140, 142, 144, 145, 148, 150,155, 164,178, 180 mar., 229, 232, 273, 274 Jonas, died .... 2S2 Joseph, mar 227 A., mar. . , 266 Lucretia, moth. . . . 292 Lucy Ann (Hunt), mar. 275 Margaret, bap. (v. Pike) 138 Martha, bap. 129, 131, 144 com. . 104, III moth. . . . 154 (Breck), mar. 273 (Brenton),mar. 229 Mary, bap. . . 176, 178 com 103 mar. {y. Bargier) 283 {v. Gray) . 255 (v. Harris) 246 moth., 125, 138, 164, 174, 177, 178, 180 (Bray), mar. . 273 (Merchant), mar. 242 (Wendell), mar. 266 Melancthon, mar. . . 275 Mercy (Lobden), mar. 227 Mr 164 Nathanael, bap. . 154, 155 Peter, bap 180 Phoebe, mar. {v. Jeffers) 267 Pliny, fath 292 fun. of child of . 292 (Phillips), mar. 269 Priscilla, bap. . . . 150 Page Smith — continued. Rebecca, bap. . 130, 131 com. . . . 105 mar. {v. Gore) 232 moth. . . . 131 Ruth (Kenny), mar. . 232 Samuel, mar. . 240, 242 Sarah, bap. . 125, 140, 174 Seth, com 95 fath 125 mar 228 Simeon, mar. . . . 248 Susanna, bap. ... 125 mar. (y. Has- selton) . . 266 mar. (z<. Welch) 245 (Campbel), mar. . . 230 (Saunders), mar. . . 265 Thomas, mar. . 250, 251 C, fath. . . 226 William, bap. . . . 175 mar. . . . 267 Snell John, bap 160 Sarah, moth. . . . 160 Snelling Ann, mar {y. Thomas) 247 Eliza., bap 197 Elizabeth, moth. 196, 197, 199, 206 (Grant), mar. 259 George Henry, bap. . 206 Samuel, bap. , 196, 199 fath., . 196, 197, 199, 206 mar. . . . 259 William, died ... 295 Snoman Christian, mar. . Mary (Cooper), mar. . Snow Dorcas, com. . . . Joshua, bap. . . 186, Mary Ann (Canterbury), mar Phoebe,mar. {v. Crosby) Samuel, bap. . . . fath. . i8-^, Pagb Snowman Christian, com. ... 97 fath. ... 133 John, bap 133 Snyder Anne E. (Atkins), mar. 298 Joseph K., mar. . . 298 SOHIER Susanna, died . . . 279 SOPER Mary, bap 144 mar. {y. Read) . 241 SOUTHACK John, com 115 SOYLE Margaret,niar.(i'.Savage) 230 Sparhawk Rachel, died .... 278 254 254 255 260 213 207 232 232 Sarah, bap. . moth. . spon. Thomas, mar. Treat, bap. , 183.' 186, 202 273 183 Speakman Gilbert Warner, mar. . Sarah (Minot), mar. . Spear Abigail (Arnold), mar. David, bap 193 gr'fath. . . . J93 Elizabeth, mar. (z'. Har- rington) . Ann, bap. . Foster Perkins, bap. . George, bap. . . 204, 206 Grace, moth, 172, 174, 176, 177, 178, 180 mar 255 Hancock, bap. . 212 Ingersol, bap. . 193 Joseph, bap 180 Josiah, bap 178 com 115 Lucy, mar. {y. Hazel) 269 moth. 204, 206, 207, 208, 211, 212, 213 Perkins, bap. . 208 Lydia Henchman, bap. 208 com. 115 moth. 201 Martha, bap. Mary, bap. Mehetabell, mar Blanchard) Nathan, bap. fath. Samuel, com. died 172 176 {y. . . 259 . . 174 174, i77i 178, 180 . . 115 282, 287 42 2 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Pagb S PEAR — continued. Samuel, fath. 201, 204, 206, 207, 208, 20S, 211, 212, 213, 283 hu 115 child of, died . 2S3 Perkins, bap. 201 Sarah, godnioth. . . 193 William, bap. ... 177 Henry, bap. . 211 Spencer Hannah, mar. {v. Abbot) 235 John, mar. . . 263, 271 (V. 271 263 253 253 155 Mi 224 225 181 292 117 204 276 2S3 Nancy (Lewis), mar Polly (Uran), mar. Spiggs Ann (Saunders), mar George, mar. . . Spilsbury Samuel, bap. . . Susanna, moth. . Spooner Abby E., moth. Abigail, moth. . Andrew, bap. died . Anna Howard, com Charles, bap. Charlotte O., mar. Knowlton) . . died ... Dr., child of, died 278, 2S1 Elizabeth, moth. 211, 221 W. com. . 121 died . 289 Willard, bap. 210 moth. 209,210 Francis Jones, bap. . 207 Hannah, moth. . 177, 179 Jones, com. . 121 Henry Willard, bap. . 209 L P., Dr., fath. 225,278,281 John 250 fath. . . 177, 179, iSi Jones, bap. . . 177 P., com. , . . 121 fath. . , . 224 Phillips, bap. 195, 201, 224 Lucy (Marshall), mar. 255 Margaret, moth. . . iSi Martha W., com. . . 121 Waldo, bap. . 211 Mary, moth. 195, 196, 198, 201, 204, 207 (Phillips), mar. 258 Winthrop, bap. 196 Page Spooner — continued. Sarah Rogers, bap. . 212 Susan Elizabeth, bap. . 225 William, bap. . 179, 198 child of, died 2 78 died . • . 295 fath.,o.c. 195, 196, 198, 201, 204, 207, 209 210, 211, 212, 278 mar. . . . 255 Dr., mar. . 258 J., died . . 2S9 Sprague David, bap 148 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 156 Hannah, bap. 144, 150, 167 com. . . . 108 Samuel, bap. 138, 143, 145, 153. 157, 167 com. ... 99 fath. 143, 144, 145, 147,148, 150, 153, 156,157 Sarah, bap 147 Spurr Ella F., mar. {v. Gore) 298 Squires Mary (Moors), mar. . 273 Prince, mar 273 Stagey Artemas, died . . . 287 Betsy, mar. [v. Knights) 265 Elizabeth Dyer, com. . 121 moth. ,o.c. 221 George Washington, bap. 221 Maria Treat, bap. . . 221 Mary Elizabeth, bap. . 221 Stacy Hannah, mar. (v. Shep- herd) 267 Thomas, com. . . . 10 1 Stallard Mary, mar. {v. Merchant) 232 Stanbrige Edwd, mar 233 Mildred (Darrel), mar. 233 Stanford Sarah, mar. {v. Layers) 257 Staniford Jv spon 159 John, com 96 mar 22S Margaret, com. . . . 109 Mr 167, 169 Sarah, bap 128 moth. . . . 128 (Bant), mar. . 228 Pagb Stanton Hannah Leland, mar. {v. Hartshorn) . . . 269 Staples Sally, serv't Mrs. Hath- away, died .... 284 Star. See Starr Abigail, bap. . . . 132 Alexander, bap. . . 147 Bulman, bap. 148 Ben., fath 156 Benjamin, bap., 139, 142, 145 Eleazar, bap. . . . 156 Eliz., moth. . 139, 140, 142 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 140 com. . . 104 Jervais, bap. . . . 154 Joseph, bap 137 fath., 132, 134, 137, 145,147,148,151,154 Margaret, bap. . . • 134 Martha, bap. . . 145, 151 Ursuba, mar. (v. Brum- met) 265 Starr. See Star Benja., mar 233 Mary (Maylam), mar. . 233 Joseph, fath. . . . 130 Thornton, bap. . . . 130 Startin Charles, mar. . . . 254 Sarah (Clark), mar. . 254 St. Croix Abraham, mar. . . . 255 Margret (Stephens), mar. 255 Stearns Ann A., died . . . 285 Augusta, bap. . 121, 222 com. . . . 121 died . • . 291 moth. 222, 222, 223 Bradlee, died 285 Curtis, mar 274 Deborah, died . . . 281 Elizabeth Call, bap. . 212 George, bap. . . . 209 Augustus (?)bap. 217 Hannah (Davis), mar. 273 Harriet, bap 222 Jacob, fath 212 mar 273 John, bap 223 fath. 222, 222, 223, 285 Mary Prescott, bap. . 222 moth 209 Rebecca, died . . . 291 D. (Barron), mar. . . 274 INDEX. 423 Page Stearns — contbmed. Rebekah, mar. {v. Whitermore) . • . 244 Sally, moth 212 Samuel, fath. . . . 209 Sarah, moth. . . . 217 E., moth. 220, 223 Ellis, wi., o. c, bap. . . . 217 Noyes, bap. . 223 Simon, fath., o. c. . .217, 220, 223 Page Stephens — continued. Margret, mar. (». St. Croix) 255 Rebecca (Harris), niar. 237 Stevens Elizabeth, bap., moth. 223 died ... 291 James Henry, bap. Thomas, died . . . 293 Willard, died . . . 291 William Everett, bap. 220 died 2S7 Henry, bap. . 217 died . 284 Stebbins Sarah, bap 161 com no Stedman serv. of S.Cobb, died 283 Steed Cato, fath 192 Nancy Means, bap. . 192 Steel Allen, bap 140 Capt 113, 246 David, bap 134 Eliz., bap 136 Jane, bap 129 John, bap. . . 137, 142 com 9S mar. . , 233, 246 Mary, bap 144 com. . 107, 113, 1 13 mar. {v. Tyler) . 247 moth., . 137, 140 144, 148 (Cushing), mar. 244 (Sunderland), mar. . . . 246 (Talley), mar, . Mr 164 Rachel, bap 148 mar. (y. Turell) 252 Richard, bap. . . . 140 Samuel, bap. . . . 132 Thomas, bap. . . . 130 com, , , . 96 fath. 129,130,132, 134. 136, 140. 142 mar. . . . 244 Stephens David, mar 267 Edward, mar. . . . 227 Lucy (Willington), mar. 267 Mary,mar. (v. Roulstone) 252 Mr., child of, died . . 280 Thomas, died . . . 290 Stevenson Caroline Louisa (Par- sons), mar. . . . 277 Luther, mar. . . . 277 Stewart Ann (Erving), mar. . 252 Charles, bap. . . . 214 Duncan, mar. . . . 252 James, fath 214 John, fath 215 Sarah, died .... 281 moth. . . . 215 Taylor, moth. . 214 Wm. Murray, bap. . . 215 Stibbins Eliz., moth 14S Sarah, bap 148 Stickney Anthony, mar. . . . 247 Dorcas (Davenport), mar 247 Stillman Mary, com 116 Mrs., com 116 Stimpson Charles, mar. . . . 260 Ellen (Hall), mar. . . 260 Stoaks Benjamin, mar. . . . 236 Rebecca (Kirbee), mar. 236 Stocker Ann Rindge, bap. . . com. . . 118 moth. . 211 o. c, bap. 211 Rogers, bap. . 211 Mary, died .... 289 William, died . . . 2S4 fath. ,o.c., bap. 211 Stoddard David, bap 162 fath. . 139, 140, 141 mar 233 Pace Stoddard — continued. Eliz., bap. . . 144, 149 moth 144 (Davis), mar. . 229 (Shrimpton), mar. 233 James, bap 165 Lyndal, bap. . 156 John, bap. . . 147, 157 Lindal, bap 155 Martha, bap. . . . 141 Mary, com 112 mar. {v. Chauncy) 249 Mehetabel, mar. {v. Hys- lip) 247 Mehitabel, bap. . . . 140 com. . . 112 Rebecca, com. . . . 105 Sampson, Rev., mar. . 229 Sarah, bap. . . 139, 153 com. . . 108, 112 mar.(».Greenough)247 moth 165 (Pitts), mar. . 238 Simeon, bap. . . . 144 died .... 282 Thomas, bap, , , . 163 William, bap. . 146,151 fath. 144, 146, 147, 149, 151. i53i 155. 156, 157, 162, 163, 165 mar. . . . 238 Stodder Abner, mar 259 Betsy (Low), mar. . . 259 Joseph Allen, bap, . 203 Lucy, bap 19S Simeon, fath., o.c. 196, 198, 203 of Scituate,mar. 260 Sukey, bap J 96 moth. 196, 198, 203 (Allen), mar. . 260 Stokes Benj., com 100 Benjamin, bap. . . . 140 Kirbee, bap 145 Rebecca, bap. . . . 140 moth. 140, 1^2, 143 Rebekah, moth. . . 145 Sarah, bap 143 Thomas, bap, . . . 142 Stollard Isaac, mar 229 Mary (Cox), mar. . . 