LMAriMA^^^HHHHSfiH ^ .V- '**. •> 4 O i« « ^^ '^Q^ 0(^ ^*^<^<^ • -i-^t^, I ■mm ^ ■' II * //h , ' ^-.^^■^ .• ■*■•' c-r « « 9> y 'K ^. ^^ ^^' " J V J vV^^ ^ A. .\^ '^, ».,,•* .0-' • , • • ♦ ' <> » / ■V '*.. ./- ^> 1 ' • ^X- • e . o ' .«T 'f^. -e.o' ^V- _/<^^ 1 • o. V .<^ ."^ .0^ •> C^^ *-..^'' 'o , , •f, 'o . . ■f^ y '- ' * ,0 A <•. o " • . ' ' • . -^--0^ ^-^v*. o^ <. •^^^* 5^'^- ..■^ -5- „* .<:■ y >. A 0^ A - .t^ O ' . . . * /> ••1> A > 'bV .s'^" x^r^ /.A^^A^ % cV^ '^-^ ry ^' .v^. % .0 .>i' A '>•. 4 O o •\o'^ o V 3.0 -7^ .<^' '•^^ - 9^ \ y.- n"* .V :^'^^U ^^ ' . . > -f*. -<< THE HAMLIN FAMILY A GENEALOGY OF ■ JAMES HAMLIN OF BARNSTABLE MASSACHUSETTS ELDEST SON OF JAMES HAMLIN, THE IMMIGRANT, WHO CAME FROM LONDON, ENGLAND, AND SETTLED LN BARNSTABLE, 1639 1639—1902 BY HON. H. FRANKLIN ANDREWS, AUTHOR OK The Andrews Family, 1890. The Hamhn Family, 1894. The Hamlin Family, 1900. published by the author EXIRA IOWA 1902 \ Q. •x^^^ Coat of Arms of John de Hamlink Kt. of Lescester: who served under Kins. EDWARD I. 12'12-i;i07. INTRODUCTION. As indicated in the title pajje, this voUime is the first of a series of works on the genealotiy of James Ilaiulin,' who came from London, Kiif^land, and settled in Barnstable. Mass., in 1(j;W. It will \ni otiscrved that he had .sons named James, Bartholomew, Jolin, Eieazer and Israel; all of whom were mar- ried and had descendants. It is regretted that the descendants of his daught.ers, have not been discovered. The present volume gives the genealogy (»f James Hamlin,* eldest son of the immigrant: and wlui was also born in F^ngland. In former w<»rks on the hi.story of The Hamlin Family, the author lias shown that the Hamlins went with William the Conqueror from Normandy to ?]ngland, lOWi: and that since that event the name has been a common one in England to the present time. The nume appears in the roll preserved in the church at Dives, in N{»r- mandy, of the companions in arms of the Conqueror, who there assemlded t^» cross over to England: and it a l.so appears in the Battle Abtiey lioll of those who fought at the battle of Hastings, 1066: when the Conqueror and hisarniy won the crown of England. In a work on The Battle Abbey Roll, by the Countess of Cleveland. 1889, the following mention of the Hamelins api)ears: Hanielin— There are three of the name, entered asunder tenant* in l> be ncorded in what is known as " Domesday Hook," completed iti loHfi. It is the ant horitutive distribution of the lands of England to the followers of the Contjueror. In 18rd nance Survey Odice, Soiit hanipt \ice President llainliii, a tac simile extiacl tuim " Douusday Hook," showing Mmie of the land holdings ol Hamelin, the Norman, which is here reproduced: THE HAMLIN FAMILY. CornvsLlse. / 5**^*^ una fqrtoMr-"^»-»«J- <='^"'*^^*^-^7nuXtn^. Trarvslattion. ^(xuuA.t£jLAA. A.olcU cU^OulJL, OukjC i e^MAJLoUji : ^k«AJt, Oxiul fitnA-oMy^j OaaS if iunJUA.vta^ axAxL 6 a£AJLo di urrrf_, o/uuL icm o.«(xo c^ /i.ou>/ii4x : j^- ItAUAZ^ lZTWOu) L>oiiL IS'^LiUiuJ^, -vtMU lO slvUlUuyo. UAA^A^ L(dJL iL' Ua. 2. iCS.j OaaJL ar taAAA£lUc U.oULc^ ^e^. OiLuuujUi. hjJLL Us ii^ '3, /e.6.^ OaU. U/tL4 tcL^Ca. ^ / tUJjL. oui" ixr»nr, flxc^ 30 Ojhajlo cj \uxjaLZ. Hamlin. George, It (( Michael, Dec. I. \(VA\. Hamblin, Joan, dau. " John, May 2;i, uy.i-2. Hamblin, Sarah,* It (t James, Sep. (>. WA-2. Hamlin, Elizabeth, It (t Henry, Mar. «)•> i();{;n Hamlin, Jobn. son " Michael, Ahiy 2S, i(;;{4. Hamlin, Mary,* dau. " James, July 27, i(i;!4. Hamlin, Edward, son " John, Oct. «i, 16:{4. Hamlin, William, It ti William, Jan. ir.. l(i.!(). Hamlin. .lames,* U t( James, Apr. 10. It. .{6. MARRIED Hamlin, Henry and Mary Wagstaff, July 29, Uihi. • Probably children of James Flumlin,! the settler In Barnhtalile. Ma.Ks.. IWl'. 8 THE HAMLIN FAMILY- BURIALS Hamlin, Michael. Edward, John, Michael, John, Michael, James,* Apr. 13, 1615. Apr. 15, 1620. Mar. 28, 1623. Feb. 20, 1625. Mar. 27, 1627. Oct. 23, 16-28. Oct. 24, 1633. We shall have frequent oeeasion to refer to the several towns and places on Cape Cod, now Barnstable County, Mass. The accompanying map will show the location of the various Indian tribes and settlements there at and about the time of the settlement of that country by the English. Probably soil of .James Hamlin.i of Barnstable. INTRODUCTJON. 9 Tlie next map shows the same territdi-y as (hvidt-d intn towns at tlio present time. Many of the descendants of James Hamlin have intermarried witli the descendants of tiie earliest settlers of the Plymouth colony and Cape Cod. and we shall have frequent occasion to notice them. It will be important to know S(»mething about the history of the early settlers of that jJortion of Massachu- setts: which will be accordingly given. Ifi20, Old Style. Saturday. .lulv 22. Saturday, Aug. •">. Monday, A ug. 21, Wedne.sdaA •, Sept. H, Thursday, Nov. 9. Saturday, Nov. 11, Friday, Dec. 8, PILCRIM KATES. Left Leyden and Delft Haven, Holland. Mayflower and S|»eedwell left ."^outhamptuii, ri'fd. Sailed again, but returned. Mayflower sailed from Plymouth, England. Sighted Cape Cod. Ma.ss. Compact signed. Provincetown harbor. Mass. The shallop party exploration. 10 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Sunday, Dec. 10. The rest, at Clark's Island. Monday, Dec. 11. Explorations, Duxbury? and Plymouth Rock. Saturday, Dec. 16. Lett Provincetown for Plymouth. Mon. &Tu. Dec. 18-19. Explorations on shore. Wedn'day, Dec. 20. The Landing. 1621, New Style. Thursday, Jan. 7. Divided into nineteen families. Sunday, Jan. 31. First worship on land. Wedn'day, Mar. 31. Last to leave the ship. MAYFLOWER PASSENGERS. Allerton, Isaac. Mary, wife: d. Feb., 25, 1621. " Bartholomew. " Remember. " Mary. " John,* a seaman. Alden, John. Bradford, William. " Dorothy, wife; drowned Dec, 7, 1620. Brewster, William. " Mary, wife. " Love. " Wrastling. " William, grandson. Billington, John. '• Ellen, wife. " John. " Francis. Britterige, Richard; d. Dec, 6, 1620. Browne, Peter.* Butten, William; d. Nov., 6, 1620. Carver, John; d. April, 1621. " Katherine, wife; d. May 1621. " a maid, servant. Carter, Robart,* Clark, Richard.* Cooke, Francis. " John. Coper, Humility.* Crakston John.* " John, son. Chiltern, James: d. Dec, 28, 1620. " Mrs., wife of* *' Mary. Doty, Edward. Eaton, Francis. " Sarah, wife. " Samuel. These died before April, 1621. INTRODUCTION. n Ely, a seaman, returned. English, Thomas.* Fletcher, Moyses. Fuller, Samuel. Edward.* Mrs., wife of* " Samuel. Gardener, Richard. GcKidiuan, John. Holbeck, William. Hopkins, Stephen. " Elizabeth, wife. Giles. " Constanta. *' Demaris. " Ocean us. Rowland, John. Hooke, John: with Isaac Allerton. Latham. William: with Gov. Carver. Langmore. John.* Litster. (Leicester) Edward. Margeson, Edmond.* Martin, Christopher: d. Jan. 8, 1621. " Mrs., wife of* Minter, Desire: with Gov. Carver. More, Jasper: with Gov. Carver, d. Dec, 6, 1620. " Richard: with William Brewster. " Ellen; with Edward Winslow. Mullines, William: d. Feb. 21, 1620. " Mrs., wife of * '* Joseph.* " Priscilla. Preist, Digerie: d. Jan., 1, 1621. Prower, Salamon; d. Dec, 24, 1620. Rigdale, John.* '• Alice, wife.* Rogers, Thomas.* " Joseph. Sowle, George. Standish, Myles. Rose, wife: d. Jan.. 29, 1621. Story. Elias: with Edward Winslow. Samson, Henry.* Thomson, Edward; d. Dec, 4, 1620. Tillie, Edward.* Ann, wife.* " John.* " Mrs., wife of* •' Elizabeth. • These died before April, 1(521. 12 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Trevove, William, a seaman, returned. Tinker, Thomas.* •' Mr.s., wife of * " Son* Turner, .John.* " a son* " a son.* Warren, Richard. White, William: d. Feb , 21, l(i21. " Susan, wife. " Resolved. " Peregriene. Williams. Thomas.* Wiiisktw, Edward. Elizabeth, wife; d. March 24, 162], " Gilbart. PASSENGER.S IN THE FORTUNE. Akuived at Plymouth, Mass. Adams, John Kassett, William Beale. William Brewster, J(mathan Brijjys Clement Bom passe, Edward Cannon, John Coner, William Cushman, Roljert Cushman, Thomas Deane, Stephen De LaNoye, Phillipe Flavel, Thomas Foord, The Widow Hicks, Robert. Hilton, William Morgan, Bennet Morgan, Thomas Nicholas, Austin Nov. 11, 1621. Palmer. William Pitts, William Prence, Thomas — the Gov. Simmcins. Moses Stacey, Hugh Stewart, James Tench, William Winslow, John Wright, William SANDWICH. April 3, 1637: "It is also agreed by the Court that these ten men of Saugus, (Lynn, Mass.,) viz: Edmund Freeman, Henry Feake, Thomas Dexter, Edward Dillingham, William Wood, Jolm Carman, Ricliard Chadwell, William Almy. Tliomas Tupper, and George Knott, shall have liberty to view a place to sit down, and liave sufficient lands for tliree score families, upon the con- ditions propounded to them by the Governor and Mr. Winslow." That year tliese men, except Thomas Dexter, who came later, settled with their families in and near what is now the village of Sandwich. Mass. Other settlers from Lynn, Duxbury and Plymouth continued to come until in 1641, the following named persons had settled there: Allen, Francis Dillingham, Henry Miller, John " George Dingley, John Newiand, John " George Jr. Ellis, John " William " Matthew Ewer, Henry Nye, Benjamin " Ralph Fish, John Nicliols, Thomas * These died before April. 1621. INTKODL'CTION. 13 Alk-n Saimit-l Fish. .loiiatlian PottiT. Mr. AnuitiiKe. Thoiuas '■ Natliaiiiel I'lV-sbiiry, .lolm Hell, John !■ rttMiiaii. Edmuiid .1 1. Saiidersdij. Henry IkMTv. Kdimind '■ .Inhn Skftlc. .Jaim-s lihuk. Mile.s P'rieiul. Jolui Slawsoii. (Jcnr^re lilackiuore. John (Jaunt, i'eti'r Sti-phen. Himuv Hliss. Geor^ti Gibb.s. Thomas .Swiii. \\ ilham Ht's-e. Anthony (iieen. .loliii Tiiriiti-. Micliail lioaiiiman. Tlionias (iieentield, Tlioiiias XiucfMt. Jolwi liodtish. Koliert Hai.ett, Andrew Jr. Wade. Richard Houriu'. Richard Hampton. Tliomas Wihis Lawience Hiaybrook. Wii.iain Hanhiiry. IVter " Nal.ianiel Hiitf^^s. Jolui Hallow, William " 'J'homas Bruit t. Geor>re Hedge. William Winy. Daniel Burne. Thomas hoi way, Joseph •• John MiMKess. Richard Hurst. William " .Stephen Thomas Jolui.son, J(»hn Win.sor. Joseph Thomas Jr. " Thomas Woilaston, Mr. Butler, Thomas Joyce. John Wright. Anthony Chi 111 ng.s worth. Tliomas Kerby. Richard •• Nicholas Claike, Edmund King, John " I'eter Cole, George Landers. Tliomas Cole, Henry Leverich, William BARNSTABLE. This was ancient Mattacheeset, in the territory of the Indian .sachem, lyanough. a friend of the lilgrims: whose burial place is still to l»e .seen there. Rev. .Stephen Balchiler has the honor of being the first wiiite man to settle in Barnstable. He with a small company. prol)ably his sons and son.s-in- law. went to "Old town '" in the nortlTJ'i*^t part of Mattakeese in the winter of If.iiT-*': Ijut finding it cold and the difliculties great, he abandoned it liie t'l.lli.w- ing spring. .See note, Rev. Stephen Batchiler. Ill the latter part of IH.ST, or early in KKiS. the General Court of Tlymouth Coldiiy granted to Mr. Rit-hard Collicut. of Dorchester. Ma.ss.. the lands at .NIattakeese: Re\. Joseph Hull and Elder Thomas Dimmock may have been aivsociated with him in this grant, but this is not certain. Elder Thomas Dimmock was in Barnstable March. Ki.T.t; and was then appointed toexerci.se the Barnstable men in their arms. Ou April \. Itl.Ut the C( urt ordered that only such persons as were then at Mattakee.se sliould remain and make use of .some land: t>ut should imt divide any, either to themselves or others: nor receive into the plantation any oilu-r persons, exceptinir those to whom tlie original grant was made. Rev. Joseph Hull went there from Weymouth. Ma.ss. in May. 1(».'{S). On May t>. Ki.v.t: --It is ordered by the court that if Mr. Collicut do come in his own per.soii to inhabit at Mattakee.se before tlie (k-neial Court in .June ensuing, that then the gram shall rem.iin firm unto them: but. if he tails to ct»me within the time jirefixed, that then their grant be made void: and the lands be otherwi.se dispo.sed of." 14 THE HAMLIN FAMILY He failed to come, and on June 4, or 14, new style, the ^rant was assigned to Rev Josojih Hull and Elder Thomas Dimmock: who with their associates were the actual founders of Barnstable. It is certain that Mr. Collicut never settled in Barnstable: but he or his associates surveyed some lands there and appropriated some to their particular use softn after the grant to him. He may have been prevented from making settlement in Barnstable and securing the grant by other business; as he resided in Mass. Bay Colon v, and not in the Plymouth Colony He was made freeman in the former Colony, Mar. 4, 1632-;{: was a surveyor: selectman, 1636; deputy. 16.36-7, and again in 16o.5: he was appointed commissary for the troops employed against the Pequot Indians, May 17, 1637, was appointed to rectify the bounds between Dedham and Dorchester. 1638: and to run the line between Massachusetts and Connecticut, 1641; he removed to Boston, 1636: was in Fal- mouth (now Portland). Maine, 1669; in Saco, Maine, 1672; and d. Boston, July COURT HOUSE AT BARNSTABLK. 7, 1685, aged 83 years. Although not positively known, it is conceded that Barnstable was incorporated Sept. 3, 16.39. It is supposed the town was named for Barnstaple, England, from whence^it is presumed Rev. .Joseph Hull came. At the time of incorporation the following named persons had settled there, viz: Rev. Joseph Hull, Tristram Hull, John Bursley, Thomas Dimmock, Thomas .Shaw, Austin Bearse, Henry Coggin, James Hamlin, William Tilley, Thomas Allyn. Laurence Lichfield, Tliomas Huckins, .John Smith. Roger Good- speed, John Scudder, Nathaniel Bacon, and perhaps Rev. John Mayo, and his son Samuel Mayo. But Smith, Bacon, Bursley, Tristram Hull and Samuel Mayo were not householders. The early settlers at Coggin's Pond, in Barnstable, were Henry Bourne and Tliomas Hinckley from Scituate, and Henry Coggin, Laurence Lichfield, James Hamlin and William Tilley. Mr. Otis supposed the last four were asso- INTRODLX'TION. ir. ciates of Mr. Collicul. But Kev. Josepli Hull M.ld . seme (.f his laini tn Dannie! Hinckley, audit is well km>\Mi that Mr. Hinckley's land joined lliat ol Janus Hamlin on the east and hoidered on tlie south of ( o^Kin's 1 ond. Ihe order in which the settlers lots were located at CoK^rin's I'ond in 1()4;M. from east to west were: William Tilley. Gov. Thomas Hinckley. Samuel Hinckley, (Jen. James Cudworlh, Jamk> Hamlin, Laurence Lichfield. Henry (.ouK'in and Henry Bourne. Mr. Hull beiny the mii;ister, iiiion him dev( Ived tlie greater resj onsihility: and he and Eider I>immockwere the tirsl deputies or representatives from l{arnstal)le to the (Jeneral Court at I'lymouth. In Junt, lt)3!», Rev. John Lothrop and niemlers of his church In Scituate. Mass.. decided to remove to Barnstahle, s( n.e of wlum came then: hut Mr. Lothrop and the larger numher of his church came by water, arrived at Barn- stable Oct. 2L lt);{9. The oldest account we find of the people who came from Scituate to Barn- stable is jfiven by Mr. Otis, the Barnstable genealogist, viz: Mr. Otis states: "Mr. Lothrop I'oui.d nine families at .'scituate, friends that he had known in Englaiid. They had, Sept. iiO. hj;54, built nine 'Ballizado houses,' as temporary residences. * * * Jroni the time Mr. Lothrop cani^ cT to Octolx?r, a period of two years, there were thirty-cne luuses luilt, and in hj.iT. nine, making the whole number of dwelling houses fifty-six. * * ♦ To Mr. Lothrop's list of the hou.ses, 1 add the dates, if known, when the builders came over and the dates of their joining his church. The serial numbers indi- cate the order in which the houses were built: tlie date next folkiwing each name, the time when the party came over; and the last, the time when he joined Mr. Lothrop's church. * * * The following abbreviations are used: K. signifies Kent, or county of Kent: L. London: S. Scituate: B. Barnstable; (id. G(xidman; an interrogation point means doubtful." "'The hou.ses in ye plantation of Scituate att my Ccn:eii;g hitlur. (.nly these, well was aboute the ende of Sept. 1634,— all wch small plaine pallizad(je Houses. L Mr. Hatherleys, 1(52.3 & 1G32. L., Jan. 11, 1634-5, S. 2. Mr. Cudworthes, a 1632, L. Jan. 18, 1634-5, B. S. Sold (1536) to Gd. Ensigne, S. 3. Mr. Gillsons, a 16.32, K.V Jan. 8, 1634-5, S. 4. Gd. Anniballs, 1623,— Jan. 8, 1634-5, B. 5. Gd. Kowlyes, 1632, K. ? Jan. 8, 1634-5, B. See No. 23. ( No record of Sale.) 6. Gd. Turners, 1628, K. ? Jan. 8, 1634-5, S. Sold (1636) to Gd. Jackson, a 1634, K. V Feb. 25, 1637-8, B. 7. Gd. Cobbs (see .32), 1632, K. Jan. 8, 16.34-5, B. Sold 1st, Gd. Rowlye; 2d, Wid. Viiial. 8. Gd. Hewes, 1632, Wales, S. Sold (1636) Gd. C(joper, a 1632, K. ? B. 9. Edward Foster, 1632, L.V Jan. 8, 1634-5, S. "Since my coming to Octo, 1636." 10. My House, Sept. 18, 1634, L. Jan. 8, 1634-5, B. 11. Gd. Foxwells, (see .50) 16.30,— Jan. 8, 16.34-5, B. Sold (16.36) to Henry Bourne, a 1634, Jan. 25, 1634-5, B. 12. Samuel Hou.se, Sept. IH, 1634-5, L. Jan. 8, 1634-5, B. & S. 13. Gd. Chittenden's, 1635, K. Feb. 12, 1636-7, S. 16 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. 14. Gd. Lumhoi-'s. (see 27), 1«30, L. ? Ap. 19. 1H35. B. Sold (IWH) Gd. Winter, a 15.U. L. Apr. !>. l(vJ4. S. 1.5. My Sonus. son-in-l;n\' Sam] Fuller, 1H20. Leyden, Nov. 7. 1636. B. 16. (Jd. Haites. i&o. K. Ap. 19. 1635. S. Sold (16.36) to Mr. Bower. 17. (id. Hatches, IB'-^a, K. S. is. (id. Lcwifc. Senior, a 16H4. K. Sold to Gd. Dorkins V a 1634. Prol)aV)ly Thomas Diniick, B. lit. Goody Hinckley, 1635, K. B. 20. Mr. Tilden. a 1628. K. S. 21. * * * The Smiths, Gd. Hoit's brother, S. 22. Gd. Lewice, Junior, a 1635, K. S. 23. Gd. RowJeyes new house, on his lot, See No. 5. 24. M r. Vasseis, 16.30, L. Nov. 2S, 1636, S. 25. (id. Stockbridjre. ye wheeler, 1635, L. S. 26. 4. May 14, Ki.JT. l\ Christopher Wintei-, Dec 24, Ki-JT, S. Thomas Kin^r, L. l«3o. Feb. -Jo. WM-H, S. Thomas Boiden. lp.s\vitch, Itm. May. 17. l(«o. S. AVhole miml)er that joined Mr. Lothrop's ehureli in .Scitiiate «3 Of lhe.se :2ti were females 2H Males, or heads cif families 37 Removed to Barnstable in \iVM\ ■2^^ Leaving 17"' From this evidence it very conclusively appears that James Hamlin did not come to Barnstable with Mr. Lothrop's church. At tlie cominir of Mr. Lothrop and his church the town had been incor- porated, houses built and a civilized community were dwelliu); anions; tlie Indians. Mr. Hull and the settlers welcomed tliem to their homes, a.ssigned them lands and assisted them in buildinrk, the windows of oiled paper and the floors of hand sawed planks."" '•They were open and cold and in winter a high piled tire was constantly to U> kept burning. All the houses in the village were alike— there was no opening for pride to claim a supremacy." Such structures were called "b(K)ths." At that time the wcK)dsmans's ax had .seldom re.sounded thr(»ugh the forests: the country, except a few fields which had been cleared by the Indians, was a vast wilderne.ss: the old common field, which still retains its name, had only a few scattering trees: and the new common field, which extended fr(»m the old to the bounds of Yarmouth, contained little forest. The Indian population probably did not exceed five hundred, a quiet inoffensive racf. with whom our ancestors lived in peace. It turned out that Mr. Lothrop's cliurch were a majority, who preferred their own pastor, with whom they had suffered perse- cution while in P^ngland: Elder Dimmock and others of the first settlers preferred to sit under his preaching rather than under Mr. Hull: and incon- sequence Mr. Hull was relieved and left the town. Mr. Otis shows that he was not fairly treated. In 1H40 Mr. John Crow (Crowell) of Yarmouth, Mr. Thomas Dimmock, of Barnstable, and Mr. Edmond Freeman, of Sandwich, were apjiointed by the General Court to hear and determine all causes within the three towns not exceeding 20 shillings. This was the first court established in Barnstable county. It was with pleasure that the writer visited Cape C(»d in October, 1899: two hundred and sixty years after the settlement of Barnstable: and was enter- tained at •"Barnstable Inn," situated on the spot where Kev. .b)lui Lothrop first located in Barnstable: a pttrtion of tiie Inn is suppo.sed to \ie part of Mr. Lothrop's first dwelling. By particular kindness of the Nestor of Barnstable. Gustavus A. Hinckley, Esq.. an agreeable gentleman, the writer was permittt-d to enj()y at his house for several days the special favor of examining his val- uable manu.scripts, embracing the town and church record.s, with much other valuable information revealing the vital statistics, military records, etc.. of the ancient town of Barnstal)le. Cnder his personal guidance we were shown the ancient cemeteries and other historic spots and places; but what was (»f the 18 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. greatest interest, the home lots where our ancestors, James Hamlin and Gov. Hinckley, resided side by side in tlie long ago. Mr. Otis states: "On the fifth day of January, 1643-4, Thomas Hinkley, Henry C<»bb, Isaac Robinson and Thomas Lothrop drew up a list of those whci were then inhal>itants of Barnstable, and I infer from the order annexed to the same that the forty-tive named were householders: * * * 1. Anthony Annable, from Scituate, 1640. 2. Abraham Blush, Duxbury, 1640. 3. Thomas Shaw, Hingham, 1639. 4. John Crocker, Scituate, 1639. 5. Dolar Davis, Duxbury, 1641-2. 6. Henry Ewell, Scituate, 1639. 7. William Betts, Scituate. 1639. William Pearse, of Yarmouth, 1643. 8. Robert Shelley, Scituate, 1639. 9. Thomas Hatch, Yarmouth, 1642. 10. John Cooper, Scituate, 1639. 11. Austin Bearse, came over 1638, of B. 1639. 12. William Crocker, Scituate, 1639. 13. Henry Bourne, Scituate, 1639. 14. Henry Coggin, Bost(»n, spring 1639. 15. Lawrence Litchfield, of B. spring of 1639. 16. James Hajiblin, London, of B. spring of 1639. 17. James Cudworth, Scituate, 1640. 18. Thomas Hinckley, Scituate, 1639. 19. Samuel Hinckley, Scituate, 8th July, 1640. William Tilly, spring 1639, removed to Boston 1643. 20. Isaac Robinson, Scituate, 1639. 21. Samuel Jackson, Scituate, 1639. 22. Thomas Allyn. spring 1639. Mr. Joseph Hull, Weymouth, May 1639. 23. Mr. John Bursley, Weymouth, May 1639. 24. Mr. John Mayo, came over 1638, of Barnstable, 1639. 25. John Casley, spring of 1639. 26. William Caseley, Scituate, of B. spring of 1639. 27. Robert Linnett, Scituate, 1639. 28. Thomas Lothrop, Scituate,, 1639. 29. Thomas Lumbard, Scituate, 1639. 30. Mr. John Lothrop, Scituate, Oct. 20, 1639. 31. John Hall, Charleston, 1641. 32. Henry Rowley, Scituate, 1639. 33. Isaac Wells, Scituate, 1639. 34. John Smith, of Barnstable, 1()39. 35. George Lewis, Scituate, 1639. 36. Edward Fitzrandolph, Scituate, 1639. 37. Bernard Lumbard, Scituate, 1639. 38. Roger Goodspeed, Barnstable, 1639. 39. Henry Cobb, Scituate, October 21, 1639. 40. Thomas Huckins, Boston, 1639. 41. John Scudder, Boston, 1639. 42. Samuel Mayo, of Barnstable, 1639. INTRODUCTION. Ill 4;i. NatlKiiiii-l Hac'»n. of Barnstable. Iti:i9. 44. Ricliard Fnxwell. fnnii Sc-ituate, 1H3!). 4.">. Tliomjis Dimmcick, Hiiigham, M.Ut." YARMOUTH. The pennaiieiit sett hMiieiit nf the U>\\u cMiiiinienced tarly in \(V.i\K Tlie Kiantees were Anthony Thacher, John Crow, and Thitnias Hawes, whu Ijad surveyed the land prepartory t(» uccupation. They with .hthn Coite, "to tn; entjuired of," Madriek .Matthew.s, I'hiiip Tabor, William Palmer, Samuel Rider. William Lumpkin, and Tlionuus Hatch were proposed .Ian. 7. hi-Jit. "to take up their freedom at Yarmouth." but the tullowin^f I)ersons were e.xcepti-d a^rainst: Old VVorden (dead). Burnell Wri^'htand Nat I>eville. In March (lt)4U) Nichola.s.'^impkins. IIut;hTilley.(Jiles Hopkins and .Joshua Itarnesare mentioned in tlie Court records asof Yarmouth. Andrew Hallett, Sr., w;i.s there in Marcli, but did not .settle permanently until lH4;i. At the close of l»)4u the rollowin^: persons had also settled there: Thomas Starr. Roliert Denni.s, F^dward Sturjfis. .lames .Matthews, William Nickerson, Yelverton Crow and Thomas Payne. William Payne was chosen constable; and Thomas Payne and Philip Tabor deputies tii the court: the tirst resresentative assembly in the colony, .June 4, 1689. William Clark took the oath of allegiance and fidelity in .September, and was constable of the town. In 1»)4;{ the following additional named persons had settled there, viz: Kerry, Anthony Breman, Thomas Bursell. .lames Burstall, John James, John Cha.se, William Jr. Cole, Daniel " Job Davi.s, Robert Derby, John Ellis, Roger Falland, Thomas Plaunce, Thomas Grause, William Gray, John Hallett, Andrew " Andrew, Jr. " Samuel Hammon, Benjamin Hedge, William Hoar, Richard Hull, Tristram Joyce, Jt)hn Matthews, Martin Nickerson, William Nicholson, William Norman. Hugh Norcutt, William Pease, William Pritchett. Richard Sears, Richard Simpkins, 'Nicholas Sturgis Edward Taylor. Richard Taylor. Richard Templar. Ricliard Wad i bone. Nichohus W(jrden. Peter White Emanuel DENNIS. Dennis was Nobscu.set of the Indians It was formerly part of Yarmouth, but incttrporated as a separate town 17i>3. It was settled ItiJu, by .Fohn Crow {from which descend the Crowell family there) and by Thoma.s Hawes and William Lumitkin". William Eldred came a year or two later. Among the early settlers were .John Hail from Barnstable, and Thomas Tobey and John N'incent from .Sandwich. Elisha Ba.ssett came later from Sandwich, .\mong the early settlers may also be named the families of Baker, Bangs, Burge, Chap- man, Crosby. Eldridge. Fallen. Hallett. Kelly, Nickerson, Newa)nib, Paddock, Rider, Seabury, .Sears, Whelden and Worden. HARWICH. Harwich anciently included the present town of Brewster.jand part 4 the following named per.sons liad al.so settled there: Akins, Henry Knowle.s, Richard Smith. Ralph Atwood, Stephen Mayo, John Snow, Mark Booshf)p. Richard Mayo. Nathaniel Sparrow, Jimatiiau Cole, Daniel Myrick, William Twining. William 22 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Cdle, Job (Jrisp, George Freeman, John Hopkins. Giles The followinj."^ named AtwiKxl, El(la(J Brown, Georjire Cobb, Jonathan Cole. John Collins, Jcxseph CrtKsby, Thomas Dyer, William Freeman, Samuel Godfrey, George Paine, Thomas Roberts, Joseph Roberts, Thomas persons settled there s(M>n Harding, Joseph Hopkins, Stephen Herd, George Herd, John Hatch, Moses Higgins, Benjamin Higgins, Jonathan Horton, Samuel Knowles, John Wexam, Rt. Williams, Thomas Young, John after 1654: Linnell, Jonathan JVewcomb, Thomas Nickerson. William Pepper, Isaac Rich, Samuel Smith, John Walker, William Ward, George Witherell, John ORLl^ANS. It was set off from Eastham 1797. The early settlers are the same as those given for Eastham. WELLP^LEET. It was organized as Billingsgate parish, 1722; and was set off from Eastham n, as a sep^prate town, 17H1. The early settlers are the same as for Eastham. FALMOUTH. We are ttild that ecclesiastical differences turned the tide of emigration from Sandwich and Barnstable to Falmouth, Mass. Isaac Robinson was per- secuted in Barnstable for his sympathy with the Quakers; others at West Barnstable became dissatisfied with the government of Plymouth colony. Tnder permission from the General Court to purchase lands from the Indians, on June 4, 1661, a company from West Barnstable set out in quest of new homes and adventure. According to tradition they went by water around ^ Cape Cod, and westward up Vinyard Sound; Robinson had a letter of recom- mendation from the church in Barnstable to that in Martha's Vinyard, indi- cating that as their destination; but from some unexplained cau.se they landed on the main land at Succonessett (Falmouth) opposite Martha's Vinyard. Under this settlement the first proprietors of Falmouth, Nov. 29, 1661, were: Annable, Anthony Hatch, Jonathan Blossom, Peter Hinckley, Samuel Chapman, John Jenkin.s, John Cobb, James Lothrop, Thomas Ewer, Thomas Nelson, William Fuller, Samuel Robinson, Isaac HAMLIN, JAMES Thomas, Nathaniel It will be observed that the proprietors were the (xc/je/-*- of the town, but not necessarily the actual settlers there. In this case most of these proprietors of Falmouth never made permanent settlement there. INTHoni'CTlON 23 Lands svere assi^fned t(» Dther settlers there as rc)ll(>\vs: Buwerniuii. Thomas. lt>SH. <;iff(ird, William. .Sr.. Kitis. (Jirtcni. William, .Jr.. \ms. (litToid, Christcipher, l«>.s>. <;itrnrd. .John. ItiSs. (Irimn. Thoma.s. ItiTlt. HariHT. HoU'it, Hi8."). Hatch. Henjamin. UW.j. Hatcli. Jo.soph. IHW. Hatcii. Moses. Irtss. Hull, Joiseph, 1«79. .Itihiisoii, ThoiuiLs, 1(579. Lewis. Thomas. l(i(;><. Parker, .losejili, Itiss. Parker, Th<»mas. hiSH. IVreival. .Fames, Uuu. Rowley. Mo.ses. .Sr., ltu\). Holtiiison. .Joliii. 1(»TH iSkitf, Nathaniel, 1H7S». Tilley, .Samuel, 1»)7». Weeks, .John. ItitiS. Weeks. William, \(iil\ TRU RO. The territory of this town was the home of the Pamet Indians. The residents in 17 were: Atkins. Nathaniel AtW(K»d. Mi call Hanys. Lt. J(»nathan < 'ole. Isaiah <'ollins, Jonathan 71. It was .settled before 170o. A list of the early settlers has not tjeetJ discovered. MlDDLEliORoriiH. The first considerable purcliase of lands from the Indians in Middle- borouKMi, Ma.s.s.. tlie yniixixht of the Indians was made lfHi2 from Josiah "Wampatiick. Purchases were made at other times from Walu.spetjuin ur 24 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Tispecan. the "Black Sachem," the distinguished chief of "Assowampsett. Tlie names of the purchasers were: ■ — — Adams, John.t Bassett, William. t See Sandwich. Billington, Francis.* Boardman, Thomas. See Sandwich. Brewster, William.* Brown, Peter.* Bumpas, Edward. t Cooke, Francis.* Delanoy, Philip.t Dotey, Edward* Eddy, Samuel. Fuller, Samuel.* Barnstable. Fuller. Lt. Matthew. Barnstable. Gray, Edward. Hodgkins, William. Howland, John.* Nelson, William. Partridge, George. Pontus(V) William. Ring, Andrew. Shaw, John. Simmons, Moses.t Soule, George.* Sprague, Francis. Came in the Ann, 1623. White, Resolved.* As observed in former works on the family history, we have used every possible means of information at our disposal for records and data for this book, witliout giving express credit in all cases for the sources of such informa- tion; which would be impossible. Unavoidable errors and inaccuracies will appear in this work, for which we ask indulgence. To everyone who has contributed in any manner towards the making of this book, we return our kindest heartfelt thanks. ExiKA, Iowa, 1902. * Came in the Mayflower. Iti20. t Came In the Fortune, 1621. EXPLANATIONS. Tlie ( Ji'iiealitiry will 1h' fdiiiul arraiiyrd by ^'^ciic rat inns, liy faiiiiiit's. in chruiiolufciical (inler. as nearly as practioablo. The naniL' of Iht' lu-ad of a family is given in full: the Christian name only, of the children of a family are given, to avt)id repetitions of the surnames. The names of all individuals are eonseeutively numbered, and some names appi'riaiul. NVlieii nr imw .lames Hamlin came to America ha.s not been di.sc• nni ulttr the fact. The exact date of their release is not given, but on .Sept. 18, ltt34, the Gri^in and another ship arrived in Boston with pa-ssengers, am(»ng whom were Mr. Lothrop and thirty of his followers. It is not suppo.sed Hamiin was with them. .Soon after Mr. Lothrop and most, if not all those who came with him. went to Scituate, Ma.ssachusetts, where there wa.s a small settlement of his old friends, whom he had known in England, and who invited him to become their pastor. There were nine of these families then at Scituate who had previously come from England, settling first at Plymouth: and Mr. Lothrop gives a list of "The Hou.ses in ye plantation of. .Scituate att my Comeing hither, onely wch was aboute the end of Sept. KJiW,— all wch small plaine pallizadoe Houses." The name of .James Hamlin is not in the list, nor does it appear there down to the date of removal of Mr. Lothrop and his church to Barnstiibl.- hereafter related. In 1899 the home lot of .lames Hambiin in Barnstable w:is visited l)y the 28 THE HAMHN FAMILY. writer and a picture of it obtained througli tlie kindness of Mr. Gustavus Hinckley, of Barnstable, and Miss Deborah Hamblin, of Yarmouth, Mass., the latter a descendant of James Hamlin. The home lot of James Hamlin, senior, of eight acres, probably one of those laid out by Mr. CoUicut, was bounded north, and west by a small and beautiful sheet of water, anciently known as Coggiti's, and al.so as Cooper's Pond;t he present county road passing through it east and west leaves a triangular piece of about tw(j acres of the north end, where the buildings were located, between the highway and the pond, occupied in 1899 by Mr. A. T. Jones. The ancient dwelling therecm has been gone for a century, but its site was nearer the line between the Hamlin lot and the lot of Gov. Hinckley to the eastward, and from which it was separated by a rough, kKJSe, stone wall. Mr. Gustavus Hinckley stated that a well was anciently situated on the line between the two lots, which could be used in olden times in conmion by tiie occupants of both lots: but had been covered over by the wall for many years; that he remembered when a boy of finding it by dropping pebbles in the holes in the wall and hearing them fall into the water in the well; but its exact location he had forgotten. On the opposite or north side of the pond was the lot of Henry Coggin: a public watering place on the shore of the pond at the southern apex in ancient times, intervening between it and the Hamlin lot. A modern house stands on the Hamlin lot west of the site of the ancient dwelling. The pre.sent highway was laid out through the Hamlin lot in 168t), and the balance of his lot laid south of this road — between it and the commons. The ancient grave yard lies to the eastward. His lands as de.scribed on the records in 1667 were as follows: Eight acres of upland, be it more or less, butting westerly upon ye Highway against ye pond. Easterly by ye commons, bounded northerly by Thomas Hinckley and .southerly by ye commons. (This was his home lot above described, but the ancient highway which went north to the pond was changed in 168ei); also three shares in Calves pasture bounded westerly by Gdd. (Goodman) Bearse, easterly Vjy John Phinney: two shares more bounded westerly by John Phinney, easterly by Gdd. Bearse: one share more bounded westerly by ye lands of Henry Coggin, deceased, easterly by John Phinney; six acres of upland more or less, in ye sd Calves pasture bounded easterly by John Phinney, westerly partly by John Phinney and partly by ye beach: twenty acres of upland, more or less, bounded easterly by Henry Bourn, westerly by John Cooper, .southerly by the commons, north- erly by ye marsh: also all ye marsh butting against ye .sd upland, bounded easterly by Henry Bourn, westerly by John Cooper, northerly to ye great creek by Jewell's Island; one acre of marsh meadow, more or less, bounded easterly by John Crocker, westerly by Thomas Hinckley; forty acres of upland butting against ye Great Indian pond running northeast into ye wwtds, tounded south- erly by Thomas Lothrop's and northerly by ye commons. The accompanying picture looking south from the north side of Coggin's ixmd gives a good view of the site of the home of James Hamlin, the immi- grant. The old hou.se stood in the open space between the boat and the stone wall to the left, which is the division between the Hamlin and Hinckley lots. The hoase in the right of the picture on the Hamlin lot is a modern structure: the old county road runs in front of it, nearly east and west,and between it and the h(Hise in the center of the picture. In ancient times the road touched the pond at the right of the new house, for a watering place; but is now shut off from the pond. Tiie house shown dimly at the extreme left is that of Gov. Thomas Ilincklev. \t.\l S-^f' r.i ^;* >W -vr-' .^ --M^ .^ i< •t^-' >! r X t ^U .so THE HAMLIN FAMILY. The name of James Hamblen appears frequently in the records of Plymouth , Colony. The first mention is: "March 1. 1741-2, James Hamblen was pro- | pounded for J^reeman. "At the Genrall Court of our SouraiKne Lord. Charles, by the Grace of (rod. Kin^of England. .Scotland. France. Ireland, Defender of the Fayth. iS^c, holden at I'lym afores'' the VlJthof March, in the XVIJth yeare of his Maf* now l»ai^:ne, &c. Heforn Willm Bradford, ^ent. Gou. (and other members of the court named) .lames Hamlen (was appointed) Constable for Barnstable." List of P'reemen in Barnstable in lfj43, taken from Plymouth Colony Records, Vol. H, nH-7. Those marked x have been erased on the original record. X Mr. Joseph Hull X William Caseley " Lothrope Mr. Robte Linnett " Thomas Dommock " John Mayo Anthony Annable Samuel Hinckley X James Cudworth x Edward PMtzrandle Isaac Kobinson Georsj Lewes Henry Rowley Samuel Jackson John Cooper JAMES HAMLENE Henry Cobb Thomas Hinckley Bernard Lumbert Nathaniel Bacon Henry Bourne Dolar Davis March 15, IH.57, James Hamblen served on inquest on the body of a child, Simeon Davis. June 3, lH.o7. James Hamblen was sick and could not serve on the Grand Enquest. The name of James Hamblen appears in the list of Freemen of Barnstable in 1H,58. May 29, 1670, James Hamblen, Juni, and James Hamblen, Seni, in list of Freemen. June 7, 1H70, James Hamblen served on Grand Enquest; same day he was a member of a trial jury. March, 6, 1(571, James Hamblen served on a jury. June 3, 1679, James Hamblen served on a jury in the case between Capt. J<»hn Williams and Edward Jenkins. July 7, 1681, James Hamblen served on juries, July 6, 1682. James Hamblen summoned to serve on a jury, and served. In 1638 James Hamblin consented to a way across his land in the Calves Pasture to the beach and creek. In the list of Freemen of Barnstable for 1689, among others appear the names of James Hamblen, James Hamblen, Jr., John Hamblen, Eleazar Hamblen. Mr. Lothrop taught that Baptism was an ordinance of primary importance, and published a work on the subject, urging that the parent, being a member of thecliurcl\ who unnecessarily delayed the peitormance of thii^ service, theieby periled the .salvation of the child. The practice in Mr. Lothrop's church was to baptize children on the Sabbath next following their birth. Instances are given of children born on Sabbath morning, and carri*^d two miles the same day at an inclement .season of the year to be baptized. It would seem that James Hamblen conf(.)rmed to this custom. It will be observed that his three youngest children were baptized on the day of birth. IIHST CKNKIJA riON .U { Mr. Otis says: • He was m-ver (iivMiitit-d with llie title «»f -Mr." and w.is. all liis life, called Mloodinati." S|K':ikin^r of tliis eiistoiu. he sa>s' "Irj the I'lyiu'iulh Coloiiv, tin- (Jdveriini. (iepiitv ^'iivtMiMir. the iua>:i>t lali-.s and assistanLs, ih** minisUTs (if the i^tisiH*!. elders (if tlu- church, scIkm 'I masters, (itliccis in Mie militia, men (if ^'reat wi-alth (n cdiiiiected w ith tlie gentry or iiiil)illl \ . altiiie. were entitled td he called Mi rigidly eiit(>rct'd in earlier cdldiiiai times: and in all lists of names, it was ahiiist the Invariahk* custom tocdinmence with those that .st(»<»d iii^'liest in nintc, and fol- low tliat order to the end." ••(Joodman Ilaudtleii was not mucli in pulilic lite. He was an lidricst man, ak''X'd nciiriilioi and a sine -re Christian: he was indwst ri'Hjs and prudcnl iti his hahits and hrou^dit up his chiidrt'ii to walk in his footsteps. His descendants have, with few exceptions, inherited tlie K'ood (jualitiesof the ancestor." The correct spellinj; of his name is a duestion of doui)t. As a matter of fact peopW' in those times were not particular, and the .same individual did not spell his own name uniforniiy, in many instances: there wa.s no .standard of Enk'lish orthovrraphy then. In the forenoinK' pedivrree the name is siH'lU-d Hamelyn and Hamelin. in the record of baptisms. Hamlilin and Hamlin: in the c^iioiiial records. Hamlene. Hamlen and Hamiilen. His pastor. IJev. Mr. Lot hrop wrote the name uniformly. Hamlin^: l\ev. Mr. KUsseH. a sijcces-sor of Mr. Lothrop. wrote it Hamlilin: but as signed to his will, it i.s sp«dled Hiiiitliii. The descendants spell the name variously: Hamlin. Hamlen. Ham- line. Hamblin and Hamblen. There is a tradition that four brothers, who were his de.scendants. agreed, upon their separation, each to spell the termination of the name different ly. The time and place wliere this occurred, or the individuals are not known; hut in matters of this kind traditions are not (»f much value until establi.slied by positive evidence. David Hamblen was of the opinion that .lames Hamlin and his wife Anne, were Vnith born in London. They were memlM-i-s of the church iti liarnstalile at the .settlement of Mr. .Jonathan Russell. h)S;{. He d. Barnstable, 1(>9(». His personal estate was appraised at t:l!i.l7..'{. He was probably over ei^rhty years old. and had probably distril)uted some of his personal estate before his death, as indicated in the will. WILL OF .lA.MK.s HAMLIN. The last Will and Testament of .lames Hamlin .Sen', of Barnstaltle I Iteinji weakc in l>ody but ihrou ye mercy of (rod of vf(Hid and disp<*sinK' miiifl and memor,\. and calling to mind ye uncertainty of this transitory life, and liein^; willinn t:h .lesus Christ, my deare and only Saviour and Kedeemer and my Inidy to decent burial as to my E.xecutri.x hereafter named sUkU st-eme meete and convenient: and as for my outward estate which (Jod bath l>een plea.sed to lend me. my will is that all my fiebt.s which are in ri^rht or conscience due to any iH-r.son .shall Ik- fii-st duly .satisfied and contented. And then my will is that Anni-. my loving; wife Shall have and enjoy all the rest of my estate in what.soever it be during her 32 THE HAMLIN f^WIILY. ruiriiral Fiff lor her supiuirte and livelj'hood. and my will is that after her deceasf in as imicli a.>. my son James hath had ten pounds already of me, and my son Barth<»lemew five pounds, and my daughter Hannah, five pounds laccoidiny to ye desire of my mother) so my will is that ye rest of my children siiall iuive each of them five pounds, apeace made up to them out of my estate, viz: to my son John five pec!" 2. 1646. 10. Sarah, b. Nov. 7, 1647, Barnstable. 11. Eleazer, " Mar. 17, 1649, " 12. Israel, " June 25, 1652, SECOND GENERATION. fo] JAMES IIAMLIN.2 (James'.) It is suppctsed he was b. in England; and was bap. in St. Lawrence parisli, Reading. Beikshiie, .April 10, lt)3(>; and that he came to America witli his mother and sisters prior to 1642:* m. Barnstable, Mass., Nov. 20, 1(M)2, Mary."' dau. of John and Abi^'ail l)unliam,t b. 1642. Farmer; resided tirst at !iis father's Q)gtrin's Pond lot; but in 1702 had renK)ved to Ilamhlin I'lains.t West Ham- stable: and his son Ebenezer-^ occupied the Cojjgin's I'ond homestead; after- wards sold to Col. John Gorham, who d. 1716, and ^ii\e this place to his stm; • Note 1. The writer has been Informed that the late Dr. Amos Hamlln,« of Durham. N. Y. recorded in his family bible, that this ancestor came from Warwiclvsliire, EnKland ;an6.s-lt. Children: .lOHN. Beni.\h. I).\XIKI.. Abigail; m. Stephen Atwood. .loNATH.w. b. 16.«i; m. Mary Delano, and Mary Cobb. PER.SIS; m. Beniah Pratt. Saml'eu Thomas. Ben.iami.n. .loSEI'lI, Hannah. .lOHN DINflAM.'^ wiff Mary. "He bouglit into "the puroha.se" at Mlddlel>orout{h, Ma«is. ltt~l; and Ixcame an inhabitant there; representative same year. He d. \Wi, ageil 79. Children; Mary. m. James Ha.mlin. Meiuv. b. ltU4. Scs.kNNAH. ni. Bartholomew Hamlin. ,IoHX. li. ItH^. .Jonathan. " ItloO. Samteu " Itt.'ie. j/ll^ LVDIA. 111. Rohirt Barrow. $ Note :i. Haiiililiii I'lains. in West Barn.staide, is a level tract of land situat«'H>ut ,'»00 acres. WIhmi first settled It wiw frrlllf, and myii whlcli large cnjps were taken; the rows, where corn grew U-Ing still vl9ll)le. By oonsUint cmpplng 34 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. which was occupied by three tjenerations of Gorhams; and in 1899 was occupied by Mr. A. T. Jones. Mr. Otis says tliat he probably lived in Barnstable all his life: but a writer on the Hatch family asserts that he settled in Falmouth, Mass., about 1660: which must be an error. He was a proprietor of that town at the time mentioned: but if he ever resided there, it was temporarily, only. The erroneous idea of his settlement in Falmouth probably arose from the following circumstances. A controversy arose in Plymouth colony over the persecution of the Quakers. Gov. Tliomas Prence and his party were relentless in their oppression: another party were inclined to more tolerant measures toward tliese persecuted people; which brought down the vengence of Gov. Prence upon the leaders of the opposition: in consequence a company of the dissatisfied people left Barnstable in 1660. It is supposed they contemplated settlement at Martha's Vinyard, a favored retreat of the Quakers; and one of their number took a letter of dismission to the church there. The names of this company were Jonathan Hatch, Isaac Robinson. John Chapman, John Jenkins, JAMES HAMLIN, Mr. Thomas, Samuel Fuller, Thomas Lothrop, Anthony Annable, Peter Blossom, William Nelson, James Cobb, Samuel Hinck- ley and Thomas Ewer. They coasted around Cape Cod and landed at Succones- set, now Falmouth, Mass., where lands were assigned to them as propriet(»rs, Nov. 29, 1661. Hatch and Robinson settled there: but most, if not all the others, returned to Barnstable. His name frequently appears in the records of Plymouth Colony. It was ordered in town meeting, Oct. 3, 1663: "That the sons of all the present in- liabitants shall successively be received inhabitants and allowed equal priveleges in the commons, and such other priveleges as belong to the present inhabitants as a township at the time of their marriages, or at the age of twenty-four, which ever shall happen first. The following persons were thereupon admit- ted;" among others, JAMES HAMLIN. May 29, 1670, James Hamblen, Juni. appears in a list of freemen. June 5, 1671, "For the prevention of great abuse by the excessive drinking of liqu(>rs in Ordinarys (taverns, ) It is further ordered by this court y* some two or three men be appointed in every town of this jurisdiction to have the for generiitions without fertilizing tlie soil became exhausted; but in later times a portion has been reclaimed. North of this tract is a rldjje of wooded hills; at the foot of which are the homes of some of the Hamlin descendants. On the east side of the plains is Shubael's pond; on the oppoite sides of which were the homes of Nathan and .Toel Hamblin. both now deceased, descendants of Shubael Hamblin.!" On the south are the homes of descendants of Lewis Ham- blin'- wliose old homestead is on a liill at the foot of which is the highway, crossing the Cape from Cotuit to West Barnstable village, seven miles distant. Nothing remains to mark the site except two large oaks. From this hill, once part of the estate of Benjamin Hamblin* is a grand view for miles around; at the foot is Girgeon's pond, nearly oval. deep, with clean sandy bot- tom, three miles in circumference, well stocked with bass, pickerel and perch. A little to the west, witli a narrow strip of land between is Hamblin's pond, a mile and a half long, and half a mile wide, nearly surrounded by bluffs, and fringed with alder, maple and birch, almost hiding the shores. A little farther west and parallel, and about the same size, is Crocker's pond; its north end touching the plains; and if possible, nrore picturesque than the others; out of its middle rises an island fifty feet in height, of four acres in extent, crowned with growths of pine, cedar, spruce and evergreens, presenting in the distance a pyramid of living green. In the time of Lewis Hamblin, this island^jj^ig fertile, was planted yearly in potatoes, pumpkins, etc.; when ripe, and the wind favorable, the pumpkins were gathered and put into the pond and floated by the wind to the shore. These ponds are the natural home of the trout and pickerel, of whicli many are taken from their clear waters. The last two named ponds are connected, and form the source of Herring river, whose waters are inhabited in summer by myriads of herrng. SECOND GENEUATION. Xi inspection of the ordinarys." etc. For t lie town of Harnst able were appoint- ed James Hamblen, Jiiifr. and two »>tliers. June «, 1682, James Hamblin, Jun"'. member of the Grand Enqiiest. He and his wife were members of the church in Harnstable, 1»)M3. He was expressly named in his father's will, Jan. 2.'{. h\x:\. l«83, The jury on whom devolved the duty of tH)unciin^' the County road, and the town hi^'hways were: ♦ * ♦ amont; others. James Hamblin, Jr. At the division of the Great Marslies in Harnstal)le, Jan. ;{o, l»i!t4, shares were assi^Mied to James Hamlin, senior, (this was James Hamlin,'- for his fatlier was tliendead.) also to Bartholomew, .lohn, Eleazer, ^Senior ) Israel, James, Jr. and Eleazer Hamlin, Jr.: but in February following:, James, Bartholomew,Jolin and Eleazer Hamlin and others dis-sented from the division. •'At a Great and General Court or Assembly for Her Majesties Province of the Massachusetts Bay, in New En^'land, lie^run and held at lioston upt>n Wed- nesday the thirtieth of May lT(t."). Hein^' convened by her Majesties Writt: * * * The names of the Representatives returned tt) serve for the several towns, that were swcirn, beinjr as follows, viz:" Barnstable, MR. JAMES HAMLIN. It will be observed in his will, 171", that he then claimed to be a resident of Tisburv. Mass. WILL OF JAMES HAMLIN. In the name of God, Amen: This Thirteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred an seventeen, I, James Ham- lin, Seniour, late of the town and County of Barnstable, in the Province of the Massachu-setts Bay, in New England: Being of Perfect Disposing,' mind and memory: yet considering my age and the mortality of my Bcxly d(» make & ordain this my last Will and Testament, in the Town of Tisbury in I)ukes County, in the Province aforesd, the place of my present alx)de & residence. Imp-". Pi'inciply and first of all I give and comend my Imortal Soul inte named, then I give to my four ab William Ca.se of Tisbury, the sum of nine p<»unds which I would have taken out (tf and to Consist in what Household Goods I shall have at my decea.se. Viz: Chietly Bedding and the furniture belcmging to it: .Viid when this is done my will is that my Daughter Scudder, wife of John Scudder of Barnstable, and my Daughter Hope Ca.se shall have ..S: divide the remainder of my IIou.sehoId (JckkIs E«|ually between them. 36 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Sly. I Rive and bequeath to my four Grandchildren, the children of my Son Eliazar Hamlin deceased, the sum of five Pounds to each of them. 41y. I j^ive to my eight grand children, of my daughter Experience Jenk- ings, now deceased, the sum of nine pounds (viz) twenty shillings a peace to seven of them. But to Thankful the wife of Isaac Taylor I give the sum of forty shillings. 51y. I give to my Daughter in law Ruth, the wife of my Son James Ham- lin tlie sum of twenty Shillings; And to my daughter-in-law Sarah the wife of my son, Ebenezer Hamlin, the sum of twenty Shillings; And to my daughter in-law Abigail, the wife of Elkennah Hamlin, my son, the sum of twenty shillings: and to my daughter-in-law Ester, the wife of my son, Jonathan Hamblin, the sum of twenty shillings. 61y. I give and bequeath to my Grandchildren Shuball: James & Ebenezer, the sons of my daughter Mary Davis, deceased, the sum of forty shillings to each of them. Sly. 1 give and bequeath to my Brother Israel Hamlin of Barnstable, the sum of twenty shillings. 9ly. I give and bequeath to Lidia Barrow and Mercy King of Plymouth, who are my wife's sisters forty shillings, to each of them. lOly. I give and bequeath to Jean Kelley, who was formerly my maid at Barnstable, but now resident of Martha's Vineyard, the sum of forty shillings. Illy. 1 give and bequeath unto the Reverend Mr. Jonah Tony, Minister of Tisbury, on Martlia's Vineyard, or his Heirs, the Sum of five Pounds. 121y. I give and bequeath the Surplusage or remainder of my Estate, whether money or other goods remaining. (After all the herein mentioned Legacies and Bequests are well and truly paid,) unto my son Job Hamlin, and my Daughter Elizabeth Scudder, both now of the Town and County of Barn- stable, to (be) equally Divided between them; saving one Third part of the goods remaining as afores^, my will is and I give and Bequeatli them unto my Daughter Hope Case, wife to William Case of Tisbury, one third part thereof, y money only excepted. 131y. I give and Bequeath to the Reverend Mr. Jonatlian Russell, Minister of the Town of Barnstable, the full sum of ten pounds, together with full and noble Satisfaction for all his pains and trouble he shall be at about my Estate in Administrating there upon. Lastly. I do hereby nominate and apoint the said Rev. Mr. Jonathan Rus.sell to be Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament, and 1 hereby revoke anull and make void all former and other Wills and Testaments by me at any time made by word or in writing, and declare these presents to be and contain my only last AVill and Testament. In witness here of 1 have hereunto set to my liand and seal this Thirteenth Day of September in the fourth year of tlie Reign of our Sovereign Lord King George over Great Rrittain, &c. Anoqe Dom, 1717. Signed, Sealed, Published and Declared By the Testator to be his last will and testament in tlie presence of us who subscribe our names as witnesses in the testators presence and by his desire. Pain Mayhew j. HAMLIN, (Seal) Mary Mayhbw Pain Mayhew^ Junr. J SECX ) N 1 ) G E N E R A T 1 N . 37 Her grave is about sixty rods distant from the site of his liouse on the Con- gin's Pond lot. The following is a cut of iier slate head stone with tla- iiiserip- tiun tliereon. DIED APRIL IN Y 73 YEAR OF HER AGE. David Hamblen, says that he died at Tisbury, May ii, lllH. Ch. b. Barnstable: 14.* 15.* Iri.* 17.* 18.* 19.* 20.* 21.* ■'2.* 23.* 24* Makv, Emz.mikth. Elk.\/ek. ExrEKIENCE, James, .Jonathan. A sc»n, Ebenezek, Elisha, Hope. Job. John, J uly 24, 1064. Feb. 14, lh»i.>«. Apr. 12, l(j()8. Aug. 26, 1WJ9. Mar. 6. 1670-1. Mar. 28, 1672: d. Apr 7. 1672. July 29, 1674. Mar. o, 1676-7: d. Dec. 20, 1677. Mar. 13, 1679-80. Jan. 15, 1681. Jan. 12, 1683. Benjamin, bap. Mar. 16. 1684-;'). p]LKANAH, " Mar. 16, 168.i. THIRD GENERATION. \ 13 ] MARY HAMLIN,3 (James,2i) b. Barnstable, Mass., July 24, 1664; m. there, P'eb. 22, 1692, John, son of John and Hannah (Linnell) Davis,* b. Barn- stable. Jan. 15, 1649-50; his second wife; she was mentioned in her father's will, 1717: but had d. Nov. 1698. He m. 1st, Feb. 2, 1674, Ruth Goodspeed; who d. and by wiiom he had children: John, Benjamin, John, Nathaniel, and Jabez: ni. S"", May 8, 1699, Hannah, widow of Nathaniel Bacon, by whom he had four children: Nicholas, Jedediah, Desire, and Noah. He was a carpenter: Barnstable: removed to Falmouth, Mass.; the membership of himself and wife, Hannah, in the church was transferred from Barnstable to Falmouth, Oct. 10, 1708, where they then resided. He d. 1729. Ch. b. Barnstable: 25. Shubael, July 10, 1694. 26. James, Mar. 24, 1696. 27. Ebenezer, May 13, 1697. ♦ Note 4. DOLAR DAVIS.i prob. b. Bennefield. Northamptonshire, England; where are found the graves of his ancestors; m. as early as 1618, Margery, dau. of Richard VVillard, of Hor.snionden. Kent. Eng. He came over 1S34, with his brother-in-law. Major Simon Willard, who was a noted man in Mass. Colony. Davis was one of the first settlers in Cambridge. Iftio; from whence he removed. 16:^5; he was a proprietor of land in Cmcord. Mass. ; land was granted to him at North Hill, Duxhury. Mass.. Apr. 6, 1640; and at Namassacuset river. Aug. 31, KUO; he was at Scituate. Mass.. May, 1641; he prob. went to Barnstable. Mass.. 1639; but did not make it his permanent abode until 1643; he removed to Concord. Mass.. 1655; he was one of the original proprietors of Groton. Mass.; His wife prob. d. Concord ; lie m. 2d. Joanna, widow of .lohn Hursley. and dau. of Rev. .Toseph Hull. He was a carpenter, which perhaps accounts for his changes of residence. Mr. Otis pays a high complement to his character. He d. 1673. Ch. prob. b. England, except the youngest, which was b. in Barnstable: .loHN. m. Hannah Linnell. Nicholas, m. Mary, or Sarah . Simon, " Mary Blood. Samdel, " Mary Meads Mary, " Thomas Lewes. Ruth. " Stephen Hall. JOHN DAVIS.a b. Horsmonden, Eng.: m. Eastham, Mass., Mar. 15. 1648, Hannah,2 dau. of Robert Linnell, of Barnstable; house carpenter; Barnstable; he d. 1703. Ch. b. Barnstable: ■^OHN. .Ian. 15, 1649; m. Ruth Goodspeed, Mary Hamlin, and Hannah Bacon. Samiteu Dec. 15. 1651 ; " d. unm. 1711. Hannah. m. Jedediah Jones. ^'^RY, Jan. 3,1653-4; " Benj. Goodspeed and John Hinckley. Tllllil) GENERATION. :w 114] ELIZARETH HAMLIN,' (Si.ster of Mary,) b. Barnstable. Ma.ss.. Feb. 14, lt)Ho-6; m. tbere, July 31, H>89, .Tobii,- s<»n of John and Ilannali Scud- der,* b. Hariistabli': removed to Clialhani, Mass. She was mentioned in iu-i father's will 1717. a.s tben residing: in Hiirnstable: Iwitli d. C'iiat ham: siie .I.iu. 1742-.3: tie March, 1741-2. Children: 2S.* John. b. May 23. ItiltO. 29.* Exi'EUIEXt'E, a Apr. 28, lWt2. 30. J.\MKS, bap. Jan. 13, HUta. 31.* EHKNhr/KK. b. Apr. 23. bii»ti. 32. Rklianx E, u Dec. 10, 17(H). 33. H.VNNAH, ii June 7, 1706. Joseph. Bkn.iamin. Simon. Doi.AK, .Iabez. Mehcy. Timothy. ItPTH. .luilf lli.V>. .Inly 1 J. ll).v><; Oct. 1. im\ " Mary Chiiilioni. d. unni. 171S. ■' yoiirii;. m. llaniiali Linnell.-'< " Experience Llnnell.'* unni. ITls. ni. Sarah Perry. '• John Linnell. Note. 5. MK. ROBERT LIXNEL.i came to America and settled In Soliuate, .Mass.. \&*; removed to Barnstable. KViO; He was proh. a hrother-ln-law U> Rev. .fohn Lotlirope; and perhaps related to others of the early Barnstable families; he was member of .Mr. I^othrop's churi-h in I^mdon. En>;. Proh. ni. twice; 2d wife named .lenilnia. He d. Feb. 27. lli()2; will dated Ian. 21. low-:!; provi-d Mar. 12. lWi2-;i; his wife survived him. Children: Sarah. David. Hannah. Maky. Abiuaiu Shcbaeu Bethia, ItiOT. m. Thomas Ewer, and Thomas Lothrop. ltJ27. m. .John Davls.2 •• Richard Chllds.2 " .Joshua Lombard. bap. Feb. 7. Ift40-1. • Note«. .n^HN SCUDDER.i b. Ent^land. IHli); he came from London Willi the fiunlly of TlKimas Ewer. In ship. Aoh^k. Ittti; liK-atefl at Charlestown. Mass.; iidinltted freeman there. Ittflt; n-moved to Harnstablc. Itl40; freeman there lti;">4; wife Hannah; his sister, F'll/.abeth. removed fi'-m Boston to Barnstable ltH4. and same year ni. Samuel, son of Rev. .lohn I/othrop; he ap- |M irs to have l)een allied to the .Scurlders of Salem, who removed to Lijiik Island, alxiut liij«>; 111 resided at Barnstable until his heath; his house was near that of the late .loshua Thayer; I irii- of the dlstln^ruislnd Barnable families; he d. Barnstable, ItWi; Ids widow survived him. C"li. 1). Barns table: Emzabeth. bap. May 10 imii. Sarah. •• .. •• Mauy. burled Dec. ;<. \MV. Hannah. bap. Oct. 5, ltl5i: m, .loshua Buntrs. .lOAN, '■ Ell/.alM-tli llamblen.3 Mehitabi.e. •' UHMi. .lohii Doane. Jr. 40 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [lo] ELEAZER HAMLIN, ^ (Bro. of Mary,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Apr.l2, lf)H8: m. Lydiay dau. of Paul and Deborah (Willard) Sears,* b. Oct. 24, 166«: removed to Harwich, or Yarmouth, Mass. In the will of his father 1717, are mentioned: "My four grandchildren, the children of my son, Eleazar Hamlin, deceased." He d. I(i98 and his widow m. Harwich, Sept. 30, 1706, Thomas Snow. It appears from the record of probate of his estate that he resided in Yarmouth. PROBATE RECORDS. Barnabas Lothrop Esq--, commissionated by y« Gouvenour and council for ye granting of Probate of Wills and Letters of Administration within y County of Barnstable within ye Province of y* Massachusetts Bay in New Eng- land. To Lj'dia Hamlin vid. Relict of Eliazer Hamlin late of Yarmouth, de- ceased, intestate Trusting in your care and fidelity I do by these presents, cornitt unto you full power to adminster all and singular y^ goods, chattels, rights and credits of y*' s^ deceased and well and faithfully to dispose of y<^ same according to law, also to aske gather levy recover and receive all and what- soever credits of y*^ deceased which to him while he lived and at y*' time of his death did appertaine. And to pay all debts in which y«^ deceased stood bound so far as his goods, chattels, rights and credits can extend according to ye value thereof. And to make a true and perfectinvintory of all and singular y^ good^ chattels, rights and credits of ye s^ deceased and to exhibit ye same into ye Registers office of ye afores-(H) 0l-(Mi (X) OlMMMW (MH)5-<)0 Praised by .Iohn Ckowkli., Sl•n^ .I.V.MKS II.\MLIN, Jlinf. Lydia Hamlin vid. relict of Eliazer Hamlin late of Yarmouth decea.sed, made oath Xn y truth of this Invcntorie tK?fore Barnaba.s Lothnip, E.s(|r. .F\idjje of Pnibate and prantin^' Administration in y County of Harnslable and is re- corded in pa^;e 73; of yesecond B'-M>k of Wills and Invintories may y 2t)th 161>8. Attest: .John Lorn hop R»'^:'"<. Children: Benj.\mix. 1692. LVDI.V, 1»>!I4. Mahy, ltj96. Elisha, Jan. 26, 1697-8. EXPERIENCE HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Mary,) b. Barnstable, Ma.ss.. Apr. 12, 1668; m. there, Au^j. 24, 1687. Thomas^ son of John and .Mrs. Mary (Ewer)Jenkins,*b. Barnstable, July 15, 1666. In her father's will, 1717, he drives; •'to my ei^'ht pnind children, of my daughter Experience Jenkins, now decea.s- ed," &c., she d. Barnstable, July 24, . He m. 2<», Mercy ; Farmer. Tlif site of his or^jinal home is in doubt, but it was at West Barnstable: some a^i-sert 35. 36.* 37.* [16 Capt. PAUL SEARS.2 b. Marblehead. Mass.. ISIT-S; m. 165K. Deborah, dau. of George WlUard. biip. Scltuate, M:iss.. Sept. U. 1645; her mother was perh;ips. Dorothy, dau. of Henry Dunster. of Ralelioll Bury. Laneasliire. Eng. Captain of Militia; Yarnioutli; an orii;inal proprietor of Harwich. Mass. ; both d. Yarmouth; he Feb. 2<\ 1707-S; she .May 13.1721; his will dated Feb. 20. 1707-X. Ch. b. Yarmouth: Jan. .Tan. .Ian. Oct. .lune 15 Oct. -Zi. -Mar. 27 3, 16.59. ■i, 1661-2; m. .folin Crowell. .Jr. Mercy Mayo. Eleazer Hamlin. Mercy Fret-man. Col. .Idlin K'nowles. .hilin Merrick. Priscilla Freeman. Hope Howes. Sarah Howes. 166;j-4; ■21. um-. It Wit; 1672, 1675; 1677-S; ltW»-l ; ltt>«2-:f: Mkhcy. Bkuth.k. Samtki,, Lyuia. Maky. A.NN. .Idhx. KiCHAKU. Da.mei.. • Note X. Several named .lenklns came over early. .lolin .lenklris. a^re(l 2il, t the 'Colony Court granted llturty 42 THE HAMLIN FAMILY where Dr. Freeman Jenkins lived in 1900. Later he lived where Asa Jenkins resided in 1900. The "east half" of his house is still standing, used as a tool to Mr. Thomas Hinckley. Henry Cobb, Samuel Hinckley, John Jenktn». and Nathaniel Bacon to view and purchase a tract of land at "Succonesset. (now Falmouth, Mass.) soe much as they can conveniently; and they are to have each of them a considerable portion thereof, as the court shall think meet." &c. At the first division of lands at Succonesset Dec. 3. 1661. Samuel Hinckley sljrns for himself and for J(»/i>i Jenkim^. In 1668 he was admitted an inhabi- tant of the plantation, but did not lonfj reside tliere; four years later he is called of Barnstable. He m. Feb. 2, 16.i2-:i. Mary, widow of Henry, son of Thomas and Sarah Ewer; who d. early in 1652; whether this was the first, marriajje of .Jenkins the records furnish no evidence. The births of his children are recorded In Barnstable. Tradition says he resided at West Barn- stable on the estate owned by his descendant Dr. Freeman H. Jenkins, which is doubted. He probably resided at first on the Ewer farm. The town granted him an acre and a half of land at the head of his farm for his convenience, but no boundaries of it are given. He appears to have been a resident of Sandwich. Mass., in 1654. and again in 1675. He was dead in 1690 when his son .John, was made freeman in Falmouth. The settlement of his estate does not appear in the Probate records. He probably died during the usurpation of Sir Edmund Andros. when it was required that estates should be settled in the Prerogative Court at Boston, an arliitary act. To avoid it some divided and gave their property by deed and not by will. .John .Jenkins may have done so, but the records of that date were burned and it cannot be verified. He probably d. soon after 1684, aged about 76. Ch. b. Barnstable ; d. infancy. m. Eleazer Hamlin.^ probably d. young. m. Mary Parker and widow Patience Paine. " Thomas Parker. •• Experience Hamlin. 3 " Lydia Howland. Note!). THOMAS EWER, of London. Eng.. tailor, aged 40. with wife Sarah, dau. of William Larned. aged 28, and children. Elizabeth aged 4 and Thomas aged \Vi, embarked in the JdiiH'x of r^ondon for New England. .June ,19. 1635; he had two older children who came over subsequently, perhaps with Robert Linnell of Barnstable. 1638. Ewer settled in Charlestown. Mass., and united with the church 1636. He acquired notoriety as a politician, and was prose- cuted for speaking disrepectfuUy of the Iving. He d. Charlestown 1638; his widow and family removed to Barnstable, Mass., where she m. Dec. 11, 1639, Thomas.a son of Rev. .John Lothrop; b. England, 1621. Ch. b. England : 1657; m. Thomas Blossom. 1629; •• Mary . 16;il ; buried Apr. 9. 1641. 1633; m. Hannah . removed early from iiarnstable to Sandwich. Mass.. was a leader among the Quakers and fined for refusing to take the oath of fidelity, and for attending Quaker me(!tings; was disfranchized with other Quakers and ordered to leave the town. 1658. He liad a family and resided near Spring Hill in 1659; was still in Sandwich 1660. but in Barn- stable l(«il ; and bought land in West Barnstable; which continued inlpossession of his descend- ants until recent times. He d. 1667. leaving a widow. Hannah and children. Thomas Lothrop and Shubael Linnell were their guardians. His son Thomas EwerS was married three times; 2d, 1686. to Elizabeth, the dau. of John Lovell; 3d, Sept. 18, 1712, widow Sarah Warren. Ch. b. Barnstable : Dec. 1683; d. young. Jan. 1686; ni. Sarah . 1690;" Rebecca Conant. 1692; '• Elizabeth Lombard. Sarah. Nov. 15, 1653; Mehitabi.e. Mar. 2. 1654-5 Samceu Sept. 12, 16.57; John. Nov. 13. 1659; Mary. Oct. 1. 1662; Thomas. July 15. 1666; Joseph, Mar. 31, 1669; Sarah, Apr. Henry, Apr. ElilZABETH. Thomas, THOMAS EWER.2 Tho.mas, Thomas, Shubael. .I(jhn. Mehitabei,. Nathaniel. .Jonathan. Hezkkiah. Mehitabel, Thankful. Abigail. Feb. Oct. Nov. July Sept. 1694; d. same year. 169.5 1696. 1697. Dec. 11.1698. Nov. 1701. bap. Apr. 7. 1706 m. Mary Stewart. THIRD GENERATION. 4.! aiul fniit shed. lie d. 1745: will dated Nov. !•. ITiH: proved Feb. 1".. 1T4.V(;: Estate i:s45»-l()-10, includin^f a ne^ru woman valued at £100. Ch. b. riarnstabie: 38.* TiiANKFiM., May l;>, ItiKl. 3i».* EXPEUIENCE, Mar. 28, 1693. 40.* MKHtY, .Jan. ."), lt)Jt.)-6. 41.* Ehenezeu, I )ec. 'x 1(>!»7. 42.* Samuel, Jan. 7, lG«»tt-1700. 43.* JosiAH, Apr. It), 1702. 44.* Hoi'E, July, o, 1704. 4o.* Sauaii, Dec. 1. 170(5. [ 17 ] JAMES HAMLIN^ (Bn.. (.f Mary,) b. Hanistablc, Mass.. A u>:. 2«, iWilt: III. there, Oct. 8, lUiHi, Ruth Lewis.* I'rivate in Capt. .John (Jorhani's Qi., from Barnstable, in Sir. William Phipps' unsucce.ssful e.xpediti(»n to Canada, 1690: and he signed a petition with others to the (ieneral Court asking for a grant of a township of land to the memlx^rs of this Company and their heirs. June 12, 17.3.'). He was desired on Sept. 6, 171.") to look aftiT the \»>\s onSabltath days to prevent their disorderly conduct in time of service in the hou.se of Gwl. and to stir H II (tiuJ awaken those ye sleepers; mentioned in his father's will 1717; Constable 1722. Tile Barnstable records show; "The mark of the Creaturesof James Hamlin, Sen"", is an half penny on each side of the right ear and a slit in the top of the left ear." Both adm. to West church: he Mar. lO, 1727-8; she June 3, 1729. He is mentioned in the will of Ebenezer Hamblen, son of .John-, dated 1735. Several of the children died early of Consumpti{»n unmarried. The following inscriptions are found upt)n the gravestones of his cliildren: "Here lyes y^ body of Benjamin Hamlin, who deceased Jan'y. y*' 23d, 1732-3 in y 31st, year of his age." • Note 10. GEORGE LEWEP.i came from East GreenwJch. Kent, England; clothier; probably resided for a time in London: a member of Mr. Liothorp's cinircli lt£C: m. In Entfiand aU)ut Ittiti. Sarah, sister of Edward .Tenkiiis, who afterwards settled In Seltiiate. lie i)n>l>ably did nut come >thr(ip; but was in Plymouth ItCtt; a member of the church then' ltlt;»-4; was one of those dismissed ItVM, in case they join in a btniy at Scituate;" became memln-r at S-ltuate. Sept. 30. 1«35; his house In Scituate built before l&W, was In Kent street, and Is No. 18 In .Mr. L«>thorp.s list. He removed to Ilarnstable ItKflt; his home lot was the second west of the Hyannisroad. owne to Samuel Mayo; hijrhway suryeyor KMs and '.'><•; Juryman 1649; constable llWVl. Otis says "he was an honest rrooWi/KMi, and (fot his living by his latior: a Hlncere Christian, his constant purpose seems to have In-en to live In peace with all men, to avoid law suits, to yield rather then contend with his nel>:h»Kir; and did not hold that the chief end of man was to (father riches; but to do (fotxl: to train up his children In the way they should >ro. tola" useful citizens, honest and industrious men." He d. Harnstable. l(ltt-;i. Children : Mary. b. Enfflaud a»)out UOi: m. .lohn Bryant of Scituate. Tn<».MAS. •• ■• " Mary Davis. GEOKOf^ ■• ■■ " Mary Ivonibanl. .Iames, " " Sarah I>ane of HluKham. EDWAim. •■ •• " Haim.'ih Cobb. .lOHX. "Mar. 2. HCIT-'*; killed Hi-holM-tli, Mar. Jil, HITO. EiMin.MM. •• ,Iuly iJ. ItHl. Sakau. "Feb. i, UW4-i m. , lames Cobb and Jonathan Sparr»>w. 44 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. '•Here lyes y^ body of David Hainlen, who dec^ Nov»>r ye 4th, 1732, in ye 25th year of his age." "Here lyes ye body of Job Hamlen, whodec (IKNKKATION. 45 Ch. b. Barnstalile: 4H. Makv. June 24, H>!»1: adm. to ch. hi-c 21. 1718. 47.* RiTH, Jan. 24, lti!t2-;{. 4H.* .Iamks, .Inly 17. liinc. 4!i. Benjamin. Nov. 8. 17(»2: d. .I:iii. 2;j. 17;{2-;i. 50. I)AVii>. .Illiie S, 17(»s. • NdV. 4. 17;{2. 51. Hannah. June 17. 17ii!), " Nov. 7, \~,'A'>. 52. .Foil, .1 line 25, 1711, " Sept. 2M, 17:^2. 5:{.* Dki.ivkuanck. [18 J JONATII.VN IlAMLEN.MBru. of Mary.) b, Bani.slable. Ma.s.s., Mar, •). I»)7t>-1: ni. tht'if by Kev. .bmathan Riis.sel!, Mar. (i, 17o."), Iii.s coii.sli) Rstlier,' (laii. nfJolin llauiliii. He wa.s adui. Id cluircli Barnstable, Nov. 7. 1742. The mark nt' iii.s aniinal.s recorded in Barnstable: "A crop oft* eiich car and t w(i slits in y^- top of y rii^lit ear. Dec. I74t), and hath been iiis mark 55 years us he saith." His children down to and includiiiK' Sarah were baptizt-d .Inly I'A, 171s. David Haiulilen supposed he had a son I'ele;:. WILL OF JONATHAN HAMLEN In the name of (Jod, Amen. Jonathan Hamlen beinvr of sound mind and meinory, and in luindfull of my mortality that 1 uiav put my house in order before my Departure out of this world, do make tliis my last will and testament herein' wiilinK' and makiiijf all former wills and testaments by me made void. 1 jjive and l)e(iueath my soul to God my faithful creator to be by him redeemed and saved and my boddy U> the earth to be de "ently buried in hope of a blessed liestirrection tinouvrh the merits of .Jesus Christ my Redeemer, and ail my del)ts anil funeral char^'es be- injf paid by my Executor hereafter named, I dispose of my worldly jr(»ods and real estate as follovvf th: Imprimi.s. Item. I K've and beijueath my loving wift- Esther for her dower the use and improvement of all my real estate and movaljle after debts & lej^acy paid, during her widowlujod, and in case she .see cause to mary anain my will is ray .said wife shall have her choice of my beds with what belonjfs t<» it and ten pounds in money a,s it then passes. It. 1 tfive to my two S(ms, towit: Jotiathan and Josiah all the ivmainder of my Real and i)er.sonal estate, that shall l>e h'ft afti r my debts and funeral uhar(;esi.s paid and my wife's widowhood to tlu-Mi and their ln-irs and asslK'ns.on 'condition they pay to my other children the respective sums hereaft^'r men- tioned to wit: Item. T(» my .son Solomon, five pounds as money that p;i.ssat payment. Item To my son .labez, twenty pounds, in like manner. Item. To my daughter ('oiitcnt, tivc pounds in like matnicr. Item. To my danuhter I'riseilla, three pounds in like maimer. j Item. To my dauirhter Sarah, five pounds in like manner, and in ca.se I either of my children should dye before the time of |>aym«'nt. then to those that shall le^Mlly npie.sent them (»r their children lawfully bef^ottt-n. Lastly I do appoint my lovin^r wife to itc my .sok- Exfcut ri.\ of this my Last Will, and U-iiiK' Jsensible that my movable estate wont pay my funeral cha^^re and iiisi debts Imy will is that she my wife .sell olT my real estate of such as can Im- best s|>airfd, |topay said flebts and funeral charvre and ^'ive conveyance accord ini^ly. pursuant to Law. 4t> THE PIAMLIN FAMILY. In testimony to this my Last Will, I Jonathan Hamlin have hereunto set my hand and seal this ll'^ day of June, Annoque Domini one thousand seven hundred and forty two. JONATHAN HAMLEN, (L. S.) Signed, sealed & declared to he my will in presence of josei'h lothkop Shoble Lewis his JnoOBumpos mark The following inscriptions are on their gravestones: "Here lies y body of Mr. Jonathan Hamblen, who dec^ June y 22d, 1743, in ye 74th year of his age." "Here lies the body of Mrs. Esther Hamlin wife of Mr. Jonathan Hamlen dyed Sep^r ye 1st, jn ye 69 year of her age, 1746." Ch. b. Barnstable: Dec. 5, 1705. Dec. 12, 1707; m. Jacob Hamblen,^ July 13, 1709. June 17,1711. 1713; bap. July 13, 1718. bap. July 13, 1718. " July 13, 1718. b. Oct. 15, 1720. [19] Dea. EBENEZER HAMLIN,^* (Bro. of Mary,) b. Barnstable, Mass., July 29, 1674; m. 1st, there, by Rev. Jonathan Russell, Apr. 4, 1698, Sarah Lewis:t m. 2d, Rochester, Mass., Sept. 20, 1729, Elizabeth, widow of Samuel Arnold, of Rochester. He was a prominent man; occupied his father's home- stead at Coggin's pond, which was sold to Col. Gorham. The date of his removal from Barnstable has not been dis- ^q covered: probably about the time xl Z^-^'-V^fvl^^sf*- of his second marriage. He was *^ mentioned In his father's will 1717. He and his children settled in that part of Rochester, which is now Wareham, Mass. The church was organized in Wareham, Dec. 25, 1739; among the original members were, Ebe.nezer Ham- lin, and his children, Hopestill Hunter, Thomas Hamlin and wife Ruth, and Isaac Hamlin and wife Mercy. He was chosen deacon, Feb. 18, 1740. On May 26, 1742, "the church on a Lecture day desired to stop to make choice of some one * Note 11. The name Ebenezer was common in this Hamlin family; three of the name were cousins, all born In Barnstable; viz: Ebenezer.3 son of James, b. July 29, 1674, who settled In Sharon. Ct.. and d. there Apr. 8. 1755; Ebenezer.3 son of Bartholomew, b. Mar. 23. 1689: who settled in Colchester. Ct.. in Westchester parish; and Ebenezer.3 son of John. b. May 12. 1683; who lived in Barnstable, and d. there. 1736; Each of these three cousins had sons named Eben- ezer, as win be seen by reference to their record. + Note 12. For Lewes see Note 10, above. I am unable to discover the parents of this Sarah Lewis. There was a Sarah, dau. of James Lewes,2 b. Barnstable, Mar. 4, 1664; another Sarah, dsiu. of George Lewes.'-J b. Barnstable, Jan 12. 1659. Their ages renders it impossible that either was the wife of Dea. Ebenezer Hamlin. Possibly his first wife was a widow, and that her maiden name was not Lewis. 54.* Solomon, 55. Content, 56.* Pkiscilla, 57.* Zaccheus, 58.* Jabez, 59.* Jonathan, 60.* Sakah, 61.* JOSIAH, 62. PelegV THIKI) GENERATION. 47 or more to settle accounts with Deacuu Hamblen to .see h(tw he had disp<).sed of the contrilnitions: and to see what y cliurcli was indelUcd to him. .Accord- ingly made choice of Deacon (;ii)hs an(l Isaac Hump." Deacon Ebenezer Hamlin, and his sons Thomas and wife, arul Isaac and wife were dismissed to Sharon, Ct., May 'M, 1742: as no wife of Ijis appears at that time, it is supposed she was then dead. They .settled in Sharon alwiut this lime, and were ainoDg the early .settlers there, and may have l>een proprietors. It is stated in the history of Sharon that he tirst lived in Sharon where Georvre Skinner lives: afterwards in the south part of town, Ixilow Jlitchoock's corner. He bequeathed ''Twenty four pounds old tenor toward the worshipof Cod. in the neighlwrh(K)d where I now dwell, Viz: in or near tl)e new-erected meet- ing-lu»use on tlie Oblong near Sharon."* This was the Tresb. church at .Vmenia rnion.in Dutchess Co. N. V., acr(KSs the line from Sharon. ( now South .Vmenia.) of winch Rev. Ebenezer Knibloe was the tirst pastor; whose church records are extant, and have Ix'en consulted for records of the de.scendants of Dea. Ebenezer Hamlin. He d. Sharon, .\pr. m, 1755. Ch. I). Barnstable: H3.* EUKNKZEK, Mar. IH, lHV»8-9; bap. July 7, 1701. H4.* MKUt V, Sept. 10, 1700. 4i U t> (. Ho.* HOFE.STILL, July Zi, 1702. '» July 26, 1702. m* COKNELIUS, June u, 1705. a June 17, 1705. «7.* TH(>.M.\S, May «, 1710. »t •• 12. 1710. »>.H.* Is.\.\f, July 1, 1714. 69.* Leavis, Jan. M. 1718. [20.] HOPE H.\MLIN,» (Sister (.f .Mary,) b. Harnstable, Mass.. May Ls, 1()79-.S0; m. there, May 9. 1712. William Ca.set of Tisbury, Ma.ss.; she is nienticuied in her father's will. 1717. [21.] JOB H.\MLIN,3 (Bro.of Mary,) b. Barnstal)le, Ma.ss.. .Ian. 15. lti^l-2: mentioned in his father's will, 1717, and in that of John Hamblen, :* H.'U, witli whom he owned land at Indian Pond. The mark of his animals recorded in Barnstable was: "A crop in ye right ear, half penny under left ear, Dec. 21, • NoteM a reUKlous society was early formed In the soutl) west piiri of .Sliaron. nt'itr the Colony line, eniltracini; lnliat)itants of Conn, and N. Y. The meellntf house .sUhxI In Shar- on, and was called the Hound Top .Meet Inji House, hnllt before 175,">. Rev. ElH-iu-zer Knihioe was the minister for more than i") years. He was a native of Scotland, and favored the l'r«>- U'nder in tin- rcvDlutlnri of 1T-1.">; on accouril of which he removed to Amt-ricu. and settled In Ithe west part of I'hillip's Patent, in Pulnani County N. V.; two years later he reincjveil to Sliar- ion and ;;athered the church at the Corner. He Wius a prominent man. and a kT'MHi minister. I He favored the British cause In the revolution, causing dlsalTecllon In his conK're»;alion. ami Ihls usefulness diminished. He d. Dec. 20. l"t«5. The meetluK housi' was removed In 17^1. to the site of the Preshy. church, at .\menla I'nlon, N. Y. [Hist, of Sharoiu Cl.] + NoTK 14. .lOlIN CASE, of Windsor. Ct; m. Sarah, dau. of William Spencer, of Hartford <'t.; deputy; had son Bartholomew.'^ h. Oct. HITO; who m. Mary Humphn'y. I>ec. 7. im»U. In the life of .lohn Casse. hy .\. P. Case, of Vernon. N.V.. it apiwurs that .lohn f'usse came from I'airtield. Ct.. to Newtown. I.. 1.; m. alN>nt lil.V.1. and d. hHrj. wilhoui Issue. Ills estate was Inherited l)y William, son of his l)roilier William Case, and he had anotlier lirother. 'I'homas. ' It also appears that his hrother. William Cus.se. d i::.*7: and left an estate on Martha's Vln- yard to five daughters. 48 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. 1739; and has been his mark ten years past. He became mn compos mentis, and Lewis Hamlin of Barnstable, his nephew, was appointed fjuardian of his estate. Feb. 12, 1749: Inventory, £897.14. The guardian reported that he d. July 3, 1750. No record of his marriage discovered. [22.] JOHN HAMLIN,» ( Bro. of Mary,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Jan. 12, 1683-4: he was not mentioned in his father's will 1717. nor any wife or child of him: from this fact it is supposed he was then dead and unmarried. [23 1 BENJAMIN HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Mary,) b. Barnstable, Mass., bap. !vlar. 16, 1684-5: neither he nor any wife or child of him were mentioned in his father's will, 1717. Mr. Otissupposed that it was this Benjamin who removed to Eastham and married Anne Mayo, &c. I am of opinion that he confounded this man with his nephew Benjamin, son of Eleazer;^ of whom Mr. Otis seems to have had no knowledge. The late David Hamblen, of Boston, was a descendant of Benjamin Hamblin and Anne Mayo: he spent years in investigating the family history, and supposed that his ancestor was Benjamin,* Eleazer.,3.James.' i and tliat Benjamin,'* above, d. unmarried. The writer concurs in his opinion. [24.] ELKANAH HAMBLEN,^ (Bro. of Mary.) b. Barnstable, Mass., and bap. there, 1685: m. 1st there, Apr. 1.3, 1711, his cousin Abigail, =< dau. ot John and Sarah (Bearse*) Hamblen; who d. May 29, 1733; m. 2d, Aug. 11, 17.34, Margaret Bates of Plymouth: mentioned in his father's will, 1717. He d. Barnstable, 1764. * Note 15. AUSTIN or ACGUSTINE BEARSE came over in the ship Confldence, of Loiuion, from Southampton. Apr. 24, 1638, aged 20; and came to Barnstable 1639. It is said that his wife was named Mary. Among the passengers of the Confidence on the voyage when he came was Mary. dau. of Martha Wilder, and it has been con.iectured that slie may have become his wife. His houselot of twelve acres of very rocky land was in the west part of the east parish; bounded west by John Crocker's land, nortli by the meadow, east by Goodman Isaac Robinson's land, and soutlierly into ye woods; he owned six acres of meadow adjoining his up- hind on the north, and two thatch islands, known as Bearse's Islands; he had about six acres In the Calve's Pasture, esteemed to be the best land in town; eight acres of planting land on the north side of Shoal pond; and bounded by Goodman Cooper's, called Huckins' Neck; and thirty acres at the Indian pond lot; bounded east by Herring river. His house stood on the north side of the road; the cellar and some remains of his orchard existed a hundred years ago. A road from his house to Hyannis is known as Bearse's Way ; freeman .Tune 3. 1753, and May 3. 1653; Grand .luror 1653, 1662; surveyor of highways 1674; adm. to Mr. Lothrop's church. Apr. 29, 1643. Goodman Bearse did what he honestly believed to be his duty; and was one of the very few against whom no complaint was ever made, which speaks well for his character; a farmer, lived on the products of his land; and brought up his large family to be like himself, useful members of society. The record of his marriage, death or settlement of his estate has not been discovered. Ch. b. Barnstable ; Mary. 1640. Martha. 1642. Priscilla. Mar. in, 1643-4; m. Dea. John Hall. Sarah, Mar. 2s. 1646; •' John Hamblen. 2 ABir.Aii.. Dec. 18,1647; " Allen Nichols. Hannah, Nov. 16, 1649. .Joseph, Jan. 2.5, lft51-2; " Martha Taylor. Hester, Oct. 2, 1653. Lydia, Sept. 1655; Rebecca, Sept. 1657; ••. James. July 1660. Tllllih (iEXEHATlON. 40 WILLol' lOLKANAll HAMHLEN. Ill tlu* name of God, Aiueii. I. Klkanah Hamblen of Hanistable in y C<»unty of Barnstable, Ye", bein^' advanci'd in years tiit 1 commit my soul to (rod in Jesus Christ & my body I comit to the e'artli, and tttucbin^f the worldly estate wherein (Jod iiatli lilesscd me I a'wv de- mi.se X: dispose ctf the same in the following; manner and form. vS: first my will is that my just debts and funeral charjjes shall be paid out (if my personal estate by my execute rs. Imprimis. I trive and bequeath to my lovint,' wife Marjjaret in lieu of her dower the use and improvement of a fire. room, cellar and chamln'r in my dwelling' iiouse. the profit of a cow, six slieepand of aswine pastured, four loads (»f wood at the d(H»r per annum, a sixth of the produce of lands tilled, a sixth part of the fruit of the orchard, a privilege of bein^ carried to meeting and of havinir her yrain carried to mill ,S: the meal lirou^dit home. These articles to Ih» done >S: performed by my son Reuben Hamblen for his motiier durin^r her widowhood yearly & every 3'ear in consideraticm of what is hereafter ffiveii, & it is to be understood said Reuben is to find and keep said cow & sheep for his mother's profit, and of all the land hereafter triven him to render a sixth of the produce to his mother (f what is planted or sown, also 1 j^ive my said wife one half of my personal estate not hereafter particularly disposed ofif. Item. 1 K'ive and bequeath to the heirs of my .son Silvanus Hamblen, decea.sed to their heirs and assigfns forever, one lot of land at the Lonjj Pond & four pounds lawful money to be paid by my son Reuben in two years after my decease. Item. I uive and bequeath to my son Reuben Hamblen bis heirs and assigns forever all and singular my real estate savin? said lot at the Lonjf Pond & savin^f ye improvement to his mother as above reserved, said real estate beinff my house barn, homestead, meadow, woodland and whatever else is denom- inated real estate, further I ^'ive my sd son half my apparel, all my live stock, moneys, credits, liusbandry utensils, to him his heirs, on condition he or they pay my debts and perform ye articles above enjoyned & pay the le^racies here- after and heretofore mentioned. Item. I trive and be(iueath to my son .John Hamlilen his heirs three pounds six shilling's and eit^ht pence and half my apparel, .said money to Ix' paid by my son Reuben in twelve months after my decease. Item. 1 K've and beciueath to my nephew .Seth Fish five shillinjfs. Item. I fjfive and bequeath to my dau^rhter Tabitha .Saundenson half of my indoors personal estate not particularly already disposed of and five shilling's in twelve months to be paid by my son Reuben. I likewise constitute make and appoint my two sons Heulx'ti and .lohii liambjcn Executors of this my last will & testament revoking former wills & testaments i.Sc confirming' this to lie my last will and testament. In w it ne.ss whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the day and date nhovc. Si^'ned. sealed, pronounced, pulilisbcd and declared by the said Elkaii.ih llaml)len to be his last will and testament. ELKANAIl II A.MIJLKN ( L. S. ) 50 THE -HAMLIN FAMILY. In the presence of these subscribers, Joseph Childs. William Crocker. David Crocker. Ch. b. Barnstable: 70.* Sylvanus, July 20, 1712. 71.* Reuben, Mar. 13, 1714. 72. Abaigail, Oct. 7, 1715. 73.* John, Nov. 2, 1717. 74. Rachael, Sept. 7, 1720; d. 1722 75.* Patience, June 12, 1721. 76-* Tabitha, Apr. 14, 1723. FOURTH GENERATION. [28] JOHN SCUDDEK,* (Elizabeth Hamlin.s James," ') h. Barnstable. Mass., May 23, IWM): m. there, May 19, 1714. Josiali and Ann (Taylor*) I)avis,t b. Feb. 1694. Ruth. (lau. of • XoTK Hi. KICHAKl) TAYLOK. There were two of this name early In Yarmouth, Mus^. : and enrolU-d as able to bear arms, 1U13; both had wives named Ruth: one was called liichiird the "tailor" that beinp: his trade; the other Richard "Rock" bacause his house was near a irreat rock. Richard the tailor, m. Ruth dau. of Gabriel Whelden. alnjut KMt); and were ancestors of the Taylors of Chatham. Mass. Richard "Rock." n». Ruth Hurjress; Constable 10o«, imvs; Highway Surveyor. lti.>7; Exciseman. llJW: Grand .Juror. Itt-vj; ancestor of the Taylors of Yarmouth. + Note 17. ROBERT DAVIS.i was In Yarmouth. Mass.. 1M.J: m. IMti. Ann : removed to BarnsiabU- between i6i> and May Hib<); m. 2d. about ItJoT. Ann ; he d. ltju;j; will dated .\pr. 14. li>^»; proved June 29. 16{«; his widow d. 1701 ; will dated .May 5. iHWt; proved Apr. 1. 17tn Ch. by 1st wife; l>KHI)R.\H b. .Ian. ItWS. Yarmouth: m. Thomas Greer M.\KY. ■• Apr. >. lt>4,s. AxuKKW. " May liiaO. Barnstable JoH.N. • Mar. 1. Iii.i2, ROBEHT. " Aujf. ItfcVt. Josi.AH. ■ Sept. lf).'>t>. " De.xter. removed to Conn, prob. d. young. m. Ann Taylor. By 2d wife; Hannah, b. .Sept. Sahah. "Oct. .loSEPH. Mercy. l(J.Tf*, Barnstable m. -— Dexter. .losepli Young. Hannah Cobb. Nath'l Young and Nath'l May. JOSIAII ItAVIS.i! m. .June 2.">, l(i7«. Ann, dau. of Richard Taylor, of Yarmouth; res. Barn- stable; s<^ldkr in Capt. .lolin Gorham's Co.. King Phillip's war, Ii!7.'i; will .\pr. -M. 17(Ri; provid Oct. .5. 17(»!t; estate i.VN). Ch. b. Barnstable .lilIIN. Sept. . 1702: " Theophllus Wllherell 'll. Ann, 78. Elizabeth, 79, James, 80. JOUN, 81. Mehitable, 82. Ebenezek, 83. JOSIAH, 84. David, 85. Hannah, 86. Jonathan, 87. Nathaniel, 88. Benjamin, 52 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Objection was made to his adm. to the eh. in Barnstable, Mar. 30, 1726. Ch. b. Barnstable: Feb. 4, 1715. Oct. 3, 1717: d. Kov. 6, 1717. Nov. 2, 1718. Aug. 22, 1720. Aug. 2, 1722. June 17, 1724. Mar. 28, 1726. Feb. 5, 1727. May 9, 1730: d. Aug. 9, 1730. July 1, 1731. Sept. 17, 17.33: July 29, 1736. [ 29 ] EXPERIENCE SCUDDER,* (sister of John,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Apr. 28, 1692: m. Oct. 9, 1712, Elisha Hopkins.* It is supposed he went to Harwich, Mass., about 1717. [ 31 ] EBENEZER SCUDDER,* (Bro. of John,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Apr. 23, 1696: m. Apr., 1725, Lydia,^ dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth (Taylor,*) Cobb,* b. Barnstable, Dec, 1699. Ancestors of most of * Note 18. STEPHEN HOPKINS.i (name of first wife unknown;) witli wife Elizabetii and children. Giles. Constanta. Damaris. and Oceanus. and servants. Edward Doty and Edward Litster; he came in the Mayfloiver toP lymouth. Mass.. Dec, 1620; a son and four other dauijliters were afterwards born ; he settled at Plymouth. Mass.; leave was granted liy the court to Stephen Hopkins August, 1H:3M, "to erect a house at Mattacheese (Yarmouth.) and cut liay to winter his cattle, provided it be not to withdraw liim from the town of Plymouth." It is uncertain if he ever resided in Yarmouth; the first house erected there by a white man was known as the Giles Hopkins house, situated in the field owned in recent times by Capt. Cliarles Bassett; this house was sold 1642 to Andrew Hallet. .Tr. One Stephen Hopkins settled in Eastliam after 1654. Gov. Bradford records that Stephen, the immigrant and his wife d. before 1(550, as also a son and daughter. Ch. by 1st wife : Giles. Constanta; m. had 12 children. By 2d wife : Damaris. Oceanus; b. at sea. Deborah; m. Ring, 1646. GILES HOPKINS.2 came with his father in the Mayflower 1620. It is supposed he built the first house in Yarmouth, Ma.ss., about ]6:iS; which was sold to Andrew Hallet, Jr. 1642; he settled at Eastham, Mass. before 1654; m. Catherine Wheldon, and had four children beft)re 16,50, says Gov. Bradford. Children : Stephen, m. Mary Myrick and Mrs. Bertha Atkins. Coi.ET, •• Thankful . * Note 19. For Taylor see Note 16. * Note 20. Elder HENRY COBB,i the immigrant, was at Plymouth. Mass., 1632; Scit- uate, 1633; Barn.stable, 1639. His dwelling in Scituate was built before Sept. 1634, and sold to Henry Rowley; and he built on his lot in Kent, street; he was one of the "Kent men,'"; and owned al.so HO acres on Nortli river; afterwards the farm of Ephraim Kempton; then of lohn .lames; Nov. 2:i, KM, he and others, members of the church at Plymouth, "were dismissed from their membershipp in case tiiey joyned in a body att Scituate." Jan. 8, l(i35, Mr. Lothrope made an entry in his church records: "Wee had a day of humiliation and then att night joyned in Covenant togeather, so many of us as had beene in Covenant before, towitt: Mr. Gilson and wife, Goodman Anniball and his wife, Goodman Rowley and his wife, Goodman I FOLliTlI GENEUATION. 53 89. Daniel, 90. Elizahetii, 91.* Sam I- EL, 92.* Rkueica. 93.* ElJKNK/KU. 94.* LVDIA. 95.* ELE.\y.KU, [84 1 HENJ.VMI the Seiidders, of li;irnstal)lt'. He d. Barnstable. Apr. ti, ITiC A widow Scudder (J. l>arnstable, .luiie 18. 1778. a^'ed 7s, id mo. Ch. b. Harnstal)le: .luly j;{, 17l^(i: (I: < »i'l. 2, 177.f. iiiiiii. June 19. 172it. May 2t). 17.51: m. .lamts Atlmni. May -Jo, nxs. .Inly 15, 1735. Feb 12, 1737. HENJAMIN HAMHLIN.* ( Elea/er,Mames.^' ) There ba.s been various o(,)niit)ns about the ancestry ot this man. 'J'he wiiter has changed his opinion on the subject several time.'<, a.s new records and evidence were discovered. The late David Hamblen, of Boston, who descended fr(»m this man. is poriiaps entitled to the correct solution of his jiedi^rree. lie says that he was mentioned in the will of his father, Elen/.er Hamlin, < of Har- wicii. Mass.,— which the writer has not seen— and that he was b. 1«92: m. by John Doane, Esq., of Eastham, Ma.ss., Oct. 25, 171H, Anne, dau. of Samuel I Cob and his wife. Goodman Turner. Edward Foster, niyselfe. Goodman Ko.xweU. and .^umuel Houst'." Goodniiin Cubl) \v:is a Icitdliii.' and iiiflni'nt!:il nK'iii1»tT of tlu' rliurcli; and for forty fuiir years was eiilu-r the senior deacon or a ruling elder. It aj)i)ears that lie was a nieniU-r of i .Mr. Lothrop's cliurcli in London: separatin;; from the estalilished rhnrch and jolnint; the jiurl- i tans. He was persecuted and eanie to this cc>untry to enjoy religions lilierty and freedom of conscience; was one of the leaders In the removal from Sdtuate ti> HarnstJible; wa» a tt>wn officer: nieraherof the most ini|)ortant committees; :ind deiJiity MUi .'>:.'; had a u''«"l I'state: m. 1st ItVtl, Patience, dan. of Dea. .lames Hurst of IMymoutli : who was tmried .May 4. IiHs; m. i;d. by .Mr. I'rence. Dec. 12. ItU'.t. Sariili. dau. of Samuel Hinckley; and sister of (iov. Hinckley of Uarn- stable. He d. Barnstable. Itl79; will Apr. 4. liirs; proved .tunc:!. IiiTH. Children : .John. b. .lune 7. ItvC. Plymouth. .Ia.mks. ■■ .Ian. 14. h'M. .Maky. " Mar, 24, ItW". .'^cltuate; Ha.nxah. •• t)ct. .'i, IffiSt, Patik.nck. bap. Mar. V.i. l«41-2, Barnstable; m. Sarah I^'wls. " .lonatlian Dunham. •• F^dward Lewis :ind Unberi Parker. •• Dea. Wm. Crocker, killed Indian War HlTo. Geksho.m. b. Jan. 10. 1644-.'). Ei.KAZKit. • .Mar. .M\ U)4^. -Mkhitabi,*:. " Sept. L 1651. Sa.miki^ •• Oct. 12. 1054. Sakah. •■ .Ian. 15. Itt5f<, Jonathan. •" Apr. in. ifirto. Sarah. • .Mar. in. untl-.i. " Hk.nuy. •• Sept. .i. 16««. .Mkhitabi.k. ■■ Feb. 15. Iti67. F..\i'KiiiEN(K. •• Sept. 11. 11171. SAMI'EL COBB.'i m. Dec. 2n. HVni. Ell/.abeth. (bui. of Blcliard Taylor; farmer; BarnstAble; hed. Dec. 27. 1727; She d. May. 4. 1721. ajjed tKi. Ch. b. Barnstable: d. Mar. s. Iti52. ni. Elizabeth Taylor, d. Jan. 25. K^k. m. .Mrs. Hopi' H nek Ins. " Dea. Samuel C'lilpman." • .lustlce Thatt'her. Sakaii. A UK. 2n. I6N1; m Benjan In Bearse. Thomas. .lune 1, niKi; •■ Kachael St4^(ne. F;i.i/aiikth. Nov. bVs5; •• Ebene/.er Bearsi-. Hk.nkv. ItK. Samiki.. Sept. in. ItSiil: •■ Sarah Chase and Hannal Cole. Mkhitaiii.k. .. Nathan Taylor EXI'KltlKNC K. .lune s. hiirj; •• .lasher Taylor. Jonathan. Dw. 25. ItHM; ■• Sarah Hopkins. El.K.A/KIC .Ian. It. IlllHl; ■• lieliance Paine. LVKIA, Dec. l(!!«i: •■ Ebene/cr .S-udder. 54 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Mavd:* marriage recorded in Orleans, Mass. The writer is informed that when the town of Orleans was set off from Eastham, the original town records were retained in Orleans, where the clerk then lived. She was great grand daughter of Rev. .John Mayo, and of Gov. Thomas Prencef of Eastham. Mr. Otis. Keiiealogist of the early Barnstable families, does not mention that Eleazer Hamlin^ had a son Benjamin: and supposed that it was Benjamin Ham- lin, » uncle of Benjamin above, who married Anne Mayo; which is highly improbable: from the fact that the will of .James Hamlina dated 1717, in which he menti(ms with great particularity, his descendants and relatives, then living and dead, does not mention his son Benjamin, nor any widow, or child of his. T!ie inference is that this son was then dead, without issue. If this son had married only a year previously, he would probably had been mentioned in the will. An examination of it will lead to this conclusion. It will be noticed that the four children of his son Eleazer,^ are there referred to, but not by name. At the date of the marriage of Benjamin Hamblin and Anne Mayo, the elder, Benjamin, :* referred to, would have been thirty two years old: the younger Benjamin,* twenty four. For the reasons given we agree with David Hamblin. that it was the younger man who married Anne Mayo. In 1846, .Tolin Hamlen,'' a grandson living in Plaintield. Mass.. wrote that his father, Isaa".'' died a few months before his birth; and that he, John, removed fr(im Bridgewater to Cummington ( Plainfield ), in 1776: and that he did not know the name of his grandfather, (Benjamin:*) but supposed he lived on Cape Cod. where his father^ Isaac, was born 120 years before; that his father re- moved to Fa'^t Bridgewater, where he died, about 1762; and that his fathre li!;d a biotber. Eleazer, who had lived at East Bridgewater or Pembroke. David Hamblen wrote in 1H6, that Mrs. Jane Whittaker, dau. of Cornelius * Note 21. Rev. .JOHN MAYO.i b. England and graduated at an English university^ prohaltly came to America about 163S; was in Barnstable. 1(539; ordained teaching elder, in connec-tioii with Rev. .Tohn Lathrop; freeman. 1640; removed to Eastham. 1646; and subse- (Hicntiy to ik charireof the church there until 1655; when he was settled over the Second or North churcli. in Boston. He returned to Barnstable. 1673; and passed the remainder of his lifr there, and at Eastham and Yarmouth with his children. His wife was named Tamosin. isotli .1. Varniouth; h.i at the home of his dau. Elizabeth. May 1676; she 1682. Ch. b. England: Hannah. m. Nathaniel Bacon. Saaiuel. •• Tamozine Lumpkin. .iOHN, •' Hannah Roycroft. Natuanieu •• Hannah Prence. (dau. of the governor.) EiA/.AUKTii. •■ .Joseph Howes. NATHANIEL MAYO.a b. England; m. Hannah, dau. of Gov. Thomas and Patience (B.e wstir) Prence; representative 16(i0. He d. 1662. Children: Thomas, b. Dec. 7. 1651. Nathaniei,. •' Nov. 16, 1652. Samuel. " Oct. 12. 1655. Hannah. " Oct. 17, 1657. Theoi>hii,us. '■ Dec. 17. 1659. Bathsheba. '• 1662, It is supposed that Samuel Mayo,;^ who wash. Oct. 12.1655. was the father of Anne, who m. Benj, llambiin.i * Note 22. Gov. THOMAS PRENCE.i came from Leachdale, Gloucestershire.England.in the F<„tunr. whu;!. arrived at Plymouth, Nov. 20. 1621. Among those with him, whose descend- ants appear m this work, were William Bassett. Edward Bonpasse, and John Cannon; m. 1st. Aug. 3, 1624. I atience, dau. of Elder William Brewster; who d. 1634; m. 2d, 163,5, Mary Collier. It is not agreed whether she was the widow, or daughter of Mr. William Collier; she d. at Eastham. FOURTH (FENERATION. 55 Hamblen, 5 often spoke of her Aunts Wilcutt and Bates as daughters of tliis Benjamin.* Another grand daughter, Mrs. Sarah Kidder, d;ni. of Major Eleazer Hamlin, » told her relatives, that her father had sisters, named Mrs. Richards and Mrs. Holmes, who formerly visited at her father's home, at Harvard, Mass. There is a difference of opinion as to the children of this man. Those named in the settlement of his estate will be readily accepted, but why Isaac, Eleazer and Elizabeth are not mentioned there, is not so easily explained. Isaac had then removed to East Bridgewater, and had perhaps received his portion of t he estate: Eleazer, and perhaps Elizabeth were then minors, and could not legally sign the settlement. On August 14, 1845, I)avicl Hamblen wrote to Josiah Whitman, at East Bridgewater, Maf-s., stating that he was informed, the fam- ily bible of Benjamin Hamblin was then in his possession. He was evidently a mariner, engaged in whale fishery at Billingsgate,* now Wellfleet, Mass. The Boston Keios Letter of Aug. 25, 1437, records an account of his death: "We hear that some time in the beginning of July. Captain Atherton Hough, master of a whaling vessel being in the Streights, killed a large whale and brought her to the vessel's side as usual to cut her up: and as the hands \^ele hoisting the blubber into the hold, the runner of the block gave way, and fell with great force, on the head of a man, who stood underneath — Benjamin Hamblin, of Eastham — and instantly killed him."' PARTITION OF ESTATE. Articles of agreement made, concluded and fully agreed upon this tenth day of June Anno Domin 1748, by and between Ann Grayham, former widow to Mr. Benjamin Hamblen, of Eastham, deceased, and Cornelius Hamblin. Joshua Hamblin, Benjamin and Mary Hamblen, all of Eastham. in sd county of Harn- It is said he m. 3d, 1662, Mrs. Mary, widow of Samuel Freeman. The author of the Freeman (ieue- alogy denies that he m. the Widow Freeman; but suggests that he m. the ividinr.diKl not ilnd ii- ghto-ot William Collier. He waschosen Governor of Plymouth Colony. IffiM; and served one year; res. at Danbury from about ] the truth of the above & within written relating to what was done or said after he came in to the meeting house at the same time and further ads that he took notice when the said Doanes wife rushed out of her pew in such a rage shee went furiously toward the said Mr. Sumner \- seemed as if she would have offered violance to him and he thinks she directed her speach to him. saying: you have the impudence of the Devill. or some words to that purpose. Barnstable. S. S. The above and within written evidences taken upon oath before me the subscriljed on the Eleventh day of August l?2r. one of the Grand Jury being present at the same time. Nathaniel Freeman. Justice Peace. * Note 34. P^or Mayo see Note 21. i FOURTH GENERATION, o9 June 14, 1745. This shows his residence in Eastham in 1";}8. The birth (if their son Elijah is recorded in Orleans, then part ot Eastham. No further account of liim appears. Perhaps he went to Conn, wliere liis sons, and otlier relatives liad removed, Children: KM.* Elijali, b. Mar. 22, 1722-3, Eastham. 105.* Elisha. Perhaps otliers, [ :iH j THANKFUL JENKINS,* (Experience Hamlin, =* James,*^ ». ) b. Barnstable; Mass., May 19, 1«91: m. Isaac Taylor.* She received a legacy of £40 in the will of her grandfatlier James Hamlin, as then the wife of Isaac Taylor. She received a legacy of £lu in her father's will dated 17H7. [39] EXPERIENCE JP:NKINS,M'Sister of Tliankful,) b. Barnstable. Mass., Mar. 28, 1693; m. Sandwich, Mass., Oct. 8, 1717, John,'* son of Seth and Deborah Pope.t b. Oct. 23, 1675: his second wife: he m. 1st, ai^iut 1()99, Elizabeth, dau. of Mrs. Patience (Skiff) Bourne, of Sandwich: who d. Apr. 15. 1715: by whom lie had six children; one or whom was Seth, of Voluntown. Ct.. b. Jan. 3, 1701. John Pope above, was Ixjrn after his parents were driven by the warriors (»f King Phillip from Dartmouth, or that vicinity. He resided in Sandwich: and d. there, Nov. 18, 1725. It is claimed tliat his grave stone in the cemetery there is the oldest in America bearing the name Pope. She received a legacy of £20 in the will of her father dated 1737. Ch. b. Sandwich. 106.* EZKA, Apr. 3, 1719. 107. JOAXKA, Mar. 3, 1721-2 108.* Charles, Feb. 28, 1724-5. ion.* Lemuel ( ? ) 110.* Seth, Apr. 19, 1731. I 40 J MERCY JENKINS,M Sister of Thankful,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Jan. 6, 1695-6; m.Dec. 23, 1718, John White, J She was called Mary, and received a legacy of £10 in the will of her father dated 1737. * Note 2.5. For Taylor see Note 16. + Note 2(i. THOMAS POPE.i b. England about 1608; came to America a»X)ut 162f<-!t; was an iriliabitant of Plymouth. .Mass.. KWl; m. 1st. there. .Tan. 38. 16:17. Ann. dau. of Gabrii-l and Catherine Tallowell. of Plymouth; m. 2d. Plymouth, May. 19. IMti. Sarah, dau. of.Iohn and Sarah (Carey) .Jenney. of Plymouth. He d. Dartmouth. Mass.; 8 children. SETH P(JPE.a son of Thomas and Sarah Pope. b. Plymouth, Jan. HI 164-x; m. 1st. Deborah. dau. of Erza and Elizabeth ( Burge ) Perry, b. 16.-)r>: d. Feb. 19. 1711; m. 2d Reliecca . A wealthy merchant. Acushnet and Dartmouth. Mas.s. He d. Dartmouth. Mar. 17. 1727; 9 children. Their son .lohn.s m. Experience .lenkins. t Note 27. Mk. WILLIAM WHlTE.i wife Susanna, sons Resolved and Pereffrlne. and servants William Holbeck and Edward Thompson, came in the Mauftinirr from England to Plymouth. Mass.. Dec. 20. 1620; Mr. White and the two servants d. soon after their landing; his widow married Gov. Edward Winslow; who.se wife. Elizabeth, also d. the first winter; by whom she had two other children. Children : Resolved. Peregine, b. Nf)v. n. 1620. Capt. PEREGRINE WHITE.-' )>. un the MauJtouer. In Cape Cod Harbor. alx>ut Nov. 11. 1620; he was reared by Gov. Winslow; m. U'A)*. Sarah.2 dau. of William and Elizabeth Bassett. of Sandwich. Mass.; b. 16:^0; he settled in Marshtield. Mass.; a prominent man; rate maker. 1651-6; «0 THE HAMLIN FAMILY [ 41 J EBENEZER JENKINS,* (Bro. of Thankful,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Dec. 5, 1697; m. 1st, Nov. 9, 1721, Judith White,* who d Apr. 25„ 1729; m. 2:i-4; a prominent man. often employed in town business; Ensign in the militia. He d. Dec. 7. 170i»; estate f6:«. 5. 4. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Barnstable: Sarah. May 1669: m. .lohn Crocker. 62 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [ 43 1 JOSIAH JENKINS.! (Bro. of Thankful, ) b. Barnstable, Mass., Apr. ie>, 1702: m. 1737, Mary Ellis,* of Middleboro. Mass.; res. West Barnstable. He was mentioned in the will of his father. 1737. His will Dec. 29, 1749, proved Feb., 1750, ^ives the principal part of his estate to his brothers; with legacies to his sisters, Thankful Taylor, Mercy White, Hope White. Sarah Nye; and his cousin Nathan Jenkins. He possessed a splendid wardrobe, and appears to have been a fashionable man. No issue. [ 44 ] HOPE JENKINS.* (Sister of Thankful,) b. Barnstable, Mass.. July 5, 1704: m. White.t She received a legacy of £10 in the will of her father, 1737; and was mentioned in the will of her brother, Josiah, 1750. [ 45. ] SARAH JENKINS,* (Sister of Thankful.) b. Barnstable, Mass., Dec. 1, 1706: m. Lemuel NyeJ, of Sandwich, probably son of Nathan and Mercy Nye, b. Sandwich, Mar. 21, 1798-9. Their cliildren were baptized in Barnstable: and from this fact it is suppo.sed that he removed and resided there. She received a legacy of £20 in the will of her father. 1737: and is mentioned in the will of her brother Josiah, 1750. The first five childret; were baptized Oct. 2«, 1740. Ch. bap. Barnstable: 122.* Lot, b. about 1731. Sandwich. 12S.* LE31UEL. bap. Oct. 26, 1740. Samuel. Feb. 2. 1671; removed to Stonliifrton. Ct. Bethia. Mar. 16T:i; d. Apr. 13. 1715. Hannah. May 167.); ni. Benjamin Lewi.s. .loNATHAN. Fel>. 1,5. 1677. IcHABOD. Auff. 3N. im). ■• Mary Goodspeed and Mary Basset. CiERSHOM. Apr. 2. 16.S2. By 2d wife. I). Barnstable: Maky. m. Samuel .Jenkins. Abioail. Mekcv. d. unm. 1718. * Note;«. Lieut. .JOHN ELLIS.i one of this name was freeman in Mass.. June2. Ifi41; settled in Sandwirh. Ma.ss.. as early as 164;i; m. 1645. Elizabetli, dau. of Edmund and Elizabeth Freeman of Sandwich. I). Enjfland. about 162.i; he was called I^ieutenant. and kept an Ordinary at Sandwicli. 16,i9; he d. about 1677; descendants widely dispersed and respectable. Children: Bennkt. b. Feb. 27, 1619. Sandwich. MoRDEtAi. ■• Mar. 24. 1650-1 : wife Sarah. •'<»«>'. • •' Mar. 20, 1654-5. Mathias. "June 2,1657; m. Mary Burgess. Nathaniei,. probably: .John. Samuei,. Freeman. + NoTEiii. I'^>r White see Note 27. * N<)TE,J4. BEN,IAMIN NYE.i settled at Sandwich. Mass.. alK.ut 1640; m. Oct U.. 1640. Katherine. dau. of Thomas and Ann Tupper. He was in Sandwich as earl v as 1640. and was li vinj; there m 1675; and d. there. ChiUlren: Ebenezer. b. Sandwi<-h; m. Sarah Gibbs. .John. Benjamin. perhaps others. FOURTH GENERATION. t;;i 124. Mary, bap. Oct. 26, 1740. 125. Sarah, a it (i u 12H. Thankful, it U 1 ( u 127. THOMAt*, a July 12, 1741. 128. Samukl. u June 26, 1743 129. Nathan, " Apr. 26, 1747. 130. Mercy, " Sept. 17, 1749. [ 48 ] RUTH HAMLIN,* (James, 32i) b. Barnstable, Mass., Jan. 2n. 1692-3; m. there, Nov. 25, 1723, Samuel,* son of Samuel and Sarah (Parker) Crocker,* b. Barnstable, Dec. 12, 1697. Ch. b. Barnstable. 131.* Noah, Sept. 12, 1724. 132. Sarah Jan. 5, 1726; m. Shubael Hamblen.* 13;^.* Hannah, May 16, 1729. 134.* Anna. May 8, 1731. 135. Joanna, June 4, 1735; d. Aufj 7, 1735. ' 136. Joanna, [ 48 ] JAMES HAMBLIN,* (Bro. of Ruth,) b. Barnstable, Mass., July 17, 1696; m. there, Mary C . Possibly this was VIary,4 dau. of Samuel and Sarah (Parker) Crocker,* b. Barnstable Apr. * Note -ib. CROCKER or Croker is a very ancient English nan?e. An old dlstach records that": "Crosker. Crewys and Copplestone." "When the conquorer came, were at home." The family were originally seated at Crocker's Hale. The genealogy of the Crockers of Lineham in Devonshire, exhibits a descent of eleven .lohn Crockers in almost uninterrupted succession. .Members of the family removed to Cornwall. Waterford and other places. It is claimed that .John and William Crocker came over in !(>«. and stopped a short time in Roxbury. before going to Scituate. They were brothers, and William, the youngest, joined Mr. I^otlirop's church in Scituate, Dec. 25. lH3»j; and came to Barnstable, Oct. 21. ItKW. .lohn came the following spring, and had no family, except his wife, who survived him. Dea. WILLIAM CROCKER.i m. 1st 16:if5. Alice the mother of his children, who was living ItiK^. and was buried May 4. 16S4; m. 2d. 16S4. Patience, widow of Robert Parker, and dau. of Elder Henry and Patience (Hurst) Cobb. b. Barnstable, bap. Mar. 13. 1641-2. He was a leading man; constable. 1644; frequently on the grand jury; selectman. 1668; deputy, 1670-2; surveyor of liigh ways. 167:1 He settled probably in the east part of the town ; his house probably on the lot next west of that of Henry Bourne. In 164;^ he removed to West Barnstable; had a large landed estate, and was perhaps the richest man in town; his sons were also wealthy. In 165.5 h«' owned 126 acres of upland; :i2 acres of meadow at West Barnstable; and 4<) acres of upland :it the Indian ponds. The West Barnstable farm was bounded east by the farms of .lohn Smith and Samuel Hinckley; and extended into the woods south; the south part f)ounded on the west by the Commons, and north by the lands of Mr. Bodflsh. afterwards owned by Lieut. .Fohn Howland.. He added largely to these farms, before his death. The West B.irnstable farm extended from the salt meadows on Barnstable harbor, south two miles near to the meeting house. He first occupied the south east part; according t<^) tradition the old stone house. alM)ut a quarter of a mile east of the chnrch was his first residence there. This stone or fortification house was taken down many years ago; also another stone house on the south west part of the farm was taken down In lsl.5. It was called the old stone fort, twenty five feet In front, the lower walls of rough stones. l;ild in mortar, nearly three feet thick, the upp»'r story of wixxl; projected over the lower (me on the front aK)Out three feet. In the flo«jr of the pnjjectlon were loop boles, six inches sfjuare. closed by trap doors. The windows of the lower story were high and narrow; these and the loop holes were for port holes inca.se of Indian attacks. For many years he was deacon in the church; and lived an exemplary pious life. He d. "^ept. 1692. aged about XO; will dated Sept. 6. 16(^2. 64 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. 8, 1700. He was grand juryman Barnstable, 1740. Win. P. Hamblin. of Lee. Mass., wrote in 1847, that he had a son (other than those named below) whose names he had forgotten. He probably lived at some time In Falmouth. Mass. The records of that' town show, Nov. 10, 1748: "The eare mark that James Hamblin givs his Creators is a crop ot the Left ear, half peny the foar side of the same." 137.* 138.* 139. 140.* 141. 142. 143.* 144.* 145. Children: Silas, Caleb, Deborah ben.jamin, David, Hannah, Job, Mary, Another son? b. 11 11 It 11 i> 11 1 1 1722. 1723-4. 1726-7; not married. 17.30. 1732; d. at sea 1750. Aug. .30, 1735: not married. 1736. Apr. Feb. Jan. Jan. Jan. 15, 8, 19, 1. 11, Children, two eldest h. Scituate, the others in Barnstable: .John, Elizabeth. Samuel, .TOB, .TOSIAH. Eleazer. .Joseph. Dea. .job CROCKER.2b May Sept. .June Mar. Sept. 1.1637; m. Mary Bodfish. 22. IKW: d. May. 165S. unni. 8,1642; killed Nov. 21. 16J<1. 9. 1644-5; m. Mary Walley and Hannah Taylor. 19.1647; •' Melatiah Hinckley, .luly 21, 16.50; " Ruth Chipman and Mercy Phinney. 1654; ■• Temperance Bursley. Barnstable. Mar. 9. 1644-.'i; m. 1st. Nov. 1668, Mary, dau. of Rev. John Walley. b. London. Eng., who d. 1676: m. 2d. .July 19. 16S0. Hannah, dau. of Richard Tay- lor, of Yarmouth. Mass. Few men in Barnstable were held in hisher esteem. For thirty four years he was deacon of the church. He inherited the homestead of his uncle. .John Crocker, near the Cape Cod railroad. He d. Mar. 171S-9: his widow d. May 14, 174:t, aged S5. Cli. by 1st wife. h. Barnstable: d, infancy. m. Sarah Parker and .ludith Leavet. •■ Mrs. Elizabeth Lothrop. ■' John Howland, .Jr. '• Hannah , Mary Hinckley, and Nancy . " Blev. Benjamin Allen. " Benjamin Lombard, .Jr. d. 1731, unm, 5, 1697: m. Abigail Loring, d. 1735, unm. SAMUEL CR0CK:ER.3 b. May 15. 1671; m. 1st, Dec. 10, 1696. Sarah, dau. of Robert Parker, who d. 1718, aged 40: m. 2d. Apr. 12. 1719, .Judith Leavet of Rochester, Mass. His farm was at Pondville. near the Sandwich line, on the road to Scortlron. A Son. 1669; Samuel, May 1.5.1671; Thomas, Jan. 19.1674; Ch. by 2d wife. b. Barnstable: Mary. June 29. 1681 ; John. Feb. 24. 16S3: Hannah, Feb. 2, 16H5. Elizabeth, May 15.1688; Sarah, Jan. 19,1690; Job, Apr. 4,1694; David, Sept. 5. 1697: Thankful. June 4. 1700; Ch. b, Barnstable. Samuel. Dec. 12, 1697 Cornelius. Mary. Patience. Elizabeth, Cornelius. Rowland, Gershom, Ebenezer, Benjamin. Rebecca, liACHEL. David, Sarah. Tabitha. Oct. Apr. Apr. Feb. Mar. June Dec. June July 34. 1698; 8, 1700. 18. 1701; 1702-3 2;i 1704; 18, 1705. 1706. 5. 1710; 1711; bap. Aug. 21. 1731; m. Ruth Ha.mblin,* d. young. m. Shubtlel Davis. ; m. James Childs. " Lydia .Jenkins. I. Ann Eldridge; settled in Broome Co.. N. Y. Abigail Jenkins and Bathsheba Hall. Eben Jones. Joseph Howland. Dorcas Davis. Joshua Backhouse. Timothy Davis. 14(i.* Joseph, 147.* Bknjamin, 148. Elizabeth, 149.* Ruth, loO. Deliverance, 151.* JA3IES, 152. Abaigail FOURTH GENERATION. 65 [ 53 J DELIVERANCE HAMBLEN, < (Sister of Ruth.) b. Bai-nstable, Mass.: m. there, Apr. 23, 1724. Joseph. » son of Richard and Hannah Childs,* b. Barnstable, Mar. 5, 1699. He was adm. to West Church, Barnstable, Aug. 18, 1728; removed to Falmouth, and returned to Barnstable, 1747. Ch. b. Barnstable: Aug. 17, 1724. bap. Aug. 25, 1728. " Aug. 24, 1729. " Sept. 26, 1731. m. Daniel Hamblin.* b. Mar 4, 1742. bap. July 29, 1750. * NoTE:i6.' RICHARD CHILD.i It is supposed by the author of the Child Genealofiy. that lie was b. Ifi2-t; and was the son of Samuel Child. It is recorded in the Barnstable church records by Rev. .lohn Lothorp. that "Richard Childe and Mary Linnett, marryed the 15th day of October. Ili49, by Mr. Collier, at my brother Linnett's house." She was daughter of Robert and .Temima Linnell of Barnstable, brother-in-law of Rev. John Lothrop. He m. 2d, Hannah (was she Hannah, dau. of .James Hamlin?) On Mar. 3. 1660. Richard Child was ordered to desist from erecting a cottage in Yarmouth but gave security to save the town harmless from all charges on account of the support of the children he then had. and was permitted tore- main. In those days the proprieters owned the lands in the towns, and were liable for certain public charges and expenses, such as the support of the poor, etc. If Mr. Child had been per- mitted to remain without protest he might have claimed rights or incurred liabilities against the town prejudicial to the proprieters; or they might have become liable for the support of his family had they required it. It is supposed he had a family; possibly he lived in other places than Barnstable and Yarmouth, Children: Samuel. killed at Rehobeth battle. Mar. 25, 1675. Richard. b. Mar. 1(5.53. Dea. RICHARD CHILD.Sb. March. 165:j; was ancester of the Barnstable family of that name; m. 167S. Elizabeth, dau. of .lohn and Mary (Bodflsh) Crocker, b. Barnstable, Oct 7, 1660; a mechanic; res. in the west part of east parish, Barnstable: adm. to church May 4, 1684; ap- pointed deacon Sept. 14, 1706; she d. .Ian. 15. 1716. Ch. b. Barnstable: S.\MUEL, Nov. 6. 1679; m. Hannah Barnard. Elizabeth, Jan. 23. 1681-2; d. young. Thomas, Jan. 10, 1683; m. Mary . Hannah. Jan. 22, 1684; " .Joseph Blish. Timothy, Sept. 22.1686; •' Hannah Chapin. Ebenezek. Mar. 1691; " Hope . Elizabeth. June 6, 1692; Ja-mes. Nov. 6, 1694; " Elizabeth Crocker. Mercy, May 7. 1697. Joseph. Mar. 5,1699; '• Deliverance Hamblln. Thankful, Aug. 15. 1702; " Ebenezer Hamlin. Note 37. For Linnel see Note 5. Note 38. ROBERT BODFISH.i was early at Lynn, .Mass.; freeman May 5, UV«: an original proprietor of Sandwich, Mass., 1631-41; highway surveyor. 1741; grand juror. 1644; licenct'd to draw wine in Sandwich, 1644. He d. 16,51; and his widow, Bridget, m. Dec. 15. 1(157 Samuel Hinckley, of Barnstable; his second wife. Children: Mary. m. John Crocker. Sarah. • Peter Blossom. Robert. Joseph, b. Apr. 3. 1651 ; ni. Elizabeth Besse. 66 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [ 54 ] SOLOMON HAMBLEN,* (Jonathan,^ James.^i) b. Barnstable, Mass., Dec. 5, 1705; m. Oct., 1735. Rebecca Taylor,* of Yarmouth, and marriage recorded there. Child: 153. Hannah, b. July, .31, 1737. [ 56 ] PRISCILLA HAMBLEN,* (Sister of Solomon, ) b. Barnstable, Mass., July 13, 1709: m. there, June 5, 1740, Capt. Simon,* son of Joseph and Mary (Claghorn,*) Davis,t b. Barnstable. Jan. 19, 1683, his second Note ;J9. for Crocker, see note 85. .lOHN CROCKER.2 (WiUiami) b. Scituate, May 1. 1H37; came with Ills father to Barnstable. 1639; m. 16.59. Mary. dau. of Robert and Bridget Bodfish, who d. Dec. 1662; m. 2d Apr. 25.1668. .Mary. dau. of John and .Toniia (Hull) Bursley. bap. .Tuly 29. KUll He d. May 1711. Ch. b. Barnstable: Elizabeth. Oct. 7. 1660 m. Dea. Richard Child. .Jonathan. .July 15. 1662; " Hannah Rowland, .John. Feb. 17. 166;i-t" Mary Bacon. & Sarali Hinckley. Hannah, Oct. 10. 1665; " Samuel Lothrop. Joseph, Mar. 1, 1667-8 " Ann Howland. Ben.jamin, probably d, young. Nathaniel. 1673; d. Feb. 11. 1740-1 without issue. Experience. 1674; " Apr. 17. 1740-1. unmarried. Jabez, •' 1700, without issue. Mary, m. .John Bursley. Jr. Abigail, d. young. Bathshua, Note 40. for Taylor see note 16. * Note 41. JAMES CIjAGHORN.i was in Barnstable, 1654: m. Jan. 6. 1654. Abigail, prob. dau. of Bernard Lombard; removed to Yarmouth about 1662; she committed suicide Oct. 1677. Ch. b. Barnstable: James, Jan, 29, 1654; prob. d. young. Maby. Oct. 26, 1.555; m. Joseph Davis. Elizabeth. Apr. 1658. Sarah, Jan. :i, 1659. Robert. Oct. 27. 1661. Shubael, SHUBAEL CLAGHORN,2 b. Barnstable, Mass.; m. .Jane, dau. of .John Lovell. of Barn- stable. He d. before 172.'*; and she m. John Bumpas. of Rochester. Mass. Ch. b. Barnstable: .James, Aug. 1689; m. Experience . & Elizabeth iving. Thankful. Jan. ;iO, 1690-1; d. Jan. 1696. Thomas, Mar. 30, 1692-3. 20, 1696. 18, 1699; m. Thankful Coleman. 14, 1701. 28, 1706; m. Eleanor Lovell. 3, 1707 '• Eben Clark. 31, 1709. " Joshua Lumbert, Jr, 30,1712;-' Elizabeth Hamblen. + Note 42. For Dolar Davis.i see Note 4. A V .'^°^^,^" nAVIS,:^ b. Barnstable, Mass., June 1656; m. Mar. 2s, 1682, Mary, dau. of James and Abigai (Lombard) Claghorn, b. Barnstable. Oct. 26. 1655; res. Chequaquet; he d. about 16!K): Slie d. 1706. Ch. b, Barnstable: ^J'^"^**^- J^n- 19' 1683; m. Elizabeth Lambert and Priscilla Hamblin. ^i-^"^- June 19, 1685. Joseph. Apr. 1687. Robert, June 13. 1689. Shub.\el, Sept. Robert, July BEN.IAMIN. June Reuben. Apr. Mary, Aug. Jane, July Ebenezer, July FOURTH GENERATION. 67 •wife; he m. 1st, Elizabetli Lumbert, whod. without issue. He was a prominent man, a miUtia utticei'. Slie was adm. to cli. Barnstable, Apr. 3, I73ti: and d. April, 1T")1. Ch. b. Bar nstable; 154. Maky, Feb. 28, 1741-2.- 155. Content, Mar. 23, 1743-4. 15«i. Pkiscilla, Feb. 17, 1745-G. 157. Joseph, bap. July 17. 1748. [ 57 J ZACCHEUS HAMLIN,* ( Bro. of Solomon, ) b. Barnstable. Mass., June i7,1711; m. there, June 29, 173(i, Mary Lombai-d :* res. at Barnstable. In 184(1, Calvin Hamlin, a great grandson, of China, Maine, wrote: my great grandfather was named Zaccheus Hamlin, my grandfather and father were both named Timothy: my great grandfather and his two sons, (probably Solomon and .fosiah,] were lost at sea about 1770. Mr. Hamblin Dickey, another descendant, of Monroe, Maine, wrote about the same time to the same effect; also, that the children of Zaccheus were b. in Barnstable; and that Joanna and Sarah never m. No record of this family town records. Ch. b. Barnstable: 158.* Timothy, 159.* Jabez. im* Solomon. 161.* .lOSIAH. 162. Pkiscilla: m. C'hadwick, of Nantucket. 163. Esther; " Jacob Howes. 164. .To ANN a: unm. 165. Martha. 166. Sarah. «i [ 58 ] JABEZ HAMBLEN,* { Bro. of Solomon, ) b. Barnstable, Mass., July 13, 1717; m. Martha -: she was admitted to church Mar 5, 1749. Private in Capt. Elisha Doane's4th Co., in Col. Shubael (Jorham's 7th Regt., in Sir William Pepperill's Expedition at Loisburg: res. Barnstable. A grant was made by the court. June 4, 1763 of £3.18., in care of James Otis, Esq.; for Jabez Hamblen, a sick and wounded soldier, perhaps this man. Ch. b. Barnstable : 167. Martha bap. May 28, 1749. 168. Pkiscilla, " " " '• 169. Zaccheus, " '* " " 170.* Timothy, •' " " " , b. about 1739. * Note 4a. There were several named Lombard in the early settlement of Barnstable: tiie name is written Lombard. Lunibard. Lamberd. Lambert. Lumbert. Lumber, etc. Thomas Lombard, b. Tenterton. Ens about IfilO; came over in the Mam audJohtt. KktO; m. as early as 1630. Joyce . and settled in Dorchester. Mass.; freeman May IS. itJiU ; removed to .Scituate, thence to Barnsta)>lc. He was authorized to kt-ep victualling, or an ordinary, for entertainment of strangers, ami lo draw wine in Hariistabh-. Khiit. The Truro family of tliis name are his descendants. BERXAUI) LUMBARL), brother of Thomas, b. Tenterton. aliout 1(107; came to Dorchester. 1030; he was in Scituate, 1634; where they joined Mr. Lothrop's church. 1(W5; and removed to Barnstable, fall of 1GU9. His house was near the old mill l)y the shore; Ensign. lt);VJ; was called ■Mr." in 10U4, indicating social and public prominence. He d. about 16iiT. 68 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. bap. May 28, 1749, b. about 1742. Apr. 7, 1751. July 1, 1753. May 20, 1759. 171.* James, 172. Esther, 173. Joanna, 174. Solomon, 175. James, [ 59 ] JONATHAN HAMBLEN,* ( Bro. of Solomon, ) b. Barnstable, Mass.: bap, July 13, 1718; m. there, Thankful Bumpas;* he d. Barnstable, Feb. 22, 1775. Ch. b. Barnstable: 22, 1776. Dec. 12, 1744, 176.* Thankful, Apr. 18, 1747. 177.* Jonathan, Mar. 22, 1749. 178. Tabitha, Jan. 14, 1751. 179. Content, May 6, 1753: d. Feb [60] SARAH HAMBLEN,M sister of Solomon,) Barnstable, Mass, bap. July 13, 1718: m. there, Apr. 8. 1736, David Smith. Ch. bap. Barnstable: Benjamin, Mar. 27, 1743. Joseph, " " " Susanna, Jan. 8, 1743-4. CAPTAIN JOSIAH HAMBLIN,* (Bro of Sohmon,) b. Barnstable, Oct. 15, 1720: m. there, Nov. 27, 1746, Deborah Parker, b. 1720. This notice of him appears in Freeman's History of Cape Cod: "It was voted 180. 181. 182. [61] * Note 44, EDWARD BOMPASSE.i came in the Fortune, which arrived at Plymouth. Nov. 10. WZ\. The name is probably the French Bon pas. similar to GoocUpecd. He was unmarried. 1623, and 1627. He sold land in Plymouth 1628. and removed to Duxbury, and there boujiht land of William Palmer; on which he built a house and "palisado;" which he sold to John Washburn. 1634; he was of Marshfleld, 1640; and lived at Duck Hill, in that town, 1684. He married about the time of his removal to Duxbury. wife named Hannah. Children. Faith. 1631. m. Thomas Durham. 1636, " and resided at Mlddleboro. Mass. 1638. 1639. 1644. m, Mrs. Elizabeth Blackmore. 1646. Sarah, John, Edward, Joseph, Jacob. Hannah, Philip. Thomas. 1660; m. Phebe Lovell. THOMAS BUMPAS,2 b. about 1660; m. Nov. 1679, Phebe. eldest dau. of John Lovell. of Barnstable. Ch. b. Barnstable: Hannah, Jean Mary, Samuel, Thomas, Sarah, Elizabeth, Abigail. John. Benjamin, Phebe, July, Dec. April Jan, May .Tan. Jan. Oct. 28. 1680; m. Samuel Parker. 1681. 1683. 1685; m. Joanna Warren. 1687. 1688. 1690. 1693. bap. June 21, 1696. b. Mar. 27. 1703. who m. John Fitch. Mr. Otis suggests that Thankful Bumpas, who m. Jonathan Hamblen, may have been another dau. It seems more probable that she may have been a grand daughter. FOURTH GENERATION. 69 tlial a comTiiittee for every town l)e appointed to desire the military officers, that they will no longer hold commissions under the present Captain General, who is appointed to reduce us to obedience, &c. * * * Among those who resigned early were * * * Captain Josiah Hamblen." Botli d. Barnstable; he Mar. 1, 1789: .she Nov, 10, iT8(i. She was adm, to ch. Barnstable, Sept. 4, 1748. WILL OF JOSIAH HAMBLIN. In the name of God Amen, the twenty sixth day of September one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven. I, Josiah Hamblen of Barnstable in the county of Barnstable being advanced in years but of sound & disposing mind & memory, calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing it is appointed for all men to die, do make and ordain this my last Will & Testament; first of alh I give and recommend ray soul into the hands of God that gave it, and my body I commit to the earth to be decently buried at the discre- tion of my executors hereafter named, and as to my worldly estate I give, devise and dispose of the same as followeth. Imprimis. I give, devise & bequeath to my .son Isaac Hamblen and to his heirs and assigns forever my dwelling house in which my said son now dwells. I also give to my son Isaac the whole of my armour with the appurtenances and my silver watch. Item. I give, devise and bequeath to my son David Hamblin and to his heirs and assigns forever, my dwelling house in which I now dwell. I also give to my said son David one bed & furniture and my desk. Item. I give to ray daughter Ruth Bear.se, one quarter part of my indoor household furniture not before given away. Item. I give to my daughter Deborah Merchant one quarter part of indoor household furniture in like manner as to my daughter Ruth. Item. I give to my daughter Mercy Hamblen the remaining half of my indoor liousehold furniture and a privilege to live in my nc.w dwelling house set long as she shall live single .& unmarried and firewood sufficient for her own use during her single state. I also give to my said daughter Mercy one cow. Item. I give, devise and bequeath to my sons Isaac Hamblen & David Hamblen and to their heirs and assigns forever all the remainder of my estate both real & personal of every .sort and kind not before given away, to be equally divided between them, they paying all my just debts, funeral charge and the charge of settling my estate. Lastly. I do hereby appoint my two sons Isaac Hamblen and David Hamblen my executors to this my last will & testament and I do hereby revoke and disanul ail other wills by me heretofore made, ratifying & confirming this & this only to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand .S: seal the day .S: year first above written. JOSIAH HAMBLIN (Seal) Signed sealed published and declared by the said Josiah Hamblin to be his last Will & Testament in presence of us witnesses. Joseph Cobb. Jabez Hinckley. Isaac Loth hop. 70 THE HAMLIN FAMILY Ch. b. Barnstable: Oct. 4, 1750. bap. Feb. 15, 17til. 183.* Isaac, 184.* David, 185.* Ruth, 186.* Deborah, 187. Mercy, 1754: d. Aug. 9, 1789, unm. [ 63 ] EBENEZER HAMBLIN,* ( Ebenezer,^ James.2 1 ) b. Barnstable, Mass., Mar. 18, 1698-9. One Ebenezer, whose wife was Pru- dence, had children, John and Israel, baptized in Barnstable, Sept. 3, 1721, perhaps children of this man. We have seen that about this period his father, brothers and sisters removed from Barnstable to Rochester, or Agawam pre- cinct in Plymouth, now Wareham, Mass. No further trace of his family has been found at these places, nor at Middleboro, Mass.: where he claims to hail from, in the deed received 1636, for land in Farmington, Conn. It is probable that he went to Rochester, or Middleboro with tlie other kindred: thence to Farmington, in the part which is now Bristol, Conn.; where land was conveyed to him by the following deed: • • DEED TO EBENEZER HAMBLEN. Know all men by these presents: that I, Eliezer Peck of ye Town of Farm- ington, in ye County or Hartford, & Colony of Connecticut, in New England, for ye sume of Ninty & five, pounds of money to my full satisfaction of El)enezer Hamblen of Town of Middlebury, (Middleborough) In ye County of Plimoth, & Colony of ye Masachusits Bay, in New England, Doe give, grant, bargain, sell & confirm & that fully, freely & absolutely, one pieceor percell of Land Scituate. lying and Being within ye Township of Farmington aforesd, In ye third Division of Land west from ye Reserved Land, west from the town, which Lot was Layd out in ye Right of Joseph Woodford, containing by estimation seventy two acres, be ye same more or less Butted and Bounded as followeth, viz.: East & west with highways. North with Land Layd on ye Right of Thomas Foster, Sen"". To have & to hold all ye above Granted and Bargained seventy two acres of Land, with all ye appurtenances thereof onto him ye s«i Ebene Hamblin, his heirs & assigns, that immediately and before the day of the date & time of ye ensealing & delivering of these presents have good right In Lawful , am Lawfully seized of all ye above Bargained premises as a good indefeasable estate of Inheritence In Fee simple & that ye same is free of ail incumbrances whatso- ever. Furtliermore I ye s^ Eliezer Peck do hereby bind myself & my heirs forever to Warrant forever & Defend ye above Granted and Bargained premises, unto himyesd Ebenezer Hamblin. his heirs & assigns forever against all lawfuU Claims & Demands whatsoever. In witness whereof I ye s^ Eliezer Peck have hereunto sett my hand and seal this seventh Day of April In ye thirteeth year of ye reign of our Sovereign Lord George ye second of Great Brittain & King, Annoque Domini 1736. Signed, Sealed and delivered In presence of Isaac Cowles, Sen. William Hooker. his ELIEZER o PECK. mark FOURTH GENERATION. 71 Farniinpton April v"^' Ttli day 1736. tlien Eliezer Peck, sitjnerand sealiTdf this foreguinur Instruiuent came personal}' c'v: aoknciwledf.fed tlie same tu be his free act & Deed. Before me. \VM. WADSWORTII, Just, peace, pr. John Hooker, Re^nst. BtMjk 5, page 668. P'arniington Records. On Jan. 31. 1738. Gideon Barnes, of Farmington. Ct., for £120 conveyed to Ebenezer Hamlin of same town, 50 acres in Farmington township, lying at a place commonly called and known by y name of Poland, as it lyeth Butted and bounded: Eastward partly with a brook called Poland Brook and partly with y highway that runs between y*^ second and third divisions lying west from y re- served Land, and westward it butts on land belonging to my father, Ebenezer Barnes. Senr, Nextward it Butts with y*' west brancli of Poland river and south- ward it bounds partly with a hill. Book 6, page 3, Farmington Records. New Cambridge began about 1727. Ebenezer Barns, from Farmington. Ct., first settler; others were: Nehemiah Monross from Lebanon, Ct. Daniel Brounson " Farmington, Ct. Nathaniel Messenger •' Hartford, Ct. Benjamin Buck " Farmington, Ct. Moses Lyman " Wallingford, " Joseph Gaylord " " " Caleb Matthews " " " Steplien Brooks " " Oct. 14, 1742, New Cambridge was set off as a parish of Farmington; and was incorporated as a town. May, 1744; Stephen Barns was one of the first dea- cons; and Stephen Brooks, one of the first members of the church, 1747. Dec. 17, 1758. — The church records appear to have been transcribed into a new book in which at that date occurs the following entry: "A copy of the Rec- ords of the Fourth Society, taken of the old .Society Record." July IH, 1739, Ebenezer Barnes of Farmington, conveyed to Ebenezer Ilam- in of same town. Land in Farmington and att a place commonly called and known by ye Name of Poland, containing by estimation one Rood, Butt more or less, as it lyeth one ye North sid of ye West Branch of poland River, and against ye Lands of sd Hamlin, lately purchased of my son, Gideon Barnes, Including of ye River, then it Buts .south on sd Hamlin's own Land purchased asaforasd, North on one of ye Hardys, supposed to be Thomas, East witli Land of Nehemiah Monross, West with Land Belonging to me ye sd Ebenezer Barnes. A local writer says: "Bristol was .settled 172s. On the ea.stern slope of the nearest hills, at the opening of the range where the Pe(iuabuck flows, Ebenezer Barnes built his home * * * other settlers came, and along the ba.se of the same hills, other homes were built, connected by a foot path, which, determin- ed the location of our earliest residence street called the 'Queen's Road.' " John Brown's house stood on the hill north of that of Barnes, Caleb A1x.m- nathy's next, and above it that of Nathaniel Messenger, all on the east side: on the west were the homes of Ebenezer Hamlin and Nehemiah Manross." Extracts from First Church, Bristol, Ct: 72 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. At a g-eneral Assembly holden at New Haven, Oct. 14, 1742, they granted (illegible) y^ memorial of Farmington first society, living in the south west part of srt Society, beginning at the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth Divisions of land, to begin at the south end of said divisions and to extend five miles north, A liberty of winter priveleges to hire another (illegible) minister to preach amongst us for six months; it being necessary for us to choose suitable men to carry on our necessary concerns. We have at a Society (meeting) by legal warning on the eighth day of November in the year 1742, maid choice of those officers, as foUoweth: first we made choice of Ebenezer Barns for our moderator. At the same meeting they maid choice of Edward Gaylord, Nathaniel Mon- ross and Ebenezer Hamblin to be their Committee for their Society concerns. Mar. 11, 1747. A society meeting held at the dwelling of Joseph Benson. At the same meeting, Mr. Warren, ebemzer hamlin, Edward Gaylord, Sam" gaylord, hezekiah Rew, Josiah lewis & Joseph gaylord should be our committee to agree with Mr. Newel, Respecting his settling with us in the work of the ministry. And here it may be noted that at the same meeting, Caleb Matthews. Stephen Brooks, John Hikox, Caleb Abernathy, Abner Matthews, Abel Roy ce, Donell Roett, Simeon Tuttol (Tuttle, ) publickly declared themselves of the Church of England, and under the bishop of london. Adjourned meeting July 20, 1747. At the same meeting it was voted that Mr. Ebenezer hamblin, Samuel Gaylord, Edward gaylord should be our committee to take care of the building and furnishing Mr. Samuel Newel's house in manner and form and by the time agreed ujjon. CONTRACT AND BOND We, the subscribers. Ebenezer Hamblin, Mr. Samll gaylord, ens. Edward Gaylord, being inhabitants of new Cambridge, the fourth Society of the town of farmington, and being chosen and im powered by an act and vote of the in- habitants of New Cambridge at an adjourned meeting holden in New Cam- bridge afore sd, on the 20 day July 1747, Do for and in the behalf of such in- habitants ofsd Sociaty, as be lawful voters and hav power and authority to make such contracts and agreements Jointly and severally Bind and ob- lige ourselves and executors, administrators and assigns to pay and satisfie to VIr. Samll Newel to his Executors &c.. the full and Just sum of One thousands pounds in Bills of credit of this colony in old tener, at or before the first day of October A. D. 1749, for and in consideration of his Contracting with us to be and becoming our gospel minister & the Duty and Re— ant use for him as such and for his settlement amongst us. The condition of this obligation is such, that if the above sd Ebenezer Ham- blin, Mr. Samll Gaylord, Edward Gaylyord, shall within the space of one year and two months from the day above * * * in good workmanship like manner erect build and setup one * * * dwelling house for the said Mr. Samuel Newel upon his land in New Cambridge * * * as he shall direct, of thirty eight feet long and twenty three feet wide, and sixteen feet and one half between joints with a lintow (lean to) adjoining the back side 20 feet long and sixteen feet wide, containing five rooms below, and shall workman like finish the lower FOURTH GENERATION. 73 rooms in the manner following, namely: well ceil the dwelling room and mal the settlements beyond. The south part of what is now Bristol, was settled as early as 1727. Ebenezer Barnes was the first settler. The old church records of Bristol state that New Cam- bridge was incorporated a town, May 1744. but the territory was incorporated as Bristol May 1785. The town of Burlington was incorporated from the north part of Bristol May 1806. Thus what is now Burlington was part of Bri-stol from 1785 to 180(j. and the whole of BrlsUil and Burlington, was part of Parmington until 1785. except when it was called New Cambridge. Without this explanation the records of the several places indicated are confusing. FOURTH GENERATION. 75 found trespassinof on said land. .John Hamlin and Elnathan Bronson were ap- pointed a committee to pay the Indians and take security for the proprietors. These lands are embraced in the towns nf E^nemont and Alford. Mass. Some of tlie names in this deed were familiar ones in Karmiii^ton, Ct. AmouK the early settlers of Alford, were Elienezer and roiin Ilainiin: the names .or Ebenezer Hamlin, Senior, and Ebeuezer Hamlin, .Jr. api)ear frequently on the town records. The site of his liouse in .Mford village, in the fork of tlie road, a little .south of the Union meetin^^ house, is still known. Old Hamlin House— Alfokd, Mass. A more recent house erected by the Hamlins over a century aj,^o on the same site was taken down Sept. 1893, by Mr. Frank Kline, who purclui.sed it of the owner, Mr. John H. Puttie, and set up the frame for a dwelling two lots south of the ancient location. \ road beginninjj at his liouse leading to West Stockbridge Center was laid out in 1743, .Apr. 20, 1762, he sold to Phineas Nash (>2 acres of the Shawenon Purchase, and th*^ same day sold to Jacob Newcomb for eighty pounds, half of lot 23. lie- ffinninj? at the west end of the lot and extending eastward to tlie middle of Long Pond. Nov. 5, 1763, he .sold to John Hamlin two and one half acres of land at tlie west end of lot 23. Ebenezer and John Hamlin f with others) signed a petition ( not dated ). stating that the subscribers at different times had entered and made improve- ments on land within this province ( .Mass. ) lying west of SheMicld and Stcick- bridge, and about 15 miles east of the Hudson river. Except as above stated, the record of his family has not been discovered. The Farmington records show the marriage of Thankful Hamlin to .Jacob Royce, son of Abel, who lived near Ebenezer Hamlin in New Cambridge; she may have been a daughter of Ebenezer. The records of Westchester parish, in Colchester, Ct. show the death of Ebenezer Hamlin there, Mar. 25, 1774, aged 75 years, which was his correct age: also the death of widow .Mary Hamlin. Feb. 28, 1779, aged 70 years. 76 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: 188 John? bap. Sept. 3, 1721, Barnstable: No further account of him. 189". IsKAEL? " ^' " " " •■ " " • " " 190 * Thankful? 191.* Ebenezer, b. 1740, Farmington. [ 64 ] MERCY HAMLIN,* ( Sister of Ebenezer, ) b. Barnstable, Mass., Sept. 10, 1700: bap. Sept. 7, 1701: ni. Rochester, Mass, by Rev. Timothy Ruggles, Apr. 18, 1728, Experience Johnson, of Rochester. Mass. This with the children given below is all that has been discovered about this family. Perhaps they removed to Taunton, Mass. Ch. b. Rochester: 192. William, Aug. 26, 1729. 193. Thomas, Nov, 13, 1733. [ 65 ] HOPESTILL HAMLIN,* ( Sister of Ebenezer, ) b. Barnstable, Mass., July 23, 1703; m. Rochester, Mass., Nov. 27, 1729, Jonatlian Hunter. He resided in that part of Rochester, which was incorpor- ated into Wareham 1739; was first town clerk of Wareham: admitted to church in Wareham Feb. 7, 1742: and chosen deacon June 29, 1742. She was an original member of the church in Wareham, organized Dec. 25, 1739: removed to Sharon. Ct., 1747; both dismissed to the church there June 18, 1749: he purchased a farm in Sharon from Benjamin Richmond, subsequently possessed by Benjamin Sears. He d. Sharon 1762. His will dated May 18. 1760. m. 2d, Lt. John,** son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Yale ) Pardee,* b. New Haven, Ct., Feb. 6, 1698, his second wife: he m. 1st. Betsey Horn, b. about 1699, who d. Sharon, Jan. 8, 1762. Shoemaker and tanner: came from Norwalk and was an original • proprietor of Sharon 1738; a prominent man and large land owner; he lived near the st(»ne bridge north of. the meeting house; Patriarch of the Pardee family of Sharon: by his first wife he had Thomas, Jehiel, John, James, George and Moses, all whom, except George, married there, and had decendants. Representative 1755-6, 8, '60-2. No children by 2d marriage. He d. Sharon, July 13, 1766. Ch, by 1st marriage: 194.* Sylvia. b. June 27, 1730, Rocliester. 195.* David, " Feb. 1, 1732, 196.* •Jonathan. 197.* Sarah. 198. Delia, bap. May 25, 1740, Wareham. 199. Thankful, " 22, 1743, [66] CORNELIUS HAMLIN * ( Bro. of Ebenezer,) b. Barnstable, Mass., July 25,1705; m. Westchester parish, Colchester, Ct., Dec. 5, 1732, Mary,* dau. of Ebenezer and Abigail ( Skinner ) Mudge,t b. Leba- non, Ct., Mar. 30, 1711. It is supposed he removed with his father's family from * Note 4b. GEOKGE PARDEE.i b. England, about 1639; was in New Haven. Ct.. 1644; ni. Dec. :». ItitiS. Rebecca Lane, 3d wife. He d. April. 1700. .lOSEl'H l'ARDEE..i b. New Haven, Ct.. Apr. 27.1664; m. .July :«.. 16MS. Elizabeth, dau. of Ihomasand Mary ( Turner ) Yale. b. Jan. 29. 1667; grand dau. of Capt, Nathaniel Turner, of Lynn, Mass.. later of New Haven; who was Captain of Mr. Lamherton's Phantim xhip in New Haven, 1646. described by Rev. Cotton Mather, inMcmaHa; she d. Sept. 19,1701. Their son Lieut. .John Pardee.3, m. Hopestill (Hamlin) Hunter. t NOTE 47. JARVIS MUDGE.i came from England to Boston, about 163»^; was in Hart- FOURTH GENERATION. 77 Barnstable to Rochester. Mass.; thence to Westchester, Ct., where he was a member of the church, 1H29.* She was dismissed to the churcli in Sharon, May l.s, 1740. The history of Sharon states that he was an early settler tliere, from Wareham, Mass., and lived near Mrs. Hunts, afterwards in the hollow near the Iron works, of which he was part owner: and he lived a while near the head of Mudge's Pond. He was a carpenter: was chosen highway surveyor at the first election in Sharon, Dec. 11, 1739. The birth of his oldest child is rect)rded in Colchester, and it is supposed the four oldest children were born ford. Ct.. ltU(i; New London. ltU9. In the latter year he m. widow Rebecca Elsen, of Wethers- field. Ct. ; and d. early in lt)53. Children: MiCAH, b. 1650. Moses, " 13.52. MICAH MUDGE.2 b. I^tO. After the death of his fatSier, he probably removed with his mother to Wethersfield; m. Northampton, Mass., Sept. 23, 1(570, Mary, dan. of George and Su- sannali Alexander, one of the original proprieu)rs of Northampton, b. Oct. 20, 1648; removed to Lebanon, Ct.. 1698; surveyor and assi.sted in laying out the town; tavern keeper; one of the first Qiem. Cong, church; will dated Mar. 17. 172 »-l; he d. Hebron, Ct.. .Ian., 1724; she 1728. Children: EiiiZABETH, b. Oct. U). 1673. Sarah. xMOSES, Abigail. Ebenezer, b. Feb. 26. 1683. Thankful. SrSANX.A.H. Martha. EBENEZER MUDGE.s b. Northampton, Mass., Feb. 26, 1683; m, Jan. 13, 1708-9, Abigail, dau. of Tliomas and Mary (Skinner,) b. Maiden. Mass.. Feb. 17. 1691 ; farmer, millwright and surveyor; removed to Lebanon, Ct. with his father. 1697. He removed from Colchester to Sharon, and was one of the original proprietors of Sharon. He d. Sharon. Apr. 21, 1658; she removed and d. Now Lebanon, Children: Ebenezer, b. Oct. 23, 1709; m. Patience Fuller. Mary. •• Mar. 30,1711; ■' Cornelius Hamlin. . Abigail, •' Oct, 28. 1712; " David Skinner and Samuel Prindle. Elizabeth. '• July 31. 1714; ■■ Thomas Skinner, Samcel. ■• iMay 4, 1716; • Eunice Skinner. MiCAH. *• Mar. 6, 1718; •• Lucy Spencer. Martha. •' Oct. 4. 1720; •• David Goodrich. •Joseph. •• May 28. 1722; • Jane.Iarvis. .Iakvis. 1723; • Prudence Treat. Deborah • Oliver Tryon. Abraham. •' .June 16, 1738; ■ Anna Gray. Sarah, " .losiah Skinner. * Note 48. At a meeting of the church in West Chester, a parish of Colchester, CU, Apr. 28. 1740. Dea. Natlianiel Skinner, .lonatlian Dunham. Jabe/. Crippen, Benjamin Fuller. Nathaniel Skinner. Jr., Thomas Skinner. David Skinner. .loiiallian Skinner. .labe/. Crippen. .Ir.. Samuel Mudge. Micah Mudg«', foDi^n'K.s f/OHi/i (I, Ale-xander Spencer iiiul Josiali Skinner, receivi'd letters of recom- mendation, to be embodied into a, church at Sharon, when; they had for .some time resided. At a meeting of the same cliurch on May is, 1740. Jeremiah Foster. Mary Foster. Mary Skinner. Content Fuller. Elizabeth Skinner. Abigail Mudge, .Mary Hampton. Mary Dunham. Mary Skin- ner, Eunice Mudge. Elizabeth Dunham. Lydia Crippen. Deborah Crippen. Tliankful Crippen, Waitstill Heath. Abigail Skinner. I'atience Fulli^r. Hanna Dunliani. and .Martha Mudge, received a letter of recommendation ^W/ic church in Shiinni. indicating that such church had t>een formed since April 28.1740. The records of the Sharon ohurdi for tlif tirsi fifteen years had not been discovered, according to Sedgwick's history, 1842. 78 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. there; the births of all the children are also recorded in Sharon: but that town was not inhabited until 1739. Probably the town clerk in beginning the records of Sharon included marriages, births, etc, of the settlers, that had occurred elsewhere, before settling, for the purpose of preserving the facts. The Sharon records show thafhe sold to John Calkins, Feb. 22, 1742, land "near the senter of the town;" also, land to Thomas Skinner, 1743: to Ben.j. Stebbins, 1744; he bought land in Kent, Ct., from John Porter, 1745: and sold same to John Mills. 1746; sold land to Mica Mudge, 1750. He removed to Spencertown, Ts\ Y. 17()«): but soon returned and spent the remainder of his day in Sharon. He was ap- pointed guardian of the children of his son, Cornelius, 1776: Congs. He d. Feb. 21, 1784; she Aug. 9, 1788. Children: 200.* Cornelius, b. Sept. 25, 1733, Colchester. 201.* Mary, Feb. 25, 1735, 202.* Ruth, u Dec. 2, 1736. 203. Abigail, i i Oct. 8, 1738, 204. Mercy, u Mar. 8, 1741, Sharon. 205.* Sarah, il Oct. 20, 1743, Note 49. From Sedgwick's history of Sharon. Ct.. we learn that the oriKinal proprietors who became inhabitants of the town were: Call Selectmen. Capt. Jonathan Dunham, ) James Smith, Constable, George Way, Grand Juror, Ebenezer Mudge, i William Tickner, I tr- v, c, Ebenezer Frisbie. f f^i^hway Surveyors. ('(n-ncHu)< Hamlin. Samuel Mudge," t Fence Viewers. Jeremiah Foster. Samuel Mudge, Thomas Crippen. Samuel Comstock, Collector, Nathaniel Skinner, Jr. Leather Sealer, Nathaniel Skinner, i .Jonathan Dunham, V Committee to go after Minister, John Spragner, ) FOURTH GENERATION. 79 [ 67 ] THOMAS HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Ebenezer,) b. Barnstable, Mass., May 6, 1710: m. 1st. Rochester, Mass., Feb. «, 1734, Ruth, perhaps dau.ot Dea. Joshua and Mary (Hallett) Gibbs,* of AM'awam, now Wareham. Mass.: m. 2d, OblonK,t Dutchess Co. N. Y., by J. Williams, Es(i., May 21, 1755, Mary Crowell,i both of Oblong, It is supposed he removed re- * N(iTE.5i. Tlif iiiict'stors Df Rutli Gibbs. wife of Tlionias Hamlin, and of Mary GiWjs. wiffof Isaac Hamlin, have not been positively verified. Possibly tliey were sisters, and it is supposed tliey descended from tlie Sandwich. Mass. family; perhaps dau}?hters of .Joshua Gibbs and Mary Hal- lett; who w«re m. Sandwicli. ITH. Thomas Gibbs was in Sandwich 1641 -;i John Gibbs in 11)54, Thomas Gibbs senior and .John Gibbs in 1675. Thomas Gibbs senior and junior. Samuel Gibbs senior and junior. Benjamin, Cornelius, and Sylvester Gibbs. were there in 17;«X + Note 51, The Obktns was a strip of land two and a half miles wide, alonj; the east line of N. Y.. n«.\t to Conn. A church was located at Anienia Union, on the obloti^. of which Rev. EI)ene/.iT Knibloe was the first pastor; its records were well kept and still preserved, .showing births, marriages and deaths of many of the Hamlins of Sharon and vicinity, and their descendants. * Note 52. The Crowel Is of Cape Cod. Mass. descend from .Tohn and Yelverton Crowe. It isan ancient English family; the name was originally spelled Crow and Crowe. The spellint: of the Cape Cod family was changed to Crowell about 170a .lOHN CROWE.i b. England or Wales, came over 1635. and was admitted an inhal)itant of Charlestown. Mass.. the same year. His wife. Elishua. appears to have come over earlier; for her name appears as member of the first church Charlestown. 4th, llnio. 16:i4, He sold his land in Charlestown 16th of 4th mo. Wix. and removed to theOld Colony; and took the oath of alleg- iance to the king and fiielity to the government of New Plymouth, Dec. 18, 1638. On .Jan. 16. 16:18. O. S. the Old Colony Court granted the lands at -'Mattacheeset." (now Yarmouth.) to Mr. Anthony Thacher. Mr. Thomas Howes. Mr. JohnCrowc. and .John Colt; the thret! first named settled in Yarmouth the fall of that year, and were appointed by the Old Colony Court the first land committee "to make an equal division of the uplands now to be divided at this first division." &c The house of John Crowe was near the residence of Philip Vincent, in recent times, at North Dennis; his lands, some still owned by his descendants, was east of the Indian fields, e.xtending from the shore to the top of the hills. He was a man of character and infiu- .•nce; freeman. 1640. magistrate; deputy 1641-3. He d. Yarmouth Jan. 1673, N S. Children: Moses. b. Apr. 24. 16;j7. Charlestown; prob. d. young, John. " 16:38; m. Mehitable Miller. Thomas, "' 1645; " Agnes . Samuel, (?) YELVERTON CROWEi ( Crowell ) came to Charlestown. Mass..lt«7; wife Elizabeth ; settled in Yarmouth. Mass.. about 1640; lived near Lewis Bay at south sea; grand juror 16.56; deputy 1663-5; selectman 1667; he d. suddenly. Oct 36, 1683; she Nov. 1703. Ch. b. Yarmouth: John, 1642; m. Hannah Edward, '• Mary Lothrop, Samuel, •* Hannah Thomas, May it. 1649; " Deborah Eliz.\beth. Samuel Matthews- THOMAS CROWELL.2 m. Deborah ; she d. Apr. 22, 1722. Ch. b. Yarmoulli : Isaac. Aug, l!i. 16S5: m. Ruth Yelverton, Oct. 2t). 16S6. Jonathan. Mary, Dec. 2, 1688; m. Nathan BassetU Seth, Sept. H, 16!)0; •• Mary Nickerson. Deborah, Oct. 4, 16'.t2; • Ebenezer Parker, Thomas. July 13, 16it4; " E.xperience Crowell, Thankful, June 24, 16%; ' John Lewis. Ebenezer, 30.1698; • Mercy Gorham. Elisha. Apr. 22. 1699; " Alice Godfrey and Remember Luce. 80 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. moved with his father's family from Barnstable to Rochester, in the part which is now Wareham, Mass., before 1729. A petition was signed Ape. 23, 1739, by inhabitants of Agawam precinct, among which appear the names of Thomas and Isaac Hamlin, praying for its incorporation as a separate town: which was done July 10, of that year. Thomas Hamlin and wife, Ruth, were original members of the church organized in Wareham, Dec. 25, 1739: and were dismissed to church in Sharon, Ct., May 30, 1742. The births of his children are recorded there, but it is supposed the four eldest were born in Agawam or Wareham. Thomas and Isaac bought land in Sharon from John Gay, Feb. 20, 1743: and from William Goodrich Apr. 26, 1744. It appears that at some time he resided on the Oblong, across the line from Sharon in Dutchess Co., N. Y. No record of the death of himself or wives hzve been discovered. Perhaps in old age they removed from that vicinity. The records of Pittstield, Mass., show the following conveyances of land to Thomas Hamlin, who may have been the same who is the subject of this sketch, viz: Thomas Hamlin, Yeoman of Mt. Ephraim, (now Richmond, Mass. ) deeded land to Samuel Brown, Jr. of Stockbridge, Mass., July 3, 17()3. And on July 11, 1763, he deeded 75 acres of land where he then lived, (Mt. Ephraim) to Timothy Woodbridge. In 1765, Timothy Woodbridge, deeded to Thomas Hamlin, uf Richmond, Mass., land bounded east and south by the road: west by land conveyed by Hamlin to Samuel Brown, Jr.; north by land of Jo.seph Cogswell, being lot 10, the same on which Hamlin then lived. Ch. by 1st wife: b. July 17, 1735, Agawam. " July 27, 1737, " June 7, 1739, " " July 22, 1741, Wareham: d. Feb. 20. 1750. " July 17, 1743, Sharon. " July 16, 1745, " July 24, 1747, " June 29, 1749, " d. Feb. 12, 1750. " Mar. 10, 1751, " Jan. 14, 1754, Oblong. b. Feb. 20, 1756. " Oct. 12, 1757: called James on one record. " July 21, 1759. ISAAC HAMLIN,* ( Bro. of Ebenezer, ) b. Barnstable, Mass., July 1, 1714; Published to be married Rochester, Mass., Sept. 24, 1737, to Mary Gibbs,* of ( Agawam ) Plymouth, Mass.: b. Jan. 12, 1718, see sketch of his brother Thomas. He probably removed with his father's family from Barnstable to Agawam before 1729. Isaac Hamlin and wife Mary were original members of the church in Wareham, 1739: and were dismissed to Sharon, May 30, 1742; their son Seth was baptized, Wareham, Mar. 14, 1742. He and his brother Thomas bought land in Sharon, 1743-4. He bought a share in the Iron works there Sept., 1848; and sold part of it to Jacob Bacon, Feb. 27, 1749. Ebenezer ( his father ) and Isaac Hamlin bf)ught land of Doty, Apr. 3, 1752. 206,* Jabez, 207.* A MAS A, 208.* Nathaniel, 209. ZiLPlIA, 210.* Mercy, 211.* Ruth, 212.* Thomas, 213. John, 214.* ZiLPHA, 215.* Asa, By 2d wife. 216. Maky, 2J7.* Jonah, 218.* Lewis, [68] ISAAC HA^ Note .>1 For Gibbs see note 50. FOURTH GENERATION. 8i The date of his removal from Sharon is not known. His name appears on the records of Lenox, Mass., .Mine 11, 1777; on that day Thomas Landers con- veyed to Isaac Hamblen of Lenox, twenty acres of land: upon which lie and .Job Gilbert erected a mill. On .Jan. 3, 1783, Isaac Hamblin and wife Mercy deeded this land with a grist mill, and half of a saw mill, house and barn to Perez and Asa Hamblin, "my sons." At the same time Perez and Asa j^ave him a life lease of f lie same property: which Isaac and wife quit claimed to Joseph Goodwill. This was the mill at Lenox Furnace (now Lenox Dale,) conducted in modern times by Ward Lewis; which was burned some years ago. They were admitted to the Cong, church in Lenox "by recommendation," Aug. 20, 1780. He d. Springfield, Mass., 1805. Children: b. Sept. 9, 1740; Wareham. " Jan. 10, 1742, .Sharon. " Feb. 3, 1748, " Mar. 21, 1750. " Oct. 2, 1751, ' Dec. 17, 1753, " Aug. 5, 1755, " " Sept. 8, 1757, " Sept. 23, 1759, [ 69 ] LEWIS HA MLEN.* (Bro. of Ebenezer, ) b. Barnstable, Mass., Jan. 31, 1718-19: m. there, Apr. 12, 1739, Experience, dau. of Samuel and Mary (Hinckley) .Jenkins, b. Barnstable, Dec. 4, 1722. See page 41 and note 31. He removed to Lebanon, Ct., after Jan. 1740: and re- turned to Barnstable before Dec. 1745. Aroused in the night by the great earthquake of 1755, he arose and went about in his night clothes, contracted a cold, and d. from quick consumption, Barnstable, Dec. 1755. About 1763 the widow and children transferred their residence to Welltleet. Mass., where tlie three .sons were for years boat builders. It is traditional that she there mar- ried a man named Holbrook. Shed. Welltleet. Nov. 24. 1794. Children: b. Jan. 30, 1740, Barnstable: probably d. young. " Nov. 20, 1741, Lebanon. " Dec. 19, 1743, " " Dec. 17, 1745, Barnstable: probably d. unm. " Dec. 16, 1747, " " '• young. ■• Apr. 2. 1751, " Mar. 25, 1753, " .Sept. 26, 1755, " [ 70 ] SYLVANUS HAMBLIN.* (Elkanah,:' JAMES.'^M b. Barnstable, Mass., July 20, 1712: m. by Ezra Brown, Justice (»f ye peace, April 24, 1740, Dorcas Fish,* of Falmouth, Mass., possibly a second wife: 219.* Seth, 220.* Isaac, 222.* Perez. 221.* John, 228.* .Jehial, o.)j. * Jesse, 225.* Cyreneus, 226.* Mercy, 227.* Asa, 228. Sarah, 229.* Nathaniel, 230.* Leavis, 231. Sarah, 232. Mary, 233. Philemon, 234. Mercy, 235.* Perp:z, * NOTE54. .TONATHAX FISH.i b. EnfrlHiul 1ti0.5; came to New Enirland 1^15: rcsidt-d in Lynn, Mtiss. ; removed to Sandwich. Mass., HiiT; anci to Newtown. L. I.. livVW; mauMstralc. ItWl : He d. 1603. Ch. b. Sandwich: Nathaniel, Nov. 37. 1648. .loHN. Apr. 13, 1651. He liad other children. g2 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. marriage recorded in Falmouth, but he was then of Barnstable. He was mentioned in the will of his uncle, John Hamblen,^ 1734. She was ad m. to First Cong, church Falraouth, June 18, 1738. In the will of his father, l.o4, it appears that Sylvanus was then dead, and a lot of land at Long Pond, given to his heirs. Children: bap. Oct. 11, 1741. " June 7, 1744; b. about 1635. " Oct. 25, 1745. " Apr. 26, 1747; b. about 1740? " June 2, 1751. [ 71 ] REUBEN HAMBLIN," (Bro. of Sylvanus. ) b. Barnstable, Mar. 13, 1714: m. there May 29, 1739, his cousin Hope Hamblen. He was mentioned in will of his uncle John Hamblen, » 1734. Both d. Barn- stable; he 1754, she 1762. Children: 236.* Sylvanus, 237.* Simeon, 238. Pattknce, 239.* Barnabas, 240. Rachael, WILL OF REUBEN HAMBLEN. In the Name of God, Amen. I Reuben Hamblen, of Barnstable in the County of Barnstable, Yeoman, being weak of body and apprehension of death approaching, 1 think it good to sett my liouse in order. I do this 22d day of April make and ordain this my last will and testament, and first I give and bequeath my soul to God, that it hoping to find mercy with (rod through Jesus Christ, and as to the worldly good things that God hath graciously bestowed upon me my will is that tliey sliall be disposed ott' in the following manner. First my will is that all my just debts and my funeral charges be paid by my Executors hereafter named out of my personal estate. Item. I give and bequeath to my loving wife, Hope, all my real and per- vSonal estate excepting that in possession and improvement of my father, to be improved by my wife during the time she shall remain my widow, and if she marry then to have only two thirds of the household stuff and utensils within doers and but one tliird of the silver spoons. Item. I give to my son, Benjamin, all my estate real and personal that is in my father's possession or improvement of every kind whatsoever, he paying the Legacies that will become due and payable within about a year after my father's death. And also to pay to my daughter, Abigail, eight pounds in law- ful money within three years after he shall come into the possession of the estate given to him, which is in my father's possession, and also to pay to my daughter, Hannah, eight pounds lawful money within seven years after he shall come into possession of said estate, he to hold the estate as above to him his heirs and assigns forever. Item. 1 give to my two sons, Lemuel and Thomas, all my real estate which is given to my wife to improve until marriage or death, they to possess it after lier and to hold it to them, their heirs and assigns forever, and also I The Fish family were numerous in Sandwich, many of whom intermarried with the Ham- lin family ; but their pedigrees have not been traced. Nathaniel Fish. Senior, was in Sandwich 16".'); and Nathaniel, Seth and John Fish, Senior, and Junior were there. i;:iO. FOURTH GENERATION. 83 give them the said Lemuel and Thomas, all the perscmal estate that my wife shall leave when she shall quit the real estate, That is to say the out doers personal estate. Item. 1 g:ive and bequeath to my daujjhter, Abigail, eight pounds lawful money, to be paid to her by my son, Benjamin, as is expressed above. Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter, Hannah eight pounds lawful money to be paid her by my son, Benjamin, as is expressed above. Item. I give to my two daughters, Abigail and Hannah, four silver spoons, and also one third of the indoor household stuff, in case my wife shall marry and leave it. Item. [ appoint, constitute and ordain my beloved wife Hope, and my true and faithful friend Thomas Crocker, my Executors to this my last will and testament, revoking all other wills and confirming this. In witness whereof I have hereunto set to my hand and seal this twenty second day of April, Annoque Domini, 1753. Signed, sealed, pronounced and declared by the said Reuben Hamblen to be my last will and testament. REUBEN HAMBLIN. (L. S.) In presence of Benjamin Hamblen. Mehetable Hamblen. Da\ II) Parker. WILL OF HOPE HAMBLEN. In the Name of God, Amen. I Hope Hamblen, of Barnstable in the County of Barnstable, widow, being sensible of my own mortality, being by goodness of sound and disposing mind and memory, do this 10th day of June A. D. 17b2, make and ordain this my last will and testament, and first of all I commit my soul to God in Jesus Christ, my body I commit to the earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the discretion of my executor hereafter named, and as touching such worldly estate with which it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I dispose of the same in the following way and manner, that is to say, firstly my will is that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid out of my out doors moveables by my Executor hereafter named. Item. I give and bequeath to my son, Benjamin Hamblen, the great "coat that was my late husband's. Item. I give my two othersons, Elemuel and Tliomas Hamblen, all my out doors moveables after the debts and funeral charges are paid as above ordered, and also a gun and a coat to be equally divided between them. Item. I give to my daughter, Abigail Hamlin, all my tlax, wool and yarn. Item. I give to my said daughter, Abigail Hamblen, and my daughter, Hannah Hamblen, all the rest of my estate of what kind soever, to be equally divided between them and. Lastly my will is, and I do by the.se presents constitute, make and ordain Mr. Benjamin Crocker of Barnstable, afores-', Executor of this my La.st will and testament, and I do hereby wholly revoke and utterly disallow all other and former wills and testament and executors by me named, ratifying and c(»n- tirming this and no other to be my last will and testament. 241. Elkanah, 242.* Benjamin, 24.3.* Abigail, 244.* Lemuel, 245* Thomas, 24H.* Hannah, 84 THE HAMLIK P^AMILY. In witness wliereof I have set my hand and seal the day and year above mentioned. Signed, sealed, pronounced, published and declared by the said Hope Hamblen to be her last will and testament in presence of John Hamblen. HOPE HAMBLEN. (L. S.) Mem [TABLE Hamblen. Nyphas Makston. Ch. b. Barnstable. b. July 1, 1740: d. April 19. 1750. " May 7, 1742. " Feb. 23, 1743. " April 4, 1746. " Sep. 26, 1748. " Aug., 1753. [ 72 ] ABIGAIL HAMBLIN,* (Sister of Sylvanus. ) b. Barnstable. Mass., Oct. 7, 1715; She received a legacy of £5 in tlie will of her uncle. John Hamblen, 3 1734; but it is said that she died young; probably unmarried. [ 73 ] JOHN HAMBLIN,* (Bro. of Sylvanus,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Nov. 2, 1717: m. there, Jan. 24, 1739. .lerusha*, dau. of Shubael Hamblin. He received a bequest in the will of his uncle, John Hamblen, •'^ 1734, of lands at the Indian pond, Barnstable, and was to pay out certain legacies to his brothers and sisters. From his grave stone a discrep- ency appears in his age. Here lies buried Mk. John Hamlen oes'd, Aug. ye 8th 1767, in ye 53d Year of nis age. Ch. b. Barnstable: 247.* John, June 16, 1743. 248. Lydia, Oct. 21, 1746. 249. Tabitha, Dec. 15. 1750. 250.* Reuben, Oct., 1756. [ 75 ] PATIENCE HAMBLEN,* (Sister of Sylvanus,) b. Barnstable, Mass., June 12, 1721; m. Seth Fish,* of Sandwich; perhaps son of Seth and Mary (Turner) Fish, b. Sandwich, May 29, 1709; mentioned in the will of her uncle, John Hamblen, 3 1734. Ch. b. Sandwich: 251.* Seth, Mar.. 17, 1743-4. [ 76 1 TABITHA HAMBLEN.* (Sister of Sylvanus, ) b. Barnstable, Mass., Apr. 14, 1723: m. there. Oct. 15, 1747, John Sanderson. t He was adm. to ch. Barnstable, about 1742: and afterwards dismissed to East Harbor, (between Truro and Provincetown, in the bounds of the latter town;) mentioned in the will of her uncle, John Hamblen.^ 1734. * Note .55. For Fish see note .54. + Note .56. Henry Sanderson settled in Sandwich. Mass.. as early as ]64;i. FIFTH GENERATION. [91 ] SAMUEL 8CUDDER/' (Ebenezer,^ Elizabeth Hamlin,-' Jaines,«i) b. Barnstable, Mass., June 19, 1729: m. 1st, Rachael; she was adm. tu ch. Oct. 2, 1769. She d. Barnstable, June 16, 1776. a^ed 32; m. 2d. Anne Lewis;* She was adni. to ch. May 4, 1777. He was adm. to ch. Apr. 5, 1772: He d. Barnstable, Mav. 22, 1808. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Barnstable: 252.* Lot, July 16, 1771. 253. RuFUs. bap. Oct. 8, 1769. 254. Samuel " " " •' 255. John, Apr. 3. 1774. [ 93 I EBENEZER SCUDDER,-^ (Bro. ot Samuel.) b. Barnstable, Mass., May 25, 1733; m. there, July 11, 1759, Rose, dan. of Capt. James and Mary (O'Kelley) Delap,t b. Barnstable. Feb. 25, 17.39. He is * Note 57. For Lewis, see Note 10. + Note 5s. .JAMES DELAP. ancestor of the family of that name in Barnstable, was ji n;i- tive of Ireland. Mr. Otis gives an account of his passajie to America: "Charles Clinton, an Irishman, chartered the ship. Geitrqe and Anii. Capt. Rymer. to transport his friends and his neighbors to America; the whole number of men. women and children were 114. lie was un- fortunate in the choice of ;i ship. Rymer was a cold blooded villain. The ship sailed from l»uli- lin for Philadelphia. May 20. 172il. poorly supplit'elap family, the father and the sisters had been buried in the ocean; the mother was living when Capt. Lothrop came on board— emaciated and very weak; when food was distributed she took a biscuit, and in attempting to swallow, a piece lodged in her throat, and before relief could be afforded, expired. Her body was taken ashore and buried. .James, wlien taken from the boat, was so weak he could not stand, and crawled to the shore. Capt. Rymer was arrested, sent to England in irons, tried and condemned, and was hung and quartered in Dublin. .Tames Delap came to Barnstable, and Nov. 5. I":i9. chose .John Bacon, .Jr., his guardian, and was ap- prenticed to learn the blacksmith trade. .June 3:i, 1738, he was married by Rev. Mr. Green to Mary. dau. of Benjamin O'lvelley, of Yarmouth. She was born April .s. lS20.and had been resid- ing in the family of Dea. Isaac Hamblen, of Yarmouth. In the summers he .sailed in the Barn- stable and Boston packet, at first with Capt. Solomon Otis, afterwards as Master; in winter he worked in the blacksmith shop. He removed to Granville. Nova Scotia, in 1775, wliere he died of apople.xy in 17K9, aged 74 years. He had ten children, all of whom, e.xcept Thomas, married and had children. Ch, b. Barnstable: Rose. Feb. :.'5. 1739; m. Ebenezer Scudder. Abk).\il, Nov. ti. 17il; •• .John Coleman. Catherine, Sept. 3.1743; " Amos Otis, grandfather of the author of the Amos Otis Papers, and had two children. Amos and Solomon THOMA.S. Apr, 14, 1745; He was master of a ship in the King's service, and on Dec. (J. 1711, while on a voyage from Philadelphia to Halifax during a storm, was cast ashore on Great Point, Nantucket, where him.self and Mr. Amos Otis, and others perished after they landed. It is said none would have been lost, if they had remained on board the ship. Mary, Nov. ;j, 1747. Sarah. Apr. 11, 1750; m. Capt. .Tames Farnsworth. .Jane or .Jean, Aug. 13,17.53:" Jonas Farnswortli. a cousin of Capt. .James, who married her sister Sarah. Their oldest daughter, Nancy, Ixirn at Machias, Maine, in 1773, was the mother of Amos Otis, the author. The vessel on which she took passage from Nova Scotia to Boston, was captured by a Britisli war ship and taken to Halifax. She afterwards took passage in another ship which was captured, and she was finally landed at Newburyport. When captured several shots were fired, and at the suggestion of the Captain she and her infant child laid down on the cabin floor, below the water line, a place of comparative safety, Hannah, .July 14, 1755; m. Samuel Street, a Captain in the British Navy. Temperance, 17.57; One of her sons was for many years member of the Queen's Council. .Tames. Mar. 1759. FIFTH GENERATION. 87 knitting as she walked: and said that lier w(»ik was jrood company. All their sons, except Josiah, became Master Mariners. Both d. Barnstable; he June 8, 1818: she Apr. 17, 1812. Ch. b. Barnstable: 25().* Ebexexeu, Aug. 13. 1761. 257. James, Mar. 14, 1764, d. young. 258. Thomas, Sept. .10. 1766. 259.* ISAIAII, Jan. 8, 1768. 260.* Asa, July 25, 1771. 261.* Elizabeth, Oct. 12, 1773. :^62.* Josiah, Nov. 30, 1775, 263.* James Delap, Oct. 27, 1779. 264.* Thomas Delap, Jan. 25, 1782. Rose, Jan. 25. 1784: d. young. [ 94 ] LYDIA SCUDDER,5 (Sister of Samuel.) b. Barnstable, Mass., July 15, 1735: m. James Huckins,* Isuppt)sehe was son * NoTESa Mr. THOMAS HUCKINS.i b. 1617; m. 1st, 1642. Mary. dau. of Isaac WeUs. of Barnstable; who was buried .July 28, 164S; m. 2d. Nov. 3. 1648. Rose, widow of Hugh Hyllier of Yarmouth. "Mass. Little is known of his early history; he came over before 21 years of a^re and resided in the vicinity of Boston; member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company and bore its standard. 1639. The name was written Huckins, Hutcliiiis. Huckens and Husfiins. the latter beins the early pronunciation. Several of the name came early to Mass. A Mr. Thomas Hutchins was'assistant to the Governor of the Mass. Bay Company, in Eiifjland. and promoter of the company; which may account for the early settlement of those of this name in Mass. ; and for the prominence of the subject of this sketch. He removed to Barnstable, and was presumably one of Mr. Collicut's Company; a superior business man. wealthy, and was one of the partners who hired the Cape Cod fisheries; constable, 16Ki; .selectman many years; deputy. 1669-78; member of council of war, 1671; Commissary General. ltj7.T; and held other offices of trust and honor ; licensed to keep the ordinary and sell wine. 1652-3. He w;u> a mem- ber of Mr. Lothrop's church; of which Otis remarks: ''No patent of nobility granted loan ancestor, can confer so much lionor on a man as to be able to trace his descent from a member of Mr. Robinson or Mr. Lothrop's church." To his everlasting credit be it said, that lie was of the tolerant element of that church. He was a large land owner; and captain of the packet- He and his son .Joseph were cast away in his vessel and perished in a gale. Nov. il lt)7ii. His widow d. 1687, aged about 71 years. Ch. h. 1st wife, b. Barnstable: LVDIA. .luly 4. 1644; buried .July 28. 1644. Mary. Mar. 29. ]64«); m. Samuel Storrs. Elizabeth, Feb. 27. 1648; buried Dec. 8, 1647-8. By 2d wife b. Barnstable: .loHK. Aug. 2, 1649; m. Hope Chipman. THO.MAS. Apr. 2,5, 1651; " Hannah Chipman and wid. Sarah Hinckley. Haxxah. Oct. 14. 165:1; • .Tames Gorham. .losKPH. Feb. 21. 165.5; drowned Nov. 9. 1679. THOMAS HUCKINS.^ b. Barnstable. Apr. 25.1651: m. 1st. May 1. 1680. Hannah, dau. of Elder .Tohnand Hope (Howland) Cliipman. b. Barnstable. .Ian. 14. 16.58-9; whod. Nov. 4. It'iMi: in. 2d. Aug. 17. 169S. Sarah (Pope), widow of Samuel Hinckley: carpenter; resided on the Itobin.son farm, Barnstable; had a large estate; a man of influence. He d. 1714; estate tll.')l. 17. d. Oct- 29, 16i's. m. Saraii Lothrop. ■' Samuel Bacon. . •• Kachaell •• Benjamin Haml>len. Ch. b. Barnstable: Hannah. Apr. ti. 16M ; Joseph. Oct. 6, l(i.s2; Mary. .June i:i. 1()84; .John. May 1. 16.Ni. Thom.\s. •Jan. 15, 1687-s. Hope. Sept. 21. 16><9; 88 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Thomas Huckinsr' and b. Barnstable, Apr. 11, 1730. He d. June 25, 1818. Ch. b. Barnstable: 265. Elizabeth, Mar. 24, 1759. 2(i().* Samuel, Aug. 13. 1761. 267. Hannah, June 23, 1764. 268. Rachael, Jan. 16, 1768; ni. James Bearse. .James. Aug. 20. 1661; d. 1714. unm. Samuki,. Auk. 19. lt)93; " l"!^: " By id wife. b. Barnstable: .Tabez. .July 20.1698; d. .Tune. 1699. Hannah. Aug. 22. 1699. THOMAS HUCKINS.a b. .Jan. 15. 1687-H; m. 1717. Rachell . Otissays lie is the only out- who perpetuated the name. He owned the ancient Huokins estate, e.xcept the land on wharf lane and in the common fields. He d. Mar. 3. 1774; she d. Miir. 22. 176.-). aged SO. .James was the only one of his family who married. Ch. h. Barnstable: Samuku Sept. 29. 171S. Thomas. Nov. 29, 1719. .John. May 12. 1721. JABEZ. Mar. 12. 1722-:i. Snow. .Joseph. .Tune 34. 1726. A Son. Feb. 7. 1727-8; d. same day. .Tames, Apr. 11. 1730; m. Lydla Scudder. Et.izabeth. .July 9, 1732. Note 60. ELDER JOHN CHIPMAN.i only son of Mr. .lohn Chipm;in. b. near Dorches- ter. Eng.. about 1631 ; his father d. early and he lived with his uncle, Mr Christopher Derby. He came to New England. May. 1633, with Mr. Richard, son of Christopher Derby, as a servant, and resided some years at Plymouth, Mass.; where he was probably apprenticed and learned the trade of carpenter; it appearing in his will that he was such; l)Ut in deeds he was called yeoman; m. 1646. Hope, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland.'b. IMymouth. 1639; who d. Jan. 8. 1683; m. 2d. widow of Richard Bourne, of Sandwich, Mass.. and dau. of William Sargeant. b. Charlestown Mass.. Oct. 2ri. 1642. who first m. .lonathan. son of Josiah Winslow. of Marshfield. Mass. Elder Chipman was In Barnstable. 1649. and bought the homestead of Edward I-lt/.ran- dolphe. l)ounded north by the county road, east by the Hyannis road, west by the homestead of (reorge Lewis, and south by the commons, containing eight acres. He probably removed to the Great Mar.shes, West Barnstable, about 16.59; and bought from his brother-in-law. Lieut, John Howland in 1672. forty Ave acres of land in Barnstable, bounded east by the lands of John Otis and William Crocker, north by the marsh. His connection with the church was most happy; his wife joined Aug. 7, 16.50. and he Jan. 30, 1652-3. "Henry Cobb and John Chipman were chosen and ordained ruling elders of tlie church and were solemnly invested with office upon ye 14th day of April. Anno Dom. 1670;" Selectman. Barnstable; upon his second marriage he removed to S;iii(lvvirh. He d. there. Apr. 7, 1708; his widow d. 1713, aged 71 years. Ch. hy 1st wife: Elizabeth. I). June 24, 1647: m, Hosea Joyce. Hope. "Aug. 31.1652; " .John Huckins2 and Jonathan Cobb.2 I-iYDiA, " Dec. 25,16.54; " John Sargeant. John. •• Mar. 2. 1656-7. Hannah. •■ Jan. 14, 16.58-9; m. Thomas Huckins.2 Samuel. ■• Apr. 1.5.1661; " Sarah Cobb.2 RiTTH. • Dec. 31, 166:3; " Eleazer Crocker. Bethia. "July 1.1666; •• Shubael Dimmock. Mercy. "Feb. 6.1868; " Nathaniel Skiff. Desire. •• Feb. 26. 1670-1 " Melatiah Bourne. * Note 61. JOHN HOWLAND.i came in the 3/ayy?oit!er, 1620. as servant of Gov. Carver, ["ntil the discovery of Gov. Bradford's manuscript history of Plymouth Colony, it was suppos- ed he married Elizabeth, dau. of Gov. Carver; but he m. soon after their arrival. Elizabeth. only dau. of .lolm Tilley and wife; all pas.sengers in the Mayflower. Her parents dying the first FIFTH GENERATION. 89 winter. He was signer t)f the iMayliower Compact. Nov. ril. l;i:.M; l)oiii^ tlieii 2s yi'ars of asre. Bradford relates a brief slvetch of an accident to him duriny; tlie voyaw sayinij; "In sundrie of those storms the winds were so feirce. & ye seas sm hi'.:li. as tlu-y could not beare a knote of saile, but were forced to liull, for fiiverce days to^ither. And in one of thetn. as tliey tlius lay at hull, in a mishty storme. a lusty yon?e man (called .lohn Howland) comini; upon some occa- sion aljove ye urattinirs, was. with a seele of ye shipe tlirowne into (ye) sea; but it pleased God yt he (;aujrht liold of ye top-saile tialliards. whicli liuns; over board, & rane out at leiifrth ; yet he held his liould (thoui;!) lie was sundrie fadomes under water) till he was hald up by ye same rope to ye l)rime of yt' water, and then witli about hot)lce & other means siot into ye shipe againe. & his life saved; ;ind thouirli lie was somethiiiir ill with it. yet he lived many years after, and Ijecame a profitable memlier both in cliurcli and common wealtlie." He lived at Rociiy Nook. Plymouth; an early freeman, and prominent in the alfairs of the Colony; assessor l(i:^;{; .juror. IBIW; selectman. l(i(i(5; deputy at various times from It!.'):,' to 1670: and served on impor- tant committees; assistant to the sovernor ICAi-ri. IiiKvUhe nianasjed a trading post on the ICeiinebec river for the colony; called Cushmoc. probably at or tii'ar .VuLCUsta. Maine; but does not appear to liave resided tliere. He was member of Gov. Bradford's Council, which in l(i:i."i was composed of; Mr. Thomas Prince. Mr. Edward Winslow. Mr. .John Aiden, Mr. Stephen Hop- kins. Capt. Myles Standish. Mr. William Collier and Mr. .lobn Howland He and his l)rotliers .\rthur and Henry, wlio came over to Plymouth tosether later, were mentioned in the will of one Humphrey Howland. draper, of London. Ens., dated May 2s. UUti. Hed. Feb. SJ. 1672-:^ O. S. aj^ed over sO years; she d. Swansea. Dec. 21. 1(3S7, aijed SO. WILL OF .JOHN HOWLAND. The last Will and Testament of .Mr. .lohn Howland of Plymouth, late deceased, exhibited to the Court held att Plymouth the fifth day of March. Anno. Dom. 1672. on the oath of Mr. Samuel Fuller and .Mr. William Crow asfoUoweth: Know all men to whom these presents shall come that I. .John Howland. Senior, of the town of New Plymouth in New Euirland in .\merica. this twenty ninth day of May. one thousand six hundred seventy and two. beinj; of whole mind and in Good and Perfect Memory, and Kememlirance. praised be God; l)einj; now Grown aged; haveing many infirmities of body vpon mee; and not Knowing how soon God will call mee out of this world, doe make and ordain these presents to be my Testament containing heerin my last Will in manor and forme followeth: Imp. I will and bequeathe my body to the dust, and my soule to God that gaue it. in hopes of a joyful Ressurection vnto glory, and concerning my temporall estate. I dispose thereof as followeth: Item. I doe giue and bequeath vnto .Tohn Howland. my eldest sonne. besides what lands I have already given him. all my Right and interest to that one liundred acres of land granted mee by the Court, lying on the eastern side of Taunton River, lietween Titiciitt and Taunton l)ounds andall the appurtenantes and privileges therevnto belonging, to belonge to him an'ov. 8, 1791. AVILL OF CORNELIUS HAMBLEN. In the name of God, Amen. The fourth day of November in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety one, I, Cornelius Hamblen, of Wellfleet, in the County of Barnstable and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, yeoman, being infirm in (body,) but well composed in mind, for which I thank God, but calling to mind my mortality: and I make and ordain this my last will and testament; tirst of all I recommend my .soul to God that gave it, and my body to the earth to be buried in a decent Christian manner at the discre- tion of my executor hereafter mentioned: and as to such worldly estate wherewith God hath blessed me in this life, I give demise and dispose of the .same in the manner f.ollowing: First. I give and bequeath to the children of my daughter, Martha Holbrook. deceased, twenty shillings equally amongst them, viz: Eleazer Holbrook, Peggy Holbrook, Jerusha Holbrook and Isaiah Holbrook, to be paid 1 * Note (53. Young was an old Cape Cod family. .lOHN YOUNG;! m. in Plymouth Colony, perhaps at Duxbury, Dec 13. KUS; lit; was an early settler at Nauset. (Eastham) Mass., between Ii5-t4-51. Children: .John, m. Sept. 2. lti"8. Abigail Howlaud.'- JOSEPH, •■ Oct. 28, 1(579. Sarah Davis.'-i Nathaniel, " Mercy Davis.2 Probably others. + Note (54. Several of the name Dyer were early in this country. George Dyar was pro- posed for freeman. Mass. Bay Colony. Oct. 19. KiiO; and took the oatli of freeman. May IS, \&i\ ; William Dyar, freeman, .Mar. ;j. KSJtS: Thomas Dyer, freeman. .May 2il. Itil-l. Tlie name Dyer is common at Truro, Wellfleet, Provineetown and other parts of Cape Cod. WILLIAM DYER.i m. Dec. 1(58(5. Mary. dau. of Henry Taylor; Progenitor of the Cape Cod family; res. Barnstable; and removed to Truro, Mass. Ch. b. Barnstable: 30, 1(588. 30, 1()90. 1(592. 11, I69;i 1(595. 3, 1(597. 30. 1(598. 1701. One Jonathan Dyer m. Iveturah Doane of Eastham, who may have been the parents of Mrs. Ruth Cole, who m. Cornelius Hamblen. 5 Lydia. Mar. William, Oct. .Tonathax, Feb. Hexky, Apr. Isabel. July Ebenezer, .-Vpr, SA.MI'EL. Oct. .JUDAH. Apr. 92 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. in money by my Executor hereafter mentioned, at their arriving to the age of twenty one years, or at marriage. 1 also give and bequeath to all my children equally, viz: to Cornelius Hamblen. Rebeckah Smith, Mercy Gross, and Jane Haral)len all my old Held by the sliore, easiward of James Moris's dwelling house, and my oxen, one cow and a heifer, and all my .sheep, in equal shares. 1 also give and bequeath to my son, Cornelius Hamblen, all my clear upland around and adjoining my barn and dwelling house, together with my dwelling hou.se, barn and all my buildings, except such part thereof as is hereafter given to my daughter, Jane Hamblen, and my farming utensels. 1 also give and bequeath to my three daugliter.s, viz:— Rebeckah Smith, Mercy Gross and James Hamblen all my meadow and woodland, and my pew in the Meeting House in Wellrteet, equally amongst them, excepting a piece of wof)dland westward and northward of my house, which J also give and bequeatli to my daughter. Jane Hamblen. I also give and bequeath to my daughter. Jane Hamblen, my west room in my dwelling iiouse and half the chamber over it. and half the entry way, and the privilege of bringing & laying wood near to the house in such way and manner as shall be convenient, and also my red cow, and a privelege in my barn to keep a cow, & hay sufficient to winter her, and a convenient way to carry hay to the barn as occasion may require, and also all the clothing and beding which she has made since the decease of my .said wife, I also give and bequeath to my daughters, Rebecca Smith, Mercy Gross and Jane Hamblen, all my other household furni- ture and wearing apparel:and it is my will and request that my funeral charges, and the charges of settling my said estate, be paid out of such of my personal estate as is given to all my children in equal shar(\s, before any division thereof be made. And I do also constitute and appoint my son, Cornelius Hamblen, above mentioned, to be Executor to this my last will and testament, and I hereby ratify and confirm this and no other to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof 1 have hereunto .set my hand and seal the day and year afore mentioned. his CORNELIUS X HAMBLEN (L. S. ) mark Signed, sealed, pronounced & declared by the aforesaid Cornelius Hamblen to be his last will and testament in presence of us. Samuel Waterman. Levi Whitman. Samuel Atwood, Jr. INSCRIPTIONS ON THEIR GRAVES. In memory of Mr. Cornelius Hamblin Who died nov. 8, 1791, In the 72d YEAR of his age. In MEMORY OF Mrs. Jane Hamblin "WIFE OF Mr. Cornelius Hamblin Who died jan. 3d, 1780, In the 57 YEAR OF her age. P^IFTH GENERATION. m Ch. proljably b. Welltleet: 27.5.* Benjamin, 27H.* Ruth, b. 1751. 277.* Cornelius, u 17.52. 278.* Rehecca, il 1753. 27i). Eleazek, drowned at sea 280.* .Joshua, •• 1759. 281.* Mekcv. " Mar. 1760. 282.* .Jane, •■ •J lily 5, 1763. [ 97 ] .JOSHUA HAMBLIN,^ ( Bro. of Cornelius. ) b. Eastham, Mass., about 1721. The records of Orleans, Mass.. wliicli was setoff from Eastham, show that Joshua Hamblen and Mary Lewis,* both of Eastham were m. by Joseph Lewis, minister, Apr. 30, 1741. He signed an agreement for the settlement of his father's estate 1748, being then of East- ham. He removed to Phillip's Patent, in what is now Putnam Cttunty, N. Y., date unlvnown: and at one time resided upon what is known as the Gahn home- stead: being part of the land acquired by Dea. Eieazer Hamblin.' when lie .settled there. 1740. He afterwards settled with his s- be seen. He d. there, 1762, before the birth of his youngest son. His widow re- married and removed with their children to Cumraington, Mass., 1776: she d. Plaintield. Mass., 1803. The births of the children, except John, are recorded in Bridgewater: the baptisms of the first three are in the church at Pembroke, the next four in East Brid/ewater Church: the dependants of the son John. 3 claim that he was born in Bridgewater. Joseph Gannett, Jr. was appointed adm. of his estate, 1762, and in 1763, petitioned for leave to sell real estate to pay debts. COPY OF RECORD. Estate of Isaac Hamblin, of Bridgewater, 1762,— Decree: John Cushing. Judge. Whereas, it has been made to appear to me that the estate of Isaac Hamblin, cannot be divided among the heirs without great prejudice or spoil- ing the whole: which children and heirs, viz: Isaac, David Molly, .loseph. Sarah, and Jolm. have requested me to settle the whole on said Isaac, the eld- est son, he paying to the said other children their proportional shares of the value of said real estate pursuant to the appraisal and to law; Appraisal £Wb, 13s. 4d. I do therefore settle the whole of the real estate upon Isaac, the eld- est son of said deceased, his heirs and assigns forever: he paying to said David, Molly. Joseph, Sarah and John, each, the sum of £9, 4s, H. with interest, with- in three months from the date hereof, being their single and proportionable shares of the value of two thirds part of the said estate; and also paying to the same David. Molly, .loseph, Sarah and John each the sum t)f £4, 12s, 3 farth- ings, at the death of said deceased's widow, when her dower in said estate will expire: being their single proportionable shares of the one third part of the said estate, allowing to said eldest son his double share in the whole. Ch. 1). Hiidge water: 300.* Isaac . Nov. 14, 1748. 301. An NEK, Oct. 14 1750: d. Dec. 14 1 302.* Da-viu, May 23, 1752. 303.* Molly, Aug. 8, 1754, .304.* JOSKIMI. Apr. 1. 1756. .30,5. Naukv. Nov. 19, 1757. 306.* Sahah, Sept. 20. 1760. 307.* John, Oct. 22. 17(i2. * NoteBS. Shaw. 2d son of Duni-an Macduff, third Earl of Fife, (but 8th Thane) took iis his wiff. Esjidii' .Mont^rDmi-ry. This Sliaw canu- in tla- North country of ."^i-ot I and witli K'iiisr Malcom IV. tosuppnss an iiisiirrection in Uti.i. and for his valor and forlituilu was made ;;ovt'r- 96 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. nor of tJie castle of Inverness, and received possession of tiie lands of Petty Brockley with tin- forest of Strthern. About this time beji;an the surname Shaw from a grandson of the Thane of Fife, who was called Malcom Macshaw Macduff. The motto of the Shaws was -Faithful unto death." ABRAHAM SHAW.i b. England; m. there. Iiilii. Bridget, dau. of Henry Best, of Ovenden. Halifax parish. Yorkshire. Eng., b. there, Apr. It. l.W::. He came to Watertown. Mass.. after ItiiWI; where he was granted eighty acres of land, on which he built a dwelling and mills: free- man Mar. 9. 16;j6-7; his house was burned Oct. Iti36. and he removed to Dedham. where he prob. d. about KiJJS; she d. Dedham or Weymouth. Mass. The children named below were mentioned in his will. Children: .Joseph. b. Mar. 14. KilH: England; d. Sept. 16. 1704. .John. " May 23. 16:S0; Mary, Martha. Dea. .JOHN SHAW.2 b. Eng. May 23. 1630; probably m. in Weymouth. Mass.. 1st. Alice Philips; 2d. Hannah . He must have come to America with liis parents in infancy; and res. in Watertown. Dedham and Weymouth, Mass.; he d. Weyn:outh. Mar. 2, 1718. Cli. Ijy 1st wife, b. Weymouth: Elizabeth, Feb. 26. 1655. Abraham, Oct. 10. 1657. Mary. Mar. 23, 1660. Nicholas. May 16. 1662. Joseph. Apr. 15. 1664. Alice, .July 26, 1666. Hannah. Apr. 7, 1688. Benjamin. .June 16, 1670. Abigail. .July 15, 1672. Ebenezer, Apr. 24, 1674. By 2d wife, b. Weymouth; .John. Dec. 16, 1679. Abraham, Feb. 14. 1684. Hannah, Apr. 26, 1687. John. Jan. 20. 1689. Mary. May 5, 1691. Benjamin, July 25, 1693. NICHOLAS SHAW.s 1). Weymouth, Mass., May 17. 1662: m. Deborah; he d. Abington, Mass.. 1717. Children; Alice, b. Apr. 13, 1687. Nicholas, •• May 7, 1689. Joshua. '• Mar. 18, 1692. John, •• Mar. 21, 1696. Zachary. •• May 7, 1699. KuTH. ■• Mar. 8. 1701. Abraham. •• Dec. 2.5, 1702. Sarah, " May 1704. Benjamin, •• Feb. 2. 1706. NICHOLAS SHAW,* b. May 7, 16*<9; m. 1st Lydia; m. 2d. Ruth Beal. Ch. by l.st wife: Deborah. b. .Jan. 26, 1717. Lydea, •• .Jan. 5, 1720. Bathsheba, " Mar. 10, 1722, ^''^^^»- '• Oct, 1. 1726: m. Isaac Hamlen. Jr. Miriam. •• .Jan, 9, 1728-9. ■Tohn, Mar. 4. 1731. William. May 12. 173,5. FIFTH GENERATION. M7 [ 101 ] MARY H AMRLIN,'^ (Sister (.f Cornelius,) b. probably at Easthain, Mass., about 17;{0; in. about 1750, Joseph*, son oi Benjamin and Mehitable (Aldent) Richards,* of West Brid^'ewater, Ma.ss., b. 1714: She signed an aj^reement for the settlement of her fathers estate 1748, as "Mary Hamblin." of Eastham. It is traditional that they removed to East Stoughton. now Avon, near the Randolph line: another account .says, they re- moved to Manchester. N. H., 17(io: to Hartland. Vt., 1785. Both d. East Stoughton: she Feb. «. 1802: he xVpr. 1795. Ch. b. Stoughton: 308.* Joseph, May 20, 17—. Perhaps others. [ 102 ] Major ELEAZER HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Cornelius,) Many statements and traditions of this noted man have been examined. It has been impossible to harmonize them all. No record of the place or date of his birth has been discovered, but the inscription on his grave stone indicates that it was about July, 1732. The home of his parents was in Welltleet, then part of Eastham, Mass., where he was probably born. He is not mentioned in the settlement of his father's estate, 1748: perhaps because he was then a minor. Many years ago his dau. Sarah, made some statements relative to the family relatives, from which her nephew, Hon. Elijah L. Hamlin," preserved memo- randa: .showing among other facts, that Major Eleazer above, had sisters named Mrs. Richards and Mrs. Holmes; whose family records are given in the proper order elsewhere: showing them to be children of Benjamin Hamblin*. Eleazer,* m. 1st, East parish, Bridge water, Mass., by Rev. John Augier, June 30, 1752, By 3d wife. RCTH. ^ b. Feb. 17:{6. Deborah. * '• June S, 1739. Ezra. •• Aui?. 22 1741. Stephen. •' Feb. 25. 1744. Lyuia. ■' Aug. i:i. 1747. Philip, •' .Jan. Si. 174S-9. * Note 6S. Benjamin Richards.'' Josepli,- William.' WILLIAM RICH ARDS.i mentioned at Plymouth. Mass.. Mar. 25, 1K«; removed to Sclt- uate .Jan. 6. 16:^(5-7; was at Weymoutli lft4.>; constable 1()59; m. Grace Shaw; will Jan. IS. 1«nO: proved July 2.5, 1(582; His brother .John and sister Sarah probal)ly came with him to America. Children: John, m. Sarah Joseph. " Susan James. " Ruth Wii.i.iAM. h. .\pr. 2. 165S. Weymouth; m. Mary Benjamin, " May 19, \mx "' d. KWl unm. + XOTEtJ9. JOHN ALDEN.i b. England. 1.590; m. 1621. Priscllla.Mulllns; iHJth Clime in llie Mtniflower, 1620; settled in Duxbury. Mass.; Assistant to the Governor. Children: .lOHN, b. 1622; m. Elizabeth Everell. Joseph; " Mary Simmons. Elizabeth; " William Pabodie. David; •' Mercy South worth. Jonathan, b. 1627: •' Abigail Hallet. Sah.\h. " Alexander Stamlish. Ruth; " John Bass. Mary. " Thomas Delano. Mehitable. dau. of Isaac Alden, whom. Benjamin Rlchards,3 descended from this family. 98 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Lydia Bonney,* of Pembroke, Mass., who d. Aug. 12, 1769; m. 2d, 1772, Mrs. Sarah Bryant, whose maiden name was Lobdell: she had two children by a former husband, George and William Bryant: the former died at sea; the latter is believed to have settled in Waterford, Maine: m. 3d, Westford, Mass., by Rev. Matthew Scribner, June 3, 1789. Mrs. Hannah, widow of Timothy Fletcher, Jr., and dau. of Philip,* and Phebe (Hildreth) Proctor,t b. Aug. 4, 1747: she was an original member of Union Cong, church, Westford, formed Dec. 25, 1828: she d. Westford, July, 1837. He settled in Pembroke. Mass.. and was baptized in Second church, there, Feb. 6, 1762; prior to which his five eldest children were baptized there, "on account of his wife." He was grantee in fifteen deeds of land in Pembroke and Bridgewater, from 1757 to 1774: removed to Harvard Mass., about April, 1776. A romantic story is told of his courtship of the widow, Fletcher, who kept a tavern in the village of Westford; that she had a dower in land, and that Mayor Hamlin married the widow, purchased the shares of the other heirs, and removed there from Harvard. He told his dau., Sarah, that he dropped the b from his name to make it shorter. The Mass. Colonial records have many references to his military services in the Revolution. He was 2d Lieut, in the Lexington Alarm Roll of Capt. James Hatch's Co. MUSTER ROLL of a company of Minute Men that marched from the West Parisli in Pembroke to Scituate and Marshtield, an the Alarm of 19th of April, 1775: James Hatch, Captain, 19 April to 29 April, 11 days, wages £ 6 per mo. Consider Cole, 1st Lieut. " " " Eleazer Hamblin, 2d Lieut. " " " Caleb Howland, Sergt. " " " Thomas Fuller, " " " " Nathaniel Thomas, " •' " " Seth Phillips, •' •> " " Daniel Crooker, Corp. " " " Sam'l Howland, " •* " " Eph'rm Briggs, " '• " " Lyons Isar, '' " '• " Ezek'l Bonney, Fifer, •' " " Isaac Wade, Drum. '• " " Increase Robinson, Private, " " " Isaac Reals, " '« " " Isaac Moore, " " " " Chris'r Phillips, •• •• " " Isaac Bonney, " " " " Elijah Cushing 3d, " " " •' Eleaz'r Bisbv. " " " " (1 ( i 4 a u a ' i i 3.5s. i i t; • i li 2.8s n (< i i n u (( u ^^ u (( •• n u ii , i i i fci (1 2.4s, (1 (1 It u n ' (. (i (( a (t (i (i ;( i( (( a (C (( >( u u (( (1 (i (1 a u u (1 u it (( u (( it a u (( u (1 (1 (( It u i( a (( (1 * NotkTO. eleazer HAMLIN.s.Tr. wrote in 1846. that the maternal grand parents of his mother, Lydia Bonney. were named Howland; that her grandmother lived to a great age. and died in Pembroke, as did her grandfather, and father; her mother died in Turner. Maine. t Note 71. PHILIP PROCTER.* Thomas.3 Samuel.2 Robert.i GRACE FLETCHER, the wife of Hon. Daniel Webster, of Mass., was grandaugliter of Timothy and Bridget (Richardson) Fletcher, and niece of the first husband of Hannah Fletcher Hamlin. FIFTFT GENERATION. 99 Leonard Hill, Pri. Ut A pri 1 to 29 April 11 days, wages t:2.4s. per mo. Thomas Lincoln, u ti (1 11 it i( Ephr'ni Lindsy, 11 (( It i 1 1 1 1 1 • • t . • • Wm. Bonney, n (( tt it t i ii It it It Benj. Guilliam, n (1 1( <( it 11 (1 (1 it Elijah Ciooker, u u It f : 11 11 II II II James Gushing, t ( (( It 11 It It II 11 ii Levi Crool<, i( 1( tt 11 It It 11 11 it Africa Hamblin, (( u 11 li it It 11 Daniel Garnet, Jr., u (( it it ii i> 1* It ti Sam'l Harden, " . (1 ti ii it It li 11 II Abijah Levett, u u 11 It li It II II II Sam'l Gorham, fc( (( It " 11 i i ii it i t Tilden Crooil l( 11 11 ii ii 11 11 it John Hutson, u .( It 11 1 1 II 11 II it Reuben Clark, u u 11 it ii 11 2.0 ii 11 Dan'l Child, (( it It ,1 11 11 I i ii It David Beals, (1 11 11 11 11 11 11 II It Benj. Munroe, I, (1 ii 11 11 11 11 It II Lot Phillips, ki u .1 it 11 II 11 it ii Abr'a Josselyn, Jr., ( > u 11 li It 11 11 11 II Wm. Gould, It (( ,i 1 . 1 1 11 tl 11 li Seth Cox, (( (( it li li li it li ii Alex'r Soaper, 1> (( it it 11 1 1 it 11 it Wm. Hayford, 11 1. ii 11 1 i 11 Heze'h Pearce, u 11 tl 11 It 11 •' ti tl Jon'a Bonney, u u ii it 11 11 II it it Gershom Ramsdell, (( u it it It ii 11 •• Charles Jewett, (I It ii li li 11 II Middlesex ss: Dec. 19, 177.5. James Hatch made solemn oath that the Muster Roll by him subscribed is according to the best of his knowledge just and true in all its parts. Jus. Peace ince Before me, Moses Gill, | ThrooufyrProvii In Council; Mar. 14, 177f). Read .t allowed vt ordered that a warrant be drawn on the Treas'r for £.53, 16s. Hid. in full of this r<»ll. PEREZ MORTON, D. Secry. Examined and allowed after a deduction of 2s. per man for 52 men .S: i fur one; amounting in the whole to £5, .5s. 4d. for Billitting -Tiiere remains now due £53, Kis. Hid. JONAS DIX, pr. order. Examined and compared with the original. JOSIAH JOHNtSON JONAS DIX He was also Captain in Col. .John Thomas' Regt.; Mu.ster Roll, dated Aug. 1, 1775; Enlisted May 1, 1775: commissioned May 19: served three months, 1 week, 1 day: residence, Pembroke. }o )mmittee. 100 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. In list ot otticers in Gen. Thomas' Regt.: commissioned May 19, 1775, rank, captain: Eleazer Hamlen, Captain on Company Return in Col. John Thomas' Regt., no date; belonged to Pembroke. Captain Hamblen, on Company return in Gen. Thomas' Regt., May 24, 1775. Hetman's Historical Register of Officers of the Continental Army gives Eleazer Hamlin, Captain, Thomas' Mass. Regt., May to Dec. 1775; and Captain, 23d Continental Infantry, Jan. 1, 1776. The records of the Pension office sliow that he served as Captain of a Harvard Company in Col. Bailey's Mass. Regt. Eleazar Hamblen, Captain and Con]pany Returned in Col. John Thomas' Regt., no date; belonged to Pembroke. The following proceedings show that he was still in the army in December, 1776. PETITION FROM CAPTAIN HAMLEN. To the Honorable William Heath, Esq., Major General in the service of the United States. Honoured Sir: tlie petition of your petitioner humbly sheweth: That your petitioners, by order of (Jeneral Nixon, took the charge of a number of sick, belonging to his brigade, in Orange-Town, the province of New York: and as various reports have circulated, and are still circulating to the pre- judice of your petitioners, viz: Your petitioner making application of public stores received from Colonel Tupper, for the u.se of sick under my care, and sundry other accusations; which would only create a multiplicity of words, not worthy of troubling your Honour with; tlierefore, as your petitioner is tlius prejudiced to his dishonour, would esteem it favour your Honour would order a Court of Inquiry, as quick as may be, that he may have a publick hearing; and your petitioner, as in duty bonnd, shall ever pray — ELEAZER HAMLEN. Peekskill, 27th December, 1776. The proceedings are quite long: but the following is the finding by the court. "With respect to the sick under his fCaptain Hamlin's) care, and the dis- position of the publick property entrusted with him, has been agreeable to his orders, as well as to the rules of justice prudence and good, economy; that the complaints against his conduct, tliat has came before us, are by no means sup- ported: and consequently, that his character must, in our humble opinion, stand as fair in the eyes of the world as ever. Peekskill, Dec. 28, 1776. JOSEPH P , Pres. "For and on behalf of said Court " Approved: Per, W. HEATH, M. General. FIFTH GENERATION. 101 It is traditional, that because of his large family at home, requiriiiK bis caie, he retired with the rank of Brevet Major: that when bidding farewell to Washington, the general gave him two hundred dollars in Continental money. Four of his sons, Africa, Europe, America^ Eleazer, and son-in-law, Lieut. Seth I'liillips, served in the revolution. After the war the General Court of Mass. gave him a grant of land in Maine, in consideration of the services of his family in the Revolution: called "Hamlin's Grant,'" to this day: which proving worthless, was so reported: and his si)ns were allowed to select lands for farms and settlements in the town afterwards called Waterford. in Oxford County Maine. He was a great reader, particularly fond of history and biograjjliy. and was one of the founders and stockholders of the present public libraiy in Westford, established in 1797. His grandson. Rev. Cyrus Hamlin, I). D. of Lexington, Mass. wrote in 189.5. that the house and barn of Eleazer Hamlin, in Harvard, over one hundred years old, were then in good condition. His son Asia, succeeded him in the homestead at Westford: he by his son Cyrus: and he by his son, Charles A. Hamlin, the present occupant. The history of Harvard states: In 1777, Captain Eleazer Hamlin, from Pembroke, purchased of Aaron, son of John Davis, a farm of one hundred and twenty eight acres, including a potash works, situated in the northern part of Harvard. The estate was in later j'ears f)ccupied by the heirs of the late Lowell Sprague. The Captain had large means, and was a man of great energy: he .soon became influential in Town Councils." That "he was one of the most popular Moderators at the town meetings." "Was member of the Committee of Correspondence and Safety, 1779." "Was a licensed Inn-holder 1780-5." "Delegate at Concord, Oct. 1779; Selectman 1782: Delegate to Convention at Lunenburg, May 19, 1785;" Inscription on grave of his wife at Harvard: In memoky ok Mrs. Sakah Ha.mlkn Wife ok Capt. Eleazek Hamlin, Who departed this like Nov. VE 15, 178S. In the 45th year ok her age. Inscripticmon grave of his .son: Here lies the m»DY ok Asia Hamlin son ok Capt. Elea/ek Ha.mlin ^V Mrs. Sakah his avike, who died Nov. ye 2, 1778, .E 4 years 5 MONTHS & 21 D. 102 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. His Ixidy is buried by the side of his son Green, in the east burying ground, Westford. His tombstone: a large, fine, slate slab, of the fashion of a century jig(. -showing that it must have been erected about the time of his death; and would naturally have a correct inscription— gives the date of his death: Dec. 1, ISOT. aged 75 years and 5 months. Tiie same record is in the bible of his son Asia, in possession of Charles A . Hamlin a descendant, who resides on the Hamlin homestead in Westford. The i;^ olde-st children were born in Pembroke, the other in Harvard. The baptisms are recorded in the Second Church of Christ, Pembroke. Ch. by first wife. b. Pembroke: :W9. Asia. Mar. 9. 1753: bap. Oct. 1«. 1757: d. aged 17 yrs. :ilo.* Elizabeth. Oct. 27, 17,54; " " " " ;ni.* Alice, Feb. 17, 175«: " " " " ■M2* .\KKicA, Jan. 27, 1758; " Feb. 26, 1758. 31;^.* Europe, Nov. 20. 1759; '" Apr. 20, 1760. 314* Amehica, Oct. 20, 1761; " Nov. 22, 1761. 815.* Lydia. Nov. 5, 176H: " Nov.— 1763. 316.* Eleazek, Sept. 23, 1765; " Sept. 29, 1765. 317.* Mahy, Aug. 3, 1767: '• Sept. 13, 1767. .318.* Cykus, ,Iuly 21, 1769; " Aug. 20, 1769. 319.* Han-mhal, " " " " " " " By Second wife: 32(1. Asia. b. May 11, 1774,; Pembroke: d. Nov. 2, 1778. .321.* Sally, " Oct. 29, 1775; Pembroke, bap. .Jan. 26, 1776. 322.* Isaac, " .Jan. 30, 1778; Harvard. 323.* Asia, '• May 15, 1780; 324. Gkeen, '• 1782; " d. July 2, 1798. 325.* George, " [ 103 1 ELIZABETH HAMBLIN,'^ (Sister of Cornelius,) Probably b. Eastham, Mass.: m. East parish, Bridgewater, Mass. ,Nov. 5, 1750. William Holmes, of Pembroke, Mass. Cli. b. Pembroke: 326. Ste'i'son, Mar. 25, 1753. [ 105 ] ELIJAH HAMBLIN,=" ( Elisha,* Eleazer,» James,^ i) b. Mar. 22, 1722-3, perhaps in Eastham, Mass., birth recorded in Orleans. then part of Eastham: ra. Mary . He probably removed to Conn.*. The records of VoUintown, Ct., show that Elijah Hamblin of that place conveyed land to Elisha Hamblin, 1760: and the records of Preston, Ct., show that Elijah Hamlin conveyed land to Mary Cook, of Preston, Feb. 23. 1758. Their son, Eli- jah, was l)ai). in Griswold, Ct., Aug. 26, 1759. The records of Canterbury, Ct., show flu- births of the following children of Elijah and Mary Hamblin: * NoTK "•_'. riif I'reston, Ct. records, show that Joseph Hamlin witnessed a deed from Tliomfi-s Stiinton of Preston to his brother .Joseph Stanton, 1718-9; Tlial .\iii',;:ill Hanilln witnessed a deed there, 1721; .hidllli (.liKhih:') Hamlin, son of .Joseph, baptized. Griswold. Ct.. formerly part of Preston Apr. i l7-2\; fiUry Hamblen, dan. of Keziah b. Voluntown.Ct., Mar. 16, 1763. Kiitb Hamblen, d. \N)luntown. May 9, 1764. 327. Elizabeth 328. Elijah, 329. John, FIFTH GENERATION. 103 May 14, 1749. June 2, 1751. May 12, 1753. [ 105 ] ELISHA HAMBLEN,5 ( Bro. of Elijah, ) , The records of Voluntown, Ct., show that Samuel Lattemore of New Lon- don, Ct., (X)nveyed land to Elisha Hamblin, Jr., of Voluntown. Jan. 3, 1754. The records of Sandwich. Mass., show that Elisha Hamlen Jun., of Voluntown, Ct., and Jane Blackwell,* of Sandwich, were m. there, by Rev. Mr. Williams, July 1, 1762; she was dau. of Samuel and Mary ( Smith ) Blackwell, b. Sandwich, Mar. 29, 1738; and perhaps a second wife. Ch. b. Sandwich: 330.* Bazaliel Smith, Aug. 17, 17(>3. [10(iJ EZRA POPE, MExperience Jenkins,* Experience Hamlin, 'Mames,"^! b. Sandwich. Mass., Apr. 3, 1719; m. there, Aug. 18, 1748, Sarah Freeman, t of Sandwich, Mass.: settled in Newport, R. I. Children: 331. Experience, b. Nov. 9, 1762. 3:52. Sarah. * Note 73. MICHAEL BLACKWELL. was in Sandwich. Mass.. 1654and 167ii; and on Oct. 22, 1683. wa^ an appraiser of tile estate of Edmund Freeman, of Sand wicli; .Josliua Blacliwell, senior, and .lunior. and Josliua :id. .Joiin, Samuel, and Mioali Blackwell were residents of Sandwicii, 1730. t Note 74. EDMOND FREEMAN. i came from England; wasatSaugus (Lynn.) Mass. 16;i5; Freeman, Plymoutli, Jan. 2. 16:^7: resided a short time in Duxbury. one of the "ten men of Saujrus", who settled the town of Sandwich, Mass. , 1637; His status may he infered from tlie fact, tliat, of the fifty eight, who became entitled to shares in the land, his portion was much, the largest. He was assistant, magistrate, and Judge of Courts. During tlie period of the Quaker persecutions, he was noted for toleration and moderation, and was fined ten sliillings for refusal to aid in their prosecutions. No blemish can be found on his life; wife. Elizabeth: will June 21, 16S2, proved Nov. 2. 16S2; both d. Sandwich; he 16S2. aged 92; she Feb. U. 1675-6. They are buried ou his land in Sandwich; and the place marked by two rustic stone.s. called the "Saddle and Pillion," placed thereby his direction on the death of his wife. England; m. Dea. William I'addy. " Rebecca Prence and Margaret Perry. •■ John Ellis. " Mary Prence. • Edward Perry. EDMUND FREEMAN.2 b. England; m. 1st. Apr. 22.1646. Rebecca, dau. of Gov. Thoma.s Prence; m. 2d. July 1«. 1651, Margaret Perry; res. Sandwicii; deputy 16(59-75. Children: Rebecca. b. Sandwich; m. Ezra Perry. Margaret. " Oct. 2. 16;)2. Edmund. " Oct. .5. 1655; " Sarah Alice, " Mar. 29, 1658. Rachaei,, " Sept. 4. 16;59; " John Landers. Sarah. " Feb. 6. 1662; " Ri<-hard Landers. Deborah. " Aug. 9. 1665: " Thomas Landers. EDMUND FREEMAN.:* b. Sandwich. Oet. 5. 1655; m. Sarah ( SkitVV ) res. Sandwich most of his life; removed to Yarmouth, in that part now North Dennis; he d. May IS, 1720; will May 13, 1720. Ch. b. Sandwich; Edmund. Aug. :iO. 16S3; m. Kezia Presbury. Ben.iamin, Jan. 6. 1685-6; " Patience Nye. Children: Alice. b. Edmund. •' Elizabeth. ■ 162.5, John. " 1627. Mary. •• 1,H THE HAMLIN FAMILY. ( 108 ] CH A RLES POPE,^ (Bro. of Ezra, ) h Sanrlwich. Mass., Feb. 28, 1724-5; m. Dec :{. 1749, Judith Smith, of Nnrwalk. Ct.; b. Awg. 21, 1728. He d. after 1770. Ch. b. Norwalk: 3:j;{. S.\k.\ii. May 21, 1751. :m. .Joanna. Apr 24, 1754. ;«5. RoHKirr. Feb. 15, 1756. ;«H. Chaiu.es, Mar. 22, 1758. :«7. Judith, Nov. 22, 1760. 338.* EzuA, Dec. 22, 1762. 339. .ToiiN, Jan. 15, 1764. 340.* Lkwis, Oct. 7, 1766. 341.* Edward, Jan. 15, 1770. [ 109] LEMUEL POPE,MBro. of Ezra,) The Hist, of Barnstable Co., 1890, gives this lineage. One Lemuel was Town Treasurer of Sandwich, 1783. Child: 342.* Seth. f 110 ] SETH POPE,s (Bro. of Ezra, ) h. Sandwich, Mass., April 19, 1731: Martha, dau. of Ebenezer and Lydia (Lothrop) Bacon,* Nov. 6, 1734; res. Voluntown, now Sterling, Ct., 1749-1774. Maky. Mar. \H, 1687; •' Timothy Nye. .FOHN, .June 1:.'. 169:s: '• Deliverance Law I'homas. .Mar. :.'(). 16!«); ■■ ivezia Hoxie. .IdSKPH. .luly IH. W.W; •• TabithaTobey. W 11,1,1A.M. Dec. 4, 170(1; •' Mary Bodflsh. Sahah. Dec. 6. 170:t: •' Isaac Nye. Isaac. Oct. m noti; ■• Deborah Foster. ISAAC FREEMAN.* b. Sandwich. Oct. 20,1706; m. Nov. 22, !":«. Deborah, dau. of. Joseph Foster of Barnstable, formerly of Marsh field, later of Sandwich; b. .Jan IS. 1710-1 ; he d. Sept. 16. Children: Ebknk/.kh. I). Auj:. 19. 17.^4, Sandwich. Natha.n. •• Nov. 19. 17:55; m. Mary Dkuohah. "Feb. 2, 17;iS-9. Isaac. •• Feb. 11. 1741-2. NATHAN FUKEMAN.s b. Sandwich. Nov. 19.17:35: m. Mary : removed to Harwich. Mass.. and d. tliere Nov. S, 1769. ' Children: ■'ani-:. bap. .Inly 19. 1761. Hardwick. Dki.i VKUANCK. ni. .lonatliaii Childs .Jan. 13. 1778. Nathan. b. .May ;i0. 1762. •losKPH. •• May 1. 1764. ■Sakaii I'npK," l)ap. Sept. 14. 1766. .losKi'H, •• May 13. 1770. It Is supposed this family are related to the Sarah Freemah who m. Ezra Pope. • NnTK75. NATHANIEL BACON.i came over early, and had a brother Samuel and sister Ell/.al>fih : all settled in Barnstable; he was amonK the first settlers. Tanner and currier; fr«'enian. .lune l(i4t>; constable 1650; deputy to Colony court. 1652-1665; assistant. 1657-73; member i-»Huifli of war. 165S and 1667; m. Dec. 4. 1642. Hannah, dau. of Rev. John Mayo. He d, Oct. 1673, probably less than 60 years old; his widow survived him many years, and was living 1691. Ch. b. Barnstable "'^'■<^-^"- b. Sept. 4. 164;^; m. Thomas Walley. .Ir. Natmaniki,. bap. Feb. 15. 164.5-6. FIFTH GENERATION. 105 He was "ran over by a cart, Sept. 1774." probably in Lebanon, Ct., causing his death. Mary. b. Aug. 12, 1648. Samuel, " Feb. 25. 16.^0-l; m. Mary Jacobs. Elizabeth, " .Tan. 2S. 16.i3-t; d. unm. 1676. .Teremiah, '■ May s. I(i57; m. Elizabeth Howes. Mercy, " Feb. 2\ 1659-60; m. Hon. John Otis. John. " June 1665; m. Mary Howes and Madame Sarah Warren. N.\TH.\N1EL BACON,-^ b, Barnstable, bap. Feb 15. 1645-6; m. 1st. Mar. 27, 1673, Sarah, dau. of Gov. Thomas Hinckley, b. Barnstable. Nov. 4, 1646; who d. Feb. 16, 16S6-7; m. 2d, Hannah (Lumbert?) He d. Dec. 1691; will Aui;. 6. 1691; proved May 9, 1692. Cli. b, Barnstable: N.iTHANiEL. Sept. 9. 1674; m, Ruth Doggett. Mary. Oct. 9, 1677: " John Crocker. Elizabeth. Apr. 11. 16>0; "' Israel Tapper. Sa.muel, Jan. -20. 16S2; " Mary Huckins. Dea. SAMUEL BACON.3 b. .Ian. Id, Ii;s2; m. Mar. :J0, 1704. .Mary, dau. of Thomas and Hannah (Chipman) Huckins, b. Barnstable. June 13. 16s4: m. 2d, Jan. 26. 1 70s, Sarah, dau. of Edward Taylor, and widow of Samuel Allen Jr., res. in the ancient family house in Barnstable. He d. Apr. 29. 1728; his widow d. Sept. 24. 1753. aged 73. Children: Ebenezer. b. Mar. 16. 1705; d. July 17: 1706. Ebenezer. . ■' Dec. 4, 1708; m. Lydia Lothrop. Mercy, " May 22, 1710; " Jonathan Hallett. Edward, •■ .Ian. 23. 1714-5. For Chipman see note 60. For Huckins see note 59. EBENEZER BACON.* b. Barnstable. Dec. 4. 1705; m, there. Jan. 17. 1734, Lydia, dau. of Thomas, and Experience (Gorham) Lothrop. b. Barnstable, about 1716; bap. June 27. 1725. He removed with his wife and Ave children to Lebanon, Ct., 1745. Ch. b. Barnstable: Martha. b. Nov. 6. 1734; m. Seth Pope. Note 76. Rev. JOHN LOTHROP. was the twelfth child of Thomas Lowthropp. of Cherry Burton, later of Ellen in Yorkshire, Eng. ; who was son of John, of Lowthropp, a parisli in the East Riding of York. The name has been variously spelled; Lathropp, Lothrop, Lath- rop, Laythrope, Lawthrop, Lawthrope. &c.; said to be derived from the Sa.xan words Lrt, to look, see, behold; and throp. a village; hence Lathmp. see the village or town. The name of his iirst wife, who he w. about 1620; and who d. 1633, is unknown; m. 2d, Feb. 17, 1636-7. Widow Ann Hammond. He was an educated man, took orders in the English church, and was settled at Egerton, Kent, fifteen miles from London, separated from the church and removed to London, 1624; and succeeded Rev. Henry Jacob, first pastor of the first Independent or Congregati. Iii9(j; •• Alice Hamblen. N'>An. .July 10. Iii9ii; Prob. d. youn^'. ■I«).>;ki'Ii. Auu. :iO. 17o:]; m. Ka.'l.aei Crocker and Waria Fuller. .lOSEI'H HOWI AMM m. 1st. .Ian. 10. I7:i!i, Racl.aeH dau. of Samuel and Sarab ( I>arker ) rocker b. Barnstable, about 1715, who d. May 0. 1742: m. 2d. May l(i. 174(i, Maria Fuller; resided Karnstable. Cli. by Isl wife. b. Barnstable: Hannah, Au^'. S. 17;i9: ni. Christopher Taylor Makv. Au),'. it. 1740. IJacmaki,. May 2. 1742; - Natluui .lenkins. |{y 2d wife: .\NN. ],. Sept. li). 174!). NdTKNi. lor Cliipiiian see note (iO. Eld;^Hen^'';^^i'rnr''-n'- ^''''- ''" "''''' "^ Barnstable Dec. .27, 16S0, Sarah, dau. of fa lers loL.sUur ' <"'" t'•''^^'"''^■ "• ^^^'■"^'^W^' ^ar. 10, 1662-8. He inherited his rat.urs houH stead, carpenter, but farming,' was his his principal occupation; kept public FIFTH GENERATION. 109 The tollowin^ family letters will be of interest, and are ^ood specimens of the correspondence of those times: they prove that 8amuel Jenkins and his wife had received a good common education. Mrs. Jenkins writes her name Tfenkins, the husband Jenkins. Mrs. Jenkins' capital I's are identical in form with her small g's, and the G. which she used in writing her name, she prob- ably called J, or I, consonant. Gorham, July ye 26, 1778. Dear Sisters: This with love to you, hoping througli Divine Goodness it will find you all well, as it leaves us: that is the small family that is with me. None of my children but Abiah are with me. All my sons are, if living, in the army, and Molly is married away, and lives about a mile from me. I hear there are several accidents happened at Barnstable, write me the particulars. If you have heard from my brothers in Connecticut, let me know it. There was here a brother of my neighbors from Startford last winter, who informed me of the death of my borther John (Chipman.) 1 questioned him about it, and told him he had moved to Middleton. He said he knew it. and he was acquainted with him— he had lost his fingers in a mill: he had a son at Stratford, and 1 might depend upon it, he had been dead as much as three or four years. May God sanctify this stroke of his providence for g{x>d, and may we be ready also. 1 am afraid wiiat I may near concerning my sons, but I hope I may be prepared, let it be as it will. I should write more, but it is the sabbath. Give my love to your children, and my duty to mother Genkins and the brothers and sisters, Tell .sister Hamlin that Lewis and Perez were here an hour or two; and Phebe's si.ster Young came to town last sabbath, and was taken very sick on Monday. Yes- house, and retailed spiritious liquors, a business not then lield incompa table with the office of deacon of the church; a man of good business habits, often employed as a town officer; or- dained deacon of church in Barnstable, Sept. 1. ITOti; he d. 172:^: she d. .Jan. s. 1742-3. Ch. b. Barnstable Thomas. Nov. 17. ]tis7: removed to Groton. Ct. i^AMUEL, Aug. 6, 16S9; m. Abigail Hinckley and Mary Green. .John. Feb. 16. KiSl ; •• Rebecca Hale. Abigail. Sept. 15.1692; '" Nathaniel .Jackson. .1 SEPH. .Jan. 10. 1694. .Jacob. Aug. 30. 1695: m. Abigail Fuller and Bethia Thomas. Seth. Feb. 24. 1697. Hannah. Sept. 24. 1699; m. Barnabas Ijothrop. .Jr. Sarah. Nov. 1, 1701; d. .July 1,5, 1715. Barnabas. Mar. 24. 1702 m. Elizabeth Hamblen. For Col)b see note 20. I)EA. SAMUEL CHJPMAN.3 b. Barnstable. Mass.. Aug. 6. 1689; m. 1st. Dec. 8. 171.5, Abigail.* dau. of .John and Thankful (Trott) Hinckley, b. Barnstable. Mar. 24. 1696; who d. .July 12. 17:^6; m. 2d. 17:i9. Mary Green, of Boston. He kept the Chipman tavern. Barnstable; selectman 1727-9; deacon Cong, church. Ch. b. Barnstable. A Son. Aug. 1717; d. Aug. 25. 1717. Hannah. July 1. 1719. Sami'el. Nov. 21, 1721 ; removed to Groton. Ct. Timothy, Apr. M. 1723; m. Elizabeth Bassett. Ebenezer. Sept. 9. 1726; removed to Middletown. Ct. .7oh.v. .June ;iO. 1728; ' Stratford, thence to Middletown, Ct. Mary. May 2. 1731; m. Samuel .Jenkins. Nathaniel. .Jan. 31. 1733. .Joseph. May 26. 1740: d. .July 4, 174U. 110 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. terrlay slit- \\a> \t' ry low with pleuresy. Write me eveithinj^ you know wortii a writidK by tiie bearer (»f this letter: I suppose he will stay only a few hours. bfinjr on l)usiness. I conclude with love to you and yours and all friends. MARY .JENKINS. .\biah trives duty to you, and love to all cousins. Tliis for Hannah and Elizabeth Chipman. For Mrs. Elizabeth Chipman at Barnstable. Pr, favor (»f Mr. Hanscom. Haruiah Chiitman was tlie eldest sister of the writer of this letter. Eliza- YHiih Cliipnian was the wife of her brother, Dea. Timothy Chipman Gorham, .Ian. 29, 1781. Lovintr sister: These come with our love to you and children, hoping you are well, as throuKh Divine Goodness we are, except my wife, who has been IK»orly ever since last March: but is a little better. We received yours by Mr. Lovell— was K'lad to hear from you. And now a short account of my family. Our children are all, except one, married. We have seven grand-children, .losiah one daughter, Sarah; Deborah three children, Hannah. Elizabeth and Ebenezer: Abiah two, Josiah and Prudence: and Mary one daughter, Abiah. It seems to me they are tiie prettiest children I see anywhere. They all live near us, except Abiah, who resides eighteen miles distance. Mr. Lovell in- froms us that sister Hannah would be glad to come and live with her sister. Were she here we should be glad; but as times are it would be difficult for iier to come, either by land or water P'or me to come by land for her would cost more paper dollars than a few, and to come by water is hazardous. If there could l)e some way found out for her to come with Lovell 's family. 1 esteem it best. As for her coming at present, it is not practicable. ♦ Note 81. For Hinckley, see note Hi. Gov. THOMAS HINCKLEY.2 ( Samueli ) b. England. lt>18; m. 1st. Dec. 4. Km. Mary. dau. • >t Thomas Kii-liiirds of Weymouth. Mass. ; who d. .June it. 11)59; m. 2d. Mar. 16, ItjBO. Mary, widow of Capt. Natlianiel, son of Hon. .lolin and Ann Glover, of Dorchester. Mass., and only child of .Mr. Cjuarter-master Smith of Dorchester, by his first wife, b. Lancashire, Eng.. 1630. Her grand- son Rev. Thomas Prince, colleague pastor of Old South Church. Boston. 1718-5S. preserved a quaint record of his grandmother: "She was ye only child of Mr. Quarter-Master Smith, by his first wife; formerly of Lancashire, in England, and afterwards of Dorchester, in New Eng- land; her father had been a (Quarter-Master in ye army of ye Netherlands; her mother a gentlewoman of a creditable Family and of eminent natural Powers, Piety and acquired accomplishments. Of them this Mrs. Hinckley was born in Lancashire, in England in 16:i0. Her ijarents living under ye ministry of ye Rev. Mr. Richard Mather at Toxteth. in that shire : Ihey came up and brought her with them to Bristol, in order for N. E.. in April, 16:^5; Young Mr. Nathaniel, a son of ye said Mr. Mather, being carried on one side of a horse in a Pannier, and this young Mrs. Mary, on ye other: as I have often heard her say May 2:i 1635. she and her father and mother, ye sd Rev. Mr. Richard Mather and wife, ye sons Samuel and Nathan- iel. Mr. .Jonathan .Mitchell, then about 1 1 years of age. &c. set sail from Bristol. In ye night between Aug. 14 and 15. on ye N. E. coast, yr arose an extream Hurricane, wr in yr wr in ye ( wherein tlmy were in the ) utmostdanger, and wonderously delivered, ( See ye acct in ye Life of ye .sd Mr. Richard Mather in ye Magnalia ) and on Aug. 17. arrived at Boston. Her father and others settling at Dorche.ster, anew chh gath'd there. Aug. 23. 1636. ye sd Mr. Richard .Mather became ye Teacher; under wos ministry she liv'd ; unless wn sent to school at Boston ; wr she enjoy'd Mr. Wilson and Cotton's ministry. In she married to Mr Nathaniel Glo- ver, a son of ye Hon'i). .fohn Glover, Esq., of said Dorc^hester. by whom she had Nathaniel and Ann. \u<\ then this HusV)and Dying, .she remained a widdow till when she married ye Honbl. Thomas Hinckley. Esq., of Barnstable: whither she removed, and had l>y him. Mercy. Expe- rience, .lohn. Abig:iil. Thankfull, EVienezer and Reliance; wo all grew up and married; and all but Ebepe/.er. before she died. At Barnstable she to ye Day of her Death appeared and shown in ye eyes of all. as ye loveliest and brightest woman for Beauty. Knowledg. wisdom, majesty. arcomplisliments and graces throughout ye Colony, and there her first son Nathaniel, married FIFTH GENERATION. Ill As to news, we have none. Old Capt. Phinney, formerly of Brrnstable, the first settler in Gorhani, died not lon^^ since, almost ninety years old. Let us hear from you as often as possible— we will do the same. i am dear sister your loving brother, SAM'LL JENKIN.S. N. B. My wife has this moment started a notion, that you did not know who Sam '11 married-it was Lydia Dier from Truro. Gorliam, November 22, 1783. Dear Sister: Tliis with love to you and yours, hoping it will find you all well, as, through Divine Goodness. I and mine are at present. I have not heard from you since Major Lewis came. I then received gladly what you .sent me that was my sisters. You cannot think how greatly rejoiced 1 was to see one of my old neighbors, who could tell me everything I wanted to know con- cerning my own family. Your brother had had a long tit of sickness last spring, was very low, and has been able to do but a trifle this summer. He is better this fall, but not so well as before. He intends, with submission to Providence, to go to Barnstable this winter. Tlie twentieth of June last we had tlie sorrowful and heavy news of our son Joseph's death. He died that day, two months. He had been in the service two years, and died witli consump- tion near West Point — a loud call to us all. He was carried into the country and was comfortably provided for during the last month or six weeks of his life. What most contributes to my comfort is, God was pleased to give him a time t() Hannah, a, Dtr of sd Mr. Hinckley, by his formr wf. ' Her sd Dtr Ann. married to Mr. William Rawson. a son of Mr. secretary Rawson. secretary of ye Massachusetts Colony. Her Dtr Mercy to Mr. Samuel Prince, of Sandwich; Experience to Mr. .lames Whipple, of Barnstable; her son .lohn. to Mrs. Trott of Dorchester; her daughter Abigail, to yr Rev. Mr. .losepJi Lord. 1st of r)orchester in South Carolina, aftrwdof Chatham on Cape Cod; Thankful!, tt) ye Rev. Mr. Experience Mayhew. of Martha's Vinyard; Reliance, to ye Rev. Mr. Nathaniel Stone, of Har- wich: and after the Decease of Herself and Husband, yrson Ebene/er. to Mrs. Stone, of Sudbury." Inscription on her monument at Barnstable: Here lyeth ye Body of ye Truly Virtuous and prais W'ORTHY Mrs. Mary ^ Hinckley, wifb to Mr. Thomas Hinckley. Died July ye 29, 1703. In ye T3d year of Her age. Gov. Hinckley \yas a man of worth and piety Upon the death of his wife he composed the following ver.ses in her memory: Pity me O my friends and for me Pray To him yt can supply what's taken away. My crown Is failed from my Head, an wo. Wo unto me yt I have sinned .so As to provoke ye Lord to show such Ire. \Vh I deserve 'gainst me should burn like Fire. God righteous is in all yt He hath done Yea good in lending Her to me so long. A blessing rich Forty three years and more; Had I lieen wise to improve such store Of Gifts and Grace wherewith she was endu'd. I might in (irace have also much Improv'd. How prompt in heavenly Discourse was she. 112 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. of coiisidi'iatioii. Ho sent us word nut to mourn for him, but to prepare to fol- low liim, for lie trusted the eternal estate was secured. You are not a strang- er to my ^Jrief, thoutrh I have been to yours. Not from the dust afflictions ki<)W. Nor troubles raise by chance. Yet we are born to care and woe, A sad inheritance. As sparks break out from burning coals, And still are upward bourne, So grief is rooted in our souls. And man grows up to mourn. The rest of my children that are here are well. Josiah has gone to Baga- duce. Phebe hath two sons about six months old, Samuel and Jacob. Prude (Prudence, wife of Joshua) a daughter the same age, named Polly. Abiah lives a little way off. Sam '11 has a daughter about three weeks old named Lida. Molly one fivf weeks, named Elizabeth— making fourteen grandchildren I have living. That to her own and others good mii?ht be! Out of her store came things both new and old, Wh slie had read, or thought, or had been told. How great my Bond to God in Thankfulness. For such a Gift, for all my worthlessness. The only child her gracious mother bore. Obtain'd of God as a Return of Prayer; For wh she with her Friends employ'd a day. In private, and soon found it good to pray Unto ye God of nature and of Grace. , Who thus approv'd their seelcing of his Face, In forming this fair child to shew his Praise; Endowed with virtues in her early Days Wh grew and shine'd in young and riper age. And to her Maker's Praise did much engage. All those wo knew Her both of late and old. And prove'd as diverse godly wise foretold. She Ijy her wisdom built ye House and l)y Her prudent care kept all in such a way And in such order, so as nought might be 1 A Let to worship in the Family. V Or cause Distraction on God's holy day. ) Yea both at Morn and even, as was need She did in Household, worship always lead Her Family, while in her window state. And in my ;il)sence since she was my mate. Whose good example may rebuke all Those Who slight their Duty and Themselves expose Unto yt wrath of God wh hangs o'er all Those Families wh on liira do not call. To rise up very early was her way, / Enter lier closet straight to read and pray. V And then to call and raise her family, | And lived to .see a Blessing great upon Her prayers and prudent Education Of children such a numljer for ye Lord. Under her gracious Covenant and word, That now may say, I am, through Grace divine. Thy Servant, Daughter. Son, of Handmaid, thine. She highly prized a Gospel Ministry, For its support was an example high. FIFTH GENERATION. 113 You know not h'lw mucli 1 want to come and see all my olri friends and relatives. Give my love to all brothers and sisters, cousins and friends. Tell cousin James Smith's wife 1 never forgot what slie said to me. that I must write concerning religion; but I was loth to write that 1 did not like my minister, though when I got home, the first time I heard him, I thought I And while a widow chose ye town shou'd say i What was her Part lest self from Ri ^lit shou'd sway > And all ways gave more than her R.ite a .vay. \ Yea ever first wou'd pay that pious due. J Then other Debts, and on the Residue v Wou'd wisely live and help ye Poor she knew. ) Nor ever any want she found thereby, And counselled her Friends ye like to try; But if they wou'd till last let That alone. They wou'd find nought to pay't all wou'd be gone; Which some liave try'd. and found what she said True. And so God was not robbed of his Due. As by God's Grace she lived piously So by the same slie lived righteously; Chusing yt she and hers might wrongs receiv. Then even ye least to others ^ive. Always a Pattern of Sobriety, J Meek, lowly, peaceful, prone to Charity J- And freely given to Hospitality. ' \ Behaved wisely in a perfect way. Both in ye brightest and ye darkest Day. She came in nothing short with count of many Of highest Praise of Tongue or Pen of any. Great cause we have of pious ThankfuUness; For that tho sharpest pains did her distress For six weeks allmost constantly, yt she Could take no Rest nor in ye night nor Day; Yet God preserved her mind an 1 senses clear. With exercise of Grace, yet we cou'd hear Not the least murmuring nor impatient word. But meek submission to ye Sovereign Lord. Full of heart-melting Prayer and Savoury words. Which .Toy and wonderment to all affords Whose Hearts were mov'd to leav their Homes and see And help Her in her great extremity. Her last words were, Co ne dear Lord Jesus. Come. And take me (juickly to thy Bosom home; And in few minutes had her Soul's desire With him whom she did love with Heart entire. Death was no Terror unto Her nor Pear. No Gastliness did in her Face appear; But sweet composure in her Life and Death | \Vhen her dear Soul she in her final Breath ;• Resigned to Him whom she beheld in Faith; | Whose own she was and with him longed to be. Where she is free from sin and misery; She enter'd into perfect, endless Rest, And with ye blest above is ever blest. So that we have no reason to repine, ( But thankfully and humbly to resign C To his most wise and righteous hand therein. ] Nor mourn for Her in Plenitude of .loy, But for ourselves whom evils still annoy. As a great Loss to all. ye wisest deem. Then sure to me and mine a Loss extream; Now she has left, the gap is made away, Wh our Iniquities deserved have. ' Unless ye Lord please, as I humbly crave To give Repentance and Remission free 114 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. cinild not be c(.ntent to sit under him, and it came to mj' mind, "Despise not small thin>,'s," which made me to think 1 did not well to be uneasy. He has l)een dismissed two years. We had a minister ordained this month on (not U'^rible) a tine man. -1 hope he will prove a blessing, and that decayed religion will revive under his ministry. Of all our sins; of mine especially. My srreat Defet-ts in point of ;i^ratitude III prizing and iraprovinjir such a good; Wli as a second miracle of Grace. After tlie Hirst who no less Pious was And lonely consort, Botli free ^ifts most rare. And hotii in answer unto liumble Prayer. As si)on as I my will resigned so To God. as to be free yt he shou'd do As most for his own glory, he Shou'd see; Then did their several Relatives agree To say. They had opposed our Match so long. They neitlier dared nor wou'd it more prolong; \Vh was so far above all expectation As made us to admire the Dispensation. Yet that such wondrous worl- Turn from all sin and unto .lesus flee. ) Whose meritorious and precious blood Can cleanse from sin and reconcile to God. O may he be most highly prized by me. And as most precious may embraced be, May I to liini eternally be joined. And'in Him Rest and satisfaction find; By his good spirit's miglity energy j My heart be purg'd from all Impurity. ^- And filled with all grace and sanctity; ] Awakened out of all my drowsy Frames liaised up to lively, heavenly views and aims. Ever composed, humble, watcliful V)e. j Especially upon God's holy Day. And when I read. hear, meditate and pray 1 In holy Duties never slightly be; As if to approach yt glorious majesty Of God. a liglit and trifling thing it were; But ever look and speak to him with Fear; May bring forth much good Fruit in my last Days. Living and doing more unto his Praise; Gaining much profit by our Father's Rod. Wiio can make all work our eternal good. For all wliicli mercies great I lieg ye Prayers Of all wlio see these drops of aged Tears. Tlial I and mine may by his migiity Hand Be kept thro P^aith unto Salvation, and That we may neither slack or slothful be. But follow Her and that blest company. Who tliro' their faith and patience now possess The full completion of the Promi.ses. And we may fitted be at Death to say. Lord .lesus come and take us quick away. To be Willi Thee until eternal Aye! AtHicted and distressed, but thro rich Indcservt'd mercy not wholly forsaken. T. Hinckley. .iT3tatis82. FIFTH GENERATION. 115 It has been very much the practice of the place for parents to own the covenant, and have their children baptized. There are counted to be near a third of the people to be separate Baptists, and .some of that part are become what is called .Shaking Quakers. 1 think they are a most monstrous deluded setof people. The performances at their meetings consist in dancing, hideous He came with his father's family in 1635 to Boston, thence to Scituate. and to Barnstable, IKW. Ill 1(i52 he was on an important committee to lay out a road from Sandwich to Plymouth, deputy Iti-t(i-.}I. and 1700. He was the last Governor of Plymouth Colony, ltisO-i»2. when it was joined to Mass. Bay Colony, except during the interruption of Gov. Audros. .Mr. Otis wrote. "I confess that I do not feel competant to write, as it should be written the biography of Gov. Thomas Hinckley. * * .* I can collect the facts, and lay a foundation on wliich another can build. During naif a century he held offices of trust and power in the t)ld Colony, and had a controling influence over the popular mind. He was the architect of his own fortune in life; the builder of his own reputation ; a man of good common sense and sound judgement; honest and honorable in all his dealings; industrious, persevering and self- reliant; and if it be any praise, it may be added, he was the best read lawyer in the Colony. He had some enimies— it would have been a miricle if so prominent and so independent a man had had none— . Barren trees are not pelted. The Quaker influence was arrayed in hostility to him. He examined every question presented tJ him in its legal aspects, and viewing his acts from that stand-point, he was very rarely in the wrong. He was a rigid independent in religion, and his tolerant opinions, though in advance of his time, did not come up to the stan- dard of the present. Some of his acts I shall leave for others to defend; but that he was the intolerant and cruel man that some of the infatuated bigots of his time represent him to be. the facts will not sustain. He was a living man, never allowed his faculties to ru^t by inaction and to the last could draw an instrument with as much clearness and precision as in his early manhood. 'It appears that he was an officer in the great Indian battle with the Narragan- setts, in 177.5, in the company of Captain John Gorham; and his youngest daughter was born at that time, which suggested her name to the minister, Rev. Mr. Russell, who named her. He d. Barnstable. Apr. 3-i. 1705. Ch. by drst wife b. Barnstable: Mary. b. Aug. 3. \(iU: m. Mr. Wayburn. Sarah. '■ Nov. i. lf)4ij; " Nathaniel Bacon. Meletiah, ■• Nov. 25. h>ts; •■ .losiah Crocker. Hannah, " Apr. 15, 1651; •• Capt. Nath'l Glover Samuel " Feb. U, ](j)3-;i; m. Sarah Pope. Thomas. " Dec. .5. Mi:>i No issue. Bathshua. ■• May 15, 1657; m. Samuel Hall Mehitable. ■' Mar 24. 1659; •• Samuel Worden. Admire. " Jan. 2S, 1(360; d. young. By 2d. wife b. Barnstable: Ebenezer. b. Feb. 22. 1661; d. young. Mary. • July 31. 1662; m. Samuel Prince. Experie ce, •• Feb. 2.S, 1664; " James Whipple. John. " June 9. 1667; " Thankful Trott. Abigail. " Apr. 8,1669; '• Rev. Joseph Lord. Thankful. •' Aug. 20, 1671 ; " " Experience .Mayliew. Ebenezer, '• Sept. 23, 1673; " Mrs. Mary Stone. Reliance. " Dec. 1.5. 1672; " Rev. Nath'l Stone. JOHN HINCKLEY.Sb. Barnstable. June 9, 1667; m. May 1. 1691. Thankful, dan. of Thomas Trott. ( Treat? ) of Dorchester ; Farmer and shoemaker; Barnstable; his fatlier gave him half his dwelling, farm, and land at Calve's pasture; hed. 1706, and his widow m. .lonathan Crocker, of West Barnstable; real estate £100, pers nal £93.10; among his effects was a servant boy and girl valued at £12. Ch. b. Barnstable: John. Mar. 29. 1692; d. Aug. 24, 1694. Mary. Feb. 24. 1694; 1722. Abigail. Mar. 24, 1696 ; m. Dea. Samuel Chipman.s Thankful. July 14, 1699: ■■ James Smith. John. Feb. 19. 1701; '• Bethia Robinson. IK) THE HAMLIN FAMILY. howling like wcilves, slanditig on their heads, pretending to speak in unknown languages, and the like rediculous behavior. I take them to be people that Christ warns us of wiien he saith, "Take heed that you be not deceived. Then if any man .shall say unto you, lo, hei'e is Christ, or there, believe it not: tor there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and show great signs and wonders: if it were possible deceive the very elect. Behold I have told you before, if they say, behold he is in the desert, go not forth, or in the secret chamber be- lieve it not." Dear Sister: 1 could write till morning; but being very late must break off abruptly; begging you to send me a letter by Mr. Lewis, and so conclude, very tired, with love to you and children. M. GENKINS. To Elizabeth Chipman, Barnstable. These were the great great grand parents of the writer. Ch. b. Barnstable: . 30, 1750. m. Gershom Hamblen.-'* 352.* JOSIAH, Sept. 30, 1750. 353. Ukbohah. Feb. ^, 1752; 354.* Abiaii. Jan. 21. 1754, 3.55.* Samuel. Nov. 23, 1755 35fj.* Mauy, Jan. 1«, 1758. .357.* Joseph. June 6. 17(iO. [ 119 ] NATHANIEL J ENKlNS.MBro. of Samuel,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Dec. fi. 172S: m. Rochester, Mass., by Rev. Timoihy Ruggles, Mar. 31, 1752, Maria Ellis,* of Rochester. Ch. b. West Barnstable: 358.* Nathaniel, 359.* Alvan, 3()0.* a daughter, [ 120 I SIMEON J ENKINS,--^ (Bro. of Samuel. ) b. Great Marshes. West Barnstable, Mass., Sept. 8. 1733: m. there, by^ Rev. Joseph Green, Mar. 25. I7fi2, Hodiali, dau. of Capt. John and Bethia (Robinson.) Hinckley, t b. Barnstable. Oct. B, 1738: carpenter, wheelwright, cabinet-maker NoTE«2. THOMAS GLOVER. Gentleman, of Rainhill. Prescott. Lancashire. England; his son. .lOEfN GLOVEK.i b. there. KiOO: m. Ann ; Member London Printer's Co . 1628; can e to America in ship Mam uilt the meeting house at Marshpee. 1757; and the high steeple to the meeting house in the east parish. Barnstable. 1762. He d. Apr. 11. 176.5. Ch. b. Barnstable: Thankfiti,. Oct. 7, 1727; m. David Cobb. Bethia. Feb. 1. 17:^0; " Henry Cobb. Martha. Apr. 2S. \7M. " Barnabas Howes. Adtno, Dec. 12, l":i5; " Mercy Otis. HODiAH. Oct. 6, 17:iS; " Simeon .Jenkins. .Jabez. Oct. 24.1741; '• Deborah Wing. Abiah, Oct. 13. 174(i; " Cornelius Crocker. .lOHN. Sept. 13. 174.S. Note S6. ISAAC ROBIXSON.i third child of .John Robinson, who was the Leyden pas- tor of the Pilgrims: b. Leyden. Holland. ItilO; m. 1st. Scituate Mass.. .June 27. 1636. Margaret, dau. of Rev. Thomas Hartford, tirst. minister of Norwalk. Ct.: and niece of Timothy Hathaway, a London merchant, and founder of Scituate. Mass.; shed, in childbirth, buried .June 13. HiU): m. 2d. 16-A Mary Faunce. sister of Elder Faunce. of Plymouth. Mass. He came to Plymouth. 1631 : was in Duxbury, Mass. 1634; went to Scituate. 1636; and was admitted freeman, same year; he took a letter of dismission from the church in Plymouth ; and joined the church in Scituate. .luly 7. Hi,s!V. he sold his house in Scituate the same year, and removed to Barnstable; and first resided opposite Gov. Hinckley; afterwards at Great Marshes. West Barnstable. A prominent citizen; meml)er of Grand Inquest. 1639, 164X; Trial juror. 1641; deputy. 164.5. 1651 ; receiver of E.xcise. 1646-s. He was one of those who fell under the displeasure of Gov. Thomas Prence. the relentless oppressor t)f the Quakers. He was tolerant towards this persecuted people, and made an appeal in their behalf. Mar. 7. 1660; when -'The court takes notice of sundry scandals and falsehoods in a letter of Isaac Robinson's, tending to the prejudice of this government and eMcouraj,enKiit of the Quakers: but forbear censure until inquiry shall be made." But ven- gence was in store foi him. In.lune following he was declared a "manifest opposer of the » 118 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [ 121 ] LOT JENKINS," (Bro. of Samuel. ) b. Barnstable. Mass., Mar. U. 1737-8: m. Oct. 21, 17(il, Mercy Howland.* Private in Capt. Micab Hamlin's Co., wbich marched under Col. .lames Otis to Marsbtield on Lexins^ton alarm, Apr. 19, 1775, and served two days. Private in Capt. Micah Hamlin's Co., in Col. Simeon Cary's Re^t., Mar. (i, 1776. Private in Cai)t. Micab Hamblin's Co., in Lt-Col. Enocb Hallett's Regt. detached from Mass. to re-enforce the Cont. army in R. I. for ;3 mo . roll dated July 27. 1780. Cb. b. Barnstable: 369. Chloe, Mar. l(i. 1762-3. 370.* Lot, Sept. 28. 1765. 371. Philemon, Feb. 26, 1767. 372. ACHSAH, Aug. 19, 1769. 373. Mary, Aug. 15, 1773. [ 122 J Dea. lot NYE,"* (Sarah Jenkins,* Experience Hamlin. 3 James,^'! b. Sandwich, Mass., 1731: m. Hannah : b. 1727. He was bap. Barnstable, Oct. 26, 1740: and is supposed to have removed there with his father's family: he and his wife were adm. to the church in West Barnstable, July 10, 1768, when a .son and dau. were baptized: and in which he became deacon. He was extensively engaged in whaling in which he employed many Marsbpee I tidians: .some of his vessels were destroyed by the French. Selectman and representative, Sandwich. 1719. Selectman, Barnstable, 1782-4: representative, BarnstaV)le, 1786-8. He d. Barnstable, Aug. 31, 1797, in his 67th year: she d. there, Aug. 25, 1797, in her 70th year. government." and was disfranchised. Smarting^ under persecution he with thirteen other men and tiieir families, left Barnstable in 1660. It is supposed they contemplated settlement at Martha's Vinyard. as Robinson took a letter of dismission to the church there. The names of tills company were .Jonathan Hatch. Isaac Robinson. .Tohn Chapman, .lohn .Jenkins. .James Hamlin. Mr. ' homas, Samuel Faller, Thomas Lothrop. Anthony Annable. Peter Blossom. William Nelson. .James Cobb. Samuel Hinckley, and Thomas Ewer. But they landed at Sue- C(messet. now Jt'almouth. Mass.. where Hatch and Robinson settled. All had land assigned to them there, as proprieters, Nov. 29. 1661 ; but most if not all of them did not settle there. Robinson built the first house in Falmouth; he was licen.sed to keep an Ordinary (tavern) there. 1664; but he had departed in 1670. In 16";^ he was "Recorder," at Tisbury on Martha's Vinyard. a Quaker Colony; and in the same year Gov. Prince having died, his fran('hise was restored under Gov. Josiali Winslow. He remained in full communion with the Barnstable church for seventy years. In 1700 he divided his estate between his three sons; and in 1701 deeded his homestead in Falmouth to his son Isaac. He returned to Barnstable alx)ut 1702, to live with his daughter. Fear Baker; but was in Tisbury the same year. He d. Barnstable. 1704. aged {>;i. Ch. by 1st wife: Susannah. bap. .Jan. .John, " Apr. Isaac, " Aug. Fear, " Jan. Mercy. " .July A Child. .June 1649. still born. By 2d wife: Israel. bap. Oct. .5, 1651 ; removed to Tisbury. .Jacob, " May 1.5, 16.W; m. Experience . Peter, removed to Norwich, Ct. Thomas, bap. Mar. 6, 1666; removed to Guilford, Ct. * Note 87. For Rowland see note 61. 21, IKiS; d. before 1664. 5. 1640; m. Elizabeth Weeks. 7, 1643; " Ann 26. 1645; " Rev. Samuel Baker, 4. 1647; " William Weeks. Children: 374.* Esther, Feb, 375. Elizabeth, Mar 37ti.* Asa, Nov 377. Rebecca, Nov 378. JOSIAH, Oct. [ 131 ] NOAH CR OCKI FIFTH GENERATION. 119 [ 123 J LEMUEL NYE,^ (Bro of Lot, ) b about, 1733: m. Oct. 25. 1757, Rebecca,^ dau. of Thomas and Rebecca (Hamblen) Crocker,* b. Barnstable, Nov. 30, 1735. He probably removed from Sandwich to Barnstable with his parents when a child: and was bap. at Barnstable, 1740: returned to Sandwich and again removed to Barnstable, where both d. and are buried at West Barnstable; he July 1, 1814; she June 4, 1817. Children: 19, 1759; Sandwich. 29, 17(J1, •• d. Apr. 13, 1788. 9, 17H3, 6, 1766, " d. Feb. 7, llH'i. 11, 1769; Barnstable, d. Oct. 20, 1788. R.-^ (Ruth Hamblin,* James,32i) b. Barnstable, Mass., Sept. 12 1724. One Noah Crocker, whose wife was Content, lived in Lee, Mass.; his minister's tax of 7 shillings, 7 d. for 1788, was remitted; and he signed a petition there about 1800. On a grave stone in Lee are these in.scriptions. Noah Crockek, DIED April, 10, 1807, aged 84, Content, his wife Died july 23, 1794 AGEl) 65. There was a Noah Crocker, Jr., in Lee, perhaps a son of the above; one Noah Crocker, b. Dec. 21, 1782, married Betsey Foote.' [ 133 ] HANNAH CROCKER, 5(Sister of Noah,) b. Barnstable. Mass., May 1(5, 1729; m. Jiin. 29, 1758, Abel Cushing, of Hingham, Mass. [ 134 ] ANNA CROCK ER,5 (Sister of Noah,) b. Barnstable, Mass., May 8, 1731, m. Dec. 15, 1747, Jabez Bursley.t * Note S8. For Crocker see note Hb. + Note S9. Mk. .fOHN BCRSLEY.i came to America early. prol>ably from Enjrland. The name is written Burslem. Burslin, Bursiyn, Burseley, Bursly, &c. He was styled "Mr.." a title of respect. He was a member of the Dorchester Co. that settled Cape Ann, 1624; was at Wes- sasuscus. now Weymouth, Mass.. 1(529; an associate of Mr. William .Jetfreys; freeman. May IS. Iffiil; assessor, lOiH; deputy, 1(5:*; removed to Barnstable, May Kiiiil, in company with Mr. Thomas Dimmock and Kev. .Joseph Hull; he was at E.xeter, lH4;j and 1(54.5; Hampton and Ivit- tery, Maine, 1(547: Neweech-wannook, Sept. 9. 1650; Kittery, 1(5.50-2; he visited the Isle of Shoals, and other places on the coast for trading purposes; his family remainin};; in Barnstable; m. Sandwich, Mass., Nov. 2S, 161^9. .Joanna, dau. of Kev. .Joseph Hull, andlresided with his father- ni law until about 1650. when he removed to his farm at West Barnstable. He d. 1(5(50; estate i;il5. 5; his widow m. Dolar Davis. Children: A Child, buried .Ian. 25, 1640-1. Mary, l)ap. .luly 29, 164:j; m. .John Crocker. .John, ' Sept. 22. 1644: buried Sept. :27, 1(544. .Joanna, "' Mar. 1, 1645-6; m, Shubael Dimmock, Elizabeth, " Mar. ;i'>, 1619; •• NathanieUioodspeed and Increase Clap. .John. " Apr. 11.1652; " Elizabeth Howland and Elizabeth Temperance, " Joseph Crocker. I I 120 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [137] SILAS HAMBLIN.MJames,"^!) b. Barnstable, Mass., Apr. 15, 1722; m. 1st, Falmouth, Mass , Dec. 21, 1747, Bethia. Eldridere:* "Both of Falmouth," at time of marriage. It is supposed he was married twice. The date of his settlement in Falmouth is unknown: but his fatiier's name appears in the town records there, Nov. 10, 1748. He removed toSharon, Ct., where the records show that ''Silas Hamlin, of Fahnouth, Barnstable Co.. Mass." bought land there, Jan. 28, 1752: and exchanged land with Joseph Holly the same year. He probably d. in 1761, or soon after. It is traditional that his son, Silas, was reared from an early age by Col. Harvey, of wSharon. Ch. by 1st wife: 379.* Silas, b. 1747. .380.* Jemmia, Bv 2d wife: " 1754. 381.* Amos, 382.* Zaccheus, b. Sept. 383.* Seth, " Mar. [ 138 ] Ensign C \LEB HAMBLIN,-^ ( Bro. of Silas,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Feb. 8, 172.3-4. The records of Sandwich show the marriage there, of Caleb Hamblin, of Falmouth, and Content P'ish,! of Sand- wich, by Ezra Bourne, Justice of the peace, Oct. 29, 1747: she was dau. of "Nathaniel and Dorothy (Ellis) Fish, b. Sandwich. Jan. 23, 1713-4. He was a Mariner many years, and successful; resided at Cedar Swamp, near Waquoit, .JOHN BURSLEY,2 m. 1st, D^c. 137 S. Elizabeth, dau. of Lt. .Fohii, and Mary (Lee ) Howland. b. Marshfleld, Mass.. May 17. lei-i; m. 3d, Elizabeth, probably widow of Samuel Hinckley, 2 and dau. of Edward Pitzrandolphe; as the wife of Hinckley she was called Mary, but as his widow she sij^ned as Elizabeth Bursley. In old time the naiies .Mary aud Elizabeth were synonymous. He inlKirited his father's ho as3, which ha bequeathe 1 t) his s^a Joseph: his father and himself were wealthy men. He d. 1726; estate £3.137.i:i.l0. Ch. b. Barnstable: Elizabeth. Oct. 1674: d. Oct. 1675. Mercy, Oct. 1675; " Apr. 1676. John, Mar. 1677-S; m. Mary Crocker. Mary, May 23, 1679; " Joseph Smith. .Tabez, Au?. 21. 1681; •' Hannah .TOANNA, Nov. 29, 1684; " Nathan Crocker. .Joseph. .Jan. 39. 1686-7; " Sarah Crocker. Abioail, Au?. 27. 1690; " Nathaniel Bodfish. Elizabeth, Auk. 5.1693; " .Jonathan Crocker. Temperance. .Jan. :3, 1696; d. Sept. 20, 1734, unm. * Note 90 WILLIAM ELDREDGE,i b. England, m. Anne, dau. of William and Taraesin Lumpkin, resided Yarmouth, Mass. ELISHA ELDREDGE.2 b. Yarmouth 1653, d. Eastham Oct. 14, 1739. ELISHA ELDREDGE.3 b. about 1690; m. Dorcas, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Bas.sett) Mul- ford; he d. Mansfield. Ct.. Nov. 9. 1754. .JESSE ELDREDGE.ib. Eastham, Mass.. .\u!?. 9, 1715; m. Nov. 7. 1734, Abigail, dau. of Samuel and Abigail ( Freemen ) Smith; she dfescended from Elder William Brewster. Stephen Hopkins, Gov. Thomas Prince, Edward Freeman, Rev. .John Lothrop. Ralph Smith, Henry Howland, and Thomas Clark, + Note 91. For Fish see note 54. FIFTH GENERATION. 121 Falmouth.* He was Ensign. 10th Co., in Col. Shubael Gorham's 7 Regt. Mass., in the army under Sir William Pepperell; commission given by Gov. Shirley, at Loishiirg. Nov. 4, 1745. Highway Surveyor. 1750. Vn honest, upright man.- Many of his descendants have been Mariners, shipmasters and officers of vessels: an honest, hardy race. It is traditional that he and six sons served in the Revolution, but the record of liis service has not been discovered. Both d. Waquoit: he Apr. 17, 1794: and are buried in the cemetery at East Falmouth. No stone ever marked his grave. Ch. prob. b. Waquoit: 384.* James, 385* Nathan, o8(i.* Caleb, 387.* Reuben, about 1758. 3!>8.* Benjamin, 389.* Thomas, 390. Abigail. b. 1708: m. Benj. Hamblen.o 391.* Nathaniel, '' Apr. 17, 1774. 392. Deborah. d. Mar. 1829, unm. 393.* Hannah, [ 140 ] BEX.I AMIN H AMBLEN,^ (Bro. of Silas,) b Barnstable, Mass., Jan. 1, 1730: m. 1st there, Oct. 9, 1700, Jerusha Ham- blen: m. 2d. Lee, Mass., by Rev. Alvan Hyde, Feb. 19, 1795, Thankful Barlow, both of Lee: She was perhaps widow of Lemuel Barlow, to whom she was married Dec. 23. 1785: and if so, her maiden name was Bassett. She survived him, and m. Benjamin Davis. June 5, lf>09. Hed. Lee, May 2, 1798. He served in Capt. Elijah Bang's Co., of Barnstable Co.: list dated Sept. 4. 1786; res. Fal- mouth. [ 143 ] JOB H AMBLIN.5 ( Bro. of Silas. ) b. 1736 in Barnstable or Falmouth, Mass.; m. Sandwich, Mass.,. by Rev. .Vbraham Williams, Jan. 8, 1761, Abigail Giffordf. Removed to what is now * Note 92. Durina: the Revolution Falmouth was subject to alarms from British vessels; Vinvard Sound was at times infested with their cruisers, and Tarpaulin Cove, Woods Hole, and otlitr places in Falmouth served as harbors for their ships; from whence tliey landed to annoy the inhal)itants; driving off stock and confiscating supplies for their navy. Among the patri- otic military leaders were Col. .Joseph Dimmock and his brother Lieut. Lot Dimmock, Job Parker. Capt. .)oseph Parker. Capt. Barachiah Bassett and Capt. John Grannis. Early in the struggle Captain Grannis raised a company which was stationed at the Elizabetli Islands, as ^lartha's Vinyard and Nantucket were then called, for better defense of the main land. Sev- eral of the Hamlins of Falmouth were active in th" service; among whom were Caleb Hamlin and liis sons. It is traditional that his sons James and Nathan were captured by the British, and that James died in Dartmoor prison, England. Simeon Flamblin of Falmouth was another Falmouth soldier. Many Cape Cod men served in Col. Nathaniel Freeman's Barnstai)le County Militia regiment. Several conflicts ensued with the enemy in which these restless yankee sailor soldiers succeeded in capturing English ships during the war. t NoTKffJ. WALTER GIFFORD,! came from England to Mass., Iti-iO. It is supposed that he was the ancestor of the Oiffords in New England. WILLIAM GIFFORD,2 son of the above, was in Stamford, Ct., 1047; and is supposed to be the same who was in Sandwich, Mass.. Ki.W. He with George Allen, and the sons of Peter (Jaunt, all of Sandwich, with others, were proprietors of Monmouth, N. J.; having purchased the lands there, from the Indians; and to whom the Monmouth Patent was granted. Apr. t<, 1(;()5; Gifford may have been there, 1(565-70. Tliey were Quakers, and suffered persecution in Mass. and in \. .1. He owned lands in Sandwich, Falmouth and Dartmouth, Mass.; also in New .lersey and Conn. William Gitt'ord, Sr., William Gitt'ord. Jr.. John and William Weeks were the first settlers at Hog Island, or West Falmouth, Mass . where William Gitt'ord had obtained 122 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Lee, Mass., about 1772; be was one of tbe wealtbiest settlers tbere: bad tbe first store, in tbe first two story building in tbe place; Sept 19, 1777 lie conveyed land in Washington Mass.; in 1778 be brougbt a load of salt frt)m Boston. His name frequently appeared on tbe town records of Lee, after 1777: at tbe first town meeting Dec. 26, 1777, be was cbosen liigbway surveyor, and lield various other town offices: tytbingman, warden, constable, bog reave: fence viewer, and school collector; he served on various committees: to employ a preacher, to build a meeting bouse, to care for tbe smallpox, to build a bridge, &c.: over- seer of work on county road: in 1795 bis saw mill is mentioned. Mar. 8, 1801, Josiab Willougbby made public confession of bis wickedness for manifesting anger and using unbecoming language in a contention with Job Ilamblin. Tbe town records show, June 2(i, 1802, "Received of Ebenezer Jenkins, Esq. aline collected of Job Hamblin for swearing 0. 01. Tbe church record of Lee, show, Dec. 1802: "By sling and other liquors, several mugs, witii a large number, viz: All tbe Meeting House Committee, vSelec. men, Job Hamlin, Ich^ Backus, E. Grant,. Claimants, 1.50. Nobody paid a farthing." A grand daughter, Mrs. Lucy P. Baker, late of Lee. related that slie had heard him say, that he served under Gen. Wolfe, at Quebec, 1759, and was present at his death. He was private in Capt. Amos Porter's Co., in Col. David Ros- siter's Mass. Regt.; enlisted Oct. 18, 1780: discharged Oct. 21, 1780; served on alarm in Berkshiie, Oct. 15. 1780. LEASE. This indenture of lease, in two parts, made this sixth day of November, in the year of our Lord One Thousand and Eight hundred, Between ye Hopland School District, in tbe Town of Lee, in tlie county of Berkshire, of the one part and Job Hamlin of Lee, aforesaid, of tbe other part, Witnesseth: That the said District in Consideration of tbe Rents and Covenants herein after men- tioned, hath demised, granted, and to farm Lett, and by these present doth Demise, grant, and to farm let. to tbe said Job Hamblin, one Certain tract of lands from .John Jenkins of Barnstable, for lands at Great Hill Neck— Barnstable ? March. 1(578, He also purchased land in Falmouth from an Indian. Job Attukoo. July 24, 167.i. Other lands were laid out on the '"Plains" in Falmouth to William and John Gilford and others in 1688. Christopher, son of William GifFord was in Teticket. 1090; William Gitt'ord save his lands in Falmouth to his sons Jonathan and James; and his lands in Dartmouth to his sons Robert and Christopher; he d. Apr. 9, 1087. Children: John. m. Elishua Crowell. Hannaniah. " Elizabeth WiLMAM, •• 2d Lydia Hatch. Chbistopheb, b. .luly 10.")S; " Meribah and Deborah Perry. KOB RT. •' 1000; •• Sarah Wing. Patience, •' Richard Kirby. Mary. Jonathan. " May U. 1081; " Lydia James, '• Mar. 10. 1685-6; •' Deborah Lewis. Another record states: Jonathan GiFFORDi, with brother William, came from north of England to America 16;i0; his discendents were: Silas Gifeord'-J. b. 1650; of Falmouth. Mass. Jonathan Giffords, b. lOSO. of Falmouth,. Silas Giffordi, b. 1710; of Dartmouth. Mass. Jonathan Gifford.s b, 1740; m. Deborah Macomber; he of Dartmouth; d. 18i:i Silas GiFFour^'i. of Greenfield. N. V.; b. Dartmouth; m. Elizabeth Robinson and Dolly Will- lox; he d. 1855. FIFTH GENERATION. 123 Land Described as follows: (viz:) Lying in said Hopland School District, and is part of Lot Xo. Two. in the fourth Division, beginning at ye North West Corner of said Lot, thence South five Degrees West, Thirty one and lialf Rods, thence East Forty two Rods— Thence Eas-t fifteen Degrees South, four Rods— Thence North fifteen Degrees East. Thirty Two Rods, To a stalve— Thence West five Degrees North, fifty Two and an half Rods, to the bounds begun at. Containing by estimation Six Acres and Sixty Square Rods, Being School Land lying within and belonging to said District.— To have and to liold the same, witli the Appurtenances thereof, to him the said Job Hamlin, his Heirs, executors. Administrators and Assigns, for and During the Term of Nine hundred Eighty and Two Years: Yielding and paying there foi to the Said District, the yearly sum of Three Dollars Thirty Eight Cents and four Mills, to be paid Annually, on the foresaid sixth day of November, in each and every year, during said Term: the payment to be made to the Committee of the District for the time being; and if the aforesaid yearly Rent of Three Dollars Thirty Eight Cents & four Mills— or any part thereof shall be in ar- rears and unpaid for the space of Tnree Kelendar Months, exclusive from the day when the same shall Become payable, as foresaid, it shall be lawful for the said District, by tiieir Committee, fur the time being, into the said Demis- ed premises or any parcel tliereof, in the name of the whole, to re-enter and the same Demised premises and every part and parcel thereof, to repossess, and enjoy in the same right, title and estate as the said District had therein before, and until the execution of this Lease: and the said Job Hamlin his Heirs, executors. Administrators and Assigns, to expel and exclude there from, anything herein before to the Contrary notwithstanding. Bnt if at any time, here after,during said term, the said Job Hamlin. his Heirs, Executors, Adminis- trators or Assigns, shall well and truly pay into ye Committee of the .said District, for the time being, the sura, of which the yearly rent afore.said. is the Lawful interest, together with the Rents, which may remain unpaid at the time of the payment of ye Sum Last aforesaid, tlren the yearly rent afore- said shall cease and be extingushed, and be considered as wholly paid, during the remainder of said Term. And the .said Job Hamlin for liim .self his Heirs Executors, Administrator and Assigns, Covenants witli the said District, that he the said .Job Hamlin, his Heirs, Executors, Administrator and A.ssigns shall and Avilj, well and Tiuly pay the afore.said yearly Sums of Rent, at the several times, when the same shall become payable, as aforesaid: and will al.so pay & dischacge all Taxes, Rates and Assessments whatever, which sliall be levied, assessed or Charged upon the said Demi-sed premises, or any part thereof, during said Term, will u.se and improve said Demi.sed premises in a proper and reasonable Manner, keep the same in a good state of Repair, and at the expiration of .said Term will Deliver peaceable possession thereof to the said District, without Strip or Waste, in Witness thereof, the said District by David Porter, Joseph Whiton, and Jedediah Crocker, a Committee thereunto duly appointed & .\uthorized by Law, and the said Job Hamlin in his own person, hereto .set their signatures and seals the day and year above written. Signed. Sealed & Delivered David I'orter, ) in the presence of John V\ liiton, - Seal. Note the words 'District" & "Good" Jedediah Crocker, ) were interlined before signing Christoplier Hurlbut, JOB HAMBLIN. .Seal. John Moshier. 394.* Deliverance, 395.* •Elizabeth, 39fi.* Cornelius, 397.* David, 398.* James, 124 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. The town record shows, "Job Hamlin's Mark for his Creatures is a Hollow Crop in the End of Left Ear, and a Happen y uper side the same, and a happeny under side tlie Same Ear." Both d. Lee: he October, 20, 1815; she June 25, 1810, in her 69th year. Children: b. Falmouth. Jan. 17H4. " " Apr. 15, 1766. " Oct. 1, 1783. [144] MARY HAMBLEN,MSistei- of Silas.) m. Jan. 23, 1782, Joseph Hatch,* of Falmouth, Mass. * Note 94. THOMAS HATCH, i came to America as early as 1(533-4; propounded freeman. Yarmouth, Mass., Jan. 7. 163S-9; removed to Barnstable. 1041 ; very little is known of him. Otis says of his wife, Grace; "she must have been a second wife, for if Jonathan and Lydia liad been her cliildren, she would not have allowed them in youth to have been aliens from their father's house." He d. 1661, "not a young man." Ch. prob. b. England: Jonathan, about 1634; m. Sarah Rowley. Lydia. '• 1626; " Henry Taylor. .IONATHAN HATCH.2 b. p]ngland about 1634; m. Apr. 14, 1646. Sarah, dau. of Henry Rowley, of Barnstable. At the age of fourteen he was bound apprentice to Lieut. Richard Davenport, of Salem, Mass.; his father, mother and sister had removed to Yarmouth, leaving him among strangers ; after remaining two years he deserted and came to Boston ; was arrested as a f ugiti ve from service, Sept. 2. 1640. and sentenced to be severly whipped and committed as a slave to Lieut. Davenport, but escaped to his father's house in Yarmouth. Mar. 1, 1642. he was taken as a vagabond, ordered to be whipped and sent from constable to constable to Lieut. Davenport, at Salem. This sentence was reconsidered by the court; as it had no authority over a party from another jurisdiction; and he was appointed to dwell witli Mr. Stephen Hopkins. His parent appear to have taken no interest in his welfare; this can be ac<,'ounted for on the theory that Grace was his father's second wife, who prejudiced him against his son. The boy was e.v- posed to temptation, had no friend upon whom to rely, a bond servant, which liis proud spirit would not brook; he resisted and escaped from servitude, for which he was punished. We caTi but admire his bold and manly resistance of the intolerant spirit of the age. anil of the law. which banished liim from his father's house; and deprived liim of liberty. After marriage he probably r'esided several years at West Barnstable; was on committee to lay out a road from Sandwich to Plymouth, 1652; removed to South Sea liefore 165.'), and dwelt near the Indians; and was prosecuted for dealing with them. May 2?', 1661. he sold his farm at Sipnesset (South Sea) and went with a company from West Barnstalfle to Succonesset (Fal- moutli.) See note t<6. and page 34. He and Isaac Robinson were the first settlers at Falmouth. It was voted at a meeting of the proprietors of Falmouth. Nov. 29, 1661. "That lonathan Hati-h and Isaac Robinson, because they have built their houses shall have lots by their houses," &c. June ri 16T9. he bought three Indians for slaves. He appears to have returned to Barnstable, and became freeman there, .lune 24, 1690. He was the patriarch of an esteemed family, acL\RY, Sept. 1645. Sarah, March . .Joseph, .June 1652; m. Experience Harper. •John, March. 1654; removed to Newport. R. I. Hannah. Feb. 16.56; m. .Joseph Blush.2 * Note 100. ANTHONY ANNABLE.i b. Kent, Eng., about 155)9;he came in the ship.Du). with his wife .Jane and dau. Sarah. .June or .July, 162.J; and resided in Plymouth until 1654; freeman ]6;j:i; was one of tlie founders of Scituate and of Mr. Lothrop's church there, of which he became a niem))er .Jan. S, 1634-5; constable 1635 and 1638; removed to Barnstable 1640. His character was blameless; except Gov. Hinckley, no man in Barnstable was more employed in public business; deputy 1639-47, 1650-3 and 16.56-7: he served on committees to revise the laws and was frequently employed In important and difficult business of the Colony. Strange as it appears with all his service he was not dignified with the title of "Mr.." but all his life was calltjd "Goodman FIFTH GENERATION. 129 Annable." His farm was in West Barnstable, owned in modern times by Natlian Jenlvins; his wife d. Barnstable, and buried Dec. i:j. 1(U3; m. Sd. Mar. -i, lt>44-5. Ann Clark; who was buried May 1(5, ItiDl ; m. 3d, Ann Balcer. He d. Ui7-t. Ch. by 1st wife: Sarah. b. 1622. Eng. ; m. Henry Ewell. Hannah. "■ 1625. Plymouth ; m. Tliomas Bowerman. ScsAXXAH. •• 1630, •• •• William Hatch, .Jr. A dau.. stillborn, Scituate; buried Apr. 8, 163,5. Deborah, bap. May 7, 1637. By 2d wife, b. Barnstable : Samuel. Jan. 22. 16+5-6; m. Mehitable Allyn. ESEK. bap. April 2ii. 16i9; probably d. young. By 3d wife, b. Barnstable: DESir.E, Oct. 11. 1653; m. .John Baker. Esq. SAMUEL ANXABLE.2 b. .Jan. 22. 1645-6; m. June 1. 1667, Mehitable, dau. of Mr. Thomas and Winnifred Allyu. of Barnstable; resided West Barnstable and inherited part of his father's estate ; deputy 1676-7 ; he d. 1678 ; and his widow m. Cornelius Briggs, of Scituate. Ch. b. Barnstable: Samuel. July 14, 1660; m. Patience Doggett. Hannah, Mar. 1672; d. Aug. 1672. John, July 19. 1673; m. Experience Taylor. Anx.\. Mar. 4. 1675-6; m. Dea. John Barker. JOHN ANNABLE ;3 m. June 16, 1692. Experience, dau. of Edward Taylor. Ch. b.- Barnstable: 393. m. Andrew Hallett. d. May, 1697. removed to Rochester. Mass. m. David Hallett. :iO. 1710; m. Walley Crocker. Note 102. Mr. THOMAS ALLYN.i The date when he came to America is unknown; his parents resided near Taunton, Eng. He was the most wealthy of the early .settlers: prob. a trader or merchant. His 1st wife was named Winnifred; he m. 2d. a widow. He was a large land owner in the central part of Barnstable: where h-; d. 1679. Ch. b. Barnstable; Samuel, Feb. 10. 1643-4; m. Hannah Walley. John, 1646; " Mary Howland. Mehitable, 164S; " Samuel Annable and Cornelius Briggs. * Note 103. Mr. ANDREW HALLETT.i Gentleman, ancestor of the family of that name in Yarmouth and Barnstable. Mass; passenger from Weymouth. Eng. age IS, Mar. 20, 1635-6; one of the first who came to Mattakese, as early as 1637; but did not make it his place of abode until 1641; he was in Plymouth, 163S-9; and in Yarmouth. .March, 1639. There was some complaint that he assumed to himself too much of the best land; but the court confirmed his claim. He bought of Dr. William Starr for illO. seventeen acres of land and twelve acres of meadow, with the frame of a house, to be made by William Chase; the house to be made and set with a chimney, and to be thatched, studded and latched, for a;5. This lot was in the north west part of Yarmouth and north east part of Barnstable. He re-vlsited England about 1641-2. and returned; speculated in lands, and had several law suits; it is claimed, not with certainty, that he was a school teacher: although not wealthy, in 164:3, he gave a cow to the poor of Yar- mouth, when it was of the value of a good farm. The title "Gentleman." was conferred upon but few in the colony at that period; and the word had a difterant signification from its pres- ent use; it meant that the person was educated, belonged to the gentry or wealthy class, and was not a mechanic or laborer. The records afford but little information al)out his employ- ment or character. His wife Mary. prob. survived him. He d. Yarmouth, about 1647. Ch. b. England: Bathsheba. Andrew, about 1615; ip. Anne Besse. Sa.muel, drowned 1650. John. Samuel. Sept. 3, 1693. Mehitable. Sept. 28. 1695; John. Apr. 1697; John. May 3. 1698; Mary. Dec. 1701; Cornelius. Nov. 3. 1704. Abigail, Apr. ■60. 1710; 130 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [ 159 ] JABEZ HAMBLIN,-^ (Bro. of Timothy,) b. Barnstable, Mass., 1739; The identity of this man is uncertain. Tlie Mass. records show tliat Jabez Hamlin was private in Oapt. James Davis' Co.: Hannah, about 1627; m. .Tohn Hadaway. JOSIAS. Joseph, m. Klizabetli ANDREW HALLET,2 b. England about 1615. He came over 1636. nominally as the servant of Richard Wade, for convenience in passage; was first at Lynn. Mass., and in Plymouth, 16:J7; was one of the first settlers of Sandwich, 1637; m. Anne, dau. of Anthony Besse. of Sandwich, but formerly of Lynn, in her fourteenth year. He sold his land in Sandwich to Daniel Wing. •June 28. 1640. owned in modern times by Paul Wing, at the Tacli Factory village; removed to Yarmouth 1643; and lived there the remainder of his life. He bought of Gyles Hopkins in 1642, the first house built by the English in Yarmouth, erected by Stephen Hopkins, the pilgrim, on the land owned in modern times by Capt. Charles Bassett. In 1655 he bought the farm of Robert Dennis; by subsequent purchases he became the largest land owner in Yarmouth, hav- ing about 300 acres of the best land in town. Farmer, and by industry, skillful management and economy accumulated a large estate. His tax in 1676 was one twentieth of the entire assessment of the town; highway surveyor 1642, 'olj and V'jS; constable 16)1, "79; grand juror 1660. '67, '7.5 and other offices; member of the church, Yarmouth. He employed Indian servants about the farm labor. He d. Yarmouth, spring U1S4; will March 14. 16S2; estate £1180-13-9: she d. 1694. Children: RUHAMA, m. .Job Bourne and Hersey. ABiQAiii, b. 1644; m. Capt. .lonathan Alden.2 Dorcas, bap. June l. 1646: probably d. young. Jonathan, b. Nov. 20, 1647; m. Abigail Dexter. John, b. Dec. 11. 1650; m. Mary Howes. Mhitable, " .Tohn Dexter. .JONATHAN HALLETT.3 b. Nov. 20. 1647; m. June 30. 16S3-4. Abigail, dau. of Ensign Thomas and ( Vin ;ent ) Dexter, b. Sandwich. June 12. 1663. In 16S4. he was constable and resided in Sandwich. After the death of his father he removed to Yarmouth and occupied the west room in his father's house until 1695, when he built a new house, known as the .Jeremiah Hallett house; the lumber for which came from Scituate; it was not finished, plastered, painted or papered and the furniture was as mean as the finish; it was cold and cheerless, yet he was tlie richest man in Yarmouth, and denied himself the comforts and conveniences of life, that he might add to his wealth. He bought a negro slave Harry, for i;20. He d Jan. 12. 1717; will dated Dec. 5. 1716; proved Feb. 14, 1717; real estate £2000. and a large personal estate; shed. Sept. 2. 1714. Ch. b. Sandwich and Yarmouth: Mhitabij;. m. Edward Sturgis. Ebenezer, •' Rebecca Hawes. Hannah Hallett and Mercy Gray. Thomas. b. 1691 ; m. Sarah Hawes, Mrs. Hannah Gray, Desire Gorham and Mrs. Mary Hedge. Jonathan, b. 1694; m. Desire Howes. David. m. Mary Annable. Abigail. " Hatsuld Freeman. ETjIzabeth. " Paul Crowell. Timothy. '• Thankful Sturgis, Elizabeth Hatch and Thankful Jones. DAVID HALLETT,* m. Aug. 19. 1719. Mary.* dau. of John and Experience ( Taylor ) Annable, b. Dec. 1701. Ch. b. Barnstable: Abioaii., June 22. 1720; m. Prince Hawes. Jonathan. Jan. 12, 1722; " Mercy Bacon. David. Dec. 12, 1724; '• Sarah Lewis. El.I/.AIlKTH. Jan. 9. 1726. Mehitabi.e. Apr. 21, 1729; m. Shubael Baxter. Remember. May 12. 1731 ; '■ .Jabez Marchant. Sarah. May 28, 1733; " Jabez Parker. Annah, May 14. 1737; '• Elisha ICent. Mary. May 11, 1739; •• Timothy Hamblin Abner, May 19, 1741; '• Susan . FIFTH GENERATION. 131 enlisted July 10, 1775: served on coast service: discharged Nov. 1, 1775; roll sworn to in Barnstable County: also private, same company, enlisted Nov. 1, 1775: discharged Dec. 31, 1775; roll dated Barnstable: also, Jabez Hamlen, private in Captain Micah Hamlen's Co., in Col. Thomas Marshall's Mass. Regt.: enlisted June 13, 1776: served to Nov. 1, 1776; traveled 77 miles: residence Barnstable: also, Corp. Jabez Hamblin, in list of men same company and regiment, Nov. 1776; he signed an order for advanced pay &e. dated Boston, June 27, 1776; also, Jabez Hamlen, private in Captain Micah Hamlen's Co., in Col. Marshall's Regt., dated Castle Island, Oct. 17, 1776: enlisted June 13, 1776; discharged Aug. 1, 1776: residence Barnstable; also, Jabez Hamblen in Capt. John Russell's Co., in Col. Gamaliel Bradford's Mass. Regt.: enlisted Jan. 10, 1777; marched from Boston to Bennington: discharged Mar. 21, 1777: also, in list of men returned by Joseph Otis, nuister master, Feb. 18, 1777; same Company and regiment: enlisted for three years: mustered Feb. 15, 1777; residence, Barnstable: also, Jabez Hamblin, joined same company and regiment April. 6. 1777: also, in return of men same company and regiment enlisted into the Continental army from Barnstable Co.. dated May 10, 1778, enlistment to expire Jan. 1780; residence, Barnstable: also, Corp. Jabez Hamblen, same company and regiment, on roll dated Jan. 15, 1778, enlisted for 3 years; also, Corp. same company and regiment, mustered by Continental muster master: residence Barnstable: reported on furlough, 1780: also, Corp. on Depreciation Roil, same regiment, to make good wages &c.; reported deserter; also, Corp. on Continental Army Pay Accounts, 6th Co.. same regiment; service from Jan. 10, 1777 to Sept 1, 1778: residence. Barnstable: reported deserter. Mr. Hamblin Dickey, of Monroe, Maine, wrote 1847, that this Jabez Hamblin d. in Barnstable. [ 160 J SOLOMON HAMBLEN,5 fBro. of Timothy.) b. Barnstable, Mass., about 1741. Mr. Hamblin Dickey, of Monroe, Maine, a relative, wrote, 1847, that two sons of Zaccheus Hamblen,* of Barnstable, were lost at sea with their father about 1770. I suppose it must have been Solomon and Joshua. [ 161 ] JOSlAlI HAMBLEN,5 (Bro. of Timothy,) b. Barnstable, about 1743; lost at sea about 1770; see sketch of Solomon Hamblen [ 160 ] [ 170 ] TIMOTHY HAMBLEN,'^ (Jabez,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. Barnstable, Mass., about 1739; bap. May :i8, 1749. He went to Canada in place of his father, Jabez Hamblen, in command of Capt. James Otis, Apr. 14. 1759. and his age then given as 20 years. [ 171 ] JAMES HAMBLEN,-^ (Bro. of Timothy,) b. Barnstable, Mass. about 1742: bap. May 28, 1749. He went to Canada in place of his father, in command of Capt. James Otis, Apr. 14, 1759, and his age then stated 17 years. Perhaps he lost his life on that expedition, as there is no further account of him: and a brother named James, was bap. on May 20, 1759. [ 176 ] THANKFUL HAMBLEN,^' (.Jonathan," James.^',) b. Barnstable, Mass. Apr. 18, 1747: m. February 28, 1781. James West, of Barnstable. Isaac Hamblen, of Montpelier. Vt., wrote 1846, that this family resided in Sandwich, Mass. 132 THE HAMLIIS^ FAMILY. [ 177 ] JONATHAN HAMBLEN,-* (Bro. of Thankful,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Mar. 22, 1749. Published to be married. 1779, to Sarah Davis,* of Barnstable: Farmer: Barnstable, Falmouth and. Sandwich. Private in Capt. Darby's 2d Co., in Col. John Bailey's Mass. Regt.; in service before Aug. 15, 1777. Private in same Co. and Regt.; in service at Valley Forge, Jan. 25, 1778; residence, Berwick. Private in Capt. Jacob Lovell's Co., in Col. Freeman's Mass. Militia Regt.: served at alarm at New Bedford, Dartmouth and Falmouth, 6 days in Sept. 1778; on an order for two months pay as private, dated July 13, 1783. He d. Sandwich, Mass., Apr. 6, 1828. Cb. b. Barnstable. 422. JoKATiiAN, drowned in well aged about 9 years. 423.* Rebecca, Feb. 3, 1781. 424.* Betsey, 425.* Charles, Aug. 10, 1793. [ 183 ] ISAAC H AMBLIN,s ( Josiah.* Jonathan^, James,2 1 ) b. Barnstable, Mass., Oct. 4, 1750: m. there, Mar. 17, 1774, Reliance, dau. of John and Mary (Hamblin) Coleman, t b. Barnstable, Apr. 26, 1752. His son, Isaac, wrote from Montpelier, Vt., 1846; "My father removed to Vermont with his seven sons and a daughter, 1799; he had one brother, David, now residing in Barnstable." Both d. Montpelier; he Dec. 8, 1828; she Feb. 28, 1830. Ch b. Barnstable: 426.* Zacciieus, Sept. 30, 1774. 427.* JosiAH, July, 4, 1776. * Note 104. For Davis see notes 4 and 17. + Note 105. 1 am unable to locate the Mary Hamblin who m. John Coleman^!; possibly she was a widow, and Hamblin not her maiden name. ^ EDWARD COLEMAN, i of Boston; m. Eastham, Mass.. by Mr. Prence, Oct. 27. 1648; Mar- garet, dau. of Thomas Lombard, of Barnstable; he was of Boston 16.")5; and probably came to Barnstable soon after; was admitted an inhabitant there, Oct. 3, l(it)2; and was living March 2B, 1690; when the town granted 2:1 acres of land to his son Edward at Yannows. on condition that he do his utmost to maintain his father and mother and family; this grant was at the south east corner of Barnstable, bounded east by Yarmouth, south by the harbor at Yannows. west by the Hallett land, north by the commons. Margaret Coleman was living Nov. 12. 1714. but lie was then dead. Children: Edward. b. about 1049, Boston; d. 1714 without issue. Elizabeth. " Nov. 2,s, 1651, Boston; m. ,John Hadaway. Maky, " Sept. 12. 1053. Martha. " Aug. .s, 1655. Sarah. Barnstable. .iAMES, " m. Patience Cobb. For Lombard see note 43. .TAMES GOLEM AN.2b. Barnstable; m. 1694, Patience, dau. of Sergt. .lames.? and Sarah.2 ( Lewis ) Cobb; b. barnstaljle. .Ian. 13, 1668. He d. before 1714; and his widow m. Sept. 10. 171.'i. Tliomas Lombard; she d. Mar, 30,J_747. Children: ErwARD. b. Oct. 2.5, 1695; m. Thankful Lumbard. Martha, "Mar. 4, 169«; •' Capt .Tohn Phinney. Thankful. " Feb. 7, 1669-1700; m. Robt. Claghorn. A Son. •' Feb. 26, 1702-3; d. same day. .Tames. '• Apr. 11. 1704; m. Patience and Martha Phinney. •Tohn. •' Sept. 26. 1706; " Mrs. Reliance Cobb and Mary Hamblin. Patience, " May. 6,1709; •' .Tames Loth rop. Ebenezer, " Aug. 15, 1711. FIFTH GENERATION. 133 428. Elxathax Paukek, Apr. 15, 1778: d. youn^. 429.* William, 8ept. 3, 1780. 430-* Mary, June 10, 1782. 431. Charles, Aug. 4, 1784; d. Apr, 10, 1813; unm. 432. Eleazer, Mar. 4, 1787: "Barnstable, Apr. 18.1818, unm. 433.* EZEKIEL, " " " 434.* Isaac, Aug. 2, 1790. [184] DAVID HAMBLEN.5 (Bro. of Isaac,) b. Barnstable, Mass., bap. Veh. 15, 1761: m. there, Oct. 17, 1789. Anna Lewis:* resided Barnstable. 1846. Ch. b. Barnstable: 435.* Lewis, May 27, 1792. 436.* Elvaton, Mar. 3, 1794. 437.* Deborah P. Apr. 25, 1796. 438. Mercy, Mar. 15, 1798: d. Nov. 27, 1819. 439.* Harvey, May 29, 1804. [185] RUTH HAMBL1N,5 (Sister ot Isaac.) b. Barnstable, Mass.; Published there, Mar. 12. 1768 to be m. to Levi Bearse.t He d. Barnstable, Sept. 28, 1831. Ch. b. Barnstable; 440. George, Mar. 10, 1779. 441. Ebenezer Parker, Apr. 20, 1782. 442. Freeman, Apr. 1, 1787. JOHN COLEMAN.3b. Sept. 26, 170(5: m. 1st. Aug. 5. 173«. Reliance, widow of Eleazer Cobb, nee Paine: who d. June 11. 1742. aged 36; m. 2d. Barnstable, Aug. 2. 1743. Mary Hamblin; her wneestur not discovered; perhaps she was a widow. He resided in the ancient Cobb House till Nov. 2>1. 1746: when he removed to South Sea. Ch. by 1st. wife, baptized East Church Barnstable: Martha, .Tune 19, 1737. John. Oct, 29. 17ci.s. Mary, May 11, 1740. By 2d. wife: Mary, Aug. 5, 1644, Thomas, Nov. 8, 1747. Nathaniel, Sept. 17. 1749. Zaccheus, Feb. 24. 1750-1. Reliance. Apr. 26. 1752; m. Isaac Hamblin. Note 106. For Cobb see note 20. Serg. JAMES COBB.2 ( Henry.i ) m. Dec 26. 1663, Sarah.2 dau, of George Lewis, b. Barn- stable. Feb, 2. 1643-4. He d, 169.i; his widow m. Nov. 23. 1698, Jonathan Sparrow, of Eastliam. Ch. b, Barnstable; Mary, Nov. 24, 1664; m. Capt. Caleb Williamson. Sarah. ,7an. 26. Iti66; " Benjamin Hinckley. Patience, Jan. 12, 166S; •' James Coleman and Thomas Lombard. Hannah, Mar. 2,S, 1671; " Joseph Davis. James. July 8. 1673; " Elizabeth Hallett. Gershom, Aug. 4,1675; " Hannah Davis. John. Dec. 20. 1677; '" Hannah Lothrop- Elizabeth. Oct. 6, 1680. Martha. Feb. 6, 1682. Mercy. Apr. 9, 16S5. Thankful, June 10, 16S7. * Note 107. For Lewis see Note 10. + Note 108. For Bearse see note 15. 443. TlIANKFU 444. Lydia, 445. JOSIAH, 446. Sally, 447. Deborah, 448. Micah, l;{4 THE H AMLl^^ FA M ILY. [ 186 ] DEBORAFI H A^rBLEX.-^ (Sister or' Isaac. ) b. Barnstable, Mass., m. Hezekiah Merchant, of Barnstable She was adra. to East church Barnstable, Dec. 1. 1776. and dismissed to South Granville, (Washington Co. N. Y.V) Oct. 2. 1796. Ch. b. Barnstable. May 25, 1770. Mar. 24, 1772. Dec. 4, 1773. Nov. 6, 1777. Mar. 25, 1780. Apr. 14, 1782. [ 190 ] THANKFUL HAMLrN,^ (Perhaps dau. of Ebenezer,4 3 Janies;^ i) m. Farinington, Ct., Oct. 10, 1753. Jacob Reoyse (.Eoyse.*) Prob. removed from Farmington about 1759, Ch. b. Farmington, 449. JoKL, Feb 24, 1755. 450." Amos, May 4, 1758. [ 191 ] Lieut. EBENEZER HAMBLIN.^ ( Ebenezer.is James.21) b, Farmington, in that part now Bristol, Ct., 1740. It is supposed that he removed in youth with his father to what is now Alford, Mass. The following record is found at Great Barrington, Mass.: Dec. 18. 1762. Int of m. between Ebenezer Hamlin, Jr. of Great Barrington, and Lois Brooks, of Farmington, (Conn.) was entered on record and a Notification thereof posted on the next day, Per Mark Hopkins Town clerk of Gt. Barrington, Mass. They were m. 1763. June 27, 1763, he sold to Noah and Anthony Haskins 150 acres of land in the "Shawenon Purchase," (in Alford.) Apr. 25. 1765, he was of Farmington, Ct., when he conveyed to Philip Case the westerly part of lot 23, (in Alford.) The records of the May term 1771 of the Conn. Gen. Assembly mentions Ebenezer Hamlin of Farmington. He was assessed for taxes 1771-3, in that part of Farmington which is now Burlington, at that period called Farmington West Woods. Dec. 23, 1772, with others of Farm- ington, he conveyed land to the town for highway purposes; his tract being described as lot 35, in 5th division in West part of Farmington. It is supposed he resided at some time near the old Simeon Hart place in the center of Burlington, a good farm of 120 acres, occupied in 1899 by Mr. ^lauzer Brocket The records of Bristol, Ct. show various conveyencesof land from and to him and his wife Lois; and deeds in which his son Mark and brothers Lent and Dan, * Note 109. ABEL ROYSE. of Farmington conveyed to his son .Jacob. May 28. 1755, two pieces of land in Farmington ; one being one sixtli part and one fifth part of one sixth part of Lot 50. 4th division of hind lying west of the reserved, as it lyeth undivided with tlie rest of said lot, which granted land contains by estimation 18 acres and -i rods, more or less. The whole of said Lot is butted and bounded as folio weth: East and west on highways, north on land originally .John Thompson's, dec'd. and south on my own land. Also 5 acres it being part of the farm where I now dwell in the aforesaid 4th. division and is to lye on the south sd of said farm, beginning 22 rods west of highway running cross my sd farm and is to lye 40 rods in length, east and west and 20 rods in liredth north and south, and is Imtted and bounded east and west and north on my own land, south on land of Nehemiah Royse. March Iti, 1759, Abel Royse deeded other lands in said Lot 50 to his son Jacob, and on Nov. 5, 17(37, said .Tacol) Royse deeded all said land, on which he then dwelt, to Da.nlel Thompson, of New Haven. Thi; Royse family came from Wallingford, Ct.. to Farmington. FIFTH GENERATION. 135 and (ttliers are parties. At a meeting of the proprietors of Upper Hnsatonic. 1793. at Gt. Barrington. lot 35 was drawn by him. They were residents of Bristol and Burlington until 1797. where he was prominent in town and church. Extracts from Records of First Pi'esb. Ch., West Britain, now Burlington, Ct. First Monday. Dec. 1774. Annual meeting, Ebenezer Hamblin (and others.) chosen rate makers. Monday, Dec. 4, 1775. This meeting is opened according to adjournment; att the same meeting, to Chuse an agent to Remonstrate against the Doings of the Commitee appointed to set a stake for a meeting house: att the same meeting made choyce of Ebenezer HnmhUn an agent to Remonstrate against the Doings of the Committee and to make applycation to the same Court that the other Committee made their Returns too, and to Pray out another Committee to set a stake for a meeting house. In 1899 the writer visited the neighborhood where these old records were kept, and saw the old site of the meeting houye where they "set the stake," the house itself was removed many years ago to another locality; and also heard the tradition of the "Doings," referred to in the record. It seems that a committee was appointed to select a site for the meeting house. They were not of the same mind: but finally hit upon a novel plan for selecting the place, in this way: it was agreed that each member should go out and set a stake where he desired the house built, and the one who returned first to the meeting place, after setting his stake, should be the winner, and that his selection should be accepted; and in tliat manner they "set the stake." April. 2, 1776. Town meeting, Ebenezer Hamblin (and others) committee to supply the pulpit. Nov. 11, 177«. Ebenezer Hamblin chosen moderator. Chose agt. to remon- strate against the doings of the Hon. County Corts Committee for to pitch a stake for a meeting house, and to pray out a Committe for to set a stake for a meeting house. Mr. Simeon Hart. Mr. Justis Webster, Mr. Ebenezer Hamblin, made Choice for Prudential Committee. That John Phelps & Ebenezer Hamblin provide two black cloaths (Palls ) for the use of burying the dead. Ebenezer Hamblin chosen Rate maker. Oct. 1^3, 1777. Made Choice of Ens. (Ensign) Ebenezer Hamblin, Capt. SimeonHart & Mr. Seth Waird, Prudential Committee for the year insuing. Feb 2,1778. Att the same meeting maid Choice of Lieut. Titus Cunnel and Mr. Seth Waird. and Ensign Ebenezer Hamblin, agents to apply to the Hon. General assembly for tax on all the Lands of the Non residents, and for the Remittance of our Colony taxes. March 24, 1778. Ensign Ebenezer Hamblin Chosen Moderator. Dec, 7, 1778. At the same meeting made choice of Mr. Seth Ward, Mr. Joseph Lankton, and Ens. Ebenezer Hamblin Prudential Committee for the year insuing. March 1. 1779. Att the same meeting, made clioice of Capt. Simeon Hart, Abiel Humphrey. Samuel Calven, Joshua Phelps, Joseph Bacon. Jr., Seth Wiard. & Ebenezer Hamblin, Be a committtee to Look into the Surcomstances of the Several Districts and arrange them and make their report to the annual meeting in December, 1779. 136 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. (This committee divided the society into districts for scliools and reported Dec. 6, 1779.) Att same meetins?, voted to give Ensig-n Ehenezer Hamblin twelve pounds, eighteen shil. for his order on the Society Treasury for the sum ot three Pounds sixteen SliilUngs. Thursday, May 11, 1780. At the June meeting voted that Ens. Samll Warner, and Mr. Bartholomew Driggs, and Lieut. Ebenezer Hamblin be a Committee to settle the Societys accounts with the Treasury. Dec. 3, 1781. Ebenezer Hamblin, Moderator. Sept. 15, 1783. Att the same meeting, voated to establish the same com- mittee to treet with Mr. Miller with the addition of Stephen Hotchkiss. Ebenezer Hamblin & Seth Wiard. Oct. 13, 1783. Same meeting, made Left. Ebenezer Hamblin to Leade in sd meeting. Dec. 4, 1786: Left. Ebenezer Hamlin, Moderator. Dec. 1789. Made choice of Lt. Ebenezer Hamlin, Mark Hamlin, Simeon Hart, Esq. & Zebulon Frisbie, Jr., to prise the wood that each man shall bring. They resided at New Hartford, Ct., 1805-8, and at Barkhemstead, 1809-11, He is called Ensign and lieutenant on the record; and it is traditional that he was a soldier in the French and Eev. wars; that he was at Forts Edward and Ticondei'oga: noted for bravery; and that he was a pensioner. The record of his service not discovered. She was adm. to the ch. Bristol, under the ministry of Eev. Samuel Newell, Feb. 10, 1765. Ch. b. Farmington, now Burlington: Feb. 25, 1765. Jan. 31, 1767. 1768. 1769. 1771. 1773; probably d. young. 1779. [194] SYLVIA HUNTER,^ (Hopestill Hamlin,* Ebenezer,3 Jaraes,^ i) b. Rochester, Mass., June 27, 1730; m. there, by Rev. Isaiah Crocker Thacher, July 24, 1746, Job, son of Dea. Joshua Gibbs,* of Wareham. Mass., b. 1724; Merchant; removed from Wareham to Sharon. Ct., 1747. Ch. b. Sharon: Dec. 10, 1748. Mar, 9, 1751. Feb. 16, 1753. June 15, 1755. Sept. 20, 1757. Nov. 17, 1759. 451.* Makk, 452.* ROSABELI 453.* ROSINA, 454.* Dan, 455.* Lekt, 456. Hannah, 457.* Hannah, 458. Mercy, 459.* Lois, 460. Delivekance, 46L* Ann, 462.* Sylvanus, 463. . Heman, 464. Elizabeth, 465. Job, 466. Sylvia, 467. Robert? * Note 110. For Gibbs see : FIFTH GENERATION. 137 [ 195 ] DAVID HUNTER,^ (Bru. of Sylvia,) b. Rochester, Mass., P'eb. 1, 1732: m. Sharon, CI., June 26, 1750, Rebecca Morjian. b. Norwich, Ct.. removed with his parents to Sharon, Ct., 1747. It is traditonal that he removed to Stillwater, N. Y. soon after the death of his father— 1762. His son William, « related to his son David:" that he saw the British soldiers near the Hudson river in N. Y.; and that he assisted them to till their canteens from a spring, near his father's— David's house. One David Hunter was private in Capt. Yan Denburg's Co., in Col. Van Schoonhoven's N. Y. Regt.; and in Capt. Benj. Wait's Co., in Maj. Joab Hoisington's N. Y. Rangers: enlisted Aug. 8, 1776. She united with the Cong. ch.. Windsor, Vt., May 16, 1779: he d. Ft. Edward. N. Y., 1776: she m. 2d, in N. Y., a Mr. Granby: and d. Windsor, Vt., 1813.: Children: 468. Thomas. 469. David. 470.* W1LLIA3I, b. Jan. 3, 1754, Sharon. 471. Jonathan. 472.* Jabez. •' June 24, 1769, N. Y. 473. Thankful. 474. Sarah. 475. Betsey. 476. Delia. [ 196 ] JONATHAN HUNTER,^ (Bro, of Sylvia, ) prob. b. Rochester,Mass., about 173—: and removed with his parents to Sharon, Ct.. 1747. It is said that he removed to Stillwater, N. Y., soon after his father's death— 1762. The N. Y. Rev. records show the following services of Jonathan Hunter: which perhaps relate to more than one person: private in Capt. A^an Wourt's Co.. in Col. Van Veigh ten's Regt.: private in Capt. Scherm- erhorn'sCo., in Col. Van Rensselaer's Regt.: private in Capt. Aaron Aorson's 5th Co.. in Col. Peter Gransevort's 3d Regt. N. Y. Line: enlisted Dec. 24, 1776. for the war: Sergt. Oct. 17, 1777: discharged Apr. 24, 1780: private in Capt. Benj. Walker's Co., in Col. Henry Livingston's 4th Regt. N. Y. Line; enlisted May 5. 1778, for 9 months: discharged Feb. 4, 1779. [ 191 ] SARAH HUNTER,^ (Sister of Sylvia, ) prob. b. Rochester, Mass., about 1737; and removed with her parents to Sharon Ct., 1747: m. there, Nov. 13, 1754, James, son of Lieut. John and Betsey (Horn) Pardee,* b. about 1733; res. Sharon, Ct.; deputy, 1769, 1773-8: ensign of * Note 111. For Pardee see HopestlU Hamlin,* page 76. and note 46. Lieut. .JOHN PARDEE.3 .Joseph.2 George.i b. New Haven. Ct.. Feb. li. IWIS: ni. 1st. EHzabetli Home; b. about 1699-1700 The foUowing record concerning her was found In the bible of Myron F. Pardee, of Oswego. N. Y.; "Betsey Home was abducted by the Free Rovers from London, and ransomed by Lieut. .John Pardee. Mr. Guy Beardsley. of East Creels. N. Y.. has an old Pardee family bible which contains a statement that Betsey Home with her attendant were abducted. Slioemaker and Tanner: res. Norwalk, Ct., and was an original proprietor of Sharon, Ct.. 17:^S; deputy 1755-62; lioth d. Sharon; he .Tuly. 1766; she Jan. 8, 1762. Children: Thomas, b. Oct. 31, 1722; m. Wealtheon Cook. Jehiel. •• Ann Clark and Sybil Hunt. .John, •' Abigail Penoyer. Mary. b. about 172S; •' Col. Samuel Elmer. 138 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. the north company or trainband of Sharon, May, 1772: Lieut, ot 2d company, 1774; served in Lt-Col. Samuel Cantield's militia Regt. at West Point, Sept. 15, 1781. His son Jonathan, was app. adm. of his estate, Feb. 16, 1802; estate, $5183.19. Both d. Sharon: she Nov. 28, 1799; he Feb. 3, 1802. Ch. b. Sharon. 477.* Jonathan. Betsey, b. about 1775; d. Mar. 22, 1775, unm. Rebecca, b. about 1757: d. Sept. 18, 1774, unm. Probably otliers. [ 200 ] CORNELIUS HAMLIN,^ (Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,'^i; b. Colchester Conn., Sept. 25, 1733; rn. Sharon Ct., by J. Williams, Esq., Aug. 14, 1755, Hannah, dau. of Ebenezer and Patience (Fuller*) Mudge, b. Haddam, Ct., 173(>: wlio d. Aug. 28, 1771; m. 2d, Feb. 23, 1775, Anna Stevens. Cornelius and wife Hannah, Congs. In the cemetery at the north end of Shar- on village is a broken grave stone, supposed to be that of Cornelius Hamlin. Another stone bears this inscription: IN MEMOUY OF HANNAH WIFE TO CORNELIUS HAMLIN Died Aug. 28, 1771, A. 35 .James. b. about l":^:^; m. Sarah Hunter. George. " Mary Calkins. Moses, b. about 1739; " Elizabeth Gillett. Betty. " Solomon Goodrich. Rebecca. " Noah Haskins. Dinah, " Daniel Barnes. * Note. 112. SAMUEL FULLER, came in tlieA/aj/^Jouw and was the first physician in Plymouth, Mass. His brother Edward and wife Ann, came also in the MnyflDwer, and died the first winter. Their son Samuel b. in Holland about l(iOS, came with them; leaving another son Matthew, with friends in England. After the death of his parents, Samuel went to live with his uncle Samuel, and was executor of his will, 16;W; freeman 16^4; removed to Scituate; m. by Capt. Miles Standish. Apr. s, le^S; .Tane, dau. of Rev. John Lothrop; his house in Scituate was No. 1.5; Constable. 1641. He was in Barnstable as early as 1641. but not an inhabitant until 1644; he and his brother Matthew, bought of Secunke an Indian, part of the land on Scorton or Sandy Neck; he lived in the north west angle of the town: the only Mayflower passenger, who settled permanently in Barnstable; a pious man; he d. there, Oct. 31. 