5^ ^^2 Hollinger Corp. pH8.5 483 ^Soi \^ \ Nv^ -re- » Ot-cW-^n a 'Aces . 213 >py 1 LAWS ANl) ORDINANCES RELATING TO THE Public Parks OF THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. WITH THE RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THEIR GOVERNMENT. BALTIMORE: STE^^M (PI^ESS OF WILLIAM K. ^OYLE, Corner of Baltimore and St. Paul Street*. 1869. c,^^^!^ .'S)'^ ,t> \t> ^A-O' f.f97 m 30 W0& LAWS AND ORDINANCES RELATING TO THE PUBLIC PAKKS OF THE CITY OF BALTIMOIIE. No. 124. Resolution inquiring into the expediency of opening, widenijig, and improving the Avenues on the Eastern and Northern Boundaries of the City, and providing a like Avenue on the Western Boundary of the City. Resolved, by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That it is expedient to cause inquiry to be made into the propriety of" opening, widening and improving the ave- nues on the Eastern and Northern boundaries of the city, as laid down on Poppleton's Map, and providing a like avenue on the Western boundary of the city. Resolved, That John H. B. Latrobe, James Carroll, Fielding Lucas, Jr., the Mayor of the city, and the Pres- idents of the First and Second Branches of the City Coun- cil, be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to inquire into and report upon the most feasible plan for opening, widening, extending and improving said ave- 4 LAWS AND ORDINANCES RELATING TO nues, and the expenses of the same, to the City Council at its next annual session ; and that, with a view to enable them to act with more efficiency in this behalf, they be and are hereby empowered to employ a suitable surveyor, and call upon the City Commissioner for any assistance said officer may be able to afford them. Resolved, That for the purpose of defraying the ex- penses of such surveys as the said Commissioners may deem proper to order, in connection with the improvement of a continuous avenue around the city, the sum of five hun- dred dollars, oi- so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be and the same is hereby ai)propriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved June 12, 1851. Jno. H. T. Jerome, Mayor. Under the foregoing ordinance the Commissioners re- ported the line surveyed by Thomas P. Chiffelle, and shown by the green trace on Simmons' map of the city, of November, 1851. No. 138. Resolution of Instruction to the Joint Committee for opening, ■widening and extending the Northern, Eastern and Western Avenues. Resolved, by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the Commissioners heretofore appointed to inquire into and report upon the propriety of opening, widening and improving tlie avenues on the Eastern and Northern boundaries of the city, as laid down on Poppleton's plat, and providing a like avenue on the Western boundary, be THE PUBLIC PARKS OF BALTIMORE CITY. 5 and they are hereby authorized to embrace in their inquiry and report any changes they may deem advisable in the location of the avenues aforesaid, and generally all such matters as they may think calculated to place the whole subject before the City Council at its next annual session. Approved June 21, 1851. Jno. H. T. Jerome, Mayor. No. 114. Resolutions in regard to the further prosecution of the enquiry relating to Boundary Avenue. Resolved, by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the Commissioners heretofore appointed under Reso- lutions No. 124 and No. 138, approved respectively on the 12th and 21st of June, 1851, be, and they are hereby continued, with instructions to complete the enquiry un- der their charge, by causing such additional surveys to be made as shall enable them to ascertain and mark upon the ground the best location, under all circumstances, and in view of the actual construction of the avenues re- ferred to in the said resolutions, as well as of an avenue connecting the southern extremity of the Western avenue with Fort avenue. Resolved, That the said Commissioners be required to include in their report detailed estimates of the cost of the plan adopted by them, including, as far as the same can be ascertained, the probable cost of the ground re- quired for the work, enumerating the respective proprie- tors thereof. Resolved, That for the purpose of defraying tlie expenses of the work thus required to be done, the sum of five thous- and dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall 6 LAWS AND ORDINANCES RELATING TO W, and the same is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved May 28, 1852. Jno. H. T. Jerome, Mayor. Under this ordinance the Commissioners reported the line surveyed by August Faul, and recommended it to the Councils. It is shown on Simmons' map of 1853 by a blue trace. No. 44. Extract from An Ordinance empowering Wni. H. Travers, Wm. 8. Browning, Wm. De Ooey, Bob't Cathcart, Joshua B. Sum- wait, and those who are now or may hereafter become associated with them and their assigns, to build and lay down tracks for a Passenger Bail Boad on Baltimore Street and other streets. Section 14. And he it further enacted and ordained, That the said association sliail, by their Treasurer, under oath, pay into the hands of the City Register, quarterly, one-fifth of the gross receipts accruing from the passenger travel upon said roads located within the city limits under this ordinance, or any extension of said limits which may be determined upon hereafter, the same to be applied to the establishment and improvement of the city boundary avenue as reported upon at the annual session of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore in 1853, by commissioners appointed at the annual session of 1851, and to the