229 Stone Heman, of Harwich, mar. 252 Jotham, of Brunswick, mar 270 424 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Pace Stone — continued. Mary (Freeman), mar. 252 Nancy, mar. (z*. Thomas) 274 (VVhitwell), mar. 270 Peggy, mar. (v. Morgan) 258 Storer Ann Winslow, com. . 116 Charles, bap. . . . »8o Dea., owner of Rose . 254 E 252 Deacon, fath. . . . 117 Ebenezer, bap. . . . 152 com. . . . 100 died . . . 279 fath. 145, 146, 148, 152,154,157,159, 162, 166, 180 mar. . . . 239 Jr., fath. . 177 Eliz., bap 148 com 112 mar. (v. Smith) . 246 Elizabeth, mar. {v. At- kinson) . 255 moth. . . 180 Hannah, bap. . 157, 162 com. . . . 116 died . . . 290 mar.(».Keating)27i mar. (iJ. Green) 251 Joseph, bap 145 Margret (Boyd), mar. . 261 Mary, bap. 146,154,159,177 com 107 mar. (v. Green) 249 (z*. Johnson) 264 (Edwards), mar. 239 Mr 158, 164 Mrs 252 Sybil, bap 166 Susannah, com. . . . 117 dau. . . . 117 Woodbury, mar. . .261 Stow Martha, com. . . . 112 Stratton Ebenezer, com. ... 96 Street Esther, mar. (i;. Brown) 236 Stretton James, com 98 fath 143 Mary, bap. . . . . 143 Stuart James, bap 177 fath. 177,179,180, 183 Page Stuart — contimced. James, mar 248 Mary, moth 179 Sarah, bap. . . 179, 180 moth. 177,179,180,183 (Bradstreet),mar. 248 Susanna, bap. • . . 183 Temperance, bap. . . 179 Sturgis bap 162 Charles James, bap. . 216 died . 288 Eliz., bap 162 mar. (j'. Savage) 250 Elizabeth Perkins, bap. 212 George, bap 218 Harriet Hinkley, com. 121 Harriot Tilden, bap James, bap. . , Lucretia, com. , moth. . Mercy, bap. . . moth. . Nathanael, fath. 2 Nathl. R., fath. 215, 216, 217, 218, 220, 221, 222 Prince, fath 162 Robert Shaw, bap. . . Sam' Parkman, bap. . Samuel, fath. . . . mast, of Kath- erine . . . Sarah Blake, bap. 215 died . . Susan, died .... moth. 212, 216, 217, 218, 220, 221, 222 Susanna, moth. Stutson 215 187 263 Benjamin, jr., mar. Christian, bap. . . . 188 Christiana (Curtis), mar. {v. Young) . . . 261 Joanna, moth. 1S4, i85, 1S9 (Green), mar. . 252 John, bap, . . '. . 1S6 fath. 1S4, 186, 189, 190 mar 252 Levi, fath. 183, 185, 187, 188 mar 250 Mary, bap 183 died .... 286 moth. . 183, 185, 187 (Curtis), mar. . 250 Polly, mar. (z'. Andrews) 260 (Alexander), mar. 263 Sally Ridgway, mar. {v. Polley) 258 Page Stutson — continued. Samuel, bap. . 1S9, 190 Sarah, bap. . . 1S4, 1S5 Susanna, bap. . . , 187 Thomas, bap. . . . 187 Su mar 241 Suden Sarah, com 112 Sugar, or Sugars com 102 Esther, com. . . . 103 mar. {v. Town- send) . . . 233 Gregory, com. ... 95 Mary, com 106 mar. {v. Town- send) . . . 238 Susanna, mar. {v. Hobbs 228 Sullivan AnnaC. (Richards), mar. 297 Anna Cabot Lowell, bap. 214 George, fath., o. c. 213, 214 mar 271 Richard, bap. 213 S., mar. . . 297 Hephzibah, moth. . . 186 (Whiting), mar. . . 251 James, fath 191 His Exc'y, died 281 Bowdoin, bap. 214 John, bap 186 Langdon, com, . 118 Martha, wid., died . . 283 Mehetable, moth. . . 191 Mehitabell, mar. {v. Cutler) 261 Nancy, bap 191 Richard, bap. . . . 216 com. ... 119 fath., 212, 214, 216 Sally, moth 213 Sarah, moth. 212, 214, 216 B., moth. . . 214 (VVinthrop), mar. . • 271 Seaver, bap. 212 William Bant, died . 279 Valentine, mar. . . . 251 Volentine, fath. . . 186 SULTOR Sarah, mar. (v. Dobell) 246 Sumner Abigail, moth., 190, 192, 194 Alfred Henry, com. . 122 Page Sumner — contimied. Al(i)ce, bap iSo moth. . . . i8i Alice, bap 201 com 120 moth. 1S2, 1S4, I 188, 189 AUice, mar. {v. Howe) 260 (i'. \Valdron),mar. 250 Ann Maria, bap. . . 215 Benja., bap. . . 1S2, 190 com 100 fath. 161, 162, 165, 167, 169, 172 Benjamin, fath. . 173,174, 182, 183 ; o. c, 205, 206, 208 hu. . . . 114 tertius, fath. 0. c. . . 194 Clough, bap. 205 Caroline, bap. . . . 200 Charles, mar. , , . 275 Charlott Hubbart, bap. 206 Deliverance, bap. . . 189 Edwin Bemis, bap. . 209 Eliza, mar. (y. Gerard) 273 P., com. . . 120 Partridge, bap. . 199 Elizabeth, bap. , . . 172 moth., 199, 200, 201, 203,204,206, 208, 211, 213, 215 wid., died • 282 Emily Parsons, bap. . 208 George, bap 208 Washington, bap. . . . 203 Hannah, com. . 114, 116 died . 2S9, 290 moth. . 182, 1S3 wi 114 Harriet (Farmer), mar. 276 Henry Shepherd, bap. 206 James, bap. . . 162, iSi died .... 2S3 fath. iSo, 181, 1S2, 184, 185, 188, 1S9, 190, 192, 194 mar 250 Jane V. R, (Walker), mar 275 John Adams, bap. . . 203 died . . 288 Joseph, com. . . . 116 M. S., com 116 Margaret, bap. . . . 161 Green, bap. 194 Maria, moth. . . . 194 INDEX. Page Sumner — continued. Martha P. (of Milton), mar. (v. Wat- son) , . . S., died . . Sanders, bap. [aunders], 271 294 208 moth. 203, Saunders, com. moth. 205 "5 199 ,201 Wl. . 115 (Barrett), mar. 262 Mary, bap 169 moth. . . 172, 173 Matilda Ray, bap. . . 213 Melvin, bap 192 Mercy, moth., 165, 167, 174 Melville, bap. . 1S8 moth 209 Nabby, mar. {y. Harris) 266 Rebecca, mar. (t/. Gabriel) 252 Rebekah, bap. . . . 167 Sally, moth. . . 205, 206 Samuel, bap. 165, 183, 194 fath., o. c, 199, 201, 203,205, 208, 209, 294 hu 115 mar 262 B., mar. . . 276 Barrett, bap. . 201 Sarah, bap. . 173, 182, 203 mar. (y. Homer) 260 Cuyler, bap. . 204 Stephen, died . . . 291 Salisbury,bap. 199 Sukey,mar. (y. Ridgway) 262 Susanna, bap. . . . 184 mar. {v. Cox) 263 Susannah, bap. . . , 174 Thomas Hubbard, bap. 208, 211 W., fath. 213, 215 Waldron, bap. 185 fath., 199, 200,201, 203, 204, 206, 20S, 211 Wm. Russell, bap. com. 205 122 Sunderland Mary, mar. (y. Steel) . 246 Surcomb Richard, bap. . . . 163 com. . . . 100 fath. ... 163 Sure Joseph, bap 156 54 425 Pace Sutherland Isabella (Millar^, mar. 261 James, mar 261 Swain John, mar 267 Lucy (Rolf), mar. . . 267 Swan H., com 116 Swayne Lois, com 116 SWAZY Joanna H. (Brooks), mar 277, 297 William, mar. . 277, 297 Sweat Lydia, com 108 Sweet Lydia, mar. {v. Lee) . 241 SWEETSER Harriet (Dodge), mar. . 275 John, mar 275 Rebecca P., mar. {y. Olney) 275 Swinnerton James, mar 262 Polly (Morris), mar. . 262 Sylvester Ann, mar. (y. Barrett) 273 Elce (Jackson), mar. , 266 Luke, mar 266 Sylvia bap 177 moth 180 Symkins. See Symp- KINS John, fath 130 Symmes Fortune, fath., o.c. 195,196, 198, 200, 203 mar. . . . 257 James, bap 196 Jenny, bap. . . 195, 198 moth. . 195, 196, 200, 203 (Fiellier), mar. 257 Mary Ann, mar. {y. Heath) 276 Michael, bap. . 19S, 200 Nancy, bap 203 Rebecca (Marshall), mar. 248 Thomas, mar. . . . 248 Symmons * Benjamin, mar. . . . 238 Margaret (Gibson), mar. 238 426 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Pagb Symonds Eliz., mar. (v. Allen) . 234 Elizabeth, com. . . . 103 Joseph, mar. . . 262, 263 Polly ( Burditt), of Charles- town, mar. . . . 263 Susanna (Hammond), mar 262 Symons Martha, bap. . . . 124 Sympkins Thomas, bap. . . . 130 Sympson Andrew, bap. . • . 150 fath. . . . 150 Francis, bap. . . . 16S Increase, fath. . . . 170 Joseph, bap 170 Syms Eliz., moth 144 Zechariah, bap. . . . 144 Symson Andrew, fath. . • . 147 John, bap 165 Nath., fath, . . 165, 16S Thomas, bap. . . . 147 Tabey Ann, mar. {v. Brewer) 253 Taggard Mary, moth 217 William, fath. . . . 217 Henry, bap. . 217 Taggart Bartholomew Welsh, bap. 220 Caroline Augusta, bap. 222 Fisher Ames, bap. . . 219 Mary, bap., o. c. . . 217 moth 217 wi 217 Elizabeth, bap. . 217 Trow, moth. 219, 220, 221, 222 Sarah Ann, bap. . , 221 Wm., bap., o. c. . . 217 fath. . 217, 219, 220, 221, 222 hu 217 Tailor Elizabeth, bap. . . . 185 George Minot, bap. . 1S7 John, bap 179 Nathaniel, fath. 179, 182, 185, 187 Nath', mar 253 Sarah, moth. 182, 185, 187 (Minott), mar. . 253 (Savage), mar. 252 Page Tailor — continued. William, bap, . . • 182 Col., mar, . 252 Tainter Charles, bap. . . . 209 John, bap 203 fath., o.c, 203, 205, 209 Olivia, moth. 203, 205, 209 Wm., bap 205 Talley Mary, mar. {y. Steel) . 233 Tamble Thomas, died . . . 2S0 Tambo Eunice, bap 207 Tanner John, com 99 Sarah, bap, . , 142, 143 com 106 mar. {y. Brown) 251 moth. . . .143 Susanna, mar. {v. Sealy) 261 Tan US serv. to Cap't Smith, bap. 163 Tapley Hannah,niar.(!:/, Wilson) 262 Isaac, mar 262 Nancy (Wayne), mar, , 262 Tappan Mary Lyman Buckmin- ster, bap 296 L(ewis) W(illiam), jr., fath 296 mar 298 Olivia B[uckminster], moth. . . . 296 (Lothrop), mar. 298 Tappen Benjamin, of North- ampton, mar. , . , 253 Sarah (Homes), mar, . 253 Tavanor Sally, mar. (y. Brummet) 267 Tay Isaiah, com 98 mar 237 Mary (Watkins), mar. , 237 Mercy, mar. {v. Butler) 238 Taylor Charlotte A. (Thayer), mar 298 Elizabeth (Brown), mar, 264 John, mar 298 Nathaniel, bap. , . , 180 fath. iSo, 1S8 mar, . . . 249 Page T a YLO R — cotitinued. Sally Cushing (Pier- point), mar. . . , 269 Sarah, bap 188 moth. ... 188 (Phillips), mar. 249 (Pierpoint), mar. 260 Silvia, bap 214 William, mar., 260, 264, 269 N., died , . 292 Teal Hannah, com. . . . 107 Tebits Henry, mar 254 Mary (Kennedy), mar, 254 Temple Elizabeth (Bowdoin), mar. . . 252 (Russell), mar. 265 Bowdoin, mar. (». Winthrop)257 Greenville, mar. , . 265 John, Hon., mar. . . 252 Terrey Mr 244 Thacher Caroline, moth, . . . 224 (Billings), mar, 273 Billings, bap. 226 moth. 226 Charles, bap, , . . 193 fath. ... 286 Charlotte T., moth., 212,213, 215, 216, 21S, 221 Desire, moth. , . . 202 Elizabeth, moth, , . 192 George Mcdonogh, bap, 212 McDonough, com. . , 123 Hester Billings, bap, . 226 Joseph Stevens Buck- minster, bap, . . . 