D 570 .15 .M17 Copy 1 D 570 .15 .Ml? Copy 1 ADDRESS BY HON. W. G. McADOO, SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY, AT MADISON HIGH SCHOOL, MADISON, WIS., OCTOBER 3. 1917. Gov. Phillips, Toung ladies, an terrible curse upon mankind. Isn't it a reflection on the civilization i of this day that any one man should have the power to plunge the ' world into this horrible abyss of suffering and disaster ? That i the thing — military autocracy — we have got to destroy, because ■ democracies are incapable of that sort of thing. Where peoples are ) self-governing, where they are free, where they determine their own lives they are incapable of the commission of such colossal crimes. • Those stricken people in Europe, in the blackness of three years of night and suffering, with hope almost destroyed, with the talons of j despair clutching at their hearts, are suddenly revived^bj'- what? ) A light, this time in the West, instead of in the East. What is it? \ America — America to the rescue, holding aloft the torch of liberty again, dispelling despair and illuminating the dark recesses of the night and bring the assurance of peace to agonized humanity. That ! is our mission, a glorious mission for old America and young America ; and, by God's help, we shall soon succeed ! o LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 018 465 834 WASHINGTON- : CiOVEUXMEN'i I'lUNTING OFFICE : 1017 LIBRARY OF CONf5RPcc mmrnm 018 465 834 3