LB 2529 .02 1914 [Copy 1 vim : mi' ii# i m m ADVANCE SHEETS OF SCHOOL LAWS ENACTED BY THE 80th GENERAL ASSEMBLY AT ITS EXTRAORDINARY SESSION, 1914 ISSUED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION FRANK W. MILLER SUPERINTENDENT la. fir 0. APR 20 19H (House Joint Resolution No. 9.) To authorize the printing and publication in pamphlet form of the acts passed at this session of the General Assembly with regard to the school system of Ohio. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: That the superintendent of public instruction be and he is hereby directed and authorized to cause to be printed in pamphlet form for free distribution thirty-live thousand copies of all the school laws passed at this session of the General Assembly. Of which one hundred copies shall be sent to each member" of the General Assembly, one hundred and fifty copies to eac.h county auditor, the balance to be distributed by the superintendent of public instruction. (Senate Bill No. 7.) To amend sections 7753 and 7754 of the General Code and to add supplementary sections 7753-1, 7753-2 and 7753-3 relating to the inspection of High Schools. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: Section i. That sections 7753 and 7754 be amended and supplementary sections 7753-1, 7753-2 and 7753-3 of the General Code be added to read as follows : Sec. 7753. The superintendent of public instruction Appointment shall appoint two competent public high school inspectors, of kigh school who are connected with no college or university, two pub- '"^p^*^'°''^- lie high school inspectors selected from the faculty staff of the college of education of Ohio State University, and one public high school inspector from each of the faculties of the Ohio normal colleges at Oxford and Athens and the Ohio normal schools at Kent and Bowling Green. The in- spectors appointed by the superintendent of public instruc- tion from the faculty staffs of the college of education, normal colleges and normal schools shall be nominated by the presidents of their respective institutions. The super- intendent of public instruction may also appoint when necessary, competent instructors from any public or private school to inspect such high schools . as the superintendent may direct. Sec. 7753-1. The two public high school inspectors Duties of high connected with no college or university shall give their school inspec- entire time to the examination and inspection of public high schools in the state. The inspectors chosen from the faculty staff's shall devote a part of their time, not more than half, to public high school inspection. The superin- tendent of public instruction shall require all part time inspectors to inspect schools the first half of the year be- Meeting for conference and direction ;_ classification. Compensation and expenses. Reports of inspection. ginning August i, or the last half of the year beginning February i, or such other times as may be agreed by the superintendent of public instruction and the president of the institution nominating such inspector. The public high school inspectors shall confer with various authorities and assist the superintendent of public instruction in the classi- fication of schools and in such other ways as he may direct. Sec. 7753-2. All public high school inspectors shall meet in Columbus at the call of the superintendent of public instruction for the purpose of conference and direction. They shall recommend to the superintendent of public in- struction standards and official ratings for all the public high schools of the state, and the decision of the superin- tendent of public instruction as to the classification of such schools shall be final, but no public high school shall be recommended for rating except on a majority vote of the inspectors at a meeting called by -the superintendent of public instruction who shall be ex-officio chairman of their meetings. Sec. 7753-3. The high school inspectors giving full time shall be paid an annual salary, the amount of which shall be fixed by the superintedent of public instruction with the approval of the governor and shall each rececive his actual and necessary traveling expenses not to exceed eight hundred dollars per year. The half time inspectors shall receive a compensation, the amount of which shall be fixed by the superintendent of public instruction, and shah also receive their necessary and actual traveling expenses not to exceed four hundred dollars each, for each half year. Both compensation and expenses shall be paid upon vouch- ers signed by the superintendent of public instruction. Sec. 7754. All public high school inspectors appointed by the superintendent of public instruction shall furnish reports of all inspection of public high schools made by them. The reports shall be in such form as the superin- tendent of public instruction may prescribe. Eight copies of the report of each inspection shall be made. Two copies shall be placed on file in the office of the superintendent of public instruction, one copy furnished to each of the institutions fom which the half time inspectors are chosen, and one copy larnished to the school inspected. Section 2. That original sections 7753 and 7754 of the General Code be and the same are hereby repealed. (Senate Bill No. 8.) To amend sections 7761-1, 7761-2, 7761-3, 7761-4, 7761-5 and 7761-6, and to repeal sections 7761-7 and 7761-8 of the General Code, relating to the teaching of agriculture in the public schools of Ohio. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: Section i. That sections 7761-7 and 7761-8 of the General Code be repealed and that sections 7761-1, 7761-2, 7761-3, 7761-4, 7761-5 and 7761-6 be amended to read as follows : Sec. 7761-1. Agriculture shall hereafter be taught in all the common schools of all village and rural scchool dis- tricts of the state of Ohio, which are supported in whole or in part by the state, and may be taught in city school dis- tricts at the option of the board of education. Sec. 7761-2. The state shall be divided into four agri- cultural districts to be mapped out, located and defined by the superintendent of public instruction. Such agricultural districts shall be made up and composed of counties which are contiguous and no county shall be divided in the laying out of such districts. Sec. 7761-3. The superintendent of public instruction shall superintend all agricultural education in the common schools of Ohio and shall appoint in each agricultural dis- trict, so mapped out and designated by him, a person who shall possess all the qualifications of a county superintend- ent, to be known as a district supervisor of agricultural education. Sec. 7761-4. It shall be the duty of each district super- visor : (i) To co-operate with boards of education in map- ping out courses of study in agriculture and related subjects. (2) To visit each county teachers' institute in his district and give public instruction in the teaching of agriculture and related subjects. (3) To co-operate with the State Agricultural Com- mission lecturing at the Farmers' Institutes and farmers' schools on agricultural subjects as they may be applied to the schools in the community. (4) To encourage county agricultural societies in each county of his district in establishing school children's agri- cultural exhibits at each annual county fair. (5) To assist the superintendent of public instruction in the standardization of the public schools. (6) To make such reports to the superintendent of public instruction as the superintendent may direct on forms prescribed by the superintendent of public instruction. Sec. 7761-5. Each district supervisor of agricultural education shall receive an annual salary, the amount of which shall be fixed by the superintendent of public in- struction, and his necessary traveling expenses not to ex- ceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per annum. Sec. ^J^x-d. Any district supervisor of agricultural education may be dismissed from office by the superintend- ent of public instruction for incompetency, immorality, or neglect of duty or who is or becomes interested financially or otherwise with any book publishing or book selling com- pany, firm or corporation. Section 2. That original sections 7761-1, 7761-2, 7761-3, 7761-4, 7761-5, 7761-6, 7761-7 and 7761-8 of the General Code be and the same are hereby repealed. Agriculture shall be taught in schools. Agricultural districts, how composed and defined. District super- visors; ap- pointment of and duties. Salary and traveling expenses. Dismisal of district super- visors. Repeals. Admission to profesional school, college or university. Tuition of pupils eligible to high school shall be paid by district board. Certificate to pupils eligible to high sckool. Tuition of graduates of third grade high school. (Senate Bill No. 9.) To amend sections 7658, 7747, 7748 and 7749 of the General Code and to supplement section 7655 by the enactment of additional sections 7655-1, 7655-2, 7655-3, 7655-4, 7655-5, 7655-6, 7655-7 and 7655-8 of the General Code relating to the standardization of schools. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: Section i. That sections 7658, 7747, 7748 and 7749 of the General Code be amended and section 7655 be supple- mented by additional sections 7655-1, 7655-2, 7655-3, 7655-4, 7655-5, 7655-6, 7655-7 and 7655-8 to read as follows : Sec. 7658. A holder of a diploma from a high school of the first grade may be admitted without examination to any college of law, medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy in this state, when the holder thereof has completed such courses in science and language as are prescribed by the legally con- stituted authorities regulating the entrance requirements of such college ; except such institutions privately endowed which may require a higher standard for entrance examina- tions than herein is provided. After September i, 191 5, the holder of a diploma from a first grade high school shall be entitled to admission without examination to the academic department of any college or university which is supported wholly or in part by the state. Sec. 7747. The tuition of pupils who are eligible for admission to high school and who reside in rural districts, in which no high school is maintained, shall be paid by the board of education of the school district in which they have legal school residence, such tuition to be computed by the month. An attendance any part of the month shall create a liability for the entire month. No more shall be charged per capita than the amount ascertained by dividing the total expenses of conducting the high school of the district attended, exclusive of permanent improvements and repair, by the average monthly enrollment in the high school of the district. The district superintendent shall certify to the county superintendent each year the names of all pupils in his supervision district who have completed the elemen- tary school work, and are eligible for admission to high school. The county superintendent shall thereupon issue to each pupil so certified a certificate of promotion which shall entitle the holder to admission to any high school. Such certificates shall be furnished by the superintendent of public instruction. Sec. 7748. A board of education providing a third grade high school as defined by law shall be required to pay the tuition of graduates from such school residing in the district at any first grade high school for two years, or at a second grade high school for one year. Should pupils residing in the district prefer not to attend such third grade high school the board of education of such district shall be required to pay the tuition of such pupils at any first grade high school for four years, or at any second grade high school for three years and a first grade high school for one year. Such a board providing a second grade high school as defined by law shall pay the tuition of grad- uates residing in the district at any first grade high school for one year; except that, a board maintaining a second or third grade high school is not required to pay such tuition when the maximum levy permitted by law for such dis- trict has been reached and all the funds so raised are necessary for the support of the schools of such district. No board of education is required to pay the tuition of any pupil for more than four school years ; except that it must pay the tuition of all successful applicants, who have com- plied with the further provisions hereof, residing more than four miles by the most direct route of public travel, from the high school provided by the board, when such applicants attend a nearer high school, or in lieu of paying such tuition the board of education maintaining a high school may pay for the transportation of the pupils living more than four miles from the said high school, maintained by the said board of education to said high school. Where more than one high school is maintained, by agreement of the board and parent or guardian, pupils may attend either and their transportation shall be so paid. A pupil living in a village or city district who has completed the elementary school course and whose legal residence has been transferred to a rural district in this state before he begins or completes a high school course, shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of a resident pupil of such district. Sec. 7749. When the elementary schools of any rural school district in which a high school is maintained are cen- tralized and transportation of pupils is provided, all pupils resident of the rural school district who have completed the elementary school work shall be entitled to transpor- tation to the high school of such rural district, and the board of education thereof shall be exempt from the pay- ment of the tuition of such pupils in any other high school for such a portion of four years as the course of study in the high school maintained by the board of education includes. Sec. 7655-1. Every one room school in any rural school district where the school house and outbuildings are kept in proper condition and repair, buildings and yard clean, and separate screened privies are maintained for each sex, shall be considered a rural elementary school of the sec- ond grade. Sec. 7655-2. Each one room school in any rural school district which shall fulfill the requirements of this section shall be considered a rural elementary school of the first grade. Such requirements are as follows : (a) Clean buildings and yard. Building in good repair. Separate screened privies for each sex or inside Exceptiom. Provision foi transportation of pupils. Effect of re- moval from village or cit> district. Transportatio» to high school What consti- tutes elemc«- tary rural school of second grade. What consti- tutes rural elementary school of firsi grade. (b) (c) toilets. (d) Maps of Ohio and United States. 