215 com. . . 123 Mary, com 116 Anna, bap. , . 224 Peter, fath. 192, 193, 212, 213, 216 Oxenbridge, bap. 216, 221 fath., 215, 218, 221 Rebecca Hunt, bap. . 202 Royal Bond, died . . 286 Samuel Cooper, bap., 192, 218 com, . 117 Sarah Elizabeth, com. 123 Seth, fath 202 Theodore Oxenbridge, bap 213 INDEX. 427 Page Thacher — contimicd. Thomas, bap., bap. o. c. 224 fath., 224, 226, 292 inf. child of, died . . 292 mar. . . . 273 Thackway Hannah (Harvey), mar. 240 Richard, mar. . . . 240 Thair Cornelius, fath., o. c. . 132 Thaling Caesar, mar 263 Sylva (Atkinson), mar. 263 Thatcher Deac 220 John, mar 230 Margaret (Haywood), mar 22S Mary, mar. {v. Kilcup) 231 (Mould), mar. . 230 Peter Oxenbridge, died 284 Thomas, mar. . . . 228 Thaxter Joshua, com., hu. . . 117 Lydia, com 103 mar. (v. Draper) 232 Mary, mar. (v. Bastow), 270 Rachel, com. , . . 117 Ruth, com 117 Sally, com 117 Thayer Augusta (Brewster), mar. 276 Charlotte A., mar. (v. Taylor) 298 Christopher T(oppan), mar 276 Desire T., moth. . . 204 Thacher, moth. 206 Ebenezer, mar. . . . 261 Elizabeth(Hobart),mar. 261 Henrietta Foster, bap. 207 Samuel, bap 132 Foster, bap. 204, 206 Seth, fath. . 204, 206, 207 Thisgate Margaret, mar. (z/. Dodge) 241 Thomas Addison, mar. . . . 298 Alexander, Dr., fath. . 299 mar. . 275 son of, died 299 Alice G. (Abbott), mar. 298 Ann, bap. , , 140, 143, 144 com 104 (Snelling), mar. . 247 Page Thomas — coutitnied. l^ap 137 Caleb, com 96 fath. . . 135, 137 Cornelia, died . . . 292 Deborah, bap. . . . 127 Dorothy, mar. [v. White- more) 234 Eliz., mar. {v. May) . 242 (7'. Robinson) 242 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 130 K., died . 287 M. (Rand), mar. . . 275 John, fath 152 F., mar. . . . 270 Joseph, bap 135 Joshua, bap. 128, 134, 146 fath., 127, 12S, 130, 134, 1381 140, 143, 144; 146 Katy, mar. {v. King) . 266 Lucy, mar. {v. Brooke) 272 Mary, bap '25 died .... 2S7 moth. . . , 125 (Clark), mar. . 270 (Richardson), mar. . . . 263 Mercy, bap 152 (Logan), mar. . 247 Mrs., died .... 280 Nancy (Stone), mar. . 274 Priscilla, com. . . . 104 Richard, bap. . • . 125 Sarah, com. . . no, no Thomas K., fath. . . 279 mar. . . 274 childof,died 279 Kimble, mar. 263 William, bap. . . . 138 mar., 247 ; of Flimoth, mar. 247 Thompson. See Thom- son Abigail, moth. . . . 128 bap 128 Eliz., bap 149 com 108 Helen M., mar. {v. Brackett) .... 298 J., child of, died . . 283 John, bap 186 fath 186 mar 271 John Dixwell, bap. . 296 Lucy (Kneeland), mar. 271 Mary, mar. (v. Johnson) 24S Rebecca, moth. . . . 186 Sarah, com 108 Page Thompson — continued. Wm., bap., com. . . 123 fath 296 Thomson. See Thomp- son Abigail, moth. . 127, 130 Ann, bap 145 Desire, bap 148 Francis, bap. . . . 152 Miles, bap. . . 133, 133 fath 133 Robert, fath. 145, 148, 152 mar 241 Ruth, bap 152 (Whittimore), mar, . . . 241 Sarah, bap 127 mar. {v. Wilson) 237 Thomas, bap. . . . 130 Thorel Mary (Peterson), mar. 239 William, mar. . . . 239 Thorn Mary, com no Thorndike Elizabeth Frances, bap 216 mar. {v. Mason) . . 276 Israel, Jr., fath., o. c. mar. . . Sally, moth., o. c. 215 wi. of Israel, died 286 Ann, bap. . . 215 (Otis), mar. . . 271 Thorning John, bap 125 Sarah, moth. . . . 125 Thresher Elizabeth, com. . . 102 Francis, com. ... 95 Thwing Benjamin, bap. . . . 143 John, bap 135 fath. . 135, 140, 143 Rachel, com. . . 107 mar. (z'. Johnson) 241 TiLDEN Anne Linzee, bap. . . 214 bap 171 Bryant P., fath. 210, 211, 214, 215, 217 Catharine Brown, bap. 211 Christopher, Capt., mar. 263 Eliza (Baker), mar. . 263 Elizabeth, mar. {v. Dal- ton) . . 272 Isabella, bap. 210 216 271 216 428 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page TiLDEN — continued. Joanna, bap. . . . Jonathan, fa th. 168, 169, 170 Maria Dall, bap. . . 215 Mary, bap 170 Appleton, bap. . 217 Mr., child of, died . .281 Thomas, bap. . . . 169 Zebiah, moth. . 215, 217 C, moth. 210,211,214 TiLESTON Mary, mar. (v. Cooper) 254 TiLLOCK Jane, bap 175 Margery, moth. . . 175 TiLTON Rhoda, mar. {v. Hall) . 266 TiMBERLAKE bap 135 Henry, bap. . . 130, 13S fath 13S James, bap 141 Mary, bap. . . 138, 167 com 105 godmoth. . . 159 moth. 130, 133, 135, 141, 14.3, 167 Robert, bap. . . 133, 159 Sarah, bap. . . 143, 159 TiNDELL Jona., fath Jonathan, bap. . . . Tings Clearanna (Carnes ), mar, John, mar 249 Mary, mar. {v. Jackson) 25 1 Titus bap 162, 169 mar 227 Tod Mary, bap 168 Silence, bap 168 Wm., fath 168 Todd Elizabeth, bap. . . . 175 John, bap 173 Mary, moth. . . 174, 175 (Bemis), mar. . 263 Samuel, bap 174 Wm., bap 170 fath, 170,173,174,175 mar 263 TOLEMAN, or TOLMAN Ebenezer, bap. . . . 129 fath. . 129, 132 Page ToLEMAN — continued. Mary, bap 132 moth 2 165 i6s 249 Nathaniel, fath. . . . 212 Peter Thacher, bap. . 212 TOLLINGS Sally, Mrs., died . . 278 Tom mar 250 TOMLINSON Isabella (Frasier), mar. 243 Thomas, mar. . . . 243 TOMPSON Eunice, mar. {v. Barnes) 240 Mary, com 108 Sarah, mar. (z*. Clark) 239 Top Ann, bap 176 James, fath 176 Torrey Abner, mar 261 Ann, bap 157 David, bap 155 Dorothy, com. . . . 115 fath. or moth. . 136 John, hu iig Josiah, com gg Marcia Otis, com., wi. . 119 Mary, bap 151 Samuel, bap. . . . 153 com. ... 98 fath. 151, 153, 155, 156, 157 Sarah, bap. . . 136, 156 Susanna (Hubbart), mar. 261 TORRY Abigail, bap. . . , 149 Josiah, fath 159 Ruth, bap 159 TOWNSEND Ebenezer, bap. . 162, 165 fath. 162, 163, 165, 167, i6q Eliz., bap 169 Esther (Sugars), mar. . 233 George Washington, bap. 204 Henry, bap 206 Isaac, fath. 202, 204, 206, 209 Jona., Rev., mar. . . 238 Mary, bap 159 moth, . 157, 159, 161 (Sugars), mar. . 23S Ann (Brimmer), mar. . . . 254 Berry, bap. . . 202 moth. . 202, 204, 206 Page Townsend —continued. Polly, mar. (v. Froth- ingham) . , , . 257 Sarah, bap 163 moth 209 Ann, bap. . . 209 Solomon, bap. . . . 167 mar. ... 233 Susanna, bap. . . . 161 William, bap. . . . 157 Blair, mar. . 254 TOWNSHEND Isaac, fath 208 Wm. Harris, bap. . . 208 TOZER Eliz. (Pickering), mar. 238 William, mar. . . . 238 Train Elijah Nicholson, bap. 211 Mary, moth, 211,0. c, 212 Mrs., died .... 282 Sam', fath. 211 ; o.c. . 212 Frederick, bap. . 212 Wm. Henry, bap. . . 212 Traleven, or Treleven Charles, bap. . . . 150 John, bap 154 Samuel, bap 156 Sarah, bap. . . 150, 152 mar. {v. Carter) 243 moth. 150, 152, 154 Trask Dolly, mar. {v. Hollis) 262 Eliza, bap 204 Francis, bap. . . . 210 Hannah, mar. {v. Clem- ents) . , 264 Clements, bap. 206 Isaac, bap 208 fath., o. c. 199, 202, 204, 206, 208, 210 Mary, bap 202 moth. 199, 202, 204, 206 Nabby, bap. . . 199, 210 Tray Mary (Simpson), mar. 257 Michael, mar. . . . 257 Treboe Francis, mar. . . . 253 Margret(McKimro),mar. 253 Tredwell Jacob, com 97 Treferig Honor, mar. {v. Bryant) 227 Trevett, or Trevitt Ann, bap 173 INDEX. 429 Page Trevett — continued. Esther, bap 173 mar. (z/. Green) 251 moth. . . . 173 John, fath 173 Trevis Mary, fun. of . • . 285 Trevitt. See Trevett Tribute Ann, moth 167 John, bap 167 Samuel, bap. . . . 167 Troxdey Sarah, mar. (v. King) . 229 Trundy . Elizabeth, ma^-. {v. Smith) 24S Trustee Mary, mar. (». Rogers) 251 Tucker Abigail, bap 169 com. . . . 112 moth. 164, 167, 169 Admonition, mar. (w. Mattock) .... 232 Benja., bap 164 Elizabeth, mar. {v. Rich- ards) 249 Hannah, mar. {v. Moree) 254 Joseph, bap 167 Margaret, com. . , . 104 Mary, bap 129 Polly, mar. {v. Loring) 266 Sally, mar. (v. Belcher) 260 Sarah, mar. (w. Phipps) 231 TUCKERMAN Abraham, mar. . . . 245 Henry, bap 154 Lydia, mar. {v. Arnoud) 276 / Mary, bap 153 moth. 153, 154, 155, 159, 166 Sarah, bap 155 (Sedon), mar. . 245 Susanna, bap. . 159, 166 Tufts Peggj', bap., moth., o.c. 193 (Rich), mar. , 257 William, fath. . . . 193 mar. . . . 257 TULLEY Eliz., mar. (v. Tyley) . 229 TURELL Eben, Rev., fath. . . 152 mar. . . 243 Ebenezer, Rev., mar. 241, 250 Jane (Colman), mar. . 241 (Tyler), mar. . . 250 Pace TuRELL — continued. Joseph, fath. . . . 186 Lucy (Davenport), mar. 243 Mary, com. . . 114, 116 died .... 293 moth 1S6 Samuel, bap 152 Susanna, bap. . . . 186 mar. (». Gray) 259 TURNBULL iriliy, Udp com ib3 109 Turner Annie, moth. . . . iSS Dorothy, bap. . . . 176 moth. . . . 181 (Foye), mar. 247 Elizabeth, bap. . 127 179 moth. 126, 127, i3i> 134 137 Ephraim, fath. . 176, 178, 179 181 mar. . . . 247 Esther, bap 134 Hannah B., mar, (z*. Adams) 27s James, bap. . , 178 181 John, bap 137 fath 12S Jonathan, bap, , , . iSS Lucinda, died . . . 2S7 Lucy, bap I2S Mary, bap, , . 126 139 com 10=; moth 154 Mercy, bap 154 mar. {v. Cole) . 2=;- Rebecca (Canterbury), mar 273 Samuel, bap. . . . 176 com. . . . lOI Sarah, bap »3i Thomas, bap. . . . 176 William, bap. . . . 176 fath. . . . 188 mar. . . . 27^ TURRELL Joseph, mar. . . . 252 Rachel (Steel), mar. . 252 TUTHILL Mary, com 102 Sarah, bap 124 com 102 Zechariah, com. . . 95 Zecharias, bap. , . . 124 TUTTLE Daniel, fun. of . . . 288 Sarah, mar. (v. Gooch) 227 Susannah, mar. {v. Blish) 229 Page TwiNG John, bap 140 Mary, com 104 Mr 255 Tylee Eliz., bap 139 Samuel, fath. . , . 139 Tyler Andrew, bap. 138, 140, 148 com, . , . 98 fath. 137, 13S, 140, 142,143.145.146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153- '55, 156. 158, 159 jr., com, . . 100 Benja. Broom, bap. , 142 Christopher, bap. . . 