16S3. Ch. b. Scituate: Hannah. m. Nicholas Bonhani. Samuel, bap. Feb. 11. 1637-8; m. his cousin Anna Fuller. Elizabeth, m. Taylor. Sarah, d. young. Ch. b Barnstable: Mary, bap. .June 16. 1644; m. Joseph Williams. Thomas, b. May IS, le.'iO; perhaps d. young. Sarah, b. Dec. 14. 16.54; m. Crow. John, " Mehitable . A Child. d. young. Dr. MATTHEW FULLER, came over 1640: little is known of his early life: he had land assigned to him in Plymouth, 1642; Sergeant in Capt. Miles Standish's Co., 164:^. Sept. 3, 1652, he was Lieutenant of the Militia in Barnstable; deputy from Barnstable, 1653. June 20, 1654, appointed Lieut, under Capt. Miles Standish. of a company of 50 men. the Plymouth quota in the proposed expidition against the Dutch at Manhattoes, now New York. Member of Council of war 1658, of which he was chairman 1671 ; Magistrate same year; and Lieut, of forces sent against the Saconet Indians; Surgeon General, 1673; Captain in King Phillip's war. In the Qua- FIFTH GENERATION. 139 He d. Sharon. Aug. 13, 1776; his father was app. guardianof his four young- est children, Apr. 3, 1777. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Sharon, except Ehzabeth: 478.* Hannah, July 14, 1757. 479.* Cornelius, June 27. 1759. 480. Elizabeth, Apr. IH, 1761, Spencertown, N. Y. 481. Louisa, July 8, 1764. 482.* Amos, Aug. 8, 1766. 483. Ephraim, Aug. 7, 1767: bap. Sept. 11, 1768. 484. Lucinda, By 2d wife: Apr. 26, 1770; " July 1, 1770. 485. Mary, Nov. 28, 1775? [201] MARY HAMLIN, 5 (Sister of Cornehus,) b. Colchester. Ct., Feb. 25, 1735: ni. Sharon, Ct., Mar. 13, 1755, Richard,^ son of Rev. Richard and Susannah (Woodbridge) Treat.* He was an early settler of Sharon: Dec. 13. 1756 lie bought half a house of Cornelius Hamlin; and in 1758 sold same, being then of Albany N. Y. ; in 1761 he was at Spencertown, N. Y. ker controversy, he was in favor of religious toleration ; in 1658 lie was presented for saying: "The law enacted about minister's maintanance was a wicked and devilish law. and that the devil sat at the stone when it was enacted;" which he admitted that he uttered, and for which he was fined 50 shillings. He was the first regular physician in Barnstable. His farm was near that of his brother Samuel. Lands were granted to him for his services, in Falmouth and Mid- dleboro. He d. Barnstable, 1678; willJuly 20, 1678; proved Oct. 30, 1678; wife Frances, perhaps married in England; his older children probably born there. Children: Mary, m. Ralph Jones. Elizabeth. " Moses Rowley. Samuel, " Mary . •.John, " Bethia and Hannah. Anne, '" her cousin Samuel Fuller. Many of the Fullers of these families removed and settled in East Haddam. Ct. in early times. Note 113. For Mudge see note 47. EBENEZER MUDGE,* ( Ebenezer,* Micah,2 Jarvis.i ) b. Lebanon. Ct., Oct. 23. 1709; m. 1st. Patience, dau. of Benj. and Content Fuller, b. E. Haddam, Jan. 15, 1722-3; she d. in Canaan, Ct. before 1770, aged about 47; m. 2d, about 1771. in Canaan, widow Mary Cornish, of Canaan. He d. New Ashford, Mass., 1782. Children: Joshua, b. 1737; m. Mary Cornish. Hannah. m. Cornelius Hamlin. Samuel. '• Abigail Stephen. Patience, b. July 7. 1753; d. unmarried. * Note 114. Rev. Richard Treat,* Thomas.3 Richard.2 i John Trott— of Staplegrove, Eng.; the name was formerly variously spelled ;Trett. Trott&c. William Trott. son of foregoing, of same place. Richard Trott, his son, and wife Joanna of Pitminister, probably now Trull, Somerset, Eng. Robert Trott, his son, and wife Honora. of Pltminster. RICHARD TREAT.i son of Robert, b. Pitminster, 1584; bap. there. Aug. 28, 1584; m. there, Apr. :27. 1615: Alice, dau. of Hugh Gaylord; bap. Pitminster. May 10, 1594. He probably came to America about 1639, and settled in Wethersfleld. Ct. ; a man of high social and political stand- ing; .iuror and grand juror 1643-4; deputy 1644-57; magistrate 1657-65; patentee in Charter to Conn, granted by King Charles II, 1662; member of Gov. Winthrop's council, 16(i:{-4; a man of wealth ; an extensive land owner in Wethersfield. He d. Wethersfleld K69-70; she survived him' 140 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. About 1768 he removed to what is shice called Lebanon, N. Y.: where he died; she remarried and lived in Williamstown, Mass. to an old age. Children: 486.* Richard, b. Mar. 14, 1757. 487.* J)OKOTHBUS, " Feb. 25, 1760. 488.* ASHBEL WooDBRiDGE, " Nov. 22, 1762. 489.* Charlotte, " May. 16, 1768. 490.* Mary, " 491.* Anne, " Sept. 13. 1772. [202] RUTH HAML1N,& (Sister ot Cornelius, ) b. Colchester, Ct., Dec. 2, 1736; m. Sharon, Mar, 13, 1755, Timothy,^ son ot Rev. Richard and Susanna ( Woodbridge) Treat,* b. about 1731; settled at Shar- on as early as 1755; and removed after 1761. Private in Capt. Elisha Noble's Co., of Sheffield, Mass, in tlie French war, from Sept. 15, to Dec. 5, 1755. He was at Lenox, Mass. Aug. 3, 1764, when the ear mark of his animals was a swallowtail, or hollowcrop. -V- in the left ear; member church, Lenox, 1771: his son Timothy was drafted in the Revolution, and being sickly, the father went as a substitute, and died of smallpox, Apr. 24, 1776: she d. Lenox, May 10. 1778. Children: 492* Timothy, b. Apr. 5, 1756; Sharon. 493* Thomas, ,, Sept. 11, 1758; " 494 Rhth, u Jan. 8, 1761: " d. unm. 495* Mercy, 492* Cornelius, b. Oct. 30, 1766: Sharon. 497* Ebenezer, ^ June 7, 1771; " 498* Susanna. [ 205] SARAH HAMLIN,-^ (Sister of Cornelius. ) b. Sharon, Ct., Oct. 20, 1743. One Sarah, m. New Milford, Ct., Feb. 17, 1773. Gilbert Gregory, of North Stratford. [206] . Capt. JABEZ HAMLIN,"* (Thomas.* Ebenezer:^ James.-^ M b. Agawam. now Wareham, Mass., July 17, 1735; m. Dorcas, dau. of Thom- as and Rebecca (Cone) Barnes,* b. East Haddam, Ct., Nov. 6, 1743. He remov- ed with his parents to Sharon, Ct. about 1742. The records there show, that he bought land adjoining the Indian pond, on the line of the Oblong, from Ch. b. and bap. Pitminster; Honor. bap. Mar. 19, 1615-6: m. .John Denilng. Joanna, " May 34. 1618; •• .John Hollister. Sarah, " Dec. 3. 1620: " Matthew Camptield. Richard. - .Jan. 9.1622-3; "' Sarah Coleman. Robert, ■■ Feb. 25. 1624-5; " Elizabeth. " .July 26. 1627: " Geo. Wolcott. Susanna. " Oct. 8, 1629; " Robert Webster. Alice, '• Feb. 16, 1631-2 buried Aug. 2, 16:w. ■Tames, " .July 20, 16;:i4; m. Rebecca Lattimer. Katherine. " .June 29, 1637; " Rev. Wm. Thompson. * Note 115. For Treat see note 114. * Note 116. THOMAS BARNES.i of Wayhill. England, b. 1636; embarked May Hi), mm. at Gravesend, in the Speedwell, age 20; and came to Sudbury. Mass.; m. Abigail dau. of Thomas Goodenow. a proprietor of Sudbury; removed to Marlboro. Mass. about 1663. WILLIAM BARNES,2 Hfth son of Thomas, b. Marlboro. Apr. 3. 1669; removed to Hadley. Mass.. where he m. Mary, dau. of Rev. Samuel Smith, first pastor of Wetherslield. Ct.. who re- sided at Northampton, Mass.. 1666; and removed to Hadley, Mass., 1679; she I). .Fan. IS. 1673. They removed to East Haddam, Ct., where she d. Nov. is, 1714; he d. before 17:)0, FIFTH GENERATION. 141 Daniel Barnes in ITOo. In I7(i5 lie and his wife conveyed t(» Ainasa Ilaniiin the home lot of her father, Thomas Barnes, adjoin inji' Indian pond; which was set off to her on distribution of liis estate, Oct. 9, 17H5: they conveyed the one third right of lier mother's estate, to S. Holly. He was a merchant in Sharon, failed in business there, and removed frctm the place, probably about lT9(i. He sold land at Indian pond, Sharon, to Joseph Lake, 1772: it'^^ ^ ' ' '-^^'"^ is supposed that he resided at some time in Salisbury, Ct.: this may have been tempoiarily: later he bouaiit a large mountain farm at Hillsdale, n;»w Auster- itz, N.Y. The records ol New Milford, Ct. show that Daniel Sherwood, of that place mortgaged land there, to Jabez Hamlin of Hinsdale, Mass., on A.ug. 29, 1794. By hard work of his family his fortune was retrieved: and in later years he sold the farm to his sons Amasa and .Tabez: removed to .\lford. Mass.. and again sold goods in a room adjacent to his dwelling there. A grist-mill in Alfoid was conveyed to him in 1802: conducted at one time by his son-in-law. Ralph H. Hulbert: and was in his possession at his death. It is traditional that he was a captain in the Revolution; and was captured in the retreat from Long island in 177(): he was a pensioner, and his sword, seen in his lifetime by his grand children, was well remembered by them in recent years. After his death a quantity of continental money was found in his desk: no records of his service has been discovered. Probably he lived in Sharon during the Revolu- tion and afterwards. It was his wish to spend his last days with his son Jabez, who in 1825, sold his farm at Hillsdale, removed to A If ord, cared for his aged parents until their death, and settled the estate. He was a gentleman of the old school, tall and erect, of soldierly bearing, line constitution, and possessed of an iron will. His will was drawn by Gen. Whiting, of Great Barrington; his funeial was preached by Timothy Woodbridge, the blind Presbyterian preach- er, grandson of Jonathan Edwards. Sixty children and grand children attend- ed. The following record of his family dated Mar. 1, 1800. is copied from a bible published at Edenburg, 1797, in possession of Cicero J. Hamlin, Esq., of Buffalo, N. Y., a grand son. Both d. Alford; he Sept. 8, 1826: she Feb. 14, 1727. Ch. b. Sharon; Apr. 30, 1762. Aug. 5, 1763. Dec. 26, 1764: m. Jonathan Pardee." Oct. 22, 1766. July 10, 1768. Apr. 23, 1770. June 21, 1772. Dec. 15, 1775. June 15, 1776; d. Dec. 1777. May 7, 1777. Aug. 28, 1779. July 31, 1783. 499* Phebe, .300.* Salmon, 501.* ZiLPHA, 502.* LUCINDA, 503.* Ruth, 504.* JOHX, 505.* Jabez, 506.* Amasa, 507. Esther, 598.* Esther, 509.* Erastus, 510.* Frederick. THOMAS BARNES.3 fifth child of William, b. E. Haddam, Mar. 35. 1706; m. Mar. 14. 1738. Kfhecca. dau. of Stephen and Mary (HunKerford) Cone, b. E. Haddain Mar. h. 1-04. Thev removed to New Fairfield. Ct.. 1741; : to Sharon. Ct.. 1750. and resided m the north west part of town. He held large tracts of land there, from the town, and from the Indians. They had sons. Thomas. Dan and Jonah. Their dau.. Dorca.s. b. E. Haddam, Nov. (5, 1/4.^. ni. .labez Hamlin. , ,, r. i « nn •Att a court holden in Sharon, rilst day of May 17.59; then Dorcas Barnes, dau of T l'»ni!i>* Barnes, late of Sharon, dec'd. a minor asod 15 years ye — of Nov. last, appeared and made choice of Daniel Barnes of sd Sharon, to be her j^uardian." &C. 142 THE HAMLIN FAMJLY. [207] AMASA HAMBL]N,M Bro. of Jabez. ) b. Agawam, Mass., July 21. 1737: m. Lydia He prob. removed witli his parents in childhood to Sharon. Ct. He f-old Jjii.d there, to one Boland. Dec. 19, 1770; private in Capt. Rulotf Dutcher's Co.. in Maj. Elisha Sheldon's Regt. Light Horse; enlisted and ordered out Oct. 22, 177{i: discharged Dec. 13, 1776. He was prosecuted in Sharon, for neglect to marcli to the assistance of the continental army, showed a good excuse and was discharged. It appears from the records of Eev. Ebenezer Knibloe's chuich. Amenia Union. N. Y., that on May 1, 1774, "Lydia, wife of Amasa Hamblin, was publicly baptized, likewise on said occasion, Anne, Sarah, Damaris, Betsey, together with their sons Darling and David, were all publicly baptized." He was in Catskill, N. Y. June 5, 1794, when he gave a mortgage to James Morrison of that place, on a lot of land there, bounded as follows: Beginning at a heap of stones around a stump of a Maple .saplin, on the north east bank of a brook, and is corner to Henry Ostrander's and William Gold's Lots: and runs tirst south thirty five de- grees east, seven chains .seventy five links, to a Maple marked B; thence south seventy seven degrees west, twenty one chiiins thirty links, to a white oak, marked B: then .south thirty one degrees east, thirteen chains twenty six links to a stone on Zack. Deal's line; then on that line south eighty seven degrees, twenty two chains eighty links, to a White Pine, marked M; thence south thirty five degrees west, five chains fifty links, to an Elm and Pine saplin, over the brook, and corner to Andrew Achorn's Lot; then north thirty eight degrees west, sixteen chains, to a stake near a Maple, marked H; then north fifty nine degrees east, six chains, to a stake, near Chestnut, marked H; then north thirty eight degrees west, seven chains, to a Hemlock, marked H, in Gold's line; then on that line north fifty nine degrees east, five chains fifty links, to a White Oak; then north twenty nine degrees west, five chains, to a White Oak, marked M; then north sixty eight degrees east, eleven cliains, to a White Pine on a small brook; then south eighty three degrees, three chains thirty five links, to a Hemlock; thence south eighty three degrees east, three chains sev- enty five links, to a large White Oak; then south sixty six degrees east, nine chains, to a small Hemlock, on a brook; then down the brook, bounded by it, to the place of beginning. On Jan. 4, 1800, he was of Catskill, when he convey- ed land there, to William, R. and Warren 1. Hamlin, of same place. One dau. of his m. a Mr. Donnelly, who res. at Catskill. Children: 511. Anne, bap. May 1, 1774. 512.* James, b. May 7, 1762. 513.* Darling, u June 19, 1765. .514. Sarah. bap. May 1, 1774. .515.* Damaris, ( L u u u 516. Betsey, U a a u .517. David, (t u • t i i [208] Capt. NATHANIEL HAMLIN, & (Bro. of Jabez,) b. Agawam, Mass., June 7, 1739: m. 1st, Lucy Foster, b. Sharon, Ct., 1740: who d. there, of small pox, Jan. 5, 1785; m. 2d, Sharon. Nov, 5, 1786, Deborah, dau. of Timothy and Deborah (Ryse) St. John,* b. Sharon, May 15, 1763: she * Note 117. TIMOTHY St. JOHN.i came from Norwalk, to Sharon, Ct., 175ti; lie had brothers: Daniel, who also settled in Sharon. 1761, and Silas, who resided in Ellsworth. Ct. : m. Slraron, Jan. 26. 1757, Deborah Ryse. of Wallingford. Ct. He res. where C. M. Dean lived, in Sharon, 1842. He d. Nov. 28, 1806. aged 74. Ch. b. Sharon: Mary. Aug. 3, 1758, Daniel. Apr. 9, 1761 Deborah, May 15, 1763. FIFTH GENERATION. 148 was adm. to the ch. Mar 2. 180 s I— I 2; > 21 7J 2; W -4 1 146 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Judge Church of Conn. In an address stated: "A spark from that flame in Berkshire county had flown over into Sharon: one Dr. Hurlbut, an emissary of Shay's, visited that town in the spring of 1787, to enhst men in his cause. He made some impression," It is stated in the history of Litchfield County, Ct. : "In the spring of 1787, during the excitement of the insurrection under Shay, in Mass., Dr. John Hulbert, who resided in Alford, who was an active partizan of Shay, came to Sharon to secure co-operation; having received his medical education there, and possessing qualities calculated to give effect to his rep- resentations, he soon succeeded in organizing a considerable number of men under one William Mitchell; who was constituted their captain. Hulbert. Mitchell, and two others were arrested, and taken tt) Litchfield for examina- tion. Hulbert was prosecuted under an act against vagrants, vagabonds and common beggars; but on his solemn promise to leave the state forthwith was suffered to depart. The others were bound over to court on charges of treason- able practice." It is said his commission as juitice of the peace was revoked, 1788, because he favored Shay's Rebellion. He must have had a large following of friends in Mass., as he was representative to the legislature the same year. Mrs. Hazen remembered in 1894, that lie had, in her childhood, at Alford, a famous flower garden, on an elevation, reached by a long flight of stone steps, where he entertained his friends in style. He changed the spelling of liis name about 1792. from Hurlbut to Hulbert. Elijah Hamlin, who removed from Alford, to East Bloomfield, N". Y., about 1792, kindly assisted to support a Dr. Hulbert, who was a pensioner, and his wife, who was a school teacher, at his home in withal. But when we came to the small of the Neck, the weeds burnlns. I having before this set two sentinels on the small of the Neck. I called to tlie Men that were burning the Eeeds to come away; but they would not until tliey had burnt up the rest of their Matches. Presently there started up four Indians out of the flrey Reeds, but they ran away. I called to the rest of our men to come out of the Marsh. Then Robert Chapman and Thomas Hurlbut, being senti- nels, called to me, saying: there came a Number of Indians out of the other side of the Marsh. Then I went to stop them, that they should not get the Woodland; but Thomas Hurlbut cried out to me that some of the Men did not follow me ; for Thomas Rumble and Arthur Branch threw down their two Guns and ran away; then the Indians shot two of them that were in the Reeds; and sought to get between us and home; but kept us in a Half-moon; we retreating and exchanging many a shot, so that Thomas Hurlbut was shot almost through the Thigh, .iohn Spencer in the back into his kidneys; myself into the Thigh ; two more shot dead. But in our Retreat I kept Hurlbut and Spencer still before us; defending ourselves with our naked swords, else they had taken us all alive; so that the two sore wounded Men, by our Retreat got home with their Guns; when our two sound Men ran away, and left their Guns behind them." Hurlbut was a blacksmith, and after the Pequot war. located and established himself in Wethersfield; and was one of the early settlers, and first blacksmith of the place, clerk of the Trainband, 1640; deputy, grand juror, and constable. 1644. He received various grants of land in the several divisions of the town, which were recorded together, 1647. The town of Wethersfield in 1660 granted him lot 39. one of the "Four acre lots"— in Naubuc, east side of the river— which he sold to Thomas HoUister. For his services in the Indian wars, the Assembly voted him a grant of 120 acres of land, Oct. 12, 1671. No attempt appears to have been made to avail himself of this bounty, nor by his sons; bnt on the petition of his grandson .Tohn Hurlbut, Jr.. of Middletown. Ct.. it was set off in 1694. It is traditional that the house in Wethersfield occupied in 1888 by Miss. Harriet Mitchell, sixth in descent from Thomas Hurlbut stood upon tlie site of his ancient homestead. His wife was named Sarah ; it is not known whether he had any daughters. He d. Wethersfield. 1673. Children: Thomas. .Tohn, b. Mar. 8. 1643. Wethersfield? Samuel. Joseph. b. Wetliersfield; m. Rebecca Stephen. Cornelius. FIFTH GENEEATION. 147 N. Y. Whether they were identical with Dr. John Hiilbert and wife of Alford, has not been ascertained. Both d. Alford; she Nov., 1823: he June 7, 1815. A tombstone was erected at Alford to his memory in recent times, inscrib- ed as follows: IN ME3IORY OF Dr. JOHN HULBERT for fifty years a practicing physician at alford Berkshire County Mass. Born June 1730. died in alford mass. June 22, 1815. aged 85 years. this stone is erected by Richard P. Hulbert, of Mackinack Island, Mich. A RELATIVE of THE DECEASED, OCT. 8, 1886. Ch. b. Alford: 540.* Philander, Feb. 29, 1766. 541. AcHSAH, Apr. 23, 1768; d. Apr. 1, 1792, unm. 542.* John Whitfield, June 1, 1770. 543.* Junius, Mar. 12, 1772. 544.* Clarinda, Dec. 29, 1773. 545.* Lorania, Nov. 29, 1775. 546.* Peyton Randolph, July 22, 1778. 547.* Polly, May. 2, 1780. 548. Sarah, Sept 25, 1782; d. Oct. 14, 1782. 549.* Sally, Mar. 12, 1784. 550.* Henry Irad, Apr. 18, 1789. JOSEPH HURLBUT,2b. about 1646, probably at Wethersfleld, Ct.; removed to Woodbury, Ct., with his family, as early as 1683; wife. Rebecca; she d. Feb. 21. 1712; he d. Woodbury. .July 13.1732. Children: Joseph. John, Sarah, Cornelius. Jonathan, Rebecca, Mary, Phebe. JOHN HURLBUT,3 probably b. Wethersfleld about 1680 ; and removed to Woodbury with his parents, 1682; called on adult when baptized there, 1697; bought land in that part of the town now called Roxbury; m. Woodbury, 1704; Mercy Salmon. She d. there, Mar. 6, 1717. Ch. b. there: Patience, Sept. 2, 1705. Nathan, Oct. 24. 1707. Salmon, May 19. 1710. Experience, Aug. 28, 1712. Experience, Dec. 13. 1713. Mercy, Aug. 26, 1716. NATHAN HURLBUT.4 b. Woodbury. Oct. 24, 1707; m. Apr. 13, nso. dau. of Isaac and Sarah Castle, b. Transylvania, Woodbury, and bap. March 1708 ; he .ioined 1st Cong, church, Woodbury, Sept. 23, 17.33; she Sept. 14. 1735; res. Woodbury. 1740. and probably as late as 1747. It is supposed he afterward resided at Sharon. Ct., and later at Alford, Mass. Capt, Nathan Hurlbut who d. of apoplexy at Alford, Feb. 17, 1774, is supposed to be him. Ch. b. Woodbury: Nathan, Feb. 6, 1733. John, Oct. 29, 17.35; m. Mercy Hamlin. Simeon. Isaac, bap. Nov. 10, 1740. AcHSAH, Oct. 16, 1743. Hepzibah, bap. Apr. 6, 1746; d. Dec. 3, 1747. 1 148 THE HAMLIX FAMILY. [ 211 ] RUTH PIAMLIN.-^' ( Sister of .Tabez ,) h. Sharon, Ct., July Ki, lT4o: in. by Rev. Ebenezer Knibloe, May 5, 1765. Lieut. Jonathan, son of Jesse and Maiy (Crooker) Ford.* b. Pembroke, Mass.. July 3, 1736, marriage recorded at Amenia Union, N. Y. He served in the old French war with his father. He settled at Sharon, Ct.: and removed to Canaan, N.Y.. 1766-7: on the journey she traveled horseback throug-h the woods, with the route marked by blazed trees, and carried her eldest child, a babe, in her arms; and helped to drive the hogs. He was Lieut, in Capt. Ebenezer Benja- min's 5th Co., in Col. William Bradford's 17 N. Y. militia, King's District, in the revolution. He was remarkable for his great memory, for blunt manners and abrupt speech: she was a woman of good abilities, very considerate and precise in manners and speech. In later 'ife they resided with their son Joseph on the old liomestead at Red Rock, N. Y. Both d. and are buried there. On their granite monument are these inscriptions. * Note. 119. WILLIAM FORD.i b. England. 1604; come to America in youth with his mother, "widow Martha Ford." brotlier .John and sister Martha in ship F(>;-h(»ie, which arrived at New Plymouth. Nov. 11, 1621 ; wife Anna; he d. Marshfleld. Mass., Sept. Zi. 1676; buried in the old Winslow Cemetery. Children: William. b. lfi:{,s-4: m. Sarah Dingley. Michael, Margaret. MiLLiCENT. m. .John Carver. WILLIAM FORD.2 b. 163:1-4; m. Nov. 4. I608. Sarah, dau.of John Dingley; he res. Marshfleld; and d. there. Feb. 7. 1721: buried Cedar Grove Cemetery. Children: John, Mercy. m. Samuel Thomas. JOSIAH. Joseph. b. 1666, Marshfleld. Sarah. Mary. Margaret, Experience. Bethia, Bathsheba. JOSEPH FORD.3 b. Marshfleld. Mass.. 1666; m. Lois. dau. of Joseph Stetson ; res. Pembroke. Mass., where he d. Nov. 12, 1749. Children: John, Desire, Ruth, pBADIAH. Tabitha. Joseph, Paul, Amos, Jesse, b. Feb. 24. 1711, Pembroke. JESSE FORD,4 b. Pembroke, Mass.. Feb. 24. 1711; m. Mary Crooker; res. Pembroke; soldier in the French war and d. of "Camp Distemper," at Ft. Stan wix. now Rome. N. Y., during its construction. IN memory of JESSE FORD. born at pembroke, mass. Feb. 24. 1711. died at fort stanwix. n. y. 1758. FIFTH GENERATION. 149 JONATHAN FORD A LIEUT. IN THE WAK OF THE REVOLUTION BoKN AT Pembroke, Mass. July 3, 1736. DiEii IN Canaan Aug. 11, 1831. RUTH HAMLIN wife of jonathan ford Born July 16, 1745. Died Sept. 30, 1817. Children: 551.* Jesse, b. Jan. n, 1766, Sharon. 552.* Joel, Oct. 3, 1767, Canaan 553.* Jonathan. Jan. 8, 1770, 554.* Eliab, May 23, 1772, 555.* Ruth. Aug. 6, 1774, 556.* A LANSON, Oct. 9. 1776, 557.* David, Apr. 30, 1779, 558.* Prudence, Jan. 19, 1782, 559.* RUEL, Apr. 28, 1784, 560.* Joseph Gibbs s, " May 13, 1787. [ 212 ] THOMAS HAMLIN,^ ( Bru. of Jabez, ) b. Sharon, Ct., July 24, 1747; ra. there. May 14, 1772; Mary, dau. of Capt. Caleb and Rebecca Jewett,* b. Sharon, Apr. 13, 1753; marriage recorded by b. .July 3, 1736, Pembroke; m. Ruth Hamlin, had 15 children. m. John Aikin. removed to N. J. Children : Jonathan. Isaac. Abel, Mary, David, James. Amos, Joel. Naoml m. Rev. Hezekiah Pettit For Crocker see note 35. * Note 130. Capt. CALEB JEWETT, came from Norwich, now Lisbon, Ct., and settled in Sharon, 17«; wife Rebecca, who d. July 15. 1764; m. 2d. May 36, 1766, Mrs. Faith Brewster, of Windham, Ct. He resided on the lot where Gov. Smith resided, until 1744; when he sold It and bought a farm on Sharon Mountain, owned a Century later by his grandson, John S. Jewett; Selectman twelve years; member of the General Assembly eleven sessions; he d. Jan. 18, 177H, aged 86. Children: Caleb, Mary. Eleazer. Nathan. Thaddeus, Rebecca, Irene, Mary, Alpheus. Sybel. m. Elizabeth Curtis and Anna Bartlett. b. Feb. 27, 1741; d. Mar. 12, 1743. " Mar. 13, 1743; m. Dillie Gibbs. '• Dec. 3. 1741. " Dec. 17, 1646. " Jan. 16. 1748; m. John Calkins, Jr. '• Dec. 37. 1750. " Apr. 13, 1753; m. Thomas Hamlin. " Jan, 15, 1756; m. Abigail Sears. •' Apr. 23. 1760. 150 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Rev. Ebenezer Knibloe, Amenia Union, N. Y. The Conn, records show that Thomas Hamlin was private in Capt. Roger's Co., of Cornwall, Ct., in Col. Fi.sher Gay's 2d Conn. Battalion, Wadsworth's Brigade, raised June 1776: he served at Brooklyn during the battle of Long Island: was in the retreat to New York: and from there: and in the general assembly at White Plains. He was prosecuted for neglect to march to assistance of the Continental army: showed good excuse and was discharged. After the war they removed to Glenville, N. Y., and resided there: cooper; in his later life he resided with his son Cook; but died at the home of his son Seth, perhaps at Owasco. N. Y., at the age of 9 L: she was a noted physician: studied medicine with her brother, and practiced many years in Glenville, where her skill is still remembered by old people: she d. before her husband, at the home of her son Caleb J., at Glenville. Presbys.; they were dismissed by letter from Sharon, no date: he was hard of hearing, and for that reason sat in the pulpit, that he might hear the sermon; some of their children were baptized in Sharon, 1789. Ch. b. Sharon: 561. Sylvestek. Apr. 19, 1773: d. Aug. 20, 1774. 562.* Caleb Jewett, Feb. 1774. 563. Silvester, 1776: d. Apr. 2, 1779, age 2 yrs. 7 mo. 564. Silvester, May 1778; " Aug. 23, 1778, age 3 mo. 565. Claracy, " Dec. 3, 1796, age 18 yrs. 566.* Thomas. 567.* Theron, Mar. 8, 1783. 568.* Jerusha, June 5, 1784. 569. Rebekah, 1786; d. Apr. 5, 1789. 570.* Cook, Apr. 9, 1791. 571.* Seth, Oct. 20, 1794. 572.* Salmon, Apr. 16, 1796. [ 214 J ZILPHA HAMLIN,5 (Sister of Jabez,) b. Sharon, Ct.. Mar. 10, 1751: m. Wareham, Mass. by Rev. Isaiah Crocker Thacher, Dec. 1, 1768, Willard,6 son of Samuel and Mercy (Wing) Swift,* b. Rochester, Mass., May 15, 1746. He was Lieut, in the Rev. army near Boston, * Note 121. WILLIAM SWIFT, i probably came from Rocking, Essex, Eng., and was at Watertown, Mass., before J&W. In 16:^6 he mortgaged bis land there, as surety for Roger Spring, .luly 25, 1636, in a division of land there he drew No. 14. a 40 acre lot, and Feb. 28, 1636-7, drew a .5 acre lot at "Beaver Brook Plowlands." The same year he sold his house and land in Water- town to Thomas White, of Sudbury, and moved to Sandwich, Mass. The farm which he bought there, the largest in town, was owned in 1898, by his descendant Edwin Carleton Swift. He d. 1643. and adm. of his Est. was granted to his widow 1643: estate £72-11-1; she d. Sandwich, Nov. 26, 1663; will dated Oct. 12, 1662; proved Apr. 7, 1764; estate £105-6-0. Ch. b. England: Hannah, m. Daniel Wing. Esther, •' Ralph Allen. William, Ruth WILLIAM SWIFT.2 b. England; wife Ruth. He was able to bear arms in Sandwich. 1643 and consequently was born as early as 1627. He d. Sandwich, Jan. — , 1705-6. Ch. b. Sandwich: Hannah, Mar. 11, 1651; m. Tobey. RCTH. William, Aug. 28. 1654: m. Elizabeth Ephraim, June 6, 1656; " Sarah Mary, Apr. 7,1659; " Ezra Perry f. FIFTH GENERATION. 151 with the 8 months men, soon after the Lexington alarm, Apr. 19, 1775: and re-enlisted for a year. 1776: joined the armj^ at Boston, and after the evacua- tion by the British went to New York. Ch. bap. Ware ham: 573. Mercy, Oct. 20, 1771. 574. Elihu, Aug. 30, 1772: m. Sally Pardee. 575. Ruth, May 28, 1775. [215] Dk. ASA HAMLINV (Bro. of Jabez,) b. on the Oblong, in Duchess Co., N. Y., Jan. 14, 1754: m. 1st, Huldah Bron- son: m. 2d, West Stockbridge, Mass., Lois, dau. of Elisha and Hannah (Stevens) Hooper,* b. West Stockbridge, Aug. 12, 1873. His .son. Benjamin, wrote from Samuel. Ausr. in. 1663. JiHED, ^ 1665: .JOSIAH. Temperance, Esther, Dinah, WILLIAM SWIFT,3 b. Sandwich, Ch. b. Sandwich: Mary . : ■' Abigail Gibbs. '■ Mary Bodfish and Experience Nye. " Timothy Bourne. " Gibbs. " Perry. Aug. 3S. 1654; wife Elizabeth. He d. Sandwich. May — 1701. William, Benjamin. .Joseph, Samuel, .TOANNA, Thomas. Elizabeth, Thankful, JOSIAH. Ebenezer, .Tan. Nov. Dec. Mar. Dec. .Tan. 34. 1679: 1683; 16S7; 1690; 9. 1692; 169- ; 11. 169- ; .Tan. 11, 169-: m. Lydia Weeks. '■ Hannah Wing. " Mercy and Mrs. Rebecca Morton. " Abigail . " Thomas Gibbs. " Thankful Morey. " .John Gibbs, " Benjamin Morey. BEN.TAMIN SWIFT.* b. Sandwich. Ch. b. Sandwich: • Abigail Gibbs. . Mass. ; m. Feb. 34, 170;i-4. Hannah Wing. Samuel. Mary. Content, Zebulon, Hannah. Elizabeth. Benjamin. Sept. 11. Oct. 11 Dec. 13 Apr. 1.5 1704; m. Mercy Wing. 1706. 1708. 1712. SAMUEL Ch. Asa, Martha. WiLLARD. David. Lemueu Samuel. .Jesse, SWIFT,5 b. Sandwich b. Rochester. Mass. : William Gifford. Zaccheus Wing. Rebecca Wing. Benjamin Collins. Reuben Landers. Waitstill Bowerman. . Sept. 11, 1704; m. May 18. 1741, Mercy Wing, b. 1718. Dec. 'SO. 1742; m. Lucy Briggs. May 3, 1744. '" Simeon Bates. May 15, 1746, '• Zilpha Hamlin. Nov. 25, 1750, " Lydia Savery. Oct. 81, 1752, " Betty Briggs. Nov. 19. 1757. " Eleanor Sherman. Feb. 20. 1760. " Mercy Bates. * Note. 122. WILLIAM HOOPER.i sailed from London in the Jam€«. .July 13, 1635; settled in Reading, now Wakefield. Mass.; wife. Ruth, perhaps sister of Capt. Thomas Marshall, of I^ynn. Mass. ; weaver; he d, Dec. 5. 1678. aged 61. Ch. b. Reading; m. Tliomas Taylor. d. Dec. 18, 1649. m. Adam Hawkes and Samuel Wardwell. '• Abram Wolcott. ■• .John Ballard. Mary, 1694; .James, Dec. 5, 1649: Sarah, Dec. 7. 1650; Ruth, Apr. 15. 165;i; Rebeckah, Oct. 28. 1656; William, Nov. 3, 1658. ,152 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Kendall, N. Y., Apr, 7, 1847, that his father was doctor: that his children, Alvan, Benjamin and Hannah were b, at West Stockbridge, and the other children were b. in N. Y. state; that the name was uniformly spelled Hamlin, by this branch of the family: and that his mother, Lois, then lived with him. Hon. Edward Stowe Hamlin,' wrote in 1889: "1 remember Dr. Hamlin, brother of my grandfather, Jabez Hamlin, being at our house in Austerlitz, N. Y., when 1 was a child: then going to western New York: and of visiting his son, Dr. JamesC:*) Hamlin, at Holley, N. Y. in 1826, a smart, active, driving man, who had mostly built up the town of Holley." (The writer supposes that Mr. Hamlin was mistaken in the name of the man to whom he refered, as there was no son James in this family. His description indicates the son Areo V.) His grandson, Erastus G. Hamlin,' wrote, 1893: that his grandfather enter- ed the revolutionary army as a private: was with Gen. Arnold's expedition to Canada, and at the surrender of Cornwallis: and was a surgeon (sergeant?) when discharged. The several accounts about him are not uniform, but seem to refer to the same person The Colonial records of Mass , Conn, and New York give the service of at least two of the name Asa Harrilin, who served in the revolution: Asa first above names, and his cousin Asa,'' son of Isaac Ham- lin. We are inclined to believe the latter served in New York, and that Dr. Asa served in Conn., and afterwards in Berkshire Co. Mass.; both however then lived in Berkshire Co., so it is difficult to identify the service of each with certainty. We suppose the service of Dr. Asa Hamlin was as follows: the Conn. records show that Asa Hamlin was in Capt. Roger's 3d Co., of Cornwall: his brothers Nathaniel and Thomas served in same company; also, private in Capt. Erastus Sargent's Co., in Col. Benjamin Simond's Berkshire Co. Regt.: enlisted Dec. 16, 1676; performed duty at Ticonderoga: dis. Mar. 22, 1777: also, private in Capt. Oliver Belden's Co., in Maj. Caleb Hyde's Mass. Regt.: enlist- ed July 8, 1777; served in the northern army; dis. July 21, 1777: also, private in Capt. Aaron Rowley's Co., in Col. John Ashley's detachment of Mass. militia: enlisted July 22, 1777; raised for service at Stillwater: dis. Aug. 13, 1777: sim- ilar service performed by him as musician in Capt. Ephraim Fitch's Co., in same regiment; enlisted July 21, 1777; dis. Aug. 14, 1777; also, private in Capt. Oliver Belden's Co., in Col. John Brown's Mass. Regt.: enlisted Sept. 21, 1777: service at the northward; dis. Oct. 14, 1777; also, in Col, Nathaniel Wade's Mass. Regt.; enlisted Mar. 14, 1778; dis. June 2, 1778. He d. East Bloomfield, N. Y., 1823; his widow d. Carlton, N. Y., about 1847. Ch. by 1st wife: .576.* William Bronson, b. July 4, 1781, West Stockbridge. 577.* Sarah, " Nov. 29, 1784. 578.* Areo Vester, " July 20, 1786. 579. Narcissa Y. " July 4. 1788; d. N. Y. city, 1867. unm. By 2d wife: 580.* Alvan, b. July 1, 1792, W. Stockbridge. 581.* Benjamin Franklin, " Mar. 29, 1798, " " 582.* Hannah B. " Nov. 23, 1800, " 583.* Elisha H. " Aug. 1, 1804, Alford. 584.* Elizabeth, " May 25, 1809, Berk.shire Co. Hannah, Mar. 31, 1662; m. William Ballard. Elizabeth, Aug. 20, 16«5,5: ■' .John Trull. Thomas, Apr. 2, 1668. .John, July 5. 1670. FIFTH GENERATION. 153 [217] JONAH HAMLIN.s (Bro. of Jabez, ) b. Sharon, Ct., Oct. 12, 1757: called James in one record: res. Sharon. "There were many cases of discipline at Sharon, and the church was con- vened to settle many curious questions. For example: on Feb. 16, 1781, 'The c^i' was legally convened to vote whether y^ four shillings which Jonah Ham- lin, who paid four shillings in order to procure an evidence in a case depending in y*" c^^, was in our opinion fully compensated by y^ use of a horse which he had of John Everett. Voted in the affirmative.' But this decision gave trouble. Mary Hamlin — her relationship to Jonah does not appear— being called to account for non-attendance on ordinances, gave as a reason her dis- satisfaction with the matter of the four shillings; and the church does not seem to liave had sufficient confidence in its own award to prosecute her fur- ther." No further account of him. [218] LEWIS HAMLIN,5 (Bro. of Jabez,) b. Sharon, Ct., July 21, 1759; m. Sarah Hewitt. One Lewis Hamlin was a cordwainer (shoemaker, ) at Lenox, Mass.; but had removed from there, 1791. Lewis first above named lived in Saratoga Co., N. Y., 1790: and later in Herlcimer Co., N. Y.: and it is traditional that he removed to Vermont. He survived his wife, and d. near Watertown, N. Y, 1830-7. John, b, Nov. Thomas. " July William, n Dec. Nathaniel, ■ i Nov. Sarah, .1 Oct. James, " May JOHN HOOPER.2 t). Reading, July 5, 1670; m. Braintree. Mass,, Sarah, dau. of John and Hannah Harden, of Braintree, b. Dec 3, 1679. He res. Reading until about 1692; removed to Braintree; then to Bridgewater, Mass. about 1702; where he d. Jan. 9, 1708-9: carpenter; she m. 2d, Francis Woods, by whom she had four children, and d. a widow. May 19, 1749. Children: 6, 1697, Braintree. 32, 1699; 26. 1701, 16, 1703, Bridgewater. 9, 1705. 4. 1708. WILLIAM HOOPER,3 b. Braintree, Dec. 36, 1701; m. Jan. 30. 1738, Lois, dau. of William and Sarah (Barden) Thomas, b, Middleboro, Mass.. Sept. 7, 1707; cabinet maker; Bridgewater. He d. there, July 1. 1755; she Oct. 22, 1756. Ch. b, Bridgewater: William, Nov. 19, 1729; Rev. soldier. 7, 1731, •• 7, 1734; m. Jonathan Gary. 11, 1736; Rev, soldier. 31, 1738; d. Dec. 6, 1738. 13, 1740, •' Oct. 15. 1756. 14, 1743; Rev. soldier. 20, 1746, '• 22, 1749. •■ ELISHA HOOPER,* b. Bridgewater, Oct. 11. 1736; m. perhaps at Killingly, Ct., Hannah Stevens, b. Killingly. Dec. 23, 1745; blacksmith; res. Killingly, where his two eldest children wereprob. b. ; settled at West Stockbridge. Mass.; private in Capt. Jabez Colt's Co., in Col. Rossiter's detachment of Berkshire Co. militia. July 29, 1777. He d. Nov. 23, 1814; she May 19, 1814. Ch., except two eldest, b. W. Stockbridge: Thomas. Feb. Lois. Feb. Elisha, Oct. Isaac, Jan. Sdsannah, Mar, David. Feb. Luther. Feb. Calvin, Oct, Calvin, Philo. Luther, Elisha, Lois, Susannah, William, Sylvester, Ansel, m. Betty Hamlin, " Hannah 17, 1769; " Elizabeth Tyrrell. Ruth Newell. Dr. Asa Hamlin. Philander Barnes. Fanny Dean. 1843. Feb May 4, 1771, Aug. 12, 1773, Dec. 9, 1778, Nov. 11, 1781, July 7, 1785; d. unm June 13, 1789; m. 1 154 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children 585.* Pamelia, 586.* Truman, 587. Eunice, 588.* Calvin, 589. Clarissa. 590. Jane. b. Feb. 22, 1790, Saratoga Co. " Dec. 20, 1790, m. — - Rose, b. 1793, Herkimer Co. [219] Capt. 8ETH HAMLIN,'^ (Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Wareham, Mass., Sept. 9, 1740; bap. there. Mar. 14, 1741-2; m. 1st, Sharon, Ct., Oct. 15, 1761, Mary Pitcher, marriage recoicied in church of Eev. Ebenezer Knibloe, Amenia Union,* N. Y.: m. 2d, Sharon, May 25, 1773, Submit Hyde,t b. Lebanon, Ct., Nov. 24, 1742: lie was then of New Concord, N. Y., and after- wards res. in Alford. Mass., where his name frequently appeal's in the early town records, sometimes as Capt. Seth Hamlin; highway surveyor. 1777: town clerk, 1783-5. he succeeded Dr. John Hulbert: Freemason: a Masonic pin — The All Seeing Eye, — once his, is in possession of his great grandson, Hon. Frank H. Hamlin of Canandaigua, N. Y.; his Masonic apron was many years at the home of his son Philo ; among the assets of his estate was a sword, valued £5. He was a Eev. soldier; Mrs. Currie, a great granddaughter relates that her grandfather, Elijah Hamlin, often told of the hardships of revolutionary times: what the women and children could raise on the farm was sent to the soldiers: so careful were they of lights and fuel, that the garments made for the soldiers were done in the evening at some house where tlie same lights and fuel could be utilized by all; that his brother Philo and himself, young boys, barefoot, in winter, cut wood on the hillsides without coats, with only their sisters' skirts tied around their necks, with their arms slipped through holes in the seams; that once when the patriot army was retreating, there was a heavy snow, block- ading the roads: which were cleared by the women: and when their friends had passed, shoveled the snow back to retard the progress of the enemy. Speaking of Continental money, lie said it became so depreciated, and the consequent rise in prices so great, that a punch bowl full of it would hardly pay for a dinner. He served in Capt. Wilcox's Co., in Col. Ashley's Eegt: enlisted for 3 years into the Cont. army: res. Alford, Mass.; also, private in Capt. Job Alvord's Co., in Col. William Shepard's 3d Mass. Eegt., for a years, returned by Trueman Wheeler, muster master of Berkshire Co., Mass.. mus- tered between Jan. 20, 1777 and June 1, 177S, in service Aug. 15. 1777;' also, pri- vate .same Co. and Eegt., on return dated Jan. 31, 1778, res. Alford: also, private on Continental Army Pay Accts.. in Capt. Learned's Co., in Col. Shepard's Eegt. from May 25, 1777 to June 1778: he was app. purchasing commissary in 1778, and remained in the service 12 months; also, private on a depreciation roll of Col. Shepard's Eegt., to make good the wages for the first three years * Note 123. See Notes 13 and 51. t Note 134. WILLIAM HYDE.i b. England. IbOO: prob. came to America with Rev. Thomas Hooker, 1633; sojourned a short time in Newtown, Mass.; removed to Hartford. Ct,, 1636. His name is on the monument to the early settlers in the old cemeteryin Hartford ; where he had land assigned to him; but lie shortly after went to Saybrook. Ct. He was an original proprietor of Norwich, Ct. 1660, where he d. .Tan. 6. 1681. His son Samuel.2 b. Hartford, about 1637; and m. .Tune 165!*, .lane. dau. of Thomas and (Brown) Lee; and their son .Tohn.s b. Norwich, Dec. 1667; m. Mar. 3. 1698. Experience, dau. of Caleb and Margaret (Post) Abel, b. Norwich, Dec. 1674, his 2d cousin. .JONATHAN HYDE, settled in Newton. Mass., 1647; and had descendants of that name, of the seventh generation, there, in 1899, FIFTH GENERATION. 155 service In the Cunt, army from 1777 to 1780: also, in a statement of Continental Balances, in Col. Shepard's Regt., certitiecl May 12, 1780, enlisted for 3 years. Augustus C. Hamlin, a grandson, of Bergen, N. Y., stated in 1871; that his grandfather was a staff officer under Gen. Washington, at the execution of Major Andre: but Mrs. Currie, who res. with her grandfatlier, Elijah Hamlin, doubts this statement, and says she never heard her grandfatlier mention any such incident in his father's service, and thinlis she would have heard about it if it had been a fact. His name appears on the records of Alford in 1793-4: but not later. It is supposed he d. there, before 179(i. His widow survived him, and res. with her stepson, Elijah Hamlin, at East Bloomfield, N. Y., where she d. Aug., 1821, aged 78, and is buried there. Ch. by 1st wife: 591.* Eunice. 592.* Elijah, b. Feb. 8, 1767. 593.* Betsey. 594.* Philo. By 2d wife: 595. Seth, b. Dec. 10, 1777, Alford; d. aged 21. 596.* Leander, " Apr. 15, 1786, 597. Mary, d. young. [220] ISAAC HAMLIN, 5 (Bro. of Seth, ) b. Sharon, Ct., Jan. 10, 1742: m. there, May 15, 1765, Damaris Grummon, b. Spencertown, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1740. He appears to have lived at Spencertown, 1775: his name appears on the records of Lenox, Mass., 1787-8, and at Washing- ton, Mass., 1797; stone-cutter. He was perhaps a Rev. soldier; but as there was another of the same name. Isaac Hamlen« of Cummington, Mass., who was a soldier, it is difficult to distinguish the service of each; one Isaac Hamlen was private in Van Ness' N. Y. Regt. He d. Washington, Aug. 10, 1810; his son Stephen was app. adm. of his estate, Dec. 4, 1810: she d. Aug. 13, 1813, aged 73; both buried New Lenox, Mass. Children: 598.* Isaac? 599.* Tempe, b. Oct. 4, 1771. 600.* Clarissa, " Mar. 1, 1775, Spencertown 601.* Stephen, " May 8, 1785. [221] Capt. PEREZ HAMBLIN,'^ (Bro. of Seth,) b. Sharon, Ct., Feb. 3, 1748. The records of Sharon show the marriage of Perez Hamlin of New Concord, (N. Y.) to Rhoda Hunt of Sharon, Feb. 2, 1769; she b. Sharon, Apr. 11. 1752. He res. in New Concord, later in Lenox, Mass., and was called a miller in 1782; he and his brother Asa received a deed from their father to a grist and saw-mill and water-power in Lenox, now Lenox Dale, Jan. 3, 1786: which they conveyed to their brother Cyi'eneus, May 5, 1787. It is traditional that he was an officer in the revolution, in the commissary dept.: one of his name served in Col. William B. Whitney's 7th Albany Co. militia Regt., in the revolution. 156 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. LETTER. Lenox, Jan'y 3d, 1786. Sr: I inform you that I Received your letter bearing Date Dec'r 19th, and that you would not incline to talce the oxen that I proposed to you at last. I am sorry that I liad not brought them before: But immediately after I returned home from Barrington I was and am still brought into an unheard of trouble, as allmost any man had to pass throw — »Sum of the Particulars 1 shall inform you When I come Down, and that will be in as short a time as it can Possible be — the oxen are at Sharon, and I intend to be at your Hous this week, and have them there as soon as Can be, the cattle are of the age you mention, Theirfore I would be glad that the cattle might be axcepted and that you would not think liard of me about the matter. Witli acnoledgement, 1 am witli esteem your very Humble serv't, PEREZ HAMBLIN. To Esq'r Ives. The most remarkable event of his life, which is prominent in history, v/as his connection with Shay's Rebellion, an account of which is given in Field's History of Berkshire Co., 1829, from which extracts are taken: "On Feb. 26, 1787, Capt. Holcomb marched from Sheffield to headquarters with a company of drafted men. * * * Learning this fact, a body of the insurgents under Capt. Perez Hamlin, who had been lurking about the borders of New York, 80 or 90 in number, made an irruption the night following into Stockbridge at midnight, which they pillaged at their pleasure, and took a great number of the most respectable inhabitants as prisoners. The next morning they pro- ceeded with their booty and prisoners to Great Barrington, where they halted at a public house near tlie Episcopal church. News of this irruption was soon communicated to Slieffleld; runners spread the news, and the citizens friendly to government met at the centre, with such arms as they could muster: and about one o'clock, being joined by Captains Dwight and Ingersoll, and a small company from Great Barrington, who had fled before the insurgents: they were prepared to advance northward to meet them. The whole body making eighty, was under the command of Col. John Ashley, late of Sheffield. The insurgents were now supposed to be coming down to Sheffield, and various rumors were abroad, as to the course they were taking. It was at first suppos- ed they were coming on the meadow road, and that they had turned off by the Episcopal church westward, and were making their way through Egremont, out of the county. Upon hearing this, Col. Assley turned to the left, passed hastily on the back road, and then turning by Arclier Saxton's drove furiously for Francis Hare's, in Egremont. He had scarcely passed the brook nortli of the quarry, wlien it was announced tliat the insurgents were in the rear, com- ing after them. They had been marching towards Sheffield on the back road: but hearing of the government forces, had turned at Saxton's in pursuit of them; just after Col. Ashley had diverged at that place. A halt was immedi- ately made, tlie sleiglis were tlirown out of the way, and an attempt made to form the companies. After a few moments of great confusion, Capt. Goodrich directed the Sheffield Co. to follow him through a lot of girdled trees on the FIFTH GENERATION. 157 west side of the road: and the Great Barrington Co. under Capt. Ingersoll ad- vanced through a copse t)f timber on the east. By tliis time a scattering tire commenced, and continued while the companies were advancing witli a rapid march, fifty or sixty rods: when a well directed fire from eightorten, who were foremost, upon a considerable body of insurgents in the road, disct)mtited them and put them to flight. The whole body dispersed at once and fled in dilforont directions. They left two of their number dead near the place of action, and more than thirty were wounded, among whom was Hamlin, their captain, and a man named Rathburn, wlio died some time after of his wounds. A body of men coming from Lenox, under Capt. William Walker, immediately after the skirmish, enabled the conquerors to take more than fifty prisoners. The loss of the militia was two killed and one wounded. One of the killed was a Mr. Potter, of Gt. Barrington: the other was Mr. Solomon Glezen, taken prisoner at Stockbridge. The one wounded was the late Dr. Burghart, of Richmond: he was in the Co. of Capt. Walker, and was wounded by a small party who fired upon them before they arrived at the spot where the action was fought. It has been commonly supposed that Glezen was killed by the fire of his friends, in consequence of a barbarous practice, said to have been adopted by his captors of putting the prisoners in front, as well to check the ardor of the militia from a sense of their danger, as to screen themselves. A gentleman who was with Glezen when he fell, has informed the writer, that the reason why the priso- ners were put in front, or near the front, was that when they approached the place of action, the Insurgents who had been forward — many of them — turned aside to prepare their muskets. They may have done this through fear: but the the situation of the prisoners was owing to this circumstance, and not to a pre- concerted plan. Glezen fell just as the insurgents began their flight. This skirmish took place over a little valley, now cro.ssed by the Hartford turnpike, near the west line of Sheffield. It was more severe than others which occured during the Shay's Insurrection. The insurgents generally discovered great want of firmness and perseverance in the actions in which they were engaged; owing in part to their being poorly officered; but more probably to serious doubts concerning the lawfulness of their proceedings, and apprehension of their proving finally mischevious to themselves. Six were convicted of treason in Berkshire County: * * * and were sentenced to death, four of whom receiv- ed a free pardon, Apr. 30, 1787: and the rest on May 17, were reprieved until June 21: then until Aug. 2d; and then until Sept, 20; and finally escaped from goal, except one whose sentence was commuted to seven years hard labor. It is said that Capt. Hamlin took a Col. Ashley prisoner at Stockbridge, probably father of the Col. Ashley who opposed him in this fight, as there were two of the same name and rank: and recognizing an old fellow officer of the revolution released him." Capt. Hamblin was seriously w(»unded and captured in the fight as appears from the following: RECORD. Berkshire, ss, Commonwealth of Massachusetts: To the Sheriff of our County of Berkshire, his deputy, and the keeper of the goal in Great Barrington, in our said county, Greeting: Whereas Perez Hamlin, of Lenox, in our said county. Gent., who stands charged for the crime 158 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. of Treason, by the Grand Jury of the said county, as by the Indictment in our Supreme Judicial Court remaining appears; and whereas the said Perez now lies languisliing of certain wounds which he received as it is said in tlie com- mission of the said offence, tliat he cannot appear and talce liis trial for the said crime before our Supreme Juditial Court, now held at Lenox in the said county would manifestly hazard his life, as by our writ of enquirey unto cer- tain Physicians, and the return thereupon by them made. We command you therefore, that the body of the said Perez Hamblin now in your custody upon the charge of Treason aforesaid, you safely and securely keep, so that he may be had before our Justice of our Supreme Judicial Court next to be held at Lenox aforesaid on the first tuesday in October next, 1788, to answer to the said charge, unless he .shall before that time by due order of law be from care and custody discharged. Witness, William Cushing, Esq. This 9th day of October, Anno dominno, 1787. THE MASSACHUSETTS CENTINEL of Oct. 17, 1787. The Supreme Judicial Court at Lenox, in tlie County of Berkshire ordered their session on Wednesday last, when four persons were capitally convicted, and rendered sentence of Death, viz: Cliarles Rose, Potter Allen and John Bly for the crime of robbery attended with the aggravating circumstances of break- ing up dwelling houses in tlie dead of night: and William Manning for the crime of Treason. This Manning is probably the same who was excepted in the act of the Legislature of June last. He was an active officer under Perez Ham- lin, when he made a descent with 100 armed men upon the town of Stockbridge, plundering and captivating many of its respectable inhabitants, on the 27th of J'ebruary last: and was defeated in the action at Sheffield by a party of brave troops under the command of Col. Ashley. Capt. Hamblin was tried and convicted of treason, and sentenced to death, but reprieved from time to time and finally escaped from jail: the record of liis trial and conviction has not been secured. In these measures he no doubt believed, as did others of that time and place, that he was patrioic in fighting for the supposed rights of the people: which at that period was esteemed the popular remedy for redressing public wrongs; and in which the colonists had attained almost unhoped for success. Such results naturally stimulated the people who were struggling with that poverty and distress, born of the then recent wars, in which the people of New England had been engaged for more than an hundred years. It was difficult for the people of that period to determine when to cease fighting. War had become to them second nature; and the distress of the times bore upon them heavily, with cruel, crushing force, more than they could endure and remain inactive; wliich must be the excuse for Shay's Rebellion; approved by a large class of the yeomanry of Berkshire County; but however we may condemn the mistaken zeal of Capt. Hamblin in that cause, history shows that his courage was equal to his convic- tion. It is supposed that a desire to adopt the Federal Constitution and to ratify the same in Mass. at that time led towards lenient treatment of tliose engaged in that insurrection. FIFTH GENERATION. 159 Samuel Manton conveyed to Perez Hamlin one half acre of land and the house in which Hamblin then lived, May 25, 1791: this house was on East street. Lenox: which he sold Mar. 1, 1794. He was tinancially ruined through his c(»n- nection with the reljellion: and removed to New Haven, Vt., date unknown: but was there in 1796, and continued there until the spring of 1813, when he and his wife removed with their son Stephen to Aurelius, N. Y., they resided later at Auburn. N. Y. He survived his wife, and d. at Auburn, 182(i. Children: 602.* Lois, b. July 9, 1770. 603.* Rhoda Ann, " Feb. 13, 1772. 604.* Chaklotte, " May 13. 1774, New Concord. 605.* Stephen. •' Sept. 8, 1776, Lenox. 606. Elijah, prob. d. young 607. Perez, b. Mar. 20, 1779: " " ." 608. Sarah, " July 12, 1782. [222] JOHN HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of Seth,) b. Sharon, Ct., Mar. 21, 1750. It is traditional that he res. at Leroy, N. Y. about 1816: or perhaps this was a mistake, and he may have lived at Leray, in Jefferson County, N.Y. He is supposed to have d. before 1846, perhaps at Bloomtield, N.Y. No family discovered. [223] JEHIEL HAMBLIN,^ iBvo. of Seth,) b. Sharon, Ct., Oct. 2, 1751; m. by Rev. Grlswold, West Springfield, Mass., Jan. 12, 1775, Jerusha Pomeroy, b. Sept. 11, 1756: he was then called of Kin- derhook. N. Y. His name appears on the Springfield records in 179S; his home- stead in W. Springfield, was possessed in 1896, by the children of his grand dau. Mrs. Jane Allen. Both d. W. Springfield: he Apr. 26, 1840; she June 14, 1843. He is buried in Feeding Hills cemetery, Agawam, Mass. Ch. prob. b. W. Springfield: 609. Betsey, Dec. 30, 1775; d. Dec. 12, 1848, unm, 610.* Ebenezer S. Apr. 9, 1778. 611.* Jerusha. Mar. 16, 1780. 612. Electa, Apr. 26, 1782; d. Nov. 12, 1785. 613.* AsHER Pomeroy, June 8, 1784. 614.* Electa, Mar. 22, 1787. 615.* Jesse, Apr. 27, 1791. 616.* Lester, June 14, 1797. [224] JESSE HAMBLIN,-^ (Bro. of Seth,) b. Sharon, Ct., Dec. 17, 1753. It is traditional that he m., and that he had children as given below. One Jesse Hamblin served in the revolution, in Col. Peter Van Ness' 9th Albany Co. militia Regt. An old letter from the family of his brother Cyreneus, June, 1753, states that he d. at Bloomfield, N. Y., which is prob. an error; another account says that he d. near Little Falls, N. Y. before 1840. No living descendants discovered. Children: 617. Joel? 618. Samuel? 619. Harvey y 620. Sally? 1 160 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [225] CYRENEUS HAMBLIN,5 (Bro. of Seth,) b. Sharon, Ct., Aug. 5, 1755; m. Sarah Wilson. It is traditional that he was a Rev. soldier; farmer. His name appears on the records of Lenox, Mass', as early as Apr. 12, 1784. His brothers Perez and Asa conveyed to him a mill in Lenox, May 5, 1787. He conveyed 18 acres of land and a grist-mill in Lenox to William Walker, May 15, 1787; and was soon afterwards at Charlton, N. Y., where several of his children were born; and later at Paris, N. Y., where other children were born. It is said that he settled at Leroy, N. Y. about 1816. Both d. in Genesee Co., N. Y.; he at Pavilion, about 1822. Children: 621.* Perez, b. Mar. 20, 1779, Charlton. 622.* Mercy, u May 6, 1781, Lenox. 623.* Laura, u Jan. 3, 1783, 624. Thaddeus, u Apr. 30, 1786, " m., and res. Rome, N. Y 625. Sally, a Charlton. " Job Nobles. 626. Harvey, a " " and res. Rome, N. Y 627.* Clarissa, u Paris. 628.* Betsey, a June 16, 1800, " 629.* Seth, n 1801, " 630.* Milo, i b Mar. 4, 1804, " • [226] MERCY HAMLIN, 5 (Sister of Seth,) b. Sharon, Ct., Sept. 8, 1757; m. Raphael Porter; merchant; Clinton and Rutland, N. Y. Both d. Rutland; she Aug. 24, 1835; he Dec, 1796. Children: 631. Alartca, 632. Olive, 633. Perez, 634. Asa. 635. Raphael. 636. Mary. 637.* Juliana, ra. Brooks. Burr. Cynthia Tuttle. [227] ASA HAMBLIN,6 (Bro. of Seth,) b. Sharon, Ct., Sept. 23, 1759; m. June 30, 1785, perhaps at Lenox, Mass.. Hannah Nobles, b. 1767. His father conveyed to him and his brother Perez a mill in Lenox, Jan. 3, 1786; which they conveyed to their brother Gyrene us, May 5, 1787; in that deed Asa is called, of Ballstown, Albany Co., N. Y.; the record of the births of his children show that he soon afterwards lived at Paris, N. Y.; after the birth of his children he removed to the Spencer Settle- ment, Rome, N. Y. Capt. Talcott and he built log houses opposite each other, and cleared farms there; frame houses were erected to take the places of the log ones later, which still exist; farmer. He was a Rev. pensioner; the records of the pension office show that he served about 3 years in Col. Willett's Regt., no details of service given; also, private in Capt. Stoddard''s Co., in Col. Vose's Mass. Regt.; enlisted 1780, for 9 months; his app. for pension dated Rome. N. Y., June 17, 1819, and his age then given as 57 years, which was an error. One Asa Hamlin was Sergt. in Pearcy's Co., in Col. Willett's N. Y. Regt., as shown by the N, Y. records. The Mass. records show that Asa Hamlin served in Capt. John King's Co., in Col. John Brown's Berkshire Co. Regt.; enlisted June 29, 1777; served under Gen. Schuyler; dis. July 21, 1777; also, his name is on a de- FIFTH GENERATION. 161 scriptive list of men enlisted from Berkshire Co. for 9 months from the time of their arrival at Fishkill, N. Y.; agre, IS: stature, 5 feet 6 inches: complexion, dark: res. Richmond: arrived at Fishkill, May 31, 1778; served in Capt. Reeves' Co., in Col. Rossiter's Mass. Reg^t.; also, in list of men enlisted from Berkshire Co. for 9 months from time of their arrival at Fishkill, as returned by Henry Rutgers Jr., deputy master master, taken in lieu of Samuel Goodrich: raised by Resolve of Apr. 20. 1778: res. Richmond: also, private in Capt. Samuel Good- rich's Co., in Lt-Col. Miles Powell's Berkshire Co. Regt.: enlisted July 18, 1779; served at New Haven. Ct.: dis. Aug. 22, 1779; also, on pay roll for six months men, raised by the town of Lenox, for service during 1780: marched June 30, 1780: dis. Dec. 12, 1780; also, in list of men from Lenox, dated Camp Totoway, Oct. 25, 1780, returned by Brig. Gen. Patterson, as having passed muster. There were two Rev. soldiers named Asa Hamlin, who were cousins; it is difficult to distinguish the service of each; see Asa Hamlin^ [ 215. ] He was call- ed Capt. Hamlin. It is said that his dau. Caroline was the very picture of her father, that she was tall and slim, of light complexion and blue eyes. He d. at the home of a dau. in Verona, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1731. His widow at one time lived Goodwin, with Joshui X Hill, Rome, N. Y., but d. ; at the home of her dau. Mrs. G( Rome, July 4, 1851. Children: 638.* Henry, b. Dec; 28, 1785, Lenox. 639.* MiLLiA Orra, " Aug. 16, 1787, Paris. 640.* LOVISA, " 1789, 641.* Hannah Noble, " Dec. 26, 1793, 642.* Asa, " 1796, 643.* Olive, " July 10, 1798, 644.* .■\LMIKA, " Nov. 7, 1802, -645. Betsey, '• d. Mar. 19, 1808, 646* Caroline, " 647. Elizabeth, " 1809. d. Jan. 6, 1814. [229] NATHANIEL HAMLIN,-^ (Lewis,* Ebenezer,:^ James,2i) b. Lebanon, Ct., Nov. 29, 1741. A sketch of his life was prepared by his great grandsori, the late Prof. Charles E. Hamlin; from which extracts have been taken. In 1759, he assisted in building boats at Albany, N. Y., and perhaps at Lakes George and Champlain, for Gen. Amherst's expedition. From May 2, 1760 to Jan. 15, 1761, he served as private in Capt. Barachiah Bassett's Co. of Chilmark, Mass., in Col. Nathaniel Thwing's Regt. and served in Nova Scotia. As one of the garrison who, under the direction of a company of sappers and miners, sent out from England, blew up the fortifications of Louisburg, he participated in the demolition, which he used to describe; and * Note 12.5. The Baker family of Barnstable. Mass. descend from: Rev. NICHOLAS BAKER.i of Scitiuite, Mass.. a graduate of St. John's College. Cam- liridge, England; who received the Bachelor's degree, lt):^]-2. and Master of Arts, 16.'55. Fie and Ills brother Nathaniel settled in Hingham, Mass., I(i8.5. He afterwards became a large land holder in Hull; he was ordained in Scituate, KMiO; his first wife d. Scituate, 1661; m. 2d. lti6:J. Grace ; he d. Aug. 22, 1678, aged 67; his widow d. .Jan. 22, 1696-7. Children: Samuel, m. Fear Robinson. Nicholas. Mary. Elizabeth. Sarah. Deborah. 162 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. which began June 2, 1760, was finished Oct. 8, or 17. He removed from Barn- stable to Wellfleet, Mass. in May, 1763, probably because that place, largely engaged in fisheries, offered better opportunity for work on boats and fishing vessels. About that time the mother and younger children transferred their residence to Wellfleet; where the brothers, Nathaniel, Lewis and Perez were for some years boat builders. He m. Dec. 5, 1763, Sarah Baker,* b. Wellfleet, Feb. 27, 1743. They were members of the church, Wellfleet. They removed to Shrewsbury, Mass., Oct. 14, 1772. He was drafted in the fall of 1776. to serve in the Rev. army, but having a family of five children, the eldest of whom was not eleven years old, he furnished a substitute. The certificate of that transaction reads: "This may certify that Mr. Nathaniel Hamblin this day procured Mr. SAMUEL/ BAKER,2 m. Pear. dau. of Isaac Robinson. He inherited an estate in Hull; but became an inhabitant of Barnstable. Children: .John; m. Anna Annable. Nathaniel, " Mercy Lewis. And perhaps: Mary ? Grace ? Dea. .JOHN BAKER.3 m. Oct. 14. 1696, Anna.a dau. of Samuel Annable; who d. Mar. :21. 1732-3; he removed to Windham, Ct. Ch. b. Barnstable: Annah. 1697. Mary, 1699. .John, d. young- Rebecca, 1704. SAMUEIi. 1706. Mary. 1710. Mehitable, 1712. Abigail, 1713-4. .TOHN, 1716. Hannah, 171S. NATHANIEL BAKER.s (Bro. of Dea. John.) The name of his 1st wife, the mother of his children, is not recorded, m. 2d. Jan. 5, 1718-9, widow Mercy Lewis. His house was on Baker's Lane, Barnstable. He d. 1750. his widow d. Dec. 7. 1768. Ch. b. Barnstable: Benny, 1705; d. young. Mercy, 1706. Sarah, 1708; d. young. Nathaniel, 1709. Nicholas. 1711. Sarah, 1713. Thankful, 1715. Benne, 1716. Elizabeth. 1718. The Hyannis family descend from: FRANCIS BAKER,i who came from Great St. Alban's, Hertfordshire. England, in the Phinter, 1635; aged 24; m 1641, Isabel Twining, and had six sons and two daughters. NATHANIEL BAKER,2 b. Mar. 27. 1642, the eldest .son, had three sons. SAMUEL BAKER,3 the eldest son. b. Oct. 26, 1670; m. .July 30. 1702, Elizabeth Berry; they had three sons and five daughters. .lUDAH BAKER,4 the eldest son. b. Aug. 19. 1705; m. Feb. 15. 1728-9, Mercy Burgess; they had three sons and five daughters. TIMOTHY BAKER.'i the eldest son. b. Apr. 21. 1732; m. 1753. Keziah ; they had six sons, one of whom was Capt. Timothy Baker.8 and three daughters. The descendants of Francis Baker.i are very numerous, embracing many mariners and business men. FIFTH GENERATION. 163 Benj. Baker to go into the servis at Horse Xeck, in his ronie, and excepted by me," "Asa Rise, Cap'n," His eldest dau. Polly, in her old a^re used to tell of witnessingr the passage of Burgoyne's army past her father's house in Shrewsbury, on the way from Saratoga, to Cambridge, Mass., in the fall of 1777. See described minutely, the peculiar dress and appearance of the Hessians. He removed to Oxford. Mass., April, 1778. wliere he bought land with buildings from Sylvanus Town: the deed specifying sixty live acres of upland and two parcels of meadow land, one of two acres, the other of two acres and forty five rods — both known as part of "Beirs \Jeadow,"— was signed by Town and his wife before witnes.ses on May 30, 1777: but was not acknowledged before the justice of the peace — and therefore not delivered till Mar. 30, 1778. Warrants still in existence show that, for 1783-4, be officiated in Oxford as collector of .state and town taxes. He and his son Theophilus labored as house carpenters in Hallowell and Va-isalboro. Me., during 1733-4. One of these jobs was that of finishing the interor of the town meeting liou.se, in that part of Hallowell, then known as the "Fort Village." which became Augusta in 1797. Among his papers of this period is this receipt: "Hallowell, 3 July, 1784" "Rec'd on board sloop Hannah, from N. Hamlin, one hundred and one oars: which I promise to deliver to Capt. Edmund Hous of Boston, dangers of the sea excepted."' ••Samuel Howard." Theophilus settled at the Fort Village, and his fatlier returned to Oxford. His sons and daughters gradually removed to Hallowell, now Augusta, and at last the parents with the youngest child, Lot, came in 1795. At Augusta he found exercise for his great mechanical skill and ingenuity, not only as a house wright. but in making wooden clocks, spinning wheels and sleighs; his clocks on which his name sometimes appeared as, N. Hamlin, found their way to dis- tant parts of Maine: thus, late in 1799 he took a load of "Movements" to the Penobscot, where, in the house of his brother Perez, he made cases, and sold the completed clocks to the neighboring inhabitants. The infant son of tlie brother, born the preceeding July was named for the visiting uncle. In 1798 lie bought the house built by his son-in-law, Isaac Carter, at the corner of Win- throp and State streets, Augusta. On the gable of this liouse was a large dial, attaclied to a clock, kept in operation as a sign of his business. • He sold this house to Kennebec county, January, 1829; and upon the lot was erected the same year, the present granite court house. Throughout his long life he was highly respected for integrity and manliness. Both d. Sidney, Me.: he Jan. 19, 1834; she July 4, 1830. Children: 648.* Theophilus, b. Dec. 6, 1765, Wellfleet. 649.* Maky, " Apr. 10, 1768, " 650.* Olive, " Nov. 2, 1770, >ra.ss. 651.* Lewis, " Mar. 24, 1773. Shrewsbury. 652.* Sarah, " Aug. 19, 1775, 653.* Perez, " Oct. 1, 1777. " 6.54. Nathaniel, " June 23, 1780, Oxford: d. Nov. 2. 1780. 655.* Lot, " May 3, 1782, " 164 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [230] Capt. lewis HAMBLEN,'- (Bro. of KatlianieL) b. Lebanon-. Ct., Dec. 19, 1743; m. Oct. 16, 1766, Phebe Harding,* b. Well- fleet, Mass., 1742. He removed in childhood with his parents back to Barn- stable from whence they came; and with his widowed mother and family to Wellfleet, May, 1763. See sketch of his brother Nathaniel. He was drafted from Wellfleet to serve in the Continental army, but paid a fine: report dated Sept. 8, 1777. Prior to 1779 he settled on land now in Hampden, Me. During the disasterous "Bagaduce Expedition" on the Penobscot river, August, 1779, the British fleet pursued the settlers up the river from their homes; Lewis Hamblen and wife were then driven from their home and made their way on foot through the wilderness to the Kennebec river; thence back to Wellfleet, where he became a leader in town and church aft'aii'S; and his brother Perez took possession of the Hampden lands; selectman, 1787-1800; town clerk, 1801-8: treasurer twelve years; Master of Adams Lodge, A. F. & A. M., 1799, 1800 and 1809. The will of Lewis Hamblen, of Wellfleet, Gentleman, dated Dec. 30, 1807 names wife Phebe: to whom he gave his personal estate, and the use of his real estate during her life, with power to sell and convey the same, if necessary for her support: and remainder to his nephews, Lewis, son of his brother Nathan- iel, and Lewis, son of his brother Perez. Inventory, Mar. 22, 1810; real estate, $1456.00; personal, $1813.30. Mr. Josiah Whitman of East Bridge water, Mass.. wrote, 1845, that he formerly lived in Wellfleet, and that he sold the land, of Lewis Hamblen for the heirs in Maine; and that the widow of Lewis willed her estate to her brother Nathan Harding. Both d. Wellfleet: he Feb. 9, 1810; she Sept. 20, 1818. No issue. [235] PEREZ HAMLiN,s (Bro. of Nathaniel,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Sept. 26, 1755; m. Wellfleet, Mass., Mar. 25,' 1779, Sabra, dau. of Elisha and Dorcas (Doane*) Cobb, b. Wellfleet, Feb. 8. 1763. The Mass. archives show that he was on a pay abstract of Capt. Winslow Lewis' Co., for travel to and from camp at Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 13. 1776; prob. a corporal. It is traditional that he was a flfer at Bunker Hill. He obtained a tract of land in Hampden, Me., from bis brother Lewis, May, 1787; upon which he cleared a farm and lived there the remainder of * Note 12(i. ABRAHAM HAKDING.i come from England with Capt. Gorges. 1623; m, 1639, Elizabeth Harding, who came from England, 1630; freeman. May, 1645; he was propri- etor in Medfield, 1650; where he d. Mar, 22, 1655. ABRAHAM HARDING,2 of Medfield, b. Aug. 15. 16,55; m. Mary Mason and Saral) Fairbanks. ISAAC HARD1NG.3 b. East Medway. Mass.. Feb. 16. 1705; m. Rachael, dau. of Samuel and Hannah Hill. THEODORE HARDING.* b. Medway, .Tuly 24. 1736; m. Lois. dau. of Timothy and Abigail Clarli. ELIAS HARDING.s b. Medway, , [an. 13, 175.S, m. Thankful Forbes and Hannah Baker. JLTDSON HARDING.e of North Wrentham, Mass., b. .Jan. 11, 1800; m. Clarissa Danforth dau. of Barnabas and Phebe Cary. Robert Harding, freeman. Mass.. May IS. 1631. John Harding, freeman, Mass., May 13, 1640. Joseph H.Vrding. was an early settler of Eastham. Mass.; selectman. 1673; he became a settler of Chatham. Mass., where he was selectman, 16i)3-S. The name is an old and common one on Cape Cod. * Note 127. Dea. .JOHN DOANE.i b. England, l.")il0; came from Wales to Plymouth. Mass. it is claimed in the Forliair, Nov. 11, 1621 ; but his name does not appear in the passenger list of that ship; he settled at Plymouth; wife, Abigail; freeman, 1633; assistant to Gov FIFTH GENERATION. 165 his life: this farm in 1846 formed the south boundary of Hampden Corner. INIe., occupied by Jedadine Heri-ick and others. Both d. Hampden; lie July •2, 1835: she Feb. 13, 1850. OBlTUxVRY. Died in Hampden, on the 21st f»f July, 1835, after a short but severe ill- ness, Mr. Perez Hamlin, in the 80th year of his age: this aged Pilgrim was one of the first settlers of this town, who cut away the trees and cleared the land where now stands the flourishing village of Hampden, Me. He was born in Barnstable, Mass.; came to this place forty seven years ago; and in a revival of religion here twenty four years ago, he and his wife became tiie subjects of converting grace. He lived to see his country involved in and delivered from the dangers and perils of two wars; and has beheld her ad- vance from a colony greatly oppressed, to a mighty and happy republic. At last he has closed his toils and laid down to rest: and what is most cheering to us all, and most consoling to his relatives is that he closed his eyes in peace and hope. He has left an aged wife, with whom he had lived about fifty seven years, and numerous relatives to mourn his sudden depart- ure; but they have the consolation of believing their loss is his gain. He went to the sanctuary all day on the Sabbath, and on Tuesday his depart- ed spirit doubtless entered into the temple of its God on high. On Thurs- day his remains were committed to the dust to slumber till the morning of the resurrection. Peace to his memory. Children; 656.* Lewis, b. Feb. 27, 1781, Wellfleet. 657.* Elisha, " June 18, 1783, u 65S.* Polly, " Oct. 14, 1785, u 659.* Sally, " June 19, 1788, Hampden. 660.* Betsey, *' Aug. 27, 1790, a 661.* Perez, " Apr. 9, 1794, " 662.* Sabkina, " Aug. 2, 1796, u 663.* Nathaniel, '• July 12, 1799, a 664. Olive, " Nov. 11, 1802, d. 665. Almika, " Mar. 6, 1805, (1 a Dec. 22, 1802. May 22, 1844, unm. Thomas Prence, 1633; on committee with the governor and assistants to revise the laws. 1536; deputy, 1043; deacon in the church ; he was one of the founders of Nauset, now Eastham, Mass. 1644; which included anciently, WeUfleet on the north, and Orleans on the south, The first -settlers of Eastham were: Gov. Thomas Prence. Edward Bangs. .John Smalley, .Fohn Doane. Nicholas Snow. Richard Higgins and .Tosias Cook, and tlieir families, constituting a colony of forty nine persons. To each settler was granted 200 a49-54; selectman. 1663-76; he d. Eastham. Feb. 21. 16s'6. and was buried in Town Cove burying ground. Children: .John. b, 1634; m. Hannah Bangs and Rebecca Pettee. Daniel. *' 1636; •' twice. Lydia. Abigail. Ephkaim. Note 128. RICHARD COBB, of Hingham. Mass. is said to have come from Boston; he had a son Thomas, b. Mar, 2s. ]6<)3; who settled in Eastham, Mass.. where he m. Oct. 14. 171". Mercy, dau, of Lieut. Edmund and Sarah (Mayo) Freeman; their son Elisha. m. Dorcas, dau. of .Joseph Doane; and their dau.. Sabra Cobb, m. I'erez Hamlin. It is traditional that some of the Cobbs in America descend from Isaac Cobb. Post Ad- miral of Yarmouth, England. 166 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [286] SYLVANUS HAMBLIN,^ (Sylvanns,' Elkanah,^ ,Jaines,2i; bap. Oct. 11, 1741. He served in Capt S. Bourne's Co., which marched from Barnstable, to Canada, Mar. 13, to Dec. 22, 1758; and is said to have de- serted. No further account of him. [237] SIMEON HAMBLIN,^' (Bro of Sylvanus,) prob. b. Barnstable or P^almouth, Mass., about 17.35; bap. June IT, 1744: m. by Rev. .Samuel Palmer, Falmouth, Dec. 26. 1765, Martha, dau. of Peter and Mehitable Hatch,* bap. May 20, 1789. In the record of his marriage he is called "A transient person, now residing in Falmouth." He marched in Capt. S. Bourne's Co. from Barnstable to Canada, Mar. 13, to Dec. 22, 1758, although a mere boy. He was also a Rev. soldier: his name appears in list of men enlisted from Barnstable county in 1779, to serve in the Cont. Army: age, 34 yrs.; stature, 6 feet: complexion, dark; residence, Falmouth; delivered to Lieut. Lilley; another record says he was delivered to Col. Treeman for Capt. HilTs Co.; also, private in Capt. Simeon Fish's Co.. in Col. Nathaniel Free- man's MavSS., mihtia Regt.; served eight daj'S on alarm at Falmouth and Dart- mouth, Sept., 1779. Many queer stories are told about him. A British fleet entered Vlnyard sound, Apr. 3. 1779, and one of the ships went into Wood's Hole; the crew landed and proceeded to rob one Paul Robinson of his stock. Hamblin with others were sent to watch them; they saw the enemy land and drive off the poor man's animals; take a porker from the pen and toss it into- their boat. Piggy was no tory and set up a squeal at his treatment, which aroused the sympathy and indignation of Hamblin; and his eyes tilled with tears; one of his comrades rallied him and asked why he cried. "I hear that poor pi^-, and can't help crying to see how those cruel Britishers treat their fel- low beings'^ said he. He was prob. a mariner, with a home in Falmouth. He d. in North Carolina, no particulars of his death; perhaps he d. while absent on a voyage. Ch. b. Falmouth: 6(i6.* Seth, Nov. 9, 1766. 667. Simeon. 668.* Martha, June 15, 1778. [239] BARNABAS HAMBLIN,5 (Bro. of Sylvanus,) prob. b. Barnstable, about 1739: bap. Apr. 26, 1747: m. there, Nov. 23, 1769. Mary Bassett*; res. Falmouth, Mass. In 1846 Isaac Hamblin wrote from Montpelier, Vt., that Barnabas Hamblin was there in 1798-9; that he came * Note 139. For Hatch see note 94. * Note 130. Mr. Sergle of Chicago, author of an unpublished genealogy of the Bassett family, says they are of Norman-French origin, and came to England with William the Con- queror; Therstinc Bassett, being the King's Grand Falconer. During succeeding centuries they were great barons, liolding power second only to that of the king; and some claimed royal lineage, most of these peerages have long been extinct. The American families of Bassett descend from William, of Plymouth, 1B31 ; William, of Lynn, 1040: .John, of New Haven, Ct.. 1647, and some from French Huguenots. WILLIAM BASSET.i came in the Fortime, 1621; settled in Plymouth; then in Duxbury: and finally in Bridgewater, Mass; planter and mechanic; a wealthy and large land owner: he possessed a large library; freeman. 1633; his wife was named Elizabeth, perhaps Tilden. Children: Mary Burt. Thomas Burgess, Jr. 1st. Mary or Dorcas Joyce. Peregrine White. William, b. 1634; m Elizabeth, " 1636; •• Nathaniel, •• lOr^S; •' Sarah. •• 1630; •• FIFTH GENERATION. KiT from Cape Cod: and had sons Sylvanus, Barnabas and Asa: and that Sylvanus returned to Cape Cod. He d. Montpelier. May 10, 1799, aged (iO: she d! Grand Isle, Vt. b. about 1774, Barnstable. " Feb. 19, 1782. " about 1785, Falmoutli. Children: 669.* SYLA'AKUS, 670.* Baknauas. 671,* Asa, 672.* Polly. 673.* Sally. - 674.* Rachael. 6-. 5.* William. 676.* Isaiah, 677.* LritAXA. b. about 1790, Falmouth. [242] BENJAMIN HAMBLEN.^ (Reuben,* Elkanah,:' James,^'i) b. Barnstable, M.iss., May 7, 1742; m. there, Nov. 27, 1760, Drusilla Dexter.* He res. Barnstable, and was called Benjamin 3d: another record states that he was unm.; and that he went to England; if true, he returned and was in. as above stated. He was mentioned in his father's will, 1754; and in his mother's will, 1762. The Mass. records show that one Benjamin Hamlin was private in Capt. Joseph Grifleth's Co., in Col. John Jacob's Mass. militia Regt.; enlisted Jan. 10, 1778; res. Barnstable; enlisted into the Cont. army June 10, 1778; dis. Jan. 4. 1779; also, private in Capt. Samuel Fisher's Co., in Col. Nathaniel Free- man's Barnstable Co. Regt.; and served on alarm at Dartmouth and Falmouth, Mass., eight days in Sept. 1779. Perhaps he removed with his children to Roch- ester, Mass. Children: 678.* Reuben, b. about 1761. 679. Constant, lost at sea about 1800. 680.* Elkanah, b. about 1765. 681. Hope, m. Tripp, of Fairhaven, Mass. [243] ABIGAIL HAMBL1N,5 (Sister of Benjamin,) b. Barnstable, Mass. Fell. 23, 1743; m. there, by Rev. Oakes Shaw, Dec. 11. 1765, Lemuel,*' son of Justus and Abigail Howland,* b. Sandwich, Mass., Nov. WILLIAM BASSET,2 m. Mary. dau. of Hugh Burt, of Lynn. Mass.; he removed to Sand- wich, and had a large estate. In 1(552. the General Court of Plymouth appointed a committee to lay out a road from Sandwich to Plymouth, composed of Anthony Thatcher. WiUiam Bas- set. .Tonathan Hatch, John Phinney. .James Skiff, Henry Dillingham. .John Ellis, .John Wing_ -Joseph Rogers, Edward Bangs. William Hedge. Thomas Hinckley and TIioiiims D.'xtcr. He d. 1670. Children: Mary. b. Nov. 21, 1654. William, "- 1656; m Rachael NATHANIEL BASSET.2 m. 1st. Mary or Dorcas, dau. of .John .Toyce. of Yarmouth: m. :hl. Hannah ; who d. 1709; he d. .Jan. 4. 1706-10. 9 children. SARAH BASSET,2 m. Peregrine, son of William Wliite. the pilgrim, b. on the Maiin<>w>)\ in Cape Cod harbor. Nov. 11. 1620. firstborii of the pilgrims in America. His mother m. 2d. Ciov. Edward Winslow. White was reared by Gov. Winslow at Marshfield, Mass; she d. 1711: he .luly 20. 1704. Children: Ruth, .Jane. .Jonathan and .Joseph. * Note 131. For Dexter, see note 95. * Note 132. EBENEZER HOWLAND.* (Isaac,3 .lohn.ai) b. West Barnstable. Mass.. Sept. 7, 16><7; m. .June 26, 171:2, Elizabeth .Justus; removed to Sandwich. Mass.. whi-ri- lie was living. 1730. Child: .Justus. 168 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. 28, 1742: carpenter: Sandwich: she was mentioned in her father's will, 1754, and in her mother's will, l7()2;Congs. Bothd. Sandwich: she Feb. 15, 18.32; he .Ian., 1802. Ch. b. Sandwich: Seth Hamblin." 682.* Benjamin, Jan. 3, 1767. 683.* Nathanikl, June n. 1769. 684.* Betsey, Oct. 4, 1773. 685. Abigail, Sept. 19, 1775; m 686.* Sarah, IVIay 3, 1777. 687.* Eben, ISIav 10, 1780. . 688.* DiADAMA, Sept. 19, 1782. 689.* Bethania, Aug. 15, 1786. 690.* Benjamin, Jan. 11. 691. Abigail. Nov. 3, 692.* Rebecca, June 15, 693.* Ellis, 694.* Lemuel, Oct. 4, 695.* Reuben, Mar. 31, 696.* Mary, [244] LEMUEL HAMBLEN,'^ (Bro. of Benjamin,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Aug. 4, 1746. The records of Sandwich, Mass. show the marriage of Lemuel Hamblen of Barnstable and Dorothy Fish* of Sand- wich, by Rev. Mr. Williams, Jan. 3, 1768: she was dau. of Nathaniel Fish, b. Sandwich, 1749: farmer: Sandwich. The Mass. records show that he was a private in Capt. Simeon Fish's Co., in Col. Nathaniel Freeman's Barnstable Co. Regt.; enlisted Sept. 11, 1778; served on alarm at Dartmouth and Falmouth: dis. Sept. 14, 1778. He d. Sandwich, 1819. A widow Dorothy Hamlin died at Falmouth, July 8, 1818. Perhaps some error in the record. Ch. b. Sandwich: 1769. ' • 1770; m. Lewis Hamblen. 1773. 1776. 1779. 1781. 1784. [.245] THOMAS HAMBLEN,5 (Bro. of Benjamin,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Sept. 26, 1748: m. by Rev. Mr. Williams, Sandwich, Mass., Oct. 20, 1774. Olive, dau. of Silas and Lydia Fish,* b. Sandwich, Feb. 27, 1759; farmer; Sandwich. He d. there, June, 1776; estate. £272. 14, 6: and was distributed 1778, to his widow and only child. She m. 2d, 1787, Jedediah Jones of Barnstable; by whom she had Asa, Temperance, Silas, Mariah, Hannah, Lydia and Anna. Mr. Jones removed to Sandwich and established a tannery. Ch. b. Sandwich: 697.* Thomas, Aug. 14, 1775. [246] HANNAH HAMBLIN,5 (Sister of Benjamin,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Aug. 4, 1753; m. July 20, 1789, Benjamin, son of Ben- jamin Ruggles.t of Hardwick, Mass., b. Dec. 8, 1726: his third wife. Child: 698. Hannah, b. Oct. 28, 1779; d. unm. .lUSTUS ROWLAND ;5 wife, Abigail. Ch. b. Sandwich: Ben.jamin, Nov. 18, 1737. Elizabeth. Dec. 13, 1739. Lemuel, Nov. 38. 3742; m. Abigail Hamblin. Nathaniel, Jan. 26, 1744. "^ Ellis, 1747. * Note 133. For Fish see note 54. t Note 134. BENJAMIN RUGGLES,' (Samuel,6 5 Thomas.* 3 Nicholas.2 Thomas.i) Thomas Rogqles.i of Sudbury, Suffolk. Eng. ; will dated June 21. 1547 or 1.574. FIFTH GENERATION. 169 [247] JOHN HAMBLIN,5 (John,* Elkanah.s James,2i) b. Barnstable, Mass., June 16, 1743; m. there, Mar. 29, 1770, Mary Crocker.* Both d. Barnstable; he 1816; she 1815. 28, 1770; m. Stephen Jones. 1, 1772, " Wilham Stevens. 27, 1774. 26, 1776. [250] REUBEN HAMBLIN,5 (Bro. of John,) ^ b. Barnstable, Mass., Oct., 1756. He was sailing master's 2d mate, in descriptive list dated Sept. 30, 1780, of officer's and crew of ship Viper, com- manded by William Williams; age, 23; stature, 5 feet 5 inches; complexion, dark: res. Barnstable. [251] SETH FISH,5 (Patience Hamblen,* Elkanah,^ James,2i) b. Sandwich, Mass., Mar. 17, 1743-4; m. there, Dec. 6, 1765, Bathsheba Tobey. * Note 135. For Crocker see note 35. Children: 699. Abigail, b. Aug. 700. Mercy, " May 701.* John, bap. Apr. 702. Mary, May 703. Mehttable. 704. Ansel. SIXTH GENERATION [252] LOT SCUDDEE,6 (Samuel,^ Ebenezer,* Elizabeth Hamlin,^' James,!^!) b. Barnstable, Mass., July 16, 1771: m. there, June 14, 179B, Sophia Goodspeed,* b. Barhstable, June 17,' 1771: farmer; Barnstable; Baptist. Both d. Barnstable; he Mar. 1, 1839; she Mar. 15. 1855. Ch. b. Barnstable; 705.* Prentiss, Sept. 14, 1797. 706. John Warren, Feb. 11, 1800. 707. Arthur Fox, Mar. 29, 1802; d. New Orleans, Sept. 25, 1822. 708. Lot, July 22, 1807, " in Illinois. [256] Capt. EBENEZER SCUDDER,-^ (Ebenezer,^* Elizabeth Hamlin,:' James,2i) b. Barnstable, Mass., Aug. 13, 1761: m. 1st, there, Oct. 2, ll^b, Abigail Bearse,t wlio d. Barnstable, Apr. 8, 1803; m. 2d, Barnstable, Mar, Ls, 1804, Mrs. Betsey Lovell,$ who d. Barnstable, Sept. 14, 1848, aged 71 years. * Note 136. For Goodspeed see note 30. + Note 137. For Bearse see note 15. * Note 138. ROBERT LOVELL.i b. about 1595; embarked in the Ohl Dotvct, Weymouth. Eng., with Rev. John Hull, 1635; arrived at Boston, and settled at Wessaguscus, now Weymouth, Mass. ; freeman, Sept. 2, 1635; wife, Elizabeth; farmer; founder of the Lovell family in New England. He d. Weymouth, about 1673. Children; Ann, Zaccheus. John, Ellen and James. .JOHN LOVELL.2 and wife Jane; res. Weymouth. Ch. b. Weymouth: Phebe. Feb. 19, 1655. John, May 8, 1658. Elizabeth, Oct. 28, 1600. James, Oct. 83, 1662. William. Feb. 24, 1664; m. Mehitable Lumbert. Jane, July 28, 1670. WILLIAM LOVELL.3 b. Weymouth, Feb. 24. 1664; m. Sept. 24, 1693, Mehitable Lumbert. He prob. res. Barnstable, Mass. ; and d. 1753. Children: Ell Aug. 1694. Jerusha, Sept. 1696. Elenor, Sept. 10. 1698. Abia, Sept. 12, 1700. Beulah, Feb. 7, 1704. Eleanor. May 17. 1707. SIXTH GENERATION. 171 Master mariner and salt maker; Oscerville. One Ebenezer or Eleazer Scudder served in Capt. Jacob Lovell's Co., in Col. Nathaniel Freeman's Regt. Barn- stable Co. militia, on alarm at New Bedford, Dartmouth and Falmouth, Mass., six days in Sept, 1778. He d. Barnstable, Aug. 28, 1847. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Barnstable: 709. Henry, Mar. 9, 1791; d. Nov. 13, 1814. 710. Geokge, Dec. 2, 1792, " Nov. 4, 1851. 711. Ebenezer, Nov. 19. 1794, " Nov. 7, 1814. 712. Isaac, Nov. 21, 1796, " Oct. 27, 1797. 713.* Isaac, Sept. 22, 1798. 714.* Philander, Dec. 20, 1800. 715.* Joseph Warren. Mar. 22, 1803: m. Apphia Baxter. 71y wiiom he had four children; m. 2d, Judith Poole, by whom lie Jiad four children ; m. 3d, ; Ch. by 1st wife: Robert, Elizabeth, Benjamin and John. • JOHN GOULD,2 b. 1672; m. Lydia Jacobs. JACOB GOULD,» b. Jan. 10, 1720; m. Mrs. Deborah Sampson, nee Gardner. GARDNER GOULD,* b. Dec. 27, 1755; m. Abigail Fearing. THOMAS FEARING GOOLD,3 b. Mar. 20, 17!)7; m. Lynthia Miller. GEORGE THOMAS GOOLD.fi b, Nov. 24, 1825; m. Eliza Ann Lapham. NATHAN GOLD,i b. St. Edmonds Bury, Eng.; m. Martha, widow of Edward Harvey. He was the riohe.st man in Fairfield, Ct. ; active in church affairs; major of militia; deputy 1670. He d. Fairfield, Mar. 4. 1693-4. NATHAN GOULD.a of Fairfield, ni. Hartford. Ct., Dec. 8, 166;i Hannah, dau. of Col. John and Helena (Wakeman) Talcott; Lt-Gov. 1712; Chief Justice. He d. Oct. ;i. 172;{. aged 60. ONSEMUS GOULD.3 of Greenfield. Ct., bap. Oct. 19. 1701; m. Eunice Hubbell. NATHAN G0ULD.4 m. Abigail dau. of Peter Burr. JESSE GOULD. r- of Greenfield; m. Sarah Gould, a cousin. JESSE GOULD,6 of Fairfield; m. Sarah Whitehead. ZACCHEUS GOULD,! (Son of Richard.) b. Bovingdon. Eng.. 1589; came to America. Itm-, settled in Ipswich, now Topsfleld. Mass. He d. 1679. 5 children. Capt. JOHN GOULD.2 only son. )>. June 10. 1635; m. Oct. 12. 1660, Sarah, dau. of .lohu Baker; Capt. in Provincial militia; res. Ipswich, wliere he rt. June 2(), 1709-10. 8 children. ZACCHEUS GOULD.» of Ipswich, b. Mar. 26. 1672; m. Elizalx-th Curtis. JOHN GOULD.i of Topsfleld. b. Jan. :Xi, 1709-10; m. Esther Giles. Capt. BENJAMIN GOULD.5 of Lancaster, b. May 5. 17.51; ra. Greselda Flagg. BENJAMIN ALTHOKP GOULD," of Boston; b. June 15. 1787 m. Lucretia Dana Goddard. 182 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [298] REBECCA HAMBLEN,6 (Sister of Anna,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Apr. 18, 1782: m. Feb. 4. 1802, James Fishborn. She was mentioned as the widow Fishborn, living at South Wellfleet, 1845. She d. Apr. 28, 1846: he d. Apr. 15, 1839. Children: 826.* Mary, b. Jan. 4, 1807. 827. SOPHRONIA, " Sept. 17, 1808; m. Capt. Wish, 828.* Sarah, " Nov. 14, 1813. 829. .James, " Nov. 28, 1815. 830. Joseph Mayo, " Jan. 19, 1819. [299] RUTH HAMBLEN,« (Sister of Anna,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Oct. 18, 1784; m. Aug. 22, 1803, Elisha Lombard,* of Eastham, Mass., b. Sept. 30, 1783. The widow Lombard was mentioned as living in South Wellfleet, 1845. He d. Apr. 16, 1816. Children: 831. Benjamin Hamblen, b. Dec. 8, 1803; m. Louisa Gray. 832. Rebecca, Jan. 28, 1805, " Cornelius Rogers 833.* Elisha Parks, Sept. 20, 1807. 834.* Abigail Crowell, Mar. 11, 1810. 835.* Ruth, Jan. 13, 1813. 836.* Catherine, Sept. 21, 1814. 837.* Betsey, Apr. 9 -^5 1815. [ 300] ISAAC HAMLEN,6 (Isaac,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ .James,'^ i) b. Bridgewater, Mass., Nov. 14, 1748; m. Polly Beals,t b. Apr. 18, 17;>4. He removed from Bridgewater to Cummington, Mass. about 1775-6. Private in Lieut. Joseph Warner's Co., which marched on the Lexington alarm, Apr, 21. 1775, served seven days, and enlisted into the Cont. army; also, private in Capt. Abel Thayer's Co., in Col. John Fellows' 8th Mass. Regt.; enlisted Apr. 28, 1775, in which he served eight months, he signed an order for a "Bounty Coat" at Dorchester, Nov. 7, 1775: res. Township No. 5, now Cummington, Mass.; also, private in Capt. William Ward's Hampshire Co., in Lt-Col. Ezra May's Regt.; enlisted Aug. 17, 1777; same residence; marched on Bennington alarm; dis. Aug. 22, 1777; also, private in Capt. John Bacon's Co., in Col. David Rossiter's Regt., in Gren. F^ellows' Brigade, which reinforced G-en. Stark at Stillwater; enlisted Oct. 13, and dis. Oct. 20, 1781; also, private in same Co., in Col. Caleb Hyde's Regt. in Gen. Rossiter's Brigade, serving at Stillwater: enlisted Oct. 20, and dis. Oct. 28, 1781. He d. Cummington, July 27, 1826. She d. July 18, 1833. Ch. b. Cummington: 838.* Huldah, Jan. 22, 1782, 839.* Isaac, Sept. 8. 1784. 840.* Joshua, Sept. 17, 1787. 841.* Sarah, 1789. 842.* Ira, Nov. 10. 1790. 843. Polly, Sept. 20, 1793: d young. * Note 154. For Lombard see note 43. + Note 155. It Is supposed that the Beals family came from Bridgewater to Cummington. Mass. about 1779. SIXTH GENERATION. 183 [302 J DAVID HAMLEN,s (Bro. of Isaac,) b. Bridgewater, Mass., May 23, 1752; m. Jan. 5, 1780, Rebecca Beals,* of Cummington, Mass., b. 1759. He removed from Bridgewater to Cumington, 1775-6. Private in Lieut. Josepli Warner's Co., on Lexington alarm, which marched Apr. 21, 1775, served seven days, and enhsted into the Cont. army Apr. 27, 1775; also, private in Capt. Abel Thayer's Co., in Col. John Fellows' 8th Mass. Regt., in which he served eight months, and signed for a "Bounty Coat" at Dorchester, Nov. 7, 1775; res. Township No. 5, now Cummington, Mass.; also, private in Capt. William Ward's Hampshire Co., in Lt-Col. Ezra May's Regt. enlisted Aug. 17, 1777; marched on Bennington alarm: dis. Aug. 22, 1777; also, private in Capt. Christopher Bannister's Co., in Lt-Col. Ezra May's Regt.; enlisted Sept. 20, 1777; served on expedition to Stillwater and Saratoga, and was guarding prisoners during the battle of Stillwater; dis. Oct. 14, 17V7. His app. for pension was dated Clarence, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1832. He removed from Cumington, was at Milford, Bloomington and Honeoye, and settled at Pine Grove, now Clarence, N.Y., about 1801, where he res. until his death, 1839; Methodists. His farm was occupied by his son Lenzea. Children: 844.* Rebecca, b. Jan. 2, 1782. 845.* David, " Apr. 22. 1783. 846.* Nancy, " Oct. 9, 1785. 847.* SiBA, " Dec. 16, 1789. 848. Albin, " Mar. 21, 1791. 849.* Lenzea, " Aug. 24, 1793. 8.50.* Orra, " Nov. 3, 1796. 851.* Isaac, " Dec. 29, 1800. 852.* Sarah, " Sept. 3, 1803. [303] MOLLY HAMLEN,^ (Sister of Isaac,) b. Bridgewater, Mass., Aug. 8, 1754; m. Noah, son of Eleazer and Mercy ( Richards) Packard,! b. Bridgewater. Oct. 3, 1752. He and his son Iram opera- ted a mill for dressing flax, at Plainfield, Mass. in 1810. She d. Sept. 9, 1829: lie d. Geauga Co., Ohio, June 9, 1830. Ch. b. Plainfield: 853. Irene, Oct. 24, 1782: m. Abijah Snow, Feb. 3, 1803. 854.* Iram. Dec. 14, 1784. 855. Polly, Jan. 14, 1787; m. James Bisbee, Jan. 28, 1807. * Note 156. For Beals see note IK. + Note 157. SAMUEL PACKARD.i b.Windham. Enji. ; came to America in ship Dilidtuce. arrived Aug. 10, ISaS; settled at Hin,sj;iiam, xMass. ; removed to West Bridj,'ewater ; m. Elizabeth—; constable; tavern keeper; d. W. Bridgewater; children, except three eldest, b. in America: Elizabeth, Samuel. Zaccheus. Thomas. .lohn. Nathaniel, Mary. Hannah, Israel. Joel. Del)()rah. and Deliverance. ZACCHEUS PACKARD.a of Bridgewater. ni. Sarah Howard. He d. Aug. :i. 17:i;j. zaccheus PACKARD.s of North Bridgewater; 1). Bridgewater. Sept. 4. 16it:{: m. Oct. 21. 1735. Mercy A14en. He d. Bridgewater. 1775. ELEAZER PACKARD.4 of N. Bridgewater. b. there, Sept. 24, 17:i7; ni. 1751. Mercy Richards; they removed, perhaps to Cummington. Mass. Children: Olive. b. Feb. 25.1751. Noah. "Mar. 31. 175fi; m. Molly Hamlen. Ei.EAZEK, '■ Mar. 31, 1750. 184 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. 85H. Sally, Mar. 3, 1789. 857. Chilion, Mar. 7, 1791: went south in youth. 858. Olive, Nov. 23, 1793: d. June 30, 1829. 859.* Noah, May 7, 179fj. 860. David, .June 12. 1799. [304] JOSEPH HAMLEN," (Bro. of Isaac,) b. Bridffewater, Mass., Apr. 1, 1755; Private in Capt. James Allen's Co., in Col. .John Bailey's Mass. Regt.: enlisted May 1, 1775, served 3 months. 1 week, 1 day: res. Brido^ewater. and was serving in same company on Oct. 6. 1775: also, private in Capt. Nathan Harwood's Co., in Col. John Dickinson's Mass. Regt., whicli marched to reinforce Col. Warner on alarm at Manchester: enlisted July 19, dis. July 31, 1777 His brother John wrote, 1846. that lie m. in Verinont, and was soon after killed by a tree falling on him. [306] SARAH HAMLEN," (Sister of Isaac,) b. Bridge water, Mass., Sept. 20, 1760; m. .John Stearns,* of Cummington, Mass. They removed to Vermont soon after marriage. [307] Hon. JOHN HAMLEN,« (Bro. of Isaac,) b. Bridgewater, Mass., Oct. 22, 1762: m. 1st, Windsor, Mass., Dec, 1790, Sally, dau. of Reuben and Sarah Towne,t b. Sutton, Mass., 1773; who d. Oct. 11, 1818; m. 2d, by Rev. J. L. Pomeroy, Nov. 10, 1819, Mrs. Dorothy, widow" of Dr. * Note 1.58. ISAAC STERNES.i and wife Mary, supposed to have come from the parish of Nayland. Suffolk, Eng., in the ^W)C»a, with the compaay of Gov. .lohn Winthrop and Sir Richard Saltonstall, 1630; settled in Watertown, Mass. ; farmer; freeman, May IS, 1631; select- man; a man in affluent circumstances; his home was bounded, north by land of .lohn Warren, west by highway, south by land of .John Bisco, east by Pequusset, part of which he owned; his homestead descended to his son Samuel, then to grandson Nathaniel. He d. .lune 19. 1671; will dated .June 14, 1661: she d. Apr. 3, 1677. It is supposed they were the progenitors of the Stearns family in America. Children: Mary, b, . Dec. 1625, Nayland ; m, , Isaac Learned. Hannah, Sept. 1628. Henry Freeman. John, 1630, England, Sarah Mixer and Mary Lothrop. Isaac, Jan. 6, 1632, Watertown, m. Sarah Beers. Sahah, • Sept. 22. i6a5, Dea. Samuel Stone. Samuel, Apr. 24, , 1638, Hannah Manning. Elizabeth, " a Samuel Manning. Abigail, " Dea. John Morse. + NOTE 159. WILLIAM TOWNE.i b. England. 1600; supposed to be son of Richard Towne of Braceby, Eng. He came from Yarmouth or Bristol, Eng., with wife, .Toanna Blessing, and five or six children; settled in Salem, Mass. Children: Rebecca, bap. Feb. 21, 1621; m. Francis Nourse. John. " Feb. 16, 1624; never m. Susannah, " Oct. 20. 1625, " " Edmund, " .lune 28, 1628; m. Mary Browning. Jacob, " Mar. 11, 1632, " Catherine Simonds. Mary, " Aug. 24. 16:34. " Isaac Estey. Joseph, " about 1639, '• Phebe Perkins. Sarah, " Sept. 3, 164s, " Edmund Bridges, and Peter Cloyes. JOSEPH TOWNE.2 b. about 1639; m. Phebe. dau. of Thomas Perkins, of Topsfleld. Mass.; removed from Salem to Topsfleld, Mar. 22, 1690. He d. 1713, aged 74. Children: Phebe, May 4, 1666; d. Jan. 3, 1669. Joanna, Jan. 23, 1668. m. Thomas Nichols. SIXTH GENERATION. 185 Gove, and dau. of Col. Ayer, of Worthington, Mass., who d. Sept. 21, 1847, aged 69 years, fie removed with his motlier's family from Bridgewater to Cummington; and it was among his distinct recollections, that while on the journey, at Northampton, the news of the Declaration of Independence reach- ed that town, supprising and rejoicing the people. Private in Capt. Joseph Clapp's Co., in Col. Israel Chapin's .3d Mass. Regt.; enlisted Oct. 16, 1779; served at Claverack; dis. Nov. 21, 1779, 5 days travel; also, private in Capt. Ebenezer Strong's Co.; in Col. Sears' Hampshire County Regt.; enlisted Aug. 10, 1781; service at Saratoga; dis. Nov. 20, 1781. He signed for bounty paid him by class 2, for Belchertown, to serve in the Cont. army for 3 years, July 9, 1782. His name appears in Capt. Henry Porter's Co., of Northampton, for clothing. His app. for pension was dated Plainfleld, Mass., June 3, 1834. At his death he was the oldest Rev. pensioner in the town. He removed to Plainfield, 1790, one of its earliest settlers, seventeen years before its incorporation; an honored and respected citizen; selectman, 19 years; representative, five years; Justice Peace, 1817. He d. Cummington, Apr. 15, 1852. Ch. b. Plainfield: 861. John, July 29, 1791; d. Feb. 20, 1792. 862. Obren, Dec. 2, 1792, " Sept. 14, 1813. 863.* Reuben, May 19, 1795. 864.* Clarissa, July 5, 1797. 865.* Abigail, Feb. 10, 1800. Mary, Mar. 27, 1670. Susannah Dec. 24, 1671; m. John Cummings. Joseph, Mar. 22, 1673, " Margaret Case, Abigail Curtis and Mary Mower. Sarah, Dec. 30, 167.5; d. Nov. 1,1760. John, Feb. 20, 1678; m. Elizabeth Rae, and Abigail Stanley. Martha, May 19. 1680, " Isaac Leach. Phebe, July 23, 1685, " Newhall. JOHN TOWNE,3 b. Topsfleld. Feb. 20, 1678; m. 1st, there, Jan., 1708, Elizabeth Rae; who d. Dec. 14. 1711; m. 2d. July 12, 1712, Abigail Stanley. He d. Mar. 28, 1714; his widow m. another John Towne. Children: John, b. Feb. 23, 1709; m. Mercy Towne. Elizabeth, •' Nov. 22, 1711. Bartholomew, '• Apr. 4, 1713 ; m. Hannah Fitz. BARTHOLOMEW TOWNE,* b. Topsfleld, Apr. 4, 1713; m. June 27, 1740, Hannah Fitz. They were adm. to church, Sutton, Mass., July 26, 1741. He d. there, 1783. Children : Hannah, b. Apr. 20, 1741; m, Daniel Stone. Bartholomew, " Dec. 10, 1742, '• Betsey Rice, Abigail, " Aug. 3, 1744, '• Nathan Stone, and E. Sibley. Reuben, " July 29, 1746, " Sarah Dodge. Sarah, " Apr. 20, 185L Robert, '• May 11, 1754. X)AviD, •' Aug. 7, 1756; m. Elizabeth South worth. Mehitable, " Sept. 12, 1762. Stephen, " Sept. 15, 1765. REUBEN TOWNE,5 b. Sutton, Mass., July 29, 1746; m. July 7, 1767. Sarah Dodge. iHs estate was settled, 1775. Children: Reuben, b. Sept. 12, 1770; m. Betsey Mower. Sarah, " 1774, " John Hamlen. 186 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. 866.* Lyman, Jan. 14, 1803. 867.* Fkeeman, May 8, 1805. 868.* Polly, Sept. 15, 1807. 869.* Horace, Aug. 23, 1810. 870. John, Dec. 3, 1814; d. unm. at Phila., Oct. 22, 1844. [308] Col. JOSEPH RICHARDS," (Mary Hamblin,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Stoughton, Mass., May 20, 17—; m. 1st, Jan. 25, 1765, Hannah Holbrook, b. Oct. 19, 1746; m. 2d, 1775, Molly Wales, of Braintree, Mass.; res. Stoughton. Children: 871. Benjamin, May 2, 1779; res. Randolph, Mass. 872.* Isaac, June 24, 1782. 873. Mary', June 24, 1782, res. Randolph, Mass. 874. Sarah, Mar. 30, 1785, " N. Bridge water, Mass. [ .310 ] ELIZABETH HAMLIN,« (Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,ai; — called "Betty," — b. Pembroke, Mass., Oct. 27, 1754; ra. there, by Rev. Gad Hitchcock, Feb. 27, 1777, Lieut. Seth, son of Blaney and Christon (Wads- worth) Phillips,* b. Pembroke, Sept. 25, 1749. He was a Rev. soldier, and served as Sergeant in Capt. James Hatch's Co., which marched from west parish Pembroke to Scituate and Marshfield, and served from Apr. 19. to 29, 1775. See muster roll in sketch of his father-in-law, Maj. Eleazer Hamlin, » page 98. In an old record kept by him, in possession of his descendants are recorded various orders from headquarters to the troops an duty at Cambridge and Roxbury, from Feb. 18, to Mar. 21, 1776. On the last named date the order reads, that: "Colonels Person's and Carey's regiments are to march this after- noon and relieve the troops upon Dorchester Hills, where those regiments are to remain in garrison until further orders. The deputy Quartermaster will provide from Roxbury." In this book is "A list of Capt. Tliomas Turner's Co.. in Col. Carey's Regt.." in which appears the name of Seth Phillips as First Seargent. He was commissioned 2d Lent, in Capt. James Hatch's 8th Co.. in Col. John Cushing, .Ir.'s, 2d Regt. militia. * Note IBO. THOMAS PHILLIPS, of Plymouth and Duxbury, Mass.. b. IBTS; m. Dec. 31. 1703. Rebecca, dau. of John Blaney, of Charlestown. Mass. Carpenter. He had sisters: Mariam. Margaret. Rebecca and Elizabeth. He d. Duxbury, Dec. 17, 1759. BLANEY PHILLIPS, (Son of Thomas.) b. Feb. 10, 1712. O. S.; m. about 1735. Christon. dau. of Christoplier Wadsworth, of Duxbury, b. Feb. 5, 1715. A prosperous farmer; Duxbury; removed to Pembroke, Mass., 1761, where he died Dec. 21, 1800. Ch. b. Duxbury: Blaney, •luly 3, 173G. Samuel. May 2, 1738. Christon, Apr. 7, 1740. Mary, Oct. 6, 1744. Alice, Apr. 5, 1747. Seth, Sept. 25. 1749; m. Elizabeth Hamlin. Christopher. Aug. 4, 1752. Lot, Dec. 12, 1754. Betsey. Mar. 23, 1757. SIXTH GENERATION. 187 COMMISSION. Colony of Massachusetts Bay. The major part of the council of the Massachusetts bay in n. e. SEAL To SETH PHILLIPS, Gentleman, Greeting: You being appointed Seeond Lieutenant of tlie Eighth James Otis Company, whereof Jamas Hatch is Captain, of the Second W. Spoomer. Regiment of Militia, in tlie County of Plymouth, whereof Caleb Cushing. John Cushing, Jr. is Colonel. S. Winthrop. By virtue of the power vested in us, we do by these B. Chadbourne. Presents (reposing special Trust and Confidence in your John Whitcomb. Loyalty, Courage, and Good Conduct) Commission you T. Cushing. accordingly. You are therefore diligently and carefully James Foster. to discharge the duty of Second Lieutenant, in leading James Prescott. ordering and exercising said company, in arms, both infer- Thad. Tay^lor. ior Officers and Soldiers, and to keep them in good Order Michael FARLEY^ and Discipline, and they are hereby commanded to Obey S. HOLTEN. you as their Second Lieutenant, and you are yourself to Jabez Fisher. observe and follow such orders and instructions as you B. White. shall from time to time receive from the major part of J. Palmer. the Council, or your Superior Officers. Given under our Hand and Seal of the said Colony, at Watertown, the 4th day of May in the year of Our Lord, 177(1 By the Command of the Major Part of the Council ; Perez Morton, D. Secr'y It is traditional that Seth Phillips with ten others, Fitchburg men, served in the Cont. army from July to Dec. 10, 1780, 5 mos. and 10 days, for which he received £10. 13s. 4d., including travel, 200 miles; and lie is described as 30 years of age; 5 feet and 8 inclies in height; light complexion; farmer. By deed May 12, 1774, in the "14th yr of his Majesty's reign," he bought of William Phillips twenty one and three fourths acres of land in Pembroke for £95. I3s. 4d. lawful money. In the old record above mentioned are recorded various trans- actions from Nov. 1777 to 1781, among which, his marriage to "Mistress Hamlin" and their removal to Fitchburg soon after. He was taxed in Fitchburg, 1777; the fact that her father had removed to the neighboring town of Harvard prob. induced the young people to settle in that vicinity. By deed Jan. 8. 177i», Eleazer Hamlin — her father— for £200 lawful money paid by Seth Piiillips, of Fitchburg, Gentleman, conveyed 44 acres of land, more or less, to him. The location is said to be a beautiful one, situated in the west part of Fitchburg, on a branch of the Nashua river, which crosses the premises, called Phillip's Brook, a noted waterpower at the present time. Their house was built after the fashion of New England farm houses of that period, one story, with front door on the side, a narrow entry, and large square rooms on either hand, a long kitchen and big fire place at the base of an enormous chimney. Here they lived and reared their children; who m. and went to homes of their own; some 188 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. of whom were neighbors. Who can tell the story of their daily lives in those early times; their integrity,, sturdy perseverance and steadfastness are the legacies of their descendants. It appears from a deed from the town treasurer that he paid $64.37 for pew No. 5, in the new meeting house; and from his boolcs and papers, besides farming, that he was a lumber dealer. For several years he was tax collector for the south part of Fitchburg. His papers show that he gave attention to the education of his own and his neighbor's children, using part of his house for a school room: and receipts are extant showing the employment and payment of teachers by him. Receipts from his four sons during 1807-12, show that he paid to each son $1,000; indicating that he possessed some estate. They were held in esteem by the people where they lived. She d. Fitchburg, Nov. 20, 1813, and is buried in Laurel Hill cemetery. After her death, their son Samuel returned from Ashburnham, Mass., and lived on the home farm, and cared for his father; who suffered great bereav- ment in the loss of his wife; took less interest in business after her death; and finally went to live with his dau., Mrs. Messenger. He was a Whig in politics. He d. Fitchburg, Aug. 8, 1828. A handsome granite monument, erected by their grandson, Col. Ivers Phillips, marks their resting place. For the data for this sketch the writer is largely indebted to Mrs. John Lowe, of Fitchburg, whose husband is a descendant of Elizabeth Phillips above named. Mrs. Lowe has kindly assisted in compiling a large amount of the records of this branch of the family. Ch. b. : Fitchburg: 875.* Betsey, Dec. 13, 1778. 876.* Samuel, Sept. 11, 1781. 877.* Lydia, Apr. 19, 1785. 878.* Seth, Sept. 4, 1787. 879.* Asia, Sept. 4, 1790. 880.* John, June 12, 1792. 881.* Thomas. [311] ALICE HAMLIN,« (Sister of Elizabeth,) b. Pembroke, Mass., Feb. 17, 1756; she was called ''Elsie:" m. by Rev. Ephraim Grosvenor, Harvard, Mass., Nov. 25, 1784, Joseph W. Park,* of Har- vard; where she died. Inscription on her grave: IN MEMORY or Mrs. ALICE PARK WIFE OF Mr. J. W. Park, son of Mr. John and Mrs. Joan Park departed this life Feb. Ye 28th 1788 in the 32d year of her age she was daughter of capt. el,eazer hamlin and mrs. lydia, his wife One Child. * Note 16L The father of Joseph W. Park came from the north of Ireland to America long before 1767. SIXTH GENERATION. 189 [312] Lieut. AFRICA HAMLIN," (Bro. of Elizabeth,) b. Pembroke, Mass., Jan. 27, 1758: m. by Rev. Daniel Chaplin, Groton, Mass., Oct. 18, 1785, Susan, dau. of Jonathan and Susanna (Moore) Stone,* of Groton, b. Dec. 3, 1756. His service in the Revolution was longer than that of any other Hamlin yet discovered: and various traditions of his service have been handed down, claiming that he vt^as Adjutant, Quartermaster and Pay- master; also, that he was a member of the society of the Cincinnati. He held Gen. Washington in profound admiration and kept a diary of what he saw and knew about him. He was private in Capt. James Hatch's Co., in which his father was Lieut., on the Lexington alarm, Apr. 19. 1775, which marched from the west parish of Pembroke, to Scituate and Marshfield, Mass., and served eleven days. See roll of the Co. in sketch of his father; also, private in Capt. Eleazer Hamlin's Co.— his father,— in Col. John Thomas' Regt., in which he signed for a "Bounty Coat," due for eight months service, at Roxbury, Nov. 9. 1775. He enlisted from Capt. James Hatch's 8th Co.. in Col. John Ciishing's 2d Plymouth County Regt., from Pembroke, Mass., and joined Capt. Isaac Pope's Co., in Col. William Shepard's 3d Mass. Regt.; served from Jan. 1, 1777 to Dec. 31, 1779, 9 months as Corporal and 27 months as Sergeant, and was called Ordinance Sergeant: served at Providence, July, 1778 to April, 1779; credited to Pembroke; Sergeant Major, same Regt., Jan. 1, 1780, to Jan 1, 1781; at High- lands, Feb. 1780:andat Huts near West Point, Jan. 1781; commissioned Ensign 4th Mass. Regt., Jan. 1, 1781; and appears as such as late as Feb. 21, 1783, in Capt. Simon Larned's 2d Co., in Col. William Shepard's 4th Mass. Regt. On furlough July and August, 1781: in Capt. Simon Larned's Co., same Regt.; at Continental Village, Sept. 1781; on furlough in Mass., from Dec. «, 1781, by leave of Gen.* McDougal, as late as Feb. 22, 1782; at Ver Planck's Landing May 21, 1782: in Col. Henry Jackson's 4th Mass. Regt., at Cantonment 1st Mass. Brig., Jan. 10, 1783: in Camp doing Quartermaster's duty; on duty in the lines, Feb. 14, and 21, 1783. He appears for pay as late as Jan. 24, 1784. The pension office shows that a pension was allowed his widow for two years actual service in Capt. Larned's Co., in Col. Shepard's Regt., details not given. App. dated Waterford, Maine, Sept. 3, 1838. Hetman's Hist. Reg. of officers of the Cont. army states that he was Ensign 4th Mass. Regt. from Jan. 1. 1781 to Nov. 3, 1783. After the war he probably resided in Harvard, Mass.; but his residence there must have been short. He settled in Waterford, Me., on lot 6, range 4, uf that town, where Charles Jordan lived in recent times, a grant from the state of Mass. for military service. His wife with her little dau. "Nabby" were drawn by men on a moose sled from Long Pond in Bridgton or Harrison to her future home in the wilderness; a hide bottomed chair was laid down and lashed to .the sled, upon which she was seated with her back to the seat of the chair, holding her child. When asked if she was not homesick, she replied: "No, not at all." It was a hardy, brave lot of men and women who settled the backwoods of Maine; * Note 162. .Jonathan Stone, m. Susannah Moore. He removed from Groton. Mass. t0 Waterford, Me., and resided south of Tom pond, where Samuel Warren resided in recent times; Children : « .Jonathan, m. Catherine Willard. Solomon, " Hepzibaii Tread well. Moses. " Polly Hamlin, and Ruth Porter. Oliver, " Sally .Jewell. Simeon. Susan, " Africa Hamlin. 190 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. and what a remarkable race descended from them. Little do the youth of today realize the hardships and privations endured by those early pioneers. He was a farmer. A petition was presented by the inhabitants of Waterford, to the Mass. legislature, 1797, — Maine then being a distict of Mass., — asking the incorporation of that plantation as it then existed, except the three eastmost tiers of lots; a remonstrance objecting to the latter feature of the petition, and a counter-petition asking incorporation in conformity with the original grant were also presented, representing tliemselves as the majority, &c. To this a reply was made, alleging that their opponents were not the majority, and their meeting was not fairly conducted, &c. Africa Hamlin was with the party for the remonstrance, and his brother Hannibal with the other party: which prevailed. He was moderator of the first town meeting or election, held at the house of Dr. Stephen Cummings, Apr. 27, 1797, and was chosen town clerk, 1st selectman and assessor; and was re-elected selectman the following year. He related that he was once invited to dine with Gen. Washington; but not being easy in such grand company and ceremony, became nervous at the table and upset the gravy upon the table cloth; which so mortified him that he lost his appetite, as well as his enjoyment of the occasion. Charter member of Oriental Lodge, 13, A. F. & A. M., at Bridgeton, Me., Mar. 1804. Africa Ham- lin, son of Molly Burt, b. Harvard, Aug. 25, 1785, was reputed to be his son. Both d. Waterford. Inscriptions on their graves: EKECTED IN MEMORY OF Lieut. AFRICA HAMLIN who departed this life Jan. 28, 1808. ^T. 51. Sleep on dear friend while time sliall last, With you the storms of life are passed. SUSAN wife of Africa Hamlin Died Jan. 16, 1839. ^T. 82 Yrs. Children: 882.* Abigail, b. Aug. 2, 1786, Harvard. 883.* POLADORE, Feb. 2, 1789, Waterford. 884. Almira, Feb. 6, 1791, " 885.* Susannah, Feb. 21, 1793, 886.* Castella, July 3, 1797, 887.* Lydia, Aug. 15, 1801, m. Maj. Theo. Stone. SIXTH GENERATION. 191 [313] EUROPE HAMLIN," (Bro. of Elizabeth,) b. Pembroke, Mass., Nov. 20, 1759; m. 1st, bj^ Rev. Ebenezer Grosvenor, Apr. 13, 1786, Dorcas Stowe,* of Harvard, Mass., b. Sept. 24. 1759. Little is known of her; she has been described as an accomplished lady, educated in England, and who d. Hillsboro, N.H., Aug. 7, 1813; m. 2d, Sarah Hale, b. Mar. 30,1763. Private in Capt. Eleazer Hamlin's Co. — his father, — in Col. John Thomas, Regt.: enlisted May 1, 1775, aud served 3 mos., 1 week, 1 day; also, private in Capt. Eleazer Hamlin's Co., in Col. John Bailey's Regt.: enlisted from Harvard, Jan., 1776, for 12 months: also, private in Capt. Hezekiah Whitney's Co., in Col. Josiah Whitney's Regt.; enlisted July 22, and dis. July 24, 1777, served on alarm at R. I.; also, private in Capt. Samuel Hill's Co.,' in Col. Josiah Whitney's Regt.: enlisted Aug. 19, and dis. Aug. 26, 1777, served on Bennington alarm: also, private in Lieut. Amos Pairbank's Co., in Col. Job Cushing's Mass. Regt., in the command of Gen. Warner, drafted from the militia Sept. 6, 1777, to reinforce the Cont. army at the northward: reported on furlough, Nov. 29, 1777; also, private in Capt. Cleveland's Co., in Col. Jackson's Mass. Regt.; enlisted June. 1778, for 9 months: also, in a descrip- tive list of men raised in Worcester Co. for 9 months from time of arrival at Fishkill, under Resolve of Apr. 20, 1778: age, 20 years; stature, 5 feet and 10 in.: complexion, dark; res.. Harvard; served in Capt. Hill's Co., in Col. Whitney's r»egt.; arrived at Fishkill, June 7, 1778, mustered by Henry Rutgers, deputy Muster Master, Fishkill, Aug. 1, 1778; also, in list of men mustered in Capt. Hiirs Co., in Col. Whitney's Regt., May 13, 1779. for 9 months: also, in list of men raised for 6 months, as returned by Brig. Gen. Patterson, as having passed muster, dated Camp Totoway, Oct. 25, 1780: residence. Harvard. He was also Sergeant in Capt. William Sawyer's Co., of Bolton, Mass., during Shay's Rebellion, Jan. 23, to Feb. 21, 1787, and marched from Hadley to Petersham, Mass., 30 miles, in a raging snow storm. His app. for pension was dated Hills- boro, N. H., Jan. 17, 1819. It is supposed that he made bis home with his father, at Pembroke and Harvard, when not in the array, during the revolu- tion. In a sketch of Waterford, in the county of York, district of Maine, writ- ten in 1829 by a resident there, is the following statement: -'In May, 1783, Messrs. Daniel Barker, Jonathan Bobbins, Isiael Hale. Asaph Brown. Europe Hamlin, and zVmerica Hamiin, with a few others, without auy families, but with enterprising spirits came and boldly pitched their wooden tents among the trees, and on their several lots began to expose to full view of the sun, the uncultivated soil: most of them in two or three years introduced their families to participate with them in their toils and hitpeful prospects." If true, that he was at Waterford, he remained but a sliort time, for he was soon after at Harvard, a farmer. The history of Westford, Mass., states that he was part owner of a forge on the site of the old Prescott Dam, owned many years by the Keep family. He resided many years in Harvard, from whence he removed to Hillsboro, N. H., where was first taxed in 1799. He lived on an excellent farm on the north west slope of "Bible Hill," until his death: afterwards occupied by his son Joash. The house has gone to decay, and the barn was destroyed by lightning a few years ago. In a letter written by his widow, June 13. 1850, from Hillsboro, to his children in Ohio, concerning his death, slie stated: "On the 5th mst., he with others, assisted by a heavy team, were trying to move a * Note 163. .JOHN STOW.i and wife. Elizabetli Wetherbee, came to Mass.. I(5:i0. with the company of Gov. Winthrop. and settled in Ro.xbury. Mass. Farmer; holding: iu 1G3S. 250 acres of land. 20 goats and s kids. Deputy. 1G34-9. An orisjinal member of the Ancient and Honor- able Artillery. He d. Ro.xbury. Oct. :26. 1643. 192 THE HAMLI]^ FAMILY. heavy rock; the chain gave way, and the rock fell back with great force, and threw him violently across a sharp rock. He was injured Internally, and died June 7, 1820. * * Thus has ended the pilgrimage of the man whose bosom was philanthropy. Truly, my children, we have lost a valuable friend, relative father and husband." In an old cemetery near his home in Hillsboro are the graves of himself and wife Dorcas. Children: 888.* Dorcas, b. Nov. 12, 1786, Harvard. 889. A Son, " Aug. 2, 1788, (( d. Sept. 27, 1788. 890.* Hannah, " July 27, 1789. u 891.* .JOASH, " Aug. 7, 1792. ;( 892. Abigail. " May 14, 1794; t( d. Sept. 27, 1799. 893.* James G. " Dec. 31, 1796, u 894. Adams Green, " June 29, 1798, i( d. , Sept. 24, 1799. 895.* Hannibal Gilman. " Apr. 23, 1800, Hillsboro. [314 J AMEEICA HAMLIN,6 (Bro. of Elizabeth,) b. Pembroke, Mass., Oct. 20, 1761; m. 1st, by Rev. Ebenezer Grosvenor, Harvard, Mass., Apr. 7, 1785, Sarah dau. of Silas and Sai'ah (Atherton) Park- hurst,* b. Harvard, Feb. 15, 1764: who d. Waterford, Me., 1815: m. 2d, Water- ford, Apr. 24, 1816, Elizabeth Brown; who d. So. Waterford, July 12, 1819; m. 3d, Lunenburg, Mass., Apr. 6, 1827, Mary Giddings, b. Mar. 19, 1776. Private in Capt. Seth Newton's Co., in Col. Abijah Stearns' Mass., Regt.; * Note 164. GEORGE PARKHURSTi came to America, 16a8; settled in Watertown. Mass.; Freeman, May 10. 1(543; 1st wife. Susannah; m. 2d. Susannah, widow of George Simpson. of Watertown; removed to Boston, where he was living, 1055, and where he died. Children: George, b. 1618 ; came with his father. PHCeBE. .Joseph. JOSEPH PARKHURST.2 res. Watertown; removed to Chelmsford. Mass., prior to 1657; and was a proprietor there, Jan. 12, 1666, Chelmsford originally included the present towns of Ayer, Dunstable, Groton, Lowell, Pepperill, Shirley, Tyngsborough, Westford, and part of Carlisle. He was of Westford, 1707. EBENEZER PARKHURST.s b. Chelmsford, Mass., about 1699; Wife, Sarah. He removed to Dunstable, and d. June 13, 1757, aged 58 years, Ch. b, Dunstable: Joseph, Aug. .30. 1724. Ebenezer, Jan. 20, 1728. Sarah, Feb. 21. 1730. Mary, May 3, 1733. SrLAS, Sept. 1, 1737. Joel, Aug. 3. 1741. SILAS PARKHURST.4 b. Dunstable, Mass., Sept. 1. 17J7,' m. Apr. 29, 1762, Sarah, dau. of John and Phebe (Wright) Atherton. of Harvard, Mass., b. Mar. 11, 1740; farmer; removed to Pepperill, thence to Harvard, about 1772; where he purchased from his father-in-law, the tavern at the south west corner of the common, and conducted same during the revolution, 1779-84; on com. for raising meeting house. 1773; mem. of com. of safety and correspondence. 1777; assessor. 1778-9, 1781; town treasurer, 1780-2, 1790-1802, 1806-7; she d. Mar. 30, 1786. Children: Sally, b. Feb, 15, 1764; m America Hamlin. Silas, " Sarah Merriam. Perhaps others. SIXTH GENERATION. 193 enlisted Apr, 1, 1778: served near Boston; dis. Jnl.y 2, 1778: also, private in Capt. James MjTick's Co., in Col. Nathan Sparhawk's Mass., Regt.; enlist- ed Sept. 28, 1779; served near Boston; dis. Dec. 12, 1778; also, private in Capt. Davis' Co., in Col. Whitney's Regt.; enlisted Aug. 3, 1779, for 9 months: age 17; stature, 5 feet and 6 inches; light complexion; res. Harvard; delivered to Ensign E. Wloite: also, private in Capt. Isaac Pope's Co., in Col. William Shepard's 4th Mass. Regt.; enlisted Aug. 5, 1779; dis. Apr. 30, 1780; also, priv- ate in same Co. and Regt.; enlisted June, 1780; age, 18; stature, 5 feet and 8 inches; ruddy complexion; res. Harvard; arrived at .Springfield, Mass., July 22, 1778; marched to camp same day un^ler Capt. William Scott, 24th Division: dis. Dec. 15, 1780; also. Sergeant in Capt. Nathaniel Wright's Co., in Col. Luke Drury's Mass. Regt.; marched Sept. 18, 17S1, arrived at camp Sept. 27, 1781; served at West Point: dis. Dec. 6, 1781, 20 days travel. His app. for pension was dated Waterford, Apr. 4, 1818. It is supposed that he resided with his father in Harvard, during the revolution, when not in the army. He removed to Waterford in 1783, and settled on lot 3, range 3, of that town, where Mr. Charles S. Hamlin res. in recent times, received as a grant from the state of Mass. for his service in the revolution; where he res. the remain- der of his life; selectman, 1804 and 1822. An incident related by a grandson shows the courage and hardihood of the man: and the place of its occurrence is pointed out on a rocky ledge on his old homestead in Waterford, a few hundred yards in rear of Bear Mountain. He was driving the cows home in the evening when suddenly a black bear sprung out of the bushes near him. The old sol- dier was unarmed and not prepared for such an encounter; but proved equal to the emergency; quickly stooping, he siezed a large stone and dashed it with full force directly at the head of the bear, fortunately crushing its skull, and killing it on the spot. Presence of mind, personal strength and nerve saved him. Inscription on his grave, at South Waterford: Mr. AMERICA HAMLIN Died Oct. 7, 1837. ^T. 78 By long experience have I known. Thy Sovereign power to save. At Thy command 1 venture down, Serenely to the grave. Note 165. .TA.MES ATHERTON.i b about 1617; supposed to be a brother to Major General Humphrey Atherton. of Dorchester. Mass.; wife, Hannah; tanner; he was in Dorches- ter about 16.50; removed to Lancaster, Mass. abjut 16.5J. After the saclting of the place by the Indians. 1676, he returned to Dorchester ; thence to Sherburn, Mass., where he d. 170.1. aged 86 years. .JOSHUA ATHERTON.2 b. Lancaster; m. Mary, dau. of Anthony and Eleanor Gulliver, of Dorchester, b. 1659; tanner and farmer, removed with his father to Dorchester, 1676, after the saciving of Lancaster; but returned to Lancaster about 1687, and settled upon part of his father's old homestead there. JOHN ATHERTON.3 m. Phebe Wright of Andover, Mass.; res. Harvard, Mass. Tlieir dau., Sarah Atherton,* m. Silas Parkhurst.* i 194 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Waterford: 896.* Parmelia, July 15, 1786. 897.* Luther, May 8, 1788. 898.* AamBiCA, Nov. 10, 1790. 899. Eurus, May 15, 1795; d. Feb. 28, 1798. 900.* Sally, June 25, 1797. 901.* SoPHL\, May 27, 1799. 902.* Silas, Mar. 24, 1801. 903.* Lewis, Apr. 17. 1805. 904.* FaxnyP. Aug. ^, 1811. By 2d wife, b. Waterford: 905.* William Henry, .Jan. 22, 1817. 906. EuFus G. Feb. 8, 1819; killed by accident, Oct. 4, 1830. [315] LYDIA HAMLIN,6 (Sister of Elizabeth,) b. Pembroke, Mass., Nov. 5, 1763; m. Pepperell, Mass., by Rev. .John Bull- ard, June 1, 1786, John, son of John and Jean (Stuart) Park, b. St. Catherines. Glasgow, Scotland, July 1, 1761: civil engineer: emigrated from Scotland 1767: and settled in that part of Groton which, was incorporated as the town of Ayer. Both d. Groton; she Sept. 3, 1845; he May 26, 1811. Ch. b. Groton: 907.* John, 1787. 908. Eleazer, Oct. 29, 1788; d. Sept. 10, 1790. 909.* Sarah, 1791. 910. Eleazer, 1794; drowned Richmond, Va. 1816, unm. 911. W^iLLiAM Stuart, 1796; d. Aug. 20, 1816, unm. [316] Hon. eleazer HAMLIN,6 (Bro. of Elizabeth,) b. Pembroke, Mass., Sept. 23, 1765; m. Sally Bancroft,* of Groton, Mass. b. July 29, 1767. It is traditional that he was a lifer in the revolution. Private inCapt. William Sawyer's Co., from Bolton, Mass., from Jan. 23, to Feb. 21, 1787, during Shay's rebellion; and marched from Hadley to Petersham, Mass., thirty miles, in a raging snow storm. He removed from Harvard, Mass. to Waterford, Me., and settled in the south part of town on lot 5, range 7: where Mr. Kendall lived in recent times. He was a short thick set man, of swarthy complexion. Under date of Mar. 27, 1797, he was directed by act of the Mass. legislature to notify the freeholders and inhabitants of W^aterford, to hold a town meeting at the house of Dr. Stephen Cummings, on Apr. 8, 1797, for the election of its first town officers. At that meeting he was chosen tythingman: the town being required by law to support a minister. He was moderator of the town meeting or election in the years 1798, 1801-2; selectman, 1799; represen- tative to the Mass. legislature, as a National Republican, 1826-8. At some time in his life he lost a leg. His nephew. Rev. Dr Cyrus Hamlin, D. D. related that: "He was often at our house in Waterford, and we were always glad tc» see him. He had a remarkable memory, and to hear him repeat Grey's Elegy, or from Milton or Shakspear was a great treat to us. His intonations and * Note 166. JOHN BANCROFT,i and wife Jane, came from London. Eng.. in the Jamcfi. April. 1632; settled at Lynn, Mass. He d. 1637, leaving sons: .John; m. Hannah Dupper; res. Windsor. Ct. Thomas. O Q X LU O q: LlI > < < SIXTH GENERATION. 195 emphasis still dwell in my memory." Made a mason in Oriental Lodge, 13. A. F. & A. M., at Bridgton, Me., Aug. 5, 1805. He d. Waterford. June 26, 18—- she Aug. — 1842. Ch. b. Waterford: 912.* Francis, Nov 2. 1791. 913. Alice. Oct. 13, 1793: d. Jan. 24, 1798. 914. Sally, Jan. 23, 179«, " Jan. 26, 1798. 915.* Addison. Feb. 17, 1798. 916.* John, Mar. 15, 1800. 917. Sally, 1802: d, Nov. 2. 1725, unm. 918.* William. June 29, 1804. 919.* David Tildjen, Jan. 4, 1807. 920. Lucy. Feb. 26, 1809: d. 1888, unm. 921.* Eleazek, Sept. 4. 1811. . [317] MARY HAMLIN." (Sister of Elizabeth,) b. Pembroke, Mass., Aug. 3, 1767; m. Moses, son of Jonathan and Susannah (Moore) Stone,* b. Nov. 4, 1765. She d. Rumford. Me. He m. 2d, Ruth Porter, by whom he had 9 children. He came from Groton, Mass., and .settled'-on the farm where Sumner Stone res. in Waterford, 1879. He d. there. May 19. 1816. Ch. b. Waterford: 922.* Elsie, Jan. 12, 1790. 923.* Hannibal, 1792. [ 318] Dr. CYRUS HAMLIN, » (Bro. of Elizabeth.) and twin with Hannibal; b. Pembroke, Mass., July 21, 1769: his mother d. in his infancy; and he removed with his father's family to Harvard, 1776; was a school teacher there. After an academic course he studied medicine, and prac- ticed his profession, in connection with his official duties until his death. In 1795 he was invited to settle at Livermore, Me., as a physician, and accepted the same. A copy of the invitation has been discovered, viz: "Whereas tne town of Livermore is destitute of a phj'sician, and as tiie inhabitants are subject to great incoveniences on account of the distafice they have to travel to procure one, and being informed by Dr. Hamlin that he con-, templates settling in said town, and wishes to know the minds of the people in this respact: we the subscribers herebv testify that it agreeable to our wishes that he should settle with us: and that we will contribute all that we can consistly to his encouragement, so far as his prudent conduct and .skill in his profession shall commend him to our esteem. Livermore, Sept. 1, 1795." ' 'S YL van us Boa rdm an. Ransom Norton. William Huud. Isaac Liver3Iore." It is said that Dea. Livermore. his future father in-law, favored a rival physician: but we shall see that Dr. Hamlin got even with him by marrying his daughter. He settled there the same year, and at once secured a large pract ice . m. Dec. 4, 1797, Anna, dau. of Dea. Elijah Livermore,t b. Waltham, Mass., * Note 167. For Stone see note 162. + Note 168. .lOHN LIVERMORE.i aged 2S, embarked at Ipswich. England, for New England, in ship F Tl > CO m SIXTH GENEEATION. 197 "Of Sheriffs, Hamlin led the van, A doctor skilled, a noble man: Whose gates and doors were all ajar, To welcome strangers from afar. The children's friend, as known by many, For' whom he always had a penny. The memory of his virtue still, Is full of fragrance on the "Hill." The Hamlin residence was built 1807, and stands on the brow of Paris Hill. In those days it was one of the big hospitable houses of that section, and the doctor and his charming wife, the center of the county social society. Mrs. Hamlin was a charming hostess, an interesting conversationalist, and ab(jve all a devoted wife and mother; she spun, wove, made butter and cheese, and her household was well cared for; not alone as to material matters, but in the <;ompanionship of wife and mother; she was an amiable woman, her popularity pronounced: ever ready at the call of suffering. A lady relates that the most Tivid recollection of her was at their house on an errand of mercy: the baby brother was dying, and Mrs. Hamlin held the poor little sufferer on her lap until its life went out. She possessed a winning personality; in ligure, of medium height, stately carriage and matronly demeanor, fair wjmplexion, dark hair and black eyes, with a beautiful face. There was no tragedy, no calamity, no bitter adversity, no false, consuming joy in the life of this estim- able woman, who lived so quietly and faithfully in rural Maine, devoted to her husband and children; yet she won the love and esteem and grateful re- membe ranee of the neighbors, so closely intimate with her life. She bore and trained and counselled children, who were a credit to the nation and state that claim them. Dr. Hamlin was a man of dark swathy complexion, with t)lue eyes, and weighed nearly three hundred pounds. As a physician he was celebrated for skill in the treatment of diseases of children. He was one of the founders and an original trustee of Waterville, now Colby College, 1821-9. They were Baptists, in the prosperity of which church he was much interested. The last years of her life were spent at Paris Hill, with two maiden daughters. Both d, Paris; he suddenly, Feb. 2, 1«29: she Aug. 25, 1852. Of their twelve children, six only survived infancy. Children: 922. Elijah Livbrmork, b. Dec. 30, 1798, Livermore: d. Apr. 6, 1799. 923.* Elijah LiaSTERMORE, " Mar. 29, 1800. u 924.* Cyrus, " July 16, 1802, i( 925. Eliza, " Apr. 4, 1804, " d. young. 926.* Anna, ♦' July 14, 1805, 11 627.* Yesta, " June 6, 1808, Par is. 928.* Hannibal, " Aug. 17. 1809, i 1 929,* Hannah Livermore, /' Oct. 10, 1814, i( [319] Major HANNIBAL HAML1N,« (Bro. of Elizabeth,) b. Pembroke, Mass., July 21, 1769; res. Harvard, Mass., from 1776, and was a school teacher there; removed to Waterford. Me. about 1796, and settled on lot 8, range 4, where Mr. John Everett lived in 1875. His acticm in connection with the incorporation of the town is mentioned in the sketch of his brotlier Africa. He was moderator of town meetings, 1804-6: selectman, 1804-6: repre- sentative to the Mass. legislature, 1809-10; and was High Slieriff of Oxford 198 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. county. It is supposed that he obtained the title of major in the militia. He saved some money by teaching, built a house and barn, and on Jan. 16, 1800, m. Susannah, dau. of Col. Francis Faulkner, of Acton, Mass., b. Feb. 21, 1772. Their son, Rev. Dr. Cyrus Hamlin, the missionai'y, stated: "My father and mother took great pains to keep up Massachusetts culture down in Maine:" and that his "mother was a beautiful and charming woman." Speaking of the early home life, he said, "We were a family in which the bible was reverenced, and daily read as the word of God, and the sabbath was strictly kept from all unnecessary labor." His narration of the family joys and sorrows are pathet- ically and sometimes humerously related by the good old 42. In the endearing relations of domestic life, he loved and was beloved. In those of public, he was respectable, and respected. But it is tlie recollection of his last days which affords the richest consolation; he then became acquainted with Jesus Christ and those relations to God through the Redeemer, which enabled him to depart in the mercie of faith and resignation (The remainder not legible.) SUSAN WIFE OF Hannibal Hamlin DIED April 19, 1840. ^. 68 Y'BS. MOMENTO MORE DIED March the 6tii 1804 EMERSON F. HAMLIN SON OF Hannibal Hamlin & Susan, his w^fe Aged 15 Months EMERSON FAULKNER Son of Maj'r Hamlin & Mrs. Sfsan Hamlin Died April 15, 1808. aged 8 weeks SIXTH GENERATION. 199 Cli. b. Waterford: 930.* Susan, Jan. &, 1801. 931. Emersok Faulkner, Dec. 6, 1802; d. Mar. 6, 1804. 932.* Rebecca Faulkner, Feb. 25, 1805. 933. WiNTHROP, Aug. 1, 1806; d. infancy. 934. Emerson Faulkner, Feb. 1808, " Apr. 15, 1808. 935.* Hannibal, Jan. 30, 1809. 936.* Cyrus, Jan. •"^ 1811. [321] SALLY HAMLIN," (Sister of Elizabeth,; b. Pembroke, Mass., Oct. 29, 1775: removed with her parents to Harvard, Mass., in infancy: m. 1st, tliere, by Rev. William Emerson, Nov. 6, 1792, Isaiah, son of Zadock and Hannah Davis,* b. Sept. 9, 1768; farmer and cooper; Harvard: who d. there, June 17, 1813; m. 2d, June 10, 1815, Capt. Francis, son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Wheeler) Kidder, b. Westford, Mass., about 1755, his third wife; he ra. 1st, Abig-ail Russell, who d. May 23, 1812; and by whom he had 9 cliildren: he ra. 2d, Lydia, widow of Joel Abbott, and dau. of Isaac Cummings, wlio d. Mar. 5, 1813: tavern keeper; Littleton, Mass.; Freemason: a prominent man. She d. Quincy, Mass., Aug. 31, 1865; he d. Littleton, Feb. 10, 1822. Ch. by 1st marriage, b. Harvard: 937. ZiMRi, Oct. 17, 1793; d. N.Y. state. 938. Ebenezer, Jan. 2, 1796, •' Sept. 3, 1797. 939.* Sally, Nov. 29, 1797. 940. Hamlin, Nov. 13, 1800: m. Alice N- Payson. By 2d marriage, b. Littleton: .941.* Abigail Jane, July 31, 1817. [322] ISAAC HAMLIN,6 (Bro. of Elizabeth,) b. Harvard, Ma.ss., Jan. 30, 1778: m. Bolton, Mass., Oct. 20, 1802, Mary Wolcott,t b. Bolton, June 26, 1782; farmer; Harvard and Westford, Mass, * Note 169. For Dolar Davis,i see note 4. SIMON DAVIS.2 b. England; m. Dec. 13. KiliO, Mary. dau. of .James Blood; res. Ct)ucoi-d. Mass. Children: Simon. b. Oct. 13, ItSGl. Maky. •• Oct. 3, lt!(3;j. Saeah. " Mar. 15. lOWi. James, "June 19, 166^ Ei.LEjS, '■ Oct. 22, WT2. Ebenezer, 1676. Hannah, ■' Apr. 1, 1679. EBENEZER DAVIS,-' b. 1676; wife Dinah; he d. March ao, 175:3. ZADOCK DAV1S;4 wife Hannah; he d. Aug. 22, 1771; she Oct. 6. 17(iS. These were parents •of Isaiah Davis." who ni. Sally Hamlin. 6 t Note 170. JOHN WOLCOTT, of Galdou .Manor, Tolhiud. .Somerset. Kii^'l.iiid. Motto: Nullius addictus jurore in Verba Magistra. HENRY WOLCOT.i son of al)ove. b. England, ir)7H; m. there, .lai). 19, 160ii, Kli/.al)etli Sauiid- *irs, of Lydiard. St. Lawrence (adjoining ToUand,) b. l.)92. A gentleman in alUuanl circum- stances. He became a Puritan; sold an estate in England of fiSOOO preparatory to his removal, and came to America. 16:i0. accompanied by tliree sons, leaving two daugliters and his youngest son in England; who rejoined the family in America between 16;{1-41 ; freeman, Boston, Oct. 19, 1630; removed from Dorchester, Mass., to Windsor. Ct.. It!;i5; deputy. l(i:J7; member house of magistrates (Senate) IIJIO, and annually elected until his death; one of tiie most dislinguislied of the early settlers of Wind.sor. Adm. to Ch. Windsor. 1610. Upon tlie death of liis eldest 200 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. removed to Livermore, Me. Both d. Dover, N. H. — buried Livermore: he June 27, 1857; she Aug. 3, 1856. Children: 942.* Isaac Green, b. Sept. 11, 1803, Westford. 943.* Mary, " Dec 14, 1805, Livermore. 944.* LoRiKDA, " Jan. 21, 1808, ^' 945.* Augusta, " Mar. 17, 1810, 94rt.* Samuel Baker, " Mar. 4, 1812, " 947. Hannibal, "Nov. 10,1814, " d. Miss., July 6, 1837. 948. George H A RTRY," Jan. 8,1819, " " May 11, 1819. 949.* Henry Hartry^, " May 28, 1821, " 950.* WOLCOTT, " Nov. 4, 1823, [323] ASIA HAMLIN,« (Bro. of Elizabeth,) b. Harvard, Mass., May 15, 1780; m. 1st, Susan Eead, b. Westford, Mass.. Aug. 30, 1782; who d. Groton, Mass., July 22, 1844, buried Westford. He had a second and a third wife. Farmer; resided on his father's homestead in West- ford. He was familiarly called "Judge Hamlin," not as a judicial officer, but as a mark of respect; some say, because he was a good judge of stock, in which he was a dealer. He was fond of hunting, a fine sportsman; a man of good education. He gave his children an academical education; who became teach- ers. Universalist. He d. Westford, Oct. 22, 1870. Ch. b. Westford: 951.* Nathan Sumner, Dec. 28, 1806. 952.* Susan, Aug. 29, 1808. &5:j. Hannibal, July 31, 1812; d. Aug. 2, 1813. 954. Hannibal, Jan. 12, 1814, " Feb. 23, 1814. 955.* Cyrus, Mar. 25, 1815. 956.* Sarah D. Aug. 16, 1820. 957. Mary A. Mar. 8, 1824: d. Dec. 9, 1826. [325] GEORGE HAMLIN,« (Brother of Eliza))eth.) b. Harvard, Mass.: removed to Livermore, Maine; and from thence went abroad; and is supposed to have died an officer in the Russian Army. [330] BAZALIEL SMITH HAMBLIN," (Elisha,-^* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Sandwich, Mass., Aug. 17, 1763. One of this name m. by Rev. Peter Thacher, Boston, March 8, 1775? (probably a mistake, perhaps 1795,) Sarah Campbell. Private in company of Capt. Edward Bulkley of Wethersfleld, Ct., in Col. Samuel B. Webb's 3d Regt. Conn. Line, composed of the 2d and 9th Ad- ditional Regts. of previous formations, frc)m Jan. 1, to April 5, 1781; also, in Capt. Ebenezer Hill's Co., in Col. Lewis Nicola's Regt., Corps of Invalids, for brother, Christopher, 1639, he inherited the family estate in Tolland, Eng., including manor house, mill, etc. He d. May 30, 1655; she d. .Tuly 5,1655; both buried Windsor; estate £764. 8sv lOd. Ch. b. England: John; bap. Oct. 1, 1607; lived in England. Anna. m. Matthew Griswold. Henky. b. Jan. 21, 1610-1 ; " Sarah Newberry. George, " Elizateth Treat. Christopher. Mary, " .Job Drake. Simon, b. 1624-5 ; " .loanna Cook and Martha Pitkin. SIXTH GENERATION. 201 ^rarrison duty from April 6, 1781, to April 23, 1783: also in list of men, 6th Mass. Regt. entitled to 200 acres of land or $20 in money by Resolve of Congress, Mar. o, 1801. Capt. Osgood Carleton certified, Boston, March 19, 1803, that Bazaliel Hamblin enlisted to serve during the war; served three years, and was honor- ably discharged. John May certified Boston, June 2, 1803, that Bazeliel Ham- blin enlisted for the war: served upward of four years: was honorably discharged by Gen. Washington: and that his discharge was purchased by him in 178B. [338 J EZRA POPE,'^ (Cliarles,^ Experience Jenicins,* Experience Hamlin.a James,2i) b. Norwalk, Ct., Dec. 22, 1762: removed to Ohio about 1820. [340] LEWIS POPE,6 (Bro. of Ezra,) b. Norwalk, Ct., Oct. 7, 1766; m. twice; settled in Otsego County, N. Y. 11 children. [341] EDWARD POPE,*' ( Bro. of Ezra,) b. Norwalk, Ct., Jan. 15, 1770: m. three wives: has descendants in Otsego County, N.Y. [342] SETH POPE," (Lemuel,^ Experience Jenkins,* Experience Hamlin,'* James,-!) m. Hannah Tobey.* Child: 968.* Ezra T. b. 1825. [344] ESTHER POPE,s (Seth,^ Experience Jenkins,* Experience Hamlin, 3 James,'-!) b. Voluntown, Ct. m. Ist, Hatch;t m. 2d, Philo Hamlin. « See his sketch. Ch. by 1st marriage: 969. Olivia, b. Mar. 17, 1797; m. Moses Fairchild.' [345] HANXAH POPE,« (Sister of Esther,) Zechariah Fairchild.:!: b. Nov. 14, 1785. m. Julia Strong. " Maria Kellogg. m. Benjamin Tobey, of E. Bloomfield, N. Y. " Henderson, of Gt. Harrington, Mass. " Charles Hopkins," " * Note 171. ELISHA TOBEY, came from Plymouth colony to Sharon, Ct., and res. where Stephen Knibloe lived; removed to Alford. Mass., 1793. He d. Salisbury. Ct.. while on a journey to visit friends in Sharon. Children: .Jonathan. Fiarnabas. Reman, Sylvanus, Ephraini, Elisha, Benjamin. + Note 172. For Hatch see note !U. * Note ITd. THOMAS FATRCHILD,i b. England; m. about 1637, Sarah Seabrook; and was of Stratford. Ct., lti«, where he d. Dec. U, 1670. SAMUEL FAIRCHILD,2 b. Stratford, 1639-40; m. Mary Wheeler; res. Woodbury, Ct.. where he d. Nov. 20. 1692. SAMUEL FAIRCHILD.3 b. Woodbury, about 168H; m. 1st, .Ian. 3, 1704, Uutli Beach; m. 2d, .Ian. 24, 1723, Dinah Burrell ; he res. Redding. Ct., where he d. Feb. 28, 17H1. Children : Oliver, bap. .lune, 1726. Stephen. b. .June, 1726; Settled in Georgia, Vt. b. Voluntown, Ct. in. Children: 970.* Moses, 971. Egbert, 972. Edwin, 973.* Frances. 974. Mary, 975. A Daughter, 976. A Daughter, 202 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [346] POPE, 6 b. Voluntown, Ct. m. (Sister of Esther,) Fairchild.* [347] MARTHA POPE/' (Sister of Esther,) b. Voluntowa, Ct. m. 1st, Dr. John Fairchild,* of East Blofimfield, N. Y.: m. 2d, Tyranius Collins. No issue. [350] ASA JENK1XS,« (Nathan, ■' Ebenezer,* Experience Hamlin, ^ Jaines,2i) b. Barnstable, Mass., .July 4, 1767: m. Mar. 13, 1793, Hannali,« dau. of Maj. Micah Hamlin. Both d. Barnstable; he Feb. 1847: she Mar. 21, 1838. Ch. b. Barnstable: Nathan, Dec. 27, 1793. Charles, Feb. 4, 1795. Rachael, Feb. 8, 1802. 977.* 978.* 979.* 980.* George, June 10, 1805. [.351] Capt. EBENEZER JENK1NS,6 (Ebenezer,^* Experience Hamlin, 3 James.^i) b. West Barnstable, Mass., about 1765: m. 1st, by Rev. Alvan Hyde, Lee, Mass., Aug. 2:^, 1792, Lydia Smith, who d. Genoa, N.Y.: m. 2d, 1816, Mrs. Catherine Hussey Connet, a widow lady with five children by former marriage, viz: Nancy, Maria, Jolin, Caroline, and Mary; the latter m. Dr. Chatterton. His name appears frequently in the records of Lee, as "Ebenezer Jenkins, Jr." Mar. 5, 1792, he was chosen constable and undertook to collect taxes the ensuing year for six shillings on the hundred pounds. Edmund Hinckley and Lieut. Joseph Crocker became his sureties for the faithful performance of his trust. Highway surveyor, 1793 and 1799; fence viewer, 1800; and was then called Lieut. Jenkins. He was Capt. of the Light Horse Troop in Lee. In early life he was a merchant in Lee. His house was at the south end of the Park in the village. He engaged ijj shipping produce from Mass. to the West Indies, and became financially ruined during the 18i2 war. Removed to Genoa, near Ithaca, N. Y., about 1812-3, and became a farmer. He and his mother were adm. to the Cong, church, Lee, Dec. 9, 1792. He d. in Indiana, 1823. 981.* 982.* 983.* 984.* 985.* 986. 987.* 988. 989. 990. 991.* 992. Ch.. b. Lee: William Henry, July Nathan, Mar. Josiah, Jan. Ebenezer, Nov. Lydia, Oct. Elizabeth, July. Warren, Aug. Marshall, Aug. A Child, LUCINDA, Louisa, Martha, o^ 1792. 1794. 22, 1796. 4, 1798. 26, 1800. 1802; d. unm. , 1804. 15, 1806: d. 1822, in Mass. 1808, " infancy. 1810, " 1811. 1810. 1812; d. 1813, in Mass. 12. [352] Capt. JOSIAH JENKINS," (Samuel,'-* Experience Hamlin,^ b. Barnstable, Mass., Sept. 30, 1750: m. Gorham, Me. Jan. 2.3, 1777, James,2i * Note 174. For Fairchild see note 173. SIXTH FENERATION. 203 Prudence Davis.* Sergeant! n Capt. Wentworth's Co., Col. Edmund Phinney's 31st Regt. Foot, from Maine, enlisted JVlay, 1775; also, Lieut, same Co. and Regt., Jan., 177H; also. Capt. in Col. Samuel Brewer's Mass. Regt., Nov. 1776; dis. West Point, July, 1779. It is traditional that he was in an engagement on Lake Champlain; that he was at Burgoyne's surrender, and the battle of Mon- mouth. His app. for pension was dated Gorham, Apr. U, 1818. He d. there, Oct. 20. 1831. Ch. b. Gorham: 993. Sarah Eleanor, June li, 1780. 994. J\] ARY, Apr. 9, 1783; d. same day 995. Mary Chipmax, Mar. 22, 1785. 996. AURELIA, Aug. 21, 1787. 997. Nancy, June 3, 179;. 998.* JOSIAH, May 5, 1794. 999. Katherine, Mar, 27, 1796; d. unm. [354] ABIAH JENKINS,« (Sister of Joslah,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Jan. 21, 1754; pub. Gorham, Me. Feb. 11, 1775, to be m. to Richard Hines,t of Flintstown, now Baldwin, Me. Husbandman. Children: 1000. JosiAH, b. before 1781. 1001. Prudence, '• '* " Perhaps others. [355] SAMUEL JENKINS," (Bro. of Josiah,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Nov. 23, 1755; m. 1st, Gorham, Me., Oct. 1, 1780, Lydia Dyer, 3: of Truro, Mass.; m. 2d, Gorham, Jan. 23, 1794, Thankful Snow.g Ho prob. removed from Barnstable to Gorham with his parents about 1771-5, and res. at Gorham, when not in the army, until about the time of his 2d marriage, and soon afterwards removed to Buckfleld, Me., where he lived in the south east part of town, where his son, Capt. Benjamin Jenkins, after- * Note 175. For Davis see notes i, 17. 42. Itifl. + Holland Hines, a tall, dark man. visited Ichabod Hamblen,6 at Limington, Me. about 182- and claimed him as a cousin. t Note 176. For Dyer see note 64. There were two named Lydia Dyer in Truro, Mass. at this period; Lydia,* dau. of Samuel. ^^ William.si who was bap, Truro, .Tuly -1, 1756; and Lydia,* dau. of Fullv.3 Ebenezer^ William.i wlio was bap. tliere, Sept. 12, 1762. The dates of baptisms are supposed to have been near the times of births, or a little later. § Note 177. ANTHONY SNOW.i of Plymouth, Mass.. m. Nov. S, 16:t9, Abif,'ail, youngest dau. of Richard and Elizabeth Warren; who came to Plymouth in the ^4)1(1, 1623. He removed to Marshfield shortly after marriage; a leadinj< citizen; higliway surveyor, 1651; constable. U)ii2; deputy, 16.56-76; selectman for several years from 1666; collector, .lune 3, 16ti,S; member council of war. 1675, will, Dec. 28, 1685; codicil. Aug. 8, 1692; Inventory, Nov. 12, 1692. Children: .Josiah; m. Rebecca Baker. Lydia. Sarah; m. .Joseph Waterman. Abigail, " Michael Ford. A Son; b. Mar. 25, lti.'>5. Alice, " .Jan. is, Uhu. NICHOLAS SNOW was one of the flrst seven settlers of Eastham, Mass., 16(4. who went there from Plymouth. Deputy, 1648-50; selectman, ]66:i-9; town clerk. 1646-62. MARK SNOW was in Eastham as early as 1654. Selectman, It)67-S4; town clerk, 166;j-75. 204 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. wards res. His children by 1st wife are recorded .in tlie Gorham town records, and those by 2d wife are recorded in Buclcfield. Sergt. in Capt. Josiah Jenkins' Co., — his brother, — in Col. Samuel Brewer's Mass. (Maine) Regt; enlisted Nov., 1776, for 3 years. His app. for pension was dated Buclctield, Apr. 6, 1818. He d. Nov. 15, 1832. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Gorham: 1002. Rebecca, July 24, 1781. 1003. Lydia, Nov. 3, 1783. 1004. Hannah, May 7, 1785. 1005.* Joseph, June 13, 1788. By 2d wife , b. Buckfleld: 1006. Samuel, Apr. 26. 1795. 1007. Sally, Aug.' 26, 1796. 1008. Olive. Sept. 28, 1798; m 1009.* Benjamin, Apr. 24, 1800. 1010. Polly, Apr. 14, 1802. 1011. Rebecca, July 12, 1805. 1012. Pkudence, May 1810: d. Arad Gilbert; pub. Sept. 14, 1819. [356] MARY JENKINS,6 (Sister of Josiah,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Jan. 16, 1758; pub. to be m. Gorham, Me. Dec. 13, 1777, to James, son of John and Sarah Irish,* b. Gorham, Feb. 18, 1755. Private in Capt Hart Williams' Co., in Col. Edmund Phinney's 31st Regt. Foot, from Maine, 1775; promoted Sergt. 1776: also, Sergt. in Capt. Alexander McLellan'st Co., in Col. Jonathan Mitchell's Regt., 1779. He res. Gorham, but perhaps removed to Buckfield, Me. Ch. b. Gorham: 1013. Abiah, Nov. 13, 1779: d. Mar. 16, 1784. 1014. Elizabeth, June 22, 1782, " Aug. 6, 1782. 1015. Elizabeth, Oct. 17, 1783. 1016. Chloe, Sept. 28. 1786. 1017. Jacob, Aug. 16, 1789; d. Oct. 1790. [357] JOSEPH JENK1NS,6 ( Bro. of Josiah,) b. Barnstable, Mass., June 6, 1760. He served two years in the Revolution, and d. of consumption in the army, near West Point, Apr. 20, 1783: prob. unm. See sketch of his parents. * Note 178. JAMES IRISH came from Roxfordshire, Eng.. to Falmouth, now Portland. Maine, about 1710, and to Gorham, Maine, 17ii8. During the Indian war the family removed to Falmouth; but returned to Gorham after the war. Ch. b. before 1738: John. settled in Gorham. Joseph, settled in Buckfleld. Thomas, b. 173-1; settled in Gorham. James, m. Mary Graham Phinney. William. " Mary McCollister. and settled in Buckfleld. Mabiam. " Gamaliel Pote. + Note 179. The following soldiers from Gorham were members of Capt. Alexander Mc- Lellan's Co., 1779: Sergt. James Irish, and privates Richard Lombard, Prince Hamblen and .John Akers. 2, 1786; prob. d. young. 20, 1788. 20, 1791; prob. d. young. 29, 1793, " n (; 6, 1796, 9, 1798. 1, 1800. 17, 1802. SIXTH GENERATION. 205 [358] NATHANIEL JENKINS. « ( Nathaniel, •> Samuel,* Experience Hamlin,^ JamevS,-!) b. West Barnstable, Mass. m. Abigail Crocker,* of W. Barnstable. One Nathaniel Jenkins was private in Capt. Ebenezer Baker's Co., in Col. Nathaniel Freeman's Regt., which marclied to Tiverton on secret expedition, Oct. 4, 1777, and served 28 days. One Nathaniel Jenkins of Barn- stable Co. was private and musician in tlie Mass. militia; and pensioned May 1, 1834; selectman, 1801-7: Representative, 1812-4. Botli d. Barnstable; lie Nov. 8, 1838; she Oct. 16, 1828. Ch. b. Barnstable; 1018. Ellis, Nov. 1019. Temperance, Sept. 1020. Baker, Jan. 1021. Lydia, Feb. 1022.* Nathaniel, Jan: 1023. Lydia, Mar. 1024. Ellis, Mar. 1025. Baker, July [359] ALVAN JENKINS,^ (Bro. of Nathaniel,) b. West Barnstable, Mass.; m. Mary Lawrence, of Sandwich, Mass. One Alvan Jenkins of Barnstable Co. was private in the Mass. militia; and was pensioned May 6, 1834. He d. W. Barnstable. Ch. b. Barnstable: 22, 1794. 8, 1797; prob. d. young. 11, 1800. 24, 1802; m, Baker. 4, 1805, " Otis Crocker. JENKINS,^ (Sister of Nathaniel,) b. West Barnstable, Mass.; m. Mr. Wood: she d. W. Barnstable. [361] SIMEON JENKINS," (Simeon,^ Samuel,* Experience Hamlin,'' James,2i) b. Great Marshes, West Barnstable, Mass., m, Hannah Lawrence. He d. Nantucket, Mass., 1838. Children: 1031. Samuel, d. at sea. 1032.* WILLIA3I. 1033. Hannah, d. Marion, Mas.s. 1034. Abigail, " " " [362] JOHN JENKINS," (Bro. of Simeon,) b. Great Marshes, West Barnstable, Mass.; m. Holmes. He d. Nan- tucket, Mass., about 1826. Children: 1035. Susan, m. William Jenkins.' 1036.* Bartlett, 1037. Daniel Webb. 1026. Sally, Nov 1027. Elisha, Oct. 1028.* Elisha, Jan. 1029. Amamial, Nov 1030. Eliza Ellis, Oct. r Q«m TTPATT.^ r ATS 6 * Note 180. For Crocker see notes Ho, 'X) and 78. 206 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [363] PRINCE JENKINS.o (Bro. of Simeon,) b. Great Marshes, West Barnstable, Mass., Apr. 17, 1770; m. Ana Bassett.* The family removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, 1814; some descendants of liis were in Mt. Carmel, Ind., 1895. He d. Cincinnati, Aug. 19, 1815. Ch. b. Barnstable: 1038. Crocker, Feb. 15, 1799, 1039. Prince, Nov. 11, 1803. 1040. Oren, May 13, 1806. 1041. Elisha Bassett, Feb. 23, 1808. 1042. Lydia Crocker, May 5, 1813. [364] PEREZ JENKINS,6 (Bro. of Simeon,/ b. Great Mai-shes, West Barnstable, Mass., Dec. 29, 1772; ra. Sarah Bios- som.t He d. Nantucket, Mass., Jan. 10, 1832. Children, (all were married) : 1043. Perez. 1044. Edward. 1045.* Simeon. 1046. Lydia. [365] Dea. BRALEY JENKINS.^ (Bro. of Simeon,) b. Great Marshes, West Barnstable, Mass., Feb. 7, 1775: m. Brewster, Mass. Oct., 1798, Eunice, dau. of Edward and Mary (Mayo) Hopkins,^! b. Brewster, Aug. 19, 1776; carpenter and farmer; West Barnstable; Nantucket, 1819-24; Whig and Republican. Both adm. to Cong, cburcli W. Barnstable, July, 1801, in which lie was chosen deacon, Aug. 12, 1825. Both d. W. Barnstable; he July .3, 1773; slie July 2, 1773. Ch. b. W. Barnstable: 1047.* Lucy, Jan. 10, 1800. 1048. Eunice, Dec. 25, 1803; m. Serval Short. 1049.* Dorcas, June 19, 1807. 1050. Braley, May 12, 1812; d. Mar. 27, 1894, unm. 1051.* Freeman Hopkins, Dec. 25, 1815. 1052. Prince, Jan. 7, 1817: d. July 31, 1818. * Note 181. For Bassett see note 130. + Note 183. Dea. THOMAS BLOSSOM i went from Leyden to Engrland; Ixit being on the Speedwell did not obtain passage on the Mayflmcer. He came over in 1629; was well educated and a pious man; said to have been first deacon of the Plymouth ch. The record of his family- has not been found. He d. Plymouth. 1632. His widow, Anne, m. Oct. 17, Wi'i, Henry Kowley^ of Mr. Lothrop's ch.. Scituate. 1634-5. and removed to Barnstable, 1639. Cb. b. Leyden, Holland: A Son, d. tefore 1625. Thomas, b. about 1620; m. Sarab Ewer, Peter, " after 1627; '• Sarah Bodflsh. Elizabeth, " Edward Fitzrandolphe. % Note 183. It is traditional that Edward Hopkins descended from the pilgrim Stephen Hopkins, who came in the Mayflower, 1620. See note 18. For Mayo see note 21. SIXTH GENERATION. 207 I [367] HODIAH JENKINS,* (Sister of Simeon, ) b. Great Marslies, West Barnstable, Mass., 1780; m. Samuel Crocker.* She d. W. Barnstable, 1812. , Children: 1053, Lucy, b. 1805: m. Daniel Parker. 1054. Samuel, " 1812; d. at sea. [368] LUCY JENKINS,^ (Sister of Simeon,) b. Great Marshes, West Barnstable, Mass., 1782; m. Nathan Dillingham. t She d, Dennis, Mass., 1805. No issue. [370] LOT JENKINS,'^ (Lot,^ Samuel,* Experience Hamlin, » James,2i) b. Barnstable, Mass., Sept. 28, 1765; Child: 1055.* Payne. Perhaps others. [374] ESTHER NYE," (Lemuel, « Sarah Jenkins,* Experience Hamlin, ^ James,2i) b. Sandwich, Mass., Feb. 19, 1759. One Esther Nye,4: m. Dec. 10, 1780, Peter Nye. [376] ASA NYE,6 (Bro. of Esther,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Nov. 9, 1763; m. Nov. 27, 1788, Mercy Parker, b. Aug. 1768. He d. West Barnstable, Apr. 25, 1840; she June 8, 1851, aged 82 yrs., 10 mo. [379] SILAS HAMBLIN," iSilas,^ James,*32i) b. 1747; m. Polly, dau. of David Lines, g Tavern keeper; Prescott, Out. His son William wrote from Alexandria Bay, N. Y., 1845: "My father was brought up from an early age until manhood, by Col. Harvey, of Sharon, Ct. He was a soldier in the British army during the revolution, and was taken prisoner with Gen. Burgoyne's army. He afterwards went to Canada, and resided there until his death. My mother, Polly, was the only daughter, and 1 think, only child of David Lines, ship carpenter, of N. Y. city. Fatlier had only one sister, Jemima, who married John Hillebut, of VVesttield, near Fort Ann, N. Y. He had three half brothers, Seth, Amos and Zaccheus. I was born and lived in Canada until 31 years old, and since in the state of N . Y Both d. Prescott, Out.; he 1820; she 1804, aged 55 years, Children; )i 10.56.* David. 1057.* Fkancis. 1058.* Benjamin. 1059.* Nancy. 1060.* Elizabeth. lOtil.* Silas, b. 1790, 1062.* William Lines, " 1792 1063. John, d. Prescott, unm. * Note 184. For Crocker see notes li"! and 39. t Note 185. EDWARD DILLINGHAM i was one of the "Ten men of Sauiius." wlio settled in Sandwich, Mass., 1637. His descendants are common in tliat part of Mass. + Note 186. For Nye see note 34. S Note 187. THOMAS LINES, freeman. Mass., May, 1(545. KOGER LINES settled at Jamaca, L. 1.. about 1656. 208 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [380] JEMIMA HAMBLIN,« (Sister of Silas,) b. 1754; m. John Hillibert; farmer; Westfleld, near Fort Ann, N. Y.; she d. Feb., 1830: Children: 1064.* John. 1065.* A Daughter. [381] AMOS HAMBLIN,"' (Bro. of Silas,) prob. b. Sharon, Ct.; supposed to have settled in Darlington, Ontario, about 1824-30. [382] ZACCHEUS HAMBLIN," (Bro. of Silas,) b. Sharon, Ct., Sept. 6, 1760: private in Capt. Roderick Beebe's Co., in Col. Dow's N. Y. Regt.; enlisted from Kinderhook, 1777, and served one month; enlisted again in a N. Y. Regt., 1778, for 1 mo.: private in Capt. Chapman's Co., in Col. Abraham Van Alstyne's N. Y. Regt.; enlisted 1778 for 1 month. He also appear in Capt. Aaron or Arendt Ostrander's and Capt. Gershom Truesdel's Cos., in Col. Abraham Van Alstyne's 7Ch Regt. N. Y., Levies and Militia, Kinderhook District. He was at the capture of Gen. Burgoyne's army. His app. for pension was dated, Villenove, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1832. At one time lie resided at Sharon, Schoharie Co., N. Y. No further account of him. [383] SETH HAMLIN. 6 (Bro. of Silas,) b. Sharon, Ct., Mar. 17, 1761; ra. Rebecca Jones, b. Dec. 10, 1759; private in Capt. Aaron Ostrander's Co., in Col. Abraham VanAlstyne's 7th Regt. N. Y. Levies and Militia, Kindehook District; farmer: removed from N. Y. State, and resided at Darlington, Ontario. Botli d. Darlington. Children: 1066. Maktha; b. Feb. 7, 1799. 1067.* Joshua, (1 Oct. 13, 1800, Darlington. 1068.* William, (1 Nov. 2, 1802. 1069. Amos, a Mar. 27, 1805; rem. to the states. 1070.* Davii>, a May 19, 1807. 1071.* Eli, ii June 13, 1809, Darlington. 1072. Maria, it Jan. 12, 1812: d. unm. about 1858. 1073. ASAHEL, " Dec. 12, 1814; rem. to the states. 1074.* Peter, u Dec. 25, 1816. 1075.* .John, a Feb. 1, 1817. [384] .JAMES HAMBLEN,« (Caleb.s .James,* 32 1) prob. b. Waquoit, Falmouth, Mass.; unmarried. It is traditional that he served in the Revolution; was captured by the British, and d. in Dartmoor prison, England; another account says he d. at sea; perhaps he served on the sea in the Revolution. [385] NATHAN HAMBLEN,' (Bro. of .Tames,) prob. b. Waquoit, Falmouth, Mass.; m. there, May 28, 1778, Tabitha SIXTH GENERATION. 209 Phinney,* b. Waquuit. One Xathan ITamblen m. June 2(i. 1806, Tliankful Mei^s, both of Falmouth: perhaps his 2cl wife. He resided in the old house where that of Asa P. Tobey stood, 1896. It is traditional that he and his brother James served together in the Revolution. He d. Waquoit, Oct. 28, 1818. Ch. b. Falmouth: 1076.* William, b. Sept. 19, 1780. 1077.* Reuben, " Jan. 11, 1789. 1078.* Nathan, " Oct. 18, 1792. 1079. Ghafton, " Oct. 10. 179.5. 1080. James, d. unmarried. [386] CALEB HAMBLEN." (Bro. of James,) prob. b. Waquoit, Falmouth, Mass.: unmarried; "Boy" and Seaman, on Brigantine, Rising Empire, commanded by Capt. Richard Whelden; enlisted May 24, 1776; dis. Sept. 3, 1776: also, private in Capt. John Grannis' Co., roll dated Tarpaulin Cove, enlisted Feb. 12, and dis. Feb, 29, 1776; also, private in same Co., enlisted Mar. I, and dis. June 1, 1776, served on sea coast defense, at the Elizabeth Islands — Nantucket and Martha's Vinyard; also, private in Capt. Samuel Fish's Co., in Col. Nathaniel Freeman's militia Regt., served four days on alarm at Falmouth and Dartmouth, Sept. 1779. Possibly, some of this service related to his father, Caleb Hamlin.'^ It is supposed he d. at sea. [387] REUBEN HAMBLEnV (Bro. of James,) prob. b. Waquoit, Mass., about 17.58; mariner; private in Capt. Joshua Tobey's Co.; enlisted July 26, 1775, served 5 mos. and 18 days: also in Capt. Elisha Nye's Co.: enlisted April 5, 1776; served to June 1, 1776, on sea coast defense, company stationed at Elizabeth Islands; private in Capt. Adam Bailey's Co., in Col. .lohn Bailey's 2d Regt. Mass. Line, in Cont. army; enlisted by Capt. Dunham, Mar. 17, 1777, for the war: age, 18; stature. 5 feet, 6 inches; light complexion and hair; res. Sandwich, Mass.; he appears to have served until Dec. 31, 1781. (Col. Bailey was superseded by Lt.-Col. Sprout, Jan. 1, 1781.) His name appears in a list of men of the 2d Mass. Regt. who did not receive the gratuity granted by Act of Jan. 15, 1781. He died at sea, unm.: one Reuben Hamblen, of Falmouth, d. on passage from Orleans to Liverpool, Sept. 11, 1829. [388] BENJAMIN HAMBLEN,'' (Bro. of James,) prob. b. Waquoit, Mass.: mariner; private in Capt. Abijah Bangs' Co., in Col. Dyke's Mass. Regt.: enlisted Sept. 1: dis. Dec. 1, 1776; private in Capt. Ward Swift's Co., on a return for bounty money for service on a secret expe- dition to Rhode Island, in October, 1777; private in Capt. Samuel Fisher's Co., * Note 189. " .JOHN PHINNFA^i was in Plymouth. Mass. as early as 16.^8; his wife. Chris- tian d. there, 1649; he removed to Barnstable, and m. there, Iti.'y). AhiKall, widow of Henry Cog- gin, a wealthy merchant and adventurer, who was among the fir.st settlers at Coggin's Pond; she d. Barnstable. 165:5; m. lid, Eli/.aljeth Bayley; constable; he removed to Mt. Hope. R. 1. Children: John, b. Dec. 24. 16;«, Plymouth; m. Mary Rogers. Jonathan, " Aug. 14, 165.5; " Joanna Kinnecut. Robert. " Aug. KJ, 1656; d. in the French war. Hannah, " Sept. 2,16.57; m. Ephralm Morton. Elizabeth, " Mar. 15, 1659. m. Elizabeth Warren. JOSIAH. " Jan. U, 1661; Jeremiah, " Aug. 15. 1662. Joshua, '■ Dec. 1665. 210 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. in Col. Nathaniel Freeman's Regt., served eight days on Falmouth and Dart- mouth alarm, Sept., 1779. He d. at sea, unm. [389J THOMAS HAMLEN,« ( Bro. of James, ) prob. b. Waquoit, Mass.; private in Capt. Elisha Nye's Co.; enlisted Feb. 15, and dis. Apr. 20, 1777; stationed at Elizabeth Islands. He signed a petition for increase of wages Nov. 10, 1777; also, private in Capt. Joseph Griffith's Co., in Col. John Jacob's Regt.; enlisted July 2(5, 1778; dis. Jan. 1, 1779; res. Fal- mouth. He perhaps afterwards res. at Chatham, Mass. [391] Capt. NATHANIEL HAMBLEN,6 (Bro. of James, ) b. Falmouth, Mass., Apr. 17, 1774; m. Sandwich, Mass., by .lonathan Burr, Dec. 28, 1797, Fear, dau. of Cornelius and Mary (Fish) Fish,* b. Sandwich. June 6, 1776; master mariner; Falmouth; at one time a government pilot; a brave man, highly esteemed. In the 1812 war he was witli the troops defending our shipping at Falmouth, when a cannon shot went through the house wliere he was; to inspire the men lie placed himself at the hole made by the shot and declared that no Englisliman could hit the same place twice. He owned a ship with his sons James and Cornelius. On one occasion they were in Halifax, Nova Scotia; it was then contrary to the regulations of the place to take emi- grant ships into that port. While there, such a ship arrived, and Capt. Ham- blen boarded and brought her into harbor, for which he was arrested and lodged in jail. His sons and crew broke the jail to release him; but knowing that it would compromise the jailor, he refused to leave; and for his manly conduct was soon released. James was his favorite son, and when home from sea they were often found together, gunning or tishing. The melancholy death of his son, lost at sea, 1831, cast a gloom over his declining years. He retired and lived a few years longer at Waquoit. Both died Sandwich; he Oct. 18, 1841; she Jan. 14, 1854. Ch. b. Sandwich: 1081.* James, Nov. 20, 1798. 1082.* Cornelius Fish, Sept. 1, 1800. 1083.* Hannah, June 13, 1803. 1084.* Nathaniel, July 25. 1805. 1085.* Deborah, Nov. 20, 1807. 1086.* Ezra, July 19, 1812. 1087.* Marshall Chtlds, Apr. 17, 1815. [393] HANNAH HAMBLEN," (Sister of James,) prob. b. Falmouth. Mass.; m. Christopher, perhaps son of Prince West,t of Lee, Mass. [.394] DELIVERANCE HAMBLIN," (Job,^ James,* 321) b. Falmouth, Mass.; published Lee, Mass., Dec. 22, 1777, to be m. to Icha- bod Backus, J of Lee, Mass.; hog reave, 1780, '84 and '87; highway surveyor, 1781; she d. Falmouth, Nov. 13, 1793. * Note 190. CORNELIUS FISH, son of Jonathan, of Sandwich, Mass. He served in Capt. Simeon Fish's Co., of Sandwich, 1778-9. His wife, Mary, was dau. of Capt. Thomas Fish, of Falmouth, Mass., also a Rev. soldier. + Note 191. PRINCE WEST, and his children: Barsheba, Hannah, .John. Silvanus, Christopher, Heman, Amey and Philo were members of the church in Lee. Mass., July 3, 1783. t Note 192. WILLIAM BACKUS,i b. England; came from Norwich, Eng. to America in the Ratnhoit', Capt. Haskins, master, 1637; settled first in Saybrook, Ct. ; later an original SIXTH GENERATION. 211 Ch. b. Lee: 1088. Deborah, Jan. 29, 1779. 1089. Joshua, Apr. 16, 1781. 1090. Job, Feb. 10, 1784. 1091. Simeon, Apr. 16, 1786. 1092. Cornelius, Oct. 8, 1788. 1093. David, Mar. 31, 1791. [395] ELIZABETH HAMBLIN,^ (Sister of Deliverance,) b. Falmouth, Mass., Jan., 1764; m. Lee, Mass., June, 1785, David, son of Jonathan and Sarah (Fenner) Foote,* b. Colchester, Ct., Sept. 4, 1760; she re- moved with her parents to Lee, 1772; he removed from Colchester, Ct., to Lee, 1775. Private in Capt. Ezra Whittlesey's Co., Berkshire Co. detachment under Col. John Brown; enlisted Sept. 11, 1777; dis. Sept. 30, 1777; also, private in Capt. Samuel Goodrich's Co., in Lt.-Col. Miles Powell's Berkshire Co. Regt.; enlisted July 18, 1779; dis. Aug. 22, 1779; service at New Haven, Ct.; also, private, Capt. Amos Porter's Co., in Col. David Rossiter's Regt.: enlisted Oct. 14, 1780, for service on alarm at Berkshire Co.: dis. Oct. 17, 1780; also, private same Co. and Regt.; enlisted Oct. 18, 1780, for service on alarm at Berkshire county; dis. Oct. 21, 1780. Farmer; Lee; Whig; highway surveyor, 1794. In 1816, with his family, he removed by way of Buffalo, N. Y., to Dover, Ohio, then a howling wilderness. The journey was made with horses and wagon, occupying three weeks: Presbys. Both d. Dover; she Jan, 1844; lie Jan. 31, 1851. Ch. b. Lee: 23, 1786. 21, 1788. 11, 1790: d. Oct. 14, 1790. 18, 1791. 3, 1794. 29, 1796. 7, 1800. 15, 1803. 6, 1807. 5, 1809. proprietor of Norwich. Ct.. 1659-60. One autliority states that he m. Sarali, dau. of Rev. John Chodes or Choder, of Branford, Ct. ; another that he m. Ann, dau. of Rev. .John Charles, of Broolcfield, Ct. The name was originally spelled Bockius, and was pronounced in New Eng- land, Beckus. He d. Norwich. 1661 . WILLIAJkl BACKUS,2 b. England; an early settler of Norwich. Ct. ; deputy to the Gen. Court many years; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Lieut. William Pratt. .JOSEPH BACKUS.3 b. Norwich. Ct., Sept. 6, 1669; m. .\pr. 9, 1690. Elizabeth, dau. of T)ea. Simon Huntington, of Norwich; deputy to the Gen. Court 40 years. He d. Norwich, Dec, 1740. Ch. b. Norwich: S.\MUEL. .Tan. 6, ]69:j; m. Eiizatieth Tracy. Simon, Feb. 11,1700. " Eunice Edwards Ebenezer, Mar. 'M, 1712, " Abigail Trumbull. * Note 193. NATHANIEL FOOTE.i b. England about l.VCJ; m. about 1615, in England, Elizabeth, sister of .John Deming. Foote and Deming were among the first settlers in Wethers- field. Ct. He d. there, 1644; and his widow m. about 1646, Gov. Thomas Wells. The coat of arms, granted by King .James I, to their ancestor, was a shield divided by a chevron, with quarterings of clover leaves; crest, an oak tree; motto. Ix)yalty and Truth. The tradition of its bestowal is: In a war between the English and Scotts, King .James was in danger of being destroyed, when James Foote, a trusty officer, escorted him to a wood where was a large oak. 1094.* Betsey, June 1095.* Thomas, May 1096. David. July 1097.* Silas, Aug. 1098.* Delia, May 1099.* Lou VISA. Nov. 1100.* Temperance, Nov. 1101.* Ransom, Feb. 1102.* Laura, Jan. 1103.* Caroline, Aug. 212 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [396] CORNELIUS HAMBLIN, 6 (Bro. of Deliverance,) b. J'almouth, Mass., Apr. 15. 1766; m. there, June 23, 1794, Mercy Phinnej,* of Falmouth, b. Aug. 21, 1773; he was then a resident of Lee, Mass.; removed there when a child with his parents: res. Lee; Congs.: it also appears that he was a Methodist, 1818 and 1821. Both d. there; he Oct. 29, 1842: she Dec. 2.3, 1852. Ch. b. Lee: [stone. May 20, 1803. 1104. Job, Apr. 21, 1795; killed by fall of mantle 1105. William Phinney, June 21. 1796: d. Oct. 23, 1797. 1106.* William Phinney, Feb. 11, 1799. 1107. Stephen, June 21, 1802: d. Oct. 13, 1828, unm. 1108.* Lucy P., Apr. 11. 1804. 1109. Hannah S. June 12. 1806: d. Aug 9, 1822, unm. 1110.* Mercy, Nov. 22 1809. IIIL* Maky C, Jan. 2o! 1811. 1112.* Job, Jan. 15, 1813. [.397] DAVID HAMBLIN." (Bro. of Cornelius,) m. by Rev. Alvan Hyde, Lee, Mass., Oct. 8, 1794, Sarah Backus. t His name appears in tlie town records of Lee as hog reave, 1796. David Hamblin's mark: half crop upper side right ear and a half penny upper side the left. He received a lease of 19 acres and 70 rods of school land in Lot 2, Fourth Division, in the Hopland District, dated Nov. 6, 1809. Farmer, Lee. An eccentric man, and had peculiar religious beliefs, he erected an altar of stones on top of a hill near his house, where he worshipped, and was found dead there. May 3, 1830. Wm. P. Hamblin. a nephew, wrote, 1847; that but two of his children had families, David and Benjamin. the trunk whereof was hollow; and there concealed him unknown to anyone until he had a safe retreat. For this act the Kins ordered tlie coat of arms for James Foote. NATHANIEL FOOTE,2 b. England, about 1620; m. 1646. Elizabeth, dau. of Lt. Samuel Smitli. of Wethersfleld. Ct.. and Hadley, Mass. He. res. Wethersfield, where he d. 1655. NATHANIEL FOOTE.s b. Wethersfield, .Jan. 10, 1617; m. May 2, 167:.', Mary, dau. of Nath- aniel and Catherine (Chapin) Bliss., b. 16.>0; res. Hatfield and Springfield, .Mass., Stratford. Branford and Wethersfield, Ct. ; quarmaster of Capt. William Turner's Co. in the " Falls Fight," in King Phillip's war, May 17, 1676; he d. Wethersfleld. Jan. 13. 170:j; she d. Col- chester. Apr. 3. 1745. NATHANIEL FOOTE.* b. Wethersfield, Sept. 9. 1682; m. July U. 1711, Ami Clark, of Lebanon. Ct. ; res. Colchester. Ct. ; captain, 1736; deputy 23 sessions ; justice of Hartford Co., 1731-62: he d. Colchester. Aug 20, 1774. JONATHAN FOOTE. b. Colchester. Ct., Mar. 33, 1715; m. May 25, 1749, Sarah, dau. of John Fenner; res. Saybrook. Ct. ; returned to his native town and rem. to Lee. Mass., about 1775. Both d. Lee; he Nov. 21. 1S03; she 1791, aged 61. It is not known if he descended from the Foote family above mentioned. Children: Freelove, b. Mar. 11. 1750. Jonathan, " Mar. 30. 1753. Fenner. " Oct. 5, 1754. Sarah, '• Jan. 12. 1758. David. " Sept. 4, 1760; m. Elizabeth Hamblin. ASAHEL. " Apr. ,22, 1763. LOVISA. •• 1765. Solomon. * Note 194. For Phinney see note 189. + Note 195. For Backus see note 193. Moriah Backus and her children: Hannah, Sarah, Nathaniel, Anson and Ben.iamin. were members of the church in Lee, Mass.. July 3, 1783. SIXTH GENERATION. 21. J 1113. 1114.* 111.3. lll(j.* HIT. 1118.* Ch. b. Lee: Abigail, Aug. 4, 1795; d. July 22. 1813. Maria, June 23, 1797. Benjamin, d. .July 16, isoi, aged 5 mos. David, July 23, 1802. Nathaniel. Benjamin B.. Aug. 8,1809. [398] JAMES HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of Cornelius,) b. Oct. 1, 1783; m. Lee, Mass., by Rev. Alvan Hyde, D. D., June 4, 1807, Anna Roberts, b. Apr. 11, 1788. He resided Lee, where he d. Jan. 13, 1824: she m. John Rem ley. Ch. b. Lee: Deborah, Feb. 28, 1808. Julius Augu.stus, Feb. 8, 1810. James F., Feb. 21, 1817. Charles Marshall. Nov. 10, 1820. Anne, Oct. 18, 1823. 1119.* 1120.* 1121.* 1122.* 112.3.* [399] JOSEPH GUILDS,^ (Josepl^ Deliverance Hamblen,* James,:' « i) b. 1750. 1124.- Child: Jo.'^EPH, b. 1775. [414] JOSIAH HAMLEN,« (Timothy,5Zaccheus,* Jonathan,:Mames,-!i) b. Barnstable, Mass., 1762; m. Yarnx)uth, Mass., 1783, Elizabeth, dau. of David and Thankful (Crowell*) O'Kelley, b. Barnstable. Feb. 23, 1765. In early life a mariner; later farmer: removed to Harlem, now China. Maine, about 1796; afterwards to Winslow, and to South China about 1830. Both d. there; he Dec, 1844; she Feb. 3, 1862. Children: 1125.* Abigail, 1126. Esther, 1127.* Isaiah, 1128.* JOSIAH, 1129.* Gorham. 1130.* Bethania G 1131.* Cyrene M., 1132.* Hallett, 1133.* Jesse, 1134. Sylvanus, b. Aug. 25, 1784; Yarmouth. d. in childhood. b. July 1, 1789: Yarmoutli. 1795. b. Dec. 1, 1800; Harlem. " Oct. 25, 1803; Harlem. " Apr. 7, 1807; Winslow. " about 1818; So. China, drowned away from home. [415] De.a.. timothy HAMLIN,- (Bro. of Josiah ) b. Barnstable, Mass., Nov. 9, 1764; m. China, Maine, Dec. 24, 1787, Martha Priest, b. Nov. 3, 1769. Farmer; China: Democrat; deacon in Baptist church; he dropped the "b" from his name; his descendants spell the name '•Hamlin" and "Hamlen." Both d. China; he Apr. 16, 1849; slie Aug. 16, 1847, * Note iflO. For Crowell see note 52. 214 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. Chi na: 1135.* David, Mar. 25, 1789. 1136.* Daniel, Apr. 3, 1791. 1137. Timothy, Mar. 31, 1793; d. 1795. 1138. Lois, May 2, 1795; d. Oct. 2, 1819 1139.* Jonas, Apr. 23, 1797. 1140.* Otis, Apr. 12, 1799. 1141.* Reuben, Jun. 4, 1802. 1142.* Calvin, Apr. 26, 1804. 1143.* SOPHRONIA, Apr. 23, 1606. 1144. Louisa, d. youn^. 1145.* Lucy W,, May 10, 1809. 1146.* Sumner, Jun. 12, 1811. 1147.* Mary, Oct. 9, 181.3. [416] MARY HAMBLIN,6 (Sister of Josiah,)' b. Barnstable, Mass., Nov. 17, 1767; removed with her parents to Cliina, Maine, 1781; m. Aug. 17, 1784, Eleazer B. Dicliey,* b. Londonderry, Mar., 1760, Pi'ivatein Capt, Benjarain Burton's Co., in Col. Sherburne's Regt.; enlisted April, 1778, and seved one year; also, in Capt. Traf ton's Co. same Regt.; in which he served a year; also, in Capt. North's Co., in CoL Henry Jackson's Regt., in which he served a year; in all he served 3 yeare and 9 months. He was wounded in the Revolution, and was quite lame. His app. for pension was dated Swanville, Maine, Apr. 24, 1818; removed to Vassalboro, Maine, 1773; and to Monroe, Maine, 1805; where they res. the remainder of their lives. Both d. Monroe; she May 9, 1852; he June 8, 1852. Children; 1148.* Abigail. 1149.* William, 1150.* Mary, Monroe, 1151.* Eleazer, b. Sept. 9, 1790. 1152.* Pauline, " 1797; Monroe, 1153.* Jane. 1154.* David. 1155.* Hallett. 1156.* Eliza. 1157. Alexander, m. Mehi table 1158.* Priscilla. 1159.* Martha, b. Mar. 7, 1804, Union. 1160.* Hamblin, 1806, Monroe. [417] PRISCILLA HAMBLIN," (Sister of Josiah.) b. Barnstable, Mass., June 27, 1769; removed to China. Maine, with her * Note 197. JOHN DICKEY. i came from Londonderry, Ireland, to Scotland ;; thence to America, 1729; m. Margaret, sister of Gen. George Reid. Children: Adam, b. 1722, Londonderry. Ireland, m. .lane Strahorn •, lie served ander Gen. Stark in the Rev. ; res. Walijole, N. H, Matthew, Rev. soldier. SIXTH GENERATION. 215 parents, 1781; m. Vassalboro, Maine, Ichabnd, son of Judah Chadwick,* b. Barnstable, Nov. 11, 1763. They res. Winslow, Maine: Baptists. Sheisde.scribcd as a jolly little woman, with always a story for the children; an excellent house- keeper, as were her daughters. A grand-daughter writes: " To be told that if 1 would be a good girl all the week I might go to Grandma's Saturday, and walk to church with Grandpa in the morning, was enough to keep rae very good. The walk was more than a mile and a half, but he never missed it, and the last words of Grandma would be: ' Now, walk proper, for it is the Sabbath day." With stick in hand, in imitation of Grandfather's staff, which he always carried, 1 trudged along behind him, stepping as nearly in his steps as I could, thereby 'walking proper,' as I thought. Grandmother usually rode to church with Aunt Lucy. They were frugal, industrious people." In 1805 he was del- egate from Harlem, now China, to the ordination of Rev. Nathaniel Robinson, who became pastor of the Baptist church in Palermo, Maine. He d. of cancer, Yassalboro, 1839: she survived him and d. knitting in her chair, China, 1856. Children: ]161. Sophia, prob. d. young. 1162.* Zekuiah, June 27, 1790. 1163.* Clement, Apr. 21, 1792. 1164.* Esther, Apr. 14, 1794, China. 1165.* Chloe, Aug. 6, 1796. 1106.* Tryphena, June 23, 1798. 1107.* Tryphosa, May 3, 1800, China. 1168.* John, Feb. 21, 1802. 1169. Eliza F., Oct. 23, 1804: d. China, unm. 1170.* Priscilla Hamblin, Sept. 4, 1806, China. 1171.* Lucy, Nov. 3. 1808. 1172.* .Julia Ann, July 30, 1810, China. 1173.* Mary Ann, Apr. 4, 1813, Augusta. [419] SOLOMON HAMBL1N.« (Bro. of Josiah,) b. Barnstable, Mass., 1773: m. Betsey Livermore.t b. Methuen, Mass.: re- moved with his parents to Cliina. Maine, 1781; killed by falling of a tree in Maine, about Feb., 1800; she d. perhaps at Hallowell, Maine, between 1825-30. Children: 1174. William, d. unm. 1175.* Solomon, b. Apr. 3, 1800. [421] JABEZ HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Josiah,) b. Barnstable, Mass., 1777; m. Waterville, Maine, about 1800, Keziah Tay- lor. He served in Capt. Binney's Co., in 4th U. S. Infantry; enlisted Mar. 18, m. E- Webber. Note 198. JUDAH CHADWICK, of Falmouth, Mass. Children: Job. James. Judah, ICHABOD. Lot. CORYDON. Abel,. Jason. Note 199. Priscilla Hamblin. For Livermore see note 168. 216 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. 1813: d. Dec. 9, 1813: she m. 2d. .Tames W hidden, of Milo, Maine. Her app. for pension was dated Sebec, Maine, .Jan. 2, 1855, her af^e then 78: Baptist. No issue. [423 REBECCA HAMBLEN,« b. Barnstable, Mass., Feb. 3, 1 781: m. by Rev. . Mass.. Nov. 4, 1807, Ezra Fisher, b. Apr. 25, 1782; Mar. 2«j, 184 7. Children: 1176. Salome Dimmock, b. Aug. 29, 1809: 1177. Charles,. '• July 6, 1810; 1178. Edmund, " Dec. 26, 1811, 1179. LUTHEK, " Feb. 2, 1814, 1180. Betsey, " Aug. 3. 1816, 1181. Nancy, " Jan. 7, 1819: 1182.* Harriet Skinner, " Oct. , 21. 1,^21. 1183. Laura, •' Jan. 31, 1825: 1184. George, " Aug. 26, 1826: 1185. Warren, " Jan. 1, 1835. Jonathan,'^ < 3 James,2i) Rev. Jonathan Burr, Sandwich, 25, 1782; slie d. Aug. 13, 1872; he d. m. Jonathan Hamblen.' d. Mar. 29, 1869. " Dec. 26, 1886. " Nov. 16, 1835. '• Sept. 27, 1818. [111. m. David .lones, Lineville, m. Jonathan Farnum. d. June 6, 1848. [424] BETSEY HAMBLEN," (Sister of Rebecca,) b. Barnstable, Mass.: m. there, Aug. 26, 1809, Seth Backus.* They had a family of children: removed west. [425] CHARLES HAMBLEN,6 (Bro. of Rebecca,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Aug 10, 1792: rn. Falmouth, Mass., Jan. 1, 1815, Chloe, dau. of Noah and Joshua Fuller, t b. Falmouth, Feb. 21, 1796: farmer: Congs. The records of tlie pension office show that he enlisted from Sandwich as private on Falmouth Alarm, .Ian. 29-31, 1814: also as private in Capt. Benja- min Hamblin's Co., in Col. David Nye's Regt.. Oct. 3-12, 1816. His app. for pension, dated Falmouth, May 1, 1878; pensioned Sept. 4, 1879. Both d. Fal- mouth; he Dec. 25, 1881; she Sept. 2, 1879. Ch. b. Sandwicli: 1186.* Jonathan, Oct. 31, 18L5. [426] ZACCHEUS HAMBLIN," (Isaac,^ Josiah,* Jonathan,^ James,2 1) b. Barnstable, Mass., Sept. 30, 1774; m. 1st, Hannah Snow:t m. 2d, Barn- stable, Aug. 13, 1812, Lucy widow of his brother Josiah. His brother Isaac wrote from Montpelier. Vt., that Zaccheus removed there, 1799; but returned to Cape Cod. The Yarmouth records show that he removed there, 1816; select- man, Barnstable, 1831-2. He assisted to organize the first Universalist church in Hyannis, Mass., 1828. He went to Texas to speculate in land and d. there, 1840; his widow d. New Bedford, 1844, aged 68. Cli. by 1st wife, b. Barnstable: Oct. 9, 1798. Jun. 28. 1802; Dec. 13, 1804. 1187. Idris, 1188. Isaac, 1189.* Reliance, 1190. Erastus Coleman, * Note 200, For Backus see note 192. + Note 201. For Fuller see note 112. * Note 202. For Snow see note 177. d. before 1846. Sept. 24, 1708. d. before 1746. SIXTH GENERATION. 217 By 2d wife: 1191.* Hannah Snow, Dec. 26, 1813; Hyannis. 1192.* Adaline Lombard, Jun. 2, 1815; Hyannis. 1193. Lewin Anson, Aug. 13, 1816; d. young. [427] JOSIAH HAMBLIN," (Bro. of Zaccheus,) b. Barnstable, Mass., July 4,1776; m. Lucy Lumbard,* of Barnstable, b. 1776: removed to Montpelier Vt., 1799; farmer; bed. Montpelier, Aug. 31, 1803. His widow returned to Hyannis, Mass., in 1804. making the journey on horse- baclf, with her child on a pillion, which was regarded as a remarkable event in their lives; she m. 2d, Aug. 13, 1812, his brother Zaccheus Hamblin.« Ch. b. Montpelier: 1194.* Polly, Nov. 27, 1803. [429] WILLIAM HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of Zaccheus,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Sept. 3, 1780; m. there, by Rev. Jotham Waterman, Feb. 13, 1802, Abigail Riley. He removed to Montpelier, Vt., 1799. He d. Oct., 181 3 y Children: 1195.* Clarissa Harlow, b. Apr. 2, 180-, East Montpelier. 1196. Almira. 1197.* Makcus Bingham, b. 1810. Perhaps others. [430] MARY HAMBLIN,6 (Sister of Zaccheus,) b. Barnstable, Mass., June 10, 1782; m. Ansel Patterson, b. Conn., 1764, his second wife. By a former wife he had several children. Farmer, in Conn., Peru, N. Y., and Barre, Vt. Private in Capt. Reed's Co., in Col. Butler's Conn. Regt.; enlisted Jan. 1, 1781; wounded West Point, spring, 1783; dis. Oct., 1783. She d. Glens Falls, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1867; Jie d. Brattleboro, Vt., Nov. 3, 1843. Ch. b. Peru, N. Y.: 1198.* James Hervey, Mar. 10, 1810. [433] EZEKIEL HAMBLIN,8 (Bro. of Zaccheus,) b. Barnstable. Mass., Mar. 4, 1787: m. Granville, N. Y., 1816, Phebe Foote.f He removed with his father to Vermont, 1799. His brother Isaac wrote, 1846, that he removed to Western, N. Y., and left a family, indicating that he was then dead. [4.54] ISAAC HAMBLIN,« (Bro. of Zaccheus,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Aug. 2. 1790; m. (rranville, N. Y., Jan. 25, 1815, Har- riet, dau. of Adonijah and Sarah (Foster) Foote,t b. Conn., Oct. 3,1789. He removed to Vermont with his parents, 1799; res. Montpelier; both d. East Montpelier: he Apr. 15, 1865; she Oct. 15, 1879. Ch. b. Montpelier: 31, 1816; d. Feb. 21, 1816. 5, 1817; unm. Jan., 1900. 3, 1818. 8, 1826. 20, 1835; d. Dec. 15, 1899. unm. 1199. William F., Jan. 1200. Ruth Mary, Jan. 1201.* Eleazer, May 1202.* Edwin, Dec. 1203. Sarah M., Aug. * Note 203 For Lombard see note i'-i. t Note 304 For Foote see note li):j. 218 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [435] LEWIS HAMBLIN,« (David,^ Josiah,* Jonathan,^ James,^ i) b. Barnstable, Mass . May 27, 1792; pub, June 7, 1827, and Nov. 27, 1830, and ra. Anne, dau. of George Lewis;* res. Hyannisport, Mass. !No issue. [436] ELVATON HAMBLIN," (Bro. of Lewis,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Mar. 3, 1794; m. Jane J.ones, of Osterville, Mass.; res. Hyannisport, Mass. No. issue. [437] DEBORAH P. HA MBLIN," (Sister of Lewis. ) b. Barnstable, Mass., Apr. 25, 179(5; m. there. Nov. 28, 1826, Patrick Carney, b. Va., Oct. 5, 1780; ship carpenter: Hyannisport; Democrat: Methodists. Both d. Hyannisport; she Oct. 27, 1880; he Aug. 5, 1853. Ch. b. Hyannisport: 1204.* John A., Apr. 10, 1828. 1205.* Sarah A., July 30, 1830. 1206.* Esther A., Oct. 5, 1833. [439] HARVEY HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of Lewis,) b. Barnstable, Mass., May 29, 1804; m. there, Jan. 3, 1828, Lois. dau. of James Lewis and Deborah (Phinneyf) Hatha way, J b. Barnstable, Oct. 25, 1802; mariner; Hyannisport; he d. there, Jan. 21, 1843: she m. 2d, Hyannisport, Apr., 1846, Ansel Jones; she d. Hyannisport, July 21, 1888. Ch. b. Hyannisport: 1207.* Lloyd B., Dec. 9, 1828. 1208.* Warren T., Dec. . 2, 1830. 1209.* Mercy H., Dec. 6, 1832. 1210.* Deborah Lewis, Dec. 9, 1834. 1211. Sylvanus L, Dec. 30, 1836: unm. 1899. 1212. Lewin a.. Jan. 12, 1839; d. June 28. 1866. 1213. Christina L., Jan. 9, 1841; unm. 1899. * Note 205. For Lewis see notes 10 and 13. + Note 206. For Phinney see note 189. $ Note 207. The name was anciently spelled Hadaway. Four of this name came over early: Arthur, settled in Marshfield. Mass., but soon removed to Dartmouth; John and Josepli. settled in Taunton, Mass. JOHN hadaway. another man. b. 1687, came in the ship Blest) b. May 29, 1749. perhaps in Kent; m. New Milford. Ct.. June 30. 177a, Ephraini Piatt, b. Aug. 14,1749. The record of this family was received after the records of the Fifth Generation had been printed, too late for insertion in its proper place in the book and is therefore tfi^■en here. The identi ty of Hopestill Hamlin, above, as the dau. of Cornelius Hamlin is fixed by the evi- dence of William L. Piatt, ' of Augusta, Ga.. a {jraudson; who relates that liis uncle. Henry. I. Platt.6 who res. in Sharon, Ct., pointed out to him an old fashioned " lean to " house, near Mudge's Pond in Sharon, which he said was his (Henry's) grandmother's home; and that she was a Mudge. The family Bible of Ephraim Piatt records the birth of Hopestill Hamlin, as given above. It is true that the record of her birtli is not found in the records of Sliaron. nor in the records of Mr. Ivnibloe's Ch. in Armenia. N. Y. This is accounted for from tin- fact iiia( her father was of a roving character, as will he observed by reference to the skel<'lt of him and his family, pages 76-8. It appears that he sold his land in Sharon. 171:i-4; and bought in K'ent. Ct. ; and afterwards removed to Spencertown, N. Y. It is not improbable that Cornelius Hamlin,* had still other children, whose names are not given in this work, and that by reason of his various changes of residence he neglected to record the births of Ids younger children. 232 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. WILLIAM PLATT,«* (Bro. of Jacob B..) b. New Milford, Ct., Mar. 19, 1784; m. and res. Savannah, Ga. He d. Savan- nah, Apr. 20, 1817. No issue. HENRY JARVIS PLATT,«* (Bro. of .Jacob B.,) b. New Milford, Ct., Mar. 23, 1786; m. Sarah Dakin, of Amenia, N. Y.; farmer; Sharon, Ct.; Metliodists. He d. Sharon, Ct., Mar. 2, 18H4. Children: 1325. George FrsK, b. 1812. 1326. Ephraim Hamlin. 1327. Elizabeth, b. Sharon; d. .Sept. 29, 1856, Sharon. 1328. Edward, unm. 1329. Edwin, unm. 1330.* William Henry, b. Duchess Co., N. Y. CHARLES PLATT,'^* (Bro. of Jacob B.,) b. New Milford, Ct., June 28, 1788; ra. 1st, .June 1, 1811, Polly Tuttle, of Bethany, b. Woodbridge, Ct., Nov. 21, 1791; who d. N. Y. City, Feb. 19, 1835; m. 2d, May 16, 1835, Mary Sherwood, b. June 11, 1789; who d. May 16, 1867. Merchant; Waterbury, Ct., and N. Y. City; Democrat: Universalist; Free- mason; 1st wife, Episco. He d. Sharon, Ct., Apr. 15, 1865. Ch. by 1st wife: 1331.* Charles Adolphus, b. Dec. 11, 1814, Sharon. 1332. Susan Maria, " Mar. 30, 1817, N. Y.C.; d. Jun. 4, 1821. 1333. William Henry, " Nov. 23, 1818, " Aug. 12, 1819. 1334.* Lucy Ann, " Oct. 24, 1824, (1 1335.* Jacob Bogardus, " Jun. 15, 1827, ( ( 1.336.* William Lyon, " Jun. 22, 1633, u DA.NIEL PLATT,'=* (Bro. of Jacob B.,) b. New Milford, Ct., Aug. 17, 1790; unm.; topographical engineer, U. S. A. It is traditional that he drafted the plans for Fortress Monroe, Va. He was killed in Florida, April, 1821, on his journey to pay the troops. [499] PHCEBE HAMLIN," (Jabez,» Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James.^i) b. Sharon. Ct., Aug. 30, 1762; m. there, Oct. 3, 1784, Capt. John Brown, f of Ephraim Piatt bought a farm in New Milford, 1773 ; afterwards occupied by his eldest son. Both d. New Milford; she Oct. 29, 1808; he Sept. 26, 1798. Ch. b. New xMilford: ♦Jacob Bogardus, Aug. 14. 1774. Betset. Dec. 13, 1776; d.. Tun. :Z1,1778. Zalmon, Apr. 10. 1779, " Dec. 12, 1802, unm. Betsey, .Tuly 22, 1781. " Sept. 7, 182:^, •' *WiLi.iAM, Mar. 19. 1784. A Son, Mar. 19, 1789; " Mar. 21. 1784. *Henby Jakvis. Mar. 23. 1786. *Charl,es, .Jun. 28, 1788. *Daniel, Aug. 17, 1790. * See note 220. + Note 221. It is traditional that the father of Capt. Brown was also a sea captain: owned a ship and cargo; and was either lost or murdered at sea. SIXTH GENERATION. 233 N. Y. City. It is traditional that he followed the sea; was wealthy and owned buildings in Broadway, N. Y.; that he left his wife without support, went away, and she returned to her father's house. On his return he sought his wife, but her father indignantly refused to permit him to see her, and he went away, and they never lived together again. She and her son resided with her father; Methodist. It is said that Capt. Brown remarried; had two sons by the subsequent marriage, and d. in N. Y. City. When the son, George Brown heard of his father's death, he started to go from Indiana to New York; on reaching Rochester, he decided that his step mother and half-brothers would resist his claim to share in his father's estate, and returned home. She d. Alford, Mass., Nov, 25, 1827. Ch. b. Sharon: 1337.* George, Feb. 8, 1786. [500] SALMON HAMLIN,6 (Bro. of Phoebe,) b. Sharon, Ct., Aug. 5, 1763; m. Margaret Vanderberg. The Sharon records of 1788 mention that Jabez and Salmon Hamlin went to attend court; a letter was addressed to him at Alford, Mass., 1806; and the names of his children are on the records of the Methodist Ch. there, 1807. It will be observed from his will, 1820, that he then resided at Beekmantown, Duchess Co., N. Y.; Metho- dists. He d. 1821; she d, in Duchess Co. WILL OF SALMON HAMLIN. The last Will and Testament of Salmon Hamlin, of Beekman Town, Dutch- ess County and State of New York, considering the uncertainty of this mortal life, and being of sound mind and memory, (blessed be Almighty God for the same) do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say.) First. I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Margaret Hamlin, all both real and personal estate that I am in possessing of for her to do with as she may think proper for the best use and benefit of my family while she re- mains my widow. And if she should die my widow then in that case it is ray wish that the property should be sold both real and personal and divided as hereinafter mentioned, but if she should think proper to marry again then in that case it is my wish that after my wife, Margaret, has taken dower right, then the remaining part of all my property to be equally divided between all my children after my son, John Hamlin, has taken out enough of my estate to obtain the hatters trade, and if he should not think proper to learn that trade then in that case any other good trade he may make choice of. It is my wish as my daughter, Paulina Denny, (Dewey) '? has already received One Hundred dollars and Fanny See Twenty-Two dollars and Pamela Hughson Two Hundred dollars and Almira Simpson Seventy dollars out of estate and it is my wish that those sums that has already been received by my Daughters shall be taken from their portions, so that all my said children shall share equal in all my said estate. And it is my will further that if any of my children has received more than the equal dividend amounts to they shall not be subject nor liable to pay to my said Estate. And lastly I do hereby appoint my beloved wife, Margaret Hamlin, and son, James Vanderburgh Hamlin, and my friend, Gabriel L. Vanderburgh, Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all foi-mer Wills by me made. 234 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hands and seal day Sept. One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy, (twenty) SALMON HAMLIN (L S) Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named Salmon Hamlin to be his last Will and Testament in the presents of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence of the Testator. Abra. Simpson. Gary Simpson. Gabriel Vanderburgh. b. Jan. 3, 1787. Children: 1338.* Paulina, 1339.* James Vanderburg 1340. Fanny. 1341. Margaret. 1342. Pamelia. 1343. Almira. 1344. John. [502] LUCINDA HAMLIN,« (.Sister of Phoebe,) b. Sharon Ct., Oct. 22, 1766: m. Moses, son of Moses and Susannah (Bosworth) Fairchild,* b. Sheffield, Mass., Dec. 1, 1756. From a Berkshire County paper we find a sketch of this family, and of the findi,^g o,f an old relic in 1896: "One day last week Charles Decker, on the farm of Hiram Dings and son, in the west part of Great Barrington found a relic recalling a family prominent in society 100 years ago. The locality of the discovery is on the side of the mountain east of the Seekonk river, near the line which divides Great Barrington from Alford. The relic which Mr. Decker found, between a ledge of rocks, was ;i Well preserved dog collar of copper. On this was engraved the name of 'Moses Fairchild, Alford, 1798.' In the early settlements in this locality there was plenty of game on Long Pond Mountain, not only foxes and smaller animals, but bear, wolves and wild cats were numerous, and the hunter with dog and gun met with success. In the old records of Sheffield we find that Moses Fair- child was one of the nine children of Moses and Susanna (Bosworth) Fairchild. With his brothers, Aaron, Daniel and Zachariah he served in the Revolutionary army and assisted in upholding the honor of Sheffield in that great contest for liberty; in 1786, he purchased lot 22 of John Adams, at Alford, and settled in that town, and married. In 1787 he was elected town clerk of Alford; from 1794 to 1798 he was selectman; and filled the same office in 1813-14. As a farmer he became prosperous; and in 1787, purchased of James McMann, a part of lot 21, beginning at the west end of the lot and running east to Long pond. The next year he bought of Robert Johnson 46 acres in the west part of lot 22. In 1798 he purchased of Asahel Gilbert 70 acres in lot 23. He was one of the proprietors of the saw mill on lot 25, now owned by George Wilson at Alford; one half of this mill, after being in possession of various persons, in 1812 was purchased by John Hamlin Fairchild, his son; who died in 1813: and his father inherited it from him; and sold the same in 1814 to Daniel B., William B., and Harlow P^'enn. Moses and Lucinda Fairchild, with their two sons and eight daughters, (we discover the names of but six, perhaps the others died young,) resided in the large house now (1896) owned and occupied by George Ploss at * Note 222. For Fairchild see note 173. SIXTH GENERATION. 235 Alford Villajjfe. Mass. In religion the family were Methodists; and it was at this house that Rev. Lorenzo Dow was entertained when he traveled the Pittsfleld circuit in 1799. Here, also, the Methodists in 1819, under the ministration of Rev. Lewis Pease held a memorable prayer meeting, described in Vol. 3, of the Methodist Magazine for 1820." The names of Lucinda, John H., Almira and Achsah Fairchild are in the record of members of the Methodist church of Alford for 1807. They have descendants in Berkshire county. Both d. Alford; she Mar. 27, 1851; he July 7, 1825. 1345.* 1346. 1347.* 1348.* 1349, 1350.* 1351.* 1352.* Children: Susan Makta, John Hamlin, Almira, Achsah Eliza, Mary, Charlotte, Moses, Laura Emeline, b. Jan. 4, 1790. Oct. 9, 1791; d. Sept. 9, 1813, unm. July 27, 1793. Apr. 19, 1795. Feb. 26, 1797; July 30, 1799. July 25, 1801. Jun. 26. 1804. d. Oct. 16, 1818, unm. [503] RUTH HAMLIN,« (Sister of Phoebe,) b. Sharon, Ct., July 10, 1768; m. 1st, Rev. Daniel J. Johns,* of Hudson, N. Y., a Methodist preacher; who d. Sept. 7, 1797, aged 28 years; m. 2d, Hudson, July 7, 1800, Natheniel,'' son of Samuel Church,t b. Woodbury, Ct., Nov. 17, 1756, his third wife. His father died when he was three years old; he lived most of his life in and near Falls Village, Ct., where he had a saw mill; was a farmer: whig; Methodists; among the first to open their doors to the persecuted Methodists. By a former wife he was father of Chief Justice Church, of Conn. * Note 333. PETER .JOHNS, of West Stockbridge, Mass.. b. about 1761; m. Betsey Knopp. He d. about 1843. His son, Silas, of Stockbridge, b. 1786; m. Polly Morehouse, and he d. 183i. His son, Daniel Morehouse .Johns, b. 1831, of North Hillsdale, N. Y. t Note 331. RICHARD CHURCH, i prob. came in Gov. Winthrop's Co. to Boston 1630. He requested admission as freeman there, Oct. 19, 1630; removed to Plymouth, Mass. ; freeman there, Jan. 3, 1633-3; m. Plymouth, about 1635-6, Elizabeth, dau. of Richard and Elizabeth Warren, b. England, and came over in the Ann, 1633. He served in the Pequot war, and was known as 'Sargeant Church." He exchanged land at Eel river, Plymouth, and removed to Hingham, Mass., 164T. He d. Dedham, Mass., Dec. 37, 168S; buried at Hingham ; will, Dec. 35, 1668* Children: m. Caleb Hobart. b. 1637-8, Plymouth; m. Mary Tucker. '• 1630, " " Alice Southvvorth. d. young. m. Sarah Barstow. " .Joanna Sprague and Rebecca Scotto. "bap. Aug. 8, 1647. June 33, 1647; m. Samuel Thaxter. Er.IZABETH, Joseph, Ben.tamin, Richard, Nathaniel, Caleb, Hannah, Abigail, Charles, Mary, Sarah, Deborah. [and historian. He was the Indian lighter I). killed Oct. 30. 1659. d. Apr. 30, 1663. m. .James Burrows. b. Jan. 37, 1656; m. John Irish, Jr. .JOHN CHURCH,3 of Plymouth, Mass. SAMUEL CHURCH,3 of Hartford, Ct. SAMUEL CHURCH,* m. Mary Porter, of Farmington, Ct. He res. Woodbury, Ct., and d. about 1759. Children: Joshua, Samuel, Ebenezer, and Nathaniel. 236 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. He served in the Revolution, and vpas vpounded at White Plains by a grape shot, which was in possession of his son, Samuel, during his life time. Both d. Salisbury, Ct.; she Mar. 2H, 1842; he Nov. 10, 1837. Ch. by 1st Marriage: 1353.* Daniel Jay, b. Mar. 14, 1797, Stockbridge, By 2d marriage, b. Salisbury: 1354.* Nathaniel, Sept. 7, 1801. 1355.* Frederick, Feb. 2, 1804. 1356.* Lois Dorcas, Oct. 4, 1805. 1357.* William Henry, May 11, 1807. 1358.* Ruth A., Oct. 30, 1811. [504] JOHN HAMLIN,6 (Bro. of Phoebe,) b. Sharon, Ct., Apr. 23, 1770; unmarried; merchant; Alford, Mass., was there as early as 1802. When returning from New York with goods, he was taken sick, and d. suddenly at Salisbury, Ct., June 17. 1806, buried at Alford. The following letter was written concerning his funeral: LETTER. Salisbury, Conn. June 17, 1806. Dear Friends and Brothers: As Death is the lot of all men, you will not be surprised at receiving this Early Information that our Brother and Friend, John Hamblin, exchanged this (we trust) for a better World at 45 minutes after three o'clock A. M. It is the wish of our Honoured Father that as many of you as can with Convenience comedown and accompany him with the corps to Alford. You also will make such arrangements for the Funeral at Alford as you think proper. Nath'l. and Ruth Church. N. B. the Coffin will be provided here. Frederick you must come with your Waggon and horses, the teams are all to the River. Wee must be Down Toknight. Addressed on the outside to Salmon Hamblin, Alford. [505J REV. JABEZ HAMLIN," (Bro. of Phoebe,) b. Sharon, Ct., June 21, 1772; m. Mar. 28, 1802. Esther, dau. of Rev. Ebenezer and Content (Tillotson) Stowe,* of Chester, Mass., b. June 19, 1780; farmer, and local Methodist minister; removed to Salisbury, Ct., thence to Hillsdale, now Austerlitz, N. Y., with his father's family about 1800; from there he removed to Alford, Mass.; Methodists; a local writer there states that he was the last of the Hamlins to leave Alford; he removed to Elyria', Ohio, * Note 225. For JOHN STOW.i see note 163. THOMAS STOW,2 second child of John, b. England, 1(517; m. Dec. 4, 16139, Mary Gragg; settled in Concord, Mass., same year; removed to Middletown. Ct.. 1654. where he d. 1684; she d. Aug. 21, 1680. SIXTH GENERATION. 237 about 1830. His son, Edward, a short time before the death of the latter wrote: "My father started as a Metliodist preacher; his circuit was some 200 miles, and he had for his companion, the celebrated Lorenzo Dow, for whom he named his first child. While riding the circuit he become acquainted with my mother, the daughter of a Baptist preacher living in Cliester Village. After his marriage he bought the farm of his fatlier in Hillsdale, N. Y., and the latter moved to Alford, Mass., where he died and was buried. During the war of 1812, my father lived in Alford, and the farm in Hillsdale was worked JOHN STOW.3 b. 1641; m. Middletown, Nov. 13. 1668, Mary Wetmore. He d. Middletowii. Oct. IS, 1688. Ch. b. Middletown: John, Oct. 10, 1669; drowned in well, Apr. 10, 1671. John, Mar. 3, 1673. Thomas, Apr. 10, 1674; m. Rebecca Bow. Nathaniel, Feb. 23, 167;>. ' Saraii Sumner. Mary, June 17, 1678. Hannah, Aug. 35, 1680. Sarah, Mar. 25, 16,S3; d. Apr. 13, 168:j, Samuel, Apr. 30, 1684. '■ Apr, 13, 1690. Thankfuu July 15, 1686, • Jan. 15, 1689. Experience, Sept. 30. 1688. " Sept. 29, Kwa NATHANIEL STOW,* b. Feb. 23. 1675; m. Feb. 11. 1703, Sarah Sumner. He d. May 5. 1737, 11 Children. ELIAKIM STOW,5 b. Mar. 20, 1707; m. Lydia, Miller. Ho d. 1787. 13 Children. Rev. EBENEZER STOW.6 b. Apr. 4. 1745; ni. Content Tillotson; settled at IUaiidfi)nl. Mass., and at one time res. at Chester Village; liaptist clergyman. Children: Ebenezer, Lydia. Cephas, Appolas, Anne and Esther. 238 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. by George Brown, (his nephew.) After the war father returned to Hillsdale; there by hard labor he raised and supported a large family. In 1824-5 he sold the farm, removed to Alford, and took care of- his parents until their death, and administered upon the estate. When I was twenty-two years old, I located at Elyria, Ohio, as a lawyer; and lie resided there until his death. During all this period he served as a local preacher, without compensation; he was very acceptable, humble, sincere, honest, truthful, zealous, with a vivid immagina- tion, sometimes quite eloquent. In his boyhood he attended a common school, taught by Noah Webster, the celebrated lexicographer; his education was limited to reading, spelling and arithmetic; without any knowledge of grammar, he was one of the most correct grammatical speakers I ever heard; a thorouglily good man; lie cared little for this world's goods, and never had much of them. I closed his eyes when dying. Tlie last words he uttered were, to ask to have read a chapter in the bible." He d. Feb. 15, 1841; she d. Jan. 15, ifeo; both buried at Elyria, Ohio. This record copied from a Bible in possession of Cicero J. Hamlin, Esq., Buffalo, N. Y. Record dated Elyria, Ohio, June 18, 183: 0. 1359.* 1360.* 13fil.* 1362.* 1363.* 1364. 1365. 1366.* 1367.* 1368.* Children: Lorenzo Fletcher, Minerva Catherine, John William, Edward Stowe, Betsey Emeline, Harriet Buth, Lucinda Esther, LucTKDA Esther, Frederick Virgil, Cicero Jabez, b. Mar. 26, 1803, Hillsdale. " Apr. 14, 1805, t( " Dec. 7. 1806, ' u " July 6, 1808, (( " Jan. 26, 1810, " [unm. " Jan. ■?, 1812, " d. Feb. 16, 1896, " Jan. 11. 1814, Alford; d. Mar. 20,1815. " Dec. 29, 1815, u " Dec. 1, 1817, Hillsdale. " Nov. 8, 1819, a [506] AMASA HAMLIN,« (Bro. of Phcpbe,) b. Sharon. Ct., Dec. 15, 1774; m. Sarah«, dau. of Joseph and Eunice (Shepard) Spaulding,* b. about 178-, prob. at Sheshequin, Bradford Co., Pa.: said to have been a beautiful woman; farmer; at one time he lived in Washington County, N. Y., perhaps at Middlefalls: later in the old Hamlin house, Alford, Mass. He possessed remarkable musical talent, and arched the ceiling, and placed a glass bottle in the center for acoustic effect; over the mantle was a large paint- ing on the plastering,, reaching to the ceiling; he was sealer of weights at Alford, 1806: and his name appears on the records there, 1808; removed to Portage Co., Ohio, and owned a farm in Ohio; he contracted to build a canal in Ohio, and lost his property; afterwards removed farther west, stopping some time about Elyria, Ohio; and perhaps went to Mich. It is possible tliat he and his brother Erastus kept company in their travels, as they finally settled in Illinois. It is said that he was a stern man; and that she had such high regard for the bible that she would allow nothing except the sugar bowl to sit on it. Both d. Salem, Ills.; he on his farm, Sept. 26, 1845: she in town, about 1846. Children: 1369.* Hiram Francis, b. Dec. 8, 1800, Middlefalls. 1370.* Roderick, 1802, Alford. * Note 226. .JOSEPH SPAULDING,5 (.Joseph,* Nathaniel,3 .Toseph,2 Edward.i) EDWARD SPAULDING.i came to Mass., 1630-:{; freeman. May 13, 1610; his wife Margaret and dau. Graced. Braintree. Mass., 1640-1. He settled at Clielmsford, Mass., 1653; selectman; will dated Feb. 13. 16ii7, and mentions wife Rachael and 7 children. He d. Feb. :26, 1670. SIXTH GENERATION. 239 [508] ESTHER HAMLIN," (Sister of Phoebe, ) b. Sharon, Ct., May 7, 1777: m. Raphael Hubbard,«sonof Raphael and Sarah (Hubbard) Hurlbut.* b. Wallingford, Ct., about 1770, perhap.s a twin with his sister, Jerusha. It is said he settled at The Hop Brook Society, Tyringham, Mass.: he resided there, and later at Alford; was miller at Alford for his father- in-law, Jabez Hamlin; Methodists; mem. ch. at Alford, of which he was deacon: was also a farmer, potter, and merchant; removed to Springfield, Oliio, about 1812; later to Franklin, Ohio, where lie bought a farm. He d. Eranklin, about 1856: she about 1868. Ch. b. Alford: 1371.* Belinda, May 9, 1798, 1372.* Hubbard Century, Jan. 1, 1801, 1373. Laura, Feb. 21, 1803; m. Joel De Peyster. 1374.* Dorcas Ememne, Oct. 7, 1810. [509] Dea. ERASTUS HAMLIN,« (Bro. of Phoebe,) b. Sharon, Ct., Aug. 28, 1779; m. Alford, Mass., 1803, Harriet, dau. of Capt. Elisha Tobey,t b. 1787; res. West Stockbridge, Mass., until about 1814: removed to Alford, and cared for his parents several years; his name appears * Note 22V. For Hurlbut see note 118. JONATHAN HURLBUT.s (.fos ,'ph,2 Thomas.i) b. Wethersfleld. Ct., Mar. 3, 1677; m. 1st. .July 27, 1699, Sarah Webb; m. 2d. Abiah ; physician; settled in Kensington parish, Farni- ingtou, Ct. A worthy m:iii, prominent in town affairs; will dated Mar. 2.S, 17i{0, recorded Hart- ford. Ct., names wife, Abiah. He d. April. 1730. Ch. b. Kensington: 1700. 1702. 1704. 1707. 1710. 1713. 1715. 1717. JAMES HURLBUT,* m. 1st, Abigail, dau. of Gen. Selah Hart of Kensington, Ct., who perhaps d. Nov.. 1789; m. 2d, Mrs. Ann. widow of Robert Booth of Glastonbury; Ct., nee Hollis- ter. A man of varied acquirements; eminent as a pliysician; prob. instructed by Dr. Osborn of Middletown, Ct. At one time Dr. Hurlbut was called the father of medicine in Conn. ; a leading man in Farmington, Ct. ; member of church ; his fame was wide spread and his ac- quaintance extensive. Tall and well proportioned, eyes dark and piercing. In early life he possessed considerable property, but was careless in business, financial embarrasment ensued, he became hopelessly intemperate, and in age was dressed in rags. He d. of cancer at the home of a friend in Wethersfleld. Ct., Apr. 11, 1794. Children: Rachael, Submit, Bethuel, Naomi, James Harvey, Philomela, .lolui, Ale- thina and Vespasian. R.\PHAEL HURLBUT," b, Kensington, Ct., about 1744; m, 1st, there, Nov. 17. 1766, Sarah, dau. of George Hubbard of Kensington, who d. Wallingford. about Aug., 1776. while he was absent with the army; m. .2d, Abigail or Olive, widow of Mr. Nott of Southington, Ct., nee Riley. Farmer; Wallingford. later Salisbury, Ct. It is traditional that he was with the Rev. army seven years, mostly as a teamster, or had charge of transportation, and was called Captain Hurlbut. It is said that he removed to Portage Co., Ohio, about 1S12. Jind d. there. June 16, about 1S22. His widow m. John Hamilton. Children: Eunice, Philo. .lasper. .Jerusha. b. M- 22, 1770, Raphael Hubbard. A Child, Agatha Hart. Harvey. Benjamin. Ilila, Ira and Otis. + Note 228. For Tobey see note 171. Stephen. Mar. 16. Jonathan, Apr. 4. JOSIAH. Oct. 10, Abiah. June 18, Sarah. May 28, Mary, bap. Apr. 5, Isaac, James, Martha. 240 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. on the record there, 1814: was town clerk; also justice peace, 1817; merchant in Alford; removed to Elyria, Ohio. When his brother, Jabez, arrived there in 1830, he resided across tlie west branch of Black river; removed to Bertrand, Mich., 1831; the journey was made in a car on wheels drawn by several yoke of oxen: he was member and Elder in tlie Presb. ch.: removed to Sycamore, 111., making the journey with a covered sled drawn by horses, passing through the "smart village of Chicago," reaching tlieir destination, Feb., 1837; settled on a prairie farm three miles from Sycamore. Some are yet living who remember the hospitality of his little log cabin. When the Cong. ch. was organized there, April 11, 1840, he and his wife and three daughters were five of the eleven first members; he was deacon of the church 18 years; removed to Byron. Ills., 1848; but returned to the town of Sycamore, 1850. He was a man of great strength and endurance; cimciliatory, yet firm in his conviction, and what he believed right pursued with energy and perseverance. After his death she lived in Chicago; he d. Sycamore, Jan. 1, 1863; she d. Chicago, 1865; both buried Sycamore. Children: 1375. 1376.* 1377. 1378. 1379.* 1380. 1381. 1382. 1383. 1384.* 1385.* 1386.* 1387.* Milton Pratt, b. Dec. 17, 1803, W. Stockbridge; prob.d. young. John Randolph, " Jun. 6, 1805, Adaline, Orville, Harriet S. Julia, Saphronia, Jane Adaline, Eliza, Mary Ann, Caroline, Edward Stowe, " May Eveline, " Jan. 19, 1807, Oct. 9, 1808, " Sept. 14, 1810. " Aug. 1, 1812, " Mar. 28, 1814, " Jan. 16, 1818. " Feb. 16, 1822, Elyria. 11 11 d. May 2, 1809. " young. d. Jun. 4, 1813. m. Babcock. d. infancy. 16, 1825, a [510] HON. FREDERICK HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Phoebe,) b. Sharon, Ct., July 31, 1783; m. May 22, 1806, Nancy Wilcox, b. Jan. 4, 1787. He removed to Wellington, Lorain Co., Ohio, then an unbroken wilderness, reaching there July 4, 1818; bought considerable land, but sold most of it; removed to Elyria, Ohio, 1830-2, and was made associate judge. Always very aqtiye and energetic, mentally and physically; he engaged from time to time in various kinds of business, mercantile, silk growing and several other pursuits. His family, except the eldest son, were members af the Presb. or Cong, church, and of fair education. He d. near Elyria, Apr. 18, 1860; she d. Elyria, Mar. 2, 1847. Children: 13 : 1389.* 1390.* 1391. 1392. 1393.* Edward Lucien, b. Nov. 14, 1807; d. unm. Apr. .30, 1830. Frederick Mortimer, " Jan. 18, 1810, Alford. Homer, Laura Angeline, Sarah Jane, Juliette, " Aug. " Sept. 15, 1813, 13, 1815: d. unm. Sept. 15, 1839. " Nov. 3, 1817; d. unm. Mar. 21, 1858. " Apr. 5, 1823, Wellington. o c CO m O X o m o m o > m -< > o X O SIXTH GENERATION. 241 Hon. Frederick Hamli^st. [512] JAMES HAMBLIN," (Amasa,^ Thomas.* Ebenezer,^ James,^!) b. Sharon, Ct., May 7, 1762. There is a singular tradition amonj? some of his descendants, yet erroneous, that he with two brothers came from Scotland, m. Livin.orston manor, town of North East, Duchess Co., N. Y., Mar. 24, 1785, Charlotte," dau. of Major Abraham and Mary ( Lawrence) Hartwell.*b. Duchess Co., May 8, 1766; Tavern keeper; North East, until about 1790: Mt. Washington, Mass , 1792; North East, 1797-1801; Middletield, 1806; Cooperstown, N. Y., 1808; Afterwards Antwerp, N. Y., and perliaps other places. He was pressed into the military service with his father's team, and was at the battle of Bennington, Vt., and perhaps other actions. Private in Capt. Israel Pennier's Co., in Col. Cantleld's Conn. Regt.; enlisted from Sharon, May 1781, for six months, and served at West Point, Sept. 1781. He d. Antwerp, May 8, 1846; she d. Mar. 16, 1860. 1786, North East. 1787, 1790, " 1792, Mt. Washington. 2, 1794. 11, 1797, North East. 13, 1799, 13, 1801, " d. 1829, unm. 5, 180(s, Middletield. 2, 1808, Cooperstown. 6, 1813, Antwerp. ,2 WiUiam.J) was a Children. 1394.* Mary, b. 1395.* Harmon, " 1396.* ROXANNA, " 1397.* Jajies, " 1398.* Abraham Ha UTWELL, " Aug. 1399.* Hiram, " May 1400.* NiLEs. " Mar. 1401. Lewis, " Mar. 1402.* Martin, " Jun. 1403.* Luther, " Nov. 1404.* Charlotte, " Jun. Note 229 Major ABRAHAM HARTWEl Rev. officer, and res. on a farm occupied in modern times at North East, N. Y., by Orvill Dakin. He Ls buried in Spencer Corner Cemetery, near Vlillerton, .\. Y. Living.ston Manor comprised 150,000 acres of laud in Columbia and Duchess ccninties. N. Y. WILLIAM HARTWELL.i settled in Concord, Mass. 242 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [513] DARLING HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of James, ) b. Sharon, Ct., June 19, 1765; m. Elizabeth,6 dau. of David and Hannah (Southard) Doty,* b. Sharon, Apr. 12, 1772. Res. Sharon: removed to Bainbridge, now Afton, N. Y., about 1822. A man of strong religious principles; when about leaving Sharon to go with their children to New York state, the members of the Presb. church held a meeting to express regrets at their departure, and to ask a blessing in prayer on their undertaking, Gov. Smith, of Conn., at the time presented them a bible as a token of good will and affection. She was a vigorous lady, and an ardent Abolitionist. In a conversation with Gov. Smith, he once said: "Mrs. Hamlin, I am as strong an Abolitionist as you, but -. " to whichshe promptly replied : "lam heartily * Note 230. EDWARD DOTEY." came in the Mayflower, 1620, with the family of Stephen Hopkins; m. Faith Clarke. He was a party to the first duel in New England between the white settlers, fought .June 18, 1621. The name of his son Thomas appears in a list of the first purchasers of land in Middleborough, Mass., about 1662. JOSEPH DOTY,2 eighth child of Edward, b. Plymouth, Mass., Apr. 30, 1651, m. 1st, about 1674, Elizabeth, dau. of Nathaniel and Sarah (Walker) Warren, b. Plymouth, Sept. 3, 1654; who prob. d. Sandwich, Mass., about 1679; prob. m. 2d, Sandwich, about 1680, Deborah, dau. of Walter and Elizabeth (Holbrook) Hatch, b. Scituate, Mass., about 1662; who d. Rochester, Mass., .June 21,1711; m. 3d, Rochester Mar. 9. 1711-2, Sarah Edwards. He d. Rochester, about 1732-5. Ch. by 1st wife: ). 1674, Plymouth; m. Mary Theophilas, Elizabeth, Ellis, Joseph, Deborah, John, Mercy, Faith, Mary, 1678-9, Sandwich, 16S1, " Mar. 31, 16S3, Rochester, " Mar. 30, 1685, " Mar. 1, 1688, " Jan. 12, 1691-2. " Jan. 18, 1696-7, " July 28, 1699, John Lewis. Ellinor Hannah Edwards. Joseph Landers. Elizabeth ' m. James Shaw. " Samuel Waterman. JOHN DOTY,s b. Rochester, Mass., Mar. 1, 1688; wife Elezabeth. He prob. lived in that part of Rochester which is now Wareham, Mass., from whence he is supposed to have removed to Sharon or some other part of Conn., about 1742-5, but no record of the date of his removal has been discovered. In 1731 he was in Rochester, and was there as late as 17:^6. Ch. b. Rochester: Samuel, about 1713-5 ; m. Zerviah Lo veil and Elizabeth Southard. Simeon, '• 1727, " Elizabeth Capt. SAMUEL DOTY,* b. Rochester, Mass., about 1713-5; m. 1st. there, Jan. 19, 1738-9, Zerviah Lovell, b. Rochester, or perhaps Cape Cod, Mass., 1717; who d. Sharon, Ct. or Amenia, N. Y., Dec. 11, 1760; m. 2d, by Rev. Ebenezer Ivnibloe, Amenia, Apr. 16, 1761, Elizabeth Southard, (or South worth;) mariner; Rochester, which later became Wareham, Mass. ; removed to Sharon, Ct., 1747; where he was a surveyor; res. south of the D wight St John place; an active business man and operator in lands. In 1750 he was in Amenia^ just across the state line from Sharon, where he was assessor, 1762, and collector, 1769-72. He and his wife Elizabeth d. of small pox, 1784. Ch. by 1st wife; Mary, b. Dec. 21, 1739, Wareham. David, " May 12, 1741, it Elizabeth, " Mar. 10, 1743, n Reuben, " Feb. 8, 1745, tt Asa, " Nov. 6, 1746, " Sarah, " Oct. 5, 1748, Sharon ; Abigail, " Mar. 17, 1750, " Lucy, " Dec. 27, 1751, " DiLLY, " Sept. 5, 1753, " Huldah, " Apr. 25, 1755, " Mercy, " about 1759, (( m. Hannah Southard & Betsey HoUister. " John Winegar, of Lee, Mass. " Hamiah Delano. " Sarah Barnum. m. James Penoyer, of Lee, Mass. m. Eleanor Morton. " Jacob Winegar. " Stephen Delano. By 2d wife, b. Amenia: Zerviah, Feb. 8, 1763. John, Dec. 28. 1769 ; d. Apr. 21, 1775. SIXTH GENERATION. 243 sickof that qualifying word: what I want is an Abolitionist without a ?m«!" She boasted that she never employed a hired girl, nor hired her washing done. She was admitted to the church in Sharon, July 10, 1803. Theirs is the largest Hamlin famUy discovered from one couple. Their twelve eldest children were baptised in Sharon, Aug. 9, 1805. Their descendants changed the spelling of the name to Hamlin. The sons were all living, except one, 1846. He d. Sharon, Ct., about 183—; she d. Deansville, now Deansboro, N. Y., 1851. Ch. b. Sharon : 1405.* Clarissa, Sept. 20, 1788. 140(i.* Emily, Mar. 19, 1790. 1407.* Julia Axn, Jun. 24, 1781. 1408.* Richard Amasa, Jaij. 4, 1793. 1409. Maria, Nov. 26, 1794; d. unm. 1410. George, Mar. 14, 1796; prob. d. young. 1411. Okkin David, Aug. 9, 1797; " " " 1412.* Austin, Dec. 31, 1798. 1413.* Philo, Sept. 30, 1800. 1414.* Hannah E., May 9, 1802. 1415.* Jane Eliza, Jan. 10, 1804. 1416.* William Darling, Feb. 25, 1805. 1417. Harriet, Aug. 25, 1806; d. young. 1418. Edmond, Feb. 24, 1808; " " 1419.* Alonzo, Sept. 22, 1809. 1420. Henry, Mar. 28, 1811; d. young. 1421.* Hiram, Sept. 20, 1812. 1422.* Lucy Ann, Nov. 5, 1815. Dr. DAVID DOTY.s b. Wareham, Mass., May 12, 1741 ; removed with his parents to Sharon, Ct., 1747; m. by Rev. Ebenezer Knibloe, Amenia. N. Y., Hannah Southard, b. Oct. 1, 1746. Ho was a physician and res. Hitciicock's Corner, Sharon; and it also appears that bo res. at some time In Amenia, N. Y., which adjoins Siiaron. It is traditional that he enlisted early in the Rev. for a year, in a Sharon company which went to Canada, and that after that service he changed his res. from Conn. toN. Y. by removing about four rods; and soon joined a N. Y. Regt. in 1777. in which he served during the war. Sedgwick's History of Sharon states tliat he was a captain in the Rev. The records show that lie was Lieut, in Capt. David Downs' Co.. from Sharon, in Col. Charles Bunall's Conn. Regt., Oct. 1775 and Jan., 1776, under Gen. Gates, by whom he was app. Wagonmaster-General of the Northern Army, Aug. .'{, 1776. It is further traditional that he obtained leave of absence, Nov. 15, 1776, and was recommended Adjutant in Col. Humpliroy's N. Y. Regt., 1777. The writer fails to find any service of him either In tlie N. Y. Regts. of Col. William or Col. Cornelius Humphrey, both of N. Y. But he was 2d Lieut, in Capt. .Joshua Lasel's Co., in Col. David Sutherland's 6th Duchess Co.. N. Y. Regt.— Charlotte precinct; commissioned Oct. 17, 1775; also, Ensign in Capt. Gilbert Willett's Co., Col. Zephania Plat's Duchess Co. Regt. of Exempts, 1778-9. No other service found in N. Y. After the war he resumed practice in Sharon, where he d. Feb. 9, 1817. She d. Mar. 24. 1814. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Sharon : .Joanna, Jan. 11, 1765; Ezra, July 7, 1767; ROSWELL, .June 9, 1769; Elizabeth, Apr. 12, 1772; Elijah, Feb. 22, 1774; David, Feb. 12, 1776; Amos, Dec. 17, 1777; Hannah, Nov. 22 1779; Samuel Southard 1, Nov. 4, 1781; 1765; m. Dr. Frederick Delano. Damaris Hamlin.* and Rebecca N. Lewis. Eleanor .Tacol). Darling Hamlin. Catherine Little. Betsey Hollister and Maria HoUistcr. Sarah Black. Asa Hitchcock. Mary Jacob. 244 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [515j DAMARIS HAMLIN,6 (Sister of James,) prob. b. Sharon, Ct., or Amenia, N. Y., about 1769-70; bap. Amenia, May 1, 1774; m. Sharon, Ct., Ezra.« son of David and Hannah (Southard) Doty,* b. Sharon, Jan. 7, 1767, his first wife; they separated about 1800, or before, and he m. 2d, Mifflintown, Pa., Nov. 14, 1811, Mrs. Rebecca (North) Lewis, by whom he had four otlier children. Physician; Sliaron; where he sold out, 1792, and is supposed to have resided a few years in Catskill, N. Y., from wlience he removed, before 1800, and settled in Mifflintown; their oldest son, John, remained in Catskill with his mother; tlie other two went with their father to Mifflintown. She is called Sarah Hamlin by some of her descendants; was living in Catskill, Feb. 11, 1813: and prob. d. Catskill. He was examining sur- geon in his part of Penn. in tlie 1812 war; state senator; of medium stature, and stout, hale, hearty, active and vigorous. He and his wife d. Mifflintown; he Feb. 10, 1828. Ch. b. Sharon: 1423.* John, abt. 1787. 1424,*. William Henry, 1790. 1425.* Ezra, abt. 1792. [519] SYLPHIA HAMLIN,« (Nathaniel,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Sharon, Ct., 1765; m. Amenia, N. Y., by Roswell Hopkins, J. P., Jan. 14, 1788, John Hanchett,t of New Haven, Ct. [520] CYNTHIA HAMLIN,8 Sister of Sylphia,) b. Sliaron, Ct., 1767-8; m. John Palmer, of Ashford, Ct., who at one time res. in Hartford, Ct.: she prob. m. a 2d husband named Hyde. A grand dau. states that, " Grandma Hyde came from Conn, to live with her sons John and Mason Palmer," at Detroit, Mich; where she d. Her grave in Elwood Ceme- tery, Detroit, bears this inscription: " Cynthia Hyde, Mother of Mason Palmer, b. June 12, 1768, d. Aug. 26, 1859." Children: 1426.* Mason, b. May 7, 1788, Sharon, Ct. 1427.* John, " Ashford, Ct. * Note 231. For Doty see Note 230. t Note 232. THOMAS HANCHETT,i b. England; m. Deliverance, dau. of George Laugh- ton; came from Plymouth to America in the Mary and John, 1630; res. in succession in Roxbury. Mass., Wethersfield and New London, Ct.; Northampton and Westford, Mass.; selectman and deacon Cong. Church, Northampton; received a grant of land Westford, 1668-9; selectman there, 1672; received a grant of land Suffleld, Ct., 1679; d. there, June 11, 16S6. JOHN HANCHETT,2 of Suffleld, b, Wethersfield, Sept. 1, 1649; m. 1st, Sept 6, 1677, Esther Prichet; subsequently m. three times; he took up land in Suffleld with his father, which remained in the family 200 years, and held until 1878 by Betsey and Caroline Hanchett; he d. Suffleld, Oct. 23, 1744. JOHN HANCHETT,3of Suffleld, h. Westfield, Mass., Nov. 16, 1679; m. Feb. 26, 1707, Lydia Hay ward; he d. Suffleld, Oct. 14, 1761. Lieut. JOHN HANCHETT,* of Suffleld, b. there Nov. 1, 1709 ; m. July 5, 1733, Mary Sheldon ; a portion of his house was standing 1891 ; he d. Suffleld, Dec. 9, 1796. Capt. OLIVER HANCHETT,5 of Suffleld, b. there, Aug. 7. 1741; m. May 26, 1766, Rachel Gillet; Captain in the Rev. and served under Gen. Arnold at Quebec, 1775; he d. Suffleld, May 26, 1816. JOHN WILKES HANCHETT,6 of Syracuse, N. Y., b. Suffleld, Sept. 2, 1774; m. 1st, a dau. of Capt. Oliver Granger, a Rev. soldier; m, 2d, July 10, 1816, Margaret Granger, sisterof 1st wife; he d. Syracuse, Oct. 17, 1844. One John Hanchet made freeman. Mass, May 17, 1637. SIXTH GENERATION. 245 [522] LUCY HAML1N,« (Sister of Sylphia,) b. Sharon, Ct., April, 1771; m. tliere, Nov. 28, 1792, Elihu," son of .Josiali and Elizabetli (Root) Coleman * b. Hebron, Ct., May 23, 17(52; farmer: Hebron, until 1771; Sharon, 1771-1798; Northampton, N. Y., 1798-1806; afterwards North- ampton; Democrat; Methodists. Both d. Nortliampton; she Jan. ;iO, 1859; he July 27, 1825 Children: 1428.* SEY3IOUR, b. Dec. 23, 1794, Sharon. 1429.* ASENATH, " Mar. 3, 1797, u 1430.* Henkv Root, " Oct. 9, 1800, Northampton 1431.* HiKAM Hamlin, •' Oct. 9, 1800, a [523] NATHANIEL HAMLIN," (Bro. of Sylphia, ) b. Sharon, Ct., 1773; m. twice; a tanner by trade; lawyer; Pawlet, Vt., 1802; removed to Chillicothe, Ohio, 1814; res. Chester, Ohio, 1856; Recorder of Meigs Co., Ohio, many years. He d. childless. [525] ALANSON F. HAMLIN," (Bro. of Sylphia,) b. Sharon, Ct., 1778; m. 1st, Apr. 6, 1808, Mary Warner; m. 2d, Amanda,' dau. of Simeon and Joannah (Palmer) Lyman,t of Sharon, b. Mar. 12, 1798. He graduated Yale College, 1799; a prominent lawyer; Bridgeport, Ct.; Mayor, 1838; one account says he removed to Georgia: anotlier that he d. Bridgeport, Oct., 1839. [526] Dr. ASA HAMLIN," (Bro. of Sylphia,) b. Sharon, Ct., Mar. 30, 1780; m. there, Dec. 26, 1802, Asenath," dau. of Stephen and Huldah (Doty) Delano,! b. Sharon, Apr. 6, 1780. Physician: Sharon; removed to Fairfield, N. Y., about 1814; to Salem, Pa., 1816; and to Smethsport, Pa., 1833. Federalist. He was reared under the Puritanical regime * Note 233. Josiah Coleman,5 Niles,* Ebenezer,3John,8 Thomas, i t Note 234. Simeon Lyman,5 Moses,* 3 .Tohn,2 Richard.i * Note 235. Stephen Delano.s Thomas,* .Jonathan, » 2 PhiUp.i The family of de Lannoy descends from royalty by several ancient lines. The beginning of the name is with the ancient town of Lannoy, a few miles northeast of Lille, in France. The Scythians erected a kingdom in northern Germany, and become Franks. THE GUELPH DESCENT-LANNOY. 1 Guelph, prince of the Scyrri (Holland), 476 A. D. 2 Guelph, of Bavaria, 590. 3 Guelph, Chamberlain of France, 613. 4 Guelph, Comte of Bavaria, 670. 5 Adelbertus, Comte of Bavaria, 756. 6 Wolfhardus, Comte de Lucca, 8:23. 7 Boniface, Comte de Lucca, 850. 8 Adelbert, Due de Tuscany, 871. 9 Boniface, Comte de Lucca. HS4. 10 Segisfrede, Prince de Lucca, 900. 11 Adelbert, Manjuis de Tuscany, 9.52. 12 Otbert, Comte Palatine. 974. 13 Otbert, Marquis de Liguria, 1014. 14 Azo, Marquis d' E.ste, 10:10. 13 Azo, Maniuis d' Este. 1097. 16 Guelph (Welf), Comte d' Altdorf and Due de Bavaria. 1091. 17 Henry III. Due de Bavaria, 1120. 18 Henry IV, Due de Bavaria and Saxe, 1141. 19 Henry V. Due de Bavaria andSa.xe, 119.5. 20 Henry VI, Due de Bavaria and Saxe, 1200. 246 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. of the Conn. Presbyterians, as his son put it: "Amusements were rare and Sunday a day to be dreaded." His opportunities for education and culture in youth were scanty, yet he improved them so well that he secured a profession ' 21 Agnes, married Othon Due of Lavaria. 22 Agnes, married Hellin Marquis de Franchimont. 23 Helliu II. Marquis de Franchimont. 24 Jean de Franchimont, 1310. 2-5 Hugues de Franchimoet, Seigneur de Lannoy, 1349. 26 Guillebert de Lannoy. 27 Baudouin de Lannoy, " le begne," Chevalier Golden Fleece, 1429. 28 Baudouin de Lannoy, Chevalier Golden Fleece. 29 Philippe de Lannoy. Chevalier Golden Fleece, 1;543; m. Magdelaine de Burgundy. 30 Jean de Lannoy, Chevalier Golden Fleece, 1560, 31 Gysbert (Gilbert) de Lannoy, 1W.>. 32 Jean de Lannoy, of Leiden. Holland, 1604. 3:1 Phillippe d' Lannoy (La Noye). THE MEROVINGIAN DESCENT-LANNOY. 1 Priam. King of Franks, 382 A. D. 2 Sunno. Due of the Franks, 390. 3 Merovee, Prince of the Franks. 4 Mervig, King of the Franks, 448. 5 Childeric I, King of the Franks, 458. 6 Clovis I, " The Grand" King of France, .511. 7 Clotaire I. King of Neustrie, 557. 8 Chilperic. King of Soissons. .584. 9 Clotaire II, King of Austrasia. 628. 10 Charibert, King of Toulouse, 6:10. 11 Boggis, Due of Aquitaine, 688. 12 Eude, Due of Aquitaine, 73.5. 13 Hunold, Due of Aquitaine. 774. 14 Waiffre. Due of Aquitaine, 768. 15 Loup II, Due of Gascogne, 774. ■16 Adalaric, Comte de Gaseogne, 812. 17 Centulle, , 812. 18 Loup Centulle, Due de Gascogne, 819. 19 Donat Loup. Comte de Bigore, 845. 20 Eneco Arista, King of Navarre, 828. 21 Ximenes Imigo, King of Navarre. 22 Innigo Ximeres, King of Navarre. 23 Garcias Innigo, King of Navarre, 885. 24 Sancho I, King of Navarre, 933. 25 Garcias II, King of Navarre, 966. 26 Sancho II, King of Navarre, 990. 27 Garcias Sancho, King of Navarre, lOOO. 28 Sancho III, King of Navarre, 1035, 29 Ferdinand I, King of Castille and Leon, 10b"5. 30 Alfonso VI, King of Castille and Leon, 1109. 31 Urraqua, Queen of Castille, m. Raimond, Comte de Burgundy, 1092. 32 Alfonso VII, King and Emperor of Spain, 1127-35. 33 Sancho III, King , 11.57. 34 Alfonse VIII, King of Castile, 1214. 35 Blanche, m. Louis VIII, King of France, 1226. 36 St. Louis IX, King of France, 1270. 37 Phillippe III, King of France, 1285. 38 Charles de France, Comte de Valois, 1325. 39 Philippe VI, King of France, 1350. 40 .lean the Good, King of France, 1364. 41 Philippe de France, Due of Burgundy, 1404. 42 .Jean, Due of Burgundy, 1419. Hi Philippe, " The Good," Due of Burgundy, 1467. SIXTH GENERATION. 247 in which he held respectable rank. In those days, however, doctor's fees were small and hard to obtain; in consequence at his death his family were left with little financial support. He d. Smethport, Sept. 8, 1835. Children: 1432.* Orlo Jay, b. Dec. 2, 1803, Sharon. 1433.* Eliza Maria, " Oct. 31, 1806, " 1434. Edward W., " Jan. 11, 1809, Fairfield; d. young. 1435.* William Edward, " Jun. 7, 1811, " 143(5.* AsENATH Jeanettb, " Aug. 27, 1817, Salem. 1737.* Asa Darwin, " Feb. 16, 1820, " .1438.* Byron Delano, " May 7, 1824, Sheshequin. 44 Baudouin, batard de Burgundy, 1508. 45 Magdelaine de Burgundy; m. Philippe de Lannoy, 1543; Chev. Toison d' Or. 46 Jean de Lannoy, Chevalier " Golden Fleece," 1560. 47 Gysburt de Lannoy, at Tourcoming, b. 1545, 48 Jean de Lannoy, at Lyden, lt)04. 49 Philippe de Lannoy. DESCENT FROM CHARLEMAGNE. 1 St. Arnoul, 611 A. D. 2 Ansegise, 679. 3 Pepin, " le Gros," 714. 4 Charles Martel, Duke of the Franks, 741. 5 Pepin, " the Short," King of France, 768. 6 CHARLEMAGNE, Emperor, 800. 7 Pepin, King of Italy. 8 Bernard, King of Italy. 9 Pepin II. 10 Pepin, Comte de Vermandois. 11 Beatrix, m. Robert II, Duke of France. a Hugue, "the Great," d. 956. 13 Hugue Capet, King of France, 987-996. 14 Robert, the Saint, King of France, 996-1031. 15 Alix de France, m. Baudouin V. Comte de Flandre. 16 Judith, m. Guelph, Duke of Bavaria. Thence same as Guelph descent. NORMAN DESCENT. 1 Hrolf . Duke of Normans, 860 A. D. 2 William Longsword. 3 Richard the Fearless. 4 Richard the Good. 5 Robert I, le diable. 6 WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR, 1066-1087. 7 Henry I, " Beuclere," King of England, IIOO-IIJIS. « Matilda, m. Geofrey Plantagenet. 9 Henry II, King of England, 1154-89. 10 Matilda, m. Henry V, Duke of Sa.xony and Bavaria. 11 Henry VI. Duke of Saxony aiid Baravia, m. Agnes, dau. of Conrad. 12 Agnes, m. Othon, Duke of Bavaria, Thence same as Guelph descent. DESCENT FROM ALFRED THE GREAT, ETC. 1 Witekind I, about 100 A. D. 2 To Cerdic, King of Wessex, 495, ancestor of 3 Eggberht, 802-839. 4 Athelwoulf, 839-858, 248 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. 5 ALFRED THE GREAT, S71. 6 Edward, the Elder, King of Wessex, 901-924. 7 Daughter of Eadgyth, m. Otto I, Emp.. 936. 8 Liutgarde, dau. of Otto I, m. Conrad ' the Red," 955. 9 Otto. 10 Henry. 11 Conrad II, Emperor. 12 Henry III, Emperor. 13 Henry IV, Emp. Holy Roman Empire. 14 Agnes, dau., m. Frederic of Hohenstaufen. 15 Frederic II. 16 Conrad. 17 Agnes, his dau., m. Henry VI, King of England. Thence same as Norman descent. ROMAN DESCENT. The Actii was a powerful Roman patrician family 600 B. C, and later, between 500 and 350 B. C, they removed from Rome and settled at Este in Venetian Lombardy, and existed there 136 B. C, covering about 18 generations. From that period to Caius Actius, 390 A. D., of the Castle d' Este, senator 403, covered 12 generations. Sigfred Seigneur d' Este d. 945 A. D., was about the 45th generation. 46 Azon I, Seigneur d' Este, d. 970; his son, Thibaud, Marcjuis d' Este, d. 1007.* 47 Sigbert d' Este d. 995. 48 Hugues, Marquis d' Este, m. Marte dau. of Thibaund,* and d. 1014. 49 Azon II, Marquis d' Este, d. 1097. Thence same as Guelph descent. JEAN d' LANNOY, 32d of Guelph line, b. about 15?0, was of pure Norman and Flemish blood, m. in the Walloons church, Tournai Hanau, Belgium, Jan. 13, 1596, Marie le Mahieu, of a Brabant family. They were Huguenots, and to escape persecutions from the Catholics, then in power in France, fled to Leiden, Holland; and were living there Sept. 26. 1602. Arms: Gules, a chevron, or, accompanied in chief of 2 bezants argent, or. He d. Leiden, 1604; she m. 2d, 1605, Jean Pesyn. No issue by last marriage. Pesyn and his wife built in Leiden a place of worship for the Protestant refugees; above the entrance was this inscription lii Dutch: (Translation) " Here you see of the ruins of a dilapidated hut by a childless couple a fine structure built— for poor strangers who were cast out from their fatherland, and peaceably here lived." Portraits of Madam de Liannoy- Pesyn have been found at Leyden, and a copyof oneisgivenin the Delano Genealogy. She is believed to have befriended the Pilgrims in L.eyden, which perhaps led to the settlement of her son Philip in Plymouth, Mass. Ch. Ijaptized in the church at Tournai: EsEiE (Isaiah), March 26, 1599. Philippe, Dec. 6, 1603. It appears they had a daughter, also. PHILIPPE DE LA NOYE,i b. Leiden, Holland, 1602, baptized in the Wallons church, Tournai Hanau, Belgium, Dec. 6, 1603; the witnes-ses were his parents, Tonette and Margurite de Lannoy. He was reared under the influence of the Pilgrims in Leyden, and is presumed to have Ijeen a passenger on the SperdweU, 16:)0; but one of those left in England. He left Leyden to join the ship Fof-tit/ie, in which he arrived at Plymouth. Nov. 11. 1621. Philip de la Noye is believed to be the first Huguenot to found a family in America. He was adm. to the church in Plymouth, where an acre of land was assigned him, 1624; which he surrendered on removal to Duxhury, where he was adm. to the church, Jan., 1623; Freeman, Jan. 1. 1623; he settled on the north side of Stony Brook, near .Tohn Alden and Edward Bompasse; bis farm of 40 acres was granted Oct. 2, 1637; Juryman .May 2 and Dec. 4, same year; Volunteer in the Pequot war. June 7, 1637; and on a jury same year to lay out paths and highways and build bridges in Duxbury ; Grandjuryman, June 4, 1639. His name appears in the grant of Bridgewater to 54 persons. 164.5. He had a share of about 800 acres of land purchased by 36 persons from the Indians at Dart- mouth, 1652; he was among the 26 purchasers of land in Middleboro. 1662. He removed to Bridgewater; m. 1st. Duxbury. Mass., Dec. 19, 1634, Hester Dewsbury (Desborough), of Duxbury, m. 2d, there, 1657, Mary, widow of James Glass, and dau. of William Pontus. Arms: Argent, 2 palmes sinople posed in saltier, and a cerf natural over all (Sur le tout). He d. Bridgewater, intestate, about 16S1. SIXTH GENERATION. 249 Ch. b. Duxbury: Mary, about 16:i5; m. Jonathan Dunham. Esther, 1688; " Samuel Sampson and John Soule. Philip, about ItUO; '• Elizabeth Clark. Thomas. Mar. 21. \iU2; Mary Alden and Mrs. Bartlett. John, about 104:4; Mary Weston. Jane, about ]ti4(i; d. unmarried. Jonathan, 1647; m. Mercy Warren. Rebecca, about ]i)5l; John Churchill. By 3d wife: Samuel, 1659; m. , Elizabeth Standish. Lieut. JONATHAN DELANO,'-ib. Duxbury, 1647; m. Plymouth, Mass., Feb. 28, 1678, Mercy, dau. of Nathaniel and Sarah (Walker) Warren, b. Plymouth, Feb. 20, 16,5S. He moved to Dart- mouth, now Fairhaven, Mass.; one of the first proprietors; his right, derived from his father to SOO acres of land, was purchased by the latter, with others, from the Indian sachems, Wa- samequin and Wamsuttu. 1652. It is said that he resided near the brook at Tusket Hill or Wasc)uatucket, where he built a mill. He was constable, surveyor, commissioner and select- man; he participated in the Indian battle at Mt. Hope, King Philip's stronghold, under Capt. Benj. Church, Aug. 32, 1676; deputy, 1689; com. lieutenant by Gov. Hinckley, Dec. 35, 1689. Both d. Dartmouth; he, Dec. 23, 1730; she, after 1727. Ch. b. Dartmouth: A Daughter, Nov. 25, 1678; d. Nov. 28, 1678. Jonathan, Jan. aO, 1680; m . Amy Hatcli Jabez, Nov. 8, 1682. Sarah. Jan. 9, 1684; d. Feb. 7, 1690. Mary, Oct. 27, 1686. Nathan, Oct. 29, 1688. Bethia, Nov. 29, 1690; d. July 19, 1693, Susanna, Sept. 3, 1693. A Son, Oct. 22, 1694; d. same day. Nathaniel, Oct. 29, 1695. Esther, April 4, 1698. Jethro, July 31, 1701. Thomas. May 10, 1704. WARREN DESCENT: 1 William the Conqueror, 103.1-1087. 2 Gundred. m. Wm. de Warrenne, Comte in Normandy, 1066-1088. 3 Reginald de Warrenne, m. Aldelia de Mowbray. 4 William de Warrenne, m. Isabel de Hayden. 5 Sir John de Warrenne, Kt. ; m. Alice de Townshend. 6 John de Warrenne, m. Joan de Poot. 7 Sir Edward de Warrenne, Kt. ; m. Maude Skegelon. 8 Sir Edward de Warrenne, Kt. : m. Cicely de Eton. 9 Sir John de Warrenne, Kt. ; ni. . 10 Nicholas de Warrenne, m. Agnes de Wynlngton. 11 Sir Lawrence de Warrene, m. Margery Uulkeley. 12 John de Warrenne, Esq. ; m. Isabel Stanley. 13 Sir Lawrence de Warrenne, ICt. ; m. Isabel Legh. 14 John Warren, of lledl)ury. ^ 15 Christopher Warren, m. . 16 William Warren, m. Ann Mable. 17 Christopher Warren, m Alice Welib. 18 Richard Warren, m. Mrs. Elizabeth Marsh, nee .louatt. 19 Nathaniel Warren, m. Sarah Walker. 20 Mercy Wiirren, m. Jonathan Dehiiio. JONATHAN DELANO.a b. Jan. 30, 1680; m. Juno 30. 1704, Amy. diiu. of Capt. .loseph and Amy (Allen) Hatch, b. Falmouth, Mass., July 10, 1687. He removed to Tolland, Ct.. about 1733; town clerk, 17:^4-36; selectman. 17:i4-35; both d. Tolland: he, March 25, 1752. 250 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [527] AR0ILLU8 HAMLIN,« (Bro. of Sylphia,) b. Sharon, Ct., 1782. Name of tirst wife unknown: m. 2d, Feb. 1-3, 1816, Jerusha, dau. of John and Huldah (Nichols*) Botsford, b. Oct. 25, 1790: teacher; cabinet maker; Newton, Ct.; he Presby.; 2d wife Episco. He d. Newton, Jan. 14, 1826; his widow d. Jan. 16, 1867. Children: Sarah, b. Mar. 18, 1705, Dartmouth; m. Samuel West. Joan, " Dec. 16, 1706. " " Dea. Joseph West. Jabez, '• Jan. 13, 1708, " " Prudence Hobart. Nathan, " Mar. 1, 1711, " " Ruth Amy, " Aug. 11, 171;}, " " Christopher West. Jonathan, " Dec. 2. 1715. 4. " Anna Ladd. Barnabas, " April . 11, 1718, (i " about 1740. Sylvan us, " May 17, 1720, " " Mrs. Elizabeth Peck, nee Abbott. Elizabeth, " May_ 15, 1722, .( " Joseph Chamberlain. Susanna, " June 23, 1721, Tolland, •' Noah Grant. Thomas, " Dec. 24, 1726, " " Lois . Timothy, " Nov. 4, 1739, " " Lydia Lothrop. Jethro, " Oct. 29, 17;J2, •' " Sarah Lothrop. Dea. THOMAS DELANO,* b. Tolland, Ct., June 23, 1734; wife, Lois . He was prob. m. in Tolland, and removed to Sharon, Ct., where be settled on the west slope of Sharon Mount- ain, a mile and a half from Amenia, N. Y., in 1759. On Feb. 10, 1760, she presented a letter from the church at Tolland recommending her to the care of the church at Amenia. of which Rev. Ebenezer Knibloe was pastor; he was also adm. to this church July 31, 1773; and was deacon 1774. He d. Sharon, Sept. 8, 1803. Children: Benjamin, Hannah, Stephen, Reuben, Jethro, Thomas, Elisha, Frederick, Lois, b. about 1749; " April 1, 1753; " about 1755; 1758; " June 18, 1760, " Feb. 11, 1764, " May 13, 1765, " Oct. 4. 1767, m. Saviah Clark. " Reuben Doty. " Huldah Doty. " Joanna Sackett. " Hannah Rose. Sharon; m. Olive Griswold. Sharon; " Mary Atherton. Sharon; " Joana Doty. Sharon. Stephen Delano.^ b. April 1, 1753, prob. at Tolland, Ct.; m. Amenia, N. Y., April 35, 1774, Huldah, dau. of Samuel and Zerviah Doty, b. Sharon, April 29, 1755. He probably removed with his father's family to Sharon. 1759, and inherited the large farm of his father. Farmer; Sharon; heavy built, medium height, weight 300 pounds. A quiet, honest, sober, kind-heart- ed man. Both d. Sharon : he, April 3, 1841 ; she, April 17, 1826. Ch. b. Sharon: 13, 1775; m. .Tames Cole. 7, 1777; d. March 2,1788. 5. 1780; m. Dr. Asa Hamlin. 24, 1782; d. Nov. 8, 1867, unm. 5, 1784; m. Henry Colver. 20, 1786; " David Hollister. 27, 1788; " Peter Kline. 31, 1790; " Augustus Tobey. April 18, 1793; d. Nov. 30, 1864, unm. Mar. 19, 1795; m. John T. Hibbard. April 3, 1797; d. April 26, 1862, unm. For Doty see note 230. Note 2:^6. RICHARD NICHOLS, m. 1760, Abigail Gold. Children : m. John Botsford. IElizabeth, Julia, Asenath. Jethro, Laura, Electa, Roxanna, Huldah, Delinda, Harriet, Julia, •June June April July Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Anna, b, 1763. Austin " 1766. Huldah " 1769; Daniel, " 1773. Hannah, " 1775. SIXTH GENERATION. 251 Ch. by 2d wife, b. Newton: 1439.* Mary, Nov. 11, 1817. 1440.* Julia Ann, Apr. 9, 1820. 1441.* Caroline, Apr. 7, 1822. 1442.* Frances, Nov. 8, 1824. [528] LOREN HAMLIN," (Bro. of Sylphia,) b. Sharon, Ct., 1784: m. Lydia Baker; farmer; Rupert, Vt., where both d.; he Nov. 15, 1848; she Sept. 3, 1851, aged 63. Cli. b. Rupert: 1443.* Jeanette, Feb. 15, 1804. 1444.* Deborah M. 1445.* Fayette B., 1812. [530] ERASTUS HAMLIN," (Bro. of Sylphia,) b. Sharon, Ct., Mar. 2H. 1789: m. 1815, Dolly Hurd,b. Killingworth, Ct., Oct. 29, 1788: removed to Fairfield, N. Y.; tlien.;e to Naples, N. Y.. fall of 1833: where they resided the remainder of their lives. From their obituary notices the following extracts were taken: They were two very worthy, remarkable per- sons. Their great age. habits of life, mental and physical activity, and their purity of character, rendered them so. They never sought prominence in the circles in which they moved, and were eminent for dignity of manner, and courteous demeanor. Home was the dearest spot on earth to them, and they did all they could to make it attractive to children and friends. At his settle- ment In Naples, Mr. Hamlin purchased a large farm and mill. He was a gen- tleman of the old school, upright in his dealing, courteous in manner, dignified in deportment, united with a friendly sociability that secured the kind esteem of all with whom he associated. Mrs. Hamlin was a lady of culture and refinement, of decided literary tastes and tact in the various femenine accomplishments. They naturally took and retained a leading position in society. Their house was ever open to friendly visits; to social gatherings: and down to their extreme old age they never excused themselves from any civility or duty, which the forms of society imposed. The last winter of her life she read the speeches in Congress, taking a lively interest in the pro- ceeding: and in the summer preceding her death knit small bits of lace called shell work, sewing them. together, and finished by netting a fringe: a piece of work difficult for j^ounger people. Her sewing and letter writing continued in the same remarkable manner. The day before her final sickness commenced she made a call upon her minister's wife, dressing herself in a black silk bro- cade, showing she never grew rusty. Her Mowers and all lier all'airs commanded the same scrupulous attention. She was a member of the W. C. T. U., which passed resolutions of respect in her memory. They were members of tbe Presb. Ch. of Naples, where she had been an honored communicant forty-five years. Mr. Hamlin joined later in life. They lived well and died well: lovely were they in their lives, and in their death were notdivided: she d. Naples, Sept .11. 1878; he d. after a short illness in full possession of liis mental faculties, nearly to the last, at tbe same place, Sept. 19, 1878. Ch. b. Fairfield: iinm. 1446.* Eveline, Sept. 24 1816. 1447.* Edwin A., Nov. 30, 1819. 1448. Daniel H., Oct. 4. 1821; d. .Inn. 12, isss 1449.* Delia E. Apr. 17, 1825. 252 THE HAMLIIS' FAMILY. [532] RICHAED HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Sylphia, ) b. Sharon, Ct., June 1, 1794; m. Westfield, Mass., Apr. 15, 1815, Asenath, dau. of Ashbel and Lucretia (Kellogg) Fowler, b. Westfield, Oct. 6, 1794; both d. Westfield; he Sept. 29, 1861; she Apr. 11, 1883. Children: b. Aug. 16, 1816, Fairfield. " Apr. 29, 1818, " " Oct. 29, 1819, " " Aug. 29, 1822, " m. Francis Heminway. " Feb. 3, 1826, Southwick. " Jan. 31, 1828. " Aug. 31, 18.30, " Feb. 14, 1833, " •' Apr. 29, 1836, Russell. 1450.* George William, 1451.* Juliette, 1452.* Almira, 1453. LUCINDA, 1454.* Eliza Ank, 1455.* Timothy, 1456.* Lydia Maria, 1457.* Lucretia Fowler 1458.* Emily Jane, [533] PHILO HAML1N,« (Bro. of Sylphia,) b. Sharon, Ct., 1796; m. there, June 6, 1823, Orra Cole. He resided on his father's farm near Sharon Village, as late as 1846; the last of the family in Sharon; she member church, there, 1836. He d. Naples, N. Y., Jan. 8. 1875. No issue. [535] SARAH HAMLIN,« (Sister of Sylphia,) b. Sharon, Ct., 1799; m. 1819, John Dewey,* b. Royalton, Vt., 1796; res. Royalton, Hubbardtown and Fairhaven, Vt.; Gongs.; she d. Castleton, Vt., 1873; he d. Brattleboro, Vt., 1862. Children: b. 1825, Royalton. " Jan. 26, 1830, Hubbardton. 1835, " d. 1837. " 1840, Fairhaven: " 1870, unm. 1459.* 1460.* 1461. 1462. Julia Hamlin, Marcus Bingham, Ellen, Timothy Hamlin, [536] LAURA HAMLIN," (Sister of Sylphia,) b. Sharon, Ct., 1801; m. Col. John C. Bestow, b. Hinsdale, N. Y., about 1796, his 3d wife; he m. 1st, a widow Hutchinson, who had: Levi S.; m. 2d, Melinda Plummer, who had: Joseph and Henry; the latter res. in Oregon City, Oregon; tanner and currier; removed to Cliester, Ohio, about 1824. The family are of French descent, name formerly De Barstow. Col. of the first militia Regt. organized in Meigs Co., Ohio: Associate Judge Court of Common Pleas, Meigs Co. many years. He removed to Quincy, HI., where he m. a 4th wife. Laura d. 1854. No Issue. * Note 237. .Tustin Dewey.s Israel,* Thomas,3 Jedediah,2 Thomas.i THOMAS DEWEY.i Little is known of his early life. He was a dissenter, and came from Sandwich. Kent, England, to America in the Lion's Whelp, 1633; settled in Dorchester, Mass.; freeman, 1634. He went with a company of sixty people under Rev. Thomas Wareham to found Windsor, Ct., 1635; m. March 22. 163S-9, Mrs. Frances, widow of Joseph Clark; county deputy. He d. Windsor, buried April 27, IfiiS; She m. 3d, Nov. 30, 1618, George Phelps, and re- moved to Westfield, Mass., about 1668. Children: • Thomas, bap. Feb. 16, 1639-40; JOSIAH, " Oct. 10, 1641; Ann, " Oct. 15, 1643. d. April 27, 1690. m. Hepzebah Lyman. Israel, Jedediah, Sept.25, 164.5. Dec. 15, 1647. SIXTH GENERATION. 253 [537j JOHN HAMLIN,6 (Bro. of Sylpliia,) b. Sharon, Ct., Sept. 4, 1802: m. 1829, Almira G. Sessions. Farmer and cur- rier; Prattsburg, N. Y.: colporteur tor American Tract So.; Presbys. He d. Almond, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1868: she Pattonsburg, Mo., Oct. 10, 1891. Ch. b. Prattsburg: 1463.*' Frances Jeannette, Jan. 17, 1830. 1464. Timothy Caklos, Oct. 28, 1831. 1465.* Ellen Makie, Dec. 18, 1833. 1466.* Charles Finney, Mar. 20, 1837. [538] ELIZABETH HAMLIN," (Sister of Sylphia,) b. Sharon, Ct., 1804; m. Thorpe; res. Cedar Bluffs, Alabama. 1856; she d. Rome, Ga., 1864. [5.39] TIMOTHY St. .IOHN HAMLIN,« (Bro. of Sylphia,) b. Sharon, Ct., 1806. It is said he was at one time a merchant in Phila., Pa.: and supposed to have d. many years ago, unm. [540] Capt. PHILANDER HULBERT,6 (Mercy Hamlin," Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Alford, Mass., Feb. 29, 1766: m. there, May 20, 1786, Clarinda Crane, of Deerfield; farmer and merchant; Alford, Oxford and Shef- field, Mass.; removed to Elbridge, N. Y., about 1822: town clerk, justice of the peace, tax collector, captain in militia. He d. Elbridge, Aug. 15, 1823; she d. Erie, Pa. Children: ' 1467.* Chauncey, b. May 28, 1788, Alford. 1468.* Richard Orson, " Jun. 12, 1792, " 1469. ACHSAH Maria, " Nov. 25, 1795, " m. Wm. H. Hollenbcck. 1470.* Egbert Nelson, " Jun. 22, 1799, Oxford. 1471. Sally Louisa, " Apr. 29, 1809; d. Jun. 4, 1824. [542] Hon. JOHN WHITFIELD HULBERT," (Bro. of Philander,) b. Alford, Mass., June 1, 1770; m. Sheffield, Mass., 1799, Sally, dau. of John Hubbard,* and grand dau. of Rev. John Hubbard, first pastor Cong, church * Note 23S. GEORGE HUBBARD,i b. England, 1620; m. 16W. EUzabeth. dau. of Kifliard Watts, of Hartford; where he was an early settler; later of Middletown, when made freeman. h)5L His home lot was on the east side of Main street, north of Green street. "At a town meetinj,'. Dec. 17, '66: Whereas, Mr. Hamline this day Gave a drum to the town and trainl)and. the towne Voated to allowe Goodman Huberd fourtie Shillings for Sweeping the meeting hous and keeping the Glas and for his Son Josephes beating the drum for all eomon meeting, both on Saboth days and all other meeting and to beaten twis on fornouns and twis in afternouns Saboth days and thanlc Giving days and fast days to be beaten from the meeting hous to against Air. Stows to be Give first with a preparative and after acalle this for the year Insuing; but the drum for future to be beaten after the Sam manner." In 1666 he was by the county court "freed from watch, ward and training." His name stands last in tiie list of ten male persons who organized the Fir.st church, 1668. Will dated M:i y .'::.'. 16S]. He d. Middletown. Mar. IS. lcS(U-."). Children: Mary. b .Jan. 16. Kin. .Joseph, " Dec. 10, ]6i:i. Daniel, " Dec, 16J.'>. Samuel, " May, IMS. George, •• Dec, 16.')0. Nathaniel, " Dec, 10, 16r)2. Richard, " .July, 16.):'). Elizabeth. •' .Jan. 15, 16.J9. 254 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Sheffield. He was the most noted of the family; admitted to the bar Sept., 1794; grad. from Harvard Coll., 1795; practiced law in Sheffield; removed to Pittsfield, about 1800, and practiced there; member of Congress, 1815-7, and refused a third term; removed to Cayuga county, N. Y., and was there mem- ber of N. Y. Legislature and declined re-election. He was called "Colonel," and styled the "Silver Tongued;" a distinguished advocate, pre-eminently as a criminal lawyer; as a member of Congress, he was able, eloquent and witty; as an Assembly man, confessedly of the first ability; she survived him and d. Auburn, N. Y., Jan. 1«, 1843. Children: 1472.* Caroline. 1473.* John Philip. 1474. Frederick, d. in infancy. 1475. Marcia. 1476.* Sarah. 1477.* Charles J. 1478.* Henry. 1479.* William. 1480.* Edward. [543] Dr. JUNIUS HULBERT," (Bro. of Philander,^ b. Alford, Mass., Mar. 12, 1772; m. Jane Sheldon Graham, of Athens, N. Y. Physician; buried Alford, Mass. Children: 1481. Jane Charlotte; m. Abner Davis. 1482.* Isaac Henry Scott. [544] CLAllINDA HULBERT," (Sister of Philander,) b. Alford, Mass., Dec. 29, 1773; m. June 29, 1797, Jonah Kellogg; farmer, near Erie, Pa.; removed to Monroe, Ashtabula Co., Ohio. Children: b. July 29, 1799. " Sept. 21, 1800. " July 10, 1803; d. Jan. 1, 1813. " Aug. 7, 1805. " May 23, 1812. [545] LORANIA HULBERT,'^ (Sister of Philander,) b. Alford, Mass., Nov. 29, 1775; m. Elisha Tobey,* of Alford. Both d. Rochester, N. Y. 1483. Moses Cogsw^ell, 1484. Miranda, 1485. John Hulbert, 1486. Theodore Junius, 1487. Philander, 1488. Augustus. Children; 1489. John W., m.; d.; no issue. 1490. Albert, d. unm., Mt. Morris. 1491. Louisa, m. Randall. 1492. Angeline, u [.546] Dk. PEYTON RANDOLPH HULBERT,« (Bro. of Philander,) b. Alford, Mass., July 22, 1778; m. near Salina, N. Y., May 4, 1804, Sarah Young, b. Chatham, N. Y., Apr. 9, 1785. Physician; res. in various places; he * Note 239. For Tobey see note 173. SIXTH GENERATION. 255 d. Troy, N. Y., Apr. 4, 1855; she d. Scrub Oaks, Westchester Co., N. Y., Sept. 14, 1861. Children: 1493.* Fredekick Randolph, b. Mar. 9, 1805, Vernon, N. Y. 1494.* Erasmus Darwin, " Jan. 16, 1807, near Syracuse, N. Y. 1495.* Junius John, " Jan. 22, 1809, Onon, West Hill, N. Y. 1496. Emeline B., " Mar. 1, 1811, Nassau, N. Y.; d. Poughkeepsie, Mar. 11, 1852. 1497.* Victor Moreau, b. Nov. 22, 1813, Nassau, N. Y. 1498. ZiLPHA M., " 1817, " " d. Brooklyn, N. Y., Mar 1, 1840. 1499.* Lucy An^t, b. Apr. 20, 1820, Nassau, N. Y. 1500.* Helen M., " 1825, Alford. [547] POLLY HULBERT,6 (Sister of Philander,) b. Alford, Mass., May 2, 1780; m. Samuel Williams; res. N. Y. City; she d. Oct. 18, 1804. Child: 1501. Henry Villers, [549] SALLY HULBERT,6 (Sister of Philander,) b. Alford, Mass., Mar. 12, 1784; m. Aug. 25, 1808, Timothy Kellogg, b. Still- water, N. Y., July 20, 1786; she d. June 16, 1809; he remarried and d. Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr. 5, 1855. Child: 1502. Timothy, [5.50] HENRY JRAD HULBERT,^ (Bro. of Philander,) b. Alford, Mass., Apr. 18, 1789; said to have been a drunkard, and d. far from liome, unm., aged 84. [ 551 ] JESSE FORD,« (Ruth Hamlin,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,^ i) b. Sharon, Ct., Jan. 17, 1766; m. Canaan, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1789, Azubah, dau. of Cyrus and Mary (Huntley) Lee,* b. Lyme, Ct., Oct. 22, 1771; tailor; Red Rock, N. Y.: removed to a farm in Austerlitz, N. Y, He d. there, May 12, 1833; she d. Red Rock, Oct. 15, 1861. * Note 240. THOMAS LEE,i b. England; m. Miss Brown; sailed for America, 1641, with wife, tliree children, and fatlier-in-law. Brown, and died on passage from small pox. Tlie family resided many years at Saybrook. Ct. Later Mr. Brown removed to Providence, R. L, where he re-married ; and from the latter family descend the Browns of that locality. Children: Phebe, m. Nov., 1659, Mr. Large, of Long Island. .Iane, " June, 1659, Mr. Hyde, of Norwich, Ct. Thomas. THOMAS LEE,2b. England; came to Saybrook, Ct., with his mother, IG-tl ; m. 1st. Sarah Kirtland, of Saybrook; who d. May 21, 1676; m. 2d, July i;{, 1676. Mary, prob. dau. of Balthazer DeWolf, of Lyme, Ct. ; Ensign; representative' Lyme, Ct., 1676; a wealthy man. lied. .May •iO, 1705. His widow m. Matthew Griswold, 2d. Ch. by first wife. John, b, Sept. 21, 1670; m. Elizabeth Smith, of Lyme, Ct. Thomas, " Dec. 10,1672; " Elizabeth Graham, of Hartford, Ct. Sarah, " Jan. 14, 1674; " Daniel Buckingham, of Saybrook, Ct. 256 THE HAMLIN FAMILY f Children: 1503. LUOINDA, 1504. Louisa, 1505.* Warren, 1506.* Jesse, 1507. Lydia, 1508.* Polly. 1509.* John Allen, 1510.* . Wealthia, 1511.* Almanza, 1512.* Altana Valentine, 1513.* Cyrus Lee, [unm. b. Apr. 9, 1791, Eed Rock; d. Apr. 9, 1861, " May 9, 1792, " d. Apr. 3, 1841, unm. " Jun. 25, 179.3, " May 13, 1795, " Sept. 25, 1796, " d. Oct. 7, 1796. " Oct. 18, 1797, " " Feb. 23, 1801, Austerlitz. " Oct. 23, 1802, " Apr. 19, 1805, " Nov. 18, 1807, " Jun. 23, 1809, ■ " [552 J JOEL FOED,« (Bro. of Jesse,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1767; m. Mary, dau. of Isaac* and Martha (Earls) Ford, b. May 31, 1772; removed to Windham, Green Co., N. Y. He d. Lexing- ton, N. Y., June 16, 1857; she d. Apr. 1, 1869. Children: 1514. Harry J., b. Mar. 6, 1793. 1515. David, " Apr. 1, 1796; d. Sept. 8, 1812. 1516. Tryphena, " Aug. 8, 1797: " Mar. 21, 1843. 1517. Philo, " July 12, 1799; " May 26, 1857. 1518. Patty, " Sept. 13, 1800. 1519. Sally, " Jun. 24, 1802; d. Dec. 26, 1827. 1520. Elijah, " Jan. 26, 1804. 1521. Isaac, " July 13, 1806; d. Mar. 7, 1840. 1522. Philemon, " Feb. 26, 1808; " Sept. 16, 1829. 1523. Jonathan H., " Feb. 3, 1810. 1524. Betsey E., " Aug. 11, 1812. 1825. David, " Feb. 14, 1875. By Second wife: Phebe b. Apr. 14, 3677; m. Dea. Reynold Merwin, of Lyme, Ct. Mary, " Apr. 23, 1679. El^IZABETH. William, b. Apr. 10, 1684; m. Mary Griffin, of Long Island. Stephen, " Abigail Lord. Hannah, " .Tohn Griswold, of Lyme. Lydia, d. unm. Perhaps others. WILLIAM LEE,3 b. Apr. 10, 1()S4; m. Mary Griffin, of Long Island, N. Y. He first intro- duced the use of tableforlis in Lyme, Ct. Children: Ezra; m. Miss Southard. Abner; " Elizabeth Lee. Cyrus, " Mary Huntley. A daughter " Uriah Rowland, of Lyme. Azubath, " Daniel DeWolf and Josiah Sill, of Lyme. CYRUS LEE4; " Mary Huntley, of Lyme, Ct. He was buried Nov. :i4, 1806; she, March 9, 1800. Children: Lois, d. aged 12 years. Mary; m. Simeon Blain, and removed to Cornwall, Ct. William, " Sarali Murdock. Lydia; " .lohn Valentine. Abigail, " Richard Valentine. Elias, "^ Mrs. Rebecca Roberts, nee Gilbert. Azubah, b. Oct. 22, 1771, Lyme; m. Jesse Ford.6 * Isaac Ford, 5 brother of Jonathan. SIXTH GENERATION. 257 [553] JONATHAN FORD,« (Bro. of Jesse,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1770; m. Rachael Johnson, b. Feb. 9, 1771. He d. Huron, Mich., Oct. 14, 1838; she d. June 2, 1836. Children: 1526.* Abner, b. Dec. 26, 1789. 1527.* Eliab W., " Oct. 9, 1791. 1528.* Jonathan H., '' Mar. 4, 1794. 1529.* Prudence, " Mar. 1, 1796, Lexington 1530.* Hiram D., " Jan. 5, 1798, a 1531.* Martin H., " July 21, 1800. 1532.* Annis, " July 12, 1802. 1533.* Harriet E., " May 3, 1804. 1534.* Alexander, " May 21, 1806. 1535.* Edwin Jonathan, " Apr. 27, 1808, Green Co. 1536.* LOVINE GiBBS, " Mar. 24, 1810. 1537.* Alonzo Gale, " Feb. 11, 1814. 1538. Ruth, 1539. Clarissa, 1540. Russell, 1541. Patrick, 1542.* Ransom, 1543. Ends, 1544. Norman, 1545. Philetus, 1546. Eliab G., [5541 ELIAB rORD,6 (Bro. of Jesse,) b. Canaan, N. Y., May 23, 1772; m. Abigail Grlswold, b. May 1, 1777. He d. Mt. Upton, N. Y., Jan. 18, 1840: she d. Nov. 26, 1848. Children: b. Oct. 22, 1794; d. July 21, 1818. " Sept. 20, 1796. " Feb. 28, 1799; d. Aug. 11, 1863. " Dec. 17, 1800; " May 20, 1843. " Jun. 24, 1803, Oxford. " July 18, 1805. " Oct. 24, 1807. " Nov. 1, 1809. " Jun. 15, 1813. [555] RUTH FORD,6 (Sister of Jesse,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1774; m. Elder Amos, son of Amos and Susanna (Gott) Starks, b. Feb. 14, 1774; shoemaker and clergyman; Red Rock, Troy, Chatham and Canaan; Republican: member Christian church. Both d. Chat- ham; she Feb. 18, 1848; he Dec. 16, 1867. Ch. b. Red Rock: Jan. 28, 1795. Apr. 25, 1797. May 1, 1800. Jun. 22, 1803. Oct. 23, 1807. Sept. 5, 1810; d. unm. Mar. 26, 1860. Sept. 30, 1814. [556] ALANSON FORD,« (Bro. of Jesse,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1776; m. Lucinda Goodrich, b. Mar. 26, 1784; res. Austerlitz, N. Y.; justice of the peace. Botii d. Austerlitz; lie June 29, 1850. Children: 1554.* Alphonzo, b. Dec. 3, 1803. 1555.* Clarinda, " Jun. 10, 1806, 1547.* Susanna, 1548.* Talcott Gibbs, 1549.* Alonson Ford, 1550.* Ralph J., 1551.* Prudence, 1552. Achsah M., 1553.* Amos H., 258 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [557] Rev. DAVID rORD,« (Brother of Jesse,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Apr. 30, 1779; m. there Nov. 14, 1802, Susannah, dau. of Amos and (Gott) Starks, b. Canaan, Feb. 15, 1786; clergyman; Canaan; Repubhcan: members Christian Ch. Both d. Canaan; he Dec. 1, 18H8; she Aug. 16, 1825. Ch. b. Canaan: 1556.* Lorenzo Dow, Oct. 14, 1803. 1557.* Adalinb, Jan. 23, 1805. 1558. Sally Amanda, May 27, 1806; m. Hiram D. Ford. 1559.* Geraldtne, Nov. 2, 1807. 1560.* Joseph Crooker, Aug. 17, 1809. 1561.* David, Aug. 23, 1811. 1562. Susannah, Sept. 8, 1815: m. Almanza Ford." [558] PRUDENCE FORD," (Sister of Jesse, ) b. Canaan, N. Y., Jun. 19, 1782; m. William, son of John and Rebecca (Hold- ridge) Burrows, b. Austerlitz, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1788; she d. Canaan, N. Y., Feb. 27, 1865; he d. Red Rock, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1869. Children: 1563. Caroline, b. July 4, 1811, Austerlitz; d. Dec. 12, 1835. 1564.* Ruth, " Sept. 5, 1873, 1565.* Maria, " Apr. 11, 1816, Red Rock. 1566.* Addison, " Jan. 6, 1819, 1567.* ZiLPHA Jane," May 14, 1822, " [559] RUEL FORD,« (Bro. of Jesse,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Apr. 28, 1784; m. Laurana Crav^^ford, b. Dec. 26, 1785; carpenter and millwright; Canaan; Democrat; private 1812 war; Methodists. Both d. Canaan; he Dec. 16, 1851; she June 11, 1845. Ch. b. Canaan: 1568.* Albert, May 2, 1806. 1569. EXCENA, Aug. 2, 1807; m. Rawson Ford.^ 1570.* Emeline, July 9, 1809. 1571.* Louisa, Apr. 28, 1811. 1572.* RUEL, May 13, 1814. 1573.* William, Nov. 10, 1815. 1574.* Andalusia, Feb. 20, 1818. 1575.* Mary, Jan. 20, 1823. 1576.* Lyman H, Sept. 9, 1829. [560] JOSEPH GIBBS FORD," (Bro. of Jesse,) b. Canaan, N. Y., May 13, 1787; m. Harriet Wadsworth, b. Aug. 16, 1787. He was educated at Lenox, Mass., in Greek, Latin and mathematics; school teacher and surveyor; except a few years residence at Troy, N. Y., he resided at the old homestead in Canaan. He died while visiting his daughters in Brooklyn, N. Y., June 24, 1854; buried Red Rock, N. Y.; she d. Brooklyn, Jan. 20, 1873. Children: 1577.* Harriet Maria, b. Dec. 11, 1817. 1578.* Elizabeth Ann, " May 15, 1820. SIXTH GENERATION. 259 [562] CALEB JEWETT HAMLIN," (Thomas,^* Ebenezer,» James,^ ») b. Sharon, Ct., Feb. 1774; m. there, Betsey,' dau. of Capt. Sylvanus and Betsey (Ehiier) Gibbs,* b. Sharon, Mar., 1778; cooper and farmer; early in mar- ried life they removed from Sharon, settled in Glenville, N. Y., and res. there the remainder of their lives. Both d. there: he Aug. 23, 1848; she at the home of her dau. Clarissa, Oct. 10, 1862. 1579. 1580.* 1581.* 1582.* 1583.* 1584.* 1585.* 1586.* 1587.* 1588. 1589.* Children: Alvarado, SoLYMAN Gregory, Caleb Jewett, •lULIA D., Anson Bowers, Heman Gibbs, Richard Calender, Salmon Curtis, Clarissa Mary, Sarah A., .lOANNA C, b. Sharon; d. in childhood. 1799, " Nov. 11, 1801, a " Sept. 13, 1807, (1 " Jun. 1809, Glenville. " Nov. 13, 1815, (( " .luly 12, 1817, 4 i " May 18, 1818, (( 1821, "d.Apr.l8,1870,unm. 1824, (1 [566] THOMAS HAMLIN,^ ( Bro. of Caleb J.,) b. Sharon, Ct.; ra. Hannah Kidder, of Schenectady, N. Y.; farmer; remov- ed to western N. Y., about 1819. He d. Perry, N. Y., June 10, 1863, from an injury to the head, caused by a fall. His estate was settled by his son William. Children: 1590. William. 1591. Jewett. 1592. James. 1.593. Abel. 1594. Mary A. 1595. A Daughter. [567] THERON HAMLIN,« ( Bro. of Caleb J.,) b. Sharon, Ct., Mar. 8, 1783; m. 1st, there, about 1802-3, Lucy Hanchett.t b. Sharon, July 14, 1787; m. 2d, Moravia, N. Y., about 1833, Mrs. Perkins; cooper; Sharon, Ct., Groton and Moravia, N. Y.; soldier 1812 war; admitted to Presb. Ch., Sharon, Mar. 1, 1807. He d. Moravia, Sept. 3, 1834. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Tompkins Co., N. Y.: Clarissa, Mar. 23, 1804. 1596.* 1597.* 1598.* 1599.* 1600.* 1601.* 1602.* 1603. 1604.* 1605.* Hawley Hanchett, Feb. Olive, Aug. William, Nov. Harriet Newell, Feb. Dec. Jan. Feb. Oct. July Nathan Canfield, Laura, James Newell, Mary Jane, Fanny Genet, 15, 1806. 1, 1808, Groton. 14. 1810, 1, 1813, Cortland. 13, 1815, Groton. 8, 1817, 11, 1822: d. May 10, 1845. 1, 1824. 14, 1829. * Note 241. For Gibbs see note 50. t Note 242. For Hanchett see note 232. 260 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [568] JERUSHA HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Caleb J.,) b. Sharon, Ct., June 5, 1784; m. Jan. 17, 1802, Asahel, son of Nathan Can- field, b. Washington, N. Y., Jan. 17, 1779; tanner; Washington and Pittsford, N. Y. She d. Pittsford. He m. 2d, Stamford, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1841, Deborah Husted. He d. Pittsford, Mar. 30, 1848. Ch. b. Washington: Betsey, June 17, 1804. Nathan, June 21, 1806. Mary, June 8, lS-08. Emeline, Apr. 24, 1810; d. Apr. 26, 1812. Harriet. May 14, 1814. William Jewett, Feb. 16, 1818. Lewis, May 16, 1822. George Creed, Feb. 16, 1828. 1606.* 1607.* 1608.* 1609. 1610.* 1611.* 1612.* 1613.* Cook Hamlin. [570] COOK HAMLIN," (Bro. of Caleb J.,) b. Sharon, Ct., Apr. 9, 1791: m. Glenville, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1815, Sophia Chapman; private in Capt. John Brown's Co., N. Y. Militia; enlisted from Schoharie Co., and served from Sept. 14 to Oct. 19, 1814; application for pension dated Bloomfield, Pa., July 17, 1871; pension not granted, owing to insufficient length of service. He resided Bloomfield, where he d.: she d. about 1856. SIXTH GENERATION. 261 1614.* 1615.* 1616.* 1617. 1618. 1619.* 1620.* Children: Seth. Sylvester Benjamin, b. Sept. 30, 1818, Elmira. ROSWELL. Wealthy. Hannah Maria. Sophia. Clarissa. [571] SETH HAMLIN," (Bro. of Caleb J.,) b. Sharon, Ct., Oct. 20, 1794; m. Feb. 11, 1817, Ruth, dau. of Garrett(?) and Sally Ann (Lee) McCoy, b. Oct. 6, 1799; carpenter; Niles and Owasco, N. Y., near Auburn. He d. Skeneateles, N. Y., Mar. 23, 1863; she d. Owasco, May 29, 1859. Children: 1621.* Monroe, b. Dec. 21, 1817, Niles. 1622.* Solomon Henry, " Apr. 4, 1819, " 1623.* Mary, " Oct. 21, 1821, " 1624.* Sally Ann, " Sept. 25, 1824, " 1625.* Martina Marilla, " Dec. 25, 1826, " 1626.* Dorr, " Apr. 2, 1829, " 1627.* George Ad.sit, " July 18, 1831, Owasco 1628. Seth H. Mortimer, " July 24, 1839, 1629.* Francis Marion, " Jan. 11, 1841, d. Feb. 20, 1860. [572] SALMON HAMLIN,« ( Bro. of Caleb, J., ) b. Sharon, Ct., April 16, 1796; m. Albany, N. Y., Mar. 11, 1818, Clarissa, dau. of John Wells, b. Feb. 1, 1800; farmer and cooper; removed to Glenville, N. Y., where he res. until 1830; at Canajoharie village three years; afterwards Forest Lake, Pa., until death; formerly Universalist, but d. in the Baptist faith: she Baptist. Both d. Forest Lake; he Apr. 8, 1875; she July 27, 1877. Text for his funeral— "There shallbe no more death; " her funeral text — " For me to live in Christ, and to die, is gain." Children: 1630.* George Henry, b. Jan. 5, 1819, Glenville. 1631. Mary Ette, " Feb. 28, 1821, d. Aug. 14, 1838, 1632.* Joseph Parsons, " June 22 1823, 1633.* Jertjsha Canfield '," July 12, 1826, 1634. Abby Ostrom, " May 10, 1828, d. Feb. 12, 1829, 1635. Eunice Barris, " Jan. 17, 1830, " June 6, 1831, 1636.* William Jewett, " June 3, 1832, Canajoharie. 1637. Twins, " Jan. 8, 1835, Forest Lake; d. same day, 1638.* Seth Cook, " Dec. 29, 1835, 1639. A Child, " Jan. 8, 1837, 1640. Elias Bissell, " May 21, 1838, " d. Aug. 20, 1838, 1641.* Eliza Loomis, " May 21, 1838, 1642.* Ruth Elizabeth, " Aug. 25, 1839, 1643. Theron, " Oct. 19, 1849, •' d. Sept. 26, 1841, 1644. Amy Ann, " May 28, 1842, " d. Aug. 8,1845. 262 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Salmon Hamlin. [576] Capt. WILLIAM BRONSON HAMLIN,^ (Asa,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James.^i) b. West Stockbridge, Mass., July 4, 1781; m. Clarissa Sperry; farmer; East Bloomfleld, N. Y. They lived where Mrs. Tiffany resided in 1902. Methodists. He d. E. Bloomfleld, Mar. 25, 1843; shed, near Auburn, N. Y. Children: 1645. HULDAH G., 1646. Horace L., 1647. Fanny, 1648. Marcia N., 1649.* Clarissa, 1650.* Harriet, 1651. WlILLAM B. b. 1801; nx. Herman Treat, of Auburn, 1803; d. June, 1827, unm. 1805, " unm. 1807. m. Worden. 1809. 1810. 1812: m. Julia Joslin. N. Y. [577] SARAH HAMLIN,* (Sister of William B.,) b. Nov. 30, 1784, prob. West Stoclibridge, Mass.; m. Asa Fox; Jeweller. He resided in Buffalo, N. Y., when burned by the British in the 1812 war, but his family escaped; she went to New York city, and d. there; he perhaps died East Bloomfleld, N. Y. Children: 1652. Hezekiah. 1653.* CORYDON. 1654. Hamilton; d. Holley, N. Y., about 1834. 1655.* Allen. 1656. Charlotte. SIXTH GENERATION. 263 [578] AREO TESTER HAMLIN/' (Bro. of William B..) b. July 20, 178(i, probably West Stockbridge, Mass.; clruu>iisl; settled Holly, N. Y., and was an active business man. In after years he was in Keokuk, Iowa. He died Wolcottville, Ind., 1860, nnm. [580] ALVAN HAMLIN,' (Bro. of William B.,) b. West Stockbridge, Mass., .luly 1, 1792; m. 1st, East Bloomtield, N. Y., Nancy Wilcox, b. East Bloomfield, Nov. 21, 1797; who d. Kendall, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1836: m. 2nd, in Kendall, Mary Stevens, b. Feb. 28, 1813; carpenter; removed to Indiana about 1845. He d. Wolcottville, Ind., Aug. 17. 1870. Ch b 1st wife: 1657.* EiiASTUs GtBBS, b. Dec. 29, 1819, East Bloomfield. 1658.* Adelia Caroline, " Jan. 20, 1822, " " 1659.* Franklin Walter, " Sept. 26, 1826, Holley. 1660.* AnnH., " Nov. 17,1831, Ch. by 2d wife, b. Kendall: 1661.* Henry S., Jan. 17, 1838. 1662.* Helen E., Aug. 16, 1839. 1663.* Horace Y., June 7, 1842. [581] BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HAMLIN," (Bro. of William B.,) b. West Stockbridge, Mass., Mar. 29, 1798; m. Orleans Co., N. Y., Apr. 17, 1839, Hannah Maria, dan. of John R. and Roxy Hodges, b. Madison county, N, Y., Oct. 6, 1817; farmer; Carlton and Kendall, N. Y.; removed to Van Bureu county, Iowa, where he d. Apr. 17, 1857. His widow m. Mr. Sayres, who d. Oct. 1882; she res. with her son at Bonaparte, Iowa, 1893. Ch. b. Kendall: 1664.* Horace Ayres, Feb. 4, 1840. 1665. Charlotte Augusta, Mar. 12, 1841. d. Jan. 3, 1842. 1666.* John Hodge, Jan. 28, 1843. [582] HANNAH B. HAMLIN," (Sister of William B.,) b. West Stockbridge. Mass., Nov. 23, 1800: m. East Bloomfield, N. Y.. 1822, Wilcox: farmer; Disco, N. Y. Ch. (all m.): 1667. Albert. 1668. Louis. 1669. Alvina. 1670. Charlotte. 1671. Elizabeth; m. — King. [583] Rev. ELISHA H. HAMLIN," (Bro. of William B.,) b. Alford, Mass., Aug. 1, 1804; m. four times; once in Louisiana; graduated Hamilton College: commenced preaching 1829, as a Bapti.st minister: a talented man; had charges in Piqua, Ohio: LaPorte, Ind.; Chicago, III.; Jackson, Mich., where he res. 1850; during the Rebellion he res. at Clinton, La., but after the war came north. He d. Galesburg, Mich.; buried at Jackson, Mich. 264 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: 1672. CoRDELi.v Adeline, b. Aug. 10, 1829; m. — Dye; she d. Chicago. 1673. Mary M., " Apr. 1832. 1674. Charles, " Nov. 1839; d. Dec. 15, 1841. 1675. Elizabeth, " Jan. 1846; res. Chicago. 1676. A Daughter, " Louisiana, m. & res. there. [584] ELIZABETH HAMLIN," (Sister of William B.,) b. Berlfshire Co., Mass., May 25, 1809; m. Samuel Brown Ayres, b. Feb. 24, 1803; merchant; Holley, N. Y.; removed to Keokuk, Iowa; Republican; Uni- tarian; slie d. Holley, May 20, 1835; he m. 2d, Holley, Ann Beach, by whom he had three children. He d. Keokuk, Sept. 29, 1869. Ch. b. Holley: 1677. A Son, 1826; d. infancy. 1678.* Horace Hamlin, Sept. 7, 1828. [585] PAMELIA HAMLIN," (Lewis.B Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Saratoga Co., N. Y., Feb. 22, 1790; m. there, Mar. 4, 1810, Philip Tourgee, b. Point Judith, Aug. 28, 1790; tinsmith; removed from Adams, N. Y. to Coburg, Ont., 1849; she Methodist. Both d. Coburg; she Feb. 19, 1866; he Mar. 12, 1875. b. Dec. 1, 1810, Greenfield, N. Y.: d. June, 1894. " June 16, 1813, " " July, 1888. " Dec. 8, 1815, " m. Wright. " Apr. 11, 1822, Adams. N. Y.: d. Feb., 1875. " Aug. 9, 1824, Ellisburg, N. Y. " Mar. 19, 1827, " " d. 1845. 3 children d. infancy. [586] TRUMAN HAMLIN,« ^Ero. of Pameha,) b. Saratoga Co., N. Y., Dec. 20, 1790; m. Anna, dau. of Asa Bowen, b. Sara- toga Co., Mar. 14, 1794; farmer and blacksmith; Saratoga Co. and Jefferson Co., N. Y.; Democrat: Justice Peace; Baptists. Both d. Jefferson Co.; he Jan. 29, 1840; she Oct. 20, 1859. n: b. Nov. 27, 1811, Saratoga Co. " Mar. 5, 1813, " May 3. 1817, " Sept. 2.3, 1820, " Aug. 13, 1825, Jefferson Co. " July 5. 1830, " m. Gillett; b. Oct. 17, 183-, Jefferson Co.; d. May 25, 1854, unm. [588] CALVIN HAMLIN," (Bro. of Pamelia,) b. Herkimer Co., N. Y., 1793; m. 1st, Ontario, 1818, Catherine, dau. of David and Susan (Smith) Potter, who d. Ontario, about 1848-9; m. 2d, Ogle Co., 111., Jan. 7, 1850, Sarah Mabel, dau. of Horace and Betsey Grant; farmer: removed to Ontario after the 1812 war; res. twelve years at Fort Hope: after- wards at Darlington, Ont., until 1843; when he removed and res. at Ogle Co., 111. He served in the 1812 war in Capt. Edward Gary's Co., N. Y., militia, Sept. Children: 1679. Lewis, 1680. William, 1681. Phbbe, 1682. Clarissa Ann, 1683.* Pamelia, 1684. Alvah, Children: 1685.* Sally B., 1686.* Asa Bowen, 1687.* Stephen B., 1688.* Hezekiah B 1689.* Jesse T., 1690. Mary ,Iane, 1691. Phebe Ann, Elijah Hamlin Esq. SIXTH GENERATION. 265 14 to Nov. 14. 1813. Application for pension dated Lvnnviile. 111.. Aiifr. 28, 1871; a^e at that time 78 years; Methodist. He d. Ogle Co. His widow d. at the age of 87. Vh. b. Ontario: 1(592.* Hakkiet. 1822. 1693.* Calvin, 1824. 1694. PnKBE, 1828: m. T. P. Planty: she d. Chitairo. 1863. 1695.* Catharine, 1828. 1696.* OeorgeC, Feb. 28. 1830; Fort Hope. 1697.* David, 1832. [591] EUNICE HAMLIN," (Setli,'^ Isaac* Ebenezer,'* James, -^i) prob. b. Alford. Mass.. or perhaps in New Concord. N. Y.: m. William, son of Wil- liam and Phebe (Leonard) Drake, b. Taunton, Mass., Sept. 2. 1756. He was a Rev. soldier and appears to have lived at Westford, N. Y., at the time of the birth of his son, John. He died in military service, 1812. Children: b. Apr. 26. 1786. 1797. " Dec. 8. 1799, Westford. 1698.* Laurinda, 1699.* Betsey, 1700.* John. 1701.* Isaac. 1702.* Philo. 1703.* William R " Sept. 18, 1804. " d. Mar. 5. 1891. [592] ELIJAH HAMLIN.* (Bro. of Eunice.) b. Feb. 8. 1767, prob. Alford, Mass.: m. Aug. 17, 1789, Lydia,* [343] dan. of Seth and Martha (Bacon) Pope.* b. Voluntown, Ct., Feb. 28, 1767. He rem. from Barre, Mass., and settled in East Bloomfield, N. Y., about 1791-2. The farm upon which he lived is now in po.ssession of his grandsons, John S. and Hon. Frank H. Hamlin. To his granddaughter. Mrs. Currie. we are indebted for a sketch of his family, who lived with him for a time after the death of her mother. Her earliest recollection of him is, that once when out riding, olT in a distant field stood a solitary pine tree: child like, she wanted some of the green boughs. He stopped, hitched his horse and waded through the deep snow and got them for hei-. His kindness of heart was proverbial. He built an addition to his house for Dr. and Mrs. Hulbert to live in. The doctor was an old pensioner, and his wife taught school. He had a scrupulous regard for his word, and was known to have kept itto his own injury. His wife believed in doing right at all hazards. When their new house was built on the old home- stead, the old log house was left standing on another part of the farm. Her neice. Mrs. Fairchild, was spending the day with her. when Mr. Hamlin came in and said that he had rented the old house. When asked to whom, he gave the name of a family recently arrived there. Mrs. Hamlin said they were bad people and must not move in. He said that he had not heard the reports about the family, but as his word was given it must be kept, and they could move in: but if the reports proved true they would be turned out. She said no more then, but during the day was heard to say more than once: " They must not go in." When Mrs. Fairchild returned home that evening, Mrs. Hamlin accom- panied her part way, and as they approached the old house, she said to Mrs. Note 243. Tor Pope see note 'IH. 266 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Faircliild: "Those people must not go in — they will ruin every boy in the neighborhood." There was a thunder storm that night, and the old house was consumed; whether the elements or human hands fired the building was never discovered. It was afterwards noticed that it was a subject upon which she had nothing to say. He was once a successful farmer. When the Erie canal was in process of construction he contracted to build the loclcs at Lockport, N. Y. Being unaccustomed to such business he became financially involved, and it was proposed to mortgage their farm. A gentleman of persuasive manner and speecli came to the house, stayed and offered to loan tlie money. At the end of two days Mrs. Hamlin said to him: " You have been two days in my house and have had the best it affords; if you stay two weeks it will be the same, but I will never sign the mortgage." That remark was conclusive — lie ordered his liorse and left the place. Tlie farm was not mortgaged, but was purchased by their sons, Philo and Henry, Mr. Moses Fairchild becoming tlieir surety to the bank for tlie money with wliich to pay for it, whicli was after- wards fully paid by them, and tlie home secured for their parents. After tlie death of his wife he spent much of his time in Rochester, Midi., where his sons Elijah, John, Calvin and daughter, Mrs. Burbank, resided; this was his liome. but he annually visited his children in New York. While spending New Year's day with his son Elijali, in Rochester, he fell upon the icy doorstep and frac- tured his thigh, from which lie d. Apr. 12, 185S, and was buried at Clarkson, N. Y. Slied. E. Bloomtield, Nov. 7. 1839. Clildren: 1704.* GUSTAVUS Adolphus, b. Aug. 18, 1790, Alford. 1705.* Mauy, May "h 1792, E. Bloomtield 1706.* Olive, May 16, 1793, a 1707.* Philo, Dec. 9, 1794, a 1708.* Esther, May 17, 1796, (I 1709.* John Fairchild, Mar. n, 1799, (1 1710.* Elijah, June 7, 1801, (. 1711.* Caroline, May 27, 1803, 11 1712.* Lydia, Feb. 20, 1805, It 1713.* Henry William, Oct. 20, 1807, 11 1714.* Calvin Hooper, July 30, 1809, u [593] BETSEY HAMLTN,6 (Sister of Eunice,) prob. b. Alford, Mass.; m. Calvin, ^ son of Elislia and Hannali (Stevens) Hooper,* prob. b. Killingworth, Ct., about 1763, and removed with his parents before 1769, to West Stockbridge, Mass. After the death of lier husband she res. with his brother Sylvester Hooper, a bachelor, at West Stockbridge. He d. W. Stockbridge, Aug. 30, 1833. No account of any issue. [594] PHILO HAML1N,« (Bro. of Eunice,^ prob. b. Alford, Mass.; m. Esther,* widow of Hatch, and dau. of Setli and Martha (Bacon) Pope,t of Voluntown, Ct. See sketch of lier first mar- riage,) He d. East Bloomtield, N. Y. Childen: 1715. Betsey, b. Mar. 9, 1803; d. May .31, 1858, unm. 1716. Martha F., " June 29, 1804, " 1868, unm. 1717.* Frederick, " Aug. 28, 1808, E. Bloomtield. * Note 244. For Hooper see note 122. t Note 245. For Pope see note 26. SIXTH GENERATION. 267 [596] LEANDER HAMLIN," (Bro. of Eunice,) b. Alford, Mass.. Apr. 1786: ni. Caledonia. N. Y., Aufj. 24, 1H16. J'araloxy," dau. of Cyrus and Rebecca (Munn) Candee,* b. O.xford, Ct., Feb. Ki, 17«»T: slie ni. 2d, Capt. William White, of Bergen, N. Y., by wliom she had children: Ship- man, William, Herbert. Morse and Elizabeth. She Cong.; she d. Bergen, 1895. Submit, mother of Leander was "app. guardian unto Leander Hamlin, minor under 14 years of age, an heir of Seth Hamlin, late of Alford," on Apr. 6, 1796, by William Walker, Judge of Berkshire Co., Mass. He removed from Alford to Phelpstown, thence to Wheatland, Chili and Riga, N. Y.; lie was in Caledonia in the fall of 1813. Farmer. He d. Riga, .Sept. 19, 1827. * Note 246. ZACCHKUS CANDE.i progenitor of the family, b. about 1640; settled in New Haven, Ct., about 1670; m. Dec. 5, 1670. Kebecca, dau. of Henry Bristow, or Bristol, of New Haven, b. Feb. 4, 16>0. They d. and are buried, West Haven, Ct. ; he, 1720; she, Sept. 22, 1739; their tombstones are extant. Children : Rebecca, b. Dec. 22. 1671. Hannah, " Nov. 14. 1673. Zaccheus, " Jan. 5, 167.5; m. Sarah Lane. Samuel, " July 14. 167S; '• Abigail Pineon. Mary, " Feb. 18, 16«0. Desyer, " Oct. 20. 1686. Abigail, " April, 1689. Capt. SAMUEL CANDEE,2b. West Haven, Ct., July 24, 1678, ra. April 28, 1703, Abigail, dau. of Thomas and Mary Pineon. of New Haven, formerly of Sudbury. Mass. ; Lieut, and Capt. of the company in West Haven, where he lived; his name appears frequently on the town records. Their grave stones are extant. He d. Feb. 28, 1749; she, Jan, 9, 1743. Children: Hannah, b. 1703-4; m. Nathaniel Kimberly. Samuel, ■• Dec. 2.'j. 1705; " Mehitable Smith. Thanlful, ■ June, 1708; d. Sept. 8, 1723. Abagail, " Oct. 10, 1709; ' June 10, 1723. Gideon, " 1711; m. Sarah Smith. Lois, ■' " John Mix. Timothy, " 1717; d. Oct. 11, 1743. Caleb, '• 1722; m. Lois Mallory. CALEB CANDEE.Sb. West Hav^n, Ct.. about 1722; m. Lois Mallory, prob from West Haven or Milford; settled Oxford, Ct.. about 1730; farmer; lived where John Candee lived 1882; he died Oct. 4, 1777; she. 1790. Extracts from Army and Navy Journal, March 27, 18h0: -'Early in the sixteenth century a Huguenot family named Conde lied from France to Scotland, One of the family settled in Conn.; he had a son Zaccheus Cjnd-?, b. New Haven, 1640, from whom all the names in this country descend; a hardy race, m'ixture of Huguenot and Puritan, who lived principally in Oxford, Ct. One of them, Caleb, m. 1742, Lois Mallory, who had nine sons; their ages are given below. The son, Nehemiah, served under Ethan Allen at Ticonderoga, and some of his sons served in the 1812 war; he was ancestor of Gen. Innis Palmer and Ma.jor George W. Candee, Paymaster U. S. A. The son, Daniel, was gjandfather of the late Daniel Clark and Cyrus H. Clark, of N. Y. • Children: Caleb, b. 1743; m. Anna Sperry; d. aged 86. David, • 1747; m. Dinah Bristol and Abigail Buckingham: died aged 94. Gideon, ' 1749; " Amy Andrews; d. aged 70. Timothy. • 1751; d. aged 83. Samuel. bap. Mar. 17. 1754; m. Mabel Bradley; d. aged 87; Rev. soldier. JUSTIS, F'eb. 17, 1756; " Eunice Norton; d. aged 8.5. Nehemiah. • Apr. 14, 17.58; • Content Woodruff; d. aged 7«: Rev. soldier. .Job, 17.59: • Sarah Reuben; d, aged 81. Daniel, ■ Feb. 19. 1762; ■ Lydia Williams; d. aged 69. A Child, d. young. 268 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children. 1718.* Augustus Cyrus, b. Sept. 21, 1820, Riga. 171^.* Charles Candbe, " Aug. 12, 1822, Chili. 1720.* William Leander, " Dec. 20, 1824, " 1721. Francis Johnson, "Mar 16,1827, •' d. Nov. 11, 1849, unm, [598 ] ISAAC HAMLIN," ( Lsaac,-^* Lbenezer,^ Jaines,^ M From the following record it is supposed Isaac and Damaris Hamlin had a son Isacc. The records of Lenox, Mass., show the birth of Ira, son of Isaac Hamlin and widow, Phebe St. John, as below. Isaac prob. d. early. Child: 1722. Ira, b. Nov. 5, 1799, Lenox. [599] TEMPE HAMLIN, « (Sister of Isaac,) b. Oct. 4, 1771; m. Mar. 14, 1799, prob. Pittsfield, Mass., John, son of John and Joanna (Dewey*) Morse, b. Jan. 17, 1771; farmer; Pittsfield: removed to Kirtland, Ohio: she Cong. Both d. Kirtland: she Jan. 23, 18—; he June 5, 1852. Children: 1723. Clarissa, b. Jan. 1, 1800, deaf mute; d. Sep. 18,'71, unm. 1724.* John Flavel, " Oct. 1, 1801. 1725.* Harvey Hamlin, " Oct. 15, 1805, Washington. 1726.* AURELIA, " Apr. 1807. [600] CLARISSA HAMLIN,6 (Sister of Isaac,) b. Spencertown, N. Y., Mar. 1, 1775; m. Mt. Washington, Mass., 1795,t John, son of Isaac and Delight Williams, b. Norwich, Ct., Sept. 17, 1771; farmer: Mt. Washington, 1795; Pittsfield, 1812. He purchased 700 acres of land at Avon, Ohio, 1814; but the rumors of Indian troubles prevented their removal until CALEB CANDEE,* born Oxford, Ct., 17«; m. Anna Sperry; lived at Oxford, and d. there, Dec. 1, 1828; she d. 1817, aged 76. Children: Moses. m. Sarah Woodruff. Anna, b. 1770: d. .July 11, 1773. Medad, " May 5. 1768, Oxford; m. Betty Bristol. Lors, " Charles Lewis. Betsey. " Roger Perkins. Cyrus, bap. Mar. 17, 1776. Oxford; m. Rebecca Munn. Arnold, " Mar. 26, 1778; m., Caroline Collins. Elisha, " April 30, 1780; " Rebecca Richardson. Caleb, '■ Apr. 30,1782; " Lucinda Mitchell. Erastos " Oct. 12, 1783; d, June 27, 1817, unmarried. Anna, m. .Teremia Mitchell. Levi, b. May I*. 1774, Oxford; m. Anna Sperry and Mrs. Lucy (Beers) Peck. A Son, d. 1783. CYRUS CANDEE,5 bap. Oxford, Ct., Mar. 17, 1776; m. Rebecca Munn. Children: Paraloxy, b. Feb. 16, 1797; m. Leander Hamlin. Agnes, " Feb. 10, 1799; " Mr. Gifford. Lina, " Jun. 27, 1801. Mary Acgcsta; m. Avery J. Skelton. Cyrus. * Note 247. For Dewey see note 237. t The records of Dal ton, Mass., give the date of their marriage. Mar. 31, 1796. SIXTH GENERATION. 269 1817. He made the journey with a team and wagon, accompanied as far as Aureiius, N. Y., by her cousin, Stephen Hamlin,* son of Capt. Perez. Both d. Avon, Ohio; she Oct. 28, 1839; lie Jan. 29, 1840. Children: 1727.* Lauka, b. Dec. 24, 179tj, Mt. Washington. 1728.* Justin, " July 13, 1798, " 1729.* Tempe, " Sept. (5, 1800, " 1730.* Eliza Minerva, '* Apr. 17, 1803, " 1731.* John Wendell, " Sept. 15, 1806, " 1732.* Mary Harriet, " Mar. 8, 1809, *' 1733.* Henry Harrison, " Oct. 21, 1812, " 1734.* James Dwight, *' July 26, 1815, Pittsfield. [601] STEPHEN HAMLIN," (Bro. of Isaac,) b. May 8. 1785; m. Pittsfield, Mass., Jan. 27, 1813. Sabra, widow of Charles Willis, of Pittstield, and dau. of David Luce, b. April 22, 1784. He was adm. of his father's estate, Washington, Mass., Dec. 4, 1810. He d. Nov. 13, 1825. Ch. b. Pittstield: 1735.* George Washington, Jan. 6, 1814. 1736.* Jane Elizabeth, July 29, 1815. 1737. Charles Willis, Feb. 23, 1818: rem. to Penn. [ 602 J LOIS HAMBLIN,« (Perez,^ Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James, -^ i) b. July 9, 1770; m. New Concord, N. Y.^ Mar. 16, 1787, Joseph,« son of James and Rebecca (Hall) Howland;* b, Barnstable, Mass., Jan. 29, 1762: res. Poultney, Vt.; removed to the southeast part of Pittsfield, Mass., 1797; Congs.; she d. Feb. 15, 1837; he d. Pittsfield, Mar, 5, 184L * Note 248. For Howland see notes 61, 79 and 132. SHUBOEL HOWLAND.3 (Jolin,2 i) bom Barnstable, Mass., Sept. m, 1672; m. Dec. 13, 1700. Mercy Blossom. He d. 1737. Ch. b. Barnstable; .Iabez, Sept. 16, 1701; m. Elizabeth Percival, Mercy, May 21.1710; " Joseph Jenkins. Zaccheus. JABEZ HOWLAND.* b. Barn.stable, Sept. 16. 1701; m. Dec. 22, 1727, Elizabeth Percival, He d. 17(55. Children: .Fames, b. June 30, 1729; m. Rebecca Hall. .Iabez, " Jan. 27, 1730-1; killed in Preach war. Elizabeth, " Oct. 26, 1732; m. Francis Wood. Mebcv, •' Aug. 15, 1734; unmarried. Nathaniel. " Oct. 9, 1736; m. Martha Thacher. Ansel. " Dec. 3, 17;*S; " Elizabeth Bodiish. Mary. " Jan. 31.1741; " John Bursley. JAMES HOWLAND.s b. June 30, 1729; m. Rebecca Hall. Children: Abigail. b. Dec. 31, 1754. Rebecca. " Mar. 27, 1757. Elizabeth. " Aug. 11, 1759. Joseph, " Jan. 29, 1762; m. Lois Hamblin. .Iabez, " " Mercy, " Aug. ■''. 1767. James, " Aug. 7, 1771. II 270 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: , ; 1738.* Sidney, b. Aug. 30, 1788, Poultney. 1739. Rhoda, " Sept. 16, 1791, " m. Ackley Gaylord. 1740. Joseph, " Sept. 4, 1793, " " Jerusha Dewey. 1741. Pekez, " Aug-. 30, 1799, Pittstield ; " Juliana Bumpus. 1742.* Polly, " Dec. 28, 1800. 1743. Harriet, " Aug. 8, 1804. [603] EHODA ANN HAMBLIN," (Sister of Lois). b. Feb. 13, 1772: m. William, son of William Buckland,*b. Hartford, Ct.; farmer: res. Poultney, Vt., on the homestead of his father. They had six children, the two oldest dying in infancy. Both d. Poultney; he, July 7, 1806; she. Jan. 31, 1849. Ch. b. Poultney: 1744.* Polly, 1794. 1745. Fanny, 1798: d. 1849, unm. 1746.* Stephen, Oct. 20, 1799. 1747.* Augustus, about 1805. [604] CHARLOTTE HAMBLIN, 6 (Sister of Lois,) b. New Concord, N. Y., May 13, 1774; m. Samuel Fifleld,t b. Kingston, N.H., Aug. 14, 1770. He came to Poultney, Vt., about 1790-2, and settled at Pond Hill. His father and mother came from England; the former d. in N. H.; the latter in Poultney. Both d. Poultney; she, Oct. 10, 1861; he, Mar. 31, 1847. Ch. born Poultney: 1748. A Child, d. in infancy. 1749. A Child, »k. b; 1750.* Rhoda, July 23, 1802. 1751.* Hiram, Jan. 30, 1805. 17-52.* Betsey, May 25, 1807. 1753.* William, Dec. 27, 1809, 1754.* Perez Hamblin May «, 1813. 1755. Charlotta, Feb. 6, 1816; d. Jan. 11, 1821. [605] Dea. STEPHEN HAMBHN,« (Bro. of Lois,) b. Lenox, Mass., Sept. 8, 1776; m. New Haven, Vt., Oct. 4, 1800, Mary, dau. of Lemuel Eldridge, of New Haven: her mother's maiden name was Wood- worth; farmer: removed in the winter of 1812 to Aurelius, N. Y., with a team. After putting in a crop the following spring, he returned and brought his pa- rents. He enlisted for a soldier in 1812 war, which cl6sed before he reached the army. Obituary: On Sabbath evening, the 7th inst., at his residence in Wall street in this city, Mr. Stephen Hamlin. He would have completed his 80th year on the next day. Mr. Hamlin has long been a resident of Auburn, or of the adjoining townof Aurelius; he was extensively known and greatly respected; * Note 249. WILLIAM BUCKLAND, m. Hartford. Ct. Deeds of land in ijossession of his grandson, in isr.j. shjwed that the family of Buckland were in Conn. 220 years prior to that time. He removed from Hartford. Ct., to Poultney. Vt.. 178i. His farm there was occupied by his grandson, Augustus Buclvland. in I8r5. He was a Rev. soldier. He d. Mar. 11, 1795, aged 68; his widow d. 1810. aged 70. Ch. b. Hartford: William, Samuel, Burwell. Eiaen. Margaret, Nancy and Hannah. t Note 250. GILES FYFIELD. freeman. Cambridge, Mass., May 31, 1671. SIXTH GENERATION. 271 had long- been a member of the Presbyterian church, and had held the office ol ruling elder in Aurelius, and in the First church in this city at the time of his death: and the members and officers of the church regarded him with the greatest affection and confidence; he was peculiarly dear to his pastor, who had greatly delighted in Christian intercourse with him. Both d. Auburn: he. Sept. 7, 1856; she, 1861. Children: 1756.* Cynthia, b. May 31, 1801, New Haven. 1757.* Sophia, " Aug. 10, 1802. " " 1758.* Horatio, " Jan. 5, 1806. " " 1759.* William Perez, " June 23, 1809. " " 1760.* Charlotte, " Nov. 10, 1810, " " 1761.* Mary Etta, " Feb. 1, 1813, Aurehus. 1762.* Lemuel WooDWORTH,'' July 23, 1815, " 1763.* Lewis Clark, "Jan. 4,1818, " 1764.* RHor>A Ann, " Jan. 3, 1819, " [610] EBENEZER S. HAMLIN," ( Jahrel,^ Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James.^M b. West Springfield, Mass., April 9, 1778; m. tliere, Mar. 15, 1801, Sophia Dewey,* b. West Bloomfield, vSept. 14, 1782; removed to W. Bloomfield, about 1800. He d. W. Bloomfield, Jan. 9, 1831. Ch. b. West Springfield: 1765.* Herman, Dec. 15, 1801. 1766.* James Dewey, July 25, 180.3. 1767.* Betsey Pomeroy, Nov. 9, 1807. 1768.* Caroline Sophia, Dec. 5, 1810. 1769.* Samuel Selden, Sept. 1, 1817. 1770.* John Ebenezer, Nov. 11, 1818. [ 611 ] JERUSHA HA MLIN,« (Sister of Ebenezer S., ) b. Mar. 16, 1780, prob. West Springfield, Mass.; m. there. May 22, 1803, Kel- sey Day, b. there, Sept. 12, 1776; res. West Springfield; both d. there; she Oct. 8, 1857; he May 15, 1843. Ch. b. W. Springfield: Mar. 20, 1805; d. May 30, 1858, unm. Jan. 17, 1807. Mar. 25, 1809. Mar. 16, 1811; d. July 9, 1814. Aug. 16, 1813; " Oct. 25, 1848, unm. Oct, 20, 1816. [613] ASHER POMEROY HAMLIN,« (Bro. of Ebenezer S.,) b. June 8, 1784, West Springfield, Mass.: unmarried; merchant; an accom- plished gentleman of rare personal attractiveness, one of tlie hand.somest men of his time: no picture of him extant; it was a whim of his never to have one taken. He accumulated a large fortune in mercantile pursuits in Albany and New York city. His country place on Long Island, 36 miles from the city of New York, called "Oak Neck," is still in possession of his relatives. He d. Agawam, Mass., Aug. 11, 1858; buried beside his father in Feeding Hills Ceme- tery; he left an estate of $400,000. * Note 251. For Dewey see note 237. 1771. Lydia K., 1772.* Eliza, 1773.* AsHER Hamlin, 1774. Lora Ann, 1775. Ebenezer Selden, 1776.* LOREN, 272 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [614] ELECTA HAMLlN,fi (Sister of Ebenezer S.,) b. West Springfield, Mass., Mar. 22, 1787; married there, Nov. 10, 1810, Heber Miller, b. same place, Oct. 11, 1786, where he d. Mar. 16. 1872: she d..Tan. 29. 1875. b. Sept. 30, 1812, Feeding Hills. " Feb. 8, 1815; d. Feb. 25, 1815. " Apr. 16, 1816, unmarried. " Apr. 26, 1819, Feeding Hills. " .Tan. 10. 1823. " Apr. 16, 1827; d. Oct. 27, 1828. " .Ian. 13, 1839: " Feb. 5, 1839. Children: 1777.* John Hamlin, 1778. Charles, 1779. Delia Anne. 1880.* Lucy Leonard, 1781.* Caroline Morley, 1782. .JULTA, 1783. Jerusha Pomerov, [615] JESSE HAML1N,« (Bro. of Ebenezer S.,) b. Apr. 27, 1791, prob. West Springfield, Mass.: m. and res. Rockfoid, 111., where he d. Apr., 1875. Children: 1784. Minnie. 1785. A Daughter. Lester Hamlin. [616] LESTER HAML1N,« (Bro. of Ebenezer S.) b. West Springfield, Mass., June 14, 1797: m. there. Jan. 31. 1832^ Lncy. dair. SIXTH GENERATION. 273 of Jesse and Eunice (Cue) Hubbard,* b. Haddam, Ct.. P'eb. o, 175X5. Inherited his father's homestead West Springfield, where he resided; a handsome prop- erty, in possession of the children of his dau. Mrs. Jane Allen, 1896. Both d. Ag-awam: he May 13, 1875: she Jan. 18, 1884. Ch. b. West Springfield: 1786.* Jane, Nov. 20, 1822. 1787.* Frances Elizabeth, Jan. 4, 1827. 1788. Eben p., Dec. 8, 1837: d. May 8, 1842. [621] PEREZ HAMBLIN.fi (Cyreneus.s Isaac,* Ebenezer,'' James,2 •) b. Charlton, (?) N. Y., Mar. 20. 1779; m. Spencertown, N. Y., about 1817, Susan Gott: res. Spencertown, N. Y.; she i-esided in the vicinity of Austerlitz, N. Y., after his death. He died about 1829-34. Children: m. Bacon: res. Attleboro, Mass. b. 1829: unm: res. Austerlitz, N. Y. b. 1833, Austerlitz, N. Y. res. California. [622] MERCY HAMBLIN," (Sister of Perez,) b. Lenox, Mass., May 6, 1781; m. Sept. 31, 1800, Keeler,- son of Noah and Sarah (Keeler) Starr-,t b. Ridgefleld, Ct., Nov. 18, 1775; farmer and hotel keeper; * Note 252. For Hubbard see note 238. + Note 25:i NOAH STARR.e (Samuel,5i .Joslah.s Thomas.2 Comfort.') Dr. COMPORT STAR.ib. England; wife, Elizabeth. He lived in Ashford. ICent. Eng.; surgeon. He embarlted in the Hercules, of Sandwich, England, for New England, with three children and three servants, 16J4-5; practiced his profession in Newtowne (Cambridge), Mass.; Settled in Duxbury, Mass., l6iS; removed to Boston about 1647. He died Jan. 2, IB-^g-iJO; will made April 22, 1659; proved. Feb. 3. 1659-60; she d. June 2i5, 16.58. Ch. b. Ashford: Thomas. Elizabeth, 1621. Comfort, 1624. Mary. John. Samuel, bap. Mar. 2. 1628; buried Apr. 16. 1633. Hannah. July 22. 1632. Lydia, Mar. 22, 16.34. Dr. THOMAS STARR,2 b. England; prob. came with his father. 16:M-5; wife, Rachael ; surgeon; res. Duxbury, Scituate, Yarmouth and Charlestown, Mass. He d. Oct. 26, 1658. Children : 1789. LlTCRETIA M., 1790. George. 1791. Harvey. 1792. MiLO., 1793. Morton. 1794. Mary. 1795.* Delia A., 1796. Elvira. 1797. Alfrei>, Samuel, b. 1640. Comfort, '• 1644. Elizabeth, 1646. Benjamin, • Feb. 6. 1647 8. Jehosaphat, '• Jan. 12, 1649-50. Constant, 1652; d. Oct. 5, 1654. William, • Mar. 18, m54-5; d. Dec. 1.3, 16.59 JOSIAH, " Sept. 1, 1657. 274 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. removed to Oneida Co., N. Y.: thence to Pavilion, Genessee Co., 1815; soldier 1812 war: dea. Presb. churcli. He d. Carlisle, N. Y., July 8, 182(5: she d. at the home of her dau. in Centerville, Mich., Oct. 21, 1859. Children: 1 1798. Clakissa, b: Aug. 12, 1802: d. unm. 1897 1799.* Almika C, Apr. 1, 1804: Verona, N . Y. 1800.* Ann Eliza, July 31, 1806: Augusta, 1801.* Orrin, Mar. 27, 1809, u 1802.* Calvin Hawley, Mar. 4, 1812, tl 1803.* Harvey Hamlin, Dec. 27, 1814, Verona, 1804.* Harriet Louisa, Oct. 16. 1817, u 1805.* Betsey Jane, Mar. 13, 1819, Pavilion, 1806.* Mary Adeline, June 29, 1822, a 1807.* Henry Keeler. June 3, 1825, Castile, 1808.* Laura, 1809.* Elvira, 1810.* William, 1811.* Linus W,, 1812. Curtis, 1813. Irene, 1814. MiLO, 1815.* Irene, [623] LAURA HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Perez,) b. Lenox, Mass., Jan. ??, 1783; m. Oneida Co., N. Y., Jan., 1811, Benjamin, son of Isaac and Irene Miller, b. Middletown, Ct., Nov. 30, 1786; farmer: Stock- ton, Chautauqua Co., N. Y.; Republican; Baptist; she Presb. Botli d. Stockton: she, June 29, 1851: he, Aug. 19, 1857. Children: b. Apr. 4, 1812, Stockton. " Jan. 24, 1814, Oneida Co. " Dec. 27, 1815, Stockton. " Dec. 28, 1817, " May 27, 1819, " d. same day. " Sept. 28, 1821, " " " " Mar. 14, 1822, " " Sept.23, 1822. " Sept. 12, 1824, [627] CLARISSA HAMLIN," (Sister of Perez,) b. Paris, N. Y.: m. Ellington, N. Y., June 12, 1840, James Holbrook; res. Canadaville, Chautauqua Co., N. Y; after her husband's death she res. Kennedy, N. Y., where she d. 1878: he d. July 14, 1848. No issue. [628] BETSEY HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Perez,) b. Paris, N. Y., June 16, 1800; m. Covington, Genessee Co., N. Y., Nov. 16, 1828, Sewell Merritt, b. Cliarlton, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1794: farmer; Covington, Ellington and Kennedy, N. Y.; Republican; soldier 1812 war, and served at Plattsburg: Universalist: she, Presb. Both d. Kennedy; she, Aug. 27, 1876; he, April 1, 1889. Children: 1816.