8 Wkat consti- tutes consoli- dated elemen- tary school of •econd grade. What consti- tutes consoli- dated elemen- tary school of first grade. (e) Library of not less than 50 volumes. (f) 100 square feet of slate or composition black- board. The lower margin of not less than twelve lineal feet of which board, shall be within two feet of the floor. (g) A system of heating with ventilation — minimum a jacketed stove. (h) Buildings hereafter constructed to have in con- nection with them not less than one acre of land for or- ganized play. (i) Teacher with at least a three-year certificate. (j,) Agricultural apparatus to a value of at least fifteen dollars. Sec. 7655-3. Each consolidated school in any village or rural school district which shall fulfill the requirements of this section shall be considered a consolidated elementary school of the second grade. Such requirements are as follows : Clean building and yard. Building in good repair. .Separate screened privies for each sex or inside (a) (b) (0 toilets. (d) Library of not less than lOO volumes. (e) 100 square feet of slate or composition black- board. The lower margin of not less than twelve lineal feet of which board, shall be within two feet of the floor. (f ) A system of heating with ventilation — minimum a jacketed stove. (g) Buildings hereafter constructed to have at least two acres of land for organized play and agricultural experiment. (h) At least two room.s and two teachers on full time one of whom must have at least a three-year certificate. (i) One teacher to be employed for ten months each year giving part of his or her time during the school year to the teaching of agriculture or domestic science or both and during part of vacation supervise agricultural work of boys and domestic art work of the girls. (j) Agricultural apparatus to the value of at least twenty-five dollars. (k) A case of not less than six maps including a map of Ohio. Sec. 7655-4. Each consolidated school in any village or rural school district which shall fulfill the requirements of this section shall be considered a consolidated elementary school of the first grade. Such requirements are as follows : (a) Clean building and yard. Building in good repair. Separate screened privies for each sex, or inside (b) . (0 toilets. (d) of Ohio. (e) A case of not less than six maps including a map Library of not less than 150 volumes. (f) 100 square feet of slate or composition black- board. The lower margin of not less than twelve lineal feet of which board, shall be within two feet of the floor. (f) A system of heating with ventilation — minimum a jacketed stove. (h) Buildings hereafter constructed to have at least three acres of land in connection with each school one for agriculture and school garden purposes. (i) Three rooms and three teachers or more on full time, one teacher to have at least a three-year certificate. (j) A course in domestic science. (k) Two teachers to be employed for ten months each, one teaching agriculture during the school term and to supervise agriculture during part of the vacation. The other to teach domestic science during the school term and to supervise domestic science instruction during part of the vacation. (1) Agricultural and domestic science apparatus to the value of at least one hundred dollars. Sec. 7655-5. Each school district in which such schools Additional are located, shall receive from the state treasury the sum fclo^ors'^of"'^ of twenty-five dollars per annum for each one room rural grade, school of the first grade, fifty dollars per annum for each consolidated school of the second grade, and one hundred dollars per annum for each consolidated school of the first grade. Such sums shall be in addition to the regular ap- portionment of the common school funds and the amounts paid by the state as aid to weak districts.] Should the appropriation for any year be insufficient to meet these payments the amount shall be pro rated between the various school districts. Sec. 7655-6. Any school district which desires to re- How state aid ceive state aid as provided in section 7655-=; shall make obtained for application therefor to the county superintendent on blanks grade, furnished by the superintendent of public instruction speci- fying the number and kinds of schools in such district en- titled to such aid. If the county superintendent upon actual inspection shall approve such application he shall endorse the same and forward it to the superintendent of public instruction for final approval. When such application has been approved by the superintendent of public instruction, the state auditor shall issue his warrant on the state treas- urer in favor of the treasurer of the school district for the amount so approved. Sec. 7655-7. After September first, 191 5, the holder Admission to of a certificate of graduation from any one room rural '"g^ school 1 1 r 1 r 1 r i • i i 111 "O'" rural school 01 the first grade or of any consolidated rural school school of first which has been recognized shall be entitled to admission to ^""^ *' any high school without examination. Graduates of any other elementary school shall be admitted to any high school without examination on the certificate of the district super- intendent. lO Metal placard Sec. 7655-8. The Superintendent of public instruction of°rurafsf^oi! shall fumish the boards of education in the village and rural school districts metal placards which shall be placed on the various school buildings showing the grades of such schools. Section 2. That original sections 7658, 7747, 7748, and 7749 and sections 7742, 7743, 7744, 7745 and 7746 of the General Code be and the same are hereby repealed. (Senate Bill No. 10.) To amend section 352, to add supplementary sections 352-1 and 853-1, and to repeal sections 7588, 7589, 7590, 7665, 7717, 7719, 7732, 7741, 7863, 7864, 4693, 4694, 4695, and 4697 of the General Code relating to the office and duties of the superintendent of public instruction. Be it enacted hy the General Assembly of the State of Ohio : Section i. That section 352 be amended and that supplementary sections 352-1 and 353-1 of the General Code be added to read as follows : . Superintendent ^^^^ 35^- There shall be a superintendent of public of public in- instruction, who shall be appointed by the Governor. He appointment shall hold his office for a term of four years, and until and term. j^jg successor is appointed and qualified, such term com- mencing on the second Monday of July. He shall have an office in or near the state house, in which the books and papers pertaining to his office shall be kept. Who eligible as Sec. 352-1. No One who is interested financially or superintendent, otherwise in any book 'publishing or book selling company, firm or corporation, shall be eligible to appointment as superintendent of public instruction. If any superin- tendent of public instruction becomes interested financially or otherwise, in any book publishing or book selling com- pany, firm or corporation said superintendent of public in- struction shall forthwith be removed from office by the governor. Employment Scc. 353-1. The superintendent of public instruction may employ such clerks, stenographers and assistants as will enable him to properly care for the duties of his office. The compensation of such appointees shall be fixed by the superintendent of public instruction, with the approval of the governor. (Senate Bill No. 11.) To amend sections 9934, 9935, 9936, 9937, 9939,_ 9941 and 9942 and to supplement said section 9937 by enacting a supplemental section to be known as section 9937-a and to repeal sections 9938, 9940, 9944, 9945, 9946 and 9947 of the General Code re- lating to the organization and government of universities .and colleges, and the election of trustees therein. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: Section i. That sections 9934, 9935, 9936, 9937, 9939'. 9941 and 9942 of the General Code be amended and of clerks and assistants, II that section 9937 be supplemented by the enactment of sec- tion 9937-a to read as follows : Sec. 9934. The board of trustees of any university or college heretofore incorporated, or which may hereafter be incorporated, and operating under the patronage of one or more conferences or other religious bodies of any religious denomination, may accept the provisions of this and suc- ceedings sections 9935, 9936, 9937, 9937-a, 9939, 9941, 9942 and 9943 by resolution adopted at any regular meeting of the. board, and entered upon the record of its proceedings. After such acceptance the board in all respects shall be or- ganized, constituted, regulated and perpetuated, pursuant to and under said provisions. No right acquired by any such board, university or college, under its charter or any law of this state, shall in any way be afifected thereby. Sec. 9935- The president of such university or college shall, ex officio, be a trustee after the acceptance of the pro- visions of this act by any such university or college. At any meeting of such board after the passage of this act, such board shall divide its number, not including such president, into classes, making one class for each confer- ence or religious body at the time patronizing such uni- versity or college, and one class for the alumni of such university or college and one class of trustees at large. No class shall have less than five members nor more than ten. Each conference or other religious body patronizing such university shall have the same number of trustees. The Board of Trustees of such university or college may desig- nate the number of trustees to be assigned to the Alumni Association and to the class of trustees at large, but the combined number of trustees apportioned to said patroniz- ing conferences or other religious bodies shall constitute not less than three-fifths of the entire board, not including the president. Sec. 9936. The regular term of office of such trustees shall be five years, but upon the original formation of classes of trustees one or more trustees may be elected for one, two, three and four-year terms until the regular order can be established. The term of office of an equal number of trustees in each class, as near as may be, shall expire each year. \'acancies which occur in any class of trustees in any manner whatsoever except by expiration of time shall be filled only for the remainder of the term, but the term of office of a trustee shall not expire during any meet- ing of the board wdiich does not continue for more than two weeks. Sec. 9937. If the number of conferences or other re- ligious bodies patronizing such university or college shall at any time be increased or decreased, the board of trustees of such university or college may re-classify said trustees of said bodies by an equal reduction of the number in each such class when a new conference or other religious body becomes a patronizing body and by an equal increase of the number in each such class when a conference or other How certain boards may be constituted and goveri :ed. Trustees to be divided into classes. Term of office of trustees; vacancies. When board may be in- creased or de- creased. 12 The alumni association may elect one- fifth of board. How a con- ference may become a patron. When right of representation shall cease. religious body ceaset ico be a patronizing body. Whenever, by reason of a change in the number of patronizing confer- ences or religious bodies, it becomes necessary to re-classify the trustees in said board, the board (a lawful quorum be- ing present) shall by appropriate resolution designate the number of trustees apportioned to each class and certify such apportionment to each patronizing conference or other religious body and to such Alumni Association, and all va- cancies in such classes thereafter shall be filled in accord- ance with such apportionment. Sec. 9937-a, The alumni composing the Alumni As- sociation of such university or college may elect as mem- bers of the Board of Trustees of such university or college, as many members of such Alumni Association as there are members of the class of Alumni Trustees assigned or ap- portioned to said Alumni Association by the Board of frustees of such university or college, this class to con- stitute not less than one-fifth of the entire Board, not in- cluding the President. This election shall be held under such regulations as the Alumni Association may prescribe and the result shall be certified by the proper officials of the Alumni Association to the - Board of Trustees, which result shall be entered upon the records of said Board. Such Board of Trustees composed of Alumni Trustees and Trustees elected by patronizing conferences or other re- ligious bodies, as provided in Section 9935 to Section 9937-a inclusive, may increase its own numbers by the elec- tion of a class of Trustees at large, the number of which class shall be fixed by said Board of Trustees, under the limitations fixed by Sections 9935 and 9937-a. Sec. 9939. Any conference or other religious body not patronizing any particular university or college may become a patronizing body upon invitation of the Board of Trustees of such university or college by a majority vote of the whole board. The intention to become such pat- ronizing body shall be evidenced by the adoption of an ap- propriate resolution and certification of the same to the Board of Trustees of such university or college, and such certified resolution shall be entered upon the minutes of the Board of Trustees of such university or college thereby completing the right of such conference or religious body to act as a patronizing body. Sec. 9941. If a conference or other religious body patronizing a university or college and having a representa- tion in its board of trustees, ceases to exist, or ceases to patronize such university or college, the right of such con- ference or other religious body to such representation shall cease, and the Board of Trustees of such university or college shall apportion or distribute the number of trustees in such class to the remaining patronizing conferences or other religious bodies in order to maintain, as nearly as may be, the estabhshed number of trustees and equality of rep- resentation from each patronizing body. 13 Sec. 9942. Before a conference or other relieious a .• body represented in the Board of Trustees of such uni- beTake""? versity or college shall cease to be represented in said Board ''°''''- the Board of Trustees shall declare and enter in the record of Its proceedings that the conditions and contingencies terminating such representation have taken place Oa./lZTnr.\ ^''^^ '^'"^ °'^^"'^^ '''^^°"' 9934, 9935, Repeals. 9936, 9937, 9938, 9939, 9940, 994i, 9942, 9944, 9945, 9^46 and 9947 of the General Code, be and the same are hereby repealed. -^ (Sub. Senate Bill No. 13.) To amend section 12600-45 of the General Code relating to the construction of school buildings. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: Section i. That section 12600-45 of the General Code be supplemented by the addition of a supplementary section to be known as section 12600-4^3. to read as follows: Sec. i26oo-45a. None of the provisions of section Addition of 12000-45 of the General Code shall prevent the construction school buiidinj of an addition to any school building two stories high or pro^^ls^ons^Jf less; such addition to be of the same construction and ^^^■^^• material as the original building whether it be of fireproof, composite or frame construction. Not more than one addi- tion shall ever be added to any school building under the provisions of this section and the lower floor space of such addition shall in no case exceed, twelve hundred square feet. (Senate Bill No. 19.) To amend section 7766 of the General Code, relative to the age hmit of females who are entitled to receive schooling certifi- cates. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: Section i. That section 7766 of the General Code be amended to read as follows : Sec. 7766. An age and schooling certificate shall be approved only by the superintendent of schools, or by a person authorized by him, or, in case of vacancy in the office of superinteiulent, by the clerk of the board of edu- cation, upon satisfactory proof that such child, if a male IS over fifteen years of age or, if a female, is over sixteen years of age and that such child has been examined and passed a satisfactory sixth-grade test, if a male, a seventh- grade test, if a female, in the studies enumerated in section seventy-seven hundred and sixty-two. provided, that resi- dents of other states who ^vork in Ohio must qualify as aforesaid with the proper school authority in the school dis- trict in which the establishment is located, as a condition of employment or service, and that the employment contem- plated by the clr.ld is not prohibited by any law regulatincr Approval of certificate. 