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This theory was presented by the author of this work first at Barnes ville, Mo., December, 1886, and now in presenting this work to the world, we think that it is eminently proper that we should, at the very outset, give some reasons for so doing, for the title may of itself provoke inquiry; therefore, let us look at it first, or at least such portion as would most likely meet with criticism, that is, Creation and Formation. The reader, at the first, and even after consulting his dictionary, will be likely to say: "Why, these are synonymous terms, meaning almost one and the same thing," and such is the generally received opinion among the masses. But as it is necessary to the rightful understanding of the facts grouped to- gether in this work, let us distinctly understand the relative mean- ing of those words, similar as they seem to be : Creation is to create; is to cause something tangible to exist and have a place, or being, out of something intangible, or made out of that which had no such place or being. Or in other words, God spoke into existence something out of nothing. Formation is the making or forming of something out of some- thing that already exists, or that had been created out of nothing. Hence, formation is, for example, as much relative to creation as the house is to the green tree of the forest, or as the brick house is to the clay. The tree stands in the forest, the clay in the earth, as God created them until they are taken by human hands and formed into the house — but no human being can create the tree or clay. But again. For instance you take the required amount of steel and bone and from it you can form a knife, but no human being can create the bone that the knife is formed from. And again, we say that the Gentiles were created from nothing by the power of God, and thereby became tangible from intangible. The Jew was formed by the same God from the dust of the ground — that dust which God had created. Therefore, keeping in mind these simple facts, the title of our work will elucidate, or unfold itself as we proceed. The object had in view by the author of this work is to gather together, and present in a reasonable and thorough manner, a close- ly interwoven chain of Bible facts upon the title of this work, that will unfold clearly the mysteries kept secret from the beginning of the world until the first advent of Christ upon earth as a God-man, and which since that time until the present, through the per- tinicious, and pernicious, and misteachings of those who set them- selves up as the teachers for gain, and have the mysteries still remain, only make the mist heavier. But as for priestism and lordism, we shall merely bring to light their soft, dark sayings and leave them to the world where they belong, and the great Creator will avenge their insult offered in his face by them. For we desire only to so lay facts before you that you will be able to disentrall yourselves from the chains of thraldom by which these blind teach- ers of the blind have so long led you. But now, coming to the glorious light of God given and God like liberty, that we may all become one in heart, soul, body, mind and strength and faith in Christ Jesus our Lord, as he so earnestly prayed for, that we might be one as He and the Father was one. And now we will say that a careful, thoughtful and prayerful perusel of the following pages will roll away forever the dark shadows that so long hung over the world, and all the mysteries that appear to be from the first chapter of Genises up to the last chap- ter of Revelations, with its deception of the beast, all will become as clear as the noonday sun. And we offer no apology to common history, theology, geology, or any so called scientific ology whatever. We shall produce nothing as true facts save the Bible and its true witnesses, for the Bible within itself is sufficient proof to establish our subject, for with us the Bible is a lamp to our feet and a light to our pathway. And now we cordially invite the reader of this to follow us through carefully from the first chapter of Genises to the last chap- ter of Revelations, laying aside all prejudice, and as a new born babe desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby; or as hunting for a golden gem of great prize. But as the following- pages of our work are intended to convey such information to the reader, and to set before him these precious truths of the Divine Word of God ; those truths Jesus sealed with his blood ; and sancti- fied by his death ; and was witnessed by the blood of the apostles and early christians, and through the blessings of God they have been handed down to us. I shall not stop here to anticipate what follows, but cast myself in the presence of God and upon the generosity of my readers, praying that this work may not pass through their hands without a great blessing from Him who can alone make any means of instruc- tion profitable, but who is sometimes pleased to magnify His own omnipotence by the very weakness and feebleness of the instru- ments which He employs, and by such means many have been made to rejoice in the love and faith of the Lord and Savior Jesus Chris'.. Therefore, in faith and love we leave this with you and turn to the preface of the cause of our writing on this subject. May God Bless Yon ; Amen. bzejooustid peepace CBEATION ^_InTJD FOBMATIOIT OR TEE GENTILE AKD TEE JEW; OR THE SEALED BOOK OPENED; OR THE WORD OF TRUTH RIGHTLY DIVIDED THAT SETS EORTII THE TRUE CHURCH OF CHRIST. And now, that there may r.ot be any misapprehension by the reader upon the title of our work, we shall define or make definite our title. "Creation and formation" includes God's entire work, both of creation and formation. But the next clause, "the Gentile and the Jew," represents just such a portion of creation and forma- tion as we will take up in our work, or subject, except such explana- tions as will be necessary to make plain our subject. And why we have chosen this title is from the fact that we knew nothing, and had been taught nothing, from our mother's knee, but Roman Catholicism — all through childhood and manhood, until we had reached our thirtieth year — which was nothing but confession, ab- solution, catechism, prayer book, beads, medals, crosses, scapulars, and to pray to the saints, the blessed virgin; and also the mass, the kissing of the priest's hand and the buckles on the bishop's shoes which are upon his feet, and do penance to gain indulgences, etc. And all through this superstitious worships of images and idols we never got to read the word of God for ourselves, for the very teach- ing of priestism was that if we did read it we could not understand it, that there was no one but the prelators of the Roman Catholic Church who were able to interpret it, for they, and they alone, were the true ordained that were to interpret and say what it meant. Under such influences we were made to persecute those that were as good christians by nature, and far better by practice than we, and by which the spirit of Christ was more visible in them than in us. And from this fact, God in his infinite mercy saw lit to let the dark shadows of death pass by and present itself to us by way of affliction , which was the cause of us crying aloud, "I am lost! I am lost!" But while this presentation filled us with so much horror, still it was not God's time to call us in reality to pass through the valley of death, so our recovery was again fulfilled after many promises to lead a better life in the love of good works. Therefore, according to former teachings we again sought Christ and his love in the same old way of priestism, for we knew no other way than to go to a priest and confess all to him. But alas, alas, we could find no com- fort there now, so we became miserable to ourself and all that chanced to be around us, for we sought comfort of both priest and bishop and could find none, and this being the only source we knew we found ourself at a loss to know what to do. To think of going to the Bible for light would be folly, for we could not understand it if we did — it was not for us to understand — so time after time we went to the priest, yea, bishop, only to come away the last time with the thought of ending our miserable life and give ourself and others rest. But God is never at a loss for a remedy for a sin-sick soul, so he sent one of his little ones that we had persecuted most, with the consoling words "Jesus is the remedy for you; the priest is but a man, he can never forgive you your sins; but faith in Christ will bring forgivness and save you." By such kind advice as this from this new friend, and that we should ''read the Bible for ourself," and as they were both sympathetic and consoling and came from an honest heart, and dropped on our heart as honey to the hungry, and being in the sad condition that they found us in, we quickly obeyed. We went to Jesus upon our knees and begged pardon of Him, the giver of all good, and by his mercy pardon was granted unto us to the satisfaction of our soul, and the dark clouds of mystery that had hung over our minds were driven away. Then with a willing heart and mind we picked up the Bible expecting to find therein full in- structions for the christian traveler to a city out of sight, whose builder and maker is God. Opening; the blessed word at the fifth chapter of St. John, and in reading the 39th vers^, to our surprise we found this language, "Search the Scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life and they are they which testify of me." You will probably say that this ought not to have been a surprise to me in a land of Bibles like this, and this we will admit. But we are sorry to say that such were the circumstances with us, and we fear is with many others that are under the same teachings and similar teach- ings, that we were reared up under from childhood, even from the cradle. But at the time of our reading the above named passage we were no longer under that influence of thraldom, for by the kind mercy of God, given unto us, we were at this time trusting in Christ, having already felt the cleansing power, and still we were surprised. And it may be that while you are following us through with this subject that even you will be surprised, as much so as this portion of Scripture did us; wherefore it may be well to give to the reader a few of the leading thoughts that presented themselves to us at the time of our reading the above stated Scripture, for it may be of some service to you, and if not it will do no harm. Our first thought was, "Search the Scriptures." What Scripture were we to search? This was Christ who was speaking. There- fore it could not mean the New Testament Scriptures, for they were not yet written. No, Christ did not mean them. It must be the Old Testament Scriptures that He refers to. Yes, we were soon satisfied of the fact that it was them that testified of Him; and being satisfied of the fact that it was the Old Testament Scriptures which had to be searched to find the testimony of Christ, our mind was still not at rest on this passage, for there were still more points that presented themselves, more mysteriously than the above, and one was: "For in them ye think ye have eternal life." Oar thought was, who was Jesus alluding to when he said "ye," for it could not have been his disciples, as they had already learned to believe that their eternal welfare was in Christ himself. Hence, the first ques- tion arose — who was it? And second, why did they think they had eternal life in these Scriptures? These thoughts presenting them- selves unto us, we armed ourself with the determination of search- ing the Old Testament Scriptures, and with the sword of the spirit we entered upon our work in obedience with the command of Christ; and once having satisfied our minds upon the testimony of Him and His coming from many chapters and passages, as we find recorded in Isaiah 7 : 14; also nth chapter and 42 : 7. Then our next aim was to find out who it was and why it Avas that they thought they had eternal life in those Scriptures, and we must now confess that witli the limited knowledge we had of them or what was contained in them, was somewhat more of a difficult task. .But remembering of having read that Cod had said: "If any lack wisdom let him ask of me and I will give it." So asking Cod for wisdom and His spirit to guide us into all truth, we accomplished our work by hard searching and found it to be the Jew (Cod's formed people) that Christ was alluding to when he said, "Ye think ye have eternal life," &c. That is it was the Jews that claimed they had eternal life if they obeyed the law of Cod, which was written in the old Scriptures, and true, according to the promises of Cod, who cannot lie, by obeying them they had eternal life; hence, after having satisfied our minds in regard to 'the testimonies that were recorded in the Old Bible of Jesus, the Son of Cod, and that it was the descendants of the formed Adam, now called the Jew, that claimed eternal life in them. We, with much satisfaction, again turned to the New Testament Script- ures, for we were anxious to learn all about Jesus, who had loved us so much. But it was only to find ourselves at a loss again, or rather puzzled, for as we were one evening surrounded by our little family, preparing to pay our last respects to the great Creator of Heaven and Earth, before we would retire to our bed of slumber, we (by chance) opened the Blessed Word at the fourth chapter of Mark and our eyes were made to rest upon the eleventh verse, and the very first clause was a point for our study, which reads thus: "Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God," &c, and we soon came to the conclusion that it was His Apostles and Disciples that He spoke to, for the tenth verse explains this. But the mysteries spoken of was a hard study — just to find out what they were — for immediately following the above stated clause comes this language : "But unto them that are without, all these things are done in para- bles: that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear and not understand, lest at any time they should be con- verted, and their sins should be forgiven them." This question then arose in our mind : Is it possible that there are people somewhere that God wanted them to see and hear, but not to perceive nor under- stand? For if they would perceive and understand they would be converted and He would heal them. Therefore Christ did all these things in parables. The language conveyed the idea to us that for some reason God did not intend for a certain people to perceive or understand, and with this thought upon our mind we soon came to the conclusion that God must in some way be connected with the mysteries that His Apostles should know ; consequently we readily concluded that if we could go to the depth of this language, we surely would get light and knowledge, of which we were yet destitute. When we re-read that the true followers of Christ was to know we readily believed, through the grace given us, it was for us also to know; for the prom- ise did not stop at the Apostles, but was extended unto all that believed, even as many as believed in Christ; then it was for us also. Christ hearing our prayer once, we had faith in him and believed that He would hear and help us again. With this faith and belief and with the Bible before us, down upon our knees we went, with a prayerful heart and the language of Christ stamped upon our mind, "Search the Scriptures," "and unto you it is given to know the mys- teries." So we turned leaf after leaf with the hope of finding some ray of light that might lead us to much desired knowledge of those mysteries which were as yet apparantly for us to know, but at lb is moment did not attain them, and we read chapter after chapter with great expectation; but as the storms gather and darken, so it was with our mind when we read those lines, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of Truth," so much so that for a last effort we dropped ourself in humbleness at the feet of Jesus, the Lamb of God, and there begged of him to hear and help us and grant to us the wisdom so we might fully understand His Truth, that we, too, might know the mysteries of the kingdom of God. The promise was that we should know ; and with our whole heart and mind in the work we were so absent of our surroundings that we were entirely unconscious of the lateness of the hour, and not until we were aroused just as the clock tolled 3, in the morning, by the touch of our dear companion, who had been an eye witness of our agonies and had prayed for us as well as watched over us all through those weary hours of the night, from her place of retirement for rest, but so far she had not closed her eyes in sleep. With the gentle touch of the hand, those precious words fell from her lips, yea heart: "Come, for God will, in His own time, and by His own way and mean3, grant the prayer of your heart; but for the present, take your rest." Obey- ing these words we went to take rest. Yes, and praise God, it was sweet rest too, for when our eyes were closed in sleep we were car- ried out by the spirit into the realms of eternal day, and stood us in the midst of everlasting joy — to drink of the sweets of never dying love. But we shall not stop here to give a full account of our sweet visions, but will say we saw the holy truth that we had so earnestly prayed for; and hearing the spirit sa}^, "rightly divide it, and then, with your natural mind, the spirit helping, all the mysteries so much spoken of and prayed for shall be given j^ou to know." But our thoughts were, how can weak, unlearned creatures like us rightly divide the Holy "Word of truth ? And the answer was that what was hid from the wise and prudent was revealed unto babes — twelve poor unlearned fishermen; but what we tell you, that do and you shall know; and that is, go back to the first and second chapters of Genesis and find there that God did create man, male and female, on the sixth day of His great work of creation, which was the Gentile, and then after the sixth day He formed the man and woman, which be- longs to His work of formation, and are now called the Jew, and then follow those two works of God, keeping them rightly divided b} T the Word of Truth until you come to the last chap- ter of Eevelations, and you have both the mysteries that you are to know and the word of truth rightly divided. And when we awoke with the blessed vision still fresh in our minds, satan, always ready to take eveiy opportunity to frustrate every work of God, tried hard to present unto us many doubts of its validi- ty. The idea of giving up the old theory that we had been raised under, that the Adam in the garden was the father and first parent of us all, was a hard thing to abandon. But with the memory of our sweet vision, and the Bible in our hand, we, with an earnest heart and mind, went both searching and studying, and the more we searched the scriptures and studied to shew ourselves approved unto God, the brighter our vision came to us and the more we learned of the mysteries. Hence, from our study and by rightly dividing the truth, we have gained the knowledge of the broad, open fact that the Gentile was a portion of God's work of creation on the sixth day, and that the Jew was a portion of his formation after the sixth day, and the two differed, one from the other, as much as the day differs from night, or as we have stated in the preface, that they were as much different one from the other as the house is from the green tree- of the forest, the tree multiplying until cut down and formed into the house; the life of this tree then ceases to be. So it was with the Gentile, the created man. When they fell asleep in death, life was to them no more. They had no judgment to fear, and not until Christ made His first advent into the world did judgment have power over them. But this was not the case with the jew. They were destined to a life beyond the icy arms of death ; and it was only by the violating of God's command that would cause them to see death. All the resemblance there was between these two men, found in the book of Genesis, are just as the house is to the green tree ; or we might say, the clay to the brick. For the first parent of the Jew was taken from the dust of the ground — that which had been created, and by the hands of the Lord formed into the man and made a fit temple for God's Holy Spirit to dwell in. But the man that had been created was not created with such a fit tem- ple, and so remained a wild olive tree until they were cleansed by the precious blood of Jesus. And from these plain facts the reader will readily grasp the striking contrast that did exist between the two, as similar as they seem to be, and trusting the generousness of our readers for the patient waiting for the development of the truth as we press forward, we cordially invite you to our subject proper in the name of Him who saves us. Creation and Formation CHAPTEB I. Text: — " Search the Scriptures ; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me " — St. John v, 39. "* * * Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: * * *"— St. Mark iv, 11. " Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that medeth not to be. ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." — 2 Timothy ii, 15. And now, with the remarks already given, we shall pass by our text for the present, as we anticipate on taking the Bible in full for the foundation of our work, as it is the word of the Lord, therefore our starting point, in order to rightly divide the word of truth, will be at the first and second chapters of Genesis, or at least such portion of them as will enable us to pass from chapter to chapter until our subject is made plain, and wo find this language recorded in the first chapter : ; 'In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. "And God said, let there be light: and there was light. "And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. "And God called the light day, and the darkness he called night. And the evening and the morning were the first day." This language includes the first five verses of the first chap- ter of Genesis, and also includes just what God created on the first day. The beginning spoken of was the beginning of this great work, and it tells us just how much and just what He 14. CREATION AND FORMATION. created on the first day. Likewise the sixth, seventh and eighth verses tell us the work of the second day; the ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth verses tell lis His third day's work; from the thirteenth including the nineteenth verse, His fourth day's work, and from the nineteenth to the twenty- fourth verse you find His fifth day's work. From the first day everything is itemized and named that God created in these five days, so that we know just what He did create on each sep- arate day. They being so plain that they cannot be mistook in their meaning, we shall leave them to the reader and shall take up the portion of the sixth day's work that conies in connec- tion with our subject, and which really is the foundation of our subject, in which fact the title of our work would bear us out. We claim from the authority of God's word that He did have a creation and a formation of man which were two different works — the Gentile being the man created on the sixth day with no bounds to his dominion, and the Jew the man formed from the dust of the ground and placed in the Garden of Eden with a boundary line. By the help of God we shall, by His Word, place those facts as far above scepticism as day is above night in shedding its light. The first that we shall notice you will find recorded in Genesis i, 26, which reads thus: "And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness : and let them have domin- ion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." The question may first be asked upon this passage, who was this that God was speaking to when He said "let us make man," and we shall answer this question by referring you to the following scriptures and asking you to read them for yourself and you will find it to be Jesus : Proverbs viii, 22; St. John i; also, First Epistle of John i; Rev- elations i. And again, when God says "let us make man," He also says "let them have dominion over all the earth." Now, When He says "let them," He referred to making more than one, for as we must admit, the word "them" is plural, and means two or more. This we all readily agree to, but this is not all we see; for to tliem was to be given a great ruling power, for CREATION AND FORMATION. 15. their dominion was to be "over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." In a word, all and everything on earth was to be subject to the dominion of this portion of G-od's work of creation — that was to be man, male and female, in His own image, and after His likeness. JSTo, this dominion did not simply take in just a little spot, or a small portion, but all the earth, without any boundary line. You may ask if this was all fulfilled just as it reads? In answer to this we shall read the twenty-seventh verse of the same chapter: (Genesis i, 27.) "So God created man in Iiis own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." Now then, you have in this a positive dec- laration that He did create them male and female, which means two or more, for them is plural. This was included in His six days work. Again you may ask, as it is a positive fact that He did create them, did He grant unto them this dominion that He spoke of in the twenty-sixth verse? In reply to this we shall read the twenty-eighth verse of the same chapter : "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." You see from this that it would be useless to try to use stronger language than this in answer to the above question, and it does not simply an- swer this last question asked, but also confirms the first one asked, and learns us many other facts. The first one is the one we have already spoken of, which is His blessing placed on "them." Had there been but one, God would, as an intelligent being, have said "him." Then in this light the all important words, "to be fruitful and multiply," would be entirely out of place and imponderable. And for us to think that G-od's word is imponderous, would be even as shocking as to think there is no God. On such grounds we would have no reason in demanding of the. infidel any stronger proofs than human reason and science for the assertion they make when they say that the Bible does conflict in the most vital points in its teachings. But on the other hand, if we are willing to lay aside the falsetto of 16. CREATION AND FORMATION. falsehood of ages, and give God's word its finite importance, that it may imprint and impress its great truths upon the mind and heart, then there will be no room for darkness and infideli- ty. Scepticism will flee away, and the truth of the matter will be plain — that God on the sixth day did create a man, male and female, with a dominion over all the earth, to be fruitful multiply, and replenish it, also with access to every- thing upon the face of all the earth, and even in the sea, and every living thing was to be meat for them. The trees and herbs were to be meat for them. They lacked nothing. (Gen- esis i, 29). In conclusion of all these facts, God declares in the thirty- first verse that He "saw everything that he had made, and, be- hold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day." In this God does not say, I behold what I am going to make, but speaks it in the past tense. We find it to be on the sixth day when this language was uttered b}^ the Lord himself, and was His conclusive words in consideration of the good which He had accomplished in His great work of cre- ation in those six days as we find them recorded in the first chapter of Genesis. And then in order that His word might be clearly understood, He had the inspired hand to pen these words: "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them." (Genesis ii, 1.) Or in other words they were finished in the manner above stated. We shall say here that this scripture with the following verses should be attached to the first chapter. This was not a mistake of the inspired writer, but of the men that divided the Bible up into chapters. While it does not change the meaning of those scriptures, they would be more readily understood to read in the past tense, if the di- vision was made between the first and fifth verses. But taking these scriptures just as they are we find them to be in the past tense. For in the second and third verses we find that "he rest- ed on the seventh day from all his work which lie had made." This within itself is sufficient to prove that He had done just what is recorded in the first chapter, and all that is spoken of there, was finished just as the word says it was. He could not have rested from anything He had not done. CREATION AND FORMATION. 17. He sanctified the seventh day because in it He had rested from all that He had created and made in the six days. Yon might ask if we have any other Bible proofs that God did end his work of creation on the sixth day, which included the creating of man, male and female? Yes, many; but at present we shall only give the eleventh verse of the twentieth chapter of Exodus : "For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it." We shall say here that with such positive declarations before us from the word of God as we have presented to you upon this great and all-important subject, that the man would have to be very dull of apprehension that does not see these facts that we have presented, and we will ask would it not be, and is it not preposterous, and a gross insult thrown in the face of God to say those things were not so, or the} T were only as yet imagina- ry with God, when he says positively that they were already accomplished, and that He rested on the seventh day from the labor this work had cost him. Yet for the past 300 years the origin of this man, male and female, has been positively denied by theologians, who represent him as the man formed and placed in the Garden of Eden, which were not formed until af- ter God had rested on the seventh day. Wherefore we have de- termined to come to you with the Bible in its true light, and do not intend to allow any pertinacious criticism or pernicious teachings to rule us in this subject, for the Bible, and Bible alone is our guide, with the light of the spirit shining down upon its sacred pages. Therefore we shall present to you no outside works as God's word, and shall only use them when it is necessary to show the domineering power they try to dog- matize with." Whenever we make remarks, look and see if they are not in harmony with the word of God, for with us God's word is placed above all. We find that there is much per- nicious teaching in presenting God's word to the people of to- day, and therefore we will be required to make many repetitions in order to keep in close connection the aim had in view, and place upon the mind of the reader the true light of God's word, so that priestism, lordism, scepticism and infidelity may also be 18. CREATION AND FORMATION. seen in their full sense — that their theory is preposterous, price- less and priggish. We shall now take up the next question that has been asked of us time and again, which is: Does not the fourth and fol- lowing verses of the second chapter of G-enesis teach us that the greater part of God's creation is to be performed yet? In harmony with God's word we shall answer no! else how could the above scripture be true, that He finished His work of crea- tion on the sixth day? From such a standpoint you would have God's word to conflict with, for the portion of scriptures the question referred to, is the work of God's forma- tion after the sixth day; yea, after the seventh. But, says one, it has been the understanding that creation and formation are synonymous terms, meaning almost the same thing. Is not this so ? To answer this question according to the theory of man we would have to admit that Webster, with many other L. L. D/s, claim the two to be synonymous terms. But before we shall give the Bible definition of the two words and their much told difference, we desire to say that if Moses was an inspired man of God, and the Bible teaches us that he was and all christians claim him to have been, then Webster is wrong, and far wrong, in regard to those two words — as we shall plainly see by the definition given in the word of God. It reminds us of what the great man Wesley says in one of his volumes, that some men might study geology, astronomy and mathematics, but for his part he could not without becoming an atheist or deist. And now, to see such language as this used by such a man as Wesley, the founder of Methodistism, how easy it would be for a man, even like Webster, to give many definitions that would not bear the test of the spiritual light of the inspired word of God, and we shall show plainly that His inspired writings make an important difference between the two words creation and formation, and in order that we may satisfy all questions that arise, and to give the true difference we shall now return to the question asked by one, viz : Does not the fourth and following verses of the second chapter of Genesis teach us that God lias yet the greater part of His creation to perform? To this you already have our answer — no! For CREATION AND FORMATION. 19. we have presented unto yon positive Bible facts that God ended his work of creation on the sixth day, and rested on the seventh from all His work. (See Genesis ii, 2-3, also' Exodus xx, 11.) It could not have been that He yet had to perform this work, or any portion of it, for it was finished on the sixth day. But in order that the right understanding may be had, and to keep from the mind of the reader the thought that we have tried to dodge our way through, we shall lake up the portion of scrip- ture referred to — Genesis ii, 4 : "These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens." Now it does seem to us that remarks from us would be un- necessary when this language within itself tells us that those generations of the heavens and earth were already created, for it says when they were created, which tells us so plainly that it was already with the past, and that it was not what He was yet going to do. If we notice closely what He is about to do, which includes His work of formation, it is connected with the word "and," and "every plant of the field." Now this language teaches us that He is about to perform a different work. For in His work of creation He neither speaks of the plant nor of the field, and neither of these had place yet, for God had not yet planted anything in this field, hence it could not grow, but His creation that had been accomplished was yielding its fruit already. But you may say the Lord had not caused it to rain, upon the earth, which is correct; but there went up a mist that watered the whole face of the ground. And you will again say, there was not a man to till the ground, and we shall say this, too, is so. But while this is true, you are already aware of the fact that God created man, male and female, on the sixth day, but as we have said, not to till the ground, and it is this fact that now brings us to the first work of His formation, and which the word "and" connects to His work of creation — for in- stance, as in "the heaven and the earth," or "the evening and the morning" — and a work that He performed after He had rested on the seventh day, which Pie commenced by forming a man to till the ground, for the seventh verse says : "And the Lord God formed man from the dust of the around." It does 20. CREATION AND FORMATION. not say that He created this man, but formed him from the dust of the ground which had already been created, "and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living- soul." Now, this teaches us that God formed this man, and pre- sents to us quite a differ anent picture from the man He had cre- ated on the sixth day with a female included, and which belonged to His six days work that He. had looked upon and saw that all He had created and mad.e was good, and very good. The heaven, the earth, the waters, the light, the darkness, the fish, the fowl of the air, the beast, and every living thing that moveth upon the earth, the tree, the herb, and man, male and female, with a dominion over all the earth, to be fruitful, multi- ply, replenish the earth and subdue it, and the gift of the tree and herb for meat, and all was good and very good. This great gift was sufficient to sustain them while going forth in discharge of the duty assigned unto them by the Lord, and this man that God had created in His own image and after His likness, male and female, were not the ones intended by the Lord to till the ground, but his ruling power was over all the earth, and they were forbid nothing that was upon the earth. Everything was at their command, and as we have set before you by scripture that after God had finished this great work of creation in six days, He then rested on the seventh. You may ask, is God still resting ? We shall answer no. For as we have already intimated to you by the question asked, that after God had finished His work of creation in six days, and had included in that work man, male and female, and had rested on the seventh, He then commenced His work of formation — the work that the question alludes to, as recorded in the fourth and following verses that we already have a portion of before us — and we shall try by the help of God to make the difference in the two works plain, so that you may see the difference between creation and formation, for you now have a portion of them both before you. As you have before you in creation man, male and female, with- out a word spoken of a living soul, you. have in the formed man a living soul, and alone. Creation, or the Gentile as we shall call them, were to rule the earth. The formed man, or the Jew, CREATION AND FORMATION. 21. was only to dress a certain spot that the Lord first called a field, and this field was to be planted and furnished with just such plants, trees and herbs as God saw fit to make choice fruit of. This field brings us to the portion of scripture that the conclu- sion is drawn from that God has His work of creation yet to perform, and that the first chapter is only the imaginary work of God, and it is not only one but many who advance the same theory. For the benefit of the reader it may be well to try such material first, before we present to you the proof of God's word, and if it does not stand testing that way, then the truth of the Bible will uncover it as rottenness. We shall now imagine that we are going to build a ship Avith another ship to mate, and our means give oat, con- sequently we only get one ship. Why was this ? Because we had not enough means, hence it was not in our power to build the two. Again, we imagine we are going to buy a farm, and when we test the means within our power we can only buy a lot. Why? Because we had not the power to buy more. But again, suppose we are going from St. Louis to New York, and even get on a train, and the means we have at our command would only take us to Cleveland, Ohio. We would then have to stop, would we not? You will say yes. But why? Well, you will say, because we did not have the means in our power to go farther. So it is with the theory here presented. If God imagined, according to the reading of the first chapter, that He was going to create man, male and female, and only formed the man, then He had not the power to create what He imagined He would; therefore we plainly would see His limited power. But again. If God imagined He was going to give them do- minion over all the earth, the fowl of the air, the fish of the sea, and over every living creature, and a gift of every green herb upon the face of all the earth, and then only places him in the field and does not allow him access to all that is in the field, let alone upon the face of all the earth, God did not do what He imagined He was going to do. Still one more thought. If it was imaginary with God that He was going to create man, male and female, and that He had already said He did, and give unto them a great ruling power over all the earth, and to be fruitful 22. CREATION AND FORMATION. and multiply, He failed on all these points. For if this theory be true, then God had not the power to speak into existence the things that He had imagined He would. For in that light He only formed man, placed him in the field, and did not give him the dominion, nor did He tell him to be fruitful and multiply until after the flood. According to such a theory you have limited .God's power, but for our part we claim Him to be all-powerful. But is this all you represent God to be by such a theory? No, in nowise. You also make Him out a liar, for God says in His word that He did accomplish in those six days just what is re- corded in the first chapter, and rested on the seventh. But you say He just imagined those things, wherefore you make God out a liar, which we dare not do, for God cannot lie. This is not all. You make God's word conflict by such a theory, and we claim that it does not conflict. One says, let me explain what I mean by the imaginary work of God. God did on the sixth day create man, male and female, but they were nothing more than a blub, or lung-breathing animal, aid never came to per- fection until God formed them from the dust of the ground. We cannot see that this betters their position one bit, but still leaves the above as before, and adds deeper mystery to the assertion. Just think for a moment that this blub, or mere lung-breathing animal, has dominion over all the earth, to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth and sab due it. Even the thought appears to us preposterous and sufficient within itself to show its obscenity, therefore we shall make some repe- tition in order to make all plain, and from time to time will have to make many of them in linking our chain of Bible facts together, and as you are already aware that we name the male and female created on the sixth day Gentile, and the formed man after the sixth day the Jew. We mention this so we may be understood, as those two words are harder than creation and formation, and answer the same purpose. And now, all such theories as have been presented by the world, we leave to the judgment of the reader while we shall view the two works. And by referring back to Genesis i, 27, God did not only imagine that He would, but did, on the sixth day, in His own image, create man, male and female, and as CREATION AND FORMATION, 23. recorded in the 28th verse, did bless them and commanded them to be fruitful and to multiply, with a dominion over all the earth, and with the great blessing that everything that had life or substance that was on the earth or in the sea, and the fowl of the air, should be meat for them. — 29th verse. But in neither of these scriptures do we find that He had given them a living soul, or commanded them to till the ground. With these facts on creation before us, and with them rest- ing upon our minds, and by turning to His second work, which is formation, we shall readily comprehend the difference. "For in the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth. And the}' were without form.' 7 Hence formation is not creation, but instead, is forming or separating that which had been created. For proofs we find in Genesis i, 4, that God divided the light from the darkness which had been created prior to forming it separately, each to itself, calling the one clay and the other night, and as placing a firmament after creating it, which He called heaven, in the midst of the waters to divide the waters that was above the firmament from the waters under the firma- ment. — Genesis i, 6-7-8. And as we find that when God created the earth it was without form, and God had to do His work of forming the earth after He had created it, by the gathering of the waters together into one place and letting the dry land ap- pear. — Genesis i, 9-10. This is the work of formation. The forming of that which had been created, just as we find in Genesis ii, 7, that "God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life: and man be-. eame a living soul." He was not created as the man was that is spoken of in the 27th verse- of the first chapter — in the image of God — but was formed from the dust of the ground that had been created in the first days work of creation. And now, by comparing the 27th verse of the first chapter of Genesis with the seventh verse of the second chapter, you will find the difference of the two works set forth in the two men, which makes plain to us that God did create a man on the sixth day, and after the seventh day formed a different man, or God's word conflicts and has set forth a falsehood an I is not inspired. But seeing the great difference between the two men, or works 24. CREATION AND FORMATION. of God set forth by His inspired word so plain, we must be- lieve that the Gentile was the man, male and female, created on the sixth day; the Jew, the man formed and placed in the garden, and alone. But if this was all, it might yet appear dark. Turning to Genesis ii, 8, God, speaking of the progress of His work of formation, says : "And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there He put the man whom He had formed/' This garden was the field spoken of in the fifth verse. And the plants came from the seed ol the grass, the herb, the tree, spoken of in the 12th verse of the first chapter of Genesis, whose seed was in itself, and this fully accounts for the language used : "Every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew." For the tree had been created in full maturity with the seed within itself, and the time had to pass by after the tree had been cre- ated that would bring forth the seed from within the tree to the earth where it would germinate, and vegetation would bring forth the plant for the garden, which all took place from crea- tion, and, too, before the planting of the garden which was planted for the formed man to be placed in. (Genesis ii, 15). And this man was to dress this garden and keep it, and was forbid to eat of one of the trees that was in the garden. And through the man violating this command of God, "Thou shalt not eat," the sentence was death. — Genesis ii, 17. And in this scripture we plainly learn that there was a boundary line for this formed man, and a ^decree given that he should not pass over. This was not so with the created man, for his dominion was from sea to sea, and from pole to pole. What a different position these two men were placed in. The one created on the sixth day to be fruitful and multiply, with a dominion over all the earth, not just a little spot or field, and with access to every thing upon tb.3 fa3e of all the earth, and in the image of God, nothing spoken of a living soul. The other, formed from the dust of the ground, placed in the garden, representing a small spot of ground, to dress this garden which God had planted with the choicest fruit, with the tree of life in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge, of good and evil. Of this latter tree, the man who has become a CREATION AND FORMATION. 25. living soul is forbid to eat, and even at the time that this com- mand was given, the man was yet alone and without a help- meet; nor does it say God blessed this man; nor does it say He told him to be fruitful and multiply; nor was he to subdue the earth. All this is given to show us the vast difference between the Gentile and the Jew; and yet there are a few more points that we shall notice. God tells us in the first chapter that on the sixth day He created the beasts of the earth, and in the second chapter that after the seventh day He formed the beasts of the field — Gen- esis i, 25; ii, 19. And in placing these two works together theologians claim all things were brought unto the man Adam that was placed in the garden, that he might give them names. But this, too, is not the case, for in the second chapter and 20th verse it includes only the things of the field and this is all this man had anything to do with. After naming all these things there was not found among them a helpmeet for this man, so God caused a deep sleep to fall upon him and He took one of his ribs and made a woman. — Genesis ii, 20-21. It was not so when God created man. They were male and female, both of them separate, full and complete. (First chapter and 27th verse). This plainly teaches us why it was that God spoke to the created man in a plural term, them — two or more — and to the formed man in the singular term,' him. Under these plain facts the reader is left to believe without a shadow of doubt that God spoke of a different man in the first chapter and 27th verse, from the one in the second chapter and eighth verse, and from these facts the question might be asked : Why was this separation made between them? This question would fully prove that the mind is full}' satisfied that creation and forma- tion are not synonymous terms, but are two, differing in character. For the present we shall merely state the reason, as the future will develop the real substance: The Gentile, who was created, in nature wild and wily, without a living soul, was subject to death as the beast, and not subject to judgment. But this was not so with the Jew, who was formed ; the dust which God had purified by the refiners fire of formation; fit and purified for a fit temple for the in- 26. CREATION AND FORMATION. dwelling of His spirit; a living soul. No longer any wild nature there, but the Son of God; a soul to run parallel with the existing arm of God; subject to judgment; and was com- manded not to eat of this tree that was wild by nature, for to do this will bring forth sin, and sin will bring forth death when finished ; death to the purified temple of clay, and death to purity of soul, leaving the further development of the cause for the future. Turning again we see the rib taken from the man. God made woman and brought this woman unto the man. Then this formed man said: "This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh : she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man."- — -Genesis ii, 22-25. Now, it would appear useless to ask why she was called woman, when the scripture says "be- cause she was taken out of man." This, like all other scrin- ture, bears out the difference spoken of upon this great truth. For we concede, to comprehend in this evidence, that this woman was the same bone and flesh as the formed man, be- cause she was taken out of him, therefore they become twain in one flesh. In this we have the first husband and wife, as they were the first two in one. For we sec that in creation the male and female were both made tangible out of intangible at the same time. In the place of woman, the one was called female, because she was not taken out of man, but was made from nothing, as was the male. They were not twain in one flesh; were not husband and wife, yet were to be fruitful and multiply as other portions of creation. With these scriptural facts before us, we will have to admit one of two leading thoughts: First, that God did on the sixth day create male and female, and then after the seventh day formed the man, and from him made a woman ; or we will have to say that those two first chapters of God's holy writ are in controversy with each other, ami that Moses was not a man of God; not an inspired writer, and had not enough intelligence in himself to know how to write intelligently, and that God was so far away from him as to not allow one thought or word of His to be written by him. But, thanks be to God, Moses was an inspired man; lie wrote God's word, ami not his own; for God, and n<>1 for himself. Hence theories may be taught and CREATION AND FORMATION. 27. doctrines may be preached, but the Bible for us in preference of all for our soul's welfare. And now, just a few more thoughts in connection with the violation of the command of God that was given unto the Jew after he was placed in the garden of Eden. At least we shall notice more particularly the portion that was connected with death ; and also, probably we shall notice in connection with this a portion that was said unto the Gentile that had dominion over all the earth. The first we shall notice is that this command was given this man that was formed and had become a living soul before his helpmeet had been made by the Lord and brought to him, whom he called woman. The command to be fruitful and mul- tiply, given unto the Gentile, was to them both, male and female. But the command to not eat of the forbidden fruit was given to the Jew while he was yet alone, and we shall repeat that the command from God to the Jew to be fruitful and mul- tiply was not given unto them until after the deluge, although we shall notice hereafter that God did say to this woman, the wife of the Jew, that in sorrow and conception she should bring forth children. Of course this would lead to the inquiry, why was it to be thus? The inquiry would take us back to the com- mand that was given the Jew man in the garden. It was because they violated God's command, for He had said, "the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die," and by the viola- tion of this command God did speak of multiplying, but it was to be the multiplying of sorrow in the place of being fruitful an 1 replenishing the earth, ana even the multiplication of those children should be in sorrow, an 1 this was not to be the case with the Gentile, because God bid them multiply. From this we learn that it was God's will for thosa two different beings to have a different charge given unto them, different duties to perform and different laws to govern them. And here is another fact that it may be well to notice as it will be more important to us hereafter. When He siys "let us make man," speaking of creating the Gentile, He included more than Him- self. "Let us," signifies more than one in the work. But in forming the Jew He only includes Himself, for "the Lord God formed man." — Genesis ii, 7; and again, "I will make him a 28. CREATION AND FORMATION. helpmeet." Now this shows that in His creation He included more than Himself; while in His formation He only is included. This may not appear to the reader of much importance after having as plain proofs as you have had before this, but closely followed it will form an important point before we are through; and as the mysteries were not fully made known until the com- ing of Christ as recorded in our text, it is necessary for us to keep in close connection our proofs of the Bible that our aim had in view may not fail us, and we shall add that upon these grounds, after God had formed the Jew, a fit temple for the indwelling of His holy spirit and made Him a living soul, and that by having access to the tree of life that was in the midst of the garden, and by obeying God, was to live on and on through the great ages to come, and the fruit of the tree of life was to keep away the sting of death, and by it he was to enjoy the sweet comfort and happiness of the garden of Eden — the para- dise of God and man. But on the other hand, to violate God's command given him and eat of the forbidden tree, would bring death upon all men. For while death reigned onl}^ upon the Gentile, as they had been created subject unto what we might term the natural death as the beast — the Jew was formed sub- ject unto eternal life, and onl} T made a covenant with death when violating God's great command. And this tree of life, as well as the tree of knowledge and death, we shall, in the course of our subject, make plain unto the reader, which will show why the command to not eat of the forbidden tree was given more plainly than we have yet made it. And as we pass from chapter to chapter of the Bible the dark clouds of mist will move from east to west as the light of God's word "burst forth upon the mind of the reader, as the bright star of the east lit up the path of the shepherds as the} T journeyed to the stable of Bethlehem whore the Savior lay, and from the bright rays of its fflorious lii'lit we will be made to say: CREATION AND FORMATION. 29. "O, GJ-od ! the giver of all good, forsake me not I pray, For I want to know out of Thy word the truth that it does say. And when its glorious light does shine, down deep into my heart, I'll not longer languish or pine, nor with its light depart!" So passing on to the glorious light that awaits us, we pass for the present from those two chapters of God's word. CHAPTER II- Text: — ""Search the Scriptures." — St. John v, 39; Mark iv, 11; 2 Timothy ii, 15. Having, according to our text, searched and studied the two previous chapters in order that we might obtain the knowl- edge of the mysteries of the kingdom of God, and to our great satisfaction have, like precious ointment, found that portion that will lead us into the full" light of them all, and having gained the knowledge by carefully searching this portion of God's word, that in the sixth day of His creation He created man, male and female, which was the beginning of the Gentile race, and their charge given unto them by the Lord was of a free, moral agency; and then, after the seventh day, He formed the man and placed him in the garden, which was the beginning of the Jew; and the nature of the command given him was that of a stewardship — a responsible one, and which we shall now notice for our next thought and study. In the third chapter and the first verse we find that "the serpent was more subtile than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, "Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree in the garden?" And now it may be well to notice in the first place, very briefly, this serpent and his suhtilty, as there are many opinions as to who this serpent was. Hence, this shall be our next point to see as near as possible, by scripture, who this serpent was, for we claim above all opposition that this ser- pent was satan in the heart of a Gentile man, and shall endeavor to substantiate this by the word, and first call your attention to Isaiah, xxvii, 1 : "In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword, shall punish loviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay tin; dragon that is in the sea." This now teaches us thai leviathan is the piercing and crooked serpent, and CREATION AND FORMATION. 31". to find out who leviathan is will teach us who the serpent was; also, the dragon represents the serpent, and by turning to Psalm, lxxiv, 13-14, speaking of God's power over the serpent, says: '-Thou didst divide the sea by thy strength: thou brakest the heads of the dragons in the waters." "Thou brakest the heads of leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness." We see from the language in Isaiah that G-od would punish leviathan, the dragon, the serpent ; and the lxxiv Psalm teaches us that He did, even before he sent his great and strong sword, punish them by breaking their heads after dividing the sea for the children of Israel to pass through. The next thing in order to fulfill the assertion that we have made, that this serpent was in a Gentile being, is to learn who the dragon, or leviathan was, that had their heads broken in the midst of the sea and became meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness, for by the language of Isaiah we find it to mean the piercing and crooked serpent, and as we have it recorded in Exodus xiv that God did divide the sea for the children of Israel to pass through, and then as the Egyptian host advanced they were over-thrown in the midst. Then to fol- low this chain of evident facts, we turn to Ezekiel xxix, 3 : "Speak, .and say, thus sayeth the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, Pharaoh king of Egypt, the great dragon that lieth in the midst of his rivers," * * * And now, connect- ing these true Bible facts together, which are bearing upon the same thing, we have before us Pharaoh the dragon, in the dragon leviathan, and in leviathan the serpent. But you say that after the heads of leviathan were broken they were to be meat for the people inhabiting the wilderness, but you have given us no proof of this fact; and in reply to this we shall first ask you to read Exodus xiv, 25, where the defense of the Egyptians failed them when they said: * * * "Let us flee from the face of Israel; for the Lord nghteth for them against the Egyptians." Then read Numbers xiv, 9, after the Egyp- tians had been overthrown in the midst of the sea and the children of Israel were in the wilderness. Moses said unto them: "Only rebel not ye against the Lord, neither fear ye the 32. CREATION AND FORMATION. people of the land; for they are bread for us." * * What, are these people, the Gentile, to be bread, or meat, for another nation, the Jew? Yes, that is just what God said, and God can not lie. This is true, for their defense was parted from them and the Lord was with the Israelites. We must now thank God for these passages of His word that brings us out of dark- ness into light; and now if we can only find the portion of scripture that will connect these passages to the portion as re- corded in the first, second and third chapters of Genesis, we will have plain who the serpent was. That the Egytians as the Gentile, being under the power of satan and his influence, were called by the Lord through his servants dragon, leviathan, the serpent, so we invite the reader's attention to Ezekiel xxviii, 13 : "Thou hast been in Eden the Garden of God •" * * * and "thy tabrets and thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day thou wast created." Also, xxxi, 18: "To whom art thou thus like in glory and in greatness among the trees of Eden? yet shalt thou be brought down with the trees of Eden unto the nether parts of the earth: thou shalt lie in the midst of the uncircumcised with them that be slain by the sword. This is Pharaoh and all his multitude, sayeth the Lord God." 1 3 this possible that God says these Gentiles were away back in the garden of Eden, and that He calls them trees and serpent? Yes, this is just what God says, and not man; and more, He says they were very wise. And now, finding ourselves connected with the portion of scripture we have been studying in the first of Genesis, we shall return to where we left off, the third chapter; and as we have been plainly taught who this serpent was, we shall be more fully able to comprehend what this tree of knowledge was, an 1 what the serpent's subtilty consisted of. And of course after consulting your dictionary you will say, as Webster has it, to mean "fine, thine." And then to turn to the definition of the word fine, you will say it means "showy, gay, handsome, keen, sharp," and we might run on after those words into their nothing end and then bo far from the spiritual definition of the word subtile. And while the definition of the word fine as given by Webster covers the carnal portion of this word, it CREATION AND FORMATION. 33. still does not touch upon the spiritual portion of it, and that part is what we shall devote our time to. And the word thine, that is connected with this definition, we could give no better reason for it being there than the reason that they sup- posed it was the natual serpent, and having in their minds these black racers supposed, it to be very thine. But our duty is to show what subtile here spoken of alludes to, that is, what the spiritual definition of the word is, as we have learned in the place of it being a natural serpent, as many believe, that it was satan in the heart of a Gentile man. Having proved that they were in the garden of God, and were there, too, without being formed as the rest of the things of the garden, but were created as you have saw in Ezekiel xxviii, 13. Yes, this Gentile serpent, being more subtile than any beast of the field, said unto the woman: "Yea, hath God said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" — Genesis iii, 1. Now, to take into consideration the great power and dominion that God had given the Gentile in the sixth day when He created them, and seeing this confirmed in those words, "Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth: and I have set thee so :" * * ** "Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee." — Ezekiel xxviii, 14-15. And in connection with this ruling power, we find his knowledge extensive from the fact that he was the tree of knowledge. Hence Ezekiel says: "Behold, thou art wiser than Daniel ; there is no secret that they can hide from thee:" "With thy wisdom and with thine understanding thou hast gotten thee riches," etc. — xxviii, 3-4. And it was only by the reason of his brightness that he corrupted his wisdom which God had given him when he was created.— 17-18. This reason of brightness was the snbfciltyj (iniquity) satan in him, and corrupting the wisdom which God had given him. The devil at the helm and controling this gentleman with his great wisdom, could readily say to the wife of the Jew, "Yea, hath Gocl said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden." This plainly shows the serpent's subtilty, in trying -to counter- feit God's own word, as, also, in the following language : "For Gocl doth know that in the day thou eat thereof thou shalt not 34. CREATION AND FORMATION. surely die." Hence in his subtilness he used language of his own to misconstrue that of God's, for God had said to the man that he might eat of every tree of the garden but one, and if he ate of that tree, or even touched it, he would die. But the serpent said not. This changed God's word, for He said: * • "Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:" "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die."- — Genesis ii, 16-17. You may ask does not the ninth verse of the second chapter include this tree, or say that it belongs to the trees of the garden that God had planted and made to grow? We answer no ; it does not. While the ninth verse speaks of it being in the garden, it does not say it was made to grow there ; but the fact is that the tree of life was placed between this tree and the trees of the garden. As we have proven unto you that this serpent was the Gentile and that the Gentile was represented as a tree in the garden of Eden, we can readily see that God in blessing him on the sixth day with this great ruling power, he knew both good and evil, hence he could come to the woman in the manner he did — yea, hath God said ye shall not eat of every tree in the garden. But seeing his aim frustrated and his blow avoided by the truth of God's own word in the answer of the woman, he comes again with all his pomp and power and says to the woman "ye shall not surely die." In this he just adds one word to what God had said, and that was the word "not," but he does not stop then, for with the wisdom and knowledge he has he is deter- mined to gain his point and deceive the woman, because he is that tree of knowledge, hence he tells her something that she does not know, and that is: "For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."— Genesis iii, 5. Just a thought more here and we think we shall be thoroughly understood. The subtile spoken of as belonging to the serpent is fully set forth in his own language while tal king- to the woman, and his knowledge of good and evil also. And after he had deceived the woman he could only be punished in tin's life for it, for he was not subject to eternal life, nor he CREATION AND FORMATION. 35. was not subject to any such judgment, as there was not a living soul at stake with him. Therefore, knowing good from evil, that is, knowing it was wrong for the Jew to disobey God and eat of the forbidden fruit and by it make a covenant with death, and without any great risk to himself he said to the woman, 3^e snail "not" surel}^ die, and seeing that by this insurance to her he had made an impression on her mind, he says again to her, but ye shall become as gods, knowing good and evil. With such a promise as this laid down before her and the im- pression made upon her to become as gods was too much for her. But notice the serpent does not say as God, but as gods, for he could not give them more knowledge than he had him- self. God had blessed him with the knowledge of good and evil, and he had corrupted this wisdom by the brightness that satan had given to him after being cast out of heaven. And when he had once made the woman believe that they would be- come as God's, and also had made her believe that the tree was good for food, and pleasant to the eyes, and desired to make one wise, "She took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat." — Genesis iii, 6. In this Eve was like Amnon was to Jonadab. Amnon obeyed Jonadab in his subtilness and deceived both his father and sister, (2 Samuel xiii, 2-13), and that is just what brought Adam and Eve under the wrath of justice, and all they learned was evil, for good they already knew and was in possession of, for to obey God was good, for all that God had commanded them was good. Then it was only evil they were to learn, and that, too, b}' disobeying God, which was the first great evil that was to-be learned and at a terrible sacrifice. The first of this sac- rifice was the loss of eternal happiness by the covenant made with death, and second, the spiritual eye was to be opened unto those evil facts, and not the natural eye as the serpent would make them believe, for the fact is that the natural eye was already opened, as you will find in Genesis iii, 6, for the woman "saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes," etc., and of course it was with the natural eye that they were to dress the garden and keep it. Therefore we repeat that it was the spiritual eye that was to be opened to all 36. CREATION AND FORMATION. the evils that was to follow the violation of God's command, and that is all that the serpent promised or could promise, and the wisdom they were to gain was only to become wise unto the bonds of iniquity. After finding themselves in those bonds with the spiritual eye opened they knew they were naked, and thinking to better their condition before the Lord when He would visit them, "they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons/' — Genesis iii, 7. And this not satisfying the demand of their transgression, we find that they hid them- selves among the trees of the garden when they heard the voice of the Lord God. (Genesis iii, 8). But this is not all. We find that after they had hid themselves and supposed them- selves safe, God called unto the man and said, "Where art thou," (Genesis iii, 9), and the man said, "I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked ; and I hid myself." — Genesis iii, 10. And God Himself asked the man the question that teaches us that it was only evil they were to bear, and the question is, "Who told thee that thou wast naked?" — as much as to say, I did not tell you that you was naked — "Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?" — for this is the only way that you had to learn evil. And he still might have added, No wonder that you were afraid and hid yourself. But to further justify him- self, the man said : "The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat." — Genesis iii, 11-12. That is just like us all, when we do a wrong thing we try and lay the blame on some one else. And now we find this man and his wife, after yielding to satan's influence under the dis- guise of a Gentile man who had lifted himself up as a god of earth, trying to shift the blame of their transgression from themselves to some one else, or some where else, if it was pos- sible. But alas! too late; their eyes, according to the above scripture were opened unto their shame and caused them to know that they were naked. (See Ezekicl xvi, 8-10). From this knowledge fear, which is a great torment, fell upon them, and under this great torment that was laying heavily upon them lioiii the knowledge; gained as gods to know both good and evil, by the violation of God's command, they hid them- CREATION AND FORMATION. 37. selves from His presanee. But just so it is with sin and evil, it will always try to hide us from the God of love, the Giver of all Good. Should this suffering of shame and fear of Adam and his wife have been all that this disobedience brought on them? Methinks at the presence of the Lord this then would have been all forgotten. But dropping this we shall behold them in their sad and sorrowful stricken state, for no sooner than the man lays the blame on his wife God turns unto her and says: "What is this that thou hast done?" and the answer is, "The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat." — -Genesis iii, 13. Yes, the woman blames some one else, and from this answer God turns for a moment unto the serpent and said, "Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above eveiy beast of the field : upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life :" He also says there shall be "enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed;" * * * — Genesis iii, 14-15. The serpent was numbered with the beasts of the field. And now while we have this part before you we desire to call your attention to a few facts before proceeding with the sad condition of the Jew and his wife. First, this serpent both walked and talked just as any Gentile man, and it was from this fact that God said to him that he must go upon his belly and eat dust the rest of his life. Second, while there was to be enmity between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman, it has no reference whatever that the whole race of the serpent has to go upon their belly, or that they had to eat dust, but on the other hand, like Nebuchadnezzar, (Daniel iv, 32-33), it only refers to this one and not the whole race, for God just spoke unto the serpent that had beguiled Eve, therefore he said "thou shalt," and "upon thy belly," etc., and "all thy life." All these just imply the one, and not those that may be descend- ants of him, and while in the case of the serpent it was dust that was to be eaten, in the case of Nebuehadnezzer it was grass, but you find both were numbered with the beasts, and in both cases there is but one included in this curse that we have before you. Having these facts so plain before us, we shall turn again to the man and his wife. 38. CREATION AND FORMATION. As soon as God ended his talk with the serpent He again turned to the woman and said : * * "I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring- forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." — Genesis iii, 16. And this most assuredly came to pass, when we remember Cain and Abel as recorded in the fourth chapter and eighth verse. God then turned to Adam and cursed the ground for his sake because he had done what God commanded him not to do, and said for this cause he should in sorrow eat of it all the days of h's life, (see 17th verse), and then God drives him from the garden to till the ground from which he had been made, and He placed a cherubim and a naming sword to keep the way of the tree of life lest the man would put forth his hand and take of the tree of life and live forever, for he has become as one of us, to know good from evil. (See 23d and 24th verses.) Now behold the first Jew man and wife in all their sorrow after listening unto the Gentile, and after being beguiled by him. O, behold what a torturing death he dies! First he dies unto obedience to God. and is made to live to fear; he dies un- to the covering of God, and becomes naked in his own sight; dies to a true servant of God, and lives to sin; dies unto the tree of life, and makes a covenant with the tree of death; dies unto the beautiful garden and paradise of God, and lives to see himself surrounded with thorns and thistles. Behold him as he goes forth from the garden, leaving all its beauties, riches, goodness and purity behind him. All is lost — he must leave all. The tret; of life, farewell to all, Adam. All was thine once, but not now — you have died to all. There is onlj^ left for thee sorrow, toil and labor all thy life. Go, Adam; you disobeyed Me, therefore the time of your departure from all that is pure, and from the tree of life, is at haid. For this one act you have lost eternal happiness and must reap death ; for what a man CREATION AND FORMATION. 39. soweth that also must he reap, and you have sown corruption to the flesh and. must of the flesh reap corruption. In sorrow you must remain all your life. Although you were formed pure for the indwelling of a living soul, you now have lost that purity by yielding to one that was created without that living soul and subject to death, which you were not if jou had not listened to his subtilty, but had obeyed Me, you were immortal; death would not have had power over you, for by sin came death, for when he was in his pure state as God had formed him, he then was naked but was not ashamed. But it was not so after they had eaten of the forbidden tree. And again, when they heard the voice of Gocl they w r ere afraid, something they did not know in their pure state. But now, since they died to all that is pure they both fear and are ashamed, for already do they feel the sting of death. Oh, what pain does all the past bring upon them. How old they look under the weight of it — their heads drooped — the furrows on their brow. The grey locks and sunken eyes all tell death is stealing over them fast, and, too, without one ray of hope from all the promises of the serpent. Their becoming as gods are of no benefit unto them now. The knowledge they have gained only deepens their gloom and shortens their days, and they are only made to cry out, "Lord, save or we perish." This is too true with many poor sinners violating God's command. They see not until too late for help, save in the tree of life, which is the Lord Jesus Christ, and then can only say, "Nothing have I to bring, simply to the cross I cling." And now, dear reader, we add that it was for you and for us, as sinners, that this glorious cross of Christ was so tri- umphantly planted upon Mount Calvary's rugged summit in order that all who would might receive eternal life through His blood, and it is Christ that is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes unto the Father but by Him, and all that calls 40. CREATION AND FORMATION. upon Him He will in no wise cast out. Therefore call upon Him while He may be found, for He is a present help in time of need, therefore lisp His name from every department of life, wherefore we ask His blessing to rest upon those pages that are now before the reader in order that the true light may shine forth from His blessed word, that all who may chance to read may be made to rejoice in the truth that Pie has given us, that when our life with all its labors are ended and He calls us one by one we may enter that true home of never ending joy to bask in the open sunlight of never ending day; to be among the white robed throng in the summer land of sweet by and by. Amen ! Text: — " Starch the Scriptures" — St. John v, 39; Mark iv, 11; 2 Timothy ii, 15. As the scriptural points that we have presented to you in the past pages are merely hints of the true Bible facts that we have yet to present, and as they embrace much greater light and more of the true facts connected with oar subject, Ave think it best to give just such portion as we come to and repeat such as we have passed over that is in connection with what we now desire to mention, to closely connect our subject and make the created Gentile and the formed Jew plain to the reader, and just what we represent them to be, that is, two distinct and separate people from the beginning, the one created on the sixth day and the other formed after the sixth day. It shall be our aim to make the genealogy of these two plain from their aboriginal, by the proof contained in the Bible. But as for gog and magog, which are the mingle! people, or the descendants of those two races by their mingling — the Gentile, who was the tree that the Jew was not to eat of — we shall only notice when necessary, for gog and magog were all numbered with the real Gentile and subject to no law save the law of nature. When we speak in a general way of the Gentile, you can consider all out- side the real Jew included, even the descendants, of Cain who was the fruit of the first violation of the Jew wife, Eve, in the garden of God, and who was the brother of Abel, and they were only half brothers to Seth, the first son of the man Adam, the Jew. And now } t ou will say this is a strong assertion to make, but we answer that it is no stronger than the word of God upon this point, hence our duty is to show such proofs, which we shall cheerfully do. Now, we shall notice the language of the word as recorded in Genesis iv, 1: "And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she 42. CREATION AND FORMATION. conceived and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord." What we ask you to notice in this is the language of Eve, saying "I have gotten a man from the Lord/' when she bare Cain, and also gives us the evidence of G-od's word unto her that her conception should be greatly multiplied, for while she had conceived the idea from the language of the serpent that they were to become as gods, and eat of what God com- manded should not be eaten of, and by that conception deceived her husband who did eat, again in this language, as set forth of her conceiving the idea, and by it again tries to deceive her husband by saying "I have gotten a man from the Lord," when he was of that wicked one and not of God, nor even of the Jew, her husband, (as we have it recorded in 1 John iii, 12). and Abel was his brother (Genesis iv, 2; 1 John iii, 12) no one will dispute, and we find that neither of them were num- bered in the genealogy of Adam, the Jew 7 as recorded in tho fifth chapter of Genesis and reads thus: "This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made He him; Male and female created He them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. And Adam lived a hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth :" (first, second and third verses). By this you see that Seth is the first son of the Jew — the first named in the book of his generation — -Cain and Abel not being mentioned in this genealogy. The great mist that appears to hang over the minds of so many is from the fact of the word of truth not being rightly divided. When we see it rightly divided there can not be any room left for darkness or doubt, therefore it shall be our aim to rightly divide and set before you the truth as given in the Bible. First, we might say that in order to get a fair understand- ing of the truth, that the sir name of both the Gentile and the Jew was man, and we find that both of them were given the name Adam — the one when created, which was the Gen- tile, and the Jew after he had been formed and placed in the garden — hence the language is used, "This is the book of the generations of Adam," which refers to the Jew whom CREATION AND FORMATION. God had placed in the garden and sets the difference between Him an 1 the Gentile, saying, "In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him ; Male and female created he them j and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created." And now, when we have the truth rightly -divided, we then see just who it is that He has reference to, for the first clause of the first verse, up to the word Adam, refers to the Jew, and the remaining portion of the verse and also the second verse refers to the Gentile. In this portion of scripture the mystery seems to hang up- on the mind from the language used, "them," and "their name." As we have stated previously, and which we believe no one denies, the words "them," and "their name," are plural, which means two or more. Many Bible theologians tell you that it included Eve, the wife of the Jew, when those words were used, and that too, in order to harmonize the word of God, but to the deep thinker this only in wraps the truth in deeper mystery, hence they say it is a contradiction of what should be the truth, for they sslj by turning back to the second chapter and twenty-second verse you find the name of Eve as it is given by God Himself, to be woman, as also in the twenty-third verse. And then by turning to the third chapter and twentieth verse you find her given name Eve. Further, the argument is that this woman was not created on the sixth day, but was a rib taken from the Jew man that was formed after the sixth day, and made a woman who was to be the wife of the formed man. From those facts we learn that when God says that He blessed them and called their name Adam in the day when they were created, He refers to more than the Jew and his wife. In order that we may fully understand this portion of God's word we shall try to make it plain by illustration. For instance, we shall say that this is the book of the generation of Adam Johnston, in the time that Adam Miller lived, commencing with the first born son of Johnston, whom we might name Seth. Adam Johnston lived, after he begat Seth, 96 years and begat sons and daughters. In this we learn that Johnston and Miller had the same name, Adam, and also the same name man. Adam is the root word of creation, hence 44. CREATION AND FORMATION. the formed man bears the name Adam from the portion of creation which he had been formed from. Now, from this brief illustration we have no doubt when you read the word you will readily understand it in its full light. As we have stated above, the first clause of the first verse of the fifth chapter of Genesis refered to the Jew, and the rest of the first verse, and also the second verse is concerning the Gentile. Starting again with the thirl vorse you find the generation of the Jew, beginning with Seth, the first born son, on up to Noah and his family, who crossed the flood. Nowhere do we find that Cain and Abel were gcnealogized with them, but for all this many claim Cain and Abel to be the descendants of the Jew man and full brothers to Seth, and as the old saying is that a drowning man will grasp at a straw, so they say positively that Cain and Abel were full brothers to Seth. We demand such Bible truths as will substantiate their assertion, and they may answer certainly, wo shall give sufficient proof of this fact, for by reading the fourth chapter we find that "Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, * * And she again bare his brother Abel." From this they say we learn that Cain and Abel were full brothers, and by Adam knowing his wife when she bare Cain proves to us that they were full brothers to Seth. And again, before ascertaining the depth of their theory we ask them, have you any other Bible evi- dences that may tend to help you in your assertion, and their answer will be, we believe not, and deem the above evidence sufficient to hold up our opinion. Yes, we shall admit that they have given sufficient scripture for us to investigate their opin- ion in its fullest sense. After admitting the fact that Adam knew his wife and she bare Cain and Abel, who were brothers, we ask were they full brothers to Seth, or only half brothers? Why were they not numbered in the book of the generation of the Jew with Seth? They answer, first, because Cain was a murderer, and that Abel was the one lie murdered, and, therefore, Abel being dead and Cain being driven out from the presence of the Lord, neither of them could be numbered in the generation of Adam. Again we ask is Ibis all the proof you have why they should not be imm- CREATION AND FORMATION. 45. bered ? The answer is yes ; and is this not sufficient for any one to see the truth ? We shall answer certainly, any one surely ought to see the truth of the plain scripture, and we in this portion do see the truth that Cain was a murderer, and that Abel was the one he murdered. But we do not con- ceive the truth in this portion of scripture that would give the reason why they were not numbered in the book of the generations of the Jew, if they were full brothers to Seth as they say. And again, let us suppose for a moment that a man had five sons and the oldest would murder the second oldest. Would that man not number those two with the other three ? Even if he did drive the murderer from home he still would not deny him as his first begotten. If this should be the case, he would never disown the dead one. Reason teaches us better than this, and God is greater than man, and should the man deny them, God would not in His word, for God cannot lie. But in order to see the true facts why Cain and Abel were not numbered in the book, it will be necessary to search the scrip- ture and rightly divide it. We have already stated that Adam knew his wife and that she conceived and bare Cain. We do not understand from this that the Jew man was the real father of Cain. From this the question is asked, do you intend to say by this that Eve violated her relationship with her husband as wife ? And we answer yes, and intend to prove this fact by the word of God. The first proof of this we shall notice as above stated in the words spoken by Eve, "I have gotten a man from the Lord." This is simply the multiplying of her conception, for this was the second time she tried to deceive her husband. The first was when she gave him of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It was not until she had been deceived and eaten of the forbidden fruit herself that she deceived her husband, and allured him into the knowledge of good and evil. From this she conceives the idea that she can deceive him by saying : "I have gotten a man from the Lord." When Abel, his brother, was born there is nothing said of his knowing her, and those two were brothers. But without some proof from the Bible on this point it would be worth but little, hence we find that in 46. CREATION AND FORMATION. the process of time these two brothers, Cain and Abel, brought offerings unto the Lord, and unto Abel and his offering the Lord had respect, but unto Cain and his offering the Lord had not respect; wherefore '-Cain was very wroth, and his counte- nance fell. And the Lord said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth ? and why is thy countenance fallen? If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted ?" * * — Genesis iv, 4-7. From this you can plainly see that Eve had uttered words of deception when she said "I have gotten a man from the Lord," and should that have been true, then God would not yet had to accept Cain ; but as John says in his First Epistle, third chapter and twelfth verse, "Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one." This, too, proves that he was not of God, and that God had yet to accept him. Reason, without the Bible, teaches as that God never denies His own, hence we repeat that Cain and Abel were not of the Lord, neither of the Jew man, but were of that wicked one, the Gentile serpent, that had been a tall cedar in the midst of the garden, or as Ezekiel says in the thirty-first chapter, that "the Assyrian was a ce.ia.* in Lebanon with fair branches, and with a shadowing shroud, and of a high stature; and his top was among the thick boughs." This agrees with Isaiah v, 1-2 : "Now will I sing to my well beloved a song of my beloved touching his vineyard. My well beloved hath a vineyard in a very fruitful hill : And he fenced it, and gathered out the stones thereof, and planted it with the choicest vine, and built a tower in the midst of it," * * Ezekiel says a cedar ; Moses calls it a serpent, but Isaiah says a tower. "And also made a winepress (the Jew) therein : and he looked that it should bring forth grapes, and it brought forth wild grapes." Now with these plain facts before us we can readily see that Eve had been deceived by the Gentile, in the blessing he got from the Lord on the sixth day when he was created, and placed as a covering for all. Ezekiel says "he was the anointed cherub that covereth," and by this knowledge and power he deceived the wife of the Jew, and the fruit was the multiplying of her sorrow and conception, and in this sorrow brought forth children— Cain and Abel. In order to further our proofs we shall call your attention to the language of Eve CREATION AND FORMATION. 47. when she set forth the truth, as recorded in Genesis iv, 25: "And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth : For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew." Yes, another seed ; not the same. Xow let us look how much different this seed was from the former one, and this will prove to us why the first two were not numbered in the book of the generations of Adam, and see, too, how plain it shows whose son this last seed was. "And Adam lived a hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth." — Genesis v, 3. Surely this is plain to any candid thinker, for it says Adam lived a hundred and thirty years and then begat a son; and this would exclude the two first children of Eve, his wife, from being his sons. Hence Eve said "God hath appointed me another seed. This was not seed of the wild grapes, as Isaiah says, but the natural grape. Dear reader, this could not be made plainer by anything we could say, than scripture gives it to us, if we was to try. But in words of regret we add : Oh, Mother Eve, could you not have known that there had been war in Heaven, and that Satan, the old serpent, had been cast out and cast to earth, and that he had taken possession of the heart of the Gentile that was to deceive you by saying you was to become as gods, knowing good and evil ? Little did you think that you was going to bring multiplication of sorrow and conception on you; fall from your pure state, and bring death upon yourself and husband. God had forewarned them of this death if they dis- obeyed his command. But this was not realized by either of them until they had disobeyed Him by eating of the forbidden tree. Then they both realized their sad and lost condition, and not until then did they realize that they had brought death upon the body that was to live forever, having access unto the tree of life which was in the midst of the garden. Alas ! it was too late then, for they had eaten of death, and life now only remained with God. So come, Lord. And true the Lord did come in the cool of the day, just when the dark- ness of night was closing upon them, and in time to save them. Yes, God made a temporary covering for them until the coming 48. CREATION AND FORMATION. of the Savior, who was to bring life, light and immortality to light through the gospel, and the day star should arise and give life even unto us poor creatures, who, like live, trampled the mercies of God under our feet time after time. And now this covering is for us in this life, a i 1 to comfort us through the shadows of death and pass us in through the pearly gates of everlasting joy to hear the welcome plaudit: "Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you, for you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joys of the Lord." Amen. Text:— "-Search the Scriptures" — St. John v, 39 ; Mark iv, 11; 2 Timothy ii, 15. The reader will see from the portion of scripture passed over, that we have come out upon the true path with the bright lights along the shore to guide the weary feet homeward, to a city out of sight. But these truths that we have passed over may he called lower lights, as they are but a glimmer of the greater lights that we have yet to pass by as we journey on our way with our subject. But the glimmer that we now see reaches from light to light until we shall see the star of the east burst forth brighter than the noon-day sun. We shall turn again to our subject of the Jew and Gentile — Creation and Formation — and the next thing we shall call your attention to is found in the sixth chapter of Genesis, and in the course of our arguments we expect to take away the great cloud of darkness that has hung over the minds of the people for ages. In order to get a right and clear understanding of the truth, after we have viewed the genealogy of the Jew with sons and daughters, as recorded in the fifth chapter, we find that there was no difference spoken of between the character of those numbered in this generation, and the reason might be added that they were all of one parentage. We take up this sixth chapter and it is like coming out from among a herd of colored sheep in an open field or plain, and taking a view of a herd of white sheep, for we find it reads thus: "And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, (and we shall say here that this is just what God commanded the Gentile to do — Gen- esis i, 28), That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair ; and they took them wives of all which they chose." — Genesis vi, 1-2. 50. CREATION AND FORMATION. Now we think it useless for us to try to set before you two different characters any plainer than this portion of scripture does, but so the reader may be benefitted by our own views gathered as soriptural light, we say that when the Gentile began to multiply, as God commanded them to do, and daughters were born to them, the Jews saw that the daughters of the Gentile were fair. They took them wives of all they chose, "And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart." — Genesis vi, 6. This mingling was the forbidden fruit. We see why God is grieved, and why He says "My Spirit shall not always strive with man." — Genesis vi, 3. And says : "I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth." — Genesis vi, 7. Justice, in this instance, was demand- ing a complete fulfillment upon this language : "In the day thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die." For "clod saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth." — Genesis vi, 5. The Jews were doing that Avhich God had bid them not to do in taking these Gentiles as wives, for when they did this they bear children, and the same became mighty men ; men of old ; men of renown. From this curse God, who cannot lie, must fulfill His word by bringing death upon them by a flood. From this we comprehend the great sin there was in the Jew mingling with the Gentile. Yet for fear there might be a mind void of quick comprehension, we shall aid further, that when the sons of the Jew took the daughters of the Gentile for wives, con- trary to the command of God, and which was very wicked in His sight; so abominable to Him that it caused Him to wish that He had not made them upon the earth, and because they would not listen to Him, He said : "I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth." Some may ask, were they not of the same parentage that you call Gentile and .lew, or the sons of God and the daughters of men? Our answer is, no, they were not. You may be referred to Drs. Clark, Smith, and others, on this subject, which would read, especially Dr. Smith's Bible Dictionary, as follows: "Some of the former christians held the idea that the sons of God spoken of here were angels, but the majority claimed that CREATION AND FORMATION. 51. it was the good, pious christians of those early days; and this last idea is the prevalent one, and the one generally accepted by all theologians of the day." Yes, dear reader, it is just such erroneous ideas that has been, and is still dragging millions down to the darkness of night; to death and ruin. Let us look at the material of these ideas and see if it is good or not, and afterwards look at what God says in His word. First, Dr. Smith says that the idea with some was that those sons of God were angels. Should this have been the case they belonged to heaven where there is neither marriage nor giving in marriage. But they might say that they were fallen angels, and should that be the case they could not have been the sons of God. In that case they would belong to satan — and true, they did after they took these daughters of men. From this we learn that they were not angels, nor even pious christians. Would it not be a hard saying to call a man a good, pious christian when he is tram- pling the mercy of God under his feet and causing Him to repent of having made him ? Just think of such an idea for a moment, and then say they were wolves in sheep's clothing. The words good, and pious, mean a good deal, for the Savior says "Why callest thou Me good." We cannot, then, harbor the thought for a moment that they were good. At the present time we find many such pious christians trampling upon God's word and asking you to bow to them as lords over G-od's heritage. This is the only comparison we can make of those early Jews, called the sons of God, when they mingled with the Gentile, which brought death upon all men. Now all must die — the Jew as well as the Gentile. Noah, being a just man, and per- fect in his generation, found favor in the sight of God. This man was the descendant of the formed man, called the son of God. Hence, G-od says to Noah, "The end of all flesh is come * * for the earth is filled with violence through them." — G-enesis vi, 13. To be further benefitted by this lesson, and see why it was that God had to repent that He had made man, we shall notice that it was the sons of God taking the daughters of men, which caused Him to repent. If these two great charac- ters had been of the same origin, there would have been no 52. CREATION AND FORMATION. reason for such repentance. But finding the mighty gulf of carnality fixed between them by the Gentile being created wild by nature under the carnal law, and death without a living soul; the Jew formed, sanctified and under the divine law; we can see why it was such an abomination in His sight. Eve was the first to transgress in this abomination, and for this she and her husband were turned out of the garden to till the ground from which the man had been taken, in order that the time might come when He might reclaim His own again. Instead of them becoming more pure under the embers of divine justice, they more boldly defy their Maker by taking the daughters of men, who had no prominence above the beast, and covenanted with death in this crime. The portion of scripture herein used has shown us why it was death followed so closely upon the track of the Jew whenever they transgressed the divine law. And in this instance annihilation was brought upon the world by the flood, except the inhabitants of the ark. By this expression our attention is called by skeptics to Genesis vi, 17, to prove that God did not do what He said He would. God said He would destroy all flesh, etc., wherein was the breath of life, and yet He saved the inhabitants of the ark. If this was all the scrip- ture we had, then we would be in the dark, and skeptics could reason doubt upon the minds of the people. But as we have been traveling the path of truth, light streaming in upon the mind to lead the weary traveler higher and higher until the great head-light, Jesus Christ and His gospel, is reached — which will forever do away with anile of mind — upon these grounds we shall endeavor to pursue* our course, first upon the point now in question, that is, if God destroye 1 all flesh how are we to get any portion of the Gentile race across the flood, seeing there were but eight souls saved in the ark. A man with thirty years' experience in editorial work once said to us: "The outline of your theory is good, and if you will show us how you will bridge the deluge over without making- Christ an imposter, you will make us the happiest man living, and in return we will make you a rich man." Flattery cannot win us, nor can riches buy us. Our answer was if we had the bridging of the deluge 4 we, like other men, would fail in our CREATION AND FORMATION. 53. attempt. Finding" God has prepared the material and built the bridge, we, like a wayfaring man, have found the path in His word to cross them over without making Christ an impostor, also establish His true mission of coming into the world. Should we stop by merely looking at the seventeenth verse, then there could be no way for us. In searching the scripture we find in the eighteenth to twenty-second verses just what shall be saved of all flesh, which included the inhabitants of the ark. All the rest were to be destroyed, hence God said to Noah, "With thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee." — -Genesis vi, 18. This included Noah and his family — eight souls. We say this does not bring the Gentiles into the ark;- yet we find these eight souls were not the only ones that were to go into the ark. Xoah was com- manded to take in "of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; the} T shall be male and female." — Genesis vi, 19. There were of all flesh two of every sort saved in the ark — the male and the female. This would bring the Gentile in also ; yet it may appear strange to the reader how they could be incorpor- ated with the inmates of the ark, when there were but eight souls saved. The general teaching is that they all had souls. We shall prove that the}' did not all have living souls. For instance, in examining the record of Cain we find that he went out into the land of Nod and there knew his wife ; and there were sons and daughters born unto him, and they prospered into a kingdom. There had to be two of them go in with Noah, and they did not belong to Noah's family. A pair of them must go in, male and female. Some will say one of Noah's sons had one of Cain's daughters for a wife, but this would not fulfill the scriptures for the} T say, two of every sort. Two of all flesh then must go into the ark, male and female. This shows us, without any other evidence, that there were more people in the ark than Noah and his family. This Cainite people were classed with the Gentile that were a people and yet not a people, being destitute of a living soul. With these truths before us we are enabled to see the way of light more clearly as we journey on 54. CREATION AND FORMATION our homeward path and drives away doubt into intangibility forever. Again we state the Jew always had a preeminence above the beasts, for he was a prepared temple for God's spirit, and that spirit and its abode were supermundane or superlative. It was not so with the Gentile class. Solomon says, "I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts. For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast." — Eclesiastes iii, 18, 19. This clearly distinguishes the Gentile from the Jew, or in other words, the sons of God from the ones called men. In the sixth chapter of Genesis the Gentile is numbered, by the wise man, with the beasts, with no preeminence ; and it was for this reason the Jew was forbidden to come down from their pure state and mingle with a people that did not have a living soul, and were numbered with the beasts, and in this manner crossed the flood with Noah. The language of Solomon proves that even he desired for them to see that they were beasts, and that the} T all had the same breath and as the one died so died the other. Hence, there were but eight living souls saved. Yet skeptics ask, did not the beasts have souls? True, the Bible speaks of the beasts having souls. These souls spoken of is the natural life— soul means life. Living soul means eternal life. Souls are spoken of in the Bible in a two-fold manner — -natural life and spiritual life. Seeing then the Gentile with the natural life, as the beast they go into the ark, numbered with the same, male and female. With these remarks the reader will see how the Gentile with Cain's posterity and the giants came across the flood, and did not belong to Noah and his family. Upon these Bible facts Ave have not made Christ out an impostor, yet we have estab- lished our claim of the Gentile crossing the deluge and also have divulged the erroneous ideas of the pernicious teachings which are being crowded upon the world at the present time, but we shall not stop here. We will proceed to pass these two great nations over the flood together. God said to Noah: Take CREATION AND FORMATION. 55. two and two of all flesh, two of every sort in Avith thee, to keep them alive with thee. The Gentile, the Cainites, the giants, male and female. "Thus did Noah; according to all that God commanded him, so did he." — Genesis vi, 22. For God had said to him : Come thou and all thy house into the ark. "Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female : and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female. * * * To keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth/' — Genesis vii, 2, 3. "And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life. And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him : and the Lord shut him in." — Gen- esis vii, 15, 16. Under such strong declarations as these we will have to admit there were a people in the ark besides Noah and his family, or we could not get two of all flesh in, wherein was the breath of life. God said, they went in, and we believe it; and in this way we have proven, beyond doubt, our point pre- sented. Yet we are far from being through finding the material God built the bridge out of, which brought the Gentile over. However, we are able to pursue our path, from which we have been gathering our light. Such light which does away with those probabilities spoken of by the many, concerning these giants, given in the sixth chapter of Genesis and the one's Ezekiel, in the twenty-eigth and thirty-first chapters, says was in the garden of God as a tall cedar. Grooping those facts together that two of all flesh were shut up in the ark by the Lord, the windows of heaven were opened and the fountains of the deep broken up, "And the waters prevailed upon the earth a hundred and fifty days." — Genesis vii, 24. Some mis- take this language and think the Avaters were dried up in this length of time. They prevailed up to this time — that is they increased and at the end of those days the waters began to return from off the earth. * * "And after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated." — Genesis viii, 3. Then "the ark rested in the seventh month, on the sev- teenth da} r of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month ;" &c Genesis viii, 4, 5. It ceased to rain at the end of forty days and 56. CREATION AND FORMATION. forty nights. It began to decrease at the end of a hundred and fifty days and in the proceeding year, "in the second month, on the seven and twentieth day of the month Avas the earth dried." — Genesis viii, 14. Then God spake unto Noah, saying : Go forth of the ark, and bring forth with thee every living thing that is with thee. And Noah went forth, and every living thing- went with him. We have now crossed the mighty deluge with both Jew and Gentile ; and those two people, different in character, that we have been setting before you, still exist. The flood has not destroyed them entirely, but a remnant of all flesh was saved; but only eight living souls, who belonged to Noah and his fam- ily. For the first time in the history of the Jew God tells them to be fruitful and multiply. We repeat that it is after the mighty deluge that God, for the first time, says to the Jews to "be fruit- ful, and multiply and replenish the earth." — Genesis ix, 1. But over three thousand years before this He said to the Gentile to "be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth." — Genesis i, 28. But we shall draw your attention to the fact that the same pen- alty:: rested upon the Jew if they mingled with the Gentile; for God* had* spoken to Noah and had told him to be fruitful and thad said the fear of them should be upon every beast of the earth, and that they should have control and access to every living thing upon the earth. With the same command that He had given them in the garden He says : "But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat." — Genesis ix, 4. Death was to follow the Jew if he violated this law. In this He only reminds them of the fall in the garden, and of the great catastrophe that they had just passed through, by saying, "And surely your blood of your lives will I require : at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man," &c, Genesis ix, 5. Again this great command is called to mind : "In the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." We can apply to the- Gentile only the flesh with the life therof as the forbidden fruit spoken of here. And the hand of every beast cannot be applied to any other thing. For they were the only characters on earth that had hands and were numbered with the beasts. But to fur- CREATION AND FORMATION. 57. ther our claims, we shall next notice that the isles of the Gentiles were divided by the Jews. God in reckoning up Noah's family begins with Japheth. — Genesis x, 1-4. "By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations." — Genesis x, 5. Again we see in the thirty-second verse, after God had numbered the wole family of Noah's sons, He says : "By these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood." The isles here spoken of belong to the Gentiles. They had to exist and occupy these isles before it could be their lands; hence the isles of the Gentiles were divided by the" Jews, and so it was in the case of the nations — the Gentile nations were divided* by the Jews. If there had not been Gentiles before the flood there could not have been any after the flood. We further say the reason why they were called Gentiles so early after the flood was to distinguish the difference between the two kingdoms more readily — the Jew and the Gentile. God foresaw that the time would come when man, with the devices of satan, would claim these two nations to be one people in order to change times and laws and to bring the world into darkness. Looking upon this darkness as past, as we have been receiving light, we breathe a prayer to God, the giver of all good, to still enlighten our minds and open our understanding, that we may comprehend and move out into the ark of life and light that will bear us far above scoff and skepticism, until we have glided into the beautiful paradise of eternal day, where the morning bursts upon the scene and the shadows flee away. Then let us sing: Lo, Zion's standard is unfurled, The dawning of a brighter day ; And, majestic rises on the world, The clouds of error disappear. Before the rays of truth divine And the glory bursting from afar, Wide over the nations soon shall shine The glorious light of bethlahem's star. 58. CREATION AND FORMATION. The Gentile's fullness will soon come in, When Israel's blessing is at hand. And, lo, Judah's remnant, cleansed from sin, Shall in the promised Canaan stand. And angels from heaven and truth from earth Have met, and both have record borne. Thus Zion's light is bursting forth To bring her ransomed children home. Text: — "Search the Scriptures:' — St. John v, 39; Mark iv, 11; 2 Timothy ii, 15. Since the time that satan was cast from heaven to earth and took up his abode in the Gentile world, man's desire has been to wonder off from the true path of right and build up for himself a way that would elevate self above all that is good, and so we have found it in the scriptural path that we have been following — man wanting to become as God. So it was and is. The demands of justice had been satisfied by the flood and a few years of quietude past, both with the Gentile and Jew, and both enjoying the same language, if not the same tongue, we say the deplorable past was forgotten, and the Jews had "journej^ed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar ; and they dwelt there. And the} T ' said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city, and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven ; and let us make us a name." * * — Genesis xi, 2, 3, 4. Strange to say that the greatest garble that had ever passed is not, yet should be, fresh in the minds of the people. The Jews, in defiance of God, leave the path He had given them, and under- take to prepare for themselves a way up to heaven and make themselves a name. They were not satisfied with the name God had given them and they expected to climb to heaven and pull the unclean with them. That is, the} T were determined to do that which God had said they should not do — -to lay the plans to build a city and a tower that would reach to heaven, and take the Gentile with them by having the Gentile to do the work of building the city and tower. God had forbidden His people to mingle with the Gentile. But regardless of God and what He had said to them, and the misery of death set before them, thev 60. CREATION AND. FORMATION. were determined to prepare their own way to heaven and take the unclean Gentile with them. It was for this reason that God paid them a visit. "And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded." — Genesis xi, 5. These children of men were the Gentiles. In the planning and building of this city is where the Jew again mingled with the Gentile and was the cause of God saying: "Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language." By those two nations uniting and becoming one people, contrary to the Crea- tor's will, they bring another curse upon them — the confound- ing of their language, and scattering them abroad. This oneness of these two characters was adding to the power of satan. It was really his plan of robbing God of His power, and it brought upon the Jew the very curse they intended to overcome and it caused them to lose the ruling power they ha 1 been granted just after coming out of the ark. For the benefit of our readers we shall take into considera- tion a reference given by commentators, referring us to Deuter- onomy i, 28, that they may prove up the building of the city and tower of Babel. This would be no direct reference to the building of the tower of Babel, and would be misleading many a man, for this circumstance was set forth many years after the tower of Babel had been a ruin. But it is necessary for us to gather some facts from this scripture that will be beneficial in forwarding our subject as well as to the reader. We notice this was after the Jews had left the land of Egypt and were in the wilderness as they were journeying towards the promised land. At this point of their journey they meet a strange people whom they fear, and say, "Whither shall we go? our brethren have discouraged our heart, saying, The people is greater ami taller than we; the cities are great and Availed up to heaven." The Gentiles had done a mighty work in their cities and the Jews saw it and feared. This work was not the building of Babel but it was upon the same principle of idolatry. In this instance of building, the Gentiles had done the work and planning them- selves; but in the city of Babel the Jew did the planning and the ftentile did the work. We cannot take any chapter of the Bible and read i1 carefully without seeing these two great characters CREATION AND FORMATION. 61. set forth, and, unless we divide the word in this light, we will have mysteries and probabilities before us all the time. Satan's obscenity poisons the mind of the pure in heart until he draws the dark veil of superstition over them. We further say the Jews took the same part in building Babel that they took in building the tempel under Solomon, and the crucifixion of the Savior. They did the planning in the' building and the condemning in the crucifixion, and the G-entiles did the work. In returning to the Word of God, after the downfall of Jews at the city of Babel, we see this language spoken to Abram : * * "Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kin- dred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee/' — Genesis xii, 1. "So Abram departed, as the Lord had spoken unto him; an I Lot went with him." * * — Genesis xii, 4. And when Abram had come in the land of Canaan the Canaanites and Perizzites already dwelt in the land, as }^ou will see in Genesis xii, .6, and xiii, 7. This is another point in our favor, setting forth these two people, for Abram was a Jew and he was bid to leave his kindred. Noah's descendants were all his kindred, and in leaving them he finds people who are no kin to him, for they belong to the created people. You may be directed to the tenth chapter of Genesis, seventeenth and eighteenth verses, to prove to you that this people whom Abram found in the land of Canaan were of Noah's race; but, as we have said, this would not do, for by such reasoning we would say Abram did not leave his kindred. We find he did just as God had bid him and upon those grounds we find that the Canaanites and Perizzites were no relation to Abram. We fur- ther notice the Perizzite is not named in the genealogy of the Jew anywhere. Hence they were not descendants of that race of people. We think these truths are so plain that doctors of theories may reason as they will, the reader will see the untruthfulness of their arguments and build their faith upon the Bible, know- ing Abram to be a Jew. Leaving his kindred he comes into the land of Canaan and meets there the Gentile. He is seen again to come in contact with the same people in going into Eg} T pt. Abram meeting this people in strange lands was the beginning 62. CREATION AND FORMATION. of the trials of his faith; and in his obedience to the divine injunction his name was changed from Abram to Abraham, and it was under this name he was made the father of many nations. — Genesis xvii, 5. It is claimed that Abram is the fath- er of the Jew and that he is not only the father of the Jew, but the father of the G-entile as well. It is also claimed that the Jewish nation started from Abraham, and we say this is not true, for in that light Joshua would have used very untrue lan- guage when he spoke to the Jew and said, Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the flood in old time, and they served other Gods. — Joshua xxiv, 2. By this we learn there were Jews before the flood. Then it must be that Abraham means a great deal; and it is true that it does, for it means the father of all nations ; that is, it represents God Himself, as in the case of the rich man and Lazarus — the rich man saw Lazarus in Abraham's (God's) bosom afar off. This is a general name given to repre- sent the father of all; hence, in God, through Christ, shall all nations be blessed. Leaving this point for the present we shall notice the cir- cumstance of King Pharaoh taking the wife of Abraham into his house. This man was the king of the Gentile world and was living in peace and quietude until Abraham came into his land and he had taken the wife of Abraham. Then God sent plagues upon him and told him this was wrong, and was the cause of him speaking this language: "I am but a dead man." And he had Abraham brought and chastized him for doing as he had done and bid him leave his land, for it was too great a curse for these two characters to mingle. This still keeps these two nations side by side and keeps the gulf that is fixed between them in view — just as it was in the case of Lot.— Genesis xiv, 8-13. Lot was taken with the five kings that were captured by the four. These nine kings were Gentiles. Doctor Smith and others do not pretend to give the origin of them: "They say from whence these tribes came is a matter of conjecture." Tinder the theory of the Bible there is no conjecture about it. They are of the created race partly or of a whole, and in connection with this circumstance it may be well to mention Melchizedek, king of Salem — interpretation, king CREATION AND FORMATION. 63. of Peace. Why we speak of this point is to enlighten the minds of our readers upon what has been a great. mystery — -that is, in what way was Christ made forever after the order of Melchize- dek? If the Gentile was without a living soul how could he be a high priest? Under the one man theory it would be impossi- ble to tell these things, but in the light that we are walking, we can say to our readers that this man was like Cornelius ; a man who wanted to do right and become an heir of God, and, being destitute of a living soul, God had to, by the power of the Hoty Ghost, create that living soul within Melchizedek, and in doing this he was made a new creature and a high priest. Hence, being made a new creature, he no more belonged to the old Gen- tile race; wherefore he was without father and mother, begin- ning of days and ending of years. Christ was made forever after the order of this man. Christ's flesh was created by the power of the Hoty Ghost. Melchizedek's inward man was cre- ated by the Holy Ghost, and Christ's outward man was made by the same power; hence Christ was made forever after the order of Melchizedek, and Christ to-day stands at the head of the created people as Melchizedek did then and met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, blessed him (for the lesser were blessed by the greater) because he had the greater ruling power. This greatness only belonged to this earth, for immediately after this occurence God says to Abram : "Fear not, Abram: I am * * thy exceeding great reward." That is if Abram was faithful, and did not mingle with the unclean, God would reward him. But he, like his first father, Adam, for- gets himself. When his wife presents the evil he becomes a par- taker of it. Many may think this was not an evil when Sarai said to Abram, Take my maid and go in unto her, but we find it to be different after he has obeyed the voice of his wife and taken the Egyptian maid and she conceived. Then Sarai was despised in her eyes and when Sarai saw this she said to Abram: * * "My wrong be upon thee : I have given my maid into thy bosom ; and when she saw that she had conceived, I was despised in her eyes: the Lord judge between me and thee." — Genesis xvi, 5. Sarai, like Eve, was the first to perceive the wrong, and then tried to lay the wrong on her husband as Eve did on the 64. CREATION AND FORMATION. serpent, and so it was with Abram — he did not want the judgment of God on him. He wanted to shift it off on to Sarai, or the innocent maid, by saying, "Thy maid is in thy hand; do to her as it pleaseth thee." As much as to say, take her life if you want, but do not lay this burden on me. So it was with Adam when God rebuked him, saying: The woman Thou gavest to be with me, she gave me to eat. The reader will readily notice the resemblance between these two instances, and the reason of their likeness is the fact it is the same command violated and the vio- lators must be punished. The dark winged angel of death is hovering over them. For before this circumstance took place with Abram, God had made a covenant with him, and this error was committed when Abram was four score and six years old Genesis xvi, 16. This wrong broke the first covenant that God made with him, and called for a renewal of that covenant. Had it not been for this renewal the blessing and promise that God had given him (Genesis xii, 1-3) would have been void, and the promise was made one hundred years before Abram committed the wrong with the Egyptian maid, and after he had done this deed thirteen more years passed before God renewed His cove- nant by the seal of circumcision. This was to be an everlast- ing one with Abraham and to his seed after him. — Genesis xvii, 7. In this covenant Abram's name was changed to Abraham, as was also his wife's to Sarah, and in it is where Abraham was made the father of many nations — the Gentile as well as the Jew. The promise was given one hundred and thirteen years before this that all the family of the earth in him should be blessed; hence God said to him when he changed his name : * * "I am the Almighty God ; walk before me, be thou perfect." — Genesis xvii, 1. We see from this that Abraham had not walked perfect before God. Wherefore He gives him the command of circum- cision as a seal to the covenant, and every one that belonged to Abraham had to be circumcised, even to the stranger who was bought with Abraham's money; and those that would not obey must be cut off. This seal was set as a guard to the Jew against the curse of them mingling with the Gentile; for this was such a greal evil that Eshmael, the son of the Egyptian maid was cut off and God would not let Abraham call him the seed of the cove- CREATION AND FORMATION. 65. nant nor does he even allow him to belong to the covenant, for death is over him; and by the intercession of Abraham, Ishmael is spared and a blessing placed upon him (Genesis xvii, 18-20) but gives him to understand that Isaac is his only son. (Gene- sis xxii, 2.) Hence, we find that Hagar's son was not to be heir with the son of Sarah, (Genesis xxi, 10) which cut him off from the covenant and established it with Isaac. The same differ- ence existed between Isaac and Ishmael as there did between the real Jew and the children that were born when the sons of God took the daughters of men. Language cannot describe the pain and anguish the Jew endured in this life by their ming- ling with the Gentile before the coming of Christ — and in prison in the world beyond. The Gentile even suffered many things in this life for the same reason and cause, as it was in the case of Abimelech when God said to him : * * "Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman which thou hast taken; for she is a man's wife." — Genesis xx, 3. That is she is the wife of a Jew, and this is wrong. You must deliver her up to this Jew man again and he will pray for you, for he is a prophet, and thou shalt live; but if you do not, death is before you — that is the natural death. Should you fail to obey this death will fol- low immediately : (Genesis xx, 7.) And Abimelech obeyed the Lord, and Abraham prayed for him, and Abimelech was healed : (Genesis xx, 17.) In connection with this and on this point we will notice just one more difference that will show the great gulf that existed between the Gentile and the Jew, as in the case of Abimelech and Sarah, the Jew wife. They brought on the w^rong and it was only through Abraham, the servant of God, that this, not intended wrong, could be removed from Abimelech. With such plain facts of the difference that God had placed be- tween the Gentile and the Jew, and such as we find in the twenty- fourth chapter — Abraham dwelling in a strange land and among a strange people; and the instruction given by Abraham unto his servant charging him that he should not take to wife for his son, Isaac, a daughter of the Canaanites, but should go unto his own people and kindred (the Jews) and there take a wife for Isaac, his son, should give us light sufficient to enable us to see plainly that those are Bible facts and are founded upon that 66. CREATION AND FORMATION. solid rock Christ Jesus, and according as Abraham gave the order it was fulfilled. Isaac took to wife Eebekah, one of his own people, and she bare him two sons — -Esau and Jacob. From these two sons there were to come two nations (Genesis xxv, 23), and they were to be two manner of people. Here is where many say the Gentile had their origin, but such doctrine is not wholesome, for we find they were spoken of in Genesis x, 5, 434 years before Esau was born, and from there we have traced them back into the sixth day when they were created, and this man Esau mingled up with the Gentiles and those that were already mingled, such as Ishmael. (Genesis xxxvi.) Jacob did not mingle with them, but his son Joseph was sold by his brethren into their hands and in course of time they all come under bondage to this Gentile people, and afterwards were led out from bondage through the Eed Sea by Moses, this serving them as a partial deliverance until the prophesy of Jacob upon the coming of Christ was fulfilled, saying: "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from be- tween his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall t the gathering of the people be." — Genesis xlix, 10. Oh, what con- soling streams of divine love burst forth from the Father of Mercy. The promise of God through Jacob was that He would gather His own people through Christ to Himself. Glory to God in the highest, and upon earth peace and good will toward men, through Christ Jesus, our Lord, Amen. Text: — "Search the Scriptures." — St. John v, 39; Mark iv, 11; 2 Timothy ii, 15. After having so rightly divided a portion of the book of Genesis, it will enable the reader to see the great truths that are embraced therein concerning these two people, and perhaps they have never before come to our minds as forcible as they have been in the perusal of this work, because we have been under a theory of man that the man Adam was the first man on earth. ■ This has been the instrument which satan has used to darken the minds of the people from seeing the truth that God did have two separate works. So leaving the first great book of the Bible to the further consideration of the reader, we pass from its teachings to the one following, (Exodus), and continue our search upon this great subject and gather light by rightly dividing the word of truth. In the first chapter we learn the Jews became such a terror to the G-entile, and through such fear "they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens, * * But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel. And the Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve with rigour : And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage." * * — Exodus i, 11-14. In the remaining verses of the same chap- ter you will find the Gentile went so far as to try to destroy the Jew by taking the lives of the new-born infants, and it was under such treatment and circumstances as this when there was a proper child born, whose name was Moses, and who was to be the one to rise up and deliver his people from under the t} T ran- nical power of the Gentile. But before this took place, and after Moses had become a man, he had to flee for his life on account of a cruel king that had taken the place of the deceased king 68. CREATION AND FORMATION. that had known Joseph. And when this king died and God remembered the covenant to Abraham, He called to Moses while he was keeping his father-in-law's flock in the desert. "And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush : and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed, * * He said, I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. * * I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters ; for I know their sorrows; And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians." * * (the Gentile). — Exodus iii, 2-8. God comes to deliver His people. What a gulf there was fixed between these two races. It did not matter how far the Jew wandered away from God, whenever they turned to Him with a cry for help He would hear them and help them even if He had to cut off an entire kingdom of the Gentiles, for the Jew were His holy people; the Gentile the wild olive tree. And so it was in this time when He said to Moses * * "I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou may est bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt." — Exodus iii, 10. For "I have said I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt." * * — Exodus iii, 17. He says to Moses, "Thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus sayeth the Lord, Israel is my son, even my firstborn : And I say unto thee, Let my son go, that he may serve me : and if thou refuse to let him go, behold, I will slay thj r son, even thy firstborn." — Exodus iv, 22-23. We might have used this scripture when we were rightly dividing the truth in the sixth chapter of Genesis, to have proved who the sons of God were that took the daughters of men, for here we have Israel represented as His firstborn son, and which Luke tells us was Adam, showing that the Jews were called the son's of God from the man Adam down. But here were the same class of people that the Jews had mingled with on the other side of the flood now holding them in bond- age, and God said to them, if you do not let My son go I will destroy thy firstborn son. "And it came to pass, that * * CREATION AND FORMATION. 69. the Lord smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on his throne unto the firstborn of the captive that was in the dungeon;" * *^— Exodus xii, 29. We can not think the reader, after he has seen from these scriptures the difference God makes between them, will say- or think any longer they are of the same origin. "Thus did all the children of Israel ; as the Lord commanded Moses and Aaron, so did they." — Exodus xii, 50. He had commanded them to keep the passover the night before they would leave Egypt, and a law was given them. "And it came to pass, when (this great Gentile king) Pharaoh had let the people (the Jew) go, that God led them not through the way of the land of the Philis- tines, although that was near; for God said, Lest peradventure the people repent when they see war, and they return to Eg} T pt : But God led the people about, through the way of the wilder- ness of the Eed Sea : * * And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night." — Exodus xiii, 17-21. "But the Egyptians (Gentiles) pursued after them, * * And when Pharaoh drew nigh; the children of Israel lifted up their eyes, and, behold, the Egyp- tians marched after them; and the} T were sore afraid: and the children of Israel cried out unto the Lord." — Exodus xiv, 9-10. And the Lord heard them and commanded Moses to stretch forth his hand over the sea. "And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back * * And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground : and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left. And the Egyptians pur- sued, and went in after them, » * And the waters returned, and covered * * the hosts of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them. * * But the children of Israel walked upon dry land in the midst of the sea; * * Thus the Lord saved Israel that day out of the hand of the Egyptians ; * * Ex- odus xiv, 21-30. Thus God saved the Jew and destroyed the Gentile in order to cut off satan from his own. This great contrast is enough to teach us that there was a great difference between these two characters, and this differ- 70. CREATION AND FORMATION. ence was, the Jew had a living soul and the Gentile had not. Yet as far as wisdom and knowledge was concerned, the Gen- tile was far in advance of the Jew. And for these two great reasons the Jews were not yet free from them only by strict obedience to God's laws, for He had only destroyed a portion of those Gentiles in the sea, the earth to a large extent being populated by them, this being their mission — be fruitful and multiply. Hence, when God led the children of Israel through the wilderness toward the promised land, knowing these Gen- tiles were already there, He said to them: "Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. * Beware of Him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; * For mine Angel shall go before thee, and bring thee in unto the Amorites," *■ — -Exodus xxiii, 20-23. "Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, * Thou shalt make no covenant with them, * — Exodus xxiii, 24-32. "For thou shalt worship no other God: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. Lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and they go a whoring after their gods, and do sacrifice unto their gods, and one call thee, and thou eat of his sacrifice; And thou take of their daughters unto thy sons, and their daughters go a whoring after their gods, and make thy sons go a whoring after their gods." — Exodus xxxiv, 14-16. Here again we find God repeating the same command that He had given in the garden, "thou shalt not eat of it." Thus it behooves them to obey God in the commands and instructions He had given them, especially in this great abominable sin of mingling with this people that was destitute of a living soul. His judgments as well as His laws are given them, and are recorded in this book of Exodus; and although this great leader, Moses, was grieved many times at the disobedience of his people, still in such grief we find him in the deepest love for them, earnestly pleading with God to have mercy on them and spare them; pleading as a fond mother would plead before the bar of justice for her wayward son who is under the con- demnation of the law. Oh, how her heart bleeds to see the child she loves torn from her bosom: the one she had so often CREATION AND FORMATION. 71. caressed in childhood and cared for in sickness, and many long, lonesome nights and weary hours had been spent for him; all is to be lost now in manhood when he ought to be a comfort to her unless her pleading cries will gain the mercy that will spare her son. So it was with this noble heart as he pleaded with God for his people. Under such a picture think of the Father of us all as justice is demanding of Him to cut them off for their sin, and mercy pleads for them : Spare them, Oh, Lord ; spare them a little longer. G-od is grieved at his heart to see His children leaving Him and following the dictates of one that can not afford them one moment of pleasure and only bring a premature death. Dear reader, this curse is taken away in Christ, and all mankind is bidden to the waters of life — to the fountain that was opened in the house of David for sin and uncleanness. Then come to Jesus; yes you may. Come and drink and live. His blessed Word does teach and say, He gives, He freely gives. CHAPTEE -VII. Text: — "Search the Scriptures." — -St. John v, 39; Mark iv, 11; 2 Timothy ii, 15. Having scriptures sufficient from these two first books to establish our work without any more, if we are to take it as the word of God, and to show that our subject is a fact and based upon Bible authority and can not be successfully denied — although the image of the second beast that John the Reve- lator saw Him set up (or the one man theory) has tried hard to exterminate, or extirpate, and suppress and supercede, the only one supermundane and the one from the Supreme's Divine authority — we saj in spite of all their penumbra permutation and pernicious ways, the word of God has stood and will stand until man, time and earth are no more. He says "Heaven and earth may pass away, but my word shall not pass away." Like plants, unknown in certain portions of the habitable globe, have suddenly sprung up from the soil, the seeds having been wafted by the winds, carried by the birds or washed ashore by the waves — but so vital are seeds that they live wherever they are borne, even after they have been l3 7 ing buried deep in the soil for centuries and have been brought to the surface — the}' have germinated and brought forth abundantly. Thus it is with the word of God ; it liveth and abideth forever. Oh, the majestic power of the word of God ! Have you not, dear reader, felt its penetrating light from the portion of scripture we have passed over by rendering our service in its true division? Following up this true path our attention is called to the language of God, telling Moses to speak to the children of Israel and say : * "I am the Lord your God. After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan, whither CREATION AND FORMATION. 73. I bring yon, shall ye not clo : neither shall ye walk in their ordinances. Ye shall do my judgments, and keep mine ordinances, * I am the Lord your God." — Leviticus xviii, 2-4. Those judgments and ordinances were placed upon the Jew as bracelets upon their hands and as a chain upon their necks to hold them under his protecting arm, and to stop their mingling with the G-entile in the land of Canaan, and in this way deprive Satan of his destructive power in death, and to keep them from letting their "seed pass through the fire to Molech. * — Leviticus xviii, 21. It was Adam and Eve that first crossed this gulf and brought death upon them, and the curse is now deepening upon them on this abominable thing, and God warns them of this fact by telling them that * "Even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people." — Leviticus xviii, 29. The clouds are darkening around the transgressor. The struggling souls in prison are becoming excessive from the multiplication of this wrong, for even the mixed multitude that went up with them out of Egypt was deprived of some of the benefits of His law. In this one great command they all had to obey Him, even them of the stranger that would dwell among the Jew, for He says: * "Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or the stranger that sojourns in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech, he shall surely be put to death : the people of the land shall stone him with stones." — Leviticus xx, 2, Molech here represents the real Gentile. The stranger is the Gentile that has given himself up to right, and by stay- ing with the Jew for seven generations — not going out among the Gentile — becomes a member of the congregation of the Lord. In this way and in this length of time their blood and their lives became as the Jews, and the}^ became sanctified as God had commanded the Jews to do — sanctify themselves and be holy, as He was holy. (Leviticus xx, 7). Those strangers were first bought with the mone} T of the Jews. (Leviticus xxv, 44-45). This was just what God had commanded Abraham to do when He made His covenant with him. Again in pursuing the path of the Jews on their way from 74. CREATION AND FORMATION. Egypt to the promised land, when in the wilderness of Paran, * "The Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Send thou men, that they may search the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel: * And Moses by the commandment of the Lord sent them. * So they went * and searched the land. * And they returned from searching the land after forty days. * And they told him * surely it floweth with milk and honey; * And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the children of Israel, saying, The land, through which we have gone to search it, is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the men we saw in it are of a great stature. And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants : and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight."— Numbers xiii, 1-33. These giants are the descendants of the man that Ezekiel claims to have been a tall cedar in the garden of God, and the one that was so wise that they could hide no secret from him. And the giants spoken of in the sixth chapter of Genesis is of the same people. So we see a connecting link of the giants through the Gentile race from their origin, which was on the sixth day. If we had to take Bible commentators' word for it, we would only have it as a mere matter of conjecture where those people originated, but having a more sure word of prophesy than man's we turn to it and find it to sa}^: "And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants." * — Numbers xiii, 33. This gigantic people could not have come from Noah's family, for the reporters who had made the report of the giants were of Noah's family, and they could not have been any relation to each other whatever. The one is of the Jew, and the other is of the giants that dwelt on the other side of the flood, when the sons of- God took the daughters of men. These giants, we repeat, belonged to the Gentile race. To take the Bible as a lamp we have no room to claim conjectures on this point, for it plainly says * "The Assyrian was a cedar in Lebanon with fair branches, and with a shadowing shroud, and of a high stature; and * The waters made him great, the deep set him up on high; * his height CREATION AND FORMATION. 75. was exalted above all the trees of the field ; (the garden of Eden) * the cedars in the garden of God could not hide him : * so that all the trees of Eclen, that were in the garden of God, envied him." — Ezekiel xxxi, 3-9. This is the man that was created male and female and placed as a ruling power over all the earth, for "all the fowls of heaven made their nests in his boughs, and under his branches did all the beasts of the field bring forth their young, and under his shadow dwelt all great nations." — Ezekiel xxxi, 6. This man could not be hid, for you can plainly see he was above all. But it was quite different with the man Adam. He hid himself among the trees of the garden. This gigantic Gentile was so great in stature that these Jews were but as grasshoppers in their own eyes. By the Jews mingling with these Gentiles, as we have before stated, it caused death to reap its harvest in various forms, times and places, and another of those harvests was reaped while the children of "Israel abode in Shittim," * by their committing "whoredom with the daughters of Moab." They partook of "the sacrifices of their gods: * And" joined themselves "unto Baal-peor," (the Gentile), and for this reason God said to Moses, "take all the heads of the people, and hang them up before the Lord against the sun." * — Numbers xxv, 1-4. After death had its harvest the plague was stayed, but not until the command of justice was fully satisfied, and in this language: "In the day thou eat thereof, thou shalt surely die." God's declaration was fulfilled, for four and twenty thousand had met their fate in the arms of death. Reader, study the twenty-fifth chapter of Numbers well and learn what a curse it was for the Jew to mingle with the Gentile, and then while you cannot comprehend in this picture of death the darkest portion, we shall further invite your attention to the thirty-first chapter of Numbers to aid us in seeing how weak the law was in taking awa} T this curse. For while the sight of the bleeding heads of twenty-four thousand Jews, hung up before the sun, was yet fresh in their minds, God said to Moses, "Avenge the children of Israel of the Mid- ianites:" * b^y making war upon them and destroy them CREATION AND FORMATION. from off the earth, and when they took them captive the temptation was too great; they again allowed themselves to be led astray by keeping the women alive. "And Moses was wroth with the officers of the host, * and * said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the Lord in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the Lord. Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill ever}^ woman that hath known man bj lying with him." — Numbers xxxi, 2-17. In this scripture there are several points we wish to notice. First, it was the mingling of the Jew and the Gentile that brought on the curse; in the second place, they did not destroy all, as God had commanded them, and in the third place, we notice that the Gentiles are so much different from the Jew that they are bid to kill all of the little male children. This, within itself, is sufficient to show that there was such a wall that it could not be broken down by the law. Just to think a middle wall that would cut off the little ones. What pain this must have been, not only to the lookers on of the Gentile world, but even to the Jew that had hands in it. 80 horrible must have been this sight that the hardest heart would fear and quake. But justice must be satisfied. The Majesty has been insulted, and mercy has been trampled on. If mother Eve could have looked down the annals of time and saw the pain, suffering and sorrow, the path strewn with the dead and dying, she surel}^ would have overcome the temptation of becoming as gods. But under all this suffering we can only say with Jeremiah : "The Lord hath done that which he had devised ; he hath fulfilled his word that he had commanded in the days of old: he hath thrown down, and hath not pitied. * The young and the old lie on the ground in the streets: my virgins and my young men are fallen by the sword ; thou hast slain them in the da} T of thine anger; thou hast killed, and not pitied." — Lamentations ii, 17-21. "Yet they hearkened not unto me, (God), nor inclined their ear, but hardened their neck: they did worse than their fathers. * And they have built the high places of Tophet, CREATION AND FORMATION. which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my heart/' — Jeremiah vii, 26-31. "Behold the voice of the cry of the daughter of my people. * The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and Ave are not saved. * Is there no balm in Gilead? is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered ?" — Jeremiah viii, 19-22. And now, oh, Lord, the entrance of words sdveth light to the simple. It lifteth the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the horrible pit. "Every word of God is pure : he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar." — Proverbs xxx, 5-6. Heed the counsel of a wise man. "Wis- dom is good with an inheritance: and by it there is profit to them that see the sun. * All things have I seen in the days of my vanity." * — Ecclesiastes vii, 11-15. Solomon, in this, tells us that he had spent days of vanity. This was when he sought in his heart to give himself unto wine, yet acquainting his heart with wisdom, and to lay hold on folly until he might see what was good for the sons of men (Gentiles). (See Eccles- iastes ii, 3). This was when Solomon's heart was turned away by strange wives. (1 Kings xi, 4). Those women were of the Gentile, and they were the * "Nations concerning which the Lord said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall not go in to them, neither shall they come in unto you: * Solomon clave unto these in love. * When Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God. * Then did Solomon build a high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Mpab, * before Jerusalem, * And the Lord was angry with Solomon." * — 1 Kings xi, 2-9, So, often God plead with His people to not mingle with the Gentile, but in spite of all He could do they would commit this great evil. And so it was not only in one instance or one king of the Jew, that did this great evil, but the many. Ahaz with Solomon, was one among the many. He * "did not that which was right in the sight of the Lord his God, like David 78. CREATION AND FORMATION. his father. But he walked in the way of the kings of Israel, yea, and made his son to pass through the fire, according to the abominations of the heathen, whom the Lord cast out from before the children of Israel." — 2 Kings xvi, 2-3. The sweet entreaties of a king and loving father were trampled upon. His commandments and testimonies went unheeded, "and they followed vanity and become vain, and went after the heathen that were round about them, concerning whom the Lord had charged them, * and made them "•'' images, * and made a grove, and worshiped all the hosts of heaven, and served Baal. And they caused their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire, and used divination and enchantments, and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the Lord." * 2 Kings xvii, 15-17. God, through Moses, had told them that "There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch Or a charmer, or a consnlter with familiar spirits, or a wizard or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomina- tion unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee." Deute- ronomy xviii, 10-12. But He says "They have turned unto me the back, and not the face: though I taught them, rising up early and teaching them, yet they have not hearkened to receive instruction. But they set their abominations in the house, which is called by my name, to defile it. And Un- built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech ; which 1 commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomi- nation, to cause Judah to sin." — Jeremiah xxxii, 33-35. These scriptures have been given to the reader by the author to demonstrate the advisableness of those Bible truths, and learn therein the necessity of the truth being rightly divided so that we may know for ourselves the great mission and work of Christ on earth, and the work He accomplished in that world beyond where He went and preached to the spirits in prison, and the sons of God shouted for joy until the dav CREATION AND FORMATION. 79. brake and the shadows flee away, when he came forth from the grave as fair as the morning ; as bright as the moon; as clear as the sun, and as terrible as an army with banners. Oh, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord. Amen. CHAPTEB "VIIJ. Text: — "Search the Scriptures." — St. John v, 39; Mark iv, 11; 2 Timothy ii, 15. We do not want the conclusion drawn that by closing a chapter we have closed with it any one point of Bible facts, for we may at any time call to mind afresh any point that we have presented heretofore, or that we may present hereafter. The aim the author has in view is to carry a chain of Bible facts grouped together that may enable us to see those two nations running parallel with each other from the time the Jew had been formed and placed in the garden — the Gentile existing for a period before that time. In connection with this we wish to call your attention to the fact that the real Jew was not to mingle with the Jew that- had mingled with the Gentile, as in the ease of Esau, even though they were their brethren. (Deuteronomy ii, 4). Esau was the brother of Jacob. He sold his birthright and then went and took wives of the Gentiles contrary to his father's wishes, and after a Jew mingled with the Gentile his children were then numbered with them, for the}' were now unclean and partly wild by nature. The children of Israel were to pass through the land of Esau, but they were forbid to have anything to do with them only to buy meat and water from them for money; nor were they to distress the Moabites who were the children of Lot. (Deuteronomy ii, 1-9). In this we find that there was a people (ailed Emim that dwelt in this land before Lot or Esau, and they were many and tall as the Anakim, who were accounted giants, but the children of Esau drove out the Gentile Horim before them and dwelt in their stead. (Deuteronomy ii, 10-12). These are the same giants that commentators speak of when they say "their origin is a mere matter of conjecture," bat we have previously shown that CREATION AND FORMATION. ' 81. they belong to the Gentile race. We comprehend that the reason those bibieal scholars claim that there is no genealogy given in the Bible is because, for greed and gain, they desire to keep the world in darkness. For in all the journeys of the Jews the Gentiles are mentioned side by side with them. The Bible does not tell of the journeying of the Gentile, but we find that wherever the Jews went, the Gentiles were there before them — and true it is, they were before them from the beginning. Wherefore sayeth God, * "Ask now of the days that are passed, which were before thee, since the day that God created man upon the earth, and ask from the one side of heaven unto the other, whether there hath been any such thing as this great thing is, or hath been heard like it? Did ever people hear the voice of God speaking out of the midst of the fire, as thou hast heard and live?" — Deuteronomy iv, 32-38. What we want to notice here is that the question God tells them to ask of the time that was before them, that time Avas the time of the Gentile before the Jew was formed. "Unto thee it was shewed, that thou mightest know that the Lord he is God; there is none else beside him. * And because he loved thy fathers, therefore he chose their seed after them, and brought thee out in his sight with his mighty power out of Egypt; To drive out nations from before thee greater and mightier than thou art, to bring thee in, to give thee their land for an inheritance, as it is this day." — Deut- eronomy iv, 35-88. Notice here that it was the seed of the Jew that God had chosen to drive out other seeds or nations because He loved their fathers. The reason he loved them was because he had formed them for himself. They were to keep themselves pure and holy, separate and apart from the seed of the wild, unclean Gentile. Hence He says: "And when the Lord thy God shall de- liver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly de- stroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them : Neither shalt thou make marriages with them ; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son. For they will turn away thy son from following me." * -—Deuteronomy vii, 2-4. The 82. . CREATION AND FORMATION. difference is so great in these two seeds that in order to cut off satan's power over the holy seed, He commands them to destroy the natural seed from among them, and to have nothing* to do with them. For them to disobey God in this the sentence was death. His laws and His judgments He set before His people and plead with them at all times for them to obey Him, but in spite of all His loving kindness toward them they would go after the Gentiles. While the punishment was very great and in many forms, the promise was that * "it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, * to do all his commandments, * the Lord thy God will set thee * above all nations of the earth." — Deuteron- omy xxviii, 1. But in failing in this the terrible curse is set before them in His judgments in this language : "Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto another people, and thine eyes shall look, and fail with longing for them all the da}' long: and there shall be no might in thine hand. The fruit of thy land, and all thy labors, shall a nation which thou knowest not eat up." * — Deuteronomy xxviii, 82-83. Also, in speaking upon this point, we have these words of God: "The Lord shall bring thee, and thy king which thou shalt set over thee, unto a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known; and there shalt thou serve other gods wood and stone"-Deuteronomy xxviii, 36. And, also : "The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth ; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand; A nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor shew favor to the young: And he shall eat the fruit of thy cattle, and the fruit of thy land, until thou be destroyed." * — Deuteronomy xxviii, 49-51. Now then, in this quotation we have a picture before us that is the opposite to the one we find in the fourth chapter of Deuteronomy. In this we learn that God, who had so far kept the Jews from bowing their knees to the image of Baal, would, if they worshiped this image, give the fruit of their land and their labors to a nation whom they, nor their fathers before them, had never known. It is very plain that this nation spoken of did not belong to the Jews, nor to Noah, nor to any CREATION AND FORMATION. 83. of his descendants. They did not belong to the first man formed, (the Jew), for all of this people (Jews) Moses and his forefathers knew, for God had told them, as concerning Esau, that they were all of one people. Although they had fallen away from G-ori through disobedience, yet they were known and belonged to the Jewish 'nation. This Gentile nation was unknown to the Jews as a people having a living soul. And now, in order to give the reader more light upon this subject in regard to those two nations, we refer the reader to the thirty-second chapter and eighth verse of Deuteronomy, which says: "When the Most High divided to the nations their in- heritance, Avhen he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel." - Now comes the question, when were the lands of those nations divided? You will find an answer to this ques- tion in the tenth chapter and fifth verse of Genesis. "By these were the isles of the Gentiles divide 1 in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations." Another question: By whom were the lands divided? They were divided by the Most High, through the agency of Noah's sons who, of course, were the sons of Adam. You can see precisely here that the right they then enjoyed of dividing those nations was soon taken away from them by the building of the tower of Babel. And in doing this and many other such evils, the Jews provoked their God to jealousy. He abhorred them in this work. The idea itself is more clearly expressed in this lan- guage : "They provoked him to jealousy with strange gods, with abominations provoked they him to anger." "And when the Lord saw it, he abhorred them, because of the provoking of his sons, and of his daughters." — Deuteronomy xxxii, 16, 19. This is sufficient to -convince us that God owns the Jews as his people, hence we learn that it was the Jews who were called the sons of God, as recorded in the sixth chapter of Genesis, Avhere we learn that they had taken the daughters of men (Gentiles) to themselves for wives. God speaks of this Gentile nation in Deuteronomy xxxii, 8. This was the nation that Gocl divided, setting their bounds according to the number of the Jews, and separated the sons of Adam from this Gentile nation 84. CREATION AND FORMATION. which was unknown to the present Jew^s, to Moses and their fathers before them. They were classed with the beasts, and at the same time, this language refered to teaches us- that they existed in the days of the first parent of the Jew whom God had formed, as we learn that He tells them in the thirty- second chapter and eighteenth *verse of Deuteronomy, in plain words, that they had "forgotten God that formed them." Now then, read for yourself and be convinced of the great truth of the Bible on this subject: "They have moved me to jealous}^ with that which is not God; they have provoked me to anger with their vanities: and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation." — Deuteronomy xxxii, 21. We trust that there is no one in all the world so dull of compre- hension that he is unable to catch a glimpse of the bright light that we are walking in, as concerning the two great nations — the creation of the one (the Gentile), and the formation of the other (the Jewish). This quotation causes us to look forward to a time to come, for when God said "I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation," you see this time was yet to come, or, in other words, the day was yet to come when the Lord would do this. The Lord said to Abraham: "In thy seed shall all nations of the earth be blessed." At the time the Lord spake thus this promise had not been fulfilled. The promise is that it shall be so. By this we learn that Ave are to look forward to some future time when this language was spoken by the Lord to the Jews for a fulfillment. And now, as the light is already spreading its rays over our minds, and driving those dark clouds away from before our eyes, we will try to keep it burning brighter and brighter until it reaches the height of perfect beauty. No one but a mad-man would dispute, at this early stage of our subject, that there was not two nations. The Gentile, on the sixth day, belonged to God's work of creation. This Gentile was without a living soul. But the Jew belonged to II is work of formation, and was made a living soul, and placed in the garden of Eden* Mc was called the son of God, and his descendants were called the sons of God. The man in CREATION AND FORMATION. 85. the garden of Eden (Adam, the Jew) was made after the seventh day. But in order to hasten on till we reach the time wherein God is going to move the Jews to jealousy with a people that are not a people, and to explain the difference between the two nations, we refer the reader to the twelfth chapter of the book of Joshua, and you rind there thirty-one kings; these were kings of the Gentiles before the Israelites had any king or kings. You might ask were not those kings ruling over the dispersed Jews? The answer to this query is, had this been the case with some, it was not with all, for if you will take notice of the fourth verse of the twelfth chapter of Joshua, you will see there that the king spoken of was a remnant of the giants. He was known as a Gentile king, and was, with the rest of these kings, driven out by the Jews. (See first to twenty-fourth chapters of Joshua). After all this had been accomplished, Moses being dead and Joshua growing old, you will find in the twenty-fourth chapter of Joshua, beginning with the first verse, that he gathered all the tribes of Israel together and said unto them : * "Thus sayeth the Lord God of Israel, Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the flood in old time, even Terah, the father of Abraham, and the father of Nachor: and they served other gods. And I took your father Abraham from the other side of the flood, and led him throughout all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his seed, and gave him Isaac." — Joshua xxiv, 2-3. And in connection with this lan- guage Joshua tells the Jews to put away the gods which their father's served on the other side of the flood, and to fear and serve the Lord. The Israelites are commanded to put away all strange gods. Now then, dear reader, this Bible lesson carries us back beyond the flood to the time when the Jews served strange gods. You may ask, who were these strange gods? We only ask you to look back to the time when men began to multiply on the earth and daughters were born to them, and you will see that the sons of God took the daughters of men to be their wives, and it repented the Lord that he had made man. Here it was that the two nations mingled together, which was for- bidden bv God. 8(5. CREATION AND FORMATION. It is hardly necessary for ns to repeat the proofs that we have already gone over concerning this abominable thing the Lord hated, for we have here a chain that reaches back beyond the flood, and it is so plain that no one need stumble over it. By consulting Joshua you find that God's command was through the instrumentality of Joshua: "Be ye therefore very courageous to keep and to do all that is written in the book of the law of Moses, that ye turn not aside therefrom to the right hand or to the left; That ye come not among these nations, these that remain among you;" * —Joshua xxiii, 6-7. The Israelites were also commanded not to even go among the mingled people. But in spite of God's lawful command some of His people disobeyed ITim and went among the people He commanded them not to go among. This was death to some of them, and to others it was bondage, and even some of God's people that did not violate His holy law were made to suffer because of the transgressors' disobedience. For the Jews to mingle with the Gentiles in those days was a great sin. God told them (His people, the Jews) to cast these Gentiles out of their midst and not go among them, for they were a people and yet not a people. He did not want them to do as their forefathers did before the flood and in the land of Egypt, to marry and mingle with the Gentiles, for they were without a living soul. In the book of Judges, second chapter and second verse, God says, "Ye shall make no league with the inhabitants of this land;" but after Joshua died the Israelites again forsook their God and served Baalim. The Bible says: "And they forsook the Lord God of their fathers, which brought them out of the land of Egypt, and followed other gods, of the gods of the people that were round about them, and provoked the Lord to anger."— Judges ii, 12. Dear reader, we have just one chain of evidence and it runs clear through the Bible and proves to us that it was the ming- ling of the Jews with the Gentiles that was so disgusting to God. This was the forbidden fruit. Their first parents ate of it and by so doing brought death upon themselves and upon the whole human race. The tree of knowledge of good and evil was nothing more than the mixture of the two nations — the CRKATIOK AM) FOIJM ATIOX. Jew and the Gentile. Now then, let us for a little while gaze upon the picture we have before us — the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Thousands of Bible commentators there are who will tell you that this tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden was, in reality, a tree which bore a kind of poisonous fruit. They say it might have been a tree that brought forth poison- ous apples, or some other kind of noxious fruit. This, they say, was the kind of fruit which Adam and Eve partook of and by so doing brought on destruction. Now don't you, see this doctrine is false? The Bible tells us in words true and plain that the forbidden fruit was the mingling of the two nations, the Jew and the Gentile. Let us now turn to the third chapter of Judges and the first verse, and we learn that God did not drive out certain ones from among Israel, but left them to prove Israel. You must understand that we are calling the Israelites the real Jew. They were God's people. It is hardly necessary for us to name those who were left to prove Israel, for the reader can see for him- self by reading the third verse of the third chapter of Judges. But alas, just like their first parents and the sons of God before the flood, we find them taking to themselves Gentile wives and giving their daughters to Gentile men, and serving Gentile gods. Is it possible that there is any one so blind, with so great a light before the world, that he cannot see that the Gentile was create! on the sixth day, and the formation of the Jew was after the sixth day; and that the great commandment given was that the Jew should not mingle with the Gentile? The Jews were of people having a living soul, but not so with the Gentile, for they were numbered with the beasts. The multi- plying of the Gentiles was the god whom they (the Gentiles) served. This they were commanded to do — "Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth," etc. With this people (the Gentiles) God did not want His people (the Jews) to mingle, for they were without a living soul. But with the same chain of evidence we pass to the second chapter of Judges and seventh verse, and we find that after 88. CREATION AND FORMATION, Joshua died then came the Judges, and yet they would not hearken unto their Judges, but committed whoredom and bowed themselves to strange gods, and did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord. We have merely given you the idea of God expressed in this verse to show you the difference be- tween the two nations. And now, passing to the fourth chap- ter and second verse we find that the Lord sold them into the hands of Jahin, king of Canaan, that reigned in.Hazor; the captain of whose host was Sisera, which dwelt in rlaroshcth of the Gentiles. By. taking in connection with this verso the fifteenth and sixteenth verses, we find for the second time the name "Gentile," and this is the second time the name "Gentile" is used. The first time this name was used was when the isles of the "Gentiles" were divided by the sons of Noah. (Genesis x, 5). This is sufficient to show that there was another nation outside the family of Noah that crossed the flood. From the time the isles of the Gentiles were divided by the sons of Noah up to the time God sold them into the hands of Jahin, king of Canaan, the name "Gentile" is used the second time only. But a great many times these same people went by other names, as gog and magog. The same sprang from these two nations. Gog and magog are a mingled people. The Egyptian is a por- tion of the Gentile race. But as we have already stated, we will not carry along the different names given to the Gentiles and the Jews. The Gentile and the Jew is the subject of our present w r ork, and we are going to handle them as before stated, only when an explanation is necessary. We will now pass on to the ninth chapter of Judges and the eighth verse. We learn here and in the remaining verses of this chapter that men are represented as trees. Of this we wall take a more careful survey hereafter, and will now pass over the Book of Ruth and turn to the second chapter and fifth verse of 1 Samuel, which says: "They that were full have hired out themselves for bread; and they that were hungry ceased: so that the barren hath borne seven; and she that hath many children is waxed feeble." In this verse we learn that Hannah was rejoicing over the fact that the Israelites were then vic- torious over their enemies; but this rejoicing was soon turned CREATION AND FORMATION. 89. into mourning. "And they cried unto the Lord, and said, We have sinned, because we have forsaken the Lord, and have served Baalim and Ashtaroth : but now deliver us out of the hand of our enemies, and we will serve thee." — 1 Samuel xii, 10. Now, by this we simply mean to show that there were two different nations, and in connection with this thought we desire to add another important link to the chain, because it helps to strengthen the chain. This link is found in 2 Samuel, twenty- first chapter and sixteenth verse, and reads, "And Ishbi-benob, which was of the sons of the giant," * proves also that which we desire most in connection with our work. For further proof of the fact of two different nations, the reader will do well to notice the tenth, eleventh, twentieth and twenty- first verses of the second chapter of Deuteronomy, which clearly sets forth the desired facts ; and also in Genesis, sixth chapter and fourth verse you find another link for the same chain, and it crosses the deluge. More properly speaking, the Gentile nation we read about on the other side of the flood, is the same nation we read about on this side of the flood. In speaking upon the same point we learn from the book of 1 Kings, eleventh chapter, that King Solomon loved many strange women together with the daughter of Pharaoh, con- cerning which the Lord said unto the children of Israel, "Ye shall not go in to them, neither shall they come in unto you : for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods." * Oh, how true the Bible is, and how great a light it gives us in relation to the forbidden fruit. Yes, it is all so plain, and yet we will make it more plain as we go on with our work. We are passing many portions of scripture that proves our title clear. We have enough without them, as the reader will bear us witness, }^et we wish to say that when we speak of the abominable thing, or that which is an abomination in the sight of the Lord, we are speaking about the mingling of the Jews with the Gentiles, and especially with those who use divination, or witchcraft, or cunning arts, such as is nowadays called "animal magnetism." Now let us pass on. After the death of Manasseh, his son Anion reigned two years and wrought much evil. The next king was Josiah, the 1)0. CREATION AND FORMATION son of Anion, who reigned, and he put down those things that his predecessors had built up before him unto Baal, and he broke down the houses of the Sodomites that were by the houses of the Lord, where the women wove hangings for the grove. (2 Kings xxiii, 5, 7). Yes, and he broke in pieces the images and cut down their groves, and defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the children of Hinnom, that no man might make his son or his daughter to pass through the fire unto Molech. All the king did was for the benefil of his people. He put away these great evils. Now then, before we go any further we wish to say that it is unnecessary for us to pursue the writings of Chronicles, as the proofs therein are precisely the same as those we have already commented upon. Our next work will be in the book of Ezra, but before we begin this work we wish to say a few words to the reader in the closing of this chapter, and that is, look for a better day to come. We mean in the course of our subject, at which time the reader will learn what the middle wall is, how it was taken down, how all were made to stand on an equal footing — tin; Gentile and the Jew-— walking in the same realms of external glory. Oh, what a just God we are dealing with, lie cares for all, and He sent His only begotten Son into the world, not to con- demn it, but to save it and to give; eternal life to as many as ask of Him. He came to seek and to save; to heal the broken heart; to give sight to the blind: hearing to the deaf, and He made the lame to walk and leap forth as a young heart. Oh, yes, dear Savior; when the storms of life are raging, and the billows are rolling high ; when our tiny bark is rushing in mad- ness over foam and sea, Thou wilt save us and lift up the fallen ones. Thou didst save the world, and to the Gentile Thou hast given eternal life, and to Thy name be all the praise, now, henceforth and forevermore. Amen. CHAPTER HKZ. Text: — "Search the Scriptures:' — St. John v, 39 ; Mark iv, 11; 2 Timothy ii, 15. In the book of 2 Kings we left the Jews in a prosperous condition. They were breaking in pieces images and cutting down groves, and making a new world out of the old one. But, alas for them, they soon disobeyed God and went after their own lust, They would not hearken to the warning voice of the Lord, but went contrary to His command and suffered the consequence. We are now ready to pass to the book of Ezra, where we find them in bondage. .In the first chapter of Ezra, commencing with the first verse, we learn that King Cyrus, of Persia, was a chosen one among the Gentiles, almost as much so as Melchizedek. Here we find Cyrus saying : "The Lord God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth ; and he hath charged me to build him a house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah." He does not speak of God as his God, but the God of heaven, etc. In the third verse we find him again speaking, not to his own people, but to the Jews: -'Who is there among you of all his people? his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and build the house of the Lord God of Israel, (he is the God,) which is in Jerusalem." Reader, you can see right here that King Cyrus did not call God his God, nor the God of any one but the Jews who were carried captives by the king of Babylon. King Cyrus called God (in speaking to the Jews) "his God/' and "your God," but never does he say "my God." Well did King Cyrus know the difference between these two nations. He had the same knowl- edge the serpent had that deceived Eve. He was chosen by God for special purpose, the serpent was not, yet both of them were very wise. We learn that Kins Cyrus was chosen to 92. CREATION AND FORMATION. build the house of the Lord, and to help to restore to the house those things which the king of Babylon had taken away. And again, his part was in helping the Jews to gold and silver and such things as they needed. This is what the king was chosen for, yet he knew God, but only as the God of the Jews. It is all right to say that God was the God of this Gentile king, but the king did not own Him as such no more than did the serpent that deceived the woman. We now find after some delay and persecutions to the Jews by the ruling Gentiles, that the house of the Lord was finished, (Ezra vi, 15) and the directions of King Darius (he is now king) are given. And another fact we wish to have our readers understand, is that the children of God in those days were called the Jews, (Ezra vi, 7, 8, 14) and if jon recollect rightly then you already know that we first started out with the Jews as being called the children of God. And they are yet called God's children. Seeing now the Gentile and the Jew set forth as plainly here as thej^ were in the beginning of our work, the reader will see this same difference between the two nations all the way through, for this is one thing that we are endeavoring to do. There is such a vast difference between the Gentile and the Jew that we deem it necessary to note some of the facts con- nected with this circumstance (Ezra vii, 11-22) as they are set forth by King Artaxerxes, the Gentile, and by Ezra, the Jew. We learn that the king gave to Ezra a roll containing his decree, and in the fourteenth verse that the king, speaking to Ezra, says: "According to the law of thy God," etc. He does not say "our God," nor "my God," but "thy God." He also says: "And to carry the silver and gold, which the king and his counsellors have freel} T offered unto the God of Israel, whose habitation is in Jerusalem." You will notice that he never speaks of the God of Israel as his God. He does not claim Him as such. The king knows what he, himself, says. He has a great knowledge of God. If he had not you might hear him accidentally say, when talking to the Jew, "our God," or "my God." As we have already said, the Gentiles were without an all-wise and powerful God in those days, and well did those ancient Gentile kinirs know it. CREATION AND FORMATION. 98. Now then, listen to the language of Ezra as it is recorded in the seventh chapter and twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth verses: "Blessed be the Lord God of our fathers, which hath put such a thing as this in the king's heart, to beautify the house of the Lord which is in Jerusalem:" etc. Ezra, the Jew, says "ray God;" the Gentile king says "thy God." Dear reader, do you now see the great difference between the Gentile and the Jew? Most assuredly you do, for the Bible is so plain in this respect that no one need error. We have brought forth many scriptural proofs of the vast difference between the two nations, and we could bring forth as many more, but we think we are setting before you about enough for the present. We will now turn to the ninth chapter of Ezra where we find scripture to strengthen the scripture that we have already commented upon. Here we find the good man, Ezra, in deep mourning. What is the matter? Why, the stiff-necked Jew or the Israelites (God sometimes calls the Israelites a stiff-necked people) have again gone after the forbidden fruit, and it throws a dark shadow over Ezra. He is sad because of the affinity of God's people with strangers. "Now when these things were done, the princes came to me, saying, The people of Israel, and the priests, and the Levites, have not . separated themselves from the people of the lands, doing according to their abomina- tions, even of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites." — Ezra ix, 1. Here are eight different classes of people before us, and most all of them belong to the Gentiles, and others are a mingled people. But we shall point to you the people which we know to be the real Gentile, though we have told you that we would number the mingled people with the Gentiles. You may expect the same of us yet. We call the Egyptian the real Gentile. So here the abomination is — between the Gentile and the Jew — which we have said so much about. You may ask again, what abomination? We answer, the abomination as it was in reality in the garden of God. You have read and re-read it over and over again. You are now so familiar with what is meant by the abomination that it is not necessarv for us to tell you. But we will ask you to 94. - CREATION AND FORMATION. again read the second verse of the ninth chapter of Ezra, which explains the abomination : "For the}' have taken of their daughters for themselves, and for their sons; so that the holy seed have mingled themselves with the people of those lands :" etc. We trust that none of our readers are blind upon this subject. We have endeavored to make the word of God as plain as possible in this respect. And as we have said time after time, when the command of God to Adam was broken, it was universal death — universal in one sense of the word. If it was not death there and then, it was punishment and slavery, bondage and persecution. All this is as bad as death, if not worse. The sting of mortal suffering is a substitute for death. The Bible says, "the way of the transgressor is hard." Oh, how true! How much there is in this that lies beyond the ken of human vision. If God's Holy Law was only honored a trifle more, how great would be that trifle! Ezra had such a great sorrow for the Jews when he saw them partaking of the forbidden fruit, that he rent his garment and plucked the hairs of his head, and even his beard. In the seventh verse of the ninth chapter he says: "Since the days of our fathers have we been in a great trespass,'' etc. We have already shown you that Abraham was brought from beyond the flood, and this sig- nifies that he was the father of the Jews, and a chain runs clear back and shows that this trespass which Ezra speaks of was first in the Garden of Eden. Well, dear reader, is it not safe enough now to believe that there was a vast difference between God's creation and forma- tion ? You say it seems plain enough from the proofs we have given, that there was a great difference between the two nations ■; but after all it is hard to believe that Mother Eve violated such a command as that. Well, we are with that just like we are with all other points. We want the scripture to speak on this, and if, when the time comes for us to give the scripture proofs over what we have already given, and it does not give the nec- essary light, then you are at liberty to deny the doctrine we have set before the world. But Ave feel sure that if you follow us through you will be quite sure to believe, for you will have something to believe. You will have then a Bible without any CREATION AND FORMATION. 95. great mystery; a Bible that is in harmony with itself. We mean that it does not contradict itself. It is a plain Bible and one that the weakest intellect can understand. It brings God's children, all of them, into that unity which Christ prayed for — that they might all be one and see the same thing, and believe the same thing, and speak the same thing. But we can not dwell on this too long at present. We must hasten on. By noticing the intercession made by Ezra to God for his people, the covenant was (as it is recorded in the tenth chapter of Ezra) to put away from among them the strange wives, for this was a great sin against God's lawful command, and a great injury to themselves. After Ezra had prayed and exhorted to the people, the}' came to him and confessed their great wrong, and said: "Now therefore let us make a covenant with our God to put away all the wives, and such as are born of them, according to the counsel of- my Lord, and of those that tremble at the commandment of our God ; and let it be done according to the law." — Ezra x, 3. Having given you so many proofs of the light of the Bible in regard to the two nations, we will skip the book of Nehe- miah, and also the book of Esther, for the present, as the evi- dences contained therein are precisely the same as the ones that we have already given. We do not mean to put these books aside altogether, but for the present only. Undoubtedly we will have occasion to bring in more proofs from these two books yet, but we could do without them. We do not mean to say that we could throw away any one portion of the Bible and get along altogether without that portion. What we mean is, that with the Bible before the reader, and with what knowledge he may have of it we do not deem it necessary to dwell upon that which is in harmony with what we have heretofore said. If he reads these two books we are skipping for the present he will see at once that they coincide with what we have before said. We have only one great chain, and it runs through every age from the first creation and formation, or from the book of Genesis to the book of Eevelations, and if we keep close to it we will find all the wealth in the Bible. God has given the Bible to us to know what there is in it, and thanks be to His {)(). CREATION AND FORMATION. great name for giving us such a book as this one is, and without any mystery. We will now take up the book of Job and start in at the first chapter, where we learn from whence the book of Job derived its name. In the first verse it reads : "There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job ; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil." In this first verse we find all the information we want in regard to where the name of the book of Job came from, but we shall not dwell on that name. We will now use just such portions of scripture as we need to prove the title of our work clear, and the next point we will take up you will find in the first chapter and sixth and seventh verses of Job, which says: "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them. And .the Lord said unto Satan, Whence contest thou? Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it." Now if you turn to the second chapter and read the first and second verses, you will find language about the same as you have already read in the first chapter and sixth and seventh verses. But what we wish to notice here is that there was a people called the "Sons of God," as much so as were those on the other side of the flood who were called the sons of God, and took unto themselves wives of the daughters of men. (Genesis vi, 2). The sons of God spoken of in the book of Job are the descendants of the ancient Jews. In reading the first two chapters of Job you find another race of people not belonging to the Jewish nation, but we shall not argue this point at present. You will remember that satan presented himself before the Lord. He did not do this for any good purpose; his motive was to cheat, and rob, and deceive. He came there to tempt the sons of God the same as he did Adam and Eve and all their posterity. Satan is always trying to deceive God's elect. And now we Avill give you our opinion right here about this satan spoken of, and you may take it for what it is worth, yet we will, when the proper time comes, endeavor to show you that CREATION AND FORMATION, our opinion is based upon the word of Cfod. Now, our opinion is this: The satan spoken of here, in the book of Job, was in a Gentile man. In the form of a Gentile man he came to Eve in the garden and deceived her, and she persuaded her husband. He yielded and they knew each other. Now this is our opinion of satan, and before we close this work we will bring iVrth scripture showing you that our opin- ion is the correct one, or showing that we have good reasons to believe that we are right. But now we will leave this with the future. We shall not finish any one point until we reach the latter part of the New Testament. But while dwelling upon the above thought, the reader will see that we are not very far away from the idea we intended to express when we said that satan came in the form of a Gentile, if he reads the twenty- fourth verse of the ninth chapter of Job. This portion of scrip- ture is in harmony with what we have sail concerning satan, and how he entered into the heart of a Gentile man and pre- sented himself before the Lord also. Now, Job was aware of the fact that the wicked one was ruling the earth, and well he might be when he was compelled to cry out: "If I be wicked, woe unto me;'' * — Job x, 15. For we notice that Job says: * "He covereth the face of the judges thereof; if not, where, and who is he? — Job ix, 24. Job well knew that satan had his resting place in the hearts of men, "If not, where, and who is he?" Yes, and we will add here that Avhen God cast him put of heaven, he came to earth and took up his abode in the hearts of the children of men, hence they were called the children of wickedness, for they were of that wicked one. Upon this we will dwell more hereafter. Another point we will take up further on is found in the twelfth chapter and tenth verse of Job. It is concerning the soul of every living thing. It is a great point and we will argue it further on. We merely make mention of this here so that the reader will bear in mind that this scripture is in con- nection with the subject of our work, and that we will again speak of it. Also, the twenty-second, twenty-fourth and twenty- fifth verses of the twelvth chapter of Job, speaks about the 1)8. CREATION AND FORMATION. people in darkness and in the shadow of death. The eighteenth chapter and third verse of Job gives strong proof that men are counted as beasts. Even with Job, a man as perfect as he was, this idea was a very common one, and it even reached to the time of the apostles. Even to-day some people will tell you that there are now certain races of men that are not human. They speak of them as though they were beasts. And in con- nection with this thought we will say that it was the Jews that considered the Gentiles as beasts, or that they were numbered with the beasts. They had good reasons to think so, and they had good grounds to work on to prove just what they said to be true. God was the God of the Jews, and when God is for a man, who can be against him — though the Gentiles did out- number the Jews, and they were great in power and had dominion over all the earth. The great man (the Gentile) was to inherit the earth, and the righteous (the Jew) to dwell there- in, as it reads in the eighth verse of the twent} T -seeond chapter of Job, thus: "But as for the mighty man, he had the earth; and the honourable man dwelt in it." Now then, this portion of scripture casts a picture before us representing the Gentile and the Jew, just what God had intended. Tie created the Gentile, male and female, and gave them dominion over all the earth, and told them to be fruitful and multiply. The mighty man had the earth, and the honorable man dwelt therein. The one with and the other without the living soul, yet the Gentile had a soul, or a spirit, as it was generally called. And even here we find a great difference spoken of. No wonder the sons of God shouted for joy when the morning stars sang together, to think that God had honored them so greatly. The Jews were His chosen people, as we have said so many times, and He delighted to honor them, and this it was that made them shout for joy. So now, dear reader, with all the proofs we have given on the light of our present work, we will still grasp the same chain and pass to the book of Psalms. Text: — "Search the Scriptures:' — St. John v, 39 ; Mark iv, 11: 2 Timothy ii, 15. We will commence with the first Psalm and the first verse: ''Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the un- godly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful." In this verse we find three classes of people set forth. The reader may ask us to state if those three classes of people belong to either one or the other of these two nations that we have so far proven to be two separate nations? That is, do those three characters belong to the Jewish nation only, or to the Gentile nation? The reason this may be asked is because you may think it is and has been a great mystery and you want to see the true light, for, you say, what we have already proven by scripture concerning the two nations, is getting plainer. We will answer your question with scrip- ture by and by, but we will simply say right here, taking Gods word for it, that these three classes of people did not belong to either one or the other of the two great nations. The just man is the real Jew. The sinner was also just until he violated God's holy command, then he was classed with the Gentiles, or in other words, he became dispersed among them as the lost sheep of Israel, and sitting in the regions and shadow of death. The ungodly is the Gentile, for it was he that was with God and without hope in the world. Hence he was the ungodly, except some of them who were chosen by God for a good pur- pose, and unto such ones eternal life was granted through the power of the Holy Ghost. But the future must unfold this truth. Hence we see that the above scripture sets forth the Jew under the Divine law of God, and by the violation of the same he became a sinner. The Gentile had no Divine law to obev or disobey. His KM). CREATION AND FORMATION. was a carnal law, and by violating such a law as this is, is only to bring" on corruption, or in other words to bring on disease and death of the body. * "The ungodly shall not stand in the judgment," * —Psalm i, 5. Why, you might ask, is it that the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment? Simply be- cause they were without God in the world, and therefore could have nothing to be judged for. Not so with the sinner, for he will stand in the judgment, but not in the congregation of the righteous. And again. In the second Psalm, first and second verses, three characters are set forth which is, materially speaking, the same as are the three above named. In this we have the heathen, (the Gentiles), the people (the mingled tribes) and their kings. The kings, of course, were over the heathen also. Mere we have two classes, and the next class is God's anointed ones, making three classes, or three characters, in all. "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against His anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us." — Psalm ii, 2, H. Oh, yes, the Lord says that He will laugh, and have them in derision. He hath set His king upon the holy hill of Zion. This is Christ, and God called Him His Son, and said : "Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance," * — Psalm ii, 8. Now the heathen are the Gentiles, or ungodly people. And God goes on to say that He, Christ, shall break them with a rod of iron, etc. The Lord also says : "Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be in- structed, ye judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear," * — Psalm ii, 10, 11. And by noticing the second, third and fourth verses of the fourteenth Psalm, you will see that God had a people that were "eaten up by the children of men. This is about the same as the sons of God consumed by the daughters of men. In the seventeenth Psalm and fourth verse the Psalmist says: "Concerning the works of men, by the word of thy lips I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer." Yes, the words of His lips to David was the keejnng of him from the power of the Gentiles, or from mingling with them. The Psalmist again says: "From men which are tin' hand, O (TJOATIOX AND I'OHMATIOX. 1 < ) 1 Lord, from men of the world, which hare their portion in this life, and whose belly thou til lest with thy hid treasure: they are full of children, and leave the rest of their substance to their babes."- — Psalms xvii, 14. David is here speaking of the Gentile whom God created on the sixth day, an 1 gave them power to be fruitful and multiply; therefore he says: "They are full of chil- dren, and they have their portion in (his life." And thus it was with them until the advent of Christ into the world. David again says: "Thou hast delivered me from the strivings of the people; and thou hast made me the head of the heathen : a peo- ple whom 1 have not known shall serve me." — Psalms xviii, 4:>. David here set forth Christ and His mission in the world. He also speaks of the Gentiles — a people that were numbered with the beasts. Yea, they were a beautiful 'people to behold. They were great and strong and had dominion. Yet David says he did not know them as a people subject to eternal life ; their por- tion was in this life — beyond that they did not go. But the .lews were destined to eternal life. They were to live and reign with God, Himself, beyond this earthly vale and tears. As we have said so many times that the Gentiles were num- bered with the beasts, we will now bring forth scripture to prove this assertion, and show the great difference between the two nations. We will also show that we have good reasons to believe that we are dividing the word of God as it ought to be divided. We will now take the language of David for it. He says: kk Many bulls have compassed me: strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round. They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion." — Psalms xxii, 12, 13. Now, we do not intend to comment on this further than say that the bulls here spoken of by David were a people, and as we have said before, all, outside of the. real .Jews, are numbered with the Gentiles. When we speak of the Gentiles hereafter, we also may have reference to the mingled people, for the mingled people do not belong to the real .lew. When the proper time comes we will trace the real Gentile clear back. We call your attention to Psalms xxii, 16: "For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me; they pierced my hands and my 102. CREATION AND FORMATION. feet." Here, again, David compares men to dogs. He is speak- ing of Christ, our blessed Lord. The eighteenth verse make it still plainer : "They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture." Prom these proofs, which the Bible sets forth concerning the crucifixion of our Lord, there can be no doubt but that the bulls and dogs here spoken of are the Gentiles. In Psalm xxii, 20 David says : "Deliver my soul from the sword ; my darling from the power of the dogs." Christ was his darling. The thirtieth and thirty-first verses read thus : "A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation. They shall come and shall declare his righteousness unto a people that shall be born, that he hath done this." This seed is a dif- ferent seed than the one mentioned in the twenty-third verse, which is Jacob and Israel. But we do not deem it absolutely necessary to give here the different names given to the Gentiles or the Gentile race. Again in the thirty-first Psalm and nine- teenth verse David says : "Oh how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee; which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men." David is here speaking concerning the Jews — those that fear the Lord and trust in him. When he speaks of the sons of men he is alluding to the Gentiles. In Moses' time the Jews feared and trusted in the Lord ; the Gentiles did not, (except a few of them whom God had chos- en for a good purpose) for they did not claim the God of the Jews as their God. In Psalm lii, 7, in speaking of the Gentiles and the difference in the two nations, David says: "Lo, this is the man that made not God his strength; but trusted in the abundance of his riches, and strengthened himself in his wick- edness." It is very plain that David speaks of a man that did not trust in the Lord, but in himself; hence the man is a Gentile. Psalm lii, 1-4 again speak concerning the Gentile, and this reminds us very much of the serpent in the garden. For he loved evil better than good, and he had rather tell a lie at any time than the truth. With his tongue loaded with lies he came to Eve and deceived her. The Scriptures also say that the Lord CREATION AND FORMATION. 108. will pluck him out of his dwelling place, and root him out of the land of the living. (Psalm Hi, 5.) The sixth verse says the righteous shall see and fear and shall laugh at him. But David says that he himself is like a green olive tree in the home of God, etc. Xow, is this not plain Bible facts concerning the two nations, and the great difference between them? In the fifty- second Psalm we have the coming of Christ. Christ is of the seed of David. We also have the Gentile before us. He was the one who deceived Eve. But there are no more soul-less Gentiles now for satan to deceive them with. When Christ came into the world He tore down the middle wall that was be- tween the Gentile and the Jew. For further proof concerning the Gentile we will refer the reader to Psalm lv, 19: "God shall hear, and afflict them, even he that abideth of old. Selar. Because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God." This was the case with the serpent. He feared not God. And so it has been with the Gentile from the day he was created. There was no change in them; they did not fear God. How could they fear God unless a change took place in them? The Gentile was at all times and in all places trying to entrap the children of God, and to bring them into captivity. A great many times the Gentile succeeded in turning away from God His own beloved ones. No .wonder David said : "The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart: his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords." Does not this remind you of the serpent's words to Eve ? O, how soft they were, and yet they were drawn swords. If Eve had done just what David says, (Psalm lv, 22,) "Cast thy burdens upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved," then she never would have yielded to the serpent — the serpent in the form of a Gentile man. If the sinning Jew had obeyed the command of God, "Thou shall not mingle with the Gentile people," how much better off he would have been. If the Jews had cast their burdens upon the Lord as David did, then they could have dwelt as safely as he did, and the human soul would have been free from tormenting fear. David, in Psalm lvii, 4, says: "My soul is among lions : and I lie even 104. CREATION AND FORMATION. among them that are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword." This reminds us of the difference between the two nations, of which we have said so much. When we think of the Jews mak- ing their sons and daughters pass through the fire unto Moloch, we are convinced of the difference. There is a great difference between the man with and the man without a living soul. David said he had been lying in the midst of the fire, but his trust Avas in the Lord. He says that their teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. Oh, how these words remind us of the Jews causing their children to pass through the fire, or, in other words, giving them over to the Gentiles — the cunning people. How cunning was the serpent: "For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eye's shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." How smooth these words must have appeared to Eve, and how sharp and piercing they were. Well might David say that his teeth are spears, and his tongue is a sword. David was a wise man and a good man, and he lived and labored for his fellow- men. He looked back to the time of trials and temptations in the garden of Eden, and he saw there his fore-parents wrestling with the serpent. All the way from Eden up to his own time he could see the Jews suffering from the sting of the serpent. He saw them pierced and bleeding and in bondage. He saw them dropping here and there, and dying an ignominious death. Whenever the Jews went among the Gentiles they had to suffer for it in some way or other. The reader should read the fifty-eight Psalm. In it David sets forth the Gentiles and numbers them with the beasts. It is very important, and it will do you good to read it; and the fifty-ninth Psalm is equally as important. In Psalm lix, 6 he says: "They return at evening: they make a noise like a dog, and go round about the city." How plain is the Bible and how much light it throws upon the great difference between the Gen- tile and the Jew. David begs God to save his people from the deceitful ones, for their words are smoother than butter. Psalm lxviii, 80 reads thus: "Rebuke the company of spearman, the multitude of the CUE ATI ON AND FORMATION. 105* bulls, with the calves of the people," etc. These are plain facts showing that the Gentiles were numbered with the beasts; but we will have plainer scripture yet upon this bearing. David tells us plainly who the Gentiles are, and how much they were honored by God, and in speaking of his own peojde he says : "Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart. But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped. For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. bands in their death: but their strength is firm." Undoubtedly David almost wished himself a Gentile instead of a Jew, when he said that his feet were almost gone and his foot steps had well nigh slipped because of the prosperity of the Gentiles, for they were a mighty people, and they accumulated a great wealth; in this world they had their all; and when death came, they were known no more. They had no judgment to face and no God to judge them. Their pleasure was in this life. Not so with God's people — their pleas- ure was beyond the grave. Oh, dear reader, do } r ou not see the great difference now? The Jew was under the bands of the divine law because of his ever living soul. The Gentile was under no bands, because he was without a living soul, and subject to death the same as are the beasts of the earth. Again, in Psalms Ixxiii, 7, we read, concerning the Gentiles: "Their eyes stand out with fatness: they have more than heart could wish." All this great progress the Gentiles made in this world is in exact harmony with God's first gift to them, at the time he created them. For in the beginning He gave them ail things for meat, and forbade them nothing. Psalm Ixxiii, 9, 10, says: "They set their mouth against the heavens, and their tongue walketh through the earth. Therefore his people (the Jews) return hither: (that is, they go among the Gentiles) and waters of a full cup are wrung out to them." You may ask, How is this ? Bead the fourteenth verse : "For all the day long have I been plagued, and chastened every morning." O, how true! What a great plague it was to the Jews to go among the Gentiles and mingle with them. David says: "Behold, these are the ungodly," * — Psalm Ixxiii, 12. In this language we can see the great difference between the two nations. The Gentiles 106. CREATION AND FORMATION. were without God in the world. They could cheat and steal, and in fact they could do almost anything they chose in the line of wickedness, and then have no sins to answer for. David says: "If I say, I will speak thus; hehold, I should offend against the generation of thy children. When I thought to know this, it was too painful for me ; Until I went into the sanctuary of God ; then understood I their end." — Psalm lxxiii, 15-17. The idea of David expressed in the Bible is this: Pie could not do the things that the Gentiles did, nor go among them without injur- ing himself and his people too. He saw their end. He well knew that when death overtook the Gentiles, they were remem- bered no more, for they went down to the grave with the beasts. In the seventy-fourth Psalm, thirteenth and fourteenth verses, we learn how much God honored the Gentiles, and what He did unto them, and also what He did for the Jews — His holy people ; even to such as love and obey Him. David says : "Thou brak- est the heads of Leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness.'' (), yes, God was for one nation and not for the other. That is He honored the Jews and had respect for them, but for the Gentiles He had no respect. God is the great judge. He puteth down one nation and raiseth up another. That is, generally speaking, God cast the Gentiles away. He had nothing to do with them — except a few of them, as we have before said, who were chosen for a good purpose. In the beginning He gave them all the power they needed. But not so with the Jews. They were dependent upon God for their- earthly existence, and for their existence beyond the grave. Therefore God loved His people, for they were destine 1 to eter- nal life. Of course, there were a great many sinning Jews ; but after all God would alwa}^s listen to them and receive them again, if they would only come back. If they would not then they would have to suffer the penalty of their violation of God's holy law. Perhaps they would have to suffer in bondage under the rigor of the Gentile rule. In Psalm lxxxi, 13, 14, we have these words: "Oh that ui3 T people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways ! 1 should soon have subdued their enemies, and turned mv hand against their adversaries." CREATION AND FORMATION. 107. But the Jews would not always hearken to the voice of their God. They disobeyed Him, and they suffered for it. God promised them that He would be their God and helper if they obeyed Him, and that their enemies should have no power over them at all. No, these enemies of the Jews (the Gentiles) should not harm God's anointed ones if they obeyed Him. But, as we have said before, the Jews did not always obey their God ; which we will prove by God's word. It says: '-They joined themselves unto Baal-peor, and ate the sacrifices of the dead. Thus they provoked him to anger with their inventions: and the plague brake in upon them." — Psalm cvi, 28, 29. Before we go any further we wish to say to the reader that before we close this work we will comment upon what is called "the angriness of God." Now, in the foregoing scripture, we have plain words that coincide with what we have said before — that the Gentiles were subject to a natural death, the same as are the beasts of the earth. The Jews, that never die, only when they violate the law of God, met a spiritual death. To violate the law of God was to go among the Gentiles — to mingle with them! Of course, there were other laws of God that the Jews violated, but they were within the circle of the Jewish nation only. Or, in other words, these were laws for the government of the Jew with the Jew. When the Jews joined themselves unto Baal-peor the plague broke out among them. This plague was a horrible disease; a disease of the flesh. In Psalm cvi, 34 and 35, we learn that the Jews did not obey God when He commanded them to drive out their enemies, but they mingled with the heathen and learned their works and served their idols, which was a snare unto them. "Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughthers unto devils." It is very plain to see what the plague was. It was the the passing of God's people through the lire unto Moloch. The reader already understands this. Oh, Iioav much sorrow befell the Jews for this great evil ! Seeing that the Gentiles go down in silence, according to David's own languge, and the Jews, God's people, even all that obeyed Him, were to live and reign with Him forever in the sweet land of the free, it is no wonder that 10«S. CREATION AND FORMATION* it was so destructive to the Jew-; to mingle with the G entiles, when we look back upon the past life of the Israelites. To min- gle with the Gentiles in those (lavs (before Christ came into the world) was to the .lews just what it is to us to-day to sin, and die in sin. It means a spiritual death. Thanks be to God that there is no death in Jesus, the savior of the world. AH that obey Him shall never see. death. Come unto Him all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and He will give von rest, and that rest will be eternal life. So, now, Our plea is, To Jesus come A nd be forever blest, To dwell in that celestial home, For Me can give you rest. Yes, more than rest, I repeat again, To you He will surely give, By obeying His word, which is so plain, Is life, and life to live. (), yes-, it is eternal life to obey Christ. Had the ancient Jews obeyed God when He commanded them to not mingle with the Gentiles, 'they would never have seen death. Now, then, dear reader, we shall not detain you any longer at present, with the language of David. We will now pass to the book of Proverbs and see what the wise man has to say. In the first chapter he sets forth wisdom to the Jews as their only hope, and he entreats them to not for- sake it, for it is the law of God. It is the commandment that should be obeyed, for in it is eternal life. Fn the third chapter and the first and second verses the wise man says: "My son, forget not my law ; but let thine heart keep my commandments : For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee." In the fourteenth verse he says: "For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain there- of than line gold." He says that she is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her. Solomon, in uttering these words, meant to assure the Jews that if they kept the commandment of God they would reap eternal life beyond the grave. He warns them against the abominable thing, for this abominable thing- will deprive them of infinite wisdom, and also of life with God CREATION AND FORMATION. KM). beyond the tomb. Solomon was a wise man. Ho understood the ways of the world; lie knew the great difference between the Gentile and the .lew; he saw in the ages past souls by the thousands that had been slain in the gre&t Struggle for life and death between the Gentile and the Jews. Oh, yes! Solomon saw the end of all. lie knew that the Gentiles were nothing; and that to nothing they returned. He lived and labored for his people (the Jews); he tried to elevate them and to give them to understand that wisdom was more profitable to the Jews in this life than silver and gold. In the fourth chapter and the first and second verses of Proverbs, he says: "Hear, ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding. For I give you good doctrine, forsake ye not my law." Here again he is in- structing his people in the knowledge and love of God. He tells them to keep out of the mire, and it may truly he said that the Gentiles was the greatest mire, or trap, that they could get into in this world. This tree of knowledge of good and evil was a curse to them and had been ever since man was formed and placed in the garden of God. Solomon speaks again: ''For the lips of a strange woman drop as a honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil : But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a twoedged sword. Her feet go down to death: her steps take hold on hell." — Proverbs v. o-o. Now, dear reader, here are the Gentiles and the Jews before us still, and with such a striking contrast that it is almost impossible to pass them by without noticing the great difference between them. Solomon warns his people to keep away from these strange women, for their feet go down to death, and their steps take hold on hell. These strange women spoken of belong to the Gentiles. In the seventh chapter and tenth verse Solomon speaks of the subtility of the Gentile woman. He knew that . the Gentiles were very subtile and always had been. In the garden of Eden the same subtile spirit came to Eve and deceived her, and she gave unto her husband and he did eat, and he knew his wife and she knew her husband. The Gentiles were a subtile people and always had 110: CREATION AND FORMATION. been from the very beginning — in the day that God created them male and female. Now, for fear the Jews did not under- stand, Solomon again says: "Hear me now therefore, O ye children, and depart not from the words of my mouth. Remove thy way far from her, and come not nigh the door of her house: Lest thou give thine honor unto others, and thy years unto the cruel: — Proverbs v, 7-9. Solomon well knew that whenever the Jews went among strangers it was depriving them of honor and love while in this life, and of eternal life bej^ond. In one sense of the word they were not deprived of eternal life. What is here meant is that the transgressors were barred out of heaven, and left to wilt and dwindle under sorrow and live forever in darkness and remorse. And thus it is to be deprived of eternal life. In the garden of Eden God said to them : * "In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die/' — Genesis ii, 17. When the sons of God took the daughters of men it was death to them. They were no longer counted as God's holy people. Look at the Jews in Ezra's time and you will see the same abominable thing among God's people. They would not hearken to him but stubbornly went ahead and mingled with the Gentiles, and by so doing they brought ruin upon them- selves. Solomon says (Proverbs vii, 6): "For at the window of my house I looked through my casement." Well what did he see? He saw among the youths a young man void of under- standing. This same young man whom Solomon had warned was captured by a harlot, and she was very subtile of heart. This woman was a Gentile, and when this young man went after her he found death — banishment and death. No wonder Solomon cried out: "Hearken unto me now therefore, () ye children, and attend to the words of my mouth. Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths." — Proverbs vii, 24-25. Now Solomon warns not only this young- man, but all of God's people to keep away from her, for he says she has cast down many wounded; yea, many strong men have been wounded by her, or, as the Bible reads, "slain by her/'. CREATION AND FORMATION. 111. Oh, dear reader, it is almost impossible for us to use better terms to express this great evil than those we have before us in the Bible. The Bible is so plainly expressive of its own terms that it would be folly for us to attempt to make it any plainer than it is. A great many people talk about the mysteries of the Bible. This is a false idea. If we rightly divide the word of God there will be no mysteries. All will be plain, for * "Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:" — St. Mark iv, 11. Eeader, think upon this and study to shew thyself approved unto God,, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. We are now about to pass the book of Proverbs. We are leaving behind us many portions of scripture which we have commented upon, and we do not think it necessary to stay here any longer. The chain is one. It runs clear through the Bible and forms sixty-six links. The book of Ecclesiastes is the twenty-first link. Let us now try its strength, and to our sur- prise we will find that The mist is swiftly passing by, Whilst we are mounting the lofty heights Above the blackness of rainy nights, To live in a summer land by and by. And when we reach the pure goal — The light of God's own word- It will be rest to the restless soul To live in Christ's abode. And when mists and darkness have gone. And in their place eternal day, Then on our lips will be the song, The mists have passed away. "I sought in mine heart to give myself unto wine, yet ac- quainting mine heart with wisdom : and to lay hold on folly, till I might see what Avas that good for the sons of men, which they should do under the heaven all the days of their life/' — Ecclesiastes ii, 3. Now then, we learn from this language of the great Preacher that he gave himself over to folly, and stood on a level with the Gentile in order to understand their wavs 112. CREATION AND FORMATION. and their end, and to know what was good for the sons of men. He placed himself in every attitude of Gentile life; making great works; building houses; planting vineyards and fruit trees of all kinds, and whatsoever his eves desired he kept it not from them. And after he had done all this he said: * "And this was my portion of all my labour." — -Ecelesiastes ii, 10. He found out their end by giving himself over to their folly, for in the third chapter and tenth verse he says: "I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it." He saw the travail of the Gentiles. That is to say, he saw them under burden, typical of the fact that there was a time coming when they were to be relieved and freed from deathly Gentile servitude. Christ was to be their great relief, and when He came into the world He gave to the Gentiles eternal life~even to all that ask of Him. xVs we have said before that until Christ came into the world the Gentiles were without eternal life; so say we still. Though the Gentiles had a great power over the earth, yet they knew no more after death. The earth belonged to them, but that vast world beyond knew they not. In Psalm cxv, 16, we have these words: "The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord's: but the earth hath he given to the children of men." When the great Preacher placed himself in the attitude of Gentile life, and after he had found out their end, he said : "He hath made everything beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end. I know that there is no good in them, but for a man to rejoice, and to do good in his life." — Ecelesiastes iii, 11-12. The words, "from the beginning," and also the words, "he hath set the world in their heart," cause us to look back to God's work of creation, in the day that He created the Gentile, male and female, for we find there tbat He did set the world in their heart, and blessed them, and told them to multiply and be fruitful and replenish the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over all the earth. He forbid them nothing. The world was theirs and all they had was in this life. Bevond this thev did not no. CttEAIJJON AM) FORMATION. 1 1 i>. The Preacher speaks again : "I said in mine heart concern- ing the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might s.iy that they themselves are beasts." — -Ecclesiastes iii, 18. Now, we have here the whole truth concerning the Gentiles. The Preacher saw that they had no pre-eminence at all, and, perhaps they never would have had, had it not been for Christ, the blessed, the giver of eternal life. The Preacher placed himself in every position of Gentile and Jewish life in order that he might find out the great difference between them. He tells us that the Gentiles are as the beasts, and that they have no pre-eminence above them. But not so with the Jews, for in the beginning the first Jew (Adam) was placed in the garden and was com- manded to keep it and dress it, etc., and the knowledge of the world was then forbidden him. He was not to lay down and die like the beasts and the Gentiles, but was destined to eternal life. Of course when he fell then death sprang upon hirm Now it is all plain enough to see from the scripture we have quoted that the Gentiles were numbered with the beasts, and it is also plain enough to see the great difference between creation and formation. If we had the time we might goon, taking almost any chapter in the Bible, to show this marked difference between the ,Jew and the Gentile, or between creation and formation, but we do not deem it necessary to do so, for the candid reader will bear us witness that the scripture we have already quoted is sufficient to prove clear the title of our work. Again, in the ninth chapter of Ecclesiastes and the third and fourth verses, the Preacher says (speaking of the Gentiles) that they alLgo to one place. That which befalleth the beasts befalleth them also. But here is another important fact to be considered, and that is the future hope of the Gentiles. "For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope." 80 now you see that the Preacher did find some hope for the Gentiles. You may ask, "where does the Gentile find any hope, or where does he find it?' for it is death to the Jew to live with the Gen- tile; therefore please state, taking the Bible for it, whereto find any hope for the Gentile by joining himself to the Jew?" 114. CREATION AND FORMATION. All right, we will take the Bible for it, and it is the only book we want. We could not do without it. Let us turn back to the seventeenth chapter and the twelfth and thirteenth verses of Genesis: "And he that is eight days old .shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger, which is not of thy seed. He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised : and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant. Now the Gentile could come under the Mosaical law in this way and dwell among the Jews without an injury to themselves or to the Jews either. But, at the same time, this did not give them eternal life; it gave them an inheritance among the Jews only after the third generation. "The children that are be- gotten of them shall enter into the congregation of the Lord in their third generation/' — Deuteronomy xxiii, 8. So now, dear reader, you can see that there was a hope for the Gentile. We do not mean that this Avas life, but that it was simply a promise of eternal life that should be granted to them in what was then the future. This promise was brought out into automatic force through Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. He gave them eternal life. And now as we are about to enter upon the vast fields and wide plains of prophetism, we can truly say, as we look back, that God, in His infinite power, did create, in the very beginning, the Gentile on the sixth day, and after the sixth day He formed a man and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. The Bible gives so much light on this fact that it is almost impossi- ble for even the weakest intellect to pass it by without seeing the great truth of the Bible as it really is. And as we pursue (rod's holy word Bach book in its own time Shows the way we must climb In order to reach the top. Then climb with your might, The mountains of light, NTor loiter, nor linger or stop. CREATION AND FORMATION. 115. Light is his word And when uttered is heard ; It will nerve us to work with a will ; To take a step each day by day In fields of gold beyond earth's bay, Where rest is found in eternal day. We will dare to do right, And fearlessly fight Our enemies face to face. God will say "Well done," When success we have won, "To thee be a crown of love, all day." CHAPTER ZBII. Text: — "Search the Scriptures." — St. John v, 39 ; Mark iv, 11 ; 2 Timothy ii, 15. We are now about to comment upon the truths of the Bible as they are recorded in the book of the prophet Isaiah. First, however, we desire to ask if it is not reasonable enough to believe that the Bible, so far as we have explained it, is true, and that in it th'Mv ara no mysteries, and that it is the word of God? If so, then why not accept it as your guide? It is the best book in all the world, and thanks be to God for such a glorious work of God made manifest in the world. The first vision of the Prophet Isaiah was given him by the Lord concerning the .lews. (See Isaiah i, 1). The second verse of the first chapter of Isaiah reads: "Hear, O heaven, and give ear, () earth : for the Lord hath spoken ; I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me." Now then, we see in tins vision of the prophet that the .Jews are set apart from the Gentiles. The same two nations are before us again — the Gentile and the Jew. We find the .Jews here rebelling against God. They have again taken of the forbidden fruit and their ways have become very cor- rupt. But God in His infinite mercy loves them still, and He was willing to receive them back if they would but put away the evil and learn to do well; seek judgment; relieve the oppressed; judge the fatherless, and plead for the widow. (See fsaiah i, KM 7). He says: "Come now, and let us reason together, sayeth the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow ; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." — Isaiah i, 18. If they came back to God they had to come through the power of Christ — they could not como back under the law. God is good to His children. He has always CREATION AND FORMATION. 117. provided a way whereby His children might be saved. Reader, it may not be in your way, nor in any wa} T that you might imagine, but in His own way Pie provides, for "God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform; He plants His footsteps in the sea, And rides upon the storm." Oh, how true! In what a mysterious way He has led us to see the truth of the Bible. He will give light to them that ask of Him; but if His people will not obey Him, then the}' shall be devoured with the sword, for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. This reminds us of what we have so often before said, that whenever God's people violated His holy laws it was a slow process of physical destruction to them, if not sudden death. And now the great prophet says: "How is the faithful city become a harlot! it was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers. * Thy princes are rebel- lious, and companions of thieves: * — Isaiah i, 21, 23. Again, in this portion of scripture, we find a new hope spring up for Israel. Not altogether a new hope, for this hope was given unto Abraham and versified many times by the patriarchs. But in this we have it very plain : "And I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy counsellors as at the beginning: afterward thou shalt be called, The city of right- eousness, the faithful city." — Isaiah i, 26. So now you see that even the judges and counsellors were to be restore-.!. And this hope and cleansing and purification of dross was to be done at the coining of Christ into the world. In the twenty-second chapter and thirtieth verse of Luke we find the judges restored and sitting upon thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. We have merely quoted this scripture to show that Christ was talking to the Jews, and also that this scripture is in har- monv with the above scripture quoted from the book of the Prophet Isaiah. The .lews were His chosen people. The judg- ment spoken of was to reach the Gentiles and the fallen Jews. But returning to our work again in Isaiah we learn that if the Jews would not obey God they were to be consumed; not only 1LS. CREATION AND FORMATION, consumed, but they shall be ashamed of the "oaks" which they desired. "For ye shall be as an oak whose leaf fadeth," * — Isaiah i, 30. The oaks spoken of here are the Gentiles, and this we will make more plain hereafter. We have merely men- tioned this to show that the Gentiles and the fallen Jews were sometimes called trees. "For they shall be ashamed of the oaks which ye have desired," * — Isaiah i, 21). This desiring the oaks is the desire the Jews had to be with the Gentiles. They who desire the Gentiles, that is, if they desire and have, they are then transgressors and sinners; their leaf fadeth away and their gardens have no water. Now, we desire to say right here that these promises and threats, as they stand in this first chapter of Isaiah, Avere directly to God's holy people, though the Gentiles are men- tioned. But what is said of the Gentiles is spoken to the Jews Concerning the Gentiles. The promise is given to the Gentiles, or it is spoken of to the Jews. But after all God is pleading with His people to be obedient and not go after the Gentiles. If reasoning and kind words will not move the Jews to obedi- ence, then the Lord uses other means to make His people remember Him. In the first verse of the third chapter He says: "For, behold, the Lord, the Lord of hosts, doth take away from .Jerusalem and from Judah the stay and the staff, the whole stay of bread and the whole stay of water." Oh, how plain this is! God in this promise gives the Gen- tiles a Savior, which was the great stay to the Jews all the time, and in the end will be their great comfort; that is, at His second coming He will be their comforter. And again; that which sets the great difference between the Gentile and the Jew, is that all the mighty men of eveiy description among the Jews are to be brought down, and the Gentiles, through the power of Christ, are to be risen up, and the twelve apostles as babes and princes are to rule over them. Before we go any further we desire to say to the reader that God was always with the .lews in love and mere}', pleading that they might hearken unto Him and serve Him, and Him alone, and to make no covenant with the Gentiles and keep clear awav from them. Why was it that God was always warn- CREATION AND FORMATION. 119. ing the Jews against the Gentiles? Was it because the Gen- tiles were greater sinners than the Jews? or because they were more wicked ? Oh, no! for God, Himself, called the Jews a rebellious and stiff-necked people, and they were perpetually back-sliding. Was it because the Gentile had sinned a greater sin than the Jew? No, it was not that, for if the theory that is held to-day be true that Adam was the first man, and parent of both Jew and Gentile, then it must be admitted that the Gen- tile was not so great a sinner as was the Jew, for Ezra says that there was no greater sin ever sinned in the world than was sinned by the Jew. So now you see that it was not that. Well, was it because God did not want to save the Gentile? No, for that would be unjust in God. He is a just God and a God of love. Well, what was it then? It is simply this, and we have repeated it before: God created the Gentile on the sixth day, both male and female, without the living soul, and He com- manded them to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over all the earth. The Jew was made a living soul, a temple fitted for the indwelling of God's holy spirit. Now we can plainly see why it was that God pleaded so earnestly with the Jews to keep away from the Gentiles, for God loved His people and their all was beyond the grave, where they were to live and walk with God through- out the countless ages. It surely must bo plain enough now to see the middle wall that was to be torn down at the coming of Christ. We shall not say any more at present on this point, but will return to our work. In speaking of what God was going to do to Jerusalem and Judah — to lay them in waste — we will say that all this was to happen the Jews because of their sins and disobedience to God. For as it says in Isaiah iii, 8, that * "Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is fallen : because their tongue and their doing are against the Lord, to provoke the eyes of his glory." And the 16, 17, 18, 19 and 26 verses tell what is going to befall them, and that her gates shall lament and mourn, and she, be- ing desolate, shall sit upon the ground. Such is the lament- able condition of the Jews to this day. But we shall not 12(1. CREATION AND FORMATION. comment upon this now. -We shall furnish more scripture- to prove our work. * ^.j :'• Lei us new turn to Isaiah v, t-2, and see ;> what is set forth here. It carries u.s hack to the very beginning when God first formed nmn and "< placed ^hi m in the 'garden and corn-man ded him to keep it and dress it. The prophet says: "Now will I sing to my well Beloved a. song of my beloved touching, his « vineyard,; My beloved hath a vineyard in a very fruitful hiH: < And he fenced it, -and gathered out- the stones thereof, and' planted it with the choicest vine, ■*■ and he .looked that it should bring forth grapes, and it brought -.forth wild grapes." And iiow he calls on Jerusalem and Judah to judge between him and' his vineyard, and then says: ."What could have been done" more to my vineyard, that I have not done in it? where- fore, when' I booked th fit it should bring forth grapes^ brought it forth wild grapes ?■• — -Isaiah v, 4. The Vineyard here- spoken of has reference to the garden of Eden.. God, m the beginning, planted a garden in Eden, and His choicest fruit was therein. The man whom He had formed, and the woman, were His choicest fruit. They were the winepress; and the tower spoken of, and He looked* that- they should" bring forth grapes.; But alas for them ! it. waSfthe wild grapes they- brought forth, for .Cain was a wild grape, and* he was of that wicked one. Had they^ but obeyed God they would have brought f<)rth the desired grapes-^-a holy offspring- destined to eternal life. Cain was of that wicked one, and Abel - was his brother, and neither of them are mentioned in-* -the book of the generation of Adam. Most certainly they were the wild grapes. We have discussed this beforehand we shall discuss it again before we arc through with our work an£l make it still plainer. .:.' J Perhaps you are- not satisfied • that the vineyard* he«re>< spoken of has reference to the -garden of Eden ?- The sixth verse' of the fifth chapter of Isaiah gives very strong evidence that. Me was speaking of the garden of Ederiyfor. God says:. * ""I will lay it waste: it shall not be pruned, nor- digged; but'- there shall come up briers and thorns: I -will also command I the clouds that they rain no rain upon iti" HSTo*w all this is just REATION AND FORMATION. 121. what God did to the. .Garden of Eden. He drove out the man whom. He -had formed, and turned it, into desolation. iiti3EJ^J@arn8ii also, ami thistles -shall it .) bring .forth, to; thee^and> thou'r shaltit eat 4hxOierb Jof/the liekh-" .-God; tkrough> His ^ prophet: Isaiahs has here set forth Eden's -fall aas-piaiiily ias' he,.eould- without v, being vulgar, or, more properlrv speaking,? without usingwulgar language.. ..The proof .-.we have ior&this^we think, is : valid, and such proofs, a^- these, a re: we rare going rtoflinkKaad skeep pfnaiiaafe-ic ing together until wm have, a-ehaiia-that ^amuotshe^ hqokena ».», r $i*n -i .Again, J n the tilth chapter* -and- -eighth -vet* we rhaveiL thoughts that carry us back to. Eden: '-Woe / onto; therm? thatK join house to i>o use, /that la.v< field to tiekh- till there .^ber no,* placeo? thakthey may be placed- alonedn the- midst of the earth W% hH-qmA this is plain enough to show, that HeJ^speakang' eoneetrmngv^h^ii; Gentile and the Jew, for they awere~ eommand:ed; to keep apart and not join house to . house.. - When* Isaiah - was talking, here, the J ews well >knew what he meamt,v They knew that they were- Is not to mingle with the Gentiles, for :tlrep(thejGentiles) iwa*je^ not considered a: people. -We-, might^refemyou rto- more- scrip-ir ture in- this • chapter touehing= on-tbe :abo/ve< tiaought^ -but, we> have other remarks to make- here jfoiiicerningi tho.promises aad-.ii puniskments; .-'=. i [ ►« l.u"gj 1 £e i . ... .. iv-hai, mid fo imat * •- First, Ave- shall notice' ^fDani-othe-rforiijation" of tberjiewitbat ? God^ established Hisu-ovenant Avitli , him,b andsalter -man'srialbMi:!} the garden -of Eden -God established. -Mis ieovenarnt with Aibra-ilj ham,. Isaac and ,lacob f -and Jt; was-- toi hedyefore: kim > anleyei , -?o lasting '4jo.v-ena.iit. ' Amd-in threir seed all nations^ o£ thHijear^hv* 1 were 1 to 'he -blessed. t After: God -had promised: .them. so igr&a&.ai blessing, they still persisted 'in i doing -.wrong 1 -and, yebelledt :< against Him and violated gainst* His, holy law, and after He~> savvall tteeir wickednessiUe was. stiih, merciful enough to -g.o tmia them a nd^ plead for them -to come b$ek. Though He< did>* that He would take from-them the stay and -the staff, the whole to stay of bread and the whole stay of waterr^hutmy covenant is*) with you. The stay and the sta& L'willvtake . from. = yo , u.h v,Tliisi,i stay and staff was, the cloud that overhung themhy a night, and Christ was the stay and the- staff/that He: said fi£eui would take away from them. Christ f.was ^^ilso - the: -spi^tual 122. CREATION AND FORMATION. manna, and He was the rook. You may ask, was not Christ promised to the Jew ? If so, how can it be true that He was the stay and the staff that was to be taken away from them ? Well, we will answer this question now, but not fully for the reason that we will take up this point again. First, we will say that when Christ was born in Bethlehem of Judah, that this time and advent of Him into the world was not the time promised that Israel should be restored, for His first coming was of twofold — the first was to make a selection of judges, who were to restore Israel as far as was in their power to restore them, until the second coming of Christ. And these judges, yOu recollect, were to sit upon thrones judg- ing the twelve tribes of Israel, and Christ was to redeem the sinning Jews from the curses of the law. You may ask again : Why was it that at His first coming the promise was not granted them in full? Because, as we might have said before, His coming was of a fourfold meaning instead of a twofold meaning. First, His mission in the world was to select judges and counsellors and to give eternal life to as many as would ask of Him; second, to darken the eyes of some of the Jews that they might not see; third, to open the eyes of the Gentiles and turn them from the darkness to the light that the} T might see; fourth, to give them eternal life that they might be heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. His delight was with them, therefore God took the stay and staff away from Israel. This is just what He said He would do. This staff was Christ. God took Him away from Israel, and to-day the Jews do not serve Christ. If they serve at all they serve God under the Mosaical law. Of course there are Jews to-day, such as the sinning Jews, that have accepted Christ, and they serve Him. We are speaking of the real Jew, for he does not serve Christ, but God under the Mosaical law. Christ came to save the fallen Jew, and to give to the Gentile eternal life. But we do not want to get away from our text, so we repeat that Christ made His first appearance to the Jews for the purpose of first restoring to them their judges. We will now turn to Isaiah vi, 9-11 : "And he said, Go, CREATION AND FORMATION. 128. and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed. Then said I, Lord, how long?" * Now, this is a prophecy of Christ of His coming, and what He was to do when He did come. "And he shall be for a sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offense to both the houses of Israel, for a gin and' for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And many among them shall stumble, and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken. Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my dis- ciples." — Isaiah viii, 14-16. "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." — Isaiah ix, 6. "I will send Him against a hypocritical nation, and against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge, to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets." — Isaiah x, 6. Xow, then, is this not enough to show that Christ's advent into the world was not to the Jews in full? "And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people ; to it shall the Gentiles seek; and his rest shall be glorious." — Isaiah xi, 10. Here is the promise to the Gen- tiles, and in it we find all the evidence we need to show that when Christ came into the world the stay and the staff, which was Christ, was taken away from the Jews, for this was the prophecy. This is what God said He would do, and He did it. Christ was the stay and the staff, and He came to give life to the Gentiles, and to heal the broken hearts. The Jews did not receive the full benefit of Christ's first coming; they will receive all this at His second coming. But after all they are God's people yet, and His covenant is with them unto this day. In Isaiah xi, 11, we have the assurance that God will set His hand again to recover the remnant of His people; that is, those that have been left. Is this not plain enough to show that God's holy people are to be redeemed at the second coming of Christ? 124. CREATION AND FORMATION. And now, reader, is it not plain enough to see the great difference between the two nations? We do not want yon to misunderstand us in regard to Christ's mission into the world. To all the Jews that accepted Him He was a Savior, but of course all the Jews that were then in existence did not accept Christ, nor could they, for their eyes were blinded. The eyes of the Gentiles were opened, and to them eternal lite was granted. The covenant that was made with the forefathers of the Jews is with all Jews to-day — real Jews — and at the second coming of Christ they are to return from all parts of the earth. (See Isaiah xi, 12). For He says (at His second coming): "And there shall be a highway for the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Ass}^ria; like as it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt." — Isaiah xi, If). And passing on we find these words: "And in that day it shall come to pass, that the glory of Jacob shall be made thin, and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean."— Isaiah xvii, 4. This last portion of scripture shows that when Christ first came into the world, He came for the above stated purpose. Though He was called king of the Jews, and in reality is, He was not, at His first coming, received b\- them as a king. They said: * "Away with him, * We have no king but Cesar." — St. John, xix, 15. These Jews did not want Christ for their king, and they would not have Him. Their eyes were darkened, and it was very hard for them to believe that Christ was the real king of the Jews. The stay and the staff was taken away from the Jews; and this it is that hath made Israel lean. But, after all, they have yet a promise: "Yet gleaning grapes shall be left in it, as the shaking of an olive tree, two or three berries in the top of the uppermost bough, four or live in the outmost fruitful branches thereof, saith the Lord God of Israel." — Isaiah xvii, G. And further on we learn what He has to say in regard to the Gentile: "At that day shall a man look to his Maker, and his eyes shall have respect to the Holy One of Israel. And he shall not look to the altars, the work of his hands, neither shall respect that which his fingers have made, either the groves, or the images. In that day shall his strong cities be as a forsaken bough, and CREATION AND FORMATION. 125. an uppermost branch, which they left because of the children of Israel : and there shall be desolation." — Isaiah xvii, 7-9. The Gentile shall have respect to the Holy One of Israel. Is this scripture not plain enough to show what Christ's mission into the world was? To give more proofs, however, we refer you to Isaiah xviii, 3: "All ye inhabitants of the world, and dwellers on the earth, see ye, when he lifteth up an ensign on the mountains: and when he bloweth a trumpet, hear ye." Kow this is God speaking through His prophet Isaiah con- cerning Christ and His mission to the Gentiles. Again, in Isaiah xix, 18, 21, He speaks very strongly upon this point: "In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan, and swear to the Lord of hosts; one shall be called, The city of destruction. * And the Lord shall be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians shall know the Lord in that day, and shall do sacrifice and oblation; yea, they shall vow a vow unto the Lord, and perform it." Now then, if you will but remember, we presented scrip- ture in previous chapters of our work showing that the Egyptians knew not the God of the Jews. These same Egyp- tians were Gentiles. They did not know God until Christ came into the world an 1 opened their eyes. Christ was the ensign that was to be set up among them, and then the whole world (including the Gentiles and the fallen Jews in particular) should drink of the same waters of life. Isaiah xix, 23, says: "In that day shall there be a high- way out of Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians shall serve with the Assyrians." And the Lord further says: "In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a blessing in the midst of the land: Whom the Lord of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed he Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance." — - Isaiah xix, 24-25. We notice that Israel was God's inheritance. So was Adam, the first man with a living soul, for he was des- tined to life eternal. But when he fell death came upon him, and all outside of Adam's posterity were as dead men. In other words, the Gentiles were but as dead men. Thev did not 120. CREATION AND FORMATION, belong to the Jews at all, consequently they were outside of Adam's posterity. A great many people will tell you that Eve was the mother of all living. This is all very true as far as it goes, but it don't go very far after all for the reason that Eve was only the mother of all living souls. These living souls does not include the Gentiles, for they were numbered with the beasts; and, furthermore, they did not possess that living soul that was destined to live forever in God's realm of peace and love. His life ended here. Not so with God's holy people. Just as long- as they loved and served God just so long was their life with Him. And now, returning to our work again, and turning to Isaiah xxiii, 17-18, He tells us through the prophet what is to come to pass at the first coming of Christ, and in xxiv, 22-23, through the same agency, He tells us of the different changes that are to take place on the face of the whole earth. In xxv, 6, the Lord is going to make a feast of fat things for all people — not for the Jews alone, who were His elect in former days, but for the Gentiles also. In xxv, 7, He says : "And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over all nations." This portion of scripture carries us back to the text: * "Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God:" * — St. Mark iv, 11. This covering or vail which was thrown over all people and all nations was a great mystery to all people and especially to the Jews. But here the promise is that it shall be taken away. This same vail that was cast over all people was also cast over King Solomon. This is one thing he failed to find out. He knew the end of the Gentiles was numbered with the beasts, and that they went down to the same place, but the vail that was spread over all the earth was beyond his comprehension. He studied hard to find out, and partly came to the conclusion (though he was not sure that he was right) that it was this: "I said in mine heart, concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts." — Kcclesiastes iii, 1 8. CREATION AND FORMATION. 127. The prophet Isaiah did not know what this vail was. Though he did have some knowledge of what it was, yet he was not sure, for he saw through a glass darkly. In his prophecies he told just what it was. He told it all, and yet he did not know what the vail was. This may seem strange, but nevertheless it is true. He told just what God told him to tell and no more. The vail was over him as well as over Solomon, and neither one of these great n»en thoroughly understood it. Now, however, all is very plain. Christ was the vail, and this was a great mystery to all nations. They did not know that at some future time the Gentiles were to come in and be made to partake of the nature of eternal life. They did not know that Christ was the vail, nor did the} T know that there was to be such a one as Christ. This was the great mystery • it was the vail, and God has already removed it. When Christ came the vail, or covering, that covered all nations was taken away. The Gentiles received eternal life, and the middle wall (the difference between the Gentile and the Jew) that stood so long was torn down and both Jew and Gentile became one in Christ. All this was prophesied long before Christ came into the world. In Isaiah xxvii, 1, we have these words: "In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.'' Now this portion of scripture, according to the prophecy, has reference to the abominable thing of which we have said so much — the mingling of the Jew and the Gentile. This abomi- nable thing Christ destroyed. It no longer exists. The Gen- tiles and the Jews may now mingle if they choose to do so, and no sin is committed providing their mingling is legitimate. The great middle wall is gone. Christ tore it down. For ages before Christ came into the world He had been prophesied, and even what his mission was in the world was prophesied, all of which the thirty-fifth chapter and first verse of Isaiah had fore- told: "The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them ; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose." This whole chapter is concerning Christ and His work on earth. In the fifth verse we hear the prophet saying: "Then the eves 128. CREATION AND FORMATION. of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped." Now, this means that Christ was to open the eyes of the blind that they might see. The Gentiles were the blind ones. They never saw eternal life ; they did not know what it was until they received it from Christ. Their ears, also, were un- stopped and they heard the law of their mighty God and to His name gave they great praise. They were once like unto parched grounds and thirsty lands, (see Isaiah xxxv, 7), but now have become pools or springs of water. Oh, how true! The Gentiles are now the very source from which these waters flow out and supply the wants of a thirsty world. And again : "The highway and the way" that is here spoken of we shall comment upon hereafter. With these remarks we turn to Isaiah xxxvi, 11-12, and notice the difference between the two nations. Here you will find a great difference in the language of the two tribes, and, also, you will notice in xxxvi, 18, 19, 20, that this people (the Gentiles), could not see nor understand how the God of the Jews was able to deliver them out of their hands, for they did not consider the God of the Jews so great as were the gods of the nations, or the gods of their own fancy or make. The Gentile king, Sennecherib, tried hard to pursuade the Jews that their king, Hezekiah, was wrong in teaching them that the God of Heaven was able to deliver them out of his hand. He tried to get the Jews to revolt against God and their king, Hezekiah. When Hezekiah heard what the Gentile king had said he rent his clothes and covered himself with sackcloth and went into the house of the Lord. (Isaiah xxxvii, 1). And he sent a messenger unto the prophet Isaiah beseeching him to lift up a prayer to God to save his people — the remnant that is left of them. We are not to understand by this (the remnant of them that are left), that any of the Jews had been drawn away or pursuaded by the Gentile king to leave their God. Hezekiah was afraid that the Jews would be led astray and deny their God and follow after the gods of the nations, therefore he sent unto Isaiah the prophet and besought him to pray for his peo- CREATION AND FORMATION. 129. pie that such a calamity might not happen to them. But the noble prophet answered him, saying: * "Be not afraid of the words that thou hast heard, where- with the servants of the king of Assyria have blasphemed me/' — .Isaiah xxxvii, 6. He goes on and tells him that he may rest assured that God will not leave him, but will stand by him, and send a blast upon this Gentile king, and that he shall hear the rumor and return to his own land and fall by the sword in his own .land. And so the king has received this much consolation from the prophet — that God is nigh unto them of a broken heart, and that He will give His children strength in time of need. In the first and second verses of the fortieth chapter of Isaiah, (speaking of the Coming of Christ), we have these words : "Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned : for she hath received of the Lord's hand double for all her sins." In this portion of scripture the Jews have a hope in Christ; in Him their great warfare is over with; the middle wall is torn down ; the Gentile and the Jew are at rest ; no more hard struggles between life and death, for God has given to the Gentiles eter- nal life through Jesus Christ the Savior of the world. Yes, He is the Savior of the world, and He has saved its sublimest hope from annihilation; He hath fed His flock like a shepherd, and hath taken the lambs in His arms, and carried them in His bosom, and gently led those that are with young. (See Isaiah xl, 11). - -"Keep silent before me, O islands; and let the people renew their strength: let them come near; then let them speak : let us come near together to judgment." * "Who hath wrought and done it, calling the generations frOm the begin- ning? I the Lord, the first, and with the last; I am he." Isaiah xli, 1, 4. Here the Lord talks of generations from the beginning, and in the first verse the present generations, includ- ing both Jew and Gentile (this of course is a prophec}^ of what should be done when Christ came) are invited to come near together to reason with the Lord. "Keep silence before me, O, 130. CREATION AND FORMATION. islands." That is the same as to say "peace between Gentile and Jew/' And as Christ is here prophecied, so is He to make peace between them by tearing down, so to speak, the middle wall. Now, in the eighth verse of this same chapter the Lord says: "But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend." In speaking of Abraham we wish to say right here, and let it be borne in mind, that Abraham was brought from beyond the flood. He descended from Noah, and Noah was of the seed of Adam, and this is the way the Lord brought him safely over the mighty deep. But we shall not stop here too long, but shall now bring forth scripture to prove what we have talked so much about, concerning Christ and His mission on earth ; of His giving life to the Gentiles, and also judgment; and to the Jews, blindness for a time. "Behold my servant, whom I uphold : mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth ; I have put my Spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. Ht I the Lord have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles; To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house. * Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring. forth I tell you of them." — Isaiah xlii, 1, 6, 7, 9. Oh, yes! He tells us of them, and He tells us of Christ. The same God that spoke in tones of thunder from the clouds of Mt. Sinai speaks here in accents of mercy towards the Gentiles, which is granted to them in full through the power of Jesus Christ, the giver of eternal life. Here the prophecy sets forth new things that are to come to pass, and we might add here that all these things have come to pass, especially in favor of the Gentiles. The .lews arc to receive more at Christ's second coming. But, tech- nically speaking, all will receive more good, or bad, as the case may be, at His second "coming. The prophesying of His advent into the world means more, and tends to more than over one- half of the common minds can really comprehend. Everybody CREATION AND FORMATION. 13:1". understands that the Old Testament contains the prophecies of the coming of Christ; but do they understand what these prophecies mean in full ? That is the question, and it is one that often perplexes the immature mind. The prophecy contained in the sixteenth verse of this chap- ter — "And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them" — may be dark to some, but we shall explain these seem- ingly dark portions of scripture in the course of our work, for this is our mission, and by the help of God we will do all we can to enlighten the world. The above verse we will explain in as few words as possible iioav, for we will have occasion to speak again upon this point, and then perhaps we will say more. It really has reference to Christ and His bringing the Gen- tiles out of darkness into light, and giving them judgment and eternal life beyond the grave, for until He came into the world the Gentiles were without judgment, and in one sense of the word they were without a God in the world — they were orphans, so to speak. To-day they are not fatherless. The difference that once existed between Jew and Gentile no longer exists. Now we will go back to our work and again look at the differ- ence that was between Jew and Gentile in Isaiah's time. Of course it was the same difference that existed between them in the beginning as it was in the prophets time and up to the com- ing of Christ. In Isaiah xliii, 1 we have these words: "But now thus sayeth the Lord that created thee, () Jacob, and He that formed thee, Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine." And in the seventh verse He says: "Even every one that is called by my name: fori have created him for my glory, I have formed him: yea, I have made him." Xow then, we will make another explanation hereof "Crea- tion and Formation" in order that the reader may not mistake us in this respect. In the portions of scripture just quoted the 132. CREATION AND FORMATION. Lord is talking to His people — the Jews — and says : * "Now thus sayeth the Lord that created thee, O Jacob." * Jacob was a Jew, and as we have said before that God did not create the Jew but formed him, you may think that counteraction here exists, but not so, for in the beginning creation had to be before formation, and as Adam was formed from the dust of the ground, so was he at first created. Formation comes from crea- tion, or from something that has been created. The earth was created and not formed, and man was formed out of that which was created; therefore, in him there is just this much of crea- tion. The Gentiles were created — created out of nothing. They were spoken into existence the same as were the beasts and the earth. When God spoke they came stalking forth. We are not trying to separate creation from that part of formation which belongs to creation. We are separating the formed man from the created man, and we do not find this a very difficult task to do, after all, for in Adam both creation and formation are visible. Between creation and formation there is a connecting link, but please tell us if you can how to connect creation to creation with a formation link? But enough of this for the present. We do not want to wander away from our field of labor. We are not producing arguments simply for victory over our fellows; we are working for God. What we want is to give light to those that sit in darkness. The Bible, they say, is a mystery, or, at least soma parts of it is, but we shall explain these alleged mysteries. In Isaiah xliii, 8, is a prophecy of Christ bringing forth the blind that have eyes, and the deaf that have ears. These blind are the Gentiles. ' The way to eternal life is dark to them — they cannot see. Hence God says: * "I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have 4 not known :" * — Isaiah xlii, 16. But not so with the Jews, for they did see ; they were not blind. They knew the way to eternal life, and it was their duty — a duty they owed to God — to walk in the way of righteousness. "Ye are my witnesses, sayeth the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen; that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, CREATION AND FORMATION. 18$. neither shall there be after me." — Isaiah xliii, 10. We see here that God gays the Jews are to be His witnesses, and now to show that great difference of which we have said so much, that exists, or did exist, between Gentile and Jew, we need but quote the ninth verse of the forty-third chapter of Isaiah, for it speaks concerning the Gentile in terms worthy of note, and says : * "Let them bring forth their witnesses, that they may be justified : or let them hear, and say, It is truth." Now in this which sets forth the Gentile and in that which sets forth the Jew there exists quite a contrast. The Lord sets the Gentile at a distance from Him, but at His right hand is the Jew — His witness here on earth. Through the Holy One of God, which is Christ, of the seed of David, the Gentiles are made to see li_.,„oii)e> never saw it before, and they walk on grounds that they never before walked on. Again, in regard to the coming of Christ, He says : "Be- hold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. The beast of the field shall honour me, the dragons and the owls; because I give waters in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, to give drink to my people, my chosen. This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise." — Isaiah xliii, 19, 20, 21. In verse 20 the Gentiles are set forth as beasts, and dragons, and owls. They are also compared to a wildrness, but the Lord says that He will make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, Christ is the way in the wilderness, and He is the waters of life, and both Gentile and Jew shall drink of Him. Of course, as we have said before, the Jews were not to receive Christ at His first coming, but in the end, that is at His second coming, they truly will receive Him and He shall be their Savior. Of His first coming we will talk more here- after. Reader, the whole of this forty-third chapter is of vast importance. It teaches us a Avonderful lesson. In it the sin- ning Jew is set forth as having first sinned in the garden of Eden. The twenty-seventh verse says : "Thy first father hath sinned ; and thy teachers have transgressed against me." This l:>4. CREATION AND FORMATION. is the language of God, and He is talking to the Jews whom he first formed. "Bemember these, O Jacob and Israel; for thou art my servant: I have formed thee; thou art my servant: O Israel, thou shalt not be forgotten of me." — Isaiah xliv, 21. How plain it is that the Jews were God's Holy people — His servants. And again how plain it is to see that the Gentiles were not the servants of God. God speaks of them entirely different from the way He speaks of the Jews. In speaking of the Gentiles He says that He is going to bring a new thing about in order that they may see a new way that they have not yet seen. Christ is the way, ami through Him they receive life eternal. "I have made the earth, and created man upon it:" * — Isaiah xlv, 12. He is here speaking of the Gentile man whom He created on the sixth day, male and female created He them, and gave them dominion over all the earth. They were without a living soul and had no knowledge of eternal life whatever. But when the carnal law sprang up the innocent man and woman in the garden of God were captured by a Gen- tile devil and lead astray. God saw it, and He saw that, it was necessary to give light and life to the Gentiles in order to save His holy people. 8a ve them from what? you may ask. Wln T , save them from a Gentile grave, and this He did by promising them a Savior there and then. Through Him the middle wall was torn down and the Gentiles were brought into the fold — the fold of Christ. In Christ they are under the Divine law; they are grafted into the good olive tree. In Isaiah xlvii, 1, God says: "Come down, and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon, sit on the ground: there is no throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called tender and delicate." The third, fifth and sixth verses of this same chapter are of great importance. The sixth verse we will quote: "I was wroth with my people, I have polluted mine inheritance, and given them into thine hand : thou didst shew them no mercy; upon the ancient hast thou very heavily laid thy yoke." From these words of the Lord it is plain enough that the Jews were His inheritance. Here are the Gentiles, also; the ones that captured God's people and led them off into captivity CREATION AND FORMATION. 135. and did not show them any mercy. But the Lord comes with comforting words and says : "Sing, () heaven; and be joyful, () earth; and break forth into singing, () mountains : for the Lord hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted." — Isaiah xlix, 13. Not only to the .lews does God promise this comfort, but to the Gentiles also, for He says: "Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my standard to the people: and they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders." — Isaiah xlix, 22. It is hardly necessary for us to make any remarks here for the simple reason that the difference is so plain between the Gentile and the Jew that the reader cannot help notice it. You may be tired reading so many quotations from the .Bible, but vou must remember that we cannot get a better book to help us on our way than it, and that it is necessary for us >to quote a great deal of scripture. This is a part of our work. It is the foundation upon which we are building. .- . .. Now then we will turn to the fifty-fourth chapter and first verse of Isaiah, and we have these words: ■* v Sing, .0. barren, thou that didst not bear: break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child : for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the Lord." We have before us the Gentile and the Jew. We are also here reminded of the Gentile and the Jew as they were in the beginning. And Adam named his wife Eve and they were to be twain in one flesh, or man and wife. They were as mar- ried, but Avere not commanded at this period of their earthly life to multiply. But how different it was with the Gentiles. They were created and commanded to multiply and be fruitful, or to be fruitful and multiply. They were not spoken of as man and wife. What a great difference there is here ! The desolate have more children than the married wife. Here the Lord is speaking of the Jews again. He says: . "Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, 186. CREATION AND FORMATION. and strengthen thy stakes; For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the Gen- tiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited." — Isaiah liv, 2-8. Now it is plain enough to see who the Lord was talking to when He spoke of the married wife, for their seed was to inherit the Gentiles. Christ was born of a peculiar nation — the nation of the Jews. He was of the seed of Adam, hence Christ was the seed of the woman that was to inherit the Grentiles. But this last prophecy quoted was fulfilled many years after they had been created. And when the fullness of the Gentiles shall have come in, then will Israel accept their Savior, as the holy apostles of Christ have already done. God says: "For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee. In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith the Lord thy Redeemer." — Isaiah liv, 7-8. God is here speaking to the Jews and says, "I hid my face from thee for a moment." A moment with God may be a great many years with us, but to-day God's face is hid from the Jews, or in other words blindness, in part, is happened to Israel until the fulness of the Gentiles have come in, and this will have taken place at the second coming of Christ. Now then, we will again call your attention to the mission of Christ on earth in order to show more of that great differ- ence between the Gentile and the Jew. God says: "Behold, I have given him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people." — Isaiah lv, 4. And also : "Behold, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not, and nations that knew not thee shall run unto thee, because of the Lord thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for He hath glorified thee." — Isaiah lv, 5. Here is the Gentile set forth again as not knowing God — the same race of people that existed in the very beginning. They never knew God until Christ came into the world. This is not true of the Jews, for they did know God, and whenever they violated God's holy law they did it to their own damage. But on the other hand, the Gentiles not knowing, had no God CREATION AND FORMATION. 13' to serve, except the gods of their own make. They had no holy laws to break. We shall not stop to give much explana- tion on this point now, for we will have to be as brief as possi- ble in explaining them for the reason that we have a great many of them to quote and explain, and the fewer words we use in explaining them the better. Again, in speaking of this difference between the Gentile and Jew, we will quote another verse from the Bible. It will give us more light, and the more light we can get on this sub- ject the better : ''For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace : the mountains and the hills shall break forth before 3*011 into singing, and all the trees of the Held shall clap their hands."— Isaiah lv, 12. God here tells his people that they shall go out with joy and be led with peace. On the other hand He says : ''The moun- tains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing." When the Lord speaks of the mountains, hills and trees, as the verse so reads here, He is speaking of the Gentiles. We have previously said that the Gentiles were represented as moun- tains, hills and trees, and sometimes as bulls, lions and dogs. Various other names were given to them, and in Genesis v, 1-2 they are called Adam. This is the first time the Gentiles were called Adam after the day they had been created, and it is the only time until after Christ died, and the Adam is also there included. And now, for the benefit of the reader, we will explain this portion of scripture by way of comparison. Now this is the genealogy of Mr. David Johnston, in the day that my generation lived, and our names are Mr. David Johnston yet we are a different people for all that. Now then, after these few remarks that we have given in order to keep our minds clear, we turn to Isaiah lvi, 3 : "Neither let the son of the stranger, that hath joined him- self to the Lord, speak, saying, The Lord hath utterly separated me from his people : neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree." The Lord goes on to say, in the seventh verse : "Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: * for mine house shall be called a house of prayer for all people." We now turn to 1B8. CItKATION AND FORMATION. Isaiah lx, 1-3: "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the dark- ness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising." The fifth verse is also of great importance. It speaks con- cerning the Gentiles. Christ is the light spoken of in the above scripture and He is the light of the world, and the Gentiles shall come to that light and be accepted of Him. Christ accepts them and gives them life eternal. And again, in speak- ing of the coming of Christ to give light and life to the Gen- tiles, the sixty-first chapter of Isaiah will help us greatly on our way. The first, second and third verses read : "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sept me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty : to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called Trees of righteousness, The planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified." This, too, is a prophec}' of the coming of Christ — not of His second coming, but of His first — all of which has been ful- filled. This is aprophecy of Christ's coming to bring deliver- ance to the world ; to raise up the fallen ones, and to give light and life and judgment, and immortality to the Gentiles. And furthermore, it is well enough for us to quote a few verses of the sixt3'-third chapter, as it gives us still more light upon this subject — Christ and His coming. "Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah ? this that is glorious in his apparel, travelling in the greatness of his strength ? I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel, and thy garments like him that treadeth in the winefat? T have CREATION AND FORMATION. 1.39. trodden the winepress alone; and of the people there was none with me: for I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury; and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my gar- ments, and I will stain all my raiment." — Isaiah lxiii, 1-8. Xow this, Ave think, is sufficient to show how the word of God should he rightly divided. And in connection with the above statements of Christ and His mission on earth, and His noble work among men and the laying down of His life for them, we still quote another verse: "I am sought of them that asked not for me; lam found of them that sought me not: I. said, Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name." — Isaiah lxv, 1. This portion of scripture is very easily understood. It is plain enough to see that Christ was to be sought of a nation that knew Him not. The Gentiles were the ones that were to seek and to flee to Christ. Prior to Christ's coming on earth the Gentiles were alien. They had no God. But not so with theJews; they had a living God to love and serve. The Gen- tiles never had even the faintest idea of a Savior coming down to speak peace to this weary world. They had no God to dis- obey; they had no God to obey. They were not sinners; they were not duty bound to pay tribute to the God of the Jews. Their religion was a worldly one — a sham philosophy of scorn and contempt. From the great multitude of sinners they were exempt. Their lives were glorified only in the grave. Beyond this they did not go. As the great man said, "as the one dieth so dieth the other." Yea, the3 r all go to one place. But with the Jews — God's holy people — the arrangement of all these circumstances is different. They (especially the fallen .lew) looked for Christ to come and bring deliverance to the world, but He has come and gone and the great throng of Jews to-day are still looking for the appearance of the promised Messiah. When Christ came into the world the Gentiles accepted Him. He was their only hope. This acceptance of Christ the prophet Isaiah compares to a woman in travail and in pain to be deliv- ered of a child. (See Isaiah lxvi, 7). And He goes' on to say: "Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a 140. CREATION AND FORMATION. nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children/' — Isaiah lxvi, 8. Here Isaiah is speaking of the same thing that the great Preacher tried so hard to find out, and that is the end of the Gentiles. He had a glimpse of this future hope for the Gen- tiles, but could not see clearly. His imagination did not seem to help him much. The most that he could see was that the Gentiles were beasts, or counted as such, and that they went to the same place. The prophet is wondersiruck over this singu- lar circumstance, and cries out: "Has any one heard or seen a whole nation born at once?" Though many Gentile nations have passed away and are numbered with the mighty dead, } T et the prophet cannot see how that they (including the genera- tions of the past, present and future) are to be born again, lie can see that these things are to be, and this is about all he can see. God is giving him the language which he is making use of, but yet he does not thoroughly understand it all. He can see through a glass darkly that Zion is in heavy travail, and that Christ is the Zion here spoken of, and that He is going to pay the debt, and then death, hell and the grave will deliver up their dead, and many of them will walk through the streets of Jerusalem. All this is plain to him, but he does not understand the end thereof. In short, he knows these things, and yet he does not know, for in the ninth verse he says: 4 Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth ? saith the Lord : shall I cause to bring forth, and shut the womb ? saith thy God." Oh, no ! for this is not the way of the Lord. In the tenth verse he says: "Bejoice ye with Jerusalem, and be glad with her, all ye that love her : rejoice for joy with her, all ye that mourn for her." The question might be asked : Who is this that the Lord has reference to when He speaks of her? If we had nothing more than the eighth and ninth verses to answer this question, these would be sufficient, but in the first verse of the sixty-sixth chapter we have the evidence that this "her" the Lord is speak- ing of is the Gentile nation, and that she is to be born at once. This is the nation that knew not God and never called on His name until Christ came on earth. This is the nation that the CREATION AND FORMATION. 141. Jews were to rejoice in, for thus saith the Lord : * "I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the Gen- tiles like a flowing stream: then shall ye suck, ye shall be borne upon her sides, and be dandled upon her knees." — Isaiah lxvi. 12. Now then, we can plainly see that it was the Gentiles in whom the Jews were to rejoice. The prophet here speaks of the time when the Jews shall rejoice because of the Gentiles accepting. This they did when He came into the world. They were born anew, and the great curse that existed so long- between Gentile and Jew was taken away. Dear reader, we are now going to close our work in the book of Isaiah. We ask you to ponder over what we have so far said. Think upon those things and study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of God. Oh ! let us pray earnestly for the spirit of light, that we may not in a gospel land like this be led astray by false teachings. The world is full of false prophets, or false teachers, and all the good there is in their doctrine is enjoyed by themselves alone. These lords and priests, and these so-called "great Bible commentators," are after the wealthy dollar. They claim to be servants of the Most High God, hut they will scorn the beggar on the streets for all that. Oh, how can any man love God and hate his brother? Dear reader, let us work while it is yet day, for the night soon cometh. O, for a heart to praise my God! A heart from sin set free, A heart which keeps us near to God, Plainly His word to see. And keep it pure while in this world ; From earthly lords set free. And when we reach the bower fields. The rich reward of God we'll see. CHAPTEE ZBZI- Text: — '-'•Search the Scriptures." — St. John v, 39; Mark iv, II j 2 Timothy ii, 15,. We have hastily passed through the book of Isaiah the prophet, and we now take up the book of Jeremiah. Here we have before us another vast field of waving grain. We must start into it with heart and hand. In working in this book of Jeremiah we find it to be in harmony with the book of Isaiah. Our work will be about the same here as it was there. Isaiah and Jeremiah were both chosen vessels of God unto a good work. Jeremiah is like Isaiah, for he looks back upon the past, at the present and into the future. In a great many instances you will notice what we say here is merely repetition of what we have said, or at least nearly the same. What we have proven in the hook of Isaiah concerning the two nations, we will also prove by the book of Jeremiah. We will now start in at the second chapter and the fourth and fifth verses. Here we find the Lord talking directly to the Jews, reaching back to the days of their forefathers. He speaks of the great things which He did for them, and then asks them what iniquity their fathers found in Him that they should forsake Him and walk after vanity. The Lord tells them how He brought them up out of the land of Egypt and through a land where no man passed through, and where no man dwelt; and through a land of deserts and of pits; aland of drought; through a land of the shadow of death, unto a land of plenty, that they should eat the fruits of a plentiful country. I)ii1 after all the goodness the Lord shewed to them they did forsake II im and made His inheritance an abomination. (See Jeremiah ii, 4, 5, (j, 7). The inheritance here spoken of is the .lews. They are God's inheritance and always had been, and they made His inheritance an abomination by mingling with CREATION AND FORMATION. 