* Jerome, b. Nov. 7, 1830, Covington. 1817.* Delos, " Dec. 14, 1835. Ellington. [629] SETH HAMLIN,« (Bro. of Perez,) b. Paris, N. Y., 1801; m. Covington Centre, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1828, Clarissa Sturdevant; laborer; Leroy, N. Y., until 1830; Wisconsin until 1840; afterwards SIXTH GENERATION 275 Covington Center until death: Republican: Buffalo, N. Y. Both d. Covington Center: Children: 1818. Phebe. 1819. Geokge. 1820. Warren. 1821. Maryette. she Baptist. His children lived at he, 1853; she May 28, 1853. [(i.30] MILO HAMLIN," b. Paris. N. Y.. Mar. 4, 1804: (Bro. of Perez.) m. Leroy, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1826, Malinda West, and b. Westmoreland, N. Y., June 15, 1811: res. Leroy and Pavilion, N. Y Corry, Pa. Both d. Corry: he, July 12. 1883; she. May 27, 1889. Children: Ellex Frances, May Edson Harvey, Feb. Edgar Fredus, Aug. John West, Dec. Mary, Aug. 14, 1840, " ; d. June 20, 1844. 1822. 1823.* 1824.* 1825.* 1826. m. 16, 1826, Leroy; 4, 1829, •' 14. 1834. 10, 18.38, Pavilion 14, 1840, " Claris. [ 637 ] J LTLIANA PORTER." (Mercy Hamlin.s Lsaac,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Clinton, N.Y., June 3. 1796: ni. Rutland, N. Y., Jan. 14, 1814, Crafts Pay- son," son of Libbeus and Sarah (Crafts) Kimball,* b. Pomfret, Ct., Jan. 14, 1788.. * Note 254. RICHARD IvIMBALL.i b. about T')f).'>; came from the parish of Rattlesden, Suffolk. England, m. 1st. Ursula, dau. of Henry and Martha Scott, who d. Ipswich, Mass.; m. 2d, Oct. 23. 16B1, Margaret, widow of Henry Dow, Sr,, of Hampton, N. H. He embarked at Ips- wich, Eng., the last of April, 16 it, in the KHz i')?'/?, \Vm. Andrews, master. With him came his wife, Ursula, and children: Henry, Elizabeth, Richard, Mary, Martha, .John and Thomas; also, Henry Kimball, aged 4-t, with his wife, Susan, aged 3), and daughters, Elizabeth, aged 4; and Susan, aged 1%, and a lad, Richard Cutting, aged 11 ; also, Thomas Scott, a brother-in-law, aged 40. with his wife, Elizabeth, aged 40, and children, Elizabeth, aged 9, Abigail. T, and Thomas, 6. They came to Watertown, Mass.. where Richard and Henry Kimball settled. It is supposed they were brothers, but the fact has not been established. Thomas Scott settled in Ipswich. Mass. Richard Kimball was a wheelwright; made freeman, Watertown, May 6. 1635; proprie- tor, 1636-7; his home lot of 6 acres was bounded north by Cambridge, east by land of W. Ham- let, south by the highway, west by land of Edward White. It is now in Cambridge, near the corner of Huron Ave, and Appleton St, and was near springs of water. He removed to Ipswich, Mass.. and was granted a house lot there, Feb. 21, 163r-s, next to Goodwin Simons, at the west end of town : and 40 acres beyond" the north river, near the land of Robert Scott. Commoner, 1641; one of the V seven men." Uii'i: fence surveyor, 16)!. His name frequently appears on the records as a prjmiuent man. He d. Ipswich, .lune 2.'. Uir.S; will dated Mar.."), 1674-.-); proved Sept, 2S. 167.i, Children : m, .lohn Severans, [Ray nor. bap, Aug, 12, 16ir); m, .Mary Wyatt & Elizabeth (CUbert) unm. 1675, m, Mary and Mary (Gott ?) ■ Robert Dutch, ■ .loseph Fowler. • .Mary Rradstreet and Mary Jordan, ■ Mary Smith. • Edward Allen. • Mercy Hazeltine. " Anne Hazeltine. THOMAS KIMBALL.J b. Ratllesderi. Eng., 1633; came witii his parents to Watertown. Mass., 1634; m, Ipswich. Mass.. Mary, dau, of Thomas and .loanna Smith; was living In Hamp- ton, N. H., 1653-60. where he owned a mill on Oyster river; removed to that part of Rowley, now Children Abigail, ). Rattlesden Henry. " ba Elizabeth. '■ 1621. Richard. ■ 162;5, Mary. ■ 162.-). Martha. • 162i). .lOHN, ■• 1631. Thomas. •■ 1633. Sarah. ■ 1635. Watertown Ben.jami.n ■ 1637. Ipswich; Caleb, • IBW, 276 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. He studied medicine, and settled in Rutland, 1810: surgeon in the army in 1812 war, at Sackett's Harbor, N. Y.; a skillful physician; later a farmer, Rutland; Congs. She d. Rutland, Apr. 21, 1868; he d. Nov. 7, 1872. Children: 1827.* 1828.* 1829.* 1830.* 1831.* 1832.* 1833. MoRuis Sylvester, b. Apr. VoLNEY Porter, " Dec. Cynthia, " Dec. Olive Amelia, " Aug. Bruce Jerome, " Mar. Henry Norman, " Jan. Herbert Crafts, " Aug. 25, 1815. 10, 1816. 7, 1818. 24, 1822. 21, 1826, Oswego. 27, 1832. 25, 1835; d. Aug. 14, 1863. Bradford, Mass., then called Merrimack, about 1666; constable there, Feb. 20, 1668-9; his house was on the Boxford road, and was a legal place for publishing and posting orders. He was killed there by Symon. an Indian, on a raid, May 3, 1676, and his wife and five children were captured and carried forty miles into the wilderness; but were freed after forty-one days, by the friendly officers of Waualancet, chief of the Pennacook Indians. Children: Elizabeth, Richard, Hannah, Joseph, Mary, Thomas, Ebenezer, .lOHN, Joanna, b. Dec 5, 1658, Hampden; d. Dec. 27, 1658. 1660, " m. Sarah Spofford. Jan. 27, 1661 ; d. before 1699. 1662; " '■ 1699. about 166:^; m. Thomas Reddington. 166."); " Deborah Pemberton and Grace (Hall) Currier. Apr. 20, 1668; no further account of him. Oct. 14, 1673; went to East Jersey, m. Joshua Morse. Richard, Aug. 1^ 1683; Sarah, Jan. 5, 1684: Samuel, Mar. .30, 1685-6 ; Mary, Jan. 29, 1687-8; Richard, May 27, 1689; Hannah, Mar. 19. 1691-2; Ruth, Feb. 1. 1693; Mehitable, Oct. 10, 1699; Joseph, Dec. 29, 1701: Capt. RICHARD KIMBALL,3 b. Hampton, N. H., 1660; m. 1st, Sept. 7, 1682, Sarah, dau. of John and Elizabeth Spofford, b. Mar. 24, 1661; who d. Feb. 14, 1713-4; m. 2d. Nov. 5, 1714, Mrs. Me- hitable (Day), widow of his cousin Richard, 3 son of Benjamin Kimball; he was called Cornet and Captain; res. Bradford, Mass., where he d. Jan. 21, 173;j. Ch. b. Bradford: d. Aug. 19, 16S3. m. John Wood. " Sarah Spofford. " Nathaniel Ames. ■' Mary Stickney. " Edward Carleton. " Richard Peabody. " Nathaniel Gage. " Abial Peabody. SAMUEL KIMBALL,* b. Bradford, Mass., Mar. 30, 168.5-6; m. Jan. 1. 1713, Sarah Spofford, b. Dec. 20, 1693: he res. Bradford; bought land in Pomfret, Ct.. 1723; removed to Hampton, Ct.. same year, where his descendants still live; will made Plainfleld, Ct., Jan. 1. 1748; proved Apr. 8, 1748; he d. there 1748. 26, 1716-7, Bradford; d. April 8,1760. 9, 1718, " m. Squash. 7, 1719-20, " " Anna Hammond. 1721. 18, 1722. •' •' Abigail Holt. Hampton, " Ann Mudge. RICHARD KIMBALL,5 b. Bradford, Mass., July 18, 1722; m. Dec. 13, 174S, Ann Holt; res. Pomfret, Ct., where he was a large land holder. Children: Mehitable. b. Feb. Martha, " Feb. Daniel, " Jan. A Son, " Richard. " July Sarah. Mary, Samuel, " SIXTH GENERATION. 277 [6.38] HENRY HAMLIN, « (Asa," Isaac,* Ebenezer,3 James,^ M b. Lenox, Mass., Dec. 28, 1785; m. Paris, N. Y., 1804, Laura," dau of Benja- min and Mrs. Rosanna (Burgess) Munson,* b. Wallingford, Ct., Feb. 24, 1786; farmer: Paris, Rome and Locke, N. Y.: Whig; justice of the peace; Presb. He d, Locke. Aug. 7, 1848; she d. Buffalo, Oct 4, 1850. Children: 1834.* Ursula., b. July 4. 1807, Paris. 1835.* Mariette, " Jan. 28, 1809. u 1836.* Charra, " Sept. 27, 1810, Rome. 1837.* Antoinette, " May 26, 1812, 1838.* Julia. *' June 3, 1814, 1839.* Henry N., " Jan. 30, 1816, 1840.* Elizabeth, " Sept. 22 1817, 1841.* Emmons, " Nov. 16, 1821, 1842.* Mary Emeline, '■ May 15, 1823, 1843.* William W. " Jan. 10, 1830, [639] MILLIA ORRA HAMLIN,« (Sister of Henry,) b. Paris. N. Y., Aug. 16, 1787: m. there, June 14, 1805, Justus." son of Ben- jamin and Mrs. Rosannali (Burgess) Munson,* b. Wallingford, Ct., Apr. 15, 1784: farmer; removed with his father to Paris, N. Y., 1797, and resided 63 j'ears on the place settled on and cleared by his father; Whig and Abolitionist: Presb. Both d. Paris; she Aug. 28, 1845: he June 11, 1860. Ch. b. Paris; 1844.* Julius, June 24, 1806. 1845.* Maria Emeline, July 18, 1808. 1846. Charles, June 10, 1810; d. Feb. 27. 1812. 1847.* Martha Caroline, June 29, 1813. 1848.* Hannah R,, Jan. 11, 1821. [640] LOVISA HAML1N,« (Sister of Henry.) b. Paris, N. Y., 1789; in. Josiali Hills, b. Conn., 1779; she d. Rome, N. Y., Children: LiBBEUS. b. Feb. U, 1750, Pomfret; m. Sarah Crafts. Abigait,. ■ Nov. .30, 1754. Percy, " Nov. 5, 1760. Chester. ■ Sept. 19. 1763, St. Johns, N. B. ; m. Lucy Fo.k. Flavel; Rev. soldier: d. unm. Betsey. LIBBEUS KI.MB.\LL.« b. Pomfret, Gt.. Feb. U. 1750; m. May 7, 1778. Sarah Crafts. He served five days on the Lexington alarm. April. 1775; enlisted Pomfret. .Time. 1775. in Captain Daniel Lyons Co.. in Col. Jedediah Huntingdon's regiment; served at Roxbury in the seige of Boston, and discharged; re-enlisted Pomfret, became sergeant, served to close of war; settled in Canajoharie, N. Y., where he lived 1832: deacon Freewill Baptist church. Children; Matilda. b. Nov. 22. 1780. Sylvester, " May 27, 1783, Pomfret; ni. Lydia Atwater. Crafts Pa YSON, ■' .Jan. 15. 178«. •. I ullana Porter. * Note 2.55. BEX.JAMIN MUNSON.^ (Caleb,4 3 Samuel.a Thomas,») THOMAS MUNSON. 1 b. about 1612; m. .Joanna ; carpenter; Hartford, Ct.; soldier in the Pequot war. 1637. He sold land in Hartford. KCiO; had left there and was in New Haven same year; sergeant. Aug. 6. 1612; freeman. New Haven. .May 19. 16.56; Ensign. 1061 ; Deputy and Lieut. May 9, 1664; served in Ki^g Philips war. 1676: Capt. same year. He d. New Haven. May 7. 1685. Three children. 278 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Feb. 16, 1818. He m. 2d, Achsah Ransford, who d. Feb. 25, 1861, by whom he had a son, Josiah F., who d. July 28, 1826, aged 20 months; farmer: near Rome. He d. Rome, Sept. 19, 1871. Children: 1849.* William, Oct. 14, 1809. 1850.* Mary Ann, Sept. 17, 1812. 1851. Asa, Nov. 29, 1814, d. Mar. 28, 1847, unm . [641] HANNAH NOBLE HAMLIN," (Sister of Henry,) b. Paris, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1793; m. at her father's house, Paris, by Rev, Moses Gillette, Jan. 28, 1824, Capt. Solomon, son of Dea. Solomon and Anna (Waugh) Goodwin *b. Litchfield, Ct., June 4, 1797; Capt. of militia, carpenter and builder; * Note 256. OZIAS GOODWIN, i sometimes called Hosea, came to Boston with his brother. Elder William Goodwin, in the Lion, .Tune 16, 1632; he beloaged to the "Braintree Co.," or the company of Rev. Thomas Hooker; m. 1639, Mary, dau. of Rol>ert Woodward, of Braintree, Mass. It is supposed he was previously married; settled in Hartford, Ct., 1639. He made an affidavit, 1674, then giving his age as 78 years. He d. before 1683. Children: William, b. about 1639; m. Truen. Nathaniel, " " 1637; " Sarah Coles and Elizabeth Pratt- Hannah " " 1637; " William Pitkin. Perhaps others. WILLIAM GOOD WIN.2 testified in 1674 that his age was then 4o years. M. Truen; res. Hartford, Ct. ; freeman, 1654; sexton of the church; he d. Hartford, Oct. 15, 1689; will, dated June 25, 1689; proved, Nov. 6, 1689; in which he mentions wife, Susannah; she m., 1691, John Shepard, of Hartford. Children: Susannah, m. John Pratt, Jr. William, b. about 1658; " Elizabeth Shepard. Nathaniel, " Mehitable Porter. NATHANIEL GOODWIN.s m. Mehitable, dau. of Samuel and Hannah (Stanley) Porter, of Hadley, Mass.; shoemaker; deacon First Church. Hartford, 1734; she d. Feb. 6. 1726; his will Sept. 6, 17:38; proved Dec. 1, 1747. Ch. prob. b. Hartford : Mehitable, m. .Joseph Goodrich. Hezekiah. bap. Mar. 20, 1692; m. Hanna Pantry and Lydia Barnard. Benedicta, " Feb. 25,1693-4; " .Jacob Goodrich. Isaac, " Nov. 10,1695; " Hannah Morgan and Ruth Gaylord. Abraham, " July 30, 1699; " Mary Bird. Stephen, " Aug. 24, 1701 ; " Sarah Gillette. Eleazer. " Dec. 19, 1703; " Hannah Easton. Joanna, " Jan. 20. 1705-6; " Abial Smith. Ruth, " Mar. 7,1707-8;* Bird or Stoddard.,^ Alice, b. May 19, 1710; " Caldwell. Nathaniel. bap. Sept. 24. 1712. ABRAHAM GOODWIN,* b. Hartford, bap. July :!0, 16S)9; m. April 13. 1736, Mary Bird, of Farmington, Ct. ; one of the first settlers of Litchfield, Ct. ; a prominent man; lister; grand juror; constable; selectman; ensign; he d. Jan. 6, 1771: she, June 7, 1788. aged 77. Eight children. NATHANIEL GOODWIN,5 b. Oct. 31, 1727; m. .Jan. 30, 1751, Elizal^eth, dau. of Ebene- zerand Deborah (Buell) Marsh, of Litchfield, b. Feb. 10, 1739-30; res. South Farms, Litchfield; lister; constable; collector; Lieut, of militia; Capt. in Rev. He d. Litchfield, of small pox. May 18, 1777; she, Dec. 14, 1802. Nine children. SOLOMON GOODWIN.6 b. Litchfleld, Apr. 26, 17.55; m. Mar. 11. 17s0. Anna, dau. of Thomas and Rosina (Watson) Waugh. of Litchfield; Rev. soldier; Sergt. Major and Ensign. Conn. Line; pensioned as such Apr. 2i, 1834; removed to Williamstown, N. Y., 1802: later to Rome; farmer; deacon in church; he d Sept. 29, 1835; she Oct. 23, 1846. 6 children; their youngest son Solomon- m. Hannah N. Hamlin. « SIXTH GENERATION. 279 removed with his father's family to Williamstown, N. Y., 1802; and to Rome. N. Y., before -1820, where lie resided until 1847: removed to Verona, N. Y., but returned to Rome about 1856: AVhig: Presb., in which church he was deacon. Both d. Rome: she Apr. l(i, 1858; he June 22, 1857. Ch. b. Rome: 1852. Fkancis Dwight, June 21, 1828: d. June 5, 1831. 1853.* HEJfRiETTA Elizabeth, Aug. 15, 1830. 1854.* Edward Payson, July 31, 1832. 1855.* Albert Baknes, Jan. 4, 18.36. [642] Capt. ASA HAMLIN, JR.,« ( Bro. of Henry,) b. Paris, N. Y., in 1796; unmarried. He was commissioned Lieut, in the 157th Regt. of N. Y. Infantry, by Gov. DeWitt Clinton. Feb. 17. 1820. He was called Capt. Hamlin. He had a contract to build several miles of the Northern Cross Railroad, now the T. W. and W. R. R., in 111.: and d. in Illinois, prob. Sangamon Co., Oct. 1837, without completing his contract. [643] OLIVE HA MLIN,« (Sister of Henry,) b. Paris, N. Y., July 10, 1798: m. 1851, Dea. Horace Bartlett, b. Guilford, Ct., Dec. 20, 1792: who came to Paris, N. Y., 1815: dea. Cong, ch.; before mar- riage she was a teacher; she d. Clinton. N. Y., Feb. 2, 1878; he d. Aug. 2, 1881. No issue. [644] ALMIRA HAMLIN,6 (Sister of Henry,) b. Paris, N. Y.. Nov. 7, 1802: m, Feb. 23, 1826, Justus Elmer, son of Abel Jr. and Mary (Elmer) Gillette, b. Jan. 7, 1798, prob. Windsor, Ct.: farmer; remov- ed from Conn, to Verona, N. Y. with his father, 1806, and resided there until his death: Congs. Both d. Verona: she Jan. 13, 1876; he Nov. 20, 1878. Ch. b. Verona: 1856.* Caroline Frances, Mar. 15, 1831. 1857. Hubert Elmer, May 24, 18.32: d. July 15, 1853, unm. [646] CAROLINE HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Henry,) b. I*aris, N. Y.: m. Dr. David Larrabee, of Paris Hill, N. Y. She is de- scribed as tall and slender, with light complexion and blue ej^es. Both d. Paris; she about 1880: he Aug. 9, 1875, aged 67. Children: 18.58.* Dwight W., b. 1834. 1859. Caroline Augusta, d. unm. [648] THEOPHILUS HAMLEN,« (Nathaniel,^ Lewis,* Ebenexer,» James,2i) ta. Wellfleet, Ma.ss., Dec. 6, 1765: removed with his i)arents to Shrow.s- bury: then to Oxford, Mass.: m. 1st, there, June 30, 1788, Sarah Kockwood, b. Oxford, Aug, 25, 1764: whod. Augusta, Maine, Dec. 6, 1826; m. 2d, 1830, Mrs. Jane Carter, of Portland, Me. He went to Hollowell, now Augusta, Maine, with his father, 1784: where he worked at the carpenter's trade several years, and early became a merchant there, in a store at tlie corner of Dickman Place and Win- throp street, near the first court house, in the .Market Place; he erected a large house in liickman Place, which was consumed by the tire of 1865: also a three story store opposite, long known as the Hamlen or "Green rtt(U-e," from its s 280 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. color. About 1816, with his sons John, George, Nathaniel, Theophilus and Weld, they loaded a vessel with an assorted cargo, which they sold at New Or- leans. The sons went to Liberty, Miss. He returned to Augusta about 1820, and became extensively known as proprietor of the "Kennebec Hotel," for many years. He d. Augusta, April, 1842. ^l^:^e^,r Ch, b. Augusta: I860.* Sarah, Mar. 31, 1789. 1861.* John, Jan. 30, 1792. 1862.* Hannah, Dec. 11, 1793. 1863.* George, Nov. 15, 1795. 1864. Mary, July 29, 1797; 1865.* Nathaniel, May 5, 1799. 1866.* Ann, May 31, 1801. 1867. Theophilus, May 28, 1803; 1868. Weld, Apr. 5, 1805, 1869.* Mel VINA, Sept. 27, 1807. d. Feb. 18, 1816, unra. d. Miss., Aug. 1, 1824, unm. 5, 1805," MagnoIia,Fla.,reb. 17,1829, unm. SIXTH GENERATION. 281 [649] MARY HAMLEN;-' (Sister of Theophilus, ) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Apr. 10, 1768: removed with her people to Au^nista, Me. m. there, June 25, 1789, James Burton. lie came from Boston to the Kennebec /Augusta,) 1785; and was employed as a clerk by Jonathan Davis & Co. engaged in packing Salmon at Auj^rusta. He afterwards went into business with William Eustis of Boston; he built and resided in Augusta: he was app. the first postmaster at "Hallowell Court House," now Augusta, 1794, and served until 1806. She d. Mar. 28, 1848: he d. Nov. 5, 1838, aged 73. Ch. b. Augusta: 1870.* James, Sept. 23, 1790. 1871. Polly, Oct. 25, 1792; d. Jan. 6, 1797. 1872. William Eustis. Nov. 15, 1794, " Mobile, 1819. 1873.* Joseph, Feb. 14, 1797. 1874.* Mary, Mar. 28, 1799. 1875. Evelina, Oct. 31, 1801: d. Oct. 26, 1815. 1876. Abby Gray, Oct. 7, 1807. 1877. Eliza, Oct. 7, 1813. [650] OLIVE HAMLEN," (Sister of Theophilus,) b. , Mass., Nov. 2, 1770, and removed with her people to Augusta, Me.; m. there, Nov. 28, 1793, Elias, son of John and Mary Craig, of "Wrentham, Mass., b. Sept. 27, 1756, his 2d wife; he m. 1st, Dec. 31, 1788, Hannah, dau. of Dr. John McKecknie, who died April 12, 1790: by whom he had Hannah; hatter; he came to Hollowell 1779. Before the Kennebec bridge was built his shop stood where the west end of the bridge now is; his house was at the corner of Water and Bridge streets, Augusta. Selectman, Hollowell, 1793-5; Augusta, 1797-1801; removed to Fayette, Maine, where both d.; she, Sept. 25, 1848; he. May 6, 1837. Children: 1878.* Elias, b. Jan. 14, 1795 1879.* Olive, '• Jan. 10, 1800 1880.* Henry Auoitstus, " Oct. «, 1803 1881.* Elizabeth Augusta, " Oct. «, 1803. [651 ] LEWIS HAMLEN,« ( Bro. of Theophilus.) b. Shrewsbury, Mass., Mar. 24, 1773: m. Wrentham, Mass., Sept. 4, 1797, Eleanor Craig, b. Oct. 22, 1772; farmer: Augusta, Me.; a prominent man; select- man 12 years. He received a legacy from the estate of his uncle Lewis Hamlin. He d. Augusta, Apr. 20, 1824; she d. Oct. 22, 1862. Ch. b. Augusta: June 14, 1798. June 30, 1800. July 12, 1802: d. June 12, 1875. Jan. 5, 1804, " July 4, 18Q9. Aug. 31, 1806. Aug. 19, 1808; d. Aug. 15, 1873. May 27, 1810. Mar. 17, 1813; d. Dec. 5, 1817. [652] SARAH HAMLEN.« (Sister of Theophilus, ) Shrewsbury, Mass., b. Aug. 19. 1775: m. Augusta, Me., May 15, 1796, I^aac, son of John and Hannah Carter, b. Charlestown, Mass. She removed with 1882.* Mary Craig, 1883.* Lewis Baker, 1884. Margaret, 1885. Henry, 1886.* Julia Ann, 1887. Eleanor, 1888.* Charles Henry, 1889. Martha, 282 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. her parents to Augusta: both d. there; she, May 26, 1839; he, Oct. 20, 1839,] aged 65 years. Ch. b. Augusta: 1890.* Harriet Whittemore, Aug. 15, 1798. 1891.* Sarah Hamlen, Apr. 19, 1800. 1892.* John Stearns, July 8, 1802. 1893. Caroline Augusta, Oct. 23, 1804: d. May 26, 1834 1894.* Theodore Wilson, Jan. 6, 1808. 1895.* Henry Leander, Apr. 26, 1812. 1896.* Eliza Ann, July 13, 1816. [653] PEREZ HAMLEN,6 (Bro. of Theophilus,) b. Shrewsbury, Mass., Oct 1, 1777: m. 1st, Jan. 7, 1799, Anna, dau. of John and Betsey Dudley (Bean) Prescott* of Readfield, Me., b. Epping, N. H., Nov. 14, 1779; who d. June 8, 1707; m. 2d, July 7, 1808, Betsey Cromett, of Sidney, Me.; who d. Nov. 7, 1809; m. 3d, Jan., 1810, Sarah Kendall, who d. Augusta, May 4, 1844: carpenter; came to Augusta, 1794; removed and res. many years In Sidney, Me. He d. Augusta, Sept. 7, 1860. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Augusta: 1897.* Charles, b. Dec. 9, 1800. 1898.* William, " Dec. 8, 1801. 1899.* Olive. " Oct. 25, 1803. 1900.* RuEL, " Oct. 30, 1805. 1901. Anna, " Apr. 20, 1807; m. John Hurd; she d. Dec. 14, 1880. By 2d wife: 1902. Elizabeth; b. Mar. 27, 1809; m. Edwin Craig. By 3d wife: 1903. Fanny, b. Sept. 22, 1810; m. Abial D. Bacon. 1904. Sarah W., " " " " " Wilham M. Bacon. 1905. Almira, " Jan. 23, 1814, " Marcus Reynolds. 1906. Mary Ann, " July 3, 1816; d. Oct. 3, 1817. [655] LOT HAMLEN,9 (Bro. of Theophilus,) b. Oxford, Mass., May 3, 1782; m. Oct. 9, 1806, Sarah Craig, of Wrentham, Mass.; removed with his father to Augusta, Maine, 1796; many years surveyor of lumber. He d. Augusta, Feb. 24, 1869; she. May 15, 1847. Ch. b. Augusta: 1907.* Moses Edward, July 26, 1807. 1908.* Henry Craig, July 21, 1809. 1909.* Joseph Sumner, Mar. 8, 1812. 1910.* Hannah Craig, Aug. 5, 1815. 1911.* James Elliott, Dec, 3, 1821. [656] Capt. LEWIS HAMLEN,6 (Perez,^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James,8i) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Feb. 27, 1781; m. Charter SI"., Boston, Mass., Mar. 9, * Note 257, JOHN PRESC0TT,6 (Elisha,5 Jeremiah,* Samuel,3 James,2i) JAMES PRESCOTT,! came from Dryby, Lincolnshire, Eng., 1665; and settled in Hampton, N. H. ; m., 1668, Mary, dau. of Nathaniel and Grace Boulter, b. Exeter, N. H., May 15, 1648; free- man, 1678; he removed to Kingston, N. H., 1725; his farm was two miles north of Hampton Falls Academy, on the highway to Exeter, occupied by the late Wesley Healey, Esq. He d. Nov. 25, 1728, aged 85; she, Oct. 4, 1735. Ten children. H SIXTH GENERATION 283 1809, Hannah," dan. of Thomas Winslow,* b. Hanover, Mass., 1788: removed with his parents to Hampden. Maine, about 1787. He received a bequest from the estate of liis uncle Lewis Hamlin. In early life a master mariner; Cliarles- town, Mass.; after retiring from the sea he was a merchant for a time; Supt. of streets; contractor, and built wells and reservoirs; above medium height, dark complexion, and of quiet matuiers. Both d. Charlestown; he Dec. 22, 18;J9: she June 17, 1862. Gh. b. Charlestown: 1912.* Almira, Dec. 27, 1809. 1918.* Hannah. July 11, 1811. 1914.* Leavis, Sept. 13, 1813. 1915.* Hakriet Augusta, Nov. 10, 181.5. 1916.* Lucinda Hopkins, Aug. 28, 1818. 1917.* WII.L1AM, Mar. 9, 1820. 1918.* George, Feb. 10, 1822. 1919.* Charles Henry Jackson, May 3, 1828. [657] ELISHA HAMLEN,6 (Bro. of Lewis,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., June 18, 1783; drowned twenty miles off Nantucket, Oct. 12, 1812: unm. [658] POLLY HAMLEN,« (Sister of Lewis,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Oct. 14, 1785: m. Hampden, Maine, Dec. 30, 1802, Ezra, son of Adam and Lydia Beals.t b. Goslien, Mass., Jan. 17, 1778; stone contrac- tor; Hampden, Maine; Charlestown, Mass.; St. Albans, Vt.; and Quincy, Mass. He had the contract to build the navy yard wall at Charlestown, Mass. Both d. Quincy; she Aug. 22, 1858; he July 14, 1853. Children: 1920.* Lewis Hamlen, b. Nov. 20, 1803, Hampden. 192L* William Chapman, " Apr. 25, 1806, " 1922. Ezra, " Aug. 12, 1808, Charlestown; d. Aug. 14, '32 1923.* Louisa, ". May 23, 1810, St. Albans. 1924.* Horace, " Nov. 17, 1812, 1925. George, " Jan. 19, 1816, " d. May 3, 1834. 1926. Abigail, " Oct. 25, 1818, " " Oct. 9, 1829. 1927.* Orissa, " Jan. 26, 1822, 1928.* Nathaniel Hamlen, " Apr. 17,1824, " 1929.* Maria Winship, "' xVug. 23, 1827, Quincy. [659] SALLY HAMLEN,« (Sister of Lewis, ) b. Hampden, Me., June 19, 1788; m. there, Nathaniel, son of Cornelius Tur- ner, b. Waldoboro, Me., 1783; ship builder; Waldoboro and Hampden; slie Bap- tist. Both d. Hampden; she May 12, 1860; he, Dec, 1860^ * Note 258. THOMAS WINSLOW,6 (Edward,5*3 Kenelm,2i) m. Rebecca Harlow. /Children: Thomas; perhaps m. Ruth Gross and Harriet Delano. Edward; m. Mercy Bowley. Isaac; perhaps m. Elizabeth Hicks. Hannah; m. Capt. Lewis Hamlin. See note 96. t Note 2.59. Adam Deals was a Rev. soldier. It is traditional that he was one of the "Bos- ton Tea Party." 1 284 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Cli. b. Hampden: 1930. Nathaniel B., 1815: d. 1836, mim. 1931.* John Mullet, 1817. 1932.* Eliza F., 1819. 1933.* Caxvin Bailey, Feb. 11, 1821. 1934.* Sarah Vose, 1823. 1935.* Cornelius, 1828. 1936.* Perez Hamlen, Oct. 16, 1836. [660] BETSEY HAMLEN,'^ (Sister of Lewis.) b. Hampden. Maine, Aug. 27, 1790; m. Cliarlestown, Mass., Apr. 10, 1810. John, son of Ephraim and Mercy (Cool^;) Mullett;* b. West Cambridge, now Arlington, Mass , June 15, 1786: Sergeant in Capt. Frotliingham's Co., of Cliarlestown, in the 1812 war; res. Charlestown; she Baptist. He d. Charles- town, July 2, 1825; she d. Sanbornton, N. H., Aug. 16, 1867. Ch. b. Charlestown: 1937.* Charles Tufts, Dec. 27,1811. 1938.* Eliza, Mar. 2, 1814. 1839.* John, Sept. 10, 1816. 1940. Lucy Ann, Mar. 7, 1819; d. Dec. 17, 1841. [661] Capt. PEREZ HAMLEN,'' (Bro. of Lewis,) b. Hampden, Maine, Apr. 9, 1794; m. there, 1818, Martha, dau. of William Murch, b. Hampden, 1798; ship builder: Capt. of militia; Hampden: both d. Hampden; he Nov. 17, 1838; she May 5, 1870. Ch. b. Hampden: 1941.* Sarah Carter, Aug. 31, 1821. 1942.* Elisha, Sept. 5, 1823. 1943.* Sabra, Dec. 12, 1825. 1944.* William Murch, Nov. 21, 1828. 1945.* John T. Murch, Sept. 29, 1831. 1946.* George Beals, Aug. 10, 1834. 1947.* Nathaniel Turner, Jun. 24, 1837. [662] SABRINA HAMLEN," (Sister of Lewis,) b. Hampden, Maine, Aug. 2, 1796; m. Charlestown, Mass., Apr. 19, 1818, John Clark, b. Chester, Vt., Dec. 14, 1790; farmer; Antwerp, N. Y.; Baptists; shed. Charlestown, Jan. 29, 1870; he died Antwerp, Aug. 8, 1854. Children: 1948. John Dana, b. Oct. 29, 1818; d. Nov. 8, 1822. 1949.* Persis Sabrina, " Sept. 2, 1821, Antwerp. 19.50. Natpianiel Hamlin, " Feb. 22, 1823; d. Oct. 12, 1824. 1951.* Nathaniel Hamlin, " Nov. 8, 1825. 1952.* Joseph Harvey, " Feb. 5, 1830, Antwerp. 1953. Sarah Eliza, " Sept. 7,18.31, " d. Mar. 22, 1866. 1964. Samuel Perez, " Sept. 19, 1833, " " Mar. 27. 1849. 1955. Mary Ann Beals, " Mar. 3, 1835, 1956. John M., " Feb. 10. 1838, " " Juu. 14, 1849. * Note 260. EPHRIAM MULLETT, m. Mercy, dau. of Col. Cook, of Cambridge, Mass., a Rev. soldier; as was Epliraim Mullett. J. Sword of Capt, Seth Hamblin, SIXTH GENERATION. 285 [663] Capt. NATHANIEL HAMLEN,« (Bro. of Lewis,) b. Hampden, Maine, July 12, 1799; m. Boston, Mass., by Rev. Samuel Sharv). Jan. 13, 1834, Sarah A., dau. of Job and Betsey (Johnson) Hallett,* b. Boston. Mar. 29, 1809. He received a common education; went to sea at the age of twelve: and for many years a shipmaster, sailing- from Bftston: during his sea- faring life he passed through many adventures. He retired from the sea, 1839: and was a merchant in Boston in the South American trade; subsequently a ship broker, Boston. In 1841 he occupied ahouse, afterward the site of Tenny- son Square school house; and passed the latter part of his lite at 35 Concord Square. He. d. Brookline, Mass., July 8, 1887; she d. Boston, Feb., 1886. . Ch. b . Boston: 1957. Sarah, Nov. 17, 1834; d. Oct. 7, 1836. 1958.* Nathaniel Perez, Feb. 3, 1841. 1959. Grace Hallett, Jan. 24, 184-; " Sept. 17, 1886, uinn. [666] Capt. SETH HAMBLIN,* (Simeon, s Sylvanus,< Elkanah.» .rames.^') b. Falmouth, Mass, Nov. 9, 1776; m. 1st, there, Nov. 17, 1791, Hannah, dau. of Solomon and Thankful ( Weeks) Davis, t b. Falmouth, Aug. 1766; who d. there, Feb. 26, 1823; m. 2d, P'almouth, Mar. 9, 1824, Mrs. Rebecca Grew; farmer, blacksmith and keeper of public house; Falmouth and Sandwich: sexton 2d Cong, church, Falmouth; com. on fishways, 1794: school agent, 1806; fish com- missioner, 1807. His assessment for 1811 shows: 1 dwelling house, 1 shop, 1 cow, 4 acres tillage land, 26 acres of rye and corn. 6 acres pasture land. 10 acres wood- land. Captain of Militia, and a celebrated drill master at general musters on Cape Cod. He was at the bombardment of i'almouth by the British ship Nimrod in 1812 war. His sword is in possession of his great grandson, Simeon Hamlin, of Falmouth. His only known descendants are by his son Simeon. His sons Shubael and Zophen went from home and never returned; it is believed that Shubael was lost at sea: Zophen went to sea with his brother Simeon, ran away from his ship at Charlestown, S. C, nothing has since been heard fr(»m hiin. A step dau of Capt. Seth was living in 1896. who was 16 years old at his deatli; she remembered him as a prominent militia officer: after his death she used his uniform for patchwork. He d. in that partof Sandwich which is now Marshpee, Aug. 23, 1830, and is buried in East End Cemetery, Falmouth. d. June 21, 1823, unm. " about 1835, unn. " 1830, unm. [668] MARTHA HAMBLIN," (Sister of Seth,) b. Falmouth, Mass., June 15, 1778: m. Luke W. Phelps, b. Lancaster, Mass.. J Illy 19, 1778; sailor: Lancaster, New Bedford and Uxbridge, Mass.: siie d. Wood- stock, Ct., Dec. 28, 1855; he d. Uxbridge, Sept. 7, 1839. Ch. b. Falmouth: 1960. Barnabas, May 22, 1794: 1961.* Simeon. Dec. 6, 1796. 1962. Elizabeth, July 11, 1800: 1963.* Isaac Hatch, Dec. n, 1801. 1964. HOLTON, Mar. 24, 1804; 1965. Shubael Nye, Apr. 1, 1807. 1966. Zophen, Dec. 1809. * Note 261. For Hallett see note I oa. + Note .262. For Davis see note 4. 17 iiiid 42. 286 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: 1967. Dolly, b. 1968. Mary Ann, It, 1969. William, " Dec. 28 1970. Elisha, a 1971. James, i( Lancaster; cl. young. New Bedford; m. Sylvester Little. 1808; " " Clarissa M. Clark. " d. young. " m. Louisa Twist. I [669] SYLVANUS HAMBLIN,fi (Barnabas,^ Sylvanus,* Elkanah,3James,2i) b. Barnstable, Mass., about 1774; m. 1st, Falmouth, Mass., Jan. 17, 1793, Jane, dan. of Obed and Ruth (Dexter*) Hatch.t b. Falmouth; who d. Mont- pelier, Vt., April 13, 1800; m. 2d, Chloe Hatch, b. Falmouth, sister of his first wife; ship blacksmith. Isaac Hamblin, of Montpelier, wrote, 1846, that this Sylvanus, with his father and brothers, removed from Cape Cod to Montpelier about 1798-9; and that Sylvanus returned to CapeCod about 1803-4. The records of First Cong, church, Falmouth, sliow the baptism there of his children: Kuth, Solomon, Lucy, Jane and Chloe, Feb. 5, 1810. He and second wife d. Fal- mouth; he, May 4, 1843, aged 68; she, Jan. 19, 1840. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Falmoutli: Oct. 1, 1793. Oct. 1, 1795. Nov. 9, 1797. 1972.* 1973.* 1974.* 1975.* Obed, Solomon, Lucy, Jane, Mar. 22, 1800. 1976.* 1977. 1978. 1979.* 1980.* By 2d wife, b. Falmouth: Chloe, Feb. 19, 1802. Sylvanus, July 13, 1804; Maktha, Nov. 21, 1806. Phear, Oct. 5, 1808. Alpheus F., July 23, 1811. Oct. 21, 1807. young. [670] BARNABAS HAMBLIN,e (Brother of Sylvanus,) b. Feb. 19, 1782; m. 1st, Grand Isle, Vt., Feb. 18, 1812, Sarah, dau. of P. Simons, b. Litchfield, Ct., Jan. 2, 1797; who d. Chardon, Ohio, Nov. 17, 1833: m.2d, Chardon, Oct. 21, 1835, Olive, dau. of Joseph Beeler Hazen.J b. Grand Isle, Mar. 15, 1797; who d. Nov. 4, 1852, and is buried at Fowler's Mills, near Munson, * Note 263. For Dexter see note 95. + Note 264. For Hatch see note 94. $ Note 265. MOSES HAZEN,* (Thoinas.3 2 Edward,i) EDWARD HAZEN,i came from England to America 16—. His first wife, Elizabeth, was buried Rowley, Mass., Sept. 18, 1649; m. 2d, Mar. 1650, H,annah, dau. of Thomas and Hannah Grant. He was a man of substance and influence; selectman; buried Rowley, July 22, J683. Children: Elizabeth, b. Mar. 8, 1651; m. Nathaniel Harris Hannah, " Sept. 1653: " William Gibson. John, " Sept. 23, 1655; no issue. Thomas, " Feb. 29, 1657-8; " Mary Howlet. Edward, " Sept. 10, 1660; " Jane Pickard. Isabella. " July 21, 1662; " John Wood. Pbiscilla, " Nov. 25, 1664; " Jeremiah Pierson. Ednah Jane, " June 20, 1667; " Timothy Perkins. Richard, " Aug. 6, 1669; " Mary Peabody and Grace Kimball Hepzebath, " Dec. 22, 1671 ; " 1689. Sarah, " Aug. 22, 1673; " Daniel Wroom, .Jr. SIXTH GENERATION, 287 Ohio; m. 3d, Chardon, Dec. 7, 1857, Jerusha, widow of Roswell Fentoii Eaton, neeHazen, b. Grand Isle, Nov. 11, 1807; who d. Chardon, Aug. 13, 1865. lie re- moved from Cape Cod, Mass., to Montpelier, Vt., 1798-9; afterward to North Hero, Vt.; later to Ohio; the birthplaces of liis children indicate places of resi- dence; cooper by trade, but operated a grist mill at Ashtabula, Ohio, seven years. He d. Nov. 7, 1870, buried at Fowler's Mills. Children: 1981.'* William Bassistt, Feb. 17, 1813, Grand Isle. 1982.* Asa, July 2, 1815, North Hero. 1983.* Mary, Dec. 18, 1817, Buffalo, N. Y. 1984.* Sarah, Nov. 1819, Munson, Ohio. 1985.* Harvey David, Oct. 12, 1821, Chardon, Ohio. [uiim. 1986. Harriet, June 3, 1823, '• " d. Aug. 18, 1845. 1987.* Martin Haynes, Aug. 3, 1825, <( [671] ASA HAMBLIN,« (Bro. of Sylvanus.) b. Falmouth, Mass., about 1785; m. in Vermont, about 1810, Mrs. Elizabeth Harvey, nee Stalliker, from Canada, who had by a former husband children named David, Solomon, Anna, Harriet and Polly. His parents moved to Mont- pelier, Vt., 1798-9: whether he went there then is not known. His early life was spent as a sailor about Nantucket; and he went on two whaling voyages for several years as a "'Harpooner." He was 6 feet 4 inches in height, muscular, of great strength, weight 200 pounds, left handed and dark complexion. After his sea life he was a farmer at Grand Isle, Lake Ghamplain, V^t. It is tradi- tional that he was employed by the Americans to report the, movements of the British fleet on Lake Champlain, in the 1812 war, and was the first to discover and report the approach of the fleet. He was an eye witness of the naval fight of Sept., 1814. and boarded the enemy's captured ships. He was active during the war in obtaining and reporting information to the Americans of theenemy's movements. He removed to the Western Reserve, Ohio, about 1820; and lived in Geauga and Astabula counties, Ohio. He removed to Tuscarora Co., 01)io. about LS30, where he d. about 1835; buried at Franklin, Ohio. After his deatli his widow res. with their son Simeon, and d. 1837. This branch of the Ham- lins were tall, muscular and of dark complexion. Ch. b. Grand Isle: 1988.* Lydia, Nov. 9, 1812. 1989.* Simeon, May 30, 1815. 1990.* Sylvanus, about 1818. [672] POLLY HAMBLIN," (Sister of Sylvanus,) d. Grand Island, Vt. Adm. was granted by the Probate Court of Barn- stable Co., Mass., to Solomon Lombard, of Barnstable, Nov. 2, 1805, on the estate of Polly Hamlin, of Montpelier, Vt., dau of Jsaiah Hamblin,— evidently an error,— she was dau. of Barnabas, and sister of Isaiah. [673] SALLY HAMBLIN,« (Sister of Svlvanus, ) m. Andrew,'^ son of Moses and Elizabeth (Merrill) Hazen,* b. May 22, 1764, his third wife. Tliey appear to liave lived at Grand Isle and North Hero, Vt.: Conneaute, Pa.; and Munson, Ohio. The late Henry Allen Hazen, autlicr of an unpublished genealogy of the Hazens, kindly furnished this record. I am * Note 266. Hazen, see note 265. 288 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. not sure that the children given below are all those of Sally Hamblin; perhaps some were by his former wives; she d. Chardon, Ohio. Children: 1991.* Caroline, b. July f>, 1808, Grand Isle. 1992.* William Hamblin, " Jan. 27, 1811, " 1993. Geokgp: Washington, , " Jan. 13, 1813, unm. 1994. Nathan, " Oct. 1814, d. Apr., 1815. 1995.* Harriet, " Jan. 1, 1816, North Hero. 1996. Isaiah, " Mar. 1818, Conneaute: unm. 1997.* Monroe, " Mar. 30, 1822, Munson. 1998. Lois, " Dec. 25, 1823: m. Martin H. Ha [674] RACHAEL HAMBLIN,« (Sister of Sylvanus,) m. Robert Steveson. They res. at one time on the farm of Asa Hamblin, Geneva, Wis., along in the 40's. It is claimed that she had 14 children. She d. at the home of her brother Barnabas, Geneva, 1844. Children: 1999. A Daughter: m. Joel Saulsbury; res. near Geneva. 2000. Robert. 2001. William. 2002. Henry. 2003. Sherman. 2004. Rachael. 2005. Phebe. 2006. Fanny. [6751 WILLIAM HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of Sylvanus,) sailor: d. Grand Isle, Vt., from an injury received in lifting, aged about 19 years. [676] Elder ISAIAH HAMBLIN,6 (Bro. of Sylvanus,) b. Falmouth, Mass., about 1790; m. North Hero, Vt., Nov. 30, 1812, Daphne, dau. of William and (Stoddard) Haynes, b. North Hero, 1797. He was a soldier in the 1812 war, served under Gen. Dearborn, and was wounded at Platts- burg, N. Y. His wife heard the guns of the battle, put her babe, some band- ages and medicines into a boat and rowed twenty miles to the scene of action, in time to see the British flag go down. He res. at Grand Isle, Vt., and after the war engaged in lumbering on the St. Lawrence river, in northern N. Y., where he employed Canadian workmen; living in lumber camps, fitted with rude bunks for sleeping, arranged around an open lire place. Tlie natives often slept with their feet to the fire, to dry and keep them warm; and the "Kanucks " had a trick of putting pitchwood splinters between the toes of the "Yankees," when asleep, then lighting them and burning their feet, for sport. Some of the men were disabled in this way, and Mr. Hamblin was determined to put a stop to it. The " Kanucks " were in the habit of stripping naked to go to bed. Mr. Hamblin went to bed and feigned sleep: when a big " Kanuck " stole softly from his bunk, naked, to reconoitre for a victim; and spying Mr. Hamblin asleep, apparently, with his feet sticking out of the bunk, whispered to his confederates, " La bushwa 1 La bushwa I '' (The boss ! The boss !) and pre- pared the splinters for the fun: but just as he stooped to set them on fire, Mr. SIXTH GENERATION. 289 Hamblin drew back his feet suddenly and kicked the fellow plump in the breast and landed him stark naked upon a l)ed of living- coals of tire: which raised an uproar and turned out the entire cami). 'I'lie man was rescued, but l)adiy burned. Mr. Hamblin regretted the affair, but there were no more feet burned in that cainp. We shall see that this was not the last of the matter. While taking his rafts of lumber down the river the following spring, he ran aground near a settlement, which proved to be the home of the man who was burned in the camp; and while waiting he went ashore with his brother-in law. William Haynes, and a man named Dodge for supplies. A crowd gathered around the place where they were trading, and as they came out of the stoi-e a big fellow grabbed Mr. Hamblin and another did the same to his brother-in-law. telling them in a boisterous way that they must wrestle with them. Hamblin told Mr. Podge to hasten with all speed to the raft with tiio sui)plies, while he and Haynes stopped to settle with the mob: but some of the crowd seeing the pur- pose, made for the raft, and reached it before Dodge. Hamblin and Haynes threw down their assailants and also ran for the raft. When they reached it, Dodge, who was near sighted, with a heavy chain for a weapon was knocking the " Kanucks" right and left, and soon had the craft clear. The raft floated and they were again safe on their journey. He removed to Ohio, and was at Salem and Geauga Co., as early as 1819. where he was sheriff. He also had charge of Fowler's flour mills, and at one time lived at Bainbridge, Ohio. He went to Wisconsin territory, taking his oldest children with him, in 1835, leaving his wife and two younger children behind, Edwin being the yougest, who rejoined him in 18.37. They res. at Spring Prairie. Wis., until 1844: from whence they removed and res. at Ellison, 111., until 184(>; thence to Pottawat- tamie Co., Iowa, and res. there, 1847-9. In the spring of 1850, with some of his descendants they started with an ox team on a long and painful journey across the plains, and arrived at Salt Lake, Utah, Sept. 27, 1850. They settled at Tooele Valley, residing there until 1855: when they removed to what Is now Washington Co., on the Santa Clara. He was a man H feet 6 inches in stature, of mild and even temper: a farmer; Democrat and Freemason. He was natur- ally a pious man and believed in the bible: but did not allow his children to attend church; holding tliat the preachers did not teach in accordance with the scriptures. They were baptized in the Mormon faith in Illinois by their son. Elder Jacob Hamblin, Apr. 11, 1845, believing it to be patterned after the primative church of Christ. He was an Elder and a Patriarch in the Mormon church. He d. Santa Clara, Utah, 1857, and is buried there: she d. Pottawat- tamie Co., Iowa, 1847. Children: * Melissa Daphnk, b. Feb. 1, 1814, North Hero. 2008.* Emily Haynes, " Oct. 31. 181(i, 2009.* Jacob Vernon, "Apr. 2, 1819, Salem, Ohio. 2010.* Olive Haynes, " May 1, 1821, 2011.* Adeline Amakilla, '' vSept. 18, 1823, 2012.* Obed, " Feb. 25, 1826, 2013.* Alson Haynes, " Apr. 28, 1828, 2014.* William Haynes, - Oct. 28, 1830, 2015.* Oscar, " Apr. 4. 1833, 2016.* Edwin, " May 20. 1835. Hainbridgc. Ohio. 2017.* Francis Mahi(»n. " Nov. 27. 1839, Spring Prairie. 2018.* Frederick, •• Feb. 12, 1841, (1 290 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [677] LURANA HAMBLm,6 (Sister of Sylvanus.) d. in Illinois. One Lurana Hamblin m. Jeremiah Wheeler, and had son, named Hamblin Barnabas, b. N. Y. state. Mar. 17, 1824; who m. Aug. 25, 1824, Cadence Emily Hazen of the Ohio family. [678] REUBEN HAMBLIN," (Benjamin, s Reuben,* Elkanah.s James,2i) b. about 1761; m. Rochester, Mass., Aug. 5, 1787, Phebe Parlow, both then of Rochester. Private in Capt. George Dunham's Co , in Col. John Bailey's 2d Mass. Regt.; enlisted for 3 years; return made Mar. 5-22, 1777, by James Hatch, muster master: age, 16: res. Rochester; al^so, in list of men raised to serve in the Cont. army, from Capt. Nathaniel Hammond's Co., in 4th Plymouth Co. Regt., as returned to Col. Ebenezer Sprout, of Middleboro, Mass., Feb, 19, 1778; res. Rochester; and engaged for that town; joined Capt. Isaac Pope's Co., in Col. Shepard's Regt., for 3 years or during the war: also, private in 8th Co., in Col. John Bailey's 2d Mass. Regt. Cont. army, his pay account for service from Mar. 17, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; also, a certificate of Adam Bailey, paymaster, dated Boston, June 10, 1779, states that he joined Col. John Bayley's Regt. before Aug. 15, 1777, and had not been absence since, except on furlough; also, private in Capt. Adam Bailey's Co., in Col. John Bailey's 2d Mass. Regt. (Com- manded after Jan. 1, 1781, by Lt-Col. Sprout,) from Jan. 1, 1780 to Jan. 1, 1782: also, in a descriptive list of tlie Co., dated Jan. 10, 1781, his age is given, 19 years; stature, 5 feet; 6 inches; light hair and complexion; birthplace and res. Sandwich. Both d. Rochester; he Dec. 9, 1798; she Mar. 30, 1802. Ch. b. Rocliester: 2019.* Reuben, Apr. 25, 1788. 2020.* Nathaniel, Dec. 27, 1791. 2021. Hope, Dec. 15, 1793; d. unm. 2022. Elkanah, " aged about 4 years. 2023.* Dkusilla, Feb. 19, 1795. 2024.* Elkanah, Feb. 12, 1798. [680] ELKANAH HAMBLIN," ( Bro. of Reuben,) b. about 1765; m. Wealthy Jenney; farmer and perhaps mariner; Rochester, Mass.; private in Lieut. Nathaniel Pope's Co., later Lieut. Joseph Damon's Co., in Col. John Hatha way's 2d Bristol Co. Regt.; enlisted Aug. 3, 1780; served on alarm at Rhode Island; dis. Aug. 9, 1780; also in Capt. Henry Jenne's Co.; which marched to Rhode Island; enlisted Mar. 14, 1781; dis. Mar. 18, 1781: also, in list of men raised in Bristol Co. to serve in the Continental army, as returned by James Williams, Supt. for that Co., dated Taunton; also, in discriptive list of men raised agreeable to Resolve of Dec. 2, 1780, returned as received by James Burt at Taunton, April 18, 1781, to be con ducted to Springfield and deliv- ered to Col. Shepard; age, 16 years: stature, 5 feet 31 inches; complexion, liglit: laborer: engaged for Dartmouth for three years: also, private in Capt. Abel Holden's Co., later in Mason Wattles' Co., in Lt.-Col. Calvin Smith's 6th Mass. Regt.; wages allowed Jan. -Dec, 1782, 12 mos. He was lost at sea about 1799. Children: 2025. Parmelia, M. Reuben Hamblin. ^ 2026. Hope, b. Dec. 1794, d. Rochester, Mar. 13, 1872, unm. 2027. Benjamin, " 1799, " " May 18, 1848, " SIXTH GENERATION 291 [(i82 ] BP^NJAMIX HOWLAND," ( Abigail Hamblin,^ Reuben.^ Elkanah,3 James.-'i) b. Sandwich, Mass., Jan. 3, 17()7; m. Elizabeth Allen;* mariner; Athens, N. Y; mem. Reformed Dutch Ch. He d. at sea, 1799. Children: 2028. Jambs, Settled in Penn. 2029. Daniel, Supposed to have been killed by Indians, 1820. 2030.* Benjamin Allen, b. Feb. 22, 1793. 2031. Ebenezeu, '' 1795. 2032. Susannah, " 1797. 2033. Lemuel. [683] NATHANIEL ROWLAND," (Bro. of Benjamin,) b. Sandwich, Mass., June 17, 1769; m. Jan. 11, 1792, Mercy Fish,t of Sand- wich; house builder; removed to Athens, N. Y., 1801. He died Mar. 6, 1831. Cliildren: 2034. Justus, b. Aug. 31, 1793, S ind\^ 2035. Watson, July 15, 1795. u 2036.* Susannah, Dec. 11, 1797, a 2037.* Sabra J. Aug. 27, 1800, a 2038. Sally Ann, Apr. 10, 1804, A the 2039. Darius, July 13, 1806, ;( 2040.* George W., JVlay 9, 1808, u 2041.* NathanielW , July 12, 1810, <( 2042. Clarissa. Athens; lived and died there. [684] BETSEY ROWLAND," (Sister of Benjamin,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Oct. 4, 1773: m. there, Chipman Fish.f b. Sandwich, May 29, 1771; farmer; Sandwich; Cong. Both d. Sandwich; she, Feb. 16, 1846; he, Nov. 13, 1845. Ch. b. Sandwich: / 2043.* Caroline, July 9, 1792. 2044.* Lewin, July, 15, 1794. 2045.* Ellis H., Sept. 21, 1797. 2046.* BENJA3IIN, Apr. 11. 1800. 2047.* Clarissa, Feb. 9, 1802, 2048.* Susanna, Aug. 5, 1804. 2049. Nathaniel, Oct. 7, 1806: d. young 2050.* Abigail, Jun. 20, 1811. 2051.* Chipman, Feb. 25, 1814. 2052.* Elizabeth H., July 9, 1818. [686] SARAH ROWLAND," fSister of Benjamin,) b. Sandwich, Mass., May 3, 1777: m. there, Calvin, son of Joseph and iriarali (Adams) Goodspeed,J b. Barnstable, Mass., 1765; farmer; Sandwich; Cong. Both d. Sandwich; she, Oct. 1863; he, 1846. * Note 267. GEORGE ALLEN, settled In Sandwich, Mass., 16.17-41; Francis, George, .Tr., Matthew, Ralph and Samuel Allen, also, res. there, as early as 1643. t Note 268. For Fish see note 54. * Note 269. For Goodspeed, see note M. 292 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. 2053. 2054. 2055.* 2056. 2057.* 2058. 2059.* 2060.* Ch. b. Sandwich: Justus Rowland, Lemuel, Sarah Adams, Nabby Hamblen. Elizabeth, Chloe Croavell, Judith H., Charles S., May (i, 1802: d. 1822. May 30, 1804, " 1805. Nov. 1, 1805. Sept. 13. 1807, " 1826. Feb. 14. 1811. June 17, 1812, m. Benjamin Fish Sept. 18, 1814. Sept. 18, 1818. [687J EBEN HOWLAND," (Bro. of Benjamin,) b. Sandwich, Mass., May 10, 1780; m. Dec. 21, 1808, Fear, dau. of Lot and Chloe (Handy) Crowell,* b. Feb. 14, 1788: carpenter; Sandwich: soldier 1812 war; Congs. Both d. Sandwich; lie Mar. 8, 1869; she, Feb. 14, 1853. Ch. b. Sandwich: 2061. 2062. 2063.* 2064. 2065.* 2066.* 2067.* 2068.* 2069. Chloe C, Solomon C, Solomon Croavell, Chloe Ann C, Edward Barnwell, Eliza Crowell, Gust A V us, Thomas Howes Tobey, Emily C., Apr. June Sept. Nov. Feb. 21, 1810: d. Aug. 3, 1811. 22, 1812: " Nov. 12, 1812. 5, 1813. 17, 1815. 22, 1818. March 20, 1820. June 20, 1823. Jan. 29, 1826. Oct Mar. 3, 1816. 21, 1828; unm. 1896. [688] DIADAMA HOWLAND,6 (Sister of Benjamin,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Sept. 19, 1782; m. there, 1801, Dr. Charles, son of Isaac and Ann (Jenkinsf) Goodspeed,t b. Barnstable, July, 1769; Universalists. Slie d. Broolvlyn, N. Y., 1856; he d. Sandwich, Mass., 1851. Children: 2070. Philander, 2071. Galen, 2072.* Charles, 2073.* Harriet, 2074. A Child, 2075.* Julia A. J., 2076.* Franklin, 2077. Benjamin, 2078. Mary', 2079. Arthur, 2g80. Susan, 2081. Caroline, 2082. Arethusia, b. May 28, 1802, Sandwich: d. in infancy. " "at sea, unm. d. in infancy. " Feb. 3, 1803, " May 22, 1804, " •' Aug. 26, 1806, " Apr. 17, 1807, " July 9, 1808, " Jan. 6, 1811, " Aug. 23, 1813, Hyannis; d. at sea, unm. " Aug. 9, 1816, " m. Nickerson. " Feb. 9; 1818, " res. Hoboken, N. Y, " Apr. 15, 1830, Athens, m. James Hinckley, " May 17, 1822, Hyannis. " Apr. 15, 1824, m. — Bearse: she d. 1872. * Note 270. LOT CROWELL. son of John, b. July :i], 1748; m. Falmouth, Mass., Feb. 12, 1773, Cbloe Handy; res. Falmouth. See note 52. t Note 271. For Jenkins see note 8. ? Note 272. For Goodspeed see note 30. SIXTH GENERATION. 293 [689] BETHANIA ROWLAND," (Sister of Beajaniin,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Aug. 15, 1786; m. Ancel Fish,* liis 2d wife; lie in. 1st, Temperance Lovell; shipwright: Sandwich. Both d. Sandwicli. Ch. b. Sandwich: m. Ephraim Percival, of Farmersville, Mass. " Ezra Coleman. *' — — Lapham. 2083. Eliza, 2084. Emily, 2085. Dbrinda. 2086. Nathaniel, 2087. Andrew, 2088. TUYPHOSIA, (< went to California. Hinckley, of Middleboro, Mass. [690] Capt. BENJAMIN HAMBLIN,^ (Lemuel,^ Reuben,* Elkanah,^ James,'!) b. Sandwich, Mass.. Jan. 11, 1769; ra. Falmouth, Mass., Apr. 4, 1790, Abigail," dau. of Caleb and Content (Fish) Hamlin, b. Falmouth, 1768: far- mer: Snake Pond, Sandwich; Capt. of militia, an elegant officer and proud of the appearance and drill of his men. In the 1812 war his command was marched to Falmouth to prevent the landingof the British and to defend the shipping: his sword, which he prized, was kept as long as he lived. A stranger once called at his house and inquired for Capt. Hamblin. The old gentleman replied that he. was the man; but the caller stated that it was his son, a sea captain, whom he sought. The old man, who was fond of liquor and had taken a drink, replied that he was the only C'apfairt Hamblin on the place, and there would bene other while he lived. He was a sportsman, fond of shooting, and a game of football at the age of sixty. She was called "Aunt Nabby," a kind, gentle lady, with a smile and good word for every one. Methodist. He died at the home of his dau., Christina, West Falmouth, Feb. 23, 1850, buried Snake Pond; she d. Sandwich. June 7, 1837. Ch. b. Sandwich: Dec. 22, 1789. Dec. 10, 1793. Aug. 18, 1796. Oct. 30, 1798. Mar. 11, 1800;drown'daroundCapeHorn.vmm. Sept. 17, 1804; d. at sea about 1824, unm. May 15, 1807; m. Asa Bartlett. Aug. 30, 1813. [692] REBECCA HAMBLIN/' (Sister of Benjamin,) b. Sandwich, Mass., June 15, 1773; m. there, by Rev. Jonathan Burr, Oct. 15, 1797, Capt. Josiah Eldredge,t b. Chatham, Mass., Mar. 4, 1770: brother to Ephraim Eldridge, who m. her sister Mary Hamblin; mariner in early life: Sandwich, removed to Wood's Hole. She Cong. Both d. Wood's Hole: slii' May 3, 1854; he Nov. 2, 1828. * Note 273, For Pish see note 54. + Note 274. For Eldridge see note 90. 2089.* Elizabeth, 2090.* Caleb, 2091.* Thomas, 2092.* Benjamin, 2093. Thachek, 2094. Elias, 2095. Abigail, 2096.* Christina B., 294 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. I Ch. b. Sandwich: 2097.* Delilah, Oct. 15, 1798. 2098.* Lemuel Hamblin, July 14, 1800. ^099. Cyrena, Mar. 2, 1802; d. Dec. 4, 1804. 2100.* JosiAH Lloyd, July 29, 1805. 2101.* Mahalia, Sept. 17, 1809. 2102.* Zenas Fish, Feb. 24, 1812. 2103. Henry Lincoln, Dec. 4, 1814; d. Dec. 26, 1814. 2104. Jonathan Burr, Dec. 4, 1814; " Dec. 27, 1814. [693] Cai-t. ELLIS HAMBLIN," (Bro. of Benjarnin,) b. SaQQwich, Mass., 1776; m. there by Rev. Jonathan Burr, Mar. 25, 1795, Lucy,« dau. of Joseph and Sarah^ (Adams*) Goodspeed,t b. Barnstable; mariner; Sandwich; he d. Sandwich, 1825: she was published, Barnstable, Apr, 8, 1826, to be married to Timothy Hinckley; she d. New Bedford, Mass., 1845, aged about 70, while on a visit to her son Joseph. Ch. b. Sandwich: 2105. Joseph, Aug. 30, 1795. 2106.* Rebecca, Oct. 11, 1797. 2107.* Sarah G., Feb. 22, 1800. 2108.* Joseph, Jan. 6, 1803. 2109.* George W., Dec. 19, 1804. 2110.* JosiAH E., Oct. 1, 1811. [694] LEMUEL HAMBLIN,6 (Bro. of Benjamin,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Oct. 4, 1779; m. Delila, dau. of Sylvia and Lucretia (Phinneyi) Fish,g b. Sandwich, Feb. 9, 1779; res. Sandwich. Both d. Sandwich: he Sept. 23, 1837; she, 1839. Ch. b. Sandwich: 2111.* AiNswoRTH Fish, Mar. 20, 1803. 2112. Cyrene E., Feb. 25, 1805; d. Aug, 17, 1807 2113. Hariot. Jan. 11, 1807; u Oct. 11, 1807 2114.* Cyrene E., July 25, 1808. 2115.* Thomas Fish, Aug. 23, 1810. 2116.* Abigail C, Nov. 12, 1812. 2117.* Harriet Newell, Feb. 14, 1815. 2118. Delila Eldridge, July 25, 1817; d. Oct, 17, 1839. 2119.* Simeon Fish, Apr. 3, 1819. [695] REUBEN HAMBLIN,'' (Bro. of Benjamin,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Mar. 31, 1781. The records of Sandwich show the mar- riage of Reuben Hamblin and Lydia Fish,§ both of Sandwich, by Rev. Jonathan Burr, Oct. 5, 1803; she b. Sandwich, Oct. 24, 1784; res. Sandwich. He. d. Fal- mouth, Nov. 29, 1821. Ch. b. Sandwich: 2120.* Simeon Fish, Nov. 8, 1803. 2121. Dorcas, Dec. 1, 1805; m. Capt. Lemuel H. Eldredge.^ 2122. Reuben, Aug. 16, 1808; d, young. * Note 275. SARAH ADAMS.s (Thomas,* Edward.s 2 Henry.i) " + For Goodspeed see note 30. t Note 276. For Phinney see note 189. § Note 277. For Fish see note 34. SIXTH GENERATION. 295 [696] MARY HAMBLIN,« (Sister of Benjamin,) b. Sandwich, Mass., 1784; m. there, by Rev. Jonathan Burr, Oct. 5, 1803, Ephraim Eldridge,* bro. of Capt. Josiah Eldridge, who m. her sister, Rebecca Hamlin. Ch. b. Sandwich: 2123.* Hervey, Jan. 23, 1805. 2124.* Lucy Hamblin, Aug. 20, 1808. 2125. Ephraim, June 25, 1811. 2126.* Ow^EN, Mar. 10, 1813. [697]. Dea. THOMAS HAMBLEN,6 (Thomas,^ Reuben,* Elkanah," James, 2 1) b. Sandwich, Mass., Aug. 14, 1775; m. there by Rev. Jonathan Burr, Sept. 28, 1798, Sylvia, dau. of Peleg and Sarah (Bursleyt) Nye, J b. Sandwich, Sept. 28, 1797; tanner; afterwards farmer; Sandwich: Gongs. Both died Sandwich; he. May 4, 1855; she. Mar. 11, 1856. Ch. b. Sandwich: 2127.* Joseph, Jan. 27, 1799. 2128.* Asa, Jan. 13, 1801. 2129.* Olive Nye, June 30, 1803. 2130.* Thomas, Dec. 24, 1805. 2131.* Eliza Latimer, July 24, 1808. 2132. Sylvia, Jan. 16, 1811; d. Nov. 26, 1832, unm. 2133. Charles H., Sept. 11, 1813, " May 27, 1841, " 2134.* William, May 10, 1818. [701] JOHN HAMBLIN,6 (John.s* Elkanah,^ James,^ i) b. Barnstable, Mass., bap. Apr. 27, 1774; m. 1st, there, 1795, Sarah Croclver,§ who d. Dec. 4, 1817; 2d, pub. Barnstable, Mar. 24, 1820, to be married to Chloe Chamberlin. The wife of one John Hamblin d. Barnstable, 1830; m. 3d, Barn- stable, Dec. 20, 1839, Temperance rish;l| res. Newton, Mass. He d. Barnstable, April 25, 1863. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Barnstable: 2135.* Ansel, Aug. 21, 1797. 2136. Elizabeth, Feb. 14, 1801; d. Dec. 3, 1817. 2137.* Zenas, July 30, 1805. 2138. Olive Crocker, Aug. 12, 1807; m. Reuben Hamblen. 2139.* Thomas Crocker, Dec. 19, 1809. * For Eldridge see note 90. + For Bursley see note 89. * For Nye see note 34. § For Crocker see notes 35, 39 and 78. II For Fish see notes 54 and 190, SEVENTH GENERATION. [705] Capt. PRENTISS SCUDDER/ (Lot,6 Samuel,^ Ebenezer,* Elibabeth Hamlin, 3 James,2i) b. Barnstable, Mass., Sept. 14, ] 797; m. May 5, 1822, Lucinda, dau. of David and Desire (Gage) Scudder, b. Barnstable, Oct 20, 1797; master mariner; she Baptist; be d. Nov. 17, 1828; she d. Barnstable, Jan. 4, 1877. Ch. b. Barnstable: 2140.* Prentiss William, July 21, 1828. [713] ISAAC SCUDDER,' (Ebenezer," 5* Elizabeth Hamlin, s James,2i} b. Barnstable, Mass., Sept. 22, 1798; m. 1st, Content Phinney:* m. 2d, Susan; Lewis:t both d. Barnstable; he, Sept. 22, 1847; she, Jan. 4, 1835. Ch. b. Barnstable: 2141. Ebenezer, Sept. 19, 1832: d. Mar. 3, 18.36. 2142. A Daughter, m. Freeman Crocker; res. San Diego, Cal. 2143. Emma, " Howland. 2144. William, res. Providence, R. I. [714] PHILANDER SCUDDER,^ (Bro. of Isaac,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Dec. 20, 1800; m. there, Jan. 15, 1829, Jane Otis.J Ch. b. Barnstable: Mar. 3, 1833; d. Sept. 15, 1833. Dec. 7, 18.33, " June 3, 1836. Oct. 5, 1837, " Feb. 16, 1838. Apr. 20, 1841, " Aug. 16, 1841. * For Phinney see note 189. + For Lewis see notes 10 and 12. * Note 281. Gen. JOHN OTIS,i b. Barnstaple, Eng., 1381; came to Hin^ham, Mass., 1635, JOHN 0TIS,2 b. England, 1620; came with his father to Hingham, 1635; thence to Scitu- ate; thence to Barnstable; returned to Scituate. JOHN OTIS,3 of Barnstable, Mass. Col. JOHN OTIS,* a gentleman "of distinguished talents, of powerful wit, great affa- bility, sagacity, prudence and piety;" resided Barnstable, Mass.; representative 20 years; commander of county militia 18 years; member of his magesty's council 21 years. Children: 2145. Louisa, 2146. Abigail R., 2147. Henry, 2148. Otis, Mary, b. Dec. 10, 1685. John, " Jan. 14, 1687. Nathaniel, " July 18, 1690; m. Russell. Meecy, " Oct. 15, 1693, '■ Gen. James Warren, Solomon, " Oct. 13, 1696. James, " June U, 1702, " Mary Allyne. SEVENTH GENERATION. 29- [716] BENJAMIN FRANKLIN SCUDDEKv (Bio. of Isaac) b. Barnstable, Mass., Mar. 22. Iso;}; m. there, Sept. 13, IS4.). Marcia l\ I Lovell.* He. d. Barnstable, Apr. 7. 1876. j [717] ALONZO SCUDDER,' (Bro. of Isaac,) b. Barnstable, Mass.; m. and had two daughters; one of whom m., but had no issue. [720] Capt. OLIVER SCUDDER,' (Isaiah," Ebenezer,'"^ Elizabeth Hamhn,:' James,'!) h. Barnstable, Mass., Oct. 27, 1796: m. there, Oct. 31, 1817, Chalana. dau. of ^— and Abigail (Kelley) Lombard, t b. Barnstable, P'eb. 12. 1798; master mariner: Barnstable. He was lost at sea from Sch. War- rior, Apr. 9, 1831: .she d. Taunton, Mass.. Aug. 12. 1884. Ch. b. Barnstable: Fkedekick Cl'arrington, Apr. 25, 1819. Alexander, Dec. 4, 1821. Oliver Sidney, Apr. 24, 1827: d. .May 19. 1827. E3IILY Frances, Oct. 7, 1828: " Nov. 4, 1828. Emily Oliver, Feb. 3, 1831. 2149.* 2150.* 2151. 2152. 2153.* [721] LYDIA ISHAM SCUDDER,' (Sister of Oliver,) b. Barnstable, Mass., April 8, 1798; m. there, Dec. 8, 1816, Capt. John Lovell, b. Osterville, Mass., Aug. 11, 1793; master mariner; Osterville, after marriage; Cong.; she d. Osterville, Mar. 16, 1845: he, Sept. 12, 1840^. Ch. b. Osterville: "- 2154. 21.55.* 2156. 2157.* 2158.* 2159. 2160. 2161.* 2162. 2163.* Nelson Augtjstine, Aug. Russell, Mar. AURILLA, Oct. Mary Scudder, July Horace Sexton, .Sept. Velina, Nov. Oliver Scudder, Oct. Velina, Dec. Charles Gilbert, Dec. Edward Mansfield, Nov. 25, 1810; d. Jan, 10, 1843, unm. 24, 1821. 2, 1823. 9, 1825. 7, 1827. 26, 1829: d. June 21, 1831. 5, 1831; " May, 17, 1850, unm. 6, 1833. 13, 1835: d. Aug. 25,1896, unm. 30, 1837. [722] LUCY SCUDDER,' (Sister of Oliver,) b. Osterville, Mass., April 30, 1800; m. there, Jan. 27, 1822, Charles, son of William and Jane (Cammet) Phinney,! b. Centreville, Mass., Dec. 17, 1798; ship carpenter: Centreville: Whig. Both d. Centreville; she, June 11. 1892: he. Jan. 21, 1856. Ch. b. Centreville: 2164.* Asa Scudder, Jan. 4, 1823. 2165.* Emily, Dec. 19, 1824. 2166.* Joseph, Dec. 18, 1828. 2167.* Lydia Scudder. June 20, 1831. 2168.* Julia Franklin, Sept. •J 1837. * For Lovell see note 138. + For Lombard see note 43. * For Phinney see note 189. 298 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [723] ALBERT SCUDDER,- (Bro. of Oliver,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Sept. 10,1802: m. Oentreville, Mass., Feb. 23, 1832, Asenatli Lewis, dau. of John and Hannah (Lewis*) Richardson, b. Centreville, Feb. 12, 1806; mariner; Osterville before marriage; afterwards Centreville; she Cong. He d. Boston, Mass., June 4, 1861; she d. Centreville, Mar. 19, 1895. Ch. b. Centreville: 2169.* Margaret, Nov. ") 1832. 2170. William R., July 19, 1835: d. Sept. 28, 1839 2171.* Ferdinand. Dec. 23, 1836. 2172. Hannah R., Sept. 1839: unm. 1902. 2173.* Mary Jane, Dec. 25, 1^43. 2174.* Albert. Nov, 21, 1846. 2175. Isaiah, Sept. 14, 1850; d. Mar. 25, 1866. [724] MARY SCUDDER,7 (Sistfer of Oliver,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Sept. 13, 1801; m. Sept., 1826, Capt. Zenas, son of Clement and Sally (Adams) Marston.t b. June 28, 1802; master mariner; Mars- ton's Mills and Hyannisport, Mass.; Democrat; member of Fraternal Lodge, A. F. & A. M. She d. Hyannisport, Mass., Mar. 23, 1878; he d. Dec, 1885. Ch. b. Osterville: 2176. A Son, d. in infancy. 2177. Sarah, " aged 7 mos. 2178. Charlotte, " aged 20 mos. * For Lewis see note 10. + Note 282. JOHN MARSTON.i came from Ormsby, Norfolk, England, with wife Alice, to Salem, Mass., 16:^7. JOHN MARSTON.2 BENJAMIN MARTIN,3 b. Salem, Mass., before 1700; ui. Apr. 36, 1716, Elizabeth Goodspeed. He is said to have come from Taunton to Barnstable. 1716. and was first of the name in Barn- stable, where he received from the town, 1738, milling privileges at what is now Marston's Mills, and devoted himself to dressing cloth, etc., where he d. 17B9; she d. 1774. Ch. b. Marston's Mills: John, Feb. 25, 1717. Patience, Jan. 1, 1720. Benjamin, Jan. 3, 1725. Nymphas, Feb. 12, 1728. Ltdia, Mar. 17^1. Prince, Mar. 24, 1736. John, Dec. 3, 1740. PRINCE MARSTON,* b. Marston's Milts. Mar. 24. 1736: m. July 31, 17.J7, Sarah Winslow. Ch. b. Marston's Mills: Isaiah. Nymphas. WiNSLOW; m. Elizabeth Blish,6 John. Benjamin ; m. Rebecca . Prince. Lydia. benjamin MARSTON.ft b. Marston's Mills; m. Rebecca . Children: Allen. Clement. Rebecca. Susan. Patience. SEVENTH GENERATION. 299 [725] SOPHIA SCUDDERJ (Sister of Oliver,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Nov. 12, 18()ti; in. there, Feb. 22, 1827, Wilson Hinck- ley,* b. Barnstable, Sept. 25, 1804; sailor: she cl. Barnstable, May 21, ISoO: he Mar. 5, 1858. Children: 217!>. A Son, b. Sept. 14, 1829: d. same day. 2180. Ellen, •' Mar. 31, 1831, " .Tun. 19, 18;U. 2181. Susan, " Oct. 7, 1832, " Nov. 10, 1850. 2182. Sophia Wilson, " Aug. 19, 1835, " Aug. 26, 1835. 2183. Wallace, " Oct. 24, 1836, " Oct. 24, 1852. 2184. Zenas Marston. " July 1, 1841, " Oct. 8, 1841. 2185.* Sophia Wilson, " Nov. 2(5, 1842. [728] ALFRED SCUDDER,- (Brother of Oliver,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Sept. 6, 1813: in. 1st, Sarah Handy; m.2d, Eliza Bearse.f He d. Nantucket; she d. Birnstable, Nov. 5, 1873. Ch. b. Barnstable: 218(). Ella, Nov. 1, 1841: d. May 3, 1843. 218T. GusTAVUs, Aug. 30, 1844; res. Cotuit, Mass. 729] ABIGAIL SCUDDER.- (Sister of Oliver,) b. Barnstable, Mass., July 17, 1817: m. 1st, Jo.seph W. Crowelhi m. 2d, Everander White. She d. West Yarmouth. Child: 2188. Thomas P. [734] Capt. nelson SCUDDER," (Asa,* Ebenezer,-^* Elizabeth Ham- lin,'' James,2i) b. Barnstable, Mass., Mar. 30, 1811; m. Abigail, dan. of John Bassett,^ b.Barnstable; master mariner; merchant; Barnstable. He had a store with his brother Daniel, and they were also engaged in Fishery; Republican Red. Barnstable, March 19, 1887; she d. Barnstable, Feb. 2, 1881, aged 69 years, 6 mos., 10 days. Ch. b. Barnstable: 2189. Eliza Ann, Sept. 14, 1835; d. Sept. 15, 1883, unm. 2190.* Sarah Abby, Feb. 24, 1838. ALLEN MARST0N;6 m. Hannah Puller. Children: Rebecca, d. young. Benjamin, " " SoPHRONiA. b. Feb. 26, 1803; m. Charles Goodspeed, Feb. 22, 1833. Abby, d. young. Akt>en, " Cynthia F., m. Capt. Josiali E. Hamlin. Hannah, ' .John Freeman. Lydia, d. young. Abby, m. Capt. William Snow. Rebecca, " George Orpin. * For Hinckley see notes 31, 81 and 85. t For Bearse see note 15. $ For Crowell see note 52. 8 For Bassett see note 130. IT, 1838. 17, 1842. 20, 1850, «. 1853 300 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [735] DANIEL SCUDDER,^ (Bio. of Nelson,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Oct. 27, 1813: iii. there, Jan, 19, 1837, Betliiah, dau. of] James and Susannah (Davis*) Smith, b. Barnstable, May 26, 1813: merchant: Barnstable: lived near Coggins' Pond; Treasurer Savings Bank, Barnstable; he also lived a few j'ears at Nantucket, Mass.: Republican; member of Hyannis Lodge A. F. & A. M.; Congs. He d. Barnstable May 22, 1881; she d. Brookline, Mass., Jan. 12, 1884. Ch. b. Barnstable: 2191.* Mary F., Dec. 2192.* Daistiel, Aug. 2193.* Lizzie, June 2194.* Ella Delap, June [748] PUELLA LOVELL SCUDDER,^ (Josiah," Ebenezer.^* Elizabeth, Hamlin, 3 James,-!) b. Barnstable, Ma.ss., Dec. 3, 1800; m. George Hinckley:t salt manf., Osterville. Bothd. Barnstable; she, Aug. 30, 1885: he, Jan. 17. 1871. Ch. b. Barnstable: 2195. Hakkiet Lovell, May 13, 1821. 2196. Julia Ellen, Aug. 20. 1823. [749] JOSIAH SCUDDER,- (Bro. of Puella L.,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Feb. 12, 1802; m. 1st, Sophronia Howes.t who d. Barn- stable, July 25, 1846: m. 2d, Barnstable, Apr. 12, 1847, Augusta Hinckley :t mer- chant; Osterville, Mass.; Methodist: she res. Osterville; he d. Barnstable, Dec. 29, 1877. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Barnstable: Jun. 28, 1824;' d. July 26, 1825. Nov. 26, 1825. Jun. 3, 1827; d. Aug. 18, 1828. Feb. 5, 1829. Dec. 26,1830: ra.Capt. Horace S. Lovell.* Mar. 19, 1833. Jan. 28, 1835; d. Apr. 8, 1840. Feb. 3, 1837, " Apr. 15, 1851. Feb. 11, 1839, " May 3, 1864. Aug. 24, 1842. * For Davis see notes 4, 17, 42 and 169. + For Hinckley see notes 31, 81 and 85. t Note 283. THOMAS HOWES.i came from Great Yarmouth, or some part of Norfolk county, England, to Salem, Mass., 1035. He was the associate of Anthony Thatcher and John Crowe; took up his abode at Nobscussett (Dennis), Mass., 1639, and built his house at New Bos- ton brook; wife Mary. Their descendants are numerous. He d. 1665. Children : Joseph. Thomas. Jeremiah. SAMUEL HOWES,! or House, prob. came over 16;{4, and settled in Scituate; freeman, Jan. 1, 1634-5; removed to Barnstable, 1639, but did not remain long; was a resident of Cam- bridge, Mass., 1642, but returned to Scituate, 1646. He was brother-in-law of Rev. John Loth- rop, of Barnstable, ship carpenter. He d. Scituate, 1661. Children : Elizabeth, b. Scituate; bap. Oct. 23, 1036. SAMnEL, " " m. Rebscca Nichols. Sarah, " Barnstable; bap. Aug. 1, 1642. John, " Dec. 6, 1642, Cambridge. 2197. AxsEL Howes, 2198.* Rose Delap, 2199. Isabella, 2200. Martha, 2201. Sarah Crowell 2202. Freeman L., 2203. Persis C., 2204. Josiah p., 2205. Joseph C., 2206. Persis C, SEVENTH GENERATION. 301 By 2d wife, b. Barnstable: 2207. SoPHRONiA Augusta, Apr. 21. 1848: d. Feb. O, 185.5. 2208. Helen H., .Tan. 8, 1850. 2209. JosiAH P., Apr. 3, 1852. 2210. Charles N., .Jan. 8, 1858. [750] FREEMAN LOVELL SCUDDER,' ( Bro. of Puella L.,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Mar. 16, 1805: m. there, Jan. 3, 1827, Elizabeth Hinckley;* merchant: Osterville. Both d. Barnstable; he, Dec. 3, 1832; she. Mar. 1, 1829, aged 21. Ch. b. Barnstable: 2211. Elizabeth F,, Feb. l(j, 1829. [751] Hon. ZENO SCUDDER." (Bro. of Puella L.,) b. Osterville. Mass., 1807. In early lile he followed the sea, and afterwards engaged in raercantile pursuits. Before his majority, on account of lameness, he was induced to study medicine; finding his disability an impediment to the practice of his profession, he applied himself to the study of law: took a course of legal study at Cambridge Law School, and was admitted to the bar, 183 Ebene/er.< »i Ixujrer.i) m. Abigail Crocker. He commanded a packet, and res. Marston'.s Mills. Children: Charles, m. Sophronia Mai-ston. Nancy. • Charles Marston. Mary. • Capt. Charles Tobey. T For Tobey see note ITl. 302 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. b. 1822. He went to sea for a year: returned and attended school at Hyannis Academy; taught school; graduated Yale College, 1842; studied law at Cam- bridge, admitted to the Suffolk bar, 1844: practiced law in Boston, where his ability was soon recognized. Resided Dorchester, Mass.: member of the Mas- sachusetts Legislature, 1861-2-3; was a member of the National Convention which nominated' Abraham Lincoln for re-election, and supported him with ardor. In 186f> he was appointed Justice of the Supreme Court of Massachu- setts, acquiring a high i-eputation, which bid fair to early advancement in the i^^S! ■ 1 ■ ■I ^^^Hh 'M ■^A i liw I^^H ^^^ l^ m ^ ilV mm m ma m mmm Hon. Henry Austin Scudder. judiciaiy; but ill health in 1872 compelled his resignation, and a prolonged absence in Europe followed. In 1882 the office of Judge of Probate and Insol- vency was tendered him and declined. His summer home was at Marston's Mills, near his native place, and his winters were spent in Washington, 1). C- Both d. Barnstable: he, Jan., 1892; she, 1893. No issue. [755] CAROLINE SCUDDER,^ (James D.,^ Ebenezer.f^" Elizabeth Hamlin, 3 James,-i) b. Barnstable, Mass., May 7, 1806; m. there, Jan. 17, 1828, Prentiss Kelley. He d. Barnstable. April 11, 1880, aged 76 years, 9 mos„ 8 davs. SEVENTH GENERATION. 303 Ch. b. Barnstable: 2215. Eosjfi Delap, July 17, 1829. 2210. Caroline, July 12, 1881; d. Apr. 18 1834. 2217. Caroline Prentiss, July 17, 1834; " Sept. 22, 18«7. 2218. ZoNoS., Jun. 27, 1836; killed JerseyCity,Aug.l9,18^4 2219. Henry, Sept. 15, 1838. 2220. Jambs Delap, Oct, 21, 1840. 2221. Hannah S., Apr. 27, 1844. 2222. Alex. Russell, Dec. 21, 1846. [764] CHARLES SCUDDER,^ (David,« Eleazer,^ Ebenezer,* Elizal^eth Hamlin, 3 James,^!) b. Hyannis, Mass., June 5, 1789: m. 1st, by Rev. Stetson Raymond, prob. Boston, Mass., July 2, 1817, Fear, dau. of Hon. Richard and Mehitable (Marshall) Sears,* b. Chatham, .Mass., Nov. 24, 1788; who d. Boston. Aug. 8, 1822; m. 2d, Oct. 27, 1823, Jane, dau. of Gilbert and Jane (Jones) Mar- shall, b. Framingham, Mass., Oct. 17, 1796, a cousin of 1st wife; who d. Boston, * Note 285. For Sears see note 7. Capt. DANIEL SEARS.s (Paul, a Richard,i) b. Yar- mouth, Mass., lt)S2-3; m. there, Feb. 13. 1708-9, Sarah, dau. of Samuel Howes, b. there, 16S.5; great granddaughter of Thomas Howes (see note S2). He purchased land at IManamoy. now Chatham, 1707; town clerk 1714-21 and 1725; selectman 1719-30; en.slgn 17.22; later captain. Both d. Chatham; he Aug. 10, 1736; she, Nov. 9, 1748. Ch. b. Chatham: Rebecca, Mar. 19,1710-1; m. Thomas Howes. Daniel, .Tun. 1, 1713, " Fear Freeman. Sarah, Apr. 11, 1714, " Joshua Atkins. Mercy. .July 17, 1716. " Stephen Ryder. Richard. Apr. 26, 1718: d. 1746. David, Apr. 20, 17:20, " 1746. Deborah. Oct. 13,1722; m. .Joseph Atwood. DANIEL SEARS.i b. Chatham, .June 1, 1712; m. Harwich, Mass., Oct. 31, 1745, Fear, dau. of Benjamin and Temperance (Dimmick) Freeman, b. Mar. 23, 1721-2. He lived in Chatham in the house built by his father, taken down, 1863; coroner, 1751 ; town clerk and treasurer, 17:t3-54; selectman, 1756-7; Lieut, in militia; he was adjudged ■ non compos." Feb. 10, 1738, and his wife app. guardian; he d. Chatham, Jan 10, 1761; his widow m. Nov. J, 1793. Samuel Ballard, of Bos- ton ; and d. there, 1808. ;ham : m. William Ballard. " Mehitable Marshall. " Ann Winthrop. " William Coleman, d. unm. Nov.. 1814. Hon. RICHARARD SEARS,^ b. Chatham. Jan. 30. 1749; m. Framingham. Mass., Nov. 2i>, 1778. Mehitable, dau. of Ebenezer and Mehitable (Haven) Marshall, b. Oct. 27, 17.").s, He removed to Boston upon the marriage of his mother to Samuel Ballard, but soon returned to Chatham; seven years of his youth was spent in the family of Gen. Joseph Otis, of Rev. fanu'; at the age of manhood he settled on his father's homestead, and Ijecame the largest land owner in (^hat- ham; merchant; salt manufacturer: and engaged in shipping; coroner. 17S1 ; sessidu Justice, lf^l4; justice of the peace, 1801; representative, 1780-1, 1783, 1785-6. 1792. 1796. 1S06, l,s09. Isi:t-4: sen-, ator. 1804; town clerk and treasurer, 1775-6; Rev. aoldier. Both d. Chatham; he. May 13, 18:19; she July 8, 1852. Ch. I). Chatham: Sarah. Oct. 5, 1779; m. Rev. Isaac Brigg.s. Richard. Mar. 18, 1781, " A lathena Marshall. Daniel. Dec. 4, 1783; d. unm. Oct. 10, 1854. Hetty, Dec. 4. 1783; m. Rev. Isaac Briggs. Ebenezer .Marshai.i., Nov. :J4, 1788; d. Aug. 10. 1810. Fear, Nov. 24. 1788 ; m. Charles Scudder. Ch. b. Chatham : Sarah, Feb. 13, 1747 Richard Jan. ;:J0, 1749 David, Nov 29, 1752 Fear, 1754 Daniel, 1757 I 304 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Mar. 30, 1833: ra. 3d, May 8, 1834, Sarah Lathrop, dau. of Elislia and Rebecca (Manwaring) Coit, of New York: merchant; Boston; deacon of Essex Street Church and Superintendent of Sunday School: for many years an officer of the A. B. C. F. M. of Cong. Church. He d. Boston, Jan. 21, 1863. Ch. by 1st wife: 2223.* Marshall, Sears, b. May 31, 1818. 2224.* Charles Williams, Ch. by 2d wife: u Jan. 4, 1820. 2225. Elisha, b. 1«24. 2226. Jake Marshall, i i 1828. 2227. Eugenie I., a 1831. 2228. EVARTS, Ch. by .3d wife: n 1833. 2229.* Samuel Hubbard, b. 1837, 2230.* Horace Elisha, u Oct. 16, 1838, 2231. David C. Boston. [770] HORACE SCUDDER," (Bro. of Charles,! b. Barnstable, Mass., Sept. 24, 1802; pub. there, May 10, 1825: to be m. to Mary Ann Bacon.* Child: 2232. Ann: m., no issue; res. Boston, Mass. [771] FREDERICK SCUDDER,' (Bro. of Charles,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Nov. 14, 1804: pub. there, Nov. 14, 1831, to be m to Cordelia Gage; selectman, 1849-56 and 1866; treasurer and recorder of deeds, Barnstable Co. many years; salt manf.; Hyannisport, Mass.; merchant, in trade with Freeman Marchant, and succeeded his father and closed out the business, 1860; P. M. Hyannisport, 1829. Both d. Barnstable; he, Feb. 4, 1878; she, May 21, 1871. Ch. b. Barnstable: 2233. Eugenia, Aug. 30, 1833. 2234. Alice Cordelia, Aug. 14, 18.36: d. P'eb. 7, 1840. 2235. Eltsha G., May 17, 1839. 22.36. William A., Jan. 17, 1842. [772] JULIA SCUDDER,' (Sister of Charles, ) b. Hyannis, Mass., May 20, 1810; m. Hyannisport, Aug. 27, 1834, Capt. David, son of Ezra and Temperance Crocker, f b. Cotuit, Mass., Jan. 24, 1805; master mariner; Cotuit; Whig: she d. Cotuit, Sept. 16. 1842. He m. 2d, Elizabeth Childs,t by whom he had a dau., Susan, He d. Cotuit, May 29, 1875. Ch. b. Barnstable; 2237.* Ellen Temperance, July 6, 1835. 2238.* Julia Caroline, Mar. 15, 18,38. * For Bacon see note 75. + For Crocker see notes 35, 39 and 78. $ For Childs see note 36. SEVENTH GENERATION. 305 [775] JERUSHA HOLBROOK,' (Ruth Hamblen/ Cornelius,^ Benja- min,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Sept. 18, 1776; m. 1st, Solomon Hinckley,* b. 1771, who d. April 2, 1797; m. 2d, Rev. Enoch Mudge.t b. 1776. He was the first Methodist minister in Orrington, Me., 1797. He d. Lynn, Mass., April 2, 1850. [778] BENJAMIN HAMBLEN,' (Cornelius,65 Benjamin,* Elea- zer,3 James,2i) b. May 5, 1778, prob. in Wellfleet, Mass; m. Dec. 25, 1804, widow, Margery Doane Crosby, b. Nov. 1, 1778. She had a son by her first hus- band named Hezelfiah Doane Crosby, b. May, 1799, who d. Wellfleet, Aug. 8, 1804. He was captured by the British fleet while fishing off Wellfleet, Sept. 1814, but soon released. See account by his brother, Eleazer, by which it appears that Benjamin was a deaf mute. No issue. [779] RUTH HAMBLEN,^ (Sister of Benjamin, ) b. Wellfleet, Mass., May 22, 1780; m. Mar. 27, 1800, Peter Daggett, son of William and Betsey," (Daggett) Eldridge;J mariner; Wellfleet and Harwich, Mass.; she survived him, and d. Sept., 1814. Children: 2239.* Maky, b. May 23, 1801. 2240.* Meecy Brow^n, " July 30, 1803. 2241. Joshua Hamblen, " June 30, 1805: d. 1813. 2242.* Benjamin Hamblen, " Sept. 18, 1807. [780] JOSHUA HAMBLEN,' (Bro. of Benjamin,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Thursday, Jan. 23, 1783. His son David made a very particular record of this family about 1853; m. Sept. 19, 1805, Drusilla, dau. of Nathaniel and Martha (Pierce) Rider,§ b. Saturday, Mar. 11, 1786. He further recorded the particulars of the birth of their children; as given below, who are understood to have all been born in Wellfleet: "Perez, born at grandfatiier Rider's house, where uncle Isaac now lives; Perez 2d, at the house where uncle Joseph Baker now lives, it being father's house; there, also, at the same place, Drusilla, Joshua and Hope (were born); and at the old house where father now lives, David Brown, David. Samuel, Jesse, Cordelia and Martha, (were born): this (written) in 1853, by D. Hamblen." He was out in the 1812 war, in defense of Eastham, Mass., Sept., 1814. See account of his brother Eleazer. The mother and children of this family were afflicted with consumption. He d. 1869: siic d. Wednesday, July 31, 1839. * For Hinckley see notes 31, 81 and 85. + For Mudge see notes 47 and 113. * For Eldridge see note 90. § Note 286. SAMUEL RIDER, settled in Yarmouth, Mas.s., IKi!). The namo is comnioii at Cape Cod, and in New England. NATHANIEL RIDER, b. Mar. 17, 1747; m, Martha Pierce, b. Nov. 28, 1750. Ho d. tk-t. 14, 1807; shed. Dec. 9, 1818. Schildren. 306 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: 2243. Perez Hamblen, b. Sept. 16, July 16, 1807, Wednesday; 1808, Saturday. died 2244.* Perez Hamblen, i( July 14, 31, 1834, 1809, Friday; d. Monday. Mar. 2245.* Drusilla Hamblen, ti Oct. 29, 20, 1843, 1811, Tuesday; d. Friday. .Tan. 2246.* Joshua Hamblen, Jr., a Nov, 15, 1813, Monday. 2247.* Hope Hamblen, u May 2, 1816, Tuesday. 2248.* David Brown Hamblen, (1 Aug. 13, 1818, Tlaursday;d.Aug. 20, 1819, Friday. 2249.* David Hamblen, u Aug. 22, 1820, Tuesday. 2250.* Samuel Brown Hamblen, i( Jan. 16, 1823, Thursday. 2251.* Jesse Hamblen, i( Sept. 5, 1825, Monday. 2252.* Cordelia Hamblen, u June 19, 19, 1853, 1827, Tuesday; d. Saturday. Mar. 2253. Martha Matilda Hamblen r," Aug. 5, 17, 1843, 1830, Thursday; d, Friday. .Feb. [782] JANE HAMBLEN,^ (Sister of Benjamin,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Jan, 30, 1787; m. there, Dec. 16, 1806, Joseph, son of David and Deborah (Rich*) Baker,t b. Wellfleet, Apr. 8, 1784; fisherman and oysterman; Wellfleet; Republican. He was member of the church choir 70 years. Both d. Wellfleet; she, Apr. 9, 1875; he, Oct. 13, 1869. Ch. b. Wellfleet: 2254. A Daugater, b. .July 10, 1807; d. July 26, 1807. 2255.* Nathaniel, Aug. 10, 1808. 2256.* Joseph, Oct. 15, 1810; d. Aug. 30, 1811. 2257,* Joseph, Aug. 22, 1812. 2258.* Ruth Hamblen, Mar. 10, 1816. 2259.* Hezekiah Doane, Nov. 22, 1818. 2260.* Elijah, Sept. 7, 1821. 2261. Eleazeb Hamblen, July 30, 1824; d. Aug. 26, 1843, unm 2262.* Mary Jane, Aug. 23, 1827. 2263.* Paulina Mayo, Nov. 28, 1830. [783] HOPE HAMBLEN,^ (Sister of Benjamin,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Oct. 6, 1789; d. unm., Oct. 6, 1814. Adm. of her estate was granted to her bro. Joshua, Oct. 13, 1814. Inventory, Oct. 28, 1814, $1,589.52. [784] CORNELIUS HAMBLEN,' (Bro. of Benjamin,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., May 5, 1792; m. there, Dec. 10, 1812, Sarah, dau. of Capt. Isaiah and Hannah A. (Ballard) Baker,t b. Wellfleet, June 7, 1794. A promi- nent man; res. Wellfleet; removed to Boston, Mass., 1851, and was engaged in the oyster and salt trade, firm of Hamblen, Baker & Co. He served in the 1812 war, and held town offices; Methodist. He d. Wellfleet, Apr. 25, 1876; she d. Somerville, Mass., Nov. 25, 1855. * For Rich see note 150. 1" For Baker see note 125. SEVENTH GENERATION. 307 Ch. b. Wellfleet: 2264.* Joseph Brown, Dec. 9, 1813. 2265.* CORNELIITS, June 24, 1818. 2266.* Sarah Baker. May 5, 1820. [1901 2267. Ruth Brown, Apr. 29, 1822; res. Roslindale, Mass.; unm 2268.* LUCINDA, Dec. 3, 1824. 2269.* Anna Lewis, Oct. 20, 1826. 2270.* Hannah Baker, Apr. 22, 1828. 2271.* Benjamin. Oct. 2, 1829. 2272.* Lewis, Sept. 18, 1832. 227:1* Isaiah Baker, June 23, 1835. 2274.* Franklin Benjamin, Nov. 25, 1837. Cornelius Hamblen. [785J ELEAZER HAMBLEN,' (Bro. of Benjamin,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Dec. 3, 1795; m. 1st, there, Nov. 26, 1816, Susan, dau. of Ezekiel and Mercy Atwood,* b. Wellfleet, 1800; who d. there, June 13, 1850; m. 2d, Mar. 31, 1851, Mrs. E. Cushman, of Boston; farmer; also in oyster trade; salt * Note 287. STEPHEN ATWOOD, of Plymouth, Mass., 1643, settled at Eastham, Mass.. as early as 1654; m. Nov. 16, 1644. Abigail, dau. of John Dunham, of Plymouth. He d. Eastham, 1694, leaving a large family. Children : John, Hannah. Joseph, Stephen, Eldad. Med AD. Daniel. d. 1648. b. Oct. 14. lf)4!l: 16.51 : Jeremiah Smith. Mr.s. Apphia (Bangs) Knowles. Apphia Bangs. 308 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. manufacturer; Wellfleet: Methodist; an early advocate for temperance, before the formation of a temperance society in the state. On March 5, 18i7, he related the particulars of the capture of himself and others by the British, Sept., 1814, and what he saw while in captivity: "The crew of the bass boat consisted of Harding Snow, Arnold Jones, Solomon Lewis, Benjamin Hamblen, Joseph Baker, Eleazer Hamblen and HezekiahD. Crosby, who went out fishing. Starting from the "old store" on the neck. Wellfleet, crossed the "Gut," and towed the boat along the outer shore of Great Island to Blue Rock, then to Harbor Point, and landed at Billingsgate Point; towed along outside and all around to the Point again, and started for Left Island; they got from the shore but a few rods, and heard the oars of boats rowing, and discovered three barges belonging to the English fleet laying oil Provincetown, who fired; being so near the bass boat hove to and went alongside. The leader had a brass four pound piece, and the others each had a 12 pound carronade. The barge came on through New Harbor, and just then the little schooner Thomas and Henry came in sight. The captain, Thomas Paine, and Harding Newcomb were on board. The captured men were all put on board the Thomas and Henry. As the enemy's barges came along the back of the island, some boats were out fishing, from which were taken Christopher and Gideon Atwood, as pilots. The object of the enemy was to get the bass boat to go ashore with a flag of truce. A ransf)m of $2,200 was laid on the town of Eastham, to be paid at 8 o'clock, high water mark next morning. The British officers sleptall night at Billings- gate Island, in one of the fish houses. Two men from Billingsgate were taken with their boat, and were told that if they would go ashore and bring off some fish and provisions they should be released. One man went, and returned about two o'clock at night, and they were liberated in the morning. The crew of the bass boat were confined in the liold of the Thomas and Henry, and were given the privilege to pick some fowls. They said to Benjamin Hamblen: 'Old grand- father, pick that fowl.' Noticing that he did not heed the command, they inquired why, and were informed that he was deaf and dumb. Wheri the boats came from Orleans they reported the people alert on shore, and that an artil- lery company from Brewster, with two field pieces, had gone to Eastham, which greatly enraged the Englishmen. The barges, schooner and bass boat anchored in the Horseshoe, and in the morning i-an over to Eastham, and went ashore in the bass boat to receive the ransom. The ebb of the tide left them on the Eastham Flats, causing them to push and haul the boat two or three miles, until they became very much tired, and were obliged to wade to reach the barges, and came aboard in bad humor at their misfortunes and hard work. The captain of the Thomas and Henry was released with his schooner, and permitted to take the prisoners to Wellfleet." Mr. Hamblen reached home about 4 o'clock and found his mother sick from the fright; and learned that his brothers. Joshua and Cornelius, had gone to Eastham for its defense. He d. Wellfleet, Sept. 6, 1860. Ch. by 1st wife b. Wellfleet: 2275.* Mary, Oct. 23, 1817. 2276.* Benjamin Brown, Dec. 10, 1819. 2277.* Susan Atwood, Apr. 6, 1822. 2278.* Mercy Atwood, Apr. 18:M. 2279.* Jane, Mar. 12, 1827. 2280.* Eleazer, July 26, 1829. SEVENTH GENEKATION. 309 2281. Jerusha Atwood, Dec. 10, 1831; d. July 26, 1836. 2282.* Allek Atwood, Feb. 16, 1834. 2283.* Warren Emerson, June 22, 1837. 2284.* Ezekiel Collins, Dec. 14, 1839. 2285.* Jerusha Atwood, May 11, 1842. By 2d wife: 2286. A Child, [795] RUTH DYER GROSS,' (Mercy Hamblen,« Cornelius,'-' Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,- 1) b. North Bucksport, Me., June 15, 1785; m. there, 1803, Capt. John,^ son of Isaac and Sarah (Hurd) Hopkins,* b. Hampden, Me., May 20, 1781; master mariner and farmer; Orrington, Me. His house stood on the lot where Dr. Tibbetts' house is, and was a large, square, two-story building. She d. Hampden, June 3, 1864; he d. Orrington, Mar. 22, 1843, Ch. b. Bucksport; 2287.* Joel, 1804. 2288.* Joshua, Sept. 5, 1806. 2289.* Ruth, Apr. 1, 1808. [796] LYDIA GROSS,' (Sister of Ruth D.,) b. Welltleet, Mass., 1787; m. Jeremiah McDonald, b. Portland, Me., about 1783; farmer; Bangor, Me.; soldier 1812 war.; Whig and Republican. Both d. Bangor; she, about 1848; he, about 1850. Children: 2290* Betsey. 2291. Jane. 2292. Lydia, 2293. Mary Sophronia, 2294.* Jeremiah, 2295.* Eliza Ann, 2296. Isaac. 2297. Delia, 2298. Olive, ra. Philip Witham, of Bangor, Me. " John Witham, " b. Feb. 15, 1820, Bucksport. " 1820, m. Abram Blads, of Bradley, Me, " Frost, of Bangor, Me. 797] DELIA HOLBROOK GROSS,' (Sister of Ruth,) b. Bucksport, Me., 1789; m. 1st, Sylvanus Snow,t of Orrington, Me; m. 2d. Orrington, Joseph, son of Capt. Heman Smith, b. Orrington, 1786: fanner: Or- rington: Democrat; she Methodist. Botli d. Orrington; she, July 8, 1877: lie, Dec, 1872. * Note 288, For Hopkins see note 18. STEPHEN HOPKINS,3 (Giles,2 Stephin,i) rn. 1st, Mary Myrick; ni. M. Mrs. Bertha Hop- kins. .JOSEPH HOPKINS,! m. Mary Mayo. ISAAC HOPIvINS.s m. Thankful Smitli; res. Eastham, Mass.; from \vh(nci> iluy i-.in..\- ed, and settled in Hampden, Me., 1770. ISAAC HOPKINS,6 m. Sarah Hurd. + For Snow see note 177. 310 THE HA^ILTN FAMILY. Ch. b. 1st marriage: 2299. Benjamin Gross; d. Turk's Island, Aug., 1843. 2300. Sylvanus, prob. d. young. 2301. Hannah Jane. 2302. John, d. Turk's Island, Aug., 1843. By 2d marriage, b. Orrington: 2303.* Sylvanus, b. Apr. 2, 1831. [798] HANNAH GROSS,'' (Sister of Buth,) b. Bucksport, Me., 1791; m. William Whidden, of Atkinson, Me. Children: 2304. Horatio. 2305. Mary Ann. 2306. Hannah Jane. 2307. William. 2308. John. [799] MERCY GROSS,^ (Sister of Ruth,) b. Bucksport, Me., 1793; m. 1st, Solomon, son of Solomon and Jerusha" (Rider*) Collins; mariner: Brewer, Me. and Lowell, Mass.: mate. He d. Nov. 25, 1825. m. 2d, Gideon Godfrey. 2309.* Eleazer Hamblen, b 1816, Bucksport. 2310.* Mary C. 2311. LUCINDA. 2312.* Sarah J. 2313.* Ruth H. 2314.* Solomon J. Ch. by 2d marriage: 2315. Alexander. [800] BENJAMIN GROSS,^ (Bro. of Ruth,) b. Bucksport, Me., Aug. 7, 1803; m., Aug. 31, 1823; ElizaSmall,dau. of John and Rebecca (Small) Eldridge,t b. Sept. 22, 1804; farmer, and res. on his father's old homestead at North Bucksport, Me.; postmaster there sixteen years, and held other town offices. Both d. at the old home. North Bucksport; he Aug. 28, 1881: she Mar. 3, 1887. Ch. b. North Bucksport: 2316.* James Eldridge, July 30, 1825. 2317. Rebecca Eldridge, June 4, 1828; m. Cornelius Hamblen. 2.318.* Eliza Payne, Jan. 10, 1838. [801] LEWIS HAMBLIN,' (David,* Joshua,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,* James,2i) b. North East, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1764; m. there, 1792, Mercy Selleck, b. June 10, 1771; farmer; removed to Green Co., N. Y.; thence to Sullivan, 1804; had a beautiful farm; first built a log house, then a modern one, and later a fine house, barn and outbuildings, where Charles Cooper lived, 1897; his home- stead went to his son William, Methodists. Both d. Sullivan, buried Perry ville; he, Nov. 10, 1852; she, Mar. 22, 1847. * For Rider see note 286. + For Eldridge see note 90, SEVENTH GENERATION. 311 Children: 2319.* Solomon, b. Nov. 6, 1793, Duchess Co 2320.* Lewis, •' Mar. 20. 1797. u u 2321.* David, " Jan. 28, 1801. 2322.* William, " March 6, 1803, Sullivan. 2323.* Harriet, " July 15, 1805, (( [806] JOSHUA HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of Lewis,) b. North East, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1775; m. Fenner, N. Y., about 1800, Elizabeth Dykeman,* b. Duchess Co.; res. near the Hudson river; removed to Madison Co., N. Y., before marriage; farmer; was called "Squire Hamblin," being many years justice of the peace; was a Bible student; went to live witlihisson Lean- der, at Plainlield, 111., where he d. Sept. 25, 1854. Ch. b. Fenner: 2324.* Lucy, July 22, 1801. 2.325.* Susannah, Aug. 15, 1803. 2326.* Parmelia, Feb. 4, 1805, 2327.* Leander. Dec. 15, 1806. 2328. LUCINDA, Mar. 19, 1809; d. aged 22 years. 2329.* Belinda, Mar. 19, 1809; m. Gideon Wilbur 2330.* Stephen, Feb. 26, 1811. 2331.* Joshua, May. 8, 1813. 2332.* Eliza, July 10, 1816. 2333.* A MAM DA, Aug. 13, 1818. 2334.* Adelia, May 24, 1820. 2335.* Harrison, May 22, 1822. 2336. Elizabeth, Aug. 7, 1824; m. Alson Harden. [808] LYDIA HAMBLIN,- (Sister of Lewis,) b. North East, N. Y., Mar. 30, 1783; ra. Apr. 21, 1814, John, son of David and Esther, (Gillettt) Collins, b. Duchess Co., Apr. 15, 1777. He d. July 15, 1856; she d. Nov. 1, 1855. 23, 1805; m. Betsey Finch, Feb. 12,1830. Children: 2337. Eli, b, . Feb. 23, 1805; 2338. James Hamblin, Mar. 5, 1808: 2339.* Lydia Louise, June 15, 1810. 2340. Julia Ann, Nov. 17, 1813. 2341.* Caroline, Sept. 21, 1817. 2342. Cordelia, April «, 1820: 2343. AULIA, a (; i i 2344. David Nelson, " Mar. 17, 1823; Louisa Wheeler, Sept. '45. m. Barak Wilson, d. same day. 1823; " Mar. 3, 1840. [809] EPHRAIM HAMBLIN," (Bro. of Lewis,) b. North East, N. Y., Jan. 23, 1785; m. Julia Amanda Wells, b. Coiui.. Aug. 20, 1792; farmer; was overseer of roads, Dist. 14. Amenia, N. Y., 1808: al'ti-rwurds Howard. N. Y.: soldier 1812 war; she, Wesleyan: he was killed, Howard. Sept. 9. 1826, by the fall of a horse which he was riding. She m. 2d, Jacob Wintie. by whom she had Jacob and Ephraim. She d. Haskinsville, N. Y., Apr. ■2\. 1866. * Note 289. JOHN DIKEMAN, of Livingston's Manor, N. Y. made the second purchase of land in Salisljury. Ct.. Jan., 1720. ■•■ For Gillette see note 216. 312 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: 2345. Henrietta, 2346. Herman T., 2347.* Hester, 2348. John Persons, 2349.* Almenia, 2350. Amarillus, 2351. Amaretta, 2352.* David Wells, 2353.* Martin E., May 4, 181 3: d. Aug. 3, 1829. Aug. 19, 1814; ■' Nov. 30, 1833, unm. Mar. 30, 1816. Nov. 6, 1817; " Dec. 30, 1817, Apr. 22, 1819. Jan, 3, 1821: d. July 19, 1822. Aug. 14, 1822; " Oct. 10, 1828. Mar. 18, 1824. Mar. 22, 1826. [810] ELIJAH HAMBLIN,' (Bro. of Lewis,) b. Nortb East, N. Y., about 1785-6; m. Esther Dykeman;* New York State; removed to Ohio, where he died. Children: res. Westfield, Pa: had several children 18, 1809, Fenner, N. Y. 10. 1810, 1818, Madison Co., N. Y. resided in 2354. Truman; res. Wei 2355.* Ira. 2356.* Polly Ann, b. Aug. 2357.* Norman, " June 2358.* Enoch Everett. 2359.* Cornelius, li 2360.* Mariah. 2361.* Lucy. 2362.* Almira. 2363.* Harriet. [811] DAVID HAMBLINJ (Bro. of Lewis,) prob. b. Ancram, N. Y.: m. North East, N. Y., Lydia, dau. of Elijah and Mary (Culver) Roe, b. North East; farmer: fence viewer, Amenia, N. Y., 1801-2, add 1804-5; res. Brutus, N. Y., 1810-6; afterwards, at North East; and later at Geagua Co., Ohio, prob. Auburn. He was drafted, 1814, and served at Sackett's Harbor, N. Y. The family records were left by his widow at the home of their daughter, Mrs, Sarah A. Goodwin, Manston, Wis. He d. Geauga Co., Ohio, 1844; Shed. Manston, 1864. Children: 2364.* Harriet. 2365. Hannah, m. Isaac Carl. 2.366. 2367.* Huldah, Mykon, " Whiffiolrl nr Whitlnpk fV Ul UllClU, VJi TV 111 ulUV^-tv. b. Dec. 20, 1807, Brutus. 2368.* Alvah, " Sept. 30, 1810, Auburn. 2369. Elijah. 2370. Anna. 2371.* Sarah Ann, b. Auburn. 2372. Philander, d. young. [812] Hon. ELY HAMBLIN.^ (Bro. of Lewis,) b. North East, N. Y., Feb., 1793: m. Duchess Co., N. Y., Lydia, dau. of Andreas and Catherine (Pulver?) Stickles, b. Duchess Co., Aug. 3, 1892; farmer; For Dykeman see note 289. Ch. b. Duchess Co.: 2373.* Stickles David, Apr. 2374. Cordelia, Mar. 2375. William, J'eb. 2376. LoRiNDA, May 2377.* Edwik, July 2378. Maky, Sept 2379.* Elizabeth, May SEVENTH GENERATION. 313 Duchess Co.; of Amenia, 1818; Pine Plains, 183"); later, Dryden, N. Y.: vvhiy; representative State Legislature, 1830: she, Presb. Both ri. Dryden; he. Dec. 25, 1840; she, Dec. 3. 1854. hess Co. : 18, 1818. 1820. 6, 1822; m., and d. 1849. 15, 1824; d. 1853. 13, 1826. Sept. 14', 1828; ra. Edwin Bramhall. i, 1834. [81.3J HIRAM HAMBLIN,' (Bro. of Lewis,) b. North East, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1795; m. Pawling, N. Y., Charity, dau. of Daniel and Elizabeth (Aiken) Tripp, b. North East, Sept., 1796: farmer; North East; Methodist. He. d. North East, June 16, 1831: she d. Canastota, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1878. Ch. b. North East: 2380* Elizabeth, Aug. 31, 1817. [814] ELEANOR HAMBLIN,' (Ephraim," Joshua,-^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,:' James,2i) m. James Mott, of Saratoga, N. Y. Children: 2381. Cornelia. 2382. Laura. 2383. p^rederick. 2384. Edward. 2385. Orville. [819] ELIZABETH HAMBLIN,- (Joshua,"-^ Benjamin,* Eleazer.s James,2i) b. Saratoga, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1782; m., Aug. 23, 1807, Dr. Samuel, son of Thomas White and Rhoda (Marsh) Pitkin,* b. Hartford, Vt., Dec. 30, 1779: physician; res. Ballston Spa, Saratoga and Clinton, N. Y., Mt. Vernon, Ohio, and Brownville, Pa., where he was a merchant and farmer. He graduated from the Med. Dept. Dartmouth College, 1806; Surgeon 1812 war, in Lt.-Col. David Rogers 32d N. Y. Infantry, and Asst. Surg. 9th Brig. N. Y. Infantry; stationed at Fort Hamilton. Both d. Saratoga, N. Y.; he, Mar. 27, 1823: she, June 25, 1829. Ch. b. Ballston Springs: 2386.* Erasmus Darwin, June 24, 1808. 2387.* Caroline Elizabeth, Nov. 3, 1810. 2388. Pamelia Ellis, Apr. 11, 1813. 2389. Elizabeth, Aug. 24, 1815: d. Oct. 28, 1836, unm. 2390. Samuel, Oct. 5, 1817, " Feb. 15, 1854, " 2391. Lucy, i^eb. 8, 1823, " Feb. 5, 1840, '' * Note 290. Db. SAMUEL PITKIN,-^ (Thomas W.,« Thomas,:* \Villiam,2i) WILLIAM PITKIN,! b. Maryleborn. Enghind, 1B:J5; settled at Hartford, Ct., um; m. 1661, Hannah, dau. of Oziasi and Mary (Woodward) Goodwin, of Hartford, b. 16.J7. He was King's Attorney for Conn. Colony, 1664. He d. Doc. 16. I6(»l; she d. Feb. 12. 1724. H childn-n. In the maternal line Dr. Pitkin descended from Khoda Marsh, « (Oov. Joseph Marsh,'- of Vermont. Joseph.* 3 John, 21) and wife Dorothy Mason. Other ancestors were: Gov. Thomas Wells, of Conn., 16.55 and 165S; Rev. Be.iamin Hobart. of Haddam, Ct. ; and Rev. Samuel Whlt- 'ing and wife, Elizabeth St. John, of Lynn, Mass. i 314 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [820] MYRON HAMBLINJ (Bro. of Elizabeth,) b. Saratoga, N. Y., 1785; m. Clarissa,^ dau. of Gideon and Polly (Hand) Weeks,* b. Huntington, L. 1., Oct. 12, 1788. (?) He removed from Long Island to Eanssalaer Co., N. Y., and in 1816 res. at Schaghticoke, N. Y. She resided with her dau., Pamelia, after her liusband's death; was blind several years, and by will of her son, Lawrence, received $100 a year during life, and lived ,30 years afterward. He d. 1833. 1 Children: 2392.* Laura, b. 1813. 2393,* Lawrekce, " Nov. 14. 1814, Schaghticoke, 2394. Maria, ( ( 1817; d. Aug., 1838. 2395.* Pamelia, " Jan. 7, 1819. 2396.* Myron Weeks, " Apr. 17, 1822. 2397. Esther. Children: 2398. William Charles, 2399.* Mary Eliza, 2400. John Matthew^ 2401. Eliza Ann, 2402. Susan Amanda, 2403. Sarah Ann, 2404. Clarissa Hamblen, 2405. Helen Augusta, 2406. Margaret Louisa, [823] MARY TASKER,' (Mira Hamblen, « Benjamin,^! Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Nov. 16, 1799; m. John Christian (Sears'? ), of Charlestown, Mass., b. Apr. 1, 1791; when m. she res. Boston, Mass. He d. Charlestown, Mar. 26, 1851. Children: b. July 26, 1821. " July 30, 1823. ' July 18, 1825; d. Aug. 5, 1825. ' Aug. 17, 1826, " May 18, 1829. ' Mar. 16, 1829. ' Oct. 25, 1831, " Oct. 27, 1832. •' May 5, 1833, " Jan. 21, 1835. ■' July 27, 1835, " Sept. 11, 1835. ■' Sept. 18, 1838, " Sept. 5, 1846. [826] MARY FLSHBORN,- ( Rebecca Hamblen,« Benjamin,^* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Jan. 4, 1807; m. Dec. 22, 1822, George Graham. Children: 2407. Emma; m. Wight; res. Cambridge, Mass. 2408. Joseph; res. Cliarlestown, Mass. * Note 291. JOHN WEEKS, i supposed to come from the family in Devonsliire, Eng. ; m. Jan. V, 1675, Mary, dau. of Moses and Elizabeth 2 (Fuller) Rowley, b. Mar. 20, 1653; res. Falmouth, Mass.; land allotted him there. Mar. 1, 1687; freeman, 1689. Children: Nathaniel, b. 1676; m. Margaret Shi verick. John, " Aug. 18, 1678, " Mercy Prence (?) William, " Feb. 11, 1680, " Mehitable Elizabeth, " May 17, 1683. Shubael, " Mar. 15, 1685; m. Mercy Ebenezer, " Mar. 29, 1688, " Mary Rowley. Abigail, " Jan. 28, 1690, " Ichabod Hatch. Mehitable, " Jan. 28,1692-3; m. Ichabod Johnson. Uriah, " Feb. 3, 1693-4; d. Mar. 13, 1693-4. Mary, " Sept. 3, 1696; m. Nathan Hatch. For Fuller see note 112. SEVENTH GENERATION. 315 [828] SARAH FISH BORN,^ (Sister of Mary,) b. Nov. 14, 1813, m. Charles Watts. Children: 2409. Mary Elsie. 2410. Katie. [833] ELTSHA PARKS LOMBARD,^ (Ruth Hamblen,* Benjamin,'-. < Ebenezer,3 James,2 1) b. Sept. 20, 1807: m. Temperance Bangs;* res. in Well- fleet, Mass. Children: 2411. Thomas. 2412. Experience. 2413. Albron Osby. 2414. Experience Barry. 2415. Lucy Bangs. 2416. Elisha Parks. 2417. Benjamin. [834] ABIGAIL CROWELL LOMBARD,' (Sister of PJlisha P.) b. Mar. 11, 1810; m. Jeremiah Rich,! of Truro, Mass., b. Sept. 13, 1804; she res. Wellfleet, Mass., when married. Children: 2418. Mary Mason, b. Sept. 24, 1834. 2419. Mariam Page, " Sept. 9, 1837. 2420. Clarissa Frances, " Oct. 17, 1840. 2421. Henry Van Houghton, " May 5, 1845. [835] RUTH LOMBARD,' (Sister of Elisha P.,) b. Jan. 13, 1813; m. Collins Cobb,:t of Truro, Mass. She res. Wellfleet, Mass., when married. * Note 292. Mr. EDWARD BANGS.i b. Chichester, England, 1592; came tx) Plymouth. Mass., in the ship Ann, July, 162U; m. after 1627, Lydla, dau. of Robert Hicks; freeman, ItVCf; he was employed in various matters for the colony ; surveyor to hiy out lots; juror, lie was one of the founders of the town of Eastham, Mass., ](i44; freeman there, 1()45; town treasurer, 1646- 1665; selectman, 1665-6; merchant, Eastham, 1657; on committee to lay out road from Sandwich to Plymouth, 16.52; commandant of the guard against Indians; he superintended construction of a barque of 40 or 50 tons, according to tradition the first vessel built at Plymouth; a wealthy influential man. He d. Eastham, 1678. Hannah Smalley. Hannah Scudder. Mary Mayo, Sarah , and Mrs. Kutli 'S'oiinif. Benjamin HIgglns. .lohn Doane. Gershorn Hall. John Knowles and Stephen Atwood. Stephen Merrick. Capt. .Jonathan Sparrow. Thomas Howes. Children : John, m. Joshua, b. 1637; " Jonathan, 1640, " Lydia, Hannah, Bethia, b. May 28, I&tO, " Apphia, " Oct. 1.5, 1651, •• Mercy, " Oct. 15, 1651, " Rebecca, " Oct. 16, 16.54, " Sarah, UV56, " + For Rich see note 150. * For Cobb see note 20. 316 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: 2422. Catherine Lombard, b. Nov. 2, 1833. 2423. Martha Young. 2424. Elisha Collins. 2425. Kebeoca Jane. 2426. Orrin Atkins. 2427. WiLBERT Oathman. [836] CATHERINE LOMBARD,' b. Sept. 21, 1814; m. Azariah Newcomb. married. Children: (Sister of Benjamin H.,) She res. Wellfleet, Mass., when"! 2428. Ruth, b. May 25, 1834; d. Feb. 6, 1841 2429. Isaac Baker, " Aug. 25, 18.38. 2430. Almira, " Aug. 1840; " Feb. 28, 1841 2431. Cornelius Smith, " May 3, 1843. 2432. Ruth, " Apr. 20, 1846. [837] BETSEY LOMBARD," (Sister of Benjamin H.,) b. Apr. 2, 1815; m. 1833, m. Stephen Brown.* She res. Wellfleet Mass. when] married. Children: 2433. LoRETTA Larks, b. Sept. 25, 1834. 2434. Jerusha Freeman, " Sept. 20, 1836. 2435. Stephen Franklin, " Aug. 3, 1838. 2436. Otis Webster, " Nov. 5, 1840. 2437. David Cole, " Oct. 23, 1845. [841] SARAH HAMLEN,' (Isaac,«5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Cummington, Mass., 1779. At page 182 she is given as the fourth child of Isaac Hamlen,8 \y 1779^ which is an error. Since printing that sketch a granddau. of Sarah Hamlen, above, writes that she died in her 43d year: she was conse- quently born, 1779, and was prob. the eldest child of Isaac Hamlen; m. Cum- mington, Jan. 20, 1801, Peleg," son of Zachariah and Olive (Pool) Standish.f b. Plymouth, Mass., May 3, 1774-6, his first wife; removed to Sempronius, N. Y., soon after marriage; she d. Jan. 6, 1822; he m. 2d. Phebe Parker, by whom he had three children. He d. Peru, Ohio, July 10, 1853. Children: 17, 1801; res. Moravia, N. Y. 27, 1803: d. Oct. 12, 1804. 23, 1805; m. Howe. 24, 1807. 23, 1809, Peru, N. Y. ' 13, 1811, Utica, " 28, 1813, Auburn," 27, 1815; m. Burras. 28, 1817; d. Dec. 29, 1818. 22. 1819; m. Beebe. * For Brown see note 146. + Note 393. PELEG STANDISH,« (Zachariah,5* Ebenezer,3 Alexander,? Myles.i) MYLES STANDISH,! the pilgrim, came in the Mrjiflower, 1620; wife Rose, who d. Jan. 29. 1621 ; m. 2d, Barbara, by whom he had 7 children; res. Duxbury, Mass. ; he d. Oct. 3, 1656. 2438. Orrin, b. Dec. 2438. Polly, " Aug. 2440. Polly, " Jan. 2441.* Isaac, " Mar. 2442.* Lucy, '' Mar. 2443.* Zachariah, " Jan. 2444.* Bliss, " Mar. 2445. Sally, " Apr. 2446. Clark, " Mar. 2447. . Huldah, " Mar. 2448.* Polly Beals, 2449.* Martha Ames, 2450.* Sibyl, 2451.* Olive Bukr, 2452.* THERON A3IES, 2453.* Sarah Ann, 2454.* Alden J., 2455.* Edwin Oscar, SEVENTH GENERATION. 317 [838] HULDAH HAMLEN,^ (Sister of Sarah,) b. Cummington, Mass., Jan. 22,- 1782; m. Silas Miller; removed to Brick- ville, Ohio, and located at Chester, Ohio. She was living Apr. 30, 1861. [839] ISAAC HAMLEN,^ (Bro. of Sarah,) b. Cummington, Mass., Sept. 8, 1784: m. Worthington, Mass., Martha Ames, dau. Israel Burr, b. Worthington, Mar. 22, 1784; hatter; Hinsdale and Com- mington, Mass. Both d. Plaintield, Mass.: he, Oct. 6, 1855; she, Feb. 18, 1856. Children: b. Sept. 12, 1807. Hinsdale. ' . " Aug. 7, 1809, " " Sept. 28, 1811, " Nov. 20, 1813, Cummington. " July 26, 1816, " " June 15, 1819, " Nov. 16, 1821, " Aug. 24, 1824, [840] JOSHUA HAMLEN,^ (Bro. of Sarah,) b. Cummington, Mass., Sept. 17, 1787; m., Sept. 20, 1810, Electa Shaw,* of Cummington, b. Oct. 3, 1788: res. Bennington, Vt., 1861. Ch. b. Cummington: 2456.* Egbert Dawes, July 19, 1811. 2457. Ira Austin, Sept. 26, 1812; d. 1836, unm. 2458.* Electa Seymour, Mar. 28, 1817. 2459.* Mortimer Joshua, May 3, 1819. 2460.* Lafayette Dawes. Jan. 25, 1824. [842] IRA HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Sarah,) b. Cummington, Mass., Nov. 10, 1790; m. 1st, Hinsdale, Mass., Apr. 9, 1812, Lavina Whitney, b. Peru, Mass., Mar. 27, 1791; who d. Plaintield, Mass., Dec. 12, 1828; m. 2d, Plainfleld, Mass., Feb. 20, 1831, Betsey, dau. of Caleb and Sarah (Shaw*) Beals,t b. Plainfleld, Sept. 23, 1812: res. Plaintield; Congs. Both d. Plainfleld; he, Feb., 1869; she, Feb. 13, 1858. Ch. b. 2d wife, b. Plaintield: 2461.* Ira Whitney, Dec. 28, 1831. 2462. Henry Webster. Feb. 21, 1834; d. Dec. 31, 1851. 2463. LoviNA Elizabeth, Mar. 16, 1836, " Sept. 8, 1846. 2464. Robert Dawes, Jan. 9, 1838, " Sept. 28, 1840. * For Shaw see note 68. t Note 294. JOSEPH BEALS, b. Bridgwater, Mass., 1752. He removed to CuniiuiiiKtoii, Mass.. 1779. and settled in that part of the town which is now Plainfleld, Mass He was known Jis '"The Mountain Mill r;" his house was burned. 17H9; and his second house was the same occu- pied in 1891 by Nelson VV Cook; his grist mill stood a short distance above the present one of .1. .\. Xash; selectman, 1795; deacon in the church. He d. .luly 20. l.si:{. Children: Samuel, b. Sept. 2fi, 1775, Bridge water. .TosEPH. •• .luly 3, 1778, Robert. ■ Dec. 7. 1780; m. Nabby Vlning. Lydia L.. ■ May 19, 1787. Polly, ■ Apr. 113, 1789; m. Ebenezer Lovell. LoviSA. •' Jan. 1. 1792. ' William lieed. 318 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [844] REBECCA HAMLINJ ( David, « Isaac,^ Benjamin,'' Eleazer.lj James,2i) b. Jan. 2, 1782. Stie was insane at intervals; deeded tier propertj to the State; went to tlie county house, and taught school. She d. unni., 18261 [845] DAVID HAMLIK,' (Bro. of Rebecca,) b. Mass., Apr. 22, 1783; ra. Newsted, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1807, Anne, dau. of Ephraim and Anna (Dodge) Derrick, b. Feb. 6, 1782; farmer; Clarence and North Evans, N. Y.: soldier 1812 war; Methodists. He d. North Evans, Mar. 18, 1831; she d. Mar. 6, 1841. Ch. b. Clarence: 2465.* Eliza, b. May 27, 1808. 2466. Polly, " Nov. 21, 1809; d. June 1, 1873, unm. 2467.* Anna. " June 20, 1811. 2468. Clarissa, " Apr. 30, 1813; " Mar. 8, 1827. 2469.* Amanda O., " Apr. 24, 1816. 2470. Sarah, " June 24, 1818; " Oct. 14, 1840, unm. 2471. Milton, " Sept. 22, 1821; " Mar. 23, 1883, unm. I [846] NANCY HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Rebecca,) b. Oct. 9, 1785; m. Eli Caruth. She d. Clarence, N. Y., 1828. Children: m. Sena Williams, d. young, m. Charles Moore. " John Landers. 2472. Lyman, 2473. Harbison, 2474. Betsey, 2475. Esther, 2476. Louisa. [847] SIBA HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Rebecca,) b. Dec, 16, 1789; m. Sarah Larkins. He d. 1834. Children: married. res. Meadville, Pa. d. young. (?) m. Daniels. " Hotchkiss. 2477. 2478. 2479. 2480. 2481. 2482. Nelson, Albin, Wesley, Sarah, LUCINDA, Louisa, never married. [849] LENZEA HAMLIN.' (Bro. of Rebecca,) b. Honeoye, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1793; m. 1st, Clarence, N. Y., Jan. 23, 1829, Phebe Sloate, b. Sept. 2, 1803; who d. Clarence, Sept. 27, 1831; m. 2d, Clarence, Dec. 15, 1833, Mrs. Roxanna, widow of EmerHill, and dau. of Joshua*and Betsey (Warn) Choate,* b. Lanslngburg, N. Y., Mar. 1, 1801. By 1st m. she had five children. She d. Clarence, Mar. 14, 1877; farmer. He resided sixty years on his father's farm in Clarence, and d. there, Jan. 14, 1883. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Clarence: 2483. Benjamin O., Jan. 16, 1830; d. Aug. 27,1833. 2484.* James D., Sept. 3, 1831. * Note 295. JOSHUA CHOATE,5 (Isaac,* Frances.s Thomas,2 John.i) SEVENTH GENERATION. 319 By 2d wife, b. Clarence: 2485. Irving W., 2486. John Willi 2487. Lorenzo S., 2488. Alonzo G., 2489. Eliza C, 2490. Julia A., 2491. George A., Oct. 7, 1834; d. Mar, 27, 1860. May 3, 1836, " Apr. 17, 1837. Sept. 13, 1837, " Apr. Mar. 7, 1839, " June June 11, 1840, " Oct. June 6, 1841, " Jan. Apr. 15, 1843, " Mar. 20, 1855. 23, 1845. 29, 1860. 16, 1843. 13, 1862, in the army. [850J ORRA HAMLIN,? (Sister of Rebecca,) b. Nov. 3, 1796; m. Capt. Sherlock,^ son of Simeon and Susanna (Glezen) Fillmore,* b. Paris, N. i^., Jan. 1, 1793; cousin of President Millard Fillmore; his 2d wife; his 1st wife was Lois Slosson, who d. Feb. 21, 1844; Capt. 1812 war, on the Niagara frontier; farmer; Clarence, N. Y. She d. 1873. No issue. [851] Major ISAAC HAMLIN," (Bro. of Rebecca,) b. Dec. 29, 1800; m. Clarence, N. Y., 1827, Eunice Spicer. dau. of John and Susannah (Halsted) Meach, b. Ulster Co., N. Y., Dec. 31, 1811; fruit grower; Clarence, until 1835; Doylestown, Ohio, until 1852; Akron, Ohio, until 1859; afterwards, Oirville, Ohio; Whig and Republican; Metliodist; Major of Ohio militia. He d. Orrville, Nov., 1864; she d. Akron, Oct. 1866. Children: Austin J., b. Feb. 2, 1830, Clarence; m. Jane Amelia C, " May 19, 1832, George W., " Oct. 12, 1835, " m. Harriet Crosier. Orra F., " Sept. 16, 1837, Doylestown. 2492. 2493.* 2494. 2495.* 2496. 2497. 2498. 2599.* 2500. 2501.* T. CORWIN, " Millard Fillmore, " Nov. Cornelia S., " Mar. William G., " Apr. Milton, " Apr. Byron S., " Apr. 1839, m. Sophia Hawkins 1841, " Nancy Sichley. 20, 1843, " S. McCoy. 1845, 1847, *'d.l849. 1849. [852] SARAH HAMLIN," b. Sept. 3, 1803: m. Hodskins, or Child: 2502. Sarah; m." Warner. Sister of Rel)ecca,) - Thomas. She d. 1835. [854] IRAM PACKARD," (Molly Hamlen,6 Isaac,'- Benjamin,* Eleazer.'^ James,2i) b. in Plainfleld, Mass., Dec. 14, 1784; m. May 30, 1815, Cynthia. dau. of Thomas and Debora Shaw;t merchant: selectman, PlainHeld, L^21, for four year; removed to Ohio. * Note 296. SIMEON FILLMORE,* (Nathaniel.s.Iohn.zi) JOHN FILLMORE. 1 MfiriiKT; Ipswifh. Mass.: m. June 19. 170L Abigail. (Ian. of Al)r;i- ham and Deliverance Tilton. of Ipswich. He d. on passage from Marl ini.tnc, Ix'forc 171 1 ; and his widow m. Nov. 2, 1717, Robert Bell, and about 1720 removed to Norwich, Ci. :i cliihlrcn. t For Shaw see note 68. 320 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. prob. b. Plainfield: 2503. Myron Winslow, Mar. 2, 1819. 2504. Cynthia Katherine, Jan. 15, 182L 2505. Polly Hamlin, Feb. 9, 1823. 2506. Cornelia White, Sept. 21, 1826. 2507. Ellen Maria, Dec. 29, 1828. [859] NOAH PACKARD,' (Bro. of Iram,) b. Plainfield, Mass., May 7, 1796: m. June 29, 1820, Sophia, dau. of Ephraim and Eunice Bundy, b. Southampton, Mass., Jan. 27, 1800: school teacher in early life: farmer; later a minister; settled in Ohio: and lived in Illinois, Wis- consin and Utah. He d. Springville, Utah, Feb. 17, 1859. Ch. b. Parkman, Ohio: 2508.* Nephi. [863] EEUBEN HAMLEN,' (John," Isaac,^ Benjamin, * Eleazer,* James,2i) b. Plainfield, Mass., May 19, 1795; m. 1st, by Rev. Moses Hallock, Feb. 15, 1816, Rhoda," dau. of Ezra and Martha (Nash) Richards,* b. Feb. 1, 1796; whod. Dec. 29, 1826; m. 2d, by Rev. Moses Hallock, Apr. 17, 1828, Fanny Warner: who d. July 22, 1839. aged 33; m. 3d, Plainfield, by Rev.Roswell Hawks, of Cumraington, Nov. 3, 1839, Elizabeth Jones; who d. Dec. U, 1851; m. 4th, Cummington, by Rev. J. B. Baldwin, Jan. 1, 1854, Mrs. Eunice, widow of Abrara S. Tirrill, of Plainfield; who d. Jan. 1, 1864, aged 45 years, 11 months and 26 days: m. 5th, Shelburne Falls, Mass.. by Rev. A. Judson Sage, Sept. 23, 1866, Mrs. Parmela Little,! of Shelburne Falls, who survived him. He d. Shelburne Falls, Dec. 28, 1866. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Plainfield, 2509. Marilla Richards, June 4, 1817; d. Oct. 7, 1837. 2510. Flora Ann, Mar. 29, 1819; " Jun. 12, 1830. 2511. Martha Adele, Mar. 28, 1821; m. William C. Bissell. 2512.* Shepard L., Feb. 14, 1823. 2513. Laura B., Apr. 14, 1825. By 2d wife, b. Plainfield: 2514. Laura Bates, Apr. 27, 1829; m. James C. Bellman. 2515. Rosamond Warner, Jun. 1, 1831: d. Aug. 29, 1844. 2516.* Alfred W., Jun. 17, 1834. 2517.* Albert Wallace, Mar. 12, 1839. * Note 297. EZRA RICHARDS,5 (John,* Benjamin.s Joseph,2 William.i) + Note 298. THOMAS LITTLE, of Plymouth, m. Apr. I9, 1633, Arin,2 dau. of Richard and Elizabeth Warren, b. England, about 1612. She came to Plymouth in the .4 ?rji. 1623. He was impressed in the military service in Plymouth, 1613; removed to Marshfield, 1650; where he d. Mar. 12. 16T1. Children: Isaac, b. 1646, Plymouth; m. Bertha . Thomas, Soldier; killed Rehoboth, Mar. 26, 1676. Ephraim, b. May 17, 16.50, Marshtield; m. Mary Sturdevant. Hannah, m. Stephen Tilden, of Marshfield. Mercy. " John Sawyer. Ruth. Patience. GEORGE LITTLE,! came from Unicorn St., near London Bridge, England, to Newbury, Mass., 1640; m. 1st, Alice Poor, who d. Dec. 1. 1680; m. 2d, July 19, 1681, Eleanor, widow of Thomas Barnard, of Amesbury, xMass., who d. Nov. 27, 1604; he d. about 1693-4. 5 children. SEVENTH GENERATION. 321 [8B4] CLARISSA HAMLENJ (Sister of Reuben.) b. Plaiiitield, Mass., July 5, 1797: in. there, bj' Rev. Moses Hallock, Jan. 28, 1817, Otis Pratt, of Plainfield. She d. Plainlield: Dec. 13, 1831. He m. 2d, Dec. 30, 1832, Sally Bates, of Plainfield, by whom he had Erastus, b. Oct. 24, 1842: farmer; Plainfield: Republican; Congs. He d. July 30, 1874, ngeA 84 years, 4 months, 9 davs. Ch. b. Plainfield: 2518.* Sally H., Nov. 10, 1818. 2519.* Lucy Gove, Dec. 28, 1820. 2520.* ]\L4.RY L., May 9. 1823. 2521. Maria G., May 19, 1826: d. unm. 2522.* Laura. Sept. 24, 1827. 2523.* Bernice, July 13, 1829. [865] ABIGAIL HAMLEN,' (Sister of Reuben,) b. Plainfield, Mass., Feb. 10, 1800: m. there, by Rev. Moses Halloclc, Sept. 3, 1818. Hon. .John, sqn of Jobn and Mehitable fKingman) Ford,* b. Ashfield, Mass., May 20, 1796. She d. Cummington, Mass., Sept. 29, 1833. He m. 2d, May * Note :29y. ANDREW FORD.i is mentioned in the will of liis father-in-law, 1651; m. Eleanor, dau. of Robert Lovell, before lUJO; freeman, Mass., May 3, Ifj.">4. .lames Souther, first secretary of Plymouth colony sold to .James Lovell and Andrew Ford, 200 acres of land on west side of Hatherly Grant (Abington, Mass.,) 1019; and in 1679 Lovell sold his share In same to Ford, who was then and had been in possession of same, called "Ford's Farm." It was described in Lovell's conveyance to Ford as " lying by the road that goeth from Weymouth to Bridge- water." Ford is supposed to have settled on this land about 164:.>. He was progenitor of the Fords of Abington, Mass. He d. Hingham, Mass., Mar. 4, lt)9,^. Children: Andrew, b. about 1650; m. Abiah . .James. .Joseph, d. New Bristol, about 1690. Samuel, 1656. Nathaniel, b. Mar. 31, 1658, Weymouth; liad a family. Ebenezer, " Mar. 18, 1660, Silence. '■ Nov. 18, 1661. Prudence, " Dec. 22, 1663, • m. .Jo.seph Lincoln. Jacob, " Feb. 20, 1665, Elizabeth, " Nov. 2, 1667, Israel, " .Jiin. 7,1670, " m. Sarah . Sarah, " May 28, 1672, " , Mary, m. Whitmore. ANDREW FORD,2 b. "Ford's Farm," about 1650; m. Abiah, perhaps dau. of John Whit- man. He settled at -Ford's Farm," Weymouth, Mass., before 1679, Tradition says he was dis- lodged by the Indians, and afterwards settled towards the Bridgewater line. He was Mif orig- inal settler of Abington, Mass. ; Cong. He d. Aug. 24, 17.25. Children: Andrew, b. 1682; m. Marcy Whitmarsh. Sarah. " Joseph J osselyn. Thankful. " Mersey. Hezekiah, b. 1687; " Ruth Whitmarsh and Sarah Magoun. Lydia, " Richard Whitmarsh. Abiah, " Hers(;y. Ensign ANDREW FORD.^^ b. 'Ford's Farm." ,\bington, 1682: m. about 1707, Marcy Whit- marsh. Their gravestones were standing in the burying ground at North Abington, 18tMi. He bequeathed certain property to the cliildreii of his dau. Hester Porter, adding. "And I would have it known that the reason that I don't give the whole unto my said daughter, Hester Por- ter is because I would not have it to come unto my son-in-law. Jacob Porter's hands, tliat ho 322 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. 18, 1834, Ruth Torrey, of Cummin^'ton, Mass.: clothier and farmer: Cumming- ton; Whig and Republican; soldier 1812 war: served 60 days; pensioner; Rep. Mass. Legislature, 1851; Methodist. He d. Plainfteld, Mass., Sept. 10, 1874. Ch. b. Curamington: Oct. 28, 1819. Nov. 9, 1821. Sept. 23, 1823. Aug. 13, 1825. Dec. 19, 1827; d. same day. Dec. 11, 1828; " July 19, 1829. LIN, July 3, 1831. 2524.* Celia, 2525.* Angeline, 2526.* OCTAVIA, 2527.* Lavantia, 2528. Orren H., 2529. Polly R., 2530.* Martha H might not with it fight against ministers of the Gospel." A controversy was then— 1749— going on against Rev. Mr. Brown, who witnessed and perliaps drew up the will. Cong. Both d. Ab- ington; he May 12, 1750; she Feb., 1737-8. Ch. b. Abington: Marcy, 1708. Jacob. 1711; m. Sarah Pool. Hester, 1714, " Jacob Porter. Mary, 1719, " Jacob Reed. Andrew. 1721. " Sarah Shaw. JACOB FORD,* (Eldest son and 2d child,) b. Abington, 1711; m. 1733, Sarah, daughter of Samuel Pool; res. Abington. They are buried near his parents. North Abington. Both d. Abington; he June 9, 1794; she 1788. Ch. b. Abington: Jacob, 1738; m. Rachael Agur and Anna Ellis. Sarah, 1739, " Barnabas Packard. Mark, 1741, " Hannah Brett. Luke, 1742, " Hannah Reed. JOHN, 1744. " Lydia Auger. Noah, 1745, d. in the French war, .Joseph, 1746, m. Freelove Beal. Mary, 1748. Benjamin, 1750, m. Sarah Brett. Lieut. JOHN FORD.s (Fifth child,) b. Abington, 1744; m. Lydia Auger; Lieut, in the Cont. army. He d. Mar. 18, 1792. Children : Susannah. b. 1768, m. Noah Thomas, Jr. John, " 1771, " Mehitable Kingman and Sally Reed, Lydia, " 1773, prob. d. young. Hannah, " 1778, d. young. •.Tames, " 1780, m. Parna Howard and Gurney. Lydia, " 1782, " John Wild. Samuel,, " 1783, " Sally Clapp and Warren. Hannah, " 1892, " Oldham. JOHN F0RD,6 b. Abington, 1771 ; m. 1st, Mehitable Kingman, who d. Ashfleld, Mass., soon after the birth of their son John; m. 2d, Sally Reed. He removed to Ashfleld, about 1796, and d. there. Ch. by 1st wife: John, b. May 20, 1796; m. Abigail Hamlen. Ch. by 2d wife, b. Ashfleld: Noah, Dec. 18, 1799. Mehitable, July 23, 1801. William, Nov. 18, 1803. Elisha, Apr. 18, 1809. SEVENTH GENERATION. 323 [866] LYMAN HAMLEN,' (Bro. of Reuben,) b. Plaintield, Mass., Jan. 14. 1803: m. by Rev. Mr. Millard, 1826, Lucy Flint,* of West Bloomlield, N. Y.; res. West Bloomfteld. He d. Feb. 14, 1878; she d. Pontiac, Mich., Oct. 6, 1876, aged 66. 2531.* 2532.* 2533.* 2534. 2535.* 2536.* 2537.* 2538. 2539. 2540.* Ch. b. West Bloomtieid: Sarah E., May Mary M., Apr. Amelia, Mar. Horace, June Horatio B., Aug. Willia:m H., Aug. Martha A., Feb. Alice Flora, June Edwin C, July Frederick B., July 20, 1827. 3, 1830. 29, 1833. 8, 1835; d. Feb. 8, 1839. 1, 1837. 24. 1840. 2, 1843. 25, 1846; d. Jan. 25, 1854. 11, 1849; " Nov. 14, 1865. 31, 1853. [867] Hon. FREEMAN HAMLEN,b (Bro. of Reuben,) b. Plainfield, Mass., May 8, 1805; m. 1st, there, by Rev. Moses Hallock, June 4, 1829, Clarissa Whiting, of Plainfield; who d. Oct. 13, 1847; m. 2d, by Rev. J. * Note '.m. Mr. HENRY FLINT, i freeman, Mass., May 15, 1636. Mb. THOMAS FLINT,i came from Wales; freeman, Mass., Mar., 1637-8; settled in Salem, Mass., 1642; was at Salem Village, now South Danvers, 1650. He d. Apr. 15, 1663. Children : Thomas, m. Hannah Moulton. .lOHN, " Elizabeth 1 324 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. H. Gaylord, ISTov. 30, 1848, Martha, dau. of Jeremiah and Martha (Shaw*) Tay- lor, b. Hawley, N. Y.; farmer; Plaintleld; selectman, 1846-52: representative, 1850-1; town clerk, 1853-76; member Constitutional Con., 1853. The records of births, marriages and deaths of Plaintleld were greatly improved by him: dea. Cong. Church, 1844-67, when he resigned: for many years clerk of the church. He and his brother were excellent singers and leaders in the church choir. He resided on his farm until about 1855, when he removed to the village. The author of the history of Plaintleld says of him: "He was a man of thorough honesty and sound judgment, worthy of, and received the confidence of the entire community. Humility, sincerity and charity were marked features of his Christian character. Truly, in many ways, he being dead, yet speaketh." He d. suddenly while seated in his sitting room, Jan. 16, 1889; his widow d. Plaintleld, May 17, 1891, aged 85 years, 8 months, 9 days. Ch. b. Plaintleld: 2541.* Edward F., June 6, 1842. [868J POLLY HAMLEN,7 (Sister of Reuben, ) b. Plaintleld, Mass., Sept. 15, 1807; m. 1st, there, by Rev. Roswell Hawks, of Cumraington, Mass, May 12, 1830, Mason Ames. She d. Chester, Ohio, Mar. 18, 1847; he m., 2d, Dec. 22, 1847, Mercy H. Rust, of Chester, by whom he had Emily F., b. Oct. 21, 1848, and Statira W., b. Sept. 14, 1850; res. Chester, Ohio. Children: 2542. Edward M., b. May 20, 1831; d. Sept. 20, 1832. 2543. Edward M., " Jan. 8, 1832; " Jan. 20, 1833. 2544. JohnH., " Jan. 2, 1834; " Nov. 16, 1854. 2545. Edward M., " Aug. 1, 18.35, " Dec. 25, 1855. 2546.* David D., " Feb. 25, 1837. 2547. Sarah E., " Mar. 5, 1838; m. Aaron Van Housen. 2548. MaryL., " Dec. 16, 1840: d. Apr. 3, 1855. 2549. Freeman H., " Mar. 16, 1844; " Oct. 12, 1864. 2550. Lucius F., " July 16, 1845; " Aug. 28, 1845. [869] HORACE HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Reuben,) b. Plaintleld, Mass., Aug. 23, 1810; m. 1st, Granville, Ohio, by Rev. Jacob Little, May 1, 1834, Clarissa Bancroft,! b. Granville, Feb. 24, 1813; who d. Aug. 8, 1875; m. 2d, by Rev. Mr. Harvey, July 6, 1876, Mrs. Lizzie Gavren, of Gratiot, Ohio; res. Granville. He d, Gratiot, April 15, 1893. Child: 2551. Samuel Barcroft, b. Feb. 20, 18.35: m. Lydia Clark. [872] ISAAC RICHARDS,' (Joseph,'' Mary Hamblin,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. June 24, 1782; m. Esther Holbrook; res. North Bridge- water, Mass. He d. North Bridge water. He had several daughters. Ensign THOMAS FLINT, .John andJoseph Flint; freeman, Salem, Mass., Apr. IS, 1690. JONATHAN FLINT, b. Salem, Dec. 28, 173:2; d. in the r,i year of his age. Rev. JOSIAH FLINT, of Dorchester, before 168.5. JOHN FLINT, b. Windham, Ct., Feb. 8, 1681; m. Mayo, 1709, Christian Reed. * For Shaw see note 68. + For Bancroft see note 166. SEVENTH GENERATION. 325 [875] BETSEY PHILLIPS," (Elizabeth Hamlin, <= Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazei\:'James,2i), b. Fitchburg. Mass., Dec. 13, 1778; m. Jan. 1, 1801, Cal- vin, son of Thomas and Olive (Ware) Messenger, b. Fitchburg, Apr. 14, 1776. We are indebted to Mrs. John Lowe, of Fitchburg, Mass., for sketches of the descendents of Elizabeth Hamlin Phillips. She lived at home until her mar- riage, and was early instructed in all things that went to make up the life of women in those old times when the country was not only new, but recovering from the effects of the Revolution. She assumed a large share of the house- hold duties and the care of the younger children. Her opportunities for school were limited — the only school liouse in town was two miles away — and to this she walked when she could be spared at home; being a bright, intelligent girl, she made the most of her advantages. She found time to spin, weave and pre- pare, as was the custom, a good outfit for her wedding. Mr. Messenger was of a good family, noted for strength of character and intellectual ability, a man much respected and beloved. His occupation of a slioemaker gave him wide acquaintance. His moral principles were strong: he had such detestation of the drinking habit that he would not allow rum, the New England beverage. in his house, not even for "treating the minister" — almost an unpardonable discourtesy. But after his death, in 1819, his widow wasobliged to furnish two gallons of rum to the haymakers to get the work done. Their wedding was in keeping with the standing of her father, "Seth Phillips, gentleman," and the young couple took a journey to Boston, fifty miles distant, visiting friends. They returned to his father's farm, which Mr. Messenger had purchased, where they resided 18 years, until his death. She was not a church member until after her husband's death, but the children were reared to attend church, and she attended the monthly concert for prayer in the meeting house on Monday after- noon. She d. July 1, 1863; he d. Fitchburg, Nov. 11, 1819. Ch. b. Fitchburg: Oct. 1, 1801. Apr. 17, 1803. Jan. 1, 1805; d. Oct. 8, 1825. Jan. 26, 1806. Jun. 11, 1809. [876] SAMUEL PHILLIPS,' (Bro. of Betsey,) b. Fitchburg, Mass., Sept. 11, 1781: m. there by Daniel Putnam, J. P., Nov. 3, 1803, Sally, dau. of Deacon John Thurston; farmer; Fitchburg, Worcester and Ashburnham, Mass. Both d. at the house of their son, Ivers; he, Wor- cester, 1840: she Fitchburg, Mar., 1848. Ch. b. Ashburnham: 2557.* Ivers, July 28, 1805. 2558.* SAT.LY, .July 29, 1811. [877] LYDIA PHILLIPS," (Sister of Betsey,) b. Fitchburg, Mass., Apr. 19, 1785; m. Chelsea, Mass., May 25, 1808, Jacob, son of Cyrus and Mercy (Hale) Fairbanks, b. Ashburnham, Mass.. Mar. 17. 1782: farmer: A.shburnliam: Whig: Congs. Both d. Ashburnham: she, Jan. 24. 1852; he, .Jan. 21, 1850. 2552.* Louisa Adaline, 2553.* Horace Phillips, 2554. Calvin, 2.555.* Betsey, • 2556.* Lydia, i« 526 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. Ashburnham: 2559.* Laura Oltvia, Mar 11, 1809. 2560.* Europe Hamlin, Sept. 14, 1810, 2561.* Sjeth Phillips, Mar. 11, 1812. 2562.* Sherman Dexter, Jan. 6, 1814, 2563.* Lydia Harriet, Apr. 10, 1816. 2564.* Mercy Elizabeth, Apr. 18, 1818. 2565.* Caroline Ari>elia, Feb. 22, 1820. 2566. Sarah Dwelley, July 11, 1822: d. 1847. 2567.* Jacob Horatio, Sept. 7, 1825. 2568. Albert Porter, Mar. 17, 1829; " 1851. [878] SETH PHILLIPS,' ( Bro. of Betsey,) b. Fitchburj?, Mass., Sept. 4, 1787. It is traditional that he m. Lavinia Barnes, and had a son and daughter; he was of a roving nature; farmer; Asli- burnham, Mass.; removed to Messena, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., engaged in lumbering, and resided there as late as 1830; removed to Mich., where the entire family died; soldier 1812 war. [881] THOMAS PHILLIPS,' (Bro. of Betsey,) b. Fitchburg, Mass., the youngest of the family. When about 16 j'ears old he went to Boston, was a coachman a few years; then to Hallowell, Maine: m. an Irish lady; lived and died there, about 1835. About 1836, Col. Ivers Phillips brought the widow and three children to Fitchburg, and supported them. The daughter afterwards died. The widow and sons were living, in 1873, in. San Francisco, Cal., where she afterwards died before 1880. Ch. b. Hallowell, Me.: 2569. Catharine. 2570. John. 2571. James. AFRICA HAMLIN,' b. Harvard, Mass., Aug. 25, 1785; the natural son of Molly Burt; m. Lydia Chase, of Haverhill, Mass.; res. Harvard: his house and barn were standing, in good repair, 1895; Ensign of mi],itia company. Harvard, 1814, attached to 2d Worcester Regt., 2d Brig., 7th Div. He d. Harvard, and she removed with her children to East Parish, Haverhill, where she d. aged 96. Ch. b. Harvard: 2572. H A RIOT Chase, Oct. 27, 1819; d. Oct. 24, 1891, unm. 2573. SoPHRONiA Reed,, Mar. 18, 1812; " Feb. 9, 1816. 2574.* ZoA Stone, Apr. 24, 1814. 2575.* .ToHN Chase, Dec. 23, 1817. 2576.* Sarah A., Jun. 22, 1820. [882] ABAGAIL HAMLIN,' (Africa,* Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,* James,2i) b. Harvard, Mass., Aug. 2, 1786; she was brought in her mother's- arms to Waterford, Me., when a small child. She d. unm.. and this inscrip- tion is on her tombstone in South Waterford: NABBY HAMLIN DIEI> Jan. 1, 186.3. ^E 76. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord. SEVENTH GENERATION. 327 [883J Capt. POLADORE HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Abigail,) b. Wateifoid, Me., Feb. 2, L789; m. Nancy Parks, b. Harvard, Mass., Dec. |13, 1785; private in Capt. Bailey Bodwell's Co., of Norway, Me., 1812 war, from iSept., 1812, to Jan., 1813; res. on his father's old farm in Waterford until 1866; removed to Melrose, Mass. Both d. Melrose; he, July 27, 1870; she, Aug, 11, 11872. I Ch. b. Waterford: 2577.* Eliza Ann, Jan. 24, 1818. 2578. Margaretta, d. young, [885] SUSANNAH HAMLIN,- (Sister of Abigail,) b. Waterford, Me., Feb. 21, 1793; m. there, May 29, 1811, Gabriel, son of Benjamin and Ruth (Hazelton) Kilgore,* b. Fryeburg, Me., May 5, 1785; farmer; came with his parents from Fryeburg, and settled in Southeast part of Waterford, about 1800. Both d. Waterford; she Nov. 10, 1843; he, Jan. 21, 1870. Ch. b. Waterford: 2579.* Caroline, Oct. 8, 1811. 2580.* Hamilton, Dec. 11, 1813. 2581.* Harriet Newell, Oct. 29, 1816. 2582. Cyrus H., Oct. 17, 1817; d. Oct. 14, 1818 2583.* Susan Stone, Mar. 27, 1819. 2584.* Almira, Feb. 22, 1821. 2585.* Rebecca, Nov. 16, 1823. 2586. Charlotte, Aug. 13, 1825; " xMar. 4, 1832 2587.* Emerson, May 10, 1829. 2588.* Henry, Jan. 6, 183L [886] Dr. CASTELLA HAMLIN,' (Bro, of Abigail,) b. Waterford, Me., July 3, 1797; m. there, Oct. 22, 1826, Rebecca E., dau. of Robert and Rebecca (Emersonf) Haskins, of Waterford, b. Oct. 19, 1799; physi- * Note 301. BENJAMIN KILGOEE, m. Ruth Hazeltine; removed from Fryeburg to Waterford, Me., about 1800. Children: Benjamin, d. at sea. DoMiNicus, m. Hannah Grover. Gabriel. " Susan Hamlin. Reuben, " Mary Bergin. Mary, " .loseph Eastman. Naomi, " Daniel McKenney. Liberty, " Jane Edwards. t Note :i02. THOMAS EMERSON,i prob. b. Sldgefield parish, Durham, England; wile, Elizabeth. He came in the Elizabeth, 1635; settled in Ipswich, Mass., as early as 1638; baker; his will dated May 31, 16.J3; proved May 10, 1666; his wife survived him. Children; Elizabeth, m. Jolin Fuller. Thomas, wife, Elizabeth. •loSEPH, b. 1630; m. Elizabeth Woodmansey and Elizabeth Bulkley. John, " 1625; " Ruth Symonds. James, res. in England. Nathanieu b. 1629; m. Sarah and Lydia Sarah. Rev. JOSEPH EMERSON.2 b. England, about 1620-1; m. 1st, 1646 (?) Elizabeth, dau. of Robert and Margaret Woodmansey; freeman, Ipswich, Mass., Dec. 19, 16.18; preached in York, Me., same year; took the freeman's oath. Wells, Me., July 4, 1653; puritan clergyman; he left 328 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. cian; practiced several years in Solon, Me.; removed to Dover, R. I., where he d. Apr. 8, 1834. Children: 2589.* Mary, h. July 9, 1827, Waterford. 2590. Lincoln Ripley: d. in childhood. Wells about 166+, and became the first minister of Milton, Mass. ; m. rJd. Dec. 7, 1665, Elizaljetb. dau. of Rev. Peter Bulkley, of Concord, Mass., b. 1638, and settled at Mendon, Mass., Dec. 1, 1669. where he remained until the Indians destroyed the town in King Phillip's war, and retired to Concord, where he d. .Tan. .3. ]6so. She m. Capt. .Tohn Brown, of Reading, Mass., and d. Sept. i. 1693. Ch. by 1st wife: Joseph, m. Mary .James, " Sarah By 2d wife: Lucy Ann, b. Oct. Edward, Peter, Ebenezer, Daniel^ EDWARD EMERSON,3 b. Mendon, Children : .TOSEPH. b. Apr. ;iO. 1700 Elizabeth, " Apr. 19. 1701 Edward, May 8, 1702, Hann.vh, Apr. 26 1704 .John, Feb. 27, 1706 2. 1667; m. Thomas Damon. \pr. 26. 1670, '• Rebecca Waldo. 1673, " Anna Brown. " Bertha Parker, Mary Boutwell. and two others. " Jane Armitage. Mass., Apr. 25. IBiO; m. Chelmsford, Mass., Jan. 27. 1697, Rel>ecca, dau. of C jrnelius and Rebecca (Adam-;) Waldo, of Chelmsford, b. Ipswich. Mass., Sept. 24, 1662; he was schoolmaster at Chelmsford, Ijefore 1700, and res. there until 1703; Charlestown, Mass., 170.")-13; highway surveyor, 1703; merchant, Newbury. 1727; deacon, 1728. Inscription on his gravestone, Maiden, Mass.: " Here lies Buried ye Body of Edward Emerson, Esqr. (Sometime Deacon of ye 4th Church in Newbury,) who departed tliis life (Very Suddenly) May 9th. Anno Domini 1743. a?tate 73." Inscription on her gravestone: ■• Here lies Buried ye Body of Mrs. Rebecca Emerson, the Consort of Edward Emerson, wlio Deed. April 23, 17.52. .Etatis 90." Children : m. Mary Moody. '■ Edwards ' Hannah Beale. d. Feb. 2, 1705. m. Elizabeth Pratt. Rev. JOSEPH EMERSON.* b. Chelmsford. Mass., Apr. 20, 1700; m Dec. 2", 1821, Mary. dau. of Rev. Samuel and Hannah (Sewell) Moody, b. York. Me., 1702. He grad. Harvard College. 1717; taught in York, Me., 1718; Newbury and Maiden, 171S-9; began to preach in Haverliill. Mass., 1717; was settled as minister in Maiden, 1721, and continued there the remainder of his life; where he d. July 13, 1767; will dated Jan. 12, 1762; proved Sept. 1. 1767; she d. Maiden, Mar. 15, 1799. Children: Hannah, b. Dec. 3. 1722; m. Rev. Daniel Emerson. Joseph. ■ Aug. 25. 1724. ■ Abigail Hay. Mary, " Oct. 8, 1726. " Rev. Daniel Little. Edward, " Apr. 1, 1728, " Mary Owen. Samdel, ■' July 7,1730. " Mary Green and Deborah Harris. BiTLKLEY. ■■ Jun. 5, 17;i2, " Mary Moody and Hannah Owen. Waldo, •• Jun. 23,1734; d. July 8, 1735. Waldo, • Jun. 23, 1?'35: m. Olive Hill. Ebenezer, " Aug. 6. 1736; d. .July 10, 1750. Rebecca, " Aug. 7, 1738; m, Jacob Parker, Daa. Brintaael and Samuel Waite. Rcth, " Jan. 19.1741, " Nathan Sargent and Samuel Waite. William. • May 31.1743, " Phebe Bliss. John. " Nov. 20, 1745, •■ Sabra Cobb. Rev. WILLIAM EMERSaN.s b. Maiden, Mass., May 31, 174i; m. Au.^. :21. 1766, Phebe. dau- of Rev. Daniel and Phebe (Walker) Bliss, b. Concord, .Mass.. Oi:t. 21.1741. He grad. Harvard College, 1761 ; was settled as minister and successor of his father-in-law. Concord, Mass.. 1766. He built the parsonage there known as the " Old Manse." immortalized by Hawthorne. He was an ardent patriot, was at the fight at Concord. Apr. 19, 1775; and was appointed Chaplain of the American army at Ticonderoga; his health failed and he started to return home, but SEVENTH GENERATION. 329 [887] LYDIA HAMLIN,' (Sister of Abigail, ) b. Waterford, Me., Aug. 15, 1801; m. by Rev. John Abbott Douglass, Water- ford, Nov. 24, 1825, John, son of John and Abigail (Kimball*) Wilkins, b. Waterford, Dec. 27, 1802; farmer; res. first, on his father's old farm at Temple Hill, Waterford; afterwards at Harrison and Waterford Flat, Me., and at died at Otter Creek, near Rutland, Vt., Oct. 20, 1776. She m. 2d, Nov. 16, 1780, Rev. Ezra Ripley, D. D., by whom she had other children; and d. Feb. 16, 1825. Children: William, b. May 6, 1760; m. Ruth Haskins. Hannah Bliss, " .luly 37, 1770, " William Parnham. Phebe Bliss, "' Nov. 8, 1772, " Rev. Lincoln Ripley. Mary Moody, " Aug. 35, 1774; d. May 1, 1863. Rebecca, " Aug. 7. 1776; m. Robert Haskins. REBECCA EMERS0N,6 b. Concord, Mass., Aug. 7, 1776; m. May 18, 1797, Robert, son of John and Hannah (Upham) Haskins, b. Boston, Mass., July 2, 1773; merchant, farmer and manufacturer; removed from Boston and settled on Plummer's Hill, Waterford, Me., 1803; afterwards at 'Elm Vale," near Bear Pond, South Waterford. He was one of 16 children, three of whom died ill infancy; the average age of the other thirteen was 80 years. Ralph Waldo Emerson, the sage of Concord, was her cousin. They brought their babe in a basket for its bed, lashed to the front of the chaise— the first vehicle of the kind in Waterford— and the horse was led, from the foot of Long Pond, Naples, Me. many miles, to their new home in Waterford, on account of bad roads. She d. Waterford, Aug. 16, 1845; he d. Williamsburg, L. I., Jan. 6, 1855. Children: 14, 1798. 14, 1798. 19, 1799; m. Dr. Costella Hamlin. John, b. Feb. William, " Feb. Rebecca Emekson, " Oct. Thomas Waldo. " Apr. Phebe Ripley, " Jan. Robert, " Nov. William Emerson, " Sep. Ralph Thurston, " Aug. Caspar L.avater, " Dec. Lincoln Ripley, " Jan. Samuel Moody, ■ May Hannah Upham, '• Nov. Sarah Ripley, " Apr. Charles Farnum, " Jul. 29, 1801, " Mary Ann Sever. 7, 1803, " John Cleveland. 17, 1804, " Lucretia Child. 17, 1806, " Frances Maria Hodges. 24, 1808, '• Maria A. Browning. 10, 1810, d. 1813. 2.5, 1812, " 1860. Land Lucy S. Wildman. 29, 1813, m. Adeline Peak, Sarah B. Knickerbacker 2, 1814, " Augustus Parsons. 34, 1816, " Samuel Ansley. 13. 1823, " Rev. Charles Cleveland. * Note 303. For Richard Kimball,i see note 254. RICHARD KIMBALL.a b. Rattlesden, Eng., 1623. Came in the Elizaheth, with his par- ents to Watertown, Mass., 1634; m. 1st, Mary , who d. Sept. 2, 1673; m. 3d, Mary (Gott?) In 1658 he testified that he once lived on Goodman Shatswell's farm seven years; he removed to Wenham, Mass., 1653-6; first of the name there; settled near Ladd's Hill; grand juror there, 1661; a hirge tax payer; he was of Topstteld, Mass., 1664; he sold his house in Ipswich to his brother Caleb, July 6, 1665. He d. Wenham, May 38, 1676. Estate £986.16.6, including dwelling house and 132 acres of land, 17 acres of meadow, and 300 acres at Rowley Village. Children : John, b. about 1650, Ipswich ; m. Sarah and 1 Samuel, " 1651, " " Mary Witt. Thomas, " Nov. 12, 1657, " Elizabeth Potter Ephraim, " Feb. 18, 1660, Wenham ; m. Mary Friend. Caleb, " Apr. 9, 1665, " Sarah Christopher, " Sarah Jolls. Richard, '• July 1^ 1 , 1671, Rowley. Nathaniel, It 1676. Ensign SAMUEL KIMBALL,3 b. Ipswich, Mass., about 1651 ; m. Sept. 20. 1676. Mary, dau. of John and Sarah Witt, of Lynn, Mass.; freeman, May 24, 1682; res. Wenham, Mass.; Ensign In militia; sur^^eyor, 1676; constable, 1677; selectman, 1683. He d. Oct. 3, 1716. 330 THE HAMLIN FAMlLrY. St. Johnsbury, Vt., 1851-9; Whig and Republican. Congs.: both d. Waterford; she, Feb. 6, 1880; he, Oct. 23, 1874. Children: 2591.* ■ Susan Hamlin, b. Nov. 23, 1840, Harrison. 2592.* Elizabeth Holland, " Mar. 10, 1845, Waterford. Ch. b. Wenham: Samuel, Sarah, Martha, Mary, Richard, Jonathan, John, Ebenezer, Martha, Thomas, Benjamin, Abigail, Jerusha, Aug. 19, 1677; m. Elizabeth Fowler Sept. 6, 1678, " John Herrick. May 24, 1680, d. same day. about 1682, m. Elisha Dodge. about 1683, " Anna Quarles. about 1686, " Hannah Hopkins. Nov. 13, 1687, " Charity Dodge. about 1690, " Elizabeth Carr. about 1692, " John Gott. Feb. 22, 1695-6; m. Elizabeth Brown. Apr. 17, 1698, d. Aug. 4,. 1703. May 25, 1700, m. Thomas Brown. Apr. 30, 1703, d. Aug. 22, 1703. [ (Burnham) Dodge. Abigail Poster and Mrs. Joanna Jonathan, Hannah, Samuel, Sarah, Mary, Abigail, b. Oct. " Apr. " Dec. Capt. JONATHAN KIMBALL,* b. Wenham, 1686; ra. by Rev. Cotton Mather, Boston, Mass. July 28, 1729, Hannah Hopkins of Boston; cordwainer; removed to Boston, 1708; returned to Wenham, about 1718; juror, there, 1721; Capt. in militia; deacon; town clerk, 1751-2; they united with the church, Feb. 27, 1737. He d. Feb. 19, 1758. Children: 9, 1710, Boston; m. Martha Ober. 5, 1713, " " Joseph Batchelder. 1, 1714, " d. Jan. 27, 1715. Dec. 21, 1719, Wenham; m. Josiah Ober. Nov. 26, 1721, " " John Porter. Apr. 14, 1726, " d. Apr. 19, 1751, unm. JONATHAN KIMBALL,5 b. Boston, Oct. 9, 1710; m. Ipswich, Mass., Apr. 21, 1732, Martha Ober, of Beverly, Mass. ; res. Wenham, Mass. ; town clerk, 1755-60. Children: Martha, b. Jun. 7, ]733;d. Jun. 23,1736. Margaret, " Jun. 2, 1735, " Nov 14, 1737. John, " Sep. 27, 17:^7, " Nov. 19, 1758. Martha, " Dec. 28, 1739. Isaac, " Jan. 18, 1741-2; m. Abigail Raymond. Ezra, "Sep. 11, 1744; m. Sally Holmes. Margaret, " Sep. 7, 1747. Mary, " Jan. 5, 1750. Abigail, "Apr. 20, 1752 ; d. young, Abigail, " Jun. 13, 1754, Cambridge; d. .July 12, 1757. ISAAC KIMBALL,6 b. Wenham, Jan. 18, 1741-2; m. Nov. 9, 1762, Abigail Raymond of Bev- erly, Mass., b. 1742; res. Wenham, Beverly and Temple, Mass.; settled in South Waterford, Me., where Mr. Ellis lived, 1875. Children: Abigail, Isaac, John, David, Mary, .Jonathan, George, Abigail, Sarah, Hannah, William, Betsey, b. Jun. " Jun. " Mar. " Aug. " Sep. " July Sep. Aug. 27, 1763; d. young. 17, 1765, Beverly; m. Sally Cutter. 8, 1767, Temple, 17, 1769, 22, 1771, 1773, 6, 1775, [Achsah Spaulding. Anna Livermore and Abigail Billings Millie Stone. Seth Wheeler. Abigail Holt and Betsey Bowers Catherine Shattuck. " John Wilkins. 1780, " Daniel Billings, " Luther Hamlin. 12, 1782, Temple; m. Abigail Scripture. 17, 1785, " Fiske. SEVENTH GENERATION. 331 [888] DORCAS HAMLIN,^ (Europe,? Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Harvard, Mass., Nov. 12, 1786; m. Hillsboro, N. H., Apr. 10, 1808; William Collins, son of Benjamin and Susanna (Collins) Mead, b. Hills- boro, Oct. 12, 1781; farmer; removed to Addison, Vt., 1808; Tarleton, Ohio, 1837; Greenfield, Ohio, 1857; Freemason; Congs. in Vermont, Methodists in Ohio. She was a kind, affable lady, of great force of character, and universally respected. Both d. Greenfield; she, Feb. 9, 1872; he Sept. 13, 1872. Children: 2593.* Cyrus Hamlin, Feb. 3, 1809, Addison. 2594.* Benjamin Franklin, May 19, 1811, u 2595. A Daughter, Mar. 19, 1813, d. same day. 2596.* Charlotte Bridge, Sep. 13, 1814, Goshen. 2597. William, Feb. 18, 1818; d. Mar. 12, 1818. 2598. Harriet Stow, May 19, 1819, " Apr. 18, 1819. 2599.* Europe America, Jul. 25, 1820, Goshen, 2600.* Charles George, Oct. 31, 1822, (( 2601.* James Alexander, Jun. 16, 1826, a 2602.* Henry Constantine, Feb. 8, 1829, 11 [890] HANNAH HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Dorcas,) b. Harvard, Mass., July 27. 1789; m. prob. in N. H., Capt. Alexander Cald- well, b. Nottingham, N. H., June27, 1777; carpenter; Nottingham and Hills- boro, N. H.: removed to Portsmouth, Ohio, about 1817-8. He was made a Mason in Portsmouth Lodge, 1821; his Masonic apron is still preserved in the family. Presbys.; he assisted in organizing the first Presb. church in Portsmouth. He and his son George were drowned in the Scioto river, Apr. 10, 1824; she d. Ports- mouth, Aug. 15, 1824. 16, 1809, Hillsboro. 29, 1812, 14, 1814, " drown'd Apr. 10, 1824. 16, 1816, " d. 1821-2. 8, 1818, Portsmouth; d. Jan. 25, 1818. 1821, " " Jul. 7,1823. Children: 2603.* Almena, b. Aug, 2604.* Hamlin, " Feb. 2605. George, " Mar. 2606. Dorcas Sarah, " Jan. 2607. A Son, " Jan. 2608. Hiram, " Sep. [891] JOASH HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Dorcas,) b. Harvard, Mass., Aug. 7, 1792; m. Washington, N. H.. June 17, 1817, Leafy, dau. of Samuel and Mary Murdock; foundryman. He prob. removed with his father from Harvard to Hillsboro, N. H., and succeeded to his father's home- ABIGAIL KIMBALL,' m. John Wilkins; farmer; came from Mass. and settled at Tem- ple Hill, Waterford, Me. Children: .John, m. Lydia Hamlin. Abigail,, " Levi Whitney. Laurinda, " Stephen Lovejey. William K., " Lorania Lovejoy. Emerson, " Rhoda Nutting and Angelia Brown, Augustus, " Sarah Lowell. Samuel N., " Christiana Hobbs. Eliza, " Otis Trafton. Calvin. Harriet, " .Josiah Lovejoy. 332 THE HAMLIIS' FAMILY. stead ther Circleville, 2609. 2610.* 2611.* 2612.* 2613. 2614. 2615. 2616. 2617. 2618. 2619. 2620.* e. In 1838 he appears at Newport, Ohio. She, Methodist. He d. Ohio, May 10, 1840. Slie d. Logan, Ohio, buried at Tarlton, Ohio. Children: Sakah Hale, b. Aug. Elizabeth Jane, " Mar. Cordelia Frances, " Jan. George Fletcher, " Jun. Mary M., " Feb. Adams Jefferson, " Jul. Catherine M., " May Jambs Europe, " Jan. Frederick J., ^' Feb. Henry M., " Oct. Charlott p., " Aug. Martha Ann, " Aug. 30, 1818, Hillsboro; d. 1896, unm. 13, 1820, 6, 1822, 3, 1823, 10, 1825, 4, 1827, 11, 1829, 3, 18,30, 1832, 9, 1833, " 5, 1838, Newport, Ohio. 5. 1838, " " d. Sep. 12, 1825. unmarried. d. unm. " Jul. 15, 1831. " Aug. 4, 1834. [893] JAMES G. HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Dorcas,) b. Harvard, Mass., Dec. 31, 1796: educated in Westford, Mass. school in Portsmouth, Ohio: physician and surgeon in Ohio. taught Copy of his Diploma state of OHIO TWELFTH MEDICAL SOCIETY AS BY LAW established To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting: We do hereby certify that James G. Hamlen is admitted a Fellow [Seal] of this Society, and is entitled to all its privileges, honours and immunities. And we do hereby recommend him to the Publick, as a person well qualilied for the practice of Physic and Surgery. Witness, the President, and Seal of the Society, this thirtieth day of June, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty four. John Cotton, President. Attest: Columbus Bearse, Secretary. Surgeon 1st Regt., 2d Brig., 3d Div., Ohio Militia: commissioned Jan. 27, 1824. He d. Gallipolis, Ohio, Aug. 5. 1824, unmarried. [895] HANNIBAL GILMAN HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Dorcas,) b. Hillsboro, N. II., Apr. 23, 1800: m. Portsmouth, Ohio, Feb. 1, 1825, Mary Tichnor,8 dau. of Rulufl and Susannah (Glenny*) Whitney, t b. Dryden, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1803. His early education was under the personal instruction of his * Note 304. The Glennys came from Derry, Ireland, after the Revolution, to look after a claim against the government on account of a brother, Lieut. Glenny, who died in the service. + Note 305. The name Whitney, does not appear in England before " Domesday Book," 1081-7. In the distribution of lands in England after the battle of Hastings, by William the Conqueror, there fell to the lot of Turstin the Fleming (Turstinus Flandrensis), son of Rolf, possessions in Herefordshire, Hampshire, Dorsetshire, Berkshire, Somersetshire, Devonshire, Gloucestershire, Buckinghamshire and Wiltshire. Nothing further is known of him, except > CD > O > SEVENTH GENERATION. 333 moUier, who was an accomplished lady and received her education in England; he afterwards attended school in Harvard, Mass., and in 1817, after the death of his mother, went to live with his sister, Mrs. Caldwell, at Portsmouth, Ohio, that his wife was Agnes, dau. of Alured De Merleberge, a baron of the realm. Their son, Sir Eustiice (Eustacius Miles), of Hereford, was called Lord of Whitney, and founder of the family of De Whitney. ' Agnes, relicta Turstina Flandrensis, et Eustacius Miles Alius ejus, Dominus de Whitney, dederunt Ecclesiae Sancti Petri. Glocest; unam hidam terras in Pencomb," etc. (Ao'nes. widow of Turstin the Fleming, and Sir Eustace, her son, Lord of Whitney, gave to the churcli of St. Peter, at Glocester, one hide (120 acres) of land in Pencomb.) Whitney as a sur- name owes its origin to the ancient parish of that name, on the western coniines of Hereford- shire, near the border of Wales. It is in the Valley of the Wye. hence called Whitney-on-the- Wye. It was granted by the Conqueror to Turstinus. one of his soldiers, a valliant fighter, one of the Northmen, who joined the army of William in the Conquest of England. The amount of the King's bounty shows that he was a prominent soldier. He was commissioned to guard the frontiers against the Welsh, and had his castle on the Wye. and within the confines of the par- ish of Whitney. The W' hitneys were for ages the chief men in that vicinity, and several at different times lost their lives in the services of their Kings. A decree of Henry IV. Feb. 14, 1404, reads: "■ The King: To all whom, etc.— Greeting: Know ye that since the father of Kob- ert Whitney, Esq., and his uncle, and a great part of his relations, have been killed in our ser- vice at the capture of Edmund Mortimer, and his property burned and destroyed by our rebels of Wales, so that the said Robert has not any castle or fortress where he can tarry to resist and punish our aforesaid rebels as we accept. W'e. of our special grace, have granted to the said Robert, the Castle of Clifford, ou the opposite side of the Wye, and adjacent to Whitney was added thereto. Sir ROBERT WHITNEY, of W'hitney. decendant from a long knightly line of Whitaeys and DeWhitneys, was dubbed Knight by Queen Mary, Oct. 2, 1.553. One of his ancestors had been a Crusader; one fought under Edward I; another served under Richard II. and was slain; a fourth followed Henry V. He had sons: Sir James, Eustace and Robert. ROBERT WHITNEY, Esq., son of Sir Robert; had a son. THOMAS WHITNEY, Gentleman, of Westminster; m. St. Margaret's, May 12, 1583, Mary, dau. of John Bray. He d. April. 1637; she. Sept. 25, 1629. Children: Margaret, Thomas. Henry, Arnway, John, Nowell. Francis, Mary 'and Robert. All died in childhood except John, Francis and Robert. JOHN WHITNEY,! (Thomas, Robert, Sir Robert,) b. England, 1589; bap. St. Margaret's, Westminster. July 20, 1.592; m. in Eng., Eleanor , b. 1.599. He was educated at " Westmin- ster School;" apprenticed. Feb. 22, 1607. to William Pring, of the Old Bailey, London, who was freeman of the Merchant Taylor's Co.. of which he. Whitney, became a member. Mar. 13, 1614. Soon after marriage he resided at Isleworth-on-the-Thames, eight miles from Westminster, and prob. returned about 1624; and resided at " Bowe Lanne." London. Apr., 1635, with his wife and children he engaged passage in the ship EUzaheth, for the New World; prob. arrived about June; and settled at Watertown. Mass. ; freeman. Mar. 3, 1635-6; constable, June 1, 1641; select- man, 10:J.><-55; town clerk. 1635; his wife, Eleanor, d. May 11.1659; m. 2d. Sept. 29, 1669, Judith Clement; he survived her. and d. June 1, 1673; will, Apr. 3, 1673. Children : Mary, . b. Isleworth; .bap. May 23, 1619; d. young. John, " " " 1620; m. Ruth Reynolds. RICH.4BD, " " " 1626, " Martha Coldam. Nathaniel, " England, " 1627. Thomas, " " " 1629; m. Mary Kettle. Jonathan'. " " " 1634, " Lydia Jones. Joshua. " Watertown. '• July 5, 16a5, " three times. Caleb, " " July 12, 1640; d. 1640. Benjamin, " " Jun. 6, 1643. Dea. JOSHUA WHITNEY.-' b. Watertown, July 5, I6;i5; m. 1st. Lydia ; m. 2d. Mary ; whod. Groton, Mass., Mar. 17, 1671; m. 3d. Sept. 30. 1672. Abigail Tarball. One of the earliest settlers, a deacon and an original proprietor of Groton. where he res. until the town was burned by the Indians 1676. when he returned to Watertown for a few years. He was on the meeting house board. 1680; selectman. 1681. 1683-4, 1687; constable, 1684; fence viewer, 1685; tythingman, 1690; overseer of highways. 1693; selectman, 1702. He and his son .Joshua were soldiers in the Indian war, 1691-2. He d. Aug. 1719, buried in the old burying ground, Groton; 534 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. where he received instruction under the tuition of his brother, James, who was a school teacher at that place. After marriage he removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, which was his home the remainder of his life. He was a man of indom- will dated Apr. 17, 1713; proved Oct. 6, 1719. It mentions several children whose births are not recorded. Children: Joshua, b. Jun. 14, 1666; m. Mary and Sarah Fellows. Sarah, " Oct. 10, 1668, " Nathaniel Jewell and Taylor. Abigail, " 167a, " John Hutchins. Mary, " July 1, 1675, " Ephraim Price. William, " Feb. 28, 1678, " Lydia Perham and Margaret Mirick. Cornelius, " Sarah Sheperd. David, " 1682, " Elizabeth Warren. Martha, " Isaac Williams, Jr. Elizabeth, " Ebenezer Farnsworth. Alice, " Nathaniel Wood. Hannah, '• Thomas Wood. Eleanor, " Samuel Sheperd. WILLIAM WH1TNEY,3 b. Groton, Mass., Feb. 28, 1678; m. 1st, Chelmsford, Mass., Mar., J700, Lydia Perham, b. Feb. 19, 1673; who d. Groton, Aug. 21, 1716; m. 2d, Newton, Apr. 25, 1717, Margaret Mirick, b. 1683; he res. Groton; removed to Plainfleld, Ct., about 1720. He d. about 1754; will dated Oct. 15, 1751. 5, 1701 ; m. Mary Whittemore. Dec. 26, 1710, " Samuel Tayor. 1, 1714, ■' Amy Blodgett. 30, 1717-8; m. Elizabeth 12, 1719. 10, 1721 ; m. Margaret WILLIAM WHITNEY,* b. Groton, Mass., May 5, 1701; m. Killingly, Ct., July 16, 1723, Mary Whittemore; cooper and farmer; res. Killingly; removed to Canaan, Ct., about 1753. Children: William, b. Feb. 5, 1725; m. Arcoucher Dutcher. Thomas, " Feb. 28, 1727, " Elizabeth Boardman. Abigail, " July 4, 1741. WILLIAM WHITNEY.s b. Killingly, Ct, Feb. 5, 1725; m. 1st, Salisbury, Ct., June 4, 1747, Arcoucher Dutcher; m. 2d, Jane ; farmer; Salisbury. Children: William, b. May Lydia, Dec. Joshua, Nov. John, Jan. Elizabeth, Aug. Caleb, Sep. Children: Hestry, Mary, Christopher, Cornelius, KULUFF, John, Mary, Solomon, Jane, b. Aug. 4, 1748 ; m. .loshua Sardam. " Aug. 24, 1750, d. young. " Sep. 28, 1751, m. Mary Tichnor. " Dec. 31, 1753, " Hetty Green. a soldier, killed at Quebec b. Oct. 5, 1757; res. in Maryland. " Oct. 1, 1759. " Mar. 1, 1763. " May 22, 1766. CHRISTOPHER WHITNEY.e b. Salisbury, Ct., Sept. 38, 1751; m. Sharon, Ct., Dec. 1, 1774, Mary Tichnor b. Sharon ; Rev. Soldier, and received a grant of land at Solon, Courtland Co. N. v.; removed from Conn, to Tinmouth, Vt. and thence to Solon, about 1790. Children : b. May 12, 1775; m. Clarinda French. " Jun. 25, 1777, " Susanna Glenny. ■' Mar. 18. 1780, " Col. Moses Hopkins. " Nov. 12, 1782, " Rhoda Wilder. Billa, RULUFF, Olive, Christopher, KULUFF WHITNEY,^ b. Salisbury, Ct., June 25, 1777; m. Virgil, N. Y., about 1800, Su- sanna, dau. of John Glenny, of Dryden, N. Y. He res. in Conn., and for a time prior to 1798, in Sidney, Upper Canada, from whence be went to Solon, N. Y., and there owned land and a grist mill; and was ensign in the militia; and justice of the peace. In 1817 be moved his family over- land to the Ohio river, and there built a keel boat with living and merchandise rooms, to carry SEVENTH GENERATJON. 335 itable energy and good judgment, and soon established a large and profitable business. At that period the waterways of the west furnished the principal commercial thoroughfares, and with his knowledge and skill as an architect and builder, he became a successful builder of steamboats, as well as of buildings. The cut here shown is a picture of his house, built by him in 182fi, on East Pearl street, to which he moved early the following year, and a rousing house warming was given, to which the neighbors and settlers in that vicinity were invited. After living there four years he removed to another house built by him on Pike street. It was altered for two families, and among its occupants was the famous editor, George D. Prentice. Across the the street was "Rose Lawn," the property of Nicholas Langworth: further down the street was the home of Payton Symmes, These were the only ones on the street. The old them via the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to St. Louis. On thoir arrival there he and liis son John went to Illinois to prospect. He bought some land but on tlieir return to St. Louis the family was taken sick causing him to abandon tlie idea of settlinf; in that country. They start- ed back to New York by water and got as far as Portsmouth, Oliio, ls:il. a very protnising town at the mouth of the Scioto river, wiiere sickness and fatigue compelled tlieni to recuperate. While there he mined and shipped coal from the banks at Ponieroy. bought on his way west. They permanently settled at Portsmouth. He was a large man, of llorid complexion, blue eyes, sandy hair and whiskers; a good busjuess man, and energetic, and was engaged In various 336 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. house descended to the children of Mr. Hamlin, and remained in the family until 1886, and was then sold to Miller, DuBrul & Peters, adjoining owners. It was torn dciwn in 1901 tb mUke room' for a six story steel building, being then as solid as wh^n it was built. He is described as 5 feet 10 inches- ■ in height; black hair, which retained its color and vigor until his death; blue eyes and florid complexion; Whig and Republican. Mrs. Hamlin was a lady of cultivated mind and a beautiful Christian character: Presbyterians. Both d. Cincinnati; he, July 24, 1864: she, June 25, 1880, and are buried in Spring Grove Cemetery. iiix W«HnHMW^IIP*^>^ ^^ ^^^^P TOMBSTONE, SPRIN-G- G-ROVE CEMETERY, CINCINNATI. 2621.* 2622.* 2623.* 2624.* 2625,* Ch. b. Cincin,nati; Susannah DoRjVASr, Mary Tichnor, - - Almena, ' Hannibal GriLMJ^if' Europe Whitney,. Aug. 22, 1827. Feb. 18, 1830. Mar. 22, 1833. Jun. 21. 1S36. Dec. 3, 1839. _ ^^^ — ^ ^ ^ • enterprises; Epls. ; she waaa small lady, with black hair and eyes; Presb. He d. Portsmouth, Aug. 8, 1846. Children: .lOHN, Mary Tichnor. RULUFF, Susanna, Sarah, WILTjIAM Glensy, Minerva, Olive, b. A\i'£ 15, I80J. ■ Sepl'. 9. 1S03; m. Hannibal G- Hamlin. '• Feb. 9, 1805. '' Dec. 27, 1806. '• Dec. ll,iW8. " Apr. Ih Ifill. " Apr. 3*,fiWIN, 2640.* Laura Keyes. Sarah Jane, Aug. 1, 1818. Aug. 13, 1820. Sept. 26, 1822. Oct. 10, 1824. Apr. 25, 1826; d. Apr. 23, 1827. May 18, 1830. Feb. 2, 1832. June 5, 1834; unm. For Kimball see note 303. 340 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [900] SALLY HAMLIN,' (Sister of Parmelia,) b. South Waterford, Me., June 25,1797: m. by Rev. Lincoln Ripley, Watei- foid, July 15, 1819, Jabez, son of Tbaddeus and Mary (Pollard) Brown,* b. Waterford, Dec. 13, 1791: farmer: Waterford. She d. Waterford, July 24, 1853; lie m. 2d, Eveline Hale. He d. Braintree, Ma.ss.. Feb. 6, 1870. Ch. b. Waterford: 2642. Europe Hamlin, July :il, 1820; d. Sept. 21. 1822. 2643. Daniel Waldo, July 26, 1821, ( ( Aug. 26. 1824. 2644. Angbline, Jan. 9, 1823, i k .Sept. 1, 1824. 2645. Angeline, Dec. 6, 1824, u Oct. 18, 1825. 2646.* Fanny Hamlin, •Tan. 1, 1827, (( Sept. 1, 1901, 2647.* Mahala, Nov. 19, 1828. 2648. Makk Waldo, Jan. 12, 1830, u Mar. ■n, 1834. 2649.* Angela, ^iily 12, 1832. 2650. CAROLINE FaRUAR. May, 1834, • • Oct, 1836. 2651.* Clara Noyes, July 12, 1836. 2652. Ma LINDA Flint, Oct. 31, 1838, ii July ■^■^, 1851. 2653.* Caroline Louise, July 18, 1843. unm. J Illy 1, 1831. Oct. 10, 1832; d. May 12, 1837 Feb. 12, 1835, " Mar. 24, 1867 Jan. 6. 1839. Jan. 31, 1841. [901] SOPHIA HAMLIN,- (Sister of Parmalia,) b. South Waterford, Me., May 27, 1799; m. Dec. 5, 18.30, John, sonof William and Betsey ( Wheeler) Brown, t b. 1801: farmer; Waterford. She d. South Waterford, Mar. 16, 1866; he d. Sept. 2, 1867. Ch. b. Waterford; 2654* RuFus Green, 2655. Maranda, 2656. Merrick, Feb. 12, 1835, " Mar. 24, 1867, unm. 2657.* Dexter Bruce, 2658.* Jane W., * Note :i07. THADDEUS BROWN, m. Mary Pollard; Rev. soldier; removed from Har- vard, Mass., and settled in Waterford, Me, 178(1; res. a mile east of Waterford Flat; a prominent men; farmer and dealer in land and timber. Children: Danik.l, b. 17S4; m. Ann Hamlin. Mai,b()ky. " 1789, '\ Nancy Scripture. .Iabez, " 1791. • Sally Hamlin. Susan. " 1794, • .lohn Meserve. Levi, •■ 179ii, ■' Caroline E. Farrar. Thaddeus, •' 1798. " Asenath Nourse. Mary, " 1800. " Elijah Flint. Mercy, " 1802, " Samuel Morrell. Sarah, " 1804, " Cyprian Hobbs. + Note a08. WILLIAM liROWN, m. Betsey Wiieeler; removed from Stow, Mass.. and settled in Waterford, Me.; farmer; res. in the Gambo district; afterwards tavern keeper at Waterford Flat. Idren: Sophronia Barker. Phebe Sawin. Mrs. Lamson. Sophia Hamlin. Capt. Nathaniel Rounds. George Kimball. Frances C. Allen. Children: Samuel, 1). 1792; .TOSIAH. •' 179.5, Cai.,vin, ' 1797, .lOHN, • 1801, Betsey. ■ 1803. Lucinda. ■ 1806. Wir,i,[A.M. ■ 1809, SEVENTH GENERATION. 341 [902] SILAS HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Parmelia,) b. South Waterford, Me., Mar. 24, 1801; m. Waterford by Rev. John A. Douglas, Feb. 22. 1826, Martha, dau. of Joel and Naacy (Crombie) Atherton,* b. Jan. 3, 1804: fanner; Waterford. He d. East Milton, Mass., Feb. 13, 1885; she d. Waterford, Aug. 18, 1878. 21, 1848. Ch. b. Waterford: 2659.* Martha Melinda, Apr. 4, 1827. 2660. Semantha, Nov. 22, 1829; d. Apr 2661,* Mary Frances, Jan. 14, 1831. 2662.* Julia, May 29, 1833. 2663. Amelia, May 29, 1835: d. Nov 2664.* Charles America, Aug. 14, 1837. 2665.* Areannah, Dec. 14, 1841. 2666.* Ellen Koziltha, July 25, 1843. 2667.* Frederick Milton, Jan. 5, 1847. 2668. Silas Prescott, June 18, 1849; inirn. 1 8, 1850. 1902. [903] LE\MS HAMLIN,- (Bro. of Parmelia, ) b. South Waterford, Me., Apr. 17, 1805. He went from homewlien a young man, and is supposed to have died abroad. [904] FANNY P. HAMLIN," (Sister of Parmelia,) b. South Waterford, Me.. Aug. 1, 1811; m. William,' son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Giddings) Burnham,t b. Bridgton, Me., June 4, 1805; res. Bridgton: later in Watertown. Mass., where both died. No issue. [905] WILLIAM HENRY HAMLIN.' (Bro. of Parmelia,) b. South Waterford. Me., Jan. 22, 1817; m. Brown, b. Sweden, Me. She died and he remarried; farmer; Bridgton: Methodist; very devout and gifted in prayer. Ch. by 1st wife: 2669. Clara. 2670.* Ella. [907] JOHN PARK,' (Lydia Hamlin,« Eleazer,'' Benjamin,* Eleazer," James,2i) b. Groton, Mass., 1787; m. Sept. 9, 1811, Ann Shirtlefl, b. 1793: res. in that part of Groton, now Ayer, Mass.: he was killed on Fitchburg R. R., April 20, 1848. She d. Oct., 1882. * Note 309. JOEL ATHERTON. b. 1764; ra. 1791. Nancy Crombie; a Rev. soldier; removed from Einge, N. H., 1793, and settled on Temple Hill, Waterford, Me. See note 16r). Children: William, Ik 1791 ; killed by falling of a tree. Crombie. " 1793; m. Mary Wheeler. Nancy. " 179.5, " Eber Stone. Harriet. " 1797, " Col. John Atherton. Betsey. '1799. ■ William Monroe. Jr. Rebecca. -1801, " Simon Stevens. Patty. " 1804, " Silas Hamlin. Mary, " 1806, " Luke Moore. Sally, " 1809, " Sumner Kimball. Julia, '• 1812, ' Oliver Atherton. + Note 310. DANIEL BURNHAM.e (Sarah Giddings.s Thomas,^ Williams.^ Thonias.'i (ieorge.i) b. 1767: came from Essex, Mass. to Bridgton, Me. 342 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. prob. b. Groton: 2671.* John, Aug. 27, 1812. 2672.* Sally Ann, Sept. 14, 1814. 2673.* Catherine Jane, July 28, 1822. 2674.* Stuart James, Aug. 24, 1824. 2675. William, July 5, 1827; d. Oct. 17, 1855, unm 2676. Cyrus Hamlin, Jan. 30, 1834; " Dec. 3, 1837. 2677. Charles Robinson, ISfov. 16, 1835, " Nov. 28, 1837. [909] SARAH PARK,' (Sister of John,) b. Groton, Mass., 1791; m. Nathaniel Stone, b. Groton, Apr. 8, 1787. She^ d, Groton, Mar. 8, 1815. [912] FRANCIS Hx\MLIN,' (Eleazer,«5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,a b. Waterford, Me., Nov. 2, 1791: m. 1st, Standish, Me., Rebecca, dau. of Eliphalet and Jane Parker, b. Standish, Feb. 6, 1791; who d. Sweden, Me., Jan. 30, 1819; m. 2d, Sweden, Mrs. Betsey ( Winship) Harding, b. 1789: who d. Sweden, Oct. 6, 1842; m. 3d, Waterford, Elvira, dau. of Moses and Ellen (Buck) Bis-bee, of Waterford, b. 1806: who d. Sweden, Jan. 8, 1875; fanner; Sweden. He received a common school education, and taught school when a young man: selectman; Methodist; an ardent Abolitionist. He willed his farm to his last wife and her children. He d. .Sweden, Jan. 31, 1855. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Standish: 2678.* Francis, Nov. 21, 1817. Ch. by 2d wife, b. Sweden: 2679.* Albert V. 2680.* William, Jan. 31, 1825. 2681.* John Winship. 2682.* Sarah Bancroft. 2683. Betsey, d. aged 15 years. Ch. by 3d wife, b. Sweden: 2684.* Charles B., Dec. 16, 1843. 2685.* MelvinM., Aug. 7, 1845. 2686.* Elvira B., Feb. 5, 1847. [915] ADDISON HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Francis,) b. Waterford, Me., Feb. 17, 1798; m. Sweden, Me., Nov. 29, 1820, Betsey Kneeland, of Sweden, b. Nov. 1798; farmer: res. near his brother Francis, Sweden; removed to Milan, N. H.; Calvinist Baptists. He d. Waterford, Oct. 28, 1871; she d. Milan, Dec. 23, 1884. Ch. b. Sweden: 2687,* John, May 3, 1822. 2688. Henry P.. Sept. 21, 1827; d. Aug. 28, 1831. 2689.* Cyrus Dexter, Jan. 22, 1829. 2690.* Susannah, April 17, 18:M. [916] .JOHN HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Francis,) b. South Waterford, Me., Mar. 15, 1800; m. 1st, Sweden, 1824, Mary Evans, b. Sweden, .luly 5, 1800; who d. Dec. 26, 1839; m. 2d, Sweden, 1840, Caroline SEVENTH GENERATION. 343 Evans, b. Sweden, Dec. 13, 1813; who d. Jan. 8, 1850; m. 3d, Harrison, Me., Mary Rich: farmer; Sweden, until 1861, then Harrison, Me., where lie d. Sept 25, 1875; his widow survived him. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Sweden: 2691. 2692. 2693.* 2694.* 2695. 2696.* 2697.* 2698. 2699. JoHJ^ Waldo, Mary Eltza, Mary Elizabeth, Joshua Gtamage, Samuel Plummer, Ch. by 2d wife: Abigail Kn^ight, Eliza Knight, James Wellington, Anna Wiley, Dec. 5, 1826; d. Apr. 15, 15, 1853, unm. Oct., 1827, "in infancy. Jan. 31, 1830. June 2, 1836. Aug., • 1837, " " " b. Aug. 28, 1841. " Sept. 12, 1843. " Oct., 1845. " Oct., 1847. [9181 WILLIAM HAMLIN,- (Bro. of Francis,) b. Waterford, Me., June 29, 1804; m. there, June 6, 1830, Louisa, dau. of Daniel and Sarah (Kimball*) Billlngs,t b. Waterford, Apr. 13, 1807; farmer and lumberman; Waterford. Both d. there: he, July 23, 1880: she, May 30, 1885. Ch. b. Waterford: Oct. Dec. Mar. Aug. Aug. Aug. 2700. 2701. 2702.* 2703.* 2704.* 2705.* 2706. 2707. 2708. 2709.* Caroline A., Augusta A., Annie L., Charles Calvin, Dana B., Edw^ard L., George W., John, James M., Henry J., 15, 18.30: d. July 20, 1843. 18, 1831, " June 29, 1833. 9, 1834. 1, 1837. 22, 1839. 29. 1841. June 22, 1843, May 5, 1845, Mar., 1848, July 5, 1850. Jan. 24, 1869. young. Sept. 28, 1851. [919] DAVID TILDEN HAMLEN,^ (Bro. of Francis,) b. Waterford, Me., Jan. 4, 1807; married Harriet, dau. of James and Delight (Gilbert) Robbins,^ b. Waterford, Mar. 16, 1805: farmer; res. on his father's old farm, Waterford, where his children were bOrn; removed to Milan, N. H., 1851; Methodist. Both d. Milan; he, May 15, 1869; she, Mar. 5, 1887. * For Kimball see notes 254 and 303. + Note 311. DANIEL BILLINGS, b. 1780; m. Sarah, Mau. of Isaac and Abijjail (Raymond) Kimball, b. 1780; carpenter; removed from Temple, Mass., settled on Temple Hill, Waterford, Me. lived afterwards in in Waterford, lower village. Children: Louisa, Cakoline, George C. Maria, James R., John D., Miranda. m. William Hamlin. " G. P. Wheeler. " Rebecca Whitcomb. " Calvin Houghton. " Esther Clark. " Esther Knowlton. % Note 312. JAMES BOBBINS, b. 1767; ra. Delight Gilbert, b. Sharon, Mass., 1770; remov- ed from Watertown, Ma^s., to Waterford, Me., 1798, and res. in the southwest part of town until 1851; removed to Milan, N. H. 344 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. Waterford: 2710.* Dayid Tilden, May 23, 1835. 2711. James Gilbert, Sept. 10, 1839; d. Sept., 1844, 2712.* Ellen Elizabeth, Mar 14, 1841. 2713.* Charles Gilbert, Mar. 26, 1847. 2714. Lydia Maria, Sept. 25, 1848, " Mar. 31, 1862 2715.* Harriet Frances, Mar. 4, 1849. [921] ELEAZER HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Francis,) b. Waterford, Me., Sept. 4, 1811; m. there, Dec. 1, 1845, Mary Ann, dau. of Artemas and Polly (Haskell) Hapgood, b. Waterford, Nov. 23, 1814: farmer; Waterford; Methodist. Both d. Waterford; he, June 26, 1886; she, Mar. 23,. 1893. Two children, d. young. [922J ELSIE STONE,' (Mary Hamlin," Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Waterford, Me., Jan. 12, 1790; m. Dec. 2, 1818, her cousin. Major Theodore, son of Jonathan and Catherine (Willard) Stone,''* [884] b. Jan. 29,. 1788; she d. Apr. 10, 1837; he m. 2d, June 18, 1839, Almira Hamlin; res. on his- father's old home place, Waterford; afterwards east of Tom Pond. He was a militia officer, and was elected Captain of the Waterford cavalry company, a compliment to his military career, which he declined. Ch. b. Waterford: 2716. Saphronia, Sept. 8, 1819; d. Aug. 26, 1823. 2717.* Catherine, July 16, 1822. 2818.* Saphronia, Nov. 27, 1825. 2719. Mary, Aug. 29, 1827, " May 19, 1828. [923 A] HANNIBAL STONE,^ (Bro. of Elsie,) b. Waterford, Me., 1792. He was an invalid; never married; d. Waterford, Nov. 11, 1872. [923 B] Hon. ELIJAH LIVERMORE HAMLIN,^ (Cyrus,^ Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ Jaraes,2i) b. Livermore, Me., Mar. 29, 1800; m. Oct, 16, 1825, Eliza Bradley,* dau. of Isaac and Mrs. Elizabeth Clark (Bradley) nee Children: ■ Lydia, b. 1799; m. Jonathan Longley. Delight, " 1801. Alonzo, " 1803; m. Cynthia Willard, Sarah Kimball and Sophia KimbalL Harriet, " 1805, " David T. Hamlin. James, " 1809. JosiAH, '■' 1811; m. Ellen Brown. Elizabeth, " 1816, " Luther H. Houghton. * Note 313. For Jonathan Stone see note 162. JONATHAN STONE, 2d, m. Catharine Willard. He came from Harvard, Mass., to Waterford, Me. Children: Theodore, m. Elsie Stone and Almira Hamlin. Sylvia, " Amos Saunders. William, " Susan Hamlin. SEVENTH GENERATION. 345 Dyer, Choate,* of Salem, Mass.; b. Ipswich, Aug. 20, 1798. He graduated from Brown University, 1819, and received the degree of A. M. fromWaterville College, 1823; lawyer; settled at South Waterford. Tlie late Hon. Henry Carter, of Haverhill, wrote in 1893: "My father took quite an Interest in him, and built him a small office in South Waterford village, and he there commenced the practice of law and taught the village school in winter, which I attended. I was often in his office, and he would pet and talk to me. He loaned me Kobin- son Crusoe to read, and from time to time examined me to learn how well I comprehended it. When 1 came to that part where Crusoe built a boat so large that he could not get it into the water, he gave me an impressive talk that I never forgot. He said 'Now rememV)er, my boy, never build any boats that you cannot get into the water. Lots of folks in this world do it; they start in without looking to see where they will bring up. Look ahead, my boy, and see what the end will be.' " "He was a man of very impressive appearance, a little larger than his brother, Hannibal, quite as dark in complexion, with heavy eyebrows; sharp, piercing black eyes, and full of fun and humorous stories. He was as loyal to John, b. Jun. 15, 1661; m Margaret, m Samuel, " Mary, b. Aug. 16 1666; d. Thomas. 1671; m Sarah, '• Joseph, b. 1678, ■' Benjamin, " 1680, Lnah Burnham, 1743. Mrs. Mary Calef, 1734; Mrs. Han- * Note 314. JOHN CHOATE.i bap. Grotou, Boxford, England, June 6, 1624; m. 1660, Anne, b. 1637; he came to America, 1643, aged 19, and settled in Chebacco, Ipswich, Mass. He was son of Robert and Sarah Choate; was called "Sergeant." He d. Dec. 4, 1695; she Feb. 16, 1727. Children: Elizabeth Graves, 1684; Elizabeth Giddings, 1690; Mrs. Sarah Perkins, 1723; Mrs. Prudence Marshall, 1733. Abraham Fitts. Mary Williams, before 1691. Mary Varney, 1690; John Burnham. Rebecca Abigail Burnham. Capt. THOMAS CHOATE, 2 b. Chebacco, 1671; m. Ist, 1690, Mary, dau. of Thomas and At)lgail (Proctor) Varney. b. Ipswich, 1669, who d. Nov. 19. 1733; m. 2d, Sept. 24, 1734, Mary, wid. of Dr. Joseph Calef; m. 3d, Nov. 9, 1743, Mrs. Hannah Burnham, b. 1692, whod. Oct. 2, 1782. He res. Hog Island, Chebacco; Rep. 1723-5 and 1727; he d. Mar. 31, 1745. Children: m. John Burnham. [liiichael Lufkin. " Elizabeth Burnham, Mrs. Sarah Marshall and Mrs. " Par leer Dodge. " Mariam Poole. " .Tolm Boardman. " Hannah Perkins. " Joseph Rust and Isaac Martin. " Elizabeth Greenlcaf. " Rev. Amos Cheever. Capt. THOMAS CHOATE,3 b. June 7, 1693; m. 1st, Elizabeth, dau. of John and Sarali Burnham, b. Chebacco, who d. ; m. 2d, Oct. 1, 1738, Mrs. Sarah Marsliall, who d. ; m. 3d, May II, 1769, Rachael. wid. of Thomas Lufkin, and dau. of lohn and Ruth (Wheeler) Riggs, b. Glouces- ter, Mass., Aug. 30, 1704. He res. Chebacco, where he d. Aug. 22, 1774. Children : Patience Roberts. Abigiiil Haskell and Dorothy Proctor. Abigail Burnham and Ruth Lufkin. Joseph Perkins. Eunice Giddings. Mary Low and Mrs. Elizabeth Potter. Jolui Poster, Samuel Low and Enoch Haskell. David Low. Anne, b. May 22, 1691 ; Thomas, " Jun. 7, 1693, Mary, •' Mar. 18, 1695, John, " July 25, 1697, Abigail, " Oct. 20, 1699, Francis, " Sept. 13, 1701, Rachel, " Nov. 8, 1703, Ebenezer, " Mar. 10, 1706, Sarah, " July 24, 1708, JOSIAH, b. Sept. 16, 1715; Thomas, • Oct. 8, 1718, Humphrey, • Nov. 9, 1720, Elizabeth. '• Aug. 2. 1723, Jeremiah. . " July 16, 17.25, Stephen, ■• Nov. 1, 17.27, Mary, ■' June 20, 1731, Abigail, •■ July 18, 1734. 346 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. the Whig party as his brother tu the Democrats. If his party had been in power I thinlf he would liave been quite as conspicuous as liis brother." He read law with Gov. Enoch Lincoln; removed to Columbia, Me., 1829; represen- tative, 1830-2; State Senator, 1833; removed to Bangor, 1835; State Land Agent, 1838-41; Representative, 1846-7; Whig candidate for Governor, 1848-9; Mayor of Bangor, 1851-2; U. S. Commissioner under the Ashburton treaty to define the fishery limits between the U. S. and England, 1854: State Senator, 1858-9: Exec- utive Councillor. The Whig party was not a success in Maine, and lie was not so successful in being elected to office as his brotlier Hannibal, who was then a Democrat. The organization of the Eepublicans placed .both in the same party. The writer remembers that at a political mass meeting in Stoneham, Me, 1856, at which he and Hannibal Hamlin were speakers, he said, that while he was as black a Republican as any, lie was born nine years t(jo soon, (he was nine years older than Hannibal) for it had been his fortune, in politics, to beat the bush while Hannibal caught the bird. President Bangor Savings Bank; also of Penobscot Mutual Fire Insurance Co.; a man of strict integrity, possessing a high sense of lionor; of marked ability, a good lawyer and well up in other departnientsof knowledge; was devoted to historical and other scientific investigations. Prof. Charles E. Hamlin, of Waterville College, said of him in 1872, that he was the best antiquarian in Maine. In 1820, while a student, he discovered the famous Mount Mica mineral deposit, since celebrated as containing valuable tourmalines and otlier precious gems. The poet of the Paris, Maine, Centennial, paid him this tribute: " Two others ran witliout success, (for governor) Whose names were worthy, you'll confess. For highest honors of the state. And would have graced the Governor's seat. First on the list, I think, was he Who, were he living, here would be; He fondly loved his native town. As his whole record well has shown; He helped Mount Mica to explore. And treasures found unknown before; He for the Paris tourmaline Prepared tlie way its fame to win. Elijah Hamlin led the Whigs, As well as when a youth the jigs. The only reason of his bluff Was that he gained not votes enough — A fault not his, but of the folk Who then adhered to J. K. Polk. Democracy in this man's day. Was always sure to have its way." Member N. E. Hist. Gen. So., Boston; Trustee Waterville College, 1841-7; member Me. Hist. So., 1859. Both d. Bangor; he, July 17, 1872: she, Aug. 28, 1886. Hon. STEPHEN CHOATE,* b. Nov. 1, 1727; m. 1st, Nov. 23, 1751. Mary.'dau. of David and Susanna Low, b. Chebacco, April 24, 1726, wlio d. Ipswicli, Aug. 22. 17(i9; m. 2d, .Tune 7, 1770, Mrs. Elizabeth Potter, dau. of Isaac and Rachael (Choate) Martin, b. 1739, who d. April 29, 1814. He res. Chebacco; member Com. of Correspondence, 1774; Rep. 1776-9; delegate to State Const. SEVENTH GENERATION. 347 Ch. b. Columbia, Me.: 2720.* Adeline, Aug. 11, 1826. 2721. Elizabeth. Jan. i, 1828; d. Mar. 31, 1838 2722.* Augustus Choate, Aug. 28, 1829. 2723.* .lULIA, •Feb. 27, 1832. [924] Dr. CYRUS HAMLIN," (Bio. of Elijah L.) b. Livermore, Me., July 16, 1802; Ensign Paris Rifle Co., 1827; graduated from Maine Medical School, 1828; settled Calais, Me.; physician: President St. Croix Bank: removed to Galveston, Texas, where he died May, 1839, unmarried. [926] ANNA HAMLIN.' (Sister of Elijah L.) b. Livermore, Me.. July 11, 1805: m., Jan. 29, 1851, Hon. Daniel, son of Thaddeus and Mary (Pollard) Brown,* of Waterford, b. Harvard, Mass., 1784; merchant: Waterford; Town Clerk, 1821-5; member legislature, 1824, as a Na- tional Republican; selectman, 1830-2; treasurer, 1837-43, 1845, 1851, 1857. He d. June 30, 1864; she resided Paris, Me, 1887. [927] VESTA HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Elijah L.) b. Paris, Me., June 6, 1808; m. Jan. 1, 1833, Dr. Job, son of Capt. James and Jerusha (Rawsonf) Holmes, J b. Oxford, Me., Oct. 17, 1799. Graduated from Maine Medical School, 1825-6; practiced at Paris, Me., 1826-34, when he removed Conv. 1779; member of Council, 1780; State Senator, 1781-97; Councillor, 1797-180;S; County Treas- urer. 1793-1812.(?) He d. Oct. 19, 1815. Children: Stephen, b. Nov. 2, 1752; m. Elizabeth Patch. Mary, " Sept. 3, 1754, " Nehemiah Brown. Elizabeth, " Dec. 22, 17.57, " Nathaniel Kinsman. Lydia, " 1758; d. young. Martha, ' ' Aug. 14, 1760; m. Thomas Hodgkins. Susanna, '• Sept. 1, 1762, " George Choate. .John. ' Feb. 5, 1765, " Elizabeth Baker and Mary Cogswell. David. " May 11, 1767, " Sarah Appleton. Mariam. " ,Jun. 19, 1769; d. Aug. 25, 1850. Amos, " Aug. 28. 1771, " Aug. 1775. Isaac. ' Oct. 20,1772; m. Mrs. Elizabeth Clark (Dyer) Bradley. Amos, " Dec, 10, 1775. " Lucy Smith and Mehitable Neal. Lydia, " Sept. 29, 1777, " Ephraim Kendall. ISAAC CH0ATE,5 b. Ipswich, Oct. 20, 1772; m. Mrs. Elizabeth Clark (Dyer) Bradley, b. Paris, Me., May 5, 1777; res. Paris. It is supposed he was lost at sea, and liis only child was adopted by his brotiier Amos, of Salem, Mass. Child: Elizabeth Bradley, b. Aug. ;2(), 1798; m. Elijah L. Hamlin. t'or Brown see notes 307 and 308. $ Note 315. Capt. JAMES HOLMES, b. Plymouth, Mass.; m. Jerusha,'^ dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah (Chase) Rawson, of Sutton, Mass. ; settled at Hebron, now O.xford, Me. 9 children. + Note .316. EDWARD RAWSON.i b. Gillingham, Dorset, Eng., Apr. 16, 1613; descended from Sir Edward Rawson; m. Rachael, dau. of Thomas Perne and granddau. of Tliomas Hooker, whose wife wassisterof Edmund Grindal. archbishop of Canterbury, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth; Rawson came to New England. 1636-7: settled in Newbury, .Mass.; representative to the General court many years; secretary Mass. Bay Colony 16.50-86; and held other positions; 12 children, 7 daughters and 5 sons; his eldest child, a daughter, m. in England; his sons. Ed- ward, David, b. May 6, 1644, and .Tohn, went to England and settled there; two daughters d. young; four married in Boston, respectively to William Aubray, Rev. Samuel Torrey, of Wey- mouth, Thomas Rumsey, and Thomas Broughton; two sons, William and Grindal, settled In this country. 348 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. to Calais, Me., where he had a large and successful practice until his death: Town Clerk of Paris. Both d. Calais; he suddenly of heart disease, Mar. 1, 1864; she, Maj' 7, 1885. Ch. b. Calais: 2724.* 2725. 2726.* 2727. 2728.* 2729.* Agnes, Anna Livermore, Ellen Vesta, Cyrus Hamlin, Frank Pierpoint, Walter Hamlin, Apr. 12, 1837. Nov. 3, 1838: resides Calais. Mar. 14, 1840. Dec. 1, 1841: d. Oct. 3, 1842. Aug. 14, 1843. June 23, 1854. WILLIAM EAWS0N,2 b. May 21, 1651; m. July 11, 1673, Ann, dau. of Nathaniel and Ann (Smith) Glover. Ann Smith was only child of Mr. Quartermaster Smith by his first wife. (It is a singular fact that he had another dau. Ann by a second wife,) b. Toxteth, Lancashire, Eng., 1630; where her parents lived under the ministry of Eev. Richard Mather; they embariced from Bristol for New England, April, 1635, and settled in IJorchester, Mass. Ann m. Nathaniel, son of Hon. John Glover, of Dorchester, and had Nathaniel and Ann; she m. 2d, Gov. Thomas Hinkley, of Barnstable (see notes 81 & 83.) Wm. Eawson lived in Boston, Dorchester and Brain: tree, Mass. Children : Ann, b. Apr. 11, 1674, Boston; d. infancy. Wilson, 1675, Margaret, " Aug. 1, 1676, Edward, " Sept. 6, 1677, Edward, " Aug. 29, 1678, Rachael, " Oct. 16, 1679, Dorothy, " Aug. 8, 1681, William, " Dec. 2, 1682, " ni. Sarah Crosby. David, " Dec. 13, 1683, " " Mary Gulliver. Dorothy. " Jun. 19, 1686, " d. young. Ebenezer, 1687, Dorchester; d. Aug. 28, 1691, Thankful, " Aug. 6, 1688. " " Aug. 21, 1688. Nathaniel, 1689, Braintree; m. Hannah Thompson. Ebenezer, " July 24, 1691, ." d. young. Edward, " Jan. 27, 1692, " m. Preserved Bailey. Ann, " Aug. 28, 1693, " d. infancy. Patience, " Nov, 8, 1694, " " Nov. 14, 1694. Pelatiah, " July 2, 1696, " m. Hannah Hall. Grindal, " Aug. 2-1, 1697, " d. infancy. Mary, 1698, DAVID RAWSON ,3 b. Boston, Dec. 13, 1683; m. Mary, dau. of Capt. John Gulliver, of Milton; res. on his father's farm, near Neponset Bridge, Quincy; he d. April 20, 1752; his wife survived him. Children: . David, b. Sept. 14, 1714; m. Mary Dyer. Jonathan, Dec. 26, 1715, •' Susanna Stone. Elijah, Feb. 5, 1717, " Mary Paddock. Mary " I\fl«-,r Of) 1710 a "Winr^l-in^f f>t- i'lM'.y (iw, ijio, vv luciiesLei . Hannah, Apr. 2, 1720; d. July 24, 1726. Silence, Jun. 12, 1721, " Aug. 17, 1721. Ann, July 30, 1722; m. Samuel Bass. Elizabeth, Nov. 30, 1723, " Peter Adams. .lOSIAH, .Ian. 31, 1727, " Hannah Bass. Jerusha, Dec. 21,1729, " Eaton. Lydja, Jan. 17, 1731, " Samuel Ba.xter. Ebenezer, May 31, 1734, " Sarah Chase. EBENEZER RAWSON.4 b. May 31, 1734; m. Sarah, dau. of Hon. Samuel Chase, of Cheshire, N. H. ; farmer; settled in Sutton; a man of genius and extensive historical attain- ments; six feet in height, slender, with broad shoulders, open countenance, arjuiline nose, high Zu^ cui^-^^»^^-->J ^^^ ZC; ^=^<- ^^-^..^^^ SEVENTH GENERATION. 349 [928] Hon. HANNIBAL HA^NILIN," (Bro. of Elijah L.,) b. Paris, Me., Aug. 27, 1809: m., 1st, Dec. 10, 1833, Sarah Jane, dau. of Hon. Stephen and Sallj^ (Stowell) Emery,* b. Hallowell, Me., Nov. 2, 1815, who d. Hampden, Me., Apr. 17, 1855; m., 2d, Paris, Sept. 25, 1856, Ellen Vesta, dau. of Hon. Stephen and Jeannette (Loring) Emery, b. Paris, Sept. 14,1835. "The Life and Times of Hannibal Hamlin," was published by his grandson, Charles E.Hamlin, 1899, and we shall notice only the principal events of his life. His boyhood was passed upon the farm and at the district school. His parents were not in affluent circumstances, and the lad was early trained to habits of indus- try and economy. He was prepared for Hebron Academy, but his father's sudden death In 1829 obliged him to relinquish a collegiate education and assume management of the farm until his majority; when in company with Horati(» King, they purchased the Jcjf'crsonian^ a political newspaper published at Paris. Desiring to acquaint himself with every detail of the business, he applied him- self to learning the printers' art, and soon became an expert compositor. At the end of six months he sold his interest in the paper to his partner and read projecting forehead, acute preceptive faculties, elastic step, rapid and easy motion, great con- versational powers, the delight of every circle; his mind was rich in reading, and his reflexions brilliant, his memory a storehouse of facts, always a.t his command, an antiquarian; his word was as good as his bond ; he became attached to the Quakers. Cliildren: Prudence. b. Dec. 24. 17.i8; m. Stephen Murch. Lydi.\. " Apr. 23, 1760, " Daniel Bullen. Ebenezer, " Dec. 22, 1761, " Elizabeth Taylor. Sarah, " Mar. 16, 1763, " Samuel Kobinson. Abner, " Mar. 2, 1765, " Abigail Fuller and Widow Poor. John, " .Tun. 1, 1767; d. young. Jerusha, " Oct. 13.1769; m. Capt. James Holmes. Samuel. " Sept. 4, 1771, " Polly Freeland. Elizabeth, " Jun 5,1774. " .Jacob Dodge. Marmaduke, " Apr. 18, 1777. NizAULA. " Apr. 18, 1777; m. Timothy Hutchinson. Mary, " .luly 5, 1779, " Sullivan Bridgham and Thomas lirown. Clarissa, " Feb. 26. 17S2. Abigail, " May 11, 1786; m. Daniel Adarbs. .JEKUSHA RAWSON,5 b. Sutton, N. H., Oft. 13, 1769; m. Capt. James Holmes; farmer; Hebron, Me. Ch. b. Hebron: James Stewart, Nov. 13,1792; m. Jane Shaw Patten. Salmon, 1795, " Abigail Blake. Cyrus, May 12,1798, " Fidelia Blake. Job, Oct. 17, 1799, " Vesta Hamlin. Eleazer Austin, Jan. 9, 1802, " Sarah E. Benson. Ebenezer Rawson, Jan. 9, 1802, " Louisa Abigail Fuller Rawson. -Ierusha, Jan. 22, 1804, " Lyman Rawson. John Sullivan, Feb. 2, 1806, " Sarah Ann Clark. Freeland, Jun. 3, 1808; d. 1870. * Note 317. JOHN EMERY and wife Agnes, of Ramsey, Hauts, England. JOHN EMERY.i son of above, b. England, Sept. 29, 1598, sailed from Southampton, Apr. 3, 163.5, witl) liis brother Anthony, tlieir wives and one or two children, each, in tlie ship James, of London and landed at Boston. June 3, 1635, and soon went to Newbury. Mass. Freeman, .lune 2, 1641 ; m. 1st, England, Mary, who d., Newbury. April. 1649; m. 2d, Oct. 29, I6.-1O, Mrs. Mary, wid. of John Webster, of Ipswich, Mass., nee Shatswell. He d. Newbury, Nov. :i. Ir.s3: will. .M:iy I, 1680; she d. Apr. 28, 1694. 4 children. Sergt. JOHN EMERY,2 b. England, 1628; m. Oct. 2, 1648. Mary. dau. of John and Mary (Shatswell) AVebster; came to Newbury with his parents, 1635; freeman, 16«1; selectman, 1670-3: tythingman, 1679; way warden, 1679; will, Aug. 3, 1693. 13 children, b. Newbury. 350 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. t law. In January, 1833, he was admitted to the bar in Paris, and the following May began the practice in Hampden, Me., at once taking liigh rank as a lawyer and acquiring an enviable reputation as a public speaker. He practiced in Hampden until 1848. He was a member of tlie Maine Legislature, 1836-40 and 1847. Speaker of the House, 1837, '39 and '40. He received the Democratic nomination for Congress in 1840, and during the exciting Harrison campaign lield joint discussions with his competitor, being the first to introduce that practice into the state. In 1842 he was elected to Congress as a Democrat, and re-elected 1844; was chosen U. S. Senator, 1848, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Hon. John Fairfield, and re-elected 1851. Elected Governor of Maine by an overwhelming Republican majority, 1856, and resigned his seat in the Senate. Less than a month after his inauguration he resigned the office of Governor, liaving again been cliosen U. S. Senator. He was prominent in the Senate, serving on important committees, and was regarded as one of tlie lead- ers in tlie business of that body until 1861, when he resigned, liaving been elected Vice-President of the U. S. on the ticket witli Abraham Lincoln, and served 1861-5. He was appointed Collector of the Port of Boston, 1865, but resigned the following year, not being in accord witli the policy of the President, Andrew .Jolinson, from wliom he received his appointment. He was again elected and re-elected U. S. Senator, serving from 1869 to '81. Appointed Minister to Spain, June, 1881, but resigned the following year. Returned and retired to liis home in Bangor, Me. Senator Hamlin, althougli a Democrat, was. an anti-slavery man, and so strong were his convictions that they Anally led him to separate from that party. Among the significant incidents of his long career of nearly fifty years in public life, may be mentioned the fact that in the temporary absence of the .lOHN EMERY,3 b. Newbury, Sept. 12, 1656; m. 1st, .June 13, 16S:j, Mary, dau. of William and Ruth Sawyer, 1). July 29, 1660, who d. Nov. 3, 1699; m. 2d, May 27, 1700, Abigail Bartlett; m. 3d, Dec. 7, 1723, Mary March. He d. July 14,, 1730. S children. Lieut. JOHN EMERY,* b. Newbury, Sept. 29, 16S6; m. Dec. .30, 1714, Mehitable, dau. of Henry and Ann (Longfellow) Short. He d. June 30, 1750; she, June 11, 1773. 11 children. MOSES EMERY,5 b. Oct 12, 171.5; m. Mar. 24, 173S, Lydia,* dau. of Ensign Stephen,^ (John,2i) and Ruth (.faques) Emery, b. July 29,1717. He d. Apr. 11, 1789; she, July 11, ISOO. 10 children. MOSES EMERY,6 b. Newbury. Jan. 31, 1745; m. Ruth Bodwell, of Methuen, Mass., b. Feb. 13, 1750; settled at Bakerstown, now Minot, Me. 6 children. Hon. STEPHEN EMERY,7 b. Minot, Me., April 29, 1790; m. 1st, Jan. 15, l.si5, Sarah, dau. of Daniel Stowell. of Paris, Me., b. Mar. 26, 1792, who d. Nov. 18, 1822: m. 2d, Jeanette, dau. of John and Jeanette (Barrell) Loring, of Buckfield, Me., b. July 25. 1800, who d. Sept. 29, 185.5. He graduated Bowdoin College, 1814; taught in Hallowell Academy, Me., one year; and a year in Portland, Me.; studied law with Governors Paris and Lincoln; admitted to bar, 1819; began practice at Columbia, Me., liut soon returned to Paris, Me., where he res. the remainder of his life. Judge of Probate; Attorney General ; Judge Supreme Judicial Court; Chairman State Board of Education. He was among the pioneer temperance reformers of Maine. He was opposing counsel in the first case won by Hannibal Hamlin. He d. 1863. Ch. by 1st wife: Sarah Jane, b. Nov. 2, 1815; m. Hannibal Hamlin. George Freeman, " Nov. 10, 1817, " Eliza Appleton. Stephen, " Nov. 16, 1822; d. ^ouhg. By 2d wife: Jeanette Loring, b. May 16, is:i8; m. Rev. Nathaniel Butler. Ellen Vesta, • Sept. 14, 1835, ■• Hannibal Hamlin. Stephen Albert. SEVENTH GENERAT]0^\ 351 Hon. David Wilmot from the House of Representatives, durinfj tlie session of the 29tli Congress, at the critical moment when the measure, since known as the "Wihnot Proviso," had to be presented, or the opportunity irrevocably lost, Mr. Hamlin, while his anti-slavery friends were in the greatest confusion and perplexity, seeing that delay would be fatal, offered tlie bill and secured its passage by a vote of 115 to 106. In common, however, with Mr. Lincoln, he strove simply to prevent the extension of slavery into new territory, and did not seek to secure its abolition. In a speech in the Senate, June 12, 1856, in whicli he gave his reasons for changing his party allegiance, he thus referred to the Democratic convention then recently held at Cincinnati: "The convention has actually incorporated into the platform of the Democratic party that doc- trine which, only a few years ago, met with nothing but ridicule and contempt here and elsewhere, namely: that the flag of the Federal Union, under the con- stitution of the United States, carries slavery wherever it floats. If this bane- ful principle be true, then that national ode which inspires us always as on a battle field, should be rewritten by Drake and should read: Forever float that standard sheet; Wliere breathes the foe but falls before us: With slavery's soil beneath our feet, And slavery's banner streaming o'er us. The following editorial in theKennebec Journal, a week later, by Mr. James G. Blaine, presents his view of the rebellion of Mr. Hamlin against the dictation of his party: HONORABLE HANNIBAL HAMLIN, "The remarks of this gentleman in the United States Senate, last week, a brief synopsis of which we publish under the congressional head, are highly gratifying to the fiiends of freedom throughout the country. They are such that the people of Maine had the right to expect from him, and are in accord with his past views on the great issues that now agitate the country. Those who supposed Mr. Hamlin would support James Buchanan on a platform so anarchical and sweepingly pro-slavery as the one put forth at Cincinnati, have blindly reckoned without their host, and shown that they did not understand his real character. Mr. Hamlin sees what every intelligent and candid man will acknowledge: that the Democratic party of Jackson. Van Buren and Wright is nt) longer in existence: that what now goes by that name is a new organization composed of the worst materials of all former parties, drawn and held together by the hope of power and plunder, demanding no passport of ad- mission and no pledge of imrty fealty but devotion to the interests of .slavery. The party is now a mere standing army, a Swiss guard, for protection and aggressive purposes of the slave-holding oligarchy. He therefore takes his stand with Brj-ant, Emmet, Blair, Butler, Trumbull, Banks and • other tried and leading men of the Democratic party, in that new nnd vigorous organization which has so rapidly sprung into exi.stence to re.'^cue liberty and the union from the dangers that now imperil them His course will be sus- tained by the people of this state in a most unmistakable manner, and liis bold words, that he will use all the power God lias given him against the enemies of the Republic who march under the Douglas flag, have sent a thrill of joy to the hearts of true men all over the land." When he had been elected A^ice-President with Mr..Lincoln. he acce|)ted an invitation to meet the latter at Chicago, and calling on the President elect. 352 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. found him in a room alone. Mr. Lincoln arose and coming toward his guest, said abrubtly: "Have we ever been introduced to each other, Mr. Hamlin?'' "No, sir, I thinlc not,"wastIie reply. "That also is my opinion," continued Mr. Lincoln, "but I remember distinctly while I was in Congress to have heard you make a speech in the Senate; 1 was very much struck with the speech, Senator, particularly struck with it— and for the reason that it was filled, chock up, with the very best kind of anti-slavery doctrine." "Well, now," re- plied Mr. Hamlin, laughing, "that is very singular, for my one and first recol- lection of youi'self is of liaving heard you make a speech in the house — a speech that was so full of good humor and sharp points that I, with others of your auditors, was convulsed with' laughter." The acquaintance thus cordially begun ripened into close friendship, and it is affirmed that during all the years of trial, war and bloodshed that followed, Abraham Lincoln continued to re- pose the utmost confidence in liis friend and official associate. They were on the most cordial terms during the whole of Mr. Lincoln's first term, and Mr. Ha:Tilin left behind him the record of having been one of the few Vice-Presi- dents who always maintained most friendly relations \7ith the chief executive: and Mr. Lincoln did not refrain from expressing his disappointment that the convention of 1864 did not renominate Mr. Hamlin for Vice-President. From 18f)l to 1865 he was regent of the Smithsonian Institutute, and was I'eappointed in 1870, continuing to act for the following twelve years, during which time he became dean of the board. He received the decree of L. L. D. from Colby University, then Waterville College, of which institution he was trustee for over twenty years. During his long public career Mr. Hamlin constantly held the esteem and confidence of the people of Maine, and richly deserved it for his untiring efforts in behalf of liberty and human progress, and his spotless record as a public man. Genial and kind-hearted by nature, he cultivated the acquaintance of men in the humbler, as well as the higher, walks of life, and had a personal following such as few public men have ever enjoyed. In the exbaulted position to which he attained, he never lost sight of the fact that he owed his elevation to the original source of power, the people, and never went counter to the public will. He had a larger personal acquaintance with the yeoraani'y of the state than any of the public men; and the fact that, meet them where he might, he always recognized them and had a pleasant and cordial word of greeting for them, accounts in some degree for his popularity. At the outbreak of the rebellion he was an honorary member of a company of militia in Bangor, and upon the call for troops promptly responded and marched to Washington. The company was ordered to the navy yard, and he announced his intention to go with it. The officers remonstrated at the idea of having a Vice-President under them, but he was determined and asked, "Why not"? If I'm good enough to be an honorary member, I'm good enough for a private," and shouldered his gun and went. The officers decided that it would never do to put their distinguished private on actual guard duty, but he again inquired, "What am I here for — to look pretty'?" and he was permitted to stand his turn as a sentinel. Perhaps there is not another instance where the Vice-President of the United States received his orders from a corporal. WHien the company was mustered out he declined to accept his pay, saying. "I don't think it right for a man to draw pay twice from the government, and taking all things into consideration I had rather draw the salary of Vice- President." He was .private in Capt. Morse's company of Coast Guards, and SEVENTH GENERATION. 353 served three months, in 1864, at Kittery, Maine, declining all pay and allow- ances. He was a member of the G. A. R. The poet of the Paris Centennial had this to say about him: "By one consent our foremost son, Who highest honors well has won, Is he whose name need not be told— To young 'tis known as well as old. He little thought in school where sent. He would become Vice-President, Nor did he deem while sticlcing type. For what he then was growing rijpe — Yet, step by step, from day to day. He onward pressed his upward way — Until, save one, the highest prize Awarded those bound high to rise. Was, by the sovereigns of the land Placed cordially in Hamlin's hand." He dropped dead at a public entertainment at Bangor, July 4, 1891. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Hampden: 1844. 1849. 2730. George Emery, Sept. 30, 1835; d. July 14, 1 2731.* Charles, Sept. 13, 1837. 2732.* Cyrus, Apr. 26, 1839. 2733.* Sarah Jane, Jan. 7, 1842. 2734. George Emery, By 2d wife: Feb. 24, 1848; d. Sept. 6, 1 2735.* Hannibal Emery, b. Aug. 22, 1858, Hampden 27.36.* Frank, " Sept. 26, 1862, Bangor. [929] HANNAH LIVERMORE HAMLIN,' (Sister of Elijah L.,) b. Paris, Me., Oct. 10, 1814; m., Apr. 14, 1842, Dr. Thomas B. Townsend, b. Aug. 2, 1810; settled Machias, Me., w^here he died, May 1, 1842; she d. May 4, 1852. [930] SUSAN HAMLIN,' (Hannibal," Eleazer.s Benjamin,* Eleazcr,^ James, 21) b. Waterford, Me., Jan. 6, 1801; m. there, July 5, 1826, Wil- liam W., son of Jonathan and Catherine (Willard) Stone;* farmer; Water- ford. Her father died when she was eleven years old, the oldest of the child- ren. Her brother Cyrus says: "She had judgment, prudence and executive ability beyond her years; that from an early age she was of great assistance to her mother." Mrs. Dr. Farnsworth, who boarded young ladies attendingschool at Bridgton Academy, once said that she never wished to absent herself from home when she had boarders unless Susan Hamlin was with them, for then she knew everything would go right. Both d. Waterford: she. May 5, 1869; lie, Apr. 8, 1851. Ch. b. Waterford: 2737.* Julia, Sept. 20, 1828. 2738.* Charles, Aug. 20, 1830. 2739.* William Emerson, Dec. 29, 1831. 2740.* Cyrus Hamlin, May 5, 1833. 2741.* Harriet Upton, June 14, 1836. 2742. Henrietta J., Sept. 21, 1838; d. June 22, 1863, unm. 2743.* Margaret C, Sept. 22, 1840. 2744.* Emily F., Oct. 5, 1842. * For Stone see notes 162 and 313. 354 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [932] REBECCA FAULKNER HAMLIN,' (Sister of Susan, ) b. Waterford, Me., Feb. 25, 1805; m. there, Oct. 2, 1826, Charles, son of Jonathan and Susan (Anoley) Farley,* b. Ipswich, Mass., June 14, 1791; jew- eler and silversmitli; Portland, Maine, and Boston, Mass. Her brotlier wrote that she was tlie book-worm, scholar and poetess, a rhymer in cliildhood, and would memorize pages of poetry; was first in her classes, and always a lady. She d. Waterford, Nov. 6, 1878; he d. Boston, Dec. 20, 1877. Children: [Me., July 28, 1846, unm. Portland; d. Harrison, '• d. Junl5,'66. 2745. Emily, b. Dec. 2. 1828, 2746. Rebecca Elizabeth, " Oct. 29, 1830, 2747. Charles Hamlin, " Sept. 27. 1832, 2748.* Alfred D. F., " Dec. 5, 1834, 2749.* John Henry, " Aug. 5, 1837, 2750.* Cyrus Hamlin, " Aug. 28, 1839, 2751.* Susan, " May 22, 1841, 2752.* Mary Louisa, " May ", 1844, 2753. Ellen Florence, " Feb. 4, 1847, " [unm. Boston; d. Dec. 28, 1877, [935] HANNIBAL HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Susan, ) b. Waterford, Me., Jan. 30, 1809: m. Temple, Me., Feb. 5, 18.35. Abigail," dau. of Benjamin and Phebe (Abbot) Abbot, t b. Temple, June 20, 1815. After the death of his father, which occurred before he was three years old, he resided with his mother in Waterford; and when old enough worked on the farm and managed it. In 1840 he removed to Union, Me., where lie was a merchant until * Note 318. MICHAEL l^ARLEY.i supposed to be youngest son of Sir Edward Hunger- ford de Farleigh, or Farley, of Somersetshire. Eng. ; came to Ipswich, Mass., about 1675. Child: Mesheck, b. about 1662, England; came with his father; m. Sarah Burnham. GEORGE FARLEY,! probably came from Kent, Eng.; was at Roxbury, Mass., 1640; m. April 9, 1641, Christiana Births; Settled at Woburn, Mass., and lived there until 165:3; removed to Billerica, Mass., where he remained the remainder of his life; clothier: member Baptist church, Boston; selectman, Billerica, for many years; soldier in King Phillip's War, in which a son was killed. He d. Dec 27, 1693; had son, Caleb, b. Woburn, Apr. 1, 1645, ra. Rebecca Hill and Rebecca Moore. t Note 319. GEORGE ABBOT, i emigrated from Yorkshire, Eng.. about 1640; res. at Rox- bury, and was a settler in Andover, Mass., 1643; he was an husbandman, and lived on the farm latterly owned by a descendant, John Abbott,''' the house being a garrison; m. Hannah, dau. of William and Annis Chandler, of Andover, formerly Roxbury, Dec. 12, 1646. He d. Andover. Dec. 24, 16S1, aged 66; his widow m. Rev. Francis Dane, of Andover, between 16S4-1703, whom she survived and d. June 11, 1711, aged S2. Ch. b. Andover: John. Mar. 2,1648; m. Sarah Barker. Joseph, Mar. 11,1649; d. .lune .24, 16.50. Hannah, Jun. 9, 1650; m. John Chandler. Joseph, Mar. 30, 16.52; killed by Indians, April 8, 1676. George, Jun. 7, 1655; m. Dorcas Graves. Elizabeth Geary. Ephraim Stephens. Sarah Farnum. Hannah Graves. Hannah Gray. William, Nov. 18, 1657, Sarah, Nov. 14, 1659, Benjamin, Dec. 20, 1661, Timothy, Nov. 17, 1663, Thomas, May. 6, 1666. Edward, drowned young. Nathaniel, July 4, 1671 ; m. Dorcas Hibbert. Elizabeth, Jan. 29, 1673-4," Nathan Stevens. SEVENTH GENERATION. 355 1842. Afterwards his home was in the vicinity of Boston, until 1861. He then went to Washington, D. C, and was employed in the treasury department until his death. A man of exemplary Christian character and of modest disposition. He liad some experience in writing and in newspaper correspondence, and his intellectual ability and deep feeling found expression in poems and hymns, which, however, were never published in any complete collection. Two of his hymns were sung at the dedication of the Congregational Church, Temple, Me., 1840. The following production from his pen appeared in the Boston Recorder, June, 1859: Dea. .TOHN ABBOT.2 m. Nov. 17, 1673, Sarah Barker, of Andover, Mass. ; farmer and lived with his father in the garrison house; deacon; selectman. He d. Mar. 19, 1720-1; she d. Feb. 10, 1728-9, aged 82. Ch. b. Andover: John, Nov. 2, 1674; m. Elizabeth Harnden. Joseph, Dec. 19, 1676, " Hannah Allen. Stephen, Jan. 14. 1678-9," Sarah Stevens. Sarah, Nov. 26, 1680, " Zebediah Chandler. Ephraim, Aug. 6, 1682, " Mrs. Sarah Hunt. Joshua, .Jun. 6, 168.5, " Rebecca Shed and Dorcas Whiting. Mary, Jan. 9, 1687; d. Dec. 11, 1688. Ebenezer, Sept. 27,1689; m. Hannah Dane. Priscilla, •July 7, 1691 ; d. May 24, 1791, unm. Dea. JOHN ABBOT,3 m. .Tan. 6, 1702-3, Elizabeth Harnden, of Williamton; farmer and Weaver; settled on his father's old homestead, Andover; deacon 34 years; selectman. He d. Jan. 1, 17.54; she d. Aug. 9, 17.56. Ch. b. Andover: John, Sept. 1, 1703; d. Sept. 10, 1703. John, Aug. 3, 1704; m. Phebe Fisk. Barachias, May 14, 1707, " Hannah Holt. Elizabeth, 1712; d. July 4, 1758. Abiel, 1716, " May 18, 1739. Joseph, Apr. 24, 1719; m. Hannah Abbot. Capt. JOHN ABBOT,* m. Sept. 28, 1732, Phebe Pisk; farmer, res. with his father, Ando- ver; selectman. He d. Nov. 10, 1793; she d. Dec, 1802. Ch. b. Andover: Phebe, Apr. 14, 1733; m. Nathan Chandler. John, Sept. 1, 1735, " Abigail Abbot. Ezra, Sept. 27, 1737; d. Sept. 15, 1760 in the army. Abiel, Apr. 19, 1741; m. Dorcas Abbot. ' Jeremiah, May 25, 1743, " Chloe Abbot. William, Jan. 1, 1748, " Phebe Ballard. Benjamin, May 29, 1751 ; d. Aug. 1, 1751. Dea. abiel ABB0T,5 b. Andover, Apr. 19, 1741 ; m. Nov. 20, 17CA, Dorcas,* dau. of Benja- min and Abigail Abbot, b. Andover, Aug. 1. 1744. He was an esquire; deacon; militia officer; representative to the Gen. Court; res. Wilton, N. H. She d. Aug. 19, 1809. They had children. Corp. BENJAMIN ABBOT.a (Son of George,i) b. Andover, Dec. 20, 1661; m. Apr. 22, 1685, Sarah Farnum, of Andover; he d. Mar. 30, 1703; she was living a widow, 1724. Ch. b. Andover: Ben-jamin, July 1, 1686; m. three times. Jonathan, Sept. 1687, " Zerviah Holt. David. Jan. 18, 1688-9, '• Hannah Danforth. Samuel, May 8, 1694, " Mrs. Mary Lovejoy. BENJAMIN ABBOT,3 b. Andover, July 1, 1686; m. 1st, Doc. 24, 1716, Elizabeth.s dau. of George and Dorothy (Graves) Abbot, b. Andover. July 25, 1690; who d. Sept. 3, 1718; m. 2d, Oct. 23,1722, Mary Carlton, who d. Jan. 19,17:^6; m. 3d, June 25, 17::9, Abigail Abbot, who d. Dec. 8, 1753; lived on his father's farm, Andover; he d. Nov. 26, 1748. 356 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. THE TOILING DISCIPLES. MATT. XIV: XXIl-XXXIII. When night her pall of darkness hung Upon the mountain's crest, And slumbering nature sweetly sung Her evening hymns of rest — Lo, Jesus to the mountain goes, The weary day in prayer to close. By word, and by unspoken power On each disciple's heart, Their Lord, at night's approaching hour, Constrained them to depart; And thus the little ship tliey take To cross Tiberias' peaceful lake. Though charmed in heart and prone to stay. Such wonders they had heard, — The "multitude" had gone away Obedient to his word; In soul and body strangely fed With Christ's own living words and bread. High on the mountain's desert brow, By man so little trod, Behold the world's Redeemer now! Behold the Lamb of God ! He prays before the Father's throne,— He prays in darkness and alone. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Andover: Sabah, Aug. 2, 1718; m. James Holt. By 2d wife Benjamin, Oct. 21, 1723; m. Elizabeth Abbot. Martha, Jun. 1, 1725. Daniel, Jan. 9, 172(5; m. Lucy Parker. By 3d wife Abigail, Mar. 28, 1781 ; d. Oct. 10, 1733. Mary, July 21, 1732; m. Nehemiah Baker. Abigail, Jan. 13, 1734, " Capt. John Abbot. Abiel, July 24, 1735, " Phebe Ballard. Jacob, Feb. 2, 1737; d. Feb., 1760, in the army. Elizabeth, Oct. 27,1738; m. Ebenezer Cummings and Thomas Merrill. Anna, Oct. 23, 1739, " Ephraim Burge. Joel, Oct. 2, 1742; d. Mar. 23, 1743. Dorcas. Aug. 1, 1744; m. Abiel Abbott. Capt. GEORGE ABBOT,^ b. Andover, June 7, 1655; m. April 17, 1678, Dorothy Graves ; selectman; Andover; bed. Feb. 26, 1735-6; she Feb. 18, 1739-40. Ch. b. Andover: Sarah, Aug. 26, 1679; d. Nov. 17, 1679. Joseph, Oct. 7, 1680, " young. Hannah, Feb. 27, 1684-5; m. Dea. John Osgood. Daniel, Jan. 10, 1687-8, " Hannah Cliandler. Elizabeth, July 25, 1690, " Benjamin Abbot. George, Dec. 22, 1692, " Mary Phillips. Henry, Jun. 12, 1696, " Mary Piatt. Isaac, Apr. 4, 1699, " Phebe Lovejoy and Lydia Coley. SEVENTH GENERATION. 357 The second watch, with lingering flight Had passed on starry plains; O'er land and sea the noon of night In solemn grandeur reigns,— And lo! the Son of God in prayer. Pours out his soul in sorrow there. The third watch comes. The heavens grow dark, Obscuring moon and star; Tempetuous winds assail the bark Where the disciples are,— Fearing to meet untimely graves Beneath Tiberias' angry waves. The fourth watch comes. The toiling band With adver.se winds at strife, Hoping, yet fearing, for the land, Despairing, even of life, In toiling, rowing, fainting there, And Jesus on the mount in prayer ! Lord, why is this? The winds are high, And waves the sea deform; Why leave us, when thyself so nigh, Tf) battle with the storm ? Didst thou constrain us thus to go. Then call this boisterous wind to blow? "Disciple, O, be not afraid, 1 only prove thy trust; Perfect through suffering 1 am made. And so my followers must; 'Tis thus my power and glory shine, And thus I prove thy love and mine. "And wherefore, O, of little faith! Disciple dost thou fear ? Why doubt the words thy Saviour saith? Thy Lord is ever near; Be not afraid; lo, it is I, Be of good cheer, I heard thy cry. •"Thy weakness and my power to show, The morning watch I wait; Then on the swelling waves I go. And bid the storm abate; Winds hear my voice and die away— So should thy doubts and fears obey. "Gold in the furnace thou dost try. And so do I try thee; Renew, refine and purify, To live and reign with me,— A polished, pure and perfect gem, A diamond for ray diadem." H. H. Boston, June, 1859, Nov. 13, 1862. Children: 2754.* Abby Frakces, b. Oct. 2755. Ellek Maria, " Apr. 2756. Hannibal, " Sept. 2757.* Cyrus. " Dec. 358 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. She, Congregationalist; d. Waverley, Mass.,. June 1, 1857; he d. Washington, 22, 1837, Waterford. 26, 1839, " d. Mar. 12,1840. 20, 1841, " " Sept. 29, 1844. 24, 1843, Boston. [9.36] Rev. CYRUS .HAMLIN, D. D., L. L. D., r_ (Bro. of Susan,) b. Waterford, Me., Jan. 5, 1811; m. 1st, Dorset, Vt., Sept. 3, 1838, Henrietta Loraine, dau. of Rev. Dr. Samuel and Susannah (Cram) .Tackson, b. Dorset, May 9, 1811, a descendant of the martyr, .John Rogers. Educated in New England, a woman of remarkable loveliness of character, as testified in her memorial written by Mrs. M. W. Lawrence, entitled "Light on the Dark River." She d. at the Isle of Rhodes, Nov. 14, 1850. m. 2d, Constantinople, Turkey, May 18, 1852, Martha, dau. of Ovid and Har- riet (Deming) Lovell, b. Charlestown, N. H.; a missionary in Turkey; her life, after early childhood, was mostly spent in Palmyra, N. Y.. and Kenosha, Wis. She sailed for Constantinople, 185—, where she assisted in foimding the Girls' Seminary, and was for some years its teacher. A sketch of her life and labors is given in "The Missionary Sisters," by Mrs. Benjamin. She d. Bebek, Tur- key, Nov. 6, 1857. m. 3d, Tocat, Asia Minor, Nov. 5, 1859, Mary Eliza, dau. of Rev. Thomas and Martha T. (Parker) Tenney, b. Hampton, N. H., Apr. 12, 1828. She re- moved in childhood to the Western Reserve, Ohio; was engaged in teaching for some years in Connecticut, at Thibodeaux Seminary, La., and in Wasiiington, D. C; was an anti-slavery writer, known as "Mary Irving"; went to Tocat as missionary, 1854. From the autobiography of this remarkable man we "learn that his father died when he was an infant, leaving bis wife the care of afamily of small child- ren and a farm. He says: "The farm life of my brother and myself was with- out tlie care and help of a father. We were 'early inured to tt>il, and took to it kindly, and were ambitious to do men's work while we were mere buys." At the age of sixteen he went to Portland, Me., to learn the jeweler's trade with his brother-in-law, Farley, which he left at eighteen to study for the ministry, preparing for college at Bridgton Academy, graduated from Bowdoin College, 1834. teaching a portion of the time during the college course: grad- uated from Bangor Theological Seminary, 1837; embarked for Turkey in the service of the American Board of Foreign Missions, 1838; was missionary and teacher in Constantinople until 1873, twenty years of which as principal of Bebek Seminary, under many trials and difficulties. After years of constant effort he obtained from the Turkish government authority to found an Ameri- can college in Constantinople, which was completed, 1871, known as Robert College. His labors in Turkey as missionary, teacher and founder of this world- renowned college, with his intluence in promoting Christian education in that empire, and in the east, have justly given him a name throughout the civilized world. He introduced into Constantinople the art of making hop yeast bread, to give employment to persecuted Armenians who had been expelled from their guilds for political reasons. During the Crimean war a great demand arose in the English hospitals and army for this bread. At one time during the war /V. 'S'TVX^ SEVENTH GENERAT]OJS\ 359 the sick and wounded suffered sorely for clean clothinjj, blankets, etc., which had become unfit for use from vermin and filth from wounds and sickness. He discovered a great number of empty barrels in which beer had been brought for the army. Taking these he fitted them with pestles for pounding the clotiiing, and had huge kettles prepared for lieating water, hired workmen, and with these simple contrivances, aided with plenty of hot waterandsoap, which the officers in charge of the hospitals had been wholly incapable of contriving, soon made the sufferers clean and comfortable. Out of these contracts Dr. Hamlin claims to have earned $25,000, which he devoted to the building of churches and schools in Turkey. He returned to America in 1873 on business connected with the college, and in 1870 resigned the Presidency of Robert College. We cannot better summarize his missionary labors in Constantinople than by extracts from his memorial service. The speaker, Rev. James L. Barton, whose address was entitled "The Man for the Times," said: "Cyrus Hamlin was born .Jan. 5, 1811. six months after the American board was organized and three months after its first meeting. The day after his birth, just 90 years ago this very day, the first foreign missionaries ever sent out from American shores were ordained and commissioned in Salem. In 1829. the year Messrs. Dwiglit and Smith made their extensive exploration tours in Armenia, preliminary to a greatly enlarged mission work among those people, the young silversmith in Portland decided to give up his trade, then fairly well mastered, and study in preparation for the Christian ministry. "Cyrus Hamlin, the student of theology, did not want to go to Turkey; his choice of field was Africa or China. The God of missions, through the pru- dential committee, chose another field for him, removed from that of his choice by a distance of the third of the world's circumference. In the j'etir 1839 when he first set foot on missionary soil in Turkey, there arose in Con- stantinople a most determined and violent persecution of the evangelical Christians in that country, led by the Armenian patriarch and sanctioned by Sultan Mahmud II. himself. This continued for a period of many j-ears. These times demanded men of iron, men of ready resources, to steady the Armenian evangelical Christians and to devi.se measures, not only for their pro- tection and comfort, but for their preservation as individuals and as a commu- nity. It is universally conceded that no one in the Ottoman empire at that time possessed the training and natural talent to grapple with the question so well as the young man Hamlin. "Previously to 1840 the missionaries liad attempted to w'ork on the Grego- rian church only through the medium of her ecclesiastics and the church organ- ization itself. Separate enterprises, such as schools, independant congregations or any effort that might be interpreted as divisive, were deprecated and avoided. It was evident that there must be a complete and radical change in methods of procedure, one which would succeed, not through co-operation with the Gregorians, but in the face of their most bitter prosecution. Who was sufficient for these things except the youngest missionary of all, Cyrus Hamlin? "Out of this furnace of prosecution grew up Bebek Seminary. After tliis industrial, self-helping, self-preserving work among native people was w^ell in- augurated, and had fully demonstrated its practical value, the Crimian war broke out and Constantinople must needs l^e the center of its operations. When the English soldiers in Scutari were dying by the score in the hospital because of the lack of wholesome bread, there was no direction in which they or the British government could turn for help but to that little man on the 360 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. other side of the Bosphorus, who was advised to leave the farm in Maine, because he was said to be too slight to bear the brunt and rigor of that life. But the stern discipline of other years had fitted him to respond to the cry of the wounded, sick and dying soldiers for proper food. We all know how the Protestant Christians of Bebek and Constantinople, under the direction of Cyrus Hamlin, supplied the needed bread. "When the financial results of the life-saving work of the hospital were summed up, he found in hishandsfundssutflcientfortheerectionof 13churches, with schools annexed, and these funds he freely gave for this purpose, and the immediate and crying need was met. All these experiences were but prepara- tory to a greater and more prolonged struggle against the combined opposing forces of the empire, terminating in the erection and equipment of Robert College upon the most beautiful site along the entire length of the Bosphorus. That magnificent institution to-day proclaims more eloquently than words can utter the fact that for this masterpiece of foresight, consecration and energy, the man had been prepared by him who presides over all human plans for the advancement of his kingdom. "Two great principles of missionary operations which have now been adopted by nearly every leading foreign missionary board, were introduced by Dr. Hamlin into the practical operations of his work in Turkey. These were: First, the education of advanced students through the medium of the English language, and second, the introduction of industrial occupations as a sourceof self-help to the student while studying, to beused by liim in after years, in case of need, as a means of support. He was professor of theology in Bangor Theological Seminary, 1877-80; President of Middlebury College, Vt., 1880-5: he afterwards resided in Lexing- ton, Mass. Harvard gave him the degree of D. D. in 1861, and the University of New York that of L. L. D. in 1870. His writing, mostly in Armenian, and published in Constantinople, include a translation of "Upham's Mental Philosophy," "Papists and Protestants," 1847: an "Arithmetic for Armenians," 1848; Turkish translation, 1870: "A "Critique on the Writings of Archbishop Matteo, 1863. He has published in English "A Letter on Cholera and its Treatment," which was several times reprinted and widely circulated, Boston, 1865; "Among the Turks," 1877; also numerous articles in reviews, and lectures on free trade and protection. In 1893 he published "My Life and Times," being his autobiography. During the Vice-Presidency of Hannibal Hamlin a gentleman named Ham- lin, from Pennsylvania, congratulated him as having done most to honor the name. "Not so," said the Vice-President. "To whom, then, do you accord the honor y" said the gentleman. "To my cousin, Cyrus Hamlin," was the reply. He dropped dead in Portland, Me., Aug. 8, 1900. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Constantinople: 2758.* Hjenrietta Loraine, Dec. 2759. Susan Elizabeth, May 6, 1842; d. Dec. 8, 1858. 2760.* Caroline Margaret, Sept. 2761.* Abbie Frances, Nov. 2762. MaryRebeccaFaulkner, July By 2d wife, b. Constantinople: 2763.* Clara Harriet, Mar. 2764.* Alfred D wight Foster, Sept. o, 1839. 6, 1842; d. Dec. 10. 1845. 13, 1847, b. Bebec 29, 1850. 3, 1853. 5 1855. o CD rri H O o m m O O CO H > O r~ H cz X m -< p SEVENTH GENERATION. 361 By 3d wife: 2765.* Mary AN2sr Robert, June 8, 1862, 2766.* Emma Catherine, Feb. 29, 1864, 2767. WILLIA3I Maltby, Mar. 4, 1866 2768.* Alice Julia, Dec. 20, 1867, 2769. Henry Martyn, July 2, 1869, 2770.* Christopher Robert, Oct. 11, 1870. [9,39] SALLY DAVIS,^ (Sally Hamlin,^ Eleazer,^ Benjamin," Eleazer.s James,2i) b. Harvard, Mass., Nov. 29, 1797; m. Alvah Brown; she d. Littleton, Mass., Nov. 16, 1883. Children: 2771. LovEY Ann Jane, unmarried. 2772. Walter Davis, d. Nov. 23, 1891; no issue. 2773. Geo. Lorillard, 2774.* Henry Somers. [941] ABIGAIL JANE KIDDER,^ (Sally Hamlin,« Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer, 3 James, 21) b. Littleton, Mass., July 31, 1817; m. George W. Keuison; she d. Quincy, Mass., 1894, Child: An only dau., m. George D. Roberts, of Quincy, Mass. [942] LSAAC GREEN HAMLIN,' (Isaac,^ Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer, 3 .Iames,2i (b. Westford, Mass., Sept. 11, 1803; m. Cherryfleld, Me., Sept 16, 1832, Elizabeth Ward, b. Cherryfleld, Oct. 26, 1805; farmer; Livermore, Calais and Cherryfleld. Both d. Cherryfleld; he, March 26, 1842; she Feb. 10, 1874. Children: 2775.* Albert Green, b. July 6, 1834, Calais. 2776.* Joseph Henry, " Apr. 27, 1836, Bangor. 2777.* Sarah Jane, " Aug. 1838, Cherryfleld. 2778.* Nancy Ann, " Sept. 1840, " [943] MARY HAMLIN, 7 (Sister of Isaac G.,) b. Livermore, Me., Dec. 14, 1805; m. Oct. 18, 1829, Charles David,Tson'of David and Mary (Heard) Learned,* of Livermore, Me., b. May 20, 1798; lawyer; Livermore; removed to Cjlumbia, Miss.; thence to New Orleans, La.; became a judge, and resided at Jacksonwood, Amite Co., La. She d. there, Nov. 17, 1841. * Note 320. DAVID LEARNED,6 (Ebenezer,5* Isaac,3 2 William.i) WILLIAM LEARNED,! b. about 1.590; came from Bermondsey, Surrey, Eng. Wife .Tudith. His name appears in thie records of Cliarlestown. Mass., 1630; adm. to the cliurch there, Oct. 6, 1032, and was there, 1633-6; freeman. May H, 1634; selectman and constable; settled at Woburn, Mass., 1642; constable, 1643. He d. Mar. 1, 1646; his widow, Jane, survived him, who d. Maiden, Mass., 1660. Children: Sarah, m. Thomas Ewer. Bethia, bap. Oct. 29, 1612. Mary, " Sept. 15, 161.5. Abigail, " Sept. 30, 1618. Elizabeth, " Mar. 25, 1621. Isaac, " Feb. 25, 1623. 362 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: 2779. Maria Eliza, b. Aug 2780.* LoRiNDA Augusta, " July 2781. EuFus Charles, u 2782. SOPHRONIA AYBES, (( 2783. Vesta Ann, t( 1, 1830, Columbia: m. M. E. Bowles. 14, 1832, 1834, " d. July, 1839. 1836, Livermore. 1838, " [944] LORINDA HAMLIN,' (Sister of Isaac G.,) b. Livermore, Me., Jan. 21, 1808: m. April 11, 1842, David L. Morse; she d., Boston, Mass., Mar. 29, 1888. No issue. [945] AUGUSTA HAMLIN,' (Sister of Isaac G.,) b. Livermore, Me., Mar. 17, 1810; m. Boston, Mass., Dec. 26, 1866, Volney, son of Elisha and Mindwell (Hurlbut) Winchell, b. West Springfield, Mass., Feb. 5, 1805, his 2d wife; he m., 1st, West Springfield, Oct. 10, 1826, Mary R. Walkley, by whom he had six children: broker; Livermore and Calais, Me., Dover, M. H., Springfield and Boston, Mass.; she d. Boston, Dec. 13, 1893. No issue. [946] SAMUEL BAKER HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Isaac G,,) b. Livermore, Me., Mar. 4, 1812; m. Jan. 2,1842, Sarah Ann Bradford:* lum- berman; Livermore and Calais, Me., and Acushnet, Mass. He d. Acushnet, 1888. Ch. b. Acushnet: 2784.* James Bradford, Oct. 15, 1842. 2785. Sarah, d. Dover, N. H. * Note 321. WILLIAM BRADFORD, of Austerfleld, Eng., was living 1550, a country squire; buried .Jan. 10, 1595-6; descended from an old Englishi family. WILLIAM BRADFORD, son of above, m. Alice Hanson. He was buried July 15, 1591. Gov. WILLIAM BRADFORD,! b. Austerfleld, Mar. 19, 1.588; m. 1st, Nov. 30, 1613, Dorothy May, b. Mar. 19, 1590. They came in the Mayflower- to Plymouth, Mass., Dec. 20, 1620. In his manuscript history of Plymouth he states that his wife died soon after their arrival (at Cape Cod, Dec. 7, 1620.) They had an only child, a son, who was left behind, and who came over afterwards. He m. 2d, Aug. 14, 1623, Mrs. Alice (Carpenter) South worth, b. 1590, who d. Mar. 26, 1670. He wrote in his history, 1650, that he then had four children, three whereof were married. He was chosen Governor of Plymouth Colony, April, 1621, to succeed Gov. Carver, and served until his death. He was author of a manuscript history of Plymouth, tlie first known one of the colony, 1620-50. The book is still in existence and has liad a remarkable experience. The writer saw and had it in his hands at the State House in Boston in 1899. In some way not now discovered it was lost about the period of the American Revolution, and many years after- wards was found in the library of the Bishop of London. Upon application of the American Minister— Mr. Bayard, the volume was sent by him and delivered to Gov. Wolcott, of Mass., in 1897, for use of the Pilgrim descendants. In this book Gov. Bradford has recorded the best ac- count to be found of the Mayflower passengers and other pilgrim families. He d. Plymouth, May 9, 1657. Ch. by 1st wife: John, m. Martha Bourne. Ch. by 2d wife, b. Plymouth: William, Jun. 17, 1624; m. Alice Richards. Mercy, " Benjamin Vermayer. Joseph, 1630, " Jael Hobart. SEVENTH GENERATION. 363 [949] HENRY HARTRY HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Isaac G.,) b, Livermore, Me., May 28, 1821; m. Madrid, Me., Jan. 22, 1845, Elvira, dau. of Isaiah Chick, b. Berlin, Me., June 21, 1822; farmer: East Livermore; Free- will Baptists. He d. East Livermore, Nov., 1858; she d. Phillips, Me., Mar., 1879. Ch. b. East Livermore: George Henry, Jan. 18, 1846. Mary Augusta, Mar. 11, 1847. Isaiah, Dec. 26, 1849; d. May, 1864. Olive Wolcott, Oct. 11, 1851. Chastina Elizabeth, Mar. 13, 1854, unm. 1899. Elvira, Jan. 3, 1856; m. Andrew Wiggin, 2786. 2789.^ 2790. 2791. Hon. Wolcott Ha3ilin. [950] Hon. wolcott HAMLIN," (Bro. of Isaac G.,) b. Livermore, Me., Nov. 4, 1823: m. Boston, Mass.. July 3, 1845, Susan, dau. of Peter Westraan, b. Bath, Me., May 1, 1824: lawyer: Amherst, Mass.: he was educated in the public schools, and at Kent's Hill Seminary, Me.: taught school: was in business in Boston; afterwards merchant at Andover, N. H.; read law with Samuel Buttertield: admitted to the bar of Merrimack Co., N. H., 1852; appointed Solicitor of Stafford Co. and removed to Dover, 1856; re- signed, 1861; Engrossing Clerk U. S. Senate, 1861-70; Supervisor Int. Rev., Dist. of Maine, N. H. and Vermont, 1870-2: Member N. H. Legislature, 1866-7: in- vested in lands in Conn., 1872, and engaged in lumbering there; removed to Amherst, 1878, and was a prominent lawyer, member of firm of Hamlin & Children: 2792,* Edward F., 2793. George W.. 2794.* Emma Augusta, 2795.* Mary B., 2796.* John, 2797. Samuel L. 2798.* Frederick W., 2799.* Arthur W., (( 364 .THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Reilly; Prohibition candidate for Gov. of Mass., 1892, and candidate for Attor- ney-Generai, 1898; member and deacon Cong. Churcli. He d. Amherst, Oct. 23, 1898. Children: b. Apr. 6, 1846, Boston. " Aug. 22, 1848, " d. Oct. 28, 1849. " Sept. 20, 1850, Andover. " Nov. 5, 1852. " Jan. 27, 1856, Dover. " Dec. 3, 1860, " d. Sept. 5, 1861. " Sept. 21, 1862. " Apr. 25, 1866. [951] Hon. NATHAN SUMNER HAMLIN," (Asia,6 Eleazer,^ Benja- min,* Eleazer.3 James,2i) b. Westford, Mass., Dec. 28, 1806: m. Nov. 19, 1829, Harriet, dau. of Pelatiah and Sally (Woodv^'ard) Fletcher, b. Groton, Mass., July 31, 1800; farmer; Westford; a prominent Democrat; member, Mass. legis- lature and held town offices. Although a Democrat he cast the deciding vote which sent Charles Sumner to the U. S. Senate. A Democrat was sure of election in his district, for which there were two Democratic candidates. Tlie Free Soilers were wild to elect Sumner, and promised to support Mr. Hamlin if he would vote for Sumner, to which he pledged himself: he wa.s elected by the aid of the Free Soilers and redeemed his pledge. One of the committee who waited on Mr. Hamlin on that occason stated in recent times: "1 must confess there was considerable lobbying dune, but the Lord blessed it and Sum- ner was elected." He d. Westford, Feb., 1887; she d. Apr. 20, 1895. Ch. b. Westford: 2800.* Edward Sumner, Jan. 28. 1830. 2801.* Samuel A., Sept. 25, 1832. [952] SUSAN HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Nathan S.,) b. Westford, Mass., Aug. 29, 1808: m. May 12, 18.30, Pelatiah, son of Pelatiah and Beulah (Hay ward) Fletcher, b. Westford, June 27, 1804; farmer, Groton, Mass.; Democrat; selectman; Unitarians. She d. Groton, Apr. 15, 1850; he d. Pepperill, Mass., Jan. 24, 1891. Ch. b. Groton: 2802.* Henry Haskell, June. 11, 1831. 2803. Caroline Augusta, Sept. 16, 1833; d. Dec. 4, 1854. 2804.* Augustus Dana, Dec. 16, 1835. 2805. Cyrus Hamlin, Aug. 22, 1839; d. May 30, 1864, unm. [955] CYRUS HAMLIN,- (Bro. of Nathan S.,) b. Westford, Mass., Mar. 25, 1815: m. New Brunswick, N. J., Nov. 29, 1843, Dinah, dau. of Simon and Dinah (Hartough) Cartelyou, b. New Brunswick, Oct. 19, 1820; she was seventh in descent from Jaques Cortellieu, a prominent man in tlie early history of New York; farmer, and res. on the old Hamlin homestead, Westford; Abolitionist and Republican, but voted for Greeley and Cleveland; a scientific fruit grower. Ch. b. Westford: 2806.* Sarah Dix, Nov. 27, 1844. 2807.* Catherines., Aug. 12,1847. 2808. Henry, Dec. 12, 1852; d. Nov. 15, 1888, unm. 2809.* Charles A., May 15, 1857. SEVENTH GENERATION. 365 [956] SARAH D. HAMLIN,' (Sister of Nathan S.,) b. Westfoid, Mass,, Aug. l(j, 1820; m. Sept. 16, 1841, Ira J. Richardson, of Westford. She d. there, Feb. 4, 1844. Ch. b. Westford: 2810,* GARDiSfEK, May 14, 1843, [968] Hon. EZRA T. POPE,^ (Seth,« Lemuel,^ Experience Jenkins,* Experience Hamlin, 3 James, ^i) b., 1825; m., 1849, Abigail Gibbs;*res., Sandwich, Mass.; Republican; Deputy Sheriff 22 years; member Mass. legislature, 1864-5; messenger and sergeant-at-Arms State House, Boston, 1874 Children: 2811. Francis E., 2812. Abbie G., 2813. Anna T., 2814. Augustus R., 2815. EzraT,, 2816, Seth F,, 2817. Eugene R, 2hl8. Eben C, 2819, Alice E, [970] M OSES F AIRCHILD,' (Hannah Pope,^ Seth,^ Experience Jenkins,* Experience Hamlin, ^ James,2i) b. Nov. 14, 1785; m. June 11, 1818, his cousin, Olivia Hatch,'' b. Mar. 17, 1797; farmer; East Bloomfield, N. Y.; Freemason. Both d. East Bloomfield; he, Oct. 13, 1839; she, June 4, 1856. Ch. b. East Bloomfield: 2820.* Jane Frances, Nov. 1, 1819. 2821.* Elizabeth Pope, July 23, 1824. 2822. Olivia, Jan. 29, 1828; d. Feb. 21, 18B3, unm, 2823. Mary Esther, Apr. 6, 1833; " Jun. 22, 1865. [973] FRANCES FAIRCHILD,' (Sister of Moses,) m. William Cullen Bryant, b. Cummington, Mass., 1794. He practiced law, Great Barrington, Mass, 1815-25; afterwards res. N. Y, city and Roslyn, L. L; editor iV^. Y, Review, 1825-7, and of iV. Y. Evening Post from 1836 until his death. Poet and prose writer of distinction; author of several volumes of prose and poetry, and "Popular History U. S." He d. June 12, 187^, Children: 2824. A Daughter, m. Park Godwin. 3825, Julia, unmarried. [977] NATHAN JENKINS,' (Asa,«Nathan,5 Ebene2er,*ExperiBnce Ham- lin, ^ James,2i) b. Barnstable, Mass., Dec. 27, 1793: m. June 14, 1825, Elizabeth, dau. of Ansel and Mercy (Nyef) Howland,J b. West Barnstable, Nov. 5, 1797; farmer; West Barnstable; school teacher; county commissioner and overseer of the poor. He d. Nov. 9, 1865; she d. West Barnstable, Feb. 28, 1875. * For Gibbs see note 50. + For Nye see note 34. $ Note 322. For Rowland see notes 61, 79, 132, 145 and 248. ANSEL HOWLAND,5 (Jabez,* Shubael.s John.si) b. Barnstable, Dec, 3, 1738; m. Eliza- beth Bodflsh ; who d. Oct. 4, 1821, 2826.* Joseph Hamlin, 2827. Hekry, 2828.* Charles E., 2829. Rachael Rebec 2830. Frances, 2831.* Hannah Abbte, 2832.* Francis, 366 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. W. Barnstable: July 30, 1826. [1853, unm. Mar. 30, 1828: d. Marysville, Cal., Apr. 30, July 30, 1830. , July 30, 1832; " May 31, 1834, July 9, 1834; " Sept. 13, 1837. July 14, 1836. July 22, 1838. [978] CHARLES JENKINS,^ (Bro. of Nathan, ) b. Barnstable, Mass., Feb. 4, 1795; m. Mary D. Bragg. He d. Dec. 27, 1861. Children: 2833.* William Bragg, b. May 19, 1833. 2834.* Asa, " Apr. 22, 1838, W. Barnstable. [979] RACHAEL JENKINS,' (Sister of Nathan,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Feb. 8, 1802; m. Samuel Whitman. She d. Aug. 30, 1851. Child: 2835. John W. [980] GEORGE JENKINS,'^ Bro. of Nathan,) b. Barnstable, Mass., June 10. 1805: m, Elixa Hinckley.* She d. Dec. 21, 1861. Children: 2836.* James Hamlin, b. Apr. 18, 1831. 2837.* Elizabeth C, " Mar. 24, 1836. 2838. John, " Feb. 16, 1845. [981] WILLIAM HENRY JENKINS,^ (Ebenezer,«5f Experience Ham- lin,3 James,2i)b. Lee, Mass., July 27, 1792; m., 1824, Jernsha, dau. of Asa and Hester (Bushnell ) Eddy, b. Mar. 7, 1792; she, Presb. He d. Panama, on the route to California, 1849; she d. Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 27, 1882. Children: 2839. William, b. 1825, New York; d. 1826. 2840. Ann Eliza, " 1827, " 1828. 2841.* Frances Louisa, " Sept. 21, 1830, Milan. Children: Ansel, b. Dec. 12, 1772; m. Mercy Nye. Jabez., " May Ul, 1775, " Hannah Parker. ANSEL HOWr>AND,6 b. Barnstable, Dec. 13,1772; m. Mercy Nye, b. Oct. 24, 1772, who A. Sept. 2, 1843. Ch. b. West Barnstable: Jason, b. Jan. 11, 1796; m. Annie P. Jones. Elizabeth, " Nov. 5, 1797, " Nathan Jenkins. James Nye, •' Dec. 20, 1799, " Laurana Bursley. Sarah, " Aug. 27, 1802, " William Crocker and William Marston, Ansel, " May 24, 1805, " Susan Bodfish. Shadrack N., " Oct. 2, 1808, "■ Betsey Larkin. Sophronia, " Mar. 2, 1811, " Washington Bursley. * For Hinckley see notes 31, 81 and 85. SEVENTH GENERATION. 367 [982] NATHAN JENKINS,' (Bro. of William H.,) b. Lee, Mass., Mar. 25, 1794; m., 1st, Catherine Orton; m. 2d, Eliza J. Purdy. He. d. Kentucky, Feb. 4, 1867. Children: 2842. A Son, b. 1831; drowned, 1836. 2843. A Son, " 1832; " 2844.* Caroline Electa, " 1834. 2845. Catherine, '' 1837; d. 1840. [983] JOSIAH JENKINS,^ (Bro. of William H.,) b. Lee, Mass., Jan. 22, 1796: m, 1831, Claretta Lois Crofoot, b. Medina, Ohio; merchant and owner of lake vessels; Buffalo, N. Y. Both d. Buffalo, he, 1838. Ch. b. Buffalo: 2846.* Mary Jane, Jan. 24, 1833. 2847.* Frances, . Sept, 27, 1834. 2848.* JosiAH Henry, Feb. 23, 1836. 2849.* Louisa Eliza, Apr. 6, 1838, Children: 2850. Lydia Jane, 2851.* Jane S., 2852.* William Henry, 2853. Sarah E., [984] EBENEZER JENKINS,' (Bro. of William H.,) b. Lee, Mass., Nov. 4, 1798; ra. 1836, Abigail Bartlett. He d. Chicago, 111., Oct. 9, 1873. Children: b. Nov. 10, 1826; d. Aug 10, 1827. '' Sept. 1, 1828. " Nov. 7, 1830. " Sept. 26, 1833, " Jan. 1, 1849. [985] LYDIA JENKINS.^ (Sister of William H.,) b. Lee, Mass., Oct. 26, 1800; m. Lansing, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1822, Rev. Edmund, son of Patrick O'Flyng, b. Gal way, N. Y., 1797; clergyman; Elmira, South- port, Buffalo, Lockport and Bath, N. Y.; Lawrenceville, Willetsburgh and Pittsburgh, Pa.: Vincennes and New Albany, Ind.; Knoxville, III; Canton, Millersburgh and Bucyrus, Ohio: Republican: private in Capt. Brown's Co., 1812 war; participated in the battle of Lundy'sLane; atSackett's Harbor, 1815; Freemason: Methodist. Among her relatives she was known as "The Gospel." Both d. Bucyrus, Ohio: she, 1882; he, 1873. Children: K Dec. 7, 1824, Elmira. ' Jun. 19, 1826, Southport. • Feb. 9, 1828, June 12, 1830, Buffalo. ' May 13, 1832, Lockport. ■ Apr. 6, 1835, Lawrenceville; d. 1835. ' Aug. 29, 1836, " d. Oct. 10, 1841. July 11, 1839, Knoxville; d. Mar. 27, '73. [987] Rev. WARREN JENKINS,' (Bro. of William H., ) b. Lee, Mass.. Aug. 12, 1804; m. Athens, Pa.; 1825, Marion, dau. of Jean and Lydia (Pyle?) Dutilh, b. Phila., Pa., 1804: merchant, Athens, Pa., 1824-6; news- paper editor at Tonawanda, Pa., until about 1829; removed to Columbus, Ohio; 2854.* ENHANCES Elizabeth, 2855.* Caleb C, 2856.* Mary Hall, 2857.* Isaac Maxwell, 2858.* Louisa Temple, 2859. Edmund, 2860. Clarissa, 2861. Marion Dutilh, 368 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. broker, N. Y. City, 1843-7; removed to Cleveland, Ohio, Auburn, N. Y., Browns- ville, Texas, 1849-52; Columbus, Ohio, 1852-65, where he was mayor of the city. Late in life he -became a clergyman; Whig and Republican, a strong anti- slavery man: Presb. He d. Columbus, May, 1895; she d. Auburn, N. Y., June, 1849. Children: 2862.* Eltza Dutilh, b. Dec. 24, 1826, Athens. 2863.* Henry, " May 25, 1828, Tonawanda. 2864. Marion, a 1829, Columbus; d. 1829. 2865. Owen, " Mar. 9, 1830, "Aug. 31, '48 2866. Charles, " Sept. 2. 1832, ^' Feb. 24, '35 2867. Louisa. " Apr. 13, 18.34, " May 26, '48 2868.* Warren, '' Sept. 27, 1836, 2869.* Herman Dutilh, " Jan. 14, 1842, 2870.* Anna Calkins, " Jun. 9, 1846, Brooklyn. Two ch. d. in infancy. [991] LOUISA JENKINS,' (Sister of William H.,) b. June 20, 1811; m. 1833, Rev. John Marshall, son of Dr. William and Mar- garet Goshorn, b. May 20, 1811; Episcopal clergyman; Democrat; she was a tal- ented lady and leader in society: amongst her relatives she was called "The law." Both d. Galveston, Texas, of yellow fever; she Oct. 15, 1864; he, Oct, 12, 1864. Children: 2871. Marshall, b. 1834; d. 1834. 2872. Eliza Jenkins, " Sept. 18, 1853, Pittsburg. [998] JOSIAH JENKINS,' (Josiah,6 Samuel, &** Experience Hamlin,!^ James,2i) ij. Gorham, Me., May 5, 17&4; private in Capt. Toppan Robie's Co. from Gorham, 1812 war. [1005] b. Gorham, Lowell. JOSEPH JENKINS,' (Samuel, «5* Experience Hamlin,-^ James.^i) Me., June 1.3, 1788; pub. Bucktleld, Me., Dec. 7, 1811, Nancy * Note 32:3. At pa^e 60 I bave, on the authority of Mr. Otis, tlie ^enealo^st of Barnstable families, stated that Samuel .Jenkins,* [42] m. Mary,3 dau. of Ensign .John and Mary (Davis) (Goodspeed) Hinckley. It is claimed by Miss Elizabeth Crocker, of Yarmouthport, Mass.. upon the authority of Mr. .loshua Hinckley, of Wollaston, Mass., author of an unpublished grenealogy of the Hinckley family, that this Mary Hinckley was the dau. of Ensigii .John Hinkley by his first wife, Bethia Lothrop. and that she m. June 22, 1721, Dea. John Crocker,3 (.Iob,2 William, i)— ancester of Miss Croclfer— and that her death is inscribed on her tombstone in the ancient cem- etery at Barnstable Village, as "July 2^, 17-tt, in the 57th year of her ag-e." It is the opinion of Mr. Hinckley that Samuel Jenkins m. Mary,* dau. of Benjamin and Sarah (Cobb) Hinckley, b. Oct. i l(J9(j. The evidence is not conclusive as to the ancestry of the two Mary Hinkleys who ra. Samuel Jenkins and Dea. John Crocker, respectively. If Mary, the dau. of Ensign John Hinckley, was the child of his first wife and born about 1787, she could hardly have been the wife of Samuel Jenkins; but if the child of his second wife, she was probably born after 1697, and could have been the wife of Jenkins, who was born 1699-1700. The inscription on the grave- stone of Mary, wife of Dea. .John Crocker is good evidence of her ag'e, but does not establish her ancestry. Otis says; Vol. 2, page 93: "When Icbabod Hinckley removed to Tolland, Conn,, Samuel Jenkins purchased Hinckley's farm, which is now (1862) owned by Dea. Bradley Jenk- ins. His wife being half sister to Ichabod and dau. of Ensign .John Hinckley, by his second wife," who was Mary ,3 widow of Benjamin Goodspeed,3 and dau. of .lohn^ and Hannah (Linnell) Davis. SEVENTH GENERATION. 369 [1009] Capt. BENJAMIN JENKINS,' (Bro. of Joseph,) b. Buckfleld, Me., April 24, 1800; birtb recorded Buckfield, Me., pub. Buck- field, Mar. U. 1824, Abigail Keene, of Hartford, Me. He resided in the south- east corner of Buckfield, where bis father resided. He afterwards removed to a farm near Lowell's Corners in Buckfleld. The births of their children, re- corded Buckfield: Children: 2873.* Benjamin Franklin, b. July 17, 1826. 2S74. Satinia H., " Nov. 20, 1831. 2875. Christine A., 2876. LucRETiA Ann, 2877. William H. H. [1022] NATHANIEL JENKINS/ (Nathaniel, s^ Samuel,* Experience Hamlin,3 James,2i) b. Barnstable, Mass., Jan. 6, 1796; married .| No de- scendant of this family living. Children: 2678. Nathaniel, m. and d. without issue. 2879. Ellis, unmarried. 2880. Temperance. m. Loring Crocker, of Barnstable. 2881. Ltdia, " Dr. Oliver Ford, " " [1028] ELISHA J:^NKINS,' (Alvan,^ Nathaniel,^ Samuel,* Experience Hamlin, 3 James,2i) b. Barnstable, Mass., Jan. 11, 1800: m. . He started a boot and shoe manufactory, 1829, Yarmouth: Representative, Yarmouth, 1844- 5: P. M., Barnstable, 1866; member James Otis Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Barn- stable, 1870. He d. South Yarmouth. Ch. b. South Yarmouth; Names not discovered. [1032] WILLIAM JENKINS,' (Simeon,^^ Samuel,* Experience Hamlin,3 James,2i) m. Susan,^ dau of John and (Holmes) Jenkins. Bothd. Needham, Mass. Children: 2882.* Susan. 2883.* Betsey. [1036] BARTLETT JENKINS,^ ( John.s Simeon,^ Samuel,* Experience Hamhn,3 James,2i) m. Mary Crosby. Both d. 1823. No issue. [104.5] SIMEON JENKINS,' (Perez,6 Simeon.s Samuel,* Experience Ham- lin,'' James,2i) lived and died Somerville, Mass. Child: 2884. George Willia3I. [1047] LUCY JENKINS,' (Braley,^ Simeon,^ Samuel,* Experience Ham- lin,3 James,2i) b. West Barnstable, Mass.. Jan. 10, 1800: m. 1st, Nantucket, Mass., 1820, Capt. Moses, son of Richard and Martha Alley, b. Nantucket, Mass.; master of a whaling vessel, Nantucket; he was lost at sea; m. 2d, West Barnstable, 1840, Rev. Enoch, son of William and Mary (King) Pratt, b. North 370 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Middleboro, Mass., July 31, 1782, his 3d wife; pastor. West Barnstable, 1807-32: afterwards resided West Brewster, Mass.; Chaplain 1812 war: Cong.; author of histories of Eastham, Orleans and Wellfleet, Mass.; she d. W. Barnstable, May 27, 1896. He d. Brewster, 1860. Ch. by 1st marriage: 2885.* Lucy, b. Oct. 17, 1825, Nantuclcet. 2886. Prince, " 1826, West Barnstable; d. '28 2887. Perez JisxKiNs, 1827-8, " " " Jan 1,'97 By 2d marriage, b. Brewster: 2888.* George Greenleaf, May 6, 1842. 2889. Charles King, 1845: d. 1857. 2890. Ida HyDe, d. aged 3 years. [1049] DORCAS JENKINS,' (Sister of Lucy,) b. West Barnstable, Mass., June 19, 1807; m. there, 1832, Jabez,' son of Jabez and Hannah (Parker) Rowland,* b. West Barnstable, June 18, 1803; grocer; West Barnstable, until 1847; after at Neponset, Mass.; postmaster many years; Whig. She d. West Barnstable, Oct. 10, 1841; he d. Neponset, April 8, 1867. Ch. b. West Barnstable: 2891.* Ellen, May 10, 1833. 2892.* PoMEROY Belden, Feb. 15, 1835. [1051] Dr. FREEMAN HOPKINS JENKINS,' (Bro. of Lucy,) b. West Barnstable, Mass , Dec. 25, 1815; m. Sandwich, Mass., May 3, 1854, Hannah Sexton, dau. of Samuel and Sarah (Goodspeedf) Blossom, J b. Sandwich, Nov. 20, 1832; physician and farmer; West Barnstable: resided Harwich, Mass., 1844-6; Dorchester, 1861-5; Republican; member school board, 1848-60. He as- sisted in compiling the records of the Jenliins branch of the family; she Cong. He d. W. Barnstable, Jan. 4, 1902. Ch. b. West Barnstable: 2893. Samuel Blossom, June 14, 1855. 2894. William Freeman, June 10, 1858. * Note ;124. For Rowland see notes 61, 79, 145, 248 and ;322. Hon. jabez HOWLAND.e ^Ansel,5 Jabez,* Shubael,3 John,? i) b. Barnstable, Mass., May 31, 1775; m. Oct. 18, 1797, Hannah, dau. of David and Mehitable (Hall) Parker, b. June 24, 1778; res. West Barnstable ; held town offices; representative; he d. W. Barnstable; she d. July 30, 1862. Ch. b. W. Barnstable: Albert, Feb. 9, 1798. Lybia p., Dec. 21, 1799; m. Silas Jones. Jabez, Jun. 18, 1803, " Dorcas Jenkins. John S., Dec. 22, 1804; drowned Apr. 16, 1845. Hannah, Nov. 18, 1806; m. Ambrose Hay ward. Mehitable, Jun. 17, 1808; d. Aug. 10, 1825. Eliza, Feb. 19, 1810; m. Paul J. Fish. Freeman, Oct. 11, 1811, " Adeline Parker. Parker, Sept.24, 1813; d. Sept. 13, 1835. ROBEBT, July 22, 1815, " Feb. 16, 1816. Henrietta, Jan. 11,1817; m. Dr. Rufus Belden. Emeline, Feb. 27, 1819, " Frederick Parker. + For Goodspeed see notes 30 and 284. % For Blossom see note 182. SEVENTH GENERATION. 371 [1055] PAYNE JENKINS,' (Lot,6 5 Samuel,* Experience Haralin.s .James,2i) m. Olive Ryder.* Ch. b. Wellfleet: 2895.* Robert Bruce, Sept. 16, 1837. [1056] DAVID HAMBLIN,' (Silas,«5 James,432i) unm.; soldier in British service, 1812 war, wounded at Sackett's Harbor and d. of wounds at Kingston. [1057] FRANCIS HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of David,) m. Esther Whiting. He was killed at or near Prescott, Ont. Had children. [1058] BENJAMIN HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of David, ) b. Canada; m. Esther, widow of Ephraim Dunham, res. Kitley, Canada. Both d., he about 1840. Children: 2896.* Reuben. 2897.* Elvira, 2898. ' Charles, dead. [1059] NANCY HAMBLIN,' (Sister of David,) b. Canada; m. William Knapp; lived near Prescott, Ontario. Several children who lived near the old home. [1060] ELIZABETH HAMBLIN,' (Sister of David, ) m. 1st, Eaton; lived near Prescott, Ontario; m. 2d, Thomas Howe; lived many years at Liada Lake, where she died. Ch. by 1st marriage: 2899. David. 2900. George, dead. 2901. Elvira, " Ch. by 2d marriage: 2902. William, prob. d. 2903. Richard, " 2904. Henry, " 2905. Annie. [1061] SILAS HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of David,) b. Canada, 1790; m. Peggy .; res. Prescott, Ontario. Several children. [1062] WILLIAM LINES HAMBLEN,^ (Bro. of Benjamin,) b. Prescott, Canada, 1792; m. Augusta or Maitland, Canada, 1816, Sarah, dau. of Alexander and Electa ( Landon) Barnard, b. Earneston, Canada, 1796; farmer; Augusta, until 1823; afterwards Alexandria Bay, N. Y.; soldier 1812 war in the British army, at battle of Ogdensburg; Democrat; Freemason; she Methodist. He d. Alexandria Bay, 1871; she d. Battle Creek, Mich., 1890. * For Rider see note 286. 372 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. 2906.* 2907.* 2908. 2909. 2910. 2911.* 2912.* 2913.* 2914. Children: Alexander Carlisle, b. Dec. Emeline, " July Silas, Elvira C, " Mar. Elizabeth, " Apr. Benjamin, " Apr. 10, 1818, Augusta. 27, 1820, " d. infancy. 14, 1826, Alexandria; unm. 1899 3, 1827, " d.Alex.Bay,unm 1829, Martha L., Sarah E., Jane, " Mar. 11, 1831, " •' Sept. 15, 1832, Alexandria Bay. d. young. [1064] Col. JOHN HILLIBERT,^ (Jemima Hamblin,«Silas,5 James,*3 2i) m. Eliza Gardner; merchant; Fort Ann, N. Y., a public spirited man; colonel of militia; soldier 1812 war; she Methodist. Both d. Ch. b. Fort Ann: 2915.* Sarah Amelia, about 1828. [1065J HILLIBERT,' m. Losson Fenton, of Fort Ann, N. Y (Sister of John,) Both dead. Three ch., all dead. [1067J JOSHUA HAMLIN,^ ' (Seth," Silas,^ James,* ssi) b. Darlington, Ontario. Oct. 13, ISOO; m. Pickering, Ontario; Hannah, dau. of Jacob and Hannah (Young) Snyder, b. Lower Canada, July 4, 1808; farmer: Darlington. He was killed, Scarborough, Ontario, April, 1833; she remarried and had other children. She d. North Bradley, Mich., Feb. 21, 1889. Children: b. Darlington; unmarried. 2916. Hannah B., 2917. Susannah, 2918. Rebecca, 2919.* Seth, 2920.* Maria, " 1829, .Scarborough. " June 27, 1833, Scarborough. [1068] WILLIAM HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Joshua,) b. Nov. 2, 1802; married. After his death his widow and two children went to reside near Montreal. He was killed about 1845. [1070] DAVID HAMLIN,7 (Bro. of Joshua,) b. May 19,1807; m. Angeline . His widow res. Lexington, Mich.,wherehedied. No issue. [1071] ELI HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Joshua,) b. Darlington, Dist. of New Castle, Ontario, June 13, 1809; m. Smithville, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1837, Minerva, dau. of Malachi and Sarah (Blount) Putnam, b. Lowville, N. Y., July 5, 1817; blacksmith; Watertown, N. Y., from 1842 until his death; she Methodist. Both d. Watertown; he, Aug. 23, 1893; she Oct. 3. 1889. 2921.* 2922.* 2923.* Children: M. Adelia, James Monroe, DeWitt Clinton, b. Mar. " Sept. " July 17, 1838, Smithville. 30, 1840, 19, 1844, Watertown. SEVENTH GENERATION. 373 [1074] PETER HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Joshua,) b. Dec. 25, 1816; m. Sarah ElHs; sailor, drowned in Lake Erie; slie d. Scar- borough, Canada, years ago. Children: 2924. Seth, d. unm. 2925. Rebecca, res. with her uncle, John Hamlin. [1075] b. Feb. Madden, b. private Co. Fair Oaks, 292(i. 2927. 2928.* 2929.* 2930.* 2931.* 2932. JOHN HAMLIN,- (Bro. of Joshua,) 1, 1817; m. Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., 1846, Anna Maria, dau. of John Ireland, Oct. 18, 1829; moulder; Democrat; Freemason; Methodist; D, 81st N. Y. Inf. Vols.; enlisted fall of 1861, killed at' battle of Va., May 31, 1862; slie res. Oswego, N. Y., 1897: Catholic. Children: Anna Maria, b. Jan. Mary Ellen, " Mar. Thomas, " Dec. William John. " Dec. Agnes Asperia, " Apr. Morris James, " Mar. Rebecca, " Apr. 7, 1848, Rington, Ont. 19, 1850, 5, 1852, Fayetteville, 4, 1855, Rome, 15, 1858, Oswego Co., 4, 1860, Peck's Mills, 17, 1862, Oswego Co., ; m. — Surdara " — Steele. N. Y. unm. 1899. [1076] WILLIAM HAMBLIN,' ( Nathan, eCaleb,^ James,i32 1) b. Waquoit, Falmouth, Mass., Sept. 19, 1780; m. Sandwich, Mass, by Rev. Jonathan Burr, Nov. 16, 1803, Content, dau. of Sylvanus and Lucretia (Fish) Fish;* the mar- riage record gives his res. Falmouth and hers Sandwich; mariner; Waquoit; one William Hamblin was propounded for membership 2d Cong. Church, Fal- mouth, Feb. 25,1824; not formally received into the church. He d. Waquoit, Jan. or June 1, 1827. Ch. b. Sandwich: 2933.* Lucretia, July 26, 1804. 2934.* Hiram, Apr. 22, 1806. 2935. Susan, July 22, 1808; m. Ainsworth F. Hamblin. 2936.* Tabitha Phinney, Feb. 28, 1811. [10771 REUBEN HAMBLIN,' (Bro. of William, ) b. Falmouth, Mass, Jan. 11, 1789; m.. Providence, R. I., Sarah Small. He d. Falmouth, Apr. 27, 1829; she m., 2d, Yarmouth, March 3, 1836, James Stew- art, and had Alexina, who m. John B. Fisher, Falmouth. Ch. b. Falmouth: 2937.* Ann Frances, Feb. 25, 1817. 2938. Albert, Jan. 10, 1822. 2939.* Emily H., Oct. 13, 1826. [1078] Capt. NATHAN HAMBLIN,' (Bro. of William,) b. Falmouth, Mass., Oct. 18, 1792; m. Waquoit, Mass., Feb. 12, 1826, Cynthia Eldridge;* res. Falmouth. He d. Waquoit. * For Fish see notes 54 and 190. + For Eldridge see note 90. 574 THE HAMLIN FAMILY b. Sept. 13, 1827, P'almouth. Children: 2940. Charlotte. 2941. Sarah. 2942. Hannah, 2943. Elnathan. 2944. Reuben. [1081] JAMES HAMBLEN,' (Natlianiel,6 Caleb,^ James," ^^i) b. Sandwich, Mass., Nov. 20, 1798; m. Aug. 17, , Sarah Monroe, b. Wes- terly, R. I., 1804. She moved when young to Nova Scotia. He was a mariner and resided Snake Pond,* Sandwich, Mass. It is traditional that her people were of the Monroe family from which President Monroe descended. This family of Hamlins has produced some noted singers. James Hamblen had a beautiful tenor voice, and v/hen home from sea some times taught singing: he was a tall, strong man; was wrecked and drowned off Nantucket, Feb. 27, 1831, where all on board the ship were lost, including his wife's father, except his brother and two others, who clung to the masts and were picked up by a pass- ing vessel. It is said he could have saved his own life, which he lost trying to save others. She d. July 17, 1845. Ch. b. Sandwich: 2945. John Monroe, June 25, 1823; d. Aug. 17, 1830. 2946.* Cornelius Fish, Aug. 10, 1825. 2947.* Nathaniel, Feb. H, 1828. 2948.* James J., Feb. 27, 1830. [1082] CORNELIUS FISH HAMBLEN,^ (Bro. of James,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Sept. 1, 1800; m. May 18, 1829, Martha Monroe, b. West- erly, R. I., Jan. 1, 1799; she removed to Nova Scotia when young; mariner; Sandwich; Methodists. Both d. Sandwich, he June, 1883; she, Dec. 24, 1892, aged 93 years, 11 mos. 23 days. Ch. b. Sandwich: 2949.* George Monroe, Apr. 2950. Reuben, Nov. 2951.* Charlotte Celia, June 2P52. Maria C, April 2953.* Ezra, Jan. 2954. Sarah Ellen, Jan. 2955. Charles Luce, Mar. [1083] HANNAH HAMBLEN,^ (Sister of James,) b. Sandwich, Mass., June 13, 1803; m. there, by Rev. David L. Hume, May 22, 1828, Amos, son of Amos and Rebecca (Diamond) Jones, fb. Londonderry, N. H., Dec. 16, 1801; carpenter; Londonderry and Goflstown, N. H.,and Sandwich, * Note 325. Snake Pond was the abode of a band of Indians in the early settlement of Cape Cod, some of whose descendants still live there. It is traditional tliat a terrible fight among them occurred there many years ago, when one ol their number was wounded, his bowels protruding, which his enemies fastened to a stake, and wound him around it until he died. Indian arrow heads and other trinkets are still found there. t Note 326. The grandfather of Mr. Jones served in the Revolutionary war under Gen. Stark. 15, 1831. 4, 1832; d. Nov. 22, 1832, 9, 1834. 5, 1836: d. Nov. 27, 1836 9, 1837. 1, 1839; unmarried 1899. 16, 1844; d. about 1860. Feb. 14, 1829. Sept. 1830. July n, 1832. Feb. 15, 1835. 1838; d. 1839. SEVENTH GENERATION. 375 Mass; Whig; Methodists. She d. Waltham, Mass., Sept. 2, 1865; he d. Sand- wich, Jan. 25, 1853. Ch. b. Sandwich: 295i]* Nancy M., 2957.* Lorenzo D., 2958.* Eliza Ann, 2959.* Pauline Freeman, 2960. LoRiNDA N., [1084] Capt. NATHANIEL HAMBLIN,' (Bro. of James,) b. Sandwich, Mass., July 25, 1805; m. there, Jan. 31. 1836, Eliza, dau. of Amos and Rebecca (Diamond) Jones, b. Goffstown, N. H., Oct. 9, 1813; master mariner, engaged in wlialing40 years; resided at Sandwich until 1868; East Boston until 1870; afterwards at Charleston, Mass.; Democrat; she Cong. He d. Charlestown, Dec. 10, 1872; she d. Sandwich, June 21, 1874. Ch. b. Sandwich: 2961.* Hannah Ann, Nov. 4, 1838. 2962.* Harriet Eliza, Mar. 20, 1840. 2963.* LoRiNDA Newell, Apr., 4, 1844. 2964. Lorenzo N., " " " d. Nov. 11, 1844. [1085] DEBORAH HAMBLIN,- (Sister of James,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Nov. 20, 1807. The records of Sandwich show the mar- riage of Leonard Cummings and Deborah Hamblen, both of Sandwich, by Rev. David L. Hume, May 27, 1827; removed west about 1825, first to Woodstock, Vt.; resided there several years, thence to Wisconsin; afterwards, perhaps, to Illinois; one son was Capt. or Col. of a Western Regt.; they may have removed from Vermont to Penn. Children: 2965. Benjamin Franklin, eldest son. 2966. Marshall. [1086] EZRA HAMBLEN,' (Bro. of James,) b. Sandwich, Mass., July 19, 1812; m., Dec. 31, 1835, PaulineF.,dau.of Sam- uel and Phebe (Hoxie) Allen,* b. Sandwich, Mar. 29, 1815; fisherman; Sand- wich. Both d. Sandwich; he, Aug. 8, 1857: she Mar. 15, 1896. Ch. b. Sandwich: 2967. Ezra G., Jan. 28, 1838; d. Dec. 25, 1838, 2968.* Ezra Grafton, Oct. 8, 1842. 2969.* Benjamin Haines, June 16, 1843. [1087] MARSHALL CHILDS HAMBLIN,' (Bro. of James,) b. Sandwich, Mass., April 17, 1815; m. Rosanna A., dau. of David and Sarah (Allen) Bowerman,t b. Sept. 1, 1818; mariner; Sandwich; later, keeper of alms house. New Bedford, Mass. Both d. New Bedford; he, Sept. 11, 1880: she, April, 1897. * For Allen see note 267. t Note 327. THOMAS BOWERMAN,i prob. b. England; came to Plymouth. Mass., 1633; m. Mar. 3, 1644, Hannah, dau. of Anthony and Jane Annable, b. Plymouth, about 1625. The name 376 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. ■I ii Ch. b. Sandwich: 2970.* Sarah BowERMAisr, Mar. 26, 1839. 2971.* Deborah Cummings, Aug. 1, 1842. 2972.* Nancy Maria, Aug. 2, 1844. 2973.* Levi Doty, Aug. 2 1846. 2974. Asa B. Mar. 8,' 1849; d. Sept. 6, 1852. 2975. Cordelia F., Mar. 13, 1851. 2976. Cblestia F., July 21, 1858; d. Sept. 2, 1859. [1094] BETSEY FOOTE,' Elizabeth Hamblin," Job,-^ .lames,* 32 1) b. Lee, Mass., June 23, 1786; m. Noah, son of Noah and Content Crocker,* b. Mass., Dec. 21, 1782; teacher; removed to Dover, Ohio, about 1812-14; Whig; Presbyterians. Both d. Dover; she, Nov. 16, 1860; he, Oct. 7, 1827. Children: b. July 1, 1807, Lee; m. David Hamblin. " Mar. 10, 1809, " d. Byron, Mich., unm. " Aug. 6, 1811, " m. Hough. 2977. ROXANIA, 2978. Sophia, 2979.* Alma, 2980.* Alvin, 2981.* LOVISA, 2982.* Lewis, 2983.* JUDSON, 2984.* Orpha, Dover; m. Bradley. 2985. Samantha, 2986.* David, 2987.* Lyman Perry. 2988.* Thomas, 2989.* Temperance R., July 13, 1818, Dec, 1810, [1095] THOMAS FOOTE,^ (Bro. of Betsey,) b. Lee, Mass., May 21, 1788; m. there, Mar. 12, 1812, Diana, dau. of Abra- ham Perry, b. Lee, Dec, 1794; farmer; removed to Dover, Ohio, 1815; Whig; Methodists. Both d. Dover; he July 31, 1856; she June 14, 1866. Children: b. Sept 30, 1812, Lee; d. Oct. 28, 1813. " July 18, 1814, " " Mar. 22, 1817, Dover. " Mar. 29, 1819, " " Dec. 29, 1826, [1097] SILAS F00TE,7 { Bro. of Betsey,) b. Lee, Mass., Aug. 18, 1791; m., Dover, Ohio, Aug. 4, 1822, Emeline, dau, of Sylvanus and Lydia (Clark) Smith, f b. Hawley, Mass, 1807; farmer; removed is also written Bourman and Boreman; carpenter; res. V7est Barnstable, 1643, where be owned land; surveyor of highways, 1648; grand juror, 1650; proprietor of land in Suckaiiesset, now Falmouth, Mass. Otis says he d. 1663, being of Barnstable; another account gives his death May 25, 1679. Tlie family removed to Falmouth. Ch. b. Barnstable: Hannah, May, 1646. Thomas, Sept., 1648; m. Mary Harper. Samuel,, .July, 1651 ; killed Eehobetb, Mar. 26, 1676. Desibe, May, 16ij4. Mary, Mar., 1656. Mehitable, Sept., 1658. Tristram, Aug., 1661. For Annable see note 100. * For Crocker see notes 35, .39 and 78. + Note 328. Capt. SYLVANUS SMITH was a Rev. soldier; afterwards master mariner. SEVENTH GENERATION. 377 to Dover, with his fattier 's family, 1816, and Rocl<:port, Ohio; Freemasoa; slie, Methodist. He d. Dover, July 14, 1828; she d. Melrose, Minn. Children: 2990.* Solomon R., b. May 31, 1823, Dover. 2991.* Caroline D., " Feb., 1825, " 2992.* Silas, " May 11, 1826, Rockport. [1098] DELIA FOOTE,' (Sister of Betsey,) b. Lee, Mass., May 3, 1794; m. Rocl^port, Ohio, Oct. 7, 1818, Elisha Taylor; farmer. Shed. Dover, Ohio, Jan. 6, 1825. No issue. [1099] LOUVISA FOOTE,' (Sister of Betsey, ) b. Lee, Mass., Nov. 29, 1796; m. there, Aug. 22, 1815, Benjamin, son of Ben- jamin and Sarah (Bigelow) Stevens, b. Lee, May 19, 1795; farmer; Dover and Avon, Ohio, after 1830; Whig; Presbs. Both d. Avon; she, Dec. 6, 1862; he, Feb. 25, 1871. Children: 2993.* John, b. Dec. 23, 1816, Lee. 2994.* Ransom Footb, " May 20, 1820, " 2995.* Mary Ann, " Apr. 9, 1822, " 2996.* Delia T., " Nov. 3, 1824, " 2997. Benj. Franklin, " June 5, 1827, " m. Emily Walceman 2998. Chauncby B., " Sept. 20, 1833, Avon. 2999.* Sarah B., " Mar. 17, 1840, " [1100] TEMPERANCE FOOTE,^ (Sister of Betsey,) b. Lee, Mass., Nov. 1, 1800; m. Dover, Ohio, June 25, 1821, John B., son of Ebenezer and Mary L. Robertson, b. Ballston Springs, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1797; farmer; res. at Ballston until 1813; Lee, Mass., until 1822. In 1816 she removed with her parents to Dover, Oliio. Four years later she and her brother returned for a visit to Lee. While on this visit she made the acquaintance of her future husband. In the fall of 1820 she returned to Ohio, and was married the follow- ing spring. In July, 1821, they returned to Lee and resided five years. In 1826, with three children, they moved to Amherst, Ohio; resided at Dover five years, then at Rockport and Elyria. He was a member of the Ohio Legislature, 1851- 2, and of the first Legislature of Nebraska, 1856. In 1857 he was appointed by President Buclianan agent among the Omaha Indians, Nebraska. In 1859 they returned to Amherst; Democrat; member of Elyria Lodge A. F. & A. M.; she, Dec. 21, 1893; he, March 7, 1875. [7, 1884. 3, 1822, Lee; d. Amherst, unm., Dec. 8, 1824, " 18, 1826, " d. June, 1836. 10, 1828, Rockport. 6, 1830, 29, 1832, Methodists. Both d. Amherst; Children: she, De 3000. Sarah M., b. Apr. 3001.* Theo. Henry, " Mar. 3002. Ebenezer, " Mar. 3003.* John B., " Sept, 3004.* Frank Nelson, " Apr. 3005.* Mary L. " Mar. 378 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Mrs. Temperance Robertson. [1101] RANSOM FOOTE,7 (Bro. of Betsey, ) b. Lee, Mass., Feb. 15, 1803; m. Dover, Ohio, Mar. 28, 1824, Catherine, dau. of Asahel and Rebecca (Johnson) Porter, b. Salem, Ct., Nov. 16, 1806: farmer; res. on the old homestead, Dover; Methodists. He d. Dover, Oct. 11, 1846; she d. April 6, 1886. Ch. b. Dover: 3006.* Lavias Hyde, May 16, 1825. 3007. Betsey Hamlin, Oct. 30, 1826: d. Aug. 3, 1828. 3008.* Ransom Luther, July 23, 1828. 3009.* Angeline Porter, Apr. 30, 1830. 3010.* Laura Alene, Jan. 14, 1832. - 3011.* Emeline Porter, July 25, 1834. 3012.* Asahel Porter, May 25, 1836. .3013. Catherine Porter, Mar. 16, 1838; unm. 1897. 3014. Maryette Robertson , Mar. 17, 1840; m. David F. Miller. 3015. Statira Johnson, Mar, 8, 1842; d. Mar. 28, 1845. 3016. Henry Porter, Apr. 21, 1844; unm. 1897. 3017.* Abigail Johnson, Oct. 21, 1846. [1102] LAURA FOOTE,' (Sister of Betsey,) b. Lee, Mass., Jan. 6, 1807; m. Dover, Ohio, Sept. 5, 1824, John D., son of Children: 3024. Caroline, 3025. Wesley A. 3026. Elizabeth. 3027.* Diana, 3028.* David F., 3029.* LORENZODO SEVENTH GENERATION. 379 Philo Taylor, b. Lowville, N. Y., Aur. 22, 1804; farmer and writer; Rockport, Ohio; Republican; Methodists. She d. Rockport, Sept. 8, 1859; he d. Delphos, Ohio, Oct. 1, 1893. Ch. b. Rockport: 3018. Delia, Apr. 3, 1826; d. Sept. 9, 1828. 3019. Egbert, June 5. 1830; " Dec. 12, 1856, unm. 3020.* William Hamlin, Nov. 12, 1833. 3021.* Elizabeth, Apr. ,30, 1837. 3022. John D., Dec. 4, 1841; " Sept. 2, 1857. 3023.* Emma, Feb. 28, 1847. [1103] CAROLINE FOOTE.^ (Sister of Betsey,) b. Lee, Mass, Aug. 5, 1809: m. Dover, Ohio, Jan. 14, 1830, Alexis, son of Adam and Anna (Demouth) Miller, b. July 7, 18Q6; farmer; Avon and Dover, Ohio; Republican; Methodists. She d. Sandusky, Ohio, May, 1892; hed. Avon, July 23, 1872. Children: b. Mar. 1, 1832; m. S. E. Field. " July 5, 1835. " May 31, 1837; m. S. E. Field; d. Mar. 19, 1870. " July 19, 1839, Avon. " Nov. 6, 1841, " [1106] Hon. WILLIAM PHINNEY HAMBLIN,' (Cornehus,« Job,^ James,* 321) b. Lee, Mass., Feb. 11, 1799; m., 1st, Nov. 8, 1830, Alma, dau. of Thomas and Abigail (Knowlton*) Chaffee, b. Feb. 9, 1801, who d. Mar. 6, 1838; m., 2d, Sept. 15, 1842, Tryphenia, dau, of David and Sarah (Hamilton) Parks, b. May 17, 1810, who d. Jan. 17, 1887. An active business man; his whole life, except about two years in early life in Ohio, where he was a teacher, was spent in Lee: after his return from Ohio he owned and lived on the farm where he was born; he engaged in the blacksmith trade with A. W. Kellogg; afterwards sold his farm and engaged in mercantile business with Wm. A. Wright. F. M. Couch became a member of the firm and they also engaged in wagon and car- riage making. He sold his interest in the firm and engaged on his own account in the mercantile business: Whig; member Mass. legislature, 1853; frequently held town offices; postmaster 20 years; was Lieutenant of the Cavalry Co. in * Note 329. .JOHN KNOWLTON,! was in Ipswich, Mass., 1641, perhaps earlier; wife Mar- gery; will, Nov. 29, 1653. JOHN KN0WLT0N,2 wife Sarah; d. Oct. s, 1684. 4 children. Dea. NATHANIEL KNOWLTON,3 b, June 29, 1658; m. May 8, 1682, Deborah .Jewett; res. Ipswich ; town treasurer, and nine times representative; he d. Sept. 28, 1726. 7 children. NATHANIEL KNOWLTON,* b. May 3, 1683; eldest child; m. Feb., 1702-3, Mary Bennett. 5 children. WILLIAM KNOWLTON,5 b. Feb. ,8. 1705-6; m. Martha Pinder of Boxford, Mass., pub- lished Feb. n. 1728; removed to Ashford, Ct., about 1748. Hed. Mar. 13, 1753. 9 children. Col. THOMAS KNOWLTON,^ bap. Nov. 30, 1740; m. Anna Keyes of Ashford, Apr. 5, 1759. He was killed at Harlem Heights, Sept 16, 1776; his statue was unveiled in the House of Repre- sentatives, Hartford, Ct., Nov. 13, 1895. She d. May 22, 1808. 9 children. ABIGAIL KNOWLTON,'? b. .Tune 20, 1768; m. Nov. 21, 1791, Thomas Chaffee of Ashford; res. Becket, Mass. She d. Sept. 18, 1843. 12 children. Tlieirdau. Alma.s m. WUliam P. Hamlin. 380 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. the militia, 1830; an exemplary citizen and left a spotless reputation; 2d wife member of Cong. Church. He d. Lee, Mar. 21, 1878. Ch. b. 1st wife, b. Lee: 3030.* William Henry, Aug. 31, 1831. By 2d wife, b. Lee: 3031.* David Parks, Jun. 11, 1843. 3032.* Walcott Chaffek, Oct. 25, 1850. [1108] LUCY P. HAMBLIN,' (Sister of William P.,) b. Lee, Mass., Apr. 11, 1804; m. John, son of David and Sylvia (Crocker*) Baker, b. Lee, Feb. 15, 1799; farmer; Lee; Freemason; Congs. She survived her husband, resided with her daughter, Mrs. Stratton,and d. Lee, Dec. 9, 1895. Ch. b. Lee: 3033.* Stephen Hamblin, Feb. 16, 1830. 3034. Nancy Jane, Mar. 3, 1832; d. Apr. 11, 1843. 3035.* Mary Couch, Jan. 11, 1835. 3036.* Lucy Ophelia, Dec. 24, 1840. [1110] MERCY HAMBLIN,^ (Sister of William P.,) b. Lee, Mass., Nov. 22, 1809; m. there, 1832, Levi Withington, son of Isaac and Jerusha (Brown) Herrick,t b. Worthington, Mass., 1806; farmer and lime burner: residence indicated by birth places of children; Republican; Odd Fel- low. She d. Apr. 23, 1856: he d. Williamstown, Mass., Feb. 9, 1886. Children: 3037.* William Hamblin, b. Apr. 21, 1834, Worthington. 3038.* Hannah Ardilla, " Jun, 30, 1836, Lee. 3039.* George H«»fRY, " Jun. 28, 1838, Tyringham. 3040.* John Frederick, "Aug. 9, 1840, Worthington. 3041.* Lucy Jane, " Sept. 19, 1842, Dalton. 3042. Levi W., " Nov., 1844, " m. Kate . 3043.* Charles W. " May 9, 1846, 3044.* Mary Amanda, " Apr. 16, 1852, " [1111] MARY C. HAMBLIN,' (Sister of William P.,) b. Lee, Mass., Jan. 20, 1811; m. Frederick M. Couch, his first wife. She d. July 1, 1832. Ch. b. East Lee: 3045.* Frederick Wellington, 1830, * For Crocker see notes 35, 39 and 78. + Note 330. JOHN EYRICK, or Heyrick. of Leicester, England; b. 1513; m. Mary, dau. of John Bond, Esq., of Warwickshire. He was mayor of Leicester, 1559 and 1572. He d. Apr. 2, 1589. Sm WILLIAM HERICK, of London and Beau Manor Park, Leicestershire, b. Leicester, 1557, fifth son of John above; m. 1596, Joan, dau. of Richard May, Esq., of London, b, 1578; mem- ber of Parliament, 1601-30; knighted, 1605; ambassador to Turkey in the reign of Queen Eliza- beth. He d. Beau Manor Park, Mar. 2, 1652; she d. July 3, 1645. HENERIE IlIRECK,! fifth son of Sir William, b. London, Aug. 16, 1604; named by com- mand of Prince Henry, eldest son of King James I ; his sponsors were Sir David Murray, Sir John Spellman and Lady Aston. He prob. came first to Virginia, and settled later in Salem, Mass. ; m. 1632, Editha, dau. of Mr. Hugh Laskin of Salem, b. 1614. He was among the founders of the first church, Salem, 1629; and of the first church, Beverly, Mass., 1667; propounded free- man, in Mass., Oct 19, 1630, and took the oath of freeman. May 18, 1631. He d. 1671; will proved, Salem, Mar. 28, 1671 ; she was living, 1674. SEVENTH GENERATION. 381 [1112] JOB HAMBLIN/ (Bro. of William P.,) b. Lee, Mass., Jan. 15, 1813: m. there, Mar. 12, 1846, Sabrina, dau. of Hub- bard Fairchild, b. Lee, Nov. 8, 1828; carpenter; Lee; he d. there, Aug. 15, 1882. One Sabrina Hamblin had land in Austerlitz, N. Y., 1835 and 1851, and deeded land there to one Griswold, 1844. Sabrina Hamblin, of Austerlitz, will dated June 13, 1858, proved June 20, 1863; John Aiken, Executor; her property prin- cipally bequeathed to St. Peter's Presb. Church, Spencertovpn, N. Y. Ch. b. Lee: 3046.* Grove A., Mar. 6, 1849. [1114] MARIA HAMBLIN,' (David,6 Job,5 James,*32i) b. Lee, Mass., June 23, 1797: m. Weaver; lawyer; removed to Ohio. Child: 3047. Mortimer. 1116] DAVID HAMBLIN,' (Bro. of Maria,) b. Lee, Mass., July 23, 1802: m. Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, Oct. 26, 1830, his cousin, Roxania,^ dau. of Noah and Betsey,' (Foote*) Crocker,t b. Lee, July 1, 1807; re- moved to Ohio, resided Rockport and Dover. He d. Ridgeville Tp., Henry Co., Ohio, Sept., 1864; shed. Elkhart, Ind., Mar. 17, 1891. Children: 3048.* David Anson, b. July 23, 1831, Rockport. .3049.* Noah Crocker, " Dec. 14, 1832, Dover. 3050.* RoxANNA Maria Jane, " Jan. 22, 1835, '* 3051.* Lew-is Marion, " Sept. 17, 1836, 3052.* Sophia Amanda, *' Mar. 18, 1840, " 3053.* Betsey Lovisa, " Feb. 19, 1842, 3054.* Benjamin Dwight, " July 3, 1844, " 3055.* Sarah Phillips, "Apr. 15,1859, [1118] BENJAMIN B. HAMBLIN,' (Bro. of Maria,) b. Lee, Mass., Aug. 8, 1809; m. Mar. 10, 1827, Tirza Stephenson; farmer, Lee; it is said he removed to Hinsdale, Mass., many years ago; resided Monte- rey, Mass., P. O., Hartsville, 1886. Conveyed land in New Marlboro, Mass., 1875. Ch. b. Lee: 3056. David, May . 25, 1829; d. May 3, 1830. 3057. James, Feb. 6, 1832. 3058. Sarah, Mar. 7, 1835. 3059. Helen, Nov. 28, 1842, [1119] DEBORAH HAMBLIN,' (James," Job,^ James,* 3 2 ») b. Lee, Mass., Aug. 28, 1808; m., Aug. 30, 1831, Robert Leonard McDowell, b. Jefferson Co., N. Y.; resided Waddington, N. Y.; removed to Lee and Mon- terey, Mass., and to Dartford, Wis., about 1859. Both d. Dartford; she Dec. 30, 1889; he, Nov. 20, 1885. * For Foote see note 193. t For Crocker see notes 35, 39 and 78. 382 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: [1833. 3060. Julius Augustus, b. Jan. 8, 1832, Waddington; d. Aug.ll,j 3061.* Julius Augustus, " Jim. 10, 1834, Monterey. 3062. Mary Adelaide, " Aug. 25, 1839; Lee; d. Nov. 22, 1841] 3063. Marshall H., "Oct. 6, 1842, Monterey; d'n. Jul. ,19, '45 3064.* Marshall, " Jun. 11, 1846, 3065.* James Frederick, " Apr. 4, 1849, " [1120] JULIUS AUGUSTUS HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of Deborah,) b. Lee, Mass, Feb. 8, 1810; m. there, April 7, 1851, Lydia, dau. of Samuel and Hannah (Jennings) Chapin, b. Berkshire Co., Mass., May 19, 1814, a widow; when a young man he engaged in the whale fishery, and lost his health; after- wards a farmer; Lee and Monterey, Mass., until 1858; afterwards in Wisconsin; Republican. Hed. Allenville, Wis., Apr. 1, 1896; shed. Monterey, Mass., Feb. 6, 1858. Ch. b. Monterey: 3066.* Mary Louisa, Jun. 29, 1852. 3067.* Annie Elizabeth, Jun. 13, 1855. [1121] JAMES F. HAMBLIN,' (Bro. of Deborah,) b. Lee, Mass., Sept. 21, 1817; m., Stamford, N. Y., July 4, 1843, Charlotte, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Finch) Stevenson, b. Stamford, Aug. 3, 1821; con- tractor and builder; Great Barrington, Mass.; Republican. He d. Great Bar- rington, Jan. 6, 1848; she res. with her dau., Oakland, Cal., 1897. Children: 3068.* James M., b. Sept. 30, 1844, G. Barrington. 3069.* Adelaide, " Sept. 26, 1845, " " 3070.* Charles F., " Feb. 16, 1847, " 3071.* Edward L., " June 8, 1848, Stamford. [1122] CHARLES MARSHALL HAMBLIN.' (Bro. of Deborah,) b. Lee, Mass., Nov. 10, 1820. In 1848 David Hamblen wrote frum Boston to Wm. P. Hamblin, of Lee, relating that he had seen and learned fro'n Capt. Eldredge, of the brig Randolph, that he liad shipped Charles Hamblin at Bos- ton, Dec. 14, 1847, to go to Baltimore and back; that he went to Baltimore, and when off Montaug Light, east end of Long Island, at 5 o'clock a. m., Jan. 6, 1848, he was at the wheel; the Capt. took tlie wheel, and Hamblin with the mate and another man, went to take in sail. Coming over the bow the vessel struck a heavy sea and washed him overboard; he was heard to call for help, but it was out of the power of man. It was very dark, a gale blowing from the northwest, extremely cold, and the sea running high. The Captain said he was a good man and well liked by all; that he told him he was discharged from the Frigate Potomac in August, 1847; that he shipped to Liverpool and back to Boston in the ship N'ew England. David Hamblen called him cousin to Wm. P. Hamblin. During the Mexican war an account appeared tlvAtWilliam Hamblin, seaman, U. S. ship Potomac, was wounded at the taking of Vera Cruz and Castle San Juan du UUoa, March 25, 1847. There is probably some mistake about the Christian name of this man. These accounts probably refer to the same individual, and I suppose to Charles Marshall,' son of James Hamblin, of Lee, Mass., who died at sea. Perhaps he had a middle name. SEVENTH GENERATION. 383 [1123] ANNA HAMBLIN,' (Sister of Deborah,) b. Lee, Mass., Oct. 18, 1823; m., Oct. 15, 1839, Alexander Anderson; paper manufacturer; Monterey, Mass.; removed to Joliet, 111, 185—; they resided in several places, at one time in Virginia, where some of the children were born; they settled in Brooklyn, Wis., soon after 1858. They separated and she lived with her son, Ellis, at Brooklyn, 1899. He d. Kankanna, Wis., about 1884-9. Children: 3072. A Daughter, m. 3073. Walter, " twice. 3074. Roberta, 3075.* Eugene. 3076. Ellis, " " 3077. A Daughter, d. unm. [1124] .JOSEPH CHILDS,' (Joseph,«5 Deliverance Hamblen,* James,3 21) b. 1775. Child: 3078.* Thomas, b. 1799. [1125] ABIGAIL HAMLEN,' (Josiah,® Timothy,^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. Yarmouth, Mass., Aug. 25, 1784; m. Prince, son of Shubael and Abigail (Parker) Crowell,* h. Jan. 22, 1776. She removed when a child with her parents to Harlem, now China, Me. The birthplaces of their children indicate residences in Winslow, Me., and Yarmouth, Me. or Mass.(?) Shed. South China, Me. This record is unsatisfactory. It is claimed that a Theodate Crowell resided in Winslow, Me. Children: 3079. Data, b. Sept. 9, 1802, Winslow. 3080. Jesse, " " 3081. Sylvanus, " Apr. 7, 1804, 3082. Sarah, 3083. Theodate, " " 3084. Prince, " July 4, 1806, Yarmouth. 3085. Elizabeth H., " Aug. 8, 1808, 3086. Polly H., " Mar. 26, 1811, [1127] ISAIAH HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Abigail,) b. Yarmouth, Mass., July 1, 1789; m. 1st, Barnstable, Mass., Oct. 15, 1817, Tem- perance Hallett.t b. Hyannis, Mass., July 1, 1789; who d. Winslow, Me., Apr. 25, 1849; m. 2d, Winslow, Feb. 6, 1850, Polly, dau. of Ephraim Wilson. He removed with his parents to China, Me., 1794; had a limited education; he said that when 12 years old he requested his father to allow him to drive an ox team 12 miles away, to avoid school. Private in Capt. Crowell's Co. of Mass. mihtia; enlisted Winslow, Sept. 12; dis. Sept. 27, 1814, (Maine was then a province of Mass.); farmer and brick maker; resided China, Canaan, Augusta, Gardiner and Winslow, Me. This family dropped the ?> from the name about 1840. Hed. Winslow, Mar. 27, 1864. His widow's app. for pension was dated Winslow, Apr. 1, 1878, her age then given as 84 years. She d. at home of Jonathan M. Garland, Waterville, Me., Dec. 30, 1878, aged 85. * For Crowell see note 53 and 270. t For Hallett see note 103. 384 THE HAMLIN FAMILY, Ch. by 1st wife: 3087.* Isaiah Halt.ktt, b. Nov. 16, 1819. 3088.* Chandler Gray, " Nov. 15, 1821. 3089.* Asahel Wellington, " Feb. 14, 1824, Winslow, 3090.* Geo. Washington, " Mar. 8, 1826. 3091.* Mary Jane, " Dec. 31, 1827, 11 3092, Effie Ann, 1831, unmarried 3093. Charles Granville, 1835, u 3094. Sarah Mariah, 1837; d. 1841. [1128] JOSIAH HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Abigail,) b. 1795; m. St. George parish, N. B., Apr. 12, 1819, Abigail, dau. of Jona- than Hanson, b. Sept 10, 1798; Democrat. He enlisted China, Me.; private in Capt. Daniel Crov^ell's Co. Mass. Militia, and served from Sept. 12, to Oct. 1, 1814. The app. for pension of liis widow was dated Winslow, Me., Aug. 23, 1871. Both d. Winslow; he Apr. 21, 1860; slie, Nov. 7, 1889. Children: b. Aug. 4, 1819, St. George; m. Gideon Preble. 3095. Mary Ann, 3096. Cyrene, 3097. Elbridge, 3098.* Sylvanus, 3099. Melinda, 3100.* Sarah Jane, 3101. Elizabeth, 3102. Jacob, '• Oct. 1, 1821, " Aug. 31, 1823, Winslow, ^' Apr. 29, 1825, '' June 8, 1828, ^' June 29, 1830, " June 19, 1833, " Mar. 17, 1836, Henry Preble. Eveline Preble. Edmond Warren R. McClintoclf. M. A. Wlieeler. [1129] GORHAM HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Abigail, ) married twice. He d. Gardiner, Me., about 1868. Children: 3103. William. 3104. Julia. 3105. Mary. [1130] BETHANIA G. HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Abigail,) b. Harlem, now China, Me., Dec. 1, 1800; m. Nov. 13, 1832, prob. there, Hon. Jason, son of Judah and Sarali (Webber) Chadwick,* b. Harlem, Mar. 2, 1799; farmer, later hotel keeper, trader, dealer in cattle, sheep, wool, furs, eggs, etc., an active, successful business man; held several town offices; selectman, col- lector, etc.; Whig and Republican; member of Maine Legislature. Both d. Weeks' Mills, South China; she, July 12, 1883; he, about 1884, Ch, b. China: 3106.* Rhodema Huklbut, Aug. 21, 1823. 3107.* Statira Staples, Sept. 11, 1824. 3108. George A. Apr. 11, 1828; d, in infancy. 3109.* Esther A,, Mar. 10, 1829. 3110. Catherine W., Nov. 6, 1830, unm, 1902. 3111.* GUSTAVUS B., July 24, 1832. 3112.* Augustus W., May 18, 1837. 3113. Julia A., Oct. 30, 1840; unm. 1902, * For Chadwick see note 198. SEVENTH GENERATION. 385 [1131] CYRENE M. HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Abigail,) b. Harlem, now China, Me., Oct. 25, 1803; m. there Sept. — , 1828, Hon. Corydon, son of Judahand Sarah (Webber) Chadwick,* b. Harlem, Mar, 5, 1805. His mother was the first white child born in Vassalboro, Me. Farmer: South China. Held town offices many years; Representative two years; State Senator two terms; Methodists. She d. Augusta, Maine, Apr. 12, 1891. He d. South China, June 1, 1876. Ch. b. South China: 3114.* Melinda. Jan. 17, 1831. 3115. Alexander H., July 30, 1832. 3116. Alfred M., d. S. China. 3117. ROXANNA, Aug. 30, 1837: " Aug. 13, 1861, S. China. 3118. JUDAH FrAXK, Jan. 12, 1841; " May 19, 1888, Houlton. 3119. Ansta Maria, Dec. 26, 1847. [Me. [1132] HALLETT HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Abigail,) b. Winslow, Me, Apr. 7, 1807; married there, Harriet, dau. of Reuben Freeman, t of South China, b. Vassalboro, Me., Apr. 19, 1833; farmer; South China. After his death she resided with her dau., Mrs. Wood, Augusta, Me.; Methodists; he d. South China, Nov. 5, 1884. Ch. b. South China: Feb. 2, 1858; d. July 9, 1873, unm. July 14, 1861; " Jun. 28, 1878, unm. Aug. 29, 1863; killed Nov. 8, 1870. Sept. 19, 1865. Oct. 31, 1867. 3120. Elizabeth, 3121. Dayid W., 3122. NORRIS, 3123.* Charles H., 3124.* Etta M., [1133] JESSE HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Abigail,) b. South China, Me, about 1818; m., 1st., Mehitable Pease; m. 2d, farmer; Methodists; family all dea(J. He d. Clinton, Me., about 1890. Children: d. Clinton, Me. " Illinois. " Clinton, Me. " Benton, Me. 3125. Hallett, 3126. Alphonso, 3127. Melisse, 3128. Etta, [1135] DAVID HAMLEN,' (Timothy,«5 Zaccheus,* Jonathan,^ James,^ i) b. China, Me., Mar. 25, 1789; m. 1st, Dec. 5, 1811, Rebecca Farrington,J b. Vassalboro, Me., May 21, 1789, who d. there, Oct. 19, 1840; m. 2d Augusta, Me., 1842, Bathsheba Whitney, b. Lisbon, Me., Jan. 30, 1800, whod. Augusta, Mar. 15, 1885. He d. Vassalboro, Feb. 13, 1862. * For Chadwick see note 198. f For Freeman see note 74. t Note 331. .lOHN FAERINGTON, freeman; Dedham, Mass., Apr. 29, 1668. JOHN FAERINGTON, freeman, Lynn, Mass., May 24, 1682. WILLIAM FAERINGTON, freeman. Lynn, Apr. 18, 1691. EDWARD FAERINGTON, m. Martha Browne, Andover, Mass., Apr. 9, 1690. 386 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. East Vassalboro: 3129.* Hartwell a., Oct. 25, 1812 3130.* Sally E., Aug. 28, 1815 3131.* Lauriston, Apr. 11, 1818 3132.* Catherine, Aug. 24, 1820 3133.* Willis Cever, Dec. 26, 1822 3134.* Nancy H., May 11, 1826 3135.* GrEORGE W., Sept. 26, 1828 31.36.* Henry K., July 6, 1831 3137.* Edward W., Jun. 10, 1836 [1136] Dea. DANIEL HAMLEN,' (Bro. of David,) b. China, Me.. Apr. 3, 1791; m. Vassalboro, Me., 1811, Martha, dau. of John and Prudence Baxter, b. Vassalboro, Oct. 1789. He attended common school and Monmouth academy, after which he taught school in Maine about twelve years; removed to Utica, N. Y., 1813, and taught there until 1815; returned to China and continued his profession. He bought a farm in Winslow, Me., where he res. until 1819; removed and res. a short time in Bradford, Me.; settled in Milo, Me., where he res. principally until his death; stone mason; deacon Bap- tist church. He d. Milo., May 5, 1877; she d. July 20, 1873. Children: b. July 8, 1813, Vassalboro. " Dec. 15, 1814, Utica. [Dec. 2, 1839. " Nov. 17, 1816, China; wrecked on Cape Cod, " Oct. 23, 1818, Winslow. " Nov. 23, 1820, Sebec. " May 5, 1822, " d. Oct., 1823. " Feb. 15, 1824, " Aug. 18, 1826. " Apr. 15, 1826, China. " July 14, 1828, Vassalboro. " July 4, 1830, " " Sept. 12, 1835; d. Dec. 31, . 3138.* Vesta, 3139.* - Jane, 3140. Baxter, 3141.* Almira, 3142.* Lois, 3143. Hannah, 3144. Otis, 3145.* Avis, .3146.* Waterman M., 3147.* Flavilla p.. 3148. Hannah C, [1139] Dea. JONAS HAML1N,7 ( Bro. of David,) b. China, Me., Apr. 23, 1797; m. Dec. 3, 1819, Hannah Maxey, b. Union, Me., Mar. 6, 1800; deacon Baptist Church, Winslow, Me. Both d. Winslow; he, Dec. 20, 1858; she, Apr. 14, 1875. Children: b. Oct. 16, 1820, China. " Aug. 31, 1822. " Apr. 6, 1824, " Apr. 20, 1827, Vassalboro. " Nov, 3, 1829, " d. Dec. 4, 1830. " Mar. 2, 1831, Winslow. " Dec. 14, 1832, " Aug. 30, 1835, " " Nov. 26, 1837, " Mar. 19, 1841, [1140] OTIS HAMLEN,7 (Bro. of David,) b. China, Me., Apr. 12, 1799; m. 1st, 1823; Betsey Lancaster, b. China and 3149.* Harriet, 3150.* Timothy H., 3151.* Martha, 3152.* John Priest, 3153. Alexander, 3154.* Alexander H 3155.* Sumner H., 3156.* Charles W., 3157.* Betsey M., 3158.* Maxey, SEVENTH GENERATION. 387 d. there; Burgess, Feb. 28, 31.59. 3160. 3161. 3162. 3163. 3164. m. 2d, Jane Robinson, of Winslow, Me.: who d. there; m. 3d, Elvina of China, b. Apr. 21, 1812; who d. Milo, Me., Feb. 27, 1863. He d. Milo, 1863. Ch. by 1st wife, b. China: B. Emeline, d. China, June 6, 1832. Olive A., " Boston, Mass. By 3d wife: b. June 12, 1837, China; unm. " July 5, 1839, " d. May 13, 1840. " June 28, 1842, Milo; " May 20, 1845. " May 19, 1847, " Lucy R., sopiironia o., Otis, Hannibal, ril41] Dea. REUBEN HAMLEN,^ (Bro. of David,) b. China, Me., June 4, 1804; m. 1st, 1825, Temperance Chamberlain, b. Noblesboro, Me., who d. China, Dec. 16, 1831; m. 2d, 1833, Mary Ann Meigs,* who d. Albion, Me. He d. Albion, Apr. 11, 1861. Ch. by 1st wife, b. China: Althea, Mar. 16, 1826; d. Mar. 13, 1873, Albion. BerrelG., Dec. 15, 1827, " Aug. 15, 1877, Cal. Ann J., Oct. 21, 1829, living, 1893. By 2d wife, b. China: Oscar Chamberlain, May 2, 1834. Mary Meigs, Feb. 24, 1847; m. John H. Stevens.^ 3165. 3166. 3167. .3168.* 3169. Calvin Hamlen. * Note 332. VINCENT MEGGS,i b. Devonsbire, England, 1583; came from near South- ampton, Dorsetshire, Eng. to America, 1634-6; and to Hammonasett Point, Ct., 1637; settled at {I 388 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [1142] CALVIN HAMLEN,' (Bro. of David,) b. China, Me., Apr. 26, 1804; m. 1st, Augusta, Me, Nov. 8, 1832, Phebe Hig- gins, dau. of Israel and Mary (Higgins) Jordon,* b. Cape Elizabeth, Me., Nov. 25, 1805, who d. China, Nov. 21, 1872, m. 2, Mar. 31, 1874, Lettice C. Burrill, b. China, June 9, 1809. He d. China, Mar. 20, 1890. Ch. b. 1st wife, b. China: 3170.* Rose Anna, Aug. 19, 1833. 3171.* Edmund Higgins, Jan. 16, 1836. 3172.* Mary Fakrington, June 1, 1837. 3173.* Julia Frances, Dec. 20, 1838. 3174.* RoscoE Green, Jan. 30, 1841. 3175.* Alfred Marshall, Apr. 12, 1843. 3176.* SoPHRONiA Owen, Apr. 8, 1845. 3177.* Henry Augustus, May 27, 1847. 3178.* Ella Evelyn, Mar. 28, 1850. [1143] SOPHRONIA HAMLIN,^ (Sister of David,) b. Cliina, Me., Apr. 23, 1806; m. there, Dec. 6. 1831, William Owen, b. Top- sliam, Me., Dec. 15, 1805; tinner and farmer: China; Milo, Maine, after 1836; Abolitionist and Republican; held town offices; Baptists; both d. Milo; she, Jan. 12, 1886; he, Mar. 18, 1897. b. Nov. 12, 1833, China; d. Mar. 23, 1837. " Mar. 18, 1837, Milo; m. A. Ramsdel. " Oct. 29, 1838. " " Dec. 28, 1839, " " July 31, 1842, " " Mar. 12, 1846. " Children: 3179. Charles P., 3180. Henrietta, 3181.* Abigail, 3182. William Sumner, 3183.* William Henry, 3184. TI3IOTHY Hamlin, d. Sept. 8, 1840. d. Apr. 12, 1846. [1145] LUCY W. HAMLIN.7 (Sister of David,) b. China, Me., May 10, 1809; m. Jesse B. Rollins, b. Nov. 24, 1808; res. Milo, Me., where she d. Dec. 8, 1874. Children: 3185. Mary Ann, 3186. AdaF., 3187. Ellen M., 3188. William O., 3189. Lydia H., 3190. Charles W., 3191. Julia D., 3192. Calvin H., 3193. Sumner H., 3194. Avis, b. Dec. " Dec. " Mar. " Aug. " May '' Dec. " Apr. " Sept. a 11 5, 1833, Milford; res. Milo. 4, 1835, 4, 1837, Milo, 28, 1840, " 10, 1842, 3, 1843, " 20, 1847, •" 16, 1849, d. Jan. 12, 1879, Bangor. " Nov. 27, 1862, Milo. " Sept. 11, 1842, " m. Leonard. Jan. 28, 1854, d. Mar. 11, 1850, Milo. m. Sargent. Bradley's Corner, Guilford, Ct., 1639; and soon removed to Hammonasett, now Madison, East Guilford; m. about 1608, Churchill. He d. Hammonasett, 1658. Ch. b. England: Vincent, 1609. ,IOHN, 1612; came to America. Mark, 1614; " * Note 333. ROBERT .TORDAN.i son of Edmund, of Worce.ster, Eng., b. 1611; clergy- man of the Church of England; educated at Baliol College, Oxford; settled at Richmond SEVENTH GENERATION. 389 [1146] SUMNER HAMLEN,^ (Bro. of David,) b. China, Me., June 12, 1811; m. Lydia Meigs.* Both d. China; he July 6, 1852. No. issue. [1147] MARY HAMLEN,^ (Sister of David,) b. China, Me,, Oct, 9, 1813; m. Jan. 7, 1835, Ezekiel B. Farrington,t b. Sid- ney, Me., Dec. 5, 1810; farmer; China and Windsor, Me.; Baptist. Five of their sons died in tlie War of tlie Rebellion. He d. Oct. 9, 1885. In 1902 she resided with her only surviving son, William, in China: described as a lovely lady with hair white as snow. Children; 3195.* Horatio Packard, b. Mar. 2, 1837, China. 3196.* Charles Atwood, " May 14, 1839, u 3197.* Byron Hamlin, *' April 19, 18-, (i 3198.* Helen M., " Nov. 2, 1843, ti 3199.* Reuben Meigs, " Nov. 22, 1845, u 3200.* Gustavus a.. " Nov. 8, 1847, Windsor. 3201.* Timothy S,, *' Mar. 10, 1850, ( ( 3202.* Mary A., *' Feb, 24, 1852, (< 3203.* William O., " Jan. 21, 1854, 4; settled at Scorton, near the Sandwich line. He was prosecuted as early as 1654, for non-attendance at meeting and afterwards became a zealous Quaker. His property was taken by Dea. Job Crocker, constable of Barnstable, about 1676, to satisfy the tax due to the father-in-law of Mr. Crocker, the Rev. Thomas Walley. It is said that Mr. Walley offered to give up his right to the property, consisting of some cattle, but Mr. Jones refused to send for them, saying: "No, your son-in-law drove them away, now let him drive them back, I wont go after them." Consid- erable controversy occurred over the matter. It was claimed that Mr. Walley killed one of the calves, and sent part to his dau., Mrs. Crocker, who was sick; that she no sooner did eat a little of the calf but fell into great trouble, and cried, "Return home the man's cows; I hear a great noise of them ;" and so died. The minister charged the Quakers with bewitching his dau., and causing her death. He killed some of the cows for food, saying. He would try if the Quakers could bewitch him, and not long after died, before the flesh of the cows were all eat. That their deaths, as pretended, were a judgment of God, was stupid nonsense, equally with other similar occurences of those times of Salem witchcraft. It is said that the descendants for sev- eral generations bore no love for the ministry, and rarely invited them to even solemnize a marriage. His will, dated Mar. 11, 1691; proved Apr. 20, 1692, directs that his body be buried by the Quakers at Sandwich. Children Mehitable, b. 1651; m. .Tohn Fuller Jr. Matthew, " Mary Goodspeed. ShUBAELi, b. Aug. 27, 1654; lived in Sandwich. Jebediah, " Jan. 4, 1656; m. Hannah Davis. John, " Aug. 14, 1659. Mercy, " Nov, 14, 1666. Ralph, " Oct. 1, 1669. Samuel, m. Mary Blish. Ephraim. Mary. 400 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [1209] MERCY H. HAMBLIN,' (Sister of Lloyd B.,) b. Hyannisport, Mass., Dec. 6, 1832; ra. Chatham, Mass., Sept. 9, 1866, OiTick,^ son of Ensign and Rebecca (Mayou) Niclcerson,* b. Chatham, Jan. 10, 1814, his 2d wife; he m. 1st, 1834, Mary Ryder, who d. 1852, by whom he had two sons, Cornelius and Osborn; farmer; res. on his father's old homestead, Hyannisport; Universalists; she res. tliere. He d. Chatham, Mar. 9, 1892. No. issue. [1210] DEBORAH LEWIS HAMBLIN,' (Sister of Lloyd B.,) b. Hyannisport, Mass., Dec. 9, 1834; m. Centreville, Mass., June 6, 1859, Edmond Parker, son of .John and Sarah (Parker) Lewis;t Osterville, Mass.; Methodists: She d. Centreville, Nov. 2, 190L Child: 3346. Edmond Harvy; unm, 1902. [1214] PHILO HAMLIN,' (Mark,^ Ebenezer,5t3 James,^ i) b. Bristol, Ct., 1788; m. Thirza Barbour (or Marble); shoemaker; New Hart- ford and Canton, Ct. He d. 1857; she d. Canton, 1851. Ch. b. Canton: 3347. Adeline T. 3348.* Richard H. 3349.* Mariette B., Aug. 16, 1814. 3350. George. 3351. Ann M. 3352. Leonidas L. 8353.* Emeline E. 3354. Mark. 3355. Jeanette. 3356. James. 3357. John Andrew. [1216] ROXANNA HAMLIN,' (Sister of Philo,) b. Bristol, Ct, 1790; m. New Hartford, Ct., 1807, Friend White, b. New Hartford, 1770; farmer; Windsor, New Hartford and Barkhemstead, Ct. She d. New Hartford, May, 1837; he d, Barkhemstead, 1858. Children: b. Jan. 2, 1809, New Hartford. 1811, " '^ 1813; d. same year. " Nov. 20, 1815, Barkhemstead, " 1817, " Feb. 3, 1820, 1822, " July 18, 1825, * Note Ml. ENSIGN NICKERSON,6 5 Absalom,* William.3 2i WILLIAM NICKERSQN,! came from Norwich, England, to Watertown (Boston), Mass., 1637. He was in Yarmouth, Mass., as early as 1641, when be was fined for "disrespect for relig- ion," which meant disrespect for Rev. Mr. Matthews; but his character and conduct appears to have been good otherwise. Deputy, 1655; he res. Eastham, Mass., after 1654; but removed to Chatham, Mass., 1665, and founded that town. Early in the spring of that year he purchased from .John Quason, chief of Moaomoyick, a large tract of land north of the road leading from Chatham to West Brewster, the first land for white settlement there. In 1672 Quason and Mattaquason deeded to him land south of his first purchase extending to Oyster Pond; later he made other purchases from the Indians, but without consent of the General Court, and much legal strife ensued by reason thereof. If For Lewis see notes 10 and 12. ,3358.* Selden 3359.* Elijah. 3360. WiLLARD, 3361.* Reuel O.. 3362.* Elmietta, 3363.* Harriet, 3364.* Laura Ann, 3365.* George L., SEVENTH GENERATION. 401 [1217] SAPHRONIA HAMLINJ (Sister of Philo,) b. Bristol, Ct.; m. David, son of Hugh and Deziah (Plxley) Humphrey,* b. Great Barrington, Mass., May 29, 1786; farmer; Great Barrington. She d. Aug. 23, 1846; he d. Sept. 1877. Ch. b. Great Barrington: 3366.* Mark, Jan. 27, 1818. 3367. Margaret, d. Nov. 23, 1842, unm. 3368. Mary, unm. 3369.* Isaac Lent, Aug. 29, 1824. 3370.* Electa, Mar. 2, 1827. 3371.* Hannah. 3372.* David, Sept. 30, 1832. 3373.* Frances. [1218J EXPERIENCE HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Philo,) b. Bristol, Ct.; m. Billings. She d. 1857; he d. Indiana, 1855. [1219] HARRIET HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Philo,) m., 1st, Zelotes Mather, who d; m. 2d, Dec. 10, 1838, Isaac J. Bigelow. She was the author of ''Curse Entailed." [1220] HANNAH HAMLIN,7 (Sister of Philo, ) b. Bristol, Ct.: m. Rev. James Longhead; Cong, clergyman; Morris, 111. Both d. there. Ch. b. Ohio: 3374.* Harriet J., July 20, 1839. [1221] Rev. LEONIDAS LENT HAMLINE,^ D. D. (Bro. of Philo,) b. Bristol, Ct., May 10, 1797. He was the first of whom the writer has knowl- edge to spell the name Hamline; m. 1st, Zanesville, Ohio, Mar. 6, 1824, Eliza Price, dau. of an Irish gentleman who came to America a young man and be- came a wealthy merchant of Zanesville; two sons and two daughters were the issue of this marriage, three of whom died in infancy or childhood. She d. Mar. 27, 1835; m. 2d, 1836, Mrs. Melinda Johnson Truesdell, who survived him and d. 1880. His biography, by Rev. F. G. Hibbard, D. D., published Cincin- nati, Ohio, 1880, relates principally to his church connection and services, to which his life was mainly devoted, and from which it appears he was reared in the Congregational faith of the Hopkinsain phase of Calvanism, and was a member of the Cong. Church. His early education was directed with a view to * Note 342. DAVID HUMPHREY, b. 1720; wife Mary, b. 1722; res. Great Barrington, Mass. ; lie d. Mar. 1801 ; she d. 1799. Cliildren: Hugh, b. Dec. 8, 1749; m. Deziali Pixley. David. Robert. HUGH HUMPHREY, b. Dec. 8, 1749; m. Deziah Pixley, b. Nov. 17, 1751; he d. Oct. 25, 1840; she d. Aug. 2, 1820. Children: Mary, b. Nov. 4, 1777; m. Lancaster Comstock. Levi, " Apr. 7, 1780, " David, " May 29, 1786, " Sophronia Hamlin. ^ 1 402 TPIE HAMLIN FAMILY. the ministry, and his precocity and love of study were early remarkable. At the age of 17 years he engaged in school teaching portions of his time to enable him to pursue his studies. A year later his heath failed from hard study and he took a sea voyage, remaining awhile in South CaroHna. Ill health followed him through life, and seriously interfered with his professional labors. He suffered many years from heart disease, which finally ended a long and useful career. About the period of his return from the south, he became skeptical, was convinced he had not been converted or fitted for religious teaching, and the study of theology was abandoned and the study of law chosen instead. He was in Ohio as early as 1824, and licensed to practice law in Lancaster, 1827, surrounded by influential friends, with every prospect of a prosperous life in his chosen profession. In the winter of that year, with his family, he was called to Perrysburg, N. Y., on legal business, detaining him several months. During this period his attention was called to the Methodist form of religion Hamline University— Minn. and to the "camp meetings" and revivals of that church, to which he expressed decided aversion and disapproval. After an experience in which he suffered prolonged and profound anguish, and during which one of his children died, in October, 1828, he was converted and embraced the Methodist faith. He then lost all desire for the practice of law. Returning to Zanesville he received license to exliort, six m(mths after his conversion, and to preach in November, 1829. He removed to Cincinnati, 1834, where his wife died in 1835, and he re- married the ff)llnwing year. He was appointed assistant editor of the Western Christtan Advoatte, 1886. and editor of the Ladies' Eepository, IS40. He was dele- gate from Ohio to the General Conference of the M. E. Church in N. Y. City, 1844, where on May 27th was delivered his memorable argument in support of the doctrine of the power of the church over its episcopacy, provoked by a resolution of the General Conference to suspend Bishop Andrew from the ex- 'lyU-'L. - 9/^"^-^ ' '\ a/j-^' ^S---***^, SEVENTH GENERATION. 403 ercise of the duties of his office while he was connected with slavery. The views advanced by Mr. Hamllne were accepted and acted upon by the northern branches of the church, resulting in its division, North and South. This speech, conspicuous for its legal ability, terseness, logic, modesty, fairness and freedom from personality or bitterness, brought him into prominence; and at that ses- sion, on June 7, 1844, he was elected Bishop and held the office eight years. In May, 1852, after a long and dangerous illness, his physicians having fre- quently advised him that to continue his arduous professional labors would be at the extreme risk of his life, he resigned the episcopal office. After much hesitation, and becoming fully convinced it was hlsearnest desire to be relieved, the conference reluctantly, and expressing profound regret, accepted his request, and he retired to private life, but as a superanuated minister of the Ohio Conference. The same year he removed to Hillsdale, N. Y., for the restoration of his health. In 1854 he resided near Schenectady, N. Y., and vicinity, and continued there until April, 1857, when he settled at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and there resided with his family and a few friends the remainder of his life. He recorded a brief account of his service on Sept. 30,1855, from which we abstract: "It will be twenty-seven years on the 5th of October, now at hand, since God, through Christ, pardoned all my sins. * * * In about six months, without asking or seeking it. I received license to exhort, and in about a year license to preach. In October, 1830, I was called to Short Creek circuit as an assistant to the venerable Jacob Young; in 1831 was again invited to take an active sphere of labor in Mt. Vernon circuit, with Rev. James McMahon, a most devout and lovely man, who like my previous Brother Young, was a father to me. In 1832 I was received on trial in the Ohio Conference, and sent to Greenville circuit with that holy man, Rev. H. S. Farnandis, in charge, and a good young brother, Stephen Holland, as a third man, on a six weeks' circuit. * * * In 1833 I went to A then circuit; * * * In Sept. 1834, I went to Wesley Chapel, Cin- cinnati; * * * In 1835 I was returned to Wesley Chapel, * * * butbefore the year closed was placed in Columbus. * * * In 1836 I was ordained elder, and elected assistant editor, * * where I remained until 1840. In 1840 I commenced the Ladies^ Bepository, and continued it until 1844, when I was ordained Superintendent (Bishop), which office I resigned, 1852. I liave been now about four years at rest, and three years in the superanuated list of the Ohio Conference." In temporal affairs he was a moderately wealthy man, which was entrusted almost entirely, after entering the ministry, to agents; derived principally from his first wife. His salary as Bishop, after paying traveling expenses, was given to the church. As to donations, he said in 1854: "I have given about $1,000 annually, one-half of my income." About the same time he mentions giving $25,000 for the university in Minnesota, "about one-fourth of my estate." This institution was afterwards, without his knowledge, named "Hamline Univer- sity," in his honor. An erroneous report was started that his gift was in consideration of giving his name to the college; afterwards refuted. About the same time he pledged another $25,000 for a college at Mt. Vernon, Iowa. The prominent features of his character were his conscientiousness. Christian humility and modesty; his promotions in the church were voluntarily tendered for his moral worth and ability. He was noted as a pulpit orator of unusual eloquence, and his executive ability was in constant demand as long as he was able to labor. His preserved writing is a volume of sermons, published since his death. He received the degree of D. D. from Wesleyan University, Middle- 404 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. town, Ct., 1844. He d. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, amongst his friends, after a long and painful illne.ss, Mar. 23, 1865. Ch. b. Zanesville: 3375.* Leontdas Price, Aug. 13, 1829. [1224] CHAUNCEYC. ANDREWS,' (Rosina Hamlin,^ Ebenezer,5i3 James,2i) b. Bristol, Ct., Dec. 25, 1794: m. near New Orleans, La., Ter- rence. He probably lived and died in Tenn. [1225] THEODORE ANDREWS,' (Bro. of Chauncey,) b. Bristol, Ct., June 23, 1797; m. Hannah, dau. of Orrin and Ruth (Eddy) Root. It is said he enlisted in the U. S. army, but soon deserted and enlisted again under an assumed name; served his time on the border of Canada. He went to Albany, N. Y., drew money on one enlistment and applied on the other, but was discovered and fled, and went down the Ohio river. He d. Louis- ville, Ky., about 1828; his wife and three children also d. there. Children: b. Apr. 22, 1822, Vienna, O. d. Louisville, Ky. 3376.* Gad, 3377. Catherine, 3378. Amanda, 3379. CORADIN, [1226] NORMAN ANDREWS, (Bro. of Chauncey) b. Bristol, Ct., May 15, 1798-9; m. 1st, Oct., 1821, Julia, dau. of Isaac Hum- aston, b. Vienna, Ohio, Apr., 1804, who d. Jun. 22, 1849; m. 2d, Jan. 1, 1851, Mrs. Lucretia Cotton, dau. of Samuel Hutchins, of Warren, Ohio; farmer; removed to Vienna, 1817, and res. at Youngstown, Ohio, 1872, retired. Ch. by 1st wife: 3380.* LuRA Ann, b. Aug. 12, 1822, Delaware Co. 3381.* Chauncey H., " Dec. 2, 1823, Vienna. 3382. La VILLA P., " Nov. 30, 1825, d. 1846. 3383.* Lawrence G., " Sept. 12, 1828. 3384.* Wallace C, " June 17, 1833, Vienna. 3385.* Phebb R., Ch. b. 2d wife " Feb. 8, 1837, u 3386. Emma R., b. Mar. 26, 1852. 3387. Norman C, " Dec. 30, 1856. [1227] WHITELEY ANDREWS,^ (Bro. of Chauncey,) b. Bristol, Ct., June 10, 1803; m. Oct. 30, 1824, Ehza, dau. of John Griffls, b. Sept. 19, 1801; marriage recorded Burlington, Ct. He removed with his father to Vienna, Ohio, 1817. Her father was a farmer in Conn., and removed to Ohio, 1829, and res. at Pierpont. Children: 3388.* John Griffis, b. Mar. 27, 1825; bap. Burlington. 3889. Daniel Thomas, " Jun. 12, 1826; •' " 3390. Charles W., " Sept. 10, 1827. 3391. Oscar F., " Mar. 27, 1829. 3392. Egbert, " Sept. 18, 1831. 3393. Theodocius, " Jun. 16, 1833. 3394. Samuel, " Jan. 30, 1841. SEVENTH GENERATION. 405 [1228] TRUMAN HAMLIN,' (Dan,6 Ebeaezer,^*^ James.^i) b. Bristol, Ct., Dec. 16, 1788; m 1st, Sarah, dau. ot Pierre and Lois (Eells) Rozelle, b. 1793; who d. Moreau, N. Y., Sept., 1815; said to have been a very beautiful lady; m. 2d, Lydia, dau. of .Jonathan Betts, b. Moreau, Apr. 10, 1790; farmer; Moreau, where he removed with his parents, 1790; Democrat; justice of the peace, 1827; Presbs. Both d. Moreau; he, Oct. 25, 1862; she, Apr. 9, 1867. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Moreau: 3395.* James Trowbridge, July 2, 1812. 3396.* Amelia, Apr. 29, 1814. By 2d wife, b. Moreau: ,3397. Decatur, Feb. 10, 1823; d. Dec. 23, 1824. 3398.* Harriet P., July 25, 1831. 3399.* Lucretia B., Feb. 10, 1833. [1229] SALLY HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Truman.) b. Bristol, Ct.; m. David Tillotson. Shed. Glen Falls, N. Y. Children: 3400. Emma L.; m. Henry Gibbs, of N. Y. City. 3401. Saphronia. 3402. George. [1231] EBENEZER HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Truman,) b. Moreau, N. Y.; married. He d. Thurman, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1876. Children (all married but Franklin:) 3403. SOPHRONIA. 3404. LUCINDA. 3405. Franklin. 3406. Mary A. [1232] ROMANTA HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Truman,) b. Moreau, N. Y., Mar. 8, 1793; m. Almira, dau. of James and Miriam (Beckwith) Burnham, b. Moreau, Apr. 12, 1801. Both d. Jackson, Mich.; he Au^. 2, 1846; she, July 7, 1846. Children: 3407.* Eliza, b. 1818, Oneida. 3408. Mark H., m. Olivia Driggs. 3409. Caroline E., " Lucius Brown. 3410. Lucretia, " David Whipple. 3411.* William Hjsnry, b. Saratoga. 3412.* Miriam, " June 30, 1830, Chautauqua. 3413. James E. 3414.* Sarah Almira, " Oct. 1837, 3415.* Esther Marenda, " Oct. 1839, 3416. John, d. unm. [1234] LENT HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Truman,) b. Moreau, N. Y., Feb. 29, 1800; m. there, Mar. 16, 1828, Betsey S., dau. of Dr. Martin and Hannah (Jenks) Gillett,* b. New Malboro, Mass., June 9, 1802; * For Gillette see note 216. 406 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. farmer and lumberman: Moreau; Democrat; assessor and commissioner: a mu- sician. Botli d. Moreau; he, Jan. 20, 1878; stie, Nov. 25, 1879. Ch. b. Moreau: 3417. Francis M., Jan. 18, 1829; d. Dec. 25, 1829. 3418. Hermon M., Feb. 22, 1830, " Nov. 19, 1864, unm. 3419.* William John, Feb. 18, 1832. 3420. Mary Elizabeth, Dec. 28, 1833; m. Lewis W. Hamlin.^ 3421. Franklin B., Oct. 11, 1836; d. Jun. 27, 1859, unm. 3422. Francis E., " " " " Dec. 16, 1859, " [1235] SOPHIA HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Truman,) b. Moreau, N. Y.; m., Aug. 21, 1821, Dan,' son of Jolin and Tliankful (Spaulding) Storrs,* b. June 1, 1799; she d. Moreau, Feb. 16, 1824. He m. 2d, Sept. 28, 1828, Betsey Spencer; m. 3d, Clarissa Maydole; farmer; Eaton, N. Y.; dea. Cong. Church nearly 60 years. He d. Oct. 14, 1881, Child: 3423.* Charles Avery, b. Nov. 9, 1821. [1236] DAVID B. HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Truman,) b. Moreau, N. Y., Apr. 2, 1807; m. Fort Edward, N. Y., July 6, 1828, Nancy M., dau. of Ephraim and Sarah (Clark) Potter, b. Fort Edward, Nov. 25, 1803; blacksmith, farmer and lumberman; Moreau; Eepublican; she Methodist. She d. Queensbury, N. Y., Apr. 17, 1876. Children: 3424.* John S., b. Dec. 25, 1831, Moreau. 3425. Olive J., " Sept. 26, 1836; " d. Feb. 3, 1838. 3426.* Leavis W., " Mar. 4, 1841, Queensbury. 3427.* Sarah J., "July 11, 1846, Thurman. [1244] LUCY HUNTER,MWiriiam,'' David,^ Hopestill Hamlin,* Ebene- zer,3 James.2i) b. July 17, 1786; ra. Aug. .30, 1812, Gen. Sylvester Churchill; 1st Lieut, of Art. U. S. A., 1812: promoted Brig. Gen. for services at Beuna Vista; Paymaster U. S. A. (?) One of his last acts was to muster in tlie tirst call of 75,000 troops by Abraham Lincoln in the Civil War. He d. Washington, D. C, Dec. 7, 1862; she d. Carlisle, Pa., Sept. 6, 1862. Children: 3428. Helen Susan, b. May 29, 1817, Fort Columbus, Governor's Island; d. Sept. 27, 1818. 3429.* William Hunter, " July 8. 1819, Fort Wood, Bedloe's Island. 3430.* Mary Helen, " Aug. 30, 1821, Windsor, Vt. 3431.* Franklin Hunter," Apr. 22, 1823, Fort Hamilton, N. Y. 3432.* Charles C, " July 18, 1825, Allegheny Arsenal. [1245] MARY HUNTER,' (Sister of Lucy,) b. Windsor, Vt., Feb. 27, 1788; m., 1806, Sewell Cutting. They had a son, Sewell S. Cutting," a clergyman in Brooklyn, N. Y. He is dead. Don't know whether he had children or was married. * Note 343. SAMUEL STORRS.i son of Thomas and Mary Storrs, of Sutton-cum-Lound, Nottinghamshire, Eng. ; bap. Dec. 7,1640; came to Barnstable, Mass., 1663; m. 1st, 1666, Mary, dau. of Thomas Huckins; m. 2d, lfiS5, widow Esther Egard; removed to Mansfield, Ct., 1698, where he d. Apr. 30, 1719. 9 children. SEVENTH GENERATION. 407 [1246] FRANKLIN HUNTER,^ (Bro. of Lucy,) b. Feb. 11, 1790; m. Mrs. Isabel Curtis Cottrell. He d. Royalton, Vt., May 15, 1835. Children (all d. childless): 3433. Nicholas, 3434. Robert. 3435.* Charles G. [1247] SARAH HUNTER,T (Sister of Lucy,) b. Feb., 1794; m. Hon. Asa Aiken. Children: 3436. Sarah; m. Jacobson, of Hackensack, N. J.: she d. and left children. 3437. A Daughter; m. Ward, and had a son, Ville Roy Aiken. 3438. Augusta; m. Col. Jonas Dudley, a descendant of Gov. Thomas Dudley, of Mass., grandson of Timothy Dudley, Rev. soldier and merchant. He published a treatise on alcohol, 1874; and d. N. Y. City. She vras a portrait painter and is dead. Two children, both dead. A son was cadet at West Point and d. before graduation. [1249] HORACE HUNTER,? (Jabez," David,^ Hopestill Hamlin,* Ebe- nezer,3 James,2i) b. Windsor, Vt., Aug. 30, 1796; m. 1st, Fanny Ely; m. 2d, Eichael Waterman; farmer. He d. Royalton, Vt. Child: 3439. A Daughter; m. Dr. R. F. Clow; both dead. They had four daughters. One is Mrs. John P. Nelson, of N. Y. City. [1250] Dr. GALEN HUNTER,' (Bro. of Horace,) b, Windsor, Vt., Jan. 20, 1800; m. 1st, Elizabeth Willard; m. 2d, Jane Ann Youry; physician; N. Y. City. He d. N. Y. City, Aug. 6, 1872. Children: 3440. A Daughter; m. Dr. Ranney; living. 3441. William C; physician; d. without issue. [1251] DAVID HUNTER,^ (Bro. of Horace,) b. Westraore, Vt., Apr. 1, 1803; m. Windsor, Vt., Feb. 22, 1825, Clarissa Kimball, dau. of Ebenezer and Abigail* (Kimball*) Stocker, b. Windsor, Jan. 2, 1804. He was the first white child born in the town of Westmore; farmer; he always lived in the same house in Windsor where they were married, and * Note 344, For Richard Kimball,! see note 254. Cornet BENJAMIN KIMBALL,2 h. Ipswich, Mass., 1637; m. Salisbury, Mass., April, 1661, Mercy, dau. of Robert and Ann Hazeltine, of Rowley, now Bradford, Mass., b. Aug. 16, 1642; carpenter; prob. res. Exeter, N. H., 1659; removed to Salisbury, and on jury there 1662; res. Rowley, Mass., May 12, 1663, when he bought land there of Elizabeth Starrett, of Haverhill, Mass. Tliis land was in what is now Bradford, then called Merrimack; at the first town meet- ing, Feb. 20, 1668, he was chosen overseer of the town; he was there 1670, 1674-5; he bought several tracts of land, Nov. 23, 1667, one of which had belonged to his brother Thomas; his bouse was in the west parish. Bradford, not far from the ancient graveyard. He served in Capt. Appleton's Co., 1683-4; was called "Cornet;" she was adm. to the church, Bradford, Jan. 408 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. where they celebrated their silver and golden weddings; Democrat; he was elected Captain of the 1st Co. in 1st Regiment Vermont Militia, June 5, 1832; selectman; justice of the peace. Both d. Windsor; he, Dec. 22, 1891; she, Mar. 17, 1882. 7,1682-3. He d. June 11, 1695; estate. £1060. 7s., including^ a one fourth share in a saw mill in Haverhill, near Amesbury. tougrht of Matthew Harriman, which descended through several generations of his family. Her will dated May 14, 1706; proved Feb. 2, 1707-8. Their grave stones are in the cemetery in Bradford. Children: Anna, b. Dec 23, 1661; m. Richard Barker. Mercy, " Dec. 27, 1663; d Feb. 3,1664. Richard, " Dec. 3, 1664; m. Mehitable Day. Elizabeth, " .Tul. 24, 1669, " Elizabeth Carleton. David, " Jul. 26, 1671, " Elizabeth Gage. .Jonathan, " Nov. 26, 1673, " Lydia Day and Mrs. Jane Plummer. Robert, " Mar. 5, 1675-6; m. Susanna Atwood. Abraham, " Mar. 24, 1677-8; " Mary Green. Samttel, " Mar. 28, 1680; m. Eunice Chadwick. Ebenezer, " Jun. 20, 1684, " Ruth Eaton. Abigail, " Jun. 20, 1684, " Moses Day. DAVID KIMBALL,3 b. Bradford, July 26, 1671; m. 1st, Elizabeth, dau. of .John Gage, of Ipswich, b. Mar. 12, 1674; m. 2d, alx)ut 1717, Ruth — - b. 1682; who d. Mar. 14, 1770. He resided Bradford ; there was laid out to him from his father's estate, six acres of land where his house standeth, Jan. 21, 1696-7. He d. Bradford, June 14, 1743. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Bradford: Hannah, Samuel, Hannah, David, Rebecca, A Son, Jeremiah, Aaron, Elizabeth, Abraham, Sept. 15, 1695; d. Feb. 18, 1696. Mar. 14, 1697; m. Abigail Kimball. Mar. 10, 1698, 1700, Aug. 16, 1703, Jonathan Chadwick. Mary Wilson. Joseph Wilson. Nov. T, 1705; d. Nov. 11, 1705. Oct. 1.5, 1707; m. Elizabeth Head. Jun. 7, 1710, " Susanna Smith. Jan. 14, 1712-3. Feb. 18, 1715; m. Judith Hall. By 2d wife, b. Bradford: Ruth, Sept. 1719; m. Rapha Hall. Abigail, Apr. 28, 1723, " Rapha Hall. AARON KIMBALL,* born Bradford, Mass., June 7, 1710; m. Dec. 17, 1731, Susanna Smith; Tailor. He res. Haverhill, Mass.; removed to Hopkinton, N. H., before 1742; where his son Abraham was the first white child born in that town. He built a fort there, 1746, opposite the present house of James Story. His name frequently occurs in the early town records; a prom- inent and influential citizen. An antique tablet marks his grave in the old cemetery on Putney's hill. His will is at Exeter, her will at Nashua. He d. Hopkinton, July 30, 1760. Children: Elizabeth, b. Oct. 4, 17.32, Haverill ; m. How. David, Apr. 18, 1733. " Abel, 1735, n m. Mary Chandler. Timothy, bap. Dec. 19, 1736, " " Sarah . Mary, Feb. 4, 1739, " " How. Abraham, b. Apr. 18, 1742, Hopkinton, m. Phebe Runnells. Aaron, Sept. 12, 1747. " m. Eunice Lee, Abigail Samuel, " " " Susanna Jewett. Nathaniel, " vt " Lydia Livermore. Phineas, n Susanna, " Ruth, (■•■ , Judith LendalL SEVENTH GENERATION. 409 Ch. b. Windsor: 3442. Nancy Stocker, Apr. 2:^, 1827: d. Mar. 25, 1828. 344:3. Emma Stocker, May 2, 1829; " June 24, 1831. 3444.* Abbie Clementine, Feb. 1, 1833. 3445.* Andrew Jackson, Apr. 18, 1840. [1252J JOHN HUNTER,' ( Bro. of Horace,) b. Windsor, Vt., 1804; m. Mary Snedeker; merchant; Troy, N. Y. He d. Troy, Oct., 1857. No issue. [1254] MARY HUNTER,' (Sister of Horace,) b. Windsor, Vt., Feb. 22, 1809: m. C. C. Rowell. He first m. her sister, Emily, wlio d. Sharon, Vt., May 7, 1837. She d. Hartford, Vt., Nov. 21, 1886. Children: 3446. Henry. 3447. Barton. [1255] Major WILLIAM HUNTER,' (Bro. of Horace,) b. Windsor, Vt., Feb. 13, 1811; m. by Rev. J. K. Converse, Burlington, Vt., Dec. 11, 1839, Fanny, dau. of Enoch and Phebe (Little) Harris, b. Danville, Vt., Mar. 24, 1817; merchant; res. principally in Burlington until 1861; after- wards, N. Y. City; Democrat; school commissioner. He was educated princi- pally at Norwich University (now removed to Northfield, Vt. ); Major in the militia; Episco. He d. N. Y. City, Nov. 26, 1863. Children: [5, 1865, unm. 3448. Caroline Jane, b. May, 11, 1841, Lebanon, N. IT.; d. Feb. 3449.* Fannie Elizabeth, " Nov. 14, 1843, Jerico, Vt. 3450.* Rosamond Howe, " Nov. 19. 1845, Burlington. 3451.* Mary Pomeroy, " Mar. 15, 1852, " [1256] CHARLES HUNTER,' (Bro. of Horace,) b. Windsor, Vt., Jan. 2, 1816; planter. He d. Port Gibson, Miss., July 15, 187—. No issue. {1259] DAVID HUNTER PARDEE,' (Jonathan," Sarah Hunter,5 Hope- still Hamlin,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Sharon, Ct., May 12,1792; m., Delhi, N.Y., Dec. 25, 1826, Saphronia, dau. of Abner and Lois (Pickering) Thurber, b, Coop- erstown, N. Y., May 12, 1804; carpenter and cabinet maker; spent some years in the Southern States; accumulated some wealth; returned to Delhi, N. Y., and engaged in mercantile business; she Epis.; she res. at one time with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Sarah Paine, at Delhi, N. Y. Both d. Delhi; he June 201866; she. Mar. 7, 1876. No. issue. NATHANIEL KIMBALL,5 b. Hopkinton, N. H.; m. June 2, 1774, Lydla Livermore; res. Hopkinton; he d. Apr. 28, 1819; she Jan. 18, 1829. Children: Hannah, b. Aug. 26, 1775. Abigail, " Sept. 9, 1777; m. Ebenezer Stocker. Lydia, " Sept. 27, 1779, " Trussell. David L., " Mar. 21, 1783, " Sarah Hildreth. Nathaniel, " July 23, 1786, " Mary Titcomb. Clarissa, " Jun. 3, 1790, " Eaton. Jun. 20. 1813. Feb. 11, 1815. Feb. 11, 1818. May 13, 1819. Jun. 14, 1821. Feb. 25, 1823. Mar. 30, 1825. 410 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [1260] REBECCA PARDEE,' (Sister or David H.,) b. Sharon, Ct., May 11, 1794; m. there, July 23, 1812, Col. Amasa, son of Araasa and Diadamia (Parmelee) Parker, b. Washington, Ct., Oct. 28, 1784; lawyer; graduate of Yale College: attended law school at Litchfield, Ct., and studied with Peter VanSchoick, of Kinderhook; settled at Delhi, N. Y., 1812, and practiced his profession there until his death: was partner with Hon. Sam- uel Sharsv/ood, 1812-1827, and next with his nephew, Hon. Amasa J. Parker, who was later Justice Supreme Court of N. Y.; afterwards with his son, Robert Parker. He was Surrogate of Delaware Co., N. Y., nine years, and for many years Master in Chancery. A lawyer of the old school, and a man without reproach. Member Episcopal Church, of which he was warden. She d. Delhi, Sept. 26, 1839. He m. 2d, Delhi, Aug. 24, 1841, Mrs. Phebe (Peck) widow of Joseph Moore, b. Sept. 25, 1803. He d. Delhi, Mar., 1855; his widow d. Oct. 11, 1859. Ch. b. Delhi: 3452.* Elizabeth Caroline, 3453.* Philamon Stark, 3454.* Robert, 3455.* Charles Edward, 3456.* Rebecca Lavinia, 3457.* George Amasa, 3458.* James, 3459. Daniel Hamlin, May 10, 1827; d. same day. 3460.* Mary Augusta, Feb. 27, 1830. 3461. Junius Cameron, Nov. 5, 1833; d. Aug. 25, 1834. [1261] DANIEL JOHNS PARDEE,^ (Bro. of David H.,) b. Sharon, Ct., Aug. 11, 1796; unm.; wholesale merchant, N. Y. City, but unsuccessful. He was said to have been a very handsome man. He d. July 26, 1866. [1262] MARY ANN PARDEE,^ (Sister of David H,) b. Sharon, Ct., Dec, 17, 179—; m. Dec. 25, 1828, Nathaniel Daniel, son of Isaac and Susanna (Steele) Hathaway, b. Walton, N. Y., Dec, 1800; she d. Oct. 25, 1842. He m. 2d, Nov. 27, 1844, Mary Stewart. Ch. b. Delhi, N. Y.: 3462. George, Oct. 4, 1830; d. Aug. 25, 1832. 3463.* Daniel Pardee, Dec. 10, 1833. 3464.* Helen Rebecca, May 26, 1838. [1263] SARAH PARDEE,' (Sister of David H.,) b. Sharon, Ct., Mar. 20, 1801; m. 1st, Sept. 5, 1827, Henry O., son of Na- thaniel and Mercy (Brown) Hollister,* of Amenia, N. Y., b. Sept. 16, 1800; who d. Jan. 5, 1829; m. 2d, Delhi, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1833, Anthony Marvin, son of Asahel Ellsworth and Anna (Beers) Paine, b. Kortright, N. Y., Mar. 25, 1801; publisher; Democrat; she, Epis.; both d. Delhi; she. Mar. 16, 1885; he. Mar. 10, 1881. * Note 345. The Hollisters were at Bristol, England, as early as the time of Henry VIII, 1500. The name is from Holly— terre; the land of the Holly. JOHN HOLLISTER.i b. Glastonbury, Eng., 1612. He came to America and settled in Wethersfleld, Ct., 1643; freeman. May 10, 1643; deputy for Weymouth, Mass., 1644; returned to SEVENTH GENERATION. 411 Ch. b. 1st marriage: 3465. A Son; d. in infancy. By 2d marriage, b. Dellii: 3466.* George Henry, Sept. 25, 1835. [1271] LOUISIANA HAMLIN,7(Amos,'' Cornelius,'^ «Ebenezer,3James,2i) b. Durham. N. Y., Sept. 13, 1804; m. there, 1826, Thomas, son of Lawrence and Isabella (Clark) Fenner, b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 15, 1796; farmer; Green Co., N. Y., 1804-41. He sold his farm there, and in 1840 lived upon that of her father, Dr. Hamlin. In the spring of 1841 they removed west, by way of the Erie canal, fron Albany tj Buffalo, N. Y.; thence by steamer to Cleveland, Ohio. After stopping there a few weeks they "took the back track," as their son puts it, and settled in Medina, N. Y., where they resided until the spring of 1845, when he sold his farm and again sought a home in the West, traveling by steamer around the lakes to Racine in Wis. Territory; soon after he bought a farm at Richmond, 111., where they resided the remainder of their lives. She was well educated for a lady of her time, and an extensive reader. Through the instruction of her father she became a skillful druggist, and as such as- sisted him in his practice. Although she never took any degree in medicine, it not being the custom at that period for women to become regular physicians, yet in later life her services were in much demand with the sick; Democrat; she Methodist. Both d. Richmond; she, Dec. 17, 1854; he, Nov. 13, 1850. Children: 3467.* Hamlin, Jan. 8, 1828, Durham. 3468.* Helen, Apr. 24, 1829, " 3469. Elizabeth, Jan. 3, 1831, " d. Mar. 6, 1832. 3470.* Mary Elizabeth, Mar. 23, 1833, " 3471.* Harriet, Jan. 14, 1835, 3472.* Lawrence Alexander, Feb. 13, 1837, " .3473. HOMERIA, Dec. 3, 1839, " " Dec. 23, 1841. 3474.* Thomas Clark, Dec. 13, 1841, Shelby. .3475.* Isabella R., Apr. 21, 1843. [1273] EMILY HAMLIN,' (Sister of Louisiana, ) b. Durham, N. Y., June 17, 1809; m. James Ackley; she d. Jan. 29, 1839. One ch. d. in infancy. [1276] AMOS HAMLIN,7 ( Bro. of Louisiana,) b. Durham, N. Y.. Jan. 20, 1814; m. Mary Nichols, b. Schoharie, N. Y. He was educated for a physician, but become an artist; resided in Durham, Cats- Wethersfleld, the same year and was deputy there maay times until 1656; Lieutenant, March, 165S-9; collector, 1660; m. Joanna, dau. of Richard Treat, Senior, and his first wife, Joanna. He d. Wethersfield, April, 1665; she d. Oct., 1694. Children: Elizabeth, m. Samuel Welles. JOHH, b. 1644; m. Sarah Goodrich. Thomas, m. Elizabeth Latimer and Elizabeth Willams. Joseph, d. Aug. 29, 1674, unm. Lazarus, b. 1656; d. Sept., 1709. Mary, m. John Welles. Sarah, " Hope Atherton and Timothy Baker. Stephen, b. 1658; m. Abigail Treat and widow Elizabeth Reynolds. 412 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. kill and N. Y. City; Madison, Wis.; Chicago, ill., aud California; lie conveyed land in Green Co,,N. Y., 1843, and lie and liis wife, Mary, conveyed land there, 1864; removed from 111. to Cal., 1850; Whig, and a politician. He d. N. Y., 1872. Child: 3476. A Daughter, Mrs. Smith, b. Catskill, res. in Wisconsin, who had children. [1277] CARNOT HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Louisiana,) b. Durham, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1816; m. in Wis.; farmer: Whig. He d. sum- mer of 186—. Dr. Daniel D. T. Hamlin. [1278] Dr. DANIEL D. TOMPKINS HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Louisiana,) b. Durham, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1820; m. Schoharie, N. Y., June 15, 1841, Sarah, youngest dau. of Dr. Cornelius C. and Catelina Yates (VanAntwerp) VanDyck, b. Schoharie, Aug. 12, 1822; educated at Albany Medical School; physician; Sangerties, N, Y., Elkhorn, Wis., and Chicago, 111.; Whig and Republican; Freemason; member of various medical societies; member N. Y. Legislature; an active business man, and occupied various positions of honor and trust; followed his position closely; contracted pulmonary disease, and went west for his health. Both d. Chicago; he, Oct. 21, 1876; she, Dec. 10, 1890. Ch. b. Saugerties: Catalina Yates, June 29, 1845. Sarah Jane, Mar. 2, 1847. Margaret VanDyck, Jan. 17, 1849. 3477.* 3478.* 3479.* SEVENTH GENERATION. 413 [1280] JOHN TREATS (Ashbel W.,« Mary Hamlin,^ Cornelius,* Ebe- nezer,3 James,^!) m. Harriet Monson, of Centreville, N. Y.; said to have re- moved to Mich. Children: 3480. Mary E., b. 1839. 3481. Geokoe H., " 1842. [1283] LAURA TREAT," (Sister of John,) m. Parmele. Child: 3482. William; res. Clietopa, Labette Co., Kas. [1284] HENRY TREAT,' (Bro. of John,) b. Greenfield, N. Y., July 16, 1799; m., Nov. 10, 1828, Maria Baldwin, of Williamstown, Mass., b. Sept. 16, 1808; farmer; Freedom and Holland, N. Y. He d. Windsor, Mich., Aug. 26, 1859; she d. there, Sept. 8, 1862. Cliildren: b. Nov. 22, 1829, Freedom. '' Mar. 16, 1832, " Mar. 9, 1834, " " July 29, 1838, Holland. " Jan. 2, 1845, " Sept. 16, 1846, " " Mar. 24, 1849. [1285] CALVIN GOODRICH,^ (Anna Treat,6 Mary Hamlin,^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Lebanon, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1800; m. July 1, 1821, Sally Brigden. He d. Mar. 28, 1874. 3483. Lucy M., 3484. Martha, 3485.* David Henry, 3486.* Gordon, 3487. Adeline C, 3488. Caroline P. 3489. Orcelia E., Children: 3490. Sally A., b. Sept. 13, 1822, 3491. Mercy E., *' June 9, 1824. 3492. Joseph, " Nov. 5, 1826. 3493. Cynthia, " Jan. 12, 1829. [1286] LUCY GOODRICH,' (Sister of Calvin, ) b, Lebanon, N. Y., Apr. 26, 1802; m. Feb. 20, 1822, Thomas Brigden. She d. May 19, 1881. Children (9): 3494. Charles; res. Moravia, N. Y. [1287] JEREMIAH GOODRICH,' (Bro. of Calvin,) b. Lebanon, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1804; m. 1st, Bainbridge, N. Y., Apr. 1, 1824, Sophronia, dau. of Samuel and Jemima Melindy, b. Bainbridge, 1802, vpho d. Moravia, N. Y., Apr., 1836: m. 2d, Oct. 1, 1836, Rebecca Huntley; farmer; Cayuga Co., N. Y., until spring of 1844; afterwards, Hadley, 111.; Whig; Meth- odists. He d. Hadley, Oct. 24, 1843. I Ch. by 1st wife, 3495.* William A., 3496.* Mary Emeline, 3497.* Martha J., 3498.* John Samuel, 3499. Charles N., By 2d wife: 3500.* James Alonzo. 3501.* Helen R., 3502.* Lucy C, 414 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. b. Jan. 14, 1825, Bainbridge. " Aug. 26, 1827, " " Dec. 13, 1829, " Oct. 9, 1831, " [Texas, 1867. " Dec. 25, 1834, Moravia; sup. lie d. in " July 23, 1837, Moravia. " Oct. 2, 1842, Homer. " Sept. 4, 1844, Hadley. [1288] JACOB L. GOODRICH,' (Bro. of Calvin,) b. Lebanon, N. Y,, July 8, 1806; m. 1st, June 28, 1826, Almira Nash; m. 2d, Mary J. Johnson. He d. Sept. 18, 1863. Children; 3503. Harry J., b. July 17, 1837. 3504. Charles E., " May 21, 1840, d. 1886. [1290] SEYMOUR TREAT,^ (Timothy,6 Ruth Hamlin,^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. West Stockbridge, Mass., Dec. 3, 1782; m., May 15, 1808, Phebe McCarty; millwright. He d. Cal., June 5, 1859. Children: b. Apr. 4, 1809; d. Nov. 5, 1841. " Dec. 9, 1812. " Mar. 3, 1816; " Sept. 12, 1820. " Apr. 12, 1819. Oct. H, 1825; " Oct. 20, 1845. 3505. Isaiah McCarty, 3506.* Maria, 3507. Rhoda, 3508.* Stephen Decatur, 3509. Carlton, kl [1292] SUSANNA TREAT,7 (Sister of Seymour, ) b. West Stockbridge, Mass., Apr. 25, 1786; m. 1st, May 28. 1807, Zelak Wal- ter, who d. 1811; ra. 2d, Feb., 1814, Joseph Phelps, who d. May, 1851, aged 82. In 1841 she removed from Homer, N. Y., to Elgin, 111.; in 1857 to Sandwich, 111.: about 1882 to Romeo, Mich.; Nov., 1886, she returned to Sandwich, where she d.; Cong. Ch. by 1st. marrige, b. Homer: 3510. Sophia, June 13, 1808; m. Jacob Crawford. 3511 Maria, June 5, 1811; " Dr. Philo Tillson. By 2d marriage, b. Homer: 3512. Lydia, Nov. 18, 1814 3513. Mercy, Nov. 18, 1819 3514. Joseph E., Oct. 16, 1824 3515. Cornelia. Sept. 26, 1827 m. Hon. Augustus Adams. " Carmi Wells. " Harriet Stiles. " Cornelius Stiles. [1295] LUCIA TREAT,' (Sister of Seymour,) b. West Stockbridge, Mass., Dec 29, 1795; m. Baylis. Children: 3516. Harriet. 3517. Josephine. 3518. Eliza. SEVENTH GENERATION. 415 [1296] ELIZA TREAT,' (Sister of Seymour,) b. West Stockbridge, Mass., Mar. 24, 1799; m. Prosser. Children: 3519. Timothy Treat; res. near Chicago, 111. 3520. Eda. [1297] LAURA TREAT,' (Sister of Seymour,) b. Homer, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1801; m. Milton Robinson. Children: 3521. Stoughton. 3522. sophronia. 3523. Marcus. 3524. LoRiNDA, [1299] LYMAN TREAT,' (Thomas,^ Ruth HamliQ,^ Cornelius,* Ebene- zer,3 James,2i) b. Champlain, Vt., Mar. 14, 1785; m. Aurora, N. Y., Achsah Brown. Served in Capt. Cranston Co., attached to Col. Scott's 2d N. Y. Art., called out Sept. 15, 1812, for three months, to go to Lewiston, N. Y., and sta- tioned at Fort Gray, and was at the capture of the brigs Caledonia and Adams, Resided at Auburn, N. Y.: later at Booneville, N. Y., March, 1854; Horseheads, N. Y., March, 1855; pensioner. He d. East Aurora, N. Y., May 8, 1869; she d. Golden, N. Y., about 1843-4. Ch. b. Golden; 3525,* John Holmes, May 17, 1842, [1300] TIMOTHY TREAT,' (Bro. of Lyman,) b, Georgia, near St. Albans, Vt., Mar. 30, 1786: m. 1st, near Buffalo, N. Y.; m. 2d, St. Albans, Vt., Jan., 1817, Lovisa Bentley, b, Georgia, Jan. 22, 1799, who d. Silver Creek, Mich., Sept. 14, 1860; farmer; removed to Aurora, N. Y., when a young man, where he resided until 1834; removed to Niles, Mich.; resided Silver Creek, 1837-63; removed to Elk Grove, Cal., and resided there with his son, Sullivan, until his death. Enlisted at Aurora, Apr., 1813, for six months in Capt. Stevens' Co. in Col. Warren's Regt.; discharged Sept., 1814; pensioner. He d. Elk Grove, Mar. 1, 1875. Ch. by 1st wife: 3526.* Sullivan, By 2d wife: b, Jan. 18, 1811, Aurora. 3527.* Fidelia, '' Oct. 15, 1818, <( 3528.* Almira, " Feb. 13, 1821, (( 3529.* Ruby, *' Apr. 6, 1823, (< 3530.* James Bently, " July 14, 1825, (< 3531.* Louisa, " Nov. 24, 1827, <( 3532.* Ira Haskell, '' May 11, 1830, u 3533.* Wallace Orvill, " Aug, 9, 1832, a 3534.* WiLLARD W., " Aug. 9, 1832, f, July 14, 1830. 3743.* Nathaniel Church, Jan. 26, 1832. 3744.* Mary Lois, Dec. 23. 1833. 3745. Caroline E., Jun. 18, 1835; d. May 26, 1839. 3746. Samuel David, May 23, 1837, " Sep. 23, 1838. 3747.* Caroline Ruth, July 2, 1839. 3748.* Samuel Church, May 24, 1841. 3749.* ANGELINA Sarah, May 13, 1843. 3750. William Porter, July 30, 1845: d. Mar. 8, 1846. 3751. Harriet Julia, Feb. 23, 1848, " Sep. 5, 1848. [1357] WILLIAM HENRY CHURCH,^ (Bro. of Nathaniel,) b. Salisbury, Ct., May 11, 1807; m. young; disappeared and never heard from. [1358] RUTH A. CHURCH,' (Sister of Nathaniel, ) b. Salisbury, Ct., Oct. 30, 1811: m. there, Dec. 1, 1835, Hon. John Rogers, son of John and Lucretia (Rogers! Ward, b. Cornwall, Ct., Nov. 21, 1811; farmer; res. at one time in Sheffield, Mass.; afterwards on the Church homestead, Salis- burv: Democrat: Selectman 10 years; member Conn. Legislature, 1872; Metho- dists. She d. Salisbury, Dec. 19, 1867; he d. Caanan, Ct., Sept. 10, 1879. Ch. b. Salisbury: 3752.* Nathaniel Church, June 22, 1837. 3753. Frances Lucretia, Nov. 27, 1839; d. Apr. 9, 1887, unm. 3754.* Edward, June 3, 1843. 3755.* Ruth Lois, Jan. 17, 1845. 3756. Josephine, Jan. 30, 1848; d. July 28, 1887, unm. [1359] LORENZO FLETCHER HAMLIN,' (Jabez,6» Thomas," Ebene- zer.3 James.2 1) named for the celebrated Rev. Lorenzo Dow, a companion of his father: b. Hillsdale, now Austerlitz, N. Y., Mar. 26, 1803; attended Hudson Academy; graduated from Union College, Sclienectady, N. Y., 1823; taught school in Catskill and other places; studied law seven years; removed to Elyria, I 428 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ohio, about 1830, ai^d opened a law office there with his brother Edward; after his brother retired the tirin became Loclcwood & Hamhn; retired from prac- tice 1843, and took charge of his father's farm. It is said that he wrote the text for Hazen's Grammar, published by his brother-in-law; Methodist: unmar- ried; he d. of cancer, Elyria, Aug. Iti, 185S. [1360] MINEKVA CATHERINE HAMLIN,- (Sister of Lorenzo F., ) b. Austerlitz, N. Y, April 14, 1805; m.N. Y. City, by Dr. Nathan Bangs, Aug. 8, 18o0, Edward," son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Gates) Hazen,* of Her- kimer, N. Y., b. Easton, Washington Co., X. Y., Feb. 9, 1798. He received tlie degree of A. M.; author of "Hazen's Speller and Detiner,'' "Hazen's English Grammar," and other school books adopted in the sciiools of the Eastern Mrs. Minerva Catherine Hazen. States; of "Hazen's Technology of Professions and Trades;" resided in various places, as indicated by birthplaces of their children: at one period in Daven- port, Iowa; after his death she resided some years In Chautauqua, N. Y.; Meth- odists. He d. Davenport, April 24, 1877; she d. Chautauqua, April 10, 1895; both buried Elyria, Ohio. * Note 348. For Edward Hazen, i see note 265. EDWARD HAZEN,2 b. Rowley, Mass., Sept. 10, lfi60; m. Nov. 6, 1686, Jane, dau. of .Tohn and Jane Pickard; res. Rowley; he d. there, 1748; she survived him. Children: .Jane, Edward, Benjamin, Hepsabeth, Samuel, Israel, John and Hannah. SAMUEL HAZEN,3 fifth child, b. Rowley. July 20, 1699; m. Oct. 1. 1723, Sarah, dau. of .Jonathan Harriman of Rowley, b. Mar. 19, 1698; res. Rowley until 1736; then removed to Groton; purchased a farm in "Stow Leg" 1749, territory soon annexed to Shirley, forming its Southern SEVENTH GENERATIOJ^. 429 Children: 3757. Edward Hamlin, b. Oct. 26, 1831, N. Y. City; d. Sept. 30, '34. 3758.* Edwakd HA^rLiN, " Apr. 12, 1834, Elyria. 3759. Francks Mtnerva, " Sept. 8, 1835, Pliiladelphia; unm. 1898, 3760.* Elizabeth Gates, " Dec. 18, 1837, Elyria. [d. Oct. 16, 1847. 3761. Charles Frederick," Dec. 27, 1839, Prince George Co., Md.; 3762. Albert. " Nov. 1, 1841, d. Sept. 10, 1842. 3763. Serena Emeline, '• Jan. 3, 1843, Bait. Md.; d.Sept. 4, 1849. 3764.* AuziLLA Catherine, " Oct. 5, 1845, Little Falls, N. Y. 3765. Charles Albert, " May 3, 1848, N. Y. City;d. Sept. 2, 1849. 3766. Mary Louisa, " Feb. 12, 1851, Jersey City;" Feb. 16, 1851. [1361] JOHN WILLIAM HAMLIN,- (Bro. of Lorenzo F.,) b. Alford, Mass., Dec. 7, 1806; iii. 1st, Austerlitz, N. Y., April 6, 1830, Eliza C, dau. of Isaac and Polly (Leland) Ford,* b. Austerlitz, Jan. 12, 1810, who d. East Aurora, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1854; m. 2d, East Aurora, Sept. 1855, Mrs. Mary A., widow of Dr. Laban J. Ayleswoith, sister of first wife, b. Austerlitz, Feb. 26, 1812, who d. E. Aurora. May 23, 1862: m. 3d, Holland, N. Y., July 18, 1867, Mrs. Susanna Dustin, dau. of Thomas and Harriet Helen (Echlin) Codd, b. Ireland, Mar. 7, 1842: after the death of Mr. Hamlin, she m. Albert Smith, of E. Aurora, and was living 1898. He was at West Stockbridge, Mass., 1830: Austerlitz, N. Y., boundary; which remained in the family until the fifth generation; selectman, Shirley 1753, when the town was organized and for several years later; with William Longley built the first grist mill there; the site of his house can be seen, near a spring of water, and was garrisoned for protection from Indians. He d. Shirley, Sept. 20, 1790; she d, Aug. 1. 1794. Children: Edward, b. May 26, 1724, Kowley; d. Jan. 10, 1736. Samuel, " Jan. 31, 1726, " " Nov. 25, 1736. Margaret, " Jan. 23. 1729, •' " Dec. 24, 173& Sarah, " Apr. 9, 1731. '• " Dec. 20, 1736. Benjamin, " Apr. 22, 1734, " " Jan. 6, 1736. Edward, ' May 2, 1738, Groton. Eunice, " Shirley; m. Jos. Farewell and Nathaniel Willard. Samuel, " May 24, 1740, " Elizabeth Little. EDWARD HAZEN,* b. Groton, May 2, 1738; m. 1st, Jan. 10, 1758, Sarah Willard of Lancas- ter, who d. ; m. 2d, Mrs. (Dodge) Bathrick of Lunenburg; res. Shirley until about 1769; removed to Swanzey, N. H. ; to Little Falls, N. Y., 1794, where he d. 1796. Children: Benjamin, b. Oct. 1. 1758, Shirley; m. Elizabeth Gates. Sarah, " Jan. 21, 1760, " d. Mar. 16, 1760. Edward, " Jan. 21, 1761, " m. Mary Haskell. Paul Willard, ' Feb. 21, 1763, " " Amy Harrington. Silas. " Jan. 13. 1765, William, " Feb. 7, 1767, " " Sally Bathrick. Samuel, " 1769, Swanzey. .Jesse, " " d. in early manhood. Nathaniel, " 1772. Mary. " Dec. 8, 1773, " m. Joseph Rugg. John, " Mar, 17. 1786. " " Polly Blodgett. Josiah. " Nov. 24. 1787, " '• Milly Fish. Betsey, " Mar. 1.5, 1791, " " Josiah Perry. SUEL, "Apr. 25, 1795, Deniston, Vt.; " Betsey Graves. BENJAMIN HAZEN,6 b. Shirley, Oct. 1, 1758; m. Jan. 23, 1783. Elizabeth Gates of Har- vard, Mass.; removed to Otter Creek, N. H., and later to Herkimer Co., N. Y.; physician; they were the parents of Edward Hazen,6 who m. Minerva C. Hamlin. * For Ford see notes 119 and 299. ■"I I 430 THE HAMLIN FAMILY i 1832-41 and later a merchant, E. Aurora: at the time of his death he res. there, and had a farm of 780 acres; a worthy man: Justice Peace: Methodist. He d. East Aurora, Dec. 12, 1880. .3767.* 3768.* 3769.* 3770.* 3771.* 3772. 3773. Ch. by 1st wife: Mary A., h. .July 8, 1831, W. StoclcbridRe, " Sept. 25, 1836, E. Aurora. " Aug. 1, 1838, " " Sept. 27, 1840, " " Sept. 26, 1843, " By 3d wife, b. E. Aurora: .loHN William, " May 26, 1873: d. June 11, 187.5. Susan Echlin, •' July 30, 1877, " Dec. 1, 1883. Frederick N., Charles Jabez, LuciNDA Eliza, John Wu.liam, u ii tf I 1 i j Hon. Edward Stoave Hamlin. [1362] Hon. EDWARD STOWE HAMLIiV,' (Bro. of Lorenzo F.,) b. Hillsdale, now Austerlitz, N. Y., July 6, 1808; m. 1st. Cleveland, Ohio, * Note 349. Hon. ERASTUS MILES was a merchant, and judression I've withstood, And, acting jointly with a noble band. Broke slavery's chains througliout this blessed land — How strange to feel your work on earth is done — No plans to make — ail battles lost or won. — An OCTOGENAKIASr. SEVENTH GENERATION. 433 Ch. by 1st wife: 3774. Miles C, b. July 1837, Elyiia; d. Aug. 3, 3775.* Emily Miles, " July 5, 1838, (( 3776.* Edward Claytox, " Aug. 21, 1840, u 8777.* LucRETiA Belle, Ch. by 2d wife: " Sept. 1, 1847, Cleveland. 3778.* Charles Jabez, b. Feb. 24, 1860, Covington. 3779.* Mary Louise, " May 21, 1863, u 3780.* Anna Laura, " Dec. 13, 1866, u 3781.* Norman Cuerry, '• Oct. 1, 1869, Austerlitz, N. Y 3782.* WiLLARD Wallace, " Oct. 3, 1870, 11 i( [136.3] BETSEY EMELINE HAMLIN,' (Sister of Lorenzo F.,) b. Hillsdale, now Austerlitz, N. Y., .Jan. 26, 1810; m. Elyria, Ohio, 1833, Ebenezer, son of John B. and Sarah McGinley, b. Philadelphia, Pa., 1809; me- chanic: Elyria; Methodists; after the death of lier husband she was a school teaclier. He d. Elyria, 1836; she d. suddenly, Sidney, Ohio, Jan. 18, 1844. Ch. b. Elyria: 3783.* Louisa, Jan. 25, 1834. .3784. Frederick E., Sept., 1835: d. Apr., 1840. 3785.* Charles, 1837. [1366] LUCINDA ESTHER HAMLIN,' (Sister of Lorenzo F.,) b. Alford, Mass.. Dec. 29, 1815; m. Elyria, Ohio, 1837, Hon. Edward Mar- shall, son of Charles Bartlett and Elsie (Marshall) Phelps,* b. Woodbury, Ct., Nov. 13, 1813. He received private instruction when a youth, studied Latin and Greek at a boys' school, Britain, Ct. ; graduated with honor from Kenyon College, Gambler, Ohio, 1833, delivering the Latin Salutatory. In his class were Edwin M. Stanton, afterwards Secretary of War; Judge David Davis, of Illinois, and Bishop Wilmer, of Louisiana. He soon began the study of law in Norwalk, Ohio, with Judge Lane, one of the Supreme Judges; at the same time teaching Latin, Greek and Natural Sciences in Norwalk Academy; ad- mitted to the bar in the Supreme Court of Ohio, 1835, and settled at St. Mary, Ohio, same year, and began married life there, August, 1837, amidst tlie hard- ships of a new country. He was the pioneer lawyer of Western Ohio, and his practice embraced many counties; the peculiar requirements and settling of diflicult questions gave liim advantage and prominence in equity courts, in which he became distinguished; he possessed a logical mind and impressive earnestness, which gave weight before court and jury; was a careful, labor- ious lawyer, and a strong advocate; was twice elected to the State Senate, where he was one of the active originators and champions of the free school system of Ohio; many of the wisest laws of the State were enacted during his term in the Senate; was three times elected Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and brought to the bench the training and discipline of nearly half a century of active mental labor amid the intellectual vigor of collision with able minds, and presided with dignity, manliness, equity and * Note 350. Hon. CHARLES BARTLETT PHELPS; m. Elsie, dau. of Rev. John B. Marsh- all, b. N. Y. City; he graduated at Kings, now Columbia College; was ordained 1771 by the Bishopof London, Eng.. as an Episcopal Clergyman, and assumed the pastorate of Woodbury, Ct., same year. Mr. Phelps served many years in the upper branch of the Conn. Assembly: and as associate judge of Lit;;hfleld County. 434 THE HAMLIN FAMILY I ability. For nearly 50 years he was foremost in his home in matters of educa- tion and public improvements, and brought there the energ-y, ambition and culture which were the legacy from his New England ancestors, and added the sturdy, independent qualities, tlie outgrowth and necessity of pioneer life. He continued in public life, except a few years at the close, he became a private citizen. He was urbane, courteous and cordial, retaining much of the old scliool of manners and thouglit; was hospitable and benevolent. She was educated at Hudson Academy, N. Y., and took a course in literature and painting in the Emma Willard Seminary, Troy, N. Y: was a teacher in TSoiwalk Academy, Ohio, a lady of intellectual culture. Methodists, of which church they were consistent communicants many years, and reared their children in that faith. He d. St. Mary, July 19, 1883. Ch. b. St. Mary: 3786.* Maky Lucinda, July 6, 1838. 3787.* Charles Hamlin, Mar. 31, 1842. 3788. Edwakd Marshall, May 31. 1844; 3789.* Susan Moseley, Sept. 29, 1845. 3790.* Frederick Elisha, Oct. 8, 1847. d. Sept, 29, 1849. Frederick Viugil IIa3ilin. [1.367J FREDERICK VIRGIL HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Lorenzo F.,) b. Hillsdale, N. Y., Dec. 1. 1817; m. Hartford, Ct., May 16. 1847, Katharine, dau. of Royal Ralph and Lydia (Ashley) Hinman,* b. Roxbury. Ct.; merchant and insurance broker; N. Y. City from the age of fifteen; Republican; member * Note 351. ROYAL E. HINMAN was Secretary of State of Conn, man's Puritan Settlers of Conn. and author of Hin- SEVEiNTH GENERATION. 435 of tirm of Hamlin, Sloan & Tifft, 48 Cedar street: Hamlin, Wheeler & Co., Hamlin, Green & Co., wholesale dry goods; she Presb. He d. N. Y. City, Sept. 8, 1893. Ch. b. N. Y. City: .3791. Frederick H., Oct. 19. 1848: d. Nov. 12, 1884, unm. 3792. Walter A., Dec. 18, 1852; " Sept. 28, 1887, unm. [1368] CICERO JABEZ HAMLIN.' (Bro. of Lorenzo F.,) b. Hillsdale. N. Y., Nov. 8, 1819: m. Sept. 27, 1842, Susan A., dau. of Isaac and Polly (Leland) Ford,* b. Jan. 10, 1821. He is an example of a successful, self- made, business man; to use his words, his inheritance "was sound health and a good digestion;" he went to East Aurora, N. Y., 1836, and three years later con- ducted a general store there: went to Buffalo, 1846 and engaged in the dry goods business, the tirm being Wattles and Hale, 252 Main St., which dissolved the following year, and Mr. Hamlin continued the business until 1852. In 1860 he became a member of the firm of Mendsen & Co., dealers in carpets and house furnishing goods: the tirm afterwards became Hamlin & Mendsen and continued until 1871. In 1874 he became President of the Buffalo Grape Sugar Co., merged Cicero Jabez Hamlin. in the American Glucose Co., which has since established branches in Peoria, Ills: Leavenworth, Kas.; Iowa City, Iowa, and Tippecanoe, Ohio. His sons, William and Harry were engaged in these enterprises, with principal office in Peoria, under the management of William Hamlin. He is proprietor of the * For Ford see notes 119 and 299. 436 THE HAMLIN FAMILY world renowned "Village Farm," at East Aurora, celebrated as the home of Membrino King, Almont, Jr., Belle Hamlin and hundreds of high bred horses. ' ■"■ "fiarry Hamlin is associated in the management of this business. In 1868 Mr. Hamlin became interested in the Buffalo Driving Park, and was President of the Association. Since 1848 he has dealt extensively in real estate, owned much valuable property, erected many buildings and made many improvements in Buffalo; he has been one of the largest employers of labor in the city: has been engaged in railroad business: is interested in the water power at Niagara Falls, and believes it destined to become one of the important industries of this country. From 1848 to 1887 his residence was Franklin St.; since 1896, Dele- ^ ware Ave. It is said the success of the Glucose business is attributed to the en- terprise, foresight, skill and nerve of C. J. Hamlin and sons. Until they em- >_■ barked in its manufacture, the entire supply of this country was obtained from France and Germany; the crude attempts at domestic production having pre- viously failed. He gave his sons an academic education, all of whom are described as tall, refined, handsome men, whom lie early associated with him- self in business. J Children: 3793. Anna Ford, b. July 1, 1843, Aurora 3794.* Frank, " Apr. 7, 1846, u 3795.* William, " Aug. 27, 1849, Buffalo 3796. Kate, " Feb. 28, 1854, a 3797.* Harry, " July 17, 1855, u d. Sept. 11, 1843. Mar. 27, 1857. ^ "j [1369] Dr. HIRAM FRANCIS HAMLIN,? {Amasa,« Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b.WashingtonCo., N.Y. (perhaps Middle Falls,) Dec. 8,1800; m. Mar. 14. 1824, Caroline Wilcox, b. Alford, Mass., June 10, 1799, sister to the wife of his uncle Frederick Hamlin: physician, resided at various places: Frank- lin, Kent, Norwalk and Wellington, Ohio: Salem, 111.: Nevada City, Cal.; re- turned to Salem, 111.; Whig and Republican; Methodist; member Sons of Tem- perance; she Presb. He d. Salem, Oct. 18, 1875; she d. Wellington, Dec. 4, 1861. Children: 3798. Amasa, b. May 7, 1825: d. July 26. 1826. 3799. Helen, " Feb. 22, 1828, " Feb. is; 1847. 3800.* Myrtilla Lorett, " Nov. 10, 1829. 3801. Caroline Nancy, " Nov. 5, 1831, " Feb. 15, 1847. 3802. Sarah Henderson, " Jun. 1, 1834, " Wellington, Dec. 24, '59 3803.* Juliette Angeline, " Apr. n, 1839, Kent. 3804.* Mary, " Mar. 2, 1842. [1370] RODERICK HAMLIN,? (Bro. of Hiram F.,) b. Alford, Mass., 1802; m. Franklin, Ohio, 1824, Eliza, dau, of Samuel North, b. Conn., Nov. 29, 1803; farmer; Tallmadge, Ohio, 1828; Franklin, Ohio, 1838; Salem, 111., 1840; Republican; Methodists. Both d. Salem; he May 28, 1864; she. May 3, 1883. Children: 3805.* Sarah C, b. 1826, Ohio. 3806.* Harriet, 1828, u 3807.* Frances, 1830, u 3808.* Amasa, 1833, (( 3809. Charles, 1836, " d. 1845. 3810. Mattie, 1839, " " 1867, unm 3811.* Byron S., '• Sept. 15, 1843, Salem. 3812.* Charles Milo, n Apr. 17, 1849, (( SEVENTH GENERATION. 437 [1371] BELINDA HULBERT,' (Esther Hamlin,« Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3James,2i)b. Alford, Mass., May 9, 1798: m. George De Peyster, of New York; she d. Franklin. Ohio. They had several children. Child: 3813. JA3IES A., lived in Morris, 111., 1879. [1372] HUBBARD CENTURY HULBERT,- (Bro. of Belinda,) b. Alford, Mass., Jan. 1, 1801: m. Franklin, Ohio, Mar., 1823, Sarah Bruce, dau. of John and Sarah (Bruce) Encell, b. Bristol, Eng., Jan. 7, 1806. In early life a merchant, later a farmer; Franklin, Shalerville, Edenburg, Ohio; Salem, 111., 1838-45; returned to Franklin, 1845; she Christian. He d. Franklin, Dec. 5, 1871; she died Oskaloosa, la., March, 1896. Children: 3814.* MoRTiMEK, b. Jan. 13, 1825, Franklin. 381.5. George Hubbard, " Aug. 11, 1826, " d.Salem,Ill.Jan.7, '40. 3816.* Laura Dorinda, " Sept. 2, 1828. " 3817.* JoHK Encell, " Nov. 4, 1830. " 3818.* Maria Belinda, " Nov. 7, 1833, Shalerville. 3819.* Sophia Bruce, " July 15, 1836, Edinburgh. 3820. Esther Ann, "Mar. 7, 1840, Salem, 111. 3821. Chas. Franklin, " Sept. 22, 1842, " " d. Sept. 24, 1899. 3822.* James Century, " Apr. 30, 1846, Franklin. [1374] DORCAS EMELINE HULBERT," (Sister of Belinda.) b. Alford, Mass., Oct. 7, 1810: m, Joseph Park. Children; 3823. Esther. 3824. Irene. 3825. Earl. [1376] JOHN RANDOLPH HAMLIN,' (Erastus,^ Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. West Stockbridge, Mass., June 6, 1805. He was in Elyria, Ohio, 1827, probably moved there with his father, but returned the same year to Alford, Mass., and rented from his uncle, Jabez Hamlin, a store room attached to his dwelling. He had a "love affair" with Miss Julia Culver, who married another, and he went west "broken hearted." He was a merchant in Chicago, 111., 184 — , 185 — ; later a banker in DeKalb, 111., and was living in Chicago, 1871; married. He d. Minn., Feb, 13, 1876. No issue. [1379] HARRIET S. HAMLIN,' (Sister of John R.,) b. West Stockbridge, Mass.; m. Williams, ^lie d. in Ohio many years ago. Children (4). 3826,* Carrie. [1384] MARY ANN HAML]N,7 (Sister of John R.,) b. Jan. 16, 1818; m. 1st, Bryan; m. 2d, Wilmarth. Shed. Rock- ford, Ills., May 29, 1892. No issue. 438 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [1385] CAIIOLINE HAMLIN,' (Sister of John R.j b. Elyria, Ohio, Feb. 16. 1822: ra. 1st, Jan, 6, 1846, Russell Green, who d. Oct. 6, 1846; m. 2d, Chicago, 111., Apr., 1853, William Judd, son of William Judd Mix, b. 1823: retired physician: Iowa Falls, Iowa; Republican; J^ree- niason: she Epis.; res. Byron, 111., divorced. Ch. by 2d mar., b. Daysville: .3827.* Judd Walter, Mar. 14, 1854. I [1386] EDWARD STOWE HAMLIN,' ( Bro. of .John R..} b. Elyria, Ohio, May 16, 1825: m. Sycamore, 111., Dec. 31, 18^, Elizabeth,' dau. of Michael and Hannah Huntington (Cleveland) Flynn, b. Royalton, Vt., June 26, 1831; merchant; Minneapolis, Minn., 1898; republican. Ch. b. De Kalb, 111: 3828. Florence, b. Oct. 7, 1855. 3829. Gertrude Ellen, •' Nov. 21, 1862. [1387] EVELINE HAMLIN,7 (Sister of John R.,) b. Elyria, Ohio; m. Hopkins. She d. July 27, 1889. Ch. (2 sons, 4 dau. living): 3830.* A Daughter. 3831. Mrs. Root. House of Frederick M. Hamlin — Wellington, Ohio. SEVENTH GENERATION. 439 [1389] FREDERICK MORTIMER HAMLIN,' (Frederick,* .Tabez,s Thomas,* Ebenezer,;* James.^i) b. Jan. 18,1810. prob. Alford, Mass.; m. Ver- million, Ohio, Dee. 29, 1836, Sophia Lenora, dau. of Horatio and Sally (Prentiss) Perry,* b. Vermillion, Dec. 3, 1816. half-sister of the wife of his brother Homer: removed with his parents to Wellington, Ohio, 1818; resided there, later at Elyria: mayor of Wellington; Treasurer of Loraine Co.; an active anti-slavery man; Cong, of which church he was deacon and many years clerk. Both d. Wellington: he Jan. 8, 1872; she May 28, 1872. Ch. b. Elyria: 3832.* Theodore Perry, b. May 3, 1838. 3833.* Marion Angeline, " July 15, 1840. 3834,* Arthur Horatio, "Jan. 31,1843. [1390] Rev. HOMER HAMLIN, ^ (Bro. of Frederick M.,) b. Alford, Mass., Aug. 15, 1813; m. Elyria, Ohio, Jan. 25, 1848, Amelia Jane, dau. of Horatio and Harriet S. Perry,* b. Vermillion, Ohio, Mar. 1, 1827; removed with his parents to Wellington, Ohio, 1818; engaged in wool growing; House of Rev. Homer Hamlin— Wellington, Ohio. Note. :ri3. HORATIO PERRY, h. Rutland, Vt. ; m, 1st, ^ally Prentiss; m. 2d, Harriet S- . He d. Wt'llington. Ohio. ti;;*?(l KKt years and 11 months. 440 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. removed to Iowa, 1854, with Hon. J. B. Grinnell, and was one of the founders of the city of Grinnell: minister there; an active abolitionist, and assisted fugi- tives from slavery, harboring them in some instances, on their way to liberty; she was a well educated lady. Both d. Grinijell: he, Sept. 22, 1868. "• Children: 3835.* Mherman's march to the sea; dis. June 8, 1865: farmer; Burns nine years; ifterwards Almond: N. Y.: she Presb. No issue. [1467] CHAUNCEY HULBERT," (Philander," Marcia Hamlin,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3James,2i) b. Alford, Mass., May 28, 1788; m. Elbridge, jN. Y., Nov. 2, 1820, Maria L. Frisbie. He studied law with his uncle, Hon. Fohn W. Hulbert, was admitted to the bar 1809: practiced law in Pittsfield, Mass.: removed to Elbridge, N. Y.: thence to north eastern Ohio, ten miles iouth of Painsville, where he d. Apr. 13, 1827. She m. Mr. Piatt of Hillsdale, 'Mich. Children: 4070.* Helen. 4071.* A Daughter, [1468] RICHARD ORSON HULBERT,' (Bro. of Chauncey,) b Alford, Mass., June 12, 1792; m. Sheffield, Mass., Apr. 22, 1819, Delia, lau. of Jeptha Curtis, b. Sheffield, Dec. 5, 1797. He studied law with his uncle, Hon. John W. Hulbert; was admitted to the bar 1815; res. Alford and practiced law in Sheffield, Mass., until the winter of 1821-2; removed to Elbridge, N. Y.; thence to Erie, Pa., 1825, where he was a merchant: justice of tlie peace. He 1. Erie, Dec, 5, 1851; she d. Mackinac Island, Mich., Nov. 25, 1855. Children: b. Apr. " Mar. 4072.* 4073.* 4074. 4075. 4076.* 4077. 4078.* 4079.* 40f«0.* Richard Philander, William Curtis, •John, Charles, Nancy Curtis, George, Francis Robbins, Allen Wright, Delia Catherine, 8, 1820, Sheffield. 24, 1822, Elbridge. June 24, 1824, U d. July 10, 1826 Sept. 18, 1827, Erie, " Apr. 30, 1831 Aug. 12, 1830, Feb. 5, 1833, " Mar. 21, 183;^ April 8, 1835, Feb. 11, 1838, Jan. 13, 1840, [1470] EGBERT NELSON HULBERT,' (Bro. of Chauncey,) i] b. Oxford, Mass., June 22, 1799; m. 1st, Elizabeth, dau. of Mazor Tyler, of Hillsdale, N. Y., who d. of consumption, Erie, Pa., about 1827; m. 2d. Harriet Carter, of Erie. He lived in Oxford until 21 years old, worked on his father's ifarm, and taught school four winters. He objected to the study of law or to be a clerk in his father's store: and removed from Erie, to Buffalo, N. Y., 1847. In 1849 he went via the Isthmus to California: where he remained until 1852. In 1856 he went to Dayton, Ohio; then to Fort Dodge, Iowa; thence back to Day- 462 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. ton; and to Erie, Pa., where he afterwards lived. He d. Erie, Nov. 2, 1873; she d. 1872. Ch. b. first wife: 4081.* Henry William. 4082.* Jamjes Edivin. 4083.* Egbert Darwin. 4084. A Daughter; By second wife: d. infancy. 4085. A Daughter; d. aged 2 yrs. 4086.* Elizabeth Tyler. 4087. A Daughter; ;-( infancy. 4088.* Anka Charlotte, [1472] CAROLINE HULBERT,^ (John W.,^ Marcia Hamlin,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,^!) m. Rev. Francis H. Cuming; Epis. clergyman. He d. Aug. 26, 1862. Children: 4089.* Caroline H., b. Dec. 31, 1822, Rochester, N. Y. 4090.* Thomas B., " " 24, 1827, " " 2 other children d. young. [1473] JOHN PHILIP HULBERT,^ (Bro. of Caroline,) He graduated from Hamilton College, N. Y., 1823; lawyer, Syracuse, N. Y., 1862; County Judge, Auburn, N. Y. [1476]. SARAH HULBERT,^ (Sister of Caroline,) m. Hon. Thomas Y. How, Jr.; lawyer; Member of Congress, She survived him and res. near Auburn, N. Y, Several children. [1477] CHARLES J. HULBERT,7 (Bro. of Caroline,) Lawyer; was in company several years with John H. Casey, Esq., Os- wego, N. Y., in the practice of law. He suffered from ill health and returned to Auburn, N. Y., his former home. Unmarried. [1478] HENRY HUL BERT/ (Bro. of Caroline,) : m. twice; res. in Cal., 1862. ! Several children. [1479] Lieut. WILLIAM HULBERT,^ ( Bro. of Caroline,) Cadet, West Point, 183.3; app. 2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Inf., July 1, 1838; killed in a fight with the Seminole Indians on a scout at 14 Mile Creek, Fla., May 2, 1839. Unmarried. [1480] EDWARD HULBERT/ (Bro. of Caroline,) Killed on the Louisiana, which was blown up at New Orleans, Nov. 17, 1849. [1482] ISAAC HENRY SCOTT HULBERT/ ( Junius," Marcia Hamlin," Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) m. Almira Plumb; merchant; settled at Hul- berton, Orleans Co., N. Y.; Justice of the Peace; Trustee of the Metliodist Church; Postmaster. He is dead. One of the same name d. in Andersonville prison, Sept. 17, 1865. SEVENTH GENERATION. 463 Children: 4091.* Abner Davis. 4092. Caroline; dead. 4093.* Robert Graham. 4094. josephus. 4095. Georgiana. 4096. Emma. 4097. Clara Belle. 4098. John Wesley. [1493] FREDERICK RANDOLPH HULBERT,' (Peyton R.,6 Marcia Hamlin, 5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Vernon, N. Y., Mar. 9, 1805; m. "New York, May 30, 1827, Catherine Rapelyea Tice, b. Middletown Point, N. .1., Jan. 7, 1804. He was weigher, inspector and clerk in the Revenue Service; alder- man 5th ward, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Congressional Reporter: Newspapercontributor and writer of poetry and prose. He d. Apr. 29, 1857, from an injury previously received in a railroad accident. Children: 4099. Charles Frederick, b. May 5, 1828, Jersey City; d. May 8, 1833 4100. Richard Theodore, K July 3, 1830, U U (1 May 3, 1833 4101. Caroline Amelia, Nov. 1, 1833, Spottswood, 4102. Charles Frederick, Apr. 26, 1836, Brooklyn. 4103. John Whitfield, Nov, 27, 1838, u 4104. Geraldine, Dec. 21, 1840, li 4105. Henry A . Wise, Jan. 9, 1843, u 4106. Ida Louisa, Nov. 26, 1844, Tappantown. 4107, Mary Julia, Mar. 27, 1847. (< [1494] ERASMUS DARWIN HULBERT," (Bro. of Frederick R.,) b. near Syracuse, N. Y., Jan. 16, 1807; m. Sept., 1831 or 1841, Jane Post, of Patterson, N. J. He d. Oquawka, 111., Feb. 4, 1847, Child: 4108. Victor Darwin, b. about 1843, [1495] Dr. JUNIUS JOHN HULBERT,^ (Bro. of Frederick R.,) b. Onon, West Hill, N, Y., Jan. 22, 1809; m, 1st, May 17, 1838, Phebe Rem- sen, b. Mar. 18, 1818, who d. Oct., 1831; m. 2d, April 18, 1842, Maria Ann, dau. of Francis and Maria Bath, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept, 17, 1825. In early life he was a school teacher, in Bedford, L. I., and other places. He graduated from the University of N. Y., 1840; commenced the practice of medicine the same year in Brooklyn. In 1843 he removed to Rosetta, 111, where he afterwards resided. Children: 4109. A Child, b. Apr. 18, 1839: d. Julv 30, 1839. 4110. Helen Maria, *' May 9, 1842, Brooklyn. [July 15, '44. 4111. Francis B., " July 12, 1843, Henderson Co., 111.: d. 4112. Richard Randolph, " Oct. 31, 1844, 4113. Sarah Jane, " Dec. 28, 1846, 4114. Charles Edward, *' Nov. 28, 1849, 5115. Caroline Amelia, " Sept. 12, 1850, 4116. Junius John, '' Dec, 10, 1852, " d. May 17, 1853. 4117. Frances Josephine, " Mar. 2, 1854, " 4118. William Henry, " May 19, 1856, *' d. Mar. 22, 185-. 4119. Victor Raymond, " May 24, 1857, " d. Jun. 12, 1857. 4120. Albert Sidney, *' Apr. 14, 1859, 4121. Lucy Eveline, ^' May 23, 1861, (< <( 4122.* Catherine Bevier, 4123. Maky Louise, 4124. Samuel B., 4125.* Mary Louise, 4126.* Stephen L., 464 , THE HAMLIN FAMILY. 1 [1497] Rev. VICTOR MOREAU HULBERT," D. D., (Bro. of Frederick R.) b, Nassau, N. Y., Mar. 22, 1813: m. New Platz, N. Y., May 24, 1843, , Jane Ann, dau. of Stephen, Jr., and Catherine (Bevier) Stillwell, b. New Platz, { Apr. 12, 1822. He studied at Erasmus Hall and Flatbush, N. Y., and grad, ! from Theological Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Dutch church, New [ Brunswick, N. J., 1842. He received the degree of D. D. from Rutger College, 1862; White Plains, 1867; Stone Ridge, 1874; afterwards, Battle Creek, Mich. Children: b. May 25, 1844, Greensburgh. " Apr. 5, 1845, Younkers; Jan. 15. 1846. " Mar. 10, 1847, " Oct. 9, 1851, Saugerties. " Dec. 8, 1853, Yonkers. [1499] LUCY ANN HULBERT,- (Sister of Frederick R.,) b. Nashua, N. Y., Apr. 20, 1820; m. Apr. 12, 1841, Isaiah Morgan, of Selma, Ala. She d. June 15, 1854. Children: 4127. William Forbes. 4128. Edward Isaiah. 4129. Lucy Ann. [1500] HELEN M. HULBERT,^ (Sister of Frederick R.,) b. Alford, Mass., 1825; m. 1852, Rev. B. M. Genung; Methodist Clergyman; she resided White Plains, N. Y., 1887, Children, 4130. Lucy. 4131. Charles. 4132. Alice. 4133. Merwin. [1505] WARREN FORD,^ (Jesse,« Ruth Hamlin,^ Tliomas,* Ebenezer,^: James,2i) b. Red Rock, N. Y., Jun. 25, 1793; m. 1st, Abigail Pixley, b. Aug. 2, 1801, who d. Canaan, July 19, 1832; m. 2d, Petersburgh, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1833, Sardinia Worthington, b. Petersburgh, Oct. 1, 1799. Both d. Canaan; he Dec. 14, 1861; she Apr. 14, 1883. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Canaan: 4134.* LuciNDA, July 22, 1822. 4135.* William Alexander, Oct. 3, 1824. 4136.* Edward Warren, Apr. 22, 1826. 4137.* Mary Ann, Apr. 13, 1828. By 2d wife, b. Canaan: 4138.* Abigail Ross, Aug. 26, 1834. 4139.* Rowland Thomas, Apr. 22, 1838. [1506] JESSE FORD,^ (Bro. of Warren,) b. Red Rock, N. Y., May 13, 1795; m. Salisbury, Ct., Jan. 16, 1823, Electa, dau. of Silas and Mary (Warner) Everts, of Salisbury, b. Sept. 15, 1801; soldier 1812 war, in Capt. A. F. Hayden's Co., in Col. Van Ransselaer's N. Y. Regt., from Sept. 12, to Nov. 13, 1814. Their children Esther and Frances reside on the old family homestead at Chatham, N. Y. Both d. Chatham; he Feb. 25, 1878; she Mar, 27, 1852. SEVENTH GENERATION. 4()5 Children: 4140. Mary Everts, 4141. Horace W., 4142. Esther, 4143.* Sarah Ann, 4144.* Silas Jesse, 4145. Elizabeth, 4146. Francis Asbury, b. Oct. 14, 1823, Canaan; d. unm. Aufj:.23,'91 " Sept. 15, 1825, " " " Apr. 23, '48 " Dee. 16, 1827, " unm. 1899. " Oct. 31, 1831, " Apr. 15, 1834. " July 6, 1837, Chatham; d. Aug. 8, 1842 " June 19, 1842, " unm. 1899. [1508] POLLY FORD,' (Sister of Warren,) b. Red Rock, N.Y., Oct. 18, 1797; m. Austerlitz, N. Y., Dec. 29, 1823, Frank- lin, son of Thomas and (Beebe) Smith, b. Canaan, Dec. 2, 1797; farmer; res. 11 miles from East Chatham village, on the farm now occupied by their grand- son, Smith Franklin Phillips: Democrat until 1856, afterwards Republican. Both d. East Chatham; she, Nov. 22, 1858; he. Mar. 11, 1875. Ch. b. Canaan: 4147. Almira, Feb. 18, 1826; d. Dec. 2, 1827. 4148.* Marieta S., Sept. 19, 1828. 4149. Cyrus Franklin, Oct. 25, 1831; d. unm. May 14, 1881. [1509] JOHN ALLEN FORD,' (Bio. of Warren,) b. Austerlitz, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1801; m. 1st, Lexington, N. Y., 1825, Chris- iana, dau. of Hezekiah and Naomi (Ford) Petti t, b. Lexington, Apr. 1, 1806, who d. Kingston, N. Y., Mar. 29, 1842; m. 2d, Lexington, Mary Pettit, sister of first wife, b. Lexington, Apr. 4, 1813, who d. Hudson, N. Y., 1897; carpenter; Lexington; removed to Kingston about 1838, then to East Chatham: Democrat; Baptist. He d. East Chatham, June 25, 1884. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Lexington: Elizabeth Louisa, Feb. 5, 1826. Silas Pettit, Nov. 13, 1827. Calvin F., June 17, 1829. By 2d wife, 4153. George W., b. May, 1847; d. Jan. 3, 1866, Montreal. 4150.* 4151.* 4152.* [1510] WELTHIA FORD,' (Sister of Warren,) b. Austerlitz, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1802; m. there, Nov. 19, 1823, Addison, son of Ezra and Anna (Beebe) Park,* b. Canaan, Mar. 28, 1801; farmer, merchant, car ibuilder and carpenter; res. Canaan until 1840; Troy until 1864; afterwards Mer- * NoTE;i58. ROBERT PARKE.i b. England ; came from Preston, Eng., 1630, settled at (Roxbury. Mass.; was of Wethersfield. Ct., 1(«9; freeman. 1640; removed to Pequot Plantation, inow New London, 1649, where his barn on what is now corner of Hempste'ad and Granite Streets was the first place of public worship there; Representative, I641-2, '52; selectman, 16.51. He d. New London, 1665. Children: WlLLLIAM. RiCHABD. Thomas. Samuel. Ann; m. Edward Payson of Roxbury. THOMAS PARKE,2 b. England, come with his father to America; m. Dorothy Thompson ; was of Wethersfield, Ct., 1618; removed to Stonington, then to New London, 1649; Preston, 16»6; ' first deacon of the church there, 1698. He d. .July :«), 1709. 466 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. iden, Ct.; Whig, Abolitionist and Republican; Methodists. Buried in the ol Parlve family graveyard, on the old homestead at Canaan: she d. Troy, N. Y April 17, 1892. He d. Meriden, Aug. 29, 1882. Children: b. May 11, 1825, Canaan. 4154.* 4155.* 4156.* 4157.* Austin Ford, Sidney Wesley, Alt ANA Welthia, Mary Josephine, " Jan. 29, 1827, " Oct. 8, 1832, " Mar. 13, 1840, New Lebanon. Children: Martha, Thomas, Robert. Nathaniel. Dorothy, Alice, .John. b, 1646; m. Isaac Wheeler of Stonington, Ct. m. Joseph Morgan. " Greenfield Larrabee. NATHANIEL PARKE.s m. Sarah, eldest dau. of George Geer. He was of Norwich, Ct, 1680; Land was granted to him by the town of Groton, Ct., where he lived, and d. about 1718. Children: Nathaniel. EZEKIEL. Joseph, John. Isaac. Jacob. Phebe; Margaret, b. 1687. Thomas Beman. •Jabez Spicer. JOSEPH PARKE,* b, 1687; m. Mary Smith. He appears in Groton, Ct., 1721; Middletown. 1724, when he deeded his share in his father's estate; he sold his farm in Sharon, Ct., 1746, and removed to Duchess Co., N. Y.. where he died. A son of Joseph Parke, perhaps James, and his son were killed by Tories near Danbury, Ct., during the Revolution. The records of Middle town, Ct., give the record of his family. Children : Sarah. Joseph. Mary. Elizabeth. Daniel. Smith, b. 1722. . And perhaps James, b. .Ian. 24, 1724. SMITH PARKE,5b. 1722; m. Mary Davis; was of Sharon, Ct., 1743; removed to Canaan. N. Y., 1780. Both d. there; he Feb. 12, 1807; she Feb. 15. 1826, aged 97 years, 1 mo. 15 days. Children; Mary, m. Mr. Dunham. Smith, " and removed to Green Co., N. Y. Eunice, " Mr. Wattles. .Iohn, " Rhoda Roe. Joseph, " and lived at Duanesburgh, N. Y. Ezra, b. Jan. 8, 1759, Sharon; m. Anna Beebe. Jonathan, m. Huldah Culver and Lydia Andress. David, " Sally Woodworth. Lucy, " William Clark. Reuben, " Elizabeth Ford. EZRA PARKE,6b. Sharon, Ct., Jan. 8, 1759; m. May 30, 17S2, Mrs. Anna Hurd, dau. of Martin and Dorcas (Judson) Beebe, b, .Ian. 22, 1762; private in Capt. Shepard's Co., Conn.; en- listed from Sharon, Ct., Aug. 1, 1777, for three years, Corp. of Artificers; also Corp. in Capt. John Davis' 5th Co., in Col. William B. Whiting's 17th (Albany Co.,) N. Y., Regt., (King's Dist.) in SEVENTH GENERATION. 467 [loll] ALMANZA rORD,7 (Bro. of Warren,) b. Austerlitz, N. Y., Apr. 19, 1805; m. Lebanon, N. Y., Susannah, dau. of avid and Susannah (Starks) Ford, b. Red Rock, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1815: carpen- ter; Red Rock; Republican. Both d. Red Rock; he, Dec. 21, 1875; she, Aug. 26, 1881. Ch. b. Red Rock: 4158. A Daughter. d. in infancy. 4159. A Son, " " early manhood. 4160.* Fred Austin, b. Oct. 14, 1842. [1512] ALTANA VALENTINE FORD,' (Sister of Warren, ) b. Austerhtz, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1807; m. Chatham, N. Y., May 7, 1848, Cyprian Powell, b. Aug. 1, 1816. Both d. Austerlitz; she, Feb. 16, 1874; he, Apr. 16. 1892. Children: 4161. John Cyprian, b. July 4, 1850; d. Sept. 27, 1851. 41H2.* Louisa Altana, " Mar. 2, 1852, Red Rock. [1513] CYRUS LEE FORD,' (Bro. of Warren,) b. Austerlitz, N. Y., June 23, 1809; ra. Sarah White, b. Dec. 27, 1832. Both id. Chatham, N. Y.; he, Jan. 22, 1867; she, Sept. ;^0, 1892. Children: 4l();5. Arthur, b. Nov. 2, 1854. 4164. Newton, " Jan. 25, 1860. [1526] ABNER FORD,^ (Jonathan,« Ruth Hamlin,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ .Tames.2i) b. Dec. 26, 1789; m. Catherine Flint,* b. Jan. 18, 1790. He d. Aug. 24, 1860: she d. Jan. 5, 1856. Children; 4165. Valorous D., b. Dec. 27, 1809. 4166. John Henry, " Sept. 24, 1811. 4167.* CoRYDON L., " Aug. 29, 1813, Lexington. 4168. Hiram Franklin, " Sept. 20, 1816; d. Mar. 20, 1842. 4169. Levi Johnson, " Nov. 1, 1820, " Oct. 30, 1866. Rev. war. Their old homestead at Red Rock, Canaan, N. Y., is occupied by their Kranf^son. Joseph D. Parke. Both d. Red Rock; he Aug. 31, 1827; she Mar. 19, 1842. Children: Sally, b. Feb. 10, 17«;i; m. .Jesse Battcrshall. Rhoda, " July 29, 1784; d. July 16, 1788. Martin, " Mar. 6, 178(J; " Au^'. 29, 1789. Polly, " Jan. 24, 1788; m. Wm, Goodrich, Jr. JUDSON, " Oct. 9, 1789; " Sally Benjamin. Martin, " May 24, 17i)2; • Olive Morton and Mrs. Elizabeth Northrop. Anna, " Mar. 29,1794; d. Mar, 10, 1877, unni. Ezra, " Feb. 19, 1797; ra. Sally Maria Barrett. Betsey, " Mar. 23, 1799; d. Nor. 25, 1872, unm. Addison, " Mar. 27, 1801 ; ra. Welthia Ford. Tryphena. " Feb. 2. 1804: d. .Ian. 13, 1892. unm. Rhoda, - Nov, 9. 180.5; " Jan. 2, 1807. Joseph Doty, " July 25,1808; '• Apr. .5, 1809. * For Flint see note 300. 468 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [1527] ELIAB W. FORD," (Bro. of Abner,) b. Oct. 9, 1791; m. Fanny Davis, b. Aug. 30, 1789. He d. June 7, 1865. Children; 4170. Prudknce, b. Feb. 27, 1811. 4171. William Harrison, " Aug. 28, 1813; d. Apr. 21, 1844 4172. Hannah, " Oct. 8, 1815. 4173. Rachael, " Apr. 8, 1818. 4174. Charlotte Ann, " Feb. 2, 1821. 4175. Oscar Fitzalan, " Jan. 22, 1823. 4176. Olivia Penrose, " Feb. 23, 1826. 4177. Rensselaer Davis, " May 19, 1830. 4178. Ambrose Spencer, " Jan. 19, 1836. [1528] JONATHAN H. FORD,' (Bro. of Abner,) b. Mar, 4, 1794; m. Polly Jessup. He d. Jan. 11, 1878. Children: 4179. Nancy Maria, b. Dec. 28, 1818. 4180. Cornelia L., " Apr. 28, 1821. 4181. Emer Jane, " Oct. 11, 1823; d. Aug. 8, 1851. 4182. Delevan, " Dec. 26, 1825. [1529] PRUDENCE FORD,7 (Sister of Abner,) b. Lexington, N. Y., Mar. 7, 1796: m. there, 1812, William Van Hoosen, b. Athens, Green Co., N. Y. He. d. New Milford, Pa., May 21, 1863. Children: d. Jan., 1865. " Mar., 1845. 4183. Martin F., b. Dec. 29, 1814. 4184. Francisco, " Mar. 14, 1816. 4185. Annis Eliza, " May 4, 1819. 4186. Charlotte Antoinett, " Oct. 25, 1821: 4187. Polly Amanda, " Mar. 3, 1823. 4188. William, " July 23, 1825; 4189. Orilla Ann, " Feb. 22, 1828. 4190. Harriet Jane, " .Sept 3, 18.30. 4191. Prudence Maria, " Mar. 31, 1832. 4192. Ambrosia Salome, " Aug. 8, 1834. 4193. LOVINE, " Oct. 8, 1837. [1530] HIRAM D. FORD,^ (Bro. of Abner,) b. Lexington, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1798; m. 1st, Sally Amanda,^ dau of David and Susannah (Starks) Ford, b. Canaan, N. Y., May 27, 1806, who d. April 15, 1847; m. 2d, Mrs. Sally Tallman: m. 3d, Mrs Adaline, widow of Seth O. Morehouse, nee Ford: res. Chatham, N. Y.: Justice of the Peace. He d. Feb. 3, 1872. Children: 4194.* Lorenzo Burtt, b. July 18, 1827. 4195.* Chester Starks, " Sept. 16, 1829. 4196. Matilda H., " Mar. 21, 1834: d. Apr. 29, 1842. 4197.* Hiram Milton, " June n, 1837. SEVENTH GENERATION. 469 [1531] MARTIN H. FORD/ (Bro. of Abner.) b. July 21, 1800; m. Laura M.. dau. of Jesse and Sally ( Park) Battershall, b. panaau, N. Y., July 20, 1802; res. many years in Mlcb., where both d.; he Aug. ^1, 1867. Children; 4198. Christiana, b. Apr. 6, 1824; m. Richards 4199. Jonathan Park, " Dec. 6, 1825; res. Handford, Cal. 4200. Annis M., " July 27, 1828. 4201. Martin M., " May 23, 1832; d. 1853. 4202. Mart E., " Apr. 23, 1835. 4203. Charles A., *' July 11, 1838. 4204. Edwin A., " June 4, 1841. Children: 4205. A 31 AND A MALVINA, 4206. Horace Crooker, 4207. Silas Devol, 4208. Edwin Sandys, 4209.* Sarah Jane, [1532] ANNIS FORD,7 (Sister of Abner,) b. July 12, 1802; m. Dec. 25, 1820, Rev. Isaac S. Gifford;* Baptist clergyman; iUhe d. Port Chester, N. Y. b. June 17, 1822; m. Ludham, " Aug. 3, 1824; res. Berlin, N. Y. *' Dec. 81, 1826; d. Dec. 1896-7. " Mar. 29, 1831; res. Long Ridge, N. J. " Mar. 3, 1834. [1533] HARRIET E. FORD,' (Sister of Abner,) b. May 3, 1804: m. George Washington Johnson, b. Canaan, N. Y., Apr. 15, !l803. He d. Peoria, 111., May 5, 1852. Children; 4210. Cornelia E., Sept. 18, 1828. 4211. LuMAN Ford, Nov. 27, 1830. I 4212. Rachael Sophia, Apr. 20, 1836. I [1534] ALEXANDER FORD,' (Bro. of Abner,) b. Mar. 21, 1806; m. Restean Bowerman,t b. Oct. 22, 1808. He d. Nov. 18, 1866. Children: 4213. George Washington, b. Jan. 26, 1830: d. Oct. 10, 1855. 4214. Mary Jane, "Oct; 22, 1833, " May 7,1838. 4215. LuciNDA E., " Jan. 1, 1837. 4216. Ransom Townsend, " Mar. 12, 1839. 4217. Charles Alexander, " June 29, 1841. 4218. Mercelia Albertine, "Dec. 12, 1847; d. Jan. 9, 1850. [1535] EDWIN JONATHAN FORD," ( Bro. or Abner,) b. Green Co., N. Y., Apr. 27, 1808; m. 1st, 1833, Julia Ann Gott, b. Mar. 12, 1812, who d. May 6, 1870: m. 2d, Mrs. Mary Ann, widow of Alphonzo Ford, nee Dean; res. Austerlitz, N. Y. Child: 4219. LoviNE H., b. Aug. 30, 1844; d. Feb. 28, 1869. * For Gifford see note 93. + For Bowerman see note 327. 470 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [1536] LOVINE GIBBS FORD,' (Sister of AbnerJ b. Mar. 24, 1810; m. Lucinda Darling, b. Oct. 1, 1816. Children: 4220. Chakles Edwin, b. Jan. 25, 1838; d. Oct. 16, 1839. 4221. Seth Lealano,' " Nov. 16, 1840. 4222. Byron Lovine, " Jan. 9, 1842. 4223. Mary Ellen, " June 1, 1845. 4224. James Smith, " Dec. 3, 1848. 4225. Harriet Jane, " Mar. 6, 1852. 4226. Frank, " Dec. 3, 1855; d. Feb. 19, 1857. 1537] ALONZO GALE FORD," (Bro. of Abner.) b. Feb. 11, 1814; m. Mary E. Darling, b. July 8, 1820. He d. Sept. 24, 1878. Children: 4227. Ellen Maria, b. Apr. 29, 1844; d. May 10, 1844. 4228. Jonathan D., " Feb. 18, 1848, " " 17, 1848. [1542] RANSOM FORD," (Eliab,^ Ruth Hamlin,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,» James,3i) b. Oxford, June 24, 1803; m. Guilford, N. Y., Axsena, dau. of Ruel and Loranie (Crawford; Ford, b. Windham, Aug. 28, 1807; Guilford, and Canaan, N. Y. Both d. Canaan; he Sept. 26, 1838; she Feb. 11, 1890. Children: 4229.* William Oscar, b. Dec. 21, 1827, Guilford. 4230.* Mary Ann, " Oct. 18, 1831, Canaan. [1547] SUSANNA STARKS,^ (Ruth Ford," Ruth Hamlin,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Red Rock, N. Y., Jan, 28, 1795; m. Zenas, son of Daniel and Rebecca (Holdridge) Burrows, b. Austerlitz, N. Y., April, 1793; shoemaker and farmer; Austerlitz and Red Rock; Republican; private 1812 war; Christians. Both d. Red Rock; she. Mar. 28, 1863; he, July 30, 1864. Ch. b. Red Rock: 4231. Miranda, Sept. 12, 1815; m. Ruel Ford.' 4232. Fidelia, Oct. 15, 1818; d. unm., Oct. 17, 1840. 4233. Sally Ann, Mar. 20, 1821, " " Aug. 30, 1871. 4234. Ralph, Jun. 30, 1825, Dec. 30, 1828. 4235. Wm. McKbndrie, May 7, 1827. 4236. Talcott R., Jun. 5, 1830. 4237. Charles M., July 7, 1835. [1548] TALCOTT GIBBS STARKS,' (Bro. of Susanna,) b. Red Rock, N. Y., Apr. 25, 1797; m. 1st, Canaan, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1818, Phebe, dau. of William and Phebe (Johns) Goodrich,* b. July 13, 1796, who d. Red Rock, Mar. 21, 1834; m. 2d, Mar. 1836, Martha Thompson; shoe dealer; Red Rock, Troy, and Chatham, N. Y.; Democrat. He was killed by cars, Richmond, Mass., July 5, 1852. * For Goodrich see note 217. SEVENTH GENERATION. 471 Children: 4238.* Lucy M., b. Feb. 23, 1820. 4239. Solomon Johns, '• July 6, 1823: d. Dec. 29, 1828 4240.* Laura Ann, " June 3, 1825, Red Rock. 4241.* Joseph Badger. " Mar. 10, 1827. 4242*. Frances J., " Dec. 23, 1829. Red Rock. 4243.* Ralph J., " Mar. 29, 1832, a n 4244.* Phebe a., " Mar. 11, 1834. i( (1 [1549] ALANSON FORD STARKS," (Bro. of Susanna,) b. Red Rock, N. Y., May 1, 1800; m. Rhoda Doty.* He d. Troy, N. Y., May 15, 184(1. No issue. [1550] RALPH J. STARKS,' (Bro. of Susanna.) b. Red Rock, N. Y., June 22, 1803; m. Elizabeth B. Davis; she res. Troy, N. Y. He d. Troy. Sept. 22, 1890. Cliildren: 4245. Henry A.; Methodist clergyman. 4246. Edson. Two daughters dead, [1551] PRUDENCE STARKS,^ (Sister of Susanna,) b. Red Rock, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1807; m. Calvin Beebe. She d. Canaan, July 27, 1889. Children: 4247. A, G- (a son), res. Canaan Four Corners, N. Y. 4248. Amos. 4249. DwiGHT. 4250. Alanson. 4251.* A Daughter, [155.3] AMOS H. STARKS,' (Bro. of Susanna,) b. Red Rock, N. Y. Sept. 30, 1814: m. 1st, Anastasia Billings, b. Columbia Co., N. Y., 1829. She was President Chautauqua Society. She d. Detroit, Mich., 1883; m. 2d. Elvira, dau. of Harry and (Thompson) Reed, b. Co- lumbia Co., N. Y., 1844; both wives Methodists; retired merchant; Red Rock until 1844; since Chatham: Republican. Ch. b. 1st wife, b. Chatham: 4252.* Leora a., 1852. By 2d wife, b. Chatham: 4253. John A., 1861; d. 1883, unm. 4254. Irving H., 1863, unm. 1899. 4255.* WiLLARD R., Nov, 8, 1865. 4256. Ada M., 1867, " 1899. [1554] ALPHONZO FORD,' (Alanson,« Ruth Hamlin,^ Thomas.* Eben- ezer,3 James,2i) b. Dec 3, 1803: m. 1st, Jane Clark; m. 2d, Mary Ann Dean, b. Oct. 21, 1813; she survived him and m. Edwin J. Ford;^ and res. Austerlitz, N. Y. He d. 1863. * For Doty see note 230, 412. THE HAMLIN FAMILY, Ch. by 1st wife ; 4257.* Alanson G., By 2d wife, b. Feb. 1, 1828, 4258. Harriet J., a Feb. 19, 1835 4259. Betsey A., (t Dec. 5, 1836 4260. Sally Ette, (-( Nov. 19, 1846, [1555] CLARINDA FOK]),7 (Sister of Alphonzo,) b. June 10, 1806; m. George W. Adsit, b. Nov. 6, 1806. Cliildren: 4261., LuciNDA M., b. May 1,1834. 4262. Mary J., " Mar. 30, 1840. 4263. Martin J., " Aug. 9, 1841. 4264. KOSETTA H., " Feb. 28, 1843. [1556] LORENZO DOW FORD,7 (David.e Ruth Hamlin,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i)b. Canaan, N. Y,, Oct. 14, 1803; m. there, July 3, 1827, Anna, dau. of John and Betsey Jane (Cady) Wilcox, b. Canaan, Oct. 10, 1807; car- penter, and school teacher; Canaan, except a few years at Gilman, Ills.: Repub- lican; she Christian. He d. Chatham, N. Y., July 22, 1887; she d. Oilman, Ills., May 31, 1881. Ch, b. Canaan: 4265.* Franklik Smith, b. June 6, 1828. 4266.* Cordelia A., " Nov. 7, 1829. 4267.* Sidney Wilcox, " Jan. 13, 1832. 4268.* Adaline Morehouse. " Nov. 21, 1833. 4269.* Antoinette A., " June 8, 1836. [1557] ADALINE FORD,^ (Sister of Lorenzo D.,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Jan. 23, 1805; m. Seth O., son of Jared Morehouse, b. Conn., June 8, 1800; farmer; Canaan; Republican: she Christian. Slie d. Spring- field, Mass., Aug. 12, 1864; he d. Apr. 25, 1852. Ch. b. Red Rock: 4270.* Mortimer, June 13, 1828. [1559] GERALDINE FORD,' (Sister of Lorenzo D.,/ b. Canaan, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1807; ra. Dec. 9, 1828, Albert, son of John and Betsey Jane (Cady) Wilcox, b. Red Rock, N. Y., Jan. 14, 1805; farmer; Canaan; Republican; Christians. Botli d. Canaan; she, Sept. 28. 1847; he, Sept. 28, 1893. Ch. b. Red Rock: 4271.* David, Mar. 27, 1830. 4272.* Susan, Aug. 19, 1832. 4273. John, May 11, 1847; d. June 2, 1865. [1560] JOSEPH CROOKER FORD,' (Bro. of Lorenzo D.,} b. Canaan, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1809; m. New Britain, Ct., Jan. 13, 1839, Debo- rah, dau. of Israel and Ruth (Reynolds) Fowler, b. Duchess Co., N. Y., Mar. 2, 1818; farmer; Canaan; Republican; Christians. He d. Canaan, Mar. 19, 1878. SEVENTH GENERATION. 473 Ch. b. Canaan: 4274.* Ellis J., June 18, 1843 4275.* Helen, Dec. 14, 1846 4276.* Irving, Apr. 28, 1858 [1561] DAVID FORD,- (Bro. of Lorenzo D.,) I b. Canaan, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1811; m. 1st, there, 1831, Louisa Benjamin,* b. banaan, Dec. 6, 1808, who d. Canaan, Feb. 19, 1832: m. 2d, Canaan, Dec. 17, 1834, ;.Iane E. Battershall, b. Canaan, Apr. 13, 1813, whod. Chicago, 111., Jan. 12, 1866; 'carriage mfg.; Canaan, N. Y., until 1850: Rochester, N. Y., until 1853; Toronto, Ontario, until 1863: Chicago, Ills., until 1870: Rockford, 111., until 1872, and Mil- waukee, Wis., until 1884: since, Rockford, 111., Republican. Ch. by 1st wife b. Canaan: 4277.* George H., Feb. 18, 1832. By 2d wife, b. Canaan: Angeline B., Dec. 12, 18.36. Eugene, Aug. 18, 1841. 4278.* 4279.* [1564] RUTH BURROWS,' (Prudence Ford,6 Ruth Hamlin,^ Thomas,* iEbenezer,3 James,2i) b. Austerlitz, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1813; m. Benjamin, son of John and Charity (Snyner) Freese, b. Apr. 15, 1817 Nov. 3, 1887; he d. Oct. 20, 1887. Ch. b. Red Rock: Delavan, Caroline, Leonard, Edavin William, Prudence, She d. Red Rock, N. Y., 4280. 4281. 4282. 4283.* 4284.* Feb. Mar. Sept. 12, 1842; d. May 19, 1842. 15, 1844; unm. 1899. 9, 1846; " June 16, 1848. Dec. 27, 1851. [1565] MARIA BURRO W^S,^ (Sister of Ruth,) b. Red Rock, N. Y., Apr. 11, 1816; m. George Hiram Crane, b. Nov. 1, 1813. She d. Ghent, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1886; he d. Dec. 29, 1878. Children: 4285.* George Ford, b. Jan. 14, 1836, Red Rock. 4286.* Marietta, " Sept. 25, 1839, " " 4287. Charles S., " Dec. 30, 1844, " " d. Oct. 17, 1856 [1566] ADDISON BURROWS," (Bro. of Ruth,) b. Red Rock, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1819; m. Esther Lown, b. Sept. 13, 1816. Red Rock, Aug. 13, 1876; shed. Sept. 13, 1892. Children: Hed. 4288. Oscar, b Aug 4289. MoRTiJiER Lown, Dec. 4290.* Frederick Vincent, May 4291. Martin Deyo, July 4292.* Susan Ann, May 4293.* David Jeroie, May 4294. Alanson Starks, Aug. 4295.* William Mickle, May 19, 1842: d. Feb. 10, 1843. 21, 1843; " " 13, 1874, unm. 28, 1845, Red Rock. 24, 1847: unm. 1899. 29, 1849, Red Rock. 18, 1851, " 15, 1853, " " unm. 1899. 10, 1856, " " * NOTE:te9. JOHN BEN.JAMIN. Gentleman, came from Wales; sailed with Sir Richard Saltoastall. in the I/foH, and arrived at Boston, IGi-J: he built a house in Cambridge, and was the first bailiff (mayor) of the town; was the intimate friend of Gov. Winthrop, and had the largest library in the colony. The coat of arms points back to the Crusades. Motto: "Paussez en avant." It is an old English family, with perhaps a Welsh branch. .JOSEPH BEN.TAMIN. youngest son of John, moved to Pomfret, Ct. 474 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. | [1567] ZILPHA JANE BURROWS,' (Sister of Ruth, ) i b. Red Rock, N. Y., May 14, 1822; m. Dec. 31, 1843, Frederick W.,' son o\ Heman and Ruby (Phelps) Skiff,* b. Canaan, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1819; blacksmith Canaan Four Corners, N. Y.; Republican: member Unity Lodge No. 9, A. F. ^ A. M.; Methodists. Ch. b. Canaan Four Corners: 4296.* Uriah Davis, Nov. 6, 1844. 4297. Heman Jerome, Sept. 15, 1847; d. Sept. 23, 1848. 4298. ALtFred Lewis, Jan. 31, 18.54; unm. 1899. [1568] ALBERT FORD,' (Ruel,6 Ruth Hamlin,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer, James,2i) b. Canaan, N. Y., May 2, 1806; m. Betsey Beebe, b. Jan. 18, 1809 carpenter; Canaan Centre, N. Y. Hed. Canaan Centre, Aug. 9, 1860; shed Dec. 23, 1885. Ch. b. Canaan: 4299.* • Robert R,, Aug. 31, 1828. 4300. Ira B., Sept. 28, 1830. 4301. Emerett, Dec. 15, 1832. 4302. Caroline J., Mar. 30, 1835. 4303. Lorenzo Dow, May 5. 1837. 4304. Betsey M., Jan. 7. 1839; d. July 30, 1842. 4305. Polly Amanda, May 19, 1841. 4306. Albert, Apr. 27, 1844, " Aug. 25, 1845. 4307. Sidney A., Dec. 14, 1845. 4308. Edward W., Feb. 8, 1848, " .Tan. 20, 1850. 4309. Julia M., June 3, 1849, " Oct. 1, 1880. 4310. ACHSIA E., Sept. 10, 1850. 4311. Miranda, Apr. 19, 1852, '"' May 4, 1852. 4312. Mary E., May 16, 1854. [1570J EMELINE ford,' (Sister of Albert,) b. Canaan, N. Y., July 9, 1809: m. Red Rock, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1832, Orville G., son of Henry and Abigail (Lord) Starks, b. Canaan, Nov. 1, 1804; carpenter: Canaan; Whig; Methodists. She was living with her dau., Abigail, 1899. Hei d. Canaan, Sept. 3, 1850. Ch. b. Canaan: 4313.* Abigail Lord, Nov. 16, 1835. 4314.* Harriet Elizabeth, Aug. 1, 1839. * Note 360. .TAMES SKIFF,i came from Kent, England; m. Mary Reeves; settled in Sandwich, Mass. about 1641. Descendants: NATHAN,2 b. 1658; d. 17a3. STEPHEN,3 of Windliam, Ct., b. 1693; d. 1778. NATHAN,* of Kent, Ct., b. 1718; m. 1741, Thankful Eaton; he removed from Tolland, Ct., 1761. Hed. 1796. NATHAN,5 of Kent; b. 1752; m. 1776, Abigail Puller. Hed, 1834. HEMAN J,. 6 of Kent, b. 1782; m. Ruby Phelps. He d. 1857. FREDERICK W.,7 b. Nov. 21, 1819; m. Zilpha J. Burrows. The family of Skifif were numerous at Chilmark, Nantucket, Mass.. from whence some went to Sharon, Ct., 1775, and was a common name there. SEVENTH GENERATION. 475 [1571] LOUISA FORD J (Sister of Albert, ) b. Canaan, N. Y., Apr. 28, 1811: m. Hiram Bates, b. May 31, 1809. She d. Hudson, N. Y., June 24, 1880. Children: 4315. Elisha W., Aug. 11, 1835. 4316. William H., Feb. 3, 1839. [1572] RUELFORD,- (Bro.'of Albert, ) b. Canaan, N. Y., May 13, 1814; m. there. May 29, 1836, Miranda,^ dau. of Zenasand Susanna (Starks") Burrows, b. Canaan, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1815: carpen- ter and millwright; Democrat; Canaan, Chatham and Red Rock; she res. Red Rock, N. Y.: Christian. He d. Red Rock, July 30, 1877. Ch. b. Red Rock: 4317.* Adelbbrt, Mar. 4, 1837. 4318.* Henrietta, Apr. 24, 1839. 4319.* LoRANA Crawford, Aug. 20, 1840. 4320.* Ralph Starks, Nov. 30, 1841. [1573] WILLIAM FORD,' (Bro. of Albert,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1815: m. Maria Hawks,* b. Aug. 10, 1820; carpen- ter. He d. Springfield, Mass., Sept. 12, 1882: she d. Jan. 23, 1886. Children: 4321. Charles, Mar. 22, 1844. 4322. IsabelleA., Nov. 20, 1846. 4323. • Clarence B., June 29, 1848. 4324. Ransom, July 27, 1850. [1574] ANDULASIA FORD,' (Sister of Albert,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1818; m. Erastus Hall, b. Mar. 6, 1811; farmer; Flat Brook, N. Y.; Republican. Both d. Flat Brook; she, Dec. 22, 1879; he July 19, 1893. Ch. b. Flat Brook: 4325. Mary J., Aug. 20, 1840; m. George Finch. 4.326. Emily P., May 18, 1843, " William Hatch. 4327. Elizabeth, Nov. 21, 1845, " J. Wesley Smith. 4328. Lyman, June 3, 1849. 4329. Erastus, Aug. 17, 1851, " Adeline Morgan. 4330. William E., Dec. 25, 1855; unm. 1899. . [1575] MARY FORD,' (Sister of Albert,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Jan, 20, 1823; m. Lebanon Springs, N. Y., July 4, 1846, William Riley, son of Robert and Eliza (Hawk) Couch, b. Lee, Mass., Dec. 30, 1822; carpenter; Lee, until 1853; afterwards Wellington, Ohio; Republican; she Methodist. He d. Wellington, Feb. 26, 1899. Children: 4331. RuEL Ford, b. Apr. 9, 1846, Lee. 4332. Eva Theresa, " Dec. 30, 1855, Wellington; unm. 1899. * Note. 361. JOHN HAWKES, freeman, Mass.. Sept. .3, 1634. MATTHEW HAWKES, freeman, Mass., May 18, 16«. ADAM HAWKES,! b. England, about 159«; m. 1st, mil, Ann Hutchinson; m. 2d, Sarah Hooker; he came to America with John Winthrop, 1630; settled at what is now North Saugus, Mass., 1638. He d. Lynn, 1671. 4334. Helen F., 4335. Antoinette E., 4336. Harriet W., 4337. Joseph L., 43.38. Wadsworth L., 4339. Effie E., 476 TPIE HAMLIN FAMILY. [1576] LYMAN H. FORD,' (Bro. of Albert,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1829; m. Justina M., dau. of Smith and Alletta (Baldwin) Clark, b. Seymour, Ct., July 24, 18.36; pattern maker; Seymour, Ct.; Democrat; she Epis. Ch. b. Seymour: 4333. Lelia May, b. Feb. 15, 1858; unm. 1899. [1577] HARRIET MARIA FORD,' (Joseph G.,b Ruth Hamlin,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer, 3 James,2i) b. Dec. 11, 1817; m. Jonathan Vincent, b. Feb. 1, 1820; she res. 53 Cambridge Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. He d. June 29, 1866. No issue. [1578] ELIZABETH ANN FORD,' (Sister of Harriet M.,) b. May l6, 1820; m. Leonard Decker, b. Jan. 26, 1817; Troy and Brooklyn, N. Y.; she res. 53 Cambridge Place, Brooklyn, 1899. He d. Apr. 24, 1884. Children: b. Dec. 19, 1842, Troy. " Mar. 25, 1845, " d. Sept. 9, '65 " June 20, 1848, " " May 13, 1853, Brooklyn; "Jan. 10, '56 " Sept. 11, 1859, " " June 28, ]863, " " Oct. 8, '65 [1580] SOLYMAN GREGORY HAMLIN,' (Caleb J.," Thomas,^* Eben- ezer,3 James, 21) b. Sharon, Ct.. 1799; m. Albany, N. Y., Barbara Thomp- kins; cooper; he removed with his father from Sharon to Glenville, N. Y.: re- moved to Albany, and carried on business; returned to Glenville, and again removed to Albany, where both d.;he May 20, 1876. Ch. b. Glenville: 4340* Sarah Emeline. [1581] CALEB JEWETT HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Solyman G.,) b. Sharon, Ct.; m. Cornelia Lovell, who d. West Troy, N. Y., about two years after marriage. He conducted the cooperage business at West Troy. No issue. [1582] JULIA D. HAMLIN,' (Sister of Solyman G.,) b. Sharon, Ct., Nov. 11, 1801; m. Glenville, N. Y., David, son of Humphrey and (Taylor) Davenport, b. Orange Co., N. Y., 1802; carpenter; Glenville. Both d. there; he Aug. 31, 1842; she Dec. 20, 1870. Ch. b. Glenville: 4341. Betsey, Oct. 2, 1823; d. Glenville. 4342. William, Feb. 25, 1825, " 4343. Jewett, Jan. 13, 1827, " Troy, Oct. 22, 1850. 4344. Mary Ann, Mar. 23, 1829. 4345. Anson, Aug. 29, 1831; d. May 5, 1854. 4346. Albert, Dec. 2, 1834, " Glenville. 4347. Salmon, Oct. 3, 1838. 4348. William Henry, Dec. 9, 1841. SEVENTH GENERATION. 477 11583] ANSON BOWERS HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Solyman G.,) I b. Sharon, Ct., Sept. 13, 1807; m. Glenville, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1831, Abigail, ku. of David and Racliael (Lansing) Ostrom, b. Glenville, April 1, 1811; cooper, otel keeper, farmer and merchant; Glenville; a man highly respected. Ch. b. Glenville: 4349.* David Henry, July 4, 1832. 4350.* Caleb Jeavett, Jun. 5, 1834. 4351.* Solyman Gregory, Jan. 19, 1837. 4352.* Christopher Ostrom, Feb. 21, 1839. 4353.* Oliver Bowers, Jan. 20, 1841. 4354.* Herman Gibbs, Jan. 16, 1843. 4355. Rachael Ann, Sept. 18, 1845; d. Sept. 7, 1874, unra. 4356.* Betsey Abigail, Nov. 7, 1848. 4357.* Mary Clarissa, Feb. 3, 1851. 4358.* William Seward, Feb. 28, 1854. [1584] HERMAN GIBBS HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Solyman G.,) b. Glenville, N. Y., June, 1809: m. 1st, Schenectady, N. Y., Apr. 23, 1835, nn Eliza, dau. of William and Elizabeth (Osbourne) Pulley, b. Williamston, ,N.C., Sept. 24, 1818, who d. Gleaville, Apr. 13, 1843; m. 2d, Albany, N. Y., July 9, 1847, Anna Beckman Cooke, b. Albany; m. 3d, Maryette Shelley, of Ypsi- anti, Mich.; cooper: Glenville: removed to Ypsilanti, 1850. He served in the ^. Y. militia; Methodist, in which church he was an officer many years. Ch. by 1st wife: 4.359. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 10, 1836, Chalton: d. Mar. 7, 1841. 4360. Derrick, V., " Feb. 24, 1838, Glenville; " Sept. 1, 1853. 4361. Julia D., '• Feb. 18, 1840, 4362. Elizabeth v., ''May 4,1842, " By 2d wife b. Glenville: 4363. Harriet, July 8, 1848. 4364. Mary Eliza, Nov. 8, 1849; d. Glenville. [1585] RICHARD CALENDER HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Solyman G.,) b. Glenville, N, Y., Nov. 13, 1815; m. 1st, there, Esther Northrop, dau. of Samuel and Angelica (Truax) Hayes, b. Glenville, Mar. 16, 1817, who d. Green- oush,N. Y.. Mar. 27, 1854; m. 2d. Aug., 1856, Mrs. Ann Runyon, of Greenbush: 10 children by second wife; cooper: removed to Greenbush, 1844, and there con- iucted a barrel manufactory; was also coal dealer; Republican, an active poli- pician, of liberal views; President of the Villiage Trustees; Justice of the Peace; 'candidate for the General Assembly; Odd Fellow, and member of other societies; 1 man of sterling integrity and upright character, of positive convictions, be- bevolent and never tired of doing good: Presbs., of which church he was elder from 1847; was many times a delegate tu the Presbytery and General Assembly. He d. Greenbush, July 12, 1880. Ch. by first wife 43^5.* Angelica Truax, 4366.* Abbie. 4367.* Samuel Jewett, 4368.* Anson Lester, 4369.* Calvin Calkins, 4370. James Ring, 4371. RiC'HARD C, 4372. Betsey, b. Aug. 16, 1840, Glenville. t^i Feb. 1, 1842. (( July 25, 1844, Gal nay. U Jan. 25, 1846, Greenbush <• Oct. 20, 1848, i< i i Dec. 25, 1852, i( a Mar. 13. 1854, ii d. Greenbush. ' unmarried. 478 THE HAMLIN FAMILY [1586] SALMON CURTIS HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Solyman G.,] b. Glenville, N. Y., July 12, 1817; m. Christiana, youngest ciiild of Teuni Slingerland,* b. Albany, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1815; farmer; Glenville. His name wa changed to Solomon. He d. Washington, D. C, May 15, 1892; she d. YpvSilanti Mich., Aug. 11, 1879. Ch. b. Glenville: 4373.* Teunis Slingerland, May 31, 1847. [1587] CLARISSA MARY HAMLIN,' (Sister of Solyman G.,) b. Glenville, N. Y., May 18, 1818; m. Balston Center, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1842 Calvin, son of John and Rebecca (J ewett) Calkins, t b. Sharon, Ct., Mar. 18, 1780, his second wife. By his tirst wife he had seven children; farmer; Balstor' Centre; Methodists. He d. there, July 17, 1862. No issue. [1589] JOANNA C. HAMLIN, 7 (Sister of Solyman G., ) b. Glenville, N. Y., 1824; m. Balston, N. Y., James T., son of Thomafj Smith, of Little Falls, N. Y., where he was born; blacksmith; Little Falls,! where both d.; she, Jan. 28, 1894. No. issue. * Note 362. TEUNIS SLINGERLAND was of Dutch descent; a prominent businessman of Albany, N. Y. ; and for many years connected with the First Reformed (Dutch) Cliurch of Albany. + Note363i Lieut. STEPHEN CALKIN, from Lebanon, Ct., was an original proprietor, of Sharon, Ct,; wife Mary; res. in Calkinstown. He d, 1781. • Children: Justus, b. Nov. n, 1741; m. Hannah Heath. Reuben, " June 13, 174-. Timothy, " Oct. 16, 1748; m. Eunice Calkins. Elisha, " Apr. IS, 1753. Stephen, m. Dilla Jewett. .Joseph. Amos. David. JOHN CALivIN, and wife Elizabeth; res. Amenia, N. Y. Sharon, Ct, Ch. recorded Sharon ; Lois, b. May 20, 1T45; m. William Owen. Sarah, " Sept. 15, 1746, " Josiah Brace, JO-HN, " Mar. 14, 1748, " Rebecca Jewett. Eunice, " Oct. 15, 1749, •' Timothy Calkins. Kathekine, " June 19, 1751. Nathaniel, " June 11, 1752; IT 1. Lois Barrow. Jesse, '" May 28, 1755, " Lucy Towsley. Elizabeth, " Aug. 1, 1757, " Amos Jackson. Joel, " Feb. 7. 1760, " Bethia Barrows, Darius, " Sept. 38, 1762, " Abigail Fuller, Mabel, •• July 1, 1764. until about 1755; aftewards. JOHN CALKINS, b. N. Y., Mar. 14, 1748; m. Sharon, Ct., Oct. 12, 1769, Rebecca, dau. of Caleb and Rebecca Jewett, b. Sharon, Jan. 16, 1748-9. The children given below, except Calvin, ure recorded in Sharon, making it doubtful if he was born there. LuciNDA, b. July 17, 1770. DiLLE, bap. Feb. 6, 1791. John Riley, " " 6, " Nathan Jewett, " " 6, " Calvin, U Mar. 18, 1780; m. Clarissa M. Hamlin. 4374. Electa, 4375.* Calista, 4376.* Henry Clark, 4377.* John Theron, 4378.* Martha Ann, 4379.* George Orrin, SEVENTH GENERATION. 479 [1596] CLARISSA HAMLIN, ^ (Theron,« Thomas, f'< Ebenezer,^ James,2i) 1. Thompkins Co., N. Y., Mar. 23, 1804; m. Richards; she d. Groton, N. f., June 11, 1826. [1597] HA WLEY HANCHETT HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Clarissa,) b. Tompkins Co., N. Y., Feb. 15, 1806; m. Groton, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1833, kurena, dau. of John and Betsey (Gee) Hopkins,* b. Homer, N. Y., Sept. 3, [813; farmer: Groton until 1851; afterwards Moravia, N. Y.; Baptist. Both d. l»Ioravia; he July 23, 1883: she Dec. 11, 1884. Ch. b. Groton: d. In infancy. Sept. 28, 1835. Jan. 28, 1838. Jan. 13, 1842. Aug. 2, 1849. Dec. 27, 1852. [1598] OLIVE HAMLIN,' (Sister of Clarissa,) b. Groton, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1808; m. there, Feb. 14, 1832, Carver, son of Alon- 50n and Celia (Grossman) Campbell, b. July 18, 1807: Groton and Cortland, N. Y.; Republican; Baptists. She d. Feb. 23, 1881, buried Salem, Ct.; he d. Gro- iton. May 24, 1882. Children: 4380. Celia Grossman, b, Nov. 5, 1833, Groton; m. Levi Gleason. 4381. Clarissa Ann, " Apr. 29, 1836, Cortland, " Lorenzo Fish. [1599] WILLIAM HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Clarissa,) b. Groton, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1810; m, Ellen Harpending; she Methodist; he les. Western N. Y. He d. Dundee, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1848; she d. Groton. I Children: 4382. James Newell. 4383. Henry. [1600] HARRIET NEWELL HAMLIN,' (Sister of Clarissa,) b. Cortland, N.Y., Feb. 1, 1813: m. Owego, N.Y., Thomas Jones, b. Wales, 1812; Jackson Valley, Pa., 1836-88. He d. Middletown, Dec. 19, 1883; she d. Forest Lake, Pa., May 25, 1888. i: b. Apr. 1832, Ohio; d. Apr. <3, 1880. '* Apr. 24, 1836, Jackson Valley. *' July 1, 1839, *' Nov. 20, 1842, " " d. Sept. 20,' '75 " Aug. 9, 1848, " May 20, 1851, Pike. [1601] Rev. NATHAN CANFIELD HAMBLIN,' (Bro. of Clarissa.) b. Groton, N. Y., Dec. 13, 1815; m. near Harrodsburg, Ky., Jan. 8, 1852, Re- bena Jane, widow of J. G. Dye, and dau. of Abraham and Lydia (Young) Coraingo, b. near Harrodsburg, Mar. 1, 1827. He was educated in the schools * For Hopkins see notes 18, 183 and 288. Children: 4384. Lucy Denolf, 4385.* Theron H., 4386. Nathan C, 4387. Ellen, 4388. Phernie, 4389. Susan E., 480 THE HA.MLIN FAMILY. of his native town and lived in New York until early manhood; taught school in Penn., 1840-1, part of the time in Brookville academy. He went to Louisville, Ky., in the fall of 1841, attracted by a desire to know about the institution of Soutiiern Slavery, and the Presb. church, icithout Cal- vinism. He writes; "I was born a Presbyterian, but have beenaCalvinistonly a few minutes at any one time." In the spring of 1842 he attended the Ken- tucky Presbytry of the Cumberland Presb. church, which licenced him to preach anywhere, and was given a home in one of the best families of Kentucky, that of W. F. White, of Montgomery county, a prominent lawyer and elder in the church, owner of a large farm and many negroes; with whom he resided four years; during which he preached over much of Kentucky and the south: was ordained to the full work of the ministry and attended the sessions of the Gen- eral Assembly; became greatly attached to the doctrines of that church, its members and the people of Kentucky; then a land of controversy; which suited him and the people of that new church. He has been an ardent and noted re- ligious debater, and temperance reformer, outliving most of his cotemporaries in the ministry; working as a missionary most of his life. He is the oldest minister in the Presbytry; has preached more sermons, and been longer in the ministry than any other minister living, who was a member of the Presbytry, when he was ordained, and is held in high esteem. During the rebellion he re- sided at Perry ville; the battle there was all around him, and his house was used by both sides as a hospital. He remarks: "This was a sad time, but both armies treated us with much respect; our house was robbed several times dur- ing the war, but not by any one connected with either army. At all times, night and day, I passed through the lines of both armies without trouble; rep- resentatives of one or the other army were with us most of the time. My views on the war were well known to my neighbors, many of whom dropped into one army or the other, and found no fault with me." Eesidence, Liberty, Ky. She d. there, Mar. 31, 1897. Ch. b. near Harrodsburg: 4390.* Lydia Jenktte, Aug. 15, 1852. 4391. Laura Ann, May 18, 1855; d. Sept. 14, 1872 4392. Olive Bell, Jan. 20, 1859, " July 20, 1879 4393.* Theron Hanchett, Mar. 12, 1862. 4394.* James Hunter, Dec. 5, 1864. 4395.* Samuel Gilliam, July 20, 1868. [1602] LAURA HAMLIN, 7 (Sister of Clarissa,) b. Groton, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1817; m. 1st, Christopher Leonard; wagon maker; he d. Groton, Jan., 1855; m. 2d, Daniel Lilly, who d. Moravia, N. Y., March, 1873; she d. Utica, N. Y., May 7, 1895. Ch. by 1st marriage: 4396. James, By 2d marriage: b. Groton. 4397. Martha, d. unra. 4398. John J., " Mich. 4399. Olive, b. Feb., 1855, Groton [1604] MARY JANE HAMLIN.T (Sister of Clarissa,) b. Tompkins Co., N. Y., Oct. 1, 1824: m. Augustus Knox. She d. N. Y. City, May 18, 1871. SEVENTH GENERATION. 481 Children: 4400. Charles, d. unm. 4401. Albkrt, b. N. Y. City [1605] FANNY GENET HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Clarissa, ) b. Tompkins Co., N. Y.. July 14, 1829; m. 1st, Groton, N. Y., William Cliesebrough, who d. in Mich.: m. 2d, James Wilson; farmer. Shed. Groton, April, 1883. Child. 4402. Charles, m. Nettie Nye. [1606] BETSEY CANFIELD,MJerusha Hamlin," Thomas,5i Ebenezer,3 James,'-!) b. Washington, N. Y., June 17, 1804: m. Edgett; res. Scranton, Pa., where she d., or at Honesdale, Pa. Children: 4403. Jewett. 4404.* Mary. [1607] NATHAN CANFIELD,' (Bro. of Betsey,) b. Washington, N. Y., June 21, 1806; m. Stanford, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1827, Betsey,6dau. of Jehiel and Bethiah (Clark) Cantield, b. Stanford, Dec. 28, 1806; farmer; Saratoga Co., N. Y., 1827-38; Bristol, N. Y., 1838-60; Canandagua, N. Y., 1860-74; Republican: Justice of the Peace: Baptists. Bothd. Canandaigua; he, June 6, 1874; she, Feb. 16, 1890. Ch. b. Saratoga Co., N. Y.: 4405.* Walter Nathan, Dec. 23, 1828: res. Canandaigua. 4406.* Calvin Jewett, Jan. 3, 1834; " " 4407. Frances, d. aged 13. [1608] MARY CANFIELD,^ (Sister of Betsey,) b. Washington, N.Y., June 8, 1808: m. Stanford, N.Y., Jan. 16, 1828, Calvin Mosher. She d. Ypsilanti, Mich., Jan. 14, 1892. Children: 4408. Joseph. 4409. Louise. [1610] HARRIET CANFIELD," (Sister of Betsey,) b. Washington, N. Y., May 14, 1814; m. Dec. 23. 1835, Charles Dunham, b. Aug. 1, 1812; Cleveland, Ohio, 1902; Republican; Baptists. She d. Ypsilanti, Mich, Mar. 3, 1867. Idren: b. July 27, 1838: d. Mar. 9, 1840. " Sept. 5, 1840; " Apr. 11, 1841. " Apr. 2, 1842. " Nov. 19, 1845; Pittsford. '' Jan. 20, 1848. " June 13, 1857; Auburn. Children: 4410. Jerusha, 4411. Ida Jane, 4412.* ASAHEL C, 4413.* Adda Maria, 4414.* Charles Albert, 4415.* Hattie Estelle, 482 THE HAMLIN FAMILY [1611] WILLIAM JEWETT CANFIELD,^ (Bro. of Betsey,) b. Washington, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1818; m. Stillwater, N. Y., Mar. 6, 1838, Sarah Schouten; farmer; Ypsilanti, Mich. Child: 4416.* William, b. Mar. 6, 1840. [1612] LEWIS CANFIELD,' (Bro. of Betsey,) b. Washington, N. Y., May 16, 1822; m. Abigail Cleveland. He d. Ypsilanti, Mich., Dec. 24, 1870. Child: 4417. Mortimer, res. New Hartford, N. Y. [1613] GEOEGE CREED CANFIELD,' (Bro. of Betsey,) b. Washington, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1828; m. Fremont, Ohio, Sept. 6, 1853, Sarah Downs, dau. of James B. G. and Emily E. (Morgan) Downs, b. Seneca Falls, N, Y., June 25, 1835: jeweler, merchant and milling business; Binghamton, N. Y., until Oct. 1850; afterwards Fremont, Ohio; Republican; Odd Fellow; Presbs. He d. Fremont, Sept. 8, 1878. 4418. 4419. 4420. 4421.* 4422. Ch. b. Fremont: LiLLA Downs, Stella Louise, Charles Arthur, James Asahel, Emily Morgan, June 39, 1855; d. Aug. 6, 1855. Apr. 2, 1857. Feb. 8, 1861; " Sept. 12, 1861. Mar. 14, 1863. Aug. 8, 1869; m. Rev. C. R. Haoighorst. [1614] SETH HAMLIN," (Cook,« Thomas,5i Ebenezer,^ James,2i) married; removed to Missouri years ago and d. there: his widow and children probably reside there. [615] SYLVESTER BENJAMIN HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Seth,) b. near Elmira, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1818; m. Ohio, 1844, Nancy McGarvie, b. Girard, Ohio, Sept. 5, 1826; cooper: Waterford, Pa.: Freedom, Ohio; removed to Illinois, 1854; res. Erie, 111.; Republican; she Christian. Both d. Erie; he, Oct. 5, 1882; she, Jan. 19, 1897. Children: 4423.* Oliver Cook, b. Feb. 18, 1845, Freedom. 4424.* Ammi Rogers, " Nov. 8, 1849, (( 4425.* Addie E., " Mar. 13, 1856, Tampico. 4426. I.E., " Aug. 31, 1858, Erie; d. Au^. 7, 18- 4427.* Carrie Elizabeth, " Feb. IT, 1861, u 4428.* Franklin Benjamin, " June 9, 1865, u [1616] ROSWELL HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Seth,) married; res. Waterford, Pa.; went west, 1894, and d. Colorado Springs, Col., about 1898; widow resides there. [1617] WEALTHY HAMLIN," m. John Dill. (Sister of Seth,) 4431. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 4432. Dorr M., u Feb. 4433. EVILENA M., u May 4434.* Anna, (( Mar. SEVENTH GENERATION. 483 [1618] HANNAH MARY HAMLIN,' (Sister of Seth, ) m. Gray. Children: 4429. Margaret, m. Allison. 4430. Christopher. [1619] SOPHIA HAMLIN,- (Sister of Seth,) tn. Burdick; removed to Mo., 1869. He d. there; she res. Quitman, Mo. [1621] MONROE HAMLIN, 7 (Seth,8 Thomas,5i Ebenezer,^ ,James,2i) b. Niles, N. Y., Dec. 21, 1817: m. Auburn, N. Y., Jan. 25, 1843, Mahala, dau. of Isaac and Elizabeth (Haight) Cox, b. Venice, N. Y., Mar. 1815; architect and builder: Auburn. He d. there, Jan. 17, 1890. Children: 28, 1844, Owasco: m. Mortimer Smith. « 24, 1848, Auburn: d. Apr. 24, 1848. 16, 1851, " " Nov. 8, 1854. 5, 1857. [1622] SOLOMON HENRY HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Monroe,) b. Niles, N. Y., Apr. 4, 1819; m. 1st, there, Dec. 18, 1850, Charity Cuyken- dall: ra. 2d, Jennie Turner; farmer; Red Creek, N. Y.; Presb. He d. Red Creek. No issue. [162.3] MARY HAMLIN,' (Sister of Monroe,) b. Niles, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1821; ra. Skaneateles, N. Y., James H., son of Elijah and Lydia (Green) Smith, b. Saratoga Co., N. Y., Dec. 6, 1817; clothier; Skane- ateles; she Presb.; res. Easthampton, Mass. He d. there, June 17, 1888. Ch. b. Skaneateles: 4435.* Mortimer H., 1843. 4436.* Laura M., Mar. 2, 1845. 4437.* Carrie H., Jan. 31, 1856. [1624] SALLY ANN HAMLIN,' • (Sister of Monroe,) b. Niles, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1824; m. Owasco, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1843, Anthony, son of Isaiah and (De Puy) Courtright, b. Owasco, July 15, 1822; res. Red Creek, N. Y.; she Presb. She d. Red Creek, Aug. 31, 1878. No issue. [1625] MARTINA MARILLA HAMLIN,' (Sister of Monroe,) b. Niles, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1826; m. Owasco, N. Y., 1846; Jesse, son of Isaac and Elizabeth (Haight) Cox; b. Venice, N. Y., 1820; res. Hannibal, N. Y., where he d. 1890: she Methodist. Children: 4438. Edmund, b. 1854. 4439. MORTIJIER, " 1857. 4440. Frances. 484 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [1626] DORR HAMLIN J (Bro. of Monroe,) b. Niles, N. Y., Apr. 2, 1829; m. Skaneateles, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1853, Amelia J., dau. of Milton A. and Harriet (Searle) Kinney, b. Homer, N. Y., June 20, 1832; carpenter; Owasco, N, Y., until 1851; school teacher and merchant, Auburn, N. Y. In the railway mail service 14 years; Presb. He d. Auburn, Oct. 28, 1893. 4441.* 4442.* 4443.* 4444. Ch. b. Auburn: Dork Monroe, Harriet Sophia, James Anthony, Ruth McCoy, Dec. 4, 1854. Feb. 25, 1858. Dec. 21, 1862. Aug. 24, 1874; unm. 1894. [1627] GEORGE ADSIT HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Monroe, ) b. Owasco, N. Y., July 18, 1831; m. Skaneateles, N. Y,, Oct. 24, 1855, Sarah Maria, dau. of James and Persis (Miller) Hall, b. Skaneateles, Oct. 25, 1835; merchant, tailor and dealer in sewing machines: Skaneateles and Rochester, N. Y.; Philadelphia, Pa.; New York City; and Jersey City, N. J.; Democrat; member Skaneateles Lodge 522, A. F. & A. M,; Corinthian Chapter 250, R. A. M.; Corintliian Chasseur Commandery 53, K. T.; Epis. Ch. b. Skaneateles: 4445.* Adddie Terry, Feb. 7, 18.59. [1629] FRANCIS MARION HAMLIN, M. D.,' (Bro. of Monroe,) b. Owasco, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1841; unmarried; educated at Owasco, Auburn and Fort Edward, and Albany Medical College, N. Y.; pliysician; Willard, N. Y. He d. Ovid, N. Y., Mar. 18, 1900. George Henry Hamlin. SEVENTH GENERATION. 485 [1630] DBA. GEORGE HENRY HAMLIN,' (Salmon/ Thoraas,5* Eben- ezer,3 James,2i) b. Glenville, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1819; m. Chenango, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1847, Lucy Ann, dau. of Asa and Mehitable (Ludden) Blair, b. Barker, N. Y., Apr. 30, 1818: farmer; Forest Lake, Pa., since 1833; Republican; Baptist, in which church he was deacon since 1838. He d. July 19, 1899. Ch. b. Forest Lake: 4446.* Asa Blair, Nov. 11, 1848. 4447.* Elmira Mehitable, July 24, 1850. 4448.* Edson Theron, Dec. 11, 185L 4449.* E STELLA Ann, Apr. 12, 1854. 4450.* Alfred Fremont, May 27, 1856. 4451. Maryette Clarinda, Oct. 28, 1859; d. Apr. 14, 1864 [1632] Dea. JOSEPH PARSONS HAMLIN," (Bro. of George H.,) b. Glenville, N. Y., June 22, 1823: m. Barker, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1850, Phebe Knapp. dau. of Richard and Sarah (Knapp) Gray, b. Broome Co., N. Y., June 10, 1829; farmer; Forest Lake, Pa., on his father's old homestead. He d. Sept. 20, 1898. Ch. b. Forest Lake: 4452.* Ella Jane, Aug. 12, 1853. 44.53.* Ada Venett, Mar. 15, 1856. 44.54.* William Avert, Aug. 8, 1858. 4455.* Esther Lovilla, Sept. 30, 1861. [Jan. 8, 1885, unm. 4456. Seth Cook, Oct. 28, 1863; killed by fall of a tree. 4457.* Charles Richard, Nov. 26, 1866. [163.3] JERUSHA CANFIELD HAMLIN,? (Sister of George H.,) b. Glenville, N. Y., July 12, 1826; m. Forest Lake, Pa., Mar. 4, 1846, Benja- min Joslin, son of Joseph and Polly (Hager) Blair; farmer; she Baptist. She d. Marathon, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1888. Children: 4458. Charles Henry, b. Sept. 2, 1846, Barker, N.Y.; d. May 25, '52 4459. Francis Adelbert, " '* " 4460. Dwight Albert, " " " d. Dec. 2.3, '72 4461. Adaline Dennison, " May 3, 1854, Forest Lake. 4462. Jennie Esther, " Jun. 8, 1856, Green, N.Y. 4463. Seth Hamlin, ^' Jun. 11, 1863, " " d. Apr. 11,'66 4464. Celia May, " Jun. 7, 1865, [1636] WILLIAM JEWETT HAMLIN,' (Bro. of George H.,) b. Canajoharie, N. Y., June 3, 1832; m. Warren, Bradford Co.. Pa.. .Ian. 6, 1859. Rosette Susannah, dau. of James K., and Harriet (Drake) Webster, b. Liberty, Pa.. July 25, 1843. Private, B., 171 Pa., Inf. Vols.; enlisted Oct. 16, 1862: dis. Aug. 7, 1863; member Hiram Clark Post 1-54, G. A. R.; laborer: hisearly life was spent at Fore.st Lake, Pa.; resided Warren, 1859: Fabius, N. Y., 1865; Green. N. Y., 1866; Tully, N, Y., 1869: McDonough, N. Y., 1872: afterwards Marathon, N. Y.; Baptist: highly esteemed as a good member of society. He d. Marathon. Mar, 27, 1895. Children: 4465.* Harriet Eleanor, b. Sept. 21, 1859, Warren. 4466.* Clarissa Amelia, *' Sept. 23, 1872, McDcmougli. 4467. Clarissa, 4468.* Seth Hyatt, 4469. George William, 4470.* Ella, 4471. Bertha Elmer, 486 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [1638] SETH COOK HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of George H.,) b. Forest Lake, Pa., Dec. 29, 1835; m. Green, N. Y., Sept. 9, 18.58, Esther L.' Merrill. Private, B, 141 Pa. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Aug. 22, 1862; killed Chancel-| lorsville, Va., May 3, 1803. She d. Af ton, N. Y. [1641] ELIZA LOOMIS HAMLIN,' (Sister of George H.,) b. Forest Lake, Pa., May 21, 1838; m. Warren Center, Pa., Oct. 1, 1859, Orantie G., son of Rosel and Mary (Bush) Pitcher, b. Orill, Pa., Nov. 22, 1832; res. at various places in Penn. and N. Y., at Bloods, N. Y., 1895. Cliildren: b. Apr. 3, 1861, Montrose, Pa.; d. Apr. 8, '61 " July 26, 1862, Bridgewater, Pa. " Dec. 22, 1865, Binghamton; d. May 3, '85 " Nov. 5, 1869, Windiro, Pa. " Dec. 22, 187.3, Owego, N. Y. [1642] RUTH ELIZABETH HAMLIN,' fSister of George H.,) b. Forest Lake, Pa., Aug. 25, 1839; m. Binghamton, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1864, Daniel, son of Tueson and Louise (Blair) Boardman, b. Cambridgeboro, N. Y., May 7, 1830; of Canadian French descent; carpenter and paper hanger; Bing- hamton; Baptists. Ch. b. Green, N. Y.: 4472. Rosa Lillion, Aug.. 26, 1874; unm. 1894. [1649] CLARISSA HAMLIN,' (William B.," Asa,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,* James,2i) b. 1809; m. Ira R.,' son of Wilham and Sybil (Short) Peck,* of East Bloomlleld, N. Y., b. Dec. 22, 1809: farmer. She d. E. Bloomfleld, May, 1833. Child: 4473.* Heman J., b. Sept. 7, 1832. [1650] HARRIET HAMBLIN,' (Sister of Clarissa,) b. 1810: m. Turner Richai'ds; res. Brighton, near Rochester. Living, 1894, at Rochester, N. Y. Both dead. Cliild: 4474. Treat. [165.3] CORYDON FOX,' (Sarah Hamlin," Asa,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer.s ; James,^i) eldest child; married. He was a stage driver, and is said to liave been the individual whodiove the team used in kidnapping the celebrated Williami Morgan, who was said to have been murdered by Masons in New York State. He settled in Iowa, near the Mississippi river, and was drowned while crossing | on the ice near Fort Madison, Iowa, about 1849. His widow resided at Forb Madison about 1882, and has since died. * Note 364. WILLIAM PECK.e (Philip.s Ebenezer,* .JatIinael,3.Joseph,2i) JOSEPH PECK.i was baptized in Beccles, Suffolk, Eng.. Apr. 30, 1W7, sonof Robert . a descendant in the twenty first generation from .John Peck of Yorkshire. .Joseph settled at Hingham, Norfolk, Eng. In IfiUS he and his brother. Rev. Robert, fled from persecution to this country. They came in the Diligence of Ii>swich; ra. 1st, Rebecca Clark, at Hingham, Eng., May 21, 1617, who d. Oct. 21, 163", and he remarried, name of wife unknown. He settled at Hingham. Mass., 16;JS; a leading man; deputy, 1639-43; removed to Rehoboth, 1645, where he d. Dec. 2^ 1663- SEVENTH GENERATION. 487 [1655] ALLEN FOX,7 (Bro. of Corydon,) youngest child: res. San Francisco, Cal.: he is dead. Child: 4475.* Chatlotte. [1657J ERASTUS GIBBS HAMLIN," ( Alvan,'= Asa,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,' James,2i) b. East Bloomtield, N. Y., Dec. 29, 1819; m. 1st, Kendall, N. Y., 'Oct., 1844, Almira Esther Webster, from whom he separated; m. 2d, Eliza Eggleston, b. Somerset, N. Y.: she d. Jan. 25, 1892; farmer; Bronson, Mich., ,1893. Ch. by 1st wife: 4476.* Woodruff Adelbert, b. Feb. 25, 1846, Kendall. 4477.* Db Forest W., By 2d wife: (( Dec. n, 1848, Carlton. 4478. Frederick W., b. Sept. 29, 1862. 4479. Alvix Henry, <> July 9, 1870. 11658] ADELIA CAROLINE HAMLIN,' (Sister of Erastus G.,) ; b. East Bloomtield, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1822: m. Kendall, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1845, (Nathaniel S., son of Michael and Olive Bennett, b. Farmington, N.Y., Aug. 13, 1818; farmer: West Kendall; an esteemed citizen and held public offices: before imarriage she was a school teacher; Methodists. She d. Apr. 17, 1854. ' Ch. b. Kendall, 4480.* Addison Henry, Aug. 15, 1846. 4481.* Nancy Adelia, Apr. 13, 1851. [1659] FRANKLIN WALTER HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Erastus G.,) b. Holly, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1826; m. 1st, Sturgis, Mich., June 3,1857, Phidelia liE. Allerman, of Plymouth, Ind., b. Waterloo, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1832, who d. 1872; |tn. 2d, Kate Kinney, who d. Fort Wayne, Ind., Apr. 12,1880; carpenter; removed with his father to Indiana about 1845; res. Albion, Ind.: Republican; served in Rattery A, 1st Ind. Heavy Art. In the Civil War. Children: 4482.* Edson S., b. July 7, 1859,"Wolcottville, Ind. 4483.* Eva A. [1660] ANN H. HAMLIN,' [Sister of Erastus G,,) b. Holly, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1831: removed with her parents to Indiana, 1845: in. 1st, Sturgis. xVlich., July 4, 1857, Job C, son of Josiahand Rachael (Clements) iSmith, b. Waldo, Me., Dec. 10, 1830; carpenter; he d. Houghton, Mich. Aug. 29, 1864; m. 2d, Rochester, N. Y., Mar. 7, 1891, N. K., son of Samuel and Marilla ! Harley, Nov. 12, 1827. 4582.* Haskaline, July 7, 1843. [1708] ESTHER HAMLIN,' . (Sister of Gustavus A.,) b. East Bloomfield, N. Y., May 17, 1796; m. West Bloomfield, N. Y., May 20, 1832, Ursen, son of James and Sarah (Rice) Harvey, his second wife; he m. 1st her sister Caroline; res. Niagara, N. Y., and St. David, Ontario; she Presb. She d. Brockport, N. Y., Apr. 2, 1876; he d. St. David, May 6, 1852; both buried there. Ch. b. St. David: 4583.* Ursen Adolphus, 4584. Caroline Susannah, 4585. Lydia Antoinette, 4586. Henry James, [1709] JOHN FAIRCHILD HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Gustavus A., b. East Bloomfield, N. Y., Mar. 17, 1799; m. about 1830, Laura, dau. of Elon and Nancy Andrus; farmer, contractor and speculator. He went to St. Charles, Mo., 1820, but soon after to Oakland Co., Mich., and resided at Rochester, Mich. He received a common school education; while not ambitious for polit- ical honors, he was prominent in business in Mich, during the territorial and early state history, accumulated wealth and exerted wide influence in his sec- tion of country. He constructed the Micliigan canal, and owned and operated several plank toll roads, which greatly facilitated the growth and develop- ment of the state; Freemason. Both d. Rochester; he Mar. 9, 1863; she July 9, 1883. Ch. b. Rochester: 4587. Adelaide, 1833; dead. 4588.* Caroline, Mar. 14, 1835. 4589.* Adolphus, Nov. 30, 1839. 4590. John, 1842; dead. 4591.* Belle, Oct. 4, 1846. 4592.* Laura, Feb. 16, 1849. [1710] ELIJAH HAMLIN, 7 (Bro. of Gustavus A.,) b. East Bloomfield, N. Y., June 7, 1801: m. Lima, N. Y., Apr. 2, 1825, Marana Frost, b. Lima, Aug. 19, 1806; farmer; Auburn and Avon, Mich; re- Sept. 7, 1835. Dec. 6, 1836: d. Jan. 12, 1895, unm. Feb. 9, 1841, " Oct. 12, 1894, (( July 31, 1842, " Aug. 28, 1869, u SEVENTH GENERATION. 495 moved from N. Y. to Mich, with an ox team, March, 1831. He d. Avon, Aug, 20, 1870; she d. Pontiac, Aug. 11, 1889. Ch. b. Avon: 4593.* Helen, Apr. 26, 1828. 4594. George, d. unm 4595. William, " " Cal. 4596.* Calvin, May 25, 1836. 4597.* Philo, Feb. 2], 1839. 4598.* Mabana, May 21, 1845, 4599.* Frank, Oct. 7, 1847. [1711] CAROLINE HAMLIN,' (Sister of Gustavus A.,) b. East Bloomfield, N. Y., May 27, 1803; m. there, Apr. 10, 1827, Ursen, son of James and Sarah (Rice) Harvey, b. West Bloomfield, Feb. 8, 1800. He ra. 2d, her sister Esther. He learned the trade of saddler and harness maker from Col. Sawyer,* of Canandaigua, N. Y.; removed to Grimsby, Ontario; thence to Niagara; purchased a tannery at St. David's, where he removed, 1834. He was engaged in business of various kinds; flouring mill, soap and candle factory, tanneries, and a leather store at St. Catherines, Ontario. He was among the first to advocate free schools, and was active in Sunday school and temperance work. A man of progress. He held public offices; she d. Niagara, Apr. 15, 1830. Ch. b. Niagara: 4600.* Oscar Lyman, Dec. 17, 1827. 4601.* Emma Augusta, Nov. 19, 1829. [1712] LYDIA HAMLIN,' (Sister of Gustavus A.,) b. East Bloomfield, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1805; m. there, Aug. 29, 1830, John Henry, son of Ralph Waite and Anna Gou]d;t merchant: Holly, Bergen, Attica and Brockport, N. Y. He d. Brockport, Oct. 19, 1869. She d. Canandaigua, N. Y.. June 7, 1884; both buried Brockport, Children: 4602. Helen Jane, b. Mar. 29, 1834; d. July 10, 1834. 4603. James Henry *' June 19, 1835; " Aug. 14, 1836. 4604.* James Franklin, " Apr. 26, 1837, Bergen. 4605.* Henry Hamlin, " Sept. 28, 1839. 4606. George Tiffts, " Apr. 23, 1842; d. May 30, 1842. [1713] HENRY WILLIAM HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Gustavus A.,) b. East Bloomfield, IS. Y., Oct. 20, 1807: m. Sharon, Ct., Oct. 5, 1841, Sibyll Blackmann,' dau. of Dr. John Sears,J b. Sharon, Sept. 22, 1813. He was a prom- inent business man in Ontario county, for many years engaged in various pur- * Note:j67. Col. Sawyer, was the same who was notorious as being mentioned in the celebrated case of Morgan, who was alleged to have been murdered bv the'Freemasons in New York State. •• For Gould see note 1.53. * Note ;}(j.s. For Sears see notes 7 and 28.5. Capt. SAMUEL SEARS, 3 (Paul,2 Richard, i) b. Yarmouth, Mass.,. Ian; 1603-4; ra. Mercy, dau. of Dea. Samuel and Tamzin (Lumpkin) Mayo, b. 1604; one of tlie earliest settlers of Uarwich. that part now West Urewstcr ; liis house, which stood until ISOO, was near the East Dennis line. The liouse of Capt. Constant Sears was 496 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. I suits; farmer, trader, merchant and banker, and successful in all; resided East Bloomfield. An index to his character is found in the following incident in his life; To save his father's farm, he being financially embarrassed, he and] his brother Philo borrowed money to purchase it, Mr. Moses Fairchild becom ing their surety. Henry was then not twenty-one years old. When the first note became due in Canandaigua, it was a stormy day. Henry went to pay it, and as he stood in the bank, tlie rain dripping from him, the manager noticed Henry W. Hamlin, Esq. him, asked his name, and talked with him; Mr. Gibson then said to him: "Whenever you want money you can have it — a young man who will come the distance you have in s-uch a storm to pay a note at maturity will succeed." He built on its site; constable, 1702; Lieutenant, 1706; later Captain; she was adm. to church in Harwich, June 15, 1791. He d. Jan. 8, 1741-2; will Apr. 7, 1740; she d. Jan. 20, 1748-9. Ch. b. Harwich ; 1, 1685; m. John Vincent. Ruth Merrick. Susannah Gray. John Freeman. Elizabeth Howes. Elizabeth Paddock. Mary Thacher. Mary Paddock. Grace Paddock. Pricilla Ryder, three times, BENJAMIN SEARS,* b, Harwich, June 16, 1706; m. 1st, Yarmouth, Mass., Mar. T6, I73I-I?, Lydia Ryder, of Yarmouth; who was adm. to church, Harwich from church, Yarmouth, .fune 'S, 17;i3; and d. Mar, 34, 1733-4, aged 23; 2d, pub. July 16, 1735, to Mercy, dau. of Prince and Hannah Hannah, July 1, 1685; Samuel, Sept. 15, 1687, Nathaniel, Sept. 22, 1689, Tamsen, Nov. 13, 1691, Jonathan, Sept. 3, 1693, Joseph, July 15, 1695, Joshua, May 3, 1697, Judah, Oct. 29, 1699, John, July 18, 1701, Seth, May 27, 1703, Benjamin, June 16, 1700, SEVENTH GENERATION. 497 I had kept his word, strictly, which in business is often of more value than I money. Long years afterwards, he walked with his son Frank to the place i where that bank used to be and told him the story and what a help it had been to him in his long business career. Both d. E. Bloomfield; he Nov. 30, 1891; ; she, July 15, 1810. Ch. b. East Bloomtleld: 4607.* JoHK Sears, July 14, 1842. 4608.* Agnes Downs, July 28, 1844. 4609.* Frank Harwood, Mar. 27, 1846. 4610.* Anna Beach, Feb. 18, 1851. 4611.* Sarah Atwater, Jan. 28, 1852. 4612.* George Wright, July 1, 18.54. [1714] CALVIN HOOPER HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Gustavus A.,) b. East Bloomfield, N. Y., July 30, 1809; m. Rochester, Mich., Nov. 30, 1842, Martha Parks, dau. of John and Dolly (Parks) Bennett, b. Rochester, Nov. 30, Snow, b. Harwich, Nov. 18, 1705; whod. there, June 29, 1736; she wasgranddau.. of Nicholas Snow ; m. 3d. Harwich, June 30, 1737, Abigail, widow of Stephen Sears,* nee Burgess. He was adm. to church Harwich, July 14, 4734-5; dismissed to Mr. Kent's church, N. Y,, May 20, 1749, He re- moved to "Joe's Hill," in South East, on the Obloug, in Duchess Co., N. Y., one of the early settlers there. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Harwich; A Daughter, Feb. 8, 1732-3; d. Feb, 11, 1733. Heman, Mar, 13, 1733-4, " June 8, 1734. By 2d wife, b. Harwich: Heman, Jun'e 18, 1736; d. Aug. 15, 1637. By 3d wife: Benjamin, b. May 2, 1738, Harwich; m. Mary Hall. Stephen, " " " " " " three times. Enoch, " Sept. 5, 1741, " " Uuderhill. Reuben, bap. Feb. 16, 1743, Sunderland, b. Dec. 14, 1749, South East; m. Mary Andrus. Seth, " •' Samuel, " " •' Capt. STEPHEN SEARS,5 b. Harwich, May 20, 1738; m. 1st, Sharon, Ct.. Apr. 2, 1767, Eliz- abeth Hyde; m. 2d, Sarah Hunter; m. 3d, Mar. 9,1769; Mrs. Sybil Pardee, dau. of Daniel and Hannah Hunt, b. Feb. 18, 174- ; who d. Feb. 8, 1734, aged 94; he removed with his father to South East, N. Y. ; and about 1760 to Sharon, Ct.. where later he purchased the place of his father-in- law, Dea. Hunter; carpenter, and superintended erection of the meeting house, 1768; sheriff; Captain and Commissary in the Revolution. Hed. of yellow fever, N. Y. City, 1791, while at work on a contract there. Ch. by 2d wife: Abigail, m. Alpheus Jewett. Anna, b. Jun. 30, 1760 ; " Isaac Crane. Sarah, ' Elisha Wright. By 3d wife, b. Sharon : Stephen, May, 1730; m. Lois Lovoll. Asenath, " David Skidmore. Alma, Delia, *' Wi tT»Vir»r»^lr July 10, 1771, " John Benton. Tamsen, Dec, 1775, '■ Allen Pease. John, about 1784, " Almira Gould. Dr. JOHN SEARS,6 b. Sharon, about 1784; m. Dec, 2, 1812, Almira, dau. of David and Mary (Brewster) Gould, b. Dec. 15, 1787, a descendant of Elder William Brewster, the pilgrim; a pliy- sician in Sharon 40 years; then removed to East Bloomfield, N. Y. ; where he d. 1866; she d. .Tan. 1, 1872. 498 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. 1825; school teacher, farmer and merchant; East Bloomfleld, N. Y.: Rochester, Mich., until about 1842; afterwards Hadley, Mich.; Republican. He d. Hadley, Oct. 29, 1883: she d. Rochester, Mar. 6, 1854. Ch. b. Hadley: 4613.* Mary, Apr. 8, 1844. 4614.* John Henry, Jan. 7, 1846. 4615.* Maria E., Aug. 26, 1848. 4616. Olive, Feb. 6, 1850; d. Cleveland, O., Apr. 16, 1901, unm. 4617. Martha, Feb. 12, 1853, " Rochester, Feb. 17, 1854. [1717] FREDERICK HAMLIN,' (Philo,6 Seth^, Isaac,* Ebenezei^ James,2i) b. East Bloomfleld, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1808; m. Mary — . He was on tlie Menominee river, fifteen miles from Galena, 111., on May 30, 1835, where he had been three months engaged in lead mining: then unm., and witli four other young men had a camp or cabin: he sold his mining claim before August of that year, and spoke of traveling over the Western States. He was after- wards married, and d. Galena, 1848. Children; one or more. [1718] AUGUSTUS CYRUS HAMLIN,' (Leander,^ Seth,^ Isaac,* Eben- ezer,3James,2i) b. Riga, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1820; m. Bergen, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1854, Cornelia, dau. of Howard and Gertrude (Van Wormer) Shader, b. Orange- ville, N. Y., Aug. 7, 18.34; mercliant and farmer; Bergen; Republican; Odd Fellow; Congs.: she res. Pittsburg, Pa., 1899. He d. Bergen, May 27, 1872. Ch. b. Bergen: 4618.' Charles C, June 1, 1856: d. Mar. 28, 1857. 4619.* George Francis, May 28,1858. 4620.* Mary Gertrude, Aug. 18, 1860. [1719] CHARLES CANL>EE HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Augustus C.,) b. Chili, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1822; m. Bergen, N. Y., Aug. 23,. 1845, Sarah A. Buell, b. Bergen, Oct. 8, 1824: her mother was Mary Ann Ward. He was inter- ested in iron works, and res. Watertown, Wis. He d. New Orleans, La., Oct. 6, 1858, buried at Watertown; she d. there Jan. 26, 1850. 22, 1813; m. Henry W. Hamlin. 9, 1815; d. .June 12, 18m 6, 181(5; m. Mary .Jeanette Roberts. 20, 1818, " Mary Jewitt, 24, 1823, " Julia Jewitt. 17, 1826, d. Aug. 1, 1847. 6, 1828; m. Dr. David Atwater. 6, 1830; d. Oct. T, 1854. Note 369. Lieut. DAVID GOULD, son of Benonl and Sarah Gould, b. Sharon, Ct., July ; 1750; m. there, Nov. 4, 1772, Mary Brewster. Ch. b. Sharon: 1, 1773. 23, 1775. 29, 1783; m. Cyrus Swan. 15, 1787, " Dr. .John Sears. Ch. b. Sh aron: Sybil, Sept. Mary, Abr. Simeon B., Sept. John, May Vincent G., Aug. Albert E., Aug. Sarah A., June Frances, Nov. Victor, Aug James Brewster, Oct. Mary, Sept Sarah, Sept Rachael, Jan. Almira, Dec. SEVENTH GENERATION. 499 Ch. b. Watertown: 4021. Florence Marian, Mar. 9, 1847; d. Aug. 29, 1876, unm. 4622. Charles L., Jan. 14, 1850, " July 17, 1850. [1720] WILLIAM LEANDER HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Augustus C.,) b. Chili, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1824; m. twice; both wives dead. He removed to Cal., 1850, and d. Oakland, Cal., 1878. Children: 4623.- William W. 4624. Rose. 4625. Adda. [1724] Hon. JOHN FLAVEL MORSE,' (Tempe Hamlin," Isaac,^! Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Oct. 1, 1801; m. Kirtland, Ohio, 1824, his cousin Mary, dau. of John Granger, b. Phelps, N. Y., 1803; architect and builder; Pittsfield, Mass.; removed to Kirtland, thence to Painesville, Ohio; Whig and Republican; Speaker of the House in Ohio Legislature, 1851; also State Senator; Capt. Co. F., 29th Ohio Inf. Vols.; enlisted Sept. 28, 1861; in battle of Winchester, Va.; dis. Apr. 1862; she Cong. Both d. Painesville; he Jan. 30, 1884; she, Sept. 9, 1879. Ch. b. Kirtland: 4626. Serepta, 1825; d. 1850. 4627. John J., 1827, " 1829. 4628.* Benjamin F., June 7, 1829. 4629. Laura A., 1831, " 1893. 4630. Mary, 1835, " 1837. 4631. TE3IPERANCE, 1842, " 1843. 46.32. Edward, 1843, " 1844. [1725] HARVEY HAMLIN MORSE,' (Bro. of John F..) b. Washington, Mass., Oct. 15, 1805; m. Kirtland, Ohio, Oct. 16, 1839, Ann dau. of David and Mary (Howj Holbrook, b. Derby, Ct., Dec. 15, 1812; carpen- ter and farmer; Kirtland and Painesville, Ohio, and Boonville, Ind., Repub- lican; Congs. Both d. Kirtland; he, Jan. 9, 18-6; she, June, 1880. Children: [unm. 4633. Isabella Graham, b. Oct. 22, 18.35, Kirtland; d. Jun. 20, 1896, 4634.* John Holbrook, " Nov. 12, 1840, Boonville. 4635.* Frederick How, " May 8, 1844, Kirtland. 4636.* George Hamlin, " Mar. 24, 1848, [1726] AURELIA MORSE,' (Sister of John F.,) b. Apr. 10, 1807; m. Nov. 29, 18.34, Christopher G. Crary; farmer; Kirtland, Ohio, and Marshalltown, Iowa; Republican; County Commissioner; Congs. She d. Kirtland, Aug. 5, 1843; he, Mar., 1894. Ch. b. Kirtland: 4637. Marian Almtra, Oct. 22, 1835; unm. 1899. 4638. Virginia, Aug. 23, 1837. 4639. Octavia, July 29, 1841. 500 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. I [1727] LAUKA WILLIAMS,' (Clarissa Hamlin, « Isaac,^* Ebenezer,3< James,2i) b. Mt. Washington, Mass., Dec. 24, 1796; m. Pittsfield, Mass., Sept., 26, 1816, Daniel D. Cadwell, b. Pittsfield, Apr. 20, 1796; school teacher; Loraim County, Ohio; Presbs. Both d. Avon, Ohio; she, June, 1830; he, April, 1843. Children: 4640.* Mary Ann, b. Jan. 11, 1818, Avon. 4641.* Jane, " Apr. 9, 1820, " 4642. Melissa Elvira, " Jan. 8, 1824, Dover; d. 1832. [1728] JUSTIN WILLIAMS,' (Bro. of Laura,) b. Mt. Washington, Mass., July 13, 1798; m. Avon, Ohio, Apr. 20, 1827, Eeneua, dau. of Lewis and Elsie (Sweet) Austin, b. Montgomery Co., N.Y., May 27, 1799; farmer and miller: Avon, Ohio; Republican; Baptists. Both d. Avon; he, Sept. 22, 1846; she, Oct. 28, 1883. Ch. b. Avon: 4643.* Cyrus Marcellus, Mar. 4644.* MiLO Hamlin, Oct. 4645. Viola M., Dec. 4646. Henry C, Oct. 4647. Ellen E., Sept 1, 1827. 15, 1829. 24, 1832: unm. 1902. 16, 1836, (( u 7, 1839; d. July 29, 1880, unm I Ch. b. Sheffield 4648. Henry W., 4649.* Halsey, 4650.* Paulina E., 4651.* Fannie M., 4652.* Daniel W., 4653.* Julia C, [1729] TEMPE WILLIAMS,^ (Sister of Laura, ) b. Mt. Washington, Mass., Sept. 6, 1800; m. Sheffield, Ohio, May 4, 1820, Milton, son of Solomon and Ruth (Bird) Garfield, b. Tyringham, Mass., July 1, 1792; farmer: Sheffield; Republican; Congs. Both d. Sheffield; she Jan. 6, 1894; he, Nov. 25, 1862. 1. b. Sheffield: Dec. 19, 1821; d. May 13, 1822. Dec. 24, 1823. Sept. 3, 1826. Aug. 14, 1829. May 11, 1833. July 25, 1842. [1730] ELIZA MINERVA WILLIAMS,' (Sister of Laura,) b. Mt. Washington, Ma.ss., Apr. 17, 1803; removed with her parents to Avon, Ohio, 1817; m. Sheffield, Ohio, July 10, 1823, Thomas, son of James and Nancy (Dun) Clary, b. Johnstown, N. Y., Apr. 2, 1797: farmer; Monroeville, Ohio, after 1823; Republican; Catholics. She d. Norwalk, Ohio, Apr. 19, 1898; he d. Monroeville, Dec. 12, 1869. Ch. b. Monroeville: 4654.* William James, Nov. 8, 1824. 4655.* Nancy Dun, Mar. 16, 1827. 4656.* John, Sept. 1, 1829. 4657.* Cordelia, May 25, 1832. 4658.* Josephine, Aug. 31, 1837. 4659.* Stephen Lawrence, Oct. 5, 1842. SEVENTH GENERATION. 501 [1731] JOHN WENDELL WILLIAMS,' (Bro. of Laura,) b. Mt. Washington, Mass., Sept. 15, 1806; m. 1st, Avon, Ohio, Catherine I M. Orinsby; m. 2d, Jane, dau. of William S. and Nancy (Robinson) Hoplvins: Miller; Avon: Free Soiler and Republican. He d. Avon, June 27, 1889. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Amherst: 4(i60.* Thomas Floyd, May 1, 1833. 4661.* Ida Isadohe Catherine, Sept. 1, 1834. By 2d wife: 4662. Adelbekt. [1732] MARY HARRIET WILLIAMS,' (Sister of Laura,) b. Mt. Washington, Mass., Mar. 8, 1809; m. about 1827, Collins W., son of Collins and Polly (Williams) Miller, b. Pittsfield or Lenox, Mass.; farmer: Mon- roeville, Ohio, after 1828; Republican: Presb. She d. Monroeville, May 22, 1839; he is buried there. No issue: [143.3] HENRY HARRI.SON WILLIAMS,' (Bro. of Laura,) b. Mt. Washington, Mass., Oct. 21, 1812; m. Ridgeville, Ohio, Feb. 6, 1840, Emma Amelia, dau. of Ebenezer and Eunice (Yale) Porter, b. Lee, Mass., Apr. 3, 1817; merchant and manufacturer; removed from Lenox, Mass., to Ohio, 1817, and res. Avon, Ohio; Republican; Baptists. He d. Avon, Feb. 26, 1900; she res. Buffalo, N. Y. Ch. b. Avon: 4663.* Howard, Jan. 21, 1841. 4664.* Annette, Jan. 23, 1843. 4665.* Edward Everett, Mar. B, 1846. 4666. MONTVILLE, Nov. 16, 1847; d. Dec. 10, 1847 4667.* Nellie Louise, Oct. 5, 1853. [1734] JAMES DWIGHT WILLIAMS,' (Bro. of Laura,) b. Pittsfield, Mass., July 26, 1815; ra. Avon, Ohio, Helen, dau. of William S. and Nancy (Robinson) Hopkins, b. Loraine Co., Ohio; merchant; removed from Pittsfield, Mass., to Ohio, in childhood, and afterwards lived in Avon; Eepublican. He d. Avon, May 4, 1890. No issue. [1735] GEORGE WASHINGTON HAMLIN,' (Stephen," Isaac,^* Ebenezer,s James,2i) b. Pittsfield, Mass,, Jan. 6, 1814; m. New Lebanon, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1843, Sarah Ann, dau. of Ichabod and Maranda (Clark) Clark, b. Pitts- field, Aug. 8, 1821: carpenter and gunsmith; Inspector of Arms in U. S. Armo- ries at Springfield, Pittsfield and Ilion, N. Y.; res, Springfield and llion, and went to California, 1850; Democrat; Mormon; Odd Fellow. It is supposed he d. at Marysville, Cal., in the mines, 1855. No. further report of him. She remarried, Ilion, N. Y., Mar. 24, 1857, Frederick Mills, son of Jared and Han- nah (Mills) lagersoll, and removed to Chicago, 111., March, 1857, where he d. Feb. 16, 1895. She res. Chicago, 1899. Children: 4668.* Charles, Dec. 7, 1843, Springfield. 4669.* David Francis, Jan, 27, 1849, llion. 502 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [1736] JANE ELIZABETH HAMLIN,' (Sister of George W.,) b. Pittsfield, Mass., July 29, 1815; m. Mar. 16, 1847, William Baird, b. Becket,J Mass.; res. Lee, Mass.: Kepublican; she Baptist. They separated and she went to Stockbridge, Mass. Both dead. She d. Stockbridge, Jan. 21, 1894. Ch. b. Pittsfield: Kathbrijste Elizabeth, June 28, 1848. William Kendall, May 2, 1850; d. Dec. 7, 1850. William Kendall, Feb. 8, 1853. Willis Prentice, " " " 4670.* 4671. 4672.* 4673.* [1738] SIDNEY HOWLAND,' (Lois Hamblin," Perez,^ Isaac,* Ebene- zer,3 Jaraes,2i) b. Poultney, Vt., Aug. 30, 1788; m. Pittsfield, Mass., Sept; 28, 1808, Asaph, son of Asaph and Penelope (Sackett) Dewey,* b. Hancock,] Mass., Mar. 7, 1787; farmer: Lenox, Mass 1873; he Feb. 11, 1845. Ch. b. Lenox: 4674. Mary Maria, 4675. Penelope Sackett, Oct 4676. Lois Emily, 4677. George Howland, 4678. Charles Asaph, 4679. Elizabeth Hall, 4680. John Wesley, 4681. Harriet Sidney, 4682. Sarah Adaline, 4683. Franklin Henry, 4684. Frances Helen, Cong. Both d. Lenox; she Apr. 18,1 Sept. Oct. 29, 1809; 1811. d. Oct. 1888, Lenox. Sept. 23, 1813; d. Dec. 30, 1837, Lenox. Oct. 18, 1816, I i Aug. 1891, Sawyer, la Oct. 14, 1818. Aug. 5, 1820. Feb. 13, 1823: d. Mar. 15, 1825. Oct. 4, 1825, (1 Feb. 4, 1855. Aug. 16, 1828, u Dec. 21, 1844. July 27, 1833, i I Oct. 14, 1855, Sawyer la. u (( (1 n May 1, 1865, Canaan. [1742] POLLY HOWLAND,^ (Sister of Sidney,) b. Pittsfield, Mass., Dec. 28, 1800; m. there, Dec.28, 1820, Capt. Chauncy,' son of Philip and Lavinia (Gunn) Sears, t b. Lenox, Mass., June 30, 1799; farmer; resided on tlie old homestead, Lenox; Captain of militia: Cong. Both d. Lenox: she, Feb. 8, 1869: he, Feb. 10. 1841. 4685.* 4686.* 4987.* 4688.* 4689.* 4690.* Ch. b. Lenox: Philip Howland, Horatio Nelson, Mary Cornelia, Henry Clinton, Chauncy, Lois Hamblen, Aug. 9, 1823. Aug. 29, 1826. Aug. 22, 1828. Feb. 11, 1832. Nov. 13, 1834. Aug. 23, 1837. * For Dewey see notes 237 and 346. t Note 370. For Sears see notes 7, 285 and 368. Lieut. SILAS SEARS; 2 m. Anna, perhaps dau. of James Bursell, of Yarmouth ; resided east prechict Yarmouth; Ensign, Oct. 28, 1681; Lieutenant, .luly 7, 1683;representative, 1685-91; selectman, 16S0-n4. Both d. Yarmouth; he, Jan. 13, 1697-8; she. Mar. 4, 1725-6. Cliildren : Silas, b. 1661, Yarmouth; m. Sarah Crosby and Elizabeth O'Killey. Richard, " " " Bashua Harlow and Mrs. Sarah (Graham Hannah, " Dec, 1672, Eastham. " Thomas Snow. [Marvin. Joseph, " 1675, Yarmouth, " Hannah Hall. JosiAH, " 1675, " " Mercy Howes and Judith Gilbert. Elizabeth, " " " .John Cooke, Dobrity, " 1687, " " Joseph Staples. SEVENTH GENERATION. 503 Phebe, Jun. 26. 1694; m. .] Silas, Dec, 169">, " ] Sarah, Apr. 3, 1697, '• ] Deborah, Jan., 1699-1700; Hannah, Jan., 1701-2; d. Thomas, Mar. 3, 1702-3; m. James, Mar. 30, 1704, " Eleazer, Jan. 1,1705-6, " SILAS SEARS,3 b. Yarmouth. 1661 ; m. Ist, 1692, Sarah, dau. of Rev. Thomas and Sarah Crosby, b. Mar. 24, 1667; who d. Mar. 30, 1705-6; m. 2d, Yarmouth, May 1, 1707, Elizalnsth O., dau. iof David and Jane O'Killey, of Yarmouth; yeoman; a prominent man; resided in that part of Yarmouth, now Dennis. He d. 1732; will dated July 28, 1727; proved Nov. 29, 1732; estate £1499.3.7. Ch. b. Yarmouth: m. .lohn Buck. Elizabeth NIckerson. Eleazer Hamlin, m. William Gray. Mar. 18, 1705-6. . Patience Nickerson. Desire Tobey. Mary Nickerson and Lydia Gray. I JAxMES SEARS,* b. Yarmouth, Mass., Mar. 30, 1704; m. there. May 2S, 1730, Desire Tobey, fb. 1707; he had a deed of 52 acres of land at Windham, Ct., July 10. 1739. but it is not known that he ever lived there; prob. settled at Mill Plains, then part of Ridgefield, Ct., about 1740-5; one James Sears was pathmaster at Kent, N. Y., Apr, 7, 1747; and member of Old Gilead church, Carmel, N. Y.. 1756; possibly not him as he had nephews of the same name; he was one of the first members of the Cong. Church, Ridgefield, 1769; after the death of his wife he lived with his son. Comfort; was rigidly religious; he once started to shoot wild turkeys that had alighted in his cornfield: but remembering that it was the Lord's day returned without shooting, re- marking: "You did not get me that time, Mr. Devil," He d. Ridgefield, Mar. 17, 1791; she d, July 28, 1781. Children: 25, 1731, Yarmouth; m. Mary Paddock, " " Reuben Crosby. " " James Foster. " Sarah Sears, m. Susanna Townsend and Charity Haviland. " Doborah Baldwin. " Timothy Foster, and removed to Western N. Y. " Abigail (?) Sherwood. " Eli Crosby. " Eunice Crane. DAVID SEARS.a b. Yarmouth, Aug. 25, 1731; m. Mary, prob. dau. of Zachariah and Eliz- abeth (Hawes) Paddock; he removed to North East, Duchess Co., N. Y., as early as 17,54; and before the Rev. to the north part of Leno.x. Mass^; on school com., 1774-6; tythingman, 1778; highway surveyor, 1779; at a meeting of the Committee of Safety, Dec. 3, 1777, he with four others were voted "'dangerous to the United States," and Major Caleb Hyde was appointed to procure evidences against them; a place in a mountain in Lenox called the "Tory liole," is said to be where he supplied one Gid. Smith with foor" while in hiding; Baptist. Both d. Lenox; he July 12. 1827; she July 19, 1826, aged 92. Children: Philip, David, Isaac, Luther, James, Zachariah, Calvin, Eli.jah. Bethia. Elizabeth, Polly, Corp. PHILIP SEARS.e b. North East, N, Y., Pittsfield, Mass., Lavinia Gunn, b. Pittsfield, 1771; Children: David, b. Aug. 25, 1731, Sarah, " Nov. 21, 1732, Thankful, " Nov. 26, 1734, Seth, " Oct. 31, 1736, Knowles, " 1738; Thomas, " Apr. 30, 1745. Desire, James, b. 1747, Rebecca, " about 1750, Comfort, >' Mar. 20, 1751, 1759, North East; m )> 1772, May 15, 1776, Apr., 1778, about 1779, Lexox ; Lavinia Gunn. Huldah Carr and Jennie Cole. Priscilla Stearns. Anna Foster. Lucy Judd. Sally Hall and Almira Butler. Mary Hubby. m. James Goodrich. " Jonathan Root. " Robert McKnight. 1759; Pub. Lenox, Mass., Nov. 25, 1798; m. farmer; Lenox; Dec. 3, 1777, he with his father and three others were voted by the Com. of Safety, '-dangerous," etc., but lie appears to have purged himself from the imputation; he served in Capt. Ezra Whittlesey's Co.. Sept. 7 to 30, 1777 ; in Capt. Charles Dibbet's Co., on alarm of Oct. 18, 1780, four days' service; Corp. in Capt, William Wells' Co., alarm at Saratoga, Oct. 30, to Nov, 7, 1781. Both d. Lenox ; he July 17, 1831 ; She Mar. 16, 1847. Ch. b. Lenox; Chauncy, June 30, 1799; m. Polly llowland, Laura D., June 11, 1801, " Chauncy Brooks. 504 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [1744] POLLY BUCKLANI),^ (Rhoda A. Harablin,fi Perez,^ Isaac,* I Ebenezer,3 Jaiiies,2i) b. Poultney, Vt.; m. there, 1794, Capt. John, son of John | and Anna (Cleveland) Lewis, b. Poultney, Jan. 30, 1792; she d. Poultney, Dec.j 4, 1827. He m. 2d, Rhoda Fifield,' cousin of lirst wife; farmer: Poultney; Re-| publican; Selectman; Representative. He d. Poultney, Nov. 13, 1865. Ch. b. Poultney: 4691.* Helen, Mar. 20, 1822. 4692.* Fanny B., Oct. 26, 1823. 4693.* Carlisle, May 12, 1825. [1746] STEPHEN BUCKLAND,^ (Bro. of Polly,) b. Poultney, Vt., Oct. 20, 1799: m. there, Jan. 6, 1831, Chloe Eveline, dau., of Broad well and Sarah Watkins, b. Poultney, July 28, 1810; farmer; Poultney, Vt.; Danby, N. Y., until 1867; afterwards Coldwater, Mich.; Republican; Congs. He d. Coldwater, Nov. 9, 1868; she d. Danby, Dec. 6, 1856. Ch. D. Danby: Oct. 2, 1S31, June 13, 1833. Mar. 21, 1836; d. Feb. 2, 1877, unm Apr. 30, 1840. Sept. 27, 1842. Mar. 17, 1852; d. Jan. 15, 1872, unm. 4694.* William, 4695.* Newell, 4696. Sakah, 4697.* Frank, 4698.* Harlan, 4699. Emma, I [1747] AUGUSTUS BUCKLAND,' (Bro. of Polly,) b. Poultney, Vt., 1805. He res. on the homestead of his grandfather Buck- land, at Poultney, and d. there, unm., 1886. [1750] RHODA FIFIELD,^ (Charlotte Hamblin,« Perez,^ Isaac,* Eben- ezer,» James,^!) b. Poultney, Vt., July 23, 1802; m. Capt. John, son of John and Anna (Cleveland) Lewis, see sketch of his first wife Polly Buckland." Both d. Poultney; he, Nov. 13, 1865; she, Dec. 15, 1879. Ch. b. Poultney: 4700.* Hiram F., Aug. 12, 1829. 4701.* Mark, Nov. 21, 1831. 4702.* Julius, May 4, 1837. 4703.* Charlotte F., Jan. 12, 1839. 4704.* Martha, Mar. n, 1842. 4705. Mary, 1844; d 1849. [1751] HIRAM FIFIELD,7 (Bro. of Rhoda,) b. Poultney, Vt., Jan. 30, 1805; m. there, Jan. 12, 1836, Paulina, dau. of Benjamin C and Martha (Dnrand) Lewis, b. Poultney, Feb. 4, 1809: farmer; Poultney; Republican: member of Morning Star Lodge A. F. & A. M., Poult- ney; Methodists. Both d. Poultney; he Feb. 20, 1892; she. Mar. 2, 1892. Ch. b. Poultney: 4706.* Jenks L., Nov. 27, 1839. 4707.* Mary A., Oct. 31, 1842. 4708.* George Benjamin, Aug. 20, 1845. SEVENTH GENERATION. 505 [1752] BETSEY FIFIELD,' (Sister of Rhoda,) b. Poultnej', Vt., May 25, 1807: m. there, Jan. 28, 1841, Hiram Kilborn, b. Poultney, July 7, 1799; marble cutter; Whiting, Orwell and Poultney, Vt.: Re- [publican; Cong.; Freemason; she Baptist. Both d. Poultney; she, Apr. 25, 1878; he, Oct. 21, 1867. Children: 4709.* Samuel, b. Nov. 29, 1841. 4710.* Franklin, " Jan. 6, 1844. 4711.* Albert, " Nov. 30, 1846. [1753] WILLIAM FIFIELD,^ (Bro. of Rhoda, ) b. Poultney, Vt., Dec. 27, 1809; m. there, Laura Ransom; res. in Iowa, where he died. Children: 4712. Don, res. Cresco, Iowa. 4713. Juliette. 4714. Clinton, " Kendallville, Iowa. [1754] PEREZ HAMBLIN FIFIELD,' (Bro. of Rhoda,) [ b. Poultney, Vt., May 6, 1813; m. 1st, Jennie, dau. of James and Prudence (Graves) Winchell, who d. Poultney, 1860; m. 2d, Mrs. Lucy Down, of Hampton, and dau. of Studley and Rebecca (Batchelder) Thornton. He res. Hampton, 1875, where he died. Ch. by 1st wife: 4715.* Edson H., b. Dec. 7, 1838, Poultney. 4716. Frank, " 1840, " d. 1842. 4717. James, " 1843. 4718.* Sarah, " Nov. 10, 1848. 4719.* Ida, " Nov. 26, 1853. By 2d wife, b. Hampton: 4720. Minnie, May 12, 1875; unm. 1897; res. Hampton. [1756] CYNTHIA HAMBLIN,' (Stephen," Perez.s Isaac,< Ebenezer.s James,2i) b. New Haven, Vt., May 31, 1801; m. Dec. 15, 1823, Myron Casey, of Auburn, N. Y., who d. about a year after marriage. He remarried, removed to Kalamazoo, Mich., and died. Child: 4721. Cynthia, b. 1824; d. 1848. [1757] SOPHIA HAMBLIN,- (Sister of Cynthia,) b. New Haven, Vt., Aug. 10, 1802; m. June 27, 1822, William A. Smith. Both dead; she d. Elbridge, N. Y., 1876. No issue. [1758] HORATIO HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of Cynthia,) ! b. New Haven, Vt., Jan. 5, 1806; m. 1st, Aurelius, N. Y., 1827, Polly, dau. of ' John andLucinda (Rice) Montgomery, b. Aurelius, 1807, who d. Auburn, Dec. 2, 1850; m. 2d, Elbridge, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1851, Jane P. Mead; carpenter. He re- moved with his parents to Aurelius, N. Y., 1812; later to Auburn, N. Y., where he d. 1876; she d. June 10, 1881. 506 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Aurelius: 4722. Cynthia, Mar. 18, 1828; m. Kufus Smith. 4723. Malyina, July 13, 1829: d. Feb. 24, 1893, unm 4724.* Leyi B., Feb. 18, 1831. 4725.* Lauka Jane, By 2d wife, b. Aug. 19, Auburn: 1833. 4726.* Charles L., Aug. 5, 1852. 4727.* May Frances, Mar. 28, 1854. [1759] WILLAM PEREZ HAMBLIN,' (Bro. of Cynthia,) b. New Haven, Vt., June 23, 1809; m. Aurelius, N. Y., Apr. 21, 1830, Mary Jane, dau. of St. Clair and Elizabeth (Montgomery) Smith, b. Aurelius, Aug. 9, 1809; farmer. He removed with his parents to Aurelius, 1812; to Elbridge, 1835; Syracuse, 1849; Fleming, 1852; Plymouth, Mich., 1855; Republican; Presb., in which church he was an elder. Both d. Plymouth; he, Oct. 14, 1873: she, July 2, 1872. Children: 4728.* Martha E., 4729.* St. Clair Smith 4730. Oscar L., 4731. William H., 4732. Jane A., 4733.* Jennie M., 4734. Harriet M., 4735. Oscar, b. Jan. 30, 18.31, Aurelius. " May 6, 18.33, " " Mar. 6, 1836, Elbridge; d. Oct. 1849 " Aug., 1838, " " Nov., 1839. " Sept., 1840, " " July, 1841. " Mar. 27, 1842, " Oct., 1845, " " July, 1847. " Jan., 1851, " " in infancy. I [1760] CHARLOTTE HAMBLIN,' (Sister of Cynthia,) b. Aurelius, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1810; m. Mar. 28, 1830, Caleb H. Hopping, of Auburn, N. Y. Both dead; she d. Hammondton, N. J., before 1896. 4736. Child: Stephen; had son, Edward N. [1761] MARY ETTA HAMBLIN,^ (Sister of Cynthia,) b. Aurelius, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1813; m. there, Apr. 28, 18.35, William Bennett, son of St. Clair and Elizabeth (Montgomery) Smith; res. Auburn, N. Y., until 1861; removed to N. Y. City; Democrat; clerk in Auburn State Prison, 1836; Knights Templar; Presbys.; she res. N. Y. City, 1894. He d. N. Y. City. 4737. 4738. 4739.* 4740. 4741.* 4742. Children: Sarah Elizabeth, Francis G., William St. Clair, Charles Henry, Mary Sophia, Horace Falconer, " Nov. 17, 1848, b. May 21, 1836, Aurelius: m.Wm. B.Adams " Nov. 15, 1838, Throopsville:d.Mar.l4,'86; " July 14, 1840, " [unm. " Mar. 22, 1842, Auburn; d. Apr. 25, '42. " June 21, 1847, " " Nov. 29, '53. SEVENTH GENERATION. 507 [1762] Rev. LEMUEL WOODWORTH HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Cynthia,) b. Aurelius, N. Y., July 23, 1815; m. Geneva, N. Y., May 28, 1835, Jeanette Elizabeth, dau. of John Temple and Jane McNarrin (Black) demons,* b. Geneva, N. Y. He received his theological education at Auburn, was licenced to preach and Nov. 6, 1816, ordained and installed pastor of the Presb. church Elbridge; N. Y., April, 1842. She was an army nurse eighteen months in Colum- bia College U. S. Hosp., Washington. D. C, 18G2-3. Through the kindness of President Lincoln, she was appointed clerk in the U. S. Treasury Dept. Wash- ington, and served as such eleven years. She d. Bristol, Vt., May 25, 1881. He d. Elbridge, N. Y., deeply lamented, Oct. 12, 1846. OBITUARY At the parsonage in the village of Elbridge, on Monday the 12th of Octo- ber, Rev. L. W. Hamblin, pastor of the Congregational church ceased from his labors and entered upon his reward. The subject of this brief obituary was converted at the age of tifteen, in the village of Senaca Falls, during the great revival of 1831. With unusual ardor and fidelity lie immediately, entered upon the work of his Master and Redeemer; and whether laboring as a layman, an elder or bishop, he was eminently wise in winning souls to Christ. As a preacher of the unsearchable riches of Christ, he was faithful, earnest, truth- ful, ever striving to reach the conscience and apply the truth, in the hope and expectation of immediate fruit and harvest. He had a remarkable lioly bold- ness in his Master's cause^ and often the scoffer and the re viler quailed before him. As a bishop of souls his was the Shepherd's gift, healing the breaches, succoring the weak, feeding the lambs, supporting the aged, comforting the mourning, reclaiming the wandering, and cheering in the deep waters, the lone crosses of Jordon's Stream. In the sacred desk he loved to stand; alas! for us, too well, there he loved to magnify his office. "How did our souls start out to hear, The embassies of love he bore. While every ear in raptures hung. Upon the wonders of his tongue." In sadness and sorrow we followed our brother and friend, our teacher and pastor through the dark valley. We hoped for many words of strength, of joy, and light, in this stage of his pilgrimage: but disease weakened and beclouded his intellect, until the angel came; the Heavenly strength was brought and to teach, and to all he had a word in season fittingly spoken. Faithful to the last he ceased from among us, bearing delightful witness that the valley was "Light, all light," that "Jesus," was with him, near him, around him, and in him, full of glory. He has gone to his Lord, and our Lord. * Note 371. JOXATHAN CLEMONS, m. by Rev. Nathan Stone, Southborough, Mass, Oct. 13, 1755, Hannah More; and res. Southborough. JONATHAN CLEMONS, b. Southborough, Jan. 19, 1756; m. 1st RachaeLRIce; m. 2d . Private in Capt. Emerson's Co., in Col. Tupper's Regt. His app. for pension was dated Sodus, N. Y., Apr. 20, 1818, pensioned for 3 years actual service. Ho d. South Sodus, Apr. 14, 1841. He and his 2d wife buried Palmyra, N. Y. Sons, John Temple and Thomas Reed. JOHN TEMPLE CLEMONS, b. Rutland, Ma.ss., Mar. 6, 1787, eldest son; m. Geneva. N.Y., Oct. 26, 1809, Jane McNarrin, dau. of John and .lennette (McNarrin) Black, b. .Tohnstown. N. Y. Feb. 10, 1789. He d. Geneva, May 10, 1841 ; she d. Palmyra, N. Y., Oct. 26. 1866. Their dau. .lean- nette Elizabeth demons, m. Rev. Lemuel W. Hamblin.' 508 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: 4743. Theodore Spencer, b. Apr. 23, 18.36, Geneva; d. Jan. 16,1837. 4744. Edward Patson, " June 29, 1838, Cleveland, " Sep. 16, 1844. 4745.* Maria Louise, " Jan. 13, 1841, Geneva. 4746.* James Richards,' " Mar. 16, 1844, Elbridge. [1763] LEWIS CLARK HAMBLIN,' ( Bro. of Cynthia,) b. Aurelius, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1818; m. Feb. 12, 1842, Hannah L. Ward, b. Aure- lius; farmer; res. Aurelius, 1896; Charlevoix, Mich., 1902. She d. Aurelius, 1847. Ch. b. Aurelius: 4747.* Charles, 1843. [1764] RHODA ANN HAMBLIN,' (Sister of Cynthia,) b. Aurelius, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1819: m. there, Nov. 17, 1840, Benjamin Rice, b. Aurelius, July 24, 1806; carpenter; res. Aurelius, Corning and Auburn, N. Y.; Republican; Baptists. She d. Auburn, Mar. 17, 1854: he d. Elkhart, Ind., Oct. 3, 1874. Children: 4748.* Ruth A., b. Aug, 12, 1841, Corning; m. Holben 4749.* Horatio Hamblin, " Sept. 11, 1843, Auburn. 4750.* Mary, " Oct. 14, 1844, u 4751.* James Spencer, " Apr. 14, 1849, (1 4752. Frederick, " Feb. 3, 1853; d. Nov. 10, 1853 [1765] HEMAN HAMLIN,^ (Ebenezer S.," Jehiel,^ lsaac,i Ebenezer,^ James,3i) b. West Springfield, Mass., Dec. 15, 1801; m. West Blooratleld, N. Y., Mar. 11, 1836, Mary Loe, dau. of Caleb Stanley and Content Hall (Brown) 01m- stead, b. Lyden, Mass., Dec. 27, 1814; blacksmith; W. Bloomfield; Republican. He d. W. Bloomfield. Ch. b. W. Bloomfield: 4753.* Sarah Bardwell, Nov. 7, 1838. 4754. Daniel, Aug. 12, 1840; d. Feb. 22, 1844. 4755.* Franklin Ebenezer, July 6, 1842. 4756. Daniel, Sept. 12, 1844, " Sept. 8, 1847. 4757. Sophia Dewey, Sept. 23, 1846, " " 12, 1847. [1766] JAMES DEWEY HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Heman,) b. West Springfield, Mass., July 25, 1803; m. 1st, Leroy, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1832, Caroline, dau. of Dr. Abel and Anna (Tripp) Bennett, b. Lei'oy, Feb. 8, 1807, who d. Allen, Mich., Oct. 27, 1841; m. 2d, Mar. 3, 1842, Lucy Ann Chester. He was salesman in a dry goods store in early life; removed to Allen, Mich., 1830, where he was a farmer; Republican; Supervisor; Justice of the Peace; Epis. He d. Allen, Nov. 7, 1859: his widow d. there, Jan. 16, 1863. Ch, by 1st wife: [12, 1835. 4758. Myron Ebenezer, b. Apr. 9, 1833, W. Bloomfield; d. Feb. 4759.* Emily Bennett, " July 11, 1835, Lorain. [8, 1838. 4760. Mary Sophia, " Apr. 3, 1837, W. Bloomfield; d. Oct. 4761.* Caroline Bennett, " Oct. 12, 1840, Allen. By 2d wife, b. Allen: 4762.* Frances Lucy, Jan. 14, 1842. SEVENTH GENERATION. 509 [1767] BETSEY POMEROY HAMLIN,' (Sister of Heman, ) b. West Springfield, Mass., Nov. 9, 1807; m. Blootnfield. N. Y., July 1.3, 1837, Hiland Bishop, son of Gen. Araos and Pliebe (Coe) Hall, b. West Bloomtield, (N. Y., July 3, 1800, his 2d wife. He m. 1st, her sister Caroline. In early life he was a clerk in stores in Geneva and Penn Yan, N. Y.; later, merchant, Bloomfield, with Stephen Hendee, closing their business 1842: afterwards con- I ducted a grist mill: Whig; Postmaster; School Commissioner; Commissioner of deeds; Cong. She d. West Bloomfield, Sept. 7, 1885. He d. Bloomfield, Mar. 1 17, 1847. f Ch. b. W. Bloomfield: 4763. Delia Elvira, Oct. 2, 1838; d. Jan. 2, 1841. 4764.* Hiland Saxton, Apr. 30, 1841. 4765.* Francis Granger, July 6, 1843. [176S1 CAROLINE SOPHIA HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Heman,) I b. West Springfield, Mass., Dec. 5, 1810: m. Bloomfield, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1828, Hiland Bishop, son of Gen. Amos and Phebe (Coe) Hall, his first wife. See slcetch of her sister Betsey, who was his second wife. She d. W. Bloomfield, June 8, 1836. Child: 4766.* Isabella Sophia, b. Jan. 30, 1831. [1769] SAMUEL SELDEN HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Heman,) b. West Springfield, Mass., Sept. 7, 1817— another record says Jan. 20, 1818. (Possibly there were two children of the same name and the first d. in infancy); m. June 10, 1840, Cornelia, dau. of Joel Rice, Jr., of Geneva, N. Y., b. May 15, 1817. He was in tlie dry goods business, Elmira, N. Y., with his brother-in- law, RemickC. Rice, for 25 years; firm, Hamlin & Rice. He d. Elmira. N. Y., Apr. 9, 1893; she d, Baltimore, Md., May, 1873; he and his st)n are buried West Bloomfield. Ch. b. Elmira: 4767. ASHER PoMEROY, July 31, 1841; d. 1861. [1770] JOHN EBENEZER HAMLIN,- (Bro. of Heman,) b. West Springfield, Mass., Nov. 11, 1819; another record gives his birth Mar. 17, 1817; m. Sept. 1849, Clarissa Covell, of Elmira, N. Y., b. 1828. He once lived in Elmira: was in business at Mansfield, Pa. He d. Elmira, about 1864: she res. there, 1896. No issue, [1772] ELIZA DAY,' (Jerusha Hamlin,« Jehial,Ms-aac.* Ebenezer,' James,2i) b. West Springfield, Mass., Jan. 17, 1807; m. Benjamin Crippen. She d. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1889. No issue. [1773] ASHER HAMLIN DAY,^ ( Bro. of Eliza,) b. West Springfield, Mass., Mar. 25, 1809; m. Westfield, Mass., Aug. 1, 1838, Delina, dau. of Solomon and Charlotte (Holmes) Stiles, b. Westfield, Apr. 10, 1816; res. West Springfield: Methodist. He d. West Springfield, Feb. 5, 1847: she d. North Blandford, Mass., Apr. 19, 1886. Ch. b. W. Springfield: 4768.* William Henry, April 1, 1841, 510 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [1776] Hon. LOREN DAY,' (Bro. of Eliza, ) b. West Springfield, Mass., Oct. 20, 1816: ni. Ithaca, N. Y., Apr. 29, Mary Ann Hillick; wliolesale liquor dealer; Ithaca, N. Y., since about He d. Sept. 27, 1900; she d. Mar. 29, 1901, aged 82. Children: 4769. Louisa, b. Jan. 27, 1853; d. Aug. 7, 1854. 4770. Charles Kelsey, " Apr. 12, 1856, " Oct. 20, 1860. 477L Joseph Seldbk, " Feb. 27, 1859, '^ Oct. 30, 1860. I 185?, 1851J [1777] JOHN HAMLIN MILLER,^ (Electa," Jehie 1,5 Isaac,* Ebenezer.a James,2i) b. Feeding Hills, Mass,, Sept. 30, 1812; m. West Islip, Long Island, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1850, Frances, dau. of Samuel and Prudence (Terry) Higbie, b. West Islip, Sept. 30, 1826; she was called Fanny; farmer: West Islip; an educated- wliole souled, highly respected man. Both d. West Islip; he, Apr. 22, 1885| she, Apr. 24, 1891. Ch. b. Islip: 4772.* Fanny, Mar. 22, 1851. [1780] LUCY LEONARD MILLER, ■ (Sister of John H.,) b. Feeding Hills, Mass., Apr. 26, 1819; m. there. May 26, 1850, Solomon S., son of Asa N. and Harriet (Scovill) Northam, b. Williamstown, Mass., June 12, 1823; farmer: Westfleld, Mass.; she Cong. Ch. b. Feeding Hills: 4773. Samuel, Mar. 22, 1851; d. June 22, 1875. 4774. Heber, Feb. 17, 1853, " July 4, 1865. 4775. Nellie, Aug. 25, 1855. 4776. Henry H., Mar. 8, 1859. [1781] CAROLINE MORELY MILLER,' (Sister of John H.,) b. Jan. 10, 1823; m. June 28, 1847, Remick Chauncy," son of Joel, Jr.. and Clarissa, (Grannis) Rice,* of Geneva, N. Y., b. Cheshire, Ct., Oct. 2, 1812; dry goods merchant: Elmira, N. Y., with Selden Hamlin, firm of Hamlin &^ Rice, until 1847; removed to Colorado, 1881; she res. Highland, Col. Ch. b. Chemung Co., N. Y. Mar. 23, 1848; d. same day. Feb. 3, 1850, Elmira. Dec. 22, 1851; d. Jan. 5, 1852. June 14, 1854: m. Caroline C. Lockhead. Feb. .15, 1857; d. Mar. 17, 1858. Dec. 28, 1858. Nov. 29, 1866. * Note 372. The name Rice is said to be of Welsh origin, formerly spelled Ap Rhys. EDMUND RICE,i was b. Barkhempsted, Hurts, England, 15"J4; came to New England, 1630; settled at Sudbury, Mass., 1638-9; selectman, 1644; subsequently at Marlboro, Mass., with his family, on what is known as the Rice Grant; a prominent man. He d. Marlboro, May 3, 1663. The name has been honorably conspicuous in New England ; four of the family were members of Congress, 1861. Remick C. Rice was ninth in descent from Edmund, the settler at Sudbury. 4477. A Daughter, 4778.* Frank Sumner, 4779. Charles G., 4780. Edward Clancy, 4781. EVELIN S., 4782.* George Heber, 4783. Eugene Remick, SEVENTH GENERATION. 511 [1786] JA.NE HAMLIN,^ (Lester.^ Jeliiel,^ Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. West Springtield, Mass., Nov. 20, 1822; m, Mar. 23, 1843, Alexander Wliit- Iman Allen. The homestead in West Springfield, of her grandfather, Jehiel Hamlin, inherited by her fatlier, was in 1896 in possessioa of her children. She d. W. Springfield, Mar, 20, 1889. Children: 4784. Edwin Lester, b. Jan. 9, 1844; d. Sept. 12, 1844. 4785. Elizabeth Lucy, t( July 6, 1845. 4786. Mary Jane, there, Dec. 8, 1859: she res., 1879, Benius Point, N. Y., but has since died. I Ch. b. Centerville: 4798. Virtus Genevieve, Sept. 5, 1843; m. Jerome Merritt.^ 4799.* Albert Hazen, May 7, 1848, [1800] ANN ELIZABETH STARR,' (Sister of Almira,) b. Augusta, N. Y., July 31, 1806; m. Aug. 29, 1820, Col. John, son of Ulysses and Lucina (Newell) Hulburt,* b. West Stockbridge, Mass., May 12, 1804; farmer; York, Livingston Co., N. Y. She d. July 3, 1869, Children: 4800. John Newell, b. Nov. 7, 1829; d. Sept. 6, 1853. 4801. George Mortimer, " Feb. 4, 1831, " Chicago, Feb. 4, 1872. 4802. Helen Maria, " Apr. 17, 1833. 4803. Louise A., " Jan. 30, 1835. 4804. Harriet Camilla. " Feb. 12, 1837, " Aug. 25, 1838. 4805. Charles Allen, " Jan. 19, 1839; res. Chicago, 1879. 4806. Sarah Augusta, " Apr. 3, 1841; d. Aug. 2, 1842. For Hurlbut see notes 118 and 227. nl2 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [1801] ORRIN STARR,' (Bro. of Almira,) b. Augusta, N. Y., Mar. 27, 1809; m. Leroy, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1834, Mary Ann, dau. of Aaron T. and Eunice (Byington) Daniels, b. Westmoreland, N.H.,Oct. 7, 1812; produce dealer; Genessee Co., N. Y.; settled in Kalamazoo, Mich., 1851; Republican; lield local offices; Epis. He is dead. Ch. b. Leroy: 4807. Mary Jane, June 15, 1835; unm. 1879. 4808.* Sarah Imogene, June 18, 1837. [1802J CALVIN HAWLEY STARR,' (Bro. of Almira,) b. Augusta, N. Y., Mar. 4, 1812; m. Leroy, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1838, Harriet Adelia, dau. of Eli and Ruth (Hurd) Lake, b. Mt. Morris, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1821: merchant, Mt. Morris, until 1837; Centerville, Mich., where he was a farmer, and Ins. agent, clerk in store until 1898; since at Washta, Iowa; Republican; members Dutcli Reformed Cburch; she d. Centerville, Oct. 21, 1897. 4809.* 4810.* 4811. 4812.* 4813. 4814.* Ch. b. Centerville: Eli Lake, Dec. 28, 1839. Henry Hamlin, July 13, 1842. Harriet Amelia, Dec. 17, 1845; d. Feb. 12, 1846. Harriet Amelia, Dec. 17, 1847. Charles Lake, Mar. 20, 1853; " Mar. 25, 1898, unm. Fanny Ellen, Oct. 31, 1868. [1803] HARVEY HAMLIN STARRJ (Bro. of Almira,) b, Verona, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1814; m. Oct. 6, 1839, Elizabeth, dau. of James and Margaret (Smith) Pratt, b. England, Jan. 2, 1819: farmer; went to Kala- mazoo, Mich., 1835; to Columbus, Wis., 1847; Universalist. He d. Columbus, Aug. 21, 1855. Children: 4815. Mblvin James, 4816. Frank Harvey, 4817. Elizabeth C, b. May 21, 1843, farmer, Osage, la., 1879. " Apr. 14, 1848; res. " " 1879. " Feb. 21, 1853, " " " " [1804] HARRIET LOUISE STAER,' (Sister of Almira,) b. Verona, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1817; m. Centerville, Mich., Dec. 19, 1839, Eras- mus Darwin, son of John Thomas and Catharine (Bruyn) Montrose, b. Montgomery, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1814; farmer; Centerville and Florence, Mich.; York, Wis.; Rockford, Iowa, 1879. Both d. Rockford; she June, 1896; he, Feb., 1891. 4818.* 4819.* 4820.* 4821.* 4822. 4823. 4824. Children: Henry Watson, Catharine Bruyn, Mary Emily, Marion Mar, Adeline Starr, Lucy Richmond, Sarah Alice, b. Dec. 27, 1840, Centerville. " Aug. 13, 1843, Florence. " Oct. 27, 1845, " Dec. 22, 1847, " " Jan. 22, 1849, York; unm. 1902. " May 8, 1854, " Mar. 28, 1861, " " 1902. i SEVENTH GENERATION. 613 [1805] BETSEY JANE STARR,' (Sister of Almira C) b. Pavilion, N. Y., Mar. 13, 1819; m. there, Apr. 6, 1843. Delos White, son of Edmond and Sarah (Mott) Gould,* b. Middieburgh, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1814; hotel ! keeper; N. Y. State; removed from Wyoming, N. Y., to Raymond, Iowa; Bap- { lists. He d. Raymond, Apr. 14. 1882. Children: 4825.* HEJfRY Darius, b. Apr. 8, 1844, Warsaw, N. Y. 4826.* George Eugene, " Perry, N. Y. [1806] MARY ADELINE STARR,' (Sister of Almira C.,) b. Pavilion, N. Y., June 29, 1822; m. Feb. 2, 1854, Dr. John Boyd, son of John and Jenny Lynn (Boyd) Dickey, b. Francistown, N. H., Mar. 17, 1816; physician; Centerville, Mich. She res. with a dau. Mrs. Geo. Tyler, San Diego, Cal. He is dead. Child: 4827. Jennie Starr, b. April 14, 1860. [1807] HENRY KEELER STARR,^ (Bro. of Almira C) b. Castile, N. Y., June 3, 1825; m. Leroy, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1845, Martha A., dau. of Lucius and Elizabeth (Grossman) Parks, b. Leroy, Apr. 3, 1829; mer- chant; Leroy, 1840-1864; in same business in Chicago until burned out in the tire of 1871; cracker manf., Sherman, Texas, nine years; returned to Chicago three years; since, fruit grower, Leroy, N. Y; Republican; she Epis. Children: 4828.* Belle Caroline, b. Oct. 20, 1846, Leroy. 4829.* Lucius Parks, " Sept. 5, 1848, " 4830. Harry Gordon, ' ' Niles, Mich. ; d. Sept. 16, '75 [1808] LAURA MILLER,^ (Laura Hamblin,« Cyreneus,^ Isaac,* Ebenezer,3 James, 21) b. Stockton, N. Y., Apr. 14, 1812; m. there, Sept. 22, 1835, Origen Crissey, b. Stockton, Oct. 23, -; farmer; Stockton; she Baptist. Both d. Stockton; she, Aug., 1886; he, Feb. 1, 1860. Ch. b. Stockton: 4831.* Frank, Jan. 12, 1830. [1809] ELVIRA MILLER,^ (Sister of Laura,) b. Oneida Co., N. Y., Jan. 24, 1814; m., 1864, John Kazer, b. Nov. 10, 1810; Farmer: Stockton and Fredonia, N. Y.; she Baptist. She d. Stockton, Feb. 7, 1894; he d. Sept. 6, 1871. No issue. '[1810] WILLIAM MILLER,' (Bro. of Laura, ) b. Stockton, N. Y.. Dec. 27, 1815; m. there, Oct. 25, 1838. Priscilla, dau. of Calvin and Eunace (Cobb) Smith, b. Stockton, July 23, 1818; farmer; Stockton; Republican; she member Royal Templers; Baptists. Both d. Stockton; he June 10, 1900; she, May 18, 1882. * For Gould see note 153. i I] 514 . THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. Stockton: 4832.* Ella. Jan. 24, 1841. 4833.* Alfred, Mai". 3, 1843. 4834.* Hamltn, Sept. 3, 1841. 4835. Emma, Feb. 27, 1853; m. William Sutton. i [1811] LINUS W. MILLER,- (Bro. of Laura,) b. Stockton, N. Y., Dec. 28, 1817: m. Cortland, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1850, Ann Jennette, dau. of Moses and Chloe (Chamberlain) Curtiss, b. Cortland, May 31, 1829. Farmer; Stockton; Republican; Baptists. He participated in the Can- adian Rebellion of 1838: was arrested, sent to England, tried in London and sentenced to death, which was commuted to transportation to Van Dieman's Land, where he was in captivity about seven years. His release was effected through the influence of Hon. William H. Seward. He was author of "An Exile to Van Dieman's Land," relating his experience and travels; and was afterwards, a lecturer; Internal Rev. Collector. Both d. Jamestown, N. Y.; he Apr. 14, 1880; she Mar. 6, 1897. Ch. b. Stockton: 4836.* Manton L., Apr. 10, 1851. 4837.* Mary, Aug. 29, 1854. 4838.* Harriet J., Feb. ■?, 1857. 4839.* Alice, Jan. 10, 1863. 4840. Benjamin, June 23, 1868; [1815] IRENE MILLER,- (Sister of Laura,) b. Stockton, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1824; m. Royal Carter; commission merchant: Stockton, Brooklyn and N. Y. City; Republican, Both d. Stockton; she, July 9, 1892. No issue. [1816] JEROME MERRITT,' (Betsey Hamlin," Cyreneus,^ Isaac,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Covington, N. Y., Nov. 7,1830; m. Pavilion. N. Y., Oct. 15, 1865, Virtus G., dau. of Edmond Carter and Almira C.MStarr) White, b. Centerville, Mich., Sept. 5, 1843; they res. Keimedy, N. Y., and at Chautauqua in summer. Ch. b. Bemis Point: 4841. Genevieve, June 13, 1872. [1817] DELOS MERRITT,^ (Bro. of Jerome,) b. Ellington, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1835: m. Randolph, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1866, Emily, dau. of Warren and Eliza Palmer, b. Columbus, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1837: farmer; Kennedy, N. Y.; Republican. [1823] EDSON HARVEY HAMLIN,' (Milo," Cyreneus,^ Isaac,* Eben- ezer,3 James,") b. Leroy, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1829; m. Sinclairville, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1856, Cynthia Jane, dau. of Saxon and Loana (Washburn) Benson, b. James- town, N.Y., June 12, 1839; shoemaker: Jamestown, 1856 to 1865; Corry, Pa., until his death; Republican: she Baptist; res. Meadville, Pa. He d. Corry, July 12, 1886. Children: 4842.* Fred Benson, Jan. 10, 1857, Jamestown. 4843. Maude Effie, Mar. 12, 1874, Corry. SEVENTH GENERATION. 515 [1824] Dk. EDGAR FREEDUS HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Edson H..) b. Leroy, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1S34: m. Pavilion, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1853. Cynthia, dau. of Samuel and Martha Heath, b. Pavilion, July 20, 1832: physician: Pavilion 40 years; Cleveland, Ohio, 22 years: Ithaca, N. Y., since 1896; Democrat; Free- mason; Methodists. She d. Pavilion, May 1(5, 1858: m. 2d, Nov. 29, 1862, Almira,« dan. of Alvin L. and Betsey (Cook) Whitney,* b. Jan. 12, 1834, her second hus- band: she m. 1st, June 1, 1852, Nelson Benedict. Ch. b. Pavilion: 4844. George, Feb. 16, 1856: d. July 12, 1898, Cleveland, O. [1825] JOHN WEST HAMLIN,- iBro. of Edson H., ) b. Pavilion, N. Y.. Dec. 10. 1838; m. Corry, Pa., Dec. 13, 1879, Esther Adelia, dau. of Benjamin Bennajas and Hannah Maria (Smith) Barue b. Burlington, Vt., May 12, 1844; laborer; Pavilion, until 1851; Kennedy, N. Y., until 1859; Jamestown, N. Y., until 1865; since Corry, Pa.: Republican; Methodist; Good ' Templar: she Cong. Ch. b. Corry: 4845.* Mary Adelaide, Oct. 28, 1881. I 4846. Edgar Archibald, Feb. 4, 1885; d. June 10, 1893. 4847. Metta Adelia, May 20, 1888, " May 16, 1893. [18:n] MORRIS ^SYLVESTER KIMBALL,^ (Juliana Porter," Mercy i Hamlin," Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James,«i) b. Apr. 25, 1815; ra.Mt. Morris, N.Y., Jan. 10, 1841, Louisa C. C, dau. of Elisha and Laura (Hurlbutf) Tobey,Jof Alford, Mass., b. there, Aug. 31, 1813: civil engineer; Fulton, N. Y., where he d. Oct. 26, 1875; she res. Syracuse, N. Y. Ch. b. Mt. Morris: 4848.* Catharine Amelia, Jan. 27, 1843. 118281 VOLNEY PORTER IvIMBALL,' (Bro. of Morris S.,) b. Rutland, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1816; m. Brooks Grove, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1842, I Mary Brooks, dau. of William and Mary (Haines) Hall, of N. Y. City, b. East I Bloomtield, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1821; miller: Watertown, N. Y. He d. June 27, 1886; [ she, June 13, 1888. Children: 4849.* Alice Cynthia, b. July 1, 1845, Rutland, N. Y. 4850. Sarah Hall, " Dec. 2, 1851, Watertown: res. Watertown [1829] CYNTHIA KIMBALL.- \Sister of Morris S.,) b. Dec. 7,1818: m. Nov. 16, 1842, Dr. Joseph P. Dunlap, of Syracuse, N. Y. She d. Millport, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1844. Child: 4851. Crafts Kimball, b. Sept. 20, 1843; d. Dec. 3, 1843. * Note 373. ALVIN L. WHITNEY,^ James,* Cornelius.a Matthias,* Coniellus.s Joshua,2 John.i For Whitney see note SO.i. t For Hurlbut see notes 118 and :i27. $ For Tobey see note 17L 516 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [1830] OLIVE AMELIA KIMBALL,- (Sister of Morris S., ) b. Rutland, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1822; m. tliere, Sept. 14, 1845, Josiah Bennett, son of Josiah and Anna (Hopkins) Tyler, b. Rutland, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1822; Secy. Presb. Board of Publication: Rutland, until 1857: Watertown, N. Y., until 1867; N.Y. City until 1872; afterwards Phila., Pa.; Republican; Presbs: she res. Phila., 1902. He d. July 14, 1880. Ch. b. Rutland: 4852.* Stella Platt, Apr. 6, 1851. - [1831] BRUCE JEROME KIMBALL,^ (Bro. of Morris S.,) b. Oswego, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1826; m. there, Apr. 28, 1857, Margaret Marion Wilson, of Oswego, b. Oct. 22, 1834: civil Engineer: Fulton, N. Y. He d. Mar. 4, 1891. 4853. 4854. 4855. Children: Jessie Mary, Julia Anna, b. Apr. 9, 1861, Fulton, N. Y. " July 21, 1864, " m. Henry M. Steele. William Herbert, " Mar. 28, 1869: d. Sept. 20, 1869. [1832] HENRY NORMAN KIMBALL,- (Bro. of Morris S.,) b. Rutland, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1832; m. Watertown, N. Y., June 24, 1857, Caro- line, dau. of John Wadleigh, b. Sept. 2, 1838: farmer; Watertown: Republican; she Presb. 4856.* 4857. 4858. 4859.* Ch. b. Rutland: Anna Taylor, Fred Hubert, Charles Wadleigh, Julia Louise, Aug. 24, 1860. June 7, 1863. Jan. 27, 1866. Aug. 26, 1875. [1834] URSULA HAMLIN,^ (Henry,6 Asa,^ Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Paris, N. Y., July 4, 1807; m. Brunswick, Ohio, 1850, Rev. Aaron Pierce, b. South Britain, Ct., 1788; farmer and minister: Brunswick and Grafton, Ohio, and Monroe, Ct.; Democrat: Methodist; she Disciple. Shed. Grafton, Jan. 13, 1856; he d. Monroe, 1879. No issue. [1835] MARIETTE HAMLIN,' (Sister of Ursula.) b. Paris, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1809; m. Rome, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1829, Elisha M., son of Capt, Styles and Deborah (Morton) Turner, b. Cazenovia, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1804; farmer; Locke, N.Y., 1830-6; Washtenaw Co., Mich, until 1854; Bureau Co., 111., until 1863; afterwards Lansing, Mich.; Republican. Both d. Lansing: she, Oct. 12, 1877; he, Aug. 19, 1880. Children: 4860.* Laura Emeline, b. Feb. 21, 18.30, Locke. 4861.* Mary Elizabeth, " Sept. 9, 1832, (( 4862. Frances F., " May 26. 1834, d. 1850. 4863. Helen M., " Nov. 14, 1835, " 1849. 4864. Henry N., " July 21, 1837, Lima, " 1839. 4865.* D WIGHT MUNSON, " Jan. 20, 1841, u 4866.* Henry H., " Mar. 11, 1845, Sharon. 4867.* J. Emmons, " Jan. 12, 1848, u 4868.* Lilah E., " May. 10, 1850, Washtenaw Co SEVENTH GENERATION. 517 [1836] CHARRA HAMLIN,' (Sister of Ursula,) b. Rome, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1810: m. there, 1830, Peleg, son of Thomas and ^hebe (Harrington) Marshall, b. Providence, R. I., Nov. 22, 1800; contractor and builder; removed to Ann Arbor, Mich., from New York, 1837. Bothd. Ann Arbor; she Apr. 12, 1861; he Apr, 19, 1389. Children: b. Jan. 31, 1832, Andover, N. Y. " Aug. 26, 1834, Syracuse; unm. 1897. d. Oct. 1837. *' Mar. 2, 1838, Ann Arbor. " Feb. 29, 1840, " 1844, '* d. 1845. unm. 1897. d. Aug., 1853, 4869.* George, 4870, Helen, ■4871. Julia, 4872.* Orville, •4873.* Antoinette, 4874. Henry, 4875. Arthur, 4876, Frank, [1837] ANTOINETTE HAMLIN,' (Sister of Ursula,) b. Rome, N. Y., May 26, 1812; M. Locke, N. Y., Sept., 1843, Erastus, son of Peter and Ruth Webber, b. Paris, N. Y., 1800; farmer; Paris Hill and New [Hartford, N. Y.; Presbs.; two dau. living, unm., Rochester, N. Y., 1897. Both Id. New Hartford; she, 1883; he. May 24, 1868. Children: 4877. Henrietta W., b. July 23, 1843, Paris Hill. 4878. Augusta, " 1845, " " d. Jan., 1858. 4879. Mary Louisa, " Sept. 27, 1859, New Hartford. [1838] JULIA HAMLIN,- '{Sister of Ursula,) b. Rome, N. Y,, June 3, 1814; m. Locke, N. Y., May 25, 1840, Russell, son of John and Betsey (Harvey) Lapham, b. Marshall, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1810; farmer: Paris and Webster, N. Y.; Democrat: Baptist; she Presb. He d. Webster, Ma. Rome, N, Y., Nov. m, 1821: m. Locke, N. Y.. Feb. 12, 1843, Elvira J., daughter of James and Lucy (Preston) Patrick, b. Venice, N. Y., May 6, 1823. His school days were spent in the little brown school house, which stood on the road from Milan to Summer Hill, N. Y. Early in life his attention was turned to mechanical pursuits for which he showed much aptness, and in which he soon acquired great skill. His fathers's family removed to Locke, N. Y., about 1830, and resided there ten or fifteen years. In 1845, Emmons removed to Buffalo, and there became connected with the Melodeon manufactory of George A. Prince &Co.. of which he soon became superintendent. In 1852 he removed to Boston, and in 1854 became a partner with Henry Mason in establishing the house of the Mason & Hamlin Organ and Piano Co., which has made a worldwide reputation for its superior musical instruments, and with which he was connected at his death. He was the chief originator of the reed organ as it exists today, under the name Cabinet Organ, and of many of its valuable improvements. The art of "Voicing" reeds; an important element in the excellence of the reed organ was the result of his genius. The reed of tlie old melodeon pro- duced thin imperfect tones, and was used wholly without "Voicing:" in it. the tongue of the reed was flat and fitted exactly into the aperture in the block in which it was to vibrate, bending it towards the head only sufficiently to bring it within the edge of the apperture. Mr. Hamlin discovered that by differently shaping the tongue of the reed, by bending and twisting, the quality of tone could be greatly modified, improved and rendered more full, smooth and pipe- like. This discovery was the beginning of the art of "Voicing" reeds, now universally practiced. In later years he devoted his spare hours to making violin.s, as a pastime, whlcli amounted to a passion, at the same time studying profoundly the instruments of the old masters of Cremona, and often working upon their models. Aided by the use of woods, some from Norway 500 years old, obtained through the interest and influence of Ole Bull, and by the most care- ful attention to detail and mechanical skill, which he posses.sed in a remarkable degree, he accomplished rare results, producing an instrument, which, accord- Emmons Hamlin 'i SEVENTH GENERATION. 519 ing to the opinion of Connoiseurs, compared favorably with those of the old ;master.s. He made thirty-live violins in all. He was a man of pronounced character, straightforward, and of perfect in- tegrity; his Icind, gentlemanly bearing and wiser counsel, especially endeared him to his associates. He was a liberal patron of art, especially American art, and his home at Winchester gave evidence of his refined and artistic tastes. His gallery of pictures contained a representative collection of the works of the modern masters. He was a great lover of music, and a musical critic of high -order. He was a benevolent man and assisted- several to receive musical educa- tion abroad, who became well known to the musical world. He was a member of William Parkman Lodge, A. F. & A. M., and an Odd Fellow; Republican. He died at the Parker House. Boston, April 8, 1885. His widow and daughter reside at Winchester, a suburb of Boston. The latter is an accomplished pianist. Children: 4895. Thomas, b. July 22, 1850, Buffalo: d. Dec. 1854. 489H. Jenny Laura, " Sept. 10, 1855, W. Medford. [1842] MARY EMELINE HAMLIN,' (Sister of Ursula, ) b. Rome, N. Y., May 15, 1823: m. Locke, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1850, Edward, son of Robert and Mary (Freeman) Mitchell, b. Duchess Co., N. Y., Dec. 26, 1819; farmer: Moravia and Locke, N, Y., and Marcellon, Wis.: Republican; shed. I Webster, N. Y., June 21, 1873: he d.. Marcellon, Wis,, Aug. 16, 1863. ^ Ch. b. Locke; 4897. May Laura, Oct. 29, 1853; d. Mar. 6, 1863. 4898.* Fanny Jane, Aug. 13, 1856. 11843] WILLIAM W. HAMLIN,^ (Bra of Ursula,) b. Rome, N. Y., Jan. 10, 18,30: m. 1st, Mary Cone, of Milan, N. Y., a Spir- itualist, from whom he was divorced, 1881. She resides with her daughter, Sterling Terrace, Cambridgeport, Mass.; m. 2d, Phipsburg, Me., June 9, 1881, Annie P., dau. of Thomas P. and Sarah S. (Potter) Nichols, b, Phipsburg, Aug. 29, 185L He has been engaged in the manufacture of organs; Cambridge, Mass.; Congs. ^ Ch. b. 1st wife: 4899.* Adella. Ch. by 2d wife, b. Boston: 4900. Alice L., Aug. 22, 1884. [1844] JULIUS MUNSON,' (Millia O. Hamlin,* Asa,^ Isaac,* Ebenezer,' James,2i) b. Paris, N. Y., June 24, 1806; m. Mar. 25, 1829, Antoinette Smith. He d. Oct. 14, 1891. Children: 4901. Charles; m. Cooper. 4902. Stewart, dead. 4903.* James E. 4904. Jane. unm, 4905. Sarah; m. Dodge, [1845] MARIA EMELINE MUNSON.' (Sister of .lulius.) b. Paris, K Y., July 18, 1808; tn. there, July 1, 1829, Hon. Lorenzo, son of Jolm and Lydia (McConnell) Rouse, b. Pittstown, N, Y., Feb, 3, 1803; farmer; 520 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Paris and Clinton, Y. Y.: Whig and Republican: Representative: she Cong. She d. Clinton, July 31, 1868; he d. Paris, Jan. 4, 1888. Ch. b. Paris: 4906. HuBEBT M., ' May 10, 1831: m. Jeannie Seaton. 4907. Caroline Wicks, Nov. 10, 1836; d. May 23, 1844. fl847] MARTHA CAROLINE MUNSON,^ (Sister of Julius,) b. Paris, N. Y., June 29, 1813; m. there, Oct. 7, 1834, Charles, son of John and Sally ( ) Wfcks, b. Paris, Sept. 3, 1811; farmer; Paris; Whig- and Repub- lican; Odd Fellow; Justice Peace: Epis. She d. Paris, Aug. 4, 1851; he d. Johns- townvN. Y., Oct., 1884. Ch. b. Paris: 4908.* John B., June 9, 18.36. 4909.* Jay M., Sept. 18.37. 4910, Emma R., Jan. 21, 1840; unm. 1896. 4911. Russell H., Apr. 18, 1846; m. Mary Head. [1848] HANNAH R. MUNSON,' (Sister of Julius,) b. Paris, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1821; m. there, June 27, 1844, Jabez,^ son of Benja| min and Flora (Bartlett) Wight,* b. Cooperstown, N. Y., Jan. 17, 1817; hatter" and furrier: Rome, N. Y.: Republican; she d. Utica, N. Y., July 9, 1896: he d. Rome, Oct. 19, 1892. Child: 4912.* Edward Bartlett, b. Dec. 10, 1850. [1849] WILLIAM HILLS,' (Louisa Hamlin, « Asa,s Isaac,* Ebenezer,3= James,2i) b. Rome, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1809; m. Pamelia Stillman: farmer: Rome, Hed. Rome, July 27, 1890. No issue. [1850] MARY ANN HILLS, ^ (Sister of William, ) b. Rome, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1812; m. there, Jan. 25, 18.38, Elijah Worthing- ton Wight, b. Caoperstown, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1810; hatter. He went from Coop- erstown to Rome when a boy to learn his trade: Republican; Presb, in which church he was an elder. Slie d. Rome, Sept. 6, 1869^, he d. Oletal, Cal., Mar. 27^ 1883, Ch. b. Rome: 4913.* Helen Maria, Dec. 31, 1843, [1853] HENRIETTA ELIZABETH GOODWIN,^ (Hannah Hamlin,^ Asa,» Isaac,* Ebsnezsr,^ .laTi'es,^!) b. Rome, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1830; m. Verona, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1854, William, son of John and Parnel (Bishop) Townsend, b, Westmoreland, N. Y., April 5, 1830; hardware merchant; Westmoreland, 1854-6,. afterwards Rome; Republican; she Pl'esb. He d. Utica, N. Y., .lune 10^ 1882, She res, with an adopted dau. Mary E.; Rome, N. Y. No issue. * XOTE .374. Benjamiin Wighit.s Jabez,5 4 josepii,3 Henry,2 Thom^.i SEVENTH GENERATION. 521 [1854] Rev. EDWARD PAYSON GOODWIN," D. D., (Bro. of Hen- rietta E.,) b. Rome, N. Y., July 31, 1832; m. East Burke, Vt., Sept. 27, 1860, Ellen Maria, dau. of Myron and Charlotte Jane Kay (Morse) Chamberlin. b. Lyndon, Vt., Nov. 1, 18.38. He left home at the age of sixteen to pursue study, graduated from Amherst College, 1856: from Union Theological Seminary, N. Y. City, 1859. Home missionary Vermont, 1859-60; Pastor First Cong. Church Columbus, Ohio, 1860-7; since pastor First Cong. Church, Chicago, 111. He re- ceived the degree of D. D. from Amherst College, 1866, and from Western Reserve College. 1868: Republican. Children: 4914. Edward Cuambeklin, b. Nov. 10, 1865, Columbus: d. Sept. 15, '66 4915. Albert Payson, " Jan. 3, 1866, " unm. 1896. 4916. Grace Goodwin, " June 11, 1870, Chicago; d. Aug. 31, '70 4917. Margaret Goodwin, " May 20, 1876, " unm. 1896. 4918. Paul Goodwin, " Sept. 1, 1878, " [1855] ALBERT BARNES GOODWIN,' (Bro. of Henrietta E., b. Rome, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1836; lawyer; enlisted 1861 in Black Horse Cavalry, and was in camp in Washington, D. C. He d. of consumption, unm., Nov. 23, 1862. [1856] CAROLINE FRANCE.S GILLETT,' (Alraira Hamlin,6 Asa," Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ Jaraes,*^!) b. Verona, N. Y., Mar. 15, 1831; m. there, June 9, I 1852, John Warden, son of James and Electa (Seward) Dodge, b. Verona, Dec. I 31, 1827; civil engineer and surveyor; Verona; Republican; Presbs., in which j church he was an elder. He. d. Verona, Mar. 23, 1896; she res. Verona. f Ch. b. Verona: 4919.* Carrie Aljiira, Aug. 29, 1856. I 4920.* Bert J., Apr. 20, 1861. [1858] DWIGHT W. LARRABEE,' (Caroline Hamlin," Asa," Isaac,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. 1834. He d. July 9, 1877. His widow res. at Paris, N. Y. Child; 4921.* Charles, Nov. 8, 1864, Paris. [1860] SARAH HAMLEN.MTheophilus," Nathaniel," Lewis,* Ebenezer.s James,2i) b. Augusta, Me., Mar. 31, 1789; m. there, June 30, 1811, Joseph," son of Joses and Rachael (Fitield) Ladd.* b. Deerfield, N. H., Jan. 14, 1786. He removed with his father, soon after the Revolution, to Mt. Vernon, Me., and then went to Augusta, where he completed his education with Rev. Payson Stone, intending to become a clergyman, but changed his mind and became a merchant at Augusta, adding mills and shipping interests. He was a large manufacturer in sawing lumber, carding wool, dressing cloth, grinding grain and farming. He built and owned a line of packets, which ran from Maine to St. Marks river, Florida. In 1832 he was interested in an extensive mercantile * Note 375. DANIEL LADD,i came from England with 32 emigrants in the Mary and Ann to Boston, 1634; settled at Ipswich, Mass., Feb. 5, 1637, where he built a house; was one of the founders of Salisbury, Mass.. Oct. 29, 1630; and of Haverhill, Mass.; wife Ann. He d. Hav- erhill, .July 27, 1693; she, Feb. 9, 1694. Eiirht children. NATHANIEL LADD,'^ son of Daniel, of Exeter, N. H., b. 1651. Apr. 20, 1812. Nov. .30, 1813; d. Sept 20, 1834 Sept. 10, 1815. Mar. 21, 1817. Sept. 28, 1818. Feb. 23, 1820. Sept. 5, 1821. Sept. 5, 1823. Aug. .3. 1825; d. Oct. 22, 1838 Aug. 3, 1828. 522 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. d business with a branch in Florida. He was a stoclc holder in the first woolen i factory operated in Maine: Congs. He d. of yellow fever in Florida, 1835; shei d. Augusta, May 25, 1874. Ch. b. Augusta: 4922.* Joseph Edwin, 4923. Theophilus Hamlin, 4924.* Franklin Bacon, 4925.* Daniel, 4926.* George Washington, 4927.* James Madison, 4928.* Mary Hamlen. 4929.* Alfred William, 4930. Hannah, 4931.* Sarah Rockwood. [1861] JOHN HAMLEN,' (Bro. of Sarah,) b. Augusta, Me., Jan. 30, 1792; m. Liberty, Miss.. Dec, 1828, Matilda Rot inson, b. Liberty. Merchant several years in Augusta with his brother George.' About 1816, with his father and brothers, they loaded a vessel with an assorted cargo of goods, and proceeded to New Orleans in pursuit of business, sold out there and went to Liberty, Miss.— See slcetch of Theophilus Hamlen.«— His father returned to Augusta about 182i). He and his brothers engaged in business at Liberty, Miss. They had a contract with the U. S. government to survey the State of Mississippi, and purchased lands there, which they sold to his father-in-law, Mr. Robinson of Liberty, in 1820. Tlie Hamlen brothers left Miss, about 1821, and when the lands in Florida came into market, purchased lands on tlie St. Marks' river, where they founded the town of Magnolia, so named on account of the beautiful magnolia trees, many of which are now standing as monuments of the once flourishing town of Magnolia. The town had an almost magical growth, and in eighteen months had nine stores, and ware houses, two hotels, post office, newspaper, etc, John. George, and Nathan- iel Hamlen engaged in general merchandise and established a large trade, deal- ing lieavily in New York City, and elsewhere: Whig: Freemason; she Methodist. He d. Magnolia, July 29, 1849; she d. Liberty, Mar. 30, 1843. Ch. b. Magnolia: 4932.* Weld, May 4933.* Mary Elizabeth, Oct. 4934.* John, Mar. 4935.* George, Apr. 4936. Mississippi, 4937. Matilda Robinson, Mar. [1862] HANNAH HAMLEN,' (Sister of Sarah,) b. Augusta, Me., Dec. 11, 1793; m. there, Nov. 15, 1812, Lory Bacon: Post Master, Readfield, Me. Both d. Augusta: she Mar. 14, 1877. No issue. [1863] GEORGE HAMLEN,' (Bro. of Sarah,) b. Augusta, Me., Nov. 15, 1795. He also went south with his father and brothers, and was in business with his brothers at Liberty, Miss., and Magnolia, Florida; and while at Magnolia, a local lawyer— Alex. Campbell, wrote to the 12, 1830. 17, 1832. 23, 1837. R, 18.39. 1841: d. Liberty. Miss 8, 1843, " July, 1846. J SEYEiNTH GENERATION. 523 creditors of the Ilamlens in New Yoik, that "The Hamlens were about brolce, and the sooner their doors were closed the better it would be for their creditors.'" The business house of the Hamlens was tliereupon closed by the sheriff, a great surprise to the people of Magnolia, but more so to the Hamlens. This was in the days when the code of the duello governed such matters and when the affair became public, George Hamlen, met Campbell, and gave him a terrible cowhiding, disabling him for a while. Nothing but blood could settle the affair, and upon Campbell's recovery he challenged Hamlen to fight a duel, which was accepted: they met and fought on the line of Georgia and Florida in 1835. Pistols were tlie chosen weapons, and at the first tire Campbell fell dead with a bullet in his brain. Hon. David S. Walker, for many years Circuit Judge, and Ex-Governor of Florida, an intimate friend of Mr. Weld Hamlin; while on a visit to New- port, Florida, went to the old town site of Magnolia, two miles north of Newport and on May 1891, while sitting on the ground of the old Hamlen store and warehouse, wrote the following: Some sixty years ago, where we now sit. The Hamlen brothers, three, Nathaniel, John and George, Were men who descended from the bluest blood That ever graced the annals of New England. Their names stand high on lionors roll; and they Had never heard the mention of that name, except in praise; But now a man had falsely said. That they tliat lionored name had mucli disgraced. Their anger knew no bounds; they flercly swore The man who used those words, must die or they Must cease to live 1 It was resolved right then and tliere That George should call the offender to the field, That if George fell, then John should take his place, And if John also fell, then Nat tlie insult should blot out, With Campbell's blood, or with his own. For all three vowed they did not wish to live If Campbell lived, who had their name defamed. But John and Nat. were saved the deadly strife, For George's bullet took from Campbell, life. It struck in his offending head. And in a moment he was dead ! Let truth and justice always be our aim. And let us die before we suffer shame. After this affair George Hamlen remained at Magnolia a sliort time, his health failed and he went to Key West, where lie died unmarried. Mar. (j, 183li. It has been said that he died of remorse for having taken the life of a fellow being. [1865J NATHANIEL HAMLEN,^ (Bro. of Sarah, ) b. Augusta, Me., May 5, 1799; m. Liberty, Miss., Jan., 1830, Amanda Robin- son, b. Liberty. He went south— see sketch of his father— settling first at Liberty, Miss.; afterwards at Magnolia, Florida, wliere he established the Mag- nolia Bank. After the death of his wife, his children were sent to live with his sister, Mrs. Bacon, at Augusta, Maine. After the war he engaged in the 524 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. if corn trade in New Orleans, La.; Whig: Freemason; she Methodist. He d. while on a visit to Augusta, Maine, Mar. 2, 186V: she d. Magnolia. Ch. b. Magnolia: 4938.* Amanda Malvina, June 29, 1838; m. Seth E. Beedy. 4939. Nathanijel Robinson, Aug. IT, 1840; d. 1846. [1866] ANN HAMLEN,' (Sister of Sarah,) b. Augusta, Me., May 31, 1801; m. there, Oct. 12, 1827, Hon. Luther, son of Elihu and Tryphena (Gunn) Severance,* b. Montague, Mass., Oct., 1867. His early life was passed on his father's farm in Cazenovia, N. Y., and in the winter attending the villiage school. In his seventeenth year he learned the printing business in Peters borough, N. Y.; went to Philadelphia, and while in the office of the Aurora, wrote and printed among othei- things ao article on the Missouri Compromise, which gained him great credit from the Administration of President Monroe. la 1820 he was employed in the office of the National Intelligencer, and continued to write leading political articles; his future success as an editor was predicted by Mr. Gales of that paper. In 1824 he settled in Augusta, Me., establishing the "Kennebec Journal;'' from this time his position was one of responsibility, and leading in- fluence in the political history of that state. This influence was retained for more than a quarter of a century, until 1854, when Mr. James G. Blaine began his editorial career in the office of this influeniial and prominent journal. It is said that his editorials were not written but it was his habit to stand at his case and set the type as he composed mentally. Mr. Severance was for five years the popular representative in the state Legislature, and in 1835-6, in the state senate. In 1843 to 1847, a member of Congress. Here he distinguished himself by able speeches favoring a protective tariff: he was one of the fourteen mem- bers who voted with John Quincy Adams against the bill for an appropria- tion to carry on the Mexican war which was urged through Congress without discussion. In 1847 he was again elected to the state Legislature, and in 1848 chosen a delegate and Vice President of the National Convention which nomi- nated General Taylor for the presidency. Upon the election of Gen. Taylor, Mr. Severance was suffering from ill health, and was appointed Minister to the Hawaiian Islands in the hope that the salubrity of that climate might restore him. Accompanied by his family he sailed from Boston, Aug., 1850, arriving at Hawaii in Jan., 1851. For three years he was the diplomatic representative of the United States in that Kingdom; he acquired great influence with King « * Note 376. JOHN SEVERANS.i ra. in England. Abigail, dau. of Ricliardi and Ursula (Scott) Kimball, of Rattlesden, England. He was an original settler of Salisbury. Mass., and his name appears there, 1650-2; John Syverens, freeman. May 17, 1637; she d. June 17, 1658; and he m. 2d, Oct. 2, 1663, Susanna, widow of Henry Ambrose, who d. Boston, 16,58. Severans was a planter; afterwards a victualler and vintner; Salisbury. Children : Samuel, b. Sept. 19, 1637; d. young. Ebenezer, " Mar. 7, 1639, " 1667, unm. Abigail, " Jan. 7,1641, " Sept. 1. 1642. Abigail, " May 25, 1643: m. .John Church. John, " Nov. 24, 1647, " Mary . •Joseph, " Feb. 14, 1649-50. Elizabeth, " Apr. 8, 1652; d. Feb. 5, 1652-3. Ben,jamin, " Jan. 13, 1654-5. Ephraim, " Apr. 8, 1656, A Daughter, " Jun. 17,1658; d. Jun. 23, 1658. i SEVENTH GENERATION. 525 jKamebameha and his cabinet, besides winning the regard and esteem of the I foreign consuls, the people of the Islands and his own countrymen: but the I climate failed to restore his declining health, and he returned to his home at I Augusta Me., April 12, 1854. Here after mucli suffering wliicii he bore with Christian fortitude and resignation, he died Jan. 25. 1855. Tlie state Legisla- ture being then in session passed appropriate resolutions, and as a testimonial [of their high regard for his distinguislied services as a man of integrity and ; honor, and a faithful public officer, attended his funeral, as did also the Gov- ernor and Council, and a large body of citizens and the city council. Mr. vSeverance was held in high esteem by his fellow citizens; though not en- joying superior advantages of education in early life, yet by diligent culture in the faithful use of those means of information which are accessible to all, he took a position among men of intelligence and culture, second to none. As the able editor of the leading journal of his state; as an active and beloved citizen; as a member of the state Legislature, and .senate, and the National Congress, and a diplomatic representative in a foreign country, he was uniformly distin- guished for his good sense, sound judgement, extensive acquaintance with men and things , and firm adhesion to correct principle. A man of exemplary morals which he earnestly advocated in his own state and in those Islands of the Pacific where his elevated st-ation gave to his opinions, coun.sel and example a commanding influence. In his domestic and .S(K;ial relations he was peculiarly amiable and kind and he gained the affection of all kindred and 526 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. friends who cherish his memory. He' was a Freemason. She Cong.: res. Augus- ta, until 1849: at Hawaiian Islands, until 1853: Augusta, until 1857; afterwards with her daughter, Mrs. Parke, at the Islands again until her death. She d^^ Honolulu, Apr. 2, 1887, Ch. b. Augusta: 4940.* Henky Wkld, July 12,1828, 4941.* Annie, Apr. 12, 1831. 4942.* Luther, Jun. 1, 1836. [1869] MALVINA IIAMLEN,' (Sister of Sarah,) b. Augusta, Me., Sept. 27, 1807: m. there, Sept. 12, 1827, William Loring, son of John and Betsey (Page) Wheeler, b. Hallowell, Me., Dec. 30, 1803. He was early left an orphan, and reared in the family of his uncle, Thomas Smith, of Augusta. He became interested in the lumber business and prospered. Member of the firm of Wheeler and Perkins, who built the first mills usinjj gang saws at Gardiner, Me.; well known as an enterprising and progressive man. Misfortune overtook him in 1844 by signing for a friend: he removed to Bangor, 1846; Whig. She d. Oakland, Cal., May 14, 1877. He d. Bangor, Jan. 4, 1859. Ch. b, Augusta: 4943.* Malvina Hamlen, Oct. 26, 1828. 4944.* Julia Elizabeth, Mar. 12,1830. 4945. Anna Octavia, Sept. 19, 1831: d. Mar. 31, 1865, unm. 4946.* Hannah Frances, July 5, 1833. 4947.* Mary Louisa, Feb. 27, 1835. 4948. Catherine Western, May 23, 1838, " Nov. 8, 1834. 4949. Olivia LoRiNG, .July 13, 1842; m, Frederick Hamlen. [1870] JAMES BURTO]Sr,UMary Hamlen," Nathaniel,5 Lewis,< Ebene- zer,3 James,2') b. Augusta, Me., Sept. 23, 1790: m. Nov. 8, 1815, Frances L.Scott. of Boston, Mass. Served apprenticeship in printing business with Peter Edes: January 14, with Ezekiel Goodaile, they started the Hallowell Gazette, a Federal paper: March, 1817, at Augusta, he started the Aufjada Patriot: removed tc Bangor, and with Peter Edes continued publication of a paper afterwards called the Whig and Couner. He d. Jan. 5, 1837; she d. Sept. 12, 1863. Children: b. Sept. 8, 1816. j •' Sept. 8, 1818: rem. to Ohio. " Oct. 8, 1820; d. Mar, 14, 1857. " Oct. 27, 1822. " Oct. 20,' 1825, ^' Sept. 25, 1844. " May 13, 1827. '' June 19, 1829, " June 12, 1848. [1873] JOSEPH BURTON,'' ( Bra of James,) b. Augusta, Me. Feb. 14, 1797, m. Feb. 2, 1823, Elizabeth, dau. of Gen. Jesst Robinson of Hallowell, Me. He began business as a clerk in a store, Portland Me., 1818; merchant, Eastport, Me., 1821-36; Cashier Northern Eiank at thai place, 1833-6; returned to Augusta, 1836; Deputy Secretary of State, 1841: Post master, Augusta, 1849-53; Register of Probate, 1854-67. He d. Jan. 30, 1872; she d. July 25, 1834. 4950.* Frances Evelina, 4951. Edward Scott, 4952. Sarah, 4953.* Joseph, 4954. Mary Elizabeth, 4955.* William L., 4956. Amelia, SEVENTH GENERATION. 527 Children: 4957. Sarah Elizabei'H Robinson, b. Apr. 25, 1825. I 4958. Ellen Gardiner, " Apr. 10, 1827. [1874J MARY BURTON,- (Sister of James,) b. Augusta, Me., Mar. 28, 1799; m. Nov. 23, 1824, Richard K. Rice, of Mt. Vernon, Me.: removed to California, 1862. Children: 4959. Charles Edward, b. Sept. 4, 1825; d. Oct. 3, 1826. 4960. Richard Henry, " Sept. 27, 1827, '* Sept. 3, 1869. 4961.* Joseph, " Nov, 25, 1829. 4962. Charles Frederick, " Jan. 30, 1834, " 1857. 4963.* Mary Ellen, " May 1, 1836. 4964. Abbie Frances, "' Apr. 16, 1842. [1878J ELIAS CRAIG,' <01ive Hamlin,« Nathaniel.^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,' James,2i) b. Jan. 14, 1795; m. June 2, 1823, Eliza, dau. of James Wheelock, of Hanover, N. H. He d. Mar. 9, 1866; shed. Sept- 12, 1855. Children: 4965.* Wheelock, b. July 11, 1824. 4966.* Henry Kinsman, " Maj 29, 1826. :[i879] OLIVE CRAIG,^ (Sister of Elias.) b. Jan. 10, 1800; m. June 25, 1822, Mark, son of Bartholomew and Elizabeth ((Hooton) Nason, b. Boston, Mass., May 13, 1793. He probably removed with bis parents to Berwick, Me., 1799; merchant; Augusta: removed to Fayette, Me. Both d. Fayette; she Nov. 26, 1845; he, Aug. 15, 1878. Children: 4967. George Henry, b. Apr. 29, 1823. 4968. Caroline Olivia, " Dec. 31, 1824: d. 1900. 4969. Eliza Wheelock, ^' July 1. 1831. 4970. Emily B., " Sept. 15, 1833. 4971.* Delia B., " Apr. «, 1836. [1880] HENRY AUGUSTUS CRAIG," (Bro. of Ellas,) b. Oct. 6, 1803; m. July 19, 1835, Eliza T. Hewett, of Camden, Me. He d. July 10, 1S82; she d, Nov. 8, 1887. Children: 4972. Edward Hewett, b, Nov. 5, 1836. 4973.* Waterman T, Hewett, " June 7, 1840, Augusta. 4974. Rose Eliza, " May 3, 1847; d. Mar. 17, 1864. [1881] ELIZABETH AUGUSTA CRAIG," (Sister of Elias, ) b. Oct. 6, 1803; m. Nov. 29, 1829, Dr. Archelaus Putnam Fuller, of Middle- ton, Mass.: settled Fayette, Me.; removed to Albion, Me. Children: 4975. Henry A. C, b. Oct. 24, 1830. 4976. Hannah Nas(jn, •" Jan. 24, 1833; d. Sept. 12, 1853. 4977. Caroline M., ^' June 22, 1835, ^' Jan. 5, 1841. 4978. Elizabeth, ^' Feb. 23, 1838, " Jan. 18, 1841. 4979. Francis E., " May 1, 1841, " Aug. 4, 1863. 4980. Edward Everett, " Jan. 11, 1844, " Dec. 10, 1862. 4981. Frederick Craig, " Mar. 21, 1846, " Sept. 28, 1852. 528 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [1882] MARY CRAIG HAMLEN," (Lewis,* Nathaniel,^ Lewis,< Ebenezer,3.James,2i) b. Augusta. Me.. .June 14, 1798; ra. there, Dec. Ifi, 1824. Levi, son of Levi and Meliitable (Haynes) Page. b. Augusta, May 6, 1797; farmer in early life: Augusta; Republican; Congs. 1881; he, May 14, 1872.. Ch. b. Augusta: Martha Hamlen, Charles Henry, Both cL Augusta: she, Apr. 17, 4982.* 4983. Sept. Feb. [1888] 20, 1825. 1, 1836; d. June 26, 1852. (Bro. of Mary C) \ LEWIS BAKER HAMLIN," b. Augusta, Me., June 30, 1800; m. 1st, Jan, 18, 1826, Susan, dau. of As|j Williams, b. Oct. 29, 1801, who d. June 1, 1857; m. 2d, 1858, Mrs. Sarah A. Rol inson; farmer; later in trade, Augusta; he compiled some records of hisrel^ lives. He d. Dec. 29, 1892. GTh.b. Augusta: 4984.* Lucy Williams, June 26, 1827. 4985.* George Lewis, Mar. 18, 1830. 4986.* Frederick, July 8, 1835. 4987. Eleanor. Oct. 8, 1837: unm. [1886] JULIA ANN HAMLEN,' (Sister of Mary C.,) b. Augusta, Me., Aug. 31, 1806; m. June 5, 1838, Edward Augustus, son Bartholomew and Hannah (Craig) Nason, b. Augusta, Oct. 22, 1809; merchanj Augusta; Republican; Congs. She d. Kennebunk, Me., July 22, 1873; he m. 2c Elizabeth Means, of Augusta. He d. Augusta, Apr. 15, 1889. Ch. b. Augusta: 4988. Margaret, Aug. 30, 1840: unm, 4989.* Mary Elizabeth, Mar. 13, 1843. 4990. Julia Ann, May 12, 1845: d. Dec. 25, 186^^, unm. [18881 CHARLES HENRY HAMLEN,^ (Bro. of Mary C.,) b. Augusta, Me., May 27, 1810; m. 1st, Portland Me., IVIay, 18.39, Caroline A. Chase, b. Portland, who d. Boston, Mass., Oct. 3, 1848, aged 30 years; m. 2d, May 1, 1851, Sarah E., dau. of Barnabas Palmer, of Kennebunk, Me., b. Berwick, Me., who d. Augusta, Me, 1885; merchant, corner of Water and Bridge streets, Augusta, firm of Nason & Hamlin; he removed to Boston. He d. Jan. 20, 1873. Ch. by 1st wife, prob. b. Augusta: July 1849; d. Sept. 9, 1848. Feb. 1842; " June 19, 1848. 4991. A Child. 4992. Augustus, 4993. Caroline, By 2d wife: 4994.* Charles Nason, 4995. P'rank Palmer, 4996. Sears, 4997. Henry, about 1852, Boston. J853; d. Jan. 3, 1862. 1855, " Dec. 22, 186L 1857, " " " ." 11890] HARRIET WHITTEMORE CARTER,' (Sarah Hamlen,' Nathaniel,'' Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James,- i)b. Augusta, Me., Aug. 15, 1798; m. 1st, there, 1816, Dr. Joel R. Ellis, b. Walpole, Mass., who d. Augusta, Jan. 10, 1828. I 1 1, 1819; d. Dec. 18, 1848. 23, 1823. 30, 1825, " Mar. 7, 1862. 9, 1827, " Apr. 5, 1833. SEVENTH GENERATION. 529 aged 50; m. 2d, Augusta, April 14,. 1833, Alfred Doe, who d. Worcester, Mass., i.Tune 12. 1857, aged 49; m. 3d, July 5, 1863, Sanborn Blaisdell, of Camden, Me. |Both d. Camden; she, Sept. 3, 1875; he, March 22, 18H6. I Ch. by 1st marriage, b. Augusta: 4998.* Julian, Apr. 3, 1817. I 4999. Thomas Hutchinson, Apr. 5000.* Harriet Augusta, June .5001. Joseph Willard, Jan. 5002. Frances Caroline, Jan. Ch. by 2d marriage, b. Augusta: 5003.* Frances Caroline, Apr. 23, 1834. 5004.* Justin Spauldin, Feb. 29, 1836. 5005.* Ellen Maria, May 6, 1838. [1891] SARAH HAMLEN CARTER,' (Sister of Harriet W.,) b. Augusta, Me., Apr. 19, 1800; m. there, Jan. 1821, George W. Morton, b. Pem- broke, Mass. He d. Augusta, Sept. 25, 1862, aged 64. Ch. b. Augusta: June 30, 1821. Feb. 21, 1823; d. Dec. 9, 1847. July, " Oct. 11, 1865. June, May 1, d. Apr. 17. [1892] JOHN STEARNS CARTER,' (Bro. of Harriet W.,) I b. Augusta, Me., July 8, 1802; m. Oct. 24, 1832, Matilda Parker, of Hamp- ' den, Me., who d. Bangor, Me., Oct. 16, 18.36; m. 2d, June, 1845, Charlotte Matthews,* of Waterville, Me. He d. Augusta, Jan. 11, 1884; she d. Waterville, Feb. 8, 1851. Ch. by 1st wife: 5012. Sarah Matilda, b. Oct. 15, 1833; d. Sept. 8, 1835. By 2d wife, b. Waterville: 5013.* George Matthews, b. Apr. 1, 1846. 5014. Frederick Stearns, " Apr. 15, 1847; d. Sept. 8, 1849. [1894] THEODORE WILSON CARTER,' (Bro. of Harriet W.,) b. Augusta, Me., Jan. 6, 1808; m. Amy McFarlane. Children: 5015. Julia. 5016. Sarah. 5006.* Elizabeth, 5007. George Alden, 5008. William H., 5009.* Frederick, 5010. Gilbert, 5011. Helen, * Note 377. Three named Matthews were early settlers In Yarmouth, Mass., viz: James, 16:^9; Marmaduke and Martin, 1643; Mardrick Matthews was proposed freeman in Yar- month, Jan. 7, 1639. JAMES MATTHEWS,! son of Edward and Christian, of Tewksbury, England, was in [i Charlestown, Mass., 1634; he removed to Yarmouth, prob. with the first settlers, 16;W: and set- tled near the west border of FoUen's pond; deputy, 1044; selectman, l«fi5-9. He d. Yarmouth, Jan. 26, I680-6, Children: Samuel, Benjamin, and prob. Thomas, William and John. Dec. 29, 1835. Nov. 15, 18.37. Mar. 16, 1840. Dec. 5, 1842: d. Apr. 14, 1845, Jan. 3, 1845. Feb. 11, 1847, " Aug. 28, 1851. Feb. 11, 1849. Feb. Ki, 1852, " Sept. 24, 1855, 530 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [1895] HENRY LEANDER CARTER," MBro. of Harriet W.,) b. Augusta, Me., Apr. 26, 1812: m. 1st. Abigail Matthews,* who d. 1839, aged 24: m. 2d, 1845, Mary Ann Batchelder.f Ch. by 1st wife: 5017. Leandek. [1896] ELIZA ANN CARTER,' (Sister of Harriet W.,) b. Augusta, Me., July 13, 1816; m. there, Nov. 27, 1834, Sumner S. Brick: painter; Augusta, Me., and San Francisco, Cal.; Democrat; musician, 3d Maine Inf. Vols, and 5th Maine Battery; she Epis. Both d. Augusta; she, Feb. 27. 1875; he Dec. 21, 1891. Ch. b. Augusta; 5018.* Edward Sumner, 5019.* George Hamlen, 5020.* Isaac Carter, 5021. Caroline Augusta, 5022.* William Morton, 5023. Ann Eliza, 5024.* Henry Augustus, 5025. Harriet Ellis, [1897] CHARLES HAMLEN," (Perez," Nathaniel,^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Augusta, Me., Dec. 9, 1800; m. 1st, Dec. 25, 1823, Elizabeth, dau. of Asa Williams, who d. Sept. 3, 1859, aged 60; m. 2d. Mrs. Roxana Mayo. He re- sided in Sidney, Me.: removed to Augusta, and was a merchant, retiring in * For Matthews see note 377. t Note 378. Rev. STEPHEN RACHILER,i b. England, 1561; m. early in life. He was a learned but eccentric man. He received orders in the established church, settled in the min- try and was rejected for non-conformity and suffered persecution ; removed and resided sev- eral years in Holland, where it is said his church consisted of six members besides himself, probably his wife, John Wing and wife, .John Sanborn and wife, and dau. Theodate. They re- turned to London, embarked for America, Mar. 9, 1632, in the ship WiJIiaw and FranciK, arrived at Boston, June 5, 1632; went to Saugus (Lynn) the following day, and there re-established a church. Admitted freeman. May 6, 163.5; removed to Ipswich, Feb., 1636, where he received a grant of land, but he soon left the place. In the winter of 1637 he made a settlement in Matta- keese at a place called "Old Town," prob. with the consent of Mr. Collicut, the first proprietor of Barnstable, Mass.. and thus became the first white settler there. The names of his company are not known, prob. iiis own family, including the family of his .son in law, John Wing. It has been suggested that Mr. Bachiler may have left the women and children of his company with his acquaintances at Sandwich, Mass. until shelter could be provided in the new settlement, but early in 1638, being poor and unprovided with suitable means, they abandoned their settle- ment in Barnstable. Mr. Wing and Ins family stopped in Sandwich, but Bachiler and his son in law, Hussey, went to Newbury, and on Sept. 6, 1638, the court gave them leave to settle in Hampton. His house was burned in Hampton, 1641. In 1614 he was invited to Exeter, but did not settle there. In 1647 he was at Portsmouth where his second wife, Helen, d. 1650, and he m. a third wife, Mary, with whom he lived but a few months, when she went to Kittery, Me. He returned to England, m. a fourth wife, and d. at Hackney, near London, 1660. See note 77. Ch. b. England: Henry; settled at Reading, Eng. Nathaniel, b. 1611; settled at Hampton. Francis; remained in London. Stephen, " " " A Daughter; m. John Sanborn, and d. in England. Deborah, " John Wing, and settled in Sandwich. Theodate, " Christopher Hussey of Nantucket. SEVENTH GENERATION. 531 1857, and was succeeded by his sons, Frank and Horace; selectman; assessor; member Common Council, 1851-3; Corporal. Capt. Daniel Williams Co.: served 14 years in militia: drafted Feb., 1839, in ihe Aroostook war; height, 5 feet 10^ inches; weight, 170 lbs. He d. .Jan. 25, 1883. Ch. b. Augusta; .5026.* Charles Edw^\rd, Feb. 25, 1825. 5027.* John Prescott, July 16, 1827. 5028.* Franklix Lewis, Mar. 14, 1830. 5029. Asa Williams, Jun. 4, 1832; d. May 19, 1849 5030.* Horace Hodge, Oct. 10, 1836, [1898] WILLIAM HAMLEN,' (Bro. of Charles,) b. Augusta, Me.. Dec. 8, 1801: m. Paulina Bacon, b. June 25, 1806; carpen- ter and farmer; Sidney, Me.; removed to Wisconsin after the birth of his children; liis sons, Augustus, George, Solomon and John, went with him. He d. Sidney, May 1, 1882; she, April 12, 1882. Ch. prob. b. Sidney. 5031.* Wellington Bacon, Sept. 1, 1824. 5032.* Albion K. P., Aug. 24, 1825. 5033.* Caroline Ann, Mar. 5, 1827. 5034. William Augustus, May 1, 1828. 5035. Melvin Orlando, Nov. 24, 1829; d. Nov. 15, 1852, unm. 50.36. Marv Elizabeth, June 10, 1830, " Oct. 14, 1831. 5037.* Joseph Pekez, June 9, 1832. 5038. Mart Paulina, Dec. 23, 1833, " Oct. 6, 1852. 5039.* George Henry, Sept. 18, 1835. 5040. Solomon Alfred, Mar. 19, 1837. .5041.* Henry Harrison, Sept. 13, 1839. 5042. John Carter, Nov. 28, 1842. 5043. Washington, Feb. 5, 1845, " Nov. 4, 1848. 5044. Prince Edward, . Mar. 5, 1848, " July 3, 1867, unm. [1899] OLIVE HAMLEN,' (Sister of Ciiarles,) b. Augusta, Me., Oct. 25, 1803; m. Sidney, Me., May 12, 1826, Elijah, son of Anthony and Hannah (D ) Faught, b. Sidney, June 10, 1797; farmer and carpenter; Sidney; Whig and Republican; she Baptist. Both d. Sidney; she Feb. 26, 1884; he April 4, 1866. Ch. b. Sidney: 5045. Jambs H., Jan. 17, 1829; unm. 1902. 5046.* Columbus Howard, May 16, 1831. 5047.* Albert Elijah, Sept. 11, 1835. 5048. Carrie H., Mar. 1, 1842; unm. 1902. 5049.* Ellen Hannah, Mar. 26, 1844. [1900] REUEL HAMLEN,' (Bro. of Charles,) b. Oct. 30, 1805, prob. Augusta, Me.; m. Phebe Worth. He d. Mar. 16, 1876. Child: 5050. Abigail. 532 TFIE HAMLIN FAMILY. [1907] MOSES EDWARD HAMLENJ (Lot,« Nathaniel,^ Lewis.* Ebenezer,'* James,^!) b. Augusta, Me., July 2(5, 1807; m. tbere, Sept. 6, 1832, Lucinda Dwight, dau. of Jobn and Lucinda (Howard) Hartwell, b. Augusta, Feb. 18, 1808; painter and glazier; Augusta; Democrat; Alderman, 1851; City ( Treasurer, 1854: Freemason; sbe Epis. Both d. Augusta; he, Dec. 11, 1886: she, May 28, 1898. Ch. b. Augusta: 5051. Emily, Sept. 11, 1833: d. June 29, 1839. 5052. Sarah Frances, July 24, 1835; unm. 1902. 5053.* Edward Hartw-ell, May 16, 1838. [1908] HENRY CRAIG HAMLEN,? (Bro. of Moses E.,) b. Augusta, Me., July 21, 1809; m. Hingham, Mass., Dec. 16, 1840^ Abigail Lincoln, dau. of Samuel and Bertha (Loring) Hobart, b. Hingham, Jan. 6, 1816; carpenter; A^ugusta until 1850: Hingham, Mass., until 1861: Cattaraugus Co., N.Y., until 1866; afterwards Waupun, Wis.: Republican; she, Cong. Both d. Waupun: he. May 21, 1888: she, Apr. 17, 1891. i Children: 5 5054. Thomas Hobart, b. Aug. 6, 1842, Augusta; d. Sept. 29. "46 5055.* Hannah Craig, " July 2, 1844. 5056. Erasmus Henry, " May 5, 1852, Hingham. " May 5, '56 I [1909] Capt. .JOSEPH SUMNER HAMLEN,- (Bro. of Moses E.,) b. Augusta, Me., Mar. 8. 1812; m. Portland, Me.. Oct. 10, 18,38, Ellen R. Brown, b. Portland, July 15, 1811, her mother was Ruth Homer. They separated and she resided in Portland, Me., where she <5i^ Nov. 1883. He states: "On Jan- uary 1, 1825, I became the first apprentice or 'Printer's Devil,' in the office of the Kennebec Journal, Augusta, Me., and assisted in getting out the first number of that paper, Jan. 6, 1825, Eaton and Severance, Proprietors. Mr. Severance was the editor. This paper was afterwards edited by Hon. James G. Blaine." He left this service, 18.30, and was clerk with Whitney & Haskell, merchants, Boston, one of the largest dry goods houses in the city: two years later he en- gaged in business on his own account, continuing in various mercantile pursuits for over forty years. In 1842 he went from Baltimore to Portland, Me., and engaged extensively in merchandise and shipping; was owner of many vessels: dealer in flour, corn, salt, and southern lumber: was proprietor of a large storage depot called the "Hay Magazine," on Union wharf of 2500 tons capacity, from whence he shipped pressed hay to Boston and southern ports; this was burned in 1849. He sometimes "occupied every store and warehouse on the wharf for his immense business and was extensively engaged in the West India trade. In 1856 he was forced to suspend business, settled with his creditors in 1858, and removed to New York City, where he has since principally resided. In 1865 he became agent for a New York house in the Bahama Islands for five years: since then he has not been in active business. Captain in the militia, Augusta, 1835. tH SEVENTH GENERATION. 533 COMMISSION. ROBERT P. DUNLAP GOVERNOR AND COMMANDER-TN-CHIEF OF THE STATE OF MAINE. SEAL. To Joseph S. Hamlen^ of Augusta, Gentleman., Greeting: You have been elected Captain -of the A, Company of Lt. Infantry in the First Regiment, in the First Brigade and Second Division of the Militia of this State, to take rank from the fifth day of May, A. D. one thous- and eight liundred and thirty-iive. EOBERT P. DuNLAP- Reposing Special trust and Confidence in your ability, courage and good conduct, I do, by these presents, in the name of the Slate, commission you accordingly. You will, therefore, with honor and tideUty, discharge the duties of said office according to the laws of this State and to military rule and discipline. And all inferior officers and soldiers are hereby commanded to obey you in your said capacity: and you will yourself follow such orders and instructions as you shall from time to time receive from the Commander-in-Chief, or others your superior officers. Given under my liand and the Seal of the State, the twenty-fifth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-flve, and in the year of the Independence of the United States of America. BY THE GOVERNOR A. R. Ntchols, Dept. Secretary of State. A. R Thompson, Adj utant-GeneraL Copy of discharge: :STATE of MAINE. Headquarters, { "I. \ Augusta, April 23, 1836. The GoTernor and Commander-in-Chief, with advice of Council, having •caused the A, Company of Light Infantry in Augusta, belonging to tlie First Regiment, First Brigade and Second Division of the Militia of this State, lately commanded by Joseph S. Hamlen, to be disbanded, Joseph S. Hamlen is hereby honorably discharged from tlie office of Captain in the A, Lt. Inf. Com- ipany aforesaid. ^ , ^^^ BY THE GOVERNOR'S COMMAND. A. B. Thompson, Adjutant-General. Registered Vol. 5, No. 1050. Cliildren: 5057.* 'Caroi.ine Mellen, b. Jan. 4, 1841. 5058. Joseph Sumner, " Dec. 26, 1843, Portland. X 534 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. *1 [1910] HANNAH CRAIG HAMLEN,' (Sister of Moses E.,) • b. Augusta, Me., Aug. 5, 1815: m. there, Dec. 4, 1838, Capt. John C. An- thony, a native of Mass.: hatter: captain of militia; Augusta, several years. She d. Augusta, March 25, 1839; he d. Portland, Me. N(j issue. [1911] JAMES ELLIOTT HAMLEN,^ (Bro. of Moses E.,) b. Augusta, Me., Dec. 3, 1821: m. there, 1847, Phebe Abbott, dau. of Jere- miah and Margaret (Burton) Fisli, b. Weld, Me., Oct. 2, 1827; merchant; Augusta: she Universalist; member of ladies of G. A. R. Both d. Augusta; he, Oct. 18, 1888; she, June 26, 1885. Ch. b. Augusta: 5059.* Harriet Ellen, .Jan. 10, 1848. 50«0. James Pliny, Apr. 2, 1850: unm. 1902. [1912J ALMIRA HAMLEN, (Lewis,^ Perez,^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,^^ James,''ii) b. Charlestown, Mass., Dec. 27, 1809; m. there, May 15, 1832, Ashbel Wait. He owned a factory and tannery, Charlestown; and sale room. Boston: res. Charlestown, where both died; slie May 9, 1890; he March. 1883. No issue, [1918] HANNAH HAMLEN,' (Sister of Almira,) b. Charlestown, Mass., July 11, 1811; m. there by Rev. Thomas King, Mar. 28, 1839, Samuel,' son of Edward and Rebecca (Harlow) Winslow,* his 2d wife; he m. 1st, Augusta Wadsworth, who d. 1837; ship carpenter and cabinet maker: Charlestown; he res. Quincy, Mass., 1894, with a son by former marriage. She d. Oct. 20. 1884. Children: 5061. Edwin Chapin; d. infancy. 5062. LuciNDA Augusta, " " [1914] LEWIS HAMLEN,7 (Bro. of Almira, ) b. Charlestown, Mass., Sept. 13, 1813; mariner; d. at sea on a voyage from Mobile to Boston, June 30, 1844. [1915] HARRIET AUGUSTA HAMLEN,' (Sister of Almira,) b. Charlestown, Mass., Nov. 10, 1815; m. there, June 23, 1836, William, son of Jotham and Sallie (Rae) Barry, b. Charlestown, March 18,1812. He was associated with his brother-in-law, Ashbel Wait, many years in the tannery business, Charlestown; Republican; Universalists. She d. Neponset, Mass., Mar. 10, 1900: bed. Cliarlestown, Sept. 25, 1880. Ch. b. Charlestown: 5063. William Henry, Sept. 23, 1837. 5064.* Charles Ootavius, Dec. 25, 1839. 5065.* Almira Waite, May 10, 1843. 5066. AsnBKL Waitk, Feb. 25, 1848: d. Sept. 9, 1892, unm.. •5067. Hauhikt Frances, June 12, 1853. 5068. Arthur, Mar. 1, 1857; unm. 1902. * Note 379. EDWARD WINSLQW.e (Edwarcl,5*3 Kenelm,2i) For Winslow see note 9«. i SEVENTH GENERATION. 535 [19161 LUCINDA HOPKIN8 HAMLEN," (Sister of Almiia.) b. Charlestown, Mass., Aug. 28, 1818: m. there, by Rev. Sebastain Streeter, May 9, 1839, Rowland Hill, of Charlestown. He was associated many years with his brother-in-law, Ashbel Wait, in tlie tanning business, Charlestown. Hed. Oct., 1879. No issue. ]1917] WILLIAM HAMLEN,' (Bro. of Almira,) b. Cbarlestown, Mass., Mar. 9, 1820; m. there, Dec. 25, 1845, Ann Cecelia Welch. He was apprenticed to his brother-in-law, Ashbel Wait, to learn the trade of Morocco dresser, for wliom he afterwards worked. For thirty years prior to 1894 iie was an invalid and not actively employed; res. Charlestown: she d. Maiden, Mass., May 1, 1895, aged 77 yrs. 7 mos. 2 days. Children: 5069.* William H., b, Oct. 21, 1846. 5070. Hannah A., '• .Jan. 10, 1849. 5071.* A LMiuA Lincoln, " Dec. 2, 1859. [1918] GEORGE HAMLEN," (Bro. of Almira,) b. Charlestown, Mass., Feb. 8, 1822; m. there, Dec. 31, 1844, Ellen M. Bazin, h. 1825; printer; Charlestown. Both d. Charlestown; he, Oct. 25, 1856; she, Mar. 30, 1900. Child: 5072. Geohgiana. b. Aug. 2, 1846; unin. 1900. [1919] Capt. CHARLES HENRY JACKSON HAMLEN, ? (Bro. of Almira,) b. Charlestown, Mass., May 3, 1828; ra. there, -Tune 27, 1850, Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of Peter Sanborn; piano tuner; Charlestown; enlisted. Provi- dence, R. L, Sept. 13, 1861; commissioned 1st Lieut, and assigned as regimental Q. M. 1st R. I. L. Art., Oct. 3, 1861; asssigned 1st Lieut. Battery G, same regt., Jan. 1862: Capt. Battery H., same regt.. May 16, 1862: resigned Sept. 27. 1862: Capt. 13th Mass. Battery Lt. Artillery; commissioned from Charlestown: mus- tered Dec. 14, 1862; dis. July 29, 1865; res. near Lexington, Ky., 1894. Ch. prob. b. Cliarlestown: 5073. Gertrude Howard, Sept. 28, 1855, 5074. Grace Isabel, Feb. 14, 1858. [1920] LEWIS HAMLEN REALS,' (Polly," Perez,^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,'' James,~i)b. Hampden, Me., Nov. 20, 1803; m. Clara Soule; stone mason. He d. St. Albans, Vt., Feb. 22, 1856. Children: 5075. Lewis Hamlen. 5076. Clara. 5077. Gridley, 5078. Maria. [1921] WILLIAM CHAPMAN BEALS.^ (Bro. of Lewis H..) b. Hampden, Me., Apr. 25, 1806; m. St. Albans, Vt., 1828, Mary Ann, dau. of Enoch and Jane (Halbert) Beals,* b, St. Albans, May 1, 1808; farmer: St. Albans; * Note 380. Enoch Beals was a Rev. soldier, and soldier of the 1812 war, and was at the toattle of Plattsburg, N. Y. n3« THE HAMLIN FAMILY, removed to Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, 1833; to Avon, Wis., 1848. Both d, Avon: he Sept. 17, 1862: she Nov. 21, 1887. Children: 5079.* Horace, b. Mar. 10, 1830, St. Albans, 5080.* Louisa Electa, " July 14, 1832, " 5081.* Geokge Sanford, '-' Sept. 25, 18.34, Cuj'ahoga Falls. §082.* Polly Ha3ILEN, " Sept. 3, 1836, " " [1923] LOUISA BEALSJ (Sister of Lewis H.,) b. St. Albans, Vt., May 23, 1810; m. Henry West. She d. Haverhill, Mass., June 3, 1833. Children: 5083. William Henry. 5084. Charles G. [1924] HORACE BEALS,^ (Bro. of Lewis H.,) b. St. Albans, Vt., Nov. 17, 1812; m. N. Y., 1847, Jane Ann Cornwall,* b. N. Y. city, 1826; stone contractor; one of the largest dealers in granite in the U.S.; he furnished stone for one wing of the Treasury building, Washington, D. C; for the Custom House and Post Office, N. Y. City: Custom House, Charleston,S. C; Post office, Philadelphia, Pa., and other places. Togus Springs, Me., was sold by him to the government for the Soldiers' Home: a millionaire. He d. Togus Springs, Sept. 22, 1864; she d. West Point, N. Y., Aug., 1895. Ch. b. N. Y. City: 5085. Emily Leonard, 1848; d. 1891. 5086.* Evelyn Isabel, Dec. 15, 1852. 5087. Adelaide Irene, 1854, '* 1878, Naples, Italy. 5088. Frederick Frazer, 1855. [1927] ORISSA BEALS,- (Sister of Lewis H.,) b. St. Albans, Vt., Jan. 26, 1822; m. Quincy, Mass., Dec. 15, 1839, Jesse, son of Robert and Lavina (Holden) Bun ton, b. Allenstown, N. H., Mar, 27, 1810; stone contractor; she Cong. Both d. East Milton, Mass.; she, May 7, 1878; he, { Nov. 2, 1880. I * Note HHt. WILLIAM CORNWELL.i "b'ergent at urmes," was at Hartford, Ct., 1639; re- moved to Mlddletown, Ct., before Nov.. 1653, when he was appointed one of the committe to- apportion the home lots and planting' fields; five years later he was apijointed on a similar eomraitte; constable. 1664: liigbway surveyor, 1668; on committee to Imild meeting house. 1669; deputy to Gen. Court three years. Ills home lot of five acres was on the east corner of Main' and Wasliington steets. The court " freed Sarg't William Cornwall his head from paying of rates," 167.5; will dated " 4th-12th-1674." He d. Middletown, Feb. 22, 1677-8, leaving a widow Mary. Ch. of William Corn well and wife Sara^h, as recorded in Middletown: .lOHN, b. Apr. 1640. William, " June 34, 1641. .Samttel, Jacob, Sarah. Thomas, Hestbk, Elizabeth, " Sept. 1643. " Sept. 1646. ■' Oct. 1647. " Sept. 1648. " May 16.'J0. '" .Ian. 1651, SEVENTH GENERATION. 537 Children: 5089. George Jesse, b. Oct. 9, 1841, Quincy; d. May 17, 1842. 5090. Orissa Marion, " Mar. 13, 1843, Milton, '* July 10, 1864. 5091. Mary Frances, " July 2, 1844, " " Oct. 2, 1844. 5092. Isadore Frances, " June 7, 1846, "' 5093. Maria Winship, " .July 10, 1849, " d. Mar. 31, 1860. 5094.* Lavina Holden, " June 19, 1852, " 5095. Emily Jane, " Nov. 4, 1855, " d. Sept. 25, 1856. 5096. Jesse, " Apr. 18, 1858, " " Aug. 22, 1888. 5097. Louisa Josephine, " Dec. 7, 1860. [1928] NATHANIEL HAMLEN BEALS,^ (Bro. of Lewis H.,) b. St. Albans, Vt., Apr. 17, 18'24: farmer; member Rural Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Quincy, Mass.; Cong.: d. unm., Milton, May 31, 1893. [1929] MARIA WINSHIP REALS,- ^Sister of Lewis H.,) b. Quincy, Mass., Aug. 23, 1827: m. there, Albert G. Stevens; produce i dealer; Milton, Mass.; she Cong. She d. Milford, June 22, 1866. Ch. b. Milton: i 5098. Marie Winship, June 1, 1866. [1931] JOHN MULLETT TURNER.^ (Sally Hamlen," Perez,^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Hampden, Me., 1817; m. Sarah G., dau. of Daniel Doane,* b. Hampden. Both d. Boston, Mass.; he, 1849. Children: 5099.* Emma D., b. Oct. 31, 1850, Boston. 5100. Fred. [1932] ELIZA F. TURNER,' (Sister of John M.,) b. Hampden, jNle., 1819; m. Dr. Joseph Dow. She d. Providence, R. I. No issue. [1933] CALVIN BAILEY TURNER,' (Bro. of John M.,) b. Hampden, Me., Feb. 11, 1821: m. there, 1849, Ruth Crosby, dau. of Cephas and Betsey (Holbrook) Turner, b. Hampden, Feb. 3, 1827; farmer; Hampden; she Baptist. Shed. Hampden, Aug. 3, 1878. Ch. b. Hampden: 5101.* Nathaniel Bailey, 1850. 5102.* Herbert E., 1856. 5103. Wm. Elberten, 1863; d. Aug. 15, 1883. 5104. Frank Calvin, 1866: unm. 1899. 5105.* Cephas Webster, 1866. * Note 382. Dea. JOHN DOANE,i came early to Plymouth, Mass.; assistant to the Gov- ernor. lOaS; on committee to revise the laws, 1636; assistant to Gov. Winslow, 1642; one of the flrstsettlersofEastham. Mass., April, 16-14, where he occupied 200 acres of land north of the harbor, now occupied by Oliver Doane. Esq., ninth in descent from the immigrant ancestor. In his will, dated May 18, 1678, his age is given as " 88 or thereabouts." He d. Eastham, Feb. 21, 1686; will proved, June 2, 1686. 538 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [1934] SARAH VOSE TURNER,^ (Sister of John M.,) b. Hampden, Me., 1823; ra. Joseph Wyman. She d. Woburn, Mass. Children: ■ 5106. Lucy. 5107. Ella. 5108. Sarah. I [1935] Capt. CORNELIUS TURNER,' (Bro. of John M., ) b. Hampden, Me., 1838; m. Bangor, Me.: captain of brig, "Duncan." He was lost at sea. [1936] Dr. PEREZ HAMLEN TURNER," (Bro. of John M.,) b. Hampden, Me., Oct. 16, 1836; m. Rochester, N. Y., May 13, 1871, Sarah Malvina, dau. of James and Phoebe (Cook) Northrup, b. West Sparta, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1841; master mariner, 20 years; physician; Worcester, Mass., 1872; Prov- idence, R. I., 1873; Clifton Springs, N, Y., since 1880; Republican. Children: d. May 11, 1877. 5109. Joseph Dow, b. Apr. 8, 1872, Worcester: d. 5110.* Eltza Flagg, u Sept. 1, 1873, Providence. 5111. Malvina Anna, (1 July 20, 1878, i i 5112. Alice May, u Dec. 3, 1882, Clifton Springs [1937] CHARLES TUFTS MULLETT," (Betsey Hamlen,« Perez.s' Lewis,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Charlestown, Mass., Dec. 27, 1811; m. there, Feb. 28, 1836, Susan, dau. of John Buckman and Mary (Goodwin*) Willson,t of Bedford, Mass., b. Boston, Apr. 17, 1811. He early learned the harness maker's trade and established a store in Charlestown; retired from business, 1875: res. Lynn, Mass., 1836-42: afterwards, Charlestown; went to California, 1849, and returned, 1850; was among the first members Second Universalist Church, Lynn, and member of the choir; member Bunker Hill Lodge, 14, 1. O. O. F., which he joined Apr. 10, 1843 and filled all the chairs; member Bunker Hill Encampment, 5, I. O. O. F., which he joined Jan. 17, 1844, filled all the chairs and was twelve years warden; member of the Grand Lodge and Grand Encampment, 1. O. O. F; member of the Columbia Guards, Warren Phalanx several years; later of the Charlestown City Guard. Both d. Charlestown; he Mar. 4, 1901; she Nov. 6, 1893. Children; 5113. Charles Edwin, b. May 7, 1837, Lynn; d. Sept.l2, 1849. 5114. Susan Elizabeth, " Feb. 5, 1841, Charlestown, " Mar. 4, 1841. 5115.* Alfred Edgar, " Nov. 13, 1847, [1938] ELIZA MULLETT,' (Sister of Charles T., ) b. Charlestown, Mass., Mar. 2, 1814; m. there, Apr. 7, 1835, William, son of William and Hannah (Rogers) Payne, b. Center Harbor, N. H., Aug. 15, 1805; farmer and machinist; Charlestown after marriage, until 1843; Centre Harbor, until 18.55; Sanbornton, N. H., until 1888; she was educated at Miss Dawes' * Note 383. URIAH GOODWIN, the grandfather of Mr. Mullett, was a Rev. soldier; he first served for three months, and then enlisted for three years; served under Washington at White Plains and Valley Forge; was shot through the body and received a pension. •»• Note 384. .JAMES WILLSON, the paternal grandfather of Mrs. Mullett was of Scotch origin; he was a Rev. soldier; his family was among the early settlers of Bedford, Mass. i b. Nov. 4, 1836; Cliarlestown:d.Dec.l2,'40 " Oct. 21, 1840, 11 " June 12, 1843, a " July 29, 1846, Centre Harbor. " Sept. 4, 1852, a u " Nov. 6, 1855, Sanbornton; unm. SEVENTH GENERATION. 539 school. Charlestown. She d. Dorchester, Mass, Jan. 29, 1897; he d. Charles- town, Mar. 1, 1888. Children: 5116. Lucy Ann, 5117.* William Frances, 5118.* George Warren, 5119.* Charles Henry, 5120.* Eliza Ann, 5121. Laura Maria, [1939] JOHN MULLETT,- (Bro. of Charles T.,) b. Charlestown, Mass., Sept. 10, 1816; m. there, June 30, 1841, Emily Augusta, dau. of William and Mary (Dennis) Caswell, b. Charlestown, Apr., 1822. He was educated in the public schools of Charlestown, where he resided, and began business as clerk for Elisha L. Phelps, at the age of 17: he engaged in the retail grocery business as member of the firm of Cutler & Mullett. 1842, succeeded a year later by that of Mullett & Bradbury, which continued until the death of the latter, 1872, and continued by Mr. Mullett until his death. His business was the oldest in that line in Charlestown, he being 51 years in active business; said to have been better known among naval men than any other civilian in the city; his firm furnished naval stores in large amounts to the Marine Barracks, the Receiving Ship, and other vessels. His 74th birthday was celebrated by a large number of friends, business associates, and prominent citizens, received at his home: charter member of Bunker Hill Lodge, 14, I. O. O. F., and for over 50 years a member of Bunker Hill Encampment, I. O. O. F. For 28 years member of King Solomon's Lodge, A. F. & A. M., to which he presented a portion of the original shaft erected to Warren on Bunker Hill, still preserved asa valued relic in the archivesof the lodge; member of Signet Chapter, R. A. M., and of Coeur de Leon, Commandery, K. T., all of Charlestown. Until near his death, member of a military company, "The Lancers;" also of Hooper Social Club, and of 999 Artillery, a social club. His business was continued by his son, George Frederick; she Universalist. and member Devon's Benevolent Society. Both d. Charlestown; he, Dec. 28, 1893; she, Mar. 31, 1885. Ch. b. Charlestown: . 5122. Emily Frances, July 1842; d. Apr. 24, 1847. 5123. Mary Caroline, July 5, 1843, " May 1, 1848. 5124. Arth UK Caswell, Oct. 25, 1845," June 3, 1847. 5125.* George Frederick, Aug. 21, 1846. 5126.* Adelaide Frances, Oct. 28, 1848. [1941] SARAH CARTER HAMLIN,' (Perez,^^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Hampden, Me., Aug. 31, 1821; m. N. Y. City, Oct. 5, 1845, Andrew Tarr,' son of Johnand Mary (Tarr) Wingate,* b. 1821-2: builder; Boston. She d. Bangor, Me., Nov. 8, 1894. * Note 385. .JOHN WINGATE,5 Moses,* John.s 21 .JOHN WINGATE.i b. England and came to N. H. without a family when a young man; planter at Hilton Point, now Dover, 1658; m. 1st, Mary, dau. of Hatevil Nutter; m. 2d, about 1676, Sarah, widow of Thomas Canny, nee Taylor. He d. Dec. 9, 1687. Seven children. JOHN WINGATE,5 son of Capt. Moses and Joanna Gilman (Wentworth) Wingate, dau. of Col. John Wentworth,! (Benjamin,3 Ezekiel,^ William, i) and wife Abigail Millett. 540 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. 5127. 5128.* Children: Sarah Elizabeth, b. July 15, 1847, Boston. Harriet Ella, " Nov. 6, 1849, Portland. [1942] ELISHA HAMLIN,^ ( Bro. of Sarah C.,) b. Hampden, Me., Sept. 5, 1823: m. there, April 17, 1843, Lucinda H. Nicl erson,* b. Hampden; farmer; Hampden Corner. Ch. b. Hampden: Perez, Apr. 7, 1846. Dorcas Elzadie, June 19, 1848. Clarinda, Jan. 27, 1855. Yates N., June 17, 1857; George, Aug. 17, 1860, 5129.* 5130.* 5131.* 51.32. 5133. d. (1 Dec. 22, 1881. May 9, 1883. [1943] SABRA HAMLIN," (Sister of .Sarah C.,) b. Hampden, Me., Dec. 12, 1825; m. Boston, Mass., by Rev. James ShepardI June 30, 1846, Anthony Deceiver, son of Austin and Mary (Deceiver) DemondJ b. Albany, N. Y., Mar. 24, 1824; tinner and plumber: Montreal, Canada, anc Boston, Mass. He d. Boston, Mar. 1, 1878; she res. Winthrop, Mass. 5134.* 5135.* 5136.* 5137.* 5138.* 5139. 5140.* Children: Frederick Augustus, Mar George Anthony, July William Hamlin, Martha Hamlin, Ella Frances Wilkins, Nov Sarah Lizzie, Carrie Lizzie, 30, 1847, Boston. 10, 1849, Oct. 22, 1851, Rouse's Point. Aug. 4, 1854, Boston. 20, 1856, Sept. 10. 1860; d. Oct. 13, 1863. June 14, 1863, Boston. [1944] WILLIAM MURCH HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Sarah C.,) b. Hampden. Me., Nov. 21, 1828; m. there, Sept. 4, 1851, Harriet Augusta, dau. of Samuel and Ann (Wardwell) Phipps, b. Hampden, Nov. 9,1830; she member and Secretary of the Pine Tree State Asso.; W. C. T. U.: Friday Morning Club; Ralston Club; Woman's Parliament. He resided twenty years in Iowa — Dubuque, Webster City and Cedar Rapids; since 1891, Los Angeles, Cal.; furniture dealer; Republican. [1945] JOHN T. MURCH HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Sarah C.,) b. Hampden, Me., Sept. 29, 1831; m. there, May 13, 1855, Jane Murch Foster, b. Hampden, July 12, 1836; ship carpenter; Hampden, afterwards Bangor; Free- will Baptists: artificer, Co. L, 1st Me. Heavy Artillery; enlisted Dec. 28, 1863; in battle of Spottsylvania, and knocked down by a ball; at Cold Harbor, and one of seven survivors of his company who charged the enemy's works at Peters- burg,' Va., June 18, 1864; dis. July 6, 1865. He d. Bangor, Jan. 9, 1889; his widow res. Franconia, N. H. Children: 5141.* Martha Jane, b. Feb. 25, 1856, Hampden. 5142.* Frank Wilber, " Sept. 13, 1857, u 5143.* Harriet Wingate, " Nov. 8, 1859, " 5144.* Elmer Ellsworth, " Oct. 12, 1862, 5145.* Mary Etta, " Feb. 17, 1864, 5146. Albert Lord, " July 15, 1868, 5147.* Annie Fifield, " Sept. 30, 1871, 5148.* Jennie Christina, " Mar, 20, 1874, 5149. John Frederick, " Feb. 12, L879, Bangor. * For Nickerson see note 341. SEVENTH GENERATION. 541 [1946] GEORGE BEALS HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Sarah C.,) b. Hampden, Me., Aug. 10. 1834: m. 1st, East Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 20, 1858, Emil}' A., dau. of Augustus P. Wood, b. Cambridge, 1837; who d. East Cambridge, Feb. 10, 1873: m. 2d. Swanton, Vt., Sept. 20, 1877, Mrs. Adelaide A..* dau. of Jolin and Hapalona (Cushman) Adams,* b. Franklin, Vt., Aug. 14, 184.3, and widow of David W. Brown, of Templeton, Mass., who d. Swanton, 1873, without issue: printer: Boston, Mass.: has res. Hampden and Bangor, Me., Boston, Cambridge, and Somerville, Mass.: established business, Boston, 1856: member N. E. Lodge, 4, I. O. O. F.: N. E. Encampment, 34: Amity Rebecca Lodge, 15, I. O. O. F., holding many offices and serving as presiding officer in each; member Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F,: Grand Marshall, 1866: Grand Master, 1872: Representative to Sovereign Grand Lodge, 1873; member Grand Encamp- ment, 1866, and served several terais as District Deputy Grand Patriarch; elected Chief Veteran, O. F. Veteran Asso., 1892; member P. G. O. Asso. of 1 Mass., L O. O. F.: president of same, 1894: member Cambridge Lodge, 191, I K. O. 1878, and chief officer of the Lodge; member common council, Cambridge, 1 1872. I Ch. by 2d wife: 5150. Florence May. 5151. Happie Adelaide, b. July 16, 1879, E. Cambridge. 5152. Geobge Roy. " Aug. 15, 1882: d. Feb. 22, 1884. [1947] NATHANIEL TURNER HAMLIN," (Bro. of Sarah C.,) b. Hampden, Me., June 24, 1837; m. 1st, Gloucester, Mass., 1877, Sarah Law- son, who d. Walpole, Mass., Mar. 27, 1861: m. 2d, Walpole, Jan. 7, 1865, Mrs. Martha A. Billings: farmer and carpenter: Hampden. Me., Gloucester, Bos- ton and Walpole, Mass.; shipped in U. S. navy, Charlestow^n, Mass., Dec. 80, 1861; detailed to giinboat Katahdin, Feb. 17, 1862, and served in West Gulf squadron: participated in capture of Forts Jackson and St, Phillips, at capture of New Orleans, and fight in Mobile Bay, Aug., 1864: dis. Jan. 22, 1865. Ch. b. Gloucester: i 5153. Lewis, Mar. 29, 1878. 5154. Lizzie, '' " " d. Jan. 29, 1885. [1949] PERSIS SABRINA CLARK,' (Sabrina Hamlin,^ Perez,^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,3 James.^i) b. Charlestown, Mass., Sept. 2, 1821; m. Antwerp, N. Y., by Rev. Abner Ward, Mar. 5, 1840, Joseph Samuel, son of Otis and Mary ( Nott) Foster, b. Antwerp, Nov. 21, 1818, She was educated at Antwerp; Methodists; she d. Charlestown, Aug. 29, 1848; he was afterwards surveyor of Le Sueur Co., Minn., several years. He d, Mankato, Minn., Feb. 3, 1893. Children: 5155.* Elmika Hamlin, b. Aug, 23, 1844, Antwerp. 5156. Persis Pauline, ''June 22, 1848, Charlestown: d. 1866. [1951] NATHANIEL HAMLEN CLARK," (Bro. of PersisS.,) b. Nov. 8, 1825: married: removed to Lincoln, Ills., 18.54, and d. several years ago. Several children. Note 386. JOHN ADAMS,* {Abel,7 Jolin,6 5 Eleazer,* John,3 E Jan. 14, 1832, " " Geo. L. Green. 5390.* Arnold Burch, u Sept. 12, 1833, u 5391. Electa H., u May 29, 1836; d. Sept. 9, 1837. [2045] ELLIS H. FISH," (Bro. of Caroline.) b. Sandwich, Mass., Sept. 21, 1797: m. Hannah, dau. of Benjamin Nye. J b. Falmouth; carpenter; lost on passage from Florida. No issue. [2046] BENJAMIN FISH,' (Bro. of Caroline. ) b. Sandwich, Mass., April. 11, 1800; m. there Oct. 10, 1834, Chloe,* dau. of Calvin and Sarah' (Howlandg) Goodspeed,|| b. Sandwich. June 19. 1812: sailor in the whale fishery and farmer; Sandwich; Republican; Cong. Both d. Sand- wich; he, June 7, 1878; she, Sept. 29, 1854. Ch. b. Sandwich. 5392. Sylvia T., Jan. 5393. Justus H.. Sept. 5394.* Sarah Abbie, May 5395.* Lewin H., Mar. * For GiflFord see note 93. t For Fish see notes 54 and 190. $ For Nye see note 34. § For Howland see notes 61, 79, 132, 145, 248, 322 and 324. II For Goodspeed see notes 30 and 284. 15, 1838: d. Oct. 19, 1853. 28, 1839. " Jan. 8, 1841. 1, 1846. 2, 1848. SEVENTH GENERATION. 557 [2047] CLARISSA FISH,' (Sister of Caroline,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Feb. 9, 1802; m. Elijah B. Smith, b. Vermont, Nov., [798; carpenter: Republican; Methodists. She d. Sandwich, July 20, 1884; he h. Plymouth, May 20, 1882. No issue. [2048] SUSANNAH FISH,' (Sister of Caroline,) b. Sandwich. Mass., Aug. 5, 1804; m. Braddock, son of Benjamin and fSiprah (Gifford*) Fish,t b. Falmouth, Mass., 1800; carpenter: Sandwich. Both d. bharlestown, Mass.; she, 1847; he, 1843. Ch. b. Sandwich: unm. 1899. 5396.* Nathaniel H., Feb. 6, 1825. 5397. Ansel W., Mar. 22, 1826. 5398. Benjamin F.. Nov. 6, 1827. 5399. George H., Mar. 27, 1829: 5400.* Braddock Edson, Dec. 7, 1831. 5401.* Obed M., Nov. 27, 1833. 5402. Hannah C, Dec. 1836: 5403.* Sumner B., Feb. 1838. Children: 5404.* Caroline Howland, b. Dec. 5405.* Susan Augusta, Aug 5406.* Abby Amanda. July 5407.* Nancy Elizabeth, May 5408. Ellen M., Dec. 5409. Harriet Lamira, Jan. 5410.* Emma May, May m. Ezra Hamlen." [2050] ABIGAIL FISH,' (Sister of Caroline,) b. Sandwich, Mass., June 20, 1811: m. Randolph, Vt., June 15, 1828, Nathan- |iel, son of Jonathan and Phebe (Salisbury) Jones, J b. Vermont, Jan. 8, 1808; ;carpenter; Randolph and Woodstock, Vt.; Republican. Both d. Randolph: she, 'Mar. 26, 1885; he, Jan. 17, 1892. 15, 1831, Randolph. 2, 1834, 25, 1836, Woodstock. 28, 1838, 18, 1844; d, unm. Dec. 1, 1865, 2, 1847, m. Jerome I. Pratt. 1, 1853. [2051] CHIPMAN FISH,' (Bro. of Caroline,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Feb. 14, 1814; m. there. Mar. 14. 1839, Mercy F., dau. of James and Mai'garet (Turner) Chadwick,^ b. Sandwich, Aug. 24, 1820; carpen- ter; Sandwich: Republican. He d. Sandwich, Dec. 25, 1893; she res. Sandwich with her daughter Laura, 1899. Ch. b. Sandwich: 5411* Margaret C, July 12, 1842, 5412. Laura A., Sept. 7, 1844; unm., 1898. [2052] ELIZABETH H. FISH,' (Sister of Caroline,) b. Sandwich, Mass., July 9, 1818; m. there. May 2, 1839, Capt. Joshua T., son of James and Margaret (Turner) Chadwick,i b. Sandwich, June 26, 1815; * For GifFord see note 93. + For Fish see note 54 and 190. t For .Tones see note 340. S For Chad wick see note 198. 5413.* Hannah T., Feb. 5414. Betsey C, May 5415.* James Chipman, Sept 5416. Caroline W., Jan. 5417. Caroline W., Oct. 5418. Clarissa S., Dec. 5419. Susan A., Nov. 558 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. I master mariner in wiiale fishery; Sandwich; Republican; she Cong. He d Sandwich. Nov. 23, 1878; she res. witli her daughter at Maiden, Mass. Ch. b. Sandwich: ' 24, 1840. 10, 1842; d. Jan. 19. 1870, unm. 13, 1844. 1, 1846, " Sept. 17, 1848. 12, 1848, " May 25, 1873, " 24, 1850; unm. 1899. 24, 1852; d. Sept. 9, 1853. [2055] SARAH ADAMS GOODSPEED,' (Sarah Howland," Abigai' Hambli n, 5 Reuben,* Elkanah,3 James,2i) b. Sandwich, Mass., Nov. 1, 1805 m. Edward Haines; glass blower; Sandwich; where both died. No issue. fll [2057] ELIZABETH GOODSPEED,^ (Sister of Sarah A.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Feb. 14, 1811; m. there, Feb., 1837, William E., son o Jolm and Sarah (Smith) Percival,* b. Sandwich, Nov., 1802; farmer; Sandwich Cong. He d. Sandwich, Feb., 1864. Ch. b. Sandwicli: 5420.* Susan, Jan., 1838. 5421. John, Apr., 1848; unm. 1898. 5422.* Harriet, June, 1851. [2059] JUDITH H. GOODSPEED,' (Sister of Sarah A.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Sept. 18, 1814; m. Thomas Nye,t of Barnstable. Children: 5423. Asa, b. 1841; d. 1858. 5424. Mercie p. " 1843; living 1899. [2060] CHARLES S. GOODSPEED,^ (Bro. of Sarah A.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Sept. 18, 1818; m. Lucy Lovell, of Barnstable. Child: 5425. Charles S., b. Nov., 1850; living 1899. [20631 SOLOMON CROWELL HOWLAND,^ (Eben,6 Abigail Ham-j blin,5 Reuben,* Elkanah,^ James,2i) b. Sandwich, Mass., Sept. 5, 1813; m. Adelia F. Hatch,t of Falmouth, Mass.; carpenter and land surveyor; Watpy, Mass, He d. May 9, 1878. b. 1855. Children 5426. William. 5427.* Nelson, 5428. Emily. 5429. Julia. * For Percival see note 143. + For Nye see note 34. * For Hatch see note 94. SEVENTH GENERATION. 559 [2065] EDWARD BARNWELL HOWLAND,^ ( Bro. of Solomon C.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Feb. 22, 1818; m. Abbey S. Percival,* of Sandwich; car- enter many years in Sandwich. He d. Stockbridge, Cal. No issue. [2066] ELIZA CROWELL HOWLAND,^ (Sister of Solomon C.,) b. Sandwicii, Mass., Mar. 20, 1820; m. Lemuel Nye, f of Sandwich; waslietlie on of Lemuel and Hannah (Howland) Nye, b. Barnstable, June 21, 1807? ilhe was living 1898. ^ No issue. [2067] GUSTAVUS ROWLAND,^ (Bro. of Solomon C.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., June 20, 1823; m. Falmouth, Mass., Jan. 9, 1848, Cla- issa, dau. of Sylvanus and Tirzah Hatch,:): b. Falmouth, Dec. 13, 1825; car- penter, contractor and builder and lumber dealer; Sandwich; Republican; sur- eyor of wood and lumber; Congs. Children: 5430.* Mary Abbey, b. Apr. 29, 1850, Falmouth. 54:31. Edward Barnwell, " Mar. 29, 18.52, 11 5432.* Oscar, '' Nov. 24, 1853, Sandwich. 5433. Alice L., " Feb. 24, 1856, d. July 8, 57 5434.* Frank Lindley, ** Aug. 20, 1860, (( 5435. Alice L., " Aug. 30, 1863, d. Jun. 4, 64 [2068] THOMAS HOWES TOBEY HOWLAND,' (Bro. of Solomon C.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Jan. 29, 1826; m, Emeline Crocker,^ of Barnstable, kass.; brick mason. He d. Cambridgeport, Mass. [2072] Capt. CHARLES GOODSPEED," (Diadama Rowland," Abigail Hamblin,5 Reuben,* Elkanali,^ James, 21) b. Sandwich, Mass., May 22, 1804; to. Hyannis, Mass., Aug. 25, 1833, Sarah D., dau. of Isaac and Sarah (Halletty) Bearse,11 t). Hyannis, Sept. 10, 1817; resided New York, Brooklyn, Hyannis, New Jersey, and Plymouth, Mass.; Freemason; Universalists. Both d. Plymouth; be, Oct. 4, 1888: she, Mar. 22, 1877. Ch. b. Hyannis: 5436. Benjamin F., June 23, 1834; d. June 3, 1835. 5437. Henry C, July 28, 1835. 5438. Ann F., May 23, 1837. 5439. Charles P., Nov. 15, 1839; unm. 1898. 5440. Galen, June 9. 1845; d. Sept. 14, 1846, 5441. Julia P,, Jan. 26, 1846. [207:3] HARRIET GOODSPEED,' (Sister of Charles.) 1 b. Sandwich, Mass., Aug. 26, 1806; m. Hyannis, Mass., Aug., 1828; Bethuel G., son of Benjamin and Hannah Nye, t b. I^lmouth, Mass.; farmer: North Falmouth; Cong.; she Baptist. She d. Falmouth, 1891; he, North Falmouth, Sept., 1878. * For Percival see note 14a. t For Nye see note 31. * Bor Hatch see note 94. § For Crocker see notes 35, 39, and 78. II For Hallett see note 103. 1 For Bearce see note 15. 560 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: 5442. John. 5443. Benjamin. 5444. Saphkonia 5445. Arthur G. 5446. Robert. [2075] JULIA A. J. GOODSPEED,7 (Sister of Charles,) b. Sandwich, Mass., July 9, 1808; ra. N. Y., Jan. 1, 1837, William D., son of William and Sarah (Davis*) Watts, b. N. H., 1812; merchant; N. Y., and Hyannis, Mass.; Major 12th Regt. N. Y.; Odd Fellow; Universahst. He d. Hy- annis, March, 1890. No issue. [2076] Capt. FRANKLIN GOODSPEED,' (Bro. of Charles,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Jan. 6, 1811; m. Falmouth, Mass., Julia Patten; master marine)-; Epis. Hed. Falmouth, Aug. 12, 1876. No issue. [2089] ELIZABETH HAMBLIN,^ (Benjamin,'' Lemuel,^ Reuben,* EIkanah,3 James,2i) b. Sandwich, Mass., Dec. 22, 1789; m. there by Rev. Jonathan Burr, May 5, 1805, Simeon Bodfish.f He removed to Rockville, Ct.: suicide. Ch. b. East Windsor, Ct.: 5447.* Julius F., Mar. 18, 1821. Capt. CALEB HAMBLIN,7 (Bro. of Elizabeth,) b. Sandwich, Mass., May 10, 1793; m. 1st, there, by Rev. David L. Hume. Mar. 25, 1818, Chloe, dau. of Syivanus and Lucretia (Phinneyt) Fish,g b. Sand- wich, Jan., 1792, who d. there July 12, 1821; m. 2d, Mary Ann, dau. of George and Mary Ann Kern, b. Boston, Apr. 26, 1804, sister of Martin L. Kern who m Cyrene Hamblin, and of William E. Kern, who m. Tabitha Hamblin. His son Caleb says, "My grandfather Benjamin, spelled his name Hamblen, and my father did the same, until Mr. Otis Crocker from Barnstable, came to Falmouth to teach school, who taught us to spell the name Hamblin, and after repeated arguments convinced my father it was right. We have since spelled the name that way. I have several old family deeds in the house, belonging to my grand- father in which the name is uniformly spelled Hamblen." Master mariner: Snake Pond, Sandwich. His last voyage was in a merchant ship to Cuba, 1824: on the return, at the Isle of Pines, he was chased by Spanish pirates, and re- , ceived a solid shot in his ship. He eluded them in the darkness by changing-! his course, and putting out his lights. After this he was induced to remain at | home with his father, who deeded his farm to him. He lost his health iightingr lire, in the great fir-e which raged over Cape Cod about 1843, and d. about ten years later. His second wife d. Sandwich, Nov. 2], 1852; Democrat; Methodist, ji Ch. by first wife, b. Sandwich: f 5448.* Sylvanus Fish, Jan. 25, 1819. 5449.* Chloe, July 2, 1821. * For Davis see notes 4, 17, 43 and 169. + For Bod fish see note 38. $ For Phinney see note 189. § For Fish see notes 54 and 190. SEVENTH GENERATION. 561 By second wife, b. Sandwich: 5450.* Mary Ann, Jun. 14, 1833. 5451.* Caleb OSBOUN, Jan. 28, 1835. 5452.* Elias Thatcher, July 17, 1836. 5453.* George Hervey, Oct. 1, 1838. 5454.* Theodore Francis, Feb. 20, 1841. 5455. Seth Allen, Jiin. 25, 1843; d. July 23, 184.3. 5456.* Andrew Jackson, Oct. 22, 1846. [2091J THOMAS HAMLEN,^ (Bro. of Elizabeth,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Aug. 18, 1796; m. 1st, Falmouth, Mass., Mar. 26, 1818, Barbaiy Burgess.* b. 1801; m. 2d Edith Ellis,t who d. Dec. 30, 1885, aged 92 years, 9 months; farmer; Falmouth; removed to Sidney, Me., after 1827. He changed the spelling of his name from Hamblen to Hamlen, after his removal, some of the relatives in Sidney having adopted that mode. He d. Sidney, May 5, 1864. Chidren: 5457.* Betsey B., b. June 20, 1820, Waquoit. 5458.* Mary E., " Feb. 25, 1822, 5459.* Charles Crocker, " Dec. 14, 1823, 5460.* Thomas Thatcher, " Aug. 8, 1827, 5461. Abigail, Sidney; d. Oct., '49, unra 5462.* Almira F., ii Jan.^ 25, 1827; Oct. 10, 1829. Nov. 23, 1831. Apr. 5, 1833. June 14, 1835. Aug. 7, 18.38. Sept. 20, 1840. [2092] BENJAMIN HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of Elizabeth,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Oct. 30, 1798; m. Falmouth, May 13, 1826, Betsey, dau. of Reuben and Barbary (Small) Baxter, b. Falmouth, 1803; farmer; Falmouth; Republican. He d. Falmouth, Dec. 6, 1864; she d. West Falmouth, Sept. 27, ,1850. Ch. b. Falmouth: 5463. Louisa Bodfish, Jan.^ 25, 1827; m. Sylvanus F. Hamlin.^ 5464.* John Coquin, 5465.* Benjamin Franklin, 5466.* Charles W., 5467.* Christina Abigail, 5468.* George Washington, 5469.* Mary Shiverick, [2096] CHRISTINA B. HAMBLIN,' (Sister of Elizabeth,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Aug. 30, 1813; m. May 15, 18.37, Capt. Seth, son of Capt. Seth and Thankful (GiffordJ) Allen,^ b. June 23, 1809; farmer and master mari- ner; West P'almouth, Mass. His name was changed from Carlo. Both d. W. Falmouth. No Issue. * Note 389. THOMAS BURGESS ;i wife Dorothy; came from England to Salem, Mass., with a family named Young, about 1630; removed to Duxbury, Mass., July 3, 1637; to Sandwich, Mass., 1638; a large land owner; held town offices, and was deputy to Gen. Court; he d. Sand- wich, Feb. 13, 1685; she d. Feb. 37, 1637. Among their children was a son .lohn, who m. Mary Worden. t For Ellis see note 32. * For Gifford see note 93. § For Allen see note 267. , i 562 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [2097] DELILAH ELDREDGE,' (Rebecca Hamblin," Lemuel,^ Elka- nah,3 James.2i) b. Sandwich, Mass., Oct. 15, 1798; m. 1st, Falmouth, Mass., Apr. 9, 1826, Isaac, son of William and Anna (Parker) Sanford. b. Falmouth, June 6, 1793; boot and shoe merchant; Woods Hole, Mass.; Whig; Cong. He d. Charleston, S. C, July 25, 1830; m. 2d, Thomas Davis,* of Woods Hole; she Epis. She d. Woods Hole, Feb. 28, 1888. Children: 5470.* Timothy, b. Sept. 27. 1827, Falmouth. 5471.* Adeline, " Nov. 12, 1829, Woods Hole. [2098] Capt. LEMUEL HAMBLIN ELDREDGE,^ (Bro. of Delilah.) b. Sandwich, Mass., July 14, 1800: m. Dorcas,' dau. of Reuben and Lydia (Fisht) Hamblin, b. Sandwich, Dec. 1, 1806; Republican: Epis. Both d. Woods Hole; he, July 5, 1875; she, Feb. 18, 1868. Ch. b. Woods Hole: 5472. Abby Lloyd, Dec. 7, 1840; unra. 1896. [2100] Capt. JOSI AH LLOYD ELDREDGE,- (Bro. of Delilah.) b. Sandwich, Mass., July 29, 1805; m. Abby Church Bosworth, b. Providence, R. I.; master mariner; slie Baptist. He d. New Bedford, Mass., Mar., 1840: she remarried, Bangor, Maine, and d. there. No issue. [2101] M AH ALIA ELDREDGE,- (Sister of Delilah,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Sept. 17, 1809; m, Thomas G. Davis;* farmer: Woods Hole, Mass. Both d. Woods Hole; she, April, 1890. Ch. b. Woods Hole: 5473.* Henry Thomas, July 3, 1838. 5474.* Lydia B. 5475. Rebecca G.; unm. 1896. [2102] Capt. ZENAS FISH ELDREDGE,^ (Bro. of Delilah,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Feb. 24, 1812; m. Mary Ann Eldridge; master mariner: Woods Hole and Sippican. He was lost at sea, Oct., 1863. She d. Fairhaven, lyTocc Ch. b. Woods Hole: 5476. JosiAH Brinton. 5477. George F. 5478. Carlton, [2106] REBECCA HAMBLIN,' (Elias,« Lemue^,^ Reuben,* Elkanah,^ James,2i) b. Sandwich, Mass., Oct. 11, 1797; m. David Chadwick;J res. East j End, Falmouth. A grand daughter is mentioned, Mrs. Isaac L. Ashley of New Bedford, Mass. She d. Falmouth, before 1846. Children: (2 or 3 girls. ) 5479. Lucy. 5480. Joseph; res. Osterville, Mass. * For Davis see notes 4, 17, 42 and 169. + For Fish see notes 54 and 190. * For Chadwick see note 198. SEVENTH GENERATION. 563 [2107] SARAH G. HAMBLIN,' (Sister of Rebecca, ) b. Sandwich, Mass., Feb. 22, 1800: m. 1st, there, by Rev. David L. Hume, Dec. 24, 1824, Silas W., son of Moses and Rachael (Weeks) Hatch,* b. Falmouth JNov. 4, 1798: farmer; Falmouth. He d. there, Sept. 3, 1830; ra. 2d, Braddock Phinney,t who was born, lived and died, Falmouth; she Cong. She d. New Bedford, Mass. Apr. 24, 1878. Ch. by 1st marriage, b. Falmouth: 5481.* Thatcher C, Feb. 8, 1826. 5482.* Moses E., Apr. 24, 1828. [2108] .JOSEPH HAMBLIN,' ( Bro. of Rebecca,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Jan. 6, 1803; m. a Dutch lady on one of his voyages; I mariner; absent some years and settled in New Bedford, Mass. He d. in the Sandwich alms house, Oct. 18, 1872. Ch. b. New Bedford: 5483. Mary. [2109] GEORGE W. HAMBLIN,' (Bro. of Rebecca,) I b. Sandwich, Mass., Dec. 19, 1804; went to sea, and the vessel on which he ' sailed was lost. [2110] Capt. JOSIAH E. HAMBLIN,' ( Bro. of Rebecca, ) b. Sandwich, Mass., Oct. 1, 1811; m. Marston's Mills, Mass., Feb. 9, 1837, Cynthia F.. dau. of Allen and Hannah (Fuller|) Marston,§ b. Marston's Mills, ' Sept. 23, 1810: master mariner, engaged in the whale fishery; Barnstable and Falmouth. Both d. Barnstable; he, of small pox, June 6, 1873; she, Feb. 12, 1890. Ch. b. Barnstable: 5484. Granville F., Nov. 22, 1844; d. Sept. 17, 1846. 5485.* IsadoreG., Apr. 24, 1846. 5486. Luretta, Sept. 23, 1848; unrh. 1899; res. Boston. I [2111] AINSWORTH FISH HAMBLIN,^ (Lemuel.e^ Reuben,* Elkanah,^ I James,2i) b. Sandwich, Mass., Mar. 20, 1803; m. Falmouth, Mass., Oct. 4, 1829, Susan,« dau. of William and Content (Fish||) Hamblin, b. Falmouth, July 22, 1808; mariner, engaged in the w^hale fishery; Waquoit, Mass.; Odd Fellow. Both d. Falmouth; he, Nov. 17, 1879; she, Dec. 25, 1899. Ch. b. Falmouth: 5487.* IsadoreF. June 27, 1834. 5488.* Susan A., June 26, 1845. 5489.* Charles E., Dec. 27, 1849. [2114] CYRENE E. HAMBLIN,7 (Sisterof Ainsworth F.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., July 25, 1808; m. there, 1831, Martin Luther, son of George Frederick and Ann (Chandler) Kern, b. Boston, 1811; brother of William * For Hatch see note 94. + For Phiuney see note 189. * For Fuller see note 112. § For Marston see note 282. II For Fish see note 54 and 190. 1 5490. Cyrene E., 5491. A INS WORTH H., 5492.* Harriet Cyrene, 5493. Deli AH C, 5494.* Martin Luther, 5495. Martha A., 564 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. \ E. Kern, who m. Tabitha C. Hamblin, and of Mary Ann Kern, who m. Capt. Caleb Hamblin: gla.ss maker; Sandwich: Repubhcan; Odd Fellow; Methodists. Both d. Sandwich; she, June, 1851; he May, 1863. Ch. b. Sandwich: 1832; d. [6. 1882. 1833, " Curtisville, Cal.; unm. Nov. May 1, 1836. 1834, " unm. Dec. 29, 1864. Dec. 7, 1841. " " " " June, 1842. [2115] Capt. THOMAS FISH HA MBL1N,7 (Bro. of Ainsworth F.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Aug. 23, 1810, m. Waquoit, Ma.ss., Jan. 27, 18.34, Olive H., dau. of Braddock and Mary (Bradford*) Phinneyt, b. Waquoit, Oct. 6, 1815: mariner. First Mate; Cong. He was lost overboard from bark, "Rajah," Oct. 18, 1858. She d. Waquoit, Apr. 12, 1885. Ch. b. Falmouth: 5496. Laura Anne. Dec. 3, 1834; m. Capt. William Childs.9 5497.* Andrew Freeman, Nov. 17, 1838. [2116] ABIGAIL C. HA.MBLINJ (Sister of Ainsworth F., b. Sandwich, Mass., Nov. 12, 1812; m. there, by Asahel Cobb, June 9, 1830, Barton, son of Jonathan and Elizabeth Simpson (Tanner) Wilmarth, b. Lyme, N. H., Aug. 5, 1805; carpenter. He went to Boston at the age of eighteen, and ; to Sandwich, 1825, where he resided until his death in the employ of the]BoS' ton and Sandwich Glass Co., except a year and a half on a whaling voyage from Nantucket, and three years in the Manhaden fishery: Democrat: he voted for Lincoln, saying that he "was as good a Democrat as ever;" Metho- dist. He d. Sandwich, Feb. 9, 1866. She was living in Providence, 1896. Ch. b. Sandwich: 5498.* Ephraim, Mar. 14, 1829. 5499. Jason, Apr. 16, 1832; d. July 13, 1833. 5500. Barton, Apr. 8, 1834, " Oct. 18, 1837. 5501. Elizabeth, Apr. 4, 1836: unm. 5502.* Barton, June 30, 1838. 5503. Marie, Mar. 14, 1840; d. Feb. 1, 1842. 5504.* Julie, Mar. 13, 1842. 5505.* Isabella Frances, Apr. 14, 1846. 5506.* Marion, Feb. 1851. 5507.* Abbie, . July 23, 1859. [5117] HARRIET NEWELL HAMBLIN,^ (Sister of Ainsworth F.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Feb. 14, 1815; m. there, Apr. 10, 1838, Samuel, son of David and Martha Maria (Reed) Edwards, b. Montpelier, Vt., Nov. 20, 1811; ' carpenter; Quincy, Mass.; Republican; Universalists. He d. Quincy, Apr. 26, 1873: she res. Boston, Mass., 1896. Ch. b. Quincy: 5508.* Ida, July 4, 1848. * For Bradford see note 321. t For Phinney see note 189. SEVENTH GENERATION. 565 [2119] SIMEON FISH HAMBLINJ (Bro. of Ainsworth F.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Apr. 3, 1819; m. 1st, Barnstable, Mass., Oct. 8, 1840, Thankful, dau. of James and Thankful (Turner) Fish,* b. Cotuit, Mass.. Dec. 18, 1818: who d. Cotuit, Jan. 1, 1855; m. 2d, : mariner; removed to Cali- fornia, 1853; afterwards miner. Ch. by 1st wife: 5509.* Nancy Maria, b. May 16, 1841, Cotuit. 5510.* Dorcas Harriet, " Feb. 1, 1844, " 5511.* Thankful, " Dec. 25, 1846, " 5512.* Susan M., " Feb. 22, 1848, " j [2120] SIMEON FISH HAMLIN,' (Reuben," Lemuel,^ Reuben,* Elka- nah,3 James,2i) b. Sandwich, May 2, 1803; m. Falmouth, Mass., May 2, 1832, Eliza Ann, dau. of Pardon and Catherine (Wingt) Gifford,J b. Dartmouth, Mass., July 4, 1812; carpenter; Woods Hole, Mass,; Republican; Epis. Both d. J Woods Hole; he, July, 1873; she, Mar,, 1873. Ch. b. Woods Hole: 5513.* Lemuel E., Jan. 4, 1834 5514.* Catherine A., May 6, 1836 5515.* Rebecca Gifford, Aug. 30, 1843 ! [2123] HERVEY ELDREDGE,' (Mary Hamblen,^ Lemuel,^ Reuben,* iEIkaaah,^ James,2ij b. Sandwich, Mass., Jan. 23, 1805. Miss Josephine W. Fish, [Woods Hole, writes that he d. unm. Sept. 9, 1854. [2124] LUCY HAMBLIN ELDREDGE," (Sister of Hervey,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Aug. 20, 1808; m. June 25, 1826, Edmund, son of Thomas Davis. § Children: 5516. Hervey, b. June 10, 1827. 5517.* Charles Walter, " July 27, 1829. 5518.* Harriet O., " May 31, 1831. [2126] OWEN ELDREDGE,' (Bro. of Harvey, ) b. Sandwich, Mass., May 10, 1813; m. Falmouth, Mass., Dec. 3, 1835, Mercy v., dau. of Davis and Mercy Robinson;|| merchant and postmaster; Woods Hole, Mass., for 30 years; Republican. He d, Falmouth, Apr, 12, 1885. Ch. b. Falmouth: 5519. Albert D., June 4, 1839; d. Oct. 3, 1840. 5520. Edward D., Feb. 13,1843," Aug. 25, 1843. 5521. Marietta, Apr. 13, 1845, " July 12, 1894, unm. 5522. Hannah F., July 20, 1849. 5523. Harriet W., Aug. 30, 1855; d. Nov. 23, 1857. 5524. Francis D., Aug. 30, 1855. * For Fish see notes 54 and 190. + For Wins see note 77. * For Gifford see note 93. § For Davis see notes 4, 17, 42 and 169. Jl For Robinson see note 86. 566 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [2127] JOSEPH HAM BL1N,7 (Thomas,65 Reuben," Elkanah.^ James,2i) b. Sandwich, Mass., Jan. 27, 1799. The records of Sandwich show the marriage of Joseph Hamblin and Cynthia Bassett,* both of Sandwich, by Rev. Ezra S. Goodwin, Mar. 20, 1822; she d. there, Jan. 28. 1838; m. 2d, July 31, 1839, Maria L. Southwick, b. Boston, Sept. 1814; farmer: Sandwich; held town offices. Both d. Sandwich; he, Feb. 20, 1873; she, Jan. 27, 1875. Ch. b. Sandwich: 5525. Henry Augustus, May 5, 1823; d. Aug. 21, 1825. 5526.* Joseph Henry, Aug. 10, 1826. 5527. Edward Carnes, Apr. 13, 1829; d. Aug. 16, 1872. unm, 5528. Charles Howies, Dec. 6, 1831, " Sept. 20, 1892. " 5529.* Sylvia, Apr. 13, 1834. [2028J ASA HAMBLIN,7 ( Bro. of Joseph, ) b. Sandwich, Mass., Jan. 13, 1801; m. Dennis, Mass., Dec, 1827, Temperance Thatcher, dau. of Daniel and Lucy (Hedge) Howes, t b. Dennis, May 10, 1805: farmer; Sandwich, until 1828; Dennis, until about 1843; afterwards Sandwich: Republican; Methodists. Both d. Sandwich; he, Apr. 9, 1861; she, July 25, 1887. Ch. b. Dennis: 5530. Daniel Howes, Aug. 20, 1829; d. Feb. 23, 1862, unm. 5531. Olive Crowell, Oct., 1835; " Dec. 12, 1859, " 5532.* Charles William, Oct., 1839. [2129] OLIVE NYE HAMBLIN,' (Sister of Joseph,) b. Sandwich, Mass., June 30. 1803; m. there, by Rev. David L. Hume, Nov. 19, 1829, Capt. Joshua, son of Nathan and Hannah ( Hall) Crowell, J b. East Dennis, Mass., Feb. 24, 1801; shipmaster until 1845; afterwards farmer; East Dennis; Free Soiler and Republican. Both d. E, Dennis; she, Apr. 17, 18S4; he, Aug. 5, 1881. Ch. b. E. Dennis: 5533.* Joshua, Oct. 24, 1843. * For Bassett see note 130. + For Howes see note 283. $ Note 3!)0. Tbis family descend from .lohn Crowe, i of Yarmouth, Mass. See note 52. .JOHN CROWE,2 b. 16i8; m. Mehitable, dau. of Rev. John Miller, b. Roxbury, Mass., July 12, 1638. He res. at "Nobscusset," and after the death of his father was called "Senior," to dis- tinguish him from a son of Yelverton Crowe. He d, Jan. 28, 1688-9; she d. Feb. i:i, 1714-.5. The following children are named in the settlement of his estate: John. b. 1662; m. Bertha Sears. Samuel. Mehitable. Lydia; m. Ebenezer Goodspeed. Jeremiah, b. 1670; " Hannah Rider. Elizabeth. Susannah. Hannah, b. Apr. 1, 1677; " Joseph Studley- JOHN CROWELL,3 b. 1662; m. May 27, 1684, Betbia,3 dau of Paul and Deborah (Willard) Sears.b. Yarmouth, Mass., Jan. 3, 1661-2. See note 7. He res. "Nobscusset." He d. Oct. 15, 1728; she d. Chatham, Mass., May 5, 1724. SEVENTH GENERATION. 567 Children: Joseph, b. Mar. 20, 168.5; m. Bathsheba Hall and Sarah Howes. Paul, " Apr. 20, 1687, " Elizabeth Hallett and Margery Hall. Bethia, " Apr. 13, 1689, " Joseph Atwood. Mehitable, " Sept. 3, 1691, " John Ryder, John, " July 1693, " Keziah Eldridge. Deborah, " July 2, 1695, d. Jan. 11, 1705-6. Christopher, '• July 24, 1698; m. Sarah Matthews. Elizabeth, " Oct. 30, 1700, " Benjamin Homer. Mart, " Dec. 25, 1704, " Thomas Bray. " CHRISTOPHER CROWELL,* b. July 24, 1698; m. Sept. 23, 1724, Sarah Matthews, b. 1702. He sold the homestead of fais ancestor at Nobscusset. and removed to Secuit Neck. He d. Yarmouth, Jan. 12, 1781. Children : 19, 1725; m. Edmund Sears. 3, 1728- d. Dec. 3, 1744 14, 1729; m. Sealed Sanders. 19, 1731. 19, 1733^ m. Isaac Howes. 25, 1734-5; m, Hannah Sears. 7, 1737; m. Deborah Sears. 25,1739;" Bathsheba Paddock. 28, 1741; d. Aug. 1743. 2, 1744-5, CHRISTOPHER CROWELL,5 b. Yarmouth, Apr. 7, 1737; m. there, Dec. 24, 1761, Deborah,5 •dau. of John,* (Jolin,3 Paul,2 Richard,i) end Deborah (Crowell) Sears. (Deborah Crowell,5 dau. -of John and Keziah (Eldredge) Crowell, b. Yarmouth, Jan. 27, 1742-3.) He d. 1820. Children : Hannah, to. Sept. Elizabeth, " July Sarah, " July Mary, " Mar. Temperance, " Apr. William, " Mar. Christopher, " Apr. Enoch, " May Bethia, " Aug. John, " Feb. Sarah, b. Nov. 22, 1762. Levi, " May 16, 1764; m. Susanna Sears. Nathan, "' May 29, 1766, " Hannah Hall. Heman, " July 19,1768; d. Nov. 6, 1769. Deborah, " Aug. 26. 1770. Bethia, '' Oct 18, 1772; m. John Freeman. Eliza, " Nov. 10, 1774. Joshua, " Feb. 7, 1777. Isaiah, " Mar. 10, 1779 ; m. Hannah Howes. Priscilla, " Mar. 20, 1781. Christopher, " Sept. 21, 1783. David, " Jan. 11, 1786. Barzillai, " Aug. 14, 178a Capt. NATHAN CROWELL.e b. Dennis, Mass., May 29, 1766; m. there, Mar. 10, 1791, Hannah, dau. of Barnabas and Mary Hall, b. Dennis, Nov. 24, 1768; master mariner; Dennis; a prominent man ; selectman and assessor; the year prior to his death he was unanimously elect- ed to the legislature, but declined the honor. Both d. Dennis; he, Aug. 9, 1815; she, Feb. 4, 1812. Ch. b. Dennis: Clarissa Paddock, .Tudah Paddock. Edmund Sears. Adeline Howes. Olive N. Hamblin. Daniel Hedge. Feb. 15, 1814. May 25, 1808. , Cyrus Howes. Sarah Howes. Note 391. Elder WILLIAM BREWSTER,i (son of William, of Scrooby, England,) lb. 1566-7; prob. at Scrooby; wife Mary Collier (?), who d. Plymouth, Mass., Apr. 17, 1627. He was assistant to William Davison, Secretary of State to Queen Elizabeth, and accompanied him to the Netherlands, Aug., 1585. In his manor house at Scrooby the Pilgrims were accustomed to meet. He was imprisoned at Boston, Eng., 1607, for attempting to escape to Holland, with oth- Seth, Oct. 17, 1792; Mary, July 21, 1794, Betsey, Jan. 22, 1797, Nathan, Dec. 24, 1799, Joshua. Feb. 24, 1801, Chloe, May 17, 1804, Gustavus, May 17, 1804, Hannah, Oct. 20. 1806, Hannah H., Feb. 28, 1809; Barnabas, Sept. 5, 1811, 568 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. ers; but aferwards reached Holland, where he was a teacher, and set up a printing press, and assisted Rev. John Robinson, pastor of the Puritans in Leyden. He and wife Mary and sons Love and Wrestling were passengers in the Manpower, 1620. Gov. Bradford says: " The rest of the children were left behind and came over afterwards." Later Gov. Bradford wrote, 16,t0: " Mr. Brewster lived to very old age; about 80 years he was when he dyed; having lived some 2:5 or 4 years here in ye countrie; & though his wife dyed long before, yet ste dyed aged. His sone WrestJe dyed a yonge man, unmarried. His sone Love lived till the yetir 1650 and dyed and left 4 children now living. His daughters which came over after him are dead, but havc lefl, sundry children alive; his eldest sone is still living and hath 9 or 10 children; one married who bath a child or 2." He lived Plymouth, where he d. Apr. 18, 1643. Children; Jonathan, b. Aug, 12, 1.593, Scrooby. Patience, m. Gov. Thomas Prence. Fear, " Isaac AUerton. A Child. d. Leyden, Holland, June 20, 1609. Love, m. Sarah Collier. Wrestling, d. unm. PATIENCE BREWSTER.a m. Aug. ,5, 1624, Gov. Thomas Prence, his first wife; she d. 16.34. See note 22, page .54. HANNAH PRENCE,3 the date of her birth has not been found by the writer, but she was probably born at Plymouth, Mass.; m. 1st, Nathaniel,^ son of Rev. John and Tamosin Mayo, by whom she had six children from 1651 to 1662. See note 21, page 54. It is claimed that she m. as her 2d husband, Jonathan Sparrow, who was a settler of Eastham, Mass., as early as 16.54. Sparrow must have had a former wife, but the writer has not seen a complete record of his family, nor a copy of his will. He was deputy, 1668-75; selectmen, 1071-80; Representative. 1692-3. Children of Jonathan Sparrow: Rebecca, b. Oct. 30, 1654; m. Thomas Freeman. Lydia, m. William Freeman. Patience. " Joseph Paine. Elizabeth, " Samuel Freeman. .fONATHAN, " Mrs. Sarah Cobb, nee Lewis. ELIZABETH SPARROW,* m. Feb. 5, 1684, Capt. Samuel,3 son of Samuel and Mercy (Southworth) Freeman, b. Mar. 26, 1682, his first wife. He married 2d about 1693, Bathsheba. widow of Samuel Smith, who d. Sept. 22, 1692, and dau. of Barnabas Lothrop, of Barnstable, by whom he had twelve other children. He was sometimes called "Captain" and afterwards "deacon;" a man of large property, much engaged in public affairs, and a liberal supporter of education and religion. Selectman, 6 years. Representative, 19 years. He d. Jan. 30, 1742-3. will Dec. 13, 1742, proved Feb. 10. Children: Pricilla, b. Oct. 27, 1686; m. Capt. John Sears. Samuel, " Sept. 1, 1688, " Mary Paine. PRICILLA FREEMAN,5 b. Oct. 37, 1686; m. Eastham, Mass., June 1, 1704, Capt. .Iohn,3 sod of Paul and Deborah (Willard) Sears, b. Yarmouth, Mass., 1677-8. See note 7. He was called Yeoman and Gentleman; lived in East precinct of Yarmouth, now East Dennis, Mass.; his house stood south west from the burying ground at Bound Brook, occupied in modern times by Capt. Constant Sears; a prominent and wealthy man; active in church and town affairs, and in the militia; moderator, assessor, surveyor, juror, fence viewer, selectman, Ensign, Lieut., and Captain. She d. May 8, 1764; he, Apr. 9, 1738. Ch. b. Yarmouth : Elisha, about, 1706; m. Sarah Vincent. John, " 1712," Deborah Cro well and Priscilla Sears. Bathsheba, ' 1712, d. Apr. 19, 1733. Willard, 1714; m. Susannah Howes and Margery Homer. Mary. " Ebenezer Paddock. Priscilla, " John Hawes. Betty, about. 1719, " John Webb. Nathaniel, " 1720, " Deborah Howes. Hem AN, Jan. 28, 1724-5; d. Ang. 1, 1726. f \ Bethia, Oct. 15, 1726; " Sept. 8,1736. 1^ 5534.* Francis Edwix, Dec. 16, 1827. 5535.* Eliza L., Jan. 22, 1830. 5536.* Thomas Russell, Mar. 8, 1833. 5537. Joshua Org well, May 22, 1837; d. Oct. 5538.* Joshua Crowell, July 30, 1839. 55.39. John C, Jan. 5, 1842, " Nov., 5540.* Rebecca N., Apr. 24, 1845. SEVENTH GENERATION. 569 [2130] THOMAS HAMBLIN," (Bro. of Joseph,) I b. Sandwich, Mass., Dec. 24, 1805; m. there, by Rev. David L. Hunae, June 27, 1826, Lurana, dau. of Silas and Keziah (Nye*) Fi.sh,t b. Sandwich, May 29, 1805; teamster, dealer in wood, R. R. employe; Sandwich; she Methodist. Both ^. Sandwich; he, July 21, 1873; she Mar. 14, 1885. Ch. b. Sandwich: 14, 1839. 1844. [2131] ELIZA LATIMER HAMBLIN,' (Sister of Joseph,) b. Sandwich, Mass., July 24, 1808; m. there, by Rev. Ezra S. Goodwin, Mar. 27, 1828, .Jonathan, son of Jonathan Fish;t farmer; Sandwich. She d. Sand- jwich, Sept. 15, 1829; he remarried and is dead. I No issue. [2134] WILLIAM HAMBLIN,7 (Bro. of Joseph,) j b. Sandwich, Mass., May 10, 1818; m. there, Dec. 19, 1844, Rebecca K., dau, lof William and Tryphosia (GoodspeedJ) Atkins, b. Sandwich, Dec. 11, 1820; ifarmer; Spring Hill, Sandwich; Republican; Congs. He d. Sandwich, July 20, 1874. Ch. b. Sandwich: 5541. Eltsha Atkins, Nov. 6, 1845; d. July 2, 1877, unm. 5542. Edwin Maurice, Jan. 10, 1847, " June 15, 1873, " 5543. Ida Frances, Feb. 13, 1852, unm. 1898. I — I Dea. JOHN SEARS.6 b. Yarmouth. 1712; m. 1st, there, Aug. 24, 1738, Deborah, dau. of John I and Keziah (Eldridge) Crowell, b. 1720, who d. Sept. 18, 1753; m. 2d, Yarmouth, Apr. 11, 1754, ! Priscilla, dau. of Seth and Priscilla (Ryder) Sears, and wid. of Jonathan Sears, b. Dec. 31, 1730, i who d. Apr. 12, 1819. He was a prominent man ; res. Yarmouth; he d. Dec. 5, 1791. Ch. b. Yarmouth: Bathsheba, Sept. 13, 1739; m. Thomas Howes. Kezia, Oct. 26, 1740, " Isaac Hamblen. John, Jan. 13, 1741-2; d. Jan. 31. Deborah, Jan. 27, 1742-3; m. Christopher Crowell. John, July 20. 1744; m. Phebe Sears. Heman, April 11, 1746. Freeman, Sept. 25, 1747; d. Jan. 6, 1748-9. Priscilla, Apr. 5, 1749; m. Daniel Sears. Betty, Dec. 3, 1750, '• Benjamin Howes. FREE.MAN, June 16, 1752; d. Aug. 21, 1753. By 2d wife, b. Yarmouth: Freeman, July 5, 1755. Tamsen. July 31, 1757; d. infancy. Tamsen, Dec. l,^, 1758; m. Levi Eldridge. Bethia, Mar. 10, 1761, " Edward Sears. Lucy, July 15, 1763, ' Joseph Hall. Seth, Mar. 6, 1765; d. Aug. 4, 1766. Seth, Dec. 8, 1767; m. Hephebah Hall and Sarah Hard. Kezia. Aug. 9, 1772. * For Nye see note 34. + For Fish see notes 54 and 190. t For Goodspeed see notes 30 and 284. 21, 1823; d. Jun. 8, 1873. 9, 1824, " Mar. 23, 1891. 13, 1826. 31, 1828, " Mar. 2, 1887. 26, 1830. 29, 1831, " Nov. 12, 1832. fi, 1833. 16, 1836; m. - — — Huxford. 22, 1841, '' Jan. 1, 1884. 570 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [21.35] ANSEL HAMBLIN," (John.e^* Elkanah,3 James,2i) b. Barnstable, Mass., Aug. 21, 1797; m. Osterville, Mass., by Rev. Mr. Pratt, Oct. 28, 1821, Asenath H., dau. of Samuel Crosby,* b. Osterville, Sept. 19,1800; went to Nantucket when young; shoemaker: Nantucket, where both died; he, May 21, 1870; she, Feb. 11, 1881. Ch. b. Nantucket: 5544. Mary Ann, May 5545. Sarah Crocker, Dec. 5546.* Gkorge Washington, Sept. 5547. Charles Crocker, Mar. 5548. Sophia Isham, Jan. 5549. Emily Crosby, Oct. 5550. Emily Crosby, Sept. 5551. Chaklotte Augusta, Jan. 5552. Samuel Crosby, Jan. [2137] ZENAS HAMBLIN," (Bro. of Ansel.) b. Barnstable, Mass., July 30, 1805: m. Nantucket, Mass., Sarah Crosby;* shoemaker; he went to Nantucket when young. They were received into 2d. Cong, church, Falmouth, by letter from Nantucket, Apr. 28, 1839. Children: 5553. Elizabeth C, May 9, 1831; m. Joseph Childs. 5554. Sakah F., June 28, 1838. 5555. Ann Louisa, Sept. 2, 1844. [2139] THOMAS CROCKER HAMBLIN," (Bro. of Ansel,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Dec. 19, 1809; m. Nantucket, Mass., Oct. 1, 1831, Sophronia, dau. of William and Mary (Fisht) Holloway, b. Barnstable, June 16, 1811; shoemaker: Nantucket, where he d. June 27, 1851. Ch. b. Nantucket: 5556. Ann Maria, July 26, 1832; d. Apr. 15, 1834. 5557. Thomas Francis, Nov. 23, 1834; unm. 5558.* William Holloway, Dec. 11, 18.36. 5559. Ann Maria, Feb. 11, 1839. 5560. Mary Crocker, July 18, 1841. 5561.* Edward Payson, Oct. 7, 1843. 5562. Harriet Holloway, Dec. 31, 1845. 5563.* John, July 8, 1848. 5564.* George Harrison, May 25, 1851. * Note 391. SIMEON CEOSBY.i came from England, and settled in Cambridge, Mass., 1634; wife Ann. THOMAS CROSBY,2 b. England, 1634; wife Sarali ; he grad. Harvard College, 1673; settled in Eastliam, Mass., after 1054. where he resided many years; had charge of the church there and was a trader there and in Harwich (now Brewster,) Mass., where he removed, and settled in the east part of town; he d. Boston suddenly while on business, June 13, 1702. The Crosbys of Brewster descended from him. Children (12) : Thomas, Simon, Sarah, Joseph, William, Eben- ezer, Mercy, Ann, Increase, and El eazer. + For Fish see note .54 and 190. I EIGHTH GENERATION. [2140] PRENTISS WILLIAM SCUDDER,8 (Prentissj Lot,« Samuel,^ Ebenezer,* Elizabeth Hamlin, » James,- 1) b. Barnstable, Mass., July 21, 1828; m. there, Oct. 31, 1856: Lydia A., dan. of Joseph Allyne and Phebe (Gray) Davis,* b. Barnstable, June 13, 1830: merchant in Boston, Mass.; res. Boston, from November to May, and at Hyannisport the remainder of the year; Whig and Republican. [2149] FREDERICK CLARINGTON SCUDDER,^ (Oliver,' Isaiah,-^ Ebenezer,'-* Elizabeth Hamlin, 3 James,2i) b. Barnstable, Mass., Apr. 25, 1819; m. Feb. 5, 1843, Henrietta H. Waitt. He d. Osterville, Mass., Dec. 29, 1862. Children: 5565. Charles Oliver, May 25, 1844; m. Pauline Kelly. 5566. ADELilfE Lovell, Aug. 29, 1845; d. Aug. 31, 1846. 5567. Frederick Mitchell, Apr. 16, 1849; m. Dora Thayer. 5568. BENJA3IIN Hallett, Jun. 12, 1859; " Mary Drinliwater. [2150] ALEXANDER SCUDDER,« (Bro. of Frederick C.,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Dec. 4, 1821: m. Mar. 25, 1858, Jane Bradford.! Children: 5569. Edgar Grossman, b. June 12, 1859. 5570. Bradford. 5571. Arthur. [2153] EMILY OLIVER SCUDDER,* (Sister of Frederick C.,) b. Osterville, Mass., Feb. 3, 1831; m. there, Sept. 5, 1849., Noah Hammond, son of Eldridgeand Charity (Hammond) Lovell, b. Yarmouthport, Mass., Feb. 12, 1826; janitor; Yarmouthport, Mass; Tiverton, R. I., 1852-3; afterwards Taunton, Mass.; Republican and Prohibitionist; Universalist; member of Tem- perance society and Reform club. Both d. Taunton; she, Feb. 1, 1902; he Feb. Feb. 11, 1892. Children: 5572.* Adeline Delmont, b. Sept. 10, 1850, Yarmouthport. 5573.* Chester Manning, " Oct. 9, 1860, Taunton. * For Davis see notes 4, 17, 42 and 169. + For Bradford see note 321. 572 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [2155] Capt. RUSSELL LOVELL,^ (Lydia 1. Scudder,' Isaiah/ Ebenezer,'^* Elizabeth Hamlin,'' Jumes,^!) b. Osterville. Mass., Mar. 24, 1821: in. 1st, Jan. 21, 1845, Lucinda Goodspeed.* b. Feb. 2, 1825, who d. Oct. 1, 1850; m. 2d, Centreville, Mass., July (5, 1852, Eliza, dau. of Seth and Clarissa, (Robbing) Goodspeed,* b. Osterville, Dec. 16, 1829, who d. Osterville, Nov. 6, 1893: master mariner; Osterville, Republican; Baptists; sailed in the Forest City. He was lost at sea, Apr. 4, 1863. She member of Gannett Lodge No. 610, Knights and Ladies of Honor. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Osterville. 5574. Willis, Sept. 7, 1848; d. Oct. 3, 1849. 5575. Clinton, Aug. 27, 1850. By 2d wife, b. Osterville: 5576. Mariam, Sept. 9. 1859. 5577. Bertha, Jun. 20, 1861: m. Samuel W. Hallet. 5578.* Mary Russell, Oct. 25, 1K63. [2157] MARY SCUDDER LOVELL,« (Sister of Russell,) b. Osterville, Mass., July 9, 1825; m. there, Jan. 23, 1845, Capt. John Mars- ton, son of Zanas and Lydia (Marstonf) Lovell, b. Cotuit, Mass., Nov. 28, 1818: master mariner; Cotuit until 1846; afterwards, Osterville. He was drowned near Alexandria, Va., Aug. 19, 1853. Children: 5579.* Adelaide, b. Nov. 25, 1845, Cotuit. 5580. Nelson Oliver, " May 27, 18.50, Osterville. [2158] HORACE SEXTON LOVELL,^ (Bro. of Russell,) b. Osterville, Mass., Sept. 7, 1827; m. 1st, there, July 22, 1851, Sarah Crowell, dau. of Josiah and Sophronia (Hawes) Scudder, b. Osterville, Dec. 26, 1830, who d. there. May 4, 1869; m. 2d, Hyannis, Mass., Jan. 25, 1872, Mrs. Medora Maria Hodges, dau. of Joseph and Persis Hallett (Waitt) Robbins, b. Osterville, Nov. 5, 1837; master mariner; Osterville; Republican: member of Fraternal Lodge, A. F. & A. M., also of Mariners Lodge A. F. .& A. M. He d. Osterville, Feb. 11, 1890. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Osterville: 5581. Zbnas Marston, Sept. 15, 1856; d. Sept. 9, 1858. 5582.* Rosa Parker, Oct. 22, 1861. By 2d wife, b. Osterville: 5583. Blanche, July 22, 1876; unm. 1902. [2161] VELINA LOVELL, (Sister of Russell,) b. Osterville, Mass., Dec. 6, 1833; m there, June 18, 1852, Capt. James Henry, son of James and Temperance (CrockerJ) Parker, b. Osterville, June 10, 1829; master mariner; Osterville; Republican: Freemason; Universalists. She d. Osterville, Mar. 3, 1862. He was drowned in Vineyard Sound, May 26, 1869. * For Goodspeed see notes 30 and 284. t For Marston see note 282. * For Crocker see notes 35, 39, and 78. EIGHTH GENERATIOJS. 573 Ch. b. Osterville: 5584.* Charles Fkancis, Sept. 21, 1854 5585.* Cora Augusta, Oct. 19, 1860 [2163] EDWARD MANSFIELD LOVELL,« (Bro. of Russell,) b. Osterville, Mass., Nov. 30, 1837; m. Dec. 15, 1862, Mercy Nye Crocker.* [e d. Osterville, Dec. 11, 1899. Child: 5586. Frances Hodges, May 9, 1874. [2164] ASA SCUDDER PHINNEY,» (Lucy Scudder," Isaiah,« Ebene- er,^* Elizabeth Hamlin, =* James,- 1) b. Ceatreville, Mass., Jan. 4, 1823; m. De- ire, dau. of Joseph and Ruth ( Phinneyt) Lothrop,4: b. Brockton, Mass., July 20, 833; printer, and with George Phinney established the Sandwich Observer and Vort/i Bridgewater Gazette; res. Sandwich and Brockton, Mass.; Republican: jiwedenborgian; she Methodist. He d. Centreville, Dec. 6, 1864; she d. Brock- ■oa, Dec. 1, 1863. I Cli. b. Brockton: 5587. Lucy, Sept. 23, 1858; d. Aug. 21, 1870, 5588.* Frederic, Jan. 29, 1862. [2165] EMILY PHINNEY,* (Sister of Asa S.,) b. Centreville, Mass., Dec. 19, 1824; m. 1st, there, Dec. 11, 1845, Theodore 'Bainbridge, son- of Haadsard and Lydia (Wing§) Hallett,|| b. Osterville, Mass.; ,;ailor; Osterville; who d. there, June 18, 1849: m. 2d, Osterville, Aug. 12, 1849, 'jamuel Hallett,|| brother of first husband; sailor; Osterville; who d. there fan. 14, 1860: m. 3d, Hyannis, Mass., Oct. 29, 1862, Edwin, .son of Elnathan ind Abbie (Hinckley^) Coombs; editor of Atlantic Messenger, Hyannis; he res. J^atick, Mass.; Republican; she Methodist. She d. Osterville, July 3, 1864. No issue. ' [2166] JOSEPH PHINNEY,8 (Bro. of Asa S.,) b. Centreville, Mass., Sept. 18, 1828; m, Rochester, Mass., Dec. 25, 1849, Susan Crosby, dau. of Presbery and Susan Clark, b. Rochester, Mass., Sept. 22, L830; caterer: Boston, Somerville and Centreville, Mass.; member Knights of Honor; Methodists. He d, Somerville, Mass., Dec 6, 1890. Children: 5589.* Frank Elliott, b. May 15, 1858, Centreville. 5590. Elvira Alva, "■ Apr. 18, 1859, Boston; m. Charles H . [2167] LYDIA SCUDDER PHINNEY,8 (Sister of Asa S,) I b. Centreville, Mass., June 20, 1831; m. there, Feb. 18, 1851, Capt. John C, ison of Lot and PoUie (Cahoon) Case, b. Centerville, July 20, 1826, master mari- ner; commanded the Sch. Emma Baker; Centerville; Cong. He was lost over- board from the Emma Baker, Nov. 17, 1869. She d. Centreville, Apr. 23, 1858. * For Crocker see notes 35, 39 and 78. + For Phinney see note 189. * For Lothrop see note "6. § For Wins see note 77. II For Hallett see note 103. TI For Hinckley see notes 31, 81 and 85. 574 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. Centrev ille: 5,59L Charles Phinney, Apr. I, 1855: d. Apr. 14, 185(). 5592.* Charles Phinney, June 20, 1857. [2168J JULLV FRANKLIN PHINNEY,8 (Sister of Asa S., ) b. Centrevile, Mass., Sept. 2, 1837; m. William Wallace, son of Harvey ant Nancy Crocker (Linneli*) Hallett.f Fisherman, retired; Centreville. Kepublican Ch. b. Centreville: 559.3. Lydia Wallace, Dec. 26. 5594.* Nancie Abbie, Nov. 11, 1865. 5595.* William Franklin, Feb. 28, 1868. 5596.* Lucy Phinney, June 6, 1870. 5597. Joseph Phinney, May 27, 1875: unm. 1902. 5598. James Willard, Dec. 23, 1877, " 5599. Rose Alma, May 2, 1881, " " ' 5600. Julia, Sept. 15, 1883, " [2169] MARGARET SCUDDER,^ (Albert,' Isaiah," Ebenezer,^^ Elira beth Hamlin, »James,2i) b. Centreville, Mass., Nov. 7, 1832; m. there, Nov 20, 1851, Benjamin Franl<:lin, son of Hatsel Kelley and Sarah (Holmes) Handy b. Hyannis, Mass.. Oct. 31, 1829; restaurant keeper; Hyannis; Republican; sh. Cong. He d. Hyannis, Dec. 15, 1859. Children: 5601. William Scudder, b. May 4, 1853, Centreville; d. May, 185.'l 5602.* Alexina Richardson, " July 1, 1855, " 5603.* Frank Graham, " Sept. 15, 1857, Hyannis. [2171] FERDINAND SCUDDER,» (Bro. of Margaret,) b. Centreville, Mass,, Dec. 23, 1836; m. Boston, Mass., Dec. 26, 1866, Elizr Jane, dau. of Samuel and. (Mitchell) Armstrong, b. Mar. 19, 1841; restau rant keeper; Boston, Charlestown and Winchester, Mass.; Prohibitionist Methodists. He went to Santa Barbara, Cal., for his health and d. there, Oct 3, 1885. 5604. A Child. d. in infancy. [2173] MARY JANE SCUDDER,8 (Sister of Margaret,) b. Centreville, Mass., Dec. 25, 1843; m. there. May 31, 1877, Nelson Gage son of James and Content (Hinckleyt) Marchant, b. Hyannisport, Mass., Feb 27, 1825, milk dealer; Hyannisport; Republican; Freemason; she Cong. He d, Hyannisport, Oct. 25, 1890. No issue. [2174] ALBERT SCUDDER," (Bro. of Margaret,) ^ b. Centerville, Mass., Nov. 21, 1846; tn. Ostreville, Mass., Oct. 31, 1881.1 Ellen Catlin, dau. of Samuel and Penelope (Waitt) Wiley, b. Osterville, Sept ; 8, 1853; grocer and provision dealer: Dorchester, Mass.; Atchinson, Kansas and Jamaica Plains, Mass.; Republican; Odd Fellovp; Epis. Ch. b. Atchison: 5605. Orville Albert, June 3, 1883. * For Linnell see note 5. + For Hallett see note 103. t For Hinckley see notes 31, 81 and 85. EIGHTH GENERATION. 575 [2185] SOPHIA WILSON HINCKLEY.^ (Sophia Scudder,' Isaiah," Ebenezer,^* Elizabeth Hamlin, 3 James,2i) b. Nov. 26, 1842: m. Osterville, ,ass.. May 9, 1859, James Godfrey, son of Warren and Sally (Chase) Small, b. i)Uth Dennis, Mass., Jan. 2, 1837; master mariner; Osterville; Republican. He ;rved in the navy 3 years during- the rebellion, was in the ship, Paul Jones, en- :Lged in carrying supplies for the army; she Baptist. She d. Osterville, Feb. ^ 1879. Ch. b. Osterville, 5606. Eliza Scudder, Oct. 29, 1861. 5607. James Cyrexeus, Mar. 10, 1865; d. Apr. 12, 1865. 5608. Lena Atwood, Nov. 9, 1868; m. Joseph W. Webster. 5609. Everett, Feb. 3, 1872. 5610. Grace Williams, May 27, 1874. [2190] SARAH ABBY SCUDDER,8 (Nelson,' Asa," Ebenezer,^* Eliza- beth Hamlin,^ James,2i) b. Barnstable, Mass., Feb. 24, 1838: m. Silas B., son |f Elisha Parker. [2191] MARY F. SCUDDER,' (Daniel,' Asa," Ebenezer,^* Elizabeth j[amlin,3 James,2i) b. Barnstable, Mass., Dec. 17, 1838. Children: 5611.* MaryH. 5612. Charles Howard. 5613. Frank Williams. [2192] DANIEL SCUDDER,8 (Bro. of Mary F.,) Id. Barnstable, Mass., Aug. 17, 1842; m. Feb. 5, 1867, Abbie Crocker.* Child: 5614. Maude C; res. West Newton, Mass. t2193] LIZZIE SCUDDER,* (Sister of Mary F.,) b. Barnstable, Mass., June 20, 1850; m. Mar. 8, 1873, Herbert Bangs. t Children: 5615. Harold. 5616. Archibald. 5617. Clarence. 5618. Daniel. [2194] ELLA DELAP SCUDDER,^ (Sister of Mary F.,) b. Barnstable, Mass., June 6, 1853; m. there, June 25, 1881, Eben B. Crocker,* 0. Barnstable, Apr. 20, 1854; mariner; Barnstable; Republican; chairman select- men and assesors; High Sheriff Barnstable Co., Mass. No issue. [2198] ROSE DELAP SCUDDER,* (Josiah,76 Ebenezer,^* Experience Hamlin,3 James,2i) b. Barnstable, Mass., Nov. 26, 1825; pub. to be married there, Nov. 2, 1844, to Joseph H. Parker; merchant; Hyannis. Both d. Barn- stable; she, May 27, 1878; he, Nov. 28, 1871. * For Crocker see notes 35, 39 and 78. + For Bangs see note 292. ''>76 • THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. Barnstable: 5619. Oscar F., 5620. Maria L., 5621. Cleone T., 5622. ZeNO SCUDDE.K, 5623. Joseph H., 5624. Rose Delap, 5625. Marion, 5626. Rose, 5627. Joseph H., 5628. Abraham Linc Aug. 14, 1848: d. Sept. 6, 1848, July 30, 1849, ^' Sept. 23, 1849, Sept. 18, 1851. July 4. 1853. May 13, 1855, '^ July 28, 1855. May 13, 1855, " Aug. 30, 1855, June 3. 1857, " May 27, 1860, Apr. 10, 1860, " May ft, 1860, June 26, 1862. N, Oct. 18, 1863. [2212] SUSAN F. CBOCKER,« (Persis Scudder,^ Josiah,« Ebenezer,^ Elizabeth Hamlin, 3 James,- 1) b. Barnstable, Aug. 25, 1837; m. 1st, Leraue Jenkins:* m. 2d, William G. Spence, of Cincinnati, Ohio. [2214] JOSEPH CROCKER,^ (Bro. of Susan F.,) b. Barnstable, Dec. 14, 1842; m'. 1st, Emily Harnes, of Jamaca Plains Mass.: m. 2d, Rebecca A. Coffin, of Nantucket, Mass. He d. South Boston Mass., Oct. 5, 1895. [2223] MARSHALL SEARS SCUDDER,' (CharlesJ David,'' Eleazer, Ebenezer,* Elizabeth Hamlin,^ James, 21) b. May 31, 1818, Boston, Mass. m. July 24, 1839, Rebecca C, dau. of Rev. Henry and Mary Ann (Colt) Blatcli ford: merchant. He d. Aug. 24, 1875. No issue. [2224] CHARLES WILLIAM SCUDDER,« (Bro. of Marshall C,) b. Jan. 14, 1820, Boston, Mass.; m. Aug. 16, 1841, Alicia H., dau. of Rev Henry and Mary Ann (Coit) Blatchford, sister of Rebecca C, who m. hi; brother, Marshall C; merchant; Boston; res. Brookline, Mass., 1S90. Children: 5629. Frank H., b. Mar. 30, 1842; ra. Sarah Trufant. 5630.* Henry Blatchford, " June 18. 1844. 5631. WinthropSaltonstall, " July 24, 1847. 5632. Mary Wendeal, "- May 27, 1851; d. Sept. 13, 1853, 5633. Bessie Marshall, " Oct. 1, 1853. [2229] SAMUEL HUBBARD SCUDDER,* (Bro. or Marshall C.,) b. Boston, Mass., 1837; studied at Lawrence Scientific School, Harvan College, and became assistant to Prof. Aggassiz in Museum of Comparativi Zoology, and was made custodian of Boston Society of Natural History, 1864, Oj which he was president, 1880-7; palaeontologist U. S. Geological Sun'eys, 1886-9' He devoted himself chiefly to entomolgy; mem. of the National Academy, anc was connected with the American Asso. for the Advancement of Science, anc the Academy of Arts and Sciences. He wrote works on entomology, and con tributed to the Smithsonian and learned society publication, besides an account of travels, entitled Winnipeg Country, 1886, etc. * For Jenkins see notes 8 and 323. EIGHTH GENERATION. 577 [2230] HORACE ELISHA SCUDDER.* (Bro. of Marshall C) b. Boston, Mass.. Oct. 16, 1838; m. Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 30, 1873, Grace, 3au. of John and Sylvia Church (Sampson) Owen, b. Cambridge, Sept. 27, 1845: literator and editor; res. Boston and Roxbury, Mass, until 1859; New York, l859-(i3; Boston, 18(i3-73: afterwards, Cambridge; Independent in politics: Epis. He graduated at Williams College, 1858; then teacher in New York City three y^ears; proof reader for Hurd & Houghton; editor The Riverside Magazine for Young People, 1867-70; Stories from my Attic, 1861; editor Atlantic Monthly, 1890-8; author of Boston Town; School History of the United States, 1884; biog- raphies of Noah Webster, 1882, and George Washington, 1886; The Recollections pf Samuel Breck, with passages from his Note Books, 1773-1862; Men and Man- ners in America One Hundred Years Ago, 1876: Seven Little People and Their Friends, 1862; Dream'Children, 1863; The Bodley Books, 8 vols.. 1875-87; Dwell- ers in Five Sisters Court, 1881: Men and Letters, 1887; childhood in Literature and Art. 1894. He assisted in writing the Life and Letters of Bayard Taylor, 1884, and wrote the Memoirs of James Russell Lowell. He d. Cambridge, Sat- urday, Jan., 1902. Ch. b. Cambridge: 5634. Ethel, Jan. 2, 1875; d. Dec. 16, 1876. 5635. Sylvia Church, Jan. 2, 1875. [2237] ELLEN TEMPERANCE CROCKER,^ (Juha Scudder,' David, « Eleazer,''' Ebenezer.* Elizebeth Hamlin, » James,'^i b. Barnstable, Mass., July 6, il835; m. Cotiiit, Mass., May 21, 1863, Capt. William Leander, son of Leander 'and Rhoda Maria (Handy) Gage, b. Centreville, Mass., Aug. 25, 1836; master mariner; Barnstable. She d. Hyannis, Mass., Mar. 17,1888; he d. San Fran- cisco, Cal., Mar. 9, 1873. Ch. b. Barnstable: 56.36. Florence, Mar. 18, 1864; d. June 27, 1879. I 5637. Julia C, Dec. 31, 1870; unm. 1902. [2238] JULIA CAROLINE CROCKER,* (Sister of Ellen T.,) b. Barnstable, Mass., Mar. 15, 1838; m. Cotuit, Mass., Jan. 6, 1862, Capt. Frank Hinckley,* b. Barnstable, Apr. 2, 1837; master mariner; Barnstable; jDemocrat; Unitarian. She d. Barnstable, June 7, 1871. No issue. [2239] MARY ELDRIDGE,* (Ruth Hamblen,' Cornelius,85 Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. May23, 1801: prob. Wellfleet, Mass.; m. Seth Snow;t res Wellfleet: removed to Provincetown or Harwich, Mass. She d. early in life. No issue. [2240] MERCY BROWN ELDR1DGE,8 (Sister of Mary,) b. July 30. 1803, prob. Wellfleet, Mass.; m. May 18, 1824, Isaac, son of Daniel and Abigail Rogers, of Brewster, Mass., b. July 31, 1800; David Hamblen gave her birth as above, also as July 15, 1805; res. Harwich; removed to Boston. She d. about 1890-1; he d. many years ago. * For Hinckley see notes 31. 81 and 85. + For Snow see note 177. 578 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: 5«38.* Isaac Sullivan, b. Oct. 11, 1826. 5639. Mary Hamblen, " May 9, 1832; d. Sep. 19. 1833. 5640. Maby Atwood, " June 25, 1835, " Dec. 27, 1835. 5641. Caroline Frances, " Nov. 8, 1837, " May 27, 1839. 5642. Lucy Parsons, " Nov. 8, 1839, " unm. (?) 5643. Louisa Atwood, " Nov. 8, 1844, " Apr. 26, 1845. [2242] BENJAMIN HAMBLEN ELDRIDGE,8 ( Bro. of Mary, ) b. Sept. 18, 1807, prob. Wellfleet, Mass.; m. Susan Baker,* of Harwich, where he removed. Children: 5644. Columbus; m. and res. Harwich. 5645. Ruth Hamblen, " " " " 5646. Susan Baker. 5647. Mercy Brown. 5648. Mary Hamblen. [2244] PEREZ HAMBLEN,^ (Joshua,' Cornelius,65 Benjamin,* Eleazer,' Jaraes,2i) b Wellfleet, Mass., July 14, 1809; m. Oct. 16, 1832, Mary Cole Hatch.t b. Nov. 13, 1811. He d. at No. 4, Jefferson St., Boston, March 31, 1834: buried Wellfleet; she d. at her mother's house, Wellfleet, called Paraet Point, Mar. 21, 1836. No issue. [2245] DRUSILLA HAMBLEN,8 (Sister of Perez,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Oct. 29, 1811; m. there, Dec. 10,18.33, Samuel, son of Eleazer Atwood, J b. Wellfleet, Nov. 28, 1809; mariner; she Methodist. Both d. Wellfleet; she, Jan. 20, 1843; he, Mar. 28, 1844. Ch. b. Wellfleet: 5649. Perez Warren, Dec. 2, 1836; d. June 14, 1839. 5650. Elliot Newell, July 31, 1839, " July 31, 1856. 5651. Samuel, Aug. 1, 1841, " Aug. 5, 1842. [2246] JOSHUA HAMBLEN,« Jr., ( Bro. of Perez, ) b .Wellfleet, Mass., Nov. 15, 1813; m. there, Dec. 19, 1836, Adeline Higgins,? b. Dec. 20, 1814. He was in the oyster business with his father in Boston; later in the lumber business with his brother-in-law, Elihu B. Hopkins. He d. Wellfleet, Aug. 8, 1869; she d. Nov. 5, 1868. Children: 5652.* Drusilla, b. Nov. 29, 1837, Wellfleet. 5653.* Adeline, " Apr. 24, 1848, Boston. 5654.* Martha Matilda, " Feb. 13, 1851, * For Baker see note 125. + For Hatch see note 94. * For Atwood see note 287. § Note 392. THOMAS HIGGINS,' (Thomas,6 Anna Treat,s Nathaniel,* Samuel,« Eobert,2 Richard Treat. 1 For Treat see note 114. Richard Higgins was one of the first white settlers of Eastham, Mass., 1644; deputy, 1647-53; selectman, 1665-7. The name is common on Cape Cod. y 5655.* Samuel, 5656.* Martha Matilda, 5657. David, 5658. Thomas, 5659. Jerusha Rich, EIGHTH GENERATION. 579 [2247] HOPE HAMBLEN,8 (Sister of Perez,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., May 2, 1816: m. Dec. 6, 1836, Capt. Thomas, son of Thomas and Susan (Baker*) Hopkins, f b. Truro, Mass , Oct. 19, 1814; engaged (in mackerel fishery and commanded schooners: Olio, Clarinda, Bloomer, Emily ind Joshua Hamblen, all of Wellfleet; res. Truro, Mass., until 1836; afterwards [Wellfleet; Methodists; she d. Wellfleet, Apr. 8, 1856. I Ch. b. Wellfleet: Aug. 17, 1842. Jan. 6, 1845. Dec. 19, 1846; d. Feb. 28, 1847. Sept. 27, 1849, " Nov. 19, 1868. Oct. 16, 1852, " Mar. 19, 1861. [2249] DAVID HAMBLEN, 8 (Bro. of Perez,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Aug. 22, 1820; m. Boston, Mass., Jan. 5, 1845, Harriet iWatson, b. Boston, Aug. 28, 1826. He was a man of limited education; went jto Boston at the age of eighteen, entered the office of Col. John Benson, on City j Wharf, in the lumber and general commission business; when 24 years of age he became a partner in the Arm, under the style of Benson & Hamblen; a few years later, with a younger brother tliey purchased the entire business, and conducted it under the name of D. Hamblen & Co., until his death. He was a very active man and accomplished much in his short life; member of the city council, ward 11, 1852; member school committee, 1852-3; member Shawmut Cong, church. He became a member of the N. E. Hist. Gen. Society, Sept. 25, 1845. eight months after its organization; and at once took an active interest iinits afl:airs, often serving on its committees; January. 1849, he was chosen on the publishing committee, and held the position until the month before his jdeath. It affords me pleasure to award highest tribute to the work of this man in the collection of records of the descendants of the immigrant, James iHamlin, of Barnstable; his research was of the most thorough and painstaking icharacter: and having commenced his labor more than half a century ago, (succeeded in securing much that would probably have been lost, except for his [thoughtfulness and care in its preservation; the result of his labors have been ■of great value in the compilation of this work. His genealogical work was jchiefly done from 1845 to 1849, and consisted in collecting records of the Ham- 'lins, and others of his ancestors; also records of the early Barnstable settlers. So far as the writer is advised he was the first in America, to collect and com- pile a record of the Hamlins; some of which was published in the early volumes of the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, Boston, 1849; but by far the greatest amount of his research was preserved in manuscript, which has very kindly jbeen furnished me for this work by his son and namesake. He was one of the jfew who realized the importance of the work of tlie Historical Genealogical jSociety, and the influence it was destined to exert. He spent much time aud ia liberal amount of money in his investigations. In the preface to the "Ham- ;Un Family," 1894, the writer eroneuusly stated that David Hamblen under- |took the labor of compiling the family genealogy, to assist in recovering an Eestate held in abeyance in England, etc. Since examining his manuscripts and 'correspondence on the subject, it aflfords me pleasure to correct the mistake, and to place him in the proper light, from anything said in the former article; For Baker see note 125. For Hopkins see notes 18, 183 and 288. 