loca- tion, purchase and improvement of such Park or Parks as may be determined upon hereafter by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, for the benefit of the people of said city ; said park or parks not to comprise an area of less than fifty acres each ; and the said Mayor and City Coun- cil shall have the power, on the completion of said im- THE PUBLIC PARKS OF BALTIMORE CITY. 7 provements, to reduce the rate of fare on passenger travel to such limit within the range of one-fifth of the gross receipts of said road as they may deem expedient and advisable, the city at the same time relinquishing her interest in the receipts from said road to the extent of said reduction on said fare. Approved March 28, 1859. Tho: Swann, 3Iayor. No. 227. Resolution appointing a Commission in relation to the proposed Public Paries. Whereas, as one-fifth of the revenue from the Passenger Railway Company is to be devoted to the purchase of a Park or Parks for the City of Baltimore ; and whereas, a considerable portion of the funds are already in the hands of the Register, and more accruing every day ; and where- as, it is fitting that some action looking to a proper selec- tion of the Park or Parks^ and the purchase of the same should be taken by the present Council ; therefore. Resolved, by the Blayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the Mayor be, and he is hereby authorized and empowered to appoint four discreet persons, who with the Mayor shall constitute a commission, to select and pur- chase in the name of the Mayor and City Council, a site or sites, the number of acres, &c., for the proposed Park or Parks, and that said commission shall serve without pay or emolument. Approved June 4, 1860. Tho : Swann, Mayor. Under this resolution, the Mayor appointed John H. B. Latrobe, William E. Hooper, Robert Leslie and Colum- bus O'Donneil. 8 LAWS AND ORDINANCES RKLATING TO No. 60. An Ordinance to provide for a Public Park or Parks. Section 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That whenever the Commis- sioners appointed under a resolution of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, entitled ''Resolution appoint- ing a commission in relation to the proposed Public Parks," shall certify to tlie Register, under their respec- tive hands, that they have purchased the site or sites for a Park or Parks, describing the same in their said certificate, and stating the price agreed to be paid there- for, and the terms of sale, it shall be the duty of the said Register to issue and deliver to the said commis- sion, certificates of stock of the Mayor and City Coun- cil of Baltimore, in the usual form, redeemable at the end of thirty years from the date thereof, and desig- nated on the face of the certificate as "Public Park Stock," for the amount of said purchase money, and in accordance with the terms of sale ; wliich certificates of stock shall be delivered to the vendor or vendors of such site ors ites, by the said commissioners, upon the convey- ance to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore of the property so purchased, and after the Counsellor of the city shall have certified to the suflSciency of the title or titles thereof; and should the said commission not be able to complete the purchase of said site or sites at one time, so as to be obliged to make several certificates to the Regis- ter, the same proceedings as those just mentioned shall be had in each and every case. Sec. 2. And he it enacted and ordained, That the reve- nue derived and to be derived by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore from the City Passenger Railways, be and the same is hereby pledged and set apart for the payment of the interest on the certificates of stock to be issued under this ordinance. THE PUBLIC PARKS OF BALTIMORE CITY. 9 Sec. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That one-fifth of the revenue aforesaid, remaining after the payment of the interest aforesaid, shall he invested hy the Register in the stock of the City of Baltimore, as a sinking fund for the redemption of the stock created by this ordinance. Sec. 4. And be it enacted and ordained, That the four- fifths of said remaining revenue, shall be paid by the Register, on the order of the said commission, as the said revenue shall be received, for the improvement and main- tenance of the Park or Parks aforesaid. Sec. 5. And be it enacted and ordained, That said com- mission shall make annually to the Mayor and City Coun- cil of Baltimore, in season to be referred to in the annual message of the Mayor to the Council, a full and detailed report of their proceedings in the execution of the trust reposed in them, showing the character and quantity of work done and the moneys paid therefor, the persons in their employment, their duties and compensation, together witli the plan proposed for their operations during the coming year. Sec. 6. And be it enacted and ordained. That the pre- sent commission be, and tliey are hereby authorized to take charge of the said Park or Parks, and the improve- ment and maintenance, including the preservation thereof, and to that end they are hereby clothed with all power necessary for that purpose, and may appoint and compen- sate such officer or ofiicers, engineer or engineers, gar- dener or gardeners, and employ such laborers as they may deem proper and necessary, and with power also to appoint and compensate guardians of the said property for the preservation of order within the limits thereof. Sec. 7. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Mayor of the city, for the time being, shall always be a member of the commission ex officio. Sec. 8. And be it enacted and ordained. That the said commission shall have power and authority to dispose of, 2 10 LAWS AND ORDINANCES RELATING TO by sale or otherwise, any portion of said site or sites origi- nally purchased, which may not be necessary for the pur- poses of said Park or Parks, as well as any crop, wood, trees, or other property that may be severable from the freehold, should it become necessary, in the improvement and maintenance of said Park or Parks so to do, in their judgment, and to make use of the avails thereof for the use of said Park or Parks. And the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute any conveyances, certified by the City Counsellor, that maybe required therefor ; provided, however, that the joint expenses of said improvement and maintenance shall not exceed in any year the net revenue that may be received under the provisions of this 8th sec- tiop, together with the said four-fifths of remaining reve- nue as set apart in the fourth section of this ordinance. Sec. 9. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said commission shall have full power to make all agreements with proprietors in regard to division lines and enclosures, the adjusting thereof, and the exchanging of property for that purpose, and in like manner the said commission shall have full power to agree for the closing of public roads, should any be found to run through said site or sites, or to make such arrangement thereof as shall enable them to have entire control of the said Park or Parks, the exclu- sion of improper parties, and the general police thereof. Sec 10. And be it enacted and ordained, That in addi- tion to the present commission, Thomas Swann, now a member thereof, as Mayor of the city, ex officio, be and he is hereby appointed a commissioner in his individual capacity. Sec. 11. And be it enacted and ordained, That nothing herein contained shall be taken to authorize the payment of either salary or emoluments of any kind to the said commissioners, or any of them. Sec. 12. And be it enacted and ordained, That should any vacancy occur in said commission from death, resig- THE PUBLIC PARKS OF BALTIMORE CITY. 11 nation or failure to serve, the same sliall be filled by the said commission itself, and be by them reported to the Council for and subject to its approval, at the first session thereafter. Approved July 21, 1860. Tho: Swann, Mayor. CHAPTER 41. An Act to amend the Fourth Article of the Code of Public Local Laws by adding thereto the following sections, relating to the purchase and government of Druid Hill and Patterson Parks, belonging to the City of Baltimore. Section 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary- land, That the Park Commission provided for under a resolution of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, approved June the fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty, and acting under an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance to provide for a Park or Parks, approved July twenty- first, eighteen hundred and sixty, as well as under any future ordinance of the said Mayor and City Council," be and they are hereby authorized to make from time to time such rules and regulations for the government and the preservation of order within the said Parks, as they maj' deem expedient, declaring what fines, not exceeding, in any one case, one hundred dollars, shall be imposed for breaches of said rules and regulations, to be recoverable in the name of the said Mayor and City Council as small debts are recoverable before a Justice of the Peace of the City of Baltimore, and appropriated to the purposes of the said Parks. Sec. 2. And he it enacted, That the members of the said Park Commission, for the time being, shall have the power respectively of conservators of the peace within the limits of said Parks. 12 LAWS AND ORDINANCES RELATING TO Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the Board of Police of the said city are hereby authorized, on the requisition of the said Park Commission, to detail from time to time such of the regular police force as the said Board may deem necessary for the preservation of order within the said Parks, according to the regulations aforesaid, and under the direction of said Board of Police; which detailed force shall have the same power in the premises that the police of the said city have as conservators of the peace. Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That tlie ordinance and reso- lution referred to in the frst section of this act, be and the same are hereby ratified and confirmed, and that full power be and the same is hereby given to the Mayor of the said city and the Register and the said Park Commis- sion to carry into eflfect all the provisions of the said ordinance, in the same manner, to all intents and purposes, as if the said Mayor and City Council had been, previously to the passage of the said ordinance, authorized and em- powered by an act of the General Assembly of Maryland to enact an ordinance in the precise terms of the ordinance above referred to, and to provide for carrying the same into eflfect; provided, that nothing in this act shall be con- strued to affect any right whatsoever of the Green Spring Avenue Company. Passed June 12, 1861. This act has been repealed, but is inserted here, not- withstanding, for illustration, if need be. THE PUBLIC PARKS OF BALTIMORE CITY. 13 CHAPTER 29. An Act to ratify the purchase, and to provide for the organization and government of Druid Hill Park and Patterson Park, belonging to the City of Baltimore, hy incorporating certain additional sections in Article four of the Code of Public Local Laws. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the following be enacted and incorpo- rated as additional sections into Article Four of the Code of Public Local Laws, under the title of Parks : 954. The resolution of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, '^'appointing a Commission in relation to the proposed Public Parks," approved June the fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty, and an ordinance of the said Mayor and City Council, "to provide for a Public Park or Parks," approved July the twenty-first, eigliteen hun- dred and sixty, are hereby confirmed, and all a&ts done or which may be hereafter done by the said Mayor and City Council, or other officer of said city, or by the Park Commission acting under the provisions of said resolution and ordinance, shall have the same effect as if the said Mayor and City Council, prior to the passage of the said resolution and ordinance, had been expressly empowered by an act of the General Assembly of Maryland, to enact a resolution and ordinance, in the precise terms of the said resolution and ordinance, and to provide for carrying the same into effect; but nothing herein is to affect any right whatsoever of the Green Spring Avenue Company. 955. The Park Commission, for the time being, ap- pointed under the provisions of said resolution and ordi- nance, or any resolution or ordinance supplementary thereto, shall have power, from time to time, to make such rules and regulations for the government and the pre- servation of order within the said Parks as they may deem 14 LAWS AND ORDINANCES RELATING TO expedient, declaring what fines, not exceeding in any one case one hundred dollars^ shall be imposed for breaches of said rules and regulations, to be recoverable in the name of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, as small debts are recoverable, before a Justice of the Peace of the said city, and appropriated to the purposes of said Parks. 956. The several members of the said Park Commission shall have the powers of a conservator of the poace within the limits of the said Parks. 957. The Board of Police of the said city are authorized, on the requisition of the Park Commission, to detail, from time to time, such of the regular police force of said city, as the Board may deem necessary for the preservation of order within the said Parks, according to the regulations aforesaid, and under the direction of said Board ; which detailed force shall have the same power in the premises, that the police of the city have as conservators of the peace. 958. If the said Park Commission shall find that they cannot agree with the owner of any land, or of any in- terest in land, which may be found necessary to be added to "Druid Hill Park," or if the owner thereof or any of the owners thereof, at the time of application be a feme covert, under age, non compos mentis, or residing out of Baltimore County, application may be made by the said Commissioners, to any Justice of the Peace of Baltimore County, who shall thereupon issue his warrant, under hand and seal, directed to the Sheriff of the county, direct- ing him to summon a jury of twenty inhabitants of said county, not related to tlie parties, nor in any wise inte- rested, to meet on the land to be valued on a day named in said warrant, not less than ten nor more than twenty days after issuing the same, and if at said time and place, any of said jurors summoned do not attend, the said Sheriflf shall immediately summon as many jurors as may be THE PUBLIC PARKS OF BALTIMORE CITY. 15 necessary, with the jurors in attendance, to furnish a panel of twenty jurors in attendance, and fi-om them each party or his agent, or if either be not present, in person or by agent, the Sheriff for him, may strike off four jurors, and the remaining twelve shall act as the jury of inquest; and before they act as such, the Sheriff shall administer to each of them an oath or affirmation, as the case may be, that he will justly and impartially value the land required by said Mayor and City Council for the Park aforesaid; and the said jury shall reduce their inquisition to writing, and shall sign and seal the same, and it shall then be returned by the said Sheriff to the Clerk of the Cir- cuit Court for Baltimore County, to be filed in his Court, for confirmation by said Court at its next term, if no suffi- cient cause to the contrary be shown, and when returned, shall be recorded by the said Clerk at the expense of the said Mayor and City Council; but, if set aside, the Coart may direct another inquisition to be taken in the manner above prescribed; and such inquisition shall describe the land taken, and the quantity or duration of the interest in the same, valued for the Mayor and City Council, and such valuation, when paid or tendered to the owner of said land, or his or her legal representatives, shall entitle the said Mayor and City Council to the estate or interest so valued, as fully as if it had been conveyed by the owner thereof; and the valuation, if not received when tendered, may at any time thereafter be received from the said Mayor and City Council by the said owner. 