14 Juvenile ex- aminer; duties and compensa- tion. Form of certificate. List_ to whom certificates is- sued furnished industrial corn- Child shall be placed in school who ceases to work. the employment of such children. Every such age and schooling certificate shall be signed in the presence of the officer issuing the same by the child in whose name it is issued. In order to ascertain whether applicants for such cer- tificates have satisfactorily completed the studies herein prescribed as a condition for the issuance of said certificates the board of education of each city school district may appoint a juvenile examiner who shall receive such compen- sation as may be fixed by the board of education. No such child residing in a city shall be granted such certificate unless such juvenile examiner shall have previously certified that he has examined such child and that he has passed to his satisfaction the grade test as provided by this section ; provided, further, that if a child in the opinion of said juvenile examiner is below the normal in mental develop- ment so that he cannot with due industry pass such test, and if the school record shows that such child is below the normal in development, such fact may be certified to by said examiner, and the superintendent or person authorized by him may at his discretion grant such child such age and schooling certificate. Provided, that if said examiner is satisfied that the standard of any school is sufficiently high, he may accept the records thereof as showing that such child has passed such test without further examination. The age and schooling certificate must be formulated by the superintendent of public instruction, and furnished in blank by the clerk of the board of education. It shall show the date of its issue. A record giving all the facts contained on every certificate issued shall be kept on file in the office issuing the same, and also a record of the names and addresses of the children to whom certificates have been refused, together with the names of the schools which such children should attend and the reasons for refusal. The superintendent of schools or other persons author- ied to issue employment certificates shall transmit between the first and tenth days of each month, to the office of the industrial commission, upon blanks to be furnished by it, a list of the names of the children to whom certificates have been issued, returned or refused. Such lists shall give the name and address of the prospective employer and the nature of the occupation the child intends to engage in. Any child between fifteen and sixteen years of age, who shall cease to work for any cause whatever, shall report the fact and cause at once to the superintendent of schools ; or to a person authoried by him or, in case there is a vacancy in the office of superintendent, to the clerk of the board of education; said child shall be required to return to_school within two weeks, provided other employment is not secured within such time ; provided that, should a child in the opin- ion of the superintendent or person acting in his stead, lose his employment by reason of persistent, wilful misconduct or continuous inconstancy, he may be placed in school until the close of the current school year. 15 The superintendent of schools or the person authorized by him to issue age and schooHng certificates, shall not issue such certificates until he has received, examined, approved and filed the following papers duly executed. (i) The written pledge or promise of the person, partnership, or corporation to legally employ the child, also the written agreement to return to the superintendent of schools or to the person authorized by him to issue such certificates, the age and schooling certificate of the child within two days from the date of the child's withdrawal or dismissal from the service of the person, partnership, or corporation, giving the reason for such withdrawal or dismissal, (2) The school record of such child, properly filled out and signed by the principal or other person in charge of the school which such child last attended, giving the name, age, address, standing in studies enumerated in sec- tion seven thousand seven hundred and sixty-two, and the number of weeks attendance in school during the school year previous to applying for such school record, and general conduct. (3) As evidence of age (a) a passport or duly attested transcript of a passport, filed with a register of passports or other officer charged with the duty of registering pass- ports at the several ports of entry to the United States; or duly attested transcript of the certificate of birth or bap- tism or other religious record, showing the date and place of birth of such child; or (b) a duly attested transcript of the birth certificate filed according to law with a registrar of vital statistics, or other officer charged with the duty of recording births, shall be conclusive evidence of the age of the child, (c) In case none of the above proofs of age can be produced, other documentary evidence of age which shall appear to be satisfactory to the officer issuing the certificate, (aside from the school record of such child or the affidavit of parent, guardian or custodian), may be accepted in lieu thereof. In such case a school census or enurneration record, duly attested, may be used as proof of age in the discretion of the officer issuing the certificate, (d) In case no documentary proof of age of any kind can be produced, the officer issuing the certificate may receive and file an application signed by the parent, guardian or custodian of the child for a physician's certificate. Such application shall contain the name, alleged age, place and date of birth, and present residence of the child, together with such further facts as may be of assistance in deter- mining the age of such child, and shall contain a statement certifying that the parent, guardian or custodian signing such application is unable to produce any of the document- ary proofs of age specified in the preceding subdivisions of this section. If the superintendent or officer authorized bv him to issue such certificate, is satisfied that a reasonable ef- fort to procure such documentary proof has been made, the certificate of the school physician, or, if there be none, of a Papers to be approved and filed before certificate Pledge of employer. School record. Birth certificate. .•Application in case no docn- nientary proof. i6 Health certificate. Special vaca- tion certificate. piiysician ciiii-»iu_yca for the purpose by the Doaiu ^i cuuca- tion that such physician has made a physical examination of such child and is satisfied that he is more than fifteen years of age, if a male, or that she is more than sixteen years of age, if a female, shall be accepted as sufficient proof of the age of such child for the purpose of this act : (4) A certificate from the school physician or if there should be none, of the board of health, and if there be no board of health, within the school district in question, from a licensed physician appointed by the board of education showing that the child is physically fit to be employed in any of the occupations permitted by law for a child between fif- teen and sixteen years of age. Provided that if the records of the school physician show such child to have been pre- viously sound in health, no further physician's certificate need be required, but the officer authorized to issue such cer- tificate may at his distretion require such physician's cer- tificate in any case, as a condition to the issuing of an age and schooling certificate. The superintendent or person authorized by him may issue special vacation certificates to boys under sixteen years of age and girls under eighteen years of age, which shall en- title the holders thereof to be employed during vacation in occupations not forbidden by law to such children even though such child may not have completed the sixth grade, but provided he has complied with all the other require- ments for obtaining the certificate hereinbefore described. Section 2. That said original section 7766 of the Gen- eral Code be and the same is hereby repealed. (House Bill No. 4.) To supplement section 9955 of the General Code by the enactment of supplemental sections 9955-1 and 9955-2, to authorize the interchangeable use of the words "academy", "college" and "university." Be it enacted hy the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: Section i. That section 9955 of the General Code be supplemented by the enactment of supplemental sections 9955-1 and 9955-2 to read as follows: Interchangeable Scc. 9955-1. A corporation formed for the promotion use of^the^^ of academic, collegiate or university education under re- ligious influences, and connected with any religious sect, as- sociation, or denomination, and to which, whether it be a conference, association, presbytery, synod, general as- sembly, convocation, or otherwise, it has granted the right to appoint its trustees or directors, or any number thereof, and which has incorporated into its charter or certificate of incorporation as a part of its corporate name either one or more of the words "academy", "college", or "univer- sity", may use one or more of said words not so incor- porated therein interchangeably with said word or words which may have been incorporated therein to the same ex- demv," "Col- lege and "XJniversity." 17 tent ana cis fully as die word or words so incorporated therein has or have been heretofore used in the name of such corporation, when authorized so to do by a resolution adopted by a majority vote of its trustees, or directors, at any regular meeting, or special meeting called for that pur- pose. Provided that a copy of such resolution certified by the clerk or secretary of such trustees or directors, and accompanied by a resolution of consent passed by such one of such ecclesiastical bodies as aforesaid, with which such corporation is connected, and certified by its clerk or sec- retary, shall first be filed in the office of the Secretary of State, and a certified copy thereof shall have been issued to and received by said clerk or secretary of such trustees or directors. Sec. 9955-2. Nothing herein contained, or the inter- usg of inter- changeable use of said word or words, as herein provided changeable . . words docs not and authorized, shall be held or construed as abolishing the affect the right use of the original corporate name of such corporation, or g[h,'*'^Lnt^"^ as aft'ecting the title, right or possession of such corpora- tion, to or of, any gift, grant, devise, or bequest hereto- fore, or hereafter made to it, whether the same shall have been made or shall be made in the original corporate name, or in one or more of said interchangeable names, or in all of such names: And the use of such original incorporate name, or one or more of such interchangeable names shall be held and construed as vesting in such corporation all gifts, grants, devises, and bequests as fully and to the same extent as if the same had been made in the name of the original incorporated name. evise, or be- quest. (House Bill No. 13.) To amend sections 4679, 4682-1, 4683, 4684, 46S5, 4687, 4688, 4689, 4690, 4692, 4696, 471^2, 4714, 4715, 4726, 4727, 4728 to 4744 in- clusive, 4747, 5653, 7705, 7706, 7730, 7731, to add supplementary sections 4688-1, 4688-2, 4728-1, 4740-1, 4747-1, 4744-1 to 4744-6 inclusive, 7706-1, 7706-2, 7706-3, 7706-4, 7706-5, 7730-1, and to repeal sections 4713, 4716, 4717 to 4725 inclusive of the Gen- eral Code, relating to the supervision of rural and village schools. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: Section i. That sections 4679, 4682-1, 4683, 4684, 4685, 4687, 4688, 4689, 4690, 4692, 4696, 4712, 4714, 4715, 4726, 4727, 4728 to 4744 inclusive, 4747, 5653, 7705, 7706, 7730 and 7731 be amended and that supplementary sections 4688-1, 4688-2, 4728-1, 4735-1, 4735-2, 4744-1 to 4744-6 in- clusive, 4747-1, 7706-1, 7706-2, 7706-3, 7706-4 and 7706-5 of the General Code be added to read as follows : Sec. 4679. The school districts of the state shall be styled, respectively, city school districts, village school dis- tricts, rural school districts and county school districts. Sec. 4682-1. A village school district containing a population of less than fifteen hundred may vote at any s°h^J''|fif.^ general or special election to dissolve and join any con- tricts may dis tiguous rural district. After approval by the county board r°r^ duu^^ School dis- tricts classified. When and Title passes to rural district board of edu- cation. County school district defined. Territory must be contiguous. School district in newly created village. What village districts may become exempt from super- vision of county board. When a cen- sus of _ the population of village district may be taken. such proposition shall be submitted to the electors by the village board of education on the petition of one-fourth of the electors of such village school district or the village board may submit the proposition on its own motion and the result shall be determined by a majority vote of such electors. Sec. 4683. When a village school district is dissolved, the territory formerly constituting such village district shall become a part of the contiguous rural district which it votes to join in accordance with section 4682-1, and all school property shall pass to and become vested in the board of education of such rural school district. Sec. 4684. Each county, exclusive of the territory embraced in any city school district and the territory in any village school district exempted from the supervision of the county board of education by the provisions of sections 4688 and 4688-1, and territory detached for school purposes, and including the territory attached to it for school purposes, shall constitute a county school district. In each case where any village or rural school district is situated in more than one county such district shall become a part of the county school district in which the greatest part of the territory of such village or rural district is situated. Sec. 4685. The territory included within the bound- aries of a city, village or rural school district shall be con- tiguous except where an island or islands form an integral part of the district. Sec. 4687. Upon the creation of a village, it shall thereby become a village school district, as herein provided, and, if the territory of such village previous to its creation was included within the boundaries of a rural school dis- trict and such rural school district included more territory that is included within the village, such territory shall thereby be attached to such village school district for school purposes, provided such territory has an area of less than sixteen square miles. Sec. 4688. The board of education of any village school district containing a village which according to the last federal census had a population of three thousand or more, may decide by a majority vote of the full membership thereof not to become a part of the county school district. Such village district by notifying the county board of educa- tion of such decision before the third Saturday of July, I9I4> shall be exempt from the supervision of the board. Sec. 4688-1. The board of education of a village school district shall upon the petition of one hundred or more electors of such district, or upon its own motion may at any time order a census to be taken of the population of such district. One or more persons may be appointed by the board to take such census. Each person so appointed shall take an oath or affirmation to take such census ac- curately and to the best of his ability. He shall make his return under oath to the clerk of the board, and certified copies of such return shall be sent to the county auditor 19 and superintendent of public instruction. If the census shows a population of three thousand or more in the vil- lage school district, and such census is approved by the superintendent of public instruction, such district shall, upon notification by the board of education of such village school district, be exempted from the supervision of the county board of education. Sec. 4688-2. All village school districts which are village district exempted from the supervision of the county board of ed- count''' lu°"r- ucation as provided in sections 4688 and 4688-1 are thereby yision ineTig- rendered ineligible to receive state aid for purposes of su- state ai"'*^'" pervision and teachers' training courses and for the grad- ing of schools as provided in section 7655-5 of the General Code. Sec. 4689. The provisions of law relating to the Disposal of power to settle claims, dispose of property or levy and s^crcaLs" collect taxes to pay existing obligations of a village that has surrendered its corporate powers, shall also apply to such village school district and the board of education thereof. Sec. 4690. When territory is annexed to a city or Title to prop- village, such territory thereby becomes a part of the city riVo^r/iifnexed or village school district, and the legal title to school \° =''y o"" ^'i- property in such territory for school purposes shall remain *^^' vested in the board of education of the school district from which such territory was detached, until such time as may be agreed upon by the several boards of education when such property may be transferred by warranty deed. Sec. 4692. Part of any county school district may be Transfer of transferred to an adjoining county school district or city or territory from •11 1 1 1- • 1 1 1 fill °"e school dis- village school districts by the mutual consent of the boards trict to another. of education having control of such districts. To secure such consent, it shall be necessary for each of the boards to pass a resolution indicating the action taken and def- initely describing the territory to be transferred. The passage of such resolution shall require a majority vote of the full membership of each board by a yea and nay vote, and the vote of each member shall be entered on the records of such boards. Such transfer shall not take ef- fect until a map, showing the boundaries of the territory transferred, is placed upon the records of such boards and copies of the resolution certified to the president and clerk of each board together with a copy of such map are filed with the auditors of the counties in which such transferred territory is situated. Sec. 4696. When territory is transferred from one Apportionment school district to another, the equitable division of funds "ndebtedness"' or