580 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. as it conclusively appears that his object in compiling the genealogy was a laudable ambition to preserve the family history: nor were his labors confined to the records of the Hamlins alone, but to f)ther ancestors. To one member of the family he wrote in 1847: "I have business and money enough without publishing the geneology, and shall not do it for money." To another; "I have never heard of any property of the liamblens in trust; and if there is a rumor about it, I should think it would be like the 'Chase fortune, all humbug.' In his own handwriting he recorded the date of birth of his wife, and that they were married Januaiy, Sunday 5, 1845, 10 minutes before 6 o'clock, by the Rev. Mr. William M. Rogers, of the Central Church, at No. 4, Wheeler Court." His health failed, and he went to P'lorida the winters of 1853-4 and 1854-5, in the futile attempt to rid himself of that fatal scourge, consumption, greatly retard- ing his business and researches. His early death was profoundly regretted. He d. Boston, Thanksgiving morning, Nov. 29. 1855. An upright Christain gentle- man, very highly esteemed by those who knew him. She d. Jan. 26, 1888. Record of children as made by himself: 5660. Harriot Angeltne Hamblen, b. i past 6 o'clock, a. m. Sunday, May 13, 1849, No. 83, W St.* 5661.* David Hamblen, b. i past 6 o'clock, a. m. Thurs- day, Feb. 6, 1851, No. 83. W St. 5662. Samuel Hamblen, b. i past 8 o'clock, p. m. Wednes- day, June 9, 1852, No. 83, W St.t 5663.* Ephraim Stone, b. i past 6 o'clock, a. m. Friday, May 4,1855, No. 14, Franklin Square. [2250] Dr. SAMUEL BROWN HAMBLEN,« (Bro. of Perez,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Jan. 16, 1823; m. Mar. 4, 1846, Angeline Watson, b. Bos- ton, May 28, 1823. He graduated from Harvard Medical School, 1846; hed.at his house. No. 832, Washington St., Boston, on Saturday, 1:15 p. m., July 29, 1848; buried Sunday, at Hill Cemetery. His widow res. North Scituate, Mass., 1897. No issue. [2251] JESSE HAMBLEN,* (Bro. of Perez,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Sept. 5, 1825; m. there, Thursday, Jan. 7, 1847, Maria Theresa,* dau. of Thomas and Thankful (Hblbrook) Higgins,:}: b. Wellfleet, Apr. 12, 1828; merchant; Boston; resided South Boston; Republican; Metho- dists. He d. South Boston, Mar. 6, 1856; she m. 2d, Apr. 24, 1864, Jeremiah Howes. Children: 5664. Cordelia Hopkins, b. Oct. 29, 1847, Wellfleet: d. Mar 26, '48 5665. Joshua, " July 14, 185.3, South Boston. 5666. Jessie Maria, " May 16, 1855, " " unm. 1897. [2252] CORDELIA HAMBLEN,* (Sister of Perez,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., June 19, 1827: m. Jan. 6, 1846, Capt. Elisha Baker, son of Thomas and Susan (Bakerg) Hopkins, || b. Truro, Mass., Nov. 4, 1824. He * She d. Oct. 5, 1850. t He was unmarried, 1894. $ For Higgins see note 392. § For Baker see note 185. II For Hopkins see notes 18, 183 and 288. EIGHTH GENERATIOJ?}. 581 iwas in the lumber business with his brother-in-law, Joshua Hamblin, Jr.; res. I in various places in Mass., Penn., N. Y. and Cal. In 1845 David Hamblen wrote to him in Hampden, Me. She d. Wellfleet, Mar. 19, 1853. ' Ch. b. East Boston: 5667. Cordelia H., Apr. 11, 1849: m. Albert Cook. [2255] NATHATS^IEL BAKER,* (Jane Hamblen,^ Cornelius,«5 Benja- min,* Eleazer,^ James,2i)b. Wellfleet, Mass., Aug. 10, 1808; m. Feb., 1832, Ever- lina Smith- He d. New York, a few years ago. Child: 5668. Angeline, m. Seymour. [2257] Capt, JOSEPH BAKER,* (Bro. of Nathaniel,) b, Wellfleet, Mass., Aug. 22, 1812: m. 1st, Eastham, Mass., Dec, 15, 1834, Eunice, dau. of Ephraim and (Smith) Harding,* b. Eastham. June, 1812, who d. Eastham, May, 1848; m. 2d, May Jane White; master mariner; Supt. of construction, B. & O. R. R.: Wellfleet; Baltimore, Md., and Grafton, Va.; Re- ' publican; Methodists. He d. Grafton, August, 1860. Children: 5669.* Sarah Adaline, b. July 24, 1838, Wellfleet. 5670. Nancy Knowles, "Dec. 1840, Eastham; d. Sept. 20, '78. 5671. Eunice Smith, " Nov. 27, 1846, [2258] RUTH HAMBLEN BAKER,* (Sister of Nathaniel,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Mar. 10, 1816; m. there, Nov. 23, 1836, Capt. John Neal, b. N. Y. City {?), May 1, 1816: master mariner: Truro, Mass., until 1836; since, Wellfleet; Republican; Methodists. Ch. b. Wellfleet: 5672. Lucy Jane, Oct. 19, 1838. 5673. Ann Maria, Apr. 2, 1843; d. Sept. 7, 1844. 5674.* John Richard, Sept. 2, 1847. 5675.* Frank Walter, Aug. 19, 1855. [2259] HEZEKIAH DOANE BAKER,* (Bro. of Nathaniel,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Nov. 22, 1818; m. Dec. 15, 1842, Hannah S., dau. of Freeman Cobb,t of Truro, Mass.; b. Oct. 13, 1821. Children: 5676. EleazerH., b. July 3, 1844, Truro. 5677. Hezekiah D., " Oct 11, 1845, " 5678. Nancy E., '' Nov. 6, 1850, Wellfleet. [2260] Capt. ELIJAH BAKER,« (Bro. of Nathaniel,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Sept. 7, 1821; m. there, Nov. 8, 1842, Catherine, dau. of Elisha Rich and Polly (Lombard^) Atwood,g b. Wellfleet, Aug. 4, 1824: master mariner; Wellfleet until 1850; afterwards East Boston, Mass.: Democrat: Methodist; member Baebec Lodge, A. F. & A. M,; she Cong. He d. East * For Harding see notes J26 and 164 + For Cobb see notes 20, 106 and 1:28. t For Lombard see note 43. 5 For Atwood see note 287. 582 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Boston, Jan. 5, 1873; she m. 2(], Oct., 1878, William Henry Means, of Essex, Mass., who d. June 15, 1886. iShe d. Essex, Dec. 12, 1899. Ch. b. Wellfleet: 5679. Eleazer H., Jan. 15, 1844: d. Feb. 26, 1844. 5680.* Elijah, May 19, 1845. [unm. 5681. Joseph Edwin, May 26, 1847; lost at sea. Mar. 22, 1875, 5682.* Mary Emma Atwood, Feb. 28, 1849. 5683.* Catherine Paulina, Apr. 13, 1851. 5684.* Adaliza Marcta, June 15, 185^. [2262] MARY JANE BAKER,8 (Sister of Nathaniel,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Aug. 23, 1827: m. there, Jan. 16, 1849, Uriah, son of Samuel and Polly (Lombard*) Rich,t b. Wellfleet, Jan. 14,1827; fisherman; Well- fleet; Republican; member of Marine Benevolent So.; Methodists. Ch. b. Wellfleet: 5685. Samuel, b. Nov. 20, 1850: d. Feb. 7, 185L 5686. Mary Frances, " Aug. 27, 1852, " Jan. 7, 1853. 5687.* Mary Frances, " Dec. 20, 1853. [2263] PAULINE MAYO BAKER.* (Sister of Nathaniel,} b. Wellfleet, Mass., Nov. 28, 1830; m. there, July 13, 1859, Daniel Young, son of Eleazer Y. and Polly (Paine) Newcomb, b. Truro, Mass., Jan. 10, 1828; farmer; Wellfleet, 1859-62; Provincetown, 1862-3; Wellfleet, 1863-78; East Bos- ton, 1878-83: Chelsea, 1883-5; since, Westminster; Republican; Congs, Ch. b. Wellfleet: 5688.* David Edson, Mar. 13, 1861. 5689. Charles Ellsworth, Aug. 21, 1863. 5690. Myra May, Sept. 8, 1867: unm. 1901. [2264] JOSEPH BROWN HAMBLEN,^ (Cornelius," e^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Dec. 9, 1813; m. Kingston, Mass., July 25, 1841, Rebecca Delano, dau. of Capt. Zebulon and Sallie (Sampson) Bis- bee, b. Kingston, Mar. 9, 1817. He resided at Wellfleet until 1847; then at Boston, with business residences in other places, engaged in the business of canning oysters, lobsters, fish, etc. In this business he was originally a mem- ber of tbe firm of Johnson & Hamblen, which merged into the firm of Hamblen, Baker & Co., composed of himself, his fatlier, his brother Cornelius and Benja- min Baker. In 1852-3, he resided at Fishing Island, Md., in the same business, but prior to the Civil war withdrew from the old firm and engaged in business with a Mr. Macomber, under the firm name of J. B. Hamblen & Co., who con- ducted a lobster canning factory at Vinalhaven, Maine, until 1864. In 1868 he established a branch station for Hamblen, Baker &Co., at Jersey City, N. J., remaining there until June, 1874, when he returned to Boston, residing there until the spring of 1882; afterwards at Lexington, Mass.; Republican; Metho- dist. Both d. Lexington; he from an injury from a fall, June 29, 1891; she, Nov. 16, 1892. * For Lombard see note 43. * For Rich see note 150. O CO m Tl W > m m 03 m O O > > 00 m VX^V- EIGHTH GENERATION. 583 5691.* 5692.* 5693.* 5694.* 5695.* Children: Charles Thomas, William Bisbee, Joseph Brown, George Zbbulon, b. June 22, 1842, Wellfleet. " July 4, 1844, " " June 8, 1849, Boston. " June 17, 185.3, " 'Arthur Wellington, " Jan. 21, 1856, [2265] CORNELIUS HAMBLEN, (Bro. of Joseph,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., June 24, 1818; m. 1st, Eppinj^, N. H., Oct. 20, 1842, Sa- .•ah, dau. of Levi Towle, b. Epping, Sept. 18, 1818, who d. Newmarket, N. H.; en. 2d, Bucksport, Me., Sept. 14, 1851, his cousin, Rebecca Eldridge, dau.of Ben- iamin and Eliza (Eldiidge*) Gross, b. Bucksport, Me., June 4, 1828, who d. jBucksport, Feb. 26, 1889; he was educated Wilbraham Academy, Mass., and iWesleyan University, Middleton, Ct.; merchant; Wellfleet and Charlestown, Mass., Fishing Island, and Crisfleld, Md., Jersey City, N. J., and Detroit, Mich.; Methodist. He. d. Detroit, Aug. 11, 1884. Ch. b. 1st wife: b. Aug. 5, 1844, Newmarket. " June 13, 1846, Boston; d. in infancy. Mar. 18, 1858, Fishing Island: unm. 1898. [2266J SARAH BAKER HAMBLEN, (Sister of Joseph B., ) b. Wellfleet, Mass., May 5, 1820; m. there, July 25, 1844, Jedediah, son of Jedediah and Jemima (Lombardf) Shedd, b. Truro, Mass., Oct. 26, 1816, who d. Boston, Mass., Oct. 13, 1885; she res. with her son at Grand Rapids, Mich., 1903. Children: 5696.* Joseph Gordon 5697. Sarah Alice, 5698. Cornelius, By 2d wife: 5699. Sarah Alice, I 5707 b. Aug. " Mar. " May " Aug. '' Aug. " May " Sept. Charles Wilbur," Oct. 5700. William F., 5701. Warren E., 5702. Lewis H., 5703. Sarah A., 5704. Lewis H., 5705. Charles S., 5706. Lewis H., 24, 1846, Wellfleet. 1848, " d. Sept. 3, 1869. 1, 1851, Charlestown; d. July 28, '52. 11, 1852, S. Boston; d. Sept. 13, 1853. 6, 1854, " " July 27, 1855. 24, 1856, " " Sept. 11, 1856. 14, 1857, " " Oct. 11, 1862. 10, 1859, [2268] LUCINDA HAMBLEN,* (Sister of Joseph B.,) b. Wellfleet, Dec. 3, 1824; m. there, Nov. 11, 1845, Richard, son of Elishaand Bethia (HatchJ) Atwood,^ b. Wellfleet, April 22, 1823. He d. Dorchester, Mass., May 19, 1862; she res. Cambridge, Mass. Children: 5708. Richard Allen, 5709. Sarah Anne, 5710. Helen A., 5711.* Franklin Hamblen, Sept. 3, 1846, Wellfleet. Aug. 10, 1848, Boston; unm. 1894. June 2, 1850; m. J. H. Robinson. Apr. 28, 1857, Boston. * For Eldridge see note 90. + For Lombard see note 43. % For Hatch see note 94. § For Atwood see note 287. 584 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [2269] ANN LEWIS HAMBLEN,^ (Sister of Joseph B., ) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Oct. 20, 1826; m. Mar. 13,1848, William Benjamin Frost: restaurant keeper: Boston. She d. Jamaica Plains, Mass., Feb. 8, 1894. Children: 5712,* GKOKGE WILLIA3I. 5713. Sarah Louise; m. Daniel A. Ginn. [2270] HANNAH BAKER HAMBLEN, » (Sister of Joseph B.,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Apr. 22, 1828; m. Boston, Mass., May 12, 1861, Robert Judge; merchant tailor; Boston. She d. Boston, Jan. 9, 1884. Child: 5714. Willie Lee; d. infancy. [2271] BENJAMIN HAMBLEN,^ (Bro. of .Joseph B.,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Oct. 3, 1829; m. 1st, May 15, 1851, Victorine Ophelia Parks; m. 2d and 3d wives. He res. Jersey City, N. J., 1894. Ch. by 1st wife: 5715. Charles Edward. 5716.* Josephine. 5617. Emma. [2272] LEWIS II AMBLEN,« (Bro. of Joseph B., ) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Sept. 18, 1832; m. 1st, Ararat, Australia, Apr. 29, 1858, Amelia Ann Maria, da'u. of Thomas and Mary Owen, b. in Wales, Apr. 29, 1836. who d. Wellfleet, Jan. 1, 1892; m. 2d, Allston, Mass., by Rev. Wm. N. Brodbeck. Feb. 8, 1893, Mrs. Louise F. Rich, dau. of Capt. Ebenezer and Louise Lee (Shedd) Freeman,* b. Truro, Mass., Nov. 16, 1835. He went to Boston, 1846, and was employed in a wholesale drug house; went to Australia, 1853, where he was a farmer and merchant, until 1874; returned to America to visit his aged parent; went to Australia again, and in 1876 returned and occupied the old Hamblen homestead in Wellfleet for many years; later res. Roslindale, Mass. No issue. [2273] Capt. ISAIAH BAKER HAMBLEN,^ (Bro. of Joseph B.,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., June 23, 1835; m. Ilingham, Mass., Sept. 10, 1855, Maria Grey, dau. of Giles and Eliza (Abbott) Gardner, b. Hingham, July 11, 18.32. He removed with his parents to Boston, Mass., 1851; educated- in the schools of Wellfleet and Boston, and at Wilbraham Academy, Mass., two years. He took charge of the canning business of Hamblen, Baker & Co., at Westover, Md.. remaining there until 1858, when he removed to Halifax, N. S., and took charge of canning business there and took the place of his father in the firm, 1860. In 1866 they shipped a large bill of canned lobsters to Cross & Blackwood, of Lon- don, Eng., being the first lot ever exported from Novia Scotia. He resided at Somerville, Mass., 1867; traveled in the west the following year and located a branch house in Detroit, Mich.; removed to Boston 1870, retired from the old firm and engaged in tailoring in the firm of Robert Judge & Co.; removed to Prince Edward Island, 1879, and again engaged in the canning business, firm of I. B. Hamblen & Co., consisting of himself and sons; removed to Pictou, N. S., 1882, and erected several factories on Northumberland Straits, marketing their goods in Europe. EIGHTH GENERATION. 585 He visited England and the Continent of Europe in 1885 on business. Tliey )uilt a steamer in 1890 for tlieir trade, wliicli was afterwards put on tlie route oetween Pictou. Antigonisli and Cape Breton, receiving a subsidy from the ^'rovincial government. He removed to Boston, 1896, and engaged in the coal rade at Roslindale, firm of 1. B. Hamblen & Sons. President Roslindale Co- iperative Bank; Republican; member of John Abbott Lodge, A. F. & A. M., ilso, R. A.M., and Granite Rock Div. Sons of Temperance; Warden 23d Ward; Methodist. Capt. Isaiah B. Hamblen. Children: 5718.* Norton Newcomb, b. Aug. 5719.* Lewis Franklin, '• Mar. 5720.* Edward Herbert, u June 5721.* William Abbott, (( Oct. 5722.* Walter Phipps, u May 12, 1856, Westover, Md. 6, 1858, 11, 1860, Sambro. 20, 1866, Halifax. 10, 1869, Somerville. [2274] FRANKLIN BAKER HAMBLEN,« (Bro. of Joseph B., ) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Nov. 25, 1837: m. East Greenwich, R. I., Sarah Knowles. (He res. Jersey City, N. J. Children: I 5723. Fred L. ' 5724. John T. 5725. Ada. Children: 5728. Richard Allen, 5729. Harriet, 5730. Mary S., 5731. Addie, 5732.* Richard Allen, 586 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [2275] MARY HAMBLEN,* (Eleazer,' Cornelius, "^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Oct. 23, 1817; m. .Tuly 4, 1838, Tiiomas Cobb,* of Truro, Mass., b. Dec. 15, 1817. This family is all dead; she d. Wellfleet, Nov. 16, 1847. Children: 5726. Betsey Ellen, b. Jan. 18, 1839. 5727. Thomas, " Apr. 12, 1843. [2276] BENJAMIN BROWN HAMBLEN,^ (Bro. of Mary,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Dec. 10, 1819: m. Mar. 24, 1846, Mary Jane Smith, of Newtown, Long Island, N. Y., b. Dec. 14, 1827; produce dealer; Charlestown, Mass. They had a large family of children. Both d. Charlestown; he Feb. 21, 1893; she May 20, 1885. n: b. Dec. 29, 1847. m. Bledsdell. " Burchmore and Shumway. " Carpenter. b. Aug. 2, 1866, Charlestown. [2277] SUSAN ATWOOD HAMBLEN,' (Sister of Mary,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., April 6, 1822; m. Dec. 10, 1845, James Paine Nye.t b. Chatham, Mass., Oct. 21, 1819; she d. East Boston, Mass., Dec. 21, 1895: he d. Sharon, Mass., Aug. 20, 1902. Ch. b. Wellfleet: 5733.* Mercy Abigail, June 6, 1853. [2278] MERCY ATWOOD HAMBLEN,« (Sister of Mary,) b. Wellfleet, Mass, April 14, 1824; m. Richard Hopkins,| of Truro, Mass. This family is all dead. She d. Wellfleet, Feb., 1853; another record gives her death Dec. 16, 1852. No issue. [2279] JANE HAMBLEN,« (Sister of Mary,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Mar. 12, 1827; m. Dec. 12, 1848, Timothy Lombard Mayo,? b. Truro, Mass. She d. East Boston, Mass., Sept. 2, 1881: he d. Somerville, Mass., Jan. 28, 1901. Children: 5734.* Mary Ella, b. Sept. 20, 1850. 5735. Susan Jane, " June 3, 1856; d. Jan. 19, 1879. [2280] ELEAZER HAMBLEN,^ (Bro. of Mary,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., July 26, 1829: m. Jersey City, N. J., Feb. 26, 1857, Frances Emily, dau. of Sylvester and Emily (Crane) Woodhouse, b. Wethersfield, Ct., Aug. 31, 1835; res. Boston, Mass.; removed to Jersey City, 1854; engaged in coal trade, until 1870, and other enterprises; Methodist, until 1851, Presb., after 1880. He d. 1898. * For Cobb see notes 20, 106 and 128. + For Nye see note 34. * For Hopkins see notes 18, 183 and 288. 8 For Mayo see note 21. EIGHTH GENERATION. 587 Ch. b. Jersey City: 5736. Susan Addie, Oct. U, 1858; d. Mar. 29, 1863. 5737. Emily S., June 22, 1864. 5738.* Austin Phelps, Feb. 27, 1867. f2282J ALLEN AT WOOD HAMBLEN,^ (Bro. of Mary,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Feb. 16, 1834; name of first wife unknown; m. 2d, N. Y. i City, Aug., 1873, Lavalette Elizabeth Dunn, b. Charlestown, S. C, Apr. 2, 1847, ' who d. East Boston, Mass., Jan. 14, 1892. He d. New Yorlf, Oct. 28, 1878. Ch. by 1st wife: 5739.* Collins Emerson, b. Oct. 1868. By 2d wife, b. N. Y. City: 5740. Jessie Lavelette, Sept. 20, 1874. [2283] WARREN EMERSON HAMBLEN,« (Bro. of Mary,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., June 22, 1837; m. New York, Mar. 23, 1871, Martha E., dau. of John W. and Miranda Kimball,* b. New York, Dec. 17, 1848; mechanic and builder. He d. Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1895. Ch. b. New York: 5741. Mattie Elizabeth, Oct. 16, 1873. 5742. Jessie Grace, Sept. 17, 1875, 5743. AdaOriana, Oct. 26, 1878; d. July 17, 1888. L2284] EZEKIEL COLLINS HAMBLEN,* (Bro. of Mary,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Dec. 14, 1839; m. Jersey City, N. J.,Oct. 24, 1867, Sophia Louise, dau. of Nehemiah and Maria Louisa (Seaman) Hicks, b. Nov. 23, 1848; wholesale coal dealer; Roselle, N. J.: moved from Boston, 1860; Methodist: Children: 5744. Susie Louisa, b. Oct. 11, 1868, Jersey City: d. July 6, 1870. 5745.* Collins Emison, " July 25, 1870, " 5746.* Ethel S., " Dec. 9, 1877, Roselle. 5747. Ernest Simpson, " Dec. 26, 1885, " unm. 1902. [2285] JERUSHA ATWOOD HAMBLEN, 8 (Sister of Mary,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., May 11, 1842; m. there, Dec. 4, 1862, Capt. Edwin, son of Daniel Lombard and Mehitable (Atwoodf) Rich, J b. Wellfleet, May 8, 1839; master mariner; Quincy, Mass., 1863-8: East Boston, 1868-87: Republican: Methodists. Both d. East Boston; she, Jan. 30, 1898; he, June 20, 1887. Children: 5748.* LiLLA Hamblen, b. Mar. 29, 1866, Quincy. 5749.* Edwin Willis, " May 22, 1872, E. Boston. [2287] JOEL HOPKINS,' (Ruth D. Gross,' Mercy Hamblen,6 Cornelius,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Bucksport, Me., 1804; m. 1st, Susan Kilby, whod. Sept. 29, 1844; m. 2d, Eliza Kilby, who d. Jan. 14, 1860, aged 50 years and 8 rao. He d. Brewer, Me., Dec. 19, 1881. * For Kimball see notes 254, HO'S and 344. + For Atwood see note 287. $ For Rich See note 150. o88 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: 5750. Joseph Kilby. 5751. Andrew Strong; 5752. EuTH Gross, 5753. Mary Eliza, 5754. Francis A., 5755. Joel Alfred: 5756. Nancy Baldwin. 5757. Francis A., 5758. Clara, d. 190L b. Feb., 1832; d. Mar. 17, 1832. " 1835; m. John H. Cohoon. " Aug. 1, 1838; d. Oct. 19, 1840. res. Brewer, Me. b. May 26, 1844: d. Feb. 19, 1874. " Aug. 1845; m. Edw. F. Sinnett. [2288] Capt. JOSHUA HOPKINS,^ (Bro. of Joel,) b. Bucksport, Me., Sept. 5, 1806: m. 1st, there, 1829, Hannah Rich, of Bucks- port, who d. 1833; m. 2d, Lydia A. Nickerson, of Orrington, Me.; m. 3d, Maria Hodges-Snow;* mastermariner and farmer; Orrington, Me.; later in life, Hamp- den, Me., where he d. July 17, 1886. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Orrington: EuTH NiCKERSON, Apr. 4, 1830. Hannah, Apr. 26, 1833. By 2d wife, b. Orrington: 5759.* 5760.* 5761.* 5762.* 5763. 5764.* 5765. 5766.* Sarah Cook, July 9, 1839 Joshua Weston, May 27, 1841 Thomas J., Apr. 17. 1843 Clara, June 2, 1845 Isaac N., June 1, 1848 Frederick Isaac, June 1, 1850 d. unm. d. Sept. 15, 1850. [2289] EUTH HOPKINS,^ b. Bucksport, Maine, April 1, res. Orrington, Maine: Democrat. May 4, 1878. Ch. b. Orrington: 5767. John H., 5768.* Isaac F., 5769. Sarah H., 5770. Joseph A., 5771.* Joshua Hopkins, 5772.* Edgar Samuel, 5773. Eliza, 5774. Louise, 5775. Louise, 5776. Abbie, 5777. Andreav H., 5778.* Charles F., (Sister of Joel,) 1808; m. Nov. 26, 1825, Samuel Trask. He Both d. Orrington: she, Apr. 4, 1888: he, May 29, 1827. Feb. 10, 1829. June 19, 18.30; m. Hiram Hopkins. April 10, 1832. June 13, 18.34. June 18, 1835. d. infancy. May 31, 1840; m. Lot Hall. [Sheehan. July 11, 1842: m. Silas Nye and Thomas Aug. 8, 1850: drowned June 11, 1854. Aug. 26, 1857. [2290] BETSEY Mcdonald,* (Lydia Gross,' Mercy Hamblen,^ Cor- nelius,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,'^ .lames,^!) m. 1st, Harding Snow,*of Hampden, Me.; m. 2d, Horace Blanchard, of Hampden, Me. * For Snow see note 177. EIGHTH GENERATIOJ^J. 589 Ch. by 1st marriage: 5779. Harding; d. Hampden. 5780. Mary; m. Rhines, living 1901. [2294] JEREMIAH McDONALD,* (Bro. of Betsey,) b. Bucksport, Me., Feb. 15, 1820; m. Bangor, Me., 1854, Rosala, dau. of Capt. enry and Louisa (Grant) Chase, b. Prospect, Me., about 1825; pioneer stage jid railroad man. He res. with his dau. Mrs. Dora Chick, Bangor, Me., 1901. ,epublican; she Methodist. She d. 1883. Children: 5781. George, b. about 1856, Bangor; d. there, 1892. 5782. Dora, " •' 1860, Dexter; m. Charles Chick. 5783.* Walter, " " 1861, Bangor; " Bertha Coombs. [2295] ELIZA ANN McDONALD,' (Sister of Betsey,) b. Bucksport, Me., 1820; m. Hampden, Me., Apr. 16, 1856, Capt. Frank, son f Jesse Dean, b. Frankfort, Me., Mar. 18, 1827; master mariner; Hampden; iepublican; Ensign U. S. Navy; enlisted 1864; served on the Rachael Seaman; is. 1865; Freemason; Methodists. No issue. [2303] SYLVANUS SMITH,« (Delia H. Gross,' Mercy Hamblen," Corne- us,5 Benjamin,! Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Orrington, Me., Apr. 2, 1831; m. 1st, here, Ellen, dau. of Charles T. and Hannah (Hill) Atwood,* b. Orrington, 1836; ,'ho d. there, Mar. 4, 1858: m. 2d, Orneville, Me., Amanda E., dau. of James nd Nancy (Seavey) Philpot; mariner, mate of vessel; Orrington; Democrat. le d. Orrington, Nov. 10, 1866. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Orrington, 5784.* Althea Jane, Dec. 19, 1855. ,5785. Ellen, Sept. 8, 1856; d. Oct., 1872. By 2d wife, b. Orrington. 5786.* Albert S., Apr. 2, 1863. 5787.* Herbert J., Dec. 1, 1865. [2.309] Capt. ELEAZER HAMBLEN COLLINS,* (Mercy Gross,' Mercy Hamblen, « Cornelius,* Benjamin,* Eleazer,» James.^i) b. Bucksport, Me., ,816; ra. Bangor, Me., July 13, 1841, Ruth Jane, dau. of Charles and Rhoda lyan, b. Sept., 1823; master mariner; Bangor; Methodist; she Adventist. He \. Santiago, Cuba, May, 1851: she d, Atkinson, Maine, July 17, 1879. Children: 5788.* Georgiana.' 5789. Solomon C. 5790.* Charles Henry, b. Aug. 28, 1845, Bangor. 5791. Eleazer Hamblen. [2310] MARY C. COLLlNS,« (Sister of Eleazer H..) m. David Pinkham Gardner. * For Atwood see note 287 590 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children^ 5792. Theodore Fletcher, 5793.* Henry L., b, Oct. 20, 1844, Orrington. 5794.* Solomon Hamblen, " Feb. 13, 1852, LowelL 5795. A Daughter,. d, young, [2312] SARAH J. COLLINS,^ (Sister of Eleazer H.,.> m. Moses Leach. Child: 5796. Annie: unm. 1899. [2313] RUTH H. COLLINS,* (Sister of Eleazer H.,) m. Bissell. Child: 5797.* Etta. [2314] Capt, SOLOMON J. COLLINS,^ (Fro. of Eleazer H., } m. Ellen or Helen Burr; master mariner; San Francisco, Cal. Children: 5798. Laura. 5799. Richard. 5800. George. 5801. A Daughter; m. and d., leaving a son. [2316] JAMES ELDRIDGE GROSS,« M. D., (Banjamin,' Mercy Ham blen,6 Cornelius,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. North Bucksport, Me., Jul; 30, 1825; m. Vienna, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1853, Maria Maxwell, dau. of Rev. Manl.^ and Roxanna (Farwell) Tooker; physician; Chicago, IlL, firm of Gross and Del bridge, pharmacists and publishers, 48 Madison St.; Republican. Children; [James Canfield 5802. Mary Eliza, b. Dec. 9, 1853, Clifton Springs, N. Y.; m 5803.* Annie TooKER, " Aug. 15, 1856, Chicago. 5804.* Nellie " July 22, 1862, Yellow Springs, Ohio. [2318] ELIZA PAYNE GROSS,' (Sister of James E., ) b. North Bucksport, Me., Jan. 10, 1838; m. there, April 7, 1866, Capt. Timo thy Barter, son of Jacob Blake and Keturah Henderson (Small) Marshall, b Marshall's Point, Port Clyde, St. George, Me., Sept. 30, 1838; master mariner later, farmer; Port Clyde until 1866; North Bucksport, 1866-8; Upper Fair mount, Md., 1868-78; since, N. Bucksport; they live on the farm purchased b' her grandfather, Benjamin Gross, 1795, and have the original deed to himfo, same. Upon this farm are bearing apple trees planted by Benjamip Gros from seeds brought by him from Massachusetts in 1795. He has been po.st master at North Bucksport under Presidents Harrison, McKinley and Rest velt; Republican: members Center Lodge 116, New England Order of Protei tion; Methodists; she member New England Woman's Press Association. Ch. b. Upper Fairmount, Md.; 5805. Benjamin Gross, Feb. 17, 1871; d. Nov. 14, 1874. 5806.* Earns WORTH Gross, Sept. 25, 1875. EIGHTH GENERATION. 591 [2319] SOLOMON HA MBLIN,« (Lewis," David,« Joshua,^ Benjamin,* tEleazer,3 James,2i) b. Duchess Co., N. Y., Nov. 6, 1793; m. Sept. 10, 1815, cinda Stanaid, b. Vermont, July 6, 1793: farmer; Fenner, N. Y.; he d. there, g. 1, 1839. She res. with herdau. Polly, Plainfield, III., and d. there. Children: 5807.* Polly Ajjn, b. June 23, 1816, Fenner. 5808.* Ora Butler, " Apr. 27, 1819, " 5809.* Norman Selleck, " May 27, 1824, Madison Co. 5810.* Reuben Smith, '• July 12, 1826, 5811. Lewis William, " Oct. 26, 1832: d. Dec. 16, 1849. [2320J LEWIS HAMBLIN,« (Bro. of Solomon,) b. Galloway, Duchess Co., N. Y., Mar. 20, 1797: m. 1st, Chittenango Falls, ,. Y., Jan. 18, 1819, Maria, dau. of Asaph and Rhoda (Blalfsley) Humiston, b. ipril 24, 1800, who d. Chittenango Falls, Sept. 5. 1830; m. 2d, Cazenovia, N. Y., prll 18, 1831, Desire Hulbert, b. June 10, 1804, who d. Chittenango Falls, May i, 1846; m. 3d, New Woodstock, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1847, Emily, dau. of Nathaniel :id Phebe (Hall) Keeler, b. Perryville, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1817, who d. there, Feb. . 1890; farmer; he moved to Perryville, 1807; res. Chittenango Falls, 1819-49; ew Woodstock, 1849-56; afterwards Perryville: Abolitionist and Republican; Methodist; he was a friend of Garret Smith, and assisted fugitive negroes to scape from slavery, receiving them from Smith at Peteisboro, N. Y.; kept, id and conducted them to Oswego; thence across the lake to Canada. He d. erryville, Feb. 7, 1881. Ch. by 1st wife: •5812.* Rhoda Emeline, b. Feb. 5, 1820, Fenner. 5813.* Harriet Uretta, " Jan. 25, 1822, Chittenango Falls. 5814. William, " May, 182-; d. Sept. 3, 1829. 5815.* Mary Fidelia, '* July 25, 1827, North Manli us. By 2d wife, b. Chittenango Falls: 5816.* Adelaide E., Feb. 14, 1832, 5817.* Ellen M., Aug. 22, 1833, 5818.* Edw^n Sylvester, Apr. 15, 1836. 5819.* Margaret Frances, Feb. 9, 1838. 5820. Cornelia BusHNELL, Nov. 30, 1840; d. June 3, 1856, 5821.* Eugene Lew^is, May 18, 1845. By 3d wife. b. New Woodstock: 5822.* Frances Phebe, Feb. 2, 1849. 5823.* Emma Jane, Nov. 14, 1851. [2321] DAVID HAMBLIN,8 (Bro. of Solomon,) b, Jan. 28, 1801: m. 1823, prob.- Chittenango Falls, N. Y., Harriet, dau. of isaphand Rlioda (Blakesley) Humiston, b. Litchfield, Ct., Apr,, 1804: farmer; Chittenango Falls. Both d. there; he Oct, 17, 1880; she, 1897. Ch, b. Chittenango Falls: 5824.* .lULIA M., Oct, 12, 1824. 5825.* Harriet M., Sept. 9, 1826. 5826.* LuciEN David, Dec. 7, 1834. 5827.* •Tennie E., Feb. 22, 1837. 5828,* William Marvin, Dec. 28, 1841. 592 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [2322] WILLIAM HAMBLIN,8 (Bro. of Solomon,) b. Sullivan, N. Y., Mar. 6, 1803; m. Aug. 25, 1825, Pholly Ransom. He in herited his father's farm at Sullivan, a well to do farmer. He d. Sullivan Mar. 6, 1880; she d. Perry ville, 1897. No issue. [2323] HARRIET HAMBL1N,8 (Sister of Solomon,) b. Sullivan, N. Y., July 15, 18a5; m. Jan. 11, 1827, Orrin James Woodwortb res. Fenner, N. Y.; where he d. | Children: b. Dec. 24, 1828, Fenner. 5829.* Leon A, 5830. Luther. 5831. Louisa. 5832. Mercy. 5833. Lewis. [2324] LUCY HAMBLIN,* (Joshua,^ David,« Josliua.^ Benjamin," Elea zer,3 James,2i) b. Fenner, N.Y., July 22, 1801; m. Saratoga, N.Y., 1819, Willian Ford Johnson; b. Saratoga, 1800; farmer; Smithfield and Canastota, N. Y. Methodists. She d. Canastota, Mar. 1, 1851; he d. Albany, N. Y., 1858. Ch. b. Smithfield: 5834.* Pamblia Elizabeth, Mar. 27, 1820. 5835.* Mariette, July 14, 1822. 58,36.* Jane, Dec. 8, 1832. 5837.* Darius Hamlin, Sept. 13, 1836. 5838.* William Henry Harrison, Feb. 8, 1838. [2325] SUSANNAH HAMBLIN, 8 (Sister of Lucy,) b. Fenner, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1803; m. 1st, May 16, 1821, Welcome,^ son o William and Ruth (Briggs) Ballou, b. Fenner, Aug. 29, 1798; m. 2d, David, sor of David Eddy, b. Fenner, who d. West Barre, N. Y.; res. Fenner, until 1838 West Barre, until 1872; afterwards, Albion, N. Y., where she d. Mar. 17, 1887 Ch. by 1st marriage, b. Madison Co., N. Y.: Feb. 28, 1822; d. Nov. 11, 1825. Oct. 27, 1824. ,ge: b. Apr. 16, 1830, Fenner: d. Feb. 2&, 1867. 5839. Diana, 5840.* ■ Caroline, By 2d mai 5841. Mary E., 5842. David B., 5843. Lydia a.. 5844. De Melvin. 5845. Edgar,. 5846.* Edwin, 5847. Elizabeth^ 5848.* Oscar D., 5849. Delos, May 2, 1831, i( " Nov. 22, 1857, unm Nov. 27, 1832, i( '^ Dec. 15, 1852. Apr. 27, 1836, ■n " Jun. 20, 1856, unni May 10, 1838, il " Apr. 2, 1862. May 10, 1838, '1 Aug. 7, 1840, W. Bar re. Apr. 21, 1842, (( Feb. 19, 1845, u [2326] PAMELIA HAMBLIN,* (Sister of Lucy,> b. Fenner, N. Y.,Feb. 4, 1805; m. Smithfield, N. Y., 1825, William, son ol William and Helen ( Witherspoon) Morrison, b. Paisley, Scotland, Jan. 31, 1797. He came to America with his parents, 1803; farmer; N. Y. state, until 1850: EIGHTH GENERATION. 593 Children: 5850.* Helen, b. Aug. 5851.* William, May 5852. • Elizabeth, Sept 5853.* Agnes, Mar. 5854. James, Oct. 5855.* Rose, Nov. 5856.* Emma, Apr. {ifterwards, Ills.: Presb.; Freemason. She d. Plainfield, 111., Oct. 8, 1878; he d. 'gstherville, Iowa, Sept. 13, 1888. 22, 1826, Lenox, N. Y. 25, 1828, Syracuse. 27, 1831, Smithfield; d. May 13, 1843. 20, 1837, Murray. 23, 1841, Lenox; d. Feb. 1844. 12, 1844, 13, 1847, Smithfield. [2327] LEANDER HAMBLIN,** (Bro. of Lucy,) , b. Fenner, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1806; m. there, Feb. 4, 1830, Phebe, dau. of Paul knd Asenath (Ray) Main, b. Fenner, Aug. 3, 1806; res. PerryviJleandKirkville, N. Y., until 1844; Plainfield, III., until 1856: afterwards, xllton, 111.; Baptist. He d. Alton, Sept. 17, 1869: she d. Fayetteville, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1877. Ch. b. Perryville: 5857.* Palmer, Feb. 13, 1835. 5858.* Mary E.. Jan. 20, 1837. [2329] BELINDA HAMBL1N,« (Sister of Lucy,) b. Fenner, N. Y., Mar. 19, 1809; m. Gideon Wilber, of Fenner. Child: 3859. A Daughter: m. Jay Roberts, of Oneida, N. Y. [2330] STEPHEN HAMBLIN,' (Bro. of Lucy, ) b. Fenner, N. Y., Feb. 26, 1811; m. there, 1833, Phebie Wilber, b. June 26, 1810; farmer; Pulaski, Mich., after 1844. He d. there, Apr. 14, 1880; she d. Bay City, Mich., July 14, 1888. Children: 5860. Cornelia, b. Oct. 1834, Fenner; m. - — — Clark. 5861.* Ward P., " Sept. . 1836, n 5862. Mary A., " Nov. 1838, a >( Baker. 5863. Orville J., " Feb., 1840, a 5864. O'GlLVIE E., " Apr. 1842, " res. Albion, Mich 5865. William W., " May, 1845, u u Pulaski, " 5866. Stephen W., " Dec, 1847, Pulaski; d. 1890. 5867. Phebie O., " Feb. 1850, m. Picket. 5868. Adelbert, " Feb. 1853, d. 1858. [2331] JOSHUA HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Lucy,) b. Fenner, N. Y., Mar. 8, 1813; m. Manlius, N. Y., 1840, Maria, dau. of Thomas Royalston, b. Manlius, May, 1821. In early life he learned the trade of wagon ironing, and followed that business several years; then in the stage and livery business several years, afterwards, contractor in construction of N. Y; C. R. R., the Ohio and Miss., and other roadsin Indiana, prior to 1861; was employed several years building enlargements of the Erie Canal. He was engaged with his son in the lime and plaster business, Manlius, 1867-87. Both d. Manlius, he Dec. 23, 1891; she Feb. 23, 1843. Ch. b. Bridgeport, N. Y.: 5869.* Jerome Bonaparte, June 17, 1841. 594 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [2332] ELIZA HAMBLm,8 (Sister of Lucy, j b. Fenner, N. Y., July 10, 1816; m. Madison Co., N. Y., Dec. 15, 1835, Sauls- bury, son of Stephen and Hannah (Eads) Miller, b. Bennington Co., Vt., Mar. 28, 1811; farmer; removed to Whitewater, Wis., 1844; and soon after to Jefferson Co., Wis., where they resided until 1873. She d. Madison, Wis., Sept. 29, 1891: he d. Lima, Wis., Feb: 6, 1893. Ch. b. Madison Co., N. Y.: 5870. Allison R., Feb. 9, 1837: res. Rowland, Ala. 5871. ROSETTA, Mar. 8, 1840; d. Feb. 14, 1842. 5872. Ann Jbanette, Nov. 13, 1841. [2333] AMANDA HAMBLIN,* (Sister of Lucy,) b. Fenner, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1818; m. Kirkville. N. Y., June 7, 1841, William, son of David and Maria (Nobles) Hoag, b. Kirkville, June 21, 1821; farmer; Kirkville, 1841-63; removed to Tyler settlement, Madison Co., N. Y.; she Ad- ventist. Both d. Madison Co.; she, July 10, 1894; he, Feb. 3, 1893. Ch. b. Kirkville: 5873. Maria, d. in infancy. 5874. Emmagene, u u 5875. Royal, t( (1 5876. Harrison, (( u 5877.* Josephine, Jan. 25, 1845. 5878. David, Sept. 8, 1848. 5879.* Celia, Nov. 10, 1852. 5880. Eva, Feb. 2, 1854. 5881. L BANDER, .June 5, 1855; unm [2334] ADELIA HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Lucy,) b. Fenner, N. Y., May 24, 1820; m. Morrisville, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1840, Paul M., son of Charles and Asenath (Mane) Palmer, b. Fayetteville, N. Y., Apr. 15, 1812; farmer, carpenter and builder; removed to Indiana, about 1841, and resided Lake and Laporte counties, until 1872; settled in Michigan City, 1841, then a rival of Chicago; res. Shelby Co., Mo., 1872-9; afterwards Laporte Co., Ind., where he d. Dec. 11, 1889. He was corporal of militia in N. Y., 1830-6. Ch. b. Michigan City: 5882. Mary B., June 10, 1843; d. Apr. 15, 1891, unm 5883. Gertrude A., Jan. h 1849, " Sept. 18, 1858. 5884. Albert J., Apr. 16, 1851, " Jan. 13, 1856. 5885.* Jerome A., Aug. 10, 1854. 5886.* Edward E., June 29, 1858. [23.35] HARRISON HAMBLIN,8 (Bro. of Lucy,) b. Fenner, N.Y., May 22, 1822; ra. Caroline H. Phelps, b. Petersboro, N.Y., Jan. 31, 1823; farmer; Wilmington and Florence, 111. He d. Florence, Sept. 1, 1852. She d. Wilmington, July 15, 1861. Ch. b. Florence: 5887.* Harrison Samuel, Aug. 1, 1852. EIGHTH GENERATION. 595 [2330] LYDIA LOUISE COLLINS.^ (Lydia HamblinJ David," Joshua,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3James,2i) b. June 15,1810: m. Jan. 8, 1829, Theron Wilson, b. June 10. 1805. She d. Jan. 27, 1862. Children: b. June 17, 1830. " June 27, 1832. " Sept. 20, 1834. " Feb. 3, 1837. " Nov. 25, 1840. " Nov. 23, 1850. CAROLINE COLLINS,* (Sister of Lydia L.,) b. Sept. 21, 1817; m. April 3, 1840, Charles Mead, of Duchess Co., N. Y. Children: 5888. James, 5889. Eli Newtok, 5890. Sarah Louisa, 5891. Geo. Theron. 5892. Lydia Esther, 5893. Robert Hamlin, 5894. Charles Nelson, b. Apr. 23, 1841; d. July 11, 1850 5895. James Arthur, " Mar. 2, 1843. 5896. Caroline E., " Mar. 2, 1845. 5897. Martha, " May 25, 1847. 5898. Clara B., " Dec. 11, 1849. 5899. Ellen, " May 22, 1852. 5900. Robert Collins, " July 28, 1857. 5901. Carl Fremont, " Nov. 5, 1860. [2347] HESTER HAMBLIN,« (Ephraim,' David,« Joshua,^ Benjamin,* Eieazer.3 ,Iaraes,2i) b. Smithtield, Duchess Co., N. Y., March 30, 1816; m. Bath, N; Y.. Mar. 12, 1840, James Stuart, son of Daniel and Margaret (Stuart) McKay,* b. Moss Side, Antrim, Ireland, Nov. 12, 1817; miller. He came to America, 1838; Bath, 1843: Painted Post, 1848-9: Addison, 1855: Campbell, 1866; Democrat until 1866, afterwards Republican; Deputy U. S. Marshal: Supt. of the poor, 1879-94; member St. Omar Commandery K. T., and Mystic Shrine; Knight of Honor; she, Epis. He d. Campbell, Mar. 30, 1896; she res. Campbell, 1900. Children: 5902.* Sarah Margaret, b. July 23, 1841, Howard. 5903.* Daniel Stuart, " Mar. 3, 1843, Bath. 5904.* Hester Ann, " Mar. 27, 1846, Cameron. 5905.* Mary Caroline, " May 8, 1851, Painted Post. [2.349] ALMENIA HAMBLIN,^ (Sister of Hester,) b. Avoca, N. Y., April 22, 1819; m. there, Philip Wells; farmer; Avoca and Howard, N. Y.: Republican; Presb. Both d. Howard; she, 1890. Children: 5906. Julia A., 1842. 5907. Lemuel H., 1842. 5903. John P., 1844; d. in the army. [2352] DAVID WELLS HAMBLIN,' (Bro. of Hester,) b. N. Y., Mar. 18, 1824; m. N. Y., Nov. 21, 1851, Lorenza, dau. of James and - — — (Van Auken) Leach, b. Nov. 16, 1825; farmer; near Bath, * The McKays claim to descend from Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotts. 596 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. N. Y.: removed to Sterling, 111., 18'i5; soldier, Mexican War; Whig and Repub- lican; she Methodist. He d. Chicago, Nov. 15, 1894; she d. Sterling, Nov. (J, 1877. Children: 5909. Melyin Jaivles, b. Oct. 7, 1852, N. Y.; d. Feb. 15, 1854. 5910.* David Wells, " May 14, 1856, Sterling. 5911.* LORENZA Almena, " Dec. 30, 1857, " 5912.* Eugene Leroy, " Aug. 16, 1863, 5913.* Scott Elias, " Jan. 6, 1867, " [23531 MARTIN E. HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of Hester,) b. N. Y., Mar. 22, 1826; m. Rachael, dau. of David and Rachael (Rose) Wells, b. Hovi^ard, N. Y.: farmer; Fremont, Howard and Avoca, N. Y.; Repub- lican. Both d. Avoca; he, Feb. 24, 1893; she, Feb. 19, 1879. Children: 5914.* Hakmon, b. Aug. 29, 1852, Howard. 5915.* Munetta, " Sept. 18, 1854, Fremont. 5916.* Henrietta A., " Sept. 30, 1857, " [2354] TRUMAN HAMBLIN,8 (Elijah,^ David,^ Joshua,^ Benjamin,^' Eleazer,^ James.2i) He is dead; several children, res. Westtleld, Pa. [2355] IRA HAMBLIN, (Bro. of Truman,) ' m. and had a son and daughter, who res. in Virginia. He is dead. [2356] POLLY ANN HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Truman,) b. Fenner, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1809; m. there, Apr. 26, 1826, Noble Davis Ormsby, b. Great Barrington, Mass., Aug. 1, 1807; turner; Fenner: Brookfleld, Pa., 1831; Troupsburg, N. Y., 1838; N. Y. City, 1845; Brooklyn, 1848; Presbs. She d. Troupsburg, Jan. 1, 1892; he d. Brooklyn, Feb. 19, 1852. Children: 5917. Mary Jane, b. Dec. 7, 1827, Fenner; d. Mar. 30, 1830. 5918.* Ellen Maria, " Sept. 24, 1829, " [Ketchum. 5919. Ira Hamblin, " Nov. 21, 1831, Brookfleld; m. Josephine 5920.* WiLMOT Newton, " June 22, 1845, N. Y. City. i [2357] NORMAN HAMBLIN,8 (Bro. of Truman. ) b. Fenner, N. Y., June 10, 1810; m. about 1830-31, Louisa, dau. of Arnold Hull, b. Vermont, April 16, 1814; farmer; Hocking Co., Ohio, 1833-64; after- wards, Clark Co., 111.; Methodist. He d. Casey, III, May 1, 1892; she d. Salis- bury, 111., May, 1882. Ch. b. Hocking Co.: 5921. Jacob, Nov. 29, 1832. 5922. Betsey, 1834. 5923. Diantha, Nov. 29, 1836. 5924. Norman, 1838; d. Loving ton, 111., 1878. \ 5925.* Roxania, Aug. 6, 1840. | 5926. Elijah, Mar. 29, 1842. j EIGHTH GENERATION. 597 [2358] ENOCH EVERETT HAMBLIN,8 (Bro. of Truman,) b. N. Y.; removed to Ohio at the age of 11 years; married. Children: 5927. Lewis, res. Columbus, Ohio. 5928.* Robert E., b. Aug. 14, 1852, Logan, Ohio. 5929. William E., res. Kingfisher, Okl. 5930.* Ira B., b. Dec. 24, 1856, Logan. (2359] CORNELIUS HAMBLIN,« ( Bro. of Truman,) b. Madison Co., N. Y., 1818; m. Sarah Joseph, of Logan, Ohio. Children: 5931. Noel W., res, Logan, Ohio. 5932. Elleii. 5933. Esther. [2360] MARIAH HAMBLIN,^ (Sister of Truman,) b. N. Y., Aug. 1, 1812; m. Broome Co., N. Y., 1830, William, son of Burg jPotter, b. Steuben Co., N. Y., 1807; carpenter; N. Y; Nelsonville and Logan, phio; Democrat: Methodists. Both d. Logan; she, Aug. 24, 1870; he, Jan. 4, 1887. Childr/fen: 5934. Albert. 5935.* Esther, b. Dec. 6, 1835, Hornellville. [2361J LUCY HAMBLIN,' (Sister of Truman,) m. Noel Clark; his second wife. Both dead. Children: 5936. Royal, res. Bath, N. Y. 5937. Oscar, res. Cameron Mills, N. Y. [2362] ALMIRA HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Truman,) b. Madison Co., N. Y., June 27, 1821; m. Hocking Co., Ohio, 1841, Robert, [son of Thomas and Barbara (Hook) Wright, b. Ravena, Ohio, June 2, 1809; flour mercliant; Logan, Ohio; Democrat; As.sociate Judge, 1845; County Commissioner [and Justice of the Peace; Presbs. Both d. Logan; she May 18, 1887; he July m, 1897. Ch. b. Logan: 5938. Lucius Case, May 12, 1842. 5939.* Homer Lafaette, Jan. 1, 1845. 5940. Charles Pius, Feb. 4, 1847. 5941. Ella Maria, Apr. 1, 1851; d. 1859. 5942. Lucy Maria, Oct. 21, 1857, " 1901, unm '[2363] HARRIET HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Truman,) m. H. Westenhaver. She is dead. Child: 5943. Lucy. 598 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [2364] HARRIET HAMBLIN,* (David,'^ Joshua,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer, James,2i) m. Jeremiah, son of David and Matilda (Teall) Sornborger: farmei': Nortli E:ast, N. Y. She d. Albany, N. Y.. June 10, 1860; he d. North East 186-. Ch. b. North East: 5944.* Maria, 1819. 5945.* David, Sept. 18, 1822. 5946.* Hamblin. 5947.* Phii^andjer, [2367] MYRON HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of Hamet,) b. Brutus, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1807; m. Ancram. N. Y., Jan. 10, 1839, Rache A., dau. of John and Cynthia (Adsit) Tripp, b. Ancram, April 15, 1811; farmer Pine Plains, N. Y., 1840-4; Ancram, until 1860; afterwards, Nortli East, N.Y. , assessor and highway commissioner. He d. 1897. Children: 5948.* JA3IES, b. May 27, 1841, Pine Plains. 5949.* David, " June 7, 1844, Ancram. 5950.* Marietta, " Oct. 20, 1848, " 5951.* Hiram, " Jan. 22, 1854, [2368] ALVAH HAMBLIN.s (Bro. of Harriet,) b. Auburn, Ohio, Sept. 30, 1810; m. there, Aug. 22, 1838, Alvira S., dau. ot Erastus and Mary (Goodwin) Eggleston, of Auburn and Pioneer, Ohio; b. Gor ham, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1821. He d. Clay Co., Wis., about 1894. Children: 5952. Henry H., b. Oct 5953. Albert, 5954. Mary E., 5955. Lucy O., 5956. Sarah L., 5957. Ida E., [Robinson 7, 1840. m. Freelove demons and Margaret May 19, 1845; d. Aug. 15,' 1845. Oct. 9, 1846; m. Julius Thatcher. Aug. 6, 1853, " Elias DePew. Aug. 16, 1857, " Frank Emerick. Feb. 21, 1859, " Rev. A. J. Beebee. . [2371] SARAH ANN HAMBLIN,* (Sister of Harriet,) b. Auburn, Geauga Co., Ohio; m. May 9, 1838, John Crafts, son of Daniei T. and Mary (Crafts) Goodwin, b. Auburn, Apr. 4, 1814. She d. Mansion Juneau Co., Wis. Children: 5958. Sarah M., b. May 9, 1839; ra. Mortimer Finch. 5959. John M., " Mar. 14, 1841, u Mary J. Salisbury. 5960. Ellen L., " Dec. 26, 1842, (( David Salisbury. 5901. Henry, " Nov. 1844; d. in the army, 1862. 5962. Elijah, " Dec, 1846; m. Asa Lyon. 5963. Emina, '^ Jan., 1848, d. 1851. 5964. Alvery E., " July 6, 1853. 5965. Albert, " Feb., 1854; (1 same month. 5966. Mary, " Jan., 1855; m. Dorland'.. [2373] STICKLES DAVID HAMBLIN,* (Eli,' David,« Joshua,^ Benja min,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Duchess Co., N. Y., Apr. 18, 1818; m. Dryden. N. Y., July 2, 1846, Alraira Jane, dau. of Albert J. and Melvina (Folkson) Two- EIGHTH GENERATION. 599 iod, b. Pittstown, N. Y.,Dec. 14, 1815: farmer: Dryden, 1829-62: Danby, N. Y.. itil his death, except a year in Wisconsin; Whig and Republican, until the ^jfeat of Horace Greeley; afterwards. Democrat; Granger; she Cong. He d. anby, .Tun. 6, 1901. Children: 5967.* Delia, b. Dec. 9, 1847, Dryden. 5968.* John Twogood, " Oct. 2, 1849, " 5969. James Ely, ■'• Nov. 1, 1852. 5970. Cora H., ■ •* Dec. 10, 1858: d. Feb. 18, 1881. [2377] EDWIN HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of Stickles D.,) b. Duchess Co., N. ¥., July 13, 1826; m. Sarah, dau. of John Chilsdn. b, ■berry Valley, N. Y.: farmer: Dryden, N. Y., and Mason City, Iowa; Republi- tni;she Cong. He d. Mason City, 1879. ! Ch. b. Mason City: 5971. Ely, 1850; d. Mason City, 1877. 5972. William, 1853. 5973. Cordelia. 1856. [2379] ELIZABETH HAMBLIN,V (Sister of Stickles D.,) b. Duchess Co., N. Y., May 8, 1834: m. Fred, son of William and Anna l^ash) Hanford, b. Dryden, N. Y., Mar. 15, 1827: farmer; Dryden, until 1875: jfterwards. Mason City, Iowa; Republican: she Cong. He d. Mason City, Mar. i?. 1891. Ch. b. Dryden: 5974. Mary, July 13, 1857; d. Jan. 4,1858. 5975. Frank, Oct. 18, 1858; unm. 1902. 5976.* May Cordelia, Dec. 8, 1863. 5977. Fred, Apr. 8, 1866; d. Sept. 4, 1866, 5978. Georgia, Dec. 29, 1868; unm. 1902. [2380] ELIZABETH HAMBLIN,^ (Hiram,^ David,^ Joshua,'- Benjamin, » ,leazer,3 James,2i) b. North. East, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1817: m. there, Dec. 30, 1835: j>r. Samuel, son of Col. James and Elizabeth (Rogers) Robertson,* b. Windham, jr. Y., 1807. He graduated from Union College, class of 1831, A. B., and from Berkshire Medical College, Williamstown, Mass., 1834: practiced medicine at lillerton, N. Y., until 1853: iron manf.,' Napanock, N. Y., where he made part if the cables used in the suspension bridge at Niagara Falls, 1853-7; built the [jnnery at Sterling Run, Pa., now owned by the U. S. Leather Co.. and with ;is brother, Col. George Robertson, operated the tannery at Forestport, N. Y.. 657-69; afterwards, res. Canastota, 'N. Y.; Republican; Presbs., in which jhurch he was an elder. She d. Syracuse, N, Y., July 30, 1892; he d. Canastota, jept. 27, 1883. Children: 5979. Hiram H., b. Feb. 28, 1840: d. May 1, 1842. 5980.* Elizabeth Hamblin, " Aug. 21, 1849, North East. I _ * Note 393. GEORGE ROBERTSON.i b. Glasgow, Scotland, 17.57; came to America about "4; he was a Rev. soldier. His son, Col. James Robertson, m. Elizabeth Rogers, and res. in reene Co., N, Y. The history of that county contains a sketch of the Robertson family. 600 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [2386] ERASMUS DARWIN PITKIN,MElizabeth Hamblin,^ Joshua," Benjamin, 1 Eleazer," James, 21) b. Ballston Sbrinj^s, N. Y., June 24, 1808: m. Oct. 9, 1838, Frances Wilcox, of Saratoga, N. Sept. 11, 1860; she d. Jan. 29, 1877. Ch. b. Saratoga Springs: 5981. George W., Feb. 5982. Caroline E., Mar. 5683. Mary Louise, Jan. 5984. Wm. Francis, Apr. 5985. J. Howard, Sept, 5986. Samuel, Mar. Y. He d. Saratoga Springs, N. Y..* 4, 1840; d. unm. Sept, 2, 1867. 27, 1842, " Aug. 8, 1843. 20, 1844, " unm. Mar. 1875. 13, 1847; Banker, Brooklyn, N. Y. 20, 1848; d. Mar. 27, 1855. 19, 1852, " Mar. 25. 1855. [2387] CAROLINE ELIZABETH PITKIN,8 (Sister of Erasmus D.,) b, Balston Springs, N. Y., Nov. 3, 1810; m. Saratoga Springs, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1833, James G., son of Giles and Jane (Brisbin) Siocum,* b. Claverack, N. Y.. Nov. 7, 1811. At his father's death, 1814-5, he went to live with his maternal * Note 394. ANTHONY SLOCOMBE,i was one of the first purchases of Cohannet, now Taunton, Mass., 1637; wife, Harvey; juror, ltt50-l ; highway surveyor, 1654 and 166:i; free- man, June 3, 1659; grand juror. 16.')9; it is supposed he removed to Dartmouth, Mass., about 166i. The name is probably derived from the Sloe tree, which grows on the ridgy hills called combs in the south west part of England; hence: Sloe Comb, (Slocum.) Children : Giles. Edward. A Daughter; m. John (?) Gilbert. John, b. 1641-2; d. 1651. GILES SLOCUM,8 prob. b. Somersetshire, Eng. ; wife, Joan; settled in Portsmouth, R. I., about 1638; freeman 1655; Quakers; he d. 1682; will dated Oct. 10. 1681; proved Mar. 12, 1662-i Children: Johanna, b. Mar. 16, 1642; m. Jacob Mott. John, " Mar. 26, 1645, " Meribah Parker. Giles, " Jan. 25, 1647, " Anne Lawton. Ebenezer, " Jan. 25, 1650, " Mary Thurston. Nathaniel, " Oct. 25, 1652, " Hannah . Peleg, " June IV, 1654, " Mary Holden. Samuel. Mary, " May 3, 1660; •' Abraham Tucken Eliezeb, " Oct. 25, 1664, " Elepbel Fitzgerald. SAMUEL SL0CUM,3 of Newport, b. about 1657. GILES SLOCUM,* of Newport; m. Nov. 23, 1704, Mary, dau. of Ralph and Dorothy Paine of Freetown, Mass. JOSEPH SLOCUM,5 of East Greenwich, R. I., b. Newport, Jan. 30, 1706; m. Sept. 27, 1724, Patience, dau. of Caleb Carr of Jamestown, R. I.; member R. I. legislature, 1741-2, and 1744. JONATHAN SLOCUM,e b. East Greenwich, R. I., May 1. 1733; m. Feb. 23, 1757, Ruth, dau. of Isaac Tripp, of Portsmouth, R. I.; Quaker; removed to Wilkes-Barre, Pa., about 1774. He and his father-in-law were killed and scalped by Indians in sight of the fort at Wilkes-Barre. Dec. 16, 1778. GILES SLOCUM, 7 of Saratoga, N. Y., b. Warwick, R. I., .Ian. 5, 1759r m- Sarah, dau. of Jeremiah Ross of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Brother of Francis Slocum, the Indian captive. He was at the massacre of Wyoming, Pa., 1778, when but seven of his company escaped. His brothers- in-law, Gen. William Ross, Perrin and Jeremiah Ross were among the slain. He d. Saratoga, Nov. 14, 1S26. GILES SLOCUM, 8 of Claverack, N. Y., b. Dover, N. Y., Apr. 3, 1787; m. Claverack, July 12, 1808, .Jane, dau. of James and Mary (Tyler) Brisbin, b. Aug. 10, 1782. They were early settlefl-s; of Saratoga; merchant and miller; an active, succe.ssful man. He d. Claverack, Aug. 25, 1815i she d. Brownville, Pa., Apr. 20, 1860. Their .son, fames Slocum,fl m. Caroline Elizabeth Pitkin. EIGHTH GENERATION. fiOI I randfather. James Brisbin, near .Schuylerville. N. Y., and removed to Peru jownsbip, Clinton Co., N. Y., April, 1830.; he owned a lar^e tract of land on the |lu Sable river, near Keesville, N. Y., where they resided several years. She i?as a beautiiful lady, greatly beloved by her friends and acquaintances. Her ealth became delicate and they traveled throuofh the south and settled at It. Vernon, Ohio, October, 1838, where they resided until her death, Feb. 10, 840. He then resided in Cincinnati from June, 1840, until August, 1844; in jteubenville, Ohio, until his second marriage, where he m. Apr. 9, 1846, Paraelia ]llis Pitkin, sister of his first wife. They removed to Brownville, Pa., the ame year; merchant. A man of strong character and lofty priciples. In early fe a democrat, but, witnessing the evils of slavery, joined the earliest move- ments to oppose it. He was a delegate from the 21st Penn. district to the Free oil convention at Buffalo, N. Y., that nominated Van Burenand Adams, 1848, nd Presidential elector on that ticket; delegate to the Free Soil convention, Mttsburg, Pa., that nominated Hale and Julian, 1852. He was an anti-slavery aan when it required courage to own it. He d. Brownville, Mar. 15, 1891; his Pidow d. July 8, 1894. Children: 5987.* Jane Elizabeth, b. Sept. 3, 1834, Keesville. 5988. Mary, " Apr. 24, 1838, Argyle; d. Sept. 11, 1869, unm. I [2392J LAURA HAMBLIN,* (Myron,' Joshua,^^ Benjamin,* Eleazer.s |ames,2i) b. 1813; m. Jeremiah Baldwin; res. Troy, N. Y. She d. July 10, 1849. Children: 5989. Myron. 5990. Edward. 5991. LUMAN. 5992. Louise. 5993. Lawrence, b. Feb. 28, 1844. I [2393] LAWRENCE HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of Laura,) b. Schaghticoke, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1814; m. Dec. 3, 1840, Cassandria Submit, lau. of Archibald and Lucre tia (Phelps) Green, b. Senate, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1822; lierchant; Port Byron, N. Y. He d. Port Byron. May 10, 1844; she d. Owasso, lich., Feb. 5, 1873. Ch. b. Port Byron: 5994.* Lawrence A.. . Aug. 31, 1841. 5995.* Edward G., May 19, 1843. [2395] PAMELIA HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Laura, ) b. Jan. 7, 1819; m. Warren Lewis, son of Daniel and Ruby Adams; furniture lealer; Troy; Republican; Presb. He d. Troy, Mar. 15, 1857. Ch. b. Troy: 5996.* Charles Hakes, Sept. 23, 1844. 5997.* Clara Marie, Mar. 18, 1847. 5998.* Annie Elizabeth, Apr. 1, 1849. 5999. Emilie Catherine, Sept. 10, 1857; unm. 1902. 602 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [2396] MYRON WEEKS HAMBL1N,8 ( Bro. of Laura,) b. Apr. 17, 1822; m. Sept. 2o, 1851, Emily, dau. of Peter and Louise (Aiken) Stover, b. Mar. 20, 1830; merchant; Troy, N. Y.; dealer in China and glass: city treasurer. Ch. b. Troy: 6000.* Myron Peter, Apr. 25, 1854. [2399J MARY ELIZA SEARS,** (Mary Tasker,' Mira Hamblen,6 Benja- min, &* Eleazer,3 James,iii) b. July 30, 1823; m. Sept. 22, Henry Caryl. Children: 6001. Henry. 6002. Mary Eliza. [2441] ISAAC STANDISH,8 (Sarah Hamlen," Isaac,«5 Benjamin,* Elea- zer,3 James,2i) b. Mar. 24, 1807; m. 1st, Seneca Co., N. Y., Elizabeth Scripture: m. 2, ; res. Norwalk, Ohio. He d. Sept. 18, 1891. Ch. by 1st wife: Four daughters. [2442] LUCY STANDISH,* (Sister of Isaac,) b. Peru N. Y., Mar. 23, 1809; m. Fairfield, Ohio, Apr. 16, 1837, Robertll son of Abraham and Lydia (Wilcox) Barker, b. Sclpio, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1809;! farmer; res. Peru, N. Y.; removed to Bronson, Ohio; she Universalist. Both| d. Bronson: she, Oct, 24, 1887; he, July 7, 1887. Children: b. 1838, Peru: d. 1838. " Sept. 19, 1839, " " Nov. 29, 1840, " " July 6, 1844, " 6003. Edgar, 6004.* Lydia Jane, 6005.* Melvina Lucy, 6006.* John, [2443] ZACHARIAH STANDISH,^ (Bro. of Isaac,) b. Utica, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1811; m. 1st, Fairfield, Ohio, Lucy Emma, dau. ofB Aaron and Esther (Wulben) Smith, who d. Norwalk, Oct. 21, 1861; m. 2d, in New York State, Frances Stanton, of Utica, N. Y., who d. six or seven years after; m. 3d, Mrs. Allen; resided Norwalk, Ohio; removed to North Fairfield, Ohio, 1832; to Burlingville, Ohio, and returned to Norwalk, where he d. Apr. 27, 1891. Ch. by 1st wife: 6007.* Esther Maria, b. June 26, 1839, Norwalk. 6008.* Mary Jane, (( Apr. 4, 1841, N. Fairfield. 6009.* Sarah Hamlin, (( Feb. 14, 1844, II 6010.* Lucy Emily, u Jan. 8, 1846, (( 6011.* Zachariah Myles, u Aug. 6, 1856, Norwalk. [2444] BLISS STANDISH,8 (Bro. of Isaac.) b. near Auburn, N.Y., Mar. 28, 1813; m. 1st, Milan, Ohio, June 2, 1841, Ann Lucas, b. England, Oct. 4, 1823; who d. Milan, Jan. 5, 1851; m. 2d, Milan, Dec. 1, 1852, Jane Lucas, sister of his 1st wife, b. England, Jan. 21, 1825, who d. Milan, Apr. 17, 1870; she Presb.; carriage manf.; Milan; Whig and Republi- can; Freemason. He d. Milan, Oct. 18, 1857. EIGHTH GENERATION. 603 Ch. b. Milan: 6012.* Sarah Harris, Mar. 14, 1842. 6013.* Anna Maria, Dec. 21, 1845. 6014.* Bliss, Feb. -■-1 1848. , [2448] POLLY BEALS HAMLEN,^ (Isaac'ss Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 Jaines,2i) b. Hinsdale, Mass., Sept. 12, 1807; m. Cummington, Mass., June 1, 1826, Richmond, son of Malachi and Mary (Gurney) Jenkins, b. Abington, Mass.', Jan. 2.3, 1803: farmer: Cummington: Republican. Both d. Cummington; 5he, Sept. 12, 1876; he. Dec. 24, 1889. Ch. b. Cummington: 6015. Mary Palmer, Aug. 16, 1830; d. Aug. 23, 1830. 6016. Louisa Smith, June 25, 1833, " July 16, 1843. 6017. Martha Burr, June 21, 1835, " Apr. 26, 1848. 6018.* Mary Gurney, May 21.1837. 6019. Edward Clarke, July 20, 1839, " Jan. 8, 1843. 6020* Edward Clarke, Dec. 20, 1842. 6021.* DiANTHE Clarke, Feb. 24, 1845. 6022.* Richmond Augustus, June 6, 1852. [2449] MARTHA AMES HAMLEN," (Sister of Polly B.,) b. Hillsdale, Mass., Aug. 7, 1809; m. May 22, 1837, Samuel, son of Jesse and Sally (Pool) Dyer,* b. Ashfield, Mass., July 23, 1813. She was called Martha KHamlen) Cole, of Worthington, Mass., at the time of her marriage to Dyer. He res. Plaintield, Mass., where his son-in-law, Charles N. Holden lives, 1901; 'selectman and school committee. She d. Plainfield, Feb. 1, 1881; he Apr. 9, 1883. Ch. b. Plainfield: 6023.* AldenHamlen, June 19, 1839. 6024. Augusta M., May 19, 1841; unm. 1893. 6025.* Effie Gertrude, July 15, 1850. [2450] SIBYL HAMLEN,» (Sister of Polly B.,) I b. Hillsdale, Mass., Sept. 28, 1811: m. Cummington, Mass., May 12, 1831, Cyrus, son of David and Lucy (Bridges) Beals, b. Windsor, Mass., Nov. 10, 1805; jtanner; resided in various places; Republican. She d. Florence, Mass., July J29, 1893; he d. Huntington, Mass. Oct. 12, 1880. Children: 1832, Cummington. 1836, Windsor. 1841, Savoy: unm. 1901. 1850, Cummington: d. Jan. 30, 1851. 1852, " "July 10, 1878, unm. [2451] OLIVE BURR HAMLEN," (Sister of Polly B.,) b. Cummington, Mass., Nov. 20, 1813; m. there, Dec. 5, 1839, Issachar Reed, son of Seth Reed and Perthina (Kingman) Ford,t b. Cummington, Jan. 22, 1809; 6026.* Leantha, b. 6027. Theron, u 6028. Clarinda, u 6029. Edwin O., a 6030. Edwin O., (( * Note 395. For Dyer see note 64. JESSE DYER. (His father and grandfather were named Christopher.) b. Ablngton, Mass.. 1769; m. Oct. 4. 1795, Sally, dau. of Dea. Samuel Pool. He settled in Ashfleld, Mass., 1790, on the farm where Benjamin M. Dyer lived 1891. + For Ford see notes 148 and 299. 604 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. carpenter; Curamington, until 1853; Bleeker, N. Y., until 1859; she Cong. Both d. Easthampton, Mass.; she Oct. 11, 1889; he Oct. 20, 1859. Children: 6031. Vesta Emilisse, 6032. Htjldah Burr, 6033.* Albert Hamlen, 6034.* Julia Cordelia, 6035. Martha Jake, 6036.* roldon rodolphus, 6037.* Lewis Thayer, b. Apr. 29, 1841, Cummington; d. Feb. 10. July 25, 1842, " Mar. 3, 1844, Mar. 18, 1846,- July 25, 1852, Mar. 30, 1854, Bleeker. May 4, 1856, d. Oct. 17, 1886. d. Mar. 13,1854. [2452] THERON AMES HAMLEN,* (Bro. of Polly B.,) b. Cummington, Mass., July 26, 1816; m. 1st, there. May 23, 1841, Clarinda H., dau. of John and Hannah (Richards) Orcutt, of Cummington, who d. there: m. 2d, May 4, 1843, Mary Ann Orcutt, sister of first wife; post rider from Northampton to Cummington; removed to Bleeker, N. Y., 1848, where he con- ducted a tannery; to Gloversville, N. Y., 1860, where he d. July 26, 1885. 6038.* 6039. 6040. 6041. Children: Theron Orcutt, Flora Clarikda, John Rockwell, Ida Hannah, b. April " Aug. " Jan. " Apr. 9, 1842, Cummington. 17, 1845, 4, 1851, Bleeker; 22, 1856, " d. Oct. 8, '79. [2453] SARAH ANN HAMLEN,8 (Sister of Polly B.,) b. Cummington, Mass., June 15. 1819; m. there, June 28, 1838, William H., son of William and Eliza Ann (Hayden) Guilford, b. Williamsburgh, Mass., 1817; carpenter and manufacturer of scythe stones; Cummington; postmaster; Congs. He d. 1877. 6042.* 6043. 6044. Children: George, Linda Eliza, Walter, b. July 10, 1839, Worthington. " Feb. 1, 1856, Cummington; d. June 11, 1857. " Apr. 22, 1861. " " Feb 8, 1862. [2454] ALDEN J. HAMLEN,8 (Bro. of Polly B.,) b. Cummington, Mass.; Nov. 16, 1821; m. there, Sept. 2, 1844, Angeline, dau. of Jacob and Naomi (Damon) Lovell, b. Cummington, Jan. 18, 1824; carpenter; Cummington until 1851; Bleeker, N. Y., until 1865; afterwards, Gloversville, N. Y.; Republican; Presbs. He d. Gloversville, Sept. 8, 1895. Children: 6045.* Julia Emma, b. May 28, 1847, Cummington. 6046.* Sarah Ella, " Sept. 1, 1849, u 6047.* Carrie Rosabel, " Dec. 26, 1853, Bleeker. 6048. Willie, " Dec 13, 1860, d. Aug. 19, 1861. 6049. Charles, " June 3, 1863, d. Dec. 9, 1863. 6050 •* Minnie May, " July 8, 1868, Gloversville. [2455] EDWIN OSCAR HAMLEN,* (Bro. of Polly B.-,) b. Cummington, Mass., Aug. 24, 1824; m. New Buffalo, Mich., Dec. 16, 1849, Harriet, dau. of Stephen Bunnell, b. Laporte, Ind., Aug. 4, 1832; farmer; re- EIGHTH GENEKATION. 605 |ioved to Laporte about 1844. He received a collegiate education; Adventist. [oth d. Laporte; he Apr. 30, 1883; she, Jan. 21, 1865. ' Ch. b. Laporte: 6051. Stephen O., Feb. 12, 1851; 6052. FlokindaJ., Aug. 4, 1852. 6053. Stephen Endorus, July 22, 1855; 6054.* George Theron, Nov. 27, 1858. Apr. 10, 1851. Oct. 3, 1875. [2456] ROBERT DAWES HAMLEN,» (Joshua,' lsaac,6 5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James, ^i) b. Cumraington, Mass., July 19, 1811; ra. 1st, Bennington, rt., July 19, 1838, Eliza S., dau. of Jonathan Buell and Harriet M. Norton, b. STorth Adams, Mass., May 17, 1828: he being then a resident of Augusta, Ga., Robert Dawes Hamlen. VhD d. N. Y. City, Feb. 17, 1851; m. 2d, Hoosic Falls, N. Y., by Rev. A. M. Bev- ^ridge, Oct. 25, 1852, Laura O. Norton, sister of first wife, b. Pownal, Vt., Feb. i7, 1825, He was many years a successful merchant and manufacture at l^ugusta^ Ga., from whence he removed to N. Y, City and there extensively en- l^aged in sugar refinery: removed to Buffalo, N. Y., about 1872, where he engaged Extensively in manufacture of flour sacks and paper bags, which was abandoned fibout 1880. He left Buffalo in May, 1881, and d. of Bright's disease, Benning- pon, Vt., Jan. 9, 1882; Republican; Baptists. His widow and son res. Benning- ton, Jan., 1897, am THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. by ttrst wife: 6055.* Flora, b. June 18, 1840, Bennington. 6056. Norton, " Apr. 10, 1842, Augusta; d. 1843. 6057.* Fannie, " July 18, 1845, Bennington. Ch. by second wife: 6058. Lara Norton, b. 1855, Brool^ir- ' -J..^Tmi~ ' v?SMWi'*M ' -:i"-»J>" -■ >-; -.«j > K H ft r c EC 608 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. iel, son of James Ash, b. in Maine, 1819; boarding house and stable keeper: Buffalo; Whig; Epis.; she Methodist. Both d. Buffalo; she Sept. 16, 1873; be! July 15, 1849. Ch. by 1st marriage, b. Buffalo: 6063.* Maky E, • 1830; d. Sept. 13, 1865, 6064. Charles, 1835, " Mar. 10, 1873. 6065. George, 1838, •' Oct. 8, 1873. By 2d marriage, b. Buffalo: 6066.* Sarah H., Sept. 1, 1842. 6067.* Nathaniel, Mar. 14, 1849. [2467] ANNA HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Eliza,) b. Clarence, N. Y., June 20, 1811; m. North Evans, N. Y,, June, 1829, Henry W., son of James Dixon, b. Eastern Shore, Md., Oct. 15, ; farmer: removed from North Evans to Hamburg, N. Y., spring of 1830; to Rock Co., Wis., 1842: Republican; she Methodist. Both d. Rock Co.; she. May 4, 1856; he, Nov. 2, 1871. Children: 6668.* Ephraim Bartley, b. July 12, 1830, Erie Co. 6069.* Benjamin P., " Aug. 31, 1832, " " 6070.* Ceorge Franklin, " Sept. 16, 1834, " " 6071. David J., " June 5, 18.37, " " d. July 24, 1843. 6072.* Polly A., " Dec. 23, 1839, " " 6073.* Margaret Ann, '^ Mar. 1, 1844, Spring Grove, Wis. 6074.* James Milton, " Oct. 28, 1847, Green Co., Wis. 6075.* Amanda M., " May 26, 1851, Avon, Wis. 6076. Lunettia M., " Feb. 20, 1854, '• d. Oct. 22, '56. [2469] AMANDA O. HAMLIN, » (Sister of Eliza,) b. Clarence, N. Y., Apr. 24, 1816, m. Eden, N. Y., Mar. 2, 1836, Martin W., son of Henry and Nancy (Conant) Andrus, b. Penfield, Monroe Co., N. Y., Mar. 10, 1816; farmer; North Evans, N. Y.; Prohibitionist; Methodists: she res. North Evans, N. Y., after 1830. Both d. North Evans; he, Nov. 22, 1891: she, Feb. 25, 1900. Ch. b. North Evans: 6077. Adaline a.. Jan. 17, 1837; d. July 22, 1839. 6078.* Alvira L., 1840. 6079. Amanda A., Apr, 7, 1846; " Apr. 22, 1846. 6080. Hen^ry H., Jan. 29, 1848, " Mar. 29, 1856. 6081.* Annie E., Apr. 5, 1853. 6082.* Charles H., July 3, 1856. [2484] JAMES D. HAMLIN," (Lenzea,^ David,^ Isaac,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 Jaraes,2i) b. Clarence, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1831; m. there, Jan. 18, 1879, Mary, dau. of John and Emily (Potter) Caul, by Coulsville, N. Y., July 31, 1853; before marriage a miner; since, a farmer; Clarance; she Presb. Ch. b. Clarence: 17, 1879; d. Aug. 22, 1880. 23, 1880. 21, 1882. 26, 1883. 9, 1886, 18, 1887. 4, 1891. 6083. Edwin, Oct. 6084. James M., Aug. 6085, Benjamine F., April 6086. George W., Aug. 6087. John H., April 6088. Charles A,, July 6089. Glezen F., Jun. EIGHTH GENERATION. 609 [2493] AMELIA C. HAMLIN,^ (Isaac,' David,^ Isaac,^ Benjamin,* :ieazer,3 James,2i) b. Clarence, N. Y., May 19, 1832: m. Doylestown, Ohio, lar. 13, 1851, William H.. son of John H. and Mary (CulbertsonJ Heffleman, b. ipril2, 1831; Doylestown; Methodists. Ch. b. Doylestown: 2, 1851; ra. H. Stotler. 24, 1853: unm. 1899. 20, 1856; m. F. ElJiot. 1857; d. Mar. 1858. 8, 1859; ra. W. Miller. 12, 1861; " Lillie Hartong. 19, 1865; d. July 8, 1873, unm. 14, 1869: unm. 1899. 1, 1875, " 1899. 6090. Laura A., Nov. 6091. Ada a., Ang. 6092. Ella F. Feb. 6093. ROLLA, Dec. 6094. Imogene M., Sept. 6095. Ira M., Nov. 6096. Jennie L., June 6097. Grace A., June 6098. Jessie F.. Nov. [2495] ORRA F. HAMLIN,« (Sister of Amelia C.,) b. Doylestown, Ohio, Sept. 16, 1837; m. Akron, Ohio, July 3, 1859, Ephriam lalor. b. Coventry, Ohio. June 13, 1834; stone cutter; Akron; Republican; she !'es. Barbertown, Ohio; Evangelical. He d. Oct. 12, 1887. Children: 6099.* Frank Leslie, b. May 6, 1861, Akron. 6100.* Rose, Dec. 6, 1864, »i 6101.* Austin Leonard, Feb, 18, 1866, Coventry. 6102.* Cora, Apr. 8, 1868, Akron. 6103. Louis P., Feb. 22, 1870; unm. 1902. 6104.* William Elgin, July n, 1872, Akron. 6105.* Abram Ephraim, Oct. 26, 1874, a 6106. Nancy E., June 21, 1877; unm., 1902. 6107. James O., Oct. 28, 1879, U (( [2499] WILLIAM G. HAMLIN,« Bro. of Amelia C.,) b. Doylestown, Ohio, Apr., 1845; member 164th Ohio Inf. Vols.; d. unm. in jhe army in Wis., 1865. [2501] BYRON S. HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Amelia C.,) b. Doylestown. Ohio, Apr. 3, 1849; m. there, Oct. 1, 1872, Mary Ellen, dau. jf Emanuel and Eliza (Franks) Stotler, b. Doylestown, Apr. 8, 1852; mechanic: Ikron, Ohio; Republican; member Summit Lodge No. 50, I. O. O. F.; Encamp- pent No. 18, Akron; Methodists. Ch. b. Akron: 6108. Harry A., June 12, 1874; unm. 1899. 6109. Percys., • Feb. 12, 1876, " 6110. Ray F., Apr. 24, 1881, " [2508] NEPHI PACKARD, 8 (Noah,' Molly Hamlen,« Isaac,' Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Parkman, Ohio; m. Nov. 10, 1861, Elizabeth, dau. of lenry and Ehzabeth (Martin) Ciucas, b. Sept. 2, 1843: miner and farmer: Spring- ille, Utah; has traveled in most of the western states and territories. [2512] Dr. SHEPARD L. HAMLEN,* (Reuben,' John,' Isaac,^ Benja- , min,* Eleazer,3 James,3i) b. Plainfield, Mass., Feb. 14, 1823; m. Cincinnati, l>hio, by Rev. Willis Lord, Nov. 10, 1850, Elizabeth B. Valentine, of Cincinnati; 610 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. res. Cincinnati; one Dr. S. L. Hamlen of Cincinnati, was surg:eon in tlie Union army in Tenn., Dec. 22, 1862. He d. N. Y. City, Mar. 6, 1866. Gil. b. Cincinnati: 6111. Lizzie Lokd, May 5, 1853. 6112. Ella Watts, Aug. 15, 1856. [2516J ALFKED W. HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Siiepard L.,) b. Plainlield, Mass., June 17, 18.34; m. Jefferson ville, Ind., Nov. 19, 1863, 'i Harriet N. Stratton, of JefEersonville. He d. New Albany, Ind., June 6, 1872. Ch. b. Jefferson ville: 6113. Hekry Barker, Aug. 23, 1864; m. Mary E. Lewis. 6114. Earle Warner, Dec. 7, 1871. [2517] ALBERT WALLACE HAML1N,8 ( Bro. of Shepard L.,) b. Plaintield, Mass., Mar. 12, 1839: m. Oct. 27, 1870, Rachael Mercer, of Princeton, Ills.; res. Princeton. She d. June 6, 1872. No issue. [2518] SALLY HAMLEN PRATT,8 (Clarissa HamlenJ John,« Isaac,^ Benjarain,^ Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Plaintield, Mass., Nov. 10, 1818; her name was changed to Sarah; m. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1859, Elder William, son of Heman and Polly W. (Tilton) Hyde, b. York, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1818: farmer; New York: Kirtland, and Far West, Mo.; Quincy and Nauvoo, Ills.; Salt Lake City, Lehi and Hyde Park, Utah; Probate Judge; Freemason; sergeant in Mexican war; enlisted July 16, 1846; dis. July 16, 1847; members Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Elder Hyde also in. Abigail, dau. of Charlesand Abigail (Pratt) Gloyd, of Cummington, Mass., cousin to Sally H. Pratt, by wliom he had children: Charles G., Abbie and Rosel Homer. Elder Hyde had other wives. Both d. Hyde Park; she Oct. 12, 1893; he Mar. 2, 1874. Ch. b. Hyde Park: 6115.* Nellie Mauia, July 4, 1861. [2519] LUCY GOVE PRATT,« (Sister of Sally H.,) b. Plainfield, Mass., Dec. 28, 1820; m. there, Oct. 28, 1847, Noah L., son of Charles and Abigail (Pratt (?) Gloyd, b. Cummington, Mass., Sept. 23,1818: manf. of woolen cloth; Cummington; Republican; Universalists. Both d. Cummington: she, Apr. 29, 1889; he, Feb. 9, 1888. Ch. b. Cummington: 6116. Clara Maria, Aug. 24, 1848: m. Daniel N. Dawes. 6117.* Charles Otis, Sept. 30, 1850. 6118. Abbie Amelia, May 27, 1861. [2520] MARY L. PRATT,« (Sister of Sally H.,) b. Plainfield. Mass., May 9, 1823: m. Abington, Mass., May 9, 1848, Leavitt, son of Samuel and Betsey (Lane) Torrey, b. Feb. 4, 1820; she d. Plaintield, June 10, 1851; he m. 2d, Susan Bartlett; shoemaker: South Weymouth, Mass. He. d. South Weymouth, Mass., Apr. 17, 1854. Ch. b. South Weymouth: 6119. Emma Hamlin, Mar., 1849; m. Geo. B. Lincoln. i EIGHTH GENERATION. 611 [2522] LAURA PRATT,8 (Sister of Sally H.,) b. Plainfield. Mass., Sept. 24, 1827: m. there, Apr. 4, 1848, William Justus, son of Justus and Polly (Robinson) Sbattuck, b. Smyrna, N. Y ., Aug. 31, 1822; farmer: Plaintteld, until 1865; Cummington, until 1871; since, Covert, Mich.; RepublicaD: she Cong. She d. Covert, Apr. 16, 1872. Ch. b. Plainfield: 6120.* Orla William, June 20, 1849. 6121.* Ella Audell, July 5, 1852. 6122.* Carrie Amanda, June 30, 1854. 6123. Fred Orville, May 30, 1857; unm. 1901. 6124.* Shepard Hamlin, May 24, 1859. [2523] BERNICE PRATT,8 (Bro. of Sally H.,) b. Plaintleld, Mass., July 13, 1829; m. 1st, Oct. 3, 1853, Lydia A. Pool, of Abbington, Mass.; tliey were divorced; m. 2d, Mary Kinney. He was in busi- ness in Boston, where he failed and returned to Cummington, Mass., where he d., June 12, 1901. Ch. by 2d wife: 6125. Harry. 6126. A Daughter. [2524] CELIA FORD,* (Abigail Hamlen,' John,^ Isaac^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i). b. Cummington, Mass., Oct. 28, 1819: m. there. Dec. 6, 1837, John Bement,' son of Nathan and Lucy (Munson) Waite,* b. Whately, * Note 397. GAMALIEL WATE (Waite), made freeman, Boston, Mass., Sept. 3, 1634; wife Grace. Ch. b. Boston: Moses, 4 mo., 1637; d. 1 mo., 1638. Grace, 10, 11 " 1638. Moses, 7 " 1640; d. T mo., 1641. Samuel, 1641. RICHARD WAYTE, b. England, 1608; made freeman, Boston, May 9, 1636-7; he had land in Watertown, Mass., 1637. It is traditional that he had sons. Thomas and Joseph. RICHARD WAYTE, wife Elizabeth. Ch. b. Boston : Isaac, • 9, 6 mo., 1638; d. 21, 6 mo., 1638. Returne, 8, 5 " 1639. Hannah, 14, 7 " 1641. Sergt. benjamin WAITE,2 b. as early.as 1644. It is traditional that he descends from one Thomas Waite, of Seconet, R. I., perhaps a bro tlier to Richard and Gamaliel; m. June 8, 1670, Martha, dau, of John Leonard, of Springfield, Mass., b. May 15,1649; he wa^ in Hadley, Mass., 1663, and in Hatfield, Mass., 1669. He was a brave, resolute man; his knowl- edge of Indian warfare, doubtless acquired in the Narragansett war, had much to do with his settlement in the Conn. Valley: for his superior ability as a leader in scout- ing as well as in fighting the Indians led him into that section; and it is Itnown that he was the liero of the Conn. Valley. On Sept. 19, 1677 his wife and children, with others, were captured by Indians at Hatfield and carried to Canada. He, with Stephen Jennings, went there and found them, paid the ransom of il.OOO. and bought them home. "The ransom paid was gathered by contributions amonge the English " (the Colonists). When Waite reached Canada he found that a daughter had been added to his family, who was named "Can- ada Waite." She married Joseph Smith, of Hatfield. When the news reached Hatfield of the attack of the French and Indians at Deerfleld, Mass, of Feb. 29, 1704, though then nearly sixty years old, he was the first to start to the rescue, and was killed in the Meadow fight. A monu- ment was erected to the memory of those who fell in that fight, in South Deerfleld, on Sept. 20, 19(X). JEREMIAH WAITE,3 b. Sept. 34, 1684; m. Apr. 4, 1703, Mary Graves, b. Hatfield, Mass., Feb. 24, 16S3. He d. 1733. NATHAN WAITE,* b. Hatfield. Feb. 1.^, 1711; m. Jan. 18, 1739, Hannah Billings, of Hat- 612 THE HAMLIN FAMILY Mass., Aug. 5, 1812; farmer; Whately. He resided on the same farm bought 1783, occupied by his father, grandfather and great grandfather; Democrat. Both d. Whately; she Feb. 15, 1890; he Apr. 16, 1888. Ch. b. Whately: ' g 6127.* Alfred Eugene, Sept. 20, 1840. 6128.* JoHK Edward, Dec. 12, 1843. 6129.* Adelaide Caroline, Sept. 20, 1845. 6130. Arthur Willington, Dec. 27, 1847; d. young. 6131.* Willis Ford, Mar. 21, 1850. 6132.* Mara Madora, Nov. 14, 1852. 61.33. Francis Deloss, Aug. 19, 1856; d. June 24, 1869. 61.34. Anna Lucrbtia, Feb. 17, 1860; unm. 1901. [2525] ANGELINE F0RD,» b. Cummington, Mass., Nov. 9, 1821; m. Arial S. Ayres, perhaps son of Aaron and June 9, 1820; farmer; Windsor, Plainfield she Cong. He d. Florence, Feb. 22, 1895. Children: 6135.* Rose Ellen, b. Feb. 61.36.* George Arial, " July (Sister of Celia,) New Lebanon, N. Y., July 4, 1843, Usebia Ayres, b. Windsor, Mass., and Florence, Mass.; Republican; 9, 1844, Windsor. 6, 1850, Plainfield. 613-i Jerome B., Mar. 26, 1854, [2526] OCTAVIA FORD,» (Sister of Celia,) b. Cummington, Mass., Sept, 23, 1823; m. there, June 27, 1852, Orrin, son of Orrin and Lydia (Snell) Terrill, b. Plainfield, Mass., Nov. 1822; farmer: Plain- field; Republican; she res. West Cummington: Cong. He d. Plainfield, Mar. 31, 1892. No issue. [2527] LAVANTIA FORD,« (Sister of Celia,) b. Cummington, Mass., Aug. 13, 1825; m. there, Sept. 13, 1844, Fayette, son of Brackley and Sillinda (Mason) Shaw,* b. Cummington, Oct. 3, 1824; tanner and leather dealer, retired; he resided Cummington, 1824^5; Bleeker, N. Y., about 1846; Cummington, 1848-55; Detroit, Maine, until 1865; since, Newton- ville, Mass.: Republican; Universalists. From various sources we have glimpses of the life and character of this delightful lady, who was a profound studeut of field, b. .Tuly 14, 170(i. He d. Whateley, Mass., Nov. 35, 179S; she d. Ashfield, Mass., Aug. 15, 1773. JEREMIAEI VVAITE,5 b. Doc. 6, 1742; m. 176-, Rachael Bement, of Ashfield, b. 1743. He moved from Ashfield to Whateley, 1783, bringing his father, who lived .with him, and bought a (arm of 125 acres there. He d. Mar. 16, 1817; she d. Dec. 23, 1814. NATHAN WAITE,« b. Sept. 2, 1766; m. Mar. 10, 1790, Lucy Monson, b. .June 3, 1773. He d. Apr. 9. 1830; she d. Jan. 15, 1840. .JOHN BEMENT WAITE,' b Apr. 5, 1812; m. Celia Ford. * Note .398. Since printing the Shaw note, 68, at pages 95-6, I have received later informa- tion on the sub,iect from Mrs. Florence E. Curtis, a descendant of that family, who has made diligent search of the records at Weymouth and Abbington, Mass., and carefully ('ompiled tlie result of her labor. It affords me pleasure to acknowledge her kindness by publishing these records as revised. ABRAHA.M SHAW,i b. England; m. there, 1616, Bridget, dau. of Henry Best of Ovenden, Halifax parish, Yorkshire, England, b. there, Apr. 9, 1.593. He came to Watertown, Mass, after 1630, where he was granted eighty acres of land, on which he built a house and mills; freeman, Mar. 9, 1636-7. His house was burned, Oct., 1636, and he moved to Dedham, Mass. He d. sudden- a f ^H 1 1 Lavantia Ford Shaw James. bap. Mar. 16. 1618 Gbace. b. Aug. 15, 1(521 Martha. " Dec. 11, 1633 Mary, " June 18, 1626 John, " Feb. 16, 1628 John, " May 2S, 1630 Martha, " June 6, 1632 EIGHTH GENERAT30J?}. (U3 jtlie history of the ancient East. In later years it was her beautiful custom to [entertain her friends with private readings from the subjects of her studies. iHer daughter pays her memory this tribute: "Neither words nor pen can tell of the many hearts she cheered, and the homes she brightened by her ready [sympathy and open purse, or the pleasure she gave her friends by her hospital- [ity." A friend writing on her decease mentions her as "an ardent student and [lover of literature: interested in the ancient lore of Egypt, Persia and East India, and had an unusual grasp of the meaning of their mystical sayings, with which she delighted her friends who were priveleged to listen to her on these subjects. In her home life she showed a loving and kindly spirit. A true and helpful wife and affectionate mother. She showed that home life and loves iwere dear and precious, but did not disregard calls for sympathy and aid. That [part of her life pertaining to charity and benevolence was bestowed without ostentation for the happiness of others. I . j ly in Boston; she d. Dedham or Weymouth, Mas's. The children were prob. h. England, except I perhaps the youngest. Edward Shaw, of Weymouth, may have been a son of Abraham. Children: 16, 1618, Northoram, Haliax. prob. d. young, m. Mr. Richards, d. Apr. 1, m29. m. Alice Philips and Hannah . " Thomas Vincent. , Dea. JOHN SHAW,3 b. England, May 23, 1630; ra. 1st, Alice, dau. of Dea. Nicholas and j; Hannah (Salter) Philips; m. 2d, Hannah . He prob. came to America with his parents in i infancy; and res. in Watertown, Dedham and Weymouth, Mass. He d. Weymouth, Mar. 2, 1718. ' For children, see note 68, page 96. JOSEPH SHAW,;< (.rohn,2 Abraham.i) see note 68; b. Weymouth, Mass., Apr. 15, 1664; m. 1st, .Judith ; m. 2d, Sarah , who d. Weymouth, July 18, 1716; m. 3d, Weymouth, Nor. i 13, 1716, Mary Blanchard; res. Weymouth, where he d. Nov. 13, 1744. Ch. by 1st wife. b. Weymouth: Elizabeth, Sept. 26, 1S67. Joseph, Jan. 11, 1691. Judith, May 4, 1693. Abigail, July 17, 1695. By 2d wife, b. Weymouth: Sarah, Dec. 6, 1706. Hannah. Oct. 8, 1708; d. Aug. 23, 17a), unm. Joseph, Mar. 11, 1711. John, Apr. 11, 1714. By 3d wife, b. Weymouth: Ebenezer, Apr. 23, 1718. Abraham, Sept. 8, 1720. Mary, July 24, 1723. Susanna, Mar. 3, 1726. Alice, Apr. 22, 1728. Abigail, Dec. 27, 1731. Lieut. EBENEZER SHAW,* b. Weymouth, Mass., Apr. 23, 1718; m. there, June 29, 1740, Annie Colson, res. Abington, Mass. Both d. there; he Nov. 21, 1796; she Feb. 15, 1799. Ch. b. Abington: Anne, Mary, Hannah. Lydia, Brackley, Sylvanus. Josiah, Apr. 15, 1763. May .30, 1745. Nov. 6, 1749. Apr. 2, 1754. July 3, 1757. Mar. 16, 1761. 614 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. n The address at her funeral began with a favorite quotation of hers: " you feel weary and languid and sometimes wonder why the angels tarry so long remember that the powers that can read the value of a human life know whej to call you home.'" The speaker continued: "This standing can scarcelj measure the value of a human life: it is only at times like this that we reali'd" something of the worth of human life. The sadness of the hour, the deei grief, the precious memories, the yearning of hearts for the old time love, af tell more eloquently than words can express of the beauty and strength of tt life now closed to earth." "She won a large circle of friends by her gracioi hospitality and her many deeds of charity that her nearest friends had no ide of their number or extent." She d. Battle Creek, Mich., July 31, 1901. Children: Julius Cicero, b. Dec. 20, 1846, Bleeker, N. Y.: d. Oct. 8, '4 Florence Ella, " Aug. 13, 1849, Cummington, Mass. SrLLiNDA Mason, " Dec. 4, 1857, Detroit, Maine. Fayette Delos, " Jan. 25, 1862, " " 6138. 6139.* 6140.* 6141.* [2530] MARTHA HAMLIN J^ORD,» (Sister of Celia, ) b. Cummington, Mass., July 3, 1831; m. Williamsburg, Mass., Nov. 27, 1851 Calvin L., son of Nathaniel and Sarah (Lukas) Bartlett, b. Plaintield, Mass Jan. 29, 1827; mechanic; Plainfield, Lee and Florence, Mass.; Freemason; si member O. E. S. Children: 6142.* Evelyn Augusta, b. Aug. 12, 1855, Lee; ra. Warner Clark. 6143.* Walter Lee, " Jan. 24, 1859, Cummington. SYLVANUS SHAW,5 b. Abington, Mass., about 1762; m. Hingham, Mass., Nov. 15, 17S Persis Wilder, dau. of Laban and Persis (Wilder) Stoddard. He was a Rev. soldier and serve various terms of enlistment, 1781-3; pensioned Mar. 1, 1831, age then given, 69 years. He : Abington; removed to Cummington, Mass., soon after marriage where nearly all their childri were b. ; Universalists. Both d. Cummington. Children: b. Mar. 31, 1794. " Oct. 12, 1795. " June 1, 1797. " Nov. 31, 1798. " Feb. 28, 1801. " Sept. 38, 1803, ' Sept. 27, 1804. ' June 19, 1806. ' Jan. 31, 1808. ' June 27, 1809. ' Mar. 1, 1811. ' July 30. 1S14; d. Aug. Kj, 1817. ' May 8, 1810, Sylvands, Ebenezer, Bkackley, Bela, LOKA, Clarissa, Caleb Thaxter, Persis Wilder, Spencer, Louisa, Charles C, Mary Ann, Alonzo Crossincj, June 15, 1817. BRACKLEY SHAW,« b. Cummington, Mass.. June 1, 1797; m. there, Jan. 1, 1823, Sillind: dau. of Joseph Mason, b. Nov. 6, 1795 ; tanner and farmer; Cummington; Universalist; both< Cummington; he about 1848; she about 1S58. Ch. b. Cummington: Lorenzo, Fayette, ElBRID(3E, Brackley, William, SlLLlNDA, Selina, Thaxter, Sarah, Oct. 11,1822. Oct. 3, 1834. May 7, 1827. April 10, 1829. Jan. 30, 1831. April 39, 1833. July 5,183.5. Sept. 3, 1837. Mar. 3, 1740. EIGHTH GENERATION. 615 [2531] SARAH E. HAMLIN,* (Lyman,' John,6 Isaac,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. West Bloomfield, N. Y., May 20, 1827; m. Sept. 7, 1848, John C. Johns; blacksmith: Holly, Mich. She d. VVaterford, Mich., Mar. 26, 1839. Children: 6144. Horace E,, b. Apr. 20, 1850, Victor, 6145. Florence J., " June 23, 1852, [30,1855. 6146. Charles H., " May 10, 1855, E. Bloomfield; d. Oct. 6147. George B. McClellan, " May 5, 1862, Clarksville, Mich. [2532] MARY M. HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Sarah E.,) b. West Bloomfield, N. Y., April 3, 1830; m. Nov. 13, 1854, Russell Bradley; [■cattle dealer; Waterford, Mich. Ch. b. Waterford: 6148. Lewis H., Aug. 30, 1855. 6149. Martha L., Sept. 30, 1856. 6150. Clarence E., Jan. 10, 1865. [2533] AMELIA HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Sarah E.,) b. West Bloomfield, N. Y., Mar. 29, 1833; m. Mar. 29, 1833, William D. Quick; 1 cooper; Bloomingdale, Mich. Children: 6151. Bela B., b. Mar. 17, 1859, Clarkston. 615--'. Lizzie Augusta, " Jan. 14, 1861, Clarkston; d. May 11, 1862. 6153, Emanuel H., " Nov. 4, 1870, Paw Paw, " Bloomingdale " [2535] HORATIO B. flAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Sarah E.,) b. West Bloomfield, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1837; m. Commerce, Mich., Dec. 17, 1861, Harriet Brown, of Clarkston, Mich.; res. Detroit, Mich. [2536] WILLIAM H. HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Sarah E.,) b. West Bloomfield, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1840; m. Clarkston, Mich., by Rev. Mr. Owen, Jan. 8, 1873, Minerva, only child of Edgar and Ammorilla Bartlett, b. Groveland, Mich., 1849; clothier: Pontiac, Mich; she, Methodist. He d. Pon- tiac, Oct. 23, 1889; she d. July 7, 1895. Ch. b. Pontiac: 6154. Bessie A., Apr. 14, 1879. 6165. Harry B., May 23, 1882. [2537] MARTHA A. HAMLIN/ (Sister of Sarah E., ) , b. West Bloomfield, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1843; m. by Rev. D. E. Hill, May 2, 1865, Dennis ColHns, b. England; stonemason; Detroit, Mich. He d. Detroit, Aug. 15, 1893, aged 56 years. Ch. b. Pontiac: 6156. Alice Izora, 1868, Pontiac; d. 1870. [2540] FREDERICK B. HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Sarah E., ) b. West Bloomfield, N. Y., July 31, 1853; m. Pontiac, Mich., by Rev. C. T. Allen, Apr. 4, 1877, Lizzie Weeks, b. there, Aug. 19, 1853; tinsmith and plumber; Clarkston, Mich. ,■1 M 616 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: 6157. Jessie L., b. Mar. 5. 1879, Clarkston 6158. William H., " May 9, 1881, Pontiac. 6159. Grace May, " Sept. 12, 1883, u 6160. Alice Ellen, " May 24, 1885, (( 6161. Flora Bell, " May 14, 1887, i( ^'OKAj ^t\\^J^J ^^Vcrww \cAAAi9\j^cK a (To cAy\AAJ2AX/\_ [2541] EDWARD F. HAMLIN,^ (Freeman,' John,6 Isaac,5 Benjamin, Eleazer,» James,ai) b. Plainfleld, Mass., June 6, 1842; m. N. Y. City, by Rev William II. Brodt, June 9, 1868, Helen Alice, dau. of Franklin and AngelineD, (Higgins) Church, b. Worthington, Mass., 1844. First Sergt. I, 52 Mass Inf Vols.; mustered Oct. 11, 1862; dis. Aug. 14. 1863. Executive Secretary for Governor and Council of Mass., since 1878; Boston; member Mountain Miller Post 198, G. A. R., Plainfield. He has furnished valuable records for this work. Ch. b. Boston: 6162.* Franklin Church, Sept. 19, 1876. EIGHTH GENERATION. 617 [2546] DAVID B. AMES,^ (Polly Hamlen,' John.s Lsaac,5 Benjamin,* Eleazei-,3 James,2i) b. Feb. 25, 18.37; m. Isfc, Jan. 14, 1865, Mary Gates, of May- field, Ohio: m. 2d, Feb. 24, 1876, Victoria Anderson. [2552] LOUISA ADALINE MESSENGER,^ (Betsey, Phillips,' Eliza- beth Hamlin,* Eleazer,« Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James, ^i) b. Fitchburg, Mass., Oct. 1, 1801; m. Jan. 28, 1823, David, son of Joseph and Polly (Sawyer) Lowe.* b. Fitchburg, July 20, 1800; farmer; Fitchburg. She was a lady of rare intellectual powers, a strict Calvinist', uncompromising upon temperance, and looked upon social pleasures with criticism. They settled on a farm divided from her child- hood hom,e by the liigh way, where her life was passed near, her parents, in peace, comfort and prosperity, living frugally, thatstoemight give abundantly. Missions were the leading objects of her benefactions. Her i:n otto was: "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." At whatever her hands were busy, her mind was ever active. The practice of reading never left lierandshe was considered authority on religious and historical subjects. Her death came without warning, Mar. 23, 1886. He d. July 30, 1866. Ch. b. Fitchburg: 6163.* John, May ^, 1824. 6164.* Calvin Messenger, Sept. 3, 1826. 6165.* David Sawyer, Dec. 23, 1829. 6166. Seth Philtjps, Oct. 22, 1831; d. Jan. 10, 1835. 6167.* Seth Lyman, July 22, 1835. 6168.* George, Mar. 6, 1838. 6169. Daniel, June 3, 1840; d. Sept. 23, 1842. 6170. Daniel Clark, ' May 25,. .1843, " Aug. 9, 1845. 6171.* Stephen Clark; ' Jan. 7, 1847. [2553] HORACE PHILLIPS MESSENGER,^ (Bro. of Louisa A.,) b. Fitchburg, Mass., April 17, 1803; m. there, Jan. 20, 1831, Sarah Winch, dau. of Abigail and Sarah (Gray) Hartwell, b. Fitchburg, April 23, 1811; farmer; Fitchburg; Republican; Congs. Both d. Fitchburg; he, Aug. 20, 1874; slie, Aug. 19, 1889. Children: 6172.* Sarah Elizabeth, b. Dec. 10, 1831, Fitchburg. 6173. Susan Augusta, '• Nov.. 29, 1335; d. Feb. 10, 1838. 6174.* George Edward, ' " Sept. 23, 1847. , [2555] BETSEY MESSENGER,^ (Sister of Louisa A.,) b. Fitchburg, Mass., Jan. 26, 1806; m. Jan. 20, 1831, Joseph, sqn of Joseph and Susan (Thurston) Upton, b. Fitchburg, Oct. 5, 1807; mason and farmer; Fitchburg; Republican; Congs: She d. Dee. 25, .1864; he d. Fitchburg, Mar. 14, 1870. * Note 399. JOSEPH LOWE, b. Fitchburg, Mass., Dec. 5, 1763; .nif ,by Rev. .Tohn Payson, Dec. 27, 1787, Polly Sawyer. He d. Dec. 25, 1803; she d. Mar. 30, 1806, aged 48. 618 THE HAMLIN FAMILY Cb. prob. b. Fitchburg: 6175.* Susan Elizabeth, Oct. 9, 1831. 6176. Calvin, May 21, 1833; d. Oct. 4, 1849. 6177.* Jane Augusta, Jan. 19, 18.35, Fitchburg. 6178.* Emily Maria, Dec. 31, 1837. 6179.* Louisa Adaline, Feb. 1, 1839, Fitchburg. 6180.* Harrison, Dec. 2, 1840, n 6181.* Mary Thurston, Apr. 11. 1843. 6182. Daniel. June 21, 1844: d. Aug. 29, 1844 6183. Lydta Hawes, Aug. 27, 1846, " Aug. 12. 1847 6184.* Abbie Caroline, Nov. 2 1849, Fitchburg. [2556] LYDIA ME.SSENGKR,8 (Sister of Louisa A.,) b. Fitchburg. Mass., June 11,1809; m. 1st, May 6, 1830, Samuel, son of Robert and Anne (Esterbrook) Howes,* a weathy gentleman. Their married life of forty-three years was unusually happy: Congs; m. 2d, Aug. 14, 187fl, Rev. John, son of Col. John and Abigail (Stowell) Wood,* b. Alstead, N. H.. July 24, 1809. • No issue. [2557J CoL. IVERS PHILLIPS,* (Samuel,' Elizabeth Hamlen.f' Eleazer,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James.^i) b. Ashburnham, Mass., July 28, 1805; m. 1st, Fitchburg, Mass., Nov. 1, 1828, Rebecca, dau. of Thomas Carter, of Leominster, Mass., who d. July 2, 1867; m. 2d. Worcester, Mass., Jan. 19, 1869, Mrs. Abbie Rebecca, widow of Daniel Rundlett Haines, and dau. of Sewell and Abigail (Kendall) Richardson, b. Leominster. July 2, 1820. It is stated in his obituary that his biography would be the history of Fitchburg for seventy-five years: it would be much more. He was a man of varied accomplishments. He attended the public school in his native town until 1812, when he removed with his father's family to Fitchburg. where he was reared upon a farm and there attended school in the south-east room of the old Cowdin tavern, corner of Main and Blos.som streets, where the Ameri- can house stands. At the age of eighteen he attended New Ipswich Academ.v one term and part of another. He worl<:ed upon the farm in summer and taught school in winter. A successful teacher in the public scliools. A pleas- ant episode of liis life was the reunion of his old pupils on the occasion of his 85th birthday, when there were present forty persons who had sat under his instruction, whose average age was 73 years. From 1833 he entered upon a life of unusual activity and success. He resided in Fitchburg until 1837, when he removed to Worcester, but returned to Fitchburg f\i 1844, and in 1860 again made his home in Worcester. In 1873 he went to Colorado, and in 1882 .sold his;, home in Worcester and built a fine residence in Boulder, Col., and as he quaintly, put it, "Settled down for life," at the age of 77 years! ■ He was an enthusiastic militia officer; joined tlie ''Fitchburg Fusileers"at the age of seventeen, Corporal at eighteen, Ensign from 1827 to 1831, and in the; latter year was Lieutenant, Major, Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel 4th Regt. of Inf., 7th Division Mass. Militia, which was disbanded and he was honorably * NoTK 400. ROBERT HOWES, b. Apr. l-i, 1755; m. Sept. 30. 1782, Anne Esterbrook, b. Sept 13, 1750. They came to Fitchburg, Mass., 1790, where both cl. ; he May 28, 1821 ; she May 1.3, 1830. * Note 401. Cor.. JOHN WOOD, son of Thomas and Mary Wood, b. South Brookfield; Mass., Apr. 29, 1751; d. Dec. 28, 1830. EIGHTH GENERATION. 619 discliarg'ed. On reorganization of the militia he was elected Colonel of the 9th ^lass. Inf., and resigned May 26, 1835, before he was 30 years of age. He commanded the Worcester Light Infantry Company, 1840-2. He commanded a company of 100-day men, from 50 to 75 years of age, called '-The Massachu- setts State Guards," called into service during the Rebellion, but the mem- bers were considered too old for active duty, and the company performed escort and light duty. His la.st military service with the organization was on July 4th, 1875, at the dedication of the Soldiers' Monument at Worcester. For 40 years succeeding 1833 he was in active business in Massachusetts; deputy sheriff, 18.33-50: coi'oner, 1836-59. A unique incident in his career is tliat he served five years as deputy sheriff without bond being required of him. Justice of the peace, 1840-70, fifteen years of which his jurisdiction was co- extensive with the state as justice of the peace and of the quorum. He was elected state senator by the vote of the Democrats and Free Soilers, 1852; general assignor under U. S. bankruptcy law, assignor under the Massachusetts insolvent laws, and settled many estates. Collector U. S. Internal Revenue, Eighth Dist. Mass., 1862-9; Chief of P(jlice, Worcester, seven years; member of school committee several years; founder of the Fitchburg High School. He was for many years identified with the affairs of the various agricultural societies. President Worcester North Agricultural Society, trustee or director In each of the Worcester County, New England and The United States Agri- cultural Society; member of the Mass. Board of Agriculture. From 1840 to 1873 he was engaged in constructing and operating railroads in Massachusetts, and subscribed to every railroad running into Fitchburg. He was president of thiee railroads in the aggregate over 20 years; an early advocate of the Ver- mont and Massachusetts R. R., of which he was director; also of the Fitchburg and Worcester, and its second president. Upon taking charge of It in 1849, the debts exceeded half the cost of the road. After the first year regular divi- dends were paid, and when he left the road In 1866 the debts amounted to but $2000, with money in the treasury to pay it. For six years he was engaged In the manufacture of cotton and woolen goods In Fitchburg. President Fitch- burg Gas Co. twelve years: trustee Fitchburg Savings Bank several years; director in the National Bank, Fitchburg, and director First National Bank, Boulder, Col., several years, and for some time its president. He built many public buildings and manufactories about Fitchburg. At one time $20,000 was appropriated for a city hall, when It was decided that it could not be erected at that price. He, being one of the city officers, offered to resign and take the contract for that sum. His offer was accepted and he successfully completed the building. He was a popular auctioneer for many years, and was often called to preside over large assemblies, conventions, town meetings, etc. When the old parties broke up in the "oOs he was one of three men in Mas- sachusetts who sent out circular letters to prominent men of all the old par- ties requesting a meeting in Boston to look over the political situation of the country and take action. Several meetings were held, with increased attend- ance, culminating in a gigantic mass meeting at Worcester, where the Repub- lican party in Massachusetts was born. Col. Phillips was chosen a delegate and attended the National Republican convention at Philadelphia which nom- inated Gen. Fremont as the first Republican candidate for president, 1856. He was ever afterwards an earnest member of the Republican party. After his removal to Colorado in 1873, lie was not in regular business as 620 ' THE HAMLIN FAlj^IILY. before, but did consirlerable railroading, Ipanking and mining for himself and others, and secured valuable properties there. He gave valuable works of art to the University of Colorado, the Phillips collection being highly prized. In statue he was over six feet in height. He was made a Mason in Aurora Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Oct. 10, 182(5; mem- ber of Thomas Chapter, R. A. M., May 17, 1844, and of Worcester Commandery, K. T., 1860. Member of committee of arrangement Triennial Conclave,K. T., Denver, 1892, and attended the Conclave in Boston, 1895. In the latter year he wrote me: "My health is fair, and 1 am still able to accomplish something, and 1 think it best lor me to keep in harness as long as I aim able." He had hoped to reach the century mark, and often spoke to friends of the possibility of such consummation, and retained his mental faculties until the last year af his life. After a year's illness he died of heart disease at Boulder, June 10,1900. His remains were interred at Fitchburg, under the auspices of Worcester Commapdery, where an address was delivered by Rev. W. F. Greenman, paying a strong tribute to the character of the deceased as "Simple, true, brave, tender, cheery, an enthusiastic educator, an honest offi- cial and legislator, a sterling citizen, a true child of God, whom he trusted and loved, and he loved and served his fellow man." Children: 6185. Mary Ann, b. Sept. 14. 1829, Fitchburg, 6186.* IvERS Carter, " July 9, 1831, tc 6187.* Harriet Rebecca, "July 6, 1833, u 6188.* Sarah T., " Apr. 22, 1836, (( 6189.* Abbie Louisa, " Nov. 20, 1839, Worcester, [2558] SAELY PHILLIPS,^ (Sister of I vers,) b. Ashburn'ham, Mass., July 29, 1811; m. Fitchburg, Mass., Jan. 1, 1830, Charles, son of Thomas and Margaret (Adams) Russell, b. Ashburnham, Sept.. 10, 1804: carpenter; Fitchburg; Republican; Universalist; member Aurora Lodge A. F. & A. M.; she Cong.; she d. Fitchburg, Jan. 31, 18.38. He m. 2d, Harriet Stone Farrar, and had Mary Adams, b. in the Seth Phillips house, Rockville; West Fi'tchburg, July 20, 1840, who m. 1st, George Lowe;9 m. 2d, his brother, John Lowe. 'J He d. Fitchburg, July, 1865. Ch. b. Fitcliburg: I 6190.* Sarah Amanda, Dec. 4, 1830. 6191.* Caroline Lowe, Nov. 10, 1833. 6192.* Charles Francis, July 15, 1836. [2559] LAURA OLIVIA FAIRBANKS,' (Lydia Phillips.^ Elizabeth Hamlen," Eleazer,'' Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,'-') b. Ashburnham, Mass., Mar. 11, 1809; m. there, Nov. 26, 1827, Emery Rice, b. Ashburnham, Jan. 1, 1803; miller; later in life real estate dealer; Troy, N. Y.; Ashburnham, until 1848; , Chelsea, Vt., until 1867; afterwards, Lebanon, N. H.; FreeSoiler. ' Bothd. Lebanon; she Jan. 31, 1892; he Feb. 22, 1873. ' • Children: 6193.* Emery Ezekiel, b. Aug. 19, 1828, Troy. 6194. George H., (1 Feb. 18, 1830, u 6195. Lucius E., (( May 2, lf^32, Ashburnham 6196.* Marion Arrdelia, u Apr. 13, 1839, u 6197.* Laura Ann, u Mar. 7, 1842, 1 ( EIGHTH GENERATION. 621 [2560] EUROPE HAMLIN FAIRBANKS/ (Bro. of Laura O.,) b. Ashburnliam, Mass., Sept. 14, 1810; m. Sallie E. Crehore; farmer: Ash- iburnham; Republican: Gongs. He d. Ashburnham, 1890. Children: (5198. Henky. 6199. Herbert. 6200.* Albert Phillips, b. Sept. 11, 1849, Fitchburg. ' [25611 SETH PHILLIPS FAIRBANKS,^ (Bro. of Laura O.,) b. Ashburnliam, Mass., Mar. 11, 1812; m. 1st, Almira, dau. of Itharaar Fair- Ibanks, b. Nov. 15, 1810, who d. .Jan. 8, 1848: ra. 2d, Charlotte E.,dau. of Joel and ^Lucy (Stearns) Brown: carpenter; Ashburnham; Congs. He d. Ashburnham", JM^r. 1, 1886. ! Ch. by 1st wife, b. Ashburnham: 6201.* Charles Lewis, Dec. 12, 1839. 6202. Ellen Almira, Oct. 16, 1841; m. Rodney King. 6203. Albert Willis, Sept. 5, 1846; d. Aug. 10, 1847. By 2d wife, b. Ashburnham: 6204. Harriet Elizabeth, Jan. 4, 1850; d. May 7, 1867. 6205.* Frank Everett, Dec. 9, 1857. 6206.* Adelaide Ellsworth, Aug. 1, 1861. [2562] SHERMAN DEXTER FAIRBANKS,^ (Bro. of Laura O.,) [ b. Ashburnham, Mass., Jan. 6, 1814; m. Cohoes, N. Y., Lydia ; me- 'chanic: moved to Cohoes; manf. of silk knit underwear; Republican. He d. Cohoes, Dec. 16, 1863. Children: 6207. Jeremiah. 6208. David. [2563] LYDIA HARRIET FAIRBANKS,^ (Sister of Laura O.,) b. Ashbarnham. Mass., Apr. 10, 1816; m. 1st, Varon Wood; m. 2d, Foster, of Ashley, Mass.; she was a popular school teacher; one daughter, all dead. Shed. 1852. [2564] MERCY ELIZABETH FAIRBANKS,* (Sister of Laura O.,) b. Ashburnham, Mass., Apr. 18, 1818; m. Joseph Wood; she d. Fitchburg, , 1843. ! Child: 6209. Waldo, res. New York City. [2565] CAROLINE ARDELIA FAIRBANKS,^ (Sister of Laura O.,) b. Ashburnham, Mass., Feb. 22, 1820; m. there, Nov. 2, 1843, Artemas Rand, son of Henry and Asenath (Rand) Smith, b. Rindge, N. H., June 16, 1816; mer- chant and iron founder; Fitchburg; Republican; she was a school teacher; I Unitarians. He d. Fitchburg, Mar. 23, 1875. Ch, b. Fitchburg; * 6210.* Margaret Lydia, Apr. 4, 1850. 6211. Ralph Hamlin, Feb. 19, 1855; d. April 3, 1863. 6212.* Gertrude Elizabeth, Nov. 14, 1860. 622 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [2567] JACOB HORATIO FAIRBANKS.* (Bio. ol' Laura O.,) b. Ashburnham, Mass., Sept. 7, 1825: m. 1st, Chelsea, Mass., June 2, 1858. Margaret Emma, dau. of and Polly (Durant) Ferson, b. Francistown, N. H., Mar. 9, 1835; memberW. C. T. U.: Y. M. C. \. Aux.; Baldwinville Home for Crippled Children, and Old Ladies' Home; Cong.; She d. Fitchburg, Mass., July, 1897; m. 2d, Fitchburg, May 25, 1898, Caroline, dau. of Samuel Severence and Samantha Newton (Grout) Holton, b. Erving, Mass., July 2. 1855; Cong.: member W. C. T. U.; Y. M. C. A. Aux.: Old Ladies' Home; Hastings Home for Working Girls. He merchant; Fitchburg; Republican. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Fitchburg: 6213. Emma Isabel, Jan. 14, 1863: d. July 25, 1863. [2574] ZOA STONE HAMLIN,* (Africa,7fi Eleazer.s Benjamin.* Elea- zer,3 James,2i) b. Harvard, Mass., Apr. 24, 1814; she res. Haverhill, Mass., 1897 unmarried. [2575] JOHN CHASE HAMLm,* (Bro. of Zoa S.,) b. Harvard, Mass., Dec. 23, 1817: m. 1st, Martha D. Nichols, who d. without issue; m. 2d, Sept. 25, 1851, Nancy C, dau. of Daniel and Nancy Smith, b. Aug. 2, 1826; stone cutter in early life; later, farmer; Haverhill, Mass. He wa^ deeply interested in Freemasonry, and held an office twenty-four years in Win- slow Com mandery, K. T.; was elected to receive the degrees in Salem Council, Royal and Select Masters, and in Sutton Lodge of Perfection, 1870. His hon- esty and uprightness were proverbial; a genial companion and true friend: hi;- deep and abiding love for all humanity was often manifested by his noble and generous gifts. He retired from business three years before his deatli. He d. Haverhill, Jan. 31, 1893. Ch. b. Haverhill: 6214.* Martha Denkis, July 26, 1852. 6215.* John Warren, Jan. •> 1854. 6216.* Harriet Chase, May 10, 1856. 6217.* Armenta E., Dec. 3, 1859. 6218.* Mary Ebima, Feb. 4, 1865. 6219.* Alice M., Mar. 30, 1867. 6220. Annie S., Apr, 22, 1870: d. Sept. 11, 1879. [2576] SARAH ADAMS HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Zoa S.,) b. Harvard, Mass., June 22, 1820: m. Haverhill, Mass., Nov. 26, 1839, William Thomas, son of William Savory and Mary Ann (Hoyt) Jaques, b. Newburyport. Mass., Jan. 2, 1820: milk dealer; Haverhill, since 1840; Republican; Congs. She d. Haverhill. June 9, 1891. Ch. b. Haverhill: \ 6221. William Henry, Oct. 10, 1841; m.; d. May 7, 1899. ! 6222. Harriet Hamlin, Aug. 11, 1846; "Apr. 2.1847. I 6223.* Charles Aaron, Oct. 19, 1848. '■ 6224. Eugene Haskell,, June 20, 1850; d. June 20, 1857. • 6225.* Joseph Howard, Dec. 29, 1853. i I! [2577] ELIZA ANN HAMLIN,* (Paladore,' Africa,6 Eleazer,^ Benja-j min,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Waterford, Me., Jan. 24, 1818; m, there. Feb. 19,: EIGHTH GENERATION. 623 ,1837, Enoch, son of Chandler and Delight (Morse) Perry,* b. Waterford, Oct. 13, 1814; farmer; Waterford. He d. there, Aug. 16, 1886. Children: 6226. Andrew, b. Oct. 31, 18.39, Waterford. 6227. Margaret H.. :' Sept. 20, 1843, " d. May 21, 1853. 6228. JohnC.Freemont," Sept. 18, 1856, Bridgton, " Sept.l9, 1856. [2579] CAROLINE KILGORE,^ (Susannah Hamhn," Africa.e Eleazer,-^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Waterford, Me., Oct. 8, 1811: ra. there, Dec. 4, 1835, Henry Bailey, b. Westbrook, Me., Aug. 1, 1809; mechanic; Bridgton, Me. [Both d. there; she Apr. 13, 1891; he May 25, 1889. Children: 6229. George H.. b. Oct. 15, 1837, Bridgton; m. Eliza Gibbs. 6230.* Ann L., " Mar. 5, 1840, Harrison. [2580] HAMILTON KILGORE,« (Bro. of Caroline,) b. Waterford. Me., Dec. 11, 1813; m. 1st, Mary Stevens, who d. Oct. 10, 1844, aged 21 years; m. 2d, Frances C. Knight, of Otisfield, Me.; farmer. He d. May 2. 1846., HARRIET NEWELL K]LGORE,8 (Sister of CaroHne,) b. Waterford, Me., Oct. 29, 1816; m. South Waterford, Mar. 14, 1836, Wil- I liam Bailey, son of David and Hannah (Bailey) McWain,* b. Bangor, N. Y., jdct. 14, 1814; merchant; South Waterford. He d. Waterford, Apr. 26,1850; I she res. Waltham, Mass.. with her daughter Harriet. Ch. b. S. Waterford: 6231. 6232.* 6233.* 6234. 6235.* 6236.* 6237.* Or]«sa, May Charles William, Dec. David Bailey, Nov. Harriet Ejhilie, Feb. George Washington, May Daniel Hubbard, Aug. William Dana, Jan. 27, 1838; d. Mar. 17, 1839. 1, 1839. 16, 1841, 5, 1843; m. Dr. Edward L. Hamlin,** 8, 1845, 8, 1847. 21, 1850. * Note 402. CHANDLER PEEEY'; m. Delight Morse; farmer; removed from Bethel to Waterford, Me. Children: Thomas, Enoch, Catherine. Lewis, John. Charles, m. Phebe Stone. " Eliza A. Hamlin. m. Priscilla Coolidge. m. Burnham. * Note 40:i DANIEL McWAIN, b. Bangor, N. Y., May 20, 1784; m. 1st Bangor, 1807, Hannah Bailey, b, Sept. 16, 1785, who d. Bangor, Oct. 5, 1815; m. 2d, Bangor, .Tan, Laura Willard. b. Sept. 9, 1793. He moved from Bangor, N. Y. to Waterford. Me., 1824, the estate left him by his uncle, David McWain. who was b. Bolton, Mass., Dec. 24, 1' who was the first white settler in Waterford, 1775, and a bachelor. David McWain, the er d. Waterford, Dec. 11. 1834. .Jan. 9, 19, 1817, to take '52, and j^oung- Children: Mary A., b. Feb. 4, 1809, Jane A., " Mar. 7, 1810, William Bailey, " Qct. 16, 1814, David A., " Mar. 21). 1818, Andrews S, " July 16, 1820, Leavitt B., '• Nov. 21, 1822. Hannah Angeline. " Apr. 13, 1829, Anna Almeda, " June 14. 1831, ; d. Oct. 13, 1815. m. Capt. Thomas Hapgood. " Harriet N. Kilgore. '• Melissa Potter, d. Oct. 13, 1832. m. Rebecca Kilgore. " Marshall Sanderson. " Charles Sanderson. 624 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [2583] SUSAN STONE KILGORE,* (Sister of Caroline,) b. VVaterford, Me., Mar. 27, 1819: m. Charlestown, Mass., Mar. 30, 1848 Henry Dana, b. Springfield, Vt., CharlestQwn, Dec. 13, 1894. Children: 6238. William Henry, 6239. Mary Susan, 6240. Lydia Mansfield, 6241. Ella Frances, Apr. 16, 1815: builder; Charlestown. He dJ b. Feb. 26, 1848, Charlestown; d. there. " Ang. 30, 1849, Waterford. " Apr. 10, 1852, Charlestown. " Jan. 2, 1855, " unm. 1902, [2584] ALMIRA KILGORE,^ (Sister of Caroline,) * b. Waterford, Me., Feb. 22, 1821; m. there, Feb. 4, 1855, Samuel Skillings; farmer; Waterford, where he died. She d. Bridgton, Me., May, 1892. [2585] REBECCA KILGORE,* (Sister of Caroline,) b. Waterford, Me., Nov. 16, 1823; ra. Leavitt B., son of David McWain,*bJ Bangor, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1822; farmer; Waterford. Both d. Waterford; she Apr.j 4, 1852. Ch. b. Waterford: 6242. Jane, Aug. 7, 1841: 6243. John. 6244. Anna, Apr. 16, 1848. 6245. Laura, Jan. 12, 1850. [2587J EMERSON KILGORE,8 (Bro. of Caroline, ) b. Waterford, Me., May 10, 1829; m. Helen Hale; res. Norway Lake, Me, Children: 6246. Henry C, 6247. Herbert. 6248. Webster. 6249. Samuel. [2588] HENRY KILGORE,« (Bro. of Caroline,) b. Waterford, Me., Jan. 6, 1831; m. Jane Stewart; res. Norway, Me, ' Child: 6250. A Daughter. [2589] MARY HAMLIN,^ fCostella,^ Africa," Eleazer,^ Benjaraia,*| EIeazer,3 James,2i) b. Waterford, Me., July 9, 1827: m. George Whitney. [2591] SUSAN HAMLIN WILKINS,^ (Lydia Hamlin,' Africa,« Eleazer,»| Benjamin,^ Eleazer,»James,2i) b. Harrison, Me., Nov. 23, 1840; unm. She resJ St. Johnsbury,Vt., 1857-9, and attended the academy there; graduated from the! Putnam Free School, Newburyport, Mass, 1858; teacher in the public schools| of Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1862 to Aug. 31, 1900; res. Waterford, Me., 1902;| member of Elizabeth Wadsworth Chapter, D. A. R., Portland, Me.; Epis. * For McWain see note 4^^ m EIGHTH GENERATION. 625 [2592] ELIZABETH HOLLAND WILKINS,8 (Sister of Susan PL,) b. Waterford, Me.. Mar. 10, 1845; m. 1st, there, Apr. 19, 1866, William Crombie, son of Eber and Nancy (Atherton*) Stone, t b. Waterford, Oct. 25, 1835; farmer; Waterford; he d. there Nov. 30, 1868; m. 2d, Waterford, Mar. 24, 1874, Fred Mellen, son of Crombie and Mar.y (Wheeler) Atherton,* b. Water- ford, Feb. 13, 1837; farmer: Waterford; Congs. ]2593] CYRUS HAMLIN MEADE,8 (Dorcas Hamlin,' Europe,^ Eleaz- er,5 Benjamin,* Eieazer,^ James, 21) b. Addison, Vt., Feb. 3, 1809; m. 1st, Nov. 14, 1843, Elizabeth B. DeHart, of Pickavpay Co., Ohio; m. 2d, Dec. 25, 1859, Car- oline Lutz, of Pickaway Co., Ohio. He d. Circleville, Ohio, June 27, 1884. Ch. b. Circleville; 6251. Charles Guoss, Jan. 3, 1864, [2594] BENJAMIN FRANKLIN MEADE,' (Bio. of Cyrus H.,) b. Addison, Vt., May 19, 1811; m. Hillsboro, Ohio, May 1, 1845, Jane, dau. of David and Lydia (Sullivan) Black, b. Perryopolis, Pa., Sept. 29, 1820; merchant; Vermont, until 1840; Boston, Mass., until 1842; Tarlton, Ohio, until 1844; Springfield, Ohio, until 1847; Petersburg, Ohio, until 1856: Greenfield, Ohio, until death; Whig and Republican; Methodists. He d. Greenfield, Jan. 2, 1860; she d. Louisville, Ky., May, 1889. Children: 6252.* George Black, b. Feb. 7, 1846, Springfield. 6253.* Hamlin Caldwell, '• July 25, 1848; Petersburg. 6254.* William Henky, " Apr. 19, 1850, " 6255.* Noble King, " Apr. 3, 1852, 6256. Helen Caroline, " Oct. 16, 1854, " d. Mar., 1889, unm. 6257.* Jennie McDonald, " Jan. 30, 1859, Greenfield. CHARLOTTE BRIDGE MEAD,^ (Sister of Cyrus H.,) b. Goshen, Vt., Sept. 13, 1814; m. 1st, there, Feb. 3, 183.3, John,sonof Went- worthand Mehitable (Roberts) Cook, b. Middleton, N. H., Aug. 26, 1807; hotel keeper and proprietor of stage line; resided Montpelier, Royalton, Woodstock, Bethel, Vt.; removed to Circleville, Ohio, June, 1840. She was Matron State Asylum for Blind, Columbus, Ohio. He d. Bloomfield, Ohio, Oct. 1, 1854; m. 2d, Apr. 3, 1855, Alfred G. Welch, of Columbiana Co., Ohio; farmer; removed to Madison Co., Iowa, where he d. June 11, 1872; she res. Winterset, Iowa, and d. Los Angeles, Cal., while visiting an invalid daughter; she Epis. Ch. by 1st marriage: June 5, 1834, Montpelier, Mar. 12. 1836, Bethel. Nov. 21, 1838, Apr. 1, 1842, Circleville. June 12, 1844, May 28, 1856, Winterset; d. Dec. 13, '56 May 15, 1860. * For Atherton see notes 165 and 309. + For Stone see notes 162 and 313. 6258.* Helen Charlotte, b 6259.* Joseph Witherspoon, " 6260.* Frederick William, " 6261.* Julia Clementine, " 6262.* John Hamlin, " By 2d marriage: 6263. Martha Virginia, b. 6264.* LiLLiE May, " f h 626 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [2599] EUROPE AMERICA MEADE,« (Bro. of Cyrus H., ) b, Goshen, Vt., July 25, 1820; ni. Sept. 20, 1847, Caroline Keener, of Servierj Co., Tenn. b. May 16, 1826; farmer; removed from Alabama to Prospect, Texas, I thence to California, 1870; res. Anaheim, Cal.; she Presb.; Democrat; Orderly l| in Terry's Regt. C. S. A., enlisted in Texas; in battle of Sabine Pass. He d. May i 24, 1896; she d. Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 5, 1897. Children: QuiNCY, b. July 19, 1848, Alabama. 6265. 6266. 6267.* 6268.* 6269. 6270. 6271. Sumner, Mary Helen, Dec. 17. 1850, Jan. 4, 1853, Bastrop. Alexander Jacob, " Jan. 16, 1855, Luc RET I A Alice, Minnie A., July 15, 1857. July 27, 1860: unm. 1902. d. Aug. 18, 1867. i Charles William, " Aug. 23, 186.3: d. Feb. 7, 1878. )l [2600] CHARLES GEORGE MEAD,« (Bro. of Cyrus H..) b. Goshen, Vt., Oct. 31, 1822; m. Tarlton, Ohio, Mar. 26, 1851, Elizabeth, dau. of George and Mary (Sidener) Wheitsel, b. Tarlton, Oct. 24, 1825; farmer; Goshen, until 1837; Tarlton, until 1857; Greenfield, Ohio, until 1887: since, West Point, Miss.; Republican; Methodists. Children: 6272.* Mary Dorcas, July 9, 1852, Tarlton. 6273.* A LMENA Clementine, Apr. 17, 1854, " 6274.* Maggie LORETO, July 14, 1861, Greenfield. (Bro. of Cyrus H.,) -: carpenter; Cincinnati, [2601] JAMES ALEXANDER MEADE,« b. Goshen, Vt., June 16, 1826; m. Caroline — Ohio; crossed the mountains to California, 1849, rained, won fortunes and lost them, finally settled at Healdsburg, Cal.: a generous, whole-souled man; super- visor. Children: 6275. George Perry. 1 6276. Mary Bell. '' 6277. George (?) Shirley. [2602] HENRY CONSTANTINE MEADE,8 (Bro. of Cyrus H., ) b. Goshen, Vt., Feb. 8, 1829; m. May 6, 1857, Jane, dau. of David Edwards, of Franklin Co., Ohio. He d. Columbus, Ohio, July 14, 1858; she d. Jan. 13, 1894. No issue. [2603] ALMENA CALDWELL,* (Hannah Hamlin,- Europe.o Eleazer,* Benjamin,* Eleazer,» James,^!) b. Hillsboro, N. H., Aug. 16, 1809; m. Cincin- nati, Ohio, Nov. 9, 1826, David King; merchant; Tarlton, Ohio, until 1841; after- wards, Springfield, Ohio. Nothing positive is known of his lineage; he was found in the streets of Baltimore, Md., at the age of two or three years, during a yellow fever epidemic, too young to give even the name of his people, or any account of them, who were supposed to be dead. He was taken, reared and educated by a gentleman at Cumberland, Pa.; he was an honorable gentleman, and a superior business man: she Presb. Both d. Springfield; she May 30, 1878; he Aug. 8, 1849. M EIGHTH GENERATION. 627 627H. 6279. 6280. 6281.* 6282.* 6283.* 6284.* 6285. 6286.* Children: ALEXAisrDERCALDWELL,b. Sept. 5, 1827; Tarlton; d. Aug. 27, '31 James Haml]n> " July 3,1829, " " Aug. 29, '31 JOHX QUIGLEY, EORERT QuiGLEY, Samuel Noble, Mary Elizabeth, David, Sarah Jane, Almena Caldwell, a n u a a u u (( (( 11 11 Sept. 20, '31 July 24, 1831, Aug. 13, 1832, Oct. 22, 1834, Apr. 1, 1837, " Sept. 11, 1839, " Dec. 20, 1841, Springfield; unmarried. Feb. 1, 1848. [2604] Hamlin CALDWELL,« (Bro. of Almena,) I b. Hillsboro, N. H., Feb. 29, 1812; m. near Bellefonte, Ala., Jan. 9, 1844, » Martha Jane, dau. of John and Jane (Long) Snodgrass, b. Bellefonte, Feb. 23, 1833, He removed with his parents to Portsmouth, Ohio, about 1816-18; Cin- cinnati, Ohio, 1824-5; later, Springfield, Ohio; Bellefonte, Ala, 1837; Scottsboro, Ala., 1883; Cumberland Presb. He d. Scottsboro, Sept. 3, 1895. 628 THE I^AMLIN FAMILY. Children: 6287.* David King, b. Jan, 2, 1845, Bellefonte. 6288.* Sarah Almena, " Mar. .30, 1847, " unm. 6289.* Alexander. " Mar. 22, 1849, " 6290.* George, Benjamin, " Apr. 2, 1851, 6291. Hannah .Jane, " Apr. 22, 1856, " d. Aug. 25, 1888. 6292.* Europe Hamlin, '• A.ug. 29, 1858, 6293. Catherine, "Feb. 11, 1864, Springfield," Feb. 12, 1864. [2610] ELIZABETH .JANE HAMLIN,« (Joash,' Europe,* Eleazer,» Benjamin,* James,2i) b. Hillsboro, N. H., Mar. 13,1820; m. Circleville, Ohio, July 16, 1841, Joseph, son of Joseph and Barbara Hedges, b. Pickaway Co., Ohio, Oct. 12, 1817; merchant. Children: 6294. William Henry, b. Oct. 12, 1841, Tarlton; d. May 22, 1842. 6295. Matilda, ". Oct 20, 1843, 6296. Mary Jane " June 19, 1845, " 6297. Sarah Frances, " July 4, 1847, " " Mar. 22, 1851. 6298. ElizabethBallard, " Oct. 23. 1849, " 6299. -James Hamlin, "Jan. 30,1852, ." 6300. Leify Catherine, " Mar. 9, 1856, " 6301. Annie Eliza, " May 16, 1858, Adelphia; " Sept. 1, 1860. [2611] CORDELIA FRANCES HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Elizabeth .L,) b. Hillsboro, N. H., Jan. 6, 1822; m. Tarlton, Ohio, Sept. 24, 1855, William, son of .Joseph and Barbara Smith, b. Phila. Pa., May 2, 1816. Children: 6302. Joseph Hedges, b. Oct. 15, 1857, Hocking Co. 6303. William Henry, " Jan. 24, 1860, Adelphia. 6.304. Mary Eliza, " Sept. 2, 1862. [2612] Hon. GEORGE FLETCHER HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Elizabeth J.,) b. Hillsboro, N. H., June 3, 1823; m. 1st, Tarlton, Ohio, Apr. 19, 1846, Julia Ann, dau. of William and Elizabeth Brown, b. near Kingston, Ohio. Aug. 7, 1827; she, Lutheran; she d. Oakland Ohio, Aug. 21, 1858; m. 2d, Oak- land, Mar. 25, 1861, Elizabeth, dau. of Benjamin and Elizabeth Williams, b.' near Oakland, Apr. 8, 1832; merchant and grain dealer; removed with his, father to Ohio; resided Tarlton and Oakland; removed to LeCygne, Kas.; Whig and Republican; Justice of the Peace, State Senator, Kansas; Freemason; Methodists. Both d. LaCygne; he, Feb. 12, 1885; buried Ottawa, Kas.; she d. Aug. 15, 1857. Ch. by 1st wife; j b. Feb. 6, 1847, Tarlton. 1 " July 16, 1849, " d. same day. j " Oct. 15, 1850, Oakland; unm. 1897. 'j "July 16, 1852, " ' " Aug. 14, 1854, " ,1 I ll " Feb. 20, 1862, Oakland. ': " Nov. 13, 1863. " j Ch. by 1st wife; 6305.* Charles Joash, 6306. A Son, 6.307. Hannibal Franc 6308.* Mary Belle, 6309.* W INFIELD Scott, By 2d wife: 6310.* Minnie Etta, 6311.* Leify Elizabeth, EIGHTH GEN ER AT] ON. 629 [2020] MARTHA ANN HAMLIN.8 (Sister of Elizabeth J.,) b. Newpoit, Ohio, Aug. 5, 1838; m. Oakland, Ohio, Feb. 17, 1861, .James Steward, son of Reuben and Elizabeth Hester, b. Logan, Ohio, Sept. a, 1838; farmer; Tarlton, Logan and Dresden, Ohio, and Greencastle, Ind. He was a isoldier. She res. Omaha, Neb. Children: 6312. Charles Henry, b. June 29, 1862, Tarlton. 6313. Leify Hamt.in, '• Oct. 9, 1864, Logan. 6314. Sarah Frances, " Aug. 27, 1866, " 6315. Mannie Alice, " Sept. 16, 1868, Dresden: unm, 1902. 6316. William Harrison, " Sept. 15, 1870, Greecastle, '• " 6317. James Franklin, " June 10, 1872, " [2621] SUSANNAH DORCAS HAMLIN,' (Hannibal G.,' Europe," iEleazer,s Benjamin,* Eleazer, 3 James,2i) b. Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 22, 1827; m. 'there, Oct. 10, 1848. Alonzo Thrasher Key t, M. D., son of Nathan and Mary : (Thrasher) Keyt, b. Higginsport, Ohio, Jan. 10, 1827: physician and surgeon; \ Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio. His father was of Dutch ancestry, his mother ia descendant of Edward Penn, of the old proprietory Quaker family of Pennsyl- j vania. A few j'^ears after his birth his father's family removed to Moscow, I Ohio, where young Keyt acquired the rudiments of learning in tlie district school, and made the acquaintance of algebra, geometry and the classics in 1 Parker's Academy, Felicity, Ohio. He began the study of medicine with Dr. i William Johnston, of Moscow, 1845; attended the Medical College of Ohio, 1846- ; 7, from which he graduated March, 1848, M. D.: and after a competitive exam- 1 ination was appointed interne of Commercial, now Cincinnati Hospital, where he practiced for a year, and f(u- a short period afterward at Moscow; but .settled at Walnut Hills, 1850; where he lived and practiced the remainder of his life. Member Miami Valley Med. So.; Ohio State Med. So.; Am. Med. Asso. He was a frequent contributor to Medical Journals. But his name is best known I to medical science by the invention of the Compound Sphymograph in 1875. ! Author of Sphymography and Cardiography. He made prominent the pre- ; sphygmic interval, and was the first to show that abnormal delay of the pulse- ! wave follows mitral regurgitation; also, discovered a delay of the pulse-wave \ due to heavy aortic valves, as well as that mitral stenosis caused a delay in the pulse-wave velocity. His investigations were long continued and thorough, and are accepted as conclusive by physiologists and pathologists. He excelled as an obstetrician. In person five feet, six inches in stature, spare, slightly stooped, fair complexion, grey eyes, light brown hair, high broad forehead, Roman nose, thin lips, firm mouth, jaw and chin, full beard without moustache, of sedate, grave manner, slow and deliberate action. A man of exalted char- acter, excellent morals, charitable and benevolent. She was educated at Dr. Pickett's school for Young Ladies, Cincinnati, and res. Walnut Hills. She possessed talent for painting as evidenced by subjects executed by her in possession of the family: Presb. He d. of apoplexy, from excessive work and study, Cincinnati, Nov. 9, 1885. Ch. b. Cincinnati: 6318.* Mary Hamlin, Aug. 28, 1850. 6319.* Susanna Almena, Aug. 18, 1853. 6320.* Rebecca Penn, Nov. 2, 1855. 6.321. Louisa, July 24, 1858; d. May 4, 1868, 6322.* Marshall Hall, Jan. 12, 1861. 6323. Hannibal Hamlin, Aug. 1, 1869; d. Feb. 9, 1874. f)30 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [2622] MARY TICHNOR HAML1N,8 (Sister of Susannah D.,) b. Cincinnati, Oiiio, Feb. 18, 1830; uanaanied; educated at Wesleyan Fe- male College. She is interested in church and Sunday school work, and in art ! pottery, for which she has decided taste; Presb. I [2623J ALMENA HAMLIN,* (Sister of Susannah D.,) b. Cincinnati, Ohio, Mar. 22, 1833; educated in the private schools and Cin- cinnati High School: she displayed skill and originality in art pottery, and with her sister, Mary, executed many pieces; Presb; Mary, Almena and Europe Hamlin lived together in Cincinnati: she d. Cincinnati, Oct. 7, 1895, unmarried. [2()24] HANNIBAL GILMAN HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Susannah D.,) b. Cincinnati, Ohio, June 21, 183(i: m. P'ranklin, Ind., Oct. 10. 1867, Eliza- beth Artemesia, dau. of John Thompson and Emily (Williams) Forsyth,* b. Franklin, Oct. 22, 1848. He was educated at Woodward College, Cincinnati; was a merchant there, but retired from active business in 1865, and resided at Springfield, Ohio: he spent several years, at intervals, traveling in Europe and the far east: Republican in politics, and although taking an active interest in the success of his party, persistently declined office; Methodist. He was a prominent worker in the Y. M. C. A., a man of decided convictions, who always arrayed himself on the side of honesty and good morals. He was benevolent, but his deeds of charity were usually known only to the recipients. In personal description he was five feet ten inches in height, dark complexion, blue-grey eyes and black hair. Mrs. Hamlin graduated at the Wesleyan Female College, Cincinnati, and resides at Springfield. Ohio. In June, 1901, apparently in good health, he went to Estes Park, Colorado, with his wife to spend the summer. About the first of August he took cold from wetting his feet, pneumonia super- vened, followed by heart trouble, caused by the high altitude. He was removed to Longmont, Col., where he d. Sept. 8, 1901. His remains were taken to Cin- cinnati, and are buried in the family lot in Spring Grove Cemetery. Ch. b. Springfield: 6324.* Alice Mary, Aug. 18, 1874. [2625] EUROPE WHITNEY HAMLIN, « b. Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 3, 1839; unmarried. He was educated in the public schools and graduated from Woodward High School, Cincinnati; was an importer and jobber in hardware, Cincinnati, but retired from active business, 1865. and became interested in the artilical gas industry and other enterprizes. During his boyhood he spent his idle time in building small steam engines. This mechanical training was of great assistance to him in after life. And during the same period, while at school studying chemistry, he made a complete camera (except the lens) and with a formula of his own formation, was quite successful in taking daguerro- types. One of his mother is still in i)ossession of the family, as is also the camera. At the first call for volunteers in 1861, he with others organized a troop of cavalry and tendered tlieir services to the U. S. government, which was declined, the full quota of the state having been previously accepted. In 1864 the Ohio National Guards were ordered out and the 139th Regt, of which he was a member was sworn into the U. S. Service at CampDennison, May 2, 1864, for 100 days. He left his business with his partner and served as For Forsyth see note 219. M^ayUy)AJUraA.^. ^ I ^ ^i^^<,4^yt^^ EIGHTH GENERATION. 631 commissary sergeant of the regiment stationed at Camp Point Lookout, in tlie lArmy of tlie Potomac. While family ties have caused him to regard Cincin- nati as his home he has also spent considerable time on his lands in Louisiana land in traveling. Member of Sabine Lodge, 75, F. & A. M. (La.) Republican; attends Presb. church; is 5feet, 10 inchesin height, hazel eyes, florid complexion, black hair. I [2626] Phof. EMERSON FAULKNER CARTER.' (Pamelia Hamlin,^ 'America,!' Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,'') b.Waterford, Me., Oct., 1810; ra.lst, Bridgton, Me., 1832, Sarah Tapley, dau. of Jedediah and Elizabeth (Emer- json) Kimball,* b. Bridgton, Mar. 8, 1810, who d. 1835-7; m. 2'd, Bridgton, 1839-40, Ipauline Kimball, « b. Bridgton. Aug. 25, 1815, sister of first wife. He was edu- cated in the common school and Bridgton Academy; taught school, Boston, Mass.; Kinderhook Academy, N. Y.; Principal of Young Ladies Seminary, JAlbany, N. Y., 1845: Associate Principal Temple Grove Seminary, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.; established Carter's Commercial College, Pittsfleld, Mass. He d. Pittstield, May. 1879. She was living, 1894. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Augusta, Me.: ti325. Amelia HoRTENSE, 1835; unm. 1894. By 2d wife: 6326.* Chari.es Farrah, b. 1841, Albany. 6327. Elizabeth Pauline, " 1856; unm. 1894. [2627J Hon. HENRY CARTER,* (Bro. of Emerson F.,) b. Bridgton, Me., Sept. 20, 1814; m. 1st, June 14, 1836, Elizabeth Jane, dau. of Stephen and Catherine Goldthwalt (Powell) Caldwell, b. Hollo well. Me., Nov. 12, 1806. who d. Bradford, Mass., Feb. 4, 1883; m. 2d, Winchester, Mass., June, 1884, Mrs. Mary F. (Dwight) Webb, of Hallowell, Me. He was educated in the common school and Bridgton Academy: studied law a year in the office of Judge Cole, Paris Hill, Me., with Hannibal Hamlin as a fellow student; * Note 404. For Kimball see notes 254, 303 and 344. JOHN KIMBALL,3 (Richard,2i) b. Ipswich, Mass., about 16.50; m. 1st, Sarah , who d. July 27, 1706; m. 2d, Oct. 29, 1707, Hannah, dau. of Isaac Burton, b. 1686, who d. Oct. 16, 1786. He was living in Boxford, Mass., as early as 1669; probably settled on his father's farm there; free- man Mar. 22, 1688-9; called " Corporal ;" tax collector 1675; dismissed from church at Topsfield to Boxford, 1702. He d. 1721 ; will at Salem, dated Feb. 19, 1718; proved April 15, 1721. Children: Sarah, Mary, Richard, Abigail, Elizabeth, Hannah, .John. RICHARD KIMBALL,! b. Boxford, Sept. 28, 1673; m. Feb. 22, 1698-9, Hannah, dau. of Eph- raim Dorman, of Topsfield, Mass., b. 1682; he res. in the southerly part of Boxford on the place where Major Samuel Perley erected a house, 1833. He d. Apr. 22, 1753; she d. March, 1748. His will in Salem, proved May 7, 1753. Children: Jacob, Hannah, Aaron, Amos, Richard, John. Mary, Moses, Ephraim, JACOB KIMBALL,5 b. Boxford, Mass., June 9, 1700; m. Feb. 11, 1723-4, Sarah Hale, b. Apr. 6,1704; blacksmith; removed to Andover, Mass., before Feb. 23, 1724-5, when his father gave him land there; he sold his home there to his brother Moses, Oct. 11, 1765; he d. about 1787; will proved June 8, 1787. She survived him. Children: Sarah, Mary, Hannah, Jacob, a son, Benja- min, Moses, Asa, Richard, Mary, Phebe, Mercy. ASA KIMBALL,« b. Andover, Mass., June 15, 1738; m. Hulda Tapley, b. 1738; he res. An- dover and Boxford, Mass.; St. John, N. B., and Bridgton, Me., where he tought a lot, 1787, and built a rope walk. Children: Samuel, Richard, Hulda, Asa, Israel, Jedediah, Sally, Hannah, Jacob. JEDEDIAH KIMBALL,'? b. Sept. 29, 1771; m. Elizabeth Emerson; res. Bridgton, Me.; he d. Mar. 6, 1852; shed. Dec. 31, 1853. Ch. b. Bridgton: Eliza, Roxanna, Eliza, Sally, Lavinia, Sarah Tapley, Hannah A., Paulina, Julia, Jedediah Alex. 632 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. appointed cadet to West Point from the Oxford district, 1832: resigned, 1834. and accepted a position as repoi'ter and writer for the Kennebec Journal: re- sumed the stud}^ of Law with R. H. Vose, Augusta, Me., 1835, and continued with XjhQ Journal; admitted to the bar of Kennebec Co., Augusta, April. 1836: settled and practiced law at Bridgton until 1847: appointed State's Attorney for Cumberland Co, 1841; removed to Portland, Me., 1847, and assumed editorial control of the Portland Advertiser, the leading Whig paper in Maine; member legislature, 1848, and re-elected three times; appointed commissioner to e.stab- lish the State Reform School, Westbrook, Me., of which he was trustee: Judge Municipal Court. Portland, 1854. He was a leader in founding the Republican party in Maine by uniting the Whigs, the anti-slavery wing of the Democratic and other pohtical parties, thus electing Hannibal Hamlin tirst Repubhcan Governor of Maine; removed to Bradford, Mass., 1857; State Senator, Mass., 1863, and chairman Military Committee; re-elected 1864; Representative, 1866: Judge Haverhall District Court, 1868, and held the office many years. Chair- man of commission to establisli boundary lietween Mass. and N. H. and V' er- mont. He continued in active practice outside of liis district until 1889: resided Haverhill, Mass., where lie d. Jan. 24, 1898. Ch. b. Bridgton: 6328.* John Henry, Nov. 4, 1837. 6329.* Eugene, Oct. 4, 1838. 6330.* Catherine Sophia, Oct. 11, 1840. 6331.* Walter, Oct. 16, 1842. 6332. Amelia Frederica, Feb. 23, 1844; unm 6333.* Robert Goldthwait, Oct. 29, 1845. [2628] GEORGE KIMBALL HAMLIN, ^ (Luther,^ Anjerica,fi Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Waterford, Me., Mar. 22, 1814; m. 1st, Mar. 15, 1849, Esther Weston; who d. Apr. 27, 1854; m. 2d, Martha VVoodard; m. 3d, Charlotte, widow of Charles Augier, nee Kneeland; farmer; Waterford. He d. there, July 25. 1893. Ch. probably b. Waterford: 6334.* George Irving, Apr. 12, 1850. 6335. Frank C, ' Mar. 10, 1852; d. May 3, 1874. 6336.* Marietta, Oct. 4. [2629] CALVIN HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of George K.,) b. Waterford, Me., May 18, 1816; m. there, Dec. 8, 1853, Nancy Maria, dau. of Capt. Malbory Brown,* b. Waterford. She d. Oct, 29, 1877. Ch.b. Waterford: ' ■- 6337.* Charles Scripture, Jan. 24, 1855. I * Note 405. For Brown see note 307. ' Capt. MALBORY BROWN, (son of ThaddeusJ b. 1789; m. 1st, Nancy Scripture; m. 2d Mrs. Betsey Dupree; blacksmith and farmer; South Waterford, Me.; a grraceful militarj, officer. iDhildren: Mary Jane, b. 1819; m. George Fuller. Nancy Maria, " Apr. 1, 1821, " Calvin Hamlin. Elizabeth, i82;t. " John C. Warren and Gideon Ellis. Levi L., 1825, " Almeda Bean. Harriet VV. Calvin. EIGHTH GENERATION. 633 [2633] ALBERT HAMLIN/ (America," Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer/ James,2i) b. South Waterford, Me., Nov. 20, 1816; m. there, Dec. 1, 1845, Sarah K. Woodsum, b. Harrison, Me., Dec. 21, 1819; farmer and mechanic: South Waterford; Methodist; she was a schoolteacher; Cah'anist Baptist. Both d. South Waterford. Inscription on their gravestones: Albbrt Hamlin, ALBERT HAMLIN DIKD May 22, 1875, ^ 58 Years, 6 Mos. Gone but not forgotten. SARAH K. WOODSUM WIFE OF ALBERT HAMLIN Dec, 21, 1819. Jan, 27, 1894. Sleep and rest, mother dear, Ever diligent and faithful here. Ch. b. South Waterford; 6338.* Harriet, Sept. 13, 1846 6339.* Semantha, Apr. 4, 1848. 6340.* Ann Maria, Feb. 3, 1850 6341.* Mary Caswell, May 28, 1852 6342.* Walter Keyes, Oct. 27, 1854 6343.* James Buchanan, Mar. 14, 1857 6344.* Cora Jane, Dec. 1, 1859 634 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [2634] NANCY HAMLIN, « (Sister of Albert,) b. South Waterford, Me., Aug. 1, 1818; m. Daniel Long; res. Lancaster, N. H., Lowell, Mass., and Eltnira, N. Y.; he went to the war and not heard from: she Baptist. She d. Elmira, Feb. 19, 1889. Children: 6345. Mary .Jane, b. Aug. 25, 1846, Lancaster; untn. 1902. 6346. Annie Elizabeth, " Oct. 1, 1847, " 6347. Charles, " Nov. 1, 1849, Lowell. 6348. Addie, " Feb, 2, 1851, Elmira; unra. 6349. Ella, " Aug. 17, 1854, [2635] MARIA HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Albert,) b. South Waterford, Me., Aug. 13, 1820; m. there, 1848, Samuel Wilej'; res. Westford, Mass. Children: 6350. Mason. 6351. Charles. 6352. Clifford. 6353. Clara Maria, b. 1860. 6354. Ella, " 1862. [2636] ALMIRA FOSTER HAML1N,8 (Sister of Albert,) b. South Waterford, Me., Sept. 26, 1822; m. there Jan. 1, 1846, Luther, son of Luther and Sarah (Melvin) Wilkins, b. Concord, Mass., July 18, 1815: private, D. 53 Mass. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Oct. 17, 1862; dis. Sept. 2, 1863; farmer; New Ipswich, N. H., until 1830; Concord, Mass., until 1840; Acton, Mass., until 1855; afterwards, Westford, Mass.; Whig and Republican: Odd Fellow. Both d. Westford; she Oct. 1, 1896; he Nov. 23, 1887. Children: 6355.* Luther Edwhn, b. Oct. 12, 1846, Acton. 6356. Martin Albert, " July 2, 1848, " d. Aug. 3, 1897. 6357. Flora Almira, " May 30, 1852, " " July 31, 1854. 6358.* Arthur Hamlin, " May 29, 1855, Westford. 6359.* Lyman Everett, " Aug. 12, 1858, " [2639] EDWIN HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Albert,) ; b. South Waterford, Me., May 18, 1830; m. Norway, Me., May 1856, Martha, dau. of Abraham and Thivza (Morse) Lombard, b. Otisfield, Me., April 10, 1841; '■ she, Presb.; farmer; Elmira and Chatfield, Minn. Cliildren: 6360.* Horace E., b. Nov: 7, 1858, Waterford. 6361.* Etta, " Oct. 2, 1861, Elmira. \ 6362.* Nellie L., " July 20, 1866, " I 6363.* HakrietM., " Jun. 9, 1669, " I 6364. EmmaM., " 1872, [2640] LAURA KEYES HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Albert.) b. South Waterford, Me., Feb. 2, 1832; m. Lowell, Mass., July 4, 1866, Fred , L., son of Stephen A. and Mars S. (McFarland) Kennaston, b. Machias, Me., Apr. 13, 1837; teamster; Lowell; Republican; Sergeant, 9 Mass. Battery; enlisted ; Aug. 10, 1862; dis. June 6, 1865; member Tower Post 17, G. A. R.: Baptists. EIGHTH GENERATION. 635 [26461 FANNY HAMLIN BROWN/ (Sally Hamlin,' America,^ Elea- zer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Waterford, Me., Jan. 1, 1827; unmarried. In early life a school teacher; later mill operative; Dover, N. H.; Methodist. She d. Dover, Sept. 1, 1901. [2647] MAHALA BROWN,8 (Sister of Fanny H.,) I b. Waterford, Me., Nov. 19, 1828: m. there, by Rev. Lyman Cutter, Jan. [Si, 1855, John Jackson French, b. Braintree, Mass., July 13, 1824; farmer; Brain- itree. He d. June 18, 1899. Children: 6365. Addie Angela, b. Apr. 5, 1856, Braintree: m. Thos. D. Colbert. 6366. Ella, " July 21, 1859, Waterford," Albert K, Gay. 6367. Horace L., " Oct. 2, 1864, Braintree, "GeorgieHollenbeck 6368. Annie F., " Aug. 23, 1869, " " Chas. Woodworth 6369. Fannie Hamlin, Nov. 5, 1873. [2649] ANGELA BROWN,8 (Sister of Fanny H.,) b. Waterford, Me., July 12, 1832; m. there, Jan. 30, 1866, Emerson, son of John and Abigail (Kimball*) Wilkins, b. Waterford, Jan. 26, 1810; tanner and carrier: South Bridgton, and Waterford; Republican; town treasurer; member Mt. Zircon Lodge, 132 A. F. & A. M.; she member Waterford Library Asso.; I Parish Circle; Keoka Chapter 12, O. E. S.; Congs. They adopted her nephew, Edward Waldo Stone,9 and Alice Maude Russell, the latter b. Feb. 10, 1861, who ' m. Feb. 14, 1887, Rev. C. L. Skinner, of Haverhill, Mass.; she res. Waterford. He d. Waterford, Apr. 8, 1895. No issue. [2651] CLARA NOYES BR0WN,8 (Sister of Fanny H.,) b. Waterford, Me., July 12, 1836; m. there, byW. W. Dow, Nov. 24, 1870, Edward L. Jackson, b. East Cambridge, Mass., Apr. 8, 1839. She d. Waltham, Mass. July 14, 1892. Ch. b. Waltham: 6370. Harry Brown, Nov. 3, 1871. 6371. Helen Louise, Apr. 3, 1873. [2653] CAROLINE LOUISE BROWN,^ (Sister of Fanny H.,) b. Waterford, Me., July 18, 1843; m. by Rev. Gershom Cobb, Bridgion, Me., Feb. 24, 1869, Elbridge, son of Samuel and Sarah (Sanborn) Stone, b. Liming- ton, Me., Oct. 3, 1839; blacksmith and farmer; Waterford. She d. Waterford, June 14, 1874. Child: 6372.* Edward Waldo, b. Feb. 12, 1872. [2654] RUFUS GREEN BROWN,' (Sophia Hamlin,' America,^ Elea- zer,5 Benjamin," Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Waterford, Me., July 1, 1831; m. 1st, there, May 10, 1854, Helen, dau. of Josiah and Rebecca (Paine) Proctor, b. Waterford, Aug. 23, 1833, who d. Waltham, Mass., May 25, 1868; m. 2d, Wal- tham, Jan. 13, 1870, Anna E., dau. of Edward and Elizabeth A. (Williams) Jones, b. Dorchester, Mass, June 22, 1837; manf. steam heating apparatus; res. Water- * For Kimball see notes 254, 303. 344 and 404. 636 THE HAML[N FAMILY. ford, until 1863; Waltham until 1890; since, Boston; Republican; Epis.; Past Master Monitor Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; Past High Priest, R. A. M., and Past Commander Gethsemane Commandery, K. T. Ch. by 1st wife: 6373. Clarence Herbert, b. June 22, 1855, Waterford. 6374. Eugene, " June 18, 1857, " d. Mar. 14, 1858 6375.* Sidney Paine, " Oct. 20, 1858, 6376. Eugenia G., " Nov. 8, 1860, " " Sept. 25, 1862 6377. Nina, " July 5, 1864, Waltham " Sept. 18, 1864 By 2d wife, b. Waltham: 6378. Helen Elizabeth, May 23, 1875; unm. 1902. . 6379.* Alice Marion, May 23, 1879. [2657] DEXTER BRUCE BROWN,8 (Bro. of Rufus G.,) b. Waterford, Me., Jan. 6, 1839; m. Norway, Me., Oct. 3, 1866, Ellen Theresa Kimball,* b. Waterford; farmer; Harrison, Me., and Newton Lower Falls, Mass. Sergt. G, 12 Me. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Oct. 19, 1861; wounded. Port Hudson, La., May 27, 1863; dis. Sept. 22, 1863. Children: 6380.* John Herbert, b. Feb. 25, 1872, Waltham. 6381. Harry S., " Mar. 28, 1878, Waterford; d. Sept. 19, 1883. [2658] JANE W. BROW N,« (Sister of Rufus G.,) b. Waterford, Me., Jan. 31, 1841; m. there, Aug. 30, 1863, Geo. Henry, son of Simeon and Hannah (Richardson) Kneeland, b. Harrison, Me.; farmer; Water- ford and Harrison, Me.; Republican; Baptists. He d. Harrison, Sept. 25, 1882. Ch. b. Harrison: 6382.* George E., July 23, 1864. [2659] MARTHA MELINDA HAMLIN," (Silas,^ America,^ Eleazer,^ Benjamin,! Eleazer.^ James.'^i) b. Waterford, Me., Apr. 4, 1827; m. George H. Jennings, of Chelsea, Mass.; printer. Child: 6383.* George H. [2661] MARY FRANCES HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Martha M.,) b. Waterford, Me., Jan. 14, 1831; m. Chelsea, Mass., Oct. 24, 1852, Samuel Foster, son of Nathaniel and Jane H. (Foster) Nottage, b. Boston, Mass., Apr. 10, 1829: clerk Boston Gas Light Co.; Chelsea, Mass., 1830-80; afterwards West- port, Mass., and Rutherford, Cal.; Republican; member of Royal Arcanum; Baptists. She d. Rutherford, Cal., Oct. 13, 1893; he d. Westport, Mass., May 30, 1896. Ch. b. Chelsea: 6384.* Frank Melville, Aug. 12, 1855. 6385.* Herbert Piercy, Oct. 1, 1863. EIGHTH GENERATION. 637 [2662] JULIA HAML1N,8 (Sister of Martha M.,) b. Waterford, Me., May 29, 1833; m. Francis Taylor, son of Benjamin and Achsah Forbes" (Parker*) Fay, b. Nov. 6, 1840, his first wife; he m. 2d, Jennie Holmes, by whom he had three children; butcher; Southborough, Mass. Child: 6386. Grace. [26641 CHARLES AMERICA HA MLIN,8 (Bro. of Martha M.,) b. Waterford. Me., Aug. 14, 1837; m. North Bridgton, Me., Apr. 28, 1860, Clara Ellen, dau. of Hiram and Betsey (Hazelton) Abbott, b. Harrison, Me., Dec. 27, 1838; farmer; South Waterford; Democrat. He received a common school education. He was employed by the Boston Gas Light Co., for forty- five consecutive winters, residing on his farm during the summer seasons. A remarkably strong, healthy man, never requiring the service of a physician until his last illness He d. South Waterford, June 10, 1900. Children: 6387.* Charles Arthur, Mar. 23, 1862, Waterford. 6388. William Henry, May 7, 1864; unm. 1902. 6389.* Lillian Gertrude, July 31, 1865, South Waterford. 6390. Rosa Ei^ta, July 31, 1865; unm. 1902. 6391,* Herman RoscoE, Mar. 3, 1867. 6392. Florence Isabell, Apr. 1, 1868; unm. 1902. 6393. Clary Ella, Oct. 17, 1869; d. Feb. 21, 1895, unm. 6394. Martha Elizabeth, Feb. 28, 1871; unm. 1902. 6395.* Frank Wetherbee, Jan. 26, 1876. 6396. A Son, Apr. 13, 1880; d. Apr. 14, 1880. [2665] AREANNAH HAMLIN,^ < Sister of Martha M., ) I b. Waterford, Me., Dec. 14, 1841; m. Cambridge, Mass., 1862, Isaac G., son of Isaac and Martha Ann (Ayres) Tufts, b. Boston, Mass., 1839; clerk; Chelsea and Maiden, Mass.; Republican: Orthodox; she res. Medford, Mass. He d. Maiden, 1889. Ch, b. Chelsea: 6.397.* Jean Eugene, 1863. 6398.* Ida, 1866. 6399. Chester G,, 1868; d. 187L 6400. Edith L., 1876; m. Homer Colby, [2666] ELLEN KOZILTHA HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Martha M.,) b. Waterford, Me., July 25, 1843; m. 1st, Asa H. Jones; cashier; Mystic, Mass., who died: she remarried. Children: 6401. Minnie: m. W. Palmer. Four others, dead. I- ^ — ' * Note 406, ACHSAH PARKER,8 (Joel,7 Isaac.e Amos.s Andrew,* John,3 Hananiah,2 Thomas. 1) Dea. THOMAS PARKER,! sailed in the Susan and Ellen from London, Mar. 11, 16:«, fitted out by Sir Richard Saltonstall; farmer; freeman, Lynn, Mass., May 17, 1637; settled at Reading, Mass.; will, Aug. 3, 1683; proved, Dec. 18, ItiSa, names wife. Amy, who d. Jan. 15, 1690. Ill children. 638 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. L2GG7] FREDERICK MILTON HAMLIN. » ( Bro. of Martha M.,) b. Waterford, Me., Jan. 5, 1847: m. East Milton, Mass., Dec. 25, 1877, Fanniej] Elizabeth, dau. of Simeon and Sarali Elizabeth ( Babcock) Enjerson,* b. ]\Iilton,| May 22, 1850: collector: Waterford, until 186H; Boston, until 1875: since, Milton, No issue. [2670] ELLA HAMLIN,» (William H.,'' America," Eleazer,-^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James, ^i) m. Clark. ^ son of Abijah, 3d, and Harriet (Boston) Lewis,! b. May .% 1842: res. In the Lewis neighborhood, Harrison, Me, Children: 6402. Willie C. 6403. Jennie M. 6404. Fannie. 6405. Frederic, 6406. Wilfred. 6407. FlORENCEv [2671] JOHN PARK," (John,' Lydia Haralin,« Eleazer.s Benjamin.^ Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Grofcon, Mass., Aug. 27, 1812; m. Sophia Nutting, b. 1814.| He d. Soldiers' Home, Togus, Me., 1887; she d. Dec. 15, 1861. Children: 6408. William S., b. 1836; d. July 30, 1838. 6409. George H., " Dec. 17, 1837, " Dec. 6, 1857. 6410. Edward E., " Dec. 17, 1837, '' June 20, 1838. [2672] SALLY ANN PARK,8 (Sister of John,) b. Groton, Mass., Sept. 14, 1814; m. Abel Stone, b. 1811. He d. Aug. 13, 1874| Two or three children. [2673] CATHERINE JANE PARK,^ (Sister of John.) b. Groton, Mass., July 28, 1822; m. Thomas Pollard, She 6. Worcester^ Mass., about, 1S92. [2674] STUART JAMES PARK,8 (Bro. of John,) b. Groton, Mass., Aug. 24, 1824; m. 1st, Louisa Manning, b. 182.3; wlio d. July 31, 1864; m. 2d, in Mich. He removed to Mich, after death of first wife. ] Ch. by first wife: '■ 6411.* Stuart. ' 6412. William. 6413.* Julia; m. — ^— Davis. [2678] Hon. FRANCIS HAMLIN,* (Francis,^ EIeaz;er,«5 Benjamin,; Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Standish, Me., Nov. 21, 1817: ra. 1st, Covington, Ky. ' Feb. 8, 1870, Ann Eliza, dau. of Benjamin and Ann (Escomb) Thrasher, b. Mos * NOT-E 40T. For Thomas Emerson see note 30J. Anotber account states that he was b Weardale, EngJarKl, and that lie descended fi"om Srir Ralph Emerson, who was knighted b;; King Henry VIII. He d. xMay 1, 1666. |j + NOTK 40^^. CLARK LEWIS,' (Abijah.esi Isaac^a William.i) | WILLIAM LEWIS,! a Welchmau, came to Boston, Mass., 1636. He and wife Amy were li, Koxbury, Mass^, 1640 j i^roprietor in Lancaster, 1653. He d. Dec. 1, 1671. | EIGHTH GENERATION. 639 ;ow, Ohio, Aug. 29, 1836, who d. July 31, 1882: m. 2d, Cumberland Mills, Me., )ct. 12, 1887, Annis M.. dau. of Varnum and Hannah Stevens, b. Standish, P'eb. '.8, 1834. He lived tm his father's farm, Sweden, Me.; attended district school, brid^ton Academy and Parsonsfield Seminary, until majority: he then attend- ;d Wesleyan Seminary. Kent's Hill, Me., two years, teaching in winter to pay expenses. In 18-11 he went west and taught school in Moscow, Ohio, about five ^ears; went to Cincinnati. Ohio, fall of 1846; engaged variously until 1848. The California gold fever broke out and he joined a company of fifty men, called California Miners and Trading Co., who started across the plains with mule :eams, spring of 1849 and reached California Aug. 6, 1849. The Company divid- ed into small parties; he, with others, went up the Yuba river, and was success- ful; he went to Saci-amento in October; soon after he and a companion went to Deer Creek, near what is now Nevada, found good claims, worked until Christ- nas, when he became sick and went to Sacramento. He went to the Yuba, kpril, 1850, with supplies, and started a store; sold and went above Downey- .ille, turned the east fnrk of the Yuba, without success. He then went to Downeyville, became foreman of the Oro Fluming Co., flumed the north fork :)f the Yuba river with success. In 1851 they flumed the river at the forks, and he stated a stable in Downeyville, packing hay sixteen miles on mules from the nountain meadows, which sold as high as 25c a pound! and barley the same price. Making a good summer's work, he started for home in November, re- naining in Ohio and Maine until the spring of 1853, when he crossed the plains with a drove of cattle, settled at West Butte, Cal., and engaged in farming and ',tock raising until 1880, when he removed to Yuba City; thence to Napa, 1892: lustice Peace, Associate Judge, County Surveyor and Eepresentative; Metho- dist. Like most early Californians he has seen the ups and downs of a new .jountry, and has been successful. Ch. by 1st wife: 6414. Annts R., b. June. 2, 1872; d. Sept. 21, 1874, 6415. Augusta, *' Aug. 12, 1878. 12679] ALBERT V. HAMLIN.s fBro. of Francis,) I b. Sweden, Me.; m. 1st, Waterford, Me., Louisa Brigham. He worked on 'his father's farm until majority. With his second wife be removed to Wabash po., Minn. During the rebellion he went to visit his son Francis in the army |bn the Mississippi river. One dark night he was with his son on a transport. in the morning he was missing, supposed to have accidentally fallen overboard jand drowned, his body was not found, Ch. by 1st wife: 6416. Francis: a Union soldier. By 2d wife: 6417. Florexce, MIS. Charles. 6419, A Daughter; now dead, [2680] WILLIAM HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Francis,) ji l3. Sweden, Me., Jan. 31, 1825; m. Waterford, Me., Oct. 4, 1854, Martha A. feayes, b. Milton, N. H., Oct. 21, 1833; wagon maker; Norway and Waterford, Me. He d. Waterford, Oct. 14, 1864; she remarried Bisbee and res. East Waterford, Me., 1898. 640 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. 6420.* 642L 6422.* Children: Ella Maria, Anna Frances, John Henry, b. July 26, 1855, South Waterford, '' Sept. 30, 1858; d. May 20, 1859. " May 2&, 1860, Waterford. [2681] JOHN WINSHIP HAMLIN,» (Bro. of of Francis,) b. Sweden, Me. At the age of majority he went west and engaged in sur- veying for the government. In 1853 he went witli his brother Francis across the plains with a drove of cattle to California; lived in California 12 years, engaged in farming and stock raising; his health failing, he went to live at the home of his brother Albert, in Minnesota, where he d. and was buried, 1867, unmarried. [2682] SARAH BANCROFT HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Francis, ) b. Sweden, Me.: m. 1st, Waterford, Me., John, son of Abraham Wliitcomb,* b. 1819; they were divorced; she removed to Wabash Co., Minn.: ni. 2d, there, Childs; m. 3d. Creed. She d. in Minn,, 1871, and is buried beside her brother John. Children: Three daughters by first husband. Four daughters and son by second husband. Two daughters by third husband, one dead. [2684] CHARLES B. HAMLIN, (Bro. of Francis,) b. Sweden, Me., Dec. 16, 1843; m. Apr. 20, 1870, Etta M. Sylvester, of Dover, Me.; resided in Sweden, near tlie old home farm of his father, a portion of which he owned until 1885, when he sold and removed to E. Brunswick, Me., to educate his children. Children: 6423. Francis A., b. June 16, 1871 6424. Truman L., " Feb. 14, 1874 6425. James Archie, " July 25, 1879 * Note 409. ABRAHAM WHITCOMB, b. 1765; m. SaUy Atherton; removed from Har-^ vard, Mass, to Beach Hill, Waterford, Me., 1800. ^ Children: i Abraham, m. Betsey Houghton and Mary E. Horr. i Sarah. Isaac, " Racbael Pike. .lOEL. Calvin, " Louisa Houghton William, " Mary A. Harris. Polly, " Ai Bnrnham, Sally. Betsey, " Robert Barstow. ABRAHAM WHITCOMB, 2d; m. 1st, Betsey Houghton; mi. 2d, Mary fi. Sorr. He came from Harvard, Mass. and settled at Beech Hill. Children: John, b. 1819; m. Sarah B. Hamlin and Etta A. Kneeland. Eliza, " 1822, " Stephen Sanderson and Milton Jewett, Elona ? EIGHTH GENERATION. 641 [2685] MELVIN M. HAMLIN, » (Bro. of Francis,) b. Sweden, Me., Aug. 7, 1845; m. there, Feb. 6, 1876, Mary Jewett, b. Sweden, line 11, 1853; he lived on the homestead of his father in Sweden until 1888: anted it and went to Broken Bow, Neb.; returned to Sweden, remained a year, old out, and bought a farm, a mile from North Waterford Village; he was iberally educated; a school teacher: held town offices; Methodists. Children: 6426. Bertha Clyde, b. Mar. 7, 1877. 6427. Bessie Mklvina, " Oct. 2, 1879. [2686] ELVIRA B. HAMLIN,* (Sister of Francis,) b. Sweden, Me., Feb. 5, 1847; unmarried; school teacher; removed to Cali- 'urnia, 188;}; res. Yuba. [2687] JOHN HAMLIN,8 (Addison,' Eleazer,65 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ jTanies,2i) b. Sweden, Me., May 3, 1822; m, 1st, Whitetield, N. H., Oct. 14, 1843, |Persis,'? dau. of Stephen and Rachael (Nurce*) Shattuck,tb. Bethlehem, N. H., Sept. 3, 1818, who d. Milan, N.H., Aug. 6, 1844; m. 2d, Bethel, Me., Jan. 4, 1846, Sophia," dau. of Peter and Sophia (Wheeler) Ivimball,^ b. Bethel, Oct. 31, 1824; Ifarmer. merchant, sheriff and policeman; Milan, N. H., and New Gloucester, iMe. He d. New Gloucester, Nov. 3, 1870. Ch. by 1st, wife, b, Milan: 6428.* Chakles Henry, July 3, 1844. By 2d wife, b. Milan: 6429.* MellenK., Oct. 1, 1846. f ' - ■ ■■ * NOTE 410. FRANCIS NtJRSE.i (Xourse) b. England, .Tan. IS, 1618; m. Aug. 24, 1644, Re- |becca, dau. of William and .Jane (Blessing) Towne, of Yarmouth, Eng., b. Feb. 16, 1621. He was a tray maker, and resided forty years on the North river between the 'main part of Salem, Mass., and the ferry to Beverly. He bought an estate of 300 acres at Salem village, April 29, 1678, which was divided between his children, he retaining the old homestead, where they were liv- ing in partriarohal style when the Salem witchcraft delusion occurred. In 1693, itebecca Nurse, with others, was accused of being a witch ; on W' ednesday, June 28, 1692, after a trial having no semblance of justice she was convicted and sentenced to death, although forty of her neighbors, people of excellent reputation, testified to her blameless life and Christian character, and the first verdict of the jury was "Not Guilty." The judges were not satisfied .and such an outcry was raised that tiie jury retired again and brought in a verdict of "Guilty." On July 3, she was taken before the church and after listening to a venemous tirade by the ministers, was excommunicated; and on' July 19, 1692, at Salem, with several other victims, she was hanged as a witch. Their bodies were denied the rights of burial; but her sons secretly obtained possession of her body and tenderly interred it in the family burying ground on the Nourse farm. Through the efforts of her son Samuel the judgment in her case was recinded March 2. 1712. In July, 1885, the Nour.se Family Asso. secured the site of her grave and erected there a suitable monument to her memory. He d. Salem, Nov. 22, 1695. Children b. Salem: John, Rebecca, Samuel, Mary, Francis, Sarah, Elizabeth, Benjamin. + Note 411. STEPHEN SHATTUCK,6 (Peter,s William,* Benjamin,3 William.ai) WILLIAM SHATTUCK.i b. England, 1621-2; m, Susanna ,1642; farmer and me- chanic; Watertown, Mass. He d. there, Apr. 14, 1672; she m. 2d, Nov. 18, 1673, Richard Norcross, who survived her; she d.' Watertown, Dec. 11, 1686. 10 children. I * Note 412. For Kimball see notes 254, :303. 344 and 404. SAMUEL KIMBALL,? (Asa,e Jacob,5 Richard,! John,3 Richard,2i) b. Andover, Mass., Jan. 26, 1761; m. Hannah Clark, of St. ,Tohn, N. B. ; res. Andover, Mass. ; removed to Bethel, Me., 1796. Children: Clark, Peter, Phebe, Lydia, Olive, Huldah. PETER KIMBALL,8 b. Bethel, Me. ; ra. Sophia, dau. of Abel Wheeler, of Rumford, Me.; res. Bethel. Children: Sophia, Charles Wlieeler, Viola, Sarah M., Charles Mellen. 642 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [2689] Hon. CYRUS DEXTER HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of John,) b, Sweden, Me., Jan. 22, 1829; tn. Bethel, Me., Oct. 17, 1855, Celestioe, dau of Moses and Rebecca (Staples) Cross, b. Rumford, Me., Feb. 16, 1834; farmer horse-breeder and lumberman, Milan, N. H.; Representative, 1866 and 1878 and held town offices. Ch. b. Milan: Frank E., Nov. 20, 1857. . Fred A., Aug. 15, 1859. Abbijb C, Jan. 10, 1865; d. Jan. 29, 1867. Annie C, Jan. 22, 1867. 6430.* 6431. 6432. 6483. 6434.* 6435.* [2693] [2690] SUSANNAH HAMLIN,* (Sister of John,) b. Sweden, Me. April 17, 1834; m. Milan, N.H., Sept. 10, 1854, Sullivan T.,soi of Nathan and Hannah (Twitchell) Blckford. b. Milan; farmer and millwrigh She d. Milan, Feb. 28, 1889. Children: Ada, June 20, 1862, Berlin. ArchIe, June 7, 1866, Milan. ^ -1 MARY ELIZABETH HAMLIN,* (John,^ Eleazer.«5 Benjamin,; Eleazer,3 James, 21) b. Sweden, Me., Jan. 31, 1830; m. there, Mar. 21, 1 Samuel, son of Samuel and Abigail (Porter) Plummer,* b. Sweden, Feb. 14, 1817 farmer: Sweden; Republican; Selectman; Congs. No issue. [2694] Capt. JOSHUA GAMAGE HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Mary E.,) b. Sweden, Me., June 2, 1836, unmarried: private, I, 5th Maine Inf. Volsl Enlisted 1861, and served in the Army of the Potomac more than two years: was in several battles, but escaped unharmed, with only bullet holes in his clothesi promoted to First Lieut. 80th U. S. Col. Inf., Sept. 1863, and went to Louisiana stationed at different places, Alexandria being the last: promoted Captain an served to the close of the war. While waiting to be mustered out of service he was stricken with typhoid fever, living only a few days. His remains wen afterwards brought home and buried in his native town. A letter of condo lence to his friends was signed by the officers of his regiment, by whom he wai beloved and respected. He was mourned by a large circle of friends at liome. [2696] ABIGAIL KNIGHT HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Mary E.,) b. Sweden, Me., Aug. 28, 1841; m. Nash. Children: 64,36. John Waldo, 6437. George Perley, ()438. Samuel Haven, 6439. A Child, 6440. Prince Thompson, 6441. Willie Melvin, Raymond, Me., April 13, 1861, Samuel Bl b. Julv 18, 1862. Sweden. " Mar. 1868, Raymond. " Dec. 1873, d. infancy. b. 1880, Raymond. 1886, d. 1877. * Note 4i:j. Samuel, .lonathan and .Tosiuh Plummer came from. Rowley, Mass., to Wate; ford. Me., soon after 3788; several men from Kowley had ser%'ed in the Revolution with Lieui Thomas Green; they followed and settled with him at Waterford, in that part called Rowle}] street; these embraced the .Jewetts, Hobson, Saunders, Chaplin, and the Plummers. SAMUEL PLUMMER, b. 1709; came first of that family, 1790, and settled on lot .5, rani 8; m. 1797, Elizabeth, dau. of Dea. Stephen and Elizabeth (Little) .Tewett, b. 1778; farmer an carpenter. Ch. b. Waterford: Daniel, Eber, Samuel, Cyrus, Elizabeth, Sophia, George W. Edwin. ^1 EIGHTH GENERATION. 643 [2697J ELIZA KNIGHT HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Mary E.,) b. Sweden, Me., Sept. 12, 1843; m. there, July 3, 1872, William Horatio, son t Joseph Haven and Lucy Rust (Clifford) King, b. Paris, Me., Feb. 3, 1845; 'lachinist: Concord, N. H.; Republican; Freemason. She d. Sweden, Sept. 28, ^94. Ch. b. Concord: 6442.* Albert Russell, Jan. 24, 1874. 6443. Mary Hamlin, Feb. 8, 1882; unm. 1902. [2702] ANNIE L. HAMLIN,^ (William,' Eleazer.es Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 ames,3i) b. Waterford, Me., Mar. 9, 18.34; m. there, Aug. 24, 1858, Isaac H. ;allard, b. Boston, Mass., Apr. 29, 1836: iron founder. She d. Waltham, Mass., 'eb. 20, 1873. Ch. b. Cambridge: I 6444.* Charles H., Sept. 15, 1859. [2703) CHARLES CALVIN HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Annie L.,) b. Waterford, Me., Aug. 1, 1837; m. there, Nov. 5, 1861, Ellen Maria, dau. if Josiah and Lydia Octavia (Blanchard) Whittier, b. Deerfield, N. H., May 28, ,842; teamster; North Bridgton, Me.; Republican; she, Cong. i Ch. b. N. Bridgton: 6445. Edward Albert, 6446. Frederick Sherman, 6447* Annie Cora, 6448. LiLLiE May, 6449. Carrie Bertha, 6450.* Nellie Adelia, 6451. Arthur Morris, 6452. Alice Louise, j 6453. Maude Blanche, '' 6454. Isabella Etta, 6455. Charles Edward, [2704] DANA B. HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Annie L., ) b. Waterford, Me., Aug. 22, 1839; ra. Boston, Mass., July 2, 1873, Nellie F. IdcCwaig, b. St. Andrews, Ontario, Apr. 4, 1850; balier; Boston. Children: 6456. Arthur M., b. May 15, 1874. 6457. IddellaL., " Nov. 6, 1878. [2705] Dr. EDWARD L. HAMLIN,» (Bro. of Annie L.,) b. Waterford, Me., Aug. 29, 1841; m. Waltham, Mass., Dec. 22, 1873, Harriet Smilie.9 dau. of William Bailey and Harriet Newell^ (Kilgore) McWain, b. ^Vaterford, Maine, Feb. 5, 1843. Private D, 16 Maine Inf. Vols.; enlisted July !1, 1862; severely wounded in hip, Fredericlfsburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862, disabling jiim for life; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Sept. 7, 1863; and discharged iS private, F, 3 V. R. C, Hartford, Ct., July 6, 1865. A good soldier; dentist; jVValtham, since 1879; member Mt. Tirem Lodge A. F. & A. M.; Lodge 35, t O. O. F.; Post 29, G. A. R.; and Rumford Council, R. A.; Universalists. He las rendered valuable assistance in collecting records for this branch of the pistory. I Ch. b. Boston: 6458.* William Edward, Nov. 12, 1875. d. in infancy. Sept. n, 1864. Sept. 12, 1866. May 16, 1869; " young. .Tune 6, 1870: m. Frank O. Barber. July 20, 1871. " young. Nov. 25, 1875; m. James L. Freelove Mar. 10, 1877, " Charles Little. d. in infancy. Apr. 12, 1888. 644 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [2709] HENRY J. HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Annie L.,) b. Waterford, Me., July 5, 1850: m. Chelsea, Mass., Feb. 24, 1876, Ada B.iJ Griffin, b. Annisquam, Mass., Aug. 5, 1849; merchant: Spokane, Wash. Ch. b. Boston: 6459. Charles B., Aug. 20, 1878. [2710] DAVID TILDEN HAMLIN,« (David T.,' Eleazer,^^ Benja min,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Waterford, Me., May 23. 1835; m. Milan, N. H.,fl Jan. 6, 1861, Mary E. Evans, b. Milan, May 12, 1840; farmer and lumberman: Milan; private Co. H, 1st Regt. N. H. H. Art.; enlisted 1864, and served untilj] the close of the war. In Feb., 1873, he cut his knee with an ax, while felling i tree, from the effects of which he d. Sept. 6, 1873. Children: ■9 6460. Alvo Daniel, b. Mar. 8, 1863. d. Oct. 22, 1866. > 6461. James Gilbert, " June .30, 1864. . 6462. Charles Tilden, " June 28, 1866. •' 6463. Willie Bancroft, " Dec 13, 1867. ^ 6464. (jEOrge Henry, " Aug. 6, 1870. 6465. Hazen David, " Oct. 8, 1873. [2712] ELLEN ELIZABETH HAML1N,8 (Sister of David T.,) b. Waterford, Me., Mar. 14, 1841; m. Milan, N. H., Apr. 2, 1864, Denni Bawn York, b. Bethel, Me., May 4, 1838; res. Milan, where she d. Apr. 1, 1889. Ch. b. Milan: Hattie Maria, Dec. 16. 1864. Ella Fannie, Nov. 22, 1868. Florence Lydia, Dec. 14, 1870. Mabel Lizzie, Sept. 11, 1873. Bessie Bawn, May 10, 1884. 6466.* 6467.* 6468.* 6469.* 6470. [2713] CHARLES GILBERT HAMLIN," (Bro. of David T..) b. Waterford, Me., Mar. 26, 1847: m. Milan, N. H., Nov. 20, 1875, Lydia Aj Blake, b. Milan, Dec. 16, 1851. Private H, 1st, Regt. N. H. H. Art; enlistee 1865 and served until the war closed; afterwards two years in California!! merchant; Gorham, N. H. Children. 6471. Donald Conrad, 6472. Carlie Gertrude, 6473. Berenice Hattie, 6474. Geordie Hortbnse, 6475. Roy Gilbert, 6476. Charles Augustus, 6477. Arthur Benedict, 6478. Helen Beatrice, 6479. Hannibal Homer, Jan. 5. 1877. Feb. 19, 1879. Dec. 11, 1881. Dec. 15, 1883. Feb. 15, 1885. Nov. 16, 1888. Nov. 21. 1889. Dec. 4, 1890. Dec. 8, 1892. [2715] HARRIET FRANCES HAML1N,8 (Sister of David T., ) b. Waterford, Me., Mar. 4, 1849; m. Milan, N. H., Apr. 11, 1874, Charles Henry Plummer, b. Raymond, Me., May 27, 1850; res. Raymond, where she d.J May 4, 1882. EIGHTH GENERATION. 645 Children: 6480. Nellte Emma, b. Feb. 16, 1875. 6481. Fannie Hamlin, " Apr. 27, 1882. 6482. Albert Dennis, ' " Aug 5, 18—. [2717] CATHARINE STONE,* (Elsie,' Mary Haralin,^ Eleazer,^ Ben- jamin,* Eleazer,^ Jatnes,'^!) b. Waterford, Me., July 16, 1822; m. 1st, Albion K. P. Dunlmm; m. 2, Merrill. (2718] iiAPHRONiA STONE,^ (Sister of Catherine,) b. Waterford, Me.. Nov. 27, 1825; m. Augustus Granville, son of Jonathan and Chloe (Wi\lard) Morse,* b. Aug. 20, 1817: she d. Nov. 3, 1850; he m. 2d, May 2, 1852, Julia Stone. No issue. 1 [2720] ADELINE HAMLIN, « (Elijah L.," Cyrus,« Eleazer.s Benja- 'mln,* Eleazer,3 James,- 1) b. Columbia, Me., Aug. 11, 1826: m. Nov. 13, 1845, Hon. George,' son of Hon. Simeon and Betsey (Kidder) Stetson, f b. Hampden, * Note 414, WILLIAM MORSE; m. 1st, Ann Wheeler; m.5d, Millie Kimball. Became from Stow, Mass., to Waterford, Me. Children: William, Ann, Henry, Harriet, Albert, Jane, Jonathan, Sarah. i JONATHAN MORSE; m. Chloe VVillard. He came frem Stow, Mass., to Waterford, Me. {Farmer and drover. Children: Charlotte, Augustus Granville, Sarah, six children, d. infancy. ! t Note 415. ROBERT STETSOX,i b. 1613. It is traditional that he came from Kent, Eng- 1 land; settled in Scituate, Mass., l&U, where he then received a grant of land from the Colony; I wife, Mary. He was Cornet of the first Horse Company, in Plymouth Colony, 1*559; and was chosen member of the Council of War of the Colony. IBtJl, which office he held over 20 years; i deputy to General Court many years. His coat of arms is given in the family genealogy. He id. Feb. 1, 1702-3; will dated Sept. 4, 1702; proved Mar. 1. 1703. Children: Joseph, Benjamin, Thomas, Samuel, Eunice (Rogers), Robert, John. JOSEPH STETS0N,2 b. June, 1639, eldest son; res. Scituate; d. 1723. j ROBERT STETSON,3 second son, b. Dec. 9,1670; m. Mary CoUamore, of Scitaate; con- I stable, 1722. AMOS STETSON,* fourth son, b. June IS, 1703; removed from Scituate to Braintree, Mass.. and there m. May 9, 1727. Margaret, dau. of Benjamin T. Thayer, who kept the garrison ' in Boston. He d. 1777. 11 children. JOHN STETSON,5 second son; b. Oct. 27, 1731; m. Rachael, dau. of Samuel Paine, of Randolph, Mass, He d. Jan. 30, 1811. 11 children. Hon. SIMEON STETSON.s fifth son; b. Braintree, Mass., now Randolph; m. Jan. 25, 1796. Betsey Kidder. When a small boy he went to live with Thomas Penneman. of Washington, i N. H., who reared him as a son; and his wife was a niece of Penneman. He resided Wasbing- I ton and New Ipswich. In 1S03 he went to Maine at the suggestion of his brother. Major Amasa I Stetson, of Boston, who had bought the township of land which became the town of Stetson, i Me.; but decided to settle at Hampden, Me.; purchased 50 acres of land at Hampden Upper i Corners, and engaged in merchandising. He also owned a saw mill, on Sowadabscrook, in com- I pauy with Josiah Kidder, He also built several small vessels, which he employed in the West i India trade; one.called the John Hsmpden was commanded by his son Robert. A Republican of the Jeffersonian school; selectman and town clerk over 20 years; member Mass. legislature, before the admission of .Maine to the Tnion; member Const. Conv. of Maine; and member E.\- ;l ecutive Council of Gov. Lincoln; Trustee of Hampden Academy. In person of average height, jl well built, of florid comple.vion and sandy hair in youth. Noted for hospitality and generosity. I While he could not subscribe to the Calvinistic creed he owned a pew in each church in town. His death was the result of an accident, Dec. 20, 1836. He went with his teamster for a load of wood, and returning discovered that the ax was left behind, which was returned for by the teamster. Mr. Stetson went on with the team, until coming to a descent in the road, he fell before the loaded sled which passed over and crushed him to death. Children : Thomas Pen- neman, Reuben Kidder, Ann Kidder, Charles, George, Isaiah. 646 THE HAMLIN FAMILY Me., Jan. 25, 1807. He was educated at Hampden Academy, and engaged in business with his brother Reuben, at Hampden, in the West India trade; re- moved to Bangor, Me., 1834, and formed a partnership with Albert G. Brown, under the firm name of Brown & Stetson, -general traders. In 1835 he formed a partnership with Cyrus Emery and his brother, Isaiah Stetson, firm of Emery, Stetson & Co., wholesale merchants and lumbermen, owners of the Bruce Mills, on the Kenduskeag. They exported to the West Indies, in their own vessels, and brought back goods for their store. Mr. Emery withdrew from the firm, 1850, and the business was continued as Stetson & Co., and gradually withdrew from manufacturing and merchandise, and invested in timber lands and real estate. He succeeded the late Samuel F. Hersey as president of Market Bank, 1863, which was merged in the National Bank of Bangor, of which he was president. Was a promoter of Central Market House Co. and Norombega Hall, of which he was president and director; chairman Board of Commissioners, Bangor Water Works, 1875; president Union Insurance Co., Bangor Mutual Fire Insurance Co. and Mount Hope Cemetery Corp. many years; Capt., Hamp- den Light Infantry, Jan. 14, 1826; promoted Major, .June 9, 1832; Republican; member of Legislature, 186.3-4; a strong supporter of the administration during the Rebellion; Unitarian. He d. June 15, 1891. Ch. B. Bangor: 6483.* George Hamlin, Nov. 15, 1846. 6484.* Edward, June 22, 1854. 6485.* . Isaiah Kidder, Apr. 3, 1858. 6486.* Mary Adeline, Apr. 24, 1860. [2722J AUGUSTUS CHOATE HAMLIN," M. D., (Bro. of Adeline,) b. Columbus, Me., Aug. 28, 1829; m. Bangor, Me., Dec. 31, 1857, Helen Agnes, dau. of Hon. Jonas and Lucretia (Bennoch) Cutting,* b. Bangor, Sept. 8, 1839; physician and surgeon: Bangor; Republican. He graduated Bowdoin College, 1851; from Harvard Medical school, 1855; was two years in Europe, and studied medicine in Paris, France. He raised a company of infantry at his own expense, April, 1861: and joined the 2d, Maine Inf. Vols, as Asst. Surgeon: par- ticipated as a volunteer surgeon with the 1st Mass. and 12 N. Y. regiment at Blackburn's Ford, and with his own regiment at Bull Run, July, 1861, and at Yorktown, Va., spring of 1862. Appointed Brigade Surgeon, and served under Gen. Fremont in West Virginia, April, 1862, participating in the campaigns in the Shenandoah Valley: Chief of Medical Staff, Advance Guard under Col. Gustave P. Cluseret, ending with battle of Cross Keys, Va., June 8, 1862. He formed the Flying Hospital and served under Gen. Pope from Cedar Mountain to Bull Run and Chantilly, Va., August, 1862. Medical Director, 11 Army Corps, until February, 1863, when he was appointed Lieut.-Col., U. S. A., and Medical Inspector, and assigned to supervision of the hospitals, Dept. of Wash- ington, D. C; assigned as Medical Inspector Army of the South, under Gen. Gilmore at Charlestown, S. C, July, 1863, serving with it until after the fall of Fort Wagner, when he returned to duty at Washington, where he served until December, 1864. Assigned as Medical Inspector Army of the South West, under Gen. George H. Thomas: mustered out November, 1865, He returned to Bangor, 1865, and engaged in the general practice of medicine. He was made * Note 416. .Judge JONAS CUTTING was .Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine. Dr. Augustus C. Hamlin k EIGHTH GENERATION. 647 'chevalier of the Order of St. Anne, by Alexander II, Emperor of Russia, 1878 Mayor of Banjjor, 1877-8, by the largest majorities ever given for that office Commander of Post 12, G. A. R.; Dept. Commander of Maine, G. A. R., 1879 member of Pension Committee, G. A. R., 1892: Commissioner of Maine, at Yorlc- towD Centennial, 1881: Surgeon General of Maine. 1882-6; Fellow of American Asso. for Advancement of Science, of which he was secretary, 1874; member Phila. Academy of Sciences; Royal Society of Antiquarians of Northern Europe; member of Committee on Gems, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Author of various articles: on Tranfusion, Tetanus, Alimentation, Transmission of diseases, etc.; a work on Andersonville. 1866: The Tourmaline, 1873; Leisure hours among the gems, 18S4; Mount Mica, 1895, being a description of the wonderful mineral deposits of matchless tourmalines and other precious gems, at Paris, Me., discovered 1820, by his father, Hon. Elijah L. Hamlin, to the developeraent of which Dr. Hamlin has given years of attention and research, discovering, collecting and preserving some of the most famous tour- malines extant. , In 1896, as historian of the 11 Army Corps, he published an exhaustive history of the part borne by that corps in the battle of Chancel- lorsvllle, Va., and especially of the attack of Stonewall Jackson's troops on May 2, 1863. Ch. b. Bangor: 6487. Helen, June 17, 1861; m. Edward Hamlin." 6488. Fred CuTTmo, Dec. 10, 1873; d. Nov. 30, 1891. [2723] JULIA HAMLIN,* (Sister of Adeline,) b. Columbia, Me., Feb. 27, 1832; m. Feb. 26, 1857, Samuel Rawson,' only child of Timothy Jarvis and Arabella (Rawson*) Carter,t b. Paris, Me., June 22, 1829; graduated Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., 1852; admitted to bar, Oxford Co., Me., 1854; Register of Probate, Oxford Co., one term; Town Clerk of Paris; proprietor and editor Oxford Register; he was interested in chemistry and minerology, and studied the mineral deposits of Mt. Mica, Paris; Captain of Artillery, Paris Militia, Aug. 29, 1854; resided Paris. Both d. there; she, Aug. 12, 1894; he, Apr. 22, 1893. Ch. b. Paris: 6489.* Jarvis Livermore, Feb. 11, 1858. [2724] AGNES HOLMES,* (Vesta Hamlin,' Cyrus,^ Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Calais, Me., Apr. 12, 1837; m. there, Aug. 10, 1865, Ed- ward, son of John Warren and Mary Louisa (De Wolfe) Moore, b. St. Stephen, * For Rawson see note 316. + For Carter see note 306. Note 417. TIMOTHY JARVIS CARTER.e (Timothy ,54 Benjamin.s Timothy,2 Thomas.i) fourth child of Dr. Timothy and Frances (Freeland) Carter, b. Bethel, Me., Aug. 18, 1800; re- ceived an academical education; studied law at Northampton, Mass. ; admitted to the Bar, 1826; located at Rumford. Me., but soon came to Paris; m. Sept. 11, 1828, Arabella, dau. of Samuel and Polla (Freeland) Rawson, of Pari.s; was often in town office; Secretary Maine Senate, 1833; attorney for Oxford Co.. same year; representative to Congress, 1836; he d. Washington, D. C, Mar, 14, 183S; as a lawyer and politician he was able, popular and successful. The poet of the Paris Centenial, notices him: "Next, Mr. Carter, Timothy J., And well remembered in his day, Our people chose with great applause. To help enact the Nation's laws; But this bright son, death's cloud obscured. Though with an honored name assured." 648 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. N. B., Sept. 11, 1838; merchant; Calais; Republican: Unitarians. Aug. 28, 1884. She d. Calais,! Ch. b. Calais; 6490. Frank Holmes, July 12, 1S66: unm. 1902. 6491. Mabel, Mar. 13, 1868; d. Aug. 16, 1869. ■*' 6492. Josephine Cony, Jan. 8, 1870; unm. 1902, i 6493. Vesta Hamlin, May 30, 1877, " •■; [2726] ELLEN VESTA HOLMES,^ (Sister of Agnes,) b. Calais, Me., Mar. 14, 1840; m. Capt. Joseph S. Cony. He was lost at sea by the burning of the steamer. City of Bath, of which he was commander, off Cape Hatteras, Feb. 10, 1867. She resides Calais. No issue. }'■ [2728] FRANK PIERPONT HOLMES,' (Bro. of Agnes,) b. Calais, Me., Aug. 14, 1843. Sergeant Co. A, 6th Maine Inf. Vols., killed at the second battle of Fredericksburg, Va., May 3, 1863, in the celebrated charge on Marye's Heights. [2729] Dr. WALTER HAMLIN HOLMES,8 (Bro. of Agnes,) b. Calais. Me., June 23, 1854; m. Waterbury, Ct., Apr. «, 1881, Medora Car- oline, dau. of Gideon Luther and Caroline (Tudor) Piatt, b. Waterbury, April 21, 1851: physician; Waterbury; Unitarian; graduated Bowdoin College, 1875; Harvard Medical School, 1879; practiced in Boston City hospital, 1878-9; settled at Waterbury, Mar. 1880, and formed partnership with Dr. Gideon L. Piatt: a. scholarly, benevolent man, formerly an Odd Fellow, member of various medical societies and Waterbury Club. He was an invalid several years prior to hisj| death. He d. Waterbury, Nov. 27, 1898. No issue. [2731] . Gen. CHARLES HAMLIN,« (Hannibal, ' Cyrus,6 Eleazer,'^ Ben jamin,! Eleazer,^ James, 2') b. Hampden, Me., Sept. 13, 1837; m. Topsham, Me., Nov. 28, 1860, Sarah Purinton, dau. of Dixey W. and Sarah (Purinton) Tliorap son, b. Topsham, July 2, 1837; jurist; Bangor; Republican. He graduated BoW'| doin College, 1857; admitted to the bar, 1858; Major 18th Maine Inf. Vols., 1862, afterwards 1st Maine Heavy Art.: Asst. Adj. Gen. U. S. Vol., Apr. 26, 1863, 2d Division, .'ki Corps, Army of the Potomac; participated in battles of Gettysburg, Kelly's Ford, Locust Grove, Mine Run, and Harper's Ferry, 1864, in Early's raid. He received the official thanks of Major-General Humphreys, commanding the division, for services in the field at Gettysburg; Asst. Inspector of Artillery, 1864-5, on the staff of Major-General Albion P. Howe; brevettedj Brig.-General U. S. Vol., Mar. 13, 1865, for .services at Gettysburg: resigned,] Sept. 13, 1865; resumed the practice of law in Bangor, Me., where he has sino resided; city solicitor, Bangor, 1867; U. S. Register in Bankruptcy and (J. S Commissioner; member Maine Legislature, 1883-5, and Speaker of the House|| the latter year: author of the insolvent laws of Maine, 1878; Reporter of De cisions, Supreme Court of Maine; chairman of Executive Committee Maine! Gettysburg Commission in erecting monuments of Maine troops on that battle- field, and which made an elaborate report thereon, 1898; President Bangor Genrj eral Hospital. He has rendered valuable assistance to this work. Gen, Cyrus Hamlin, ■i f f Ir I' i V EIGHTH GENERATION. 649 Children: 6494.* Charles Eugexe, b. Oct. 11, 1861, Orland. 6495.* Addison, " Mar. 30, 1863, Georgetown. 6496.* Cyrus, " Aug. 18, 1869, Bangor. 6497.* Ed vv IN Thompson, " June 8, 1872, " [2732] Gen. CYRUS HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Charles,) b. Hampden, Me., Apr. 26, 1839: m. Prospect, Me., Oct. 12, 1862, Sarah, dau. jf True and Sarah Sanborn, b. Prospect, Me. He was educated at Hampden, Eridgton, Fryeburg and Bethel academies, and Waterville College, Maine; ad- mitted to the bar, 1860, and practiced law a year at Kittery, Me. He entered the army, 1862, as Captain and A. D. C. on staff of Gen. Fremont, attracting his favorable notice by gallantry at the battle of Cross Keys, Va., June 8, 1862. Col. 8th U. S. C. T., Dept. of the Gulf, 1863. Brig. Gen. U. S. Vols., 1864. He icommanded the Military Division of Port Hudson, 1864-5. Brevetted Major iGen. U. S. Vols., Mar. 13, 1865, for "Distinguished services during the war." He was among the first to advocate raising colored troops, and the first ap- ipointed from Maine to command a colored regiment. After the war he prac- Iticed law in New Orleans, where he took an active part in public affairs dur- ing the reconstruction period. He d. from disease contracted in the army, New Orleans, Aug. 28, 1867. Slie d. Port Hudson, July 14, 1863. No issue. [2733] SARAH JANE HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Charles,) b. Hampden, Me., Jan. 7, 1842: m. Bangor, Me. in 1865, Col. George A. Bachelder,* who d. Washington, D. C; she d. Bangor, June 28, 1878. Ch. b. Calais, Me.: 6498. Arthur Hamlin, July 13, 1866. [2735] Hon. HANNIBAL EMERY HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Charles,) b. Hampden, Me., Aug. 22, 1858; unmarried; lawyer and legislator; Ells- worth, Me.; Republican. He graduated from Waterville Classical Inst., 1875; jfrom Colby University, 1879: studied at Columbia Law Scliool, and graduated from Boston University Law School, 1882, degree of L L. B. He engaged in the practice of law, January, 1883, member firm of Hale, Emery & Hamlin, |composed of Hon. Eugene Hale, U. S. Senator from Maine; Hon. L. E. Emery, now Justice Supreme Judicial Court of Maine, and Mr. Hamlin; later. Hale & Hamlin, with offices at Ellsworth and Bar Harbor, Me.; member Maine Leg- islature, 1893-5, and chairman Judiciary Committee, 1895: State Senator, 1899- 1901, and President of the Senate, 1901; appointed member of Commissioners for Maine on Uniformity of Legislation, May, 1895, which office he held, 1901; Judge Advocate General on Governor's staff, 1897-1 901, and reappointed if or four years; trustee of Colby College. [2736] FRANK HAMLIN,« ( Bro. of Charles, ) b. Bangor, Me., Sept. 26, 1862: educated Phillips Exeter Academy; grad- uated from Harvard University, class of 1884, and from Boston University Law School, class of 1888; unmarried; lawyer; Chicago, 111.; member of the firm of Hamlin, Holland & Boyden, Chicago; Asst. Corporation Counsel for Chicago, 1895: President Harvard Club, of Chicago. He has rendered valuable assist- ance for this work. For Batchelder see note 378. 650 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [2737] JULIA STONE,8 (Susan Hamlin,' Hannibal,^ Eleazer,5 Benja- min,* Eleazer,3 James,'-^!) b. Waterford, Me., Sept. 20, 1828; m. May 25, 1852, Augustus Granville, son of Jonathan and Chloe (Willard) Morse,* b. Waterford, Apr. 1818, his second wife; he m. 1st, Sophronia Stone; farmer; Waterford, where he d. She res. there. Ch. b. Waterford: Charles Dorr, May .31, 1853. Frank Harris, Jan. 24, 1857. Augustus Granville, Nov. 12, 1858. 6499.* 6500.* 6501. [2738] CHARLES STONE,« (Bro. of Julia,) b. Waterford, Me., Aug. 20, 1830; lawyer; unjn ; d. Gray, Me., Oct. 2, 1858. [2739] WILLIAM EMERSON STONE,« (Bro. of Julia,) b. Waterford, Me., Dec. 29, 1831; m. there. April 9, 1870, Carrie, dau. of Simon and Mary (Morse*) Fifield, b. Jan. 12, 1834, who d. Mar. 18, 1898: farmer; Waterford; Republican. Ch. b. Waterford: 6502.* Grace Douglass, July 5, 1872. 6503. Herbert, Feb. 18, 1877; unm. 1901. [2740] CYRUS HAMLIN STONE,8 (Bro. of Julia,) b. Waterford, Me., May 5, 18.33; m. Boston, Mass., Dec. 1, 1858, S. Anna, dau. of Jared and Ruth (Bates) Lincoln, b. Boston, Mar. 19, 1833; employed in U. S. mail service, Boston, for many years. Children: 6504. Anna Lincoln, 6505. Francis Skinner, 6506. Edward Fillmore, 6507. Susan Hamlin, b. Oct. 1863, Boston. " Oct. 1863, " Somerville, Mass.; d. young. [2741] HARRIET UPTON ST0NE,« (Sister of Julia,) b. Waterford, Me., June 14, 18.36: m. there, James Monroe Shaw; farmer; Waterford; also a botanist and mineralogist, and has the largest collection of minerals in the State of Maine. She d. Waterford, Oct. 26, 1889. Child: 6508. Lillian, b. June 10; d. May 5. [2743] MARGARET C. STONE,8 (Sister of Julia,) b. Waterford, Me., Sept. 22, 1840; m. Leander Gage Stone: carpenter; Waterford; where she d. Nov. 15, 1884. No issue. [2744] EMILY F. STONE,8 (Sister of Julia,) b. Waterford, Me., Oct. 5, 1842; m. there, Mar. 12, 1870, James R. Fillmore; carpenter. She d. Summerville, Mass., Feb. 21, 1891. No issue. [2748] ALBERT DWIGHT FOSTER FARLEY,* (Rebecca F. Hamlin,^ Hannibal," Eleazer,!" Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,-') b. Portland, Me., * For Morse see note 414. EIGHTH GENERATION. 651 Oec. 5, 1834: in. Boston, Mass., Dec. 23, 1863, Annie P., dau of James Haskell, j). Rockport, Mass., Aug. 10, 1840: clerk Q. M. Dept. U. S. A.; Oak Park, III.; j-ducated North Bridgton, Me.; Corp. Co. B, 1st Me. Inf. Vols., Oct. 4, 1861, to jvlay 27. 1862: served in Q. M. Dept. Nelson's Div. Army of the Cumberland, rune 5, 1862, to Oct., 1862: with Rousseau's Div. until Jan., 1863; at headquar- ers Army of the Tenn. during seige of Vicksburg, Aug., 1863; at various ither stations, Q. M. Dept. until close of war; at various Mil. Dept. Head- liuarters since. ! Children: 6509. Annie May, b. May 12, 1865, Westbrook, Me. 6510. WrLLiAM, " Nov. 27, 1867, Detroit, Mich. 6511. Harriet H., " Jun. 24, 1874, Georgetovpn. [2749] JOHN HENRY FARLEY,* (Bro. of Alfred D. F.) b. Portland, Me., Aug. 5, 1837; m. Conneautville, Pa., Aug. 14, 1866, Julia, lau, of Charles and Amitta (Owen) French, b. Ridgebury, Pa., Sept. 14, 1846, vho d. Apr. 28, 1890; clerk, Q. M. Dept., U.S.A., Plattsburg, N.Y., 1894; was con- 'idential clerk in the Quartermasters' Dept. since Nov. 16, 1863, and during that i.ime was on duty at Detroit, Mich., Philadelphia, Santa Fe, N.M., Nashville, Tenn., Newport, Ky., Washington, D. C, Chicago, New York City, St. Louis, Kansas City, Mo. and Ft. Riley, Kansas; Cong. He d. Philadelphia, Pa., May 2, |1898. Children: 6512.* Charles Raymond, b. Nov. 20, 1869, Mecca, Ohio. 6513. Alfred, 11 Nov. 7, 1872, Detroit, Mich.; unm. 6514. Nettie, (I Jan. 31, 1875, Phila., Pa.; unm. 6515. Edith, (( Dec. 25, 1876, (( a a [2750] CYRUS HAMLIN FARLEY,8 (Bro. of Alfred D. F.,) b. Portland, Me., Aug. 28, 1839; m. Elsie Wing; optician; Portland. Children: 6516. Phillip. 6517. Lizzie. 6518. Another. [2751] SUSAN FARLEY,8 (Sister of Alfred D. F.,) jb. Portland, Me., May 22, 1841; m. Plattsburg, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1892, W. T. Or- imiston, b. Oxbow, N. Y., June 7, 1856: he was educated in the schools of his inative town, Gouverneur Weslej^an Seminary, Adams Collegiate Institute, land Hamilton College, graduating from the latter, 1885; he went to Constanti- [nople the same year; tutor, Robert College, 1885-1891: received the degree of Ia. M. from Hamilton College, 1888; published a "Practical Arithmetic," Con- i?tantinople, 1889; he passed a year, 1891-2, at John Hopkins University, Balti- more; appointed Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy, Robert College, 1892, which position he held, 1895; Presb.: slie was educated in the schools of Port- land, and Bridgton Academy, and lived at home until the death of her parents; went to Constantinople and was matron of Robert College, 1879-92. [2752] MARY LOUISA FARLEY,^ (Sister of Alfred D. F.,) b. Portland, Me., May 7, 1844; m. Sept. 24, 1877, Alonzo P. Wriglit, of New ITinyard, Me.; lawyer; removed to Odell, 111., 1877; Streator, 111., 1880. No issue. 652 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [27541 ABBY FRANCES HAMLIT<.« (Hannibal,"^ Eleazer,^ Benja- min," Eleazer,=5 James,2i) b. Waterford, Me.. Oct. 22, 1837; m. Waverly, now Belmont, Mass., Oct. 14, 1857, Rev. Lyman,' son of .Jacob and Harriet (Vaughan) (| Abbott,* b. Roxbury, Mass., Dec. 18,1835: clergyman and editor; Brooklyn, N.Y.: Terre Haute, Ind.; Brooklyn, and Cornwallon-Hiidson, N. Y. He graduated from the University of the City of New York, 1853: studied law, was admitted || to the New York Bar, and practiced with his brothers, Benjamin Vaughanand Austin Abbott in N. Y. City until 1859. He then studied for the ministry and was ordained pastor of First Cong. Churcli, Terre Haute, Ind., 1860. He returned to New York City, 1865, where he was settled over the New England church, 1866-9; removed with his family to Cornwall-on-Hudson, and devoted] Rev. Lyman Abbott, D. D. some years, mainly to literary and editorial labors, as editor of The llln!3, Mrs. Mary Dana. He graduated Bowdoin College. 1820; Andover .rheological Seminary, 1821 ; tutor and professor Amherst College, 1824-8; pastor Roxbury, Mass, 834; moved to Farmington, Me., 1837; later to N. Y. City; returned to Farmington, 1869; author jf 200 works. He d. Farmington, Oct. ;il, 1879- Children: Benjamin Vaughan, Austin, Lyman, Idward. * Note 419. JOilX WASHBURN, i was first Sec. of the Council of Plymouth, in London, 5ng. The iirst pages of the records of the Gov. and Company of the Mas.sachusetts Bay, of New England, relating to outfitting of vessels to New England, were written by him, previous to his peing "intertayned for Secretary for one whole yeere to enter the Courts & to Keepethe Com- banys accounts. The 9 Marclie 1628-9." But he was superseded by Mr. William Burgis, May [3, 1B29, perhaps on account of his illegible writing, which possibly gave him offense, and ac- counts for his settlement out of Mass. Bav Colony, with which he came. He settled in Dux- pury, in Plymouth Colony as early as 1632, where he "bought of Edward Bompass, a house and 'lalisado, beyond ye creeke called ye Eagls-Nest." His wife Margerie, aged 49, and sons, John, liged 14, and Phillipp, aged 11, took passage in the Btfoabe(7( ;abeth. dau. of James and Mary Hosley, b. .Ian. 18, 1699-1700. He d. .Fune 2S, 1749; she d. July 3, 1756. Ch. prob. b. Bill- erica: James, Isaac, Samuel, Nicholas, Elizabeth, .Jonathan. NICHOLAS DANFORTH.s b. Billerica, Dec. 8, 1734; m. by Rev. .John Chandler, Mar. 30, 1758, Elizabeth, dau. of Abraham and Hannah (Farley) Jacjuith, b. Feb. 26. 1740, who survived him and m. 2d, Wood, and d. 1815. He was private in Capt. Ebenezer Bridge's Co., in Col. John Whitcomb's Regt., which marched on Lexington alarm, Apr, 19, 1775, served 13 days. Prob. moved to Fitchburg, Mass., and later to Stillwater, N. Y., where he d, about 1800. Chil? dren: Samuel, James, Elizabeth, Isaac, Jacob, Aliraham, Joshua, Susannah, Joseph Francis; ISAAC DANFORTH ,6 m. July 21, 1788, Rebeckah Taylor, both of Fitchburg. Mass.; farmer, tanner and currier; removed to North Hoosick, N. Y. Children: Nicholas, Simon, Aaron, Isaac, Rebecca, Polly, Mercy, Jacob. AARON TAYLOR DANPORTH,7 b. Nov. 20, 1804; m. 1st, Sept. .5, 1822, Anna, dau. of Ben- jamin and Polly (Clark) Dyer, of Bennington, Vt.; m. 2d, Sept. 9, 1852, Eliza Goodwin, dau. of Francis and Martha (Ward) Buck, b. Aug. 10, 180.5. Hed. July 30, 1881. Children: Hiram Doane, Amelia Billings, Priscilla Loomis, Charles Dyer. HIRAM DOANE DANFORTH,« b. Jan. £0, 1^23; m. Monticello, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1847, Mary Jane, dau. of Dr. Cuyler and Vina (Ford) Tanner, of Stephentown, N. Y., b. Feb. 10, 1827; organ builder, Utica, N. Y., 1888. He d. Jan. 22, 1885. Cliildn^n: Loomis Legrande. Floyd LaMotte, Frank, Ford, Lucy. J I ■II t li A'^I^^M^^-v^ws. J 6560. Grace, 6561. Elizabeth H 6562. Emma D., 6563. KUSSKLL W., 6564. Clinton: T., EIGHTH GENERATION. 659 [2795] MARY B. HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Edward S.,) b. Andover, N. H., Nov. 5, 1852; m. Amherst, Mass., Nov. 18, 1879, Thomas, iion of Joseph Wood, 'b. Eagland, Jaa. 8, 1854; dyer; Williamantic, Conn.; kuburn, Me.; Waltham, Mass., and Utica, N. Y.; Republican, Methodists. Both d. Utica; she Sept. 23, 1899; he May 20, 1899. Children: b. 1880, Easthampton; d. 1888. " 1882, " unra. 1902. " 1884, Waltham, " 1886, '• 1890, [2796] JOHN HAMLIN,^ ( Bro. of Edward F.,) b. Dover, N. H. Jan. 27, 1856; m. Thompsonville Ct., June 30, 1887, Mar- garet, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Davidson) Bartley, b. Thompsonville, Aug. 16, 1848: lawyer; Dover, N. H., 1856-72; Wilhrnantic, Ct., 1872-8; Thompsonville, 1878-99; since, Amherst, Mass.; Republican; Justice of the Peace; school visitor; [Freemason. No issue. [2798] Dr. FREDERICK W. HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Edward F.,) b. Dover. N. H., Sspt. 21, 1^62: m. N. Y. City, Nov. 9, 1893, Gertrude, dau. jof Elijah Tarbell and Catherine Marie (Roberts) Sherman, b. Brimfield, Mass., 'Sept. 1, 1867: physician and surgeon; educated at Natchang High School, Wil- limantic, Ct.; High School, Amherst, Mass.; Amherst College and N. Y. Ho- meopathic Medical College; res. Dover, N. H., 1862-72; Willi man tic, Ct., until 1878; Amherst, until 1883; New Yorlc City since 1885; Republican; Cong.; mem- ber American Institute Homeopathy; N. Y. State Homeopathic Medical Society; N. Y. Co. Med. So.; Asst. Prof, of Obsteterics, N. Y^. Hom. Med. Col. She Universalist; member National Society of N. E. Women in New Yorli. [2799] ARTHUR W. HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Edward F.,) b. Dover, N. H., Apr. 25, 1866; unmarried: brass finisher; Union, N. H. and Amherst, Mass. [2800] EDWARD SUMNER HAMLIN,^ (Nathan S.,' Asia,« Eleazer.s Benjamin, 1 Eleazer,3 James,'") b. Westford, Mass., June 28, 1830; m. Apr. 18, 1860, Anna Gertrude Conroy, b. N. Y., Dec, 1838; merchant; Boston; Democrat; she was a lady of fine presence, and devoted to her children, who are largely indebted to her persistent efforts and encouragement for the superior educa- tional advantages enjoyed by tliem and for the respectable, and honorable positions they occupy; she was untiring in her devotion to them, and in her death they suffered irreparble loss. Both d. Boston; he Feb. 2, 1888; she Aug. 2, 1882. Ch. b. Boston: 6565.* Charles S umnbr. Aug. 30, 1861. 6566.* Edward, Apr. 3, 1863. 6567. Harriet G., Apr. 14, 1865, unm. 6568. George P. , Mar. 25, 1867, u 6569. FredD. H., Feb. 25, 1869, (1 6570. Jane G. C, Aug. n, 1871, (( n 660 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [2801] SAMUEL A. HAMLIN/ (Bro. of Edward S.,) b. Westford, Mass., Sept. 25, 1832; m. Nashua, N. H., May, 1855, Abby, dau. of Eli and Mary (Fletcher) Tower, of Westford, b. Jan. 5, 1835; postmaster and! station agent many years, Forge village, Mass. He d. Dec. 9, 1897. Ch. b. Forge village: 6571.* Edward A., May 13, 1857. 6572. George, 1859; d. young. 6573.* Gertrude R. Fletcher, Jan. 13, 1871. [2802] HENRY HASKELL FLETCHER,* (Susan Hamlin,^ Asia.'l Eleazer,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Groton, Mass., June 11, 1831; m. 1st, Mar. 28, 1857, Emily T. Read, of Westford, who d. there, childless, Dec. 13, | 1860; m. 2d, Feb. 6, 1872, Georgia L. Allen, who d. Oct. 29, 1876. He res. Green- field, Mass. Children: 6574. LuLiA, b. Mar. 25, 1873. 6575. George Henry, " Oct. 28, 1876. [2804] AUGUSTUS DANA FLETCHER,* (Bro. of Henry H.,) b. Groton, Mass., Dec. 16, 1835; m. Pepperill, Mass., Nov. 21, 1861, Elizabeth,! dau. of Charles and Mary E. (Hunt) Lakin, b. Pepperill, Oct. 28, 1843; farmer;] Townsend Harbor, Mass.; Democrat; member St. Paul Lodge, A. F. & A. M. she member of Townsend Grange, 194, P. H. Children: 6576.* Minnie Lillian, b. Feb. 25, 1864, Pepperill. 6577. IsoLENA Hamlin, " July 29, 1873, Concord; d. Oct. 4, 1873. [2806J SARAH DIX HAMLIN,* (Cyrus,^ Asia,« Eleazer,^ Benjamin,*! Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Westford, Mass., Nov. 27, 1844. She was one of the first women to enter Mich. University, Class of 1873. She taught school Cherry Creek, Nev., 1877-9; then went to San Francisco, Cal.; she was sent to India by the Am. Ramabai Asso., 1891, to assist the Pundita Ramabai to establish herl famous school for child-widows, devoting fifteen months to the work and re-j turned to San Francisco. [2807] CATHERINE S. HAMLIN,* (Sister of Sarah D.,) b. Westford, Mass., Aug. 12, 1847; unmarried; res. Westford; she has con- tributed valuable records and information for this work. [2809] CHARLES A. HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Sarah D.,) b. Westford, Mass., May 15, 1857; m. Littleton, N. H., by Rev. E. J. Pres-| cott, Dec. 24, 1891, Lizzie Gertrude,* dau, of John Hayward and Augusta N. (Tuttle) Kimball,* b. Littleton, Nov. 20, 1858; farmer; res. on the old Hamlin homestead, Westford. He d. about 1896. * Note 421. For Kimball see notes 254, 303, 344, 404 and 412. BENJAMIN KIMBALL,2 see note ;i44. JONATHAN KIMBALL.3 b. Bradford, Nov. 26, 1673; m. 1st, July 15, 1696, Lydia, dau. of John and Sarah (Pingrey) Day, b. Mar. 18, 1676, who d. Sept. 16, 17.39; m. 2d, Nov. 3, 1739, Mrs. Jane Plummer, who left him and d. 1764; he res. Bradford, and was an extensive dealer in land; he d. Sept. 30, 1747. Ch. b. Bradford: Benjamin, Jonathan, Nathaniel, Lydia, Moses, Isaac, Rebec- ca, Buth, Abraham, Mehitable, Hannah. ill EIGHTH GENERATION. 661 Ch. b. Westford: 6578. Gertkitde Augusta, June 11, 1893; d. 6579, Evelyn Cartelyou, May 10, 1895, " [2810] GARDINER RICHARDSON,* (Sarah D. Hamlin,"' Asia," Eleaz- !r,& Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James, 2 1) b. Westford, Mass., May 14, 184.3; member F, !d, Mass. Vols.: d. unmarried, Lowell, Mass., July 11,1867, from disease con- tracted in the army. I [2820] JANE FRANCES FAlRCHILD,«(Moses,T Hannah Pope,6Seth,s Experience Jenkins,* Experience Hamlin, ^ James, 21) b. East Bloomfield, N. Y., j^ov. 1, 1819; ra. there, 1840-2, Benjamin Franklin Harwood: lawyer; Dansville, '^. Y.; Whig. She d. Canandaigua, N. ¥., June 13, 1884. He d. Albany, N. Y. [2821] ELIZABETH POPE FAIRCHILD,* (Sister of Jane F.,) b. East Bloomtleld, N, Y., July 23, 1824: m. there, Nov. 17, 1847, Luther, ;on of Moses and Abigail (Sweat) Shepard, b. Grafton Co., N. H., 1818: mer- ;hant: East Bloomfield. She d. Canandaigua, N. Y., July 16, 1869; he d. Vil- isca, Iowa, Oct. 16, 1896, Ch. b. E, Bloomtield: 6580.* LiLLA, Dec. 15, 1852, 6581.* Moses Fairchild, Dec. 28, 1854, 6582.* William Luther, June 13, 18,56. 6583.* Jennie Harwood, Oct, 19, 1859, 1 BENJAMIN KIMBALL.* b. Bradford, May 16, 1697; m. Mary, dau. of Joseph and Mary iToothaker) Emerson, b. Mar. 21, 1696, and grand daughter of Robert and Ann (Grant) Emer- ;on. He res. in the northern part of Haverhill, Mass. ; when the line was run between Mass. ind N. a., his property fell into Hampsted, N. H. Members of the church in Plaistow (North )laverhill,) Nov., 17:jO, in which he was chosen deacon, Feb. 3, 1731; he owned land in Chester, ,S. H. H« d. Aug. 5, 1741, not 1752 as •erroneously appears on his grave stone in Plaistow. Children: Mary, Jonathan, Benjamin, Lydla, Martha, Hannah, Moses, Abigail, Joseph and [VIehitable. JONATHAN KIMBALL.s b. Haverhill, Apr. 14, 1830; m. 1st, Aug. 22, 1838, Elizabeth, dau. )f Daniel Little, b. Nov. 12, 1719, who d. Feb. 8, 1753; m. 2d, Nov. 29, 1753, Abigail True of Salis- Irary, Mass., b. Nov, 26, 1722, who d. Jan. 23, 1814. He settled in the north part of Plaistow, now [Sampsted, N, H., but returned to the present town of Plaistow ; he was adm. to the church, |?eb. 5, 173K, in which he was chosen deacon, Jan. 25. 1739, and served fifty-seven years; his wife vas adm. May 18, 1740; town clerk, 1757-78. He d. Oct 17,1807. Children: Benjamin, Jona- han, Daniel, Nathaniel, Daniel, Elizabeth, True, Martha, Joseph. DANIEL KIMBALL.fi b. Plaistow, N. H., July 5. 1751; m. Lucy, dau. of Jacob and Re- f)ecca(Hildreth) Dutton, of Billerica, Mass.. and grand dau. of Thomas Dptton. He removed ijarly to Littleton, Mass., and was a promient Citizen. Corp. in Reed's Co. in Col. Prescott's |Regt., Apr. 18, 1775; Sergt. in Gilbert's Co., same Regt, Apr. 24, 1775; 1st, Lieut, in Jewett's Co., >th Middlesex Regt. Apr. 24, 1776. He d. 1813; she m. June 26, 1817, Daniel Hartwell, of Littleton. Children: Lucy, Daniel, James, Benjamin, Jesse, John, Sophia, Sebia, Rebecca. |l JOHN KIMBALL,^ b. Littleton, Mass., April 16, 1792; m. Lucy, dau. of Paul and Lucy iHayward, b. Boxford, Mass., Nov. 7, 1796; res. Littleton; he d. July 18, 1867; she d. Jan. 21, 1868. phildren: Lucy Ann, John Hayward, Allen W., Louisa M., Edward E., Emily F., Frances E., Sarah K I JOHN HAYWARD KIMBALL.s b. Oct. 28, 1822; m. July 14, 1846, Augusta N., dau. of (Nathan Tuttle; res. Littleton ; deacon. Unitarian church. Children: Alonzo Hayward, Ellen Augusta, Charles Herbert, Austin Tuttle, Emma P., Lizzie Gertrude, Lucien Stevens. 6584. Rachakl Frances, 6585.* Harky Weston, b. Aug. 6586.* Zebina Howes, " Jan. 6587. Gilbert Shaw, " Mar 662 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [2826] .JOSEPH HAMLIN JENKINS,* (Nathan,' Asa,^ Nathaa,! Ebenezer,* Experience Hamlin, ^ James,2i) b. West Barnstable, Mass., July 3C' 1826; m. Apr. 4, 1852, Persis Hale Howes.* He d. W. Barnstable, Apr. 1, 1900. Children: d. aged 3 yrs. and 10 days 12, 1860. 17, 1863. 12, 1858: unm. 1902. [2828] Capt. CHARLES E. JENKINS," (Bro. of Joseph H.,) b. West Barnstable, Mass., July 30, 1830: m. there. Nov. 29, 1863, Merc. Nye, dau. of Washington and Sophronia (Howlandt) Bursley, J b. West Barn stable, Sept. 22, 1840; niaster mariner; later, farmer; West Barnstable; Demo crat; police officer, since 1885; member of Fraternal Lodge, A. F. & A. M. H- went to sea daring the season, 1849, in a fishing schooner from Dennis, Mass. and next shipped from Boston in ship, Horshurg, Capt. Osgood, bound t Penang, Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghi, for a cargo of tea, and returnet to New York in ship Vancover, Capt. David Fuller, bound to Canton, and finishe( lading with tea. at Shanghi; on the passage home was caught in a hurricane ii the Indian Ocean, losing her sails and was hove down on her beam ends fo eighteen hours, but arrived home in due time. The next voyage was as 2( mate of .same ship, Capt. Lunt; off Cape of Good Hope, she was dismasted losing all but her foremast, put into the Isle of France for repairs, and afte two months proceeded to Hong Kong, thence to Shanghi, loaded with tea an( returned to New York. In 1854 he shipped from New York as 2d mate of th clipper ship. Raven, Capt. Josiah Crocker, bound to San Francisco, discharge* cargo, and proceeded to the Streights: Singapore, Penang, and Padang, took ii a cargo of coffee and spices and returned to New York. The next voyage wa from New York to Richmond for a load of flour for Rio Jenerio, arrived au( discharged there; and loaded with coffee for Sidney, N. S. Wales; thence ti Singapore and Padang, loaded with coffee and returned to New York. Tlii next voyage was to Batavia and Padang. Off Cape St. Roque they collidec with a Spanish bark, striking him midship, passing over and sinking him ii five minutes. The crew of the bark climbing aboard as she sank. Learnin; there were passengers on the bark a boat was lowered and succeeded in savini three women and six men; the others, about forty in number found a water, grave. In this collision the Raven lost her head gear, and after fifteen days pii into Rio Jenerio, landed the crew and surviving passengers of the lost bark, re paired and proceeded on her voyage to Batavia, and returned to New York. Ii 1859 he commanded the Raven, on a voyage to the East Indies and return. Ii 1863 he commanded the ship John Tucker on an eighteen months voyages to Sai Francisco, Calleo, and Antwerp. Afterwards engaged in command of ships ii the U. S. employ at the last o.f the war, and in tlie coasting trade until 1870; and during this period commanded the schooner Abbie Bursley: the ship, B. L ISherman, was the last vessel commanded by him. After retiring from the se; he settled on a farm at West Barnstable. No i.ssue. * For Howes see note 2!<3. t Eor Howlund see notes (il, 79, 132, 145, 248, 322, 324 and 336. :|: For Bursley see note 89. EIGHTH GENERATION. 663 ' [28311 HANNAH ABBIE JENKINS,* (Sister of Joseph H.,) b. West Barnstable, Mass.. July 14, 1836; m. there, Mar. 12, 1871, Heman Irosby, son of Asa and Temperance Crocker,* b. W. Barnstable, June ]9, 1834: arpenter; W. Barnstable. Ch. b. West Barnstable: 65S8.* Bessie Jenkins, Apr. 25, 1874. [2832] FRANCIS JENKINS,' (Bro. of Joseph H.,) b. West Barnstable, Mass., July 22, 1838; m. Dec. 1861, Mercy Parker Nye:t lember 45th Mass. Inf. Vols. He d. Apr. 21, 1897. Children: 6589 * Parker Nye, b. Sept, 30, 1874, W. Barnstable. 6590. Julia Watts, '* Oct., 1866: unra. 1902. 6591. Frank Howland, " July, 1868. [2833] WILLIAM BRAGG JENKINS,* (Charles,' Asa,« Nathan,^ Eb- ^nezer,* Experience Hamlin, 3 James,2i) b. May 19, 1833; m. Sept. 28, 1862, Chloe jViley, of Osterville, Mass. He d. Nov. 9, 1884. Child: 6592. Nellie, b. June 3, 1870. ASA JENKINS,* (Bro. of William B.,) b. West Barnstable, Mass., Apr. 22, 1838; m. there, Sept. 17, 1871, Martha osephine, dau. of Eben and Eliza Ann (Crocker*) Whelden, b. West Barnsta- ke, June 18, 1842: mariner, 1851-74, 1st mate; since, farmer and cranberry 'rower; West Barnstable: Democrat; private Co. D. 45th Mass. Inf. Vols.; nlisted Sept, 26, 1862; in battles of Kingston, Whitehall and Goldsboro, N. C: iis. July 17, 1863. I Ch. b. W, Barnstable: 6593. Thornton, June 4, 1873; m. Kate P. Chase. . 6594. Fred Stanley, Feb. 29, 1876; unm. 1902. 12836] Capt. JAMES HAMLIN JENKINS,* (George,'^ Asa,6 Nathan,'^ Sbenezer,* Experience Hamlin, 3 James,2i) b. Apr. 18, 1831; m. Ruth Stanley Msh,J of West Barnstable; master mariner, in merchant service between l:alifornia and the East Indies sixteen years: since farmer; Hamlin's Plains, Barnstable. Children. 6595. Mary Eltza; m. Edward L . 6596. Ruth Stanley, ^' Edward S. Talbot, 6597. Elizabeth Crocker. [2837] ELIZABETH C. JENKINS,« {Sister of James H.,) b. Mar. 24, 1836: m. Charles Shattuck.t of Andover, Mass. Children: 6598. Charles. 6599. Alice. * For Crocker see notes 35. 39, and 78. t For Nye see note 34. * For Fish see note 54 and 190. § For Shattuck see note 411. 6&4 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [2841] FRANCES LOUISA JENKINS,* (William H./ Ebenezer,«6«^ Experience Hamlin, » James.^i) b. Milan, Ohio, Sept. 21, 1830; m. 1848 J Thomas D., son of Benjamin and Abigail (Smith) Dole, b. Boston, Mass; shej Presb. She d. Buffalo, N. Y.. Nov. 29, 1888: he d. about 1896. Ch. b. Buffalo: 6600.* Louise, 1849. L2844] CAROLINE ELECTA JENKINS,^ (Nathan,' Ebenezer,«5* Ex- perience Hamlin, 3 James, '^i) b. 1884; m. 1862, Lucius Lewis, his second wife; by| a former wife he had three children, named Lammie, Arvilla and William; res. Sandusky, Ohio. [2846] MARY JANE JENKINS,^ (Josiah,' Ebenezer.«5i Experience Hamlin, »James,2i) b. Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 24, 18.?.3; m. 1st, New Albany, Ind.j Sept. 3, 1855, Charles E., son of Charles and Jane (Tate)Hambleton,b. Hardins burg, Ky., 1831, who d. Leavenworth, Kas., April 13, 1860; m. 2d Hnderson Co.J Ky., Dec. 28, 1865, Lucius S. Hopkins, b. Cincinnati, Ohio, July 5, 1828: mer^ chant. He d. Dec. 4, 1881; m. 3d, Nov., 1878, Dr. H. Sanche, a Canadian; she Epis. She d. Lutcher, Miss., April 15, 1895. Ch. by 2d marriage: 6601. LucTA S. Etta, b. Oct. 5, 1866; d. Oct. 14, 1879. 6602.* Clarence McAllister, " Dec. 28, 1869. [2847] FRANCES JENKINS,^ (Sister of Mary J.,) b. Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 27, 18.34; m. 1st, Henderson, Ky., Jan. 9, 1861, Na-I thaniel Green, son of John and Ann (Hart) Stanley, b. Henderson, Apr. 8, 18091 planter; Henderson Co., Ky.; Democrat; Freemason; he d. Henderson Co., FebJ 18, 1866; ra. 2d, Henderson Co., Dec. 18, 1867, John Eaneas McAllister: b. Hen{ derson, Oct. 14, 1803: planter and banker: Henderson: Democrat: Prest. Farmer's Bank of Kentucky; magistrate; Epis. He d. Henderson, Aug. 7, 1886. She res| Henderson; Epis.; Regent of Samuel Hopkins Chap. D. A. R.: member and treasurer New Century Club. Her parents died when she was but four yearsj of age and she was reared by her aunt Goshorn. Ch. by 1st marriage, b. Henderson Co.: 660.3.* Eliza Makilou, b. Oct. 23, 1861. 6604.* Harry Morgan, . " Nov. 17, 1864. 6605.* Jackson McClain, " Feb. 6, 1866. [2848] JOSIAH HENRY JENKINS,* (Bro. of Mary S.,) b. Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1836: m. Mariatta, Ohio, Aug. 6, 1864, Ablgia Augusta, dau. of William A. and Patience Moore (Guitteau) Fay, b. Marietta June 10, 1845; Cong, clergyman: Buffalo, 1836-52: Meadville, Pa., 18.53; Colum bus, Ohio, 1858; Marietta, 18(i2; Cincinnati, 1S65; Lebanon, Ohio, 1870; Wes, Marietta, 1881; Springfield, 1883: Toledo, Ohio; Leavenworth, Kas.; Mt. Dora' Fla.; San Bernadino, Cal.: Fall Church, Va.: Beuna Vista, CoL, 1891 Denver, Col., since 1898; Republican: 2d Lieut, in an Ohio Regt., enlistei^ spring of 1862: captured at Harijer's Ferry, Ya.; paroled, and dis. fall o= ■1862; Congs. Children: 6606.* Helen Fay, b. July 24, 1868, Marrietta. 6607. Louise Babbitt, " June 3, 1872, Springfield; d. Aug. 2, 187:^1 Children: 6611. William Ebenezek, 6612. Frederic, 6613. LUELLA, 6614. Robert Moore, 6615. Guy Springer, EIGHTH GENERATION. 665 (28491 LOUISA ELIZA JENKINS,* (Sister of Mary J.,) b. Buffalo, N. Y., Apr. 6, 1838: m. Henderson, Ky., Sept. 18, 1867, Thomas |71rgil Rodman, b. Cnrdsville, Ky.; merchant; Owensboro and Curdsville, Ky.; iihe Epis. She d. Curdsville, June 7, 1868; he remarried about two years later, md soon died. Ch. b. Curdsville: 6608. Thomas Virgil, June 19, 1868; d. July 4, 1868. [2851J JANE S. JENK1NS,8 (Ebenezer,7654 Experience Hamlin,3 ijames,2i) b. Sept. 1, 1828: m. Nov. 11 1847, Joseph F. Hill. She d. Oct. 14, 1870. Children: 6609. J. Fellows, b. 1850; d. July, 1880. 6610.* Annie Arnot, " Jan. 9, 1857. ' [2852] WILLIAM HENRY JENKINS,« (Bro. of Jane S.,) b. Nov. 7, 1830; m. Oct. 23, 1862, Julia Gay Springer. He d.; she d. Nov. [26, 1900. Children: b. Feb. 23, 1864; d. Sept. 11, 1881. " Feb. 24, 1867, " Mar. 12, 1877. " Oct. 20, 1870; m. George R. Brandon " Apr. 24, 1873. " Apr. 23, 1877. [2854] FRANCES ELIZABETH 0'FLYNG,« (Lydia Jenkins,' Ebene- zer,65i Experience Hamlin, 3 James.^i) b. Elmira, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1824; m. New Albany, Ind., Aug 30, 1859, William Talmage McDonald, son of Rev. David McDonald, D. D., and wife, Phebe Talmage, b. Geneva, N. Y., 1822. He gradu- ated Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y., 1845; taught school in Kentucky, New York and Maryland, 1845-9; tutor in Mathematics, Hobert College, 1850; taught private school, Pittsburg, Pa., 1851-5; Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, Western University, Pittsburg, 1855-60; in commercial and manu- facturing business, Bucyrus, Ohio, 1862-80; since, retired: Whig and Republican; Epis: she Methodist. [2855] CALEB C. O'FLYNG,* (Bro. of Francis E.,) b. Southport, N. Y., June 19, 1826; ra. New Albany, Ind., Mar. 15, 1870, Mary E., dau. of John Campbell, b. Orleans, Ind., Feb. 12, 1846; dealer in mines: has res. in California, more or less, since 1849; Parral, Chihouhou, Mexico, 1881-92: Passadena, Cal., 1902; old line Whig; Friend; member Trinity i Lodge 556, A. F. & A. M. She d. Crawfordville, Ind., 1876. Ch. b. New Albany: 6616. James Edmund, July, 1871: d. 1872. [2856] MARY HALL O'FLYNG,* (Sister of Frances E.,) b. Southport, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1828; m. 1st, 1846, Julius A. Moore; m. 2d, in Texas, 1859, James T. Ware; res. Galveston, Texas, and New Orleans, La. She d. Greencastle, Ind., Feb. 27, 1880; he d. Galveston, 1857. Ch. by 1st marriage: 6617. Lilly, b. Feb. 3, 1848; d. Aug. 2, 1859. By 2d marriage: 6618.* J. Algie Carrol, 1860, Galveston. 6619. CORALIE, 1862; d. 1864. 666 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [2857] Rev. ISAAC MAXWELL 0'FLYNG,« ( Bro. of Francis E.,) b. Bufifalo, N. Y., June 12, 1830; m. July 7, 1860, Rachael Taylor; Methodist clergyman; she d. 1899. Children: 6620.* IvYL, b. Mar. 11, 1862, Greencastle, Ind. 6621.* Alleela, " 1871. 2622. Marion, " 1873. [2858] Rev. LOUISA TEMPLE 0'FLYNa,8 (Sister of Francis E.,) b. Lockport, N. Y., May 13, 1832; m. Aug. 30, 1860, Andrew G. Robinson, b. 1828. A cousin writes of her: "She was the smartest of our family, the pride of the seminary where eight of us cousins were attending at the same time;: she taught a class through arithmetic when fourteen years old; was leading teacher in a seminary, New Albany, Ind., for years. After marriage her hus- band's health failed and she supported the family by preaching and lecturing; she was a regular preacher in the Indiana conference and had charge of a church for years; later she traveled and lectured for the W. C. T. U. She was an eloquent speaker and attracted overflowing houses. A brilliant woman." He d. 1885. Children: 6623. Edmund O'Flyng, July 30, 1861; d. June 29, 1862. 6624.* Frank Wilkins, Apr. 5, 1863, New Albany. 6625. Ca O'Flyng, Jan. 16, 1865; res. Flagstaff, Ariz 6626.* WiLRUR S., Sept. 14, 1866, New Albany. 6627. Lewis J.. Jan. 23, 1869; res. Denver, unm. 6628.* McDonald, Mar. 27, 1871. [2862] ELIZA DUTILH JENKINS,^ (Warren,' Ebenezer,^^* Experi- ence Hamlin, 3 James.21) b. Athens, Pa., Dec. 24, 1826; m. 1848, Edward Holmes; | she Piesb. She d. Auburn, N. Y., July 2*2, 1849; he d. Charlestown, S. C, 1850, Ch. b. Auburn: 6629. Minnie, 1849; d. 1855. [2863] HENRY JENKINS,* (Bro. of Eliza D.,) b. Towanda, Pa., May 25, 1828: m. Binghamton, N. Y., Helen Ely, b. Bing-j hamton; banker. He d. Columbus, Ohio, 1856; she d. N. Y. City, 1892. Children: 6630.* Margtjrite, b. 1851. 6631.* May, " 1853, Binghamton. [2868] WARREN JENKINS,* (Bro, of Eliza D.,) b. Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 27, 1836; m. 1864, Lizzie, dau. of John and Maryl Mickel, b. Scotland; real estate broker: Republican; Congs. He d. Columbus,} May 3, 1876. No issue. [2869] Rev. HERMON DUTILH JENKINS,* (Bro. of Eliza D.,) b. Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 14, 1842; m. Utica, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1868, Harriet Newell, dau. of Marcius Eaton and Harriet (Lane) Burrill, b. Uxbridge, Mass., Aug. 16, 1842; clergyman; A. B. Hamilton College, 1864; he received the degree M EIGHTH GEISTERATION. 667 f D. D. from Beloit College, 1881; Pastor, Juliet, 111., 1868-73; Freeport, HI., ffltil 1889: Sioux City, Iowa, until 1895; Kansas City, Mo., until 1901; Riverside, ills., 1902; member Co. A. 35, Pa. Vol. militia; enlisted June 30, 1863, and served b the "Emergency troops^" during the Gettysburg campaign; dis. Aug. 16,. i863: Republican; Presbs. Children: ■ 6632.* Anna Spaulding, b. Aug. 12, 1869, Joliet. H633.* Paul Burrill, " Aug. 25, 1872, " 6634. Ruth Dux I LH,. " Jan. 2, 1875, Freeport; unm. 1900. [2870] ANIfA CALKINS JENKINS.^ (Sister of Eliza D.,) b. Brooklyn, N. Y.. June 9, 1846: m. Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 18, 1875, John flenry, son of Alexander and Elizabeth (Bonner) Mickel; Supt. Bagging Manf. Co., Delaware, Ohio, until 1877: afterwards, Charleston, S. C; Republican; \l p.; Presbs.; she res. Rutherford, N. C. He d. Charleston, Oct. 15, 1897. Children: I 6635. Hermione, b. Aug. 23, 1876, Delaware; unm. 1902. 6636. Marilou Bessie, " Mar., 1882, Charleston, " " [2872] ELIZA JENKINS GOSHORN,** (Louisa Jenkins,' Ebenezer.ss* |Experience Hamlin,^ James,2i) b. Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 18, 1853; m. Oct. 31, ■1877, Oscar Lockwood, son of Alexander Chapman and Eva E. (Newman) Mc- ballister, b. May 28, 1850: banker; Mt. Vernon, Ind.; Republican; she Epis. I Ch. b. Mt. Vernon; 6637. Alexander Chapman, Oct. 13, 1878. 6638. Alfred Goshorn, June 26, 1882. 6639. Oscar Newsman, Aug. 15, 1892. [2873] BENJAMIN FRANKLIN JENKINS,^ (Benjamin,' Samuel,*^* lExperience Hamlin, 3 JatQes,2i) b. Bucktield, Me., July 17, 1826; m. 1st, Betsey S. Buck, of Monson, Me.; m. 2d, Orissa N. Merrill, of Turner, Me.; agent for nursery stock many years. He d. Auburn, Me., Apr. 5, 1883. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Bucksfleld: 6640. Betsey R., Jan. 1. 1853. 6641. A Daughter. By 2d wife: Four Children. [2882] SUSAN JENKINS.* (William,' Simeon,fi5 Samuel,* Experience Hamlin, 3 Jaraes,2i) m. George Cathcart. She d. Marion, Mass. I Two ch., d. without issue. ' [2883] BETSEY JENKINS,* (Sister of Susan.) m. Frederick Merchant, of Needhara, Mass. She d. Needham. Several children. [2885] LUCY ALLEY,8 (Lucy Jenkins,' Braley,* Simeon,^ Samuel,* Experience Hamlin, ^ James,2i) b. Nantucket, Mass., Oct. 17, 1825; m. West ! Barnstable, Mass., Aug. 5, 18.58, Rev. Robert, son of James and Elizabeth 668 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. I i (Stevenson) Samuel, b. Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland, June 18, 1818; clergy-i man: they lived at New Rutland, HI., 1859-HO; Wataga, 111., until 1861; Brews-i|j ter, Mass., until 1863; West Yarmouth, until 1865: West Hawley, until 1876;|[ WestCummington, until 1872; Creston, Vt.. until 1875: Cawker City, Kas.,ij until 1882: West Barnstable, until 1896: afterwards, Boston, Beachmont andJ Wellesley, Mass.; Congs. He served three months, in 1865, in the Christianil Commissson. She d. Brewster, Mass., Nov. 4, 1896; he d. Wellesley, Mass., Oct. 17, 1899. 6642. 6643.* 6644.* Children: Elizabeth Ida, b. Feb. John Sturgis, " Oct. RoBEKT Maisden, " Dec. 26, 1860, Bennington. 111., unm. 'liJ 28, 1861, Brewster, Mass. ^ 21, 1863, " " 2 [2888] GEORGE GREENLEAF PRATT,' (Lucy Jenkins,' Braley,^ Simeon,!^ Samuel,* Experience Hamlin, ^ James.^M b. Brewster, Mass., May6J 1842; m. Lucretia Berry, dau. of Arthur B., and Rebecca H. Moult()n,;b.l Bremer, Me., Nov. 20, 1853. He attended Harvard College, from whence he en- listed in 1865 for 3 mos., private, 12th Mass. Inf. Vols., and went into Camp atj| Provincetown, Mass.; after the war he taught school several years in SaugertiesJ N. Y.; became a lawyer and lived in Boston, Wakefield and Waverly, Mass. Hf d. Waverly, May 3, 1890: she d. Arlington, Mass., Oct. 20, 1892. Children: 6645. Charles Arthur, b. July 21, 1882, Boston. 6646. George Grebnleaf, " Jan. 31, 1884, " 6647. Paul, " Aug. 18, 1886, Wakefield. 6648. Ernest, " Jan. 8, 1889, " d. May 6, 1890] [2891] ELLEN HOWLAND,* (Dorcas Jenkins,' Braley," Simeon,^ Samuel,* Experience Hamlin, s James, 8i) b. West Barnstable, Mass., May lOJ 1833; m. Neponset, Mass., July 17, 1851, John Whitcomb, son of Whitcomb and Susan Bowditch (Hunt) Porter, b. Weymouth, Mass., Aug. 2, 1827; removed with his parents to Quincy, Mass., in boyhood, where he resided until 1850^ afterwards, Neponset; lumber dealer, until 1862: afterwards, Ins. Agt.: Reput lican; Odd Fellow; she res. Neponset; Unitarians. He d. Neponset, Nov. 8,| 1890. 1899. Ch. b. Neponset: 6649.* Francis How^land, June 4, 1854. 6650.* John Ilsley, Aug. 16, 1856. 6651. William Wallace, Mar. 24, 1859; d. Feb. 25, 6652. Ellen Wilde, July 28, 1861. 6653. Henry Herbert, Mar. 23, 1865; d. Jan. 13, 6654.* Frederick M. Whitcomb, July 14, 1867. 6655. Arthur, Butler, Nov. 16, 1873. 1866. H [2892] POMEROY BELDEN HOWLAND,' (Bro. of Ellen,) b. West Barnstable, Mass.. Feb. 15, 1835; m. Neponset, Mass., June, 18561 Lucy Eleanor, dau. of James Benjamin and Elizabeth (Grover) Hill, b. Brookl line, Mass., Sept. 4, 1834; clerk; Nepon.set and Boston; went to Newbern, NJ C, with merchandise, 1862; clerk in the U. S. Navy Yard, Brooklyn, N. Y.S was in business in Pa., N. Y., Boston and Chicago; member firm of HowlandJ EIGHTH GENERATION. 669 & Hilton, confectioners; Philadelphia, Pa., since 1884. She d. Jamestown, N. !Y., Mar. 20, 1873. Children: t 6656. John Porter, b. Neponset; d. infancy. ' 6657. Ella Frances, " July 15, 1864; Brooklyn; unm. 1900. [2895] Capt. ROBERT BRUCE JENKINS,* (Payne,? Lot,«5 Samuel,* Experience Hamlin,'* James, '^i) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Sept. 16, 1837; m. there, May b, 1860, Lucretia Franklin, dau. of Lewis and Hannah (Atwood*) Higgins,t b. iWelltieet, Oct. 20, 1839; master mariner, 1856-83; Agent Central Wharf Co., Wellfleet; Maiden, Mass., 1902; Republican: member Adams Lodge, A. F. & M.: Methodists. She d. Wellfleet, Mar. 20, 1900. Cn. b. Wellfleet, 6658. Edith M,, Aug. 1, 1861. I 6659. liOBERT B., Nov. 19, 1865; d. unm. Apr. 19, 1892. ^ 6660. A Daughter, Apr. 1, 1867, " Apr. 4, 1867. [2896] REUBEN HAMBLIN,« Benjamin,? Silas,^^ James,*32i) b. Can- ada; m. Rachael Woods; lived many years at Kitley, Ontario; removed to iOraaha, Neb. Several children; [2897] ELVIRA HAMBLIN," (Sister of Reuben,) ]• b. Canada; ra. Alpheus Booth; lived Charleston Lake; postoffice, Farmers- iville, Ontario. : [2906] ALEXANDER CARLISLE HAMBLIN,* (William L.,? Silas,*^ 'james,*32i) b. Augusta, Canada, Dec. 10, 1818: m. Alexandria Bay, N. Y., June 16, 1844, Sarah Lane, dau. of Azariali and Mary (Gibson) Walton, b. Theresa, N. Y.; merchant; Alexandria Bay and Chaumont, N. Y.; banker, 'Battle Creek, Mich, from 1859 until his death: Democrat: Freemason; she Universalist. Both d. Battle Creek; he. May 22, 1897; she, 1870. Children: 6661.* Mary Adelaide, b. June 24, 1845, Alexandria Bay. 6662.* Alice Theresa, " Aug. 27, 1849, Chaumont. 6663. SaxM Houston, •' 1853, " unm. 1899. [2907] EMELINE HAMBLEN,* (Sister of Alexander C.,) |b. Augusta, Canada, July 27, 1820; m. Chaumont, N. Y., Mar. 27, 1846, Nathan, son of John Collins and Rachael (Stover) Clark, b. Earnestown, Canada, Aug. 30, 1819; merchant; Decatur, Mich., 1866-89; Democrat; Freemason: Town iClerk, Postmaster; she Universalist; res. Appleton, Wis. He d. Decatur, Oct. il2, 1889. Children: 6664,* Martha Jane, b. Jan. 27, 1847, Earnestown. 6665.* Emma Francelia, " Feb. 3, 1849, " 6666,* Medora Josephine, " May 6, 1851, Chaumont. 6667.* Frank Jay, " Feb. 15, 1857, 6668.* FrbdHamblin, " Oct. 18, 186L " 6669. William Alexander, " Sept.ll, 1866, Decatur; unm. * For Atwood see note 287. j + For Higgins see note 392. Ch. h. Orleans 6675.* Alice G-, 6676. Walter, 6677.* Addie E., 6678.* Charles O. 6679. LlBBIE S., 670 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [2911] BENJAMIN HAMBLIN,8 (Bro. of Alexander C.,) b. Alexandria Bay, N. Y., April, 1829: m. Minerva Olney: farmer; Repul lican: she Methodist. He d. Appleton. Wis., 1890: she res. St. Charles, Minn. Cliildren: 6670.* William. 6671. Frank. d. Apr., 1878. 6672. BEN.JAMIX. " 1881. 6673.* Jennie. 6674. Abraham Lincoln. [2912] MARTHA L. HAMBLIX,» (Sister of Alexander C.,) b. Alexandria Bay, N. Y., Mar. 11, 1831; m. 1st, there, Apr. 28, 1850, Thomas, son of John B. and Clara (Rhodes) Collins, b. Orleans, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1819 farmer: Orleans, P. O. Dexter, N. Y.; Assessor, 1863 and 1880; Methodists; sht member Ladies' Aid Society. is: Apr. 14, 1851. Dec. 19, 1853: d. Jan. 16, 1854. ! Aug. 15, 1855. Mar. 31, 1861. i Jan. 25, 1865; iinm. 1899. \ [2913] SARAH E. HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Alexander C.,) j b. Alexandria Bay, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1832; m. 1st, George Burke: ra. 2d^ Joseph E. Tupper; res. Denver, Col. ! Three children by 1st marriage, [2915] SARAH AMELIA HILLIBERT,^ (John,' Jemima Hamblini Silas,5 James,* 321) b. Fort Ann, N. Y., about 1828: m. there, about 1848, Di, John, son of Silas and Harriet (Goodrich) Spencer, b. Westlield, N. Y., abou May, 1820: physician and surgeon; Westfield: Republican; President of Wesli field Village; Odd Fellow; served as Brig. Surgeon, Army of Potomac. 186KJ Epis. Both d. Westfield; she January, 1888: he March, 1881. Ch. b. Westfield: 6680.* John Hillibert, May 16, 1850. [2919] SETH HAML1N,« (Joshua,' Seth,« Silas,^ James,*^^!) ^ b. Scarborough, Ontario, July 19, 1828; m. Whitby, Ontario, Feb. 1, 185;j Sarah, dau. of Charles and Nancy (Young) Hadley, b. Scarborough, 1828, wlj d. there Sept., 1877; m. 2d, Mrs. Brown, of Lakeport, Mich.; farmer: Scarboij and Shelburne, Ont.: Lakeport, Mich., since 1879; Republican. Children: Apr. 21, 1854, Canton, Ont. Nov. 5, 1855, Scarborough; d. unm. 1875. 1858, 1862. " 1865. 6681.* Jeams, 6682. Anna, . 6683.* Charles, 6684. Seth, 6685.* Sarah, 6686.* Thomas, 6687.* William, 6688. Mary, 6689. Bethiah, 6690. Richard, 6691. Jane, 1866, ^' 1868, 1870, 1872. unm. 1897. 1874, 1876, d. " 1892. U (( EIGHTH GENERATION. 671 [2920] MARIA HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Seth,) b. Scarborough. Ontario, June 27, 1833. Her father was killed in her in- fancy and she was reared by her grandmother, m. Duffin'vS Creek, now Picker- ing, Ont., Nov, 2H, 1850, Bowley, son of Isaac and Amelia (Vanderburg) Arnold, b. Yonge Street, near Richmond Hill, Ont., Oct. 20, 1829. His father came from N. Y. State, and his mother from Nova Scotia; farmer; his early life was spent in Markham and Pickering; in 185(i he came to Melancthon; res. Scar- borough, 1898; was tax collector, and served 25 years, first appointed 1863, re- ■iigned 1895; was four years assessor: members Reformed Church of Jesus Christ jof Latter Day Saints, in which he is an Elder. He couducted services some- time at Masonville, later at Amaranth. Children: ■6692.* Bethia, b. Mar. 27, 1852, Pickering. 6693.* Anxa Maria, a Aug. 7, 1854, ifc 6694.* Eliza Jane, *' Jan. 25, 1857, Melancthon, 6695.* Joshua, a Oct. 10, 1859, (4 6696.* Wjlliam Isaac, a Aug; 18, 1861, (( 6697.* Ellen Amelia, i i> Dec. 17, 1863, (( 6698.* Hannah Matilda, a Oct. 10, 1865, ii [2921] M. ADELIA HAMLIN,^ (Eli,^ Seth,« Silas,^ James,*32i) b. Smithville, N. Y.. Mar. 17, 1838; m. Watertown, N, Y., 1861, Henry M., lioaof Oris and Lemaney (Hinds) Childs, b. Dec. 29, 1817: merchant; Watertown ind Canton, N. Y., and Adrian, Mich.; Republican; Odd Fellow: she Universa- iist; member W. R. C; res. Watertown. He d. Adrian, Apr.. 1885. JAMES MONROE HAMLIN,* (Bro. of M. Adelia,) b. Smithville, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1840; unmarried: broker; Watertown, N. Y.: Freemason; Corp. A. 35 N. Y., Inf. Vols., enlisted June 11, 1861, re-enlisted in a pavalry Regt. [2923] DEWITT CLINTON HAMLIN.s (Bro. of M. Adelia,) b. Watertown, N. Y., July 19, 1844: private A, 35, N. Y. Inf. Vols.; enlisted isept. 25, 1862; Provost Guard, killed battle Gettysburg, July 1, 1863, and buried there. [2928] THOMAS HAMLIN,« (John,' Seth.e silas,^ James,''^^!) b. Fayetteville, N.Y., Dec. 5, 1852; m. there Sept. 10, 1874, Carrie, dau. of ■»Iiles and Phebe (Palmer) Graham, b. Fayetteville, June 30, 1856: stone cutter; f^ayetteville and Watertown, N. Y.; Cornwall, Ont.; Denver, Col.; Omaha, Neb: Republican; member Omaha Lodge 2, 1. O. O. F.; she member Bebekah Lodge, LO. O. F., and Epis. 26, 1875, Fayettville; d. July 25, 1891. 29, 1878, Cornwall; " May 30, 1878. 23, 1879, " *' Aug. 2, 1879. 22, 1882, Omaha. Children: 6699. Lena R., b, June 6700. Albert. " Apr. 6701. Myrtle. " Apr. 6702. Ernest J., " Apr. [2929] WILLIAM JOHN HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Thomas,) b. Rome, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1855; m. Cadillac, Mich., about 1885, Minnie Brown: iigineer; Oswego, N. Y., Cadillac, Grand Rapids, Muskegon, Bay City and Deer 672 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Lake, Mich., and Omaha, Neb.; Democrat; Odd Fellow; she member Rebekah Lodge, L O. O. F. ' Children: 6703. William. b. about 1884. 6704. DODDY. 6705. A Daughter, dead. [2930] AGNES ESPERIA HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Thomas,) b. Oswego Co., N. Y., April 15, 1858: m. Fort Mead, S. D., July 14, 188b-. Charles Calhoun, son of Charles Joseph and Catherine (Pfeitfer) Roger, Gelena. 111., Jan. 10, 1857: res. Sturgis, S. D., 1886: Rapid City, S. D., until Oct., 1887: since, Leadville, Col.; Republican; member Abe Lincoln 2, A. P. A.; Bainbridgt Council 14, Jr., O. U. A. M.; Baptist: she member of Martha Washingtor Camp 1, P. O. D. A.: James G. Blaine Circle 7, and Ladies of the G. A. R.,oi which she was, in 1895, Inspector for Colorado and Wyoming; member "Woman^ A. P. A. and delegate to Denver, lS94, to organize same; she Republican. No issue. [2931] MORRIS JAMES HAMLIN," (Bio. of Thomas,) b. Peck's Mills, N. Y., Mar. 4, 1860; m. Cliicago, 111., Oct. 7, 1884, Jennie^ dau. of John and Bridget (Cunningham) Lodelia, b. Chicago, 111., Jan. 1, 1866' blacksmith; Oswego, until 1883; since, Chicago; Democrat: Presbs. Ch. b. Chicago: : 6706. Morris William, June 6, 1887; d. Aug. 6, 1889. j 6707. James William, Nov. 17, 1890. [2933] LUCRETIA HAMBLIN,* (William," Nathan,6 Caleb,* James,"*' b. Sandwich, Mass., July 26, 1804; m. Falmouth, Mass., Feb. 12, 1824, Arnoldf son of James and Elizabeth (Baker) Small, b. Falmouth, .Jan., 1800; mariner' North Falmouth; Cong. Both d. N. Falmouth: she Sept. 25, 1865: he Mar. 188;: Ch. b. Waquoit: 6708.* Cordelia F., Mar. 7,. 1827. 6709. SusAxA., Oct. 23, 1834; unm. 1901; res. N. FalmoutH 6710.* Hiram Euwm, Jan. 1, 1836. 6711.* Rebecca West, July 3, 1840. 6712.* RoxannaSnow% Aug. 22, 1842. . 6713. Cora D., Sept. 19, 1844; unm. 1901; res. N. Falmoutl 6714.* Amelia Russell, June 5, 1847. \ [2934] HIRAM HAMBLIN,» (Bro. of Lucretia,) | b. Sandwich, Mass., Apr. 22, 180(): m. Falmouth, Mass., Jun. 16, 1842, Louisaj dau. of Lewis and Abigail Hamblin, b. Hamblin Plains, Mar. .31, 1817; marriagi recorded Barnstable as Dec. 30, 1842: cranberry grower; Waquoit. \ Children: 6715.* William L., b. Mar. 26, 1845. Falmouth. 6716. Adelbekt G., " Apr. 26, 1847, Waquoit; d. Sept. 14, 1848. 6717.* Anna Louisa, " July 31, 1851, EIGHTH GENERATION. 673 TABITHA PHINNEY HAMBLIN/ (Sister of Lucretia,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Feb. 28, 1811; m. there, by Rev, Mr, Woodbury, Jan. 13, 830, WiHiam E., son of George and Mary Ann Kern, b. Boston, April 23,1811: irother or ]Nrartin L., who m. Cyrene Hamblin, and of Mary Ann, who m. :;apt. Caleb Hamblin: glassmaker: Sandwicli. Both d. Sandwich; she, May 11, 849; he May 11, 1849. Ch. b, Sandwi ch: 6718.* William E., Feb, 8, 1832. 6719.* Henry A., Nov. 0. 1833. 6720.* ANPHiCNETTIE, Apr. 21, 1836. 6721.* Sarah Bruce, July 12, 1838. 6722. Harrison Tyler, Oct. 21, 1840, d. unmarried. 6723. EaiiLY A., Mar. 12, 1843, " Nov. 23, 1844 6724. Albert H., Dec. 9, 1846. 6725. Theodore, Apr. 9 1848. " Jan. 29, 1849 6726.* Herbert. [2937] FRANCES ANN HAMBLIN,^ (Reuben,' Nathan,« Caleb,' ilames,*32i) b. Falmouth, Mass., Feb. 25, 1817; m. Providence, R. I., Sept, 1, !l838. Charles William; son of Ezra and Sally (Peckham) Eddy: b. Providence, Oct. 12, 1817: res. Providence; Baptists. He d. Providence, Oct. 26, 1846; she h. Pawtucket, R. I., June 9, 1886. Ch. b. Providence: 6727.* Laura Mason, Mar. 5, 1843. 6728.* Susan Perry, Jan. 18, 1844. 6729. Sarah Frances, Feb. 15, 1846: unm.; school teacher. [2939] EMILY H. HAMBLIN,^ (Sister of Ann F,,) ! b. Falmouth, Mass., Oct. 13, 1826; m. there, June 3, 1847, James, son of Gorham and Love Jones,* b. Barnstable, Mass., April, 1821; mariner, [jtirst mate: Falmouth; she Baptist. He d, at sea about 1868. I Ch. b. Falmouth: 6730.* Ella M., May 16, 1848. 6731.* Ada M., Feb. 29, 1851. [2946] Capt. CORNELIUS FISH HAMLEN,' (James,' Nathaniel,* |Caleb,5 James,* 3 2 1) b. Sandwich, Mass., Aug. 10, 1825: m. there, by Rev. Benja- min Haines, Oct. 6, 1847, Catherine, dau. of William and Phebe Slater, b. Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, 1824; mariner; Sandwich. He d. at sea, 1851, and his body [was put ashore and buried at Wilmington, N. C. Ch. b. Sandwich or New Bedford: II 6732. James, 1847, ' 6733. Sarah, 1850, [2947] NATHANIEL HAMLEN," (Bro. of Cornelius F.,) b. Snake Pond, Sandwich, Mass., Feb. 6, 1828; m. Falmouth, Mass., Apr. 12, l> 1886. 6770. William Daniel, Sept. 9>? 1887. 6771. George Washington, Feb. 22, 1891. 6772. Olive Lincoln, Aug. 25, 1893. * Note 423. THOMAS EWER,3 (prob. son of Thomas and Hannah.) m. 1st, about 1682, a wife, who died; m. 2d, 1689, Elizabeth, dau. of .lohn Lovell; m. ;M, Sept. 18, 1712, widow Sarab Warren. He d. June, 1722. Ch. b. Barnstable: Thomas, Thomas, Shubael, John, Mehitable, Nathaniel, Jonathan, Hezekiah, Mehitable, Thankful, Abigail. See note 9. + For Hinckley see notes 31, 81 and 85. EIGHTH GENERATION. 683 [2981J LOVISA CROCKER,^ (Betsey Foote/ Elizabeth Hamblin,fi Job,^ ames,*33i) b. Dover, Ohio, July 13. 1818; m. Lorain Co., Ohio, 1837, Jonathan, on of Eber and Rebecca (Collins) Loomis, b. Jefferson Co., N. Y., 1811; farmer: Lvon, Ohio: Whig; Methodists. She d. Byron, Mich., Dec, 1891; he d. Lorain }o,, Ohio, Dec. 29, 1854. Aug. 4, 1837. June 3, 1839. June 3, 1843. Aug. 8, 1847. June 18, 1850; Dec. 10, 1852. Ch. b. Lorain Co.: 6773.* Leonard Gurley, 6774. Julia Rebecca, 6775.* Alvin Crocker, 6776. Jonathan Collins, 6777. Charles Wesley, June 18, 1850; d. May 6, 1883, unm. 6778.* William Chester, [2982] LEWIS CROCKER,* (Bro. of Lovisa, ) b. Dover, Ohio; m. Betsey Saddler(?) Both dead; he d. Byron, Mich. Several children. [2983] JUDSON CROCKER,* (Bro. of Lovisa,) b. Dover, Ohio, Dec, 1810; m. Lucy Ann Preston, b. Fremont, Ohio, 1817; armer; Dover, and Gaines, Mich; United Brethren. He d. Grand Rapids, >Iich., Aug. 9, 1896; she d. Sturgis, Mich., Dec. 8, 1901. Children: 6779.* Alyan J., b. June 10, 1846, Dover. 6780.* Caroline, " Jan.', 1848, 6781. Samuel Brooks, " Jan., 1852; d. May 3, 1872. 6782.* Dora, " Aug. 28, 1863, Gaines. [2984] ORPHA CROCKER,' (Sister of Lovisa,) b. Dover, Ohio; m. Samuel Allan. She d. Saganaw, Mich. Child: 6783. A Daughter; m. William Markey. [2986] DAVID FOOTE,^ (Thomas,^ Elizabeth Hamblin,6 Job,^ James,"2i) ,3. Lee, Mass., July 18, 1814; m. Avon, Ohio, Jan. 1, 1844, Abigail A., dau. of Andrew and Rebecca (Johnson) Crans, b. Proctorville, Ohio, Dec. 4, 1825; sailor and ship carpenter: Dover and Lorain, Ohio, and East Saginaw, Mich.; [Republican; she Christian. He d. Osceola, Mich., Jan. 30, 1887. Children: 6784. Leonora, b. Jan. 20, 1845, Lorain; d. Aug. 9, 1860. 6785.* Belle, " Feb. 27, 1847, " 6786. Selah D., " Feb. 16, 1849, " " Sept. 12, 1856. 6787.* Ella A., " Apr. 10, 1852, 6788. Ada, " Apr. 15, 1857, Vassar, Mich. 6789.* Herbert P., " May 4, 1860, Denmark, Mich. [2987] LYMAN PERRY FOOTE,8 (Bro. of David,) b. Dover, Ohio, Mar. 22, 1817: m. 1st, there, Nov. 24, 1842, Ruth Berry, dau. 684 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. b. Aug. 27, 1843. ■* (1 June 8, 1847, Cleveland: d. July 30, '54 u July 9, 1850, 1( May 15, 1855, " " Aug. 1, '55 of Sylvanus and Roxa (Rich) Smith,* b. Essex Co., N. Y., Apr. 30, 1824, who d. Cleveland, Ohio, July 19, 1855; m. 2d, Oct. 24, 1857, Eliese R., dau. of Hans and Wiebke (Mohe) Tiedemann, b. Holsteine, Germany, Mar. 30, 1837; ship builder: Dover, until 1841: afterwards, Cleveland: Republican: Methodist: she Lutheran. He d. Cleveland, Nov. 23, 1898. Ch. by 1st wife: 6790.* RoMELiA M., 6791. Hiram I., 6792.* Florence Rosabelle, 6793. William, By 2d wife, b. Cleveland: 6794.* CoraEloie, Feb. 14, 1860. 6795. Helen Perry, May 23, 1879. [2988] THOMAS FOOTE,* (Bro. of David,) b. Dover, Ohio, Mar. 29, 1819; m. 1st, Avon, Ohio, May 24, 1840, Cadence E., dau. of Elah and Eliza (Moon) Parks, b. Avon, Sept. 23, 1821: m. 2d, Clara E., dau. of Joseph and Charlotte (VVendall) Wilford, b. Wisconsin, Jan. 2, 1854; farmer; Dover, until 1840; Avon, until 1846; Amherst, 1852; Dover, until 1862; since, Amherst: Wliig, Republican and Democrat. Ch. by 1st wife: 6796.* Tempa, b. July 13, 1841, Avon. 6797.* Thomas CoRWiN, " Apr. 11, 1847, Dover. By 2d wife, b. N. Amherst: 6798. Waldo E., Dec. 22, 1880. d. Aug. 1862. d. [2989] TEMPERANCE R. FOOTE,^ (Sister of David,) b. Dover, Ohio, Dec. 29, 1526; m. there. May 11, 1845, James M., son of Jona- than and Lydia Gardner, b. Watertown, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1816; ship master;! Dover and Cleveland, Ohio; Jamestown, N. Y.; Missouri; Ramsey, 111., 1897; | Whig and Republican; Freemason; she Baptist. Children: 16, 1846, Dover. 29, 1848, 9, 1851, 22, 1853, Cleveland. 8, 1855, 29, 1858, Jamestown, ' 2.5, 1860, Cleveland, ' 12, 1864, Jamestown. * Note 424. Ruth Berry Smith descends from DAVID YALE.i It is traditional that he [ was from an ancient Welsh family; m. 16i;{, Ann, dau. of Bishop Thomas Morton, chaplain to [ King .lames I, of England; she was grand daughter of Bishop Edward Bonner, chaplain to | King Henry VIII. Children: David, Ann, Thomas. THOMAS YALE,2 settled in New Haven, Ct.; ra. Mary Turner. THOMAS YALE,3 Jr., b. New Haven; m. Rebecca Gibbards; settled in Walllngford.l Ct. ; was brother of Elihu Yale, founder of Yale College. NATHANIEL YALE.i m. Anna Peck. MOSES YALE,5 m. Mary Clark. 6799.* Mary A., b. Apr. 6800.* George W., (( Jan. 6801. Dewitt C, (( Dec. 6802.* Emma T., (• July 6803. Cora E., ; she d. .July 28, 175:), aged 73. Ch. b. Yamioutii: PrisciUa, Hannah, Zachariah, Joseph, Stephen. Roland, Harnabiis, I'eter, Bethia, Silas, Thankful. Lieut. ZACHARIAH SEARS,* b. Yarmouth, April 22, 1706; m. 1st. there, March 31, 1743. Mehitable, dau of .John and Keziah (Eldridge) Crowoll, b. Aug. 14. 1721 ; they were admitted to church, Aug. 5, 1750; she d. Feb. 8. 17(iO; m. 2d, Yarmouth. .lune 28, 1761. Mary Oakes, who d. .luly 20, 1765, in her .58th year; m. 3d, Chatham, Dec. 14, 1768, Mary Howes, who was adm. to cliurcli- Oct. 14, 1770; and d. Oct. 2, 1789; Lieut, in militia; active in town and church affairs; constabli'. 1755; highway surveyor, 1765. In 1778 be wrote his son Roland at Ashfleld, Mass.; he d. Yar- mouth, , Ian. i:3, 17!«i, buried North Dennis; will, dated Oct. 26, 1786. Ch. b. Yarmouth: Peter. Roland, Zachariah, Hethia, Mehitable, Zachariah, Hannah, .loseph. ROLAND SEAKS,r> b. Yarmoutli, Feb. 3, 1744-5; m. Apr. 9, 1777, Jedediah, dau. of Zilpali Conant, of Bridgewater, Mass., b. 17.52; he removed to Ashtield, Mass., and bought a farm. May. 1773; served in Lieut. Bartlett's Co., which marched on Lexington alarm, April 22, 1775. 5 days .service; also, in Capt. Eben Wel)ber's Co., in Col. John Fellows' Regt. Ch. b. Ashfleld: Lois, Mehitable, Mary, Zachariah, Ahirah, Peter, Roland, Thomas, Roxanna, Abner. I EIGHTH GENERATION. 689 [3010] LAURA ALLENE F00TE,8 (Sister of Lavias H.,) b. Dover, Ohio, Jan. 14, 1832; m. Berea, Ohio, Nov. 27, 1855, Alfred G. Iright, b. Richland Co., Ohio, July 7, 1832: farmer and teacher; removed to tichland Center, Wis.. 1856; to Dover, Ohio, 1860: Columbiana Co., Ohio, 1870; 'leveland, 1872-3; Republican; Congs. He d. Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 9, 1875. Children: 6869.* Fked Eugene, b. Oct. 30, 1856, Richland Center. 6870.* LouELLA Irene, " Aug. 25, 1858, " " 6871.* Laura B.. " Jan. 14, 1860, " " " 6872.* HoYT Verner, " May 23, 1864, Dover. 6873.* LiNNA Mae, " Aug. 4, 1868, 6874. Eunice M. " Apr. 10, 1871, Nev^^ Lisbon. [3011] EMELINE PORTER rOOTE,8 (Sister of Lavias H.,) b. Dover, Ohio, July 25, 1834; m. Cleveland, Ohio, July 17, 1872, Thomas, son |f John and Sarah (Muldrew) Liggitt, b. Canada, Aug. 16, 1842; tobacconist; iepublican; Freemason; memberOriental Commandery 12, K.T.; she Methodist, W. C. T. U. and Chapter 2, O. E. S. Ch. b. Cleveland: 6875. Mae, Sept. 16, 1873: unm. 1898. 6876. Minnie, Sept. 16, 1873, '• [3012] ASAH EL PORTER rOOTE,8 (Bro. of Lavias H.,) i b. Dover, Ohio, May 25, 1836; m. Monticello, Wright Co., Minn., May, 1880, linna Sutherland, b. Bangor, Me., July, 20, 1861; farmer: Dover, Ohio, until 863; afterwards, Two Rivers and Langola, Minn.; Republican; Private G, 42 bhio Inf. Vols. He d. Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 3, 1897; she d. Langola, 1889. Children: 6877. Eldora Belle, b. Oct. 17, 1882, Two Rivers. 6878. Walter Eravin, " Apr. 27, 1885, " 6879. Ethel Beatrice, " Apr. 30, 1887, Langola. [.3017] ABIGAIL JOHNSON FOOTE,s (Sister of Lavias H.,) b. Dover, Ohio, Oct, 30, 1846: m. Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 1, 1865, Thomas L.. son )f Samuel Niles, b. Vermont, Nov. 23, 1832: farmer; Dickin-son Co., N.Y., when a X)y; at the age of 22 went to Mich., res. Grand Rapids; Waverly, 1865-1879; ifterwards, Chestona; Republican; Private E, 9 Mich. Cav.; enlisted 1862, par- bicipated in several skirmishes and battles and was wounded; dis. 1865. He d. Ohestona, Jan. 2, 1881. Children: ■ 6880.* Charles M., b. June 24, 1866, Waverly. 6881* Claude E., a June 18, 1868. (( 6882, Seabert H., a Oct. 2, 1871, d. June 26, 1872 6883. Levern E., a Apr. 18, 1873, unm. 1898. 6884.* Rosa M., t( May 3, 1880, Chestona. [.3020] WILLIAM HAMLIN TAYLOR," (Laura Foote,^ Elizabeth Hamblin,B Job,5 James,*32i) b. Rockport, Ohio, Nov. 12, 1833; m. Jan. 24, 1855, Melissa J., dau. of S. and Catherine (Mott) Thatcher, b. Ohio City, now Cleve- land, Ohio, Nov. 6, 1837; carriage manf.: Painsville, Ohio; Congs. 690 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: 6885.* Laura H., b. "Nov. 12, 1857, Rockport. 6886.* Egbert H., Aug. 12, 1861, Cleveland 6887.* Luther B., May 16, 1866, Dover. 6888.* Lillian F., Jan. 6, 1869, Berea. 6889. Charles R., Feb. 14, 1872, Lima. 6890. Jennie M., July 16, 1874, 11 6891. Martha A., Aug. 15, 1876, Delaware. 6892. William H., Dec. 25, 1878, Sunbury. [3021] ELIZABETH TAYLOR,' (Sister of William H.,) b. Rockport, Ohio, Apr. 30, 1837; m. there, 1865, Marsh Abell; farmer; Rockport; Republican; a soldier; Methodists. She d. Olmstead, Ohio, Jan. 3, 1874. Ch. b. Rockport (all married): 6893. George, ' about Dec. 1866. 6894. Allen, " Dec. 1868. 6895. John, " Dec. 1870. ; 6896. Gertrude, " Sept. 1871. f 6897. Emma, " Aug. 1872. I [3023] EMMA TAYLOR,* (Sister of William H.,) b. Rockport, Ohio, Feb. 28, 1847; m. Olmsted, Ohio, May 30, 1871, S. Legrand, | son of John and Nancy (Mass) Feely, b. Winchester, Va., July 24, 1839: carpen- ter; Winchester, Va.; Olmsted and Delphos, Ohio: Republican; 1st Sergt. F,] 118 Ohio Inf. Vols.; enlisted Aug. 12, 1862; served in East Tenn. and the At- lanta Campaign; in battles of Resaca and Franklin; dis. June 25, 1865; member] Hope Lodge, 214, A. F. & A. M. and Knights of Honor: Methodists. U Children: (unmarried 1897.) Herbert D., b. Sept. 30, 1872, Olmsted. " Dec. 17, 1874, Delphos; d. May 5, 1895. " July 19, 1877, " Mar. 24, 1880, 6898. 6899. 6900. 6901. Katie E., Antoinette, William T., [3027] DIANA MILLER,* (Caroline Foote," Elizabeth Hamblin,»l Job,5 James,* 321) b. Avon, Ohio, July 19,1839: m. Mar. 21, 1860, Lyman B. Woodruff, b. Sheffield, Ohio, Feb. 12, 1840; res. Sheffield, Ohio. She d. Dec. 27, 1890. Children: 6902-.* Addie C, b. Sept. 13, 1862. 6903. Fred L., " Dec. 11, 1864; m. Bernia A. Kuhlon 6904.* Alice D., " Jan. 8, 1866. 6905. Nellie E., " Sept. 6, lS(i9. 6906.* Walter P., " Mar. 27, 1871. 6907. Alva B., " Oct. 28, 1874. 6908. George S., " May 23, 1876. 6909. Elmer B., " Oct. 25, 1879. [3028] Capt. DAVID F. MILLER,« (Bro. of Diana,) b. Avon, Ohio, Nov. 6, 1841; ra. Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 22, 1864, MaiyettaRob- I EIGHTH GENERATION. 691 :asoD,« dau. of Ransom and Catherine (Porter) Foote,* b. Dover, Ohio, Mar. 17, |840; farmer: and captain of a lake vessel: Avon, Sheffield and Dover, Ohio; llepublican; she res. Anaheim, Cal., 1898; Methodist. He d. Avon,, Apr. 9, 1879. Children: 6910. Louisa E., b. Dec. 10, 1861, Sheffield. 6911. WiLLABD E., " AufJf. 24, 1868, " unm. 1897. 6912. George 1., " June 13, 1874, Dover. " 1 6913. Arthur C, " Mar. 29, 1876, [3029J LORENZO DOW MILLER,8 (Bro. of Diana, ) b. Avon, Ohio, Mar. 5, 184-5; m. there, Mar. 25, 1865, Minerva Phebe, dau. if Elbert Anderson and Ruth (Titus) Cuyler, b. Avon, Mar. 24, 1848; farmer; V\oa Lake, Ohio; Republican; she Epis. and member Ladies' Lake Shore Union lociety. Both d. Avon; he, Aug. 19, 1873; she. Mar. 31, 1892. Ch. b. Avon: 6914.* Carrie Dell, Mar. 24, 1866. 6915.* Vernon Edward, June 15, 1871. [3030] WILLIAM HENRY HAMBLIN,^ (William P.,' Cornelius.e ob,!* James,*32i) b. Lee, Mass., Aug 31, 1831; unmarried; retired papermaker; jee, Mass., 1885: afterwards, Vienna, Va. L3031J DAVID PARKS HAMBLIN,8 (Bro. of William H.,) k Lee, Mass., June 11, 1843; m. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 21, 1872, Jennie M., dau. of lenry P. and Phebe (Olney) Treadwell, b. Providence, R. I., Apr. 6, 1844; re- ired paper maker; Lee, Mass., 1885; farmer, Vienna, Va., 1897. No Issue. [30.32] WOLCOTT CHAFFEE HAMBLIN,8 (Bro. of William H.,) I b. Lee, Mass., Oct. 25, 1850; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., Dec. 13, 1877, Maria Louise, lau. of Alexander and Martha (Haskins) Agar, b. Brooklyn, Apr. 24, 1857; sta- tioner; N. Y. City; formerly resided Lee, Mass.; since, Brooklyn, N. Y. He has tendered valuable service in compiling this branch of the family. Children: 6916. William Henry, b. Oct. 9, 1878. 6917. Claire, " Nov. 22, 1879. 6918. Agar Parks, •' Dec. 1, 1881. 6919. Mildred Louise, " July 4, 1891. 6920. John Mount, " Jan. 7, 1893. [3033] STEPHEN HAMBLIN BAKER.s (Lucy P. Hamblin,' Corne- !ius,6 Job,5 James,*32i) b. Lee, Mass., Feb. 16, 1830: m. Stockbridge, Mass., May ^7, , Catherine, dau. of Elias Curtis and Asenath (Hicock) Benedict, b. pittsfield, Mass.; farmen Lee: Republican. He d. Lenox, Mass., July 21, 1883. Ch. b. Lee: 6921.* Clarence Church, Mar. 25. 6922.* John Walter, July 7. * For Foote see note 193. 692 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3035] MARY COUCPI BAKER.s (Sister of Stephen H.,) b. Lee, Mass., Jan. 11, 1835; m. there, Apr. 23, 1862, William Judd, son of William and Mary (Judd) Mallory, b. Wilton, Conn., June 5, 1828; liveryman: Great Barrington, Mass.; Republican. Children: 6923.* William Baker, b. Nov. 19, 1864, Lee. 6924.* Harry Judd, " Mar. 19, 1872, Stockbridge. [3036] LUCY OPHELIA BAKER,» (Sister of Stephen H.,) b. Lee, Mass., Dec. 24, 1840; m. Dr. C. W. Stratton; she resides Lee. Heisi dead. 6925. Child: Charles W. 6926. Robert F., b 6927. Lucy O., (( 6928. William H., 11 6929. Clara B., u 6930. Matt IE A., ■• k [3037] WILLIAM HAMBLIN HERRICK,* (Mercy Hamblin,' Cor neliiis,6 Job,5 James,*33i) b. Worthlngton, Mass., Apr. 21, 1834; m. ISIar. 13, 1860, Martha Ely; millwright; Springfield, Mass. He d. Agavvam, Mass., Sept. 6, 1884. Children: July 22, 1864; m. Hattie Ewing. Dec. 16, 1870, " Carter B. Atkins. Oct. 28, 1873; unm. 1899. Sept. 30, 1876, " Nov. 25, 1882, " [3038] HANNAH ARDILLA HERRICK,« (Sister of William H.,) b. Lee, Mass., June 30, 1836; m. Edward D. G. Jones; millwright and me chanical engineer; firm of Edward D. G. Jones & Son's Company, Pittsfield, Mass. She d. Lee, Apr. 6, 1866. Children: Harley E., b. Sept. 23, 1861. \ E. Archie, " Nov. 3, 1863. 6931.* 6932.* GEORGE HENRY HERRICK,^ (Bro. of William H.,) b. Tyringham, Mass., June 28, 1838; m. Sophia Partridge.* Children: 6933.* Ida C, b. Sept. 4, 1862. 6934.* Minnie S., " Apr. 25, 1865. 6935. George Z., " Jan. 28, 1868. * Note 427. WILLIAM PARTEIDGE.i came from Berwick, on Tweed, England ; an early settler at Hartford, Ct. ; m. there, Dec. 12, ]t;44, Mary Smith; removed to Hadley, Mass., 1(559; merchant; the name is supposed to be Patrick; she d. .Tuly :iO, lOSO, x. 55 (?) Children: Samuel, Mary and perhaps William. Col. WILLIAM PARTRIDGE,2 m. ]st, Sept. 24, loes, Mehitable, dau. of John and Eliza- beth (Goodwin) Crow, b. about 1(552, who d. Dec. «, ]7;J0; m. 2d, Dec. 28. 17:J1, Mrs. Hannah Ed wards; removed from Hadley to Hatfield, Mass., 1(5S7; merchant, 1692-1740; Colonel of a Regt. Representative. lf)85-6; Judge of Court of Common Pleas, and thirty years Chief Justice member of His Majesty's Council. After the death of Col. Pynchon, 1703, the most important man of Western Mass. He d. Hatfield, Dec. 25, 1740. Children: William, Samuel, Mehitable Mehitable, a child, Mary, Jonathan, Edward, Jonathan, John, Elizabeth. EIGHTH GENERATION. 693 [3040] JOHN FREDERICK HERRICK/ (Bro. of William H.,) b. Worthington, Mass., Aug. 9, 1840; m. Mary McCaity; mechanic; Pitts- |ield, Mass. Children: 6936. Arthur E., b. Oct. 20, 1867 6937. Charles W., u Aug. 21, 1869 6938. Ardilla B., a Aug. 17, 1871 6989. John F., u July 15, 1874 [3041] LUCY JANE HERR1CK,8 (Sister of William H.,) b. Dalton, Mass., Sept. 19,1842; m. 1st, Lee, Mass., June 22, 1881, Daniel Villiams; farmer; Ashfield, Mass.; Cong., who d. Ashfield, July 17, 1891; m. 2d, une 5, 1885, Alvan Hall; farmer and carpenter; Ashfield. He d. Nov. 23, 1898; he Cong. [3043] CHARLES W. HERRICK,8 (Bro. of William H.,) b. Dalton, Mass., May 9, 1846; m. Mar. 15, 1876, Mary L. Hosburgh; mechanic. Children: 6940. James A.. b. May 14, 1881. 6941. Augustus E., " Sept. 6, 1888, So. Hadley Falls. 6942. Archibald Ray, " Jan. 13, 1890, [3044] MARY AMANDA HERRICK,8 (Sister of William H.,) b. Dalton, Mass., Apr. 16,1852; m. Hartford, Ct., Sept. 12, 1893, Henry iardner, son of Joseph Calvin and Ann Smith (Winchester) Morse, b. Sterling, ilass.. May 3, 18.36; Prest. Fitchburg Fire Ins. Co.; Fitchburg, Mass.; Repub- ican; councilman; alderman; Odd Fellow; Knights of Honor; K. P.; Jerusalem :;ommandery, K. T.; Aleppo Temple Mystic Shrine; she member Fitchburg .Vumen's Club; Daughters of Rebekah; Congs. No issue. ^ [304.5] FREDERICK WELLINGTON COUCH,^ (Mary C. Hamblin,? Jornellus,6 Job,5 James,* 32 1) b. East Lee, Mass., 1830; m. New Lebanon, N. Y., Jept. 28, 1853, Fannie M., dau. of Giles and Ruth (White) Wilcox, b. Sheffield, ilass.. 1837: millwright, sawyer and wagonmaker; Pittsfleld, Mass.; Odd Fel- ow; engaged in tlie lumber business and conducted a sawmill thirty years; Itlethodists. b. July 24, 1854, Lee; d. Sept. 7, 1854. " May 18, 1855, " m. Hattie Sprague. " July 18, 1858, " " Edith Stuart. " May 18, 1860, " " Edwin Butler. " Feb. 22, 186.3, " " Edith Beebe. " July 6, 1867, Westerville. " Oct. 10, 1869, Chester; d. Oct. 3, 1872. " Oct. 13, 1872; m. Ehzabeth White. Children: 6943. F. W., 6944. Frederick Manly, 6945. Vernah Eugene, 6946. May' Lenora, 6947. George W., 6948.* Nellie Drusilla, 6949. Orlando N., 6950. Oscar Roberts, [3046] GROVE A. HAMBL1N,« (Job,' Cornelius,^ .lob,'^ James,*32i) b. Lee, Mass., Mar. 6, 1849; m. there. May 10, 1870, Nancy E., dau. of Lev- rett and Hannah S. (Steadman) Ball, b. Auburn, N. Y., July 26, 1848; paper naker; Huntington, Mass.; foreman for E. & S. May, Lee, Mass., 1885. 694 6951. 6952. THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. Lee: LiLLiB Capitola, July 22, 1872; d. May 3, 1886. Charles E., Oct. 20, 1875. [3048] DAVID ANSON HAMLIN,* (David,7« Job,^ James,*32i) b. Rockport, Ohio, July 23, 1831; m. Napoleon, Ohio, Jan. 18, 1868, Elizi beth, dau. of George and Sarah (Burgett) Myers, b. Sandusky Co., Ohio, Mar, 21 1849; Sergt. 68 Ohio Inf. Vols.; enlisted Nov. 8, 1861; dis. Aug. 24, 1864; carpet, ter, Wauseon, Ohio. A tall athletic man before his health was destroyed ^ paralysis; member Wauseon Lodge .362, I. O. O. F.; Lozier Post 35, G. A. R.] City Marshall: Disciples. Ch. b. Napoleon: 6953.* Washington Irving, Mar. 21, 1870. [3049] NOAH CROCKER HAMLIN,« ( Bro. of David A.,) b.^ Dover, Ohio, Dec. 14, 1832; m. Laporte, Ohio, Mar. 27, 1860, LydiaLu cinda,' dau. of Walter Thomas and Alzina (Cornell) Fauver, b. Eaton, Ohio., Apr. 8, 1838; farmer; Lorain Co., Ohio; Methodist, in which church he wa? class leader many years. 6954.* 6955.* 6956.* 6957. Children: Alzina Roxannah, William Bird, Lorenzo Dow, b. Jan. 14, 1861, Henry Co. " Sept. 6, 1863, Grafton. Aug. 21, 1867, Ridgeville. Charles Alkali Scott, " Apr. 25, 1876. [3050] ROXANNA MARIA JANE HAMLIN, » (Sister of David A.,) b. Dover, Ohio, Jan. 22, 1835; m. 1st, Jo.seph Sloan, who died; m. 2d, — ~ m. 3d, Nathan Stratton; farmer; Michigan; Methodists. Two children by 1st marriage, d. young. j. [3051] LEWIS MARION HAMLIN,' (Bro. of David A.,) b. Dover, Ohio, Sept. 17, 1836: m. 1st, Jan. 1, 1866; m. 2d, Wauseon, Ohic Dec. 24, 1868, Samantha Josephine, dau. of Abraham and Eliza (Abbott) Mosesj b. Licking Co., Ohio, Oct. 31, 1837; farmer; Ridgeville, Ohio, 1868-83; Eatonj Ohio, until 1897; since, Ridgeville; Republican; Presbs. She d. Ridge villel June 19. 1900. 6958.* 6959.* 6960.* 6961.* 6962.* Ch. b. Ridgeville: Mary Belle, Lewis Franklin, LoREN Marion, Estella Vilera, Lloyd Donald, June 28, 1869. July 25, 1873. Sept. 10, 1876. Nov. 12, 1879. Apr. 21, 1882. [3052] SOPHIA AMANDA HAMLIN,» (Sister of David A.,) b. Dover, Ohio, Mar. 18, 1840; m. Laporte, Ohio, Nov. 20, 1859, Henry S. son of Mark S. and Polly (Morgan) Hitchcock, b. Eaton, Ohio, Jan. 19, 18391 member 103d Ohio Inf. Vols.; enlisted 1862; dis. 1866; farmer; removed to Bdj wardsburg, Mich., 1866; to Bloomingdale, 1868; she d. rfear Jackson, Mich., Jul:' 2, 1870; he remarried and removed to Dakota, 1883: postmaster, Albion, S. Dak EIGHTH GENERATION. 695 Children: "6963.* Clifford, b. Oct. 14, 1860, Eaton. 6964. Clayton Henry, " Sept. 10, 1862, Henry Co., O.: d. July 12, 1878 6965.* Clarence, " Aug. 5, 1866, Cass Co., Mich. 6966.* Mary, '* May 30, 1869. [30531 BETSEY LOVISA HAMLIN,^ (Sister of David A.,) b. Dover, Ohio, Feb. 19, 1842; school teacher: Presb.; d. Napoleon, Ohio, amarried, 1864. [3054] BENJAMIN DWIGHT HAMLIN,« (Bro. of David A.,) b. Dover, Ohio, July 3, 1844; m. Lincoln, Mich., Apr. 11, 1868, Clareacy Su- i.nna, dau. of William Severs and Nancy (Baumgardner) Miltabarger, b. ROy- ,ton, Mich., April 18, 1852; private, G, 68th Ohio Inf. Yol.: enlisted Nov. 13, |;61; dis. 1862: carpenter: Leroy, Mich., from 1875 until his death; Democrat; ember Osceola Lodge 300, I. O. O. F.; she Baptist. He was killed accident- jly in a saw mill, Leroy, May 12, 1882. Children: 6967. William D., b. Oct. 20, 1869, Lincoln. 6968.* Clara Arminta, li Aug. 14, 1871, (i 6969. Roland Ray, a Nov. 23, 1874, (< 6970. Okville v., (( Oct. 28, 1879, Leroy. 6971. Annie,* (( Aug. 31, 1882, t( [3055] SARAH PHILLIPS HAMLIN,* (Sister of David A.,) . b. Dover, Ohio, Apr. 15, 1859; m. 1st, 1882, Dudley Davidson, who d.l891; m. 1, 1894, James McGinley: commission merchant; Elkhart, Ind. [3061] JULIUS AUGUSTUS MCDOWELL,*. ( Deborah Hamblin,' imes,fi Job,5 James,*32i) b. Monterey, Mass., June 10, 1834; unmarried, 1899; :S. Dartford, Wis.; lost an arm by accident in a paper mill about 1855; is a fine jnman and is employed in clerical labor. •, , [3064] MARSHALL McDOWELL,^ (Bro. of Julius A., b. Monterey, Mass., June 11, 1846; unmarried: d. U. S. Hospital, Madison, Hs., April 5, 1864. [3065]- JAMES FREDERICK McDOWELL,* (Bro. of Julius A.,) b. Monterey, Mass., Apr. 4, 1849; m. Deborah, dau. of Peter and Mary Ann knderson) Prame: engineer; Monterey, Mass., Dartford, Wis., and Seattle, l^ash.: Republican; Odd Fellow. He d. Seattle, Wash., Oct. 6, 1891: she re- arried. Ch. b. Dartford: 6972. Mary. 6973. Robert. [3066] MARY LOUISA HAMBLIN,^ (Julius A., ^ James.R Job,^ imes,i32i) b. Monterey, Mass. June 29, 1852; m. Dartford, Wis., Mar. 20, 1873, * Adopted by George H. and Alice Bassett, of Reed City, Mich., Nov. 15, 1882, and now cmed Lennie Bassett. f 696 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Jerome P., son of Jonathan P. and Mary Knight; res. Round Grove, Ills., uati'.i 1874; since, Fulton, Ills.: she is an invalid. Child: I 6974.* Justin P., b. Aug. 29, 1876, Fulton. | [3067] ANNIE ELIZABETH HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Mary L.,) b. Monterey, Mass., June 13, 1855; m. Dartford, Wis., Oct. 22, 1878, Plii Guernsey, son of William and Mary Ann (Haynor) Furman, b. Clifton Pai Saratoga Co., N. Y., Dec. 7, 1853; farmer; Saratoga Co., until 1857; since, Win^| nebago Co., Wis.; Democrat. Children: 6975. Lydia, b. Oct. 17, 1879, Winchester; unm. 1899. ' 6976. Mortimer, " Jan. 10, 1884, Clayton, [3068J JAMES M. HAMLIN,8 (James F,'James,6 Job,^ James,* 32 1)' b. Great Barrington, Mass., Sept. 30, 1844; private E, 27th Mass. Inf. Vols.| enlisted Sept. 27, 1861; drowned Annapolis, Md., Jan. 7, 1862. t [3069] ADELAIDE HAMLIN,8 (Sister of James M.,) b. Great Barrington, Mass., Sept. 26, 1845; m. Ogden, Utah, Sept. 10, 1872 Frank G., son of James H. and Temperance (Post) Conklin, b. Durham, N. Y| Nov. 28, 1840; Glove manf.; San Francisco, Cal., 1866-76; since, East Oaklanc Cal.; Republican; member Brooklyn Lodge 225, A. F. & A. M.; sheEpis. Ch. b. Oakland: 6977. James Frederick, Mar. 19, 1877; unm. 1897. 6978. Alice Josephine, May 11, 1879, " " [3070] CHARLES F. HAMLIN,« (Bro. of James M.,) b. Great Barrington, Mass., Feb. 16, 1847; sailor, enlisted 1863, and served on the Monitor, Katskill; while in service, 1864, he entered a 15-inch gun wliile it was hot, nearly causing suffocation, and injured his mind so that h| was discharged: he re-enlisted again in the navy, with his brother Edward 1864, and served until close of the war. He became incurably insane, and if in the insane hospital, N. Y. state; unmarried. [3071] EDWARD L. HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of James M.,) b. Stanford, N. Y., June 8, 1848; m. Portville, N. Y., Jan. 29, -1876, HI Estella, dau. of .loseph and Wealthy (Board man) Howe, b. Hornellsville, N. Y.| July 9, 1854; lumber dealer; Hazel Hurst, Pa.; res. Stanford, N. Y., 1848-52 Great Barrington, Mass., 1852-9; Catskill, N. Y., 1859-70, except while in tbj navy and army; traveling, 1870-6; since Portville, N. Y., Bradford, Glen Hazelj and Hazel Hurst, Pa.; landsman U. S. Navy and served on the Mary Sanford enlisted Jan. 23, 1864; dis. July 15, 1865; on blockade duty, Charleston, S. C; als<| served in Indian warfare on the Plains, from Jan., 1867, to Jan. 14, 1870; Reput lican; member K. O. T. M. Ch. b. Portville: 6979.* Addie E., Nov. 10, 1876. 6980. Charles L., Oct. 22, 1879. 6981. Edward L., Mar. 5, 1884; d. Oct. 23, 1895. %• EIGHTH GENEEATION. 697 [3075J Eugene Anderson,* (Anne HamblinJ James, « Job,* James,* ^^i) married. He d. Fond du lac, Wis., 1874 (?) Child: 6982. A Son. [3078] THOMAS CHILDS.s (Joseph,- 6 5 Deliverance Hambhn,* ames,32i)b. 1799: m. Lydia Eldridge.* Child: 6983.* William, b. 1825. [3087] ISAIAH HALLETT HAMLIN,« (Isaiah,' Josiah,^ Timothy,* accheus,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. Nov. 16, 1819. He d. Gardiner, Me., Nov. 16, iS91. Children: 6984. Hannibal, 6985. Herbert. 6986. Fred Blake; res. Gardiner. 6987. Laura. 6988. RosELViN. [3088] CHANDLER GRAY HAMLIN, ^ b. Nov. 15, 1821; ra. Angeline S., dau. of - (Bro. of Isaiah H.,) and Elizabeth H. (Crowell ) 'rowell,* b. Jan. 23, 1834: farmer: Gardiner, Me., until 1856; afterwards, W. Gar- iner; Republican. He d. Gardiner, June, 1873. Children: b. Dec. 8, 1850, Gardiner; d. Dec. 14, 1852. " Feb. 25, 1854, " " Sep. 12, 1867. " July 8, 1856, W. Gardiner. " Mar. 9, 1866, " Dec. 12, 1867, 6989. 6990. 6991.* 6992.* 6993.* Alva W., Everett F., Idella G., George Alvah, Carrie Evelyn, [3089] Dr. ASAHEL WELLINGTON HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Isaiah H.,) ,». Winslow, Me., Feb. 14, 1824; m. 1st, Augusta, Me., June 27, 1850, Mary Ann, ;lau. of Nathan Packard, b. Searsmont. Me., 1827. Before marriage she was a ichool teacher, and d. Gardiner, Me., Sept. 1, 1851; m. 2d, Bowdoin. Me., June [3, 1852, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel and Sally (Thompson) Baker, b. Bow- 'loin, Oct. 8, 1831; farmer and druggist; Farmingdale, Me. He received acom- .non school education: attended medical college; resided Gardiner, Me., Boston, jVrass., N. Y. City, Bowdoin and Farmingdale: Freewill Baptist; member Oak- ,lale Lodge, L O. G. T. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Gardiner; 7994. Ida Ann, July 5, 1851; d. Sept. 18, 1851. By 2d wife: 7995. Mary Alice, ' b. May 22, 1853, Gardiner; d. May 30, '71 7996.* Emma Frances Gladys, " Jan. 29, 1865. * For Eldridge see note 90. + For Crowell see notes 52 and 391. 698 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3090] GEORGE WASHINGTON HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Isaiah H.,) b. Mar. 8, 1826. He d. St. John, N. B.. Jan. 27, 1894. Children: 6997. George Thurlow. 6998. Flora Effie. [3091] MARY JANE HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Isaiah H.,) b. Winslow, Me., Dec. 3], LS27; m. Augusta, Me., Oct. 1, 1849, George B, son of Asa Parker and Hannah Tyler (Pierce) Miller, b. Westboro, Mass., Dec, 19, 1828; Corporal, A, 1st Mass. Vols.; served four years; farmer; Peabod, Mass.; Freemason; Odd Fellow; member G. A. R. She d. Danvers, Mass, Aug. 6, 1861. 6999.* 7000.* 7001.* Children: Florista Athena, Frederick M., Carrie V., b. Aug. 12, 1850, Glocester. " Feb. 14, 1853, Gardiner. " June 1, 1857. J [3098] SYLVANUS HAMLIN,* (Josiah,-^ Timothy,^ Zaccheus,^ Jonathan, 3 James.^i) b. Winslow, Me., Apr. 29, 1825; m. Emeline Phillips; farmei Win.slow; Democrat. Children: Olive A., b. Mar. John Augustus, " Sept Jennie P., " Sept George S., Rose, Belle, 7002. 7003.* 7004.* 7005. 7006. 7007. 1856, Winslow; m. J. H.PrentissJI 20, 1857, 24, 1866, " m. Louisa Buzzel. " " AlonzoLittlefielc " " Newell Wheeler;! ) [3100] (Sister of Sylvan us, ) SARAH JANE HAMLIN,^ b. Winslow, Me., June 29, 1830; m. July, 184-, Samuel A.,^ son of Samuel G\ and Deborah (Wing*) Prentiss,t b. Nov. 28, 1825; res. Winslow; Methodists| Ch. b. Winslow: ±ii 7008.* Jacob Hamlin, 7009. LUCINDA T., 7010. Alphonso, 7011. Ida E., 7012. Joseph W., 7013. Ida E., Nov. 29, 1848. Feb. 15, 1852; m. Ezra Breraner. Sept. 1, 1859, " Persis Rucker. Sept. 4, 1861: d. Sept. 4, 1864. Jan. 25, 1865; m. Ellen M. Spencer. June 14, 1868, " Orren Heath. [3106] RHODEMA HURLBUT CHADWICK,8 (Bethany G. Hamlin,| Josiah,G Timothy,'^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan, ^ James,2i) b. China, Me., Aug. 21, 1824| m. there, April 10, 1842, Allen, .son of David and Lydia (Studley) Malcora, b| China, April 7, 1816; farmer and dealer in cattle, sheep and produce; VVeeksl Mills, China, Me.; Republican; she Methodist. She d. Weeks Mills, May 12| 1901. * For Wins see note 77. + Note 428. SAMUEL G. PRENTISS.s (Valentine,^ Joseph,* Stephen.s .Tohn,2 Valentine*^ VALENTINE PRENTISS.i came to America witb wife Alice, 1631; settled in Roxbu Mass.; freeman, 1632; d. 1633. His widow m. John Watson. I EIGHTH GENERATION. 699 June 10, 1843; m. Paulina Hewett. May 21, 1845; d. July 26, 1865. July 23, 1847, " May 6, 1857. Oct. 13, 1850; m. Albert E. Ross. Jan. 25, 1852. Apr. 17, 1854; d. June 18, 1855. June 30, 1856; m. George S. Miles. May 3, 1858. Nov. 5, 1860; unm. 1902. May 18, 1864; d. Mar. 25, 1865. May 27, 1866; unm. 1902. Apr. 7, 1869. [31071 STATIRA STAPLES CHADWICK,^ (Sister of Rhodema H.,) b. China, Me., Sept. 11, 1824: ra. there, 1848, David, son of David and Lj^dia tudly) Malcom, b. China, 1820; farmer and dealer in cattle and produce; /^eeks Mills, China, Me.; Democrat; member Derigo Lodge, A. F. & A. M. led. China, Dec. 30, 1881: he d. Waterville, Me, July, 1897. Ch. b. China: Ch. b. China: 7014. Orvtlle W., 7015. Ardella a.. 7016. Elton W., 7017. LUELLA C, 7018. COKA A. 7019. Arthur Allen, 7020. Isabella Burnha 7021.* Elizabeth Ellie, 7022. Arthur Woodby, 7023. Mary Vietta, 7024. Mary Ardella, 7025.* Allen Gustavus, 7020. Augustus A. 7027. Francisco C. 7028. Isabella B., d. in infancy. 7029. Dora E., " unm. Feb, 2, 1891. 7030. Orlando, 7031. Charles R. 7032. Frederick H. [.31091 ESTHER A. CHADWICK,8 (Sister of Rhodema H.,) . b. China, Me., Mar. 10, 1829; m. Vassalboro, Me., Nov. 3, 1852, Thomas A., U of Thomas and Jane (Handen) Motherwwell, b. Woolwich, Me., Apr. 10, B27; blacksmith; traveling salesman; Supt. State farm, Maine Insane Asylum, fugusta, Me.; res. China, Vas.salboro, and Augusta. He d. Augusta, Nov. 11, 1^90. Ch. b. China: 7033. AngieO., Dec. 18, 1853. 7034.* George W., Feb. 24, 1855. 7035. Elizabeth E., Nov. 3, 1857. 7036. Flora A., Feb. 14, 1860; res. Waterville, Me. 7037. Edward T., Aug. 8, 1866, U <( 11 [3111] Rev. GUSTAVUS B. CHADWICK,^ ( Bro. of Rhodema H.,) b. China, Me., July 24, 1832: m. Bristol, Me., May 14, 1889, Clara M., dau. of ilson Erskine and Elizabeth (Richards) Rhoads, b. Bristol, Feb. 17, 1851; indsraan U. S. Navy; enlisted Aug., 1864; served to close of war: farmer and shool teacher in early life; fitted for college at East Maine Conference Semi- ary; entered Wesleyan University, Middietown, Ct., class 1861; member Alpha (eltaPhi Society; Methodist clergyman, since 1874; resides Union, Me.; select- lan; Supervisor of Schools; Freemason. He d. Mar, 14, 1900. Ch. b. Ellsworth: 7038. Wallace Wilton, July 10, 1892. 700 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3112] AUGUSTUS W. CHADWICK,8 (Bro. of Rhodema H.,) b. China, Me., May 18, 1837; m. Waldoboro, Me., Oct. 16, 1859, Olive T., dau.i of Andrew Furbish, b. China, who d. Boston, Mass., Dec. 20, 1872; farmer and( merchant; East Vassal boro. Me. 3 Ch. b. Ciiina: 7039. Daisille E., July 27, 1864: d. Feb. 25, 1883. 7040. Elton J., Nov. 13, 1868. 7041. Olivet., Sept. 20, 1872. '1 ! [3114] MELINDA CHADW1CK,« (Cyrene M. Hamlin,' Josiah,^ Timo. thy,B Zaccheus,* Jonathan, » James, ^i) b. South China, Me., Jan. 17, 1831; m there, Dec. 31, 1861, John Webber, Jr., b. S. China, Mar. 28, 1822; farmer; South China; Baptist; she res. with her son Edward, S. China. He d. there, June 16, 1878. I' I !i Ch. b. South China: 7042.* Serepta Sedgley, June 6, 1863. 7043.* Charles Elton, Aug. 1, 1865. 7044.* Florence Edna, Sept. 9, 1868. 7045. Edward C, May 17, 1874. [3123] CHARLES H. HAMLIN,^ (Hallett,^ Josiah,6 Timotliy,^ Zacclieus, Jonathan, 3 James,^!) b. South China, Me., Sept. 19, 1865; m. Nashua, Neb., Sarah Stewart; mechanic; Sand Hill, Augusta, Me. ♦ Ch. b. Augusta: | 7046. Hattie May, Oct. 30, 1889. • ^ 7047. Vernisia Albertie, Dec. 14, 1890; d. Augusta. 7048. Annie E., Apr. 2, 1893, " [3124] ETTA M. HAMLIN,* (Sister of Chas. H.,) b. South Cliina, Me., Oct. 31, 1867; m. Augusta, Me., May 9, 1891, Semardel,! son of Shepard and Annie E. (Morgan) Wood, b. Burnham, Me., Oct. 20, ISTO;] carpenter; Augusta; Adventist; member A. O. U. W.; she res. Augusta. He d.| Augusta, Nov. 20, 1898. [3129] HARTWELL A. HAMLEN,* (David,7 Timothy,"'^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. East Vassalboro, Me., Oct. 25, 1812; m. Aug. 25, 1839,| Nancy P. Whicher, of West Rumney, N. H., b. June 26, 1818; farmer and wheel-| Wright; E. Vassalboro. He d. Mar. 24, 1889; she d. Jan. 26, 1887. Children: 7049.* Aramantha V., b. Oct. 25, 1842. 7050.* AlonzoH., " Aug. 14, 1847. 7051.* AlbertusB., " Oct.' 15, 1856. [3130] SALLY E. HAMLEN,« (Sister of Hartwell A.,) b. East Vassalboro, Me., Aug. 28, 1815; m. there, May 16, 1838, Robert L Clark; machinist and hardware merchant; Augusta, Me. Both d. Augusta; she, Jan. 14, 1871; he, Dec. 24, 1893. Children: 7052. A Child, b. Aug. 23, 1839, Vassalboro; d. Sept. 6, 1839. 7053. Angeline, " July 1, 1840, " 7054. EllaF., " July 30, 1844, " " Mar. 6, 1846. 7055. Helen J., " July 25, 1851, Augusta. EIGHTH GENERATION. 701 T3131] LAURISTON HAMLEN,8 (Bro. of Hartwell A.,) b. East Vassalboro, Me., Apr. 11, 1818; m. Temple, Me., Jan, 5, 1851, Mary \. Todd; farmer; New Sharon, Me.; she d. there, Nov. 3, 1880. Ch. b. Temple: 7056. Cora A,, Mar. 14, 1852. 7057.* Florence, June 23, 1853. [3132] CATHERINE HAMLEN.8 (Sister of Hartwell,A.,) b. East Vassalboro, Me., Aug. 24, 1820; m. Vassalboro, Jan. 11, 1842, William Buzzell, b. Oct. 19, 1818: mechanic; Augusta, Me. Both d. there; he, June 18, 1868; she, April 28, 1886. Children: I 7058.* Wilbur F., b. July 3, 1844, Vassalboro, 7059. AubyC, " Oct. 3,1848, " d. Mar. 4, 1852. 7060.* Harriet C, *' Mar. 4, 1856, Angusta. [3133] WILLIS CEEVER HAMLEN,8 (Bro. of Hartwell A.,) I b. East Vassalboro, Me., Dec. 26, 1822; ra. Newton, Mass., June 5, 1855, [Elizabeth Kent, b. Newton, Mar. 7, 1826; mariner in early life; later, salesman n agricultural warehouse; Vassalboro, Me., Boston, Cambridge and Newton, Mass. He d. Vassalboro, Mass., Feb. 10, 1896. Children: 7061. Mary Lizzie, b. June 4, 3856; d. Aug. 10, 1857. 7062.* Harriet Adelia. " June 8, 1858, Boston. 7063.* Willis Clark, '' Jan. 16, 1861, 7064. Frank Herbert, '* Aug. 6, 1864; unm. 1900. [3134] NANCY H. HAMLEN,8 (Sister of Hartwell A.,) b. East Vassalboro, Me., May 11, 1826; m. there, Feb. 12, 1846, Leonard E. Getchell, b. Winslow, Me., Mar. 7, 1824; farmer; Winslow; she d. Winslow, Jan. ^0, 1892, Children: 7065.* Warren E., b, Dec. 1, 1851. 7066. Willis L., " Nov. 13, 1854; d. Apr. 30, 1864, Winslow. 7067.* Etta M., " July 1, 1859. [3135] GEORGE W. HAMLEN,^ (Bro. of Hartwell A.,) b. East Vassalboro, Me., Sept. 26, 1828; m. there, Jan. 7, 1855, Sarah E. Doe, to. East Vassalboro, Oct. 25, 1835; machinist; Augusta, Me, No issue. [3136] HENRY K. HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Hartwell A.,) b. East Vassalboro, Me., July 6, 1831; unmarried; machinist; went to Cali- [fornia about 1854; returned to Maine, 1865; remained about two years and again went to California, Oct., 1867, where he d. Sept. 12, 1874. [3137] EDWARD W. HAMLEN,« (Bro. of Hartwell A.,) ; b. East Vassalboro, Me., June 18, 1836; unmarried; painter; Augusta, Me. ^e has very kindly furnished for this work the records of the families of his brothers and sisters. 702 [3138] James,- 1) b. of Benjajpin Mar. 15, 1858; his fourth wi 7068. 7069.* 7070.* 7071. 7072. 7073.* 7074.* 7075. 707H.* THE HAMLIN FAMILY. I VESTA HAMLEN,8 (Daniel,^ Timothy,6» Zaccheus,* Jonathan,' | Vassalboro, Me., July 8, 1813; m. 1st, there, June, 1831, John, sod and^Mary W|l]uinTS, b. Poland, Me.: carpenter; who d. Bradford, ~m. 2'dr5radfor"d, 1868, Jacob Waterman, son of William Harris,} fe. See sketch of her sister Flavilla. She res. Milo, Me., 1896; Bapkj Ch. by 1st marriage, b. Bradford: Daniel H., Almira H., axnettb w., RuFus R., Hannah W., Mary Ellen, Avis S., ACHSIA, John H., May 27, 1833: d. Feb. June 2, 1835. May 7, 1837. Apr. 27, 1839; Sept. 12, 1845, Nov. 1846. Jan. 19, 1848. Mar. 22, 1850; d. Oct May 4, 1852. d. (1 1834. Sept. 21, 1866. Mar. 24, 1848. 1863. [3139] JANE HAMLEN,8 (Sister of Vesta,) b. Utica, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1814; m. Vassalboro, Me. Mar. 13, 1834, JLutlier Majj son of Ben jam m and Mary WilHams; farmer; Vassalboro, until 1839rre- ^ moved to East Bradford, then a new settleTBent without roads; she carried heji babe more than a mile in her arms to reach the site of their new home. HeJ bought land and erected a mill which was destroyed by fire two years later; he! then engaged in farming. They encountered the hardships incident to the settlement of a new country and labored hard to rear and educate their children respectably. About 1868 he sold his farm to his son Henry and took a smaller place. Both d. Bradford; she, June 26, 1886; he, Feb. 23, 1893. Children: 7077.* Sarah C, b. June 8, 1835, Vassalboro. 7078. Charles B., (( Dec. 22, 1836, u 7079. Daniel H., (( Oct. 13, 1838, ki 7080. Harvey R., li Dec. 15, 1840, E. Bradford. 7081.* Henry T., u May 27, 1843, u 7082. Martha H., (1 Aug. 17, 1845. (1 7083. Ruell, (1 Feb. 11, 1848, ur 7084. Albert C, u Jan. 9, 1851. u unmarried, 1894. [3141] ALMIRA HAMLEN.s (Sister of Vesta,) b. Winslow, Me., Oct. 23, 1818; m. Vassalboro, Me., Rufus Randall, son of Samuel and Abbie (Eaton) Reed, b. Bristol, Me., June 12, 1807; farmer and lum- berman; Damariscotta, Me.: Democrat; she Baptist. She d. Damariscotta, Aug. 12, 1885. He was wrecked between Boston and Damariscotta and lost his life, Sept. 8, 1869. Ch. b. Damariscotta: 7085. Henry, d. Damariscotta. 7086. Vesta H., " Lynn, Mass. 7087. Eugene, " New York. 7088. Samuel, res. Franklin, Mass. 7089. Belle G., " Maiden, 7090. Rufus C, " Damariscotta, Me. EIGHTH GENERATION. 703 [3142] LOIS HAMLEN.s (Sister of Vesta,) b. Sebec, Me., Nov. 23, 1820; m. East Vassalboro, Me., by Amos Sticknej% isq.. Mar. 13, 1848, Robert Winslow,' son of James and Eunice (Winslows*) Stuart, b. Vassalboro, Oct. 16, 1816; sboemalcer and stonecutter; Vassalboro; / jviilo., Me., 1874; Weston, Mass., 1896; she Baptist. She d. Sebec, 1877. / Ch. b. Milo: 7091.* Daniel Henky, b. June 20, 1841. 7092.* Marie Louisa, " Mar. 7, 1843. 7093.* Charles Winslow, " Jan. 20, 1845. 7094. Eunice WmsLOW, " Nov. 19, 1849; m. Nathaniel Barker. [3145] AVIS HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Vesta,) j b. China, Me., Apr. 15, 1826; m. Milo, Me., 1844, Henry T., son of John [•herburn, of Readtield, Me.; farmer and mechanic. She d. Milo, Feb. 3, 1886; / !ie d. Milo, Feb., 1893. No issue. [3146] Waterman M. Hamlin, 8 (Bro. of Vesta,) b. Vassalboro, Me., July 14, 1828; m. Bradford, Me., July 3, 1851, Mary A., :au. of Levi and Betsey (Morrell) Page, b. Brownville, Me., Oct. 27, 1831; he eceived a common school education; worked in a shovel handle manufactory, 846-53; then bought a farm upon which he vporked summers and in the shop /inters, until 1865; when he took charge of a shop for Mr. Holman Johnson, ?ho carried on an extensive business in Maine and N. H.: was at Liberty three ears, Orono three years and Wayne four years; removed to Brownville, Me., uilt a shop, and carried on business three years; he was drafted Milo, Me., lar. 20, 1865, and assigned to 12th Me. Inf. Vols.; member Sons of Temperance: rood Templars; Derigo Lodge 63, I. O. O. F.: Baptists, in which church he ■as deacon many years: he compiled the records of his father's family for this urk. He d. about Sept., 1902. No issue. [3147] FLAVILLA P. HAMLEN,8 (Sister of Vesta, ) b. Vassalboro, Me.. July 4, 1830; m. Bradford, Me., July, 1855, Jacob Water- lan, son of William Harris, b. Poland, Me., Feb. 16, 1814, his 3d wife. He m. 5t, Carrie, dau. of John Wilkins, of Brownville, Me.; m. 2d, her sister, Susan i'^ilkins, and m. 4th, Mrs. Vesta (Hamlen) Williams; farmer and mechanic; Milo, le.; Republican: town officer. A well educated man, school teacher in early fe. He had many afflictions; besl|es the loss of his wives, he was Itirned out Mce, and one little daughter buimed to death; two children d. ofjpiptheria; aptist. Both d. Milo; she Jan. 15, ■g4; he Feb. 8, 1888. b. Aug. 29, 1856, Brownville. " Apr. 13, 1858, Milo. 1860, " d. July 9, 1864. " 1862 '' " " " " " May 22, 1864,' " " Dec. 19, 1867, " d. Feb. 6, 1890. Children: 7095.* Charles S. 7096. Daniel, 7097. Etta O., 7098. George D., 7099.* Nellie G., 7100. Joseph. * Note 429. EUNICE WINSL0W,6 (William,5 Benjamin,! James,3 .Iob,2 Kenelm,!) b. Fal- outh, Me., July 26, 1779; m. Apr. 8. 1801, James, son of Joseph and Abigail (Staples) Stuart, b. irboro. Me., Apr, 2;i, 1777; carpenter and farmer; Portland, Falmouth, \Vinslow and Vassal- •lu. Me. She d. Vassalboro, Apr. 26, 1832; he d. there, Nov. 3, 1853, buried Scarboro. Children: jilliam Winslow, Isaiah Hacker, Isaac Mott, Phebe Winslow, Nathan Mower, Louisa, Joseph, •roes Ualleck, Robert Winslow, Louisa Maria, Daniel Haviland. 704 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3149] HARRIET HAMLIN,^ (Jonas,' Tlinothy,65 Zaccheus,* Jonathan,' James,2i) b. China, Me., Oct. 16, 1820; m. Winslow, Me., Dec. 19, 18.37, Edmund Llewellyn, son of Barnum and Phebe (Richardson) Hodges, b. Attleboro, Mass.^ ' May 4, 1818; farmer; Winslow; Democrat. Both d. there; she Nov. 13, 1857: he Mar. 23, 1896. Dh, b. Winslow: Sept. 25, 1840. Apr., 1842; d. Dec, 1842. July 26, 1844. Mar. 4, 1845. Sept. 13, 1847. 1851, " aged nine months, Nov., 1853, " 1862. Nov. 17, 1856. Nov. 17, 1856, " July, 1858. [3150] TIMOTHY H. HAML1N,8 (Bro. of Harriet,) b. China, Me., Aug. 31, 1822; m. 1st, Jan. 2, 1850, Fannie, « dau. of John and Mary (Smith) Wellington, b. Albion, Me., May 20, 1829, who d. Aug. 31, 1852; m, 2d, Emily S. Wellington, b. Sept. 26, 1835, sistei- of first wife; m. .3d, Feb. 23, 1857, Caroline E.,^ dau. of WilHam and Susan (Garland) Freeman,* b. Winslow, Me., Dec. 6, 1843. He d. Benton, Me., Aug:. 2, 1892. Ch. by 3d wife: 7110.* Fannie W., b. Dec. 13, 1857. 7111. SumnkrM., " Mar. 9, 1869; d. June 14, 1886. 7112. HOKACE Pool, " June 23, 1872. Ch, b. Winslow 7101.* Llewellyn E., 7102. Hannah M., 7103.* Geokge W., 7104.* Frank D., 7105.* SU&AN R., 7106. Barnum, 7107. Phebe, 7108.* Emma, 7109. Ella, * Note 430. For Freeman, see note 74. EDMUND FREEMAN,4 (Edmuncl,32i) t,. Sandwich. Mass., Aug. 30, 1683; m. Keziab Pressbury, b. 1688. It is supposed he resided in that part of Yarmouth, which is now North Dennis, .Mass.; removed with his family to South Parish, Mansfield, Ct. The chimney of his house was standing there, 1834. iQscriptions on their graves, there: "Here lyeth interred ye body of Mr. Edmund Freeman, born Sandwich, Aug. 30, 1683, and departed tliis life .June ye first, 170<>. .Job XIX, S."), 26, 27." In memory of Mrs. Kezia Freeman, late consort of Mr. Edmund Freeman, who departed this life April 20, 1764, aged 77 yrs." Children : Edmund, Lydia, Ed- mund, Prince, Stephen, Sylvanus, Nathaniel, Keziah, Sarah, Deborah, Skeefe, Thomas, Abi- gail, Margaret. EDMUND FREEMAN,5 b. Sandwich, Sept. 30, 1711; m. Aug. 7, 17:^6, Martha, dau. of Na- thaniel Otis, of Sandwich; he graduated Harvard College, 1733; spent some time in Nobscusset, part of Yarmouth, now North Dennis, teaching; removed to Mansfield, Ct., 1741-2; farmer. Rotbd. and are buried Mansfield; he Feb. 11, 1800; she .Tan. 23, 1790, aged 72. Children: Edmund. Nathaniel, Nathaniel, Abigail, .Jonathan, Otis, Eussell, Moody, Frederick, Martha. Hon. NATHANIEL FREEMAN.b b. Yarmouth, Mar. 28, 1741; m. 1st, May .5, 1763, Try- phosia CoUon. of Killingly, Ct., b. Mar. 18. 1743, who d. .July II. 1796; m. 2d, Apr. 7. 1799. Eliza- beth, widow of .Josiah Gilford, of Falmouth, Mass., dau. of .John Handy, of Sandwich, b. Oct. 6, 1767; removed to Mansfield, Ct.. with his parents in infancy, and passed his minority there; studied medicine with Dr. Cobb, of Thompson, Ct. ; returned to Sandwich and became physician there; member Mass., Congress, 1775; representative three times ; an ardent patriot; 12 years brigadier general of militia; 36 years judge of Court of Common Pleas; and 47 years register of Probate, Barnstable; was in service in Barnstable Co., in the Rev. and is the Col. Freeman, freqently referred to in this work, under whom several Hamlins served. When he resigned his military commission. Gov. Hancock said of him: "An officer whose patriotic service shone so conspicuously during a long and arduous revolution, which tried the souls of men in whatever station called by the voice of their country to act." On the same occasion Lieut. Gov. Samuel Adams who conducted the transaction, wrote: "The spirit of liberty, under whose benevolent guide your conduct has been so eminently distinguished during our late conflict with despotism EIGHTH GENERATION. 705 [3151] MARTHA HA MLIN.8 (Sister of Harriet,) b. Cliina, Me., Apr. 6, 1824: m. Jan. 2, 1842, Otis Wilson. Slie d. Winslow, Me.; he d. Madison, Me. Children: 7113. Lyman: d. unm. 7114.* Louisa. 7115. Leonard. [3152] JOHN PRIEST HAMLIN,« (Bro. of Harriet,) b. Vassalboro, Me., Apr. 20, 1827: m. 1st, 1856, Mary J. Booker, of Rocli:land, Me., who d. Salem, Mass., 1866; m. 2d, Sept. 26, 1867, Ruth Rice Williams, of Hiram, Me.: leather manufacturer: Salem; member Essex Lodge, A. F. & A.M.; R. A. M.; Winslow Lewis Commandery K. T.; Salem Council Royal and Select Masters for 27 years. He d. from an accident, Salem, Oct. 26. 1891. Ch. by first wife, b. Salem: 7117.* Henry Lewis, Feb. 24, 1860. 7118.* Hannah Jane, July, 1866. [3154] ALEXANDER H. HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Harriet,) b. Winslow, Me., Mar. 2, 1831; m. Abbie Wentworth, of Farmington N. H. He d. Winslow, Me., May 13, 1862; she d. Farmington, N. H. Children: 7119. A Daughter, b. Winslow. 7120. A Daughter, " " 7121. A Son, " Farmington. [3155] SUMNER H. HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Harriet,) b. Winslow, Me., Dec. 14, 1832. He went to California, Feb., 1869; not heard from since about 1872: no information that he ever married. [3156] CHARLES W. HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Harriet.) I b. Winslow, Me., Aug. 30, 1835; m. 1st, Nov., 1856, Maria Coleman, b. Win- 'slow. who d. 1860: m. 2d, Sept. 15, 1862, Adelaide H. Priest, of Vassalboro, Me.; private C, llth Me. Inf. Vols. He d. China village, Nov. 11, 1902. • is equally recognized iQ yoa b/ the present, as by oar litely diparted commander-in-chief (Gov. Hancock, then deceased) and he e.^presses his confraternity with you in friendship." He d. Sandwich. Sept. 20. 1827; his widow, May 27, IStl. Children: Edmund, Xathaniel, Abigail, Martha, .Jonathan Otis, Rufus, Tryphosa Colton, Sarah, Nancy, Russell, Abraham Williams, I Geo. Washington, Frederick. Tryphosa Colton, Nancy, Nathaniel, Elizabeth Handy, Love iSwain, Tryphena, Hannah Bourne. EDMUND FREEMAN,' b. Sandwich, May 4, 1764; m. Elizabeth Pattee; was some years I'ln Boston; printer; Editor of The Herald of Freedom, 1784; was in Winslow, Me., as early as 1797, wherehe d. July 1, 1807; his widow d. Feb. 6, 1866. Children, b. Winslow; William, Ann E. D. WILLIAM FREEMAN,8 b. Winslow, Me., June 12. 1797; m. Mar. 8, 1829, Susan Garland; resided Winslow. Children: William Edmund, Susan Elizabeth, Ellen, Margaret Nelson, Mary Ann, Caroline E., Russell, Roland H., James Edson. 706 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Cli. by 1st wife: 7122. A Daughter, d. June, 1857. 7123. Mary E., m. George Ayer. By 2d wife: 7124. Carrie Priest, " Andrew Babb. L3157] BETSEY M. HAMLIN,* (Sister of Harriet,) b. Winslow, Me., Nov. 26, 1837; m. China, Me., Nov. 26, 1855, Franklin W : son of Erastus and Jane (Hewett) Metcalf, b. Albion, Me., April 1, ISM farmer; Albion; Prohibitionist; member Central Lodge 45, A. F. & A. M. Baptists. Ch. b. Albion: 7125. Abbie J., Sept. 28, 1856; d. Sept. 29, 1881. 7126. Martha E., Mar. 4, 1858. 7127. Mary D., A pr. 10, 1860. 7128. ROSELLA, Sept. 24, 1862, " Apr. 3, 1867. 7129. William H., July 10, 1865. [3158] Lieut. MAXEY HAMLEN,* (Bro. of Harriet,) b. Winslow, Me., Mar. 19, 1841; m. China, Me., June 1, 1867, Adelaide H.. Jaquith, b. Albion, Me., Jan. 13, 1646; Corporal, D, 2d U. S. S.; enlisted Sept. 21, 1861; promoted Sergeant: dis. Oct., 1862: 1st Lieut. A, 20th Me. Inf. Vols.: commissioned July 11, 186J: mustered out July 16, 1865; farmer; Winslow, China and Albion, Me. She d. Aug. 31, 1898. Children: 7130.* John Maxey, b. Oct. 21, 1868. 7131. Martin Jonas, " June 14, 1870. 7132.* ■ Emma Frances, " Aug. 1, 1872. 7133. Perley Harrison, " July 1, 1876. 7134. Florence May, " Apr. 25, 1885. [3164] Dr. HANNIBAL HAMLIN,^ (Otis,' Timothy,* 5 Zaccheus,* Jonathan, 3 James.ai) b. Milo., Me., May 19, 1847; m. Maiden, Mass., Oct. 17, 1876, Rushia Jane Holmes, b. Belmont, Me., Jan. 14, 1849; physician; Orono, Me. No issue, [3168] OSCAR CHAMBERLAIN HAMLIN,* (Reuben,' Timothy.es Zaccheus,* Jonathan, s James,2i) b. China, Me., May 2, 1834; m. there, Nov. 25, 1860, Harriet Amanda, dau. of Daniel and Martha (Fall) Ford, b. China, Aug. 2, 1838; farmer; China, until 1855; Santa Cruz, Cal., until 1859; Albion, Me., until 1877; Boston, Mass., until 1887; Tremont, N. H., until 1894; since, China; Republican; member Central Lodge 45, A. F. & A. M.: she member ! W. C. T. U.; Baptists. Ch. b. Albion: 7135. George Hermon, July 16, 1862; unm. 1902. 7136. Reuben How^ard, Mar. 15, 1868; d. July 11, 1870. 7137.* Louis Howard, May 16, 1870. 7138. Florence May, July 28, 1872, " Apr. 23, 1874. EIGHTH GENERATION. 707 ROSE ANNA HAMLIN,* (Calvin, ^ Timothy,«5 Zaccheus," Jonathan, s Janies,'^') b. China, Me., Au^-. 19, 1833. She compiled a geneology in manuscript of the descendants of Timothy Hamlen.' in which the name was uniformly spelled Hamlen. which has been of assistance in compiling this branch of the work. She d. unmarried. Union, N. H., Sept. 21, 1890. Miss Rose A. Hamlin. K [31711 EDMUND niGGINS HAMLIN,8 Bro. of Rose A.,) b. China, Me., Jan. 1«, 18.3H: ra. Sierraville, Cal., Oct. 9.186.5, Hattie Eleanor, dau. of Benjamin Franklin and Eleanor Barker (Jewell) Moore, b. Stratham, N. H., Aug. 1, 1832: farmer and stock raiser: China, until 1856: Sierra Co., Cal., until 1875: Nevada, until 1881: since, Sierraville: Republican: member Sierra Valley Lodge, 184, A. F. & A. M.: members Sierra Star Chapter 129, O. E. S. Ch. b. Sierraville: 7139.* Edmund Henry, Nov. 11, 1866. 7140.* Calvin Marshall, Dec. 10, 1868. 7141. Rose Edna, July 30, 1870; unm. 1901. [3172] MARY FARRINGTON HAMLIN.' (Sister of Rose A.,) b. China, Me., June 1, 1837; unmarried; China and Albion, Me. She was a nurse in Boston, Mass., and vicinity for fourteen years. She has rendered val- uable assistance in compiling the records of this branch of the family, and spells the name Hamlin. 708 THE HAMLIIJ FAMILY. [3173] JULIA FEAI^CES HAMLIN,* (Sister of Rose A.,) ' b. China, Me., Dec. 20, 1838; m. Waterville, Me., July 12, 1862, William ; Dyer, son of Alpheus and Mary Jane (Dyer) Ewer,* b. Vassalboro, Me., Jan. 14, 1835; Sergeant, B, 16th Me. Inf. Vols.; enlisted July 8, 1862; dis. Mar. 5, 1863; | fruit grower; res. in Maine and N. H.; San Francisco, Oakland, Alameda and ! Los Gastos, Cal.; member G. A. R. A. O. U. W.; Freemason: she member W. R. C. and W. H. H. & F. M. L.; Presb. No issue. [3174J ROSCOE GREEN HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Rose A.,) | b. China, Me., Jan. 30, 1841; m. Oct. 7, 1873, Eunice L.,^ dau. of Isaac and \ Sarah (Mather) Street.f b. Ottawa, Ohio, Mar. 11, 1845; private, D, 2d U. S. S.; i enlisted Nov. 12, 1861;. dis. July 16, 1862; res. China, except while in the army, until Apr. 1863; Sierra Valley, Cal., until May, 1866; China, until Aug., 1868; Humboldt Co., Cal., until Nov. 1869; Sierra Co., until May, 1870: Plumas Co., until May, 1892; since, Etta, Cal.; Republican: member South Mountain Post, i 117, G. A. R.; members, Plumas Grange, 245, P. of H. and I. O. G. T.; she Meth- j odist. ' Ch. b. Beckwith, Cal.: :142. Charles Elvell, Aug. 3, 1874; d. same day. 7143. Ethel Pratt, Oct. 19, 1875; unm. 1896 7144. Helen Hale, Dec. 7, 1876, li a 7145. Ray Arms, May 15, 1878, i : ii 7146. Alfred Street, Oct, 7. 1880, a 11 7147. Eunice Edna, Feb. 20, 1883, u 11 [3175] ALFRED MARSHALL HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Rose A.,) b. China, Me., Apr. 12, 1843; m. Virginia City, Nev., Mar. 11, 1866, Annie, dau. of William Willis and Amanda Fitzgerald (De Jurnet) Welch, b. Danville, Va., Dec. 25, 1843; mercliant, miner and millman; Corp. B, 16th Me. Inf. Vols.; enlisted July 31, 1862; in battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec, 12, 1862; dis. for disability Apr. 2, 1863; graduated Waterville College, Me.. 1865; res. Virginia City, Nev., 1866-9; Pine Grove, Nev., .until 1880; since, Lake City, Cal.; Inde- pendent; member North East Lodge 266, A. F. & A. M.: she Baptist. Children: b. Feb. 11, 1869, Pine Grove. " June 10, 1871, " " Nov. 4, 1873, " " d. Nov. 15, 1878 " May 5, 1876, " " " July 22, 1879, Lake City. " Oct. 26, 1880, " " [3176] SOPHRONIA OWEN HAMLIN,' (Sister of Rose A.,) b. China, Me., Apr. 8, 1845; m. Albion, Me., Jan. 14, 1872, William Porter, son of Alva and Priscilla (Littlelield) Plummer, b. Canaan, Me., Oct. 31. 1841, his 3d wife; he m. 1st, Martha Ellen Weymouth, of Albion, by whom he had, * For Ewer see note 9. t NOTE43L ISAAC STREET,MAaron,3 Zadock,2 Peter.i) PETER STREET.i wife Elizabeth, she b. irSO-M. He d. before the Revolution, and she m. Ambler. Child: Zadock, b. Oct. 8, 1751 ; m. Eunice Silvers. 7148. Marshall C, 7149. Olla May, 7150. Maude E., 7151. Ira Burdena, 7152. ROSCOE, 7153. Edmund A., EIGHTH GENERATION. 709 Henry Alva, who d. aged 4 yrs.; m. 2d, Nancy Jane Kimball, by whom he had Augustus; private, I, 42, Mass. Inf. V'ols.; enlisted Aug. 22, 1862: captured Gal- A^eston, Texas, Jan. 1, 1863, paroled after six weeks, never exchanged; dis. Aug. 20,186;^; farmer; removed from Canaan, 1856; res. Dorchester, Mass., 1862; Albion, 1898; Democrat. She d. Albion, Apr. 7, 1890. Ch. b. Albion: 7)54.* 7155.* 7156. 7157. Florence Evblin, Rose Edna, Calvin Hamlin, Edmund Hamlin, July 20, 1873. Nov. 21, 1878, Jan. 29, 1882. Oct. 12, 1884. Henry A, Hamlin, 13177] HENRY AUGUSTUS HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Rose A.,) b. China, Me., May 27, 1847: private, I, Baker's D. C, Cavalry, enlisted Jan. 26, 1864: captured at Stoughton river, Va,, on Wilson's raid, June 26, 1864; d. in prison, Aug. 1, 1864. [3178] ELLA EVELYN HAMLIN,« (Sister of Rose A.,) b. China, Me., Mar. 28, 1850; m. Wakefield, N. H., July 3, 1886, Horace H., son of Jonas and Mary Moulton, b. Dover, N. H., Dec. 13, 1835; private, D, 1st N. H. H, Art.; enlisted Aug. 31, 1864; served at Washington, D. C, and For- 710 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. tress Monroei Va; dis. June 15, 1865: employee Boston and Maine railroadV Union, N. H.; Democrat: member Eli Wentworth Post, G. A. R.: Lovelji Lod^e, Knights of Honor, 1185: Methodists. She was a teacher in the public schools of Maine and New Hampshire seventeen years, before marriage,, and a member of the school board of Wakefield three yearSv No issue. Mrs. Ella. E. Moulton.. [3181] ABIGAIL 0WEN,« (gophronia Hamlin,' Timothy,«5 Zacchens,* Jonathan, ■•' .James,2i) b. Milo, Me., Oct. 29, -1838; m. there, Mar. 12, 1868, William T., son of Abner and Sabrina (Leyford) Stubbs, b. Livermore, Me., March I4f 1839: teacher: Clarence, Iowa, 1870-81; Milo, until 1884; since, Foxcraft, Me.? Freemason; Yeoman, in the navy; enlisted Apr. 9, 1864; served on the Relief;; dis. Dec. 31, 1867: she Baptist. Ch. b. Milo: 7158. Helen G-, June 1, 1874; d. July 19^,- 1^95, unm. [3183J WILLIAM HENRY OWfiJf,» (Bro. of Abigail,) b. Milo, Me., July 31, 1842; m. there, July 4, 1864, Clara M., dau. of Edwirt S., and Malinda S. (Washburn) Johnson, b. Foxcraft, Me., I)ec. 16, 1842; apoth- ecary; Milo; Republican; member of Piscataquis Lodge,. A. F. & A. M.; and R. A. M.: Sergt. B, 20 Me., Inf. Vols.; enlisted Aug. 29, 1862: participated in battles of Antietam, Fredericksburg, Aldie, Gettysburg, Rhappahannock EIGHTH GENERATION. 711 Station, Mine Rub, Wilderness, and Weldon Railroad; wounded at battle of Wilderness, May 5, 1864, and Weldon R. R., Sept. 30, 1864. He was drowned at Milo, Aug. 31, 1884; she rriember W. R. C. and W.C. T. Q.; Baptists. Ch. b. Milo: 7159.* Fked Kkamph, Oct. 10, 1865. 7160. Abbie Samantha, Mar. 25, 1867: res. Milo. 7161. Alice May, Nov. 23, 1868; d. Dec. 27, 1868. 7162. William Sumner, Nov. 24, 1869. 7163. Henry Thomas, " Sept^ 1874. 7164. Frank Leslie, " July 1876. 7165.* Charles Edwin, Mar. 1. 1873. 7166. LONA Adella, July 24, 1880: unm. 1902. [3195] HORATIO PACKARD FARRINGTON,« (Mary Hamlen,^ Timothy,*^ Zaccheus,* Jonatlian,^ James,2i.) b. China, Me., Mar. 2, 1837; m. Angle Judkins, of Dover, Me.: private, A, 6th Me, Inf. Vols,: enlisted by name of Henry P. Farrington; res. Dover, and was married a few days before his "Company left for the war; was sick nearly a year, but hoped to serve out his enlistment, and sacrificed his life by remaining too long; he started for home -and d. N, Y. City, June 1, 1864; buried there. [3196] Lieut. CHARLES ATWOOD FARRINGTON,* (Bro. of Hora- tio P.,) b. China, Me., May 14, 1839; m. Emily Mclntire, of Waterville, Me.; 2d Lieut. I, 31st Me. Inf. Vols. He d. of wounds received in battle, Washington, D. C, June 20, 1864; his body was sent home; his widow and daughter are deaa. Children: 7167. Charles; res. Waterville, Me. 7168. Georgia. [3197] BYRON HAMLIN FARRINGTON,* {Bro. of Horatio P.,) b. China, Me., April 19, 184-; private C, 1st Me. Cav.; mus. Oct. 20, 1861; ■d. of disease, Washington, D. C, Aug. 22, 1862; buried there at the Military Asylum, [3198] HELEN M. FARRINGTON,* (Sister of Horatio P.,) b, China, Me., Nov. 2, 1843; m, George Percival. Children: 7169. LoTTA. 7170. Vena. 13199] REUBEN MEIGS FARRINGTON,* (Bro. of Horatio P..) b. China, Me., Nov. 22, 1845; Corp., B, 16th Me. Inf. Vols.; mustered Aug. 14, 1862; promoted Sergt. He d. of disease, at home, June 12, 1864. [3200] GUSTAVUS A. FARRINGTON,' (Bro. of Horatio P.,) b. Windsor, Me., Nov. 8, 1847; Private, B, 2d Me. Cavalry. He d. of disease. New Orleans, La., Oct. 30, 1864, and buried there. [3201] TIMOTHY S. FARRINGTON,* (Bro. of Horatio P.,) b. Windsor, Me., Mar. 10, 1850: m. Emma Winter. No issue. 712 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3202] MAEY A. FARRINGTON,' (Sister of Horatio P.J b. Windsor, Me., Feb. 24, 1852; m. Martin Webber. She d. Sept. 21, 1885, Children: 7171. Eknest. 7172. Cony. [.■5203] WILLIAM O. FARRINGTON,* (Bro. of Horatio P.,) b. Windsor, Me., Jan. 21, 1854; m. 1st, Abbie Metcalf, who d. Sept. 28, 1881; m. 2d, Mary Metcalf; res. South China, Me. Cb. by 1st wife; 7173. EVA. 7174. Horatio. By 2d wife 7175. Lottie, 7176. George. 7177. Irving. 7178. Arthur. [32151 MARIA WEST,^ (Mary Dickey,' Mary Hainh'n,fi Tiraothy,^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan, » James,^!) b. Frankfort, Me., July 24, 1813; m. there, Nov. 19, 1833, Charles McKenney, b. Canaan, Me.; soldier in the Madawasha war in Aroostook Co., Me.: served from February to May, 1839; she res. South Thoraaston, Me, 1898. He d. Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov., 1879. 7179.* Children: Livonia, b. Nov. 8, 18.34, Enfield. 7180.* Sarah Jane, " Oct. 12, 1837, Hallowell. 7181.* William A., " Feb. 23, 1839, 7182.* Henry H., " Feb. 26, 1841, 7183.* Frances E., " Apr. 25, 1843, 7184. George E., " Sept. 25, 1845, 7185.* Drusilla M., " Apr. 29, 1848, 7186. Herbert N., " Mar. 6, 1851, St. George; d. Sept. 14, '75 7187. Charles, " Feb. 25, 1855, Thomas ton. [3216] DORCAS WEST,« (Sister of Maria,) 7188. Alonzo, 7189.* Maria A., 7190.* Franklin A., 7191.* Charles H., 7192.* Lillie Pierce, 7193. Brantha L., 7194. James L., 7195. Alonzo J., d. Aug. 1836. b. Frankfort, Me., Apr. 22, 1815; ra. there, Apr. 12, 1835, Daniel, son of Sol- omon and Betsey (Goodwin) Tibbitts, b. Frankfort, June 22, 1806; farmer; Frankfort, until 1855; Bangor, until 1860; afterwards, Burlington, Me.; Repub- lican; Adveatists. Both d. Burlington; she July 20, 1883; he Sept. 4, 1892. Ch. b. Frankfort: July, 1826; July 5, 1837. April, 1840. June, 1842. Feb., 1846. Jan., 1849; Feb., 1852, Nov., 1853, Jan. 1873, unm. Dee. 1852. Nov. 1853. EIGHTH GENERATION. 713 [3217] HOSE A WEST,* (Bro. of Maria,) b. Frankfort, Me., Oct. 14, 1819: m. Hallowell, Me., July, 1847, Ann Mehit- able, dau. of Asa and Eunice (Brann) Boynton, b. Jefferson, Me., Dec. 21, 1827; laborer: Hallowell, 1847-52; afterwards Rockland, Me; Republican; Advent- ists; sailor in navy in Mexican war: private, I, 19th Maine Inf. Vols; enlisted Aug. 25, 1862. Both d. Rockland: he, Oct. 9, 1890; she, Apr. 6, 1885. Children: 7196.* Maky Helen, b. Oct. 3, 1848, Hallowell. 7197.* HosEA Augustine, " Mar. 1, 1850, " 7198.* Georgianna, " Nov. 18, 1851, 7199.* John Franklin, " Dec. 7, 1857, Rockland. 7200.* Ocena Montavhon, " Mar. 5, 1860, " 7201.* William Lincoln, " Jan. 26, 1865, " 7202.* EvALENA Sophia, " Oct. 8, 1869, " [3231] OTIS MOORE, s (Pauline Dickey,' Mary Hamlin, « Timothy,^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan, 3 James,2i) b. Frankfort, Me., May 21, 1819; m. there, July 3, 1842, Lois Ann, dau. of Peter and Abigail (Haines) Massure, b. Searsport, Me.. April 18, 1821: farmer; Frankfort; Democrat, until 1860, afterward. Republican: Methodists, afterwards, Adventists. Both d. Frankfort; he, Oct. 20, 1889: she, Oct. 17, 1891. Ch.b. Frankfort: 7203.* Belinda A., Apr. 18, 1843. 7204.* Abbie Paulina, Oct. 4, 1844. 7205. Edwin O., Feb. 4, 1846; d. unm. March, 1891. 7206. Evelyn, Aug. 12, 1850; m. Charles Swett. 7207. Alw^ilda, Aug. 13, 1851, " Freeman Partridge. 7208.* Howard M., July 25, 1856. 7209. Ella N., Aug. 2, 1858, unm. 1899. 7210.* Arthur W., Aug. 2,1860. 7211. Bertha, Mar. 3, 1862; d. Dec. 4, 1863. [3232] JOHN MOORE,s (Bro. of Otis,) b. Frankfort, Me., July 12, 1821; m. Winterport, Me., Dec. 28, 1850, Jane E., dau. of Joseph P. and Margaret (Durham) Matthews, b. Searsport. Me., July 13, 1824; farmer; Monroe, Me.; Republican; Methodist; member Morning Light Grange, P. of H.; she Cong, and Good Templar. Ch. b. Monroe: 7212. Fred John, May 24, 1852; d. Nov. 14, 1853. 7213.* Emma Jane, Jan. 17, 1854. 7214.* Frank Albert, May 19, 1856. 7215. Clarence Matthews, Sept. 3, 1861, " Oct. 16, 1864. 7216.* Margaret Pauline, July 2, 1863. 7217. Clarence John, Aug. 6, 1866, " Oct. 10, 1891. 7218.* Clifton Matthews, June 23, 1869. [3233] MARTHA MOORE,^ (Sister of Otis,) b. Frankfort, Me., Aug. 27, 1824; m. Oliver Lowe, b. Aug. 28, 1800; farmer: Monroe, Me. He d. Sept., 1850. Ch. b. Monroe: 7219. Aurora, d. Dec. 5, 1895, Monroe. 7220. Oliver, " " unm. 714 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3234] LORENZO MOORE,* (Bro. of Otis,) b. Frankfort, Me., July 25, 1826; m. Mary E., dau. of James and Elizabeth (Matthews) Durham, b. Belfast, Me., Feb. 4, 1828: farmer; Monroe: Republican; she Cong. He d. Monroe, Me., July 8, 1894. Ch. b. Monroe: 7221. Elizabeth, Nov. 9, 1865. [3235] EMELINE MOORE,s (Sister of Otis,) b. Frankfort, Me., 1828; m. Monroe, Me., July 1, 1855, J. Wellington, son of Daniel and Mercy A. ( Wordwell) Lowe, b. Winterport, Me., Oct. 9, 1823, brother of Gov. Fred Lowe, of California; farmer; Winterport; Republican. Shed. Winterport, July 1, 1873. Children: 7222. Zettie. 7223. Fred. [3236] HORATIO MOORE,* (Bro. of Otis,) b. Frankfort, Me.. Sept. 3, 18.32: m. Abbie, dau. of Rev. Isaac Moore; farmer; she Freewill Baptist. After the death of his wife he became insane and left home, about 1890-1, and not heard from since. Children: 7224. Mabel. 7225. Isaac. [3239] L. ALBERT MOORE,* (Bro. of Otis,) b. Frankfort, Me, 1838: m. April 23, 1865, Abbie, dau. of James and Lucy A. (Curtis) Tyler, b. Swanville, Me., Jan. 31, 1843; farmer; Glenburn, Me.: Re- publican; she, Freewill Baptist. Supt. of Sunday School. Children: 7226. Marcus, b. Aug. 31, 1867, Frankfort: d. Dec. 30, 1867. 7227. Vincent, "Feb. 26, 1869, Redfield, la.: unm. 1899. 7228. Earnest, " Dec. 12, 1870, Glenburn; d. Apr. 13, 1891. [3240] SARAH MOORE,s (Sister of Otis,) b. Frankfort, Me.. June 6, 1838; m. Wakefield, Mass., Henry Allen, son of Allen and Tabitha ( Higgins) Eldridge, b. Orleans, Mass., July 4, 1841: Inspector Rattan Factory; Republican; Odd Fellow; member Royal Arcanum; Congs. Both d. Wakefield; she April, 1885: he May 19, 1895. Children: 7229.* Grace, b. Dec. 25, 1875, Lynn. 7230. Frederick P., " Wakefield; d. infancy. 7231. Harold P., " 1885, " " 1885. [3241] MARTHA ANN SARGENT,* (Martba Dickey,' Mary Hamlen,' Timothy,5 Zaccheus,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. Monroe, Me., May 27, 1826: m. Jan. 25, 1849, Samuel, son of Samuel and Abby (Littlefield) White, b. Frank- fort, Me.; lumberman; Bangor, Me.: Democrat; she Freewill Baptist. Shed. Bangor, June 26, 1871. He m. 2d, her sister, Ella Sargent. No Issue. EIGHTH GENERATION. 715 [3242] ALDEN SARGENT,' (Bro. of Mary Ann,) , b. Monroe, Me., July 31, 1828: unmarried; graduated West Point Military J Academy: Lieut. U. S. Army: paymaster to the Indians. He became blind and i resigned, 1862. He d. Augusta, Ark., Oct. 20, 1873. [3243] ROBERT SARGENT,^ (Bro. of Mary Ann,) b. Monroe, Me., Sept. 4, 1830: m. Pataha City, Washington, Dec. 14, 1872, Mary F. Benjamin: speculator and miner: Pendleton, Ore.: sheriff; Republican; I member Harmony Lodge 24, K. P.; she Baptist. He d. Oregon, May 15, 1894; ij she was living, 1898. [3244] LAURA .J. SARGENT,8 (Sister of Mary Ann,) b. Monroe, Me., Aug. 30, 1833; m. in Colorado, John Ripley; ranchman Fountain, Col.; Republican; she Baptist. She d. Colorado, Nov. 15, 1886. No issue. JOHN F. SARGENT,' (Bro. of Mary Ann,) b. Monroe, Me., Aug. 13, 1836; m. in Nova Scotia, Mar. 31, 1867, Charlotte Knights; merchant: Texas; Democrat: Baptist. He d. in Texas, Nov. 14, 1873; she d. Nova Scotia, Jan. 1, 1869. No issue. [.3246] ROXANNA SARGENT,8 (Sister of Mary Ann,) b. Monroe, Me., Aug. 23, 1839: m. there, Oct. 25, 1864, Amasa S., son of Nathaniel and Lavinia (Drew) Garland, b. Carmel, Me., Oct. 1, 1841; enlisted U. S. Navy, Aug., 1862: served on ship Housatonic, at Morris Island, Fort Wag- ner, and Fort Sumpter; dis. Sept., 1863; merchant and land owner; Monson, Me.; Democrat; selectman; Free thinker; member Onawa Lodge, 33, 1. O. O. F.; she was a school teacher: Cong.: member Rebekah North Star Lodge: W. R. C; and W. C. T. U. Children: 7232.* Fay E. b. Oct. 9, 1866, Carmel. 7233. Alden^ W., " Nov. 15, 1871, Fountain, Col.; unm. 1898. [3247] ELLA SARGENT,^ (Sister of Mary Ann,) b. Monroe, Me., July 8, 1841; m. Hermon, Me., July 22, 1873, Samuel, son of Samuel and Abby (Littlefield) White, b. Frankfort, Me., his second wife. He m. first her sister, Martha Ann Sargent: lumberman: Monroe, Democrat; she, Epis. She d. Bangor, Me., Dec. 23, 1887. Ch. b. Bangor: 7234. Mattie, Mar. 24, 1874: d. Aug. 3, 1874. 