959. The said Park Commissioners, are authorized to enlarge the streets and avenues around and leading to the said Park; and in the event of failing to agree with tlie owner of any pro()erty required for that purpose, or of any interest therein, for the purchase thereof, or if the owner be a feme covert, under age, non compos mentis, or be resid- ing out of the County at the time, the said Commissioners are hereby authorized to condemn the same, in the manner 16 LAWS AND ORDINANCES RELATING TO specified in the foregoing section, the oath to each juror being, that he will justly and impartially value the dam- ages which the owner will sustain by the enlarging of the particular street or avenue, as the case may be, and the jury, in estimating such damages, shall not make any allowance or deduction on account of any real or supposed benefits which the owner may derive from said Park, or from such enlargement of said street or avenue. Sec 2. And he it enacted, That the Act "to amend the Fourth Article of the Code of Public Local Laws, by adding thereto the following sections, relating to the pur- chase and government of Druid Hill and Patterson Parks, belonging to the City of Baltimore, passed at April ses- sion, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, chapter forty-one, be and the same is hereby repealed; the provisions thereof being incorporated in the preceding section. Sec. 3. Arid he it enacted, That this Act shall take effect from the passage thereof. Passed January 31, 18()2. CHAPTER 71. Extract from An Act entitled, An Act to incorporate the Baltimore City Passenger Mailway Company. Section 4. And he it enacted, That the corporation hereby created be and they are hereby required to pay over to the Register of the City of Baltimore, the one-fifth portion of the whole passenger receipts of this corporation, at or before the stated periods named in the aforesaid recited ordinance of the City of Baltimore ; in default of which payments on or before the days appointed therelbr, this corporation shall be liable to the penalty of one hundred dollars for each day of the continuance of such default after ten days after the expiration of each quarter, to be THE PUBLIC PARKS OF BALTIMORE CITY'. 17 recovered by the said City of Baltimore according to law ; provided further , that the said corporation shall be subject to such police regulations, as the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore may hereafter, from time to time, enact by ordinance for the government of their conduct in the per- formance of their duties under this law, and provided also, that said corporation hereby created, shall provide books in which shall be entered by a Treasurer, under oath, the weekly receipts of saiti Company, and that said books shall be open to the inspection of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. Passed February 18, 1862. No. 67. An Ordinance authorizing the construction of a Pavilion in Druid Hill Parle. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Coun- cil of Baltimore, That the Public Park Commissioners be and they are hereby authorized to borrow the sum of fif- teen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be neces- sary for the purpose of enlarging and improving the Mansion House at Druid Hill Park, so as to convert the same into a- central Pavilion for the accommodation of the public, to be secured by the rents of said Pavilion, and for that purpose the said commissioners are hereby empowered to assign the said rents in trust, and to appro- priate so much as may be required to the payment of the interest on the borrowed sum, the balance to be set apart as a sinking fund for the extinguishment of the debt hereby authorized to be created ; provided, that no part of said interest shall be a charge on the city treasury, but 18 LAWS AND ORDINANCES RELATING TO shall be paid by the Park Commissioners from the funds provided for the support and maintenance of said Park. Approved October 10, 1862. John Lee Chapman, ex officio Mayor. The above ordinance was never acted on, the subse- quent appropriation by the city of $150,000 fi^nishing the means for building the Pavilion. No. 37. An Ordinance to provide for improvements in Druid Hill Park and Patterson Park. Whereas, the Public Park Commission, in their third annual report, have designated various objects, which are desirable in view of affording the public the most advan- tageous enjoyment of Druid Hill Park and Patterson Park, but which are beyond the present limited means of the Commission ; and whereas, it is important that the im- provement of said Parks be prosecuted witli reasonable rapidity ; therefore. Section 1 . Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore^ That whenever the Park Com- mission shall certify to the Register of the city, under their respective hands, that they require a sum of money for an object connected with the said Parks, said object to be at the same time designated, it shall be the duty of the Register to issue the bonds of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore in the usual form, redeemable on the first day of January, 1895, bearing interest at the annual rate of six per centum, payable quarterly on the first day of January, April, July and October, and desig- nated as " Park Improvement Stock," for an amount suffi- THE PUBLIC PARKS OP BALTIMORE CITY. 19 cient to meet such requisition after retaining one-tenth of the par value for the purposes of a sinking fund, and the said Register shall sell the bonds so issued not under par, and out of the proceeds pay to the said Commission, the amount of their requisition or requisitions, from time to time, as the money may be needed : Provided, that the whole amount of bonds, so issued, shall not exceed the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars for Druid Hill Park and twenty thousand dollars for Patterson Park, and should the Register sell the said bonds for more than par, the surplus shall be retained by him, and applied to the payment of the first interest accruing upon said bonds. Sec 2. And be it enacted and ordained^ That after de- ducting