156 David(of old Brick), fath. 203 Eliphal, bap. . . , 134 Eliz., bap 151 Eliza, of Newburyport, mar. {v. Dodge) . . 270 J. S., Gen'l . . , , 300 Mrs., wife of, died 300 Jane, bap. . . 159, 164 mar. {v. Gillman) 250 {v. Turell) , 250 moth 164 Job Wheelwright, bap. 203 John, bap. . 146, 155, 190 fath. . . 142, 190 Joseph, bap 153 Katharine, bap. 133, 148, 150 Katherine, mar. (y, Och- terlony) .... 249 Lucy, mar. (t*. IMarshall) 252 Margery, bap. . . , 145 Mary, bap. 133,143,149,158 mar. (;'. Marshall) 251 (Steel), mar. . 247 moth 203 Myriam, bap. . . . 137 com. . . . 106 mar. {v. \\'il- liams) . . 243 Mrs. . . . 103 Pepperil, bap, . , . 153 Polly (Parker), mar. . 26S Royal, bap. . . 141, 146 mar 247 Samuel, bap. . 131, 156 mar, . . . 26S Jr., fath. 131, 134 Sarah, bap 138 com. . 102, no, 112 mar. {v. Savage) 245 moth 190 Thomas, bap. . 131, 152 430 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Tyler — continued. Wm., Ill ; bap. 136, 142, 143 fath. . 131, 133, 136, 138,141,143,146,148, 151. ^53. 156, 164 Tyley Eliphaz, bap. . . . 159 Eliz., bap 137 (Tulley), mar. . 229 Elizabeth, com. . 105, 106 Hannah, bap. . 15 5) 159 Katharine, bap. . . . 153 Mary, bap 147 Samuel, fath. . . . 136 mar. . . . 229 Sarah, bap. . . 136, 145 mar. (v. Gray) . : (v. Larmon) 234 Thomas, bap. . . . 150 fath. 137, 145, 147, 150. 153, i55> 159 Tyng Dudley Atkins, of New- bury, mar 261 Sarah (Higginson), mar. 261 Tyns Ammarutta, moth. . 135 Ammoretta, moth. . . 137 Anthony, mar. . . . 233 Arnote, mar. . . . 233 Lydia, bap 135 Sarah, bap 137 Underwood Esther (Blake), mar. . 263 John, mar 263 Polly, mar. (z*. Ellis) . 259 Uran Abigail, bap 148 Benjamin, bap. . . . 144 Hannah (Lucker), mar. 247 Joseph, mar. . . . 247 Mary, bap 146 mar. (y. Sloper) 246 Polly, mar. (v. Spencer) 263 Rebecca, mar. (y. Mason) 266 Sarah, com 108 mar. (f. Putnam) 243 moth. 144. 145, 146, 148 , . 145 Thomas, bap. Urann Joseph, mar. . . . 238 Sarah (Jamison), mar. 238 Usher Daniel, bap 172 Francis, bap. . . . 176 Hekekiah, bap. . . . 171 Page Usher — contimied. Hezekiah, bap. . . . 170 fath. i66, 171, 172, 176 Jane, com 113 moth. . 168, 170, 172 Mercy, bap i56 Stephen, bap. . . . 168 Utley Elijah, died .... 2S9 Valentine, Vallan- TiNE, or Vallentine Edmond, bap. . . . 129 John, bap 12S fath. . . 128, 129 Frazier, bap. . 208 Margret (Glashire), mar. 250 Nath'l, fath 208 Thos., mar 250 Vales Mary (Ewel), mar. Thomas, mar. . 235 Vanderlockt Joanna (Brown), mar. 256 William, of New York, mar 256 Van-dike Cataline, com. . . . 113 Vaning John, mar 239 Katharine( Newton), mar. 239 Vassall D., com., hu. . . . 116 Darby, fath 213 hu 117 mar 269 Derby, bap 115 child of, died, 278,283 com 115 fath. . . 209, 210 Frances H., mar. (y. Clark) . . 275 Holland, bap. 210 Lucy, com 117 died .... 292 moth. 209, 210, 213 wi 117 (Holland), mar. 269 N., com 116 Nancy, bap., com. . Sally Kimball, bap. Wm., bap. . . . Vechner Joseph, mar. . . . Nancy (King), mar. 116 209 257 257 Page Verry Abigail, mar. {v. Lucas) 231 Mary, bap 135 Vetch Coll, fath. . . 130, 133 Mary, bap 133 William, bap. . . . 130 Viall Eunice (Low), mar. . 265 John, mar 265 Viaux Sarah E., mar. {y. Far- rar) 298 ViBERT. See Vybert. Jane, moth. . . . 156, 158 John, bap 156" William, bap. . . . 158 ViBlRD. See WlBIRD. Isaac, fath. . . 176, 185 Mary, bap 176 moth. . . 176, 185 (Mallett), mar. 248 Sarah, bap 185 Thomas, mar. . . . 248 ViBRET Mathew, mar. . . . 228 Sarah (Fare), mar. , 228 ViBURT Isaac, fath 181 Jane, bap 154 mar. iy. Kennedy) 247 moth 154 Mary, bap 181 moth. . . . 181 Philip, com loi ViLLERS Hannah (Oxford), mar. 230 Peter, mar 230 ViNAL Ann, com 112 Charlotte, mar. (z/. Kent) 262 Elijah, com 97 fath., 139,147,150,158 Elisha, mar 236 Eliz., bap 150 (Ellis), mar. . 236 John, bap 158 Mary, bap 147 William, bap. . . . 139 Vincent Sarah, mar. {y. Salter) 264 ViNGUS Jane, mar 244 John, mar 244 INDEX. 431 Pagb ViNTENON Eliz., com 113 Susanna, com. . . . 112 Vinton Sarah B.,mar. {v. Jones) 276 Violet bap., 149, (serv. to Mr. Righton) . • 151, 167, 177, 179 com. . . . Ill, 112 died 2S3 mar 245, 250 VlTTERY Anna (Farrisse), mar. . 233 Edward, fath. . . . 141 mar. ... 233 Mary Anna, bap. . . 141 VOLENTINE, or VOLLEN- TiNE. See Valen- tine Anne, bap 209 moth 209 Mary, moth. . . 205, 206 Nathaniel, fath., 205,206,209 Rebecca, mar. (zi. Crocker) 262 Thomas, bap. . . . 205 Wm. Brown, bap. . . 206 Vryling Eliz., mar. (v. Loring) 244 Vybert. See Vibird Hannah, bap. . . . 182 Isaac, fath 182 Mary, moth 182 Wade Edward, mar. . . . 230 Hannah (Platts), mar. 230 (v. Wright), mar. 234 John, bap 171 Mary, moth 171 Thomas, bap. . . . 167 com. . . . 100 fath. . 167, 171 Wadsworth Mr 132, 133 Waine Abigail, bap i53 mar-Cf. Gwin) . 251 Anna, moth 189 Benja., bap. . . 133, i fath 189 Edward, bap., 129, 163, i Mary, bap 160 Samuel, bap. . . . 157 Sarah, bap 151 com 108 moth. 126, 129, 133 (Beal), mar. . 228 Page Waine — contimied. William, bap. . 126, 153 fath., 151, 153, 155, 157, 160, 163, 168 mar. . . . 228 Wainwright Ann B., moth. . . . 222 Brooks (Parker), mar. . . . 272 Benjamin G., mar. . . 276 I33> 138 Eliz., bap. . . mar. {v. ton) Adding- 233 Francis, fath. 133, 135, 136, 138 Grace, died .... 299 Henry, bap 222 died . . , fath 222 mar 272 John, bap 135 Julia Ann Sanderson, (Coolidge), mar. . . 276 Lydia, mar. (y. Farrier), 274 Mary, bap 136 com 104 Wait Lois, mar. {y. Lear) . 258 Richard G., bap. . . 123 com. . . 123 Waite Emeline A. (Nash),mar. 298 Josiah K., mar. . . , 298 WAKEFEiLDor Wakefield Deb., moth 165 Deliverance, bap. . 129, 162 Eliz., bap 161 moth 180 mar. {y. Bell) . . 250 Esther, moth. 128, 129, 138 Hannah, com. . . . 109 moth. James, bap. . John, bap. com. . fath. . mar. Joseph, bap. . com. . fath. ] Matthew, bap. fath. Nathan", bap. Priscilla, com. Rebecca (Cox), mar. . 252 Samuel, bap. Thomas, bap. William, bap. , 157, 160 , . 160 157, 165 . . 100 149, 161 . . 252 128, 155 • . 99 156, 160, 162, 165 . . 156 . . 180 . . 160 . . 109 155, iSo 149. 155 • '55 Pagb Walcutt Benjamin, mar. . . . 248 Elizabeth (Marshall), mar 248 Waldern Eliz., mar. {v. Baker) . 228 Waldo Joseph, mar 251 Matha (Jones), mar. . 251 Sam', of Falmouth, mar. 250 Sarah, mar. {y. Hide) . 237 (Erwing), mar. . 250 Waldron Allice,mar. (v. Sumner) 250 Elizabeth, moth. . 1S4, 186 Joseph, bap 184 fath. . 1S4, 186 Mr 149 Thomas, bap. . i85, 186 Wales Harriet, mar. (». Morton) 268 Mary, mar. (f . Easte) . 267 Walker Abigail, bap. . . 1S2, 189 moth. 1S2, 182, 183, 187, 1S9 (Lovell), mar. 251 Benjamin, com. ... 95 Dudley, fun. of, . . 288 Edward, bap. . . . 183 fath. 1S2, 182, 183, 187, 189 mar. . . . 251 Eleanor, com. . . . 121 mar. [y. Barnard) 277, 297 Isaac, bap 187 James Rollins, bap. . 226 Jane, com 121 Jane Eliza, mar. {y. de Villchant) .... 262 Jane V. R., mar. iy. Sumner) .... 275 Mary, com 108 Sarah, bap 182 mar. (y. Hayes) 231 (Powers), mar. 254 Spencer, mar. . . . 254 Wall Eliz., ma*, {y. Niles) . 253 Walley Hannah, mar. (y. Row) 268 Wallis Abigail, mar. (f . Bartley) 275 John, bap 220 Mary, moth 220 Thomas, fath. ... 220 432 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Walpool John, mar 246 Sarah (Read), mar. . 246 Walter Fanny (Scovill), mar. . 266 James, mar 266 Walton Ruth (Hustuns), mar. 259 William, mar. . . . 259 Ward Henry Artemas, died . 299 Venus, mar. (v. Gill) . 263 Wardel Thomas, bap. . . . 138 fath. . . . 13S Warden Anna, bap. . 133, 136, 153 com 108 Benjamin, bap. . . . 145 Eliza, bap 167 Elizabeth, bap. 170, 172, 179, 181 died . . . 281 mar. (v. Crease) . 258 moth. 179,180, 181 John, bap. . . 148, 151 Mary, com m (Bullock), mar. . 251 Miriam (Bell), mar. . 253 Ruth (Howell), mar. . 254 Samuel, mar. . .251, 253 Thomas, bap. 141, 143, 158 165 com. ... 99 fath. 133, 136, 141, 143, 145, 148, 151, 153, 158, 165, 167, 170, 170, 172 Wm., bap. . . 170,180 fath. . 179, 180, 181 mar 254 Ware Daniel L., mar, . . . 297 H., Rev. Prof., D.D., 117, 118, 119 Mary B. (Bartlett), mar. 297 Wares Sally, mar. (v. Baldwin) 271 Warner Jane Sarah, bap. . . 223 Mary Brimmer, bap. . 223 Sarah I., moth. . 223, 223 William A., died . . 293 fath. . 223, 223 Warren Abigail, com. . . . 118 dau 118 Page Warren — continued. Abigail, moth. 194, 195, 195, 197, 199, 202, 204, 208 Anna Casper (Crownin- shield), mar. . . 277, 297 Becky, bap. . Charles, bap. com. Edward, bap. com. Eliz., moth. 194 202 121 123 184,185, iSS Elizabeth, mar. (y. Welles) 256 Emily, bap 217 George, bap 195 Harriet, bap 197 com. . . . 119 Henry, bap 199 J. Mason, mar. . 277, 297 James, mar 264 Sullivan, bap. . 215 John, died .... 284 fath. 191, 192, 194, 195, 195, 197, 199, 202, 204, 208 mar 236 Dr., fath. . . 118, 119 wife of, died 293 C, fath. 215, 217, 219 Joseph, bap 1S4 fath. 1S4, 185, 188 Marian, died .... 294 Mary, bap. . . . 185, 18S com 120 died .... 292 mar. (v. Gorham) 270 {v. Lyman) 265 (Butler), mar. . 236 Ann, mar. {v. Hanson) . . 297 Collins, bap. , 217 Gorham, com. . 118 dau. . itS moth. . . . 191, 192 Nabby, bap 191 Nancy (Conant), mar. 264 Rebecca, com., dau. . 118 Samuel, bap. .... 192 Sarah, mar. (7^ Ross) . 238 Susanna, moth. 215, 217, 2ig Thomas, bap. , . . 