7235. Samuel, May 6, 1876; unm. 1898. [3248] LEVI M. WEBBER,^ (Esther Chadwick,7 Priscilla Hamblin,^ Timothy,^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. China, Me., Jan., 1817; m. 1st, Carter, who d. Vassalboro, Me.: m. 2d Esther Webber, who d. Vassal- I, boro. He d. Augusta, Me. A child by 1st wife. 716 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3250] ELI H. WEBBER,* (Bro. of Levi M.,) b. China, Me.; m. Gray. He d. West Virginia. Two Daughters. [3251] JOHN R. WEBBER,^ (Bro. of Levi M.,) b. China, Me.; married; res. Vassalboro, Me. No issue. [3252] ZOE WASHBURN SPRATT,' (Trypliosia CliadwiclvJ Priscilla Hanilen,6 Tiraothy,^ Zaccheus,* JoHathan,^ James.^i) b. Cliina, Me., 1828; m. Carrael, Me., 1847, Levi Johnson. Children: 7236. Edwin, b. 1849. 7237. Sadie, " 1854. 7238. William, " 1867; unm. 1898. [3253] HADLEY NEWTON SPRATT,* (Bro. of Zoe W.,) b. China, Me., 1830; married. He d. Carmel, Me., Aug. 7, 1884. Children: 7239.* Frank. 7240. Florence x\dell; m. Walter J. Bray. [3254] SARAH WARD SPRATT,8 (Sister of Zoe W.,) b. China, Me., 1833; m. Carrael, Me., 1854, Stephen Giddings, son of Ed-j mund and Nancy (Gardner) Bicknell, b. Belfast, Me., 1828; Mason; Belfast;! Democrat; member City Council, 1869-70; Phoenix Lodge 21, A. F. & A. M.; she, Baptist; member Home and Foreign Missions; Kings Daughters and W. C. T. U., of which she has been President. I Ch. b. Belfast: 7241.* Alice, Apr. 10, 1860. 7242. Arthur Eugene, Feb. 7, 1868. [3255] JULIA CHADWICK SPRATT,^ (Sister of Zoe W^,) b. China, Me., 1837; m. Carmel, Me., 1864, Stephen Sparrow. She d. Pitts-| field, Me., Aug. 11, 1886. No issue. [3256] ALTON DAVID SPRATT,' (Bro. of Zoe W.,) b. China, Me., 1838; Private, D, 1 D. C. Cav.; enlisted Oct. 14, 1863; captured Sycamore C. H.,Va., Sept. 16, 1864; d. in prison, Salisbury, N. C, Nov. 24, 1864, unmarried. [3257] ABBY SHAW SPRATT,8 (Sister of Zoe W.,) b. China, Me., 1839, m. Carmel, Me., 1866, Henry W. Damon, of Stetson, Me.; town official; member Pacific Lodge 64, A. F. & A. M. He was buried Stetson. Children: 7243. Maybert Linwood. 7244. Cora E.; m. Rufus Burns. EIGHTH GENERATION, 717 i;3258] AUGUSTA ROBINSON SPRATT,' (Sister of Zoe W.,) b. .China, Me.. 1842; m. Natic, Mass., Joseph Stowell. Children: 7245. Eva, d. Hlllston, Mass., 1895, aged 22 years. Two d. in infancy. [3259] STOWELL STEVENS SPRATT,8 (Bro. of Zoe W.,) b. China, Me., 1845; m. Palermo, Me., 1870, Betsie J., dau. of Laban and Mercy M. ( Ward ) Spratt, b. Palermo, 1842; private, Iv, 22d Me. Inf. Vols.: enlisted Sept. 8, 1862; in battles of Port Hudson and Little Washington; dis. Aug. 14, 1863; liveryman; Carmel, Me.: Republican; member G. A. R. and P. H.: she Methodist. Children: 7246.* Sadie L., b. Aug. 28. 1871, Carmel. 7247.* Wilbur C, ( ( Nov. 3. 1875, u 7248.* A LICK M., i k Apr. 14, 1877, u 7249. Abbie D., i k Mar. 22, 1879: unm. 1901. 7250. MiNA L., H Aug. 10. 1882, (( a [3260] FREDUS OLDRIDGE BRAINERD,' (Priscilla H. Chadwick,' Priscilla Hamlin, « Timothy,^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan,'* James, 21) b. China, Me., Dec. 15, 1831: m. there. May 1, 1855, Maria, dau. of Zeba and Susan (Coffin) Washburn, b. China, Jan. 26, 1832; merchant; editor; postmaster; China, until 1856; Black River Falls, Wis., until 1866; Republican; Baptist; she Methodist. Both d. China; he May 9, 1900: she Mar. 31, 1895. Children: 7251. 7252.* 7253.* 7254. EsTELLE Maria, Walter Scott, Newell Washburn, Helen Newburt, b. July 2, 1856, China; unm. 1901. " Feb. 2, 1859, Black River Falls. " Aug. 20, 1860, " " Mar. 31, 1867. [3261] SOPHIA NORTON BRAINERD,' (Sister of Fredus O.,) b. China, Me., Aug. 23, 1833; m. there, Nov. 6, 1851, Nicholas Richardson, son of Dea. of Israel and Sally (Richardson) Howe, b. Princeton, Mass., Oct. 1, 1823; farmer and constable; Princeton, until 1867; since, commercial traveler; Fitchburg, Mass.: Republican: she Baptist and member Y. M. C. A. Aux. Children: b. May 2, 1853, Princeton. " Dec. 19, 1855. " unm. 1902. " May 25, 1858, " " " " Mar. 6, 1860, " [unm. " Nov. 6, 1863, " d. Mar. 6, 1872, " May 25, 1868, Fitchburg. " July 17, 1870, " " Apr. 22, 1875, " unm. 1902. 7255.* Fredus Brainerd, 7256. Ferdinand Scudder, 7257. Francena Sophia, 7258.* Adelaide Stevens, 7259. Edm'in Brainard, 7260.* Florence Isabelle, 7261.* Mabelle Edith, 7262. Leon Sawtelle, [3262] ELLEN AMANDA BRAINERD,^ (Sister of Fredus O., ) b. China, Me., Jan. 25, 1835; m. there. May 31, 1857, Dudley Waldo, son of Dea. Israel and Sally (Richardson) Howe, b. Princeton, Mass., Jan. 15, 1830; paper hanger; Princeton, Leominister, West Newton and Fitchburg, Mass.; 718 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. RepQbIican:she mem. Anxillary Y. M. C. A.: Baptists. He d. Fitchbur^, Sept„ 3, 1888. Ch. b. Fitchburg: 7263.* Nellie B., Nov. 26, 1859. 7264. Edith Florence, Aug. 2, 1872; unm. 1902. [3263] JOHN CHADWICK BRAINERD,8 (Bro. of Fredus O.,) b. China, Me., Jan. 1, 1837; ra. Bedford, Mass., Feb. 12, 1873, Minnie Ella, dau. of Moses Eld ridge and Rose Ann (Morse) Rowe, b. Boston, Mass., Nov. 24, 1853; tinsmith; China, Me., until 18.54; since, Boston; Independent; landsman U. S. Navy; enlisted, Aug. 13, 1863; served on steamer. Grand Gulf; dis. Aug. 12, 1864. Ch. b. Boston: 7265. George G., Aug. 3, 1874. [3264] HENRY WARREN PAINE BRAINERD,^ (Bro. of Fredus O.,) b. China, Me., Mar. 9, 1839; m. Petaluma, Cal., Aug. 10, 1873, Jessie M., dau. of Dr. Philip Henry and Mary Lovell (Shafter) Edminster, b. Newfane, Vt., Aug. 10, 1849: real estate and ins. agent; China, Me., 1839-55: Ware, Mass., 1857-61; in the army, 1861-3; Petaluma, Cal., 1901: Republican; Mayor of Peta- luma, 1898; Sergt., D, 31 Mass. Inf. Vols; enlisted Oct., 1861; dis. June, 1863; P. C, Antietam Post 6.3, G. A. R.; member Petaluma Lodge 180, A. F. & A. M.; Petaluma Chapter 22, R. A. M.; Mt. Olivet Commandery 20, K. T.; she member Antietam Corps, 76 W. R. C; P. P. &P. M.; O. E. S.; Congs. Ch. b. Petaluma: 7266. Maud Shafter, Feb, 1, 1875; unm. 1901. 7267. Herbert Kitteridge, Aug. 18, 1884. [3265] SAMUEL RICHARDSON BRAINERD,8 (Bro. of Fredus O., ) b. China, Me., Feb. 19, 1841; unmarried. He was educated for a journalist, and was with his brother Fredus at Black River Falls, Wis., for a while; enlisted in 1, 4th Wis. Inf. Vols., and d. in service Oct. 27, 1861; buried London Park, National Cemetery, Baltimore, Md. [3267] MARY ABIGAIL BRAINERD,^ (Sister of Fredus O.,) b. China, Me., Aug. 4, 1845; m. Boston, Mass., July 11, 1865, Joel Gilbert, son of Joel and Elizabeth Sheperd (Miner) Wilson, b. Coleraine, Mass., Nov. 1, 1840: organist and music teacher; Coleraine, until 1846; Greenfield. Mass., until 1861-2: Boston and Springfield, until 1865; Greenfield, 1865-70; Springfield, 1870- 85; Republican: member Hampden Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; Morning Star Chap- ter, R. A. M.; Springfield Council; Springfield Commandery, K. T.; Evening Star Lodge of Perfection; DeSota Lodge, I. O. O. F. He was an honorable, methodical, conscientious man in all the relations of life. His genial face and pleasant greetings were known to a large circle of friends, by whom he was greatly beloved. He was organist in Trinity Methodist church, Springfield, for nine years, and for about the same length of time at Christ Episcopal church, Springfield. He d. Springfield, July 25, 1885; buried with Masonic honors at Greenfield: she res. Boston, 1861-5; since her husband's death, Springfield. She has rendered valuable assistance in compiling the records of the descendants of Priscilla Hamblin,e her great grandmother. EIGHTH GENERATION. 719 Children. 7268. Makv Adalina, b. Aug. 5, 1867, Greentield; d. Apr. 23, 1868. 7269.* Charles Gilbert, " June 1, 1870, Springfield. 7270. James Joel, " July 23, 1875, " " Aug. 10, 1876. [3268] HARRIET AUGUSTA BRAINERD,* (Sister of Fredu.s O.,) b. China, Me., June 20, 1848; m. East Princeton, Mass., Oct. 22, 1867, Ezra Olin, son of Simeon and Lucina (Field) Harvey, b. Peacham, Vt., May 16, 1839. He received a common school education and attended Phillips Academy, Dan- ville, Vt., where he res. until 1839: went to Boston, Mass.. and was clerk in the City Hotel and Wilde's Hotel, and cashier for E. R. R. freight house; went to Alma, Mich., about 1882 and was book keeper for George D. Barton & Co., lum- ber dealers; removed to Lincoln, Neb., 1884, where he has been a hotel keeper; Republican, and Free Silver; she Methodist, and W. C. T. U. Ch. b. Boston, Mass.: 7271.* Arthur Stimson, July 21, 1870. 7272.* Clarence Olin, Aug. 28, 1871. [3270] ELIZA ANN ABBOTT,^ (Lucy Chadwick,' Priscilla Hainlen,« Timothy,^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan, » James,-i) m. Clancey; hotel keeper; Pittsfield, Me.: both dead. Two sons. [3273] JOHN HENRY STEVENS,' (Mary A. Chadwick,' Priscilla Ham- len,6 Timothy,^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. China, Me., Sept. 11, 1844; m. there, Nov. 17, 1869, Mary Meigs,^ dau. of Reuben and Mary Ann (Meigs) Hamlen; insurance agent; China, until 1873: Newton Centre, Mass., until 1885; since, San Francisco and Oakland, Cal.; Republican; Baptists. Children: 7273. Mary Louise, b. Sept. 13, 1870, China; unm. 1897. 7274. Henry Thomas, " Nov. 5, 1879, Newton Centre, " " [3274] HENRY S. HAMLIN,8 (Solomon,? « Tiniothy,^ Zaccheus,* Jona- than, » James,2i) b. Milo, Me.. Sept. 7, 1819; m. Barnard, Me., Nov. 15, 1840, vSarah, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Warren) Waterhouse, b. Lisbon, Me., Oct. 2, 1825: carpenter: Barnard, 1840; Katahdin Iron Works, 1844; Orneville, 1868; afterwards, Milo; Republican. He d. Great Works, Me.; she d. Milo, Apr. 14, 1875. Children: 7275.* Orrin, b. Apr. 4, 1842, Barnard. 7276. Frank W., " Apr. 4, 1844, Katahdin. 7277. John W., " Sept. 13, 1847, Barnard; d. Aug. 14, '68, unm. 7278. Mary Elizabeth, " Mar. 2, 1863, Orneville. [3275] PERSIS HAMLIN,* (Sister of Henry S.,) b. Orneville, Me., May 6, 1823; m. Hon. William, son of James and Mary (Turner) Porter, b. Orneville, Mar. 14, 1823; lumberman and farmer; Orneville, until 1867; afterwards Pleasant Grove, Cal.; Republican; selectman; Representa- tive, 1862; she d. Pleasant Grove, Nov. 24, 1888. 720 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. Orneville: 7279.* Frank James, 7280.* Lewis Mblvin, 7281.* Maria Adelaide, 7282. Florence Adella, 7283.* William Edwin, 7284.* Henry Alliston, Feb. 18, 1844. Feb. 12, 1845. Apr. 6, 1853. Nov. 30, 1855; m. William Lawrence', Nov. 15, 1860. Feb. 15, 1863. [3276] WILLIAM HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Henry S.,) b. Orneville, Me., Feb. 14, 1827; m. NIcation Plantation, Nov. 3, 1850,. Hannah E.,dau. of Lewis H., and Hannah (Sinnett) York, b. Marlon, Me., June 20, 1834; res. Orneville, Milo and Medway; Republican; private, L, 31st Me. Inf. Vols'.; enlisted Oct. 4, 1864, served in Army Potomac, before Petersburg, Va.;- dis. July 6, 1865. Children: 7285.* Charles Henry, b. Apr. 27, 1851, Orneville. 7286. George H., " July 21, 1853, d. Dec. 27, '67 7287. Llewellyn S., " June 26, 1855, a n June 26, '5T 7288. Lewis E., " May 8, 1857, Milo, June 12, '65- 7289*. William E., " Aug. 8, 1859, Medway. 7290. Benjamin F., " Feb. 26, 1867, Orneville. 7291. Adella M., " Sept. 20, 1868, a a Oct. 29, '71 7292.* Geo ROE E., " June 17, 1873, Med way. 7293.* Melville Lee, " April 4, 1875, a [3277] EBEN G. HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Henry S.,) b. Orneville, Me., Feb. 22, 1830; m. Barnard, Me., June 24, 1854, Susan, dau, of William and Betsey (Head) Ladd, b. Williamsburg, Me., Sept. 21, 1829; Brownville, Me.; Republican; member Pilgrim Fathers, 40; she Cong. Children: b. Mar. 14, 1856, Sebec. " June 22, 1859, Barnard. " Aug. 16, 1860, Williamsburg. " Jan. 17, 1867, Sebec. " Oct. 17, 1869, Brownville; m. Etta Fogerty " July 7, 1870, " m. James J. Barden. 7294.* 7295.* 7296.* 7297.* 7298. 7299. Ernest Albar, MelVIN AU6USTU.S, Willis Morrill, Persis Porter, ASHTON WOODARD, Edith Emily, [3278] JOSEPH SARGENT HAMLIN, ^ (Bro. of Henry S.,) b. Orneville, Me., Jan. 16, 1832; m. 1st, Milo, Me., July 3, 185.3, Emerline Rebecca Mooers, b. Miramichi, Dec. 5, 1831; whod. Orneville, Nov. 27, 1874; m. 2d, Milo, April 19,1890, Sarah Elizabeth Bradeen; farmer: Milo. Children: Solomon Augustus, b. May 7300.* 7301.* 7.302.* 7303. 7304. 7305. 7306.* 7307.* Wilbur Warren, " Aug. Lewis Melvin, " Jan. LiLLiE Jane, " Feb. Thomas Clarence " Dec. Henry Bert, " Sept, Joseph Chester, " Jan. Edwin Merton, " Mar. 19, 1854, Milo. 24, 1855, Orneville. 16, 1858, Milo. 9, 1861, " m. Charles McGinnis 25, 1863, " 3, 1865, " 7, 1870, Orneville. 23, 1873, EIGHTH GENERATION. 721 [3280] NELSON HAMLIN CAPEON,8 (Harriet S. Fisher," Rebecca Hamblin,« Jonatlian,=^*3 James.^i) b. Wilmot, N. H., Apr. 29, 1860: m. Boone, Iowa. May 4, 1887, Estella M., dau. of Charles M. and Manerva (Sweet) Dawes, b. Maquoketa, Iowa, Feb. 18, 1862; sign writer: Boone: Republican; member A. O. U. W.: Loyal Workmen, 279; Woodmen of the World, 80; Presb. Ch. b. Boone: 7308. Ben F., Mar. 26, 1888. 7309. Jean L., Aug. 25, 1889. [.3281] CHARLES EZRA HAMBLIN,^ (Jonathan,' Charles,* Jona- than,5*3 James, -'i) b. Falmouth, Mass., Oct. 13, 1840: m. Boston, Mass., May 24, 1869, Charlotte Amelia, dau. of Peter C. and Judith P. (Clark) Pinkham, b. Nantucket. Mass.; book keeper; North Falmouth, Mass., until 1848; Waquolt, Mass., until 1861; in the army until 1865: Cameron, Pa., until 1867; Rondout, N. Y., until 1875; Minneapolis, Minn., until 1887; afterwards, Spokane, Wash.; Cong.; Private, H, 38 Mass. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Aug. 21, 1862; promoted sergeant; served on Red River, La. Expedition; dis. June 3, 1865. He d. Spokane, Nov. 28, 1889. Children: 7310.* Elizabeth Otis, b. Oct. 28. 1870, Waquoit. 7311. Mabel Rtpple, '' July 17, 1872, Rondout; unm. 1899. 7312. Lawrence R., " May 15, 1874, " 7313. Ralph B., " Dec. 18, 1887, Minneapolis; d. May 12, 1882. 7314. Robert N., " Jan. 1, 1885, " unm. 1899. [3284] LUCY DAVIS HAMBLIN,* (Sister of Chas. E.,) b. W^aquoit, Mass., Sept. 7, 1848; m. there, Feb. 22, 1872, Barnabas Ewer, son of Barnabas Ewer and Lydia Billings (Long) Bourne, b. Falmouth, Mass., Jan. 19, 1850; pattern maker: Waquoit, until 1892; since, Watertown, Mass.; she, Cong.; member 59, W. R. C, and W. C. T. U.; she d. Mar. 4, 1901. Ch. b. Waquoit: 7315. Flora A., Feb. 16, 1873; d. May 3, 1901. 7316. Clarence V., Apr. 9, 1876: unm. 1899. 7317. Jesse S., July 22, 1883, " " [3288] LEWIN A. PECK,^ (Reliance Hamlin,' Zaccheus,^ Isaac,^ Josiah,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. Jan. 31, 1831; m. H. D. (Palmer), dau. of Freeman Dexter, of Winthrop, Me. [3292] Capt. ALPHONSO FREEMAN CROWELL,* (Hannah S. Ham- blin,' Zaccheus,6 Isaac,^ Josiah,* Jonathan, ^ James, 21) b. Hyannis, Mass., May 28, 1837; m. Hoboken, N. J., Feb. 21, 1866, Isabel Maria, dau. of Arthur and Lydia Baxter (Lothrop*) Goodspeed,t b. Hyannis, May 25, 1847; master mariner; Hyannis; Republican. Ch. b. Hyannis: 7318. Isabel May, Aug. 18, 1867; d. Apr. 2, 1887, unm. 7319.* Blanche Bickford, June 3, 1868. 7320. Alphonso Ernest, Jan. 29. 1871; a. May 27, 1887. * For Lothrop see note 76. + For Goodspeed see notes 30 and 284. 722 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3296] ORREN HOWARD CROWELL,8 (Kro. of Alfonzo F.,) b. Hyannis, Mass., Oct. 13, 1845; m. there, Oct. 13, 1870, Caroline Parker, dau. of Henry and Lucy (Bradford*) Hallett,t b. Hyannis, Aug. 22, 1849: ma- chinist; Boston, until 1875; Hyannis, since 1878; Republican; Freemason. Ch. b. Hyannis: 7321. Etta Hallett, Aug. 18, 1871. 7322.* Henry Howard, Dec. 20, 1874. [3301] HORACE FRANKLIN HALLETT,^ (Adeline L. Hamblin,' Zaccheus,« Isaac,^ Josiah,* Jonathan,^ James,'-!) b. Dec. 10. 1846; m. Hyannis, Mass., .Tan. 28, 1873, Julia Goodspeed, dau. of Gustavus and Caroline (LewisJ) Hincliley,^ b. Hyannis, Sept. 11, 1852; Supt. of floating equipment. Empire and' New England Transportation Co.; New Haven, Ct., and Brooltlyn, N. Y.; R& publican. He d. Brooklyn, Jan. 27, 1900. Children: 7323. Ntna, b. June 4, 1876, Hyannis; d. Oct. 9, 1877. 7324. Horace Franki^in, " May 16, 1893, New Haven. [3303] JOSIAH HAMBLIN HALLETT,* (Polly Hamblin,Mosiah,« Isaac,5 Josiah,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. Hyannis, Mass., Oct. 16, 1828: m. j there, Nov. 29, 1857, Emeline, dau. of Doane and Jane (Hajlettt) Snow,|| b. Hy^ annis, Sept. 26, 1830. Sailmaker and sailor; Hyannis; Republican; both d. Hy^ annis; he. May 8, 1900; she, July 20, 1872. Ch. b. Hyannis: 7325. Clara Jane, Sept. 19, 1858; unm. 1902. [3304] LUCY LUMBERT HALLETT,« (Sister of Josiah H,,) b. Hyannis, Mass., Oct. 11, 18,30; m. there, Dec. 11, 1849, Lorin Hall Baker,1[ b. Yarmouth, Mass., Dec. 30, 1828; carpenter; So, Yarmouth, Hyannis and Onset, Mass.; Republican; Methodist; slie Universalist. He d. Onset, Jan. 14, 1901. Children: 7326. Mary Hallett, b. July 30, 1853, S. Yarmouth; d. July 20, '55. 7327.* Adaline Hallett, " Aug. 9, 1855, Hyannis. [.3305] JAMES DIAMOND HALLETT,^ (Bro. of Josiah H.,) b. Hj^annis, Mass., May 30, 1834; m. Persis Wright; res. West Barnstable, Mass. Children: 7328. James W. 7329. Carleton C. 7330. Benjamin W, 7331. Mary A. * For Bradford see note 321. t For HaUett see note 103. % For Lewis see notes 10 and 12. § For Hinckley see notes 31, 81 and 85. II For Snow see note 177. 11 For Baker see note 125. EIGHTH GENERATION. 723 [330H] HULDAH ANN HATHAWAY,* (Clarissa H. Hamblin J William." Isaac,"' Josiah,* Jonathan,^ James.^i) b. East Montpelier, Vt., Sept. 24, 1824: m. May 22, 1847, Charles A., son of John A., and Ruth (Rich*) Foster, b. Mar. 2, 1822; farmer; More town, Vt.: Justice Peace. She d. Middlesex, Vt., May 6, 1892: he d. Barre, Vt., May 22, 1896. Children: 7332.* Harhiet Ella, b. Mar. 23, 1848, Moretown. 7333. Charles Francis, " Sept. 16, 1849; d. Jan. 17, 1852. 7334.* John Edavard, " Mar. 15, 1851, Moretown. 7335. Mary Jane, " Mar. 4, 1853: d. June 8,1864. 7336.* Julia Everline, " Sept. 27, 1854, Moretown. 7337.* Charles Fremont, " June 1, 1856, " 7338.* Arthur Leon, " Jan. 19, 1858, " 73.39.* Jesse Johnson, " Mar. 6,1864. 7340. Carrie Rosetta. " Feb. 28, 1866: d. Sept. 4, 1891. 7341. Ernest Hathaway, *' July 25,1867," Mar. 14, 1869. [3308] CHARLES HATHA WAY,8 (Bro. of Huldah A.,) b. East Montpelier, Vt., Oct. 30, 1828; m. Montpelier, Vt., Jan. 5, 1854, EHzabeth, dau. of Bailey and Sarah Ann (Young) Hebard, b. Merrimac, N. H., Feb. 17, 18.36: carpenter: Montpelier; Democrat. Ch. b. Montpelier: 7342. Will Fields, Dec. 6, 1854. 7343. Edayin, Jftn. 12, 1857; d. Mar. 18, 1857. 7344. George Davis, Feb. 20, 1859, " Dec. 30. 1894, unm 734.5.* Dora May, Mar. 1, 1861. 7346. Charles Henry, Sept. 4, 1867. 7347. Lewis Jackson, Jan., 1870. [3.309] LEVI SPAULDING HATHAWAY,* (Bro. of Huldah A.,) b. East Montpeliar, Vt., Dec. 14, 1829; m. Boston, Mass., Nov. 10, 1862, Hannah Augusta, dau. of Rufus and Susan (Jackman) Campbell, b. Monmouth, Me., Dec. 22, 1836; chemist: Bo.ston: Democrat; Freemason; she Baptist. She d. Boston, Apr. 30, 1893. Ch. b. Boston: 7.348. Fred Harris, Feb. 11, 1866; unm. 1899. [.3312] CLARISSA HATHAWAY, 8 (Sister of Huldah A.,) b. East Montpelier, Vt.. Feb. 3, 1835; m. there, June 27, 1853, Capt. Timo- thy, son of William jind Elizabeth (Tripp) Davis,t b. Fairhaven, Mass., Mar. 13, 1824; master mariner and farmer: Fairhaven, until 1858; since. E. Montpeher; Republican; Representative, 1867-8: Friends: she member Ladies' Imp. Society. She d. East Montpelier, May 20, 1886. Ch. b. E. Montpeher: 7349.* Timothy Cook, July 4, 1855. 7350. Fred Paul, May 30, 1858; d. Mar. 12, 1864. 7.351.* Williams Humphrey, Dec 5, 1860. 7352. George Ernest, Nov. 24, 1867; unm. 1902. 7353.* Walter Everett, May 10, 1870. * For Rich see note 150. + For Davis see notes 4, 17, 42 and 169. 724 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3313] JULIA HATHAWAY,^ (Sister of Huldah A.,) b. East Montpelier, Vt., Feb. 17, 1836; m. there, June 13, 1860, David Plur mer, b. New Hampton, N. H., Sept. 25, 1832: merchant; Winchester, Mass^ Republican; Baptist; Freemason; she Methodist. Children: 7354.* Harold Hathaway, Nov. 12, 1862, Boston. 7355. Mabel Davis, Sept. 23, 1866, E. Montpelier. 7356. Walter Irving, May 30, 1869, Boston. [33141 DAPHNA P. HATHAWAY,8 (Sister of Huldah A., ) b. E. Montpelier, Vt., Nov. 5, 1838; m. there, Nov. 8, 1861, Edwin Madisor son of Christopher Madison and Sophronia (Cate) Guernsey,* b. Montpelier Apr. 29, 1836; mechanical engineer and manufacturer of machinery; Montpelier Republican; member city council; school commissioner, 1877-98; Cong. He Montpelier, Apr. 9, 1898; she d. July 29, 1900. Ch. b. Montpelier: 7357. 7358.* 7359. 7360. Alice Hathaw^ay, Mabel Hathaway, Edwin Paul, Anna Julia, Aug. 22, 1865; d. Feb. 2, 1888. Jan. 10, 1871. Mar. 1, 1874. Oct. 29, 1875. [3315] CAROLINE HATHAWAY,8 (Sister of Huldah A.,) b. East Montpeliar, Vt., Mar. 22, 1843; m. there. Mar. 15, 1865, Orlando, son of Theophilus and Rhoda Philuria (Sparrowf) Clark; b. East Montpelier, Mar. 8, 1842; farmer; East Montpelier; Republican; Universalists. She d. E. Montpe- lier, July 26, 1887. Ch. b. East Montpelier: 7361.* Alpa B., Jan. 7. 1869. 7362.* AnnaM., Mar. 24, 1877. [3316] SARAH EMELINE HAMBLIN,^ (Marcus B.,' William,6 Isaac.^ Josiah,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. East Montpelier, Vt., Nov. 12, 1839; m. there, Dec. 23, 1863, George, son of Freeman and Calista (Ingallsl) Daggett, b. East Montpelier, Sept. 18, 1835, his first wife, who d. N. Y. City, Oct. 22, 1885. He m. 2d, Winooski, Vt., Apr. 27, 1892, Mary Frances Dudley; farmer and ma- chinist; Winooski. No issue. * Note 432. .JOHN GUERNSEY, of Rehoboth, Mass.; m. 1742, Lydia Healey. OLIVER GUERNSEY, b. Rehoboth, Mass., July 16, 1744; m. May 18, 1769, Rachael, dau. of Robert and Esther Ware, b. Wrentham, Mass., Sept. 12, 1751. Dr. HARVEY GUERNSEY, b. Richmond, N. H.,Sept. 24, 1786; m. Salisbury,Vt., Sept. 14, 1808, Lucy, dau. of Jonathan and Lucy Wainwright, b. Cheshire, Ct., Oct. 13, 1788. CHRISTOPHER MADISON GUERNSEY, b. Salisbury, Vt., Aug. 21, 1809; m. June 28, 1834, Sophronia Cate, b. Marshtield, Vt., June 26, 1809. Iron manfg. Their son Edwin Madison m. Daphne Hathaway. + For Sparrow see note 391. t Note 433. ROBERT INGOLLS, of Skirbeck, Lincoln, England, made will July 12, 1617, in which he mentioned a brother Henry, wife Elizabeth, and sons Edmund, Robert and Francis. EDMUND INGALLS,! son of Robert above, b. Skirbeck, England, 1.59.5; came from Eng- land with wife Anne, and 9 children; settled at Lynn, Mass., 1639. He and his brother Francis were the first known white settlers there. He was drowned in Saugus River; Mar. or Sept. 1648, by his horse falling through a defective bridge. Children, all b. Skirbeck, except the last two: Robert, Elizabeth, Faith, John, Sarah, Henry, Samuel, Mary, Joseph. J ^£'^,7 >fi,£r,a^.^iiii'r^^^7-o jvy EIGHTH GENERATION. 725 13317] ABBIE ANN HAMBLIN,« (Sister of Sarah K,) b. East Montpelier, Vt., July 1, 1844: rn. Montpelier, Vt., May, 1861, James Stevens, b. K Montpelier; carpenter; Republican. She d. E. Montpelier, June i2, 18«6. [3318] CHARLES MARCUS HAMBL1N,« (Bro. of Sarah E., ) b. East Montpelier, Vt.. May 5, 1849: m. Montpelier, Dec. 12, 1871, Jane Hammond, dau. of Samuel and Sarah (Putnam) Dudley, b. East Montpelier, Mar. 2ti, 1852; farmer and drover; East Montpelier; Republican. No issue. 13319] HARRIET PHILURIA HAMBL1N,« (Sister of Sarah E.,) b. East Montpelier, Vt., Mar. 19, 1856: m. there, Nov. 5, 1874, Frank, son ■of Matthew D. and Orlana (Doty*) Willard, b. East Montpelier, Feb. 16, 1853; farmer; E. Montpelier: Democrat. Ch. b. East Montpelier: 7363. Matthew Bingham, Oct. 27, 1880; unm. 1902. [3320] JAMES FRANKLIN PATTERSON,' (James H.,' Mary Ham> blin,« Isaac." Josiah,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. Corinth, Vt., Oct. 26, 1840; m. Whiteliall, N. Y., Florence Leone, dau. of William and Julia (Saunders) Allen, b. Whitehall, Mar. 9, 1851; surgeon and ins. actuary; res, with his parents in many places, at Glens Falls, after 1863; Democrat: Presb.: R. A. M.; Asst. Surg. ■6 N. Y. Inf. Vols.; com. Dec. 23, 1862: mustered out, June 25, 1863: Asst. Surg. SO N. Y., Inf. Vols.. Mar. 21, 1865, to Feb. 9, 1866, .served at Port Hudson and in Dept. of the Gulf. He d. Troy, N. Y., May 5, 187^. No issue. [.3321] Hon. CHARLES EDWARD PATTERSON,^ ( Bro. of James F.,) b. Corinth, Vt., May 3, 1842; m. N. Y. City, Apr. 25, 1871, Fanny Maria, "dau. of David Lowrey and Maria Lucy (Curtis) .Seymour,t b. Troy, N. Y., June 16, 1848; lawyer: Troy, N. Y., 1861 to 1870; N. Y. City, 1871-4; since, Troy; Democrat, member N. Y. Legislature, 1881-2. Speaker, 1882; member Troy^ Fort Orange, Manhattan and Reform Clubs; Warden St. Paul church, N. Y. City; she Vice-President Emma Willard Alumnge; Asso. Prest. Young Woman's Asso.: Vice-Prest. Samaritan Hospital; Trustee Emma Willard Statue Asso,: Epis. Ch. b, N. Y. City: 7.364. David LowREY Seymour, b. Apr. 26, 1872; d. Mar. 2, 1893. 7365. Sara Louise, " Nov. 18, 1881; unm. 1901. * For Doty see note 230. t Note 434. RICHARD SEYMOUR.i son of Lord Edward Seymour, of Berry, Pomeroy, Eng,, and brother to Sir Edward Seymour, Knight Baronet; probably came with Rev. Thomas Hooker's church, from Chelmsford. Essex, Eng., and was at Cambridge, Mass., 3633; settler at Hartford, Ct., 1636; removed to Norwalk, Ct.. 1650; had wife. Mary or Mercy, and five children; selectman. He d. Norwalk, Mar. 29, 1655. The family is supposed to descend from St. Maur, who came from a place of that name in Normandy with William the Conquerer; the name has been corrupted to Seymour. He descended from Sir Edward Seymour, brother of Lady .lane Seymour, who was wife of Henry VIII. 72r> THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3;J39] ISABEL MAY BAIvER,« (Esther A. Carney/ Deborah R Hamblin.« David,5Josiah,* Jonathan,'^ James;^!) b. Hyatinisport, Mass., Sept, 2(5, 18;54: m. Hyannis, Jan. 1, 1874, Charles Henry, son of Seth B. and Cornelia P. Wing,* b. East Sandwich, Mass., Nov. 9, 1850; restaurant l^eeper; Somerville, Mass.; Republican; member Knights of Honor; she Baptist. Children: 7;5(i6. Ethel May, Dec. 4, 1876, Hyannis: m. Fred W. Webster, 7:5(57. Ernest Clifton, Aug. 12, 1878, " 7368. Albert Baker, Jan. 26, 1881, Somerville. 7:{69. Grace Makston, Oct. 16, 1883, [3341] GRACE PARKER BAKER,8 (Sister of Isabel M..) b. Hyannisport, Mass.. Sept. 7, 1859; m. Mar. 25, 1880, Charles Bradford, son of Levi Perry and Lois Jane Wyman, b. Nova Scotia, Mar. 26, 1859: restaurant keeper; Boston, Mass.; Republican; mem. Royal Arcanum; Baptists. Ch. b. Somerville. Mass.; 7370. Mabel B., June 21, 1881; unm. 1902. 7371. William U., June 14, 1883, " " [3342] HATTIE ANGELINE BAKER,8 (Sister of Isabel M., ) b. Hyannisport, Mass., Apr. 3, 1865; m. Somerville, Mass, Feb. 1, 1888, Isaac Thomas, son of Isaac and Ruth (Collins) Hoplvins,t b. Truro, Mass., July 14, 1860:imeat dealer; Somerville, Mass; Republican; Baptists, He d. Somerville, Mar. 15, 189(i. Ch. b. Somerville: 7372. E AXIL Clifton, Aug. 29, 1891. 7373. Esther Baker, Nov, 8, 1895. ELLA D. HAMBLIN,8 (Lloyd B.,^ Harvey,' David,'^ Josiah,* Jonathan, 3 James,^!) b. Hyannis, Mass., Sept 3, 1855; m. T. V. West; Centre- ville, Mass. [.3344] LENA L. HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Ella D,,) b. Hyannis, Mass., Feb. 17, 1862; m. Russell Scudder Nye;J Falmouth, Mass. [3.345] GRACE DARLING HAMBLIN.* (Sister of Ella D.,) b. Hyannisport, Mass., Oct. 24, 1868; m. by Rev. B. Browning, Hyannis, Nov. 27, 1890, Harry Lincoln, son of Alfred and Elanora Everett (Freeman^) Haskell, b. Medford, Mass., June 11, 1868; farmer; Medford, until 1888; Centre- ville, until 1896; Osterville, 1897; since, Burlington. Mass.; member Lodge 226, I. O. O. F. Ch. b. Centerville: 7374. Etta Luc I le, June 23, 1891. [3348] RICHARD H. HAMLIN,^ (Philo,' Mark,'- Ebenezer,^*^ James, iii) b. Canton. Ct. Died on passage from New Bedford to New York, June, 1838. * For Winff see note 77. + For Hopkins see notes 18 and 288. * For Nye see note 34. ii For Freeman see note 74. EIGHTH GENERATION. 727 [3349] MARIETTA B. HAMLIN,* (Sister of Richard H..) b. Canton, Ct., Aug. 16, 1814; m. New Hartford, Ct., Feb. 13, 1836, Hiram, son of Matthew and Charlotte (Preston) J'oster, b. Meriden, Ct. June 26, 1812^ manufacturer; Congs. Both d. Meriden; she. May 31, 1892; he. Mar., 1880. Ch. b. Meriden: 7375.* Richard Homer, Nov. 6, 1836, 7376.* Samuel Hiram, Dec, 1838. 7377.* Maria CnuRcri, June 29, 1842. 7378.* James Fitch, April 10, 1844, [3353] EMELINE E. HAMLIN,« (Sister of Richard H.,) b. Canton, Ct. Her sister, Mrs. Foster, was appointed by the Court at Middletown, Ct., April 21, 1883, her guardian, she being of unsound mind and the owner of land, [3358] Hon. SELDEN WHITE/ (Roxanna Hamlin,* Mark,6 Eben- €zer,5*3 James,2i) b. New Hartford, Ct., Jan. 2, 1809; m. Canton Center, Ct., Aug. 30, 1836, Diadama Hannah, dau. of Giles and Mary (Garrett) Barber, b. Canton Center, Mar. 2, 1813: farmer; Canton Center; Republican: representa- tive, 1863; she Congs.; she res. Warren, Fa., 1895. He d. Canton Center, Sept. 7, 1868. Cii, b. Canton Center: 7379. Dryd.en Philip, Jan. 15, 1838: d. Dec, 28, 1866, unm. 7380.* Martha, Nov. 8, 1839. 7381.* WiLLARD. May 30, 1844, 7382.* Mary Jane, Jan. 28, 1846. 7383.* Wilbur Jerome, June 6, 1850. 7384. Helen Mar, Feb. 2, 1852; unm. res. Warren, Pa., 1901. [3359] ELIJAH WHITE,' (Bro. of Selden,) b. New Hartford, Ct., 1811; m. Barlchemsted, Ct. 1838, Amarilla, dau. of Dudley and Lina F. (Barber) Case, b. Barlvhemstead, 1814; mechanic; New Haven, Ct., and Westfield, Mass. He d. Westfield, 1845; she d. New Hartford. Children: 7385.* John, b. 1840, Barkhemstead. 7386.* Elijah, •' 1842, Westfield. [3361] REUEL O. WHITE,' (Bro. of Selden,) b. Barkliemstead, Ct., Nov. 20, 1815; m. Winchester, Ct., June 19, 1845, Sarah A., dau. of Isaac and Sally (Anderson) Wade, b. Winchester, Mar. 17, 1819; farmer; Barkhemstead, until 1875; afterwards, Westfield, Mass.; Congs, He d. Westfield, Oct. 16, 1883. Children: 7387.* Charles D., b. Apr. 26, a846. Winchester 7388.* Elmaetta, Nov. 6, 1847, Barkhemstead. 7389. Helen E., Mar. 6, 1851, d. Feb., 1852, 7390.* Frank B., Dec. 6, 1852, 7391. Walter Reuel, Feb. 19, 1855. unm. 1895, 7392. James Anderson, Sept. 19, 1857, (1 (( 7393. George, Dec. 10, 1860, d. Mar., 1860, 7394. Clara L., Dec. 29, 1864, " May 3, 1882, kli 728 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3362] ELMIETTA WHITE,^ (Sister of Selde re,) b. Barkhemstead, Ct., 1817; m. there, 1887, George Walbridge; raeclianfq: Collinsville, Ct. and Webster, Mass. She d. Collinsville, 1840. No issue. [3363J HARRIET WHITE,* (Sister of Selden,) b. Barkhemstead, Ct., Feb. 3, 1820: m. there, July 22, 1838, Jerome, son of Grove and Orra Ann (Moses) Goddard, b. Granby, Ct., Feb. 28^ 1817; mechanic; Grantoy, Ct.; California; Iowa; Canton and Winsted, Ct.; Republican; Metho- dists. She d. Norton Heights, Ct., July 8, 1897; he d. Canton, Ct., July 28, 1863.. Ch. b. Canton: T395.* Catherine Roxanna, Sept. 6, 1839. 7396. Chaules Jerome, 1843; d. 1844. [3364] LAURA ANN WHITE,' (Sister of Selden,) b. Barkhemstead, Ct., 1822; m. Canton, Ct., 1846, Stiles E., son of Simeon and Mary ( Buell) Mills, b. Canton; miner; Denver, Col.; Republican; she Cong, She d. Denver, 1863; he d. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1901. Children: 7397.* Edwin C, b. 1848, Canton; res. Denver. 7398. AuRELius, " 1851, Denver, it It- 7399. William P., " 1863, Lewis, la., " [3365] Rev. GEORGE L. WHITE,' (Bro. of Selden,) b. Barkhemstead, Ct., July 18, 1825; m. Canton, Ct., Feb. 20, 1853, Kezia, dau. of N. R. L. and Mary (Barber) Bristol, b. Canton, Nov. 5, 1832, clergyman; Bristol, Ct.; commenced labor as an evangelist, 1861; ordained by the Advent Christian Conference of Conn., 1864. Ch. b. Bristol: 7400. Julia Ann, Jan. 2, 1855; d. June 13, 1862, 7401.* Edgar L., Nov. 20, 1857. 7402.* Jessie Keziah, June 9, 1861. 7403. Herman B., Feb. 13, 1869; res. Indianapolis, Ind. [3366] MARK HUMPHREY,* (Sophronia Hamlin,^ Mark,« Ebenezer,^*^ James,2i) b. Great Barrington, Mass., Feb. 27, 1818; m. New Marlboro, Mass., Sept. 4, 1839, Phebe Jane, dau. of Edwin and Hannah (Underwood) Roys,* b. New Marlboro, Oct. 12, 1821; farmer; Great Barrington; Cong. He d. Great Barrington, July 23, 1889. Ch. b. Great Barrington: 7404. Helen Frances, Oct. 22, 1840; d. Nov. 30, 1854. ' 7405.* Edwin David, Mar. 14, 1842. 7406.* Kate Viola, Apr. 6, 1848. 7407.* Mary Ann, June 22, 1850. For Royse see note 109. EICxHTH GENERATION. 729 [3369] ISAAC LENT HUMPHREY,' (Bro. of Mark,) b. Great Barring-ton, Mass., Aug. 29, 1824: m. Sheffield, Mass., Oct. 22, 1850, Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth (Sanford) Doty,* b. Pine Plains, N. Y., P'eb. 25, 1S32; farmer; Great Barrington, until 1870: Boston Corners, N. Y., until 1873: Otis, Mass., until 1878; Westfield, until 1882; afterwards, West Springtield, Mass. He was educated at Sheffield High School; Methodist. Ch. b. Great Barrington. 7408. Lizzie Helen, Sept. 20, 1859. 7409. Minnie Sophkonia, Jan. 20, 1863. 7410. Grant Hamblin, June 1, 1868. L3370] ELECTA HUMPHREY,' (Sister of Mark,) b. Great Barrington, Mass., Mar. 2, 1827; m. I. C. Nicholson, b. Spring Hill, Tenn., 1818; merchant; Nashville, Tenn.; Democrat; after the war, proprietor of the Nicliolson House, Nashville; Methodists. Hed. Nashville, Nov., 1882. No issue. [3371] HANNAH HUMPHREY, (Sister of Mark,) b. Great Barrington, Mass.; m. George Hollister.f Shed. Great Barrington, Mass., Aug. 26, 1855. Children: 7411. George. 7412. I.e. [3372] Capt. DAVID HUMPHREY,* (Bro. of Mark,) b. Great Barrington, Mass., Sept. 30, 1832; m. Pontotoc Co., Miss., Sept. 3, 1862, Mary Frances, dau. of Major W. A. and Peninah (Freeman) Canfleld, b. Big Rock, Ala., July 4, 1844: merchant: Nashville, Tenn., 1847-60; Montgom- ery, Ala., 1866; Nashville, 1867; Ringgold, Ga., 1869; afterwards, Chattanooga, Tenn.; Capt. Rock City Guards, Nashville, 1st Tenn. Regt., the first company to enlist, and served in the Confederate army until the surrender. He d. Chat- tanooga, Oct. 1, 1886. Children: 7413. William David, b. May 21, 1865, Pontotoc; d. Dec. 29, '66. 7414.* Nicholas Browder, " Aug. 24, 1867, Lee Co., Miss. 7415. Peninah, " Feb. 20, 1870, " " " 7416. Electa Sofronia, " Dec. 10, 1872, " " d. Aug. 16, '79. 7417. Lent Hamlin, " July 19, 1875, Chattanooga; d. Aug., '86. 7418. John, " July 7, 1877, " d. July 17, '78. 7419. Mark, " Feb. 16, 1880, " " Feb. 16, '80. 7420. Nell Biff, " July 13, 1881, 7421. David Ellen, " Jan. 6, 1887, [3373] FRANCES HUMPHREY,* (Sister of Mark, ) b. Great Barrington, Mass.; m. George Hollister,t his second wife; he m, 1st, her sister Hannah. They removed to Iowa about 1857. * For Doty see note 230. t For HoUister see note 345. 730 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3374] HARRIET J. LONGHEAD,** (Harriet Hamlin," Mark,« Eben- ezer,5*3 Jaraes,2i) h. Ohio. July 20, 1839; m. Morris, 111., .Ian. 27, 1865, Lucius,* son of Isaac and Susan (Barrett) Whitney,* b. Big Grove, 111., Feb. 24, 1836. He was reared on a farm and taught school in early life; went to Kansas, 1857, settled near the hne of Missouri and lived there until 1861; enlisted Aug. 31, 1861, G, 7 Kansas Cav.; Regt'l. Com. Sergt., 1st, Lieut. July, 1863, Regt'l. Com. Sub.; served on Staffs of Gen. Ed. Hatch, and Gen. John McNeil; Provost Marshall, Warrensburg and Lexington, Mo.; commanded Gratiot Prison St. Louis; dis. Sept. 28, 1865; settled at Morris, HI., and P. M. there, nearly ten years; opened first P. O., Billings, Mont., and P. M., there, 1874-88; treasurer Yellowstone Co., Mont., 1889-93; book keepei- and cashier, state treasurer, Helena, Mont., 1895. She wrote for newspapers and magazines: "Boot Hill," and "Sane Sing," were published in "Short Stories." "The way out." com- menced by John Hubberton, for which the N. Y. Herald offered a prize for its best completion, was awarded to Mrs. Whitney; Cong. Ch. b. Morris: 7422. Susan Habiblin, July 1, 1866. 7423. Gertkude L., Nov. 13, 1867. 7424. Clara Louisa, Sept. 30, 1873. [3375] LEONIDAS PRICE HAMLINE,8 M. D., (Leonidas L.,^ Mark,« Ebenezer,5i3 james,2i) b. Zanesville, Ohio, Aug. 13, 1829: m. Peoria, 111., Dec. 31, 1850, Virginia, dau. of Capt. John and Theodosia (Rees) Moore, b. Ripley, Ohio, Nov. 9, 1835; physician and surgeon; educated at McKendree College and Depew University, Ind.; graduated Castleton, Medical College, Rutland, Vt., 1849; removed to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, 1850; appointed Surgeon in the hos- pitals of the Army of the Potomac by Gov. Kirkwood, and served until after second battle of Bull Run; removed to Evanston, 111., after the war, where he d. Jan. 21, 1897; buried Rose Hill; she survived him. * No IE 435. For Whitney see note 305. JOHN WHITNEY,2 b. England, 1620; came to Watertown, Mass., with his parents, June, 1635, in Ship EUzaheth; m. 1642, Euth, dau. of Robert Reynolds, of Watertown. Wethersfleld and Boston: freeman, May 26. 1647; selectman, 1673-80; resided Watertown; his name appears in the company of Capt. Hugh Mason as a soldier, 1675. He d. Oct. 12, 1682. Children: John, Ruth, Nathaniel, Samuel, Mary, Joseph, Sarah, Elizabeth, Hannah, Benjamin. BENJAMIN WHITNEY,3 b. Watertown, Mass., June 28, 1660; m. Mar. 30, 1687, Abigail, dau. of William and Mary (Bemis) Hagar; m. 2d, Elizabeth . He d. 1736. Children: Abi- gail, Benjamin, Ruth, .John, David. Ensign DAVID WHITNEY,* b. Watertown, Mass., June 16, 1697; m. 1720, Rebecca Fille- brown, b. Cambridge, Nov. 6, 1695; resided Watertown and Waltham, Mass.; one of the original proprietors of land in Paris, Me., 1736, but does not appear to have resided there; his right was conveyed to his nephew, Ezekiel Whitney. He d. 1745, Children: Rebecca, David, Anna, Nathan, Ruth, Josiah, Jonas, Jonathan. Capt. NATHAN WHITNEY, 5 b. Mar. 12, 1726; m. Sept., 17.52, Tabitha, dau. of Thomas Merriam, of Lexington, Mass.; resided Waltham, Mass. He settled on lot 90, Narragansetts No. 2, now Westminster, Mass., and was settled there, July, 1751; farmer and weaver; corporal in Capt. Daniel Hoar's Co., 1759; captain, 1771. He d. April 10, 1803; she, Dec. 26, 1822, aged 90. Children: Tabitha, Nathan, Tabitha, Nathan, Jonathan, Ruth, Nathan, David, John. Dea. DAVID WHITNEY,6 b. Westminster, Mass., Aug. 16, 1767; m. Princeton, Nov. 24, 1791, Elizabeth Barron, b. July 3, 176S; resided on his farther's old homestead, Westminster; served in suppression of Shay's Rebellion; captain of militia, July 12, 1811; selectman; deacon' in church 60 years. He d. Mar. 28, 186T; will, Aug. 2, 1853; she d. Apr. 28, 1853. Children: Tabi- tha, Betsey, David, Reuben, Aaron, Betsey, Reuben P., Isaac, Mary, Sally, Calvin. ISAAC WHITNEY,^ b. Westminster, Mass., Mar. 14, 1806; m. 1st, Sept. 6, 18.32, Susan Bar- rett, b. Sept. 25, 1808, who d. Mar. 24, 1842; m. 2d, Sept. 22, 1842, Eliza Perkins; res. Newark, 111. He d. Aug. 4, 1846. Their son, Lucius, m. Harriet J. Longhead. Children: 7425.* Leo >j IDAS Moore, 7426.* John Hejstry, 7427. Eliza Ann, 7428.* TllEODOSlA, EIGHTH GENERATION. 731 b. Oct. 5, 1852, Hillsdale, N. Y. " Mar. 26, 1856, Rotterdam, N. Y. " Feb, 6, 1859; d. Feb. 20, 1859. " June 30, 1862, Mt. Pleasant. 7429.* Virginia Malinda, " Mar. 13, 1866, Evanston. [3376] GAD ANDREWS,* (Theodore,^ Rosina Hamblin,* Ebeaezer,^" James,2i) b. Vienna, Ohio, Apr. 2, 1822; m. Mar, 26, 1851, Lucy, dau. of Joseph and Lydia (Lon^) Rogers, b. Oct. 24, 1831; farmer and drover; Vienna, 1872. Children: 7430. Catherine, b. Mar. 20, 1853. 7431. Austin, " Apr. 23, 1855. 7432. MyronT., " Jan. 4, 1858; d. Apr. 19, 1861. 7433. Amos P., " Oct. 25, 1859. [3380J LURA ANN ANDREWS,* (Norman,^ Rosina Hamblin," Eben- ezer,8*3 James, 21) b. Deleware Co., Ohio, Aug 12, 1822; m. Mar. 18, 1852, William G. Moore, b. Beaver, Pa.. June 6, 1822: lawyer: Youngstown, Ohio, 1869; she res. there witli her daughters, 1897. He is dead. Children: 7434. Julia, unm. 1897. 7435. Lucia A., " [3381] CHAUNCEY H. ANDREWS,* (Bro. of Lura A.,) b. Vienna, Ohio, Dec. 2, 1823; m. Youngstown, Ohio, July 1, 1857, Louisa, dau. of Garry and Harriet (Meeker) Baldwin, b. Boardman, Ohio, July 5, 18—; member tirm of Andrews Brothers and Andrews & Hitchcock, iron manfs. and coal operators: Youngstown: Republican; she resided there, 1897. He d. Youngstown, Dec. 25, 1893. Ch. b. Youngstown: 7436.* Edith, Oct. 16, 1862. 7437. Julia, June 21, 1869; m. Bruce. [3383] LAWRENCE G. ANDREWS,* M. D., (Bro. of Lura A.,) b. Sept. 12, 1828; graduated Cleveland Med. College, 1854; member firm of Andrews Bros., Youngstown, Ohio: Asst. Surgeon 25th Ohio Inf. Vols.; served two years. He d. insane; unmarried. [3384] WALLACE C. ANDREWS,* (Bro. of Lura A.,) b. Vienna, Ohio, June 17, 1833; m. Feb. 7, 1867, Maggie, dau. of Dr. St. John, of Willoughby, Ohio: member firm of Andrews Bros., Youngstown, Ohio, 1872; Pres. N. Y. Steam Co., N. Y. City, 1897. No issue, 1869. [3385] PHEBE R. ANDREWS,^ (Sister of Lura A.,) b. Vienna, Ohio, Feb. 8, 1837; m. Oct. 13, 1858, Thomas L. Moore; Youngs- town, Ohio, 1872: Haselton, Ohio, 1897. Four sons and a daughter. 732 TPIE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3388] JOHN GRIFFIS ANDREWS,'' (WhiteleyJ Rosina Hamlin,6 Ebenezer,5i3 James,2i) b. Mar. 27, 1825; bap. Burlington, Ct.; m. Oct. 24, 1847, Sophronia Wheeler, b. Nov. 8, 1821: shoemaker, Vienna, Ohio, 1872. Children: 7438. Oscar, b. July 25, 1849. 7439. Orrel,, " July 24, 1851. 7440. Frank, " Mar. 3, 1853. 7441.* Eliza, By 2d wife: 7442.* Harriet Sophia 7443. Joseph Parry, By 3d wife. 7444. A Daughter, 7445.* Sarah Roselle, [3395] Rev. JAMES TROWBRIDGE HAMLIN,* (Truman,' Dan," Ebenezer,5.*3 James,2i) b. Moreau, qqw Fort Edward, N. Y., July 2, 1812; m. 1st, Dec. 2, 1847, Harriet E., dan. of Rev. Joseph and Eliza (Elliott) Parry, b. England, Dec. 14, 1824, who d. Jamesport, N. Y., June 29, 1S51; m. 2d, Nov. 11, 1852, Sophia Parry, b. England, Nov. 16, 1830, sister of first wife, who d. Matti- tuck, N. Y.. April 3, 1855; m. 3d, Nov. 26, 1857, Patience M., dau. of Jabez and Christiana (Cate) Corwin,* b. Jamesport, Mar. 21, 1824, who d. Mar., 1897: cler- gyman; Mattituck. He d. Mattituck, Aug. 29, 1892. Ch. by 1st wife. b. Mattituck: Oct. 8, 1850. b. Aug. 26, 1853, Mattituck. d. in infancy. d. in infancy. b. Mar. 16, 1860, Mattituck. [3396] AMELIA HAMLIN,8 (Sister of James T.,) b. Moreau, N. Y., Apr. 29, 1814; m. there, Jan. 28, 1835, John, son of Hugh and Sarah (Jacobs) Thompson, b. Northumberland, N.Y., June 30, 1804; farmer: * Note 436. PETER HALLOCK.i came from Hiugham, Norfolk, England, to New Haven, Ct., 1640. In the autumn of that year Rev. Mr. John Youngs and his church took up their abode in Southold, comprising the north eastern branch of Long Island, N. Y. The men who consti- tuted this church were: William Wells, Barnabas Horton, .lohn Conklin, Peter Hallock, John Tuthill, Richard Terry, Thomas Mapes, Matthias Corwin, Robert Akerly, Jacob Corey, Isaac Arnold and John Budd. The first white settlers of that part of the island. Peter Hallock was the first to step ashore; and the place is called "Hallock's Neck," and "Hallock's Beach." He purchased from the Indians the tract called "Oyster Ponds," now Orient. (Thompson's Hist. L. I.) He then returned to England for his wife, who had been a widow Howell. On returning he found the Indians had resold his premises, and he purchased ten miles, west of Southold Village, a farm three miles long, from Long Island Sound on the north to Paconic Bay on the south, in Aquebogue, two miles west of Mattituck; his homestead and that of his wife's son, Howell, were adjoining; and in 1865 still occupied by their respective descendants, Benjamin Lawrence Hallock and Sylvester Howell. Numerous Hallocks reside in that vicinity. WILLIAM HALLOCK.s only son of Peter; wife Margaret; lived at Aquebogue: bed. Sept. 28, 1684; will dated Southold Tp., Feb. 10, 1682; proved Oct. 21, 1684; recorded in N. Y. City, •and Riverhead, L.I. Children: Thomas, Peter, William, John, Margaret, Martha, Sarah, Elizabeth and Abigail. PETER HALLOCK.3 No record of his birth, marriage or death. Children: Peter; Wil- liam, d. young at sea; Noah, b. 1606. PETER HALLOCK,! m. twice. His homestead was near Mattituck; he d. 1756, aged 62; 2d wife Mary d. 1761, aged 67; his will 1753. Children: Peter, William, Elizabeth. ELIZABETH HALLOCK,5 b. 1732; m. Silas Corwin; she d. Old Aquebogue, Feb. 12, 1831. Her son, Jabez Corwin,*! had a daughter, Patience M. Corwin.^ who m. Rev. James T. Hamlin.8 Gen. Henry W. Halleck, U. S. A., was seventh in descent from the settler Peter Hallock. 7446.* PhiloC, 7447. Truman H., 7448.* Jesse B., 7449. Sarah, 7450.* Harriet A,, EIGHTH GENERATION. 733 IS^ortliumberland, until 1856; Moreau, until 1887. In old age res. with their •daughter, Mrs. Murray, Menaads, N. Y.: Republican: member first Temperance So. in Moreau; she was a lady, beautiful in person and character. Both d. Menands; she Aug, 28, 1896; he Mar. 9, 1892. Ch. b. Northumberland: Mar, 18, 1836; d. Oct. 21, 1862, unm, Feb. 28, 1838; unm. 1897. July 19, 1840. Feb. 18, 1834; d. Apr. 28, 1872, unm, June 7, 1851. [3398] HARRIET P. HAMLIN, (Sister of James T.,) b. Moreau, N. Y., July 25, 18ol; m. John Tate. She d. soon after the birth ■vt hei' only child, who d. in infancy. [3399] LUCRETIA B. HAMLIN,« [Sister of James T.,) b. Moreau, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1833: m. there, Jan. 5, 1859, Warren B., son of Belus and Sally (Maynard) Ingolsbe, b. Hartford, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1833: farmery Moreau; Republican; Odd Fellow: she Presb. Both d. Moreau; she July 4, 1885; he May 20, 1883. Ch. b. Moreau: Jun. 9, 1860; d. Dec. 21, 1884, unm> Mar. 30, 1864. May 9, 1868; res. Minneapolis, Minn., unm. Mar. 19, 1870, " " " Mar. 23, 1873, " northern N. Y. [3407] ELIZA HAMLIN,8 (Romanta,^ Dan,^ Ebenezer,^*^ James,2i) b. Oneida, N. Y., 1818: ra. 1st, July 8, 1835, Hiram, son of Obediah and Mary Hunt, b. Cataraugus Co., N. Y., 1812; farmer; Chautauqua N. Y.; who d. there, July 8, 1849; m. 2d, Chautauqua, July 3, 1850, Benjamin Brown, b. N. Y. state, 1812; shoemaker; Portland, N. Y., who d. Fremont, Wis., Apr. 16, 1858; she Presb.; she d. Chautauqua, Feb. 17, 1855. Ch. by 1st marriage, b. Chautauqua: 7456. DeWitt Clinton, Aug. 4, 1836. 7457. Melvin Henry, Sept. 19, 1838; d. in the army, 1864, unm. 7458.* Adeline Luselia, Dec. 25, 1840. 7459, Albert Gray, Nov. 11, 1843; d. in the army, 1863, unm. By 2d marriage, b, Portland: 7460.* Hiram Benjamin, Sept. 18, 1851. 7461. Betsey Almira, Jan. 5, 1854; d. Jan. 7, 1868, unm, [3411] WILLIAM HENRY HAMLIN,« (Bro. of Eliza, ) b. Saratoga, N, Y.; m. Emily Driggs; ranchman; Edmunds, Wash,; Repub- lican; Freemason. Ch, b. Rochester, Pa.: ,7462. James, Mar., 1855. 7451. Ralph B., 7452.* Truman B 7453. Philo B., 7454. Frank B., 7455. Bera W,, 74(53. Alma, Apr. 7464. Ada a., July 74(55.* Eva Cecelia, June 7466. Nellie J.. Dec. 7467. Frankie C, May 7468. Edith M., May 746&. Samuel Hill, Oct. 734 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. (.•J412] MIRIAM HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Eliza,] b. Chautauqua, N. Y., June 30, 1830; m. Feb. 11, 1849, Milton Jabez.s son of Samuel C. Munsun,* b. May 23, 1828; his first wife. She d. June 12, 1873. He ' m. 2d, Oct. 9, 1877, Julia Dodge, who d. June 6, 1882; m. 3d, July 15, 1885,. Sarah Spencer, nee Henshaw; farmer, Portland, N. Y.; Republican; Baptist. Ch. b. Portland: 23, 1850; m. Frank Maginnis. 4, 1853, " Henry Taylor. 15, 1857. 2, 1861: d. Feb. 21, 1864. 2, 1864, " 1876. 30, 1866; ra. Voll Lilly. 2, 1870; res. Westfleld, N. Y. ■ [3413] JAMES E. HAMLIN, » (Bro. of Eliza,) m. Linda Mowry. He d. Greenville, Pa. Ch. b. Greenville: 7470. Mrs. David Matah; Greenville. [34141 SARAH ALMIRA HAMLIN,' (Sister of Eliza,) b. Chautauqua, N. Y., Oct., 1837; m. 1st, Portland, N.Y., 1857, James, son of Samuel and Maria (Frazier) Hammond, b. Bedford, Pa., Nov., 1833; river- man; Rochester, Pa.; Republican; Presb.; he d. Rochester, Jan. 23, 1870; m. 2d, Rochester, Sept. 23, 1874, Edwin, son of Edwin and Esther (Leasure) Hanna, b. Mercer Co., Pa., 1850; stock grower; Greenville, Pa.; Democrat; Lutherans. He d. Greenville, Mar. 16, 1901. No issue. [.3415] ESTHER MARENDA HAMLIN,* (Sister of Eliza,) b. Chautauqua, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1839; m. Chicago, Ills., May 9, 1859, John Wil- liam Lyke, b. Schoharie Co., N. Y., Aug. 16, 1836; commission merchant: Chica- go; Republican; member of Hesperia Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; Washington Chap- rer, R. A. M.; Chicago Commandery, K. T.; Congs. Children: 7471.* LiBBiE, b. Jan. 25, 1860, Peoria. 7472. Carrie, •' Aug. 16, 1863. 7473.* Lottie Udora, " Sept. 7, 1865, Chicago. [3419] WILLIAM JOHN HAMLIN,' (Lent," Dan,6 Ebenezer,?'** James,^i) b. Moreau, N, Y., Feb. 18, 1832; enlisted Albany, N. Y., Aug., 1857, 1). 1st, U. S. Dragoons; d. unmarried. Ft. Fillmore, N. M., July 25, 1859. [3423] CHARLES AVERY STORES,' (Sophronia Hamblin,- Dan,* Ebenezer,5*3 James,2i) b. Moreau, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1821; m. Eaton, N. Y., Mar. 7, 1847, Rhoda, dau. of Levi and Rhoda P. Bonney, b. Eaton, 1811; farmer; Marshfield, Vt., and Eaton, N. Y.; Republican: Baptists. 8he d. Eaton, 1899. Ch. b. Eaton: 7474.* Edwin Pratt, Feb. 8, 1849. 7475.* Charles Avery, May 20, 1854. * Note 437. SAMUEL C. MUNSON.T (Samuel,6 Reuben,^ Waitstill.*) EIGHTH GENERATION. 735 [3424] JOHN S. HAMLIN/ (David B.,^ Dan,6 Ebenezer.&is James,2i) b. Moreau, N. Y., Dec. 25,1831: m. Dec. 25, 1859, HattieMorford, of Greenbush, N. Y. He d. Greenbush, June 1, 1897. Children: 7476. George B., res. Renssalaer, N. Y. 7477. Homer, " " [.3426] LEWIS W. HAML1N,« (Bro. of John S.,) b. Queensbury, N. Y., Mar. 4, 1841: ra. 1st, there, Dec. 25, 1868, Louise M., dau. of James and Fannie E. (Smith) Camp, b. Queensbury, 1849, who d. there, Aug. 29, 1876; m. 2d, Mary Elizabeth, « dau. of Lent and Betsey S. (Gillet) Hamlin; farmer; Moreau, N.Y.; supervisor; Methodist; private, D, 93d N. Y. Inf. Vols, enlisted, 1861, promoted successively, Corp., sergt., 1st sergt. and lieutenant; participated in the "Seven days tight" before Richmond, 1362, Malvern Hill, South Mountain, Antietam, Falmouth, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Get- tysburg, Wilderness, wounded May 7th, 1864, by a shell, while carrying the colors, when three-fourths of the regiment were killed or wounded, including 19 out of 26 officers, Boydton Plank Road, Weldon R. R., commanded his company in charge at Petersburg, Apr. 2, 1865, and commanded the Brigade pickets that night; was at Lee's surrender, Appomattox: dis. 1865. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Queensbury: 7478. David J., Sept. 7, 1869. 7479. Frances S., Oct. 27, 1870. 7480. Minerva, Jan. 14, 1873. 7481. Grace May, May 11, 1875. 13427] SARAH J. HAMLIN,' (Sister of John S.,) b. Thiirman, N. Y., July 11, 1846; m. Dec. 30, 1863, Hermon D. Van Tassell. I She d. Hamilton Co., N. Y., Nov. 9, 1875. Child: 7482. Ellsworth; res. Glen Falls, N. Y, [3429] WILLIAM HUNTER CHURCHILL,^ (Lucy Hunter,^ William, « David, •'^ Hopestill Hamlin,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Ft. Wood, Bedloe's Island, I N. Y., July 8, 1819; m. Elizabeth Margaret Cuyler. He d. Pt. Isabel, Texas, Oct. 19, 1847. ' Ch. b. Savannah, Ga.: 7483. Richard Cuyler, Dec. 12, 1845; d. June 24, 1879. [3430] MARY HELEN CHURCHILL,' (Sister of William H.,) b. Windsor, Vt., Aug. 30, 1821; m. Carlisle, Pa., Aug. 8, 1844, Prof. Spencer F.ullerton Baird. [3431] FRANKLIN HUNTER CHURCHILL.^ (Bro. of William H.,) b. Fort Hamilton, N. Y., Apr. 22, 1823; lawyer; N. Y. City. [3432] CHARLES C. CHURCHILL,* (Bro. of William H.,) b. Allegheny Arsenal, July 18, 1825; m. Portland Me., Apr. 22, 1868, Alice Dow. 736 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3435] Lieut. CHARLES G. HUNTER,M Franklin/ Willfam," David,* flopestill Hamlin,* Ebenezer,^ James.'-M He served in tlie Mexican war.. VVitiiout orders lie captured the ^ium-acZo, for wliicli iie was reprimanded. It occasioned mucli diversity of opinion, many thinlcing lie sliould liave been, rewarded for his bravery and "patriotism instead of being censured. He d. N. Y. City from disease contracted in the service. Died childless. r;5444J ABBIE CLEMENTINE HUNTER,* {David,^ Jabez,^' David,* Hopestill Hamlin,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Windsor, Vt., Feb. 1, 1833; m. there, Oct. 24, 1853, Samuel, son of Salmon and Lois (Robinson) Hildreth, b. Plainfleld,- N. Y., Apr. 29, 1827: gunsmith, U. S. Armory, Springfield, Mass., since 1861;. previously at Windsor, Vt.; Democrat; she Epis. Ch. b. Windsor: 7484.* Edwin Hunter, Nov. 4, 1869. . [3445] ANDREW JACKSON HUNTER,8 (Bro. of Abbie C.,) b. Wind.sor. Vt., Apr. 18, 1840; m. Woodstock, Vt.. Oct. 16, 1865, Julia Ann,, dau.of Edmund and Harriet Louise (Hall) Shattuck,* b. Windsor, Vt., Jan. 10, 1842: farmer: Windsor. Ch. b. Windsor: 7485.* Arthur William, Aug. 8, 1866. 7486.* Clara Louise, July 22, 1879. [3449] FANNIE ELIZABETH HUNTER,' ( William,' Jabez,'' David,* Hopestill Hamlin,* Ebenezer,^ James,^!) b. Jerico, Vt., Nov. 14, 1843, In child- hood she attended Burlington Female Seminary three and a half years; her teacher in music was Prof. F. F. Molt, who was once a member of the band of Napoleon I. Miss Mary, sister of Admiral Dewey, was her classmate. She waS' reared in childhood an Unitarian, but becams a member of the Episcopal church at the age of thirteen years. She went to England, 1871, to receive training as a Sister, and on her return to this country, founded the Sister of the Annunciation, Blessed Virgin Mary, 1891, Incorporated 1893, 518 W. 152: Street, N. Y. City, devoted to the care of crippled and incurable children, of which she is The Mother Superior, styled Francisca. [3450] ROSAMOND HOWE HUNTER,* (Sister of Fannie E.,) b. Burlington Vt., Nov. 19, 1845; m. Edward Ebbits. Soon after her death their daughter was given to a family in New Jersey for adoption. He d. N. Y, City, June 10, 1880. Child: 7487. Mary. [3451] MA.RY POMEROY HUNTER,* (Sister of Fannie E.,) b. Burlington, Vt., Mar. 15, 1852; m. N. Y. City, Apr. 29, 1871; Albert, sod of Albert and Melinda (Wagoner) Decker, b. Norfolk, Ct., July 26, 1848; Col- lector: Stuyvesant Falls, N. Y., 1850-63; since, N. Y. City; Republican; she Epis. For Shattuck see note 411. EIGHTH GENERATION. 737 Ch. b. N. Y. City: 7488. LiLLiE Rose, Apr. 23, 1872; unm. 1902. 7489.* William Charles, Mar. 20, 1874. 7490. Fannie CnRiSTBNE, Aug. 7, 1875; d. May 5,1877. 7491. Albert Augustine, Feb. 23, 1880. [3452] ELIZABETH CAROLINE PARKER,« ( Rebecca Pardee,' Zil- pha Hamlin, « Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James, 21) b. Delhi, N. Y., June 20, 1813; m. there, Mar. 2, 1834, Horace, son ofOtis and Rebecoa (Lassell) Drake, b. Bennington, Vt., Mar. 2, 1811; merchant: Delhi, untU 1845; removed to Stac- rucca. Pa., and engaged in tannery business; later Beach Poijd, Pa., in same business, under tirm names. Stone & Drake, and H. Drake & Sons; res. later Jersey City, N. J. She possessed rare musical talent, was organist St. John's Epis. church, Delhi, of which she was member. She d. Beach Pond, Aug. 31, 1875: he d. Jersey City, Mar. 4, 1889. Ch. b. Delhi: 7492.* Junius Parker, Feb. 28, 1835. 7493.* Rebecca, Nov. 19, 1839. 7494.* George Amasa, Aug. 4, 1845. 7495. Augustus, Oct. 30, 1848; d. Feb. 11, 1852. [3453] PHILEMON STARR PARKER,8 (Bro. of Elizabeth C.,) b. Delhi, N. Y., Feb. 11, 1815: U. S. Consul, Bombay, India, about 1838; reached his post by sailing vessel, of which he was supercargo; later, appointed vice-consul to Zanzibar, Africa, where he was stricken with malignant fever, from which most of the white residents perished. He took passage for home on the British ketch, Swalloiv, and died at sea on the passage to St. Helena, Oct. 18, 1840, and was buried at sea. On the passage he wrote to his father; unmarried. [3454] ROBERT PARKER,8 (Bro. of Elizabeth C, ) b. Delhi, N. Y., Feb. 11, 1818; m. 1st, Portsmouth, N. H., Feb. 12, 1845, Statira Manning, dau. of Dr. James H. Pierrepont, of Portsmouth, b. 1824, who d. Delhi, Mar. 13, 1845; m. 2d, Portsmouth, Oct. 11, 1849, Caroline Eustis, dau. of Edmund Roberts, b. 1817, who d. Delhi, Dec. 25, 1891; lawyer; partner with his father; Delhi. He d. Delhi, Sept. 3, 1867. No issue. [3455] Capt. CHARLES EDWARD PARKER,* (Bro. of Elizabeth C.,) b. Delhi, N. Y., May 13, 1819; m. Equinunck, Pa., June 22, 1853, Mary Jennie, dau. of Bethuel and Julia (Tuttle) Sutherland; b. Ashland, N. Y., May 20, 1835; Capt. F, 45th Pa., Inf. Vols.; enlisted Sept., 1861; resided in N. Y., until 1852; Penn., until 1861; N. J., 1864-8; California, until his death; member War- ren Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Belvidere, N. J.; Democrat; she member Acacia Chapter 21, O. E. S.; Amarath Court 4, and other societies; she resides Los Angeles, Cal.; Epis. He d. Los Angeles, July 10, 1886. Children: 7496.* Robert, b. Oct. 5, 1857, Hopedale. [1883. 7497, William Sutherland, " May 1, 1865, Belvidere; d. Sept. 22, 738 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3456] REBECCA LAVINIA PA RKER,8 (Sister of Elizabeth C.,) b. Delhi, N. Y., Jan. 14, 1821; m. Oct. 20, 1847, Robert F., son of Rev. Wil- liam and Sarah (Marrs) Macaulay, b. Kortright, N. Y., May 12, 1816. His father was a Scotch Presb. clergyman, graduate of Edinburgh University; he attended Delhi Academy, and graduated from Union College; studied law with his father-in-law; admitted to the bar. May 12, 1843, and began practice at Kingston, N. Y., firm of Macaulay & Waters, subsequently Van Buren & Macaulay. He was District Attorney, Ulster Co., 1850-3, and first Recorder of Kingston, 1872. Both d. Kingston; she, Jan. 9, 1894; he. Mar. 19, 1890. Ch. b. Kingston: 7498. Sarah, July 21, 1848; uam. 1897. 7499. Amasa, Apr., 1856; d. Sept., 1856. [3457] GEORGE AMASA PARKER,^ (Bro. of Elizabeth C.,) b. Delhi, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1823; m. Washington, D. C, Oct. 21, 1869, Frances P., dau. of Hon. Selah R. Hobble, of Washington. He d. Oakland, Cal., Nov. 8, 1877. No issue. [3458] Capt. JAMES PARKER, ( Bro. of Elizabeth C.,) b. Delhi, N.Y., Mar. 30, 1825; served in Union army; d. unmarried, Natchi- taches. La., Dec. 6, 1870. [3460] MARY AUGUSTA PARKER,8 (Sister of Elizabeth C.,) b. Delhi, N. Y., Feb. 27, 1830: m. there, Oct. 20, 1856, Rev. Eben Steele, son of Wm. Clark and Dinah Ann (Merwin) Peake, b. Andes, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1830; clergyman; Delhi, until 1856; Indian Mission, Gull Lake and Crow Wing, until 1862; in the army, 1862-5; Minn., until 1866; San Jose, Cal., until 1870; San Fran- cisco, until 1878; Morehead, Minn., until 1880; Detroit, Minn., mitil 1882: Valley City, N. Dak., until 1884: Detroit, until 1889; since, Faribault, Minn.: Chaplain 28 Wis. Inf. Vols., 1862-5; member G. A. R., and Loyal Legion, Minn.; Epis. Children: 7500. Amasa Parker, b. Oct. 21, 1861, Crow Wing. 7501. George Parker, " June 20, 1867, San Jose; d. unm. Mar.23, '88 7502. Faknie Augusta, " Aug. 4, 1869, " " 7503. Elizabeth Pardee," Apr. 4, 1872, San Francisco; d. 1895, unm. [3463] DANIEL PARDEE HATHAWAY.s (Mary A. Pardee,^ Zilpha HamUn,6 Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,-^ Jaraes,2i) b. Delhi, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1833; m. N. Y. City, July 7, 1878, Mrs. Sarah Woolsey, widow of William Booth, and dau. of Charles and Asenath (Wooley) Frost, of Marlboro, N. Y. They reside New York city. No issue. [3464] HELEN REBECCA HATHAWAY,8 (Sister of Daniel P.,) b. Delhi, N. Y., May 26, 1838; m. N. Y. City, July 31, 1862, Frederick St. George, son of George and Mary Hannah (Smyth) Smith; Drogheda, Ireland. She d. Aug. 1, 1888. \ \ ^^^l^2^^^yCi>it. 6^h<^^ Barnes, b. Butler, N. Y., May 26, 1819; farmer; Galen, Rose, Clyde and Mendon^ N. Y.; also, three years in Mich., soon after marriage; Republican; Granger? Baptists. Both d. Mendon; he Apr. 5, 1896; she Feb. 10, 1895. Children: 7756.* Mary Esther, b. Dec. 16, 1839, Michigan. 7757. Louisa Lacretia, " Aug. 9, 1841, Galen; m. Horace Field. 7758.* Philena Lovenia, " Nov. 8, 1846, " 7759. Alice Julia. " Dec. 29, 185.3, Rose; m. W. D. Alberton, 7760.* Philetus, " Apr. 14, 1855, " 7761.* Emma CooKiNGHAM," June 28, 1864, " EIGHTH GENERATION. 759 [3623] PHILANDER THEAT CHAMBERLAIN,^ (Bro. of Philetus,) b. Mendon, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1816; m. Sept. 8, 1842, Mary Delaney Tuttle: J'armer; Hastings, Minn. He d. Hastings, Nov. 23, 1888, Oh. b. Clyde, N.Y.: 7762. Dan T. 7763.* Leon Treat, Apr. 3, 1862. 7764. Frank. [3624] HANNAH LAVINA CHAMBERLAIN,8 (Sister of Philetus,) b. Mendon, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1823; m. May 15, 1851, Dr. Daniel T. Webster, of East Bloomfield, N. Y., who d. April 30, 1880. She res. Honeoye Falls, N. Y., 1887. Children: 7765. Fred. 7766. Will; lawyer, Batavia, N. Y. 7767. Jane; m. Gallop. [3625] MALINA JEMIMA CHAMBERLAIN,' (Sister of Philetus,) b. Mendon, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1827; m. Rose, N. Y., Henry McNeil,^ son of Asa and Hannah (S^jucy) Town,* b. Rose, Mar. 24, 1824; farmer; Rose, until 1855; Johnstown Center, Wis., 1855-7; afterwards, Wheaton, Wis.; Whig and Repub- lican; town clerk, and held other town offices; she Baptist. At the time of their settlement in northern Wisconsin the country was inhabited by Indians and wild game abundant. They lived to see the country change from a wilder- ness, the Indian wigwam and the log cabin to an advanced civilization. He d. Wheaton, Oct. 25, 1884. Children: 7768.* Frederick Adelbert, b. Sept. 7769.* Hamlin Augustus, 7770.* Mary Alla, 7771.* Charles Henry, 7772.* Hattie Esther, 7773.* Viola Adella, [3626] ESTHER ASENATH CHAMBERLAIN,' (Sister of Philetus, ) b. Mendon, N.Y., Sept. 20, 1829; m. 1st, there, Aug. 22, 1848, Henry, son of Orville and Katherine (Drury) Boardman; res. Rushford, Attica and Elmira, N. Y.; Whig and Republican; private, C, 11 U. S. Inf.; officer's clerk; he d. from dis- ease contracted in the army, Rushford, 1865; m. 2d, East Bloomtield, N. Y., Dec. 13, 1876, Asa Pride; hardware merchant; Honeoye Falls, N. Y.; deacon in Presb. church 40 years: Abolitionist and Republican; she res. Detroit, Mich., 1902; Presb. Ch. by 1st marriage, b. Rushford: 7774.* Alice Henrietta, Apr. 5, 1852. 7775.* Melville Monroe, Jan. 17, 1854. [3627] HAMLIN TREAT CHAMBERLAIN,' (Bro. of Philetus,) b. Mendon, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1831; m. Nov. 24, 1857, Mary Almanda,' dau. of Asa and Hannah (Stacey) Town;* she res. Minneapoilis, Minn. He is dead. * Note 439. ASA T0WN,6 (Absolom,5 Elisha,* Jacob,3 2 William.i) See note 159. Sept. 27, 1851, Rose. Nov. n, 1853, a May 12, 1857, Wheaton Nov. 16, 1859, (( Oct. 24, 1866, (( Oct. 19, 1868, (( M 760 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: 7776. Emma; unm., res. Minneapolis. 7777.* Hattie Towne. 7778. Harlow Hamlin; unm., res. Minneapolis. 7779.* Charles Treat. 7780.* Louis MiLTOX. J [;}628] HAVILIAH BELLAMY CLAFLlN,MEsther Treat,' Ebenezer.e--, Ruth Hamlin,* Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Mendon. N. Y., Oct. 20, 1818;: ra. 1st, Bristol, Ct., Jan. 1, 1855, Elizabeth North, who d. Hastings, Minn., Oct. 1869: m. 2d, Feb. 1872, Mrs. Emma Le Due, nee Butler; res. Hastings: his widow res. Florence, Mass., 1897. Hed. Hastings, Jan. 7, 1892. Ch- by 1st wife b. Hastings: 7781.* Frank North, Feb. 12, 1862. [3629] ESTHER MALINA CLAFLIN,8 (Sister of Haviliah B.,) b. Mendon, IN. Y.; m. Oct. 11, 1838, Hiram Munson, of East Bloomtieldr N. Y. She d. East Bloomfleld, April 26, 1840. No issue. [.36.30] ' HANNAH LAVINA CLAFLIN,^ (Sister of Haviliah B.,) b. Mendon, N. Y.; m. Everard Palmer, of Buffalo, N. Y. She d. about a;^ year after marriage; he married her sister, Achsah S, [36.31] HENRIETTA SOPHIA CLAFLIN,8 (Sister of Haviliah B..) b. Mendon, N. Y., 1833; m. John D. North. She d. Mendon, May 21, 1855, No issue. [3632] ACHSAH ANN CLAFLIN,8 (Sister of Haviliah B.,) b. Mendon, N. Y.; m. Everard Palmer, his second wife; he married first, her sister Hannah: res. Buffalo, N. Y.; shed. Aug. 15, 1853. Child: 7782. Harlow Claflin; res. Buffalo. g [3633] CYRENEUS TREAT CURTISS,« (Jemima Treat,' Ebenezer,^ Ruth Hamlin, 5 Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Moscow, N. Y., July 1/ 1820; ra. Jan. 25, 1853, Juliet McC^umber, of Belvidere, 111.; moved to California, ' 1849; remained two years; Clinton, Wis., 1887. " Child: 7783.* Charles Edwin. [3634] EMILY MARIA CURTISS,8 (Sister of Cyrenius T.,) b. Moscow, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1822: m. Jan. 1, 1843, John W., son of William and Hannah (Weaver) Gates, b. Mar. 17, 1814: tailor and farmer: res. New London, Ohio, and vicinity; moved to northern Indiana: thence to Turtle, Wis.; Repub- lican; Freewill Baptist; she res. Chicago, 111., 1887. He d. Turtle, Dec. 14, 1869, EIGHTH GENERATION. 761 Children: 7784. Charles M., b. June 6, 1846, New London; d. Nov. 1, '48 7785. CyreneusC, " Dec. 15,1847, " "■ " Oct. 17, '48 7786. Alvina, " Dec. 17, 1849, " " " Feb. 1, '73 7787.* Sierra Nevada, " July 28, 1851, " " [Chicago. 7788. Charles Mortimer," Feb. 19, 1855, Pleasant Lake, Ind.; res. 7789.* Ida Eveline, " May 17, 1857, " " " [36.S6J EBENEZER HAMLIN CURTISS,* (Bro. of Cyreneus T.,) b. Mendon, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1828; ra. Oct. 27, 1864, Mattie E. Phillips, who d. May 24, 1870: photographer: Whitewater, Wis. Child: 7790. Mrs Emma B. Bell, Tacoma, Wash. [8637] ESTHER JANE CURT1SS,8 (Sister of Cyreneus T., ) b. Ruggles, Ohio, Mar. 2, 1833; m. Clinton, Wis., Sept. 19, 1875, Humphrey Clark; farmer; Shopiere, Wis., 1840-1900; Congs.; he d. Shopiere, Nov. 6, 1900. No issue. [3638] DANIEL WILLIAM CURT1SS,8 (Bro. of Cyreneus T.,) b. Ruggles, Ohio, Sept. 5, 1835; m. New London, Ohio, about 1865, Mrs. Sarah E. Griggs, of New London, dau. of Horace Fish; res. Gardner; moved to Montana, 1862; res. Helena, and amassed a fortune; Freemason. His widow is Mrs. W. S. Spaulding, Helena; she Cong. He d. Helena, May 10, 1884. [.3639] CHARLES LOOMIS CURTISS,8 (Bro. of Cyreneus T.,) b. Ruggles, Ohio, Nov. 5, 1837: m. Turtle, Wis., 1879, Eva, dau. of Edd A., and Theresa (Barrus) Osborn, b. State of N. Y.; farmer: teacher for many years; musician 23 Ohio Inf. Vols., Prest. Garfield's Regt.; enlisted 1861, and served until close of war; res. New London, Ohio. In Dec. 1882 he went to attend a sick brother in Florida, was taken sick and d. there, Dec. 31, 1882. Ch. b. New London: 7791. Daisy, 1880; unm. 1902. 7792. Charles OsBORN, 1882, " [3640] WILLIAM PARK CURTISS,^ (Bro. of Cyreneus T.,) b. Ruggles, Ohio, May 29, 1841; m. New London, Ohio, Oct. 17, 1871, Louisa, dau. of Horace and Nancy (Segur) Fish, b. Oct. 25, 1853; farmer: later manu- facturer of wooden ware; Ruggles, until 1873; since, New London; Mayor of New London, 1900-2; member Floral Lodge, 260. A. F. & A. M., and New Lon- don Chapter R. A. M.; she member Leroy Chapter 82, O. E. S. She d. New London, July 22, 1901. Children: 7793.* Mattie Evalena, b. June 19, 1873, Ruggles. 7794. William Raymond, " Nov. 26, 1881, N. London; d. Dec. 11, '82. [3641] ORRIN B. TREAT,* (Park," Ebenezer.s Ruth Hamlin,^ Corne- lius,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Mendon, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1829; res. Northfield, Mich. Twelve children. 762 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3642] MARY TREAT/ (Sister of Orrin B.,) b. Mendon, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1833; m. Jan. 1, 1855, James Rogers: res. North- field, Mich. Two children: [.3643] HAMLIN TREAT,8 (Bro. of Orrin B.,) b. Mendon, N. Y., June 21, 1847; d. in the army, Jan. 17, 1865. [3644] WILLIAM MARCUS TREAT,? (Ebenezer H.,' Ebenezer,6 Mary| Hamlin,6 Cornelius,* Ebenezer.s Jame&.^i) b. Mendon, N. Y., Aug. 22. 1833; m. Turtle, Wis,, Oct. 31, 1860, Jennette Chloe, dau. of Edward and Rebecca Brad-| ley, b. New London, Ohio, June 19, 1839: farmer; moved to New London inj childhood, and resided there until 1845: Turtle, Wis., until Oct. 1871; Emerson,] Iowa, until 189-; afterwards, Doniphan, Neb.; Republican and Prohibitionist;! Justice Peace; Baptists, in which church he was deacon. He d. Doniphan,} Feb. 4, 1900. Children: 7795.* Addie Rebecca, b. Sept. 27, 1863, Turtle. 7796.* Edward Bradley, " Mar. 20, 1867, Clinton. 7797.* Ebenezer Hamlin, " Mar. 20, 1867. " 7798.* Mabel Louise. " Sept. 24, 1868, 7799. Carrie E., " Jan. 23, 1876, Emerson; d. Aug. 20, 1876.J 7800. Cakroll Newcomb, " Jan. 23, 1876, " unm. 1900. 7801. Ethel Alvira, " July 19, 1881, [3645] MARY LOUISA TREAT,* (Sister of William M.,) b. New London, Ohio, Oct. 14, 1835: ra. Clinton, Wis., Apr. 19, 1860, Edgar| Emerson, son of Edwin and (Woods) Hatch, b. Montpelier, Vt., Mar. 24, 1835; carpenter: came from East Croftsbury, Vt., to Clinton, Wis., and re- moved to Kansas City, Mo. He d. Kansas City, Aug. 31, 1888; she res. there. Ch. b. Clinton: 7802.* Marcus Woods, Aug. 27, 1863. 7803.* Minnie Louisa, Mar. 23, 1865. 7804.* Harlow Treat, Sept. 19, 1866. 7805.* Hamlin Edgar, May 26, 1870. 7806. Fausta Treat, Sept. 21, 1873; unm. 1900. [3646] MILTON PARK TREAT,8 (Bro. of William M.,) b. New London, Ohio, Sept. 21, 1837; m. 1st, Walworth, Wis., Sept. 17, 1863, Fausta A., dau. of David J. and Lucy (Leet) Conklin, b. Nunda, N.Y., Mar. 5, 1840, who d. Clinton, Wis., Oct. 25, 1866; m. 2d, Florence, 111., Sept. 14, 1868, Mrs. Catharine Jane, widow of William Orton Saxton and dau. of Peter F. and Lydia (Peck) Ellis, b. Lexington, N. Y., Nov. 24,1837; merchant; removed from New London to Turtle, Wis., with his parents, 1845; res. Clinton, Wis., since 1868; Prohibitionist: Baptist. No issue. [3647] FRANKLIN HALL TREAT,* (Bro. of William M.,) b. New London, Ohio, Sept. 10, 1843; m. Beloit, Wis. Sept. 26, 1866, Ellen Jane, dau. of Alexander and Julia A. Case, b. Clinton, Wis., Apr. 28, 1847; mer- chant; moved from Evansville, Wis. to Canton, South Dakota. EIGHTH GENERATION. 763 Cli. b. Evansville, 7807.* Marcia Eugenie, Oct. 17, 1868, 7808.* Claude Milo, Mar. 28, 1871, 7809. Ora Emperess, 7810. Ada Lydia, 7811. Myron, 7812. Milton, 7813. Mabel Treat, 7814. Roy Wayland, [3648J CAROLINE ESTHER ELIZA TREAT,^ (Sister of William M.,) b. Turtle, Wis.. Jan. 15, 1850; m. Clinton, Wis., May 14, 1874, Wayland Merle, son of Myron and Lydia M. (Bassett) Newell, b. Volney, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1846; book keeper; Des Moines, Iowa, since 1879. Children: b. Jan. 17, 1877, Clermont, la.; unm. 1900. " Apr. 15, 1879, Des Moines; " " " June 28, 1881, •' d. July 27, 1881. " June 28, 1881, " " July 29, 1881. " Sept. 8, 1886, " Mar. 18, 1893, " [3649] EMPERESS MERIAM TREAT,^ (Sister of William M.,) b. Turtle, Wis., Aug. 5, 1854; m. Clinton, Wis., Oct. 9, 1879, James Lamo- reaux, son of J. Lucius and Anna M. Pangborn, b. Schoharie, N. Y., June 28, 1850; merchant; Clinton. Ch. b. Clinton: 7815. Ethel Pearl, Oct. 15, 1880. 7816. Floy Eugenie, Nov, 23, 1881; d. Mar. 12, 1884. 7817. Myrtle Matilda, Jan. 11, 1884. 7818. A Daughter, June 10, 1891; d. June 24, 1891. [3650] EDWARD C. PLATT,8 (William H.,^ Henry J.,* Hopestill Hamlin, 5 Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) Treasurer Postal Telegrapli Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. [3656] WILLIAM EDWARD PLATT,8 (Charles A.,' Charles,* Hope- still Hamlin,* Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Augusta, Ga., Jan. 21, 1853; m. New Rochelle, N.Y., Sept. 25,1877, Esther, dau. of Thaddeus and Mary (Daniels) Davids, b. New Rochelle, Nov. 30, 1851; merchant, undertaker and embalmer: Augusta; Democrat; member of Lodge 35, K. of P., and of Miller Lodge 11, I.O.O. P.; Epis. No issue. [3661] Rev. CHARLES AM ASA MARKS,^ (Lucy Ann Platt,^ Charles," Hopestill Hamlin, 5 Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ ,Iames,2i) b. New Haven, Ct., July 19, 1851; m. Mary Devine; clergyman; studied at Union College, N. Y, and at Di- vinity School, Philadelphia, Pa. unm. 1902. Children: 7819. Lucy Mary, b. May 15, 1878, Philadelphia; 7820. Annie, Jan. 27, 1880, u 7821. Charles Edwin, Aug. 14, 1881, Hazeltine, 7822. Mary Esther, Aug. 26, 1883, St. Clair, 7823, Eliza Jennette, Feb. 7, 1885, a 7824. Amasa Abraham, July 21, 1889, u 764 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3662] GEORGE EDWIN MARKS,* (Bro. of Charles A.,) b. New York City, Jan. 29, 1853: rn. there, Oct. 18, 1888, Louise, dau. of James Henry and Frances Matilda (Gratacap) Ridaback, b. N. Y, City, June 18, 1862. He grad. from Union College, N. Y., with honor, 1879: member firm of A. A. Marks, 701 Broadway, N. Y., mfg. of artificial limbs, the largest house of the kind in the world; Republican, has held local public offices; mem. Union College Alumni Asso.; Manitou Lodge, 106, A. F. & A. M.; Manhattan Chapter, R. A. M.; Palestine Commandery, K. T.; N. Y. Hist. So.; New England So., N. Y.; Riverside Yoder Club; Metropolitan Museum of Art; The XIII Club, etc.; Cong.; she Epis. Ch. b. N< Y. City: 7825. Frances Louise, Dec. 10, 1889. 7826. Anna Grace, Nov. 22, 1890. 7827. George Edwin, Apr. 28, 1898. [3666] WILLIAM LINCOLN MA RKS,« (Bro. of Charles A.,) b. New York City, Aug, 11, 1862; ra. Sound Beach, Ct., Feb. 23, 1886,Mary, dau. of Charles Edward and Isabella (LaChapelle) Quintard, b. Sound Beach, who d. there, July 30, 1886; member firm of A. A. Marks, N.Y. City, man'fr. of artificial limbs; res. N.Y. City, until 1872; since, Sound Beach; Republican; member Manitou Lodge 106, A.F. &A.M.; Manhattan Chapter. R. A. M.; Pal- estine Commandery, K. T., and athletic and social clubs of Sound Beach; she Cong. [3676] ELIZABETH PLATT,^ (William, L.," Charles,« Hopestill Ham- lin,5 Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James.^i) b. Augusta, Ga., Nov. 16. 1867; m. Sa- vannah, Ga., June 10, 1897, John Francis Burns; res, Havana, Cuba. [3679] PHEBE MARIA BROWN,* George,' Phebe Hamlin," Jabez,^ Thomas,! Ebenezer.s James, 21) b. Columbia Co., N. Y., April 8, 1809; m. 1st, 1833, Ocea Moore, b. N. Y., 1808, who d. Flint, Ind., Sept. 26, 1838; m. 2d, Flint, 1840, Benjamin Crummel; carpenter; Republican; she, Presb.; he d. Flint; slie d. Steuben Co., Ind., Jan. 26, 1845. ' Ch. by 1st marriage, b. Flint: 7828. William, June 3, 1834; d. California. 7829.* Abigail Catherine, Sept. 17, 1837. 7830. Otea, Mar. 6, 1839, " Flint. By 2d marriage: 7831.* Nancy M., b. May 15, 1841, Flint. [3680] JOHN WRIGHT BROWN,« (Bro. of Phebe M.;) b. Columbia Co., N. Y., Mar. 22, 1811; m. Vienna, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1833, Mary C, dau. of Ira and (Faxon) Cook, b. Broome Co., N. Y., Nov. 16, 1816; carpenter and farmer; came to Tipton, Iowa, 1836, where he afterwards resided; Whig and Republican; commissioned by Gov. Robert Lucas, July 8, 1839, 1st Lieut., 2d Co., 1st Regt. Militia, Iowa Territory, 2 Brig., 2 Division; appointed Brigade Inspector, Jan. 3, 1840: Postmaster; Shiloh, la., 1861, 1873-5; Good Templar; Presbs.: she d. Tipton, 1885. He d. Mar. 19, 1901. Ch. b. Tipton: "7832. Emma, 7833. Theodore, 7834. Henry, 7835. George, 7836. Clarissa, 7837.* Mary, 7838. John W., 7839.* Ebenezer Cook, 7840.* Fred, 7841. Infant, 7842. Charles, EIGHTH GENERATION. 765 Aug. 7, 1834; d. Sept. 15. 1836. Oct. 28, 1835, " Jan. 1, 1848. May 27, 1840, " Dec. 12, 1844. May 27, 1840, " Nov. 10, 1841. Aug. 12, 1843, " Dec. 13, 1844. Mar. 13, 1846. Dec. 19, 1847: d. June 3, 1868, unm. Dec. 25, 1849. Feb. 26, 1852. 'July 6, 1856; d. July 9, 1856. Aug. 25, 1857. [3681] FREDERICK HAMLIN BROWN,8 (Bro. of Phebe M.,) b. Columbia Co., N. Y., April 22, 1813; m. 1st, 1838, Mary Harmon, wbo d. 1842; m. 2d, Hamilton, Ind., Jan. 15, 1846, Olive, dau. of Joseph and Rachael {Smart) Gambia, b. Utica, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1^25, who d. Orland, Ind., Feb. 16, 1893; farmer; N. Y. State, until 1835; aftervs^ards, LaGrange Co., Ind,; Repub- lican; Presbs.; he d. Greentield, Ind., Jan. 25, 1886. Ch. by 1st wife: 7843. Theodore; d. infancy. By 2d wife, b. LaGrange Co.: 7844.* Mary E., Aug. 31, 1848. 7845. Florence A., Feb. 1., 1854; d. Nov. 19, 1860. 7840. Frederic C, May 3, 1856, " Feb. 3, 1857. 7847. Charles H., May 12, 1858, " Nov. 26, 186a [3682] BETSEY CHARLOTTE BROWN,8 (Sister of Phebe M.,) b. Columbia Co., N. Y., Aug. 14, 1815; m. 1st, John Clark Lee, b. Yates Co., N. Y., who d. 1839; m. 2d, Flint, Ind., George, son of John and (Howard) Stocker, b. Vermont, 1814, who d. Sac City, Iowa, July 25, 1885; Republican; Presbs. She d. Salem Center, Ind., Dec. 12, 1890. Ch. by 1st marriage, b. Flint: 7848.* John Clark, Jan. 16, 1835. By 2d marriage: 7849.* George Lucian, b. 1841, Cold water, Mich. 7850.* Mary, " Dec 29, 1842, Orland. 7851.* JohnLeland, '* 1846, " [3683] ABIGAIL CATHARINE BROWN,^ (Sister of Phebe M.,) b. Columbia Co., N. Y., Dec. 8, 1817; m. Lima, Ind., Dec, 1837, James Mad- ison, SOD of Simeon and Hannah Taft (Keith) Keith, b. Madison Co., N. Y., Feb. 25, 1811; farmer: Lima; Republican; Presb. Both d. LeGrange Co., Ind.; she, July 15, 1892; he, Jan, 19, 1895. Ch. b. Lima: 7852.* Mary C, Dec. 14, 1841. 7853.* Charlotte Elizabeth, Oct. 26, 1843. 7854. James C, Nov. 29, 1850; res. Battle Creek, Mich. 7855.* Harriet M., Dec. 2, 1853. 7856. John R., Dec. 12, 1855; res. Battle Creek, Mich. 7857.* Edward Luther, July 20, 1858. T60 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3684J Rev. GEORGE BROWN,^ (Bro. of Phebe M.,) b. Columbia Co., N. Y., Feb. 1, 1820: m. Steuben Co., Ind., June 12, 1842;. | Emily Delia McNellie, b. there, Mar. 12, 1818; carpenter and clergyman; Steu-j ben Co., Ind., Republican; Presbs. Iowa, Dec. 7, 1895. Children: Edwin, Angus McKinley, Eliza Parmley, Martha S., George, Betsey Elizabeth, Emma Jane, Frederick Hamlin, Mary Ann, 7858. 7859.* 78H0.* 7861. 7862.* 7863. 7864. 7865.* 7866.* She d. Mich., Mar. 18, 1876; he d. Sac City,. b. Nov. 1, 1844; res. Talledaga, Ala " Apr. 13, 1847, Orland. " Mar. 9, 1848, Steuben Co. " Mar. 6, 1850; d. Mar. 27, 1850. April 2?, 1851, Steuben Co. Feb. 8, 1854. Aug. 29, 1856; m. William Sutherland, »', Sept. 5, 1858, Steuben Co. May 31, 1860, Cedar Co. [3685] SAMUEL WRIGHT BR0WN,8 (Bro. of Phebe M.,) b. Columbia Co., N. Y., Mar. 18, 1823; m. Lima, Ind., Apr. 22, 1847, Eliza-j beth, dau. of John and Dinah ( Bodley) Wilson, b. Plymouth, Ohio, Jan. 22, 1826: farmer; Salem Center, Ind.; Republican; he came from N. Y. State to Ind. with his father's family, 1836; Presbs. Both d. Salem; he, Mar. 21, 1899: she, Sept, 9, 1896. Ch. b. Steuben Co., Ind., Feb. 20, 1849; d. Aug. 4, 1850. Oct. 23, 1851, " Aug. 12, 1858. Mar. 25, 1853, " Mar. 23, 1859. Oct. 23, 1854, " Mar. 8, 1868. Mar. 3, 1857. Sept. 17, 1865; d. May 9, 1872. 7867. Irvin W., 7868. John E., 7869. Edgar D., 7870. Edwin W., 7871.* Estella D., 7872. Elbert J., [3686] WILLIAM BROWN,^ (Bro. of Phebe M.,) b. Columbia Co., N. Y., Jan. 14, 1825: m. 1st, 1850, Delia Linder, who d.; ra. 2d, Red Oak, Iowa, Apr. 16, 1859, Elizabeth, dau. of Hance and Margaret (Shields) Ferguson, b. Clarion Co., Pa., Apr. 7, 1829; she Presb. She d. Stan- wood, Iowa, Dec. 27, 1893; retired fai-mer; Stanwood; Republican; member Star Lodge 166, I. O. O. F. Ch. by 1st wife: Gertrude P, b. Oct. 26, 1852. By 2d wife, b. Cedar Co., Iowa: Irving, Apr. 3, 1860; d. Jan. 16, 1865. Margaret, Dec. 4, 1865. Elizabeth, Nov. 16, 1870; d. Apr. 24, 1894, unmv 7873.* 7874. 7875.* 7876. [3687] OLIVE BROWN,* (Sister of Phebe M.,) b. Phelps, N. Y., June 25, 1828; m. 1st, Salem, Ind., Nov. 11, 1846, Joseph Ormer Bown; farmer; Greenfield, Ind.: Whig; Freemason. He d. Greenfield, Feb. 3, 1850; m. 2d, July 1, 1850, Jefferson W. Haskins, b. Aug. 4, 1811; farmer; Steuben Co., Ind. He d, Apr. 30, 1863: she res. Angola, Ind.; Presb. EIGHTH GENERATION. 767 Ch. by 1st marriage: "7877. Lucy Maria, b. Oct. 25, 1847, Salem; d. Nov. 2, 1847. 7878.* Frances Abigail, " Apr. 15, 1849, Greenfield. By 2d marriage: 7879.* David, b. Aug. 7, 1851, Steuben Co. 7880. Nelson .Iefferson, " Feb. 10, 1854; d. Feb. 18, 1876, unm. 7881.* John, " Nov. 20, 1857. [3688] LUCY ANN BROWN,8 (Sister of Pliebe M.,) b. Phelps, N. Y., Apr. 23, 1831; m. Salem Center, Ind., 1850, John Sutber- land, b. N. Y. State, 1828: farmer; Salem Center: Whig; Methodist; she Presb. Both d. Lima, Ind.: she Apr. 30, 1861; he 1859. Children: 7882. Irving, Dec. 10, 1851, OrIa,nd; d. 1869. 7883.* John William, Jan. 14, 1853, Salem Center. 7884.* Lucy Arvilla, Aug. 16, 1855, Lima. 7885.* Maria, Apr. 1, 1857, Orland. [3689] MARY ANN BROWN,8 (Sister of Phebe M.,) b. Phelps, N. Y., Mar. 6, 1834: m. Lima, Ind., Mar. 1853, John Russell, son of Randall and Lucinda (Keith) W\)od, b. Bristol, N. Y., Mar. 16, 1832; res. •Salem Center, Steuben Co., Ind.; Republican; Presbs. She has rendered valu- able assistance in compiling this branch of the family records. He d. Salem ■Center, Aug. 12, 1875. fen: b. Mar. 23, 1854, Lima. " Dec. 13, 1865, Orland. " Dec. 13, 1865; d. Dec. 24, 1865. " Nov. 8, 1870, Lagrange Co. [3701] A. S. HAMLIN,^ (James V.,' Salmon,^ Jabez,^ Thomas,* Eben- ezer,3 James,2i) b. Duchess Co., N. Y., Aug. 22, 1824; lawyer; Cincinnati, Ohio, 1896. [3702] GEORGE E. HAMLIN,« (Bro. of A. S., ) died Newark, N. J. Child: 7890.* James. [3704] CAROLINE L. DEWEY.^ (Susan M. Fairchild,^ Lucinda Ham- j lin,6 Jabez,6 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,^ i) b. Great Barrington, Mass., Oct. f 1, 1810; teacher; d. Columbia, Miss., Aug. 24, 1840, unm. [3705] SEYMOUR BOUGHTON DEWEY,' (Bro. of Caroline L.,) b. Great Barrington, Mass., Aug. 25, 1814; m. May 25, 1843, Caroline Helen il Eice, res. North Egremont, Mass, Ch. b. Egremont: 7891.* Maria Louise, b. Mar. 8, 1849. 7892.* Carrie, " Apr. 9, 18.53. 7893. Edward L., *' May 25, 1857; d. Sept. 9, 1859. Children: 7886.* Adelbebt R.-, 7887.* Lincoln R., 7888. Leander R., 7889.* William W., 768 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3706] JOHN FAIRCHILD DEWEY,« (Bro. of Caroline L.,) b. Great Barrington, Mass., April 27, 1817: m. WellingtoD, Ohio, Sept. 22"^ 1845, Ann Eliza, dau. of and Hulda (Herrick) Wolcott, b. Sandistield, Mass.: druggist; came to Norwalk, Ohio, 1845: county treasurer, 1859-60; inter- nal revenue collector, 1861-6; Odd Fellow; Epis. His widow and three daugh- ters res. Norwalk; he d. there, April 30, 1874. Ch. b. Norwalk: 7894.* Alice Caroline, Feb. 22, 1847. 7895.* Ella Josephine, Feb. 16, 1849. 7896. Edla Joan, Feb. 16; 1849; unm. 1897. 7897. Mary JosLiN, Mar. 1, 1853; d. July 21,. 1853. f 7898.* Frank Latimer, June 24,. 1856. [3707] WILLIAM DEWEY,8 (Bro. of Caroline L.,) b. Great Barrington, Mass., June 17, 1819; m. 1852, Maria Stoddard, of Alford, Mass.; farmer; Republican. He d. Gloversville, N. Y., Dec. 30, 1893. Children: 7899. Alice, unm. 1897. 7900. Ho>vardGrotius. 7901. Elizabeth, unm. 1897, 7902. Edward. [3708] THEODORE DEWEY,8 (Bro. of Caroline L.,) b. Great Barrington, Mass., Mar. 26, 1822; m. there, Dec. 18, 1848, Katlia- rine Mary, dau. of William and Mary Moore, b. Great Barrington, Oct. 20, 1826;. book-keeper; res. N. Y., 1860-1894; afterwards Rutherford, N. J.; Republican, Ch. b. Great Barrington: 7903.* Florence, Sept. 9, 1850. ■ 7904. Stanley, July 20, 1854; unm. 1897. [3709] ELIZA WOOSTER,* (Almira Fairchild,' Lucinda Hamlin, "^ Jabez,5Tliomas,* Ebenezer,'^ James,2i) b. Alford, Mass., July 26, 1811; m. there, 1830, Eliada Orton, son of Robert Abraham and Lucretia (Orton) Foote,* b, Woodbury, Ct., 1816; farmer; settled Green Creek, Ohio, 1830; afterwards, Wellington, Oliio; Republican. He d. Wellington, 1886. Children: 7905.* Abigail Lucinda, Nov. 16, 1831. 7906. Frances Almira, July 14, 1833; d. Sept. 23, 1851, unm. 7907. Grotius Dewey, Jan. 17, 1835, " July 19, 1882, " 7908.* Caroline Dewey, Apr. 11, 1836. 7909. Nathan Wooster, July 10, 1841; m. Caroline Lord. 7910. Eliada Orton, Oct, 1, 1845; " Emma Louise Howe. 7911. Ella Maria, July 21, 1847. " Arthur Wooster.s [3710] JOHN WOOSTER,8 (Bro. of Eliza,) b. Alford, Mass., June 7, 1814; m. Cleveland, Ohio, Lavina Rhodes, of Cleve- j land; druggist; settled Green Creek, Ohio, 1830; afterwards, Elyria, Fremont * For Foote see note 193 EIGHTH GENERATION. 769 and Wellington, Ohio; Republican; Methodist. Both d. Wellington; he, Jan., 1875. Children: 7912.* Arthur. 7913. Alice, b. 1854; m. Edward Hart. P711] HENRY MORTIMER WOOSTER,« (Bro. of Eliza,) b. Alford, Mass., July 24, 1817: m. Wellington, Ohio, 1840, Jeannette, dau. of John Nickles, b. Watertown, N. Y.; druggist: Wellington, Sullivan, Ply- mouth and Norwalli, Ohio; Republican; she Epis. Both d. Norwalk; he, Dec. 21, 1881; she Aug. 26, 1896. Children: 7914.* Caroline Diswey, b. Feb 19, 1841, Sullivan. 7915.* Charlotte, " Oct. 26, 1842, Chatham. 7916.* Sarah .1 eanistette, " Nov. 17, 1849, Plymouth. 7917. Alma Frances, " July 13, 1851; unm. 1897. [3712] WILLIAM FLETCHER WOOSTER,* (Bro. of Eliza,) b. Alford, Mass., May 2, 1820; ni. 1st, Caroline Park; m. 2d, Bertha ; druggist; Elyria, Ohio, 1897; previously at Wellington and Green Creek, Oliio. Children: 7918.* Emma. 7919.* Nathan Park, b. 1853, Elyria. [3713] Col. MOSES FAIRCHILD WOOSTER,^ (Bro. of Eliza,) b. Alford, Mass., Sept. 2.5, 1826; m. Norwalk, Ohio, June 20, 1851, Henri- etta, dau. of Joseph and Mary Millen,b. Aug. 20, 1831: druggist; Alford, Mass., Wellington and Norwalk, Ohio; Republican; Major 24th Ohio Inf. Vols., com- missioned May, 1861; dis. April, 1862; Lieut.-Colonel 101st Ohio Inf. Vols., commissioned Aug. 30, 1862. He participated in the battles of Cheat Moun- tain, Greenbrier, Perryville, Shiloh, Corinth and Stone River. In the latter battle helostaleg, Dec. 31, 1862. from which he died the following day. "During the tierce struggle an order was given to fall back, and at this time Col. Wooster fell wounded unto death. He was bourne some distance to the rear, but the flank movement of the enemy made it impossible to carry him far. 'Put me down, boys, and rally to the support of the flag,' he said; circumstances power- less to control made it necessary, and he fell into the hands of the enemy; bearing with great fortitude his agonizing wounds and dying the death of a hero in the rebel hospital on the Held of battle." Owing to his wearing the Masonic watch charm, his personal elTects were given to a friend and his body was sent home, where it now lies under an in- spiring monument erected to his memory in beautiful Woodlawn Cemetery, Norwalk, Ohio. Moses T. Wooster Post, G. A. R. was named in his honor; member Mt. Vernon Lodge, 64, A. F. & A. M.; Odd Fellow; Methodist; she |res. Cleveland, Ohio; Epis. Ch. b. Norwalk: 7920.* Fannie, Feb. 19, 1853. 7921.* Evelyn, July 22, 1857. r THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Col. Mosics F. Wooster. Inscription on his monument: MOSES FAIRCHILD WOOSTER Lt-Col. 101st Regt. O. V. 1. Wounded, Dec. 31, 1862, at BATTLE OF STONE RIVER MURFREESBORO, TeNN. Died, Jan, 1, 1863, Aged 37 Years, 3 Months, 28 Days Cheat Mountain Greenbrier Perryville Shiloh Corinth Stone River EIGHTH GENERATION. 771 [3714] THEODORE SAMUEL WOOSTER,* ( Bro. of Eliza,) b. Green Creek, now Clyde. Ohio, 1832; m. Lst, Mary, dau. of Milton and Matilda (Williams) Goodnow, of Norwalk, Ohio: m. 2d, Mrs. J'annie Rogers, nee Safford. of Chicago, III.: Druggist: Norwalk, Ohio. 1897, formerly WelUngton and Green Creek, Ohio: Republican; Knight Templar; wives Epis. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Norwalk: 7922. William M., Apr. 10. 1866; d. May 20, 1867. By 2d wife, b. Norwalk: 792.}. Mortimer Safford, July 6,1875. 7924. Clara Louise, Nov. 24, 1879. [3715] MARY CORDELIA FENN, 8 (Achsah E. Fairchild," Lucinda Hamlin, <= Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Alford, Mass., Dec. 9, 1823; m. there, Dec. 6, 1849, William R., son of Sabra and Phebe (Francis) Calkins, b. Chatham, N. Y.. Aug. 10, 1823: farmer; Alford; Republican; Methodists, No children reported. [3716] CAROLINE R. FENN,« (Sister of Mary C.,) b. Alford, Mass.. Mar. 27, 1827; m. there, Aug. .3, 1850, William, son of William and Sally (Melican) Milligan, b. Alford, May 1, 1803: farmer; Democrat; Methodist. Both d. Alford; she Nov. 9, 1855; he May 26, 1861. No children reported. [3717] ELIZA MARIA FENN,* (Sister of Mary C.,) b. Alford, Mass., Mar. 4, 1830; m. Egremont, Mass., Dec. 29, 1864, Andrew J., son of Jonathan and Esther (Church) Baldwin, b. Egremont; farmer; Dem- ocrat. He d. Great Barrington, Oct. 20, 1891. No children reported. [3718] WILLIAM DEWEY FENN,8 (Bro. of Mary C.,) b. Alford, Mass., .Tan. 5. 1838: m. New York, Aug. 3, 1860, Bertha C. L. Heath, b. New York, Feb. 5, 1840: farmer; Republican; she Methodist. Both d. Great Barrington, Ma.ss.: he May 6, 1872; she Oct. 5, 1872. Children: 7925. Robert C, b. Aug. 15, 1866, New York. 7926. Rose H., " Great Barrington. 7927. Walter B., ^ " July 24, 1868, " " 7928. Ada B., ' " Egremont. [3719] HORACE JONES FAIRCHILD,8 (Moses.' Lucinda Hamhn,^ Jabez,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Stockbridge, Mass., May 10, 1827; m. N. Y. City, Oct. 19, 1853, Maria Louise, dau. of Col. John and Elizabeth T. (Taylor) Stiles, b. N. Y. City, Oct. 15, 1837. Children: 7929. Constance Louisa, b. Feb. 19, 1857, Manchester, Eng. 7930. Edith Hope, " Sept. 21, 1859, N.Y. City. 7931- Horace Jones, " Nov. 11, 1861, " d. Oct. 3, 1862. 7932.* Henry Marttn,. " Dec. 28, 1862, " 7933. Arthur Stiles, " Jan. 31, 1867, Southport, Eng. 79,34.* Helen Marguerite, " Feb. 18, 1872, Rawdon, Eng. 7935. Christine Maria, " Jan. 30, 1876, " " 772 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3720] FRANCES ELIZABETH FAIRCH1LD,8 (Sister of Horace J.,) b. Stockbridge, Mass., Nov. 23, 1830; m. Middletown, Ct., by Rev. John R. Crane, Dec. 15, 1852, .John M. Hubbard,* b. Middletown, 1852: merchant; Mid- dletown, at one time with Frederick V. Hamlin, ^ N. Y. City. They were divorced at her instance; she res. N. Y. City.; a very religious lady, and is known as Mrs. Fairchild. He d. there, many years ago. No issue. [3721] JARVIS MATHIAS FAIRCHILD,^ (Bro. of Horace J.,) b. Stockbridge, Mass., Oct. 12, 1832; m. Apr. 13, 1855, Mary Louisa, dau. of Joseph and Eliza (Blossom) Hoxie, b. Oct. 27, 18.35. He d. Aug. 13, 189(i. Children: 7936. Walter Mitchell, b. Oct. 30, 1856; m. Harriet E. Corwio. 7937. Maria Wade, " Apr. 6, 1862; d. Aug. 17, 1862. 7938.* Jarvis Rose, " Aug. 23. 1868. [3729] DANIEL JAY JOHNS,^ (Daniel J.,' Ruth Hardlin,'' Jabez,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Wellington, Ohio, 1828; res. Westernia, Cheatham Co., Tenn. Several children. [3730] EDWARD LUCIAN JOHNS,^ (Bro. of Daniel J., ) b. Wellington, Ohio, Mar. 14, 1830; m. there, Feb. 19, 1856, Charlotte Maria, dau. of Henry Robert and Eliza B. (Hawk) Couch, b. Wellington, Feb. 19, 1836; farmer; Wellington; Republican: town councilman. Ch. b. Wellington: 7939. Frederic C, Dec. 4, 1856; unm. 1897. 7940. Gertrude Mary, Nov. 7, 1857, " 7941. Elizabeth L., Sept. 11, 1861, " " 7942. Carrie, Aug. 10, 1863; d. Mar. 14, 1864. 7943. Georgie May, Mar. 7, 1873; unm. 1897. [3731] BISHOP LEMAN JOHNS,' (Bro. of Daniel J.,) b. Wellington, Ohio, 1833; m. Elgin, Oregon, Mar. 4, 1889. He went to Placerville, Cal., 1852, and worked in the mines in California six years, and one winter at Salmon River, Idaho; removed to Walla Walla, Wash.; to Union County, Oregon, and took up land; then removed to Elgin, Ore., where he has since resided; farmer. Child: 7944. Jay Wilbur. [3733] WILLIAM FREDERICK JOHNS,' (Bro. of Daniel J.,) b. Wellington, Ohio, 1889; m. Sarah Smith; private H, 2d Ohio Cav., en- hsted Oct. 8, 1861; dis. Sept. 11, 1865; farmei'; Wellington. Children: 7945. A Child. 7946. Elizabeth May, d. aged 8 month. 7947. Lena Estella, b. July 11, 1882; unm. 1897. For Hubbard see note ZiS. EIGHTH GENERATION. 773 I3735J CHARLES READ CHURCH,8 (Nathaniel,' Ruth Hamlin.o -Jabez,'' Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Troy, N.Y., Aug. 10, 1830; m. Dec. 1, 1857, Mary E., dau. of Townsead M. and Martha McConn (Card) Vail, b. Troy, N. Y.; wholesale druggist, retired; residences in Troy and Saratoga, 1896, some ■time in Chicago, 111.; Democrat; member Chi Psi Society, Williams College; Presb. She d. April, 1896. Ch. b. Troy: 7948. TowNSE^JD Vail, Sept. 11, 1858; res. Chicago, 111. 7949. CuARLKs Nathaniel, Aug. 9, 1863; d. June 13, 1889, Saratoga. [3736] MARY L. CHURCH,8 (Sister of diaries R.,) b. Troy, N. Y., 1832; m. Walter P. Tillman, of Troy; she Presb. She d. a tew years later. No issue. [3737] HARRIET R. CHURCH,' (Sister of Charles R.,) b. Troy, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1835; m. there, Nov. 4, 1858, Rev. Charles Seymour Eobinson, D. D., L. L. D., son of Gen. Henry and Martha P. (Haynes) Robin- son, b. Bennington, Vt., Mar. 31, 1829; Pastor First Presb. Church, Brooklyn, N. Y.; American Church Paris, France; Madison Ave. and N. Y. Presb. Church, N. Y. City; res. Brooklyn, Paris and New York City; compiler of hymns. She Iay26, 1847: farmer: Salisbury; Democrat; selectman; assessor; member Conn, liegislature; Methodists. The homestead successively occupied by his grand- parents, Nathaniel and Ruth C'hurch, and later by his fatiier, in Salisbury, is occupied by him; in this liouse are portraits of Nathaniel and Ruth Church: his son also has a residence on the same farm; tbey are extensively engaged in raising cattle and sheep. She d. Salisbury, Feb. 1, 1872. Ch. b. Salisbury: 7964.* John Edward, pec. 5, 1866. 7965. Nellie Josephine, Apr. 25, 1868: married. 7966. Mary Ann, Nov, 19, 1869; unm. 1897, [3755] RUTH LOIS WARD,8 (Sister of NathanielC.,) b. Salisbury, Ct., Jan. 17, 1845; m. June 30, 1869, Lee D., son of Daniel a"nd Mary Ann (Canfield) Brewster; she Methodist; she d. Salisbury, Aug. 28, 1890. [3757] EDWARD HAMLIN HAZEN,* M. D., (Minerva C. Hamlin,- Jabez,6s Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Elyria, Ohio, Apr. 12, 1834; m. Lancaster. Ohio, Sept. 23, 1874, Sarah, dau. of Jacob Stucky and Elizebeth •(Bowser) Freeman, b. near Lancaster, Oct- 18, 1845: private, K, 2d Mich. Inf, Vols.; enlisted May 24, 1861; served 13 months; participated in battle of Bull Run; discharged to accept appointment of Hospital Steward, U. S. A.; served in the hospitals at Alexandria, Va., June 22, 1862 to June 22, 1865: he began the study of medicine at State University, Mich., 1859; after the war, graduated from Med. Dept. Wooster University, Cleveland, Ohio, 1866; practiced medi- cine, Buffalo, N. Y., a year: settled at Davenport, Iowa, and practiced eight years; established an Infirmary there, 1875, and had an extentive practice; de- <;iding to make a specialty of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, to prepare himself, be attended clinics in the hospitals of New York, Phila. and Boston several winters, under the best instructors; in 1872 he visited the hospitals in London and Paris, observing surgical operations by the best talent in the world; 776 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. was professor and lectured on the subjects of his profession in Med. Dept. Iowa" State University, 1870-4: in College of Physicians and Surgeons Med. Dept. Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, as professor of Ophthalmology and Otology, 1882- 1900: res. Davenport, 1867-92: since at Des Moines, where he has an exten- sive private practice; member of many societies: American Med. Asso., Inter- national Ophthalmological and Otological Congresses, Iowa State Med. So., Polk Co. Med. So., Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences, was Commander August Wentz Post 1, G. A. R., member Crocker Post G. A. R., Med. Director G. A. R. Dept. Iowa, 1894-5, Davenport Lodge 37, A. F. & A. M., Davenport Chapter, 12, R. A. M., A. & A. Scottish Rite, Consistory of lowr, 32°, member Sons Am. Rev. and Registrar for Iowa. She graduated from Lancaster high school, and Pleasant township Academy; before marriage was a school teacher. Ch. b. Davenport: 7967. Edward F., May 22, 1875; d. July 14, 1875. 7968. AUZELLA F., May 22, 1875, (li July 30, 1875. 7969. AuzELLA May, May n, 1876, U Aug. 19, 1894. 7970. Edward Bowser, Feb. 23, 1878. 7971. Laura Telephone, Sept. 16, 1879. 7972. Charles A L, May 8, 1881: d. Apr. 27, 1883. 7973. Roy Alfred, Jan. 23, 1884. 7974. Arthur Waldo, Feb. ^1, 1886. 7975. Benjamin Hamljn, Aug. 22. 1890. Children: 7979. AUZELLA LoUIZA, b. Aug. 29, 1875; d. Jan. 10, 1881. 7980. Esther Hamlin, " Aug. 23, 1877. 7981. Lloyd Hazen, " Feb. 3, 1882. 7972. Percy Hazen, " Feb. 3, 1882. 7973. Harry Pkeston, " July 17, 1885. [3760] ELIZABETH GATES HAZEN,* (Sister of Edward H.,) b. Elyria, Ohio, Dec. 18, 1837; m. Oberlin, Ohio, Jan. 24, 1865, Erastus, som of Erastus and .Jane Ann (Dean) Clark,* b. Lima, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1826; he was several years in the service of the Buffalo and Rochester R. R. Co., and was- appointed its general freight agent 1852: upon consolidation of the roads- between Albany and Buffalo, he continued with the N. Y. Central and Hudson River road as its general freight agent, until he had served 47 years contin- uously in the service of the Railroad companies; resided Buffalo until 1877; since N. Y. City. She was educated at Oberlin College, Class 1863; Methodist. Ch. b. Buffalo: 7976. Walter Hazen, Dec. 15, 1865. 7977. AuzELLA Susan, Apr. 25, 1873; d. Feb. 9, 1874. 7978. Dean, Apr, 4, 1876. [3764] AUZELLA CATHERINE HAZEN,8 (Sister of Edward H.,) |^ b. Little Falls, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1845; m. Dec. 14, 1871, Preston C. Houston, b. Soutli Charleston, Ohio, Aug. 2, 1845; reside Jamestown, N. Y. * NoTK 440. ERASTUS CLARK, Jr., descends from CoL Wbelton ; his grandfather, Stuart Dean, of Holland descent; Dean Street, Albany, N. Y., was named for him; he was an early American navigator to China; his son died during his stay there and is buried at "Dean Island." EIGHTH GENERATION? 777 [3767] MARY A. HAMLIN,* (John W.J Jabez,6B Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. vVest Stockbridge, Mass., July 8, 1831: m. Noel P., son of Orlin and Chloe (Kingman) Hibbard, b. North Hero, Vermont; by a former wife he had a son, Palmer F. Hibbard; lawyer: Ohio; soldier. Slie d. East Aurora, N. Y., May, 1861; her children were reared by her father; he went west and was killed in a coal mine, where he was in business in Missouri, 1867. Children: 7984.* Nettie Hamlin, b. Aug. 9, 1858, Celina. 7985,* Claka L., " Oct. 29, 1860, Akron. [3768] FREDERICK N. HAMLIN,8 ( Bro. of Mary A.,) b. Ea.st Aurora, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1836; m. Olmstead Falls, Ohio, Jan. 22, 1857, Mary Jeanette, dau. of George C. and Maria (Norris) Knight; merchant; Chi- caga. 111., member firm of Hamlin & Hale: he was financially ruined by the great lire, and d. Poughkeepsie, N. Y.,Oct. 7, 1889; she m. Smith. Children: 7986.* Ida, b. Sept. 3, 1859, St. Louis. 7987.* Harry Wilder, " Nov. 7, 1860, Buffalo. [3769] CHARLES JABEZ HAMLIN,* (Bm of Mary, A.,) b. East Aurora, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1838; m. Apr. 18, 1861, Mary Hampton, of Webster Corners, N. Y.; teacher; he d. Eureka, Nev., Sept. 17, 1879; she re-mar- a-ied and was the widow of the late Col. H. T. Noble, of Dixon, 111., 1896, No issue. 13770] LUCINDA ELIZA HAMLIN,'* (Sister of Mary A.,) b. East Aurora, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1840; m. Charles Spencer; mechanic; Akron, Ohio. She d. Pleasantville, Pa., Feb., 1866. No issue. 13771] JOHN WILLIAM HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Mary A.,) b. East Aurora, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1843; unmarried; Lieut. A, 116 N. Y. Inf. Vols., promoted Apr. 12, 1863. He d. of small pox in hospital, Buffalo, N. Y., June, 1865. kli 778 THE HAMLm FAMILY. [3775J EMILY MILES HAMLIN,* (Edward S.J Jabez,«5 Thomas,«j Ebenezer,3 James.2>) b. Elyria, Ohio, July 5,1838; m. Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 29,J 1863, Elias Van Derraan, son of Nathaniel and (Thompson) Cherry, b. Col- umbus, Ohio, Feb. 27, 1837: 1st Lieut. E, 63, Ohio Inf. Vol., commissioned Dec. 1861, resigned Feb., 1863: President Standard Electrical Works; res. Cincinnati, until 1864; N. Y. City, until 1870; afterwards, Cincinnati; member Soc. Army of Tenn.; Loyal Legion, Ohio Commandery; Pres. State Board of Equalization; Unitarians; she was educated Glenvllle, Ohio. She d. Cincinnati, Dt^c. 21, 1872, Children: 7988.* Katherinb Hamlin, b. Mar. 15, 1866, N. Y. C. 7989.* Laura Belle, " Dec. 18, 1870, Cincinnati. [3776] EDWARD CLAYTON HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Emily M.,) b. Elyria, Ohio, Aug. 21, 1840; ra. Mary S., dau. of James F. Wallace, of Marion, Ind., (cousin to Gen. Lew Wallace;) at the age of 15, he was sent to- Germany for education, and remained there several years. He spoke German and French fluently, and was very intellectual; inheriting a weak heart and lungs, he died at the age of 33; she res. Marion, Ind., 1896. No Issue. f3777] LtJCRfiTlA BELLE Hamlin,* (Sisterof Emily M.,) b. Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 1, 1847; unmarried. In intellectual endowments She is said to resemble her father. Her mother died before she was a year old, and she remarks that her strongest impression of childhood is "roving," as her father was unsettled after the death of her mother. She was early sent to a boarding school where "fashionable accomplishments" accounted for more than solid, practical learning. After school days her honie was with her sister, Mrs. Cherry, after whose death she remained four years to care for her children. After the loss of her father's property, she received an appointment, in 1878, as clerk in the General Land Office, Washington, D. C; during this period she assisted in the education of her half sisters and brothers. Miss Hamlin has taken a deep interest in this work, and has very materially assisted in the dis- covery and complication of different branches of the family history. She is an accomplished geneologist. EIGHTH GENERATION. 779 [3778] CHARLE8 JABEZ HAMLm,^ (Bro. of Emily M., ) b. Covington, Ky., Feb. 24, 1860; farmer; unmarried; Maiden, Mass. [3779] MARY LOUISE HAML]N,B (Sister of Emily M.,) b. Covington, Ky., May 21, 1863; school teaclier; unmarried; educated Quaker boarding school, Sandy Spi'ings, Md., and Normal School, Terre Haute, Ind. [3780] ANNA LAURA HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Emily M.,) b. Covington, Ky., Dec. 13, 1866; m. Williamsburg, Va., Aug. 4, 1894, Samuel, son of Lewis W. and Maria (Davis) Pickering, b. Elkhart, Ind. Manager Hay- market Theatre, Chicago, 111., 1894; manager Auditorium and Opera House, South Bend, Ind., 1902. [3781] NORMAN CHERRY HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Emily M.,) b. Austerlitz, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1869; farmer; unmarried; Williamsburg, Va. [3782] WILLARD WALLACE HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Emily M.,) b. Austerlitz, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1870; unmarried; Asst. Paymaster, Erie, R. R. Co.. Cleveland, Ohio, 1899; Toledo, 1902. [3783] LOUISA McGlNLEY,^ (Betsey E. Hamlin,' Jabez,65 Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Elyria, Ohio, Jan. 25, 1834; m. St. Mary, Ohio, Sept. 6, 1852, Hon. Francis C, son of Everah Celestian and Elizabeth (Holderness) LeBlond,* b. Fredericktown, Ohio, Feb. 14, 1821; lavi^yer and legislator; Celina, Ohio; Democrat: Freemason. He was educated Norwalk, Ohio, under the late Bishop Thompson; read law with J. Whitbuk, Esq., same place; admitted to the bar, 1843, and located that year at St. Mary, later the same year at Celina, Ohio, where he since resided and practiced his profession. Prosecuting Att'y., 1847; representative, 1851-3, and speaker of the House. He had charge of the measure resulting in the present school system of Ohio, which affords him greater pleasure and satisfaction than any other event in his long public career. He was defeated as Democratic candidate for Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 1854; elected to congress from 5th Dist. Ohio, 1862, and re-elected 1864; he was prominent on reconstruction measures, 1866, a leader on the Demo- cratic side; delegate to Dem. Nat'l Convention, N. Y., 1868, and to Dem. Nat'l Convention, St. Louis, 1876. A brilliant and forcible lawyer. Ch. b. Celina: 7990.* Charles McGinley, June 27, 1854. 7991.* Emma Louise, Aug. 1, 1859. 7992.* Frank Celestian, Sept. 18, 1863. [3785] CHARLES McGINLEY,^ (Bro. of Louisa,) b. Elyria, Ohio, 1837; m. Elizabeth Stewart, from whom he separated with- out divorce; a bright, promising man, for many years clerk in the store of his uncle, Frederick V. Hamlin, N. Y. City. The trouble with his wife wrecked his life. He d. Celina, Ohio, Apr. 11, 1877. No. issue. * Note 441. EVERAH CELESTIAN LE BLOND, b. Paris, France, May 22, 1789; was sent to America to escape military service under Napoleon Bonaparte; his wife Elizabeth Holder- ness, b. Lancaster, Pa., Jan. 9, 1793. rso THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3786] MARY LUCINDA PHELPS,^ (Lucinda E. Hamlin,' Jabez,« Thomas,* Ebenezer,'* James,2i) b. gt, Mary, Ohio. July 6, 1838; m. there, Sep^ 26, 1865, Theoph G., son of George W.and Mary Withering (Hall) Ton Velle, Bloomtield, Ohio, Sept. 17, 1832; Recorder, Clerk of Court and County Audito| Celina. Ohio; Democrat; Freemason: Methodists: she member O. E. S. Ch. b. Celina: 7993. Louisa B., Sept. 25, 1867; unm. 1901. [3787] Dr. CHARLES HAMLIN PHELPS,8 ( Bro. of Mary L., ) b. St. Mary, Ohio, Mar. 31, 1842; m. 1st, there, June 3, 1863, Lizzie M., da^ of Joshua and Martha (Scott) Rhodes, b. Sandusky, Ohio, July 4, 1842, who Sept. 7, 1873; m. 2d, Lancaster Co., Pa., Oct. 25, 1879, Ella A., dau. of Was^ ington and Anna (Swesgart) Whittaker, b. Lancaster Co., Oct. 1, 1854, who Sept. 22, 1891; m. 3d, Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 25, 1892, Lara L. Whittakel sister of second wife, b. Lancaster Co., Nov. 1, 18.56: physician and surgeof St. Mary; Democrat; U. S. Pension Examiner; Railroad Surgeon; membc Board of Education: Mercer Lodge 121, A. F. & A. M. and St. Mary Chapter 5| R. A. M.; his wives were Presbyterians. 7994.* 7995. 7996. 7997. 7998. 7999. Ch. by 1st wife, b. St. Mary: Kate Hamlin, Dec. 10, 1864. Charles Edward, Jan. 15, 1867; d. Sept. 25, 1868. Edw'ard Marshall, Dec. 18, 1870. By 2d wife, b. St. Mary: Anna Whittaker, Nov., 8, 1682. Charles Hamlin, Oct. 25, 1886; d. Apr. By 3d wife, b. St. Mary: Ella Whittaker, June 16, 1895. 5, 1895. [3789] SUSAN MOSELY PHELPS,8 (Sister of Mary L.,) b. St. Mary, Ohio, Sept. 29, 1845; m. Sept., 1879, Rev. Edward A. Berrj Cong, clergyman; Chattanooga, Tenn., and Cedar Rapids, Iowa. [3790] Capt. FREDERICK ELISHA PHELPS,« (Bro. of Mary L.,) b. St. Mary, Ohio, Oct. 8, 1847; m. 1st, Urbana, Ohio, July 19, 1870, Mari Louise, dau. of George W., and Virginia L. (Cowan) Patrick, b. Urbana, Api 25, 1852, who d. Fort Bayard. N. M., July 19, 1874; m. 2d, St. Mary, May 8, 187( Mary Esther Patrick, sister of former wife, b. Urbana, Jan. 24, 1849, Prest who d. Urbana, Feb. 10, 1892. Capt. Phelps says his second wife was with him o| the frontier 14 years, and was a soldiers wife in every way. That she lost he life trying to run a Sunday school for the little ones at Fort Yates with tl thermometer at 20° below zero; m. .3d, Pretty Prairie, Ohio, June 7, 1893, Am Louise, dau. of Wm. J. W. and Elcetta (Mumper) Rawlings, b. Pretty Prairij He graduated from U. S. Military Academy, West Point, June 15, 1870: Lieut. 8th U.S. Cav. June 15, 1870; 1st Lieut. 8 U.S. Cav., Mar. 20, 1879; Captain, 8th U. S. Cav., Sept. 28, 1889; served on frontier duty in New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Indian Territory, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota; retired from active service, Apr. 29, 1891, with rank of Capt. U. S. Array, on account of "sickness and injuries received in line of duty;" ■ft o f •Hi ■M Ch. by 1st wife: 8000.* Mary Virginia, 8001. Morris Burnett, By 2d wife: 8002. Elsie Lucinda, 8003. Margaret Louise, 8004. Frederick Colwell,, 8005. Berry V., 8006. Ralph Edward, 782 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. since retirement, engaged in manufacturing furniture, Urbana, Ohio; Dem- ocrat; member Harmony Lodge 8, A. F. & A. M., Urbana Chapter 34, R. A. M.,. and Urbana Lodge 127, B. P. O. Elks. b. Nov. 25, 1871, Ft. Bayard. " Feb. 19, 1874, " d. same day. b. May 11, 1879, Ft. Clark, Texas. " Jan. 29, 1881, St. Mary, Ohio. " Nov. 25, 1883, Ft. Mcintosh, Texas. " May 31, 1893, Urbana; d. Nov. 10, 1894. " Jan. 3, 189t), " [3794] FRANK HAMLIN,* (Cicero J.,' Jabez,*^ Tliomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Aurora, N. Y., Apr. 7, 1846; m. 1st, Helen, dau. of Samuel Pratt, of ButEalo, who d. Paris, France, the following year; m. 2d, Buffalo, May 13, 1875, Elizabeth, dau, of William F. and Julia Steadman Miller, of Buflfalo, b. Feb. 20, 1850. He was a young man of good business ability, and early en- gaged in business with his father, as a merchant; he became blind from catar- act; has residences at Lakewood and Buffalo, N. Y. Ch. by 2d wife, b. Buffalo: 8007.* Elizabeth, Apr. 10, 1876. 8008.* Helen, Apr. 11, 1879. [3795] WILLIAM HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Frank,) b. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1849; m. there, Apr. 8, 1875, Kate L., dau. of George B. and Mary (Gallager) Gates, b. Buffalo, Nov. 21, 1852; he received an academic education, and early became associated in business with his father: manager American Glucose Co.: it is said that he possessed remarkable busi- ness tact and ability, that the success of the company was in no small degree due to his energy; resides Buffalo; she was Pres. Board of Women Managers Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. Ch. b. Buffalo: 8009.* Katharine, Mar. 13, 1876. 8010. Esther, Sept. 7, 1878; d. 1880. 8011.* Sarah Gates, June 7, 1880. 8012. Susan Ford, May 18, 1883. [3797] HARRY HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Frank, ) b. Buffalo. N. Y., July 17, 1855; m. there, Apr. 24, — , Grace, dau. of Laurens and Mary Enos, of Buffalo, b. Sept. 27, 1855; entered Yale College, which he left the first year on account of trouble with his eyes; he began business in his father's store, clerking behind every counter; afterwards interested in the American Glucose Co.; manager of Village Farm, 1896, and engaged in rear- ing and handling the finest sporting horses in the world; res. Buffalo. Ch. b. Buffalo: 8013. Chauncey J., Jan. 11, 1881. EIGHTH GENERATION. 78.3 '[3800] MYRTILLA LORETT HAMLIN,^ (Hiram F.,' Amasa,^ Jabez,^ 'Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James.^i) b. Nov. 10, 1829; m. Salem, 111., Sept. 25, 1849, John R. Shannon; merchant; Sparta, 111.; later an editor, Chester, 111., and Judge; candidate for state auditor; Democrat. She d. Sparta, Mai'. 15, 1857. 8014. A Child, b. Nov. 4, 1850; d. June 1852. [3803] .TULIETTE ANGELINE HAML1N,8 (Sister of Myrtilla L.,) b. Franklin Mills, now Kent, Ohio, April 17, 1839; m. Salem, 111., July 3, 1867, Rev, James F., son of Rev. James B. and Rhoda (Berry) Corrington, b. •Green Co., Hi,, Feb. 21, 1840. He was educated at McKendree College, Leba- non, 111., and Shurtliff College, Upper Alton, 111., receiving from McKendree degrees of A. B., 1861, A. M., 1865, and I>. D., 1896; member D, 122th 111. Inf. Vols.; enlisted 1862, promoted Capt. H. 111th U. S, C. Inf.; served as A. A.Q. M. Pulaski, Tenn., under Gen. George C. Starkweather; also at Franklin and Nashville, Tenn, under Gen. Thomas; dis. June 12, 1865; member Ransom Post, G. A. R. Entered the ministry, M. E. Church, St. Louis Conference, 1873: at Dresden, Mo., two years, Independence two years, Butler two years, St. Luke •Church, St. Louis, three years, Bowman Church, St. Louis, two years, Spring- field, one year, Bowman Cliurch, live years, St. Luke Church, five years; Pre- siding Elder, St. Louis Dist., four years. Have an adopted daughter. No issue. [3804] MARY HAMLIN,« (Sister of Myrtilla L.,) b. Mar. 2, 1842; m. Salem, 111., Jun. 28, 1865, Dr. W. H. Cartle, of Great "Bend, Kas.; surgeon during the war. Port Hospital, Carlo, 111: she res. at St. Xiouis, Mo., a widow; he d. Great Bend, Kas., Apr., 1882. Children: 8015. Frederick Hamijn, b. Oct. 9, 1866, Cairo. 8016. George W., "Apr. 1, 1873, St. Louis. [3805] SARAH C. HAMLIN,^ (Roderick,^ Amasa," Jabez^,& Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,^!) b. Ohio, 1826; m. Wm. E. Casey, of Mt. Vernon, 111.; she "was living 1898, probably Mt. Vernon. He is dead. Children: 8017. LoRA. 8018.* Nellie C. 8019. Mary; m. Brown. [3806] HARRIET HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Sarah C.,) b. Ohio, 1828; m. John Young, of Salem, 111. She d. Salem, 1888. Children: 8020.* Ellen. 8021. Clarissa; dead. 8022. Sarah, (( 8023. Alice, i( 8024. Lucy: m. Dr. William Finley, 8025.* Matthew, 8026. Stella; unm, res, Salem, 111, 8027.* William. 8028.* John. 784 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3807J FRANCES HAMLIN/ (Sister of Sarah C.,) b. Ohio, 1830: m. J. H. Copple, of Centralia, 111. Both d.; she Centraliar 1863. Children: 8029. Annie; m. George W; McClelland. 8030.* Sarah. 8031. Ella; m. John Kinsey. 8032. George; dead, 8033. William: married. 8034. Bertha; m. Gillott. [3808J AMASA HAMLIN,« (Brother of Sarah C.,) b. Ohio, 1833; m. Mary Bennett, of Odin, 111. One Amasa, of Salera, was private, A, 111 111. Inf. Vols.; enhsted Aug. 12, 1862; dis. June 6, 1865. She d. Odin, 1868. Children: 80.35. Jennie; unm. 1897; res, Odin, Hi. 8036. Franklin: dead. 8037.* Newton H. [3811] BYRON S. HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Sarah C, ) b. Salem, 111., Sept. 15, 1843; m. Bloomingdale, Mich., Mar. 3, 1871, Harriet, dau. of Egbert and Elizabeth A. (Irvin) Cooley, b.Salena, Sept. 24, 1850; farnaer: Salem; Republican; Methodists. Ch. b. Salem (unmarried 1898:) 8038. John Egbert, Oct. 6, 1872; student DePau University. 8039. Clara A., Mar. 7, 1876. 8040. Ernest L., July 13, 1878. 8041. . Frank Hannibal, Feb. 17, 1884. [3812] CHARLES MILO HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Sarah C.,) b. Salem, 111., Apr. 17, 1849; m, Alester Ellen Lanham, b. Ricbview, 111., Dec. 22, 1851; res. Bake Oven, Ore. She is dead. Children: 8042. George, b. June 6, 1871, Mt. Vernon: d. Aug. 6, 1871 8043.* Nellie Norene, " Sept. 28, 1872, Centralia. [3814] MORTIMER HULBERT,' (Hubbard C.,'' Esther Hamlin,* Jabez," Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James.^i) b. Franklin, Ohio, Jan. 13, 1825; m. Ellen Reed: farmer and hardware merchant. He d. Jan. 13, 1893. [.3816] LAURA DORINDA HULBERT,* (Sister of Mortimer,) b. Franklin, Ohio, Sept. 2, 1828; m. William A. Faddis; President St. Paul, Minn., Commercial College, 1879. Children: j^ 8044. William. 8045. Sophia. 8046. Sarah. EIGHTH GENERATION. 785 [3817] JOHN ENCELL HULBERT,« " (Bro. of Mortimer,) b. Franklin, Ohio, Nov. 4, 1830; m. Flora Marlina, dau. of Hon. T. J. and Jane Southard, b. Richmond, Me., July 15, 1846; merchant; Wheaton, 111.; afterwards in business at Eldora, Iowa. He d. Nov. 11, 1890. Children: 8047. Jennie S., b. Apr. 5, 1868, Madison, Wis. 8048. Charles Southard, " June, 1874, Delatield,. Wis. [3818] MARIA BELINDA HULBERT,8 (Sister of Mortimer,) b. Shalerville, Ohio, Nov. 7, 1833; m. Jasper Hull, b. Sharon, Pa., May, 1833; farmer and teacher; Oskaloosa, Iowa; Populist; she res. Atchinson, Kansas. He d. Oskaloosa, Iowa, Nov. 25, 1895. Ch. b. Oskaloosa: 8049. Charles Sumner; m. Caroline Johnson. 8050. Helen Mar, " Oscar W. Urich. 8051. John McPherson, " Lulu Boyd. 8052. Theodosia Alice, " W. C. Henderson. [3819] SOPHIA BRUCE IIULBERT,^ (Sister of Mortimer,) b. Edinburgh, Ohio, July 15, 1836: m. Eldora, Iowa, 1860, George W., son of Isaac and Sarah Bruce (Encell) Thompson, b. Fredonia, N. Y., Mar. 12, 1834; Express agent Eldora and Oskaloosa, Iowa; Republican: Q. M. Sergt. L, 4th lowaCav.; enlisted 1861; wounded and dis. for injury spring of 1862; member G. A. R.; she Christian. He d. Oskaloosa, Mar. 1, 1894. Ch. b. Eldora: 8053. Esther, May 15, 1867; m. Scott Long. [3822] JAMES CENTURY HULBERT,8 (Bro. of Mortimer,) b. Franklin, Ohio, Apr. 30, 1846; m. Addie Peck; farmer; Grundy Co., Iowa. He d. Eldora, Iowa, July 9, 1887. Children: 8054. LiLLiE. 8055. John Encell. [3826] CARRIE WILLIAMS,* (Harriet S. Hamlin,' Erastus,« Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James. 21) She was a blind singer; married unhappily and was divorced. [3827] JUDD WALTER MIX,8 M. D., (Caroline Hamlin,^ Erastus,« Jabez,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Daysville, 111., Mar. 14, 1854; m. Byron, 111., June 20, 1888, Nellie, dau.of Simon Shepard and Elizabeth Rachael (Ellis) Spauiding, b. Byron, Aug. 4, 1867; physician; Byron; Republican; Free- mason; she Cong.; lie d. Byron, Dec. 28, 1897. Ch. b. Byron: Mar. 3, 1889. Aug. 4, 1890. July 23, 1891. Sept. 17, 1892. July 19, 1893; d. Aug. 13, 1894. Jan. 22, 1896, " Aug. 7, 1896. Dec. 16, 1896. 8056. Louise, 8057. William Judd, 8058. Walter Spaulding, 8059. Floyd Warren, 8060. A Child, 8061. A bbie, i 8062. John Raymond, '^ tl I 786 THE HAMLIN FAMILY [3830] HOPKINS,* (Eveline Hamlin,' Erastus,« Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) ra. Spring; Sycamore, 111. He is dead. Child: 8063. Eakl. [3832] Lieut. THEODORE PERRY HAMLIN,8 (Frederick M.,' Frederick," Jabez,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Elyria, Ohio. May 3, 1838; m. "Wellington, Ohio, Feb. 29, 1864, HenriettaM., dau. of A.K. and H.S. Linds- I ley, of Wellington, b. Medina, Ohio, Oct. 20, 1841: served in 2d Ohio Cav., pro- i| moted 1st Lieut., served four year, wounded battle of Wilderness, Va., May, 1864: and served as Adjutant, Camp Stoneman, Va., until discharged; mfgr., Wellington, until 1876; removed to Fayette, Iowa, and engaged in farming, where he d. Nov. 7, 1876. [383.3] MARION ANGELINE HAMLIN, 8 (Sister of Theodore P.,) b. Elyria, Ohio, July 15, 1840; m. Wellington, Ohio, Jan. 10, 1865, Sarauel| K., son of John and Sarah Loundon, b. Thornby, England, Feb. 25, 1834; mer- chant; Wellington. Ch. b. Wellington: 8064. Lenora, Nov. 23, 1866. 8065. Mortimer H., Feb. 23, 1874. 8066. Arthur Perry, Sept. 9, 1875. 8067. Harry G., Sept. 27, 1777. 8068. Roberts., Mar. 12, 1881. [3834] ARTHUR HORATIO HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Theodore P.,) b. Elyria, Ohio, Jan. 31, 1843; m. Wellington, Ohio, Dec. 29, 1870, Emma Louisa, dau. of Horace Merritt and Mary Ann Shattuck, of Adrian, Mich., b. Hiram, Ohio, Aug. 12, 1844. Has been farmer, salesman, pork packer; res. Wellington, Ohio, Sterling. 111., Fayette, Iowa, Omaha, Neb.; later, ranchman, Rocky I'ord, Col. Children: 8069. Frederick Mortimer, b. 1873, W'ellington. 8070. Mary Sophia, " May 9, 1878, Fayette; d. Feb. 23, '83. 8071. Harris Shattuck, " Feb. 25, 1886, Omaha. [3835] MARY AMELIA HAMLIN,* (Homer,' rrederick,^ Jabez,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Elyria, Ohio, Sept. 27, 1849; m. Grinnell, Iowa, July, 1874, Edwin, son of John K. and Harriet (Ricker) James, of Grin- nell, b. near Davenport, Iowa: both graduated from Iowa College, Grinnell; she, from Ladies' course, 1874; he from College course, 1873. After marriage they engaged in school teaching near St. Louis, Mo., subsequently returning to a farm near Davenport, where she d. Mar. 19, 1877; Congs. No issue. [38.36] HARRIET FRANCES HAMLIN,* (Sister of Mary A., ) b. Wellington, Ohio, Mar. 13, 1851; m. Grinnell, Iowa, July 25, 1875, Eben Newton Beebe; farmer; later, book-keeper; Stacyville, Iowa; Fairmont, Neb.; later at Grinnell and Minneapolis, Minn. She graduated from Iowa College, Grinnell, Ladies' course, class of 1871; taught school iu Grinnell and elsewhere. EIGHTH GENERATION. 787 She wrote for local and other newspapers; her graduating essaj' was a poem entitled "The Wandering Jew;" possessed of great beauty and an amiable disposition, she was a favorite with her friends and esteemed for her Christian character. The following is from her pen, in memory of the bridal and burial of her sister, Mrs. James: TWO GATHERINGS. We gathered once In the summer tide, When the earth was green and fair, Standing together, side by side, To have and to hold, 'till death divide; And the minister breathed a prayer. And there was a scent of flowers in the room. And a sense of joy in the air. And the scent of the flowers that loved the sun. And the sense our hearts could fill, While a pledge that could never be undone. Till the sea and the sky should join in one, They registered low and still. And the man she had chosen bore her away To a home upon the hill. We gathered again in the winter time. And the earth was brown and bare. And pale, sweet flowers lay over her breast, And he was weeping, and she at rest, And the minister breathed a prayer. And there was a sound of grief in the room. And a sense of pain in the air. No need of promises spoken low, That the years could not fulfill ; Forever done with earth's pain and care. There was no need of the minister's prayer. Forgotten pain and ill. And we who loved her, bore her away To a home upon the hill. Once we have gathered and bade her go, Once with no tear or sigh, And once again in all pain and woe, What can we say but bid her go Where hills of glory lie ? In her fair new home it shall yet be so That we gather bye and bye. She d. Grlnnell, Dec. 1, 1881. Children: 8072. EbenHamlik, b. Aug. 15, 1876, Stacyville; d. 1883. 8073. Mary Florence, d. aged 2 months, " 8074. Emma Perry, b. J uly 7, 1880, Fairmont. 788 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3837] GEORGE HOMER HAMLlN.s (Bro. of Mary A.,) b. Grinnell, Iowa, Oct. 23, 1855; m. there, Jan. 12, 1881, Elizabeth Raley, dau. of Joshua Warrington and Eleran (Raley) Bonsall, b. Salem, Ohio, Feb. 4, 1856; cashier Merchant's National Bank, Grinnell, several yeais, of which he is also a director, having been previously teller First National Bank of Grinnell; member city council; Gongs. • [3838] EMMA PERRY HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Mary A.,) b. Grinnell, Iowa, Oct. 23, 1855; m. there, Oct. 23, 1877, Harlan Page,' son of Augustus Page and Annette Lois (Howard) Proctor,* b. Ogdenburg, N. Y., Jan. 14, 1855; jeweler and dealer in musical Instruments, a prominent, successful business man. Before marriage she was a teacher. On that memorable night in June, 1882, when the tornado struck the city of Grinnell, their house being near the track of the storm, afforded refuge for many of the victims; Congs. Children b. Grinnell: 8075. Harriet Lois, Aug. 25, 1879. 8076. Edna Margaret, Sept. 16, 1881. 8077: Mildred Amelia, May 31, 1890. 8078. Harlan Page, Dec. 19, 1893. 8079. Payson Hamlin, Aug. 8, 1895. [3839] CHARLES FREDERICK HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Mary A.,) b. Grinnell, Iowa, Feb. 25, 1858; m. Lewis, Iowa, Sept. 12, 1882, Fannie Ray, dau. of Hiram J., and Ellen (Dean) Graham, of Lewis, b. Gilpin county. Col., May 17, 1864; formerly furniture dealer and undertaker, Grinnell, and Lewis, Iowa; also in the hardware business, Lewis; Principal Art Eporium, Emporia, Kansas: Congs. Children: 8080. Charlotte Ellen, July 1, 1884, Grinnell. 8081. Robert Perry, Apr. 21, 1886, 8082. Ruth Amelia, Mar. 16, 1889, Emporia. 8083. Mary Lorena, Mar. 28, 1891, [3840] FRED NORTON SMITH,* (Juliette Hamlin, 7Frederick,6 Jabez.s Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,ai) b. Mowsley, England, Aug. 18, 1848; m. Pains- ville, Ohio, Aug. 18, 1880, Louise Alice, dau. of John and Louisa Jedidah (Porter) Martin, b. Rockville, Ct., Dec. 18, 1848: treasurer Automobile and Cycle Parts Co.; Elyria, Ohio; Republican; 1st Lieut., B, 15 Reg't. O. N. G.; enlisted 1877; Congs. Ch. b. Elyria: 8084. Caryl Porteh, Apr. 15, 1887. - [3846] RUSSELL HAMBLIN,^ (Harmon,^ James,^ Amasa,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James.^i) He left home years ago and never returned: when last heard from , was crossing the Rocky mountains with a fur company. * ?Jolltfn; ^^UGUSTDS L. PROCTOR.6 (John,6 Elijah,* Benjamin,3 John,2 Robert.i) n. V. ^^^^,f.^^'^^ P'^OCTOR.1 of Concord, Mass. Freeman, 3643; m. Dec. 31, 1645, Jane, dau. of !, uf,!, "'''^'■*^'^*^' o^ Concord; removed to Chelmford, 1654. He d. Chelmsford, April 28, 1697. 12 children. EIGHTH GENERATION. 789 "[3849] HARVEY HAMBLIN,* (Bro. of Russell,) b. Sterlingville, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1880; m. North Wilney, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1853, iucy, dau. of Elijah and Keziah Davis, b. Wilney, Apr. 28, 183;{: shoemaker; i)terlingville, except live years, 1865-70, at Onondaga, Mich.; Republican, until the civil war, afterwards Democrat: Good Templar; she Methodist, and member Onondoga Council 79, Red Men, and Lodge 59, Ladies of Mount Joy; she left her family and res. Syracuse, N. Y. He d. Natural Bridge, N.Y., Jan. 30, 1878, -buried Antwerp, N. Y. Ch. b. Sterlingville: 8085.* Eugene Van Ransselaer, Jan. 29, 1855. 8086.* Adelbert E., May 14, 1858. 8087. Martin Luther, June 21, 1860. [3851] MARY HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Russell,) m. Hewitt; res. Stirlingville, N. Y., her husband d. leaving her poor, "with a son and daughter, which she supported until the daughter married and she lived with her. Children: 8088. William. 8089. Lucinda; m. Geo. Sims. [3852] ABRAM HART WELL HAMBLIN,8 (Bro. of Russell,) educated at Cayuga Lake Academy, and Hamilton, N. Y.; Sergt. 3d N. Y., Seward's Artillery, enlisted summer of 1862, wounded in skirmish at Tarboro, N. C, July 20, 1863, was taken prisoner, and sent to Richmond, Va., paroled ;and sent to Hospital at Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. Ball passed through right iiand and left lung, near the heart, and made its exit in the back. He served until the close of the war; was Lieut, in 1st N.C., Union Vols., A.A.Q. M, :and A. C. S.: married a N.C. lady. He was connected with a school at Barne- gart, N.J. A romantic story is told that when wounded he was secreted and •cared for by a southern family and nursed to health by a daughter of the family who helped him through to the Union lines; that after the war he returned and married his fair nurse, brought her north where they both taught school at Barnegart, N.J. Another report says, he went to Brooklyn, N. Y. as teacher, 1 [3853] FERDINAND V. GRAVES,* (Roxanna Hamblin,^ James,e Amasa.s Thomas,^ Ebenezer, 3 James.^i) b. Cooperstown, N. Y., July 27, 1808; m. Boonville, N. Y., May 13, 1829, Phebe Maria, dau. of George and Catherine Brinkerhoff,* b. Duchess Co., N. Y., 1809; merchant tailor; re- * Note 443. JORIS DIRCKSEN BRINCKERHOFF.i founder of the family in America, b. ; Breuthe, Holland, 16(H); and having lived for some time at Flushing, in the Province of Zealand, j -emigrated to New Netherland (New York), 16:JS, and settled upon a farm within the present limits of the city of Brooklyn, N. Y. It is stated that he contracted with Cornelius Melyn, a I -son-in-law, the owner of Staten Island, to reside there; but owing to the murder of some neighboring planters by the Indians, in lfj41, he was released from his contract, and settled on liong Island, as above stated; m. Susannah Dubbels. He d.. Jan- IB, 1661. Ch. b. Holland: Dirck; killed by Indians, 164.3. Hendbick, b. 1630; m. Claasie Boomgaert. Abraham. " 1632, " Aeltie Stryker. Aeltie; m. Cornelieus Melyn and William Van Cowenhot^n. ABRAHAM BRINCKERIIOFF.a b. Holland, 1633; m. Aeltie, dau. Jan Stryker, of Flat- bush, N. Y. He d. about 1714. Children: Joris, John, Dirck, Garrett, Ida, Susannah, Sarah, Margaret, Lammetia. i 790 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. i moved to Boonvi lie about 1825, built the first brick house there, owned, 1896,. by Mrs. Sophia Willard: was many years in partnership with John Cross,, and associated in business with E. P. Owens and F. T. Clark, later with Graves- Bros.; deputy sheriff, 1840; a small man of great strength and courage; raised a company for ll7th N. Y. Inf. Vols.; afterwards 2d Lieut. D. 14& N. Y., Inf. Vols.; commissioned Sept., 1862: in battles Chancellorsville and Petersburg,. Va.; honorably discharged; member Wheelock Post 97, Gr. A. R. They cele- brated their golden wedding. She d. 1884; he suffered a shock of paralysis, about 1893, and gradually failed; he was severely burned by his clothing taking fire, from which he d. Boonville, Feb. 2, 1896. Ch. b. Boonville: 8090.* Emma Roxana, May 30, 1832. 8091.* George A., July 4, 1834. 8092.* Bryon Palmer, Aug. 11, 1837. 8093.* Catherine M., Oct. 30, 1839. 8094.* Margaret Elizabeth, June 28, 1842. 8095.* Calvin V., Mar. 7, 1845. 8096.* Jefferson Pierre, July 4, 1848. 8097. Amelia Budd, Oct. 18, 1851; unmarried [;3854] WILLIAM HAMBLIN,8 (Jaraes,^^ Amasa,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,'!) b. Jefferson Co., N. Y., Oct. 21, 1821; married; harness dealer, musician. He d. Nov. 25, 1850. [3855] RUSSELL HAMBLIN,* (Bro. of William,) b. Jefferson Co., N. Y., Apr. 5, 1825; harness dealer; musician. He d. Feb, 26, 18—. [3856] PHEBE ANN HAMBLIN,» (Sister of William,) b. Jefferson Co., N. Y., June 6, 1828; m. about 1850-1, Charles Stowell; she d. Dec. 20, 1853, aged 25 years and 4 months, probably Antwerp, N. Y. No issue. [3857] HENRY HAMBLIN,* (Bro. of William,) b. Jefferson Co., N. Y., Apr. 19, 1833; m. 1st, Maria Stowell, who d. Antwerp, N. Y.; m. 2d, Miss Gates. He d. July 5, 1862. Ch. by 1st wife: 8098.* Charles, b. Dec. 19, 1853. By 2d wife: Several Children. [3858] LOUISA K. HAMBLIN,^ (Abraham H.,' James," Amasa,* Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,^!) b. Onondaga Co., N. Y., July 18, 1820; m. N. Y. State, John Monk. She d. Fond du Lac, Wis., Oct. 12, 1860. Children: 8099.* Asahel I. 8100.* Josephine. 8101. Emmett. ■>4l EIGHTH GENERATION. 791 I3860J SAMANTHA HAMBLm,8 (Sister of Lonisa K.,) b. Onondaga Co., N.Y., Mar. II, 1824: m. 1st, N. Y. state, Orrin Burrill; m. 2d, St. Cloud, Wis., who died. She res. Glenbulah, Wis. No issue. [3861] THERESA HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Louisa K.,) b. Onondaga Co., N. Y., June 21, 1826; m. N. Y. state, Alonzo Maltbey. Family all d. Fond du lac Co., Wis. She d. Calumet. Wis., 1875. Child: 8102. George A, [3862] MARTHA HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Louisa K.,) b. Onondaga Co., N. Y., Nov. 10, 1828; m. N. Y. State, Levi A. Griswold, who d.; she res. with her dau., Emily G., in Minneapolis, Minn. Children: 8103. Ellen G. 8104. Elvina G.; res. Minneapolis. 8105. Alfred G.; dead. 8106. Albert. [3863] HARTWELL CROWELL HAMBLIN,8 (Bro. of Louisa R.,) b. Onondaga Co., N. Y., May 22, 1831; m. Greenbush, Wis., Feb. 9, 1854, Lydia Maria, dau. of David and Lydia (Snow) Alley, b. Jefferson Co., N. Y., June 9, 1838: farmer; Greenbush, Wis., and Bremer Co., Iowa; Republican; Christian; Sergt. H, 14th Wis. Inf. Vols.; .enlisted 1862; participated in battles of Shiloh and siege of Vicksburg; she Methodist. He d. Bremer Co., Iowa, April 27, 1872. Children: 8107.* Ci^arence Hartwell, b. Mar. 11, 1856, Greenbush. 8108.* Arthur Berlin, " July 14, 1859, " 8109.* Alley Maria, " Aug. 2, 1866, 8110. LeRoy David, " Sept. 20, 1870, Hortoo, la; unm 1902, [3864] BERLIN HAMBLIN,8 (Bro. of Louisa K.,) ; b. Onondaga Co., N. Y., Mar. 24, 1833; m. 1st. N. Y. State, SemanthaCook: !m. 2d, Wis., Fannie, dau. of Jeremiah and Laura (Brintnell) Crandall, b. 1847, He d. St. Cloud, Wis., Jan. 24, 1890. Ch. b. 1st wife; Two daughters. Ch. by 2d wife: 8111. Marcus: d. in Wis. 8112. Myrtle. 8113. Charles, " " '' [3865] CANDACE HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Louisa K.,) b. Onondaga Co., N. Y., Mar. 7, 1835; m. Green Bush, Wis,, Feb. 9, 1854, jOyreneus Alley. Children: 8114. William; m. and res. Manatoba. 8115. George; res. Northington, Minn. 4 792 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3866] SPENCER A. HAIVIBLIN,^ (Bro. of Lonisa K.,) b. Onandaga Co., N. Y., Aug. 8, 1837; m. 1st, , Wis,, Elizabeth Ghos- liu; m. 2d, Emma GhosHn: no issue by 2d wife: m. 3d, Greenbush, Wis., Jennie E. Tuttle; farmer; Pender, Neb.; soldier in Civil War: wounded and a pen- sion er. Ch. by 1st wife: 8116. Lavina; m. Fred Martin, Pender, Neb. 8117. William. By 3d wife: 8118. Oscar O.; res. Pender, Neb. 8119. Oklo a., " Spokane, Wash. 8120. Alton S., " ■[3867] HOLLAND HAMBL1N,8 ( Bro. of Louisa K.,) b. Van Buren, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1839; m. Greenbush, Wis., Dec. 25, 1863, Louisa Jane, dau of Russell and Mary (Pettet) Barrett, b. Crammy, Canada, Oct. 6, 1843; farmer, until 1899; since, merchant: Van Buren, until May, 1852; Forest, Wis., until Dec, 1863; Greenbush, until June, 1878; since, Sugar Bush, Wis.; Republican; private H, 14 Wis. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Aug., 1861; participated in battle of Shiloh; member G. A. R.; she Good Templar and member W. R. C; Christians. Children: 8121.* Inez Estblla, b. Jan. 2, 1865, Greenbush. 8122.* Effie Louisa, " Oct. 11, 1866, " 8123. Wilbur Russell, " Apr. 20, 1879, MapleCreek; d. Sep. 20, 1900 [3868] LUCELIA AVALINE HAMBLIN,« (Sister of Louisa K.,) b. Onondaga Co., N. Y., July 13, 1841; m. Greenbush, Wis., Ephraira Miller; Larned, Kas. No issue. .,[3869] MILES A. HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Louisa K,,) b. Onondago Co., N. Y., Apr. 2, 1843; unmarried; Sibley, Iowa; soldier in the civil war. ■ [3870} ROXY JANE HAMBLIN' (Hiram,^ James," Amasa,» Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2 1) b. Antwerp, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1821; ra. Gouverneur, N.Y., July 4, 1844, Luther, son of Walter and Hulda (Chapin) Colton, b. Antwerp^ Dec. 7, 1818; farmer: removed to Richville, N. Y., 1850; private, A, 106th N. Y., Inr. Vols.; enlisted. Aug. 14, 1862: killed at Charlestown, Va., Aug. 21, 1864. Mr. Colton enlisted with his two sons at Ogdensburg, N. Y., in the same company: served in Lst brigade, 3d division, 6th corps, Army of Potomac, leaving at home his wife and seven young children, the eldest not thirteen years old. After nearly two years of hard service word came that the spn Frank was dangerously ill in the hospital. She left her family, hastened to h-— bedside, cared for him two weeks, until the last, and when he died brought^ . remains home for burial; three weeks after his fun- eral that of her husbanoVkilled in battle, was held— his body not being brought home; April 2, 1865, the other son, Henry Hartwell, was killed before Peters- burg, Va. The trials, sorrows and grief of this noble wife and mother can be EIGHTH GENERATION. 793 slightly imagined but not appreciated. The words of Mr. Beecher, portraying the "Heroic Mother," have been thought applicable to her: "We see a household brought up well, a mother who took alone the burden of life when her husband laid it down, without much property, out of her penury, by her planning and industry, night and day, by her wilfulness of love, by her fidelity, brings up her children; and life has six men, all of whom are like pillars in the temple of God. And O ! do not read to me of the campaigns of C;fsar, tell me nothing of Napolean's wonderful exploits. I tell you, that, as God and the angels look down upon the silent history of that woman's ad- ministration, and upon those men-building processes, which went on in her heart and mind through a score of years, nothing exterior, no empire building can compare with what she has done. Nothing can compare in beauty, and wonder, and admirableness, and divinity itself, to the silent work in obscure dwellings of faithful women bringing up their children to honor and virtue and piety. I tell you the inside is larger than the outside. The loom is more than the fabric, the thinker is more than the thought, the builder is more than the building." I am unable to write this noble woman, with her heroic husband and sons, as they deserve, but as a soldier of the same war point with pride to this exam- ple of patriotism, among many others, performed by members of the great Hamlin family in America. She d. Jan. 11, 1899. 8124.* 8125.* 8126. 8127.* 8128.* 8129.* 8130.* 8131.* 8132.* 8133.* Children: Henry Hartwell, b. May 10, 1845, Gouverneur, Franklin, Orville, Hiram Edwin, Rosellb Luther, Eugene Judson, Cornelia Ann, Eveline Louise, George Marian. Russell Johnson, Aug. 31, 1846, June 20, 1848, Jan. 15, 1850, Dec. 7, 1851, Richville. Jan. 16, 1854, " July 25, 1856, Jan. 30, 1858, DeKalb. Mar. 12, 1860, Eichville, Feb. 13, 1862, d. Dec. 13, 1851. [3871] MATILDA HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Roxy Jane,) i b. Antwerp, N.Y., Dec. 14, 1822; ra. Gouverneur, N.Y., Dec. 25, 1845, Aaron, ! son of Joseph and Sally (Moor) Mason, b. Plattsburg, N. Y., July 28, 1821; farmer; I she Baptist. The birthplaces of their children indicate places of residence. Children: 8134. Ellen Maria, b. Oct. 12. 1846, Gouverneur: d. Dec. 22, 1865, 8135. Columbia T., " Dec. 8, 1849, " " May 16, 1863 8136. Howard Judson, " Aug. 18, 1855, " " Nov. 16, 1858 8137. Herbert Jay, " Feb. 19, 1858, 8138.* Jennie M., " Oct. 28, 1861, DeKalb. 13872] JULIA HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Roxy J.,) b. Antwerp, N.Y., Sept. 18, 1824; m. Gouverneur, N. Y., Dec. 31, 1844, Ed- ward, son of Peregine and Philydda(Fox) Babcock, b. Jefferson Co., N. Y., Aug. 1, 1821; farmer; she res. Gouverneur, until 1885; since, Bridgewater, South Da- kota. He d. Gouverneur, 1861. Children: 8146.* Emma Elizabeth, 8147. Lewis Worth, 8148.* Mary Amelia, 8149. Della Roxaka, 8150. Dana, 8151. HoEL Henry, 794 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. Gouverneur: 8139. Elbridge G., June 11, 1846. 8140. Elm a, Apr. 24, 1848; d. Mar. 9, 1850. 8141. Celestia M., Jan. 12, 1850. 8142. Carrie A., Mar. 1, 1852; d. Aug. 9, 1856. - 8143. Zera, Nov. 16, 1853. 8144. Cora, Nov. 7, 1855. 8145. Frederick, Apr. 4, 1859. [3873J FLOYD HAMBLIN,8 (Bro. of Roxy J.,) b. Antwerp, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1826; m. Gouverneur, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1849,1 Mary Jane, dau. of Richard Leonard and Mary (Green) Gale, b. Argyle, N. Y.,j May 8, 1830; student of natural sciences, geologist and mineralogist, inventor;] Mohawk, N. Y.; materialist, but firm believer in a supreme power and creator. He d. Mohawk, Mar. 16, 1900. b. Feb. 4, 1851, Gouverneur. " Apr. 9, 1853, " Apr. 5, 1855, " [unm. " Apr. 11, 1857, Richville; d. Apr. 14, 1872,] " Sept. 7, 1863, Waddington; d. Sept., '64. " Oct. 25, 1865, " unm. [3876J ZERVIAH HAMBLIN,* (Sister of Roxy J., ) b. Antwerp, N.Y., June 26, 1832; m. Gouverneur, N.Y., Dec. 15, 1855, Joseph] Davis, son of Lott, and Aclisah (Paddock) Hall, b. Ashfield, Mass., June 23, 1823; farmer and dairyman; Antwerp, N.Y"., June, 1832, to June, 1833; Gouverneur, until April, 1887; Hazel, South Dakota, 1895. Ch. b. Gouverneur: 8152.* Arthur Charles, Dec. 28, 1856. 8153.* Harry Augustus, Aug. 21, 1859. 8154. Albert Emery, June 12, 1863; d. Aug. 10, 1863. 8155.* Carrie Lucinda, Apr. 16, 1865. 8156. Frank Edward, Mar. 31, 1868; d. Mar. 7, 1873. [3881] MARGARET HAMBLIN,^ (Niles,^ James,* Amasa,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Philadelphia, N. Y., May 31, 1828; m. 1st, Evans Mills, N. Y., 1850, Henry, son of Mark and Hannah (Rockwell) Huntley, b. Philadel- phia, June 20, 1824, who d. there, Sept. 6, 1858; farmer; m. 2d, Philadelphia, Sept., 1870, Hiram Backus; farmer; who d. Sterlingville, N. Y., Oct., 1877; she res. Philadelphia, 1896; Methodist. No issue. [3882] ABNER HAMBL1N,» (Bro. of Margaret,) b. Phila., N.Y., July 22, 1830; m. Carthage, N.Y., Mar. 29, 1853, Maria, dau. of Luther and Betsey (Reynolds) Harrington, b. Bennington, Vt., Mar. 29, 1833; farmer; Carthage; Republican. Ch. b. Watertown, Wis.: 8157.* William, Sept. 7, 1855. EIGHTH GENERATION. 795 [3884] HENRY A. HAMBLIN,* (Martin,' James.e Amasa,'- Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,-' i) b. Antwerp, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1833; m. Juneau, Wis., Apr. 10, 1860, Hannahett, dau. of Almeron and Adelia (Halkins) Minnick, b. Her- raon, N. Y., 1838: private, G, 1st Wis. Heavy Art.; enlisted Oct. 7, 18(54; served at Fort Ellswortii, Va.; dis. June 26, 1865; farmer; Leroy, N. Y., and Rosendale, Wis.; Ripan, Wis., after October, 1893; she Methodist. He d. Jan. 16, 1901. Children: 8158.* Ethel Grace, b. Oct. 8, 1863, Leroy. 8159. Nellie M., '• July 4, 1872, Rosendale. Miis. Charilla R. Doane. [3886] CHARILLA ROSALIE HAMBLIN,* (Sister of Henry A.,) b. Antwerp, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1845; m. Dubuque, Iowa, June 16, 1887, George H., son of John B. and Clarissa A. (Rice) Doane*; b. Ware, Mass., May 17, 1838: mill owner; Portland, Mich; Cong. She was educated Antwerp and ElmiraFemaleCollege,N.Y.; res. Antwerp: Winona, Minn., 1866-1874; Dubuque, Iowa, 1877-1887; Holly and Portland, Mich.; Ripon, Wis., since 1893; Epis. No issue. For Doane see note 382. 796 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3887] MYRON MARTIN HAMBLIN,* (Bro. of Henry A.,) b. Antwerp, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1850, m. Queenstown, Ont.. May 26, 1881, Rena, dau. of Henry and Sarah (Stirling) Vrooman, b. Queenstown, Jan. 2, 1856; express messenger, fruit grower; Muncie, Ind.;Sandusliy, Ohio; Pontiac, Mich.; Franlvfort,.lnd.; Toledo, Ohio; South Haven, Mich.; Democrat; Baptists. No issue. [3888] BYRON BURNS HAMLIN,« ( Bro. of Henry A.,) b. Antwerp, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1850; m. Himrods, N. Y., Apr. 6, 1871, Nora, dau. of James H. and Elsena (Rapalee) Depew, b. Himrods, June 22, 1852; druggist, express messenger; Antwerp, until 1867; Winona, Minn., until 1869; Himrods, 1874; Ovid, Mich., 1881; Muncie, Ind., 1883; Sandusicy, Ohio, 1886; Pontiac, Mich., 1887; Saginaw, Mich., 1890; since, Chicago, 111.; Republican; member Lodge 29, A.O.U.W. Ch. b. Sandusky: 8160. Hbnky Martin, Nov. 13, 1884. [3889] ADELAIDE ROXCENA .HAMBLIN,' (Luther,' James,« Amasa,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James, 2 1) b. Antwerp, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1845; m. Lowville, N. Y., July, 1878, Michael, son of Lawrence and Barbary (Tierson) Thomas, b. Gros Teuquin, Alsace-Lorraine, Germany, Feb. 20, 1852; farmer; Lowville, N. Y. No issue. [3891] WALTER SCOTT HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of Adalaide R.,) b. West Lowville, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1852; unm.; residence unknown; started for Texas. [3893] WILLIAM RUSSELL GLADWYN,^ (Charlotte Hamblin,' James," Amasa,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Antwerp, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1846; m. Brownville, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1866, Prisciila Celeste Wallace, b. 1845; car- penter and cabinet maker; Sackett's Harbor, 1867-9; Dexter, N. Y., until 1871; Lowville, until 1873; since, Dexter; Methodists. Ch. b. Sackett's Harbor: 8161. Minnie A., Nov. 27, 1867. [3894] LOTTIE CATHERINE GLADWYN,^ (Sister of William R.,) b. Lowville, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1851; m. there, Oct. 22, 1872, John Martin, son of Martin and Cornelia (Anthony) Frame, b. Belfort, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1846: priv- ate, F, 16 N. Y. H. Art.; enlisted Oct., 1863, served under Gen. Butler in Va., severely wounded, destroying left jaw, at Chapin's Farm, Va., Sept. 29, 1864; farmer: removed to Rocliester, N.Y., 1873; returned and res. Lowville, since 1874; mail carrier and gardener. Ch. b. Rochester: 8162.* LiBBiE Ada, June 25, 1873. [3895] HARRIET MELISSA KELSEY,^ (Clarissa Hamlin,' Darling," Amasa,'^' Tliomas,* Ebenezer,^ .James,'^!) b. Bainbridge, N. Y,, Nov. 20, 1810; m. June 20, 1831, Anson Gillette, b. Bainbridge, May 24, 1811; Republican; Presbs. She d. Cortland, N.Y., Apr. 25, 1843. EIGHTH GENERATION. 797 Children: '8163.* Adeline R., b. Aug. 19, 1833, Bainbridge. 8164.* George Devillo, " Mar. 21, 1835, Cortland. [8896] SARAH ANN KELSEY,^ (Sister of Harriet M.,) ni. Buck. Children: 8165. George D.; grocer, Binghamton, N. Y. 8166. A Daughter; m. Church; widow, [3897] GEORGE AUSTIN IvELSEY,^ ( Bro. of Harriet M.,) b. Bainbridge, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1821; m. 1st, Sharon Valley, Ct., Oct. 22, 1858, Sarah Hotchkiss; res. Sharon Valley, since 1858, living with his fourth wife; a prominent man; deacon in Presb. church many years; school teacher; post- master,; and held town offices. No issue. [3898] AMANDA PARDEE,' (Emily Hamlin,' Darling,6 Amasa,^ I Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James, ^i) b. Amenia, N. Y., Mar. 19, 1814; m. 1st, about I 1836, Isaac, son of Isaac and Catherine (Persen) Post, b. Feb. 11, 1811; who d. Jan. 4, 1850; m. 2d, Utica, N. Y., June or July 2, 1851, Dr. Warren W. Thomp- son, of Kingston, N. Y. She d. Denver, Col.; and Dr. Thompson married two I other wives. No issue. [3899] HARRIS PARDEE,' (Bro. of Amanda,) b. Amenia, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1816; m. Kingston, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1841, Elizabeth, I 2, he was commissioned Major 157 N. Y. Inf. Vols. Participated in the battle of Chancellorsville, Va.: served on the staff of Gen. Carl Schurz as mustering officer, and as aid at the battle of Gettysburg; was in command of his regiment at Hagerstown. Md., July 12, 1863, and captured fifty prisoners under a galling tire: promoted Lt-Colonel. His regiment was transferred from the army of the Potomac to the Dept. of the South, where he served at siege of Forts Wagner and Gregg, Morris Island, Charlestown, S. C, Aug. 16 to Sept. 7, 1863, and was captured on the latter date. He participated in actions at Finnegan, Fla., June 2, 1S64. at Johns Island, S.C, July 7-9, 1864, and com- manded his regiment at Honey Hill, S. C, Nov. 30, 1864, (Confederate name of battle Grahamsville), and on the Camden raid, S. C. At Bee Creek Battery, Dec. 5, 1864, his horse was shot under him and he received an injury from the fall from which he never fully recovered, which at times caused him great suffering the remainder of his life. He was com- missioned Colonel in the spring of 1865, and participated in a succession of engagements: Dingle Mills, Apr. 9, in which his regiment, with part of the 53d N. Y., charged and captured, against odds and position, the redoubt of the enemy, with battery, prisoners and colors, for which he was recommended by the commanding general for brevet Brig. Gen.; Statesburg, S. C, Apr. 12, Sumpterville, S. C, Apr. 16. and finally again at Statesburg, Apr. 19. He re- turned home with his regiment and was mustered out July 3, 1865. Dr. H. C. Hendricks, surgeon of the regiment, says: "It is not too much to say of Col. Carmichael that he was every inch a patriot and a soldier: coura- geous to a fault— often to save his men placing himself in danger, where the requirements of his official position did not call him: honored by his superiors and loved by every member of his regiment. * * * We who knew Col. Car- michael and were associated with him in the service, hold his memory in such esteem — his whole life and character— that it is difficult to write of him and keep back words of tribute." During his absence in the war his business was conducted by his partner under the firm name of McFarlin & Carmichael, and he resumed his position on his return. In 1866 he took entire control of the business, but sold out in 1883; removed to Phelps, N. Y., and became president of The Crown Manf, Co., and his business relations were extensive and numerous; he was vice- president, director and manager Cortland and Homer Horse R. R. Co.; di- rector, Utica Chenango and Cortland R. R. Co.; trustee, Cortland Savings Bank; secretary, treasurer and president Cortland Co. Ag. So.; prest. and village trustee; member Cortland Normal School Board; church trustee; Com- mander Grover Post, G. A. R.; treasurer Cortland Soldiers Monument Asso., and served on the staff of Gen. D. P. Wood, N. Y. S. N. G. In politics a Re- publican, and frequently a delegate to its conventions; presidential elector, 1876. He was never a candidate for a salaried political office; but nominations were frequently declined. He was a public spirited citizen, benevolent and highly respected. It was to his honor that he retained the admiration and love of his old soldier comrades as long as he lived. A memorial of his life 802 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. and services, public and private, in a neat book of 100 pages, has been pub- lished. She res. Cortland, N. Y., when not traveling. He d. Cortland, Oct. 2, 1889. Children: 8204. A Daughter, d. young. 8205. James WooDARD, b. June 21, 1868; d. Jan. 19, 1875. [3929] MARIA LODVISKl WOODARD,8 (Sister of Ophelia E., ) b. South Bainbridge, N.Y., Feb. 17, 1835; m. Cortland, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1857, Albert Webb, son of Calvin and Emily (Webb) Bishop, b. Alden, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1832. He graduated from Yale College, 1853; studied law with his uncle, Hora- tio Ballard, at Cortland, N.Y.; a year later he was principal of Cortlandville Academy; the following year he resumed the study of law with Bowen& Rogers, Buffalo, N. Y., was admitted to the bar 1856, and practiced law in partnership with Augustus B. Fitch, at Buffalo, 1859-60. He went to LaCrosse, Wis., in the summer of 1860. When the war began he was member of the LaCrosse Artillery Company. He enlisted as a private soldier and arose to the rank of Lieut-Colonel, 1 Ark. Cav.; Provost Marshall General, 2d and 3d Divisions, Army of the Frontier; Judge Advocate, District of South Western Missouri; Adjutant General of Arkansas, 1865, and again in 1873; Register in Bankruptcy, 2d Cong. district, Arkansas, 1867; Treasurer Arkansas Industrial University, 1871, and President of same, 1874; Republican Candidate for Governor of Arkansas, 1876. He returned to Buffalo and resumed the practice of law, 1879. He was a public spirited man, a prominent political speaker, and a lecturer; author of "Loyalty on the Frontier;" member of Chapin Post, G. A.R., and N. Y. Commandery, M. O. Loyal Legion; Presbs. Both d. Buffalo; she Jan, 14, 1860; lie Nov. 30, 1901. Ch. b. Buffalo: 8206.* Maria Woodward, Jan. 3, 1860. [3931] MARY ELIZABETH HAMLIN,? (William D.,^ Darling,s Amasa,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer.s James.^i) b. Utica, N. Y., Aug; 23, 1845; m. there, by Rev. Dr. Van Deusen, Sept. 27, 1871, Howard, son of Jacob P. and Ann Maria (Van Steenburg) Osterhoudt,* b. Kingston, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1842; res. Kingston. Children: 8207. Catherine Hamlin, b. Apr. 10, 1873, 8208. Henry Floy, " Dec. 26, 1875. [39.36] ELLA HAMLIN,« (Sister of Mary E.,) b. Utica, N.Y., June 18, 1858; m. Apr. 30, 1879, Harris Pardee Osterhoudt,* , (brother of Howard, who married MaryE., sister of Ella Hamlin,) b. Oct. 8, 1849. jl * Note 445. PETRUS OSTERHOUDT.i m. Mercitje Brink. TUNIS OSTERHOUDT,2 bap. May 8, 1763; m. June 30, 1785, Maria, dau. of Tjevck and Annaatje (Walvin) Low, bap. Nov. 6, 1763; he d. May 31, 1836. PETER T. OSTEHOUDT,3 b. Feb. 20, 1784; m. Nov. 16, 1806, Elizabeth Hendricks, b. Mar. 11, 1784; she d. .Ian. 20, 1871. .JACOB P. OSTERHOUDT,! b, Dec. 13, 1808; m. Oct. 1, 1833, Ann Maria Steenberg, b. Feb. 6, 1814; he d. Jan. 3, 1867; she d. Jan. 13. 1871. iJ Gen, Albert W, Bishop. EIGHTH GENERATION. 803 [3937] MARTHA HAMLIN,* (Hiram,' Darllng,« Airiasa,'^ Thomas,* Eb- enezer,3 Jame.s,2i) m. McCollum; traveling salesman; N.Y. City. Children: 8209. Stella. 8210. Mella. [3939] HORACE DOTY, 8 (John,' Damaris Hamlin,^ Amasa,^ ThoraavS,* Ebenezer,3 .James,2i) b. Catskill, N. Y., May 7, 1808; m. there, Mar. 20, 1828, Elizabeth, dau. of Isaac and Lucy (Deyo) Lodewick, of Kinderhook, N. Y., b. Schodock, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1810; shoemaker; Catskill, Kinderhook and Chatham, N.Y.; Thorald, Ont.; Chatham, Valatie and Kinderhook, N. Y.; removed to . May 4, 1829, Kinderhook. Jan. 8, 1832, Chatham. Aug. 21, 1835, Thorold. Oct. 2. 1837, Chatham. Oct. 10, 1839, Valatie; unm. res. Plainfield July 4, 1842, " [boken, N. J. July 26, 1845, Kinderhook; unm., res. Ho- Apr. 20, 1847, " m. Thomas Walden. Feb. 10, 1854, New York City. [3940] HENRY DOTY,^ (Bro. of Horace,) b. Catskill, N. Y., Nov., 1809; m. Julia Brovpn; res. Hudson, N.Y. Children: Three Daughter, unm. [3941] EZRA DOTY,8 (Bro. of Horace,) b. Catskill, N. Y., May, 1811; m. prob. N. Y. City, Harriet Taber, b. there, 1815; soldier, civil war; died in service, Yorktown, Va., 1864; she d. Highland Falls, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1895. m. Theodore Froat, of Highland Falls, N. Y. R. R. Eng., N. Y. City. N. Y., 1850; res. Hoboken, N.J., Children: 8211.* Edgar Hejstry, 8212. Lewis Runyon, 8213. Horace, 8214.* Isaac Lodewick, 8215. Wm. Fetherly. 8216.* Elizabeth Ann, 8217. John Lodewick, 8218. Sarah Helen, 8219. Peter Lodewick, 8220. Childrer Olive; 8221. William; 8222. Thomas, 8223. Clement, [.3942] LORENZO HAMLIN DOTY,* (William H.,' Damaris Hamlin,« Amasa,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,3James,2i) b. Mifflintown, Pa., Nov. 9, 1818; m. Fairmount, W. Va., 1850, Wells, b. there, 1829; removed with his father to West Va., about 1825-6; res. near Fairmount, until 1857; then removed to Illinois, later to Creston, la. He d. Chicago, Ills., July 11, 1897. Children: 8224. Florence Ella, b. 1851. 8225. Lucy Bell, " 1853. 8226. William Howard, " 1856. 8227. Ida Virginia, " 1857. 8228. Flora May, " I860. 8229. Lilly Frances, " 1862. ' 8230. Charles Wells, " 1864. 8231. Mary Alice, " 1870. 804 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3943] EZRA SOUTHARD DOTY,8 (Bro. of Lorenzo H.,) b. Mifflintown, Pa., Sept. 21, 1820; m. Monongalia Co., W.Va., Apr. 15, 1841, Elizabeth Cross; res. Monongalia Co., until 1853; removed to Springhill town- ship. Green Co., Pa., where they res. until 1879; removed to Omaha, Neb. He d. Omaha. Children: 8232.* William Jerome, b. Dec. 26, 1842, Monongalia Co. 8233.* Samuel Logan, • " June 5, 1844, " 82.34. Edmund Cloyd. " May 9, 1846, " 8235. Sanford Lemoin, " Apr. 29, 1848, " 8236. George Nelson, " Apr. 7. 1850, Dept'y Marshall, Omaha. 8237. EvERBLLA Cecelia," May 16, 1852, MonongaliaCo.: res. Omaha. 8238. John Lee, " Dec. 29, 1853, Green Co. 8239. Ezra Southard, " Nov. 15, 1855, " 8240. Elizabeth Arbline" Oct. 8, 1857, " 8241. Ow^EN Parker, " Apr. 16, 1863, " 13947] ELIZABETH ARELINE DOTY,« (Sister of Lorenzo H.,) b. Monongalia Co., W. Va., Jan. 24, 1830; m. in Iowa, Aug. 28,1862, Dougald, son of Dougald and Mary Thompson, b. Glasgow, Scotland, May 13, 1825; Presb. clergyman; Des Moines, Iowa, where he d. May 18, 1896. The family removed to Grant's Pass, Ore. Ch. b. Des Moines: 8242. Edward D., Nov. 4, 1864. 8243. Della M., Sept. 18, 1866. 8244. Jennie L., Dec. 21, 1868; d. Aug. 25, 1889. 8245. Dessa, Dec. 1, 1874. [3950] AUSTIN DOTY,' (Ezra.' Damaris Hamlin,'' Amasa,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James, 2 1) He d. near Mifflintown, Pa. Children: 8246. John Ezra; killed in civil war. 8247. Rebecca Elizabeth. [3954] FLETCHER COLMAN,^ (Seymour,' Lucy Hamlin," Nathaniel,'^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) \y, Chatham, N. Y., June 7, 1833: m. Williams- port, Pa., Feb. 7, 1861, Milicent Virginia, dau. of Charles Brown and Mary (Davison) Bowman, b. Berwick, Pa., Apr. 11, 1838: lumber mfg.; Fort Edward, N. Y., and Wiiliamsport, Pa.; Democrat; she Epis. Ch. b. Wiiliamsport: 8248. Mary Lucinda, Dec. 23, 1861; d. Apr. 17, 1865. 8249. Frank Bowman, Apr. 16, 1865, " Mar. 24, 1890, unm. 8250. Josephine Bowman, Mar. 22, 1869. 8251. Clinton Bowman, July 28, 1872, 8252. Milicent Bowman, May 29, 1874. [3955] JAMES COLMAN,* (Bro. of Fletcher,) b. Esperance, N. Y., June 29, 1835; m. Troy, N. Y., 1858, Anna Dorcas,. dau. of Alvin and Catherine Dennis (Weaver) Williams; b. Troy, 1839; lawyer; Fond du lac, Wis., and Washington, D.C.: Republican; she Epis. EIGHTH GENERATION. 805 Ch. b. Fond du lac: "S-ZSa. Katharine Dennis, Dec. 27, 1858. «254. Alvyn Williams, Feb. 10, 1860. 8255. Mabtan, Feb. 24, 1862; d. July 23, 1862. 8256. Annah Chase, May 15, 1869. 8257. Clara, Jan. 20. 1870; d. Aug. 23, 1870. [3957] SEYMOUR COLMAN,^ (Bro. of Fletcher,) b. Schuylersville, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1840; m. Oct. 23, 1867, Lucy Amelia Dwight, \). Sept. 6, 1845; lumberman; Fond du lac, Wis.; Mich.; and Chicago, Ills. [3959] GEORGE GILBERT,* (Asenath,'' Lucy Hamlin," Nathaniel,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 Jaraes,2i) b. Northampton, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1828; m. Adams, N. Y., July 7, 1875, Harriet C, dau. of Harville and Delana(Goodnough) McAlister, b. Stowe, Vt., Dec. 22, 1847; lawyer; Carthage, N. Y., from 1854 until death; Republican; Presbs. He d. Carthage, Mar. 19, 1890. Ch. b. Carthage: 8258. George McAlister, May 19, 1876. 8259. Bruce Barzillai, Sept. 27, 1877. 8260. Laura Ethel, April 7, 1880. 8261. Ernest Harville, April 12, 1883. [3963] CHARLES LANE C0LMAN,8 -(Henry R.,' Lucy Hamlin," Na- thaniel,*^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James.^i) b. Northampton, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1826: m. Fond du Lac, Wis., Jan. 3, 1850, Laura Augusta, dau. of Joseph and Henri- ■etta (Clark) Place, b. Davenport, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1828; lumber mfg., president, ■C. L. Coleman Lumber Co., LaCrosse, Wis.; Northampton, until 1840; Oneida, Wis., until 1847: Fond du Lac, Wis., until 1854; since, LaCrosse; Republican; mayor of LaCrosse; member Lodge, 45, A.F. &A.M., LaCrosse; she Methodist. He d. LaCrosse, about July 1, 1901. Children: 8262.* Julia Livia, b. Sept. 17, 1850, Fond du Lac 8263.* Lucius Charles, i( Mar. 27, 1853, •ii It 8264.* Harry Lamar, <( June 11, 1862, LaCrosse. 8265.* Edward Leonard, u May 18, 1865, u [3965] Rev. HENRY COLMAN,* D. D., (Bro. of Charles L.,) b. Bridport, Vt., May 14, 1832; m. Appleton, Wis., Sept. 20, 1860, Lucinda Survina, dau. of Abner and Anna (Green) Darling, b. Clarkson, N. Y., May 20, 1835; clergyman; Milwaukee, Wis.; Prohibitionist and Republican; Methodists. He resided with his parents in various places in N. Y. state, until 1840, when bis father became missionary to the Oneida Indians, near Green Bay, Wis.; he a,ttended school there and the public schools in Fond du lac. Wis., until 1850, when he entered Lawrence University, Appleton, Wis., then just opened, from which he graduated, A. B., 1857; taught classics there, a year. He has been member of the Wisconsin Conference, stationed at Fond du lac, Green Bay, i Beaver Dam, Beloit, Whitewater, and in Milwaukee, at Asbury, Grand Avenue and Park Place. For many years secretary of the Conference; trustee of the , Conference; delegate to General Conference, 1876; Presiding Elder Milwaukee ; District. Four years principal of Evansville Seminary; trustee of Lawrence 806 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Eev. Henry Col3ian, D. D. University, thirty years. He received the degree of D. D. from Lawrence Uni- versity, 1879. Mrs. Colraan removed to Eacine, Wis., 1840: she graduated from Lawrence University, 1857, a class mate with her husband; taught in Madison and Sheboygan public schools; Preceptress, Evansville Seminary, 1863-7; Con- ference Secretary, "Woman's Foreign Miss. So.; President, W.C.T.U., Milwau- kee and other places. President, Milwaukee Deaconess' Aid Soc. Children: b. July 6, 1861, Green Bay; d. Jun. 18, '62, " Jun. 23, 1863, Watertown. " Sept. 22, 1867, Evansville. " July 9, 1873, Waukesha. 8266. 8267.* 8268.* 8269.* Henry Abner, Anna Livia, Laura Luctnda, Howard Darling. [3966] JOSEPH SPIER COLMAN,* (Bro. of Chas. L.,) b. Middleburg, N.Y., Nov. 24, 1837; m. Elton, N.Y., Nov. 22, 1862, Helen Eliza, dau. of Benjamin and Eliza (Smith) Knowlton, b. Springvale, N. Y., Feb, 28, 1839: mill supt.; Fond du lac. Wis., 1862-5^ LaCrosse, Wis., until 1897; Re- publican; Methodists. Children: 8270. Louis Benjamin, 8271. WiLLARD Henry, b. June 10, 1865, Fond du lac. " July 24, 1870, LaCrosse: unm. 1901, [.3967] ELIIIU COLMAN,8 (Bro. of Charles L.,) b. Oneida, Wis., May 11, 1841; m. Madison, Wis., Sept. 29, 1668, Mary Eliza- beth, dau. of Jonas Tebbutt and Mary (Dean) Hill, b. Raunds, Eng., Sept. 1, EIGHTH GENERATION. 807 I 1842: lawyer; Fond du lac, Wis.; Republican; register of banliruptcy, 1867-72; Hepresentative, Wis. legislature, 1872; U. S. Dist. Att'y., Eastern Dist. Wis., 1890-3; Cora-Sergt., G, 1 Wis. Cav.; enlisted Oct. 24, 1861; dis. Jan. 5, 1863; Meth- odists. He d. Green Bay, Wis., Jan. 25, 1899. Cli. b. Fond du lac: 8272. Edna Marie, Apr. 3, 1872. • ' - ». 8273. Claire, Feb. 12, 1874; d. Jan.' 6, '1888 8274. Ralph Henry, Sept. 4, 1877. 8275. Paul Elihu, Dec. 29, 1879. [3968J AUGUSTUS L. COLMAN,* (Hiram H.,^ Lucy Hamlin,^ Natlian- iel,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Northampton, N.Y., May 7, 1838; unmarried; killed battle of Wilderness, Va., May 6, 1864. [3869] DAVID N. COLMAN,8 (Bro. of Augustus L., ) b. Northampton, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1841; unmarried; d. Washington, D. C, 1864, from hardship contracted at battle of Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. [3971] Rev, JOHN H. COLMAN,^ D. D., (Bro. of Augustus L,) b. Northampton, N.Y.,. Sept. 30, 1848; m. Scagticoke, N. Y., July 16,' 1889, Olara M. Wiley; he was a prominent Metliodist clergyman in the Troy, N. Y., Conference, residing at Albany, N. Y.; President, Willamette College, Salem, Oregon, 1903. Child: 8276. Henry Hamlin, b. Nov, 6, 1890. ; [3973] HENRY HAMLIN,^ (Orlo J.,' Asa,« Nathaniel,^ Thomas,* Eben- ezer,3 James, 21) b. Smethport, Pa., Apr. 9, 1830: m. there, Aug. 14, 1854; Hannah L., dau. of Dr. William Y. and Charlotte A., (Darling) McCoy, b. Smethport, Feb., 1834; banker; Smethport. Mr. Hamlin inherited his father's love for books and study; his taste inclined him to the legal profession, and at an early age he began the study of law. Finding that his health demanded more active employment, he engaged in mercantile pursuits, becoming a clerk in the store of his father and uncle Byron in Smethport, and a partner in the business at the age of nineteen, continuing in that employment until 1878. He was for- merly president First National Bank, Port Allegheny, Pa. He is now senior member of the banking house of Henry Hamlin & Son, Smethport, established, 1863, representing a capital of $857,000; director, Coudersport and Port Alle- gheny R. R. Co.; trustee. Fidelity Trust and Guaranty Co., Buffalo, N. Y., representing over $8,000,000; president. Buckeye Gas Co., Circleville, Ohio; di- rector, in the Logan, Newark and other gas companies in Ohio; director, P'ul- ton and Phoenix Gas Companies, in New York; director, New Conklin Wagon Co., Clean, N. Y.; trustee, Monona Mining Co., Colorado, and president of the ; Water Company in Smetliport. Strict integrity, close attention to business, and the faculty of acquiring accurate, minute knowledge of his affairs being the ' secret of his success; this latter trait has followed him through life, not only in business, but in his hours of leisure and amusements in whicli he takes a i lively interest. He has succeeded as a financier, making investments only after thorough investigation; and while he has been and is largely interested li in timber lands in different states and in Mexico, in the production of oil and !' other commercial ventures, he rarely makes a mistake or suffers loss. His 808 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. present banking business being one of the solid institutions of western Penn- sylvania. A marlied feature of ills business is his kindness to deserving debtors as can be attested by many; for while he conducts business uncJer strict rules, he has never oppressed the poor. His public spirit in the prosperity of his native town is evidenced by his connection with its successful system of water works; the erection of his handsome bank edifice and his own well kept private- grounds. His benevolence and christian character is to be seen in the building and endowment of St. Luke's church, of which he and his family are communi- cants and of which he is senior warden and vestryman; besides many lesser gifts for religious and charitable purposes. In early life a Democrat, but became a Republican in the Lincoln campaign, 1860. Associate judge from 1881 until the office was abolished, serving with credit, and to the satisfaction of his con- stituents. Ch. b. Smethport: 8277.* Laena Darling, June 7, 1856, 8278.* Emma Marion, Dec. 26, 1857, 8279.* Mary Eugenie, J)ec. 2, 1865, 8280.* Orlo Jay, June 23, 1873, [3674] .lOHN C. HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Henry,) b. Smethport, Pa., Mar. 4, 1836; m. there, Oct. 15, 1857, Charlotte M., dau. Dr. William Y. and Charlotte A. (Darling) McCoy, b. Smethport; merchant: Smethport; Epis., in which church he was vestryman. Ch. b. Smethport: 8281.* William Orlo, Mar. 2, 1855. 8282.* Charlotte Aline, Dec. 1, 1860. 8283.* Mary Eugenia, Oct. 10, 1863. [3975] PAULINE E. HAMLIN,' (Sister of Henry, ) b. Smethport, Pa., Sept. 13, 1838; m. there, Jan. 20, 1858, Robert King, b. Guilford, England, Sept. 30, 1830. He was educated Birmingham. Eng.; came to America, 1850; surveyor and draftsman: Smethport; Democrat. His fam- ily in England were Friends; his children were Epis. Ch. b. Smethport: 8284. Mary Lewella; music teacher. 8285. RowENA Janette, Jan. 18, 1862; d. Rochester, N. Y. 8286. EuLALiA Maria, Nov. 28, 1864. 8287. Orlo William, Apr. 3, 1868; d. Sept. 3, 1869. 8288. Orra Hamlin, Oct. 3, 1875. [3976] ORRA MIRANDA NOBLE,« (Eliza M. Hamlin,' Asa,« Nathan- iel,'* Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Sterling, Pa., Sept. 24, 1828; ra. there, Apr. 3, 1851, Albert Joseph, son of Charles and Selina (Inkphen) Cliff, b. Ster- ling, Apr. 14, 1826; manufacturer; he res. in early life at Sterling; Pittston, Pa., 1849-53; Sterling, 1853-67; since, Phila. Pa.; Republican; Methodists. Children: 8289.* Emma Noble, b. Feb. 16, 1852, Pittston, Pa. 8290. Orra Jennktte, " Aug. 19, 1854, Sterling; unm. 8291.* Everett (Jlentworth, " Jan. 1, 1857, " [unm. 8292. Frank Lincoln, " Jan. 26, 1860, " d. Dec. 31, 1884. 8293. Albert Burton, " May 12, 1863, " Children: 8294. Nelson Jesse, 8295.* Ida Marie, 8296. Jesse Nelson, 8297. Herbert Nelson, 8298. Edith M., EIGHTH GENERATION. 809 [3977J ELIZA MARIA NOBLE,8 (Sister of Orra M.,) b. Sterling?, Pa., Aug. 23, 1831: ra. there, Dec. 27, 1857, Nelson Jesse, son of Jesse and Lucy (Weston) Gates, b. Mt. Pleasant, Pa., Apr. 9, 1831; he res. Flushing, L. I.. 1856-67; since, Broolflyn, N. Y., retired from business; Republi- can; member Brooklyn Board of Education 26 years; Union League Club and Oxford Club: Congs. 3ren: . Nov. 20, 1858, White Stone; d. Sep. 20, '59 June 6, 1860, Flushing, L. I. July 9, 1862, " d. Aug. 23, '63 Aug. 6, 1865, Brooklyn; " July 2, '96 Aug. 6, 1865, " " Aug. 14, '71 [3978] THOMAS MORTIMER NOBLE,8 (Bro. of Orra M.,) b. Sterling, Pa., July 6, 1832; m. HoUisterviile, Pa., May 18, 1864, Eliza Grid- ley, dau. of William and Mary (Jones) HoUister,* b. HoUisterviile, July 14, 1836: farmer and merchant; Sterling; Methodists. He d. Sterling, Sept. 16, 1898. Ch. b. Sterling: 8299. Charles Howard, Aug. 8, 1865; d. Oct. 16, 1866. 8300.* James Leonard, Apr. 8, 1867. i - 8301.* William Hamlin, May 18, 1870. 8302. Grace, Nov. 27, 1871; m. George Gilpin. [3979] MARIAN ASENATH NOBLE,^ (Sister of Orra M., ) b. Sterling, Pa., Sept. 18, 1835; m. there, Oct. 3, 1865, Franklin Starboard, j son of Charles Starboard and Harriet (La Bar) Bortree, b. Sterling, Mar. 9, 1839; i flour and grain commission. He res. Sterling in early life; Stroudsburg, Pa., I 1860-2: Chicago, 111., 1862, until death; Republican; she Cong.: he d. Chicago, 1 July 12, 1896. Ch. b. Cliicago: 8303.* Maude Noble, Apr. 23, 1868. 8304. Blanche Marian, July 21, 1870; m. Angus Bennett. [3982] ADELAIDE MINERVA NOBLE,8 (Sister of Orra M.,) I b. Sterling, Pa., Sept. 6, 1840; unmarried; was teacher, Brooklyn, N.Y.; res. I on the parental homestead, 1894, to care for her aged mother; later at Phila., Pa. We are indebted to her for the records of this branch of the family. [3983] EMELINE MARILLA NOBLE,' (Sister of Orra M.,) . b. Sterling, Pa., July 15, 1843; m. there, Oct. 15, 1879, Phineas Hewett, son [ of Phineas H. and Mary Ann (Hewett) Howe, b. Sterling, Feb. 23, 1837; farmer; j Sterling; Democrat; she Methodist. Ch. b. Sterling: 8305. Jesse Noble, Jan. 24, 1881; unm. 1901. 8306. Charles Hewett, Feb. 1, 1885. [3984] HARRIET AMELIA HAMLINV ( Wihiam E.,' Asa,« Nathan- (iel,» Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James.^i) b. Sterling, Pa., Nov. 19, 1842; unmarried; ■ res. East Stroudsburg, Pa. * For Holllster see note 345. 810 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3985] ORRA JANETTE HAMLm,8 (Sister of Harriet A.,) b. Sterling, Pa., Apr. 12, 1849; m. there, June 11, 1872, Hon. Almeron Red- tield, son of Phineas H. and Mary Ann (Hewitt) Howe, b. Sterling, Feb. 9, 1844; i dealer in musical instruments; Honesdale, Pa.; Democrat: representative Pa. ' legislature, 1877-8; Freemason and Odd Fellow; she Methodist. Ch. b. Honesdale: 8307. Arthur Delano, Aug. 27, 1873; m. Effle Akers. 8308. Mabel Hamlin, Feb. 24, 1875. 8309. Blanch Anna, Aug. 20, 1877. 8310. OrraJenette, June 30, 1879. 8311. Howard Almeron, Aug. 1, 1881. [.3986] BYRON EUGENE HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Harriet A..) b. Sterling, Pa., Oct. 9, 1852; m. Piqua, Ohio, Jan. 1, 1890, Julia H., dau. of Rev. William and Catherine Harlow, b. Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 15, 1862. He attended the district school, and two years at grammar school, Philadelphia. Before 17 years old he engaged in business with his father in Sterling, purchased his father's interest, 1879, and continued the mercantile business and manufac- turing of hard wood lumber until 1889: he became a member of the firm of Ham- lin & Gilpin, owners of a large tract of timber in Elk Co.. Pa., 1883; sold out ia Pa., 1889, and located in Winston, North Carolina. Two years lated at Detroit, Mich., where he resides; president Norton, Cato Mfg. Co., and dealer in real estate and timber lands; Republican; Freemason; Odd Fellow; member Mich. Club; Merchants and Mfg. Club, etc. Ch. b. Winston: 8312. Helen Harlow, Nov. 27, 1891. [3988] ELLEN MARION HAMLIN,^ (Asa D.,^ Asa,« Nathaniel,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer.s James,2i) b. Smethport, Pa., Feb. 15, 1849; m. there, Feb. 16, 1870, Sanford Samuel, son of Samuel Lathrop and Harriet Samantha (Coon) Provin, b. Westfleld, Pa., 1849; farmer; Smethport, Ridgeway and Hazen, Pa.: Republican and Prohibitionist; Methodist; member 141 Pa. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Aug. 1864; wounded April, 1865. She d. Ridgeway, Apr. 3, 1873. Ch. b. Ridgeway: 8313.* Mary Ellen,' Mar. 28, 1873. [3989] LINDA J. HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Ellen M.,) b. Smethport, Pa., Mar. 7, 1850; m. Sept. 3, 1875, William W. White, of Smethport. No issue. [3990] FLORA ASENATH HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Ellen M.,) b. Smethport, Pa., Oct. 22, 1852; m. there, June 11, 1871, Frank Ward, son of William Backus, b. in Conn., May 7, 1842; farmer; Smethport; Republican. Ch. b. Smethport: 8.314.* Harry Llewellyn, Sept. 13, 1872. 8315. Matilda Carolyn, July 28, 1874. [3991] ELIZA MARIA HAMLIN.^ (Sister of Ellen M.,) b. Smethport, Pa., Feb. 23, 1857; m. there, Dec. 14, 1875, Christian Sherer, b. Germany; meat dealer; Democrat; he d. Smethport, 1888. O. '/\ Oa^u^^^^'^ V 'f i EIGHTH GENERATION. 811 Children: 8316. Clarence Hamlin, b. Jan. 30, 1876. 8317. Asa Darwin, " Aug. 10, 1879. 8318. Frederick Christian, " Mar. 5, 1881. 8319. Elsie M., " Jan. 12, 1887. [3992] NELLIE O. HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Ellen M.,) b. Smethport, Pa., Jan. 13, 1860; m. May 8, 1888, Byron W. Badger: Smeth- port. Children: 8320. Ralph, b. June 16, 1891. 8321. Viola, " July 1, 1892. CAROLINE E. HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Ellen M.,) b. Soaethport, Pa., Feb. .3, 1862; m. Sept. 12, 1877, Thomas Brown, from whom she was divorced, 1881; m. 2d, Oct. 22, 1890, Stanley T. Townsend; res. Lancaster, Ohio. Ch. by 1st marriage: 8322. Carrie E., b. June 9, 1879. [3994] DELANO RICHMOND HAMLIN, 8 (Byron D.,^ Asa,« Nathan- iel, ^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,-i) b. Smethport, Pa., Aug. 10, 1847; m. there. May 3, 1871, Eugenie, dau. of Dr. William Y. and Charlotte A. ( Darling) McCoy, b. Smethport, Feb. 26, 1849; lawyer; Smethport; in partnership with his father, firm of Hamlin & Son. He d. Smethport, May 30, 1884; Epis. Ch. b. Smethport: 8323.* Paul Delano, Jan. 24, 1873. 8324. Jenette, Oct. 27, 1877. [3995] JENETTE HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Delano R.,) b. Smethport, Pa., Sept. 18, 1852; m. 1st, there, Aug. 5, 1873, Horace Victor, son of and Jane (Forbes) Redfield, b. Eden, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1846; corres- pondent for Cincinnati Commercial; res. Smethport, Pa.; Chattanooga, Tenn.; and Washington, D.C.; Republican; Epis. He d. Washington, Nov. 17, 1881; m. 2d, Sept. 24, 1889, William E. McCoy; cotton mfgr; Augusta, Ga. She d. Augusta, Jan. 30, 1896. Ch. by 1st marriage: 8325.* Harriet Forbes, b. Aug. 14, 1874, Smethport. 8326.* Horace Hamlin, " Jan. 10, 1878, Chattanooga. 8327. Scott Forest, " Oct. 5, 1879, Washington. [3996] MARY HOLMES HAMLIN,* (Sister of Delano R.,) b. Smethport, Pa., Sept. 29, 1856; m. there, Aug. 1, 1878, John, son of John and Ann Forrest, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1851: lawyer; Smethport; partner with his father-in-law, Byron D. Hamlin, firm, Hamlin & Forrest. Ch. b. Smethport: 8.328. Helen, Mar, 1, 1880. 8329. Ruth, Oct. 12, 1883, 812 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [3998J ELLEN BOTSFORD BELL,8 (Julia A. Hamlin,' Arcillus,^ Nathaniel/' Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Virginia, Nov. 2, 1843; m. Brooklyn, N. Y.. Nov. 2, 1863, Sanders Archibald, son of Archibald and Mary Lea (Smith) Frith, b. Island of Bermuda, Oct. 2, 1827; commission merchant; Bermuda, Barbadoes and New York; member of St. George So., N.Y.; she member Southern Soc, of Brooklyn. Epis. [4000] MARY FRANCES BELL,8 (Sister of Ellen B.,) b. Newtown, Ct., May 14, 1849; m. Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr. 7, 1875, Rev. Paul, son of .lohn .Jacob and Augusta Henrietta Elizabeth (Knoll) Ziegler, b. Detroit, Mich.. Dec. 7, 1847; clergyman and teacher; Detroit, except at Trinity Coll., Hartford, Ct., 1868-72; Berkley Divinity School, Middietown, Ct., 1872-3; Law- rence, Kas., 1875-9; member Psi Upsilon, Phi Beta Kappa and Alpha Chi Rho Societies; Republican; Epis. She member Louisa St. Clair Chapter D. A. R. Children: 8330.* Carl Gottlob, b. Jan. 27, 1876, Lawrence. 8331. Howard Bell, " Aug. 21, 1879, Detroit; unm. 1901. 8332. Eustace Paul, " July 24, 1881, 8333. WiNFRED Hamlin, •' Nov. 23, 1885, " [4002] LILY BELL,8 (Sister of Ellen B., ) b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1854; m. Garden City, L. I., N. Y., Jan. 24, 1882. Charles Thompson, son of Wales and Frances Augusta (Collins) Hotchkiss, b. New Haven, Ct., Mar. 22, 1853; merchant; Brooklyn, N. Y.: Epis. Ch. b. Brooklyn: 8334. Arthur Bell, Dec. 7, 1882; d. Jan. 7, 1886. 8335. Mabel Frances, May 30, 1884, " July 14, 1885. 8336. Raymond Bell, May 16, 1887. 8337. Julia Hamlin, Jan. 27, 1889. 8338. Byron, Aug. 20, 1896. [4003] HARRY KENT BELL,^ M. D., (Bro. of Ellen B.,) b. Brooklyn, N.Y., July 13, 1857; m. there, Feb. 4, 1891, Eugenie Elizabeth, dau. of John August and Sarah Ann (Harnett) Morro, b. Brooklyn, Nov. 20, 1868; physician. Bureau of Records, Dept. of Health, N. Y. City; employed in Department of Health, Brooklyn, 1886-93; res. Brooklyn until 1900; since, Ja- maca, L. I.; Democrat; Epis. Ch. b. Brooklyn: 8339. Grace Ellen, Nov. 29, 1891. 8340. Mary Frances, Mar. 2, 1893. [4004] GEORGE NELSON BELL,8 (Bro. of Ellen B.,) b. Brooklyn, N.Y., May 28, 1859; m. Kingston, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1896, Eliza- beth, dau. of Adolph and Caroline (Breidenbecker) Eichler, b. Kingston, Nov. 11, 1868; civil engineer; Brooklyn, until 1876; Lawrence, Kansas, until 1878; Brooklyn, until 1881; Newport, R. L, until 1886; Philadelphia, Pa., until 1889; Bristol, Tenn., until 1891; Brooklyn, until 1894; Kingston, until 1896; Brooklyn, until 1898; since, Kingston; Democrat; she Lutheran. Children: 8341. Marion Eichler, b. Sept. 21, 1897, Brooklyn. 8342. Adolph Nelson, " June 14, 1899, Kingston. EIGHTH GENERATION. 813 [4013] HENRY F. HAMLIN,^ (Fayette B.,' Loren,6 Nathaniel.'^ Thom- as,* Ebenezer.^ James,2i) b. Penn, 1835; m. Sept. 9, 1857, Harriet A. Clark, Tj. N.Y., 1840; salesman; Manchester, Iowa; member Manchester Lodge 1<)5, .A. F. & A. M.; Olive Branch Chapter, R. A. M., and Nazreth Commanderj% 33, K. T. He d. 1901. Children: 8343. Frank Henry, 8344. Charles F., 8345. Clarence Clark, b. June 12, 1859, Belvidere; d. June 4, 1894. '* June 12, 1860, " Jan. 7, 1868, Manchester. [4014] AUGUSTA HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Henry F.,) b. Coudersport, Pa., 1842: m. Manchester, Iowa, 1881, Alonzo Shaw, b. N.Y., 1807; farmer; Manchester. She furnished the records for this branch of the family. Both d. Manchester; she 19—; be 1890. [4015] Dr. ALBERT BARNES WATKINS,« (Eveline Hamlin,^ Eras- tus,6 Nathaniel,'^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Naples, N.Y., July 8, 1838: m. Fairtield, N.Y., Nov. 19, 1863, Martha A., dau. of Dr. William and Mary Ann (Buell) Mather, b. Fairtield, May 10, 1840; a prominent educator; Fairtield, Adams and Albany, N. Y.; educated Prattsburgh Academy, Fairtield Seminary, and graduated Amherst College, 1863; Prof, of Latin and Greek, Faii-field Semi- nary; Principal Hungerford Collegiate Inst., Adams, N.Y., 1870-82, the latter portion School Commissioner; Sec'y Regent of University of N.Y., Albany, 1882-92. After his death the family removed to Chicago, 111. He d. Albany, Mar. 18, 1892. Children: 8346. Evelina, b. June 28, 1866, Fairfield. 8347. Jesse Mather, " Oct. 10, 1868, " 8348. Frank Alonzo, " July 8, 1875, " 8349. Charles Albert. " Dec. 4, 1882, Adams. [4018] ARTHUR AUGUSTUS WATKINS,^ (Bro. of Albert B.,) b. Naples, N. Y., July 10. 1849: m. Locke, Mich., Jan. 5, 1873, Marian Eliz- libeth Schofield. He d. in Mich., 1899. Children: 8350. Albert Hehry, 8351. Stephen Israel, 8352. Ellen Evelina, 8353. Guy Koegler, 8354. Robert Schofield, 8355. Kate Louisa, 8356. Ernest Arthur, 8857. Grace Delia, 8358. , Fanny Irene, b. Jan. 26, 1874, Clear Creek, Kas. '• July 15, 1875, Lock, Mich. " Sept. 13, 1877, Axtel, Kas. " Sept. 3, -1879, " " Aug. 25, 1881, " " d. Apr. 9. 1882. " Apr. 24, 1883, Petosky, Mich. " Oct. 30, 1885, Clarion; d. Aug. 13, 1887. '* June 19, 1889, Petosky, '.' June 17, 1891, " [4019] EUGENE BABCOCK HAMLIN,8 (Edwin A.,^ Erastus,« Na- ianiel,» Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,^!) b. Naples, N.Y., Feb. 24, 1849; m. Sandy reek, N.Y., Feb. 23. 1876, Mary, dau. of Henry and Charlotte Daily, b. I'ulaski, Y., Apr. 30, 1844; farmer; North Urbana, N. Y. He received an academic Jucation; taught school and followed railroading a few years; farmer, since j75;held local offices, manager public schools. His house and barns were burned 88, by lightning, and he was rescued from burning by his wife and son. 814 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: 8359. Edm'in Daily, b. Apr. 22, 1880. 8360. Will Charles McKallar, " June 2, 1883. 8361. Alice May, " Aug. 1,1885. [4020] CORNELIA M. HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Eugene B.,) b. Naples, N. Y., May 8, 1851; m. there. May 10, 1876, Elijah and Caroline- (Chesbro) Wells, b. Naples, July 13, 1850; merchant; Naples. They were edu- cated at Naples Academy; Presbs., of which church he was treasurer many years. No issue. [4022] Dr. GEORGE DENISON HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Eugene B., ) b. Naples, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1858; unmarried; physician, Brooklyn, N.Y.; edu- cated in the schools of his native town, Hungerford Collegiate Inst., Adams, N. Y., and N. Y. Med. College; served two years in N.Y. City Hospital, and began practice of medicine, Brooklyn, 1884; member Brooklyn board of educa- tion; P. M., Greenpoint Lodge 403, A. F. & A. M. [4023] CHARLES EDWIN HAMLlN.s (Bro. of Eugene B.,) b. Naples, N.Y., Nov. 13, 1863; m. Dec. 28, 1893; Lydia H.Smith, of Nunda, N. Y.; resides with his father, Naples. Child: 8362. Louise, b. Sept. 1898. [4024] Dr. FRED ERASTUS HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Eugene B.,) b. Naples, N.Y., Jan. 8, 1866; unmarried; physician and surgeon; Naples^ until 1892; N.Y. City, until 1894; since, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Republican; member Greenpoint Lodge, 403, A. F. & A. M., and Abraham Lincoln Council, Jr., 14, O. U. A. M., Brooklyn. [4026] ELIZA ANN HA MLIN,8 (George W.,' Richard,6 Nathaniel,* Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Sharon, Ct., Apr. 25, 1844: removed with her parents to Kenosha, Wis., 1845; m. there, July 21, 1864, Capt. John C, son of | John and Caroline (Crayford) Holderness, b. Ogdensburg, N.Y., 1837. He is of English descent, settled at Kenosha, and was Captain of several vessels sailing from that place over the lakes; removed to Virden, 111., 1868, where he was a merchant; member of city government six years; Freemason and Odd Fellow; Baptist; she Christian and member Jessie Rebekah Lodge, 528, I. O. O. F., of which she was N . G. and Representative. Children: 8363.* Nora Janett, b. July 15, 1865, Kenosha. 8364.* John Henry, " May 1, 1867, Springfield, 8365. Frederick Eugene, " Sept. 4, 1869, Virden. 8366.* Cora Asenath, " Dec. 18, 1871, 8367. Archie Richard, " Apr. 22, 1874, " d. Oct. 9, 1875. 8368. Jessie Ruth, " Jan. 29, 1878, " " Oct. 29, 1895. [4027] EUGENE D. HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Eliza A.,) b. Kenosha, Wis., Aug. 11, 1847; m. Springfield, 111., May 8, 1873, Fannie C, dau. of Turner W. and Mary (Graham) Lloyd, b. Springfield, Jan. 8, 1850. He i EIGHTH GENERATION. 815 moved with his parents to Springfield, 1860, where he was employed as telegraph operator and R. R. agent, 1867-85. He was extensively engaged as grain dealer, having thirteen elevators under his charge on the O. M. and St. L. & C. Rail- ways, with headquarters at Springfield, 188.5-9; was in Puget Sound country for his health, four years, returning Nov., 1893, to Omaha, Neb., where he was in the grain trade, until 1894: since at Des Moines, Moines, Iowa. Member Ta- coma Lodge, 6, A. O. U. W., and ]owa Div. S. A. R, He is deeply interested in the family history, and has rendered valuable assistance in its compilation. No issue. [4028] JOHN JAY HAMLIN/ (Bro. of Eliza A.,) b. Kenosha, Wis., April 26, 1849; m. Lee Park, Valley Co., Neb.. Maggie, dau. of Thomas and Delia (O'Toole) Johnson, of Loup City, Neb.; removed with his parents to Springfield, 111., 1860; telegraph operator, 111., several years; he and his brother George were frontier operators during the construction of the N. P. R. R., on that line until the road reached Bismarck; returned to Illinois and was employed by the railroad company at Virginia and Havana two years, he and his brother George made another tour through the western country and settled at Lee Park about 1875, the second white settlers there; farmer; resided Ord, Neb. several years; county commissioner; he d. Lee Park, March 24, 1892; his widow and children reside Syracuse, N. Y. Ch. b. Valley Co.: 8369. Blanche, Oct. 19, 18S4. 8370. Geokge, July 10, 1886. 8371. Mary, May 30, 1888; d. June 27, 1889. 8372. John Jay, Mar. 22, 1890. 8373. William, Mar. 11, 1892, [4029] GEORGE EDWARD HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Eliza A..) b. Kenosha, Wis., Jan. 9, 1851; m. Overton, Neb., Aug. 13, 1890, Laura B., •dau. of Geo. W. and Nancy A. (Hamblin) Smith, of Pratt, Kas., b. Blooming- ton, Ind., Nov. 12, 1872: moved to Springfield, 111., with his parents, I860. See sketch of his brother John. Telegraph operator, N. P. R. K., until its com- pletion to Bismark: returned and remained two years in 111., and removed west, settled, Lee Park, Neb., 1875; farmer and stockman; later builder and con- tractor, Tacoraa, Wash. Children: 8374. Edward R., b. Dec. 13, 1892, Enumclaw, 8.375. EthalM., " Mar. 5, 1894, Puyallup. [4030] EMMA JANE HAMLIN,* (Sister of Eliza A..) b. Kenosha, Wis., Dec. 25, 1852; moved with her parents to Springfield, 111., I860; m. there, Feb. 13, 1877, William Neal, son of J. S. and A. E. (Bell) Gallo- *vay, b. Christian Co., 111., July 5, 1851; farmer; Edenburg, 111.; educated Wa- Dash College, Ind.; she graduated Springfield high school, and studied music at he Convent, there; music and school teacher before marriage. Children: 8376. William, b. June 20, 1878, Christian Co. 8377. George, " Oct. 11, 1880, Sangamon Co. 8378. Emma, " Apr. 14, 1886, Christian Co. 816 THE HAMLIIJ FAMILY. [4031] MARY FRANCES HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Eliza A.,) b. Kenoslia, Wis., Mar. 2, 1855; m. Virden, 111., Oct. 13, 1873, George Harris, son of James Payne and Fannie (Crandall) Worden, b. Florence, Ohio, Nov. 15, 1845: Druggist; Auburn, 111.; Republican: Methodist; member Lodge 161 A. F. & A. M., Virden: and Auburn Lodge, I. O. O. F.; she Baptist. He was acci- dentally killed in a coal mine. Auburn, June 9, 1879; she removed to Arcadia, Nebraska. Children: 8379. James Payne, 8380. Sanfokd Eugene, a 8381. Georgia, u Aug. 19, 1874, Virden; unm. Sept. 5, 1876, Auburn, " Aug. 31, 1879, Springfield; d. 1902. Aug. 3, 1880. [4032] JENNIE LIND HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Eliza A.,) b. Kenosha. Wis., Sept. 6, 1859; m. Sherman, Minn., May 14, 1882, Richard, son of Melvin Darius and Hannah (Brooks) Reynolds, b. Ellis Village, N. Y.,. Apr. 26, 1.^55; mason: Caledonia, Minn. Ch. b. Sherman: 8382. iKWiN Melvin, Mar. 28, 1883. 8383. Chester Arthur, Jan. 12. 1885. Major GEORGE B. FISHER.. [4034] Major GEORGE BURGES FISHER.* (Jnliefcte Hamlin,^ Rich- ard," Nathaniel, 5 Thomas,^ Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Hartford, Ct., July 29, 1844: m. there, May 16, 1877, Ella Louise, dau. of Amanda M. and Sarah Gushing EIGHTH GENERATION. 817 (Wiles) Hurlbut,* b. Colchester, Ct., June 2, 1855. He was educated in the district Grammar school and the Hartford High school; was in the clothing trade, Hartford. I86L-72; Fire Ins. Agency, Hartford, 1872-81; rubber business, Detroit, Mich., 1881-4; Fire Ins. Agency, Hartford, 1884-90; since. President, George B. Fisher Co., (General Insurance) of which his son, Geo. B. Fisher, Jr., is secretary; residence, Hartford: Republican: member city council, two terms; fire commissioner, three years; private. Governor's Foot Guards, five years; Adjutant. 1st Regt. Conn. N. G., two years: Major, Governor's Foot Guards, 1879-81: member St. John's Lodge, 4, A. F. &"a. M.; Congs. Ch. b. Detroit: 8384. Geokoe Burges, Sept. 11, 1881. [4035] JULIETTE HAMLIN FISHER,* (Sister of George B.,) b. Hartford, Ct., Aug. 8, 1846; m. there, Nov. 2fi, 1872, Charles Hammond, son of John and Sarah ( Moore) Lawrence, b. N. Y., Aug. 23, 1845; secretary Phoenix Mutual Ins. Co., Hartford; Republican; Epis. Ch. b. Hartford: 8385.* Juliette Hamt.in, Dec. 17, 1874. 8386. Thomas Fisher, Feb. 16, 1877. [4036] JANE ELIZA FLSIIER," (Sister of George B.,) b. Hartford, Ct., Oct. 27, 1849: m. there, Sept. 20, 1877, Rev. Wiliam Jack- son, son of Joseph and Mary (Jackson) Roberts, b. Wales, June 29, 1849; Episco- pal clergyman; came to America with his parents in childhood; resided Detroit, Mich.: educated in public schools there: Trinity College, Hartford, Ct.; Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Ct.; ordained St. John's Church, Detroit: spent a year at American Church, St. Paul's, Rome, Italy; Trinity Church, Hartford, Ct. Held charges at Hudson, Mich.; Detroit; Newark, N. J.; and Las Vegos, N.M. He d. Las Vegos, Aug. 30, 1891; she res. Hartford, Ct. Children: 8387. Elise Armitage, b. July 22, 1879, Hudson. 8388. William Blair, " Dec. 10. 18S1, Detroit. 8389. Joseph Buffi ngton, " Mar. 15, 1884, Newark. 8390. Paul, • '• Aug. 3, 1887, [40.3vS] ORRA HAMLIN JONES,^ (Almira Hamlin,' Richard,« Nathan- iel,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 Jame.s,2i) b. Miindale, Mass., Mar. 17, 1846; m. West- field, Mass., Apr. 19, 1880, Charles Franklin, son of Joseph Miner and Elizabeth (Gross) Ely, b. Westfield. July 3, 1850: lawyer; Westfleld. He graduated Wes- leyan University, Middletown, Ct.. 1875; studied law with William G. Bates, Esq., Westtield, adm. to bar, Hampden Co., 1879; member firm Ely Bros.; Justice Peace; Methodists. No issue. * Note 44(i. For Hurlbut see notes 118 and 227. Mrs. Fisher also descends lineally from Robert Cusliraan, who, with .Jotin Carver, were sent as agents of the Puritans in 1B17 from Leydon, Holland, to England to treat with the Eng- lish government and the Virginia Company in London for the emigration of the Puritans to America. Several letters passed between Cushman. in London, to .Tohn Robinson and William Brewster, in Leyden, from Kil" to 11)20, one as late as June, Kl.iO, showing his connection with the Puritans, and his business for them. He came to America in the Furtuiip, Nov., 1621. See Brad- ford's Hist, of Plymouth, l(i20-50. 818 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [4039] GEORGE SHERMAN BATES,^ (Eliza A. Hamlin,^ Richard,' Nathaniel,^ Tlioraas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Springfield, Mass., Nov. 17, 1842; Til. South Hadley Falls, Mass., Jan. 29, 1867, Mary S. Matron; res. Springfield; Republican; served in 22 Conn. Inf. Vols, and in Mass. H. Art'y. Ch. b. South Hadley Falls: 8391.* Mary Alice, Oct. 31, 1867. [4040] ALICE ELIZA BATES,^ (Sister of Geo. S., ) b. Hartford, Ct., Feb. 10, 1856; m. Westfield, Mass., Dec. 15, 1880, Charles ( Hooker, son of Francis S. and Johanna (Hinckley*) Avery, b. Norwich, Ct., Sept. 20, 1847; res. New Britain, Ct. Ch. b. New Britain: 8392. Sherman Francis, Oct. 4,1881. 8393. Marguerite Judd, Jan. 28, 1884. 8394. Nathan Carlos, Feb. 7, 1893. 8395. Leora Maria, June 18, 1894. [4043] SARAH JANE HAMLIN,* (Timothy,' Richard, « Nathaniel.s Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Barberville, R. I., Sept. 19, 1862; ra. Spring- field, Mass., Feb. 27, 1884, Charles Augustus Willard, b. Lunenburg, Mass., Sept, 4, 1858. He d. Lunenburg, May 16, 1886. [4044] JOHN TIMOTHY HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Sarah J.,) b. Willow Valley. R. I., Sept. 28, 1865; m. Springfield, Mass., Feb. 26, 1896, Grace I., dau. of David and Helen (Bacon) Maxwell. Ch. b. Springfield: 8396. David Timothy, Feb. 21, 1897. 8397. Walter John. Mar. 29, 1898. [4046] ROBERT NATHAN AVERY,* (Lydia M. Hamlin,? Richard,* Natlianiel,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Westfield, Mass., Oct. 1, 1866; j m. Springfield, Mass., Feb. 24, 1897, Louisa G. Bourk, b. Wurtemburg, Germany, |j May 16, 1871; res. Springfield. Ch. b. Springfield: ' I 8398. Harry Robert, Dec. 27, 1897. | [4048] EMILY JANE BUSH,* (Lucretia F. Hamlin,? Richard," Na- thaniel, •> Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Westfield, Mass., Feb. 24, 1855; m. there, Nov. 17, 1874, Thomas, son of James and Ann (Miln) Dyson, b. Windsor, Eng., Dec. 14, 1845; came to America, 1850; reed voicer; Westfield. Ch. b. Westfield: u 8399. HattieZelda, Apr. 23, 1879. | 8400. Irma Bush, Jan. 23, 1889. !* [4051] ARTHUR LEONARD BUSH,* (Bro. of Emily J.,) b. Westfield, Mass., Dec. 17, 1865; m. there, Nov. 24, 1887, Clara M., dau. of Andrew Jackson and Mary G. (Little) Smith, b. Westfield, July 6, 1867; com- * For Hinckley see notes 31, 81 and 85. EIGHTH GENERATION. 819 mercial traveler, grocer and market man; Westfield; Democrat; member of Woronoco Lodge, 74, 1. O. O. F.; Massasoit Lodge, 53, K. P.; Metacomet Tribe, 28, I. O. R. M.; she Methodist. No issue. [4054] FREDERICK LINCOLN BARDWELL,' (Emily J. Haralin,^ Richard, 6 Nathaniel,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. South Hadley Falls, Mass., Apr. 1, 186(>; unmarried; merchant; Holyoke, Mass. [4055] HARVY JOSEPH BARDWELL,8 (Bro. of Frederick L.,) b. South Hadley Falls, Mass., July 7, 1869; unmarried, 1896; Teller, South Hadley Falls Bank. [4056] GEORGE EDWIN BARDWELL,8 (Bro. of Frederick L.,) b. South Hadley Falls, Mass., Feb. 2,3, 1875; m. Hartford, Ct., Dec. 4, 1901, Mary Williams; operative in paper mill; Holyoke, Mass. [4057] EDWARD CARROLL HURLBUT,' (Julia H. Dewey,' Sarah Hamlin, « Nathaniel, ^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James, 21) b. Royalton, Vt., 1848; m. Fairhaven, Vt., 1872, Charlotte, dau. of Willington Ketchum, b. Keeseville, N. Y., 1846; slate dealer; Chelsea, Mass., has res. Fairhaven, Vt., Troy and Buf- falo, N. Y.; Republican; she Methodist. Children: 8401. Grace, b. 1873; d. young. 8402. Harry. 8403. LoRAiNJE Ketchum, b. 1881. H04. Edward. d. young. 8405. Laura Dewey, b. 1891. [4070] HELEN HULBERT,^ (Chauncey,' Philander," Marcia Hamblin,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James.^i) m. Hon. Wilson; Judge. He d. Denver, Col., Jan. 1873, where he had gone for his health; she resided Hillsdale, Mich. Several children. [4071J Miss HULBERT,8 (Sister of Helen,) m. Clement E. Bebb: editor of a religious newspaper, Cincinnati, Ohio. Several children. [4072] RICHARD PHILANDER HULBERT,« (Richard O.,' Philan- des,« Marcia Hamlin," Thomas,* Ebenezer,* James,2i) b. Sheffield, Mass., Apr. 8, 1820; unmarried: merchant; res. Sheffield, until 1822; Elbridge, N. Y., untill824; Erie, Pa., until 1851; since at Mackinac Island, Mich. He erected a monument [at Alford, Mass., for his great grandfather Dr. John Hulbert. [4073] WILLIAM CURTISS HULBERT,^ (Bro. of Richard P.,) b. Eldridge, N. Y., Mar. 24, 1822; m. South Egremont, Mass., Aug. 25, 1846, Mary Ann, dau. of Milo and Eliza (Clark) Foote,* b. Sheffield, Mass., Nov. 30, 1823; resided Erie, Pa., 1825-50; moved to Mackinac Island, Mich., 1850; Ripon, Wis., 1864: returned to Erie, spring, 1869, where he afterwards lived. She d. Erie, May 23, 1887. * For Foote see note 193 820 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: 8406. William, b. July 10, 1847, Erie; d. infancy. 8407.* Annik Foote, " June 26, 1848, " 8408. William RuFUS, " May 25, 1850, " d. Jan. 15, 1869. 8409.* Jkssie Cubtiss, " Mar. 21, 1853, Mackinac Island. 8410. Mary Clark, " Mar. 30, 1855, " 8411. Abby Metcalf, " May 6, 1857, " " 8412. Charles Allen, " July 23, 1859, " " 8413. Frederick Curtiss, " June 20, 1861, " d. May 4, 1868. 8414. Prescott Metcalf, " Feb. 23, 1865, Ripon. [4076] NANCY CURTISS HULBERT,' (Sister of Richard P.,) b. Erie, Pa., Aug. 12, 1830; m. Mackinac Island, Mich., Jan. 12, 1854, John I G. Read, of Grand Rapids, Mich., who deserted his family. Several children. [4078] FRANCIS ROBBINS HULBERT,8 (Bro. of Richard P.,) b. Erie, Pa., Apr. 8, 1835; m. Mackinac Island, Mich., Sept. 5, 1860, Diantha ^ Huldah, dau. of Milton Mills and Malvina (Pettit) Gillett,* b. Kalida, Ohio, May 26, 1844; farmer and lumberman; res. Erie, until 1850; Mackinac Island, until 1871; Grand Rapids, until 1880: since, St. Ignace, Mich. Children: 8415. Nellie Gillett, b. July 7, 1861, Mackinac; d. Jun. 18, '63. 8416. Annie Diantha, " Jan. 25, 1865, " " Feb. 16, '69. 8417. Francis Gillett, " May 23, 1866, " " Sept. 12, '67. 8418. Wm. RuFus Davenport " Oct. 12, 1868, " 8419. Catherine Grace, " May 19, 1870, Grand Rapids. 8420. Richard CuRTiss, " Sept. 8, 1872, 8421. Mary Lina, " Jun. 21, 1875, " 8422. Constance A deli a, " Jan. 2, 1877, " " 8423. John Read, " Oct. 12, 1878, " 8424. Frances Diantha, " Jun. 28, 1881. 8425. Diantha Kate, " May 14, 1885. [4079] ALLEN WRIGHT HULBERT,8 (Bro. of Richard P.,) b. Erie, Pa., Feb. 11, 1838: m. St. Ignace, Mich., Oct. 22, 1862, Helen Jose- phine Todd; merchant; many years at Mackinac Island, Mich., and in the fish trade, with his brother, firm of F. R. Hulbert & Co. Children: 8426. Allen George, b. Aug. 31, 1863. 8427. Clinton Charles, " Feb. 6, 1866. [4080] DELIA CATHERINE HULBERT,8 (Sister of Richard P.,) b. Erie, Pa., Jan. 13, 1840; m. Grand Rapids, Mich., Dec. 25, 1878, Wallace W. Johnson, of Phila., Pa.; resided Phila., 1885; in London, Eng., 1890. | Child: ^ 8428. A Daughter. * For Gillett see note 216. ii EIGHTH GENEEATION. 821 [4081] HENRY WILLIAM HULBERT,^ (Egbert N./ Philander," Marcia Hamlin,^ Thomas,* Ebeaezer,^ James,2i) m. Mary Ann Brown; clerk for his father before 1851; styled Phrenologist, Buffalo, N.Y., 1852; afterwards printer, Erie, Pa., subsequent to 187;i. Children: 8429. William J. 8430. Belle. [4082] JAMES EDWIN HULBERT,« (Bro. of Henry W.,) resided Glasgow, Ky., 1873. Four children. [4083] EGBERT DARWIN HULBERT.s {Bro. of Henry W.,) He enlisted in the Union army, and lost a leg at battle of Hanover C. H., Ya., from which lie d. two years later. Three children. [4086] ELIZABETH TYLER HULBERT,^ (Sister of Henry W.,) m. James H. Tennent; divorced, 1872; she resided Dayton, Ohio, 1873. 4 Children: 8431. A Daughter: d. infancy. 8432. A Son. [4088] ANNA CHARLOTTE HULBERT,8 (Sister of Henry W.,) m. George W. Holden, firm of Payne, Holden & Co., Dayton, Ohio: resided Orand Rapids, Mich., 1885. Children: 8433. HULBERT. 8434. Anna. « [4089] CAROLINE H. CUMING,* (Caroline Hulbert,' John W.,« Marcia jHamlin,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 31, 1822; m. [J. S, Large; clergyman. [4090] THOMAS B. CUMING,* (Bro. of Caroline H.,) b. Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1827; Secretary of Nebraska Territory. He is Idead. No issue, [4091] ABNER DAVIS HULBERT.s (Isaac H. S.,' Junius,* Marcia i Hamlin,'' Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) m. Clyde, N. Y., July 15, 1846, Marietta Gage, b. Brandon, Vt., Oct. 20, 1830; railroad employe about ten years; Buffalo, N. Y.; enlisted 100 N. Y. Inf. Vols.; dis. for disease; was in Sol- piers Home, Dayton, Ohio, 1882, Ch. b. Aurora, N. Y.: 8435. Mary, April 22, 1848. [4093] ROBERT GRAHAM HULBERT,8 (Bro. of Abner D..) Southern agent of the B. & O. R. R. Co., New Orleans, 1875. i 82S THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [4122] CATHERINE BEVIER HULBERT,* (Victor M.,^ Peyton R.,e^ MarciaHamlin,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer.s James,^!) b. Greenburgh, N.Y., May 25, 1844; m. Apr. 22, 1869, E. J. Elting, of Yonkers, N. Y. Being in delicate liealth, tlie sudden death of her sister, Mary Louisa, so shoclced her that she did not recover; she d. at residence of her father. Stone Ridge, N.Y., Oct. 11, 1874. Cliildren: 8436. Edith, b. May 30, 1870. 8437. Victor MoREAU, " Oct. 13, 1871. [4125] MARY LOUISE HULBERT,8 (Sister of Catherine B.,) b. Saugerties, N.Y., Oct. 9, 1851; she d. suddenly, Sunday, Aug. 9, 1874, Stone Ridge, N.Y., from the rupture of a blood vessel in the brain, while sing- ing in the choir, of which her brother was leader, in the church where her father was pastor. [4126] STEPHEN L. HQLBERT,* ( Bro. of Catherine B.,) b. Yonkers, N.Y., Dec. 8, 1858: m. Kingston, N.Y., Dec. 23, 1879, Ida N. Van Dusen, b. Kingston, Oct. 25, 1856; lawyer, member firm of Hulbert & Me- chara, Battle Creek, Mich., 1882. [4134] LUCINDA FORD,8 (Warren,' Jesse,^ Ruth Hamlin, & ThQmas,"' Ebenezer,3 James,8i) b. Canaan, N. Y., July 22, 1822; m. there, March 17, 1842, Jesse, son of Enos and Delight (Scudder*) Harmon, b. Canaan, April 6, 1822; farmer; Canaan, until 1858; since, Jackson Co., Mich., Munith, 1899. She d. Waterloo, Mich., April 1, 1886. Ch. b. Canaan: 8438.* Warren Ford, Dec. 5, 1851. [4135] WILLIAM ALEXANDER FORD,« (Bro. of Lucinda,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1824; m. Henrietta, Mich., July 4, 1863, Margaret' Leese, b. Rusland, England, Jan. 18, 1839; farmer and carpenter; Canaan, until. 1845; Bridgeport, Ct., until 1858; afterwards, Henrietta; Democrat. Both d, Henrietta; he, June 2, 1893; she, Oct. 25, 1893. Ch. b. Henrietta. 8439.* Abigail Agnes, Apr. 10, 1864. 8440.* Margaret Alice, Apr. 7, 1866. 8441.* William Warren, Oct. 7, 1869. 8442. Rowland T., Dec. 29, 1879; unm. 1899: [4136] EDWARD WARREN rORD,« (Bro. of Lucinda,) b. Canaan, N.Y., Apr. 22, 182&; m. Bridgeport, Ct., Sept. 23, 1852, Susan, dau,. of Alvy and Caroline (Smith) Patchen, b. Bridgeport, Feb. 24, 1833: farmer; Canaan, until 1847; Conn., until 1858; afterwards, Waterloo, Mich.; Tompkins, Mich., 1899; Democrat; Freemason; she Methodist. He d. Onondaga, Mich., Sept. 11, 1901. Children: 8443.* Carrie I., b. July 18, 1853, Bridgeport. 8444.* George A., " June 16, 1857, Waterloo. 8445.* Marion L., " May 28, 1859, 8446.* William A., «' June 17, 1863, 8447. Minnie J., " June 17, 1866, " d. Jan. 26, 1868'. * For Scudder see note 6. 8448.* Edgar Warken, 8449. Mary E., 8450. Franklin, 8451.* Marian E., 8452.* Charles H., 8453. Dora A., EIGHTH GENERATION. 823 [4137] MARY ANN FORD,^ (Sister of Lucinda,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Apr. 13, 1828; ra. there, Jan. 1, 1848, Jacob Call, of Auster- Oiitz, N. Y.. b. Jan. 17, 1819; farmer; Austerlitz, 1845-52; Bridgeport, Ct., until 1858; since, Munith, Mich.; Republican; Methodists. Children: b. Oct. 5, 1848, Austerlitz. " Jan. 19, 1852, Bridgeport; d. Mar. 9, '52. " Sept. 10, 1854, » " Sept. 30, '54. " Mar. 16, 1858, Waterloo. " June 30, 1863, " Feb. 25, 1867, " untn. 1899. [4138] ABIGAIL ROSS FORD,8 (Sister of Lucinda,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1834; m. there. Mar. 18, 1856, William Henry, son of William and Lydia (Remington) Hastings, b. Suffleld, Ct., May 10, 1830; I farmer; Suffield; Democrat. His father was member Conn, legislature. No issue. • [4139] ROWLAND THOMAS FORD,8 ,8 (Sister of Franklin S.,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1829; m. there, Sept. 1, 1847, Cornelius B. Fowler, Id. Duchess Co., N. Y., Mar. 6, 1826; farmer; Canaan and Little Falls, N- Y.^ Republican. She d. Chicago, 111., Nov., 1895. Ch. b. Canaan; 8512.* Frank, Oct. 29, 1848. 8513.* Addie, Feb. 28, 1857. 8514. Emily, d. infancy. [4267] SIDNEY WILCOX F0RD,8 (Bro. of Franklin S.,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1832; m. Anna Maria Van Vleck, b. Flat Brook, "N. Y.; farmer; Canaan, N. Y., and Gilman, 111.; Republican. He d. McCook, :Neb., May 13, 1892; she d. Gilman. Children; 8515. Nettie. 8516. Jennie. 8517.* BuRTT, b. Aug. 19, 1867, Canaan. 8518. Ellis, " Aug. 19, 1867, 8519. Angie. [4268] ADALINE MOREHOUSE FORD,* (Sister of Franklin S.,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1833; m. there. May 31, 1858, George Washington, son of Collins and Wealthy (Law) Flint,t b. Flat Brook, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1817; farmer: Flat Brook; Republican; she Baptist. He d. Flat Brook, Aug. 19, 1898. * For Barnes see note 116. + For Flint see note 300. I 830 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. Flat Brook: 8520. Charles, July 18, 1859; unm. 1899. 8521. BURTiE, Kov. 1, 1861; d. Feb. 5, 1863. 8522. May, May 22, 1864, " Oct. 9, 1865. 8523.* Mabel, Feb. 19, 1869. 8524.* Lorenzo Dow, Apr. 16, 1871. [4269] ANTOINETTE A. FORD,8 (Sister of Franklin S.,) b. Canaan, N. Y., June 8, 1836; m. Red Rock, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1866, Dayton^. son of Samuel H. Pierson, b. Canaan, June 23, 1819; farmer; Canaan; Republican;: Christians. He d. Canaan, Feb. 15, 1895. Ch. b. Canaan: 8525.* Nellie F., Nov. 29, 1869. [4270] MORTIMER MOREHOUSE,* (Adeline Ford,^ David,6 Rutb Hamlin,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) h. Red Rock, N. Y., June 13, 1828; m. Ghent, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1848, Caroline, dau. of John and Maria (Ostrander> Harder, b. Apr. 6, 1828; superintendent of pistol factory, Springfield, Mass. He d. Springfield, Dec. 5; 1885. Child: 8526. Mildred, b. June 8, ; unm. 1899. [4271] DAVID WILCOX,8 (Geraldine Ford,^ David,^ Ruth Hamlin,^- Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Red Rock, N. Y., Mar. 27, 1830; m. Jan. 28^ Betsey Doty;* dentist; Catskill, N. Y. He d. Canaan, Sept. 3, 1884. No issue. [4272] SUSAN WILCOX,^ (Sister of David,) b. Red Rock, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1832; m. Jan. 2, 1851, Uriah Harmon. She d, Chatham, N.Y., Feb. 13; 1881. Children: 8527. Ida I., b. Feb. ll, 1855-. 8528. Mary A., " Sept. 15, 1857. 8529. Charles M., " Dec. 11, 1858. • [4274] ELLIS J. FORD,^ (Joseph C.,^ David,^ Ruth Haralin,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Canaan, N. Y., June 18, 1843; m. Nov. 15,1869, Ellen, dau. of Rev. Rufus D. and Mary (Kellogg) Howes; farmer; Canaan; Christians. Children: 8530. Morton, b. Oct. 16, 1876. 8531. ■ Harry, " J une 29, 1885. [4275] HELEN FORD,8 (Sister of Ellis J.,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1846; ra. Dec. 24, 1874, Ashley B., son of Rev, Rufus D. and Mary (Kellogg) Howes; farmer; Canaan; Christians, Child: 8532. Elflbda, b. Sept. 7, 1880. * For Doty see note 230. EIGHTH GENERATION. 831 [4276] IRVING FORD.s (Bro. of Ellis J.,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Apr. 28, 1858; m. Dec. 18, 1879, Dora, dau. of Talcott R. cand Ann (Calendar) Burrows; farmer; Canaan. Children: 8533. Mabel, b. Dec. 9, 1880. 8534. Florence, " June 28, 1888, [4277] GEORGE H. EORD.^ (David,'^ Ruth Hamlin,^ Thomas,* Eben- enezer,3 James,2i) b. Canaan, N. Y., Feb. 1832; m. Sept. 1, 185G, Jane S. Brown, of Brownville, Canada. He d. Effingham, 111., Apr. 1872. Children: 8535. Louise Jane, b. May 30, 1857, Orono, Canada. 8536. William A., "Dec. 26, 1860, Prince Albert, Canada; d. 1884. 8537. Sarah E., " June 5, 1868, Duquoin, 111. [4278] ANGELINE B. rORD,8 (Sister of George H.,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Dec. 12, 1836; m. John Ford, b. Canada, Aug. 30, 1832; res. ^Milwaukee, Wis. 1, 1858, Canada. 28, 1860, " d. 1897. 24, 1861, 2, 1863, " d. Dec. 24, 1866. 23, 1864, Chicago; d. June 11, '65. 14, 1867, '« d. Oct. 9, 1868. 2, 1868, 19, 1870,Rockford. Milwaukee. Children: 8538. Harriet M,, b. Nov. 8539. Mary Jane, Apr. 8540. Elizabeth S., Sept 8541. James Edmond, Mar. 8542. Francis George, Dec. 8543. David William, Apr. 8544. Lydia Matilda, Aug. 8545. Angeline Isabella, Apr. 8546. Samuel, 8547. Frederick, 8548. Eugenie, [4279] EUGENE FORD,8 T Bro. of George H.,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Aug, 18, 1841; m. Chicago, 111., Sept. 4, 1866, Frances M., •dau. of Thomas and Beulah A. (Clawson) McGrath, b. Chicago, Nov. 13, 1845; •carriage manufacturer; Canaan, until 1850: Rochester, N. Y., until 1853; To- ronto, Canada; until 1863; Chicago, until 1872; McGregor, Iowa, 1873; since, R(tckford, 111,; Independent; member Star in the East Lodge, 166, A. F. & A. M.; and Tribe of Ben Hur. Ch. b. Chicago: 8549. Helen L., Dec. 17, 1869; m. Raymond Rockstead. [4283] EDWIN WILLIAM FREESE,* (Ruth Burrows,^ Prudence PordiB Ruth Hamlin,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,iii) b. Red Rock, N. Y., June 16, 1848; m. Chatham, N. Y., by Rev. G. D. Townsend, Feb. 27, 1884, Mary, dau. j«f John and Mary (Lee) Averill, b. Chatham, May 1, 1864; carriage maker; Red Rock; Democrat. Ch. b. Chatham: 8550. William Frederick, Dec. 23, 1886. 8551. Akgie, 8552. MiLO Smith, 8553. Andrew, 8554. Henky Dokland, 832 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [4284] PRUDENCE FREESE,^ (Sister of Edwfn W., ) b. Red Rock, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1851; m. there, by Rev. Joel Gallup, May 30^ 1875, Charles Norman and Sarah (Shuphelt) Ashley, b. May 14, 1851; farmer; Rayvllle, N.Y.; Republican; she Christian. Children: ). Sept. 15, 1876, RayviTle. ■ Feb. 28, 1878, Red Rock: unm. 1899. Sept. 19, 1879, Rayville; d. Apr. 2, 1882. ' May 11, 1886, [4285] GEORGE FORD CRANE,* (Maria Burrows,' Prudence Ford,6' Ruth Hamlin,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Red Rock, N.Y., Jan. 14, 1836; m. there, Oct. 27, 1857, Sarah Ann, dau. of Alanson and Artemesia (Shumway). Briggs, b; Chatham, N.Y., May 4, 1838: blacksmith; Red Rock; Republican; Christians. He d. Red Rock, Dec. 31, 1858. Ch. b. Red Rock: 8555.* Mary Matilda, Oct. 3, 1858. [4286] MARIETTA CRANE,8 (Sister of George F.,) b; Red Rock, N.Y., Sept. 25, 1839; m. there, Sept. 22, 1860, Elijah Blashfleld, b. Shushan, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1832; farmer; Shushan, until 1867; later at Ghent^ N. Y.; Republican; she Christian. She d. Shushan, Oct. 17, 1865; he d. Salem, N.Y., Mar. 20, 1871. Ch. b. Shushan: 8556.* George Crane, Apr. 10, 1863. [4290] FREDERICK VINCENT BURROWS,^ (Addison,^ Prudence- Ford," Ruth Hamlin, •'i Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,^!) b. Red Rock, N. Y., May 28, 1845; m. there, Nov. 22, 1873, Annie Hannah, dau. of Arnold and Lomira. (Fairchilds*) Petti t, b. Austerlitz, N. Y., Apr. 16, 1835; farmer; Red Rock; Repub- lican; Private, I, 91st N.Y., Inf. Vols.; enlisted Aug. 19, 1864; in battle of Five- Forks, and various skirmishes; d is. June 10, 1865; she Methodist. Shed. Red Rock, Sept. 29, 1896. Child: 8557. Flossie, b. Dec. 20, 1881, Danbury, Ct. An adopted daughter. [4292] SUSAN ANN BURRO WS,» (Sister of Frederick V.,) b. Red Rock, N.Y., May 29, 1849; m. Green River, Feb. 1873, John Henry, son of John and Maria (Ostrander) Harder, b, Ghent, N.Y., 18,34; farmer; Re(J Rock; Republican; she Christian. She d. Red Rock, Jan. 30, 1874. No issue. [4293] DAVID JEROME BURROWS,' (Bro. of Frederick V.,) b. Red Rock, N.Y., May 18, 1851; m. there, by Rev. C. W. Havens, Dec. IV 1876, Catherine, dau. of James Patrick, and Hannah McGovern, b. Chatham, N.Y., Nov. 26, 1848; farmer: Red Rock; Republican; she Christian. * ForFairchlldsee notft 173. EIGHTH GENERATION. 833 Ch. b. Canaan, N. Y.: 8558. Charles Mortimer, Dec. 26, 1881. * 8559. Esther Maria, July 19, 1883. 8560. Leo Guy, Jan. 3, 1886. [4295] WILLIAM MICKLE BURROWS,* (Bro. of Frederick V., ) b. Red Rock, N. Y., May 10, 1856; m. there, Sept. 18, 1881, Nellie, dau. of Amos and Julia Maria (Brace) Kelsey, b. Green River, N. Y., Dec. 6, 1859; farmer; Austerlitz; Republican; she Methodist. Children: 8561. Mortimer Townsend, b. Feb. 18, 1882, Red Rock. 8562. Maude Ethel, " Sept. 15, 1887, " 8563. Pearl Laura, " Mar. 7, 1896, Chatham. [4296] URIAH DAYIS SKIFF,* (Zilpha Jane Burrows,^ Prudence Ford, 6 Ruth Hamlin,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,^!) b. Canaan Four Corners, N.Y., Nov. 6, 1844; m. Feb. 6, 1871, Edna, dau. of Martin Williams, b. Oct. 20, 1850; blacksmith; Canaan Four Corners; Republican; member Unity Lodge 9, A. F. & A. M. Ch. b. Canaan Four Corners: 8564. Fred M., July 20, 1874; unm. 8565. Effie M., Oct. 29, 1877, " 8566. Myrtle M., Jan. 11, 1880, " 8567. Asa W., Jan. 6, 1883. 8568. Mildred E., Sept. 15, 1885. 8569. Perry D., Oct. 19, 1887. 8570. Dewey W., Nov. 2, 1891; d. Jan. 21, 1893 8571. Melville W., Mar. 1, 1895. [4299] ROBERT R. FORD,* (Albert,^ Ruel,« Ruth Hamlin,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Canaan, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1828; m. 1st, Laura Brown; m. 2d, Almira Brown; m. 3d, Kate Rogers; res. Canaan. He d. 1882. Child: 8572. Edward; res. Canaan. [4313] ABIGAIL LORD STARKS,* (EmelineFord,^ Ruel,* Ruth Ham- lin,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Canaan, N.Y., Nov. 16, 1835; m. Flat Brook, N. Y., Apr. 3, 1855, Chester, son of Chester and Elmira (French) Belding, b. Flat Brook, Aug. 11, 1832; engineer, florist and bee keeper; Middletown, N.Y., winters at Claremont, Ya.; Prohibitionist; she Cong.; Good Templar, W.C.T.U. Ch. b. Middletown: 8573. Georges., Nov. 16, 1860. 8574. Orville D., Jan. 18, 1866. [4314] HARRIET ELIZABETH STARKS,' (Sister of Abigail L.,) b. Canaan, N.Y., Aug. 1, 1839; m. Middletown, N.Y., June 14, 1871, Henry C, son of Atlas and Mary (Ashley) Reed, b. Nassau, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1845; team- ster; South Rossmans, N.Y.; Democrat; private, E, 91 N.Y. Inf,Vols.; enlisted Oct. 1864; dis. July 3, 1865; she Methodist. 1 834 THE HAMLO FAMILY. Ch. b. Brainard, N. Y.: 8575.* AbbieJ., " Mar. 10, 1872. 8576.* Leroy, June 28, 1875. 8577. Emma, June 13, 1877; unm. 1900. [4317] ADELBERT FORD,* (Ruel,^^ Ruth Hamlin,^ Thomas,* Eben- ezer,3 James,2i) b. Red Rock, N.Y., Mar. 4, 1837; m. Chatham, IST.Y., Dec. 1866, Frances Almira, dau. of Amos S. and Eliza (Herrick) Goodrich,* b. Red Rock, Aug. 24, 1848; carpenter; Red Rock and Chatham: Republican; Freemason; Christians. Children: 8578. Minnie, b. Mar. 20, 1869, Red Rock. 8579. John D., " Dec. 20, 1875, Chatham: unm. 1899. [4318] HENRIETTA FORD,* (Sister of Adelbert,) b. Red Rock, N. Y., Apr. 24, 1839; m. there, Sept. 1858, Samuel, son of Ralph and Sally (Hunt) Bright, b. Ghent, N.Y., July 8, 1833; lumber dealer: Ghent and Chatham, N. Y.; member Columbia Lodge 98, A. F. & A. M. She d. Red Rock, May 15, 1861; he d. Chatham, Mar. 22, 1888. Ch. b. Chatham: 8580. Otis F.,. Aug. 29, 1859. 8581. LuLTA H., Feb. 27, 1861. [4319] LORANA CRAWFORD FORD,8 (Sister of Adelbert,) b. Red Rock, N.Y., Aug. 20, 1840; m. Austerlitz, N.Y., Nov. 1867, Henry Willetts, son of Oscar and Eliza (Willets) Vanderburg, b. Chatham, N.Y., Sept. 1, 1843; . carpenter; Chatham, until 1867; since at Red Rock; Democrat; she Christian. She d. Red Rock, July 16, 1885. Ch. b. Red Rock: 8582. EraW., May 8, 1868. 8583. OraF., June 16, 1869. 8584. Martin Oscar, Apr. 18, 1871. 8585. Edgar M., Sept. 1, 1873j unm. 1899. [4320] RALPH STARKS F0RD,8 (Bro. of Adelbert,) b. Red Rock, N.Y., Nov. 30, 1841; m. there, Feb. 22, 1868, Rachael Ann, dau. of John C. and Cornelia (Bi-ow) Beebe, b. Ghent, N. Y., Apr. 12, 1845; carpen- ter; Red Rock; Democrat; Christians. Ch. b. Red Rock: 8586. Henrietta, Apr. 10, 1869. 8587. Miranda, Mar. 27, 1874. [4340] SARAH EMELINE HAMLIN,8 (Solomon G.,^ Caleb J.,« Thomas,-^* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Glenville, N. Y.; m. Aaron Reese, of Schenec- tady; cooper and builder; Albany. She v?as accidentally burned to death. Children: 8588. Anna; teacher, Albany, N.Y. 8589. Frank. 8590. Platt. 8591. Daniel. * For Goodrich see note 217. iHA EIGHTH GENERATION. 835 [4349] Capt. DAVID HENRY HAMLIN,8 (Anson B.,' Caleb J.,* Tliomas,^* Ebenezer,^ .Tames,2i) b. Glenville, N. Y., July 4, 1832; m. there, Feb. 15, I860, Katherine, dau. of Abram Truax and Margaret Jane (Kinsella) Conde,* b. West Milton, Saratoga Co., N.Y.. June 24, 1839: educated in the public schools of his native town, Charlotteville and Janesville Acadamies; graduated from State Normal School, Albany, Class 1857; school teacher; Supt. of Schools, Schenectady, N.Y., 1858; Capt. B, 134 N.Y. Inf. Vols., commissioned Aug. 19, 18fi2: participated in battles of Eredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and Lookout Mt.: removed to McGregor, Iowa, after the war; bookkeeper: later in business for himself; removed to Winona, Minn., 1872; book keeper and trav- eling salesman; later merchant, Winona; she Cong. She d. Apr. 22, 1898. Children: 8592.* Conde. b. Nov. 9, 1861, Glenville. 8593.* Fked Elmendokf, " Dec. 7, 1864, McGregor. 8594.* Grace Augusta, " July 18,1867, [4350] CALEB JEWETT HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of David H.,) b. Glenville, N.Y^., June 5, 1834: m. Florida, N.Y., June 5, 1872, Mary Augus- ta, dau. of Jeremiah and Jemima (Dorn) Schuyler, b. Florida, Apr. 21, 1844. He was extensively known as a hotel man; clerk in some of the best known hotels in New York, Albany, Saratoga, Catskill Mountains, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, i Cleveland and Chicago: was connected with the St. James in N.Y. City; Tiflt I House, Buffalo; Palmer House, Chicago; International at Niagara Falls; Clar- endon, at Saratoga; Delevan in Albany. The last three seasons of his life he I was proprietor of the Adirondack Inn, Sacandaga Park. He was a gentleman I of fine address and pleasing manners, with an extensive acquaintance, and had traveled considerable in other countries; res. Amsterdam, N.Y.; member Re- I formed Chyrch. He d. Amsterdam, Mar. 11, 1902. No issue. [4.351] Coi.. SOLYMAN GREGORY^ HAMLIN,* (Bro. of David H.,) ; b. Glenville, N.Y. , Jan. 19, 1837; m. there, June 29, 1869, Harriet Maria, I dau. of Johnson and Susan Maria (Romeyn) Potter, b. Glenville, Feb. 10, 1842. He was educated in the public schools and attended Jonesville Academy; read I law a short time, but failing eyesight obliged him to relinquish these pursuits ' and return to the farm. He assisted his brother, Capt. David to raise Co. B, 134 N.Y. Inf. Vols., of which he was made 1st Lieut., Aug. 19, 1862, and later i captain of Co. C, same Reg't. He participated in battles of Fredericksburg, i Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, where he was captured, taken to Libby prison ' and confined a year, thence to Macon, Ga., and Charlestown, S. C, while under , fire of the Federal fleet, thence to Columbia, S. C, wliere he escaped, using 1 sickness as a ruse; he was granted permission to go outside the prison to the hospital, watching an opportunity, he soon fled: twenty two nights were spent I in reaching the Federal lines of Gen. Sherman, at Savannah, under cover of j darkness to avoid recapture. Travel was slow, the day time spent in swamps, I etc., where he and his comrades received assistance and kind treatment from the negroes. He received leave of absence, and reached his father's house, Glenville, on Thanksgiving day. Nov. 25, 1864. After a few months rest he again entered the service as Major 192 N.Y''. Inf. Vols, and served as Provost * Note 447. JONATHAN CONDE, was killed by Indians, in the massacre at Schenec- tady, N.Y. ADAM CONDE, son of Jonathan, b. 1748; m. Catherine Truax; one of the first white set- tlers of Glenville, N. Y. ; a revolutionary soldier, pensioner; he d. 1834. 836 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Marshall, Wheeling, W. Va.; dis. Feb. 18, 1866, with the rank of Brev. Col. N. Y., Vols, for good service during the war. He returned to Glenville and en- gaged in farming, but became editor of the Daily Union, from May 8, 1866 until the fall of 1877; school commissioner, 1869: postmaster, Schenectady, N.Y., 1875-81; member Reformed Church. He d. Mar. 30, 1881; she Sept. 6, 1884. Ch. b. Schenectady: 8595. Fannie Potter, Mar. 4, 1873; d. Feb. 2, 1883. 8596. Frank BowEKS, Mar. 18,1876," Feb. 4, 1897, unm. 8597.* SoLYMAN Gregory, Apr. 30, 1878. [4352] Hon. CHRISTOPHER OSTROM HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of David H.,) b. Glenville, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1839; m. Niskayuna, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1867, Mira, dau. of Joseph and Eliza (Blount) Rogers, b. Troy, N. Y., Mar. 20, 1843; farmer; Niskayuna; supervisor, 1872-80; representative, 1882. Ch. b. Niskayuna: 8598. Josephine, Nov. 6, 1868. 8599. Anson B., May 6, 1874. [4353] OLIVER BOWERS HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of David H.,) b. Glenville, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1841; m. Hayes City, Kansas, Oct. 8, 1870, Jeru- sha, dau. of Aaron and Sarah Jane (King) Green, b. near Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 3, 1842; bookkeeper and agent for Atlantic Dynamite Co.; Republican: private, G, 191, N. Y. Inf. Vols.: member O. P. Morton Post, G. A. R.; Medoc Lodge, A. F,& A.M.; Lodge, 34, K. P.; and A.O.U.W.; Methodist. He d. Joplin, Mo., June 1, 1892. Children: 8600. Anson B., b. Sept. 3, 1871, Schenectady, N. Y. 8601. William Arthur, " May 15, 1876, Joplin; d. Oct. 5, 1893. [4354] HERMAN GIBBS HAMLIN,* (Bro. of David II..) b. Glenville, N. Y., Jan. 16, 1843; m. there, Feb. 4, 1874, Frances, dau. of Jacob and Anna ( VanDenburg) Van Loan, b. Coxsackie, N. Y., Apr. 30, 1849: school teacher: Schenectady, N.Y.: deputy postmaster; member Reformed Church. Ch. b. Schenectady: 8602. A Child, d. infancy. 8603. Ruth, May 10, 1883. [4356] BETSEY ABIGAIL HAMLIN,* (Sister of David H.,) b. Glenville, N.Y., Nov. 7, 1848; m. there, Feb. 16, 1870, Cornelius S., son of Abram Truax and Margaret Jane (Kinsella) Cond^,* b. Milton. N. Y., Dec. 4, 1837; removed with his parents to Glenville, 1842; educated Schenectady Ly- ceum and State Normal School, Albany; taught school eight years; afterwards, merchant; Supt. Warner Car Co. Yard, Grand Central Depot, N. Y. City; man- facturer knit goods, Schenectady, since 1880; Republican; supervisor 1891-3; Prest. Board, 1893; Past Regent and trustee Council 193, R.A.; he rendered val- uable assistance in compiling records of this branch of the family. She d. Schenectady, Oct. 4, 1883. Children: 8604. Edavin G., b. Apr. 24, 1871, Amsterdam. 8605. Edwin Hamlin, " July 1880, Schenectady; d. Sept. 28, 1883. * For Conde see note 447. EIGHTH GENERATIOK. 837 [4357] MARY CLARISSA HAMLIN,' ( Sister of David H.,) b. Glenville, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1851; m. there, Feb. 25, 1879, Vroman, son of Abraham and Maria (Vroman) DeGrafE, b. West Charltonj N. Y.; farmer, res. 'on the farm on which he was born; educated in the common school and Fort Edward Inst. No issue. [4358] WILLIAM SEWARD HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of David H.,) b. Glenville, N.Y., Feb. 28, 1854; m. West Charlton, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1881, Anna, dau. of George and Margaret Maria (McKindley) Bell, b. W. Charlton; merchant and farmer; Glenville; succeeded to his father's business; town cleric. No issue. 14365] ANGELICA TRUAX HA MLIN,8 (Richard C.,' Caleb J., « Thoraas,5i Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Glenville, N.Y., Aug. 16, 1840; unmarried; teacher in school for the blind, N.Y.City many years. She rendered valuable assistance in compiling the records of this branch of the family; Boston, Mass., 1902. [4366] Dr. ABBIE HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Angelica T.,) b. Glenville, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1842; m. Greenbush, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1871, Gen. James P., son of Hugh and Mary (Nolan) Maclvor, b. Enneskillen, Ireland, Nov. 26, 1837. He was educated in the national schools of his native country, land by tutors. Private, 69, N.Y. Inf. Vols., enlisted April 21, 1861, and was ; promoted through all the ranks to Brev. Major General of Volunteers; com- ,, manded 2d Brig., 2d Division, 2d Corps, Army of Potomac; prisoner of war thir- jteen months, discharged Aug., 1865; chief clerk of withdrawal bureau, N. Y. custom house, 1895. She res. Greenbush, until 1860; Detroit, Mich., until 1865: afterwards, N. Y. City, until her death; she received her preparatory education at Albany Female Academy, and graduated from N. Y. State Normal College, J1860, Ph. B. After teaching a few years she went to N. Y. City and taught school there in Ward 22, until called as adjunct professor in N. Y. Normal Col- lege, which position was resigned on her marriage. Subsequently she studied medicine and graduated from N. Y. Medical College for women, 1885; in which ishe was professor of diseases of children; physician and practiced medicine in ;N. Y. City in partnership with her son. She was examiner of lunacy: medical examiner of teachers for N. Y. Board of Education; member of N.Y. County and State Medical Associations; a popular school officer; school inspector, 1895; school trustee, 1896, and chairman of the board, 1897. When the trustees were abolished she opposed the bill, appearing before the legislative committee against its passage, and before the mayor urging his veto; she was again ap- pointed inspector. As a daughter, sister, wife and mother, she won from her [family and relatives their homage and devoted love; as physician she won the confidence of her patients and the blessings of many of them who had no more to give, for she was a noble, charitable woman; as a public officer she won the respect, esteem and admiration of her colleagues and constituants. In all her relations in life it would be hard to paragon her. She d. from apoplexy, N. Y. jjCity, Feb. 8, 1900: buried Glenville. " Ch. b. N. Y. City: 8606.* James Hamlin. May 1, 1872. 8607. Flora Hamlin, May 9, 1880. 838 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [4367] SAMUEL JEWETT HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Angelica T.,) b. Galnay, N.Y., July 25, 1844: m. Martha Spring, of Greenbush; farmer; Glenville: educated at Albany Academy; Republican. Children: 8608. Esther, b. Apr. 1869, Greenbush; m. Oscar Searls. 8609. Frank Sprong, " Nov. 1877. 8610. Percey, " Mar. 1885. [4368] ANSON LESTER HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Angelica T.,) b. Greenbush, N.Y.,^ Jan. 25j 1846; m'. Minnie Smith, of Chicago, 111.: mer- chant; Chicago; educated at Albany Academy; Republican. Children: 8611. Lester A., b. July 29, 1881. 8612. LORisS., " Aug. 2, 1883. [4369] CALVIN CALKINS HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Angelica T.,) b. Greenbush, N. Y., Oct.. 20, 1848; m. Marshall, Mich., June 20, 1876, Mary L., dau. of George S. and Susan (Pratt) Wright, b. Marshall, Nov. 8, 1852. He entered the milling business in Mich., thence to Portland, Me., and became eastern agent of Washburn Crosby Co., flour and grain dealers, Boston, Mass.; member Chamber of Commerce, there. He d. of apoplexy, Boston, Sept. 4, 1901. Ch. b. Boston: 8613. Hugh Wright, Mar. 31, 1877. 8614. , Richard Calender, Jan. 12, 1879: d. June 16, 1894. 8615. Nelson Osgood, Oct. 21, 1884. 8616. Thornton, May 14, 1892. [4373] Rev. TEUNIS SLINGERLAND HAMLIN,^ (Solomon C.,^ Caleb J. ,6 Thomas,5* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Glenville, N. Y., May 31, 1847: m. Ypsilanti, Mich., Feb. 4, 1873, Frances,, dau. of James Harvey and Amanda (Ward) Bacon,* b. Marine City, Mich., May 31, 1847; clergyman; Washington^ D. C; Republican. He resided at Glenville, until 1864; his education beginning in the public school; and he prepared for college at Charlton Academy; he entered the Sophomore Class of Union College, Schenectady, N.Y., and gradu- ated with honors, 1867. Principal of the High School, Ypsilanti, Mich., 1867- 8; and principal of the Houghton public school, Detroit, Mich., four months, fr-om which lie resigned to prosecute theological studies. He was reared in the Reformed (Dutch) Church of Glenville. During his junior year in college he united with the First Reformed (Dutch)"Church of Schenectady: and entered the Theological Seminary of that denomination at New Brunswick, N. J., 1869. The next year he went to Union Seminary, N. Y. City, where he was graduated, 1871; and licenced to preach by the Congregational Association of New York and Brooklyn. He was called to the pastorate of Woodside Presb. Church, Troy^ N.Y., ordained and installed by the presbytery of Troy, Sept. 28, 1871, Dr. Henry Boyntou Smith, of Union Seminary preaching the sermon, and remained in that pastorate thirteen years. In 1884 he accepted a call to the Mount Au- burn Presb. Church, Cincinnati, Ohio. Deep religious interest soon manifested itself under his pastorate, and the church grew rapidly in all directions, especi- ally in the formation of a vigorous Young People's Christian Union. In March, * For Bacon see note 75. Calvin C, Hamlin, 9t . EIGHTH GENERATION. 839 9886, a unanimous call was extended to him by the Church of the Covenant, Washington, i). C, and he was installed on Nov. 9, following. This was a new. PresVjyteri an church, organized in the previous October, embracing a number of the most eminent men at the Capital. The congregation was at this time worshiping in the Chapel, but steps were at once taken to build the contem- plated church edifice, work rapidly progressed, and notwithstanding tlie delay occasioned by the collapse of its magnificent tower, it was occupied for worship Feb. 24, 1890. It was immediately filled by a congregation embracing many distinguislied families. In this pastorate Dr. Hamlin has been eminently suc- cessful, and the membership of the church has increased more than ten fold in fifteen years, and its influence is widely felt. The degree of D.D. was conferred on him by Union College, 1886. Two years later he delivered the baccalaureate at his alma mater. He has been one of the University preachers at Yale, Cor- nell, Princeton, Amherst, and Vassar. On Nov. 11, 1890, he delivered an eulo- gium upon the late Dr. Ransom Bethune Welch, before the faculty and students of the Auburn (N.Y.) Theolgical Seminary: and in June, 189-i, an address on "Union College, in the Ministry," at the centenial of that institution. He lias written for many newspapers, magazines and reviews; his sermons have been numerously published, including a volume entitled, "Denorainationalism versus Christian Union," 1892. He has alwajs been active in ecclesiastical matters; and was chairman of the committee of his presbytery on the reversion of tlie '•Confession of Faith." He is one of the trustees of the United Society of Christian Endeavor; presidentof the Open Air Worker's Association of America: vice president of the Memorial Association of the District of Columbia: and a trustee of Howard University at Washington. On July, 1901, he was appointed by President McKinley a member of the Board of Visitors to the U. S. Hospital for the Insane, vice Dr. Byron Sunderland, deceased. Children: 8617.* Elbert Bacon, b. Nov. 21, 1874, Troy. 8618. Francis Bacox, " Nov. 5, 1887, Washington. [4375] CAHSTA HAMLIN,* (Hawley H.,^ Theron,6 Tliomas,-* Eben- ezer,3 James,2i) b. Groton, N. Y., Sept. 28, 183.5; m. Dryden, N. Y., Dec. 28, .1859, Cvrus, son of Warren and Belinda (Howard). Heath, b. Locke, -N. Y., Mar. J6, 1838; farmer; Locke, 1859: Groton, 1870; Serapronius, 1871-4; Cortiand, N. Y., since, 1877; Republican; member of South Cortland Grange, 4807, P. H.; Bap- tists. • • ■ ■ Ch. b. Locke, N. Y.: 8619.* Jay, Sept. 16, 1860. 8620.* Henry, Jan. 8, 1864. [4376] HENRY CLARK HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Calista,) b. Groton, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1838; m. there, July 4, 1860, Mary, dau. of Levi md Susan (Robinson) Wright, b. Groton, Mar. 4, 1842; farmer; Groton, until 1851; Moravia, N. Y., until 1864; Groton, until 1866; Moravia, until 1886; since, Portland; Methodist. Children: 8621.* Susie Adrenia, b. Feb. 2, 1866, Groton. 8622.* Clara Orcelia, " June 16, 1869, Moravia. 840 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [4:377] JOHN THERON HAMLIN,B (Bro, of CalistaJ b. Groton, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1843; m. Sempronius, N. Y,, Kesiah, dau. of WaiC and Polly M. (Taylor) Pearsoll, b. Suramerhill, N. Y., 1839; farmer; Moravia. and Suinmerhill; Republican; she Methodist; she d. Moravia, Mar. 30, 1880. Ch. b. Moravia: 8623. Dorr L., Aug. 21, 1873; unm. 1902. 8624. Florence E., June 23, 1880. [4378] MARTHA ANN HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Calista,) b. Groton, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1849; m. Locke, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1870, Rev. George A., son of Wait and Polly M. (Taylor) Pearsoll, b. Chatham, Pa., 1846; farmer and ! clergyman; res. Sempronius, Summerhill, Locke, Moravia, Moravia Village, I Montezuma, Conquest and North Huron, N.Y.: Methodists. They have arr adopted dau., Emma R., b. May 12, 1895. No issue, [4379] GEORGE ORRIN HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Calista,) b. Groton, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1852: m. Suramerhill, N. Y.. July 25, 1875, Laura- ette, dau. of William Henry and Amanda M. (Foster) Hopkins, b. Cortland, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1856; farmer; Locke, N. Y.; Republican; Methodists. Ch. b. Locke: 8625. Ethel Bessie, Sept. 3, 1892. [4385] THERON H. JONES,^ (Harriet N. Hamlin,7Theron,6 Thomas.e* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Jackson Valley, Pa., Apr. 24, 1836: enlisted, H, 143 Pa. Inf. Vols.; d. Virginia, April 24, 1863. [4390] LYDIA JENETTE HAMBLIN,^ (Nathan C.,' Theron," Thomas.^* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. near Harrodsburg, Ky., Aug. 15, 1852; m. Danville, Ky., Anderson Matherly, b. Mercer Co., Ky., 1851; farmer; Perryville, Ky., from 1872 until her death. She d. Liberty, Ky., Jan. 8, 1882. Ch. b. Perryville: 8626. George B., Feb. 8, 187a. [4393] THERON HANCHETT HAMBLIN/ (Bro. of Lydia J.,) b. Harrodsburg, Ky., Mar. 12, 1862; m. Liberty, Ky., Feb. 10,1881, Margaret, dau. of William and Alsa Fair, b. Liberty, Mar. 24, 1862: farmer: Perryville, from 1872 until his death; member Reformed Church. Both d. Liberty; he, July 3, 1887; she, July 13, 1881. No issue. [4394] JAMES HUNTER HAMBLIN,' (Bro. of Lydia J.,) b. near Harrodsburg, Ky., Dec. 5, 1864; m. Kentucky, 1889, Dora, dau. of James Noe, b. Casey Co., Ky.. Aug. 20, 1868; fanner; Mercer, Boyle and Casey counties, Ky. Children: 8627. Hannibal, b. May 29, 1890. 8628. Olive Alice, " Jan. 16, 1892. 8629. William, ^' Feb. 10, 1894. EIGHTH GENERATION. 841 [4895] SAMUEL GILLIAM HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Lydia J.,) b. near Harrodsburg, Ky., July 20, 1868: m. Liberty, Ivy., Aug. 7, 1890, Mattie Breckenridge, dau. of J. W. and N. E. (Gray) Durham, b. Middleburg, Ky., Mar, 28, 1869, grand dau. of Rev. Robert Breckenridge, D.D., Pres't Theo- logical Seminary, Danville, Ky.: carpenter; Southport and Evansville, Indiana; since, in Kentucky. His father says he dropped the b from his name. No issue. [4404J MARY EDGETT.^ (Betsey Canfleld,7 Jerusha Hamlin," Thomas,^* Ebenezer,3 James,^!) m. Stewart. [4405] WALTER NATHAN CANFIELD,M Nathan," JerushaHamlin,^ Thomas,'^* Ebenezer,^ James.^i) b. Saratoga Co., N. Y., Dec. 23, 1828; m. Canan- daigua, N. Y., Mar. 20, 1861, Fidelia R., dau. of Isaac and Esther (Jacobs) Wash- i burn, b. Canandaigua, Jan. 11, 1831; farmer; Canandaigua; Republican; Baptist. She d. Canandaigua, Apr. 1, 1901. Ch. b. Canandaigua: 8630. Ida Downs, Aug. 9, 1863; unm. 1902. [4406] CALVIN JEWETT CANFIELD,^ (Bro. of Walter N.,) I b. Clifton Park, N.Y., Jan. 3, 1834; m. Bristol, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1856, Louisa ' Lucina Case; res. Canandaigua, N. Y. Children: 8631. Nathan Jewett, b. Sept. 24, 1856; d. Mar. 23, 1857. , 8632. Frances Adeline, " June 19, 1858, " Feb. 26, 1874. I 863.3. Charles Arthur, " Aug. 29, 1861; unm. 1902. 8634.* JohnJewett, " Feb. 24, 1867. 8635.* Leavis David, " July 9, 1869. 8636. Grace Betsey, " June 30, 1878; m. Frank Marks. [4412] ASAHEL C. DUNHAM,« (Harriet Canfield,^ Jerusha Hamlin,6 Thomas,5i Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Apr. 2, 1842; m. Ypsilanti, Mich., May 27, 1868, Florence L., dau. of Lee and Susan R. (Marshall) Yost, b. Waterloo, N.Y., Mar. 18, 1842; hardware merchant; Hudson, Mich., since 1868; Republican; she Cong. Ch. b. Hudson: 8637. C. Lee, Nov. 8, 1878; d. Sept. 19, 1891. 8638. Roy C, Sept. 21, 1883. [4413] ADDA MARIA DUNHAM, 8 (Sister of Asahel C.,) b. Pittsford, N. Y., Nov. 19, 1845; m. Ypsilanti, Mich., May 27, 1868, William Harrison, son of Lee and Susan R. (Marshall) Yost, b. Fayette, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1''44; commercial traveler: Cleveland, Ohio. Ch. b. Ypsilanti: 8639. Nina D., Jan. 6, 1872; m. Harry Tinan Osborn. [4415] HATTIE ESTELLE DUNHAM,* (Sister of Asahel C.,) b. Auburn, N.Y., June 1.3, 1857: m. Hudson, Mich., Oct. 4, 1875, Morris Miles, son of Jesse and Sally (Hetfield) Ellsworth, b. Wheatland, Mich., Mar. '28, 1851; rafgr. of soda fountains; Cleveland, Ohio. Ch. b. Mason, Mich.: 8640. Mabel D., I)ec. 12, 1876; m. Frederick Clinton Harbaugh. i I 842 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [4416] WILLIAM CANFIELD,* (Jewett,' Jeruslia Hamlin,6 Thomas,54 Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Mar. 6, 1840; m. 1861, Kate Waltermire. He d. Apr. 6. 1892, Child: 8641. Adelbert, b. 1863. [4421] JAMES ASAHEL CANFIELD,^ (George C.,' Jerusha Hamlin,* Thomas,''* Ebenezer,^ ,Tames,2i) b. Fremont, Ohio, Mar. 14, 1863; m. Hudson, Mich., Feb. 21, 1888, Martha A., dau. of Abram and Lucy (Smith) Loyster, b. Pittsford, Mich., Jan. 23, 1865; editor and pubUsher, Patchogue Advance; res. Fremont, Ohio, until 1880; Lake Forest University, 1881; Hudson, Mich., until 1887; St. Joseph, Mo., until 1892; since, Patchogue, L. I., N. Y.: Republican; member Paumanake Council, 778, R. A.; Congs. Children: 8642. Emilie, b. Jan. 13, 1889, St. Joseph. 8643. Dorothy, •' Dec. 23, 1893, Patchogue. 8644. Louise, " Nov. 2, 1896, i [4423] OLIVER COOK HAMLIN,» (Sylvester B.,^ Cook,« Thomas,^* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Freedom, Ohio, Feb. 18, 1845: m. 1st, Stirling, 111., 1869, Susan, dau. of John Auldipher, b. Akron, Ohio, vv^ho d. Clinton, Iowa, Mar. 3, 1879; m. 2d, Peoria, 111., 1893, Rebecca A. Pinney, b. Erie, 111., 1857; private, B, 13 111. Inf. Vols.; enlisted May 24, 1861; in battles of Wilson Creek, Pea Ridge, Vicksburg, Jackson, Lookout Mountain, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Ringgold, and some lesser engagements; vpounded in left wrist; dis. June 18, 1864; county engineer, Peoria, III.; Republican: member K. P., G. A. R., V. V. V. ' and A. P. A.; Presbs.; first wife Methodist. Ch. by 1st wife: 8645. Sylvester Benjamin, b. Sept. 1869, Stirling; unm. 1899. f 8646. Howard, " Jan. 1875, Fulton, " " I [4424] AMMI ROGERS HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Oliver C, ) b. Freedom, Ohio, Nov. 8, 1849; m. Franklin Grove, 111., Oct. 3, 1876, Lucy Roe, b, Franklin Grove, Jan. 14, 1862; private, C, 8 111. Cav., enlisted Jan. 27, 1864; dis. July 17, 1865; streetcar conductor; Milwauke, Wis.; Republican; Free- mason. Children: 8647. Fred, b. Sept. 1878, Kenosha, Wis.; unm. 1899. 8648. Roy, " June 1880, Frankhn Grove. [4425] ADDIE E. HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Oliver C.,) b. Tampico, 111., Mar. 1.3, 1856; m. Erie, 111., Nov. 14, 1878, John B., son of James and Isabella Wood, b. Peoria, 111., Dec. 27, 1854; farmer; Fenton, 111.; Democrat: member Rock River Lodge, 14, M. W. W.; she member Royal Neigh- b(jr, 1028, R.N. A. Ch. b. Fenton: 8649. Carrie J., Oct. 6, 1880. 8650. Carrie, May 12, 1886. 8651. Callie, May 12, 1886. 8652. Fred L., Feb. 7, 1888. 8653. Willis E., Apr. 1, 1890. EIGHTH GENERATION. 843 [4427] CARRIE ELIZABETH HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Oliver C, ) b. Erie, III.. Feb. 17, 1861; m. there, Dec. 23, 1881, John L., son of Reuben Matt, and Matilda (Dodge) Thompson, b. Fenton, 111., Mar. 26, 1852; farmer; Fenton: Republican; member Ewing Camp 75, M. W. A.; Christians. Ch. b. Fenton: 8654. Rov, Jan., 1884. 8655. Matt, May 20, 1888. [4428] FRANKLIN BENJAMIN HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Oliver C.,) b. Erie. 111., June 9, 1865; m. there, Mar. 3, 1891, Mary, dau. of John and Theresia (Wahlheim) Mutchler, b. Wurtemberg, Germany, July 23, 1872; farmer; Erie; Republican: she Christian. Ch. b. Erie: Nov. 15, 1891. Feb. 27, 1893. Apr. 15, 1896. Oct. 23, 1898. [4434] ANNA HAMLIN.^ (Monroe,' Seth,^ Thomas,^* Ebenezer,3 James,3i) b. Auburn, N. Y., Mar. 5, 1857; m. there, Nov. 8, 1876, Samuel Turner,^ son of Hiram and Hannah (Tyler) Delano,* b. Aurelius, N. Y., June 19, 1851; res. Syracuse, N. Y., 1890. She d. Auburn, Sept. 1,.1885. Ch. b. Auburn: 8660. Frederick Hamlin, Nov. 29, 1877. 8661. Harold, Sept. 12, 1880; d. Aug. 14, 1884. [4435] MORTIMER H. SMITH,8 (Mary Hamlin," Seth,« Thomas,^* Eb- enezer,3 James,2i) b. Skeneateles, N. Y., 1843; m. 1st, Syracuse, N.Y., 1876, Helen Curtis, b. Marcellus, N. Y., April, 1843, who d. Easthampton, Mass., 1880; m. Auburn, N.Y., 1887, hislcousin, Elizabeth Hamlin [4431]; tailor; Au- burn. Ch. by 1st wife: 8662. Curtis, b. 1887, Easthampton. Two children d. infancy. 8656. Floyd R., 8657. Clyde T., 8658. Earl L., 8659. Carrie E., * Note 448. For Delano see note 233. TIMOTHY DELAN0.4 (.lonathan.'^s PWlip.i) b. Nov. 4, 1729, prob. in Tolland, Ct. ; m. jthere, Au». 1, 17.'i4. Lydia, dau. of .John Lathrop, b. Tolland, June 21, 1736. He served in Capt. Samuel Stoughton's Co. from Conn, in the French and Indian War, 1757; at Fort William Henry, tvhen attacked by Gen. Montcalm; selectman, 1702-3. Both d. Tolland; he, April 13, 1777. Chil- jlren: Calvin Timothy, Roxanna, Luther, Sarah, Timothy. Dr. CALVIN TIMOTHY DELANO,5 b. Tolland, Nov. 10, 18^6; m. Amenia, N. Y., Mar- jery, dau. of Peter and Margery (Cameron) Knickerbacker, b. Duchess Co.. N. Y. 1759; surgeon n Rev. under Gens. Schuyler and Washington; was at Burgoyne's surrender, at Saratoga, 1777. , ;3e d. Batavia, N.Y., .Ian. IS, ]8;i2; she d. Duchess Co., Dec. 28, 180S. Children: Cornelius Knick- ; brbacker, Luther, Elenor. , 1 CORNELIUS KNICKERBACKER DELAN0,6 b. Ancram, N. Y.; m. his cousin, Cornelia I Miller, prob. at Copak ■, N. Y. Cliildren: Hiram, Milton, Mary, Almira. HIRAM DELANO,7 b. Aug. 23, 161fi; m. Aurelius, N.Y., Mar. 4, 1841, Hannah, dau. of Lon- on and Betsey (Tyler) Tyler, b. Aurelius, Sept. Ifi. 18(51. He resided Forrestville, N. Y. Chil- Iren: Betsey Cornelia, .lohn Manson. Mary Jane. William Miller, Lonson Tyler, Samuel Tan- ler, Harrison Edward, Anna Abbie, James Henry, Franklin Arthur, Frank Stanley, Sey- nour L. « 844 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [4436] LAURA M. SMITH,8 (Sister of Mortimer H.,) b. Skaneateles, N. Y., Mar. 2, 1845; m. there, June 28, 1866, Charles, son of Daniel and Julia (Parsons) Rust, b. Easthampton, Mass., Jan. 24, 1837: merchant; Easthampton: 1st Lieut, and Q. M., 31 Mass. Inf. Vols., commivssioned Feb. 14, 1862; dis. Sept. 9, 1865; member Ionic Lodge, K. H.. and George C. Strong Post, G. A.R.; she Cong. He d. Easthampton, Jan. 17, 1894. Children: 8663. Lyman Ha3ILIn, b. July 9, 1868, Skaneateles. 8664. Mary Elida, '• Apr. 30, 1872. Easthampton. 8665. Harry Warner, " Aug. 24. 1874, " 8666. Daniel Merton, " Aug. 27, 1882, " [4437] CARRIE H. SMITH,8 (Sister of Mortimer H.,) b. Skaneateles, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1856; m. there, April 19, 1876, F. N., son of Charles and Jane (Nye*) Harwood, b. Mottville, June 21, 1853; merchant; Roch ester, N. Y.; Freemason; she Epis. Ch. b. Skaneateles: 8667. Laura Faith, Oct. 15, 1880. [4441] DORR MONROE HAMLIN,* (Dorr,^ Seth,« Thomas,^* Ebene- zer,3 James,2i) b. Auburn, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1854; m. Emma A., dau. of Orville and Ruth (Holley) Crittenden, b. South Sodus, N.Y., Aug. 13, 1853; railroad agent. He d. Penn Yan, N. Y., Dec. 30, 1886. Children: 8668. Ruth Amelia, b. Oct. 16, 1875, Red Creek, N. Y. 8669. DorrM., " Nov. 11, 1876, Lewiston, N.Y.; d. July22, 1877 [4442] HARRIET SOPHIA HAMLIN,* (Sister of Dorr M.,) b. Auburn, N.Y., Feb. 25, 1858; m. 1st, there, Feb. 25, 1885, Bradley S., Botsford, b. Westbury, N.Y., May 1, 1853, who d. Dec. 21, 1886, on the railroad; m. 2d, Auburn, Nov. 25, 1891, Hiram Newton, son of George and Elizabeth (Thompson) Lemmon, b. Cato, N. Y., Jan., 1851; glove manfr.; Auburn: she Presb. No issue. [4443] JAMES ANTHONY HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Dorr M., ) b. Auburn, N. Y., Dec. 21, 1862; m. Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1883, Nora F. Parker; railroad agent; he d. Auburn, Jan. 7, 1892. No issue. [4445] ADDIE TERRY HAMLIN,^ (George A.,^ Seth,« Thomas," Eben- ezer,3 James,2i) b. Skaneateles, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1859; m. N. Y. City, June 10, 1899, Robert Dunlap, son of Louis A. and Katherine R. (Beers) Golding, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., July 24, 1862. [4446] ASA BLAIR HAMLIN,* (George H.,'' Salmon,& Thomas,^* Eben- enezer,3 James,2i) b. Forest Lake, Pa., Nov. 11, 1848; m. Harford, Pa., Mar. :37, 1878, Ella Augusta, dau. of Orlando and Sarah (Hill) Walrous, b. Harford, Jan. 20, 1852; farmer; Forest Lake; on account of failing health, he sold his farm * For Nye see note 34. I EIGHTH GENERATION. 845 ^nd removed to Montrose, Pa., conducted a meat market and livery business until his deatli: slie Presb. He d. Montrose, Apr. 10, 1891. No issue- [4447] ELMIRA MEHITABLE HAMLIN," (Bro. of Asa B.,) b. Forest Lake, Pa., July 24, 1850; m. there, Sept. 1, 1890. Mark Ballou, son of Charles B. and Rachael (Simpson) Perigo, b. Hamburg, N.J. , Jan. 15, 18;}6: farmer: Rush, Pa.; Corp., H., 143 Pa. Inf. Vols.: enlisted Aug. 13, 1862; dis. June 12, 1865; member G. A. R.; she Baptist, She d. Nov. 30, 1897. No issue. [4448] EDSON THERON HAML1N,8 (Bro. of Asa B.,) b. Forest Lake, Pa., Dec. 11, 1851; m. Great Bend, Pa., Mar. 3, 1877, Eunice Alpharetta, dau. of Sylvester and Achsia (Robinson) Rhinevault, b. Bridge- water, Pa., Mar. 26, 1855; farmer; Hopbottom, Pa.; she Baptist. She d. Jan- 18, 1898. Children: 8G70. Ethel Ettie, b. Jan. 21, 1878. 8671. George Sylvester, " July 18, 1880. [4449] ESTELLA ANN HAMLIN,* (Sister of Asa B.,) b. Forest Lake, Pa., Apr. 12, 1854; m. there, Oct. 10, 1876, Jacob Sheets, son )f John and Catherine Ann (Sheets) Dimon, b. Wallpack, N. J., Nov. 27, 1850: arraer; Fairdale, Pa.; member I. O. R. M.; she Baptist. Ch. b. Fairdale: 8672. Lena Belle, May 16, 1877; d. Feb. 11, 1878. 8673. Maude H., Jan. 5, 1880, " June 4, 1885. [4450] ALFRED FREMONT HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Asa B.,) b. Forest Lake, Pa., May 27, 1856; m. Jessup, Pa., Nov. 14, 1883, Jennie L., ilau. of Cyrus and Sarah Jane (Gunn) Sheets, b. Jessup, Dec. 2, 1859; farmer: 'forest Lake; she Methodist. Ch. b. Forest Lake: 8674. Sakah Blanche, Oct. 10, 1884. [4452] ELLA JANE HAMLIN,^ (Joseph P.,^ Salmon," Thomas,^* Eb> enezer,3 James,2i) b. Forest Lake, Pa., Aug. 12, 1853; m. there. Mar. 15, 1876, 'heodore A., son of Horace A. and Chloe E. (Shelp) Roberts, b. Dimock, Pa., an. 1, 1854; farmer and dairyman; res. a year in Jessup township: since. East iush. Pa., where lie lias been postmaster: he was educated in the common Jhool, at Whitney's Academy and Lowell's Commercial College, Binghamton, Y.; member Patrons of Industry, and P. of H.; Methodists. Children: 8675. Minnie M., b. Mar. 15, 1877, Jessup. 8676. Ida v.. " May 15, 1879, E. Rush; d. July 2, 1881. 8677. Glen H., '• April 23, 1885, 8678. Mabel M., " Oct. 4, 1889, 846 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [4453] ADA VENETT HAMLIN,* (Sister of Ella J.,}' h. Forest Lake, Pa., Mar. 15, 1856: m. there. Mar. 12, 1884, S. M., son of William B., and Mar^' A. (Bobbins) Melhnish, b. Bridgewater, Pa., Mar. 7, 1858;-. farmer: Forest Lake: Baptists. Cli. b. Forest Lake: 8679. A Child, Apr. 18, 1887; d. May 5, 1887. 8680. Leona Phebe, Sept. 23, 1888. 8681. Vern Parsons, Sept. 5, 1891. 8682. EgyB., Aug. 23, 1893. [4454] WILLIAM AVERY HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Ella J., } b. Forest Lake, Pa., Aug. 8, 1858; m. there, Nov. 5, 1884, Catherine, dau. of Lewis and Rachael Ann (Williams) Evans, b. Danville, Pa., May 19, 1860; far- mer and cooper; Forest Lake; Baptists. Ch. b. Forest Lake: 868:1 Lee Griffith, Jan. 12, 1889. 8684. Mekle, Sept 21, 1890. [4455] ESTHER LOTILL A HAMHN,8 (Sister of Ella J.,) b. Forest Lake, Pa., Sept. 30, 1861; m. Sept. 23, 1885, Ferris S., son of Isaac and Sarah E. (Morgan) Bollis, b. Nicholson, Aug. 24, 1865; farmer and carpenter;. Jessup, Pa., untfl Mar. 1895; since. Forest Lake; Baptists. Ch. b. Jessup: 8685. Ray M., Oct. 15, 1887. [4457] CHARLES RICHARD HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Ella J.,) b. Forest Lake, Pa., Nov. 26, 1866; ra. Rush, Pa., Apr. 1&, 1891, Josie, dau, of William and Julia A. Moore, b. Colchester, N. Y., July 31, 1867; farmer; For- est Lake. Ch. b. Forest Lake: 8686. ViDA C, May 12, 1892. i [4465] HARRIET ELEANOR HAMLIN,* fWilliam J., ^ Salmon,^ Thomas,5* Ebenezer.a James,2i) b. Warren, Bradford Co., Pa., Sept. 21, 1859; m. Marathon, N. Y., July 25, 1883, John W., son of James and Fannie (Peebles) Livingston,* b. Marathon, June 30, 1859; machinist: Marathon. She was edu- cated in the common schools, and Oxford, Green and Marathon academies, and taught eleven years in Marathon academy; Baptists; members I.O.6.T., and S.T.I. Child: 8687. loNE, b. Nov. 21, 1888. * Note 449. Rev. JOHN LIVINGSTON, descendant of 5th Lord Livingston, who was an- cestor of the Earls of Linlithgow and Callendar, a preacher of the Reformed Church, Scotland,. banished for non-conformity, and took refuge in Rotterdam, where he d. 1(572. T children, among whom: ROiiERT LIVINGSTON,! b. 1654; came to N. Y. about 1675; m Alida, widow of Domine Nicholas Van Rensselaer, dau. of Col. Philip Pieterse Schuyler, of Albany, ancestor of the Liv- ingstons of America. First Lord of the Manor of Livingston, granted 1686, by Gov. Dougan, a. tract of land in Duches.ss and Columbia countias, N. Y. ; confirmed by Royal Charter of King George I, 1715, known as Livingston Manor. Children: Philip, Robert and Gilbert. EIGHTH GENERATIOIN. 847 [4466] CLARISSA AMELIA HAMLIN,* (Sister of Hattie E.,) b. McDonough, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1872; m. Marathon, N. Y., Jaa. 30, 1895, "William Randall, son of Sidney and Louisa (Perkins) Pease, b. Freetown Cor- oners, N. Y., Apr. 9, 18f)7; machinist: Marathon; she Baptist. [4468] SETH HYATT PITCHER,* (Eliza L. Hamlin,' Salmon.^ Tliom- as,5* Ebenezer,3 James,**) b. Bridgewater, Pa., July 26, 1862; m. Hammonds- (port, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1882, Sophia, dau. of James HoUiday, b. Canada, July 29, 1866: railroad employe, in vaiious places in N. Y.; Freemason. He d, Syracuse, I^. Y., Feb. 18, 1888. Ch, b. Gohocton, N.Y.: 8688. Pearl, June 30, 1886. [4470] ELLA PITCHER,* (Sister o¥ Seth H.,) b. Windim, Pa., Nov. 5, 1869; m. Wayland, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1888, George R., son of Robert R. and Mary Ann (Milliman) Stone, b. Wayland, Nov. 6, I860: res. Avon, N.Y, Ch. b. Avon: 8689. Bertha May, Nov. 17, 1891. [4473] HEMAN J. PECK,^ (Clarissa Hamlin,' William B.,« Asa,^ Thom- as,* Ebenezer.^ James,2i) b. Sept. 7, 18.32; m. Helen Root; farmer; East Bloomfield, N.Y. Children: Two Daughters, res. in Chicago, [4475] CHARLOTTE FOX,8 (Allen,' Sarah Hamlin,« Asa,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,^*) m. - — -— Hull; she d. Jersey City, N. J., about 1884. Child: 8690. Henry M.; res. Jersey City, 1888. [447(i] WOODRUFF ADELBERT HAMLIN,* fErastus G.,' Alvan,6 Asa,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Kendall, N.Y., Feb. 25, 1846; m. Swan- ton, Ohir^ June 23, 1871, Mary Rossiter, b. Auburn, N.Y., Dec. 27, 18.52: mem- ber H, 3d Ohio Cav,; railroad conductor; suppposed to be dead, advice to that effect received from Durango, N. M., Dec. 25, 1887. Ch. b. Toledo, Ohio: 8691. Maude Myrtal, Oct. 28, 1871: m. Alfred H. Brodhay* I 8692. WoRDEN Webster, Apr. 7, 1873. [4477] De FOREST W. HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Woodruff A.,) b. Carlton, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1848; m. Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 20, 1879, Ada May Goodspeed,* b, Williams Co., Ohio, May 12, 1861; horseman; Swanton, Ohio; his widow res. Chicago, 111. Ch. b. Fulton Co., Ohio: 8693. Oane Clark, Aug. 12, 1880; res. Chicago. 8694. Edwin DeForest, Apr. 18, 1882. * For Goodspeed see notes 30 and 284. 848 THE HAMLIK FAMILY. [4480J Rev. ADDISON HENRY BENNETT,* (Adelia C. Hamlin/ Alvan,6 Asa,« Thomas,^* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Kendall, N. Y., Aug. 15,,; 1846: m. there, Oct. 24, 1872, Celia A. Ronaer. He entered the ministry, united* with the conference of the Free Methodist church, Sept., 1873, and has since: been actively engaged in the work, ten of which he was presiding elder; secre- tary of conference board of trustees, 1894; trustee of Chesbro seminary, Nortt^ Chili, N. Y., of which he was treasurer; res. Kendall. Child: 8695i Milton Nathaniel, b. Sept, 23, 1873. [4481] NANCY ADELIA BENNETT,^ (Sister of Addison H.,) b. Kendall, N. Y., Apr. 13, 1851; m. there, Jan. 27, 1876, Ambrose A. Clark;. ; removed to Maryland. 1887; returned to Kendall; she Methodist. She d. Ken- ' dall, of cancer, June 19, 1894. | Ch. b. Kendall: 8696. Frank; d. in infancy. 8697. Lillian A., Sept. 10, 1891. [4482] EDSON S. HAMLIN,^ (Franklin W.,^ Alvan,^ Asa,^ Thomas,* .Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Wolcottville, Ind., July 7, 1859; m. Eva J.Kuhn; ranch- man; California. Children: 8698. Frank W. 8699. Burnell T. 8700. Zella O. ! [4483] EVA A. HAMLIN,« (Sister of Edson S.,) m. Nov. 1879, D. G. Purgett; farmer. She is dead. No issue. [4484] ALVIN H. SMITH,^ (Ann H. Hamlin," Alvan,« Asa,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James.^i) b. South Milford, Ind., Dec. 2, 1858; m. Garrett City, Nov, 9, 1887, Minnie, dau. of Newton and Casby (Slergle) Matthews, b. California, Mich., July 28, 1867. He was left fatherless before six years of age, and lived with his uncle Erastus G. Hamlin. Bronson, Mich., mostly until thirteen years old. He res. Benzonia, Mich. b. Aug. 9, 1888, Huraeston, Ind.; d. May 12, '90. " Sept. 12, 1889, Auburn Junction, Ind. " Sept. 26, 1894, Benzonia. [4486] EMMA SMITH,* (Sister of Alvan H.,) b. Nov. 11, 1863; m. Jamestown, Ind., Feb. 14, 1885, George E. Trousley, b. Jamestown, Oct. 26, 1863; farmer: Crooked Creek, Mich.; his parents were strangers in Jamestown, his mother d. when lie was three weeks old, his father soon left, saying that he was going into the army, which was the last heard of him; he was adopted by others. Children 8701. Lysten, 8702. Clyde, 8703. Blanche, <5 EIGHTH GENERATION. 849 Ch. b. Crooked Creek: 8704. Olie J., Nov. 29, 1885. 8705. J. C, Mar. 9, 1887. 8706. Ed. Clair, Aug. 26, 1889. 8707. Ella L., June 13, 1892. [4487] ALBERT HAMLIN,* (Henry S.,' Alvan,« Asa.^ Thomas,* Eben- ezer,3 Jame.s,2i) b. Wolcottville, Ind.; m. Clarrissa Simon; R. R. agt.; Wolcottville. Child: 8708. A Daughter. [4488] MAY HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Albert,) b. Walcottville, Ind.: m. O. A. Newman; carpenter; Grand Rapids, Mich. Three children. [449.3] FRANK JAMES HAMLIN,* (Horace A.,^ Benjamin F.,» Asa.s Thomas,* Ebenezer.^ James,2i) b. Harrisburg, Iowa, Aug. 9, 1867: ra. Yankton, South Dakota, Apr. 3, 1901, Pauline, dau. of Paul Hansen and Ingeborg (Seter) Lowe, b. Frondhijem, Norway; mechanic; Bonaparte, Iowa, until April, 1894; Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, until 1899: Yankton, So. Dak., until April, 1901; Aurora, 111., 1903; Republican: member M. W. A.: she Lutheran. Ch. b. Aurora, 111.; 8709. Horace Lowe, Jan. 15, 1902. [4494] FRED AYERS HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Frank J.,) b. Coffeyville, Kas., July 4, 1870; m. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, June 27, 1897, Mary Fredricka, dau. of John Peter and Maria Fredricka (Lillyblade) Anderson, b. Salina, Iowa, Feb 23, 1872; carpenter; Bonaparte, Iowa, until 1898; Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, 1899: Aurora, 111., 1900-3: Republican: Baptist: member Xenium Lodge, 207, A. F. & A. M.; Camp 25, M. W. A.; she Lutheran. Ch. b. Bonaparte: 8710. Creda Fredricka, June 13. 1898. [4495] ELSIE MARIA HAMLIN,* (Sister of Frank J.,) b. Harrisburg. Iowa, Apr. 26, 1874; m. Aurora, 111., Dec. 17, 1902, Aaron, son of James D., and Susan (Fickel) Holiday, b. Van Buren Co., Iowa, June 3, 1873; blacksmith: Utica, Iowa; Democrat; member M. W. A.; she Baptist. [4496] ORPHA ELIDA HAMLm,8 (Sister of Frank J.,) b. Van Buren Co., Iowa, July 28, 1876; m. Bentonsport, Iowa, Feb. 21, 1898, Henry, son of Charles Henry and June (Martin) Havens, b. Memphis, Mo., Nov. 17, 1875; handle maker: Memphis, 1898; Mt. Sterling, and Bonaparte, Iowa, 1899; West Point, Iowa, 1901-2; Farmington, Iowa,, 1903; Republican; Methodist; mem- ber Mohawk Camp 5970, M. W. A.; she Baptist. Ch. b. Bonaparte: 8711. Frank Henry, Mar. 17, 1899. [4501] ABNER REEVES AYRES,« (Horace H.,' Elizabeth Ham- lin, « Asa,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ .Tames,2i) b. Keokuk, Iowa, Nov. 14, 1855; m. Colville, Wash., Aug. 11, 1879, Elvada Grinold, b. Mass., Jan. 15, 1856, who d. Colville, July 19, 1900. No issue. 850 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [4502] ELIDA MILLER AY RES,* (Sister of Abner R.,) b. Keokuk, Iowa, June 14, 1857: m. there, Feb. 25, 1880, John William Lan^- ston, b. Sandusky, Ohio,- Apr. 9, 1854. Ch. b. Chicago 111.: 8712. Horace Ayres, Apr. 25,1887. 8713. Julia Reeves, Oct. 21, 1891. [4509] LYDIA ANN HAMLIN,* (Asa B.,' Truman,"* Lewis,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 .James,2i) b. Jefferson Co., N.Y., Feb. 28, 1841; m. Philadelphia, N. Y., Jan. 25, 1858, Wellington W., son of Martin and Amy (Paul) Reese, b. Evans Mills, N.Y., 1839: farmer and butcher; Evans Mills. She d. Detroit, Mich., Mar. 12, 1900; he res. Detroit. Ch. b. Evans Mills: 8714. LORA E., Jan. 5, 1859: d. Apr., 1891. 8715. Emma A., Apr. 25, 1861. 8716. Ltlla L., May 10, 1862. 8717. Merton B., Aug. 4, 1863; d. Jan., 1890, unm. [4510] WILLIAM TRUMAN HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Lydia A.,) b. Jefferson Co., N. Y., Nov. 10. 1847; m. Mt. Vernon, Mich., Oct. 5, 1871, Cleora, dau. of George and Betsey (Adams) Dryer, b. Lenox, Mich., Sept. 15, 1844; farmer; Romeo and Armada, Mich.; bugler, G. 20 N.Y Vols.; enlisted May 5, 1863; dis. July, 1865; mem. Post 58, G. A. R., and Tent 98, K. O. T. M.; she Christian and member W. R. C. No. 77. Ch. b. Romeo: 8718. LoRA Francenia, June 27, 1872; d. May 22, 1881. 8719. Charles Frederic, Apr. 4, 1878; d. May 22, 1881. [4511] ELLA IVONETTE HAMLIN.s (Sister of Lydia A.,) b. Jefferson Co., N. Y., June 7, 1855; m. Amanda, Mich., Aug. 24, 1875, Arte- mas Taylor^ son of John and Mary (Harvey) Wilder, b. Wolf Island, Aug. 24, 1851; liveryman; Armada, 1857-93; since, Romeo, Mich.; Republican. Ch. b. Armada: 8720.* WiKiFRED Almira, July 30, 1876. 8721.* Nora Marie, Aug. 5, 1881. 8722.* Nellie E., Oct. 17, 1883. [4512] ABIGAIL SOPHIA HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Lydia A.,) b. Jefferson Co., N. Y., Mar. 5, 1859: m. Armada, Mich., Dec. 25, 1877, Charles Wesley, son of Ralph R. and Sarah A. (Collins) Smith, b. Rochester, Ind., Apr. 26, 1847; farmer: Armada and Port Huron, Mich., where he d. Mar. 15, 1887; she m. 2d, Charles Bennette, and res. Armada. Children: 8723. Elbert H., b. Sept. 28, 1878, Armada. 8724. AsA B., " Nov. 1, 1879, 8725. Clegua A., " Mar. 29, 1886, Port Huron. [4515] ANNIE LORA HAMLIN,^ (Stephen B.,' Truman," Lewis.s Thomas,* Ebenezer.s James,2i) b. Hermon, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1842; m. Theresa, N. Y., Jan. 25, 1870, George, son of Jesse and Susan Ann (Shurtleff) Kelsey, b. EIGHTH GENERATION. 851 Theresa, Oct. 4, 184.3; merchant; Theresa; Democrat; town supervisor. She d. Theresa, Sept. 17, 1885. Ch. b. Theresa: 8726.* Helkn Makian, Apr. 17, 1872. [4522] JOSEPHINE ELIZABETH HAMLIN, » (Hezekiah B.,' Tru- man,** Lewis, 5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James, 21) b. Hermon, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1856; m. there, "Nov. 6, 1881, George W. Putnam, b. Canada, Mar. 6, 1851; barber; Canton and Syracuse, N. Y.; Republican: Metbodists. Ch. b. Canton: 8727. Glen H., Oct. 2, 1887. [4524] ESTELLA MYRTLE HAMLIN, 8 (Sister of Josephine B.,) b. Hermon, N.Y., Apr. 21, 1861; m. Canton, N.Y., Nov. 12, 1876, Bela Rus- sell, son of Ezra and Eunice Stone, b. Fowler, N.Y., Dec. 15, 1854; R. R. ticket and express agrent: Black River, N.Y.; postmaster, Herman, N.Y., 1877-87; Re- publican; mem. Lodge 500, A. F. & A. M. Ch. b. Hermon: 8728. Frank Wesley, May 10, 1879; unm. 1902: [4526] ANN SOMERS,' (Harriet Hamlin,' Calvin," Lewis,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Darlington, Ont., Jan 14, 1846; m., 1886, Prescott Talbott. Three children. [4527] TAMSIN SOMERS,8 (Sister of Ann,) b. Darlington, Ontario, 1848; m. Eugene Moore. Children: 8729. Homer. 8730. Eugenie. [45.3.3] ELEANOR A. HAMLIN,^ (Calvin,'" Lewis,^ Thomas,* Ebene- zer,3 James, 21) b. Nov. 9, 1852; m. Oregon, Ogle Co., 111., Dec. 16, 1869, Clarence Hutchins, son of John Wilkes and Hannah Dana (Stanford) Chandler,* of Anns- ville, N.Y., b. Mar. 28, 1851, prob. in Mexico, N.Y., or vicinity; peddler; Rock- ford, 111. Children: 8731. George Coughran, b. Jan. 7, 1871. 8732. Earnest, " June 12, 1872; d. Sept. 12, 1872. 8733. Edward Hutchins, " May 6, 1874. * Note 450. JOHN WILKES CHANDLER," (John W.,5 Peter,* Joseph.s John,2 William.i) WILLIAM CHANDLER.1 and wile Annis, settled in Roxbury, Mass., 1637; will dated 167] ; she d. Mar. 15, 1683. Children: Hannah, b. about 1629; m. George Abbott and Francis Dane. Thomas, " 1630, " Hannah Brewer. William, m. Mary Dane and Bridget, widow ol James Richardson. John, " Elizabeth Douglas. Sarah, " William Cleaves, 2d, Wilson , 3d, Eph. Stephens, 4th, Allen. 852 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [4538] GEORGE WALTER HAMLIN,^ (George C.,' Calvin/ Lewis,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Lynnville, Ills., July 13, 1856; m. Roch- elle, Ills.; May 3, 1884, Nettie F., dau, of David and Anna (Livingston) Stone- house, b. Oct. 30, 1856; merchant: Rochelle; Silver Republican; Freemason; K. P.; she member O. E. S. Ch. b. Gunnison, Col.: 8734. LuciLE, Aug. 25, 1887. [4539] DAVID FRAKLIN HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of George W.,) b. Ogle Co., 111., Nov. 16. 1858; m. Rochelle, 111., Jan. 26, 1884, Mate L , dau. of David and Anna (Livingston) Stonehouse, b. Mina, N.Y., July 8, 1860; mer- . chant; La Porte City, Iowa; Republican: member Willow Camp, 44, M. W. A., and Fraternal Brotherhood of the World, 33; she Presb. [4545] WILLIAM HULL,* ( Betsey. Drake,' Eunice Hamlin,'' Seth,^ Isaac* Ebenezer,3.rames,i2i) b. Westford, N.Y., Jan. 30, 1820; m. Apr., 1845, Elizabeth Crippen, who d. July 5, 1872; m. 2d, Dec. 16, 1874, Mrs. Zenana, widow of Borelli Darwin Taft Ingalls, nee Vosburg; her son, Eugene B. Ingalls, m. Sarah Hull;'-' res. Westford, Fly Creek and Schenerus, N.Y. Ch. by 1st wife. 8735.* Helen, b. June 3, 1846, Worcester. 8736.* Emmagene, " Aug. 9, 1848, ( i 8737.* John T., " Nov. 1, 1852, u 8738.* Sakah, " Apr. 12, 1856, Schenerus. [4546] OLIVE HULL,* (Sister of William,) b. Westford, N.Y., June 13, 1822; m. there, 1844, Rev. David Trip, son of Chester and Lovina (Trip) Elliott; Methodist minister; Westford; she d. Deansville, N. Y., Apr. 25, 1855. Children; 8739. Orlando. 8740.* Georgia, b. Aug. 17, 1846, Westford. [4547] JOHN HULL,* (Bro. of William, ) b. Westford, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1825: ra. Harriet Reed; res. Westford. d. Mar. 1887. Child; 8741. Frank. He [4548] LAURINDA ITULL,8 (Sister of William,) b. Westford, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1827; m. Edmeston, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1848, Daniel Brown, son of Elisha and Betsey (Brown) Randall, b. Brookfield, N. Y., June 17, 1820; machinist; Brooktield and Belmont, N. Y.; Mason City, Iowa; Eau Claire, Wis., and Fly Creek, N.Y.; Republican; Methodist. He d. Fly Creek, Mar. 7, 1893; m. 2d, Dec. 25, 1894, John H. Moyer, of Charleston Four Corners, N.y.; undertaker; she member W. C. T. U.; Methodist. Ch. by 1st marriage: Nov. 15, 1848, Edmeston. Oct. 18, 1853, Belmont; d. Nov. 18, 1870. Mar. 13, 1862, Eau Claire. Apr. 3, 1868, " d. Feb. 6, 1871. May 31, 1871, Fly Creek. 8742.* 8743. 8744.* 8745. 8746. Henry Walter, b. Irving Daniel, " Frank Adin, *' Emma Jennie, " Launcelot Taylor, " 8747.* Olivk Adella, b «748.* Charles Eugene, " S749.* Adix Silas. " 8750.* Eva ER3I1XA, " 8751. Henry, " 8752. Oscar Thomas, " EIGHTH GENERATION 853 [4549] HENRY SILAS HULL,' (Bro. of William.) b. Westford, N. Y., Oct 2», 1831: m. Phillipsville, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1853, Sarah Rosabella, dau. of Rawson and Nancie Mandana (Fort) Babcock, b. Brookfleld, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1835: architect and contractor; Joliet, HI., Abilene, Kas., and Coupeville, Wash.: Republican; slie member W. C. T. U.; Methodists. Children: May 1. 1855, Joliet. Apr. 26, 1859, Aug. 29, 18H2, " Nov. 26, 1867, Mar. 3, 1874, Abilene; d. Apr. 18, 1874. May 7, 1880, " , [4550] JENNIE ELIZABETH HULL,8 (Sister of William,) b. AVestford, N.Y\, Dec. 16, 1835; m. there, Dec. 22, 1858, Launcelot, son of Horace and Hannah (Ingalls) Taylor, b. Fly Creek, N.Y., Sept. 20, 1835; farmer: Fly Creek: Republican: member Otsego Lodge, 138, A.F. &A. M.: members Chapter 201, O. E. S.: Methodists. Cb. b. Fly Creek: 8753.* Minnie May, Mar. 9, 1867. 8754.* Horace Irving, July 29, 1872. 8755.* Charles Linn, Aug. 11, 1877. [4551] IRVING DAVID HULL,* ( Bro. of William, ) b. Westford, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1837; m. Garrattsville, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1864, Adeline Leora, dau. of Nathan Murray and Fannie (Gregory) Cole, b. New Lisbon, N.Y., Jan. 17. 1846: bookkeeper 28 years for Daniel Shaw Lumber Co., and Secretary of the Company since 1894: res. Eau Claire, Wis., since 1871: Democrat; member of Lodge 112, A. F. & A. M. Ch. b. Westford; 8756.* Minnie Belle, Dec. 15, 1867. [4552] EMMA CLARISSA HULL,« (Sister of William,) b. Westford, N.Y., Dec. 1, 1841; m. Dec. 29, 1859, John Lee, son of James and Liza (Nash) Gledhill, b. Mar. 18, 1836. Children: 8757. Jennie Elizabeth, b. Nov. 27, 1861: d. May 24, 1862. 8758.* Katie Nash, " Sept. 16, 1870. [4553] ELLEN MARIA DRAKE.s (John," Eunice Hamlin,« Seth,6 Isaac,* Ebenezer,3 James.^i) b. Westford, N. Y., June 5, 1832; m. there, Feb. 20, 1856, Dr. "George Benjamin, son of James I. and Elizabeth (Thomas) Bishop, b. Jan. 24, 1827; physician and surgeon; Westford, until 1862-3; Sheridan, N.Y., until 1872; Silver Creek, until 1875; afterwards, Geneva, Ohio, and Titusville, Pa.; Republican;coroner; Freemason and United Workman; she member O.E.S.; Presbs. and Royal Templars. She d. Silver Creek, N.Y., Sept. 2, 1891. He d. Titusville, Pa., Jan. 18, 1880. Ch. b. Westford: 8759. Frances Amelia, Sept. 10, 1857. 854 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [4554] FRANCES MARY DRAKE,« (Sister of Ellen M.,) b. Westford, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1834: m. there, May 28, 1857, Sherman Williams, b. Fly Creek, N. Y., Mar. 10, 1822: Farmer; Fly Creek, until Jan. 1877: Ridgely, Md., until Dec, 1881; afterwards, Fly Creek: she Presb.; member D. A. R. He d. Fly Creek, Mar. 16, 1888. Children: 8760.* George Luther, b. Mar. 7, 1858, Fly Creek. 8761.* Pearlia Annad, " Dec. 27, 1861, " 8762. Robert Emmet, " Dec. 1, 1863, " d. Oct. 15, 1864. 8763. Edmund Carl, " Aug. 28, 1865, " m. G. A. Sutherland. 8764. Kate Elizabeth, " Nov. 30, 1869, •' " L. B. Murdock. 8765. Ellen Louise, " June 9, 1872, " d. Mar. 23, 1887. 8766. Florence M anion," Aug. 4, 1877, Ridgely; d. June2, 1889. [4558] MARION JUDSON DRAKE,» (Sister of Ellen M.,) b. Westford, N. Y., June 6, 1849: m. Dec. 1, 1868, Edwin M., son of Rufus and Rhoda (Wheelock) Tyler, b. Aug. 31,1832; machinist; Litchfield, N. Y.; Democrat. She d. Silver Creek, N.Y., June 15, 1882. Children: 8767. Clifford Henry, b. Dec. 31, 1870; res. Indianapolis, Ind. 8768. Ross Bishop, " Feb. 28, 1875, d. Feb. 22, 1882. 8769. Mayne Drake, " Sept. 8, 1880; res. Indianapolis, Ind. [4559] LEULAH DRAKE,8 (Sister of Ellen M.,) b. Westford, N.Y., July 29, 1851; ra. Oct. 10, 1872, William Palmer; Fair- field, N. Y., and Aylmer, Quebec. She d. Aylmer, Dec. 5, 1874. Children: 8770. Flora E., b. Fairfield. 8771. Leulah Drake, " Sept. 11, 1874; d. Feb. 7, 1876. [4560] CAROLYN LOUISE DRAKE,* (Sister of Ellen M.,) b. Westford, N.Y., Aug. 14, 1855; m. Nov. 11, 1876, Jasper Newton, son of James and Elizabeth Jane (Ketchum) Bacon, b. Ripley, N.Y., May 22, 1844; res. Indianapolis, Ind.; soldier in the civil war. No issue. [4563] HELEN OREAH DRAKE,^ (William R.,^ Eunice Hamlin,« Seth,» Isaac,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Lassellsville, N.Y., Apr. 6, 1839; m. Fort Plain, N. Y., May 14, 1872, Flan, son of Philip and Anna ( Densler) Sponable, b. Ephra- tah, N.Y., Feb. 24, 1845. Child: 8772. Perlia M., b. Sept. 8, 1876. [4564] JOHN ERWIN DRAKE,* (Bro. of Helen O., ) b. Lassellsville, N. Y., Apr. 16, 1841; m. Susan Hendrix, of Fairfield, N. Y. Child: 8773. Minnie. ii h EIGHTH GENERATION. 855 [4565] MARY PAMELIA DRAKE,' (Sister of Helen O.,) b. Lassellsville, N.Y., Apr. 16, 1843; m. St. Johnsville, N.Y., May 10, 1863, Edw Lansing, son of Solomon and Maria (Penny) Trumbull, b. Lassellsville, Mar. 14, 18.32. Children: 8774. William, b. Oct. 11, 1865, 8775. HiCLEN, " Apr. 12, 1868. 8776. Frank, *' Sept. 25, 1876. [45701 PERLIA MELINDA DRAKE,8 (Sister of Helen O.,) b. Lassellsville, N. Y., Apr. 7, 1862; m. Rockwood, July 21, 1878, Amos, sou of Israel and Emma (Smith) Underwood, b. Oct. 12, 1856; who d. Lassellsville, Dec. 1, 1880: m. 2d, Dec. 2, 1884, Brockway J, son of Capt. John H.and Elizabeth (Fical) Lassels, b. Mar. 29, 1861. Ch. by 1st marriage: STtl. J. Amos, b. Sept. 20, 1880. By 2d marriage: 8778. Mad&k Elizabeth, b. Nov. 27, 1885. [4571] FRANC DRAKE,' (Sister of Helen O.,) b. Lassellsville, N.Y., Sept. 8, 1863; m. July 10, 1881, Frank Erwin, son of Frederick A. and Jane Eliza (Hendri) Morey, b. Fairfield, N. Y., May 1, 1860. i He d. Sanquoit, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1882. [ [4572] MARY HAMLIN DICKSON,' (Mary Hamlin, ^ Elijah,^ Seth,"* 1 Isaac,^ Ebenezer,3 James,-i) b. Rochester, N.Y., May 17, 1823: m. West Bloom- field. N.Y., Feb., 1861, Samuel Dyer, son of Daniel and Lyctia (Dyer) Mllling- 1 ton, b. Shaftsbury, Vt., Feb. 26, 1804, his 3d, wife; farmer; Shaftsbury, until ] 1845; afterward, W. Bloomfield; she Cong. Both d. W. Bloomtield; she Oct. 4, 1875: he Aug. 3, 1888. No issue. [4575] HANNAH M. DICKSON,' (Sister of Mary H.,) j b. West Bloomfield, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1828: m. Lima, N.Y., Nov. 2, 1881, Jasper 'Clark, son of Clark and Caroline (Hall) Peck, b. W. Bloomfield, May 24, 1807, his second wife: farmer; W. Bloomfield; Congs. He d. W. Bloomfield, May 30, ' 1891. No issue. [4577] HENRY DICKSONV (Bro. of Mary H., ) b. West Bloomfield, N. Y., July, 1832; m. Julia Smith, of St. Louis, Mo., jwho d. soon after marriage. He is supposed to be dead. No issue. [4578] ESTHER BURBANK,* (Olive Hamlin,' Elijah,» Seth,^ Isaac,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. St. Charles, Mo., June 1, 1821; m. Rochester, Mich., Sept. 8, 1842, Calvin Harlow, son of Lazarus and Mary (Phillips) Greene, b. Covington, N.Y., 1817; school teacher; Rochester, Mich.; Republican; Agnostic; Ishe Cong.; Good Templars. Both d. Rochester: she Apr. 28, 1901; he Nov., 1898. I 856 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: 8779. . Horace Hamlin, b. Sept. 24, 1843, Rochester; d. Feb. 6, 1860. 8780.* William Harvey, " Apr. 17, 1847, Detroit. 8781. Benjamin Herbert, " Sept. 3, 1850, Rochester: d. Jan. 7, 1853. 8782. Henry Wilson, " Feb. 15, 1855, " d. Oct. 13, 1855. [4579] LYDIA BURBANK,* (Sister of Esther, ) b. Rochester, Mich., Jan 23, 1826; m. there, May 3, 1848, James, son of Dyer New- berry, b. Augusta, N. Y., June I, 1819; grain dealer: Rochester, Mich., and New Boston, Va.; Democrat; Congs., in which church he was deacon; Good Templars. Ch. b. Rochester: 8783. Olive Annette, Dec. 5, 1859. If [4580] CYPRIAN H AMLIN,^ (Philo,^ Elijah,6 Seth,^ Isaac,* Ebenezer,* James,2i) b. East Bloomtield, N. Y., Mar. 3, 1824; m. 1st, Sept. 1, 1844, Harriet Lovice, eldest dau. of Ralph Ensign, of Bloomtield, N.' Y.; he m. a second wife in Mich.; farmer; Battle Creek, Mich. He is dead. Four Children. [4581] HARLEY HAMLIN,» (Bro. of Cyprian,) b. East Bloomfield, N.Y., Nov. 12, 1827; m. May 30, 1855, Marietta, dau. of Uriah and Nancy (Frost) Reed, b. Bristol, N.Y., Jan. 12, 1828; farmer; E. Bloom- tield, 1859. Child: t 8784. Philo, b. Apr. 23, 1856. | I [4582] HASKALINE HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Cyprian,) b. East Bloomtield, N.Y., July 7, 1843; private, M, 8th N.Y. Cav.; killed at Stony Creek, Va., 1864. [4583] URSEN ADOLPHUS HARVEY,* ( Esther Hamlin,' Elijah,* Seth,5 Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. St. Davids, Ontario, Sept. 7, 1835; m. Feb. 23, 1865, Louisa Maria Markham, of Chippewa, Ontario. He d. St. Catherines, Aug. 6, 1869. No issue. [4588] CAROLINE HAMLIN,^ (John F.,' Elijah," Seth,^ Isaac,* Eben- ezer,3 James,2i) b. Rochester, Mich., Mar. 14, 1835; m. there, Oct., 1852, Enoch J., son of Jacob and Paulina Dusenberry, b. Nassau, N.Y., May 10, 1825; farmer; Pontiac, Mich.: later Detroit, Mich. [45891 ADOLPHUS HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Caroline,) b. Rochester, Mich., Nov. 30, 1839; m. Pontiac, Mich., Mary Hulsizer, b. Belvidere, N. J.; res. Rochester. No issue. [4591] BELLE HAMLIN,' (Sister of Caroline,) b. Rochester, Mich., Oct. 4, 1846: m. there, Apr., 1871, Marsden C, son of Malcolm C. and Rachael L. (Crane) Burch, b. Coyuga, N.Y., June 24,' 1846; he was educated at Waterloo Academy, Falley Seminary, Fulton, N.Y.; Hobart EIGHTH GENERATION. 857 College, Geneva. N.Y., and Mich. University Law School; began practice of law at the age of 21; Co. Judge, Osceola Co., Mich.; State Senator, 1874: U.S. Attor- ney, Western Dist. Mich.: Judge 17th Judicial Circuit, Mich., 1879-81; a promi- nent lawyer, politician, orator and lecturer; Grand Rapids, Mich.: later Wash- ington, D.C.: Republican. She attended public school in Rochester, Ypsilanti Seminary, and Boyd's Female Seminary, Monroe; Epis. No issue. [4592] LAURA HAMLIN,* (Sister of Caroline,) b. Rochester, Mich., Feb. 16, 1849; m. Grand Rapids, Mich., June, 1888, Dr. Henry G. Ide, b. Pama, Mich., June, 1849; res. Oxford, Mich. No issue. [4593J HELEN HAMLIN,* (Elijah,-^ Seth,^ Isaac,* Ebenezer.s James,2i) b. Avon, Mich., Apr. 26, 1828; m. there, Oct. 7, 1849, Orange Thompson. Both dead, Children; 8785. George, b. July 6, 1850. 8786. William. . 8787. Maggie Howlett; res. Kansas City, Mo. [4596] CALVIN HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Helen,) b. Avon, Mich., May 25, 1836; m. Troy, Mich., Nov. 25, 1857, Phebe Sprague, b. Jan. 4, 1837: butcher; she res. Pontiac, Mich. He d. Pontiac, Dec. 6, 1889. Children: 8788. Dora, b. July 17, 1859, Avon; m. Firman. 8789.* Alice, " June 7, 1861, " 8790.* Fred, " Oct. 23, 1863, Gaines. [4.597] PHILO HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Helen,) b. Avon, Mich. Feb. 21, 1839; m. Mar. 27, 1864, Gusta Postle; miller: Stockton, . Cal. Children: 8791. Viola. 8792. Grace. 8793. Will. [4598] MAR.\NA HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Helen,) b. Avon, Mich., May 21, 1845; m. Nov. 29, 1863, William Smith: miller; Stock- ton, Cal. Children: 8794. Myrtie. 8795. Mattie. 8796. Jessie. 8797. George. [4.599] FRANK HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Helen,) b. Avon, Mich., Oct. 7, 1847; he removed to California about 1874; locomotive engineer; South Vallijo, Cal. Has a family. 858 THE HAMLIN FAMILY [4ti00] OSCAR LYMAN HARVEY,* (Caroline Hamlin,' Elijah,^ Seth.^ Isaae,* Ebenezer,'*. Tames, 2 1) b. Niagara, Ont., Dec. 17, 1827: m. St. Cath- erines, Ont.. Nov. 4, 1852, Mary Jane Lambert; member I, 28 N. Y. Inf. Vol.; captured and prisoner at Belle Isle. Va.: exchanged and disciiarged; sutler; killed about close of war, Upperville, Va. She d. Feb. 23, 1860, hurried Homer, Ont. Ch. b. St. Davids, Ont: James Uksen, Aug. 19, 185.$; d. Mar, 7, 1897, unm. AktuukLamuekt, May 6, 1855. Emma Jaxe. Mar. 1857: unra. Florence, June 18, 1859. 8798. 8799.* 8800. 8801.* Mrs. Emma A. Cuurie. [4«01] EMMA AUGUSTA HARVEY, 8 (Sister of Oscar L.,) b. Niagara, Ont., Nov. 19, 1829; m. Niagara, formerly Newark, Ont., Oct. 26, 1865, Hon. James George, son of Lachlan and Flora (Black) Currie,*b. York, * Note ^l.- LACHLAN CURRIE, (Son of Hector,) b. Arsyleshire, Scotland. Soldier in the OH Regt. (Englisii) Light Inft.; served with the English army in the war of the Peninsula In Spain. At the battle of Vittona (?) he captured a green velvet waistcoat trimmed with silver buttons, the property of K'ing .Joseph Bonaparte. These buttons are in possession of his dau. On anotliei- occasion he captured the pants of Emperor Napoleon. At the siege of Bandajos he received a bullet in his shoulder, which he carried to his grave; in another engagement he re- ceived a bullet through his right hand. He witnessed the death and burial of Sir John Moore. His regiment served at \Vaterh)o; on account of his wounds he was then serving in the com- missary department. He afterwards served in Canada, in Ireland and in Scotland, where he was discharged. He received various medals and decorations for his service, now in possession of his daughter. He came to Canada with his family in l«;j-t, and settled on the Niagara River, wliere he died at the age of 87 years. Children: Charles Alexander, Katherine, James George, .lohn Macbeth, Flint A., and Robert. EIGHTH GENERATION. 859 (now Toronto) Ontario, Nov. 25, 1827, his second wife; he m. 1st, Rebecca Helen, dau. of Joseph Brown: one daughter by this marriage survived him; lawyer; St. Catherines, Ont. He was educated by Mr. Whitelaw at Niagara; and read law there with the late James Boulton: and settled at St. Catherines, 1851. He raised one of the first companies of volunteers in Ontario, which became part of the 19 Battalion, of which he was appointed Colonel, but resigned before 1866. During the Fenian raid of 1866, he was requested by the government to command this Battalion, which he accepted and served several weeks on the Canadian frontier. He built, at his own expense, the first drill room in On- tario. In politics a Reformer and a strong advocate of temperance. He was legislative councillor before and at the time of confederation: member for Welland, twice, and speaker of the second Ontario parliament under the Blake- MacKenzie government, which he resigned after serving three sessions: mayor of St. Catherines five years, at different times; and had the honor to receive the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Connaught on the occasions of their visits to the Dominion. He was an eloquent public speaker, and as a lawyer possessed rare influence over juries. A man of high character in all relations of life. He was registrar nearly twenty-one years, and held the office at the time of his death, which position the government graciously permitted his widow to retain until the following election. After the death of her mother, Mrs. Currie lived with her grandfather Hamlin at East Bloomfield, N. Y., until her father's second marriage: she was educated at Bloomfield Academy and Canandaigua Ladies' Seminary; member W. C. T. U. and Women's Literary Club; and is a student of A.merican and Canadian history, especially that of Ontario, where she has lived. Author of Laura Secord, a Canadian heorine of the Niagara dis- trict, during the 1812 war, and of other reminiscences of that period. She is entitled to credit for assistance in compiling this branch of the family history; Presbs. He d. St. Catherines, Dec. 8, 1901. No issue. [4604] JAMES FIIANKLIN GOOLD,^ (Lydia Hamlin,^ Elijah." Seth,^ Lsaac,* Ebenezer,-' James. '-^ij b. Bergen, N. Y., Apr. --'6, 1837; m. Brockport, N.Y.,Nov. 10, 1H59, Martha, dau. of Charles H. and Jeanette Peck, b. Clarkson, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1841: R. R. engineer; Adrian. Mich., where he d. Oct. 4, 1868: she m. 2d, 187.% William H. Jones, who d. of yellow fever, Way's Bluff, Miss., Oct. 6, 1878. She member O. E. S. She d. Auburn, Ind., Oct. 8, 1892. Ch. b. Brockport: 8802.* Charles Henry, Sept. 1, 1862. [4605] HENRY HAMLIN GOOLD,» (Bro. of James F.,) ! b. Sept. 28, 1889; m. Brockport, N.Y., Oct. 16, 1861, Adelaide, dau. of William I and Caroline (Perkins) Barry, b. June 9, 1840; bookkeeper for Rochester City 1 Savings Bank: Brockport. until 1866-7; afterwards, Rochester, N.Y.: Eepubli- I can; she Epis. He d. Rochester, Feb. 10, 1875. Ciiildren: 8803. Clara Virginia, b. Dec. 26, 1862, Brockport; d. Aug. 1, 1876. 8804. James Willis, " May 25, 1864, " " Aug. 26, 1867. 8805. Sarah A., " May 16, 1866, " unm. 1902. 8806.* Henry Barry, " July 26, 1868, Rochester. 8807.* Frances M., " Oct. 25, 1870, 8808.* Mildred A., " July 20, 1873, " 860 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [4607] JOHN SEARS HAMLIN,^ (Henry W.,' Elijah/ Seth,^ Isaac,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. East Bloomtield, N.Y., July 14, 1842; m. 1st, there, Sept. 13, 1865, Elizabeth, dau. of Hiram and Eliza C. (White) Holcomb, b. Watertown, N.Y., Apr. 27, 1840, who d. East Bloomfleld, N.Y., Dec. 14, 1879, tn. 2d, Hammondsport, N.Y., Oct. 5, 1881, Minnie, dau. of George S. and Sarah J. (Scott) Howell, b. Rushville, N.Y., Sept. 27,1855: merchant and banker; East Blooujtield. Ch. by 1st wife, b. E. Bloomtield: 8809. Wjlliabi Henhy, Aug. 24, 1867: unm. 1901. 8810. Frkdbric Holcomb, Apr. 23, 1873, " " By 2d wife, b. E. Bloomtield: 8811. Marion, Sept. 14, 1882: unm. 1901. 8812. Sarah Hollistkr, Nov. 20, 1891. [4608] AGNES DOWNS HAMLIN, 8 (Sister of John S.,) b. East Bloomtield, N.Y., July 28, 1844: m. there, Sept. 11, 1872, Charles E. Steele, b. E. Bloomfleld, July, 1845; banker: Rochester, N. Y.; Republican; Freemason and K. P.; Epis. He d. E. Bloomtield, Mar. 28, 1885. Ch. b. E. Bloomtield: 8813. Frank Hamlin, July 10, 1873; unm. 1901. [4609] Hon. FRANK HARWOOD HAML1N,8 (Bro. of John S.,) b. East Bloomtield, N.Y., Mar. 27, 1846; m. Sept. 25, 1872, Elizabeth Pearce, dau. of George and Elizabeth (Pearce) Wright, b. E. Bloomfleld, Oct. 18, 1848: lawyer and banker; Canandaigua, N.Y.; graduated Yaie College, Class of 1869, and at Albany Law School; Pres't. Canandaigua Nat. Bank; Vice Pres't. Gen- esee Valley Trust Co.; member Const. Convention, N.Y., 189.3-4; she Cong. Ch. b. Canandaigua: 8814.* George Wright, July 25, 1873. 8815.* Arthur Sears, Dec. 2, 1876. 8816. Henry William, Jan. 13, 1880. [4610] ANNA BEACH HAMLIN,' (Sister of John S.,) b. East Bloomfleld, N.Y., Feb. 18, 1851; m. there, Oct. 2, 1878, William Adsit, son of George and Catherine Ann (Adsit) Higginbotham, b. Williamsburg, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1852; banker; East Bloomtield, 1854-83; since Victor, N.Y.; Repub- lican; Presbs. Children: 8817. Jessie, b. Oct. 14, 1879; d. Apr. 28, 1887 8818. Robert George, (1 Dec. 21, 1880. 8819. Agnes, a May 8, 1883. 8820. Annie, u June 30, 1887. 8821. George William, u Mar. 14, 1892. * Note 452. NATHAN E. HOLLISTER.s (Silas,7 Lazarus,6 Josiah,5 4 Thomas.s John.si) For HoUister see note 34.5. [4611] SARAH ATWATER HAMLIN,* (Sister of John S.,) b. East Bloomfleld, N.Y., Jan. 28, 1852; m. June 5, 1878, Edwin O.,^ son of Nathan Edwin and Margaretta A. (Wortendyke) Hollister,* b. Batavia, N. Y., \ Apr. 4, 1846: physician and surgeon: E. Bloomfleld; Cong; she graduated Vassar College, Class of 1874. He d. Oct. 8, 1887. No issue. U EIGHTH GENERATION. 861 [4612] GEORGE WRIGHT HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of John S-,) b. East Bloomtield. N. Y., July 1, 1854; m. Oct. 8, 1879, Susan E., dau. of George Amos, and Eunice T. (Wood) Winchell, b. Nov. 14, 1854; produce dealer; East Bloomtield: supervisor. He d. Oct. 7, 1886. Child: 8822. Sibyl W., b. Aug. 4, 1880; unm. 1901. [4613] MARY HAMLIN,' (Calvin H.,' Elijah,* Seth, 5 Isaac,' Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Hadley, Mich., Apr. 8, 1844; m. Grand Blanc, Mich., Nov. 19, 1865, Elisha John, son of Elisha and Lydia (Willey) Allen, b. near Montreal, Canada, Sept. 2, 1828; sailor, lumberman and farmer; Portsmouth, Mich., until 1875: Hadley, Mich., seven years: Elba, three years; then removed to Dakota; Democrat; mem. Portsmouth Lodge, 190, A.F. & A. M.; and R. A. M. He d. Manchester, So. Dak., May 26, 1900. Ch. b. Portsmouth: 8823. William, Sept. 2, 1867; unm. 1902. 8824. Fred H., Dec. 31, 1868, " [4614] JOHN HENRY HAMLIN, « (Bro. of Mary,) b. Hadley, Mich., Jan. 7, 1846; m. Atlas, Aug. 17, 1865, Josephine, dau. of Hiram and Sarah (Irish) Maxtield, b. Groveland, Mich., May 8, 1841; farmer: Hadley; 1 where he d. June 30, 1880; she m. 2d, Thomas, Mich., June 25, 1882, Frank I Bowles. No issue. [4615] MARIA E, HAMLIN,* (Sister of Mary,) b. Hadley, Mich., Aug. 26, 1848; m. Brockport, N.Y. Aug. 13, 1874, Horace, sou of Piatt and Mary (Bushnell) Belden, b. Brockport, Oct. 4, 1840: merchant; ! Brockport; Republican: town trustee; member Normal School Board; Presbs, in which church he was an elder. He d. Brockport, May 17, 1895. After the j death of her mother she was adopted by her aunt Lydia Goold. Ch. b. Brockport: 8825. Olive, July 8, 1876; unm. 1901. 8826. John, Feb. 7, 1880, •* *' [4619] GEORGE FRANCIS HAMLIN,* (Augustus C.,' Leander.e Seth.^ Isaac,* Ebenezer,3 James.^i) b. Bergen, N.Y., May 28, 1858; m. New Bruns- wick, N. J., Jan. 21, 1880, Arietta Kent, dau. of Wycoflf H. and Mary Elizabeth (Kent) Powellson, b. New Brunswick, Aug. 6, 1858; general manager Dittmar ! Powder and Chemical Co., manufacturers of explosives; resided Bergen, until 1874; since, Brooklyn and N.Y. City; Republican; member Citizen's Lodge, 628, A. F. & A. M.; Baptist; she Epis. Ch. b. Brooklyn: 8827. IzABEL Marie, Aug. 17, 1883. [4620] MARY GERTRUDE HAMLIN,* (Sister of George F.,) b. Bergen, N.Y., Aug 18, 1860; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., Apr. 12, 1882, Frank Has- ! brouck, son of John Gurly and Rachael Elizabeth (Rorison) Tooker, b. Ypsa- ilanti, Mich., Nov. 27, 1855; manager Crystal Water Co.; res., Ypsalanti, until 1 1876; Bay City, Mich., until 1894; since, Pittsburg, Pa.; Democrat; she Presb. il 8830. Charles C, b 8831. Emma E., (-( 8832. John F., u 8833. Mary E., it 8834. Allen C, (( 862 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. Bay City: 8828. George Hamlin, Apr. 6, 1883. 8829. Frank Hasbrouck, Mar. 4, 1890. [4628] BENJAMIN F. MORSE/ (John F.,' Tempe Hamlin,'^ Isaac^* Ebenezer,3 James.^i) b. Kirtland, Ohio. June 7, 1829: m. Tiffin, Ohio, Dec. 29, IS'jS, Matilda, dan. of David Allen and Ann Eliza (Cadwallader) Crafts, b. Tittln, Jan. 22, 1833; architect and civil engineer; Painesville, until 1865; since, Cleveland; Republican; ass't. eng., L. S. &M.S. R. R.; architect and supt. state asylum; U. S. post office; civil engineer, Cleveland nine years, and inspector of buildings, three and one-half years; Freemason; she Adventist. Children: July 11, 1857, Painesville. May 6, 1859, " unm. 1899. " Nov. 23, 1867, Cleveland, Mar. 19, 1871,- Mar. 29, 1873, " unm. 1899. [4634] JOHN HOLBROOK MORSE,* (Harvey H.,' Tempe Hamlin,« Isaac,''* Ebenezer,3 James,^!) b. Boonvilie, Ind., Nov. 12, 1840; m. Kirtland, Ohio, Elizabeth Nichols; mechanic; Kirtland and Willoughby, Ohio; Republi- can; private, F, 105 Ohio Inf. Vols.; enlisted 1862; also, C, 1st Ohio L. Art.; en- listed Jan. 15, 1864; served at battle Perryville, Tenn., and on the Atlanta campaign; dis. June 15, 1865; member Sam Allen Post, 461, G. A. R. He d. Jan. 27, 1897. Ch. b. Kirtland: 8835. Georgia B., Oct. 14, 1875; unm. 1899. 8836. Laura, Mar. 9, 1877. 8837. Elizabeth F., Apr. 19, ; unm. 1899. [4635] FREDERICK HOW MORSE,8 ( Bro. of John H.,) b. Kirtland, Ohio, May 8, 1844; m. there, Dec. 12, 1872, .Tane I., dau. of Nathan i and Eliza (Howden) Daggett, b. Kirtland, Dec. 18, 1845; farmer; Kirtland; Republican; private, C, 1 Ohio L. Art.: enlisted Jan. 15, 1864; in battles of Re- saca, Cassville, Kenesaw Mt., Atlanta; dis. June 15, 1865; member Sam Allen Post 461, G. A. R. Ch. b. Kirtland: 8838. Frank W., Feb. 13, 1874; unm.: soldier Spanish War, 1898-9 8839. Mary L., Sept. 19, 1875, " 1899. 8840. Benjamin F., Nov. 15, 1883. 8841. Genette, Feb. 25, 1886. [4636] GEORGE HAMLIN M0RSE,9 (Bro. of John H.,) b. Kirtland, Ohio, Mar. 24, 1848; m. Mary L. Ferine, b. Monticello, Minn., Oct. 27, 1871; contractor; Kirtland; Republican; county comramisioner; Knight of Pythias: she Christian. Ch. b. Kirtland: 8842. BlANCA M., Apr. 7, 1895. 8843. Harvey L., June 6, 1896. 8844. Gertrude, Sept. 25, 1897. 8845 A Daughter, Feb. 10, 1899. 8846. Laura Ann 8847. Eliza, 8848.* Charles, 8849.* LiNA, 8850. Mary E., 8851. Martha E., 8852. Garrey, 8853. Harrison, 8854.* Fkank. 8855. A Daughter, EIGHTH GENERATION. 863 [4640] MARY ANN CADWELL,8 (Laura Williams,' Clarissa Hamlin,^ lsaac,5* Ebenezer,3 .Iaraes,2i) b. Avon, Ohio, Jan. 11, 1818: m. there, Apr. 30, 1837, Augustus Bishop, b. Hunterdon Co., N. J., Mar. 3, 1806; farmer: Ridgefield and Norwalk, Ohio; Republican. He d. Norwalk, Jan. 20, 1881. Ch. b, Ridgefield: Jan. 18, 1839: d. Mar. 23, 1863, unm, Aug. 25, 1842; ** Mar. 11, 1845. Jan. 4, 1844. Apr. 15, 1849, Jan. 2, 1854; d. Feb, 9, 1857. June 1, 1857; unm. 1902. [4641] JANE CADWELL,8 (Sister of Mary A.,) b. Avon, Ohio, Apr. 9, 1820; m. Huron Co., Ohio, Oct. 14, 1847, John Quincy, ; son of Elijah and Phebe (Crosby) Adams, b. Orleans, Co., N. Y., Oct. 8, 1824; farmer: Orleans Co.. until 183:^: Huron Co., until 1857; afterwards, Woods Co., j Ohio; Republican; Justice Peace: Universalist; member Lodge 451, A. F.& A.M.; I JR. A.M.; she Presb. Both d. Fontogany, Ohio; she June 6, 1886; he Jan. 4, 1899. Children: b. 1849, Huron Co.; d, 1867. " 1853, " " " 1867. " Aug. 11, 1857, Woods Co. d. infancy, [4643] CYRUS MARCELLUS WILLIAMS,^ (Justin,' Clarissa Ham- lin, e Isaac,"* Ebenezer.3 James,2i) b. Avon, Ohio, Mar. 1, 1827; m. Sheffield, Ohio, June 28, 1871, Celia Maria, dau. of Almond Ruggles and Mary (Root) Fitzgerald, b. Sheffield, Nov. 11, 1844: farmer and miller: Avon; Republican; Baptist: she Cong, and member Protected Home Circle 32. He d. Avon, Aug. 11, 1889. Ch. b, Avon: 8856.* Harriet Renena, Apr. 20, 1872. 8857.* Justin Almond. Feb. 9, 1874. 8858. Edward Fitzgerald, Dec. 11, 1878. I [4644] MILO HAMLIN VVILLIAMS,8 (Bro. of Cyrus M., ) I b. Avon, Ohio. Oct 15, 1829; m. there, June 26, 1854, Elizabeth, dau. of Aruna I and Tryphosa (Abbey) Price, b. Avon, June 25, 1836; farmer; Avon; Republican; Baptists: she d. Avon, Nov. 11, 1883. [4649] HALSEY GARFIELD,* (Tempe Williams,' Clarissa Hamlin,« Isaac," * Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Sheffield, Ohio, Dec. 24, 1823; m. there, Mar. 29, 1855, Harriet, dau. of William Henry and Sarah Eliza (Case) Root, b. Sheffield, June 13, 1830; carpenter, merchant and farmer; Avon, Ohio, 1850-63; afterwards, Sheffield; Republican; she Cong.; both d. Sheffield; he Feb. 18, 1900; she Mar. 7, 1889. Children: 8859. Jessie Maria, b. Mar, 6, 1856, Avon; unm. 1902. 8860.* Shirley, " Feb. 28, 1861, 8861.* William Milton, " Oct. 26, 1867, Sheffield. 8862.* Tempe Fannie, " July 28, 1870, " 864 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [4650] PAULINE E. GARF1ELD,8 (Sister of Halsey,) b. Sheffield, Ohio, Sept. 3, 1826; ra. there, July 21, 1855, George F.. son of Milton and Selinda L. (Got!) Smith, b. St. Albans, Vt., Oct. 18, 1885; fanner; Avon Lake, Ohio, since 1840; Republican; Corp. 20 Ind. Battery; enlisted 1861; particpated in battles of Liberty Gap, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge; trans- ferred to U. S. Navy; ship painter; served on ship Fayji^jeco, and participated in battle of Mobile Bay; member Richard Allen Post, 65, G. A. R., and King Solomon's Lodge, 56, A.F. & A. M.; she member Avon W. R. 0. She d. Avon, July 29, 1897. [4651] FANNIE M. GARFIELD,^ (Sister of Halsey,) b. Sheffield, Ohio, Aug. 14, 1829; m. there, Feb. 8, 1859, Graham, son of William and Sarah (Groat) Harris, b. Salisbury, Ct., Dec. 21, 1835; merchant; i Elyria, Ohio; Republican. She d. Sheffield, Mar. 6, 187L Ch. b. Sheffield: 8863. Henry G., d. Sept., 1866, aged 1 year, 9 months, 21 days. 8864. Fannie, " July, 1868, " 7 weeks. [4652] DANIEL W. GARFIELD,^ (Bro. of Halsey,) b. Sheffield, Ohio, May 11, 1833; m. Mary L., dau. of John A. and Naomi (Vanamburg) Taft, b. N. Y. state, Sept. 29, 1839; farmer; Sheffield; Republican. She d. Sheffield, Mar. 1, 1871. Ch. b. Sheffield: 8865.