from the revenue derived from the City Passenger Railways, the interest on the present issue of Park stock under the ordinance to provide for a public Park or Parks, and the sinking fund therein provided for, and the further sum of ten thousand dollars annually for the maintenance of the Parks,- the surplus of said revenue, and the rent of the pavilion, and the net receipts from any passenger rail- way which may be laid within Druid Hill Park shall be applied, as far as necessary, to reimburse the city the interest upon the bonds hereby authorized to be issued: Provided, that not more than one-eighth of the sura re- served in tliis section for the annual maintenance of the parks and of the excess of annual receipts from the City Passenger Railways over the amount necessary to provide for the interest on the bonds, issued under the piovisions of this ordinance, shall be expended in the improvement and preservation of Patterson Park. Sec. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That one-tenth of the par value of said bonds retained by the Register, as directed in the first section, shall be invested by the Commissioners of Finance in the bonds of the City of Bal- timore, or in bonds for which the city is liable by endorse- ment, as a sinking fund for the redemption of the bonds 20 LAWS AND ORDINANCES RELATING TO issued under tlie provisions of this ordinance, and that the proceeds of all sales or rents of any land south of Nevving- ton Lane, which may be sold or leased by the Park Com- mission, shall be paid to the Register of the city, to be invested by the Commissioners of Finance in the sinking fund herein provided for, until the said fund shall, in the opinion of the said Commissioners, be adequate to the redemption of the bonds hereby authorized, at their matu- rity, and the Register shall be tlie trustee thereof. Sec. 4. And be it enacted and ordained, That should the Park Commission deem it expedient, they may, under the direction of the City Commissoner, lay down railway tracks on the Nortli Avenue, between Madison lane and the Reisterstown road, with a view of facilitating the rail- way access to Druid Hill Park, subject to the same condi- tions as those established in the similar grant heretofore made to the President, Managers and Company of the Baltimore and Yorktown Turn[)ike Road, and the said Commission may delegate this power for a period not exceeding five years to any part}'^ with whom they may agree for the construction of a railway track or tracks to or within the Paik: Provided, that the rate of fare shall not exceed three cents to each passenger for the trip, to or from the vicinity of the Pavilion, or five cents for the round trip, and that no fare shall be chargeable until the track is laid to a point within two hundred yards of the pavilion. Sec. 5. And be it enacted and ordained. That with a view of increasing the storage of water for the supply of the city by the construction of lakes and reservoirs in Druid Hill Park and the land adjoining thereto, the Park Commission, under the direction of tlie Water Board, are authorized to lay a pipe from Hampden Reservoir or from the conduit to a reservoir or reservoirs within the park, (to be constructed by the Park Commission,) and to keep the latter supplied with water from the former, under the THE PUBLIC PARKS OF BALTIMORE CITY. 21 control of the Water Board, havinjr resrard to the exigen- cies of the city, it being understood that the Park Com- mission will appropriate to the use of said Board for a still further storage of water, any land under the control of the Park Commission outside of the limits of the Park, not affected hy any existini; agreements, and the Park Commission are hereby authorized to make sueh appro- priation. Sec. 6. And be it enacted and ordained, That for the j)urp()se of supplying such |)()rtions of the city as cannot now be supplied from the })resent reservoirs, the Water Board shall have power, at their discretion, to use any of the reservoirs or lakes in Druid Hill Park, and to open the ground and lay down pipes in the said park, as they are now authorized to do within the limits of t!ie city: Provided, that the Park Commission shall he con- sulted in the location of said pipes, and that the same shall be agreed upon by the two Commissions: Provided, hoioever, that the Park Commissioners shall not make a requisition for, and the Register shall not be authorized to issue any of the bonds as provided for in section one of this ordinance, to pay any of tlie expenses of introducing water into Druid Hill Park from Hampden Reservoir, or otherwise, or for the construction of lakes and reservoirs for the reception of the same, except such as may be entirely supplied with water from springs in said park, until after the Pavilion has been so far completed as to be used by the public, and a permanent connection by a rail- way or otherwise, between the present terminus of the City Passenger Railway, at the corner of Northern Boun- dary and Madison Avenue and a point near the said pavi- lion has been made, and vehicles are regularly running in such way as to afford ample accommodations for pas- sengers. Sec. 7. And be it enacted and ordained, That ordinance No. 67, of the Ordinances for 1862, entitled "An Ordi- 22 LAWS AND ORDINANCES RELATING TO dance authorizing the construction of a Pavilion at Druid Hill Park," be and the same is hereby repealed. Approved May 2, 1863. John Lee Chapman, Mayor. CHAPTER 141. Extract from An Act to amend the Act to Incorporate the Oreen Spring Avenue Company, passed at the January session, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, chapter two