14o. the Gentiles. This G-od commanded them that they should not do, but they did not hearken to the loving voice of God. They broke His commandments. They would go among the Gentiles and polute themselves by so doing. Not only did the Israelites forsake their God, but their priests did the same thing. For the Lord says : "The priests said not, Where is the Lord? and they that handle the law knew me not: the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit." — Jeremiah ii, 8. After the Jews had done all these great evils — forsaken G-od and broken His commandments — -He was still merciful enough to shew them kindness for evil. He did not raise up and crush them to the earth for their disobedience, nor did He smite them with disease, nor did He send an army of warriors to wipe them out of existence, as one might suppose. But He says: "Wherefore I will yet plead with you, saith the Lord, and with your children's children will I plead." — -Jeremiah ii, 9. And in the next verse He says: "For pass over the isles of Chittim, and see; and send unto Kedar, and consider diligently, and see if there be such a thing. Hath a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods? but my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit." — Jeremiah ii, 10-11. He asks His people to just pass over these isles and see if these other nations have changed their god which is no God. No, they have not, but my people. He says, have changed their glory for that which doth not profit. Ami for this reason He says: "Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this, * For my people have committed two evils," * and for this cause "The young lions roared upon him." * — Jeremiah ii, 12,' 13, 15. The young lions here spoken of are the Gentiles. This you will see to be the truth by reading the eighteenth verse. (The Egyp- tians or Assyrians). Again, in talking to the Jews, He says : "For of old time I have broken thy yoke, and burst thy bands; and thou saidst, I will not transgress: when upon every high hill and under every green tree thou wanderest, playing the harlot." — Jeremiah ii, 20. 144. CREATlOtt AND FORMATION. When the Jews had taken upon themselves this burdensome yoke which they inherited from their forefathers and their fore- fathers from Adam, it generally crushed them to the earth. It is a notable fact of human life, that when sinful nature is crushed under weighty burdens, the immortal man cries out; then God comes and He breaks the yoke. It is not nature to see nature suffer. God has more feeling for man than man has for himself. When He brought the Israelites up out. of the land of Egypt and gave them an inheritance not made by mortal hands, they for- sook Him and went after strange gods, but in love and mercy He wandered after them. And whenever the} T called on God for help, He was always ready and ever willing to lend them a helping hand. He would break the yoke at their command, and put their enemies to flight when none persued. God was and is good to all His people. He will guide and direct the footsteps of those who put their trust in Him. In the twenty- first verse of the second chapter of Jeremiah, He says: "Yet I had planted thee a noble vine, wholly a right seed: how then art thou turned into the degenerate plant of a strange vine unto me ?" This carries our mind back to the garden of Eden, in the day that the Lord formed man and planted him in the garden a noble vine. The Lord looked for this vine to bring forth pure grapes, but it brought forth wild grapes, and thus the glory of untold ages was changed for that which profits not. His holy plant was turned into a degenerate one, but after all He loved them still. All through the balance of this chapter God sets before His people their sins. He does not forsake them. He calls them back, and offers them the waters of life that they may drink and live. In the first verse of the third chapter of Jeremiah we have these'words : "They say, If a man put awa} r his wife, and . she go from him, and become another man's, shall he return unto her again? shall not that land he greatly polluted ? but thou hast played the harlot with many Lovers; yet return again to me, saith the Lord." Oh, how good must the Lord be to forgive sinful man so often. Turn unto me, saith the Lord; though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as while as snow; though they be CREATION AND FORMATION. 145. red like crimson they shall be as white as wool. It was the mingling of the Jews with the Gentiles that God disliked so much. It was the bowing of the knee to the image of Baal, that was an abominable thing in the eyes of God and so des- tructive to the Jews. And again in speaking of the abomina- ble thing, the eighth and ninth verses of the third chapter of Jeremiah will give us much light. And also the thirteenth verse, and in the fourteen and fifteenth verses the Lord pleads for them that they return to him, for He assures them that if they do come back He will heal them. And time after time lie begs of them to come back again. But, if they will not come back then His threats lie at their doors. In speaking of God's promises and threats to His people, we will turn to the fifth chapter : "Lo, I will bring a nation upon you from far, (), house of Israel, saith the Lord : it is a mighty nation, it is an ancient nation, a nation whose language thou knowest not, neither un- derstandest whatthej- say." — Jeremiah v, 15. We remark here that this is a prophecy of the coming of Christ bringing in the G-entile nation upon Israel. This has all been fulfilled. The Gentile nation was, and is, the most ancient one; it is the mightiest one, and it is the very one that the Lord brought upon Israel as He said He would. And the sixteenth verse, speaking of the Gentiles, the Lord says to Israel : "Their quiver is as an open sepulchre, they are all mighty men." And He goes on in the seventeenth verse to say that this mighty people shall eat up the harvest of the Jews, etc. This is just what the Gentiles did and are doing to-day. The harvest and the bread was and is Christ, and upon Him the Gentiles are feasting. The Jews' feast will come by and by. In the eighteenth verse, speaking of Christ's second coming, God says : "Nevertheless in those days, saith the Lord, I will not make a full end with you." So now you can see by this that God has not left His people destitute. They have a promise yet. It is yet to be. What they did not enjoy at Christ's first coming is reserved for them unto His second coming. God has given His people to be preyed upon by the Gentiles for a little 140. CREATION AND FORMATION. while; until He shall have said i- it is enough," then Jerusalem will be restored again and God's people will receive and accept Christ as their only Savior. In Him they will find their all. But speaking of those things that were to happen to the Jews, we will find it all prophesied in this same fifth chapter of Jere- miah beginning with the nineteenth verse. It is because of Israel rebelling against God and breaking His commandments and setting His statutes aside, that this calamity is to happen to them for a little while. They are to serve strangers in a land that they know not. Therefore they are cast off for a time, or in other words, their eyes were to be so darkened that they should not accept Christ at His first coming. With the Gentiles it was entirely different, for they aeecepted Christ, and now instead of the Gentiles serving the Jews the Jews are serving them, and this will be the case with the Jews until the fullness of the Gentiles shall have come in. This will come to pass by and by. God brought this punishment upon His people on account of their iniquities. He says to them: "Will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and burn incense unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye know not; And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations?" — Jeremiah vii. 9-10. In the eleventh verse He asks them if His house has become a den of robbers in their eyes. He assures them that He has seen all their evils which they have done, and tells them that He will do to them as He did to Shiloh. (See 14 verse). And in tin.' fifteenth verse lie says to them : "And I will cast you out of my sight, as I have east out all your brethren, even the whole seed of Ephraim." On the other hand, if the Jews had obeyed God then the great sacri- fice would not have been needed. The middle wall that was torn down by Christ would never have been torn down for the simple reason that there would have been no middle wall to tcai- down. in the thirty-first verse of the seventh chapter the Lord says : "And they have built the high places of Tophet, which is in the vallev of tin 1 son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and CREATION AND FORMATION. 14' their daughters in the fire; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my heart." For this great wrong that Israel had done, Jeremiah, the prophet, cries out: "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved. For the hurt of the daughter of my people am I hurt- I am black; astonishment hath taken hold on me. Is there no balm in Gilead? is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?" Jere- miah viii, 20-22. "Oh that my head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people! Oh that I had in the wilderness a lodging place of wayfaring men; that I might leave my people, and go from them ! for they be all adulterers, an assembly of treacherous men." — Jeremiah ix, 1-2. The Jews mingling with the Gentiles and bowing their knees to the image of Baal, is what is here meant by their com- mitting adultery. This is the sin which caused God to say: "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will punish all them which are circumcised with the uncircumcised." Jere- miah ix, 25. In the twenty-sixth verse the Lord says that Egypt, Judah, Edom, etc., are uncircumcised, and that the house of Israel is uncircumcised in heart. Yes, Israel is cir- cumcised, but not in heart. In heart they are uncircumcised. They have gone after strangers; they have gone after strange wives. This the Lord commanded them not to do, for He savs : "Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of Israel : Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold ; they fasten it with nails and with ham- mers, that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot i;o. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good." — Jeremiah x, 1-5. Yes, it was necessary that they should be borne. Christ came to save them. He carried them over the dark stream. 14S. CREATION AND FORMATION. He bridged the deep and mighty chasm. This is .something that none other ever did, nor -ever could do. The Gentiles were once a helpless race of people. They needed help, and in Christ they found help. To-day they are accountable to God for the wrong they do. it could not be said of them that (hey were ac- countable to God for any wrong which they might have done before God sent His only begotten Son into the world to die for them, and for the sinners. Technically speaking, Christ did not die for the Gentiles. He died for the sinners, that they might be saved and brought nigh to God. It would have been all useless for Christ to die for a nation which were unaccounta- ble to God for the wrong that it might be found guilty of, for God says they cannot do wrong, neither is there any good in them. This means that if they did do anything wrong, they could not be heir! accountable for it. Beally Christ did not die for them, lie came to give them eternal life through His death and to die for the ; inning Jews that they might be saved. Now then, in speaking of the downfall of the Jew and of their wandering away from God and becoming lewd, we will turn to the eleventh chapter of Jeremiah, and beginning with the fif- teenth verse we learn their whereabout^. We learn what their present condition is, and also what is to befall them. The Jjord says : "What hath my beloved to do in mine house, seeing she (mine house the Jew) hath wrought lewdness with many, and the holy flesh is passed from thee? when thou does! evil, then thou rejoicest." We remark here that God's beloved, which is Christ, has a great work to do in His house. A work that no one but Christ can do. His work is to bring back to the fold of God the lost sheep of Israel; to blind with parables, for a time only, those who are serving God under the Mosaical law and to give life eternal to the Gentiles. The holy flesh here spoken of reminds us of Adam in the garden of Eden; for he was a holy flesh until lie violated God's holy command, then the holy flesh passed from him and he became corrupt. The house spoken of in the above verse has reference to God's peo- ple. The seventeenth verse explains this plainly. We will now turn to the twelfth chapter and eighth verse CREATION AND FORMATION. 14$. of Jeremiah. The Lord says: "Mine heritage is unto me as a Hon in the forest/' * His heritage is the Jews, an 1 in the ninth verse He says that unto Him they are as a speckled bird. Oh. how true ! Sin makes a man very speckled ; it is sure to stain the immortal soul. And again the Lord speaks of the birds being round about the speckled birds. The birds were the Gentiles. They were not speckled birds, for the simple reason that they were without sin. If they did an evil thing they were not judged for it ; they were unaccountable. ISTot so with the Jews. If they did a wrong they were to be judged for it. And in speak- ing of those who have sinned against the Lord, the Tjord says: "Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard, they have trod- den my portion under foot, they have made my pleasant por- tion a desolate wilderness." — Jeremiah xii, 10. In the eleventh verse He goes on to say that after they made it desolate it mourned unto Him. So now we see by this that the holy flesh, or God's heritage, had corrupted its way upon the earth. By mingling with the Gentiles the Jews became corrupt. The birds round about the speckled birds are the Gentiles, and they have come upon Israel as spoilers as the second verse of the twelfth chapter so plainly shows. But the Lord speaking of a time to come, says : "Thus saith the Lord, against all mine evil neighbours, that touch the inheritance which I have caused My people Israel to inherit; Behold, I will pluck them out of their land, and pluck out the house of Judah from among them." — Jeremiah xii, 14. Here God positively declares that He will pluck Israel out from among the Gentiles. Judah was very forward in running after the Gentiles, and in the fifteenth verse God says that after He has plucked His people out from among the Gentiles He will re- turn and have compassion on them and will bring them again, everv man to his heritage, and every man to his land. The in- heritance here spoken of is the purity of life to be restored again to the fallen Jews, and the compassion that He here pur- poses showing to the Gentiles is a part of that inheritance of eternal life that is to be granted to them, for the Lord comes out in plain words and says : '•And it shall come to pass, it they will diligently learn the 150. CREATION AND FORMATION, ways of my people, to swear by my name, The Lord liveth; as they taught my people to swear by Baal ; then shall they be built in the midst of nw people." — Jeremiah xii, 16. "But if they will not obey, I will utterly pluck up and destroy that nation, saith the Lord/' — Jeremiah xii, 17. Now then, we have here before us again the two nations — the Gentiles and the Jews — and God is going to destroy them if they do not quit teaching His chil- dren to swear by Baal, and His way of destroying them is on this plan : He is going to do this by sending them His Son, or sending His Son to tear down the middle wall, and giving to the Grentiles eternal life and an inheritance among the Jews that He may hold them accountable for their sins. This much God is going to do for the Gentiles, and then if they will not hearken unto Him, and drop their foolish ways and cease to pay tribute unto Baal, they will lose God's love, and His power to save them will be null and void. Christ's coming into the world to give eternal life to the Gentiles does not mean that they are to sit down and He will save them anyway. His advent into the world means more than that. What is really meant, is that they may now be saved and fitted for that grand mansion above, where they may live and walk with God forever if they will but serve Him. Christ tore down the middle wall and invited them to come and live. It remains with them to decide whether they shall be saved or perish. Christ is not going to give that man a seat in His glorious house above if he does not want it. The prophet again points to the light which is to dawn upon the Gentiles. In substance it is: "O Lord, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inheri- ted lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit. " — Jeremiah xvi, 19. Yes, we see that this nation is the one which God said Pie would cast out if they would not hearken unto Him. He says that this nation shall come from the ends of the earth, and that He will cause them to know that His name is the Lord, and that their fathers inherited lies. Yes, this is all true, their fathers were the inheritors of lies — reaching back to tin 1 garden of Eden. There the serpenl came to Eve in the Form of a CREATION AND FOltMATI&N. 151 Gentile man, and deceived her with his lying tongue, satan having possession of him. So now, after these few explanations we have made concerning Jew and Gentile, and of the promises and threats offered to both , we will turn to the twenty-fifth chapter of Jeremiah, and begin at the fifteenth verse with another prophecy of the coming of Christ: "For thus saith the Lord God of Israel unto me ; Take the winecup of this fury at my hand, and cause all the nations, to whom I send thee, to drink it." — Jeremiah xxv, 15. "Then took I the cup at the Lord's hand, and made all the nations to drink, unto whom the Lord had sent me :" — Jeremiah xxv, 17. "To wit, Jerusalem, and the cities of Judah, and the kings thereof, and the princes thereof, to make them a desolation, an astonish- ment, a hissing, and a curse : as it is this day. " — Jeremiah xxv, 18. In this eigthteenth verse there is one thought which we should keep in mind, and that is that God's people, the Jews, at Christ's first coming, are to drink first of the winecup and become a desolation, a hissing, and a curse, even as it is unto this day. "He came to his own, but they received him not." "All they that did receive Him to them gave He power to become the sons of God." "They received him not," because their eyes were darkened. They drank first of the winecup. This was so ordained to be. Now the next class of people that are to drink of the winecup are the Gentiles, for in the nineteenth verse we see that Pharaoh, kingof Egypt, and all his servants and princes, and all his people are to drink of it. Now all of Pharaoh's people are Gentiles. Though they may be under different names does not matter, they are Gentiles all the same. And next comes the mingled people. They are numbered with the Gentiles. "And all the mingled people, and all the kings of the land of Uz, and all the kings of the land of the Philistines, and Ashke- lon, and Azzah, and Ekron, and the remnant of Ashdod," — Jer- emiah xxv, 20. They are all to come and drink. (See seven- teenth verse.) And in fact, the Lord says in the twenty-sixth verse that all the kingdoms of the world, which are upon the face of the earth, are to come and drink. "A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth ; for the Lord hath a controversy 152. CREATION AND FORMATION. with the nations : He will plead with all flesh." * Jeremiah xxv, 31. Yea, when He sends his only begotten Son into the world to execute judgment He will not only plead with His chos- en people, but through Christ He will plead with all flesh, and they shall be invited to come to the fountain and drink the water of life and live. If they do not come they must perish. He is going to lay down His life for them. Before we go any further, we wish to make a few remarks here concerning Christ's death upon the cross. We do not Avant the reader to misunderstand us in regard to what we said on page 148 — -that "Christ did not really die for the Gentiles." In the first place we remark that the Gentiles were without sin, (that is they were without sin in the beginning, and they con- tinued to so live in this state of unaccountability until Christ came, and then sin revived), and that in their death there was no bonds, and as king Solomon said, as the beast dieth so dieth the Gentile, hence it would have been useless for Christ to lay down His life to save a people not subject to judgment. And now, as we have before said that Christ did not really die for the Gentiles, the question might be asked: Have you not said previously that Christ died to give eternal life to the Gentiles ? Well, yes, we have; for Christ tasted death for every man, both the sinner and the ungodly. The Jews were the sinners and al- ways had been. The ungodly Averc the Gentiles. The Jews in the beginning mingled with those Gentiles contrary to God's command, and they became a corrupt people; for they made a coA'-enant with death. But God in love and mercy wandered after them. He loved His people, and He gave up His only begotten Son to die and save them, and the prophesied work which was to be accomplished through his death, at His first coming, was at the appointed time accomplished in behalf of the fallen .lews, which were the mingled people — JeAv and Gentile mixed up — hence His death benefitted the Gentiles in a way that they had little- dreamed of. Through His death He saved the fallen .Jew and gave to Gentile eternal life. His death on the one hand meant to save and on the other to grant. But lie could not have granted the Gentiles eternal life without the lay- ing down of His own life- To save the sinner, it meant death CREATION AND FORMATION. ~lj$. in order to grant eternal life to the Gentiles. To wash away the stain of sin, blood was required. It was not necessary that Christ should die to grant eternal life to the Gentiles for the wrong they did, for they were not held accountable for it. But it was necessary for Christ to die to destroy satan's power in the Gentile in order to save the Jews. In this way Christ died for them both, and two harvests were reaped in one day. We will say more on this by and by. Again, in speaking of what God is going to do for His peo- ple, and also for the Gentiles, through Christ, we will gather much information from the thirty-first chapter of Jeremiah, beginning with the twenty-seventh verse: "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man, and with the seed of beast." The man here spoken of is Christ, and the beast is the Gentile, and with them God is going to "sow the house of Israel." "And it shall come to pass, that like as I have watched over them, to pluck up, and to break down, and to throw down, and to destroy, and to afflict; so will I watch over them, to build, and to plant, saith the Lord. In those days they shall say no more, The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge. But every one shall die for his own iniquity: every man that eateth the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge." — Jeremiah xxxi, 28-30. Now the prophecy here is that the seed of the man, which is Christ, will be sown among the Jews, and also the seed of the beast, which is the Gentile, will be sown among them; or, in other words, the Gentiles are to be grafted into the good olive tree, and when this is done the burdensome yoke will be taken from off the Jew, and then they may mingle with the Gentiles without tasting the sour grapes. But how God did plead with His holy people in the olden time to not mingle Avith the Gentiles ! In the nineteenth verse of the forty-second chap- ter of Jeremiah, in speaking to His people, He says : "The Lord hath said concerning you, O ye remnant of Jndah ; Go ye not into Egypt: know certainly that I have 1 54 . CHEAT I < • X A N \) ['< >HM A TIOX. admonished you this day." But they heeded not God's warn- ing voice. The Lord says : •'Howbeit I sent unto yon. all my seiwants the prophets, rising early and sending them, saying, Oh, do not this abomina- ble thing that I hate." — Jeremiah xliv, 4. But they hearkened not, nor would they turn from their sinful ways. They bowed to other gods. That is to say, they bowed to Gentile idols and worshiped them, and mingled themselves with the Gentiles. This was the abominable thing that God hated. ]STow, dear reader, you can plainly see that what we have so far proven with scripture, concerning Jew and Gentile, is all bible truth. We have been showing all through our past writ- ings that the Jews decended from Adam, the man whom God placed in the garden to dress and keep it. This man and his wife had free access to the tree of life. They were commanded by God not to touch the forbidden fruit, but the temptation was so great that they could not. or did not, resist it. This Gentile man came to , Eve and deceived her. She conceived and bare Cain, and Cain was part .lew and part Gentile — a mingled peo- ple in the very beginning. So God drove out the man and his wife, and in sorrow they were to bring forth children all the days of their life. From that time on the eating of the wild sour grapes was manifested, as the Prophet Isaiah said: * "Wherefore, when I looked that it should bring forth grapes, brought it forth wild grapes ?"- -Isaiah v, 4. From Seth, the son of Adam, there runs out a chain of Jewish posterity. It is a long chain, and one end of it reaches the present day — the other end is in Eden. We have also another chain, not a Jewish one, however, but a Gentile one. It runs parallel with the Jewish one, but it is a little longer — it dates further back. We have shown this all through the bible. In different countries the Gentiles received different names. They were a mighty people, and they multiplied fast and spread far and wide; much more so than the Jew, and oftimes it hap- pened that whenever the Jews found them in a strange land they gave thern a beast-like name: And now, for a little while, let us pursue the Gentiles, not Forward but backward. There are a great many learned men who CREATION AND FORMATION. 155. say it is easy enough to trace the Jew back to his origin, but to trace the Gentile back to his is impossible. Wo say it is not impossible. We will trace them back, and we will take the bible to do it, for there is no other book in all the world that will help us in the least to sol^ this problem but the bible. As we have been showing right along, the Egyptians were G-entiles, and, in fact, all outside of the Jews — taking in the mingled people — were G-entiles. Of course the mingled people were not real Gentiles, but they were numbered with them. We will now turn to the forty-sixth chapter of Jeremiah, and in the first and second verses we have these words: "The word of the Lord which came to Jeremiah the prophet against the Gentiles; Against Egypt, against the army of Pharaoh-necho king of Egypt, which was by the river Euphra- tes in Charchemish, which Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon smote in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Joshua king of Judah." Now this is plain enough for all to see that the Egyp- tians here spoken of are the real Gentiles, and we are going to trace them back with scriptural facts to God's work of creation, in the day that He created them. But before Ave go any further we desire to bring forth some scripture showing what G-od is going to do to those Gentiles — the deceivers of His people. In the latter part of the tenth verse of the forty-sixth chapter of Jeremiah, we have these words : * "For the Lord God of hosts hath a sacrifice in the north country by the river Euphrates." Here we see that a calamity is to befall them. In the eleventh verse He says: "Go up into Gilead, and take balm, O virgin, the daughter of Egypt: in vain shalt thou use many medicines ; for thou shalt not be cured." The calamity that was to befall them was, or is, in the form of a sacrifice. Christ is to be the sacrifice, and at His coming Egypt shall be invited up into Gilead to take balm. The Gentiles will then come and be saved — as many as will accept. All other medi- cines will fail to cure them, for they have lifted themselves up through leviathan, or through animal magnetism, and this false power must have a check put upon it. 156. CREATION AND FORMATION. The twelfth verse of the forty-sixth chapter says: "The nations have heard of thy shame, and thy cry hath filled the land: for the mighty man hath stumbled against the mighty, and they are fallen both together." Oh, how true! This means that as the Jews and Gentiles have mingled together, so shall they fall together at the coming of Christ. The loftiness of Gentile life must come down in order that they may be exalted with Godlike loftiness. Yes, this worldly loftiness must come down. God says: "And Chaldea shall be a spoil : all that spoil her shall be satisfied, saith the Lord. Because ye were glad, because ye rejoiced, O ye destroyers of mine heritage, because ye are grown fat as the heifer at grass, and bellow as bulls; Your mother shall be sore confounded; she that bare you shall be ashamed; behold the hindermost of the nations shall be a wilderness, a dry land and a desert." — Jeremiah 1, 10-12. Here is proof enough to show from whence came the Gentile. He is hindermost. He is the oldest man. He was created on the sixth day, and there is as much difference between him and the Jew as there is difference between day and night. In the seventeenth and eighteenth verses of the fifty-first chapter of Jeremiah the Lord says: "Every man is brutish by His knowledge; every founder is confounded by the graven image: for his molten image is falsehood, and there is no breath in them. They are vanity, the work of errors: in the time of their visitation they shall perish." Now, some people might be mistaken here with the idea that this saying includes the Jew, but it does not, for the Lord says : "The portion of Jacob is not like them; for he is the former of all things : and Israel is the rod of his inheritance: The Lord of hosts is his name." — Jeremiah li, 19. We have scripture here that goes to show the origin of the Gentile. He is hindermost. He is older than the Jew. He was created on the sixth day, and the knowledge he had was what made him brutish and also caused him to be numbered with the beasts of the field. He has a spirit, but not that living soul which is destined to live through the countless ages with God. He is CREATION AND FORMATION. 157. very much unlike the man whom God formed from the dust of the earth after the sixth day. One was given a work to per- form; the other not. From Adam the Jewish race sprang Yes, Israel sprang from Eden. Judah is the Lord's beloved plant, but behold the lion among them ! In the first chapter of the Lamentations of Jeremiah and the third and tenth verses we have these words: "Judah is gone into captivity because of affliction, and because of great servitude: she dwelleth among the heathen, she findeth no rest: all her persecutors overtook her between the straits. The adversary hath spread out his hand upon all her pleasant things: for she hath seen that the heathen entered into her sanctuary, whom thou didst command that they should not enter into thy congregation." Going on to the sixth verse of the second chapter of Lamentations, we find that the Lord hath taken from Israel the stay and the staff: "And he hath violently taken away his tabernacle, as if it were of a garden; he hath destroyed his places of the assembly: the Lord hath caused the solemn feasts and sabbaths to be forgotten in Zion, and hath despised in the indignation of his anger the king and the priest." The ninth verse says : "Her gates are sunk into the ground ; he hath destroyed and broken her bar." * In the fourth chapter and twentieth verse we have these words: "The breath of our nostrils, the anointed of the Lord, was taken in their pits, of whom we said, Under his shadow we shall live among the heathen." In the fifth or last chapter of Lamentations, and from the second to the sixteenth verses, inclusive, the prophet laments and says : "Our inheritance is turned to strangers, our houses to aliens. We are orphans and fatherless, our mothers are as widows. We have drunken our water for money; our wood is sold unto us. Our necks are under persecution: we labour, and have no rest. We have given the hand to the Egyptians, and to the Assyrians, to be satisfied with bread. Our fathers have sinned, and are not; and we have borne their iniquities. Servants have ruled over us: there is none that cloth deliver us out of their hand. We gat our bread with the peril of our 158. CREATION AND FORMATION, lives, because of the sword of the wilderness. Our skin was black like an oven, because of the terrible famine. They ravished the women in Zion, and the maids in the cities of Judah. Princes arc hanged up by' their hand: the faces of elders were not honoured. They took the young men to grind, and the children fell under the wood. The elders have ceased from the gate, the young men from their music. The joy of our heart is ceased ; our dance is turned into mourning. The crown is fallen from our head : woe unto us, that we have sinned V How true this is, "•The crown is fallen from our head/' For ages the crown of paradise has been laying in rust and dirt. The Gentiles should be wearing a brighter crown to-day than the Jews. The Lord has made His people poor, or rather, they have made themselves poor. If they had obeyed God in the beginning and continued on in the narrow path, they would not have been uncrowned .lews to-day. Sin uncrowns a man quicker than anything else. In fact, sin is the only thing that takes away the crown. It is the corroding tooth of the human man. It gnaws away at the immortal until the immortal is brought into condemnation. Banishment is death that never dies. It is no wonder the lamenting prophet cried out in the agony of his soul when he said : ^-Wherefore dost thou forget us forever, and forsake us so long time? Turn thou us unto thee, O Lord, and we shall be turned; renew our days as of old. "—Lamentations v, 20-21. The prophet wants to see Israel restored to their former glory. But how can this be? What they have lost they have lost, and there is no getting it back; not in this world at least. God will forgive the sinner if he will but ask Him. He will overlook his faults and give him rest from sin if he will only listen to the voice of his Maker. This is about all the Lord can do for the sinner, and it is enough. Let man do the rest and he will be as happy as any one can be and live. Dear reader, we feel as though God is always presentand ever willing to help those who are in need of His help. If you lack wisdom ask of God. He is able to give it to you, but clo not think for a moment thai God is going to do it all. He can't. You must make the firsl effort in presenting your badge as a living sac- CREATION AND FORMATION. 159. rifice. With these few remarks we will close this chapter and begin anew in the book of the Prophet Ezekiel. There we will have another vast field of ripened grain to reap, and fruits to gather. May God be with you, and you with us. Amen. Note: — In the last line on the preceding page (158) the word "badge" should read "body." — L. 8. G. CHAFTER ^ZXXX. Text: — "Search the Scriptures ." — St. John v, 39; Mark iv, 11; 2 Timothy ii, 15. Now, as we have finished our work in the book of Jeremiah, or at least passed through it and not really finished it, Ave find it all to be in harmony with the prophesies of the Prophet Isaiah, and the other portions of the bible. In these two prophesies we see the downfall of the Jew more plainly than in the Psalms, and previous books of the old testament. At any rate, it is plain enough to see what the abominable thing was. It does not matter what part of the bible you read, you will see that the abominable thing was the mingling of the Jew with the Gen- tile. The first command given to foreparents of the whole Jew- ish race, was: "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil ye shall not eat of it." Oh do not this abominable thing which I hate! You are my h'oly people, do not defile } r ourselves Avith them, for in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surety die. AH that a loving father could say to his children, He said to them. Seeing now that the Gentile was created on the sixth day, as we are so plainly taught in the twenty-eighth chapter and thirteenth verse of Ezekiel; that they were also in Eden, the garden of God, and that they were wiser than Daniel. ~No secret could they hide from them. (See third verse.) This gives a chain of their genealogy clear back behind the formed man, and placed under the power of what is called carnal law. He was commanded to multiply and be fruitful. We also see God's work of formation, the .Jew. God did not command him to multiply as He did the Gentile., and he was not placed under the carnal law like his neighbor was, but after he had taken of the forbidden fruit he became as a dead man, and God drove out I he man and his wife, and in sorrow fie said that they should bring forth children all the days oF their lives. The Gentiles CREATION AND FORMATION. 161. were not under the divine law; the Jews were. And when the first Jew fell, God gave up His Son to suffer and die for him in order that he might be redeemed from the curse. This was a great sacrifice, but God promised it, and He gave it. This prom- ise lias kept the Jew alive for the last six thousand years, and when Christ makes His second appearance on earth the Jews will be overwhelmingly blessed. At His first coming the Gen- tiles received a greater blessing than the Jews, but the Jews will be blessed by and by. Again; when God gave up His Son to be put to death to .save sinful man, He granted at the same, and through the same death of His Son, eternal , life to the Gentiles, and they were brought under the power of the divine law. The Gentiles are now accountable to God for eveiy wrong they do. The prophet Jeremiah foretold all these things that would happen, and the prophet Ezekiel tells the same story. He prophesies the coming of Christ; he tells what God is going to do ; he looks upon the past and sees what has happened, and then tells it to the present, and through the power of Almighty God, his scrutinizing eye scans the emerald wall of the distant future and sees there God's work of tearing down and building up. God is with this mighty prophet and with his prophesies we are now going to deal. We have before us a great and important work to do, and by the help of God we can do the task. God helps a man to do good. Now we will begin our work in the book of the prophet Ezekiel. Commencing with the first chapter and fourth verse, the prophet says: "And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a tire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire. Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance ; they had the likeness of a man." Ezekiel i, 4-">. Xow then, in this vision of the prophet, God shows him the four great divisions of the Jews, which are Israel, Judah, Lot and Esau. Of course these different branches come under one head : 1G2. CREATION AND FORMATION. "The whole house of Israel/' the spiritual portion of Jacob. The word Jacob represents a certain portion of God's work of formation which belonged to just so nruch of Jewish origin. Hence, Jacob the clay; Israel the immortal, or the spiritual. "But now thus saith the Lord that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel/' * — Isaiah xliii, 1. Now we have the correct idea of the above verse. This is what God shows the prophet concerning the Jews. The Gen- tile is called a lion. The Jew has joined himself unto the lion- like Gentile, and by so doing he wears the Gentile garb — a lion's face; the ox, and the eagle, and if there be any other beastly name for the Gentile the sinning Jew bears the same name. The Gentile mark is stamped in his very features. The prophet Ezekiel sees it, for God shows him these things. He sees their wings — representative of birds — representative of a mingled class; the soles of their feet like unto the sole of a calf's foot, representative of beasts; the Gentiles being called birds and beasts, nothing could be more true than that the Jews, the sinning Jews, bore the same name. Whilst the prophet is in a vision God shows him that both Gentile and Jew are to be united. Christ will unite them, and to show the prophet the in- grafting of the wild tree into the good olive tree, God causes him to see awheel, and inside of it another wheel. This means joining to, all of which is made plain in the sixteenth verse of the first chapter of Ezekiel : "The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel." We have not the time, nor have we the space to go into detail on this subject. We merely mention these points here so as to give the reader a clear idea of what may seem to be a mystery. This is no mystery, but simply God's way of work- ing. In this vision of the prophet God shows to him, and, in fact, to all the world, that the time is coming when the Gentiles will be grafted into the good tree — the tree of eternal life. Now, after God has shown the prophet the future prospect of the Gentile, He tell him to go and warn His chosen of the KATJON AND F6miATJO.N. H>3. Ui. things which shall come to pass. And after the Lord lifto prophet upon his feet, Tie said : * "Son of man, T send thee to the children of Israel, to a rebel lions nation that h. . { i rebelled against me: they and their fathers liave transgre red against me, even unto this very day." — Ezekiel ii, 3. It is plain enough to see that the prophet's mission was to the Jew, yet his work was among briers and thorns and scor- pions. But God encourages him, and says: '-And thou, son of man, be not afraid of them, neither be afraid of their wor« s, though briers and thorns be with thee, and thou dost dwell among scorpions: be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house/'— Ezekiel ii, 6. The briers, thorns and scorpions mentioned here are the Gen- tiles and all those that were numbered with them. In the third chapter and fifth verse, God says: u For thou art not sent to a people of a strange speech and of a har ! lan- guage, but to the house of Israel." And further on in this sdmo chapter, the prophet has another vision of the living creatures. It is a hearing vision he has this time, for he says : "J heard also the noise of the wings of the living creatures that touched one another, (these living creatures touched each other, repre- sentative of the mingling of .lew and Gentile), and the noise of the wheels over against them, and a noise of a great rushing." Ezekiel iii, 13. Now, all this is a vision, but it comes to the prophet from God, and it is concerning the Jew and the Gentile. In the thirteenth verse of the fourth chapter the Lord says: "And the Lord said, Even thus shall the children of Israel eat their defiled bread among the Gentiles, whither I will drive them." And to confirm this fact we need but quote the fifteenth verse of the fifth chapter of EzekieJ : "So it shall be a reproach and a taunt, an instruction and an astonishment un- to the nations that are round about thee, when I shall execute judgments in thee in anger and in fury and in furious rebukes. I the Lord have spoken it." Now all this, and previous scriptures that we have quoted, proves beyond doubt the fact that in the very beginning two nations existed, the one being the Gentile, and the other the 164. CREATION AND FORMATION. Jewish nation. And again in speaking of the Gentiles as beasts, or numbered with them, the seventeenth, or last verse of the fifth chapter throws much light upon that subject: "So will I send upon you famine and evil beasts, and they shall bereave thee; and pestilence and blood shall pass through thee; and I will bring the sword upon thee. I the Lord hath spoken it." By turning back to the twenty-ninth chapter of Jeremiah and beginning with the first verse, we learn that those who were numbered with the beasts are Gentiles — the king of Babylon and his followers. He carried Israel away into cap- tivity, and after this had happened, Jeremiah, the prophet, sent a letter to the captives in Babylon ; to the elders, the priests, the prophets and to all the people that were lead off into captivity, commanding them to keep quiet there. Here we see the Jews pounced upon by evil beasts and carried away as captives to be scattered among all the nations of the Gentiles, yet a remnant of God's people shall be saved. In the eighth verse of the sixth chapter of Ezekiel God says: "Yet will I leave a remnant, that ye may have some that shall escape the sword among the nations, when ye shall be scattered through the countries." From God's first work of creation and formation up till the present day we find the Gentile and the Jew side by side. From the time of Adam's fall in the garden of Eden to the time of Christ, the Jews toiled and labored hard un ler Gentile bur- den. During the long time of righteous servitude they ignorantly struggled on towards the Ever-living Light; the Star of Beth- lehem ; the Light of the World ; the Giver of Eternal Life; the Hedeemer and Healer of the Broken-hearted. Their former glory had departed from them, and when the Lord passed by them He saw them polluted in their own blood. (See Ezekiel xvi, 6). Nature now by disobedience has taken its course which before was barren. "And thy renown went forth among the heathen for thy beauty : for it was perfect through my comeliness, Avhich I had put upon thee, saith the Lord God." — Ezekiel xvi, 14. In the twentieth, twenty-first and twenty-second verses of this snme chapter, the Lord says: "Moreover thou hast taken CREATION AND FORMATION. 165. thy sons and thy daughters, whom thou hast borne unto me, and these hast thou sacrificed unto them to be devoured. Is this of thy whoredoms a small matter. That thou hast slain my children, and delivered them to cause them to pass through the fire for them? And in all thine abominations and thy whoredoms thou hast not remembered the days of thy youth, when thou wast naked and bare, and wast polluted in thy blood." All this befell them after they had sinned against God, but before this had happened, God says: "And as for thy nativity, in the day thou wast born thy naval was not cut, neither wast thou washed in water to supple thee; thou wast not salted at all, nor swaddled at all. None eye pittied thee, to do any of these unto thee, to have compassion upon thee ; but thou wast cast out in the open field, to the loathing of thy person, in the day that thou wast born." — Ezekiel xvi, 4-5. You see by this that their first estate was pure and unde- nted, but after they had sinned they made a covenant with death and with hell, as we find it recorded in the fifteen verse of the twenty-eighth chapter of Isaiah : "Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves :" And in the sixteenth verse the Lord says : "Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation : he that believeth shall not make haste." And in the eighteenth verse the Lord goes on to say that their covenant with death shall be disannulled, and that their agreement with hell* shall not stand. When Adam became a transgressor he became subject to a natural death, and also a spiritual death crept upon him. The beastly state that his violation of the laws of Almighty God placed him in is the hell of earth. There is another hell, but it is a spiritual one. The fiery hell that a man is placed in in this life is the consuming of the flesh. This is true, and it is true that whenever the Jews mingled with the Gentiles they had hell fire in their members; a literal hell that mi^ht be 160. CREATION AND FORMATION, called a spiritual hell that existed in the hody, and a spiritual hell that could not be called a literal hell, that existed in the immortal. This is the hell that smote the immortal man six thousand years ago. it is the moral hell of to-day, and the spiritual hell to-morrow. "Thou hast slain my children and delivered them to cause them to pass through the fire for them." In this vision of the prophet (rod shows him the things that have been ; the hell spoken of, which was the mingling of the Jews with the Gentiles. Yes, in the earlier ages of the world the sons Of (rod took to themselves the daughters of men, and it repented the Lord that He had made man on the earth. He was sore displeased with this hellish state of affairs, and so He brings on a flood and destroys man, whom He had made on the earth, with the exception of a few. And now to get more light upon the things which have been, and the evils of old time, we will have to follow the prophet Lzekiel more closely. We have been wandering away a little, but we will come back. In this same sixteenth chapter of TCzekiel and in the twen- ty-sixth verse we have these words : "Thou hast also committed fornication with the Egyptians thy neighbours, great of flesh ; and hast increased thy whoredoms, to provoke me to anger." Xow the thought here is that these tilings have been. Not that they are, but that they have been. The prophet sees through a vision given him by God the multiplied evils of old; the down- fall of the Jew; his sorrow; and the hard hearted, victorious Gentiles. And in the twenty-ninth verse God, through His prophet, says: "Thou hast moreover multiplied thy fornication in the land of Canaan unto Chaldea ; and yet thou wast not satis- lied herewith." And in the thirtieth, thirty. first and thirty-sec- ond verses he says :' "How weak is thine heart, saith the Lord God, seeing thou doest all these things, the work of an imperious whorish woman ; In that thou buildest thine eminent place in the head of every way, and inakest thine high place in every street; and hast not been as a harlot, in that thou scornest hire ; But as a wife that committeth adultery, which taketh strangers instead of her hus- band !" Now, then, in the beginning of our writing of this present CREATION AND FORMATION. 107. work, one of our great points was to show to the world the dif- ference between the Gentile and the Jew, and also that the fruit of the tree which the foreparents of the Jews were commanded not to touch, was the mingling of the Jews with the Gentiles. And every scripture, or portion of scripture, that we have brought forth to prove this idea, proves it beyond doubt. This we leave to any candid mind to decide whether we are right or wrong. Our foundation is scripture, and he who believes that the bible is true must also believe that which it teaches is true. A great many people are willing to admit that certain portions of the bible are true, but it seems they want to throw away other portions of it. If we rightly divide the word of God we will not feel like throwing any of it away. The bible is true — every word of it. Think of a man, a poor weak creature, (like as are some of our modern infidels) trying to tear down a temple which took God six thousand years to build. When God builds a temple He lays a good foundation and let no man be so foolish aw to think himself capable of tearing down what God has built up. Some men have been smart enough to overturn the bible, as they supposed that they had done, and well did they succeed ; but the bible being a cube, a solid cube, they have turned it right side up every time. They never turned it wrong side up. A cube is right side up any way }^ou might turn it. Also, a great many ministers of the gospel there are, that do the bible more harm than good. They want to do good and they take the bible as their guide, but very frequently it so happens that they are compelled to take certain historical facts to prove bible truths. In this they do the bible an injustice. They link it to history. This is wrong. The bible is its own defense. God's word does not lack ; it is complete within itself. God has so arranged His Holy word that even an immature mind can understand it when it is rightly divided. If we do not the bible this one justice, then, of course, we will find it to contain a great manv mvster- 168. CHE A TIO N A N I ) FO RM A T I < > X ies. Well, God says : "Unto you it is given to know the myster- ies." Now in speaking about the nativity of the Jews it is nec- essary for ns to look back to the garden of Eden. That is the birthplace of the Jew. In the prophet's, Ezekiel's, vision of the past God shows to him the downfall of Adam, the Jew ; and whilst God is showing him all this, the prophet sees Adam in his shameful state, and says that as for thy nativity, in the day that thou wast born etc. ; there was no eye to pity thee ; thou was cast out in the open field to the loathing of thy person, in the day that thou wast born. Now all this is in harmoiry with what is said in the second chapter of Genesis, and after they fell, God passed by them and saw them polluted in their own blood, and said unto them "live, yea live." And God clothed them with skins. All this Ezekiel sees in a vision, as we fin 1 it recorded in the tenth verse of the sixteenth chapter of Ezekiel : "I clothed thee also with broidered work, and shod thee with badgers' skin, and I girded thee about with fine linen, and I covered thee with silk." But thou hast not remembered the days of thy youth. Oh, dear reader, this sixteenth chapter of Ezekiel is full of bright gems. It is a true vision of the past, present and future. The bible is so plain on this that it seems useless for us to attempt to say much about it. The bible is its own commenta- tor. It sets forth the Gentile and the Jew from the very begin- ning. It sets forth the king and the slave. The Jew was gen- erally the slave — a slave to sin. In the garden of Eden he ate the sour grape, or more properly speaking, he ate the sour grape after he violated the laws of God. God warned him, but he heeded not. In the eighteenth chapter of Ezekiel and the second verge hear the Lord saying : "What mean ye, (He is now speak- ng to the Jews) that ye use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge?" This thought carries us back again to the birthplace of Adam and of mother Eve. She first ate of the forbidden fruit, which was nothing more nor Less than being intimate with a Gentile man. And she con- ceived and bare Cain, and Cain was the wicked one and Abel i CREATION AND FORMATION. 1(39. was his brother; and when God looked that this pure vine which He had planted in the garden should bring forth grapes, behold it brought forth wild grapes — Cain and Abel. The prophet Ezekiel sees all these things that have hap- pened in the past, by vision. God is with him and instructed him. But what mean ye by the proverb, The fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children's teeth are set on edge? Reader, we will tell you why this parable was used. In the olden time there were a great many Jews that were so very delicate, so nice, and so highly fastidious, and so unbecomingly ostentatious that they could not, or would not use the proper words to convey the right meaning of such sentences as we have them recorded in the word of God, and of which some of our nice pious christians of to-day speak about as being vulgar. God says: "Thou hast played the whore also with the Assy- rians, thou hast played the harlot with them, and yet couldst not be satisfied," etc., but they say, "Thou hast eaten the sour grapes," etc. To speak the plain truth is too much for some people. The Jews of old used the proverb, "Thou hast eaten the sour grapes," instead of saying "Thou has committed whoredom, or fornication." A great many people have gotten erroneous ideas of God's holy word just in this way. It is not Avrong, nor is it vulgar to speak the truth in words as plain as God does. Of course, people can run to extremes in either direction if they please ; but God's way is not man's way. Let us follow God. The Lord says, speaking of this proverb: "As I live, saith the Lord God, ye shall not have occasion any more to use this proverb in Israel. Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine : the soul that sinneth, it shall die." — Ezekiel xviii, 3-4. The eating of these sour grapes was destruction to the Jew. The soul that sinneth it shall die. In the sixth verse the Lord goes on to assure His people that if they do not these abominable things, such as eating upon the mountains, and the lifting up of their eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, and defiling not themselves with their neighbors' wives, nor come near to the menstruous woman, they shall surely live. By turning to the twentieth chapter and seventh and eighth verses. 170. CREATION AND FORMATION. we have these words: "Then said I unto them, Cas' ye away every man the abominations of his eyes, and defile not your- selves with the idols of Egypt: T am the Lord your God. But they rebelled against me, and would not hearken unto me: they did not every man cast away the abominations of their eyes, neither did they forsake the idols of Egypt: then I said, I will pour out my fury upon them, to accomplish my anger against them in the midst of the land of Egypt." The idols here spoken of are the Gentiles, the great abomi- nation to Israel. It has been the command of God ever since man was placed on earth to keep away from the Gentiles. In the beginning the Jews saw that the daughters of the sons of men were fair to look upon, they look of them wives for them- selves; and it repented God that He had made man on the earth. Yes, this marrying strange wives was the great abomi- nation, and it had been so (until Christ came into the world to tear down the middle wall) for ages. The prophet Ezekiel was not ignorant of this one fact. He knew the commands of God. He was a child of God, and He instructed him like a father. In the thirtieth and thirty-first verses of the twentieth chapter of Ezekiel, God says to the prophet: "Wherefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord God; Are ye polluted after the manner of your fathers? and commit ye whoredom after their abominations? For when ye offer your gifts, when ye make your sons to pass through the fire, ye pollute yourselves with all your idols, even unto this day: and shall I be inquired of by you, O house of Israel? As I live, saith the Lord God, I will not be inquired of by you." You might be lead to inquire who their fathers were. We can answer this in a very few words, but we think the reader is just as capable of answering this question as we are. If we start with Adam and run on down the line of the past genera- tions, it will not be hard to find the forefathers of the Jews. There was Tsaae, Jacob and Abraham. These great men were forefathers of the Jews. In them all nations of the earth were Mossed. This does not include? the Gentile, for he had not yet been numbered with the Jew. He was numbered with the beasts of the field. This we have repeated a great many times, and we CREATION AND FORMATION. 171. will repeat it again. In the thirty-first verse of the twenty- first chapter of Ezekiel, God says: "And I will pour out mine indignation upon thee; I will blow against thee in the fire of my wrath, and deliver thee into the hand of brutish men, and skilful to destroy/' Yes, this is true of the Gentiles. They are brutish, and they are skilful to destroy. They are always ready to destroy God's people. But God's people are somewhat to blame for allowing themselves to be carried away by this brutish people. They knew the command of God, and they were held responsible for the violation of the same. In the twenty-sixth verse of the twenty-second chapter, speaking to the Jews, God says: "Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine hoty things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from ray sabbaths, and I am profaned among them." And now to press forward with bible facts and thoughts in connection with the above facts and thoughts, we will turn to the twenty-third chapter of Ezekiel and second and third ver- ses, which read: "Son of man, there were two women, the daughters of one moth3i\ And they committed whoredom in Egypt; they committed whoredom in their youth: there were their breasts pressed, and there they bruised the teats of their virginity." The nineteenth and twentieth verses say : "Yet she mul- tiplied her whoredoms, in calling to remembrance the days of her youth, wherein she had played the harlot in the land of Egypt. Eor she doted upon their paramours, whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of horses." Yes, they multiplied their evil ways in the days of their youth, when they were but few. They doted upon their paramours; that is to say, they were intimate with the Gentiles, then called Egyptians, and their flesh was as the flesh of asses. They were numbered with the beasts. By reading the thirtieth verse of this same chapter we learn that God is going to turn the Jews over to the Gentiles because they have gone contrary to His lawful command. The 172. CREATION AND FORMATION. Lord says : "I will do these things unto thee, because thou hast gone a whoring after the heathen, and because thou art polluted with their idols." "Thus will I cause lewdness to cease out of the land, that all women may be taught not to do after your lewdness. And they shall recompense your lewdness upon you, and ye shall bear the sins of your idols : and ye shall know that I am the Lord God."— Ezekiel xxiii, 4849. Now, going on to Ezekiel xxviii, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, we find scripture that coincides with the subject of our work. Of course the whole bible is for u-3 and none of it against ns. It bears us out in our points, and these few verses are of great importance. We will quote some of them. The word of the Lord came unto the prophet sayiug: "Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord God; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, * Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth ; and I have set thee so : thou wast upon the holy mountain of God ; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee. Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou bast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee. Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee/'— Ezekiel xxviii, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18. Now then, the Lord is speaking of the Gentiles. But some may be in doubt as to this being true, and also it may lead them to inquire if it is not the Jews whom God is talking to, or talking about, and if we arc not mistaken in regard to them being Gentiles. For, you may say, the fourteenth verse says: "Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth ; and I have set thee so/' Are yon not mistaken ? Is it not true that God is CREATION ANJJ FORMATION. 1 t 3. talking of Hie holy people ? We answer that if we had no other scripture to prove that God does not speak of the Jews here, then you might have very good reason to believe that He does speak of t3 e Jews. But we shall bring forth scripture to prove that it is the G-entile that God is speaking of, and we will endeavor to give the necessary light upon this point in view. "Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth, and I have set thee so." ISTow this portion of scripture has a greater ten- dency to prove that God is talking to the Gentile than it has of proving that He is speaking concerning the Jew. We want you to take particular notice of what God says : "Thou art the anointed," etc., and not, "Thou art my anointed." To say thou art the anointed, is the same as to say thou art not mine anointed, but the anointed, for I have set thee so. There is as much difference be ween "the anointed" and "mine anointed," as there is between day and night. The one alone stands a living gem by it, c elf. Let us now go back to God's work of creation — His work of creation on'the sixth dry. H? craatel ma 1, a Gentile man, though He was not at that time called a Gentile, but he was a Gentile all the same, for we trace the Gentile back to him. And he was created and given great power, and his dominion was over all the earth, and over the fish of the sea, and the fouls of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. His dominion was over all, for he was the anointed cherub that covereth. God made him so. His dominion was the covering, and it covered the whole earth. But the domin- ion of "his anointed" was not much. His dominion was over a little piece of earth — a very little piece — a small garden — and he was commanded to keep it and dress it. Now is it not plain enough to see, from what we have so far said concerning the Gentile, that he is the anointed cherub that covereth ? Oh, dear reader, nothing can be plainer. The Gentile's ruling power covered all the earth. Even in the gar- den of God he is found. In the above fifteenth verse God says : "Thou was perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee." Yes, God savs to him, "Thou hast been in Eden." He does 174. CREATION \XI) FORMATION. not say, "I placed thee in Eden,' 7 but "Thou hast been in Eden." This is the birthplace of the Jew, the very place where mother Eve was deceived by him. Now all this ten Is to strengthen what we have previously said concerning thi .ient'le man. Truly he was in Eden, the garden of God. Some might think thatthisman was trespassing by being in the garden, but this was not so. His dominion justified him. But since the time that God had given him his dominion, satan had been cast out of heaven and had taken possession of the Gentile, and taking advantage of his ruling power presented his temptations to the woman upon the point of the forbidden fruit. The wrong was in the man and woman that God had placed in the garden when they yielded to the temptations and violated God's command given to them, and not so much the Gentile's for his covering was his dominion, and his dominion was over all the earth. This was the anointed power that God gave him. The definition of the word "cherub" is "beautiful." Then he was beautiful. Yes he was very beautiful, very beautiful. In the seventeenth verse ox the twenty-eighth chapter of Ezekiel, Gcd says : "Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty." Also his great beauty was a charming cover overspreading the Jew. When the sons of God saw that the daughters of the sons of men were fair, they took of them wives, etc. Most certaii ly they were fair. God anointed them with beauty — the anointed cherub that covereth. Is there anything else that this Gentile man was anointed with ? Yes, for here are a few words that prove it: "Thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness." So there, this teaches us that he was anointed with wisdom, and his wisdom was corrupted by reason of his bright- ness. Now then, let us, for a little while, look at the meaning of the word "brightness" or, if so to speak, the word "subtile." The definition that Webster gives to the word "subtile" is "fine, thin." But we shall add to it more t) an that: "earthly wis- dom, knowledge, being wise." We give to the word subtile this definition, because it is bible. If God's- word is right in giving this definition of the word subtile, then Webster is wrong. To show what the meaning of the word '-subtile" is, as it is given CREATION AND FORMATION. 1 in the bible, we need, but quote a few verses of the twenty-eighth chapter of Ezekiel, beginning with the second verse : "Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, Thus saith the Lord God ; Because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a god, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God : Behold thou art wiser than Daniel ; there is no secret that they can hide from thee : With thy wisdom and with thine understanding thou hast gotten thee riches, and hast gotten gold and silver into thy treasures : By thy great wis- dom and by thy trarnck hast thou increased thy riches, and thine heart is lifted up because of thy riches : — Ezekiel xxviii, 2-5. Now then, if the bible is right, why not accept its doctrine ? The above verses we have quoted merely to give the reader the true meaning of the word "subtile." We could produce more scrip- ture to this effect, but we think this is sufficient for the present. Xow then, we will turn our attention to this Gentile man again. This man has been in Eden. He was very beautiful in his day, and he was the anointed cherub that covereth because God had ma^e him so. The question may be asked : Was not Adam, the Jew, beautiful also? We have no scripture to prove this. But the Gentile man was beautiful because he was created in the likeness of God, and God is perfect in beauty. The Jew was formed from the dust of the ground, hence he could not have been very beautiful, for God says : "I did not choose you because you was beautiful." The bible does not say that Adam was made in the image or likeness of God but simply that he was formed out of the dust of the ground. In speaking about this formed man, Flavius Josephus says : (He is here speaking of what Moses said concerning the formed man). "God took the dust of the ground, and formed man and in- serted in him a spirit and a soul. This man Avas called Adam, which the Hebrew tongue signifies one that is red, because he was formed out of red earth compounded together, for of that kind is virgin and true earth." Hence, it is not at all likely that Adam was beautiful. An 1 furthermore, when the sons,of Go 1 saw that the daughters of the sons of men were fair, they took them for wives. 170. CREATION AND FORMATION. Now this is not the point that we wish to argue just now. What we want i ■ to bring forth scripture showing that the peo- ple spoken of as being the j eople of Tyrus were not Jews. Let us turn back to the twenty-fifth chapter of Jeremiah, begin- ning with the seventeenth verse: "Then took I the cup at the Lord's hand, and made all the nations to drink, unto whom the Lord had sent me: To wit, Jerusalem, and the cities of Judah, and the kings therof, and the princes thereof, to make them a desolation, an astonishment, a hissing, and a curse; as it is tins day; Pharaoh king of Egypt, and his servants, and his princes, and all his people; and all the mingled people, and all the kings of the land of Uz, and all the kings of the land of the Philistines, and Ashkelon, and Azzah, and Ekron, and the remnant of Ashdod, Edom, and Moab, and the children of Amnion. And all the kings of Tyrus/' * — Jeremiah xxv, 17-22. Now this, we think, is sufficient to show that the people of Tvrus were not Jews, but Gentiles. Of course there might have been mingled people among the people of Tyrus. We do not deny this, but if there were mingled people among the people of Tyrus they were counted Gentiles and not Jews. In this twenty-eighth chapter of Ezekiel the Gentiles are set up as being wise: "By thy grctt wisdom and by thy tiuffiak hast thou increased thy riches." * (See fifth verse). Now all this was true of the Gentile for a great many ages. He was created on the sixth day and g'ven .: wisdom, knowledge and power. Before we go any further we wish to say a few words con- cerning this Gentile man as being created on the sixth day, and also God's work of formation as it is recorded in the writings of Flavins Josephus. We do not intend to get away from the subject of our work, nor do we intend to gather any thoughts whatever from the writings of Josephus to bear us out in any one point of biblical doctrine. The bible fights its own way through this world. What we shall do is simply to show where Josephus is wrong. In the first place he does not give God's word and work of creation its just due. It is said that he gave just what he CREATION AND FORMATION. 177. received. This is true as far as it goes. The truth is. he gave just what he understood of \vl at he ha 1 received. He wrote fluent- ly after the manner of Moses. He did not thoroughly under- stand God's work of creation. He wrote from Moses, but he did riot understand him — -not altogether. He was a Jew him- self, and with them he deals very justly. But what is he going to do with the G-entiles? He leaves them out of God's work of creation. This is where he is wrong. The axe that he used to hew out the temple timber has long since been buried deep, but we shall dig it up and with it cut down this same temple. It has stood long enough. Josephus, in taking up the writing of Moses, loses sight of the one great important fact in God's holy word. In this he is like thousands of great commentators of to-day. For he, as a great Jewish light in the world, fails to comprehend the true meaning of God's holy word as we have it recorded in the first chapter of Genesis. He starts out with the origin of his own people, beginning with Adam, and speaks of him as though he was the first man, and that there was none other before him. God's work of formation is all he has with a man included, and his work of creation does not include man, but beasts only. He knew that there was a work of creation before formation, but the including of a man in the former he leaves out, and considers God's work of creation a creation of beasts only. Of course the Gentiles are numbered with the beasts, and had been from the very beginning, but Josephus does not mention this for the simple reason he knows nothing about it. Therefore, it is not wrong to place him in the error. He starts out with God's work of formation after the sixth day, and leaves out the most important fact in His work of creation. On the sixth day God created beasts and man, and that man had dominion over all the earth, including the fowls of the air, the fishes in the sea, and beasts of the earth, and after the sixth day God formed man and called His name Adam. This is the man whom Josephus deals with. The first chapter of Gene- sis he leaves behind in the dark. In his writings you do not see the most important point of the work of creation. The great light he leaves burning under a bushel, and all around it darkness is spread. This place is the place where all bible 178. CREATION AND FORMATION, mysteries are born; it is the place where man falls; the mighty eha -'?n ; the deep gulf down which thousands of poor souls have been freighted to an under world of doubt, strife, fear and unbelief — the undelayed word of God. For untold ages of the past this has been the harvest of the world. Men have reaped it. They have gathered, not the golden fruit itself, but the dregs. The most nourshing of all food turned into gall. God's holy word was stunned by baneful influence, but it has lived through it all. The bible has been unjustly dealt with. Men have bruised it, and the result is the world is full of unbe- lievers. The lights of modern orthodoxy carting its rays of light upon the bible on one side, spreads universal darkness on the other, and multitudes are stumbling and falling here and there, and everybody crying out: "Lost! this is not the way; the path is rough, not smooth !" The christian man of to-dr ; y says that the christian's path is rough. That means he has trials, troubles and tribulations. We will admit this, for there is a cross for everyone. But the rough path we have reference to is the false teaching of the bible, hence, under such pernic- ious, fabulous-like doctrine, everyone has a right to think him- self lost, and in his unbelief he is justifiable before God, and should be in the eyes of the world. The time was when unbelief in the christian religion was counted a crime — a crimi- nal offence against God — and in thousands of cases death paid the penalty. This was wrong. To put a man to death because he has no taste for poison is monstrously absurd and cruel. Such has been the state of affairs in times past, and even to-day infidels are put to death inwardly simply because they don't like the poison. Who does? Ah, dear reader, if we rightly divide the word of God there will be no poison. However, if we start with the first chapter of Genesis, the work of creation, and take with us the second chapter, the work of formation, we can safely go through the bible. But some may ask : "Was not the writing of Moses a tradition handed down to him by his forefathers?" We answer no; for God's word does not teach us that the writing of Moses was a tradition handed down to him from his forefathers. God talked with Moses face to face, and Moses was with God fortv CREATION AND FORMATION. L/9. days and forty nights upon the Mount, and he received his laws and the laws for the people from God. God also gave him an account of His work of creation and formation. All this Moses received from G-od. The idea that the writings of Moses was a tradition handed down to him is all false. The bible does not teach such doctrine. The writings of Moses are just as God go mm m led they should be, but as we have said before, the first chapter of Genesis has been smothered for ages. The most learned men the world has ever produced have failed, either intentionally, or ignorantly, to give God's work of creation its just due. Josephus builds on formation. This is a good foundation, but it is not all. There is a created man, and Josephus fails to see him from the fact thatme is looking through a dark glass, and everything appears to be dark. It could not be otherwise. He is aware of the fact that there was once a people which were not a people. He considers them to be branched off Jews, but this is untrue. The branched off Jews were the sinning Jews, and they were un^er the condemnation of death only. And if it be true, as Josephus says, that the branched off Jews were a people which were not a peop'e then it follows that there was another people outside of the sinning Jew. If not, how then did the sinning Jew become a sinning Jew? The cast off Jews were those that mingled with another race of people. Who were those people? The good commit no sin by mingling with the good. The great abomination to the Jew was his mingling with — with who? Ah, dear reader, is it not plain enough to see that there was another race of people clear outside of the Jewish peojde? Most certainly. And this race of people are the Gentiles — the outgrowth of creation. From the time Adam was formed and placed in the garden of God we find him and the Gentile side by side ever after. And as we look back over the past con- flicting ages of sin and death and hell, we see the hoi}- children of God buffeting the .fiery elements of creation only to dissatis- faction. We see them battling and struggling against the mighty power of the prince of the air in the prince of Tyms, the anointed cherub that covereth, and all the hosts of an CREATION AND FORMATION. eastern world. There they lie upon -the dreary plain of sin and death, dead and wounded, and their life's blood spilling into an untimely Gentile grave. Is it not plain enough now, dear reader, to see the mistake Josephus made? He did not start out right, therefore he could not end right. We will admit that he has been a great light in the world, but this same great light is a semi-light to only ore side of the question. He is like thousands of so-called bible commentators to-day. The first chapter of Genesis being dark to them, they simply pass it over and say: "This is what God imagines he will do." Now how does such a theory as that harmonize with the second chapter of Genesis? It docs not harmonize with it at all, for if it be true that in the first chap- ter of Genesis God imagines He is going to do all this, then it follows that God is not a God of power. Why? Simply because He fails to do what He says He will do. He imagines He will create man, and then He turns right around and makes him out of dirt. He failed to create him for the reason that He did not have the power. He had to form him. Now what kind of a doctrine is this to set before the world? What sort of a God have we any way? Avoiding to the stilted gospel of the world, God is a boaster, not a doer. He fails to do what He says Ho will do. The God we worship is able both to create and form. Yon know that Christ tol 1 us to beware of false prophets. He say f. they •• "com) to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they were ravenous wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits: Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree brings forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bring forth evil fruit." — Matthew vii, 15-17. The world is full of false prophets, or false teachers, as they are better known. We do not sixy that all teachers are altogether false, for a mighty bad man he must be if he has no good in him at all. What we claim is this, (and we have good grounds, too), that all these great bible commentators have misunderstood God in His work of creation. Creation, they eay, is formation, and formation is creation. This is where bhey all are mistaken. Creation is not a. substitute for forma- CREATION AND FORMATION. 181. tion. Creation is to make something out of nothing, and formation is to make something oat of something already created. 5io\v, after this exposition, we remark that if a man does not thoroughly ua lerstund the subject of his discourse, he is sure to make a mistake. If he tells the truth he tells it ignorantly. Take, for example, the life and works of Hugh Miller. Very few men have done the work that this man, in his geological work, has done. He even strove and labored hard to harmonize the teachings of the bible with the teach- ings of science. This one man, by himself, all alone upon the fields of science and bible plains, has done more for the enlight- enment of the human race than ten thousands of the best pulpit theologians are doing to-day. But even this great man fails to give God's work of creation its full meaning. He leaves out the most important point, and that is the creation of man on the sixth day. He starts with Adam, the formed man. This is where all bibl 3 students make their first mistake. Let him start out with Gentile and Jew and his life will be glorified by his bible — a bible without mysteries. With these few remarks we will turn again to our work in the book of Ezekiel and endeavor to give more light on the subject, "The people of Tyrus were not Jews." We will quote scripture to this effect: "Son of man, set thy face again: t Pharaoh king of Egypt, and prophesy against him, and against all Eg} T pt ; Speak and say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, Pharoah king of Egypt, the great dragon that lieth in the midst of his rivers, which hath said, My river is mine own, . and I have made it for myself." — Ezekiel xxix, 2-3. We shall not quote any more scripture from this chapter, nor from the next, but will pass on to the thirty-first chapter where we find these words: "Son of man, speak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, and to his multitude ; Whom art thou like in tlrv greatness? Behold, the Assyrian was a cedar in Lebanon with fair branches, and with a shadowing shroud, and of a high stature ; and his top was among the thick boughs. The waters made him great, the deep set 182. CREATION AND FORMATION. him up on high with her rivers running round about his plants, and sent out her little rivers u.tto all the trees of the field. Therefore his height was exalted above all the trees of the field, and his boughs were multiplied, and his branches became long because of the multitude of waters, when he shot forth. All the fowls of heaven made their nests in his bjughs, and under his branches did all the beasts of the field bring forth their young, and under his shadow dwelt all great nations. Thus was he fair in his greatness, in the length of his branches: for his root was by great waters. The cedars in the gar len of God could not hide him : the fir trees were not like his boughs, and the chestnut trees were not like his branches ; not any tree in the garden of God was like unto him in his beauty. I have made him fair by the railtibule of his branches; so that all the trees of Eden, that were in the garden of God, envied him." — Ezekiel xxxi, 2-9. The eighteenth verse reads : "To whom art thou thus like in glory and in greatness among the trees of Eden ? yet shalt thou be brought down with the trees of Eden unto the nether parts of the earth : thou shalt lie in the midst of the uncircumcised with them that be slain by the sword. This is Pharaoh and all his multitude, saith the Lord God." We see the four rivers, spoken of in the second chapter of Genesis, that was parted into four heads are represented here as little rivers watering the trees of the field, and this Gentile man was in the garden. This proves beyond a doubt that there was a roan in the garden of God besides the man Adam. ]S T ow this scripture is sufficient to prove what we have formerly stated, that the people of Tyrus were Gentiles, and not Jews. God says this is Pharaoh and all his multitude. Now this man was an Egyptian Gentile king, hence it follows that all his hosts were Grentiles. Now then we will turn back again to the twenty-eighth chapter and give a few explanations concerning this Gentile man, and also explain a few words that don't exactly agree in meaning with the explanation that Webster gives to them. Here is the word "cherub/' what does it mean ? The definition Webster gives is, "a celestial spirit," a "beautiful child." But we- can apply only one of these words as the meaning of the word CREATION AND FORMATION. 1&8. cherub, and that word is "beautiful," for this is what it means in the bible. The Gentile was the beautiful — the beautiful child of creation. He was the bright and morning star. But the saying, "Thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness," means more than the carnal mind can really com- prehend. It is a true saying, and that, too, worthy of recog- nition. This man's brightness hath corrupted his wisdom. It is somewhat hard to conceive the idea that any man is too crafty for himself, but such was the case with this Gentile man. His earthly brightness outwitted his celestial wisdom. This is a fact, for there is nothing so destructive to priceless wisdom as costly sensuality. Earthly brightness, lead on by earthly beauty is the corruption of God-sent wisdom. Wickedness, in its highest state of development and activity, is a trade mark between good and evil. It is the immature traffic of the east- ern world; it is the iniquity of Eden; the enslaved Jew in Gentile uniform. It has deceived one and killed the other. For centuries before Christ came into the world the holy off- spring of God fed upon it. He was their admiral, and under every crack of his whip they have felt the sting of death within, and terror without — moral death within the temple of clay, and without, spiritual strife and fear, and remorse — the corroding tooth of sin grinding up the world's sublimest hope. Ever after Eden's fall, moral and spiritual depravity have gone hand in hand. They have wrought ruin all along the line of the past generations in their onward march from the world's birthplace to its goal. There was such a mighty contrast in the garden of God that the two opposing powers, Gentile and Jew, seemed -to have been the strongest of all magnets, and they came together. The crash was heard in the above realm of peace and joy, and the Lord came down and saw that His work of creation and for- mation had collapsed together — the fallen spirit having power over the Gentile man, and the Gentile over the Jew. This Gen- tile man was the lord of creation — wisdom in the garden of God. Here the one knew everything, having knowledge of good and evil. The allwise dragon having rebelled against the host of heaven was cast out from the presence of God, and he came down and took up his abode in the hearts of the sons of 18*1. CREATION AND FORMATION. men — the offspring of creation. On the other hand what a marked difference there was ! The son of formation knew noth- ing save his God and the command : "Thou shalt not eat of it : for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shaft surely die." The Lord turneth ; the tempter comes and says : "Yea, hath God said, * Ye shall not surely die : For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil/' — Genesis iii 1-5. Here the phrase is : "Ye shall be as gods," and not as "God;" typical of the fact that they should bejome as Gentiles, for they were the gods of creation, and they knew good and evil. At last, however, after some puisuasion, formation succumbs to cre- ation, and the deed is done, and they lie wallowing in their own blood. And in the cool of the day the Lord comes and speaks : "Where art thou?" The quivering creature steps out from behind the bush and cries out in the agony of his soul : "I was afraid because I was naked ; and I hid myself." Here we have another god added to creation. He is wire now, for he knows good and he knows evil. The fact that he was naked prior to this event was then unknown to him. He was not ashamed to be naked for the simple i\a:on that he knew not evil. He was the son of formation, and was but yet the unrip- ened soil of Eden when all his future hopes of godly progress were frustrated on this earth. The Gentile man, called the ser- pent, beguiled the woman and she did eat, and she gave unto her husband and he did eat, and the eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked, an I they made themselves aprons to hide their nakedness. iS T ow then we will take scripture and prove that the Gen- tile man was called a serpent or dragon. Dragon and serpent mean the same, that is, representative of an evil spirit. So now here is the scripture : "Speak, and say, Thus saith the Lord God ; Behold, I am against thee, Pharaoh king of Egypt, the great dragon that lieth in the midst of his rivers, which hath said, My river is mine own, and I have made it for myself. But I will put hooks in thy jaws, and I will cause the fish of thy rivers to stick unto thv scales." * — Ezekiel xxix, 3-4. CREATIOJS 1 AND FORMATION'. So you see by the above verse that the Gentile king- is called a serpent, the dragon that lieth in the midst of the rivers ; and in speaking about this dragon, let us hear what righteous Job has to say concerning the dragon, or leviathan as ho call;; him. We have shown that leviathan was a serpent — the crooked serpent, etc. In the forty-first chapter of Jot) we have these words : "Canst thou draw out leviathan with a hook? or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down? Canst thou put a hcok into his nose? or bore his jaw through with a thorn?" — Job xli, 1-2. Now then leviathan is called a serpent and he is called a dragon ; "and the serpent was more subtile than any beast of the field which the Lord had made;" and the serpent that came to Eve was a Gentile man. This is what we have been show- ing all the time. In the seventy-fourth Psalm, and the thirteenth and fourteenth verses, the psalmist says : "Thou didst divide the sea by thy strength : thou brakest the heads of the dragons in the waters. Thou brakest the head, c of leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness." The psalmist is here speak- ing of Pharaoh and his hosts as having been overthrown in the midst of the Eed sea. The Israelites crossed safely over, and they were the people that inhabited the wilderness. Now all this scripture proof of the fact that the serpent was a Gentile man, or a king, or a prince, or even a god, if he so lift himself up to be as he did to Eve, is sufficient, we think, to convince an honest man th^tt the serpent in the garden of God was a Gentile man. The bible is so plain on this that even a child can understand it. The Gentile man was perfect until iniquity was found in him. Iniquity was found in him as soon as the fallen spirit entered into his heart. Then the devil tells him to go and tell the woman this and that. He complies with the devil's request and the woman is deceived, and then she entices her husband and they both fall from their pure state and sink down to the very depths of a guilty conscience. In the thirty-second chapter of Ezekiel we have plain scripture showing the mental and spiritual depravity of the 186. CREATION AND FORMATION. whole human race. This is a lamentation of the prophet Ezekiel for the fearful fall of Egypt. It is a prophecy reach- ing out into the future to be fulfilled at the coming of Christ. God says to Ezekiel : "Son of man, take up a lamentation for Pharaoh king of Egypt, and say unto him, Thou art like a young lion of the nations, and thou art as a whale in the seas : and thou .earnest forth with thy rivers, and troubled st the waters with thy feet, and fouledst their rivers. Thus saith the Lord God; I will therefore spread out my net over thee with a company of many people; and they shall bring thee up in my net. Then will I leave thee upon the land, I will cast thee forth upon the open field, and will cause all the fowls of the heaven to remain upon thee, and I will fill the beasts of the w T hole earth with thee." — Ezekiel xxxii, 2-4. And the seventh verse says: "And when I shall put thee out, I will cover the heaven, and make the sta :s thereof dark; I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon shall not give her light," Now this is what God says, and what is meant by this say- ing is that when Christ comes this Gentile man shall be brought down from his former glory, and the evil spirit, or the devil shall be cast out of him. (And true the sun, moon and stars were darkened). Then he will be called no more the serpent, the dragon, nor the beast, as he once was called, but all these former names, together with the evil spirit, will be taken away from him, and through the death of Christ he will be made to stand on equal grounds witti God's people. That is to say, he will have as much right to the tree of life as anyone else, and will be held accountable for the wrong he does ever after. In the twenty-first verse of this same thirty-second chapter, we have these words : "The strong among the mighty shall speak to him out of the midst of hell with them that help him : they are gone down, they lie uncircumcised, slain by the sword." Also, the twenty-third verse: "Whose graves are set in the sides of the pit, and her company is round about her grave; CREATION AND FORMATION. 187. all of them slain, fallen by the sword, which caused terror in the land of the living." In the thirty-second, or last verse, we hear the Lord saying : "For I have caused my terror in the land of the living : and he shall be laid in the midst of the uncircumcised with them that are slain with the sword, even Pharaoh and all his multitude, saith the Lord God." Now then, there is one point in this scripture lesson that we wish the reader to bear in mind, and that is, the G-entiles, the sinning Jew and the unsinning Jew, are here set forth. The Gentiles go down to the pit, the mingled people go down to hell, (that is, they go down to a spiritual hell — hell for the conscience — remorse), and have their grave by the side of the pit. These are they that have fallen by the sword — the sword of mingling and intermingling with the Gentiles. And terror is caused in the land of the living; in the land of the undefined. Those that had not defiled themselves by mingling with the Gentiles were amazed at the terrible catastrophe. All around them the}' saw their enemies. They saw their loved ones faced by the terrible of the nation; two mighty hosts facing each other in the attempt to kill — the sword without and terror within. Here, in this life, the sinning Jew reaped a harvest of worthless jewels, and when death separated body and soul, the one glept in a cold bed of earth whilst the other became wrapped up in a cloud of remorse. That which he reaped in this life literally, reaped he beyond the grave spiritually. Earth was the pit, the concience hell, transformed into a spirit- ual resemblance beyond. Christ went and preached to the spirits in prison and the dead heard His voice and lived. This does not include those who are spiritually dead in this life; it means that Christ went and preached to those that were spiritually dead beyond. The dead heard His voice and lived. Among this vast and mighty throng of the unnumbered dead appears both Gentile and Jew. Those that did wrong heard His voice, and all those that had been held unaccountable so long while in this world of hurly burly, heard Him speak. Gentile and Jew rejoiced at His com- ing, as the prophet Ezekiel prophesied, saying : "Pharaoh shall 188. CREATION AND FORMATION, see them, and shall be comforted over all his multitude." * — Ezekiel xxxii, 31. Christ, the blessed comforter, not only blessed the living, but tie blessed thcdead in sin. lie came to seek and to i ave the lost, and the lost were the dead. He threw open the prison doors and set the captives free. What a great rejoicing in that world there must have been ! The slain armies of unrecorded generations were blessed by the appearance of this unexpected, holy, heavenly visitor! What a rejoicing! What a rejoicing- there must have been ! Millions of spirit voices shouting out in tones of gladness and praise 'and saying: "Welcome, wel- come ! thou Holy One of God!" All. the former ills of earth transformed into one grand hosanna: "The ransom of the free!" "Praise the Lord." The dead hear His voice; the temples are rcnji in twain from top to bottom ; the earth quakes and the rocks are rent; the graves are opened and the i. lumber- ing dead awake and appear; the earth still wrapped in dark- ness and quivering and trembling, and the centurion standing by and saying : "Truly, this was the Son of God !" Oh, yes, He was the Son of God, and blessed^are all they that have part in the first resurection, for on such the second death hath no power. Christ, the Great Shepherd, came "o save His flock and to judge between cattle .and cattle. (See Ezekiel xxxiv, 22.) By the shedding' of His own blood the dark cloud was driven away. Well might the Gentiles rejoice and call Him blessed. His advent into the world and the bles- sings which followed was all foretold by the prophets either in vision or by parable. In the thirty-seventh chapter of Ezekiel, we have before us the valley of dry bones, representative of the whole house of Israel. And now we shall merely notice here the points that are in connection with the subject of our work, and ask the reader to read this chapter. The hand of the Lord was upon the prophet and carried him away in the spirit and set him down in the midst of the valley which was full of dry bones. And the Lord caused, him to pass by them round about, and said unto him : "Bon <>f man, can these bones live?" And he answered : CREATION ANT/ FORMATION. 189. "O, Lord God, thou knowest." Then the Lord caused the prophet to prophesy unto the bones assuring him that they should live. The prophet obeys God. He prophesies: the bones come together, every bone to his place, and the skin covers them. Again he prophesies to the wind as the Lord commands, and breath enters into them, and they live and stand upon their feet an exceeding great army. And the Lord says unto him: * "Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost : we are cut off for our parts."— Ezekiel xxxvii, 11. Though Israel hath done wrong, yet God's promise to them, through His prophet, is that they shall be saved and brought again to their own land. The great abominable sin which they committed in this world was that which caused them to appear in the unfruitful valley of sin; a harvest of worthless dry bones. An exceeding great army, slain by the sword of cor- ruption, was the sole cause of the pure vine not yielding her pure grape. You will recollect that when the ten tribes revolted against the two, that from that time on up till the coming of Christ they had remained two separate Jewish nations: "Israel" and "Judah." The prophet Ezekiel is aware of this fact, and God shows him that they are to be united. In the sixteenth verse of the thirty-seventh chapter he says: "Moreover, son of man, take thee one stick, and write upon it, For Judah, and for the children of Israel his compan- ions : then take another stick, and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel his com- panions :" In the seventeenth verse the Lord tells him to join them one to another into one stick, and they shall become one in His hand. Having done this the Lord assures him that in like manner will He join Israel and Judah together, and they shall become one in his hand, and one king will be king over all, and they no more will remain two separate nations. And in the twenty-eighth verse the Lord says: "And the heathen shall know that I the Lord do sanctify Israel, when my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore." 190. CREATION AND FORMATION. In this verse God shows the restoration of His people at the second coming of Christ. And b}^ turning back to the thirty-sixth chapter of Ezekiel and reading the twenty-second, twenty-third and twenty-fourth verses, we find another like prophecy. It speaks of God's great blessing to be bestowed upon His holy people. All this will have happened when Christ makes His second appearance on earth. We will quote these three verses in full : "Therefore say unto the house of Israel, thus saith the Lord God; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went. And I will sanctify my great name, which was profaned among the heathen, which ye have pro- faned in the midst of them; and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord, saith the Lord God, when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes. For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land." And the twenty-fifth verse reads : "Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean : from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse yon." Now it is plain enough to see, from what the Lord says in the above scripture, what He is going to do. It is also plain enough to see not only the restoration of the Jews, but another race of people outside of God's people. If not, whence, then, comes the saying: "I will take you out from among the heathen," (See twenty-fourth verre). The heathens are the Gentiles — the off-spring of creation. Now then, our next portion of scripture you will find in the thirty-eighth chapter. The point which we will take more particular notice of than any other point in this chapter, is con- cerning Gog and Magog. And with scripture we will endeavor to show plainly who Gog and Magog are. But first of all, we wish to say right here that in the bible there are three char- acters set forth. At first there were but the two, but after the fall of Adam there became three: the Gentile, the Jew and the mingled. And those three characters are set forth in the bible under various names. There are some theologians who will CREATION AND FORMATION. 191. tell you that there are four characters set forth in the bible, namely: the sinner, the Jew, the Gentile, and the giants. For in those days there were giants. But we will prove with scrip- ture by and by that these giants belonged to the Gentiles, hence we have only three characters before us. To "sum up" of the whole human race, G-og and Magog represent the mingled people. A great many bible commentators will tell you that Gog and Magog are evil spirits, and that in the last day the devil will gather them together to war against the saints, and others will say that they are a certain class of Dutch. This we will not deny, for it is reasonable enough to suppose that they were something; either Dutch or something else. But our object is to show up Gog and Magog as they really are. In the first place we wish the reader to remember what we have before said and proven, that all outside the real Jew are considered Gentiles, or counted with them. The mingled people we number with the Gentiles. We could not do other- wise and rightly divide # the word of truth. And now, to start out with our scripture proofs, we will turn back to the tenth chapter of Genesis in order to make a good beginning. "How these are the generations of the sons of Noah ; Shem, Ham, and Japheth : and unto them were sons born after the flood. The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javin, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras." — Genesis x, 1-2. Hence, the origination of the word Magog. Undoubtedly the question will now arise : "Is not Magog a Jew I did you not say that Noah was a Jew, and that his first parents were Adam and Eve ■?" Yes, this is true ; it is all true, every word of it. "Then how do you make out that Magog is the mingled people ?" We answer, the bible tells us so. But before we cite scripture to prove this, we will take upon our- selves the question : Why then were not Gog and Magog included in the whole house of Israel in Ezekiel's prophecy concerning the valley of dry bones ? Or why is the prophecy given by the same prophet that they are to come up against the Jews with a mighty army? And still another question (in regard to the present bible references): Why is it that those great bible commentators in speaking about Gog and Magog, refer you 192. CREATION AND FORMATION. from the second verse of the thirty-eighth chapter of Ezekiel to the twentieth chapter of Eevelations and the eighth verse? And thus they skip around from place to place, first here and then there, and in fact, all over. Ninety-five per cent of all of their references will lead you astray. And We might safely say that out of every one hundred of their bible references ninety- nine are wrong. This is saying, a great deal but it is true. If their references are right, why then do they say that the bible is full of mysteries ? The answer to the above question is con- tained in the saying: "The bible has a great many mys- teries that we don't understand." Now then, dear reader, if you are willing to accept the true light of the bible, throw away all these false ideas of modern orthodoxy and grasp the truth of the bible as it so exists in reality in the first chapter of Genesis. Make a good start there and yon will be all right, providing you clo not deviate or wander away in strange paths. We are now ready to give you more light concerning Gog and Mag£>g. In the tenth chap- ter of Genesis the entire genealogy of Noah after the flood is set forth. And in the fifth verse we have these words: "By these (that is by Noah's sons or his son's sons) were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands ; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations." ,. Now this goes to show that there was another people out- side of the Jews who were contemporary with the Jews after the flood, and they were called Gentiles and their isles weredivi- ded by Noah's sons. Gog represents the Gentile, and Magog the mingled people, or, technically speaking, Gog and Magog are the mingled people. And in the twenty-seventh chapter and thirteenth verse of Ezekiel, Javah, Tubal, and Meshech are mentioned again. The prophet Ezekiel, in his God-sent vision, saw them as they really were. In speaking of Tyrus, and her rich supply, God shows the prophet all the cruelties practiced by the ruling Gentiles, and the merchants of Tyrus, were Javan, Tubal, and Meshech, and they traded the persons of men and vessels of brass in her market. And the third ver^e of the thirty-eighth chapter of Ezekiel, the chapter with which we are dealing, God says; * "Behold, CREATION AND FORMATION, HJii. I am against thee, Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal;" Now, all these scriptural proofs which we have brought forth go to show that Gog and Magog are the mingled people. The three characters are still before us. The prophet is proph- esying against Gog, the chief prince of Meshech, and Tubal, in the land of Magog — Magog the mingled people and Gog their chief prince. And in the sixteenth verse God says : "And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog. before their eyes." This is a proph- ecy of what will happen when Christ comes. It is a prophecy of His first coming, and it has been fulfilled. From these few quotations the reader ought to be able at least to draw therefrom a satisfactory conclusion. Down deep in the under strata of biblical doctrine is where we get the divine evidence. To be able to wrestle and labor for God, and to rightly divide His word of truth, is to know truth. This is the living knowledge we need. Without it no man can live. He may exist, but he can't live. To live is to so live that life will be worth living. It depends principally upon man to make this earthly wilderness an earthly paradise. The great man says that "slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep and an idle soul shall suffer hunger." What a wonderful saying, "slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep." The sleep that is slept while in this life is photographed to the next. Where one ends the other begins. We are happy only when we make some one else happy. Such children are the children of God, and their religion is the only true religion in the world. This is the religion that comes by toil. It is the religion of ambition, sanctified by the Savior of our race. The Savior of our race is the tree of life, which signifies infinite wisdom. To know how to love, serve and wor- ship this deity without being proud, is to know our duty to God •and man. Man is strength and God is power. His is the power to create and form, a certain portion of which belongs to man; but man needs move of it. He needs more of that power which 194. CREATION AND FORMATION. will enable him to form good ideas, and so irame them together that when party winds and national storms come, and blow and beat upon his house, it may not fall, but stand firm and true, that God may be in all his works. Wisdom is what we want. Bible wisdom. A machine worked by the divine will ; auto- matic and complete within itself. In the olden time earth, land and sea, and the wonders of nature, taught men to believe in Grod. This was an observed religion or education growing up in the dark ages, only to be matured and expanded to larger proportions in the more riper experience of the world. The bible is our best book, and the only fruit fit for human hunger grows in it. Jesus is the golden fruit of the world, and having known this, we know what the harvest is beyond the grave. It is Jesus. It is the word of God. "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but His word is firm for- ever." Even so, Lord, as thou wilt. Text: — "Search the Scriptures" — St. John v, 39 ; Mark iv, 11; 2 Timothy ii, 15. Our next work in scripture will be in the book of Daniel, commencing with the first chapter. He is a prophet of God. All the prophets before him were prophets of God. Their prophecies are grand ; they all agree. How could they disagree when God directed? God was the dictator; they were the scribes. God dictates to Daniel and Daniel writes. Daniel is His prophet, and his prophecies are in harmony with the older ones. In starting out with Daniel the Gentile and the Jew are still before us. The first and second verses of the first chapter read thus : "In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah came Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon unto Jerusalem, and beseiged it. And the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand, with part of the vessels of the house of God : which he carried into the land of Shinar to the house of his god; and he brought the vessels into the treasure house of his god." This great man of Babylon was a Gentile king, and in his treasure house was his god, the work of his own hands. The vessels which he stored away in his treasure house were those which he took from the house of God in the day that Jehoiakim king of Judah, or king of the Jews, was given unto his hand. The God of high heaven was not his god, or at least he did not own him as his god. Undoubtedly he considered his god, like as did his old ancestors, greater than the God of the Jews. In this one victory over the Jews he greatly rejoiced, and "spake unto Asphenaz the master of his eunuch, that he should bring certain of the children of Israel, and of the kings seed, and of the princes; Children in whom was no blemish, but well favoured, and skilful in all wisdom, and canning in knowl- 196. CREATION AND FORMATION. edge, and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the kings palace, and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans." (See third and fourth verses.) Now then, we will make a few remarks here concerning these men of science in order to keep our minds clear until we shall have said more concerning them. The subtilty of the Gentile man in the garden of God was that which deceived Eve. By his nattering words and lying tongue he succeeded in accomplishing his brutal attempt. His knowledge and wisdom was great, but by reason of his brightness his wisdom became corrupted, and from that time on, up till Christ came into the world, corruption followed corruption. The subtilty of the old time Gentiles was transmitted from generation to genera- tion, and the Gentiles of Daniel's time were possessors of this same art. This is a kind of science, or at least, it is so called. Infidels used it in former days to refute the word of God. The}^ tried to tear down this grand old temple with the poisoned weapons of man. This kind of science don't harmonize with the bible. This was their weapon — a weapon for the tongue — and when magnified it looked like a dagger in the hand, and with it they tried their best to cut down the holy altars of God. Infidels and skeptics to-day have grasped this same weapon and they are trying to see what they can do. They give their bat- tle axe two or three swings around the head, and then with a jump. up they strike it into the bible, and then twist it out again and invite you forward to -behold the deadly wound. But where is the wound? True the bible lias received many wounds, but it is still woundless. If it is possible to mix science and the bible these men need not work so hard. If the bible is the works of man, the work of man might destroy it, for it is, they say, false. If so, then why not put it down, or make a better one ? If you should find a false problem in arithmetic, you could correct it, or make it better. If the bible is wrong and you know it, it is your duty to make it better. The world needs your help. Honest men are few and scarce. The world is full of false teach- ers. Orthodox men make infidels and infidels make homes des- olate. They are all doing more for the devil than they are for, CREATION AND FORMATION* 197. God. You know that Pharaoh's magicians were men of science. They thoroughly understood their business. By their black arts they could deceive the common people. When Moses came to Pharaoh and showed him the wonders of God : u Why" he said; "my magicians can do all these things.'' Yes, true, they could turn their rods into serpents, the rivers into blood and bring the frogs upon the land. But they could not do every- thing. They could not bring forth lice, they could not take the plagues away, nor could they part the waters of the mighty deep, leaving a road through the ocean with high walls of water blue. Earthly science and heavenly science are not the same, for God says that His ways are not man's ways. "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve." Xow then, the next point to look at in our scripture lesson found in the first chapter of Daniel, is the difference between Gentile and Jew. Alter king Nebuchadnezzar had made a selection of the captive Jews he appointed unto them their por- tion. — meat from his own table and from his own cask drank they Gentile wine. "So nourishing them three years, that at the end thereof they might stand before the king." These were captive Jews chosen by a Gentile king. Even Daniel himself was carried away a captive. All of those captive Jews chosen by the king, ate of his meat and drank of his wine except Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. And unto these four the prince of the eunuchs gave names. Daniel, he called lk Belteshazzer ; ' Hananiah, he called "Shadrach j" Mishael, he called "Meshach," and unto Azariah he gave the name of "Abed-nego." (See sev- enth verse.) These four Hebrew children abstained from eating the king's meat. "But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank : therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself." — Daniel i, 8. •'Now God had brought Daniel into favour and tender love with the prince of the eunuchs. And the prince said unto Dan- iel, I fear my lord the king, who hath appointed your meat and your drink : for why should he see your faces worse liking than the children which are of vour sort ? then shall ve make me 108:. CREATION AND FORMATION. endanger my head to the king ?" — Daniel i, 9-10. Then Daniel answered the prince and said : "Prove thy servants, I beseech thee, ten days : and let them give lis pulse to eat, and water to drink. Then let our countenances be looked upon before thee, and the countenances of the children that eat of the portion of the king's meat: " So the prince thought the matter over, and finally came to the conclusion that he would do as Daniel requested him to do • and behold, at the end often days their countenances looked fairer than ever. At the appointed time they were brought in before the king and he communed with them; every one of them standing before the king, and among them all none was found like unto Daniel. "And in all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king required of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm." (See first chapter, twelfth to twentieth verses.) These were they that had not defiled themselves with the king's meat. The object which the king had in view was to sort out those who were able to teach. He wanted skilful men ; men cun- ning in knowledge, and understanding science ; understanding and teaching the black arts of the devil, if so to speak. But he did not get these kind of teachers among the Jews. They were teachers, but they taught in a different way from what the king expected them to. They taught the oracles of the living God. The god of these Gentiles was the god of science. The God of the Jews was the God of high heaven. In various ways they taught His truths, and maxims of this God. Daniel had under- standing in all visions and dreams, and as for these four chil- dren God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom. Just before they were brought out before the king to be examined God increased their knowledge and wisdom ten- fold. So now, passing on to the second chapter of Daniel and the first verse, we learn that in the second year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar he dreamed dreams, wherewith his spirit was troubled, and his sleep break from him. Then the king called for his magicians, and astrologers, and sorcerers, and the Chal- deans, to show him the interpretation of his dreams. After CREATION AND FORMATION. 199. these men of science came before the king, lie told them that he had had dreams, and he wanted to know of them what it was and what it meant, for he had already forgotten his dreams. And if any of these men failed to tell him those lost dreams and the interpretation thereof, they should be cut in pieces, and their homes would be laid waste. But they were unable to tell the king his dreams, saying: "There is not a man upon the earth that can shew the king's matter." And for this cause the king was angry and very furious, and commanded to destroy all the wise men of Babylon. And it was rumored around that these wise men should be slain. These men told the king that none except the gods, whose dwelling is not with flesh, could tell the dream. These Gentile men, as we have said before, knew not the God of high heaven, but at the same time they did believe that there was a greater power above than below, yet they did not worship that power, neither did they consider it their god. Their god was the god of earth — "Man, the worshipper of man." They worshipped science, and science was their god. All the contrivances of earth, wrought by human hands in whatsoever form, whether strained through the imagination or not, or whether they were made by earthly powers, these, all these, were heathen gods. But the saying, ''None except the gods whose dwelling is not with flesh," etc., was derived from the faint vision they had of a higher power, and this power they saw manifested in Daniel and his three brethren. After these men of science had failed to shew the king his dream, then they sought Daniel, and he went in before the king and asked him to give him time and he would show the interpretation thereof. The king consents, and Daniel goes to God in prayer, and in a night vision the secret is revealed to Daniel, and he rejoices greatly in his God, and pours out his soul to Him in prayer, and says : "I thank thee, and praise thee, O thou God of my fathers, who hast given me wisdom and might, and hast made known unto me now what we desired of thee : for thou hast now made known unto us the king's matter." — Daniel ii, 23. So Daniel begins to tell the king his dream by saying: "Thou, king, sawest, and behold a great image. This 200. CREATION AND FORMATION. great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible. " — Daniel ii, 31. The image that the king saw in his dream was the image of the Gentile in his estate from the da}' that he was created. The image head was of fine gold. This represents purity, for in the day that he was created he was pure until iniquity was found in him. Gold, you know, is pure. So was this Gentile man in the ancient days. In this purity he lived perhaps for a great many, if not thousands of years — ages before the forma- tion of man. The breast and arms of this image were like silver. This means an inferior kingdom which came about by the mingling of the first parents of the Jews with the Gentiles. Silver is not worth as much as gold ; it is not so pure. So when this Gentile man violated the laws of his pure state he became less pure, something like silver. The belly and thighs of this image were like brass. This represents a third king- dom which belongs to the Jews and Gentiles just after the flood. Brass is not worth as much as silver, so you see that gold has become very cheap. To this third kingdom is added the power of the Gentile — "dominion over all the earth." Also the power of the Jew is added, which power was given to Noah, and to his posterity; hut this power given unto them did not last long. It was of short duration because of their transgression. The image had legs of iron, and his feet were part iron and part clay. (See Daniel ii, 32-33). This is a fourth kingdom representing iron and clay. The Gentile is iron, and the Jew is clay. The fortieth verse of the second chapter says : "And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: foras- much as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth alJ things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise." Iron is strong; clay is weaker, and one has power over the other. The forty-second verse says that their kingdom shall be partly strong and partly broken. The strongest part belongs to the Gentile, and the weakest to the Jew. In the forty- third verse we have these words : "And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they CREATION AND FORMATION. 201. shall mingle themselves with the seed oi men : but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay." And the forty-fourth and forty-fifth verses go on to tell us that in those days the "God of heaven" shall setup a ""kingdom" which means "Christ," and it shall never be destro3^ed. It will break in pieces and consume all these other kingdoms. These things Daniel says are sure and certain, and the interpretation thereof is sure. Christ is the stone cut of* the mountain without hands. He shall overcome all. Now then, in the third chapter of Daniel we learn that the king sets up a great image, and the invitation goes out to all people, and all nations, to come to the king's great feast and worship his image which he had set up; that at a certain time they should come, and all those who refused should suffer the consequence. If they would not tall down and worship the great image which the king had set up they should be cast into a fiery furnace. All the Gentiles fell down and worshiped the image, and so did- the - captive Jews. These captive Jews did this through fear. But what did Daniel and his brethren do? Did they fall down and worship the image or not ? Well, let us see. When the appointed time of feasting and worshipping had arrived all this mighty host of Gentiles and Jews fell down and worshipped the image except certain of the Jews, and these were Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego. Those three did not wor- ship the image. For some reason or other Daniel does not seem to have been accused, though it is true enough, and reasonable enough to believe that he did not worship the image. It was only those three Jews that were found guilty of violating the king's command, and they were brought before the king to give an account of themselves, and the king said unto them : * "Is it true, O Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego? do not ye serve my gods, nor worship the golden image which I have set up?" — Daniel iii, 14. So the king gives them another trial, but they refuse to accept his offer, saying : * "We will not serve thy gods, nor worship thy golden image which thou hast set up." — Daniel iii, 18. Then the king was terribly wroth, and he grew very furi- 202. CREATION AND FORMATION. ous and commanded that these men should be bound and cast into the fiery furnace. The kings orders were obeyed, and those children of God were thrust into the fire. By and by the king came around to look upon the burning dead, but behold he was astonished, and he rose up in haste and spoke to his counsellors and said : * "Did not we cast three men bound into the midst of the fire? They answered and said unto the king, True, O king." — Daniel iii, 24. The king answered and said : * "Do, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God." — Daniel iii, 25. Now this fourth man the king saw was not only like the Son of God, but He was the Son of God, and He protected His own. All this was a great wonder to the king, and he believed in the power of the living God. And so the king has other dreams, and some of them frighten him, and he is troubled over them and calls in his men of science to give the interpreta- tion thereof, but they fail, and the king then calls for Daniel, and he tells the king his dreams, and in all the king's dreams Daniel answers him to great satisfaction. When the hapd wri- ting appeared upon the wall, also the king was troubled to know what it meant, and he called in his men of science to make known unto him the interpretation thereof, but they all failed. They couldn't tell the king anything about it. So the queen comes to king Belshazzar and tells him of Daniel, and how that in all his: father's dreams he answered him so accurately, and that his- God was the God on high. When the king heard this of Daniel he immediately sent for him. Daniel comes and beholds the hand writing. He knows that it is from God, though he was not able to read it there and then, but he goes away and enters into his house and kneels to God in prayer, with his windows open towards Jerusalem. In his chamber he makes supplications to God that the hand writing might be made known to him. Whilst Daniel was praying in his chamber the Gentiles came upon him and saw that he was praying to his God instead of praying to their god, and for this he was cast CREATION AND FORMATION. 208. into the Hob's den, but he came out victorious. Daniel made known to the king what the hand writing was, and also told the king the interpretation of it. This the reader will And in the twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth, twenty seventh and twenty-eighth verses of the fifth chapter of Daniel. After the dark cloud had gone away the king greatly rejoiced, and he clothed Daniel with scarlet and put a goW chain about his neck, and made a proclamation concerning him that he should be the third ruler in the kingdom. Thus was Daniel blessed because of his righteousness and faith in God. God Avas with him in all his trials. He saved him in time of need. The world at the present day needs more of Daniel's faith. "0 for a faith that will not shrink, Though pressed by every foe; That will not tremble on the brink, Of any earthly woe." Such was the faith of Daniel, and it made his life to blos= som like a rose. Bo it came to pass in the first year of the reign of Belshaz- zar, king of Babylon, that Daniel had a dream, and visions of his head upon his bed, and he wrote the dream and told the sum of the matters. Now then, this vision that Daniel had of the four beasts coincides with Nebuchadnezzar's dream. The one means pre- cisely the same as the other. Daniel says: "I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea."=Daniel vii, 2. In this saying, "the four winds strove upon the great sea," is the power of God made known to Daniel in a vision. (We will give further explanation on this hereafter). And Daniel says that he saw, while in a vision, four great beasts come up from the sea, and that they were diverse, one from the other. The first, he says, was like a lion, and he had eagle's wings ; and furthermore, he says: * "I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it."— Daniel vii, 4. 204. CREATION AND FORMATION, And the next beast he paw was like a bear, and the next one like a leopard, and lastly, the fourth beast he saw "dreadful, and terrible, and strong exceedingly ; and it had great iron teeth : it devoured and break in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it; and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it ; and it had ten horns. (See seventh verse.) And in the eighth verse Daniel says : "I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn:" And this little horn, he says, plucked up three of the other horns by the roots, and it had eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things. Now then, this little horn that Daniel saw was to spring up after Christ came into the world, and now it already is in the world and will continue so to exist until the Savior shall have made his second appearance on earth. All this we will make plain by and by. The tenth verse says that a fiery issued and came forth streams from before him, (this is concerning the little horn), and thou- sands stood before him and ministered unto him, and the judg- ment was set, and the books were opened. This, we remark, is a good, if not the best, representation of the Gentile man who came to Eve in the garden of Eden, that can be given. "A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him." What a fiery stream must have came forth from before this Gentile man to deceive God's elect. In this vision of Daniel's he, like all the other prophets that were before him, looked upon the past, at the present, and into the future. He saw God's work of creation and formation from the very beginning. The four great beasts which he saw were four kings which were to arise up out of the earth. The judgment books will be opened at the second coming of Christ. In the thirteenth verse Daniel saw and behold one like the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven, and he came to the ancient of days and they brought him near before him, and to him was dominion and glory, etc., given. This is concerning ( 'hrist. JNow then, dear reader, yon can plainly see, no doubt, the CREATION ANI> FORMATION. 205. great difference between Gentile and Jew. The Gentiles are represented as beasts, and in the eighth chapter of Daniel they are again set forth as beasts. Daniel, in his vision, sees a ram standing before the river, and this ram has two horns, and the two horns are high, but one is higher than the other and the higher came up last. And again he sees a goat. The goat he sees is a Gentile. The eleventh verse of this same chapter speaks as follows concerning the goat: "Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of his sanctuary was cast down." — Daniel viii, 11. This is nothing more than a Gentile man raising himself up. How greatly he magnified himself in the garden of God. The twelfth verse says : "And a host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground ; and it practised, and prospered." Also the thirteenth verse reads : "Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacri- fice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanct- uar} 7 and the host to be trodden under foot f" In those two verses the Gentile and the Jew are set forth. The Gentile is set forth as a goat. And this goat had a notable horn between his eyes, and he came in the fury of his power unto the ram which had two horns, and he smote the ram and brake his two horns and stamped upon him, and there was none to deliver him out of his hand. And this goat waxed great, and when he was strong the great horn was broken, and for it came up four notable ones, and out of one of them came forth a little horn, and it waxed great and cast down some of the host of heaven. This means that some of the thirteen apos- tles of Christ were cast down, for this vision of Daniel did not then include only the present, but it reached out into the future. And it cast down some of the stars to the ground. Those stars represent the minor lights, or the disciples of Christ. They were cast down too, for they could not stand before the strong horn, though it was described by Daniel in his vision as 200. CREATION AND FORMATION. being little. Yet it was terribly strong, and he magnified him- self even to the prince of the host. "And he magnified him- self." What does that mean ? It means that he lifted himself up and wanted to appear before the prince of heaven as a prince himself. What a contemptable being he must have been trying to become a god, and by his transgression the daily sacrifice was taken away. What is meant by the daily sacrifice being taken away, is that Christ in His true mission was taken away by the changing of times and laws by the beasts, for he was the sacrifice, and the place of his sanctuary (the place of His sanctuary was at Jerusalem) wast cast down. A host was given the little horn against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground, and it practiced, and prospered. What a wonderfully true vision Dan- iel had ! It looked ahead and foretold events that should come to pass all of which have been fulfilled, and even unto this day the vision of Daniel is becoming riper and riper in that the lit- tle horn is still practicing and riding triumphantly over the truth ! Behold the church of Eome ! the little horn ! the Pope and all his followers! They are the fruit of Daniel's vision ; the host against the daily sacrifice, and they are the poison of the world. In our writings on the New Testament all this is made plain. The host that was given the little horn are the believers in the Eoman Catholic Church, and they practice and they prosper. They practice and prosper in that which degrades man and enslaves the human race. The souls that are bound down by the chain of Catholicism are lying prostrate in the darkest of dungeons. Again, Daniel in his vision says that he heard one saint speaking unto another saint saying : "How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trod- den under foot V We remark that the treading down of the truth, that the treading down of Christ and His holy word, will cease to be so when Christ makes His second appearance. At that time the fullness of the Gentiles will have come in. All this wordty iniquity will cease to be when the day dies away. Christ says CREATION AND FORMATION. 207. that the end will come when this gospel shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations. (See Matthew xxiv, 14). Christ is here speaking of the true gospel of the holy word — the gospel of truth — the gospel which rightly divides the word of God and brings comfort and peace and joy to the starved and restless souls. Behold them out upon the barren waves of ocean and sea, drifting here and there and moaning their lost and sad condition ! Following the world's great false teacher, and teachers, which, traced back to Daniel's vision, starts as a little horn, and today is deceiving millions of souls. As God says, "through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not." (See 2 Peter ii, 3.) How true this scripture is. Millions and millions of souls there are in the world that are carried about and transported here and there in cars of orthodoxy and Catholicism by the little horn that speaks great swelling words and flys through the world with its mouth full of lies, and dropping its pernicious seed in the soul of man. Some day God will come and He will make an end of all this. That so-called "holy church" can- not always stand. G-od himself will tear it down. * "When ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not," — Mark xiii, 14. Then know ye that it is nigh, even at the door. In Colossians, second chapter and eighth verse, Paul says : "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." In this saying of Paul there is a great truth. Behold the countless hosts in the hands of the spoiler, or in the hands of the little horn — the "god of earth" the Pope of Eome. He has lifted himself up, but God will cast him down. Dear reader consider this matter ; think over it. We have merely mentioned the few points in scripture so as to give a clear understanding of Daniel's vision concerning the little horn. All this also is made plain in our writings on the Xew 208. CREATION AND FORMATION. Testament. The ram which Daniel saw in his vision was the Jew from Adam until the revolting of the ten tribes against the two. The two horns are the kings of Media and Persia, representing the great division of the Jews, Israel and Judah, and Judah represents the last horn that came up, and it was the highest in obedience and holiness. For a while those two fac- tions of the Jews seemed to be strong and powerful. (See Dan- iel viii, 4). This was when they were near to God and walking in the strength of His power. "And as I was considering, (that is their power in the strength of God), behold, a he goat came from the west on the face of the whole earth, (because God had given the Gentile dominion over the whole earth). * and the goat had a nota- ble horn between his eyes. And he came to the ram that had two horns, * and ran into him in the fury of his power, * and smote the ram, * and stamped upon him." * — Daniel viii, 5-7. "Therefore the he goat waxed very great : and when he was strong, the great horn was broken ; and for it came up four notable ones toward the four winds of heaven. And out of one of them came forth a little horn, and it waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground, and stamped upon them. Yea he magnified himself even to the prince of the host/' * — Daniel viii, 8-11. This coincides with the king's dream, and also Daniel's vision of the four beasts. The goat represents the Gentiles from their creation. The noted horn was the power of satan exercised through them, destroying the Jews. This power was broken at the time of the flood, and sprang up again after the flood in the four beasts that Daniel saw, which were four kingdoms, and the little horn that cast down the truth and the host is the same beast that John the Eevelator saw — the Pope of Rome. Again in the tenth chapter the prophet sets forth another vision upon the same all-important points of bible facts on the great mission of Christ on earth for the Jew and Gentile. In the fifth verse Daniel says "a certain man clothed in linen." This man was Christ, and He came and touched Daniel and CREATION xYND FORMATION. 209. placed him upon his knees and upon the palms of his hands, and said fear not Daniel for unto thee am I now sent. Now am I come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days, for yet the vision is for many days. (See Dan- iel x, 5-14). Again in the sixteenth verse he speaks of one like the similtude of the sons of men, touched his lips and opened Dan- iel's month. This representation is of Christ to the Gentiles (the sons of men), opening up the way of praise and door of faith. And in the eighteenth verse the appearance is again dif- ferent. It is the appearance of a man this time in the power of Elija (John the Baptist), and he strengthened me. I^ow then, in the sixteenth verse the phrase is: "One like the similtude of the sons of men touched my lips." This man, we remark, was the power of God manifested in the form of a Gentile man representing Christ and the fulfillment of'His mis- sion on earth. In the fourteenth verse he says to Daniel : (that is, the man he saw clothed in linen says) : * "I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days: for yet the vision is for many days.' 7 iSTow we learn by this, (especially when we take into con- sideration the true meaning of the latter clause of the sixteenth verse which reads : "And I have retained no strength,") that it all represents the falling away of the Jews at the first coming of Christ, all of which have been fulfilled. "He came unto his own, but his own received him not, etc." And even unto this very day the Jews are walking in darkness. In Daniel's vision Christ came in the form of a Gentile man. Hence, the meaning of this part of his vision is that when Christ makes His first ap- pearance in the world the Gentiles are to be greatly benefited by Him. They are to receive eternal life. In the eighteenth verse, the prophet, whilst in a vision, says : tk Then there came again and touched me one like the appear- ance of a man, and he strengthened me." This man, we remark, is the forerunner of Christ and he strengthens. To confirm this truth we need but quote the two last verses of this same tenth chapter: "Then said he, knowest 210. CREATION AND FORMATION. thou wherefore I come unto thee? and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia: and when I am gone forth, lo, the prince of Grecia shall come. But I will shew thee that which is noted in the Scripture of truth : and there is none that hold- eth with me in these things, but Michael your prince/' This is true, for John himself said that he was not Christ, but Christ should come after him. Hence comes the fulfillment of Daniel's vision. This tenth chapter teaches us a wonderful lesson if we only look at it rightly. And all through the book of Daniel Ave find many important facts. But we have not the time to dwell upon them in detail just now. What we have set forth and explained in as few words as possible, is all set forth and made plainer in the New Testament. Those visions of Daniel are net to be understood in a literal sense. They all have a spiritual mean- ing concerning Gentiles, the Jews, Christ and His mission in the world. Daniel's visions are in harmony with the sayings and writings of the prophets that were before him. God was with Daniel and gave him great power and wisdom. We will now pass on to the book Hosea. Here we have before us another prophet — a minor prophet — one not quite so great as were the prophets before him. We will begin with this prophet in the first chapter and the second verse, which reads: "The beginning of the word of the Lord by Hosea. And the Lord said to Hosea, Go, take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms: for the land hath com- mitted great whoredom, departing from the Lord." Let the reader always bear in mind that a prophecy is only figurative of something to pass. Now this is the first time that God ever commanded a Jew to take a Gentile woman for a wife. This is figurative of the ingrafting of the Gentile, for God had a good object in view, or else He never would have given this command. And so Hosea, in accordance with God's command goes and takes Gomer, the daughter of Diblaim, and she conceived and bare him a son. And the Lord said unto Hosea : "Call his name Jezreel ; for yet a little while, and I will avenge the blood of Jezreel upon the house of Jehu, and CREATION AND FORMATION. 