indebtedness shall be determined upon at the time of the •s'^tTansYerred^ transfer. When territory is transferred from one district to another by the annexation of territory to a city or vil- lage, the proper division of funds in the treasury, or in process of collection, of the board of education of the school district from which the territory is detached, shall, upon application to the probate court of the county in 20 Board of edu- cation in rural school districts. Assignment of electors in at- tached terri- tory for school purposes. Compensation of members of board. Members of county board of education; election and qualifications. How school districts shall cast vote for members of county board. which such territory is situated by either board of educa- tion interested, be determined and ordered by such court. If such board of education is indebted, such indebtedness, together with the proper amount of money to be paid to such board by the board of education of the school dis- trict to which the territory is transferred, annexed, or of the district created, shall be in like manner determined and ordered by the court. Sec. 4712. In rural school districts, the board of education shall consist of five members elected at large at the same time township officers are elected and in the man- ner provided by law, for a term of four years. Sec. 4714. Electors residing in a rural school dis- trict may vote for school officers and on all school ques- tions at the proper voting place in the township in which such district is located. If the township is divided into different voting precincts, the board of education of such district shall assign the voters thereof to the proper pre- cinct or precincts, and a map shall be prepared showing such assignment, which map shall be made a part of the records of the board. Electors may vote according to such assignment, but, if no assignment of territory is made, they shall vote, in the precinct nearest their residence. Sec. 4715. Each member of the board of education of rural school districts, except such districts as contain less than sixteen square miles, shall receive as compensation two dollars for each regular meeting actually attended by such member, but for not more than five meetings in any year. The compensation allowed members of the board shall be paid from the contingent fund. Sec. 4728. Each county school district shall be under the supervision and control of a county board of education composed of five members who shall be elected by the presidents of the various village and rural boards of educa- tion in such county school district. Each district shall have one vote in the election of members of the county board of education except as is provided in section 4728-1. At least one member of the county board of education shall be a resident of a village school district if such dis- trict is located in the county school distict and at least three members of such board shall be residents of rural school districts, but not more than one member of the county board of education shall reside in any one village or rural school district within the county school district. Sec. 4728-1. All school districts other than village and city school districts within a civil township shall be jointly entitled to one vote in the election of members of the county board of education. The presidents of the board of education of all such districts in a civil township shall meet for the purpose of choosing one from their number to cast the vote for members of the county board of education. If no such meeting is held in any year for the purpose of choosing one from their number to cast the vote of such boards, the president of the board having the 21 largest tax valuation shall represent all such districts of the civil township at the election of the county board members. A board of education of a rural district having territory in two or more civil townships shall vote with the boards of education of the districts of the civil township in which the greater part of its taxable property is located. Sec. 4729. On the second Saturday m June, 1914, the When m^em-^^ nresidents of the boards of education of the various yil- ^oard elected !age and rural school districts in each county school dis- andjer™ of trfct shall meet and elect the five members of the county board of education, one for one year, one for two years, one for three years, one for four years and one for hve years, and until their successors are elected and qualihed. The terms of office of such members shall begin on the fifteenth of July, IQH- and each year thereafter on the third Saturday of January. Each year thereafter one member of the county board of education shall be elected in the same manner for a term of five years. The presi- dents of the various boards of education within the county school district shall be paid their necessary and actual ex- penses incurred while meeting for the purpose of electing members of the county board of education. Such expenses shall be allowed by the county auditor and paid out of the county treasury upon the order of the chairman and clerk of the meeting. i. u 11 Sec 4730. The county auditor of each county shall caii fo'^.^eet- issue the call for the first meeting, giving at least ten days ^"Jl' „f,Xn'. notice of the place where such meeting will be held, ihe call for all future meetings shall be issued by the county superintendent. The meeting shall organize by electmg a chairman and a clerk. The vote of a majority of the mem- bers present shall be necessary to elect each member of the county board. The members of the county board so elected, may or may not be members or officers of any village or rural board of education. The result of the election of members of the county board of education shall be certified to the county auditor by the chairman and clerk of the meeting. , j r Sec 47^1. Each member of the county board of oath; r.- education shall within ten days after receiving notice of his election, take an oath that he ^'1^^'. ^"'k W.^nv the duties of his office. Such oath may be taken before any one authorized by law to administer oaths.^ If any person so elected shall fail to take such oath withm the time pre- scribed, the office to which he was elected ^h all be con- sidered vacant. Any vacancy on the board shall be filled in the same manner as is provided m section 4748 of the ^^"^Sec. 4732'. Each county board of education shall meet Meehng of on the third Saturdav of July, 1914, and on the third Sat- - ^Ltion. urday of March of" each year thereafter, and shall or- reco.d^^of^^_ ganize by electing one of its members president, and an- other vice-presid?nt, both of whom shall serve for one year A temporary secretary shall be chosen who shall 22 Regular meet- ings when and where held. Payment of expenses. Existing dis- tricts remain until changed by county board. OfBcers con- tinue until successors elected. Procedure to dissolve rural district and join to others contiguous thereto. Title to prop- erty vests in board of edu- cation to which it is joined. act until a county superintendent has been elected and thereafter the county superintendent shall act as secretary of the board. The secretary shall keep a full record of the proceedings of the board, properly indexed, in a book pro- vided for that purpose. Each motion, with the name of the person making it and the vote thereon, shall be entered on the record. Sec. 4733- The regular meetings of the county board of education shall be held at the office of the county super- intendent. At the time of the first meeting, the board shall fix the time for holding its regular meetings. Regular meetings shall be held at least every two months and when necessary other meetings may be held at the call of the president, or any two members. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum at any regular or special meet- ing. Sec. 4734. Each member of the county board of education shall be paid his actual and necessary expenses incurred during his attendance upon any meeting of the board. Such expenses, and the expenses of the county superintendent, itemized and verified shall be paid from the county board of education fund upon vouchers signed by the president of the board. Sec. 4735. The present existing township and special school districts shall constitute rural school districts until changed by the county board of education, and all officers and members of boards of education of such existing dis- tricts shall continue to hold and exercise their respective offices and powers until their terms expire and until their successors are elected and qualified. Sec. 4735-1. When a petition signed by not less than one-fourth of the electors residing within the territory con- stituting a rural school district, praying that the rural dis- trict be dissolved and joined to a contiguous rural or vil- lage district, is presented to the board of education of such district; or when such board, by a majority vote of the full membership thereof, shall decide to submit the ques- tion to dissolve and join a contiguous rural or village dis- trict, the board shall fix the time of holding such election at a special or general election. The clerk of the board of such district shall notify the deputy state supervisors of elections, of the date of such election and the purposes thereof, and such deputy state supervisors shall provide therefor. The clerk of the board of education shall post notices thereof in five public places within the district. The result shall be determined by a majority vote of such electors. Sec. 4735-2. The legal title of the property of the rural school district, in case such rural district is dissolved and joined to a rural or village district as provided in sec- tion 4735-1, shall become vested in the board of education of the rural or village school district to which such dis- trict is joined. The school fund of such dissolved rural district shall become a part of the fund of the rural or vil- 33 laee school district which it voted to join. The dissolution of such district shall not be complete until the board o educaiion of the district has provided for the payment of any indebtedness that may exist. Sec 47^6 The county board of education shall as soon as oossible after organizing make a survey of its dis- rTct The board shall Irrang? the schools according to toooeraphy and population in order that they may be most easnv accessible to pupils. To this end the county board Tan ha4 power by resolution at any regular or special meeinTtoSge school district lines and transfer ter- ntoryiom one rural of village school district to another A mao dSienating such changes shall be entered on the ^ecord^s of^he boa?d and a copy of the resolution and map shall be filed with the county auditor. In changing bound- .rv ines the b^ard may proceed without regard to township S and shall provide^hat adjoining rural districts are as early equal as^possible in property valuation In no case shall anv rural district be created containing less than fif- een square miles. In changing boundary ines and other w^rk^'f a like nature the -unty boai^ sha a^< h^^^^^^^ ance of the county surveyor and the latter is tiereoy re quired to give the services of his office at the formal re- ^n:c 4;rTru?aTtard of education may submit the Question of centralization, and, upon the petition of no ess than one-fourth of the qualified electors of such rural dfstrict or upon the order of the county board of educa- tion must submit such question to the vote of the qualified dec(o?stf such rural district at a general election or a spe- cial election called for that purpose. If ."If ^ votes are cast in favor of centralization than against it, at such dectiin such rural board of education shall proceed at once to tie cSization of the schools of the rural district, and f necessary purchase a site or sites and erect a suitable building or^bSildings thereon. If, at such election, more vo es a?e cast against the proposition of centralization than for it the quettion shall not again be submitted to the decto^s of such rural district for a period of two years, except upon the petition of at least forty per cent of the '^"Teri72r'whln'^e schools of a rural school district have been ^centralized such centralization shall not be dis- c::tlnued\"thin three years,, and then on X by petition and election as provided in section 4726. U at such election more votes are cast against centralization than for it the SvLionlnto subdistricts as they existed prior to centraliza- finn shall therebv be re-established. . Sec 4747 The board of education of each city, vil- lage and rural school district shall organize on the first \'P A f Totnu^rv nfter the dect on of members of such S''o°nJr„be'r of the board shall be elected president, one as vice president and a person who may or may "Ot be a member of the board shall be elected clerk. The presi- Powers and duties of county board. Question of centralization to be sub- mitted to -vote. Question of de- centralization may be sub- mitted after three years. Date of or- ganization; regular meetings. M Annual meet- ing of all members for discussion of school mat- ters. Power of board to suspend a school. Conveyancce of pupils. When board shall provide transportation. Publication of minimum course of study by county board. Division of county district into super- vision dis- tricts. dent and vice-president shall serve for a term of one year and the clerk for a term not to exceed two years. The board shall fix the time of holding its regular meeting. Sec. 4747-1. Once each year all the members of the boards of education of the various village and rural school districts within any county school district shall hold a meeting for the purpose of discussing matters relating to the schools of such county school district. The county superintendent shall arrange for the time and place of holding such meeting and shall also act as chairman. Sec. 7730. The board of education of any rural or village school district may suspend any or all schools in such village or rural school district. Upon such suspension the board in such village school district may provide and in such rural school district shall provide for the conveyance of the pupils attending such schools to a public school in the rural or village district, or to a public school in another district. When the average daily attendance of any school for the preceeding year has been below twelve, such school shall be suspended and the pupils transferred to such other school or schools as the local board may direct. No school of any rural district shall be suspended or abolished until after sixty days' notice has been given by the school board of such district. Such notice shall be posted in five con- spicuous places within such village or rural school district. Sec. 7731. In all rural and village school districts where pupils live more than two miles from the nearest school the board of education shall provide transportation for such pupils to and from such school. The transporta- tion for pupils living less than two miles from the school house, by the most direct public highway shall be optional with the board of education. When transportation of pu- pils is provided, the conveyance must pass within one-half mile of the respective residences of all pupils, except when such residences are situated more than one-half mile from the public road. When local boards of education neglect or refuse to provide transportation for pupils, the county board of education shall provide such transportation and the cost thereof shall be charged against the local school district. Sec. 4737. The county board of education shall pub- lish with the advice of the county superintendent a min- imum course of study which shall be a guide to local boards of education in prescribing the courses of study for the school under their control. The county board may publish different courses of study for village and rural school dis- tricts. Sec. 4738. The county board of education shall within thirty days after organizing divide the county school dis- trict into supervision districts, each to contain one or more village or rural school districts. The territory of such supervision districts shall be contiguous and compact. In the formation of the supervision districts consideration shall be given to the number of teachers employed, the 25 amount of consolidation and centralization, the condition of the roads and general topography. The territory in the different districts shall be as nearly equal as practicable and the number of teachers employed in any one super- vision district shall not be less than twenty nor more than sixty. The county board of education shall, upon application of three-fourths of the presidents of the village and rural