195 William, bap. . . . 204 com. . . . loi Warters Esther (Brown), mar. . 238 John, mar 238 Washburn Elizabeth T(ucker), mar. {v. Grinnell) . . . 297 W. R. P., died ... 299 Page Washington Geo. (Gen'l) .... 195 Wass Ann, bap 156 Homer, mar. . . . 264 John, com. . » . . 99 Margaret, bap. . . . 158 Polly (Newell), mar. . 264 Wilmot, fath. . „ 156, 158 Waterhouse Abigail, bap 177 Hannah, moth. . 177, 178 Mary, bap 178 Samuel, fath. . 177, 178 Waterman Eliz., (Bassit), mar. . 238 John, mar 238 Waters Abraham, mar. . . . 266 Ann, bap., moth. . . 152 Dorothy, mar. (z'. Jonah) 270 Eliz., bap 152 Esther, bap 144 moth. . 144, 145 John, bap 153 Josiah, fun. of . . . 284 Kath.,mar. {v. Ketteel) 229 Mary, bap 145 Mrs 288 Nancy, mar. {y. Call) . 264 Polly (Simons), mar. . 266 Rebekah, bap. . . . 152 Sarah, bap 152 William, bap. . . . 144 W ATKINS Andrew, mar. . . . 247 Jane (Frost), mar. . . 247 Lucy, bap 188 mar. (7'. Clarke) 255 Mary, com 104 mar. (7'. Tay) . 237 Watland Eliz.,mar.(7'. Simpson) 243 Watson Daniel, mar 271 Elizabeth A. (Canter- bury), mar. . 277, 297 Geo. B., mar. . 277, 297 Martha P. (Sumner), mar. 271 Prudy Bell, died Watts Bellingham, mar. Cap Daniel, com. . . fath. . . Eliz. (Clark), mar. 278 256 252 227 INDEX. 433 Page Watts — continued. Joseph, mar 265 Lucy (Davis), mar. . 266 Nancy, mar. {v. Eliot) 263 (Sawyer), mar. 256 Prince, mar 266 Rebecca Balch (Foggan), mar 265 Rebekah, bap. ... 148 William, mar. . . . 227 Way Mary, bap. . . 161, 161 com moth. . . 161, 162 William, bap. . . . 162 Wayne Benjamin, bap. . . . 202 fath. . . . 207 Jr., fath. 202 204 fath 200 Mary, bap. . . 200 207 moth., 0. c, 200, 202, 204 207 Nancy, mar.(z'.Tapley) 262 Wm. Scot, bap. . . . 204 Web John, fath 182 Page Webster Anna, mar. {v. Wroe) . 237 Carolines. (White), mar. 297 Charles, bap 221 died .... 289 Cordelia A. (Sawyer), 297 Daniel, fath. . . Edward, bap. died Fletcher, mar. . Francis F., mar. 218, 220, 221, 299 . . 220 . . 299 . . 297 . . 297 Sally, mar. (v. Ford) . 263 Samuel, bap 182 Sarah, moth. . . . 182 Webb Abigail, com. . . . 104 Daniel, bap 128 Isaac, bap 130 fath. . 128, 128, 130 John, fath. . . 182, 186 Lydea, mar. {v. Caswell) 264 Mary, bap i Michael Smith, bap. . 128 Nancy, died .... 287 Sarah, moth. . 182, 186 Wm., bap 182 Webber Daniel, mar 274 Ebenezer, mar. . . . 249 Ehz.,bap 133 John, bap 127 Love (Larman) mar. . 249 Mary, bap. . 129, 131 135 (Low), mar. 274 Mehit., mar. {v Scot) . 237 (Banks) mar. . 22S Mr. . . . 159 128 Thomas, bap. . com. . . 96, 99 fath. 127, 128, 129, »3i. 133 .135 mar. 228 Grace, com 121 died .... 291 moth. 218, 220, 221 James, bap 134 Julia, bap 218 Mary, mar. {v. Marshal) 242 moth 126 Noah, of Hartford,mar. 259 Rebecca, bap. . 128, 128 com. . . . 105 Rebeckah (Greenleaf), mar 239 Samuel, bap. . . . 137 Sarah, bap 130 William 230 bap. . . . 126 com. ... 96 fath. 128, 128, 130, 134. 137 Weeks Experience, com. . . 105 Weetly Abigail,mar.(f.Slocom) 227 Welch. See Welsh Abigail, moth. . . . 197 (Kent), mar. . 255 Anna, bap 180 Benjamin, bap. . 182, 184 Dorothy, moth. . . . 197 (Cames),mar. 259 Eliz., mar. {v. Hunny- well) .... 247 (Rogers), mar. . 230 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 175 mar. {v. Adams) . 256 moth. 175,176, 178,179,180,181, 182, 182,184, 194 (Hall), mar. 248 Gardner Rand, bap. . 219 Hannah(Anderson),mar. 239 Henry, bap 194 James, mar 245 John, fath. 175,176,178,179. 180, 181,182, 182, i" 55 Pack Welch — continued. John, mar 248 Adams, bap. . . 197 Cames, bap. . . 197 N., fath. . . . 219 Jonas, fath 197 mar 259 Katherine, bap. . 180, iSi Lydia H., moth. . . 219 Martha, bap. . . . 182 Mary, bap 176 moth 191 Sarah, bap 178 com 114 Susanna (Smith), mar. 245 Thomas, bap. died fath. . 132 • 293 132, 191, 194. 197 230. 255 179, 191 • 239 mar. William, bap. mar. Weld Aaron Davis, of Roxbury, mar 270 Francis, bap. . . . 216 Hannah (Minot), mar. 266 Margaret Minot, bap. . 212 Mary (Hatch), mar. . 269 moth. . 212,213,216 Oliver F., of Rumney, N. H., mar. . . . 269 Susannah Morey( Adams), mar 270 Thomas Swan, bap. . 213 child of, died . 282 Wm. G. (Capt.), fath. 212, 213, 216, 282 mar. . . . 266 Welles. See Wells A 282 Ann, wife of Arnold, died 285 Arnold, died .... 291 hu 285 mar 250 jr., mar. . . 256 Catharine, died . . . 284 Elizabeth (Warren), mar. 256 Susannah (Jones), mar. 250 Wellman Dolly, mar. {v. Cames) 267 Geo. B., mar. . 277, 297 Sarah (Lakeman), mar. 277, 297 Wells Ann, bap 196 Benjamin, bap. . . . 192 Daniel, mar 267 434 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Wells — co/itmued. Ebenezer, bap. . . . 193 fath. 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 196, 198, 200, 201, 202, 206 Elizabeth Eustis, bap. 195 Frances, bap. . . . 191 George Eustis, bap. . 196 Hannah, moth. 192,193, 194 i95» 197 Henry, bap 194 James, bap. . . 197, 198 Katherine, moth. 192, 193, 194, 195, 196,196, 198, 200, 201, 202, 206 Lucy (Severs), mar. • 267 Mary, bap 202 Nathaniel, bap. . . . 201 Prudence, bap. . . . 206 Samuel Adams, bap. . 193 Susanna, bap. . 192, 194 Thomas, bap. . , . 195 fath. 192, 193, 194, 195. 197 Wm., bap 200 Welsh. See Welch Abigail, died .... 290 Benjamin, bap. . . . 147 Renkin, bap. 210 Catharine, com. . . iii Charlotte, com. . . . 118 Dorcas, bap 165 Ebenezer, bap. . . . 159 Eliz., bap. . . 139, 159 com no mar. {v. Moore) . 244 moth. . . 147, 159 Hannah, bap. . . . 131 moth. . . . 131 Harriet, com. . . . 118 John, bap. 131,133, 144, 158 com 98 fath. . . 158, 165 N., fath. . . . 210 Porter, bap. . . 212 R., child of, died 279 fath. . . . 279 W., fath. . 208, 212 Joseph, bap 135 Lucy Hammatt, moth. 208 Lydia Hammatt, com. 119 moth 212 wi. of John N. . 290 Hammet, died . 290 Mary, com. . . 107, 118 mar. {v. Billings) 241 Curn (Norwood), mar. . . , 274 Patrick, mar. . . . 274 Page Welsh — continued. Rachel, bap 143 Sarah, Mrs., died . , 279 Hammatt, moth. 210 Renkin, bap. . 208 Susanna, bap. . . . 142 Thomas, bap. . . . 159 fath. 133, 135, 139, 142, 143, 144 Wendal, Wendall, Wendel, or Wen- dell Abraham, bap. 149, 158, 164 Ann, bap 153 Capt 170 Cath., mar. {y. Cooper) 246 Catharine, bap. . . . 147 Col 249 Dorothy, bap. . . . 155 Edmund, bap. . . . 157 Edward, bap. . . . 181 Eliz., bap. 139, 152, 159, 165 com 113 mar. (v. Quincey) 240 (». Wibird) 244 moth. 147, 152, 154, 155, 159, 160, 163, 165, 166, 167, 168 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 188 Henry Flint, bap. . . 160 Isaac, bap. . 166, 175, 178 com loi fath. . 177, 178, 180 mar 248 J., Capt., owner of Hannah .... 113 Jacob, bap. 135, 147, 159, 161^ 166, 180, 183, 1S4 com 99 fath. . 147, 150, 155, 158, 160, 161, 162, • 183, 1S4, 188, 190 mar. . . 233, 260 jr., fath. 162, 164, 165, 167, 169, 183 James, bap 176 John, bap. , 154, 160, 177 fath. 149, 157, 162, 163, 165, 166, 167, 168, 172, 176 mar 242 owner of Cezar . loi Hunt, bap. . . 162 Mico, bap. . . 150 fath. 175, 175, 177, 180 Walter, bap. . . 163 Josiah, bap 162 Katharine, bap. . . . 163 com. 109, III Page Wendal — continued. Katharine, mar. (v. Bul- finch) . 241 Katherine, bap. . . . 177 moth. 175, 175, 177, 180 Margaret, bap. ... 162 Margrett, mar. (v. Phil- lips) 450 Martha, bap. , . . 183 moth. . 183, 184, 188, 190 Fitch, bap. . 180 Jane, mar. {v. Whitcom) , 259 Mary, bap. 145, 162, 169, 171 com. . 109, 113, 113 mar. (». Alexander) 251 (v. Smith) . 266 moth. 156, 159, 160, 162,163, 166, 168, 172, 176, 180, 181, 185 (Abbot), mar. . 260 (Banks), mar. . 248 (Oliver), mar. . 242 Mercy, bap. . . 137, 143 com Ill mar. (v. Oliver) 245 Mr., owner of Sharper 185 : Nathaniel, bap. . . . 190 O., owner of Sharper 187,188 Oliver, owner of Sharper 253 bap 155 fath. , . 181, 185 Peter Oliver, bap. . • 172 Rebecca, bap. . 167, 176 Rebekah, bap. . 156, 168 Sally, mar. {v. Holmes) 26S Sarah, bap. . . 142, 165, 168, 185 ; o. c. 209 com. . . 104, 115 mar. {v. Dennie) 245 moth. 135, 137, 139, 142, 143, 145, 153 (Oliver), mar. . 233 Susanna, bap. . . . 160 died . . . 280 Thomas, bap. . . . 167 Wm. Brattle, bap. . . 175 Wensley Anna, bap 147 Edward, bap. . . . 144 Eliz., moth. . 144, 145, 147 Elizabeth, com. . . . 106 Margaret, bap. ... 145 Wenslow John, bap 146 Sarah, moth. ... 146 INDEX. 435 279 280 Pagb Wentworth Elizabeth, Mrs., died Mrs., died . . . West Oavid, died .... 282 John, bap 169 com 99 fath. . 165, 166, 169 Kezia, died .... 285 Keziah, com. . . . 118 Margret, mar. {v. Barch) 269 Mary, bap 165 Peggy (Nichols), mar. 268 Susanna, bap. . . . 166 Thomas, mar. . . . 268 Wetter Elizabeth (Draper), mar. 252 William, of Preston, Conn., mar. . . . 252 Weymouth Charles Edwin, died . 2S7 WH ALLEY Abiel, com 100 own. of Pompey loi Mr 164 Wharton Lydia, mar. {v. Mortimer) 239 Wheal Moses, fath 179 Susannah, bap. . . . 179 Wheat Abigail, Mrs., died . . 281 Moses, mar 250 Susannah (Brown), mar. 250 Wheatly Mr 187 Wheeler Alice, mar. {v. Blanchard) 236 Benja., bap 149 fath 154 mar 240 Benjamin, bap. . . . 149 Betsy, mar. (v, Law- rance) 270 Faith, fun. of . . . 289 Margaret, moth. . . 170 Ruth, bap 154 moth. . . 149, 152 (Newcomb), mar. 240 Samuel, bap 15 Solomon, bap. . . . 170 Susan F. (Gibbs), mar. 273 Worham, mar. , . . 