211. will cause to cease the kingdom of the house of* Israel." — Hosea i,4. Now this portion of scripture is all very plain, hut some may be lead to inquire: "How is it that it is so plain. You have previously stated that the mingling of the Jews with the Gentiles was the great abominable sin?" Well, let us closely examine this structure and see if it be sound or not. In the first place remember that Hosea was a chosen vessel of God, and he was called to stand before the world an example for his people. JSTot that they were to follow his example in "the taking of a Gentile woman for his wife," nor to mingle with them, but that through his marrying a Gen- tile woman they should be made more clearly to see the great sin. The blood of Jezreel was poured upon the house of Jehu. Jehu means Israel. Every man's sin falls upon himself, and this God has shown to His people by allowing Hosea to marry a Gentile woman. You will recollect that Solomon, the wise man, gave himself over to Gentile life for a season in order to find out their end. So in this case God permitted Hosea to take for his wife a Gentile woman in order to show his people the result of mingling. Again all this was done to show that at the first coming of Christ the Gentiles and the Jews would be permitted to mingle, but all this could come to pass only through His death. This one marriage, as you can plainly see, has a double meaning. On the one hand it shows up the evils — the great sin, or the abominable thing — and on the other hand it shows the grant of eternal life to the Gentiles, and also at the time appointed by the Lord the mingling together of the two nations will cease to be a sin. After the death of Nebuchadnezzar, the Gentile tyrant, who took Jerusalem by force and carried the Jews away cap- tives, he was succeeded by his son Belteshazzar, and after him there arose up another king to rule over the captive Jews. Whilst under his reign, and only a few years after his ascension to the throne, the captive Jews were condemned to death because of the breaking of the king's laws, which was considered by him to be a great crime. That great crime was: they had laws of their own to obey, and it was perfectly right that they should 212. CREATION AND FORMATION. obey them, for they were from God. Now this king's name was Ahasuerus, and he reigned over one hundred and twenty- seven provinces. And Haman, one of the king's lieutenants, or governors, came to him (the king) and told him that the cap- tive Jews that were scattered abroad through all the provinces of his kingdom had laws of their own which were diverse from his laws. "Therefore" he says, "it is not for the king's profit to suffer them." (See Esther iii, 8). "If it please the king, let it be written that they may be destroyed : and I will pay ten thousand talents of silver to the hands of those that have the charge of the business, to bring it into the king's treasuries." — Esther iii, 9. This the king was willing to do, for the twelfth verse of this same third chapter of Esther says : "Then were the king's scribes called on the thirteenth day of the first month, and there was written according to all that Haman had commanded unto the king's lieutenants, and to the governors that were over every province, and to the rulers of every people of every province according to the writing thereof, and to every people after their language; in the name of the king Ahasuerus was it written, and sealed with the king's ring." "And the letters are sent by post into all the king's provinces, to destroy, to kill, and to cause to perish, all Jews, both young and old, little children and woman, in one day, * and to take the spoil of them for a prey." — Esther ni, 13. Thus the news spread throughout the country to make ready at the appointed time for the great slaughter. So when the news were spread around among all people warning them of the following calamity, the Jews fell into heav}- mourning, and Mordecai rent his clothes and put on sackcloth with a.3hes and went out into the midst of the city, and cried with a loud and bitter cry. He had read the death sentence, and this written decree was shown unto Esther and she was requested by Mor- decai to go in unto the king and make supplication unto him that he should save her people. Then Esther sent Mordecai the following answer: "All the king's servants, and the people of the king's prov- inces, do know, that whosoever, whether man or woman, shall CREATION AND FORMATION. 218. come unto the king into the inner court, who is not called, there is one law of his to put him to death, except such to whom the king shall hold out the golden sceptre, that he may live : but I have not been called to come in unto the king these thirty days." — Esther iv, 11. These words of Esther were told to Mordecai. Then Mor- decai answered Esther saying: * "Think not with thyself that thou shall escape in the king's house, more than all the Jews. For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another j but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed : and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this ?" — Esther iv, 13-14. Then Esther bade them return Mordecai this answer : "Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shusan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day : I also and my maidens will fast likewise ; and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law : and if I perish, I perish." — Esther iv, 16. So Esther goes, and she finds favour in the king's sight. The king holds out the golden sceptre to her and promises her whatsoever she may ask, even to the half of his kingdom shall be given her if she but ask for it. But this is not what she is after. She wants to save her people, and this she has alrealy done. She has found favor in the king's sight and besides all this she became queen. It was through her that the Jews were saved. When the Jews were under the sentence of death this brave and tender woman comes to the front and says: "I will go, and if I perish, I perish." She male a sacrifice of her- self in order to save her people. She became the wife cf a Gen- tile king. God suffered it to be so, for there was no other way whereby the Jews could be saved. Esther became the living sacrifice. Like the prophet Hosea marrjing a Gentile woman, and she a Gentile man, all for a good cause. God never fails to reward His children. A righteous sacrifice is the permit of God. Although we have previously said that the mingled peo- ple belonged not so much to God as they did to the Gentiles, 214. CREATION AND FORMATION. but whenever God permits a Jew to go among the Gentiles it is all for a good purpose. He is able to make the unclean clean, as in the case of Melchizedek, that ancient Gentile king, whom God choose for a good purpose and purified him a fit temple for the indwelling of the "holy ghost." God had a place fit for him, and He gave him power and strength to perform that par- ticular work allotted to him. So in the caee of Gomer, Hosea's wife. She being a Gentile woman became a fit help-mate through the power of God, for a Jewish companion, representing the marriage supper of the Lamb. But the blood of Jezreel shall come upon the hou«e of Israel. And Gomer conceived again and bare a daughter, and God said : * "Call her name Lo-ruhamah : for I will no more lave mercy upon the house of Israel; but I will utterly take them away." — Hosea i, 6. Then she conceived again and bear a son, and God said: ..* u Call his name Lo-ammi: for ye are not my people, and I will not be your God;" — Hosea i, 9. And the tentl verse reads : "Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measure 1 nor numSere \- } and it shall come to pass, that in the place (ninth verse) where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, then it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God." Now then, if we look at this scripture rightly we will at once see that it teaches a wonderful lesson, which lesson is the result oi>Gomer becoming the wife Hosea, the Jew. First, we remark that this lesson teaches us to look ahead. We must look to the, time that was prophesied by the prophets when Christshould Come and bring deliverance to the world; to redeem the sinning Jew, and to give eternal life to ti e Gentiles. In the ninth verse of the first chapter the phrase is : "Ye are not my people." This is just what we have been r.rguing so much. The mingled people were not God's people. Now then let us repeat the next phrase: "Where it was said unto them. Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God." — Hosea i, 10. CREATION AND FORMATION. 215. God tell us here through the prophet that the mingled peo- ple were not His people. While they had sufficient of the Jew- ish blood in them to make them a people, yet they could not be God's people, and only could be made the sons of God through Christ's mission on earth, for as we have been teaching all the time by scripture, this mingling of Jews and Gentiles was the great abominable thing. As Hosea so plainly teaches us in his prophecy, they were children of whoredoms, or in other words, bastards, which deprived them of the rightful heirship, and it was only through the shed blood of Christ that they could be called the sons of God; bought and purchased through His death by giving eternal life to the Gentile, the people that were not a people, and became the purchased possession of Christ Jesus our Lord, "by the breaking of the law of Israel in the valley of Jezreel," (See Hosea i, 5.), "for great shall be the day of Jez- reel." (See Hosea i, 2.) In confirming those truths we shall quote the twenty-third verse of the second chapter: "And I will sow her unto me in the earth ; and I will have mercy upon her that had not obtained mercy; and I will say to them which were not my people, Thou art my people ; and they shall say, Thou art my God." The ones that had not obtained mercy were the Gentiles, for they were the people that were not a people. The latter were the mingled, for he sa3^s, they were not His people. This, we think, is plain enough for anyone to understand. This is the mingled people, "Hosea and Gomer." Again in the third chapter the Lord commands Hosea to go and love another woman; a woman beloved of her friend: an adultress woman. This woman of course was a Gentile woman. So Hosea goes as the Lord commands, and he buys her for fifteen pieces of silver, a homer of barley, and a half homer of barley. ~Now the Lord does all this to show what shall come to pass when Christ comes. Hosea bought her for so many pieces of silver. So Christ was sold, and the sinner and the Gentile was bought with so many pieces of silver, together with the body and the blood of Jesus. They were bought with a price. And Hosea said unto her : * "Thou shalt abide for me manv days ; thou shalt not 216. CREATION AND FORMATION. pla}^ the harlot, thou shall not be for another man : so will I also be for thee Iiosea iii, 3. "Thou shalt abide for me many days" is a prophesy, and it takes in the number of days, or the time that shall expire between Christ's first coming and His second, and this time is the time in which the sinning Jews and the Gentiles are to serve Christ, or, at least they may serve Him if they will. The way is before them, and Christ invites them to come. Oh how joyfully the Gentiles did receive Christ some eigh- teen hundred years ago ! That day was the starting place with them, and it was prophesied by Hoseathat Christ should cleanse the Gentile and the portion of the mingled people that were unclean by being part Jew and part Gentile, who were to be His people after the cleansing, for he says: "Thou shalt abide for me many days," from whence this ; a:ne prophesy steps in and begins its work of fulfillment as Peter shows us in the tenth verse of the eleventh chapter of Acts, that it was at Christ's death it commenced. Ah, dear* reader, this time is fast becoming fulfilled, that all things written must come to pass, as He says there must be a falling away, and the world is on a downward course. To-day the Gentile world is wandering away; the great beast is king, and he is worshipped more than Christ. That falling away which Jesus spoke of has almost reached its height, and when it shall have been fulfilled, then will the children of Israel that were so long without a king, or a prince, or a sacrifice, or an image, enjoy Christ at His second coming. The last verse of the third chapter of Hosea confirms this truth, for it gays: "Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the Lord their God, and David their king; and shall fear the Lord and his goodness in the latter days." Oh, how plain the scripture is concerning the Gentile, the Jew, and Christ'. In fact those three characters are the sole foundation of the bible. And again, how plain it is to see the great difference between the Gentile and Jew. The tenth verse of the sixth chapter of Hosea sets forth this great difference. It says: "I have seen a horrible thing in the house of Israel: there CREATION AND FORMATION. 21' is the whoredom of Ephriam, Israel is defiled." This has direct reference to the sin of mingling, and at the same time the dif- ference between the two nations is set forth. If not, whence then comes the sin of mingling? The seventh chapter, in speaking of sinning, says : "When I would have healed Israel, then the inquity of Ephraim was discovered, and the wickedness of Samaria : for they commit falsehood; and the thief cometh in, and the troop of robbers spoileth without. And they consider not in their hearts that I remember ail their wickedness : now their own doings have beset them about; they are before my face. They make the king glad with their wickedness, and the prince with their lies." — Hosea vii, 1-3. And in the eighth verse the Lord says : "Ephriam, he hath mixed himself among the people; Ephriam is a cake not turned.'' Nothing could be more plain than this scripture is to show the mingling of the two nations. In fact this whole chapter is devoted to the interest of the G-entileand the Jew in that it shows up both moral and spiritual corruption creeping upon God's people because of transgression. "The way of the transgres- sor is hard." In the thirteenth and fourteenth verses of the tenth chapter of Hosea we have these words: "Ye have ploughed wickedness, ye have reaped iniquity ; ye have eaten the fruit of lies : because thou didst trust in thy way, in the multitude of thy mighty men. Therefore shall a tumult arise among th}^ people, and all thy fortresses shall be spoiled, as Shalman spoiled Beth-arbel in the day of battle: the mother was dashed in pieces upon her children." Now then, in those two verses there is one important point to notice, and that is, "ye have eaten the fruit of lies," which carries us back to Eden, for it was there the foreparents of the Jews ate Gentile lies. They trusted in the mighty man, and there the mother was dashed in pieces upon her children. From them death took its flight and the earth has been filled with lamentations and woe ever since. The clouds of sin have over- shadowed the human race for thousands of years ; the great tire 218. CREATION AND FORMATION. is burning brighter; sorrows creep upon the soul and it cries out in tones of pity and distress and God hears and says: "O Israel, return unto the Lord thy God; for thou hast fal- len by thine iniquity/' — Hosea xiv, 1. How true! They fell by their iniquity. When the tempter came to Eve andpursuadedher to take of the forbidden fruit she not only fell by the wickedness of this Gentile man, but she fell by her own iniquity. The prophet Joel in his prophesies describes the miserable fall in Eden as follows: "He hath laid my vine waste, and barked my fig tree: he hath made it clean bare, and cast it away; the branches thereof are made white. * The field is wasted, the land mourneth ; for the corn is wasted : the new wine is dried up, the oil languisheth. Be ye ashamed, O ye husbandmen ; howl, O ye vinedressers, for the wheat and for the barley; because the harvest of the field is perished. The vine is dried up, and the fig tree languisheth; the pomegranate tree, the palm tree also, and the apple tree, even all the trees of the field, are withered : because joy is withered away from the sons of men." — Joel i, 7, 10, 11, 12. Not only did this joy wither away from the sons of men, but it also withered away from the sons of God. The sons of men were perfect until iniquity was found in them, and also Adam and Eve would have remained in innocency and in purity had they never eaten the forbidden fruit. On account of the sons of God taking the daughters of the sons of men the deluge came and swept them all away. God had forewarned them of the coming calamity but they heeded not, and He said : "My spirit shall not always strive with men." "His days are but one hun- dred and twenty years." And God commanded Noah to build an ark. Now then allow us to say a few words right here concern- ing the building of this ark. God says his days are but one hundred and twenty years, and thousands of great bible com- mentators there are who will tell you that Noah was a hundred and twenty years building this ark, and millions of the poor believe this story. No one has a right to say that it took Noah one hundred and twenty years to build this ark. The bible does not say how long it took him to build it. It took a hundred CREATION AND FORMATION. 219. and twenty years, did it? That is unreasonable* It is not hon- est for anyone to tell such a story. In, a hundred and twenty years Noah could have built an ark two hundred miles long. In a hundred and twenty years three carpenters could build one hundred and twenty ocean steam ships. As to the exact length of time it took Noah to build this ark no one knows. Someone has said that the carpenters who built Noah's ark did not go in. How does anyone know that ? How does anyone know that Noah did not enter into the ark? The bible says that Noah and his family and his sons' families went in and were saved, and it was Noah that was to build the ark. Thousands of people gather false ideas of the bible in just this way. They make the word of God of no effiect. Now then, dear reader, as we are drawing near the end of our labor for the present in these Old Testament scriptures, we desire to call your attention to one point which we have not heretofore said much about, and that is the difference between Christ's first and second coming. In what we have previously said concerning the Gentile and the Jew, it may be that we have used teims in describing the difference between them which would of themselves express the difference between His first and His second coming. But in order that the reader may clearly comprehend the truth of the fact we shall give some scriptures. Hence we find Him saying: *■ "I, even I,' will tear and go away; I will take away, and none shall rescue him. I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge their offense, ami seek my face: in their affliction they will seek me early." — Hosea v, 14-15. In this scripture Christ is set forth as coming here once and then returning to His place. The tearing of His people is figurative of Him blinding the eyes of them by para- bles — just what He did when he was here. Again He says : "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all fiesh ; and 3-0 ur sons and your daughters shall pro] her.y, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions : and also upon the servants, and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my Spirit." — Joel ii, 28-29. 220. CREATION AND FORMATION. Peter on the day of Pentecost speaks of this prophecy and tells us that upon that day it had its beginning, and its ending shall be with the end of time. Wherefore Peter says: "Ye men of Judea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you * these are not drunken as you suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;*' — Acts ii, 14-16. Then Peter goes on to teach us concerning the rest of the things that were to happen before Christ makes His second advent on earth. And to still continue the reader's mind in this chain of thought until all the dark clouds of superstition are wiped away, we invite them to read the first and second verses of the third chapter of Joel: "For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of .Jud ah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land/' This scripture plainly sets forth the second coming of Christ. And passing on to Jonah, we again find that God through him, confers figuratively to our mind the first coming of Christ, His mission, death and resurrection. Many will tell you that this was a literal transaction, but we say to you that this is a proph- ecy of Christ's mission on earth. Hence He says, "as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's belly, so must the son of man be in the bowels of the earth." We have made these remarks upon the word of the Lord that was given the prophet Jonah, to let the reader know that this was a prophecy just the same as the wheel in a wheel, or the four great beasts of Daniel, or the revelation of the greatwhore that John saw while on the Isle of Patmos. So trusting that you will no longer think that the whale did really SAvallow Jonah; that you may no longer be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine by the cunningness of men, we will now turn to the book of Micah, leaving out the two books, Amos and Obadiah, simply because the testimonies contained in- them are about the same as those of Micah. Anyone that is acquainted with the scriptures at all will be able to conceive the harmonizing link between the book CREATION AND FORMATION. 221. of Joel and the book of Micah. They all agree. Our first point in the book of Micah is found in the fourth chapter and the first verse : u But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the to}} of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it. And many nations shall come, and say, come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in His paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the Avord of the Lord from Jeru- salem. And he shall judge among the many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off ; and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." — Micah iv, 1-3. Now this has reference to the escond coming of Christ but some will say it has reference to His first coming and crucifix- ion. This is a wrong idea, for if it is true then the facts expressed in the third verse are wrong; for it says that nation shall not lift up the sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. Since Christ's crucifixion millions have been slain in battle, and even to-day standing armies are ready with sword, spear and pistol, and shot and shell, for war. They are already fixed to kill. So you see this is another wrong idea some people have of* God's holy word. They make it to no effect. In the day of which we are speaking every man shall sit under his own vine, and under his own fig tree, and none shall make them afraid, for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hath spoken it. "For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for- ever and ever." — Micah iv, 5. Again "In that day, saith the Lord, will I assemble herthat halteth, and I will gather her that is driven out, and her that I have afflicted :" — Micah iv, 6. But before this time shall have come, great wars and rumors of wars will have taken place. When Christ's disciples asked Him of His second coming, and what would be the sign, He answered them saying : "Take heed that no man deceive you, for many shall come in my name, say- 222. CREATION AND FORMATION. ing, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars : see that ye be not troubled : for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the son of man be. Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heaven shall be shaken. And then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." (See Matthew xxiv.) Xow if Christ is our teacher, or guide, why not accept His doctrine? The above words of Christ were not His own, but the Father's that sent Him. Christ certainly knew all these things before hand, for He received them from God the Father, and He cannot lie, neither is there any deceit found in Him. All these things which Christ spoke about, the wars, and fam- ines, and pestilences were to take place between His first and second coming, most all of which have been fulfilled, and are being every day. Behold the wars of a few years ago ! The million of broken hearts of wives and families over the thoughts that their brave heroes, their kind husbands and loving broth- ers would never more be seen. Christ said "all these are the beginning of sorrows, but the end is not yet." God only knows when that great day shall come, but when it does come, then Avi II Israel be gathered together, and Christ the blessed Lord will be their king. In that day — the day of Christ's second coming — all nations will lay down their arms; their warfare will cease; their swords and spears will be useless; there will be nothing to war for. Nation shall no more rise up against nation. The world in that day will be a universal change. Every soul will think no more of battling, nor dream of hardships, nor imagine himself upon the field amid the scenes of life spilling blood, and anguish, and strife, and woe, but ho will seek a change, if he seek at all, in Christ. And in Christ he will find his best friend — a friend in the time of need. CREATION AND .FORMATION. '22':>. Dear reader, the remaining few books of the Old Testament we shall pass over for the present without making any comments upon them. The reason why we do this is, first, because our work in tjie Xew Testament caps the Old Testament scriptures and all our work in them; second, because the testimonies con- tained in the last six books of the Old Testament are in perfect harmony with every other part of the Old Bible. They agree; they bear evidence to the same effect. Their is nothing lacking. The Gentile and Jew are there, and Christ is there, and upon these three characters the bible treats from beginning to end. In these Old Testament scriptures we have labored, not for the benefit of satan, but for the benefit of those who are truth seek- ers. Such a motive as this, from an earnest heart adds praise to the name of God. We have prayed to God, and in private we have sought Him for light. We have asked of Him that giveth to all men liberally, and He has granted. Praise His holy name! We are praying now that those who read this work may see the truth of God's holy word. We pray, we trust, that he who reads may understand. Don't undertake to mix God's word with man's word. This is the cause of thousands and mil- lions becoming unbelievers. They try to harmonize science and the bible. They fail. God never intended such a work to be, and it never can be. The bible is science, but it is all bible science. That science which treats of the earth is of the earth and it is earthly. That science which treats of beasts, birds, reptiles and fishes is the science of beasts, birds, reptiles and fishes, and it has nothing to do with the word of God. Both science and the bible are complete within themselves. Truth is truth, and a lie is a lie. Again, a great many people complain about the mysteries of the bible. Why God bless you, dear reader, don't you know that God says "unto you it is given to know the mysteries ?" If it had been the intention of God to set before the world a book for our guide, and one that we could not understand, He could not, under such circumstances, lawfully hold us responsible for our short comings and imperfections. But as it is we are held responsible for our wrongs, so it follows that we are inexcusa- ble. Why? Simply because God says "unto you it is given to 224. CREATION AND FORMATION. know the mysteries of the kingdom of God." Hence study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that need not be ashamed, then a fool need not err therein. God gave us the bible for a guide; it is a lamp, and its light shines upon,our path- way. If we follow its precepts we shall not go astray. He who goes astray does not go astray by following the bible. It is by following man, the deluded dupes of the devil, that man is led astray. Dear reader, think upon these things. Study to show thy- self appproved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Go back to the first chapter of Genesis and there seek out those bright bible gems. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void ; and dark- ness was upon the face of the deep." And God created the gigantic beasts, the maetodons, and the monsters that traverse the mighty deep. He caused the earth, the sea, and the air to swarm with life; and at last He created man in His own like- ness, and gave him dominion over all the earth. What a great gem! u He created man in his own image or likeness." This man was the wise lord of creation. Next, God formed man, and his dominion was very limited. His was the care of the garden, to keep it and dress it. But by the violation of God's laws and statutes he fell from his pure state and sunk far below the nobilit}^ of his manhood. And thus God's work of creation and formation became void and destitute of their former power and glory. God seeing His work had become corrupt, and that a living sacrifice was necessarily required in order to restore, as far as possible, human life back to its pure, celestial glory, gave there and tjhen His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but should have life everlasting. In Eden the Messiah was promised to Adam ; and to the Gentile, as an alien, eternal life was promised. And in Christ's death, which took place some three or four thousand years after the promise, both the Gentile and fallen Jew were benefitted by the long-looked-for sacrifice. Through His death restoration on the part of the fallen Jew and the grant of eternal life to the CREATION AND FORMATION. 22o. Gentile were made strong by pain and agony upon the cross. The work that was given Christ to do, Avas, by Himself, and by Himself alone, accomplished ; the balance of which was left for man to perform. Christ could not do it all. He did all He could do, and that which was beyond His power to accom- plish was left for man to work out, and that task is now a very easy one. He says "drink, and ye shall live." How easy it is to drink. He says "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Here we are, traveling through this world, wearily laden with the affairs of this life and sinking down, one by one, under the terrible load, when the blessed word of God tells us to cast our burden down. If you was on a long journey carrying with you a shoulder load, a hundred pounds or more, you could easily throw that worth- less burden down, and you would throw it down the first time you got a chance. So likewise may we throw down our burdens of sin. But a great many of us had rather carry this load, and a great many of us do carry it all through life. Christ says "Throw it down" "come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." So with this promise let us come; come to Him, who is able to save to the utttermost. We pray for you. We trust that our labor has not been in vain. We have labored, not for our own benefit, but for the benefit of the world. The bible is no mystery, as some suppose, and this we have endeavored to make plain. The bible does not say that there are any mysteries in it that we are not to understand. God says, "unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God." So with this comforting thought let us go into the field and reap the harvest. Christ quoted these Old Testament scriptures, and, beyond all doubt, He had a thorough understanding of their meaning and worth. In His day He found a vein of precious ore. So, in our day, this same vein of precious ore is visible. God, the Father, and Jesus Christ our Lord, be praised ever- more. The true light of His holy word is ever growing brigh- ter. The mists are falling. Praise him, Oh ye sons of earth. The Lord be with you all. 22(). CREATION AND FORMATION "Who hath wrought and done it, calling' the generations from the beginning? T the Lord, * I am he." — Isaiah xli, 4. For every house is built by some man, but he who built all things. is God, that He might be all, and in all, to bring us into faith unfeigned, through Christ, for He is our peace. That He might reconcile us unto God, having sealed us with that holy spirit of promise, which has carried us across the dark chasm of old Gentilism and transplanted us into the kingdom of His dear Son, that we may bask out upon the waves of eternal light, drinking of the crystal stream flowing from the fountain head of life, where the evergreen foliage glitters over the white cap- ped peaks of never ending day. Surely it has been b}" such mountainous beacons as this. We have seen the dark mist of superstition obliterated, and instead the oceanic influence of divine light shed over the listener's mind, as though a thousand suns had risen over the rocky ways of the great lemma of the legate or image, and places upon the complot of corn- plotters this fraudulent inscription and crowns the honest heart with triumph. Such has been our object in the Old Testament scriptures and such will be our labor in the New. So leaving the Old World for the present, we pass to the new dispensation of Christ, begging the reader to follow on. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o CREATION .wn FORMATION; -ON THE 0-E3STTILE .i^IbTID THE J"2ET&r. AS SET FORTH AND RIGHTLY DIVIDED IN THE :}3^p:w jj||^tam£nt ^cfVDhifm^:- JUST AS WE LABORED IN THE GLB TESTAMENT SO WILL WE LABOR IN TKE NEW. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Text: — "Search the Scriptures:' — St. John v, 39; Mark iv, 11; 2 Timothy ii, 15. Life, at the stage of youth and innocency, is but simple. The mornings are calm, fresh and bracing; and not until the mid summer sun of life has risen upon the head of youth does the true character appear. So with the subject of our work. Even in its morning of youth, when it appeared in sweet inno- cency, it was fresh and bracing. But not until the summer sun has lifted the mists and driven from the broad fields the darkness, will the real borders appear. And then, to let our minds wander up the beautiful narrow path, along which d welleth the crystaline flowers, heavily laden with the sweet scent of never ending joy, the perfume of a Savior's love amid the rich plumes ofamyrtled landscape makes a picture which clings to one with delightful intensity throughout life's natural term. And well it might cre- ate numberless joys, when we reflect upon the past, and look back over the deep chasm just crossed, from whence we see an entire world overhung with darkness and wrapped up in the multiplied forms of whoredoms of the well favored harlots of witchcraft and lordism, the great oppressing powers that tri- umphantly trample down and tread upon the world's dearest hope, and causeth the nations to wander after strange gods the gods of men— which perish and sink down into an infi- nite vacuum-like grave, where the innumerable dead dwell, and where each and everyone were once worshippers of worldly idols sleep and slumber with the many classes of imposters, the quack teachers, the lying priests and the unthoughtful theologians for- ever in an untimely tomb. Again, when we look back and see some poor soul strug- gling on toward the true light of Grod's holy word, we rejoice over the thought that he is no more wrapped up in the mighty powers 2.')2. CREATION AND FORMATION. of this world, but is stepping forth from prison slavery — the church's gross darkness — into the realm of eternal light. He no more stands or lives in that intermediate land of which we read about in the prophecy of Zechariah saying: "And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear nor dark, • but it shall come to pass that at evening- time it shall be light." — Zechariah, xiv, 6-7. Again, whilst looking upon the dark pictures of life, which resemble the false teachings of former days, and the monstrous declarations of to-day, we can only exclaim that it is neither dark nor clear. Bat in answer to the above prophecy, the light will come by and by. Technically reasoning, we are now ready, even now, to affirm that the glory of God is risen above the earth, and the excellency of His majesty is seen circling around over the heads of the sons of earth, whilst they, as dwellers under the great blue arch of hope, arc pursuing the way of holi- ness — the true gospel of the world — the real light of God's holy word, which must be preached in all the world before the end shall be. Hence, our main object and work in the New Testa- ment is to rightly divide the word of truth, and when so done it will coincide with the Old Testament. Here we have a chain of facts whose links can be welded together only by the magnet of the Old Bible. And when God so welds two great forces together separation is then an impos- sibility. And now, our first point to be established in the New Testament, and one in accordance with the subject of our work, is the mysteries of which Christ spoke saying unto His disciples: "Unto you it is given to know the m} T steries of the kingdom of God." In this saying is included the entire subject of our work; and one which embraces both Gentile and Jew, as we have dealt wifh them in the Old Testament, so will we deal with them alike in the New. In making a distinction between the two nations, that is to separate the Jew from the Gentile, and the Gentile from the Jew, according to the directions of the Bible, is to know the mystery. Christ opened His mouth and taught them by parables. Those same parables were beyond the comprehension of a certain class of people and they should not be known to them. CREATION AND FORMATION. From this one fact we are ready to come to the conclusion that there truly was a certain class of people who could see and could not perceive nor understand. This is all so plainly set forth in the eleventh and twelfth verses of the fourth chapter- of the book of Mark. The question will now arise, Who were those that were without ? The so-called great Bible com raentators answer this question by saying: "Those without are the ones that are without the circle of Christ's disciples. They were those" they say, "who remained in ignorance through the hardness of their hearts. They truly were without/' Of course they were without ; they were without the ben- efit of God's love. That is a good explanation, as far as it goes, but it is not all. It does not go very far. It is an indisputa- ble fact that outside the circle of Christ's disciples, those who were so blinded by parables that they could not perceive nor understand, were the ones who Christ parabolically made blind when He came into the world. All this was prophesied by the prophets many years before Christ came. Christ blinded them, and those are they who are outside. But then there is another class of people spoken of in the Bible that were outside of this divine circle that were not alike blinded. Who then, you may ask, were those who were so badly blinded — the ones who could not perceive nor under stand ? Well, in spite of what these so-called great Bible commenta- tors say, we, from a bibical standpoint answer : "It was the Jews, notthe sinning Jews, but that brotherhood of Jews who are serving God to-day — if they are serving Him at all — under the Mosaical law, and from the sinning Jews they are exempt. They are the ones who are parabolically blind. The Gentiles and the sinning Jews are they who are to know and understand. Christ said that He came not to call the righeous, but sinners to repentance. The great mystery that was, and even unto this day is, was the bringing in of the Gentiles, and the blindness in the part that should happen to the Jews. In the eleventh chapter of Romans and the twenty-fifth verse, we have these words : For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of 234. CREATION AND FORMATION. this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits, that blindness in part is happened to Israel until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. Paul is here speaking to the Gentiles, for to them he was sent. This the thirteenth verse of the eleventh chapter of Romans makes plain ; He says, "For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office:" Thus you see that Christ did not blind the eyes of the Gen- tiles with parables. They were to know and un ierstand; but yet we do not say that they did know the mysteries, although Christ in speaking to the Gentiles and sinning Jews, says : "Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God." Paul was sent to preach to the Gentiles, himself being a Jew and one chosen by Christ to perform a work among the heathens to show them the true light, that seeing not they might see; and those Jews that did see were to be made blind by parables. To this class belong the wandering Jews, of to-day. Behold how blind the}' are! Not believing that the prophesies of Messiah has come, but that He is yet to be. Truly they have been in darkness, and even unto this day are blinded by parables. But the time will come when this dark cloud will forever roll away. And then will this old antique nation — the holy seed of Eden — behold their king, Jesus, the Savior of the world, forevermore. Darkness is ephemeral or transitory, it cannot always last. So with this holy, God-like people. They are blinded for a reason only. So-called ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ, in now- adays, will get up in the pulpit and run down this holy people. It has been said thousands of times that they are vagrants, a worthless people, and in fact, cast-a-ways. Ah, dear christian men, this is bitter. God says that He has not cast a way His people which He fore-knew. Then how say ye that they are cast-a-ways ? Some day God will rise up and then all this acrimoniousjangling will for time and eternity cease. The Jews to-day are the most holy race of people on earth. Through the Divine will they have been blinded for a little while, but that blindness, in a day that is little looked for, will be turned to light. CREATION AND FORMATION. 235. With these few remarks on Gentiles, Jews and mysteries, we will end for the present, and take up our work in the first chapter of Matthew. Some two thousand years ago, in the days of Herod, the king, there appeared as a sign of the coming of the promised Messiah, a star in the east, by which the wise men were directed, and came saying: "Where is he that is born king of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east and are come to worship him/' Now then, the birth of Jesus, the promised Savior of the world was in this manner: * "When as His mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came to gether, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily. But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the I^ord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy- wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shaft call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife : And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS/'— Matthew i, 18-25. Now then, here is the promise and it has come in full. "Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Saying, Where is he that is born king of the Jews ? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. When Herod the king had heard this things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. And when he had gath- ered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born. And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judea; for thus it is written by the 230. CREATION AND FORMATION. prophet/' — Matthew ii, 1-5. "And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda; for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel." — Matthew ii, 6. (See Micah v, 2.) "When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him:" * —Matthew ii, 9-1 J. And now, having come to the promise of God in full by the birth of Jesu.j the Savior and ruler of the world, we will not dwell here too long just now, but pass on up to His ministerial life which was publicly begun after His baptism. Then cometh Jesus from Gallilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. But John forbade him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness. * Then was Jesus baptized and the spirit of God descended like a dove and lighted upon him : and lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased. (See Matthew iii, 18- 17. God calls Him His beloved Son, in whom He is well pleased. Yes, God sent Him into this wicked world to bear the sin of many. His mission into this world of hurly burly had a three- fold meaning. First, to make blind with parables, the eyes of the Mosaical Jew; second, the grant of repentance unto the sin- ning Jew; and third, to give eternal life to the Gentiles, and to graft them into the good olive tree, so that they might with the Jews be partakers of the fruit of the tree of life, which is Christ, Christ did not come to change the laws of the Mosaical Jews to call them forth from their place of worship from under the Mosaical law. They were blinded by parables in such a way that when Christ was through with them they could find no other place wherein they might worship than the Mosaic temples. The cloud that has hung over them will continue to so hang until God sees CREATION AND FORMATION . it to remove it. When Christ came into the world they did not accept Him — they would not have Him for their king. In fact, He was not promised to them at His first coming, but at His second coming. This we hope is made plain; if so then we will venture on with our scriptural work. After the voice from heaven came saying: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." "Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward a hungered. And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceed- eth out of the mouth of God." — Matthew iv, 1-4. After the devil had thus tempted Jesus, and all to no effect, he took Him up into the holy city and sat Him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said unto Him: "If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down : for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee : and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone." — Mat- thew iv, 6. Here the devil failed again, and for the third time he tries to lead Christ away. He takes Him up into an exceeding high mountain and shows Him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them, and tells Him that all these are His as soon as He falls down and worships him. But he fails again, and Jesus says unto him : "Get thee hence, Satan : for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve." — Matthew iv, 10. And when satan had left the Savior angels came and minis- tered unto Him. Now in regard to the above quoted scripture, we think it necessary, in order to throw more light upon it, to refer to the scripture bearing upon the same thought. In the sixth chapter and sixteeth verse and the eighth chap- ter and third verse of Deuteronomy ; also, the ninety-first Psalm and the eleventh and twelfth verses, you will find the word of God to harmonize with the above. 288 CREATION AND FORMATION, Our Lord, in His temptation, reminds us of Eve and her temptation in the garden of Eden. She and her husband were holy and remained in purity until they jnelded to passion — gave themselves up to lust. The serpent that come to Eve, as we have stated before, was a Gentile man. He boldly stepped up to her and acknowledged that there was a God, and told her to eat and that she would be all the wiser, and that she and her husband would not die as the Lord had said, but that they would be wise like gods, knowing good and evil. And such was the case with the Gentiles. They were wise and they were the gods of earth, satan, the old devil, or the fallen spirit, being their king. Now the thought that we wish to dwell upon here, is that Christ's tempter was a Gentile man with satan in his-heart. When the tempter came to Eve, as we have just stated,, he acknowledged the existence of God and he did likewise when he- tempted Christ. He said, "If thou be the Son of God command that these stones be made bread/' Satan certainly knew that there was a God, for he was once an angel in heaven and, perhaps, he lived' and talked with God for numberless ages before the formation or even the creation of man. This we cannot accurately determine. But the Bible says that he was cast Out of heaven, and this is sufficient evi- dence to prove that he was once there, especially if the Bible be true, and no honest man has ever yet denied the divine origin. Christ's temptation, we count from a Bibical standpoint, was similar to the temptation which fell upon Adam and Eve in the garden of God. In the time of Eden's infancy the tempter came. That was the best time to deceive, and well did satan know it. And so likewise did he come to Christ. After he had fasted forty days and forty nights He became hungry and lost bodily strength, and satan seeing this came to Jesus and said, "If thou be the Son of God command that these stones be made bread." Satan knew that Christ was hungry and that if he could get Him to turn these stones into bread that he would have gained, over Him the same victory which he had over Adam and Eve. But it so hap- pened that he did not have any power over our Lord. Christ was the victor. It was after the spirit of God had been breathed CREATION AND FORMATION. 239. into Adam and Eve that the tempter came. He came in the time when he could do the most harm. When he deceived Adam and Eve he did not only deceive and injure them, but also injured God, or the gift of God, which was the living soul. He did not injure God any by entering into the heart of the Gentile, for God did not own them as His chosen people. So likewise when the tempter came to Christ he came to Him in a time when he thought he could do the most harm. When Christ was hungry and faint he tempted Him to make bread out of stones. And this he tried to make Him do after God had said, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." After Christ was baptized the spirit of God came upon Him. . If satan at this time had been victorious over Christ, he would not have only deceived and injured Him, but he would have injured God also. Adam and Eve at their first trial fell, but Christ at His first trial was more than conqueror. He boldly faced the tempter and came out victorious. Adam's fall was death. Christ's victory was life. He took upon Himself flesh in order that He might know the power satan had over the flesh, and by so doing He condemned sin in the flesh. He took not on Him the nature of angels; but took He of the nature of the seed of Abraham. (See Hebrews ii, 16). Also, in the fourteenth verse of the second chapter of Hebrews, we have these words: "Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil :" Through Adam's fall death spread throughout the whole world, but in Christ all were made alive. The tempter that came to Adam and Eve, as we have remarked so many times, was a Gentile man with the devil in his heart, and he was the wisest creature on earth. Christ's tempter was of the same likeness; of the same disposition, and having the same knowl- edge of God as that of Eden's tempter. Eden's tempter and Christ's tempter, according to scripture, are one; that is, the same spirit which predominated in the heart, and ruled and 240. CREATION AND FORMATION. controlled the passions and appetite of the Gentile man in the garden of God, lived and triumphantly ruled over the Gentile man in Christ's time. To reason that Christ's tempter was a Gentile man, is good reasoning. When the tempter sat Christ on a pinnacle of the temple, he said : < "If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down, for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee." — Matthew iv, 6. Christ said unto him : "It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God."-— Matthew iv, 7. The thought which we gather here is "Thy God," which both literally and spiritually means "the God of some one." And thus was the Supreme Being, about this time, or not very far from this time, becoming the God of the Gentiles. The christian world teaches that God is our great common Father, and this is good sound doctrine to teach, but no one has ever said that God was the devil's father. God was only Father to the Jews in times previous to Christ's advent into the world. To-day He is the Father of both Gentile and Jew, and Christ says: "Those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost but the son of perdition." Now the son of perdition was Judas, one of the twelve apostles, and he was lost. Christ says: "Have I not chosen you twelve and one of you is a devil?" The devil was lost. He betrayed Christ for thirty pieces of silver. Now you can plainly see that Christ's adversary was noth- ing more than a wicked man with the spirit of wickedness in his heart. If this be true, and we have no doubt that it is, then reason teaches us that he who tempted Jesus in the wilder- ness, was also a wicked man. All the work that satan has ever done in this world has been done through a wicked man. In every piece of evilwork man was the devil's instrument. The devil is at the head of all that is bad. Any honest person will acknowledge this. We think this is plain enough for anj^one to understand. Let the reader bear in mind the thought that Christ's tempter was a Gentile man, and from thence on he will CREATION AND FORMATION. 241. find plenty of scripture to strengthen this idea. So much for the present on this point. In the sixteenth verse of the fourth chapter of Matthew, we have these words : "The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up." The prophet Isaiah prophesied of this great light which should come into the world. And when Christ, the promised Messiah, did come, then the Gentiles saw in Him great light, for He was the light of the world, and in Him the nations found rest. The sinner was granted repentance. By Christ the Gentile was made a new creature in Him, and they received eternal life. Those people w T ho sat in the regions and shadow of death were the sinning Jews. Of course the Gentiles were also in darkness, but the darkness which they sat in did not arise from the. same source as did the Jewish darkness. The Jews sat in darkness because of transgression, but not so with the Gentiles, for they were not held accountable for the wrong they did, and in their death there was no bonds. It is not so with them to-day. They are now held accountable for every sin. Jesus showed them the way to eternal life. And He went about from place to place, teaching in their synagogues and saying, repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Now Jesus Himself was the kingdom of heaven, and He says "repent." The question may be asked, who was Jesus calling to repentance? This is very easy to answer, for there was but one class of people that had ever sinned, and this class belongs to the sinning Jew. They were the sinners and they were accountable. The Gentiles were the wicked men, and they were unaccountable. The people who sat in darkness — the Gentiles — saw great light, and to those who sat in the regions and shadow of death, light is sprung up. Those who sat in the regions and shadow of death were the sinning Jews. Christ came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance. Again the question may be asked, "Were not the Gentiles sinners?" We answer, from the time that satan first entered 242. CREATION AND FORMATION. the hearts of the Gentiles, and from thence on, ever after they were a corrupt people. Sixteen hundred years after the formation of man the wick- edness ofthis world was something terrible. "And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was cor- rupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth." — ■ Genesis vi, 12. Now this includes both Gentile and Jew. The one was a transgressor the other was not. The Jews had laws to obey, the Gentiles had none. The one was accountable the other was unaccountable. But all had corrupted not only their way, but also God's way upon the earth. The Jews in disobeying God's laws became corrupt, and God's way upon earth violated. And by this the sting of death did not stop here. The pain and sorrows which the Jews underwent in this world migrated with them to that vast world beyond. When Christ came and suffered and died for sinful man, and yet while His dead body was lying in the sculptured sepul- chre, He at the same time was preaching to the spirits in prison. The Gentile in lifting himself up above God also corruted in this God's, way upon the earth. He likewise made his own way corrupt, but he had no sins to answer for. Where his sin was born there it perished. The devil, in rebelling against the host of heaven, became a transgressor and he was cast to earth, and he took up his abode in the hearts of the Gentiles. But this does not make the Gentiles transgressors. The Jews and the devil were once the only transgressors. The Gentiles are now included. Christ has male them accountable. Their accountability was ratified after the resurrection of Jesus. All this we will make plain by and b}^. Keturning to our work again in the fourth chapter of the book of Matthew, we learn that as Christ went about teach- ing and healing He chose His disciples. And as He walked by the sea of Galilee He saw- two brethren, Simon, called Peter, and Andrew, his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishers. This was their occupation. And Jesus said unto them, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." And CREATION AND .FORMATION. 243. going on from thence He saw other brethren in a ship mending their nets, and He called them, and immediately they left the ship and followed him. And Jesus went about all Galilee teach- ing in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the king- dom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people, and casting out devils. Jesus cast devils out of men. This is another strong point to argue, from the fact that Christ's tempter in the wilderness was nothing- more than a wicked man with the devil in his heart. Christ cast out many devils, and the people seeing His wonderful works were amazed," and there followed Him great multitudes of people from Galilee, from Beeapolis, from Jerusalem, from Judea and from beyond Jordan. And seeing the multitude He went up into a mountain, and when he was set His disciples came unto Him, and He. opened His mouth and taught them, saying, Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven; Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be com- forted; Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. (See the fifth chapter of Matthew). Now the thought that we desire to impress upon the reader is that Christ, while making this public address upon the moun- tain, was not really speaking to the m-ultitude, but to His dis- ciples, upon the different characters and their blessings. The phrase reads: "When he was set his disciples came unto him, and he opened his mouth and taught them," which proves that He was directly speaking to His disciples. In parts of this sermon on the mount He spoke to His disciples concerning the multitude, or concerning all people; and at other times He spoke directly concerning His disciples, and to them. We do not .argue that the multitude did not hear this sermon, for when He was through the people.. (which signifies an assembly of people) were astonished at His doctrine. But what we wish to be distinctly understood in is that it was His disciples that He was speaking to concerning them and also the multitude. In verses 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, of this same fifth chapter, we have these words: "Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against vou falselv for 244. CREATION AND FORMATION. my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. Ye are the salt of the earth : but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is hence- forth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. * Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven." By this we learn that these apostles were chosen by Christ to teach the world. He instructed them, and told them to let their light shine before the world, that men might see their good works and glorify their Father which is in heaven. Jesus is here speaking to the Jews, aniHe saj'?, addressing His dis- ciples, let your light shine before meri (these men were the Gentiles) that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven. It is plain enough to see that He is speaking to the Jews from the fact that He says "your Father," and we have said many times that God was the Father of the Jews only. The Gentiles had not yet accepted God as their Father when Jesus preached this wonderful sermon. The Jews had, and it did not matter at this time whether they were sin- ning Jews or not. Jesus says "your Father." Again He gays: "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil."— Matthew v, 17. Is it true that Jesus is not going* to destroy the law? He says he is not. Did He not take the Mosaical law from the Jews? He said not. Well, then, did He not set aside that law; or was not that law fulfilled at the time He died on the cross? Bible commentators have said that it was, and also they say the prophecy was all fulfilled. This is surely wrong, for Christ says that He did not come to destroy the law or the prophets, but to fulfill. We add that in Christ all shall be fulfilled, and at His death the preparations were made for their fulfillment, for Christ says unto His disciples : "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." — Matthew v, 18. CREATION AND FORMATION. 245. So you will see from this that the Savior says that no por- tion of the law or prophets shall be done away with until all are fulfilled, though they are fast becoming fulfilled, yet it will all stand until it is all accomplished, and this will come to pass when Christ makes His second tour to earth in the clouds of heaven. Yet there are pulpit orators who teach us that when Jesus was on earth He did away with the old system of laws; butJ esus never did any such a thing. He plainly tells us so. He says, "Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least com- mandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven." It matters not what men may say, but what God says is that which we should take particular notice of. In order to rightly divide the holy word we have got to take the holy word for it. It never pays to follow man. This is why a great many people are sitting in darkness. They take a text from the Bible and then argue their points from the works of man. The Bible says, "If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not and it shall be given him." With these consoling words let us press forward with the word of God. So, in this sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches His disciples what to do, and how to pray and what to pray for, also how they should fast. He tells them not to lay up for them- selves treasures on earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal, but to lay up for themselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not breakthrough nor steal. There are many fine points in this, our Lord's sermon, that we would be pleased to dwell upon if we had time and space to spare. All His words spoken on the Mount were spoken to His apostles. He was to teach them, and they Avere to teach the world. He break bread and gave to His disciples and they gave to the multitude. But, the great Bible commentators say, Christ's sermon on the Mount was to mankind in general. This is true, but it is not the whole truth. The idea that we wish to impress upon 246 CREATION AND FORMATION the mind of the reader, is that He generally taught His disciples in almost every instance. They were the ones whom He had chosen to teach the world, not only while He was with them on earth, but after His ascension on high. He gave them the spir- itual bread and told them to feed His flock. The sinning Jews were fed with the bread of repentance, which was given to them, and the Gentiles were fed with the food of eternal life, which was granted to them through the death of Jesus. The sheep, which are out of the circle of Christ's disciples to-day, will be brought in and fed by and by. Dear reader, there is one thing necessary for us to guard against, and that is the doctrine of false teachers. In Christ's sermon on the Mount, which ends with the seventh chapter of Matthew, He says, speaking to His disciples, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?" 'And then He goes on to tell them that a good tree cannot bring forth cor- rupt fruit, nor either can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. (See Matthew vii, 15-20.) Oh, how true ! The world to-day is full of false prophets, and this we know by their fruits. And when Jesus had ended His sermon on the mount He came down and great multitudes followed Him. (See Matthew eighth chapter.) And there came a leper unto Him and worshipped Him, saying, "Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean." Jesus found great faith in this man, and He healed Him. And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum there came unto Him a cen- turion, beseeching Him and saying, "Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, greviously tormented." And Jesus said unto him, "I will come and heal him." But the centurion went on to tell Jesus that He was not worthy that He should come under his roof, for he was a man under authority, having sol- diers under him, and to one man he says, go, and he goeth, and to another, do this and he doeth it. So he requested Jesus to speak the word only, and his servant should be healed. And when Jesus heard what this man had to say, and seeing his great faith. He marvelled, and turned and said unto them who fol- CREATION AND FORMATION. 24 i . lowed Him : Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no^ ivotjiLXsrael. "And I say unto -you, That many shall comfe from the,, east and west, and shall :sit£4p\vn with Abraham, and Isaaef&nd Jacob, in the kingdoms! heaven."— Matthew viii, 11. 1*1 r&lWiSQ. , T ^ - ' Now, we shall merely state -here,, as we sball take up the poifit again, 4h a t -Jesus was 'speaking concerning the Gentiles- the sinning Jews. and the unsinriing Jews. The Gentiles' and the sinning Jews were to come fpom the, ; east and west, and sit down: in thejsiiig^om of heaven. The unsinning Jews, whom he sets^f#rtA as being the children *)f the : kingdom, will be cast into-outeiv darkness • a^nd there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Now all this was prophesied of by the prophet Isaiah, %aying, ";A?ld.^ (that is. the Lord) will lift up an ensign (which is Christy to the nations from far, and will hiss unto them from the ing they were blind" toward Christ, for th^.lox^^^^&M&iiii :i&g^me in great splendor arid glory. Wherefore He would sa}^ t© thein, go ye and learn what tha^ ^ea^eth..., _I.will have meroy apdj< sacrifice-, ; L ^or"I a'imjr m»tr com>e jbp„. .call the : righteous; but sinners, to .repentance. (See Matthew ,'ix, J 13). ^6 ye ^nddgarn what this meaiieth. That is, go to the Old Testament scriptures, for in them fg -reccrd- ed His testamonies, aud4hese testamonies wpulxl show them that He, through His death, would have mercy. u,pon all that would call upon His name, and the" sacrifice, He would give Him&elf, for alLtJie.. sacrifice \$$$3bGfBmj&k, ^QM^p^mld not give lifeiialf they had gone anol 1 searched in ; the Old Testament they could have: seenjthis language^ "GfO^ tell this pepple ? Hear ye indeed, but understand hot; arid gce< indeed, butperceive riot. Makethe hear|,pi this people fat, and make their ears heavy, ^nd shut -their eyes^least they see with their eyes, anct hear with their . ^a^S;, and, understand with their heart, and,, convert and be healed. "^Isaiah vi, 9-10. I This scripture has direct reference tp .thf Jews, unto whom Christ said, "Go ye, arid learn what that meaneth/' forjihey wor^t^^i^ v ™^^W^ y *$^^^i§4^4*^*^ should have their eyes blinded "by parable ' While this class of the Jews were blinded we find another" class that we,re to have their eyes opened. These , were the Gentiles. They were the "ones referred to ^tlieup^ophj^cy eiet^lbrth'Caiig/ylfees® words: _ "Thus the eyes . ??:^f £ |^^h.Un4 shall fe v opened, and the . ?ea?i s of- the deaf zsit^h^^WP^pP^-'f-^^^^ xxxv, 5 A , Also in the forty-third • ; gw chapter r .an4 elghtK verse^ w^e read, ''Bring forth the blind peo- • ? pie that |) aye eyes; arid- the deaf that have ears." ^Vhat.a diflfereiit work Christ -had perform upon these two ehai;actera7 He opens the-e.yes. and unstops the ears of the : Gentiles,,. ancf to 'the ^Mosaical Jews He does the reverse, He : FORMATION. the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child : and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death. * And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. (See Matthew x, 18, 21, 36. Christ is here telling His disciples of what shall befall them after His death. And all this was prophesied by the proph- ets, one of which we here quote: "For the son dishonoureth the father, the daughter raiseth up against her mother, the daugh- ter in law against her mother in law; a man's enemies are the men of his own house/' — Micah vii, 6. Now we remark, in the days of the apostles some part of this prophecy was fulfilled, but not all of it. "A man's enemies are the men of his own house." This they found to be true, and in this, the prophecy of Micah, it was fulfilled in their day. But then this is not all, there is yet another day to come. Christ speaks of it, and Micah the prophet prophesies of it. In substance it is : "And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off ; and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruninghooks ; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." — Micah iv, 3. This prophecy has not yet come true, but it surely will, if G-od's word be true. A great many people say that the Bible is wrong, but they are dishonest men. God's word is true, every word of it. Yes, dear reader, nothing could be more true. Hun- dreds and thousands of ministers are preaching the gospel of Jesus, or at least they are looked upon as preachers of the gos- pel, but their doctrine creates strife and scatters hope; it puts men in doubt; imprisons the soul and confines it in the dark and silent cells of unbelief, where there are wars and the true union exists not. Again they preach about the mysteries of the Bible. This is another terrible blow struck deep into the human breast. Under such blows men have fallen, and many strong men at that, and all their hopes perished. The sting of unbelief has done her deadly work and built herself up from a foundation that is built on sinking sands. The sheep have been feed on poisonous food by the hireling. The hireling fleeth when the wolf cometh ; that is, behold the dog is again turned to his vomit. CREATION AXD FORMATION. 260. Mu£ Dear friends, this ought not to be so, for the Bible truths are wholesome food and it makes no one sick. It is food which God Himself hath given, and in Him we should trust, and not in man. The teachings of some men may seemingly be very nice, yet to the soul it may be an orgre. "For from the least of them even Unto the greatest of them every one is given to covetous- ness; and from the prophet even unto the priest everyone dealeth falsely, * saying, Peace, peace ; when there is no peace." — Jeremiah vi, 13-14. While Christ said, I am not come to send peace on earth, but a sword. (See Matthew x, 34). This He spoke of the enmity that would exist between the advo- cates of satan and His own disciples. He had no reference to any discord to be among His own children, for His prayer for them was that they might be one as He and the Father are .one. Hence, the cry of peace, peace ; when there is no peace, f comes from the audacious bells of priest and lordism. There- fore, God says, * "Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls." * — Jeremiah vi, 16. Yet let us hunt for the old ways and find the path of peace and persu§ it until we reach the place that is spoken of in the saying : "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid ; and the calf and the young lion and the fat : ling together; and a little child shall lead them." — Isaiah xi, 6. When the time of peace comes then this prophecy will have been fulfilled. When Jesus came into the world He did not bring that prophesied of final peace with Him, for that is reserved unto His second coming. But none of us know when that day will come. This we know, and we say it, as Jesus Himself hath said, "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." — Matthew xxiv, 14. With these few remarks we now pass to the eleventh chap- ter of Matthew. We wish to add a thought in connection with our work as we do not wish to pass over it entirely, and that is, after Christ was through commanding His disciples, He departed thence to teach and to preach in their cities. And, when John 256. CREATION AND .FORMATION while in prison, heard of the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples, and they said unto Him, Art thou He that should come, or do we look for another? Jesus said unto them, go and show John'again those things which you do hear and see: The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached unto them. Yes, it was the poor unto whom Christ sent His apostles, that to them they might preach. He commanded them to be strong and fear not those who should deliver them up to be scourged in the synagogues, and those who would shamefully mistreat them for His sake. He says, "Fear them not, for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed and hid, that shall not be known." By this we see that there are no mysteries that shall not be known. Christ says that they shall be uncovered, and this we firmly believe ; and it has been our object in the Old Testament to unfold the passages of scripture which may seem to be dark or, as some say, "mysteries/' and it will be our object in the New Testament to unfold every mystery, by the help of God. Of course, we are not foolish enough to say that we will unfold to every mind every mystery; for to do that it would take one a life time. But what we intend to do is to explain the dark- est passages of the Bible, those passages which have been so dark to the world for at least* the last two or three hundred years. If we explain the darkest portions of the Bible what more can the world expect from us ? As Mr. Robert G. Ingersoll says: "The man of imagination, that is to say of genius, hav- ing seen a leaf and a drop of water can construct the forest, the rivers and the seas. In his presence all the cataracts fall, the mists rise and the clouds form and float; to really know one fact is to know its kindred and its neighbors, etc." Now if we, through the power of God, cause the mists to rise, and the clouds that have darkened His holy word so long to form and float away, who then, we ask, cannot see ? True, there are some people who are so blind that they cannot see even in broad day-light. All we can do is to divide the Bible in its true light. We can't do any more. Some pupils in the CREATION XX D FORMATION. 20< . school room will decrease in learning while others increase. To remedy this imperfection is beyond our reach or power. When Jesus was on earth He found men naked and insane, and He clothed and healed them. But if we should attempt to do such a thing in order to get some one to understand our work, we would fail. We can't explain the Bible to all ; but to every fair minded reasoner or thinker we can give much light, which light is the true light of God's holy word. If we explain all the so-called dark mysteries of the Bible, then the thinking world ought to be able to explain the rest. "To really know one fact is to know its kindred and its neighbors." Jesus said, "unto you it is given to know the mys- teries of the kingdom of God/' With this thought we will now go on to our work in the twelfth chapter of Matthew : "At that time Jesus went on the sabbath day through the corn, and his disciples were hungered and began to pluck the ears of corn, and to eat." — Matthew xii, i. Now in this the Pharisees found a good reason to accuse Jesus. And they said unto Him, Behold thy disciples do that which is not lawful to do upon the Sabbath day. These Pharisees, as we have said before, were of the strict- est sect of Jews, and their laws, which were the laws of Moses, were also very strict, (see Exodus xvi, 25-29), and under these laws they worshipped. They knew it was contrary to their laws to do such things on the Sabbath day, hence, they had a good reason this time to accuse Him. But then Jesus and His disciples did no wrong in this. They did not understand Him nor either did they understand His mission on earth. Jesus did not worship under the Mosaical laws, nor either did His disci- ples while He was on earth, but the Pharisees did. They did not accept Christ at this, His first appearance, for it was not the will of God that they should. If they had accepted Him at this time then the Gentiles would not have received that long prophesied of, "promise of eternal life." So, when these Pharisees thus accused Jesus, what did He say? Well, let us see what He said; and He answered them out of their own laws, sajnng, * "Have ye not read what David did when he was hungered, and they that were with him ; How 268" CREATION AND FORMATION he entered into the house of God, and did eat the shew-bread, which was not lawful for him to cat, neither for them which were with him, but only for the priests? Or have ye not read in the law, how that on the sabbath-days the priests in the tem- ple profane the sabbath, and are blameless ? But I say unto you, That in this place is one greater than the temple. For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath-day. But if ye had known what this meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the guiltless." — Matthew xii, 3-8. Those Pharisees did not understand Jesus at all. They could not see how He could do any work on the Sabbath day and be blameless. And still, by reading in the same chapter, we learn that the Pharisees found another accusation against Him, and that was in the case of the healing of a man's hand that was withered, and they asked Him if it was lawful to heal on the Sabbath day. This they asked Him that they might find a cause to accuse Him. Jesus said unto them: "What man shall there be among you, that shall have but one sheep, and it shall fall into a pit on the sabbath-day, will he not lay hold on it, and lift it out? How much then is a man better than a sheep? wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath-days. " —Matthew xii, 11-12. And He said unto the man that had the withered hand, * "Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it forth ; and it was restored whole, like as the other." — Matthew xii, 13. But when the Pharisees saw it, the}' went and held a council against Him, that they might destroy Him. And when Jesus knew it He withdrew Himself from thence, and great multitudes followed Him, and He healed them all. In this the Pharisees were blind • and all this was prophesied by the prophet saying, "Who is blind, but my servant? or deaf as my messenger that I ^ent? who is blind as he that is perfect, and blind as the Lord's servant? Seeing many things, but thou observest not ; opening the ears but he heareth not." — Isaiah xlii, 19-20. Now we will make a brief explanation of this language of j the prophet lest some misunderstand it. By the reading of the ^saine^ one would naturally, at the first glimpse, come to the con- 'tfktsioii 1 that it is Christ or John the Baptist that is here spoken CREATION ANB FORMATION. 269. of as being blind and deaf; but it was neither of them. Eeally the prophets themselves were the ones who were blind and deaf, for they were the messengers of the Lord. The above verses allude to the prophet Isaiah, individually, and universally to the whole race of blinded Jews of to-day, while the prophet himself being a messenger of the Lord, and blind and in the dark, concerning the ways and works of God, this language, though it be his own, by the revelation of God it comes home to his own heart. And the Jews in general, being of the same origin or birth as the prophet, and to him as broth- ers, they too were alike blind and deaf, and are even up to this day. Hence, "who is blind but my servant?" comes home to the prophet, and also to all his brothers, if we go to the very depths of the subject. By reading on a little further we find them also included. "But this is a people robbed and spoiled j they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hid in prison houses; they are for a prey, and none delivereth, for a spoil, and nonesaith, Bestore." — Isaiah xlii, 22. In this verse we can more readily grasp the real fact intended to be conveyed than in the two verses above. But the idea and fact is contained alike in both. The reason why we have used this prophecy in connection with our work is because it strikes at the very vitals of Jewish hearts. Those Pharisees who accused Jesus of healing on the Sabbath day were, and are, even unto this day, overshadowed with a cloud which took its eastern rise from the mouth of the prophet. They were in the dark, they did not understand Jesus at all and they went about to kill Him. But Jesus withdrew from them and multitudes followed Him ; and He healed all the sick and charged them that they should not make Him known, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet Esaias, saying, "Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased; I will put my spirit upon him, and he shall shew judgment to the Gentiles." — Matthew xii, 18. (Beferences: Isaiah xlii, 1, 6, 7; also Isaiah lx, 3.) He brought judgment to the Gentiles, but not until after 200. CREATION AND FORMATION His death did they receive the full benefit of it. But what else did Jesus come for? The first, second and third verges of the sixty-first chapter of Isaiah plainly tells us. And now as we proceed with our work in the New Testament, w T e will find plenty of scripture that brings to light His mission on earth in deed and in power, both in the Old and New Testaments given by the prophets and apostles. But the thought that we are deal- ing with now is His work among the Gentiles, for Esaias says, * "There shall be a root of Jesse, and he that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles; in Him shall the Gentiles trust/' — Eomans xv, 12. (Also see Matthew xii, 21.) • The Gentiles had been aliens for thousands of years from the true paths of the ancient of da3^s. But in Christ the promise was a new creature; in Him they were to be placed on equal grounds with the sinning Jews. Jesus is going to bring them in and they saw in Him great light. Soon the grand old promised day will bloom out in full. It has come; Christ has died, and, behold, the Gentiles stride forth into eternal day; and from thence on they will be judged according to the deeds done in the body. Judgment and eternal life has been brought unto them and they are no more numbered with the beasts of the earth, but are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ; responsible now for what they do. Through Christ they have been raised from the dead. Hence, "A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto vic- tory." — Matthew xii, 20. (Also see Isaiah xlix, 6, 22; also Isaiah lx, 3, 5* And in the nineteenth verse of the sixteenth chapter of Jeremiah a prophecy to the same effect is set forth). These are plain Bible facts, and it is almost impossible for anyone with reason to pass them over without comprehending the great truth of them. Even little Sunday school children, by applying their attention to the same, will readily grasp the true meaning; and how much more ought thinking men. Oh, how blind is he who sees not. Oh man, whosoever thou art, unto thee we commit the true gospel. Jesus preached it and so should you. In the lastvcrse of the twelfth chapter He says: "For CREATION AND FORMATION. 261. whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother." Oh, let us do the will of Grod that we may be closely related to Jesus, the Son of Grod, the Saviour of the world. After Jesus had uttered these things He went out of the house and sat by the seaside. And great multitudes name unto Him and stood upon the shore, whilst He Himself went into a ship, and taught them many things, speaking in parables, saying : * "Behold, a sower went forth to sow; And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the wayside, and the fowls came and devoured them up: Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth : and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth : * they were scorched ; and because they had no root, they withered away." — Matthew xiii, 3-6. And thus He speaks to them in parables, and still goes on to say that others fell into good ground and sprang up and brought forth fruit; some a hundred fold, some sixty and some thirty. "Who hath ears to hear, let him hear." — Matthew r xiii, 9. Then came His disciples unto Him, saying, "Why speakest thou unto them in parables?" He answered them saying, "Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given." In this the Bible is very plain in regard to who shall under- stand the mysteries of the kingdom, and who shall not. He says, speaking to His disciples, "unto you it is given to know, but unto them it is not." Now those who were not to know were those who were considered the just Jew T ; those who were strictly serving God, or claimed to be serving Him under the Mosaical law. "There- fore I speak to them in parables; because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which sayeth, By hearing ye shall not hear, etc." (See Isaiah vi, 10.) This is the prophecy which Christ is here alluding too, and in the Jews it is fulfilled. And to His disciples He says : "But blessed are your eyes, for they see : and your ears, for they hear." — Matthew xiii, 16. This sjoes to show that it was them who were to know the 202. CREATION AND FORMATION. mysteries. And even unto us to-day the Savior says : "Unto you it is given to know." Furthermore He says, speaking again to His disciples, * "that many prophets and righteous men have desired to see these things which ye see, and have not seen them, and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them." — Matthew xiii, 17. And .Jesus goes on to explain those things which He uttered before the multitude. And after He had sent the multitude away, He went into a house, and His disciples came unto Him and asked Him to explain the parable of the tares of the field. He answered and said unto them : "He that soweth the good seed is the son of man ; The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom, but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the har- vest is the end of the world j and the reapers are the angels." —Matthew xiii, 37-39. The enemy who sewed the tares among the wheat whilst the good man slept, was the devil. This reminds us of the superfluous seed which the devil sowed in Eden, the garden of God. But we will not make any comments upon this now. "So the servants of the household came and said unto him. Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. * Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said unto them, Nay lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest; and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers : Gather ye first together the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them : but gather the wheat into my barn." — Matthew xiii, 27-30. And thus Jesus spake unto the multitude in parables, and those parables which He spake cencerning the sower, the tares, the grain of mustard seed, etc., He likened unto the kingdom of heaven. All these things spake Jesus unto them in parables, and without a parable spake He not unto them: That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying: I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which has been kept secret from the foundation of the world. And many other CREATION AND FORMATION. 263. parables spake He to them; and when Jesus asked His disci- ples if they understood all these" things, they said unto Him, Yea, Lord. "Then said He unto them, Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven, is like unto a man that is a householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old. — Matthew xiii, 52. Refference : Isaiah xlii, 9, which reads thus: "Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them." Now then, in regard to what commentators say in giving an explanation of what Jesus said to His disciples, "Every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven, is like unto a man that is a householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old." We shall add just what they say, and it is this: "Every scribe, in allusion to the office of the Jewish scribes, which was to teach the law of Moses, Christ names those whom He calls to be teachers in the kingdom of heaven, scribes, instructed, trained and furnished as he should be." This is all false. What Jesns meant by so speaking to His disciples is this : When Jesus asked them if they under- stood these things, they said unto Him, "Yea, Lord." Then He went on to tell them that every scribe instructed into the kingdom of heaven was like a man being a householder, capable of bringing forth out of his treasure things new and old. Now here comes the real truth: Every man, or every scribe, being instructed, and having wisdom and knowledge of the Mosaical laws, which bear testimony of the coming of Christ, or of the kingdom of heaven, is capable of bringing forth out of this treasure of knowledge, things new and old. For they are they that testify of Him, and they are the things new and old, and these things that are new and old are as this man's treasure, and if he is an inspired scribe, he can bring out those things. Every banker, knowing the combination of his money vault, knows how to unlock and bring out the treasures; so, in like manner, Christ's disciples would have been able to unlock and bring out the treasure if they had understood the combination as the} T said they did — "Yea, Lord;' we know." But they did not know. 204. CREATION AND FORMATION Though they might have been sincere in what they said, yet they did not understand. The fact that they did not know is easily proven, for all we have to do is to go to the fifteenth chapter of Matthew to get the proofs: "Then came his disciples, and. said unto him, Knowest 1hou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blini lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch." — Matthew xv, 12-14. "Then answered Peter and said unto him, Declare unto us this parable. And Jesus said, Are ye also yet without under- standing?" — Matthew xv, 15-16. Now this is plain enough to see that they did not under- stand, "Yea, Lord; we know." Bat you can see they did not know. Peter's own language proves it. ~Now then, the next point we shall notice in this same fifteenth chapter, is a Gentile woman coming to Jesus and ask- ing Him for help. She came and cried unto Jesus, saying: * "Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil. But he answered her not a word. And His disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us. But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs." — Matthew xv, 22-26. The word bread here signifies spiritual food. Christ was not ready to feed the Gentile the heavenly food of everlasting life, that time had not yet come. Therefore, He says, "It is not meet to give the children's bread to dogs ; Let the ehil iren first be fed," then it will be time for dogs. Here Christ calls the Gentiles dogs and the sinning Jews the children. Here is still the mighty gulf between Gentile and Jew; but some will say the sinners were the Gentiles. True they were numbered with them, but we see here that the Bible makes a great difference in them according to Jesus' own language, and this you will see CREATION AND FORMATION. 265. is the right idea of the language "to take the children's bread and to cast it to dogs." This is also expressed in her own lan- guage in these words : "And she said, Truth, Lord : yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table. Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith : be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour." — Matthew xv, 27-28. Now this Gentile woman had great faith in Christ. But when He says to His disciples, "I am not come but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel," and to her, "It is not meet to take the children's bread and to cast it to dogs," this is what He meant: I am come to save the lost; my mission is to them, to save them from their sins. My time is precious; I have none to lose, and I must work while I am with them. The Gentiles will I bring in after my death. If I spend my time with them now, I cast the bread which my father gave me to feed vou with, unto the dogs. Therefore it is not meet to take the children's bread and to cast it to the dogs. In this language of the Savior it is made plain enough to see the difference between Gentile and Jew. The Gentiles had always been numbered with the beasts, and called by beastly names. In the Old Testament scriptures they are known by the names they bear. The}^ are called serpents, lions, bulls, dogs, etc. Jesus knowing this, says to the woman, "It is not meet to take the children's bread and to cast it to dogs." But the woman said unto Him, "Truth, Lord, yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their master's table." Now the faith that this woman had in Christ saved her daughter. But it was only a crumb which she received, the real bread the Gentiles received after His death. Again, to prove that this woman was a Gei tile woman, we need but refer to the seventh chapter of the book of Mark, beginning with the twenty- fifth verse, where we have these words : "For a certain woman, whose young daughter had an unclean spirit, heard of him, and came and fell at his feet: (The woman was a Greek, a Syrophenician by nation,) and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter." — Mark vii, 25-26. 266. CREATION AND FORMATION Now Mark does not make mention of the fact that she came out of the land of Canaan, but, nevertheless, she did; for Canaan was the land of the Gentiles. Even if it was otherwise the lan- guage of Jesus goes to show that she was a Gentile woman. He set a difference between her and the Jews in this saying: "It is not meet to take the children's bread and to east it to the dogs." The time had not yet come when the Grentiles should receive eternal life. The Jews' time had already come, and Jesus was working for them. The food of repentance, which food was for the sinning Jews only, would not be meet for the Gren- tiles, for they were not called unto repentance. "The gift and the calling of God are without repentance." Christ is the gift, the Gentiles the calling. Before His death the Gentiles had nothing to repent of, but after His death and resurrection they were granted repentance unto life eternal, and not before. Hence, you see that the children's bread was not suitable for Gentile diet, if so to speak. Yet through her faith the request was granted. It was only a crumb, but it saved her daughter's life. In this one instance might be learned a wonderful lesson. She did not ask Jesus for any one great thing, but simply to save her daughter's life. Now to us, we, who are living in this so-called enlightened age of advancement, such a miracle would be truly great and wonderful. But in those days the casting out of unclean spirits was a frequent occurence, so much so that the people who wit- nessed those events believed in Christ beyond all doubt, and they brought unto Him the lame, the sick, and people who were blind, and deaf and insane, and people who were leperous, and He healed them all. This Gentile woman had heard of the fame of Jesus, and considered it a small matter with Him to heal her daughter. So it was, for He had power to do almost anything. He just simply spake the word, and her daughter was healed. On one occasion a certain man came to Jesus and kneeled down to Him and said, "Lord, have mercy on my son; for he is a lunatic, and sore vexed : for ofttimes he falleth into the fire, and oft into the water. And I brought him to thy disciples, and they could not cure him."-- -Matthew xvii, 15-16. CREATION AND FORMATION. 267. Then Jesus commanded him to be brought, and when they had brought him, He rebuked the devil, and he departed out of him; and the child was cured from that very hour. "Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out? And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief : for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, * nothing shall be impossible unto you." — Matthew xvii, 19-20. The disciples do not seem to have had as much faith as did the G-entile woman. She came to Jesus without a doubt, and firmly believed that He was able to cure her daughter. Though it was but a crumb which she received, yet she did not despise it. She cheerfully accepted the least. At this early hour Jesus could not have done any greater thing for the Gentiles than to cure their sick. The time of their salvation had not yet come. But with the sinning Jews it was different, their time of redemp- tion, or redintegration already was. John, the forerunner of Christ, preached to the Jews, say- ing, "repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." And when Christ came He said, "Behold the Jjamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world." And Jesus said, "I come not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance." He does not speak of calling the Gentiles to repentance, for really they were not sinners. Yet while they had corrupted God's ways upon earth, they could not be sinners, for the simple reason that a man must first have a spiritual life and then a spiritual law to obey, and only by the violation of that law does he become a sinner. This is not the case with the natural law. The body only suffers in this law, and thus it was with the Gentile before Christ came. In violating the natural law they become very wicked, but in their death they had no bands, for the wise men tells us that they were just as the beast, as one died so died the other. Yea, they all had one breath. This was the case with them from the day they were created until Christ made His first advent on earth, before the grave was their end. For the wise man again says, "As the whirlwind passeth so is the wicked no more, but the righteous is an everlasting foundation." (See Proverbs x, 25). 268. CREATION AND FORMATION You will see from this scripture the difference between the Gentile and Jew. The first is no more at death, while the other is an everlasting foundation ; the gift which God had promised through Christ, has taken away this difference. "And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life. — ■ John ii, 25. And this life is in his Son." — John v, 11. In this we can comprehend why the law was too weak to bring righteousness — because it could not give life. This life was only in Christ, and He was the light of the world. And ^ince we have received this life and light through Christ's death and resurrection, we have become sinners of the Gentiles by violating the law of righteousness. We now trust that from this lesson we will be able to see the true light of God's holy word, and that it may be as sparks of fire upon the heart, burning brighter and brighter until the perfect day, with a stream of the crystal water flowing in upon the soul, covering over the firery billows of satan and making a well in us springing up into everlasting life, laden with the sweet scent of everblooming joys, bathed in the foliage of the green pastures of life, beyond the chilly waters of death. The voice of prayer and praise to a Savior God, My heart in secret heaves a sigh, For all the world to hear His word, The word of the Holy One, on high. Note: — The word "prophesies" in the nineteenth line on page 234, should read "prophesied." Also in the twenty-sixth line, on the same page, the word "reason" should read "season." L. S. G. Text: — "Search the Scriptures" — St. John v, 39; Mark iv, 11; 2 Timothy ii, 15. The text that we find in the fourth chapter and eleventh verse of Mark gives us the assurance that we are to know the mysteries. Jesus himself has said it, and his word is good. He says: "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall never pass away/' It is a great comfort to know that Jesus has said it — "Unto you it is given to know." And now as we are about to enter upon our task in the book of Mark we. repeat, in accordance with the text, that the mysteries are solved. Our task will be a very easy one, simply because we have gone over the grounds in the book of Matthew, and for this reason we will be somewhat brief in this book of the gospel of St. Mark. This second chapter will embrace both Mark and Matthew. To rightly divide one chapter makes it harmonize with another. Every portion of scripture which we dwelt upon in the book of Matthew, we endeavored to make plain, and if we rightly divide the book of Mark it will harmonize with that of Mat- thew. This is our object, and we know that" God will help us. He has been with us, and He has helped us so far to rightly divide His holy word, and we know that He will not forsake us now. He says, "I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." Yes, He is with all those that put their trust in Him. He has given us a guide book, and in it He says: "Unto you it is given to know," "Study to shew thyself approved unto me, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." This we will do, and may His spirit be with us, and may the christian world see the true light and glorify His holy name. 270. CREATION AND FORMATION. In the first chapter of Mark it is recorded of Jesus gathering His disciples. They leave all and follow Him. The next event that is set forth in this chapter is the healing of the sick and casting out devils. The people are amazed at His wonderful works, and they question and reason among themselves, saying, "What new thing is this? What new doctrine is this? for with authority commandeth he even the unclean spirits, and they do obey him." And immediately His fame spread throughout the land, and whole cities turned out and came in flocks to see Jesus and have Him heal their sick, and cast the devils out of their friends and kindred. And a leper came to him and fell down at his feet, and worshipped Him, saying, "If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean." W 7 hen Jesus saw him He w^as moved with compassion, and He put forth His hand and touched him, saying, "I will; be thou clean," and as goon as He spoke the leprosy departed from Him, and He was cleansed. And he charged him that he should tell no man; but the man could not hold his peace, the nature of his rejoicing was so great that he could not keep it to himself. And he departed from the presence of Jesus with great joy in his heart, and he began to publish it much, and he blazed the matter abroad until the whole land was kindled into a flame. And Jesus could not be hid, He could not enter openly into the city, and He went into the desert places, and the}^ came to Him from every quarter. And He healed the sick and cast out devils, and made them clean of whatever disease they had, all of which is in harmony with the gospel according to Matthew. Hence, scripture is upholding scipture, mystery explaining so-called mystery; this the hoi est Christian must acknowledge. In the second chapter of Mark it is recorded of Jesus sitting at meat with publicans and sinners in the house of his disciples, namely: Levi, the son of Alpheus. And when the scribes and Pharisees saw it they said unto His disciples, "how is it that he eateth and drinketh with publicans and sinners?" And when Jesus heard it, He said, "They that are whole need not a physi- cian, but they that are sick ; I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners unto repentance." Tn this Mark's testimony is balanced with that of Matthew. CREATION AND FOllMATlON. 271. Here equlibrium exists, and in all the past scriptures it is found and in the preceding language of Jesus, that we have before us in the make-up of the New Testament it is found, and always will be found, even till the end of time, which time will suffice to create a new heaven and a new earth. For the first heaven and the first earth He says, are going to pass away. Now then, in the twelfth chapter of Matthew and thirteenth verse, Jesus healeth a man with a withered hand, and the same event is spoken of in Mark the fourth chapter and third verse. This was done on the Sabbath day, as both Matthew and Mark so plainly tell us. And further on in the third chapter of Mark, which is in accordance with Matthew, Jesus ordains the twelve apostles and sends them forth to preach, and to heal the sick, and cast out the devils. And in the fourth chapter comes the parable of the sower. The same is recorded by Matthew. And in the eleventh verse of this fame fourth chapter, comes our text: "Unto vou it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God ; but unto them that are without, all these things are done in para- bles ; That seeing they may see and not perceive, and hearing they may hear and not understand." — Mark iv, 11-12. (See Matthew xiii, 13). Mark says he spake many things, teaching in parables, and this chain of facts runs clear through the Bible — the same old story, Christ and Him crucified. The blessed old book; it has ridden through the storms of ages, and still exists as in youth and the older it grows the brighter it gets. The miracles which Jesus did while He was on earth were not the only miracles that were wrought. Even the Bible itself is a holy, God-like miracle, and it has been miraculously preserved through all the dark and stormy scenes of persecution, and it is the Bible that leads us to the fountain of life and to the temple that contains the many of heaven, which satisfies the hungry soul. As the five thousand were fed in the wilderness with a few loaves and two little fishes, and the fragments taken up was more than double the first. .This was also a miracle and so it is with the grand old Bible, even if you take up the frag- '212. CREATION AND FORMATION, ments of it, as they are scattered around its borders, and begin to feed the soul the heart will be filled, and from thence it will take its flight upon the wings of the spirit, and the seed (which is love) will he dropped from heart to heart until there will be a great number of souls saved and fed. Again, turning to Mark vii, 25-31 you will find a record of Jesus casting the devil out of the daughter of a Greek woman, a Syrophenician by nation. The same is recorded by Matthew in the fifteenth chapter. In this the two disciples agree, and at the same time the bounds are set between Gentile and Jew, and at the time of this circumstance the Gentiles had not yet been called. Christ at this time was binding up the broken-hearted of His chosen people. This you will see in the language that is used about the young ruler: "Then Jesus beholding him loved him," * — Mark x, 21. And now even in this young man we have a wonderful lesson, for when He came to Jesus he said : * "Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?" — Mark x, 17. "Keep the commandments." (See Matthew xix, 17). This is what God had told the Jews to do, and Christ only reminds him of this fact; that if the Jews would keep the com- mandments they should live. But the question might be asked, did not this young man do this? Pie said he had. But we think he did not, for God, through the Prophet Malachi, in the third chapter and tenth verse, says: "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts." * This, he had not done, and Jesus reminded him of this fact when He said to him, "Go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor." (See Matthew x, 21). And this we find to be the case with the Jews even under the twelve apostles teachings. This is to show us the difference that exists between the Jews and the Gentiles under Christ. Another thinsus goes onto tell his disciples that they are not to be like unto them, "but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger, and he that is chief, as he that doth serve, etc ;" In this sa3^ing Jesus meant to teach humility. He taught his dis- ciples to be humble. He teaches everyone to be humble. If pride keeps a man from humbling himself to all that is good and noble, he hath no part with Christ; for He, Himself, was hum- ble very humble, indeed. Again Christ speaks to his disciples- saying: "And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me ; That ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel." — Luke xxii, 29-30. Christ's kingdom, Avhich was ap pointed Him by God, wa3 the kingdom of the Gentiles; for they were given Him. Of course, His disciples were given unto Him and they were chosen from among the Jews, save one, that is, Matthew the publican, and the kingdom that Christ appointed unto them was the kingdom cf the Jews, and they were to sit on 302. CREATION AND FORMATION. thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. Now the;}e thrones were not of this life, or in this life, but beyond the grave are the thrones that they were to sit on, as judges. That judg- ment is going on every day, and will be going on until Ch ist mak33 his saaond al/ent on e irth. In Matthew nineteenth chapter and twenty-eighth verse, we have the33 words: "And Je^us said unto then, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in t'ie regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, ju Iging the twelve tribes of Israel." This goes to show, that beyond the grave, all this is to transpire. In the seventh chapter of the book of Daniel and the twenty-first and twenty-second versos, we have a prophecy showing that these things shall be. "I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed agaiistt them • Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High; and the time came that the saints pos- sessed the kingdom;" but the whole of this same prophecy is not yet fulfilled. Behold, wars are still going on, and will be till this old earth shall have been turned into a new Jerusalem In that day all propheses will be fulfilled, it is beyond the keen of human vision to measure God's time; though we may approx- imate, yet we cannot tell, for a certainty, that we are right. God only knows when that great day shall come, In determining when this time shall come, we ere as much in the dark, if not more so, than Christ's disciples were, concerning the things that He spake unto them. They said, "Yea, Lord, we understand;" but then they did not understand. Even after Christ appeared to them, after His ressurrection and explained all the prophesies concerning Himself, yet, they did not understand. The time that came when they did know and understand, was the time when the comforter came and brought all things to their remembrance, whatsoever Christ had told them before and after His crucifixior. This you might think was, on the day of pentecost, when they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and spake in newness of tongue. Yet there was one thing on that day that they did not know, and that is, they did CREATION AND FORMATION. 303. not know that the Gentiles were to be brought in. When the Holy Ghost came upon them, almost everything else was brought to their remembrance but the fact that the Gentiles were to be granted eternal life. This secret was revealed to Peter, for the first, by the Holy Ghost, at tbe house of Corne-, as it is so plainly shown in the eleventh chapter of Acts. This is fully explained further on. And now, in closing this chapter, we again repeat our text; "study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." There is a vast meaning in this text, "study to show thyself approved unto God." how many thousands there are who study — they study the Bible, but make poor headway. Men of high standing; men that are re- fined, educated and cultured, study both science and the Bible; but they make a bad job of it. To harmonize one part of the Bible, they have to butcher up some other part of it; thus making the word of God of no effect. It is no wonder that infidels have such good grounds to work on. The great trouble these men have in harmonizing the word of God, arises from the fact that they place too much confidence in what some other man says. The works of man and the works of God can never be harmon- ized, and all power used to accomplish this end will fail. What we need most to harmonize scripture with scripture, is, a bet- ter understanding of the Bible. Thousands and millions of books have been written upon the subject of science and the Bible, but all to very little satis- faction. It is generally held that Hugh Miller, the practical geologist, has done as much, if not more, than any other man of his time, or since, to harmonize science with the works and word of the Supreme Being; and yet, at the close of his weary life, he fell into an untimely suicidal grave. We firmty believe that this great man meant to accomplish great good; we firmly believe that his face was ever turned heavenward; and, above all, we firmly believe that he would have reached the heights of heaven's zenith, had he but trusted in the word that he wear- ily labored to harmonize with the works of the same great author. But, at the last, he failed, and his last words were these : 304. CREATION AND FORMATION "Dearest Lydia, — My brain burns. I must have walked • and a fearful dream rises upon me. I cannot bear the horrible thaa^ht. God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ have mercy upon me. Dearest Lydia, dear children, farewell. My brain burns as the recollection grows. My dear, dear wife, fare- well." Hugh Miller. Why was this? Simpl}- because he trusted in man. This is why he failed, and this is why thousands of others have failed; and all that pursue the works of man for the living truth, will fail. God's word is sufficient within itself to give us all the light that is needed to make it harmonize with truth, and the true science of the earth is its witness. Hence, study to show thyself approved unto God, and if any man lack wiedom, let. him ask of G)\ t!iu givv3th to all msn liberally, ani it shall be given him: but let him ask in faith, nothing wavering; for he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea, driven with the wind and tossed. O yes, let us ask of God, for He is the giver of every good and perfect gift. The man that wavers, is he that asks of God, and then trusts in man. He is driven with the tide of worldly thought, until at last, he sinks far below the horizon of all that is great and good. We must live and labor for God, if our desire is to know what is truth. The Bible is our guide; for it is all truth, and it is a lamp unto every man's path, a light shining upon his way. There are thousands of men who are trying to lay Wiste this grand old book; and there have been men seen in all ages, thrusting in their cycles, and they have tried to reap away the worlds dearest hope. But they have reaped in vain. God has ever watched over those who have trusted in Him, and He has firmly established His word, and it will remain forever. Therefore, let us study to show ourselves approved unto God; let us trust in Him, rightly dividing the word of truth ; He says "For unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God." With this blessed assur- ance, we close this chapter, and enter upon the next. May Gcd bless His word. Amen. CiEI-^IFTIEIR III. Text: — "Search the Scriptures" — St. John v, 39; Mark iv, 11; 2 Timothy ii, 15. After we have looked back, and viewed the loft3 T mountain peaks of superstition, and found that we have been glided swiftly- over t'.iem all, by the mighty train of gospel power, and have emerged out into the the flowery plain of endless day ; and the silvery thread of enlightened thought has entwined the heart, and took its flight upward over the mind through the annals of faith; to reach the lofty pinnacle of the souls eternal home; we will rejoice and say our labor has not been in vain. And so in startii g out with this chapter of our work, and from this on, we will stop our general way of closely following chapter after chapter, and verse after verse, as we did in the Old Testament scriptures, and the three gospel books of the New — Matthew? Mark and Luke. And take up point after point, seperately and prove them up clearly by the word, leaving no room for doubt resting upon the mind of the reader. But before we proceed to do this, or leave the gospel of Luke, we desire to make a few remarks for the benefit of the reader. Now then, between Matthew and Mark we find but little variation; they are very closely allied. But Luke differs slightly from them upon some passages of scripture; and this is very easily accounted for, especially when we take into consid- eration the circumstances attending these three sacred writers. Matthew and Mark were two of the chosen twelve, and when the gospel of circumcision was committed unto Peter, their por- tion of the work was placed upon them, as they were two of the number who were to sit upon thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And their writings then were according to their mis- sion; and the judgment which they have to perform, show that their mission principally, was to the Jews. Eut Luke wes 806. CREATION AND FORMATION. only a disciple, and a companion of the Apostle Paul and when he wrote his gospel, he wrote it to Theopolis, to the man who stood in the place of Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles; and while he was an inspired writer, his gospel was written upon the grounds of the gospel of uncircumcision, that was commit- ted unto Paul for the Gentiles, as his writing of the Acts will show. And seeing his gospel was not sufficient to give Theopolis full knowledge between the two gospels,, he L,ct forth the Acts of the Apostles, in order that he might be more fully equipped for the war. Again we say, Matthew and Mark were eye wit- nesses, and what they wrote they wrote from observation and experience. But with Luke, this was not the case; for his own language, as it is so expressed in the start out of his gospel, goes to show that he wrote, first, from heresay, and second, from the most perfect knowledge he had of Christ, and of His word and works. In short, his was the knowledge of inquiry. That is to say, from Paul he gathered, and as he gathered, he reaped, and as he reaped he sowed ; and the seed which he has sown is good seed, and it has fell into good ground, and is now, even now, a harvest of golden grain. Luke was an honest man, and his gospel is true, every word of it. And when we rightly divide it, we will find nothing conflicting. The question may now arise, why do we thus make this change at the close of the three gos- pels? We answer, first, because these three, together with the books of the Old Testament, are sufficient within themselves to establish the assertions that are contained in them ; and second, because it would be wasting time to take up and argue in our ordinary way, the forthcoming books of the New Testan ci t. If one part of God's holy word is true, then it is all true, and every candid mind will accept this valuable assertion. Th3refore, we le ive our general way of perusal, and deal with tie remaining scriptures of the New Testament, or with just such portions of it as will add to the subject of our work great light, in the way above stated. And the points that \u aic al c 1.1 to take up in the gospel according to St. John, are heavily laden with facts that should be considered, we think, undeniable facts, as John was one of Christ's most intimate friends, or followers, and dearly beloved by Him. Hence, what he says must be true CREATION AND FORMATION 307. and not only must it be true, but it is true, as it will plainly be shown presently. His gospel goes to prove the other three, and it uncovers the mysteries of the kingdom of God. Therefore we repeat that it would be a waste of time to follow him through as we di 1 the other three, and also the books of the Old Testament. Learned Bible commentators tell us that in the character of this man, (St. John) there is a peculiar trait; and of his gospel thev say : "His gospel stands last of the four in the sacred canon, (correct), in accordance with the universally received opinion that it was written last, and probably after the destruction of Jerusalem. (This we do not deny). The pecu- liar character of its style is at once noticed by every reader. (We have failed to notice this peculiarty of style in John's gospel). But aside from this, its contents are peculiar also. It has comparatively little matter in common with the other three evangelists, etc. etc." The reason why they thus have come to the conclusion that John's gospel is differently set forth from the other three, in a pecular style, is because they think that John wrote from circumstances that arose from the teach- ings of Jesus in and about Jerusalem. The other three evange- lists wrote, they say, in a style not so peculiar as did John, and the reason they assign for this, is because they were more occupied with our Lord's ministry in Galilee, and John with that in Jerusalem. And at the close of their comments on this point, they say : "We have in the four narratives combined all that is needful for the instruction and edification of the church to the end of time." Now then, all we have to say upon this subject, is this: as far as Christ's teachings go, they are the same in Galilee as in Jerusalem. He preached in Galilee a doc- trine which plainly sets forth the beginning and ending of His mission on earth; and His mission was, first, to blind with par- ables the eyes of the Mosiacal Jews; secondly, to call sinners to repentance ; and lastly, to grant unto the Gentiles, after his cru- cifixion, eternal life. And this doctrine was the same to Jeru- salem, as to Galilee, or any other place. Hence, we say, there could have been no room for a distinction between the writings of these four evangelists, under such circumstances; for they all wrote from what they had heard Christ say, or from personal 308. CREATION AND JfORMATlON. experience with Him, except Luke, and yet he went to the very depths of the facts. But, what we want to call the readers' attention to, is this; that those great Bible commentators are setting forth the idea that Christ's teachings were not the same one day as the next, and that as John wrote from his personal experience with Christ, he naturally deviated from the other three evangelists on account of the difference in the teachings of our Lord. That is the same as to say, John heard him preach a different doctrine than the rest, and to this is assigned the reason why he wrote differently. Of course, we agree that he was one of Christ's most devoted followers, and one whom Jesus loved; and that he wrote from personal experience, and that, too, in a style somewhat different from the other three; but his style of wri- ting did not arise from the fact, as they have so presented it to the world, that Christ's doctrine was divided. Far from that. John's doctrine, or gospel, comes from the same source; has its ebb and flow in the same channel, and its termination is to the same end as that of the other three gospels. So now, let it be understood, that in Christ's doctrine, there is no such division, as those great Bible commentators have made. If anyone ever had a greater knowledge of Christ, and of His mission on earth, than any other human being, it was John; for he was the one who leaned upon Christ's breast, and was dearly beloved by Him. And it does naturally appear, that into his heart, from the bos- om of Jesus, flowed the everlivmg stream. But Christ never gave him any occasion to write an unharmonizing gospel, neither has he written it. In his gospel he sets Christ forth from the beginning more plainly than does the other three. Tie goes back to the creation of the world, and then he wheels about and darts into the unobserved, far off, distant future, and speaks of the second coming of our Lord. We will now tarn our atten- tion to one of the points that we are now going to dwell briefly upon. And that point is this: "And he said, Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not: and see ye indeed, but perceive not. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their (vv FORMATION. nation, a nation whose language thou knowest not, neither understundest what they say." — Jeremiah v, 15. The ancient nation that i-s spoken of was the Gentile nation. Taay a:*j the on3:« that wa3 broaght upon the house of Israel; again, in the fifth chapter and twenty-first verse of Jeremiah, we have these words, to help strengthen our work; "Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes and see not; which have ears, and hear not/' Yes, how foolish they were when they refused to obey God, under hisjudgments, and laws, that He had placed upon them, how blind they were. But at the time when he was to blind them by parables, the fat- ted calf was to be killed, and the supper prepared, and all nations were to be invited to come; one to be filled, the other sent away empty ; one exalted, the other brought low — the rich Mosiacal Jew sent away empty, into blindness; and the ancient nation (the Gentiles) was to be filled from their store house, (the Jews), Christ the store house. We could give many more proofs upon thiu point to prove that it has been fulfilled, but for the present we shall invite the readers attention to the following scripture: "O Lord, why hast thou made us to err from thy ways, and hardened our heart from thy fear? Beturn for thy servant's sake, the tribes of thine inheritance. The people of thy holiness have possessed it but a little while: our adversaries have trodden down thy sanctuary. We are thine: thou never barest rule over them : they were not called by thy name." — Isaiah lxiii, 17-19 O how true! lie never bore rule over them, that is, he never ruled over the Gentile race until after Christ gave them a living soul, then they were hurled under the power of t'ie law of righteous- ness. On the other hand, the Jews from the very beginning were under a law. And the above scripture which reads: "The people of thy holiness have possessed it hut a little while, etc," has reference to the Jews; and the Mosiacal Jews of to-dn}- arc the ones whom Christ blinded with parables. And their hearts were made fat, and Christ said unto them : "Ye are they which justify yourselves before men," etc. — Luke xvi, 15. Now the law of Moses justified them, and in this their hearts were made fat, and their eyes were blinded, and they were sent away CREATION AND fOKM ATIUN . oil. empty, but very rich in Moses. And the scripture above goes to show that they were the ones that were blinded. "The tribes of his inheritance" — the Jews, of coarse. The twelve tribsa of Israel were his inheritance. And to set forth this idea more plainly, we call your attention to the twenty- fifth verse of the ninteenth chapter of Isaiah, which reads thus : "Whom the Lord of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my peo- ple, find Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inherit- ance." We think that this is sufficient to prove beyond a doubt, the assertion which the inheritance is properly assigned to. Again, Christ says : "Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not ; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive : For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed j lest at any time they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them." — Matthew xiii, 13-15. Now then, from this scripture we learn that the eyes of the Mosiacal Jews were closed, or, in other words, blinded with parables. They did not understand Christ's mission on earth. This the Bible proves to be an evi lent fact. Let tis now turn our attention to what is recorded in Mark, he says: "And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God : but unto them that are without, all these things are done in para- bles: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they raj y 1 ear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them." — Mark iv, 11-12. It is plain enough now to see the great truth of the fact. Mark agrees with Matthew, and in them the proph- ecies agree, and are fulfilled. Or, if it be mrre proper, Matthew and Mark agree with the prophecies. Again, it may be well to see what Luke has to say, as he had great wisdom and a good understanding of those facts. He says: "And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God : but to others in parables ; that seeing they might not see, and hearing 312. CREATION. AND FOKilATION, they might not understand." — Luke viii, 10. Luke also agrees 1 with the rest. And in all, we have a vast number of testimonies showing that it was the Mosiacal Jews that Mere blinded with parables. And to present further proofs than we have already, we think, would be absolutely unnecessary ; for if the reader believes at all, he will admit, that, through the word of God, we have thoroughly established this maxim. When Christ was here on earth, fulfilling His mission, He preached among the Jew,?, and in their own synagogues; and when He sent His disciples forth He commanded them that they should not go in the way of the Gentile?, but rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. On one occasion lie says to the woman, "It is not meet to take the children's bread and cast it unto the dogs." That is the same as to st\y, my time is precious ; I must work while it is yet day ; I am cent to save the lost, \ , u Gentiles I will receive unto myself by and by. We repeat again that it was the scribes and Pharisees or the Mosaical Jews who were blinded with parables. But, says one, was it not their own fa i!f, that their blindness happened unto them? We answer, yes, in one sense of the word; for, if the Jews had never mingle 1 with the Gentiles, then the great calamity would not have come upon them, and the sacred sacrifice of Christ would never have been. As soon as the fall in Eden came then came the demand for sacrifices- — the bloo 1 of bulls, and of goats, and of rams, and, finally, the spilling of the blood of the Son of God. It behooved Christ to so prepare Himself, according to the command of God, to meet this end - an.l it was the will of the Father that those Jews should so be blinded. And in His own time lie will remove the veil. Again, let us look and see what John, tl at disciple whom Christ loved so dearly, has to say concerning this thing. He says : "But though he had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not on him: That the saying of Esaias the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spake, Lord, who hath beleivcd our report ? and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed? Therefore they could not believe, because Esaias eaid again. He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their CREATION AND FORMATION 313. heart; that they should not sec with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them. These things said Esaias, when he saw his glory, and spake of him. — St. John xii, 37-41. Now it does seem as though anyone, with understanding at all, orght to be able to see who it was that should not see, nor know, nor understand. In the forty-second verse of this same chapter, John says : ;i XevertI)elcss among the chief rulers also many believed on him ; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue: For they loved the piaise of m:n more than the piake of God." — St. John xii, 42-43. Again, turning to the epistle of Paul to the Eomans, begin- ning with the List verse of the eleventh chapter, we have thsse words : I say then, Hath Go 1 cast away his people? God forbid. God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew." •'•' John xi, 1-2. Paul says that lie hath not cast them aw i7 —"~ ir from it. Ail furthermore, hj says: "What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded." — Eom- ans xi, 7. "The election hath obtained it," that is, the chosen apostles, the disciples, and in fact, the whole human race, out- side of the Mosiacal Jews, obtained it. The sinners, whilst He was with them on earth, the Gentiles after the crucifixion, but the rest were sent away c ni ty. Paul speaks again : "For I wmld not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits, that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. And so all Israel shall be saved : as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins. As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes:" * —Eomans xi, 25-28. There could not be any language used to express a more positive declaration, than the above quoted scripture to teach us 314. CREATION AND FORMATION. that Christ blinded the Mosaieal Jews. Until Christ comes again; for the fullness of the Gentiles is not until that time, and for this reason, the Jews are enemies to the gospel for the sake of the Gentiles. Yet as touching the election they are God's beloved. For they are serving Him, under the law of Moses, just as God intended that they should do, and even in this way they are strong believers in Christ. But they believe that He has yet to make His first advent on earth. And this came from the blindness they were placed under by the Lord, Himself. And yet when we look at the comments of learnedmen upon this poini;, we find they would like to make you believe that God has castaway His Jewish people on the account of their own hardness of heart. Oh, dear reader, do not be duped into such doctrine when Christ, through Paul, tells you that God gave them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see; and ears, that they should not hear until this day. This language cannot be misunderstood, it is to plain. Yet those men, if they could, would twist andbutcher the word up^o that they might make it look as though it was as they said. But, thanks be to God, His Avord cannot be twisted ; it is held within the grasp of His own power, and those Jew^, when the proper time comes, will acsept Christ. Though they do not serve Him now, yet they do serve God, under the law of Moses. And those who serve Him in this way do no wrong, for this was what God intended they should do. The covenant and law was given them for an everlasting covenant. Therefore it will not be done away with until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in. Hence God is still with His people, (the Jews); and, as we glide down the gloomy path of time, they are drawing nearer and nearer to their final victory in Christ, when all Israel in God shall le saved. With these precious truths resting upon our minds, we close this point and chapter, hoping and trusting that we have given the necessary light to convince the honest readers of this fact, that God did, through Christ, blind the Mosaieal Jews by para- bles. May God bless His holy word is our prayer. Text: — "Search the Scriptures:' — St. John v, 39 ; M ark iv 11 ; 2 Timothy ii, 15. After crossing over another dark chasm of pernicious thought, by the light of the divine word, and are standing once more upon the tower of the light house, looking over the gigan- tic labyrinth. Manacles of the soul, as they are being used as lassoe3 for the living, by the multilateral mundanes'of lordism, and ask for you only to follow us until we pass you clear of t'.iem all, and in looking out over another vast field of thought, bef _>re us, and \ie\ving the past, we asked, why was it necessary t) blind the Jews? This we will answer in the future, but for t'.ie present we shall take up the beastly state of the Gentile before Christ came to earth and the abominable thing. In order to do this satisfactorily we will have to go back as far as Eden, to the birthplace of the Jew, and before the forma- tion of this man. The Gentiles had been in existence many years. And when Adam was formed and placed in the garden, a:id a help meet given him, then came the tempter and says : "Yea, hath God said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the gar- den? And the woman said unto him: We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden : but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman : Ye shall not surely die; for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." (See Genesis chapter iii.) Now then, the serpent here spoken of was, as we have so often repeated, and proven with scripture, a Gentile man. And in" the day that God created him, He blessed him with great wisdom and knowledge, as the Bible says, "The ser- pent was more subtile than any beast of the field which God had 316. CREATION AND FORMATION made." Also his own language to Eve proves if," Ye shall not die the serpent in this Gc 1 tile m m does no- only ravoal his charac- ter, in the language above, but he shows his foreigness to God. And all through the Bible we find scripture that goes to show that God never owned the Gentiles as His chosen people. They were numbered with the beasts, and theirs was a beastly character, as this language will go far to prove. And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair ; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is fie;:!), yet his days shall be a hundred an 1 twenty yo.irs". (Sj3 Genesis vi). Here again, comes the abominable thing — the mingling of the Jews with the Gentiles. The second verse of this same sixth chapter of Genesis explains why it grieved God that He had made man on the earth — it explains why Ho swept them all away with the waters of a terrible deluge. They were all dcstroj-ccl except those who entered the ark. But, why it grieved the Lord that He had made man on the earth, was because of their mingling, and it was for this cause that He came down and confounded the language of the world; for this cause Abraham was taken out from among his people, as they were mingling with the brutish men- and it was for this cause that, when just Lot saw and beheld the abominable thing, that his spirit was daily grieved. And the character of those old time Gentiles smote solid against the door of his heart. The Gentiles, in this world had a terrible ruling power. They held the Israelites in bond- age for a long time; and after they were free' from slavery, they were ever after warned by God, as they were from the very beginning, to keep clear of the Gentiles. He says: "Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor with their gods. They shall not dwell in thy hmu, lest they make thee sin against me : for if thou serve their gods, it will surely be a snare unto thee." — Exodus xxrii, 82-33. Again, Exodus, thirty-fourth chapter, and the eleventh and twelfth verses, reads: "Observe thou that which I command thee this da}^: behold, I drive out before thee the Amoiute and the CREATION AND FORMATION. 317. Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite. Take heed to thyself, lest thou make a cove- nant with the inhabitants of the land whither thou goest, lest it be for a snare in the midst of thee/' O how the Lord did plead with Israel to keep clear of the Gentiles, as they had always been the great curse among His chosen people. Yet they would mingle with the brutish nation in spite of His tender entreaties. He says, again, "And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shall thou profane the name of thy God : I am the Lord. — Leviticus xviii, 21. Yet they did those things which He daily warned them against, and they repeatedly profaned His name, and death and destruction was the result. They were cut off from among their people • they were banished from the presence of the Lord in that they could not come back under the law of Moses, and in this state of affairs they were left, if they were left at all, to live out the natural term of earthly life in drudgery and rigorous servitude and finally fall into a Gentile grave. This mingling together must have been a terrible thing, es- pecially to the Israelites. To us who are living in the nine- teenth century, and looking back upon the characters of those long forgotton races, it seems hardly possible that such a train of evils ever followed God's chosen people by mingling with the Gentiles of their own age and nation; but when we read in the Bible that there was no way for them to come back under Jew- ish laws, or any other laws, in those days, we are, to our own conscience, duty bound to admit that this crime was a terrible one. "And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the stranger that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech ; he shall surely be put to death : the people of the land shall stone him with stones. And I will set my face against that man, and I will cut him off from among his people; because he hath given of his seed unto Molech to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name. And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face 318. CREATION AND FORMATION. against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people/' — Leviticus xx, 1, 2, 3, and 6. And still to add more scripture showing up the character and circumstances of the Gentiles, those savage men of old, the Israelite's antagonists, we call the readers attention to the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth verses of the twenty-third chap- ter of Joshua, the same which we will quote, but the reader will do well to read for himself this chapter in full, and also the twenty-fourth chapter. Those three verses reads thus : "Take good heed therefore unto yourselves, that ye love the Lord your God. Else if ye do in any wise go back, and cleave unto the remnant of these nations, even these that remain among you, and shall make marriages with them, and go in unto them, and they to you: Know for a certainty that the Lord your God will no more drive out any of these nations from before you ; but they shall be snares and traps unto you, and scourges in your sides, and thorns in your eyes, until ye perish from off this good land which the Lord your God hath given you." What a curse this was j for the Jews to mingle with the Gentile, but to leave them alone they had the promise of the good land which the Lord their God had given them, and this carries us back to Eden — the holy paradise of earth, given to Adam and Eve. This truly must have been a good land until they transgressed the command of God; then crept on the suf ferings of animal nature, and this really could not be compared with the inward agonies which smote death to their immortal souls. Even for Adam and Eve there was no getting back, that is, they could not be freed from the curse of death. The death that came upon them there and then, was a death of the old fleshy body. But a great many people think, beeause the Bible reads: "For in the day ye eat thereof ye shall surely die," that it was a spiritual death"; but it was not a spiritual death that they suffered by the violating of the command of God. Of course they were driven out from Eden, and they were corn- polled to till the soil from whence they were taken. This to, wis the commencmont of death, but the real death that they were to die by the transgressing of the laws of high CREATION AND FORMATION. .'519. heaven, was to take place inside of God's day — that is a thous- and years — He did not meet a sudden death of the body, for that was not the will of God. A great many of Israel's transgressors, especially those who partook of the accursed thing, the same as did Achin while under the command of Joshua, were, in a great man}^ cases, taken out and stoned, or beaten to death in some way or other. If this was not the case, then they were left like Adam and Eve, to suffer throughout the term of their natural lives. Israel was always a very stubborn and stiff-necked people. Moses was always warning them against the terrible one of their own time, their contemporaries that outrivaled them in strength and greatness. Now a great many people may think that the Gentiles in those days were an awkward squad of poor helpless beings, and unable to defend themselves in time of war- because the Bible says, "And one of you, (that is, one of the Israelites), shall chase a thousand of them," etc. Now there is nothing in this saying that should cause anyone to stumble. It is all very plain. What is really meant is: "If you observe my statutes, and walk in them, and hearken unto my voice then your enemies will not be able to stand before you, and one of you shall chase a thousand of them, in my name." Otherwise they could not do it, for the Gentiles were the greatest, they were the strongest, and they possessed the most power in any shape or form whatever, outside the power of God. The wicked men owned the earth, and the righteous dwelt therein. And it was on the account of the righteousness of the righteous that he gained all his victories. On the other hand, they never were able to stand before their enemies. But, after all of Moses' pleadings with them, they would mingle with the Gentiles and thus entail upon themselves the everlasting curse, or at least it was a curse to them in this life, and after they went to the grave. Christ went and preached to those spirits in prison. At that time there were souls found in this prison belonging to every age since the fall of Adam. And Christ was the only one that could release and forgive them. Had the Israelites but foreseen this great calamity, which was to follow, by partaking 320. CKEAT1UJN AND FOKMATIOJN. of the accursed thing, not only in this life, but in the next; undoubtedly they would have hearkened to the voice of their God. Though they did make Him many promises to observe His statutes, and walk in the ways of holiness, yet they soon forgot this. "And they rejected his statutes, and his covenant that he made with their fathers, an I Ins testimonies which he testified against them; and they followed vanity, and became vain, and went after the heathen that were round about them, concerning whom the Lord hud charged them, that they should not do like them. And they left all of the commandments of the Lord their God, and made them molten images, even two calves, and made a grove, and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served Baal. And they caused their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire, and used divination and enchantments, and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the Lord, to provoke him to anger." — ii Kings xvii, 15, 16, 17. And thus they continually did evil in the sight of God. Those groves and alters that they built were what we call in our day "houses of ill fame." There they sacrificed their sons and their daughters, and caused them to pass through the fire. It was a great sin for God's chosen people to carry on in this way. They were made to suffer for it in this life, and in the next. Tt was not so with the Gentiles. If they suffered at all, their suf- fering was in this life. There was no case pending for them in the court of eternity; for there was no bands in their death. (See Psalm Ixxiii, 4. Again, looking at the moral and spiritual depravity of the Jews in this life, Ezra, the prophet, says: "Since the days of our fathers have we been in a great tres- pass unto this day; and for our iniquities have we, our kings, and our priests, have been delivered into the hand of the kings of the lands, to the sword, to captivity, and to spoil, and to eon- fusion of face, as it is this day. For they have taken of their daughters for themselves, and for their sons: so that the holy seed have mingled themselves with the people oi those lands: yea, the hand of the princes and rulers hath been chief in this trespass. And now for a little space, grace hath been shewed li'om tho Lord our God, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to CREATION Ai\l> FORMATION 921. give us a nail in his holy place, that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our bondage." — Ezra ix, 2-7-8. Their bondage in Egypt was nothing to be compared with thebondaeg of the s< ul. While the mortal man became subject to suffering in this life, by transgression, his immortal soul, when on the verge of eternity, became alike subject to the intensities and anguish of that world beyond. Such was the sad, sad fate of His chosen people. They ate the sacrifices of the dead. (See Psalm cvi, 28). These abominations which they dabbled into never came into the mind of God that they should do them. (See Jeremiah xxxii, 35). The reason why that this mingling with the Gentiles was so great a sin, was, to cut our saying short, because the Gentiles were numbered with the beasts, and considered not a people. (See Deuteronomy xxxii, 21.) In connection with this thought Ave add what Peter has to siy concerning the Gentiles, that were at one time called not a people. But after Christ had risen from the dead, they became a people, we find this fact expressed in this language. ".But yc are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people j that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: Which in time past were not a people, butare now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy."— 1 Peter II, 9-10. This scripture proves to us that the Gentile world were not a people, they lacked something. And Christ supplied that lack. Aid we fin I that Christ came to fulfill the promise. "And this is the promise that He hath promised us, even eternal life," (1st Epistle of John ii, 25), "an this life is in his son." (1st Epis- tle of John v, 1 1) This was what they lacked to make them a people. This Christ gave them when He arose from the dead. So now we see, the present state of the Gentiles is not what it was before Christ made His first advent to earth. But we must not stop here yet, upon this beastly state of the old time Gentiles. So again we return to the place where wo started from; the serpent who was more subtle than any beast 822. CREATION AND FORMATION. of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, yea hath God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? (Gen. iii, 1). This serpent as we bave stated was Satan in the heart of a Gentile man. And this man was wiser than any beast of the field ; herein he was numbered with the beasts. But we must still follow the chain of light upon this point. And looking forward upon our path, to the words of the preach- er as they are recorded on this point in the book of Ecclesiastes iii, 18, 19, "I said in my heart concerning the estate of the sont of men, (Gentiles) that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts. For that which hcfalleth the sons of men, (Gentiles) befalleth beasts; Even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they all have one breath." * This scripture was given upon the Gentiles after Solomon had placed himselfin the attitude of them as you will see in Ecclesiastes ii, 3. In the above quoted scrip- ture you will see there is no room left for doubt in regard to the Gentiles being numbered with the beasts. Again in the ninth chapter, third and fifth verses of Ecclesiastes, they are spoken of as dogs. But again looking at the prophec}^ of Christ's crucifixion as recorder! by the Psalmist, we have -these words: "Many bulls have compassed me: strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round. They gaped upon me with their mouth, as a ravening and a roaring lion. * For dogs have compassed me : the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet. * They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture." — Psalm xxii, 12-18. According to this prophecy it was to be bulls and dogs that were to crucify Christ and part His garments, and cast lots upon his vesture. And in connection with this we turn to Psalm xxxv, 16-17, and find these words: "With hypocritical mockers in feasts, they gnashed upon me with their teeth. Lord, how long wilt thou look on ? rescue my soul from their destruction, my darling from the lions." We see by tins prophecy that lions and dogs were to crucify Christ, and now, when we find who it was that ifi -i Mim, then we'll know who those bulls and dogs rep CREATION AND FORMATION 323. resent. Hence we will have to go to the New Testament for our proof on this point. On turning to Matthew twentieth chapter and eighteenth and nineteenth verses we have this language from Christ's own life. "Behold, we go up to Jerusalem • and the Son of man shall be betrayed unto the chief priests and unto the scribes, and they shall condemn him to death, And shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock, and to scourge, and to crucify him: and the third day he shall rise again/' The Jews, Christ says, were to condemn Him and the Gentiles crucify Him. By this we can see who those lions and dogs were who were spoken of in the prophecy. But this is not all, on turning to St. John, eigh- teenth chapter, you will find that the Jews condemned Jesus and brought Him to Pilate and had him to have his soldiers to crucify Him. Just what Christ prophesied they would do. And there is many other portions of scripture which could be given upon this subject to show the beastly state of the Gentile before Christ came to earth, or Christ Himself numbered them with the beasts in this language: And He said unto the woman: "It is not meet to take the children's bread and cast it unto the dogs." — Matthew xv, 26-28. And this is not all, God, the Father, numbered them with the beasts, and to get a clear understanding of this fact, we will turn to the tenth chapter of the book of Acts, where it is all plainly shown to Peter, on a great sheet let down from heaven. Now then, it was on this wise. Peter went upon the house- top to pray, about the sixth hour: and whilst he was up there he fell into a trance. And he saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending unto him, as if it had been a great sheet, knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth: wherein were all manner of four-footed beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air. And there came a voice to him, saying : Rise, Peter : kill and eat. But Peter said : not so, Lord; for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean. And the voice spake unto him again, the second time. What God hath cleansed, that call thou not common. This was done thrice, and the vessel was received up again into heaven. (Acts, tenth chapter, ninth to sixteenth verses). 324. CREATION AND FORMATION. Those wild beasts which Peter saw on the great sheet rep- resented the Gentiles. Though the Gentiles were not beasts, yet they were numbered with them, and called by beastly names. God shewed Peter this great sheet with all manner of beasts on it, and the "wild beasts," which represented the Gentiles, in order to show him that they were cleansed and accepted of Him, and that the time of their conversion was at hand. This prom- ise was extended unto them for a long time previous to this event. And God sent Peter to the house of Cornelius. But whilst Peter was meditating upon the vision which he had, and wondering what it meant, the men which were sent from Corne- lius came and made inquiry for Simon's house, and they stood before the gate, and asked whether Simon, which was surnamed Peter, was lodged there. And while Peter was still thinking on the vision, the spirit said unto him, Behold, three men seek thee; and he was commanded to go with them, nothing doubt- ing; for God had sent those three men on a holy errand. Then Peter went down and said unto them, Behold, I am he whom ye seek: what is the cause wherefore ye are come? And they told him that Cornelius, the centurion, who was a just man, and of good report among all the nations of the Jews, was warned by God to send for him, that he might come to his house: for he wanted to hear his words. Cornelius was desirous to see Peter. And Peter lodged those men that were sent, over night, and the next day he went with them. And as he was coming in, Corne- lius met him, and fell down at his feet, and worshipped him. But Peter took him up saying, Stand up; I, myself, also am a man. And as he talked with him, he went in, and found many that were come together. And he said unto them, Ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep com- pany, or come unto one of another nation ; but God hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or unclean. There- fore came I unto you without gainsaying, as soon as I was sent for : I ask therefore for what intent ye have sent for me Y And Cornelias said, Four days ago I was fasting until this hour : and at the ninth hour I prayed in my house, and behold, a man stood before me in bright clothing, and said, Cornelius, thy prayer is heard, and thine alms are had in remembrance in the CREATION AND FORMATION. 325. sight of God : send therefore to Joppa, and call hither Simon, whose surname is Peter; he is lodged in the house of one Simon a tanner, by the seaside : who when he cometh, shall speak unto thee. Immediately therefore, I sent to thee, and thou hast well done that thou art come. ]S"ow, therefore are we all here pres- ent before God, to hear all things that are commanded thee of God. Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I per- ceive that God is no respecter of persons: but in every nation he that feareth Him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with Him, etc, and while Peter yet spake, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. And they of the circumcision which, believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost. And Peter baptized them. And eternal life which was promised them by God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ was there and then made manifest. This is all so plain, so very plain, that it would be useless for us to attempt to make it any plainer. Of a truth the Gen- tiles were lifted up from that beastly state, through the mercy of God. For ages upon ages they were counted among the low- er animals of creation. Of course, they had dominion over them all, but in the grave they were all the same. The Gentile man had no pre-eminence above the beast. All must go to the same place, said the preacher. The word '-air' does not include the chosen people of God : for the wise man when he spoke this was in the attitude of the Gentile. What is meant by the above term is, "all Gentiles go to the same place, for He was speaking directly of them, as the one dieth so dieth the other." We trust that we have set forth the beastly state, aud the character of the old time Gentiles, and the abominable thing, so plain that he who reads will understand. We could have given hundreds of such scripture proofs for the strengthening of these three points, but we think that we have enough. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. God's word is true, and in truth it will remain till the end of earthly time, which time will suffice to bring all nations to an account before a just God; and his word will abide forever. Mortality puts on immortality. Hence, His word abideth forever. For the glory 326. CREATION AND FORMATION. of God, the literal shall pass away, that the spiritual may dwell in purity through Christ. Even so, Lord, may thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen. Text: — "Search the Scriptures" — St. John v, 39; Mark iv 11; 2 Timothy ii, 15. Emerging from under the heavy dew of doubt and unbe- lief, chapter fourth has lead us to sec the true character and the beastly state of the Gentiles, and the great abominable thing, and also the difference between the two nations. Having under- stood this much, we now proceed to set forth scripture showing why the sacrifice of Christ was required, and why it became necessary to blind with parables the eyes of the mosaical Jews. In the first place we remark that as God is a God of love, and of mercy, and of justice, and that it was not His desire that any of His chosen people should see death, but that all might live to his Honor and glory throughout the immensities of eternity. It was not His desire that His holy people should mingle themselves with the G-entiles ; for this was the great sin. But, alas for them. They soon fell from their pure state, and then ensued the slaughter of human life. Bodies were burned at the stake; altar sacrifices sprang into use, and souls were thrust into outer darkness, into dungeons, and bound to floors of stone. Such was the beginning of the Jewish race. And justice demanded from the hand of God, a sacrifice sufficient to stay the great plague, or, in other words, to tear down the middle wall that existed between Gentile and Jew ; to save the one from his sins, and to give to the other eternal life. The great abomina- ble thing was a sword, a mighty sword which satan wielded for ages over the heads of the sons of men and over the heads of the sons of God. He made them poor and He made them suffer. And God so loved His chosen people, that, under the demand of justice, He says, "I will do a new thing." (See, Isaiah chapter xxxxii, 9, also chapter xxxxiii, 16, 20, 21.) In those portions of scripture the idea intended to be conveyed is 328. CREATION AND FORMATION. that God is going to give up His only begotten Son for the redemption of His people, by giving to the Grentiles eternal life, land save Israel from a beastly grave. The Jews were His inheritance, and for Himself they were formed. The middle wall is going to be torn down ; and when this comes to pass, then satan's great power, in that direction, will forever be des- troyed. Hence comes the question: * "Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof? And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon." — Eevelations v, 2-3. This book which the "revelator" saw, was, in a literal sense, the Old Testament scriptures, which testified of Christ; and, in a spiritual sense, this book was the book of the law of life. And no one but Christ was able to open it, and to give its contents to the world. And the Eevelator says: "And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon. And one of the elders saith unto me, "Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof." — Eevelation v, 4-5. Christ was to be offered up as a sacrifice, and such a sacri- fice as this, justice demanded, in order that the book might be opened, and its testimonies revealed to the world ; even from the blood of righteous Abel, to the spilling of the blood of Zach- arias, slain between the altar and the temple: ( See Luke xi, 50-51.) And in making the demand, this book is brought forth, and a voice is heard, saying, "Who is able to open it, or to read therein?" The answer comes: "For the Lord hath poured tut upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered. And the vision all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Head this, I pray thee : and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed : And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee : and he saith, I am not learned. Where- fore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is CREATION AND FORMATION. 329. taught by the precept of men : Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder : for the wisdom of their wise men shall per- ish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid." — Isaiah xxix, 10-14. So, by this language of Grod through the prophet, we learn that the book which the revelator saw, was sealed, and there was no one found that could open it, or read it. The wisdom of earth failed : justice could not satisfy herself with the offering up of sinful flesh, "for the holy people of the house of Israel and the house of Judah have dealt very treacherously against me, saith the Lord. They have belied the Lord, and said, it is not he; neither shall evil come upon us; neither shall we see the sword nor famine ; and the prophets shall become wind, and the word is not in them: thus shall it be done unto them." — Jere- miah v, 11-13. "And they are a rebellious people, lying child- ren, children that will not hear the law of the Lord." (See Isaiah xxx, 9, also chapter xxix, 13). Again ; looking at the eighteenth verse of this same twenty- ninth chapter of Isaiah, we have these words: "And in that day the deaf shall hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness." Christ was to open the book and let the blind see. After heaven and earth had been searched for one mighty enough, and pure enough to open and read the book, John wept; first, because there was none found that could open it; and second, because it was so firmly sealed, that he saw no way whereby it might be opened, and because the law of Moses could not give life. Nei- ther could life be given through the blood of slain animals. The blood of bulls and goats was an offering for the atonement, of the sins of the Mosaical Jews — those who had not partook of the accursed thing. But, for the benefit of the sinner, that had mingled with the Gentiles, and for the benefit of the Gentile, all those sacrifices were useless. They could not take away the great curse. And without a sacrifice that had this power within itself so to do, the book could not be opened. And John wept. Then a voice was heard, saying. "Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Boot 330. CREATION AND FORMATION. of David hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof." This same book Ezekiel saw in a vision; He says ; "And when I looked, behold, a hand was sent unte me and, lo, a roll of book was therein; and he spread it before me ; and it was written within and without : and there was written therein lamentations, and mourning and woe/ 7 — Eze- kiel ii, 9-10. This same book, we" remark, was filled with the lamenting, and the mourning, and the woe, of the rebellious house of Israel. Hence, we ask, who could open the book but Christ ? He brought forth judgment unto the Gentiles, and the sinner He redeemed. See Acts, tenth chapter, concerning the Holy Ghost being given to the Gentiles; and also, the eleventh chapter and eigh- teenth verse, showing that unto the Gentiles repentance was granted unto life. Life came unto them first, then repentance was added — repentance unto life. That does not mean that the Gen- tiles were granted repentance unto life, in order that they might repent of any sin that they might have committed before Christ came ; but what is meant is this : Eternal life being granted to them, it became necessary that repentance should be added thereto, in order to show them that they must repent, and that it is necessary for them to repent of their sins hereafter, if they wish to be saved. Hence repentance granted unto life. In the first verse of the tenth chapter of Hebrews we have words that go to show that the law could not give life, or make the comers thereunto perfect. Therefore, God says that He is going to do anew thing, a strange work, and bring it to pass. (See Isaiah xxviii, 21). This strange act that the Lord speaks about doing, is His mercy which was Christ, in the flesh, made by the power of the Holy Ghost, which He is going also, to offer up as a sacrifice for His people. And by so doing, a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall rule in judgment. (See Isaiah xxxii, 1). Those princes that are here spoken of, who are to rule in judgment, are they who are now ruling in judgment the twelve apostles, sitting on thrones judging the twelve tribes of the children of Israel. Again, in Isaiah forty- ninth chapter, twenty-second verse, the Lord says that He will lift up HiH hand to the Gentiles, etc., And the Gentiles shall CREATION AND FORMATION 331. come to the light. (See Isaiah lx, 3, also lxii, 2). Thei*efore the prophet says : "The Lord shall go forth as a mighty man, he shall stir up jealousy like a man of war ; he shall cry, yea, roar ; he shall prevail against his enemies/' — Isaiah xxxxii, 13. "I have long time holden my peace ; I have been still and refrained myself : now will I cry like a travailing woman; I will destroy and devour at once Isaiah xlii, 14. "A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land ; The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so : and what will ye do in the end thereof ?,, — Jeremiah v, 30-31. And for all this Jeru- salem is to be visited, and their houses to be given over to others." — Jeremiah vi, 12. Given to others : that is, to those who stand in need : for they are the ones who shall hear the words of the sealed book, which the Lion of the tribe of Juda hath prevailed to open. And now, in order to gather more scriptural proofs for the point in view and the strengthening thereof, we shall go to St. John, that beloved disciple whom Jesus loved, and see what he has to say. He was one of our Lord's most intimate friends, and it is evident that he had a greater knowledge of Christ's public life than anyone else. At the time Christ raised Jarius' daughter from the dead, He took John into the house with Him, and James and Peter. He would not let any others follow Him save those three. (See Mark v, 37). Those three men were with Him on the mountain, when He was transfigured before them. (See Matthew xvii, 1, Mark ix, 2, Luke ix, 28). They were with Him, when in agony in Gethsemane. (Matthew xxvi, 38). And John also occupied a place next to Jesus in His last hour on the cross, He was with Him, and leaned on His breast at His last supper. (See Matthew xiii, 23). Hence, he must have had a great knowledge of the life and works of Christ, and of the holy word : for He goes far back into the recesses of the past, and brings forth truths and facts which har- monize with the works and word of God from the very begin- ning. His first words in the first chapter of his gospel carries our minds back to the beginning of time. He says: "In the beginning was the word, and the word 332. CREATION AND FORMATION. was with God, and the word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and with- out him was not anything made that was made. And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us," etc. (See John i, 1, 2, 3, 6, and part of the fourteenth verses). Now this goes to show that John had a great knowledge of Christ, even from the beginning of the world. Of course, Christ gave him this great knowledge, or else he would not have had it. His knowledge of Christ, as he so dwelt on earth in the flesh, was, at that time great; and he learned of Him how that in the beginning He was. And without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. Christ was the great light of the world. That is, He was a light to those that sat in darkness, which were the Gentiles, and a light to those that sat in the region and shadow of death, which were the sinning Jews. (See Matthew iv, 16). The light of the Mosaical Jews was their law, given them by Moses. Christ says: -'For judgment, I am come into this world, that they which see not might see : and that they which see might be made blind." St. John ix, 39 In the sixth and seventh verses of the first chapter St. John we have these words : "There was a man sent from God, whose name was «J ohn. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe." The prophecy to this is found in Malachi, third chapter, first verse. It has been fulfilled. Christ was the true light that lightetb every man that cometh into the world. (See John i, 9). The world, as that word is here used, represents all those outside of the Mosaical Jew. They would not receive Christ, neither would they believe on Him. Therefore, the light shone forth in the world of darkness, and they that sat therein saw great light. In the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth verses John says : "He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." That is they were not the ones born anew, in Christ, according to the will of God, they were given CREATION AND FORMATION. 333. the power to become the sons of God before Christ's death, that the Gentile might be born into Christ's kingdom. They were a spiritual people before Christ came to earth, the Gentiles were not. Again, lest some one stumble over the word, "world," we will make it still plainer. The Gentiles were of the world. The Jews were not. The Jews were of God, a holy and sancti- fied people. The immortal soul which God breathed into them was not of the world. Christ was with God from the very beginning of time. And when God said "Let us make man in our own image." Christ was there included. "He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not." The explanation of this verse is readily applied to the time of His being on earth in the flesh : and the world was made by him." First, the world in general, second, the old Gentile world He made anew. Whereas they were once a world of worthless beings, and without hope in this world; yea, without God; they are now on equal footing with the Jewish race ; that is, Christ has given them eternal life, or a living soul, and if they will, they may be saved j they are the ones that are born of the spirit, the blood and the flesh. They are saved through Christ's precious shed blood. Truly He made the world. Yet the world knew Him not. It was some years after Christ spirit- ually made this world, till the world found it out. This was made known at the house of Cornelius. This was the great work that Christ done among the Gentiles, besides granting unto the sinning JewL, repentance. He saved the one from their sins, and to the other He gave eternal life. And to do all this we remark, was one reason why it became necessary to blind with parables the eyes of the Mosaieal Jews. The law of Moses made them clean — the same was an atonement for their sins. But the law of Moses could not give to the Gentiles life, neither could it redeem the sinner. In this the law was weak. A stronger sacrifice was required. Hence, it behooved Christ to die for the needy. The thirteenth verse of the first chapter of John, reads : "Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." The Jews were born of the will of God. The Gentiles were 334. CREATION AND FORMATION. born, when they were born anew, of blood, of the blood of Christ, and not only the Gentiles but also the sinning Jews, had to be brought in through the same shed blood. When Nicodemus, the ruler of the Jews, came to Christ, saying, * "Eabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God : for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Jesus answered and said unto him, Yerily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? Jesus answered, Yerily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh ; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Nicode- mus answered and said unto him, How can these things be? Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things ?" — St. John iii, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 40. This new birth was a great mystery to Nicodemus, and it is a great mystery to many to-day. But the question that Jesus askedhim is sufficient to prove to us, that if the rulers of the Jews had have lived strictly in obedience to God, they could have known these things. For in the first place God told them that He had formed them for Himself (See Isaiah xliii, 21). They were notborn of the will of the flesh but of God. For this reason God said, through Paul, "And so it is written, The first man Adam (the first complete man — the Jew) w T as made a living soul ; the last man Adam was made a quickening spirit. (theGentile) Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural ; and afterward that which is spiritual." — 1 Corinthians xv, 45-46. Here is just what Christ was speaking to Nicodemus in a parable, that is, Christ was setting up His kingdom which was the kingdom of God, and that the Jews were all blinded so that they could not come into this kingdom as a nation, for they already had been given salvation from the beginning for they had been born of God, for this reason Christ give all them that did believe on Him power to become the sons 'of God, for they had sinned. The entiles were the ones that had to be born of CREATION AND FORMATION. 335. the water and the spirit; for they were the natural that was before the spiritual, while the Jew that was placed in the gar- den was the first complete man, (or Adam), the Gentile was the first to be created natural, and last to be spiritual, for they was not spiritual until they were born again, or Christ made them a new creature in Him. And in Christ speaking to him in a parable upon this point jSTicodemus could not understand how a man could be born again knowing as He did the Jewish race had a spiritual life already; and looking at them as the only people, it surprised him to think of a new birth with them. He did not understand those Old Testament scriptures as they set forth the birth of the Gentile world, and Christ knowing that this thing was prophe- sied of, says to him, "Art thou a master of the Jews and know- est thou not these things ?" Hence, He says, "If I have told you of earthly things and you believe not, how shall ye believe if I tell you of heavenly things? For how could he believe? While he had the law of Moses and the prophets to read, yet he did not understand that the law and prophets testified that Christ should bring the Gentile world to a new birth, by His blood and the spirit. And we ask, how could his faith be ush- ered into that spiritual realm. When Christ was blinding his eyes by parables that he should not understand or believe that which he saw with the natural eye? when it would have to be spiritually discerned. Furthermore, Christ says to him: "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the son of man be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life." — John iii, 14-15. If you cannot believe the earthly how can you believe the heavenly ? Again, Jesus meant to show Mcodemus that, as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must he himself be lifted up: that through the shedding of His blood, the sinner might be saved, and that the Gentile might receive by His blood and the Spirit eternal life. The believing Mosaical Jews were saved by water and by the Spirit. John baptized them in this way, and this baptism was the only new thing added unto the Mosaical law. Jesus came into the world, not to condemn the world but that 386. CREATION AND FORMATION. the world through Him might be saved, that is, the Gentile world. The righteous Jews, or those Jews that had not partook of the accursed thing, are not here included, only in fulfilling the promises made to their fathers, for they are saved according to the law of Moses. In the eighteenth and nineteenth verses of the third chapter of John, we have these words : "He that believeth on him is not condemned, but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." This is plain enough to show to what end the sacrifice of Christ was to be, and also showing that blindness in part happened to Israel, and to this class of Jews, Nicodemus belonged. Christ was lifted up between heaven and earth, that through Him the world might be saved." And he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." John iii, 35. We are not to understand by this that the wrath of God abideth on Israel because they believed not on His son, according to His first advent. Oh, no ! far from that; for they believe on Him as their king, but not as He came first, for God Himself closed their eyes, and He gave them the spirit of slum- ber. What is really meant is, "blindness in part is happened to them." Yet many believed on Him, but did not dare confess it for fear of being put out of the synagogue; for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. (See John xii,,42- 43, also the fortieth verse, showing that He closed their eyes, and hardened their hearts). Yet God hath not cast away His people. (Romans xi, 1, and also the twenty-sixth verse tells us that all Israel-shall be saved. They shall be saved at Christ's second coming). But, the question may arise, Who were those that should be condemned for this unbelief, if it was not the unbelieving Mosai- cal Jews? To answer this satisfactorily and intelligently, it is necessary to take into consideration the extent of Christ's mis- sion o;i earth. Tti the* seventeenth chapter of John and the first CREATION AND FORMATION. 337. second and fourth verses we have these words : "These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. I have glorified thee on the earth : I have finished the work which thou gayest me to do." Hence, it is evidently true that condemnation should hap- pen to those whom He came to save, if they rejected Him. The Mosaical Jews rejected Him, but that was the Father's will. Christ had power over all flesh, is true; for His was the power to blind, to give sight, and to grant eternal life. Sin of unbelief was imputed upon those whom He came to save from their sins' upon those, if they reject Him, that say : ''For we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the sav- ior of the world." — John iv ,42. We repeat again, the word "world," especially when used in sentences like these : "He came to save the world," has reference, in full, to Gentile and sinner, or all those outside of the Mosaical Jews. "Forjudg« ment," he says, "I am come into this world." And again, he says: "The Father judgeth no man, but hatb committed arl judgment unto the son." Hence he says "Verily verily, I say unto you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God : and they that hear shall live." Because He hath given him authority to exe- cute judgment also, because he is the son of man : therefor^ marvel not at this, for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear His voice." (John v, 22, x5, 27, 58.) The dead that are here spoken of are those that are spiritual^' dead to eternal life — which are the Gentiles, that is as yet they have no eternal life. Some may think that Christ on this occa- sion spoke concerning those that are naturally dead, but not so • for the living Gentile was always considered as dead men. And to show up this truth we will bring forth scripture to prove it. Wherefore, when God spake to Abemlech in a dream by night, he said : Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman which thou hast taken; for she is another man's wife," (Genesis xx, 3). Now Abemlech was a Gentile man, and he had taken 338. CREATION AND FORMATION. Abraham's wife : and what God tells him, as it is so set forth in the verse above, is the same as to say, "You must not take this woman, nor defile her for she is the wife of one of my "chosen," a Jew, and a possessor of a living soul, and you are but a dead man, and numbered with the beasts." Again when God called Moses and Aaron, and commanded them to make haste and get out from among the Gentiles, together with the children of Israel, the Egyptians were very urgent upon the people, that they might send them out of the land in haste, for they said, "We be all dead men." — Exodus xii, 33. "We be all dead men," is the same as to say, "What fellowship hath death with life? Or, in other words, "Whatare we that we can withstand the God of the Jews, and thus hold His people, amid all these persecutions, and affliction which He hath sent upon Us ? We are but dead men, therefore, let us send this people away. Furthermore, in speaking of the Jews that joined themselves unto the Gentiles, God says : "They joined themselves unto Baal-peor, and ate the sacrifices of the dead." (Psalms cvi, 28). And also we have these words, in Numbers, twenty-fifth chapter, second and third verses: "And they called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods: and the people did eat, and bowed down to their gods. And Israel joined himself unto Baal-peor: and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel." And in Proverbs xxi, 16, we hear the Lord saying: "The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead." That is, those Jews that mingle with the Gentiles shall remain among them. Again we shall add another portion of scripture that goes to show that we are ri^ht in saying that Christ had reference to the Gentile dead, yet alive alive in the flesh, when He said, "The hour is come and now is, when the dead shall hear my voice." And in the cxv Psalm, seventeenth and eighteenth verses, we have the evidence, and this it is: "The dead praise not the Lord, neither any that go down into silence. But we will bless the Lord from this time forth and for evermore. Praise the Lord." Looking this portion of scripture over unthoughtfully, one would naturally come to the conclusion that it is the natural CREATION AND FORMATION. 339. dead that are here spoken of that praise not the Lord ; but this is not the truth. What is meant is, the living Gentile, spiritu- ally dead to eternal life, he praiseth not the Lord. "But we will, (says the Psalmist), bless the Lord for evermore." Of course, in the above scripture there is one phrase that sets forth the naiural dead, and that phrase is the con- gregation of the dead, which praise not the Lord. "Neither any that go down into silence." Neither of these praise the Lord, and yet there is a distinction made in these two sentences. And these are they that are the Gentile dead, and the congrega- tion. Thfy don't praise the Lord. On the other hand, the Jews do. They praise Him while in this life, and after they go to the grave their soul magnifieth Him. Hence, Christ was alluding to the living Gentiles when He said : "Yerily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God : and they that hear shall live." — John v, 25. This was a mystery to the Jews; they could not understand how that the dead were to hear His voice, and then Jesus says to them : "Marvel not at this : for the hour is coming, in Avhich all that are in the graves shall hear his voice : and shall come forth; they that have done good unto theressur- rection of life ; and they that have done evil, unto the ressur- rection of damnation." — John v, 29. Now, in this language of our Lord He had reference to His departure from this life to that vast world beyond, where He was to preach to the spirits in prison. Commentators say that Christ, through Noah, preached to those spirits in prison, but that idea is contrary to the teachings of the Bible; for Christ says : "The time will come, when those in the graves shall hear," etc.; by this you see that in Noah's day this tiring had not as yet been, but that time was yet to come, says our Lord. In the Old Testament scriptures we have a good many evidences showing that the time would come when those in the graves should hear the voice of God. In Ezekiel thirty-seventh chapter, twelfth and thirteenth verses we have these words: "Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God: Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your 340. CREATION AND FORMATION. graves, and bring you into the land of Israel. And ye shall know that I am the Lord, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves." And in Hosea, thirteenth chapter and fourteenth verse, the Lord says : I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death: O death, I will be thy plagues; O grave, I will be thy destruction : repentance shall be hid from mine eyes." This is strong proof showing that the time of the fulfillment of these prophecies had not yet been, and that Noah was not he who preached to the departed spirits. In Matthew twenty-seventh chapter, fifty-second and fifty- third verses, we have this testimony : "And the graves were opened ; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after his ressurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many." All this happened after Christ's death. And yet, one more scripture we shall bring forth showing that Christ preached to those spirits in prison after His death on the cross. And this is found in first Peter, third chapter and nineteenth verse, which reads : "By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison." And many other like proofs we could bring forth, but think that these are sufficient. If Christ's words are true, then we are bound to admit that He was the one that preached to those spirits. The idea that Noah, or even Christ by Noah, preached to those spirits in prison, is monstrously absurd and false. The world is full of such nonsense as this. Christ said that those that were in the graves would hear His voice. He did not say that He would preach by Noah to those imprisoned spirits at all. He done this work Himself. He trod the wine press all alone. While in the flesh, He did not preach repentance unto the sinning Jews r by Noah ; He did not pray in Gethsemane by Noah ; He did not suffer on the cross by Noah ; and He did not die by Noah ; nei- ther was He ressurrected by Noah, nor did He preach to the spirits in prison by Noah. The Son of God battled through His mission all alone. When we say "all alone," we do not mean that the Father was ever absent from Him. O no, far from that, for He says: "I can of mine own self do nothing: CREATION AND FORMATION. 341, as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me. 7 ' —John v, 30. And again, in speaking to the Mosaical Jews, Christ says." "Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust. For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?"— John v, 45-47. This is what He told Nicodemus. If he believed not earthly things, (that is Moses) how could he believe Christ? This also, goes to show that Christ's mission on earth, was not to the Mosaical Jews, further than to so blind their eyes with parables, that seeing they might not see, nor hear, nor understand. In Moses' writings, God, in speaking of the coming of Christ, says to him: "I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him." — Deuteronomy xviii, 18. And then in the nineteenth verse he says: ''And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name I will require it of him." That is the same as to say, "The hearers of my law are not they that are justified, Jbut they that are doers of my commandments; they are they that shall see life and live." In the second chapter of Eomans and the thirteenth verse we have scripture setting forth this idea. Hence Christ did not come to accuse them, for they were accused by Moses, and are under the law of Moses even unto this day. If they had not been blinded by parables, then they would have been- followers of Christ to-day. Therefore He says : * 'For judo-, ment I am come into this world; that they which see not, might see, and they which see, might be made blind." John ix 39- For judgment Christ came, which judgment was to the Gentiles and is so set forth in the prophecies. In the forty second chapter of Isaiah, first and fourth verses we have these words: "Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth : I have put my Spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till he have set judgment in the earth : and the isles shall wait for his law." And further 342. CREATION AND FORMATION. on, in the sixth verse, God says that He will give Him for a light to the Gentiles, all of which have been fulfilled. (See Mat- thew xii, 18). The people which sat in darkness saw great light. The Gentiles sat in darkness and in Christ they saw great light. They were of the world. But, says one, "Are not the Jews of the world?" Well, at the present age of advanced human beings, they might be counted of the world; but in Christ's time, on earth, He did not speak of them ^s though they were of the world. He says, speaking of those that the Father gave Him that He might save them from their sins ; "They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world." And Christ did not only speak in a natural way, but He also spoke in a spiritual way. For He says, "the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life." (St. John vi, 63). Life, because He had to give life. Not only did the Gentile receive the benefit of this life that He granted to them, but the sinning Jew that was dispersed among them, on the account of the great sin received a great benefit, and this sin we have said caused them to be numbered with them. In Christ this middle wall was torn down, and judgment brought to the Gentiles for He was to be their light, and the glory of Israel. — Luke ii, 32. The blinded Jew was also benefitted, from the fact that they were saved by Him, from the curse of that great sin. But when Jesus spake to them of their blindness and of the judgment that He brought into the world to the Gentiles, some of the blinded Pharisees that stood by, said unto Him. * "Are we blind also?" Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth." (St. John ix, 40-41). In this language there is expressed a great iact. In the fii*3tpiace it proves that their eyes were blinded, and that under that blindness they were all right until they said they saw. This expression brought them under condemnation; from the very fact, they said they saw, when they did not see. Those Jews were the ones that had the law of Moses as their guide, and their eyes were closed to Christ; their supposition was, no doubt, that Jesus had reference to the blinding of the natural eyes, when He said : "For judgment I am come into this world, that they who see not might see, and that they who see CREATION AND FORMATION. 343. might be made blind; but Jesus did not mean anything like that at all. He spoke about a spiritual blindness, but they understood Him not, and they said, "Are we blind also V They were very ignorant of the fact that Christ came into the world to save the sinner, and to give to the Gentiles eternal life. They expected that promised Messiah to come to them, but He never was promised to them at His first coming, only to take away the curse for them. That promise reaches them only at His second appearance. "And so all Israel shall be saved." The Jews had the Old Testament laws, and yet they did not thoroughly understand them. In the sixtieth chapter of Isaiah, and the third, fourth and fifth verses we have a prophecy show- ing that when Christ should come, the Gentiles would come to that light, and their sons and their daughters would flock in and be nursed, yea, kings shall come to the brightness of that rising light, and, in short, all the forces of the Gentiles shall come. With such plain scripture as this is, it seems hardly possible that any one would fail to see the true light thereof, and yet this was the fate of the Jews that worshipped under those laws; even their expounders were in the dark. They understood their personal duty to Cod and their fellow brethren, from those laws, and also they knew what the great curse was; but they did not know for what intent that Christ came into the world. They did not even believe Him, that is, the great mass of them did not. Some believed, but many that did believe, were afraid to acknowledge it for fear of gaining the ill-will of their breth- ren. They loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. In the ninth chapter of St. John, and fifth verse, Jesus says : "As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world." The world which He speaks about does not include the Mosai- cal Jews; for they did not receive him. He was a light to the Gentile world. And they that follow Him, He says, shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. (John viii, 12). Here the phrase is, "the light of life." When Jesus spake these words the Gentiles had not as yet received the life ; they saw in Him the great light, but the life was to come to them after His death. For He says, I must first go away or the com- forter will not come. He is here speaking of His departure 344. CREATION AND FORMATION. from this life, and when He goes away He will send the com- forter. And in the fortieth verse of the sixth chapter of John He says, "And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have ever- lasting lif e : and I will raise him up at the last day." And again, He says, "For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me." — St. John vi, 38. "When Jesus told the Jews that He was not come of Him- self, but that He was from the Father, and the Father sent Him and He knew the Father ; then they sought to take Him, but no man laid hands on Him because His hour was not yet come And many of the people believed on Him, and said, When Christ cometh, will He do more miracles than these which this man hath done?" And when the Pharisees heard that the peo- ple murmered over those things concerning Christ, they sent officers to take him. Then Jesus said unto them : Yet a little while am I with you, and then I go unto him that sent me. Ye shall seek me, and shall not find me, and where I am, thither ye can not come." Then said the Jews among themselves : Whith- er will he go, that we shall not find him? will he go unto the dispersed among the Gentiles, and teach the Gentiles? What manner of saying is this that he said, Ye shall seek me, and shall not find me, and where I am, thither ye cannot come?" (See John vii, 28-36). The fact is, as we have so often said, that those Jews were blind concerning Christ and His mission on earth. They rea- soned among themselves, whether He would go among the dis- persed, that they should not find Him. Yes Christ went among the dispersed, that they should not find Him. Yes, Christ went among the dispersed, and from these lower class of Jews, He chose His disciples. For judgment He came into the world. He came to preach to the poor, to open the blind eyes, and save the sinner, and grant to the Gentiles eternal life. Again, He says: * "And I lay down my life for the sheep. And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold : them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice ; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." — John x, 15-16). CREATION AND FORMATION. 345. In this scripture there are two very important points to notice. First, He speaks of "the sheep," which are the sinning Jews, or the lost ones whom He came to save; and second, He says: "Other sheep I have which are not of this fold, them I must also bring in." These are the Gentiles, and He is going to bring them in ; for the father gave them to Him, that He should give them eternal life — making one fold, and He, Himself being the shepherd. The law of the Mosaical Jews could not give life to the Gentiles, neither could this law redeem the sinner. All this had to be done through the blood of Christ, that unblem- ished sacrifice. Hence, "the stay and staff was taken away from Israel," (See Isaiah iii, 1), and given to the crippled and the wounded. "What then ? Israel hath not obtained that which he seek- eth for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded. (According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slnmber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear ;) unto this day. And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumbling block, and a recompense unto them : Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway. I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy. Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles ; how much more their fulness? For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office : — Romans xi, 7-13. By the reading of the above quoted scripture it is plain enough to see for what intent Israel was blinded. He who holds the world in rightousness holdeth Israel in awe and admi- ration even unto this day. He hath not cast away His people ; but, for a little season he hath blinded their eyes, that through their fall salvation is come to the world. Christ says, If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin but now they have no cloak for their sin." — St. John xv, 22. In this, our Lord's larguage, there is a double meaning, embracing both Gentile and Jew. In the first place, in speak- 346. CREATION AND FORMATION. ing of the Jew, He says: "They have both seen and hated both me and my Father ; that it might be fulfilled that is written in their law. They hated me without a cause/' It is evident that He is here referring to the Jews: for they were the one that were looking for the promised Messiah, and when He came, they rejected Him; through their blindness they spit upon Him, they mocked Him, and they condemned Him to death, and through their hardness of heart towards Him, He was crucified by Gentile soldiers. Therefore, their sin remaineth without any cloak for their sin. On the other hand, the Gentiles were without sin, until after Christ gave them eternal life. That is, they were not held accountable for any sin, previous to this; Christ brought them out of darkness into light and left them without a cloak for their wickedness : and, at that time, God included them all under sin. The Mosaical Jews were not without sin, but, they found their hope of redemption in the law of Moses. The sinners were under the sentence of death and the law could not redeem them ; the gentiles were of the wicked one, and they were alike num- bered together with the sinners, and at this time are counted under sin; therefore, Christ died for the world. And, to day the gentile race hath no cloak for their sins; yet they are saved in Christ if they repent: He has cleansed them from their beastly state, He has torn down the middle wall, and he has placed them on eaqual grounds with the Jew- ish people, that through him they might become heirs of God, and joint heirs with Himself, that through Him they might be brought into the fold, and He was to be the shepherd, and, the stone which the builders (the jews) rejected, hath become Lord of all. This was, and is, a great mystery to the jews ; they could not see into the kingdom of God, neither do they yet see. Now in the conclusion of this chapter, we shall add a few more script- ural proofs showing why it was necessary to blind with para- bles the eyes of the Mosaical Jews. The question may arise; could not salvation have been granted to the gentiles without blinding the eyes of those jews? we answer, no; for had those jews have known Christ, they would not have condemned him, to be crucified, and had He not been crucified the sinner would CREATION AND FORMATION. 347. not have been saved, th 3 curse would still have remained ; For the Gentiles would have remained without eternal life, and this would still left Satan his power in the middle wall. But for this cause Christ came, as we see in the second chapter of 1 st. Cor., 8 th. verse in these words: "Which none of the princes of this world knew; for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory". And then turning to the third chapter of the book of Acts, in the 14, 15 and 17th, verses, we read : "But ye denied the Holy One and the Just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you ; and killed the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead ; Whereof we are witnesses. And now, brethren, I wot that through ignorance r e did it, as did also your rulers." Through the mercy of a just God, toward a ruined world, he permitted His "Son"to suffer and die for the lost sheep of Is- real. If he had not blinded their eyes, they would have seen and known that he was the King of glory, Prince of life, and the Son of the living God; and they never would have condemned him to death. Why ! (we speak to our readers) your honor knows as well as we do, that, had they known he was God, a thousand mill- ion men, in one day, would have been ready for war; a thousand million swords would have been wildly flashed in the air, wield- ed over the heads of his foes, should he have had any; the old retired veterans and. generals of war would have taken down the rusty blade, stained with the blood of thousands, and franticly rushed out into the streets and lanes, crying out; "Lord! where are these, thine adversaries, till we smite"; great Ceaser and his le- gions would have been ready in the field with spear and arrow, to protect the Son of God. They would have fought and died for him. Cities would have perished for him, and nations would have been his defense, had they but known him. But, alas! the Son of God passed away unobserved by them ; He was the least of their notice. God, in his infinite wisdom, saw fit that these things should be, that he might destroy, Satan's power. And in order to save the lost sheep, such a sacrifice was required. And to give the needy ones right to the tree of life, he had to blind the eyes of those who needed him not. "For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise of no effect: Be- cause the law worketh wrath : for where no law is, there is no 348. CREATION AN1> FORMATION. transgression". (Romans 4; 14, 15th. verses). Those for whom Christ came to die, were without the ben- efit of the law. They were beyond the utmost reach of human help, or human sympathy; But not be beyond the reach of the love of God. They were lost; and naked they were, when he sought and found them in the far off dark mountains of "sin, in the wilderness. Theirs was the habitation of death, destruction, lementation and woe. The blood of slain animals was of no a- vail ; their sins were written with an iron pen, and stamped npon the darkpages of "Eden lost", with their lifes' blood; their strug- gles for release were all in vain; and God hearing their doleful cries, in moans of failure and distress, said: "I will save them from their sins; in that day the blind shall see, the lame will walk, the lepers shall be cleansed, the deaf shall hear and the tongue of the dumb shall sing; for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert". (See Isaiah, 42nd. Ch., 16th. verse also, 49th. Ch. 9 and 10th. vs.). And in answer to this prophecy, God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that whosoever believeth in him should not per- ish, but have everlasting life. The blood of the slaughtered an- imals, was a sufficient offering for the atonement of the sins of those that had the benefit of the law; But for those that had lost that benefit , b} 7 mingling with the Gentiles, or those who had lost the benefit of it, through such transgressions, as bared them from the benefit of the law. Sacrifices for these would never do; for the law .could not give life through such offerings. That life giving blood, was the blood of the Son of God, If those that were heirs of the law,had of accepted Christ at the first advent, then the promise to the sinner and the ungodly, would have been of no effect. The Gentiles would still have been in their beastly slat ,and the sinner in their sins. Hence, they were blinded in order that they should not accept him ; that he might spill his blood for the ransom of the world, and to bring them to God. If he had not been crucified, then the prophecy would not have deen fulfilled. The blinding of them, was the fulfilling of a portion of his mission. The stay and the staff was taken from [sreal, and given to thn n-j i \y ; Christ was put to death to save the CREATION AND FORMATION. 349. world. He was a man of sorrow and acquainted with grief. The torture in the judgement hall ; the crown of thorns; the shouts from the excited mob, crucify him ! and the railing accu- sations : were all uncomplainingly bourne for those whom he loved. Behold him, led as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep be- fore her shearers is dumb; so he openeth not his mouth. Be- hold him, coming forth, wearing the crown of thorns, the purple robe, as a reproach of shame; and above all, wearing in his very features, the insult of laughter and scorn, the stroke of hands, and the pain of scourge and bruise. Behold him, going forth bear- ing his cross to the place where he pays the debt. Behold there the awful scene. The Son of God streached out upon the un- smoothed timber, nailed hand and foot, raised up to public gaze, and him crying out : "Father forgive them; for they know not what they do"! Oh, what manner of love is this ! Behold the Son of Grod in the last hour, the last moment, He saying, "It is finished". He has passed away; the temple is rent in twain from top to bot- tom; darkness prevails, and the earth trembles ; the graves are opened, and the dead rise and appear to many. "Truly this was the Son of God". He has paid the great debt. The law be- ing to weak to give life, he took upon himself the shame; and for this people, he died an ignominious death. To him be do- minion and praise forevermore, "Amen". CHAPTER VI. Text: — "Search the Scriptures." — St. John v, 39; Mark iv 11 j 2 Timothy ii, 15. The previous chapter has revealed to us light of God's holy word, that has been kept secret for centuries. The present chapter will embrace the mysteries kept secret from the foun- dation of the world. Having the assurance, that unto us it is given to know tht mysteries of the kingdom of God ; we now make an effort to discover the truth of the holy word, and lay before the world an enterprise, which our so called theologians and robed priests, have kept secret for ages. It has been said, that it was given to the apostles only, to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God; and after they passed away, the art of knowing those secret things, also passed away, or were forever hidden from the world. But this is a mistake. Shall we believe God, or shall we be- lieve man ? God said, "Unto you (that is, unto all that are willing to trust and follow him) it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven". And in the second chapter of the book of the Acts of the apostles, the 38, 39th. verses, we have these words: "Then Peter said unto them, Eepent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remmission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call". Now the promise is, "Ye shall recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost". This is sufficient; for the IToly Ghost teacheth all things, and this is a wonderful gift, given by the Holy Ghost. We under- stand by the word "mysteries" that it, means something that is hid; or something that is not as yet known. There has been mysteries, as we have before said ever since the world was. for ages it has been a mystery to account for the origin of the Gen- CREATION AND FORMATION. 351. tile race; for ages it has been a mystery to tell, in the days of Noah, after the flood, who those giants were, and where they come from, and how they' crossed the mighty deep (if they crossed it at all), for there was only eight souls saved by water. These are mysteries no raoie. The veil of the covering cast over the people, is removed to them that believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Yea, even those Mosaical Jews, whom Christ blinded with parables, are heirs to this promise, if they believe. But going a little deeper into the philosophy of that promise, it does not yet quite reach those jews; the fullness of their time has not yet come. But that day will come when the covering will be taken off of them. Then they thall see God, and they will know Jesus, their king. That promise, "Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven", reaches unto those for whom Christ came to die ; so then, the bible is given to us to know what its contents are, and to know their value and their worth. God's promises are sure and firm. "He bindeth the floods from overflowing; and the thing that is hid bringeth he fourth to light.(Job, 28th. Ch., 1 lth, vs). "And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the veil that is spread over all nations". (Isaiah, 25th. Ch. , 7th, vs.) Whence cometh this veil cast over all nations/ why, it came by disobedience. Through every age from Eden down, threads have been woven into it and it growed to large proportions. It may be that our reader has been taught different than this; but we tell you this is a plain truth, that, in Eden, is where the first threads were spun for the making of this veil, which was spread over the people. God warned his chosen people from the very beginning of their origin, not to do those unlawful things. And this he made known to the prophet when he said, "I have even from the be- ginning declared it to thee; before it came to pass I shewed it thee: lest thou shouldest say, Mine idol hath done them; and my graven image, and my molten image, hath commanded them. Thou hast heard, see all this; and will not ye declare it? I have shewed thee new things from this time, even hidden things, and thou didst not know them". (Isaiah, 48th, Ch., 5,6th, vs.) 352. CREATION AND FORMATION. How much truth there is in this prophecy, reaching clear back to Eden. After God had warned the man and his wife of their awful doom if they disobeyed him; they did eat, and their idols were to blame according to their say so, for Adam laid it on his wife, and she laid it unto the serpent-; and the serpent was cursed above all beasts, for he had corrupted his wisdom, by reason of his brightness, anc 1 was compelled to suffer the consequences for it. Again this veil that was cast over all people, is still hung over the faces of those that are under the old Jewish despensation. The apostle Paul makes this very plain. He rays, "And not as Moses, which put a veil over his face, that the children of Isreal conld nit steadfastly look to the end of that which is abolished : But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same veil untaken away in the reading of the old Testement; which vail is done away in Christ. But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the veil is upon their heart. Nevertheless, when it shall turn to the Lord, the veil shall b) taken away." (2nd. Corinthians, 3rd. Oh., 13 14 15 16th. vs.). By this we learn that those Jews who are worshiping under the old law, are also under the vail. So the promise is, "Unto you (that follow the Lord Jesus Christ) it is given to know the mys- teries of the kingdom of heaven." Through disobedience the vail was wrought; and this was the cause of God creating a "new thing" ; and this "new thing" was created in the likeness of the sons of men. The sons of men were created; and the flesh of the son of God was created, not by the union of man and wife, but by the power of God. To affirm that Christ was tht> fruit of man and wife, is to affirm ignorance by the square foot. Of course there were many people, especially among the Mosaical Jews, that looked upon Christ as a mere man. And this is easily accounted for when we look at the vail that is hung over them. They, not knowing Him, or not knowing any thing about His earthly mis- sion, passed Him off as a mere man, and condemned Him, and crucified Him, because He made Himself the Son of God. The prophet, in speaking of the coming of Christ, says, "Behold, my servent shall deal prudently, he shall be exalted and extoll- CREATION AND FORMATION. 853. ed, and be very high. As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men: So shall he sprinkle many nations; the kings shall shut their mouths at him : for that which had not been told them shall they see ; and that which they had not heard shall they con- sider. (Isaiah, 52nd. Ch., 13 14 15th. vs.) The two last clauses of the 15th. verse, sets forth the Gentile nation. They shall see, and hear, and consider. And again,the Psalmist, according to the direction of God, speaks concerning Christ, and says, "I will open my mouth in a parable : I will ut- ter dark sayings of old : Which we have heard and known, and our fathers have told us. (78th. Psalms.) In answer to this prophecy, we quote from Matthew, 13th: Ch., 34 35th. vs., these words: "All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them: That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world." This is true of Christ; for He did utter things which had been kept secret from the foundation of the world. He told His disciples on one occasion, that, many mighty men have desir- ed to see the things which ye saw, and have not seen them. The wise men of all ages have failed to search out those things which be of God. And Jesus said, *" I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and pru- dent, 5*nd hast revealed them unto babes. (Matthew, 11th. Ch., 25th. vs. ; also Luke, 10th. Ch., 21st. vs.) And again, Christ in speaking to his disciples says, "Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. (Matthew, 10th. Ch. 26 27th. vs.) "For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested ; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad. (Mark, 4th. Ch., 22nd. vs.) Some people are apt to believe that, in such sayings as these, Jesus w r arned his disciples against hypocrits, and that hypocricy 354. CREATION AN1> FORMATION. was that which was hidden, and which should really come to light. All this is good as far as it goes, but it does not cover all the ground. If hypoeriey is all that there is to know, and hav- ing known that, what then are we going to do with that which is not yet known; when Christ says, "For unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven." In that saving there is something more than hypoeriey ; there is something more than the learned have enjoyed, whether it is good or bad. It is evidently true, that some men's hearts are filled with earthly evil. The inferior animals have found this out. But what a- bout those things that are heavenly. Who hath found them out. Christ says, "Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven." The prudent and self-righteous scribes and pharasees were in the dark con- cerning those mysteries, neither yet do they see. The quack teachers and imposters, who are following the theory of the beast of our time, are not exempt from the veil of those blind guides of old. They all go hand in hand, making the world's highway, a way of thieves and robbers. The world is so full of imposters, that it is hard for an honest man to think as he ought. Yea, it is hard for an honest man to die ; for the fearful thoughts which he has all the time, that he is going to hell, or some other hot place, to suffer forever. To know that we are not dealing with such a tyrranical God, is to know the true God. And to know our duty to such a God, is to know the mysteries which have been kept secret from the foun- dation of the world. "And God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty ; And base things of the world, and things which are des- pised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to naught things that are :" (1st. Cor., lst.Ch., 27 28th, vs.) What-a true God must he be. Think of twelve poor unlearned fishermen going out into the rough world to proclaim tidings, which before were never known. They had the promise, and when Christ departed from this world, lie, as lie had promised, sent them the comforter, and they were instructed in all things what- soever He hi 1 told them. But that same promise did not end CREATION AND FORMATION. 355. with them. It hath gone out into the world seeking rest, and finding none, on the account of the false teachings of the beast. It has return- ed to God, as it was given by Him, and it is now a silent witness against the offenders of high heaven. And now it remains with us to decide whether we shall work, or play. God says, "Study to shew thyself approved unto Me, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing my word of truth." He has prom- ised to be with us, and to him that believeth on the Lord Jesus Christ, in the true way, the veil is removed. And now, before we go any further with those mysteries, let us follow Christ through the valley and shadow of death; as this will reveal to us great light of some of the darker misteries. Before His death the Jews remembered to have heard Him say, "The Son of Man shall be crucified, and the third day he shall rise again." This they understood not, but was by them con- demned to death. He was taken by the Gentile soldiers, and nailed to the cross. And when He was taken down, they laid Him in a newly made sepulchre; and for fear that some one should steal him out, and say, "The Lord indeed has risen", they sealed the sepulchre, and set a watch. They were going to make sure that no man should steal his body ; for they wanted to see if this thing be true, that he indeed shall rise the third day. The third day rolls around; the clouds speak out in tones of mighty thunder, and the earth trembled and a terrible earthquake comes, and an angel descends from heaven, and rolls away the stone, and sits upon it. The Lord is risen; His death and suffering is over with. Being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the spirit, by which also he went and preached to the spirits in prison. (See 1st. Peter, 3rd. Ch., 18-19th. vs.) Christ preaching to those spirits in prison was a fulfillment of a part of His mission, from the simple fact, that his mission as a saving power was to the lost; and in that spiritual world there were more souls to be saved, than there were in this, the natural world of that time. .During His absence from the flesh, He Himself, in prison, preached to those spirits in the spirit world. The last words which Jesus spaked when He was hanging 856. CREATION AND FORMATION. on the cross, were, "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me." f We are not to understand by this that the Father ever forsook his Son, no. Not even for a moment. It was the flesh that cri- ed out to the Immortal in the Ja^t moment, or in other words, Jesus crying out after Christ, "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Jesus the man, Christ the spirit.) We can not make any other meaning out of this saying. We have the best reason to affirm that it was the flesh that cryed out to the im- mortal. For Christ was God manifested in the flesh. (See 1st. Tim.. 8rd. Ch., 16th. vs.) And He was in the flesh reconciling the world unto him- self. And when that flesh was, in the last moment, in the arms of death, the Mortal cried out to the Immortal, "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me V}. And having so said, He departed from this world, and went and preached to the spirits in prison. Behold the mighty dead, that vast multitude, as they come forth, at the command of the Son of God. Some to the resurrection of life and some to the resurrection of damnation. Those that came forth to the resurrection of life, was the Gentiles that had not corrupted God's ways upon earth ; they were without law, "and where there is no law, there is no transgression ; and where there is no transgression, there is no sin." (See Eom. 4th. Ch., 15th. vs. also 5th. Ch., 13th. vs.) They could not sin, but they could become very wicked by cor. rupting God's ways upon earth; and those of the Gentiles that were saved from the dead, that arose with Christ's dead body,as you see in Isaiah, 26th. Ch., 19th. vs., are those that had not cor- rupted God's ways. The portion of the Jews that were saved, were those that did serve God, or would if they could of served Him with all their strength and heart. The rest of both nations arose to shame and everlastiug con- tempt; And we think, especially those Jews that wore the cloak of hipocricy to cover their sin. Christ would say to them, "Do not think that 1 will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust." (St. John, 5th. Ch., 45th. vs.) From this it is reasonable enough to affirm, that He accused not the living Jews, nor even the dead; CREATION AND FOKMAT1UN. 857 = for where there is an accusation, there must needs be an accuser \ and those Jews were acused by the law of Moses, because it had been given them for a guide. Therefore, He would say tc the Jews, that had kept His law and statue, and also to the Gentile that had not corrupted his war on earth, "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the f>st resurrection : on such the second death hath no power,*(Bev., 20eth. Ch., 6th. vs.) ^N"ow those that came forth unto the resurrection of life, were tJaose that had part in the resurrection of Christ, which was the first resurrection. "Blessed and holy are they, for on them the second death'hath no power. Their robes have been washed in the blood of the Lamb, who was slain from the foundation of the world. Hence, this was Christ's mission in the spirit world. He was the first to rise from the dead, after the earthquake and the rocks were rent ; "And the graves were open- ed ; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. (Matt., 27th. Ch., 52-53rd. vs.) and tr the dead He went; and as the prophet prophesied, saying, "I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death : O death, I will be thy plagues, O grave, I will be thy destruction : repentance shall be hid from mine eyes." (Hosea, 13th. Ch., 14th. vs.) So in Christ this was all fulfilled. On the morning of his resur- rection, the earth did quake, the vail of the temple was rent in twain from top to bottom, the graves were opened, and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and appeared unto many. He was the first in the resurrection, and then the dead followed in the train. His appearance unto His disciples after His death was the dawning day of their great joy. And when He came unto them He said, " Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holv Ghost; Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen." (Matt, 28th. Ch., 19-20eth. vs.) In connection with this scripture, Mark says, "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. (Mark, 16th. Ch., 15th. vs.) And in the last chapter 358. CREATION AND FORMATION. of Luke, 46 to 51 vs., we have these words :" And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: And that repentance and re- mission of sin should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And ye are witnesses of these things. And behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you : but tar- ry ye in the city of Jeruslem, until ye be endued with power from on high. And he led them out as far as Bethany : and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them. And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven.' And thus Jesus was parted from them; He had been their good shepherd while He was with them in the flesh, and the promise was that He would still be with them in spirit, but not in body. He prepared the way of holiness for them that love Him to walk therein. He established His work on earth; and "He that descendeth (that is in lower parts af the earth at his death,) is the same also that ascendeth up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things." (Ephesians, 4th. Ch., 10th. vs.) We are indebted to Him ; and as Paul says, "Now then we are em- bassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God." (2nd. Cor., 5th. Ch., 20eth. vs.) "But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost : In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." (2nd. Cor., 4th. Ch., 3 -4 -6th. vs.) Yes this glorious gospel is given us for what it is worlh, and it is worth more than the whole world. It teaches us what the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven are. It shows us our duty to God, "Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testement; not of the letter, bat of the spirit: for the letter kill- eth, but the spirit giveth life. (2nd. Cor., 3rd. Ch., 6th. vs.) "And Jesus Christ, the righteous, is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole world. (See CREATION AND FORMATION. 359. 1st. John, 2nd. Ch., 1st.- 2nd. vs.) And Pan! says, "To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them, and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation, (2nd. Cor., 5th. Ch., 19th. vs.) The word of reconciliation, the gospel, which is committed unto those who trust in God, and live up to his precepts. For those who trust in Him, *"Hehath quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins; "and as Paul says, "Wherein time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according , to the prince of the power «>f the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ,* That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding, riches of his grace, in his kindness toward us, through Christ Jesus." (Eph., 2nd. Ch., 1, 2, 5, 7th. vs.) Oh, what a sweet consolation, to those who walk in the light; They shall see and enjoy the richness of his grace. "To the in- tent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God According to the eternal purpose which he proposed in Jesus Christ our Lord." (Eph., 3rd. Ch., 10 - 11th. vs.) And a^ain Paul says, "But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world unto our glory; Which none of the princes of this world knew : for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. (1st. Cor., 2nd. Ch., 7, 8, 9, 10th. vs.) Yes Paul, you are right; for Christ says, "Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven." "I have promised you ,TTe says, ihe comforter ; and when he comes he will teach you all things whatsoever I have told you. (See St. John 14th. Ch., 26th. vs.) And this promise was fulfilled ; and then the command was, "Go teach all nations; teach all creatures; teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. 860 CREATION AND FORMATION. (See Matt., 28th. Ob., 19-20eth. vs.) All this Paul faithfully did; and in his epistie to the church at Corinth, He says, "For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men af- ter th 3 flesh, not many mighty, not many noble are called: For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord." (1st. Cor., 1st. Ch-, 26, 19, 9th. vs.) And in another one of his epistles, exhorting the brethren to be strong in Christ, says, "For I would that ye knew what great conflict I have for you, and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh j That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledge- ment of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." (Col., 2nd. Ch., 1, 2, Brd. vs.) Paul assures us, that the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven are for us to know, and that we should not lack, but have faith, and study to show ourselves approved unto God a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. And to rightly divide the word of truth, is to know our duty; to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven; and to know these things, it is our duty to proclaim them abroad. For Paul says, "For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits, that blindness in part is happened unto Isreal, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. And so all Isreal shall be saved:"* (Eomans, llth. Ch., 25 -26th. vs.) Yes, blindness in part, hath happened to Isreal; and this we know, by rightly dividing the word of truth. Christ's death and resurrection has led us into the morning of heavenly light. The Holy Word was given, not only to a few, but to the whole world, that we should know all there is in it. But many have fallen short of this glory, and have become wandering spirits. To him that believes on the Lord Jesus Christ, all doubts vanish away, and the doubtful reasonings of his mind are forever sealed. The holy apostles of old were more than conquerers in the name CREATION AND FORMATION. 361. of him, who died for a lost and ruined world. When the promis- ed messenger came, then the gloom of untold ages was lost in victory. That ancient nation of the social under world, number, ed with the beasts, came forth at the command of the Son of God, unto the resurrection of eternal life : and He made them heirs of God, and joint heirs with himself. Gog and Magog, came forth, and he made them the Sons of God, even all they that believed on his name. AU this is made very plain, and whatsoever Jesus spake unto his disciples before his death, is confirmed by them in their writings of Him after his ascension on high ; nothing of what Jesus said and done while in the flesh, was ever in the dark, es- pecially if it was the Father's will to have it come abroad ; and Luke, in speaking of the formality of things concerning Jesus, before and after the crucifiction, says, "The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach, Until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he bad chosen : To whom also he shewed himtelf alive after his passion, by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God : " (Acts, 1st. Ch., 1 - 2 - 3rd. vs.) These instructions confirm with the word and works of Christ before his death ; and he instructed them in things pertaining to the kingdom of God. If those mysteries were not for us to know, Jesus would have been honest enough to have told us so from the very beginning; but contrary to that, He says, "Un to you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heav- en, but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables." Jesus ever kept them in remembrance of the fact that to them the promise was, and also to their children and their children's children. Also he assured them, that not many days after his death, the comforter would come, and bring all things to their remembrance whatsoever he had told and com- manded them j and his command was, "Go and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." (See Matt., 18th. Ch., X9th. vs.) And they went fourth, and preached every where, the Lord work- 362 CREATION AND FORMATION. ingwith them, and confirming the word with signs following. (Mark, lQth. Ch., 203th. vs.) < k And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the Louse where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them, t And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the spirit gave them utterance. And there were dwelling at Jeru- salem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven." (Acts, 2nd. Ch., 1 ,2; 3, 4/ 5th. vs.) True, this was a marvelous thing, especially to those devout men in 'Jerusalem ; for every man heard them speak in his own lan- guage; and when this was noised abroad, a great multitude came together; and they were amazed, and some of them were in doubt, and others mocked and laughed, saying, "They are full of new wine." "But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, ye men of Judea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and -hearken to my words; For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel, and it shall come to pass that in the last days, saith God, L will pour out my spirit upon all flesh : and your sons and your daughters s.hall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my hand-maidens I will pour out in those days of my spirit ; and they shall prophesy :" (Acts, 2nd. Ch., 14, 15, 16, 17, 18th. vs.) The seventeenth verse has reference to the Jews, the eighteenth verse has reference to the Gentiles. What a wonderful doctrine for an unlearned man, like as was Peter, to preach. But this is easily accounted for, when we reflect upon what God has said, 5 how that He has hid those things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. But, all these signs and wonders, which were wrought by the apostles, on the day of Pentecost, through the power of the Holy Ghost, do not end with them, then and there, nor even yet in the length of their days that they were to live on earth ; hut in tin's same second chapter of Acts, CREATION AND FORMATION. 363. we have a- prophesy, which reaches unto the time of Ghrist's second coming. And this it is. "And 1 will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath ; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke : The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon in- to blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Acts, 2nd. Oh., 19, 20, 21st. vs.) Comentators say, that the sun and moon were "emblems" of the civil government of the Jews, which should be overthrown and destroyed before that great and notable day, when the Lord should appear for the first time for the salvation of his friends, and the destruction of his enemies. This is another false idea; G-od says that, He will show wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath. And when he says that the sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon in- to blood, He does not have reference to the Jewish emblems: this is an absurd idea. What has Jewish "emblems" got to do with the wonders, that shall be seen in the heaven above ; these wonders and signs have not yet been ; if so, then these Jewish emblems are come to naught: the one has been turned to blood, the other, into darkness. When did this happen ? where is the history that gives the full particulars if it ? Some one must have seen those emblems when they were in the last stage of consumption. How did they look ? Was one black and one red ? Perhaps it is not meant these Jewish emblems have yet been dilapidated, but that they will come to naught at some future time. Then they still exist do they? And God is miracuously holding them alive, so that at some future day, he may pour out his wrath and indignation upon them. Ah, dear reader, this won't do. God's ways are not man's ways. True, generally speaking, he has brought many nations to naught. The last days are now, even now, and how much longer they will last, is more than any man can tell; but "the last day" is spiritually set apart from the ordinary days, and is the great and notable day of the Lord, when those great signs and wonders shall be, and all nations shall behold their God with fear and trembling, and the good and the bad shall be separated; for the last days are ended. 364. CREATION AND FORMATION. This is the doctrine of the bible; it is the teachings of Jesus Christ. And his apostles were omnipotently inspired to preach the same. And Peter said, "Ye men of Isreal, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselvf s also know: Him, being delivered by the determin- ate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and. slain: Whom God hath raised, up, having loosed the pains of death:* This Jesus hath God rais- ed, up, whereof we all are witnesses. Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear. Therefore let allthe house of Isreal (the Mosaical Jews) know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ. Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, find said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do ? Then Peter said unto them, Eepent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, und your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. (Acts, 2nd. Ch., 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39th. vs.) The promise was not only to the apostles, but it reaches to all the world; it reaches the Gentiles. God through Christ called them; yet Peter did not understand it so, on the day of Pente- cost; for if some one of those wise men of Jerusalem, on the day following, would have said to Peter, do the Gentiles come in Y He would have answered, no. For many days after, when God let the sheet down from heaven to show him they were to come in, he even said to God, "not so Lord." Peter still wanted to claim them as not a people; but Christ had promised to teach them all things, and bring all things to their remembrance whatsoever he commanded them, and this point God reveale I first to Peter at the house of Cornelius, (See Acts, 10th. Ch.) then Peter was en- dued with the knowledge and wisdom, that made him an able minister to answer the above question when asked, as we see in CREATION AND FORMATION. 865. the eleventh chapter of Acts, when the apostles accused him of going in unto men uncircumcised, and eat with them. This knowledge also made him willing to unlock heaven's bright hope, and swing open the door of faiih unto the Gentiles, as Christ had given him the keys. And this was when and where the great secret was made known, which had been kept secret from the beginning of the world; This was the gift of the Holy Ghost, to make known these things; and it fulfilled it's office work, at the house of Cornelius, just the same as it did on the day of Pen- tecost. The distinction which the bible makes between the Holy Ghost, and the gift of the Holy Ghost, is not clearly understood; many will say to you, the gift, and the Holy Ghost, are the same. That is a wrong impression, placed upon the minds of the people. We remark, the Jews had this spirit before Christ came to earth ; you will find this to be true in this language to satisfy the weary *"take not thy Holy Spirit from me." (51st. Psalm, 11th. vs.) Also, "where is he that put his Holy Spirit within him ?" (Isai- ah, 63rd. Ch., 11th vs.) And many other passages are found to show that the Jews had this spirit before Christ came to earth as man ; but the gift of the Holy Ghost, is, first, the love of God shed abroad in our heart; second, endueing them with power; third, to teach them all things which Christ had taught them while he w T as with them on earth. It is true, that the Gentiles had to be given this spirit at Christ's death ; but while that is true, the Holy Ghost had with them it's office work to do, in sheding upon them the gift of love, the endowment with power, the teaching of all things; and this remark had it's public starting point at the house of Cornelius, which brought to Peter's mind these words of Christ, *"John indeed baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost." (Acts, 11th. Ch., I7th. vs.) Here is just where Peter learned that Christ had spoken this to thf m in a parable, and that it had reference to the Gentiles; no wonder then that the eyes of the Jews were blinded; when his disciples and apostles did not clearly understand his parables. This was the will of the Father; so that the Gentiles might re- ceive the gift of the Holy Ghost. This was a great mystery ; the very chief of mysteries; the bringing in of the Gentiles, and the 366. CREATION AND FORMATION. making of them a chosen nation. O, how plain the language of Christ is to the true follower of Christ; by it, he is steered clear of the Eocky Mountains of doubt, through the beautiful plains of light, appeasing the desire of the heart, by the rippling waters of life, as they come gliding along the silvery cord of time. And to satisfy the weary and worn traveler on his way, to brighter days above. In this path of golden thought, we desire to keep the reader's mind ever drifting, untill the golden shore is gained, and our earthly armor we have laid by. Great is the mystery of godliness, Says our blessed Lord in his word. In God, who was made manifest, Through Christ, our blessed Lord. This mystery is now cleared away, By the messenger of peace and love. The spirit that taught the apostles to say, The Savior has risen, and gone far above. The Gentiles created anew in him, His own flesh being the vail. Freed the Jew from that misery and sin, That came by the mingling with Baal. This has been a mystery for ages, to all. But now it is all very bright, By dividing the word, and following Paul And saying, we are willing to do right. Then drink of the rippling waters and live, And gain thee a home of the blest. A crown of life to tou he will give, And a home, a home of sweet rest. CREATION AND FORMATION. 367 So that we may fully understand the scripture, as God has given them to us, it will be necessary for us to go down deeper into the philosophy of this point, that we have had before you in our last remarks ; seeing that what we have said would be suf- ficient, yet it can be more fully set forth, which we shall now en- deavor to do ; and to do this we shall first take up the works of the Lord, through Peter. At the house of Cornelius, Peter was "lodging with one Simon the tanner, whose house was by the seaside : and it came to pass, on a certain day, that he went up on the housetop to pray; and it was about the sixth hour; while there, he became very hungry; and would have eaten, but while they made ready, he fell into a trance; and saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending unto him, as it had been a great sheet, kint at the four corners, and let down to earth ; where on all manner of four-footed beasts of the earth : and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air. And there came a voice to him, rise, Peter ; kill, and eat. But Peter said, not so, Lord ; lor I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean. And the voice spake unto him again the second time, what God hath cleansed, that call not thou common ; th-s was done thrice ; and the vessel was received up again into heaven." (See Acts, 10th. Ch.,6th. to 19th. vs.) After God had shown Peter all this, he still doubted what it all meant; and while he was thinking over the matter, "Behold the men which were sent from a man called Cornelius, a centurion of the band, called the Italian band, and they made inquiry for Simon's house, and asked whether Simon, whose surname was Peter, was lodged there; and while Peter thought on the vision, the spirit said unto him, *"Behold, three men seek thee. Arise therefore, and get thee down, and go with them, doubting noth- ing : for I have sent them. Then Peter went down to the men which were sent unto him from Cornelius, and said, *"Behold, I am whom ye seek ; what is the cause wherefore ye are come ?" and they told Peter their errand, and then he took them in, and the next day following, he went away with them. And as Peter came into the house, Cornelius met him, and fell down at his feet and worshiped him ; But Peter lifted him up, and said unto him, * "Stand up ; I my- 368. CREATION AND FORMATION. self also am a man." And Peter found there, miny that had come together ■ "And tie said unto them, Ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company, or come unto one of another nation ; but God hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or unclean. Therefore came I unto you without gainsaying, as soon as I was sent for: I ask therefore for what intent ye have sent for me ?" (See Acts, 10th. Ch.) Before we gc any farther, we wish to pretend you with a few things that is connected with this portion of scripture. First, we learn from Peter's own language, one great fact which we have set forth from the very beginning of this work, and that is the unlawful thing, or the mingling of the Jew with the Gentiles. This always had been the forbidden fruit, because the Gentiles were an unclean people; as they were without a living soul: and upon those grounds, God commanded the Jews not to mingle with them; this middle wall was torn down by Christ; and in the scripture referred to above, we learn that God makes this truth plain to Peter, by the sheet which he let down from heaven, with all manner of fourfooted beasts, and wild beasts. Those wild beasts representing the Gentiles ; so that Peter would learn that God had cleansed them. And in order to accomplish this end, after the sheet had been let down, God said to Peter, "arise Peter; kill and eat;" Peter's reply was, "not so Lord, nothing common or unclean hath entered into my mouth." Then God said, "What I have cleansed, that call not thou common, or unclean." (Acts, 10th. Ch.) This positive declaration from God, teaches Peter a lesson. First, that God had cleansed the Gentiles ; second, that the Gen- tiles are no more an unclean people, which brings from the lips of Peter, this language; "what was I that I could withstand God. Now I percieve that God is no respector of person." That unto the Gentiles, he has granted repentance unto life ;" yes, this learned Peter , their robes had been washed, and made white in the blood of the Lamb. And knowing that Christ had given him the keys of the king- dom, he was willing to open the doors of faith to them ; and this haviug been accomplished by him at the house of Cornelius. Christ then makes choice of Paul, for an apostle of the Gentiles, CREATION AND FORMATION. 369. and a minister of the gospel of uncircumcision. Peter, himself was an apostle and minister of the gospel of circumcision. Wherefore Cornelius said to Peter, "Four days ago I was fasting until this hour, and at the ninth I prayed in my house and, behold, a man stood before me in bright clothing, and said, Correlius, thy prayer is heard, and thine alms are had in remem- brance in the sight of God. Send therefore to Joppa, and call hither to Simon, whose surname was Peter; he is lodged in the house of one Simon a tanner by the seaside: who, when he cometh, shall speak unto thee. Immediately therefore I sent to thee; and thou hast well done that thou art come. Now therefore are we all here present before Clod, to hear all things that are commanded thee of God. Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him." (Previous to this, Cornelius had been a good man, and one that feared and prayed much to the God of the Jews; but he never had as yet been purified. That purification had to come through the blood of Christ; and at his own house, while Peter was yet with him, this promise came, and he and his household were saved, from that vt?ry hour; and Peter preached unto them the word of God, saying,) "The word which God sent unto the children of Isreal, preaching peace by Jesus Christ : (he is Lord of all : ) That word, I say, ye know, which was published throughout all Judea, and began from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached; And he commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead. To him give all the prorhets witness, that through his name whosoever beleiveth in him shall receive remission of sins. While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost." (Acts, 10th. Ch. ) Now it is evidently true, that on the day of Pentecost, this secret was not yet made known to the apostles; the promise was, that when the comforter came, he should bring all things to their re- 370. CREATION AND FORMATION. membrance whatsoever Christ had told them : but that promise did not say that they should know all things in one day. That promise is a little older than some people may think; for Peter did not know that the Gentiles were to be brought in, until God made it known to him. This was partly made known while he was on the housetop; and after he reached the house of Cornelius, he then fully understood the great secret, and said "Of a truth, I perceive that God is fro respecter of persons." Then Peter was fully prepared to answer the question, whether the promise extended unto the Gentiles; that it was to them and was also to their children, and to all that believe on the word of God, and trust in Jesus, the Savior of the world. After Peter ends his mission with Cor- nelius he returns to Jerusalem again, to them of his own nation, And no sooner had he got there, than they accused him of being with the Gentiles, saying, "Thou wentest in to men uncircumcis- ed, and didst eat with them. Then Peter had to rehearse the matter from the beginning, and expounded it by order unto them. And then he went on to tell them all about his past experience, and how that, while he was in Joppa, he saw in a vision, when he was on the housetop, a certain vessel descend, as it had been a great sheet let down from heaven ; and when he had fastened his eyes upon it, he saw thereon all manner of beasts of the earth, four-footed beasts, and wild beasts, and fowls of the air; and a voice from heaven told him to arise, kill and eat; but he refused, for he said that he had never eaten any thing that is common or unclean. Then the voice spake unto him again, "What God hath cleans- ed that call not thou common." All this was done thrice, and then the vessel was drawn up into heaven. And while he was ponder- ing over what the vission might mean, behold, three men that were sent from Cornelius, came unto the house where Peter was, and he says, "The spirit bade me go with them, nothing doubt- ing ; moreover these six brethren accompanied me, and we enter- ed into the man's house: and he shewed us how that he had seen an angel in his house, which stood and said unto him, Send men to Joppa, and call Simon, whose surname is Peter; Who shall tell thee words, where by thou and all thy house shall be CREATION AND FORMATION. 371. saved. And as I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell on them, as on us at the beginning. Then remembered I the word of the Lord, how that he said, John indeed baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost. Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, what was I, that I could withstand God? When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glori- fied God, saying, Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life." (See Acts, 11th. Ch.) Yes, God granted unto the Gentiles eternal life; and this promise had been laid up in store for them, for i many ages. Before Christ parted with his disciples, he promised that he would send them the comforter when he went away; and he charged them to tarry in Jerusalem, until they were endued with power from on high, and then they should go forth and teach all nations. And to Peter he said, *"When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren." (Luke, 22nd, Ch., 32nd. vs.) And when the day of Pentecost had rolled around, the promise came, and they all were blessed with that heavenly power ; and they went forth preaching in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. They preached among the Jews only ; for they had not yet been reminded of the fact that the Gentiles were to be brought into the sheepfold. As Peter was commanded to strengthen his brethren after his convertion, so also was he com- manded to go to the Gentiles, and open to them the door of faith ; for he had the keys, and Ghrist had promised him. (See Matt., 16th. Ch., 19th. vs.) "And when Peter saw what had been done for the Gentiles, he was fully prepared, then, to say that unto the Gentiles the promise was. The Apostles never believed, previous to this, that the Gentile's were to be added unto the Lord. Jesus had told them before his death, when he sent them out to preach, not to gi> in the way of the Gentiles." (See Matt., 10th. Ch., 5-6th. vs.) And under such a command as this, which was then a wise one we are not at a loss to account for their not going among the Gen- tiles, or even for not believing that the promise was also to them. But it was all made plain to them after they had heard Peter's report; and they saw the true light as plainly as did 872. CREATION AND FORMATION. Peter himself, and they rejoiced and glorified God. Well they might, when the great curse had been removed, and the middle wall had been torn down; and repentance unto life was granted unto the Gentiles. We have previously spoken upon this point; but it is a good old story, therefore we will tell it again. 'Kepetance granted unto life." What does this mean ? It simply means that the Gentiles were once without repentance, and without life; and as soon as life was given them, repentance was added unto that life. Christ says,"lfl had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin. If I had not done among them the works which no other man did, they had not had sin :* (St. John, 15th. Ch., 22-24th.vs.) While they wore the cloak of sin, they had no sin; that is, they were not held accountable, simply because they were without a living soul : and when Christ come he took this cloak away; and then sin stood before them in it's most horrid form, and repen- tance was added unto life, and they were made accountable agents to God, through the blood of Christ. There is nothing truer than that the Gentiles were once with- out a living soul. Listen to what Paul says about that, "Where- fore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are calledUncircumcision by that which is called the Circum- cision in the flesh made by hands ; That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Isreal, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without Gcd in the world: But now, in Christ Jesus, ye, who sometime were far off, are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; " (Eph., 2nd. Ch., 11, 12, 13, 14th. vs.) So now, the Gentiles having become a people of God, they are alike destined to eternal life, and the promise is to them, the same as to the Jewish nations; and the promise is, "Unto yen it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven." They are made nigh to God through the blood of Christ; and the blood is the life. (See Gen., 9th. Ch.,4th. vs. also 1st, Ch. 4th. to 9th. vs.) And John says, "In him was life; and the life was the light of men : " ect. Hence, through Christ's blood, they _/ CREATION AND FORMATION. 373. obtained life by the spirit of God. And in harmony with what Paul says concerning the Gentiles, "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works,"* and, *"are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father." (Eph., 2nd. Ch. 10, 13, 18th. vs.) "That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ,"* (Fph., 1st. Ch., 10th. vs.) Hence, Peter speaks, and says, "Wherefore, beloved, (He speakes to the Gentiles,) seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless. And account that the long suffering of our Lord is salvation ; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him, hath written unto you; As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearn- ed and unstable wrest, as they do also the other Scriptures, unto their own destruction." (2nd. Peter, 3rd. Ch., 14, 15, 16th. vs.) O how true. They that wrest, in expounding the Holy Writ, do so to their own destruction. The way modern commentators explain the Holy Word, it is all wrest, from beginning to end. They commence gradually, and divide little by little, and keep on going, until they are altogether lost, and know not what to do. No one will get lost if he rightly divides the word of truth; rightly dividing the word of truth, brings to light things that are hid. It is not necessary that the present generation of advanced thinkers should go seeking knowledge outside of the Bible, in order to learn the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven: if they do, they will utterly fail. God's word is all we need, and without it we can know nothing. God showed Peter in a vision that the Gentiles were to come in. That was over eighteen-hundred years ago. That same vision we have today, in print. Therefore it is not necessary to leave the Bible to get bible knowledge ; for if we do, we will come back without it. This truth we tell plainly. In the 21st. verse of the 32nd. chapter of Deuteronomy, we have a prophecy which sets forth the coming in of the Gentiles; the latter part of the 374. CKJflATION AND FORMATION. verse reads, * "I will move them to jealousy with those which are n/ia people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation/' And to this, agree the words of Peter, after God through Christ had performed this work. Now then, how could anj T one learn what this prophecy means by going to his history? This is just the way people get lost, especially bible readers. They seek for truth, where there is no truth. If one has the deposition to study the Holy Word, let him show by his fruits that he is a workman unto God, and hath nothing to be ashamed of, rightly dividing the word ol truth. If we do not do the Bible this one justice, we are persecutors of th^ word of God, Just the same as Saul (who now is called Paul) was a persecutor of the early followers of Christ. He afterward became a christian disciple of Christ, for the express purpose to be a light, and an apostle for the Gentiles, and undoubtedly the bible reader is well acquainted with the early character of this man, how that he went to the chief rulers and asked for letters to Damascus, to the synagogues. Those letters, were letters to show that he was sent, and had a right to bind all the christains* he found, and bring them to Jerusalem. And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus, and suddenly there shined round about him, a light from heaven, and he fell to the earth, and he heard a voice saying, "Saul, Saul, why persecutes! thou me ? " And he said, "Who art thou, Lord?" and the Lord said, "I am Jesus whom thou persecutest; it is hard for thee to kick a- gainst the pricks," And he trembling, and astonished, said, "Lord, what will thou have me to do ?" And the Lord said un- to him, "Arise, and go to the City, and it shall be told thee what thou must do." So they that were with Saul, led him to the City, and he was there three days without sight, neither did he eat nor drink. And in Damascus there was a man named Ananias; and to him the Lord appeared in a vision, and bid him arise, and go to the house of Judas, and inquire for Saul, for, says the Lord, behold, he prayeth,and hath seen in a vision, a man named Ananias coming in, and putting his hand on him, that he might receive his sight. CREATION AND FORMATION. 875. Then answered Ananias, Lord, I have heard by many, of this man, how much evil he hath done to the saints in Jerusalem; and here he hath authority from the chief priests to bind all that call on thy name. But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and children of Israel. For I will show him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake, "And Ananias went his way, and entered into the house : and putting his hands on him, said, Brother Saul, the Lord, even Jesus, that appeared unto thee in the way as thou earnest hath sent me, that thou mightest receive thy sight, and be filled with the Holy Ghost. And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales: and he received sight forth-with, and arose, and was baptized. And then he tarried a few days in Damascus, with the disciples. And straightway he preached Christ in the syna- gogues, that he is the Son of* God. "(See Acts, 9th. Ch.) Paul's conversion was a singular one. And to go anywhere but to the Bible, how could you learn any thing about it. Paul had not the privilege, the twelve apostles had, of knowing Christ ; they was with Him during his ministerial life, and Paul was not; yet he had as great a work to perform, as they had; therefore, Christ had to bring him in, just as he did, and commit unto him, the gospel of uncircumcision, as he did the gospel of circumcision unto Peter. And when Christ committed unto Peter, this charge, He also gave him the keys, that he should unlock *"the door of faith unto the Gentiles. (Acts, 14th. Ch., 27th. vs.) And this ht? did at the house of Cornelius. And after this had been, then Paul came in as their leader. He was chosen by Christ, that he might * "bear his name before the Gentiles.*" This was Paul's mission, and it was the reason why he was chosen the way he was; *"to be a light to the Gentiles."* (Acts, 13th. Ch., 57th. vs.) "To open their eyes, and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God,"* (Acts, 26th. Ch., 18th. vs.) Paul was especially chosen for this purpose ; and for this reason it becomes necessary for us, that we should particularly notice his works among the Gentiles, and see the contrast of 876. CREATION AND FORMATION. them, from those of Peter to the Jews; For after we have once rightly divided the word, we will find great truth, and mighty deeds manifested in Paul, before the Gentiles in his ministry; but before these things were done by him, he first had to preach to the Jews, that the words of Christ might be fulfilled. Wherefore, he said to the Jews, *"It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you; Bat seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles. Acts, 13th. Ch., 46th. vs.) For so the Lord hath said, *"I have set thee to be a light to the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth. And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord : and as many as were ordain- ed to eternal life believed/' (Aets, 13th. Ch., 47-48th. vs.) We have now before us the Apostle, that bore before the Gen- tiles the word of truth and preached unto them, the name of Jesus ; and in him and Peter, we have the difference between the Jews and the Gentiles, as it still exists; and this difference is only in the way of worship. Peter had to open the door of faith to the Gentiles, and outside of this, his mission was to the Jews; and Paul's mission was, to bring the Gentiles out of dark- ness into light, and to be a leader for them. He starts out upon his laborous task: he preaches Christ and him crucified, to them; The mysteries begin to unfold; and the dark gloomy shroud of superstition begins to rise from off the nation; the vail is slowly removing from off the minds, save where the law is read, there the vail still remains. This vail was Christ in the flesh, bringing in the Gentiles, and the secret kept hid for ages and ages; for the Jews could not see how that God was going to provoke them to jealousy with a people which were not a people; hence, God manifested in the flesh was that vail. (See Hebrews, 10th. Ch., 20eth. vs.) Many of the wise men of old, utterly failed to see through this vail. But many Jews there are to day, that can't see beyond the vail. But to them that believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, the vail is removed, the middle wall is torn down, and there is no more of the abominable thing, as Paul so plainly teaches. And with his teachings, we shall endeavor to confirm what we CREATION AND FORMATION. 877, have previously set forth, from the patriarchs and prophets of old ; for this is rightly dividing the word of truth, and setting forth the gospel of circumcision and uncircumcision. The portions of scripture we have dealt with in the Old Testament, we labored hard to make plain, and also so far as we have went in the New Testament, including Christ, and his chosen apostles, while he was yet with them in the flesh. (This flesh or vail we will speak of in the future.) Paul, in setting these mysteries before the world, comes out very plain ; And God prepared him for this holr mission among the Gentiles and in the preperation for the great work set before him, he was caught up in the third heaven, and heard the unspeakable words of God ; and he was with Christ, and saw him as one born out of due season; for his was a great mission on earth, and he had to be fully prepared for it. Hence, his knowledge came from on high. And on they go, from place to place preaching the word of God, and confirm- ing the souls that believe. And at last they return to Antiocb, from whence they had been recommendfd to the grace of God, for the work which they fulfilled. The work which they done was among the Gentiles. And when they had reached Antioch, they gathered the church together, and they rehearsed all that God had done with them, and how he had opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles. (See Acts, 14th. Ch., 26-27th. vs.) And when Paul and Barnabas had preached the w r ord of God at this place, they were confronted by an opposite doctrine ; for unto Paul and his companion, was given to preach the gospel of uncircumcision. Their antagonists taught right the opposite, as we see. "And certain men which came down from Judea, taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye connot be saved/' (Acts, 15th. Ch., 1st. vs.) (Now this was a great question of doctrine for Paul and Barnabas to contend with ; ) "When therefore Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and disputation with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain other of them, should go up to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders about this question. And being brought on their way by the church, they passed 378. CREATION AND FORMATION. through Phenice and Samaria, declaring the conversion of the Gentiles : and they caused great joy unto all the brethren. And when they were come to Jerusalem, they were received of the church, and of the apostles and elders, and they declared all things that God had done with them." (Acts, 15th. Oh., 2, 3, 4th. vs.) "And even now, in Jerusalem, they found men to contend with them on this great question. For there arose up certain of the sect of the Pharasees which believed, saying, that it was needful to circumcise them, (the Gentile converts) and to com- mand them to keep the law of Moses. And the apostles and elders came together to consider the matter. And when there had been much disputing, (it came Peter's turn to have something to say, as he was the one that opened the door of faith to the Gentiles,) Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago, God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth, should hear the words of the gospel, and believe. And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us: And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith." (See Acts, 15th. Oh.) Therefore, Petrr brings those things to their remembrance, and many other things he had spoken unto them; their dissimi- larity was broken up, and they wrote letters to Antioch, and they sent two of their own brethren to carry them, showing the Gentile brethren, that they approved of the doctrine which Paul and Barnebas preached to them. This was great joy to the Gen- tiles. So now, passing over a great deal of Paul's life among the Gentile brethren, we find him falsel} 7 accused, and delivered up to King Agrippa, just what Christ had said; "For I will shew him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake." (Acts, 9th. Ch,, 16th. vs.) "Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Thou art permitted to speak for thyself. Then Paul stretched forth the hand, and answered for himself: I think myself happy, king Agrippa, because I shall answer for myself this day before thee, touching all the things whereof T am accused of the Jews: Especiallj^ because I know thee to be expert in all customs and questions which are among CKEATION AND FOKMATIOJN. 379. the Jews: wherefore I beseech thee to hear me patiently. (Acts, 26th. Oh., 1, 2, 3rd. vs.) Then Paul goes on tc explain these thing and he says, "And now I stand and am judged for the hope of the promise made of God unto our fathers : Unto which promise our twelve tribes, instant- ly serving God day and night, hope to come. For which hope's sake, king Agrippa, I am accused of the Jews." (Acts, 26th. Ch., 6-7th. vs.) Yes Paul was accused by his own nation, and falsely accused at that. He served God just as God wanted him tr. And he also tells the king how that he often persecuted the christians, and punished them in every synagogue, an^ compelled them to blaspheme, because he was exceedingly mad against them. And he did every thing he could to erace from the minds of the people the name of Jesus. But now he can't do enough for the gjory of God. He is ready to die in the name of that, same Jesus, whom he formerly persecuted. On his way to Damascus, with his heart filled with murder, and with the intent to destroy those new converts in Christ, he was confronted by our Lord, and the deathly plague was stayed; and he himself, became one of the chosen, that he might be an instructor tc the people which sat in darkness. And he preached Christ and him crucified, and also that he was the first to rise from the dead, to show light unto the people, and unto the Gentiles; and unto the Gentiles, Paul's mission was. And in the eighteenth verse of this same twenty-sixth chapter of Acts, Paul confirms the word elsewhere written ; that the people which sat in darkness saw great light: and to them that sat in the region, and shadow of death, which was the sinning Jews, great light sprang up; alJ this Paul makes plain: and he goes back into the dark recesses of the past, and brings Christ forth from the prophecies, " as a Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." And Christ himself said, "I come not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." And in speaking of the Gentiles he says, "Other sheep I have which are not of this fold, them also must! bring, and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." And concerning the unbelieving Jews, that rejected Christ, and found fault with his apostles, Paul speaks and says, "*"Well spake 880. CREATION AND FORMATION. the Holy Ghost 07 Esaias the prophet unto our fathers, Saying, Go unto the people, and say, Hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and not perceive: For the heart of this people is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed; lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. (Acts, 28th. Ch., 25, 26, 27th. vs.) Also in connection with this scripture, compare Isaiah, 6th. Ch., 9th. vs., Jeremiah, 5th. Ch., 21st. vs. and Matt, 13th. Ch., 14- 15th. vs. In all this Paul agrees with what the other apostles say concerning this thing that has happened to Israel, and he positively states, "Be it known therefore unto you, (speaking to the Jews) that the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles, and that they will hear it." (Acts, 28th. Ch., 28th. vs.) Now this is plain talk, and yet it was necessary for Paul to use such plainness of speech : for he was, on this occasion, speaking to those Jews, that hated the very name of Jesus: but Paul's great work was among the Gentiles. That was his field of labor. In his first epistle to the Gentile brethren at Eome, he says, "Now I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that often- times I purposed to come unto you, that I might have some fruit among you also, even as among other Gentiles." (Rom, 1st. Ch., 13th. vs.) Now then while the scripture plainly tells us that these Gen- tile brethren, to whom Paul addresses his epistle, were the make- up of the church at Rome; we cannot receive the opinion which commentators have given. They say that the church of Rome, was the makeup of both Jews and Gentiles: this could not be true, if Paul's language is worth anything. (Rom., 1st. Ch., 13th. vs.) "Now I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you, but was let hither- to, that I might have som<- fruit among you also, even as among other Gentiles." This proves beyond a doubt, that they were Gentiles ; the only Jews that could have belonged to the church of Rome, would have to be the dispursed ones that were among the Gentiles. There is no doubt, but some few of such Jews were in the church CREATION ANL> JTUKMAT1UM. 381 at Eorae, but the main body was Gentiles, and by Paul it was considered a Gentile church. Hence, he said, "*that he might have some fruit among them, as other Gentiles." The Mosaical Jews were blinded, they could not accept Him; Nor could they believe the doctrine, of him being Christ. Therefore, they would not worship Him, or in his name, under such teachings. But then as well as now, they are looking for that promise. (See Acts, 26th. Ch., 7th. vs.) And upon these grounds we cannot receive such doctrine, that those Jews were mixed up with the church of Rome; but it is reason, and it is Bible, to say the dispursed Jews that were at Rome, belonged: far in Christ is where that class of Jews found redemption. Wherefore, there is no need of any one stumbling over this point. Paul makes this to plain in the language above quoted. And then again, upon this point, "Unto which promise our twelve tribes, instantly serving God day and night, hope to come.*" (Acts, 26th. Ch., 7th. vs.) Paul in this tells us the Jews are serving God day and night, hoping to come to this promise; then in Paul's time, as well as today, the Jews served God under the Mosaical law, with the hope of a brighter day, and that hope in the proper time, will bring them from under the blindness unto the promise, which awaits them at the fullness of the Gentiles, when to thenl the promised Masiah will appear. But to further prove our point, we shall direct the reader's mind 10 Romans, 11th. Ch., 13th. vs. "For I speak to you Gen- tiles, inasmuch as I am the apostles of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office :" Beyond a doubt then, the church at Rome was made up of Gentile believers. Paul, in addressing them, would have us distinctly understand, that he was speaking to the Gentiles, so that they, oi we, could not help but see the difference he made between the two nations. And in this epistle to the Romans, he spake to them a great deal about the Jews, so that the word of truth might be rightly divided. But many have wandered away from the old path of truth which Christ purchased and sealed with his blood : "and professing themselves to be wise, they become fools, and changed the glory of the incor- ruptable God, into an image made like to eorruptable man; hence, they shall be judged according to the deeds done in the 882. CREATION AND FORMATION. body; that is God in that day shall judge the secrets of men, (Gentiles) by Jesus Christ according to Paul's gospel. (See Eomans, 2nd. Ch. 16th. vs.) And yet, while Paul is so definite in speaking to the Gen- tiles, he speaks many things to them, as we have before stated, about the Jews, or concerning the Jews, and shows that while they may be proferssors of the law, and having the form of cir- cumcision, yet may be far from being a real Jew, at heart j even while serving God under the law, they must obey that law by faith in Christ. In Christ, the htart must be circumcised; or in other words, the heart must be purified through faith, or by faith, in Him : and that faith must not as Paul says, in speaking to the Gentiles, "That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." (1st. Cor., 2nd. Ch., 5th. vs.) And in the verses above and below this fifth verse, he says, "And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the spirit and of power: (4th. vs.) Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect : yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought : But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordain- ed before the world unto our glory ; Which none of the princes of this world knew : for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit : for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God." (6, 7, 8, 10th. vs.) This brings us back to the mysteries that Paul revealed unto the Gentiles, over eighteen-hundred years ago, and with them it remains to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven to day, even all they that believe the word of truth, and put their trust in Jesus, the Saviour of the world. And in another one of Paul's epistles, he, speaking to the Gentile brethren, and assuring them of that unity of spirit, which must exist between Christ's followers, says, "For I would that ye knew what great conflict I have for yon, and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh ; That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acklowledgement of the CREATION AND FORMATION. 383. mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." (Col., 2nd. Ch., i, 2' 3rd. vs.) Now in this portion of scripture, Paul plainly shows us that the mysteries are to be known to the Gentile brethren, to whom he addressed this epistle. And again in his epistle to the Eph- csians, he reminds them of their redemption through the blood of Christ, and the forgiveness of sins, which was the great mys- tery, and says, "Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wis- dom and prudence; Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: 7 ' (Eph., 1st. Ch., 8-9th. vs.) And again, he says, "For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits, that blindness in part is happened to Isreal, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in." Nevertheless, after all of Paul's teachings to us, there are thousands and mill- ions that do not understand, that blindness in part is happened to Isreal. They plainty understand that such a statement is made in the scripture, but seem to be very ignorant of its intrin- sic value and worth ; but the time will come when they shall know, and that will be at the consumation of the world. That is at the second advent of Christ to earth ; when all Isreal shalt be saved (that is, all that believe, and obey God s law, which he has given to them.,) at that time the promise to them will be fulfilled, and all ganglings, fightings, disputings, fraudulent schemes, devices and surmisings will forever cease on this side of the grave, and be forever carried down the dark streams of night into everlasting silence. The Jews then who are under the law, and are serving God are not promiseless, neither are they castaways. Paul asked this question, and answered it in such a way that he cannot be un- derstood ; he says, "Hath God cast away his people ? God forbid. But rather through their fall salvation is come to the Gentiles to provoke them to jealously. God hath not cast away his people, which he foreknew. Wot ye not what the scripture saith of Elias? how he maketh intercession to Gcd against Israel, saving, Lord, they have killed thy prophets, and digged down 384. CREATION AND FORMATION. thine altars; and I am left alone, and they seek my life. But what saith the answer of Go 1 unto him ? I have reserved to my- self seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal. Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace. What then ? Isreal hath not obtained that which he seeketh for ; but the election (the flection is the Gentile World in general) hath ob- tained it, and the rf st were blinded. According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear; unto this day. (Yes, (rod through Christ, blinded them.) And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumbling- block, and a recompence unto them : Let their eyes be dark- ened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway." (See Bom., 11th. Oh., 1st. to 10th vs.) The prophecies always state that Isreal shall be provoked to jealousy with a people which are not a people, a foolish nation. All this has been fuelled. And Esaias, the prophet, says, "I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me ; " ect. The Gentiles were the ones that found the Saviour; and their riches was the dimin- ishing of Isreal ; and the diminishing of Isreal at our Lord's first appearance, gives them the promise at his second comming. For Paul says, "Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fullness ? For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office : If by any means I may provok^ to emulation them which are my flesh, and might save some of them." (Bom., 11th. Ch., 12, 13, 14th. vs.) By this Paul means that, as he is an apostle of the Gentiles, yet a Jew, he might, through his preachings and great success among them, persuade some of his own brethren, the Jews, to partake of the Saviours blessing, especially make them zealous of the law. Yet while he might save a few, by getting them to believe in this way of Christ's, through the will of God, he could not pursuade them all to so live ; for God is holding them back until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in; "And so all CREATION ANL> FORMATION. 385. Isreal shall be saved: *"For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead? For if the first fruit be holy, the lump is also holy : and if the root be holy, so are the branches. And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree; Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee/' (Eom., 11th. Ch., 26, 15, 16, 17, 18th. vs.) (Paul cautions the Gentiles against boasting; that is, they are not to do this : for thc-y were like unto the wild olive tree, and were graffted in contrary to nature. Therefore they should nol boast, nor think themselves above the Jews ; for, when it comes right down to practical reasoning, the Jews are by far, the most holy: therefore, boast not against the branches, says Paul.) "Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I nrght be graffted in. Well ; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear ; For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee. For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert graffted contrary to nature into a good olive tree; how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be graffted into their own olive tree? (Eeally Christ is their own, for he was the seed of David ; He is their king, yet they know it not; but they will know him by and by. But, at the present, they are,) As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the Father's sakes." (Eom., 11th. Ch., 19, 20, 21, 24, 28th. vs.) They are beloved for the Father's sake. Most assuredly they are, for he formed them for his own glory. But he has darkened their eyes for a season, that through them the Gentiles might be saved. And the great mystery that has hung over the world for untold ages, were the blinding of the Jews, and the bringing in of the Gentiles. And Paul says that they were by nature wild, and were graffted in contrary to nature. Therefore, you Gentiles must not boast against the natural branches. And 386. CREATION AND FORMATION. turning to the fifteenth chapter of Eomans, we hear Paul saying, "Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers : And that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy ; as it is written, For this cause I will confess to thee among the Gentiles, and sing unto thy name. And again he saith, Eejoice, ye Gentiles, with his people. And again, praise the Lord, all ye Gentiles ; and loud him, all ye people. And again, Esaias saith, There shall be a root of Jesse, and he that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles ; in him shall the Gentiles trust." (Eom. 15th. Ch., 8, 9, 10, 11. 12th. vs.) Now Paul says that Christ was a minister of the Jews, or of the circumcision ; meaning the same thing. He was made a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promise made unto the fathers, and that the Gentiles might glorify him for the mercy showed them. And, as Paul continu- es to say, "Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost." (Eom/ 15th. Ch., 13th. vs.) "Now to him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, But now is made manifest, and by the Scriptures cf the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known unto all nations for the obedience of faith : To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ for ever." (Eom., 16th. Ch., 25, 26, 27th. vs.) "Be it known therefore unto you, that the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles, and that they will hear it." (Acts, 28th. Ch., 28th. vs.) And again, Paul says, "Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God." (1st. Cor., 4th. Ch., 1st. vs.) "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good work«, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uucircumcision by that which is called the circumcision in the flesh made by hands; That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the CREATION AND FORMATION. 38" commonwealth of Isreal, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world : But now, in Christ Jesus, ye who sometime were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us;" (Eph., 2nd. Ch., 10, 11, 12 13 14th. vs) Yes, the Gentiles were the workmanship of Christ, created in him unto good works, and through his blood are made nigh unto God. And Paul speaks again, and says, "For this cause I, Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles, If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you- ward : How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery ; as I wrote afore in few words; Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ, Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the spirit; That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel :" (Eph., 3rd. Ch., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6th. vs.) Now as Paul assures us that the mysteries was made known unto him, by the spirit of God, so also he assures us that we are to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, which were kept secret from the foundation of the world, that is, the Gentiles receiving eternal life : Yet the learned men, nowadays, tell us that the Holy Word is full of deep mysteries. The Holy Word is a mystery to them that mix it up with history and false sciences. If men wish to understand the Bible, and to know the mysteries that are contained in it, they have got to study the Bible; and ask God for the light of his Holy Spirit to shine upon it. These mysteries were made known to the apostles, by the spirit. And Paul was made a prisoner of Jesus Christ for the Gentiles, that they should be fellow heirs of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ, by the gospel ; "and he was sent to preach among the Gentiles, the unsearchable riches of Christ; and to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ; to the intent that now unto 888. UKEATIOJS AND FORMATION, the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known unto the church, the manifold wisdom of God, according to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord." ect. (See Eph., 3rd. Ch.) This scripture is so plain, that even a child can understand it. Yet if there be any that do not yet see the true light, they are like unto those of whom the prophet speaks of as not under- standing; and they say, "*Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things,*" (Isaiah, 30eth. Ch., 10th. vs.) To rightly divide the word of truth, which is our object in view, is to prophesy smooth things; and is to make the Bible plain to evf-ry one. And when the reader sees the truth and plainness of the Bible, he will also see the absurdity of the false teachings of the great men. For they study, not for the truth, but for the glory they receive of men, for their elevation, and the mighty dollar. The truth of God's Holy Word is hid from such men; and never will they receive the true light until they are willing to receive God, and take him as their guide instead of man. Paul was a very humble servant of God, and he believed God, and he preach- ed the mysteries of God. In one of his letters to the Ephesians, he exhorts them to pray always for themselves, and also for him, that utterance may be given him, that he may open his mouth boldly, and make known the mystery of the gospel. (See Eph., 6th. Ch., 19th. vs.) Now this mystery, he says, should be made known to all men, (not a few,) that they might see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world, had been hid in God. Not from the time, or the beginning after the flood, nor from Jacob's time when he sojourned down into the land of Egypt, nor from Moses, leading the children of Israel forth into 1 he promised land; but from the beginning of the world after the fall of Adam. From this on begins the mystery of God; that in the course of time the Ger tiles should be made fellow-heirs and of the same body, f.nd partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel; and purified by the spirit, with the addition of repentance granted unto life. And the Gentile world is Christ's church on earth. Yet CREATION AND FORMATION. 