hundred and sixteen, and the Act amendatory thereof, passed at the January session, one thousand eight hundred and sixty, chapter one hun- dred and sixty four, and to carry out the provisioiis of an agree- ment made between the said Company and the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. Sec. 2. And tvhereas, an agreement has been made be- tween the said Company and the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, whereby a road has been provided through Druid Hill Park, from tlie southern entrance thereof to an entrance already agreed upon on Woodbury lane, which road is to be at all times hereafter kept open and in repair by the Park Commissioners, for use at all hours of tlie day and night, for such travel as is permitted by the general regulations of the Park, within its limits; therefore, be it enacted, that th^- Green Spring Avenue Company are hereby released from the obligation of con- structing their said avenue south of the northern boundary of said Park. Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said Druid Hill Park be and the same is hereby declared to be forever ex- emi)t from the passage through it, or the construction within it, of any public highway, turnpike or rail-road. THE PUBLIC PARKS OF BALTIMORE CITY. 23 Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That this Act shall be of non-effect until accepted by the Green Spring Avenue Company. Passed March 2, 1864. This Act was duly accepted by the Company. CHAPTER 170. A Supplement to an Act entitled, An Act to incorporate the Baltimore City Passenger Hailway Company. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Baltimore City Passenger Railway Company be, and they are hereby authorized and empow- ered to charge and collect six cents fare from each pas- senger passing from any one part of the City of Baltimore to any other part on the line of their railways without charge for transfer tickets, and one fifth of the gross re- ceipts from passengers to be paid to the Register of the City of Baltimore, as provided for by the ordinance of the Mayor and City Council of said City. Passed March 7, 1864. 24 LAWS AND ORDINANCES RELATING TO CHAPTER 100. A Further Supplement to an Act entitled, ''An Act to incor- porate the Baltimore City Passenger Railway Company'' Section 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Baltimore Passenger Railway Com- pany be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to charge and collect six cents from each passenger pass ing from any part of the City of Baltimore to any other part, in any line of their railways, with a charge for transfer tickets of four cents; and one-fifth of the gross receipts from passengers to be paid to the Register of the City of Baltimore, as provided for by the ordinance of the Mayor and City Council of said City. Passed March 16, 1865. No. 52. A Supplement to an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance to pro- vide for Improvements in Druid Hill Park and Patterson Parir Be it enacted and ordained by the Ilayor and City Coun- cil of Baltimore, That in addition to the bonds authorized to be issued for Druid Hill Park by the ordinance to which this is a supplement, there shall be issued in the manner provided in the said ordinance, the sum of twenty- seven thousand dollars, to which additional sum all tlie provisions of said ordinance shall a[>ply, as thougii the sum therein mentioned had included the sum now au- thorized. Approved June 28, 1865. John Lee Chapman, Mayor. THE PUBLIC PARKS OF BALTIMORE CITY. 25 No. 60. An Ordinance relating to Druid Hill and Patterson Parks. Section 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the Register of the city be and he is hereby authorized, in accounting with the Public Park Commission, to pay to them the revenue derived from the Passenger Railways without other deduc- tion than the interest on the bonds issued for the purchase of said Parks, and the sinking fund as provided for in the several ordinances heretofore passed in relation to the Public Parks. Sec. 2. And he it enacted and ordained. That the Regis- ter be and is hereby authorized to pay to the Public Park Commission, in such sums as may from time to time be re- quired, fifty thousand dollars, of which sura ten thousand dollars shall be for the use exclusively of Patterson Park, and the remainder for Druid Hill Park. Approved May 26, 1866. John Lee Chapman, Mayor. No, 141. Resalution to Provide Concerts at the Parks. Whereas, the instrumental concerts provided by the city at Druid Hill and Patterson Parks last year added much to the attractions of these popular places of re- sort, being duly appreciated by, and giving much gratiB- cation to, the large number of our citizens who attended them, it is deemed advisable that they should be con- tinued this year, therefore 26 LAWS AND ORDINANCES. Resolved by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the Mayor he and he is herehy authorized to contract with a suitable person to superintend the giving of instrumental concerts in Druid Hill and Patterson Parks, on such days, during the summer and fall months, as he may deem proper, and that the sum of twelve hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated to pay the expenses thereof, to be taken out of the levy of 1866. Approved May 21, 1866. John Lee Chapman, Mayor RULES AXD REGULATIONS FOE THE GOVERNMENT OF MtrnH llill mid WMmm WmI&. 1. If any person shall discharge any Fire-Arra within the Park, such person shall forfeit and pay Five Dollars for every offence, 2. Dogs are prohibited; and, if any person, having a Dog within the Park, refuses, when requested, to take hira out, such person shall forfeit and pay Five Dollars. 