district boards of the county, redistrict the county into supervision districts. Sec. 4739. Each supervision district shall be under the direction of a district superintendent. Such district superintendent shall be elected by the presidents of the village and rural boards of education within such district, except that where such supervision district contains three or less rural or village school districts the boards of educa- tion of such school districts in joint session shall elect such superintendent. The district superintendent shall be em- ployed upon the nomination of the county superintendent but the board electing such district superintendent may by a majority vote elect a district superintendent not so nom- inated. Sec. 4740. Any village or rural district or union of school districts for supervision purposes which already employs a superintendent and which officially certifies by the clerk or clerks of the board of education on or before July 20th, 1914, that it will employ a superintendent who gives at least one-half of his time in supervision, shall upon application to the county board of education be con- tinued as a separate supervision district so long as the superintendent receives a salary of at least one thousand dollars and continues to give one-half of his time to su- pervision work. Such districts shall receive such portion of state aid for the payment of the salary of the district superintendent as is based on the ratio of the number of teachers employed to forty, multiplied by the fraction which represents that fraction of the regular school day which the superintendent gives to supervision. The county superintendent shall make no nomination of a district su- perintendent in such district until a vacancy in such super- intendency occurs. After the first vacancy occurs in the superintendency of such a district all appointments shall be made on the nomination of the county superintendent in the manner provided in section 4739. A vacancy shall occur only when such superintendent resigns, dies or fails of re-election. Any school district or districts, having less than twenty teachers, isolated from the remainder of the county school district by supervision districts provided for in this section shall be joined for supervision purposes to one or more of such supervision districts, but the superintendent or superintendents already employed in such supervision district or districts shall be in charge of the enlarged super- vision district or districts until a vacancy occurs. When county shall be re-districcted. Election of district super- intendent. District which already em- ploys a su- perintendent. Nomination when vacancy occurs. 26 Term of district su- perintendent. Meeting to elect successor to district su- perintendent. Compensation of district superin- tendent. Amount paid by state. County super- intendent; appointment, term, duties. Salary of county super- intendent; how paid. Sec. 4741. The first election of any district superin- tendent shall be for a term not longer than one year, there- after he may be re-elected in the same district for a period not to exceed three years. Whenever for any cause in any district a superintendent has not been appointed by Sep- tember first, the county board of education shall appoint such superintendent for a term of one year. Sec. 4742. Not less than sixty days before the ex- piration of the term of any district superintendent, the presidents of the boards of education within such super- vision district, or in supervision districts which contain three or less village or rural districts, the boards of educa- tion of such districts shall meet and elect his successor. The president of the board in the village or rural district having the largest number of teachers shall issue the call giving at least ten days' notice of the time and place of meeting. He shall also act as chairman and certify the results of such meeting to the county board of education. Sec. 4743. The compensation of the district superin- tendent shall be fixed at the same time that the appoint- ment is made and by the same authority which appoints him; such compensation shall be paid out of the county board of education fund on vouchers signed by the pres- ident of the county board. The salary of any district su- perintendent shall in no case be less than one thousand dollars per annum, half of which salary not to exceed seven hundred and fifty dollars shall be paid by the state and half by the supervision district, except where the num- ber of teachers in any supervision district is less than forty in which case the amounts paid by the state shall be such proportion of half the salary as the ratio of the number of teachers employed is to forty. The half paid by the super- vision district shall be pro-rated among the village and rural school districts in such district in proportion to the number of teachers employed in each district. Sec. 4744. The county board of education at a reg- ular meeting held not later than July 20th, shall appoint a county superintendent for a term not longer than three years commencing on the first day of August. Such county superintendent shall have the educational qualifications mentioned in section 4744-4. He shall be in all respects the executive officer of the county board of education, and shall attend all meetings with the privilege of discussion but not of voting. Sec. 4744-1. The salary of the county superintendent shall be fixed by the county board of education, to be not less than twelve hundred dollars per year, and shall be paid out of the county board of education fund on vouchers signed by the president of the county board. Half of such salary shall be paid by the state and the balance by the county school district. In no case shall the amount paid by the state be more than one thousand dollars. The county board may also allow the county superintendent a sum not to exceed three hundred dollars per annum for 27 traveling expenses and clerical help. The half paid by the county school district shall be pro-rated among the village and rural school districts in the county in proportion to the number of teachers employed in each district. Sec. 4744-2. On or before the first day of August of county board each year the county board of education shall certify to the annuau""^^ county auditor the number of teachers to be employed for number of the ensuing year in the various rural and village school dis- sut^r?ntendents tricts within the county school district, and also the num- sl^a'-'Js^'^and ber of district superintendents employed and their com- amounts ap- penSation and the compensation of the county superin- each°dfstrict. tendent; and such board of education shall also certify to the county auditor the amounts to be apportioned to each district for the payment of its share of the salaries of the county and district superintendents. Sec. 4744-3. The county auditor when making his County auditor semi-annual apportionment of the school funds to the f|?g^ ^^^p^^" various village and rural school districts shall retain the tionment of . . 1 ■• r,i 1- c school funds amounts necessary to pay such portion of the salaries of sum necessary the county and district superintendents as may be certified and^^distd""'^ by the county board. Such amount shall be placed in a superin- separate fund to be known as the "County Board of Educa- countVauditor tion Fund". The county board of education shall certify shall certify to under oath to the state auditor the amount due from the Imount" du°e'^ state as its share of the salaries of the county and dis- ^'■"'" ^*^*^- trict superintendents of such county school district for the next six months. Upon receipt by the state auditor of such certificate, he shall draw his warrant upon the state treas- urer in favor of the county treasurer for the required amount, which shall be placed by the county auditor in the county board of education fund. Sec. 4744. Only such persons shall be eligible as who eligible county superintendents who shall have: plrint^nd'ent". (i) Five years' experience as superintendent and a high school life certificate; or (2) Six years' experience in teaching, two years' ad- ditional experience in supervision, and at least a three-year county high school certificate; or (3) Five years' experience as superintendent and a county high school certificate, and also be a graduate from a recognized institution of college or university rank; or (4) Five years' teaching experience with one year's professional training in school administration and super- vision in a recognized school of college or university rank, and a high school life certificate; or (5) Five years' teaching experience with one year's professional training in school administration and super- vision in a recognized school of college or university rank, and a county high school certificate, and be a graduate from a recognized institution of college or university rank. Sec. 4744-5. Only such persons shall be eligible as wbo eligible district superintendents who shall have : as 6\lllla su- (i) Three years' experience in school supervision, perintendents. and. at least a county high school certificate ; or 28 Offices for county super- intendent and county board of education. Employment of teachers. Designation of Erincipal in ig:h and con- solidated sckools. Duties of dis- trict super- intendent. Assemble teachers for conference. (2) Four years' experience in teaching, one year's additional experience in supervision or one year's training in supervision in an institution of college or university rank and at least a county high school certificate; or ; (3) Three years' experience in teaching, graduation from a first grade high school or its equivalent, and in ad- dition thereto two years' professional training in a recog- nized institution of college or normal school rank for the training of teachers and at least a county high school certificate. The county board of education shall certify to the superintendent of public instruction the qualifications of each county and district superintendent. Sec. 4744-6. The county commissioners of each county shall provide and furnish offices in the county seat for the use of the county superintendent. Such offices shall be the permanent headquarters of the county superintendent and shall be used by the county board of education when in session. Sec. 7705. The board of education of each village, and rural school district shall employ the teachers of the public schools of the district, for a term not longer than three school years, to begin within four months of the date of appointment. The local board shall employ no teacher for any school unless such teacher is nominated therefor by the district superintendent of the supervision district in which such school is located except by a ma- jority vote. In all high schools and consolidated schools one of the teachers shall be designated by the board as principal and shall be the administrative head of such school. Sec. 7706. The district superintendent shall visit the schools under his charge, direct and assist teachers in the performance of their duties, classify and control the pro- motion of pupils, and shall spend not less than three-fourths of his working time in actual class room supervision. He shall report to the county superintendent annually, and oftener if required, as to all matters under his supervision. He shall be the chief executive officer of all boards of education within his district and shall attend any and all meetings. He may take part in their deliberations, but shall not vote. Such time as is not spent in actual super- vision shall be used for organization and administrative purposes and in the instruction of teachers. At the re- quest of the county board of education he shall teach in teachers' training courses which may be organized in the county school district. Sec. 7706-1. The district superintendent shall, as of- ten as advisable, assemble the teachers of his district for the purpose of conference on the course of study, dis- cipline, school management and other school work and for the promotion of the general good of all the schools in the district. The county superintendent shall co-operate with the different district superintendents in holding sucli teach- 29 ers' meetings and shall attend as many of them as his other duties will permit. Sec. 7706-2. It shall be the duty of the district su- perintendent to recommend to the village and rural boards of education within such district, such text books and courses of study as are most suitable for adoption. Sec. 7706-3. The county superintendent shall hold monthly meetings with the district superintendents and advise with them on matters of school efficiency. He shall visit and inspect the schools under his supervision as often as possible and with the advice of the district superin- tendent shall outline a schedule of school visitation for the teachers of the county school district. Sec. 7706-4. The county superintendent shall have direct supervision over the training of teachers in any training courses which may be given in any county school district and shall personally teach not less than one hun- dred nor more than two hundred periods in any one year. It shall be his duty to see that all reports required by law are made out and sent to the county auditor and superin- tendent of public instruction and make such other reports as the superintendent of public instruction may require. Any county superintendent or district superintendent who becomes connected with or becomes an agent of or fi- nancially interested in any book publishing or book selling company or educational journal or magazine, shall become ineligible to hold such office and shall be forthwith re- moved by the board having control over such county super- intendent or district superintendent. Sec. 7706-5. The provisions of this act shall apply only to the public schools of the state. Sec. 5653. After paying all such sheep claims, at the June session of the county commissioners, if there remain more than one thousand dollars of such fund, the excess at such June session, shall be transferred and disposed as follows : in a county in which there is a society for the pre- vention of cruelty to children and animals, incorporated and organized as provided by law, which has one or more agents appointed in pursuance of law, all such excess as the county commissioners deem necessary for the uses and pur- poses of such society by order of the commissioners and upon the warrant of the county auditor shall be paid to the treasurer of such society, and any surplus not so trans- ferred shall be transferred to the county board of educa- tion fund at the direction of the county commissioners. Section 2. That original sections 4679, 4682-1, 4683, 4684, 4685, 46S7, 4688, 4689, 4692, 4696, 4712, 4714, 4715, 4716, 4726, 4727, 4728 to 4744 inclusive, 4747, 5653, 7705, 7706, 7730 and 7731, and sections 4690, 4691, 4713, 4717 to 4725 inclusive of the General Code be and the same are hereby repealed. Recommend text books and courses of study. Duties of county super- intendent. Supervision of training courses; reports. Superintendent fimanciallv interested in book company ineligible to hold such office. Distribution of surplus 9he«p claims fund. 30 State board; appointment and qualifi- cations. Terms _ and vacancies. Power to issue certificates ; record thereof. Professional training of applicants required. (House Bill No. 14.) To amend sections 7805, 7806, 7807, 7808, 7810, 7811 to 7823 in- clusive, 7825, 7830, 7831, 7832, 7832-1, 7834, 7835, 7836, 7837, 7839, 7844, 7845, 7846, 7847, 7854, 7855, 7857, 7858, to add supple- mentary sections 7807-1 to 7807-6 inclusive, 7821'-.!, 7821-2, 7822-1, 7823-1, and 7832-2, and to repeal sections 7740, 7741, 7S48, 7858-1 to 7858-7 inclusive of the General Code relating to the certification and examination of teachers in the public schools. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio : Section i. That sections 7805, 7806, 7807, 7808, 7810, 781 1 to 7823 inclusive, 7825, 7830, 7831, 7832, 7832-1, 7834, 7835, 7836, 7837, 7838, 7839, 7844, 7845, 7846, 7847, 7854, 7855, 7857, 7858 of the General Code be amended and supplementary sections 7807-1 to 7807-7 inclusive, 782 i-i, 7821-2, 7822-1, 7823-1, 7832-2 and 7832-3 be added to read as follows : Sec. 7805. There shall be a state board of school ex- aminers, consisting of five competent persons, resident of the state, to be appointed by the superintendent of public instruction. Not more than three of them shall belong to the same political party. Sec. 7806. The term of office of such examiners shall be five years. The term of one of the examiners shall ex- pire on the thirty-first day of August each year. When a vacancy occurs in the board, whether from expiration of the term of office, refusal to serve, or other cause, the super- intendent of public instruction shall fill it by appointment for the full or unexpired term, as the case demands. Sec. 7807. The board thus constituted may issue three grades of life certificates to such persons as are found to possess the requisite scholarship, and who exhibit satis- factory evidence of good moral character and of profes- sional experience and ability. The certificates shall be for different grades of schools according to branches taught and be valid in the schools specified therein. The clerk of the board shall keep a record of the proceedings, showing the number, date and grade of each certificate, to whom granted, and for what branches of study, and report such statistics to the superintendent of public instruction, an- nually, on or before the thirty-first day of August. Sec. 7807-1. Applicants for life certificates of any kind shall possess an amount of professional training as follows : 1. On and after January first, 191 5, not less than a one-year course or its equivalent in summer school work, in a recognized institution of college or normal school rank for the training of teachers, or a year's course in an arts college on the recognized list, maintaining a practice de- partment. 2. On and after January first, 1920, not less than a two-year course, or its equivalent in summer school work, in a recognized institution of college or normal school rank 91 for the training of teachers, or two years' work ni an arts college on the recognized list maintaining a practice de- partment not less than one-fourth of which work shall be in educational subjects including observation and practice teaching. Sec. 7807-2. In addition to the requirements men- tioned in section 7807-1, every applicant for a life certifi- cate if not a graduate of a recognized institution for the trailing of teachers of college or normal school rank or liberal arts college on the recognized list, shall have had at least fifty months of successful teaching experience and hold a certificate of graduation from a first grade high school or its equivalent. Sec. 7807-3. A graduate from any normal school, teachers' college, college or university, who has completed a full two years' academic and professional course m such institution and who also possesses a first grade high school diploma or its equivalent shall, upon application to the superintendent of public instruction and the payment of a fee of one dollar, be granted without further examination a provisional elementary certificate valid for four years in any school district within the state; provided that such institution has been approved by the superintendent ot public instruction. ,11 Sec. 7807-4. A graduate from any normal school, teachers' college, college or university, who has completed a full four years' academic and professional course m such institution and who also holds a certificate of graduation from a first grade high school or its equivalent shall, upon application to the superintendent of public instruction and the payment of a fee of one dollar, be granted without further examination a provisional high school certificate valid for four years in any school district withm the state ; provided that such institution has been approved by the superintendent of public instruction. Sec 7807-5. A graduate from any normal school, teachers' college, college or university, who has completed a special two-year course, with training school experience in music, drawing, penmanship, manual training, physical culture, domestic science, agriculture, kindergartening, any modern language, or such other studies as are required to be taught by special teachers or supervisors and who also possesses a first grade high school diploma or its equivalent, shall upon application to the superintendent of public in- struction and the pavment of a fee of one dollar, be granted without further examination a provisional special certificate in such subject or subjects valid for four years in any school district within the state; provided that such mstitu- tion has been approved by the superintendent of public instruction. ^ , . . u a ^( Sec 7807-6. It shall be the duty of the state board ot school examiners to issue without examination to every holder of a state provisional certificate, a life certificate of similar kind upon satisfactory evidence that the hold^ Additional re- quirements when appli- cant not a graduate. When elemen- tary certificate may be granted without further ex- amination. When high school cer- tificate may be granted without fur- tker examina- tion. When special certificate may be granted. When life cer- tificate shall be isued to holder of provisional certificate. 32 When state life high school cer- tificate shall be issued to holder of degree. Effect thereof; may be re- voked for Compensation of examiners. County board; how composed. Who eligible as examiners. Term. Revo- cation of ap- pointment. thereof has completed at least twenty-four months of suc- cessful teaching, after receiving such provisional certificate. Sec. 7807-7. The state board of school examiners shall issue without examination, a state life high school certifi- cate to the holder of a degree from any normal school, teachers' college, or university that has been approved by the superintendent of public instruction, upon satisfactory evidence that the holder thereof has completed at least fifty months of successful teaching. Sec. 7808. All certificates issued by such board shall be countersigned by the superintendent of public instruc- tion. They shall supersede the necessity of any and all other examinations of the persons holding them, by any board of examiners, and be valid in any school district in the state, unless revoked by the state board for good cause. Sec. 7810. Each member of the board shall receive five dollars for each day he is necessarily engaged in official service, and also his actual and necessary expenses, to be paid out of the state treasury on the order of the state auditor. All books, blanks and stationery required by the board shall be furnished by the secretary of state. Sec. 781 1. There shall be a county board of school examiners for each county, consisting of the county super- intendent one district superintendent and one other com- petent teacher, the latter two to be appointed by the county board of education. The teacher so appointed must have had at least two years' experience as teacher or superin- tendent, and be a teacher or supervisor in the public schools of the county school district or of an exempted village school district. Should he remove from the county during his term, his office thereby shall be vacated and his suc- cessor appointed. Sec. 7812. No examiner shall teach in, be connected with, or financially interested in any school which is not supported wholly or in part by the state, or be employed as a paid instructor in any teachers' institute in his own county; nor shall any person be appointed as, or exercise the office of examiner who is agent of or financially in- terested in any book publishing or book selling firm, com- pany or business, or in any educational journal or maga- zine. If an examiner becomes connected with or inter- ested in any school not under state control, or is employed in any such institution in his own county, or becomes an agent of or interested in any book company or journal, or fails to hold the necessary teachers' certificate, or removes from the county, the county board of education upon being apprised of such fact, forthwith shall remove such ex- aminer and appoint his successor. Sec. 7813. The term of office of such appointive school examiners shall be two years. The term of one of the examiners shall expire on the thirty-first day of August, each year. The county board of education shall revoke the appointment of any examiner, upon satisfactory proof tha* he is inefficient, intemperate, negligent, guilty of imm("r^' 33 conduct, or that he is using his office for personal or private gain. Sec. 7814. When a vacancy occurs in the board, whether from expiration of the term of office, refusal to serve, or other cause, the county board of education promptly shall fill it by appointment for the full or un- expired term, and within ten days, report this to the super- intendent of public instruction, together with the names of the other members of the board and the date of the expira- tion of their several terms of office. Sec. 7815. Annually, in the month of September, the board of county school examiners shall organize by choos- ing from its members a president and a vice president. The county superintendent shall be the clerk of the board. The president shall preside at all the meetings of the board. In his absence the vice president shall preside. The clerk shall keep a full and accurate record of the proceedings of the board, showing the number, date and character of each certificate issued, to whom, for what term and what branches of study, with such other statistics relating to the examination and proceedings of the board as the super- intendent of public instruction requires, in the form and manner required by him, and make a report of all such items annually on or before the first day of September. Sec. 7816. The board shall make all needful rules and regulations for the proper discharge of its duties and the conduct of its work, subject to statutory provisions and the approval of the superintendent of public instruction. Sec. 7817. Each board shall hold public meetings for the examination of applicants for county teachers' cer- tificates on the first Saturday of September, October, Jan- uary, March, April, May, and the last Friday of June and August of each year, unless any such day falls on a legal ^holiday, in which case, it shall be held on the corresponding day of the succeeding week, at such place within the county as, in the opinion of the board, best will accom- modate the greatest number of applicants. In no case shall the board hold any private examination or antedate any certificate. Sec. 7818. A majority of the board may examine applicants and grant certificates. An applicant for a county teachers' certificate may, if he so elects, take one- half of the subjects in which he is to be examined on one day and the remaining one-half not later than the second regular examination day thereafter. The subjects to be taken the first day by an applicant shall be determined by the board of county examiners. If an applicant electing to take the examination in two days fails to obtain on the first day a grade of seventy-five per cent or more, in any sub- ject or subjects, such applicant may elect to be re-examined in such subject or subjects on the second day on which such applicant is to be examined. As a condition of an appli- cant's being admitted to take the examination he shall pay to the board for the use of the county board of education Vacancies. Organization of board; duties of officers. Rules and regulations. Meetings for examinations; notice. Power of ma- jority to grant certificates. Applicant may elect to take one-half the subjects at each of two regular ex- aminations. 34 Uniform system of examination. Disposition of fees. What and how many certifi- cates may be granted. Valid from September following. Five and eight year certifi- cates; how renewed. How certifi- cates in force, renewed. Professional training re- quired of ap- plicants for one-year and three-year cer- tificates. fund a fee of fifty cents. Applicants taking the examina- tion in two parts shall make on the date when each part is taken an application accompanied with a fee of fifty cents. Sec. 7819. The questions for all county teachers' ex- aminations shall be prepared and printed under the direc- tion of the superintendent of public instruction. A suf- ficient number of lists shall be sent, under seal, to the clerks of such boards of examiners not less than five days before each examination, such seal to be broken at the time of' the examination at which they are to be used, in the presence of the applicants and a majority of the members of the examining board. Sec. 7820. The clerk of the board of county school examiners shall promptly collect all fees from applicants at each examination and pay them into the county treasury monthly. He shall file with the county auditor a written statement of the amount, and the number of applicants, male and female, examined during the month. All money thus received, shall be set apart by the auditor to the credit of the county board of education fund. Sec. 7821. County boards of school examiners may grant teachers' certificates for one year and three years which shall be valid in all village, and rural school dis- tricts of the county wherein they are issued. Not more than three one-year certificates and not more than one three-year certificate may be issued to any one person. Such three-year certificate may be renewed twice only on proof of successful teaching. Such certificate shall be valid for one year and three years respectively from the first day of September follow- ing the day of the examination. Sec. 7821-1. All five-year and eight-year certificates now granted shall continue in force until the end of their terms and shall be renewed by the superintendent of public instruction upon proof that the holders thereof have taught successfully until the time of each renewal. Each appli- cation for renewal shall be accompanied by a fee of fifty cents and shall be filed in the ofiice of the superintendent of public instruction. Sec. 7821-2. All two-year and three-year primary, elementary and high school certificates now granted shall continue in force until the end of their terms and may be renewed by the county boards of examiners on proof of. five years' successful teaching experience. Sec. 7822.. Applicants for a one-year or a three-year elementary certificate shall possess an amount of profes- sional training not less than the following: 1. On and after Janury ist, 191 5, not less than six weeks of class room instruction in a recognied institution for the training of teachers. 2. On and after January ist, 1916, not less than twelve weeks of class room instruction, in a recognized in- stitution for the training of teachers. 35 3- On and after January ist, 191 7, not less than eighteen weeks of class room instruction in a recognized institution for the training of teachers. 4. On and after January ist, 1918, not less than twenty-four weeks of class room instruction in a recognized institution for the training of teachers. 5. On and after January ist, 19 19, not less than thirty weeks of class room instruction in a recognized institution for the training of teachers. 6. On and after January ist, 1920, and thereafter not less than one year of class room instruction in a recog- nized institution for the training of teachers. Sec. 7822-1. On and after January first, 1915, all applicants for a one-year or a three-year elementary cer- tificate shall have had at least one year's training in an approved high school or its equivalent and on and after January first, 1920, all applicants for such certificate shall have had at least two years' training in an approved high school or its equivalent. Sec. 7823. Applicants for a one-year or a three-year high school or special certificate shall possess qualifications in professional training as follows : 1. On and after January ist, 191 5, not less than six weeks of class room instruction in a recognized school for the training of teachers. 2. On and after January ist, 1916, not less than twelve weeks of class room instruction in a recognized school for the training of teachers. 3. On and after January ist, 1917, not less than eighteen weeks of class room instruction in a recognized school for the training of teachers. 4. On and after January ist, 1918, not less than twenty-four weeks of class room instruction in a recog- nized school for the training of teachers. 5. On and after January ist, 1919, not less than thirty weeks of class room instruction in a recognized school for the training of teachers. 