389 this church has badly fallen away, and has come short of the original glory, with which it was originally crowned. Christ gave his life for the purification of this church, but the trustees thereof have made it a den of thieves and robbers. When Christ came into the world the sinners and the ungodly men were the first to accept him ; as it is written by the prophet Esaias, saying, "In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians shall serve with the Assyrians. In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a blessing in the midst of the land : Whom the Lord of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance." (Isaiah, 19th. Ch., 23, 24, 25th. vs.) Now it may be well for us to make a few explanations upon the above quoted scripture. Although we have previously given a few comments on the same, but it will do no harm to give them again. As the Lord has given, we give, and as he divides his own word sr do we the same. Now the Egyptians are the real Gentiles; the Isrealites the real Jews, and the Assyrians are the mingled people, or in other words, we may call them Gentile-Jews. (Spoken of in Nehemiah, 13th. Ch., 23rd. vs.) But, saj^s one, God calls the Egyptians his people. Yes, that is true; for this is the idea set forth in the prophecy; but take notice : that same prophecy says, "In that day, ect.", which includes within itself a time that is not as yet, but is to be at some future time ; and in that day that is to come, the Egyptians shall be called the people of God. But first God has got to purify them before they shall be called his people. They were called his people after Christ died and purchased them with his own blood, and not before . That is, they were not called his chosen people until after Christ sent them the Holy Ghost; then they were, as Peter said, "A chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that they should show forth the praises of him who called them out of darkness into his marvelous light. In time past they were not a people, but are now the people of God." And they have only gained this inheritance through Jesus 390". CliEATIUJN AMD FORMATION. Christ, the righteous. And they stand by faith. The above prophecy was fulfilled after the death of Christ. And the Gentiles were the first to accept Christ. And the prophet "Hosea" in speaking ©f the day that shall come and bring salvation and joy and peace to the Gentile world says, "*and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God." (Hosea, 1st. Ch., 10th. vs.) Now this prophecy in the strict sense of the term, is applied to the Assyrians, or the mingled people; but then they belonged to the Gentile world, and their redemption came through Christ. Before this they were not called the chosen people of God; simply because they had mixed themselves up with the Gentiles. Both Assyrians and Egyptians were numbered alike, and Christ became their stay and staff. And Israel shall be third, says the prophet; that is, they shall be the third to receive Christ. And Christ himself said, "The first shall be last, and the last shall be first." Now this means that as Israel is the first in order in God's kingdom on earth, they shall be the last to receive Christ. The Gentiles received him first, or more properly speaking, received him be- fore the Mosaical Jews, for really the mingled people received him first, the Gentiles next, and Israel to be the third. Israel's time is yet to come. The first shall be last. Christ and the Gentile world are, today, a great wonder in Israel. And this also was prophesied by the prophet, saying, "Behold, 1,(1, Christ) and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for si^ns and for wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion." (Isaiah, 8th. Ch., 18th. vs.) And then in the sixth and eighth verses of the ninth chapter, the prophet says, "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Councellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. The Lord sent a word into Jacob, and it hath lighted upon Isreal." Now this word that has lighted upon Israel, is the blindness that has happened to them. And this also is in the prophecies. And another prophecy there is, that sets forth Christ's coming to the CREATION ANi> FORMATION. 391. Gentile world j and it thus reads, "Behold, I have given him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people. Behold, thou shalt call a nation that thou k no west not, and nations that knew not thee shall run unto thee, because of the Lord thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for he hath glorified thee/' (Isaiah, 55th. Ch., 4-5th. vs.) "*The Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our Fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit." (Jeremiah ,16th. Ch., 19th. vs.) And in speaking of Israel, the prophet says, "Israel is swallowed up: now shall they be among the Gentiles as a vessel wherein is no pleasure. I have written to him the great things of my law, but they were counted as a strange thing." (Hosea, 8th. Ch., 8-12th. vs.) Therefore, "Kejoice not, O Israel, for joy, as other people: for thou hast gone a whoring from thy God, thou hast loved a reward upon every corn-floor." (Hosea, 9th. Ch., 1st. vs.) Why was Israel not to rejoice like others? they, were God's chosen people. Well, because they were not like other people, they were held to give an account to God for what they did; The Gentiles were not, for the reason before stated in this work. The Jews were destined to eternal life, the Gentiles were not. Hence the Jews committed sin whenever they transgressed, as in the above stated wrong or in violating any part of God's law. Therefore, in regard to the great sin, God says, "The high places also of Aven, the sin of Israel, shall be destroyed : the thorn and the thistle shall come upon their altars; (the Gentiles shall come up on the altars of the Jews.) and they shall say to the mountains, Cover us ; and to the hills, Fall on us. O Israel, thou hast sinned." (Hosea, 10th, Ch., 8-0th. vs.) And for this reason, God brought light and judgement to the Gentiles, and granted them repentance, and said that they should be his people, and that He would be their God. but to the Jews, He says, '*I, even I, will tear and go away ; I will take away, and none shall rescue him. I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge their offense, and seek my face ; in their affliction they will seek me early." (Hosea, 5th., Ch., 14-15th. vs.) 392. CREATION AND FORMATION" The time when He came, and tore, and went away, was when he came and blinded the eyes of the Jews, by parables; and in this their affliction, he left them and went away to his place again until they would seek him : and he says, in their affliction they will seek him early, for the time must come, when they will say, "Come, and let us return unto the Lord: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight." (Hosea 6th Ch., 1, 2nd vs. ) Therefore, seek the Lord, while he may be found. Call upon him while he is near; O! let the wicked forsake his ways, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and return unto the Lord: for he will have mercy and abundantly bless you, by fully trusting in Him, for his promises are sure. For as the rain and snow cometh from heaven, a?id returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, that it bringeth forth fruit and seed to the sower, and bread to the eater; so shall this word be, that goeth forth out of his mouth ; it shall not return to him void, but it shall accomplish that which he pleases, and profit in that where unto it was sent. So then the Jews are in the dark for a little season, and abideth without a shepherd. Grod said to them, "For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee. In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith the Lord thy Redeemer." (Isaiah, 54th. Ch., 7-8th. vs.) And as the Psalmist says, "For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life : weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." (30eth. Psalm, 5th. vs.) Now the above scripture alludes to the present condition of Israel; there has been among them a great falling away from their Re- deemer; and the prophecies to this effect have been fulfilled. And now comes the question. (The question means, how long will Israel be forsaken?) or in the language of Christ, "Then said I, Lord, how long? And he answered, Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man. and the hind be utterly desolate f (Isaiah, 6th. Ch., 11th. vs.) This desolation has happened to Israel; their cities have CREATION AND FORMATION. 393. been destroyed, and their houses have been forsaken, and they, themselves, scattered among all nations. And again, here is a prophecy concerning the Gentiles; how that, before the "great day" comes, there shall be a falling away among them ; and this change is going on every day. The "great beast" is swaying his power, and his worshipers are falling by the thousands. It reads, "And the Lord have removed men far away, (that is, men have so corrupted their own lives, that they will not hear the Lord, and so he has given them over to their wicked ways.) and there be a great forsaking in the midst of the land. But yet in it shall be a tenth, (that is a tenth of the Gentile world ; who were sanctified, and made holy through the blood of Christ, for the Father's own glory.) and it shall return, and shall be eaten : as a teil tree, and as an oak, whose substance is in them, when they cast their leaves: so the holy seed shall be the sub- stance thereof." (Isaiah, 6th. Ch., 12-13th. vs.) The holy seed is Christ, in the Gentiles. Again God in speaking to the Jews, said, "Therefore say I unto you, The king- dom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof." (Matt., 21st. Ch., 43rd vs.) Christ at his first coming shall be taken from them, and shall be given for a light to the Gentiles. They are the nation spoken of, and in them are being fulfilled, the prophecy, that there shall be a falling away first, and the bringing forth of fruit to a great extent, has been fulfilled ; and now the falling away is fast being fulfilled; and IsreaPs, time of returning to their God in time of affliction, are nearing its morning of light. And the question asked by our Lord, "Then said I, Lord, how long? (That is how long must the eyes of the Jews remain blinded?) And he answereth, Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate." (Isaiah, 6th. Ch., 11th. vs.) This has to a great extent been fulfilled. When Jerusalem was destroyed, it was utterly destroyed, and not a Jew left there, and the Gentiles took posession of their altars ;This was the briers and thorns. This was the great mystery, that was covered up for so long a time; and when all is fulfilled, will be when Christ comes again, and until that time he says, "Bind up the the testi- 394. CREATION AND FORMATION. mony, seal the law among my disciples." (Isaiah, 8th. Ch., 16th. And just how long this time will last no man knows; for we cannot measure God's time, only as it goes past. And when He says, "My face is hid for a little while, a mom- ent, only;" we know not how long that time may be. It may be a great many ages, and it may not. Nearly two-thousand years have now gone by since the crucifiction of our Lord, and Israel is yet in darkness. Two-thousand years is a long time with ns, but with the Lord it is not much. With him there is no division of time like as there is with man; but it is eternity with God. Of course, our days are all numbered while in this life ; and there is a time to come, when all Israel shall be saved. But first there must be a terrible falling away of the Gentiles. The prophecies to this effect are fast becoming fulfilled, and there is a great forsaking in the midst of the land. And the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel, the prophet, standing where it ought not, must first come to pass in full; and it is already passed the threshold of the center. And as it is written by Zachriah, tne prophet, concerning blinded Israel, and the prosperity of the Gentiles, as they shall enjoy it, for a little while ; and then shall come their falling away ; so all this must be fulfilled before their time shall come. Again we learn that in a night vision, the prophet saw a man riding on a red horse; and he stood among the myrtle trees, and behind him were red horses, and speckled, and white. Then the prophet said, "O my Lord, what are these?" And the angel that talked with him, said, "I will show thee what these be." And the man that stood among the myrtle trees answered and said, "These are they whom the. Lord hath sent to walk to and fro, through the earth. And they answered the angel of the Lord, and told him that they had walked to and fro, through the earth ; and behold, they say, all the earth siteth siill, and is at rest," (This has reference to the time of the fall- ing away, which includes the present as well as a portion of the past and the future.) "Then the angel of the Lord said, O Lord of hosts, how long wilt thou not have mercy on Jerusa e n «nd on the cities of Judah, against which thou hast had indignation these threescore and ten years ? (These threescore and ten v<>:n>s CREATION AND FORMATION. 395. will include the time from the distruction of Jerusalem after the resurrection of Christ, until the City is built up again.) For he says, "And the Lord answered the angel that talked with me with good words and comfortoble words. So the angel that communed said unto me, Cry thou, saying, Thus saith the Lord of hosts ; I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with great jealousy. And I am very sore displeased with the heathen (the Gentiles) that are at ease : for I was but a little displeased, and they helped forward the affliction. (The Gentiles are now helping forward the affliction of the Jews ; the darkness they have been placed in.) Therefore thus saith the Lord ; I am re- turned to Jerusalem with mercies: my house shall be built-in it, saith the Lord of hosts. My cities through prosperity shall be yet spread abroad ; and the Lord shall yet comfort Zion, and shall yet choose Jerusalem." (See Zachariah, 1st. Ch., 8 to 17th. vs.) (All these prophecies have direct reference to the mysteries we have been talking so much about, but now are made manifest, through the holy apostles and prophets by the spirit. The last part of the above quoted scripture has reference to the building up of Jerusalem and the second coming of Christ.) But we are not yet through talking upon this point of our subject; for we hear the prophet say again, "Then lifted I up mine eyes, and saw, and behold four horns. And I said unto the angel that talked with me, What be these? And he answered me, These are the horns which have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem, (as they are scattered now among all nations.) And the Lord shewed me four carpenters. Then said I, What come these to do? And he spake, saying, These are the horns which have scattered Judah.* But these are come to fray them, to cast out the horns of the Gentiles, which lifted up their horn over the land of Judah to scatter it." (Zachariah, 1st. Ch., 18, 19, 20, 21st. vs.) These carpenters are to cast out the horns of the Gentiles, that have scattered the Jews. The scattering of the Jews have been fulfilled ; the scattering of the Gentile horns have yet to come before all the above scripture is fulfilled, and all will be finished at Christ's second coming, and the promise to the Jews at that time will come in. "Therefore, sing daughter of Zion," 396. CREATION AND FORMATION. as it is written; For Israel hath not been forsaken, nor Judah of his God, of the Lord of hosts ; though their land was filled with sin against the Holy one of Israel." (Jeremiah, 51st. Ch., 5th. vs.) Would it not be useless for any one to say that God has forsaken the Jews, when He tells us different; He has only blinded their eyes so that the curse might be taken away. For He says again, "He that scattered Israel, will gather him, and keep him as a shepherd does his flock." This does not look as though God had forsaken his Jewish people ; He only scattered them for a purpose, and then promises to gather them again, for He says in Isaiah, "Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? * and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh ? Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily; " (Isaiah, 58th. Ch., 6, 7, 8th. vs.) And as Jesus Himself, said, "Ye have heard how I said unto you. I go away, and come again unto you.*" (St. John, 14th. Ch., 38th. vs.) And Paul, in speaking of the second coming of our Lord, says, "So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many ; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation." (Hebrews, 9th. Ch., 28th. vs.) And an angel spake unto the disciples as they were beholding theascention of Christ, saying, "*Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven Y this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have f-een him go into heaven." (Acts, 1st. Ch., 11th. vs.) And seeing now that we have the promise, we are, as it is written, "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appear- ing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works." (Titus, 2nd. Ch., 13-14th. vs.) "Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;" (1st. Peter, 1st. Ch., 18th. vs.) "Behold, he cometh with clouds; CREATION AND FORMATION. 897. and every eye shall see him, and they, also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen." (Eev., 1st. Ch., 7th. vs.) But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness ; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come,*" (2nd. Peter, 3rd. Ch., 9-10th. vs.) "And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away." (1st. Peter, 5th. Ch., 4th. vs.) "Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. (Hebrews, 10th. Ch., 35, 36, 37th. vs.) And, "In that day there shall bt a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness." (Zech^riah, 13th. Ch., 1st. vs.) It is the gener- al received opinion, that this prophecy was fulfilled at the first coming of Christ, and the fountain was then opened. That is good, so far as it goes. That fountain was opened to the needy, the sinner, and the ungodly man. The Mosaical Jews did not receive Christ at all. He blinded their eyes that they might not accept him; therefore, the fountain was not opened to them. They are to receive Him at his second coming. "For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations,*" (Joel, 3rd. Ch., ]-2nd. vs.) "And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications : and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him." (Zech., 12th. Ch., 10th. vs.) And "When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angles with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory : And before him shall be gathered all nations:*" (Matt., 25th. Ch., 31-32nd, vs.) "Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words, in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the 39*. CREATION AMD FORMATION. glory of his Father with the holy angels." (Mark, 8th. Ch., 38th. vs.) "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. And the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words." (1st. Thess., 4th. Ch., 16, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18th. vs.) And all they that endureth unto the end shall receive a crown of life that fadeth not away. " But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night." (1st. Thess. 5th, Ch. 1, 2nd, vs.) "And as it is written, heaven and earth shall pass away, but not one iot or tittle of my word shall pass Hill all be fulfilled." Now then, we learn from both Old and New Testament, that there is a time appointed by the Lord himself, when his Son shall come for the second and last time, to this earth. And so all Israel shall be saved. "But of that time knoweth no man, no not even the angels in heaven ; but the Father only." The only way that we have to tell, or find out as near as possible, when our Lord shall appear, is to watch the signs. On one occasion Christ's disciples asked him, when he should come again, and what would be the sign of his coming: and He answered and said, "Take heed that no man deceive you; for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars ; see that ye be not Iroubled ; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against na- tion, and kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be famines, CREATION AND FORMATION. 399. and pestilences, and earthquakes in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you ; and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And this gospel of the kingdom, shall be preached in alLthe world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. Wlien ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, star-d in the Holy place, who so readeth. let him understand. (And, as he continues to say) for there shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the be- ginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except tho'e days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved ; but for the elect's sake, those days shall be shortened. Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there, believe it not; for there shall arise false Ghrists, and false proph- ets, and shall show great signs and wonders ; inasmuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, behold, He is in the desert, go not forth, ect. For as the light- ning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." So now we have the promise of our Lord's second coming, and we have the signs that shall be, before the great and notable day of the Lord come. But, before that clay, "shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken ; and then shall ap- pear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven ; and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory." (See Matt. 24th Ch. and Mark 13th Ch.) Some people are impressed with the belief that at his death and resurrection, all the above scripture was fulfilled j and others say, that it was at the dey,th of the apostles. There is neith- er one of those opinions right; for Christ says, '-But before all these, they shall lay their nands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being- brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake." (Luke, 21st. Ch., 12th. vs.) . Then you see before these things can come 400. CREATION AND FORMATION. to pass, the apostles must suffer their hardships, even death. Hence, some of these signs will be just at the second coming of Christ; for He says, "then you will see the sign of the Son of man coming in the clouds." Again as we have said before, some are bold enough to say, that all has been fulfilled in the destroy- ing of the emblems or symbols of the civil government of the Jews. Eepresenting them as the sun, moon, and stars, that were to be darkened, and say this was accomplished at the de- struction of Jerusalem. This is false reasoning; while we have had many terrible wars, earth-quakes, famins, sufferings in various ways, and persecutions, but with all these, the sun, moon, and stars have never been clothed in darkness forever; nor has the promise been iulfilled that the powers of heaven should be shaken. At the time of the resurrection of Christ, the earth quaked, and the rocks were rent, but it has not reeled to and fro like a drunken man. But these things shall come to pass, for they are the signs of our Lord's second coming. And again we say it is true, at the death of our Lord on the cross, there were darkness over all the earth, from the sixth to the ninth hour. But this is not the darkness that Christ spake of; for he says, that, "these things are to come to pass after the tribulation of those days." Those days, and the tribulation of those days, are somewhat different from each other, yet they are linked together. For when Christ spake those words, the tribulation of those days had not yet come. For he says in that tribulation, "For then shall be great tribulations, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." (Matt., 24th. Ch., 21st. vs.) The worst portion of this tribulation, was at the destruction of Jerusalem. But it did not begin there, neither did it end there; for many years after the destruction of Jerusalem, the christsan was hunted like a wild deer of the forest: and even today they are persecuted, and according to the word it will be so even uuto the end of time. And with the beginning of this persecution alter the birth of Christ into the world, began the mourning of the tribes. Ju^t think of the great prophecy of Jeremiah. "In Kama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and CREATION AND FORMATION. 401. weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not." (Jer., 31st. Ch., 15th. vs., also See Matt., 2nd. Ch., 17-I8th. vs.) For Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, sent out executioners through Bethleham, and all the coasts, and had all the children of two years of age and under, slain, and in this we have a world of woe. Yes, trials of cruel mockery on the right, and upon the left; the cross standing in the midst. But says our Lord and Master, there will be in those days such a time as never before has been seen, or will be seen again. And unless those days be shortened there shall be no flesh saved. They shall be shortened, he says, for the elect's sake. And then again, he says, Heaven and earth shall pass away, as Matthew has it, "May pass away," but my word shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled. But of that day and hour when Christ shall come, knoweth no man, no not even the angles in heaven. The Father only knows. Now then, as we have so far went according to the directions of Matthew, concerning our Lord's second appearance, let us see what Luke says in his gospel. Of course, Christ forewarned his disciples, of the great persecutions which they were to undergo, after his ascension j and also of the great persecutions which were to be after the apostles. The apostles had their share of the fiery trials of this life, and so has every age or nation, since that time ; but the end is not yet. The predictions of the fall of "Ancient Jerusalem" is not to be compared to the fall, or passing away of the whole earth, neither are we to think that such a time is nrt to come. It will come as a thief in the night. Our Lord says, as it is so recorded in Luke's gospel, "And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh." Now this has been fulfilled; for the dilapidated ruin of ancient Jerusalem proves it. And it was prophesied that not one stone should be left upon another; this too has litterly been fulfilled. And furthermore, the prophecy states that in those days there shall be a great distress, and men shall fall by the edge of the sword, and they shall be led away, captives, into all 402. CREATION AND FORMATION. nations, and Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Grentiles. This part of the prophecy, so far as it goes, has been fulfilled. But persecutions and wars are still going on, every nation sharing in the gi;ea,t conflict. - Where '"the offensive weapons of war are not in use, there are strifes, and persecutions that come about in some other way. In a general way of speaking, there are prophesies from both the Old and New Testament, that are being fulfilled every day. There are strifes, fears, and conflicts all around us; but the end is not yet. The fullness of the Grentiles is not yet, but when this Gentile world reach the heights of their own corruptable ways, then we may know that the end is near; then look for the fulfillment of the prophecy which saith, "In that daj T vhere shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth, distress of nations, with perplexity ; the sea and the waves roaring: men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth. For the powers of heaven shall be shaken; and then shall they, see the Son of man coming in a cloud, with power and great glory : and when Ibesethingsbegin to come to pass, then look lip, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." This portion of scripture gives us to understand that there is an appointed time for the second coming of our Lord, a>nd when these signs shall be, then know that the end is near. We know not whereto get any better evidence, touching on the nearness of the time of Christ's second coming, than we have gotten from this same 21st. Ch. of Luke. Of course, we could go on and pre- sent you with many unsound ideas, with many fancies, but what would they amount to, if we could not find any scripture to back us up? The world is too full of such doctrines: the*ohurchesare divided on those grounds; men can not cgvee, one thinks one way and another some other way. The Holy Bible- has thou- sands and millions of interpreters, and they all make- a different interpretation' of it. And this is just wiia*, keeps the masses in the dark. The best .way is to let God interpret his own word, or, in other words, let the Bible speak for itself, and one needs to ., main in the dark. If the Bible wvvd^ no many interpreters, CREATION AND FORMATION. 40 8. it is best that we throw it aside ; it is best for us, and it is best for oar families, and our little ones. Bat why, you may ask, is it best to throw the Bible aside, upon such grounds? we answer' if the Bible needs a thousand and one different explanations upon any one portion of it, it is defective; and any thing that is so defective as all that, is not fit for public use ; and the sooner it is destroyed the better. For the last eighteen-hundred years, the world has been drifting away; and this drifting away was more fully established in the beginning of the seventeenth century. And this has been the result of so many interpretations of the Bible. If men were only willing to let the Bible make its own interpretations, then there would need be no strife, doubts and fears. Under the present management of the word of God, we have all kinds of people, infidels, atheists, heretics, unbelievers and blasphemers. The world is so badly blocked up with creeds, and so called religion. faiths, that he who would do right, could not, because he don't know what is right. The Methodist Church invites him in ; why ? simply because it is the only true church ; they say. The Baptist Church in- vites him in; why? because theirs is the only true church. Then the Congratationalists send out their invitation ; simply because they think that they are the nearest right. And then comes the Catholic Church ; it is the oldest, and for that reason, the most true; and because it is the most true, every body should be catholics. And so it is with the hundreds of different opinions. The devil has a greater control over the leaders of these opinions than God. The devil in ide and God outside. It is no wonder that an honest man cannot think right, or do right. He stands on the verge of two opposing powers, and he knows not which way to go. It is with him a pull for life or death. And in the midst of his trouble, he is caught up by some other controling opinion. It may be, perhaps, a messenger from the spiritualist circle, and if so, he has found another true church. True; why is it true? simply because the Spirituallists hold intercourse with the departed spirits; they talk with them, and they visit and are visited by them ; and for this reason, they know that which they say is true. But do these spirituallists know that the 404. CREATTON AND FORMATION. Bible is true, or not ? Some of them seem to be in doubt as to whether the Bible is, or is not true. This it seems, ought not to be so, simply because they get much of their information from the spirit world, they say, and those in the spirit world surely know whether the Bible is, cv is not true. There should be no doubts with those that carry on their conversation with their departed ones in heaven. Ah, dear reader, this sort of doctrine will never do. It may do to live by, but it is not good to die by. If in this life, gain of worldly pleasure is all there is, then those churches of which we speak about, are all right; they are good enough. The Catholic Church is the best, because it is the richest and oldest. But, if this stampede is for God and for heaven, it had better be made over again, because the strivers are all wrong. If they were right there would need be no discord, no janglings, no disputation, and strifes, and fightings, and fears; for there is no such things in the Bible. When the Bible has its own way, or in other words, when it is rightly divided, there is no room, or space left for war. It is peace and good will with them that trust in the higher powers. Again, we must notice another fact in connection with what spiritualists and infidels say concerning the defecivetness of the Bible, as they have it. They say that the Bible needs an interpreter, and because it needs an interpreter, it is defective. This they positively as- sert, and they claim that their theory is true. They claim that their theory is true, because, as th^y say, their information comes from the spirit land. And they present us with a circle, or circles; and these are circles representing different degrees of wisdom, as enjoyed by minds in heaven. And furthermore, they say, an interpretation thereof is necessary. Now if this be true, that these circles, or in other words, "their theory" do not only need an interpretation, but that an interpretation is abso- lutely necessary ; then we ask, is not their doctrine defective? They say that a doctrine which needs an interpretation, is defect- ive. Is not their doctrine defective? Most certainly it is, and is the biggest humbug in the world. Of course, we admit that, if the Bible needed an interpreter, it would be defective; but thank God, it does not, It is its own interpreter. One portion CREATION AND FORMATION. 405. of it explains another, and this is the great beauty of God's Holy Word. So now let us believe, in spite of the many classes of impos- tors, that God is true, that his word is true, and that not long hence we shall all appear before hirr>, to give an account for the deeds done in the body. The great day is coming, we may not live to see it, while we are in the body. But we must see it and then all will know, from the least to the greatest ; that he is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings. But the day and hour knoweth no man. No, not even the angels ; but the Father only. This is no mystery. God has given us a foretaste of heaven. But He has not opened heaven's gate for us to look in- to the Holy City with the natural eye, but He has given to us to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. For He says, "For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits, that blind- ness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gen- tiles be come in." (Eom., 11th. Ch., 25th. vs.) "Now to him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, But now is made manifest, and by the Scripture of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations;*" (Rom., 16th. Ch., 25-26th. vs.) "Whereby, when we read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ, Which in other ages was not made known umo the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit ; That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel : Whereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the effectual working of his power. Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ; And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the.^mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ: (Eph., 3rd. Ch., 4 to 10th. vs.) To make all men see? Yes, Paul says, and to make all men 406. CREATION AND FORMATION. see ; then it is for all men to know the fellowship of the mystery, as Paul says again. "Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God ; Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints : To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:" (Col., 1st. Ch., 25, 26, 27th. vs.) It would be useless to bring any more scripture to prove that we are to know the mysteries, and what they are, which were kept secret so long, but now is made known. And even in these days, the great beast whose hands are red with the blood of millions of innocent ones. He will soon meet his doom. God will come upon him when he least expects it, and will appoint him his portion in the dark realms of eternal night. Trusting the reader may have been benefited far beyond the expectations of the author, upon learning the mysteries of the kingdom, we passfrom this point unto the next. CHAPTEB "VII. Text: — "Search the Scriptures." — St. John v, 39; Mark iv 11; 2 Timothy ii, 15. The reader may think it strange, why we have used the a- bove portions of scripture as our text, all through this volume. But when he studies them for a moment, he will see that the text is a good one, and, appropriate for any part of the Bible. Thus: "Search the scriptures : for in them ye think ye have eternal life; and they are they which testify of me ;" is a text for any part of the Bible. "And he said unto them, unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God ; but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables/' is a text for any part of the Bible. And, "Study to show thy- self approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be asham- ed, rightly dividing the word of truth," is a good text for any part of the Bible. And with this three-fold text, we proceed on. First, to set in order "The law of God, as we find it in the Word, we mean the law given to Moses, for the government of the Jews, which law, also is the law of the letter, or in other words, the Old Testament scriptures." Second, "The law of faith." And third, "The gospel of circumcision which was committed unto Peter, and the gospel of uncircumcision committed unto Paul:" upon the gospel of circumcision, and of uncircumcision, it is necessary to speak; and upon these not being clearly under- stood, as God intended they should b», rests the structure of the divisions among the christians. And also in connection with these two gospels, it is farther necessary that we keep in view along with us, the law of Moses. But first, we would have the reader to understand that we are not taking up these three points seperately, as we give them above. But we shall present them from a united standpoint. First then, we affirm, upon the authority of God's word, that he has not fopsaken his people, 40S. CREATION AND FORMATION. which he foreknew, (the Jews he foreknew.) Though while they rejected Christ, under their blindness, at his first coming, yet they were not left without a way to serve God. For when the prophet was looking through the mystical scene of time, when Christ should make his first advent to earth, says, "And a highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness;" (Isaiah, 35th. Ch., 8th. vs.) The highway is the law God gave to the Jews, by Moses. For if they obey this law strictly, He has promised to save them, and God cannot lie. Hence, it is the highway, the prophet spoke of mystically; for the prophet speaking again, concerning the remnant of the Jews, after the death of Christ, at the fall of Jerusalem, says, "And there shall be a highway for the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria; like as it was to Israel in the day that ne came up out of the land of Egypt." (Isaiah, 11th. Ch., 16th. vs.) Moses was their leader then, and his law is their guide to day. But the way, is Christ, which is the way of holiness. This way was for the lost ones of the Jews, that had mingled with the Gentiles who were sinners, which the law could not redeem, and could only be redeemed bj r the blood of Christ, and it was also for the Gentile; for Christ was to rise to reign over them. Th* 3 gospel of circumcision was given so they could repent, and return, and serve God strictly according to the law, as this language of the twelve apostles, would prove. "Thou seest brother (Paul) how many thousand of Jews there are which be- lieve and they are all zealous of the law;" These were the ones of the Jews that were redeemed by the blood of Christ, and brought back into the fold. Or we might say by the gospel of circumcision ; committed to Peter; those sinners, were brought back to the highway, and placed under the law. In this way, they were saved, by Christ ; Christ being the way. And then the Gentiles come in ; that is, after Christ died and rose. Then the way was prepared for them. This will plainly give the reader to understand, the diff- erence that exists between the Jew, and the Gentile. Not as it was in olden times, for 1 he middle wall was taken away, which was the curse of the law; but in the way of worship, the Jews CREATION AND FORMATION. 409. are held in blindness, and under the law; the Gentiles have been brought out into light, under the law of faith. While the Jews, are justified by the law, through obedience : the Gentiles could not be ; it was not suficient to bring into subjection their nature. Life had to be granted, and the law was too weak for that. But in Christ this life, was given to the Gentiles, and now there can be no more souls destroyed with the abominable thing: be- cause the Gentiles are now a people, as well as the Jews; and all the Jews were brought back under the Mosaica) Law by the gospel of circumcision. And to day with the Jews remain the law of circumcision, which is the highway. And the gospel of uncircumcision, was the way, prepared through Christ, for the Gentile ; between these two churches, there is quite a difference, in the way of worshiping God. The great division, that was between them, disappeared in Christ, and only left a difference between them in ihe way oi worship : they are both journeying to heaven, the Jews on the highway and the Gentiles on the way. That is, those that are living in obedience to God ; according as He- has directed them in each of these ways. The reason of these two ways is, because, the nature the Gentiles had been created in, would not allow them, to come un- der the law, and to prepare this way for them, the Jews had to first be blinded; and repentance preached to the lost Jews; and it was for this reason Christ spoke those words to the Gentile woman, "It is not meet to give the childrens bread to dogs." Then you see the food which adds strength to the one, does not satisfy the other; for an example, the horse could not live on flesh, nor the lion could not live on hay, or straw. This teaches us that Christ's time while he was on the earth was very precious to the sinning Jews. The Gentile's food came after His death ; this was his greatest mission to prepare the way for the Gentiles. For this reason Paul, in Galatians,, says the gospel of uncircumcision was committed unto him as the gospel of circumcision was unto Peter, "For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostle- ship of the circumcision, the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles;" (Gal., 2nd. Ch., 8th. vs.) And Christ, to remind 410. CREATION AND FORMATION. Peter of his office work, says to him. "*lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs. He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep, lie saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep." (John, 21st. Ch., 15, 16, 17th. vs.) These words Jesus spake to Simon after his resurrection from the dead; and also before his death, he said unto him, "*Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat : But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren." (Luke, 22nd. Ch., 3I-32nd. vs.) And in another place, Jesus saith unto him, "*That thou art Peter, and upon this rock will I build my church ; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdon of heaven : and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (Matt., 16th. Ch., 18-19th. vs.) Now a great many people say that Petei really was "the rock" upon which the church of Christ should be founded. This is a false interpretation of the truth of God, expressed on the Bible. The Bible does not teach such a doctrine. Why, just think for a moment, and reason will teach you better than that, if nothing else will. But thank God the Bible teaches us better. Christ says, "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock will I build my church." We ask, was Peter ever called a rock ? Nay. But Christ, himself is the rock. Eemember, Peter was nothing but a man ; a poor, weak human-being : and Christ prayed for him, that his faith fail him not. Peter would have been poor material for the foundation of the church of God; he was so weak that Christ prayed for him that his faith fail him not. The Bible plainly tells us that Christ is the rock, the corner CREATION AND FORMATION. 411. stone 5 and upon this rock is founded the church of Christ. All other grounds are sinking sands. But unto Peter, as chief, was committed the gospel of circumcision. Now rendered, the law of circumcision. And this is the highway, or the way of the Mosaical Jews. An4 they are God's chosen people, and He is ever mindful of them. Now then, taking another step forward, we learn, that three years after Paul's conversion, he went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and he abode with him fifteen days; and fourteen years after that, he went up to Jerusalem again. This time he went up by revelation; making in all, seventeen years from the time that he was first converted into the religion of Jesus Christ. And he went up to Jerusalem by revelation. This saying may seem dark to some. But if we look at it right there will be nothing dark at all. What is meant is simply this ; He had had, a revelation from God, and in that revelation God showed him what he would have him to do; he was directed to go up to Jerusalem, and ac- cording to God's directions he went; he went in body, he went by revelation. Suppose now that you were commanded to g© and do a certain piece of work, and you go ; you go by com- mandment; and that is all there is to it. You go and you do as you were commanded. So likewise did Paul : he went by rev- elation, "and communicated unto them that gospel which he preached among the Gentiles, but privately, to them which were of reputation, lest by any means he should run, or had run in vain." He went up privately, as God had directed him, so that his mission would not have been in vain. And he took with him one called Titus, who was a Greek or a Gentile, and he went up to Jerusalem with Paul, and abode among the Jews for a time ; yet Paul would not allow him to be compelled to be circumcised. And then Paul goes on to say, "But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter"; For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostleship of the cir- cumcision, the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles ; And when James, Cephus, and John, who seemed to be pillars, 412 CREATION AND FORMATION. percieved the grace that was given unto me, they gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship; that we should go unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcision. Only they would that we should remember the poor; the same which I also was forward to do." (Gal., 2nd. Ch., 7, 8, 9, 10th. vs.) Now then, we have before us the two gospels: the gospel of circumcision, and the gospel of uncircumcision ; Peter to the Jews, and Paul to the Gentiles. These are facts which no one can deny; If they are denied, the Bible must be denied, that is all; and previous to this, we have shown, by Christ's own words, that unto Peter this charge was committed ; Peter knew this before Christ left this earth; and, on the day of Pentecost, Peter' ^ mission was ratified. And between two and three j^ears after the day of Pentecost, the gospel of uncircumcision was committed unto Paul. Again, these facts confirm what we have previously stated concerning Christ's mission on earth. His work was with the Jews first, the Gentiles next. Before his death he commited this great charge unto Peter, or, in other words, Christ commanded him to feed his sheep; and on the day of Pentecost, Peter received the promise ; and then he fully knew what his mission was among the Jews ; and all things outside of the bringing in of the Gentiles, were brought to his remembrance, whatsoever the Lord had told him. And again, through Christ's death, the Grentiles were given eternal life, and Paul was made a minister unto them ; a minister of the gospel of uncircumcision. So from this we see that there was a way provided, whereby the Gentiles might be saved, altogether different from the way laid out for the Jews. And also it is plain enough to see the mission of those two chosen men. One to go among the Gen- tiles, and the other among the Jews. And this was no selection or choice of work of their own design ; but it was God working in them: making of one, a minister of the gospel of circumcision, and the other, a minister of the gospel of uncircumcision. And when Paul went up tj Jerusalem to communicate unto the apos- tles that dwelt there, the gospel of uncircumcision which he himself, was a minister of, the object which he had in view was- that, at that meetings there should be a confirmation of the CREATION AND FORMATION. 418. gospel, which he preached, by the othrr apostles; that there should be a thorough understanding between him and the other brethren of the Jews: for the gospel of uncirumcision excluded from the Gentiles the gospel of circumcision. And Paul know- ing the zeal that the Jews had for their law, which was of the circumcision, preached by Peter, and other leading brethren of the Jews, feared to come openly among them, and declare the gospel that be preached to the Gentiles, unless he had run in vain ; lor he had taken with him, Titus, an uncircumcised Gentile. There- fore, he went up privately, and appeared, first, unto those whom he feared not; namely, James, Cephus, and John who seemed, he says, to be pillars, lest he would have run in vain ; and the covenant of peace would not have been established ; for he knew perfectly well that the Jews were strict in observing their laws, and that they would see that they were duly enforced. And he knew that if he, had bolted headlong in among them, his mission would have been fruitless. And even though he was so very careful not to disturb the masses, yet he found false brethren creeping in, as he says, to spy out their liberty; not his liberty, properly speaking, but the liberty of the Gen- tiles, which he was frankly maintaining, as the Lord so command- ed him. But, after all, it seems appearently, that they who wrestled against him, were determined to have Titus circumcised. But Paul being a firm and resolute man, would not suffer it to be so, and when James, Cephus, and John saw the grace which was given him from God, they gave him the right hand of fellowship, and concluded that he should go to the heathen, and they, themselves, unto their own brethren, the Jews. In this trial Paul was faithful, and he gained the victory. He proved himself a true servant of God. In the storm he was a strong man. Paul took Timothy and circumcised him. Why? simply because he was a disciple of the law of circumcision, and his mother was a Jewess. (See Acts, 16th. Ch., 1st. to 3rd. vs.) But he would not allow Titus to be circumcised, because he was a disciple of the gospel of uncircumcision, and of the Gentile nation. Now then, let us notice more closely the difference there is between the two gospels. "And by so close an observation 414. OREATJUJM AND ifORMATlOJN 1 . of these two great points, we will be enabled to see more clear- ly the difference there is between Gentiles and Jews of today. In the first place we notice in the same second chapter of Gala- tions, that when Paul went up to Jerusalem, he went up private- ly, and communicated his gospel unto them that were of reput- ation ; namely, James, Cephus, and John. As we have just stat- ed, that he went up by revelation, or by diiection of God. And at Jerusalem he visited those men that had the most influence; those Jewish elders of the gospel, or law of circumcision. In those early days the gospel of circumcision was in full bloom; but gradually, as the christian Jews drifted back under the old Jewish dispensation, so also, the gospel of circumcision went with the drift and the current, until, at last, all was swallowed up in the Mosaical law of circumcision. And this drifting back to the law was not against the will of God, as some may suppose. It was not against his will, because, in the first place, he blind- ed the eyes of the Mosaical Jews, that they might stay where they were until Christ shall come the second time, and that the Jews that were dispersed might drift back under that law. And Paul knowing the great zeal that the Jews had for their law; went up privately, that his mission among them would not be in vain. If Paul's doctrine had been cf such as was taught by the Jews, or the twelve apostles, he would of had no fear. But his doctrine was not the same as theirs. There was no divis- ion between the two gospels, but simply a difference in the way of worshiping God. If there had of been a division, one would have been for, and the other against God. But, as it is only a difference in the character of the two people, God is well pleased to give the two gospels; that the nature of each character, would be suppli- ed with suitable food, to save the soul, after the curse had been taken away, as formally stated by us in this work. Hence, there is no division, but simply a different way. And when the apos- tles, at Jerusalem, saw the grace, and liberty that was given to Paul, they extended to him and Barnabas the right hand of fel- lowship: that they should preach to the Gentiles, and they would preach to the Jews. And after James, Ocpbus and John, had thus confirmed the gospel committed unto Paul, for the 0HEAT1OJN AND FUKMAT1UM. 415. Gentiles, he and Barnabas departed and went preaching, to the heathen ; and by Mid by come to Antioch, where Paul had preach- ed before he had went up to Jerusalem. And in Pauls absence, Peter had come there ; and when Paul come he withstood Peter, face, to face, because Peter was to blame. You may ask in what was Peter to be blamed? we shall try to investigate this point in such a way, that we may clearly understand in what way, Peter was to blame. In tht first place Peter, would have to commit a wrong, before Paul could say he was to blame for anything; and in the second place, Peter would have to violate the commission Christ had given him, before he could be in a wrong; and this he had surely done. Peter knew just what his mission was at this time, and he knew his duty towards his own flesh, (the Jews) for unto him was committed the gospel of circumcision, therefore, he ought to have been very zealous of his duty. And not to bring upon himself, and others, infamy and shame • he also knew, Pauls mission, and great responsibil- ity. Therefore, he knew it was wrong to do any thing, that would lay a stumbling block, in the way of the young Gentile converts, and this Peter did. For before certain Jews came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles, and after they came he feared them, and withdrew himself ; this was wrong and Paul rebuked him sharply for it; for in this Peter was not ig- norant of what he was doing, for he had seen on the great sheet, which God had let down from heaven, the evidence of the fact of the conversion of the Gentiles, and then at the house of Cor- nelius, he saw again the out pouring of the spirit of God : There- fore, being in knowledge of these great truths, he injured him- self and others also; for if he had not of known those things, he would have been excusable. And when he had come to Antioch, he found there both Jews and Gentiles, and he ate with them; but when certain of the Jews had come from James, who, like as was Peter, preachers of the gospel of circumcision, he withdrew himself from them (the Gentiles,) for he feared those of the circumcision. And when Peter had so disorderly behaved, likewise there were other Jews that did the same; they dissembled themselves, insomuch that Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation. 416. CREATTON AND FORMATION. Wherefore, Paul seeing that they did not walk uprightly, he said unto Peter before them all, "If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of the Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why com- pellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?' 7 Yes, and if we had of been there, we might have heard Paul saying, "Now Peter, you are a Jew, and unto you Christ com- mitted the gospel of circumcision, and the same likewise gave he me the gospel of uncircumcision. You have come here to Antiocb, and have lived after the manner of the Gentiles, but as soon as these brethren have come from James, you through fear, withdrew your- self from those Gentile converts, because you feared the Jews that came from James, that they will see, you have broken the law of circumcision, and this dissimulation caused the rest of the Jews to do likewise; even so much that Barnabas was drawn away with their dissimulation, which gives us the ground to think that there were quite a difference in the way that Christ was preached, to the Gentiles by Paul, and to the Jews, by Peter. But Peter, in the instance above named, failed to stand at his post; and the Jews at Antioch, are carried to and fro just like the chaff in the wind, and they tried to compel the Gen- tiles to do as did the Jews. This was the great wrong Paul re- minds them of; for when James, Cephus, and John had extend- ed to Paul the right hand of fellowship that they should go to the heathen; and the twelve apostles to the Jews. This differ- ence was set forth, and Paul withstanding Peter, reminded them of this fact. We think sometimes, that Paul would say to Peter, Now Peter, just see what you have done in these perilous times, you have yielded to the baneful influence of the devil, and have caused a great contention among us. And in this, Peter well knew that he had done a wrong ; for he knew that his mission was to preach the gospel of circumcision to the Jew ; and this he had been doing among the brethren that came from James : and for this reason, he withdrew from the Gentiles, who had b^en instructed under Paul's teachings, and desired to compel them to live as did the Jews. (See Gal., 2nd. Ch., 14th. vs.) And this was a wrong thing to do. For Peter would only need to call to his memory the vision at Joppa, while he was on the housetop; or the scene of the CREATION AND FORMATION. 417 outpouring of the Holy Ghost at the house of Cornelius, or the accusation of his brethren, brought against him at Jerusalem after he had returned from the house of Cornelius, in order to show him that he had done wrong, in trying to compel the Gen- tiles to serve God as did the Jews. For they said unto Peter, "you went into men uncircumcised, and dic"st eat with them;" (See Acts, 11th. Ch.) This shows plainly, that under the teach- ings of the twelve apostles, they all had to be circumcised before they could be recognized, as being accepted with God. And before these other apostles, and brethren at Jerusalem, would be satisfied. Peter had to rehearse all that transpired from the house top at Joppa, until his rrission was ended, at the house of Cornelius, and stating to them, that God had shown him, that the Gentiles were no more, an unclean People; for in Christ they had received the promise, of the Holy Ghost. The same as they (the apostles,) had received the power of that promise, on the day of Pentecost. And then he went on to say what was I, that I, could withstand God ? As much as to say, if God through Christ, has cleansed them, and brought them into the kingdom, without the ordinances or customs of the law. What is that to me? therefore, I cannot withstand God. Seeing "He has granted them repentance unto life." The gospel of circumcision has been committed unto me; And God has shown to me, that the Gentiles have been accepted. And that theirs is the circumcision of the heart and not of the flesh. And for Peter to reflect for a moment upon these things, he could not blame Paul for saying to him, Peter do you know you are wrong ? yes Peter you know you are to blame. And in this I must say to you, that you have sinned ; and have went contrary to what God commanded you to do,' Wherefore Paul says, "If thou being a Jew and living after the manner of the Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why compelest thou the Gen- tiles to live as do the Jews ? for we who are Jews by nature, and not sinners of the Gentiles," have no right to do this. (The Jews by nature, that are spoken of here, are those Jews that had never mingled with the Gentiles; especially in marri- age. Sinners of the Gentiles, are those that had mingled in marriage with them.) And Peter and Paul had never partook 418. CREATION AJSD FORMATION. of the abominable thing. And when Peter was at Antiocb, among the Grentile breth- ren, there was no wrong in that j but where the wrong came in, was when he showed himself a coward, by trying to compel the Gentile christians, to live as the Jew christians did, for fear those brethren that came from the apostle James, would accuse him of eating with uncircumcised people • which according to the gospel of circumcision, they were not allowed to do. That is the Jews had to be circumcised under this gospel, and they thought that the Gentile believer had to be the same. Just as the people of today believes that the Jews have to come un- der the gospel of uncircumcision ; who does not -know how to rightly divide the Word of truth, and farther add that the Jews by nature were such as Paul represented himself to be, before he was called to the apostleship of the Gentiles. (see Acts, 22nd, and 26th Ch.) And this calling did not change Pauls nature one particle. The siners of the Gentiles were the lost sheep ; to which class belonged the woman that was taken in adultery and brought before Jesus, by the Jews, (see St. John 8th Oh. 3rd vs.) And according to their law, should have been stoned to death. (See St. John, 8th. Ch., 5th. vs., Lev., 20eth. Ch., 10th. vs., Dent., 22nd. Ch., 21st. vs. and Joshua, 23rd. Ch., 12- 13th. vs.) But this did not happen to her, for the reason Christ had came to take away that curse. Hence, he forgave and said unto her, go, and sin no more; the law could not justi- fy such sinners; it took Christ to justify this class, and by right- ly divding the word, and finding the great difference there were between the two, we can plainly see why the Jaw could not jus- tify them, for life had to be granted, and this the law could not do. Therefore, we see why a man is not justified by the works of the law, but, by the faith of Jesus Christ; for by the works of the law, no flesh shall be justified. Thus Paul addresses Peter before them all. "*even w T e have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justiGed by the faith of Christ,*"(Gal., 2nd. Ch., 16th. vs.) Hence, he tries hard to impress upon their minds, the fact that the Gentiles connot be benefited by the works of the law ; they are the fleshy man that cannot be justified by the law. For the simple reason the CREATION AND FORMATION. 41 £. law had not the life giving power, and it could not redeem nor give: and this is why Paul so sharply rebuked Peter be- fore them all. He rebuked him because he knew that Peter knew that it was wrong to undertake to make the Gentiles live as do the Jews; for the law could not make the comers thereun- to perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope did, "by the which we draw nigh unto God." "The comers" that are here referred to, are, first, the lost sheep of the dispursed ones of Isreal, who, through the gospel of circumcision were to be made partakers of the law, which was fully accomplished • as is so plainly shown by this gospel of the Jews. And Christ's commandments to the twelve apostles were that they should obey the law, and observe all things, written therein; and it was to this end, that he gave to those twelve leaders of their fallen brethren, the gospel of circumcision, that through them the Jews might be made to see, and believe, and be justified in Christ according t6 the law. And in reaching these heights of justfication, they also reached the heights of glory and of the way which, according to the Bible, is termed, "the highway." And second, the Gentiles through faith and the receiving of salvation, in Christ, were made comers there un- to, unto the gospel of the uncircumcision, which they enjoyed in Jesus Christ. The reader must not think that, because Paul preached a dif- ferent doctrine from that of Peter, that this necessarily makes a division between the two gospels or characters, for it is not so. Christ appointed to each, his own way to pursue, that in the end they should meet in that brighter world. Hence, we see that those Jews that were perfected in Christ, through the pow- er of the gospel of circumcision, became very zealous of the law, to do all in it there was, so much so that even the real Mosaical Jews were worked up to a higher pitch of zealousness. And this confirms what is written in the prophecies, "that they shall be provoked to jealousy with a people which are not a people." This prophecy takes in the Gentile world ; and when the Jews saw what God had done for both sinners and Gentiles, they be- came more strict in their religion than they ever were before. They were not willing that the sinners and the Gentiles should 420. CREATION AJND FORMATION. excel them in righteousness, and for this reason, they determin- ed to set out in the great race for God, and for heaven*: t r d they grew zealous and strict, and by this great zeal, which they had, and have unto this very day, for their law, they show by their outward works, their inward faith in God. Now this plainly shows us the difference there is between the two gospel^. And while the Jews,which believed in Christ, became so zeal- ous that they would keep the law, which law was theirs in the works of the flesh, Christ justified them. And so likewise it was with the Gentiles, even all they that believed in the gospel of uncircumcision, and being circumcised in the heart, and the law written therein, were made perfect in Christ; and they showed by their uprightness, that they were of God, and that God was with them. The law was written in their hearts, and not in the flesh ; and it was for this cause that Christ, in the flesh, lived and died; and now that they should be the object of his love, and power, and glory, he liveth again. The Jews are justified by faith, and the Gentiles through faith. And thus are all men drawn nigh unto God. And when Paul spake to Peter, saying, "No flesh shall be justified by the works of the law, ect." he evidently was alluding to the Gentile world. He could not have had reference to any other race, or class of people, simply because there was no other people, save the strict Mosaical Jews ; and they had nothing to do with Christ, but serve God under the Mosaical law. And they were the only ones that Could be justified by this law. And furthermore, Paul says to Peter, "We who are Jews by nature and are not sinners of the Gentiles; but if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sin- ners ; is therefore Christ the minister of sin ? God forbid." Now from this portion of scriture, we gather these facts : first, that Peter was a minister of the gospel of circumcision, and second, that he betrayed his trust ; for when he had come to Antioch, he, in order to confirm the truth of the gospel of un- circumcision which Paul preached, ate and drank with the Gen- tiles ; but when he saw those brethren from James coming in, he through fear, withdrew himself, and in order to cover up his guilt, which poor human nature is so apt to do, turns CREATION AND FORMATION. 421. right around and declares that it is right to circumcise the Gen- tiles, and command them ti» keep the law, and live as do the Jews. But Paul would not consent to this saying, and says "Is Christ the minister of sin? God forbid : for if I build again the things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor/' By this we see that Peter was to be blamed : for he knew that the Gentiles had no other way to be saved, and he taught them so when he first came to Antioch. But when he himself played a hypocrit, he, at the same time silenced his own teachings among them, and not only that, but he caused a general back-sliding among the assembly of new converts in Christ: even Barnabas was carri- ed away with the dissimulated crowd. If he would have yielded to Peter, he, truly would have been a transgressor, and he would have built up again the things which he once destroyed. For, as he says, "I through the law am dead to the law, that I might live unto God. I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." He lives by the faith of the Son of God, that is to say, he, in consecrating himself to the service of God, has his heart circumcised by faith in the Son of God ; and this is the doctrine which he gives to the Gentiles; and as he farther says, "I do not frustrate the grace of God : for if right- eousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain." (Gal., 2nd. Ch., 21st. vs.) But righteousness did not come by the law : for it had to come in the way we have stated by Jesus Christ. And this is the doctrine that Paul, as a minister of Christ, lays down his life to maintain. For after he shews Peter wherein he is wrong, he then turns to the Gentile brethren, and says, "I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel : Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ." (Gal., 1st. Ch., 6-7th, vs.) In this language we see im- braced the two gospels, or the "highway and the way." And in this scripture, also the fact is embraced that they are both one in Christ as far as the saving power is concerned. They are one in 422. CREATION AND FORMATION. substance, and the substance is the Holy Seed, (Christ) ; and this leaves no room for a division ; but only Christ as the shep- herd, feeds the flock, as the nature, or character demands from the standpoint of difference, the two great nations were placed in, from their origin. A way only, laid out for the journeying pilgrims. And in the far distant plains of eternity, Christ is the object, to which both Jews, and Gentiles are laboring to come. The Jew comes by faith in God, and Christ through the Mosaical law, and the Gentiles through faith in Christ under the gospel of uncircum- cision, which is the law of righteousness : the Jews, is the circumcision of the flesh, the Gentiles, the circumcision of the heart. And by these two gospels, which were both right in their place, and for the reason of some trying to mix the two together, Paul was made to contend earnestly with them, because they would try to pervert the gospel of Christ; or in other words, compel the Gentiles to live under the law, as did the Jews. Even Peter allowed satan to get the better of him at Antioch ; so much so, that he wanted to circumcise the Gentiles, when he knew that it would be wrong. For he knew very well, the food which strengthened the spiritual life of the Jews, could not sat- isfy the Gentile ; or in other words, the Gentiles must come to God through Christ; the Jews by Christ. God through Christ, prepared the way of unciscumcision, for the Gentiles ; and God by Christ prepared the law and gospel of circumcision, for the Jews. And upon these grounds, floats out upon the breeze, the flag of Gentile liberty : which liberty, Paul even labored to emancipate and promulgate; and this liberty, says the apostle, came not about by man, or through man, but by the Son of God. Wherefore he says again, "But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, (by man :) but by the revelation of Jesus Christ." (Gal., 1st. Ch., ll-12th. vs.) When Paul received this revelation, the appointed time had come for him to be brought into the works of the Lord, under the gospel of uncircumeision ; and in him was revealed the CREATION AND FORMATION. 423. power of God, that he should teach the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ. For in him only, was their hope of glory. Hence it is evident that Paul, did not confer with flesh and blood, nor neither did he go up to Jerusalem, unto the apostles who were before him, by order of man. He went by revelation from God ; and surely we learn from his teachings, that Christ was his instructor; and he lived and labored for the glory of his redeemer, and for the enlightment of the people which sat in darkness. But, a great many times the Gentiles, were drawn away by other doctrines. Therefore he says unto them, "O ! foolish Galations, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you ? this only would I learn of you ; received ye the spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith ? Are ye so foolish ? having began in the spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh ? have ye suffer- ed so many things in vain ? if it be yet in vain, we trust not, the scripture foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying. "In thee shall all nations be blessed. So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham." Paul is here referring to those believers in the gospel of uncircumcision, preached in the name of Jesus Christ. (See Gal. 3rd. Ch.) And furthermore he says, "For as many as are of the works of the law, are under the curse; for it is written. Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law, to do them. The book of the law; the Old Bible. And by these teachings of Paul, it is plain to see the differ- ence between the two gospels. But all that we have said does not satisfy us, just as long as there is other scripture to make it still plainer. Hence, we shall turn and see what occured when Paul went up to Jerusalem : "And the day following Paul went in with us unto James ; and all the elders were present. (Peter was there, who was also an elder.) And when he, (Paul) had saluted them, he declared particularly what things God had wrought among the Gentiles by his ministry. And when they, (the apostles) heard it, they glorified the Lord, and said unto 424. CREATION AND FORMATION. him, (Paul) Thou seest, brother, how many thousand of Jews there are which believe; and they are all zealous of the law : ^.nd they (these Jews that believed on Christ, under the teach- ings of the twelve apostles,) are informed of thee, that thou teachest all the Jews which are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses, saying, that they ought not to c : rcumcise their children, neither to walk after the customs." (Acts, 21Ch., 18, 19, 20, 21st. vs.) That is, those Jews that had believed on Christ, under the teachings of the twelve apostles, were zealous of the Mosaical law and its customs : and this was right, for them to be so. And some one had brought the news to them that Paul was teaching the Jews, that were among the Gentiles, to forsake this law. Of course this was false; as it was so proven: but the time of trial had now come, that Paul had to give an account of his preaching. And there is no mistake but what it was for our learning, that this trial hour came, that we, might not be tossed about by every wind of doctrine ; and that we might know the truth of the two gospels. Therefore, the twelve apostles says to Paul, "What is it therefore? the multitude must needs come together: for they will hear that thou art come. Do therefore this that we say to thee : We have four men which have a vow on them ; Them take, and purify thyself with them, and be at charges with them, that they may shave their heads : and all may know that those things, whereof they were informed concerning thee, are nothing; but that thou thyself also walkest orderly, and keepest the law. Arf touching the Grentiles which believe, we have written and concluded that they observe no such thing,* Then Paul took the men, and the next day purifying himself with them.*" (Acts, 21st. Ch., 22, 23, 24, 25, 26th. vs.) We learn from this, that the twelve apostles, taught to the Jews, the law and it's customs, and that the Gentiles were not to observe any such things* This you see placed a vast differ- ence in regard to way of worship between them. Not any diff- erence in grace, but in faith. The Jews worship by faith, in Christ, and the Gentiles through faith. (See Eom. 3rd. Ch. 30vs.) Here the twelve apostles, say they h;«,ve four men under the CREATION AND FORMATION. 425. customs of the law, for some offense which they had done, and for the accusation brought against Paul, that he had taught the Jews that were among the Gentiles, to forsake Moses, and not have their children circumcised, which he had not done: There- fore he had to take these four men, and purify himself with them, so that these believing Jews, that believed on Christ, would know for sure that Paul did not teach the Jews, any such things ; but contrarywise that he walked orderly and kept the law. Paul was a Jew, and he never violated that law. But Paul would not let the Gentiles, come under the customs of the law ; and to prove that Paul with the twelve, taught circumcision to-the Jews ; and if it was right then, it is right now. See what he says to the Komans. "What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision ? Much every way : chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God. Do we then make void the law through faith 1 God forbid: yea, we establish the law." (Bom., 3rd. Ch., 1, 2, 31st. vs.) Paul has taught us in this language, that the Jews had much advantage in circumcis- ion, for this was their law, and that the Gentiles through faith did not make void the law. Hence, we see he strengthened the Jews in their belief, and confirmed their law m his teachings: and this was the desire and wishes of the twelve apostles. Paul did nothing for to get praise of men, but all for the glory of God; and because he loved the truth. And in doing this, he could not frustrate the grace of God. And while he himself was a Jew, and very zealous of the law. yet he would not suffer the Gentiles to be crushed down under the weight of circumcision "no not for an hour/' as he says in Gal., 2nd. Ch., 5th. vs. To refresh our minds again with the truth of the gospel, we re- peat the words of the Apostles to Paul, which reads thus, "As touching the Gentiles which believe, we have written and con- eluded that they observe no such thing/' (Acts, 21st, Ch., 25th. vs., also see 15th. Ch., 19 to 29th. vs.) That is, the Gentiles are not to observe the customs of the law, as do the Jews. And in these scriptures, "the highway and the way" is set forth so plain, that the way-faring man, though a fool, cannot err there- in. 426. CREATTON AND FORMATION. And in all the departments of life, amidst the Ltormiest times, Paul ever labored, that is after his conversion to promul- gate and forward these two gospels, which were one in Christ. Throwing himself at the foot of the cross, and banishing from himself the very appearance of evil ; and suffering many things. Yet he earnestly contended for the faith, that was once deliver- ed to the saints, in the which, the Gentiles were to stand, and for the promulgation of the gospel which Christ committed unto him. Now, in connection with these facts, before us, we shall note carefully what one of the inspired pens-man of the apostolic times has said upon this subject. This man's name is James, the Lord's brother ; who seemed to be a pillar in the "Church of Christ/ 7 His epistle was written unto the twelve tribes of the Jews. And from him, we will take just such portions of his epistle, as are in connection with what we have just said. And with such we will establish the truth. James, we must understand, was an apostle of the gospel, of circumcision ; and he writes to the believing Jews, and says; "Let the brother of iow degree re- joice in that he is exalted : but the lich, in that he is made low : ect." (James 1st Ch. 9, 10th. vs.) Here he speaks of the poor Jews that were as lost, untill Christ came to redeem them ; but are now on level grounds with the Mosaical Jews: and the rich Mosaical Jews have been brought down from their heights of loftiness, to a more strict observence of their law. And all Jews today, are upon the "highway," and this came about by faith in Christ. For, as Janr>es goes on to say, "Of his own will beget he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruity of his creatures." (18th. vs.) The real creatures are the Gentiles ; and the idea which James sets fourth in this language is, that the Jews (the sinning Jews,) are for Christ's own glory, a kind of first-fruits of his creatures. They were once numbered with the creatures ; and Christ redeemed them, and now he would that they should be a kind of first-fruits of his creatures. And from this, we learn that the tendency of the gospel of ciscumcis- ion was, naturally drifting back into the law of circumcision. Wherefore, he speaks again, "But be ye doers of the word, and CREATION AND FORMATION. 427. not bearers only, deceiving your own selves." (22nd. vs.) "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. (Jamf s. 2nd. Ch., 10th. vs.) And the twelveth verse reads thus, "So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall he judged by the law of liberty." He is still speak- ing to the Jews : those Jews of the gospel or law of circumcision, and he exorts them to show by their faith, and by their works, that they are obeying the law; even as they do, who obey the law of liberty. And again he says, "What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works, can faith save him ?" Then he goes on to tell us what the good works are, that belong unto faith j and that the law requires the doers to observe, and do the things that are written in the law. And the difference which he sets between the two gospels, gives to both Jews and Gentiles the portion which belongs to them : and Jews are to show by their faith and good works and deeds, under the law of Moses, that they were, and are children of God. And again, in speaking of the law of liberty, under which the Gentiles are now kept, shows us there were a difference between the ones that James were talking to, and the ones that were to be Judged according to the law of liberty. The twelve tribes are to show their faith in Christ by obey- ing the works and customs of their law, that God had given them, as an everlasting covenant, and the sign of circumcision as a seal; and for them to disobey in the least commandment, proves them guilty of all. But the Gentiles through faith in Christ, in the law of liberty, show themselves heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. Wherefore he says to the Jews, "Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man (a Jew) may say, Thou hast faiih, and I have works : shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works," (James, 2nd. Ch., 17-18th. vs.) Now then we find that James agrees with Paul, in regard to the difference in the way of worshiping God, of the Gentiles, and Jews. The Jews being under the law, which agrees with this scripture; "For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse : for it is written, Cursed is every one that con- tinueth not in all things which are written in the book of the 428. CREATION AND FORMATION. law to do them." (Gal. 3rd Ch. 10 vs.) And both of these men are in harmony with what is written in the book of Moses, which saith, "Cursed be he that confirmeth not all the words of this law to do them : and all the people shall say. Amen."(Deut. 27th Ch. 26th vs.) If under such plain truths as the above, we still remain in darkness concerning the difference of these two gospels, the Jew and Gentile, it will have to be voluntarily. In substance they are one, because Christ is the great object and substance of them both. This is why no man is justified by the law, although he keeps the law strictly; it is Christ that justifies the man for his obedience to God. And for this reason, the just shall live by faith ; therefore he says, "And the law is not of faith ; but, The man that doeth them shall live in them." (Gal. 3rd Ch. 11, 12th vs.) Again, the law of itself, is powerless ; it has no efficacy, and he who seeks justification by the law, will not be justified; be- cause in the law, there is no life saving power. The just lives by faith. Please notice what he says, "The just shall live by faith." He speaks to the Jews ; for they are under the law, and they are exorted to do all that there is in the law : and when they do that, they are living by faith, for their works show it,' and their belief is in God, because they keep the law. And only in this way are they justified by faith in the law. Therefore we are able to say, that the law was given to show forth their faith in God. And the promise of God, (which was Christ,) was four-hun dred and thirty years before the law was given to Moses. (See Gal., 3rd. Ch., 17th. vs.) The promise was made to Abraham, and that in his seed, all nations of the earth should be blessed. And this covenant was made to him two-thousand five-hundred and thirteen years after the formation of man. Hence, to have faith in God, is to do all that there is in the law. And Paul says, that the law is not of faith, but the man that doeth them shall live in them. Well Paul, why do }^ou say that a man shall live in the law, when the law is not of faith? "A man lives in the law, when he has faith enough in God to do that which the law requires him to do ; and if Abraham had not faith in God, he would not have done what the law required him to do: for at > CREATION AND FORMATION. 429. the age of ninety-nine years he was circumcised. It was by faith in God, that he obeyed, and not by faith in the works of the law. And his willingness to offer up his son Isaac, come not by faith in the law, or the works he had to perform, but by faith in God. Therefore it is not by faith in the law, that men are justified, but by faith in God; through obedience they will be justified through the keeping of the law. And again, going to Paul for more knowledge, we hear him say, "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us :* That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ ;*" (Gal., 3rd. Ch., 13-14th. vs.) Now from this scripture, the reader will see, no doubt, what the curse of the law is. The violater himself, is made the curse, and in a great many instances the curse is death. And so it was in the days of Israel, the curse oftimes led to death in this world, and to a bitter remorse beyond the grave. And from this curse the law had no power to redeem; it had no more power to do this than it had to give eternal life to the Gentiles. This great saving power was in Christ ; both to redeem, aud to give life. And the bless- ing of Abraham was conferred on the Gentiles through the spill- ing of the sacred blood of Christ. The question may now arise; Was the law against the promise of God ? Nay. But through the promise made unto Abraham was all nations of the earth blessed. The wandering Jews were brought back, and the Gentiles, were given eternal life; they received the spirit through faith in Christ; and when the promise was made, it was not made to "many seeds," but as of one, and to thy seed, which is Christ (See Gal. 3rd Ch. 16th vs.) "For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise:"* (Gal. 3rd Ch. 18th vs.) You may ask, if the law could not inherit ? why, then was there any nec- essity of the promise, and fulfillment thereof? well we will let Brother Paul answer this question. In the twenty-first verse of the 3rd chapter of Galatians, he says; "* For if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteous- ness should have been by the law." O ! how true and plain. He who lives in the law, is benefited by the law ; but he that 430. CREATTON AND FORMATION. is loosed from the law, which was true with the Gentiles. The law could not reach or benefit them, and their only hope was in the promise made to Abraham. Neither could the law givu those who were to be heirs of the promise, life, the same being the Gentiles, and this is the portion which God promised to meet out to them. In this the law was too weak. If it had not of been, then by it, righteousness would have come ; and about the time of the fulfillment of the promise, God concluded the whole world, under sin, that, by faith and through faih, the comers thereunto might be made perfect. "For before faith came, (or before Christ came j for he is the faith here spoken of.) we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which afterwards was revealed." That means, until Christ should be re- vealed ; Therefore, as Paul continues to say, "The law was our schoolmaster, to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith." (See Gal. 3rd Ch. 23, 24th vs.) Again. Note what he says; "The law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith." This is the same as to say, the law being their schoolmaster, showed them their necessity of a Savior; and which only came by faith in God. Then he continues to say, ''But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond n.ox free, there is neither male nor female : for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." (Gal., 3rd. Ch., 25, 26, 27, 28th. vs.) Paul in this tells us that in Christ, there is neither Jew nor Gentile; but a new creature. This is what we have been telling you all the time. For Paul here shows us that as many as have beed baptized into Christ, (in this Paul did not say the blinded Jew was included, ) but as many as were, he says, this did in- clude the sinning Jew that were under the curse, and the Gen- tile. For they were baptized into Christ, and in such, is neither Jew nor Greek ; but the rest were blinded : not blinded to Christ, but blinded concerning his first coming; for h«* was to rise and reign over the Gentiles. Therefore, he says, to them through Paul, "And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and CREATION AND FORMATION. 431. heirs according to the promise." (Gal., 3rd. Ch ., 29th. vs.) First they were concluded under sin; then after Christ's resur- rection, were granted repentance unto life. Oh, what joy there is in knowing how to rightly divide the word of truth. The soul is filled with the living manna of heav- en ; the heart is full cf divine love, and the sinner comes with repentance toward God, and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. "The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preach- ing peace by Jesus Christ: (that) he is Lord of all : That word, I say, ye know, which was published throughout all Judea, and began from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached ?' (Acts, 10th. Ch., 36-37th. vs.) From this portion of scripture we are instructed that the gospel of circumcision first took wings in the earlier days of Christ's ministry, and among them of nib own flesh preached he : and the way was only prepared by John, the fore-runner of him. (See Matt., 3rd, Ch., 3rd. vs. also Mark, 1st. Ch., 1, 2, 3rd. vs.) And the baptism of repentance preached by John centered or culminated into the seat of the gospel of circumcision • for he was like unto a man clearing up the way for the sower to sow. He baptized the sinners, even all they that came unto him ; and he baptized Jesus, the Saviour of the world. (See Luke, 3rd. Ch., 21st. vs.) And in this, the way was fully prepared for the receiving of the word, which God had sent ; and it first took wings in Galilee, after John's baptism. O sweet Galilee ; thou hast been ushered into Christ's kingdom of peace : and this is the covenant of peace which God promised to set up between Israel and Judea, and he symbolized it from the lips of the prophet, Ezekiel. And thus it was carried on down through the annals of time, until at last, the real character appeared ; the emblem of righteousness from whence the two gospels pealed out, in tones of gladness, "the anthem of the free;" the one, going on by faith in the law of circumcision, and the other, by faith in the law of uncircumcis- ion: but Christ, the great object in view, "Repent therefore, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand; and he shall confirm the covenant and promise of peace : and through him shall all nations of the earth be blessed : for he is the bread of life sent down 432. CREATION AND FORMATION. from heaven." And the gospel of circumcision; which was preached among the Jews, which He committed unto the twelve apostles before His death, and He confirmed it on the day of Pentecost. And now, in order that we may be more able and equipped for the defense of the gospel which was committed unto the twelve apostles, it is necessary that we note carefully what is recorded of Christ, in regard to the instructions which He left them, before his ascension on high says, "Then opened He their understand- ing, that they might understand the Scriptures, (then the script- ures Christ says, were to be understood ;) And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day : And that repentance and re- mission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem." (Luke, 24th Ch. 45,46,47th vs.) Now while we have learned that Christ prepared for the Jews, the bread of life, we have also learned from the above quo- ted scripture, another important fact which embraces two points, namely, first, that it behooved Him to suffer, and to die, and to rise again the third day, before repentance could be preached to all nations; and second, that the Gentiles had to be cleansed from their beastly state, before this work of the gospel of circum- cision could be brought out into automatic force. And before repentance could be granted unto the Gentiles, God had to conclude them under the same great arch of sin, from whence the sinners were drawn out, before they could re- ceive the promise ; and Christ died to give ihem life. And after they received the life, repentance was granted and preached to them ; not by faith in that law of Moses, as it was to the Jews in olden times, or is even now by the law, but through faith in Jesus Christ according to the gospel of uncircumcision ; or the same being the law of righteousness written in their hearts; and their conscience bearing them witness in the Holy Ghost, that the filthiness of the flesh might be destroyed, and that they could be purified unto God, and that the mortal and the immor- tal stains are no more, but are lost in Christ. For as the apos- tle says, "If a man therefore purge himself from these, (through faith) he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet CREATION AND FORMATION. 433. for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work." (2nd. Tim., 2nd. Ch., 21vs.) What are good works ? (See Matt., 25th. Ch., 34, to 37th. vs. also James, 2nd. Ch., 15-16th. vs.) In the language of the apostlf Paul, we are consoled to see the great truth and validness of the gospel of uncircumcision, which was preached by himself for the benefit of the Gentiles: for their elevation in the world. And this great liberty have they only received through faith in the Son of God ; for if He had not have suffered, and died, arid rose again, the Gentiles would have remained in their beastly- state, and the great curse of former ages, would, unto this very day, have been in full bloom. And had this been the case, the gospel of circumcision would have been powerless, and the sin- ners would have remained forever in the dark mountains of sin, and the horrible pits of night. But thank God, the great curse is removed; the two gospels go on with perfect work. Hence, we hear Paul speaking again, saying, "Is he the God of the Jews only? is he not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also : Seeing it is one God, which shall justify the circumcision by faith, and uncircumcision through faith. Do we then make void the law through faith ? God forbicf : yea, we establish the law." (Kom., 3rd. Ch., 29, 30, 31st. vs.) So now we see that Paul did not contend against the lawful ordinances of the Jews, far from it. But he did constantly con- tend against the prevailing Opinion, or belief, that it was right to circumcise the Gentiles, and command them, that they keep the law of Moses. He suffered Timothy to be circumcised, ac- cording to law, which the law did really require of him, and simply as a guarantee against the cunning avocations of the devil. But as for circumcision, as a saving power, or efficacy unto salvation, is of itself, nothing. And this is what Paul so earnestly faught against. This doctrine was so many times pressed hard upon the poor, ignorant, weaker class of sinning Jews, and also Gentiles, by false teachers. But he gave them to understand that if they received the ordinances in that way, they had fallen from grace, (that is, the characters abovo men- tioned,) and that Christ was far from them ; or had become unto 434. CREATION AND FORMATION. them of no effect; and that they would be debtors, to do the whole law. (See Gal., 5th. Ch., 2, 3, 4th. vs.) Now Paul is here speaking to those that are under the teachings of the gospel of uncircuracision, and to those that be- lieve in this gospel, both Jews and Gentiles ; but particularly to the Jews, when he says, "If ye be circumcised after having begun in the spirit, (that is, in the spirit of Christ according to the gospel of uncircumcision,) then ye are debtors to do the whole law." For by doing that, they fall from grace, and have lost their liberty in which the Gentiles stand, and are hurled under the power of the law, and become duty bound, for their souPs welfare, to do all that there is in the law ; and these are they that are debtors to do the whole law. And should they lack in the fulfillment of one point while under the indebtedness of that law, they are guilty of all. So it remains, as Paul teaches, for them that are excluded from Gentile liberty, to obey the law by faith in Christ, and seek justification in Chiist, by obeying the law. And in doing this, they are debtors to Christ according to law, but not according to grace. And they are not debtors to the law as an institution by itself, for Paul makes this very plain in justifying the prac- titioner of the law as an outward sign of that inward faith: for such a man is saved in Christ, and Paul knew it. For such salvation was not in the law, but in God, by o- ebedience to that law. Therefore, Paul says, "But as God hath distributed to every man, as the Lord hath called every one, so let him walk. And so ordain I in all churches. Is any man called being circumcised let him not become uncircumcised. Is any called in unciruumcision ? let him not be circumcised, (for) Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God/' (1st. Cor., 7th. Ch., 17, 18, 19th. vs.) Then circumcision to the Jews, is a great deal in keeping the commandments of God ; and uncircumcision, a great deal to the Gentiles, for it is also to them the keeping of the commands of God. And it was for this reason, Paul says, "Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called." (1st. Cor., 7th. Ch., 20eth. vs.) CREATION AND FORMATION. 435. In these scriptures we can plainly see what it was that Paul was so earnestly contending for, and that was to keep the Jew to their place, and the Gentiles to their place. Paul did not do any thing to overthrow the law among the Jews, as he was ac- cused of, but done all that he could, to establish that law among- them, in it's proper meaning. What he wanted them to under- stand was, that there was no saving power in the law of itself, only by faith in God, in obedience to that law, so that if there be a Jew that is called in the gospel of circumcision, which makes him a servant of God under that law, then let him so live that his outward works, will show his inward grace; let him not seek to free himself from such, as a servant of God. For this is nothing but the obeying of God's commands, a?id through such obedience he is made God's "free-man." (See 1st Cor., 7th Ch 21, 22nd vs.) And so it is, if one is called in the gospel of uncir- cumcision, he is then Christ's servant, and it is not honest in him to seek circumcision of the flesh; for his, should be, circum- cision of the heart. And this is what Paul ordained among all the churches. For circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God. And the keeping of the commandments of God, we remark, is the keeping of the gospel of uncircumcision, on the part of those who believe in that gospel ; and the keeping of the gospel of circumcision on the part of those who believe in that gospel. And obedience unto the requirements of these two gospel, leads them to one in Christ, their only hope of glory. And duty re- quires that both Jews and Gentiles remain in the calling, where- in they were called. And under no considerations, would Paul suffer the Gentiles to be circumcised, because they were called in the gospel of uncircumcision. And he, himself suffered many things in order to forward the cause of Christ, both to the believing Jews, and also to the Greeks, or Gentiles. All these accusations which were brought against Paul, were false, every one of them. Now then in order to forward the claims of the truth of the two gospels, and to bring in more harmonizing links for the strengthening of the great chain of Bible facts, we will call the reader's attention to some of the teachings of the twelve apostles; for between 436. CREATION AND FORMATION. Paul and them there is harmony; and where there is harmony, there is truth, and where there is truth, there God is. So now go- ing to the acts of the apostles, and beginning with the first chapter, we find that they preach not one word against the law, or the rights of the law. They only add that Jesus Christ is the all- saving power; and they preached strict obedience unto the law, as the keeping of the commandments ot God. Yet the apostles were falsely accused, especially Stephen, and their accusers had to bring in false witnesses as a testimony against them, that they had and did preach or speak against the holy place, and against the law of Moses, and against God. This is plain evidence that the law and customs were taught by the twelve apostles. (See Acts, 6th. Ch., 11, 12, 13th. vs.) From this the reader will plainly see that if the apostles would have said anything against God, Moses, and the law, it would not have been necessary that they should have had suborned men to swear falsely against them, that they did teach against it. Hence, we see from this, that they did not change the ordinan- ces of the law in any shape or form whatever. The only thing was that redemption came by Jesus Christ in obedience to the law. And from this source, sprang up many false teachers, from the fact that they did not fully comprehend the deep meaning of the apostolic doctrine. And these are they that Paul and Barnabas withstood at Antioch; for these false teachers tried hard to make it appear that all saving power was in obeying the ordinances of the law ; to be circumcised, was their motto and that too, regardless of Christ and the saving power in him. In short, they were sub- stituting circumcision in the place of Christ, and trying to per- suade men to accept that way of being saved. And this is what Paul faught against ; not against the ordinances of the law.: this to the Jews he admitted as right for them. And now we deem it proper to say, that it was an easy mat- ter for men of corrupt minds, under the teachings of the gospel of circumcision taught by the twelve apostles, to go in to them un- der colour, and then for self elevation, go out among the Gen- tiles and claim to them that they too must be circumcised : and it was for this cause that the apostles spake, saying, "Forasmuch CREATION AND FORMATION. 437. as we have beard, that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words, subverting your souls, Laying, Ye must be circumcised, and keep the law ; to whom we gave no such commandment: (Acts, 15th. Ch., 24th. vs.) Now this con- solation was given after Paul and Barnabas had withstood those false teachers, and still after they had been sent up to Jerusalem to see about the matter. And even when they were there, and after the church auth- orities had assembled together, they found men believing in the saving power of the gospel of circumcision, and contending that it was right to circumcise the Gentiles, as much so, as it was the Jews. This was the doctrine that these men preached, and argued that that, was the way to be saved ; and whenever a question of doctrine arose, and could not be satisfactorily ans- wered in the church, then the apostles and elders were called to- gether to weigh the matter. And even among them, there were sometimes, much disputing upon such topics, which goes to show that this false doctrine was held at bay by those under the gos- pel of circumcision. And from this stage of strife and conten- tion, it behooved Peter to rise up and say, "Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the (xentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gos- pel, and believe. And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the -Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us ; and put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by^faith. Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?" (See Acts. 15th Ch. 7th, to the 10th vs.) Now from this, one cannot help but see that the two gospels are one in Christ. The declaration of Peter goes to show that the great contention did not arise from the lawful ordinances of the two gospels in their proper sphere, but from a misapprehen- sion of the deep meaning imbeded therein. The believers in Christ according to the gospel of circumcision, were all right and so were those of the gospel of uncircumcision - } but this op- posite doctrine to both of them, was wrong, because it excluded the Son of God from that which is his own. And after Peter had declared unto them, those. things, then 438. CREATION AND FORMATION. they themselves believed that they would be saved by the grace of Jesus Christ even as the Gentiles, for he gave them to under- stand that the keeping of the law of circumcision was not the sav- ing power, but simply an outward sign of their purity within, and their faith in Christ, as their all. "Then all the multitude kept silence, and gave audience to Barnabas and Paul, declaring what miracles and wonders God had wrought among the Gentiles by them." (Acts, 15th. Ch., 12th. vs.) Here now is the connect- ing link between the two gospels, which is Christ, the power of God : and the one comes to him by faith under the works of the law, and the other, through faith under the works of the law of righteousness, written in their hearts. Now then, James rises up and says, "*Men and brethren, hearken unto me: Simeon hath declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name. Wherefore my sentence is, that we trouble not them, which from among the Gentiles are turned to God : But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idol,*" (Acts, 15th. Ch., 13, 14, 19, 20eth. vs.) At this the apostles and elders were well pleased. But why, it may be asked, were they so well pleased ? because they were convinced of the truth, and con- ciliated by the same spiritual truth, that there is now no con- demnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, and that he is the corner stone, the head of both Gentile and Jewish Church. If any man is called by faith in Christ, according to the di- rections of the gospel of circumcision, let him be a faithful servant. And if any man is called through faith in Christ according to the direction of the gospel of uncircumoision, let him likewise be a faithful servant. Let the Gentile have his liberty in Christ, for he has no other way to be saved. Let the Jew be faithful in doing his duty unto the calling, wherein he was called : let him be as zeal- ous of the law, as the law requires of him, even as in the days of the apostles and elders, when they said, "*Thou seest, brother, (Paul) how many thousand of Jews there are which believe; and they are all zealous of the law:" (Acts, 21st Ch., 20eth. vs.) Even so let the Jew live; for this is his duty to God. And he who doubts the veracity of the gospel of truth, as taught by the twelve apostles to the Jews, and that of Paul's to CREATION AND FORMATION. 439. the Gentiles, denies the word of God, and makes Christ out a liai. But thanks be to God, that his word is true. The gospel com- mitted unto Peter is that grand old chain, woven by the justice of God, and made perfect in his love, and given for the Jews, that they might be redeemed from the curse of the law. So also, was the gospel given to Paul for the Gentiles, upon the princi- ple of the law of liberty; and they are both right in their place. And it will so be seen when the word is rightly divided. Upon theae grounds, we can see why it was that Christ said to the twelve apostles, "*when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye shall also sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel." (Matt., 19th. Ch., 28th. vs. See Luke, 22nd. Ch., 28, 29, 30eth. vs.) This now is the judgement of the Jews, set forth by the Lord himself, which comes under the chain of the law of circum- cision : then again, upon the other hand, we find that Christ through Paul, speaks to the Gentiles in this language; "In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel." (Eom., 2nd. Ch., 16th. vs.) If there were not a division to be made here, between the Jew and Gen- tile, then we would be in the dark, and at a loss to know why Christ would conflict his own words. But upon these two great chains, there is no room for doubt ; we can plainly see for our- selves that there is no conflicting thoughts ; and that it is all of Divine origin. And upon these principles we can see also that such a grand old book could never have been gotten up by man. But we shall not stop here with our reasoning, but go a little farther and ask why then is it that there are so many strifes, janglings, fightings, and disputings among the churches ? We answer, it is because of the unscriptorial divisions that is made of the Bible; upon this truth is where the divisions, come from, that has divided the christians into so many sexes. And without a true division of the Bible, it is impossible for them to agree, and they are left out in the open field of battle; a few thousand here and there, with some great man as their leader; they have grasped a portion of the word, that God has spoken to the Jews, and have started out with it, as a sword, to cut down all others, that do not see just as they do, regardless of 440. CREATrON AND FORMATION. the portions of scripture, that would condemn them in such a case. Another army can be seen, with some other Great man as their leader, with a portion ci the word, that was spoken to the Gentiles, and in this way they wield the battle ax against all opposite opinions; and so it goes on, until they number six hun- dred and sixty six orthodox churches, and over a thousand with the miner branches. This number is over and above the Jewish church, and the church of Christ, among the Gentiles; these two are the ones which would represent the two gospels; the rest are all gotten up by man, and they have man, as their leader, and they stand in the strength of man. For sixteen hundred years there was but the two churches; viz. the Jews, and so to speak the Gentiles; they were of apostolic antiquity. Thus it remains for us to know whether we are of Peter, or of Paul's gospel which Christ had given them; and having known this much, we then know our calling in the Lord. And being satisfied with this fact, which we have found to be Bible. That there was a difference in the way of worshiping God, laid down for these two characters, the Jew and Gentile. After having ascertained this truth, there yet might be ask- ed this question; "If Paul did not fail to declare all the council of God, (which he said he did not,) then how did Christ taste death for every man, when there was this difference left between them, after he had once torn down the middle wall?" We an- swer, in giving his life and shed blood, to give life to the Gen- tile, which was tasting death for them. We say in this operation he took the curse of the law away from the Jews and destroyed the middle wall that satan had in the Gentiles, to use upon them in tempting them; and by it, bring upon them swift destruction in this life, and a bitterness of soul beyond the silent tomb. In this way he tasted death for the Jews ; and this will give us a clear idea of how Christ tasted death for every man. For before Christ came, this curse of the law was the sting of death, for Paul said that "The sting of death is sin ; arid the strength of sin is the law." (1st. Cor., 15th. Ch., 56th. vs.) Now there is a great truth in this saying; for whenever the Jews partook of the great abominable thing, it was death to them, and the law had the power to execute that sentence of death. Wherefore CREATION AND FORMATION. 441. it is plain enough to see that Christ tasted death for every man ; for the Jew first, in order to take away the great curse, and be- fore he could remove the great curse, he had to give the Gentiles eternal life, or a living soul; for they were really the great curse, and had been for many ages. And in this, Christ tasted death for both Jews and Gentiles : Therefore Paul rejoices and says, "But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." (1st. Cor., 15th. Ch., 57th. vs.) Everyman then, has won the victory through Christ, "For ihe wages of sin is death ; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Eom., 6th. Ch., 23rd. vs.) Oh how true! while the gift of God was eternal life to the Gen- tiles, it did also it's work among the Jews, by taking away the great curse, by cleansing the Gentiles from their beastly state ; and this was the tearing down of the middle wall. So it is pos- sible for Jews and Gentiles to mingle now, if they please, and there is no harm in it. But the difference of way of serving Christ is still the same. He fed the one with meat, and the other with milk ; for hitherto they were not able to receieve any thing else, neither are they now able, but must be fed with food best suited to their nature. Faith in Jesus Christ according to the two gespels, is food for the entire world. And Paul says, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ : for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein ix the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith : as it is written, the just shall live by faith." (Eom., 1st Ch. 16th and 17th vs.) Now note carefully and thoughfully what Paul says; "For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith." "Therein." In the Gospel of Christ, which is here spoken of as one in him, and from whence to him streams in the two gospels of his own make and order ; the Jews coming to him by faith under the works of the law, and the Gen- tiles through faith, under the works of the law of circumcision written in their hearts, which is called the gospel of uncircum- cision, and in this is revealed the righteousness of God from faith to faith, or from Jew to Gentile. And again, "The just shall live by faith." The Jew is really the just man, and he shall 442. CREATION AND FORMATION. live by faith. And likewise, the Gentiles, who have become just, iu Christ through faith, must live by that faith wherein he stands, lives, moves, and has his being. And now let us put them all together in Christ, and say, "The just shall live by faith •" for this is the truth of God con- fined in the Bible. To the Jew first, and also to the Gentile; for as it is written, "For there is no respect of persons with God. For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish with- out law ; and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law 7 ;" (Eom., 2nd. Ch., ll-12th. vs.) And to this, agree the words which Christ spake unto the Pharisees, saying, "Think not that I will judge you ; for there is one that will judge yon, even Moses in whom ye trust. He will accuse you." For as it is written, again, "For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified." (Eom., 2nd. Ch., 13th. vs.) And in this is revealed the same old saying ; "the just shall live by faith." And to the Gentiles which have not that law, do by nature the things contained in the law; these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves, which show the works of the law, written in their hearts; their conscience also bearing wit- ness, and their thoughts, the mean while, accusing or else excus- ing one another. (See Bom., 2nd. Ch., 14-15th. vs.) Here, a- gain, we have the righteous man, and faith revealed from faith to faith. Or, in other w r ords, the Gentile law, which law is the law of faith, and which law is revealed to them from the law of the "letter" through Christ. And this makes them a law unto themselves ; and by this law shall they be judged in the day when God shall judge the secrets of their hearts by Jesus Christ according to the gospel which was committed unto Paul. But they who rest in the law of Moses according to the gospel, or law of circumcision, and make their boast of God, and know his will, and approve the things that are more excellent, being instructed out of the law, shall be judged accordingly therein. (See Eom., 2nd. Ch., 12-18th. vs.) The one by faith, and the other through faith ; but all for the glory of God through Jesus Christ the righteous. And be- CREATION AND FORMATION. 443. ginning first at Jerusalem, the command was, "Go and teach all nations." It is true that the strict Mosaical Jews rejected Christ, but then his command was to go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Amen : beginning first at Jerusalem. But why, it may be asked, did he eommand them to commence at Jerusalem ? well, it is simply this, in the first place he knew their hearts, their thoughts, and their lives within and without, and all the surrounding cir- cumstances. And he knew that, when the law came up against them, they would naturally look around for some defense, and if the gospel of Christ had not at first been preached there, they would have risen up in self defense, and said, "who is this Jesus that is called king of the Jews ? For those sinning Jews, that had sinned by mingling with the Gentiles, could then have said, also we have never seen him; we did not know that there was a way of repentance prepared frr us, so that we might get back under the law : no one has ever preached to us in his name. If he would have been preach- ed to us, we would have believed ; but we could not come back, until the way was prepared for us. And upon these grounds the sinning Jews could have made excuses, and would have been justifiable. This is one reason why the Saviour preached, and had the apostles to preach to the Jews first. Another reason was, the sinning Jews were to come in first ; therefore, it was necessary that the gospel of circumcision be first preached to them. And it was for this reason, that Christ commanded them to begin at Jerusalem. Hence, they are left without excuse ; and all that believed, and become zealous of the law, are an em- blem of righteousness : and in this way, the real Mosaical Jews were made more zealous of the same law. And today the Jews stands in favor with God more than they did two-thousand years ago ; and this was brought to them through the mercy of a just God. The Gentiles were brought from that old animal kingdom, into the kingdom of Christ. But they have grown haughty, proud, nnd independent, so much so, that their way has become very corrupt; and restoration can only come through the approach of Christ's second coming. Then the great blessing, of both Jews and Gentiles, who 444. CREATION AND FORMATION. have faithfully performed their duties toward God will come; we trust the reader will have sufficient light, from what we have said, to show them how Christ tasted death for every man and how the middle wall was torn down, and righteousness re- vealed from faith to faith. Again, Paul instructing the Jews, says to them, "if they teach others those things that are in the law; and the things which the law requires them to do; and, yet do not the same things themselves: in this they blaspheme the name of God among the Gentiles, (but if they keep the law strictly they shall be benefited thereby, as he says,) circumcision verily propheth if they keep the law, but if thou be a breaker of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision. (See Rom. 2nd Ch. 24th and 25th vs.) Paul here agrees with James, concerning the duty of the Jews, that is, if they offend in any one point, they are guilty of all. He then speaks to the Gentiles, and says to them, "If the uncircnmcision keep the righteosness of the law, shall not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision." yes, it shall be counted to them for circumcision, for their hearts have been cii- cumcised unto God. And their righteousness is the fruit of the law written in their hearts. Therefore, Paul says, "And shall not uncircumcision which is by nature, (which belongs to the Gentiles,) if it fulfill the law, judge thee, (Jews,) who by the letter and circumcision dost transgress the law?" (Bom., 2nd. Ch., 27th. vs.) In this, Paul plainly shows the difference there is in the way which Christ has prepared for the Jews and the Gentiles; and also teaches the Jews, that if they are not very strict in their way of coming to God, the Gentiles will surpass or exceed them in righteous- ness. But by a strict obedience, the Jews have the advantage in their law : as Paul says, "what advantage hath the Jew, or what profit is there in circumcision ; much every way." Doubt- less, then the Jew, who strictly keep the law, has the advantage. Upon this line, he scales the mountain peaks of sin, and is carri- ed over the billowy waves of temptation, and is glided gently down the silvery cord of time, into eternity of never-ending joy. Then in this life is the place to sow ; and just what we sow, that also must we reap : if we sow to the flesh, we must of the flesh CREATION AND FORMATION. 445. reap corruption: but if to the spirit, it will be life everlasting. And* what the Gentile world needs now, is more of Paul, and less of Peter. Peter for the Jews, and Paul for the Gentiles : then there will be no room for divisions, when the word oftruth is rightly divided. IV r then we will see the oneness of them in Christ. For the scripture saith, "Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law : that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God." (Eom., 3rd. Ch., 19th. vs.) This scripture applies to both Jews and Gentiles. When Christ came into the world, God coucluded all under sin, and they all became guilty before him, showing their lost condition, and need of him ; the Jews first, and also the Gentiles. But the Gentiles are not under the Mosaic law, save only, in keeping the righteousness of the law, and then only, is the virtue of the law written in their hearts through faith in Christ. And again it is written, "For by the law was the knowledge of* sin;" and this they had no knowledge of, until Christ came, and done among them the works that no other man did ; then they had no cloak for their sin. And since then the righteousness of God without the law, has been manifested, being witnessed by the law and prophets : even the righteousness of God, which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all, and upon all them that believe. Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law f of works? Nay; but by the law af faith. Paul does not say that the Mosaical law is ex- cluded. Nay; but the boasting of those Jews that teach, not to steal, and not to commit adultery, ect., and yet do the same things themselves, and then turn right around and boast in the law over them that have not the knowledge of the law appear- ently. And this is what Paul declares is excluded by the law of faith in Jesus Christ. Hence, he concludes that a man is justifi- ed by faith without the deeds of the law. And again, we have noticed that Paul has stated that there was great advantage in those same deeds. Why? simply because these are deeds which belong to the Jews only, when they have pleased God by walk- ing uprightly, and obeying the law. In this their works are ac- 446. CREATION AND FORMATION. cepted of God, and they are benefited thereby. These laws are not for the Gentiles, as Paul so plainly tells us, 'but they are to walk by faith in Christ; and in doing this, God justifies them also, for, he is not the God of the Jews only but of the Getiles also; and he shall justify the circumcision by faith, and the un- circumcision through faith. (See Rom., 3rd. Ch., 30eth. vs.) Therfore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ; and through him we shall be saved from the wrath to come: for when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, and being so reconciled, we are saved by him. We are saved by him only when we live for him; for that as sin once reigned unto death, even so may grace reign through righteousness, unto eternal life through Jesus Christ. Now please allow us to make plain right here, a matter which has been left in the dark by our great Bible commentators, and that is, the saying of Paul, which reads, "For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God." (Acts, 20eth. Ch., 27th. vs.) The apostle, in speaking these words, did not mean to con- vey the idea that he, in declaring the whole counsel of God, de- clared it to have been designed and particularly set apart for any one sect. He declared all the counsel of God, and that, uni- versaly spread through the entire civilized world, and among both Jews and Gentiles, and each one standing by themselves in the faith wherein they stand. For this is all the counsel of God, even his commands that are held in high esteem by those who love him, and by those whom he loves. Therefore, all the coun- sel of God, is the works of God, and God in all his works, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile. Therefore, recon yourselves to be dead unto sin, but yet alive unto God. And again, let not sin reign, in your mortal bodies, that you should obey it in the lusts thereof; and if you are alive with Christ, you are dead un- to sin and sin shall have no dominion over you; for you are not under the law, but under grace and being made free from sin through Christ, you are the servants of righteousness, There- fore let your fruits be unto holiness, and in the end you shall have eternal life. CREATION AND FORMATION. 447 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. And they who have the law of faith written in their hearts, sin cannot lay upon them the sentence of death : for they are in Christ and Christ in them; in them a well of water springing up into everlasting life. And ail they that believe on him are free from sin because they seive him in spirit and in truth ; and he is the propitiation for their sins, and in his blood are their sins washed away. Then sin hath no more power over them that they should obey it in the lusts thereof. And as the scripture continues to say, There is, therefore, now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit; for the law of the spirit of life, in Christ Jesus, hath made me free from the law of sin and de^th ; for what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh; God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, for sin condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit. (See Eom. 8th Ch., 1st to 4th, vs.) From this we learn, that if while we are under the law of uncircumcision and are found in Christ, we are in the law of the spirit, and are free from the law of the letter. For what the law was to weak to do, is that of giving life. Christ, with all his ruling power, through his shed blood gives that life to the Gentile. And in this life giving power, He condemned sin in the flesh; and brought the Gentiles "out of darkness into light, and from the power of satan unto God, that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in them;" so that they should walk no more after satan in the lusts of the flesh, but after Christ. For before Christ came and gave this eternal life or. living soul to the heathen : the strength of the law to the Jews was the sting of death ; and as we have so often spoken of life and death, it may be well to make a few remarks upon this point. Life or soul means the natural life, which is the blood ; this kind of a soul every thing that lives has. Eternal life, or a living soul, means the life that lives forever and ever, beyond the natural death. When we speak of death, it is the natural death ; but when 448. CREATION AND FORMATION. we speak of eternal death, we speak of the punishment that is placed upon the living soul after the death of the body, for the tins of this life, did in the body. Some may yet mistake the meaning upon this point, for they may say, salvation comes at conversion ; and that would be saying, eternal life come at con- version : but this would not do. Christ brought that to the Gentiles when He was here, what we receive now in conversion is the gift of the Holy Ghost shed abroad in our hearts, which is the love of God. Hence, we see while we have eternal life or a living soul, it may be in a lost or a saved state ; and let it be in either state, it lives on and on forever in eternity ; it is eternal life bad or good. And when the reader thus sees the Holy Word, he will be able to see when the word of truth is rightly divided; he will see the plain truth, and both the Old and the New Testament must be divided in this way to see the truth. Every clause by itself, must fully be considered. Sometimes however, a verse is made up of both Jew and Gentile, and another verse, perhaps, speaks solely upon one, an individual character; and these are the points that the Bible student must watch, or else he will not know tbt truth and if he does not know the truth, he can not rightly divide the Word of Truth. These changes in the Bible are sometimes made as suddenly as the change which the human mind undergoes while passing from one thought to that of another. Hence, we must look into the spirit of the Bible, and divide it's component parts in precisely the same way that we divide the thoughts of our minds. It is necessary to weigh every clause by itself, and when we have become honest enough to do the Bible this one justice, we have gained the victory : The reason why our great bible commentators can't, (or do not) rights divide the Bible is, be- cause they take all the clauses, all the verses, all the chapters and jumble them all up together, and then fling them out upon the ground to see which is what. That is like taking a sack full of stencils, and after you have thoroughly shaken them up, you dump them out to see what you have; aud sure enough you have a book, or a Bible; you open it and the title page reads: God, man, from all immortal, what, registered, slept, dark ages, CREATION AND FORMATION. 449, — by, goiie obscurity! past of. Ancient, man (time)." ect. ect. We do not say that these learned men have made such a great mistake as that, but we do say that if we should follow them through the Bible, we would not know when we were through; and if we were fortunate enough to realize that we had gone through the Bible, we could not tell whether we were on our feet, or on our heads ; we could not tell you of anything that we learned ; in fact, we could not tell you whether we had read the Bible, or a biography of some great man. But thank God, we do not follow any man. We take the Bible, and follow it, and we find that it is a lamp of light unto our path : for without it we could make no head-way in our christian warfare, in this world of hurly-burly. The law of sin is always ready to deceive us, and bring in its false alarms : and then is the time when satan gets in his deves- lating work upon the soul. It is written, that he withstood God for a season. If we are found not on our guard, at h\\ times, what will he do with us? He will not only withstand us, but he will drive us before him like a wave of the sea driven be- fore the wind. Satan has a great many agents in this world, and they are teachers. They don't teach us sin, but they teach us the word of God bottom side up, and we sin ourselves by not be- ing on our guard. The Bible warns us against false prophets, or false teachers. Hence, Paul says unto us, "If we, through the spirit, do mortify the deeds of the body, we shall live. And we know that all things work together for good to those (hat love God ; for he that spared not his own son, but delivered him up for us all : how shall he not with him also freely give us all things." (See Eom., 8th Ch. l8,2S,32nd vs.) And the last clause of this twenty-eighth verse, reads, "To them who are the called according to his purpose." ' 'The called " the Gentiles, and the ones whom the prophets spake of, saying "I am sought of them that asked not for me ; I am found of them that sought me not; I said, Behold me, behold me, unto a na- tion that was not called by my name." (Isaiah, 65th. Ch., 1st. vs.) And also Bomans, 10th. Ch,. 20eth. verse makes mention of this same prophecy. The Gentiles were the ones especially called by Christ. And after this calling was, the Jews became 450. CREATION AND FORMATION. more zealous of their law than ever they have been before. And the great middle wall was torn down by him, and in his death, the Gentiles live ; and their robes be washed in his own blood. In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgivness of sins. Who is the image of the invisible God, the first born of every creature; (the Gentiles) and he is the head of the body, the church. Who is the beginning, the first born from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence; for it pleased the Father, that in him should all fullness dwell ; and having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself. (See Col., 1st Ch. 14,15,18, 20. vs.) "For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition betwt en us; Having abolished in his flesh the enmity,* And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby : And came and preached peace unto you which were afar off, (the Gentiles) and to them that werenigh. (Jews) For through him we both have access by one spirit unto the Father." (Eph., 2nd. Ch., 14, 15, 16, 17, 18th. vs.) "And he hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus; both Jews and Gentiles, and each one by himself according to the two gospels, they two are one in Christ, and they sit in those heavenly places, in these two gospels in Christ Jesus. That in the ages to come, he might show the ex- ceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus." (Eph., 2nd. Ch., 6-7th. vs.) "Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is call- ed the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands ; That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: But now, in Christ Jesus, ye who sometime were afar off are made nigh by the blood of Christ." (Eph., 2nd. Ch., 11, 12, 13th. vs.) Who hath delivered us (Gentiles) from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son : That ye CREATION AND FORMATION. 451. might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God ; Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness : Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partak- ers of the inheritance of the saints in light." (Col., 1st Ch., 13, 10, 11, 12th, vs.) O ! what a sweet consolation to us, we who are living in this world of sin, to know that God has done so much for us in bringing us out of darkness into his marvelous light. It is be- yond the keen of human virion, to fully realize what God has done for us Gentiles. He has saved us from the pit, and this he has done by granting us a living soul, which, in former days, we were destitute of, but now we are lifted up from that old beastly state, in whom we have redemption through the blood even the forgivness of sins : Who is the image of the invisible God, the first born of every creature: (Col., 1st Ch. 14, 15th vs. That is, he was the first to rise from the dead, to break the silence of the great masterly mass of the Gentile world, and to have them stock forth as a complete nation, and as a terrible army, with banners, who once was dead, but now liveth again. For this reason this prophecy was put forth, that there should be no deficiency in knowing the truth when this should be or come to pass, when a whole nation should be born in one day or the earth be made to bring forth. This question is found in Isaiah 66th Ch. and 8th vs. And the answer will be found in this lan- guage. "Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust : for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead." (Isaiah, 26th Ch. 19th vs.) When is it, that the earth is to cast out it's dead ? It is when His dead body shall be raised, and this was three days after his crucifixion, for it says, "And the graves were opened ; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many." (Matt., 27th. Ch., 52,53rd vs.) He was the first born of every creature, (the Gentiles) be- cause He was the first to rise; and then the mighty train, that 452. CREATION AND FORMATION. slept in the dust, and that he had given life to in his death, fol- lowed, after he had taken posession of his body again. And it was for this reason that God said, with my dead body shall they arise; so you can see how the whole nation was born in one day, and when it was that the earth was made to bring forth in one day; it is no wonder then that the earth quaked, and the rocks were rent, and the graves opened, and the dead arose through Christ. And in order to view more closely the spiritual meaning of these things together, we shall call the attention of the reader to these words ; "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (That was God's mercy manifested in the flesh.) All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men/' (Gentiles) (St. John 1st. Ch., 1, 8, 4th. vs.) Why was this life the light of men ? Because they never had that life before ; but just as soon as they got that life, it was their light; and that light shone unto the darkened Jews, but they comprehended it not, because He had blinded their eyes. But again, we see in connection with the above scripture, this language: "For by him were all things created, that are in heav- en, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:" (Col., 1st. Ch., 16th. vs.) In connection with the above, what we wish to call the reader's mind to, is the portion of scripture that is given in this language : "And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul ; the last Adam was made a- quickening spirit. Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural ; and afterward that which is spiritual. The first man is of the earth, earthy : the second man is the Lord from heaven. As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy : and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly." (1st. Cor., 15th. Ch., 45, 46, 47, 48th. vs.) There is many, no doubt, that will say, these verses have di- rect reference to the man Adam and Christ. But the forty- sixth verse tells us that it was not Christ, for he was before all CREATION AND FORMATION. 453. things, and he always was spiritual, for he was a quickening spirit ; he did not have to be made. But in this verse we seethe spiritual Adam was not first, but that which was natural. There, fore, we say to you, Paul here was speaking of the Jew and the Gentile. The Jew was the first complete man, and the Gentile was last to be made a spiritual man, but naturally they were first. And for this cause, Paul says, fc 'Howbeit that was not first which was spiritual, (the Jew) but that which is natural, (the Gentile) and after that which is spiritual." From this we can see, this had no reference to Christ, because he was before all things, or even before anything was created. The fourty-seventh verse might lead to the belief, that it was Christ, because it says, a the Lord from heaven." But this refers to the Jew man for he was the Son of God. (See Luke, 3rd. Ch., 38th. vs.) Rem- ember Christ was before all things, Yea, far beyond the date of the creation of man (Gentile) was he, and by him were the Gentiles created. Viewing this much from a literal standpoint, we see the Gentiles in their natural birth, if it be proper so to speak. We see them in their beastly state, created, and wild by nature; and they are numbered with the beasts. They have no pre-em- inence above them except in wisdom. When they were created (rod blessed them with great knowledge ; and they were the wise Lords of this earth. But after all, in the grave they were re- membered no more. And so it behooved the Father to redeem them from the pit. And this he did in order to preserve the holy seed, which he had formed for himself. The second birth of the Gentiles was a spiritual one, or a living soul given them; and this they owe to Christ, who was born of a woman, by the power of the Holy Ghost; and he suf- fered and died, and in that holy death, the whole Gentile nation was born at once ; they were born into the glorious kingdom of God, through the death of his dear Son. The blood of calvaiy gave them eternal life: and just the moment, the stream of life gushed forth from his mortal bosom, life entered into the whole Gentile world, and they became, like Adam of old, a liv- ing soul. And these are they that were without God, and with- 454. CREATION AND FORMATION. out hope in the world. The "wise man" has well said, "Yea, they all have one breath ; they have no pre-eminence above the beast : as one dieth, so dieth the other; neither have they any more a reward : for the memory of them is forgotten/' This was once true of them, but it is true no more; for in Christ they now live and move, and have their being. And had He not come and done among them the works, that none otherman did, they should have had no sin, neither would they obtained life. But seeing that they have obtained the promise, Christ has became their head, the church, and if they follow him through this life, they will live with him in the next. And after Christ went and preached to the spirits in prison, he also became the first born from the dead. (See Col., 1st. Cb., 18th. vs.) And in all, he was the first born of the entire Gen- tile world: and a translation of them was made into his own kingdom. So much, now, for this new birth of the Gentiles, in both a littecal and spiritual sense. Now then, after this explan- ation from the writings of Paul, we hear him speaking to them of his own nation, saying, "And you, that were sometime alien- ated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled, In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight : If ye continue in th° faith grounded and settled, and be not moved a- way from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven ; whereof I Paul am made a minister;" (Col., 1st. Ch.,21, 22, 23rd. vs.) Paul was not a selfish man ; he lived and labored for the Gentiles, and likewise did he labor for them of his own flesh. He ever sought out the best means whereby both Jews and Gen- tiles might become blessed ; and the one great blessing was in Christ; and the next great blessing was in the keeping of his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome. All things are on easy terms : from the fact that the great curse is removed, and the middle wall is raised to its very foundation, and nothing more of it remains, but atoms. Now while we are speaking of the middle wall, let us hear CREATION AND FORMATION. 