* EstellaM., June U, 1859. [4653] JULIA C. GARFIELD,* (Sister of Halsey,) b. Sheffield, Ohio, July 25, 1842; m. there, July 11, 1866, Edward, son of Aaron and Esther (Buck) Root. b. Sheffield, Sept. 25, 1834; farmer; Sheffield; Republi- can; town clerk, 1889-97; private, I, 87 Ind. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Aug. 11, 1862; participated in battle of Perryville; dis. Jan. 2, 1863; mem. of John Harrison Post, 55, G. A. R.; King Solomon's Lodge 56, A. F. & A. M.: and Tent 18, K. O. T. M.; she mem. Avon W. R. C. He d. Sheffield, Aug. 8, 1897. Cli. b. Sheffield: 8866. Tempe E., Aug. 21, 1870; d. Apr. 20, 1897, unm. 8867. George G., Nov. 14, 1874; unm. 1902. 8868. Henry G., Aug. 9, 1885. [4654] Dr. WILLIAMS JAMES CLARY.s (Eliza M. Williams,^ Clar- issa Hamlin, « Isaac,** Ebenezer,3 Jaraes.^i) b. Monroeville. Ohio, Nov. 8, 1824; m. Chicago, 111., Oct. 9, 1891, Adeline S. Tennant, dau. of Charles Pome- roy and Catherine (Barnes) Tennant, b. Berlin, Ohio, 1834; physician. He graduated from Eclectic College, Cinncinnati, Ohio, 18>3; R^publicAQ. H e being a homoeopathic piiysician,the government refused to accept his proffered services as an army surgeon in the rebellion; but he prornised his medical ser- vices free to the families of all soldiers of Co. B, 123 Ohio Inf. Vols., who with many others were recipients of his patriotic charity; Catholics. He d. Chicago, Oct. 9, 1891; she d. Omaha, Neb., 1900. Ch. b. Monroeville: 8869. Cora Cecelia Tenxant, Jan. 16, 1855: unm. 1902. 8870. William, Jan. 1861; d. June, 1861. EIGHTH GENERATION. 865 [4655] NANCY DUN CLARY,8 (Sister of Wm. J.,) b. Monioeville, Ohio, Mar. 16, 1827; m. there, Feb. 26, 1850, Prof. Frederick, son of Philip J. and Catherine (Ullraan) Abel, b. Landau, Bavaria, Germany, Dec. 23, 1824: musical director, pianist and composer: Cleveland, Ohio, 1850-60; Mil- waukee, Wis., until 1871; since, Detroit, Mich.: Republican. Children: 8871.* Catherine, b. Aug. 29, 1851, Monroeville. 8872.* Mary, " Oct. 12, 1853, Cleveland. 8873.* Frederick Lawrence," Aug. 29, 1857, Monroeville. [4656] JOHN CLARY,8 (Bro. of Williams J.,) b. Monroeville, Ohio, Sept. 1, 1829: ra. there, Dec, 1856, Louisa J., dau. of Douglas and Jane (French) Squire, b. Norwalk, Ohio, Nov. 3, 1837, who d. Mon- roeville, Mar. 12. 1873: m. 2d, Martha A. Squire, sister of 1st wife; farmer; Mon- roeville, until 1874; afterwards, Louisville, Ky.; Republican; Catholics. He d. Louisville, July 27, 1891. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Monroeville: 8874. James Clement, Aug. 4, 1857; d. Aug. 18, 1864 8875.* Mary Louisa, June 7, 1865. 8876.* Anastasia, June, 1869. 8877. Bertha Elizabeth, By 2d wife, b. Louisville: unm. 1902. 8878.* John Berkeley, June 16,- 1877. 8879. Ernest Augustine, Dec. 2, 1879; d. May 30, 1880. 8880. Willie, Dec. 3, 1883, u Dec. 5, 1883. [4657] CORDELIA CLARY,* (Sister of WiUiam J.,) b. Monroeville, Ohio. May 25, 18.32; m. there, Dec. 16, 1857, Caleb Dayton, son of Caleb Crane, and Mary Williams, b. Orange, N. J., Apr. 6„ 18.32; farmer; Orange, until 1835: afterwards, Monroeville, Ohio; Republican; 2d Lieut., B., 123 Ohio Inf. Vols., commissioned Sept. 24, 1862, promoted 1st Lieut., Mar. 6, 1863: served under Gen. Milroy, at Winchester. Va.; killed in skirmish at Snicker's Ford, W. Va.. July 18, 1864. She graduated from N. Y. Medical Col- lege and Hospital for women, 1878, of which she is vice-president of its board of trustees: member County Homoeopathic Med. Soc, and Alumni Asso.; Catholic. She has kindly compiled for this work the records of the decendants of her grandmother, Clarrissa Hamlin.^ Ch. b. Monroeville: 8881.* Thomas Clary, Sept. 13, 1858. [4658] .JOSEPHINE CLARY,8 (Sister of Williams J.,) b. Monroneville, Ohio, Aug. 31, 1337: m. there. May 25, 1865, Capt. William Macintosh, son of James and Cornelia (Macintosh) Flanagan, b. in Va.: res. Monroeville and Toledo, Ohio: Logansport, Ind.; Norwalk, Ohio, and Omaha, Neb.; Democrat: Capt. G, 3d Ohio Cav.; enlisted 1861. She was killed while crossing a railroad track in Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 23, 1901. Children: 8882.* Eliza Cornelia, b. July 21, 1866, Monroeville. [dish,9[6014] 8883. Cordelia Clary, " Apr. 3, 1868, Logansport; m. Bliss Stan- 8884. William Stephen, " Dec. 1, 1870, Monroeville; unm. 1902. 8885. Thomas Clary, " Sept. 1, 1872, 8886.* Louise, " Mar. 30, 1875, " ML 866 THE HAMLIN TAMILY. [4659] STEPHEN LAWKENCE CLARY,8 (Bro. of Williams J., ) b. Monroeville, Ohio, Oct. 5, 1842; m. South Norwalk Ct., June 4, 1879, Clara Isabel, dau. of William and Mary St. John (Chapman) Warren, b. Norwalk, Ct., Mar. 14, 1852; musician and composer; Monroeville, 1879-82; So. Norwalk, Ct., until 1889: Norwalk, Ohio, until 1892; Penn Yan, N. Y., until 1898; since^ So. Norwalk; Republican; she Methodist. Children: 8887. Harold Warren. b. Oct. 7, 1880, Monroeville. 8888. Ruth Richards, " Nov. 8, 1881, " 8889. William Warren, " Feb. 20, 1891, Norwalk. i [4660] THOMAS FLOYD WILLI AMS.« (John W.,^ Clarissa HamUn,« Isaac,'^* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Amherst, Ohio, May 1, 1833: m. 1st, Avon, Ohio, Dec. 8, 1855, Laura A., dau. of Isaac B. and Lourancy (Nye) Ross, b. Avon, from whom he was divorced, 1887; m. 2d, Mar. 16, 1898, Roxie L. Briggs, dau. of John J., and Fannie O. (Buck) Forbes; miller and carpenter; Amherst. Avon and Lorain, Ohio; Republican: private, E, 42 Ohio Inf. Vols.; enlisted Aug. 11. 1862; wounded Vicksburg, Dec. 29, 1862: dis. Apr. 12, 1863; member Richard Allen Post, 65, G. A. R.; Plato Lodge 203, L O. O. F.; Disciples. Ch. b. Avon: 8890. Milton, July 20, 1858; d. July 23, 1873. [4661] IDA ISA DORE CATHERINE WILLIAMS,« (Sister of Thomas F.,) b. Amherst, Ohio, Sept. 1, 1834; m. Avon, Oliio, 1849, Jerome, son of John VanGelder, b. Dover, Ohio; sailor; Avon; Democrat; she d. Avon, Aug. 4, 1874; he d. Cleveland, Ohio, Sept., 1851-2. Ch. b. Amherst: 8891.* Rosa Bell, Sept. 23, 1851. [4663] HOWARD WILLIAMS,' (Henry H.,' Clarissa IIamlin,«= Isaac^i Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Avon, Ohio, Jan. 21, 1841; m. there, Mar. 1870, Ada F., dau. of Clarke and Clarissa (Rockafellow) McCartey, b. Chardon, Ohio, Mar. 8, 1851; roofing contractor: Toronto, Ont.: Republican: private, E, 42 Ohio Inf. Vols.; enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, promoted Lieut. 5th U.S. Vols. Apr. 3, 1865; served mostly on detached duty; dis. Oct., 1866; Justice Peace, 1862; Methodist. Children: 8892.* Alson J., b. Mar. 26, 1871, Avon. 8893,* Annette Morey, " May 26, 1873, " 8894. DwightM., "Jan., 1875, " d. Aug., 1875. 8895.* Ralph Clarke, " Dec. 21, 1876, Buffalo. 8896. Franklin H., " Jan., 1888, Toronto; unra. 1902. [4664] ANNETTE WILLIAMS,^ (Sister of Howard, ) b. Avon, Ohio, Jan. 23, 1843: m. there, June 3, 1868, Capt. Norris, son of Joseph and Anna (Kinne) Morey, b. Brant, N. Y., July 20, 183S: lawyer; Brant, 1838-66; he attended school at Oberlin, Ohio, 1858-63; Buffalo, N. Y., since 1866; Repub- lican; captain, E. 10 N. Y. Cav.: enlisted 1861: dis. 1862; she Baptist. She died Buffalo, Jan. 12, 1898. EIGHTH GENERATION. 8H7 Ch. b. Buflfalo: 8897.* Isabel Ransom, June 16, 1874 8898. Joseph Harrison, Mar. 6, 1877 8899. Arthur Norris, Dec. 8, 1880 8900. Howard Williams, Mar. 16, 1882. [46K5] EDWARD EVERETT WILLIAMS,* (Bro. of Howard,) b. Avon, Ohio, Mar. 3, 1846: m. there, Oct. 23, 1870, Laurette Albina, dau. of Charles Newton and Parmelia Jane (Palmer) Williams, b. Avon. July 29, 1848; manufacturer and banker: Avon, until 1881; since, Elj^-ia, Ohio; Republican; County Treasurer, 1876-90; Baptist: she Cong. Ch. b. Avon. 8901. Zella Messenger, Aug. 7, 1871: unm. 1902. 8902.* Harrison Charles, Mar. 16, 1873. 8903. Porter Hastings,. May 30, 1879; unm. 1902. [4667] NELLIE LOUISE W^ILLIAMS,* (Sister of Howard.) b. Avon, Ohio, Oct. 5, 1853; m. there. May 21, 1881, Clyde Burton, son of William and Laura Beeman (La Moure) Jameson, b, Sheffield, Ohio, Oct. 10, 1856: contractor; Avon, 1881-2: Toledo, 1882-7; Toronto, Ont., 1887-8; since, Buflfalo, N.Y.; Baptists. Children: 8904. Everett Williams, b. July 4, 1882, Avon; unm. 1902. 8905. NoRRis MoREY, " Mar. 29, 1888, Toronto. [4668] CHARLES HAMLIN,* (George W.,^ Stephen,* Isaac,** Ebenez- er,3 James.ai) b. Springfield, Mass., Dec. 7, 1843: m. Chicago, HI., Feb. 16, 1871, Emma Elizabeth, dau. of John A. and Elizabeth (Brown) Ladd, b. Hart- ford, Conn., Jan. 22, 1851: painter; Pittsfield and Springfield, until 1866; since, Chicago; Democrat: G, 57 Mass. Inf. Vols.; in battles of Wilderness, North Anna, Cold Harbor, Petersburg and others, 13 engagements in all; captured and confined in Libby prison. Ch. b. Chicago: 8906.* George Frederick, Nov. 12, 1871, 8907.* Charles Merriam, July 30, 1873. 8908. John Adams, Oct. 16, 1875. 8909. Stephen Bartlett, Aug. 7, 1887: d. Jan. 22, 1889. 8910. Joseph, Jan. 13, 1892. [4669] DAVID FRANCIS HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Charles,) b. Illion, N.Y., Jan. 27, 1849: m. Pittsfield, Mass., June 12, 1873, Mary Vir- ginia, dau. of Frederick Mills and Mary Rebecca (Demi ng) Ingersoll,* b. Sandis- field, Mass., Aug. 9, 1846; tinsmith, later salesman: removed with his mother to * Note 45.3. RICHARD INGERSOLL.i with a younger brother, John, came from Bedford- shire. England, to Salem, Mass., 1629; wife Ann. Seven children, among whom were sons, George and John. I GEORGE INGERSOLL,2 b. 1618; wife Elizabeth. Seven children: George, .Joseph, Eliza- beth, Elizabeth. Mary. .lOHX INGERS0LL,2 m. Judith Felton and Deborah , b. 1645; res. Salem, Mass. ; New London; Falmouth. Casco and Kittery, Me. He d. 1716. Children: .Tohn, Nathaniel, Ruth, Richard, Sarah, Samuel, Elisha, Ephraim, Deborah, Mary, Rachael, Abigail and another daughter. fell 868 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Chicago, 1857; removed to Pittsfield, Mass., 1869; returned to Chicago, 1874; Ee- publican; Freemason, K. P., and Royal League; Congs. He d. Chicago, Nov. 30, 1898. Ch. b. Chicago: 8911. Albert Fkancts, Aug. 1, 1874; unm. 1899. 8912.* Robert Deming, Sept. 2, 1876. 8913. Edmund INGERSOLL, Jan. 26, 1879, " " 8914. Mary Virginia, Aug. 28, 1881, " " 8915. Gertrude Elizabeth, June 11, 1884; d. Nov. 26, 1886. 8916. Sara Clark, May 3, 1886, " same day. 8917. Frederick Mills, Sept. 21, 1887. [4670J KATHERINE ELIZABETH BAIRD.s (Jane E. Hamlin,' Stephen, 8 Isaac,5* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Pittsfield, Mass., June 28, 1848; m. Stockbridge, Mass., 1867, Charles Gilbert, son of Eliphalet and Elizabeth Mason, b. Great Barrington, Mass., May 12, 1843; brick and stone mason; Great Barrington; Republican; she Epis. She d. Stockbridge, Mass., Dec. 30, 1875; he d. Great Barrington, Oct. 1, 1900. Ch. b. Great Barrington: 8918.* Cora Estelle, Nov. 23, 1868. 8919.* Jane Elizabeth, Dec. 22, 1870. 8920.* Grace Etta, Sep. 10, 1872. 8921. Clara Bell, Apr. 14, 1874; d. Feb. 26, 1901, unm. [4672] WILLIAM KENDALL BA1RD,8 (Bro. of Katlierine E.,) b. Pittsfield. Mass., Feb. 8, 1853; m. Stockbridge, Mass., Nov. 12, 1884, Marion E. Nelson, b. Apr. 6, 1865; res. Stockbridge. Ch. b. Stockbridge: 8922. Grace Parker, Aug. 21, 1885. 8923. William Kendall, Sept. 29, 1890. [4673] WILLIS PRENTICE BAIRD,8 (Bro. of Katherine E., ) b. Pittsfield, Mass., Feb. 8, 1853; m. Stockbridge, Mass., 1876. He d. Stock- bridge, 1893. Ch. b. Stockbridge: 8924. George Prentice, Aug. 21, 1877. 8925. MaryE., June 7, 1880. 8926. Edward Thomas, Sept. 16, 1884. 8927. Helm, Apr. 24, 1886. 8928. Marjorie. [4685] PHILIP HOWLAND SEARS,' (Polly Rowland," Lois Hamlin," Perez,5 Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Lenox, Mass., Aug. 9, 1823; m. Hinsdale, Mass., Feb. 5,1849, Mary, dau. of Nathaniel and Polly (Phillips) Butts, b. Peru, JOHN INGERSOLL.i came with his brother Richard from Bedfordshire, England, to Salem, Mass., 1629; freeman, Salem, 1668. Dorothy, wife of one John Ingersoll d. Northampton, Mass., January, 1656. THOMAS INGERSOLL,2 b. Salem, Mass., 166S: m. 1692, Sarah Ashley; res. Springfield, Mass. Capt. DAVID TNGERSOLL,s b. Springfield, Mass., 1699; m. Lydia Child; Justice; Parish Clerk; Captain of Militia: Great Barrington, Mass. He d. 177;i. | EIGHTH GENERATION. 869 Mass., 1824; builder and carriage maker; Lenox, 1823-47; Hinsdale, 1847-58; Charlotte, S. C, 1858-61; Whig and Republican: Congs. He d. Charlotte, Feb. 12, 1861. Ch. b. Hinsdale: 8929.* Frank Irving, July 30, 1850. 8930.* Frederick Nathaniel, Oct. 10, 1851, 8931.* Henry Philip, Jan. 8, 1853. [4686] Hon. HORATIO NELSON SEARS,' (Bro. of Philip H.,) b. Lenox, Mass., Aug. 29, 1826: member Mass. Legislature, 1854-5; town officer; mail agent, etc.; d. unmarried, May 29, 1860, [4687] MARY CORNELIA SEARS,« (Sister of Philip H.,) b. Lenox, Mass., Aug. 22, 1828; m. there, Nov. 25, 1852, Rev. Simeon Lea- vitt, son of Thomas and Abigail (Leavitt) Hobbs, b. Candia, N. H., Apr. 24, 1813; physician and clergyman: Candia, until 1822; North Hampton, N. H., 1822- 45: Boston, Mass., 1845-50: Pittsfleld, Mass., 1850-2; Lenox, Ind. T., 1852-62; Exeter, N. H.. 1862-3; Southboro, Mass., 1863-9; Erving, Mass., 1869-72: Fort Smith, Ark., 1872-6; Amherst, Mass., 1876-83; Lenox, Ind. T., 1883; Republican; Congs. They were missionaries in the Indian Ter. Both d. Lenox, Choctaw, Ind. T., of yellow fever: she Aug. 12, 1883; he Sept. 1, 1883. Children: 8932. Harriet Wright, b. Jan. 7, 1856, Lenox, I. T.; d, Nov. 3, '56. 893.3.* John Howard, " Apr. 2,1858, 8934.* Helen DeLancey, " Jan. 12, 1862, " Mass. 8935. Arthur Herbert, " Aug. 13, 1867, Southboro; d. Nov, 16, '67. 8936. Alice Gertrude, " Aug. 13, 1867, " " Apr. 12, '68. [4688] HENRY CLINTON SEARS,« (Bro. of Philip H.,) b. Lenox, Mass., Feb. 11, 1832: m. New Bedford, Mass., Dec. 26, 1861, Fannie Elizabeth Clark, b. New Bedford, Nov. 2, 1839, who d. Roxbury, Mass., Jan. 22, 1890; he resided there, 1890; later, carriage builder, Boston. •Children: 8937. Florence May, b. May 30, 1863, New Bedford; m. — Fuller 8938. Ethel Craig, " Oct. 29, 1869, Roxbury; d. Feb. 11, 1876. [4689] Hon. CHAUNCEY SEARS,« (Bro. of Philip H.,) b. Lenox, Mass., Nov. 13, 1834; ra. there, June 1, 1871, Anna Aurelia, dau. of David and Jane (Smith) Hart,* b. Pittstield, Mass., Dec. 13, 1849; farmer; res. on the old homestead, Lenox; Justice Peace, assessor, representative, 1885. He was educated in the common .school and Lenox Academy. We are Indebted to him for records of this branch of the family. * Note 454. Dka. STEPHEN HART.i b. Braintree, England, about 1605; was at Cam- bridge, Mass., lt)32 He is one of those who went through the wilderness with Rev. Thomas Hooker, and settled Hartford, Ct., 16W; Hartford was named for his ford on the Conn, river; original proprietor and first deacon of the Church at Farmington, Ct., 1652; where he d. March, 1682-3. NICHOLAS HART.I m. .Joan, dau. of Edward Rossiter; who came with .lohn Wintbrop to Nantasket, now Hull, Mass., May 30, 1630; ho was at Warwick, R. I., 1640; d. 1682; has descend- ants to the present time. 870 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. Lenox: 8939. Horatio Henry, Feb. 2, 1873. 8940. Chauncy Harold, Nov. 28, 1875. 8941. Mary Agnes, Feb. 5, 1882. [4690] LOIS HAMBLEN SEARS.8 (Sister of Philip H.,) b. Lenox, Mass., Aug. 23, 1837; unmarried;scliool teacher: New Lenox, Mass; res. with lier brother Chauncey. [4691] HELEN LEWIS,* (Polly Buckland,' Rhoda Hamlin," Perez,* Isaac,* Ebenezer,3 Jarnes,ai) b. Poultney, Vt., Mar. 20, 1822; m. 1847, Brig- ham, son or Alpheus and Laura (Powell) Williams, b. Lanesboro, Mass., Apr. 1, 1822; farmer; Charlotte, Vt.; Republican. She d. Charlotte, 1851: he d. Essex, N. y., Mar. 29, 1874. Ch.b. Charlotte: 8942.* Theodore, Sept. 3, 1848. 8943. George, Nov. 27, 1850; d. Mar. 5, 1876, unm. [4692] FANNY B. LEWIS,* (Sister of Helen,) b. Poultney, Vt., Oct. 26, 1823: m. 1st, there, Oct., 1847, Nelson, son of David and Sybil (Canfield) Rawson,* b. Poultney, 1818; farmer; Republican; he d. Poultney, 1869; m. 2d, May, 1874, LaFayette, son of Samuel and Sabina (Andrews) Wood, b. Fair Haven, Vt., July 20. 1823; music teacher; Republican; member Morning Star Lodge, A. F. &. A. M.; she was living 1897; Epis. He d. Fair Haven, Aug. 22, 1887. No issue. [469.3] CARLISLE LEWIS,* (Bro. of Helen, ) b. Poultney, Vt., May 12, 1825; m. Charlotte, Vt., June 2, 1852, Louise Re- becca, dau. of Alpheus and Laura (Powell) Williams; farmer; Poultney, Benson, and Charlotte, Vt.; Republican; Good Templar; Congs. Both d. Charlotte; he Apr. 22, 1893; she Apr. 28, 1887. Children: 8944.* Mary Louisa, b. Feb. 27, 1853, Poultney. 8945.* John Alpheus, " Dec. 13, 1854, " 8946.* Frank Adkins, " Aug. 10, 1856. 8947.* Sarah Adelia, " May 16, 1860, Charlotte. 8948.* Fanny Effie, " May 30, 1862, " 8949.* Solon Augustus, " Feb. 5, 1871, " 8950. Bertram Ransom, " Oct. 11, 1872, " unm. 1897. 8951. Carl Fayette, " Nov. 26, 1876, " " [4694] WILLIAM BUCKLAND,* (Stephen,' Rhoda A. Hamlin," Perez,^ Isaac,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Danby, N.Y., Oct. 12, 1831; m. Ophelia Mil- ler, b. Danby; farmer; she was living 1897: he d. Danby, Apr. 17, 1863. Children: 8952.* Adella. 8953. William; dead. 8954. EVELINK, " 8955. Augustus, " * For Rawson see note 316. EIGHTH GENERATION. 871 [4695J NEWELL BUCKANI),' (Bro. of William,) b. Daaby, N. Y., June 13, 1833; m. there, Mary L., dau. of Charles C. and Esther (Hyatt) Howell, b. Danby, Apr. 22,1838; produce dealer; Danby and Truraansburg, N. Y., until 1865: Waterloo, Ind., to 1881; Kendallville, Ind., 1882; afterwards, South Bend, Ind.; Republican; city inarshall, Waterloo, 1878-9: Odd Fellow; Presbs. Both d. South Bend; he, Apr. 21, 1886; she, Nov. 29, 1885. Children: 8956.* Charles Newell, b. Nov. 19, 1859, Danby. 8957.* Frank Edmund, " Feb. 4, 1863, " 8958. Eva May, " Dec, 12, 1870, Waterloo: d. Aug. 6, 1871. [4697] Dr. FRANK BUCKLAND,8 (Bro. of William, ) b. Danby, N.Y., Apr. 30, 1840; m. Ella Kibbee, of Coldwater, Mich.; sur- geon in the army in the latter part of the civil war. He d. Chicago, 111., 1876. 8he is dead. Children: 8959. Frank. 8960. RuFus; res. Coldwater, 1897. [4698] HARLAN BUCKLAND,« (Bro. of William,) b. Danby, N.Y., Sept. 27, 1842; ra. Green Island, N.Y., June 13, 1888, Emma, dau. of John and Sophia Elizabeth (Goodell) Weeks, b. Green Island, May 10, 1860; artist; Danby, until 1863; Ithaca, 1864; Indianapolis, Ind., until 1869; N.Y. City, 1870; San Francisco, Cal., 1873; Troy, N.Y., 1896; res. Green Island; Repub- lican; member Knights of Honor; Methodists. Ch. b. Green Island: 8961. Harlan, Apr. 15, 1889; d. Aug, 29, 1889. 8962. Bessie, Apr. 15, 1889, " Aug. 11, 1889. 8963. Harold, Sept. 20, 1890. [4700] HIRAM F. LEW1S,« (Rhoda Fifield,' Charlotte Harablin,« Perez,5 Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Poultney, Vt., Aug. 12, 1829; m. there, Sept. 20, 1855, Charlotte, dau. of John G. and Lucy (Laraway) Farwell,* b. in Poultney, Sept. 24, 1827: farmer and carpet weaver; East Poultney; Republican. Ch, b. Poultney: 8964. Cora, Mch. 8, 1857; d. Feb. 21, 1877; unm. 8965.* MiLA, Aug. 2, 1859. 8966.* John Farwell, Sept. 8, 1867. 8967.* Helen, June 28, 1869. [4701] MARK LEWIS,8 (Bro. of Hiram F.,) b. Poultney, Vt., Nov. 21, 1831; m. there, Sept. 27, 1855, Sarah J., dau. of Isaac W., and Sarah (Ransom) Hosford, b. Poultney, Feb. 1, 1833; farmer: Poult- ney; Republican; Justice Peace; Selectman. * Note 455. HENRY FAEWELL.i wife Olive; settled at Concord, Mass., about 1035; free- man. Mar, 14, 1638-9; removed to Chelmsford, Mass., about 1654, where he d. Aug. 1. 1670; she d. :ji Mar. 1, 1691-2. It is supposed he came from Bishop's Hill, near Taunton, England, and that he was son of .John and Dorothy; son of George and Mary; son of George and Phillipa; son of Simon and Dorotha; who came from Yorkshire, about 1.500; where the ancestors had lived from an early period. Children; Joseph, James, Henry, John, Mary, Olive, Elizabeth. 872 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. Poultney: 8968.* , Charles Sumner, Mar. 11, 1859. 89H9. George, May 27, 1867; unm. 1897. [4702] JULIUS LEWIS,8 (Bro. of Hiram F.,) b. Poultney, Vt., May 4, 1837, unmarried; 1st Serg't. I, 5th Vt.. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Sept, 2, 1861; killed in battle, near Boliver Heights, Va., Aug. 21, 1864. [4703] CHARLOTTE F. LEWIS,^ (Sister of Hiram F., ) b. Poultney, Vt., Jan. 12, 1839; m. 1st, there, Sept. 8, 1858, Rollin, son of Stearns and Mabel (Mallory) Marshall, b. Poultney, 1833; farmer; he d. Poultney, '^ 1874; m.2d, Poultney, Eleazer Hay ward, b. Rutland, Vt., 1840; miller and farmer; Poultney; Republican. Ch. by 1st marriage, b. Poultney: 8970. Fanny, unm. 1897. 8971.* Mary, b. Jan. 9, 1862. [4704] MARTHA LEWIS,' (Sister of Hiram F.,) b. Poultney, Vt., Mar. 17, 1842: m. there, Dec. 22, 1863, Henry A., son of Philip and Julia (Ransom) Pond, b. Castleton, Vt., Dec. 21, 1834; farmer; Castle- ton; Republican; Corp. F, 14, Vt. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Sept. 3, 1862: wounded t battle Gettysburg, July, 1863; dis. July, 1863; member Post 108, G. A.R. Ch. b. Castleton: 8972. John Philip, Oct. 13, 1864; unm. 1897. 8973.* Frederick Lewis, May 6, 1866. 8974.* Charles Delos, July 30, 1870. 8975. Mary Alice, Jan. 16, 1879; unm. 1897. [4706] JENKS L. FIFIELD,* (Hiram,^ Charlotte Hamblin.* Perez,5 Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Poultney, Vt., Nov, 27, 1839; m. Castleton, Vt., Feb. 22, 1865, Louisa, dau. of Solomon and Louisa (Pond) Far- well,* b. Castleton, May 22, 1839: farmer; Dwight, 111.; Freemason. ' Children; 8976. Paulina L., b. Feb. 11, 1866; Castleton; unm. 1897. 8977. Mary F., " Gardner, 111.; unm. 1897. [4707] MARY A. FIFIELD,8 (Sister of Jenks L.,) b. Poultney, Vt., Oct. 31, 1842; ra. there, Dec. 12. 1861, Cuthbut C, son of Solomon and Louisa (Pond) P^arwell,* b. Poultney, Oct. 21, 1831; farmer; Poult- ney; Republican; member of Lee Lodge, 30, A. F. & A. M. Ch. b. Castleton: 8978. Martha E., May 2, 1864; m. Chas. S. Lewis » [8968.] 8979. Berdilla L., Oct. 26, 1865; unm. 1897. For Farwell see note 465. EIGHTH GENERATION. 873 [4708] GEORGE BENJAMIN FIFIELD,8 (Bro. of Jenks L.,) b. Poultney, Vt., Aug. 20, 1845; m. Gardner, 111., Nov. 21, 1867, Albina, dau. of John and Catherine (Cullen) LaMarsna, b. Mich., Oct. 19, 1848; farmer; Tulare, Cal.; she Christian. Children: 8980.* LOKA May, b. Feb. 10, 1869, Gardner. 8981. Lewis LaMarsna, " Sep. — , 1871, Poultney; unm. 1897. [4709] Capt. SAMUEL KlLBORN,8 (Betsey Fifleld,' Charlotte Ham- blin," Perez,5 Isaac,* Ebenezer.s Jaraes,2i) b. Poultney, Vt., Nov. 29, 1841; m. twice; enlisted in Co. I, 5 Vt. Inf. Vols., served 3 j'ears, promoted through all the ranks to captain, reenlisted and served to the close of the war. Has children. [4710] FRANKLIN KILBORN,8 (Bro. of Samuel,) b. in Poultney, Vt., Jan. 6, 1844; enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, C, 11 Vt. Inf. Vols., and d. Fort Stevens, D. C, Apr. 13. 1863. [4711] ALBERT KILBORN,* (Bro. of Samuel,) b. Poultney, Vt., Nov. 30, 1846; m. Phillips: res. Poultney. Has children. [4715] EDSON H. FIFIELD,^ (Perez H.,' Charlotte Hamblin,6 Perez,^ Isaac,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Poultney, Vt., Dec. 7, 1838; unmarried; an officer in civil war: res. Gardner, 111. [4718] SARAH FIFIELD,8 (Sister of Edson H., ) b. Poultney, Vt., Nov. 10, 1848; m. there, Martin Cole, of Castleton, Vt., and went west; he was a cashier; Democrat; Baptist; she Epis.; San Diego, Cal., 1897. Children: 8982. Irving, b. Jan. 16, 1886, Poultney. 8983. Laslte, [4719] IDA FIFIELD,8 (Sister of Edson H.,) b. Poultney, Vt., Nov. 26, 1853; ra. there, Nov. 18, 1870, Amos, son of Asa J. and Eliza (Horton) Rogers, b. Hydeville, Vt., Aug. 31, 1849; contractor and builder; Poultney; Republican; Justice Peace; Odd Fellow; she member W. C. T. U. Children: 8984. George A., b. Apr. 22, 1872; Saratoga Springs, N.Y. 8985. Grace J., " Dec. 21, 1874, Poultney. 8986. Mary L., " Feb. 18, 1876, 8987. John H., " Apr. 6, 1878. 8988. Frank F., " Aug. 11, 1881, 8989. Eddie, " Mar. 7, 1883, d. Sept. 13, 1883 8990. Charles, " Nov, 20, 1885, 8991. Freddie, " May 12, 1887, d. Oct. 4, 1887 8992. Arthur, " May 13, 1889, 8993. LlJCY, " Nov. 23, 1890, 8994. Thomas, " Nov. 5, 1891, d. Nov. 5, 1891 8995. LiBBIE, " Nov. 24, 1893, 8996. Maud, " Feb. 5, 1895, i 874 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [4724] LEVI B. HAMBLIN,^ (Horatio,' Stephen,^ Perez.B Isaac,* Eben- ezer,s James,2i) b. Aurelius, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1831; m. Julia Abies. Both dead; he d. Cazenovia, N. Y., July 2, 1886. Child: 8997. Frank. [4725] LAUEA JANE HAMBLIN,« (Sister of Levi B.,) b. Aurelius, N.Y., Aug. 19, 1833; m. Auburn, N.Y., Sept. 29, 1858, Abrara, son of Abram and Susan (McElroy) Goodrich,* b. Auburn, Jan. 6, 1833; engineer; Auburn. Ch. b. Auburn: 8998. Howard Nelson, Nov. 6, 1867. 8999. Edward Hall, Jan. 2, 1871. [4726] CHARLES L. HAMBLIN,' (Bro. of Levi B.,) b. Auburn, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1852; m. Eaton, N. Y., Mar. 27, 1882, Eva, dau. of George D. and Sarah (Kigali) Richardson, b. Erieville, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1859; drug- gist; Auburn, until 1877; Eaton, until Sept., 1895; since, Hamilton, N. Y.; Re- publican; she Baptist. Ch. b. Eaton: 9000. Mabel J., Dec. 31, 1882. [4727] MAY FRANCES HAMBLIN,^ (Sister of Levi B.,) b. Auburn, N.Y., Mar. 28, 1854; m., Kilbourn Ward, of Auburn; she d. Auburn, Jan. 5, 1895. [4728] MARTHA E. HAMBLIN,^ (William P.,' Stephen," Perez,^ Isaac,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Aurelius, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1831: m. Plymouth, Mich., Feb. 4, 1856, Harlow A., son of Gaylord and Thirza (Gillette) Hoskins, b. Onon- daga, N. Y., July 24, 1829; farmer; Onondaga, until 1842; Springport, until 1850; Fleming, until 1865; afterwards, Aurelius; Repulican; member Aurelius Grange, P. of H.; she Presb. He d. Aurelius, Aug. 28, 1898. Children: Dec. 16, 1856, Fleming. May 16, 1858, " d. Jan. 26, 1870. June 18, 1863, " • Aug. 12, 1864, " d. Nov. 1, 1866. Oct. 18, 1867, Aurelius. Oct. 18, 1867, Sept. 20, 1871, [4729] ST. CLAIR SMITH HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Martha E.,) b. Aurelius, N.Y., May 6, 1833; m. Ypsilanti, Mich., Mar. 17, 1863, Mary Jane, dau. of Warren and Susan Jane Smith; school teacher 17 years; farmer; Auburn, N. Y., until fall 1856; Northville, Mich., until spring 1864; since, Gaines, Mich.; school inspector; drain commissioner; Republican; Methodists; she d. Gaines, Oct. 13, 1878. 9001.* Jennie E., b 9002. Edward A., 9003.* William Gaylord, 9004. Hattie May, 9005.* Fred E., 9006.* Frank M., 9007.* Delos West, For Goodrich see note 217. si EIGHTH GENERATION. 875 Ch. b. Gaines: 9008.* Lemuel Warren, Dec. 31, 1863. 9009. WiLLARD Romans, May 29, 1868; unm. 1903 9010.* Frank Alvin, Dec. 1, 1868. 9011.* Fred Fayette, July 4, 1871. 9012.* Clarence Hartwell, July 5, 1873. [47.33] JENNIE M. HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Martha E.,) b. Elbridge, N. Y., Mar. 27, 1842; ni. Northville, Mich., May 12, 1867, Henry M., son of Harvey W. and Harriet (Dean) White, b. Levonla, Mich., July 30, 1837: Lieut. A, 5th Mich. Cav.; enlisted Aug. 14, 1862; participated in battles of Gettysburg, Boonsboro, Wilderness, Yellow Tavern, Halls Shop, Winchester, Cedar Creek, Five Forks, and Appomattox C. H.; member of G. A. R. Post 318; Northville, since 1854; Presbs. She d. Northville, Mar. 23. Ch. b. Northville: 9013.* Mattie S., Mar. 15, 1875. [4739] WILLIAM ST. CLAIR SMITH,^ (Mary E. Hamblin,' Stephen,» Perez,5 Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James,3i) b. Throopville, N.Y., July 14, 1840; m. Apr. 6, 1865, Frances Rice.* He d. Chicago, 111., Feb. 13, 1891; she was travel- ing in Europe, 1896. [4741] MARY SOPHIA SMITH,^ (Sister of William S.,) b. Auburn N.Y., June 21, 1847; m. N.Y. City, June 14, 1871, Albert Eugene, son of William Henry and Mary Elizabeth (Raymond) Reed, b. N.Y. City, Oct. 2, 1850; wholesale meat dealer, N.Y. City; Republican: member Knights of Hon- or; Baptists; she d. N.Y., Jan. 9, 1881. Ch. b. N.Y.: 9014.* Frank Adams, b. June 28, 1872. 9015. Charles R., d. 1877. 9016. St. Clair, (( 1881. 9017. Howard, u 1881. [4745] MARIA LOUISE HAMBLIN,^ (Lemuel W.,^ Stephen,6 Perez,^ Isaac,* Ebenezer,3 James.^i) b. Geneva, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1841; m. there, Dec. 30, 1861, Rev. George G. Perrine. She d. Theresa, N. Y., May 7, 1890. Children: 9018. Edward. 9019. Bessie. 9020. William. [4746] Dr. JAMES RICHARDS HAMBLIN,* (Bro. of Maria L.,) b. Elbridge, N.Y., Mar. 16, 1844; m. 1st, Ripton, Vt., Nov. 24, 1873, Mary Jane LaFrancies; divorced, Dec. 1890; m. 2d, Waitsville, Vt., Mar. 16, 1892, Mrs. Ella Brown; physician; Granville, Vt.; member B. 50, N.Y. Vols. Eng.; enlisted July 10, 1861; dis. June 20 1865. Attended Medical College, Geneva, N.Y., examined by Board of Homoeopathic School of Medicine, Vermont, and commenced prac- tice of medicine July, 1871. * For Eice see note 372. 876 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. by 1st wife: 9021. Lemuel Nelson, b. Dec. 18, 1874, Starksboro. 9022. George Edward, " Oct. 24, 1880, Bristol. 9023. James Richards, " Jan. 2, 1883, " [4747] CHARLES ADELBERT HAMLIN,* (Lewis C.,^* Stephen,* Perez,5 Isaac,* Ebeaezer,^ Jaines,^!) b. Aurelius, N. Y., 1843. Child: 9024.* Lemuel Warren, b. Dec. 31, 1863, Gaines. [Note 456] GEORGE LEMUEL HAMLIN,« (Bio. of Charles A.,) b. Auburn, N.Y., Mar. 24, 1849: killed in railroad accident, Titusville, Pa., Jan. 20, 1865. [Note 456] ARTHUR MILLARD HAMLIN, « (Bro. of Charles A.,) b. Auburn, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1852; m. Charlevoix, Mich., May 18, 1876, Jennie, dau. of Avery and Betsey (Wallace) Van Dusen, b. Willsburg, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1855: contractor; Charlevoix; Prohibitionist; Epis; she Methodist. She d. Charlevoix, July 14, 1900. Ch. ta. Charlevoix: 9025. George Le31uel, Feb. 18, 1880; unm. 9026. Herbert Henry, Oct. 14. 1881: d. Aug. 19, 1899. 9027. ViRGiA May, Aug. 27, 1883; unm. 9028. Greta Rosamond, June 2, 1886. 9029. Lewis Clark, Feb. 6, 1893. 9030. Charles Adelbbrt, May 22, 1897. [Note 456] WILLIAM HENRY HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Charles A.,) b. Auburn, N.Y., Apr. 14, 1855. He d. Charlevoix, Oct. 24, 1891. Child: 9031. Eva Belle, b. Mar. 14, 1884. [4749] HORATIO HAMBLIN RICE,« (Rhoda A. Hamblio,^ Stephen.* Perez,5 Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James,3i) b. Auburn, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1843; m. in Tenn., Nov., 1865, Frances Cora, b. in Texas; enlisted in 12th IS. Y. Cav.; re- enlisted and served to the end of the war; removed to Austin, Texas, 1870; not heard from since 1871; Republican. * Note 45(i. LEWIS CLARK HAMLIN.7 [1763J, page 508. Since printing this sketch fur- ther record of his family has been received. He was b. Aurelius, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1S18; m. 1st, there, Feb. 13, 1842, Harriet Lucretia, dau. of Cornelius Ward, b. 1821; who d. Aurelius, 1847; m. 2d, 1847, Rosetta Coats, b. 1828, who d. Sept. 24, 1891 ; farmer; in youth he lived at Rochester, N. Y. ; also lived at Auburn, N.Y. ; moved to Poutiac, Mich., 1861; res. Charlesvoix, Mich., since Sept., 1868; Democrat; Methodist; 1st wife, Presb. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Aurelius: Chakt>ks Adelbebt, 1843; res. Butternut, Mich. By 2d wife, b. Auburn: * Geoiuje Lemuel. Mar. 24, 1849. * Arthiih Mill.muj, Sept. 25, 1852. * Wm-i,iam Henky, Apr. 14,1855. EIGHTH GENERATION. 877 [4750] MARY RICE,8 (Sister of Horatio H.,) I b. Auburn, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1844; m. Fayette, N. Y., June 4, 1862, Henry, son of ! Samuel and Ruth (Brown) Harris, b. Varrick, N.Y., Aug. 13, 1841; merchant; : Fayette, until Nov., 186;5; Sturgis Mich., until July 1865; Coldwater, Mich., un- i til 1887; since, Greenville, Mich.; Democrat; Congs. Ch. b. Coldwater: j 9032.* May Myrtlk, Sept. 1, 1868. 9033. Nellie, Aug. 17, 1872; d. Oct. 8, 1872. 9034. Hugh, July 26, 1875; unm. i [4751] JAMES SPENCER RICE,« (Bro. of Horatio H.,) b. Auburn, N. Y., Apr. 14, lcS49; m. Constantino, Mich., Dec. 24, 1867, Sar^ih Alice, dau. of John and Alice (Garton) Masterraan, b. Florence, Mich., Jan. 31, 1851; master painter for L. S.& M. S. R. R.; Auburn, N. Y., until 1860; Seneca i Falls, N. Y., until 1863: Klinger's Lake, Mich., 186.5-73; since, Elkhart, Ind.; I drummer, D, 16 N. Y., H. Art.: enlisted Nov. 3, 1863; dis. Aiig. 21, 1865; Dem- [ ocrat; member of Lodge, 83, A. F. & A. M.; Chosen Friends, 6, and National Union, 150, all of Elkhart; she Cong. Children: 9035. Artilla M., b. Oct. 2, 1868, Klinger Lake; unm. 1896. 9036. Eva May, -' Jan. 10, 1880, Elkhart. [4753] SARAH BARDWELL HAMLIN,* (Heman,' Ebenezer,« Jehiel,^ Isaac* Ebenezer,3 James,^i) b. West Bloomfield, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1838; m. there, Nov. 14, 1861, Gilbert, son of Noah Pease and Clarissa Bagg (Sackett) 1 Ashley, b, Springfield, Mass., Sept. 19, 1837; mechanic, U. S. Armory, Spring- j field, Mass.: member Hampden Lodge, I. O. O. F. Ch. b. Springfield: 9037. Flora Belle, May 11, 1864; d. Mar. 28, 1865. 9038.* Mary Artie, Jan. 23, 1867. . [4755] FRANKLIN EBENEZER HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Sarah B.,) b. West Bloomfield, N.Y., July 6, 1842; m. Hillsdale, Mich., Sept. 19, 1863, Caro- I line, dau. of Zimri Thomas, b. Richmond, N. Y.; farmer; West Bloomfield, 1 N.Y., until 1862; later Allen, Mich.; removed from Hinsdale, Mich., 1898, and ' was later in San Francisco, Cal.; Republican. No issue. [4759] EMILY BENNETT HAMLIN,^ (James D.,' Ebenezer S.,'' Jehiel,6 Isaac,* Ebenezer,'^ James,2i) b. Lorain, Ohio, Jan. 11, 1835; m. Allen, Mich, Sept. 21, 1858, Hiram Osgood, b. Stanstead, Canada, Feb. 12, 1840: school teacher; Allen; removed to Harvey, 111., Apr., 1891; Republican; Epis.; she res. Wynne, Ark.; he d. Harvey, July 17, 1896. Ch. b. Allen: 9039.* Caroline Bennett, July 13, 1859. 9040.* James Willard, July 19, 1865. 9041,* Samuel Hamlin, Feb. 7, 1868. hll 878 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [4761] CAROLINE BENNETT HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Emily B.,| b. Allen, Mich., Oct. 12, 1840; m. there, Isaac T., son of Isaac Walker and Charlotte O. (Baggerly) Sheriff, b. Allen, May 14, 1839; merchant; Allen; Dem- ocrat; city treasurer, 1871-2; Freemason; Epis. He d. Allen, Mar. 22, 1878; she res. Aurora, 111. 1901. Ch. b. Allen: f 9042.* Charlotte Belle, Aug. 23, 1862. 9043.* Charles Walker, Nov. 13, 1869. [4762] FRANCES LUCY HAMLIN,* (Sister of Emily B.,) b. Allen, Mich., Jan. 14, 1842; m. Arvid S. Thomas, of Allen; she d. Allen, Mar. 7, 1891. [4764] HILAND SAXTON HALL,* (Betsey P. Hamlin,^ Ebenezer,* Jehiel,'^ Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James, ^i) b. West Bloomtield, N. Y., Apr. 30, 1841; m. Almond, N.Y., Oct. 22, 1867. Jennette M., dau. of John and Cyrena (Rathburn) Major, b. Almond, May 24, 1846; grocery merchant. West Bloomtield; removed to Elmira, N. Y. She Cong. She d. Hornellsville, N. Y., Mar. 11, 1893. Children: 9044.* Sophia Emily, b. Oct. 29, 1869; Salamanca, N.Y. 9045. Grace Major, " July 31, 1872; Almond. 9046. Samuel Hamlin, " Nov. 12, 1880, [4765] FRANCIS GRANGER HALL,* (Bro. of Hiland S.,) b. West Bloomfield, N. Y., July 6, 1843; m. Daosville, N.Y., Oct. 2, 1867, Maria Almira Angell, b. Aug. 27, 1844; banker; Elmira, N. Y.; manager Hall Cereal Co., Dansville, 1899. Children: 9047. Kate Angell, 9048.* Hiland Bishop, 9049. Cornelia. 9050. Francis G., 9051. Jesse Raymond, 9052. Edwin A., 9053. Florence E., [4766] ISABELLA SOPHIA HALL,^ (Caroline S, Hamlin,' Ebenezer,s Jehiel,'' Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b.West Bloomtield, N.Y., Jan. 30, 1831; m. Sept. 14, 1852, Selleck Dana, b. Rush, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1815: farmer; W. Bloom- tield, Leroy, Brockport, Honeoye Falls, and Lima, N. Y.; Republican; bed. Lima, Jan. 27, 1880; she res. Lima, with her daughter; Cong. Children: 9054. Caroline, b. Dec. 20, 1853, W. Bloomfield; unm. 1899. 9055.* John E. " Feb. 20, 1856, Leroy. [4768] WILLIAM HENRY DAY,* (Asher H.,' JerushaHamlin.e Jehial,^ Isaac,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. West Springfield, Mass., Apr. 1, 1841; m. New York City, Nov. 13, 1861, Martha S., dau. of Isaac and Lydia(Loveland) Brown, b. Wilbraham, Mass., Dec. 10, 1842; res. North Wilbraham, Mass.; educated at Wesleyan Academy; member Newton Lodge, A. F. & A. M. June 13, 1868; unm . 1899. Feb. 3, 1872; Elm ra. Jan. 23, 1876; d. A ug. 1, 1877, Elmira. Sept. 1, 1877. July 16, 1879. Oct. 1, 1881. Aug. 29, 1884. EIGHTH GENERATION. 879 9056.* 9057.* Cli. b. Wilbraham: William Asher, Aug. 16, 1864. Henrv Albert, June 17, 1867. [4772] FANNY MILLER,^ {John H.,? Electa Hamlin,« Jehial,^ Isaac,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. West Islip, L. I., N. Y., Mar. 22, 1851: m. there, Jan. 12, 1887, William Robert Bross, M. D., son of William Colyer and Elizabeth (Simms) Bross, b. N. Y. City, Feb. 6, 1854, and educated there: physician and surgeon; Babylon, L. I.; has resided N. Y. City, and Costa Rica, C. A.; was house physician and surgeon, Infants, and Randall's Island Hospitals, N.Y.; chief surgeon. Costa Rica; and medical officer Equitable Life Assurance So., N.Y.; she graduated Elmira College, 1871. Children: 9058. William Miller, b. Jan. 29, 1888, W. Islip: d. Jan. 20, 1889. 9059. William Robert, " June 15, 1893, N.Y. City. Frank S. Rice, Esq. 14778] PRANK SUMNER RICE,* (Caroline L. Miller,^ Electa Hamlin,' Jehiel,5 Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Elmira, N.Y., Feb. 3, 1850; m. there, Oct. 27, 1880, Mary H., dau. of Augustus W. Cowles, LL. D., Pres't. Elmira Col- lege, N.Y., and his wife Fanny Gould, of Brockport, N. Y. He grad. LaFay- ette College, class of 1870; admitted to the bar, Saratoga Springs, N.Y., 1877; practiced law Elmira ten years, in partnership with Hon. Robert Stephens, 880 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Removed to Aspen, Col., 1887 and engaged in mining. Pres't Gold Bug Mining"' and Milling Co., vice-president Monte Ctiristo Mining Co., secretary and treas- urer Kew Castle Coal & Coke Co., director Capitan and Smuggler Mountain Companies; these enterprises representing five million dollars capital. He waS' widely and favorably known as a law writer: author of Tlie Annotated Code of j Civil Proceedure, (Colorado,) Rice's Civil and Criminal Evidence. Rice's Pro- bate Law and Practice, and other works. He d. Springfield, Mass., Nov. 4, 1898. Children: 90t>0. Augustus Cowlbs, b. Aug. 15, 1885. 9061. Frank Sumner, " Oct. 26, 1887; d. Jan. 3, 1891. [4782] Rev. GEORGE HEBER RICE,8 (Bro. of Frank S.,) b. Elmira, N. Y., Dec. 28, 1858; m. Columbus, Ohio, June 27, 1889, Clara Ree, ^ dau. of Joseph White, and Mary (Chambers) Baldwin, b. Marietta, Ohio, Mar, 4, 1858: clergyman; Elmira, 1858-81; Auburn, N. Y., 1882-5; afterward, San An- gelo, Texas; Denver, Col.: Marietta, Ohio; Stockton, Cal., and Laconia, N. H., \ 1902; Freemason: Unitarians and members O. E. S. Ch. b. Marietta: 9062. Heber Baldwin, May 5, 1892. [4794] GEORGE LAWRENCE SHEPARDSON,^ (Delia A. Hamblin,^ Perez,«s Isaac,* Ebenezer,* James,2i) b, Wrentham, Mass., June 17, 1860; m. Providence, R. I., June 20, 1887, Melissa Adelaide, dau. of Henry and Sarah E. (Pierce) Babbitt, b. Woonsocket, R. I., July 11, 1866; mfg. of jewelry; Attle- boro; Republican: member Ezekiel Bates Lodge A. F. & A. M.; R. A. M.; Attle- boro Council; Bristol Com. K. T.; Palestine Temple N. M. S. and R, R. A, She Universalist and member Hope Chapter 21, O. E. S. Ch. b. N. Attleboro: 9063. Mary Louisie, Sept. 16, 1890. [4799] ALBERT HAZEN WHITE,^ (Almira C. Starr.' Mercy Hamlin,^ Cyreneus,* Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Centerville, Mich., May 7, 1848; m. Sturgis, Mich., June 1, 1871, Sarah, dau. of Charles C. and Rachael (Marsh> |i Monroe, b. Fostoria, Ohio, Oct. 28, 1851: machinist; Centerville, Kalamazoo, Detroit, White Pigeon, Mich.; Elkhart, Ind.; Dunkirk and Kennedy, N. Y.; Hamburg, Iowa; Bemis Point, N. Y., 1899; Republican; she Baptist. She d. Chautauqua, N. Y. Ch. b. Kalamazoo: 9064. Edmund C, May 27, 1874; drowned Chautauqua, Jan. 23, 1894. [4808] SARAH IMOGENE STARR.' (Orrin,^ Mercy Hamlin,« Cyren- eus,''- Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James.^i) b. Leroy, N.Y., June 18, 1837; m. Kalama- zoo, Mich., Oct. 25, 1855, Byron, son of Hiram and Betsey (Massey) Arnold, b. Watertown, N. Y., May 9, 18.34; insurance agent; Kalamazoo; Democrat; Epis. He. d. Kalamazoo, July 14, 1884. Ch. b. Kalamazoo; 9065. William Gushing, Nov. 6, 1856. EIGHTH GENERATION. 881 [4809] ELI LAKE STARR,^ (Calvin H.,' Mercy Hamlin,^ Cyreneus,^ lsaac, We close this brief notice with sad hearts, trusting that at no distant day, another pen will do fuller justice to the memory of one whose departure from ; among us has occasioned such general and heartfelt sorrow. ' Peace to his ashes.' " Ch. b. Newport: f 9164.* George W., Jan. 17, 1851. • 9165. Ella, Feb. 25, 1855; d. 1856. 9166.* Joseph Milton, Apr. 3, 1857. [4926] Hon. GEORGE WASHINGTON LADD,^ (Bro. of Joseph E.,) b. Augusta, Me., Sept. 28, 1818; m. there, Oct. 9, 1839, Marcia Pauline Cony, dau. of Rev. John Henniker, and Abigail Guild (Cony) Ingraham, b. Augusta, Aug. 27, 1819. He was educated Kent's Hill Seminary; druggist; Augusta, until 1838; afterwards, Bangor, Me., where he conducted the same business fifteen years; later a successful dealer in corn and flour; he was forty years in business in Bangor; member Whig state committee several years; supported Bell and Everett, 1860; and Gen. McClellan for President, 1864; Greenbacker; and defeat- ed for congress as Democrat, 1868; elected to congress on "Fusion Ticket,, 1878, and re-elected 1880. Both d. Bangor; he Jan. 30, 1892; she May 15, 1889. Ch. b. Bangor: 9167.* Abby Cony, Sept. 16, 1847. 9168. Sarah Josephine, Oct. 11, 1853; d. 1854. 9169. William Hamilton, Aug. 12, 1855; " 1856. [4927J Lieut. JAMES MADISON LADD,' (Bro. of Joseph E.,) b. Augusta, Me., Feb. 23, 1820; unmarried. He was educated CJ. S. Naval Acad- emy, Phila., Pa.; passed Midshipman, U.S. Navy. An athlete of superb physque, a very handsome man. He d. Naval hospital, Norfolk, Va., Nov. 26, 1847. [4928] MARY HAMLEN LADD,8 (Sister of Joseph E.,) b. Augusta, Me., Sept. 5, 1821; m. William C. Hollis; shoemaker; she d. Augusta, Aug. 21, 1886. No issue. EIGHTH GENERATION. 893 [4929] ALFRED WILLIAM LADD,8 (Bro. of Joseph E.,) b. Augusta, Me., Sept. 5, 1823; m. 1st, June 1, 1848, Fannie, dau. of J)r. William A. Walker, b. Boston Mass.: divorced, 1884; m. 2d, Alice, dau. of H. O. South- worth, b. Rome, N.Y. He was educated in the schools of his native town: en- gaged in business in Boston; went south in 1861, was arrested for treason and forced into the Confederate army in which he served a year, escaped and came north: resided N. Y. City, since 1863; in commission business; dealer in railway supplies, locomotives, cars and materials, 1888. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Boston: 9170. Bessie W., Nov. 1, 1854. [4931] SARAH ROCK WOOD LADD,8 (Sister of Joseph E.,) b. Augusta, Me., Aug. 3, 1828; m. Bangor. Me., July 31, 1852, Henry Weld, son of Frederick Augustus and Catherine Martin (Weston) Fuller,* b. Bangor, Apr. 7, 1831; brother of Chief Justice Fuller, U. S. supreme court; apothecary and druggist: Augusta, Me.; moved to Chicago, 111., 1857, member firm of Fuller & Fuller, wholesale druggists, Chicago: resided Brooklyn, N. Y., 1866-8; Chi- cago, 1868-86; N. Y. City, 1886-8; amassed a fortune, retired from business and moved to New Rochelle, N.Y., 1888: Republican; Epis. He d. at "The Castle," New Rochelle, June 28, 1892; she d. April, 1901. Ch. b. Chicago: 9171. Frederick Augustus, Mar. 14, 1859; d. Mar. 17, 1859. 9172.* Henry Frederick, Mar. 5, 1860. 9173.* Florence, Mar. 5, 1865. 9174. Nathan, Oct. 6, 1870; d. Aug. 22, 1879. [4932] WELD HAMLIN,^ (John,? Theophilus,6 Nathaniel,^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Magnolia, Florida, May 12, 1830; m. Leon, Co., Flor- ida, Mar. 18, 1851, Celia M., dau. of Joseph and Sarah Barrow, b. Leon Co., July 23,1831: farmer and cooper: Tallahasso. Fla.. Democrat: Methodists: justice of the peace. After his mother's death lie went to live with his Aunt Bacon, at Augusta. Me., and attended school: after completing his schooling he re- turned south and was foreman in the turpentine works, of his cousin, Daniel Ladd. Newport. Fla. He used all his influence to prevent the state of Florida from seceeding from the Union and was opposed to the war; but after war was declared, joined Capt. R. H. Gamble's Florida Light Artilery, C. S. A. After his brothers went north and joined the Union army, he refused to go into the Confederate array, fled to the wild islands of the St. Marks river, where he was trailed with bloodhounds, captured by Capt. Barrows and his men, carried to Tallahasse, court martialed and sentenced to be shot. By the influence of his cousin. Daniel Ladd, who plead with the commanding general for his life, he was saved, and sent to Andereonvllle, Ga. to guard Federal prisoners: but again fled and returned to the islands of St. Marks river; was again captured by the aid of bloodhounds and again sentenced to be shot. He flled his prison bars and escaped in safety after being shot at by Ave guards. After this he made his resort in "Gum Swamp," until the war closed, where he was supplied with food by his noble and devoted wife. He served three terms of four years eacli as justice of tlie peace under Governors Reed, Drew and Bloxham. She d. Leon Co., Jan 23, 1893. * For Fuller see note 132. 894 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. 9175.* 9176.* 9177.* 9178. 9179. 9180.* 9181. 9182.* Ch. b. Leon Co.: Joseph Eugene, John George, Sarah Emily, MUNFORD MATAUX, Mary Caroline, Margaret Elizabeth, Adeliza Leronier, Charles Weld, Jan. 18, 1852. Apr. 18, 1854. Dec. 1, 1856. 1859: d. 1862. 1861; d. 1869. Dec. 27, 1864. July 26, 1868; m. Jos. M. Ladd,^ [9165] Jan. 13, 1871. 1 ^ 1^ m ■% wdllK _#^mfcS ^^ihI 1 ^^^^^^^^^^1 '"^X" ^^^^^^^^^^B^^ fl Weld Hamlin, Esq. [4933] MARY ELIZABETH HAMLIN,* (Sister of Weld,) b. Magnolia, Florida, Oct. 17, 1832; m. Lowell, Mass., Aug. 12, 1854, George Varnum, son of Abner and Lucy (Sawtelle) Mansur, b. Groton, Mass., Feb. 18, 1834; watcbmaker; Groton; private, B, 6 Mass. Inf. Vols.: enlisted April, 1861; also served in the U. S. Navy, on ship Katahdin; she Cong. Both d. Groton; she July 9, 1883; he Mar. 2, 1886. Ch. b. Groton: - 9183.* Charles Baker, Sept. 30, 1855. 9184.* George Hyram, Aug. 27, 1857. 9185. Mary E., Apr. 6, 1860; d. infancy. 9186.* Mary Woolley, Dec. 2, 1861. 9187. Florence, Aug. 23, 1864; m. Flint Boutwell 9188. Wilfred C, Dec. 24, 1875. i I I EIGHTH GENERATION. 895 [4934] Capt. JOHN HAML1N,8 (Bro. Of Weld,) b. Magnolia, Florida, Mar. 23. 1837. He also was sent to live with his aunt Bacon at Augusta, Me., and to attend scoool; but soon ran away and shipped on a schooner for the West Indies; and made several voyages. His cousin, George W. Ladd, of Bangor, Me., made him 1st mate of a large schooner; and he after- wards became a master mariner. He returned south and took charge of the large warehouse of Daniel Ladd at Newport, Florida; but left before the civil war, and entered the Federal navy as a sailing master, in which he participated in the bombardment of Ft. Sumpter; served in the Gulf Fleet, and was pro- moted lieutenant for gallant service. After the war he visited his brother Weld at Newport, and again engaged in seafaring. He d. New Orleans, unmarried. [4935] GEORGE HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Weld,) b. Magnolia, Fla., Apr. 6, 1839; m. 1865, Adeliza, dau. of William and Sarah (Saunders) Richardson, b. Key West, Fla., Dec, 1841. He also went north on his mother's death to live with his aunt Bacon and attend school. He returned south after his school days and was bookkeeper for Daniel Ladd. He was con- scripted into the Confederate army; but escaped in an open boat down the Oc- locknee river, and was taken up by a Federal war ship. After the war he went to Key West and secured a position in the light house service: Republican; Freemason; Methodist; she Epis. Both d. Key West; he 1871; she Mar. 9, 1897. Ch. b. Key West: 9189. Blanche, 1867; d. 1867. 9190.* Maude I., Oct. 2, 1869. 9191. Blanche, 1870; d. 1870. [4940] HENRY WELD SEVERANCE,* (Ann Hamlin,^ Theophilus.s Nathaniel,^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,3James,2i) b. Augusta, Me., July 12, 1828: m. there. Mar. 17, 1857, Hannah Swan, dau, of James L. and Jane (Hale) Child,* b. Augusta, Oct. 2, 1836. He was educated in the Augusta high school and Cazenovia seminary, N.Y.; moved to California 1849; miner, and merchant in San Francisco: removed to Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, 1857; merchant, was the flrst to introduce the culture of rice in the Islands; member of the council of state of King Kamehameha Fifth; Hawaiian consul for San Francisco, 1867; and held this office under three kings of that government; received several dec- orations of royal orders for merit; resigned, 1885, and was U. S. consul, Hono- lulu, until 1893; member labor commission under president Dole; returned to the U. S., 1895; resides, Dover, N.H.; advocated annexation of the Hawaiian Islands to the U.S.: Cungregationalists. Children: 9192.* Alice May, b. May 1, 1862, Honolulu. 9193.* Gertkude Child, " Jan. 26, 1869, San Francisco. * For Child see note 36. 896 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. /^'TH^e^c^Ui.'CC^ J [4941] ANNIE SEVERANCE,* (Sister of Henry W.,) b. Augusta, Me, Apr. 12, 1831; m. Honolulu, H.I., Jan. 15, 1856, William Cooper, son of William C. and Susan ( Wilde) Parke, b. Portsmouth, N. H., Sept. 21, 1821. He was educated Boston, Mass.; went to Hawaiian Islands, 1843; was Marshall of the Hawaiian kingdom, 1850 to Oct. 1, 1884; member privy council of state, Nov. 2, 1874; member Order Kemehameha L, May 28, 1874; member Knight Companion of Kal?ikana, May 28, 1874; member Crown of Hawaii, Feb. 12, 1883; member Excelsior Lodge, 1, I.O.O.F., and Hawaiian Lodge, 21, A.F. & A. M. She was a resident of Honolulu, since 1851, where she resided in 1903. He d. Honolulu, May, 1889. 9194.* 9195.* 919H. 9197. 9198.* Ch. b. Honolulu. Jane Seveuancjs, Annie Hanlin, Be UN ICE Bi.snop, Susan Wilde, William Cooper, Aug. 20, 1857. Oct. 31. 1858. Dec. 28, 1859. Aug. 18, 1863: Sept. 19, 1865. d. Jan. 27, 1864. [4942] LUTHER SEVERANCE,* (Bro. of Henry W.,) b. Augusta, Me., June 1, 1836; m. Honolulu. Oahu, Oct. 29, 1863, Lucinda M., dau. of Ephraim W. and Mary (Kittredge) Clark, b. Wailuku, Maui, Sept. 22, 1843. He arrived at Honolulu with his parents, Jan. 17, 1851, and has since EIGHTH GENERATION. 897 resided at the Hawaiian Islands; postmaster; collector of customs, etc.', since 1870; member Hilo First Foreign Church. Children: 9199. Helen, b. Mar. 9, 1867, Honolulu. 9200. Allen, " Oct. 12, 1871, Hiio. 9201. Marian, " Apr. 1, 188;s, " d. May 17, 1884. [4943] MALVINA HAMLEN WHEELER,MMalviaa Hamlen,^ Theoph- ilus," Nathaniel, 5 Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Augusta, Me., Oct. 26, 1828; m. Nov. 5, 1851, Barney Hinckley,* of Bangor, Me.; removed to San Francisco, Cal., and engaged in the foundry business, accumulated a fortune, returned and resided on the Hudson river. She d. Poland Springs, Me., 1880, Children: 9202.* Julia Gorham, b. Dec. 21, 1852, San Francisco. 9203.* William I., " Oct. 24, 1855, Milton, N. Y. 9204.* Mary Billings, '• Feb. 24, 1858. 9205.* Katherine Hamlin, " Dec. 16, 1859, Poughkeepsie. 9206. Annik Ruggles, " June 23, 1863; d. Mar. 16, 1867. 9207.* Samuel Frederick, " Mar. 19, 1867, Poughkeepsie. [4944] JULIA ELIZABETH WHEELER.^ (Sister of Malvina H.,) b. Augusta, Me., Mar. 12, 1830; m. there, Aug. 13, 1863, Prof. William, son of William Valentine and Johanna Louise (Scheele) Havemann,t b. Elfeld, Ger- many, in the Hartz mountains, Sept. 6, 1833. He removed with his father to Gottengen, 1838, where he was educated in the gymnasium and university at that place, After extensive travel in South America, he came to the United States, 1859, where he resided in various places, viz: Philadelphia, Bordentown, N. J., Poultney, Vt., Augusta, Me., Birmingham, Pa., Burlington, N. J., Monroe, Mich., Springfield, Mo., and Los Angeles, Cal. At first a private teacher; Prof. Wells College, Aurora, N. Y., 1870; Albim College. Mich., 1874-82; Drury College, Springfield, Mo., 1883; High School, Los Angeles, Cal. 1893-1901; Republican: member Southern California Lodge 278, A. F. & A, M. She Epis. Ch. b. Augusta: 9208. Julia Jeanette, Mar. 8, 1867; unm. 1901. [4946] HANNAH FRANCES WHEELER,^ (Sister of Malvina H.,) b. Augusta, Me., July 5, 1833; m. Bangor, Me., Nov. 27, 1854, Capt. Samuel, son of Charles and Abigail Stone (Chase) Barrell, b. Livermore, Me., 1825; moved to California, where he was master of steamers; afterwards, stockbroker; re- tired, 1896; Napa, Cal.; Republican: she Epis. Ch. b. Portland: 9209.* Edward Clifford, June 16, 1857. [4947] MARY LOUISE WHEELER,8 (Sister of Malvina H., ) b. Augusta, Me., Feb. 27, 1835; m. San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 4, 1858, Daniel B. Hinckley.* He moved to Cal., where he engaged in the foundry business and amassed a fortune. * For Hinckley see notes 31, 81 and 85. + Note 458. Prof. WTLIJAM VAfiENTINE HAVEMAN, descends from an old patrician family o( Bremen, Germany. He was called to the chair of history in tlie [Fniversity of Oot- tingen. 18:«. 898 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: i 9210.* Henry Gray, b. Nov. 19, 1862. 9211. Edward Billings, '' Feb. 8, 1864: unm. 1896. 9212. Frederick William, " Sept. 12, 1870; m. Florence Ely the. [4950] FRANCES EVELINA BUETON.s (James,' Mary Hamlen.« Nathaniel,^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ Janies.21) b. Sept. 8, 1816: m. Oct. 11, 18,50, Edward S. Hudson, of Boston, Mass.; moved to Ohio. She is dead. Children: 9213. RevelloS., b. Mar. 21, 1852. 9214. Eva P., " June 3, 1853. 9215. Horatio P., " Jan. 26, 1857. [4953] JOSEPH BURTON. 8 ( Bro. of Francis E.,) b. Oct. 27, 1822; m. Sept 3, 1846, Ellen L. Burt, of N.Y., where they resided: he d. N.Y., Jan. 2 1861. Children: 9216. Catherine E., b. Sept. 14, 1847; d. July 15, 1850. 9217. Susan, " Dec. 10, 1848, " 1886. 9218. Claude, " July, 28, 1851. [4855] WILLIAM L. BURTON,^ (Bro. of Frances E., ) b. May 13, 1827; m. Jan. 11, 1851, Harriet M. Baker, of Boston, Mass., who^ d. May 21, 1857; m. 2d, June 24, 1860, Mary L. Huntress, of North Weymouth, Mass.; res. Bangor, Me. Children: 9219. Jennie, b. July 13, 1861. 9220. Edgars., " June 3, 1866. [4961] JOSEPH R1CE,8 (Mary Burton,' Mary Hamlen/ Nathaniel,5 Lewis,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Nov. 25, 1829; m. Julia A. Weldon, of Sail Francisco, Cal. Child: 9221. Charles Weldon, b. Apr. 25, 1867. [496.3J MARY ELLEN RICE,« (Sister of Joseph,) b. May 1, 1836; m. 1st, Walter L. Baright, of N.Y.; m. 2d, Benjamin F. Cas- , well, of San Jose, Cal. Ch. by 1st marriage: 9222. Grace, b. Jan. 14, 1862. [4965] Rev. WHEELOCK CRAIG,* (Elias.'' Olive Hamlen,^ Nathaniel,^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,3 James.^i) b. July 11, 1824: m. .Jan. 1. 1851, Louisa S., dau. Dr. Cyrus Briggs, of Augusta, Me.; graduated Bowdoin College. 1844: studied theology, Bangor Seminary; ordained New Castle, Me.: installed, pastor of , Fourth Church, New Bedford, Mass., Dec. 4, 1850; went to Switzerland for his I health, and d. Neuchatel, Nov. 28, 1868. Child: 9223. Annie Briggs. EIGHTH GENERATION. 899 [496fi] Rev. HENRY KINSMAN CRAIG,8 (Bro. of Wheelock,) b. May 2it, 182«; m. Apr. 29, 1861, Harriet R., dau. of Thomas Tenney, of Stan- dish, Me.: graduated Bowdoin College, 1844; studied theology, Bangor Theolog- ical Seminary and graduated Andover Seminary, 1852; ordained Bucksport, Me., Jan. 24, 1855: settled Norton, Mass., Nov., 1868. He d. Falmouth, Mass., Feb. 11, 1902. [4971] DELIA B. NASON,« (Olive Craig,' Olive Hamlen,« Nathaniel,^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,3James,3i) b. Apr. 6, 1836; m. June 26, 1868, Lorenzo M. Christy, of N. Y.; res San Jose, Cal. [4973] WATERMAN THOMAS HEWETT CRAIG,' (Henry A.,' Olive Hamlen,« Nathaniel,^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,» James,2i) b. Augusta, Me., June 7, ls4U; graduated Bowdoin College, Me., 1860; afterward taught school in Petersburg, Va.; returned to Augusta, 1861, and began the study of law, his health failed and he d. May 27, 1862. [4982] MARTHA HAMLEN PAGE,' (Mary C. Hamlen,' Lewis,^ Na- thaniel,'* Lewis,* Ebenezer,3James,2i) b. Augusta, Me., Sept. 20, 1825; m. there, June 17, 1^56, Henry M. Leighton, of Augusta. Ch. b. Augusta: 9224. Susan Hamlen, May 6, 1857; m. Roscoe F. Tenrtey. 9225. Charles Sullivan, June 13, 1862; unm. [4984] LUCY WILLIAMS HAMLEN,' (Lewis B.,' Lewis,^ Nathaniel,^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,3 James,3i) b. Augusta, Me., Jan. 26,1827; m. there, June, 1867, Eben, son of Joseph and Sarah (Dyer) Sawyer, b. Steuben, Me., Dec. 20, 1799: ship carpenter: Steuben, until 1828; afterwards, Augusta; Republican; Baptist; she Cong. He d. Augusta, Oct. 20, 1876. No issue. [49851 GEORGE LEWIS HAMLEN,* (Bro. of Lucy W.,) b. Augusta, Me., Mar. 18, 1830; m. there, Oct. 17, 1864, Eliza, dau. of Nathaniel and Eliza Ann, ( Rowe) Partridge,* b. Augusta; Republican; member of Augus- ta Lodge, 142, A. F. & A. M.; Unitarians. Ch. b. Augusta: 9226. Lewis Morton, Sept. 4, 1865; d. Nov. 6, 1886. 9227. Card Leonard, May 18, 1867. [4986] FREDERICK HAMLEN,' (Bro. of Lucy W.,) b. Augusta, Me., July 8, 1835; m. there, Apr. 28, 1864, Olivia Loring Wheel- ers [4949,] merchant; Augusta, firm of Fowler & Hamlen; Epis. Ch. b. Augusta: 9228. Melville Williams, May 5, 1867; d. Nov. 17, 1867. 9229. Frederick Hinckley, Mar. 28, 1869, " Aug. 11, 1869. 9230.* William Wheeler, Sept. 22, 1870. 9231.* John Elbert, May 9, 1873. 9232.* Harry Howard, Aug. 12, 1877. * For Partridge see note 427. 900 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [4989] MARY ELIZABETH NASON,* (Julia A. HamlenJ Lewis," Nathaniel,'^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Augusta, Me., Mar. 13, 1843; ra. Nov. 20, 1866, Samuel T. Robinson, of Skowhegan, Me.; res. Augusta, and Auburn, Me.; Boston, Mass.; and Indianapolis, Ind. He d. Boston, Nov. 29, 1894. No issue. [4994] CHARLES NASON HAMLEN,* (Charles H.,^ Lewis.e Nathan. iel,'^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,»James,2i) b. Boston, Mass., Mar. 9, 1848; m. Augus- ta, Me., June 18, 1878, Annie, dau. of Hon. Lot Myrick and Charlotte Holland (Vance) Morrill, b. Augusta, Jan. 31, 1857; clerk; Augusta, 1848-94; since. Boston; Republican; city treasurer of Augusta; she Cong. Ch. b. Augusta: 9233.* Lot Morrill, Jan. 15, 1880. [4998] JULIAN ELLIS,^ (Harriet W. Carter,' Sarah Hamlen,« Nathan- iel, & Lewis,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Augusta, Me., Apr. 3, 1817; m. there, Dec. 1, 1836, Francis Davis.* She d. Jan. 19, 1861. Ch. b. Augusta: 9234. Joel Ellis, Aug. 29, 1837: d. Sept., 1864, Madras, India. 9235. Frank, May, 1839. 9236. Louisa, Mar. 1, 1841; d. Apr. 28, 1841. 9237. Annie, Feb. 2, 1843: " Jan. 19, 1875. [5000] HARRIET AUGUSTA ELLLS,^ (Sister of Julian,) b. Augusta, Me., June 23, 1823; m. Apr. 15, 1844, Franklin Hewins, of Augusta. Both d. Augusta; she Nov. 3, 1845; he Jan. 29, 1857, aged 38. Ch. b. Augusta: 9238. William Franklin, Jan. 19, 1845; d. Sept. 26, 1864. [500.3] FRANCES CAROLINE DOE.^ (Harriet W. Carter,' Sarah Hamlen," Nathaniel, » Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James, 21) b. Augusta, Me., Apr. 23, 18.34; m. June, 1869, Capt. E. S. Blaisdell; went to California, Mar. 24, 1870. Ch. b. Santa Barbara: 9139. Eva, Oct. 16, 1872. [5004] JUSTIN SPAULDIN DOE,* (Bro. of Frances C.,) b. Augusta, Me., Feb. 29, 1836; m. Nov. 18, 1856, Ellen A. West, of Concord, N. H. Children: 9240. Emma Augusta, Dec. 25, 1858. 9241. CnARLEs Alfred, Dec. 12, 1860. 9242. Carrie, Oct. 28, 1864, Ohio. [5005] ELLEN MARIA DOE,« (Sister of Francis C.,) b. Augusta, Me., May 6, 1838; m. Aug. 9, 1860, Rev. S. T. Chase. * For Davis see notes 4, 17, 42 and 169. 4 EIGHTH GENERATION. 901 Children: 9243. Hattie Morton, Nov. 18, 1861, Pittston, Me, 9244. Esther Frances, Oct. 8, 1863, Vassalboro. 9245. Herbert Morgan, Topsfield, Mass. [5006] ELIZABETH MORTON,8 (Sarah H. Carter,' Sarah Hamlen,* Nathaniel, 5 Lewis,* Ebenezer.s James,2i) b. Augusta, Me., June 30, 1821; m. Capt. Samuel Turner, of Illinois. Children: 9246.* Frederick. 9247.* William H. [5009] FREDERICK MORTON,* (Bro. of Elizabeth,) b. Augusta, Me., June; m. there Children: , 185-, Sarah Rankins 9248. George W., Apr. 25, 1855. 9249. Lizzie Turner, Oct. 30, 1858. 9250. May, May 19, 1861. 9251. Ella Barstow, Sept. 27, 1863. 9252. Annie Davjs, Sept. 27, 1863. [5013] GEORGE MATTHEWS CARTER,' (John S.,^ Sarah Hamlen,* Nathaniel, B Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James,^') b. Waterville, Me., Apr. 1, 1846; m. Apr. 17, 1866, Mary Carroll of Waterville. He d. Waterville, May 26, 1867. [5018] EDWA RD SUMNER BRICK,^ (Eliza A. Carter,^ Sarah Hamlen,* Nathaniel, 6 Lewis,* Ebenezer,* James,2i) b. Augusta, Me., Dec. 29, 1835; m. Belle Marson, of Richmond, Me.; painter; Phila., Pa. He d. Nov., 1883. No issue. [5019] GEORGE HAMLEN BRICK,8 (Bro. of Edward S.,) b. Augusta, Me., Nov. 15, 1837; unmarried: private, 4 Maine Battery; he also served in the navy: was a sailor many years; is now a cripple in hospital at Soldier's Home, Togus, Me. [5020.] ISAAC CARTER BR1CK,« (Bro. of Edward S., ) b. Augusta, Me., Mar. 16, 1840: married; painter; Charlestown, Mass.; musician, C, 1st Maine Cav.; he d. Charlestown, May 18, 1891. Child: A SON, who is dead. [5022] WILLIAM MORTON BRICK,« (Bro. of Edwards.,) b. Augusta, Me., Jan. 3, 1845: musician, I, 11 Maine Inf. Vols. He d. Augusta, Jan. 5, 1867. [5024] HENRY AUGUSTUS BRICK,8 (Bro. of Edward S.,) b. Augusta, Me., Feb. 11, 1849; m. there, Dec. 12, 1872, Annie Marie, dau. of John M. and Mary A. (Moiy) Pond, b. Augusta, Oct. 21, 1848; expressman; ho- tel keeper; Augusta, until 1883; Lewiston, Me., until 1893; afterwards, Hallowell, Me.; Democrat; K. P.: he d. Hallowell, Dec. 20, 1897. 902 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [5026] Prof. CHARLES EDWARD HAMLIN,' (Charles,' Perez,e Nathaniel, 5 Lewis,* Ebenezer,3 James, 31) b. Augusta, Me., Dec. 25,1825: m. Au^. 17, 1853, Elizabeth A. Smith. He d. Cambridge, Mass., Jan., 1886, and is buried at Augusta. A lengthy discourse and beautiful tribute, to his life and character was pronounced at Colby University, .July 5, 1887, by Rev. Francis W. Bakeman,D. D. Nothing shortof the whole article is satisfactory, but the limit of this sketch forbids its reproduction. He was a fine type of the christian gen- tleman of the older school, possessing in a high degree the characteristics of his puritan ancestors. His eulogist says: "'He came to the grave, not when the slow 4 decay of mental powers had set the warning signals of death, but at the time when the equipment for his work was almost perfect, and the intellectual fruit- age of the next ten years bade fair to be the most abundant. It is all the more sad when we remember that out of this life of an industry seldom equaled, our professor has bequeathed no literary or scientitic monument to perpetrate his name. * * * A life uniting such superiority of mind to such nobilty of na- ture, a life of such devoted consecration to the highest ideals of culture and character, of such scrupulous fidelity to every smallest or greatest trust, a life of such simple piety, of such absolute sincerity, a life so well fitted to arouse within us all truest asperations; such a life is not so common that we can afford L.M EIGHTH GENERATION. 903 to let it pass unnoticed." The writer portrays the sincerity, integrity, exact- ness, lionor, justice, and modesty of this remarlcable man, his moral and mental qualities. Speaking of his habits, he tells that he was remarkable for exactness in thought, expression and method. Approximation was not enough for him where exactness was possible: his very hesitation of speech in the class-room was occasioned by his desire for exactness: he would not take up a word which imperfectly represented his thought, when he knew there was one which exact- ly expressed it, to be had for tlie waiting, so he sacrificed fluency to exactness. All his habits were illustrations of this quality. Always intolerant of anytiiing like slovenliness, there was nothing of that kind in his nature: every part of his dress was as neat and precise as if he was a young man of fashion, and yet the clothes were likely old fashioned. His diaries, records and private accounts, even the minutest details of family expense, were kept with a neatness which would have been the envy of an expert. His copies of correspondence are as exact and carefully finished as if for exhibition. His penmanship was a type of his mental structure. He has been heard to say that he considered it an in- sult to send one a letter not plainly written. Everything that he did was fin- ished. His experiments in the laboratory were prepared with a painstaking exactness which made failure very nearly impossible. Instances of personal kindness to students might be given without number. He was a ripe scholar, of profound learning and wisdom in his profession and a superior teacher: faithful and painstaking in tliese as in all matters. The writer sums up by saying that the greatest value of his work of life was his influence upon students, as an ex- ample of a christian gentleman, of manly hon(»r, of chastened dignity, of almost ideal manhood. The best results of his life are deposited in the characters of the men who have been his pupils. He prepared for college in the Augusta high school, under William W. Woodbury, a graduate of Waterville college, between whom and young Hamlin sprung up a life-long friendship. He entered Waterville college, September, 1841, but on account of ill health did not graduate until 1847. After grad- uation he became principal of the Vermont Literary and Scientific Insti- tute at Brandon, for a single year. The following year he was master of the high school in Bath, Maine. ]n Nov., 1849, he became associate principal in the Connecticut Literary Institution, at SutSeld, with liis friend Woodbury. Here he served until called to take charge of the department of chemistry and natural history in Waterville college, Feb. 17, 1853, and was elected professor of this department, Aug. 9, of the same year. After twenty years of service in this college he removed to Cambridge, Mass., in the summer of 1873, accepting the appointment as assistant in conchology and paleontology in the museum of comparative zoology, at Harvard University. He possessed the instincts and tastes of the antiquarian, and devoted much time to the research for the his- tory of the Hamlins. He tells of personally investigating the history of an old Hamlyn family in Devonshire, England. In a letter written in 1872, he says that his father, Mrs. Ladd, and himself furnished most of the data relating to his branch of the Hamlins, published in North's History of Augusta, Me.; that he wrote all that portion of the work relating to the early history of the place; for which he received no acknowledgement in the book. It is an act of justice to a worthy, modest gentleman to notice his statement at this late day. Prob. ] Baptist. In 1864 it appears from the record that he was drafted as a soldier, but did not serve; prevented probably by other duties, and perhaps feeble health. 904 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [5027] JOHN PRESCOTT HAMLEN,8 (Bro. of Charles E.,) b. Augusta, Me., July 16, 1827; m. Boston, Mass., Oct 10, 1857, Susan Ann, dau. of Christopher and Rhoda (Holt) Overlook, b. Hermon, Me., May 17, 1840; pat- tern maker; North Wilmington, Mass.; Republican. Children: 9253. Frank, 9254. Edward Arthur, 9255.* Emma Elizabeth, 9256.* John Walter, 9257.* Charles, b. July 14, 1858, Boston. " Oct. 9, 1860, Maiden, " July 5, 1865, Winthrop. Me. " June 18, 1869, So. Maiden. " Sept. 9, 1871, Everett. [5028] FRANKLIN LEWIS HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Charles E.,) b. Augusta, Me., Mar. 14, 1830; m. there, Feb. 6, 1861, Eunice L. Mitchell, b. China, Me., July 27, 1837; merchant; Augusta, where she res. 1899. He died there, Apr. 12, 1891. Ch. b. Augusta: 9258.* William Franklin, Nov. 2, 1862. 9259. Horace Edward, Oct. 2, 1870; unm., 1902. [5030] HORACE HODGE HAMLEN,8 (Bro of Charles E.,) b. Augusta, Me., Oct. 10, 1836; unmarried. He resided with his parents and stepmother, to whom he was devotedly attached, in Augusta. He was educat- ed in the schools of Augusta and became a clerk in his father's store there, when a boy, serving until his father's retirement in 1857, when he and his bro- ther Frank, formed a partnership and continued the business. He was em- ployed two years in the census bureau and two years in the pension office, Washington, D. C, 1866-70; returned to Augusta, where he was postmaster, 1870-81. Next to Hon. James G. Blaine, he was recognized as the ablest Repub- lican leader in Augusta during that period. Although frequently urged, he never accepted a city or county office. He was engaged in the harness manu- factury in Augusta, 1883-1901. A business man who had known him half a century, replying to an inquiry as to the leading characteristics of Mr. Hamlen, said: "He was all that was good, and nothing that was bad." He d. Augusta, Mar. 30, 1901. [5031] WELLINGTON BACON HAMLIN.s (William,' Perez," Na- thaniel.s Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Sidney, Me., Sept. 1, 1824; m. there, May, 1845, PhilenaP. Robinson, b. Sidney, 1826; carpenter and farmer; Sidney; Bothd. Sidney, he May 2, 1885. Ch. b. Sidney: 9260.* Delwin a., Feb. 2, 1846. ' l' 9261. Almeda C, 1848; m. Charles E. Mitchell. I 9262.* George H., Nov. 18, 1850. 9263. Willie, 1852; d. Feb. 1, 1860. 9264. Fred O., 1855. 9265.* Mary E., 1857. 9266. Jennie, i860. : EIGHTH GENERATION. 905 [5032] ALBION K. PARIS HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Wellington B.,) b. Sidney, Me., Aug. 24, 1825: m. Waterville, Me., Hannab Trafton: res. Norridgewock, Me. Cbild: 9267. Olive Paulina, b. Feb. 2, 1859. [5033J CAROLINE ANN HAML1N,8 (Sister of Wellington B.,) b. Sidney, Me., Mar. 5, 1827: m. Arnold P.Thompson. He d. Augusta, Me., Oct. 24, 18 — ; she res. Augusta. [5037] Hon. JOSEPH PEREZ HAMLIN,8 (Bro. of Wellington B.,) b. Sidney, Me., June 9, 1832; m. Boston, Mass., Apr. 11, 1857, Elizabeth Childs, dau. of James H. and Harriot (Rice*) Saunderson, b. Boston, where she d. Apr. 11, 1879. In the fall of 1846, while working for his board and attending school, a friend informed him that a clerk was wanted at the postofflce in Augusta; he at once bid good bye to the teacher and school, walked to Augusta, eight miles, secured the situation, where he worked nearly two years for a Mr. Nichols. In Nov., 1848, he went to Boston, riding on the stage coach from Augusta to Port- land, there being no railroad there then, and took a boat from Portland, and landed on the wharf in Boston with Ave dollars in his pocket; without know- ing any one there, he sought employment and secured a situation in the United States hotel at ten dollars a month: afterwards with a Mr. Metcalf; then for W. W. Palmer, four years, who secured. him a situation with Turner, Wilson & Co., in 1850, at $400 a year, for whom he worked, and claims to be the first traveling salesman on the road in Mass., to sell goods by sample cards, while employed by them. He then went into business in Boston with White, Brown, Davis & Co., a junior partner, remaining with them nine years, starting their package business in New York City: the senior partner telling Mr. Ham- lin that his management of the business in 1862, during the war, convert- ing their goods into cash, saved them from failure, and made their house a rich one. In Jan., 1863, he went into and remained in business on his own account in N. Y. City, until July of that year; then went to Wilimantic. Conn., invest- ed in real estate there, made money, and returned to Boston. He owns a farm of 100 acres at Norwood, where he spends much of his time. In 1870, he went to East Boston, where he resides: and in 1880-1 represented the 2d Dist. in the house in the Mass. legislature: Baptist. He was governor, two terms, of John Alden Colony, Pilgrim Fathers, East Boston, of which he is a member. Ch. b. Boston: 9268. Joseph P., Feb. 3, 1858: m. Mary Farrell. 9269.* Elizabeth C, Jan. 24, 1860. 9270.* Edw^ard K., Mar. 1, 1862. [50.39] GEORGE HENRY HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Wellington B.,) b. Sidney, Me., Sept. 18, 1835; m. Marion, Wis., Jan. 27, 1866, Jane I*., dau. of Walter and Mary (Fairburn) Lilly, b. St. Mary's Ontario, July 26, 1848; remov- ed to Princeton, Wis., 1866-7, with his father's family; Mt. Morris, until 1884; afterwards, Tomah,Wis., Mar. 1901: Republican: mem. 8 Wis. Battery; enlisted Nov. 12, 1861, re-enlisted as a veteran, participated in battles of Perryville, Murfreesboro, Chattanooga, Chickamauga and Lookout Mountain; dis. Aug. 1865; Pensioner; member Post 131, G. A. R. * For Rice see note 372. 906 THE HAMLIN FAMILY, Children: 9271. Mary Jane Elizabeth, 9272. George Emery, 9273. Hetta Mel VINA, 9274. Elsie Belle, 9275. Maude Ellinor, 9276. James Harvey, 9277. Lyle Irving, 9278. Charles Waltek, 9279. Martyn a LP red. b. Oct. 29, 1866, Princeton. Mar. 3, 1868, Mt. Morris. Apr. 17, 1870, Wanshara Co. Nov. 27, 187-, " d. Sep. 19, '74. Feb. 23. 1874, Wanshara Co. Nov. 3, 1875, •Sept. 8, 1877, Oct. 2, 1879, Feb. 1, 18M, [5041] HENRY HARRISON HAMLIN. » (Bro. of Wellington B.,) b. Sidney, Me., Sept. 13, 1839: m. 1st, Chelsea, Mass., Oct. 26. 1860, Lizzie I. Guilford, whod. Norwich. Ct., Feb. 12, 1866: n). 2d, Watertown, Mass., Dec. 13, 1866, Sarah C. Sanger, b. Watertown, June 22, 1840: dry goods merchant; Nor-| wich, 1860-76: New York City, the remainder of his lite; he d. Norwich, Feb. 17, 1885. Children: 9280. Frank Albert, b. Dec. 17, 9281, Edward Sanger. 9282. 1867, Norwich: unm. July 25, 1869, Charles River Village. Mass; d. June 22, 1890, unm. Elizabeth Helena," Sept. 12. 1872, Norwich. [5046] COLUMBUS HOWARD FAUGHT,8 (Olive Hamlin,' Perez,6 Nathaniel,* Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Sidney, Me., May 16, 1831: m. Lewiston, Me., Aug. 26, Arabella Margaret, dau. of William and Rachael (Par- sons) Eaton, b. Clinton, Me., Oct. 12, 1834; carpenter: has been a policeman many years: res. Portland, Lewiston and Auburn, Me.: Republican. She d. Lewiston, Mar. 22, 1888. No Issue. [5047] Hon. ALBERT ELIJAH FAUGHT,8 (Bro. of Columbus H.,) b. Sidney, Me., Sept. 11, 1835; ra. Waterville, Me., Nov. 10, 1862, Alvena, dau. of Jason and Clarissa (Ellis) Richardson, b. Belgrade, Me., Jan. 6: farmer; Belgrade, 1861; Sidney, since 1890: Republican; representative, 1878-9; justice peace 21 years: clerk to secretary Maine board of education; member school board: selectman: correspondent U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Ch. b. Belgrade: 9283.* CoraArdell, Nov. 8, 1866. 9284. Alice M., Oct. 3, 1870: unm. 1902. [5049] ELLEN HANNAH FA UGHT,8 (Sister of Columbus H.,) b. Sidney, Me., Mar. 26, 1844: m. there. Sept, 28, 1865, Simon C, son of Matthew Hastings, b. Calais, Me., Dec. 13, 1841; farmer: Sidney, Me.: Democrat: select- man; Freemason; private, H, 1st Maine Cav.; enlisted Dec. 9, 1864; dis. June 20, 1865. She Universalist. No Issue. [5053] EDWARD HARTWELL HAMLEN,8 (Moses E.,' Lot,« Nathan- iel,5 Lewis,* Ebenezer,'' James,2i) b. Augusta, Me., May 16, 1838: m. Gardiner, EIGHTH GENERATION. 907 Me., Dec. 1, 1866, Louise Piper, dau. of Eben and Mary (Lombard) Hawkes,* b. Bloomfield, Me., Aug. 16, 1842; cabinet malcer; Augusta; member Morrell Com- mandery 326; and M. O. Golden Cross; Mettiodists. He d. Augusta, Apr. 9, 1891. Ch. b. Augusta: 9285.* Frank Drake, July 24, 1878. [5055] HANNAH CRAIG HAMLEN,8 (Henry C.,' Lot,* Nathaniel,^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James, 2 1) b. Augusta, Me., July 2, 1844; m. Titusville, Pa., Apr. 4, 1865, Frank Leander, son of Leander and Sarah Ann (Hillebert) Bacon, b. Dayton, N.Y., Sept. 16, 1841; farmer; Dayton, until 1866; afterwards, Wau- pun, Wis.; Republican; member of Waupun Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; Waupun Chapter 48, R. A. M.; Fond duLac Commandery 5, K. T.; Congs; She member D. A. R. Ch. b. Waupun: 9286.* Bertha Hobart, Oct. 24, 1866. 9287.* Henry Leander, June 18, 1868. • [5057] CAROLINE MELLEN HAMLEN,MJosephS.,' Lot,^ Nathaniel,^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Jan. 4, 1841; m. Portland, Me., May, 1862, OtisM., son .of Otis Brewer, of Boston, Mass.; res. Roxbury and Boston until his death, 1868. No issue. [5058] JOSEPH SUMNER HAMLEN,* (Bro. of Caroline M.,) b. Portland, Me., Dec. 26, 1843; unmarried; resided Portland, until 1858; N. Y. City, until 1874; since, clerk in post office, Portland, Me. [5059] HARRIET ELLEN HAMLEN,' (James E.,^ Lot,6 Nathaniel,^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Augusta, Me., Jan. 10, 1848; m. there, Jan. 14, 1869, William Henry, son of Cyril Howard and Lucy Waterhouse (McKen- ney) Hartwell, b. Bath, Me., May 20, 1843; contractor and builder; Bath, Me.; Republican; member Solar Lodge 14, A. F. & A. M.; Swedenborgeans. Children: 9288. Charlotte May, b. Aug. 9, 1874, Bath; d. Nov. 20, 1895. 9289. Annie Louise, " July 8, 1877, " 9290. Lucy Hamlen, " Dec. 20, 1888, Augusta. [5064] CHARLES OCTA VI US BARRY,8 (Harriet A. Hamlen,' Lewis,6 Perez, 5 Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James.^i) b. Charlestown, Mass., Dec. 25, 1839; m. Boston, Mass., Dec. 25, 1870, Pamela Whiting, dau. of Freeman and Maria (Whiting) Howes,t b. Scituate Mass., Apr. 16, 1846; wholesale clothier; Charles- town, until 1875; since, Neponset, Mass.; Republican; mem. Howard Lodge, 22, I. O. O. F.; she mem. Reliance Rebekah Lodge, 127, 1. O. O. F. Children: 9291. Mabel Edna, b. Jan. 4, 1875, Charlestown; d. Jan. 20, 1876. 9292. Charles Warren, " June 21, 1880; unm. 1902. [5065] ALMIRA WAITE BARRY,8 ( Sister of Charles O.,) b. Charlestown, Mass., May 10, 1843; m. E. M. Whittle, of Maiden, Mass. * For Hawkes see note 361. t For Howes see note 283. 908 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [5069] WILLIAM H. HAMLEN,^ (WilliamJ Lewis,* Perez.s Lewis,* Ebenezer,3 Jaraes,2i) b. Oct. 21, 1846: unmarried; Boston agent of a New York Manufacturing Company; Maiden, Mass. [5071] ALMIRA LINCOLN HAMLEN,8 (Sister of William H.,) b. Dec. 2, 1859; m. Maiden, Mass., June 24, 1885, Fred Austin, son of Mark and Elvira (Johnson) Pope, b. Charlestown, Mass., Sept. 20, 1859. [5079] HORACE BEALS,' (William C.,^ Polly Ham]en,« Perez,^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. St. Albans, Vt., Mar. 10, 1830; unmarried; res. Avon, Wis., since, 1850. [5080] LOUISA ELECTA BEALS.s (Sister of Horace, ) b. St. Albans, Vt., July 14, 1832; m. Avon, Wis., Oct. 2, 1851, Dr. Joseph B., son of George and Mary (Orr) Galer, b. Clearfield, Penn., Feb. 4, 1821; Sergt., 31 Wis. Inf. Vols.: enlisted 1862:, dis. 1864; physician: Wiota. Wis., until 1855: Mus- coda, until 18.59: Monroe, until 1863; afterwards, Warren; Freemason: she Presb. She d. Warren, Jan. 15, 1870. No issue. [5081] GEORGE SANFORD BEALS.s (Bro. of Horace,) b. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, Sept. 25, 1834: m. Beloit, Wis., Jan. 16, 1858, Sarah, dau. of John Cox, b. Axebridge, England, June 15, 1830; member 42d Wis. Inf. Vols.: enlisted Aug. 29, 1864, and served on detached duty as clerk at the trans- portation office, Carlo, 111.; dis. June, 1865; farmer; Avon. She d. there, June. 1872. Ch. b. Avon: 9293. William John, Jan. 22. 1864. 9294. Louisa Electa, July 15, 1867. [5082] POLLY HAMLEN BEALS,8 (Sister of Horace,) b. (Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, Sept. 3, 18.36; m. Beloit, Wis., Mar. 5, 1855, Lee, son of Varnum and Freelove (Thornton) Ballou. b. Norwich, N.Y., Aug. 25, 1830; Sergt., D, 38 Wis. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Mar. 31, 1864; was in eight battles, wound- ed Hatcher's Run, Va.: dis. July 26, 1865; wagon and carriage maker; Beloit, 1855-6; Muscoda, until 1859; Beloit, until 1865; afterwards Brodhead, until his death: she res. there; school teacher; he d. Brodhead. Aug. 18, 1893. Children: 9295.* William Varnum, b. July 17, 1856, Muscoda. 9296.* Harry Beals, " Jan. 26, 1862, Beloit. [5086] EVELYN ISABEL BEALS,^ (Horace,' Polly Hamlen,^ Perez,^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. N. Y. City, Dec. 15, 1852; m. there, May 14, 1881, Richard Alexander, son of Alexander and Margaret (Parker) Hudnut, b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 2, 1852; chemist, N.Y. City, ,925 Broadway. [5094] LAVINA HOLDEN BUNTON,* (Orissa Beals,' Polly Hamlen,^ Perez,5 Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James,~i) b. Milton, Mass., June 19, 1852; m. tlitNre, Jan. 22, 1874, Albert A., son of Charles and Sarah (Peabody) Brackett, b. Quiriey, Mass., Dec. 5, 1850; leather dealer and post master: Milton; member Rural Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Quincy. EIGHTH GENERATION. 909 Ch. b. Milton: 9297. Vina Bunton, Jan. 1, 1875. 9298. Albert Edwin, Feb. 10, 1876. [5099] EMMA D. TURNER,* (John M.,? Sally Hamlen,« Perez,^* Lewis,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Boston, Mass., Oct 31, 1850; m. Feb. 15, 1871, Ed- ward R.,« son of Oliver Dennett and- Emeline Satford (Whipple) Kimball;* b. Sept. 6, 1849; banker; Boston, Mass. Children: 9299. Edward R., b. Nov. 28, 1871. 9300. Lillian E., " Apr. 3, 1876. 9301. Grace, " July 12, 1877; d. Apr. 8, 1887. [5101] NATHANIEL BAILEY TURNER,^ (Calvin B.,' Sally Hamlen,« Perez,5 Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ Jaraes,2i) b. Hampden, Me., 1850; m. Portland, Oregon, Lida Nolan; railroad conti'actor; San Francisco, Cal.; has resided in Cal. since 1869. [5102] HERBERT E. TURNER,^ (Bro. of Nathaniel B.,) b. Hampden, Me., 1856; m. Lowell, Mass.; mill operative; Lowell. [5105] CEPHAS WEBSTER TURNER,' (Bro, of Nathaniel B.,) b. Hampden, Me., 1866; m. Bangor, Me., Nov. ,30, 1895, Rosa Adele. dau. of Louis Francis and Margaret (Howard) Butler, b. South Hope, Me., 1863; artist; Hampden; Republican; Cong. [5110] ELIZA FLAGG TURNER,' (Perez H.,^ Sally Hamlen,« Perez,^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Providence, R. I., Sept. 1, 1873; m. Auburn, N. Y., Apr. 19, 1898, Sidney John Dunning Hoskings, of Brooklyn, N. Y. [5115] Rev. ALFRED EDGAR MULLETT,' (Charles T.,^ Betsey Hamlen,« Perez,» Lewis,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Charlestown, Mass., Nov. 13, 1847; unmarried; res. Charlestown. He graduated from Park Latin School, Boston, 1867, winning a gold medal for deportment and the highest prizes for scholarship; he entered Tufts College, 1871, and remained until the close of the Junior year: graduated from Harvard Divinity School, 1873; ordained pastor of First Cong. Church, Sherborn, Mass., May 13, 1874; has been pastor in Barn- stable, Harvard and Northfleld. Mass., and Charlestown, N. H. Has fitted * Note 459. CALEB KIMBALL.i m. June 15, 1704, Susanna, prob. dau. of Nathaniel Cloyes; res. Wells, Me. Children: Nathaniel, Richard, Caleb, Susanna, Mary, Sarah, Joshua, Samuel, Benjamin. RICHARD KIMBALL,2 Int. m. 1st, Sept. 1, 1733, Catherine Couzens; Int. m. 2d, Aug. 6, 1740, Hannah Lord, of Berwick, Me. He res. Wells, Me. Was hunted by Indians, 1724; kept store in Kennebunk, 1730; was part owner of the first vessel in Wells, 175;); built a sloop, 1767. He d. 1781. Children: Richard, Richard, Mary, Elizabeth, Samuel, Isaac, Israel. Hannah. ISRAEL KIMBALL.s b. Wells, Me. Int. m. Oct. 12. 1771, Eleanor Dennett, b. Arundell. He res. Kennebunk, Me. He d. 1822; she, 1823. Children: .Jacob, Israel, Wilbraham, Eleanor, Stephen, Betsey, Sally, Polly, a daughter, Richard. RICHARD KIMBALL,* b. Wells, Me., May 24, 1793; m. Olive Lary; res. Tamworth, N. H. He d. Mar. 27, 1848. Children: Oliver Dennett, Phebe D., Stephen L., Olive. OLIVER DENNETT KIMBALL.s b. Tamworth, N. H., May20. 1820; m. Emeline Safford Whipple, b. Mar. 27, 1814; res. Tamworth, N. H.. and Boston, Mass. He d. Boston, Nov. 7, 18(i7; she d. Feb. 22, 1868. Children: Emma J., Oliver D., Edward R. 910 THE HAMLIN FAMILY young men for college and has been engaged in literary and historical pursuits: valuable data for this work has been contributed by him: member of BunkerJ Hill Lodge, 14, I. O. O. F.: Suffolk Council, HO, Royal Arcanum: was made aj Mason in James Otis Lodge, Barnstable; Honorary member of Harmony Lodge,.] 28, A. F. & A. M., Northtield, Mass.; member of Eunker Hill Monument Asso. and American Unitarian Asso. [5117] WILLIAM FRANCIS PAYNE,« (Eliza Mullett,' Betsey Ham- len," Perez,5 Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Charlestown, Mass., Oct. 21, 1840; m. Sanbornton, N. H., Nov. 30, 18(55, Mary Ellen, dau. of Abel and Lucy Brown; farmer; removed when a child with his parents to Centre Harbor, N.H., where he res. until 1843; Sanbornton, 1855, where he has since resided. Ch. b. Sanbornton: 9302. John Mullett, Dec. 17, 1866. 9303. Winnie May, Sept. 18, 1872. [5118] GEORGE WARREN PAYNE,^ ( Bro. William F.,) b. Charlestown, Mass., June 12, 1843; m. there, Sept. 7, 1874, Carrie A., dau. of Joshua B. and Mary A. (Noyes) Rea, b. Charlestown; private, B, 36 Mass. Inf. Vols., enlisted July 5, 1862; promoted sergeant, engaged in fourteen battles, wounded in finger; dis. June 8, 1865; real estate dealer; Centre Harbor, N. H., until 1855; Sanbornton, N. H., until 1860; Charlestown, 1861-87, except when in the army; since Winchester, Mass.; selectman; member Parkman Lodge, A. 1'. & A. M.; Congs. Ch. b. Charlestown: 9304.* George Rea, Nov. 9, 1876. 9305. Arthur Warren, Mar. 8, ls80. 9306. Frank Edward, Jan. 27, 1883. [5119] CHARLES HENRY PAYNE,* (Bro. of William F.,) b. Center Harbor, N. H., July 29, 1846; m. Cambridgeport, Mass., Oct. 15, 1872, Abbie Curtice, dau. of Charles and Elizabeth J. (Nichols) Foster, b. Boston: salesman; Center Harbor, until 1855; Sanbornton, until 1867; Cambridgeport, until 1871; since, Charlestown, Mass. Member Friendship Lodge 20, I. O. O. F.: Prescott Lodge 55, A. O. U. W.; Court Orient Lodge 2, L. K. & L.; Winter Hill Lodge, 227, N. E. O. P. No issue. [5120] ELIZABETH ANN PAYNE,« (Sister of William F.,} b. Center Harbor, N.H., Sept. 4, 1852; m. there. Mar. 24, 1887, Joseph,* son of Capt. Edward and Lucretia (Crowell*) Lewis, t b. West Yarmouth, Mass., Mar. 24, 1845; machinist; Dorchester, Mass.; member of Fraternal Lodge, A. F. &A. M., Hyannis, Mass.; Old Colony Assembly 134; and Royal Society Good Fellows. Ch. b. Dorchester: 9307. Blanche Lucretia, Nov. 17, 1889. — 1 * For Crowell see notes 52, 270 and 390. + For Lewis see notes 10 and 12. i 4 EIGHTH GENERATION. 911 [5125] GEORGE FREDERICK MULLETT,* (John,? Betsey Hamlen,* Perez, B Lewis,* Ebenezer.3James,8i) b. Cliarlestown, Mass., Aug. 21, 1846; m. Boston, Aug. 19, 1868, Abbie, rlau. of Stephen and Susan, (Abbott*) Day, b. Fryeburg, Me. He was educated in the public schools of Charlestown and Boston; res. Charlestown; later, Maiden, Mass. He succeeded his father in the grocery business, Charlestown. P. W. M. Henry Prince Lodge, A. F. &A. M.: Signet Chapter; Past Commander of Coeur de Leon Commandery; K. T.; Knights of Honor; member of Boston City Council, 1882. No issue. [5126] ADELAIDE FRANCES MULLETT,8 (Sister of George F.,) b. Charlestown. Mass., Oct. 28, 1848; m. there, June 9, 1875, Alfred Blount, son of Nathaniel and Mary Whalley (Tucker) Jenkins,t b. Roxbury, Mass., Nov. 25, 1848; merchant: Charlestown: later N.Y. City, where shed. Dec. 1, 1882. He re-married: member Hiram Prince Lodge, A.F.& A. M.; Charlestown. Ch. b. Charlestown: 9308. Ha'itieMullett, Apr. 29, 1876. [5128] HARRIET ELLA WINGATE,8 (Sarah C. Hamlen,? Perez,«ft Lewis,* Ebenezer,'* James, 21) b. Portland, Me., Nov. 6, 1849; m. 1st, Bo.ston, Mass., Oct., 1868, .Joseph H. Lovejoy, who d. Honolulu, H. I.: m. 2d, Boston, Apr. 10, 1882, Joseph King Goodrich:^ sbe res. sometime in Washington, D. C, and for eight years previous to her death in Japan; she d. Vancouver, B. C, Mar. 30, 1893. Ch, b. Newton, Mass.; 9309. New^ton Brown, July 15, 1869. 9310. Waltek Hamlen, Feb. 7, 1872; d. Roxbury, Mar. 4, 1876. [5129] PEREZ HAMLIN,8 (Elisha,' Perez," » Lewis,* Ebenezer,3James,2i) b. Hampden, Me., Apr. 7, 1846; m. Winterport, Me., Oct. 19, 187'3, Nina Neaiy; farmer; Hampden. Shed. Jan. 11, 1878. i * For Abbott see notes 319 and 418. + Note 460. For Jenkins see notes. NATHANIEL JENKINS, (son of Nathaniel, who d. 1845,) m. Oct. 30, 1804, Mary, dau. of jfohn and Mary Wheeler, b. Boston, Mass. He d. Boston, July 5, 1820; she d. Mar. 2, 1866. Ch. b. Boston : Mary Wheeler, May, 1807. Abigail Coffin, Feb., 1809. Emily Frances, Jan., 1811. Nathaniel, June, 1812. Charles Coffin, Mar., 1814. William Augustus, Aug., 1817. I NATHANIEL JENKINS, b. Boston, Mass, June, 1812; m. by Rev. Hosea Ballou, Oct. 4, 1835, Mary Wheeler Tucker, of Koxbury, Mass. Children: George N., b. May 7, 18:37, Boston. Charles F., " Dec. 7, 18.38, Mary A., " May 2, 1841, Charles, " April 18, 1844, Alfred Blunt, " Nov. 2.5, 1848, Roxbury; m. Adeline F. Mullett. Ella M., " Apr. 30, 1851, ? For Goodrich see note 217. ' I 912 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. Hampden: 9311. ISADORE, Sept. 14, 1875. 9312. Wilbur A., Jan. 3, 1878. [5130] DORCA.S ELZADIE HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Perez,) b. Hampden, Me., June 19, 1848; m. there, May 30, 1883, Ellen Brewster Stev- ens; Constable, Haverhill, Mass. - No issue. .1 [5131] CLARINDA HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Perez,) b. Hampden, Me., Jan, 27, 1855; m. Hampden Corner, Oct. 8, 1875, Roberl M., son of Benjamin and Sabra Patterson, b. Hampden, Apr. 9, 1850: farmer; West Hampden. Ch. b. Hampden: 9313. Elzadie H., Apr. 9, 1876 9314. Elisha B., July 7, 1878 9315. Ernest B., July 29, 1879 9316. Bessie M., Feb. 23, 1881 9317. Allie Y., Jan. 12, 1882 9318. Harry L., Apr. fi, 1890 9819. Frances, June 3, 1895 [5134] FREDERICK AUGUSTUS DEMON D,* (Sabra Hamlen,' Perez,6* Lewis,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Boston, Mass., Mar. 30, 1»47; m. 1st, Boston, Sept. 19, 1870, Catherine Elet, dau. of Henry and Sarah (Newhall) Ketchum, b. Boston, June 7, 1844, who d. Charlestown, Sept. 17, 1880; m. 2d, Boston, Dec. 21, 1881, Lillian Betha, dau. of Stephen Hanscom, b. Waltham,Mass., Jan. 27,1862, who d. Chelsea, Mass., Mar. 15, 1884; m. 3d Cavendish, Vt., Aug. 18, 1884, Jennie Augusta, dau. of of John and Laura (Royce) Green, b. Chester, Vt., May 29, 1865; private, C, 3d Mass. H. Art.; enlisted July 12, 1863; dis. Sept. 18, 1865; pen- sioner: mechanic; Boston, until 1881; Chelsea, 1889; since Cavandish; Republican; member O. O. Howard Post 33, G. A. R.; Mt. Sinai Lodge 22, I. O. O. F.; Bap- tist. 1st and 2d wives Epis.; 3d wife, Baptist. , Children by 1st wife: 9320.* Charles Alvah, b. Oct. 11, 1871, Boston. 9321.* Edith Helen, " Mar. 13, 1873, 9322. Florence Elizabeth, " Jan. 5,1875, " 9323.* Millie Elet, " Oct. 23, 1879, Charleston. By 2nd wife, b. Chelsea: 9324. Frederick Alberta, Dec. 15, 1882; d. same day. 9325. Arthur Hanscom, Feb. 20, 1884, " Feb. 29, 1884. By 3d wife: 9326. Frederick Warren, " Oct. 10, 1886, Chelsea. 9327. Howard Green, " June 19, 1888, 9328. Arthur Gilbert, "Sept. 6, 1891, Cavendish. 9329. RosiE EsTELLA, " Mar. 1, 1895, 9330. Helen Hazel, "Dec. 16,1897, " 9331. George Arthur, 9332. Harry Edgar, 9333. Alice Ethel, 9334. Frank Smith, 9335. Margaret F., EIGHTH GENERATION. 913 [5135] GEORGE ANTHONY DEM0ND,8 (Bro. of Frederick A.,) b. Boston, Mass., July 10, 1849; m. there, Dec. 25, 1873, Agnes, dau. of Henry and Margaret (Smith) Smith, b. Lynn, Mass., Oct. 29, 1856; printer; Waverly, Mass.; member Dearborn Lodge 8, A. O. U. W., and of Franklin Typographical So., Boston; Republican. She d. Waverly, Mass., Aug. 7, 1897. Children: b. Nov. 15, 1877, Champlain; d. Nov. 25,'99. " Dec. 28, 1882, Boston. " May 13, 1884, " " Feb. 2, 1886, " Dec. 2, 1889, [5136] WILLIAM HAMLIN DEMOND,8 (Bro. of Frederick A.,) b. Rouse's Point, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1851; m. Nov. 8, 1873, Mrs. Amelia Jane (Baker) Stodder, b. Boston, Mass., Jan. 25, 1845; slate and metal roofer; Boston; has resided in Charleston and Waverly, Mass.; member of the Golden Eagle and K. of P. No issue. [5137] MARTHA HAMLIN DEMOND,8 (Sister of Frederick A.,) b. Boston, Mass., Aug. 4, 1854; m. there, Apr. 30, 1874, Charles Eldon Sum- ner Shorey, b. Great Falls, N. H., Nov. 4, 1852; carpenter; Great Head, Win- throp, Mass. Children: 9336. Herbert Moulton, b. Mar. 26, 1876, Allston. 9.337. Walter Hamlin Sumner, " Oct. 15, 1877, Boston; d. Oct. 23, '78. 9338. Ralph Winthrop, " July 8, 1882, Winthrop. 9339. Grace Orinda, " Feb. 7, 1888, 9340. Ethel Evelyn, " Nov. 6, 1889, " 9341. Clarence Clifton, " Sept. 16, 1891, " [5138] ELLA FRANCES WILKINS DEM0ND,8 (Sister of Fred'k A.,) b. Boston, Mass., Nov. 20, 1856; m. there, Sept. 10, 1874, Solon Abel, son of John and Hapalona (Cushman) Adams, b. Franklin, Vt., June 17, 1853; journal- ist; Savannah News and other papers; Jacksonville, Fla.; member Knights of Pythias and of Florida Grand Lodge; she Presb. Children: 9342. Amy Alice, b. July 24, 1872, Swanton, Yt. 9343. George Nelson, " July 3, 1877, Champlain; d. Aug. 1, 1901. 9344. Effie Laura, " July 7, 1879, [5140] CARRIE LIZZIE DEM0ND,8 (Sister of Frederick A., ) I b. Boston, Mass., June 14, 1863; m. Boston Highlands, Mass., Dec. 2, 1884, ^ Adolph Gustavus Grohe, b. Baden Baden, Germany; merchant; Boston; resi- dence Boston Highlands. She d. Boston, June 26, 1901. Ch. b. Boston Highlands: 9345. Ernest Hamlin, Aug. 23, 1885; d. Oct. 29, 1885. 9346. Lester Arthur, Feb. 28, 1887. 9347. Gertrude Carrie, July 26, 1892. 914 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [5141] MARTHA JANE HAMLIN,* (John T. M.,' Perez.e'- Lewis,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Hampden, Me., Feb. 25, 1856; m. Bangor, Me., Nov. 2, 1886, Joshua, son of Simeon and Alice (Staples) Williams, b. Clifton, Me., May 24, 1853; farmer; Bangor, 1880: Brewer, Me., 1887-90; since, Clifton; prohibition- ist; she Baptist. No issue. [5142] FRANK WTLBER HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Martha J.,) b. Hampden, Me., Sept. 13, 1857; m. Gardiner, Me., Dec. 20, 1884, Nellie, dau. of Dexter Francis and Mary Ellen (Noyes) Mooere, b. Pittston, now Ran- dolph, Me., Aug. 15, 1866; fireman; Hampden, until 1870; Bangor, until 1880; South Gardiner, until 1883; since, Gardiner; Republican: member Gardiner Lodge 9, I.O.O.F.; Derigo Lodge, 1, A. O. U. W.; Danforth N. May Camp, S. V.; she member Rebecca Lodge 83, I. O. O. F. Ch. b. Gardiner: 9348. Fred Notes, Apr. 23, 1887. 9349. Mae Ellen, Apr. 9,1893. [5143] HARRIET WINGATE HAML]N,8 (Sister of Martha J.,) b. Hampden, Me., Nov. 8, 1859: m. Bangor, Me., Nov. 2, 1886, Laforest, son of Jonathan and Mary E. (Davis) Robison, b. Palmyra, Me., Nov. 5, 1852: farmer and clergyman; Palmyra, antil 1881; Lagrange, until 1886; Brewer, 1887; Bangor, until 1889; since, Lagrange; Republican; Baptist. No issue. [5144] ELMER ELLSWORTH HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Martha J.,) b. Hampden, Me., Oct. 12, 1862; m. Bangor, Me., Nov. 25, 1883; Lucy, dau. of Levi and Annie (Lane) Varney, b. Bangor, Apr. 9, 1864; machinist; Hampden, until 1873; since, Bangor; Republican. Ch. b. Bangor: 9350. Ethel Alma, Dec. 26, 1884. 9351. Esther Viola, Sept. 11, 1893. 9352. Roland Varney, Aug. 27, 1896. [5145] MARY ETTA HAMLIN.s (Sister of Martha J..) b. Hampden, Me., Feb. 17, 1864; m. Franconia, N. H., Mar. 9, 1887, Law- rence Burdette, son of Richard Lawrence and Clara Jane (Nelson) Howard, b. California, Mo., Apr., 1859: merchant: Adams and Pike counties, 111.: Wixom, Mich.; Racine, Wis.; Fairport, N. Y.; Bangor, Me., and Franconia, N. H.; Re- publican; Freewill Baptists. [5147] ANNIE FIFIELD HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Martha J.,) b. Hampden, Me., Sept. 30, 1871; m. Bangor, Me., Jan. 11, 1898, Sidney Willis, son of Willis and Katherine L. (Dw^yer) Bowles, b. Easton, N. H., Sept. 10, 1870; civil engineer; Hanover, N. II., 1898; Millinocket, Me., 1899-1900: since, Easton; Democrat; Freewill Baptists. [5148] JENNIE CHRISTINA HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Martha J.,) b. Hampden, Me., Mar. 20, 1874; m. Bangor, Me., Aug. 26, 1897, Rev. An- Joseph E. Clark, M D, • EIGHTH GENEKATION. 915 drew Jackson, son of Andrew Jackson and Mary Ellen (Phinney*) Small, b. Machlasport, Me., Feb. 12, 1866; Cong, clergyman; Derby, Vermont; 1898-1901; since, Seabrook, N. H.; Democrat; she Freewill Baptist; member W. C. T. U. Ch. b. Derby: 9353. Beatrice Hamlin, Sept. 10, 1900. [5155] ELMIRA HAMLIN FOSTER,8 (Persls S. Clark,' Sabrina Ham- lin,^ Perez,^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i,) b. Antwerp, N.Y., Aug. 23, 1844; m. Charlestown, Mass., by Rev. Henry C. Graves, Aug. 27, 1863, Thomas Henry, eldest son of Artemiss and Harriet (Harrington) Sylvester, of Boston, b. Charles- town. Aug. 3, 1843; private, H, 29 Mass. Inf. Vols., enlisted Nov. 4, 1861, dis. for wounds, Dec. 23, 1862; hatter and furrier; Charlestown, 1863-9; Chelsea, until 1883; afterwards, Arlington Heights, Mass.; Odd Fellow; Knights of Honor; Pilgrim Fathers; and Post 36, G. A. R. He d. Arlington Heights, May 13, 1899. Children: 9354.* Joseph Adelpert Austin, b, Feb. 10, 1865, Charlestown. 9355. Elmira Eveleena, " Nov. 18, 1867, " 9356.* Thomas Henry, " Apr. 13, 1870, Chelsea. [5158] JOSEPH EDDY CLARK,8 M. D., (Joseph H.,^ Sabrina Hamlen,^ Perez, 5 Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James,2ij b. Spmerville, Mass., Aug. 6, 1858; m. Med- ford, Mass., July 7, 1885, Josephine Eaton, dau. of Joseph Warren and Harriet Maria (Flanders) Copeland, b. Charlestown, Mass., May 20, 1855; physician and surgeon; Somerville, 1858-84; Medford, 1884-99; since, N. Y. City; Republican; Universalist. He was educated in the Charlestown High School and Boston Latin School, from which he graduated June 8, 1878, and from Harvard Medical School, July, 1882; member board of health, Medford, 1884-92, and city physi- cian; Captain of Boston Latin School Company; Lieut, in Charlestown City Guards, and Captain of Lawrence Light Guards, Medford; member of Harmony Lodge, 1. O. O. F.: also of the Encampment; I. O. R. M.; Pilgrim leathers; N. E. O. P.; R. A.; Brotherhood of St. Andrew; Mass. Medical Soc; Harvard Medical Library Asso.; Charlestown High School Asso.; Ancient and Honorable Artillery, Boston; .school committee, 1888-92; Surgeon state cavalry, 1887-9; she Unitarian, and member Rebeckah Lodge, I. O. O. F. Ch. b. Medford: 9357. MiRRiAM Pearl, Mar. 31, 1888. [5165] Capt. SOLOMON LAWRENCE HAMLIN,* (Simeon,? Seth,« Simeon, 5 Sylvanus,* Elkanah,^ James,2i) b. Falmouth, Mass., Sept. 20, 1827; m. there, Nov. 25, 18.58, Chloe Hatch, dau. of Moses and Susan (Chadwick) Robin- son,t b. Falmouth, July 7, 1833, She descends from John Robinson, of Leyden, Holland; Captain of barque Eugenia, 1858-62; grocer; Falmouth, after 1872; Deputy Collector U. S. Customs, 1875-80; Republican; Odd Fellow. She Cong. He d. Falmouth, July 24, 1898. * For Phinney see note 189. + For Robinson see note 86. 916 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. Falmouth: 9358. Walter Bates, Sept. 13, 1859; d. Nov. 4, 1879, at sea. 9359.* Simeon, Apr. 7, 1865. 9360. Eugenia Frances, Dec. 21, 1867. 9361. Edward Bemis Clapp, Feb. 29, 1872. 9362. Ellen Maria, Aug. 22, 1874. [5166] ELIZABETH M. HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Solomon L.,) b. Falmouth Mass., Apr. 30, 1830; m. there. May 14, 1853, Capt. Oliver C. S. Calott, b. Apr. 10, 1820. He d. Nov. 12, 1866. ' Child: 9363. Lewis W., b. Mar. 17, 1856. [5170] SYLVAN US H AMBLIN,^ (Obed,^ Sylvanus,^ Barnabas,5 Sylvanus,* Elkanah,3 James,2i) b. Morristown, N. Y., 1826: m. Sandwich, Mass., by Rev. J. F. Sheffield, Feb. 4. 1866, Mrs. Levina Bacon, dan. of Freeman and Catherine Matthews, b. S. Yarmouth, 1834; blacksmith; W. Sandwicli; removed to Taun- ton, Mass. Sylvanus and Sarah (Skiff) Hamblin had a son, b. Mar. 6, 1857, Roch- ester. [5175] CASSENDANA HAMBLIN,^ (Solomon,^ Sylvester,*' Barnabas.s Sylvanus,* Elkanah,^ James,2i) b. Butternut, N. Y.;m. Russell Miller; she d. and he remarried, and res. Malcom, Iowa. [5177] FRANKLIN LANDERS,« (Jane Hamblin," Sylvanus,« Barnabas,^ Sylvanus,* Elkanah,^ James,2i) b. West Falmouth, Mass., Oct. 17, 1825; m. North Falmouth, Patience, dau. of James Witherell, b. North P'almouth; cooper; North Falmouth: Republican. He d. N. Falmoutli, Oct., 1898; she res. there. Oh. b. North Falmouth: 9364.* Nettie. [5178] LUCY JANE LANDERS,8 (Sister of Frankhn, ) b. W. Falmouth, Mass., Mar. 25, 1827; m. Elisha F. Potter; mariner: West Falmouth. He d. Demarara, S.A., about 1853; she d. W. Falmouth, about 1856. No issue. [5179] ANSEL ROBINSON LANDERS,* (Bro. of Frankhn,) b. West' Falmouth, Mass., Sept. 18, 1832; m. 1st, West Providence, R.I., Maria, dau. of James and Lydia (Bowman*) Swift,t b. W. Falmouth, 1838, who d, W. Falmouth; m. 2d, Boston, Mass., Mrs. Caroline Jeffries Jones, who d. W. Falmouth; carpenter; W. Falmouth; Republican: served in U. S. Light ship. Belief, at Martin's Industry, S. C, 1861-2. Ch. by 1st wife, b. W. Falmouth: 9365.* Lucetta May, May 1, 18—. 9366. Samuel. * For Bowman see note 327. t For Swift see note 121. EIGHTH GENERATION. 917 [M80] MINERVA LANDERS,^ (Sister of Franklin,) b. West Falmouth, Mass., Apr. 15, 1834; m. there, Silas, son of Silas Braley; carpenter; West Falmouth; Republican; she d. West Falmouth, 18^4, Ch. b. West Falmouth; 9367. Jbnnik; d. young, [5182] CHLOE FISH BAXTER,MPhear Hamblin,7Sylvanus,« Barnabas,^ Sylvanus,* Elkanah,^ James,2i) b. Falmouth, Mass., Apr. 28, 1828; m. there, Sept. 6, 1845, Seth Hatch, son of David and Lois (Hatch*) Bowman,t b. West Falmouth, Mar., 1823; sailor; Whig, Quaker; she Methodist. She d. West Fal- mouth, Sept, 7, 1852; he d. Demarara, West Indies, Feb. 10, 1853. Ch. b. West Falmouth: 9368,* Edward Franklin, July 9, 1848, 9369.* Florence Gertrude, Apr, 5, 1851, [5184] SOLOMON HAMBLIN BAXTER,* (Bro. of Chloe F.,) b. Falmouth, Mass., Oct. 25, 1831; m. New Bedford, Mass., May 7, 1857, Annie, dau. of Amasaand Ann Eliza ( Snider) Wiliston, b. Bristol, Mass., Dec. 2, 1836; blackmith; Falmouth. Children; 9370.* William Macy, b, Feb. 18, 1858, W, Falmouth. 9371. EuDORA Frances, " May 1, 1864; m. Avery. ' [5186] ALPHEUS HAMBLIN BAXTER,* (Bro. of Chloe F.,) b. Falmouth, Mass., Feb. 25, 1834; m, Phebe A. Adams, of Sandwich, Mass. He d. Sept. 4, 1891. No issue. [5187] JOSHUA DAVIS BAXTER,« {Bro. of Chloe F.,) b. Falmouth, Mass., May 7-, 1836; m, Lucy Whitney,^ of New Bedford, Mass, I He d. Apr, 4, 1877. I Child: 9372. Amasa Whitney, b, Nov. 23, 1874. [5188] ELIJAH BAXTER,^ (Bro. of Chloe F.,) b. Falmouth, Mass., Sept. 19, 1840: m. Lydia Landers, of West Falmouth; res. Middleboro, Mass., 1896. Several children, [5189] ELIZABETH JANE BAXTER.s (Sister of Chloe F.,) ji b. Falmouth, Mass., Sept. 26, 1842; m. there, Feb. 12, 1882, Florance, son of John and Lydia (Read) Densmore, b. Dresden, Me., July 8, 1848; laborer; West Falmouth. No issue. [5190] JOSEPH OLIVER BAXTER,' (Bro. of Chloe F.,) b. Falmouth, Mass., Dec. 24, 1845; m. Pocassett, Mass., Jan. 14, 1867, Har- I ' * For Hatch see note 94. + For Bowman see note 327. * For Whitney see notes 305, 373 and 435. 918 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. riet, dau. of Tristram Pinkham and Mary Nye (Edwards) Swain, b. Nantucket, Mass., Jan. 14, 1844; laborer: West Falmouth. Ch. b. W. Falmoutli: 9373. Mary Jeanette, July 12, 1869; unm. 1896. 9374. Alanna S., Sept. 3, 1874; d. Sept. 17, 1890. [5191] ANDREW T. HAMBLrN,^ (Alplieus F.^ Sylvanus,6 Barnabas,^ Sylvanus,* Elkanali,^ Jaraes,2i) b. Sandwich, Mass., July 29, 1834; m. East Fal- mouth, Mass., by Rev. Alex. C. Childs, July 1, 1861, Eliza B., dau. of Capt. Free- man B. and Temperance (Hatch*) Robinson, t b. E. Falmouth, Feb. 16, 1840;| whaler in early life; later carpenter; Taunton and New Bedford, Mass.; Re- publican; Acting Ensign U. S. Navy; enlisted Oct. 18, 1862, served on the] Mystic, Crusader, and R. R. Cuyler, participated at Fort Fisher: dis. Oct. 2,[ 1865; member Marine Lodge A. F. & A. M.: Legion of Honor, 25; Cong. Children: 9375. Alice Everett, b. Mar. 28, 1861, E. Falmouth; unm. 1899.^ 9376.* Arthur P., " July 9, 1867, " 9377. Robinson Perry, " July 23, 1875, Taunton. [5192] LYDIA WEEKS HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Andrew T.,) b. Falmouth, Mass., Oct. 14, 1837; m. New Bedford, Mass., Sept. 11, 1865, Capt. James Alonzo Payne, b. Rochester, Mass., Feb., 2, 1837: she d. Mattapoi- sette, Mass., Sept. 30, 1868. He m. 2d, New Bedford, Sept. 20, 1870, Olivia Standish, dau. of Benjamin and Phebe Murdock (Shearman) Winslow,t b. Ro- chester, Apr. 26, 1854. He first went to sea on a whalinff voyage when seveteen years old, to the Indian Ocean, and made several other wlialing voyages: he rapidly rose in his occupation becoming mate and master mariner; his last voy- age was in 1882-3; res. Mattapoisette, where his widow resides; Republican; Methodist. He d. of paralysis, Nov., 1889. No issue. [5195] JANE HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Andrew T.,) b. Mattapoisette, Mass., Apr. 7, 1846; m. there. May 4, 1865, William Thomas Lambert,^ b. Falmouth, Mass., Jan, 5, 1836; sailor; East Falmouth, Mass. She d. Falmouth, Nov. 23, 1875. Children: 9378. Saphronia Mabel, b. Oct. 16, 1869; d. Feb. 13, 1884. 9379. Anna Jane, " Apr. 24, 1872, Falmouth; unm. 1901. [5196] SARAH MARIAH HAMBLIN,* William B.,^ Barnabas,«5 Syl- vanus,* Elkanah,» James,2i) b. Chardon, Ohio, Oct. 29, 1842; m. Nebraska City, Neb., Jan. 23, 1861, James E. Ward, b. Stark Co., 111., Aug. 20, 18.39; farmer; Sturgis, Mich.; North English, Iowa, Henderson Co., 111., and Farrigut, Iowa, 1895; Christians. She d. Lomox, 111., Jan. 31, 1876. * For Hatch see note 94. + For Robinson see note 86. * For Winslow see notes 96, 258 and 429". § For Lambert see note 43. Children: 9380. Etta, 9381. George, 9382. Charles, 9383. Fred, 9384. Frank, 9385. Noble, EIGHTH GENERATION. 919 Jan. 21, 1862, Sturgis, Mich. Sept. 19, 1864, " July 4, 1866, Milford, 111.: d. Nov. 14, 1867. Nov. 27, 1868, Headerson Co., 111. Apr. 27, 1871, Wiiliagton, 111. Apr. 16, 1874, Henderson Co., 111. [5197] GEORGE BARNABAS HA MBLIN,8 (Bro. of Sarah M.,) b. Chardon, Ohio, Sept. 29, 1844; private, I, 8 Iowa Inf. Vols., enlisted Jan. 12, 1865; drowned in Alabama river, near Montgomery, Ala., June 7, 1865; unm. [5198] WILLIAM VENESS HAMBLIN,8 (Bro. of Sarah M.,) b. Burlington, Wis., Mar. 2, 1847; m. Burlington, Iowa, Apr., 1871, Amanda, dau. of Leonidas Albert and Nancy (Briley) Darwin, b. Carlo, 111., July 6, 1849; moved to Indiana, 1854; Michigan, 1856; Nebraska, 1861; Iowa, 1867; Illinois, 1879; Nebiaska, 1885; Iowa, 1888; Nebraska, 1892; Kansas, 1894; Eldorado, Kas., 1895, Children: b, Aug, 26, 1872, Lovejoy, Ills, *' Nov. 20, 1877, Carman, " " May 15, 1882, Shenandoah, la. Oct. 9, 1885, York, Neb. June 26, 1891, Council Bluflfs, la. 9386. Mary Annettie, 9387. Jacob Leroy, 9388. John, 9399. Guy, 9390. Harrison, <( [5199] EMMA JANE HAMBLIN,* (Sister of Sarah M.,) b. Geneva, Wis., June 4, 1849; m. Burlington, Iowa, Nov. 9, 1869, Samuel Edward, son of William and Elizabeth (Russell) Vaughan, b. Apponoose, 111., Sept. 11, 1840; farmer; Hancock and Henderson counties. 111.; Burlington, la., 1895; Freemason; she member, O. E, S.; Methodists. Ch. b. Carman, 111.: 9391. Elizabeth Abia, July 16, 1870. 9392. Mary Eliza, Aug. 17, 1872; d. Mar. 21, 1884. 9393. RoxiE Annie, Apr, 20, 1875, " Oct. 23, 1880. 9394. Clara Ellen, May 14. 1877. 9395. Archie Edward, Apr. 18, 1880, [5200] FLA VIA ELIZA HAMBLIN,* (Sister of Sarah M.,) b. Geneva, Wis., June 11, 1851; m. Rockport, Mo., Apr. 15, 1883, Stephen Henry, son of Benjamin John and Sally Eva (Seeley) Walters, b. Galesburg, 111., Aug. 13, 1849; musician; Illinois, until 1883; Rutledge, Mo., 1895; Freemason; Christians. Ch. b. Rockport: 9396. Susie, Feb. 11, 1885. 9397. Martin, Apr. 22, 1888. 9398. Carrie, Sept. 30, 1890. [5201] MARY EVA HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Sarah M.,) b. Warsaw, Ind., Nov., Nov. 21, 1853; m. Lomax, HI., Dec. 25, 1875, Fred, son of August and Lena (Nelson) Swanson, b. Stockholm, Sweden, Mar. 17, 1850. 920 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. He came to America 1860; farmer; Illinois, until 1880; Iowa, until 1890; NeponeeJ Neb., 1895; Freemason; Methodists. Children: 9399. Francis, b. Dec. 10, 1879, Lomax. 9400. Christa, " Nov. 8, 1885, Shenandoah. 9401. William, " June 7, 1887, " [52021 JACOB EDWARD HAMBLIN,* (Bro. of Sarah M.,) b. Sturgis, Mich., Dec. 16, 1855; m. Carthage, Ills., Mar. 12, 1878, Elizabeth,] dau. of Spencer and Nancy (Twilley) Wheatley, b. Chanute, Kansas, June 9,1 1865; section foreman on railway; Michigan, until 1856; Nebraska, until 1862;] Iowa, until 1868; Illinois, until 1880; Rutledge, Mo., 1895; Odd Fellow; Freemason;] A. O.U.W.; Methodists. Ch. b. Shenandoah. 9402. Florence, Mar. 12, 1880. 9403. Edith, Oct. 8, 1884. 9404. Ferdinand, Sept. 3, 1887. [5203] JOHN FRANKLIN HA.MBLIN,8 (Bro. of Sarah M.,) b. Nebraska City, Neb., Feb. 4, 1858; m. Council Bluffs, la., Jan. 10, 1888,1 Rosamond, dau. of Hughie and Margret (Odonnell) Carlin, b. Franklin, Ohio,! Apr. 22, 1869; car inspector; Nebraska City, until 1862: North English, la., until) 1868; Illinois, until 1875; since, Iowa; Cedar Rapids, 1895; Freemason. Children: 9405. Francis Zoib, b. Feb. 1, 1889, Council Bluffs; d. Jan. 18, '90.j 9406. Grace Elizabeth, " July 20, 1890, " " 9407. Fay, " Sept. 5, 1892, 9408. Annettie, " July 31, 1894, Cedar Rapids; d. Sept. 3, '94.] [5205] MARTIN EDWARD HAMBLIN, 8 (Bro. of Sarah M.,) b. North English, Iowa, Oct. 24, 1863; m. Council Bluffs, Iowa, Mar. 14, 1891,1 Josephine, dau. of Nicholas and Lena (Lusleyoung) Molitor, b. Racine, Wis., Jan. 1. 1873; railroad employe. North English, until 1870; Lomax, 111., until 1875; Council Bluffs, la., until 1894; since, Cedar Rapids, la.; telegraph operator; afterwards, bookkeeper for Pullman Car Co.; member N. A. M. Ch. b. Council Bluffs: 9409. Lawrence, May 27, 1892, 9410. William. 9411. Cecil May, May 6,1895, [5207] ARTHUR HAMBLIN,^ (Martin H,^ Barnabas,^^ Sylvanus,* Elka- nah,3 James,2i) b. Chardon, Ohio, Feb. 22, 1857; m. Geneva, Ohio, Ida, dau. of Ephraim Moss. He d. Nov. 21, 1892. Child: 9412. Lottie; d. aged 3 mos. [5208] ROSELLIA LANGDON,^ (Lydia Hamblin,^ Asa,« Barnabas,^ Sylvanus,* Elkanah,3 James.^i) b. Ohio, June 11, 1834; m. 1st, Marcillon, Wis., Nov. 7, 1854, John, son of James and Eleanor (Dick) Braden, b. Ohi(),(?) Aug. 21, EIGHTH GENERATION. 921 1829: farmer; Buchanan Co., Iowa, 1885; afterwards, Butler county, Iowa: Re- publican: Freemason: 1st Lieut. I, 13 Iowa Inf. Vols.; wounded in battle and d. Rollo, Mo., Oct. 31, 1864: m. 2d, Samuel R. Peck. She d. Marcellon, June 27, 1881. Ch. by 1st marriage, b. Butler Center: 9413.* Alma, ' Sept. 18, 1855. 9414.* Julia Minenia, May 8, 1857. 9415.* Ekwin Horace, Dec. 19, 1859. 9416. Datus Ellsworth, Dec. 4, 1860; d. July 27, 1878. 9417.* John HEiiBERT, Jan. 28, 1862. By 2d marriage, b. Marcellon: 9418.* Mandana Lajstgdon, Mar. 25, 1875. [5209] CHRISTOPHER LANGD0N,8 (Bro. of Rosellia,) b. Ohio, Aug. 25, 1836; m. Portage, Wis., Jan. 1, 1863, Martha, dau. of David and Maryette (Barker) Clark, b. Walworth Co., Wis., Nov. 10, 1845: member 32d W. Va. Inf. Vols.; farmer: Marcellon, Wis.; Republican. He d. N.C. Mar., 1864. Ch. b. Marcellon: 9419* Janette, Nov. 20, 1863. [5210] ASA LANGDON.s (Bro. of Rosellia,) b. Ohio, May 20, 1838: m. Maryette, dau. of Hugh and Mary (Guery) Barker, b. Genesee Co., N. Y., 1837: farmer; Republican. He d. Scott, Wis., Jan. 10, 1862; she m. 2d, D. S. Heath, of Pardeeville, Wis.; she Methodist. No issue. [5212] JOHN HAMLIN,« (Simeon,^ Asa,^ Barnabas,^ Sylvanus,* Elka- nah,3 James,2i) b. Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, June 18, 1840; m. Madison Co., Iowa, Mar. 11, 1867, Mahala J., dau. of Edmund and Lydia Charlotte (Morse) Thom- son, b. Marion, Ohio, Mar. 18, 1846; corporal, H, 23 Iowa, Inf. Vols., enlisted Aug. 4, 1862, promoted sergt., June, 1863, participated in battles of Port Gib- son, Champion Hills, Black River Bridge, Milliken's Bend, Jackson, Fort Espe- ranza, Spanish Fort, and smaller engagements; lawyer; Roseburg, Ore. He moved with his parents to Wis., 1845, to Big Grove, Iowa, 1854; after the war he returned to his father's home. Big Grove; attended and taught school; removed to LaBette Co., Kas., Nov., 1869, took up gov't land ten miles east of Oswego, Kas., farmed and taught school three years; res. three years in Oswego; read law and adm. to the bar, Sept. 1875; removed to San Louis, Obispo Co., Cal., Oct., 1875, resided there three years as overseer of stock ranch; then lived eight years at Marro and San Louis Obispo, engaged in practice of law eight years; removed to Roseburg, Dec. 1889; Republican; member Reno Post 29, G. A. R. and Council 22, A. P. A.; she member Reno 10, W. R. C; and W. C. T. U. Children: 9420.* Frank Blackstone, b. Nov. 5, 1868, Madison, Co. 9421.* Emma Elizabeth, " Mar. 10, 1871, La Bette Co. 9422.* Simeon Edmund, " Sept. 13, 1873, " 9423. Jay Leon, " May 25, 1877, San Louis Obispo; unm. [5213] ELIZABETH HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of John,) b. Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, Mar. 20, 1842; moved with her parents to Wiscon- sin, 1845; to Big Grove, Iowa, 1854: before marriage a school teacher; m. Madi- 922 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. son, Co., la., Nov, 10, 1861, Wesley, son of William and Elizabeth (Martin) Cochran, b. Perry Co., Ohio, Nov. 14, 1834; he removed to Illinois, 1850; to Iowa, a year later; returned to Illinois, 1852; and again removed to Iowa, 1855; farmer and stock raiser; Macksburg, Iowa; Populist; Odd Fellow; she member Rebekah Lodge. t? Ch. b. Madison Co. 9424.* Kate, Aug. 6, 1865. 9425.* John Hamblin, Nov. 6, 1867. 9426. William, Nov. 15, 1869. 9427. Frank S., Aug. 10, 1871: d. Oct. 29, 1892, unm 9428. Walter, June 10, 1874. 9429. Forest Lee, Feb. 10, 1876. 9430. Fred F., Apr. 25, 1879. 9431. Fields W., May 30, 1881. 9432. Mattie E., Mar. 1884. . [5214] FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS HAMBLIN,8 (Bro. of John,) b. Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, Aug. 13, 1843; moved with his parents to Wisconsin, 1845; to Big Grove, Iowa, 1854; m. Winterset, Iowa, June 19, 1868, Rachael E., dau. of Peter and Mahala A. (Smith) Moore, b. Kendall Co., Ills., Jan. 1, 1851; farmer; Winterset; Populist; Methodists. Ch. b. Madison Co.: 9433. Nellie R., Aug. 12, 1869. 9434. Florence B., Aug. 30, 1871. 9435. Mahalia, May 10, 1873; d. Feb. 10. 9436. Mary E., Jan. 25, 1877; unmarried. 9437. Hannibal F., Oct. 26, 1879, (* 94.38. Seth F., Jan. 30, 1880, ii 9439. Sarah A., Nov. 15, 1881, a 9440. Katie E., Oct. 31, 1886, (( [5215J CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of John,) b. Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, May 18, 1845; moved with his parents to Wisconsin the same year; to Big Grove, Iowa, 1854: private, H, 23 Iowa Inf. Vols.: enlisted July 26, 1862, in battles of Champion Hills and Black River Bridge, and slightly wounded. He and his brother John were among the first to plant the stars and stripes on the enemies works at the surrender of Vicksburg, Miss. He d. Mem- phis, Tenn., Aug. 16, 1863; unmarried. [5216] SETH HAMBLIN,8 (Bro. of John,) b. Columbia county. Wis., May 10, 1847: m. Ellsworth, Kas. Apr., 10, 1884, Bertha G., dau. of Elon and Harriet ( Wetmore) Culver, b. Charleston, Pa., Dec. 21, 1864, who d. Lone Walnut, Kas., Oct. 19, 1895: farmer and stock grower; moved with his parents to Madison, Co., Iowa, 1854, and resided there until 1879; removed to Lincoln Co., Kansas, where he has since res. at Lone Walnut; Republican. Ch. b. Lincoln Co: 9441. Henry Burton, Jan. 21, 1885; d. Apr. 5, 1885. 9442. Stella, Feb. 18, 1886, " Feb. 21, 1886. 9443. Carrie Myrtle, July 9. 1887. 9444. Hattie Eleanor, Mar. 28, 1889. 9445. Katie Mabel, Jan. 16, 1891. EIGHTH GENERATION. 923 • [5217] MARTHA HAMBL1N,3 (Sister of John,) b. Columbia Co., Wis., Nov. 19, 1849: moved with her parents to Big Grove, la., 1854; before marriage a school teacher: m. Kasson, la., Apr. 15, 1875; James v., son of William B. and Rebecca T. (Vaughn) Kirk, b. Morrow Co., Ohio, Aug. 8, 1843: private, E, 34 Ohio Vet. Inf. Vols.: enlisted Feb. 27, 1864, partici- pated in battles of Clf>yd's Mountain, Lynchburg, Salem, Winchester, Kerns- town, Berryville, Opequan. Fisher's Hill, Strasburg, Cedar Creek, and was cap- tured at Beverly and confined in Libby Prison; dis. July 31, 1865; farmer; Kas- son, Iowa: Republican; Friend. No issue. [5219] HANNAH HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of John,) b. Big Grove, Iowa, Madison Co., la., Apr. 11, 1857; m. Aspen, Colorado, Sept. 14, 1885, Willifred Lafayette, son of Dennis and Sarah Ann (Kingrey) Hurst, b. Paradise, 111., Mar. 18, 1856; ranchman: Aspen: members Brush Creek Farmers Alliance, 10. b. Oct. 30, 1886, Aspen; d. Oct. 2, 1888. " Nov. 9, 1888; d. Jan. 1, 1889. " Apr. 2, 1890. Brush Creek; d. Apr. 30, '80 " Sept. 24, 1891, " " '• Aug. 28, 1894, " " Children: 9446. Leon Hamblin, 9447. Eleanor, 9448. W. L.. 9449. Raymond O'Niel, 9450. Herbert Vestal, 9451. Eleanok. [5250] Elder DUANE HAMBLIN,8 (Jacob V.,^ Isaiah,^ Barnabas,^ Sylvanus,* Elkanah,3 James,2i) b. Walworth Co., Wis., Feb. 11, 1841; m. Salt Lake City, Utah, Elizabeth, dau. John and Ellen (Blackwood) RusselL, b. Clock- maninshire, Scotland, July 2, 1836; farmer; res. with his father and accompan- ■ ied him to Utah in 1850, and res. Tooele Valley; removed to Santa Clara, 1855; Democrat: member church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in which he was an elder: she member W. N. R. So.* He d. Santa Clara, 1862. Ch. b. Ogden, Utah: 9452.* Duane, July 17, 1863. [5251] MARTHA ADELINE HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Duane,) b. Walworth Co., Wis., Sept. 15, 1843; m. Santa Clara, Utah, June 28, 1860, Elder Taylor, son of William and Sarah (Harmon) Crosby, b. Athens, Miss., Sept. 25, 1836; farmer and stock grower. He removed from San Bernadino, Cal., to Santa Clara, 1860: Santa Clara, 1860-5; Eagle Valley, Nev., until 1868; since, Kanab: Republican: members Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in which he has been High Priest since 1875; she member W. N. R. So. She d. Kanab, Utah, June 17, 1877. Children: 9453.* Sarah Jane, b. Nov. 26, 1862, Santa Clara. 9454. Rachael, (1 Nov. 7, ±864, " " d. Nov. 1, 1874. 9455.* Martha Adeline, a Nov. 18, 1866, Eagle Valley. 9456.* Taylor, i( Mar. 18, 1869, u u 9457.* William, <( Jan. 14, 1872, Kanab. 9458.* Louis, (1 Dec. 27, 1873, (( , 9459. Jacob, i( Nov. 20, 1876, (1 * Woman' s National Relief Society. A charitable society of the Mormon church. ■i 924 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. r [5252] MARYETTE MAGDALINE HAMBLIN,* (Sister of Duane, ) b. Walworth Co., Wis., May 17, 1845: m. Santa Clara, Utah, Apr. 1, 1860, John William, son of Alfred D. Young: carpenter; Democrat; they separated about 1864: he res. Clrcleville, Utah; m. 2d. Salt Lake, Utah, Jan, 1867, Capt. William B. Maxwell; stockman; Pleasant Valley, Nev.; Alpine, Ariz,: Pleasan- ton, N. M., and other places; Democrat. He was captain in the Momon Battal- ion: sheriff in Nevada, about 1868-72; they separated Pleasan ton, N. M., 1885; m, 3d, Cooney, N, M., Sept. 6, 1SS6, Timothy Lock wood, and res. there. Ch. by 1st marriage: 9460.* Martha, b. Apr. 23, 1861, Santa Clara. 9461.* Henrietta, (i Sept. 16, 1862, Pinto. 9462. Lois Eve, By 2d marriage: (1 Apr. 23, 1864; d. 1865. 9463.* William Andrew, (( Sept. 30, 1868, Spring Valley. 9464.* Mary Luticia, (( Feb. 25, 1870, 9465.* Charles Collier, (I Oct. 18, 1872, 9466. Flavius, u Feb. 25, 1H74, " d. July 2, '91 9467.* Franklin, 11 June 16, 1876, 9468.* Rachael, (( Feb. 17. 1878, 9469. Delilah Maude, u Feb. 3, 1879, Utah; d. July 9, 1891. 9470.* Edna, (1 Oct. 28, 1880, Alpine. 9471. George, 1( Dec. 18, 1883, Pleaston. 9472. Leona, By 3d marriage: 11 Apr. 3, 1884, u 9473. Nancy, (( June 1, 1887; d. June, 1888. 9474. Timothy, J., (( July 1, 1888, Cooney. [5253] Elder LYMAN STODDARD HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of Duane,) b. Bloomfleld, Iowa, Mar. 11, 1848; m. Salt Lake City, Utah, July 31, 1871, Esther Cecelia, dau. of Allen and illinily Jane (Smith) Burk, b. Farmington, Utah, Aug. 24, 1849; farmer: Eagar, Ariz.; Democrat; member Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S., in which he is an elder. He crossed the plains to Utah with his father's family and other kindred, 1850. On this journey many of the Mor- mon company died of cholera, and he was stricken with the disease. He relates that on this occasion his grandfather Hamblin laid his hands on his head while he was suffering from this attack and prayed to the Lord for his recovery; say- ing that he would not die. He recovered after a brief illness. The company reached Salt Lake Valley, Sept. 1, 1850. He lived with his father, residing at Tooele Valley until the fall of 1855, when the family removed to Santa Clara, Utah, which was his home until manhood. During this period he was often sent by his father with messages to the Indians and remained with them for days at a time, assisting and instructing them in their farming operations. And one winter he went down the Colorado river, as interpreter for a company, sent to establish Call's Landing, where Indians were employed to perform the labor, and remained there during that winter. Feb. 27, 1868, he went to Eagleville, Nev., where his uncles Francis M. and Frederick Hamblin resided, intending to locate on land there, and make a home. But the next year received a communication, of which the following is a copy: "Tl^ZyO^K. EIGHTH GENERATION. 925 St. Gkorgb, (Utah ) July 19, 1869. Bro. Lyman Hamblin: You are hereby requested to hold yourself in readiness to serve with your fatlier on an Indian mission east of this place. You will j^et your business arranged so as to be able to be on hand at an early date, and will report your- self to your father. Erastus Snow\ Mr. Snow was one of the twelve Apostles in the Mormon church and presi- dent of the Southern (Utah) Mission. Mr, Hamblin observes: "To obey this call was to me a duty. It was not obligatory, but ecclesiastical respect made it so to me." He left Eagleville on July 26, and on Aug. 10 went with his father Mrs. Esther C. Hamblin. and others from Santa Clara to Kanab, Utah, then sixty miles distant from any white settlement. Brigham Young desired that the country should be set- tled, and his method was to call suitable men to settle and build homes there. At this time the Navajo Indians were beginning their raids into tlie settle- ments of southern Utah; and to get there were obliged to cross the Colorado river. A post was established at Kanab for protection of the more western set- tlements. Mr. Hamblin belonged to a company of minute men at that place; performed service in scouting and was engaged in one fight with the Navajos, in which four of the Indians were killed. In 1871 settlers began to arrive at Kanab, and his time was employed in opening farms, irrigation ditches, etc., for the new settlement. During that summer he went to Farmington, Utah, and was married. He was ordained an elder in the church, Aug. 31, 1871. On his return to Kanab he met with Major J. W. Powell of the U. S. Geological survey, and with his uncle, Frederick Hamblin, accompained him east across (\\j\.' 926 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. I the mountains, to meet another company, who were coming down Green river in boats, on their famous voyage down the Grand canyon of the Colorado river. He worked with this surveying party at different times after they came to Kanab, and assisted to survey one ten miles Base Line. He removed to Spring- erville, Ariz., October, 1880. In February, 1885, many polygamist Mormons <| decided to go to Mexico to escape persecution; the father of Mr. Hamblin was in ill health and desired to see the country; he had many friends but no enemies, still he did not desire to defy the law. Mr. Hamblin would not see his father make the journey in mid winter without attendance, and consequently took him safely to Assencion, Chihauhau, Mexico; returning in May the same year. He has lived in Springerville, Alpine and Eagar, Arizona. Mr. Hamblin is a, true type of frontiersman, having lived his entire life on the borders, where thcj tides of emigration have met and subdued the native population of this country, and has ever been among the foremost in ijuilding up and developing new set-j tlements in Utah and Arizona. P^'or a man so situated he possesses a rare and] extensive fund of useful knowledge and information. I desire to give him full credit for collecting and compiling almost thei entire records of the descendants of his grandfather, Isaiah Hamblin. « His] modesty has defeated us from learning much that would have been interesting] for this sketch, but we have incidentally learned of the facts that he is a good^ sportsman and hunter, a violinist, and that in earlier days he furnished excel- lent dancing music for those who tripped the light fantastic toe. Children: 9475.* Lyman Duane, b. Apr. 22, 1872, Kanab. [unm. , 9476. Charles Allen, Dec. 28, 1874, Farmington; d. Feb. 10, '99 j 9477. Lot, Jan. 28, 1878, Kanab; d. Mar. 5, '78, unm. U18. Graham, Mar. 5, 1879, " unm . 1902. 9479. Iris, Feb. 17, 1881, Springerville, Ariz, " (1 9480. Cecelia, Apr. 5, 1883, Alpine, " " t( 9481. BURK, Nov. 10, 1885, Springerville, " » JM82. Wells, Dec. 20, 1889, Alpine, " 9483. Tamer Gladice, July 24, 1890. " " 9484. Jacob Vernon, July 15, 1893, [5254] LOIS HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Duane, ) b. Tooele, Utah, June 15, 1851; m. Salt Lake, Utah, Oct., 1869, Hubert R. Burk, b. Ambrosia, Lee Co., Iowa, Jan. 19, 1845; farmer and merchant; Farm- ington, Utah, 1848-67; Eagleville, Nev., until 1872: Farmington, until 1877; Sun- set, Ariz., until 1884; since, Alpine, Ariz.; members of Church of Jesus Christof L. D. S., and Y. M. M. I. Asso.; she mem. W. N. R. So. She d. Alpine, Ariz., Aug. 30, 1891. Children: ' 9485. Hubert Allen, b. Oct. 12, 1870, Eagleville; d. Aug. 20, 1883. 9486. Jacob Rosell, 1872, Farmington: d. Feb. 1873. 9487. William Isaiah, Nov. 28, 1874, 9488. Lois Emily, Jan. 1, 1876, " i 9489. Joseph Spencer, Dec. 14, 1877, Sunset. ' 9490. Asahel Woodruff, Mar. 1, 1880, 9491. Hyrum Parley, Oct. 10, 1882, 9492. Frederick Jerome, Nov. 6, 1884, Alpine; d Jan. 9, 1885. 9493. Orson Taylor, Feb. 16, 1887, St. Joseph; " Apr. 16, 1887. 9494. Pearl, Aug. 30, 1891, Alpine; " Aug. 30, 1891. i Elder Benjamin Hamblin EIGHTH GENERATION. 927 [5255] Elder JOSEPH HAMBLIN,* (Bro. of Duane,) b. Tooele Valley, Utah, Oct. 6, 1854: m. St. George, Utah, Feb. 14, 1879, Elsie Albertina, dau. of Nephi and Conradina Albertina (Mariger) Johnson, b. Virgin, Utah, Nov. 5, 1861; stock grower; Kanab, Utah; member Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S., in which he is an elder; Republican. She d. Kanab, Nov. 5, 1882. Ch. b. Kanab: • 9495.* Joseph RoscoK, Nov. 19, 1879. 9496. Nephi, July 15, 1881; unm. 19<)2. 9497. Jacob, Oct. 27. 1882; d. Nov. 7, 1882. [5256J RACHAEL TAMER HAMBL1N,« (Sister of Duane,) b. Santa Clara, Utah, Aug. 3, 1856; ra. St. George, Utah, Sept. 22, 1873, Hon. William Thomas, son of Levi and Margery (Wilkerson) Stewart, b. Salt Lake Valley, Utah, Oct. 18, 1853: stock grower and lawyer; Salt Lake Valley, until 1870: since, Kanab; Democrat: prosecuting attorney, Kane Co., Utah, six years: member Utah legislature, 1888-90: member Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S.; she mem. N. W. R. So. She d. Kanab, Mar. 17, 1878. Ch, b. Kanab: 9498.* Maud Rachael, Apr, 25, 1875. 9499. TH03IAS Hamblin, Mar, 8, 1878; d. Mar. 24, 1878. [5257] Eldek BENJAMIN HAMBLIN,8 (Bro. of Duane, ) b. Santa Clara. Utah, Sept, 29, 1858: ra. Salt Lake City, Utah, July 10, 1891, Delia, dau. of Joseph Guernsey and Lovina (Manard) Brown, b. Draper, Utah, July 25, 1868: merchant and slieep grower; Santa Clara, Utah, until 1871: since, Kanab, Utah; Republican; menibers Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S., in which lie is a High Priest; he went on a mission to New Zealand, 1891-3; member Y. M. M. I. Asset.; slie member of N, W, R, Soc, Ch. b. Kanab: Edwin Dukk, Oct. 22, 1891; adopted. 9500. Clara, Mar. 21, 1895. 9501. Joseph Guernsey, Jan. 31, 1897; d. same day. 9502. Mark Deloss, Apr. 14, 1898. 9503. Delwin Fay, July 14, 1900. 9504. Grace, Oct. 23, 1902. SARAH OLIVE HAMBHN,8 (Sister of Duane, ) b. Santa Clara, Utah, Oct. 15, 1858: m. Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 19, 1876, Abram L., son of Alonzo and Margaret ( Brower ) Winsor, b. Pike Co., 111., Nov. 26, 1846; private, G, 5th 111. Vols., enlisted Sept. 25, 1861; served at Siege of Vicksburg: dis. 1864; farmer; removed to Utah after the war and res. Ft. Thomas, Arizona, since 1878: Republican: Odd Fellow; members Church of lesus Christ of L. D. S. Children: 9505.* Joseph, b. Nov. 15, 1877, Kanab. 9506.* Sarah Pricilla, u Oct. 27, 1879. 9507. Alonzo, t ( Feb. 11, 1881, Pima. 9508. Olive Esma, (( Apr. 10, 1884, Pleasanton. 9509. ABRA3I H., •» Jan. 5, 1887, (t 9510. Lucy, (( Sept. 1, 1892, Nutrioso. 9511. Carabell, (( Aug. 30, 1897, St. Thomas. Il ! I 928 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [5260] MELLISSA HAMBLIN,* (Sister of Duane,) b. Santa Clara, Utah, Apr. 25, 1861; tn. Pima, Arizona, Dec. 25, 1882, Jamei Edgar Chesley, b. Mo., 1851; farmer; Republican; she member Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S. and W. N. R. So. ^ Children: i b, Sept. 22, 1885, N. M. '• Feb. 5, 1887, " " Dec. 19, 1888, Arizona. " Mar. 4, 1890, Utah. " Apr. 6, 1892, " d. Dec. 20, 1893. " Nov. 20, 1893. " " Feb. 8, 1896, " " Jan. 13, 1899, Arizona. 9512. Edgar H., 9513. Jacob, 9514. Alexander, 9515. Vera Matilda, 9516. Benj. Franklin, 9517. Joseph, 9518. Mary Fern, 9519. John A., ( ii [5262] Elder JACOB HAMBLIN,8 (Bro. of Duane,) b. Santa Clara, Utah, Mar. 21, 1865; ra. there, Dec. 9, 1885, Sadie Cornelia, dau. of William Perry, arid Lucy Clarinda (Atchison) Lytle, b. Nevada, Oct. 10, 1867; farmer; Utah, until 1877; since, Arizona, and res. Nutrioso, Ariz., 1900; Democrat; Bishop in Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S.; mem. Y. M. M. 1. Assc, she mem. W, N. R. So. Ch. b. Arizona: , 9520. Jacob Perry, May 19, 1888; d. Mar. 31, 1889. 9521. Lucy Percilla, Dec. 27, 1889, " Apr. 26, 1892. 9522. WiLFORD Woodruff, Apr. 3, 1891. 9523. William Stanton, May 24, 1893. 9524. Jeremiah, Feb. 11, 1895: d. Feb. 11, 1895. 9525. Roland S., May 27, 1896. 9526. John Arlington, Jan. 5, 1898. 9527. Sadie Alma, May 19, 1900. 9528. Karl Maeseb, Mar. 31, 1902, Eagar. 4 [5263] ELLA ANN HAMBLIN,^ (Sister of Duane,) b. Santa Clara, Utah, June 11, 1867; m. Springerville, Arizona, Mar. 14, 1884, Warren Moroni, son of Warren Reid, and Julia Ann (Phelps) Tenney, b, Payson City, Utah, Jan. 4, 1861; farmer; Utah, until 1877; since, Arizona and at Nutrioso, 1900; Democrat: Justice Peace; members Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S. He member Y. M. M. I. Asso.; she member W. N. R. So. Children: 9529. Warren Moroni, b. May 24, 1885, Amity. . 9530. WiLFORD AuGUS, " May 7, 1887, Nutrioso; d. Sept. 14, '89 9531. Orrawell, " Apr. 2, 1889; " 9532. Jacob Hamblin, " Aug. 4, 1891, 9533. Benjamin Reid, " Apr. 21, 1893, " 9534. Olive Vernon, " Aug. 2, 1895, " 9535. Bryan Clair, ^' Sept. 29, 1897, 9536. Thomas Rowell, " July 23, 1900, " [5264] MARY ELIZABETH HAMBLIN,* (Sister of Duane,? b. Kanab, Utah, Sept. 25, 1872; m. Nutrioso, Arizona, Sept. 27, 1897, Ed- ward Beeler, b. Benton, Tenn., May, 5, 1864; farmer; Springerville, Ariz.; Dern- EIGHTH GENERATION. 929 ocrat; sheriff Apache Co., Ariz.; members of Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S.; she mem. W. N. R. So. He was ambushed, shot and killed in New Mexico, Apr. 11, 1901. No issue mentioned. Edward Beeler, Esq. [5265] CLARA MELVINA HAMBLIN,* (Sister of Duane,) b. Kanab, Utah, Nov. 5, 1876; m. Arizona, Aug. 19, 1898, Azra Peter Nicoll, b. Utah, Mar. 14, 1876; farmer; Nutrioso, Ariz.; Democrat; member Co. K, Arizona, N. G., enlisted Nov., 1893. Ch. b. Arizona: 9537. LURLINE, Apr. 23, 1899. 9538. Priscilla, Aug. 3, 1900. [5268] Elder WALTER EUGENE HAMBLIN.s (Bro. of Duane,) b. Santa Clara, Utah, Apr. 15, 1868; m. Kanab, Utah, Jan. 15, 1898, Sarah Blanche, dau. of Richard Smith and Eliza (Watten) Robinson, b. Pinto, Utah, Oct. 2, 1873; stockman; Kanab; Republican; member Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S. in which he is an elder; missionary to the Southern States, 1898. Ch. b. Kanab: 9539. Clarice, Apr. 16, 1901. i [5269] INEZ LOUISA HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Duane,) b. Kanab, Utah, Apr. 4, 1871; m. St. George, Utah, Oct. 8, 1888, Elder John 930 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. David, son of John Doyle and Lovina ( Young) Lee, b. Parowan, Utah, Mar. 19, 1851; stock grower; Utah, until 1880, Arizona, until 1884; Luna. New Mexico, 1900; Thatclier, Ariz., 1902; members Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S.; Mis- sionary to England, 1894-fi; Democrat; member Y. M.M. I. Asso.; she member Y. L. M. I. Asso. and W. N. R. So.; instructors in Sunday school. Ch. b. Luna: 9540. Jacob David, Dec. 10, 1889 9541. Inez Edna, May 1, 1891 9542. Louisa, Mar. 30, 1893 9543. Lelia, Jan. 19, 1895 9544. Anthon Hamblin, July 12, 1897 9545. Otto Hamblin, Apr. 25, 1899 [5270] Eldek GEORGE OSCAR HAMBLIN,8 (Bro. of Duane,) b. Kanab, Utah, Mar. 25. 1873; m. St. John's, Arizona, Mar. 20, 1897, Saral Ida, dau. of Prime T., and Elizabeth (Knell) Coleman, b. Pinto, Utah, Jan. 20,'] 1876; farmer; Utah, until 1881; New Mexico, 18H3; Alpine, Arizona, since 1899;j Democrat; member Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S., in which he is an elder/ and member Y. M. M. I. Asso. Ch. b. Alpine: 9546. Willard Coleman, Feb. 3, 1898; d. Aug. 3, 1898. 9547. George Oscar, Mar. 13, 1900. [5271] ALICE EDNA HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Duane,) b. Kanab, Utah, Feb. 9, 1876: m. Luna, N. M., Feb. 1, 1896, Jared Taylor, son of Newman and Lora Ann (Taylor) Brown, b. Kanab, July 26, 1874; farmer;! Luna, N. M., and Thatcher, Ariz.: members Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. sf She is described as a lady of beautiful character; a sister writes: "There is not a bad thing one could say about her and tell the truth." She d. Tatcher, Mar. 1, 1902. Children: 17, 1897, Luna. 10, 1898, " d. July 28, 1901. 11, 1901, Thatcher; d. Feb. 15, 1901. 23, 1902, " " Mar. 4. 1902. " '• " " Feb. 25, 1902. 9548. Vera, b. Feb. 9549. Alice Edna, • ( Nov. 9550. Jared Vernon, it Feb. 9551. Jesse Hambljn, (( li 9552. Joseph Hamblin. ii (( [5272] . WILLARD OTTO HAMBLIN,' (Bro. of Duane,) b. Kanab, Utah, Mar. 25, 1881; m. Nutrioso, Ariz., Sept. 11, 1901, Lillian, dau. of Willard and Lucinda (Clark) Lee. [5274] CHARLES HAMBLIN RIGGS,^ (Adeline A. Hamblin,' Isaiah," Barnabas,!' Sylvanus,* Elkanah,^ James,2i) b. Kanesville, Iowa, Apr. 25, 1847; m. Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 29, 1875, Nancy Maria, dau. of Almon White and Julia Ann (Johnson) Babbitt, b. Salt Lake City, Sept. 7, 1856; farmer; Kanab, Utah; Springerville, Nutrioso, St. Johns, Concho, and Mesa City, Ariz.; Demo- crat; members Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S. EIGHTH GENERATION. 931 Children: 9553. Charles Wallace, 9554. Adeline Amelia, 9555. Almon Isaiah, 955t). Don Frederick, 9557. Julia Ann, 9558. Mary Amalie, 9559. Agnes Viola, b. Sept. 7, 1876, Kanab: unm. 1902, " May 19, 1879, Springerville. " July 10, 1881, Nutrioso; unm. 1902. " June 10, 1883, St. Johns, " " Sept. 1, 1886, Concho, " " " Oct. 17, 1889, Mesa City. " Apr. 2, 1892, Concho; d. Aug. 25, 1900. [5275] ALBERT ENSIGN RIGGS,8 (Bro. of Charles H.,) b. Tooele, Utah, Nov. 14, 1852; m. Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 22, 1873, Margery Ann, dau. of Levi and Margery (Wilkerson) Stuart, b. Salt Lake City, Sept. 24, 1858; stockman; Kanab, Utah, until 1881; St. John's, Ariz., until 1886; since, Kanab; Democrat; members of Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S.: she member W. N. R. So. 9560.* 9561.* 9562. 9563. 9564. 9565. Children: Margery Manetta, b. June 1, 1874, Kanab, Amarilla, " Feb. 28, 1878, " Alberts., " June 7, 1879, " unm. 1901. Levi S., " May 11, 1881, " d. Jan. 24, 1886. Bessie S., " June 10, 1883, Arizona. Irving S., " Apr. 14, 1889, Kanab. [5276] HERBERT EDWIN RIGGS,» (Bro. of Charles H., ) b. Tooele, Utah, Nov. 2, 1854; m. St. George, Utah, Sept. 18, 1884, Sarah Sabina, dau. of Nathan and Mary (Plunket) Adams, b. American Fork, Utah, F'eb. 11, 1866; farmer; Kanab; Democrat; members of Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S.; she member W. IST. R. So. Ch. b. Kanab: Dec. 26, 1885. Mar. 28, 1887. Sept. 24, 1889. Apr. 6, 1891. Nov. 6, 1894; d. Dec. 30, 1894. Oct. 29, 1895, " Nov. 16, 1895. Mar. 11, 1897, " May 23, 1900. 9566. Herbert, 9567. Tessa, 9568. Mary Adeline, 9569. Nathan Adams, 9570. Bertha, 9571. LiNNIE, 9572. Edwin Aquilla, [5277] ADELINE E. RIGGS.s (Sister of Charles H.,) b. Tooele, Utah, Nov. 2, 1854; m. about 1869, George A. Burgon, an Eng- lishman. They removed to Salt Lake City, Utah, and perhaps afterwards to California. Several children. [5278] BRIGHAM ADELBERT RIGGS.s (Bro. of Charles H.,) b. Tooele, Utah, Apr. 30, 1857; m. St. George, Utah, Oct. 12, 1882, Rachael, dau. of Edwin and Emily (Sandall) Ford, b. Kaysville, Utah, Nov. 2, 1863, stock- man; Kanab; Democrat; members of Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S.; she member W. N. R. So. , 932 THE HAMLIN FAMILY Ch. b. Kanab: 9573. Winnie, July 16, 1883. 9574. Brigham Adelbert. Dec. 3, 1884. 9575. John Ensign, Sept. 24, 1887. 9576. Emily, Aug. 20, 1889. 9577. Harriet, May 19, 1893. 9578. Kachael, Apr. 16, 1895. 9579. . Ruth, Sept. 22, 1897. [5280] MARY AGT^ESS RIGGS.8 (Sister of Charles H.,) b. SantaClara, Utah, Nov. 29, 1863: m. St. George, Utah. April 27, 1884, Hon, William Derby, son of William Derby and Jane Cadwallader ( Brown) Johnson, b. Council Bluffs, Iowa, May 2, 1850: accountant and bookkeeper; Council Bluffs, until 1856; Florence, Neb., until 1860; Salt Lake, Utah, 1860-70; Kanab, Utah, 1870-85: since, Diaz, Mexico: Democrat: Lieut. Black Hawk Veterans: enlisted May, 1866; in battle of Thistle Valley, July, 1866: dis. Sept., 1866: representa- tive, Utah, 1878-82; delegate to Congress from Utah, 1883; members of Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S., in which church he is a bishop. . Children: b. Oct. 27, 1885, Concho, Ariz. " Oct. 31, 18H8, Diaz. " Feb. 17, 1891, Johnson; d. Nov. 9, 1893. " Feb. 3, 1896, Diaz; " Feb. 6, 1896. " Aug. 18, 1897, " " July 26, 1899, " [5285] LEWIS EDWARD HAMBLIN,* (Alson H.,' Isaiah,^ Barnabas,^ Sylvanus,* Elkanah,^ James,2i) b. Santa Clara, Utah, Feb. 9, 1860; m. Samaria, Idaho, Nov. 22, 1883, Catherine, dau. of William W. and Mary (Hodge) Williams, b. Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan. 30, 1869; carpenter; Kanab, Utah, 1871-2; Beaver, 1872-80; Malad City, Idaho, 1880-9; since, Samaria; Republican; village trustee; member Gem Valley Lodge 28, I. O. O. F.; she member Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S. 9580. RUTHIE, 9581. Abia Ezekiel, 9582. George Teasdale, 9583. Henry Lunt, 9584. LiLA, 9585. Merza, ■ Ch. b. Samaria: 9586. Anna, July 20, 1889. 9587. Mary, Feb. IT, 1891. 9588. Alice, July 25, 1893. 9589. Louis L., Nov. 9, 1895. 9590. Rachael, June 14, 1900. [5286] SARAH DAPHNE HAMBLIN,* (William H.,' Isaiah,« Barna- bas,s Sylvanus,* Elkanah,^ James,^!) b. Wellsville, Utah, May 26, 1852; m. Salt Lake City, Utah, June, 1871, Edgar, son of John Deal, b. Utah, about 1848. She d. Springville, 1872. Ch. b. Clover Valley, Nev.: 9591. A Daughter, 1872; d. 1872. [5287] MARY EMILY HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Sarah D.,) b. Wellsville, Utah, Dec. 4, 1853; m. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1870, Warren Follett; res. Pima, Ariz., where she d. Jan 29, 1902. EIGHTH GENERATION. 933 Children: 9592. Warren, b. 1872, Clover Valley, Nev 9593. William, " 1874, Utah. 9594. Celestia, " 1877, Ariz. 9595. Lyman, " 1879, u 9596. Rachael, " 1881, (1 9597. Annie, " 1887, u 9598. Minerva, " 1892. [5288] AMELIA HAMBLIN,^ b. Tooele City, Utah, Aug. 21, 1855; Charles Webb, b. Iron Co., Utah, July Nevada, until 1873; Utah, until 1879; Pi Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S.; he W. N. R. So. Children: 9599. Mary, 9600. Margaret, 9601. Jennie, 9602. Charles, 9603. Emily, 9604. Lydia, 9605. Elmira, 9606. William, 9607. Rachael, 9608. Joseph, 9609. David, 9610. Alvina, 9611. ROXCINA, (Sister of Sarah D.,) m. Clover Valley, Nevada, July 11, 1873, 26, 1851; stock raiser; Utah, until 1868; ma, Ariz., 1900; Republican; members of member Y. M. M. I. Asso.;she member b. Aug. 9, 1874, Lincoln Co.; d. June 16, 1892 " May 4, 1876, Kanab. *' May 25, 1878, " " Apr. 8, 1880, Springerville. '' Aug. 21, 1882, " May 7, 1883, ** " Dec. 25, 1884, " Jan. 25, 1885, " d. Jan. 28, 1885. *' Feb. 19, 1886, " Nov. 17, 1887, Nutrioso. " May 7, 1888, Pima. " Nov. 7, 1892, " d. Mar. 5. " Nov. 31, 1896, " [5289] ELIZA OLIVE HAMBLIN,« (Sister of Sarah D.,) b. Wellsville, Utah, July 4, 1857; m. Clover Valley, Nev., July 11, 1873, John William, son of James Mangum, b. Provo City, Utah, Nov. 14, 1851; farmer; Utah, 1868; Nevada, until 1873: Utah, until 1879; since, Arizona, Pima, 1900; Democrat; members of Church of Jesus Christ of L.D.S. She mem. W.N.R. So. Children: b. Sept. 28, 1874, Utah; unm. 1900. " Feb. 27, 1877, " Feb. 4, 1880, Arizona. " " *' Feb. 28, 1882, " Mar. 12, 1884, " Apr. 23, 1886, *' Jan. 19, 1888, " Jan. 19, 1888, " '* Mar. 16, 1890, " *' July 23, 1892, " " Nov. 16, 1896, [5290] RACHAEL HAMBLIN,« (Sister of Sarah D.,) b. Santa Clara, Utah, Feb. 3, 1859; m. Albert Lewis. 9612. William, 9613. Mary, 9614. Harvey, 9615. Jeremiah, 9616. Lydia, 9617. Thomas, 9618. Emma, 9619. Amelia, 9620. Clark, 9621. Desmond, 9622. Harold, d. Feb. 14, 1886. unm. 1900. d. Aug. 11, 1888. " Jan. 31, 1888. 934 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. I Children 9623. Sarah. 9624. Minnie. 9625. Al,i.en. 9626. Joseph. 9627. Rachael. [5292] Elder THOMAS ROWEL HAMBLIN,* (Bro. of Sarah D.,) b. Santa Clara, Utah, Apr. 6, 1862; m. Luna, New Mexico, Nov. 7, 1888, Irena, dau. of Willas and Amelia (Ainger) Copelon, b. St. George, Utah, Jan 5, 1870, who d. Pima, Oct. 8, 1897; m. 2d, Mary Malvina, dau. of Libbeus T. and Delia Elizabeth (Curtis) Coons, b. Brigham City, Ariz., Jan. 9, 1880; farmer: Utah, until 1868; Clover Valley, Nev., until 1873; Springerville, Ariz., until 1888; Eden, 1900. Democrat; constable, 1898-9; members of Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S., in which he is an elder; he member Y. M. M. I. Asso.; she member Y. L. M. I. Asso., and W. N. R. So. Ch. by 1st wife: 9628. Mary Amelia, b. Sept. 28, 1890, Pima. 9629. Irene, " Nov. 10, 1893, " d. Dec. 2, 1893 9630. Charlotte Ainger, " Jan. 3, 1895, " " Sept. 18, 1897 9631. Sarah, By 2d wife: " May 6, 1897, Layton, " Sept. 10, 1897 9632. Malvina Delia, b. Mar. 28, 1900. [5294] JOSEPH HAMBLIN,* (Bro. of Sarah D.,) b. Pinto, Utah, Jan. 16, 1867: m. Pima, Ariz., Apr. 29, 1892, Nancy, dau. of Joseph K., and Josephine (Wall) Rodgers, b. Prattville, Utah, Oct. 14, 1875; farmer; Utah, until 1868; Nevada, until 1877; Utah, until 1879; since, Arizona, Pima, 1900; Democrat; members of Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S.; she mem- ber W. N. R. So. Children: 9633. Nellie, b. Mar. 10, 1894, Pima. 9634. Rudolph, " Dec. 14, 1896. 9635. Albert, " Oct. 3, 1897. [5295J Elder WILLIAM DUDLEY HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of Sarah D.,) b. Tooele, Utah, Jan. 20, 1856; m. there, Jan. 29, 1874, Mary Abigail, dau. of John and Mary Ann (Adair) Mangum, b. Utah, Jan. 1853; farmer; Utah, until 1879; Nutrioso, Ariz., 1900; Democrat; member of Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S., in which he is an elder. Children: 9636.* Eliza Ann, b. Nov. 3, 1874, Utah. 9637.* Betsey Ellen, Aug. 19, 1876, a 9638. William, Apr. 7, 1879, n 9639. John Dudley, July 8, 1883, Arizona. 9640.* Estella, Sept. 19, 1885, Nutrioso 9641. Amarilla, Aug. 2, 1887, Arizona. 9642. Caroline, May 7, 1889, u 9643. Lillian, Dec. 10, 1893, a 9644. Clarissa, Mar. 10, 1896, N. Mex. 9645. Susan, Jan. 30, 1898, Arizona. EIGHTH GENERATION. 935 [5296] BETSEY JANE HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Sarah D.,) b. Cache Valley, Utah, Jan. 23, 1858; m. Pahreah, Utah, Jan. 29, 1874, George Albert, son of John and Ellen (Bardgley) Mangum, b. Nephi, Utah, Feb. 12, 1854; stock grower; Nephi, until 1871; Washington, until 1879; Arizona, until 1889; Tuleroso, N. M., 1889-93, temporary residence, butNutrioso was his home; Blue, N. M., 1901; Democrat; members of Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S. Children: 1 9646.* Sarah Olive, b. Mar. 4, 1876, Kanab. 9647.* Lydia Ellen, " Sept. 20, 1877, Pahreah, 9648. Betsey Jane, " Jan. 6, 1880, Sunset; d. Aug. 11, 1880 9649. George Haynes, " July 2, 1881, Alpine. 9650. Thomas Lemuel, " Oct. 23, 1883, Nutrioso. 9651. Joseph, " June 17, 1885, 9652. Kay, " Mar. 23, 1887, 9653. Anna Laura, " Aug. 11, 1889, Tuleroso. 9654. Cyrus, " April 14, 1890, 9655. J. William, '' Nov. 10, 1891, 9656. Clara, " Dec. 20, 1893, 9657. DUANE, " Jan. 13, 1901, Nutrioso. [5297] ELMIRA HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Sarah D.,) b. Gunlock, Utah, Oct. 26, 1860; m. St. George, Utah, Jan. 23, 1880, George Washington, son of George Washington and Ann Catherine (Chestnut) Adair. b. Santa Clara, Utah, Jan. 26, 1861; farmer; Washington, Utah, until 1870; Kanab, until 1881; Arizona, until 1894; since, Largo, N. M.; Democrat; members of Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S. b. Jan. 21, 1881, Arizona; d. Aug. 10. Jan. 22, 1883, " Children: 9658. George William, b. 9659. Roy, 9660. Don Carlos, 9661. Bertha, 9662. Clarence Duank, 9663. Lenora Ann, 9664. Guy, 9665. Emily Printha, 9666. Betsey Olive, 9667. Alford Chestnut, 9668. Blanch, July 16, 1885, Apr. 6, 1886, Feb. 17, 1888, Feb. 15, 1891, July 3, 1892, May 1, 1894, Utah. Jan. 2, 1896, Arizona. May 1, 1898, Utah. Aug. 9, 1900, N. M. d. Feb. 15, 1886. (1 [5298] Elder DUANE HAMBLIN,8 (Bro. of Sarah D.,) I b. Utah, Aug. 10, 1862; m. there, Dec. 5, 1885, Susan Virginia, dau. of Araer- 'icus Vespucius and Polly Ann (Lane) Greer, b. Bargne Co., Texas, July 25, 1869; stock grower; Utah, until 1879; since, Arizona, Eagar, Ariz., 1901; Democrat; members of Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S., in which he is an elder; he mem- ber Y. M. M. I. A.; she W. N. R. So.; deputy sheriff, 1899; App. Arizona Ranger, Sept. 20, 1901, and had a fight with outlaws, Oct., 1901, in which two men were killed; a brave and daring man. 936 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: 9669. Mildred, 9670. WiLMIRTH, 9671. Geneva, 9672. Polly, b. Mar. 22, 1890, Nutrioso. " Jan. 25, 1894, " Oct. 25, 1898, Ea^ar. " Jan. 14, 1900, St. John. . i [5299] ANNIE ELIZA HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Sarah D.,) b. Utah, Feb. 1, 1864; m. Nutrioso, Arizona, Sept. 11, 1882, Ezra Taft, sonof John Doyle, and Agatha Ann (Woolsey) Lee, b. Harmony, Utah, May 14, 1857; farmer; Nutrioso and SafFord, Ariz.: Republican; members of Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S.; she member W. N. R. So. and Y. L. M. I. Asso. Children: b. Jan. 8, 1884, Nutrioso; d. Feb. 20, 1886. 9673. Marcus Ezra, 9674. William Oscar, 9675. Linda, 9676. Clara, 9677. Wallace, 9678. WiLLARD, 9679. Joseph Haynes, 9680. John America, 9681. Edwin H., 9682. Helen J., " June 16, 1885, " Nov. 24, 1887, " " Aug. 9, 1888, Satford. " July 31, 1890, Nutrioso. " Aug. 17, 1892, Johnson. " July 21, 1894, Tuba City. " Feb. 7, 1896, Pima. " Sept. 17, 1898, Safford. " Sept. 28, 1899, Feb. 22, 1886. [5301] CLARA HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Sarah D.,) b. Utah, Oct. 26, 1870; m. Safiford, Ariz,., Dec. 10, 1889, William Franklin, son of John Doyle and Rachael Andora (Woolsey) Lee, b. Harmony, Utah, Aug. 5, 1872; farmer; Utah, until 1889: since, Arizona, Safford, 1900; Democrat. Ch. b. Safford: 9683. Dora May, 9684. William Franklin, 9685. John Doyle, 9686. Heber Lesley, 9687. Raymond Duane, 9688. Paria H., Nov. 1, 1891. Feb. 26, 1893. Nov. 8, 1894. Sept. 19, 1895; d. Feb. 10. 1899. Feb. 16, 1897. Sept. 25, 1898. [5302] SARAH PRISCILLA HAMBLIN,« (Sister of Sarah D.,) b. Nevada, Dec. 27, 1873; m. Arizona, Dec. 28, 1892, Thomas George, son of John and Sarah Ann (Edwards) Alger, b. Utah, Oct. 28, 1872; farmer; Nutrioso and Safford, Ariz.; Democrat; members Church of Jesus Christ of L. D.S.; he member Y. M. M. I. Asso.; she member W. N. R. So. Ch. b. Nutrioso: Aug. 11, 1893; dead. Dec. 26, 1894. Dec. 1, 1896; d. Mar. 16. 1896. Apr. 6, 1897. Nov. 26, 1898. 9689. 9690. 9691. 9692. 9693. Thomas Haynes, Eld A, Lloyd, Leonard, Betsey, 7 W [5304] ELIZABETH HAMBLIN,^ (Oscar,' lsaiah,« Bamabas,^ Sylva- nus,* Elkanah,3 James,8i) b. Tooele, Utah, Aug. 30, 1856; m. Minersville, Utah, Jan. 10, 1877, Elder John Molen, son of Orrice CJlapp and Margaret Aon 9ti95. Rettie, b 9H96. Claka. 9697. Mary A dell, 9698. William. 9699. Wallace Benj., 9700. Claren^ce, 9701. Claudius Hugh, EIGHTH GENERATION. 937 (Molen) Murdock, b. Lehi, Utah, Sept. 11, 1852; farmer and stock dealer; Beaver City, Utah, since 1868: Republican; city councilman: assessor; members Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S., in which he Is High Priest and High Councellor. She d. at birth of her only child, Minersville, Utah, Jan. 14, 1879. 9694. A Child, d. infancy. [5307] Elder WILLIAM HAMBLIN,* (Bro. of Elizabeth,) b. Santa Clara, Utah, Apr. 27, 1862; m. St. George, Utah, Mar. 27, 1882, Frances Permelia, dau.of William and Lucy (Babcock) Wood, b. Minersville, Utah, Jan. 1, 1862; farmer; moved with his parents from Santa Clara to Minersville, May 1862, and resided there until fall of 1897; since. Fort Bridger, Wyo.; Republican; members Church of Jesus Christ of L.D. S. He Brest. Y. M.M.I. Asso.;she member W.N. R. So. and Brest, of the Primary Asso. Children: Dec. 19, 1882, Minersville. Aug. 20, 1884, " d. Mar. 4, 1889. July 1, 1886, " " May 3, 1888. Dec. 12, 1888, Feb. 17, 1891, Salt Lake City: d. Jan. 14, '92 May 28, 1893, Minersville. May 11, 1896, " [5.308] Elder WALLACE HAMBLIN.s (Bro. of Elisabeth,) j b. Santa Clara, Utah. Apr. 27, 1862: m. St. George, Utah, Dec. 14, 1881, Ida Minerva, dau. of James Henry and Eveline (Walker) Rollins, b. Minersville, I Utah, Oct. 2, 1862; farmer; moved with his parents from Santa Clara to Miners- ! vllle, May, 1862; resided there until the fall of 1897; since, Ft. Bridger, Wyo.; Republican; members of Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S., in which he is Teacher and holds the office of Seventy; member Y. M. M. I. Asso.; she mem- , ber W. N. R. So. I Ch. b. Minersville: 9702. Wallace Eugene, 9703. Claudius Lee, 9704. Edwin Rollin, 9705. Ida Melissa, 9706. Addie Maneryia, 9707. William Clark, 9708. Henry Marcene, [5309] Elder OBED EDWIN HAMBLIN,8 (Edwin,' Isaiah.e Barnabas,^ Sylvanus.i Eikanah,^ ,Iames,2i) b. Brigham City, Utah, Feb. 3, 1856; m. Clover Valley, Nevada, July 19, 1883, Margaret, dau. of John Milton and Jane (Richie) Adair, b. Utah: blacksmith and farmer; Utah, until 1869; since, Nevada; Clover Valley, 1900; Democrat; member Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S., in which he is an elder. Children: 9709. Edwin Obed, b. Mar. 8, 1885, Gunlock. ■ 9710. Veva, " Apr. 8, 1887, Nevada; d. Feb. 19, 1901. 9711. Bertha, " July 19, 1890, 9712. Olive, " Mar. 17, 1892, 9713. Guy Franklin, " Jan. 17, 1896, " 9714. IsABELL, " Jan. 8, 1898, 9715. Angus Jay, " Nov. 15, 1901, Dec. 12, 1882. Dec. 3, 1884. Jan. 19, 1887. Feb. 6, 1891. Feb. 6, 1891. Sept. 20, 1893. Nov. 18, 1896. ! 938 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [5311] HANNAH MARIAH HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Obed E.,) b. Santa Clara, Utah, Dec. 12, 1859; m. Pioche, Lincoln Co., Nev., May 27, 1883, Thomas Walter, son of Robert and Mary Elizabeth (Perkins) Logan, b. Washoe, Nev., May 29, 1861: stock raiser and miner: Pioche, 1883; Mohave, Ariz., 1884-90; Belmont, Nev., 1902; sheriff of Nye Co., Nev.; she member Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S. Children: [Warburton, Jr. 9716. Annie Eltz^ ^BETH, b. Apr. 11, 1884, Lincoln Co 9717. Jessie, u Jan. 4, 1887, Mohave Co 9718. Josephine, a Apr. 22, 1889, U (1 9719. Hazel, (( Sept. 27, 1891, Lincoln " 9720. AlMEE, 1. July 8, 1894, Nye 9721. Jay Edwin, u Jan. 3, 1898, i » ii 9722. Thelma Kate, a Nov. 2, 1898, ii U [5313] SARAH ANN HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Obed E.,) b. Pinto, Utah, Aug. 1, 1863; m. Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 19, 1889, David Raymond, son of Peter and Catherine (Cook) Sinclair, b. Salt Lake City, Sept. 20, 1861; ranchman; Victor, Idaho; members Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S. Children: 9723. Raymond, b. June 16, 1890, Salt Lake City. 9724. Katie, "Jan. 28, 1892, Rexburg, Idaho. 9725. David Guy, " Oct. 4, 1893, Victor, 9726. Earl Edwin, " Oct. 22, 1895, (1 (i 9727. Paul Eugene, " Oct. 14, 1899, [5314] JOSEPHINE HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Obed O.,) b. Pinto Utah, Nov. 9, 1864; m. Panaca, Nev ., July 1, 1891, Joseph, son of 1^ Asaph and Mary (Businback) Rice, b. Panaca, Dec. 2, 1851; merchant; Panaca; members of Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S. Ch. b. Panaca: 9728. Rena, Apr. 13, 1892. 9729. Ekma, Apr. 13, -1894. 9730. Lloyd Raymond, Feb. 6, -1897. 9731. Ekederick Joseph, July 23, 1899. 9732. Lee Arnold, Oct. 2, 1901. [5315] JOSEPH PETER HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of Obed E.,) b. Pinto, Utah, Nov. 28, 1866; m. St. George, Utah, Apr. 30, 1895, Charlotte Lucinda, dau. of John Milton and Eliza Jane (Richey) Adair, b. Washington, Utah, Oct. 2, 1873; farmer and stock grower; Clover Valley, Nev., until 1900; since, Victor, Idaho; Democrat; members of Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S. Children: 9733. May, b. May 14, 1896, Clover Valley: d. Feb. 15, 1897 9734. Joseph Cyril, " Jan. 4, 1898, " " 9735. Myrtle Vivian, " May 5, 1900, Panaca. 9736. William Clyde, " Mar. 27, 1902. Victor. CO > -z. -z. > O CD > O > 00 O > / EIGHTH GENERATION. 939 [5316] EMMA HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Obed E.,) b. Gunlock, Utah, Dec. 18, 1869: m. Logan, Cache Co., Utah, Oct. 12, 1892, Andrew, son of Esais and Balinda (Miles) Edwards, b. Millville, Utah, Sept. 15, 1865; farmer; Victor, Idaho; members of Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S. Children: 9737. Haynes Andrew, b. July 7, 1893, Oxford. 9738. Veva Balinda, " Feb. 1, 1896, Victor. 9739. Lafell HA3IBLIN, " June 18, 1898, '• 9740. Lacell Miles, " June 18, 1898, " [5319J ARAMINDA HAMBLIN,^ (Francis M.,^ lsaiah,« Barnabas,^ Syl- anus,* Elkanah,3 James,2i) b. Santa Clara, Utah, Aug. 2, 1862; m. St. George, Utah, June 24, 1883, George, son of Nathan and Mary Ellen (Plunkett) Adams, b. Washington, June 7, 1860: stockman; Kanab, Utah: Republican; members of Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S.; she member W. N. R. So. Ch. b. Kanab: 9741. Ruth Elizabeth, Aug. 23, 1884. 9742. George James, May 10, 1886. 9743. William Frederick, Dec. 25, 1887. 9744. Mary Ellen, Apr. 8, 1890. 9745. MiNDA, Feb. 23, 1893. 9746. Francis Marion, Jan. 30, 1896: d. Feb. 22, 1896 9747. Tamer, May 17, 1898. [5320] WILLIAM FREDERICK HAMBLIN,* (Bro. of Araminda,) b. Eagle Valley, Nev., Mar. 28, 1864; m. Kanab, Utah, May 8, 1895, Cecelia, dau of Elijah and Johanna Christena (Nelson) Averett, b. Kanab, Mar. 19, 1875; stock grower; Kanab; Republican; members of Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S. Ch. b. Kanab: 9748. Susie, Feb. 21, 1896. 9749. William Frederick, Nov. 1, 1898. [5321] FRANCIS MARION HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of Araminda,) b. Eagle Valley, Nev., June 6, 1866: m. Kanab, Utah, Jan. 22, 1886, Rose Anna Jane, dau. of Joseph Guernsey and Esther Brown, b. Draper, Utah, Aug. 28, 1865; farmer; Kanab; Rebublican; members of Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S. Ch. b. Kanab: 9750. Rose, Dec. 26, 1886. 9751. Francis Marion, June 7, 1889. 9752. Alta, Oct. 2, 1891. 9753. Para, Mar. 26, 1894. 9754. Elizabeth, Apr. 28, 1896. 9755. I LA, Aug. 24, 1898. [5323] SCYTHA SOLENA HAMBLIN,^ (Sister of Araminda,) b. Eagle Valley, Nev., Feb. 10, 1870; m. St. George, Utah, Joel Hills, son of Nephi and Mandana (Merrill) Johnson, b. Virgin, Utah, Nov, 16, 1860; merchant: Virgin, 1860-8; since, Kanab, Utah; Republican; members Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S.; she member W. N. R. So. 940 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. Kanab: 9756. Pearl, Jan. 20, 1892. 9757. Wiley Lamare, Apr 6, 1894. 9758. Wtlmirth, Sep. 10, 1899. [5324J MARY ANN HAMBLIN,« (Sister of Araminda, ) b. Kanab, Utah, April 14, 1873: m. St. George, Utah, Jan. 22, 1891, Sixtus Ellis, son of Nephi and Mandana (Merrill) Johnson, b. Virgin, Utah, Jan. 3, 1870; stock grower; Virgin, until 1873; since, Kanab; Republican: members of Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S. Ch. b. Kanab: 9759. Edna. Dec. 15, 1891. 9760. Sixths Ellis, Feb. 7, 1893: d. Feb. 10, 1893. 9761. Annie, Mar. 7, 1895. 9762. William Frederick, Oct. 21, 1898. i [5327] ISAIAH HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of Araminda,) b. Kanab, Utah, Apr. 1, 1879: m. there, Dec. 25,1900,Tamer,dau. of William Thomas and Fannie (Little) Stewart, b. Kanab, May 3, 1880: cattle grower: Kanab; Republican; members of Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S-; she member Y. L. M. I. Asso. Ch. b. Kanab: 9763. Elizabeth, Oct., 1901. 9764. Isaiah Stewart, Dec. 28, 1902. [5329] DAPHNE JANE HAMBLIN,^ (Frederic,^ 'isalah.s Barnabas,^ Sylvanus,! Elkanah,3 James,2i) b. Santa Clara, Utah, Nov. 6, 1860; m. St. George, Utah, Apr. 8, 1881, Samuel Edward, son of Samuel and Sarah Jane Lewis, b, Parowan, Utah, July 17, 1854; farmer; Utah and Arizona; and Ramah, N. M., 1903; Democrat; members Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S.; Bishop of Ramah; member Y. M. M. I. Asso.; she member W. N. R. So. Children: 9765. Orson Frederic, 9766. Samuel Edward, 9767. Francis Asa, 9768. Frances Linda, 9769. Daphne Tamer, 9770. Benj. Tarlton, 9771. Jesse Duane, 9772. Gilbert Vernon, 9773. RUDGER, b. Jan. 6, 1882, Alpine. " Dec. 5, 1883, Ramah. " Oct. 21, 1885, " Dec. 24, 1887, " Apr. 11, 1890, " July 24, 1892, " Jan. 17, 1895, " May 30, 1897, " June 30, 1900, [5330] FRANCES MELISSA HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Daphne J.,) b. Utah, Oct. 27, 1863; ra. May 11, 1882, John Sidney, son of Charles Allen and Lydia Burk, b. Cal., July 11, 1853; farmer; California, 1853-6: Utah, until 1877; since, Arizona, Eager, Ariz., 1899; Republican; she member Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S., and W. N. R. So. EIGHTH GENERATION. 941 Ch. b. Arizona: 9774. Frances Jane, May 4, 1884. 9775. Lydia Pearl, Apr. 2, 1886; d. July 17, 1887 9776. Melissa Maud, Feb. 1, 1888, " Mar. 31, 1898 9777. Charles Allan, Feb. 18, 1890. 9778. Prudum, May 26, 1892. 9779. Daphne, Aug. 19, 1894. 9780. John Sidney, Dec. 10, 1896. 9781. Frederic Ha3iblin, Jan. 27, 1899. 9782. Bernice, Apr. 11, 1902, Eagar. 9783. Harriet, 9784. Maryetta, 9785. Winnie, 9786. William, [5332] OLIVE ADELINE HAMBLIN,* (Sister of Daphne J.,) b. Eagleville, Nev., Jan. 4, 1870, m. Socorro Co., N. M., Dec. 12, 1894, Wil- liam Lee, b. Jackson Co., Mo., Aug. 22, 1859; stock grower; Luna, N. M. Ch. b. N. M.: Feb. 10, 1896. Dec. 15, 1897. April 6, 1900. Aug, 22, 1902. [5342] EDWARD JENNEY HAMBLIN,^ (Ruben,76 Benjamin,'^ Reuben,* Elkanah,3 James, ^i) b. Fairhaven, Mass., 1813; m. Nantucket, Mass., Keziah Yellette; res. New Bedford, where he d. Apr. 28, 1848. Children: 9787.* Ellen Patten, Apr. 23, 1845. 9788. Josiah; went to Kansas, 9789. A Child; d. young, [5344] EMELINE HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Edward J.,) b. Jan. 17, 1821; m. Wareham, Mass., by Rev. S. Knott, Jr., Jan. 21, 1841, Joseph Millett, Jr., of Wareham; res. Fairhaven, Mass.; both d. Fairhaven. Children: 9790. Henry; res. Brockton, Mass. 9791. Joseph. [5345] BETSEY STURDIVANT HAMBLIN,^ {Nathaniel,^ Reuben,« V j Benjamin, 5 Reuben,* Elkanah,^ James,2i) b. Wareham, Mass., Aug. 27, 1820; 'm. there, by Rev. Samuel Nott, Jr., Mar. 30, 1845, Alexander, son of Elisha and Betsey (Clark) Swift,* b. Wareham, Jan. 26, 1821; iron worker; Wareham; Re- publican; constable and deputy sheriff. He d. Wareham, July 6, 1885. Ch. b. Wareham: 9792. Elisha, Feb. 22, 1847; d. same day. 9793. Lunette June, June 1,1848," " <' , 9794.*^ Martha Briggs, Sept. 29, 1849. 9795.* Ada Augusta, Jan. 2, 1852. 9796. Avis Bell, Apr. 7, 1854; d. Mar. 31, 1856. 9797.* ^LucY Ellis, Apr. 27, 1856. 9798. Lucius Alexander, July 22, 1860: d. Mar. 21, 1888, unm. * For Swift see note 121. 942 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [534H] MARY ANN GIBBS HAMBLIN.^ (Sister of Betsey S.,) b. Wareham, Mass., Nov. 12, 1822: m. East Wareham, July 30, 1846, Hon. Israel Franklin, son of Israel and Rebecca Nickerson;* carpenter; Rochester, Mass.; removed to Canabridgeport, Mass.; Republican; representative, Mass./ legislature. Both d. Cambridgeport. Ch. b. Rochester: Anna. Maky; m. William Hazen. Josephine; d. young. 9799.* 9800. 9801. / [5347] MAHALA SMITH HAMBL1N,« (Sister of Betsey S.,) | ;' b. AVareham, Mass., Feb. 13, 1825; m. Providence, R. I., Isaac Brown; police- man; Providence; she d. Willimantic, Ct.; he d. Providence. No issue. [5348] ISABELLA SEABURY HAMBLIN,* (Sister of Betsey S.,) b. Wareham, Mass., May 13, 1827; m. there, by Rev. Richard B. Eldridge, Jan. 19, 1848, Amos B.,^ son of Capt. Eli and Rox;i«Bia, (Williams) Adams, t b. Readfleld, Mar. 4, 1822; clerk; Waremam; removed to Willimantic, Ct.; insur- ance agent. Children: Ella Maria, b. Jan. 17, 1849, Wareham. Emma Isabel, Horace Amos, Myra Mary, 9802.* 9803. W804.* 9805. 9806.* Jan. 12, 1850, Boston; d. Aug. 18, '«7, Aug. 6, 1853, Wareham. _ Aug. 30, 1855, Carver; d. 1857. Carroll Beauharnois, " Aug. 30, 1855, Windham. [5349] PHEBE MARIA HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Betsey S.,) b. Wareham, Mass., July 21, 1829; m. there, by Rev. George Cryer, Sept. 2( 1856, Enos Burt, son of William S. Phillips, b. Taunton, Mass., 1832: moulder] Providence, R. I.; removed to Cambridge, Mass.: she d. Cambridgeport, Mass. hem. 2d, Rochester, Amanda Melvina Hamblin, sister of 1st wife, who d. Cam- bridgeport. He m. 3d, Martha B. Swift.J He d. Cambridgeport. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Cambridgeport: 9807. Albert Enos; d. young. [5350] NATHAN CHAPMAN HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of Betsey S.,) b. Wareham, Mass., Mar. 17, 1832; m. there, Susan F., dau. of John W., and Rebecca Griffith, b. Carver, Mass., 1834; nailor; Wareham and Rochester. He d. Wareham; she m. 2d, May 29, 1867, Marcus M. Benson; res. Fairhaven, Mass. Ch. b. Wareham: 9808. Othello Chapman, June 1, 1853; d. May 6, 1861, Rochester. 9809. Annie, Apr. 10, 1855; m. and died. ^. [5351] TIRZAH SEABURY HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Betsey S.,) b, Wareham, Mass., June 16, 1834: m. there, by Rev. Lucius Holmes, Sept 11, 1853, Amos P., son of Ansel and Laura Kenney, b. 1831; machinest; Cam- bridge, and Jamaca Plain, Mass. * Fop Nickerson see note 341. + Note 461. Capt. ELI ADAMS,6 (Stephen.s Obadiah,* John,3 Edward.z Henry.i) * For Swift see note 121. EIGHTH GENERATION. 943 Children: 9810. Celeste; d. in infancy 9811. Charles; unmarried. 9812. JUDSON. 9813. Maby Isabel, d. unm. 9814. A Daughter, " young. [5352] ELIZA VALENTINE HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Betsey S.,) b. Wareliam, Mass., Mar. 21, 1839; m. Lucius Atwood; farmer; Carver, Mass., where she died. He remarried. No issue. [5355] HARVEY MINDWELL HAMBLIN,* (Drusilla,' Reuben," Ben- jamin,5 Reuben,* Elkanah,^ James,^!) b. Marion, Mass., Nov. 23, 1821: m. New Bedford, Mass., Feb. 15, 1857, Mary A.," dau. of Ammiel and Mary Perry (Avery) Weeics,* b. Plymouth, Mass., July 26, 1828; farmer; Marion. Both d. Marion; he Mar. 13, 1898; she July 29, 1888. ! Ch. b. Marion: 9815. Rhoda Ann, Jan. 20, 1859; d. Dec. 10, 1893, unm. 9816.* Drucilla Frances, Jan. 1, 1861. 9817. William Hervey, Nov. 30, 1863; d. Feb. 23, 1864. 9818. Andrew Jackson, June 7, 1866; unm. 1899. 9819.* Georgiana, Aug. 28, 1869. [5359] JULIA D'AUBGNE HAMBLIN,« (Ellianah,^ Reuben,« Benja- min, ^ Reuben,* Elkanah,^ James, 2») b. Wareham, Mass., Dec. 25, 1825; m. there, b. Rev. Samuel Nott, Jr., Feb. 17, 1846, Peter Frank, son of Peter Frank and Catherine (Prentiss) Hollywood, b. Canton, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1821; merchant tailor; North Bridgewater, now Brockton, Mass., since 1845; Republican; Freemason; i^he Cong. ■ Ch. b. N. Bridgewater: 9820. Alice, Dec. 23, 1846; d. Dec. 27, 1846. 9821.* Peter Frank, Sept. 1, 1847. 9822.* George H., July 31, 1849. 9823.* Jennie Prentiss, Aug. 27, 1851. 9824. Stephen Swift, Aug. 17, 1854; d. May 20, 1856. 9825.* Joseph Millett, Oct. 10, 1856. [5360] SARAH PLUMMER HAMBLIN,' (Sister of Julia D.,) b. Wareham, Mass., Aug. 17, 1827; m. there, by Rev. Samuel Nott, Jr., June 17, 1849, Capt. Stephen, son of Stephen and Eunice Swift, t b. 1819; master mar- ner; Wareham; whaler. Both d. Brockton, Mass.; he about 1893. Ch. b. Wareham: 9826.* Louisa McKeehbn, Jan. 28, 1856. 1 [5361] JANE MILLIS HAMBLIN,* {Sister of Julia D.,) b. Wareham, Mass., Sept. 19, 1829; m. there, by Rev. Samuel Nott, Jr., ug. 31, 1857, Capt. Benjamin Ricketts, son of Benjamin and Louisa (Poole) * Note 463. AMMIEL, WEEKS,8 ( Ammiel,^ 6 5 George,* AmmieI,S8 George.i) + For Swift for see note 121. 944 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Butman, b. N. Y. City; master mariner; New York; he commanded the John Currier, Hampden, Mary Stetson, Sarah and Celia, St. Mark, and Plymouth Rock, between N. Y., and European ports: owner of the Hampden and St. Mark. He graduated Wilbraham College. He d. London, England, from a fall on the Ply- mouth Bock, May 26, 1874. She res. Wareham. Children: 9827.* Alice Claire, b. June 24, 1858, Charleston, S. C. 9828.* Percival Francis, " Dec. 18, 1861, Liverpool. 9829.* Arthur Benjamin, " Oct. 30, 1866, Yonkers. 9830.* Harold Ricketts, " Sept. 10, 1868, " [5363] MARGARET CLARK HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Julia D.,) b. Wareham, Mass., Feb. 22, 1837; m. there, by Rev. Leander Cobb, Aug. 11, 1859, Joseph Sanford, son of Abner and Eleanor (Sanford) Pitts, b. Taunton, Mass., 1828; jeweller: Taunton; Republican. Ch. b. Taunton: 9831. Annie Provost; m. George H. Colby, of Taunton. [5380] CHARLES WARREN HOWLAND,* (Nathaniel W.,^ Nathaniel,^ Abigail Hamblin,^ Reuben,* Elkanah,^ James,2i) b. Athens, N. Y., Mar. 20, 1839; m. 1st, Dec. 4, 1862, Eliza O. VanLoan, of Athens, who d. 1864; m. 2d, 1868, Elixa J. Seaman, of Athens; merchant, in partnership with his father, firm of Howland & Son. Ch. b. Athens: 9832. Frank Seaman, Sept. 5, 1869. [5381] FRANCIS N. HOWLAND,8 (Bro. of Charles W.,) b. Athens, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1844; m. Oct. 7, 186S, Mary A. Nichols, b. 1846; res. N. Y. City, 1885. Ch. b. N.Y. City: 9833. Annie, Apr. 21, 1872. 9834. Charles F., Sept. 1, 1874. [5383] LEWIS B. FISH,8 (Lewin.^ Betsey Howland,« Abigail Hamblin,* Reuben,* Elkanah,3 James,2i) b. Chatham, Oniario, Oct. 20, 1821: m. Brain- tree, Vt., Dec. 20, 1842, Martha Lull, dau. of Freeman C. and Susan (Kitridge) Norton, b. Hartland or Windsor, Vt., Dec. 25. 1821; carpenter; Randolph, Vt., 1823-1854: Bellows Falls, 6 months; Montpelier. 12 yeare; St. Albans, 15 years; since. Palmer, Mass.; Republican; Epis.; she d. Palmer, Apr. 6, 1883. Children: 9835. Edward Orville, b. Feb. 17, 1847, Randolph: d Jan. 27, '68 unm 9836. Chas. Everard, " Nov. 23, 1853, Bellows Falls. [5384] BENJAMIN ELIHU FISH,8 (Bro. of Lewis B.,) b. W. Randolph, Vt., Nov. 3, 1822; m. 1st, Oct., 1848, Martha Laurens, dau. of Oliver and Hannah (Graves) Gleason, b. Pittsfleld, Vt., Feb. 20, 1826: Epis.; she d. Woodstock, Ohio. Sept. 10, 1857; m. 2d, Woodstock, Feb., 1858, Mary Gleason, sistej: of first wife, b. Pittsfleld, Mar. 20, 1821; Presb; saddler; West Randolph; removed to Woodstock, Ohio, June, 1851; Syracuse, Neb., 1882; re- I Children: 9841. Edwin Verone, 9842. Ai.aiA Velora, 9843. Helen Maria, 9844. William James, 9845. Annie, 984H. Alice R., 9847. Edwin John, EIGHTH GENERATION. 945 turned to Woodstock, 1884; later Wapakaneta, Ohio; Republican; private, D, 134 Ohio inf. Vols., enlisted May 1864: dis. Sept., 1864. Children: 9837.* Martha Amanda, b. Nov. 28, 1849, W. Randolph. 9838. Charles Benjamin, " Apr. 20, 1851, " d. Aug. 2, '74. 9839. Hannah, " Feb. 6, 1854, Woodstock; " Feb. 14^ '55. 9840.* Mary Gleason, '• Apr. 14, 1857, " [5386] HELEN M. FISH,^ (Sister of Lewis B.,) b. Randolph, Vt., Oct. 3, 1827: m. there, Mar. 3, 1847, William, son of James and Sophia (Brown) Hutchinson, b. Randolph, Jan. 24, 1823; farmer and editor; Randolph, until 1856; merchant. Lawrence, Kansas, until 1861; State Senator, 1859-60; since, govern- ment clerk, Washington, D. C; Republican; Unitarians. She d. Washington, June 25, 1898. Children: b. May 28, 1848, Randolph; d. Sept. 26, '49. " Mar. 22, 1851, " " Jan. 6, 1857. " June 19, 1854, " m. Prof. Lewis Boss. " Oct. 5, 1857, Lawrence, unm. 1899. " Apr. 28, 1864, Washington; d. Sept. 22, '64 " Mar. 22, 1866, " unm. 1899. " Mar. 31, 1869, " d. Sept. 3, '71. [5387] HANNAH N. FISH,8 (Sister of Lewis B.,) b. Randolph, Vt., Mar. 22, 1829; m. there, Sept. 13, 1853, Curtis A. Carpen- ter,* b. Norwich, Vt., Feb. 18, 1826; blacksmith; Randolph; Lebanon, N. H., since 1872; Republican; corporal, C, 15th Vt. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Sept. 11, 1862; dis. Aug. 5, 1863; member James P. Perry Post, G. A. R.; Congs. Ch. b. Randolph: 9848. Willis Eugene, July 30, 1854. 9849. Nettie Eliza, Oct. 22, 1857; d. Feb. 1, 1858. 9850. Della May, May 27, 1859. 9851.* Elmer Ellsworth, June 24, 1861. [5390] ARNOLD BURCH FISH,* (Bro. of Lewis B.,) b. Randolph, Vt., Sept. 12, 1833; m. Rochester, Vt., Jan. 5, 1858, Amelia Maria, dau. of John and Olive Lucinda (Walbridge) Pearson, b. Randolph, July 5, 1836: carpenter and clerk in store; Randolph; she Christian. * Note 463. The noble family of Carpenter is of great antiquity in Hertford and other parts of England. In 1303, John Carpenter 1 appears; he was member of Parliament for Les- kard, in Cornwall, 1333. From him descends a long line of descendants, viz.: Richard.s .Tohn.si William,5 .Tames.e John,7 William.s The latter was father of the immigrant. American Pedigree. WILLIAM CARPENTER,! b. 1575, of London, Eng., son of William,* above, came to America, with his son William, in the Beiiis, 1638, and returned in the same ship. WILLIAM CARPENTER,2 b. 1605. Came with his father, and wife Abigail, in the Bevis, 1638; farmer; Rehoboth, Mass.; freeman, Weymouth, Mass, May 13, 1640; representative, Wey- mouth, 1641-3; constable, 1641 ; admitted inhabitant of Rehoboth, Mar. :2ii, 1645; freeman, there, June, 1645; representative same year. He was the friend of Gov. Bradford, who m. his cousin Alice.— Carpenter Genealogy. 946 THE HAMLm FAMILY. Ch. b. Randolph: 9852. Benjamin Burch, Oct. 6, 1858; d. Mar. 23, 1859. 9853.* Ernest Elton, July 19, 1863. 9854. Ferda Pearson, Feb. 15, 1866; unm. 1899. 9855. Galen Burch, .June 24, 1869, " " 9856.* Electa Amelia, June 80, 1871. [5394] SARAH ABBIE FISH,^ (Benjamin,^ Betsey Howland,^ Abigail Hamblin,5 Reuben,* Elkanah.3 James,2i) b. Sandwich, Mass., May 1, 1846; m. New Bedford, Mass., Apr. 4, 1867, Laban Paddock, son of Heman and Sylvia G. (Holway*) Crocker,t b. Nantucket, Mass., Feb. 17, 1840; mechanic; Forestdale, Mass.; Independent; Friend: she Cong. Ch. b. Cotuit: 9857.* Justus Howland, Mar. 1, 1868. 9858. Lucy Sampson, July 5, 1869; d. May 5, 1880. 9859.* Joseph Holway, Aug. 18, 1871. [5395] LEWIN H. FISH.8 (Bro. of Sarah A.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Mar. 2, 1848; m. New Haven, Ct., July 1, 1877, Sylvia S., dau. of William H. and Catherine Stannard, b. Westbrook, Ct., Apr. 2, 1840; carpenter; New Haven; Republican; member Pyramia Lodge 45, A.O. U.W.; Congs. Ch. b. New Haven: 9860. Fidelia C, Aug. 4, 1878: d. Aug. 6, 1878. 9861. Lewin B., Nov. 5, 1879; " unm. 1901. [5396] NATHANIEL H. F1SH,8 (Susanna,' Betsey Howland.« Abigail Hamlin,5 Reuben,''Elkanah,3 James,2i) b. Sandwich, Mass., Feb. 6, 1825; m. , dau. of Edmund and Chloe Lumbert,! b. Falmouth, Mass.; baker: Charlestown, Sandwich and Cataumet; Republican; Methodist; private, G, 1st Mass. Cav., served 33 months; Pensioner. He d. Soldier Home, Chelsea, Mass., June 13, 1901. [5.398] BENJAMIN FRANKLIN FISH,8 (Bro. of Nathaniel H.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Nov. 6. 1827; m. Charlestown, Mass., June 6, 1847, Eliza Waitt, dau. of William Howard, b. Maiden, Mass.; painter; Sandwich, Mass., Woodstock, Vt., Medford and Charlestown, Mass.: member of Howard Lodge 22, I. O. O. F.; she d. North Woburn, Mass. Aug. 31, 1883. Ch. b. Charlestown: 9862.* Benjamin Franklin, July 4, 1848. 9863.* Susan Eliza, Jan. 7, 1851. 9864.* Howard William, Dec. 25, 1852. 9865.* Edwin Herbert, Aug. 2, 1855. 9866.* Charles Sumner, Dec. 21, 1857. 9867. Addie, May 13, 1800; d. Oct. 24, 1864. 9868.* Carrie Sophia, June 5, 1862. 9869.* Lizzie Hamlen, July 22, 1864. 9870.* Henry Clinton, Nov. 12, 1866. 9871.* Walter Sherman, Nov. 5, 1868. 9872. George, July 2, 1871; d. Nov. 16, 1874. 9873.* Grace Louise, Sept. .30, 1873. 9874. Albert, Oct. 29, 1875. • Note 464. .JOSEPH HOLWAY settled at Sandwich, Mass., as early as 1641; where his descendants still live, and the name common. + For Crocker see notes 35, 39 and 78. * For Lumbert see note 43. EIGHTH GENERATION. 947 [5400] BRADDOCK EDSON FISH,« (Bro. of Nathaniel H.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Dec. 7, 1831; ra. 1st, there, Dec, 1834, Elizabeth, dau. of Ansel and Mehitable Tobey, b. Sandwich. Mar. 3, 183.5; Methodist: she d. Sandwich, Apr. 13, 1863; m. 2d, Ciiarlestown, Mass., May, 1873, Henrietta N., dau. of John and Nancy Carlisle, b. Bangor, Me., Feb. 4, 1852; Cong.; she d. Cambridge, Mass., .June 25, 1888; m. 3d, Boston, Mass., Oct., 1893, Fanny B., dau. of Charles Henry and Georgianna( Brown) Sanger, b. Concord, N. H., June 28, 1859; Unitarian: merchant; Sandwich, 1854-64; Charlestown, 1864-76; Cam- bridge, 1876-88: Braintree, 1901; Republican; Freemason; Methodist. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Sandwich: 9875. Addie E., Aug. 1856. 9876. Albert 1., Nov. 1860; d. Aug. 3, 1863. 9877. Frederick W., Aug. 1863. By 2d wife: 9878. Florence Gertrude, b. Feb. 25, 1875, Charlestown; unm. 1901. 9879. Harry Edgar, " June 4, 1881, Cambridge, " " [54011 OBED M. FISH,8 (Bro. of Nathaniel H.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Nov. 27, 1833; unmarried; machinist; Boston, Mass.; Republican; Methodist. Lieut. F, 2d Mass. H. Art. He d. Boston, June 19, 1869 [5403] SUMNER B. FISH,* (Bro. of Nathaniel H.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Feb., 1838; unmarried; machinist; Boston, Mass.; Re- publican; Methodist; member Charlestown Cadets, 1st Mass. Inf. Vols.; killed Bull Run, July, 1861. [5404] CAROLINE HOWLAND JONES,^ (Abigail Fish,' Betsey How- land,^ Abigail Hamblin,^ Reuben,* Elkanah,3 Janies,2i) b. Randolph, Vt., Dec. 15, 1831; m. George Washington Chandler; she d. Keene, N. H., Feb. 18, ' 1891. [5405] SUSAN AUGUSTA JONES,8 (Sister of Caroline H., ) b, Randolph, Vt., Aug. 2, 1834; m. Sandwich, Mass., July 18, 1861, Zenas, son I of Zenas and Rebecca (Sampson) Crocker,* b. Cotuit, Mass., June 7, 1831; mer- chant and cranberry grower; Cotuit; Republican; Freemason; Methodists. He d. Santuit, Nov. 22, 1898. Ch. b. Cotuit: 9880. Hattie Estella, Aug. 3, 1862; unm. 1901. 9881.* Zenas, Jan. 6, 1864. 9882.* Ellen Maria, Apr. 11, 1868. 9883.* Francis Herbert, Sept. 21, 1872. [5406] ABBY AMANDA JONES,* (Sister of Caroline H.,) b. Woodstock, Vt., July 25, 1836; m. John L. Moses of Randolph, Vt. [5407] NANCY ELIZABETH JONES,8 (Sister of Caroline H.,) b. Woodstock, Vt., May 28, 1838; m. there, Mar. 23, 1857, Sylvanus, son of Sylvanus and Sally (Pratt) Chamberlin, b. Pomfret, Vt., Jan. 25, 1834; woolen * For Crocker see notes 35, 39 and 78. 948 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. II Children: 9890. William, b. Oct. 1864, Sandwich. 9891. Alice P., i i Aug. 1866, 11 9892. Lydia E., " Oct. 1868, Santuit: unm. 1899. 9893. Susan A., (1 Jan. 1871, 11 9894. Martha P., (( Feb. 1877, " d. Oct. 2, 1888. 9895. Laura C, 11 Oct. 1881, " unm. 1899. * For Nye see note 34. + Per Brewster see note 391. * For Barnes see note 116. ? For Jones see note 340. finisher; Woodstock, Vt., and East Dedham, Mass.: Republican; member Lodge n 31, A.F. & A.M.; Christian; Sergt. B, 12 Vermont Inf. Vols. Ch. b. Woodstock: 9884.* Augustus Jones, b. Sept. 15, 1859, 9885.* William Ellsworth, " Feb. 8, 1865. [5410] EMMA MAY JONES,^ (Sister of Caroline H.,) b. Woodstock, Vt., May, 1, 1853; m. West Randolph, Vt., Dec. 23, 1871, James E., son of Thomas Riley, b. Barnard, Vt., Jan. 1, 1842: cabinet-maker; Randolph, Vt.; removed to Detroit, Mich., 1879; Worcester, Mass., since July, 1880; Republican; she Cong. He d. Worcester, Nov. 2, 1896. Ch. b. W. Randolph: 9886.* James Leon, Feb. 6, 1873. 9887. Edward Orville, Apr. 9, 1874: unm. 1902. [5411] MARGARET C. FISH,^ (Chlpraan,' Betsey Howland,^ Abigail Hamblin,6 Reuben,* Elkanah.^ James,2i) b. Sandwich, Mass., July 12, 1842; m. Plymouth, Mass., Oct. 13, 1866, James H., son of Josiah F. and Sarah E. Nye.* b. Sandwich, Jan. 21, 1840; hay and grain dealer; East Bridgewater and Brock- ton, Mass.; Republican; member Paul Revere Lodge, I. O. O. F.: Commercial Club, and Board of Trade, Brockton. She d. Brockton, Dec. 12, 1893. Ch. b. Brockton: 9888. Florence G., Aug. 31, 1873, unm. 1899. 9889. Josiah C, Aug. 11, 1883. [5413] HANNAH T. CHADWJCK,* (Elizabeth Fish,^ Betsey Howland,« Abigail Hamb]in,5 Reuben,* Elkanah,^ James,2i) b. Sandwich, Mass., Feb. 24, 1840: m. there, Nov. 6, 1873, Charles E., son of William and Harriet G. (Brewstert) Barnes,:]: b. Plymouth, Mass., Oct. 30. 1840; street railway employe; Plymouth, until 1898; since. Maiden, Mass. [5415] JAMES CHIPMAN CHADWICK,' (Bro. of Hannah T.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Sept. 13, 1844; m. Boston, Mass., Apr. 27, 1873, Annie E., dau. of Warren D. and Eliza (Hamilton) Satford, b. Enosburg, Vt., Dec. 24, 1847; clothier; Boston. No issue. [5420] SUSAN PERCIVAL,^ (Eliza Goodspeed," Sarah Howland," Abi- gail Hamb]in,5 Reuben,* Elkanah,^ James,2i) b. Sandwich, Mass., Jan., 1838; m. North Falmouth, Mass., Nov. 19, 1863, John, son of Oliver and Lydia L. (JonesI) Harlow, b. Marsh pee, Mass., Aug. 29, 1833; carpenter; Sandwich, Barn- stable and Santuit. Mass. EIGHTH GENERATION. 949 [5422] HARRIET PERCIVAL,' (Sister of Susan,) b. Sandwich, Mass., June, 1851: m. Sears Lapham; merchant: Santuit, Mass. No issue. [5427] NELSON HOWLAND,« (Solomon C.,' Eben," Abij,^ail Hamblin,^ Reuben,* Elkanah,^ James,2i) b. 1855; m. 1880, Ada, dau. of Ronold McDonald; machinist: Taunton, Mass., until 1880; since, Sandwich. Child: 9896. Mary A. [5430] MARY ABBEY ROWLAND,? (Gustavus,^ Eben,6 Abigail Ham- blio,5 Reuben,* Elkanah,^ James,2i) b. Falmouth, Mass., April 29, 1850: m. Sandwich, Mass., July 23, 1872, Charles, son of Charles H. Burgess,* b. Mel- rose Highlands, Mass.; merchant; Sandwich and Melrose Highlands; Republi- can; she Cong. [5431] EDWARD BARNWELL HOWLAND,8 (Bro. of Mary A.,) b. Falmouth, Mass., Mar. 29, 1852; m. there, Nov. 5, 1874, Ellen F., dau. of Noah and Paulina (Chadwickt) Fuller,! b. Falmouth; mechanic; Sandwich: proprie- tor Bay State Tack Co., Vice-Pres. Sandwich Co-operative Bank; member De- Witt Clinton Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; Congs, Children: 9897. George W., b. Nov. 24, 1875. 9898. EsTELLA A., " Aug. 30, 1878. [5432] OSCAR HOWLAND,® (Bro. of Mary A.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Nov. 24, 1853; m. there, Nov. 26, 1878, Sarah, dau. of Thomas and Lydia (Coffin) Fisher, b. Sandwich; painter; Sandwich; Republi- can; he d. Sandwich, June 29, 1899, [5434] FRANK LINDLEY HOWLAND,8 (Bro. of Mary A.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Aug. 20, 1860; m. Boston, Mass., Nov. 1, 1893, Amanda, dau. of Thomas Jefferson and Sarah E. (Hill) Fry, b. Florence, Ala., Oct. 6, 1861; lumber dealer; Sandwich; Congs. I 15447] JULIUS F. BODFISH,8 (Elizabeth Hamblin,' Benjamin,« Lem- uel, ^ Reuben,* Elkanah,^ James,3i) b. East Windsor, Ct., Mar. 18", 1821; m. there, June 13, 1847, Henrietta,' dau. of Elam and Martha (French) Allen, § b. E. Windsor, Dec. 13, 1822; she res. Rockville, Ct., 1892. He d. there, Sept. 9, 1878. Three children. * For Burgess see note 389. + For Chadwick see note 198. $ For Fuller see note 112. § Note 465. ELAM ALLEN.e (Samuel.s .Joseph,* Samuel,3John,2 Samuel. i) SAMUEL ALLEN.i b. Braintree, Eng., 1588; m. Ann Hurlbut; came to Cambridge, Mass., 1632; removed to Windsor, Ct., 1635; farmer. He d. Apr. 28, 1648; she removed to Northampton, Mass., after his death. Six children, among whom were Samuel, John and Nehemiah. I JOHN ALLEN,2of East Windsor, Ct.; m. Dec. 8, 1669, Mary, dau. of William and Honor JHannum, b. Northampton, Mass., Apr. 5, 1650; he was killed by Indians, at Bloody Brook, Deer- field, Mass., Sept. 18, 1675, with Capt. Lathrop's Co., the "Flower of Essex." Ml 950 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [5448] Capt. SYLVANUS FISH HAMBLIN,« (Caleb,' Benjamin,« Lem- uel, ^ Reuben,* Elkanah,^ James,2i) b. Sandwich, Mass., Jan. 25, 1819: m. IstJ there, July 31, 1844, his cousin, Louisa Bodflsh,* [5463], dau. of Benjamin andj Betsey (Baxter) Hamblin, b. Falmouth, Jan. 25, 1827; divorced, and she m. Mr. Steele, a lawyer in Yreka, Cal., where she d. 1857. He ra. 2q, Sandwich, Sept. 25, 1857. Hannah Ann,' dau. of Nathaniel and Eliza (Jones) Hamblin, b. Sand- wich, Nov. 4, 1838; master mariner; Sandwich and Falmouth; moved to Fort Jones, (Dal., 1849, and was a miner there, where his wife joined him, 1853; after- wards, merchant; Yreka; Rebublican. He d. Yreka, Feb. 7, 1880. His widow | m. Oroville, Cal., Nov. 24, 1886, Geo. W. North. See Hannah A. Hamblin.»[2961]. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Falmouth: 9899. Susan Virginia N., Jan., 1846; d. Oct. 9, 1847. Ch. by 2d wife: 9900. Lizzie Canfield, b. Aug. 23, 1868, Ft. Jones; d. Sept. 25, '68. 9901.* Harriet Newell, " Aug. 23, 1869, " 9902.* Anna Eliza, " July 18, 1871, Yreka. 9993. Emily Frances, " Jan. 27, 1873, '' d. Dec. 18, '77. [5449] CHLOE FISH HAMBLIN,* (Sister of Sylvanus F., ) b. Sandwich, Mass., July 2, 1821; m. Holyoke, Mass.. Ezra Tripp; mill opera- tives: Holyoke. He enlisted in the Union army in Mass., was wounded, cap- tured and d. in Andersonville prison, Ga. She d. of grief soon after. Her brother Sylvanus furnished money for the support and education of their child- ren. Ch. b. Holyoke: 9904. Sylvanus. 9905. Cyrus; res. in Conn. [5450] M4RY ANN HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of Sylvanus F.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., June 14,1833; m. Holyoke, Mass., Cyrus G. Bassett;* machinist; Holyoke; moved to Whitewater, Wis.: her health failed and they traveled for several years, residing in Columbus and Cincinnati, Ohio, and other places; Methodists; she d. N. C, Sept. 6, 1889, and is buried Spring Grove Cem- etery, Delhi, Ohio. No issue. [5451] Capt. CALEB OSBORN HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of Sylvanus F.,) b. Snake Pond, Sandwich, Mass., Jan. 28, 1835; m. 1st Brockton, Mass., Mar. 9, 186.3, Emily B., dau. of Erving Nye and Eleanor Swift (Youngt) Robinson,! b. Woods Hole, Mass., Jan. 30, 1842; Methodist; she d. suddenly of heart disease, W. Falmouth, Dec. 20, 1899; m. 2d, Lancaster, Mass., Nov. 8, 1900, Fannie Eso- lyne, dau. of Minard and Harriett Lapham (Ferrin) Wood, b. So. Lancaster, Mass., Feb. 14, 1879. His life has been eventful. Account of his travels and employment, with numerous hair-breadth escapes from the perils of the sea in the whale fishery, in which he was many years engaged, would till a volume. His education was limited to attendance at the public school in his native town f rora the age of four to ten years; he then worked in the glass factory at Sandwich * For Bassett see note 130. + For Young see note SI * F(jr Robinson see note 86. m < DO X > DO o > H O > m CD O > 00 EIGHTH GENERATION. 95I five years: at fifteen he engaged in the whale fishery, and in 1850 sailed on a nine months' voyage with Capt. Zenas Wright, in the ship Ocean. He sailed on another voyage in tlie same ship with Capt. Joshua Chadwick, and on another voyage with Capt. Elijah Chadwick In the brig Amelia, during which he was boat steerer, or harpooneer. He next sailed from New London in ship Congress, with Capt. Reuben Kelley, John C. Hambjin, mate, in whose boat he was har- pooner. On this voyage in Dec. 1853, off the Crozetts Islands he harpooned a large whale, which stove the boat, and threw him overboard; he got back to the boat and the whale was captured. In Feb., 1854, off Desolation Islands, the boats made fast to a large whale, when another whale'came up under his boat, sending it, with six men into the air, and falling into the water bottom up, spilling the men into the water, who climbed on top the boat, except one who commenced to sink. Mr. Hamblin, being an expert swimmer, dived down, caught him by the hair, and brought him to the surface, when the frightened man nearly drowned both by clinging around the neck of his rescuer. The whale was sunk and lost, but obtaining a new boat they struck and captured another whale. The ship then went to King George's Sound, making Albany, Australia, its port, and returned home after two years with 2,600 barrels of oil. Jan. 1, 1857, he sailed as second mate in the same ship, with Capt. John C. Hamblin. On this voyage he vniraculously escaped with his life from a hard fight with a large sperm whale. On May 12, 1858, three boats had made fast to it, the whale was ugly and fought, knocking the captain and another mate overboard, and then attacked Mr. Hamblin's boat, opening and closing with great force and in quick succession its ponderous jaws, 22 feet long. It struck the boat and threw Mr. Hamblin astride its lower jaw, with a leg in the corner of its mouth. In this perilous situation the enraged monster dived into the sea, as he remarks, "with a sorry mouthful." Retaining his presence of mind, he clung to a line made fast to the boat, and was literally torn out of the whale's mouth, rose to the surface, and was taken into the boat in time to deal a death blow with his lance to the whale when it came up, just as his boat filled with water and rolled over. The ship returned after an absence of 29 months with 2,400 barrels of oil. On June 28, 1859, he sailed from New Bedford, as 1st mate, in ship Gov. Trowp, with Capt. Reuben Xelly, returning Sept., 1862, after a successful voyage. Aug. 5, 1863, he sailed as master of the ship Bohert Edwards, on a whaling voyage and returned April 15, 1867, with a cargo valued at $115,000. July 27, 1867, he sailed as master of the ship Eliza Adams, his wife accompanying him, touched at St. Helena, from whence he sailed Apr. 8, 1868, for New Holland, Australia, was in and out of the ports of Australia and New Zealand, and arrived home Jan. 30, 1871, with a cargo valued at $140,000, of which he was one-eighth owner. June 10, 1872 he sailed from New Bedford, as master of the same ship, his wife and children accompanying him, whom he left at Albany, Australia, and later at New Zealand. He took 1,000 barrels of oil off the Salender Islands from Dec. 1872, to April, 1874, and but for bad weather could have filled the ship. On this voyage in Feb. 1874, his ship was nearly driven ashore during bad weather on the Snare Islands, or rocks, off New Zealand, and barely escaped destruction. He arrived home in August, 1876, with a cargo valued at $130,000. In 1877 he went to Honolulu, and sailed from there on a whaling voyage as master of ship Milton, for the sea of Okhotsk, and from there to the Artie Ocean. He struck ice, his vessel sprung a leak, and he returned with the whal- ing fleet to Point Barrows, some of the vessels being lost by the ice. He took 952 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. his vessel to Honolulu for repair, and afterwards turned her over to another officer and returned home. His last voyage ended in disaster. He sailed as master and half owner of the brig Henry Trowhridye, of Stonington, on a whaling and sealing voyage to Cape Horn. The first month out he was struck by a hurricane off Patagonia, and i went into Montivideo for repairs; when ready for sea he was struck by another gale, requiring further repairs. In October, 1882, on his return from a tliree years unsuccessful voyage, ofE the Grand Banks he was struck by a tornado, which in twenty minutes carried away his sails and masts. With jury masts ^ he worked into Fayal, where the ship wascondemned and sold, and he returned ( home. During his long service he lost but two men killed by whales, a good record. He resides at West Falmouth, retired: Republican: Methodist; mem- ber Marine Lodge, A. F. & A. M. and Sucanessett Lodge Knights of Honor. It was the pleasure of the writer to enjoy the hospitality of Capt. Hamblin * and his family at West Falmouth in October, 1899, and by his kindness and per- sonal attention was introduced and made acquainted with tliat portion of Cape Cod, for several miles around his place. A few weeks later 1 learned with re- gret of the sudden death of his esteemable wife. Capt. Hamblin lias kindly assisted in compiling the records of this branch of the family. Ch. by 1st wife: 990rt.* Caleb Ekving. b. Feb. 22, 1864. Falmouth. 9907.* Sylvanus Allen, " Feb. 23, 1868, at sea. 9908. Gertrude Emily, " Jan. .30, 1871, W. Falmouth: d. June 6, '71 ! 9909. Winfibld Scott, " Aug. 11, 1873, Albany, Australia. 9910.* Percy Calvin, " June 14, 1875, Akeroth, N. Zealand. 9911. Robert Winthrop, " Apr. 12, 1877, Falmouth. Ch. by 2d wife, b. So. Lancaster: 9912. Henry Kingman, Mar. 14, 1902. [5452] ELIAS THATCHER HAMBLIN,8 (Bro. of Sylvanus F.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., July 17, 1836; m. there, Nov. 30, 1862, his cousin, Aman- da, dau. of George F. and Mary (Wallace) Kern, b. Boston, Mass., 1833; glass blower: Sandwich; moved to New Bedford, Mass.; Republican; she Methodist. He d. New Bedford, July 3, 1898. b. Nov. 7, 186.3, Sandwich; unm. 1902. " Jan. 16, 1865, "■ Oct. 26, 1866, " , unm. 1902. " Sept. 6, 186- " m. Oscar A. Knipe. 1874, New Bedford: d. 1877. [5453] GEORGE HERVEY HAMBLIN, 8 (Bro. of Sylvanus F.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Oct. 1, 1838; unmarried; sailor, afterwards, miner; Fort Jones, Yreka, and San Francisco, Cal. He d. Fort Jones, Oct. 27, 1868: buried Yreka. [5454] THEODORE FRANCIS HAMBLIN,* (Bro. of Sylvanus F.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Feb. 20, 1841; unmarried; in early life a sailor: later car- penter and miner; went west many years ago, was at Fort Jones and Yreka, Cal.; Seattle, Wash., and Express, Ore.; owned gold mines at Cow Flat and ^ Children: 9913. Mary Frances, 9914.* William Osborne, 9915. Emily Allen, 9916. Leonora, 6917. George H., EIGHTH GENERATION. 953 French Gulch, Ore.; employed several years by the Oregon R. R. Co.; Express: Republican: killed by falling from a bridge on the Oregon R. R., July, 1898. [5456J ANDREW JACKSON HAMBLIN,8 (Bro. of Sylvanus F.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Oct. 22, 1846; m. West Falmouth, Mass., Apr. 7, 1870, Ellen A., dau. of William and Chloe Swift (Crowell*) Baker,t b. West Falmouth, Jan. 3, 1849; farmer and carpenter; West Falmouth; Republican; member Suc- conesett Lodge, Knights of Honor; Methodists. Ch. b. W. Falmouth: 9918. Frank Allen, Mar. 31, 1884. 9919. Marion Eulinda, Jan. 24, 1886. 9920. isABELLE Baker, Oct. 13, 1888. [5457] BETSEY B. HAMLEN,^ (Thomas,' Benjamin,' Lerauel,^ Reuben,* Elkanah,3 James, 21) b. Waquoit, Mass., June 20, 1820; m. by Rev. Thomas Ely, Jan. 4, 1846, Alexander Bishop, b. 1823: machinist and car inspector; Boston. Several children, b. Sandwich. [5458] MARY E. HAMLEN,8 (Sister of Betsey B., ) b. Waquoit, Mass., Feb. 25, 1822; moved with her parents to Sidney, Me., when a child; m. Sandwich, Mass., Oct. 31, 1850, Apollos, son of Apollos Eaton, b. Freetown, Mass., Mar. 18, 1822; machinist; Brockton, Mass.; Republican; Methodists; she was a school teacher before marriage. Ch. b. N. Bridgewater, Mass.: 9921. George W., Sept. 23, 1852; d. 1862. 9922.* Charles Apollos, Sept. 11, 1855. [5459] CHARLES CROCKER HAMLEN,* (Bro. of Betsey B.,) b. Waquoit, Mass., Dec. 14, 1823; m. Dec. 29, 1846, Judith Ann Smiley, b. Sidney, Me., Apr. 17, 1825; farmer; Sidney; selectman. He moved with his parents to Sidney when a boy. He d. Sidney, Feb. 29, 1892. Ch. b. Sidney: 9923.* Joseph Herbert, Nov. 19. 1847. 9924.* Charles Thomas, June 29, 1849. 9925.* Mary Abbje, May 1, 1851. 9926. Edith Annie, Sept. 20, 1852; d. Apr. 4, 1857. 9927.* George Henry, Feb. 22, 1866. 9928. Elmer Lewis, Dec. 25, 1868; unm. [5460] THOMAS THATCHER HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Betsey B.,) b. Waquoit, Mass., Aug. 8, 1827; probably moved with his parents to Sidney, Me., when a boy; removed to Tipton, Cal., where he d. Mar., 1892. Child: 9929. Edwin T. [5462] ALMIRA F. HAMLIN,8 (Sister of Betsey B.,) b. Sidney, Me.; m. Franklin W. Antliony, of Fall River, Mass. She d. Oct. 1855. No issue. * For Crowell see notes 53, 270 and 390. + For Baker see note 125. 954 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [5464] Capt. JOHN COQUIN HAMBLIN,« (Benjarainje Lemuel,-^ Reu- ben,* Elkanab,3 James,''!) b. Falmouth, Mass., Oct. 10, 1829: m. Oct., 1856, Maria F., dau. of Capt. Elisha and Henrietta (Dimmoclc) Tobey, b. Sandwich, Mass., Sept, 10, 1837: master mariner; whaler, sailed in the C'o/i^ress as mate 1853-4, on two year voyages: Captain same ship .Jan. 1, 1857, absent 29 months; res. West Falmouth. He d. tliere, July, 1874. I Capt. John C. Ha3Iblin. 9930.* 9931.* 9932. 9933.* 9934. 9935. 9936. 9937. Children: Henrietta Tobey, Alice Maria, Henry Wilson, John Albert, Bertha May, Benjamin Franklin, " May Ernest Seaborn, " Leonella Barlow, b. Sept. " Mar. " Mar. " Jan. " Aug. Dec. 2, 1857, W. Falmouth. 9. 1860, Australia. 2, 1862, Norfolic Island. 14, 1864, W. Falmouth. 31, 1866, " unra. 19,1869, " d.June24. '91,unm. " " Aug. 30, 1872. 18, 1874, W^ Falmouth: unm. [5465] BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HAMBLIN, 8 ( Bro. of John C.,) b. Falmouth, Mass., Nov. 23, 1831; unmarried; 2d mate of whaler; went into the merchant service, and last heard from at Honolulu, H. I., many years ago; he left there as 2d mate of merchant ship for Sidney, N. S. Wales. It is supposed he may have died in Australia. Christina a, Holman, EIGHTH GENERATION. 955 [5466] Capt. CHARLES W. HAMBLIN,« (Bro. of John C.,) b. Falmouth, Mass., Apr. 5, 1833. m. Clatsop Co., Oregon, Jan. 1, 1876, Han- nah Margaret, dau. of Robert Wilson Morrison, b. Andrew Co., Mo., Mar. 9, 1839; master mariner: later, ranchman; Warrenton, Clatsop Co., Republican; she Presb. Ch. b. Astoria: 9938.* Nannie Ethel, Jan. 29, 1878. 9939. George, July 13, 1886; d. May 25, 1892. [5467] CHRISTINA ABIGAIL HAMBL1N,8 (Sister of John C.,) b. West Falmouth, Mass., June 14, 1835; ra. Douglass, Apr. 4, 1859, Samuel Morey, son of Rev. Nathan and Letice (Morey) Holman, b. Attleboro, Mass., Dec. 1, 1803; farmer; Attleboro; Republican; postmaster, selectman and overseer of the poor. The life of Mrs. Holman has been one of activity and usefulness; possessing a splendid physique and mind of unusual power, she justly won a host of friends. In youth she was a school teacher with marked success, and many young people have received her encouragement, hospitality and benevo- lence. She is a lady of varied accomplishments; a newspaper correspondent; also an artist; Attleboro; Methodist; founder of the New Century Club; mem- ber W. C. T. U.: Women's Suffrage Asso.; Sons and Daughters of Cape Cod: and D. A. R. He d. Attleboro, Mar. 4, 1891. Children: 9940.* Samuel Morey, b. Jan. 1, 1861, Norton. 9941. Nathan H., " Dec, 1864, Attleboro; d. 1866. [5468] GEORGE WASHINGTON HAMBLIN.s (Bro. of John C.,) b. Falmouth, Mass., Aug. 7, 1838; m. Providence, R. I., Mar. 11, 1862, Maria L., dau. of Thomas G. and Abigail Hawes (Skinner) Goldthwait, b. Jamestown, N. Y., Nov. 29, 18.39. Whaler in early life; later carpenter; West Falmouth, Mass.; Attleboro, Mass., 1865-8; afterwards, Pawtucket, R.I.; private H, 40 Mass. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Aug., 1862; wounded in leg in battle Cold Harbor, Va., July 3, 1864; dis. June 18, 1865; Congs.; she res. Attleboro, Mass. He d. Pavs^-. .tucket, June 17, 1877. Ch. b. Pawtucket: 9942.* George Franklin, Dec. 13, 1871. 9943.* Walter Marshall, Mar. 30, 1873. 9944. Benjamin Elbert, Oct. 30,1874. [5469] MARY SHIVERICK HAMBLIN,8 (Sister of John C:,) b. Falmouth, Mass., Sept. 20, 1840; m. 1st, West Falmouth, June 10, 1860, Capt. William, son of Isaac and Lucy (Berry) Baker,* b. East Falmouth, Mar. 13, 1817, his 2d wife: he m. 1st, Chloe S. C. Crowell; master and owner of the sloop Peerless, between Falmouth and New Bedford; and sch. Isabella, between West Falmouth and N. Y. City. He d. W. Falmouth, Apr. 4, 1868; m. 2d, N. Y. City, by Rev. J. G. Oakley, about 1874, Leonard J. Hartwell, from Penn.; mariner; W. Falmouth. After the death of his wife, removed to Oakland, Cal., and- remarried. She d. W. Falmouth, Feb. 3, 1878. * For Baker see note 125. 95Q THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. by 1st marriage, b. West Falmouth: Sept. 18, 1861. 9945.* EuLiNDA Maria, 9946. Eunice Tobey, 9947.* Alonzo Hamblin, By 2d marriage: 9948.* Christina Holman, 9949. Leonard J.,- Apr. 9, 1864; unm.; res. W. Falmouth. Dec. 6, 1868. b. Mar. 24, 1875. Feb. 2, 1878; d. Feb., 1878. u [5470] TIMOTHY SANFORD,* (Delilah Eldredge,' Rebecca Hamblin,' . Lemuel,'' Reuben,* Elkanah,^ .James,2i) b. Falmouth, Mass., Sept. 27, 1827; m. Fairhaven, Mass., May 12, 1853, Sarah Taber, dau. of John and Phebe T. (Tobey) Shaw,* b. Wareham, Mass., May 12,1829: shipwright; Woods Hole, 1827-44; Fairhaven, 1844-49; California, 1849-53: Fairhaven, 1853-76; Woods Hole, 1876-1902; Republican; member George H. Taber Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Fairhaven, and Pioneer Lodge 49, A. F. & A. M.; Boston; Unitarians. She d. Woods Hole, Nov. 27, 1893. Ch. b. Fairhaven: ■; 9950. A Son, July 2, 1857; d. same day. 9951. Jennie Frances, Mar. 18, 1860, " Feb. 18, 1863. 9952,* Lizzie Barstow, Aug. 31, 1865. [5471] ADELINE SANFORD,8 (Sister of Timothy,) b. Woods Hole, Mass., Nov. 12, 1829; m. there, Dec. 24, 1854, Charles, son of Robinson and Dorcas (Fisher) Hatch,t b. Woods Hole, June 18, 1822; sail maker; Woods Hole; Odd Fellow; She Epis. He d. Feb 15, 1888. Ch. b. Woods Hole: ;' 9953.* Ellen Davis, Nov. 7, 1855. 9954. Addie Maxon, Mar. 7, 1859. 9955. Ruth Anna, Feb. 11, 1865. [5473] HENRY THOMAS DA VLS,* (Mahalia Eldridge,' Rebecca Ham-. blin,fi Lemuel,^ Reuben,* Elkanah,^ James,2i) b. Woods Hole, Mass., July 3, 1838: m. Portland, Me., Mar., 1875, Mary Kennedy, dau. of Willard and Mar- gery (Hussey) Clapp, b. Damariscotta, Me., July 9, 1844; mariner in early life, later merchant; Woods Hole: Republican; member Marine Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Falmouth, Mass. At the age of seventeen he went to sea in the whaling service, was mate of the Benjamin Tucker, 1861, which was captured and burnt by the confederate Alabama. He was then captured and set ashore on Flores, one of the Western Islands, and sent home by the American consul at Fayal; was drafted into the army and furnished a substitute, but volunteered into the navy; was appointed mate, Oct. 1, 1863; served in the battle in Mobile Bay, Aug. 7. 1867; was in the whaling service until 1874. Settled at Woods Hole and has since been a provision dealer; she Baptist. Ch. b. Woods Hole: .; 9956. Georgianna Clapp, Jan. 11, 1876; d. Aug 23, 1876. c. 9957. Walter GiFFORD, Aug. 14, 1877; unm. 1900. 9958. George Willard, July 6, 1879, •' " 9959. Henry Thomas, June 28, 1882, " * For Shaw see notes 68 and 398. + For Hatch see note 94. EIGHTH GENERATION. 957 [5474] LYDIA B. DAVIS,8 (Sister of Henry T.,) b. Woods Hole, Mass.; m. Jonathan Howes,* of Woods Hole. [5481] THATCHER C. HATCH,* (Sarah G. Hamblin,' Ellis,« Lemuel,^ Reuben,* Elkanah,^ James.^i) b. Falmouth, Mass., Feb. 8, 1826; m. there. Mar. 16, 1848, Caroline F., dau. of Timothy and Lucy Gibbs (Hathawayt) Davis, J b. Wareham, Mass., Aug. 3, 1829; in spice trade with his brother many years, New Bedford, Mass., 1844-95: Jamaica Plains, Mass., 1897: Congs. Ch. b. New Bedford: 9960. Helen Clinton, Mar. 7, 1855. 9961. Alice Frances, Sept. 1867; d. Jan. 11, 1870. [5482] MOSES E. HATCH,8 (Brother of Thatcher C.,) b. Falmouth, Mass., Apr. 24, 1828; carried on spice trade with his brother, New Bedford, Mass.; d. Oct. 29, 1872, unmarried. [5485] ISADORE G. HAMBLIN,* (Josiah,7 Ellis," Lemuel,^ Reuben,* Elkanah,3 James,2i) b. Marston's Mills, Mass., Apr. 24, 1846; m. there, Apr. 30, 1871, Revilo P., son of Ephraim andLenna J. (Randall) Benson, b. Rochester, Mass., Mar. 15, 1847: blacksmith; Rochester; established business Marston's Mills and res. there, 1901. Ch. b. West Wareham: 9962.* Nettie M., 1874. •) [5487] ISADORE F. HAMBLIN,* (Ainsworth F.,' Lemmel,«5 Reuben,* Elkanah,3 James,2i) b. Falmouth Mass., June 27, 1834; m. there, Aug. 8, 1852, Robinson, son of Joseph and Hannah (Phinney?) Childs,l| b. Falmouth: mariner; Waquoit. Both d. Falmouth; she Sept. 24, 1866; he 1893. No issue. [5488] SUSAN A. HAMBLIN,* (Sister of Isadore F.,) b. Falmouth, Mass., June 26, 1845: m. there, Aug. 14, 1866, Alvin, son of [Franklin and Phoebe, (Davisit) Nye;1| Falmouth; mariner; she d. Falmouth, Apr. |27, 1879; he remarried and d. Falmouth. No issue. j [5489] CHARLES E. HAMBLIN,* * (Bro. of Isadore F.,) b. Falmouth, Mass., Dec. 27, 1849: m. Barnstable, Mass., Feb. 6, 1873, Maria |L., dau. of Willard E. and Elizabeth (Lewis**) Slade, b. Somerset, Feb. 12, 1850: Imariner; Waquoit, Mass.; she Baptist; she d. Barnstable, Oct. 27, 1884. Children: 9963.* Isadore J., b. Sept. 16, 1874, Barnstable. 9964. Willard S., " Dec. 26, 1877, Falmouth. * For Howes see note 283. + For Hathaway see notes 209 and 337. * For Davis see notes 4, 17, 42 and 169. 8 For Phinney see note 189. II For Childs see note 36. H For Nye see note 34. ** For Lewis see notes 10 and 12. 958 THE HAMLIN FAMltiY. [5492J HARRIET CYRENE KERN,8 (Cyrene E. Hamblfn,' Lemuel,e5 Reuben,* Elkanah,^ James.^i) b. Sandwich, Mass., May 1, 1836; m.July, 1860, •! Joseph Coffin; sail maker; Hyannis; moved t'o Somerville, Mass. She d. Cam-,] bridge, Mass. Ch. b. Hyannis: 9965. Lizzie Martin. .. 9966.* LiLU Cyrene. % [5494] MARTIN LUTHER KERN,* (Bro. of Harriet C.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Dec. 7, 1841; m. Providence, R. I., Jan. 14, 1869, Almenaj Isabell, dau, of Leprelet Hamilton and Rebecca Almy (Rogers) Wilmarth, b,i Providence, Aug. 5, 1845; sergeant, D, 29 Mass. Inf. Vols.; enlisted May 18, I86I3 dis. May 21, 1864; proprietor Hope Glass Cutting Works, Providence; Republic can; res. Sandwich, until 1865; Boston, until 1871; afterwards. Providence; mem- ber Excelsior Lodge 633, Knights of Honor; Lincoln Assembly, Good Fellows he d. Providence, May 1, 1891. Ch. b. Providence: 9967. Martin Wilmarth, 9968. Fannie Rebecca, 9969. Minnie Louise, Dec. 16, 1869: unm. 1896. June 5, 1875, " Feb. 19, 1882; d. Dec. 12, 1884. [5497] ANDREW FREEMAN HAMBLIN,* (Thomas F.^ Lemuel,«5 Reu- ben,* Elkanah,3 James,2i) b. Waquoit, Mass., Nov. 17, 1838; m. there. Jan. j 1861. Abbie Lewis,* dau. of Thomas and Mehitable (Hamlin) Childs, b. Mar. 1839; carpenter; Waquoit; Congs. He d, Waquoit, Jan. 18, 1866. Child: 9970. Mary Frances Childs, b. July 1864; rtnm. 1896. [5498] Capt. EPHRAIM WILMARTH,* (Abigail C. Hamblin,^ Lem- uel,8'> Reuben,* Elkanah,^ Jaraes,2i) b. Sandwich, Mass., Mar, 14, 1829; m. Providence, R. I., Mar. 17, ia50, Mary Putney, dau. of Trueworthy Grlman and Lydia (Williamson) Thurston, b. Sandwich, Apr. 26, 1832; mariner; captain of ship /Vospero; Sandwich, Mass., and Brooklyn, N. Y.; Democrat; Freemason. He was lost at sea off Cape of Good Hope, May 29>, 1876: she Epis. Children: Franklin Kossuth, b. Oct. 19, 1851, Sandwich. Betsey M., " Sept. 2, 1855, '^ d. Sep. 26, 1856 George Leonart>, " Sept. 2, 1857, . "^ Lester M., '^ Sept. 24, 1862, Brooklyn: d. July 10, 1863 9971.* 9972. 9973.* 9974. [5502] BARTON WILMARTH,* (Bro. of Ephraim,) b. Sandwich, Mass., June 30, 1838; unmarried; private, G, 2 Cal. Cav., en- listed Oct. 25, 1861, served in Owen River county against the Indians; dis. Oct. 28, 1864; served six months in 1865, Q. M. Dept. Chattanooga, Tenn.; res. Sand- wich, until 1858; Quincy and Neponset, Mass., until 1860; went toCaL and re- turned to Mass. Nov., 1864; Republican; member George G. Mead Post 48, G. A. R.; Methodist. EIGHTH GENERATION. 959 [5504] JULIE WILMARTH,B (Sister of Ephraim,) b. Sandwich. Mass., Mar. 1.3, 1842: m. New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 19, 1868, William, son of Hector and Christina (Thompson) MacDonald, b. Hopewell, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1883: merchant tailor; Providence, R. 1.; Republican; member of Calvary Commandery, K. T, Ch. b. Providence: 9975. Louise Karixjn, Mar, 10, 1870. 9976. William H,, Nov. 11, 1881. [5505] ISABELLA FRANCES W1LMARTH,« < Sister of Ephraim,) I b. Sandwich. Mass., Apr., 14, 1846: m. there, Nov. 20, 1866, Lawrence Lyons, b. Boston, Mass. Sept. 2, 1841: paper merchant; Boston: Democrat: drafted in civil ; war and furnished s, " 10117. Louis Williams, " 1866, near Phila.; d. July 19, '89. Detroit; d. Detroit. July 8, 1875, (1 Mar. 1, 1878, (1 Nov. 5, 1885, (( June 10, 1889, 11 [5700] WILLIAM T. SHEDD,9 (Sarah B. Hamblen,^ Cornelius,^*^ Ben- jamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Aug. 24, 1846; lawyer; Grand Rapids, Mich. [5707] CHARLES WILBUR SHEDD,9 (Bro. of William T.,) b. So. Boston, Mass., Oct. 10, 1859. Children: 10118. Florence May. 10119. Jessie Ella. 10120. William Franklin. 10121. John Henry. [5711] FRANKLIN HAMBLEN ATWOOD," (Lucinda Hamblen,' Cor- nelius,765 Benjamin,* Eleazer.s James,2i) b. Boston, Mass., Apr. 28, 1857; m. South Boston, June 20, 1882, Fannie,io dau. of William Henry and Drusllla (Hamblen) Hall, b. South Boston, May 22, 1861; merchant; So. Boston, 1865-86; since, Wakefield, Mass.; Republican; member Golden Rule Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Wakefield; Reading Chapter, R. A. M., Reading; Hugh de Payens Command- ery, K. T., Melrose; P. G. Tremont Lodge, I. O. O. F., Boston. No children reported. j [5712] GEORGE WILLIAM FROST,^ (Anna L. Harablen,» Cornelius,'*'^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3James,2i) farmer; Taunton, Mass. Three children. [5716] JOSEPHINE HAMBLEN,« (Benjarain,^ Cornelius,'65 Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James;2i) m. Charles Nesbitt. She is dead. Child: 10122. Mabel. NINTH GENERATION. 977 [5718] NORTON NEWCOMB HAMBLEN,* (Isaiah B.,8 Cornelius.^'s Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Westover, Md., Aug. 12, 1856; m. 1st, Boston, Mass., Dec. 12, 1877, Abbie E. Wilden, b. June 24, 1855; who d. Pictou. Nova Scotia, Jan. 21, 1890: m. 2d, Durliam, N. S., Feb. 25, 1891, Millie Agnes, dau. of Alexander and Mary (McLean) Cameron, b. Durham, June 10, 1867; farmer; Durham: Mothodist. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Pictou: 10123. Nellie Gould, Dec. 14, 1885. By 2d wife, b. Pictou: 10124. Mary Mildred, Feb. 10, 1892. 10125. Marie Elsie, Feb. 26, 1893. 10126. Alexander Alfred, June 13, 1894. 10127. Jessie Louise, Oct. 8, 1896. 10128. Georgie, June 9, 1899. 10129. Walter Cameron, Dec. 10, 1900. [5719] LEWIS FRANKLIN HAMBLEN,9 (Bro. of Norton N.,) b. Westover, Md., Mar. 6, 1858; m, 1st, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Dec. 27, 1883, Elizabeth R., dau. of George L. and Havilah (Richerson) Johnson, b. Halifax, N. S., 1850, who d. Pictou, N.S., Mar. 6, 1892; m. 2d, Hyde Park, Mass., Jan. 31, 1895, Ellen Augusta, dau. of Joshua and Sarah Smith (Stevens) Humphrey, b.Hingham, Mass., Oct. 12, 1860; she Universalist; painter; Roslindale, Mass.; Methodist. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Pictou: 10130. Grace Havilah, Oct. 29, 1885. 10131. George Lorimer, Sept., 1891; d. Dec, 1891. [5720J EDWARD HERBERT HAMBLEN,9 (Bro. of Norton N.,) b. Sambro, Nova Scotia, June 11, 1860; m. Springfield, Mass., Oct. 11, 1882, Georgianna S., dau. of Levi and Mary Jane Parkhurst (Johnson) Hitchcock, b. Springfield, Aug. 10, 1860; produce dealer; Pictou, 1878-87; Suffleld, Ct., until 1889; since Springfield, Mass. Children: 10132. Julia Maria, b. Sept. 29, 1884, Pictou. 10133. Harold, '' Jan. 29, 1887, " 10134. Raymond, " Mar. 4, 1889, Suffleld, Ct. [5721] WILLIAM ABBOTT HAMBLEN,* (Bro. of Norton N.,) b. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Oct. 22, 1866; m. Suffleld, Ct., Dec. 17, 1889, Har- riet Wright, dau. of William Ballantine and Mary Rice (Wright) King, b. Suf- fleld, Jan. 1, 1859; res. Springfield, Mass. She member Ladies of Malta; Verona Court 4. He member Hampden Commandery 266, Knights of Malta; DeSoto Lodge 156 I. O. O. F. Methodists. [5722] WALTER PHIPPS HAMBLEN,' (Bro. of Norton N.,) b. Somerville, Mass., May 10, 1869; m. Newark, N. J., Jan. 28, 1891, Alice Maude, dau. of Joseph Henry and Harriet Louise (Welsh) Quackenbush, b. Ha- zelton, Penn., Jan. 9, 1866; coal merchant; Pictou, N. S., 1879-89; Jersey City, until 1894; since, Roslindale, Mass.: Republican; Methodists. Ch. b. Pictou: 10135. Harriet Maria, Dec. 25, 1891. * II 978 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [5732] RICHARD ALLEN HAMBLEN,9 (Benjamin B.,8"EleazerJ Cor- nelius,«5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Ciiarlestown, Mass., Aug. 2, 1866; m. Lottie D., dau. of George W. and Charlotte B. (Dexter) Jones, b. Charles- town, Mar. 2, 1868: who d. Charlestown, Nov. 28, 1891; laundryman; d. Charles- town, Feb. 8, 1892. [5733] MERCY ABIGAIL NYE,^ (Susan A. Hamblen, Eleazer,^ Corne- lius,«5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James.^i) b. Wellfleet, Mass., June 6, 1853; m. East Boston, Mass., Jan. 11, 1877, George Melville, son of Silas and Mary Porter, b. Wiscasset, Me., Aug. 6, 1845. She d. E. Boston, Apr. 19. 1897. Ch. b. E. Boston: 10136. Herbert Willis, • Dee. 2.3, 1878; d. Jan. 20, 1899. 10137. Florence Mabel, Nov. 14, 1882. 10138. Gertrude Lillian, Nov. 16, 1886. [5734J MARY ELLA MAYO,' (Jane Hamblen, » Eleazer,' Cornelius,6B Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Sept. 20, 1850: m. 1868, Wilbur Laskey. She d. East Boston, Mass., Aug. 20, 1870. Children: 10139. Ella; d. infancy. 10140. Fred, [5738] AUSTIN PHELPS HAMBLEN,' (Eleazer," Cornelius,65 Benja- min,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Jersey City, N. J., Feb. 27, 1867; m. East Orange, N. J., Oct. 14, 1889, Jessie Lena, dau. of Henry and Harriet Amelia (Millspaugh) Hanchett,* of New Haven, Vermont, b. Mar. 1, 1871; grocer: Jersey City. Ch. b. East Orange: 10141. Helen Frances, May 8, 1890. 10142. Jessie Ruth, July 6, 1891. [5739] COLLINS EMERSON HAMBLEN.' (Allen A.,8 Eleazer.' Corne- lius,«6 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Oct., 1868; m.' June 22, 1887. Two or three children. [5745] COLLINS EMISON HAMBLEN,' (Ezekiel C* Ezekiel,^ Cor- nelius, ^^ Benjamin,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b, Jersey City, N. J., July 25, 1870; m. Utica,.iN.Y., April 16, 1902, Anna Theresa (Sheridan) Clark, b. Utica, May 20, 1875; dry goods merchant; Roselle, N. J. i [5746] ETHEL S. HAMBLEN,' (Sister of Collins E.,) | b. Roselle, N. J., Dec. 9, 1877; m. Jan. 7, 1902, Joseph Morgan, b. Chester, England, June 8, 1871; insurance agent; Elizabeth, N. J. [5748] LILLA HAMBLEN RICH,' (Jerusha A. Hamblen, « Eleazer,' Cornelius,«6 Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Quincy, Mass., Mar. 29, 1866; m. East Boston, Mass., Dec. 18, 1889, Ferdinand Cousens, son of Samuel and Soph- ronia Elizabeth (Jenkinsf) Pote, b. E. Boston, Nov. 27, 1865: bookkeeper: E. Boston, until 1897; since, Winthrop, Mass.; Republican; Methodist. Ch. b. East Boston: 10143. Kenneth Edwin, Mar. 30, 1895. * For Hanchett see note 232. + For Jenkins see note 8. NINTH GENERATION. 979 [5749] EDWIN WILLIS RICH, M. D.,' (Bro. of LillaH.,) b. East Boston, Mass., May 22, 1872; m. East Dedham, Mass., July 12, 1900, Ellen Almeda, dau. of Edwin Augustus and Ella Almeda (Sanderson) Chase, b. E. Dedham, Apr. 1, 1876. He grad. from Emerson Grammar School, E. Boston, 1887; from East Boston High School, 1890; from Harvard University, 1898; from Harvard Med. School, 1900. Entered the U. S. A. as Asst. Surg, with rank of 1st Lieut., Nov. 1901; sationed at Fort Totten, Willett's Point, N. Y., Presidia, San Francisco, Cal., and Honolulu, H. I. [NOTB4H8] ANDREW STRONG HOPKINS,' (Joel,** Ruth D. Gross,' Mercy Hamblen,8 Cornelius,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James.^i) prob. b. Bucks- port, Me.; m. 1st, Eunice, dau. of Moses and Sarah Dorr Rich;t m. 2d, Mrs. Car- oline Ware Bullock. He d. Jan. 20, 1898. Ch. by 1st wife: 10144.* Eliza. 10145.* Sarah. [Note 468] MARY ELIZA HOPKINS,9 (Sister of Andrew S.,) b. 1835, prob. Bucksport, Me.; m. John H. Cahoon. Two children. [Note 468] Capt. JOEL ALFRED HOPKINS,9 (Bro. of Andrew S.,) prob. b. Bucksport, Me.; m. Celia Nickerson;J res. Brewer, Me. Child: 10146. Arthur; married. [Note 468] NANCY BALDWIN HOPKINS,^ (Sister of Andrew S.,) b. Mar. 4, 1841, prob. Bucksport, Me.; m. Otis A., son of John Eldridge.2 He d. in insane hospital, Mass.; she d. Sept. 24, 1890. Children: 10147. Frank; married. 10148. Alley, " res. Salem, Mass. * Note 468. Since writing the sketch of Joel Hopkins,* 12287] , page 587, a revised and cor- rect copy of his family has been kindly furnished by Mrs. Eliza P. Marshall, of North Bucks- port, Me., which is here given: JOEL HOPKINS,* b. Bucksport, Me., 1803; m. 1st, Dec. 27, 1826, Eliza, dau. of Jesse and Desire (Collins) Kilby (or Kilburn,) b. May 14, 1809, who died; m. 2d, Mrs. Susan Boynton, of Brewer, Me.; m. 3d, Mar. 7, 1861, Mrs. Phebe Eldridge Arey, of North Bucksport. He d. Brewer, Dec. 19, 1881. All buried N. Bucksport. Children: 5759. Joseph Kilby; went to California, 1849; d. in Oregon. 5751.* Andrew Strong. 5752. Ruth Gross, b. Feb. 1832; d. Mar. 17, 1833. 5753.* Mary Eliza, " 1835. 5754. Francis A., " Aug. 1, 1838; d. Oct. 19, 1840. 57.55.* Joel Alfred. 5756.* Nancy Baldwin, " Mar. 4, 1841. 5757.* Francis A., " May 26, 1844. .5758.* Clara Doane, " Aug., 1845. t For Rich see note 150. ? For Nickerson see note 341. § For Eldridge see note 90. 980 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [Note 468] FRANCIS A. HOPKlNS,9 (Bro. of Andrew S.,) b. May 26, 1844, prob. Bucksport, Me.: married. He d. Feb. 19, 1874. Cbildren: 10149. A Son. 10150. A Daughter. [Note 468] CLARA DOANE HOPKINS,^ (Sister of Andrew S.,) b. Aug., 1845; prob. Bucksport, Me.; m. Edwin F., Sinnett. Children: 10151.* Vernon. 10152. Jennie. [5759] RUTH NICKERSON HOPKINS,"* (Joshua,^ Ruth D.Gross,' Mercy Hamblen,« Cornelius,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Oirington, Me., Apr. 4, 1830; m. Phila., Pa., Mar. 28, 1851, John Wan-en, son of John Ingalls and Mary (Warren) Browne, b. Albion, Me., May 10, 1828; claim and patent attorney. He went to Washington, D. C, with Hon. Hannibal Hamlin in 1861, and res. there until his death: Republican; clerk in War Dept. at his death; Freemason and Odd Fellow; she res. Washington; Unitarian. He d. Washington, Oct. 22, 1892. Children: 10153.* John Ingalls, b. Feb. 14, 1852, Phila. 10154.* Charles Weston Hopkins, '' Oct. 27, 1857, Bangor. [5760] HANNAH HOPKINS,^ (Sister of Ruth N.,) b. Orrington, Me., Apr. 26, 1833; m. there. Mar. 18, 1852, Joseph Crocker, son of Elijah and Celia (Patterson ) Atwood,t b. Hampden, Me., Aug. 3, 1829; Republican; Freemason; Congs. Both d. Winterport. Me.: she Jan. 28, 1887: he July 27, 1888. Ch, b. Hampden: 10155.* Ella, Dec. 22, 1852. [5761] SARAH COOK HOPKINS," (Sister of Ruth N.,) b. Orrington, Me., July 9, 1839; m. Daniel Wheeler, son of Daniel Hardy, b. Hampden, Me., Feb. 1837; contractor and builder; Beverly Farms, Mass.; select- man. Ch. b. Beverly Farms: 10156.* Louie, June 30, 1866. [5762] JOSHUA WESTON HOPKINS,9 (Bro. of Ruth N.,) b. Orrington, Me., May 27, 1841; m. Brewer, Me., Oct. 26. 1868. Anna Maria, dau. of Samuel and Mary Elizabeth (Hodges) Bartlett, b. Orrington, May 20, 1841; proprietor Hampden Creamery, Bangor, Me.; res. Hampden, Me.; four years in Westport, Iowa; Bangor, since 1895; Republican; Ensign, U. S. Navy: en- listed Oct., 1864; served on U.S. ship Nynack four years; participated in battles of Fort Fisher, Anderson and the fall of Willmington, N.C.; dis. Sept., 1868; Freemason and member G. A. R. Children: 10157. Mary Emily, b. Oct. 25, 1869, Brewer: unm. 10158.* Minnie Allen, " Julv 28, 1871, Lakeville, la. 10159.* Anna Bartlett, " May 16, 1875, Bangor. 10160, Fred Weston, " .Ian. 29, 1877, Orrington: unm. 10161. Ralph Thomas, " Sept. 10, 1881, Hampden, " • Her name was changed to Ruth F. Browne. + For Atwood see note 287. NINTH GENERATION. 981 [5764J CLARA HOPKINS,« (Sister of Ruth N.,) b. Orrington, Me.) June 2, 1845; m. Hampden, Me., Dec. 13, 1865, Reuben Kidder, son of Reuben Kidder and Charlotte (Thompson) Stetson,* b. Hamp- den, Dec. 24, 1837; contractor; Galesburg, 111., since 1888; before that, Lakeville and Waterloo, Iowa; Democrat; she member Rebekah Park Chapter, D. A. R.; Congs. Children: 10162.* Reuben Kidder, b. Mar. 11, 1867, Hampden. 19163. Frank BouLEE, "July, 1868, " d. Apr. 8, 1882. 10164. Charlotte Herrick, " June 7, 1872, Lakeville; unm. 1902. [5766] FREDERICK ISAAC HOPKINS.* (Bro. Ruth N.,) b. Orrington, Me., June 1, 1850; m. S. A. Bartlett; Druggist; Lynn, Mass.: I.O.O.F. Two sons. [5768] Capt. ISAAC F. TRASK," (Ruth Hopkins,* Ruth D. Gross,' Mercy Hamblen,6 Cornelius,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James.^i) b. So. Orrington, Maine, Feb. 10, 1829; m. Frances Dore; master mariner. He commanded the Milton and other vessels. He d. Brewer, Maine, Dec. 8, 1894. [5771] Capt. JOSHUA HOPKINS TRASK," (Bro. of Isaac F.,) b. South Orrington, Maine, June 13, 1834; m. 1st, Orilla V. Mayo; m. 2d, Lucy Gill; master mariner; Lynn, Mass. He d. in Cal. [5772] Capt. EDGAR SAMUEL TRASK,^ (Bro. of Isaac F.,) b. South Orrington, Maine, June 18, 1835; m. there. May 11, 1862, Melissa, dau. of Joseph and Diantha Jane (Gray) Magooa, b. Sangerville, Maine, Oct. 30, 1834; master mariner, and followed the sea over fifty years: commanded the Ga- lena, Milton, and Kenduskeag, and was owner of the Melissa Trask, at his death; resided Orrington, removed to Bangor, Maine, 1887; member Oriental Lodge, LO.O.F.; she Universalist. He d. New York, May 13, 1899. Ch. b. Orington: 10165.* Walter Ross, May 11, 1869. 10166. Lettee Estelle, d. infancy. 10167.* Allan Pierce, May 24, 1873. [5778] Capt. OHALES F. TRASK,^ (Bro. of Isaac F.,) b. South Orrington, Maine, Aug. 26, 1857; m. Agatha Harlow; master mar- iner, commanded the Isaack Stetson, of Bangor, Me., 1899. [5784] ALTHEA JANE SMITH,^ (Sylvaaus,* Delia H. Gross,' Mercy Hamblen,6 Cornelius,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ Jaraes,2i) b. Orrington, Me., Dec. 19, 1855; m. 1st, there, Oct. 11, 1879, Peter Lewis, b. Belgium, Sept. 1853, who d. off New Orleans, Feb. 28, 1887; m. 2d, Bangor, Mar. 31, 1890, Charles Harrison, son of Harrison and Nancy Emery,t b. Sept. 6, 1843; res. Orrington and Bangor. Ch. b. 1st marriage, b. Orrington: 10168, Ellen, AQg. 11, 1882. By 2d marriage, b. Orrington. 10169. Harold, Dec. 21, 1890. * For Stetson see note 415. + For Emery see note 317. 982 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [5786] ALBERT S. SMITH,^ (Bro. of Althea J.,) b. Orrington, Me., Apr. 2, 1863; m. Bangor, Me., Mar. 26, 1894, Ellen M., dau. of Edward M. and Hannah (Roberts) Jones, b. Nanticoke, Pa., Apr. 28, 1870; laborer; Orrington; Republican. No issue. [5787] HERBERT J. SMITH,^ (Bro. of Althea J.,) b. Orrington, Me., Dec. 1, 1865; m. Jamaica Plains, Mass., Mar. 19, 1888, Mary V., dau. of Jacob W. and Ellen (Callan) Cunningham, b. Waldo, Me., Sept. 23, 1868; R. R. employe; Orneville, 1888-9; Seboois, until 1898; since; Orring- ton; Republican. Ch. b. Seboois: 10170. Ellen A., Dec. 22, 1891. 10171. Everett L., Aug. 8. 1897, 10172. Grace M., Sept. 22, 1898. [5788] GEORGI ANA COLLIIS S,9 (Eleazer A.,^ Mercy Gross,' Mercy Ham- blen,« Cornelius,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) m. Charles Sleeper. Two children. [5790] CHARLES HENRY COLLINS,* (Bro. of Georgiana,) b. Bangor, Me., Aug. 28, 1845; m. Lowell, Mass., Nov. 28, 1867, Ella Susan, dau. of David and Mary Ann (Sargent) Morrison, b. Lowell, Aug. 25, 1848; mill supt.; Lowell, Nashua, Providence, Phenix, Warren and Cumberland; drummer,, 6th Mass.; Freemason; member G. A. R., and Sons of Revolution; Epis. Children: 10173.* Gertrude Ella, b. May 7, 1869, West Townsend, Mass. 10174. Charles Frederick, " May 6, 1872, Lowell; d. infancy. 10175. Alice Mabel, " Jan. 20, 1874, Nashua, N.H.; unm. 1900 [5793] HENRY L. GARDNER,^ (Mary C. Collins,* Mercy Gross,^ Mercy Hamblen,6Cornelius,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Orrington, Me., Oct. 20, 1844; m. Lowell, Mass., Nov. 10, 1866, Adelia M., dau. of Jeremiah and Heph-; zibah (Pitts) Carroll, b. Waterboro, Me., Sept. 21, 1844; agent State Board of Lunacy and Charity, Mass.; Lowell, Mass., until July, 1869; Phila., Pa., untilj May, 1871; Brooklyn, N. Y., until June, 1872; Lowell, Mass., until 1875: Clinton,! Mass., until July, 1876; since, Springfield, Mass.; Republican; bugler, 7th Mass. Battery; enlisted May 21, 1861; re-enlisted Nov. 23, 1863; served at Siege of Suf- folk, Va., Peninsula Campaign, 1862; Red River Expedition, Forts Spanish and Blakely; dis. July 28, 1865; member Roswell Lodge, A. F. & A.M.; Springfield Commandery, K. T.; Oberlin Lodge 28, I. O. O. F.: Royal Arcanum; E. K. Wil- cox Post 16, G. A. R. Ch. b. Lowell: 10176. Arthur Henry, Mar. 6, 1868; unm. 1898. [5794] SOLOMON HAMBLEN GARDNER,» (Bro. of Henry L.,| b. Lowell, Mass., Feb. 13, 1852; m. there, Sept. 6, 1877, Rachael Marie, dau. of George and Julia ( Downey) Sweeney, b. East Katby, Quebec, Sept. 6, 1854: fireman; Lowell; Republican; Baptist; member Lodge 8, Royal Arcanum; she Epis. NINTH GENERATION. 983 Ch. b. Lowell: 10177. Harky Leach, July 20, 1879. 10178. Mabel Frances, Mar. 10, 1883. [5797J ETTA BISSELL,^ (Ruth H. Collins,' Mercy Gross,^ Mercy Ham- blen,8 OorDelius,B Beujamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i} m. Smith, of Orring- ton, Me. 10179. A Child. [5802] MARY ELIZA GROSS,« (James E.,« Benjamin,' Mercy Ham- blen,'' Cornelius,'^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,8i) b. Clifton Springs, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1853; m. Mar. 24, 1878, James A. Canfleld, of Chicago, 111. Ch. b. Chicago: 10180. Lucille Emily Dudley, Dec. 27, 1879; m. Henry Justis. [5803J ANNIE TOOKER GROSS,9 (Sister of Mary E.,) b. Chicago, 111., Aug. 15, 1856; m. Dec, 1887, John S. Miller, b. Louisville, N. Y., May 24, 1847; lawyer; Urm of Miller & Peck, Chicago, Children: 10181. John, b. Nov. 8, 1890. 10182. Jennette, ♦' Nov. 10, 1888. [5804] NELLIE GROSS,^ (Sist«r of Mary E.,) b. Yellow Springs, Ohio, July 22, 1862; m. Chicago, 111,, Nov. 16, 1880, Ben- jamin Franklin Hadduck, of Chicago. Child: 10183. Helen DeKoven, b. Aug. 13, 1881; d. April 7, 1892. [5806] FARNSWORTH GROSS MARSHALL,' (Eliza P. Gross,* Ben- jamin,^ Mercy Hamblen, 6 Cornelius,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Upper Fairmount, Md., Sept. 25, 1875; unmarried; school teacher; student, Bowdoin college. [5807] POLLY ANN HAMBLIN,^ (Solomon,* Lewis,' David.« Joshua,* Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b, Fenner, N. Y., June 23, 1816; m. Sept. 12, 1839, Rufus Stacy, son of Robert and Lucy (Stacy) Ransom, b. July 5, 1813; farmer; Fenner N. Y.; Democrat, until 1852, afterward Republican; Universalist. He d. Fenner, Feb. 5, 1858. After his death she moved with her children to near Plainfleld, III., about 1860; she Baptist, She d. Plainfield, Feb. 5, 1877. Ch. b. Fenner: June 20, 1841. Jan. 21, 1843. Mar. 14, 1845; d. unm. Aug. 1865. Jan. 7, 1847. Apr. 27, 1852. [5808] ORA BUTLER HAMBLIN,' (Bro. of Polly Ann,) ; b. Fenner, N. Y., Apr. 27, 1819; m. tliere, Nov. 21, 1839, Amanda B., dau. of I John and Melvina (Thompson) Barber, b. Fenner, Nov., 1815. He d. Perr.nille, I N. Y., June 24, 1894. 10184.* Harrio'it M. L., 10185.* Lucy E., 10186. George H., 10187.* Norman Worth, 10188.* William Lewis, I 984 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. Fenner: 10189. Mary DeEtte, 10190. Louisa Maria, 10191. Nancy Lovina, 10192. Hettie Permelia, 10193. Lulu Amanda, April 30, 1841; d. July 6, 1860. July 29, 1842, " June 21, 1867. May 3, 1844; m. Cooper. Feb. 10, 1854, " Cooper. May 8, 1855; d. June 9, 1858. [5809] NORMAN SELLECK HAMBLIN,9 (Bro. of Polly Ann, ) b. Madison Co., N. Y., May 27, 1824; m. N. Y. state, Apr. 25, 1849, Pamela Keeler Welch; b. Madison Co., N. Y,, Dec. 21, 1821; farmer; Plaintield, Ills.; she Methodist; she d. Plainfleld, Jan. 30, 1897. Ch. b. Plainfleld: 10194. Ella, Sept. 30, 1851; d. Sept. 28, 1874, unm. [5810] REUBEN SMITH HAMLIN,9 (Bro. Polly Ann,) b. Madison Co., N. Y., July 12, 1826; m. 1st, New London, Ohio, Dec. 16, 1859, Cyrene Elizabeth, dau. of Algenon Sidney and Mary L. Whiting, b. Win- sted, Ct., 1830, who d. Santa Barbara, Cal., Jan. 1887; m. 2d, Nov. 21, 1888, Lizzie Cusack, of Hamilton, Ontario. He was reared a farmer, Fenner, N. Y.: en- gaged in selling patent medicines through the west and in Canada; farmer, Plaintield, Ills.; mfr. patent medicine, Buffalo, N. Y.; went to Oshawa, Ont., about 1870, and engaged in mfgr. agricultural implements with his father-in- law; a successful man. 10195.* 10196.* 10197. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Buffalo. Theo Cortnne, 1865. Reuben Whiting, Nov. 20, 1867. Charles, 1872; d. same year. [5812] RHODA EMELINE HAMBLIN,9 ( Lewis, »' David,- Josliua,& Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,si) b. Fenner, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1820; m. there, Jan. 5, 1837, Edward, son of Benajah B. and Lydia (Bryant) Brooks, b. Butternut, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1812; farmer; Union Valley, 1836; Wilna, N. Y., until 1855; re- moved to Lowell, Wis., and res. Pilot Knob, Wis., after 1857; Republican. Both d. Pilot Knob; she Jan. 1, 1901; he Nov. 4, 1890. Children: 10198.* Adelaide Eliza, b. June 5, 1838, Wilna. 10199.* Eleanor Maria, July 8, 1839, (( 10200.* Lydia Louisa, Mar. 22, 1^1, (( 10201.* Harriet Serena, Aug. 10, 1843. t( 10202.* Lucia Adelphia, Sept. 10, 1845, a 10203.* Lucius Abner, Jan. 18, 1848, n 10204. Lewis Seeburg, Jan. 24, 1851, it unm. 1901. 10205. Celinda Amelia, July 22, 1853, n d. Aug. 20, 1854 10206.* Frances Isabel, June 22, 1855, L(jwell. 10207.* Clara Violet, Nov. 11, 1857, Pilot Knob. 10208. Alice Augusta, Mar. 18, 1860, a " unm. 1901 10209.* Eunice Edwina, Aug. 22, 1862, u it NINTH GENERATION. 985 [5813] HARRIET URETTA HAMBLIN,« (Sister of Rhoda E.,) b. Chittenango Falls, N. Y.,Jan. 25, 1822; m. there, Oct. 12, 1842, Abner Partridge, son of John and Lucy Gellet (Duniiam) Downer, b. Pawnal, Vt.. Mar. 23, 1793, his 2d wife: he ra. 1st. Rachael Harrington, who d. 1840. An active, successful, business man; was engaged in building the Erie canal, the Virginia canal, the Croton water works, the Hudson River R. R., and in all of which he had important contracts: was one of the first stockholders of the Hudson River and N. Y. C. R. R. His father, John Downer, and father-in-law. Dr. Obediah Dunham, participated in the battle of Bennington, Vt.; the latter a member of the convention that secured the independence of Vermont from N. Y.; and strongly supported the Continental Congress in the Revolution: resided Paw- nal, until 1805; Peterboro, N. Y., until 1818: afterwards, Chittenango Falls; Democrat, until 1856, afterwards Republican; member Sullivan Lodge, 148, A.F. & A. M.; she Epis. Both d. Chittenango Falls; she, Oct. 23, 1889; he, Sept. 25, 1856. Ch. b. Chittenango Falls: 10210.* Abnek p., July 29, 1843. 10211.* Harriet C, July 9, 1845. 10212.* Alice Maria, Dec. 7, 1852. 10213.* William Victor, July 9, 1856. [5815] MARY FIDELIA HAMBLIN,« (Sister of Rhoda E.,) b. North Manlius, N. Y., July 25, 1827; ra. Fenner, N. Y., June 4, 1850, Luther, son of Ichabod and Sally (Downer) Prosser, b. Sraithfield, N.Y., Mar. 20, 1820; farmer; Sullivan, N. Y.; Methodist; she res. North Manlius, Ch. b. Sullivan. 10214.* William Edwik, May 4, 1851. 10215.* Rosalia M., May 22, 1853. 10216. Harriet Meril, Aug. 30. 1855: unm. 1901. 10217.* George Hamblin, Apr. 23, 1862. 10218.* Minnie May, Apr. 27, 1869; unm. 1896. 10219. Anna Bell, Nov. 10, 1870; d. June 3, 1872. [5816] ADALAIDE E. HAMBLIN,9 (Sister of Rhoda E.,) b. Chittenango Falls, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1832; m. Prof. Henry M., son of Joseph Owan and Susanna (Stearns*) Seeley, b. Onondaga, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1828; she d. Middleburg, Vt., Aug. 14, 1865. He remarried, and by 2d wife had: Sarah Grace, Feb. 22, 1870; Henry Hamblin, Mar. 14, 1872; Lockwood Matthews, Aug. 25, 1875; all b. Middlebury; Professor, Middlebury College; Onondago, N. Y., until 1854; New Haven, Ct., until 1857; Middlebury, Vt., 1865-1903; Prohibition- ist; Methodists. Ch. b. Onondaga: 10220.* Adelaide May, July 20, 186L [5817] ELLEN M. HAMBLIN," (Sister of Rhoda E.,) b. Chittenango Falls, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1833: ra. Warren, 111., Nov., 1856, Chas. Boone; he res. Freeport, 111. She d. Warren, Nov. 25, 1856. No issue. * For Stearns see note 158. 986 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [5818] EDWIN SYLVESTER HAMBL1N,9 (Bro. of Ehoda E.,) b. Chittenango Falls, N. Y., Apr. 15, 1836: m. Perryville, N. Y., by RevJ William Lord, rector Christ Church Manlius N.Y., Sept. 1, 1863, Mary Elizaj dau. of Hiram and Almenia (Blakeslee) Ehle, b. Perryville, Sept. 20, 1835| miller, and proprietor Oriskany Falls Roller Mills: New Woodstock, 1850-6a Freeport, Ills., 1856; St. Paul, Minn, and Yellow Creek, Ills., 1857-9; McCon-i nell's Grove, Ills., until Jan., 1861; Perryville, until 1883; Conastota, N.Y., 1884| since, Oriskany Falls: Republican; postmaster. Yellow Creek, Ills.: justice peacej McConnell's store and Perryville; member Sullivan Lodge 148, A.F. &A.M. and Chapter R. A. M., Waterville, N. Y.; Epis. Ch. b. Perryville: 10221. DeLancey Burdette, Sept. 21, 1868; unm. 1897. 10222. Lena Fkankita, June 7, 1870, " " 10223. Edw^in Pardee, June 29, 1875, " " [5819] MARGARET FRANCES HAMBLIN,'-- (Sister of Rhoda E., ) b. Chittenango Falls, N. Y., Feb. 9; 1838; m. Perryville, N. Y., Mar. 10, 1859J John, son of Marcus L. and Huldah (Wallace) Underwood, b. New Woodstock] N. Y., July 23, 1835; farmer: New Woodstock, until 1868; since. Grant Park] Ills.; Republican: township supervisor: Methodists. Children: 10224.* Nellie, b. July 19, 1865, New Woodstock. 10225. Carrie, " May 25, 1873, Grant Park; d. Aug. 13, 1894. [5821] EUGENE LEWIS HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of Rhoda E.,) b. Chittenango Falls, N. Y., May 18, 1845; m. there, Sept. 1, 1868, Hannah! B., dau. of Hiram and Almenia (Blakeslee) Ehle, b. Perryville, N. Y., Apr. 21, 1839; lumber dealer: Chittenango Falls, New Woodstock, Perryville, and Clock- ville, N. Y.; private, L, Scott's 900, Cavalry, and 11th N. Y. Regt.; Epis. He d. Perryville, Oct. 53, 1872. Ch. b. Ciockville: 10226. EDwm Hubbard, Mar., 1871; d. Apr., 1872. [5822] FRANCES PHEBE HAMBLIN,MSister of Rlaoda E.,) b. New Woodstock, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1849; m. Perryville, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1868, E. Herbert, son of Edwin W. and Electa (Gallup) Taylor, b. Fenner N. Y., July 4, 1846; farmer; Perryville, siuce 1857; Republican; member F, 2d N. Y. Cav., enlisted Sept. 24, 1864; participated in 10 battles, including Cedar Creek, Five Forks, and Appomattox; dis. June 5, 1865; member Reese Post 49, G. A. R., Conastota, N. Y.; Methodists; members Epworth League. Ch. b. Perryville; 10227. Ella W., Apr. 4, 1876; unm. 1897. 10228. Ethel F., Feb. 12, 1889, " [5823] EMMA JANE HAMBLIN,« (Sister of Rhoda E.,) b. New Woodstock, N. Y.,iNov. 14, 1851; m. Perryville, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1873, Edwin D., son of Loren and Lydia (Whipple) Ransom, b. Fenner, N. Y., Apr. 8, 1849; farmer; Perryville, since 1856; Republican: she Methodist; member Kings Daughters. Ch. b. Perryville: 10229. Jessie May, Aug. 14, 1875; unm. 1896. NINTH GENERATION. 987 [5824] JULIA M. HAMBLIN," (David,« Lewis,' David," Joshua,"* Ben- jamin,* Eleazer.3 James,2i) b. Chittenanj^o Falls, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1824; ra. there, Oct. 13, 1841, William Pennock: he d. Minnesota; she d. Chittenango Falls, July 19, 1852. Ch. b. Chittenango Falls: 10230. Elmira, d. Syracuse, N. Y. 10231. WiLMOT, " Minnesota. [5825] HARRIET M. HAMBLIN," (Sister of Julia M.,) b. Chittenango Falls, N. Y.. Sept. 9, 1826; m. Perryville, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1843, Cornelius, son of Andrew and Sarah (Coy) Lansing, b. Albany, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1843: farmer; Chittenango Falls, until 1866; afterwards, Sullivan, N. Y.; Republican; she d. Sullivan, Dec. 15, 1893. He d. East Syracuse, June, 1899. Children: 10232.* Walter Edgar, b. Oct. 29, 1850, Chittenango Falls. 10233.* Julia Maria, " Sept. 6, 1852, " 10234.* Lillian Jane, " Nov. 18, 1866, Sullivan. LUCIEN DAVID HAMBLIN,9 (Bro. of Julia M.,) b. Chittenango Falls, N. Y.. Dec. 7, 1834; m. Utica, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1859, Helen, dau. of Benjamin and Sophia (Mowyer) Putnam, b. Cazenovia, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1838; res. Chittenango Falls. Ch. b. Chittenango Falls: 10235.* Cora Sophia, Oct. 4, 1859. 10236.* Charles Abner, Apr. 22, 1865. [5827] JENNIE E. HAMBLIN,9 (Sister of Julia M.,) b. Chittenango Falls, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1837; ra. there, Jan. 4, 1863, John O., son of John W. and Nancy (Ehle) Bender, b. Mycenae, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1837; res. Chittenango P'alls, Oran, and Fayetteville, N. Y.; she Epis. She d. Fayette- ville, Mar. 19, 1894. Children: 10237. iRA Wright, b. Jan. 23, 1865, Bethel Corners, N. Y. 10238. Hubert H., " May 28, 1870, Fayetteville. [5828] WILLIAM MARVIN HAMBLIN,9 (Sister of Juha M.,) b. Chettenango Falls, N. Y., Dec. 28, 1841; m. Erieville, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1862, Melissa C, dau. of George and Sabra (Medbury) Wells, b. Erieville, Aug. 2, j 1843; farmer; Chittenango Falls. ' Ch. b. Chittenango Falls: 10239.* Arthur Deloss, June 14, 1869. [5829] LEON A WOOD WORTH,' (Harriet Hamblin,* Lewis,' David," I Joshua,'* Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Fenner, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1828; m. there, by Rev. Daniel Wheelock Bristol, Sept. 17, 1850, Walter Lewis, son- of I Lewis and Anna (Bishop) Keeler, b. Fenner, Apr. 14, 1828; farmer; Fenner, 1875. Ch. b. Fenner: 10240.* Genevieve Leona, June 28, 1852, 988 THE HAMLIN FAMILY [5834] PAMELIA ELIZABETH JOHNSON,9 (Lucy Hamblin,^ Josbua,' David,6 Joshua,^ Benjamin,^ Eleazer,^ James.^i) b. Smithfleld, N. Y., Mar. 27, 1820; m. Clockville, N. Y., 1841, John Ward, son of and Margaret (War- ner) Conley, b. Springfield, Mass., Sept. 27, 1814; merchant; Conastota, N. Y.; Democrat; Unitarians. She d. Conastota, Oct. 17, 1887. Children: b. Sept. 14, 1843, Brockport. " May 21, 1845, Conastota. 10241.* 10242.* 10243.* 10244.* 10245.* 10246.* 10247.* 10248.* 10249.* 10250. 10251. John Dykeman, Jane Pamelia, Jennette Leslie, Josephine M., Jerome Hamlin, Jefferson Ballou, Joselia Lucy, JuDsoN Jay, James Emmett, Julia Fidelia, Joshua O., " Feb. 16, 1847, " Aug. 2, 1848, " Aug. 6, 1850, " Oct 18, 1852, " Feb. 23, 1854. " June 4, 1856, " June 24, 1858, " Nov. 6, 1859, " Nov. 30, 186;-i, '• d. Sept. 5, '93, unm. " " Apr. 19, 1895. [5835] MARIETTE JOHNSON,9 (Sister of Pamelia E.) b. Smithtield, N. Y., July 14, 1832; m. Conastota, N. Y , July, 1846, Milton Lathrop Sayles, b. Conastota; real estate dealer; Democrat. Both d. Oneida, N. Y.; she" July 9, 1880; he Oct., 1883. Ch. b. Conastota: 10252.* Minnie, July 21, 1856. [5836] JANE JOHNSON,9 (Sister of Pameha E., ) b. Smithtield, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1822; m. Clockville, N. Y., 1846, Isaac Rudd, b. England; Freemason. She d. Utica, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1857; lie d. Herkimer, N. Y., 1862. Ch. b. Utica: 10253.* William, 1847. 10254. Lucy Jane, 1848. 10255. Delia, 1850; m. Frank Eastman. 10256. Lottie, ' 1853, •' Hodson. [5837] DARIUS HAMLIN JOHNSON,^ (Bro. of Pamelia E.,) b. Smithfleld, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1836; m. there, Dec. 6, 1855, Harriet F., dau. of Isaac J. and Abigail (Sayles) Forbes, b. Clockville, N.Y., July 5, 1836; coal dealer; Conastota, N. Y.; Democrat; member Greenvpood Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; 33° Mason; Baptists; He d. 1893. Ch. b. Conastota; 10257.* Jane Pamelia, Dec. 8, 1856. [5838] WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON JOHNSON," (Bro. of Pamelia E.) b. Smithfleld, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1838; m. Alton, 111., Jan. 27, 1867, Hannah, dau. of George and Catherine (Dawson) Armstrong, b. Alton, July 14, 1837; ice deal- er; Alton; at his mother's death, 1851, he went to live with his uncle Leander Hamlin, then in Alton, 111.; Republican; she Epis. NINTH GENERATION. Ch. b. Alton: 10258. Thomas, Nov. 11, 1867: unm. 1902. 10259.* GrKACK Florence, Apr. 10, 1872. 10260. Katie C, July 1, 1874: d. June 26, 1877. 10261. Fred, June 26, 1877; unra. 1902. [5840] CAROLINE BALLOU,« (Susannah Hamblin.s Joshua,' David," Joshua,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Madison Co., N. Y., Oct. 27, 1824; nj. Henry Smith of Buffalo, N, Y. Child: 10262, Ella, [5846] EDWIN EDDY,' (Susannah Hamblin,* Joshua," David,« Joshua.* Benjamin,* E]eazer,3James,2i) b. Fenner, N. Y., May 10, 1838; unmarried; Sergt., K, 27, N,Y, Inf. Vols,; killed battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861. [5848] OSCAR D, EDDY,' (Bro. of Edwin, ) b. West Barre, N. Y., Apr. 21, 1842; ra. 1st, there, June 10, 1866, Ellen, dau. of Henry and Mary (Kilner) Hoy, b. East Shelby, N. Y., who d. W. Barre, Dec. 1871: m. 2d, Helen Fawcett, dau. of Norman and Amanda (Matteson) Bedell, b. Albion, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1841; Ins. agent: W. Barre, until April, 1873: Detroit, Mich,, until Dec, 1875; since, Albion; Supt. of Water Works: Odd Fellow, and member A. O. U. W. Ch. b. W. Barre: 10263, MaryE,, July 1870; d. A.pr. 16, 1893. [5850] HELEN MORRISON,9 tPamelia Hamblin,* Joshua,' David," Joshua,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James, 21) b, Lenox, N.Y., Aug. 22, 1826: m. there. Mar. 5, 1845, Daniel, son of Robert and Margaret Robertson, b. Fenner, N,Y., May 11,1821. The parents of Mr. Robertson were native of Scotland; farmer; Fenner; moved to Plainfield, 111., Mar., 24, 1853; Freemason; Joliet, 111. Ch. b. Fenner, N.Y.: Herbert, Sept. 18, 1846: d. July 26, 1847, Ellen, May 17, 1848, " Dec. 4, 1851, Albert L., Sept. 13, 1850. Eugene R., Sept. 4, 1852, 10264. 10265, 10266.* 10267, [5851] WILLIAM MORRISON,' iBro. of Helen,) b, Syracuse, N. Y., May 25, 1828;. m. 1st, PlainHeld, Ills., Apr. 20, 1856, Mary J., dau. of William and Jennett, Robinson, b. Cazenovia, N. Y., 1834, The pa- rents of Mrs. Morrison were natives of Scotland; shed. Plainfield, Dec, 29, 1856; m. 2d, Sept, 1872, Miss Ella Gale; res. Plainfield and Nokomis, 111.: afterwards, Wessington, South Dakota; Baptist. He d. Joliet, Ills., Nov, 23, 1884. Ch. b. Nokomis: 10268, Mary, Feb. 23, 1873. 10269. Lewis, 1875. 10270. William, 1877: d. Jan. 1885 10271. Eugene, 1880. 10272. Chadwick, May, 1882. 990 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [5853] AGNES MORRISON," (Sister of Helen,) b. Murray, N. Y., Mar. 20, 1837; m. Joliet, 111., Feb.. 1855, .James D., son of E. .). and Esther (Hill) Wood. b. Lewis Co., N. Y., 1835: merchant: Joliet and Plainfield, 111.; Omaha, Neb.: Central City and Denver, Colorado; Odd Fellow; she Methodist. She d. Plainfield, Apr., 1885. | Children: 10273. Willie E., b. Feb., 1856, Joliet; d. Dec. 1856. i 10274.* Cora A., " July, 1858, Lockport. 10275. Lulu E., " Aug., 1860, Plainfield. [5855J ROSE MORRISON,9 (Sister of Helen,) b. Lenox, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1844: m. Joliet, Ills., Apr., 1862, I. E. Keene: pro- fessor of music: Joliet and Plainfield, Ills.; she Christian. Children: 10276.* Eva M., b. Apr. 29, 1863, Livingston Co., Ills. 10277. Zar, " Nov., 1865, Plainfield: d. Oct. 1865. 10278. Elizabeth, " Apr. 19, 1868, Livingston Co. [5856] EMMA MORRlSON,9 (Sister of Helen,) b. Smithfield, N. Y., Apr. 13, 1847; m. 1st, Chicago, 111., Dec, 1864, Charles B. Lord, b. N. Y. State, 18.30; soldier in civil war, served in commissary Dept.; farmer; he d. Watseka, 111., Oct. 23, 1868: m. 2d, 1871, T. O. Roberts, of Cass, Dupage Co.. 111.; she has resided in Dupage, Plainfield, Watseka, and Chicago, Illinois. Children: 10279. Jessie, b. May, 1867, Dupage; d. June, 1869. 10280. Minnie R., " Jan. 13, 1869, Iroquois Co. 10281. Helen A., " Jan. 13, 1869, 10282. Guy, " Oct. 8, 1873, Plainfield. j ' *! [5857] PALMER HAMLIN,^ (Leander,^ Joshua," David,« Joshua,'^ Ben- jamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Perryville, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1835; m. Godfrey, Ills., Oct. 9. 1861, Jane, dau. of Jonas and Mary (Jones) Squire, b. Middletown, Ills., Apr. 7. 1836; farmer and stock raiser; Godfrey, until 1872; since, Nokomis, Ills.; Methodists. Children: b. Oct. 26, 1862, Godfrey. " Oct. 31, 1864, " m. R. P. Barnard. " July 6, 1866, " " Ida G. Scott. " Dec. 31, 1867, " unm. 1901. j " Mar. 16, 1873, Nokomis, " (i (1 u it (( a (' [5858] MARY E. HAMLIN,9 (Sister of Palmer,) b. Perryville, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1837; m. Alton, Ills., Mar. 1, 1858, John Fitch: lawyer; Chicago, Ills.; also res. Plainfield, Alton and Chicago, Ills., and Fitch- burg, Kansas; where she d. Mar., 1878. Children; 10289. John. 10290. Timothy. 10291. Bertie. 10292. Mary. Children: 10283.* Annie Lydia, 10284. Adelaide Phebe, 10285. Leander, 10286. William Joshua, 10287. EsTELLA May, 10288. Cady Palmer, NINTH GENERATION. 991 [5861] WARD P. HAMBLIN,9 (Stephen/ Joshua,^ David,« .Toshua,^ Benjamin,^ Eleazer,^ James.^i) b. Feuner, N. Y.. Sept. 27, 1836; m. Pulaski, Mich., Feb. 4, 1858, Rebecca, dau. of William and Elizabeth (Kern) Wagoner, b. Homer, Mich., Jan. 31, 1839; Sergt., E, 2d, Mich. Cav.; enlisted Nov., 1863; in battles of Franklin, Nashville, KenesawMt., Resaca, Dalton; dis. Aug. 25, 1865; farmer; Pulaski, until 1879; since, Allen, Mich.; member Lodge 253, A. F. &. A. M.; she United Brethern. Ch. b. Pulaski: 10293.* Adelbbrt W., Nov. 17, 1860, 10294. Emery G., May 23, 1867: unm. 1899. 10295.* Eldokah, Nov. 14, 1873. [5863] ORVILLE J. HAMLIN,9 (Bro. of Ward P.,) b. Fenner, N. Y.. Feb., 1840; m. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of David and Betsey Elizabeth (Rowell) Thorn, b. Springwater, N.Y.; farmer; Concord, Mich.: Democrat; member of E, 2d Mich. Cav., wounded left shoulder; Freemason and G. A. R.: she Universalist; members O. E. S., 191; Byron Stoddard Corps, 186; W. R. C; Maccabees, 119. Ch. b. Pulaski: 10296.* Jennie E., Oct. 4, 1866. [5869] JEROME BONAPARTE HAMLIN,9 (Joshua,*? David,6 Joshua,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,^!) b. Bridgeport, N. Y^., June 17, 1841; m. Man- ilas, N. Y., Nov. 3, 1861, Cornelius A., dau. of Alvin A. M. and Lucretia (Vick- ery) Ball, b. Pompey, N. Y., June 29, 1839. After his school days, at the age of 20, he engaged in the mercantile business about seven years; in partnership with his father in the milling, lime and plaster business, 1867, which continued about 20 years, in Manlius, where he resided until 1878; Norwich, N. Y., until 1881: when he returned and resided at Manlius until 1886; removed to Saratoga, N. Y., and the following year to Syracuse, N. Y.; engaged in manufacturing and putting up hot air and hot water heaters. Ch. b. Manlius: 10297. Louie Jerome, July 11, 1867; d. Sept. 29, 1867. 10298.* Harry Joshua, Dec. 21, 1868. 10299.* Clyde Ball, July 22, 1871. [5877] JOSEPHINE HOAG,^ (Amanda Hamblin,* Joshua,' David,* Joshua,-^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Kirkville, N. Y., Jan. 25, 1845; m. there, Apr. 2, 1862, Harvey Gideon, son of Gideon and Belinda Wilbur, b. Fenner, N. Y., Apr. 19, 1835; farmer; Stanhope, Iowa; Democrat; Russellite; she Adventist; she d. Fenner, Sept. 27, 1862; he remarried and has five daughters by last wife. Ch. b. Fenner: 10300.* Elmer E., June, 1862. [5879] CELIA HOAG,9 (Sister of Josephine,) b. Kirkville, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1852; m. Manlius, N. Y., June 12, 1870, Andrew, sonof Solomon and Maria (Lasher) Bloss, b. Palentine, N. Y., 1844; wagon maker and blacksmith; moved to Wampsville, N. Y., 1870; to Kirkville, N.Y., Dec, 1872; She Adventist. 992 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children r 10301.* Oliveb S., b. Aug 10302.* Minnie Belle, " Sept 10303. Eva Josephine, " July 10304. Channing Lee, " Apr. 10305. Lizzie A., " May 4, 1872, Fyler Settlement, 12, 1873, Kirkville. July 11, 1877, Fyler Settlement. 29, 1880, KirkvJlJe. 10, 188t^, [5885] JEROME A. PALMER,^ (Adelia Hamblin,* Jashua,^ David,- Joshua,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Michigan City, Ind., Aug. 10, 1854: m. New Bufifalo, Mich., Oct. 15, 1882, Ardelphia,dau.of John and Sarah (Bunton Martin, b. Laporte, Ind., June 20, 1858; res. Laporte, until 1872; Shelby Co. Mo., until 1878; since, Laporte; she Methodist. Ch. b. Laporte Co.: 10306. Sarah A., Oct. 23, 1885. 10307. Myrtle M., Nov. 10, 1887. [5886] EDWARD E. PALMER,» (Bro. of Jerome A.,) b. Michigan City, Ind., June 29, 1858; ra. Wolcottville, Ind., Dec. 17, Mary C, dau. of Oscar I. and Caroline (Davidson) Gardner, b. Lagrange Co., Ind., Dec. 17, 1868; res. Michigan City, until 1872; Shelby Co., Mo., until 1878: since. Michigan City; she Methodist. Children: I 10308. Mamie V., Oct. 1, 1889, Lagrange Co. 10309. Charles L., July 1, 1894, Laporte. [5887] HARRISON SAMUEL HAMBLIN,^ (Harrison,Uoshua,^ David, Joshua,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Florence, Ills., Aug. 1, 1852: m Plainfield, Ills., Dec. 3, 1873, Kate, dau. of John D. and Rebecca (Schreffler Hohn, b. Plainfield, Nov. 4, 1855; farmer and laborer; Plainfield. Ch. b. Plainfield: 10310. Lester Selleck, Apr. 26, 1875; unm. 1902. 10311. Alice, Oct. 21, 1882, [5902] SARAH MARGARET McKAY,» (Hester Hamblin,» Ephraira, David, e Joshua,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Howard, N. Y., July 23 1841: m. 2d, Campbell, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1880, Rev. Samuel Wheeler, son of Georgi Franklin and Sarah Ann (Wilcox) Pratt, b. Livonia. N. Y., Sept. 9, 1838; clergy man, author and editor; Brasher Falls, N. Y., 1863-7: Hammondton, N. J. until 1871: Prattsburg, N. Y., until 1877; Campbell, until 1883: Monroe, Mich, until 1889: Campbell, 1900; Republican; author of The Gospel of the Holy Spirit A Summer at Peace Cottage, The Life and Epistles of St. Paul; Pre'sbs. [5^)03] D.\NIEL STUART MCK A Y,» (Bro. of Sarah M.,) j b. Bath, N. Y., Mar. 7, 1843; m. Penn Yan, N. Y., Dec. 19, 1872, Ruth, A.' dau. of John and Mary S- Mallory, b. Penn Yan, Mar. 1, 1845; real estate anc loan agent; Washington, D. C, 1862; Omaha, Neb., 1865; California and Nevad? 1867-1871; St. Louis, Mo., 1872; Ft. Scott, Kansas, 1873-1889; since, Guthrie Okla.; Democrat; member city council, Ft. Scott, 1882: director Ft. Scott, Wich L NINTH GENERATION. 993 ata & Western R. R., 1879: secretary, Ft. Scott, Topeka & Lincoln R. R., 1881; secretary and treasurer, Kansas & S. W. R. R. 1886; Freeoaason; K. of P., and I.O.R.M.; Epis. Ch. b. Fort Scott: 10312. James Stuart, Jan. 25, 1875; unm. 1900. [5904J HESTER ANN McKAY,« (Sister of Sarah M.,) b. Cameron, N. Y., Mar. 27, 1846; m. there, Sept. 8, 1880, George Robertson, son of Leander and Eliza A. (Robertson) Sutherland, b. Candor, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1848; banker; Campbell, N. Y., 1866-88; since, N. Y. City; Republican; Presbs. [5905] MARY CAROLINE McKAY,^ (Sister of Sarah M.,) b. Painted Port, N. Y., May 8, 1851; m. June, 1875, Waldo Adolphus, son of Osgood Russell, b. Dublin, N.H.; merchant: Concord; Democrat; Freemason; Epis. She d. Concord, N.H., July 6, 188L Ch. b. Concord: 10313. CoKA Jeanette, Mar. 17, 1876; unm. 1901. 10314. Mabel McKay, Mar. 24, 1878, " " [5910] DAVID WELLS HAMBLIN,» (David W.,8 Ephraim,7 David,6 Joshua,'' Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Sterling, 111., May 14, 1856; m. 1st, there. Mar. 13, 1884, Nellie E., dau. of Christian Schrader, who d. Kansas, Nov, 16, 1889; ra. 2d, Chicago, Ills., Apr. 23, 1891, Mrs. Nora May Smith, dau. of Ralph R. Cooley; printer; Chicago; Republican; Baptist; she Methodist. Ch. by 1st wife: 10315. Mazie Lorenza, b. May 9, 1885. 10316. Lillian, " Dec. 9, 1886. 10317. Jennie, " Sept. 17, 1888; d. June 5, 1890. [5911] LORENZA ALMENA HAMBLIN," (Sister David W.,) b. Sterling, Ills., Dec. 30, 1857; m. Chicago, Ills., Jan. 24, 1884, Samuel, son of John H. and Elizabeth (Moyer) Moyer, b. Buck Co., Pa., Jan. 20, 1859; printer; came to Sterling, 111., 1862; res. there until 1894; removed to Chicago; employed with Hamblin Printing Co.; Republican; Christians; she d. Sterling, Apr. 11, 1891. Ch. b. Sterling: 10318. Harry Martin, June 9, 1887. 10319. Guy Leroy, July 6, 1889; d. May 30, 1890. [5912] EUGENE LEROY HAMBL1N.9 (Bro. of David W.,) j b. Sterling, Ills., Aug, 16, 1863; printer and proprietor Hamblin Printing ' Co., Chicago, Ills., 1897, since dissolved; his brothers, David and Scott, were connected with his business; Republican; Christian; member Columbia Council ! 12, R. A.; unmarried 1897. [5913] SCOTT ELIAS HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of David W.,) b. Sterling, 111., Jan. 6, 1867; m. Macon. 111., Apr. 2, 1891, Edith May, dau. of I Chritian H. and Frances M. (Fish) Ruby, b. Macon, Jan. 6, 1870; salesman, Ham- fblin Printing Co.; Chicago, 1897; Republican; Christian; she Presb. I 994 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. Chicago: 10320. Eugene Earl, Nov. 20, 1892. i 10321. Frances Lillian, Dec. 18, 1895. [5914] HARMON HAMBLIN," (Martin E.,8 Ephraim,^ Davifi,« .Joshua,* Benjamin,* Eleazer,3James,2i)b. Howard, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1852: ra. Coliocton, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1884, Mary M., dau. of John J. and Roby (Rathbone) Jones, b! Cohocton, Nov. 11, 1863; farmer; Wheeler, N. Y.; Republican. Ch. b. Wheeler: I 10322. Lena Iona, July 19, 1884; d. Aug. 27, 1888 10323. Rena May, Dec. 29, 1885. 10324. Julia Etta, July 17, 1887. 10325. H. Leo, Aug. 13, 1889. 10326. M. Ray, July 14, 1891. 10327. Laura Belle, Mar. 7, 1893. [5915] MUNETTA HAMBLIN,9 (Sister of Harmon,) b. Fremont, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1854; m. Haskinsville, N. Y., Mar. 1, 1872, Dewitt C, son of Marcus and Sally (Eells) Banter, b. Wheeler, N. Y., May 10, 1848; farmer; Wheeler; Republican; member Lodge 673, A. F. & A, M., Avoca, N. Y. Ch. b. Wheeler: j 10328. Guy H., Sept. 9, 1883. 10329. Myrta Belle, Nov. 8, 1890. [5916] HENRIETTA A. HAMBLIN,9 (Sister of Harmon,) b. Fremont, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1857; m. Savona, N. Y., July 4, 1895, Samuel, son of George and Mary (Parker) Bennett, b. Catatonk, N. Y., July 29, 1857;| carpenter: Avoca; Democrat; member Lodge 538, I.O. O. F., Avoca; she Meth-" odist, and member Ladies' Aid Society. No issue. [5918] ELLEN MARIA ORMSBY,^ (Polly A. Hamblin,« Elijah,^ David,' Joshua,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Fenner, Madison Co., N. Y., Sept., 24, 1829; m. 1st, Brooklyn, N; Y., Aug. 12, 1850, James Henry Goodby, b. Jersey! City, N. J., Mar. 7, 1827; who d. Brooklyn, Mar. 31, 1865: m. 2d, Traupsburg, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1868, J. D. Price, of Addison, N. Y. Ch. by 1st marriage, b. Brooklyn: 10330.* James Henry, June 15, 1851. 10331.* WiLMOT Newton, Sept. 13, 1853. I [5920] WILMOT NEWTON ORMSBY,** (Bro. of Ellen M.,) b. New York City, June 22, 1845; m. 1st, Waterloo, N. Y., Aug. 30. 1868, Mary Jolly, who d. Troupsburg, N. Y., Apr. 26, 1872; m. 2d, Julia A. Vose; res. Troupsburg. j [5925] ROXANIA HAMBLIN,» (Norman,* Elijah,' David,6 Joshua,' Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Hocking Co., Ohio, Aug. 6, 1840; m. Logan, Ohio, Oct. 26, 1856, John D., son of John and Anna (Cruthers) Thompson, p. Mt. Vernon, Ohio, Apr. 9, 1832; carpenter; Logan and Princeton, Ills.; 1st Lieut.. 10332. William M., 10333. James F., 10334.* John L., 10335.* Chaules B., 10336. Zada B., NINTH GENERATION. 995 F, 2 Oliio Militia: member Knights of Honor, of which he was Proctor; she, Methodist. He d. Princeton, June 11, 1893. Children: b. Dec. 26, 1857, Logan. "Feb. 14, 1867, Princeton. " June 2, 1869, " " Sept. 12, 1872, " " Jan. 21, 1882, [5928] ROBERT E. HAMBLIN,' (Enoch E.,« Elijah,^ David, « Joshua,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Logan, O., Aug. 14, 1852; unmarried: educated Logan high scliool, Zanesville Commercial School; school teacher; financial offi- cer, State Hospital, Athens, O., 1874-87; president Pomeroy Nat. Bank, 1887-94; financial officer State Hospital, Toledo, Ohio, 1892. [5930] Dr. IRA B. HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Robert E.,) b. Logan, Ohio, Dec. 24, 1856: m. Dayton, Ohio, Dec. 25, 1883, Laura Louise, dau. of John and Margaret Smith, b. Dayton, Nov. 15, 1856. He was educated in the public schools of Logan; graduated Ohio Med. College, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1884; staff physician, Insane Asylum, Culumbus, Ohio, 1884-93; app. supt. Insane Asylumn, Piioenix, Ariz., June 1893. She was educated in the public schools, Dayton. No issue. [59.35] ESTHER POTTER,9 (Mariah Hamblin,« Elijah,' David,6 Joshua,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer^ James, ^i) b. Hornellsville, N. Y., Dec. 6, 1835; m. Logan, Ohio, Oct. 30, 1851, Otho B., son of John H. and Mary Kanode, b. Sharpsburg, Md.; bo(»t and shoe dealer: Logan; Republican; Methodist; corparal K, 151 Ohio Inf. Vols., enlisted 1864: she Presb. He d. Logan, Oct. 26, 1892. [5939] HOMER LAFAYETTE WRIGHT,^ ( Almira Hamblin,8Elijah,7 David, 6 Joshua,'' Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James, 21) b. near Logan, Ohio, Jan. 1, 1845; m. there, Oct. 2, 1873, Eugenie, dau. of Raymond and Susan Catherine (Guthrie) Belt, b. Logan, Oct. 30, 1853: lawyer; Logan; Democrat; prosecuting attorney six years; she member Saturday, Tourists and Enterpean Societies; Presbs. Ch. b. Logan: 10337.* Irma Blanche, Feb. 10, 1875. 10338.* Robert Raymond, June 27, 1877. [5944] MARIA SORNBORGER,^ (Harriet Hamblin,* David," Joshua,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3James,2i) b. North East, N. Y., 1819; m. Mills Hobbie; she d. Parma, N.Y., Feb. 6, 1861. Children: 10339. Eurydice; m. John Handy. 10340. A Daughter, " John Hicks. [5945] DAVID SORNBORGER,' (Bro. of Maria,) b. North East, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1822; m. Norwich, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1861, Seraph Jo- sephine, dau. of Lemuel and Nancy (Whiting) Jewell, b. Guilford, N. Y.; farmer. In early life he res. Duchess Co.; for several years prior to 1860, Otsego county, II 996 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. N. Y.; after marriage principally in Onondaga, Chenango and Madison counties, except that he was in California, 1860-70. He d. Guilford, Nov. 21, 1887. Ch. b. San Francisco, Cal.: 10341.* Jkwell David, Nov. 27, 1869. [5946] HAMBLIN SORBORGER,'-' (Bro. of Maria,) ! b. North East, N. Y., about, 1826: m. Riga, N. Y., about, 1846, Sarah Lucre- tia, dau. of Moses and Sarah (Stuart) Hume, b. Riga, Oct. 3, 1820; lumberman; Duchess Co., until about 1845: then Monroe Co., N. Y.; Medina, Mich., about 1846-1850; afterwards. Palmyra, Mich. He Cong.; she Presb. He d. Palmyra, Jan. 22, 1852; she d. Wahoo, Neb., Oct. 18, 189S. Ch. b. Medina: 10342.* S. Henuy, Oct. 1, 1847. 10343.* Mills M., Dec. 1, 1849. [5947] PHILANDER SORNBORGER,« (Bro. of Maria, ) b. North East, N. Y.; married and resided at North East. No issue. [5948] JAMES HAMBLIN," (Myron, » David," « Joshua,-^ Benjamin,* Ele- azer.s James,2i) b. Pine Plains, N. Y., May 27, 1841; ra. Ancram, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1865, Frances C, dau. of Simeon U. and Eliza (Thomas) Collier, b. Dover, N. Y.; Apr. 2, 1841: farmer; North East, N. Y.; assessor, 1896; she was educated Friend's Seminary, Quaker Hill, N. Y.: Baptist. Ch. b. Ancram: 10.344.* Myron George, July 7, 1868. 10.345. Marion Mace, Mar. 10, 1882. [5949] DAVID HAMBLIN,^ (Bro. of James,) b. Ancram, N. Y., June 7, 1844; m. Pine Plains, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1872, Sarah. dau. of Robert and Almira (Wheeler) Rowe, b. Pine Plains, Aug. 25, 1847: farmer; North East, N. Y. He was educated DeGarmo Institute, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.: elder in Preb. church: member P. H.; she was educated at Dr. Wright's school, Poughkeepsie. Ch. b. North East: 10346. Grace, Nov. 15, 1876. 10347. Florence Alma, Jan. 18, 1879. 10348. Elsie, Mar. 13, 1880. 10349. Harriet, Sept. 15, 1883. [5950] MARIETTA HAMBLIN, 9 (Sister of James,) b. Ancram, N.Y., Oct. 20, 1848; m. Mar., 1871, Wheeler Rowe of North East ^ Center, N. Y. \ No issue. [5951] HIRAM HAMBLIN," (Bro. of James,) b. Ancram, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1854; m. North East, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1880, Eliza- beth S., dau. of William and Anna (Woodward) Howland,*b. Northeast Center, Jan. 18, 1860; farmer; res. with his father. North JEast, 1896; Methodists. No issue. "C For Rowland see notes 61, 79, 1;j2, 14.5, 248, 322, 324, 336. NINTH GENERATION. 997 [5967] DELIA HAMBLIN,9 (Stickles D,,^ Eli J David,« Joshua,^ Benja- min,* Eleazer,3 James.^i) b. Dryden, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1847; m. there, Feb. 4, 1875, Levi, son of David and Eliza f Murwin) Ballard, b. Gaines, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1838; farmer; Gaines; Republican and Prohibitionist; Baptists. He d. Dryden, June 21, 1888; she res. Albion, N. Y. Ch. b. Gaines: 10350. Arthuu H., Apr. 12, 1882; unm. 1902. . [o9()8] JOHN TWOGOOD HAMBLIN,« (Bro. of Delia,) b. Dryden, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1849; m. Gaines, N. Y., Jan. 1873, Alice J., dau. of William Andrew and Ellen Spencer (Carr) Holsenburg:, b. Gaines, Oct. 7, 1848; farmer; Gaines and Danby, N. Y.; Democrat; she Baptist. Children: 10351.* Jay Twogood, b. June 8, 1874, Gaines. 10352. Ida xMay, " Dec. 19, 1878, Danby; d. Mar. 10, 1880. 10353. William Ely, *' Jan. 20, 1881. 10354. Ellen Almira. *' Sept. 21, 1885. 10355. Alice Cokdelli, " Sept. 4, 1888. 10306. Gkover David, '' May 14, 189.3. 15969] JAMES ELY HAMBLIN,9 (Bro. of Delia,) b. Dyden, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1852; m. there. Dec. 27, 1876, Carrie, dau. of Zepha- niah and Halma M, (Givens) Lupton, b. Dryden Center, N. Y., June 28, 1859; farmer; Dryden; Democrat. Ch. b. Etna, N. Y.: 10357, Edna, June 4, 1880. 10358, Cora, June 29, 1883. [5976] MAY CORDELIA HANFORD,9 (Elizabeth Hamblin,* Eli,' Dav- id,*^ Joshua,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ Jaraes,2i) b. Dryden, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1863, m. Mason City, Iowa, May 8, 1884, Charles Henry, son of Thomas B. and Anna Elizabeth (Kain) Macnider, b, Dubuque, Iowa, 1859; Prest. First National Bank, Dubuque, 1860-71; since, Mason City; Republican; Epis.; Freemason; Odd Fellow. Ch. b. Mason City: 10359, Hanford, Oct. 2, 1889. ') [5980] ELIZABETH HAMBLIN ROBERTSON,* (Elizabeth Hamblin,« Hiram, ^ David," Joshua, •'• Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,^ i) b. North East. N. Y., Aug. 21, 1849; m. Canastota, N. Y., May 6, 1874, John Curtis, « son of Lor- Jngand Ann Jennette (Curtis) Fowler,* b. Peterboro, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1845, law- * Note 469. WILLLIAM FOWLER was probably from Islington, now part of London, Kng. He had a classicHl education; was a non-conformist, and having been imprisoned there- for, emigrated to America, landing in Boston, .June 26, 1637, in company with the Rev. .John Davenport, founder of the New Haven Colony. March 30, 163S, he left Boston for Quinnipiac, the Indian name of New Haven, Conn., where he died in 1660, greatly respected, and tiistoricallv known as the "First magistrate of New Haven." The family resided for awhile at Milford, Conn., John, s son of William, being one of its first settlers. Their mill there, when destroyed j bjr lire, had become of so much importance, that it was rebuilt for the family, at the expense of |i the inhabitants. Will'am's daughter, Sarah, married Mr. John CoflBnch; and from Henry, son 998 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. yer, Syracuse, N. Y., since 1875. He was acting deputy clerk of Madison Co., N. Y., under his father, 1862-5: prepared for college at Canastota and Madison (N. Y.) University: graduated Hamilton College, class of I8fi9, A. B.; Saluta- torian, member Sigma Phi, and Piii Beta Kappa So.: admitted to the bar at Albany Gen. Term, Jan. 9, 1871; practiced law with his father at Canastota, 1871-3, and with Hon. Charles Stebbins at Cazenovia, N. Y., 1873-9; assistant to Commission to revise the statutes of N. Y. state: part compiler of Throop's Justice's Manual, 1880; indexed 7th and part of 8th Ed. N. Y. Rev. Statutes: author of Supplement to N. Y. Rev. Statutes, 1888; in politics he favored Lin- coln, Greely, Tilden, Cleveland and McKinley for the presidency; she graduated Houghton Seminary, Oneida, N. Y., Class of 1868; Presb. Children: 10360.* Samuel Robertson, b. Feb. 5, 1876, Canastota. 10361. Florence Elizabeth, " Oct. 10, 1880, Syracuse: unm. 1902. 10362.* Lo RING Robertson, " Sept. 16, 1882, of William, are supposed to be descended tlie Fowlers of Westchester, Ulster and Orange counties, N. Y., especially those of Newburgh. See note 357. JOHN FOWLER,2 m. Mary, dau. of George Hubbard, about 1646, and had six children. He soon removed to Guilford, Conn., bought the Francis Bushnell property in 1647; became overseer of highways, 1649; freeman of Guilford, 1650; marshal! of the Plantation, 1652; collector of customs and excise, 16.58; Deputy to the General Court, New Haven, 16S1, 16()3 and mil; and 27 times delegate to the General Court at Hariford, after the Union of the Colonies; one of the first deacons of i he church, Guilford ; and for his services to the colony, was given by the colony, 100 acres of land in Cochin-Chang, now Durham, Conn. .JOHN FOVVLER.s second son of John,2 also resided in Guilford. His home lot adjoined that of his brother, the Hon. Abraham Fowler, who married the daughter of Deacon George Bartlett, of Guilford, participated in King Philip's war, and was the father-in-law of Col. An- drew Ward of Guilford, who, in 1745, commanded a company at Louisburgh; husbandman and surveyor; and ran the boundary line between Guilford and Durham, in 1707. In 1682, he married Anne, daughter of William, the grandfather of Dr. Samuel Tonhson, and had seven children. DAVID FOWLER,* seventh child of .John, m. 1st, Miry Miles; and 2d, in 1736, Elizabeth Hall, a descendant of William Hall, one of the founders of Guilford. He had three children, by his first wife, and eight by the second. OLIVER FOVVLER,5 fourth child of David, b. June 2, 1737, had eleven children, whose descendants in 1843, were recorded in the Probate Court at Pittstield. Mass., upon the probate of his brother Ablathar's will which gave to the Congregational church at West Stockbridge. Mass.. of which he was a member, over SIOOO; and to the descendants of his brothers, Oliver,' Titus,") and Amos,5 and of his deceased sister, Elizabeth Harrison, 5 the balance. DANIEL FOWLER,6 son of 01iver,5 m. Sally Ward, ,Tuly 1. 17&7, and removed to Peter- boro. Madison Co., N. Y"., where Loring Fowler,7 son of Daniel, b. Aug. 15, 1815, m. Aug. 11, 1840, Ann .Tennette Curtis, dau. of John G. Curtis, Of Peterboro, N. Y., (merchant, and former County Clerk of .Madison Co., N.Y.,) and Ruth (Bartlett) Curtis, lineal descendants of those early pioneers of Guilford and Milford Conn., .John Parmelee, Abraham Cruttenden, George Bartlett and Nicholas Camp. Loring Fowler, was of the class of 1839, Hamilton College; Sigma Phi, and A. M. in 1852. He taught school awhile, and then became an assistant and surveyor, in the land office of his friend, the Hon. Gerrit Smith of Peterboro; in 1846, he studied law with Comstock. Leavenworth and Noxon of Syracuse, N. Y., and was admitted to the bar, at Cooperstown, N. Y. the same year; from 1816 to his death, in I8SS, excepting the years, l-i92 -5, he practiced law at Canastota, N. Y., where he also held the offices of justice of the peace, school com., village' president, and other town and village offices, besides devoting much time to surveying. He was also county clerk of Madison Co,. N. Y., 1862-5, member of the New York State Constitutional Convention, 1868, and director of the C. C. and De Ruyter R. R. Co.. 1869. In politics, be was a Free Soiler, then Republican, up to the Reconstruction p^eriod, when the policy of Greely, Til- den, Hays and Cleveland received his hearty support. Many of William Fowler's Guilford descendants have honored the home of Fitz Greene Hal- leck. Several served in the Revolutionary war, from immediately after the alarm of Lexington to the close of the war, Capt. Noah Fowler, serving until 1782, when he was appointed Lieut. Col. of the 28 Conn. Militia; many graduated at Yale, and several, as, Andrew, .John H., Amos, and William C. Fowler became eminent divines. The Rev. William C. Fowler, editing the Octavo University Edition of Webster's Dictionary in 1845. NINTH GENERATION. 999 [5987J JANE ELIZABETH SLOCUM,^ (Caroline E. Pitkin,* Elizabeth Hamblin,' Joshua,^^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Keesville, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1834; m. Brownville, Pa., by Rev. Robert Wallace, Aug. 31, 1858, Talbot Mer- cer, son of Joseph and Priscilla (Mercer) Rogers, b. Brownville, Feb. 1, 1834. He was educated at Jeflferson College; removed to Phila., Pa., 1866. Children: 10363.* Caroline Pitkin, b. Aug. 31, 1859, Brownville. 10364. Eleanok Slocum, " May 21, 1865, " 10365. Mary Mercer, *' Jan. 23, 1868, Phila. 10366.* James Slocum, " Nov. 21, 1871, " [5994] LAWRENCE A. HAMBLIN,9 (Lawrence,* Myron,^ Joshua,«5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Port Byron, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1841; m. Co- hocton, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1878, Minnie Jane, dau. of Hiram and SamanthaA. (Fay) Wyganl, b. Prattsburg, N. Y., Mar. 4, 1854; real estate and insurance agent; Port Byron, until 1849; Macedon, N.Y., until 1865; since, Owasso, Mich.; Repub- lican; postmaster, 1875-85; she Cong. [5995] EDWARD G. HAMBLIN,9 {Bro. of Lawrence A.,) \ b. Port Byron, N. Y., May 19, 1843; unmarried; traveling salesman; Port Byron, until 1849; Macedon, N. Y., until 1865; Owasso, Mich., until 1891; since, Lansing, Mich.: Sergt. H, 126 N. Y. Inf. Vols.; enlisted 1862; participated in most battles Army of Potomac during his term of service; wounded Gettys- burg, July, 1863; dis. 1865; Republican; member K. P. and Traveling Men's Asso. [5996] CHARLES HAKES ADAMS,^ (Pamelia Hamblin,* Myron,' Joshua,«5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Troy, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1844; m. Schaghticoke, N. Y., July 21, 1870, Ida, dau. of Sylvester and Lucinda (Parsons) Viets, b. Hazardville, Ct., Nov. 1, 1854; res. Troy; Republican; she Presb. He d. Lansingburg, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1879. ! Ch. b. Troy: 10367.* Myron James, Sept. 10, 1873. 10368. LOTTA Emilb, June 12, 1875; unm. 1902. 10369. Clara Kate, May 19, 1«77; d. Mar. 28, 1878. [5997] CLARA MARIE ADAMS,9 (Sister of Charles H.,) b. Troy, N. Y., Mar. 18, 1847; m. there, June, 22, 1865, James Knox Polk, ion of James and Sarah (Ondekirk) Pine, b. Hoosick, N. Y., Nov. 21,1841; nanufacturer; Upper Troy, N. Y.; Presb.; she, member Church of Christ Scien- tists. Children: 10370.* Charles Lerqy, b. July 18, 1866, Lansingburgh. 10371.* Ida Kate, " Mar. 10, 1868, Troy. 10372. Berrie H'AMBLin, " Nov. 20, 1872, " unm. 1902 10373. Clara Louise, " Sept. 19, 1876, Lansingburgh, " " 10374. Warren Adams, " May 9, 1881, " " " [5998] ANNIE ELIZABETH ADAMS.9 (Sister of Chas. H.,) b. Troy, N. Y., Apr. 1, 1849; m. there, Jan. 16, 1870, Marcus M., son of James I. and Jane (Brown) Waterman, b. Williamstown, Mass., Sept. 9, 1844; mer- 10375. Fred, 10376. Agnbs, 10377. Harry, 10378. Helen Fish, 10379. Marion, 1000 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. | chant; Williarastown, until 1865; since, Troy; Republican; village trustee and school trustee; Unitarian; she Presb. Children: b. Apr. 9, 1871, Troy. " Sept. 14, 1872, " " June 6, 1874, " unm. 1902; " Mar. 12, 1880, Lansingburgh, " " " Mar. 30, 1888. [6000] MYRON PETER HAMBLIN,^ (Myron W.,^ Myron,^ Joshua,^- Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James, 21) b. Troy, N. Y., Apr. 25, 1854; m. there, Dec. 26, 1877, Julia, dau. of James William and Eliza (Paul) Andrews, b. Troy, May 11, 1857; mfg. collars and cutfs, member firm of Pine and Hamblin, Troy, N. Y.: Republican; Methodist; member Troy Citizen's Corps; she Presb. He d. Troy, June 13, 1880. [6004J LYDIA JANE BARKER,^ (Lucy Standish,« Sarah Hamlen,- Isaac,«5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,3James,2i) b. Peru, Ohio, Sept. 19, 1839: m. there, Jan. 5, 1859, Austin E., son of John A. and Esther A. Patterson, b. Peru. July 29, 1834: furniture dealer and undertaker; Oskaloosa, Kas.; Democrat; she Epis. He d. Oskaloosa, Nov. 3, 1881. b. July 4, 1860, Peru. " June 27, 1862, " m. LucyL. Colvin. " Mar. 19, 1866, " '' Nov. 27, 1869, Oskaloosa; m. Wm. S. Wills. " Sep. 21,1876, " Jan. 10, 1879, [6005] MELVINA LUCY BARKER," (Sister of Lydia J.,) b. Peru, Ohio, Nov. 29, 1840: m. there. Mar. 1, 1865, David Hamilton, son of Daniel and Diana (Warner) Clark, b. Barnard, Vt., July 21, 1833: carpenter and farmer; Peru, Ohio, since, 1834; Republican; she member Henry Clark Corps, 321, W. R. C; Universalists; members Grange 1112, P. H. Ch. b. Peru. 10386.* Dean Barker, Oct. 18, 1878. [6006] JOHN BARKER," (Bro. of Lydia J.,) b. Peru, Ohio, July 6, 1844; m. 1st, Feb. 13, 1870, Rebecca Jane Cravpford, b. May, 1845, who d. Dec. 14, 1873; m. 2d, Norwalk, Ohio, Oct. 27, 1875, Phebe Ann, dau. of John Milton and Nancy Ann (Kniffln) Morse, b. Bronson Center, Ohio, Jan. 12. 1848: farmer; Peru, Ohio; Republican; private, 5 Indpt. Co., Ohio Vol. Slmrpshooters; enlisted Aug. 10, 1862; Head Quarter Guard for Gen. Thomas; participated in all battles of the Army of Cumberland from Stone River until close of war; dis. July 19, 1865: member Henry Clark Post 252, G. A. R.; Huron Lodge, 37, 1. O. O. F.; Calumet Encampment 47, 1. O. O. F.; she member Lodge, 317, Daughters of Rebekah; Henry Clark Corps 321, W. R. C, and W. C. T. U.: Universalists. He was buried Jan. 11, 1903. Children: 10380.* Edward, 10381. Lucy, 10382.* Addison A., 10383. Louisa Malvina, 10384. Josephine, 10385. Madge, NINTH GENERATION. 1001 Ch. by 1st wife: 10387. Myrtle L., b. Sept. 14, 18«8, Peru; d. Oct. 9, 1891, unm. 10388. Edgar C, " Dec. 28, 1872, Bronson; unm. 1902. By 2d wife, b. Bronson: 10389.* John Valentine, Feb. 14, 1877. 10390. Jay M., Feb. 14, 1877; d. Feb. 9, 1878. 10391. Lucy Aka, Oct. 7, 1888; unm. 1902. [6007] ESTHER MARIA STANDISH,^ (Zachariab,* Sarah Hamlen,^ lsaac,«f* Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James.^i) b. Norwalk, Ohio, June 26, 1839: m. Ber- lin, Ohio, Apr. 9, 1865, Jackson Nearing, son of Robert and Harriet (Fay) Pinney, b. Berlin, Sept. 5, 1835; farmer; Norfolk; Republican; Corp. C, 55 Ohio Inf. Vols.; enlisted 1«61; she Cong.: member Ladies of G. A. R.; and M. F. Wooster Circle 10. He d. Norwalk, July 9, 1899. Ch. b. Flowertield, Mich: 10392. Frank, Aug. 17, 1866; d. Jan. 29, 1869. [6008] MARY JANE STANDISH,9 (Sister of Esther M.,) b. North Fairfield, Ohio, Apr. 4, 1841; m. Daniel(?) Shedd, of E. Norwalk, Ohio, who is dead. Children: 10393. Fred. 10394. Charles. 10395. Mary. [6009] SARAH HAMLIN STANDISH,9 (Sister of Esther M.,) b. North Fairfield, Ohio, Feb. 14, 1844; ra. 1st, 1862, John, son of Halibert and Harriet (Fay) Pinney, b. Townsend, Ohio, Apr. 13, 1840; farmer; Townsend; Republican; private, B, 166 Ohio Inf. Vols.; enlisted May 2, 1864. He d. Fair- fax Seminary, Va., Aug. 15, 1864; m. 2d, Will Lush; farmer; Monroe Center, Mich. She d. Traverse City, Mich., Sept., 1889. Ch. by 1st marriage: 10396. George, b. Jan. 23, 1863, Townsend. 10397.* John, " Sept. 1, 1864, Norwalk. [6010] LUCY EMILY STANDLSH,* (Sister of Esther M.,) b. North Fairfield, Ohio, Jan. 8, 1846; m. Norwalk, Ohio, Sept. 14, 1864, Alonzo Frederick, son of Enoch and Altena ( White) Shedd, b. Norwalk, Nov. 8, 1842; railroad conductor; Norwalk; removed to La Fayette, Ind., 1870; toNew Albany, Ind., 1886; Republican; Freemason; she res. Otsego, Mich. He d. New [Albany, Nov. 15, 1887. iren: b. Mar. 18, 1866, Norwalk. " June 21, 1874, LaFayette; unm. 1902. " Dec. 22, 1883, " d. Dec. 27, 1896. Children: 10398.* Cora Emma, 10399. Frederick G., 10400. Alonzo F., I 1002 THE HAMLIT? FAMILY. [6011J ZACHARIAH MYLES STAND]SH,9 ( Bro. of Esther M.,) b. Norwalk, Ohio, Aug. 6, 1856; m. LaFayette, Ind., Apr. 23, 1879, Ellen Mary, dau. of Morris and Hannah (O'Donnell) Fitzgerald, b. LaFayette, June 1, 1857; locomotive engineer; Pittsburg, Kas.; Democrat: member Mickey Free Lodge, 527, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; she member Amity Lodge 26, G. P. A. to B. of L. E.; Catholics. Oh. b. LaFayette: 10401.* Zachary Joseph, July 29, 1881. Zachartah M. Standish, Esq. [6012J SARAH HARRIS STANDISH,^ (Bliss,^ Sarah Hamlen. Isaac,66 Benjamin,* EIeazer,3 James,2»)t>. Milan, Ohio, Mar. 14,1842; unmarried She was educated in the Western Reserve Normal School, Milan; school teacher in the Barstow school, Detroit, Mich., since Jan., 1871. [6013] ANNA MARIA STAND1SH,» (Sister of Sarah H.,) b. Milan, Ohio, Dec. 21, 1845; m. there, June 7, 1868, John Prescott, son ol John and Martha Ann (Nye*) Nourse,t b. Hampden, Me., Mar. 28, 1843; Gen,, Passenger and ticket agent, Marshalltown, Iowa, 1895; Passenger and ticketi * For Nye see note 34. + For Nourse see note 410. NINTH GENERATION. 1003 agent St. Louis, Mo., 1902; engraved in mining, 1902; Republican; member of Zion Lodge, A. F. & A. M.: Peninsula Chapter 16, R. A. M., both of Detroit. Children: 10402. George Bliss, b, Nov. 19, 1869, Milan; unm. 1902. 10403. John Willis, " Sept. 25, 1871, Detroit, " '• [6014] BLISS STAND1SH,9 (Bro. of Sarah H.,) b. Milan, Ohio, Feb. 22, 1848; m. Oct. 26, 1885, Cordelia Clary,^ dau. of Capt. William Mcintosh and Josephine* (Clary) Flanagan, b. Logansport, Ind., Apr. 3, 1868. See Josephine Clarys [4658]. [6018] MARY GURNEY JENKINS,* (Polly B. Hamlen,* Isaac's^ Ben- jamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Cummington, Mass., May 21, 1837; m. there, Apr. 10,1859, Henry Lyman, son of Franklin and Esther (Cowles) Naramore, b. Go- shen, Mass., Jan.. 19, 1836: mfg. of harness pads; Sharon, Mass.; Republican; Cong.; member Blue Hill Lodge; private, 32 Mass. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Nov. 21, 1861: transferred to V. R. C. June 18, 1864, She d. Cummington, May 14, 1869; he d. Sharon, Nov. 5, 1898. Ch. b. Goshen: 10404.* Martha Adelaide, Feb. 22, 1860. 10405.* Elmer Ellsworth, July 7, 1861. [6020] EDWARD CLARKE JENKINS,' (Bro. of Mary G.,) b. Cummington, Mass., Dec. 20, 1842; m. there, Nov. 27, 1866, Clara Trimble, dau. of Joseph and Elmina Prudence (Bates) Crosby, b. Cummington, Aug. 18, 1845; mechanic: Adams, Mass., 1867-9; since, Swift River, Mass.; Republican; private, I, 52 Mass. Inf. Vols.; enlisted, Sept. 15, 1862; served at siege of Port Hudson; discharged Aug. 14, 1863; re-enlisted, K, 4 Mass. Heavy Art., Aug. 12, 1864; dis. June 17, 1865; member William L. Baker Post 86, G. A. R.: Baptists. Children: 10406.* Mary Linnette, b. Oct. 12, 1867, Adams. 10407.* Caroline Ellen, " Aug. 25, 1877, Swift River. [6021] DIANTHE CLARKE JENKINS,9 (Sister of Mary G.,) b. Cummington, Mass., Feb. 24, 1845; m. there, Nov. 28, 1866, Henry Samuel, son of Hiram and Caroline (Gardner) Robbins, b. Ashfleld, Mass., Nov. 24, 1844; farmer and truckman; Cummington; Independent; member of Hampshire Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; she member Cummington Grange, 56, P. H. Ch. b. Cummington: 10408. Jennie Louisa, Dec. 28, 1884. 10409. Emma Jenkins, Oct. 1, 1876. 10410. Nellie Reid, Oct. 13, 1878. 10411. Lena Caroline, Mar. 23, 1873. [6022] RICHMOND AUGUSTUS JENKINS,9 (Bro. of Mary G.,) b. Cummington, Mass., June 6, 1852; m. Cranford, N. J., June 12, 1901, Min- erva Emmogene, dau. of Charles Homer and Caroline Eliza (Judd) Clarke, b. New Haven, Ct., Sept. 10, 1872; carpenter and builder; Cummington, until 1879; Swift River, Mass., until 1901; since, Huntington, Mass.; Repulican; she Presb. 1004 TFIE HAMLIN FAMILY. [6023] ALDEN HAMLEN DYER,« (Martha A. Hamlen,8 Isaac.'^s Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Plainfleld, Mass., June 19, 1839; m. Dec. 29, 1861, Nancy Lucelia, dau. of Jerijah and Dorothy (Morton) Barber, b. July 17, 1839: farmer; Republican; soldier, F, 46 Mass. Inf. Vols.: enlisted 1862. He d. in service, Newberne, N. C, Jan. 19, 1863; Congs.; she d. Plainfield, Dec. 29, 1889. [6025] EB^FIE GERTRUDE DYER,« (Sister of Alden H,) b. Plainfield, Mass., July 15, 1850; m. there. May 4, 1872, Charles N., son of Levi and Annis (Joy) Holden, b. Hawley; Mass., Sep. 21, 1847; farmer; res. on her father's homestead, Plainfield; Republican; Congs. Her sister Augusta res. with them. Ch. b. Plainfleld: 10412. Alden C, Aug. 1, 1878; unm. 1901. [6026] LEANTHA BEALS,^ (Sybil Hamlin,^ Isaac^es Benjamin,* Ele- azer,3 James,2i) b. Cummington, Mass., 1832; m. Springfield, Mass., Aug. 15, 1852, Galusha F., son of Cyrus and Philena (Ford*) Miller, b. Cummington, Oct. 22, 1827; farmer; Williamsburg, Mass., for 30 years; afterwards, Florence, Mass.; RepublicarK Methodists. No issue. [603.3] ALBERT HAMLEN FORD,^ (Olive B. Hamlen,^ Isaac,765 Ben jamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Cummington, Mass., Mar. 3, 1844; m. Ruth Allen; carpenter. He d. St. Charles, Ark., Sept. 23, 1880. She is dead. a [6034] JULIA CORDELIA FORD,' (Sister of Albert H.,) b. Cummington, Mass., Mar. 18, 1846; m. Eastharapton, Mass., Aug. 21, 1898, Austin T., son of Daniel and Mary Ann (Symonds) Gay,b. Acworth, N.H., June 1, 1851; carpenter; Waterbury, Gt., and Sunderland, Mass.; she Cong. No issue. [6036] ROLDON RODOLPHUS FORD," (Bro. of Albert H.,) b. Bleeker, N.Y., Mar. 30,1854; m. Northampton, Mass., Apr. 27,1881, Theresa Eleanor, dau. of Cyrus and Katherine (Burdick) Osborne, b. Blandford Mass., Mar. 15, 1857; painter; Florence, Mass., 1881-7: Easthampton, until 1893: since, Chicopee Falls, Mass.; Republican; member of Belcher Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; and Unity Chapter, R. A. M. Ch. b. Florence: 10413. Albert Hikam, Mar. 14, 1883. [6037] LEWIS THAYER FORD,' (Bro. of Albert H.,) b. Bleeker, N. Y., May 4, 1856; ra. Easthampton, Mass., Nov. 4, 1885, Rose J., dau. of William Wallace and Sarah Lurancia (Ludden) Chilson, b. Williams- burg, Mass., May 15, 1862; overseer; Easthampton; Republican; member Hope Lodge 1184, K. H.; Ionic Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; and A. O. U. W.; she member Doric Chapter 7; Congs. Ch. b. Easthampton: 10414. Howard Willis, Aug. 18, 1886. 10415. Harry Lewis, " " " For Ford see notes 119 and 299. L NINTH GENERATION. 1005 [6038] THKRON ORCUTT HAMLEN,9 (Theron A.,« Isaac,''65 Benja- min,* Eleazer.3 Jaraes,«i) b. Cummington, Mass., Apr. 9, 1842: m. there, May o. 1881, Hattie L.,dau.of Jacob and Laura A.(Barras) Love]l,*b. Bleeker, N.Y., Jan. 14, 1858: removed with his parents to Bleeker, 1848; Gloversville, N.Y., 1860, where he was employed five years in post office; Cleveland nine years; Cum- mington, fifteen years, twelve as merchant and post master; she Cong. Ch. b. Cummington: 10416. Esther Lov^ell, Nov. 11, 1890. 10417. Harold Eugene, Feb. 5, 1893, [6042] GEORGE GUILFORD,' (Sarah A, Hamlen,^ Isaac,"fir> Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Worthington, Mass., July 10, 1839; m. 1st, East Hamp- ton, Mass., Nov. 8, 1865, Eliza Tryphena, dau. of William Noyes and Tryphena (James) Clapp, b. Easthampton, Dec. 21, 1844: who d. Swift River, Mass., Feb. 18,1879: m. 2d, Easthampton, Dec. 25, 1880; Sarah Eugenia Clapp, sister of 1st wife, b. Easthampton, Aug. 17, 1836, mechanic and farmer; Swift River, Cum- mington, Mass.; Republican, Congs. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Springfield, Mass.; 1041«. Eva Christian, Jan. 18; d. Jan. 11, 1879. [6045] JULIA EMMA HAMLEN,' (Alden J.,* Isaac, '«5 Benjamin,* Ele- rizer,^ James,**) b. Cummingtx^)n, Mass., May 28, 1847; m. Gloversville, N. Y,, Jan. 5, 1871, Charles A., son of Chester M. and Maria (James) Wait, b. East- hampton, Mass., Nov. 5, 1844; she res. Cummington, until 1851: Bleeker, N.Y., until 1865; Sunderland, Mass., until 1881; since, Gloversville; Presbs. Ch. b. Sunderland: 10419. Arthur H., Sept. 14. 1874; d. May 13,1889. 10420. Lewis E., Aug. 18, 1876, " Dec. 4, 1881. 10421. Minnie May, Apr. 12, 1878, " Sept. 30, 1878, 10422. Nelue Maria, Aug. 19, 1880, " Sept. 19, 1880. [6046] SARAH ELLA HAMLEN," (Sister of Julia E.,) b. Cummington, Mass., Sept. 1, 1849: m, Sunderland, Mass., Mar. 10, 1880, Arthur Tappan, son of Cyrus and Philena (Ford*) Miller, b. Haydenville, Mass., Dec. 25, 1839; she res. Cummington, until 1851; Bleeker, N. Y,, until 1865; Glo- versville, until 1880; afterwards, Haydenville; Cong. She d. Haydenville, Sept. 13, 1890. Ch. b. Haydenville: 10423. Edith H., Sept. 7, 1887. [6047] CARRIE ROSABEL HAMLEN,9 (Sister of Julia E.,) b. Bleeker, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1853, m. Gloversville, N. Y., June 5, 1873, Cephas Alden, son of Alden and Achsah (Hubbard) Graves, b. Sunderland, Mass., Feb. 23, 1847; farmer; Sunderland; Republican, He was choir leader 25 years; Congs; members Grange 220, P. H. ^ * For Lovell see note 138. + For Ford see notes 119 and 299. 10429. LiLLIE B., 10430. William Cody, 10431. Benjamin Harrison, 10432. Minnie E., 10433. Lewis E., 1006 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. Sunderland: 10424. Kosetta May, Apr. 2, 1877; unm. 1901. 10425. RuFUS Hubbard, July, 22, 1878, 10426. Carrie Florence, June 26, 1882, 10427. Cephas Alden, Dec. 11, 1890; d. Mar. 29, 1892. 10428. LuciAN Hamlin, Jan. 16,1893. [6050] MINNIE MAY HAMLEN,9 (Sister of Julia E.,) b. Gloversville, N. Y., July 8, 1868: m. there, Oct. 5, 1898, Charles H., son of Robert and Clarissa (Carey ) McGrevey, b. Johnstown, Dec. 12, 1863; Glovers- ville; Presbs. [6054] GEORGE THERON HAMLEN.9 (Edwin 0.,» Isaac,""-' Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Laporte, Ind., Nov. 27, 1858; m. New Buffalo, Mich., Sept. 23, 1883, Mary, dau. of John Marsh, b. Laporte, Dec. 31, 1858; farmer: LaBlanche, Kansas; whether he removed 1885. Children: b. July 5, 1884, Laporte. " July 14, 1886, Smith Co., Kas. " Dec. 10. 1888, Sherman, " " Auf?. 29. 1890, " " " Nov. 6, 1892, [6055] FLORA HAMLEN,« (Robert D.,« Joshua,' Isaac," & Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Bennington, Vt., June 18, 1840; m. there, Dec. 27, 1866, Benjamin Sisson Luther, b. Swansea, Mass., Sept. 8, 1830; clothing manu- facturer; Newton, Mass.; Baptists. He d. Boston, Jan. 9, 1890: she res. Bos- ton; manager Young Woman's Christian Association. Children: 10434.* Frances Isabelle, b. Apr. 15, 1868, Boston. 10435. Flora Hamlen, " July 29, 1871, Bennington; unm. 1897. 10436. Benjamin Sisson, " July 26, 1877, Newton, " " [6057] FANNIE HAMLEN," (Sister of Flora, ) b. Bennington, Vt., July 18, 1845; m. there, Oct. 20, 1870, George H., son of Thomas and Sarah (Woodward) Wicks, b. Colerne, Wiltshire, England, Nov. 10, 1839; real estate dealer; Brooklyn, N.Y., 1862-1880; since, Skaneateles, N. Y.; Republican; member Lodge 144, A. O. U. W., Skaneateles: Presbs. No issue. j [6063] MARY E. ABBOTT," (Eliza Hamlin,** David,'" Isaac,^ Benjamio,* Eleazer.s James,2i) b. Buffalo, N. Y., 1830: n>. Otis Andrews; she d. Buffalo, Sept. 13, 1865. Ch. b. Buffalo: 10437.* Nellie, Aug. 1, 1851. [6066] SARAH H. ASH,9 (Eliza Hamblin,8 David,'" Isaac,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,a James,2i) b. Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1842; m. there, Dec. 24, 1865, An- drew A., son of Andrew and Mary M. (Wingert) Hoke, b. Gettsville, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1847; painter and paper hanger; Gettsville, until 1851; Newstead, until 1865; Buffalo, until 1876; since, Clarence, N. Y.; Republican; private, I, 116 N. ; NINTH GENERATION. 1007 Y. Inf. Vol Winchester dis. .Tune 8, Baptists. 10438. 10439. 10440. 10441. 10442. 10443. 10444.* 10445. 10446. s., enlisted 1863: in battles Pleasant Hill, Cain River, Marksville, , Fisher's Hill, Cedar Creek, where he was wounded, Oct. 19, 1864; 18651 Republican; member Ransom, Post 432, G. A. R.; she 8, W. R.C. Children: Carrie Eliza, LOTTA, W^r. Lenza, Laura May, Arthur A., Sarah H., Mary Amelia, Fannie Dafsy, Nellie, b. Mar. 21, 1869, Buffalo; d. Aug. Feb. July Mar. 5, 1870. 5, 1871. 2, 1872. 1, 1874. Jan. 8. 1871, " Feb. 5, 1872, Oct. 20, 1873, Sept. 12, 1877, Clarence. May 19, 1875, Buffalo: d. Jan. 2, 1891 Sept. 26, 1879, Clarence. Nov, 22, 1881, Sept. 19, 1885, d. Jan. 24, 1890. [6067] NATHANIEL ASH,9 b. Buffalo. N.y.. Mar. 14, 1849; m. there, Jan., rick and Margaret Ann (McCloy) Early, b. Dec. North Evans, N. Y.; Republican; private, F, 65 N. Evans. He d. Buffalo, Nov. 21, 1892. Children: 10447. Maude Eliza, 10448. Gertrude Catherine, 10449. Jessie Mary, 10450. Nathaniel Walter, 10451. Grace Ellen, 10452. Deravood Marcellas, b. Nov. " Apr. " Jan. " Nov. " Dec. " July (Bro. of Sarah H.,) 1873, Katherine, dau. of Pat- 1, 1852; painter; Buffalo and Y. Inf. Vols.; she res. North 22, 1873, Buffalo; d. July 18, '75 9, 1876, North Evans. 23, 1880, " " unm. 1899 22, 1882, " '« 9, 1885, " 18, 1889, " [6068] EPHRAIM BARTLEY DIXON,9 ( Anna Hamlin,^ David.'s Isaac,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Erie Co., N. Y., July 12, 1830; m. Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1852, Anna, dau. of William Gill; machinist; Janesville, Wis.; Republican: Freemason; she Christian. Children: b. June 16, 1854, Buffalo; d. July 2, 1891, Beloit. " Jan. 5, 1856, " July 12, 1871, Janesville. " Aug. 23, 1873, " unm. 1900. '• Nov. 20, 1875, " Oct. 15, 1878, " unm. 1900. " June 28, 1881, " Nov. 2, 1883, " " 10453.1 Henry W., 10454. MaryF., 10455. Fred, 10456. Benjamin, 10457. Frank, 10458. George, 10459. Jesse, 10460. Anna, [6069] BENJAMIN P. DIXON,' (Bro. of Ephraim B.,) b. Erie Co., N. Y., Aug. 31. 1832; private, I, 47 Ills. Inf. Vol., enlisted 1861; in battle Island No. 10; dis. Sept. 1865; farmer: Phillipsburg, Kas.; Republican; member G. A. R. He d. Phillipsburg, Jan. 12, 1899. [6070] GEORGE FRANKLIN DIXON," (Bro. of Ephraim B.,) b. Erie Co., N. Y., Sept. 16, 1834; m. Footvllle, Wis., Sept. 24, 1855, Mary, dau. of Barnett and Betsey, (Albro) Bump, b. Washington Co., N. Y., Apr. 10, 1008 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. 1835; farmer; removed from Iowa to Phillipsburg, Kans., 1872: Republican; she Cong. 10461.* 10462. 10463. Children: Frank A., Anna, Minnie A., b. July 27, 1856, Rock Co., Wis. " Nov. 14, 1863, Footville: d. July 3, 1864. " July 17, 1865; m. Rev. D. C. Hapson. [60721 POLLY A. DIXON,9 (Sister of Ephraim B.,) b. Erie Co., N. Y., Dec. 23, 1839; m. Avon, Wis., Feb. 12, 1860, Nathan P., son of Daniel and Sarah J. (Cady) McNitt. b. Norwich, N. Y., Nov. 6, 18401 miller: moved with his parents to Wis., 1)S55: resided Decatur. Brodhead, aoc Spring Brook, Wis.: member G, 13 Wis. Inf. Vols.: enlisted Jan. 14, 1862; re-j enlisted Jan., 1864; in battle of Fort Donaldson: captured Dec. 31, 1864, confined in rebel prisons, Cahawba andSelma, Ala.; released Apr. 16, 1865; dis. Aug, 24j 1865; member Wesley Patton Post 90, G. A. R.: she F. W. Baptist. Children: Oct. 18. 1860, Decatur. Sept. 19, 1862, Dec. 24, 1865, Brodhead; unm. 1900. Nov. 22. 1867, Feb. ..5,1870, '' d. Aug. 25, 1881. Mar. 28, 1872, [6073] MARGARET ANN DIXON,» (Sister of Ephraim B.,) b. Spring Grove, Wis., Mar. 1, 1844; m. 1st, Aug. 23, 1S71, James Gunn, who d. Nov. 20, 1876: m. 2d, Julius J. Bates, who d. 1897. Ch. b. 1st marriage: 10470. William E., b. July 17, 1872, Brodhead. 10471. Henry James, " June 16, 1876, Bremer, Iowa. 10464.* Daniel H., b 10465.* Nathan E., 10466. George D., 10467.* Ulysses J., 10468. D WIGHT E., 10469.* MiLoB., [6074J JAMES MILTON DIXON,» (Bro. of Ephraim B.,) b. Green Co., Wis., Oct. 28, 1847; m. Brodhead, Wis., Melinda Welch, was at Dawson, Alaska, 1900: she at Seattle, Wash. He [6075] AMANDA M. DIX0N,9 (Sister of Ephraim B.,) b. Avon, Wis., May 26, 1851; m. New Hampton, Iowa, May 9, 1872, Varney Bump, b. Washington Co., N.Y., Aug. 31. 1840; farmer; removed from Chicka- saw Co., Iowa, to Phillipsburg, Kansas, 1874; Republican; she Cong.' He d. Phillipsburg, Apr. 25, 1884. Ch. b. Phillipsburg: 10472.* Charles B.,' Apr. 13, 1874. 10473. George F., Dec. 16, 1879. 10474. Yarney E., Nov. 11, 1883. [6078] ALVIRA L. ANDRUS,^ (Amanda O. Hamlin,« David,'^ Isaac.s Benjamin,* Eleazer,» James,2i) b. North Evans, N. Y., 1840; m. there, Dec. 24, 1868, Asa C, son of Asa and Sarah Jennings, b. North Collins, N. Y., Apr. 7, 1837; farmer; Langford, N. Y.; Republican; private, A, 44, N. Y. Inf. Vols., en- listed Sept. 14, 1861; in battles of Second Bull Run, Laurel Hill, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, wounded 2d Bull Run: dis. Oct. 21, 1864: she d. North Collins, May, 1883. NINTH GENERATION. 