6. On and after January ist, 1920, and thereafter not less than one year of class room instruction in a recognized school for the training of teachers. Sec. 7823-1. On and after January first, 1915, all applicants for a one-year or a three-year high school or special certificate shall have had at least two years' train- ing in an approved high school, or its equivalent, and on and after January first, 1920, all applicants for high school and special certificates shall have certificates of graduation from a first grade high school or its equivalent. Sec. 7825. Every applicant for a teacher's certificate shall be required to take in addition to the written ex- amination, to test academic and professional knowledge, a practical test in actual teaching. Such test shall be made at any time during the preceding year or before the appli- cant receives his certificate, by a member of the board of examiners, a local supervisor, a teacher of method or any Training re- quired after Jan. 1, 1915, and Jan. 1, 1920. Professional training re- quired of ap- plicants for one-year or _ three-year high high school or special cer- tificate. Training re- quired after Jan. 1, 1915, and after Jan. 1, 1920. Additional test to writ- ten examina- tion. When and by whom made. 36 Elementary certificate; branches. High school certificate; branches. Teachers' special cer- tificates. Teachers' emergenccy certificates. other competent person authorized by the county board of school examiners to make such test. Apphcants without previous teaching experience may be given such class room test in the practice department of any recognized summer school. The test shall include three subjects of instruc- tion unless the applicant desires a special certificate in which case three separate tests shall be given in the desired subject. Each applicant shall make a satisfactory showing in both written and practical tests. The superintendent of public instruction shall prescribe the forms for such examination. Sec. 7830. No person shall be employed or enter upon the performance of his duties as a teacher in any ele- mentary school supported wholly or in part by the state in any village, or rural school district who has not obtained from a board of school examiners having legal jurisdiction a certificate of good moral character; that he or she is qualified to teach orthography, reading, v/riting, arithmetic, English grammar and composition, geography, history of the United States, physiology, including narcotics, literature and elementary agriculture, and that he or she possesses an adequate knowledge of the theory and practice of teaching. Sec. 7831. No person shall be employed or enter upon the performance of his duties as a teacher in any recognized high school supported wholly or in part by the state in any village, or rural school district, or act as a superintendent of schools in such district, who has not obtained from a board of examiners having legal jurisdiction a certificate of good moral character; that he or she is qualified to teach six branches or more selected from the following course of study: (three of which branches shall be algebra, rhetoric and physics) : Literature, general history, algebra, physics, physiology, including narcotics, Latin, German, rhetoric, civil government, geometry, physical geography, botany and chemistry, and high school agriculture ; and that he or she possesses an adequate knowledge of the theory and practice of teaching. Sec. 7832. No person shall be employed and enter upon the performance of his duties as a special teacher of music, drawing, painting, penmanship, gymnastics, Ger- man, French, Spanish, the commercial and industrial branches, or any one of them, in any elementary or high school supported wholly or in part by the state in any city, village, or rural school district, who has not obtained from a board of examiners having legal jurisdiction a cer- tificate of good moral character that he or she is qualified to teach the special branch or branches of study, and, in addition thereto, possesses an adequate knowledge of the theory and practice of teaching. Sec. 7832-1. A "teacher's emergency certificate" which shall be valid for one year in any village or rural school district in the county may be granted by the county board of school examiners with the approval of the superin- tendent of public instruction to applicants who have had 37 one year s expeneiiLe teaching in the pubHc schools when- ever for any reason there is a shortage of teachers in such district. Sec. 7832-2. The county board of school examiners may at their discretion grant one year certificates to teach- ers who have completed a one year normal course in any high school or normal school which has been approved by the superintendent of public instruction. Such certificates shall be valid in any village or rural school district in the county in which it is granted and may be renewed for one or three years without examination. Sec. 7832-3. The county board of school examiners shall grant one-year certificates to graduates of first grade high schools who have completed in addition to the high school a one-year professional course in any high school or normal school which has been approved by the superinten- dent of public instruction. Sec. 7834. Each member of the county board of school examiners, except the clerk thereof shall receive ten dollars for each examination of fifty applicants or less, fourteen dollars for each examinatoon of more than fifty applicants and less than one hundred, eighteen dollars for each exam- ination of one hundred applicants and less than one hun- dred and fifty, twenty-two dollars for each examination of one hundred and fifty applicants and less than two hundred, and four dollars for each additional fifty applicants, or fraction thereof, to be paid out of the county treasury on the order of the county auditor. 'Books, blanks and station- ery required by the board of examiners shall be furnished by the county board of education. Sec. 7835. Such board may contract for the use of suitable rooms in which to conduct examinations, may procure fuel and light, and employ janitors, to take charge of the rooms and keep them in order. Expenses so in- curred, shall be paid out of the county treasury on orders of the county auditor, who shall issue them upon the certificate of the president of the board, counter-signed by the clerk. Sec. 7836. On or before the first day of September in each year, the clerk of such board shall prepare, and for- ward to the superintendent of public instruction, a state- ment of the numl^er of examinations held by the board, the number of applicants examined, the total number of cer- tificates granted, and the number for each term mentioned in this chapter, the amount of fees received and paid to the county treasurer, the amounts received from the county treasury by the members of the l^oard for their services, with such other statistics and information in relation to the duties of the board as such superintendent requires. He shall also deposit with the county auditor a bond, with surety to be approved by the auditor, in the sum of three hundred dollars, that he will pay into the county treasury, monthly, the examination fees received by the board, and make tlie statistical returns required by this chapter. Teachers hav- ing one year normal course may be grantei one year cer- tificates. Graduates of first grade high school may be granted one year cer- tificates. Compensation of exam- iners. Expenses of board. Annual report of clerk; bond. 38 No additional compensation as clerk. City board of school exam- iners. Appointment, term. Removal and vacancies. Certificates for one year and three years. Certificates for five and eight years; renewals. Renewal of two and tkree year cer- tificates. Certificates may be issued without formal examinations. Duties of clerk of city board of school exam- Sec. 7837. The county superintendent shall receive no additional compensation for his services as clerk of the county board of school examiners. Sec. 7838. There shall be a city board of school ex- aminers for each city school district. Such board shall consist of the city superintendent of schools and two other competent teachers serving- full time in the day schools of such city to be appointed by the city board of educa- tion. The term of office of such examiners shall be two years each, one to be appointed each year ; and shall expire on the thirty-first day of August. Sec. 7839. The board of education may revoke any appointment upon satisfactory proof that the appointee is inefficient, intemperate, negligent, or guilty of immoral con- duct. When a vacancy occurs in the board, whether from expiration of term of office, refusal to serve, or other cause, the board shall fill it by appointment for the full or unexpired term, as the case demands. Within ten days after an appointment, the clerk of the board shall report to the superintendent of public instruction the name of the appointee, and whether the appointment is for a full or an unexpired term. Sec. 7844. Each city board of school examiners may grant teachers' certificates for one year and three years from the first day of September following the examination, which shall be valid within the district wherein they are issued. But certificates granted for one year or three years must be regarded as provisional certificates and shall be renewed only twice each. Sec. 7845. All five-year and eight-year certificates now granted shall continue in force until the end of their terms and shall be renewed by the superintendent of public instruction upon proof that the holders thereof have taught successfully until the time of each renewal. Each applica- tion for renewal shall be accompanied by a fee of fifty cents and shall be filed in the office of the superintendent of public instruction. Sec. 7846. All tv/o-year and three-year primary, ele- mentary and high school certificates now granted shall con- tinue in force until the end of their terms and may be renewed by the city boards of examiners on proof of five years successful teaching experience. Sec. 7847. County and city boards of school examin- ers at their discretion may issue certificates without formal examinations to holders of certificates granted by other city and county boards of school examiners. Sec. 7854. The clerk of the city board of school ex- aminers shall keep a record of its proceedings, and such statistics as the superintendent of public instruction re- quires, in the form and manner he requires, and report such statistics to him annually, on or before the first day of September. 39 Sec. 7855. Such clerk shall pay the examination fees Disposition received by him to the treasurer of the district within ten of^examination days after each meeting, and at the same time file with the clerk of the board of education a written statement of the amount, also a statement of the number of applicants, male and female, examined, the number of certificates granted, and for what terms. Sec. 7857. All manuscripts filed as answers to ques- Manuscripts tions shall be kept on file for sixty days by the members of shall be kept the examining board, it any applicant has cause to and days, does believe that he has been discriminated against and his manuscripts unfairly graded, he may review his manu- scripts with the member or members of the board having them in charge at any time within sixty days after his returns from the examination. If after such inspection and review, he is still of the opinion that the board will not Review, correct the error, if any, and issue his certificate, he may appeal his case to the superintendent of public instruction for final review. Sec. 7858. Every appeal from the board of examiners How appeal shall be in the form of an affidavit setting forth the facts ?^suit.^ ^''^"' as the applicant believes them and shall be accompanied by a fee of one dollar to cover the expenses incident to such appeal. Upon receipt of such affidavit and fee the superin- tendent of public instruction shall require the clerk of such board to procure and forward the manuscripts of such applicant, together with a full explanation of the reasons for the board's action. If upon examination of the manuscripts, and record the superintendent finds that the applicant was denied a certificate when one should have been granted him and has been discriminated against by the board, the superintendent shall order forthwith a cer- tificate to be issued of the date of the examination attended by the applicant, and he shall indicate the length of time such certificate shall i)e valid. If, upon inspection of the manuscript and reviewing the facts submitted, the super- intendent of public instruction concludes that no injustice has been done, he shall so notify the applicant and the clerk of the board of examiners. Section 2. That original sections 7805, 7806, 7807, Repeals. 7808, 7740, 7810, 781 T, 7812, 7813, 7814, 7815, 7816, 7817. 7818, 7819, 7820. 7821, 7822, 7821, 78^0, 78^1, 7832, 7832-1, 7834, 7835, 7836, 7837, 7-^38, 7839, 78-14, 7845, 7846, 7847. 7854, 7855, 7857, and 7858 and sections 7825. 7740, 7741, 7848 and 7858-1 to 7858-7 inclusive be and the same are iiereby repealed. 40 Salary of teachers. School dis- tricts eligible to state aid. Number of school age re- quired to en- title district to state aid. (House Bill No. 15.) To amend sections 7595 and 7597 of the General Code and add supplementary section 7595-1, relating to the salaries of teach- ers and aid to weak school districts. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: Section i. That sections 7595 and 7597 of the Gen- eral Code be amended and supplementary section 7595-1 be added to read as follows : Sec. 7595. No person shall be employed to teach in any public school in Ohio for less than forty dollars a month. When a school district has not sufficient money to pay its teachers such salaries as are provided in section 7595-1, for eight months of the year, after the board of education of such district has made the maximum legal school levy, three-fourths of which shall be for the tuition fund, then such school district may receive from the state treasurer sufficient money to make up the deficiency. Sec. 7595-1. Only such school districts shall be eligi- ble to receive state aid which pay salaries as follows : (i) Elementary teachers without previous teaching experience in the state and with no professional training, forty dollars per month. (2) Elementary teachers having at least six weeks professional training, forty-five dollars per month. (3) Elementary teachers who have completed the full two years course in any normal school, teachers' col- lege, college or university approved by the superintendent of public instruction, fifty-five dollars per month. (4) High school teachers seventy dollars per month. Sec. 7597. No district shall be entitled to state aid as provided in sections 7595, 7595-1 and 7596 unless the number of persons of school age in such district is at least twenty times the number of teachers employed therein, and the schools in such district are maintained at least eight months of the year. Section 2. That original sections 7595 and 7597 be and the same are hereby repealed. Annual divi- sion of rents of school lands. (House Bill No. 16.) To amend sections 3203, 3204, 4763, 4782, 4784, 7582, 7600, 7602, and 7802 of the General Code, relating to school district funds. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: Section i. That sections 3203, 3204, 4763, 4782, 4784, 7582, 7600, 7602 and 7802 of the General Code be amended to read as follows : Sec. 3203. When, after the payment of just claims and necessary expenses, there is money in the hands of the treasurer arising from the rents of school lands, at least once a year, the trustees shall meet at the office or residence of the treasurer, and make a dividend thereof among the 41 several school districts, or parts of districts within the original township, on the basis of thirty dollars for each teacher, and the balance according to the average daily at- tendance in the schools of such districts, and upon the order of the trustees, the treasurer shall pay out such money. Sec. 3204. The clerk of the board of education of any district which, in whole or in part, is composed of ter- ritory within the bounds of an original township incor- porated as herein provided, shall, on demand of the clerk of such township, furnish him a certified copy of the re- port of the number of teachers employed and the average daily attendance of pupils in the schools within the bounds of such original township in such school districts, and the dividend shall be made on the basis of such certified re- port. Sec. 4763. In each city school district, the treasurer of the city funds shall be the treasurer of the school funds. In all village and rural school districts which do not pro- vide legal depositories as provided in sections 7604 to 7608 inclusive, the county treasurer shall be the treasurer of the school funds of such districts. Sec. 4782. When a depository has been provided for the school moneys of a district, as authorized by law, the board of education of the district, by resolution adopted by a vote of a majority of its members, shall dispense with a treasurer of the school moneys, belonging to such school district. In such case, the clerk of the board of education of a district shall perform all the services, discharge all the duties and be subject to all the obligations required by law of the treasurer of such school districts. Sec. 4784. If for any reason, a depository in sucli district ceases to act as custodian of the school moneys they shall be placed in the custody of the treasurer of the city or county in which the school district is located as pro- vided in section 4763. Such moneys shall be held and dis- bursed by the treasurer in all respects as required by law until another depository is provided for such moneys. Thereupon he shall place such money in the depository and his duties and obligations relating thereto shall then cease. Sec. 7582. The auditor of state shall apportion the state common school fund to the several counties of the state semi-annually, upon the basis of the enumeration of youth therein, as shown by the latest abstract of enumera- tion transmitted to him by the superintendent of public instruction. Before making his February settlement with county treasurers, he shall apportion such amount thereof as he estimates to have been collected up to that time, and, in the settlement sheet which he transmits to the auditor of each county, shall certify the amount payable to the treas- urer of his county. Before making his final settlement with county treasurers each year he shall apportion the re- mainder of the whole fund collected, as nearly as it can be ascertained, and in the August settlement sheet which he Clerk of the board shall furnish cer- tified report of number of teachers and average daily atendance. Treasurer of the school funds. When treas- urer of school funds may be dis- pensed with. Where moneys placed when depository ceases to act. Apportionment of school funds by auditor of state. 