455. what our great Bible comentators say about it. The Bible read, "For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between u^ ; Having abolish- en in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments con- tained in ordinances ; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace;" (Eph., 2nd. Ch., 14-15th. vs.) Comen- tators say, ("Our peace ;" the author and ground of our peace, peace in the widest sense ; first, between man and God : and then, as a consequence of this, between Jews and Gentiles. "Both one;" Jews and Gentiles one body. "Middle wall j" The ceremonial law, which till the death of Christ, seperated the Jews and Gentiles. "Abolished in his flesh;" by his death He abolished the ceremonial law, that caused enmity and seperation between Jews and Gentiles. Contained in ordinances; thus He characterizes the Mosaic econemy as a system of outward ordi- nance. "Of twain :" of the two parties, Jews and Gentiles. "One new man;" (one new body, of which He should be the head.) This is what some commentators say. Now let us weigh these comments, in the scales of divine Justice, by the language of Paul, and then review their remarks. First then, Paul says, "For He is our peace, (Christ then is our peace: he granted peace between Jew and Gentile;) who hath made both^ont, (Jews and Gentiles; making the Gentiles a new creature; a complete man: made them both one flesh.) and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us. (The middle wall was the great curse, or the abominable thing, which was the mingling of the Jews with the Gentiles, as we have heretofore proven. Christ done away with that curse, when he made them one new man, by grafting the Gentiles into the good olive tree, in this way :) Having abolished in his flesh the enmity; (the enmity, the sin of mingling, which of itself was the curse ;) even the law of commandments, contained in ordi- nances," was added upon the account of this transgression com- mitted by the Jews; and in speaking of these ordinances, He speaks of the Mosaical law. And the commandments of the Mosaic law, he speaks in a two fold manner ; external, and international. Externally, the law of the commandments, were abolished. It was not the com- 1 56. CREATION AND FORMATION. mandments or the ordinances, but the law contained in them, such law as demanded stoning to death, ect. were abolished. Christ sets before us this example himself, and it was while he was in the flesh to. You will recolect, that when a number of Jews brough a woman before Jesus, because she was taken in the very act of adultery j and demanded of him his judgment upon her, for it was written in the law of Moses that such a one should be ston- ed to death ; the reply was, he that is without sir, let him cast the first stone. Was it oast? No. Why? Because they all had sinned. There was no one to execute judgement or enforce the law. Therefore, such a law must be done away with, for all had sinned and come short of the glory of God. There was no justice in making or giving the authority to one sinner to kill or execute another. No justice there; such a law Christ abolished in the flesh, but not the commandment, for listen to what he says, "Go and sin no more." Then it, was the law of commandments that was contained in ordinances that Christ abolished in the flesh. And this great enmity, that existed between Jews and Gentiles were abolished in his flesh, as is shown in many instances, and was made manifest in Peter's mission to the house of Cornelius. Christ made peace between them, in an international sense, by giving, to each of them the portion which is universally best suited to his nature, and by taking away the curse. And in doing this, he made in himself of twain, one new man. The Jews come to him by faith, according to the gospel of circumcision, and the Gentiles come to him through faith, ac- cording to the gospel of uncircumcision ; and these two are one new man in Christ, Now then, let us listen to the commentary ; ("Our peace the author and ground of our peace; peace in the widest sense: first, between man and God : and then, as a consequence of this, between Jews and Gentiles." True, Christ is the author and ground of our peace ; Tie made peace between Jews and Gentiles on the plan which we have staled above. The commentary fails to tell us how that he made peace. A great deal of the ground is covered by the statement, "Peace ; peace in the widest sense." While this covers a great deal of ground, the argument is noth- CREATION AND FORMATION. 45" ing. We are now as far iron knowing the truth, upon such ar- gument, as we would be. if the statement was made, ' : peace. " In the highest state, morality, industry and genius, "are a sub- stitute for peace; peace in the widest sense. You see that this does not tell us what peace is; for they are only high-sounding words crying out -peace, peace, when their is no peace." The next clause of the commentary reads, -both one." (••Jews and Gentiles, one body.'') Here again we are at a loss to know what that saying means. Jews and Gentiles one body. How are they one body? They are not one body, in a carnal sense, they are not or.e body in a moral sense, yea, technically speaking, according to their theory they are not one body in a spiritual sense, which would unite them in spirit and make one out of two in the spirit world. In the spirit world, whether in the body or out of the body; a Jew is a Jew, and a Gentile is a Gentile. Then how are they one body? They are one body in Christ. How are they one body in Christ? Christ in the Jew. and the Jew in Christ, and the Gentile in Christ, and Christ in the Gentile. These two are one new spiritual man in Christ; they are harmoniously one in him because he is not divided. Now then the next phrase from the commentary reads, "the middle wall." ("The ceremonial law, which, till the death of Christ, sep- arated Jews and Gentiles.") Xow this is another false theory. It is false, because it is not truth. The middle wall was not the ceremonial law. neither was the ceremonial law the middle wall. The ceremonial law was and is. a socialism. And from this old system, or code of time honored laws and statutes, goeth forth among the Israelites the commandments which regulate and di- rect them in the way of peace and holiness. It is true that the ceremonial law did forbid the Jew to mingle with the Gentile • but then, this law was not the middle wall, for this middle wall was in existance long before the ceremonial law was given • this middle wall existed from Eden down, and the law was given four-hundred and thirty years after the promise. The next com- mentary phrase is, -Abolished in his flesh : by his death he a- bolished the ceremonial law;that caused enmity and separation between Jews and Gentiles." 458. CREATION AND FORMATION. Here is another falsification • and not only that, but also, a bigoted contradiction to another thought, which is expressed up- on the same subject in another part of the commentary j and it reads. "Made peace ; opened the way for peace/' The idea that is intended to be conveyed here is, that Christ made peace, by the sheding of his own blood ; or opened the way for peace. This is true ; Christ made peace : but he did not abolish in his flesh the ceremonial law, among the Jews. He did not come to destroy, but to fulfill. How could ho have made peace between Jews and Gentiles, by tearing down the ceremonial law, when he, himself, sent the Jews back to that law? But he command- ed them to keep the law. Then he did not destroy the law. If he did, he did not make much headway in making peace; for corporations are sending out missionaries now, to do a work which the Son of God failed to do. Again, the ceremonial law, was not the enmi- ty between the Jews and Gentiles. The enmity was the curse, and the curse was the mingling : The law forbid this unlawful marriage. And the fact that the law was the enmity does not prove it. The next phrase from the commentary is, "contained in ordinances." ("Thus he characterizes the Mosaic economy as a system of outward ordinances.") The idea which is here expressed by them, is, that while the law of Moses was an outward performance set forth to show Israel's faith in God, jet in Christ are all these Jewish rights done away with. This is no such a thing, the Word has taught us better. The Jews today, are under that law, and that is the will of God ; and Christ knew it, and he told them to keep the law: and if any man offend in one point, he is guilty of all. It is hoped that the reader will, from the above criticism, seethe truth of God's Holy Word, and also the mistakes of the com- mentary. We might go on and work and write for the next ten years to come, upon the mistakes of false teachers, and then be no nearer through than when we began. Our time is to precious to be chasing up these Egyptian ar- mies, the Midianites, the Jebusites, and the Amalekites of Bible times. What little work we do, we must do it for the sake of knowing the truth, and all for the glory of God. So now the CREATION AND FORMATION. 459. command of God is, for both Jew? and Gentiles to observe the word of truth, and continue in the faith, and, be not moved from the hope of the gospel which they have heard; for it is an anch- or to their souls, sure and steadfast And this gospel of Christ has been preached to every creature under heaven ; to both Jews and Gentiles. And just as soon as Christ's blood was shed, life was granted to every Gentile under heaven. Hence, the Acts have it, "The sound went throughout the world." And every creature, (the Gentile) had the gospel preached to him. Hence, Paul speaks again and says, that he would have them to consider, (by the instructions given to Tim- othy,) and that the Lord give them understanding in all things ■ and that Christ was raised up from the dead, according to his gospel, wherein he suffers as an evil doer, even unto bonds. And also he says, that the word of God is not bound. And thanks be to God that it is not. Therefore Paul endures all things for the elect's sake- for the Jews, that they might also obtain the salvation, which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. (See Tim., 2nd. Ch., 7, 8 9 10th. vs.) For I bear them record, that they have the zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. "Let us not therefore judge one another any more : but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way. For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. For to this end Christ both died, and rose and reviv- ed, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living." (Rom 14th. Ch., 13, 7,9th. vs.) "Who shall separate us (then) from the love of Christ?* (nothing.) For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creat- ure, shall be able to seperate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Rom., 8th. Ch., 35, 38, 39th. vs ) Dear reader, these truths we have set before you in their simplest form; and having seen this much vf God's Holy Word, you see it in its true light. It matters not what false teachers may say we have the Word of God, and it will condemn their false doc- trines every time. The middle wall of partition, that once ex- 160. OBEATION AND FORMATION. isted between Jews and Gentiles, you see what it was, and how that this great curse debarred the holy seed against an entrance into the pearly gales beyond the tide. It was the sole cause of many mighty overthrows in Jrsael ; nations fell, and kingdoms were laid waste by this great sword of havoc. But today there is no such a curse; for Christ put an end to it: and this he done, because of the great love he had for them in the world. And he tasted death for every man. We will tell you how he done this. In the first place, he came into the world to save sinners, and to give life. lie died for the dinner, and he sf*ved him from his sins, and in that death, the Gentiles found eternal life; and having found eternal life, the great curse was removed ; and after the removal of the. curse, the Mosaical Jews were benefited thereby: they were benefited, thereby, because there was nothing left in the Gentile nation which would occasion their fall, or being oust away from the presence of God. In this it is plain enough to see how that Christ tasted death for every man. The living soul which lie gave the Gen- tiles, together with the exercise of his own omniscient power, cut down the middle wall. And what has been the result? The result has been, on the part of the Jews, a great blessing. Pear has been removed from their midst ; the fear of being lost on account of mingling with the Gentiles. And on the part of the Gentiles, the result has been, that wherein as they were once aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, without hope, and without God in the world. They are now made nigh to him through the blood cf his dear Son. The sinner he redeemed from his sins, and placed him again on equal footing with those of his own nation. And they are all serving- Cod today, if they serve him at all, under the great arch of Mo- saical economy. Therefore, let all the world praise the Lord, and cast not away your confidence in him, but rather cast off the works of darkness, drop the ways of the world, and seek the living truths of the Bible. There are no mysteries in it. It is true that God's Holy Word has been, and even is now, a mystery to some. This is all due to false teachings. What some great tnan has said or laid CREATION AND FORMATION. 461. down as an infallible maxim, that the great majority of bible students accept, and if they can't harmonize such a work with the Bible, they throw the Bible aside, and say, "It is wrong; it contradicts itself: I sha'n't study such a book as that, nohow." Or they say, it is a mystery ; and that God did not intend it for us to know. Ah, clear reader, 1 his will never do. God's word is true, every word of it; and some day this grand old book will rise up in judgment, and condemn everyone of its adversaries. Oh let every one study to show himself approved unto God, a workman than needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. There is nothing in the Bible that condemns itself. And they who accept it's maxims, will be justified in so doing. They will be justified because the Bible will bear them out, in any thing that is contained in it. For Jesus Christ now crucified and set before us in all his beauty, and glorious love, is now the lamp to our feet, and the light to our pathway, to lead us to God, who is the giver of all good. For God is love, and in love there is no fear, for perfect love casteth out all fear. By the which, we are made perfect unto the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to whom be honor, glory, immortality, and eternal life. The same which we received through his blood which was shed without the camp. As Paul has written unto the christian Jews, in his letter to the Hebrews ; "Therefore let us go to Jesus without the camp." That is the same as to say, let us go to Christ through faith, or by faith, and not by the deeds of the law ; for he was made the mediator of a better covenant. Hence, they that believe on him have not come unto the mount that might be touched, and that burned with fire, nor unto blackness, and darkness, and tempest that was so terrible to the sight, that even Moses did fear and quake. Oh no, but you are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem ; and to an innumera- ble company of Angels; to the general assembly and church of the first born. This church is the church of Christ; the first begotten of the 462. CREATION AND FORMATION. Father j and all they that believe in his name are added into his church, and their names are written in heaven, and God is judge of all. Wherefore lift up the hands that hang down, and make straight the paths that are for your feet; and looking diligently, lest any man fail of the grace of God, and come short of his glory of immortality and eternal life. And the grace of God, which bringeth salvation, is free to all men. Yet many there were that did not believe, because their eyes were darkened, that the residue of men (the Gentiles) might be saved. And his grace teaches us to deny all ungodliness, and crucify the lusts of the flesh thereof, and teaching us that we should live soberly, righte- ously, and godly in this present life, and looking forward to, that blessed hope, and for the glorious appearing of the great God, and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto him- self a peculiar people, that were once not a people, but are now the people of God, and zealous of good works. Therefore, christian brethren, be not weary in well doing, but stand fast in the hope given you, which hope is in Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who has love ! us, and has given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, whereun- to you are called by Paul's ministry unto the obtaining of the glory of Christ, who will appear in all his glory at his second coming, and then the fulness of the Gentiles will have come in. ¥ow, therefore, "I" beseech you all, that have this hope formed within you, and by the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ that ye be not soon shaken in the knowledge and light, which is formed by rightly dividing the Word of truth, and in Him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light; and from the power of satan unto God. Be not troubled, neither by spirits, neither by words and letters of any man; for such a one, knowing not the truth, will frustrate the grace of God, and would have you believe that the days of the Lord are at hand. Be not deceived by them. By careful reading, and by a close universal observation of things in the Bible and things in the world, we know when the time draweth near; but the end is not yet: for there must first CREATION AND FORMATION. 463. be a falling away, and then will the man of sin be revealed the son of perdition, who has opposed and has exalted himself above all that is called God. Be not overcome by him; for he is wounded unto death, and as the day dies away, he will die and fade away and wither as the grass. He has kept the word of God in gross darkness for many ages; bat in spite of all his power, the true light is appearing, and the mysteries are for- ever rolling away. The Word of God is not bound. It has come out from un- der dark clouds of superstition and has entered on it's way, re- joicing. Well may the world rejoice and give honor and praise to him who liveth forever. For in him dwelleth all thefulln°ss of the "(led head body/' And in him who is the head of all the principalities and powers, you are sure and steadfast. Therefore beware and let no man deceive you with damanable heresis through philosophy and vain deceit, after the traditions of men, and not after Christ, who is the author and finisher of your faith. Place yourself under the power of the mighty hand of him who is able to exalt you, and that too, in due time. Cast your care upon him. That is the only hope you have. The true light of his Holy Word is ever shining brighter and brighter, and to those who walk in that light shall not stumble. And now, may the God of peace be in you, a well of water springing up into everlasting life. Accept his Word. Trust Him, and you shall be saved. Saved from all that is impure; from the curses of the world, to an inheritance not made with hands, but, eternal in the Heavens. Both Jews and Gentiles, by the two gospels, have access to the tree of life, that stands in the midst of the street, and on either side of the river, floating from side to side, on its gentle flow, eating of the fruits of love, drinking of the streams of life, healed by the leaves of mercy. Oh what a picturesque vision of the far away home of the soul. Listen to the angelic host, the serenity, seraphic, sempiternal echoes of divine love of praises, Crown Him Lord of all. Amen. We leave the reader's mind resting upon the great truths of two gospels, or the Highway and the Way, and turn to our next point, which shall be the Beast. Text: — "Search the Scriptures:' — St. John v, 39; Mark iv 11; 2 Timothy ii, 15. The work that we have so far accomplished, in the chapters we have closed, has taken from off the mind of the reader, the dark cloud of unbelief, resting their hope, no more in the gloom of doubt, in the valleys of strife, where the boat of superstition is rowed by the hands of self esteem, and the demon God. But now following up the stream of life, with the great headlight in view, as it sends its rays out over the white pebles of divine truth, and gladens the soul with the flow of light, as it enters in through the chain of thought, soothing the heart, and forever silencing the question, am I righi or not? For whoever has came and drank of this fountain of light, that peals out upon the mind in tones of truth, can no longer say, "Know ye the Lord? for all shall know Him from the least, even to the greatest. And with these few remarks we shall call the readers atten- tion to the last chapter of this, our first volume, which chapter will treat upon the Beast, beasts, and the appearently mysteries connected with the beasts, upon which many of the old patriarchs, prophets, as well as the apostles, and many others since the apostles, have written upon. But we shall principly choose our proofs from Daniel, Paul and John the Eevelater; and will say first, especially upon the last named, (that is John's writings) that thousands of learned men have held their pens, vividly de- scribing the great beast, trying to find his number, and to tell who he is, and where he has his seat. But the best of them have failed in their attempt; or at least, their arguments are so weak that they have but very little effect. The general view given is that this beast, that John saw rise up out of the sea, is the Pope of Eome. CREATION AND FORMATION. 465. Bat the proofs upon this is so slim, that the doubts are in favor of the Pope. For the very fact is, that they have failed to show this theory, as a chain of bible facts; and just to assert that such is the truth, does not make it so without we have it confirmed by the scriptures. And we shall say, farther, that we can never find out who he is by following man. For they say, the number is the number of a man; and his number, (666) they apply to the number of letters composing the greek word, Lateinos, signifying the Laten man. Now this is a very week structure for the man with good mother wit, and reason, to build upon. Therefore, we say, that it is no wonder that the socalled christian world is rocking to and fro as though it was just ready to fall at any moment, but it shall be our aim upon this point, as it has been upon all the others, to give such Bible facts as will establish to the readers mind beyond any doubt, who those beasts were and are. Follow- ing all along the line of the dark ages of the christian persecu- tion, from the death of Christ, on up to the present time, and we shall make use of some of the authorities of the so called church in order to show what miscreants have done, and to show that the number of the beast is not a name, but are muncioe's of the second beast that the revolator saw rise out of the earth, which represented a man. And this same old beast, will have his way until Christ fills his mission to earth the second time. And in order that we may fully understand the deep truths of this all important point and to equip ourselves with this armor of truth, it will be nec- essary for us to go back past the mediaeval, into the appearently dark ages of antiquity. For those prophecies of the beast reach back into the past, also the present, and the future. The first thing then in connection with this point, is to find out what the sea was, that John the revelator, saw the beast rise up out of- for if we can but find the fountain head of this sea, we then will be near the ruling power of the beasts. There is no doubt but what there are many who think that this sea was a great body of water. But we answer, it was or is not, a sea of natural water. Yet from what the banished revelator said, there could be such 466. CREATION AND FORMATION. a conclusion drawn. For he says, "I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea;" which looks to the natural mind as though he really did stand upon the sea-shore. But in order to know the truth, we must bear in mind that when John saw this vision, he was in the spirit on the Lord's da}'; and what he saw in that sphere, he saw with the spiritual eye, and not with the natural eye. Therefore, it is easy to compre- hend the fact, that it was not the natural sea, when we look at it in the spiritual light, as it really was given to John. But to satisfy ourselves of this fact, we shall endeavor to search the scriptures, so that we may see the true light as Grod has given it to us. But before we take up the scripture, we shall say that this sea is called the Egyptian sea, in this language; '-In that day, G-od will utterly cut off the tongue of the Egyptian sea." And the first dark billows of this sea, rolled into the Garden of Eden and, carried the man and woman, down the tide into the stream of disobedience. And from thence, it has spread it's rancor, and noxous waters, over the larger portions of the world. When it made it's appearance in the Garden of Eden, in the form of a (xentile man, is when the ancient of days ended. And in that garden spot, is where John saw the fountain head of the streams of water, that flooded out after the man child, (that was to rule the nations,) as his mother was fleeing with him into the wilderness, to a place prepared for her. And now from this, we learn that this sea was not of nat- ural waters. And having learned so much of the truth, it now remains with us to search out a spiritual sea, or some other un- seen power; and this we shall do, and trace that power by the fruits of it, into many forniL, and even at times, we will see it in miraculous forms : for such it has been, and such it is, and such it shall be untill Christ comes the second time, when these be- witched dupes of the devil will triumphantly rule over the weak no more. Therefore, we oftimes see it stealing upon its victims like a fox slowly and carefully steals upon his intended victim or prey. Just in this manner was Eve captured and led away by this pow- er through the Gentiles. But we shall not stop here, after hav- CREATION AND FORMATION. 467. ing found the fountain head ; but shall pass those early ages, with the deluge included, to a still later- period, where we find this great power trying to excel the messengers of God, which he sent to deliver his people out of bondage. And this time the baneful scene rises up before us in the form of miracles, wrought by Pharaoh's wise men, the sorcerers and magicians; and they turned their rods into serpents, in order to refute the belief in an all wise and powerful God : for God sent Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh, to convince him of His power, and to let the people go. And Moses, through the power of God, wrought miracles before the eyes of Pharaoh and yet he would not believe, be cause as he said, his magicians could do the same, and, so they could. But they could not bring forth lice, neither could they after turning their rods into serpents, make them swallow up one another, like as did Aron's rod; for we learn that his rod swallowed up theirs. It is evidently true that this old egyptian art of sorcery, or witchcraft, was a terrible power in the world. And it is in practice even unto this very day. It is the sea from whence the great beast rose up before the revelator. Then undoubtedly Moses and Aaron were greatly astonish- ed to see the egyptians perform such wonders; but then, such is the power of the beast. He stands next to God in this respect. When Pharaoh saw Aaron's rod swallow up the rods of his ma- gicians, (See Exodus 7th Ch, 10, 11, 12th vs.) he had good reas- ons to believe in the existance of a powerful God. For he saw His power, in a greater degree than the power of his magicians, but still he would not believe, for his heart was hardened- and in the 22nd verse of this same 7th Ch. and in the 7th verse of the 8th Ch., we see the magicians exercising great power and with their enchantment, they bring forth frogs upon the land. And whatever may have been the thoughts of Moses and Aaron concerning this great Egyptian power, it matters but little • for we see that they are doing their duty toward God ; they do as He tells them to, and by so doing they carry the day at last : they have won the victory, and in this way have saved their brethren from Egyptian slavery. Then we see that this was a mighty power. Just to think of men turning rivers into blood (See 468. CREATION AND FORMATION. Exodus, 7th. Ch., 21-22nd. vs.) by the power of the sea of mag- netism. Moses and Aaron did it by the power of God; Pharaoh's magicians did it by the power of this sea above named. And glancing for a few moments at the affliction of Jobe, we can readily see the very fountain head of this sea. Then we can say with all candor, it is a mighty sea of power. O ! how Jobe suff- ered under this undulated power; but his trust was still in a higher power, and his life rested in the ark of safety ; and in this boat the soul of Jobe rested, while the body was torn almost a- sunder by this antagonistic power, that was battling for the soul. For Jobe well knew the promise of God was, th;*t the seed should bruise the head of this power, or in the language of the prophet, "And the Lord shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea;" (Isaiah, 11th. Oh., 15th. vs.) And now in order that the word, sea, may be fully under- stood, in our own language, we shall use the word in this light, "see;" for this word, in our time, is the proper one used for a seat of power ; but should we have the occasion to use it in scripture, we shall use it, sea ; but the meaning upon this point will be the same. Now the prophecy above named has already been fulfilled, but the reader must not think that, because this tongue was cut off, that the power of sorcery was destroyed, for it was not ; the prophecy was not given for that purpose. What was meant by the catting off of the tongue was this ; that in Christ, He would destroy the power satan had through the Gentiles, of destroying the Jews, by giving eternal life to the Gentiles ; for this was tearing down the middle wall, between them and in this, the tongue was cut off; but not the see, the old Egyptian see, still remained. It is held by some, that this tongue spoken of, was a little town, that the natural sea seceded back from, some thirty miles. But to the Bible reader, this would be a flimsey idea; for this would have been a small thing for God to set forth as a benefit to the soul : when no benefit to the soul could be derived from it. But on the other hand, it is a great testamony of a portion of Christ's mission. Again we ask, How could the sea secedeing back thirty miles from the little town benefit man ? It CREATION AND FORMATION. 469. could not ; in this manner it would cause him inconvenience, and place transportation on more rigid terms. In this, man would not have been benefited, but injured. Oh reach r, such stories as this will never do for the soul ; for the Bible is our lamp. Therefore let it be understood, that this tongue was the beastly state of the Gentile, that was done away in Christ. Let us then strive to rightly divide the Word of truth, and by so doing, we will know just what God intended that we should know; and we will see both the litteral and spiritual meaning. Scripture teaches us that this Egyptian tongue was not a little town, and also that the "see" was not a sea. And again, speaking upon this same subject, we have these words of the Lord : "In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing ser- pent, even leviathan that crooked serpent ; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea/' (Isaiah, 27th. Ch., 1st. vs.) And in another prophecy, we have these words, "Speak, and say, Thus saith the Lord God ; Behold, I am against thee, Pharaoh king of Egypt, the great dragon that lieth in the midst of his rivers, which hath said, My river is mine own, and I have made it for myself. But I will put hooks in thy jaws, and I will cause the fish of thy rivers to stick unto thy scales, and I will bring thee up out of the midst of thy rivers, and all the fish of thy rivers shall stick unto thy scales." (Ezekiel, 29th. Ch., 3-4th. vs.) And another prophecy there is, which saith, "Son of man, take up a lamentation for Pharoah king of Egypt, and say unto him, Thou art like a young lion of the nations, and thou art as a whale in the seas: and thou earnest forth with thy rivers, and troubledst the waters with thy feet, and fouledst their rivers." (Ezekiel, 32nd. Ch., 2nd. vs.) And now, in the plainness of the Bible, we have where the sea is, that we have been speaking of; and also have before us the great Gentile king, represented as the dragon in the midst of the sea, and as claiming the rivers as his own. And when we look at his boastings, and how that he struts about and troubles the water of Jewish streams through his power; which power is his great knowledge of animal magnetism. And be- 470. CREATION AND FORMATION. cause of his laying in ruins, through this power, the homes of the weak, the poor, and the blind, we are led to ask : Is it any wonder why God compares him to a whale in the sea? And again, we might further state, that his pride is in his scales, and his scales are his pride. (See Job, 41st., Ch., 14th. vs.) We are here speaking of Leviathan, the dragon that lies in the midst of his rivers, and his scales are his pride, the armor of sorcer- y and witchcraft, and when the Lord shall draw him out, the fish of his rivers shall stick to his scales. He has already been drawn out, and the fish are still sticking to his scales; and the fish are his followers, and the world is full of his power. Again, Commentators tell us, that from this forty-first chapter of Job, we learn that God manifests his power in Leviathan. But this is false. G-od does not show his power in Leviathan, or the serpent; he shows us that his power is exercised over hirr, and not in him. And it is also true that God shows Job Leviathan's great power, and that there is no one that can hold with him but God himself, which you will find to be true by reading the ninth verse of the epistle of Jude, which is as follows : "Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed a- bout the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, "The Lord rebuke thee," But God did not show forth his power in him, but over him. And Leviathan is the only one that dare oppose God in the wajr he has since the first great battle was fought, (See Job, 41st. Ch., 8th. vs.) which took plaoe in heaven. (See Eev., 12th. Ch., 7th. vs.) And the scales of this old dragon are his schemes of sorcery; and his schemes of sorcery are practiced by his fish that are sticking to his scales. These are plain Bible truths, and it is plain enough to see that the Egyptain see, was a see of animal magnetism ; and this power is set forth in the Bible as sorcery, witchcraft and familiar spirits, ect. And this you will find to be true, for all the ancient Gen- tile kings were influenced by it. And Pharaoh's wise men were well armed with this great power; and it is the Egyptian see which sends out those waves of sin and fraud and hypocricy, that is in the world today. It is also just as lawful* to call it OREATfON AND FORMATION. 47 L. the see of subtility. Nebuchadnezzar called it science ;(See Dan., 1st. Ch.,4th. vs.) and this is what he was going to teach the Hebrew captives. True enough, it was a science, but a false one. This power, when well studied, has a terrible sway over poor weak mortals. The kings and princes of Tyrns posessed it. (See Ezekiel, 28th. Ch.) And you can study almost any portion of the Bible you please, if it is touching upon the life of kings and lords, and you will find that they knew something about the black arts. But in every case, when the opposing powers, the power of satan and the power of God, comes together, the power of God reign- ed supreme; and this is made plain in Daniel, 1st. chapter 17th. and 20eth. verses. It was the supreme power that cut off the tongue of the Egyptian see, and in the midst of the see, Leviathan was punish- ed. His stronghold was broken loose from the heart of the Gentiles ; for the great curse was removed by Christ, and there is no more sin in mingling. But yet, satan is still doing a mischiev- ous work through the wicked hearts of men. In former ages God was constantly warning his people against the great subtile powers; for, in speaking to the Jews, He sayL, "To them it is an abomination, ect." and that they must keep themselves from it. (See Deut., 13th, Ch., 1, 2, 3rd. vs., also 18th. Ch., 9, 10, H 12th. vs.) And we are thoroughly convinced, that if the reader will but study over those portions of scripture, he will plainly see the truth ; and the truth will reveal to him the great power of the black art, or animal magnetism, practiced by fraudulent men today, and they call themselves scientists. And some of them come to you, as they say, in the name of the Lord; but thev are not from the Lord ; they are standing in the strength of the devil, and soon his foothold will slip, and they will all go down to the darkness and blackness of eternal night. The Gentile race is now held responsible for those wrongs and they will some day, appear in judgment to give an account of their wicked deeds. Before Christ came into the world the Gentiles were without judgment, and without God, and without hope in the world, and therefore, could not be held accountable 472. CREATION AND FORMATION, But it is not so now; they must be judged, every one of them. •, Hence, we learn, that when Paul preached at Ephesus, he found many that used these curious arts, and also many of them at his preaching, believed, and brought their books and burned them. But there was a certain one, that tried to stir up the people against Paul, saying; "Our craft is not only in dan- ger, but the temple of the great goddess, Diana, is also in dan- ger.^ (See Acts, 19th Ch., 19, 27th vs.) And furthurmore, this fellow goes on to say to his craftmen that the man, Paul, has persuaded and turned away many people saying; "They be no gods that are made with hands," and he causes the temple of Diana, the great goddess, to be despised, and also her magnificence to be destroyed, whom all Asia, and the world worshippeth. (See 26 and 27th vs.) Those same arts that are here spoken of, are of the old Egyptian origin ; the damnable heresies of the father handed down to the son, and they have been in Gentile practice for nearly six-thousand years. That takes in the modern sorceries as well as the old. Let us now turn to the epistle of Jude, and get more evidence for the assertion, that we have made about those beastly men. ? Beginning with the tenth verse, we have these words, "But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as bruit beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves. Woe unto them ! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core. (Core was an ancient Gen- tile king, and corrupt in all his ways; also called Korah : see Num., 16th. Ch., 1st. vs.) These are spots in your feasts of char- ity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear : clouds they are without water, carried about of winds, trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots ; raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame ; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever." These words are true ; no other language could be used to describe or set forth the idea, which we have presented to you upon this point, than which we set forth in this same epistle of Jude. The see is the great power of animal magnetism ; and . CREATION AND FORMATION. 473. this art has been practiced in all ages since the formation of man. Priests and clergymen, in our day, are found in no small number, hugging this baneful foe close to their colored hearts. They are deceiving the poor, and the ignorant, and making them believe that they are the great "I am," for no other pur- pose than greed and gain. This great power has made mer- chandise of men, blasted homes, ruined the "chosen," and set; them at naught; it has kindled the flame of hell in the brain of man, and it has spread desolation here and there. In the early days of the Israelites, their camps were surrounded with its wing, many thousand of them were hurled into the horrible jaws of death. But in Christ they found redemption, a release from death to life, by destroying the tongue of the Egyptian see: and satan has now lost his great original power over the Jews, through the Gentiles; and they now have a living soul; then, they had none. But after all, that same great power of sorcery is still in use. Christ could not destroy it, without destroying the human race, or bringing the world to an end. This He will do when he comes the second time. Satan will not undertake to tempt Him then, as he did in the wilderness ; for his power will utterly be cut off for time and eternity; and into fire and brimstone he will go, which is the second death. When Christ was on earth, satan was bound for a season, but after His death he was let loose, but without the old original tongue. Still he is going forth in all the world, and de- ceiving every one whom he can. When he came to Christ and tempted Him to make bread out of stone, he came when he found Him in the weakest stage of human nature ; (we do not mean to say, that Christ was human, for he was more than that- but he did take upon himself the nature of men, and in this na- ture he suffered and died.) when he expected to overcome Him But he did not; Christ was victorious, and will be till the end of time. Satan was very sly and artful, but he failed to win the Son of God. He failed in every attempt. He won Adam and Eve quite easy, but when he came to face Christ, upon the o- re at mid- dle wall, he was compelled to give way to the higher power 474. CREATION AND FORMATION. The reader will remember, that we previously stated, that Christ's tempter was a Gentile man, with satan in his heart; and this man was king Cesar, and he showed Christ all the king- doms of the world, and told him that he would give him all, if He would fall down and worship him. Satan knew that this was his last opportunity to try to de- ceive Christ, and so he came before Him in all his pomp and glory, and armed to the teeth, with the offensive weapon of sor- cery and witchcraft, and said, "Worship me, and I will give you all/' But the answer was, "Get thee hence satan ; for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord, thy God, and him only shalt thou serve ; and for this cause came I into the world, and to bring judgement unto the Gentiles ; for now is this world judged, and now shall the prince of this world be cast out, and through my death, shall the Gentiles receive eternal life, and brought from darkness into light, and from the power of satan unto God/' What is meant by bringing them out of darkness, and from satan unto God, is, that by cutting off the tongue of the Egypt- ian see, andgiving them eternal life, they would have the power to come unto God and be saved ; and have the power through Christ, to resist satan, which in former ages, they had not. But still, as we say, satan rules a vast majority ofthem, even unto this very day ; but he could not do it, if they would not let him. But then they are just as dishonorable as satan ; they want to be far above all that is called God: sorcery makes them proud. O ! let us be not deceived any longer by them; for they are like natural brute beasts, foaming out their own shame. And all they, who follow them and their pernicious ways, will go down with them ; for they are the number of the great beast, and the power of the great beast, makes desolate the ways of men upon the earth. Some may be of the opinion, that Daniel and Paul were speaking of the old dragon, or satan himself; but they were not: they both spake of the great beast, which John the Eev- elator saw, coming up out of the sea. Paul calls him the son of perdition, one "who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that he is worshiped as God, and sitteth CREATION AND FORMATION. 475 in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God." (See 2nd Thess., 2nd Ch.,4th. vs.) But yet } T ou may still /.ay, Most cer-, tainly, that it is satan himself. But it is not satan ; it is the beast in satan's garb of sorcery and witchcraft. "Even him, whose coming is after the working of satan with all power and signs and lying wonders," (2nd Thess., 2nd. Ch., 9th. vs.) He it is, that comes to deceive, and persecute the children of God. Let us now advance one step further, and what do we see? Why we see the great beast seated upon his throne, and his seat is at Eome ; there is where you will find the great beast, the son of perdition, arrayed in all his power ; and he is the one that is to be revealed with all his lying wonders, and the one that shall be destroyed at the brightness of the second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The question may now be asked, Does not the above asser tion have direct reference to the "Holy See," (or the Pope of Borne ?) This question is fully answered farther on, and it is done by the Word of God. But right here we say, that if the Word of God fits the Pope of Borne, or any other man, as the great beast, we are then ready to say, Amen. And this is satisfactory- ly answered farther on. We do not answer the question ; the Bible does that. It is true that Bome has held the reigns of war and persecution for a great many ages, and these wars are said to have been religious ones; but that was a mistake. Be- ligion makes peace and not war. Christ says, "Put up your sword, and if they persecute you in one city or place, flee ye to another." The records of Pagan Bome are stained with the blood of thousands of God's chosen ; and it is from these old musty re- cords of Pagan Bome, we learn her pedigree, and the Bible bears us the record of those shameful outrages, which were prac- ticed upon the poor and the helpless. And since the apostolic times, those same outrages have triumphantly trampled upen the forlorn. And by careful inspection of the subject with which we are dealing, we will be able to trace back these great beasts, that Daniel saw, in his vision, and the same that Nebu- chadnezzar saw in his dream. In this dream and vision was 476. CREATION AND FORMATION. included the entire Gentile race ; and the divisions, as they come to pass, were all set forth, up to the birth of Christ, and since, in these prophecies. And it is only by searching the scriptures, that we will ever get the deep truths, as they are so intended for us. Hence, we shall take up the king's dream, first, as it was made known unto Daniel ; the great image is a complete representation of the Gentile nation, from their origin, up to the birth of Christ. The image shows to us that whatever it represented, was not complete. The first thing, then, that we shall notice is, that the king Nebuchadnezzar, was a representation of the head of gold. (See Dan., 2nd. Ch., 39th. vs.) This was because he was at the head of the Gentile world. And reaching back, with this head, uniill we come to where God created the Gentile, male and female, on the sixth day, and then retrace our steps again, un- till we reach the time of the man's violation of God's command in the garden, we will then find the exact time when this head of gold existed. For during this period of time, the Gentiles were perfect in all their ways; and gold is an emblem of that purity. "Thou art that head of gold." That is, this king still re- tained the same ruling power and dominion, that was granted to the Gentiles on the day they were created. (See Gen., 1st. Ch. 28th. vs.) But this head of gold is lost in time, and an inferior kingdom to the head of gold, was set up ; this come to pass at the close of the ancient of days. And this was at the time of the fall of satan from heaven ; for it was then that he took posession of the Gentile world, and destroyed in them that perfectness they had been created in, as the natural man : and this inferior kingdom lasted with them up to the deluge. For the Gentiles in coming under the power of satan, corrupted their own ways; and through their cunningness, brought the man Adam, down from his purity, and brings himself under the covenant of death. And at the flood, this inferior kingdom ceased; and the third kingdom of brass came in. This kingdom of brass, sym- bolizes the condition of both Gentiles and Jews ; the Jews now CREATION AND FORMATION. 477 taking the ruling power j (See Gen., 9th. Ch., 2-SS^d. vs.) But this did not last long, for at this time, Jew or Gentile were not as pure as they had been ; the head of gold had passed away, al- so God had wiped away the inferior kingdom with a mighty deluge ; and had refined them down once again to a symbolizing of brass. But only a little while does this last, until the fourth king- dom sets in ; for as soon as the Jews has the entire ruling pow- er they determined to build a tower, and climb to heaven, and take with them the Gentile; and in this they again violate God's great command. And he comes down and comfounds them, and scatters them; and then the fourth kingdom sets in ; the Gen- tiles takes their ruling power again, not in their pure state, but in their wicked state : and they htamp and brake in pieces all other kingdoms, which at that time, were in the jurisdiction of the Jews, but is now lost to them. For at the downfall of Babel, this fourth kingdom takes its start, and reaches on down the path of time, until tue star was saw in the eastern horizon, that announced the birth of Christ as a Saviour of the world. For He was the stone, that was to be cut out of the mountain, without hands. (See Dan., 2nd. Ch., 45th. vs.) Which was to break in pieces, the great image, beginning at the toes. This represents the last state of the Gentile at Christ's birth, which was an emblem of the mingling of the two nations, For in the conclusion of the whole matter, the prophet says, "And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they (Jews) shall mingle themselves with the seed of men : (the Gentiles) but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay." (Dan., 2nd. Ch., 43rd. vs.) This Image was to be done away with as well as the curse of mingling, by the making of a people who were not a people. That is by making them a complete man, done away with them as an image ; and the same thing is set-forth, in the vision of Daniel, in regard to the four beasts ; in this vision is set forth the same four kingdoms, but Daniel's vision does not stop with them. His vision reaches on up to the second coming of Christ, until the ancient of days came, and judgements was given to the saints of the most high. (See Dan., 7th. Ch., 22nd. vs.) 478. CREATION AND FORMATION . But before this, we learn that there must come forth a little horn from those four great beasts of paganism, "*which are four kings,*" (Dan., 7th. Ch., 17th. vs.) And it is from the midst of the ten horns, of the fourth beast, that the little horn comes forth from, with the eyes of a man, and speaking great swelling words against the most high. (See Dan., 7th. Ch., 25th. vs.) And this little horn which Daniel saw waithe same beast which John therevelator saw rise up out of the sea (or see) and this could not come to pass, until Christ had passed the chilly waters of death, loosing satan from his bound position, that He had jAaeed him in. Then he came forth to find hit way into the carnal mind of the Gentile, which now was his only hope. And in this carnal minded man, is where he takes his seat and grants unto this man all his power, so that through him he will be able to conquer the whole world in sorcery and witchcraft. Therefore, he comes forth in all his dignity, in order to destroy, if possi- ble, the world's dearest hope j such is the budding forth of the little horn. And now we shall endeavor to view more closely the connecting links, and the great ruling power, in connection with the fourth beast, which Daniel saw, or in other words, the forth Gentile kingdom, that Daniel saw in his vision, and which was the fourth and last kingdom before the birth of Christ ; and this beast or king had his seatatEome at the birth of Christ. And in following along the line of successors of this king- dom, seeing the scepter of this dark power hurled, as a deadly weapon of warfare, over the Jews, until Christ came, who was the prince, that the prophet said should come and stand for his people, or in other words, "*the stone cut out of the moun- tain without hands, that should brake in pieces all other king- doms, and set up a kingdom of his own, an everlasting kingdom." (See Dan., 2nd. Ch., 45th. vs.) Here is where there was made one of the greatest changes, that had ever came over the Gen- tile world, since they have been placed upon the earth. And in this change, the reproach, that was offered by satan, through the Gentiles, upon the Jews, were made to cease. (Dan., 11th. Ch., 18th. vs.) And in order that we may have our feet well shod, with the prepration of the gospel of peace, we shall endeavor to gather CREATION AND FORMATION. 479. some of the most definite links, that will connect our subject to- gether. Therefore, we find that after this fourth king hath taken the daughters of woman, (Jews) corrupting her; but she shall not stand on his side, neither be for him. (Dan., 11th. Ch., 17th. vs.) Then he shall turn his face toward the fort of his own land : but he shall stumble and fall, and not be found. (See Dan., 11th, Oh., 19th. vs.) Right here is where the old Gentile world passed away, and become anew in Christ; this was the last of the fourth kingdom or beast, that existed before the Prince came, which was Christ, and it was him, who caused the reproach to cease; the reproach was the alluring of the Jews, by satan, through the beastly state of the Gentiles; this was destroyed with Christ's shed blood; in bringing them under judgment, and holding them resposible for what they did. The reproach is now upon them ; for when they do wrong, they pay their own debt, where they did not before Christ caused the entire Gentile world to be born again. We see that after the forth king, (or beast) spoken of in the ninteen- th verse, stumbled and fell, and could not be found, "Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the king- dom : but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle/' (Dan., 11th. Ch., 20eth. vs.) This gives us the connecting link across the birth of our Lord and Master. At His birth, the old Gentile world disappears, and can no more be found. That old Gentile world lasted in the forth king- dom, up to Christ, when it is lost sight of, and the tax-raiser takes his place in the man Cesar. For, "*it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Cesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed." (Luke, 2nd. Ch., 1st. vs.) Now behold Cesar Augustus! standing with the beginning; of his reign, before Christ is born; he was then in the old beast- ly state : and in that state he sends out the decree for all the world to be taxed. In this was fulfilled the prophecy of Daniel, of the tax-raiser; and Mary and Joseph goes up to Bethlanam to be taxed, and while there, Christ was born. This put an end to the old beastly state of the Gentiles, and a new leaf, so to speak, was turned for them, and Pagan Pome, where the fourth beast had his seat, now has become the seat of the beast, that John the 480. CREATION AND FORMATION. Revelator saw. Some would have you believe, that after the Church of Christ was established at Rome, it then was Christian Rome, and after some time had elapsed, Christian Rome drifted back into Pagan Rome. We can find no truth for this assertion. We say that Christian Rome, never drifted back into Pagan Rome, but, on the other hand, when the devil saw the uprising oi Christianity in Rome, where his seat had been for so long, he swells to his utmost capacity in Pagan Rome, in the form of the first beast, which the revelator saw rise up out of the sea. And as long ago, in antagonistic power, Pagan Rome rises up and drives Christian Rome from her borders. Then making the garb of Christianity for a cloak, to cover over her wicked deeds. Here we see there is a perfect chain running down the line of time, from the day that the Gentile man, under the power of satan deceived Eve in the garden, a chain of wickedness, until the present time. Therefore, we shall proceed to link the little horn, (or the beast that John saw rise up out of the see,) which Paul calls the man of sin, to be revealed, the son of par- dition. This man steps in, and takes the place of the Cesars, after the death of Nero : he is the one that the prophet says shall take the place of the tax raisers, in this language; "And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shalJ not give the honour of the kingdom : but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries." (Daniel 11th Ch., 21 st vs.) This is the beast which the Revelator saw, and it was in this man, that Pagan Rome, puts on the garb for Christianity j claims to be the mother Church, and under this cloak of pretention as we have said, drives from her borders Christian Rome. For it was at the death of Nero, that the Pope of Rome, under the political scheming of one Hilderbrand,that he obtained the king- dom by flatteries. In this the prophecy of Daniel is fulfilled, which saith, "And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom : but he shall come in pea- ceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries. (Daniel 11th Ch., 21st vs.) This prophecy fits the Pope to perfection. Remem- ber that this vile person is the beast which the revelator saw com- CREATION AND FORMATION. 481. ing up out of the see. It is true that John did rest his feet up- on the sands of the sea shore, while on the isle of Patmos, where he was banished by the ruling power of Eome, and separated from lovpd ones, even all they, that were near and dear to him by the ties of nature; the ones he could hold in his bosom only by the haunt of his memory, yet his vision of the beast is not to be compared with his recollections of loved ones at home. For in this vision we find him in the spirit, on the Lord'i day. And what he saw in that vision, he saw with the spiritual eye. And he stood, as it were, upon the sands of the see, scan- ning the impure waters of the mighty deep, and fathomless blue from the very fountain head, on down through the annals of time, and he watched the waves of falsification, as they sweep past him in their mad career, and still he watches them going on, and on, and carrying with them the harvest, into the dark abyss of ruin, and there the harvest lies piled up in heaps of rubbish; a dilapidated mountain of a mangled mass of thou- sands. And John stands viewing this great ruin, which was once a harvest of golden fruit. But now nothing but a quivering mass of souls; who once violated God's Law : to this mighty host be- longed the Israelites of old ; and when Christ arose from the dead, this host with the G-entile world came forth ; sometoevei- lasting life, and some to everlasting contempt. And in this act there was a great check placed upon the waves of this see, by the granting of life to the Gentiles. For in this work satan was cast out of them, and after this was done, we next see him com- ing forth in the beast that John the Revelator saw rise up out of the see "with seven heads, and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy." (Rev. 13th Ch.,* 1st vs.) And this see, has its fountain head in the great beast (or little horn) from whence comes the flow of witch- craft, sorcery and famliar spirits sending the waves of destruc- tion among God's people, and his heads and horns are a certain portions of his subjects. And we shall add further that satan uses the great beast as an instrument to execute his power; let it come in any way, or from where it may, as we have said, the ten horns are a portion of his subjects reigning as kings under 482. CREATION AND FORMATION. the one great head, or power. The other beast, that John saw rise up out of the earth, is a symbol of the game persecuting power • only they were of a later date, and upon a different plan ; but of the same see of false science. And, as the time and destiny of all, approach nearer and nearer, with all the cunningness of the beasts, and satan at the head of this great power, they will illuminate up more clearly before the visible eyes of the true christian of Christ. And we will see how that John was swept away by one of these great waves to the isle of Pstmos. But, after all, this persecuting power did not deprive John of his love for God and man, neith- er did he forget the promise of eternal life, which he knew was in Christ, the Saviour of the world. And even in this vision, he was realizing the Saviour's presence. And now, seeing that this vision of the beasts is a represent- ation of man, or men, who is in posession of this great power of animal magnetism, and that satan has given them his power, we shall see the real vision itself. Wherefore, John says, "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man ; and his unmber is Six hundred threescore and six." (Eev., 13th. Ch. 18th. vs.) And this man coming forth like a beast, savage, and powerful, unites in himself all the attributes of deceiveableness, which were left in the old Gentile homestead, after the tongue of the Egyptian see had been cut off. The fountain head of this see is in Kome, in the character of the beast. And the next step to be taken then, is to prove by script- ure, that we are right in what we say. And this we shall do, by setting forth the deceitful workings of the beasts that John saw, while on the isle of Patmos. And just as the Bible gives, we shall give. And in this way, we shall be able to ascribe to the beasts, that which is their own. And the first portion of this point that we shall speak on, is the mystery of anniquity. And upon this we hear Paul say, "Eemember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things ? And now ye know what with- holdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work : only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wick- CREATION AND FORMATION. 483. ed be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming :" (2nd. Thess., 2nd. Ch., 5, 6, 7, 8th. vs.) It might be asked who was Paul speaking of, in this lan- guage ? we answer "* That man of sin,* who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped ; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." (2nd Thess. 2nd Ch. 3-4th vs.) These words of the apos- tles, confirm the prophecy of Daniel, which saith, "And he shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and think to change limes and laws :and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time." (Daniel, 7th Ch. 25th vs.) Daniel also speaks of this man in the eleventh chapter, and thirty sixth verse ; and the exaltation of this man, above all that is called God, belongs to, and is a portion of the mystery of iniquity, that already worked in Paul's day, and has, and will work, until the web of superstition has had its complete day, and the dark cloud of un- belief, which he has cast over the people, by the image that he has set up in the changing of times and laws, has been fully re- vealed by his second appearance to earth ; and at that great advent day, he will be completely revealed. u Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceiv- ableness of unrighteousness in them that perish ; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that tht y should believe a lie : That they all might be dammed who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." (2nd. Thess., 2nd. Ch., 9, 10, 11, 12th. vs.) While Christ will make the complete revelation when He comes ; but these scriptures are revealing him fast to the true christian, and the seeker after truth and right; for when we read these scriptures in the light of the true way of rightly dividing the Word, we will have to say, Yes Paul also saw this great berst, and in his epistle he has revealed him to us. Then we see that John was not the only one that saw the beast; and in the writings of the other apostles, we find them 484. CREATION AND FORMATION, setting forth the same great beast. Yea, many have felt his powerful sting upon the death bed, and his strong arm of perse- cuting power. Just think of the prophets of old! Think of John, in the silent recesses of the rocks, on the isle of Patmos; For it was there where he composed his wonderful work of Revelation, through the helping hand of the higher powers. And think of blessed Stephen, persecuted even unto death by this same beastly power. And we ask who nailed Christ to the cross? You answer, "The Jews." But we say, No, they did not ; for while they de- manded sentence and death, yet they could do no more, for their hands were tied by the law of God j especially at that time, and under the ciscumstances they could not. Therefore, let us hear what the scriptures say on this sub- ject. "Behold, we go up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man shall be betrayed unto the chief priests and unto the scribes, and they shall condemn him to death, And shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock, and to scourge, and to crucify him : and tbe third day he shall rise again." (Matt., 20eth. Ch., 18-19th. vs.) (See St. John, 18th. Ch., 31st, vs., also 19th. Ch., 1, 2, 3rd. vs., and 22nd. Psalm, 16th. vs.) These scriptures will plainly teach us that it is the Gentiles that crucified Christ, and they were called bulls, lions, and dogs. And the chain of evidence upon the beasts, links them together. The great see monster at Eome has held the reigns of per- secution for many ages back. And so that we may know who it is, and was, that had this power under their control, we must compare them with the portion of scripture denoting their char- acters, with all their lying wonders, and heresies. And when we have thus found a man, then we have found the right one ; and should it fall upon the Pope of Rome, as the great leader, then we shall say "Amen." And to trace a portion of the evidence along the chain of persecution, we shall note first what Christ said to his disciples; "*They shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you, deliv- ering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake. And it shall turn to you for a testimony." (Luke, 21st Ch. 12, 13th vs.) CREATION AND FORMATION. 485. These grounds of truth have been fulfilled in regard to the apostles ; and even many since that time have met the same fate. The question might be asked, Does not the Pope of Eome claim to be the true successor of St. Peter, and vicar of Christ, and the rest of the priests and bishops, have taken the place of the other apostles, that were hefore him? That is all true, as far as it goes ; and if the word of God upholds them, thtn they are all right; but if it don't, then .ihe Pope and all his followers are impostors, or "Anti-Christ's. " And with this subject before us, and with the Bible, we shall proceed to prove our assertions. First then, we find that Christ's words have turned out to be true concerning the perse- cutors, which He said, were to come in, and after the apostle's time. And we also learn, that at Rome is where we find the great slaughter house. This cannot be denied, aside from the destruction of Jerusalem, as there is where the worst has b a en. For it was there where the chief of the apostles, and thousands more, were crucified and put to death in the most barbarious manner. And the remnant of them had to seek safety by flight into some desert place, prepared for them by the Lord, that his Word might be fulfilled, in this saying, "If they persecute you in one city, flee ye to another." And such flights were the only means of safety for those christians, from this powerful Romish beast. Now, would any one dare say that the true successors of St. Peter was in Rome, after all, these persecutions had taken place ; and after Peter had been crucified, would any one dare take his seat? we think not; could he do this in safety? That is could he take his seat, and preach the same, and live the same as did Peter, without meeting the same fate? We answer no, he could not. But then, the catholics say that his chair never perished. That is all very true : but again they say "It was kept at Rome, and never for a moment was it vacant : even a- midst the stormiest times." That is all very true too : but still we ask the que:*tion again : Is it possible that the true suc- cessor of St Peter could come and take possession of the chair, the moment after Peter had been crucified, and especially, in those perilous times, without meeting the same cruel end ? No 486. CREATION AND FORMATION. he could not. And again, if the true successor of St. Peter, had taken the chair, (instead of the Pope,) then those early christians would not have been put to flight. It is true that the Pope holds the old wooden chair, but the real chair itself, the spiritual chair, was borne away with the fleeing, persecuted christians. And this persecution did not only last for a day, or a week or a month, but, for three-hundred long years; and during this time, persecuted generations passed away, and their lives were only known by the sentences by which they were condemned. Though they have long been sleeping with the pale nations of the dead, yet their very lives and existence is still fresh in our memory. Peter's chair is not at Borne, nor with any Papal institution whatever. It has gone with the martyrs and chris- tians. In the day of judgment it will be a silent witness against those cruel offenders. What! some one may say, Is that notthe same as to say "The Pope of Rome is an impostor?" We plain- ly answer, Yes. He is the great beast, the Apocalypitical beast. And we shall prove it by the Bible. But even with the above statement, carefully viewed, you will have to confess that, within itself, it is sufficient proof, and with their own assertions, that this true successorship claimed by the Roman catholic church, is false. And he is nothing more or less than the great beast, sitting himself in the temple of God, and claiming that he is God ; and by his lying wonders, he deceives thousands and millions. If he does not, then please give us some information concerning those lying wonders of which the Word speaks. But they cannot: and the first evi- dence of those lying wonders, that we have already given you, that is concerning the chair of St. Peter which they claim was never vacant, this we say, goes a great way to prove our asser- tion. For when they crucified Peter, then they placed in his chair a man of their own taste, and all for the sake of greed and gain. And the great beast became the head of the body of beasts. And as Paul says, "*who subvert whole houses, teach- ing things which they ought not, for filthy Lucre's sake." (Titus, 1st. Ch., 1.1th. vs.) And all this they have done, and CREATION AND FORMATION. 487. have it in their possession, which was handed down to them by their ancestors ; we have learned Pharoah's magicians used it : we find it spoken of in second Kings, 17th. chapter, 17th. verse; also in Daniel, 14th. chapter, and in first Timothy, 6th. (Jh., 20eth. verse, we have this language : "O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain bab- blings, and oppositions of science falsely so called." That is charging him not to have anything to do with such things, for they are of satan. Avoid them • though they may appear harmless, yet they are the devices of both man and sa- tan, united. For when the beast arose up out of the see, then satan gave him his seat and power. And the combination made the beast, that painted many a spot of earth with the blood of saints, and when through his demon like pride, had slaked his thirst by the blood of thousands, and thought there were not one left to tell the story, he then claims the chair of Peter, and sets himself up as the vicar of Christ, and true sucessor of St. Peter: and sits himself down in the temple of God, claiming to be authorized to forgive the sinner, in the place of God, doing what Christ would do, if he was on earth. O ! Eeader see the man of sin, that opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God. He has killed the apostles and dipped his garments in the blood of millions of the true fol- lowers of Christ. Behold the vile person that Daniel saw, tak- ing the place of the tax-raiser. See those few that escape his deathlike clutches, seeking safty in flight, and hiding themselves in the clefts of rocks, or caves, like a mouse would hide from a hawk. Flight was the safty-guard, Christ had left them j for his command was, "If they persecute you in one place- or city flee ye to another," Just such cruelty was practiced by this first'beast, while he in his pomp and power reigned with his seven heads and ten horns. And it was in those three-hundred years of persecution of his upon the followers of Christ, that he won his ten crowns ; and by those victories he was fully able through his lying wonders, to claim the chair of Petbr ; and to claim that he was the true sucessor of Peter, and the vicar of Christ. This is only fulfilling Paul and Daniels' words, that this 488. CREATION AND FORMATION. beast would lift himself up, and claim to be God, sitting in the temple of God. For it is an undeniable fact that this beastly man, requires of his laity to come to him and bow down before him, and then and there, imagine Jesus Christ in person in the Priest; when this is done and the penitent sinner has confessed his sins, to pope, bishop or priest, (all belonging to one head,) then with an uplifted hand the priest says, I, absolve thee from thy sins; and, at that very moment all the guilt of the sinner is pardoned for all eternity. (See Mission book of St. Alphonces Legorie, page 248, 260, and 262 ; for the district of Maryland.) Does this not prove that this man claims to be sitting in the seat of God, when he claims that you must before confessing your sins to him, imagine in him, Jesus Christ in person ; then he will pardon you of all your guilt, for he goes on to say, "that he does it in the place of God," does what Christ would do if he was on earth ; (for he says,) "the priest is sent by Jesus Christ, with the same power to remit sins, that Christ, himself was sent with, by his heavenly Father;" and now Christ having past in- to heaven, they, these dupes of satan, the pope, with his number claim the same power that Christ had, to forgive sins. Hence they demand of their folowers to come to them for pardon, arid, they will grant it, in the plaoe of God. Is not this about what Paul says to the Thessalonians that this beastly man would do, and say ? and does this not fulfill both points of Paul's language, that he is to set himself up above ail that is called God, and claims to sit in the seat of God? and also does it not fulfill both John and Paul's language, concerning the lying wonders that he is to set forth ? for surely it must be a lying wonder for a man to say that he has the power to for- give sins; and to do it in the place of God and Christ: when Christ says, "*I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (St. John, 14th. Ch., 7th. vs.) Again He says, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, butclimbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep." (St. John, 10th. Ch., l-7th. vs.) "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name un- CRSATIOJ) AHU FORMATION. 489. der heaven given among men. whereby we must be saved."' (Acts, 4th. Ch.. 12th. vs.) Wherefore. John says, "*Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the world .'*' (John, 1st. Ch.. 29th. vs.) And now having those strong scriptures before us. and in language right the opposite to what the body oi the Pope says, and which proves to us that they are impostors, and also proves that their teachings are nothing hut lyina 1 wonders. Bui, again they will ask. did not Christ give such p^ower unto the apostles when he said to them : •• whose sins you for- give they are forgiven; and whose sins you retain they are re- tained : and he that heareth you heareth me. and he that despi- seth you despdseth me : as the father hath sent me, so I send yon." no one will deny these words of Christ, that has one spark of his love in them. But how are we to know just how the apostles and the true followers of Christ was to do this work \ well Jesus himsejf answers this question ; in order that there should nothing in His Word remain dark. He says to them. --Co ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son. and of the Holy Ghost; Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded yon." (Matt.. 28th Ch. 19. 2C'eth. vs.) Teach them to observe that. - s *If any man shall say un- to you. Lo. here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs. and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold. I have told you before. Where- fore if they shall say unto you. Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth : behold, he is in the secret chambers: believe it not." (Matt., 24th. Ch.. 23. 24. 25. 26th. vs.) That is. teach them that when these men oi the be^st say to you. that you must go in to the confession box. or private cham- ber, and there confess your sins unto a man. and must imagine him as Jesus Christ in person, and then by him have your sins pardoned, "believe it not ; for he is a false Christ."' For there is no one comes unto the Father but by me, says Christ, There- fore he say-. I am the door ; by me if any man enter in. he shall be saved. (See John 10th Ch.. 9th vs.) Again he says, when I 490. CREATION AND FORMATION. shut the door, no man openeth, and when I open the door no man shuteth it. And these things are what Jesus commands the true followers of him, to teach, that through those teachings, and a close observation of them, and a strict obedience to his commands, with faith in him and his name, they, (the hearers of them) should be saved. Hence, we find that Peter in compliance with the command given him by the Lord himself, saying unto Cornelius, "And he commanded us to preach unto the people, and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead. To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins." (Acts, 10th., Oh., 42-43rd. vs.) Thus we find that Peter did not say unto Cornelius, that you must imagine Jesus Christ in person in me ; nor did he say, you must come to me and con- fess your sins, and I will pardon you. But contrariwise, when "^Cornelius met him, and fell down before him, and worship- ed him. *Peter took him up, saying, Stand up ; I myself al- so am a man." (Acts, 10th. Ch., 25-26th. vs.) As much as to say, I am not Christ, I can't save you or help you j but He commanded us to preach his word, and to testify of him; and whosoever believes in his name, shall be saved: and have remission of sins. Oh dear reader, is not this spiritual chair of Peter's quite different from the one that the Pope of Eome claims to have, for the forgiveness of sins ? in the one, is the Pope and his means, the other, comes direct from believing on Christ, through his Word as preached by the apostles. And again this last is so plainly set forth by the apostle Paul unto the jailor when he asked Paul and Silas, "Sirs what must I do to be saved; and they said, believe on the lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be sav- ed, and thy house." (Acts, 16th Ch. 31st, vs.) For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;" (1st Tim. 2nd Ch. 5th vs.) No Paul, a mediator, no Peter, no Pope, bishop, or priest a media- tor; and if they say they are, or say they can forgive sins, it is false, and rotten to the core; and they are anti-Christs. Christ's commands were, "Go, teach all nations, teach them to observe CREATION AND FORMATION. 491. all things, whatsoever I have commanded you ;" there was not just a part to be taught, but all. The Pope says you must im- agine Jesus Christ in person in the priest. Christ says, "believe it not." And, "*he is the advocate with the Father. (And he will interceed for us) and he is the propitiation for our sins." (See 1st. John, 2nd. Ch., l-2nd. vs.) From these plain Bible truths, the reader will see for him- self, that the teachings of the Pope are the "lying wonders" that the Bible speaks of. And this teaches us that they are false, and that these false teachings are just what Christ warned us of, and that we should beware of such false teachers. Another false lying wonder, that this so-called vicar of Christ (the Pope) teaches, is, that you must worship the whole host of heaven, from the virgin Mary, down to the last apostle ; then they want you to acknowledge every priest, bishop and pope, as a Saint, and worship them. This is all wrong, for God says, "Worship me." This much we say, that duereverance and respect should be paid to the blessed Virgin Mary, and also to the holy apostles, and prophets, but not worship them ; for their arms are too short to save anyone. Pay honor and respect to them, as the Word says, "Honour to whom honour is due; tribute to whom tribute is due." But Christ alone can save you. But that we may fully realize the teachings of this beast, and his colleague, we shall quote some of his sayings and teachings, as they are recorded in th.e mission book, page 189, in this language, "Most holy Virgin my advocate; (not Christ) and my mother, Mary, you are and will always be, after G-od, my hope and my consolation at the hour of death. From this moment, I have recourse to you, and beg of you to assist me in that passage ; Oh my dear queen do not abandon me in that last moment. Come then and take my soul, and present it to your dear Son. Henceforward, I shall expect you ; and I hope to die under your mantle, and clinging to your feet; my protector, St. Joseph, St. Micheal archangel, my angel, my guardian, my holy patrons, do you all assist (or help) me in that last combat with hell." (and now while we repeat that it is right to pay the honor due to those chosen of God,) they are neither our advocate, as herein represented, nor either 492. CREATION AJND FORMATION. are they protectors; for Christ is the only advocate we have; and God is our protector ; wherefore, he says, "Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart; and him only shalt thou serve." Hence, he says, make to thyself no other Gods ; nor you must not serve them ; not even the saints, nor angels, as he teaches us by Peter, at the house of Cornelius; and also by John, the Bevelator, when he fell down to worship the angel ; and the angel says unto John, "see thou do it not, for I am thy fellow- servant and one of thy brethren/' And we ask you to read this language, that was spoken by the children of Israel, unto the prophet, upon this same point, and then read the answer of God ; they say to the prophet, "As for the word that thou hast spoken unto us in the name of the Lord, we will not heark- en unto thee, but we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our mouth to burn incenoe unto the Queen of heav- en." Then Jeremiah said unto them, "Because ye do these a- bominations, your land is a desolation and a curse." (Jer., 44th. Oh.,) Because they worship the whole host of heaven, as it reads in another place. Hence, you see that this is an abomination unto God; yet this beast will teach you to choose the virgin as your advocate, and have you ask her to protect you, and yet, he himself is in the place of Christ to pardon you. Oh, dear reader is this not enough to let you see his lying wonders, that he presents to you; and in connection with this, we find another abomination ; and that is, the images they set up before you, as having virtue to help to rescue you from the torments of pergatory ; and htre we hear them say, is it anj^ more harm for to decorate God's house with the image of the heavenly hosts, than it is for to dec- orate our earthly home with the portraits of family and friends? In answer to this, we will have to say to you just what God himself said about that, and that is "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth." (Exodus 20eth Oh., 4th vs.) Then you see God teaches us that his house is not a house for to be decorated with images: but instead it is a house of prayer, and his word is, you must not. A positive declaration, thou shalt CREATION AND FORMATION. 493. not make unto thee any image or the likeness of any thing; and then he further says, "Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them.*" (Exodus, 20eth Ch. 5th vs.) But they will say, will you try to deprive us of bowing down before those images of the heavenly hosts, when they re- mind us of God ? ,-. . And we answer you, that it is not us that has said you must not bow down yourself before them ; no, no; but God himself speaks it to you, and say**, "Thou shalt have no other Gods be- fore me." (Ex., 20eth. Ch.-, 3rd. vs.) Wherefore, when they teach you these things, beware of what you do; for God has spoken, and also warned you of this beast, and his blaspheming, and lying wonders; be not decieved ; yea, let (rod be true and every man a liar. For this man-beast requires of all that is un- der him, to bow down before these images, and pray before them. And we add that by this very act, they make merchand- ise of you. Wherefore, Christ says, "My house is a house of prayer; but you have made it a den of thieves." For by this superstitious worship, they would if they could, steal God's own glory from him, and rob him of his power. But this they can- not do. Hence, they have to be satisfied with the millions of souls, they steal from God in this way ; and rob them of their bright home beyond, and place them forever in a state of remorse. Then dear soul, when He beckons to you, that, "lo, here is Christ:" Christ says, heed him not. He then may tell you, next, to wor- ship the whole host of heaven. God says to you, this is an a- bomination to him : He then tells you, again, that you must bow down before images; when God says to you, that you must not. ~N~or even as much as make them. But the reader might ask the question, does the Pope and his body claim any virtue in these images? and for the answer, we shall let their own language speak and say, "that one day while St. Alphonsus Ligory was preaching at AmalQ, he was ravished into an eestacy, and was seen elevated several feet in the air : and a statue of the mother of God, which was at his right, because quite resplendent, and the bright rays it cast lighted up the Saint's face." (Mission book, 9th. page.) 494. CREATION AND FORMATION. O ! what a lying wonder of the beast, through the great see of power, that was at his control, to make people believe that this man, was elevated so many feet in the air; and that a mar- ble statue, would become alive. But this is just what Christ warned us against, and what his apostles pleads to save us from, is this power of the great beast; and the same author tells us that this same horn of the beast, " just before he died kissed the crucifix, and a little statue of the blessed Virgin Mary. No one would deny that these things were not set forth by the beast, to make his laity believe that there truly is virtue in these things. Yet, God teaches us that there is no virtue in them, and says we must not do these things. For he will have nothing be- tween him, and the heart that serves him, or whoever has been cleansed by the blood of his Son. These teachings of the pope, are only a confirmation of what is prophesied of, on the beast, that he is to do miracles ; and those above stated are but a mere glimps of the power he claims to have. But, to look at the many million followers of his ! does this not almost appear to be within itself a great miracle ? but God's Word must come true. Hence, we see that all men who have not their name written in the Lambs Book of Life, will follow after the beast. And here might arise an inquiry; that is, was not all who follow the beast, to have a mark on their forehead, or in the right hand? yes; and this is true: there is one class that lay hold of the image with the right hand, that the second beast set up, and say it is right ; which we will show farther on. The catholics have the mark by making the sign of the cross on their forehead. And, that we may hasten on, we shall present to the rea- der, a few more of the lying wonders of the beast; which he has as arts to deceive his subjects, and one of them we shall give in detail, and this one given complete, will be sufficient to coverall the rest, for they all carry the same sentence with them, and those schemes are, the purgatory, the beeds, the cross, the medal the seven dollars, and the scapulars, ect. These with many other similar things, belongs to the same false see of science. And the last one named, is the one we CREATIOiN AND FORMATION. 495. shall use as legal for all the rest. The scapular ; first it is necessary to know what a scapular is. "A Scapular consists of two small pieces of woollen cloth, worn over the shoulders,* the first rep- resentation it denotes is, the love the wearers has for the Virgin Mary. The virtues are, first a pledge of her protection. The sec- ond is, you have a share in all the masses, prayers, alms-deeds, penances, and all other good works. Continualy offered by the different, religeous orders, of the Catholic Church. And at last you gain many valuable indulgences by wearing them. There are five of these scapulars approved of by the Eoman Catholic Church. First, the scapular of the lady of Mount Carmel, the color is brown, the second is a black scapular, the third a blue, the fourth is a white, and the fifth one is red. This is the order the five come in : the first one named, is the one that we shall give the history of, which will cover the grounds that we have heretofore spoken of : "The color of this one is brown ; *it owes its origin, to one Simon stock, an en- glishman, who died in 1265. (They claim,) that the blessed virgin, appeared to him in a vision, and gave, him a scapular, which remained in his hands, as a proof of the vision, and (also) served as a model of those which were afterwards worn, (and that) she also promised that they who wore it, should ex- perience the efficacy of her intercession, especially by obtaining the grace of a good death ; and thus escaping the flames of hell." (Mission book, 110th. page, see Benedict, which also gives proof of this vision, his treaties, De Festis? Lib., 2nd. Ch., 6-8th- vs.) O what a lying wonder is such a doctrine as this, set forth by the beast. Just think for one moment, of the baseness of such a thing. As their assertion is, that the blessed virgin would come down from the paradise of God, and make him and his Word out a liar, by placing in the hand of one Simon Stock, two little peices of brown woolen cloth, as a token of its truth- fulness. How does it sound to say. there is woolen cloth in heaven. When Grod tells us there is nothing of such a nature there ; nothing that fadeth away, or that gets old. 496. CREATION AND FORMATION. But this is not all that they (the priests,) say ; they say all who wear those two little pieces of woolen cloth, after they are blessed by the priest, shall experience the efficacy of the inter- cession of the blessed virgin, and should by it escape the flames of hell. Header think how false it is to say there is woolen cloth in heaven, or that the virgin, Mary could carry you across the flames of hell, when Christ died for that purpose himself. These anti-Christs can tell you these things, in order to get the dollars, or make merchandise of you. The Bible teaches you that they are false, and come from the beast. And in order to see if we are right or not, we shall investigate their doctrine more closely. Therefore, after Mary promised these things, we find she could not grant them, until the priest would pronounce a blessing upon the scapular, or some other article, as we have previously named. (110th. page in Mission book.) Then you see after the blessed virgin had prom- ised, she had not the power to fulfill those promises without the aid of the priest. Then in this light, who is it that is represented as the God ? Most assuredly it is the priest, who is sent by the pope. For what purpose? To make merchandise of their members. For in the first place, when these scapulars are blessed by a priest, they must then and there be paid for, by the one that is to wear it. And it is only after it has been paid for, that it becomes of any value to the purchaser. And the price is rated to suit all ; ranging from fifty cents, to as much as you are able to pay. After you have thus purchased a blessing from the priest, you are entitled to the indulgences, and all the privileges granted by the church of Rome. This enables us to see that it is not the blessed virgin, that they want you to worship, after all ; but the beast him- self. And then it is well for us to remember that after we have given him our last dollar, his arm is too short to save us; and his promise of granting indulgencies is like the chaff in the wind, or the stuble before the fire. But even with these things before us, we desire to look down deeper into this bane- ful influence of this gigantic power, that is holding the millions under its clutches. CREATION AND FORMATION. 497. Hence, they say, if you will but wear one of these bless- ed scapulars, you will be granted so many indulgences. Now the idea is with us, that if we are absolved from our sins in con- fession, for ail eternity, what then is indulgences for, and for what purpose are they granted ? is it a grantee to commit sin? This we believe is the general received opinion among prodest- ants. This is not the true meaning, while it does lead millions to commit sin, yet this is not just the intended meaning. Hence, we shall not in this argument mislead any one, and say that this means the privilege to sin. But we shall say, that instead, they make them believe a lie, that they might be damned. And now then this assersion demands of us facts that will bear us out: then our first aim shall be to ascertain what they claim indulgences to mean. "By an indulgence is meant the remission of the temporal punishment due sins, already forgiven. This temporal punishment, is not remitted at the time of the for- givness of the sins; this latter is done away with, they tell us, by many ways; and those indulgences is one way to satisfy the temporal punishment. Then they say, indulgences is not a pardon for sin, because a sin must be remitted before an indulgence can be granted: and a plenary indulgence, is that which remits all the temporal pun- ishment due to sins. The second, is only to remit a part of the punishment; by those two classes of indulgences, the punish- ment due sin can be remitted, either by a full and complete re- mittance, or a partial." Then it is set forth not as a pardon for sin, but as a pardon for the temporal punishment due the sin, that has already been pardoned. And further, they tell us that if the debt due those pardoned sins, is not paid in the above manner in this life, it will have to be paid in purgatory, from whence you will not come out until you have paid the last farth- ing. And according to this last statement, temporal punishment does not end in this life, but reaches beyond the vail of death. We have learned from the above statements, what indulgences are, and that it is not a pardon for sin ; nor is it to grant the privilege to sin ; but it is to remit the punishment due sin already forgiven. In the next place, then, the reader would naturally be de- 498. CREATION AND FORMATION. sirous to know how the applicant has the punishment remitted, and just how those indulgences are granted. And as we have before stated, we shall use the scapular as covering the essence of the many means, and ways, used by the same body of pope- reism. And in order to have a plenary indulgence granted, which is a full and complete remittance of all punishment due sin, that has once been pardoned, "You must first be in a state of grace; second, go to confession and communion, and pray for the inten- tion of the Pope; third, go to a priest, that has the power to bless you, a scapular, or any other image ) and then you pay the debt ; (all catholics know what tiuat word, debt, means.) that is, price : or, in other words, us'ng the scriptural term, which they call the attention of the applicant to, is the word farthing. Hence when the last farthing is paid, the applicant receives from the hand of the priest, two little pieces of woolen cloth, blessed by him, which the applicant i.s to wear over his shoulders as a token of the assurance given him, from the priest, that all his temporal punishment is remitted.'' But we add again that whoever gains such a grant from the priest, must first pay the last farthing. Perhaps it may be a thousand dollars or more; perhaps by chance, some less. But anyhow, the full satisfaction of the debt in thib case, must be paid; then the priest says you will not have to endure any tem- poral pnnishment in this life, neither in the life to come. A partial indulgence is that which remits only a part of the pun- ishment ; yet by this kind of an indulgence, this power of pope- reism, places a way in the reach of the most poverty stricken one, whereby he may shorten his time of temporal punishment in the prison house of purgatory, that lies beyond the channel of death. This is to say, that if a man is not able to pay the full debt to the priest, that has the power to bless the scapular, and grant the indulgences, then he can pay just such portion as you are able, and the rest you will have to suffer out in purgatory for the priest will grant according to whatever you pay. That is, if you are too poor to get a cross, medal, beeds, or a scapular, that is worth from fifty up to five-hundred dollars blessed for you, then you can get one for fifty cents, or just as CREATION AND FORMATION. 499. much more as you are able to pay ; and the priest will bless it, and give it to you; also grant you indulgence by his power, that he is invested with, or release you of so many days or perhaps years of temporal punishment, that has been resting upon you for sin, which has already been pardoned. And either of these indulgences, you may have applied to some dear soul that you loved while on earth, but have now crossed death's cold stream, and are suffering for a time shut up in purgatory, away from the glorious light of heaven. But such a grant must be made by the priest, at the time of the blessing, and can be made only by the desire of the applicant being made known unto the priest, at the time the ap- plication is made. This then must be done similar to one go- ing to a priest, and having him to say a mass for some depart- ed friend, supposed to be in purgatory. Now then, we have placed before the reader what indul- gences are, what they are for, and how they are obtained. And those facts, which we have placed before you, with the many more that we could, are just what we know, both from knowledge and experience. And the next duty that rests upon us, is to assertain by scripture, and set them before the reader, in order, that it may be ascertained, whether such teachings are of God, or of the man-beast. And before we shall be fully able to do this, it will be nec- essary for to call the readers mind, to our work of the past; that is, the difference there is in the gospel of circumcision, to the Jews, and the gospel of uncircumcision, to the Gentiles; for it shall be principally the scriptures, of the last named gospel, that we shall use, as we are dealing principally with a Gentile people, who claim in one sense of the word, to found their doctrines, on the teaching of the gospel of uncircumcision. So then bearing these facts in mind, we shall again return, and consider those doctrines, that we find to be taught by the catholic leaders; es- pecially those points that we have set before the reader. The first thing that we shall as briefly as possible notice is, that when the applicant comes unto a priest, who claim the power to grant indulgences, must have with him the satisfactory means ; and when he has once met those requirements, the demand then is, 500. CREATION AND FORMATION. extended farther, and says you must pray for the intention of the pope. And in this, our aim shall be, to get as near the bottom facts of this demand, as we possibly can. Hence, to pray for the intention of the pope, is not a demand that can be directly applied to the welfare of his soul ; for a man might have the in- tention to serve God today, and the day following; he might say, I will not. Today he might have the intention to love his neigh- bor; tomorrow he might hate him. Today, the Pope might have the intention to come down from that lofty pinnacle of self; and the day following, he might have the intention to continue to rob his fellow creatures, by making them believe that he sits in the seat of God, and yet working in the old serpent's place, as a God. Again we say, that he might have the intention today, to quit his daminable herecies ; and the day following, he might have the blood-thirsty intention of the dark days of persecution. Hence, we plainly see, that in such a command as this, there is no permission granted for the applicant to sin, but a positive command for to sin. Just a thought more, to beare us up in the assertion. Should the language read thus, that you must pray for the Pope, then we would be silent on that point; for this is what God requires of us, to pray for one another. But, nay, this is not the language. But after this beastly body has once coiled around you, and over you, this great see of power of animal magnetism will have you perfectly under their control. They then bid you pray for the intention of the Pope ; it matters not how black a character that intention might present, or bring forth. And it is a fact, that for anyone to pray for an evil intention, would be to commit a sin, and a gross insult to God. For while it is his intention to bring the whole world under his control, and rule over them as a God, God answers them no, he shall not. Therefore, to pray for such an intention, is to sin against God ; and under this demand, you must do this, and by obeying this demand, you are compelled to sin; and yet he (the Pope) will tell you that if you fail to make satisfaction, (with the dollar,) and to do all these things, this temporal punish- ment will not be remitted in this life, and then you will have to pay the last farthing in purgatory. CREATION AND FORMATION. 501. And we are not a bit surprised at this language, for the very requirements that they ask of you, in order that you may have the temporal punishment for sins that have been already pardon- ed, remitted, are the means they use to bring you under the power of the great beast, which causes you to sin a sin, that you would not otherwise do. And many thousands have died in that sin, without ever asking pardon for it. And perhaps many thou- sand more will follow the same fate. Hence they tell you it is not a pardon for sin, nor neither a privilege to sin : but we add, a compulsion to sin. But again, the question arises, Is not the pope infallible? well we shall first see if his own words agree; and should we find them not to agree, then without another proof, we will learn that he too, is nothing more than a man, and liable to err; for anything that there is err found in , can not be infallible. Therefore, he says to you, that absolution is the forgiveness of sins ; a sentence pronounced by the priest: doing it in the place of God ; doing what Christ would do, if he was on earth : that is, with an uplifted hand the priest says, I absolve thee from thy sins; and from that very moment, the sinner is pardoned for all eternity, Again they say, we grant those indulgences, for sin, that we trust God has already pardon- ed. And yet, these sins must be pardoned, before the indulgence can be granted. And now that the reader may be helped to see the contradiction, of the above statement, we shall ask the fol- lowing questions ; they say, first the sin must be pardoned be- fore they can grant a remittance by indulgences. If the sin must be pardoned before they can remit the tem- poral punishment, why do they say, that they are granted for sins they trust God has forgiven? and if they must be par- doned, before remitted, why do they need to be in doubt as to whether they are forgiven, or not? and again, if they have the power to forgive sins in the place of God, they would have no right to say as they do, we trust God has forgiven them. The reader will see that there is a plain contradiction in these two statements of this vile person ; and will comprehend very readily the lying wonders and blasphemies, which the Bible speaks of upon the beasts. 502. CREATION AND FORMATION. And yet we are not fully satisfied; for we are laboring to enlighten our readers, so they may no longer grope their way in the dark ; and that you may know that we are asking you to love and serve a Saviour. That when He pardons sin, the pun- ishment of that sin, is also remitted. And not in part either j but a full and complete remittance, which the following scriptur- es will show : "For while Christ was washing his disciple's feet, He came to Peter, and in washing his feet, says unto him, He that is washed, nee^eth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit,"* (St. John. 13th Ch.) "And the very God of peace sanctify you, wholly;" "*and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son, cleanses us from all sin." (1st. John, 1st. Ch., 7th. vs.) "My litttle children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with tht Father, (not the priest, pope, or the blessed virgin, or an image, but) Jesus Christ the righteous: And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for oars only, but also for the sins of the whole world." (1st. John, 2nd. Ch., l-2nd. vs.) Then it is Christ, and not the priest who is the mediator be- tween God and man ; For "There is therefore now no condemna- tion to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ;" (Bom., 8th. Ch., 1, 2, 16, I7th. vs.) "By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. For by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified. And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin. (We need no indul- gences.) Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, (not the priest) By a new and liv- ing way, which he hath consecrated for us, (not the pope) through the vail, that is to say, his flesh ;" (Heb., 10th. Ch., 10, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20eth. vs.) "Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure CREATION AND FORMATION. 503. and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the vail;" (Heb., 6th. Ch., I9th. vs.) No doubts there; no purgatory to fear ; but go right into the holiest ; W.hither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus,*" (Heb., 6th. Cb., 20eth. vs.) "Who is able to forgive us our tresspasses in full; and "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances, * and took it out of the way, nailing it to the cross;" (Col., 2nd. Ch., 14th. vs.) And with these Bible facts before us, we are willing to be- lieve that the reader, though he may be reading with somewhat prejudice, will be willing to admit that he comprehends the real truth of those blasphemous, lying wonders of the beast; and that by them, millions are kept in darkness : yet we desire to call the readers mind to another of their lying and blasphemous, assertions ; that is, they claim that the priests' have the power to change the bread and wine into the real body and blood of Christ. Supposing this to be true, we want the reader to under- stand just how those priests serve their laity. First then we learn from the word of Grod that there is life, and forgivness of sins, only in Christ's blood. This now, being true, we also learn both by knowledge and experience; that after the priest has changed the bread and wine into the body and blood, they then give the members the bod}' to eat, and they themselves drink the blood. Now, what do we learn by this ? well, this is the substance of it ; the priest by drinking the blood gets all the life giving power, washes away their sins, and go straight to heaven, when they die : but the poor members live on the body, in this life, and at death, they go straight to the prison house of purgatory. But thanks be to G-od, this is another lying wonder of the beast. For we have better news for you than that ; they can not deprive you of that fountain of life, if they do claim such a power, and drink all the wine, in order that they may satisfy their own thirst, and gluttonness. For listen to Jesus, what he says about this ; "I am the way, the truth, and the life; *for he that cometh unto me I will in nowise cast out;" "*I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. And the Spirit and the bride say, come. And let him that heareth say, come. And let him that 504. CREATION AND FORMATION. is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." (Rev. 22nd Oh. 16, 17th, vs.) We need no man to make this great change they speak of. Christ himself, has opened that fountain ; and no man can dry it up, or rob you of the privilege to partake; you are invited, and freely invited. Therefore, "stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bon- dage.' 7 (Gal., 5th. Oh., 1st. vs.) And when they say, Lo here, or lo there is Christ, believe it not ; and when they bid you call them Father, call them not Father, for God is your Father in heaven. And now just one more point we wish to call your attention to, passing by many others that we could present, and that is, that those priests do not marry. And they will seldom let any catholic marry outside of their own church. And also they com- mand their members to abstain from eating meat on Friday, and Emberdays, with lent included. Now we do not want the reader to understand by this, that we are going to oppose true fasting ; this is not our aim. For we say, that this abstaining from meat on those days, and eating all that the appetite craves, of something else, is not fasting. But it is jusi one fulfillment of a portion of God's word, that re- fers to the teachings of the beast ; and that is this: "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall de- part from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doc- trines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocricy; having their con- science seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and com- manding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving : For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer." (lst.Tim., 4th. Ch., 1st. to 6th. vs.) The Saviour's prayer was for sanctification, as you find in John. But again we shall notice more scripture, that is being ful- filled in such false teachers. For Christ says to us, "That they are blind guides that strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel:" CREATION AND FORMATION. 505. (Matt. 23rd Ch. 24th vs.) And, "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorrupti- ble God into an image made like to corruptible man, and four- footed beasts,* ect. (Eom. 1st Ch. 22, 23rd vs.) In whom the God of this, world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the im- age of God, should shine unto them. (2nd Cor. 4th Ch. 4th vs.) "Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this w r orld, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience :" (Eph. 2, Ch. 2nd vs.) Therefore, "Beware lest any man spoil you through philos- ophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudi- ments of the world, and not after Christ. (Col. 2, Ch. 8, vs,) Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a holyday,* Let no man beguile you of youi reward in a vol- untary humility and worshipping of angles, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind." (Col. 2, Ch. 16, 18th vs.) ''Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith : so do. Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, (not in images,) and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned : From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling; desiring to be teachers of the law ; un- derstanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm. (1st Tim. 1, Ch. 4, 5, 6, 7th vs.) "And through covetness shall they with feigned words, make merchandise of you ; (that is by these datninable lying won- ders that we have presented, they will make merchandise of you, this beast will;) whose judgement now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not." (2nd. Peter, 2nd. Ch., 3rd. vs.) "But these spake evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves. Woe unto them ! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error cf Balaam for reward, and perished in the gain- saying of Core. 'Clouds they are without water.' Paging 506. CREATION AND FORMATION. waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame ; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever. These are murmurers,* walking after their own lusts ; and their mouths speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admira- tion (for what?) because of advantage." (Jude, commencing at 10th. vs.) This is all done to make merchandise of you, as we so plainly have shown by their lying wonders; for *"the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils ; *having their conscience seared with a hot icon ; For- bidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which Gi-od hath created to be received with thanksgiving* For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving." (1st. Tim., 4th. Oh.) "*for in the last times, anti-Ohrists shall come; even now are they anti-Christs." (See 1st. John, 2nd. Ch., 18th. vs.) "But these, as natural brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;" (2nd. Peter, 2nd. Ch., 12th. vs.) These are they thai creep in, and lead captive, silly woman, and who subvert whole houses, teaching things they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake." (See Titus, 1st Ch., 11th. vs.) Now having those lying and blasphemous wonders of the beast before us by their teachings, and thoroughly explored and condemned by the word of (xod, we think that it would be useless to bring before the reader any more scripture, to make any plainer our assertions upon this man-beast. For those we have given you, show you both his teachings, and his wickedness. And we will say further that all these false teachings, that the scripture warns us of, are taught and practiced by the Eoman Catholic Church, of w T hich w r e have given just a few. But in those few points is sufficient evidence of their falseness, and that they be- long to the beast, that John saw rise up out of the see, and the son of perdition, that Paul speaks of. And him and his see of animal magnetism, is the abomination of desolation, that Daniel proph- esied of. And from these few facts, we have the ample light that will CREATION AND FORMATION. 507. enable us to search out by scripture all the pertinacious teach- ings of this great beast. And also will enable us to see plainly all his connections; for this revelation of John's must, according to his own language, represent a man; as his number is the number of a man. And now as we have stated that the pope of Eorae is the head of this great beast, we wish to speak, before we enter out with our subject, upon the reality of John's revelation, whileon the isle of Patmos ; we wish to say to the catholic laity, and es- pecially to those that may read this work. For my experience of thirty years as a catholic has taught me just what prejudice surrounds every one of them. By the advantage taken of them by the superstitious teachings of priestism, in order to hold them in darkness. And we know the first thought of the catho- lic, when he sees the statements that we have made concerning the pope, as being the head of the great beast, will be that the author here is speaking against us, as well as the pope. But Oh dear catholic we do not want you to harbor such a thought ; while you, it may be, are held under the power of this great beast, just as we were ourself; and it is for this cause and reason, that we stop here to speak, and warn you of your surroundings: and with the deepest love, our heart flows out to you. For, in the statement of the beast, we referred to popery and priestism only, and not to the laity ; for it is them that we are clubing with the scripture, and not those that they coil them- selves around like a serpent does his prey, for to make merchan- dise of them, to gratify their own base apetite. Oh no, dear catholic member and servant of priestism, it is not you that we want to club ; but it is you that we love so much that if our life would save you from the power of this beast, which satan is united with, we would give it freely. Therefore, take us now as a friend, and stop right here, and with your own experience, see and acknowledge the truth of our warning, and thereby shake from you the mighty coil, and poison of death that has been spread as a net over you, as prey for the beast. We could not cherish one thought of hatred against you, for we are satisfied that you feel honest in your service to this beast, 508. CREATION AND FORMATION. for we know that we did. And further we have friends that are following this same beast, and we know that they think they are honest ; yea more than a friend; a dear Mother; Oh ! how our heart aches when we think of her, and how earnest she was in teaching us the ways of the beast. From this fact, we have learned how we should sympathize with them ; ever having in our mind such a dear mother, we would be the last one that would say one thing against a delud- ed catholic. But on the other hand, with our heart full of love toward them, we warn them of their approaching danger, by saying, Turn ye, turn ye, for why will ye die? And heed not the howl- ing of the demon, that says to you, lo here is Christ, in the con- fession box, and whose workings are after the coming of satan, who would have you believe a lie, and be damned. But now come to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, and looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ. We love dear catholics ; therefore, we say to you be not decieved any longer. Hoping that we may be understood, we shall turn to where John saw the beast in reality, in regard to the cruel persecution that he placed upon all who, by chance, fell into his clutches. As the Word speaks, we shall speak; for we can not afford to leave its shadows and rays of light for a moment. Hence, cast- ing ourselves under its mighty arm of protection, relying upon its deep and crimson sea, with its beautiful flowing rivers with their bright and crystal waters, we shall endeavor to give all the light we can upon this point, regardless of the enemy of the soul. As we have said, John's vision was real to him as far as per- secution was concerned ; but that we may get all, we shall go back to a period in Christ's mission, and come on forward with this persecuting power: and we trust the reader will be benefit- ed far beyond our expectation ; for it is God alone that can make any means of instruction profitable. Hence, looking to God, the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, and his Word, in whom dwells all the fullness of love. And bearing in mind the lesson upon the false teachings of the CREATION AND FORMATION. 509. catholic church, that we have passed through, we once more turn our hearts, minds, and eyes to the spot where Christ, after brak- ing the bands of death by rising triumphantly the third day ov- er death, hell and the grave; and commisions his apostles to go forth into the world ; and then, after promising them that He in some future time would return, took his flight into the heaven of heavens. And then comes the promise of the holy Spirit uprn them on the day of Pentecost. And under Christ as their cap- tain, they go forth into the world as they are commanded. And no sooner than the apostles begin to preach Christ, and Him crucified, than thousands cry out, what shall we do to be saved ? and by the power of God, hundreds were added to the number of Christ's followers. This was too much for satan ; that is, for him to stand and look on, and see God reaping a grand and glorious harvest of souls; both Gentiles and Jews now since Christ's death; but what was he to do ? for Christ had bound him and cast him out of the Gentile, and then turned him loose into space. There was just one thing left for him to do; and that was to persuade the one that had the greatest knowledge of the power of the Egyptian see, to believe that by persecuting and destroying the true followers of Christ, and then he (this beastly man,) himself claim their title seat and place; then he could with the power that satan would grant him, claim to be as God, sitting in the seat of God : with this great enticement, the beast rises up out of this see, and his work of destruction, once commenced, it goes on ; and the apostles and followers of Christ are persecuted, but not forsaken; they are made a reproach ; they are cruel y treated ; they are imprisoned ; they are mocked and scourged; they are stoned; they fall victims to a martyr's grave, in every manner, by the hands of this cruel sea monster, the beast, whose workings are after satan. At length, Ave find that Peter comes to Eome, the seat of this great power, and suffers martyrdom in one of the most cruel and horrid manners; with his head downward he dies upon the cross, by the hand of this see monster. But the blood of Stephen and Peter, was not enough to slack his thirst; he must be Lord of all ; so on he goes with his intentions of havoc and cruelty, 510. CREATTON AND FORMATION. among the followers of Christ. One after another he takes the apostles; tens after tens, and thousands after thousands of the disciples voice he silences in death. And at last, we also see the apostle of the Gentiles, make his arival at Kome, the seat of the beast; but, he too, like Peter, must fall a victom of death, at the hands of this great beast. And now just one word before going farther; we think if ever the beast had joy for a moment, it was when he could look upon the two great leaders of the apostles, as victoms of death, by his own hands; for we think just at that time he would say, now I, am God-and Lord of all. Now, all that remains to be done, is for me to claim the chair of Peter, and set myself in the temple of God, as God. And no sooner said than done; but not as he expected though; for God looks down upon the very intentions of this great beast, long before he puts them in force or practice. Hence, we think in order to over-rule those black inten- tions, he sufferes the beast to sprinkle his own seat with the blood of those precious ones of Christ, that their blood at all times would be a check upon his power, so that in the many a- ges to come, when his arm of persecution was reaching far and wide, he would oftimcs have to return and fight with the cry of the blood of the saints, that he had sprinkled upon his own seat, and by it, had taktm possession of the earthly temple of God; and then claimed to be the head of the Church, the Yicar of Christ, and with a loud voice cries out! I have the chair of Peter; the very chair that Peter sat on, now holds me! and I, am now his true successor, and any one that wants their sins forgiven, just come to me, and fall down at my feet, and confess all that you have done, and I will forgive them, in the place of God : I will do what Christ would do if he was on earth. But he is not here, and I am now in his place. Hence, you must come to me, if you want them forgiven. And now to look again at his intentions and murderous work, and hear him say, all that do not come willingly, I will send the sword of death in the hands of my ready murderers for them; for all must now bow to me. Such was the evidence set forth by this cruel monster at Eome, that claimes to be the true suc- cessor of St. Peter. But we ask, did Peter, that blessed apostle, CKiflATlUN AND FORMATION. 511. have any desire to eruely take the life of any one, or did any of his brethren, or Christ, desire the same? We answer, no. But they give their lives that others might live; but this false beastly man thirsts for the blood of all that oppose him or his cause ; and he hunts them, as a lion does his prey, and as a fox in the night. And on he comes with his cru- elty from place to place, and from country to country, until al- most the entire world is under his control; And while the hand of this beast is hunting nook and corner for Christ's children, they are fulfilling His Word; that is, "When they persecute you in one city, flee ye to another." (Matt., 10th. Ch., 23rd. vs.) "for ye shall be hated of all men for my name sake ; but he that endureth to the end, shall be saved." (22nd. vs.) And we say, so it was, at the death of the apostles at Rome. The stormy times of persecution were covering the land in many places; the christians falling on all sides by this power; and this too was only a fulfillment of God's Word : "*and the same horn shall make war with theni.~ *and shall wear out the saints.*" (Dan., 7th. Ch., 21-25th. vs.) And Christ's Word, that he spoke to his disciples, was also fulfilled, in this language: "For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall decieve many. But take heed to yourselves : for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten:*" (Mark, 13th. Ch., 6-9th. vs.) All of which was being fulfilled in these days of persecution • for no sooner was the apostle put to death at Rome, than there proceeded a decree from this beastly man, that all his evil inten- tions must be complied with, and any one who is to be found, that refuses to come and bow down at his feet in humbleness, or at least, to his co-workers, and there confess him to be as the Christ, and pray for his intentions, must be put to death : but the true lovers of Christ, would rather suffer death, than to be- come partakers of the abominable idolitry of this man and his mass. Hence, they were hunted as the partridge. Rome was search- ed high and low for them. And all that fell into the hands of this tyrant, were delt with in the most cruel manner; and death only could relieve them of their pain and suffering. 512. CREATION AMD FORMATION. And a certain witness, speaking upon this point says, that it was horrible to behold ! Mothers were torn from their shriek- ing little infants, and tied to ihe stake! and there with a slow torture burned to death ! O to hear them with their last breath, yield with a faint voice to God, and pray for their helpless or- phant children, who was to meet the same fate, in a short time. Mothers and children were separated by this cruel hand for a little while, but God will gather them home together, for all eternity. Husband and wife were separated in the same manner, and are gathered home by the Lord, to part no more; and in this way, the beast supposed he had driven from the borders of Rome, all the true followers of the Lord Jesue. And upon such reasonings he could well say, that he was Lord of all, and the true success- or of St. Peter ; and considers within himself, that whatever penance he sees fit to lay upon his laity, they must heed and obey. And yet while he feels that Rome is freed of all true children of God, and that all are under his control, he is not sat- isfied: he fears there may have some one escaped his clutches. And true there were : he sends oat his bloodhounds in pursuit, so if there had been one escaped, the trail of that one might be discovered, and the fleeing one run down, and the blood of that one taken, to satisfy his thirsty ambition. Again we say it is true while the beast was gloating over the blood of many a life in Rome, there were others obeying the command of God, or his Christ, that is if they persecute you in one city, flee ye to an- other. And if we only could, now for a moment look upon the little company of disciples of Jesns, as they take up their jour- ney in flight. Behold them in the dead and silent hours of night ; when ail earth is supposed to be wrapedin slumber. Father, and mother pressing their little infant close to their breast ; brothers, and sisters, wives and husbands, all in a little group, banded together in one bond of perfect christian love. With bated breath, and cautious step, they leave Rome, and their homes, and once hap- py firesides, not knowing whither they go. And all that was for them to see in front of them was sorrow, toil, hardships, and perhaps starvation. Behind them was to submit to the mass, or CREATION AND FORMATION. 513. else it was pain and death • and in such a direful moment, the blessed words of Christ would, burst forth upon their memory : "Take up thy cross, and follow me; for he that does not forsake all for my sake, is not worthy of me. For he that gives his life for my sake, shall find it ; for he that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution ; and he that endures to the end, the same shall be saved." And with those touching words of Jesus, on they go over hill and valley, plain and mountain, until wearied and famished, tired and worn out, they halt ; and by some cooling brook they build themselves a fire, and they all gather round it in a circle, with wearied limbs and aching hearts, and with their minds freshed momentarily, with their night and days toil, that they had passed over. Also by their present circumstance, they could not help but remember the visit Jesus paid to his disciples, at the sea of Galilee, where he had in waiting, a fire of coals, and plenty of fish to satisfy their hunger. It was their duty as christians, to suff- er for him, as he had suffered so much for them. This they did, in the manner above stated ; and in their obedience, Christ did not forsake them. He was with them in spirit and in truth • He helped to bear their sufferings, and soothed their pain. While it is true that those early christians were driven from their earthly homes that had sheltered them from the storms of win- ter, and had nothing but the star lit heavens for their cov- ering, and the cold earth for their pillow, relying upon the prom- ise of God. That, "A man shall be a hiding place from the wind, a cov- ert from the tempest ; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land." (Isaiah, 32nd. Ch., 2nd vs.) They were not alone. The exiles were sheltered by the man-Christ, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. While they were worn out from the hardships of the day, with tired bodies and sore feet from the many miles that they had traveled, around a little camp fire they lie down to rest- and while they refresh themselves with a little sleep upon that bar- ren spot, Jesus keeps the watch. For well does Jesus know, the forward march, of the see-monster that is to hunt them down. For on he conies like an avalanch, carrying destruction and 514. CREATION AJND FORMATION. death with him. Thirsting for more blood, as the lion for its prey. His hands still red, and smoking with the blood of the martyrs atEome. On, and on tiny come, capturing city after city, kingdom, after kingdom. Jesus ever watching over his loved ones, leading them on and on, until, at last they reach the spot, which God had prepared for them in the valleys of Peid- mount, as an asylum of safty for the time being, which lie amidst the Alpine Mountains. A. spot selected and prepared by God as a protection for his people. That in them, there might be kept the sacred love of Jesus Christ ever burning brighter and bright- er within their noble hearts; and to shield them, for a while, from the storms of the persecuting power, so that his written word might be kept free from the power of superstition, oppress- ion, bigotry, and misrule, that presented the leading features of thesocalled church. But never could these baneful foes, preserve in simplicity and purity, the word and faith once delivered unto the saints. Hence this preservation was only kept by the power of God; exercised through those chosen people that had all through the stormiest times, kept themselves free from the arts of satan. And as the Hebrews of old, they went from place to place, and from city to city, until they found safety for a while, in the spot above named. For when they were hunted as the partridge on the mountain, and stigmatized as heretics, and dislodged from the shelter of one home or valley, they would retreat to the se- quested bosom of some other, until we find these Christ-loving, God-fearing, and persecuted christians, by the Koman Cath- olic church, in the valleys above named. The valleys of Peid- mount, to where also it is claimed by historians, "That Christ- ianity withdrew." It is said to be a tract of land, situated at the foot of the Alps, which is an immense range of mountains, which divides Italy, from France, Switzerland, and other coun- tries: this scope does not consist of one valley alone, but it con- sists of a number of beautiful valleys, embosomed in mountains, which are again encircled by other mountains; which displays in it's varied scenery, in a most striking contrast, all the beauty of Eden, with lakes of ice, and mountains, covered with perpet- ual snow, and was so well fortfied 03^ nature, which has so mul- CREATION AND FORMATION. 515. tipJied her bulwarks along her passages of rocky rivers, forests, and precipices. So much so, that we cannot help saying, that the allwise Creator had from the beginning, designed that place as a strong fort to preserve some estamable jewel, and wherein to save or reserve many thousand souls, who should not bow the knee unto the image Baal ; for in this place is where we find the true lover of Christ, who are called heretics by the pope and priesthood, who were the persecutors of those christians. And we wish to say right here, that there were many catholics in those dark ages of persecution, as well as in all ages of their supremecy, that exceedingly disapproved of the cruel measures adopted and practiced, by the priesthood in regard to those true christians of Christ; for those God fearing people were hated by the monks and clergymen of the Eoman Catholic church. And so that we may know how generous was the sympathy felt by many a noble hearted catholic, for the wrongs and suf- ferings perpetrated upon the early christians by the pope. We shall give you the language of one of their own members, say- ing. "Their heresy excepted, they generally live a purer life, than other chsistians (catholics) for in their morals and lives, they are perfect, irreprehensible, and without reproach among men ; and they are true in words, generous in brotherly love: but their faith is incorrigible, and vile, as I have shown in my treaties." Yes these poor suffering hunted christians, were acknowledg- ed to be perfect by their foes, in all their ways and manners. But in their love for Jesus, they were condemned by their enemies; and their faith pronounced incorrigible and vile; and because it endangered priest-craft, it must be over come, and it's influence done away with ; and the same priests that we have re- ferred you to, say, that "these heretics are known by their man- ners and conversation, for they are orderly, and modest in their behavior, and deportment; they avoid the very appearance of pride in their dress, and they are chast, temperate, and sober; they curb their temper, and seek not to gain riches." Now, from this you will plainly see, that from the enemies own lan- guage, that the herecies (the name assigned unto this people by 516. CREATfON AND FORMATION. the pope,) was the faith and belief they had in God's Word, and its divine teachings that was given unto them, sealed and sanc- tified by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ himself, and which was the sole cause of their contempt to so many ceremonies, and practices that belong to the Bo man Catholic church. And by this contempt of theirs to the pope, they have confirmed all our former statements; for they claimed that the mass signified noth- ing; and that the apostles knew nothing of such a custom, and that whatever was preached without scripture proof was no better than fables. And that they would neither kiss the altar, the priests hands, or the popes feet: They placed no value in absolution, saying, none could forgive sins but God, and his Christ. And they gave no credit to the legends of the saints; and also despi- sed their mock miracles, and also their relics; and 1hey abhor- red and dreaded all dedications and benedictions of candles, ashes, oil, fire, salt, and water. They contended, that Christ never gave to his disciples rockets, or miters. And they persuaded people not to go on pilgrimages, and denied the existance of a purgatory ; and considered that one prayer, in the spirit of Christ, was far better than the ringing of ten-thousand bells, or even the mass itself. And declared that they saw no efficacy in the priestly vestments, altars, ornaments, palls, corporals, chalices, and pastilles: and that the very pres- ence of images in the church were idolatrous. And that every true heart and mind must say such things are the fruits of the beast. And they are only gotten up to satisfy the lusts of the pre- lators. And aside from these objections, which the christians had to popery, there was another great reason why the beast (or pope) hated this people, and that was, that they could repeat the greater part of the Bible by heart, especially when they would be attacked py their enemies in combat of arguement. And by such knowledge of the Word of God, they were as a city set on a hill. And this is the reason why they became so offensive to the pope, (or beast.) And why it was that they were not always secure amidst the valleys of the Alps. For while it was true, that for a season, quietude rested upon the christians of the val- CREATION AND FORMATION. 517. leys, and the hand of persecution was stayed for a day. But the time came again, when nothing but another great sacrifice of life was determined upon the christians by the beast. That is, the pope- determined to hunt down those loved ones of Jesus, who had been cleansed by his blood. He drives them from place to place, which was the planting of the cross; and the sheding of their blood, became the silent wit- ness against their oppressors. And thus it was with the christians of the valley, after their quietude had been ended in another hard stuggle for life, with their enemy, after he had made his appearance in their midst ; for he swoops down upon them like a mighty flood. These good people were already under the political power, but while the y were under the influence of the beast that far, they would con- tend earnestly for the faith that was once delivered to the saints, so thai Grod's written Word might be kept free from all the per- tinacious teachings of the pope, and show their faithfulness to God. And this is the reason why they were aroused from their dreams of peace by the doleful sound of the tread of horses feet in the far off distance, upon the passway that leads from Eome to the valleys. This sound echoed in upon them,, when their comforts and enjoyments of a sweet and happy home were in full bloom. And it was in this pleasant and happy state in a family circle, that those christians of the valleys, were found by their antagonists. The sudden, peculiar and unexpected sound of the tramping of horses, soon followed by many hoarse voices, struck terror to the very souls of those humble people. And well it might, for late on that December night, they were encir- cled by a powerful Eoman army; and that army had brought with them the heart-rending sentence from the pope, command- ing all the inhabitants of the valleys, who believed in, or pro- fessed the truth of those quiet heretics, must withdraw them- selves from the towns and vilages within three days, under the penalty of death. Has such a tyranical power as this, got the spirit of Christ? or could it be the mother church ? We answer no. For just behold the loved ones of Christ, under this sentence at the end of three day r s, as we see them 518. CREATTON AND FORMATION. in little bands, as they leave their firesides, and seek safety up- on the sides of the ice clad mountains of the Alps. For this was the only refuge at hand. The next sentence of this cruel monster was, if those pias christians did not agree to become catholics within twenty days, he (the pope,) would banish them forever from their homes, and their comforts of life, with all of their possessions, and start upon their march over the mountains covered with snow and ice, to find shelter in some far distant place. And even then, they were not free from the decree of the pope; for he further stated, that it mattered not where they went, the mass must be celebrated by them ; and that if any one was found among them, teaching otherwise, and dissuading any relative from becoming a catholic, they should be put to death. The reader might wonder why it was, that the pope would allow such a decree to leave him ; but this is just what the Bible says, in answer to those questions, upon this beastly man, as it is recorded in Eevelation, 13th. Ch., 6, 7, 8th. vs. "And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them : and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." Again we shall add, that it was because those loved ones would not receive the mark of the beast, "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads ;" (Eev., 13th. Ch., 15, 16th. vs.) And again we say it was because their craft was in danger, and the money making scheme of the pope was confronted with a downfall. (The great Goddess, Diana endangered. See Acts, 19th. Ch.) Paul's life was endangered, for the same reason, that this great see monster endangered the loved ones of Jesus; and CREATION AND FORMATION. 519. it was by the faith that these christians had in Christ, that en- dangered the pope's hypocricy, and caused him to send out the decree of death upon them, that would not receive the mark. And from this fact, we can readily comprehend that it was no wonder, that the unexpected sound of this mighty army struck terror to the hearts of those persecuted christians of the valley. And so we find, that when those twenty days had ex- pired, they then found that their time was lost in begging and pleading in tones of pity, to the pope for mercy. But mercy could not come from one that had no mercy. Hence, instead of mercy at the end of twenty days, the voice came again to them, (the mass, banishment or death;) and even in banishment, the mass must follow them wherever they go. Hence, to escape this deadly poison to the christian soul, would be almost impossible. For at that time, nearly all the popula- ted world was under the control of this beast: so appearantly, escape was cut off. And to the natural man, this would be evi- dence that the pope was right. For even at this present time, they use the argument, that he is right; because he has the larg- est number of members, and that he is the richest, and has the largest dominion. And true if this would argue anything on the side of right, then it would have been evidence for him in those early days, as well as it would be now. But after we have weighed these arguments in the scales of divine justice, we will find them on the other side, coinciding with the prophecy upon the beast, in this language : "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death ; and his deadly wound was healed : and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worship- ped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him ? (Eev. 13th Ch., 3-4th vs.) "But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rale over many, and shall divide the land for gain." (Dan. 11th Ch., 38-39th vs.) 520. CREATION AND FORMATION. Dear reader is this not sufficient proof, teaching us that this kingly pope was only fulfilling these prophecies, in the valley of the Alps, and has been ever since: and will be untill his bull- warks in riches, and his number increased until they are used for a defense against the truth, and in the place of the truth. But we say again, after their pernicious teaching is weighed by the words of Christ, which sayeth, "enter ye in at the strait gate : for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to des- truction, and many there be which go in thereat: (Matt. 7th Ch. 13, 14th vs.) They will be found lacking; and in this way we find those arguments that are presented by the beast, to be upon a founda- tion of corruption ; which is to b^ taken at the proper time and destroyed, to receive their just recompense of reward, for the murderous decree that they placed upon those humble christians of the valleys ; who at the end of the decree of twenty days grace, that was given them to become catholics, had no alterna- tive but the mass ; or banishment from home, or death. Find- ing themselves driven out in mid winter upon the mountain sides that over-looked their beautiful homes that lie in the val- leys beneath, without a sign of shelter in reach ; and for them to return to their homes, it was death either in body, or in spirit : for to yield to the mass, wa.s a spiritual death that never died, and for to oppose the mass, it was a natural death. Hence, the only comfort that they could find was in flight; running the risk of perishing in the ice and snow. Driven as they were from their homes, and their comforts, to be exposed to peril, hunger and nakedness. But this they choose rather than the mass ; for the sake of their souls and the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. For to do otherwise, would be to abjure God. Therefore, unhesitatingly, they went forth from their homes, cottages, vineyards, and their fields, not knowing where they were going, or what would be the end of their trials. But they were determined to go forth, like the Israelites of old, of whom the world was not worthy; "they wandered in deserts, and in mountains; and others had trials of cruel mockings and scourges, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment; they were stoned 5 CREATION AND FORMATION. 