273 Wheelock Abel, fath 207 moth 207 Rebecca French, bap. . 207 Pagb Wheelwright Benjamin, mar. . . . 262 Rebecca (Gardner), mar. 262 Whipple Hannah ( Billings), mar. 2 5 1 Joseph, of Portsmouth, mar 251 Whippo Eliz., mar. {v. Parker) . 245 Jane, mar. {v. Mobberly) 240 Whitburne Lucy, mar. {v, Erwing) 250 Whitcom John, mar 259 Martha Jane (Wendell), mar 259 White Abigail, moth. . . 137, 139 (Purrinton),mar. 233 Benja., bap 132 Caroline S., mar. {v. Webster) .... 297 Dinah, mar. (w. Clayton) 267 Dorothy, bap. . . . 130 Ebenezer, bap. . . . 137 Elizabeth, bap. . . . ] moth. . . (Beacham), mar. . . 248 Hannah, bap. . . . 202 James, bap 139 John, mar. . . . 239, 248 Joseph, bap 12 fath. . 128, 130, 132 Joshua, mar 273 Mary, mar. (-'. Judevine) 241 Nancy, mar. {v. Bowman) 271 (Force), mar. . 273 Nathanael, bap. . . . 170 Nathaniel, bap. . . . 171 Olive, mar. (v. Christy) 259 Peregrine, bap. . . . 145 com. ... 98 Polly, mar. (r/. Cooke) . 268 (Hawes), mar. . 257 Reuben, died .... 279 Richard, com. ... 99 mar. ... 233 Sally (Cary), mar. . . 264 Samuel, mar. . . . 264 Sarah, bap 146 (Belcher), mar. 239 Timothy, fath. ... 188 Wm., bap 169 com 100 fath., i6g, 170, 171 ; o. c 202 jr., mar. ... 257 Page Whitehouse Charity, com. . . . 107 Whitemore Dorothy (Thomas), mar. 234 Thomas, mar. . . . 234 Whitermore Rebekah (Stearns), mar. 244 Samuel, mar. . . . 244 Whitimore Samuel, com. . . . 100 Whiting Hannah (Hill), mar. . 259 Hephzibah, mar. (y. Sullivan) .... 251 John, Rev., mar. . . 232 Mary (Cotton), mar. . 232 Mr., child of, died . . 279 Samuel, mar. . . . 259 Whitman Allen, mar 272 Ann, moth 162 Benjamin, bap. . . . 162 Franklin, fun. of . . 289 Mary (Brown), mar. . 272 Whitmore Mary, bap iSi Whitney Abigail (Cutler), mar. . 249 Anna, mar. [v. Adams) 2,8 Elizabeth (Pratt), mar. 273 Joanna, bap. 214 Esther G., moth. . . 21-? Green, bap. . . 212 com. 117 moth. . 209, 212 ,214 Wl. . . 117 Greene, moth. . 219 Ezekiel jr., of Water- town, mar, . . . 2=19 Fanny L., moth. . . 297 Frances Sarah, bap. . 219 Henry Austin, fath. . 297 Hugh, bap 297 Israel, died .... 300 John Stetson, bap. . . 209 Jon., child of, died . . 279 Jona., hu 117 Jonathan, com. . . . 118 fath. 209, 212 213. 214 , 219 Joseph, mar. . . , 273 Lydea (Bowes), mar. . 253 Mary Wyman, bap. 213 Phineas, Rev., of Shir- ley, mar 253 436 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Whitney — continued. Ruth (Gilbert), mar. . 259 Samuel, mar. . . . 249 Whitridge Betty Maria (Ayers), mar 277, 297 Edward F., mar. 277, 297 Whittam Mary, bap., com. . . 115 Whittemore Benjamin Bruce, bap. . 209 Comfort, com. ... 116 moth. 202, 204, 207, 209 Eliza, bap. . . T99, 200 Isaac, fath 190 Joseph, bap. . . 190, 202 com 116 fath., o. c, 199, 200, 202, 204, 207, 209 moth. . . .199, 200 Sally Rand, bap. . . 207 Sarah, moth. . . . 190 Thomas, bap. . . . 204 com. . . . 100 Whitten Ann, com 112 moth. . 154, 157, 160 John, bap 157 Jonathan, bap. . . . 160 William, bap. . . . 154 \7hittimore Ruth, mar. {v. Thomson) 241 Whittom Mary, mar. (v. Beekings) 256 Whitwell Benja., bap 142 Eliz. (Archer), mar. . 232 Eliza, bap 194 Elizabeth, bap. . . . 141 mar. (v. Pember- ton) . . 264 John George, bap. . . 203 Lucy, com., wi. , . . 116 moth 203 Margaret, com., wi. . 117 moth 192 Nancy, mar. (v. Stone) 270 (Glover), mar. 255 Nathaniel, fath. . . 203 hu. . . . 116 Prudence, com. . . . 116 Sally, bap 192 Sam'., bap 138 child of, died . 27S com 96 died .... 291 116 134. 194 116 265 118 118 iiS 244 244 275 275 291 ' Page Whitwell — continued. Sami., fath. 134, 138, 141 142,192,194,194,278 hu 117 mar. . . 232, 255 Sarah, moth. . . . 194, 194 Sukey (Dixon), mar. . 265 Susanna, bap., com., wi William, bap hu. . . mar. . . Whitwill Catharine, com. . . Elizabeth, com. . . Sarah, com. . . . WlBIRD Eliz. (Wendel), mar. Richard, mar. . . WiCHAM Jane, mar. {v. Quimlam ) 264 Wickers Francis, mar. . • Mary (Burges), mar Widdifield Elizabeth, fun. of . Wiell Abraham, mar. . . . 248 Mary (Barrett), mar. . 248 WlGGIN Mr., died 281 Wight Mr. (of Mr. Bates's par- ish, Dedham) child of, bap 214 WiLCOT Dorcas, mar. (:'. Ballard) 228 Eliz., mar. {v. Hall) . 231 Joseph, bap 207 fath., o. c. . . 207 moth 207 WiLCOTT Esther, bap 124 WiLCUT Mary, moth 215 Wm., bap 215 fath 215 Wilder J., child of, died . . 282 WiLKINS Henry, mar 268 Lucy (Drowne), mar. , 268 Rebecca, mar. {v. Mat- thewson) .... Sarah F., of Amherst, mar. {y. Eaton) 260 256 Susanna,mar. (f.Helyer) 253 Page Wilkinson Edward, bap. . 135, 140 mar. . . . 232 Jane, bap 124 Mary, bap 124 Nancy, mar. {v. Bull) . 256 Rebecca, moth. . 135, 140 (Leverett),mar. 232 Rebekah, mar. (v. Bridg- ham) 239 WiLKS Hannah (Noble), mar. 261 James, mar 261 Will mar 240, 253 WiLLARD Anna,mar.(i;.Lafavour) 229 Eliz., mar. {^v. Goodwin) 244 Willcome Jane, mar. {v. Gill) . 270 William (Mr. Smith,master),bap, 164 (Mr. Wm. Webster, mas- ter), mar 230 (a black), bap. . . . 207 Williams Ann, bap 178 Benjamin, bap. . 179, 186 Clarissa, mar. {v. Dar- ling) 270 Eleanor Jameson, bap. 210 Eliza'.h (Gross), mar. . 252 moth. . 1S6, 188 Davis, bap. . 195 Francis Delano, bap. . 217 Franklyn, bap. ... 181 George, died .... 299 Hannah, com. . . . 119 moth. . . . 216 Jameson, moth. 210 (Meers), mar, 243 wi 119 of Robert, died . 285 Horace, bap 211 Humilis, bap. . . . 146 Isaac, mar 243 Jacob, mar 251 James, bap 183 fath. . 183, 186, 188 mar. . . 252, 268 Jane, mar. {v. Allam) . 238 (Minot), mar. . 247 Jeremiah, o.c. . . . 194 fath. . 194, 195 John, mar 274 INDEX. 437 «94; 269 251 162 152 152 271 210 194 195 III 213 27S Pagb Williams — continued. Jonathan, fath. 132, 177, 178, 179, iSi, 183 o. c. . . . 132 Joseph, mar. . . . 234 Lucy (Harris), mar. . 26S Lydia Eames, bap.,coni. 216 Mannah, mar. (y. How ard) .... Margret (Salt), mar Marjory, bap. Martha, bap. moth. . Mary, mar. {y. Eveleth) Jameson, moth. Matilda, bap. . . . moth Miriam, com. • . moth. , . 21 Mrs., died . . . (moth., of Mrs. Lyman), fun. of 289 Myriam, bap. . . . 158 (Tyler), mar. 243 Nancy, mar. («. Bonney) 261 mar. {v. Brown) 264 Nath., mar Rachel, of Charlestown, mar. {y. Leatherbee) Rebecca, bap. . . . Robert, died . . 280, 294 fath. 21 1, 2 13, 2 16, 22 1 hu. . . 119, 285 Jr., fath. . . 210 Sally (Coome), mar. . 270 Samuel G., fath., o. c. 217 Sarah, bap 1S3 mar. {y. Hunt) . 236 moth., o. c. 217, 221 (English), mar. 234 Ann, died . . 284 Sidney Boylston, bap. 213,221 died . 288 Sophie (Jackson), mar. 274 Susanna, bap. . . , 183 William, bap. fath mar. Williamson Elizabeth, mar. {y. Jack- son) 254 W ILLICUT J., child of, died . . 282 Joseph, child of, died . 283 fath. . . 213, 283 moth 213 Wm. Griffin, bap. . • 213 WiLLINGS Mary, mar. {y. Adams) 25 1 247 261 13 159,177, 188 158, 159, 162 • 243, 270 Pagb WiLLINGTON Lucy, mar. (v. Stephens) 267 Willis Aaron, bap 144 bap 136 Benja., bap 167 fath 167 Benjamin, com. . . 100 Dorcas, bap 141 Dorothy, com. . . . 103 Eliz., bap. . . 132, 143 com 113 moth., o. c. . . 132 Experience, bap. . . 151 Grace, com 113 John, bap 136 Jonathan, com. ... 96 Joseph, bap 138 Martha, bap. . 134, 139 com. . . . 103 Sarah, bap 136 com 106 moth. 136, 136, 13S, 141, 143 Stephen, bap. . 130, 132 com. ... 96 fath. 130, 132, 134, 136, «39, 144 Susanna, com. . . . 109 Wills Frances (Hodkins), mar. 298 Oswald A., mar. . . 298 Willy Ruth, mar. {v. Burges) 231 Wilson Hannah, mar. (y. Bart- lett) ... 269 (Gray), mar. 261 (Tapley), mar. 262 James, Hon., of Phila- delphia, mar. . . . 261 Lydia, fun. of . . . 290 Mary, bap 143 moth 143 M. (Curtis), mar. 277, 297 Reuben, mar. , . . 262 Sarah, bap 142 com 106 (Thomson), mar. 237 Susanah (Langsdon), mar. 239 Thomas, mar. . . . 237 William, mar. . . . 239 W™H., mar. . 277,297 Wilton Nancy, bap 193 Samuel, fath. . . . 193 Susanna, moth. . > . 193 Pace Windship Amos, fath 189 Sally, bap 189 WlNGATE Mr., child of, died . . 283 WiNGET Abigail, mar. (y. Kenny) 228 WiNKELL Deborah, mar. (zj. Wright) 241 WlNSlIIP Hannah, mar. (z/. Blaney) 260 WiNSLOW Abigail Perkins, bap. . 189 Ann, moth 189 Anna, moth. . 178, 179, 181 (Green), mar. . 249 (Perkins), mar. . 254 Green, bap. . . 179 Dille, mar. (y. Brooks) 271 Edward, bap. . . . 158 com. . . . 100 Eliz., bap 151 moth 151 George Scott, bap. 178 Hannah, com. ... no moth. . . . 158 Isaac, mar 254 Jemima (Debuke), mar. 254 Joshua, fath. 178,179,181,189 mar. . . 249, 254 Lucy, bap 181 Margret, com. . in, 114 WiNTHROP .A.dam, com 100 mar 243 Elizabeth, mar. (y. Jeffry) 249 Bowdoin (Tem- ple), mar. . 257 Mary, com no mar. (z^. Phillips) 251 (Hall), mar. . 243 Sarah B., mar. {v. Sul- livan) 271 Thomas Lindell, mar. . 257 Wise Betsy Ebee, bap. . . 191 Eliz., bap 169 Hannah, bap. ... 187 mar. {y. Far- rand) . . 253 moth. 169, 170, 171 James, bap 200 John, bap. . 140, 16^, 185 189, 199 fath. 163,165, 167, 169, 170, 183, 1S5, 187, 189, 191, 199. 200 Gardiner, bap. . 1S4 438 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Page Wise — continued. Joseph, fath. . . . 184 Putnam, bap. . 199 Lydia, bap 163 com no Mary, bap i mar. {v. Andrew) 264 moth. 140, 183, 185, ibi7, 189 moth. . 191, 199, 200 Sally Shattuck, bap. . 199 Samuel, bap. . 