3. If any person shall Drive or Ride upon the Grass, or Footways, or elsewhere tlian on the Roads for the use of Carriages and Equestrians such person shall forfeit and pay Five Dollars for every offence — the owner of the Car- riage, in the case of Driving to be responsible. 4. i&^ If any person shall Drive or Ride faster than AT THE rate OF SiX MiLES AN lioUR, SUCH PERSON SHALL FOR- FEIT AND PAY Five Dollars for the first offence, and Twenty Dollars for every succeeding offence. 5. If any person shall pull any Flowers or Fruit, whether wild or cultivated — cut down Trees or Sap'ings — break limbs, or Branches of Trees, or Bark Trees — or injure Shrubbery, or plants, such person shall forfeit and pay not less than Five Dollars, nor more than One hun- dred Dollars, for every offence. 28 RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE 6. If any person shall Girdle any Tree, such person shall forfeit and pay not less than Twenty, nor more than One Hundred Dollars. 7. If any person shall commit a nuisance, or any offence against decency or good morals, such person shall forfeit and pay not less than Five, nor more than Fifty Dollars, for every offence. 8. If any person shall Write upon any building, Bench, Statuary, Ornament, or other Property, or in any manner cut, deface, or mutilate the same, such person shall forfeit and pay Five Dollars for every offence, 9. If any person shall throw Stones, or Rubbish of any kind, into any Lake or Pond of the Park, such person shall forfeit and pay Five Dollars for every ofifence. 10. If any person shall Bathe in any Lake or Pond of the Park, such person shall forfeit and pay Five Dollars for every offence, 11. If any person shall Chase, set Snares for, or Catch, any Rabbits, Squirrels, Birds or Fish, within the Park, such person shall forfeit and pay Five Dollars for every offence. 12. If any person shall Curse or Swear, or use abusive language, or Fight, or Throw Stones, or behave in a Riotous or Disorderly Manner, such person shall forfeit and pay Five Dollars for every offence. 13. If any person shall introduce any Spirituous Liquors into the Park, either for his own use or for sale, and shall use, or sell, or give the same, such person shall pay not less than Five, nor more than Twenty Dollars. 14. If any person shall set up any Booth, or Table, for the sale of any article whatever, without the consent of the Park Commission, such person shall forfeit and pay Five Dollars for every offence; and the Booth or Table shall he removed. 15. If any person shall attach a Swing to any tree vvitliin the Park, without the consent of tlie Superinten- PUBLIC PARKS OP BALTIMORE CITY. 29 dent, or person in charge of" the Park, such person shall forfeit and pay Five Dollars for every offence. 16. If any person shall Climh a Tree, such person shall forfeit and pay Five Dollars for every offence. 17. If any person shall Foul in any manner any Spring or Branch, such person shall forfeit and pay not less than Five, nor more than Ten Dollars. 18. When Carriages or Equestrians meet, the parties respectively, shall keep to the right, as the law of the Road. 19. If any person shall break, or in any manner injure the Enclosure of the Park, such person shall forfeit and pay the sum of Five Dollars for every offence, in addition to the cost of repairing the injury. 20. The Gates shall he opened at Sunrise, and closed at Dark. After the Gates are closed, they will be opened only to permit egress, but not ingress of visitors to the Park. 21. If any person shall fasten a Horse to a Tree, such person shall forfeit and pay Five Dollars for every offence. 22. Any person found Intoxicated in the Park, may be removed therefrom by the Police, and the Gate Keepers are a,uthorized to prevent the ingress of any such person. 23. Gambling, and Playing Cards, is prohibited, under a penalty of Five Dollars, to be forfeited and paid by each of the parties to the game. 24. If any person shall make a Fire, for any purpose on the grounds of the Park, such person shall forfeit and pay Five Dollars for every offence. 25. If any person shall trespass on Ground Enclosed with a rail, such person shall be subject to a fine of Five Dollars. 26. The Pic-uics permitted in the Park are those of Sunday and other Schools, when accompanied by their respective Teachers and Masters, who will be held person- ally responsible for all infringements by the Scholars of 36 RULES AND REGULATIONS. these Rules and Regulations, in the penalties severally prescribed herein. 27. No Pic-aic shall take place in the Park without a written permission for the purpose being first obtained from the Superintendent, or person in charge of the Park, in which shall be designated the S[)ot where it shall be held. If any person shall attempt to hold a Pic-nic with- out such permission, each person engaged therein shall forfeit and pay Five Dollars, besides being liable to be turned out of the Park. 28. Parties holding Pic-nics in the Park are expected to clean up the ground that has been occupied by them, on quitting it, and not to leave paper to ba blown about on the premises. 29. If any person shall disturb any Pic-nic, or intrude him or herself upon it svitliont the consent of thos:i con- posing it, such person sliall forfeit and pay Five Dollars for every offence. 30. The experience of the Commission renders the en- forcement of the above Regulations in regard to Pic-nics indispensable to the preservation of the property, and the comfort and protection of the visitors. PARK COMMISSION. July 2d, 1861. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 000 883 300 P n