Author Title Imprint IC— 47372-:< AN -ALFIiA-BETICJ^Xi f^ll ^ JMWlflfllfii tSSSSH^ ^S^ ^t- ^t. ^SSK^Rx^ ^SPff' SHOWING AT A GLANCE THE RACES RUN, THE WEIGHTS CARRIED, THE TIME MADE, AND THE PLACE OF ^ ACH HoP^SE IN THE '~\ACE, On the Same Page, WITHOUT THE TROUBLE OF REFERRING TO AN INDEX. \ • — r — 5 - //' ^ In OS l-',iiloi-cil :K-c<)i\liii.ii to Act or riAigross. in tlu' yoar ISS-J, By JOHN T.VULLER & CO., Ill the Ottifo of t'.u' r,il>raViai» 11. WILLLiM K., b g by imp Gleuelg, dam Miss Doyle. M. Hogan. Jan 18 92 1 j 1:49 3 3 Savannah Helen Wallace.92 ... .2d '. .92 Heats ( 1:494 2 20 92 1 1:49 4 3 do Dukeof Kent.llO Keuo 118 Feb 7 85 1 l:47i Charleston Duke of Kent.104 Linchpin 95 10 105 1 1:49 5 do Barney Ly on. 92 T. Montague. 118 IS WATCHMAN, (1) b c by imp. Biickden, dam Sally Watson. Ed. Date Mar : Wnt Dis Time Sts PI Track 30 31 31 April 13 18 117 1 117 1 Heats 117 H 117 1 Heats 110 1 l:53f 1:50 l:51f l:53f 2:07 0:00 0:00 < l:51i 2 2 ^Mobile 3 dis *do 3 3 do 3 3 do A\ liinf r Texan 117 Beardslee. Second ....2d Heats I l:51i- 100 1 j l:45f Heats i lA74r dis N. Orleans do Effie H 07 Texan H'y Gilinore..i)9 Bayard.. .. Manitou 114 Fii^herman. LidaStanliopelOv Duke of Kei Mat. Rapture. 98 Apollo. ... lOOi 105 .115 .95 .105 .92 z ..89 ZOPHIEL, (4) b f, by Tom Bowling, dam Crescent. M. Q. Townsend. Apr 16 — H 2:05 (i ^Dallas El Capitan — Bob MalKn -107 )..95 |.10( i.iie, \ .14? Messrs. MARK SIMONTON A- CO., olCincimuUi, write: A 'The plan of an .\lphal)etical Record sent us, strikes us as beinsr a good iliin,| VI i YA Fcl. WA WEIGHTS CJ.RBI1D. LEXINGTON AND LOUISVILLE MEETINGS. SI'KINC.. KAI.I, In iill llaces exclusively fur 2-year olds, . . . 105 105 In all IJuces exclusively for 3-yeiir olds, ... 110 110 IN RACES FOR ALL AGES: Two-year-olds carry S«0 85 Three-year-olds carry 102 107 Four-year-olds carry 117 117 Five-year-olds and upwai'ds can-y 121 121 Mares allowed o 3 fieldings allowed 3 3 Welter weio-lits, 28 oi- 40 lbs. added to weioht for aae. --. .•.#>- WASHINGTON AND BALTIMORE MEETINGS. In all Races exclusively for 2-year olds, . . . . loo loo In all JJaces exclusively for 3-year olds, . ... 110 110 IX RACES FOR ALL ACES: Two-year-olds carry 75 75 Three-year-olds carry f»(» '-'5 Four-year olds carry lOS lOS Five-year-olds carry 11-1 114 Six-year olds and u])wards carry 118 118 Miires and geldings allowed 3 3 Welter weights are 40 lbs. added to weight for age. '-'BRARY OF CONGRESS IWIwm ° 002 845 998