170, 171 Thomas, bap. . . . 167 WiSSON Abigail, mar. {v. Nevers) 261 WrswELL Enoch, mar 258 Polly (Hiller), mar. . 25 8 WiTCUM Elizabeth, com. . . 102 WiTHERTON Mary, mar. {y. Clark) . WiTHINGTON Abigail, moth. . 212 Alonzo T., mar. . . Ebenezer, died . . . fath. 210, 212 Elijah, bap 21S Elizabeth, moth. , . 210 Frances A. (Pike), mar. 298 Henry, bap 215 Lucy Ann, bap. . . . 212 L'ydia Henchman Per- kins, bap 214 moth 218 Newell, child of, died . 283 com 118 fath. 215, 218, 2S3 hu 118 Oliver Wendell, bap. . 212 Susan, bap. . . nS, 214 com. . . 118, 214 moth. . . . 215 wi 118 WiTSON Betsey, mar. (V.Duncan) 271 WOAS Ann, com 107 WOLCUTT Elizabeth (Hawes), mar, Benjamin, mar. . , . Wood Laura, com Margaret (Needham), mar Mary (Boyd), mar. . 259 259 123 233 233 J Page Wood — continued. Peter, mar 233 Ralph, mar 233 Stephen, child of, died 281 Woodbury John, fun. of ... . 290 Woodcock Elijah, child of, died . 278 Elizabeth, Mrs., died . 279 Wooding Mercy, bap 124 Woodman Charlotte, mar. {y. Hovey) 297 Elizabeth F., com. . . 295 George, died .... 294 Hannah Jane, com. . 295 Lucy, mar. (v. Fisher) 266 Mary, mar. {v. Savage) 266 Phineas, mar. . , . 261 Sukey (Robbins), mar. 261 Woods James Dorety, bap. . 224 Mary Elizabeth, moth. . 224 (Dorety), mar. 275 Rhoda, mar. {y. Dan- forth) 269 Richard T., fath. . . 224 mar. . . 275 Sally, mar. {v. Sacket) 271 Woodward Josiah, mar 25S Page 241 120 234 214 273 278 120 211 237 25S 161 163 Patty (Cambell), mar. VVOOLLEY Polly, mar. (v. Elder) Worth Hannah, bap. . . James, bap. . . . com 100 fath 161 mar 244 Joseph, com 96 Judith, moth. . . . 16-; (Rawlings), mar. 244 Mary, bap. . . 131, 132 moth. . . 131, 132 Worthylake Lydia, bap 168 Priscilla, bap. . 165, 165 moth. . 165, 168 Wright Amos, fath., o. c, . 213, 214 Caroline Joanne, bap. . 211 Deborah (VVinkell), mar. 241 Dorcas, com. . . . 107 Wright — continued. Ebenezer, mar. . , Frances R., com. . Hannah (Wade), mar. Harriet Lee, bap. . Henry, mar 234 Julia Ann, bap. . . . 213 Juliet, moth 213 moth. . . 211,214 Nancy, com 120 Williams, mar. {v. Everett) . Obad, child of, died . Obadiah, com. . . . fath. . . . Wroe Anna (Webster), mar. Joshua, mar 237 Wyer Abigail Shepherd, mar. {v. Carlisle) . . . 262 Betsy, moth. 198, 200, 202, 205, 207 (Smith), mar. . 261 Caroline, died . . . 286 Elizabeth Smith, bap. . 200 Henry Otis, bap. . . 205 James Ingersol, bap. . 207 William, bap. . . . 202 Otis, bap. . . 198 fath. 198,200, 202, 205 207 mar. . 261 Wyman Ann America, bap. . 210 fath 206 Isaac, mar 258 James, mar 267 moth 210 Oliver C, fath. . . . Priscilla (Boardraan), mar Rhoda (Robbins), mar. Sarah, moth. . . . Russell, bap. . Yassent Barnabas, mar. . . . Eunice (Bunker), mar. Yeager Charles H., mar. . . Eliza (Morrill), mar. , Yeaman Eliz. (Shrimpton), mar. 237 John, mar 237 Yendal Eliz., moth. . . 156, 161 George, bap. . . . 156 Paul, bap 161 210 258 267 206 206 266 266 298 29S INDEX. 439 Pagr Yen DELS Eliz., moth 165 Elizabeth, com. ... 110 George, bap 165 Yewett Lucy, mar. (v. Levett) 273 York Mary, mar. (v. Mands) 260 Young Abigail, bap. . . . 151 mar. (v. Fer- leaven) . . 247 Alexander, bap. . . 205 bro. of, died 2S0 fath., o. c, 198, 199, 201, 203, 205, 207, 210, 212,222, 279,292 hu. . . . 117 mar. . 250, 261 child of, died 292 Ann, bap 145 Christiana Curtis, moth. 198, 199, 201, 203 Christina Curtis Stet- son, bap 203 Pagb Young — continued. Christina Curtis Stutson, bap. . 210 died . 279 (Stutson), mar. 261 Edward, fun. of Eliz., moth. . Elizabeth, bap. Elkanah, fath. George Loring, bap Gideon, bap. Hannah, bap. (Green) Jacob, bap. James, bap. fath. 292 157 136 211 207 138 154 268 • 157 14S, 153 i5i>i53ii5S, mar. 158, 160, 162, 164, 167 Jane, com. . . . moth. . . 164, 167 John, bap. . . 140, 167 com 97 fath. 138, 140, 143, 145 R., fath. ... 136 Rowland, bap. . 136 Pace Young — continued. Mary, bap. . 143, 153, 164 com. . . 105, 106 moth. 14S, 153, 154, 205, 207, 210, 222 wi 117 Ann Jones, bap. 211 Mehetabell (Ridgway), mar 250 moth 212 Philip, mar 268 Richard, bap. . . . 155 Sharp, bap. . 222 Sally Ridway, bap. . 198 Samuel, bap. . . . 150 Susan S., mar. {v. Parker) 272 Susanna, bap. . . . 160 Stutson, bap. 199 Thankful, moth. . . 211 Wm., bap. 158, 162, 201, 212 ZiLPA mar ZiLPAH bap. 252 164, 165, 16S ADDENDA. The New England Historical Genealogical Register for April, 1901, which was published after all this book had been electrotyped, and just as it was about to be printed, contained some "Notes from the Rev. Samuel Cooper's interleaved Alma- nacs of 1764 and 1769," which enable us to supply the records of baptisms for 1764 which are set down on page 182 as lost, and to add a number to those of 1769; as well as the record of marriages for 1764, which on page 252 is also reported lost, and to add several which took place in the latter part of the year to those of 1769. From the same notes we have obtained a list of communicants for the same years, as well as of those propounded for baptism, or for the baptismal covenant, or for communion, and a few deaths which occurred in 1764. Propounded for Communion. 1764 May 20 Abigail Saltmarsh adm. June 3 July 22 Mercy Haws adm. Aug 5 Aug. 19 Hon. John Erving adm. Nov. 4 Nov. 18 Francis Mi not "x Susanna Draper \ j n Hannah Chamberlain t Rebecca Burton } Dec. 23 Sarah Henshaw . adm. i Sab. Jan. 1765 1765 Jan. 20 Sam'l & Sarah Abbot adm. Feb. 3 1769 Nov. 19 Mary & Elizabeth Greenleaf adm. Dec. 3 Dec. 24 Peter Boyer Propoicnded for Baptism or for the Baptismal Covenant. 1764 March 18 Levi Stutson, for b. c. 25 Wm Hersey, for b. c. Aug. 19 Sam' Appleton, for b. c. Oct. 28 Elizabeth Ingersol, for b. (ad.) 1769 Dec. 3 Micah Hammon, for b. Benj" Hatch, for b. c. Dec. 17 Benjamin Waine, for b. c. 31 Jane Adamson, forb. c. 56 442 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Baptisms 1764 January I Lucy of John & [Rachel] Bell 8 John of William & Margaret Phillips 15 EHzabeth of Matthew & Elisa"^ Wakefield 22 Ehzabeth of Sam' & Sarah Stuart W™ Story of W" & Olive Daws February 12 William of John & Cicilia Hodgson 26 Sam' of Sam' & Lucy Rotch March 4 Joseph of Thomas & Elizabeth New II John Prinne of Ritchard & Sarah Green Apr. I Susannah of Edmond & Eliz : Moreton Sarah of Levi Stutson, owned the cov't William of W™ Hersey, owned the cov't June 3 Peter of Peter & [Susanna] Boyer July I Jacob of Nath' & Abigail Drew 8 Francis of W'm. & Mary Davis John of James & Rebecca Masters August 5 John of John and Ann Lovell Desire of Joseph & Abigail Ridgway 12 Jonas of Tho' and Esther Green Sarah of Giles and Mary Alexander August 19 George of Ebenezer & Elizab''^ Storer John of John & Jane Mc farling Sep'. 2 Lucy of John & Mary Phillips Mary of Sam' & Sarah Appleton, owned the covenant September 16 Alexander of David & Katherine Ochterlony Joseph Green of Joseph & Abigail Jackson Oliver of Oliver & Mary Wendell Andrew of Andrew & Elizabeth Newell 23 Katherine of John & Mary Cotton October 7 Joshua of Joshua & Hannah Green (by Rev. Wm. Hobby of Reading) 14 Elizabeth of Benjamin & Elizabeth Eustice November 4 Ehzab. Ingersol. (ad.) Hannah of Sam' & Elizabeth Minot 25 Sarah of Catherine Nottage December 9 Sam' of Nathaniel & Sarah Tailer Hannah of Benj"? & Hannah Sumner ADDENDA. 443 1769 zq'*" Oct. Mercy November 19"* Elias 26 Mary Brooks Mary of Jacob & Martha Wendell, bap. by Mr. Adams of Roxbury. of W" & Martha Hearsey of Richard & Elizabeth Emmons serv't to Mr. Oliver Wendell December io"'Micah Hammon, adult. Benj'" of Benj, who owned the covenant & Abigail Hatch 24 Benjamin of Benjamin Waine, who owned the covenant January i April I May June Aug Nov. Dec. I Sab. Jan. I Sab. Feb. 1765 (Jan. 6.) (Feb. 3) November 5* December 3 Communicants. 1764 Sam' Downe Mary Fullerton Mercy Turner Rebecca Lovell Abigail Saltmarsh Mercy Hawes Hon. John Erving Francis Minot Susanna Draper Hannah Chamberlain Rebecca Burton Sarah Henshaw Samuel Abbot & Sarah his wife 1769 John Kneeland Jun^ Christian Johnston. (Fem.) Mary Greenleaf Elizabeth Greenleaf May 30 July 12 Sept. gth Married. 1764 Jacob Wendell, Martha Oliver Joseph Barrell, Ann Pierce Dr. Joseph Warren, Elizab : Horton 1 A Portuguese gold coin of the value of eight dollars. 6 £ O. T. I Guin. F. I. Johan.^ 444 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. November 20 Nathaniel Abraham, M" Elizab"' Jackson i Guinea 22 John Day of Bradford, Deborah Robins i D. 26 Alexand' Smith, EHzab"* Robins i Doll. 27 M' Dan' Ray, M' Rachel Johston 2 D'. 1769 Oct. 26 Josiah Quincy, junf, Abigail Phillips 30 W'"- Bowes, Mary Stoddard November 16 John Singleton Copely, Susanna Clark Joshua Henshaw I Guinea I Jo'an F. I Guinea Feb'y. 12"^ 16 Aug. I Dec. 15 Died. 1764 Mrs. Savage Mrs. Judith (Cooper) Rand^ Mr (Thomas) Hancock Mrs. Tailer buried Additio7ial Notes. Dec. 30"" 1764 Invitation to Ordination of Mr. Stilman, Baptist Ch. Voted to send 9 Delegates Jan'y- 9"" 1765 Mr. Stillman (Minister of i'' Baptist Ch. of Boston) ordained. I (Dr. Cooper) began with Pray'r. He pch'd. Mf Pem- berton gave Charge. Ml: Eliot right Hand. Mr. Checkley JunT made last Prayer. Mf Condy closed with an affectionate Leave of his People. The Solemnity at O. North, upon Acc't of the Crowd of People. 