42 Apportionment of school funds by county auditor. Apportionment when county line divides original sur- veyed town- ship. District not entitled to school funds when enumera- tion not taken. Lia- bility of clerk. transmits to the auditor of each county shall certify the amount payable to the treasurer of his county. Sec. 7600. After each annual settlement with the county treasurer, each county auditor shall immediately apportion school funds for his county. The state common school funds shall be apportioned as follows : Each school district within the county shall receive thirty dollars for each teacher employed in such district, and the balance of such funds shall be apportioned among the various school districts according to the average daily attendance of pupils in the schools of such districts. If an enumeration of the youth of any district has not been taken and returned for any year and the average daily attendance of such district has not been certified to the county auditor such district shall not be entitled to receive any portion of that fund. The local school tax collected from the several districts shall be paid to the districts from which it was collected. Money received from the state on account of interest on the common school fund shall be apportioned to the school districts and parts of districts within the ter- ritory designated by the auditor of state as entitled thereto on he basis of thirty dollars for each teacher employed and the balance according to the average daily attendance. All other money in the county treasury for the support of com- mon schools and not otherwise appropriated by law, shall be apportioned annually in the same manner as the state common school fund. Sec. 7602. When an original surveyed township or fractional township is situated in two or more counties, and the land granted thereto by congress for the support of public schools has been sold, the auditor of the county to whose treasurer the interest on the proceeds- of such sale is paid must apportion such interest to the counties in which such township is situated in proportion to the youth of the township enumerated in each. Such auditor shall certify to the auditor of each of the other counties the amount so ascertained to belong to the part of the town- ship situated in his county, and transmit to the treasurer of each of such counties an order on the treasurer of his own county for such amount. The auditor of each county shall . apportion the amount of such interest belonging to the part of the township in his county, to the districts or parts of districts entitled thereto as is provided for the apportion- ment of the state common school funds in section 7600, and certify and pay it to the proper school officers, as pro- vided in section 7601. Sec. 7802. If an enumeration of the youth of a dis- trict be not taken and returned in any year, such district shall not be entitled to receive any part of the school funds distributable in that year. If such loss to a district occurs through the failure of the clerk of the board of education of a district to perform the duty required of him under section seventy-seven hundred and ninety-nine, he shall be liable to the district for the loss, which may be recovered in an 43 action in the name of the state. The money so recovered shall be paid into the county treasury, and apportioned as the school funds so lost would have been apportioned. Section 2. That original sections 3203, 3204, 4763, 4782, 4784, 7582, 7600, 7602 and 7802 of the General Code be and the same are hereby repealed. Repeals. (House Bill No. 24.) To amend sections 7868 and 7869 of the General Code and to add supplemental sections 7654-1, 7654-2, 7654-3, 7654-4, 7654-5, 7654-6, 7654-7, and 7868-1 of the General Code relating to the training of teachers for village and rural schools. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: Section i. That sections 7860, 7865, 7868, 7869, 7870 and 7873 of the General Code be amended and supplemental sections 7654-1, 7654-2, 7654-3. 7654-4, 7654-5- 7654-6, 7654- 7 and 7868-1 be added to read as follows: Sec. 7654-1. Boards of education which maintain first grade high schools in village or rural districts may establish normal departments in such schools for the training of teachers for village and rural schools. Not more than three such normal schools shall be established in any one county school district, and not more than one such department shall be maintained in any village or rural district. At least one such school in each county shall be located in a rural district or in a village with less than 1,500 population, and not more than one such school in each county shall be located in a village having a population of 1,500 or more. Schools desiring such a department shall make application therefor to the superintendent of public instruction and a copy of such application shall be filed with the county superintend- ent. The superintendent of public instruction shall examine all applications and shall designate such schools as may establish such departments. Sec. 7654-2. Each high school normal department shall offer at least a one-year course for the training of teachers. The entrance requirements of such departments shall be fixed by the superintendent of public instruction. Such departments may offer short courses during the school year but shall not offer summer courses unless practice depart- ments are maintained during such courses. Sec. 7654-3. Each normal department* shall employ a director and such other instructors as the superintendent of public instruction may prescribe. Such director and in- structors shall be employed on the nomination of the county superintendent. No director or instructor in any normal training department shall be paid less than seventy-five dollars per month. Sec. 7654-4. Each normal department may maintain a practice division and shall be authorized to arrange with different boards of education for observation and practice Rural first grade high schools may establish nor mal depart- ments for training of teachers. Wkere and how estab- lished. Courses and entrance re- quirements. Employment of director and instructors. Salaries. Practice divi sion may be maintained. 44 Board of edu- cation shall receive state aid not to ex- ceed $1,000. Department of efficiency tests and survey by O. S. U. and other schools and colleges supported by the state. State normal schools author- ized to main- tain a model one room rural school in cer- tain districts. State aid. Election of officers; no- notice; ex- pense. Report by county super- intendent. teaching privilege in the rural schools under their con- trol. Sec. 7654-5. The board of education in any village or rural school district which maintains a normal training de- partment approved by the superintendent of public instruc- tion shall receive from the state, the cost of maintaining such department in a sum not to exceed one thousand dol- lars per annum for each school so maintained. Such amount shall be allowed by the auditor of state upon the approval of the superintendent of public instruction, but no payment by the state shall be made for work in such schools prior to January i, 1915. Sec. 7654-6. There shall be established in the college of education of the Ohio State University and in each of the normal schools and colleges which are maintained either wholly or in part by state funds, a department of efficiency tests and survey. Such departments shall at the request of the superintendent of public instruction assist him in working out efficiency methods in school administration, and in conducting co-operative school surveys. Sec. 7654-7. Each of the state normal schools at Athens, Oxford, Bowling Green, and Kent shall be au- thorized to arrange with the boards of education of not more than six non-centralized rural districts to assume the management of a one one-room rural school in each dis- trict and maintain such schools as model one-room rural schools. Each state normal school which complies with the provisions of this section subject to the approval of the superintendent of public instruction shall receive $500 an- nually from the state for each of such schools when vouch- ers therefor have been approved by the superintendent of public instruction. Sec. 7860. The county teachers' institute, annually, shall elect by ballot, a president and a secretary. Such election of officers shall be held during the session of such institute and at a time fixed by the county board of educa- tion. At least three days' notice of the election shah be given the members of such institute by posting conspicu- ously in the room, where the institute is held a notice of the time and place of holding it, and the officers to be voted for. The expenses of conducting such institute shall be paid out of the county board of education fund upon the order of the president of the county board of education. Sec. 7865. ' Within five days after the adjournment of the institute, the county superintendent shall report to the superintendent of public instruction the number of teach- ers in attendance, the names of instructors and lecturers at- tending, the amount of money received and disbursed by the county board of education and such other information relating to the institute as the superintendent of public in- struction requires. 45 Sec. 7870. thorized by the education of all superintendents Sec. 7868. The teachers' institutes of each county shall be under the supervision of the county boards of educa- tion. Such boards shall decide by formal resolution at any regular or special meeting held prior to February ist of each year whether a county institute shall be held in the county during the current year. Sec. 7868-1. Each village and rural boards of educa- tion in counties in which no county institute has been held in any year shall pay ten dollars to each teacher employed by such board, who has attended for at least six weeks dur- ing such year, a recognized summer school for the training of teachers. Sec. 7869. All teachers and superintendents of the public schools within any county in which a county insti- tute is held while the schools are in session may dismiss their schools for the purpose of attending such institute. The county boards of education shall decide the length of time county institutes may remain in session, in no case for longer period than five days. At least one day of such session shall be under the immediate direction of the county superintendent who shall arrange the program for such day. When a teachers' institute has been au- county board of education the boards of school districts shall pay the teachers and of their respective districts their regular salary for the week they attend the institute upon the teach- ers or superintendents presenting certificates of full regular daily attendance, signed by the county superintendent. If the institute is held when the public schools are not in ses- sion, such teachers or superintendents shall be paid two dollars a day for actual daily attendance as certified by the county superintendent, for not more than five days of actual attendance, to be paid as an addition to the first month's salary after the institute, by the board of educa- tion by which such teacher or superintendent is then em- ployed. In case he or she is unemployed at the time of the institute, such salary shall be paid by the board next em- ploying such teacher or superintendent, if the term of em- ployment begins within three months after the institute closes. Sec. 7873. If the board of a district does not provide for such institute in any year, it shall cause the institute fund in the hands of the district treasurer for the year to be paid to the treasurer of the county wherein the district is situated, who shall place it to the credit of the county board of education fund. The teachers of the schools of such district in such case, shall be entitled to the advan- tages of the county institute, subject to the provisions of sections seventy-eight hundred and sixty-nine, and seventy- eight hundred and seventy. The clerk of the board shall make the report of the institute required by section 7874. Section 2. That original sections 7860, 7865, 7868, 7869, 7870, 7873, and sections 7861, 7862, 7866 and 7867 of the General Code be and the same are hereby repealed. County board of education shall deter- mine whether institute shall be held. When boards of education shall pay teachers who attended summer school Teachers may dismiss school to attend in- stitute. Time institutes may remain in session. Pay for at- tending insti- tutes. When found in city dis- trict to be Caid into oard of edu- cation fund. "'epeals. 46 Appropriation for aid of weak school districts. (House Bill No. 31.) Relative to appropriating money for the assistance of weak school districts. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: Section i. That there be and is hereby appropriated from any moneys raised or coming into the state treasury for the support of the comomn schools and not otherwise appropriated, to assit in the maintenance of weak school districts, the balance of former appropriation and the sum of eighty-five thousand dollars which shall be distributed by the auditor of state in accordance with the provisions of the act passed April 2, 1906, as amended April 18, 1913. Levy for sinking fund and interest. Former bonds shall be legal. Repeal. Emergency, act. (House Bill No. 151.) To amend section 5649-1 of the General Code and to supplement the same by the enactment of a supplementary section to be known as 5649-la, relating to levies for sinking fund and in- terest purposes. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: Section i. That section 5649-1 of the General Code be amended and that it be supplemented by the enactment of a supplementary section to be known as section 5649-ia, to read as follows : Sec. 5649-1. In any taxing district, the taxing author- ity shall, within the limitations now prescribed by law, levy a tax sufficient to provide for sinking fund and interest purposes for all bonds issued by any political subdivision, which tax shall be placed before and in preference to all other items, and for the full amount thereof. Sec. 5649-ia. All bonds heretofore issued by any political subdivision for a lawful purpose which have been sold for not less than par and accrued interest and the pro- ceeds thereof paid into the treasury, shall be held to be legal, valid and binding obligations of the political sub- division issuing the same. Section 2. That said original section 5649-1 of the General Code be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 3. This act is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Such necessity arises from the fact that many public improvements are in the course of construction and can not be completed except by the isue of bonds; that by recent judicial con- struction a doubt has arisen about power to issue bonds which would cause delay in the completion of said public improvements, which completion is necessary to the public health and safety.