521. they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword, being destitute, afflicted, tormented. Not excepting deliv- erance at the hand of this beast, that they might obtain a better resurrection." (See Heb., 11th. Ch., 35th. to 39th. vs.) Therefore, wives and children, little infants, aged parents, the halt, the lame, the blind, and the delicate female, and even the new born babe, all must take up their march in the silent hour of despair, and all for the love they had for Jesus. And these troubles and afflictions are the beginning of sorrows ; ju^t the things that Jesus warned his people of that should come. (See Matt., 24th. Ch.,8th. to 13th. vs., Mark, 13th. Ch. and Luke, 21st. Ch.) In these scriptures you find the same warning; and the fulfillment of these things were coming to pass from the death of Christ up to where we find his loved ones abandoning their happy homes in the dead of winter; and only can be com- pletely fulfilled at His second coming. Wherefore, We say with all candor, that the sufferings of those harmless people of the valleys, was only the beginning of sorrows; for hardly had the women and children quitted their once peaceful and cherished, homes than a licentious, licensed, pre- latical mob broke in upon those villages of the valleys; and after a few days of pretended zeal, to convert those who had hazard- ed their lives by remaining behind the rest of the fleeing christ- ians, in order that they might, if possible, protect the property and homes of their fleeing loved ones. And, those christians were willing to mik3 unto their powerful foe, any earthly sacrifice, to have a reconciliation ; yet they met the demand of that same foe, (which demand was, that they should forsake their faith and become catholics ;) with a stuborn resistance to all papistical persuasions ; and this beastly power, seeing his collusive, collusion frustrated by these faithful ones, who resisted his demands of the assignment of their faith, "which is the anchor to the soul, sure and stead- fast;" and when the beast listens unto their last solemn confor- mation in behalf of the faith of their blessed animator; he sends his Eoman army in upon them to rob, burn, and raise to the foundation, the beautiful cottages of those persecuted ones, whicb was done in his name, and then slew with ferocious cruel 520. CREATION AND FORMATION. ty, the young men and fathers, who had stayed behind with the thought of begging sufficient mercy from the tyrant in their weakness, to protect the homes of their families and friends, that were perishing amid rain and snow; and when torture and the stake was not sufficient weapons to satisfy the gloatings of this blood thirsty see monster, he had in one un- distinguished massacre, death poured upon them on every side; turning that once beautiful valley into a shapeless and monoto- nous scane of melancoly ruin. But they would rather submit themselves to such torture and cruelty, than deny for a moment the truth of the Bible, or deny their faith in Christ; and would in spite of all opposition, claim that the body of Christ was in heaven; and that the mass was idolatrous; nor had they so learned Christ as to shrink from suffering for him : the one who had for their sakes, "given his back to the smiters, and his sacred cheek to them that spit upon it, his hands and his feet to be nailed to the cross;' 7 and he was an example of suffering for them to follow in all circumstances and conditions of life, and in death; and had told them, "all that would live godly in Christ Jesus, must suffer persecutions ; and if they would not suffer persecution, then they were not sons, but bastards ;'' and so was he worshipp- ed and adored by them with such love and truth, that smiled at martyrdom, and with a devotion that sought to seal its testamo- ny in fire. And in this they would choose death rather than life; that is, if that life had to be purchased by the acknowledgment of the doctrines of the pope ; or to profess beliefs or intents that would rob Jesus of his glory. And yet, as a mother's love for her child, they had the tenderest sympathy for humanity; and even their hearts went out toward their deadliest foe with the kindest affection. And it was with just such love, they met the wolf; even as the parent ewe meets the danger of her bleat- ing lamb; the wolf (the apostate church) which had armed itself with power, that no church on earth was ever authorized to wield by the almighty God or his Christ. And while havocand slaughter through this apostate church, reigned in the valleys among those that had stayed behind, and bigotry and supersti- CREATION AND FORMATION. 523. tion and priestisrn was appeasing their appetite and thirst by the precious blood of their victims ; and was dividing the spoils ; the sufferings of those, who had taken flight over the ice clad mountain, was beyond comprehension, and too terrible for lan- guage to express. Bat the same spirit that gloried in the cross, and that rankled in the bosom of those that were facing death in the valleys, brightly glowed in the hearts of those who met it in the natural storm and tempest of mid winter upon the moun- tains. And with a last look upon the homes that were once so bright and cheerful, now lay in ruin and ashes ; and from this last sight, they could readily judge the fate of those loved ones left behind. And now judging from the depth of snow, and the chilling winds of the Alps, their journey before them was hardly less cheering; for it appeared that in either way, it was death, if not to all, to many of them; but in the spirit of Christ, the first few days of the exiles was spent in prayer. And fervent was the cry from the hearts of those shelterless people, when their eyes would see by day the smoke of their burning homes, or lighting the heavens by night with their blazing fires ; fervent, we say was the cry ! not for vengence, but for mercy; for they were not so taught by their Eedeemer to avenge their wrongs upon their enemies; but their prayer was, "how long, O! Lord, holy, just and true, wilt thou not pitty thy afflicted people, and spare them,'* And bring to repentance the enemy of Christ; and at other times they were found trying to cheer each other by the future hope of glory ; that by endur- ing unto the end, they would possess in the bright and happy land beyond, where stormes and persecution could not reach them, and where they could clasp glad hands, with those that had gone on before, and with many comforting and cheering words did they encourage one another; and offtimes the strong language of the apostle Paul, would burst forth from their hearts ; that is, "that we are fully persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things pres- ent, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jusus our Lord ;" and with such a zeal for him who is the giver of all good, and with such determinations of obej^- 524. CREATION AND FORMATION. ing his commands, and with that Holy Spirit in their bosom as their comforter, many of them was hurried upon the Alps mountains, from fatigue, starvation, and cold : while the others made safe their retreat to the valleys beyond : So that by the sprinkling of the blood of those martyrs, and the persecution of the christians, by driving them from place to place, so that the glorious cross of the crucified One, might appear in a new won- der. For, we find that when the gospel had been carried across the Alps, by these noble christians, and had been triumphantly planted in Dauphiny, Province and Pyrinees, the persecuting hand in such a dreadful maner, was partially staid : for the strong appetite of bigotry, superstition and priestcraft, had been for a time appeased upon the martyrs of the valleys ; and they rested for a time, with the thought in their minds that now the whole world was subject unto them. But while feasting their minds upon being Lord, of Lords, and King, of Kings, behold ! a new won- der bursts forth, in front and on all sides of the Apostate church ; for while the true lovers of Christ had fell victoms to the most cruel torture, and suffering death in every horrible manner, be- hold their very blood, becomes the seed from which innumerable christians sprang up all over the land; hundreds, yea, thousands now declare themselves to be the followers of Jesus Christ, the despised and crucified Jesus; and that the teachings of the apos- tles were true and divine. Ah, if the apostate church would have known that the very blood of those that they called heretics, whose lives they had feasted upon in their death, would become a death stroke to that great power, or would be the cause for the fulfillment of a por- tion of John's vision of the beast, that reads thus : "and I saw one of his heads, as it were wounded to death;" but little did they dream that the spilling of the blood of those loved ones was planting the true seed of faith from Jeausalem unto the ends of earth, that would send forth millions of true christians, that would bitterly oppose their idolatry and witchcraft ; and which would be a deadly wound upon their tyrannical power of the apostate church. For if they had realized this fact, they would never have sprinkled the very seat of this bold power with the CREATION AND FORMATION. 525. blood of the apostles. And at the close of these three-hundred years of rapine and cruelty, they were made to feel this fact, by the very fruits that sprang from the seed that they planted from the lives of those martyrs. Wherefore they saw to persecute further in that way, would be an entire annihilation of this great see of lying wonders, that they had under their control. Hence, there must be other measures adopted, and means used, to deceive, and delude those uprising thousands, that pro- fess the faith of Christ ; the faith they tried hard for many long years to destroy by murderous means (which was the means of spreading the gospel of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.) And the farther and wider the gospel was spread, the more come un- der its influence; and the farther and wider apart the christians were driven by the tyrants hand, just that much broader^ was their influence ; which brought many souls to Christ. But we find that this is just what God says in his Word; "That no chas- tening for the present seems joyous, but afterwards it yields the blessed fruit of righteousness. " And which affords us great pleasure that we have God's divine Word to hold us up in all our assersions; and now we have placed before you the man- pope, as the great beast, and his co-workers as the number, as- signed to him in revelation. And all the prophecies of the proph- ets, coincide with those assigned to the beast. Hence, we feel justified in asserting that he is the beast al- luded to in the scriptures ; and further state, that as we have followed him by his dastardly deeds, from the time of his rising out of the see until he receives his deadly wound that John spoke of, that is, by the uprising of true lovers of Christ all over the land : and before we proceed any farther, it may be well for us to express some thought, in regard to what others have said up- on this point, for some will tell you that this great power, felt his deadly wound when the kingdom of the Eoman Empire was divided into two divisions, called the east and west; but others will tell you that it looks very reasonable that it was when the reffermation, was under Constantine the great. But to these and all other simular suppositions, we answer no. For the Word of God will not bear them up in such points for the deadly wound ; and for this reason, we have answered in the 526. CREATION AND FORMATION, negative. And we again repeat our assertion, that this deadly wound of the beast was received only when they saw the fruit of their persecution spreading over the land like raging fire, by the pro- fessing thousands of the faith and of the blood bought gospel of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This was the cause that made this dark power fear and quake, and rock to and fro ; for just such arguments, as constantine, and the dividing of the empire, is set forth in order that the lovers of God mignt not see the power that they were exercising over the beast, in destroying his pow- er by their influence ; and that his great persecuting power was stayed by their sincere faith in God. And in this, having gain- ed a footing once more, he feared they would go further, for they were, far yet from being safe. And the love of God that was flowing from heart to heart among these christians, was more harm to this power than was pleasant for him to endure ; and un- less there could be a check placed upon it, it would soon, with its wonderful progress, sweep the land of all superstition. And this would deprive the papistical church of all its honor, fame, power, and glory; and as all former tyrannical means that had been used by the beast, to suppress the faith of Christ, had only been the cause of its wonderful illumination. At that time then, they must use some other means ; and satan is never at a loss in deceitfulness to find means j and select from his body of the beast the called for counselors, and invite all heretics, as they called them. This was as much as to say, we now have sheathed our sword, that has been bathed in your blood ; f or it only appears that the more lives we take from among you, the nearer ruin we are. Wherefore, we must deceive them in some other way; for it is evident that if they are not checked, the whole world will know the Bible and its truths, and the money making scheme of priestcraft will be forever lost. And the first thing they de- termined on doing at this council, was to get the heretics to ac- cept the catholic Bible which was gotten up by the clergymen of the catholic church, during those years that they had persecut- ed the christians. But in this scheme, the beast was again met with the same CREATION AND FORMATION. 527. spirit of resistance, that glowed in the heart* of the christians of the valleys. And this undaunted determination, right in the presence of his highness, caused him to think that his hopes of success in that direction, was in vain ; and it also taught him that they believed there was no one on earth that had the pow- er to forgive sins, but Jesus; and that they intended, that Christ's Word, that had been kept pure and sacred through many years of persecution should not be lost. And there was not only a thous- and drops of blood shed for its preservation, but an ocean of it. This word was a lamp to their feet, and a light to their pathway ; and they expected to still keep it at the cost of their lives. Hence, they could not be frustrated, for their minds at that time had not been stained with the pernitious theory of the beast ; as the language of Christo Zelotes will prove; which he spoke in that counsel to the beast, saying, "You are yet by nature of the wild alive tree, and you are in deeds, as though you had never been grafted into the good olive tree; and your deeds are as your father's were, which dwelt on the other side of the flood, when they deceived the Sons of God ; and when they held the children of Israel in bondage, in the Land of Egypt. But we have been taken from among you and cleansed from sin by the blood of Jesus; and have become the children of light ; and have been adopted into the heavenly kingdom." From such strong language as this we have no room to doubt (as we shall hereafter show,) that this was next to the last words this noble man of God ever presented to the beast, and that it forever sealed the mouth of this true lover of Christ, in the icy armes of death ! or, at least in their next at- tempt he was forever lost to view. But we shall give some of his words which still lives, and will while time lasts, and ages roll on and on. Bead them now for yourself; "These marks, ^| ^%f\ are three periods of time ; from the creation of man, I C j| up to the formation of man, which is time, times, and dividing of times; says Gentis. (He is the first one that translated those words ; he says) there was a people before the man, who was placed in the garden, which was called Cedars of Lebanon, because of their height; (and to this agrees the lan- guage of Ezekiel 31st Chapter. He further says,) They had 528. CREATION AND FORxMATlOJS. been upon the earth over two thousand years before the garden of God had been planted. (This agrees with the first and sec- ond chapters of Genesis. He further says,) Time was then kept by moons, thus (-.■ ^ (.) .) ? and also says in that age, they were so skilled in drawing, that an image which would represent that people in all their manners, was taken, kept, and brought over the flood, when the sons of God came over in the ark; and afterwards used as Gods. (To this the images of La- ban agree, which Eachel stolen and sat on, while her father was searching for them. This is where pocket-book derived its name. Bachel, after her father left her, took the images and sewed them up in her skirt : and from that time, until they were burried by a certain tree, was called the pock-but-book ; the}^ were considered a jem; and so was money; Hence, the thing that holds the money was called pocket-book. He further says,) The images were lifted from the roots. of a tree, and kept for a modle for to make the images that filled the house of Tophes, ect. They were again lost sight of, by some reason, and afterwards pronounced the lost book ; the name Rachel had given it. (The n a xt we see of it is in the writings of Zelotes.) He teaches us that it is a history of the Gentiles, running them back to the sixth day when they were created. He said those pictures were used for the purpose of making men' lust, especiallv the Jews; and he says, that the Gentiles were a peo- ple so much different from the Jews, that they were not consid- ered a people by them. Again, he says that after Christ Mas crucified, they were concidered a people and all that believed, were called christians until Hilderbrand made his success, and then they were called heretics. Zelotes lived in Luther's day, for he says, "I started with Luther to the council to help him do the work of the Lord, but found in him a traitor. And I con- tended with him, and declared unto him that I would die at the stake before they should say the Jews was the same as the Gen- tiles. I knew that this was wrong and that it would deceive the world. And when he saw that I would not yield to him or the pope, he got sick; and lam still on my way, I go, if I perish I perish. God bless me. This I give to my companion to take CREATION AND FORMATION. 529. care of." "I did take care of it, and he was burned at the stake and given another name. L. Z " And when the apostate church saw that they could not de- lude the children of God by those councils, after the first trial, they must devise some means to deceive them, in order to gain what tfcey had lost, even if it would cost them a saciifice ; and a sacrifice on their part would evidently have to be given, be- fore they could deceive them, so they counsel among themselves ; and the conclusion they come to was, 'to choose a man best suit- ed, from their ranks, and send him out among the christians, with the pretention of quitting the catholic church and taking up with them, and make a great show of exposing the baneful teachings of the pope: and by this gain the confidence of this good people, and then rob them of their liberty in Christ, and place them under bondage to the pope. And this sacrifice on their part, was only the fulfillment of the prophecies of the sec- ond beast which John the Revelator, saw rise up out of the earth, who exercised all the power of the first beast, and made all the world to wonder after the first beast. (See Rev., 13th. Ch., ll-12th. vs.) In this way the deadly wound of the first beast was healed. And the image of the beast set up, which was the changing of the laws, in saying that the man Adam was the first man created, when he was not created at all, but was formed : and that too, af- ter the male and female had been created. Hence the placing of those two men into one, made an image of the truth, for these two were not one. But with the cloak of hypocricy, and all his lying wonders, trying to imitate God and his children as near as he possibly could, as the serpent in the Garden, he had to be well acquainted with the sufferings and hard- ships, through the many years of their persecutions; and how faithful they were to God, under all circumstances. He also must be a graduate in the theory of animal magnetism, in order that he may be able to carry out the dasterly work assigned him, which was to be the means that would enwrap the minds of all the people, in a theory of superstition; and in this, deceive if possible, the very elect. And to have all the world to wonder after the beast, under the image, so they should see many myster- 530. CREATION AND FORMATION. ics in the Word of God. To believe the fabulous fables which those fabricators set up to be worshiped, was to say that the Gen- tile and Jew was of the same origin ; that is, they made an image by saying that the man that was placed in the garden was the father, and first parent of both Jew and Gentile. And knowing that just as soon as they would get this false theory established, the deadly wound would be healed, and all the world would come to the beast. For he well knew that under such a theory it would be impossible for any one to rightly divide the Word of truth. But on the other hand, he knew that it w T ould divide the christians up into sects, and these sects would be fighting and contending with each other, and he (the pope) would be at no cost. For he knew just as long as the christians believed that the Gentile had been created, and the Jew had been formed, they would be in perfect union ; and the battle would be the christ- ians battling against the beast. But getting the one man theory established, then he knew that Lucifer, the old serpent, would keep them busy through jealousy, in a war of arguements among themselves. And the great papistical church could say we have gained our ends, and their blood from this on, will be upon their own heads. For in one contaminating rage of jealousy, and hatred, they are now engaged in wielding the scepter of schism; "some say- ing I am of Paul. I, of Apollos, I of Cephus, and T am of Christ; or more properly speaking, one will say I, am of Marten Lu- ther, another, I am of Wickliff, I am of John Wesley, or I am of John the Baptist says Williams ;" "I am of Christ, says Camp- bell :" and so on, until in this way, we can add the number of the beast, six hundred and sixty six. All in deadly combat one against the other ; and the beast that John saw come up out of the earth, is their leading impostor; he it was who caus- ed the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, by exercising his power. (See Eev., 13th. Ch,, 11th vs.) and who had opened his mouth in blaspheming against God, as he sat in the seat of satan, using satan's power ; and who made war with the saints, (the apostles,) and overcome them; and until he received the deadly wound, he had power CREATION AND FORMATION. 531. over all kindreds, tongues, and nations. (See Rev., 13 Ch., 1st. to 9th. vs.) But in this wound, which he recieves by the sword of Christ, the Spirit of God, through the faith of their children, places a check upon this great supremecy of his; and which was only re- stored unto him again in and through the fallacy of the two horns of the second beast, which was like unto a lamb, "that is appearently without harm, but in them was death to all that came under their influence." For it was through them he spoke as a dragon. And in order that the reader may have the full benefit of the substance of those two homes, as he proceeds on, and to save us of the many explanations that would otherwise have to be given, we shall proceed. Hence, we say that these two horns are, first, was the ex- tending of the hand of peace when he knew there would be no peace; second, was the cloak of hypocrisy, pretending to be a christian when he was not; and in this form, he spake as a dragon, exercising all the power of the first beast, and doing great wonders with this see of power of animal magnetism, "And deceiving them which dwell on the earth, by the means of those miracles which he had power to do, in the sight of the beast that rose up out of the see, and saying to the people that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast." (See Rev., 13th. Ch., 14th. vs.) "Which had a wound by the sword, and did live." And as we have said, the image is the one man theory, which is false. Further, this vision represents the idolatrous worship of the papal church, and its influence, as it is forced up- on the people, by the two homes of the second beast. And in this second beast all the lost grounds of the first beast is regain- ed, and the deadly wound healed. The grounds that they tried hard once to gain under Constantine the great, (we say wicked) but lost, was now regained in this second beast, that John saw rise up out of the earth ; and the papal church could resume its former authority in being lord of lords, and king of kings; and assumes the authority of God, pretending to have the power to forgive sins, and grant indulgences, which thing God would not 532. CREATION AND FORMATION. do himself. In this the laws of Grod are annulled and substitut- ed in the place of them, the commandments of men. Just as it is when the pope says to the priest, Be careful to preserve the people not only from the reading of man's books, but from the Bible itself ; and to shun with horror the reading of such deadly poison. For the pope alone is the only one that you must believe; thus exalting himself above the Word of Grod,andin pretention, sitting in the seat of Grod, and his laity is made to say, our Lord, the pope. And with these facts before us, we see him lying back in the old wooden chair in Rome, which he claims to be the chair that the apostle Peter sat on, and saying, I am at ease now ; and my lay-members will increase in number ; and by them I will be honored as God; and in this way we shall be able to hold our ranks together under perfect control, so that if theie should be one true lover of Christ which would endeavor to enthrall himself from the chains of thralldom, it would have no bearing whatever upon the church of Rome. For the chains of supersti- tion which the second beast has placed upon the world, is the means that will furnish material in all ages for skepticism to get in her deadly work among the christian people, in a form of jealously and divisions, which to some extent will have room in the hearts of these people, in the place of the true love of Christ. For as we have said that under the first point, or "the imago" that is presented by the second beast, namely, "the Jew and the Grentile being the posterity of one man." It would be impossi- ble to rightly divide the Word of Grod, which at all times has been the foundation of our subject. And by the separation of these two nations, placing each where they belong, then we are able to rightly divide the Word of Truth, and have before us a Bible without any mysteries. Now, as we have merely stated to you the grounds on which these baneful teachings of the beast rest, we will take one step farther, and endeavor to find the man that was prepared, armed and equipped by the papistical church, in all the power of the Egyptian see; starting in childhood, he had advanced from the very lowest stage of priest-craft, up to the very high- CREATION AND FORMATION. 533. est degree ; and had studied all of its craftiness, from the low- est point of knavery, to the highest point of baseness; and his practice in them was perfect. This" man was the very one, that was selected from among the bishops and priests of the Eoman church, and sent forth. And with his own willingness, he is confirmed ; he then enters upon his work ofenwraping the whole world in darkness, with the hellebore garb of pretention : with his right hand extended toward the christians, in order to de- ceive them, and to have them believe that he is cincere ; but in his left hand, he holds the poisoned seed, or net, that was to cover, or contaminate their pure minds, that were yet continual- ly in the love of Jesus. And in appearance of having his back upon priest-craft, and in the same false position, he presents his face zionward ; and in this form, through this man which is the second beast, g'atan meets the true lovers of Jesus. And with a contemptable mind, full of contamination, he is determined to sow the seed of contention among God's people ; and having this covering of contentious contumacy, once placed upon their minds, they would then see great mysteries in the Word of G-od, which in the days of persecution, shown as bright as the noon day sun, with not a cloud resting as it were upon her bo3om. But under the pernicious gleaning of this ghoul of the many souls, the question of the apostle James, bursts forth in all its force in this language : ''from whence come wars and fight- ings among you/' and upon this point, we shall answer, it is by the Word of Gi-od not being rightly divided, and the reason for this is, the influence of the substituted theory of the beast j and which is the cause of so much perturbation j for instance, under such a disturbance of mind, one will take a portion of Grod's Word that was spoken expressly to and for the Jew, and then start out and say that him and his followers are the church. And then some one else will take another portion spoken for the Gentile, and he will say that he and his followers are right, that they are the true church of Christ, and all others are wrong. And just in this way, we will find the number of the beast ; and all of them claiming to be the true followers of Christ; and yet all of them differing in the most essential points, : one of them 534. CREATION AND FORMATION. scrambling for the mastery over the other, in the most ravenous manner, with the gnashing of teeth, and hissing at each other. And to ask of them an explanation upon this point, they will tell you the Bible is so fall of mysteries, that all cannot see a- like. And to express themselves, they will say to you that they think that God intended it to be so, in order that there would be a way for all to be saved ; and which is nothing more or less than making God out a liar, and his Christ an impostor. For his prayer was that they should be one ; and that He was the way ; and he was not divided ; and that they should be of one mind, speak the same thing, and, allow no heresy to be among them, no wars, fightings, strivings, nor doting about questions that pertaineth to strife and ungodliness, but to love the brotherhood ; for "by this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if you have love one to another, as I have loved you/' While we find these things to be true, and the question de- manding of them an answer, they console themselves, by trying to lay the blame upon the God that bought them, by saying that the Bible was not intended to be seen by all alike; when Christ says that they all shall believe the aame thing, be of the same judgment, and mind. They prefer to do this, instead of acknowledging their own wrong; and in this way, they assign to God that which belongs to satan. But now under the blessed light of the divine gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, be honest with ourselves, and to God, and shake off the chains of thralldom, which the man (beast) has blinded the minds of the people with, by teaching the theory that the Jews and Gentiles sprang from the same man, which you see is false. Therefore, we say, let us go without the camp unto Jesus, who is the author and the finisher of our faith • then we will be- gin to see our wrongs, and we will be willing to acknowledge them. And in this way we will find the golden sun beams of union and love, glowing brightly in the bosom of every christ- ian professor; and no mysteries will appear in the divine Word, and there will be no room for all these divisions and contentions, that has come from the false theory. For to say that the man Adam that was placed in the Garden, was the first human on CREATION AND EORMATION. 535. earth, is to say that Christ had no great thing to die for. But on the other hand, seeing the Gentiles were a different people, and without eternal life, and that it took Christ's blood to cleanse them and give them that life, then we see why it was that God had to give his Son for to die on the cross. Hence, we see it was the people that fell victoms to the beast, under his false theory, by darkening their minds, and placing them under the control of this mystified shroud; and ever after they have saw a necessity for a change. And this change has been sought for in translating and revising the Word of God ; even after the late revision of the New Testament at London, those chosen men saw the necessity of a change. And, they too, like all others, sought it by changing the Word of God. And in this way, they, like all others, failed in their at- tempt to so ratify, and harmonize the Word of God, by making a slight change in some portions, and leaving out others j and in some instances add a word of their own, in order that they might have a Testament wherein there would be no room for skepticism ; but they are like a drowning man grasping at a straw, to save themselves '; but their efforts and labor were lost. For the saving power from all skepticism, lies in the Word of God being rightly divided. And not, in any change that could be made in God's word by man. "God, is God, and he changes not, and his Word abideth for- ever. For not one jot, or tittle of his Word shall pass away un- till all be fulfilled." Hence, this covering cast overall nations, by the false teach- ings of the papistical church must be cast off, by having a will- ing mind to study, to show ourselves aproved unto God, a work- man that need not be ashamed rightly dividing the Word of Truth ; then there will be no need of a change in the Word of God. For the change will be already made ; and that too, in our minds ; that is, bringing the mind from under the power of lordism, and placing it in the same freedom, that the minds of those christians were, in the time of the great persecution j when many a noble hearted God fearing, and Christ loving child, felt the torture of a mob, and the agony of death, to maintain that 536. CREATION AND FORMATION. purity of mind from priest-craft which Christ died to give them. For in many instances they were tied to the stake and by a slow fire, were burned to death. But joyfully did they suffer such deaths for Jesus sake, that his word, and cross might be established throughout the earth, and also for the sake of keeping their minds pure and free from bigotry. But alas ! in the ages that were to follow their sufferings, little did they think that this great tyrannical power would come in among their posterity, in sheep's clothing, with the ap- pearance of peace offerings, and cry out peace, peace, when there was no peace, in order for to deceive their beloved ones. For when they saw peace extended to them appearently by this persecuting power as a flowing river, and weak yet and trem- bling from the death blow of their long trials of sufferings, and unconscious of the poisonous vapor, that those beastly men were trying to coil around and over their yet untainted minds, under a colorable pretence of peace, they suffered themselves to be snared into the net, that was woven by the hand of bigotry, rapine, and revenge. "Which work they tried hard to get ac- complished under the so called first christian empire; but failed under that color; they then must imitate Christ's loved ones more closely than did Constantine, the wicked. Wherefore, this beastly man comes to them with the two homes full of deadly poison, and says to them, there is no use of all this sacrifice of Hvps; we must try and have peace; and by peace unite the two bodies together. And in order to do this, we must have councils, and a portion of both parties meet ; and there, counsel to the best means of bringing about a union ; and it was no sooner said than done ; for under this man's great oratory and lying wonders, and the christians praying for peace and rest from the terrible storms and trials of persecution, the} 1 - were led captive at his will. And we shall endeavor before go- ing any farther to assertain the object of these councils, by tak- ing in connection the movements, conduct., and character of tnis great man that claims to be a christian, and see thereby if the object with him, meant well to Christ, and his children ; or if it meant to contaminate the minds of those christians, so the}' CREATION AND FORMATION. 537 could not see the truth. And so that we may come to a just conclusion, and that our readers may be able to comprehend the truth, we shall notice first that this man before he pretendingly left the catholic church, had studied all the dark powers of priest -craft, that belongs to the see of false science, with all money making schemes, and trickeries. In all these things he was among the greatest of them; and in the way of handling them to make money and to deceive, he far excelled the majority of his palls. And for this reason, he was the one chosen from among them to deceive the christians. Then we ask, did he not know these things was wrong, and in opposition to Christ? the answer is yes, he knew they were wrong, and that all catholics were held in subjection to the pope and his body, by them. Did he know that they were wrong before he made the pretence of quitting them ? his own letters to the pope show that he did. Finding then that he knew that they were wrong, why did he not quit them sooner if He was sincere? we answer again, the love of money, hon- or, and power as a god, kept him from being sincere, as a christ- ian at any time. And fiom this then, we find he did not quit them out of purity of heart, nor for the love he had for Christ and his children; for had this been true, then he would never have labored for councils, knowing as he did, that as far as the knowledge and wisdom of this world, and the power of the great see of animal magnetism went, that the catholics that would be at those coun- cils would have all the advantage over the christians that would go to them. We ask again, as this man knew this fact, was it a token of purity of heart on his part, to lead those christians into a place where he knew that satan and their enemies, (the catholics) would have all the advantage over them ? This alone would teach us the motive was not pure; and by going a little farther, we will find this confirmed. For the prevalent opinion is, that those councils was to bring about a union, between the catholics and christians; who, at that time were called heretics by the catholics, and it is an evident fact, that under the above stated 538. CREATION AND FORMATION. circumstances, that there could be no union effected between them, that would bring the catholics under the influence of Christianity, and have them give up their theory of false science and priest-craft. And, furthermore it is evidently true, that the desire of the man could not have had such a motive in those councils; for we are willing to add with all candor on our part, that the design was not a pure one. But the motive was to coil the superstitious net around the minds of the christians, and they knew that they could do this easier, right in the midst of this great power, more readily than in any other way, and for this reason, the councils were contemplated : and in those meet- ings, there was to be a great deal of giving and taking ; that is, namely, the catholic priests and bishops, were to give a great deal of counsel, and take none; the christians were to take a good deal of counsel, and give but little. Thus the agreement was effected between the two kingly beasts, which is recorded in Daniel, 11th. Oh., 23rd. verse, in this language : "and after the league made with him, (the pope) he (Martin Luther.) shall work deceitfully." And to prove what we say to be true, it will be necessary next to find the language of the second beast (Luther) to establish this league or agreement, in order to see the relation existing between Lu- ther and the Pope. Hence, we read volume second, of the reformation of the sixteenth century, by J. H. Merle D'aubigne, D. D., translated by H. White. "I offer," resumed Luther, "to be silent for the future on this matter, and to let it die away of itself, provided my opponents are silent on their part; *I even consent to publish a writing desiring all those who read my works not to see in them any attacks upon the Roman Church, and to continue un- der its authority."* When the agreement had been thus affect- ed, Miltitz appeared overjoyed. -'These hundred years past," exclaimed he, "no question has occasioned more anxiety to the cardinals and Roman courtiers than this. They would rather have given ten thousand ducats than consent to its being pro- longed." The pope's chamberlain spared no marks of attention to the monk of Wittemberg. At one time he manifested his joy, at another he shed tears. This show of sensibility moved the CREATION AND FORMATION. 539. reformer but little ; still he avoided showing what- he thought of it. "I pretended not to understand the meaning of these crocodile's tears," said he. After finding the workings of two men to coincide with the Bible so far, it will be necessary for us to follow on in the trail to see if the proofs will become stronger. For in following up Daniel's prophecy in the eleventh chapter, we find from the twenty-third verse up to the twen- ty-seventh, that there was a sham-battle fought between these two beasts. And we read in the twenty-seventh verse, "and both these kings' hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table.*" Again in connection with this, we quote Luther's own language from the Eeformation of the six- teenth century; volume second, 19th page • thus, "Miltitz gave Luther an invitation to supper, which the latter accepted. His host laid aside all the severity connected with his mission, and Luther indulged in all the cheerfulness of his disposition. The repast was joyous, and when the moment of departure was come, the legate opened his arms to the heretical doctor, and kissed him. 'A Judas kiss,' thought Luther ; 'I pretended not to understand these Italian artifices,' wrote he to Staupitz." And upon these grounds, we can see those prophecies of Daniel be- ing fulfilled in these councils, and also in Luther's pretentions of fighting the pope, when he made an agreement with him to be silent, after he had preached four years to the christians, and can see just how they spoke lies at the same table. And to this agrees John, the Revelator, in the second beast using all the power of the first beast, to make all the world wonder after the first beast. But yet the readers may not be alltogether satisfied in re- gard to Luther's veracity. Hence, we shall quote some of his letters he written to the pope, after he had been with the christians three years, preach- ing for tbem which will prove that he was not a christian, but was speaking lies in hypocrisy, and speaking as a dragon, just as the second beast did. Now read them carefully, for they are now before you, in his own language: "Blessed Father! May your holiness condescend to incline your paternal ear, which is that of Christ himself, towards your poor sheep, and listen 540. CREATION AND FORMATION. kindly to his bleating. What shall I do, most holy Father ? I cannot bear the b'ghtenings of your anger, and I know not how to escape them. I am called upon to retract. I would most readily do so, could that lead to the desired result. But the per- secutions of my adversaries have circulated my writings far and wide, and they are too deeply graven on the hearts of men, to be by any possibility erazed. A recantation would only still more dishonour the Church of Eome, and draw from the lips of all a cry of accusation against her. Most holy Father! I declare, in the presence of God, and of all His creatures, that I have nev- er desired, and that I shall never desire, to infringe, either by force or by stratagem, the power of the Koman Church or of your holiness. I confess that nothing in heaven or in earth should be preferred above that Church, except Jesus Christ a- lone — the Lord of all." "Luther, in accordance with the prom- ise he had give^ Miltitz, wrote this letter to the pope on the 3d March." 21st Page of Eeformation Yol II. Hence we see that Luther acknowledges the pope's ear to be that of Christ's. And says in his letter, that he would will- ingly yield to the pope's wishes, if the desired results could be had. But they could not; for the christians were not ready to be hoodwinked by him yet j he could not make them believe that the pope's ear was that of Christ's; they were not ready to sacrifice that which their blessed loved ones died in the valleys and on the mountain, to preserve from popereism, the Word ; For without a doubt, when Luther granted to the pope the very thing that he and his co-workers had labored to accom- plish for three-hundred years, they would rather have giv- en ten-thousand ducats than to have had it prolonged. This, without any thing more, proves what Luther was. But this is not all ; he goes on to say, (speaking of the catholic church) there is nothing in heaven or in earth, to be preferred a- bove the Eoman church. But this is not all ; in another letter addressed to the pope, he says, "To the most holy Father in God, Leo X., Pope at Eome, be all health in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Amen. From the midst of the violent battle which for three years I have been fighting against dissolute men, I cannot hinder myself from sometimes looking toward you, O Leo, most CREATION AND FORMATION. 541. holy Father in G-od ! And although the madness of your impious flatterers has constrained me to appeal from your judgement to a future council, my heart has never been alienated from your holiness, and I have never ceased praying constantly and with deep groaning for your prosperity and for that of your pontifi- cate." (Kef., page 129.) Oh dear reader do not be mis-led any longer; but listen to the kind words of a crucified and risen Eedeemer, and be as firm as Pontanus, (the same was Christo Zelotus.) (Eel, page 193.) This man was one of the companions of Luther, when he was taken sick, (on pretention) as they journeyed to the coun- cil that was to unite catholics and heretics together. But just one more of Luther's letters to the pope, is all we shall notice in this work. It reads thus : "Most worthy Father in Grod, once more I approach you, not in person, but by letter, entreating your paternal goodness to listen to me graciously.* Now, there- fore, most worthy Father, I confess, as I have already done be- fore, that I have not shown (as has been reported) sufficient modesty, meekness, or respect for the name of the sovereign pontiff; and, although I have been greatly provoked, I see that it would have been better for me to have conducted my cause with greater humility, mildness, and reverence,* This grieves me very much, and I ask forgivness. I will publicly confess it to the people from the pulpit, as indeed I have often done before. I will endeavour, by God's grace, to speak differently. Nay more: I am ready to promise, freely and of my own accord, not to utter another word on the subject of indulgences, if this bus- iness is arranged. But also, let those who made me begin, be compelled on their part to be more moderate henceforth in their sermons, or to be silent. As for the truth of my doctrine, the authority of St. Thomas and other doctors cannot satisfy me. I must hear (if I am worthy to do so) the voice of the bride, which is the Church. For it is certain that she hears the voice of the Bridegroom, which is Christ. In all humility and submission, I therefore entreat your paternal love to refer all this business, so unsettled up to this day, to our most holy lord Leo X., in order that the Church may decide, pronounce, and ordain, and that I may retract with a good conscience, or believe 542. CREATION AND FORMATION. with sincerity/ — 'Ref. of the 16th century Yol I, Page 402. Now, if any one can read these letters, and believe that Lu- ther was not the beast that the revelator saw rise up out of the earth, and say that he was a good man, they can say more than we can. For we say he was the second beast, and it was this bad man that Pontanes refused to obey, and with his blood, in connection with thousands of others, the Word was preserv- ed on down the annals of time, until it has reached our hands; and while the whole world has been wraped in darkness, the Word has stood, and will stand until the end of time, pure as a golden jem. And from this stand point you will plainly see that the ob- ject had in view by this man and his colleague, was not a true one. For his letters show that he was determined that the pope should be acknowledged as brod, and have Christ ignored and his laws rejected. And again we say, if this mans 7 preten- tions, had been genuine, then in the place of leading those christians into strife and contention, he would have exposed the dark power of popery, which they practiced upon his members. And still we shall add another point, which will be further proof to show that this man was not sincere in his pretentions to be a christian; and that is, his being abscent from those councils, and especially the one that was intended to unite the christians and the catholics together; for this was the most important of all. What could justify a christian, for being abscent from duty at such a time as that? We answer, there is nothing that could : Yet, they have mustered up the plea, and placed it in history, that he was sick. If this was true, it would appear very favor- able: but we shall look a little deeper down into the reasoning of this excuse, and see if it will bear the test of divine justice or not. And in carefully, and prayerfully feeling our way down the line of wisdom and truth, w^ begin to realize one fact; and that fact is this: that if God had have chosen this man as an instru- ment for to do his work, he would have given him the health, and strength to perform all duties joined upon him. And he would have been at that council ; for if he was doing the work of the Lord, there is where he was needed ; for Grod wants live CREATION AND FORMATION. 543. men to do his work, and those that are alive unto Grod, he helps just the same as he did Noah, Moses, Joshua, Daniel, Paul, and others. For God has promised to help every one that put their trust in him, and especially those that he has chosen for a special work. But on the other hand, this man held within his own bo- som the baneful powers, which made so many servants to priest- ism, without an effort on his part to unvail this see of polution which was pouring its waves of destruction over the mind of man. And this fulfills a portion of Christ's own words upon this beast ; namely : "that they will come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves ;" and as Paul says, "who being past feeling, have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness ; by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;" And so it was, when this man saw the time had not fully come for the minds of those christians to be enwraped in the net prepared for them, and seeing it had to be done by de- grees, for his experience while with them had taught him that they yet knew too much of the Bible by heart for to be traped in a storm of delusion Wherefore, he became sick ; and the scheme of deliberation was determined on, in order that the deadly work they had in view might in the course of time be accomplished among the christians ; the reader has been already informed what this work was. And this scheme, in the course of time, has furnished the number of the beast, and his contaminating career of sin and de- struction among the people. And Jesus foreseeing the great cloud of mysteries that would divide the people up into small sects, before he quit earth's ministry as a man, his prayer to the Father was for his disciples. And in this manner, he pray- ed for all that would believe on Him through the word of his disciples: "Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word ; That they all may be one ; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us : that the world may believe that thou hast sent me." (St. John, 17th Ch., 20-21st vs.) Christ in his prayer left no room for divisions among his 544. CREATION AND FORMATION. followers, but the union that was between him and the Father was the binding link of his children that by such a union among them, the world might believe on him. From this we have learned that Christ did not intend for souls to be saved by a great division of small sects, numbering six-hundred and sixty-six, but by a strong tie of his love, bind- ing them together in one. And it was to be by this union of love, that all men was to know that they were his disciples ; "If they had love one for another; and that love was to be without dissimulation; and they were to be kindly, affectionate one to another, with brotherly love. And they was to be of the same mind, one toward another; they were to bless their persecutors. Bless and curse not." (See Eom., 12th Oh., 9th to 16th vs.) "Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of an- other; love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous; Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing:*" (1st Peter, 3rd Ch., 8-9th vs.) Oh dear reader, with such strong scriptural language before us, can you see any room that will justify the many divisions that exists among the people today, with so much contention, strife, and railing at each other ? or are you not duty bound to say, in the language of God's word, that they come from the lusts, that war in their members ; "ye lust and have not; ye fight and have not, because ye ask not; ye ask and receive not be- cause ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. Know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity? whoso- ever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. (or) Do ye think that the Scripture saith in vain ;" (See James, 4th Oh/ 1st to 6th vs.) No, they do not; for we have proven to you by the word of God that the workings and character of the above stated man, has so far, went to fulfill the prophecies concerning the beast. And now the question may arise, are they not alluding to the great reformer, (Martin Luther,) and holding him up as the second beast? We answer, if the scriptures bear us out in this, then we say, Amen. Or if another beside Martin Luther can be found, that comes more fully up to the scriptural definition of the second great beast, then we are willing to take him for CREATION AND FORMATION. 545. the satanic being; for as the Bible directs, no we believe and argue. And from this standpoint, we assert that this man beast has already existed, and has got in a great portion of his deadly work of poisoning the minds of the people, with the abomina- tion, which maketh desolate, under the auspice of the schemes he adopted in order to carry out the theory that he presented to the christians ; the theory which unites into one man the created Gentile and the formed Jew; a theory which makes the Bible unharmonizing, and places it beyond the reach of human wisdom the trut? light of God's word, in regard to its litteral harmony. And you are aware that the spiritual light is not reached by human wisdom at all. Hence, we have made the above statement, to show that un- der this cloud, the natural man will not see even that which he would see, if he was under the influence of the true theory of God's Word. Therefore, we say that this scheme which was adopted to carry out this theory to perfection, and also furnish- ed the grounds for the mighty see of false science, to get in its poisonous f,work, which is the abomination of desolation that is spoken of by Daniel. And which is the blasphemous lying wonders of the beast, that John speaks of, and also it is the iniquity that Paul spoke of, which already worked in his day. And this abominable thing is also represented as standing in the holy place, the earthly or terrestrial church, where it aught not. And when this is fully accomplished, the end then is near : for undoubtedly the terrestrial church is the holy place spoken of. Wherefore let us ask ourselves the question, has this abomina- ble thing made its appearance in the holy place yet? yes we answer it has already worked in Pauls time. And have we not plainly shown you its tyrannical power all through the dark ages of persecution, as the church, the mistress of the world, the God of Gods; claiming to sit in the seat of God. But this does not satisfy us. We must follow its dark and baneful powers on down as time passes by, leaving behind the dark and stormy days of horror, and heart rendering scene of shrieking mothers and children, as they are torn from each other and tied to the 546. CREATION AND FORMATION. stake ! and terrified at such a sight, we are swept on under the vail of contamination, softly drifting into the power of a gorgon, (the second beast,) and into his boat of prestage. We need not only charge the Eoman catholic church of wielding this scepter of power alone, but standing under the towering mast of the ship prestage, (built by the lecher of the second beast) viewing the chasms of presumption, the adulterated fields of dissociation, we are made to realize the fact that no longer does this power only belong to the catholic church, but in those chasms and fields that we are viewing, it is spreading its deadly work, and baneful destruction in the name of christ- ian science. And for the benefit of the reader, and that he may have a clear apprehension of the results of this power as it runs in the two channels, namely, Catholicism, and outside of Catholicism. We shall make some few remarks upon the systems of using this heinous power, so that when we present to you the proofs, you may be fully able to see the difference in using thie power. First, the catholic is, by degrees from childhood, brought under this power, and by degrees they are kept un^er this power by the priest in the confession box, and otherwise. And by this process, they do not injure the constitution of their subject, and in this process, thousands rise up and call the pope, bishop, and priests, blessed. But on fcbe other hand, viewing the baneful sight of dissocia- tion, and taking up therein the name given to this same power (christian science,) and seeing it coiling itself around the aged father and mother, and the youths, and seeing its effects upon its victims, while it magnifies itself in the holy place. Oh dear reader, look at them wherever you may have a chance to see them ; pale cheeks, sunken eyes, a tampered mind, in reality a soul fed on the wind of ruin, and storm of destruct- ion, deprived of the real spiritual food of glory. And as we have before us those facts, it is left for the read- er to determine where the so called christian science is to be found, and in how many forms, for there is nothing more sure than that this dark power exists ; and by those means it is fast press- CREATION AND FORMATION. 547. ing its feet into the place where it ought not to be. And with these remarks, we shall again turn to our work by presenting to you some facts upon this power, as they are pre- sented to us by one of the most honest of their number, and it reads thus; ''We are placing in your hands a most potent agency for good or evil ; used for proper purposes, and with a clear ap- prehension of what you owe to yourself and others : it will cause thousands to rise up and call you blessed; but on the other hand if you think only of yourself, and if you take the advantage of the ignorance of the multitude, aud use for dishonest purposes these great powers, which are placed at your command, lan- guage cannot describe the punishment you will dtserve, and that will follow, on such a course; for this study, above all others, must be approached with the most profound feelings of reverence and awe. ISTo trifling is excusable, no levity in place. For it deals di- rectly with the immortal part of man, (the soul.) It gives us control over the bodies and minds of others, it teaches us how to cure diseases, and gain information of the past, present, and future; it places this world and the next, within the range of our vision, and gives us knowledge of things, and places all things within our grasp." Does not this remind you of the sub- tility of the serpent? certainly it doe-s. For it makes you as gods. But this is only one among the thousands that could be given; and for its authenticity, please see, Dr. Clark's "Hours at Home;" "M. Despine, Inspector of mineral waters, in Aix in Savoy," "Harriet Martineaw," "Maximilian Hell," "Dr. Frederick Anthony," "Messier;" and also the demand made in 1826 of the Academy at Paris, for an investigation committee; when there were nine men, chosen to investigate this great power, and for five years they continued the investigaion, and at the end of that time, they made a report, that was favorable to all the leading pretentions of animal magnetism." Linking these truths with the magicians of Daniel's time, (Dan. 1st Ch. 2o, vs.) and then to those of Moses's time, (Exodus 7th Ch. 11th vs.) From thence into the Garden of Eden, where the serpent beguiled Eve, (with this same tumultious power,) we then will have it traced back to its very fountain head. And from this head you can see its 548. CREATION AND FORMATION. turbulent waters spreading their waves over the heart, and minds of the people of all ages, and has been the sole cause of men lifting themselves up as though they were Gods. And to day, the same power is holding men slaves, under the flow of its poisonous streames, by the teachings of the beast, under catholic- ism, by taking advantage of the ignorance of the multitude, by this great power, which they have at their command, and are using it for dishonest purposes to gratify the lusts of the flesh. We have warned you of this fact, and now we ask you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, to hear the council of God, as he pleads with you as a loving father pleads with his wayward child; and the wooing of his spirit by which we cry Abba Father ! And to you now dear reader, by the Word of God we speak as unto children, ''cast off the works of darkness, and put on the whole armor of light. Be not yoked together with them, for what fel- lowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness. Or what com- munion hath light with darkness, or what fellowship hath Christ with belial ; and what agreement hath the temple of the Holy Ghost, with an idol ; for you are bought with a price ; therefore glorify God, in your own body, for ye are the temple of God." Therefore God hath said I will dwell in them, and walk in them and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. He says, "Wherefore come out from among them, and be } T e separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the uuclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty." (2nd Cor., 6th Ch., 17-18th vl.) "Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God." (2nd Cor.; 7th Ch., 1st vs.) Oh yes, let us cast out "the spirit of darkness that now worketh in the children of disobedience ; the prince of the power of the air." (See Eph., 2nd Ch., 2nd vs.) In whom the god of this world (the beast and his power) hath blinded the minds of them that believe not; for there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers. But thou, Oh dear one, study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth, and it shall be given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of CREATION AND FORMATION. 549. God, for the word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than a two edged sword ; for they are they, that testify of him. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, thai we may obtain mercy and find help in time of need, and make strait paths for our feet, and be at peace with all men ; let brotherly love continue, and be not forgetful to entertain stran- gers ; for thereby some have entertained angels unawares; re- member them that are in bonds, as bound with them ; also those that suffer adversaries, those that are sick or in prison, the poor and the needy, the widows, and the orphants; hold up those that are weak, and if you overtake a brother in a fault, restore such a one in the meekness of the spirit and love, and let your conversation be without covetness, ; be content with the bless- ing of the Lord, with such things as he has given you, for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee ; so that we may boldly say, The Lord is our helper, we shall not want, nor fear what man can do unto us, for Jesus Christ is the same today, yesterday, and forever. Wherefore, by him let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually; that is the fruit of our lips in giving thanks to his name, for here we have no continuing city, but in this we seek one to come. Now may the God of peace, that brought again from the dead, our Lord Jesus Christ, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work, to do his will from the heart, that which is pleasing in his sight ; and who hath called you out of darkness into light, through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom be glory forever and ever. For John stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, with sev- en heads and ten horns, and upon his horns, ten crowns, and up- on his head the name blasphemy; and he saw one ol his heads, as it were wounded to death, and the deadly wound was heal- ed, and all the world wondered after the beast, and they worship- ed the dragon that gave the beast his power; and they worship- ed the beast saying, who is like unto the beast, or who can make war with him; and he had a mouth speaking great things, and he was to make war with the saints, and to overcome them, (the a postles ;) and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, 550. CREATION AND FORMATION. and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of the life of the Lamb. And he beheld another beast coming up out of the earth, (not the sea;) and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon, (this beast's horns we have previously set before you, and his character is made known by his word given as a dragon.) And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast, before him, and causes all that dwell on the earth to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And here is wisdom j let him that hath understanding, count the numbar of the beast, for it is the number of a man • and his number is six- hundred and sixty-six/' (See Eev., 13th Ch.) And now with the evidences, circumstances and working of the two great beasts Avhich we have grooped together and giv- en in our remarks, we deem it unnecessary to say any thing fur- ther. But, placing our confidence in the reader, we trust that he may be fully able to comprehend the truth of those assersions and know of a certainty, to whom we assign the two apoclypti- cal beasts. And from so thorough knowledge of them, he will readily understand all their relations. And should the reader more clearly and distinctly see two other men beside Martin Luther and the pope, that are more harmoniously fitted to the Bible's narration of the two great beasts, then we say, that it is lawful to hold them up to the public gaze. But for the present we must have two men, who will meet the likeness of the two revealed monsters, for this is the Bibles demand ; and we know of no other two individual characters, which would be better fitted to the requirements of the Sacred Writings, than Martin Luther and the Boman Pope. And so confining ourselves to the assersions which we have made, we feel emboldened to un- shrinkingly affirm that we have respectfully sited out the two beasts. The portions of scripture, which we have relied upon the most, and set forth, bear us up in what we have here, and here- tofore said concerning the beasts. And having these undeniable facts before us, we call upon our honex-aule readers to witness the enlivened truth of God's Holy Word. And to know the truth of His Holy word, is to know the beasts, and also know- CREATION AND FORMATION. 551. ing who they are, and where they are, we know that we have a Bible without any mysteries. And having these plain Bible facts before us, we are persuaded into the belief that when the reader looks at the very depts of these truths, he will then see the inspired Volume rightly divided, and, furthermore, he will see that this, our entire work is one which is founded upon the laws of the living God ; and one that will enable him to hold a- loft all interpretations of man, let them be ever so alluring. For upon those grounds, you are resting your feet upon the au- thority of Christ's words, who is now at the right hand of the Father, and as an advocate for us. And he will remain there, until the fulness of time, of his second coming shall have come. Which time, will reveal the son of perdition, who has wielded the scepter of abomination of desolation, all through the last days; and in whom satan is gathering and will gather Gog and Magog to battle the number of whom is as the .^and of the sea, to compass the camp of the saints. The Gog and Magog, that John speaks of, is changed some from the Gog and Magog that Ezekiel speaks of; and for the bent fit of our readers, we shall speak a word in regard to the change that has transpired in Gog and Magog from those which Ezekiel spoke of. You are acquainted already with what the scripture taught you, through this work, showing you they were the mingled people of the Jew and Gentile ; but after Christ died this curse was taken away, and with it, the downfall of the mid- dle wall ; the old time Gog and Magog ceased to be, and in their stead, springs forth the Gog and Magog that John speaks of ; and yet they too are a people, and also a mingled people, with familiar spirits ; who the beast is gathering, with every branch of animal magnetism, from the ranks of every sect and department out of the fields of division ; these are they that go to make up the Gog and Magog, that John speaks of; for in them shall all the branches of thib great power be revealed. For their evil workings shall be revealed, saith the Lord Almighty. "Wherefore, we now cordially invite you to accept the gos- pel of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ; and pleadingly ask you to cast off the net, and no longer worship the beast, or fol- low his pernicious teachings; but break from off you his yoke, 552. CREATION AND FORMATION. and take up your cross and follow Christ, and worship God ; for Christ says, His yoke is easy, and his burden is light; and he will give rest unto your soul ; and He says, blessed are they that put their trust in him, and that do his commandments, for they shall have right to the tree of life, and shall enter in through the gate into the holy City ; for without are dogs, sorcerers, whormongers, murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. For John tells us that Jesus sent his angel to testify these things unto the churches \ and he is the root and the offspring of David; and the bright and morning star. Wherefore, the Spirit and the Bride say come; and he that thirsteth let him come and take of the waters of life freely. For these are the last times. And as ye have heard that anti- christs shall come, even now are they already many anti-Christs. And under their influence shall men's hearts wax cold, and they will worship the creature more than the Creator. And now I have spoken and have written this that ye may see and know and be mindful of the words which was spoken before, by the holy prophets and the apostles, and the commandments of the Lord Jesus Christ ; knowing this, as we said before, that in the last times there shall come scoffers walking after their own lusts. But they are natural brute beasts, going about to establish their own righteousness; their heart is exercised with covetous practices, who have forsaken the right way, and have went in the way of Baalam, and have followed after their own lusts. Therefore, I have written this that whosoever loveth Christ may be true followers of God's law, so that they may be able to come out of darkness into light, and from the power of satan unto God ; for to you now the darkness is past, and the true light shineth. Therefore cast off the works of darkness, and put on the whole armor of light, so that ye may be able to with- stand all the firey darts of the wicked one. The Spirit that now worketh in the chileren of disobedience, who to gratify their own lustful passions, speak great swelling words of blas- phemy, in order to deceive many. But the word of God is, go ye not after them ; but come ye out from among them ; give no heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils, that speak CREATION AND FORMATION. 553. lies in hypocrisy, walking after their own lustful ways. Dear reader love not these things, they must pass away, but the Word of God abideth forever. Hence, heed the Word, and beware of the lust of the eye, and the pride of life, for we repeat, they must perish, with the great whore, (the pope or the catholic church,) that siteth upon many waiters, (people) with whom the kings of the earth (the number of the beast) have committed fornication, and the inhabi- tance of the earth, (the people that believe the doctrine of the image of the second beast, Luther) have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication, (the false doctrine,) So he carried me away in the Spirit.* And I saw a woman sit upon a scar- let colored beast, full of the name of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns." (Rev., 17th Ch., 1, 2, and 3rd vs.) This scarlet colored beast is the fourth beast that Daniel speaks of, which the little horn came from; and the little horn is this woman spoken of, and for this cause she is represented as sit- ting upon this beast. Or in other words, the fourth Gentile kingdom that was reigning when Christ made his advent on earth, the first time ; and this woman is the same character that John saw rise up out of the sea, as the beast; who becomes the mother of Harlots. (See Rev., 17th. Ch., 5th. vs.) She is the mother of all these divisions, or sects; and they are called Har- lots; because they are not to Christ what they represent them- selves to be, but are the daughters of the great whore. And the great woman has made herself drunken by the blood of saints and martyrs, (the apostles and disciples of Jesus ;) (See Rev. 17th Ch., 6th vs.) Then John is informed by the angel that lie should know the mystery of the woman, and the beast that oarryeth her • (17th vs.) The angel then explains the mystery in this way • "The beast that thou sawest was (before Christ, the old Gentile world;) and is not, (because Christ created them anew in him and that, passed the old Gentile world away and they were no more ; yet they had been.) and shall asscend out of the bottom- less pit." (the nothingness, or space, or earth that Christ brought the Gentile world from, at his death when he created them anew, and brought them again from the dead, the pit.) And we learn from this, the mystery of "the beast that was 554. CREATION AND FORMATION. and is not and yet is." (Eev. 17, Ch. 8, vs.) That is, the old gen- tile world was before Christ came, and at his death they were no more, (that is, in that old beastly state,) but, in Christ they were resurrected anew with a living soul ; all those that were lost, under the judgement placed upon them, went into perdition ; and those that were saved, are represented standing upon the earth, as not having their names "written in the Lambs book of life from the foundation of the world." The reason of this was because they must first be created anew, by giving them eternal life, before their names could be recorded in the Lambs book of life. "Here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman (the pope); sitteth." (9th vs.) This is a symbol of the pope (the vile person) that was to take the kingdom by flattery; (that is, the kingdom of the Caesars.) "And there are seven kings : five are fallen,, and one is, and the other is not yet come ; (Martin Luther had not yet come ;) and when he cometh, he must continue a short space." (10th vs.) He did continue but a short time ; and then his fol- lowers were torn all up into little squads. And the beast that was, (the old Gentile world) and is not (passed away in Christ ;) and become the eighth and one of the seven;, (this seventh or eighth is the pope ;) and is the beast that John saw rise up with seven heads and ten horns; and the ten homes &re ten kings; (Luther's divisions or churches that come from his theory) while these churches reign as kings, yet they have no kingdoms for they are all under the theory of the two beasts; the first beast having the ruling power. These kings or horns shall hate the whore, which they (these churches) do; they hate the cath- olic church : for God hath put it in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and to give their kingdom unto the beast un- till the words of God be fulfilled. God put this thing into the hearts of those wicked ones, so they might destroy themselves. If they would have served him, then he would not have put this in their hearts. This has come to pass after the whore has made all nations drink of the wrath of her fornication. (Eev. 13th Ch.) God could not symbolize the deceitfulness of the pope any better, than to CREATION AND FORMATION. 555. represent him as a harlot, the mother of harlots; and this moth- er of harlots is represented in Proverbs 7th Ch. beginning with the 10th verse. "And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of a harlot, and subtile of heart." The Catholic Church, is the great mother of all these other churches, through Luther and under these two contaminating powers. It appears that the whole world have become morally insane, and satan and the sec- ular eclesiastical bodies are always ready to send out agents with their poisonous subtillity, in order to revive their drooping in- terests, to increase their influence, and to concentrate their powers. But finally the truth will triumph in victory; and the great whore (the catholic church) that has made all nations come and drink of her abomination, and have it measured out to her doub- le again. Therefore, God says to his people, come out of her, be ye not partakers of her sins. This Babylon and the mother of har- lots, are all these churches; (Babylon represents a confusion of doctrines in this instance.) Therefore, again God says to his people, come out of her, for many are held in chains of spiritual darkness by her; mill- ions of souls are inthralled under the mighty deluge of her pois- onous waters; and the kings of the earth have committed forni- cation with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. Wherefore, He says, come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins ; and that ye receive not of her plagues ; and reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double, according to her work : in the cup which she hath filled, fill to her double. For she hath glorified herself; and says that she sits as a queen, and is no widow, (this is the cath- olic church ;) and claims that she will see no sorrow : for she has made herself rich, and all that labor with her and under her influence ; for every thing of value that can be mentioned, she has taken unto herself through her lying wonders; and all is to come to naught in one hour. And these merchants (other churches) of the earth will be deprived of getting gain from her any more, for all these things that was at one time enslav- 556. CREATION AND FORMATION, ed to her through her power, will be do more found in her, Such as gold, silver, precious stones, pearls, fine liners, purple, silk, scarlet, thyne wood, brass, iron, marble, cinnamon, odors, ointmeDts, * and slaves, and souls of men, and the merchants of these things which was made rich by her shall stand afar off for fear of her torment; for the voice of harpers, pipers, trumpet- ers, and no craftman of any craft, shall be found no more in her; Dor the light of a candle ; nor the the voice of the bridegroom, and of the binde, shall be heard do more at all iD her ; for her merchaDts was great men of the earth, (such as Martin Luther.) For by her sorcerery were all nations deceived ; for in her was found the blood of the prophets, and of the saints, and of all that was slain upon the earth. In Rev., 18th chapter you will find recorded such portions of scripture as we have used. And now in conclusion, we shall say, that you have now before you the beasts, with all their blasphemy and lying won- ders; and upon these grounds, we think we have gave suffi- cient proofs to convince the reader. And yet, we would like to repeat that the first beast is the apropriate symbol of the papis- tical church ; and when she had lost her former power, she sought it again by sending forth one of her most able servants in the disguise of a christain. And the revelator sees him come forth out of the earth as a beast ; and by him all nations of the earth were deceived through his saying, that the Gentile and the Jew were of the same origin, which was a false theory and which was the image that was set up to the fh\st beast (pope) and that which made all the world wander after the first beast. For after the pope and Luther had established the one-man theory, then the Bible became a mystery. For under such a theory, the Bible can not be rightly divid- ed ; and divisions and fightings will come one after another, un- til the whole world is nothing but a confusion, as it is at this present time ; one sect fighting another, and the honest heart looking on, to see the end ; and wondering where to go, or what to do to be right. And this is do wooder when we realize that the "abomina- tion of desolation, spoken of by Daniel, standing where it ought CREATION AND FORMATION. 557. not, standing in the holy placb ; (the church.) For this reason we invite your attention to the truth of God's word, that he created the Gentile on the sixth day, and formed the Jew after the seventh day, which makes them two seperate people; and taking the Bible in this way, you then have a Bible without any mysteries; and our hearts will be made to rejoice; our souls will be fed on that heavenly food that will fit and prepare it for the judgment of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, when we will be judged according to the gospel of Paul, who was chosen of the Lord as an apostle, to "bring the Gentiles out of darkness, into light, and from the power of satan unto God/ 7 through the preaching of the gospel of uncircumcision. And under this gospel there was no room left for divisions, strifes and contentions; for Paul says, "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you ; but that ye be perfectly join- ed together in the same mind and in the same judgment." (1st Cor., 1st Oh., 10th vs.) Wherefore, Paul says, "Brethren, be followers together of me,*" (Philippians, 3rd Ch., 17th vs.) "For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of Gotf." (Acts, 20eth Oh., 27th vs.) "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, accept- able unto God, which is your reasonable service." (Kom., 12th Ch., 1st vs.) "For God hath not given us tht- spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind,* not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began; But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath brought life and immortality to light through the gos- pel : Wherunto I am apointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles." (2nd Tim., 1st Ch., 7, 9, 10, 11th. vs.) Wherefore, let this mind be in you, that was in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery, to be e- qual with God. But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men : and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled him- self, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. 558. CREATION AND FORMATION. Therefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name, which is above every name. That at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow.* And that every tongue should con- fess that Jesus Christ is Lord, (not the priest) to the glory of God the Father. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Therefore do all things without murmurings and disputings, that ye may be blameless, harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world. (See Phil. 2nd Ch.) And if the children of God is to be for lights in the world, we shall say this kind of light is not found in those divisions among the churches. For he says that there must be no disputings, that we may be blameless. Yes true we cannot be blameless if there is divisions, contentions and disputings. Hence we must be found blameless of these things, as well as all other sins, and then we will be blameless and harmless ; the sons of God : and if sons, then heirs of God, and joint-heirs with the Lord Jesus Christ, the first begotten of the Father, to whom be glory and power forever; who is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole world, who ga^e his life a ransom for many, in order that the world through him might be saved, even to as many as call upon his name; and He was the stone that was rejected by the builders, (the Jews,) who has become the chief head, and the corner stone of the church, the pillar and ground of truth, who is now at the right hand of the father, until his enemies are made his footstool. Wherefore, hear ye him; and be not deceived by great swelling words of man's wisdom, that eateth as doth a cankor, who handles the word of God deceitfully, to gratify the lusts of the flesh ; and to satisfy the carnal appetite, through "Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,* envyings,* revelings, and such like : " (Gal., 5th Ch. 20eth-21st vs.) And of which I have told you of in this work time and again, and tell you of them now, and that all those who do these things shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, lay aside all malice, all guile, all hypochrisies and enveying and evil speakings, for all these things belong CREATION AND FORMATION. 559. unto the beast; "For as new born babes desire the cincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby, for ye are now a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, which in time past was not a people, but now are the people of God." (See 1st Peter, 1st and second chapters.) Who had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained, and have been granted life through the death of Christ, that we might show forth his praises ; who hath called us out of darkness into his marvelous light, that we should be no longer strangers unto the covenant of God, but sons and daughters of His, and joint-heirs with Christ, a?id fellow-heirs of the family and household of God : and not to be tossed about any longer by every wind of doctrine, by the slight of men, and cunning craftness, wherein they lie in wait to deceive you ; but that ye be reconciled unto God, through his blessed son aud divine spirit who hath called us with a holy calling unto an inheritance, incorruptable, undefin- ed and that fadeth not away, eternally in \,he heavens ; if it be so that we have tasted of the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, through Jesus Christ our Lord. And now dear reader we fully trust that in the name of Jesus you may be able to comprehend from this work, the de- vine truths that has been lying hurried between the lids of the Bible ever since the image was set up, but now is made manifest by the holy apostles and prophets by the spirit that you may know for yourself when the word of truth is rightly divided. And that you may not only apprise your Bible above all things, but that you will dispose, and communicate all the light and knowledge that you have gathered from its sacred leaves either from the perusal of this work, or from the sacred book it- self, unto your less favored fellow creature, whether they be far or near. Who like Philip of old in the day of ignorance, knew not those things, nor even that there was such a book as the Bible; but you devise means to inform the ignorant of these facts, and of the truths, that this grand old book containes,also to know the difference between the Gentile and the Jew, and the dif- ference between the Bible and those false, godless, ruinous princi- pals of the pernicious teachings of these dark powers of the beasts. It may be well for us to remark here for the benefit of the 560. CREATION AND FORMATION. reader, that there are some that claim that they have the power to do miracles by faith, while by a close investigation, you will find it an evident fact, that they do them by the power of ani- mal magnetism; another one says I have power to forgive sins ; I do it in the place of God. Oh, what godlessness, and hellish- uess of our time, and blind and corruptness of to day. Perhaps the reader may think, from those remarks, that we think or claim that God has not the power to do the things a- bove spoken of; but we answer, on the other hand, that God has not only the power to heal the sick, but the power to open the eyes of the blind, unstop the ears of the deaf, and to raise the dead. But what we have been laboring for, is to prevent you from being deceived by those false sages of today, whose words are as soft as honey , but as bitter as gall, and as a deadly poison to the soul. And for this reason, it is necessary for us to make ready for the marriage of the Lamb ; "for blessed are they which are called unto the marriage of the Lamb ;" for at that time the tabernacle of God shall be with men, and he shall dwell with them, and they shall be his people ; and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor sighing, for the former things have passed away; and behold all things shall become new; and he will give unto them that thirst, the waters of life freely. For this is the promise of God to all that will come and live godly in Christ Jesus. And now in conclusion of this, our work, we shall say to the reader that we shall, in as brief a manner as possible, re- hearse our subject, and add such thoughts as may appear to be instructive. And we hope and trust that whatever good we may have accomplished in our labors, may not stop, but flow from heart to heart, until the world is made to realize those plain truths of the Bible, and appreciate its divine teachings. Hence, our first point then to notice is, that in the begin- ning of our labors, we stated that God did on the sixth day, cre- ate the Gentile male and female; numbering them with the beast, with great knowledge and wisdom, for their dominion CREATION AND FORMATION. 561. over all the earth, required these atributes, to fulfill their mis- sion which God had given them ; which was, to be fruitful mul- tiply and replenish the earth and subdue it. (Gen. 1st Ch.) The second point is, that after God had rested one day, which was the seventh, he then formed man from the dust of the ground ; this formed man, we say was the beginning of the Jewish, or Hebrew race ; and this man, he placed in the garden which he had planted expressly for that purpose which placed him in an inclosure. But the other man was not closed up ; his dominion was from sea to sea, and from pole to pole. And while the race of the formed man, could only look back as far as the garden, the beginning of their race, they well knew that their foes had been along by the side of them all the time, and naturally, they were the stronger of the two. This is what the world stumble at today, and the way they have been taught since Luthers time, hinders them from seeing the truth. Yet Moses, through the directions of God, has recorded this very plain in the 1st of Gen., and also those days spoken of are periods of time ; they are a thousand years with the Lord, as we see in the 90eth Psalm, 4th vs. ; also in 2nd Peter, 3rd Ch., 8th verse. And in the last part of the first day of the Lord's, our day of twenty-four hours was created and formed ; that is, when God divided the light from the darkness, and called the light day, and the darkness, night ; that is when our day of twenty-four hours was made ; but God's day spoken of in these six periods of time, was a thousand years. But that we may hasten on, we shall say, that in order that all things might be made plain and left on record for us to see, Christ came to earth, preached to the Jews, brought life and judgment to the Gentiles, which was the opening of -the sealed book, that all things might be made known ; and this could only be accomplished through His death. And in this mission is where satan was bound by Christ,(at the temptation in the wilderness,) and cast out of the Gentile in- to space, (by his death.) -See John 12, Ch. 31, vs. also Luke, 16, Ch. 11, vs. Acts 26, Ch. 17, 18, vs. Eph. 2, Ch. 2, vs. Kev. 20, Ch. 2, 3, vs. And at hib assension, he was given freedom ; and through 562. CREATION AND FORMATION. the beast that John saw, he gathers Gog and Magog from the four quarters of the earth to war with the saints, and to trample under foot the truth, and cause the daily sacrifice to cease, and the abomination of desolation working upon the perturbed minds of the multitudes, whose number is as the sand of the sea. Let us view them, as satan gathers them under the influence of the beast from the four quarters of the earth, preparing their vast army for the battle before the great and notable day. Look at the thousands coming from the ball-room, theater, and ban- quetings, the idolaters, drunkards, blasphemers, fornicators, whoremongers, adulterers, and all other departments of corrupt- ion that is abroad in the world. A.nd if we could only stop here, we even then would re- joice; but the very thought of having to present to you the div- isions that exists among the professed christian^, by which sa- tan is gathering his thousands into the ranks to battle against the saints, causes a thrill and awe to pass over us, on the ac- count of the many souls that are lost under its influence. But some will say, we have set aside the pope as the great beast and do not uphold him in any way. This does not better their con- dition ; for what does it prophet, if you do throw aside the devil, and still drink his broth. True, in this you are honest enough to set aside Catholicism, but you are dishonest enough, to suffer yourself to be pulled a- bout with the spirit of strife and contention; or in other words, with the doctrines of a world full of theorized religions. And the cause of this is, that the Bible is presented to the world under the one man theory, (or image) and under this the- ory, it becomes a Bible of mysteries; and no where in all the world can they see the truth of its sacred pages, under such an influence : and, under its electric current, thousands are swept into the ranks of satan. Behold the mottley multitude, whose ancesters carried the cross, over the bloody chasm of persecu- tion, and did it too, without one particle of the papisticle dog- mas resting upon the borders of the truth. But, this baneful power has been for the last three hundred years, daily and hour- ly sending. her cargo of souls into the dark abyss of eternal re- CREATION AND FORMATION. 563. morse. But should a catholic see there was a wrong, and would come to the conclusion to leave the the Eoman church, he would ask this question, to what other church will I go to find the right one, for I see outside the catholic church, over six-hund- red, and they all differ from each other as much as day and night, and that too, on the most vital points; and even among the members of any one of these, you will find contention and strife. But in the catholic church this is not so ; they all agree, and accept the pope as their head, and the priest as their father confessor. And, oh how true both of these two assertions are; the poor catholics are deluded by the abomination of desolation into the belief that these two men, the pope and priest, stand for them in the place of God and his Christ, and the end of which is eternal remorse. And on the other hand, the protestant, by the same abom- ination, is deluded into strife, jealousy, hatred, backbiting, de- bates, envyings, and revenge ; the end of which also is eternal remorse. These are facts that are open to the eyes of any one who love truth and right, and who will have to acknowledge, that while the first great beast is gathering his millions into the ranks of satan through his damnable heresies and priestcraft, there are equally that number gathered through the net of the second beast that is cast over all nations at present, which is the great hindering cause of the Word of truth not being rightly di- vided ; and is the occasion of so many sects in the world. And holding this picture up before us, we think, that let him be a catholic or protestant, it does not matter what the name may be ; the great point is, to cast off the works of darkness, which belong to the kingdom of the beast, and put on the armor of light, which is "The fruit of the Spirit ; which is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and tem- perance : and to crucify the flesh with the lust thereof. And not to be desirous of vain glory, nor provoking, nor enveying one another; but to walk in the spirit of meekness with all low- lyness of heart." (See Gal., 5th Oh., 22nd to 26th vs.) And when you have thus put on Christ, you are then his; and are no more children, tossed to and fro by every wind of 564. CREATION AND FORMATION. doctrine, and slight of men. And it matters not what your name may be, or where you are, you will then walk after the Spirit, and not after the flesh ; for to be carnal minded is death, but to be spiritual minded is life. And while we have this life offered so full and free to us, let us accept and obey Him while it is called day, lest the night of death overtake us where- in no man can work. For we hear the commander and chief of satan cry out, Our ranks are increasing, and we are growing rich ; the flock of Christ is diminishing and getting poorer, and we will soon be so strong, no one will be able to make war with the beast; and we will soon be able to surround the camp of the saints, and then we will place the great power which is at our command, in the place they call the church of Christ; for our number will be so great that no one will be able to with- stand us, nor even number us, for Christ's worshipers are very few, as we see them now as they go down into the valley of sor- row, sorrowing for the multitude of loved ones taken captive by satan and led into feasting, revelry, banqu^tings upon the hills of lust : also into murderings, drunkenness, thievings, and rob- bery upon the mountains of sin ; and as you are viewing the vas t army of satan they are gathering together for the battle of that great day of God Almighty, (Eev. 16th Ch., I4th vs.) al- ready are they drunken with the blood of the saints and martyrs of Jesus. And still you see the gol'den cup passing around fall of abominations, and filthiness, and the fornication of the great harlot ; and as the kings, merchants, shipmasters, sailors and all craftman, poor and rich, high and low, bond and free gather together. Oh ! hear the piercing cries, and harsh shouting, as they thirst for more blood of the beloved ones of Christ, as they see the miracles wrought by the spirit of devils, saying who is like unto the beast. Wherefore, no one can bay or sell, save them that will sub- mit unto the image, and receive the mark of the beast. And, as they proceed on with their oppression upon those that have their names written in the Lamb's Book of life, we hear them repeat over and over again, see how we are gaining ground ; And how fast tho number of Christ's lovers are falling away, CREATION AND FORMATION. 565. and are coming into our ranks. And just see how sorrowful those look, that still remain true to Christ; they, will soon give up, for while they see us enjoying all the pleasures of the world, and they themselves nothing but sorrow, they too, will soon a- bandon sorrow and take pleasure instead. Now such as these, are the thoughts of satan and his beasts, not dreaming that all their end will not meet in the future, just as they expect it will. Hence, we shall for a few moments, take a glimpse at the true christians, just as we have represented them in the valley of sorrow, sending up their petitions in a prayer. Oh how long O Lord just and true, wilt thou not avenge thy people upon thy enemies. And they hear the answer come back, "When you see the heavens opened, and, behold the white horse, and the one that is faithful, and true in righteousness, sitting upon him; he it is, that will judge, and is able to make war with the beast. Whose eyes are as a flaming fire, and on his head are many cro wns ; and he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood; (when He died for the world,) and his name is called the Word of God. And the armies of heaven will follow him, upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.* And out of his mouth shall go forth a sharp sword-" (See Eev. 19, Ch. 11, 15, vs.) This is the time of the fulfillment, when my people shall be avenged, saith the Lord God Almighty. When Christ shall come again, who is now at the right hand of the Father, and will remain there untill the restitution of all things. (See Acts 3, Ch. 21st vs.) And in receiving this answer from God, they readily cry out in the language of Paul, that we are willing to endure all things for the elect's sake. For we know that if we die for him, (Christ) we shall live again. And if we suffer for his sake, we shall reign with him; and if we deny him, he also will deny us before the Father in heaven. And from such willing minds, and hearts, they determined to suffer death, rather than to yield to the pleasure of sin, for a moment. And with such a determination, the little flock of Jesus once more look up and views the mighty army of satan, with its leaders dressed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and deck- ed with pure gold ; and many other such things you will find 566. CREATION AND FORMATION. spoken of in the 18th chapter of Eev. But what we desire the reader to notice most, is this : "Slaves and souls of men." If feasting upon the mountains of riches were all, then we would feel that they were not wronging any one but themselves. But they have slaves, and souls of men drawn under their power, to make themselves richer, so that they may live sumptiously every day. And wars, and rumors of wars trouble them not. They hear the peal of earthquakes, and know of its destructive power, but they heed it not. And with a scornful eye, they will look upon you if you cross their path, or say they belong to the beast. But one more thing we want to briefly speak of here, and that is this: many people today look upon the society of the "Sisters of Charity" as a good thing ; and we agree that it is, as far as charity is concerned ; but down deep in the under layers of covered up facts, lies one of the most horrid crimes that could be committed : the priest does not marry ; but in the nuner- ies they keep their virgin ; and while the sisters of charity are not nuns, they take care of the offsprings of those nuns, that the priests have as their virgins. This is the reason that the sis- ters take all the children that they can get, in order to cover up the dark deeds of priesthood. We have merely touched upon this point as a hint to all, to look well to see if they are incouraging these dark deeds by saying, that the sisters of charity are a good thing, because they take care of the sick and the orphants j which they do in order to cover up the black crimes, that gives joy and pleasure to the followers of the beast in the lusts of the flesh. And this only adds souls to the ranks of satan to battle against the saints, who has been, as it were, bowed in the dust, mourning and la- menting of the condition of their lost and ruined friends, that they are sure are under the influence of this great see-mon- ster. But now they are Ltanding erect with their eyes heavenward, and their faces Zionward, with their hands clasped together as a token of their obedience and honor to God. And in this attitude they close their eyes to the display of the beasts, and turn a deaf ear to all their revelings; they are not realizing at that CREATION AND FORMATION. 567. moment the pomp and power that satan with his army are try- ing to set forth ; nor are they aware that this army of satan, with the beast as their leader, has noticed any change in their camp. But they have ; and seeing what they think is a change, they conclude that the saints will soon hoist the flag of surren- der, and come and worship the beast and the image. And with such supositions upon their minds, the army of satan becomes more boisterous than ever, by the thoughts that victory over the saints, is ju.^t at hand. And it is while they are in this height of glory and banqueting upon the mountain of sin, that there is another change made in the camp of the saints. For while the ears of the host of the beast have been closed to the voice of Jesus, they hear only the harsh voice of the beast. But on the other hand, the ears of the disciples of Jesus are closed to all the abominations of the wicked one and his army ; and are open only to the sweet voice of Jesus and his commands. And as the end of time draws near, they hear Jesus say to them, Stand and see the salvation of the Lord ; and just at that moment they see the heavens open, and the Son of Grod stand- ing on the right hand of the Father, and the still small voice echoes out upon the breezes : the beasts "have become the habi- tation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and the cage of every unclean bird ; for all nations have been made to drink of the wrath of their fornications. " Therefore, their sins have reached up to heaven, and God sees how much they have glorified themselves and lived delic- iously, and for this cause, their plagues shall come upon them in one hour; death, famines and mourning; and they shall be burn- ed with fire ; because they have lifted up their hearts and have said who is like unto the beast. Who can make war with him. Their judgment is at hand; for a mighty angel takes up a mill- stone and casts it into the sea, saying, thus with violence shall the great city be cast down •" (which is representing the beasts) and then the voice is heard again saj^ing, "rejoice over her, thou heavens and all ye Holy xlpostles and Prophets. For God hath avenged you on her :" (See Eev. 18, Oh. 20, 21, vs.) And it was this command that caused the christians to clap 568. CREATION AND FORMATION. their hands and rejoice;, for at this command, the voice of many people in heaven, were heard, saying, hallelujah ; salvation, glory, honor, and power unto our Lord, our God. For true and righteous are his judgments. For he hath judged the great whore," (or the beast,) "which did corrupt the earth with her fornication; (which is the power of animal magnetism, or in other words, the egyptian see.) And again a voice is heard from the throne saying; praise our God, all ye his servants, and all ye that love him, both small and great." And from this com- mand, the shout went up from the little camp of christians, praise the Lord, O my soul; praise ye the Lord ! And just at this moment they see the heavens rolled together as a scroll, and the promised white horse and his rider make their apj>earance, who is called faithful and true, and in righteousness, does he make war. And how enchantingly does this crystal army of Jesus ap- pear, as you see them in their grand and noble array, as they follow their commander and chief, upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean ; and with this, follows another sight that dazels the eyes ; and that is "an angel standing in the sun ; and commands the fowls of the air to gather themselves to- gether unto the supper of the great God, so they may eat the flesh of kings and captains, (leaders of false doctrines) and migh- ty men ;" all who are gathered together under the leadership of the beasts, and all who are exercising the power of satan, so that they may deceive the world. And in this way, they have lived deliciously ; but now they are only a feast for the fowls of the air. But behold, the noble army of heaven obeying the command of Jesus; and listening for the trumpet of God to sound, when all nations are to be brought together to the judgement day of God ; while the saints that are yet remaining on earth in silence, are watching with eager eyes, the heavenly host preparing for the great and nota- ble day. And this silence with the saints, cause the enemy to double their clamoring for victory, as it appears that the saints are about ready to give up to them. But this is all a delusion to Gog and Magog; for when they view the camp of the saints once more from their lofty heights CREATION AND FORMATION. ^69. of revelry, and from the very pinnacle of sin, with a lustful eye. they see in the saints, the blaze of redemption light up with the candle of heaven. And at that moment, the trumpet peals out upon the air in tones of mighty thunder; and at that moment, a voice is heard as a great multitude, and followed, as it were by the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, "Alleluia : for the Lord God omnip- otent reigneth." (Eev., 19th Ch., 6th vs.) And from this terrible noise, the army of the beasts are wak- ened from their dreamland of hypocrisy ; and no sooner was the thunderings past, than a voice cries out ! "He that is unjust, let him be unjnst still : and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still : and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. And, behold, I come quickly ; and my reward is with me, to give every man accor- ding as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the begin- ning and the end. the first and the -last." (Bev. 22, Ch. 11, 13th verses. And at this terrible sound from heaven, and this posative declaration from God, the attention of the beasts and their fol- lowers, are withdrawn from the saints below, and they turn to see from whence it came ; and they behold the blackness of dark- ness coming upon them, as a rushing mighty wind. And the sight will be so terrible that it will make them fear and quake, and cry out, rocks and hills fall on us; for the same voice that shook the earth at the death and resurrection of Christ, at this time is not only to shake the earth, but the heavens also; for this proof, see Heb. 12, Ch. 26, vs. "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burntd up." (2nd Pet- er. 3rd Ch., 10th vs.) For behold, I come as a thief in the night. And there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven from the throne, saying, It is done ; the great city of Babylon is re- membered of G-od, to give unto her of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath ; for now is the time when the beasts and false proph- ets are to be taken and cast into the lake of fire ; and the time of 570. CREATION AND FORMATION. the gathering of all nations before the Lord of hosts. And for just a moment now let us listen to the sweet music as it bursts forth from the angelic host, in tones of thunder: Crown Him ; crown Him ; crown him, Lord of all ; Lord r f lords, and King of kings: and as the Son of God leads on, the holy armies of heaven follow after. Now look at the army of satan, stagering and reeling like a drunken man. But on comes the crucified One in the clouds of heaven, sitting on the throne of his glory; and at last the saints below are caught up to meet him in the clouds; and the angel is sent forth to lay hold on the dragon, and to bind him, and take him, and the beast, and all their followers, and cast them into everlasting torment; from whence the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and forever, which is the second death. And the saints, on the other hand, are to enter into ever- lasting life, to bask out in the open sunlight of never ending joy- And with these remarks and plain scripture before us, carry- ing our minds up till the time of the coming of our Lord and Saviour, we are perfectly willing to trust the reader's judgment upon our subject ; for we are satisfied that if the reader accepts the word of God as truth, and as a lamp to his feet and a light to his pathway, then we repeat we have no room to doubt the reader's judgment ; for we are confident that we have made no assertion but what agrees with the Bible. And we have given you proofs from the first chapter of Genesis to the last chapter of Eevelations ; just what we agreed to do, and which has given us a view from the beginning of creation up to the coming of Christ, and the restitution of all things, with the deception of the beasts. Therefore, dear reader, if you are now willing to take God and his Word, you need no longer be deceived, for with the light of the Bible before you as it is in truth, you are to know the mysteries, and nothing is to be dark; and just what we have to do to gain this knowledge, is to study, io show ourselves, ap- proved unto God; and to sanctify the Lord God in our hearts. CREATION AND FORMATION. 571. Hence, we admonish one and all, to come; baptist, method- ist, catholic, Lutherian, and let every one come; from the hill- side, the mountains, the plains, and from every known sect, and let us unite together in the spirit of Christ, and union of love and mind. And cast off the works of darkness, which is conten- tion, strife, emulence, backbiting, hatred, revenge, and every evil thing, that is contrary to Christ, and sound doctrine ; in a word, to keep ourselves unspotted from the world. And to put on the beloved bowels of mercy, so that we may no more judge our brother in meat and drink, or in respect of a Holy day, for one man may esteem one day above another, and another man every day alike, and the gospel Justifies them both, for they both do it unto God. So then, as Paul says, "Let us commend ourselves unto every man's conscience, in the sight of God, that we may be found blameless, and lacking nothing, in the day of the coming of Christ: and now consider what I say, that the Lord will give understanding in all things, and, remember that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, was raised up according to the gospel which Paul preached. Hence, we ask you to accept and continue in the light you have so plainly seen set before you in this our labors, bearing in mind that God committed the gospel of circumcision to Peter for the Jews, and the gospel of uncircumcision to Paul for the Gentiles. For the time has come that they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts, they will heap to themselves teachers having itching ears, thinking gain is godli- ness; and will turn away from the truth, believe a lie and be damned. But I say to you, watch ye in all things, and be ready; so that all darkness may disappear at the brightness of the golden day of the coming of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and the excellency of his throne and power. For in that world be- yond the silent tomb, there will be no instigator of skepticism, or pernicious teachers, to cause division, contention or strife; as it has been caused by them in this world of dis-union and debate ; of which David Frederick Strauss, has been but a mere fragment, as to form, power, and duration. For his loud voice only calls 572. CREATION AND FORMATION. to mind that the whole world, since satan was cast to earth, has echoed with this same bold cry against God and his Word. Hence, for ages and ages beyond this great German, this dust cloud of war has left its footprints upon the sands of time, and its cry is heard today more viciously than ever before, floating out upon the air, wafted by the wings of time, down deep into the minds of the'people of today ; and from its effects they find no rest day or night. Therefore, we say, if there has ever been a page in the history of time since the day that the serpent beguiled Eve, that this earthly, censual, develish cry has not been heard or made, we would be pleased to see that page, or find that season, and to make a special study of it ; and derive from it an elevated happiness. But having not found such a page, turning and look- ing up on the turmoil of today, and seeing a few individuals that are struggling with the Old and New Lutherian, the Old and the New Presbyterian, the Old and the New Baptist, the Old and the New Methodist, ect. ; until the Old and the New of all sects are sumed up, and see them tossing to and fro the words, orthodox and heterodox, ect., which is the cause of many a one asking this question, Where is the true church to be found ? And in what part of the world is it established ? There is so many sects, and the one cutting the throat of the other all the time, how am I to know which is right? And many other such questions is asked by Strauss, Emerson, Ingersol, and many oth- ers. And they are used as a sword in argument against the truth and the church of Christ. And upon these grounds, we often see the daily press exalt- ing itself, and in a few years no public institution would remain of any value, except the morning news paper, (or pr< ss.) And when we see the grounds of advantage, taken and occupied by such agents of oposition to the cause of Christ, gathering them from the fields of so called Christianity as they are held out, by the different bodies, as each one of them, present themselves to be the church, our heart longs to see the time of reformation come, and will say that there never has been a time that the true church has not been the sole cause of progress and civiliza- tion, and will long bear the press daily company, and will far sur- CREATION AND FORMATION. 573. pass it in filling hearts with love, hope, and charity. Hence, we add that the boasted inlightm^nt of our century ought to express itself in a more broad, a more Grod loving and God fearing, Christ like church. And with the sword of the Spirit, cut off those howling waves of the dust cloud of supersti- tion, and the ways and means, which satan has used to influence the minds of the ignorant multitude, so as to render the truth of the Word among those that would serve Grod in spirit and in truth, to have no effect. But nevertheless, in spite of all the power of satan, Christ established His church over eighteen hundred years ago; and set it up in the hearts of His children, and said in these words, that it should stand. Again He says, "though heaven and earth pass away, My Word shall not pass away." Where then is the boasting of Strauss, Emerson, or the press ? It is excluded j by what is it excluded, by these great dust clouds of satan? We answer not. It is done by the Word of Grod, and the testimony of the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Yes we say, upon this Rock Hi? church has stood, and will stand, untill the end of time, independent of the fragments of oposition, in her beauty adorned in white apparel, as a Bride for the Bride groom. But the Church has not been preserved upon flowery beds of ease, but through the mountainous paths of persecution. Hence, when we look back over past ages, when Servetus and Zelotes were burned, and witches were hung, and Quakers were banished, it would seem as though we have come to a time when the once troubled waters are calm. And true, if we had to rest the defense of Christianity upon such a dark picture of outrageous conduct of the past, it would be a pitiful case. And yet this is the very theory that is presented to to the people to- day ; and in their arguments, they try to make it legitimate, so that we will believe that all our confidence and hopes that we enjoy, is mostly founded upon human progress. And what is the most painful in this is, that such arguments are pro- duced by leading professors, and followers of Christ. Therefore, we ask that if Christianity must rest her defense upon such outrageous conduct of the past? and our hope and confidence upon human progress? Why then, if this be true, do 574. CREATION AND FORMATION. you ask u3 to turn the leaf over and look at the picture of the meek and lowly Lamb of Grod : was his example a cruel one, or did he burn any one, or, did he hang any one, did he curse any one, did he banish any one, or tell me, did he in any way op- press any one, or was his teachings unto his disciples in any wa}' pertain to such a character ? We answer positively, no: but, furthermore, they will teach you, that these things was necessa- ry, in order to forward the cause of christian^. And in many instances it was necessary for the sword to go before the gospel. But in this as well as the above, we answer under the authority of Christ's own words and teachings, it was not; and then say to you, "did not Christ rebuke Peter whcn.he cut off the ear of the servant of the high priest ? and did he not say, take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart; my yoke is easy, and my burden is light? did he not say come unto me all ye that are weak and heavy laden and I will give you rest? did he not say I send you forth as sheep among wolves, be ye wise as serpents, but as harmless as doves ? -Did he not say humble yourselves under the mighty hand of Grod, and he will exalt you ? did he not say to his disciples, that they should be delivered up to death ? and did he not tell them when he sent them forth to preach, that they was not to take any thing with them, no not so much as a sword, stave, or scrip ? for he told them his grace was sufficient for them ; and did he not tell them if they were persecuted in one city, they should flee to another? Furthermore we ask, does this look as though the christians, must rest their defense upon the hypocritical deeds of yesterday, or the outrageous conducts of the past? We answer, it does not; and again we hear it said, that it was necessary to use the sword in order to establish the gospel, At the time when Bishop Severys went to debate with Theodo- cius, the Jew Eabi. And instead of fulfilling his errand in de- bating, he with his army, overpowered the Jews, and destroyed their temples, which temples God had given them. For the Jew, as we have proven, was under the law of circumcision. And after this Bishop had robbed, plundered and murdered man, woman and infants to his satisfaction, then he makes the preten- tion of hiring the Jew, Eabi to preach his (the Bishop's) gospel ; CREATION AND FORMATION. 575. or in other words, you might say, forced the Jew, Rabi, to be- come what they called a christain. And thousands upon thousands of such pictures could be painted and put before your eyes, which they would have you believe, that Christianity must rest her defense upon. Is not this enough to make any honest heart droop in sorrow and sad- ness, and ask the question, from whence comes wars and fightings among them ? then listen for the answer ; Does not Christ say, they come of your own lust ? Yes. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit ; for Christ said, Love one another; love your neighbors ; yea, even love your enemies; for He saith love worketh no ill to his neighbor ; and that there is no fear in love, for fear is torment ; and perfect love casteth out all fear, for God is love. No room in such teachings for bloodshed, ra- pine, and revenge. And having those two pictures before us, one of love, mer- cy, pity and long suffering, the other with a character of the blackest outrages of the past, we say to you Be not deceived ; choose ye this day whom ye will serve, for God is not mocked. For what they sow, that is just what they shall reap ; for by such pernicious teachings they sow to the flesh, and they shall of the flesh reap corruption. For God has not called us to uncleanness, but unto purity: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him, should not perish but have everlasting life; also all that would heed his teachings, and obey his commands, and follow his example ; for He says, I have set ye an example which ye should follow in humbleness j for the servants of God must not strive but be gentle. Yes, it is true his followers must be gentle, and live in peace with all men ; and they must love each other as they love them- selves, for the love of Christ in them worketh no ill, to their fel- low men : and the same love, stands persecution by its enemy. But, the possessor of such love must not strive, but when per- secuted in one city flee to another ; then there is no room for the followers of Jesus to fight and take blood from their fellow man. But, on the other hand, this is just what the servants of satan will do. But, Christ's children are taught otherwise; they must not 576. CREATION AND FORMATION. bite and devour one another: for it is only the children of dark- ness that thirst for blood ; the children that belong to the beast and false prophets. And from this pure Godlike picture of Je- sus, we are enabled to plainly see that instead of Christianity resting its defense upon the depredation of the cruel ages of the past, (which has been the out rageous conduct of the beasts,) It rests its defense in the lap of love, its confidence in mercy, and its hope in Jesus Christ, the chief corner stone, who was led as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before his shearers is dumb, so he uttereth not a word. And when he was reviled, he reviled nol again, but, saying peace be unto you; my peace, I leave with you. And then take the humble example of his prayer in the agony of death, which was for hiL enemies, the very ones that nailed him to the hard wood of the cross. Hence, there was no prejudice there : nor there was no re- venge, enmity, and no murder in that prayer, nor there was no banishment in that prayer, with Christ ; and he is the example for the christian to follow ; and it was the example, that the apostles, disciples, and christians of the valleys followed, whose lives and sufferings the reader is already acquainted with, which proves to us that the christian's hope is in the love of Jesus; and in that love, they are willing to suffer all things. And, it is on such love, faith, and suffering, that Christianity of to day rests, and bases her arguments and defense; and whenever they tell you that Christianity must rest her defense upon such dark conduct of yesterday, and that all the confidence, and hope that we now enjoy in our human affairs, is founded upon progress, and not upon the faci of perfection, then ask them please, to look back over the dark ages of the past, when all the world was enshrouded in darkness and digression, until the bright and morning star of the east arose: Yes, that star which guided the wandering footsteps of the wise men, to where perfection itself lay wrapped in swadling cloths; and when they say confidence and hope lie in progress, point them to the Lamb of God on the cross, enclothed by all perfection. And while they boast of the halcyon days of calmness, that we are enjoying, point them to the perfect suffering of Christ on the cross! and the suffering of his followers for three hundred years, at the bands CREATION AND FORMATION. 577. of the cruel enemy; and then tell them that it is upon perfect- ion, that true Christianity of to day rests her defense; for Christ is perfect, and true Christianity rests upon him. For it was by his followers being made perfect by suffering, that human prog- ress was made manifest, and it was by and through the love of God in Christ and his disciples, that progress was elevated be- yond all human expectations, or apprehension. And upon these grounds, progress today- owes all her ad- vancements ; and it is upon these grounds, that the christian stands and rests his hopes ; and from whence, comes our confi- dence and hope in all our human affairs at large; and let them reason as they may of the dark past, or even the golden future, we add, all must rest upon this foundation Jesus Christ, the chief corner stone ; Christianity rests her head no where else. And progress must rest upon Christianity ; for while satan with his beasts fought hard to hinder progress and civilization all through the stormy days of parsecution, christain perfection, in the weakness of the flesh, through the strength of the Spirit, done its perfect work in Christ, And upon these grounds, the great battle was fought. Christianity prevailed, and progress was established upon the blood bought banner of Christianity. And satan's plan of hold- ing the world under the yoke of tyranny and oppression was defeated. And as we hold up to view these two pictures, we might ask, what have we learned ? And the answer surely would be, that the world was turned from barbarism and digression, in- to civilization and progress by christian perfection. And further- more, when satan saw that he lost the battle, and that his roar- ing like a lion, and howling like a wolf for the blood of Jesus, which was flowing fluently through the veins of those humble pious christians of those early days, availed him nothing, and that the sheding of their blood, with their humble submission without raising one hand of defense, and their fervent prayer to God for their would be slayers, was only the means of the spreading of the light and liberty of progress in humanity and civilization, he lays aside the roar of the lion and the howling of the wolf. And appearantly as a lamb, the lion or wolf comes forth in 578. CREATION AND FORMATION. sheeps clothing, and as a serpent coiled up in the cloak of peace, he now takes up his position in the midst of God's children, in the false prophet, or second beast, or the harlot, and in this atitude licks God's children in the face, so that he may get the opper- tunity to stab them in the heart, with his venom noxious poison of pernicious teachings. And it is through this channel that all false religions have arose; men through their sins and godless pride, have removed themselves away from God, and the re- straints of religion, and become addicted to vice and impurity ; and the most holy God gives them over to their own licentuous- ness. And they worship the creature more than the Creator. For professing themselves to be wise, they become fools; and they change the glory of the incorrupable God into the likeness of corruptable man. And it was from the ebb and flow of this channel, that so many divisions and different religions are in the world. But all these only go to prove more clearly the true light of God's holy Word, and that they are the corrupt and seperate branches ; just as the green tree is found in the midst of the withered boughs which lie around. And through such licentiousness comes the arguments that progress, science, and all human philosophies are the sole foundation of civilization. And these asser- tions the reader is already aware, has been produced in opposi- tions to God's Word. Hence, they are also false ; for every honest heart will ac- knowledge that religion and Christianity are the sole fundament- al principles of civilization. And furthermore, those and all similar arguments, devised by those libertines, only afford the grounds for the belief that in just such a time, the language of the apostle, Paul, will be fulfilled concerning the coming of Christ, in saying, "That day will not come unless there be a fall- ing away first;" and experience in all ages and in all conditions of life, have taught us that in time of persecutions, peril, famine, nakedness, or distress there has never been a falling away. But, on the other hand, with a death grip they cling unto God, to save them from their troubles. Then we learn that the falling away must come when the time is fulfilled, when they cry out peace, peace, when there is no peace ! And it is in just CREATION AND FORMATION. 579. such a time, and in such arguments that we above stated, that Paul again speaks and warnes us of, in this language j "Let no man deceive you by any means/' then we plainly see that we are to guard against sruch arguments, and not be deceived in any way or manner, for the mystery ol iniquity doth already work, says Paul : And if they say lo here or lo there is Christ, believe it not. Tell them that there is lighting without, and fears with- in, and G-od's people must not strive, but to be humble and gen- tle, and apt to teach by word, works, and deeds, in all love and peace; and that Christ is not divided, and his people must be in union with each other. For where divisions, debates and jealousy is, Christ is not there • for all such corruptness belongs to him who is to be revealed, the son of perdition, at the bright- ness of the coming of the Son of G-od. And for fear that there may be some room for doubt as to where the true church is to be found, we shall say to you, that the scripture teaches us that the church of Christ and his king- dom are set up in the hearts of his true followers ; and it does not matter where they are, there is where you will find the re- ligion of the Lord Jesus Christ. A religion that acknowledges a crucified Saviour. A religion which crucifies the flesh with all its lusts. A religion that commands us to lovt? our enemies, our brethren, and our neighbors. A religion that commands us to visit the sick, cloth the naked, feed the hungry, give to the needy and poor, help the widows that are in affliction, care for the orphants, visit the prisoner, and live peacably with all men. A religion that commands you to keep yourself unspotted from the world, and to fear and hate sin with an ernendatory hatred. A religion that loves Grod above all, and which obeys His word and fulfills His commands. This is the relgion, and church of Christ, formed in the hearts of the struggling few, in this world of wilderness. Strug- gling we say, against divisions, contentions, principalities, pow- ers, and spiritual wickedness in high places, yea, they would sooner meet the fate of the christians of the val^s, or John when banished, or Stephen who was stoned to death, as to be sepparated from the kingdom of God in their hearts, or from that union which Christ so earnestly prayed for, that was to re- 580. CREATION AND FORMATION. main among them. Union in activeness, in preaching, in pray- ing, and in spirit of the same mind. And when you find such a religion, you then will find the church that is free from malice, hatred, and superstition • and the church which is free in its noble manhood ; and furthermore, you then will find the church that is broad in its soul saving power, and endurence of hope, but not broad in oppression and strife ; broad by the presence of God, and not broad by his ab- sence; not broad like the Sahara in its treeless, birdless, dewless sands; or not broad like the Artie Ocean, in perpetual silence and ice, but broad like an infinite paradise of glory, full of ver- dure, good fruits, melodious music, industry, happiness, and pure worship, eternally ; wide enough in its gates of beauty to welcome all to its bosom that will heed the pleadings of Christ, "Come unto me all ye that labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." And now if we have the opportunity, let us meditate well upon these things, for the precept, to love God, is the first and most essential of all commandments; and love is the fulfilling of the whole law. It is necessary then for us to weigh this well. And hereafter let us imitate this as far as is possible ; just what the saints are doing in heaven ; and what we hope to do in eter- nity ; that is, let us love God with all our hearts, souls, body, mind, and strength, and our neighbors as ourselves. It may be that heretofore we have not done this as we ought, or as Was our duty to God. Oh distressing thoughts ! let us suppose for a moment, that if God was to open heaven, and show us one of the eleet, in the full splendor of that glory which surrounds him, could we thus behold Him in all the joy and rapture, wherein the blessed saints are bathed in their heavenly home. And could we but hear a celestial voice proclaiming, Behold, ye mortals, and ad- mire ; for thus God honors, and thus God rewards his saints in glory. Oh how transported would we be in that moment at such a scene ! And thus would that blessed saint address ; ambitious man ! what are all the honors of the world, compared with the honor and glory which I now enjoy ? or what arc all j^our fleet- CREATION AND FORMATION. 531. ing treasures, compared to these infinite, indestructable treasures prepared for the saints in light? ye desolate and sensual sinners, what are all those base pleasures, that you enjoy only for a moment, compared to these pure and unspeakable raptures which delight the elect of .God for all eternity. Oh, just to think how such a sight as this would fill us with disgust against all the false and deceitful things of this world. And Ob, what a longing it would excite for these enduring and never ending treasures of a glorious immortality. And now dear reader, let me say, what we cannot see with our bodily eye, the religion of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, manifests clearly to us, through faith, and offers to our hopes. Let us then, by a pure and holy life here, make ourselves worth- y of an immortal life hereafter. Heaven is waiting to receive us, after we have lived such a life. Let us then detach ourselves from the world and worldly allurements ; for here we have no continuing city: our true home is in heaven. Wherefore, let us ponder deeply upon these things, and let us endeavor to merit heaven. For the religion of Christ, calls upon you to look up to heaven ; and to strive to make your- selves worthy to enter therein; and to look well to it that your way of life may be such as will bring you there. And in conclusion, we shall dwell upon our last thought for a short time. And to make that thought as impressive as possi- ble, as it is an important one to every soul, which thought is, that death is certain ; and that no man knows when, where, or how he must die ; and any moment may be his last on earth. And at the moment of death, he must give an exact account of all his thoughts, words, and deeds, which alone with all he has, will follow him into the next world. And after this life, which passes so quickly, comes eternity, which has no end, and which must be forever blest, or forever be mad^ miserable; for we have come into this world to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. And if we fail in this, we cannot make good our loss in eternity ; and that sin alone can make us miserable eternally ; sin is the only real evil and misfortune which we have to fear; for it is sin only that can seperate us from God. Therefore, we should fear nothing else in this world but 582. CREATION AND FORMATION. sin; for nothing else can make us unhappy now or hereafter. O ! wonderful and sublime thoughts ; let us never forget them : for nothing can harm us but sin, and ws cannot enter heaven our true home, if we are sinners. If we are sinners, we can never see God, the author of our existence; even by one sin, if not blotted out of the book of remembrance, by a Godly sorrow for it, in true repentance, we become a prey to eternal remorse, and everlasting despair. Let us consider this, and more sincerely and firmly than ever, say, I am resolved to save my soul, and for this I will labor the rest of my life; hitherto I have neglected this too much ; and have I not reason to look upon it as a great favor that God still gives me the time and the grace to meditate seriously on these things. Penetrated with these solemn thoughts, let us ' k flee from sin, as from the face of a serpent; for if wt come near them they will lay hold on us, and their teeth thereof are as the teeth of a lion killing the souls of men. All iniquity is like a two edged sword." Penetrated by these great truths let us in the future live as men, who are strengthened by the thoughts of a happy eternity, by the cheering hope of serving God now and hereafter. But again ; death is certain, and if we neglect to prepare for death in this life we must be forever slaves of sin, and victims of eternal remorse. O ! un-repentant sinner, you who have turned a deaf ear to every appeal, and turned from them with indifference, and now have come to a death like insensibility, whom nothing touches, nothing moves. It is only too plainly seen that thy deadly distaste for all divine truths, that God has now deserted thee; that he has withdrawn from thy bed of death ; thou hast cast thyself into the abyss of hopelessness and despair; for the sight of your sins in that hour, causes you to believe there re- mains no mercy for you; thou hast condemned thyself, and hast written thine own eternal despair; dying now without God. O ! sinful love : O ! mistaken kindness ; my well days were spent in you, and now the jndgment of God is before me; my sick- ness and pain is increasing ; the physician pronounced it mor- tal ! O, now for a moment look at the members of the house- bold ; they look at each other and sorrow is read in every coun- CREATION AND FORMATION. 583. tenance ! Ah, no wonder, for they realize that not only the body, but the soul also is lost; for the wild cries of the dying in the agony of death, is, I am lost, lam lost! Yes, lost to God, and hapiness, for all eternity; just for the sake of the pleasure of sin for a season. Oh, wonderful thought! And yet, how true: Death, is cer- tain. And now, penetrated with these solemn thoughts, "Let us draw nigh unto God, with the full assurance of hope, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and thereby sanct- ify the Lord God in our hearts ; for it is better, that if the will of God be so that we suffer for well doing, than for evil doing. For Christ hath also suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, in order that he might bring us unto God. Forasmuch then as Christ hath sufferecl for us in the flesh, let us arm ourselves with the same mind, that that mind be in us that was in Christ, that we may no longer live the rest of our time to the will of the flesh, and the lusts of men, but to the will of God. For where there is envying, contention and strife, there is confus- ion and every evil work ; and such wisdom is of man ; but the wisdom which is from heaven, which is above, and cometh down from above, is first pure, then gentle, and easily to be entreated full of mercy, and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. Henceforth, know we no man after the flesh ; for we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ. And now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face; and now abid- eth Faith, Hope, and Charity, these three; but the greatest of these three is charity, (the love of God ;) wherefore, I beseech you by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable ser- vice. And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transform- ed by the renewing of your minds ;" unto all that you owe to Him, who alone is able to save us in the solemn hour of death ; and transplant our weary souls where sorrow never comes, and death is not known ; and seperation is a stranger. And now trusting that our labor and work, sla is accomplish- ed in this little volume, will far exceed our expectation in giv- ing light to the weary world, we place our utmost confidence in 584. CREATTON AND FORMATION. the "Great Author" of heaven and earth, that He will forward the claims and rights of both Jews and Gentiles to the end, for in Him they owe their all. We have labored for the rich and poor, for the learned and unlearned, that all might read and understand. We trust this as a Mission book, will not stop with American thinkers, but that it will take flight to all parts of the inhabitated world ; and as a work designed for much good, will accomplish much good, for we have written this book with the purest intention, and with the greatest desire, hoping to see it do its work in the name of Him, in whom it is dedicated; all we have we owe to Him. We trust that every reader will, for the first time in his life, see the truth of the Holy Bible. And to every one, both old and young, we assure you, that this work is not of man, but of the kind providence of the living God. Eead it and you will find the pure gems of eternal thought. It is no system of fabu- lous doctrine ; its foundation is the Bible, and to every reader it offers a reward ; and every reward is his crown. Not only will it lead him to the truth in this life, but beyond the dismal tomb, he will realize himself to have been in the' highest degree forwarded and benefited by the prililege of drinking in the sweets of endless pleasure, to be an heir of God, and a joint heir with Christ, forever and ever. Amen. The Author, in conclusion, desires to congratulate Mr. Frank Settles for his faithfulness in furnishing the means for the pub- lishing of this work; also Gr. W. Tremain, for his faithfulness as Foreman, with his never tiring energies, to complete the work for Christ and his cause. H153 81 \\* ,s - -^ * * aV . . . V, ' • • ■ *^ I 1 o V ,V °- ^''JsLr** V* ** ^' % <^ 4? . ^ « ' ■*> 'V