1 Daughter of Rev. Wm. Cooper. See N. E, H. G. Reg., xllv. p. 55 ; also, the same for Apr., 1901, p. 145. INDEX TO ADDENDA. Abbot Page Sam', com., hus. . . 443 prop. com. . . 441 Sarah, com., wife . . 443 prop. com. . . 441 Abraham Elizab'h (Jackson), mar. 444 Nathaniel, mar. . . . 444 Adams Mr. (Rev.), of Roxbury 443 A DAMSON Jane, prop, b, c. . . 441 Alexander Giles, fath 442 Mary, moth 442 Sarah, bap 442 Appleton Mary, bap 442 Sam', fath 442 prop. com. . . 441 Sarah, moth 442 Barrell Ann (Pierce), mar. . 443 Joseph, mar. . . . 443 Bell John, fath. .... 442 Lucy, bap 442 [Rachel] moth. . . . 442 Bowes Mary (Stoddard), mar. 444 Wm., mar 444 Boyer Peter, bap 442 fath 442 prop. com. . . 441 [Susanna] moth. . . 442 Burton Rebecca, com. . . . 443 prop. com. . 441 Chamberlain [Hannah] com. . . . 443 prop. com. . 441 Checkley Rev. Samuel, jr. . . 444 Clark Page Susanna,mar.(i'.Copely) 444 Condy Rev. Jeremiah . . . 444 Copely John Singleton, mar. . 444 Susanna (Clark), mar. 444 Cotton John, fath 442 Kathcrine, bap. . , . 442 Mary, moth 442 Davis Francis, bap. . . . 442 Mary, moth. . , . , 442 William, fath. . . . 442 Daws Olive, moth 442 Wm., fath 442 Wm. Story, bap. . . 442 Day Deborah (Robins), mar. 444 John, of Bradford, Mass. 444 DOWNE Sam'-, com 443 Draper Susanna, com. . . . 443 prop. com. . 441 Drew Abigail, moth. . . . 442 Jacob, bap 442 Nath'-, fath 442 Eliot Rev, Andrew . . . 444 Emmons Elizabeth, moth. . . 443 Mary Brooks, bap. . . 443 Richard, bap. • . . 443 Erving John, Hon., com. . . 443 prop. com. 441 EUSTICE Benjamin, fath, , . . 442 Elizabeth, bap. . . , 442 moth, . . 442 FULLERTON Page Mary, com 443 Green Esther, moth. . . . 442 Hannah, moth. . . . 442 John Prince, bap. . . 442 Jonas, bap 442 Joshua, bap 442 fath 442 Richard, fath. . . . 442 Sarah, moth. . . , 442 Thos., fath 442 Greenleaf Elizabeth, com. . . . 443 prop. com. . 441 Mary, com 443 prop. com. , . 441 Hammon Micah, bap 443 prop. b. c. . . 441 Hancock Mr. (Thomas), d. . . 444 Hatch Abigail, moth. . . . 443 Benj'n, bap 443 prop. b. c. . . 441 fath. o. c. . . 443 Hawes, or Haws Mercy, com 443 prop. com. . .441 Hearsey. See Hersey Elias, bap 443 Martha, moth. . . , 443 Wm., fath 443 HenshaW Joshua, mar 444 Sarah, com 443 prop. com. . . 441 Hersey. See Hearsey Wm., bap.' .... 442 fath. o. c. . . 442 prop. b. c. . . 441 Hobby Wm., Rev., of Reading 442 446 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. Hodgson Cicilia, moth. . . . John, fath William, bap. . . . HoRTON Elizab., mar. (v. War- ren) Ingersol Elizabeth, bap. . . . prop. bap. . Jackson Abigail, moth. . . . Elizabth, mar. (v. Abra- ham) Joseph, fath. .... Green, bap. Johnston Christian (fem.), com. Joh[n?]ston Rachel, mar. {v. Ray) . Kneeland John, jr., com. . . . LOVELL Ann, moth John, bap fath Rebecca, com. . . . Mary bap. (serv. to Mr. Wendell) . . . . Masters James, fath John, bap Rebecca, moth. . . . MC FARLING Jane, moth John, bap fath Page 442 442 442 Newell Andrew, bap. fath. Elizabeth, moth Joseph, bap. . Thomas, fath. 443 442 441 442 444 442 442 443 444 443 442 442 442 443 443 442 442 442 442 442 442 Page • 442 . 442 442. 442 • 442 . 442 Wen- MiNOT Elizabeth, moth. . . 442 Francis, com. . . 443 prop. com. 441 Hannah, bap. . . . 442 Saml., fath 442 MORETON Edmond, fath. . Eliz., moth. . . Susannah, bap. . 442 442 442 NOTTAGE Catherine, moth Sarah, bap. . OCHTERLONY Alexander, bap. David, fath. . Katherine, moth Oliver Martha, mar. (v dell) . . Pemberton Rev. Ebenezer Phillips Abigail, mar. (v. Quincy) 444 John, bap. fath. . Lucy, bap. Margaret, moth, Mary, moth. . William, fath. Pierce Ann, mar. (v. Barrell) QuiNCY Abigail (Phillips), mar. Josiah, jun^ , mar. . . Rand Judith (Cooper),.Mrs.,d. 444 Ray Daniel, mar 444 Rachel (Johston), mar. 444 RiDGWAY Abigail, moth. . . . 442 Desire, bap 442 Joseph, fath 442 Robins Deborah, mar. (v. Day) 444 Elizabth,mar.(z/. Smith) 444 Rotch Lucy, moth 442 Saml., bap 441 fath 442 Saltmarsh Abigail, com. . . . 443 prop. com. . 441 442 442 442 442 442 443 444 442 442 442 442 442 44 443 444 444 Savage Mrs., d Smith Alexander, mar. . . EUzabth (Robins), mar. Stillman [Rev. Samuel] ordin. of Stoddard Mary, mar. (v. Bowes) Storer Ebenezer, fath. . Elizabtii, moth. . George, bap. . Stuart Elizabeth, bap. . Saml., fath. . . Sarah, moth. . . Stutson Levi, fath. o. c. . prop. b. c. Sarah, bap. . . Sumner Benj7 , fath. . . Hannah, bap. moth. . Tailer Mrs., bur. . . Nathaniel, fath. Saml., bap. . . Sarah, moth. . . Turner Mercy, com. . . Waine Benjamin, bap. . fath. o. prop, b Wakefield Elisa, moth. . . Elizabeth, bap. . Matthew, fath. . Warren Elizab. (Horton), mar, Joseph, Dr., mar. . Wendell Jacob, fath., mar. . Martha (Oliver), mar. moth Mary, moth. . Mercy, bap. . Oliver, bap. . fath. . mast. Page 444 444 444 444 444 442 442 442 442 442 442 442 441 442 442 442 442 444 442 442 442 443 443 443 441 442 442 442 443 443 443 443 443 442 443 442 442 443 APPENDIX. When these pages were revised after they had been cast and in preparation for printing, it occurred to the Editors that it might be possible through a comparison of pages, with the aid of 'he Index, to fill a number of blanks in the names of parents who had presented chil- dren for baptism. The following conjectural emendations are made as a result, and reference is given to the pages on which are found the entries which cause them to seem probably correct. Page 191. Bell, 1. 2, insert Mary, v. p. 193. Pitts, I. II, insert Elizabeth, v. p. 192. Warren, 1. 15, insert Abigail, v. pp. 194, 195. Loring, 1. 16, insert Jane, v. p. 191. Davis, 1. 17, insert Mary, v. p. 107. Wise, 1. 20, insert Mary, v. pp. 199, 200. Baker, 1. 23, insert {Alice^ v. p. 190. Bradford, 1. 28, insert [Ann], v. p. 203. Call, 1. 32, insert [Elizabeth], v. pp. 187, 188, 190. Welch, 1. 33, insert [Elizabeth], v. p. 194. or, insert [Abigail], v. p. 197. Codman, 1. 36, insert IKatherine], v. pp. 196, 19S, 199. Page 192. Rea,l. 4, insert [Rachel], z/. pp. 187, 189. Whitwell, 1. 28, insert [Sarah]. Warren, 1. 35, insert [Abigail], v, pp. 194, 195. Page 194. Hitchings, 1. 23, insert [Mary], v. p. 195. Page 199. Whittemore, 1. 16, insert [Comfort], V. pp. 200, 202, 204, 207, 209. Wise, 1. 37, insert [Mary], v. p. 189. Trask, 1. 46, insert [Nabby], v. p. 210. Page 200. Wise, 1. 10, insert [Mary],!', p. 189. Wayne, I. 18, insert [Benjamin, Jr.], V. pp. 204, 206, 207. Whittemore, 1. 34, insert [Comfort], v, pp. 199, 202, 204, 207, 209. Page 201. Roach, 1. 10, insert [Susanna], v. pp. 204, 209,210, Page 202. Trask, 1. 5, insert [Nabby], v. p. 210. Howe, 1. 16, insert \Rebecca\ v. Rec. Com., report 24, p. 306. Townsend, 1. 36, insert [Sarah], v. p. 209. Page 203. Tyler, 1. 35, insert [Sarah], Rec. Com. Young, 1. 39, insert [Christina Curtis]. Annis, I.43, insert [John], v. p. 263. Page 204. Trask, 1. 11, insert [Nabby], v. p. 210. Howe, 1. 22, insert [Rebecca], v. pp. 202, 206. Townsend, 1. 29, insert \_SaraK\, v. p. 209. Gardner, 1. 33, insert [Content], v. P- 257. Loring, 1. 34, insert [Polly], v. p. 206. Page 206. Annis, I. 5, insert [John], v. p. 263. Trask, 1. 26, insert [Nabby], v. p. 210. Townsend, 1. 29, insert [Sarah], v. p. 206. Howe, 1. 40, insert \_Rebeccd\, v. p, 202. Page 208. Francis, Buckminster's Baptisms, 1. 3, insert [Mary], v. p. 205. Page 209. Gardner, 1. 20, insert [Content], v. p. 257. Sumner, 1. 7 from bottom of page, insert \_Martha Saunders'\, v. p. 262. Page 211. Otis, 1. 14, insert [Sally], v. p. 201. Howe, 1. 16, insert [Mary], v. p. 21a 448 RECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN BRATTLE SQUARE. '':). ^ Williams, last line but one of the page, insert [Hannah], v. p. 216. Homer, last line of the page, insert [Sally], V. p. 216. Page 212. Jephson, 1. 22, insert [Mary], v. p. 210. Geyer, 1. 25, insert [/^edecca], v. p. 205. Gardner, 1. 33, insert [Content], v. p. 257. Howe, last line of the page, insert [Mary], v. p. 210. Page 213. Farmer, 1. 4, insert [Ruth], v. pp. 205, 211. Williams, 1. 18, insert [Hannah], v. p. 216. Gillmore, 1. 32, insert [Clarissa], v. p. 216. Otis, 1. 37, insert [Sally], z/. p. 211. Jephson, 1. 39, insert [Mary], v. p. 210. Page 214. Hudson, 1. 6, insert [Joseph and Mary], V. p. 203. Humphreys, 1. 16, insert [Catherine], V. pp. 217, 218, 221. Reed, 1. 22, insert \Mary\, v. p. 209. Gibson, 1. 24, insert [Nancy], v. p. 285. Wright, 1. 30, insert [Juliet], v. p. 214. Priest, 1. 33, insert [Catharine B.], v. pp. 220, 221. Sturgis, last line but three, insert \Susan\, V. p. 212. Page 215. Gillmore, 1. 12, insert [Clarissa], v. p. 216. Page 216. Osborn, 1. 9, of Everett's Baptisms, in- sert [Catherine M.], v. pp. 204, 207. Perkins, 1. 12, insert [Elizabeth], v. p. 213. Chapman, last line of page, insert [Margaret], v. pp. 209, 210. Page 217. Bradford, 1. 14, insert [Sarah], v. p. 218. Page 218. Withington, 1. 17, insert [Susan], v, p. 1 18. Billings, 1. 23, insert [Elizabeth], v, p. 219. Page 226. Rice, 1. 14 from the end, insert [Louisa Antoinette], v. p. 224. /y*'^^ ^^--^J^aT^