1009 Ch. b. Eden: 10475.* Raymond A.. Nov. 23, 1872. [6081] ANNIE E. ANDRUS,' (Sister of Alvira L.,) b. North Evans, N. Y., Apr. 5, 1853; m. there, Feb. 19, 1878, Charles Henry, son of Flenry and Mary (DroeRniiller) Keeler. b. Haraburj?, N. Y., May 19, 1852; builder: St. Paul Minn.: member of St. Paul Lodge 2, I.O.O.F.; she of Corps .-,. W. R. C. Ch. b. Lake City, Minn.; 10476.* Herbert Lynn, Nov. 1, 1879. [60c^2] CHARLES H. ANDRUS,9 (Bro. of Alvira L.,) i b. North Evans, N. Y., .Tuly 3, 1856; m. Delevan, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1891, Jennie L., dau. of Rev. T. T. and Julia A. (Knapp, ) Horton, b. Delevan, Mar. 23, 1861; carpenter: North Evans; Republican; she Baptist. Ch. b. North Evans; 10477. Leo R., June 5, 1892. 10478. Howard H., Mar. 1, 1894. 10479. Myrtle E., Oct. 10, 1895. [6099] FRANK LESLIE FALOR,' (Ora F. Hamlin,8 Isaac,^ David,* Isaac,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2») b. Akron, Ohio, May 6, 1861; m. there, Aug. 2, 1885, Hattie Hannah, dau. c»f Jonas Franklin and Anna (Funk) Hoch, b. Doylestown, Ohio, 1868; res. Barberton, Ohio; Republican; she member Ger- man Reformed Church. Ch. b. Barberton: 10480. Grace May, Dec. 23, 1886. [6100] ROSE FALOR," ' (Sister of Frank L.,) b. Akron, Ohio, Dec. 6, 1864; m. Sept. 6, 1896, Elmer, son of John Harpley, b. Sharon, Ohio, Apr. 23, 1868; farmer; Rootstown, Ohio; Democrat. [6101] AUSTIN LEONARD FALOR,' (Bro. of Frank L.,) b. Coventry, Ohio, Feb. 18, 1866; m. Barberton, Ohio, Nov. 1, 1892, Cather- ' ine, dau. of John and Harriet Wehr, b. Clinton, Ohio, Nov. 30, 1874; carpenter I and contractor; Barberton; Republican; member of Barberton Lodge, 486, K.P,, I and Barberton Camp, 3206, M. W. A.; she Lutheran. Ch. b. Barberton: 10481. Velma Arline, Aug. 24, 1898. [6102] CORA FALOR,9 (Sister of Frank L., ) b. Akron, Ohio, Apr. 8, 1868: m. June 3, 1891, George Grant, son of Hamil- ton and Anna (Hunsicker) Battles, b. Akron, Apr. 8, 1868; bookbinder; Akron; Republican; member S. of V.., and Bookbinder's Union. ! Children: 10482. Ruth Viola, b. June 27, 1892. j 10483. May Irene, " Apr. 26, 1895. ' 10484. Clyde Hamlin, " Aug. 31, 1898. 10485. Ethel, *' Mar. 4, 1901. 1030 THE HAMLm FAMILY. [6104] WILLIAM ELGIN FALOR," (Bro. of Frank L.,) b. Akron, Ohio, July 17, 1872: ni. Apr. 8. 1901, Lottie, dau. of John and Sal lie (Brady) Nay, b. Canton, Ohio: res. Barberton; Republican: member of Akrnr Lodge, 403, K. P. [6105] ABRAM EPHRAIM FALOR,' (Bro. of Frank L.. ) b. Akron, Ohio, Oct. 26, 1874: m. Barberton, Ohio, Nov. 17,1895, Mary Camp; rubber worker: Akron: Republican. Children: J0486. Elva Ellen. .lune 24, 189(>. 10487. Edna Ikenan. .June 12. 1898: d. Feb. 24, 1900. 10488. Vekna Leota, Aug. 4, 1901. Mrs. Nellie M. Hancey. [6115] NELLIE MARIA HYDE,» (Sally H. Pratt,^ Clarissa Hamlen,? John,* Isaac,6 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James.^i) b. Hyde Park. Utah, July 4. 1861; m. Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct, 11, 1883, Henry Edwin, son of .James and Rachael (Seamons) Hancey, b.' Hyde Park, Feb. 19, 1864: farmer; Hyde Park; Democrat: members Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. NINTH GENERATION. 1011 Ch. b. Hyde Park: 10489. Jennie May. Sept. 6, 1884. 10490. Henky Edwin. May 1, 1886. 10491. Nellie Manetta, Feb. 12, 1888. 10492. G ROVER Pratt, Sept. 25, 1890. . 1049;{. Bekty Wilder, May 5, 1892. 10494. Charles Hyde, June 25, 1895: d. Mar. 13, 1897 10495. LiLA Fay, Sept. 23. 1899. 10496. Eugena Clair. Aug. 99 1902. [61171 CHARLES OTIS GLOYD,9 (Lucy G- Pratt,* Clarissa Hamlen,' John," Isaac,'' Benjamin,* Eleazer,* James,2i) b. Cummington, Mass., Sept. 30, 1850; m. Plainfield, Mass., Nov. 28, 1872, Percis Ophelia, dau. of Charles and Orissa (Mason) Harlow, b. Cummington, Oct. 28, 1853; mechanic; Cummington, until 1883: since, Northampton, Mass.; Republican; member of United Work- men, 9*<: Unitarians. Ch. b. Cummington: 10497 Abbott Lawrence, May 17, 1873; m. Bessie B. Frost. 10498. LURA Clara, Oct. 28, 1879. [6120J ORLA WILLIAM SHATTUCK,9 (Laura Pratt,^ Clarissa Ham- lin,^ John," Isaac,'* Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Plainfield, Mass., June 20, 1849; m. Covert, Mich., Feb. 4, 1873, Mary Evelyn, dau. of Marshall and Mary (Foss) Rood, b. Portland, Me., Feb. 8, 1852; proprietor livery and feed stable; Plainfield, until 1865; Cummington, Mass., until May, 1871; since, South Haven, .Mich.: Republican: member 140, A.O. U. W.; members Patrician's Court, 10. Ch. b. Covert: 10499.* Mary Foss, Jan. 3, 1876. lOoOO. Elna Frances, Oct. 17, 1883. [6121] ELLA AUDELL SHATTUCK,* (Sister of Orla W.,) b. Plainfield, Mass., July 5, 1852; m. George W., son of George and Margaret (Hosie) Leslie, b. near CarroUtown, Pa., Mar. 25, 1845; fruit grower; Carrolltown, 1845-68; Ganges, Mich., until about 1870; since, Covert, Mich.; Republican; Congs. Ch. b. Covert: 10501.* Laura Elnora, June 13, 1875. 10502. William Glenn, May 30, 1886. [6122] CARRIE AMANDA SHATTUCK,' (Sister of Orla W.,) b. Plainfield, Mass., June 30, 1854; m. St. Joseph, Mich., Dec. 1, 1874, Sam- uel D., son of William M. and Mary (Sherburn) Kenney, b. near Georgtown, Ontario, Feb. 16, 1853: merchant and fruit grower; Georgetown, until 1861; since. Covert, Mich.: Temperance Republican: member of Anti Saloon League. Ch. b. Covert: j 10503. Edna Browning, Oct. 7, 1877; unm. 1901. 10504. Ada Frbdrika, Dec. 20, 1881, " " 1012 THE HAMLIN P^AMILY. [6124] 8HEPARD HAMLIN SHATTUCK,9 (Bro. of Oria W.,) ! b. Plainfield, Mass., May 24, 1859; m. Dryden, Mich., Apr. 22, 1885, Clara dau. of Elijah Burton and Jane (Morrison) Sherburn, b. Ailsa Craig, Ontaric June 8, 1856; fruit grower: Plainfield, 1859-B6; Cummington, Mass., 1866-71 since. Covert, Mich.; Republican. Ch. b. Covert: 10505. Kari. Benbow, Oct. 3, 1888. 10506. WiNNiFREi* Dorothy, Sept. 10, 1900. [6127] ALFRED EUGENE WAITE.i' (Celia rord,8 Abigail Hamlen, John,« Isaac,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,* James,2i) b. Whately, Mass., Sept. 2C 1840: m. Conway, Mass., Jan. 1, 1863, Elizabeth, dau. of Horace and Esthe (Dale) Franklin, b. Shelburne, Mass., July 29, 1842; fajmer: Whately and Con way. He d. Conway, July 3, 1866; his widow removed to Pioneer, Ohio, and re married Mr. Thomas, now deceased; she Baptist. Children: 10507.* Esther Elizabeth, b. Aug, 17, 1864, Conway. ' 10508. Nettie M., " Oct. 31, 1866; iinm. 1901. [6128] JOHN EDWARD WA1TE.9 ( Bro. of Alfred E.,) b. Whately, Mass., Dec. 12, 1843; m. Templeton, Mass., June 19, 1867, Eliza dau. of Nathan Stoddard, b. Templeton, Mass., May 21, 1844: farmer; Whately Democrat. Ch. b. Whately: 10509.* Arthur Allen, Feb. 4, 1870. 10510.* Lester Eugene, Apr. 27, 1874. 10511. Leslie Edward, " " " unm. 1902. [6129] ADELAIDE CAROLINE WAITE,9 (Sister of Alfred E.) b. Whately, Mass., Sept. 20, 1845: m. Cummington, Mass., Nov. 9, 186H. Arthur Spelman, son of Nathan Spellman and Sybil (Cowing) Stearns,* b. Worthington, Mass., Mar. 19, 1847; mechanic, mfgr. of woodenware; Worthing ton and Cummington, Mass.; Republican. She d. Whately, Aug. 3, 1893; he d. Cummington, Oct. 10, 1884. No issue. [6131J WILLIS FORD WAITE,!' (Bro. of Alfred E.,) b. Whately, Mass., Mar. 21, 1850; m. Sheffield, Mass., Sept. 17, 1879, Mari- anna A., dau. of Amos and Prudence (Smith) Brewer, b. Sheffield, Mass., Mar. 18, 1851; farmer; Whately, res. on his father's homestead, occupied successively by six generations of Waites, including his children; the present dwelling thereon was built, 1795; Republican. Ch. b. Whately: 10512. Clifford Earl, Nov. 3, 1882. 10513. Argie Lena, Nov. 14, 1884. » For Stearns see note 158. NINTH GENERATION. 1013 [61321 MARA MADORA WAITE,9 (Sister of Alfred E.,) b. Whately, Mass., Nov. 14, 1852; m, Newtonville, Mass., Mar. 22, 1883, John Franklin, son of John and Abigail Perkins (Cheever) Banchor, b. Boston, Mass., July 8, 1830: resided Boston, until 1877; since, Newtonville, Mass., retired; Dem- ocrat. [6135] ROSE ELLEN AYERS,^ (Angeline Ford,* Abigail Hamlen,^ John." Isaac. s Benjamin.^ Eleazer,^ James.^i) b. Windsor, Mass., Feb. 9, 1844: ra. Springfield, Me., July 19, 1873, Edgar M. Jones. Both d. Hartland, Me.: she Dec. 15, 1897; he Jan. 9, 1899. No issue. [6136] GEORGE ARIAL A YERS,9 (Bro. of Rose E.. ) b. Plaintield, Mass., July 6, 1850; m. 1st, Detroit, Me., Aug. 14, 1870, Edna Frances, dan. of Eben and Emily Jenks (Racklifl) Clement, b. Detroit, July 2, 1852, who d. Jackson Brook, Me.. May 4, 1872; m. 2d, Topsfield, Me., July 12, 1873, Melinda Russell Clement, sister of tlrst wife, b. Detroit, Apr. 5, 1854; cabinet maker; Plainfield, until 1855: Detroit, fifteen years; Jackson Brook, Me., now Brookton, Me., 8 years: Prentiss, Me.; since, Florence, Mass.: Republican: mem- ber Hampshire Lodge 98, A. O. U. W.; she member Enterprise Lodge 8, Degree of Honor, A.O.U. W. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Jackson Brook: 10514. George Francis, Apr. 14, 1872; unm. 1902. By 2d wife, b. Prentiss: 10515. Edgar Delos, Jan. 10, 1880; d. Apr. 20, 1880. [6137] JEROME B AYERS,^ (Bro. of Rose E.,) b. Plainfield, Mass., Mar. 26, 1854; m. Bangor, Me., Lulu B. Williams. She d. Florence, Mass., Jan. 7, 1899. Ch. b. Chicago, Ills.: 10516. Edgar, Nov. 27, 1880. [6139] FLORENCE ELLA SHAW,9 (Lavantia Ford,' Abigail Hamlin,^ John.6 Isaac,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,* Jame.s,ai,) b. Cummington, Mass., Aug. 13, 1849: m. Abington. Mass., Oct. 2, 1870, Joshua Francis,* son of Joshua Bowker and Frances Maria Curtis,* b. Scituate, Mass., July 1,1848; farmer; Scituate, until about 1850; Brighton, Mass., until about 1868; Abington, until 1871: N. Y. City, until 1880; Newton, Mass., until 1894; N. Y. City, until 1898; since, Abington; Republican. She is a writer of stories and other works; author * Note 470. STEPHEN CURTIS, was of Appledore, county Kent, Eng., 1450. Several of his descendants were mayors of Tenterden, a town from whence the Curtises of New England came. The early descendants of this pedigree are taken from an original pedigree in posses- sion of the family under the hand and seal of Sir William Segar, King-of-Arms, transcribed by John Philpot, Blanch Lion, and is entitled: "The descent of the auntient famllie of the Curtises in County Kent, Gents., faithfully collected out of the office of Arms, the public records of the kingdom, private evidence of the familie and other venerable monuments of antiquitie." WILLIAM CURTIS.i and wife Sarah, came in the ship Lvm. which arrived at Boston, Sunday, Sept. 16, 1&{2. They settled in Roxbury, Mass. ; Freeman, March 4, 1633-3. He d. Dec. 8, 1672, aged 80; she d. Mar. 22, 1763, aged r3. Children, (all m., except William): William, Thomas, Mary, John, Philip, Hannah, Elizabeth and Isaac. THOMAS CURTIS,^ b. England, and came with his parents to Boston, Sept. 16, 1633, and probably lived with them in Roxbury, Mass. He settled in Scituate, Mass., 1643. Little is known 1014 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. of "The Earl's Daughter." Universalists. I am indebted to her kind assist- ance for the records of the Shaw family and other records of her branch of the family, which have been carefully prepared, exhibiting much research. Ch. b. N.Y. City: 10517. Nellie Maria, June 25, 1872; d. Feb. 25. 1873. 10518.* Linda Mabel, Dec. 25, 1874. 10519.* Fannie Lavantia, Aug. 2, 1879. [6140] .SILLINDA MASON SHAW,9 (Sister of Florence E.,) b. Detroit, Me., Dec. 4, 1857; m. Newtonville, Mass., Dec. 23, 1880, William Fred, son of George Franlflin and Lucretia (Morton) Kimball,* b. New Haven, Ct., July 18, 1857; leather dealer: Newtonville; Republican; member Delhousie Lodge, and Newton Club; she treasurer Newton Universalist Sewing Circle, and member Woman's Guild; Universalists. Ch. b. Newtonville: 10520. Morton Shaw, Sept. 26, 1884. 105J1. George Fayette, xMar. 16, 1893; d. Mar. 17, 1893. 10522. Katherine, Sept. 16, 1898. of him or his family. He had at least Chree childrea: William, .Toha, Richard. WILLIAM CURTIS.s settled, ILv^ed and died in Scituate, Mass. His farm was on North river. Children; .loseph, Benjamin, William, John, .Mipiain. Mebit ible, Stephen, Sarah and Samuel. .lOSEPH CURTIS,* b. .May, 1664; wife Rebecca. Children: Joseph, Josiah, Rebecca, Mar- tha, Richard, Elisha, Thankful, Jesse, Peleg. BENJAMIN CURTIS,! (Bro. of Joseph,) b. Jan., 1667; m. 16S9, Mary Sylvester. He built the Curtis mills on Third Herrin;? broolt. Children; Mary, Benjamin, Ebenezer, Lydia, Sarah, Ruth, Susannah, Deborah, William, David, Peleg. PELEG CURTIS, b. Sept. 1?10; m. about 1749. Experience Ford; farmer; a business man of industry and thrift. Children; Lucy, Experience, Peleg, Bethia, Thankful, Leafy, Joseph. JOSEPH CUBT1S,6 b. Jan. i:>. 1768; m. Feb. 1. 180S, Polly Bowker. He lived near Third Herring brook. South Scituate, Miss. He d. Nov. 7, 18U. Children: Leafy, Joseph. Joseph, .Joshua Bowker, Peleg, Joseph. JOSHUA BOWKER CURTIS,? b. July 21, 1814; m. 1846, Francis Maria,9 dau. of Seth and Ruth (Loring) Curtis, b. May 25, lSi3. Children: Joshua Francis, Leafy. Francis Maria, Nellie Loring. JOSIAH CURTIS,5 {.Joseph.* William,3 Thomas,2 William.i)b. Apr. 5, 1697; m. Jan. 1, 1729, Sarah CoUamore. He was an extensive land owner, and lived on Curtis street, Scituate, Mass. He d. Feb. 26, 1777. Children; Abner, Rebecca, Seth, Job. ABNEB CURTIS.fi b. 1729; m. 1st, 1749, Deborah Mann; m. 2d, July 3, 1766, Sally Ford, who d. May 2, 1795, aged 64; m. :M, Apr. 6, 179i), widow Paeb3 Danbar. n je How.irJ. He res. on Curtis street, Scituate, Mass. He d. Sept. IS, 1799. Children: Abner, Deborah, Seth, Huldah, Rebecca. SETH CURTIS.7 m. Persis Loring. He res. on Curtis Street, Scituate, Mass. He d. 1812; she d. Oct. 1, 182.5. Children; Lucy, Rebecca, Seth, Loring, Abner, Hannah, Sophia, Enos, Sarah, Peter. SETH CURTIS,8 b. Apr. 16, 1794; m. Ruth Loring, of Hingham, Mass.; farmer; res. on Curtis Street, Scituate, Mass. Children; Charles A., Abby S , Frances Maria, Ruth Augusta. * Note 471. For Kimball see note 254. JOSEPH KIMBALL,* (RicharJ,3 Thomas,^ Richard.i) b. Bradford, Mass., Dec. 29, 1701; m. Jan. 19, 1724, Abial, dau. of William and Hannah (Hale) Peal)ody, b. 1700. He res. Bradford, and owned property in Chester, HaiTipst3;i.d and Plaist)vv. .V. .1. He d. July 5, 1769; she May 23,1791. Ch. b. Bradford: William, Joseph, Richard, Hannah, William, Daniel. Peter, Peter, Francis. FRANCIS KI.MBALL," b. Bradford, Mass., Dec. 8, 1742; m. Feb. 18, 1768. Betty Head, b. 1748; blacksmith and farmer, and reared his sons to the same trade; res. Bradford'. He d. Dec. 6, 1823; she d. Sept. 13. 1820. Ch. b. Bradford; Peter, Joseph, Sarah, Francis, Eunice. Francis, Betty, Mary, Hitty, .lonathan. Capt. peter KIMBALL.e b. Bradford, Mass., Aug. 9, 1768; m. Lucy, dau. of Asa and Mehitable (Porter) B irker. of Andovcr. Mass.; farmer and mechanic; moved to Bridgton, Me., John Lowe, Esq NINTH GENERATION. 1015 [6141] FAYETTE DELOS SHAW,9 (Bro. of Florence E., ) b. Detroit, Me., Jao. 25, 1862; tn. Medford, Wis., June 7, 1893, Ida Augusta, dau. of Carl Frederick and Louisa Christina (Peilinz) Krauth, b. River Falls, Wis., Aug. 5, 1867; farmer; Newtonville, Mass.; Republican; member K. of H. Ch. b. Medford: 10523. Lola L., July 24, 1899. [6142] EVELYN AUGUSTA BARTLETT,9 (Martha H. Ford,* Abigail Hamlen,^ Joha,« Isaac,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Lee, Mass., Aug. 12, 1855; m. Warner Clark, b. Westtield or Southampton, Mass.; res. Westfield: she d. Springfield, Mass., April 5, 1899. [6143] WALTER LEE BARTLETT,9 (Bro. of Evelyn A.,) b. Cummington, Mass., Jan. 24, 1859; m. 1st, Jessie, dau. of Allan and Char- lotte Bryant, b. North Deertield, Mass., who d. about 1883: m. 2d, New Haven, Ct., Jan. 24, 1889, Mattie Anna, dau. of Samuel and Anna Crumb (Parker) Thompson, b. New Haven, Mar. 17, 1862; tack maker and fireman; Florence, Mass., until 1893: afterward. New Haven, Ct.; Republican; member Royal Arca- num; she Cong. He d. New Haven, Jan. 23, 1896. Ch. b. 1st wife: 10524. Richard, b. 1882; d. 1884. By 2d wife: 10525. Ward S., b. Dec. 13, 1889, Florence; d. Sept. 2, 1890. 10.526. Ruth Thompson, " July 31, 1891, 10527. Evelyn Anna. " Nov. 10, 1892, N. Haven. 10528. Walter Lee, " Aug. 3, 1896, [6162] FRANKLIN CHUCH HAMLIN,^ (Edward F.,8 Freeman,^ John,« Isaac, •'^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Boston, Mass., Sept. 19, 1876; m. Denver, Col., Oct. 9, 1901, Stella Mae, dau. of Finis Phimley and Selina Virginia (Kittson) Ernest, b. Deer Trail, Col., Nov. 1, 1880; bank clerk; Boston, until 1882; Newton, Mass., until 1899; since, Denver, Col.; Republican. She Epis. [6163] JOHN LOWE.« (Louisa A. Messenger,^ Betsey Phillips,' Elizabeth Hamlin, 6 Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,^!) b. Fitchburg, Mass., May 5, 1824. The house in which he was born in Mechanic street was standing, 1896; m. 1st, by Rev. Mr. Farnsworth, Boxboro, Mass., Aug. 11, 1846, Sarah, dau. of Nathaniel and Lucy (Taylor) Mead, b. Boxboro, Aug., 1826; who d. Dec. 15, 1865; m. 2d, Rockville, West Fitchburg, Apr. 3, 1866, Mary Adams, dau. of Charles 1796. where his wife's father had preceded him ; and also resided Woodstoclv and Norway, Me. ; Capt. in militia, a handsome officer and man. He d. Aug. 24, 1843; she Nov. 19, 1847. Children: Peter, Porter, Lucy, Jonathan, George, Francis, William, Stephen, Mary, Charles Seneca. PETER KIMBALL." b. Bradford, Mass., May 19, 179:3; m. Mar. Iti, 1816, Betsey, dau. of .lames and Eunice (Berry) Emerson, b. Apr. :j, 1796. He moved with liis parents to Bridgton, Me., 1796; carpenter, and wheelright; settled in what is now Bethel or Woodstoclv, Me., and for many years manufactured heavy wheels, sleighs and carriages, and his sons, who became cele- brated carriage builders, received their rudimentary instruction in his shop; he removed to Norway, Me. ; Repul^lican; Baptists. He d. Norway, May 14. 1871; she d. Rochester, N. H.. June 6, 1S79. Children: James Myriciv. Eliza Ann. Mary, Julia Emerson. Charles Porter, George Franklin, .fohn Calvin, Hannibal Ingalls. Eunice Berry, Edwin Nelson. GEORGE _FEANKLIN KIMBALL,» b. Bethel. Me., July 25, 1827; m. 1st, Aug. 5, 1851, Mrs. Lucretia J. Morton, dau^ of Joseph B. and Patience Wright, b. July 10, 1821; who d. Feb. 1, 1872; m. 2d, Apr. 30, 1874, Ellen C. Pulsifer, b. 1841; carriage mfgr. ; moved to Boston, Mass.. 1866; res. Xewtonville. Mass.; Methodist. Their son. William P., m. Sillinda Shaw.9 Ch. by 1st wife: Alton Howe, William Fred, Georgia, George Story, Paul Story. Clifford, Helen Marion. 1016 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. and Harriet Stone, (Farrar) Russell, b. in the Seth Phillips house, Rockville, I July 20, 1840; widow of his brother George. He was educated in a typical New I England school, by masters who taught the "Three Rs;" with a finish of a few I weeks at an academy; his early life was passed on the farm, trained to habits ' of labor, whither he brought his young wife, and commenced the business of j buying farm products for the Boston markets: later he purchased and removed | to a farm in Rindge, N. H., Mar. 1851, giving a large territory for his business, ' where he made a reputation as an honorable dealer; returned toFitchburg, 1855, , and wi th his youngest brother established a market, which he developed Into a | large commission house, now operated by his sons; their business extending far j to the west, and into Canada: Republican: alderman, 1874; he and his first wife, Congs. The children, though not college bred, were liberally educated. It is a remarkable fact, that they commenced attendance in the Day street school, I 1855, and with little exception some continuously attended there until 1896. I am under obligation to Mrs. Mary Lowe for assistance in compiling the records of the family of Elizabeth Hamlin Phillips," and her decendants, entitling her to more than passing notice. Without the pleasure of a personal acquaintance it is difficult to write a sketch of this estimable lady, who has devoted the best years of her life to the rearing of this remarkable family. A perusal of the ; sketch of each will show that her untiring devotion has not been in vain. The family of Lowe is supposed to descend from Capt. John Low, master | of the ship Ambrose and vice-admiral of the fleet that brought over the colony of Gov. Winthrop, 1630. The line of descent is as follows: Thomas Low,i son of above, and wife Susanna settled in Chebacco, Ipswich, Mass.; Thomas Low,^ m. Martha, dau. of Thomas and Margaret Borman, and resided in what is now Essex, Mass.; Thomas Low,^ m. Sarah, dau. of deputy governor Harlakenden Simonds, and granddaughter of Gov. Simonds; Capt. David Lowe,* m. Susanna Low; Joseph Lowe,^ m. Abigail Low; Joseph Lowe,« m. Polly Sawyer. See note 399. Sarah Mead, first wife of Mr. Lowe, was seventh in descent from Gabriel Mead,i who came to America, 1630, and settled in Dorchester, Mass.; his second wife, Mary A. Russell, is seventh in descent from William Russell,' who came to Cambridge, Mass., 1640. A comprehensive genealogy of the ancestry of this family, showing extensive research and care was published by Mrs. Mary A. Lowe, 1901, entitled, "The Ancestors of the John Lowe Family Circle." 10529.* 10530.* 10531.* 10532.* 105.33.* 10534.* 10535.* 10536.* 10537.* 10538.* 10539.* 10540.* 10.541.* 10542.* 10543.* 10544. 10545. Ch. b. 1st wife: Ellen Maria, Edna Mary, Waldo Howes, Ira Adelbert, Albert Nathaniel, Arthur Houghton, Orin Messenger, Lewis Mead, Herbert George, Ida Louise, Frank Edward, George Russell, b. u u 1 1 Apr. 30, 1847, Fitchburg. May 3, 1848, May 8, 1849, Oct. 13, 1850, Mar. 12, 1852, Rindge. Aug. 20. 1853, " Apr. 18, 1855, Fitchburg. Mar. 11, 1857, Mar. 27, 1859, Apr. 26, 1861, Jan. 16, 1864, July 11, 1865, u u 1( By 2d wife, b. Fitchburg: David, Harriet Lydia, Samuel Howes, John Adams, Marian Abbie, June 23, 1867. Apr. 15, 1870. Oct. 22, 1873. Aug. 27, 1881. Nov. 30. 1883. NINTH GENERATION. 1017 [fil64] CALVIN MESSENGER LOWE,9 ( Bro. c.f John,) b. Fitchburg, Ma.ss., Sept. 3, 1826; ra. Henniker, N.II., Dec. 21, 1853, Mary E., dau. of Josiah and Abigail (Ward) Childs,* b. Henniker, Apr. 4, 1829; farmer; Fitchburg. until 1854: since, Whittaker, Mich.: Prohibitionist: Cong.; members Fraternity Grange, 52, P. of H., Willis, Mich. Cli. b. Whittaker, 1054«. Edwin Goodwill, Mar. 30, 1854; d. Jan. 6, 1877, unm. 10547.* Austin Childs, Feb. 12, 1856. 10548. Abbie L., Apr. 25, 1858, i, May li^, 1875, unm. 10549. Lucy R., .Ian. 5, 1861, K u 4, 1865. 10550. Mauy L., Oct. 22. 1862, «( Feb. 3, 1863. 10551.* Lucy Edith, Apr. 13, 1867. 10552. J. Webstek, Feb. 22, 1869. it Aug. 11, 1888. 1055;i* Carl William, Mar. 1871. 10554. Mary E., Jan. 22, 1873, U Aug. 18, 1873. [6165] DAVID SAWYER L0WE,9 (Bro. of John,) b. Fitchburg, Mass., Dec. 23, 1829; m. there, Apr. 22, 1856, Frances Amelia, dau. of William Hervey and Sally (Grant) Vose,t b. South Royalston, Mass., Aug. 17. 1834: farmer; Fitchburg, until 1856: afterwards, Augusta, Mich.; Re- publican; Congs. He d. Ypsilanti, Mich., Oct. 13, 1860. Children: b. Sept. 8, 1857, Augusta; d. Sept. 20, 1858. " Sept. 25, 1859, " Apr. 25, 1861, Fitchburg; d. Aug. 3, 1861. " Apr. 25, 1861, " d. Sept, 19, 1861. 10555. 10556.* 10.557. 10558. William Vose, William Vose, Celia Adelaide, Delia Eliza, [6167] SETH LYMAN L0WE,« (Bro. of John,) b. Fitchburg. Mass., July 22, 1835; m. there, Feb. 28, 1859, Susan Rebecca, dau. of Hon. William Harvey and Sally (Grant) Vose,tb. Royalston, Mass., June 15, 1836. His early life was on his father's farm: after his marriage the young couple went to Michigan and engaged in farming: their property was destroyed by fire, and after his father's death, he returned to the old family homestead, Fitchburg, where he has since resided, engaged in farming: also in the lumber trade, and dealer in real estate; later he formed partnership with two of his nephews under the firm name of P'alulah Paper Co., and engaged in the manu- facturer of paper, having a large and profitable business; Congs. Children: Frederick Henry, b. Jan. 11, 1860, Whitaker, Mich. Susan Amelia. " June 14, 1862, " " Eugene Francis, " July 11, 1864, Fitchburg. Clara Luella, " Oct. 7, 1867, Annie Louisa, " Nov. 29, 1871: d. Sept. 20, 1874. 10559.* 10560. 10561.* 10562. 10563. [6168] GEORGE LOWE," (Bro. of John,) b. Fitchburg, Ma.ss., Mar. 6, 1838: m. there, by Rev. Alfred Emerson, Nov. 24, 1864, Mary Adams, dau. of Charles and Harriet Stone (P'arrar) Russell, b. in * For Childs see note 36. , + Note 472. Hon. WILLIAM VOSE; farmer, and wealthy woolen manufacturer; mayor of Fitchburg, Mass. 1018 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. the old Seth Phillips house, Rockville, West Fitchburg, Mass., July 20, 1840: corporal, F, 25 Mass, Inf. Vols., enlisted Oct. 1, 1861; participated in battles of Roanoke Island and Newburn, N.C.: dis. Dec . 1864. Before the war he resided with his parents, with his brother, at Rindj^e, N.H. and with his brother David in Mich.: Cong.; member Y. M. C. A., and Sons of Temperance. He d. from dis- ease contracted in the army, Fitchburg, May 6, 1865. No issue. [6171] STEPHEN CLARK LOWE,9 (Bro. of .John,) b. Fitchburg, Mass., Jan. 7, 1847: ra. Waterloo, Iowa, Sept. 5. Ella E., dan. of Perry Stephen Tefft, b. Elgin, 111., May 11, 1860; farmer; Fitchburg, until 1872; Minneapolis, Minn., until 1878: F^lgin, 111., until 1893; since. Dos Palos, Cal.; Republican; member M. E. Church South. Ch. b. Elgin: 10564. Edna, June 18, 188.3. 10565. Gordon, Sept. 15,1885. [6172] SARAH ELIZABETH MESSENGER," (Horace P., « Betsey Ham- lin,'' Elizabeth, 6 Eleazer,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,» James,2i) b. Fitchburg, Mass., Dec. 10, 1831; m. there, Nov. 16, 1852, Loienzo, son of Nathan and Roaney (French) Blodgett, b. Jaffrey, N. H.. July 6, 1825: farmer: Fitchburg, until 1879: since. Framingham, Mass.: Cong.: she d. Fitchburg, Nov. 22, 1869. He m. 2d. June 4, 1871, Caroline M. Reed, b. M— 20, 1837. who d. Mar. 4. 1875: m. 3d, Lizzie Carter, of Leominster, Mass., who had died 1896. Ch. b. Fitchburg: 10566. Edwin H., Nov. 13, 1854: d. Jan. 26, 1858. 10567. Fredmund H., Oct. 20, 1858, " Feb. 9. 1871. 10568. William H., June 22, 1862, " Feb. 16, 1871. 10569. Gkorge H. Sumner, Dec. 13, 1868, " July 11, 1869. [6174] GEORGE EDWARD MESSENGER,9 (Bro. of Sarah E.,) b. Sept. 23, 1847; ra. Jan. 10, 1883, Lauretta L., dau. of David Kendall and Eliza Auzerletta (Swain) Willington. b. Arlington, Mass., Jan. 8, 1856; Repub- lican; Fitchburg, Mass.: Congs. [6175] SUSAN ELIZABETH UPTON," (Betsey Messenger,* Betsey Phillips,' Elizabeth Hamlin, » Eleazer,^' Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James, ^i) b. Fitchburg, Mass., Oct. 9, 1831; m. Worcester, Mass., Mar. 2, 1854, Marraton Upton; she d. Jan. 2, 1862. No issue. [6177] JANE AUGUSTA UPTON," (Sister of Susan E.,) b. Jan. 19, 1835; prob. Fitchburg, Mass.; m. Chicago, 111., Sept. 7, 1859, Hon. Eben Nichols, son of John Nichols and Eliza ( Morse) Leavens, b. Putnam, Ct., Aug. 3, 1826; Quartermaster, 10 Minn. Inf.: commissioned Apr. 23, 1864: in battles of Nashville, Tupelo, and Spanish Fort: dis. Aug. 19, 1865: Webster, Mass., and Fairibault. Minn., after 1855; Republican: mem. Minn. Legislature, 1860: postmaster, 1873-85, and 1891-5; member Post 123, G. A. R.; Q. M., G. A. R., Dept. of Mich.; Cong. She d. Fairibault, Dec. 24, 1863. Ch. b. Fairibault: 10570. Frank Nichols, May 25, 1860. NINTH GENERATION. 1019 [B178] EMILY MARIA UPTON,« (Sister of Susan E.,) b. Dec. 31, 1S37, prob. Fitchburg, Mass.; m. there, Dec. 20, 1859, John M. Farnsworth: shed. Apr. 3, 1878. No issue. [6179] LOUISA ADALINE UPTON,' (Sister of Susan E.,) b. Fitchburg. Mass.. Feb. 1, 1839; m. Pittsfield, Mass., June 25, 1862, Edward Jones, son of Ethan and Mary Ann (Waters) Davis,* b. Holden, Mass., Feb. 10, 1838; corporal, G, 49 Mass. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Sept. 19, 1862; dis. Sept. 1, 1863; mechanic; Fitchburs?. since 1865: Republican; and member American Legion of Honor, 972. Children: 10571. Gehtuudk Louisa, b. Jan. 23, 1865. 10572. WaltekEdwaiid, " Nov. 2, 1866; d. Sept. 4, 1868. 10573. Gkace Upton. " Aug. 23, 1871. 10574. Maky Emily, " Nov. 15, 1873. 10575. Bessie Cakoline, •' July 12, 1877. [6180] HARRISON UPT0N,9 ( Bro. of Susan E.,) •b. Fitchburg, Mass., Dec. 2, 1840; m. 1st, Marlborough, N. H., Dec. 14, 1870, Sarah, dau. of Ebenezer and Lucy (Smith) Greenwood, b. Dublin, N. H., Apr. 28. 1852: who d. Fitchburg, Jan. 29, 1885; m. 2d, Winchendon, Mass., Mar. 16, 1887. Louisa A., dau. of Charles and Adeline (Goodfellow) Burgess,t b. Fitch- burg, Dec. 13, 1849: carpenter: Fitchburg. Ch. by 1st wife: 10576. Lizzie Marcella, b. Dec. 18, 1874; d. May 24, 1892. By 2d wife: 10577. Ethelyn Louise, b. May 14, 1890. [6181] MARY THURSTON UPTON, 9 (Sister of Susan E.,) b Apr. 11, 1843, probably Fitchburg, Mass.; m. there, Oct. 19, 1868, George M. Barker; she d. June 16, 1870. No issue. [6184] ABBIE CAROLINE UPT0N,9 (Sister of Susan E., ) b. Fitchburg, Mass., Nov. 2, 1849; ra. Worcester, Mass., Aug. 6, 1867, Simeon, son of Elisha and Elraa (Joslin) Fuller,J b. Sutton, Mass., Oct. 19, 1828; music dealer and teacher: Fitchburg: member of Jerusalem Commandery, K. T., Fitchburg: she Cong. He d. Fitchburg June 18, 1887. Ch. b. Fitchburg: 10578. Alice Cora, Nov. 20, 1870. [6186] IVERS CARTER PHILLIPS,' (Ivers,^ Samuel,' Elizabeth Ham- lin,'' Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Fitchburg, Mass., July 9, 1831: m. Brattleboro, Vt., Dec. 15,1853, Harriet Frances, dau. of Josiah and Nancy (Platts) Walker, b. Bedford, N. H., July 11, 1828; engaged in railroading; Northtield, Vt., until April, 1854; Fitchburg, until Oct., 1854; Troy, N. Y., until * For Davis see notes 4, 17, 42 arid 169. + For Burgess see note 3ss». t For Fuller see note 112. 1020 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. 1858; Cbarlestown, Mass., until I860: afterwards, North Cambridge, Mass.: Democrat; member Mt. Olivet Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Cambridge, Ohio. He d. N. Cambridge, Mar. 5, 1879. Ch. b. Troy: 10579.* Edwin Walkek, Sept. 21, 1856. [6187] HARRIET REBECCA PHILLTPS,9 (Sister of I vers C.,) b. Fitchburg, Mass., July 6, 18.3.3; m. West Fitchburg, Mass., on Thanks- giving day, 1855, Edwin Daniel, son of Daniel and Hannah (Sheldon) Works, b. Fitchburg, July 7, 1826: farmer; Republican; general assessor, 1875; alderman. 1874-5, 1888-9, 1890-3-4; Unitarians. She d. Fitchburg, Feb. 27, 1878. Children: 10580.* Cakolyn Isabel, b. Feb. 12, 1857, Ashburnham. 10581.* Frank Hamilton, " Feb. 28, 1861, West Fitchburg. 10582.* Makion Louise, "May 28, 1865, " " [6188] SARAH T. PHILLIPS,' (Sister of Ivers C.,V b. Fitchburg, Mass., Apr. 22, 1836; m. there, Apr. 22, 1857. Gardner P., son of John B. and Mary (Alexander) Wood. b. Chesterfield. N. H.. Aug. 8, 1833: mechanic and miner: Fitchburg, 1857-61: Leomister, Mass., until 1866; since. Boulder, Col.; Independent; member Columbia Lodge, A.F. &A.M.: she was a school teacher; Unitarian; she d. Boulder, Nov. 29, 187,3. No issue. [6189] ABBIE LOUISA PHILLIPS,9 (Sister of Ivers C.,) b. Worcester, Mass., Nov. 20, 1839; m. there. May 24, 1871, Albert Brainard, sonof David Brainard and Lucinda (Atwood*) Lawrence, b. Brimfield, Mass., Nov. 23, 1848; he resided Brimfield, Brookfield, Warren and Worcester, at Fitch- burg, after 1872; Republican; Cong.: K. of P.; Aurora Lodge, A. F. & A. M.: Thomas Chapter, R. A.M.: Jerusalem Commandery, K.T.: Aleppo Temple, Mys- tic Shrine; she Unitarian. She d. Fitchburg, Aug. 20, 1900. Ch. b. Fitchburg: 10583. Ivers Phillips, Mar. 25, 1873. 10584. Harry Albert, July 25, 1874. 10585. Marion Rebecca, Mar. 31, 1877; d. Apr. 4, 1877. 10586. Ralph Carter, Apr. 10, 1878. [6190] SARAH AMANDA RUSSELL,MSally Phillips,* Sam uel,' Eliza- beth Hamlin,« Eleazer,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Fitchburg, Mass., Dec. 4, 1830; m. Mar. 31, 1852, George T., son of Samuel Moulton, and Louisa (Whiting) Carter,t b. Leominister, Mass., May 5, 1830; Westminister, Mass., 1861: Haverhill, after 1864; Republican; she Unlversalist. He d. Haverhill, Oct. 18, 1886; she d. Denver, Col., Nov. 8, 1895. • For Atwood see note 287. + For Carter see note 306. NINTH GENERATION. 1021 Children: [unm. 10587. Waldo Russell, b. Dec. 4, 1852, Leominster; d. Mar. 3, "76 10588. Herbert Fremont, " May, 1855, " "1857. 10589.* Charles Moulton, " Dec. 31, 1859, Westminster. 10590. Cora Louise, " Sept. 6, 1861, " unm. 10591. George Phillips, "Aug., 1863, Haverhill; d. Aug. 1863. 10592.* Albert Whiting, " Sept. 13, 1865, " [6191] CAROLINE LOWE RUSSELL,9 (Sister of Sarah A.,) b. Fitchburg, Mass., Nov. 10, 1833; m. there, Mar. 11, 1858, Charles Keyes, son of Asa and Betsey (Keyes) Sawyer, b. Fitchburg, July 14, 1835; member F, 42d Mass. Inf. Vols.; enlisted July 20, 1864; dis. Nov. 11, 1864; teacher; West Fitchburg: Republican; member school committee and assessor; Baptists, in which church he w.as deacon. Ch. b. Fitchburg: 10593.* Sarah Lydia, Dec. 27, 1858. 10594.* James Russell, May 15, 1862. 10595.* Carrie Abbie, Dec. 4, 1869. [6192] CHARLES FRANCIS RUSSELL,9 (Bro. of Sarah A.,) b. Fitchburg, Mass., July 15, 1836; m. Dec. 4, 1867, Jennie McDonough; member 53 Mass. Inf. Vols., 9 mos. He d. Leominister, Mass., Sept. 15, 1894. Children: b. Feb., 1869; drowned aged 8 yrs. " Oct. 31, 1872. " Sept. 22, 1875. " Mar. 8, 1879. [6193] EMERY EZEKIEL RICE,** (LauraO. Fairbanks,^ Lydia Phillips,' Elizabeth Hamlin, « Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,^!) b. Troy, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1828; m. Winchendon, Mass., July 3, 1850, Harriet C, dau. of Jeremiah and Betsey (Crowell*) Williams, b. Uncasville, Ct., July 4, 1828; clerk; Ashburn- am, Mass., 1850-1: New Ipswich, N. H., 1852-61: in the army 1861-4: since, Woon- socket, R. I.; Republican; private, B, 4 Vermont Inf. Vols.; enlisted Sept. 20, 1861; in battles of Yorktown, Williamsburg, Cold Harbor, South Mountain, An- tietam, Gettysburg, Wilderness, and others; dis. Sept. 30, 1864: member Smith Post 9, G. A. R.; she Cong.; member W. R. C. 14; Minesvia Lodge 4, Daughters [of Rebekah. [6196] MARION ARDELIA RICE,9 (Sister of Emery E.,) b. Ashburnham, Mass., Apr. 13, 1839; m. Chelsea, Vt., Aug. 7, 1859, Henry I Wood, son of William and Persis (Wood) Carter,t b. Concord, N. H., Mar. 11, 1822: commercial traveler; Lebanon, N. H.: Republican. She d. Lebanon. Mar. |7, 1892. i Ch. b. Lebanon: 10600.* Augustus Henry, Feb. 11, 1862. 10601.* Frederick GoRDOY, Aug. 9,1865. * For Crowell see notes 52, 270 and 390. + For Carter see notes 306. 10596. Frank. 10597. Charles J., 10598. Fred, 10599. Walter J., 1022 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [6197] LAURA ANN RICE," (Sister of Emery E.,) b. Ashburnhara. Mass., Mar. 7, 1842; m. 1st, Chelsea, Vt., Oct. 26, 186:5 Aaron Davis,* b. Chelsea, Mar. 12, 182.5, his second wife: merchant; Chelsea: Democrat: deacon Cong^ church. He d. Chelsea, Nov. 4. 1881; m. 2d, Chelsea Aug. 17, 1884, George Lewis, son of John Adam and Margaret Sophia (Fay Stow, b. Grafton, Mass.. Oct. 10, 1851: lawyer: he res. Upton, Mass., until ]86fi Burlington, Vt., until 1875: Barre, Vt., until 1880: since, Chelsea: Republican States Attorney, 1892-4: she Cong. Ch. by 1st marriage, b. Chelsea: 10602.* Edward Aaron, June 18, 1865. [6200] ALBERT PHILLIPS FAIRBANKS,^ (Europe H.,« Lydia Phil lips,7 Elizabeth Hamlin, « Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazar,^ James.si) b. Fitch burg, Mass., Sept. 11, 1849: m. Dec. 5, 1869, Collie A. Knapp, of Ashburnam Mass.; druggist: Roxbury, Mass. Child: 10603. Alice Isabella, b. Oct. 16, 1870: d. June 8, 1879. [6201] CHARLES LEWIS FAIRBANKS,^ (Seth P.,« Lydia Phillips. Elizabeth Hamlin,6 Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Ashburn ham, Mass., Dec. 12, 1939; m Fitchburg, Mass., Aug. 30, 1866, S. Augusta, dau of Charles P. and Anna F. (Carterf) Deane, b. Fitchburg, Feb., 1839; coal deale and farmer: Fitchburg; Republican; member Mt. Roustone Lodge 9S, I. O.O. F. Congs. Ch. b. Worcester, Mass.: 10604.* Robert F., Feb. 16, 1875. [6205] FRANK EVERETT FAIRBANKS,^ (Bro. of Chas. L.,) b. Ashburnham, Mass., Dec. 9, 1857; m. Shelburne Falls, Mass., May 1, 1880 Zilpha Irene, dau. of Thomas Elmer and Zilpha Tyler (Merritt) Warren, b Whittingham, Vt., Jan. 4, 1861; accountant; Ashburniiam, until 1873: since. Fitchburg, Mass., except 188.3-4, in Somerville, xMass.; Republican; membei Apollo Lodge 205, I. O. O. F.; Congs. Children: 10605. Margaret Elizabeth, b. May 28, 1881, Fitchburg, 10606. Charles Francis, " June 9, 1884, Somerville. 10607. Seth Phillips, '' Feb. 24, 1889, Fitchburg. 10608. John HoPESTiLL, . " Jan. 14, 1898, '• d. June 18, 18W ADELAIDE ELLSWORTH FAIRBANKS,!* (Sister of Chas. L, b. Ashburnham, Mass., Aug. 1, 1861; m. there, Jan. 1, 1887, Edward Payson son of Franklinand Eunice (Whitney:!:) Lombard, g b. WestminLster, Mass., Feb 27, 1852; mechanic: Westminister, 1852-82: since, Ashburnham. Ch. b. Ashburnham: , 10609. Robert Hamilton, Dec. 3, 1887. , * For Davis see notes 4, 17, 42 and 169. + For Carter see note ;i06. » For Whitney see notes 305, 373 and 435. g For Lombard see note 43. NINTH GENERATION. 1023 [6210] MARGARET LYDIA SMITH, « (Caroline A. Fairbanks,* Lydia Phillips,' Elizabeth Hamlin," Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James.^i) b. ntchburg, Mass., Apr. 4, 1850; m. Fitchburg, Dec. 24, 1874, Edgar Knapp, son if James Paine and Susan (Knapp) Ray, b. Franklin, Mass., July 17, 1844; man- ifacturer; Franklin; Republican: president Citizens Nat'l Bank, Woonsocket, {.I.; president Franklin Nat'l Bank; president Woonsocket Street Railway; reasurer Milt'ord, Franklin& Attleboro Street Railway; president Woonsocket electric & Water P )wer Co.: selectman; Franklin; Kniglit Templar: member Iquantum and P ham Clubs; Universalist; she member Fairbanks Chapter, ). A. R.; Unitarian; member Boston Woman's Business League. Ch. b. Franklin: 10610.* Elkann Knapp, Aug. 22, 1877. 10611. Joseph GuRDON, Mar. 26, 1879. [6212] GERTRUDE ELIZABETH SMITH,* (Sister of Margaret L.,) b. Fitchburg, Mass., Nov. 14, 1860; m. Franklin, Mass.. Apr. 25, 1883, Addi- unM.,son of William Makepeace and Rebecca (Richards) Thayer,* b. Franklin, une 17, 1859; broker; Franklin; Republican; Freemason; she member Fairbanks [Ihapter, D. A. R. Ch. b. Franklin: 10612. Rachael Margaret, 1883: d, Jan. 14, 1900. 10613. Robert Eugene, Apr. 18, 1887. 10614. Gertrude, Sept. 23, 1892. [6214] MARTHA DENNIS HAMLIN,9 (John C.,* Africa,'* Eleazer.s Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,^!) b. Haverhill, Mass., July 26, 1852; m. there, fov. 28. 1877, Finaldo Albido Glines; butcher; Haverhill; she d. Haverhill, une 3, 1894. Ch. b. Haverhill: 10615. Alice L., Nov. 9, 1884; unm. 1902. I 10616. Martha. [6215] .JOHN WARREN HAMLIN,9 (Bro. of Martha D.,) b. Haverhill, Mass., Jan. 2, 1854; m. by Rev. Benjamin Copping, Groveland, lass., July 20, 1891, Kata A., dau of Frank and Lizzie Brooks, b. Salem, Mass., S73; hostler; Haverhill. Ch. b. Haverhill: 10617. Marion Elizabeth, Feb. 24, 1892. 10618. Mildred Emma, Apr. 17, 1893. [6216] HARRIET CHASE HAMLIN,* (Sister of Martha D.,) b. Haverhill, Mass., May 10, 1856: m. there, Sept. 12, 1878, Pierre Aaron, son ' Joshua Swett and Hannah (Smith) Webb, b. Epping, N. H.. Apr. 7, 1849; tter carrier; Epping, until 1874: since, Haverhill, Mass.; Freemason; Congs. Ch. b. Haverhill: 10619. Frank Herbert, May 22, 1882; unm. 1902. For Thayer see note 396. 1024 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. j [6217] ARMENTA E. HAMLIN,» (Sister of Martha D.,) b. Mill Vale, Haverhill, Mass., Dec. 3, 1859: m. Haverhill, June 4, 1884: Charles H., son of Charles James and Martha (Small) Coffin, b. Newburyport. Mass., Jan. 5, 1853; shoe maker: Mill Vale, Haverhill; Democrat. Ch. b. Haverhill: 10620. Annie L., May 13, 1885. 10621. Mary E., May 30, 1888. 10622. William L., Dec. 17, 1892. [6218] MARY EMMA HAML1N,9 (Sister of Martha D.,) b. Haverhill, Mass., Feb. 4, 1865; m. by Rev. Geo. L. Gleason, Haverhill. Dec. 24, 1890, William L., son of Francis V. and Mehitable W. Dow, b. Ham stead, N. H., 1863: shoe stitchers; Haverhill. [6219] ALICE M. HAMLIN,9 (Sister of Martha D.,) b. Haverhill, Mass., Mar. 30, 1867: m. by Rev. Geo. L. Gleason, Haverhill, Nov. 9, 1890, Arthur M., son of William A., and Abbie H. (Dow) Emerson,* b. Hampstead, N. H., Mar. 10, 1869, his second wife: shoe mfgr.: Hampstead: Inde- pendent; member of St. Mark's Lodge, 44, A. F. & A.M.: Bell Chapter, R. A. M Ch. b. Hampstead: 10623. Clifford D., Aug. 27, 1892. [6223] CHARLES AARON JAQUES,^ (Sarah A. Hamlin,* Africa,' « Ele azer,'* Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Haverhill, Mass., Oct. 19, 1848: m there, July 6, 1886, Harriet Ann, dau. of John Page and Annie (Cummings Randall, b. Haverhill, July 24, 1844; liveryman; Haverhill; Republican; member Saggaher's Lodge, A.F. & A. M. and Palestine Lodge, K. P.: she Cong. [6225] JOSEPH HOWARD JAQUES,9 (Bro. of Charles A.,) b. Haverhill, Mass., Dec. 29, 1853; m. 1st, Oct. 15, 1884, Ann Durant, dau. o John Hazen' and Mary Burbank (Carrier) Ayer, of Haverhill, who d. Dec. 11 1889; m. 2d, Nov. 4, 1891, Martha Doe, dau. of Joseph H. and Anna E. (Moore Miller, of Parsonsfield, Me., who d. Haverhill, Feb. 19, 1893; m. 3d, Haverhill June 9, 1897, Aurilla Almeda, dau. of Joshua Neal and Hannah (Folsom) Piper b. Gilford, N. H., Jan. 20, 1851; shoe stitcher; Haverhill; Republican; K. P. member 15, Jr., O. U. A. M.; Congs. [6230] ANN L. BAILEY," (Caroline Kilgore,* Susannah Hamlin,' Afri ca,** Eleazer,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Harrison, Me., Mar. 5, 1840 m.Jan. 28, 1865, William K. Webb, b. Westbrook, Me., July 4, 1823. Ch. b. Bridgton, Me.: 10624. Henry W., Oct. 15, 1868. 10625. Charles H., Mar. 31, 1873. [6232] CHARLES WILLIAM McWAIN,^ (Harriet Kilgore,* Susannal Hamlin,' Africa,^ Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. So. Water ford. Me., Dec. 1, 1839; tobacconist; Waltham, Mass., since 1870. For Emerson see note 302 and 407. NINTH GENERATION. 1025 [«233] DAVID BAILEY McWAlN,9 (Bro. Of Charles W.,) b. South Waterford, Me., Nov. 16, 1841; 1st Sergt. G, 14 Maine Inf. Vols.; killed at battle of Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 6, 1862. [6235] GEORGE WASHINGTON MACK (WAIN,*) (Bro. of Chas.W.,) b. South Waterford, Me., May 8, 1845; m. Fitchburg, Mass., Oct. 2, 1878, Jennie Augusta, dau. of Frank S. Dadman, b. Fitchburg, Oct. 16, 1859. He went to live with his uncle, John Kilgore, when six years of age, and has Since been called Mack, dropping the latter part of the name; blacksmith; Fitch- burg; Republican; private, A, 36 Mass. Inf. Vols., enlisted July 21, 1862; in battles of Jackson, Miss., Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, and Cold Harbor, Va.; transferred to Co. A, 12 V. R. C; dis. June8, 1865; mem. Knights of Honor. Ch. b. Fitchburg: 10626. George Thomas, Dec. 28, 1879. 10627. Nellie Frances, July 13, 1881. 10628. Jenkie Elmyra, Mar. 15, 1883. 10629. Charles Dadman, Apr. 25, 1885. 10630. William Gibson, Apr. 25, 1885. 10631. William David, Oct. 23, 1886. 10632. John Myron, d. infancy. [6236] DANIEL HUBBARD McWAIN,' (Bro. of Charles W.,) b. So. Waterford, Me., Aug. 8, 1847: m. Waltham, Mass., June 30, 1873, Clara E., dau. of John and Sarah H. (Haynes) Cross, b. Lincolnville Centre, Me., Nov. 15, 1852; merchant; Newton Centre, Mass.; Democrat; member of Home Lodge 162, I.O. O.F.; she Unitarian. Children: 10633. David Ernest, b. Aug. 3, 1877, Dedham; unm. 1902. 10634. Mary Edith, " Sept. 17, 1883, NewtonCentre; unm. 1902. [6237] WILLIAM DANA McWAIN,9 (Bro. of Charles W.,) b. So. Waterford, Me., Jan. 21, 1850; m. 1st, Waltham, Mass., Oct. 14, 1880, Anna Calista, dau. of Samuel and Calista (Lane) Merrill, b. Waltham, Mass., Feb. 28, 1858; who d. there, Feb. 28, 1888; m. 2d, Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 22, 1891, Mary Frances, dau. Joseph and Mary Bryant (French) Sanderson, b. Cambridge, June 27, 1849; grocer; Harrison, Me., 1852-67; Norway, Me., 1867-9; Waltham, 1869-91; since, Cambridge; member Monitor Lodge, A. F.&A.M.; R.A.M.; Gethsemane Commandery, K. T., and A. O. U. W.; she member of Gordon Lodge 26 United Order Ind. Odd Ladies and W. C. T. U.; Universalists. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Waltham: 10635.* Elsie Dana, Mar. 25, 1882. 10636. Ruby Calista, Mar. 1, 1884. 10637. MoRRELL, Feb. 17, 1888; d. Aug. 15, 1888. [6252] GEORGE BLACK MEADE,** (Benjamin F.,« Dorcas Hamlin,^ Europe,' Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ Jaraes,2i) b. Springfield, Ohio, Feb. 7, 1846; m. Harriet Russell, of Minneapolis, Minn.; res. N. Y. City. No issue. 1026 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [6253] HAMLIN CALDWELL MEADE,^ (Bro. of George B.,) ^ b. Petersburg, Ohio, July 25, 1848: m. Delaware, Ohio, Jan. 29, 1885, Mary , A., dau. of John H. and Margaret (Reynolds) Mendenhall, b. Delaware, Ohio, 1854; Gen. Insurance agent; Petersburg, until 1856; Greenfield, until 1874; St. Louis, Mo., until 1878: Chicago, 111., 1879-81; Minneapolis, until 1886; Detroit, until 1896; since, Cincinnati; Republican; private, H, 168 Ohio Inf. Vols.; en- listed May 2, 1864, served on the Morgan Raid: dis. Sept. 8, 1864; member Jones Post G. A. R., Cincinnati: Greenfield Lodge 318, A. F. & A.M.; Damascus Com- mandery, K. T,, Detroit; Methodists. Ch. b. Detroit: 106.38. Margaret M., July 18, 1888. 10639. John M., Apr. 10, 1892. [6254] Capt. WILLIAM HENRY MEADE, a (Bro. of Geo. B.,) b. Petersburg, Ohio, Apr. 19, 1850: m. Cincinnati, Ohio, Apr. 20, 1892, Josephine, dau. of Samuel Wiley and Harriet (Diner) Elliott, b. Bainbridge, Ohio, Apr. 25, 1855: Insurance agent; Detroit, Mich.: Republican: captain of militia; member Hesperia Lodge 411, A. F. & A. M., Chicago; Washington Chapter 43, R. A. M.; DeMolay Commandery 42. K. T., Louisville, Ky.: Mich. Sovereign Consistory, Detroit; Moolah Temple, Mystic Shrine: Lodge 9. Elks, St. Louis; Fellowcraft Club, and Y. M.C. A., Detroit; she member First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Home Study Club. [6255] NOBLE KING MEADE,9 (Bro. of George B..) b. Petersburg, Ohio, Apr. 3, 1852: m. Greenfield, Ohio, Nov. 3. 1874, AllieS., dau. of John and Amy (Peterson) Bush, b. Greenfield, July 13, 1854; broker: Petersburg, until 1859; Greenfield, until 1880: Cincinnati, until 1887: Decatur, Ala., until 1890; since, Cincinnati; Republican: Freemason: Methodists. Ch. b. Greenfield: 10640. Frank B., Aug. 27, 1875: unm. 1899. 10641. Grace, Sept. 26, 1877: d. Dec. 15, 1877. 10642. Harry K., Oct. 15, 1878: unm. 1899. 10643. Bessie A., Aug. 6, 1882, " " [6257] JENNIE Mcdonald MEADE,9 (Sister of George B.,) b. Greenfield, Ohio, Jan. 30, 1859; unmarried: artist: Detroit, Mich. [6258] HELEN CHARLOTTE COOK,^ (Charlotte B. Mead,^ Dorcas Hamlin,' Europe,6 Eleazer,"^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Montpelier, Vt., June 5, 1834; m. 1st, Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 3, 1854, David D. Winchester; m. 2d, Apr. 25, 1892, Rev. Samuel Unsworth; Epis. Clergyman; Ogden, Utah. Ch. by first marriage: 10644. Lizzie Demming, b. June 12, 1858; d. Sept. 2, 1858. [6259] Rev. .IOSEPH WITHERSPOON COOK.s (Bro. of Helen C.,) b. Bethel, Vt., Mar. 12, 1836; m. Grace Church, Brooklyn. N. Y., July 9, 1878, Ellen Everett, dau. of William H. and Ellen E. (Everett) Hicks, b. New York City, July 5, 1849. He attended Greenway Boarding School, Springfield, Ohio, 1853; Grammar School: Kenyon College, Gambia, Ohio, 1855, from which he graduated, class of 1860; attended General Theological School, New York NINTH GENERATION. 1027 City; graduated from Divinity School, Philadelphia, Pa., 1864; ordained deacon, St James' Church, Philadelphia, Feb. 17, I8ti4; Priest, St. Peter's Church, Phil- adelphia, Mar. 10, 1865, by Bishop Stevens of Penn.; served at St. Paul's, West Whiteland. Pa., until Dec. 30, 1867; missionary, Cheyenne, Wyo., until Apr. 25, 1870, where he organized a parish and built a church and parsonage; missionary to the Sioux Indians. Yankton Agency, Dakota, May 9, 1870; residence Green- wood, Charles Mix Co., South Dakota. Ch. b. Yankton Agency: 10645. Charles Evekett, Dec. 14, 1880. 10646. Sophia Dorothea, Feb. 13, 1882; d. Apr. 29, 1883. 1064-7. Amy Josephine, Nov. 18, 1883. [6260] FREDERICK WILLIAM COOK,9 (Bro. of Helen C.,) b. Bethel, Vt., Nov. 21, 1838; unmarried; farmer; Winterset, Iowa; private, K, .34 Iowa Inf. Vols., enlisted Oct., 1863; d. in hospital, Galveston, Texas, Aug. 18, 1865. [6261J J ULIA CLEMENTINE COOK.s (Sister of Helen C.,) b. Circleville, Ohio, Apr. 1, 1842; m. Omaiia, Neb.. Dec. 9, 1870, Dr. Frede- rick A. Hall; dentist; Ogden, Utah. Children: 10648. Charlotte Eliza, b. Jan. 16, 1872; d. same day. 10649. Clara Dean, " Aug. 5, 1875, 10650. Joseph Winchester, " Aug. 28, 1878. 10651. Frederick Ralph, " Jan. 27, 1882. [62621 JOHN HAMLIN COOK,9 (Bro. of Helen C.,) b. Circleville, Ohio. June 12, 1844: m. Mar. 8, 1866, Samantha Ann, dau. of Amos S. and Elizabeth (Swartswelter) Gray, of Madison Co., Iowa, b. Niles, Ohio: private. A, 39 Iowa Inf. Vol., enlisted June, 1862, served under Gen. Logan in the Atlanta Campaign: dis. June 1865; Horseman: Casey, Iowa. He d. Casey 189-. Children: 10652. Helen Clementine, b. May 10, 1867. 10653. Carrie Charlotte, " Feb. 10, 1869. 10654. Florence Josephine, " Aug. 31, 1870. 10655. Blanche Eleanor, " Aug. 21, 1872. 10656. John Carter, " Sept. 17, 1874. [6264] LILLIE MAY WELCH,9 (Charlotte B. Mead,* Dorcas Hamlin,' Europe,^ Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Winterset, Iowa, May 15, 1860; m. Oct. 2, 1883, D. H. Garrett, of Minneapolis, Minn. Child: 10657. Harry Dknman. [6267] MARY HELEN MEADE,' (Europe A., » Dorcas Hamlin," Europe,* Eleazer,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Bastrop, Texas, Jan. 4, 1853; m. Burleson Co., Texas, Apr, 5, 1869, Benjamin F. Porter, b. Wilson Co., Tenn., July 22, 1848: horticulturist; Los Angeles and Fullerton, Cal.; Democrat; mem- ber of Fullerton Lodge, A. O. U. W.; she Methodist. 1028 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: 10658. James Benjamin, b. .Jan. 29, 1871, Los Angeles. 10659. Arthur Lee, . u Mar. 31, 1873, (( 10660. Charles George, (1 Mar. 7, 1875, u unm. 1902, 10661. Carrie E., a Mar. 27, 1877, u a u 10662. Ada Mabel, (( Nov. 26, 1879, (i a a 10663. Maud Alice, ( 1 AUR. 20, 1881, it (1 (1 10664. Minnie Ethel, u May 16, 1883, it (1 (1 10665. Thomas Frank, u Mar. 3, 1885, 1( 10666. Victor Alexander, u Aug. 11, 1887, (1 10667. RUFUS, u June 20, 1889, u 10668. Helen, (1 Nov. 16, 1890, (( • 10669. Lloyd Mead, tt Mar. 8, 1892, Orange Co. 10670. Mary Laura, u Sept. 29, 1893, a 10671. Horace Melvin, a Jan. 29, 1895, n 10672. Mildred Madeline, (( Jan. 19, 1897, it [6268J ALEXANDER JACOB MEADE.« (Bro. of Mary H.,) b. Bastrop, Texas, Jan. 16, 1855; m. Artesia, Cal., Mar. 27, 1878, Mary Nan- nie, dau. of John Patterson and Eliza Jane (Wright) Collins, b. Grimes Co., Texas, July 30, 1861: contractor and builder, farmer, and real estate broker: Bastrop, Lexington and Burleson Co., Texas: Anaheim, Cal., 1870-1: Healdsburg, Cal., 1871-4; Anaheim, 1874-86; Los Angeles, Cal., 1886-94; Democrat: member Court Temple 510, I. O. F.; she member Court Temple Companions 18, I. O. F. and Hivel, L. O. T. M.; members M. E. Church South. He d. Los Angeles, June 7, 1894. Ch. b. Anaheim: 10673.* Stella Gertrude, 10674. Ida Beatrice, 10675. Charles Leland, June 4, 1879. June 7, 1882, June 27, 1884, unm. 1902. [6272] MARY DORCAS MEADE,^ (Charles G.,« Dorcas Hamlin,' Europe,* Eleazer,^ Benjamin.* Eleazer.s James.'^M b. Tarlton, Ohio. July 9, 1852: m. Greenfleld, Ohio, Dec. .31, 1874; David William, son of Elijah and Jane (Jury) Ellis, b. New Martinsburg, Ohio, May 17, 1845. He was educated in com- mon school and Earlham College, Richmond, Ind.; teacher; New Martinsburg and East Monroe, 1881-92; Washington, C. H., Ohio, since 1896: Republican; Friend; member Alba Lodge 338, I. O. O. F.; she Methodist. Children: 10676. Macy Mead, b. Nov. 15, 1875, Greenfield. 10677. Eva May, " Sept. 25, 1880, 10678. Jane Elizabeth, " Feb. 7, 1886, East Monroe. [62731 ALMENA CLEMENTINE MEADE,9 (Sister of Mary D.,) b. Tarlton, Ohio, Apr. 17, 1854; m. Greenfield, Ohio, Dec. 23, 1874, Robert Newton, son of Thomas Ghormley and Esther (Kerr) McElroy; b. Greenfield, Oct. 2, 1850; restaurant keeper: Greenfield, until Dec, 1888: since, Ottumwa, Iowa; Republican; member Ottumwa Lodge 18, K. of P., and Ottumwa Lodge .347, B. P. O. E.; Presbs. NINTH GENERATION. 1029 Ch. b. Greenfield: 10679. Thomas Gkorge, Jan. 16, 1876, unm. 1900. 10680. Bertha Elizabeth, Apr. 12, 1878, " " [6274J MAGGIE LORETO MEADE,9 (Sister of Mary D.,) b. Greenfield, Ohio, July 14, 1861; m. Sidney Bumpas, son of Thomas and Susan (Wall) White, b. Trinity, N. C, Mar. 24, 1854: uierchant; Trinity, until 1876: si ace. West Point, Miss.; Democrat; Methodists. Ch. b. West Point: 10681. Woodward Mead, Oct. 19, 1889; d. Sept. 17, 1890. 10682. Elizabeth Kendall, Mar. 4, 1892. 10683. Charles Thomas, Feb. 22, 1894. 10684. Sidney B., Apr. 5, 1896. [6281] ROBERT QUIGLEY KING,^ (Almena Caldwell,^ Hannah Ham- lin,' Europe, « Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Tarlton, Ohio, Aug. 13, 1832; ra. New Albany, Ind., Jan. 15, 1857, Harriet Adaline, dau. of Thomas and Adalina (Leffler) Danforth,* b. New Albany, May 15, 1836; retired merchant: Springfield, Ohio. Ch. b. Springfield: 10685.* David Ward, Oct. 27, 1857. 10686. Thomas Danforth, July 20, 1859; d. Dec. 23, 1888. 10687.* Robert Leffler, Aug. 24, 1863. 10688.* Almena Adaline, Sept. 17, 1869. I 10689. Margaret Caldwell, Feb. 13, 1873: d. Dec. 30, 1886. * Note 473. For Danforth see note 420. Ensign JONATHAN DANFORTH.s (Jonatban,2 Nicholas,! etc.,) b, Billerica, Mass., Feb. 18, 1658-9; m. June 27, 16S3, Rebecca, dau. of Jacob Parker, of Chelmsford, Mass, b. May 29, 1661 ; she m. 2d, Joseph Foster, his third wife; she d. Mar. 25, 1754. He lived east of Long street, east of his father, and d. Jan. 17, 1810-1. Ch. prob. b. Billerica: Rebecca, Thomas, .Jonathan, Eliza- beth, Samuel, Nicholas, Jacob, Sarah, John. SAMUEL danforth,* b. Billerica, Sept. 16, 1692; ra. Aug. 5, 1714, Dorothy, dau. of John and Sarah (Chamberlain) Shed, b. .Tan. 14, 1691-2; yeoman; the inventory of his estate included "one right in a township granted to the soldiers that weare in the Narraganset wars." He d. about 1749. She survived him. Ch. prob. b. Billerica: Dorothy, Rebecca, Samuel, Joseph, Sam- uel, Thomas, Benjamin, Sarah, .John, .Joshua, Lucy. ' THOMAS DANF0RTH,5 b. Billerica, May 11, 1724; m. Oct. 16, 1744, Sarah Butterfield, of .Chelmsford, Mass.; removed to Dunstable, and later to Tyringham, Mass. Ch. prob. b. Dun- jstable: Thomas, Asa, John, Sarah. THOMAS DANF0RTH,6 b. Dunstable, Mass., Feb. 20, 1745; m. Brookfield, Mass., May 36, 1771, Lydia Abbott, b. Nov. 5, 1747. She was m. in a calico dress which cost SI. 00 a yard. He res. Tyringham, Mass.; corporal in Capt. Noah Lankton's Co., in Col. Mark Hopkins' 1st Berkshire Regt.; enlisted July 15, 1776; served on expedition to the Highlands, N. Y., by order of Brig. Gen. John Fellows; dis. July 31, 1776; also in Capt. George King'sCo., in Col. Benjamin Simond's detatchment, Berkshire Co. militia; enlisted Dec, 16, 1776; served at Ticonderoga; dis. March 24, 1777; also, corporal same Co. and Regt. ; muster roll dated Ticonderoga, Feb. 25, 1777, enlist- ment to expire March 15. 1777; also, corporal in Capt. Ezekiel Hearick's Co., in Col. John Ash- ley's Regt., in Brig. Gen. Fellow's Berkshire Co. Brigade; enlisted Sept. 23, 1777; ordered out by Maj. Gen. Gates to reinforce the northern army; dis. Oct. 10, 1777; also, private in Capt. Hea- rick's Co., in Col. Ashley's Regt.; enlisted Oct. 13, 1781; marched from Berkshire Co. under com- mand of Lt.-Col. John Collar, by order of Col. John Ashley, Jr., on an alarm; dis. Oct. 20, 1781. He d. April 33, 1794; she d. April 27, 1835. Children: Sally, Lydia, Jerusha, Cyrus, Daniel, Joel, Thomas, Betsey, Azubah, Asa. CYRUS DANFORTH,' b. Tyringham. Mass., Aug. 37, 1777; m. Feb. 4, 1800, Mary Clark, b. Haddam, Ct., Aug. 17, 1778; res. Oneida Co., N. Y. ; Wabash Co., 111. ; and Friendsville, Ohio. Rev. |3. C. Baldridge said of him at Friendsville in 1880: "Cyrus Danforth is called that firm, sagacious 1030 THE HAMLl]!? FAMILY. [6282] SAMUEL NOBLE KING,9 (Bro. of Robert Q.,) b. Tarlton, Ohio, Oct. 22, 1834; m. Ottawa, 111., June 27,1871, Mary A., dau. of Abram V. and Rachael (Freeman*) Reed, b. Franklinville, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1842; private, D, 26 111. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Aug. 17, 1861: in battles of Point Pleasant, Island No. 10, Corinth, Vicksburg, Missionary Ridge. Kenesaw Mt and others; pron>oted 2d Lieut., Oo A, san:ie Regt., Jan. 12, 1862; mustered out, Oct. 26, 1864; farmer; Tarlton, until 1841; Springfield, Ohio, until 1853; Islandj Grove, 111., until 1866; since, BlootniQgtoa, 111.; Republican; Presbs. No issue. [6283] MARY ELIZABETH KING,'' (Sister of Robert Q.,) b. Tarlton, Ohio, Apr. 1, 1837; m. Springfield, Ohio, Oct. 13, 1859; Rev. Luther Alexander Gotwald, D. D., son of Daniel and Susannah (Krone) Got- wald, b. Adams Co., Pa., Jan. 31, 1833. He resided Aaronsburg, Pa., until 1837; Shippensburg, Pa., until 1859; Lebanon, Pa., until 1863: Dayton, Ohio, until 1865: Springfield, Ohio, 1896; Professor of Practical Theology, Whittenburfj Seminary; Gettysburg Seminary 1859; Lutheran; Republican. He graduated Gettysburg, Pa., College 1857. He d. Sept. 15, 1900. Children: 1069a.* David King, b. Oct. 21, 1860, Shippenborg. 10691.* George Daniel, "■ Sept. 18, 1862, "• 10692. Robert Caldwell, "■ Sept. 25, 1864, Lebanon 10693. Luther Alexander, "Oct. 26, 186<>, Dayton: d. Jul. 1],'8I 10694.* Frederick Gebhart, " May 11, 1869, Aaronsburg. [2, 1888 10695. William Washington, " June 2, 1871, Chambersb'g; d. Ma.\ 10696. Charles Hamlin, " Aug. 25, 1874, York; d. July 12,187.5 10697.* Almena, ^' June 29, 1876, " 10698. Mary Susan, ■ "Aug. 2,1879, '-' [6284] Col. DAVID KING,'' (Bto. of Robert Q.,) b. Tarlton, Ohio, Sept. 11, 1839; m. New Albany, Ind., Dec. 22, 1864, Mar\ Margaret, dau. of Thomas and Adaline (Leffier) Danforth,t b. New Albany July 8, 1838; res. Tarlton, until 1841; removed with his parents to Springfield, Ohio: 1st Lieut. F, 2 Ohio Vol. Inf., commissioned Apr. 17, 1861; promoted cap tain, June 29, 1861: major, 94 Ohio Vol. Inf., commissioned Aug. 11, 1862: Lieut. Col., Mar. 12, 1863; in battles 1st Bull Run, Perryville, Stone River and other engagements; dis. for disability, Oct. 8, 1863; wholesale paper dealer; Spring field, Ohio; Republican; member G. A. R. and Loyal L^ion: Presbs. man of God. * * * of heroic mould, of uaflincbing devotinn So his principles, and an arden Presbyterian Christian." He was an abolitionist in the days when this exposed one to lynch- ing, mobbing and other indignit'es. In 1833 he gave land for a church, and with his wife aiK Stephen Bliss and wife, organized a church, and he gave the ground for a cemetery. Both d Friendsville; he, .July 10, 1852; she, Mar. 39, 1861. Children: Porter, Harriet, Cyrus, Thomas George, George. Mary, Franklin, THOMAS D-ANPORTH.n b. Oneida, N. Y.. June 3, ISIM; m. Corydon. Ind., Oec 31, 1834 Adeline, dau. of Isaac and Margaret (Vance) Leffler, b, Middleto wn, Pa., Mar. 8, 1815; dry good;; njerchant; afterwards, cashier New Albany Bank for thirty years; res. New Albany, Ind. elder in Presb. church. He d. New Albany, Feb. 3(i, 1878; she was living at Springfield, Ohio 1898. Children: Harriet Adeline, Mary Margaret, Thomas Leffler, Thomas Cyrus, Charles Ed- ward, Ann Eli/.a. * For Freeman see notes 74, 391 and 430. + For Danfortb see notes 420 and 473. 10699* 10300.* NINTH GENERATION. Ch. h. Springtield: Clarence Noble, Deo. 25, 1865. Jejsi:nijs Maby^ Feb. 2, 1876. 1031 ^,,J^a4/f'^ 16285] SARAH JANE KING,* (Sisler of Robert Q.,) I b. SpritiKfleld, Ohio, Dec. 20, 1841; unmarried; Spring-tield; she has contri- mted valuable assistance in compiling this branch of the family. ALMENA CALDWELL KING,9 (Sister of Robert Q., ) b. Springfield, Ohio, Feb. 1, 1848; unmarried; Presb.; she d. Springfield, LUg. 28, 1878. 1032 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [6287] DAVID KING CALDWELL,9 (Hamlin,^ Hannah Hamlin,j Europe/ Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James.^i) b. Bellefonte. Ala., Jan. 1846: m. Scottsboro, Ala., July 21, 1881, Sue Cornelia, dau. of Alexander anj Susan Jane (Hill) Snodgrass, b. Centre, Ala., Nov. 13, 1859; farmer and abstrac tor: Scottsboro; member Knights of Honor; Jackson Lodge 84, K. P., Cumber^ land Presb. Ch. b. near Scottsboro: 10701. Pansy, July 19, 1882. 10702. Daisy, Sept. 13, 1884. 10703. David King, June 22, 1887. 10704. Irene, Jan. 26, 1889. 10705. Eva, Nov. 21, 1890. 10706. Lalena, Jan. 5, 1893. 10707. Dorothy, Sept. 5, 1896. 10708. Hamlin Alexander, Nov. 15, 1898, 10709. Elbert Hays, July 19,1901. [6288] SARAH ALMENA CALDWELL,* (Sister of David K.,) b. Bellefonte, Ala., Mar. .30, 1847; unmarried; Scottsboro, Ala.; she has fur nished valuable records and information for this branch of the family. [6289J ALEXANDER CALDWELL,9 ( Bro. of David K.,) b-. Bellefonte, Ala., Mar. 22, 1849; m. Tyro, Miss.. Oct. 18, 1871, Emma Ham ilton, dau. of Alfred and Margaret (McClatehey) Haltoin, b. Tyro, Feb. 20, 1851 educated Oxford, Miss.; merchant; Bellefonte. He vpas educated Springfield Ohio, and Lookout Mt., Tenn. He d. Bellefonte, Apr. 10, 1872; she m. 2d, 1877 Jesse Norman and res. Red Bank, Miss. No issue. [6290] GEORGE BENJAMIN CALDWELL.' (Bro. of David K..) b. near Bellefonte, Ala., Apr. 2, 1851; m. Como, La., Apr. 13, 1875, Saral Elizabeth, dau. of Jacob Daily and Anna Eliza (Brame) Hair, b. St. Joseph La., Jan. 11, 1851: farmer; Scottsboro, Ala.; res. Louisiana, 1871-7; educate( Springfield, Ohio, and Lookout Mt., Tenn. Children: b. Feb. 11, 1876, La.; d. Apr. 15, 1876. '^ Feb. 22, 1877, '' " Sept. 30, 1878, Ala. " June 3, 1881, La. 10710. 10711. 10712. 10713. Annie Lee, Mary Almena, Pearl Hamlin, Ida Georgene, [6292] EUROPE HAMLIN CALDWELL,' (Bro. of David K., J b. near Bellefonte, Ala., Aug. 29, 1858; m. Stevenson, Ala., Oct. 10, 1883 Cornelia, dau. of Thomas Napoleon and Amanda (Washington) Allison, b Bloomington, Ala., Jan. 3, 1864. He was educated Scottsboro, Ala., and Spring field, Ohio; Bellefonte, until 1879; vpent to Scottsboro, and became clerk in mer can tile house of which he later became partner; returned to his father's farm near Bellefonte, 1885, and there engaged in farming, and merchandising; post master, Bellefonte, 1893; removed to Scottsboro, and engaged in lumber trade NOTH GENERATION. 1033 Children: 10714* Amanda, b. Jan. 9, 1886, Seottsboro. 10715. Hamlin, Feb. 20, 1887, Bellefonte. 10716. Thomas Allison, July 17, 1889, (( 10717. Sallie, Jan. 20, 1891, i( 10718. Cornelia, July 30, 1895, Seottsboro. 10719. Europe, July 30, 1895, " d 10720. Europe Alexander, Aug. 19, 1898, (( 10721. Mary Irene, Nov. 6, 1900, (1 May 3, 1896. Europe H. Caldwell. j [6305] CHARLES JOASH HAMLIN,* (George F.,« Joash,' Europe,' I Eleazer,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Tarlton, Ohio, Feb. 6, 1847; m. • Y. City, Aug. 5, 1882, Clara Belle, dau. of Peter and Elizabeth Ann (Furness) urley, b. N. Y. City, Aug. 25, 1862; Sergt. F, 198, Ohio Inf. Vols.; enlisted !64; member U. S. Grant Post, 28, G. A. R.; Life Ins. agent; Chicago, 111.; Re- Jblican; Methodist. She Epis. Two children, d. infancy. hli 1034 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [6308] MARY BELLE HAMLIN,9 (Sister Charles J.,) b. Oakland, Ohio, July 16, 1852: m. Laurelville, Ohio, Dec. 27, 1881, Johi T., son of William S. and Elizabeth A. (Tribby) Albin, b. Guernsey Co., Ohioj Nov. 30, 1848; merchant; Laurelville and Lancaster, Ohio; Democrat; membe Laurelville Lodge 674, K. of P.; she Cumberland Presb. Ch. b. Laurelville: 10722. Carl H., July 28, 1883: d. Sept. 15, 1884. 10723. Geokge p., Jan. 27, 1885. 10724. Clyde, Dec. 27, 1889. 10725. Ruth A., Sep. 15, 1893. [6309] WINFIELD SCOTT HAML1N,» (Bro. of Charles , J.,) b. Oakland, Ohio, Aug. 14, 1854; m. LaCygne, Kansas, Sept., 1879, Josephin M., dau. of John H. Wonderley, b. in Indiana, 1860; farmer; Kansas, 1872-8"ij Colorado, 1887-8; Arkansas, 1888-93; California, 1893-1901; I^reeland. Wash., 190i; Socialist; liberal in religious belief: school officer: member Phoenix Lodge 17^ A. F. »& A. M.; they were divorced, and she remarried. Ch. b. Kansas: | 10726. George G., 1880. 10727. Frank W., 1885. [6310] MINNIE ETTA HAMLIN,9 (Sister of Charles J.,) b. Oakland, Ohio, Feb. 20, 1862; m. LaCygne, Kansas, May 21, 1889, That deus Stephen, son of Dr. Michael Minech and Elizabeth Caldwell (Bloon Rex, b. Rochester, Ind., June 17, 1861; mechanic; LaCygne Lodge 59, K. P she Methodist. Ch. b. LaCygne: 10728. Ella Hamlin, Mar. 13, 1890: d. Oct. 27, 1895. 10729. Thaddeus Stephen, Jan. 25, 1892. 10730. Minnie Pearl, Jan. 24, 1897. 10731. Jacob Charles, July 27,1899. [6311] LEIFY ELIZABETH HAMLIN,9 (Sister of Charles J.,) b. Oakland, Ohio, Nov. 13, 1863; m. Ottawa, Kansas, Mar. 22, 1888, Willian A., son of William and Eleanor Chick, b. Coshocton, Ohio, Oct. 17, 1846: farme and stockman; St. Joseph, Mo., and La Cygne, Kansas; Democrat; member C( I, 47 Iowa Inf. Vols.; enlisted May 7, 1864; dis. Sept. 28, 1864: she Presb. Ch. b. St. Joseph, Mo.: 10732. Hazel O., Apr. 12, 1890. 10733. William A., Feb. 3, 1895; d. July 7, 1896. [6318] MARY HAMLIN KEYT,9 (Susannah D. Hamlin,^ Hannibal G. Europe,« Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer.s James,2i) b. Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 2! 1850; m. there, Oct. 10, 1870, Asa Brainerd Isham, M. D., son of Chapman an Mary Ann (Faulkner) Isham.* b. Jackson, C. H., Ohio, July 12, 1844: physicia and surgeon; Cincinnati, since June, 1866. He went to Marquette, Mich., in tli fall of 1860, as "Devil" and then served as compositor, asst. editor and managei Lake Superior Journal, until May, 1862, when he took position as repoi'ter fc Detroit Daily Tribune, where he remained until Nov. 18, 1862, when he enliste * For Isham see note 139, NINTH GENERATION. 1035 I 'as private, Co. 1, 7 Mich. Cav.; was promoted sergeant, and Lieut. Co. F, same regt.: wounded near Warrington .Junction, Va., May 14, 1863: wounded and cap- tured Yellow Tarven, Va., May 11, 1854; confined in Libby prison, and at Macon 'and Savannah, Ga., Charleston and Columbia, S. C; paroled for exchange, Dec. 10, 1864: dis. for wounds received in action, Apr. 14, 1865. Graduated from Med- ical College of Ohio, 1869; Prof, of Pliysiology and of Theraputics and Materia Medica, Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery, 1879-84; one of the founders of /Imerkan Medicine: author of Prisoners of War mid Military Prisons; An His- torical Sketch, 7 3Ech. Cav.; editor tSphygmogra%)hy and Cardiography. Has con- tributed papers to War History oj Ohio; Commandery of Loyal Legion; and to War Papers of Fred C. Jones Post, G. A. R,; and frequent contributor to Clinic Lancet and Clinic Medical News; American Jourhal oJ Medical Sciences; Philadel- phia Med. Journal; Archives of Medicine, etc.; Trustee of Cincinnati Hospital; President Cincinnati Academy of Medicine; member Board Medical Examiners 1 Cincinnati Police Department, since 1886; member American Med. Asso.; Fred C. Jones Post 401, G. A. R., and Ohio Commandery Loyal Legion, of which he has been commander. She graduated Dr. Geo. M. Maxwell's Young Ladies Seminary, Cincinnati, 1869; Presb. Ch. b. Cincinnati: 10734.* Mary Keyt, Aug. 20, 1871 10735.* Asa Chapman, Sept. 11, 1873 10736. SusANNE Hamlin, Sept. 20, 1875 10737.* Alonzo Keyt, Sept. 11, 1877 10738. Frances Cone, Feb. 12, 1880 10739. Helen, Oct. 22, 1882 10740. Eleanor Louise, July 25, 1875 [6.319] SUSANNAH ALMENA KEYT,9 (Sister of Mary H., ) b. Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 18, 1853; unmarried; educated Cincinnati Young Ladies .Seminary, and Wesleyan Female College; Presb.; Walnut Hills, Cincin- nati. [6320J REBECCA PENN KEYT,9 (Sister of Mary H.,) b. Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 2, 1856; m. there, Dec. 24, 1878; Prof. William H., son of Hugh and Mary Ann (Jones) Humphreys, b. near Jackson, Ohio, Apr. 15, 1847; artist: Professor, Cincinnati Art Academy, 1868-93; Republican; Baptist. She was educated Cincinnati Young Ladies' Seminary, and. Wesleyan Female College; Presb. Ch. b. Cincinnati: 10741. Almena, b. Oct. 5, 1879; d. July 2, 1895. 10742. Hugh, " May 21, 1881. 10743. Rebecca, " Aug. 26, 1887. 10644. Susannah Hamlin, " Apr. 2, 1890. 10745. William Keyt, " Apr. 9, 1892. [6322] MARSHALL HALL KEYT,' M. D., (Bro. of Mary H.,) b. Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. 12, 1861; m. Mar. 1, 1883, Harriet Bush; physician; Walnut Hills, Cincinnati; graduated Ohio Med. College; specialist in nervous diseases. 1036 TPIE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: 10746. Edwin Bush, b. Feb. 24, 1884. 10747. Hattie, " Au^. 11, 1885. 10748. Alonzo Thrasher, " Oct. 6, 1886: d. July 9, 1888 10749. Marcia, " Jan. 3, 1891, " Apr. 2, 1891, 10750. Mildred, " July 28, 1892. [6324] ALICE MARY HAMLIN,» (Hannibal G.,*' Europe, « Eleazer.f* Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Springfield, Ohio, Aug. 17, 1874: m. there, June 7, 1898, John George Macbeth, son of John J. and Frances Macbeth Gless- ner, b. Chicago, 111. He graduated Harvard University. 1894: she attend- ed Young Ladies' Seminary, Springfield, and completed a four years course of study in Europe. His summer residence is "The Rocks," Littleton, N. H.; winter, in Chicago; Independent: member Univer.sity, Chicago and Quadrangle Clubs; she Methodist. Children: 10751. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 12, 1899. Littleton 10752. Frances, " Dec. 7, 1900, Chicago. 10753. Jacob. " Apr. 27, 1902, [6326] Capt. CHARLES FARRAR CARTER,^ (Emerson F.,8 Pamelia Hamlin,' America,^ Eleazer, 5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Albany, N.Y., 1841; unmarried; a handsome boy and a gallant soldier; private, B, 1st Wis. Cav., enlisted Aug. 29, 1861, served in the western army: discharged Sept. 11, 1862; 1st Lieut., 2d N. Y. Vet. Cav., commissioned Aug. 3, 1863; captain, Sept. 18, 1863; Acting Brigade Q.M., Alexandria, Va., Jan. 1864. The regiment era- barked at Alexandria, Jan. 28, 1864, arrived at New Orleans, La., Feb. 18, 1864, and soon joined the Red River expedition; at Cane River, Apr. 23, 1864, he vol- unteered to develop the enemy, rode to the front, along their line and drew their fire; in a blaze of musketry he attempted to gain our lines, whirled his horse and bent low in the saddle, and in the act received a terrible wound, sim- ilar to that received by Gen. Kearney, the ball lodging in the thigh bone; he was taken to New Orleans, thence home to Pittsfield. Mass., enduring excruci- ating agony; a surgical operation was performed and the ball removed and plac- ed in his hand, but without relief; with a smile on his beautiful face he died, July 1.3, 1864. His death was a terrible shock to his mother, from which she never recovered, and refuses to talk or write about it. [6328J JOHN HENRY CARTER.^ (Henry,* Pamelia Hamlin,' America,* Eleazer,6 Benjamin,* Eleazer.s James.ai) b. Bridgton, Me., Nov. 4, 1837: m. Boston, Mass., Dec, 1859, Annie Jeffries, b. Canada. He removed with his father's family to Portland, Me., 1847; and was there educated in the public schools; he was a compositor in the office of the Portland Advertizer, several years, of which paper his father was editor: removed to Boston, and worked with the Journal, Herald, Post, and other papers, and was subsequently employ- ed in the same business in New York and other places; after tlie war he re- sumed the same business: member of the Typographical Union: Republican; Sergt. 14 Mass. Inf. Vols., afterwards, 1 Mass. H, Art.; enlisted Aug. 16, 1861, and served in the forts around Washington; joined the Army of Potomac, May, 1864; and served in 2d Army Corps under Gen. Hancock, and was in all the sub- NINTH GENERATION. 1037 sequent battles in which the regiment participt-ed. At Boydton Plank road, Oct. 27, 1864, he was struck by a bullet on his belt plate, and captured by the enemy: but was recaptured by a counter charge of the 2 Corps a few hours later: he was at Lee's surrender, Appomattox; dis. Aug. 16, 1865; member G. A. R- He d. Lowell, Mass., Jan. 1892. No issue. John Henry Carter. 16329] Major EUGENE CARTER,* (Bro. of John H.,) b. Bridgton, Me., Oct. 4. 1838; m. Bradford, Mass., Apr. 4, 1864. Mary E., dau. of Warren Ordway, b. Bradford, Mass. He removed with his parents to Portland, Me., 1847, and was there educated in the public schools; clerk with Johnson and Hall, dry goods merchants; clerk in office of Portland Advertizer; removed to Bradford with his father, 1857; appointed cadet to West Point same y'ear, from first district Maine, by Hon. John M. Wood; graduated second class, -d Lieut. June 24, 1861, and immediately went to the front, where he drilled Ool. Davis' 16 N.Y. Vols., until the battle of Bull Run; was assigned temporari- ly to 3d U. S. Inf. then prisoners of war, Texas, and served with the little bat- talion of regulars under Major George Sykes, U. S. A., at Bull Run; his captain vas wounded and he commanded the company. Promoted 1st Lieut. 8th U. S. 1038 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Infantry Oct. 26, 1861; brevetted captain for meritorious service, Peninsular campaign, July 4, 1862: brevetted major for gallantry and meritorious conduct, battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. Vi, 1862. His company— G, 8th Infantry, was headquarters guard for Gen. George B. McClellan, commander of Army Poto- mac in the Peninsular campaign, 1862; and was selected as headquarters guard by Gen. Joseph Hooker, March, 1863; Provost Marshall, Army Potomac, during Chancellorsviile and Gettysburg campaigns, 186.^; ordered with his company to N.Y. City during draft riots, July 1863; mustering and disbursing officer, Feb.- July, 1864; A. D. C. on staff of Gen. Phillip St. George Cook, N. Y. City, July 1864 to May 1865; Instructor of Ethics, U. S. Military Academy, West Point, May 1865; later Instructor of Tactics; relieved at his own request same year. Major Eugene Carter. and returned to duty on staff of Gen. Cook; recorder Board for brevet promo- tions in Infantry, Washington, March, 1866; promoted Captain, 29th Infantry, July 28, 1866, and served with his regiment at Lynchburg, Va., Chester, S. C, Columbia, Tenn., and in Texas, where he commanded a sub-fort at Clarksville; transferred to 11th Infantry, Apr. 25, 1869; honorably mustered out as Captain and brevet Major, 11th U. S. Inf., Jan. 1, 1871; subsequently shoe manufacturer, Haverhill, Mass. He d. there of pneumonia, Feb. 10, 18";7; she Cong.; she d. Aug. 2, 1899. Children: 10754.* Warren E., 10755, Eugene Leighton, 10756,* George Henry, b. Jan. 1, 1865, Brooklyn, " Sept. 15, 1869; d, young. '' July 19, 1871, Bradford, /7^^<^ NINTH GENERATION. 1039 [6330J CATHERINE SOPHIA CARTER,9 (Sister of John H.,) b. Bridgton, Me., Oct. 11, 1840: m. Bradford, Mass., June 13, 1871, John, son of Michael Emerson and Mary ( Butler) Corson, b. Rochester, N. H., May 14, 1840; shoemfgr.: Haverhill, since 1875; Republican; member of Humane Lodge, A. F.& A. M.: she was a music teacher and singer before marriage; Congs. Children: 10757.* Henry Carter, b. June 25, 1872, Bradford. 10758.* Charles Emeknon, " Aug. 15, 1879, Haverhill. [6331] WALTER CARTER,9 (Bro. of John H., ) b. Bridgton, Me., Oct. hi, 1842; m. 1st, June 4, 1868, Mattie Lovejoy, of Bradford, Mass.: m. 2d, Sarah (Field) Southvporth; removed with his father to Portland, Me., 1847: educated in public school there: removed to Bradford, Mass. 1857; member 22 Mass. Inf. Vols: enlisted Aug, 5, 1862; promoted corporal, Dec. 1862; vras Adjutant's clerk: sergeant major, Jan, 25, 1863: commissioned 1st Lieut., but declined to muster: was in every battle and skirmish in which his regiment participated; mustered out Oct. 17, 1864; studied law with his father, l.'^65-6; inspector Boston Custom House, 1866-9; removed to San Francisco, Cal., and engaged in business; returned to Boston, 1888; inspector Boston Custom House. Child: 10759. Walter, d. infancy. [6833] Capt. ROBERT GOLDTHWAITE CARTER,9 (Bro. of John H.,) b. Bridgton, Me.. Oct. 29, 1845; m. Ashuelot, N. H., Sept. 4, 1870, Mary Maria, dau. of David Dexter and Mary Maria (Roberts) Smith, b. Gill, Mass. He re- moved with his parents to Portland, Me.. 1847; and to Bradford, Mass,, 1857; educated in the public schools. Private, H, 22 Mass. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Aug. 5, 1862, and served in 1st Brigade, 1 Division, 5 Corps, Army of Potomac, in its principal campaigns, including Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg; mustered out Oct. 4, 1864; appointed cadet to West Point, by Hon. D. W. Gooch, from Sixth Dist. Mass., June, 1865; graduated, June 15, 1870, and assigned 2d Lieut. 4th U.S. Cav.; 1st Lieut., Feb. 25, 1875. He was engaged in Indian expeditions, scouting and guarding surveying parties in the Dept. of Texas; received the personal thanks of Col. Ronald S. Mackenzie and was recom- mended for brevet for gallantry with hostile Qua-ha-da Comanche Indians at CanoTi Blanco, Brazos river, Texas, Oct. 10, 1871. He received a letter of thanks from the Dept. commander for the capture of ten deserters under great hard- ship. He received the thanks of the state of Texas, by joint resolution of its legislature. May 19, 1873, "For gallantry in inflicting well merited punishment upon those scourges of our border," in an attack upon the camps of Kickapoo, Lipon and Pottawattamie Indians, near Rey Molina, Mexico, May 17, 1873; and was recommended for brevet. Retired for disability in line of duty June 28, 1876. He was brevetted as follows: 1st Lieut. U. S. A., Feb. 27, 1890, for "Specially gallant conduct in action against Indians on the Brazos (Freshwater Fork of) river, Texas, October 10, 1871." Captain, U. S. A., Feb. 27, 1890, for "Gallant services in action against Kickapoo, Lipon and Mescalero (Apache) Indians, at Rey Molina, Mexico, May 18, 1873." On Feb. 27, 1890, he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor (Act of Congress Mar. 3, 1863,) for "Most dis- tinguished gallantry in action against Indians on Brazos (Freshwater Fork of) river, Texas, Oct. 10, 1871, in holding the left of the line with a few men during I 1040 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. the charge of a large body of Indians, after the right line had retired, and by delivering a very rapid tire siiceeded in checking the Indians until other troops came to the rescue; while serving as 2d Lieut. Fourth U. S. Cavalry." Special Instructor of Military Science and Hygiene, Newton High School, 1877-81; Prof. Military Science, Mass. Institute of Technology, a year; principal of school for officer's children. West Point, 1881-2. Declining health compelled him to relin- quish teaching. Since 1866 he has resided in Washington, D, C, engaged in literary pursuits; author of stories and articles: Jack-RabbWs Victory and 'The Cow Boy's Verdict, in YonWs Companion; Buffalo vs. Bull Dog, and A Raid into Mexico, in Outing; The Boy Soldier at Gettysburg, m N. Y. Tribune; he assisted in writing the History of the Twenty-Second Mass. Vols.; also, Foiir Brothers in Blue, or Reveries of tJie War of the Rebellion; War Letters from the Battle-Front, or Sunshine and Shadows of the War; Reveille and Taps, or On the Border with Macken- zie, and Wearing the Cadet Grey, or Memories of West Point Days. He has rendered valuable contributions to this work. Children: 10760.* Mellie Goldthwaite, b. June 21, 1871, Ft. Richardson, Tex. 10761.* Bessie Richardson, " Nov. 14, 1872, " 10762.* Robert Dexter, " Aug. 10, 1876, Newtonville, Mass. 10763. Natalie Powell, "May 30, 1886, Amherst, [6334] GEORGE IRVING HAMLIN,^ {George K.,8 Luther,' America,^ Eleazer,6 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Apr. 12, 1850, probably Water- ford, Me.; m. Sept. 1, 1890, Sarah Green; res. So. Waterford. [6336] MARIETTA HAMLIN, 9 (Sister of George I.,) b. Oct. 4, 185-, prob. Waterford, Me.; m. Apr. 8, 1869, William W. Watson, b. Feb. 2, 1841; member G, 12th Maine Inf. Vols.; wounded battle of Winches- ter, Va., 1864, served 3 years; box manufacturer; Waterford, Me. Children: 10764. Edith May, b. June 18, 1872. 10765. Harry W., " May 12, 1877. [6337] CHARLES SCRIPTURE HAMLIN,9 (Calvin,* Luther,' America,* Eleazer,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Waterford, Me., Jan. 24, 1855; m. 1879, Ella Kneeland; res. So. Waterford. Children: 10766. Annie M., b. Mar. 22, 1880. 10767. Luther C., (( Sept. 19, 1882. 10768. Helen F,, u Apr. 26, 1885. 10769. Mary E., u May 18, 1889. 10770. Carl S., (( Jan. 11, 1893. [6338] HARRIET HAMLIN,9 (Albert.* America,' s Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer.s James,2») b. South Waterford, Me., Sept. 13, 1846; m. Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 16, 1871, George W. Morgan, b. South Auburn, Me., March, 1846; farmer, and teamster; res. Nashville about a year after their marriage, and re- turned to Auburn; member K. P.; she was a dressmaker. Auburn and Lewiston; since, florist; Calvinist Baptists; Good Templars. No issue. NINTH GENERATION. 1041 [6339J SEMANTHA HAMLIN,9 (Sister of Harriet,) I b. South' Waterford, Maine, Apr. 4, 1848: m. 1st, there, Oct. 23, 1877, Tim- othy Cartel, son of William and Tabitha(Holt) Bell, b. Albany, Maine, Oct. 10, 1829; a farmer: South Waterford: Democrat; Quaker: member Bear Mt. Grange 62. P. of H.: he was drafted durintj the civil war, but having the care of his par- ents, furnished a substitute. He d. South Waterford, July 13, 1894: m. 2d, South Waterford, Nov. 18. 1895, Joshua Frost, son of Nathaniel and Lorana (Frost) Bennett, b. Bridgton, Me. Oct. 12, 1842, formerly carriage trimmer; harness maker and dealer: Bridgton; Republican; member Oriental Lodge, 13, A. F. & A. M.; Oriental Chapter, 30, R. A. M. Mrs. Bennett is a graceful writer, a natural rhymer and artist; and has kindly contributed a large amount of rec- ords of this branch of the family for this work. No issue. When asked about ! her family, she replied: "No children disturb our peacful slumber. When the angel of rest draws near, — We quietly dream of that haven of rest. Which to us is pictured so clear. We awake, and hear no prattle Of earth's little cherubims, bright; But thank Fate for her decree, And think she served us right. The sound of the lark is sweeter to them, When the world is hushed and still, Than the midnight wail of the restless child. Whose anguish your soul will fill," [6340] ANN MARIA HAMLIN,^ (Sister Of Harriet, ) b. South Waterford, Me.. Feb. 3, 1850: m. Lewiston, Me., July 8, 1874, Oscar G. Fish;* Supt. Hamilton Corporation, Lowell, Mass. When 12 years old she went to reside at Holderness, N. H., and afterwards worked with her sister in Lewiston, Me., where she became acquainted with her husband: removed to Three Rivers, Mass., several years after marriage, where they resided until the i fall of 1892, where they removed to Lowell; he member Union Church. Ch. b. Auburn: 10771. Florence Mabel, Sept. 23, 1899. [6341] MARY CASWELL HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Harriet, ) b. South Waterford, Me., May 28, 1852; m. there. Mar. 27, 1873, Rinaldo Percyville, son of John Marion and Mary (Mason) Bean, b. Gilead, Me., Oct., 4, 1842; carpenter, afterwards ranchman and stockgrower; Gilead, Me., until 1870; since Denver, Littleton, Col., and vicinity; Republican: assessor, 1889-91; : county commissioner, 1891-7; member Bethel Lodge 97, A. F. & A. M.; 1st Sergt. B, 23 Maine, Inf. Vols.: enlisted Sept. 1862; dis. July, 1863: re-enlisted 9 Iowa Inf. Vols. Nov. 1864, participated in battles of Nashville, Tenn., and j Kingston, N. C; dis., July, 1865. Before marriage she was a school teacher. Ch. b. Archers, Col.: 10772.* Alta May, b. Jan. 1, 1877. 10773. IvA Gertrude, " Oct. 3, 1883. 10774. Grace Mabel, " Oct. 29, 1885. 10775. Herbert Hamlin, " Aug. 9, 1888. 10776. Gladys, " Feb. 16, 1896. * For Pish see note 54. 1042 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [6342] WALTER KEYES HAMLIN,9 (Bro. of Harriet,) b. South Waterford, Me., Oct. 27, 1854; m. there, Sept. 9, 1878, Clara J. Bell, b. South Waterford, Sept. 19, 1854; farmer and mechanic. He received a liberal education, and spent the early part of his life in Waterford: went to New Haven. Conn., and worked at carriage making: returned to Waterford, and en- gaged in farming summers, and carriage making winters; proprietor Waterford Creamery, and wool carding mill, and has charge of the home farm; Odd Fellow and P. of H. of which he has been Master; prior to marriage she was a school teacher. Children: 10777. Alice M., b. Sept. 30, 1879, New Haven. 10778. Jennie B., (1 June 30, 1881, " 10779. Flora G., (1 June 28, 1884, So. Waterford. 10780. Carrie A., (; Apr. .30, 1889, " 10781. Albert W., (1 Nov, 9, 1890, " [6343] JAMES BUCHANAN HAMLlN.s (Bro. of Harriet.) b. South Waterford, Me., Mar. 14, 1857; m. there, Mar. 12, 1884, Addie B. Atherton,*of South Waterford. He went to South Dakota, 1879; remained several years, and returned to his native town for a short time, where he mar- ried and returned to Moody county. South Dakota; resided there until the fall of 1892, and returned to South Waterford. Child: 10782. Bessie Margaret, b. June 4, 1889. [6344] CORA JANE HAML1N,9 (Sister of Harriet,) i). South Waterford, Me., Dec. 1, 1859: m. Harrison, Me., May 14, 1879, William F. Bell, b. South Waterford, May 18, 1858. They received a common school education, finishing with High School studies; resided in their native town until 1879, and emigrated to Moody county. South Dakota, where they have since resided; farmer; DeSmet, S. D. He has held township offices in Dakota. Ch. b. Dakota. 10783. Anna Maude, b. Apr. 30, 1881. 10784. Albert Hamlin, " Sept. 24, 1882. [6346] ANNIE ELIZABETH LONG,9 (Nancy Hamlin,« America,'" Eleazer,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,3i) b. Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 1, 1847; ra. James E. Shaw;t she Presb. She d. Elmira, N. Y., Mar. 18, 1880. Ch. b. Elmira: 10785. Addie B., Sept. 9, 1869. 10786. Mary E., Aug. 29, 1874. [6349] ELLA LONG,^ (Sister of Annie E.,) b. Elmira, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1854; m. there, Dec. 28, 1871, Joseph Owens, b. Montgomeryshire, North Wales, Dec. 28, 1836; boss spinner; Elmira: Republi- can; she Presb. He d. Elmira, May 31, 1885. Ch. b. Elmira: 10787. Maude A., Oct. 15, 1872. 10788. Charles Henry, Apr. 4, 1877. 10789. Mabel C, Mar. 26, 1881. * For Atherton see notes 165 and 309. + For Shaw see notes 68 and 398. NINTH GENERATION. 1043 [6355] LUTHER EDWIN WILKINS,^ (Altnira F. Haralin,^ America,^* Eleazer,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,^!) b. Acton, Mass., Oct. 12, 1846; m. Rutland, Mass.. June 29, 1870, Adeline Cordelia Palmer, b. Rutland, June 29, 1846: private, D, 53 Mass. Inf. Vols : enlisted Oct. 17, 1862; dis. Sept. 2, 1863; served in same company with his father; re-enlisted, Co. I, 2 Mass. Cav., and served to close of the vear, (1865.) After the v^^ar he studied a year at Westford Academy, and entered the employment of the Clinton Wire Cloth Co., Clinton, Mass., as machinist and remained with them until 1885; when he was appointed to an office in the State Prison at Charleston, Mass., which he held until his death: Commander, E. D. Baker Post 64, G. A. R.: member Trinity Lodge, A.F. & A. M.: and Knights of Honor; res. Charlestown. He d. July 31, 1892. Ch. b. Clinton: 10790. Victor Edwin, May 7, 1871. 10791.* Theodore Gage, Nov. 27, 1873. 10792. Edna Adeline, July 13, 1876. 10793. Bertha Lillian, Jan. 8, 1880; d. Aug. 27, 1881. [6358] ARTHUR HAMLIN WILKINS,9 (Bro. of Luther E.,) b. Westford, Mass., May 29, 1855; m. Charlestown, Mass., Dec. 15, 1881, Lizzie Grace, dau. of True and Mary (McCaine) Morton, b. Manchester, N. H., July 23, 1858; commission merchant; Westford in youth: Charlestown, 1881-97; since, Somerville, Mass.; member Fruit and Produce Exchange; Beacon Lodge 1, A.O.U.W. No issue. [6359] LYMAN EVERETT WILKINS,9 (Bro. of Luther E.,) b. Westford, Mass., Aug. 12, 1858; m. Charlestown, Mass., Sept. 30, 1886, Ida Maria, dau. of Alden Pitt and Nancy B. ( Wight) Osgood, b. Westford, Nov. 6, 1861; accountant; Westford, until 1883: since. North Cambridge, Mass.; member of Wamesit Lodge 25, K. P., and Beacon Lodge 1, A.O.U. W.; she Cong. No issue. [6360] HORACE E. HAMLIN,** (Edwin,^ America,'* Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James, 21) b. Waterford, Me., Nov. 7, 1858; m. Springdale, Minn., May 26, 1880, Jennie, dau. of James and Sarah (Edgar) Dickson, b. Wycena, Wis., June 26, 1861; formerly farmer; Springdale, 1879-83; later, machinist, Chatfield, Minn. Children: 10794. Nellie J., b. June 22, 1882, Springdale 10795. Howard H., " Nov. 10, 1884, Chatfield. 10796. Martha May, " Jan. 27, 1889, (i [6361] ETTA HAMLIN,^ (Sister of Horace E.,) b. Elmira, Minn., Oct. 2, 1861; m, there. Mar. 29, 1882, William, son of James and Sarah (Edgar) Dickson, b. Wycena, Wis., Sept. 4, 1852; farmer; Elmira; she was a school teacher: Brest. W. C. T. U.; Baptists. No issue. [6362] NELLIE L. HAMLIN,9 (Sister of Horace E.,) b. Elmira, Minn., July 20, 1866: m. Seattle, Wash., Sept. 15, 1892, George J., son of James and Helen Smith, of Richmond, Canada, b. Quebec, Dec. 2, 1851; 1044 TPIE HAMLIN FAMILY. grocer; Seattle: he was educated Richmond; a leading niemVjer and musical director in the Presb. church; removed to Seattle, 1883: she graduated High School, Chattield, Minn., 1884; and State Normal School, Winona, 1885; taught school St. Charles, two years; Chatfleld, one year: Seattle, three years; Presb., in which church he is deacon. Ch. b. Seattle: 10797. Hakriet M., July 14, 1893. [6363] HARRIET M. HA MLIN,9 (Sister of Horace E,) b. Elraira, Minn., June 9, 1869: graduated High School, Chatfleld, Minn., 1887, and State Normal School, Winona, 1888; taught school, Curamingsville, one year; Chatfleld one year; since, in Seattle, Washington, where she resides: Presb. [6372] EDWARD WALDO ST0NE.9 (Caroline L. Brown,^ Sally Hamlin,' America,* Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James.^i) b. Waterford, Me., Feb. 12, 1872; m. Newburyport, Mass., Mar. 8, 1899, Nellie M., dau. of Frank Myron and Addie K. (Winn) Underbill, b. Piedmont, N. H., Apr. 27, 1873: farmer; Water- ford, Me.; Haverhill, Mass.; Sweden, Me.: Democrat; she Cong. Ch. b. Sweden: 10798. Katherine Addie, Jan. 29, 1901. [6375] SIDNEY PAINE BROWN,9 (Rufus G.,« Sophia Hamlin,' America,* Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Waterford, Me., Oct. 20, 1858; unmarried; lawyer; res. Waterford, until 1863; Waltham, Mass., until 1898; Boston, since May, 1900; Republican; alderman, 1892-3; member Prospect Lodge 35, I. O. O. F. [6379] ALICE MARION BROWN," (Sister of Sidney P.,) b. Waltham, Mass., May 23, 1879; m. Brighton, Mass., Oct. 3, 1900, Bertram Otis, son of Reuben and Ida Elizabeth (Seward) Forknall, b. Newton, Mass., July 20, 1878, commercial traveler; Newton, until 1900; since, Brighton; Repub- lican; she Epis. [6380] JOHN HERBERT BROWN," (Dexter B.,« Sophia Hamlin,' America,* Eleazer,B Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Waltham, Mass., Feb. 25, 1872; m. Auburndale, Mass., Mar. 15, 1897; Ida Maria Foster, b. Pelham, N.H., Sept. 19, 1870; train baggage master; Newton Lower Falls, Mass. Ch. b. Newton Lower Falls: 10799. Harold Foster, June 18, 1898. [6382] Rev. GEORGE E. KNEEL AND," (Jane W. Brown,^ Sophia Hamlin,' America,* Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Harrison, Me., July 23, 1864; m. July 9. 1892, May L. Bean, b. East Otistield, Me., Nov. 1, 1867; Baptist clergyman. Child: 10800. Gertrude Lillian, b. Nov. 1, 1899. NINTH GENERATION. 1045 [6383] GEORGE H. JENNINGS,' (Martha M. Hamlin,* Silas,' America,^ Eleazer,* Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) m. Hattie Pitman, of Chelsea, I Mass.: lumber dealer. Children: 10801. Grace. 10802. A Son. [6384] FRANK MELVILLE NOTTAGE,^ (Mary F. Hamlin,* Silas,' 1 America," Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Chelsea, Mass., Aug. 12, 1855; m. Rutherford, Cal., Dec. 28, 1882, Mary Lizzie, dau. of Andrew Eppes, and S. Angelia (Barker) Burnham, b. Chelsea, Feb. 1, 1858: merchant: he res. Chelsea, until March, 1878: Rutherford, Cal., until 1898: Oakland, Cal., 1901; Re- publican; member Live Oak Lodge, 61, A. F. & A. M.; St. Helena Lodge 167, L O. O. F.: Notary Public, 1886-98; she Presb. Ch. b. Rutherford: 10803. May Ethel, Dec. 25, 1883: unm. 1901. 10804. Herbert Francis Burnham, June 2, 1885. 10805. Frank Melville, June 19, 1889. 10806. Grace Aljia, Jan. 26, 1891. 10807. Elizabeth Hamlin, Oct. 28, 1894. [6385] HERBERT PIERCY NOTTAGE,^ M. D., (Bro. of Frank M., ) b. Chelsea, Mass., Oct. 1, 1863; m. there. Sept, 18, 1888, Hattie May, dau. of Rev. Horace Lorenzo and Harriet (Barnet) Hastings, b. Lowell, Mass., 1864; physician: Chelsea, until 1890; Westport, Mass., 1890-6; Providence, R. I., 1896- [8; since, Goshen, Mass.; Republican. He grad. Chelsea High School 1883, and 'from Harvard Medical School, 1886: member Am. Med, Asso.: N, E. Opthal- mological Soc.: Mass. Med. See.: Baptists. Ch. b. Westport; 10808. PiERCY Hastings, Aug. 22, 1891. 10809. Nathaniel, Mar. 8, 1897. [6387] CHARLES ARTHUR HAMLIN,« (Charles A., » Silas,' America,6 Eleazer,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Waterford, Me., Mar. 23, 1862; (n. 1st, Ida M., dau. of George F. and Laura Ann (Pratt) Joy, b. Weymouth, Mass.. July 24, 1867: who d. of heart disease, Weymouth, Sept. 6, 1891: m. 2d, by Rev. Joseph Osgood, Cohasset, Mass., Nov. 29, 1893, Louisa, dau. of Hiram and Levina (Wheelright) Bates, b. Scituate, Mass., 1873; plumber; Asst. Supt. East Weymouth, (Mass.) Waterworks. No issue. [6389] LILL] AN GERTRUDE HAMLIN,' (Sister of Charles A.,) b. South Waterford, Me., July 31, 1865: m. by Rev. L. P. Blackford, Wal- i'ham, Mass., Dec. 21, 1892. George Addison, son of Robert G. and Mary E. Hennessey) Wiley, b. Fitchburg, Mass., 1862; machinist; Hartford, Ct. No issue. [6391] HERMAN ROSCOE HAMLIN.' (Bro. of Charles A.,) b. Mar. 3, 1867; unmarried; Asst. Supt., Boston Gas Light Co. i 1046 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [63951 FRANK WETHERBEE HAMLIN,9 (Bro. of Charles A.,) b. Jan, 26, 1876; book-keeper, Boston Gas Light Co. [6397] JEAN EUGENE TUFTS.s (Areannah Hamlin,^ Silas,' America, Eleazer,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James, 21) b. Chelsea, Mass., 1863; m. Blanch' Spear, of Waltham, Mass; merchant; Water ville. Me. Child; 10810. Charles G., b. 1891. [6398] IDA TUFTS,9 (Sister of Jean E.,) b. Chelsea, Mass., 1866; m. Maiden, Mass., Sept. 3, 1890, Isaac Whitney, soi of Isaac Whitney and Lucy (Leavitt) Sawyer, b. Charlestown, Mass., 1861; com mercial traveler; East Boston, Maiden and West Medford, Mass.; Republican Universalist; she Orthodox. [6411] STUART PARK,9 (Stuart J.,* John,' Lydia Hamlin,6 Eleazer, Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) m. Phelps. Child: 10811. Arthur. [6420] ELLA MARIA HAMLIN,9 (William,* Francis,' Eleazer,6 Benjamin,* Eleazer,3James,2i) b. Waterford, Me., July 26, 1855; m. there, Jul. 12, 1879, Samuel L., son of Daniel and Nancy Lebroke, of Lovell, Me., b. NortI Waterford, Me., Jan. 28, 1855; carpenter and painter; South Waterford. No issue. [6422] JOHN HENRY HAMLIN,9 (Bro. of Ella M.,) b. Waterford, Me., May 29, 1860; m. Norway, Me., Dec. 31, 1887, Caroline dau. of George and Mahala Bennett, b. Buckfield, Me., July 27, 1864, he recieivei a common school education; went to Meadville, Pa., April, 1879, and worked tW' years in a dry goods store; to Chicago, 111., and worked for Pullman Palace Oa Co., four months; returned to Waterford, and remained about two years; attend ed Eastman's College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., three months, learned the tailo trade and worked in Norway; went to Canton, Me., and conducted a genera store three years with success; returned to Norway, and engaged in grocery trad with a brother-in-law, firm of Hamlin & Bicknell; later Auburn, Me. Children: 10812. George William, b. May 7, 1889. 10813. A Child, d. infancy. [6428] CHARLES HENRY HAMLIN,9 ( John,^ Addison,^ Eleazer," Benjamin,* Eleazer.s James,3i) b. Milan, N. H., July 3, 1844; m. Dec. 19, 187t Eliza Gorham, of Portland. Me.; private, E, 9th N.H. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Dec 21, 1863; wounded battle Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864, and Poplar Springs Church Sept. 30, 1864; dis. May. 20, 1865; resided 22 years in San Francisco, Cal., in em ploy of Goodyear Rubber Co.; afterward in same employment, Portland, Ore. Children: 10814. Arthur. 10815. Fred. NINTH GENERATION. 1047 [6429] MELLEN K. HAMLIN,9 (Bro. of Charles H.,) b. Milan, N. H., Oct. 1, 1846; m. Sept. 3, 1880, Effie A., Morgan, b. Bethel, Me., Apr. 26, 1861; farmer; Durham, Me.; Democrat; Methodist; member Golden i Cross Lodge 32. Ch. b. Durham; 10816. Charles E., Aug. 6, 1885. 10817. John L., Sept. 5, 1887. 10818. Stella May, Aug. 19, 1894. 10819. Grace Bell, Dec. 4, 1898. [6430] FRANK E. HAMLIN," (Cyrus D.s Addison",' Elea.zer,6B Benjamin,' !Eleazer,3 James,2i);b. Milan, N. H., Nov. 20, 1857; m. Nov. 1, 1891, Addle Pea- body, of Milan; member firm of Cyrus D. Hamlin & Sons; farmers, horse breeders and lumbermen; Milan. [6434] ADA BICKFORD,9 (Susannah Hamlin,^ Addison,^ Eleazer,*^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Berlin, N. H., June 20, 1862; m. there, July 25, 1880; Clayton, son of Elijah P. Twitchell, b. Milan, Oct. 9, 1836; farmer; Milan; Republican; member Androscoggin Lodge 76, I. O.O. F,; Sabatus Lodge !95; she member Emily Flint Lodge 62; members Androscoggin Grange 228. Ch. b. Milan: 10820. Feed, b. Apr. 3, 1884. 10821. Emma, " Oct. 2, 1888. [6435] ARCHIE BICKFORD,' (Bro. of Ada,) b. Milan, N. H., June 7, 1866; m. Bow, N.H., Apr. 11, 1889, Jennie M., dau. ■of Rev. A. B. and Ruth Stillinge (Watson) Russell, b. Dracut, Mass., June 15, 1863; machinist; Milan, until April, 1890; since, Laconia, N.H.: Republican; Christians; members Winnesquam Colony, 14, Pilgrim Fathers. Ch. b. Laconia: 10822. Ruth H., June 29, 1890. 10823. Pearl R., June 28, 1894. [6442] ALBERT RUSSELL KING," (Eliza K. Hamlin,* John,^ Eleazer,«B Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Concord, N. H., Jan. 24, 1874; m. Westboro, Mass., Oct. 13, 1897, Mabelle Briggs, dau. of George Briggs and Anna C A, (Johnson) Mitchell, b. Halifax, Mass., Oct. 23, 1869; mechanic; Westboro; Free- will Baptist; she. Baptist. [6444] CHARLES H. BULLARD," (Annie L. Hamlin,* William,* Elea- zer,65 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 15, 1859; I (oQ. Boston, Mass., Nov. 23, 1887, Catherine E. Sullvivan, b. Bangor, Me., Sept. -' [10, 1863; railway conductor; Walthara, Mass. Ch. b. Waltham: 10824. Elsie Hamlin, Jan. 10, 1891. [6447] ANNIE CORA HAMLIN,* (Charles C.,^ Williani,^ Eleazer,« 6 Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. North Bridgton, Me., Sept. 12, 1866; m. there. M 1048 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Aug. 15, 1888, Charles Eutus Warren,* b. Waltham, Mass., Feb. 12, 1835. She d. there. May 17, 1894. No issue. [6450] NELLIE ADELIA HAMLIN," (Sister of AnnaC.,) b. North Bridgton, Me., July 20, 1871; m. there, Nov. 27, 1890, Hon. Orville Vinton, son of Moses Hebron and Martha (Libby) Libby, b. Mt. Hope, Me., Mar. 21, 1851; merchant; Sanford, Me.; Democrat; town treasurer; representa- tive, 189."?; K.P.;she Baptist. Ch. b. Sanford: 10825. Orville Vinton, Jan. 2, 1892; d. June 8, 1899. 10826. Esther May, Nov. 29, 1894. 10827. Joseph Shaw, Aug. 18, 1897. 10828. Roger Hamlin, June 16, 1900. [6458J WILLIAM EDWARD HAMLIN,^ M. D., (Edward L.,* William,' Eleazer,«5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Boston, Mass., Nov. 12, 1875. He was educated in the public schools of Waltham, Mass. and at Dean Academy, Franklin, Mass.: graduated from Medical College, Baltimore, Md., 1S97. and took a postgraduate course at Harvard Med. School, 1897-8; enlisted Aug. 10, 1898, private, U. S. Hosp. Corps, for three years, and served at Camp Wikotf. Montauk, L. I. Appointed Asst. Surgeon, Oct. 13, 1898, and assigned to 2d U. S. Inf. Camp Shipp, Anniston, Ala.; went to Cuba, Apr. 12, 1899, and served at Cienf uegos, until Jan. 3, 1900; dis. Jan. 31, 1900. Asst. Surg, at Soldiers Home. Chelsea, Mass., appointed Jan. 18, 1901; member Prospect Lodge, A. F. & A.M. [6466] HATTIE MARIA YORK," (Ellen E. Hamlin,* David T.,' Elea- zer,«5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2») b. Milan, N. H., Dec. 16, 1864; m. there. Feb. 15, 1890, Dr. Walter D., son of Stephen Edward and Ellen Eleanor (Filing- wood) Williamson, b. Milan, Mar. 11, 1863; physician and surgeon; Milan, until 1889; Gorham, N.H., until 1901; Portland, Me., 1802; Republican; member N. H. Med: Asso.; Maine Med. Asso.; American Med. Asso.: International Asso. R. R. Surgeons: Gorham Lodge 73, A.F. «fe A.M.; North Star Commandery, K.T.; Ed- ward K. Raymond Consistory, A.A.S. R.; Glen Lodge 54, I.O. O. F.; and Care Lodge 25, K. P. Before marriage she was a school teacher; member Alpine Chap- ter 31, O. E. S.; Ideal Rebekah Lodge 65, I. O. O. F. Ch. b. Gorham: 10829. Eleanor E., Aug. 30, 1894. * Note 474. RICHARD WARREN, i m. in England, wife Elizabeth. He came to Ply mouth, Mass., in the Mayflower, 1620; his wife followed in the -4n/i, 1623, with her dauj?hters She survived her husband and d. Plymouth, Oct. 2, 1673, aged over ninety. Children: Mary, m. Robert Bartlett.i of Plymouth. Ann, " Thomas Little, of Plymouth and Marshfleld. Sarah, " John Cooke, 2 of Rocky Nook, son of Francis. Elizabeth, " Richard Church,i of Plymouth and Hingham. Abigail, " Anthony Snow, of Plymouth and Marshfleld. Nathaniel, " Sarah Walker. Joseph, " Priscilla Faunce. ni:nth generation. 1049 [6467] ELLA FANNIE YORK,9 (Sister of Hattie M.,) b. Milan, N. H., Nov. 22, 1868; m. there, Aug. 2, 1894; Rev. Arthur Tliomp- son, son of Charles Phillips and Diana Worthy (Ladd) Craig, b. Douglas, N. B., Feb. 28, 1S65; clergyman; Neve Brunswick, 1865-83; Waterville, Me., 1883-97; Berlin, N.H., 1897-1900; since, Wilton, Me.; Republican; she graduated Maine Wesleyan Seminary; Methodists. Children: 10830. Elmer Reginald, b. Oct. 28, 1895, Waterville. 10831. Marguerite Ellen, " .Jan. 7, 1898, Berlin. 10832. Hamlin Ladd, " Sept. 9, 1901, Wilton. 16468] FLORENCE LYDIA Y0RK,9 (Sister of Hattie M.,) b. Milan, N.H., Dec. 14, 1870: m. there, June 16, 1897, Dr. Julius, son of Simon and Pauline (Green) Stahl, b. Berlin, Germany, Nov. 4, 1871; dentist; Berlin, N.H.: member of Sabatis Lodge 95, A.F. &A.M.; Berlin Lodge 89, i LO.O. F.; Berlin Lodge 618, B. P.O. E.; Globe Council 1778, R.A.; Berlin Lodge 26, A.O.U.W\ and Dental Soc. No issue. I [6469] MABEL LIZZIE YORK,9 (Sister of Hattie M.,) I b. Milan, N. H., Sept. 11, 1873; graduated Maine Wesleyan Commercial Col- t lege; res. Milan, N. H.; unmarried. j [6483] GEORGE HAMLIN STETS0N,9 (Adeline Hamlin,* Elijah L.,' Cyrus. 6 Eleazer.* Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,^!) b. Bangor, Me., Nov. 15, I 1846; ra. Kenduskeag, Me., Jan. 24, 1872, Nettie Savpyer Boynton, of Glenburn, I Me.: farmer; Kenduskeag, later Bangor, Me.; Republican; Unitarian; she Cong. I She d. Los Angeles, Cal., Mar. 15, 1889. Ch. b. Kenduskeag: J 10833.* Nellie Mabel, b. Apr. 5, 1873. I 10834. George Frederick, " Dec. 14, 1874. 10835. Eugene Henry, " June 10, 1881. I [6484] EDWARD STETSON," (Bro of George H.,) b. Bangor, Me., June 22, 1854; m. Hartford, Ct., Apr. 17, 1879, Edith Holland Lobdell, of Hartford, Ct. He vpas educated in the schools of Bangor, and Phillips Exeter Academy; graduated Harvard College, 1876; studied in Harvard Law school; admitted to the Penobscot Co., Bar, 1879, and practiced law about two years: when he entered the otBce of his father as an assistant. President, First National Bank of Bangor; treasurer, Bangor Bridge Co.; and of Bangor & Aroostook R. R. Co.; director. Merchants Ins. Co.; member firm of E. & I. K. Stetson, ice dealers, ship builders, and owners of ship yard and marine rail- ways; Bangor; councilman and alderman; Republican; member Tanatine Club; Unitarians. Child: 10836. Clarence Cutting, b. Mar. 11, 1884. [6485] Hon. ISAIAH KIDDER STETSON,^ (Bro. of George H.,) b. Bangor, Me., Apr. 3, 1858; m. there, Nov. .30, 1882, Clara Cooper Sawyer, b. Charlestown, S. C, Oct. 3, 1857. He was educated Bangor High School and Phillips Exeter Academy; graduated from Yale Coll. scientific department 1050 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. 1879; member firm of E, & 1. K. Stetson, ice dealers, ship builders, owners of ship yard and marine railways: Bangor: Republican; director, PMrst Nat. Bank of Bangor; and Union Ins. Co.; treasurer, Hampden Academy; member Maine Legislature, 1897-1901 and Speaker 1899: treasurer University of Maine; Free- mason; member Tanatine Club, and University Club, Boston; Unitarian, Lt-Col. on staff of Gov. Cleaves and Gov. Powers: she Epis. and member Colonial Dames. Children: 10837. Ruth WOLCOTT, b. July 22,1884. 10838. Irving Gay, " Nov. 23, 1885. 10839. Roger Hamlin, " .June 16, 1889; d. June 8, 1893. [6486J MARY ADELINE STETSON," (Sister of George H., ) b. Bangor, Me., Apr. 24, 1860: m. there, Apr. 10, 1883, Thomas Fenton Tay- I6r; lawyer, member firm of VanDuzer & Taylor, New York City; res. So. Orange, N. J.; Republican; she member D. A. R.; Unitarians. ' Ch. b. Orange: 10840. Margaret, Oct. 28, 1884. 10841. George Stetson, May 22, 1886. 10842. Fenton, Nov. 22, 1887. [6489] JARVIS LIVERMORE CARTER,9 (Julia Hamlin.^ Elijah L.,' Cyrus, « Eleazer,* Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James, 21) b. Paris, Me., Feb. 11, 1858; m. Mary B., dau. of Cullen L. Carter, of Brooklyn, N.Y. He grad. Union College and engaged in business, in Brooklyn. He d. Aug. 4, 1892. Children: 10843. Julia Fanny, b. Sept. 8, 1884. 10844. Dorothea May, " Apr. 5, 1886. 10845. Jarvis Freeland, " July 20, 1889: d. May 6, 1895. [6494] CHARLES EUGENE HAMLIN,^ (Charles.^ Hannibal,' Cyrus,' Eleazer,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Orland, Me., Oct. 11, 1861: ra. Apr. 15, 1886, Myra Louisa, dau. of Hon. Frederick Adolphus and Delia (Gage) Sawyer,* b. Cambridge, Mass., July 22, 1857. He was educated Bangor public schools, Phillips Exeter Academy, and graduated from Harvard University, class of 1884; Journalist; N. Y. City, 1885-95; general and political writer for the New York Tribune', dramatic music critic and editorial writer for the New York Morning and Commercial Advertiser; managing editor NewYork State; author of "T/ie Life and Times of Hannibal -HamZm," 1899: composer of Comic Opera, "Nicolette," libretto by R. A. Barnet; res. Bangor, since 1895; member of Loyal Legion, and Harvard Club of New York City: Republican; Unitarian. Mrs. Hamlin is a well known writer of children's books: Nan. at Camp Chickopee, Nan. in the City, A Politician's Daughter, etc. Ch. b. Brooklyn: 10846. Myra Louise, Apr. 26, 1887. [6495] ADDISON HAMLIN,9 (Bro. of Charles E.,) b. Georgetown, D. C, Mar. 30, 1863; educated public school, Bangor, Me.; graduated Exeter, N. H., 1880; Harvard University, 1884; studied at Frieburg, Germany, 1884-5: member firm of Hamlin & Morrison, Analytical and Consult- ing Chemists, 140 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. He was employed at New Jer- * Hon. Frederick A. Sawyer, U. S. Senator, South Carolina, 1868-74. c^ ^ ml li Dr, Cyrus Hamlin, NINTH GENERATION. 1051 sey Extract Works, Elizabeth, N. J., 18S7; went to Bartopilas, Mexico, to assay for Hon. A. R. Sheppard, 1888-9; went to Philadelphia, 1889, employed in U. S. Mint; director of Blanchard Maine State Mining Co.; res. Bangor, Me., 1901. [649(>] Dr. CYRUS HAMLIN,« (Bro. of Charles E.,) b. Bangor. Me., Aug. 18, 18G9; m. Cliester, England, Oct. 8, 1901, M. Hattie, dau. of Samuel and Annie Bennion, b. Sanghall, Chester, England, Jan. 22, 1874. He was educated in the schools of Bangor; graduated from University of Maine, 1891; from Long Island College Hospital, 1895; Interne, Brooklyn Hospital; visiting surgeon to Brooklyn City Dispensatory; Manhattan Hospital; U.S. Pen- sion Examiner; member of Kings County Medical Association; res. Brooklyn, N.Y. [6497] EDWARD THOMPSON HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Charles E.,) b. Bangor, Me., June 8, 1872; unmarried; educated in the schools of Bangor, University of Maine, and Cornell University; mechanical engineer; Bangor. [6499] CHAKLES DORR MORSE,9 (Julia Stone.' Susan Hamlin,7 Hannibal,* Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Waterford, Me., May 31, 1853: m. May 31, 1875, Mary Adehne Stone.* Ch. prob. b. Waterford: 10847. Caul Lemist, b. Nov. 15, 1879; d. Aug. 9, 1880. 10848. Charles Harold, " Nov. 8,1887. 10849. Charlotte Dorr, " June 10, 1890. [6500] FRANK HARRIS MORSE,9 (Bro. of Chas, D.,) b. Waterford, Me., Jan. 24, 1857; m. Mary Chadbourne. Ch. prob. b. Waterford: 10850. Mary, Feb. 21, 1888. 10851. Wilson M., Jan. 4, 1892. [6502] GRACE DOUGLAS STONE," (William E.,* Susan Hamlin,^ Hannibal, 8 Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Waterford, Me., July 5, 1872; m. Harrison, Me., Jan. 15, 1892, William, son of Jonathan P. and Elsie A. (Haskell) Heath, b. Bethel, Me., July 7, 1872; farmer; Bethel and Waterford; Republican. Children: b. Aug. 6, 1893, Harrison. " Oct. 17, 1894, " Jan. 5, 1897, Waterford. " June 9, 1898, " # [6512] CHARLES RAYMOND FARLEY," (John H.,* Rebecca F. Hamlin,' Hannibal,* Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Mecca, Ohio, Nov. 20, 1869; civil engineer; employed by U. S. Gov't, Sackett's Harbor, N. Y, [6519] LAWRENCE FRAZER ABBOTT,9 (Abby F. Hamlin,^ Hannibal, 7 6 Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Brooklyn, N. Y., June 29, 1859; m. N.Y. City, May 15, 1889, Mary Campbell, dau. of Lawson and Lucy (Houghton) Valentin, b. Nov. 15, 1862; President of The Outlook Company; * For Stone see notes 162 and ai3. Children: 10852. Robert W,, 10853. Carl L., 10854. Mildred G. 10855. Elsie M., 1052 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. winter res. N. Y. City; summer, Camden, Me.; Presb. She d. Saranac Lake N. Y., Apr. 16, 1899. Ch. h. Manchester, Ct.: 10856. Dorothea Valentine, Oct. 25, 1894, [6520J HARRIET FRANCES ABB0TT,9 (Sister of Lawrence F.,) b. Terre Haute, Ind.-, Oct. 15, 1860: m. Cornwall-on-Hudson, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1897, Francis, son of Edward and Augusta Woodbury (Ricker) Jordan, b. Ports- mouth, Ohio, Feb. 15, 1861; lawyer; Washington, D. C, 1861-6; Flushing, N. Y., 1866-72; Elizabeth, N. J., 1872-91; since, Brooklyn, N. Y.; member of Reform Club, N. Y. City; she member of Cambridge Club, Brooklyn; members of Ply- mouth Cong. Church, Brooklyn. [6521] HERBERT VAUGHAN ABBOTT," (Bro. Lawrence F.,) b. Terre Haute, Ind., Jan. 3, 1865: unmarried: graduated at Amherst Col- lege, 1885: teacher in various schools, and in Harvard and Columbia Universi- ties; member of Plymouth Cong, church, Brooklyn, N. Y. [6522] Rev. ERNEST HAMLIN ABBOTT,^ (Bro. of Lawrence F.,) b. Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y., Apr. 18, 1870: m. New Rochelle, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1899, May Louise, dau. of Alexander Augustus and Annie (Mander) Kleberg, b. London, Eng., Apr. 25, 1876; graduated from Harvard University, June 1893; from Andover Theological Seminary. June, 1896: ordained pastor Cong, church, Fryburg, Me., Feb. 2, 1898. Ch. b. Cornwall-on-Hudson: 10857. Alexander Lyman, July 26, 1900. [6523] THEODORE JACOB ABBOTT,9 (Bro. of Lawrence F.,) b. Cornwall-on-Hudson, N. Y.,July20, 1872: graduated from Harvard Col- lege, June, 1896; from College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y. City, 1900; physician and surgeon in Bellevue Hospital, N.Y., 1902; member of Plymouth Cong, church, Brooklyn, N. Y. [6524] BEATRICE VAIL A BBOTT,9 (Sister of Lawrence F.,) b. Cornwall-on-Hudson, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1875; graduated at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., June, 1899; member of Plymouth Cong, church. [6543] PAUL LINCOLN BROWN,9 (Henry S.,« Sally Davis,' Sally Hamlin,6 Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. July 26, 1865; m. Oct. 15, 1893, Anna Hartwell Whitcomb, of Littleton, Mass. Child: 10858. Walter Davis, b. Aug. 10, 1895; d. infancy. [6545] ROY MILLER HAMLIN,» (Albert G.,^ Isaac G.,^ Isaac,* Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Hannibal, Mo., Dec. 18, 1872: m. Dec. 28, 1900, A.Ruth Clarke, b. July 13, 1874; contractor and builder; St. Louis, Mo.: Repub- lican; Methodist. Ch. b. St. Louis: 10859. Helen, Oct. 28, 1901. NINTH GENERATION. 1053 [6547] MAUD JEANNETTE HAMLIN,9 (Sister of Roy M.,) b. Hannibal, Mo., Feb. 14, 1877: m. there, Dec. 14, 1899, William Preston Harrison, son of Edgar Clinton and Margaret Morton (Harrison) Hays, b. Han- nibal, Apr. 29, 1875; Democrat: surgeon; Hannibal: member Segnia Alpha Epsi- 1 Ion Soc, Mo. State University; 2129, M. W. A.; National Union; and R. T. B. H. ; No issue. [6548] EDWIN GREEN HAMLIN," (John H.,^ Isaac G.,' Isaac,^ Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i); b. Harrington, Me., Apr. 28, 1858; m. there, Feb. 6, 1882, Flora, dau. of James and Susannah (Ray) Curtis, b. Har- ; rington, Feb. 26, 1857. He followed the sea, mate of Barque, Evil J. Ray, I which plied from New York and Boston to ports of the East Indies, Singapore, Phillipine Islands and Java: he retired from the sea, 1892; carpenter; Boston, 1 Mass. I Children: 10860. Jessie Crocker, b. Jan. 21, 1883, at sea, on passage from 10861. Harold. [Singapore to New York. [6549] FRANK STILLMAN HAMLIN,9 (Bro. of Edwin G.,) b. Harrington, Me., Jan. 4, 1864; m. 1st, Haverhill, Mass., June 5, 1889, Lucy L., dau. of Edward and Sarah (Henry) de Wolf, b. St. Andrews, N. B., Aug. 8, ' 1864; she Epis.: she d. Haverhill, June 27, 1897; m. 2d, Aug. 9, 1890, Louise Mar- garet, dau. of John P. and Mary (Smith) Sheridan, b. North Andover, Mass., I Apr. 27, 1857: she Universalist. He was educated in the common school and Eastman's Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; insurance agent; Haverhill; Universalist; member of Merrimack Lodge, A. F. &A. M., and Pawtucket Chap- ter, R. A. M. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Haverhill: 10862. Joseph db Wolf, Mar. 3, 1893. [6551] ALBERT H. TUCKER,^ (Sarah J. Hamlin,^ Isaac G.,' Isaac,« Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Columbia, Me.; m. Annie Mara- Iwetz; res. Hannibal, Mo. Child; 10863. Gladys Adelaide. [6553] NETTIE RAY,9 (Nancy A. Hamlin,8 Isaac G.,' Isaac," Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James, ^i) b. Millbridge, Me.; m. George Mattock; res. jLivingston, Mont. She is dead. Children: 10864. George H. 10865. John. [6557] ALVIN HAMLIN EMERY," (Olive W. Hamlin,* Henry H.,' itsaac," Eleazer,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 1, 1874; !"Q. Boston, Mass., Apr. 26, 1896, Flora Bell Jones; brass mfgr.: Boston; member irm of Hamlin & Emery. Ch. b. Boston: 10866. Ruth, Jan. 10, 1897. 1054 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [6558] BLANCHE OLIVE EMERY,9 (Sister of Alvia H.,) b. Boston, Mass., Nov. 21, 1879; m. there, Oct. 21, 1900, Merchant Elmo, son of Merchant Lincoln and Nancy Ellen (Chick) Philbrick, b. Houlton, Me., Nov. 18. 1872: salesman: Houlton, until 1890; Boston, until 1900; Winchester, until 1902: since, Boston; Republican. [6565] Hon. CHARLES SUMNER HAML1N,9 (Edward S.,» Nathan S.,' Asia,* Eleazer,^ Benjamin. < Eleazer,3 James.^i) b. Boston, Mass., Aug. 30, 1861; m. by Bishop William Crosswell Doane, Albany, N.Y., June 4,1898, Hybertie Lansing, dau. of John V. L. and Anna (Parker) Pruyn, b. Albany. Apr. 8, 187.3. His early education was received in the Boston schools: graduated from Roxbury Latin school with honor, 1879: entered Harvard University same yeaf, and gave special attention to study of political economy, history, philos- ophy and the theory of music, harmony and counterpoint; graduated, 1883; member Harvard Finance Club, Institute of 1870, and Hasty Pudding Club. St. Paul's Soc; graduated Harvard Law school, 1886; received degree of A.M. from Harvard, 1886. He was associated in the practice of law with Marcus Morton, Esq., and Hon. Robert M. Morse. He has written and published upon statis- tical and financial subjects, being drawn to the matter by the tariff message of President Cleveland, 1887; after which he was an unceasing advocate of tar- iff reform, on the stump, platform and in the press. He was defeated as Dem- ocrat candidate for state senate, 1887-8: alternate to Nat'l Democratic Conven- tion. June 1892; Democrat candidate for Secretary of State, 1892, and defeated. He was an enthusiastic admirer of President Cleveland, and worked to secure an endorsement and recommendation for his nomination by the Mass. Conven- tion, and made a speech in the Convention favoring his nomination. He was secretary N. E. Tariff Reform League; gave much attention to customs admin- istration, and was consulted by the Customs Cotnraittee, Boston Associated Board of Trade; appeared at Washington for the Board, and drafted amend- ments to the Customs Administrative Act. All these services were without compensation. He was guest of the Southern Society, N. Y., at their annual dinner, and delivered an address; guest of N. Y. Reform Club, and delivered an address, June 4, 1892. Nominated candidate for president Young Men's Dem- ocratic Club of Mass. and declined; but was vice president of the club, 1893. He is passionately devoted to music; has a baritone voice, and studied with Prof. John Knowles Paine, and George L. Osgood, of Boston, and has sung for years in the Apollo Club, Boston. Member Young Men's Democratic Club. Mass.: Mass. Reform Club; N. E. Tariff Reform League; Democratic Club, N.Y. City, and N. Y. Reform Club. Also, member University Club, Boston, and Metropolitan Club, Washington, D. C. He was app. by President Cleveland, Assistant Secretary U. S. Treasury, April, 1893; and had charge of the customs service, and its allied branches. He was prominent in handling the seal fisher- ies matters. President McKinley paid him an unique compliment in retaininjr him for .some time in the treasury department; and afterwards appointed him member of the diplomatic body created to make treaties with other nations for protection of the Alaskan seals. His beautiful residence on Aspinwall Hill, Brookline, Mass. commands a magnificent view of Boston and the harbor; one; of the most attractive sites in the city; Epis. [6566] EDWARD HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Charles,) b. Boston, Mass., Apr. 3, 1863; m. Bangor, Me., Dec. 31, 1888, Helen.a [6487] dau. of Dr. Augustus Choate and Helen Agnes (Cutting) Hamlin, b. Bangor, J ^ *• ■< ""'^'•' "'^^^^^^^BiH ■ ■ H ^H •Bj^ c V feKlL- 9^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^E w|^ ^^ p 1 1 NINTH GENERATION. 1055 June 17, 1861: she was educated in the private schools of Bangor, and that of Miss Abby Johnson in Boston; also one year of study in Italy, France, Germany and England. When a school girl, she with ber class visited the poet, Long- fellow and presented him with an iron pen made from a fetter of the famous prisoner of Chillon, Bonnivard, the handle of the pen was of wood of the old frigate Constitution, bound with a circlet of gold, and set with three rare gems from Ceylon, Maine, and Siberia. Longfellow then wrote the "Iron Pen," and' sent it to Miss Hamlin with an allusion to her in one of the stanzas: *'And in words not idle and vain I shall answer and thank you again For the gift, and the grace of the gift, O beautiful Helen of Maine." He was educated in the Roxbury, Mass. Latin School; graduated from Har- vard University, 1886; member of the Institute, Hasty Pudding Club and the Harvard University Crew. He early entered his father's office in Boston and is president of the Metropolitan Coal Co., Boston; Independent in politics: Epis.: member of University, Country, Exchange and other leading clubs of Boston. She d. Boston, Jan. 4, 1902. Ch. b. Brookline: 10867. Elinor Cutting, Mar. 14, 1892. [6571] EDWARD A. HAMLIN,^ (Samuel A.,^ Nathan S.,^ Asia,« Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Forge Village, Mass., May 13, 1857; m. there, Nov. 1886, Harriet, B. Peters, b. Lowell, Mass.; painter; Forge Village. Children: 10868. A Son, b. Jan. 25, 1890, Salem; d. same day. 10869. John Raymond, " Aug. 26, 1892, Wenham. 10870. Edward Everett, " Oct. 22, 1893. [6573J GERTRUDE REBECCA FLETCHER HAMLIN,' (Sister of Edward A.,) b. Forge Village, Mass., Jan. 13, 1871: m. Shirley, Mass., Mar. 25, 1889, Eugene, son of Elijah and Emily A. (Fenno) Carpenter,* b. Rowe, Mass., Mar. 25, 1868; electrical engineer and supt. Concord Land and Water Power, which supplies electric light, heat and power for city of Concord, N. H.; re- sided Gardner, Mass., later Concord. Ch. b. Westford, Mass.: 10871. Charles Elijah, b. Feb. 3, 1890. 10872. Clyde, '- June 13, 1892, [6576] MINNIE LILLIAN FLETCHER,9 (Augustus D.. 8 Susan Ham- lin,' Asia,6 Elea7er,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James, 21) b. Pepperhill, Mass., Feb. 25, 1864; m. Townsend Harbor, Mass., June 6, 1883, Frank J., son of Isaac Stearns and Martha Marie (Blood) Knight, b. Groton, Mass., Sept. 29, 1856; blacksmith; Townsend Harbor; Republican; member Charles A. Welch Lodge, A.F. &A. M. Ch. b. Townsend Harbor: 10873. Harry Fletcher, Sept. 7, 1891. II * For Carpenter see note 463. 1056 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [6580] LILLA SHEPARD,^ (Elizabeth Fairchild.sMosesJ HannahPope,^ Seth,5 Experience Jenkins,* Expferience Hamlin, 3 James,2i) b. East Bloom- iield, "N.Y., Dec. 15, 1852; m. Des Moines, Iowa, Apr. 26, 1876, Roger Williams, son of Edwin and Elizabeth (Gate) Cressey, b, Vassalboro, Me., Aug. 7, 1842: farmer: Villisca, Iowa, and Detroit, Minn.; Republican; private, 3 Minn. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Sept. 27, 1861; also 9 Illinois; dis. July 9,1865; member G.A.R.; see Presb. and member W. R. C. No issue. [6581] MOSES FAIRCHILD SHEPARD,^ (Bro. of Lilla,) b. East Bloomlield, N. Y., Dec. 28, 1854; m. Arbor Hill, Iowa, Dec. 15, 1887, Janie R. Powers; farmer; Hebron, Iowa; she Cong. [6582] WILLIAM LUTHER SHEPARD,^ (Bro. of Lilla,) b. East Bloomfield, N.Y., June 13, 1856; m. Villisca, Iowa, Aug. 1, 1878, Lulu, dau. of Leonard Bill and Mary Ann.(Sleppy) Tracy, b. Wilkesboro, Pa., Mar. 22, 1859; grain dealer. East Bloomfield, until 1873; Des Moines, Iowa, until 1876: Villisca, until 1S92; since, Des Moines; Independent; member Temple Com- mandery 4, K. T,; she Presb. Ch. b. Villisca: 10874. Gail, May 31, 1879. 10875. Ruth, July 31, 1881. 10876. Henky Hamlin, Aug. 16, 1884; d. Feb. 19, 1899. [6583] JENNIE HAR WOOD SHEPARD,9 (Sister of Lilla,) b. East Bloomfield, N. Y,, Oct. 19, 1859; m. Adair county, Iowa, Nov. 24, 1881, Charles Hayward, son of George and Mary Eliza (Hayward) Hawkins; res. Grand River, Adair Co.; divorced, Red Oak, Iowa; she res. Owatonna, Minn.: Presb. Ch. b. Adair Co.: 10877. Ralph Charter, Aug. 25, 1882; d. Nov. 18, 1884. 10878. LiDA Elizabeth, Mar. 21, 1885. [6885] HARRY WESTON JENKINS,9 (Joseph H.,8 Nathan,^ Asa,» Nathan,^ Ebenezer,* Experience Hamlin,^ James,8i) b. Aug. 12, 1860; ra. Mary Annie Jenkins; farmer; West Barnstable. Child: 10879. Weston Ellis. [6586] ZEBINA HOWES JE ^KINS,^ (Bro. of Harry W.,) b. Jan. 17, 1863: m. Ida B. Eldridge,* of Barnstable, Mass.; carpenter and contractor; West Barnstable. Child: 10880. Annie Louise, b. June 6, 1888. [6588] BESSIE JENKINS CROCKER,^ (Hannah A. Jenkins,' Nathan,^ Asa,6 Nathan,^ Ebenezer,* Experience Hamlin,^ James,2i) b. West Barnstable, Mass., Apr. 25, 1874; m. there, Dec. 8, 1898, William Henry, son of Leander and Marcia Anne (Fordf) Gilman, b. Spring Hill, Mass., Dec. 25, 1872; fireman; Bridgewater, Mass., since 1899; Methodist; she member Grange 139 P. H. * For Eldridge see note 90. t For Ford see notes 119 and 299. NINTH GENERATION. 1057 [6589] PARKER NYE JENKINS,« (Francis,* Nathan,^ Asa,« Nathan,^ Ebenezer,* Experience Hamblen, 3Jaraes,2i) b. West Barnstable, Mass., Sept. 30, 1864; m. Cora Eldridge,* of Middleboro, Mass.; shoemaker; Middleboro. [6600] LOUISE DOLE, 9 (Frances L. Jenkins,^ William H.,' Ebenezer,6 5 4 Experience Hamlin, ^ James,2i) b. Buffalo, N. Y., 1849; m. there, Apr. 5, 1871, Charles A. Delaney, an adopted son of Charles D. and Amanda (Duren) DeLaney, b. Hamburg, N. Y., 1847: iron master: Buffalo; 32° Mason; drummer, D, 74) N.Y. Inf. Vols.; enlisted 1863; Epis. He d. Buffalo, Apr. 25, 1902. Ch. b. Buffalo: 10881. Florence Louise, 1875: unm. 1902. 10882. Fannie, 1879, " " [6602] CLARENCE MCALLISTER HOPKINS," (Mary J. Jenkins,* Josiah,' Ebenezer,fi54 Experience Hamlin,^ James,2i) b. Dec. 28, 1869; m. iSept. 14, 1900, InaMcGhee; Supt. Leland Oil Works, Leland, Miss. Child: 10883. Rachael, b. Nov. 1, 1901. [6603] ELIZA MARILOU STANLEY,9 (Frances Jenkins,' Josiah," Ebenezer,s5* Experience Hamlin, ^ James.^i) b. Henderson Co. Ky., Oct. 23, 1861: m. there, Apr. 28, 18S'6, John McDowell, son of Albert Gallatin and Mar- garet Jane (McDowell) Matthews, b. Hillsboro, Ohio, July 20, 1850; bank cash- ier; Hillsboro; Presb., member of Highland Lodge 38, A.F. & A. M.; and High- land Commandery 31, K. T.; she was educated in Henderson, Ky. and in N. Y. City; before marriage she wrote for magazines and papers; Epis.; founder of the Friday Literary Club, Hillsboro, 1890. Ch. b. Hillsboro: 10884. Morgan Stanley, b. Apr. 3, 1887. 10885. AlgieMarilou Stanley, "Nov. 25,1888. 10886. John McDowell Stanley, "Mar. 15,1896. [6604] HENRY MORGAN STANLEY,!* (Bro. of Eliza M.,) b. Henderson Co., Ky., Nov. 17, 1864; unmarried; educated in Henderson, and at Yale College; lawyer; admitted to the bar, in Conn., 1887; afterwards, in Kentucky, where he has since practiced law; city judge: democrat; member of K.P., and B.P.O.E.; Epis. [6605] JACKSON McCLAiN STANLEY," Bro. of Eliza M.,) b. Henderson Co., Ky., Feb. 6, 1866; unmarried; educated in Henderson; tobacconist and merchant; Democrat; director Farmer's Bank and Trust Co.; member Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners; Epis. , [6606] HELEN FAY JENKINS,' (Josiah H.,« Josiah,7 EbeDezer,65< Experience Hamlin, 3 James,2i) b. Marietta, Ohio, July 24, 1868: m. Falls Church |Va., Aug. 17, 1893, Daniel Fritchey, son of Daniel Fritchey, and Julia Adelaide (Morrison) Summey, b. Asheville, N.C., Dec. 20, 1863; piano dealer; Asheville, 1863-88; Charlotte, N.C., 1888-92; Knoxville, Tenn., 1892-6; Charlotte, 1896-1900; Atlanta, Ga., 1900-1; since, Cincinnati, Ohio; Democrat; mem. of Rathbone j^odge 37, K.P.; Suez Temple, 73, D. O. K.K.; Presb.; she Epis. * For Eldridge see note 90. 1058 ■ THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [6610] AININIE ARNOT HILL,9 (Jane S. Jenkins,* Ebenezer,'654 Experience Hamlin,^ James,2i) b. Jan. 9, 1857: m. Oct. 9, 1879, Frank S. Anderson. Children: 10887. Ralph Hill, b. Sept. 21, 1881; d. Mar. 16, 1889. 10888. Bektha Louise, " Nov. 14, 1884. 10889. Raymond Hill, " Jan. 8, 1890. 10890. I>ELLA Knight, " Mar. 25, 1892; d. Aug. 3, 1892. [6618] J. ALGIE CARROL WARE.9 (Helen H. O'Flyng,* Lydia Jenkins,^ Ebenezer.es* Experience Hamlin.^ .Tames,2i) b. Galveston, Texas, 1860; m. Oct. 17, 1883, Samuel Henry Hardwick; .she d. Oct. 12, 1887. Children: 10891. James Ware, b. 1884: d. 1884. 10892. Algie Marjorie, " May 16, 1887. [6620] IVYL 0'FLYNG,» (Isaac M.,* Lydia Jenkins,' Ebenezer,6fi* Experience Hamlin,2James,2i) b. Greencastle, Ind., Mar. 11, 1862; m. Wood- ward, Iowa, Dec. 3, 1885, Mary, dau. of William Henry and Margaret Roseanna (Waldo) Harlow, b. Xenia, Iowa, Nov. 3, 1866; printer; Perry, Iowa, 1883-6: since, Omaha, Neb.: Republican; member of Covert Lodge 11, A.F. &A.M.: Omaha Chapter 1, R.A.M.;Mt. Calvary Commandery 1, K. T.; she Methodist. [6621] ALLEELA O'FLYNG,' (Sister of Ivyl,) b. 1871; m. Edward Myers: Diagonal, Iowa. Children: 10893. ZORA, 1889. 10894. Jessie, 1891. 10895. Marlin, 1893. 10896. Max, 1895. 10897. Carl, 1898. [6624] FRANK WILKINS ROBINSON ,9 (Louisa T. 0'Flyng,« Lydia Jenkins,' Ebenezer,654 Experience Hamlin, ^ James,2i) b. New Albany, Ind., Apr. 5, 1863; m. Morgan Park, Chicago, 111., Sept. 28, 1886, Emily Wood, dau. of Douglas Robert and Sarah Elizabeth (White) Hall, b. Chicago, Dec. 16, 1867; bank cashier; Indianapolis, Ind.; Chicago, 111.; Bakersfleld, Cal., since 1891: Re- publican; P.M., Bakersfleld; member Lodge, 224, A.F. & A.M.; King Solomon Lodge of Perfection 3; Los Angeles Consistory 3, N. M. S., and other orders: she member Chapter 125, O. E. S.; Methodists. Children: 10898. Ca. Wesley, b. July 12, 1887, Morgan Park. 10899. Leslie St. Clair, " Oct. 30, 1892, Bakersfleld. [6626] Dr. WILBUR S. ROBINSON,^ (Bro. of Frank W.,) b. New Albany, Ind., Sept. 14, 1866: m. Paraona, Cal., Sept. 15, 1897, Mira, dau. of Charles P. and Almira (Hollister*) Wilson, b. Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 6, 1868; physician; New Albany, 1866-70; Greencastle, Ind., 1870-80; Indianapohs; Ind., 1880-94; since. Flagstaff, Ariz.: Republican; House physician, Indianapolis * For Hollister see note 345. NINTH GENERATION. 1059 j City Hospital, 1893-4: scliool trustee, Flagstaff, 1900-3; member of Flagstaff ' Lodge 1, A. F. & A.M.; she Methodist. No issue. [m-ZS] Mcdonald ROBINSON," (Bro. of Frank W.,) b. Mar. 27, 1871; m. Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 5, 1897, Bertha B. Fisher; bank cashier; Indianapolis, Ind. Child: 10900. Bertha Louisk, b. Oct. 15, 1898. [6630J MARGURITE JENKINS,' (Henry,* Warren,' Ebenezer,«54 Experience Hamlin,^ James,2i) b. 1851; m. Francis W. Dickens, b. N. Y. He entered the U. S. Navy from Conn., as acting Mid-shipman, Sept. 20, 1861; Mid- shipman July 16, 1862; Ensign, Nov. 1, 1866; Master, Dec. 1, 1866; Lieut., Mar. 12, 1868; Lt-Commander, June 12, 1869; Commander, Sept. 23, 1885; Captain, July 3, 1898, and commanded the Indiana. She was burned to death by explosion of gasoline, Washington, D. C, July, 1899. No issue. [6631] MAY JENKINS,9 (Sister of Margurite,) b. Binghamton, N. Y., 1853; m. Dr. Samuel Sexton; she d. N. Y. City, Feb. 1899. No issue. [6632] ANNA SPAULDING JENKINS,^ (HermonD.,8 Warren,' Eben- ezer,'554 Experience Hamlin,^ James,*') b. Joliet, 111., Aug. 12, 1869; teacher; Brooklyn, N.Y.: unmarried. [6633] Rev. PAUL BURRILL JENKINS.^ (Bro. of Anna S.,) b. Joliet, Ills., Aug. 25, 1872; m. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 23, 1897, Gertrude, dau. of Delancey M. and Sarah (Morgan) Halbert, b. Binghamton, N. Y.; clergyman; Joliet, 1872-3; Freeport, Ills., until 1889; Sioux City, Iowa, 1889-90; Princeton, N. J., 1890-7; since, Kansas City, Mo.; Republican; Presbs. Ch. b. Kansas City: 10901. Halbert Hermon, Jan. 15, 1899. [6643] JOHN STURGIS SAMUEL.s (Lucy Alley,^ Lucy Jenkins,^ Braley," Simeon,5 Samuel,* Experience Hamlin,3 James,2i) b. Brewster, Mass., Oct. 28. 1861; m. Boston, Mass., Feb. 3, 1893, Mary E. Lynch; Supt. Lawrence Cord- age Works, Brooklyn, N.Y.; res. Brewster, 1875-81; Boston, until 1892; after- wards, Brooklyn; Republican. He d. Brooklyn, Feb. 23, 1893. [6644] ROBERT MARDEN SAMUEL,9 (Bro. of John S.,) b. Brewster, Mass., Dec. 21, 1863; m. Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1895, Adelaide Matilda, dau. of Erwin Dwight and Sarah Maria (Swackhamer) Buckman, b. Brooklyn, Jan. 7, 1874; shipping clerk; resided Boston, Mass., 1882-4, 1888-9; Apalachicola, Fla., 1885-7; Chicago, 1890-1; since, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Republican; member Lodge 459, R. A.; Presbs. Ch. b. Brooklyn: 10902. John Erwin, July 27, 1896. 10903. Robert Marden, Mar. 28, 1898. 1060 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [6649] FRANCIS HOWLAND PORTER,9 (Ellen Howland,' Dorcas JenkinsJ Braley,* Simeon," Samuel,* Experience Hamlin,^ James,2i) b. Neponset, Mass., June 4, 1854; m. tbere, Oct. 28, 1879, Alice Howard Packard; res. San Francisco, Cal.; Republican; Unitarian. [6650] JOHN ILSLEY PORTER," (Bro. of Francis H.,) b. Neponset, Mass., Aug. 16, 1856; m. Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 30, 1881, Mittie Cornelia, dau. of John Chandler and Anna Carter (Tilton) Johnson, b. St. An- thony, Minn., Feb. 5, 1860; res. Neponset, until 1874; since, St. Paul, Minn.; Re- publican. He d. Palatka, Fla., Feb. 18, 1882. No issue. [6654] FREDERICK M. WHITCOMB PORTER,' (Bro. -of Francis H.,) b. Neponset, Mass., July 14, 1867; m. there, Feb. 11, 1892, Addie Louise, dau. of Henry and Mary Adelaide (Meirs) Bowker, b. Neponset, June 16, 1870; res. Neponset; Republican; Unitarian. Ch. b. Neponset: 10904. Majorie Whitcomb, Mar. 31, 1893. 10905. Jeanette HowLAND, May 25, 1894. 10906. John Whitcomb, Sept. 10, 1898. [6661] MARY ADELAIDE HAMBLIN,^ (Alexander C.,* William L.,' Silas,65 James,*3 2i) b. Alexandria Bay, N.Y., June 24, 1845; m. Battle Creek, Mich., Oct. 30, 1865, Charles E., son of Henry D. and Ruth M. (Bartlett) Lyman, b. Hinsdale, Mass., Nov, 21, 1836; insurance and real estate agent; Hinsdale, until 1861; Kalamazoo, Mich., 1866; since. Battle Creek: Republican: alderman, 1870; she d. Battle Creek, Feb. 13, 1878. Ch. b. Battle Creek: 10907.* Fred Hamblin, Oct. 29, 1866. [6662] ALICE THERESA HAMBLIN,^ (Sister of Mary A.,) b. Chauraont, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1849; m. Battle Creek, Mich., 1874, Theron, son of Anthony Crispell, b, Genessee Co., N. Y., 1842; photographer; Battle Creek; removed to New Mexico, 1883; Republican. Ch. b. Battle Creek: 10908. Louise Carlisle, 1879; unm. 1899. [6664] MARTHA JANE CLARK,* (Emeline Harablin,^ Wilham L,^ Silas,»5 James,i32i) b. Earnestown, Canada, Jan. 27, 1847; m. Three Mile Bay, N. Y., June 11, 1863, Noah Lee, son of Oscar and Maria (Lee) Prior, b. Limerick, N.Y.; farmer; Limerick; Republican. Ch. b. Limerick: 10909. Jessie, b. 1665; unm. 1899. 10910. John, "June 2, 1875, " 10911. Charles Oscar, " July 6, 1882, " " [6665] EMMA FRANCELIA CLARK,9 (Sister of Martha J.,) b. Earnestown, Canada, Feb. 3, 1849; m. Battle Creek, Mich., Sept. 8, 1856, Augustus, son of Benjamin and Maria (Smith) Drake, b. Marshall, Mich., May 7, 1838; druggist; Battle Creek; Republican; Methodists. NINTH GENERATION. 1061 Children: 10912. Fannie May, 10913. MiNNIK, b. May 30, 1869, Vermontville; d. Sept. 18, 1869. " Sept. 1, 1871; d. Sept. 25, 1871. [6666] MEDORA JOSEPHINE CLARK,9 (Sister of Martha J.,) b. Chaumont, N. Y., May 6, 1851; m. 1st, Decatur, Mich., May 2, Wm. Henry McKenzie, Jr., b. 1841; engineer; Decatur; Republican; he d. Decatur; m. 2d, May 2, 1883, Benjamin Barrett, his second wife; he m, 1st, Jennie Hamblin;^ she i Methodist; res. Appleton, Wis.; he d. Sept. 5, 1898. Ch. by 1st marriage, b. Muskegon, Mich: 10914. Grace, Jan. 28; unm. 1899, [6667] FRANK JAY CLARK,9 (Bro. of Martha J.,) I b. Chaumont, N. Y., Feb. 15,1857; engineer; Decatur, Mich.; Republican: 'K.P.; d. unmarried, Decatur, 1886, [6668] FRED HAMBLIN CLARK,9 (Bro. of Martha J.,) b. Chaumont, N.Y.,Oct. 18, 1861; m. Bangor, Mich., Aug. 20, Marie, dau. of Andrew and Marcia Susan (West) Douglas, b. Breedsville, Mich.; machinist; Cadilac, Mich.; Democrat: Odd Fellow; she Methodist. Children: 10915. Isaac, b. 1887, Breedsville, 10916. Dora, " 1892, 10917. Gladys, " 1897, Cadilac, (Benjamin, 8 William L.,^ Silas,^^ [6670]. WILLIAM HAMBLIN,9 James,*32i) He d, Apr. 1893. Child: 10918. Benjamin; res. Beloit, Wis, [6673] JENNIE HAMBLIN,9 (Sister of William,) m. Appleton, Wis., Benjamin, son of Benjamin and Mary Barrett, b. Eng- land; hardware merchant; Appleton, after 1863; Republican; Methodists; she d. Appleton, May 29, 1880; he m. 2d, her cousin, Medora J. Clark. He d. Apple- !ton, Sept. 5, 1898. Ch, b, Appleton: 10919. Frank, July 10, 1878, unm. 1899. 10920. Benjamin, Apr. 9, 1880, " " [6675] ALICE G. COLLINS,^ (Martha Hambhn,* William L.,^ Silas,*^ rames,432i) b. Orleans, N. Y., Apr. 14, 1851; m. Brownville, N. Y., June 2, 1871, Edwin, son of David and Rachael ( Knapp) Moffatt, b. Brownville, 1847; farmer; Brownville, (Limerick P.O.) N, Y.; Republican: member Chaumont Grange, IP.H.; assessor. b. June 3, 1872, Henderson; d. Feb., 1874, " July 5, 1875, Orleans. " Feb. 14, 1877, Brownville: unm. 1900. " Apr. 14, 1882, " " " " Jan. 25, 1889, Children 10921. Horace E., 10922,* Sadie L., 10923. Susie E., 10924. David T., 10925. Harry C, 1062 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [6677] ADDIE E. COLLINS,9 (Sister of Alice G.,) b. Orleans, N.Y., Aug. 15, 1855; ra. Brownville, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1874, Rodolpho, son of Hiram and Eliza (Anthony) Hoover, b. Leray, N. Y., Ang., 1853; farmer: Brownville, (Dexter P.O.) N. Y.; Democrat; member Dexter Grange, P. H. Ch. b. Brownville: ' 10926.* Grace B., Aug. 25, 1876. 10927.* Nellie E., Nov. 6, 1878. 10928. Mattib E., Oct. 10, 1883; unm. 1900. 10929. Charles H., July 6, 1884, " " 10930. Ethel M., Aug. 25, 1891. 10931. Frank R., Nov. 6, 1897. [6678] CHARLES O. COLLINS,' (Bro. of Alice G., ) b. Orleans, N.Y., Mar. 31, 1861; m. Clayton, N.Y„ Mar., 1879, Laura A., dau. of Edwin and Mary (Maxon) Baldwin, b. Clayton, Aug., 1862; farmer; Clayton, (Stone Mills, P. O.) N.Y.; Republican; member of LaFargeville Grange, P. H.: Methodists and Good Templars. Ch. b. Clayton: 10932. Mae E., July 6, 1886. [6680] JOHN H1LLIBERTSPENCER,9 (Sarah A. Hillibert,' John, Jemima Hamblin,6Silas,5James,*32i) b. Westfield, N.Y., May 16, 1850; ra. 1st, Warren, Pa., Jan. 3, 1877, Margaret, dau. of John and Johanna McPherson, b. Warren, Apr. 3, 1855, who d. there, Nov. 15, 1877: m. 2d, Independence, Kan- sas, Feb. 10, 1885, Bertha Lee, dau. of William J. and Virginia (Sawhill) Boggs, b. Wheeling, West Va., Oct. 15, 1866; cashier. Miner's Bank, Joplin, Mo.; res. Westfield, N.Y., 1850-72; Warren, Pa, until 1880; Winona, Minn., 1880-2; Buffalo, N.Y., 1882-4; Independence, Kas., 1884-90; since, Joplin, Mo.; Republican; mem- ber of school board, 1885-90; member of board of education and treasure! school district, Joplin, 1895-1900; mayor of Joplin, 1899-1901; Freemason, 32°; Past Grand High Priest, Kansas; member of B.P.O.E.; M.W.A.; A.O.U.W., and K.P. No issue. [6681] JAMES HAMLIN,9 (Seth.^ Joshua,' Seth,« Silas,^ James,is2i) b. Canton, Ontario, Apr. 21, 1854; m. Anna, dau. of Charles and Jemima (Woodrope) Mansfield. Their children were adopted by others. He d. Scar- borough, Ont., 1882. Children: 10933. Mary Elizabeth. 10934. Adelbert. [668.3] CHARLES HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of James,} b. Scarborough, Ont., 1858; m. Matilda, dau. of Stephen and Matilda (Silk) Hudd. The whole family are dead. He d. Scarborough, 1887. Children: 10935. Richard. 109.36. Charles. 10937. Ida. 10938, Herbert. NINTH GENERATION. 1063 [6685] SARAH HAMLIN,« (Sister of James,) b. Scarborough, Ont., 1866: m. Samuel, son of Jacob and Barbara Shank; res. Markham, Ont. A Child. [6686] THOMAS HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of James,) b. Scarborough, Ont., 1868: m. Elizabeth Cadden; res. Markham, Ont, Three children. [6687] WILLIAM HAMLIN," (Bro. of James, ) b. Scarborough, Ont., 1870; m. Louisa Fields. His widow and son reside Chicago, Ills. He d. Lakeport, Mich., 1893, Child: 10939. William, b, 1889. [6692] BETHIA ARNOLD,^ (Maria Hamlin,* Joshua,^ Seth,6 Silas,B James,*32i) b. Pickering, Ontario, Mar. 27, 1852; m.Shelburne, Ont., June 4,1874, William Arnold, son of John and Sarah Jane (Nelson) Taylor, b. Dundass, Ont., Jan. 23, 1851; farmer; Horning's Mills, Ont.; Conservative; members Church of JL.D.S. Children: 10940. William Isaac, b. Aug. 8, 1881,, Garafraxa. 10941'. Lloyd Elvtood, " Dec. 21, 1885, Horning's Mills. 10942. Ella Ettatena A., " Jan, 13, 1889, Melancthon, [6693] ANNA MARIA ARNOLD,' (Sister of Bethia, ) I b. Pickering, Ont., Aug. 7, 1854; m. Orangeville, Ont., June 7, 1876, .John, son of Adam and Susannah (Bloomer) McKibbon, b. Vaughn, Ont., Oct. 26: farmer; Melancthon; Conservative; member Church of L. D. S. ' Children: 10943. Adam Edward, b. Apr. 2, 1877, Mono, 10944. John William, " July 1, 1878, 10945. Anna Maude, "Oct. 1, 1881, Amaranth. [6694] ELIZA JANE ARNOLD,9 (Sister of Bethia,) b. Melancthon, Ont., Jan. 25, 1857; m. Shelburne, Ont., Aug. 18, 1800, jGeorge A., son of Joseph and Rebecca (White) Pritchard, b. Brockville, Ont., |about 1843: tinner; Brockville; Conservative; Epis. Ch. b. Shelburne: 10946. Clake, May 21, 1882. [6695] JOSHUA ARNOLD,** (Bro. of Bethia,) b. Melancthon, Ont., Oct. 10, 1859; m. Horning's Mills, Ont., Jan. 4, 1881, lane Talbot, adopted dau. of Richard and Sarah Phair, b. Toronto, Ont., Jan, '-5, 1864; her parents d. in her infancy; farmer; Melancthon; member Church of ^. D. S. 1064 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. Melancthoa: 10947. Oliver, July 7. 1882 10948. Edwari> Stanley, Feb. 15, 1884 10949. WiLLARD Evans, Aug. 1, 1887 10950. James Burtrtm, July 24, 1889 10951. William Talbot, Dec. 8, 1892 10952. Jarnet, Nov. 20, 1893 10953. Elizabeth Maude, May 27, 1896 [6696] WILLIAM ISAAC ARNOLD," (Bro. of Bethia,) b. Melancthon, Ont., Aug. 18, 1861; m. Honeywood, Mulmur, Feb. 1, 189^ Frances Mariam, dau. of Richard and Ann (Tupling) Coe, b. Mulmur, Mar. 13 1870; farmer; Conservative; members Church of L. D. S. Ch. b. Melancthon: 10954. Myrtle Mildred, Sept. 8, 1894. 10955. James Andrew, Dec. 26, 1895. [6697] ELLEN AMELIA ARNOLD,9 fSister of Bethia,) b. Melancthon, Ont., Dec. 17, 1863; m. there. Mar. 5, 1885, Thomas, son Thomas and Lucy (Curtus) Clayton, b. Shambershire, England, May 26, 186| farmer; Sault St. Marie, Mich.; Conservative; members Church of L. D. S. Children: 10956. Joseph L. Smith, b. Dec. 24, 1889, Shelburne. 10957. William Bowley, " Nov. 11, 1892, Melancthon. [6698] HANNAH MATILDA ARNOLD,' (Sister of Bethia,) b. Melancthon, Ont., Oct. 10, 1865; m. Horning's Mills, Ont., Aug. 18, 1886 Andrew, son of William and Mary (Martin) Kilpatrick, b, Brompton, Ont. Apr. 10, 1852; express and drayman; Brampton, Orangeville, Mona Center, anc Primrose, until 1868; since, Horning's Mills and Shelburne; Conservative; alder man, 1895-7; Presb.; Freemason; Member Orange Lodge 1125, C. O. F. and Fores ters281. Ch. b. Horning's Mills: 10958. Myrtle Susie Irene, Oct. 4, 1887. [6708] CORDELIA F. SMALL,^ (LucretiaHamblin,^ William,^ Nathan,'^ Caleb,5 James,* 321) b. Waquoit, Mass., Mar. 7, 1827; m. there. May 28,1846, Capt. Peter, son of Thomas and Lydia, (Eldredge*) Childs,t b. Waquoit, Dec. 13, 1822: master mariner; North Falmouth, Mass. Children: b. April 10, 1847, N. Falmouth; d. May 19, 1850. 4, 1850, " 24, 1852, " 4, 1854, Hilo, H. I. 20. 1856, N. Falmouth. 2, 1858, Honolulu, H. I. 5, 1860, N. Falmouth; d. Oct. 8, I860. 20, 1862, '« 10959. Frederick, b. April 10960.* LUCRETIA, " May 10961.* Frederick, " Jan. 10962.* Byron, " Apr. 10963.* LiLLIE, " Nov. 10964.* Minnie, " Oct. 10965. Infant, " June 10966. William, " Apr. * For Eldridge see note 90. + For Childs see note 36. NINTH GENERATION. 1065 [6710] HIRAM EDWIN SMALL,9 (Bro. of Cordelia F.,) b. Waquoit, Mass., Jan. 1, 1836: m. North Falmouth, Mass., Feb. 20, 1866, Joanna Fearing, dau. of Capt. Joseph Warren and Laura (Crowell,*) Nye,t b. North Falmouth, Sept. 28, 1837; carpenter; North Falmouth; RepubUcan. No issue. [6711] REBECCA WEST SMALL,9 (Sister of Cordelia F.,) b. Waquoit, Mass., July 3, 1840; m. North Falmouth, Mass., May, 1873, Capt. Stillman William, son of Stillman and Tabitha (AllenJ) Snow,§ b. Har- wich, Mass., Mar. 1, 1831; master mariner; Harwich and Winchester, Mass.; Republican; she d. Winchester, Nov. 29, 1899. Ch. b. East Boston: 10967.* Florekce M., May 19, 1876. [6712] ROXANNA SNOW SMALL,9 (Sister of Cordelia F.,) b. Waquoit, Mass., Aug. 22, 1842; m. North Falmouth, Mass., Nov. 7, 1872, Charles Edward, son of Isaac Dexter and Julia Ann (Pope||) Bump, b. Middle- borough, Mass., Sept. 26, 1846; shoe cutter; Middleborough; Republican. No issue. [6714] AMELIA. RUSSELL SMALL,9 (Sister of Cordelia F.,) b. Waquoit, Mass., June 5, 1847; m. North Falmouth, Mass., Dec. 6, 1869, lAlvin, son of Nathaniel and Hannah (Burgess^I) Wing,** b. Pocassett, Mass., Dec. 5, 1845; farmer; Pocassett; Republican. Ch. b. Pocassett: 10968. Nathaniel Norton, 1877: unm. 1901. [6715] WILLIAM L. HAMLIN,9 (Hiram,« William,^ Nathan,^ Caleb,^ James. 1321) b. Falmouth, Mass., Mar. 26, 1845; m. New Bedford, Mass., Aug. 24, 1870, Emeline, dau. of Otis and Lydia H. (Head) Baker, ft b. Falmouth, Sept. 5, 1851; mariner; Falmouth. He d. there, Apr. 15, 1894. Ch. b. Falmouth: 10969.* Justin A Melrose, Dec. 5, 1872. 10970. HIRA3I Edward, Sept. 16, 1874; unm. 1896. [6717] ANNA LOUISA HAMBLIN,9 (Sister of William L.,) b. Waquoit, Mass., July 31, 1851; m. there, Jan. 19, 1874, Charles Leslie, son of Charles Luce and Eliza Ann (Jones) Bassett,U b. West Barnstable, Mass., Mar. 18, 1853; farmer; West Barnstable. Ch. b. W. Barnstable: 10971.* Susan Eliza, Dec. 8, 1875. 10972. Chester Luce, Apr. 5, 1882; unm. 1902. * For Crowell see notes 52, 270 and 390. + For Nye see note 34. * For Allen see notes 267 and 465. 8 For Snow see note 177. II For Pope see note 26. t For Burgess see note 389. ** For Wing see note 77. ++ For Baker see note 125. W For Bassett see note 130. 1066 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [6718] WILLIAM E. KERN.s (Tabitha P. Hamblin,^ William,' Nathan,6 Caleb,5 James,"2i) b. Sandwich, Mass., Feb. 8, 1832; m. there, Jan, 6, 1852, Henrietta, dau. of Levi and Miranda (Towne) Lovejoy, b. in Maine, May 17, 1835; glass blower; Sandwich; Odd Fellow. Ch. b. Sandwich: 10973.* Emily, Dec. 3, 1852. 10974.* Etta, May 21, 1861. 10975. Minnie, Jan. 3, 1866. 10976. William, Dee. 1, 1869. [6719] HENRY A. KERN,9 (Bio. of William E.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Nov. 5, 1833; m. there, July 31, 1859, Sylvia, dau. of Henry and Tirzah Weeks;* 1st Lieut. D, 29 Mass. Inf. Vols.; enlisted May 9, 1861; dis. May 30,1862; glass maker; New Bedford, Mass.; Republican; shed. Sandwich, Jan. 1, 1860. No issue. [6720] ANPHENETTIE KERN,9 (Sister of William E ,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Apr. 21, 1836; ra. 1st, W. Rabon; m. 2d, Elkanah Sears, son of Peter and Sarah (Searst) Baker, J b. South Dennis, Mass.; hotel keeper; West Dennis; Republican. He d. West Dennis, April, 1885: she d. there, Dec. 10, 1882. Ch. by 1st Marriage: 10977. Jessie; m. Capt. Nathan F. Rogers. Ch. by 2d marriage, b. So. Dennis: i 10978.* Lillian Sears, Oct. 20, 1867. ! [6721] SARAH BRUCE KERN,9 (Sister of William E.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., July 21, 1838: m. Waquoit, Mass., Mar. 28, 1877, Charles F., son of Joseph and Lydia (Eldridge^) Child;|| mariner in early life: later farmer; Waquoit, Mass., 1896. No Issue. [6726] HERBERT KERN,9 (Bro. of William E.,) m. Mary Cash, of Hyannis, Mass. [6727] LAURA MASON EDDY,9 (Ann F. Hamblin,* Reuben,' Nathan,^ Caleb,5 James,*32i) b. Providence, R. I., Mar. 5, 1843; m. East Greenwich, R.L, Oct. 7, 1868, Edward Harry, son of Harry and Cynthia (Godell) Payne, b. East Haddam, Ct., Sept. 25, 1841; res. Putnam, Ct.; Epis.; Freemason; A.O. U. W.; K. P.; Knight Golden Cross; she Baptist. Ch. b. Mystic, Ct.: 10979. Fannie Downs, Sept. 10, 1869; d. Apr. 2, 1883. * For Weeks see notes 422 and 462. + For Sears see notes 7, 285. 368, 370, 391 and 426. * For Baker see note 125. § For Eldridge see note 90. 11 For Childs see note 36. NINTH GENERATION. 1067 [6728] SUSAN PERRY EDDY,9 (Sister of Laura M.,) b. Providence, R. I., Jan. 18, 1844; m. East Greenwicti, R. I., Aug. 22, 1866, Frank M. Bates, of Pawtucket, R. I. Ch. b. Pawtucket: 10980. Chakles Eddy, June 9, 1867; d. June 2, 1880. 10981. Sarah May, Dec. 3, 1872. [6730] ELLA M. JONES,9 (Emily H. Hamblin,« Reuben,' Nathan,6 Caleb,* James,* 321) b. Falmouth, Mass., May 16, 1848; m. there, Dec. 8. 1868, Abbott, son of Isaac Henry and Susan L. (Robinson*) Hatch, t b. Falmouth, Dec. 6, 1848; carriage builder: Roxbury, Mass.; Republican; members Eliot Church, Boston; she d. Boston, Dec. 3, 1889. Children: 10982. Isaac Henry, b. May 20, 1870, Falmouth; unm. 1897. 10983. William Albert, " June 4, 1873, Boston, " " 10984. George Stewart, " Oct. 9, 1879, " " " [6731] ADA M. JONES," (Sister of Ella M.,) b. Falmouth, Mass., Feb. 29, 1851; m. Roxbury, Mass., Nov. 12, 1879, William A., son of Thomas J. and Frances B. (Wells) Searles, b. Salem, Mass., Apr. 22, 1842; private. A, 22 Mass. Inf. Vols., enlisted Oct. 22, 1864; Republican; she Methodist; she d. Roxbury, Nov. 7, 1891. Child: 10985. Albert H., b. June 18, 1881. [6734] HORATIO HOUGTON HAMLEN,^ (Nathaniel,* James," Na- thaniel,* Caleb,5 James,* 3 21) ij. Sandwich, Mass., Mar. 30, 1854; professional singer: received his musical education in Boston; res. Portland, Me.; E. Cam- bridge, Mass.: Meriden, Ct.; and Brooklyn, N.Y.; Methodist. He d. Brook- lyn, May 5, 1890, unmarried. • > [6735] MARY ELIZABETH HAMLEN,9 Sister of Horatio H ., b. Sandwich, Mass., Sept. 10, 1856; m. Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1879, John Howard, son of James D. and Lydia A. (Ladd) Charlton, b. Chester, Ct., Nov. 7, 1852; cutlery mfgr.: Meriden, Ct.; member R. A.; I.O. R. M.: and S. A. R. Be- fore marriage she was a singer: res. Portland, Me.; East Cambridge, Mass.; Montreal, Canada, and Meriden, Ct.; Methodist. Ch. b. Meriden: 10986. Sylvia May, Feb. 7, 1883. 10987. Dorothy Gertrude, Apr. 28, 1889. 10988. Elizabeth, Sept. 14, 1894. [6736] LUCY AUGUSTA HAMLEN,9 (Sister of Horatio H.,) b. Somerville, Mass., July 18, i860; m. Taunton, Mass., July, 1887, Edward iMilton, son of Milton Richardson and Emmeline (Havins) French, b. Garretts- ville, Ohio, June 15, 1862; she res. Somerville, until 1871; East Cambridge, until 1872; since, Taunton; she is a Normal graduate, and was a teacher about four years; Baptist. Ch. b. Taunton: 10989. Arthur Milton, Apr. 20, 1889. * For Kobinson see note 86. + For Hatch see note 94. 1068 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [6737] ARTHUE BYRON HAMLEN,9 (Bro. of Horatio H.,) was first named James Arthur, but his name was changed as above: b. Somer- ville, Mass., May 15, 1865: m. Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1892, Mary Ada, dau. of Henry E. and Carrie Smith (Compton) Ketcliam, b. Goshen, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1870: merchant; N. Y., City: res. Brooklyn, N. Y. He inherited a strong rugged con- stitution and up to the present time never had a day of illness. He attended school, first in Boston, Mass., afterwards three years in Conn., and finished his schooling by graduating from the High School in Brooklyn, 1886. A pleasant rivalry existed between him and his sister Gertrude, who was a brilliant scholar, Arthur B. Hamlen, Esq. in their studies at school; member of Star Athletic Club, Staten Island Athletic Club, Nassau Athletic Club, all in N. Y. During his school days and for several years after he devoted much attention to athletic sports and was frequently ac- companied on sport trips by his father, who took a deep interest in his suc- cess: they were usually together in the summer and fall months fishing, sailing and gunning. He is a strong and fearless swimmer and has saved several peo- ple from drowning, who were being carried out in the heavy surf on the coast of New Jersey. He was fondly attached to his parents and after their other children were married, both lived with him until their death. When a boy he had a fine soprano voice and sang at many concerts with his father; in later years he sang in church and concert music as tenor; and for several years in quartette work with his sister Tirzah, the famous contralto. The old maternal family homestead at Waquoit, Mass., which has been in the family more than 150 years, and still in good condition, conveyed to him by his mother before her death, claims his warm attachment. There Mr. Hamlen and his sisters and NINTH GENERATION. 1069 their families spend much time sailing, fishing and gunning. In politics he is Republican, advocating the protective policy and sound money doctrine. He has been secretary of the Republican local organization, and delegate to county and state conventions; Methodist. He engaged in the woolen goods trade about 1887; is a member of the firm of Galpin, Carmichael & Co., dealer in worsted, woolen and goods for men's wear, 9 & 11 White street, N. Y. City; and has been successful in stock speculations: member of Sons of Am. Revolution; Sons of Revolution: Sons of Colonial Wars; Founders and Patriots of America. Ch. b. Brooklyn: 10990. Arthur Compton, Dec. 12. 1894. 10991. JAME.S Monroe, Mar. ti, 1901. [«738] GERTRUDE HARRIET HAMLEN,» (Sister of Horatio H.,) b. Portland. Me., Dec. 12,1867; m. Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1897, Samuel Wilson, son of JameS' and Annie (Walker) Fi-azer, b. White Lake, N. Y., May 25, 1866; artist; Newburg, N. Y., 1870-85: Brooklyn, 1885-97; Fall River, Mass., since 1898; Republican; Presb.: she was a fine scholar and graduated from the Brooklyn High School at the head of her class, 1886. She has resided in Port- land. Me.; East Cambridge, Mass.; Meriden, Ct.;and Brooklyn; a soprano singer in Oratorio, church and concert music: Methodist. Children: 10992. James Samuel, b. Jan. 30, 1898, Fall River. 10993. Harriet Gertrude, " Aug. 14, 1901, South Braintree. TiKZAH Hamlek Ruland. [6739] TIRZAH PHINNEY HAMLEN,9 (Sister of Horatio H.,) b. East Cambridge, Mass., Mar. 25, 1872; m. Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr. 30, 1894, Arthur Lamont, son of Manly A. and Jennie (Lamont) Ruland. She was edu- 1070 THE HAMLm FAMILY. cated in Brooklyn, 1880-92; and has res. East Cambridge: Meriden, Ct.; and Brooklyn; Methodist. Mrs. Ruland is a noted singer, passessing a superior contralto voice, highly cultivated; her singing, mostly in Oratorio and church music, has won golden opinions in this country and in Europe. Ch. b. Brooklyn: 10994, Donald Lamont, Feb. H, 1895. [6740] Capt. FRED MONROE HAMLEN,9 (George M.,' Cornelius F.,' Nathaniel.fi Caleb,^ James,*32i) b, Falmouth, Mass., Nov. 16, 1859: m. Taun- ton, Mass., Sept. 6, 1888: Myra Jane, dau. of Ansel Clark and Joadicia Jane (H(jard) White,* b. Acushnet, Mass., Apr. 8, 1863. About 1877 he went to sea, shipping as boy on the SoatJiem Cross, from Boston to Batavia, Java: thence to Glasgow, Scotland; Renarth, Wales; thence back to the East Indies, and home to N. Y., voyage about 23 months; re-shipped in same vessel for Singa- pore; then shipped on tlie Bingleader, as second male; was afterwards in the San FraiKiisco and Liverpool trade; later in the West Coast of Africa trade, as master of brig Manson; subsequently he entered the employ of Old Colony Steamboat Co., between New York and Fall River, as pilot, and was so em- ployed 1899. Res. Taunton. Ch. b. Taunton: 10995 Eunice Skabury, Sept. 30, 1889. George D. Hamlkn, M. I). [6741] GEORGE DEMPSTER HAMLEN,9M,D., (Rro. of Fred M..| b. Providence, R.I., July 8,1866; physician and surgeon; New York City. * For White see note 27 NINTH GENERATION. 1071 He graduated from East Greenwich Academy, R.I. , class of 1884; Wesleyan Uni- versity, Middletown, Cfc., class of 1888; while in college he was active in athlet- ics, being president of an athletic association and captain of a foot ball beam; also, solo 1st bass on College Glee Club. He graduated 3d in class of 160 from N. y. University Med. College, 1890. On competitive examination, 1890, he was awarded the appointment of Interne in Bellevue Hospital, from which he re- ceived a diploma, 1892, and has since practiced medicine inN.Y. City. In- structor in N. Y. University Med. College,— Obsteterics and Gynarcology— from 1892 until the establishment of the medical department of Cornell Univer- sity, since which he has been instructor in that institution: Republican; mem- ber of county and state Med. Societies; Society Alumni Bellevue Hospital; Sons of Revolution; Richmond Hill Golf Club; A.K. EClub; Knickerbociier Yacht Club; and Kane Lodge 454, A. F.& A.M. [6742] HENRY MARTIN BICKNELL,9 (Charlotte C. Hamlen,* Cor- nelius F.,' Nathaniel, « Caleb.s James,*3 2i) b. Sandwich, Mass., Nov. 7. 1863; m. N. Y. City, June 30, 1891, Marie, dau. of M. R. and Sarah (Bechtel) Schultz, b. Oct. 25, 1861. He held a position with the New York Journal; resides Brook- lyn, N.Y.; Republican; Freemason. No issue. [6744] EDWARD MONROE HAMLEN,9 (Ezra,^ Cornelius F.,^ Nathan- iel,6 Caleb,5 James.* 32 1) b. Sandwich, Mass., Aug. 16, 18t)2; m. Taunton, Mass., Apr. 22, 1887, Delia Lincoln Merrill, b. Taunton, Nov. 24, 1858; she is a descendant of Gen. Benjamin Lincoln, of Revolutionary fame. [6746] ELLA ELIZABETH HAINES,' (Nancy M. Jones,« Hannah Ham- blin,' Nathaniel,* Caleb,^ James,*32i) b. Sandwich, Mass., Apr. 2, 1848; m. there. May 14, 1868, Mark Anthony, son of William and Mary Ann Taylor, b. London, i England, 1840: watchmaker: he d. Jersey City, N. J., Mar. 26, 1891; she res. Cambridge, Mass, Ch. b. Waltham, Mass.: 10996.* Gertrude Haines, June 29, 1871. [6747] MARION F. HAINES,9 (Sister of Ella E.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Mar. 30, 1850; m. there, June 2, 1872, Charles Edward, son of Edward and Mary Ann (Bowell) Stephenson, b. Meaford, Ontario, Oct. 6, 1843; watchmaker and jeweller; Waltham and Boston; later, Somerville, Mass.; Republican; Freemason; Odd Fellow; Knight of Honor; she Cong. Ch. b. Boston: 10997. Harry Edward, Aug. 24, 1877. 10998. William Claude, Sept. 2, 1879. 10999. Lillian May, Jan. 4, 1882; d. Jan ,5, 1885. [6748] EDGAR E. HAINES,* (Bro. of Ella E.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Oct. 29, 1858; unmarried; druggist; Chaiiestown, Mass.; Republican; member King Solomon's Lodge, A. F. & A.M., of which he has been W. M.; Odd Fellow, and I. O. R. M., all of Charlestown. 1072 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [6751] EDWARD CLIFFORD BALL,^ (Eliza A. Jones,* Hannah Ham- blin.7 Nathaniel, 6 Caleb,^ James,* 321) b. Sandwich, Mass., 1860; m. E. Cambridge, Mass., 1885; Emma Frances, dau. of John and Sylvia Ann (Bumpas*) Oldham, b. Wareham, Mass., 1853; mechanic; E. Cambridge; Republican; she Baptist. Children: 11000. Eliza May, b. 1889, E. Cambridge. 11001. Cora EsTELLA, "1891. 11002. Flokence Idella, " 1893. [6753] ALONZO MILTON HAINES,9 (Paulina F.Jones,8 Hannah Ham- blin, 7 Nathaniel, 6 Caleb,^ James,"2i) b. Waltham, Mass., Nov. 24, 1866; m. Plymouth, N.H., Feb. 1889, Carrie Clifford; insurance agent; Cambridge, Mass.; widower, March, 1896. [6754] WALTER GRAFTON HAMLEN,^ ( Ezra G.,» Ezra,^ Nathaniel,^ Caleb,5 James,*32i) b. Sandwich, Mass., 1862; m. by Rev. Royal J. Kellogg, Bourne, Mass., Apr. 28, 1891, Sarah Thomas, dau. of Joseph T. and Emily T. (Le Baron) Hathaway,t b. Buzzard's Bay, Mass., 1871; painter; New Bedford, Ch. b. New Bedford: 11003. Carlton Le Baron, Feb. 1, 1892. 11004. Emily R., Feb. 24, 1893. [6755] CORA MABEL HAMLIN,9 (Sister of Walter G.. ) b. Sandwich, Mass., May 27, 1865; m. by George W. Elmer, Sandwich, Apr. 7, 1894, John Francis, son of John Calvin Cook and Eudorah, (Godfrey) Ellis,:!; b. Sandwich, Nov. 23, 1864; shoe cutter; Brockton, Mass.: Republican; member Cape Cod Mutual Benefit Asso.; she Cong.; and member Brockton Hosp. Ladies'' Aid So. Ch. b. Brockton: 11005. Dorothy Mabel, July 10, 1896. [6760] ROSANNA M. HAMBLIN,9 (Levi D.,* Marshall C,^ Nathaniel,^ Caleb,5 James,432i) b. Sandwich, Mass., Oct. 30, 1870; m. by Rev. G. F. JenkSy Mattapoisette, Mass.. Dec. 11, 1888; Charles S., Son of William B. and Angelina B. Keene, b. Sandwich, 1861; tackmaker; Sandwich. I [6762] LEVI ALONZO HAMBLIN,* (Bro. of Rosanna M.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Aug. 14, 1874; m. by Rev. S. B. Flagg, Sandwich, Oct. 10, 1897, Annie L., dau. of Daniel and Elizabeth (Shute) Tribon, b. Sandwich, 1879; laborer; Sandwich. [6773] LEONARD GURLEY LOOMIS,*' (Lovisa Crocker,* Betsey Foote,^ Elizabeth Hamblin,« Job,^ James,* 321) b. Lorain Co., Ohio, Aug. 4, 1837; na. Grand Rapids, Mich., Nov., 1865, Elizabeth, dau. of Luther D. and Mary (Cosgrove) Abbott, b. Grandville, Nov., 1840; farmer; Ohio, until 1864; afterwards, Michigan, St. Johns, 1902; Republican; justice peace; Methodist: member St. Johns' Lodge 28, A.O. U. W.; Sergt. E, 42 Ohio Inf. Vols.; enlisted * For Bumpas see note 44. t For Hathaway see notes 207 and 337. $ For Ellis see note 32. NINTH GENERATION. 1073 Sept., 1861; in battles of Thompson's Hill, Araite River, Champion Hills, Middle Creek, Cumberland Gap, Chickasaw Bayou, and Arkansas Post; wounded at Champion Hills, May 16, 186;i; dis. Nov. 16, 1864; she Cong. «he d. Greenbush, Mich., Apr., 1880. Ch. b. Greenbush. 11006.* Mary Elizabeth, Feb. 28, 1867. 11007.* Leonard Stanton, Aug. 4, 1871. 11008. Egbert A., Mar. 1, 1880; d. July, 1880. [6775] ALVIN CROCKER LOOMIS,9 (Bro. of Leonard G.,) b. Avon, Ohio, June 3, 1843; m. Gaines, Mich., 1867, Mrs. Sarah L. Campbell, dau. of Andrew Jackson Terrell; farmer; Kent Co., Mich., until 1873; afterwards. Reed City, Mich., and vicinity; Republican; private, H, 21, Mich. Inf. Vols.: enlisted 1862: dis. June, 1865: member of Steadman Post, 198, G. A. R. and M. W. A.; Methodists. Both d. Reed City; he Apr. 5, 1896; she Apr. 1, 1900. Children: 11009. Bert E. 11010. Alvin J. 11011. George M. 11012. Lulu A. [6778] WILLIAM CHESTER LOOMIS,' (Bro. of Leonard G.,) b. Avon, Ohio, Dec. 10, 1852: m. Gaines, Mich., Jan. 15, 1885, Agnes Euphe- mia, dau. of Anthony J. and Susannah (Geary) Harvey, b. Paris, Ontario, Aug. 30,1855; farmer and carpenter; Byron, Mich.; Republican; member of Carlisle Grange, 812, P. H.; United Brethren. Children: 11013. Edith Mignonette, b. Jan. 18, 1886, West Carlisle. 11014. Charles William, " Aug. 9, 1888, St. Johns. 11015. Hakvey Chester, " May 27, 1892, W. Carlisle. 11016. Olive Agnes, " Aug. 30, 1894, " [6779] ALVAN J. CROCKER,9 (Judson,» Betsey Foote,^ Elizabeth Hamblin," Job,5 James,*32i) b. Dover, Ohio, June 10, 1846; m. Gaines, Mich., Apr. 11, 1872, Charlotte, dau. of Anthony J. and Susannah (Geary) Harvey, b. Canada, Oct. 15, 1853; farmer; Gaines and Byron, Mich.; Republican; member of Lodge 387, A. F. & A. M.; she member L. O. T. M.; United Brethren. Ch. b. Gaines: 11017.* WiLBERT, Mar. 30, 1873. 11018. Daisy, Apr. 12, 1875; m. Thomas Atkins. 11019. Adelbert, Feb. 10, 1878; d. Jan. 11, 1879. [6780] CAROLINE CROCKER,» (Sister of Alvan J.,) b. Dover, Ohio, Jan., 1848; m. Frank Warren, of Byron Center, Mich. [6782] DORA CROCKER,^ (Sister of Alvan J.,) b. Gaines. Mich., Aug. 28, 1863; m. C. H. Daily, of Sturgis, Mich. 11020. Eliza A., 11021. Leonora A., 11022. Archie J., 11023. Ell,a a., 1074 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [6785] BELLE FOOTE,9 (David, « TbomasJ Elizabeth Hamblin," Job.s ; James,*32i) b. Lorain, Ohio, Feb. 27, 1847; m. Cleveland, Ohio, June 10, 1867, ; William Purcupile, b. Elyria, Ohio, Aug. 1, 1847; blacksmith; Lorain: Repub- lican; members, P. H. C; she Christian. He d. Lorain, July 13, 1893. Children: b. Sept. 18, 1869. " Sept. 21. 1871. " Nov. 20, 1875. " Sept. 10, 1887. 16787] ELLA A. FOOTE,9 (Sister of Belle,) ] b. Lorain, Ohio, Apr. 10, 1852; m. Oct. 4, 1870, Capt. Ira B. Mansfield, b. Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 6, 1850; captain of steamboat; Lorain; Eepublican; mem- ber K. of P.; Royal Arcanum; P. H. C.; she Christian. No issue. [6788] ADA FOOTE,^ (Sister of Belle,) b. Vassar, Mich., Apr. 15, 1857: ra. Lorain, Ohio, Dec. 25, 1874, Eugene San- qorn, b. Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 27. 1853; R. R. engineer: Cleveland, Ohio; Repub- lican; member Royal Arcanum; Odd Fellow: Brotherhood R. R. Engineers: she member Daughters of Rebekah and K. O. T. M. Ch. b. Lorain: 11024. Carrie W., Aug. 5, 1876; unm. 1897. 11025. Alice B., Sept. 4,1879, " " 11026. ElicieM., Mar. 14, 1882, " 11027. Elmer E., Nov. 27, 1884. 11028. Ethel M., May 8, 1886. 11029. Howard, July 12, 1894. 11030. Grace M., Sept. 15, 1896. [6789] Capt. HERBERT P. FOOTE,9 (Bro. of Belle, ) b. Denmark, Mich., May 4, 1860; m. Dec. 25, 1882, Mary Seinrath, b. Tiffin, Ohio, Jan. 21, 1862: sailor; Lorain, Ohio; Republican; member K.O.T.M. Ch. b. Lorain: 11031. Frank E., Apr. 28, 1884. [6790] ROMELIA M. FOOTE,9 (Lyman P.,* Thomas,? Elizabeth Hamblin,6 Job,5 James,*32i) b. Dover, Ohio, Aug. 27, 1843; m. Cleveland, Ohio, Apr. 24, 1862, William H., son of Thomas and Eleanor (Cannon) Quayle,b. New- burg, Ohio, Api-. 27, 1838. His parents were natives of the Isle of Man; ship- builder; Republican; Presb.: Orderly Sergt. G. 150 Ohio Inf. Vols., 100 days service. He d. Cleveland, June 25, 1893; she member Western Reserve Chapter, D. A. R.: res. Cleveland, 1897. Children: 110.32.* William Foote, b. Oct. 26, 1862, Cleveland. 11033.* Florence Helen, " June 9, 1865, u 11034. Mamie, " May 2, 1874. 11035. Charles Tod, "July 3, 1875. • 11036. Ruth Eleanor, *' Dec. 10, 1884. NINTH GENERATION. 1075 [6792] FLORENCE ROSA BELLE FOOTE,» (Sister of Romelia M.,) b. Cleveland, Ohio, July 9, 1850; m. Apr. 17, 1873, Henry E., son of John Henry and Jeanette (Clemea) Lenee, b. Mar. 10, 1844; manufacturer; Cleveland, until 1881: since, Poplar Blufifs, Mo.: Republican; private, A, 150 Ohio Inf. Vols.; enlisted May 5, 1864; dis. Aug., 1864; Lutheran. Children; 11037. Harry Foote, b. Feb. 18, 1874. 11038.* Ella Ruth, " Aug. 7, 1876, Cleveland. [6794] CORA ELSIE FOOTE." (Sister of Romelia M., ) b.- Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 14, 1860; m. Christian, son of Henry Christian and ' Bertha (Hesse) Narten, b. Hamburg, Germany, Feb. 10, 1851; wholesale grocer; ' Cleveland; Republican; Lutheran: Freemason; K.of P.; she Epis. Ch. b. Cleveland: 11039. Bkrtha Elsie, July 9, 1882. 11040. Christian Carl, Feb. 24, 1884. 11041. Lyman Foote, Apr. 8, 1885. 11042. Perry Ernest, Oct. 14, 1888. 11043. Henry Siller, June 29, 1892. [6796] TEMPA FOOTE,^ (Thomas,*? Elizabeth Hamblin,^ Job,^ James,*32i) b. Avon, Ohio, July 31, 1841; m. 1st, Oct., 1862, Augustus C. Reed; lawyer; he d. Dec, 1863; m. 2d, May, 1866, Milligan Reed. She d. Kansas, July 15, 1872. Ch. by 1st marriage: 11044. Augustus Charles, b. Feb. 14, 1864. By 2d marriage: 11045. Nellie, b. Apr. 22, 1868. 11046. Horace G., " Sept.30, 1870. [6797] THOMAS COR WIN FOOTE,* (Bro. of Tempa,) b. Dover, Ohio, Apr. 11, 1847: m. 1st, Feb. 8, 1870, Clara M. Cotton, b. Jan. 12, 1854; divorced July 25, 1895; ra. 2d, Aug., 1896, Anna Hanchett.* Ch. by 1st marriage: 11047. Minnie A., b. Dec. 14, 1871: d. June 7, 1872. 11048. LoTTA T., " Apr. 13, 1873; m. Frank H. Lovejoy. 11049. Robert S., " Sept. 26, 1874. 11050. Caroline A., "July 19,1876. 11051. Cora M., " July 16, 1880; d. Oct. 11, 1881. 11052. Newton C, "June 2, 1882, " June 29, 1887. U053. Alice L., " Sept. 29, 1884. 11054. George W., " June 29, 1886. 11055. Temperance R., " Mar. 6, 1888. 11056. Gerald Thomas, "Jan. 19,1891. [6799] MARY A. GARDNER,* (Temperance R. Foote,^ Thomas,^ Elizabeth Hamblin.s Job,^ James,*32i) b. Dover, Ohio, Apr. 16, 1846; m. George- town, 111., Oct. 21, 1875, Isaac Fraizer; farmer; Rolla, Mo.; Republican; Epis.; she Methodist. She d. Ramsey, 111. Apr. 6, 1878. Ch. b. Ramsey: 11057.* George I., Mar. 31, 1878. * For Hancbett see note 232. 1076 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [6800] GEORGE W. GARDNER,^ (Bro. Mary A.,) b. Dover, Ohio, Jan. 27, 1848; m. Ontario, Canada, Mar. 6, 1895, Flora, dau. of Austin and Pliebie (Stover) Ballard, b. Ontario, 1864; farmer; Jamestown, N. Y., 1856-67; Arlington, Mo., 1868-75; since, Ramsey, 111.; Republican; mem- bers Court of Honor, 215. Children: 11058. Wilfred Austin, b. June 6, 1896, Ramsey. 11059. George Clifford, " Apr. 12, 1898, Ontario. j [6802] EMMA T. GARDNER,' (Sister of Mary A.,) b. Cleveland, Oliio, July 22. 1853; m. Lexington, Mo., Aug. 27, 1868, Dr. John C. Martin, b. Williamspurt, Pa., July 17, 1826; private, E, 3 N.J. Inf. Vols.; enlisted May 28, 1861; received a bullet in the head at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863, which he carried until his death: dis. June 23, 1864; resided Arlington and Ozark, Mo., and Ramsey, Ills.; Republican; Christians; he d. Ramsey, July 31, 1892. She res. Ramsey, 1901. Children: 11060. John L., b. July 24, 1870, Arlington ;d May 16, 1872 11061. Temfa, " Feb. 10, 1872, k k Oct. 3, 1876 11062.* James M., " Oct. 4, 1873, 11063. George, " Oct. 16, 1875, Ozark; d. Oct. 17, 1875 11064. Calvin, " Sept. 8, 1878, " 11065. Benjamin F., " Aug. 30, 1880. 11066. Thomas F., " Sept. 16, 1882, Ramsey. 11067. OCTAVIA, " Sept. 17, 1886, d. Dec. 6, 1890 [6806] LENA GARDNER,9 (Sister of Mary A.,) b. Jamestown, N. Y., June 12, 1864; m. Vandalia, 111., Aug. 1, 1883, William L., son of Joseph and Anna (Steel) Hennon, b. Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 11, 1869; farmer; Ramsey, 111.; Republican: she Methodist. Ch. b. Ramsey: 11068. Thomas J., b. Jan. 1, 1886: d. Nov. 11, 1887. 11069. Charles O., " Nov. 11, 1887. 11070. Halford H., " Jan. 23, 1891. 11071. Henrietta, " July 7, 1895. [6807] EMELINE JULIA FOOT,9 (Solomon R.,8 Silas,' Elizabeth Hamblin,* Job,^ James.^sn) b. Eaton, Ohio, Dec. 15, 1847; m. Melrose, Minn., Dec. 24, 1867, Albert Garrett, son of Harvey and Eliza (Bassett) Barton, b. Eaton, Ohio, July 24, 1838; carpenter; Black Earth, Wis., 1846-58: in the army, 1862-6; Melrose, Minn., 1866-71; Birchdale, Minn., 1871-4: Melrose, 1874-83; San Pedro, Cal., 1883-94; Altadena, Cal., 1894-8; since, San Pedro; Republican; mem- ber, of B, Ind. Battalion, Minn. Cav.;also, D. 1st Regt. Mounted Rangers, Minn.; also, in Capt. Freeman's Co., of Northern Rangers, Minn.; enlisted Aug. 24, 1862; served at Ft. Abercrombie and on the frontier under Gen. Sibley; finally discharged June 6, 1866; member of Lodge 332, A. F. & A. M.; she mem. Chap. 174, O.E.S.: Epis. NINTH GENERATION. 1077 Children: I 11072.. Ermine V., b. Mar. 3, 1869, Melrose: d. Apr. 19, 1869. 11073.* Cora Evelyn, "May 17,1871, 11074.* Addie Alberta, " Feb. 16, 1873, Birchdale. 11075. INA OzBLLA, " Sept. 24, 1875, Melrose; unm. 1902. [68091 EMMA LOVETTE FOOT,9 (Sister of Emeline J.,) b. Laporte, Ind., Aug. 20, 1852; m. Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 22, 1874, James C, son of James B. and Christiana (McNaughlon) McDonald, b. Peterboro Co., Ontario, Nov. 5, 1839; carpenter: Melrose, Minn., until March, 1876; Stuart, Iowa, until August, 1879: Creston, Iowa, until December, 1881; since, San Pedro, Oal.; Republican: Lieut. G, 9 Minn. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Sept. 12, 1862; in battles ' of Guntown, Tupelo, Nashville, and Spanish Fort; wounded at Nashville, Dec. . 14, 1864: dis. Aug. 25, 1865; mem. Stuart Lodge, 144, l.O. O. F.; Epis, She d. ' Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 29, 1882. Children: 11076. Harold Adelbert, b. Dec. 20, 1876, Stuart: unm. 1902. 11077. iNA Isabella, '• Nov. 19, 1881, Creston, " " LoRiN S. Foot, Esq. [6810] LORIN SEELY FOOT,^ ( Bro. of Emeline J.,) b. Laporte Co.. Ind., Sept. 25, 1854; m. Grey Eagle, Minn., Aug. 11, 1878, Sadie Maria, dau. of Ferdinand and Charlotte (Cram) Trace, b. Crawford Co., Pa., Sept. 19, 1855; merchant, ranchman and stockman, cattle, horses and sheep; Melrose. Minn., 1878-83; since, Burlington, N. Dak.; Republican; county auditor, 1885-7: member Star in the West Lodge 33, A.F.&A. M.: members Venus Ohapter 14, O. E. S. 1078 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: 11078. Ethel May, 11079. Leroy Albert, 11080. Mabel Evlyn, 11081. Harold Lorin, 11082. Minnie Agnes, 11083. Stanley Ralph, 11084. Jessie Adaline, 11085. Myrtle Charlotte, Dec. 19, 1881, Melrose; d. Sept. 8, 1882 Sept. 9. 1882, " imm. 1902. Jan. 30, 1884, Burlington, " " Apr. 4, 1887, June 25, 1888, July 27, 1890, Apr. 18, 1894, Jan. 31, 1895, d. Apr. 12, 1887 d. Apr. 19, 1898 [6811] CAROLINE ELECTA FOOT,9 (Sister of Emeline J.,) b. Laporte Co., Ind.,Oct. 29, 1856; m. Melrose, Minn., Oct. 14, 1883, Amoi- Thomas, son of Amos Thomas and Phebe Ann (Stone) Tracy, b. Hudson, Wis.. Sept. 4, 1854; farmer and stock grower; Burlington and Minot, N. Dak.; Sac Pedro, Corapton, Gardena and Los Angeles, Cal.; Republican; Sheriff Ward Co.. N. Dak., 1885-92. 11086. 11087. 11088. 11089. 11090. 11091. 11092. Children: Ray Amos, Pearl Adaline, Fred Allen, Edith Alberta, b. Jan. 24, 1885, Burlington. " Feb. 13, 1887, " Oct. 8, 1888, Minot. " Oct. 5, 1890, " Chester Arthur,' " Aug. 23, 1892, San Pedro. Belle McKiNLEY, " Sept. 23, 1896, Compton. Mark Stanley, " Oct. 31, 1898, Gardena. [6816] CAROLINE ELIZA FOOT,^ (Silas,*^ Elizabeth Hamblin,« Job, James,*32i) b. near Elyria, Ohio, Dec. 18, 1850; m. Melrose, Minn., Sept. 8, 1879, William Wallace, son of Jesse Lewis and Sarah (Peck) Watson, b. Virginia: cooper and farmer: he was raised at Lafayette, Ind.; res. Melro.se, Minn., 1878- 83; Keystone, N. Dak., 1883; Round Prairie, Minn., 1883-9; Tullahoma, Tenn., 1898-1900; since. La Salle, Mont.; Republican; she Presb, Children: 11093. Julia Maria, b. Oct. 16, 1880, Melrose; unm. 1902. 11094. MoRDECA Lewis, " Jan, 20, 1S83, " 11095. William Wallace, " Sept, 30, 1885, Round Prairie. [6818] CLARA ADALINE FOOT,^ (Sister of Caroline E.,) b. Cottage Grove, Wis., Feb. 12, 1855; m. St. Cloud, Minn., Feb. 7, 1876, John Austin, son of John and Mary Marvillah (Soper) Masters, b, St. Paul, Minn.. Dec. 29. 1851; farmer; Harrison, Minn.; Populist; town clerk and assessor; sec- retary, Harrison Dairy Asso.: mem. of Camp 3058, M. W. A.; members Summit Camp, 1449. Children: 11096. A Daughter, 11097. Maude Addie, 11098. Claude Austin, 11099. Leo Arnold, 11100. May Annie, 11101. Elsie Albina, 11102. Winnifred Amelia, 11103. Millard Arthur, 11104. Sybil Alberta, b. Apr. 2, 1877; d. infancy. " Oct. 5, 1878. " May 23, 1881; unm. 1902. " Oct. 22, 1883, " " Feb. 17, 1886. " Mar. 30, 1889. " Feb. 26, 1891. " May 23, 1893. " Mar. 13, 1897. NINTH GENERATION. 1079 [ti819] EUGENE SILAS FOOT,^ (Bro. of Caroline E.,) b. Black Earth, Wis., Feb. 9, 1857; m. St. Cloud, Minn., Sept. 2, 1880, Laura Helen, dau. of Joseph and Joanna Balch (Hill) Stewart, b. Bellevue, Minn., Oct. 26,1862; teacher and farmer; Kandijohi Co., Minn., 1858-62, and 1868-75; St. Cloud, Minn., 1862-8, 1875-80, 1883-95; Belle Prairie, Minn., 1880-3; Rice, Minn., since 1895; Republican; member Anchor Lodge, 178, A. F. &A.M.; Langola Camp, 3896, M. W. A.: members of Royalton Chapter, HI, O. E. S., and Burr Oak Camp, 1120, R. N. A. Ch. b. St. Cloud: 11105. Guy Karel, b. Oct. 29, 1883. 11106. Paui., " Aug. 4, 1888. 11107. Harold Steavart, " May 25, 1890. 11108. Charles Eugene, " Nov. 26, 1892. iiioV Waite Loren, " July 5, 1895. [6820J CHARLES HENRY FOOT,9 (Bro. of Caroline E.,) 1 b. near Wilmar, Minn., May 11, 1859; m. St. Cloud, Minn., Apr. 28, 1890, (Theresa, dau. of John Cutter and Amanda (Korn) Policy, b. Winnebago, Minn., Jan. 21, 1862; lawyer; Wilma, until 1862; St. Cloud, 1862-8; Harrison, Minn., 1868- 178; St. Cloud, 1878-91; since, Kalispell, Mont.; Republican; member Soke Tent, 22, K. O. T. M., and Brotherhood Am. Yeoman; Unitarian; she Epis. and mem- ber L. O. T. M. Ch. b. Kalispell: 11110. Dorothy, Nov. 12, 1891. 11111. Eugene B., Feb. 19, 1895. 11112. Jessie, June 8, 1897. 11113. Katherinb, Jan. 22, 1899. 11114. Isabel, July 27, 1900. 11115. Mary, Dec. 22, 1901. [6821] IDA MAY FOOT,9 (Sister of Caroline E.,) b. Green Lake, Minn., Nov. 13, 1861; m. Melrose, Minn., June 5, 1884, Peter jAugust, son of Peter and Caroline (Sorenson) Anderson, b. Sweden, Europe, {July, 24, 1859; farmer and merchant; Crow Lake, 1884, Sauk Centre, 1885, Crow jLake, until 1885-90; St. Paul, 1890-1; Crow Lake, 1891-1900; since, Belgrade, Minn.; member of Belgrade Camp, 5556, M. W. A. Ch. b. Crow Lake: 11116. Effie Caroline, Sept. 10, 1885. 11117. Ethel Julia, Sept. 12, 1890. [6824] SARAH STEVENS,' (John,* Louvisa Foote,' Elizabeth Hamblin.e Job,5 James,*32i) b. Salem, Ohio, m. John Derry; she d. Salem. Child: 11118. Grace, m. and res. Albany, Ohio. [6825] MARY ANN STEVENS,^ (Ransom F.,« Louvisa Foote,' Eliza- beth Hamblin,6 Job,5 James,43 2i) b. Brighton, Ohio, Feb. 22, 1847; m. Clarks- field, Ohio, Aug. 8, 1871, Lorin, son of William and Electa M. (Humphrey) Rob- ots, b. Gustavus, Ohio, Aug. 12, 1845; lawyer; Traverse City, Mich.; Republican; freemason: Sergt., D, 2d Ohio Vet. Cav., enlisted Dec, 1861; dis. Sept., 1865; 1080 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. judge of probate: supt. of schools, 1871-9; prosecuting attorney; she member Ladies' Library Asso.; Woman's Club; Bay View Reading Circle; W. R. C, and Mich. State Federation of Women's Clubs; Congs. Ch. b. Traverse City: 11119.* Alice Taylor, May 12, 1873. 11120,* William Ransom, June 28, 1876. 11121.* Marion Stevens, Aug. 22, 1878. [6826] CYRUS BENJAMIN STEVENS,« (Bro. of Mary A.,) b. Avon, Ohio, Jan. 9, 1850; rn. Byron, Mich., Aug. 5, 1875, Addie, dau. of! William and Ann Drifflll (Drinkall,) b. Ridgeville, Ohio, Jan., 1854; lier parents were b. in England; teacher 1867-79; lawyer, admitted to the bar, 18S1; prose- cuting attorney; res. Avon, until 1870; Byron, Mich., until 1879; since. Hart, Mich.; Republican; school examiner; justice of the peace; drain commissioner and village president: prest. Wab-me-me club. He is also a poet and sports- man. She member Ladies' Auxiliary Soc, and Progressive club. They have an adopted daughter, Edna, b. Aug. 22, 1885. No issue. [6827J ELIHU BURRITT STEVENS,3 (Bro. of Mary A.,) b. Avon, Ohio, Apr. 29, 1854; m. Byron, Mich., Feb. 10, 1875, Estella, dau. oi Isaac and Julia A. (Coats) Albright, b. Byron, May, 8, 1857; farmer and stock dealer; Hart, Byron, Albion and Grand Rapids, Mich.; Republican. Children: 11122.* LoRiN BuRRiTT, b. Jan. 30, 1876, Hart. 1112H. Lillian C, " Sept. 13, 1877; m. Charles S. Lewis. 11124. Alan Maxwell, " Oct. 1, 1880. 11125- Nora Finetta, " Feb. 6, 1883. 11126. Guy Worthington, " Apr. 14, 1885. 11127. Robert Lee, " Nov. 12, 1886. 11128. Howard Delos, " July 24, 1888. 11129. Donald Albright, "Aug. 1,1893. 11130. BoNNiBEL, " July 20, 1894. [6828] LUCY S. ALDRICH," (Mary A. Stevens,* Louvisa Foote,' Ehzabeth Hamblin,6 Job,^ James,*32i) b. Dover. Ohio, Apr. 1, 1849; m. Avon, Ohio, Nov. 23, 1893, John, son of William and Elizabeth (North) Peel, b. Lei- cestershire, England; farmer: Eagle Cliff, Ohio; Republican; Cong.; she Baptist. No issue. [6829] MARY A. ALDRICH,^ (Sister of Lucy S.,) b. Dover, Ohio, May 2l', 1851; m. West Dover, Oct. 24, 1888, Robert, son of Vincent and Elizabeth Everard, b. Thornby, Northamptonshire, England, May 7, 1854: farmer; England, until 1873; since, Ohio, West Dover 1898; Republican; Baptists. Ch. b. Avon: 11131. Mary A., Apr. 9, 1892. NINTH GENERATION. 1081 [6831] METTA V. AL[)RICH,9 (Sister of Lucy S.,) b. Dover, Ohio, Aug. 27, 1856: m. DeSmet, Dakota, June 17, 1885, Cliarles George, son of Andrew Jones and Sophia Butler (Coy) Drake, b. Oswego, Ills., Dec. 3, 1856; farmer: West Dover; Republican; she Baptist. Ch. b. DeSmet: 11132. Charles Henry, July 21, 1887. 11133. Mary Sophia, Feb. 5, 1889. [6832] EMMA I. ALDRICH,'* (Sister of Lucy S.,) b. Dover, Ohio, Oct. 6, 1859; m. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 5, 1896, Fred, son of George Wolfe, and Laura A. (Eastman) Drake, b. Oskaloosa, Iowa, Aug. 13, 1862, his second wife; he m. 1st, her sister, Delia M. Aldrich; mason; West Dover, Ohio; Republican; Baptist. ! Ch. b. Dover: 11134. Marjorib L., Oct, 3, 1877. [6833] DELLA M. ALDRICH, « (Sister of Lucy S.,) b. Dover, Ohio, July 14, 1862; m. there, Dec. 5, 1884, Fred, son of George Wolfe and Laura A. (Eastman ) Drake, b. Oskaloosa, Iowa, Aug. 13, 1862; she d. I!leveland, Ohio, Mar. 11, 1895, he m. 2d her sister, Emma I. Aldrich; mason; West Dover; Republican; Baptists. Children: 11135. Florence Mabel, b. June 20, 1886, DeSmet, S. Dak. 11136. George Henry, " Oct. 10, 1892, Cleveland. [6835] Dr. GEORGE CHAUNCEY JAMESON,9 (Delia T. Stevens,* Louvisa Foote,^ Elizabeth Hamblin,^ Job,^ James ,*32i) b. Avon, Ohio, Aug. ;i, 1865; m. Elyria, Ohio, Dec. 28, 1893, Nellie May, dau. of John Wesley and Ellen : Wood) Hulbert,* b. Elyria, Dec. 28, 1865; physician; Avon, until 1886; since, )berlin, Ohio; Republican; graduated Oberlin College, 1890; and Med. Dept. University of Pa., 1893; Baptist; she Cong. Ch. b. Oberlin: 11137. John Hulbert, May 28, 1896. [6836] HATTIE BEAMAN,9 (Sarah B. Stevens,* Louvisa Foote,^ Eliza- beth Hamblin,6 Job,5 James,* 331) b. Avon, Ohio, Feb. 25, 1873; m. June 13, B95; Fred H. Peak, b. Avon; farmer; Avon. Ch. b. Avon: 11138. Robert De Forest, Apr. 15, 1896. 11139. Horace Leroy, Nov. 18, 1897. [6839] FRANCES JULIA ROBERTSON.^ (Theodore H.,' Temperance oote,' Elizabeth Hamblin,6 Job,^ James,"2i) b. Dec. 27, 1854; m. Nov. 10, 1879, dward Julian Upjohn, b. May 21, 1852. Children: 11140. Ida Frances, b. Jan. 22, 1883. 11141. Bertha Harriet, " Feb. 22, 1886. 11142. Julia Adelaide, " July 18, 1888. 11143. William Henry, "July 8, 189L 11144. Edward Julian, " Dec. 2, 1893. * For Hulbert see notes 118 and 327. 1082 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [6840] RICHARD H. ROBERTSON,9 (Bro. of Frances J.,) b. Apr. 3, 1863; m. Oct. 2, 1889, Dolly Wood, b. Dec. 5, 1867. Children: 11145. Dean Leroy, b. May 1, 1894. 11146. Nainie Leonora, " Nov. 19, 1895. L6843] BERTHA HARRIET ROBERTSON,9 (Sister Frances J.,) b. May 9, 1873; m. Nov. 27, 1895, John William Vogle, b. Mar. 6, 1866. [6847] SARAH MAY FOSTER,^ (Mary L. Robertson,^ Temperance Foote,^ Elizabeth Hamblin,8 job,5 James, "si) b. Amherst, Ohio. Dec. 30, 1857; m. Dec. 25, 1882, Selden L. Kent; res. N. Y. City. No issue. [6848] BURTON P. FOSTER,9 (Bro. of Sarah M.,) b. Amherst, Ohio, Oct. 16, 1859; m. Jan. 1, 1895, Mary Ann Cannon. Child: 11147. Cannon, b. Oct. 15, 1896. [6849] MARY LOUISE FOSTER,' (Sister of Susan M.,) b. Amherst, Ohio, Sept. 28, 1865; m. Oct. 24, 1886, Arthur W. Walker, of Portsmouth, N. H. Children: 11148. WiLLARD Foster, b. July 2,1889. 11149. Geraldine, " Nov. 4, 1890. [6851] ALBERT A. FOOTE,' (Lavias H.,« Ransom, ^ Elizabeth Hamblin,^ Job,5 James,*32i) b. Dover, Ohio, Sept. 10, 1850; m. Sept. 14, 1871, Adelaide M., dau. of William and Candace(Whitbeck) Gibson, b. Detroit, Mich., Dec. 6,1849; farmer; Dover, until 1853; Byron, Mich., until 1878; since. Clarion, Mich.; Pop- ulist; Justice Peace; Epis. Ch. b. Byron. 11150. Louis H., b. Sept. 21, 1873. 11151. Alberta W., " Feb. 5, 1875. 11152. Grace W., " Dec. 10,-1876. [6852] FRANK B. FOOTE,9 (Bro. of Albert A.,) b. Dover, Ohio, June 2, 1852; m. Grandville, Mich,, Mar. 2, 1881, Anna M., | dau. of John and Mary (Felling) Brudi, b. Byron, Mich., Mar. 17, 1862; machinist; Dover, Ohio, until 1853; Byron, Mich., until 1892; since. Grand Rapids; Re- publican. Ch. b. Byron: 11153. Leon L., b. Apr. 5, 1882. 11154. Hartley B., " Feb. 11, 1884. 11155. MONSON F., " Feb. 27, 1886. [6853] Dr. VARUS R. FOOTE,' (Bro. Albert A.,) b. Byron, Mich., May 9, 1854; m. July 17, 1877, Rose, dau. of Owen and Mary (Kennedy) Narrergan, b. Mich., Nov. 12, 1853; physician; Waynesboro, Miss.; Republican. NINTH GENERATION. 1083 Ch. b. Byron: 11156. Pearl B., b. Jan. 28, 1879. 11157. Linton V., " Feb. 20, 1881. 11158. James R., " Mar. 30, 1884. [6854] ERNEST C. FOOTE,^ (Bro. of Albert A.,) b. Byron, Mich., July 10, 1856; m. Grand Rapids, Mich., July 4, 1876, Jessie, dau. of John Barrager, b. Mich., Dec. 1856; machinist; Byron, until 1895; since, Petosky, Mich.; Republican. Children: 11159. Lottie B., b. May 14, 1877, Byron. 11160. Walter C, " Nov. 14, 1878, u 11161. Ray G., " Nov. 2, 1880, (( 11162. Neva May, " Nov. 11, 1890, (( 11163. Birney E., " Feb. 25, 1894, u 11164. A Son, " Nov. 1, 1897, Petosky [6856] HARRIET S. FOOTE,' (Ransom L.,* Ransom,' Elizabeth Hamblin,6 Job,* James,*32i) b. Dover, Ohio, May 3, 1856; m. Royalton, Minn., Jan. 1, 1880, H. M. Gould;* farmer; Langola, Minn.; shed. Langola, Mar. 9, 1883. Ch. b. Langola: 11165. Parker, Oct. 8, 1881. 11166. A Daughter, Mar., 1883; d. Mar. 9, 1883. [6857] IDA B. FOOTE,^ (Sister of Harriet S.,) b. Dover, Ohio, July 3, 1857; m. Royalton, Minn., Aug. 10, 1887, James M. Black; farmer, Royalton. He vpas killed in the lumber woods, Feb. 13, 1888. No issue". [6858] CORA D. FOOTE,' (Sister of Harriet S.,) b. Dover, Ohio, Feb. 28, 1862; m. Dec. 4, 1890, George A Savery, of Minne- apolis, Minn. Ch. b. Minneapolis: 11167. i Edwin F., Nov. 8, 189L 11168. Edith B., Apr. 7, 1893. 11169. Edna D., Apr. 7, 1893. [6859] CHARLES R. FOOTE,9 (Bro. of Harriet S.,) b. St. Cloud, Minn., Dec. 22, 1864: m. Royalton, Minn., Mar. 19, 1896, Mary Richtor; farmer; Royalton. Ch. b. Royalton: 11170. Flora B., Oct. 7, 1897. [6860] ALPOHNSO E. FOOTE," (Bro. of Harriet S., ) b. Lee Sauk, Minn., Nov. 22, 1865: m. Manston, Wis., June 26, 1894, Ellen Richtor, of Manston; farmer; Royalton, Minn. Ch. b. Langola: 11171. Martha E., July 13, 1895. 11172. May E., Sept.23, 1897. ■ ■ — , — * For Gould see notes 153 and 369, 1084 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [6861] HENRY P. FOOTE,^ (Bro. of Harriets.,) b. Two Rivers, Minn., July 25, 1867; m. Little Falls, Minn., Mar. 25, 1889, Anna M. Scharenbroicli; farmer; Langola, Minn.; Seattle, Washington, 1898. Ch. b. Langola; 11173. Myrlle E., June 2, 1890. 11174. Geneva H., Aug. 5, 1893. 11175. Myldred B., July, 1894; d. July 6, 1896. [6869] FRED EUGENE BRIGHT,^ (Laura A. Foote,* Ransom,'! Elizabeth Hamblin,« Job,^ Jaraes,*32i) b. Richland Center, Wis., Oct. 30, 1856; m. Cleveland, Ohio, May 7, 1878, Marguerite Angeline Byrnes, b. Ireland, Mar. | 8. 1860; inventor and consulting engineer; Cleveland, until 1892; since, London, < England, and Berlin, Germany; N. Y. City, 1901; Republican; Freemason. No issue. [6870] LOUELLA IRENE BRIGHT,^ (Sister of Fred E.,) b. Richland Center, Wis., Aug. 25, 1858; m. Cleveland, Ohio. May 6, 1878,, Dr. Henry Wayland, son of Henry Taft, b. N. Y. state, Mar., 1855: physiclan;| St. Louis, Mo., 1878-1883; Republican; Epis. She Presb. He d. Evansville, Ind., June 14, 1883. Ch. b. St. Louis: 11176 A Daughter, Jan. 1, 1883. [6871] LAURA B. BR1GHT.9 (Sister of Fred E.,) b. Richland Center, Wis., Jan. 14, 1860; m. Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 25, 1884, i Charles William, son of Charles and Elizabeth (Hughes) Damerel, b. Rochester, } N. Y., Dec. 24, 1851; traveling salesman; Rochester, 3 years; Lima, N. Y., 3 years: Dalatield, Wis., 2 years: Juneau, Wis., 2 years; Hastings, Minn., 14 years; St. Paul, Minn., 9, years: Wahpeton, N. Dak., 2 years: Los Angeles, Cal., 11 years; Democrat; member Sunset Lodge 290, A. F. & A. M., Los Angeles. Children: 11177. A Child, b. Nov. 13, 1886, Wahpeton. 11178. A Child, " Nov. 1, 1888, Los Angeles. [6872] HOYTE VERNER BRIGHT,^ (Bro. of Fred E.,) b. Dover, Ohio, May 23, 1864; m. Lakewood, Ohio, June 16, 1886, Lillian, dau. of Dudley Luman and Almira Abigail (Phinney*) Ovlatt, b. Dover, Sept. 24, 1864; mfg. of light machinery; Cleveland, Ohio; Republican; Epis. No issue. [6873] LINNA iMAE BRIGHT,'-' (Sister of Fred E., ) b. Dover, Ohio, Aug. 4, 1868; m. June 6, 1894, George Howard, son of George Webb and Mary (Edgerly) Ayls worth. [6880] CHARLES M. NILES,9 (Abigail J. Foote,* Ransom, ^ Elizabeth Hamblin,6Job,5 James,432i) b. Waverly, Mich., June 24, 1866: m. Lucas, Mich., Sept. 26, 1892, Alice, dau. of George Henry and Elizabeth (Vandusen) Freden- * For Phinney see note 189. NINTH GENERATION. 1085 burg, b. Puddletown, Mich., Nov. 26, 1867; engineer: Sherman, Mich.; Republi- can: member Maqueston Tent 654, K.O.T.M.; she of L.O.T.M.; members of Evangelical church. No issue. [6881J CLAUDE E. NILES,9 (Bro. of Charles M.,) b. Waverly, Mich., June 18, 1868; m. Cadillac, Mich., July 5, 1893, Anna, dau. of Elam and Sarah (Quackenbush) Pettit, b. Austin, Mich., Nov. 29, 1876; farmer; Sherman, Mich.; Republican. Children: 11179. Charles E., b. Feb. 10, 1895, Austin. 11180. Mildred E., " Oct. 2, 1896, Sherman. [6884] ROSA M. NILES,9 (Sister of Charles M.,) b. Chestona, Mich., May .3, 1880: m. Sherman, Mich., Apr. 14. 1896, William A., son of George H. and Mary Elizabeth (Inman) Roth, b. Wexford, Mich., July 18, 1872; section foreman on railroad; Frankfort, Mich.; Republican: mem- ber Maqueston Tent 654, K. O. T. M. No issue, March, 1898. [6885] LAURA H. TAYLOR,^ (William H.,* Laura Foote,' Elizabeth Hamblen,* Job,* James,* 321) b. Rockport, Ohio, Nov, 12, 1857; m. Chardon, Ohio, Oct. 4, 1882, Egbert T., son of Morris and Louisa (Taylor) Hartwell, b. Denmark, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1846; manufacturer of wooden goods; Vlncennes, Ind.; 'Clifton, Tenn.: Delphos and Painesville, Ohio; Democrat; Freemason; Presb. He d. Chicago, 111., Feb. 22, 1894. Children: 11181. Charles E., b. Oct. 4, 1884, Delphos. 11182. Marguerite, " Sept. 10, 1890, Painesville. [6886] EGBERT H. TAYLOR,' (Bro. of Laura H.,) b. Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 12, 1861: m. Erie, Pa., June 6, 1882, Mary A., dau. of Edward and Chloe (Pomeroy) Adams, b. Burton, Ohio, Nov. 6, 1866; mechanic; Cleveland; Republican: she member Euclid Hive, 162, L. O. T. M. Children: 11183. KiTTiE B., b. Mar. 6, 1886, Kinsman, Ohio. 11184. Ralph B. D., " Dec. 9, 1891, Medina, " [6887] LUTHER B. TAYLOR.^ (Bro. of Laura H.,) b. Dover, Ohio, May 16, 1866; m. Gustavus, Ohio, Dec. 24, 1887, Mary E. Norton, b. Warren, Pa., Dec. 2, 1867; mfg. wooden goods; Painsvllle, Ohio; Republican; member Comet Lodge, 60 K. P., Medina, Ohio; she Methodist. Children: b. Sept. 20, 1888, Farmdale; d. Sept. 5, 1889. " Apr. 17, 1891, Medina. " Sept. 8, 1893, " Sept. 14, 1895, Painesville. 11185. William H., 11186. Theodore D., 11187. Laura L., 11188. Egbert H., 11189. Clarence, Oct. 5, 1897, 1086 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [6888] LILLIAN F. TAYLOR.fl (Sister of Laura H.,) b. Berea, Ohio, Jan. 6, 1869; m. Painesville, Oliio, Oct. 28, 1891, William Alford, son of Thomas Ridley and Frances (Montague) Hughes, b. Clifton, Tenn., Sept. 22, 1866; merchant; Clifton; Prohibitionist; Presbs. Ch. b. Clifton: 11190. Beatrice, Aug. 12, 1892. 11191. Harry Taylor, Dec. 23,1893. 11192. Ralph Montague, Nov. 16, 1895. 11193. LURA, Jan. 29, 1898. j 11194. Clara, " " " 11195. Marguerite Frances, Nov. 13, 1900. , [6902] ADDIE C. WOODRUFF,9 (Diana Miller,* Caroline Foote,' Eliza- beth Hamblin,6Job,5 James,* 321) b. Sept. 13, 1862; m. Dec. 13, 1889, George F. Blake. Children: 11196. Alta p., b. July 9, 1890. 11197. Nellie M., " Aug. 10, 1894; d. July 8, 1895. 11198. Frank E., " May 5, 1897. [6904] ALICE D. WOODRUFF,9 (Sister of Addie C.,) b. Jan. 8. 1866: m. Jan. 7, 1886; Burt F. Faragher. Children: 11199. Alpha E., b. Oct. 8, 1886. 11200. Hazel R., " Aug. 27, 1889. 11201. Alice B., •' Sept. 9, 1891. , 11202. Burt T., " Dec. 2, 1893. 11203. Warren C, " Apr. 7, 1897. [6906] WALTER P. WOODRUFF,^ ( Bro. of Addie C.,) b. Mar. 27, 1871; m. Oct. 26, 1896, Louise A. Wetmore,* Child: 11204. Fred A., b. Apr. 1, 1897. * Note 475. JOHN WHITMORE or WETMORE,i b. in the west of Eng-land or Wales, 1615; came to Boston, 16:^5 ; was in Wethersfleld, Ct., 1639-40; removed to Stamford, Ct., 1641; m. 1st, Hartford, Ct., Dec. 11, 1645, Sarah, dau. of John and Ann (Willocke) Hall, then of Hartford, later of Middletown, Ct. ; who d. there, Dec. 7, 1664; m. 2d, Jan. 3, 1667, Mary, widow of Luke Atkinson, and dau. of Richard Piatt, of Milford, Ct., who d. Middletown, June 17, 1669; m. 3d, Oct. H, 1673, Mrs. Catherine Roberts, nee Leete; who d. Middletown, Oct. 13. 16SW; freeman. May 20, 1652; he became a resident of Middletown before Nov., 1653; constable, 1652-3, and 1662-3; townsman; srand levy man; rate maker; and pound keeper; deputy, 1654-5. Oct., 1654, he with ten others were app. by the Gen. Court a committee "to press men and necessaryes," for the expedition afrainst the Narragansett Indians. In 1668 the G«n. Court "Abated Thomas Whit- more Ills rate that was payable this yeare to the country for his services in ferrying Assist'ts and Deputies over the river." His five acre home lot was on the east side of Main street, be- tween Green and Ferry streets; will dated July 30, 16,S1. He d. Middletown, Dea 11, 1681. Some of the descendants of this family moved to Ohio soon after the Revolution. It is said that he had seventeen children. We have not found so many. Children by 1st wife, b. Middletown: Thomas, Hannah, Samuel, Izrahiah, Ezrahiah, Beriah, Nathaniel, Joseph, Sarah. By 2d wi(e, b. Middletown: Josiah, Mehitable. By 3d wife, b. Middletown: Benjamin, Abigail andj Hannah. • NINTH GENERATION. 1087 [6914] CARRIE J)ELL MILLER,9 Lorenzo D.,' Caroline Foote.^ Eliza- beth Hamblin.« Job,^ James,*38i) b. Avon, Ohio, Mar. 24, 1866; m. Avon Lake, ' Ohio, Jan. 2, 1890, Curtis Paul, son of John and Caroline (Curtis) Dufif, b. Port Clinton, Ohio, Nov. 26, 1865: sailor: Port Clinton; Republican; she member Ladies' Lake Shore Union Soc; Good Templars. He was drowned, Oct. 14, 1893. Ch. b. Port Clinton: 11205. Curtis Paul, Apr. 29, 1894. [6915J VERNON EDWARD MILLER,^ (Bro. of Carrie D.,) b. Avon, Ohio, June 15, 1871; m. Lorain, Ohio, Dec. 12, 1893, Dora Armintha, dau. of Isaac and Julia (Sampsel) Dickerson, b. Jackson Tp., Nov. 27,1870; electrician in car shops, Beach Park, Avon Lake. Ohio: Republican; school director. Ch. b. Avon: 11206. Minerva Julia, Oct, 6, 1894. 11207. Carrie Bell, Mar. 8, 1896. [6921] CLARENCE CHURCH BAKER,9 (Stephen H.,8 Lucy P. Hamblin,^ Cornelius,« Job,^ James,*32i) b. Lee, Mass.: m. Peru, Mass., Mary J., dau. of Milton and Helen (Mattoon) Fitch, b. Lenox, Mass.; butcher. He d. Craig, Neb.; she d. Lenox. Ch. b. Lenox: 11208. Helen; unm. 1902. [6922] JOHN WALTER BAKER,^ (Bro. of Clarence C) b. Lee, Mass.; m. Canaan, N. Y., Kate, dau. of George Johnson, b. Canaan; farmer: Lenox, Mass., and Canaan, N. Y. She is dead. Ch. b. Lenox: 11209. Walter. [6923] WILLIAM BAKER MALLORY,^ (Mary C. Baker,8 Lucy P. Hamblin,- Cornelius.s Job,5 James,i32i) b. Lee, Mass., Nov. 19, 1864; m. 1st, Green River, N. Y., June, 1887, Nellie Butler, b. Canaan, Ct.; who d. Great Barrington, Mass., Oct. 29, 1897; m. 2d, Great Barrington, Aug. 31, 1898, Anna Hammer; messenger, Adams Exp. Co.; Great Barrington; Republican. Ch. by 1st wife: 11210. William Butler, b. Mar. 5, 1888, Canaan. 11211. Clinton Judd, " Mar. 27, 1889, Gt. Barrington. 11212. George Edwin, " Feb. 2, 1892, «' 11213. Mary Elizabeth, " May, 1896, " [6924] HARRY JUDD MALLORY," (Bro. of William B.,) b. Stockbridge, Mass., Mar. 19, 1872; m. Great Barrington, Mass., May 4, 1897, Carrie, dau. of Godfrey and Honora( Savage) Miller, b. Winsted, Ct., Sept. j23, 1879; supt. of trout hatchery, Hartsville, Mew Marlboro, Mass.; Republican. [6931] HARLEY E. JONES,9 (Hannah A. Herrick,8 Mercy Hamblin,' 'Cornelius,^ Job,5 James,"2i) b. Sept. 23, 1861; m. Apr. 16, 1885, Libbie Hancock. [In business with his father and brother, firm of Edward D. Jones & Son's Com- 1088 THE HAMLII^ FAMILY. i paay, Pittsfield, Mass., of which he was secretary; Freemason; member Royal : Arcanum and Fireman's Relief Asso. He was drowned, Pontoosuc Lake, Sept. i 24, 1896. . I Child: 1 11214. Margaret A., b. Aug. 5, 1887. [6932] E. ARCHIE JONES,9 (Bro. of Harley E.,) j b. Nov. 3, 1863; m. Isabel Abbey, of Springfield, Mass.; member tirm of ; Edward D. Jones & Son's Company, Pittsfield, Mass., 189(5. j Child: 11215. Charles Edward, b. Jan. 7, 1894. [6933] IDA C. HERRICK," (George,* Mercy Hamblin,^ Cornelius/ Job,» James,*32i) b. Sept. 4, 1862: m. Oct. 13, 1881, Charles G. Henry; farmer. Children: 11216. Sewell M., b. Mar. 5, 1890. [6934] MINNIE S. HERRICK,^ (Sister of Ida C.,) b. Apr. 25, 1865; m. Arad Hunt; farmer. Children: 11217. Ruth. 11218. William Morris. 11219. Edith Herrick. [6948] NELLIE DRUSILLA COUCH,^ (Frederick W.,* Mary C. Ham- blin,'' Cornelius,^ Job,^ James,* ^si) b. Westerville, Ohio, July 6, 1867; m, Pittsfield, Mass., Oct. 24, 1885, George Henry, son of Elijah G. and Anice E. (Cone) Denison, b. Cheshire, Mass., Jan. 28, 1867; artist, supervisor of drawing in the schools of Pittsfield, Mass.; Republican; member of Mystic Lodge, A. F. & A.M.; she, Methodist. [6950] Dr. OSCAR ROBERT COUCH, » (Bro. of Nellie D.,) b. Oct. 13, 1872; m. Elizabeth White. He graduated Med. Dept. Boston University. [6953] WASHINGTON IRVING HAMLIN,9 (David A.,» David,'" Job,& James,*'' 21) b. Napoleon, Ohio, Mar. 21, 1870; m. Wauseon, 01:iio, Jan. 1, 1895, Helen May, dau. of John S. and Sophia (Luhmann) Reed, b. Napoleon, 1876; mason; Wauseon; she United Brethren. [6954] ALZINA ROXANNAH HAMLIN,9 (Noah C..* David,'* Job,& James,i32i) b. Henry Co., Ohio, Jan. 14, 1861: m. Laporte, Ohio, Oct. 18, 1882, Elmer Ellsworth,^ son of Jewry Orson, and Sarah Elizabeth (Worthington) Humphrey,* b. Eaton, Ohio, Jan. 16, 1862; farmer; Laporte. Ch. b. Lorain Co.: 11220. Hamlin Joseph, Aug. 28, 1883. 11221. Blanche Elizabeth, Jan. 1, 1885. * Note 476. .JEWRY ORSON HUMPHREY,* (Orson Joseph,? Joseph ,6543 john,2 Michael.i) NINTH GENERATION. 1089 [69551 WILLIAM BIRD HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Alzina R.,) b. Grafton, Ohio, Sept. 6, 1863; m. 1st in Mich., July 3, 1883, Fannie, dau. of Chauncey and Clara (Wing*) Pomeroy; who d. Laporte, Ohio, Oct. 8, 1891: m. 2d, Laporte, Oct. 16, 1895, Evelyn Alice, dau. of William and Lillian Eudora (Brush) Sayles, b. May 29, 1875; farmer; Ridgeville, Ohio, until 1879;- since, Car- lisle Tp. Lorain Co., Ohio; Republican; township officer; Freemason; she mem- ber Autumn Leaf Hive, L. O. T. M.; Methodists; members Carlisle Grange, 1502. P. of H. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Laporte: 11222. Noah Curtis, Dec. 30, 1885. Ch. by 2d wife: 11223. Theodoke Paul, b. Nov. 23, 1896. 11224. Andrew Clyde, " Jan. 30, 1898. 11225. Lillian Ruth, " Aug. 8, 1899. [6956] LORENZO DOW HAMLIN," (Bro. of Alzina R.,) b. Ridgeville Corners, Ohio, Aug. 21, 1867; m. Lorain Co., Ohio, Nov. 21, 1890, Stella J., dau. of William and Alice Facelia (Humphrey) Brush, b. Laporte, Ohio, Apr. 28, 1870. He moved with his parents to Laporte, 1879; attended dis- trict school until 1883, then taught and attended school alternately; studied two years at Oberlin and two years at Baldwin University Berea, Ohio; was em- ployed by the Penn. R. R., 1889-93; becoming a conductor. In the latter year he returned to Laporte and followed farming, until 1900; town clerli:; member special canal commission, Ohio, 1902-3; res. Elyria, Ohio; an active worker in the Republican party; Freemason, Modern Woodman, Methodist. Children: 11226. Facelia, b. Apr. 19, 1892. 11227. David Walter, "Aug. 22, 1895. 11228. Lydia Irene, " Sept. 24, 1897. [69581 MARY BELLE HAML1N,9 (Lewis M.,* David B.," David,6 Job.s James,*32i) b. Ridgeville, Ohio, June 28, 1869: m. Elyria, Ohio, Dec. 8, 1887, Burt Harrison, son of Rutillus and Phedora (Ro we) Jackson; farmer; North j Eaton, Ohio: Democrat; member of K. O.T.M. Ch. b. Eaton: 11229. Elga Estell, Aug. 29, 1882, [6959] LEWIS FRANKLIN HAMLIN,9 (Bro. of Mary B.,) b. Ridgeville, Ohio, July 25, 1873; m. Aug. 19, 1895, Hattie Fretter, b. Rock- port, Ohio, Aug. 15, 1879; farmer; Ridgeville: Republican. Children: 11230. James, b. Aug. 31, 1896, Eaton. 11231. Gladys, " Mar. 11, 1899. 11232. Estella May, " Oct. 12, 1901, Ridgeville. [6960] LOREN MARION HAMLIN,» (Bro. of Mary B.,) b. Ridgeville, Ohio, Sept. 10, 1876; m. Cleveland, Ohio, May 1, 1901, Minnie May Felt, b. Grafton, Ohio, July 16, 1877; farmer; Eaton, Ohio; Republican; Cong, * For Wins see note 77. 1090 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [6961] ESTELLA VILERA HAMLIN,9 (Sister of Mary B.,) | b. Ridgeville, Ohio, Nov. 12, 1879; m. Elyria, Ohio, Oct. 16, 1896, Mark Sackett; railroad employee; Cleveland, Ohio; Republican; she Methodist. Ch. b. Cleveland: 11233. Clyde, Sept. 9, 1896. 11234. Theodore, Oct. 11, 1900. [6962] LLOYD DONALD HAMLIN,9 (Bro. of Mary B., ) b. Ridgeville, Ohio, Apr. 21, 1882; m. Field's Corner, Apr. 14, 1900, Anna Garrett, b. Avon, Ohio, July 16, 1883; farmer; Republican; Disciples. 11236. Ethel. 11237. Harry, 11238. Fred, 11239. Ruby, [6963] CLIFFORD HITCHCOCIv,9 (Sophia A. Hamlin,8 David,78 Job,^ Jaraes,*32i) b. Eaton, Ohio, Oct. 14, 1860; m. 1880. Ida Cooley; farmer; Bloom- ingdale, Mich. No issue. [6965] CLARENCE HITCHCOCK,^ (Bro. of Clifford,) b. Cass Co., Mich., Aug. 5, 1866: m. Blooraingdale, Mich., Jan. 15, 1890, Maria Halderman; removed to Dakota, spring 1891; resides Richland Tp., Edmunds Co., So. Dak. Child: 11235. Lester. [6966] MARY HITCHCOCK,9 (Sister of Clifford,) b. May 30, 1869; removed with her father to Dakota, 1883; m. June 10, 1886, Ernest Goodspeed;* farmer; Richland township, Edmunds Co., So. Dakota. Children: b. 1888. " 1890. " 1892. " 1893. [6968] CLARA ARMINTA HAMLIN,^ (Benjamin D.,« David,76 Job,^ James,*32i)b. Lincoln, Mich., Aug. 14, 1871; m. May 3, 1891, Richard, sou of Moses and Anna (Mads ) La Fave. No issue. [6974] JUSTIN P. KNIGHT,^ (Mary L. Hamblin,' Julius A.,' James,« Job,6 James,*3 2i) b. Fulton, 111., Aug. 29, 1875; m. Mt. Carroll, 111., Feb. 24, 1898, Madena, dau. of Samuel and Mary A. (Shaffer) Fredericks, b. Mt. Carroll, July 29, 1877; expressman; Fulton; Democrat; member K. P. and K. O. T. M.; , she Methodist. Ch. b. Fulton: | 11240. A Child, Feb. 24, 1899; d. Feb. 25, 1899. 11241. JarvisP., Sept. 9, 1900. 16979] ADDIE E. HAMLIN,^ (Edward L.,8 James F.,^ James,* Job,^ James,* 321) b. Portville, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1876; m. Bradford, Pa., Dec. 18, 1895, Marvin M., son of Rev. John W. and Dorcas Clark, b. Spring Creek, Pa., Sept. 16, 1868; engineer; Hazel Hurst, Pa.; Republican; Odd Fellow and member Tent 4, K. O. T. M. No issue. * For Goodspeed see notes 30 and 284. NINTH GENERATION. 1091 [6983] Capt. WILLIAM CHILDS,* (Thomas,* Josephje^ Deliverance Hamblin,* James,32i) b, 1825: m. Waquoit, Mass., Aug. 14, 1852; Laura Anne,* dan. of Thomas F. and Olive H. (Phinney*) Hamblin; master mariner, and fol- lowed the sea, until 1874, master of whale ships twenty years. One of his ships was captured and burned by Capt. Sirames, of the Confederate ship, Alabama, 1861: Waquoit; Odd Fellow: she Cong.; Waltham, Mass., 1896. He d. Sept. 19, 1889. Children: 11242.* Anne Everett, b. Aug. 3, 1856, Waquoit. 11243. Alice Laurett, "June 3,1859, " unm. 1896; Teacher 11244.* William Andrew, " Aug. 12,1867, " 11245.* Eliza Weston, " Dec. 22, 1873, Falmouth. [6991] IDELLA a. HAMLIN,9 (Chandler G.,* Isaiah,^ Josiah,^ Timothy,^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan, ^ James.^i) b. West Gardner, Me., July 8, 1856; m. Oct. 25, 1874, Oliver Tibbi'tts; Farmingdale, Me. Children: 11246.* Florance F., Dec. 23, 1875. 11247. Walter B., Apr. 27, 1882. / 11248. Amy B., Jan. 7, 1891; d. Aug. 27, 1891. [6992] GEORGE ALVAH HAMLIN," (Bro. of Idella G.,) b. West Gardner, Me., Mar. 9, 1866; m. Gardner, Me., Nov. 30, 1887, Nellie, dau. of Arrington and Mary Malvina (Smith) Douglas, b. Litchfield, Me., Apr. 14, 1870; farmer; West Gardner, until 1891; since, Litchfield; Republican. Children: 11249. Ethel May, b. Mar. 12, 1889, W. Gardner. 11250. Ralph Eugene, " Apr. 14, 1890, Litchfield. 11251. Ray Everett, " Apr. 18, 1891, 11252. Grace Malvina, " Dec. 15, 1892, " 11253. Roy Arrington, " Feb. 22, 1894, 11254. Abby Iola, " Apr. 20, 1896, " 11255. Carrie Mabel, '• Nov. 12, 1898, " 11256. Chester Rhoads, " Oct. 14, 1899, " d. Mar. 4, 1901. 11257. Nellie Douglass, " Dec. 4, 1900, " [6993] CARRIE EVELYN HAMLIN, » (Sister of Idella G.,) b. West Gardner, Me., Dec. 12, 1867: m. there, Oct. 6, 1888, James Walker, son of Sewell and Elvira Frances Jones, b. Bath, Me., Sept. 5, 1867: bookkeeper, Hoi lingsworth Paper Mills, Bath, Me., until 1871: W. Gardner, until 1884; since, Gardner; Republican: member Eagle Hose Co. 2; she member Woman's Home Miss. Soc: members Danforth Lodge, 179, N. E. O. P. Ch. b. Gardner: 11258. Roy Chandler, Feb. 7, 1890. [6996] EMMA FRANCES GLAD YES HAMLIN,9(Asahael W.,8lsaiah,7 Josiah,'' Timothy, 5 Zaccheus,* Jonathan, ^ James,2i) b. Jan. 27, 1865; m. Farmingdale, Me., Sept. 25, 1893, Antonio Ceballos McCausland. * . For Phinney see note 189. 1092 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [6999] FLORISTA ATHENA MILLER,^ (Mary J. Hamlin,? Isaiah,' Josiali,;Timothy,B Zaccheus,* Jonathan, ^ James,2i) b. Gloucester, Me., Aug. 12, 1850; m. East Saugus, Mass., May 27, 1868, Benjamin Cooper, son of George Richard and Mary Gaudaloupe (Thysen) Jaques, b. Charleston, S. C, Dec. 16, 1847; carpenter, contractor and builder: Worcester, since 1865; Republican; private, 2 Battery, Washington Artillery of New Orleans, La., C. S. A.; enlisted 1864, served from Drury's Blutf to Appomottox: Freemason: K. of H.; member Am. Mechanics; she Baptist. Ch. b. Worcester, Mass: 11259.* George Aknoulu, May 17, 1870. 11260. Maky Elizabeth, July 3, 1874. 11261. Evangeline Victoria, Dec. 20, 1884. [7000] FREDERIC M. MILLER,' (Bro. of Florista A.,) b. Gardner, Me., Feb. 14, 1853; m. Vernon, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1881, Mary J. Seabrook, b. Stockbridge, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1852. Children: 11262. JohnH., b. Mar. 19, 1883, Oneida. 11263. George B., " June 19, 1885, " d. Oct. 16, 1885. 11264. Carrie E., " July 11. 1887, A^ernon. 11265. Flora G., " Dec. 12, 1888, " d. May 7. [7001] CARRIE V. MILLER," (Sister of Florista A.,) b. Gardner, Me., June 1, 1857; m. Worcester, Mass., Jerome Wheeler, b. Bolton, Mass., Feb. 28, 1855. No issue. [7003] JOHN AUGUSTUS HAMLIN,9 (Sylvanus,? Josiah,'^ Timothy,^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. Winslow, Me., Sept. 20, 1857; m. China, Me., Sept. 29, 1883, Frances Maria, dau. of John and Clarissa Jane (Delano*) Davis, b. Winslow, Aug. 28, 1857; farmer; Winslow. * Note 477. For Delano see note 235. Dr. THOMAS DELANO,2 (Philip,i) b. Duxbury, Mass., Mar. 21,1642; m. 1st, there, 1667, Mary, dau of John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden. See note 478. b. Duxbury, about 1646; d. there, before Sept. 12, 1688; m. 3d, Oct. 34, 1699, Hannah, widow of EbenezerBartlett; physician, tailor, surveyor and constable. He d. Duxbury, April 13, 1733, ;i nd his grave may be seen there beside that of the Aldens. Ch. b. Duxbury: Benoni, Thomas, .Jonathan, David, Mary, Sarah, Ruth, .Joseph. JONATHAN DELAN0,3 b. Duxbury, Mass., 1676; m. there, Jan. 12, 1699, Hannah,3 dau. of Thomas and Mary (Churchill) Doty. See note 330. b. Duxbury, 1675. A prominent man. He d. Duxbury, Jan. 6, 176.5. Ch. b. Duxbury: John, Jonathan, Nathan, Amasa, Ruth, Amaziah, Hannah, Dorothy, Dorothy, Ebenezer, David. AMAZIAH DELANO,* b. Duxbury, Mass., Aug. 7, 1709; m. there, Jan. 8, 1730, Ruth, dau. of Abraham and Penelope (Sampson) Sampson, b. Duxbury, July 2. 1713. Both d. Duxbury; he, Aug. 5, 1790. Ch. b. Duxbury: Ezekiel, Thonias, Hannah, Zenas, Cornelius, .Jemima, Thom- as, Sylvia, Barzilla, Ruth. EZEKIEL DELAN0.5 b. Duxbury, Dec. 19, 1731 ; m. North Yarmouth, Me., Sept. 14, 17.55, Martha, dau. of Edmund and Mercy Chandler, b. North Yarmouth, Nov. 10, 1737. Both d. North Yarmouth; he, after 1794; she, March, 1814. Ch. b. North Yarmouth: A ch'ld, Amaziah, Rhoda, Sarah, Edmund Chandler, Mercy, Hannah, Ezekiel, Dorcas. AMAZIAH DELANO.e b. North Yarmouth, Me., June 16, 17,58; m. 1st, there, June 16, 1782, Margaret, dau. of Jonah and Hannah (Wallace) Austin, b. Dighton, Mass., 1759; d. Gray, Me., 1805; m. 3d, before ls07, Elizabeth Thompson. He was private in Capt. Gray's Co., in Col. Mitch- ell's Regt., from North Yarmouth, July 7, 1779, two and one half months; private in Capt. NINTH GENERATION. 1093 [7004] JENNIE P. HAMLIN,9 (Sister of Jolin A.,) b. Winslow, Me., Sept. 24, 1866; tn. Apr. 17, 1884, J'rank L.,9 son of George and Sarah P.,* (Abbott*) Webber, b. June 23, 1862; res. Benton, Me. I One child. [7008] JACOB HAMLIN PRENTISS,9 (Sarah J. Hamlin,* Josiah.'^s Timothy,'^ Zaccheus,^ Jonathan, ^ James,2i) b. Winslow, Me., Nov. 29. 1848; m. 1st, E. Vassalboro, Me., June 29, 1872, Ohve A.,'* dau. of Sylvanus and Emeline (Phillips) Hamlin, b. Winslow, Me., Mar., 1856, who d. Waterville, Me., Feb. 11, 1880; m. 2d, Fairtield, Me., Dec. 24, 1889, Adria A., dau. of John S. and E. (Roundy) Eastman. t He res. Winslow, until 1876; Vassalboro, Me., 1876-9; I Pride's Co., in Col. Price's Eegt., enlisted Falmouth, Me., April 18, 1780; served in the Penob- scot expedition, seven months and eighteen days. His widow m. 2d, Jan. 35, 18.52, John Leigh- j ton, of Gray, and d. there, Oct. 10, 1S()2. Children: Stephen, William, Asenath, Enos, Judith. 1 ENOS DELANO,^ b. June 16, 1790, perhaps at Gray, Me.; m. North Yarmouth, Me., Mar. 1 28, 1810, Hannah Larrabee, dau. of Stephen and Ann (Harris) Prince, b. North Yarmouth, April 1 1,1788. He d. Fairfield, Me., Mar. 29, 1868; she d. Falmouth, Me., Oct. 14, 1870. Children: Amos Prince, Margaret Austin, Amaziah, Sarah Boothbay. Lucy Nason, Stephen, Willard Greenleaf, Barzilla Small, William Prince. AMOS PRINCE DELANO,8 b. Gray, Me.. Dec. 17, 1810; m. Skowhegan, Me., April 7, 1832, Hannah Kincaid, dau. of Daniel and Lucy (Kincaid) Whitman, b. Skowhegan. May 22, 1811. He d. Winslow, Me., Jan. 22, 1879; she d. Waterville, Me., Aug. 21, 1889. Children: Amy Ann, ; Benjamin Prince, Clarissa .Jane, Margaret Ann, Asenath Bacon, Clarinda Augusta, Delilah Stickney. CLARISSA JANE DELAN0,9 b. Palmyra, Me., Apr. 13, 18.38; m. West Waterville, Me., Oct. 16, 1855, ,John Davis, b. Albion, Me., June 5, 1833; riverman; Winslow, Me. Their daughter, Frances M., m. John A. Hamlin. 9 Children: Prances Maria, Amos Maines, Myra, Anna Louisa. Note 478. JOHN ALDEN.i b. England, about 1599; cooper; came in the Mayflower, 1620; m. Plymouth, Mass., 1621, Priscilla, dau. of William Mullins and wife; May/IoM'er passengers. iMullins and wife d. the lirst winter, leaving the daughter alone. Alden settled in Duxbury, ;Mass., near to Philip Delano and Edward Bompasse, and was many years a magistrate in the colony. His wife and himself have been immortalized in Longfellow's poem: "The Courtship of Myles Standish." Tradition has it. that Standish, the military leader of the Pilgrims, a mid- dle aged man, who had lost his wife, Rose, during the prevalent sickness of the first winter at Plymouth, employed Alden to broach the subject of marriage between herself and Standish, Iwhich Alden attempted, and sought to fathom the breast of the maiden on the delicate ques- tion. In her lonely condition she evidently had the acuteness to prefer a young gentleman, [father than become an "old man's slave, "and raively replied: "Prithee, John, why do you not jspeak for yourself?" It is needless to add that "he tumbled." For Davis see notes 4, 17, 42 and 169. I * Note 479. GEORGE ABBOTT, Jr., 7 b. July 25,1808; m. Dec. 2, 1830, Loretta, dau. of jjoseph Wood, b. Winslow, Me., July 12, 1805. He d. April 2, 1877; she res. 1889, in Winslow; five Children. Their fourth child, Sarah P.,8 b. Aug. 16,18:38; m. 1st, May 2, 1860, George, son of Thomas and Rachel Webber, b. June 10, 1838; d. Dec. 24, 1863. Their son, Frank L. Webber,9 m. Jennie P. Hamlin. + Note 480. JOHN EASTMAN, of Romsey, Southampton, England. In his will dated Sept. 24, 1602; proved Oct. 22, 1602, he gave to his son Roger all lands whatsoever in default to |3on John; also, to Roger 100 marks at 14, to be paid by my father Roger Eastman. To my son iJohn 50 pounds at 14. To daughters Elizabeth and Margaret when 21 or married 40 pounds each. Ditto to child my wife now goeth with. To servant Elizabeth Head 5 pounds. Residuary lega- !tee and executrix, wife Anne; overseers, Roger Eastman, Michael, Mackeall and Matthew Mundsy. Witnesses: Walter Godfrey, Giles Newel and Thomas Stote. Roger Eastman, 1 b. in Wales, 1611; m. Sarah (Smith ?) b. 1621. He came from Langford, Wilts, England, sailed from Southampton, April, 1638 in the Confidence, John Jobson, master, for Mass. Bay colony, as servant of John Saunders. He was an origin al settler of Colchester now Salisbury, Mass., 1640-3; members of the church, there. Both d. Salisbury; he Dec. 16, 1694; she Mar. 11, 1697. Children b. Salisbury: John, Nathaniel, Philip, Thomas, Timothy, Joseph, Ben- jamin, Sarah, Samuel, Ruth. 1094 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. ' Waterville, 1879-86: since, Fairtield; Democrat; Baptist; member of Fairfield Lodge, 68, I. O. O. F. Cii. by 1st wife, b. Waterville: 11266. Morris Edgar, July 9, 1879; m. Ella McClintock. Ch. by 2d wife, b. Fairtield: 11267. Earl Ambrose, Jan. 17, 1895. [7021] ELIZABETH ELLIE MALCOM,** (Rodema H. Chadwick,* Beth- any G. Hamlin,' Josiah,* Timothy,^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan, ^ James,'' i) b. China, Me., May 3, 1858; m. Taunton, Mass., June 1, 1878, George Edwin, son of George and Roxina (Perry) Eddy, b. Wal pole, Mass., Jan. 25, 1853: nickel plater: Boston, Mass.; Republican; Methodists. Children: 11268. Albert Ellis, b. Feb. 19, 1879, Deigh ton: unm. 1902. 11269. Preston Ashmont, " Dec. 14, 1884, Taunton, " " [7025] ALLEN GUSTAVUS MALCOM.9 ( Bro. of Elizabeth E.,) b. Weeks Mills, China, Me., Apr. 7, 1869; m. there, Dec. 31, 1893, Tressie Lucinda, dau. of Hannibal and Emma J. (Morrison) Tibbetts, b. Palermo Cen- tre, Me., Dec. 12, 1873; farmer and butcher; Weeks Mills; Republican; member Eureka Lodge 9460, M. W. A. [7034] GEORGE W. MOTHERWELL,** (Esther A. Chadwick,* Bethaoj G. Hamlin,'' Josiah,^ Timothy,^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. China, Me., Feb. 24, 1855: m. Augusta, Me., Oct. 15, 1879, Cora Lee, dau. of Samuel P. and Harriet (Perkins) Barton, b. Windsor, Me., Apr. 27, 1855; tinsmith; Augusta: Democrat; member Derigo Lodge 104, A. F. & A. M.; and Highland Lodge 25, A. O. U. W.; she Cong, and member Degree of Honor. Ch. b. Augusta: 11270. Leigh Barton, May 16, 1892, [7042] SAREPTA SEDGLEY WEBBER,^ (Melinda Chadwick,' Gyrene M. Hamlin, 7 Josiah,« Timothy,^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan, ^ James 21) b. SouthChina, Me., June 6, 1863: m. Vassalboro, Me., Mar. 28, 1885, William F., son of Rev. James E. and Dorcas (Littlefield) Mills, b, Madison, N. H., Dec, 21, 1849; farmer; China, Me., since 1880; Republican. [7043] CHARLES ELTON WEBBER,^ (Bro. of Sarepta S.,) b. South China, Me., Aug. 1, 1865; m. Mechanic's Falls, Me., June 1, 1893, Nina May, dau. of Samuel Quimby and Amy Jane (Frost) Bean, b. Mount Vernon, Me., Aug. 1, 1866; farmer; trained nurse, since 1889; South China, until 1893; Mount Vernon; Boston and vicinity more or less, since, 1889; Republican; member of Harlem Lodge, 39, A.O.U. W. Ch. b. Mt. Vernon: 11271. Elton Q., Nov. 30, 1894, [7044] FLORENCE EDNA WEBBER,'' (Sister of Sarepta S., ) b. South China, Me., Sept. 9, 1868; m. North Vassalboro, Me., Mar. 16, 1889, Eugene Ernest, son of William and Louisa (Keene) Warren, b. South Vassalboro, Me., June 23, 1857; farmer and lumberman; South Vassalboro; NINTH GENERATION. 1095 Democrat; member of Harlem Lodge 39, A.O. U. W.; she member Augusta Lodge 46, Am. Ben. Soc. Ch, b. So. Vassalboro: 11272. LoTTiK Edna, Apr. 27, 189L [7049] AEAMANTHA V. HAMLEN,' (Hartwell A.,* David,' Timothy,*^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan,^ James,^!) b. Oct. 25, 1842; m. Sept. 27, 1879, Everett W. Priest, of Nortb Vassalboro, Me.; she d. 1901. No issue. [7050] ALONZO H. HAMLEN,9 (Bro. of Aramantha V.,) b. East Vassalboro, Me., Aug. 14, 1847, m. North Vassalboro, Me., Aug. 20, 1870, Emma L., dau. of Daniel H. and Emeline E. (Brown) Priest, b. N. Vassal- boro, Feb. 25, 1849; farmer; East Vassalboro; Democrat; members of Vassalboro Grange 322, P. H. Ch. b. E. Vassalboro: 11273.* Mary E., Sept. 20, 1871. 11274.* Bertha N., Aug. 3, 1873. [7051] ALBERTUS B. HAMLEN,« (Bro. of Aramantha V.,) b. Oct. 15, 1856; m. June 29, 1878, Sarah A. Davis,* of West Sidney, Me. Ch. b. West Sidney: 11275. Blanche R., Apr. 29, 1880. [7055] HELEN J. CLARK,9 (Sally E. Hamlen,* David,' Timothy,* & Zaccheus,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. Augusta, Me., July 25, 1851; m. there, Dec. 25, 1872, Henry M. Coleman, t Child: 11276. H. Orville, b. Jan. 29, 1878. [7057] FLORENCE HAMLEN,9 (Lawristoa,^ David,' ^imothy,6 5 Zaccheus,* Jonathan, ^ James,2i) b. Temple, Me., June 23, 1853; m. New Sharon, Me., Sept. 28, 1889, Ancel T., son of John and Cynthia (Curtis) Mason, b. Nor- rldgewock. Me., May 9, 1835; farmer; New Sharon; Cong. [7058] WILBUR F. BUZZELL,9 (Catherine Hamlen,* David,' Timothy.es Zaccheus,* Jonathan, s James.^i) b. Vassalboro, Me., July 3, 1844; m. Jan. 19, 1876, Ellen Smith; merchant; Augusta, Me. No issue. [7060] HARRIET C. BUZZELL,9 (Sister of Wilbur F.,) b. Augusta, Me, Mar. 4, 1856; m. Jan. 19, 1881, Frank B, Haskell. Child: 11277. Harriet F., b. May 9, 1884. [7062] HARRIET A DELIA HAMLEN,9 (William C.,* David,' Tim- othy,65 Zaccheus,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. Boston, Mass., June 8, 1858; m. Cambridge, Mas.s., Dec. 17, 1884, Luther Perkins, son of Albert and Mary Eme- * For Davis see notes 4, 17, 42 and 169. + For Coleman see notes 105 and 233. 1098 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. ' i line (Perkins) Burgess,* b. Poland, Me., Sept. i!4, 1858: N.E. passenger agent,! N. Y., Chicago and St. Louis R. R.; Poland, Me., until 1862; Lewiston, Me., until 1870; Cambridge, Mass., until 1882; Soiuerville, .Mass., until 1896; since. Water-' town, Mass, I Cliild: 11278. Elizabeth, b. July 25, 189L j I, [7063] WILLLS CLARK HAMLEN,' (Bro. of Harriet A.,) b. Boston, Mass., Jan. 16, 1861; unmarried; removed to Cambridge, Mass., 1867, and resided there, until 1892; Somerville, Mass., until 1896; since, Water- town, Mass.; educated in the Grammar and High Schools, Cambridge; in busi- ness with the N. E. Shoe and Leather Asso., Boston, 1880-92; since, boolckeeper; Proiiibitionist; Methodist. [7065] WARREN E. GETCHELL,^ (Nancy H. Hamlen,* David, ^ Timo- thy,65 Zacclieus,* Jonathan, 3 James,2i) b. Dec. 1, 1851; m. Dec. 17, 1881, Caroline M. Plummer, of North Vassalboro, Me,; farmer; Winslow, Me. Children: 11279. Alice M, j 11280. Ida L. [7067] ETTA M. GETCHELL,9 (Sister of Warren E.,> b, July 1, 1859; m. Sept. 26, 1880, Alexander Matthewson; she d. Winslow, Me., May 13, 1893. Children: 11281. Minnie M., b. July 29, 188.3. 11282. Willis H., " Feb. 1, 188&; d. May 19, 1886. [7069] ALMIRA H. WILLIAMS,^ (Vesta Hamlen,* Daniel,^ Timothy,^^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan,3 James,2i) b. Bradford, Me., June 2, 1835: m. Ist, there, Oct. 16, 1858, John C, sod of Roger H. and Maria Erskins, b. Bristol, Me., Dec. 8, 1829; private, B, 1st Me. Heavy Art.; enlisted Aug. 1862; killed by a shell, Spottsylvania, Va., May 19, 1864; farmer; Bradford; Republican: Methodist. Their two children d. of diptheria: m. 2d, Charleston, Me., Apr. 26. 1866, Roger A. Erskins, brother of first husband, b. Bristol, Mar. 24, 1837; private, K, 11th Me., Inf. Vols.: enlisted Sept., 1861: wounded Deep Bottom, Va., Aug. 14, 1864: participated in all the engagements in which his regiment took part; dis. Nov., 1864; farmer; Presque Isle, Me.; Republican; Methodist; member Ruel Annas Post, G. A. R. Ch. by 1st marriage, b. Bradford: 11283. RuFUS D., Jan. 21, 1860; d. Oct. 21, 1863. 11284. Charles W., Feb. 16, 1862, " " 16, "^ By 2d marriage, b. Bradford: 11285. Harris R., Feb. 8, 1868. I 11286. John W., Apr. 18, 1870. rA 11287.* Vesta M., Oct. 11, 1873. ' * For Burgess see note 389. NINTH GENERATION. 1097 [7070] ANNETTE W. WILLIAMS," (Sister of Alraira H.,) b. Bradford, Me., May 7, 18.37: m. Stephen, son of Stoddard and Maria (Mc- Clure) Mattliews, b. Bradford, Feb. 2.5, 1835; private, E, 2d Me. Inf. Vols.; par- ticipated in sieyre of Yoriitown, battles of Hanover C.H., seven days before Richmond, closing- with Malvern Hill, second Bull Run, Antietatn, Fredericks- burg and Chancellorsville, Va.: dis. Annapolis, Md., Sept. 24, 1864; farmer; East Bangor, Me.; Republican; member of Hannibal Hamlin Post, 165, G.A.R.; Quaker City Grange 30, Bang^or; she d. Bradford, Dec. II, 1887. Ch. b. Bradford: 11288. Jennie Louise, Jan. 1, 1868; unmarried 1896. 11289. Howard, Apr. 20, 1870, " " 11290. Hervy, June 7, 1873, " " 11291. Frank Eber, Jan. 25, 1879, " " [7073] MARY ELLEN WILLIAMS," (Sister of Almira H.,) b. Bradford, Me., Nov. 12, 1846; m. East Corinth, Me., Aug. 19, 1863, Luther M., son, of Hiram and Rhoda (Marble) Gerrish, b. Brownville, Me., June 3, 184—; she d. Bradford, Nov. 13, 1863. He m. 2d, her sister, Avis S. Williams. [7074] AVIS S. WILLIAMS," (Sister of Almira H., ) b. Bradford, Me., Jan. 19, 1848; m. Charleston, Me., Oct. 26, 1865, Luther M., son of Hiram and Rhoda (Marble) Gerrish, b. Brownville, Me., June 3, 184-; his second wife: he m. 1st, her sister Mary E.; private, G, 3d Me. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Aug., 1863; dis. May, 1865; Republican; Brownville; member Dirigo Lodge 63, I. O. O. F.; both members Resolute Grange 188, P. H.; Katahdin Colony 40, U. O. P. F.; she member Orion Rebekah Lodge 16, I. O. O. F.; Cong. Ch. b. Brownville: 11292. Frank Wesley, Dec. 28, 1866. 11293. Lewis Everett, Dec. 16, 1868. 11294. John Hiram, Jan. 19, 1871. 11295. Mae Emma, Aug. 7,1877. 11296. Anni Lillian, July 1, 1879. 11297. Charles Waltek, Jan. 13, 1883. [7076] JOHN H. WILLIAMS," (Bro. of Almira H.,) b. Bradford, Me. May 4, 1852; m. Big Lake, Minn., Sept. 5, 1882, Amanda P., dau. of Benjamin Flaville, and Ruth Downing (Harris) Snow,* b. Brownville, Me., Apr. 8, 1861: res. Bradford, until 1865; Brownville, until 1872; Orono, Me., until 1875: Milo, Me., until 1880; Big Lake, Minn., until 1883; since, Elk River, Minn. He graduated Maine State College, 1876; county surveyor, since Jan. 1, 1882; supt. schools, 1887-90, and '93-8; justice peace, 1895, member Dirigo Lodge 63, LO.O.F., Milo, Me.; Sherburne Lodge 95, A. F.& A.M.; Elk River Lodge 154, A.O.U. W., members Union church. Ch. b. Elk River: 11298. Fred M., Oct. 11, 1883. 11299. Vesta F., Dec. 30, 1885. 11300. Florence M., Apr, 30, 1891. * For Snow see note 177. i 1098 THE HAMLm FAMILY. i [7077] SARAH C. W1LLIAMS,9 (Jane Hamlen,* Daniel,' Timothy,«5; Zaccheus,* Jonatlian,3 James,2i) b. Vassalboro, Me., June 8. 1835: in. Bradford, Me., Nov. 20, 1861, John, son of John and Sophia (Eastman*) Dearborn, b. Stark, N. H., May 12, 1829, his second wife; he m. 1st, 1851, Caroline Kingsbury, by whom he had two sons, who reside in California; farmer and lumberman; Bradford Centre, Me.; he went to Bradford with his parents, 1839, when it was sparsely settled, roads were mere foot paths, and the journey was made with oxen and rude carts; the place afforded slight advantages for education, and when a boy he left the common school to engage in lumbering; after his first wife's death he went to Minneapolis, Minn., and engaged in lumbering; re- turned to Maine, 1858. She went to Bradford with her parents, 1839. The story of these early settlers is one of privations and hardships; she attended common school, and a few terms of high school, and was a school teacher ten years. Their children have been liberally educated. She d. Mar. 19, 1896. Ch. b. Bradford: 11301.* Carrie E., Feb. 8, 1863. 11302.* Rose, Mar. 3, 1865. 11303. Isabella, Nov. 3, 1866; d. Mar . 7, 1867 11304.* Lillian M., June 29, 1868. 11305.* Elsie M., July 2, 1870. 11306.* John W., June 11, 1872. 11307.* Emma B., Feb. 1, 1875. 11308.* Helen M., Nov. 8, 1878. [7081] HENRY T. WILLI AMS,9 (Bro. of Sarah C, ) b. East Bradford, Me., May 27, 1843; m. Bradford, Apr. 28, 1867, Lizzie M., dau. of N. W. C. and Elizabeth McGray, of Bradford, b. Harmony, Me., Oct. 2, 1845; farmer; resided on his father's farm, until 21 years old; he purchased an interest in this farm, 1865, and the remainder, 1868. where he has since resided; town clerk, and selectman; justice peace; member Independent Grange 77, P. of H., of County and State Grange; Bradford Lodge, 86, I. O. O. F.; and Grand Lodge. Children: 11309.* Harvey Reed, b. June 14, 1869, Bradford. 11310. George H., " Mar. 1, 1871. 11311. Alonzo T., " Apr. 3, 1876. [7091] DANIEL HENRY STUART,9(LoisHamlen,8Daniel,7Timothy,85 Zaccheus,* Jonathan, » James,^!) b. Milo, Me., June 20, 1841; m. there, Mar. 4, 1868, Abby J. Foss, b. Rome, Me.; soldier union army: lost left hand on Banks retreat, Winchester, 1862; pensioner; res. Fisherville, N.H.; West Danville, Vt., 1875. Ch. b. Milo: 11312. Maria Louisa. [7092] MARIA LOUISA STUART,9 (Sister of Daniel H.,) b. Milo, Me., Mar. 7, 1843; m. Apr. 1, 1866, Hiram Freeman, son of Hiram and Ellen (Burrill) Savage, b. Belgrade, Me., Apr. 24, 1846; painter; Patten, Me.: Boston, Mass., 1875; she d. Milo, Jan. 5, 1865. Ch. b. Milo: 11313. Carrie Marie, Dec. 30, 1867. * For Eastman see note 480. NINTH GENERATION. 1099 [7093] CHARLES WINSLOW STUART,« (Bro. of Daniel H.,) b. Milo, Me., Jan. 20, 1845. He served in U. S. Navy, enlisted China, Me., Au^'. 29, 1864. He d. Albuquerque, N.M., Sept. 3, 1872. [7095] CHARLES S. HARRIS," (Flavilla P. Hamlen,8Daniel,-Timothy,65 Zaccheus,^ Jonatlian,^ Jaraes,2i) b. Brownville, Me., Aug. 29, 1856; m. Orring- ton, Me., July, 1894, Frances, dau. of Frank B. and Elizabetli Mclntire, b. : Amherst, Me.; farmer and carpenter; Milo. Me. Child: 11314. Frank W., b. May 16, 1895. [7099] NELLIE G. HARRIS," (Sister of Charles S.,) b. Milo, Me., May 22, 1864; m. there, Dec. 13, 1890, William H., son of Josiah and Olive Richardson, b. Glenburn, Me.; artist; Milo. Children: 11315. Llovd H., b. Sept. 11, 1891. 11316. EdavinK., "Feb. 11, 1894: d. July 8, 1894. 11317. William H., " Aug. 25, 1895. [7101] LLEWELLYN E. HODGES," (Harriet Hamlin,* Jonas,' Timotliy,s5 Zaccheus,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. Winslow, Me., Sept. 25, 1840; m. Nevpport, Me., Oct. 20, 1866, Harriet A., dau. of Stephen and Betsey (Jewell) Crosby, b. Winslow, May 8, 1843; musician, G, 3 Me. Inf. Vols.; enlisted May, 1861; dis. June 18, 1864; farmer; Winslow; Democrat; selectman; collector and • treasurer. Ch. b. Winslow: July 31, 1867; unmarried, 1896. June 8, 1869. " 28, 1871; unmarried, 1896. Aug. 18, 1873, May 4, 1876, u u Aug. 15, 1880; d. Dec, 1880. Jan. 28, 1882. Apr. 20, 1884. July 1, 1886. [7103] GEORGE W. HODGES," (Bro. of Llewellyn E.,) . b. Winslow, Me., July 26, 1844; private, D, 21 Me. Inf. Vols.; d. Baton Rouge, La., May 3, 1863; unm. [7104] FRANK D. HODGES," (Bro. of Llewellyn E.,) b. Winslow, Me., Mar. 4, 1845; private, D, 21 Me. Inf. Vols.; res. Terre Haute, Ind. [7105] SUSAN R. HODGES,' (Sister of Llewellyn E.,) b. Winslow, Me., Sept. 13, 1847; m. Waterville, Me., Dec. 28, 1867, Charles H., son of David and Christiana (Littlelield) Guptill, b. Winslow, Aug. 23, 1843; railroad employe: Winslow, Me.; Keokuk, Iowa; and Terre Haute, Ind.; Dem- ocrat; member Terre Haute Lodge 2, A. O. U. W.; Vigo Council 352, Knights and Ladies of Security; she Past Chief, Degree of Honor, A. O. U. W. * Ch. b. Winslow 11318. Mabel C, 11319.* Susan, 11320. Stephen, 11321. Lucie, 11322. Eddie L., 11323. A Daughter, 11324. George D., 11325. Katerine B., 11326. Harvey W., i 1100 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. Terre Haute: 11327. Carrie E., 11328. ViNNIE, 11329. Charles E., 11330. Frank, 11331. George, Nov. 25, 1869; m. Henry Gerhardt. Mar. 10, 1872, " Albert C. Bosworth. Feb. 15, 1874, " Rose Woerner. Nov. 11, 1878. Apr. 8, 1885. [7108] EMMA HODGES,9 (Sister of Llewellyn E.,) b. Winslow, Me., Nov. 17, 1856; m. Waterville, Me., Aug. 25, 1874, Winthrop M., son of Adrastus Buckman and Priscilla(Rowe) Branch, b. Waterville, Aug. 8, 1853: mechanic; Oakland, Me.; Republican. Ch. b. Oakland: (all unm. 1896.) 11332. Harry W., Oct. 8, 1875. 11333. INA B., July 10, 1877. 11334. Geneva A., Oct. 17, 1881. 11335. Cora E., Oct. 4, 1884. 11336. Chester Arthur, June 1, 1888. 11337. Frank D., Aug. 13, 1889. 11338. George D., May 8, 1891. [7110] FANNIE W. HAMLIN, 9 (Timothy H.,* Jonas,' Timothy,6f Zaccheus,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. Dec. 13, 1857; m. Dec. 3, 1887, Lester Richard- son, of Winslow, Me. Child: 11339. Harold Percy, b. Sept. 19, 1888. [7114] LOUISA WILSON,9 (Martha Hamlen,* Jonas,' Timothy,*^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) m. Howard Wilson. She is dead. Child: 11340. A Son. [7116] ABBIE WILSON,' m. Frank Marriner, of Madison, Me. Child: 11341. A Daughter. (Sister of Louisa,) [7117] HENRY LEWIS HAMLEN,9 (John P.,* Jonas,' Timothy,6 6 Zaccheus,* Jonathan, 3 James,2i) b. Salem, Mass., Feb. 24, 1861: m. 1st, there, June 20, 1889, Harriet Ellen, dau. of Benjamin Franklin and Eliza Jane (Stone) Milton, b. Salem, Dec. 10, 1862; who d. of consumption, Beverly, Mass., Dec. 7, 1890; m. 2d, by Rev. S. B. Nobbs, Salem, Oct. 20, 1891, Clara L., dau. of Josephus and Sarah Lizzie (Symonds) Ashby, b. Salem, July 19, 1862; she member Baptist church; she d. of consumption, Salem, July 13, 1893; m. 3d. Mar. 12, 1895, Emma Genevra, dau. of Gardner and Coroline Augusta (Webb) Webster, b. North Andover, Mass., June 26, 1865; steam engineer, Beverly, since 1887: member Salem Veteran Fireman's Asso.; Fireman's Relief Asso.; Grand Lodge Station- ary Engineers; Fraternity Lodge 118, I. O. O. F. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Beverly: 11342. Lewis Edwin, Mar. 31, 1890. NINTH GENERATION. 1101 [7118] HANNAH JANE HAMLEN,9 (Sister of Henry L.,) b. Salem, Mass., July, 1866; m. 1884, Arthur Q. Goldsmith, of Beverly, Mass. Child: 11343. Chester Hamlen, b. 1892. [7130] JOHN MAXEY HAMLEN,9 (Maxey,* Jonas,^ Timothy.^B Zac- cheus.* Jonathan, 3 James,2i) b. Albion, Me., Oct. 21, 1868; m. there. May 9, 1891, Ellen M. Dudley, b. Albion, Feb. 12, 1866: farmer; Melrose Mass. [7132] EMMA FRANCES HAMLEN,9 (Sister of John Maxey,) b. Aug. 1, 1872; m." Mar. 7, 1891, Willis E. Lander, of Albion, Me. Child: 11344. Olive E., b. Feb. 6, 1893. [7137] LOUIS HOWARD HAMLIN,9 (Oscar C.,* Reuben,' Timothy,*^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan,* James,2i) b. Albion, Me., May 16,1870; m. Boston, Mass., Sept. 27, 1894, Eva Gertrude, dau. of Perley Carr and Dora (Webster) Robinson, b. Fremont, N. H., Oct. 20, 1869; credit merchant; Fremont, N.H., and Boston, Mass,; Republican; justice of the peace, Freemason. Ch. b. Boston: 11345. Roger Chesley, June 14, 1895. 11346. Beth, Aug. 29, 1898. [7139] EDMUND HENRY HAMLIN,9(EdmundH.,8Calvin,' Timothy,«5 , Zaccheus,* Jonathan, » James.^i) b. Sierraville, Cal., Nov. 11, 1866: ra. Sierra Valley, Cal., Nov. 11, 1890, Laura Sabina, dau. of Dan McFall and Ellen (Wil- lliams) Jones, b. San Juan, Cal., May 5, 1870; stock raiser; Sierraville: Republi- can; member Sierra Valley Lodge 184, A. F. & A. M.: Donner Chapter 39, R. A. M.: she member Ada Chapter 122, O. E. S,, Reno, Nev. Ch. b. Sierra Valley: 11347. Lloyd B., May 9, 1892. 11348. Myrtle A., Jan. 29, 1894. 11349. Ellen L., Aug. 18, 1896. 11350. Edmund, Jan. 25, 1900. [7140] CALVIN MARSHALL HAMLIN,' (Bro. of Edmund H.,) ;b. Sierraville, Cal., Dec. 10, 1868; m. Rockiin, Cal., Nov. 3, 1895, Ella Florence, dau. of John and Mary Elizabeth (Davis) Ertle, b. Rockiin, Jan. 23, 1877; me- chanic; Sierraville, until 1875: Nevada, until 1881; Sierraville, until 1891; Susan- jville, until 1893; Rockiin, 1893-9; since, Sierraville; Republican. Children: 11351. Gladys May. b. July 23, 1897, Rockiin. 11352. Lola Ertle, *' June 24, 1900, Sierraville. [7154] FLORENCE EVELIN PLUMMER,^ (Saphronia O. Hamlin,* CalvinJ Timothy, "5 Zaccheus,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. Albion, Me., July 20, 1873: m. there, May 20, 1893, Fred Merton, son of Timothy Mayo, and Leora Emma (Riley) Sanborn, b. Albion, June 5,1874; farmer; later, employed in chocolate mill; Albion, until 1898; since, Dorchester, Mass.; Democrat; she Methodist. 1102 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. Albion: 11353. Raymond Porter, July 20, 1894. 11354. Edna May, July 23, 1901. [7155] ROSE EDNA PLUMMER,9 (Sister of Florence E.,) b. Albion, Me., Nov. 21, 1878; m. Dec. 27, 1899, Floriston Melvin Trask, of Edgecomb, Me. Child: 11355. Evelyn May, b. Aug. 12, 1900. [7159J FRED KRAMPH OWEN,9 (William H..« Sophronia Hamlin,'' Timotlay,65 Zaccheus,* Jonathan. » James,^!) b. Milo, Me., Oct. 10, 1865; m. Auburn, Me., Sept. 16, 1896, Alice Gertrude, dau. of Charles and Frances (Shep- herd) Smith, b. Hallowell, Me., May 22, 1868; journalist; Milo, Me., 1887; North ' Adams, Mass., 1888; Auburn, Me., 1889-94; Taunton, Mass., 1895-6: since, Port- land, Me.; member Ancient Brothers Lodge, A. F. & A. M,; she Cong. Ch. b. Portland: 11356. Raymond, Jan. 6, 1879. [7165] CHARLES EDWIN OWEN,9 (Bro. of Fred K.,) b. Milo, Me., Mar. 1, 1873; m. Bangor, Me., June 29, 1894, Maud Lucie, dau: of Ambrose and Sarah Emily (Lyshon) Merrill, b. Bangor, Mar. 23, 1875; hotel steward; Bangor; Republican. Children: 11357. Charles Harold, b. Jan. 29, 1896, Bangor. 11858. Elvah Clare, " Oct. 28, 1898, Milo. [7179] LIVONIA McKENNEY,» (Maria West,^ Mary Dickey,' Mary Haralin,6Timothy,5 Zaccheus,* Jonathan,3James,2i) b. Entield, Me., Nov. 8, 1834; m. South Thoraaston, Me., Nov. 5, 1854, John H., son of Ephraim and Lucy Dean, b. So. Thomaston, Apr. 14, 1827; merchant; So. Thoroaston; Repub- lican; city treasurer. He d. So. Thomaston, June 10, 1874. Ch. b. So. Thomaston: . 11359.* William H., Aug. 20,1855, 11360.* Alvin F., June 6, 1857. 11361.* Benjamin W., July 26, 1859. 11362.* John Fred, July 18,1870. [7180] SARAH JANE McKENNEY,9 (Sister of Livonia,) b. Hallowell, Me., Oct. 12, 1837; m. Salmon Falls, N. H., 1857, Alpheus Frye,* b. Eliott, Me., 1833; inspector; Chelsea, Mass., 1864-80; since, Boston, Mass.; Republican; member K. of H. 75; Methodist. Children:. 11363.* Charles H., b. Mar. 7, 1859, S. Thomaston, Me. 11364. Georgianna, "^ 1863, Cambridge; unm, 1899. 11365. Grace E., " 1864, Chelsea; 11366. Maude B., '^ 1871, ^' * Note 48T. JOHN FRYE.i b. Basing^, England, 1601; wife Anne; came from England to' Newberry, Mass., 1638; wheelright; removed to Andover, Mass., 1545; Freeman 1645; both d. Andover; he Nov. 9. 169:!; she Oct. 22. 1680. Children: John, Benjamin, Samuel, James. NINTH GENERATION. 1103 [7181] WILLIAM A. McKENNEY,9 (Bro. of Livonia,) b. Hallowell, Me., Feb. 23, 1839; m. Rockland, Me., 1866, Driscol: miner; California: Republican; private in a Mass. Regt., also in a Maine Regt.; enlisted 1861; in 27 battles, wounded three times; dls. at close of war. Child: 11367. William, b. 1867, Cal.; unra. 1899. [7182J HENRY H. McKENNEY,9 (Bro. of Livonia,) b. Hallowell, Me., Feb. 26, 1841; m. Abby Brown; private, F, 30 Maine Int A^ols.; enlisted 1863; Republican. He d. in California, Oct. 1, 1883; she d. 1864. Ch. b. Cape Elizabeth, Me.: 11368. Charles H. May 8, 1864. [7183] FRANCES E. McKENNEY,^ (Sister of Livonia,) b. Hallowell, Me., Apr. 25, 1843; m. Thomaston, Me., Jan. 11, 1861, Richard, son of Knott and Hannah (Ulmer) Bartlett, b. Thomaston, May 24, 1832; painter; Bradford, Mass.; removed from Maine, 1886; Freemason and R. of H. Children: 11369. Lizzie, 11370. Charles H., 11371. Maria E., 11372. Eleanor A., 11373. Richard O., b. Oct. 18, 1862, S. Thomaston: d. June 3, 1863'. " May 8, 1864, Cape Elizabeth. " Mar. 7, 1867, S. Thomaston; unm. 1899. " July 4, 1869, Thomaston. Apr. 30, 1879, d. May 10, 1890. [7185] DRUSILLA M. McKENNEY,9 (Sister of Livonia,) b. Hallowell, Me., Apr. 29, 1848; m. Rockland, Me., Feb. 3, 1866, James J., son of Solon and Ann P. (Phillips) Chase, b. Chase's Mills, Me., Feb. 9, 1847; 2d Lieut. D. 32d Maine, Inf. Vols., enlisted Aug. 6, 1863; wounded at explosion of the mine, Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864; he is blind; res. Denver, Col.; member G. A.R. and Royal Society Good Fellows, Portland, Me. Children: 11374. Jennie L., b. June 10, 1867, So. Thomaston: d. unm. Sept. 28, '87 11375. Ella S., " June 12, 1869, Cal.; unm. 1899. 11376.* Solon, " Aug. 6, 1872, Chase's Mills. 11377. Ethel I., " Feb. 14, 1882, Portland, Me.; unm. 1899. 11378, Edith M., " Jan. 3, 1889, Chase's Mills. [7189] MARIA A. TIBBITTS,' (Dorcas West,^ Mary Dickey," Mary Hamlin, 6 Timothy,^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. Frankfort, Me., July 5, 1837: m. Lowell, Mass., Aug. 22, 1860, Edward, son of John and Nancy (Collins) McKeever, b. Merrimack, N. H., Dec. 27, 1840; painter; Lowell, 1857-61; in the army, 1861-5; Merrimack, 1865-8; Manchester, N. H., 1868-9; since, Lincoln, Me.; Republican: private, 1st N. H. Battery: enlisted Aug. 22, 1861; in all bat- tles of the Army of the Potomac, except the Peninsular Campaign and siege of Petersburg: dis. June 9, 1865; member Horeb Lodge 93, A. F. & A. M.; Standard Lodge 28, A. O. U. W. I a 1104 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. b. Nov. 21, 1861, Bnrlinjfton; d. June 3, 1868. " Feb. 28, 1867, Merrimack. Aug. 4, 1869, Burlington. " Mar. 19, 1874, Lincoln: d. Apr. 27, 1882. " Aug. 15, 1876, " " Oct. 26, 1894. " Mar. 11, 1880, " " Mar. 14, 1883. [7190] FRANKLIN A. TIBBITTS," (Bro. of Maria A.,) b. Frankfort, Me., Apr., 1840; unmarried; Sergt., F, 12 Me. Inf. Vols.; en- listed 1861, served three years, and participated in several battles: killed Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864, after expiration of his term of service. Children: 11379. Ella M., 11380.* Edwin Frank, 11381. • Guy L., 11382. Grace D., 11383. Daisy M., 11384. John H., [7191] CHARLES H. TIBBITTS,9 (Bro. of Maria A., ^ b. Frankfort, Me., July, 1842; married; private. A, 1 Maine H. Art. [7192.1 LILLIE PIERCE TIBBITTS,^ (Sister of Maria A., ) b. Frankfort, Me., Feb., 1846; m. Lowell, Me., Feb., 1871, Albert C, son of Philip and Harriet (Moody) Page, b. Burlington, Me., Jan. 7, 1843; Bur- lington, until 1894; since, Passadurakeag, Me.; Republican. He has been a suc- cessful lumberman on the Penobscot river, forty years, and notwithstanding hard times has always paid 100 cents on the dollar; lie is the owner of a steam saw mill at Passadumkeag, and employs 200 men in his various operations. She conducted a store and liotel at Burlington, and since coming to Passadum- keag, has been in various enterprises on her own account, and is considered one of the conspicuous business women of Maine. Slie owns and conducts the prin- cipal store in town, and a boarding liouse for her various employes: is an in- surance broker and does a good business in that line; she builds houses for her- self, making her own plans. In 1897 she erected and equipped a factory for the manufacture from the waste of tlie saw mills, what is known to the trade as kiln dried bundle wood, which has since been in successful operation, except that her plant was destroyed by fire Oct. 24, 1902, but was rebuilt and in opera- tion again, Dec. 4, 1902. This factory employs about thirty operatives, using something like 4500 cords of waste, annually. The product amounting to thou- sands of dollars annually marketed in Boston. Her executive ability was re- cently exemplified by successfully quieting a serious strike among her employes. She is the business leader of the town and personally superintends every depart- ment of her extensive business. He business character and ability would per- haps indicate a masculine woman, but the reverse appears true. She is described as a very matronly little lady, with whitened hair, her pleasant face illumin- ated with keen, blue eyes: while not strongly advocating woman suffrage, she believes that women who pay large taxes should have a word in regard to the manner in which it should be expended. In cases of necessity she is able to enter her kitchen and do her own cooking. Ch. b. Burlington: 11385. A Son, Nov., 1871; d. Nov., 1871. 11386. Nancy G., Dec, 1873. 11387. Charles Albert, Oct., 1878. CO m T) m o m > Q m CO > o ;^ m m < m 70 NINTH GENERATION. 1105 [719tt] MARY HELEN WEST,'* (Hosea,^ Mary DickeyJ Mary Haralin,« Timothy, 5 Zaccheus,< Jonathan,3 James,2i) b. Hallowell, Me., Oct. 3, 1848; m. Rockland, Me., Oct. 25, 1869, Silas Patterson, b. St. Johns, N. B., Dec. 2, 1827; sailor; Rockland; Republican. Both d. Rockland; slie Sept. 24, 1895; he Feb. 21, 1877. No issue. [7197] HOSEA AUGUSTINE WEST,9 (Bro. of Mary H.,) b. Hallowell, Me., Mar. 1, 1850: m. Orland, Me., 1879, Lydia Michels. He d. South Thomaston, Me., Oct. 28, 1890. No issue. [7198] GEORGIANNA WEST,-> (Sister of Mary H.,) b. Hallowell, Me., Nov. 18, 1851; m. Rockland, Me., Oct. 3, 1869, Henry, son of William and Mary (Young) Bickmore, b. Rockland, Dec. 12, 1848; laborer; Rockland; Republican; she Baptist. He d. Rockland, May, 1901. Ch. b. Rockland: 11388. Hknky Edward. May 8, 1871. 11389. LiLA Maude, June 14, 1873. [7199] JOHN FRANKLIN WEST,9 (Bro. of Mary H.,) b. Rockland, Maine, Dec. 7, 1857; m. there, Apr. 20, 1881, Annie, dau. of Philip and Mary (Tollman) Achorn, b. Rockland, Apr. 12, 1864; mechanic; Re- vere, Mass.; Republican; Adventist. She d. Revere, Apr. 1, 1898. Ch. b. Rockland: 11390. Florence Mabell, May 8, 1883. [7200] OCENA MONTAVHON WEST,9 (Sister of Mary H.,) b. Rockland, Me., Mar. 5, 1860: m. there, May 11, 1879, Samuel, son of Sam- uel Patterson and Emeline Patterson (Ames) Boyaton, b. Rockland, July 6, 1852: cooper; Rockland, until 1891; Howland, Me., 1891-1900; Tilden, Me., 1902: Republican. She has kindly assisted in compiling the records of this branch of the family. No issue. [7201] Dr. WILLIAM LINCOLN WEST,9 (Bro. of Mary H.,) b. Rockland, Me., Jan. 26,. 1865; m. Belfast, Me., Feb. 15, 1889, Sarah E., dau. of John and Deborah Burnett (Gatchell) Peirce, b. Monroe, Me., Apr. 20, 1868; veterinary surgeon. He graduated Ontario Veterinary College, class of '95; post graduate, McKillop College, 1900, and class valedictorian: practiced in Ells- worth, Me., 1894-7; Belfast, Me., 1898-1901; appointed U.S. inspector of meat, Aug. 5, 1901, stationed at East St. Louis, 111.; permanent residence, Belfast. No issue. [7202] EVALENA SOPHIA WEST,9 (Sister of Mary H.,) b. Rockland, Me., Oct. 8, 1869; m. Camden, Me., Dec. 12, 1894, Charles Shan- non, son of Isaac Sherman and Ellen (Munroe) Kidder, b. Lincolnville, Me., Apr. 28, 1866: painter: Camden; Republican. No issue. 1106 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [7203] BELINDA A. MOORE,« (Otis,8 Pauline Dickey,' Mary Hamlen.e Timothy,5 Zaccheus,* Jonatlian,3 James,2i) b. Frankfort, Me., Apr. 18, 1843; m. Prospect, Me., July 1, 1876, J'reeman Partridge, ta. Prospect, Aug. 10, 1832: farmer and market gardener; Stockton Springs, Me.; Populist: Universalist: was 1st officer of the Calcutta and Pavilion; road commissioner; member Farm- ers' Club, South Branch Grange P. of H. and N. B. U. Club; she member South Branch Grange, Band of Mercy and N. B. U. Club. Ch. b. Pnjspect: 11,391. Bertha, Feb. 19, 1877; unm. 1899. ' 11392. F. Percy, Sept. 7, 1878, " 11393. Herman, Nov. 21, 1882, '" [7204] A BBIE PAULINA MOORE,9 (Sister of Belinda A.,) b. Frankfort, Me., Oct. 4, 1844; m. there, July 24, 1870, Melvin, sonof East- man and Eliza Clark, b. Prospect, Me., 1846: stonecutter; has res. in several states; Stockton Springs, Me., 1902; member Sears Lodge 82, I.O.O. F.; she Adventist. She d. Frankfort, Sept. 18, 1877. No issue. [7208] HOWARD M. MOORE,« (Bro. of Belinda A., ) b. Frankfort, Me., July 25, 1856; m. Swanville, Me., Feb. 23, 1890, Mattie Abbie, dau. of Charles Lewis and Persis (Thayer) Maxim, b. Frankfort, July 27, 1869; farmer; Frankfort, res. on his father's old homestead: Republican; she member church of God; members Morning Light Grange, P. H. Ch. b. Frankfort: 11394. Elmer Howard, Oct. 8, 1891. 11395. Louisa Bernice, Sept. 1, 1898. [7210] ARTHUR W. MOORE,9 (Bro. of Belinda A.,) b. Frankfort, Me., Aug. 2, 1860; m. 1st, Aug. 7, 1888, Clara Nickerson, of Swanville, Me., who d. Mar. 1, 1891; m. 2d, Mar. 20, 1897, Jennie Staples, of Prospect, Me.; res. Monroe, Me. [7213] EMMA JANE MOORE,9 (John,8 Pauline Dickey,' Mary Hamlin,^ Timothy,5 Zaccheus,* Jonathan, 3 James,2i) b. Monroe, Me., Jan. 17, 1854: ra. Boston, Mass., Jan. 17, 1874, Nathaniel Frank, sonof Howes and Huldah (Hard- ing) Mayo, b. Frankfort, Me., Sept. 2; dealer in wood, hay, coal and grain; Frank- lin Park, Revere, Mass.; Democrat; she Cong. Children: 11396.* Edith Jane, July 12, 1875, East Boston. 11397. John Aldin, July 29, 1878; unm. 1898. [7214] FRANK ALBERT MOORE,9 (Bro. of Emma J.,) b. Monroe, Me., May 19, 1856; m. Franklin Park, Mass., June 21, 1893, Alice, dau. of Charles and Maria (Matthews) Field, b. Searsport, Me., Mar. 23, 1872; preserve maker; Franklin Park, Revere, Mass.; Republican; Congs. Children: 11398. Gladys Emma, b. July 17, 1894. 11399. Esther Matthews, " Apr. 25, 1896. NINTH GENERATION. 1107 bolsterer: Franklin Park; Republican; Congs. He d. Franklin Park, June 20, 1891; after her husbands death she became a trained nurse in Homoeopathic Hospital. No issue. [7218] CLIFTON MATTHEWS MOORE," (Bro. of Emma J.,) b. Monroe, Me., June 23, 1869; unmarried; was book keeper 9 years, Frank- lin Park, Mass.: resides with his parents, Monroe, Me., 1898. [7229] GRACE ELDRIDGE,^ (Sarah Moore,^ Pauline Dickey,' Mary Hamlen,« Timobhy,^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. Lynn, Mass., Dec. 25, 1875: m. Waketield, Mass., June 27, 1895, Elmer Rufus Bridges, son of Rufus Bridges and Mary Frances (Chesley) Chapman, b. Cambridgeport, Mass., Nov. 30, 1875; architect; Stoneham, Mass.; Republican; Congs. [7232] FAY E. GARLAND,^ (Roxanna Sargent,^ Mary Dickey,' Mary Hainlen,6 Timothy, & Zaccheus,* Jonathan, » James,2i) b. Carmel, Me., Oct. 9, 1866; m. Monson, Me., Nov. 18, 1889, Dr. Ambrose H., son of Hiram and Eliza B. (Knowles) Harding, b. Hermon, Me., May 19, 1862; physician; Hermon, until 1887; Monson, until Dec, 1896: Natick, Mass., until Dec, 1901; since, Bangor, Me.; Republican; member state militia; supt. of schools, three years; member On- nawa Lodge 106, I. O. O. F.; Doric Lodge 149, A. F. & A. M.; Regal Chapter 47, R. A. M.; St. John's Commandery 3, K.T.; and A. O. U.W.; Baptist; she member Rebekah Lodge 38, I. O. O. F.; Unitarian. [7239] FRANK SPRATT,9 (Hadley N.,8Tryphosia Chadwick,' Priscilla Haralen,6 Timothy,^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) soldier on western frontier; residence unknown. [7241] ALICE BICKNELL,« (Sarah VV. Spratt,^ Tryphosia Chadwick,' PriscillaHamlen,6 Timothy,^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan, ^ James, 21) b. Belfast, Me., Apr. 10, 1860; m. there, by Rev. R. T. Hack, Apr. 15, 1891, John Thomas McDonald, Jr.; contractor; Boston. Child: 11400. Arthus Bicknell, b. Oct. 1, 1091. [7246] SADIE L. SPRATT,^ (Stowell S.,* Tryphosia Chadwick,' Priscilla Hamlen, 6 Timothy. 5 Zaccheus,* Jonathan, 3 James,2i) b. Carmel, Me., Aug. 28, 1871; m. Stetson, Me., Jan. 7, 1897, Will E., son of Sands and Rose (Stevens) Randall; farmer; Stetson; Republican. [7247] WILBUR C. SPRATT,9 (Bra of Sadie L., ) b. Carmel, Me., Nov. 3, 1875; m. Alston, Mass., Feb. 10, 1899, Lulu E., dau. of David and Elizabeth (Garland) Strathan, b. Hampden, Me., Sept. 10, 1890; caterer; Alston; Republican; Methodist; Granger. Ch. b. Alston: 11401. Stella S., Feb. 22, 1901. 1108 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [7248] ALICE M. SPRATT,9 (Sister of Sadie L.,) b. Carmel, Me., Apr. 14, 1877; m. there, Mar. n, 1898, Oliver C, son of John Warren and Jane Mabury (Grinnell) Leathers, b. Exeter, Me., June 4, 1875; farmer; Corinth, Me.; Republican; members Exeter Grange 86, P. H. Ch. b. Corinth: 11402. Nettie Mae, May 1, 1899. 11403. Ebvin C, May 10, 1901. [7252] Dr. WALTER SCOTT BRAINERD,9 (Fredus 0.,8 Esther Chad- wick,' Priscilla Hamlen,6 Timothy,^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b Black River Falls, Wis., Feb. 2, 1859: m. China, Me., Oct. 11, 1885, Lizzie E. Ward: physician: China and Pemiquid, Me. Children: 11404. Charlotte Maria. 11405. Arthur. 11406. Helen. 11407. Katherine. 11408. Newell. 11409. Walter. 11410. Carroll. 11411. Carl. [7253] NEWELL WASHBURN BRAINERD.^ (Bro. of Walter S.,) b. Black River Falls, Wis., Aug. 20, 1860: m. Fairfield, Me., Jan. 15, 1887, Flora T. Lawrence; lawyer; Skowhegan, Me. He d. Skowhegan, Nov. 9, 1900. Children: 11412. Marion. 11413. Ethel. [7255] FREDUS BRAINERD HOWE,^ (Sophia N.,8 Priscilla H. Chad- wick,' Priscilla Hamlen,« Timothy,5 Zaccheus,* Jonathan, ^ James,2i) b. Prince- ton, Mass., May 2, 1853; m. Arlington, Mass., Oct. 18, 1887, Mary Frances, dau. of Josiah and Alice (Boss) Crosby, b. Arlington, Jan. 10, 1852; druggist; Arling- ton; Republican; Baptist; member Mt. Roulston Lodge 98, I. O. O. F.; Council 777, R. A.; She Cong. Ch. b. Boston: 11414. Alice Sophia, Aug. 2, 1888. [7258] ADELAIDE STEVENS H0WE,9 (Sister of Fredus B.,) b. Princeton, Mass., Mar. 6, 1860: m. Fitchburg, Mass., Feb. 22, 1882, George P., son of Josiah and Alice (Ross) Crosby, b. Arlington, Mass., Dec. 23, 1847; sawmaker; Arlington, 1847-79: since, Fitchburg; Republican: member of Alpine Lodge 35, K. P.; Council 777, R. A.; Apollo Lodge 205, I. O. O. F.; Asst. P. M. Fitchburg, since Sept. 1, 1899; Epis. Ch. b. Fitchburg: 11415. Ruth Chadwick, Mar. 4, 1883; unm. 1902. 11416. Carl Chester, Mar. 9, 1888; d. Aug. 21, 1898. [7260] FLORENCE ISABELLE HOWE,9 (Sister of Fredus B.,) b. Fitchburg, Mass., May 25, 1868; m. there, Oct. 18, 1893, Walter Abbott, son of Charles and Melindy (Campbell) Covill, b. Fitchburg, May 5, 1868: Iravel- f NINTH GENERATION. 1109 ing salesman; Fitchburg; Republican: member Charles W. Moore Lodge, A. F. I &A.M.; and R. A.M. Both d. Fitchburg; she May 21, 1899; he Jan. 24, 1900. Ch. b. Fitchburg: 11417. Priscilla Brainerd, Aug. 8, 1894. 11418. Raynore, Apr, 2, 1897. 11419. Sophia Florence, May 15, 1899. [72«ll MABEL EDITH HO WE,9 (Sister of Fredus B.,) 1 b. Fitchburg, Mass., July 17, 1870; m. there, June 9, 1897, George Franklin, iSOD of William Allen and Dorothy Barry (Viall) Albee, b. South Londonderry, Vt., Apr. 24, 1868; book keeper; Fitchburg, since 1894; Republican; member Apollo Lodge 205, I. O. O. F.; she member Fitchburg Women's Club. [72631 NELLIE B. HOWE,9 (Ellen A. Brainerd, » Priscilla H. Chadwick,' Priscilla Hamien,6 Timothy, ^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan, s James,2i) b. Fitchburg, Mass., Nov. 26, 1859; m. George M. Sands: Fitchburg, Mass. Seven children. [7269] CHARLES GILBERT WILSON,^ (Mary A. Brainerd,^ Priscilla H. Chadwick,' Priscilla Hamlen,^ Timothy,^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan.^ James,2i) b. Springfield, Mass., June 1, 1870; m. June 14, 1892, Anna May, dau. of Edgar Prentiss and Rosa Margaret (Aikin) Holly, b. Lockport, N. Y., June 30,1870; mechanical engineer; Springfield, until May, 1901; since, Boston, Mass.; organ- ,ist, Christ Church, Springfield; member Hampden Lodge, A. F. & A.M.; Morn- ing Star Chapter, R. A. M.; Springfield Council; Springfield Commandery, K, T., and A. &0. N..M. S. Ch. b. Springfield: 11420. Margaret Elizabeth, Dec. 17, 1895. 11421. Edgar Gilbert, Sept. 15, 1897. [7271] ARTHUR STIMSON HARVEY," (Harriet A. Brainerd,^ Pris- cilla H. Chadwick,^ Priscilla Hamlen,« Timothy,^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan, s :James,2i) b. Boston, Mass., July 21, 1870; ra, Raton, N.M., Oct. 18, 1899, Eleanor, dau. of Andrevp and Agnes McKee, b. Belfast, Ireland, Nov., 1871; weigh master for coal mine; Gardner, N. M.: Free Silver; Freemason. [7272] CLARENCE OLIN HARVEY,' (Bro. of Arthur S.,) I b. Boston, Mass., Aug. 28, 1871; m. June 12, 1900, Elsie Maude, dau. of Eu- gene and Jennie Lucinda (Fislier) Lyon, b. Fisher, 111., Sept., 1875; cashier. Farmer's and Merchant's Bank, Byron, Neb.; Free Silver; member of Royal Highlanders; she, Methodist. [7275] ORRIN HAMLIN,9 (Henry S.,* Solomon,7 6 Timothy,^ Zaccheus,* Ionathan,3 James,2i) b. Barnard, Me., Apr. 4, 1842, married: res. Milo, Me.; member L, 31st Me. Inf. Vols. He is dead. [7216J MARGARET PAULINE MOORE,9 (Sister of Emma J.,) b. Monroe, Me., July 2, 1863: m. Franklin Park, Mass., Aug. 19, 1886, Frank iHenry, son of Eben and Caroline (Grover) Waitt, b. Revere, Mass.; carpet up- 1110 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [7279] FRANK JAMES PORTERs (Persis Hamlin,* Soloraon/e Tim- othy,'^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan,* Jatues,2i) b. Orneville, Me., Feb. 18, 1844: m. there, June 12, 1864, Lucie A., dau. of Otis and Patience (Speed) King, b. Brad- ford, Me., Sept. 29, 1845; farmer; Maine, until 1869; Beloit, Wis., a year; Marion, Iowa, four years; Grand Prairie, Minn., five years: since, Adrian, Minn.; lumber and fuel dealer, eleven years; banker, since 1890: president Adrian Exchange Bank, and real estate dealer; has held local offices; member x\,O.U,W., and Am. Secular Union. Children: 11422, Annie C, b. Mar. 12, 1868, Milo. 11423. WlNFFKED R., Nov. 25, 1871, Marion. 11424. Alta a,. June 25, 1873, '' 11425. Sumner F., May 30, 1875, Grand Prairie. 11426. Forrest E., Feb. 2.5, 1877, " 11427. Florence A. Apr. 12, 1881, Adrian. [7280] LEWIS MELVIN PORTER,« (Bro. of Frank J.,) b. Orneville, Me., Feb. 12, 1845; m. there, by Alanson M. Warren, Esq.^ Jan. 1, 1867, Henrietta Atwood,« dau. of George Randolph and Pauline King (Chase) Daggett,* b. Atkinson, Me., Aug. 13, 1848; private, H, 4 Me. Inf. Tols.^ enlisted 1861; dis. at home on sick furlough; also, private, G, 16th Me., Inf. Vol.; mustered Sept. 5, 1863; captured battle of wilderness, Va., May, 1864,. prisoner seven months. Belle Isle and Salisbury; paroled; transferred to 20 Me, Inf. Vols., June 5, 1865; dis. July 10, 1865; he suffered great privation and hard- ship in prison, and become so emaciated that his friends hardly recognized him on his return; carpenter; Republican; Odd Fellow; he d. Jacksonville, Florida,. Jan. 8, 1888; she m. 2d, Amos Perkins Morse, of Milo. No issue. [7281] MARIA ADELAIDE P0RTER,9 (Sister of Frank J.,) b. Orneville, Me., Apr. 6, 1853; m. LeMars, Iowa, Nov. 21, 1872, Theodore- Denney, son of Ephraim and Letitia (Denny) Romans, b. in Ohio, Dec. 10, 1841; private, C, 29 Ind. Inf. Vols., enlisted Sept. 1861: in battles Stone River, Liberty Gap, and Chickamauga; dis. Feb., 1865; policeman; Los Angeles, CaL; Republican; justice peace, Fredonia, Iowa, 1875; member East Los Angeles Lodge 230, A.O. U. W. and Weston Lodge 65, A. F. & A. M.; she was a school teacher; Presb. Children: 11428. Leon Montgomery, b. Nov. 5,. 1873, LeMars; d. Aug. 29, 1874, 11429. Lorenzo Keen, " Feb, 15, 1875, 11430. George Winfield, " June 14, 1877, Cal. 11431. Prentis, ^' June 18, 1883, " d. May 28, 1884. [7283] WILLIAM EDWIN PORTER,^ (Bro. of Frank J.,) b. Orneville, Me., Nov. 15, 1860; m. Pleasant Grove, Cal., Aug. 7, 1892, Ella,. dau. of Rufus and Sarah (Richardson) Hall, b. in Cal., Oct. 2,. 1861; farmer; Compton, Cal.; Republican. * Note 482. GEORGE R. DAGGETT,* (George,^ Elihu.,6 5 Ma.yhew,* John,3 Thomas,2' .Tohn.i). .JOHN DOGGETT.i bi England; came from Groton, to N. E. with Gov, Winthrop, 1630. HLs first wife is unknown; m. 2d Plymoutti, Mass., Aug. 29, 1667, Bathslieba Pratt, widow. He d. I'lymoutii, 167;:i, resided Watertown, later at Reiiobotli, about 1643, and still later at Martha's- Vinyard, about 1648, leaving his son John at Rehobotli. Children :. John, Thomas, Joseph,- Eliza- beth, Hepsebah. NINTH GENERATION. 1111 [7284] HENRY ALLISTOIS PORTER,9 (Bro. of Frank J.,) b. Orneville, Me., Feb. 15, 1863; m. Pleasant Grove, Cal., Dec, 1892, Belle, dau. of Roderick and Isabella McRae, b. Sacramento, CaL, Sept. 23, 1871; farmer; Pleasant Grove; Republican. Ch. b. Pleasant Grove: 11432. A Child, Mar. 25, 1895. [7285] CHARLES HENRY HAMLIN,9 (William, « Solomon,'^ Timothy,^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan, 3 James,'') b. Orneville, Me., Apr. 27, 1851: m. there, Sept. 28, 1870, Isabell E., dau. of William and Lydia E., (Smith) Cone, b. Charlotte, Me., Nov. 24, 1849; carpenter; Orneville, 1870; Medway, 1890; Lake View, Me., 1902; Republican; she Baptist. Ch. b. Medway: 11433. Charles W., Oct. 21, 1871; d. Oct. 29, 187L 11434.* Clara Adela, Dec. -31, 1872. 11435.* Millie May, Feb. 10, 1875. 11436.* Lilly Elizabeth, Mar. 6, 1877. 11437.* Charles William, July 17, 1879. 11438. Lottie B., Nov. 5, 1881. 11439. Ulysses S. G., Oct. 9, 1885. 11440. Elsie J., Feb. 29, 1887. 11441. Sadie L., Aug, 1, 1889. [7289] WILLIAM K HAMLIN,9 {Bro. of Charles H.,) b. Medway, Me., Aug. 8, 1859; m. there, June 26, 1881, Rosilla, dau. of Nelson A. and Nancy M. (Fletcher) Powers, b. Medway, Jan. 9, 1856; farmer; Medway; Republican; Methodists; she member P. H. and Ladies Aid Soc. [7292] GEORGE E. HAMLIN,9 (Bro. of Charles H.,) b. Medway, Me., Jan. 17, 1873; m. Monarda, Me., Jan. 8,1893, Ethel M., dau. of Amos V. and Etta A. (Hurd) Stanchfield, b. Brownville, Me., Feb. 6, 1878; farmer; Monarda; Republican; she Freewill Baptist. Ch. b. Monarda: 11442. Etta E., May 20, 1899. 11443. Verdi E., Jan. 29, 190L [7293] MELVILLE LEE HAMLIN,9 (Bro. of Charles H.,) b. Medway, Me., Apr. 4, 1875; ra. Milo, Me., Jan. 7, 1894, Abbie Margaret, dau. of John and Martha Jane (Johnson) Gillis, b. Orneville, Me., Nov. 10, 1875; laborer; Milo, 1874; Brownville, 1895-1900; Milo, until Sept., 1901; since, Brown- ville; Republican. Children; 11444. Lewis Everett, b. Feb. 20, 1894, Milo. 11445. Earl Lenwood, " Mar. 23, 1895, " d. Sept. 4, 1895. 11446. John William, " July 30, 1899, Brownville. 11447. Lee Edward, " Apr. 29, 1901, Milo. [7294] ERNEST ALBAR HAMLIN,9 (Eben,* Solomon,7 6 Timothy,'^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. Sebec, Me., Mar. 14, 1856; m. Orneville, Me., Aug. 11, 1888, Mary Annie, dau. of Charles Nathaniel and Ann M. Mooers, b. Milo, Me., May 4, 1867; slater; Brownville, Me. 1112 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [7295] MELVIN AUGUSTUS HAMLIN,9 (Bro. of Eniest A.,] b. Barnard, Me., .Time 22, 1859; ra. Presque Isle, Me., June 21, 1895, Ethel, dau. of Richard and Abbie H. Bell, b. Moro, Me., Dec. 19, 1875; farmer; Brown- ville, Me.; Republican; member Derigo Lodge (>3, L O. O. F. Ch. b. Brownville: 11448. IvA Belle, May 29, 1900. [7296] WILLLS MORRILL HAMLIN," (Bro. of Ernest A.,) b. Williamsburg, Me., Aug. 16, 1860; unmaiTied; res. Brownville: member Pleasant River Lodge 163, A.F. & A. M,, Brownville, Me.; Piscataquis Chapter 21, R.A.M., Dover, Me.; Dirigo Lodge63, I.O. O. F., Milo, Me. [7297] PERSIS PORTER HAMLIN, » (Sister of Ernest A„) b. Sebee, Me., Jan. 17, 1867; m. Brownville, Me., Oct. 10, 1888, George Har- vey, son of James T. and Eunice Margaret ( Blakney) Tucker, b. Elgin, Albert Co., N. B., Mar. 4, 1860; blacks-mitb; Brownville, Me, Ch. b. Brownville: 11449. Guy Elmer, Feb. 7, 189^3, 11450. Ottielee, Mar. 11, 1899. [7300] SOLOMON AUGUSTUS H AMLIN,9 (Joseph S.,^ Solomon,?* Tim- otby,5Zaccheus,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. Milo, Me., May 19, 1854: m. Atkin- son, Me., Aug. 24, 1883, Mabel, dau. of Horatio and Abigail (Philpot) Whidden, b. Atkinson: farmer; Atkinson; member of Dirigo Lodge, 63, 1. 0.O. F., Milo, Me. No issue. [7301] WILBUR WARREN HAMLIN,* (Bro. of Solomon A„) b. Orneville, Me., Aug. 24, 1855; m. 1st, Bangor, Me., June 26, 1880, Sadie E., dau. of Moses and Isabell (Frost) McCorrison, b. Atkinson, Me., Aug. 3y 1860, whod. there, o-f consumption, July 19, 1891; m. 2d, Sept. 6, 1893, Linnie M, McCorrison; barber; Milo, Me.; res. Le Mars, Iowa, 1875; Holyoke, Mass., 1876? Cheboygan, Mich., 1877-8; Freewill Baptist; member Piscataquis Lodge 44, A, F. & A. M., Milo; Piscataquis Chapter 21, R, A. M.; Dirigo Lodge 63, I.O.O. F,, and Mutual Lodge 11, A. O. U. W. Ch. b. Milo: 11451. Morton Wilbur, July 18^, 1881, 11452. Blanche Ellen, Nov. 8, 1883, 11453. Omar Esty, June 10, 1887.. [7302J LEWIS MELVIN HAMLIN,!^ (Bro. of Soloraon A,,) b. Milo., Me., Jan. 16, 1858; m. Orneville, Me., Oct. 26, 1881, Annie T., dau, of Horatio and Abigail (Philpot) Whidden, of Orneville;. farmer; Orneville? member Piscataquis Lodge 44, A. F. &. A. M., Milo, Me. Child: 11454. Bertha, b. June 11, 1882; NINTH GENERATION. 1113 [7306] JOSEPH CHESTER HAMLIN.^ (Bro. of Solomon A.,) b. Orneville, Me., Jan. 7, 1870; m. Milo, Me., Mar. 19, 1890, Nellie M., dau. of William T. and Alice S. (Stone) Livermore,* b. Milo, 1870; laborer; Mile; member Dirigo Lodge, 63, I. O. O. F. Children: 11455. LiLLiE Emerline, b. Mar. 18, 1891; d, Aug. 24, 1891. 11456. Edwin Raymond, " July 23, 1892, [73071 EDWIN MERTON HAMLIN,« (Bro. of Solomon A.,) b. Orneville, Me., Mar. 23, 1873; m. Milo, Me., Dec. 27, 1893, Carrie B., dau. of William T. and Alice S. (Stone) Livermore,* b. Milo, 1873; electrical engi- neer; Boston, Mass. No issue. [7310] ELIZABETH OTIS HAMBLEN,!" (Charles E.,^ Jonathan,^ Charles,6 Jonathan,5*3 james,2i) b. Waquoit, Mass., Oct. 28, 1870; m. Spokane, Wash., Apr. 25, 1894, William Milburn, son of Albert and Virginia (Drake) Shaw, b. Darwin, Clark Co., 111., Oct. 17, 1858; banker; Spokane, Wash. Ch. b. Spokane: 11457. Emmett Hamblen, Mar. 21, 1895. 11458. Clarence Drake, Oct. 3, 1897; d. Aug. 14, 1898. [7319] BLANCHE BICKFORD CROWELL.^ (Alphonso F.,* Hannah S. Harablin,' Zaccheus,^ Isaac,^ Josiah,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. Hyannis, Mass., June 3, 1868; m. there, Dec. 18, 1889; Arthur Augustus, son of Samuel Henry and Jane (Ellicott) Pearse, b. Bowmanville, Ontario, Feb. 18, 1862; merchant; Cortland, N. Y. Children: 11459. Helena Frances, Mar. 9, 1893, Bloomlield; d. June, 9, 1895. 11460. Lillian Blanche, Nov. 6, 1900, N. Y. City. [7.322] HENRY HOWARD CROWELL,^ (Orren H.,^ Hannah S. Ham- blin,^ Zaccheus,6 Isaac,^ Josiah,* Jonathan, ^ James, ^i) b. Hyannis, Mass., Dec. 20, 1874, m. Rochester, Mass., Feb. 21, 1899, Julia Ann Robbins, dau. of William Henry and Melissa Ann (Giffordf) Sraellie, b. Rochester, Mar. 27, 1877; book-keeper; New Bedford, Mass., 1895-8; since. Fall River, Mass.;' Republican. [7327] ADALINE HALLETT BAKER,9 (Lucy L. Hallett,* Polly Hamblin,' Zaccheus,6 Isaac,5 Josiah,* Jonathan, ^ James, 21) b. Hyannis, Mass., Aug. 9, 1855: m. there, Oct. 16, 1879, Charles Harvey, son of Charles Warner and Susan Clapp, b. Newton, Mass., Sept. 15, 1859; salesman; Braintree, Mass.; member of Monatiquot Lodge 83. K. P.; Unitarians. Ch. b. Wareham, Mass.: 11461. Mabel Baker, May 7, 1885. [7.332] HARRIET ELLA FOSTER,** (Hulda A. Hathaway,^ Clarissa H. Harablin,7 William, e Isaac,^ Josiah,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. Moretown, Yt., Mar. 23, 1848; m. there, Nov. 1, 1870, William Ernest, son of Geo. Washington, * For Livermore see note 168. + For Gifford see note 93. 1114 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. and Venornia O. (Austin) Crown, b. Milton, Vt., 1846: carpenter and farmer; Milton, 9 years; Maidstone, Vt., 13 years; Taunton, Mass., 8 years: Republican; member F, 8 Vermont Inf. Vols., enlisted Feb. 15, and dis. June 28, 1865; mem- ber Robert R.Thompson Post 47, G.A. R.; has held various town offices: she Methodist. Ch. b. Milton: 11462.* George Harold. May 11. 1875. [7334] JOHN EDWARD FOSTER,9 (Bro. of Harriet E.,) b. Moretown, Vt., Mar. 15, 1851; m. Holyoke, Mass., Nov. 22, 1873, Eliza- beth Buchanan, b. Scotland, July 12, 1853; clothier; Bridgeport, Ct.; member Arcanum Lodge, 1. O. O. F. Ch. b. Bridgeport: 11463. Edward L., Jan. 31, 1878. 11464. WILLIA3I E., Oct. 12, 1882. 11465. John E., Apr. 7, 1885. 11466. Mildred, Jan. 31, 1894. [7336] JULIA EVERLINE FOSTER,9 (Sister of Harriet E.,) b. Morestown, Vt., Sept. 27, 1854; m. there, Dec. 22, 1875, Frank Mortimer, son of Jerry and Flavilla (Broderick) McElroy, b. Burlington, Vt., Oct. 11, 1846; clothier; Haverhill, Mass.; Republican: Freemason and Odd Fellow; she Metho- dist. Children: 11467.* Mabel F., b. June 11, 1877, Middlesex, Vt. 11468. Edith P., " Nov. 17, 1884. [7337] CHARLES FREMONT FOSTER,« (Bro. Harriet E., ) b. Moretown, Vt., June 1, 1856; m. Taunton, Mass., Aug. 17, 1887, Nella L., dau. of Zopha and Nancy A. Dickerraan, b. Easton, Mass., Nov. 15, 1865; cloth- ier; Taunton; Republican. No issue. [7338] ARTHUR LEON FOSTER,^ (Bro. of Harriet E.. ) b. Moretown, Vt., Jan. 19, 1858; m. 1st, Bridgeport, Conn., Oct. 5, 1881, Har- riet, dau. of Junius N. and Elizabeth (Curtis) Benham, b. Bridgeport, Sept. 5, 1856; Cong.; she d. Hartford, Ct., June 24, 1888; m. 2d July 6, 1898, Josephine E., dau. of William and Josephine Edna Wilkinson, b. Troy, N. Y., June 16, 1880; clothier; Hartford, Ct.; Republican; Congs. Ch. by 2d wife. b. Hartford: 11469. Marjorie Hathaway, Apr. 27, 1899. 11470. Cedric Wilkinson, Aug. 31, 1900. [7339] JESSE JOHNSON FOSTER,9 (Bro. of Harriet E.,) b. Mar. 6, 1864; m. 1st, Jan. 25, 1887, Phebe Jane, dau. of John and Caroline Elizabeth (Wemple) Blair, b. Greenbush, N. Y., July 2, 1858, who d. Pittsfleld, Mass., Feb. 1, 1893; Cong.: m. 2d, Apr. 24, 1894, Christine, dau. of Samuel N. and Cynthia Anne (Black) Perkins, b. Windsor, Ct., May 7, 1870; clothier; Pittsfleld, Mass., since Sept. 1885; Republican; member Blue Crescent Lodge, A.F. & A.M.; Cong.; she Presb. NINTH GENERATION. 1115 Ch. by 1st. wife, b. Pittstield: 11471. Martha Reed, Nov. 21, 1887. 11472. E. Hilda, July 2, 1889. 11473. Arthur Blair, June 2, 1891. 11474. Jesse Johnson, Nov. 4, 1893. By 2d wife, b. Pittstield: 11475. Dorothy Ruth, Oct. 10, 1895. 11476. Beatrice Sidonie, Oct. 20, 1900. [7345] DORA MAY HATHAWAY, 9 (Charles,* Clarissa H. Harablin,' William," Isaac,^ Josiah,* Jonatiiaa,^ James,2i) b. Montpelier, Vt., Mar. 1, 1861; j m. Aug. 16, 1882, John G. Wing. ' Child: 11477. Charles Addison, b. July 16, 1883. [7349] TIMOTHY COOK DAVIS," (Clarissa Hathaway,* Clarissa H. , Hamblin,? William,6 Isaac,^ Josiah,* Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. East Montpelier, Vt., July 4, 1855; m. there, Jan. 8, 1878, Lucie, dau. of Levi Terapleton and i Julia (Shortt) Mallory, b. E. Montpelier, Sept. 3, 1857; traveling salesman; E. I Montpelier, Vt.: Chelsea and Hudson, Mass.; Republican; she d. E. Montpe- ■ lier, Nov. 17, 1878. [7351] WILLIAMS HUMPHREY I)AVIS,9 (Bro. of Timothy C.,) I • b. East Montpelier, Vt., Dec. 5, 1860; m. South Dennis, Mass., Sept. 1, 1890, t Jennie, dau. of Joseph Briggs and Phebe Thatcher (Gorham) Rogers, b. South I Dennis, July 25, 1865; grocer; East Montpelier, Vt., and Chelsea, Mass.; Repub- } lican; member of Lodge 51, I. O. O.F., and 3, Bay State Ind. Order United Workmen; Congs. Ch. b. Chelsea: 11478. Phebe Clara, Sept. 29, 1891. 11479. Paul Hathaway, Oct. 17, 1893. [7353] WALTER EVERETT DA V1S,9 (Bro. of Timothy C.,) b. East Montpelier, Vt.. May 10, 1870; ra. Calais, Vt., June 6, 1900, Rena Cynthia, dau. of Almond Chester and Sophia Cutler (Heath) Guernsey, b. Calais, Oct. 16, 1875; farmer: E. Montpelier; Republican. [7354] HAROLD HATHAWAY PLUMMER,9 (Julia Hathaway,* I Clarissa H. Hamblin,^ William," Isaac.^ Josiah,* Jonathan,3 James,^!) b. Boston, ' Mass., Nov. 12, 1862; m. June 6, 1888, Bertha Medora Leigh Bishop, b. Paradise, N. S. Ch. b. N. Y.: 11480. Alice Gertrude, Apr. 13, 1892. [7358] MABEL HATHAWAY GUERNSEY,^ ( Dophna P. Hathaway,* Clarissa H. Hamblin,' William," Isaac,^ Josiah,* Jonathan,^ James,2t) b. Montpe- lier, Vt., Jan. 10, 1871; m. there, Jan. 18, 1893, Justus Lane," son of Eri DeFor- est and Emily (Bliss) Batchelder,* b. Brookfield, Vt., May 5,1865; merchant; * Note 483. For Rev. Stephen Bachiler,i see note 378. NATHANIEL BACHILOR,2b. England. 1611; m. there, Hester Mercer, niece of Rev. John Prianle, of Southampton, archdeacon of Sarum.Eng. ; settled in Hampton, N. H., 5 children. 1016 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Montpelier; Eepublican; Unitarian. She member Marquis de Lafayette Chap- ter, D. A. R. Mrs. Batchelder contributed valuable records for this branch of the family. No issue. [7361] ALPA B. CLARK,9 (Caroline Hathaway,* Clarissa H. Hamblin,' William, 6 Isaac,^ Josiah,* Jonathan, 3 Jaraes,2i) b. East Montpelier, Vt., Jan. 7, 1869; m. there, Feb. 18, 1892, George, son of George W. and Cemantha (Jen- nings) Daniels, b. Woodbury, Vt., Aug. 16, 1867: farmer: E. Montpelier; Univer- salist; she d. E. Montpelier, Dec. 25, 1892. [7362] ANNA M. CLARK,^ (Sister of Alpa B.,) b. East Montpelier, Vt., Mar. 24, 1877: m. there. May 10, 1899, Frank A., son of Joshua F. and Ellen M. (Poor) Bailey, b. Williamstown, Vt., Jan. 15, 1874; lawyer: Montpelier; she d. Montpelier, Aug. 9, 1900. [7375] RICHARD HOMER FOSTER,9 (Mariette B. Hamlin,* Philo,' Mark,6 Ebenezer,5*3 James.^i) b. Meiiden, Ct., Nov. 5, 1836; private, F, 1st Ct. Inf. Vol.; enlisted April, 1861; dis. July, 1861; d. Meriden, Apr. 26, 1892. [7376] SAMUEL HIRAM FOSTER,9 (Bro. Richard H.,) b. Meriden, Ct., Dec, 1838; m. Mary, dau. of Augustus and Elvira (Conklin) Stanley, b. New Britain, Ct., 1844; private, F, 1 Ct. Inf. Vols.: enlisted April, 1861; dis. July, 1861: re-enlisted, Sept., 1861, corporal, A, 8 Ct. Inf. Vols.: dis. Mar. 20, 1863: re-enlisted, Dec. 30, 1863, commissary sergt. M, 1 Ct. Cav.; dis. Aug. 2, 1865; Cong. He d. Meriden, 1889. Ch. b. Meriden: 14481. Stanley, 1871; d. 1873. 14482. Mary Etta, 1876. 14483. James, Apr. 10, 1878. [7377] MARIA CHURCH F0STER,9 (Sister of Richard H.,) b. Meriden, Ct., June 29, 1842; m. there, Jan. 21, 1867, Philip Curtis, son of | Robert P. and Elizabeth (Hubbard*) Rand,t b. Middletown, Ct., Aug. 24, 1841: I ( NATHANIEL BACHILOR,3 b. 16:J0, m. 1st Deborah Smith, who d. 1675; m. 2d, Oct. al, lt)76, Mrs. Mary (Carter) Wyman, dau. of Rev. Thomas Carter. Several children by 2d wife. THOMAS BACHII.OR,* b. 168.5, m. 1st, Mary Moultoa; m. 2d, Jan. 16, 1718, Sarah Tuck, b. Apr. .5, 1685. He served in Col. Shadrock Walton's Co., in the expedition to Port Royal, 1710. He d. Hampton, Feb. 10, 1714. NATHANIEL BACHILOR,5 b. May 20,1722, m. Hannah Butler, of Hampton Falls, N, H.: removed to Sandown, where he d. 1784. JOSEPH BACHILOR,6 b. Hampton Falls, Dec. 28, 1750; m. Sarah F. . He wtis a Lieut, in the Revolutionary war; removed 1792, with his brothers Moulton and Nathaniel, and settled at Plainfield, Vt. He d. 1827. ISAAC BACHILOR,7 b. Mar. 1, 1779; m. Plainfield, 1800, Mercy Glidden. He d. 1850. JOSIAH BACHILOR,** b. 1806; m. Ann Sanders. He d. 1852, ERI DE FOREST BATCHELDER,9 b. Sept. 20, 18:39; m. 1862, Emily Adelia Bliss, b. Nov. 2, 1840, dau. of Capt. Abdlal BI'ss. Their son, Justus L.,io m. Mabel H. Guernsey,9 * For Hubbard see note 238. + Note 484. THOMAS RAND, m. Middletown, Ct., Feb. 28, 1788, Esther,3 dau. of William i and Susannah (Collins) Hamlin, b. Middletown, Jan. 14, 1710-11; seethe Hamlin Family— Giles Hamlin,! Slie m. 1st. Daniel Hurlbut,* who was lost at sea, Dec. 15, 1736; by whom she had three children. Children: Elizabeth, Mary, Thomas, Robert. 4 NINTH GENERATION, 1117 mercliant; Meriden; enlisted July 10, 1862, 15 Conn. Inf. Vols.; dis. as 1st Lieut, and Adjutant, June 27, 1865. Ch. b. Meriden: 14484. Richard Foster, b. Sept. 14485. John, " Apr. 14486. Mary, " Nov. 14487. Nellie, *' Aug. 14488. Sophy, 18, 1868. 3, 1871: d. Dec. 25, 1876. 6, 1874. 31, 1876; d. May 24, 1887. Apr. 30, 1881, " June 26, 1886, [7378] JAMES FITCH FOSTER,' tBro. of Richard H.,) b. Meriden, Ct., Apr. 10, 1844: private, M-, 1 Ct. Cav., enlisted Jan. 4, 186-; d. Baltimore, Md,, Mar. 14, 1864. [7380] MARTHA WHITE,^ (Sheldon,^ Roxanna Hamlin,' Mark,« Ebenezer,5i3 James, 21) b. Canton Center, Ct., Nov. 8, 1839; m. there, 1856, Edwin R., son of Elbridge and Sarah J. (Gorham) Peirce, b. Gardner, Me., 1821; me- chanic: he res. Portsmouth, N. H., 1860; Canton Center, until 1864; Onawa, Iowa, 1865-77; since, Warren, Pa.; Republican; tax collector, 18^-1902, Children: 144S9.* WILLIA31 SELDEN, b. Oct. 9, 1857. Canton, 14490.* Kate, " May 23, 1860, Onawa, 14491.* Elbridge Gerry, '* May 17, 1867, " 14492.* Helen White, " Sep. 13, 1869, 14493.* Elizabeth, *'Sep. 7, 1874, [7381] Hon. WILL A RD WHITE,' (Bro. of Martha,) b. Canton Center, Ct., May 30, 1844; m, Boston, Mass., June, 20, 1876, , Frances, dau. of John and Mary (Folsom) Nightengale, b. Boston, June 21,1846. ' He graduated Amherst College, 1872; from Law Dept. Boston University, 1875, and received degree of A. M. from Amherst 1875; lawyer by profession; but has engaged in various enterprises; Vice Prest. and Manager Camden Oil and Paint Co., Chicago, 111., 1901: res. Canton, Ct., 1844-74; Boston, Mass., 1874-90; Penn., 1890-4; Maiden, Mass., 1894-1900; since, Boise, Idaho; with business residence in Chicago, 111.; Republican; Representative Conn. Legislq^ture, 1874; private, I, 22 Conn. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Aug., 1862; dis. July, 1863; member St. Johns Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Boston; Morton Commandery 4, K. T., N.Y.; Uni- tarians. b. June 1, 1877, Boston. " Aug. 20, 1879, " Jan. 9, 1881, Stoneham, Pa. " Oct. 22, 1883, Boston. " May 17, 1885, " Dec. 12, 1887, Children; 14494. WiLLARD FOLSOM, 14495. Lawrence Allen, 14496. Miriam Nightengale, 14497. Herbert Hamline, 14498. KiNGSLEY, 14499. Philip, 14500. Frances, ^1 1118 THE HAMLm FAMILY. f7'382J MAKY JAI^E WHITE/ (Sister of Martha,)' b. Canton Center, Ct., Jan. 28, 1846: m. there, Sept. 27, 1868, John Edwards, son of Gideon Truman and Helen Mar (Fanning) Wheeler, b. Hansatonlc, Mass., Oct. 28. 1843; merchant; Canton, until 1877; since. Wan^n, Pa., Republican; 1st Lieut., C, 2d Conn. H, Art., enlisted May 7, 1861, and participated \d battle of Bull Run: re-enlisted. Aug. 2, 1862. and participated in battles of Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Hatcher''s Run, Winchester, Cedar Creek and Five Forks; wouoded at Amelia C. H., in a skirrais-h, Apr. 4, 1865; dis, June 15, 1865; postmaster, 188&; deputy collector U. S. Int. Rev. 1898-1901; mem- ber Amos Beecher Lodge 121, A. F. & A. M,; Eben H.Ford Post 336, G. A. R.: she member 45, W. R.C., Presbs- Children: 1450L* Philip Gideon, b. Sept. 22, 1869, Canton Center, 14502.* HowLEY Edwards, " Apr. 15, 1880, Stoneham. NINTH GENERATION. 1119 [7383] WILBUR JEROME WHITE,^ (Bro. of Martha,) b. Canton Center, Ct., June 6, 1850; in. 1871, Laura, dau. of D. and Sara (Beard- sley) Evitts, b. New Preston, Ct., 1851; who d. Concord, Mass., 1887. He res. Marionville, Pa.; Cong. Cli. b. Canton: 14503. Alice L., 1872, res. New Milford, Ct., 1895. 14504. Selden D., 1875, *' Erie, Pa., " 14505. Mary L., 1878, " Warren, Pa., " 14506. Frank, 1881, " New Preston, Ct., " [7385] JOHN WHITE,9 (Elijah,* Roxanna Hamlin,' Mark,* Ebenezer,^*^ I Jaines,2i) b. Barkhemstead, Ct., 1840; probably unmarried; Union soldier; he d. > in Camp of 16 Regiraent(?) opposite Fredericksburg, Va., of typhoid fever, Feb. 1, 1863. [7386] ELIJAH WHITE.9 (Bro. of John, ) 1 b. Westtteld, Mass., 1842; unmarried; union soldier. It is traditional that ! he was a brave soldier; and that he appeared to have a premonition of his ap- proaching death. A comrade should have related tlaat White said before going [into the battle where he received his mortal wound that he would be killed in ; that battle, but that he was not afraid: that he was a beautiful singer, and : that on that occasion he sang several songs as he had never heard him sing be- Ifore. He d. Sept. 6, 1862, from wounds received the previous day. [7387] CHARLES I). WHITE,' (Reuel 0.,8 Roxana Hamlin,' Mark,« , Ebenezer,5*3 James,2i)b. Winchester, Ct., Apr. 26, 1846; m. Westfield, Mass., tFeb. 12, 1879, Mrs. Delia Noble, dau. of Uluruch and Mary (Cravy) , b. jsuffleld. Ct,: farmer; Waterbury, Ct., . 1869-75; Westfield, until 1882: since, {Washington, Mass.; Baptist. No issue, [7388] ELMAETTA WHITE,9 (Sister of Charles D.,) b, Barkhemstead, Ct., Nov. 6, 1847; m. Westfield, Mass., May 25, 1882, Capt. j William H., son of Morris and Rachael (William) Hall, b. Oyster Bay, L. I., ■1833. He was a mariner twenty-three years; the last seven, captain of a whale [Ship; retired from the sea, 1876; since marriage, florist, Brooklyn, N. Y.; she I Baptist. ' Ch. b. Woodhaven, L. I: 14507. Elmaetta E„ Mar. 22, 1883. [7390] FRANK B. WHITE,9 (Bro. of Charles D..) b. Barkhemstead, Ct., Dec. 6, 1852; ra. Bristol, Ct., Oct. 29, 1884, Viola A., Idau. of Solomon and Elizabeth (Shaver) Ostrander, b. West Camden, N. Y., jSept. 27, 1863; farmer; Barkemstead. until 1872: since, Westfield, Mass.: Meth- odist. [7395] CATHERINE ROXANNA GODDARD,9 (Harriet White.* Rox- anna Hamlin,' Mark,6 Ebenezer,5*3 james,2i) b. Canton, Ct., Sept. 6, 1839; m. Winsted, Ct., July 19, 1856, Capt. James Nelson, son of Nelson Daniel and Hannah Maria (Seymour) Coe, b. Winsted, Oct. 20, 1836; Supt. Soldier's Home; Winsted, Ct., until 1861; in the army, 1861-5; New Haven, Ct., until 1891; since, 1120 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Norton Heigbts, Ct.; Kepublican; captain 2d Conn. H, Art., enlisted Apr. 22'J 1861; in battles First Bull Run, Petersburg, Hatcher's Run, Fort Steadman^l Little Sailor's Creek; dis. Sept. 11, 186&; member of St. Andrews Lodge 64, A.F. &A.M.; TOO, R.A.; Post 17, G.A.R., 30; N.Y. Commandery Loyal Legion; she] member W. R. C. and Auxilliary to G. A. R., 30; Epis, f.f Children: 14508.* Nelson Daniel, b. Oct. 17, 1858, Winsted. 14509. Kate Good ARD, "July 6,1865, " d. Mar, 2,187&| 14510. Hakriet Maria, " Sept. 20, 1869, Brideport," July 30,1883.] [7397] EDWIN C. MILLS,9 (Laura A. White.^ RoxannaHamlin,^ Mark,*! Ebenezer/*3 jameSj2i) b. Canton, Ct., 1848; m. Addle, dau. of Lyman and La-| vina(Cotlin) Wright; book keeper; Lewis^ Iowa: muvsician, I,. 23 Iowa Inf. Vols.: enlisted July 20, 1862; member Sam Rice Post 6, G. A. R.; she res. Salt Lake| City, Utah. He is dead. [7401] EDGAR L. WHITE,» (George L.,^ Roxanna Hamlin,' Mark,*| Ebenezer,5*3 James,2i) b. Bristol, Ct., Nov. 20, 1857; m. Sharon, Ct., May, 1877^ Gertrude Abel. Children: 14511. Kezia Julia, b. Nov. 11, 1878, Sharon. 14512. Adelia, " May 15, 1882, [7402] JESSIE KEZI AH WH1TE,9 (Sister of Edgar L.,) b. Bristol, Ct., June 9, 1861; m. there, June 9, 1885, Thomas Bunnell, son of Franklin and Caroline (Bunnell) Steele, b. Bristol, May 5, 1862; book keeper and insurance agent; Bristol; Republican; Methodists. Ch. b. Bristol: 14513. Linda May, Nov. 6, 1886. 14514. Lawrence Lesure, Apr. 11, 1891. [7405] EDWIN DAVID HUMPHREY," (Mark,8 Sophronia Hamlin,^' Mark,6 Ebenezer,5i3 James,2i) b. Great Barrington, Mass., Mar. 14, 1842; m, there, Oct. 3, 1865, Martha Maria, dau. of Dea. Erastus, and Martha (Wilcox) Beckwith, b. Great Barrington, Dec. 13, 1841; harness dealer; Great Barring- ton. He was educated in the public school and academy, Great Barrington and South Berkshire Institute, Marlboro, Mass.; she in the public school and acad- emy, Great Barrington, Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass.; deputy sheriff fourteen years: Great Barrington; Cong. Ch. b. Great Barrington: 14515. Mary Ella, Nov. 23, 1867. 14516. Anne Beckwith, Sept. 9, 1872. 14517. Edwin Roys, ' Dec. 16, 1874, [7406] KATE VIOLA HUMPHREY,* (Sister of Edwin D.,) b. Great Barrington. Mass., Apr. 6, 1848; m. there, Dec. 1, 1868, Chester Beecher, b. Rushford, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1843; farmer; Great Barrington; Republi- can; corporal, D, 13 N. Y. Heavy Art.; enlisted July 8, 1863; dis: Aug. 24, 1865; member G. A. R.: she member Ladies' Aid Soc: Congs. I ^^^iM/hl.^Mzi/rKLCuJ^ Children: 14518. Lkonidas N., 14519. Horace M., 14520. Lois V., 14521. Ethel L., NINTH GENERATION. 1121 [7407] MARY ANN HUMPHREY,9 (Sister of Edwin D.,) b. Great Barrington, Mass., June 22, 1850: m. 1st, there, Dec. 2, 1874, Sal- mon Norton: m. 2d, Nov. 7, 1887, Everett E. Benjamin, of Greenfield. Mass.; she Cong.; she d. Greenfield, Aug. 11, 1890. [7414] NICHOLAS BROWDER HUMPHREY,9 (David,* Saphronia Hamlin,'' Mark,^ Ebenezer,3*3 James.^i) b. Lee Co., Miss., Aug. 24, 1867; journal- ist; Chattanooga, Tenn., since 1870; unmarried, 1895; received a common school education; Sergt., K, 3d Regt. N. G. Tenn., 1888-1892. [7425] LEONIDAS MOORE HAML]NE,9 (Leonidas P.,' Leonidas,' Mark,6 Ebenezer,5*3 james,2i) b. Hillsdale, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1852; m. Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 14, 1876, Ida Nicholson, dau. of Benjamin and Mary Elizabeth (Nicholson) Grigsby, b. Spring Hill, Tenn., July 29, 1857; she was adopted by her uncle, J. C. Nicholson, of Nashville, Tenn.; manufacturer; Chicago, Ills.; Re- publican; she Epis. hildren: b. Dec. 7, 1877, Evanston: unm. 1902. " Aug. 16, 1879, Chicago, " " '• July 26, 1882, Evanston, " " Oct. 24, 1884, Chicago, [7426] JOHN HENRY HAMLINE,9 (Bro. Leonidas M.,) b. Rotterdam, N. Y., Mar. 26, 1856; m. May 19, 1880. .Tosephine Mead: law- yer: Chicago; member law firm Hamline, Scott & Lord; Republican: removed with his parents to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, 1850; Evanston, Ills., 1865: Chicago, 1883; graduate N. W. University, 1875; Columbia College law school, 1877; member city council: police commissioner; president Chicago Bar Asso.; Chicago, Law Institute; Chicago Law Club: State Bar Asso.; Nat'l Bar Asso.; Union League, Calumet, Chicago, University, Athletic, Hamilton, Law and Literary clubs; Freemason; Epis. A well educated, benevolent, public spirited gentleman. Children: b. Feb. 16, 1881; d. Nov. 8, 1882. " Apr. 18, 1884, " Feb. 23, 1888. Mar. 21, 1889. Mar. 26, 1892; d. May 23, 1892. [7428] TIIEODOSIA HAMLINE,9 (Sister of Leonidas M.,) ■ b. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, June 30, 1862: m. Chicago, 111., July 7, 1880, Horace A., son of Grant and Juliet (Atwater) Goodrich,* b. July 9, 1837: she d. Nov. 21, 1881. He m. 2d Sept. 25, 1883, Alice LaDue, by whom he had other children; real estate agent; Chicago; treasurer, Goodrich Family Association. Child: 14526. Juliet T., b. Feb. 9, 1881. * No E 485. For Lieut. WiUiam Goodrich see note 217. EPHRAIM GOODRTCH.a h. June 2, 1663; m. 1st, May 20, 1644. Sarali, dau. of Major William and Sarah (Coleman) Treat, who d. Jan. 26, 1712; m. 2d, Dec. 2.5, 1712. .lerusha, dau. of Capt. James Treat, and widow of Capt. Thomas Welles, b. 1678 (?) who d. Jan. 15, 17.54; he res. Rocky- Hill, Ct. ; he d. Feb. 27. 1739: Ch. by 1st wife: Richard, Sarah, Ephraim, William, David, Thomas, Gideon. By 2d wife: Oliver, Gurdon. Capt. GIDEON GOODRICH,3 b. Feb. 7, 1705; m, June 29, 1718, Sarah ; master mar- 14522. Florence Josephine, 14523. John Mead, 14524. JOSEPHENE, 14525. Francis, >1 1122 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [7429] VIRGINIA MALINDA HAML1NE,9 (Sister of Leonidas M.,) b. Evanston, 111., Mar. 13, 1860; m. there, Oct. 7, 1891, Thomas, son of Thomas and Catherine Creighton, b. Monticello, Minn., May 1, 1857; real estate dealer: Monticello, 1857-60; Chicago, until 1867; since, Evanston; Republican: vice president Glen View Golf Club, and Chicago Club; she Epis. Child: 14527. Catherine, b. Jan. 7, 1893. [7436] EDITH ANDREWS,!* (Chauncey H.,8 Norman,^ Rosina,« Ebenezer,^*^ James,2i) b. Youngstown, Ohio, Oct. 16, 1862; m. there, Mar. 22, 1887, John Alexander, son of Hon. John Alexander and Mary S. Logan, b. Car- bondale, 111., July 24, 1865. He studied at Chester Military Academy, Pa.; Cadet, West Point U. S. Military Academy: engaged in real estate business, Washing- ton, D. C; later in business with his father-in-law, Youngstown, Ohio; served on staff of Gov. McKinley, of Ohio. At the outbreak of the Spanish war, lie raised a cavalry regiment in Chicago; was disappointed in not having it called into service, but wasappointed Major on staff of Gen. Bates, and served through the war in Cuba; participated in battles of San Juan Hill and El Caney: later he was appointed Major 33d U. S. Vols, and went to Luzon, P. I., where he was killed near San Jacinto, Nov. 11, 1899. while leading his battalion in battle; Re- publican; she res. Youngstown; Epis. Ch. b. Youngstown: 14528. Mary Louise, Aug. 5, 1888. 14.529. John Alexander, Feb. 12, 1890. 14530. Edith Josephine, Oct. 29. 1894. iner; Wet.hersfleld and Middletown upi)pr houses, now Cromwell, Ct. He d. 1700, buried Rocky Hill, Ct. : Children: Sarah, .Terusha. Elijah. Gideon, Lois, Caleb, Ebenezer, Eunice, Joshua, Wait, Levi. EBENEZER GOODRICH,i b. Mar. IS. 1733; m. Jan. 10, 1760. Lydia Deming. b. Dec. 2. 1738. He d. Sept. 19, 1S13; she Apr. 8, 1834. Children: Phila, Mehitable, Gideon, Lois. Honor. Esther, Ruth, Ebenezer, Wait. Col. GIDEON GOODRICH,5 b. Rocky Hill. Ct., June 19, 1704; m. 1st, Feb. 22, 1787, Eunice Warner, who d. Dec. 30, 1820; m. 2d, Sally (Bostwick) Brock way ; he settled in Milton, N. Y., soon after his majority; removed to Ripley, N. Y. He learned the trades of tanner, currier, and shoemaker; at Ripley he followed his trade, and cultivated a large farm; en.a;aged in the ware house and forwarding business at Portland Harbor; Colonel of militia; member N. Y. legisla- ture. He d. Mar. 13. 1842. Children: Hrace. Barzillai. Harriet, Anson. George, Austin. Aris- tes, Orestes, John, Frederic, Gerry, Grant." Hon. GRANT GOODRICH.e LL. D., b. Milton, N. Y., Aug. 7, \Hi\; m. .July 24, 1830, Juliet, dau. of Amos and Mary (Woodside) Atwater. He removed with his parents to Ripley, N. Y., 1816; lawyer; went to Chicago, 111., 1834, formed a law partnership with Alex. N. Fullerton, which continued a year; when in 183.5. he formed another law partnership with Giles Spring, styled Spring & Goodrich, which attained an extensive practice and wide reputation, and con- tinued until 1849. In 1854 he entered partnership with W. W. Farwell, and in is.'jfi Sidney Smith was admitted to the firm, known as Goodrich. Farwell & Smith, a leading law firm in Ch'cago. He was Judge of the Superior Court of Chicago, 1859-1863, when he again resumed his place in the old firm, which continued until 1869. He suffered financial losses, in 1837, and again in the great Chicago fire of 1871. He assisted to organize the first Temperance society, and the first Bible society in Chicago; Vice Pres. Am. Bible Society; trustee and secretary Rush Medical College. He assisted in tlie estabUshment of the Northwestern University at Evanston, 111., which conferred upon him the degree of LL. D. He was largely instrumental in the endow- ment of the Garrett Bibical Institute, at Evanston, and one of the founders of the Washlng- tonian Home for inebriates, Chicago; Methodist; Republican; member Union Defense Com- mittee, Chicago, 1801 ; member Freedmen's Aid Society. Children: Horace A., Mary F., George I)., WalterG.. Charles H. NINTH GENERATION. 1123 17441] ELIZA HAMLIN, « (James T.,8 TrumanjDan./ Ebenezer.sis James.2i) b. Mattituck, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1850: m. there, Sept. 17, 1878, Benjamin C, son of Benjamin and Eliza (Chapman) Kirkup, b. England, Dec. 21, 1845; I farmer: he came to America 1849; res. Mattituck, until 1866; Kansas and Mis- } souri, until 1872; since, Mattituck: Republican; Presbs. Ch. b. Mattituck: 14531. Joseph Parky, May 27, 1880; unm. 1901. 14532. ViCTOK Hamlin, Aug. 2, 1885. 14533. Hakold Benjamin, Sept. 14, 1887. 14,534. James Trowbridge, Dec. 27, 1892. [74421 HARRIET SOPHIA HAMLIN,« (Sister of Eliza,) b, Mattituck, L I., N. Y., Aug. 26, 1853; m. there, June 8, 1880, Rev. Wil- liam, son of Henry Parsons and Gloriana(Osborn) Hedges, b. Sag Harbor, N. Y., i June 21, 1851; clergyman: he prepared for college at Academy Bridge, Hampton, ' L.I.: graduated Yale College, 1874, B.A.; from Yale Divinity School, 1878, B.D.; post graduate course Union Theological Seminary, N. Y. City, 1898-9; ! ordained by the Presbytery of Long Island, 1879; pastor, Mattituck, 1879-82; j Jamesport, L. I., 1882-93: Harwinton, Ct., 1893-8; Trading River, L.I., 1898-1901; > since, Colebrook, Ct.; Presbs.; she d. Jamesport, Apr. 22, 1887. [74451 SARAH ROSELLE HAMLIN,9 (Sister of Eliza, ) b. Mattituck, N. Y., Mar. 16, 1860; m. Rev. C. A. Stonelake, of Aquebogue, L. I., N. Y.; later, Newark, N. J. 'Child: 14535. Harriet Hamlin, b. Apr. 17, 1888. [7446] PHILO C. THOMPSON,^ (Amelia Hamlin,* Truman,' Dan,fl [ Ebenezer,5*3 James,2i) b. Northumberland. N. Y., Mar. 18, 1836: member C, 2 I N. Y. Harris Light Cav., enlisted August, 1863; d. of fever, in hospital, Upton's Hill, Washington, D. C, Oct. •.'A, 1862; farmer; Republican. [7448] JESSE B. THOMPSON," (Bro. of Philo C.,) b. Northumberland, N. Y., -July 19,1840; m. Aurora, 111., Aug. 30,1871, Hatlie E., dau. of Luther W. and Rachael (Randall) Ballard, b. July 15, 1845; sash, door and blind mfgr.: Northumberland and Moreau, N.Y.; Aurora, and Chicago, 111.: in P.O. Chicago, 111., 1897; Republican; private, 93 N. Y. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Oct. 10, 1861; dis. Feb. 14, 1863; re-enlisted, Aug. 1, 1864, and rejected; participated in battles Williamsburg, and Yorktown, Va.; Methodists; shed. Chicago. 1882. Children: 14536. Minnie Lois, b. Sept., 1872, Aurora. 14537. Lillian May, " Oct. 2, 1874. 14538. Della, " Oct. 20, 1880. [7450] HARRIET A. THOMPSON,!* (Sister of Philo C,) b. Northumberland, N. Y., June 7, 1851: m. Moreau, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1874, i Thomas C, son of John and Mary (George) Murray, b. Whitehall, N. Y., Mar. 1 25, 1851; accountant; Menands, near Albany, N. Y.; Republican; charter mem- ' ber and trustee, Senate 641, Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order, Albany, N. Y.: res. Rutland, Vt., Watertown and Albany, N. Y. 1124 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. Moreau: 14539. Gkace Edna, 14540. Edward Paul, Jan. 9, 1877; unm. 1897. Aug. 13, 1881. [7452] TRUMAN B. INGOLSBE, (Lucretia B. Hamlin,» Truman,^ Dan.e Ebenezer,543 James,3i) b. Moreau, N. Y., Mar. 30, 1864; m. Ft. Edward, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1887, Minnie F., dau. of Cyrus and Mehitable (Boynton) Patridge, b. Salem, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1861; farmer: res. on old home farm, Moreau, N, Y.; Re- publican; member Glens Falls Lodge 121, A. F. & A. M.; she member W, R. C. Ch. b. Moreau: 14541. Charles C, July 10, 1888. 14542. Lucretia A., Feb. 13, 1897. [7458] ADELINE LUSELIA HUNT,9 (Eliza Hamlin,^ Romanta,' Dan," Ebenezer,''i3 james,2i) b. Chautauqua, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1840; m. Otsego, Mich., Aug. 31, 1862, Albert T. B., son of John and Amy Palmer, b. N. Y. state, Mar. 28, 1824; merchant; Otsego, Mich.; Republican; member of Lodge 82, K. P.: he d. Otsego, Dec. 31, 1899. Ch. b. Otsego: 14543. Lizzie A., Oct. 22, 1865; unm. 1902. [7460] HIRAM BENJAMIN BROWN,9 (Eliza Hamlin,^ Romanta,' Dan,« Ebenezer,54 3 james,2i) b. Portland, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1851; m. Otsego, Mich., Dec. 31, 1873, Ellen E., dau. of Benjamin F. and Mary (Bennett) Earle, b. near Plainwell, Mich., Dec. 25, 1856; locomotive enigneer, many years; since, guard at R. R. crossing, Allegan, Mich.: member Tent 919, K.O. T. M.; she Methodist: she d. White Pigeon, Mich., Dec. 30, 1900. Children: b. Feb. 24, 1877, Allegan; unm. 1902. " Dec. 17, 1878, Otsego. " May 14, 1881, Plainwell; unm. 1902. " Apr. 14, 1885, White Pigeon. " Sept. 8, 1888, " Nov. 23, 18S9, " Jan. 27, 1892, " " 14544. Earle D., 14545.* Edith, 14546. Harry B., 14547. Effie E., 14548. Sarah H., 14549. Lottie, 14550. JOSIE, [7465] EVA CECELIA MUNSON,9 (Mariam Hamlin,* Romanta,^ Dan,6 Ebenezer,6*3 james,2i) b. Portland, N. Y., June 15, 1857; m. there. May 14, 1876, Dr. Benjamin S. Swetland, b. Middletield, N. Y., Mar. 15, 1854; physician and surgeon; Portland, 1858-83; Boston, Mass., until 1887; since, Brocton, N. Y.; Republican; member Buffalo Genealogical Soc, and Brocton Lodge 284, K. P.; she member L. O. T. M. Children: 14551.* Mabel Edith, 14552. J. Miner, 14553. Herbert Milton, 14554. Arthur Eli, b. June 22, 1877, Portland. " May 26, 1880, " July 16, 1884, Boston. " Feb. 18, 1893, Brocton. d. Mar. 21, 1891. NINTH GENERATION. 1125 ■[7471] LIBBIE LYKE,9 (Esther M. Hamlin,* Romanta,' Dan/- Eben- ezer,5i3 James,2i) b. Peoria, 111., Jan. 25, 1860; m. Chicago, 111., Aug. 24, 1877, "William McAlpine, son of Dewitt C. and Mary (Foggin) Cregier, b. Chicago, Mar. 16, 1856; engineer; Chicago; Democrat; she Cong, Ch. b. Chicago: 14555. Enola J UANiTA, May 30. [7473J LOTTIE UDORA LYKE,^ (Sister of Libbie,) b. Cliicago, 111., Sept. 7, 1865; m. there, Jan. 7^ 1891, George E. Ramsey, b. White House, N.J. , Oct. 7, 1864; salesman with paclfers; Chicago: Democrat; Freemason; Congs. Ch, b. Chicago: 14556. John Lyke, Oct. 2, 1894', d. Nov. 7, 1900. [7474] EDWIN PRATT STORRS,9 (Charles A.,* Sophronia Hamlin,^ Dan,« Ebenez€r,5*3 James,2i) b. Eaton, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1849; m. 1st, Sept. 1. 1870, Addie Noble; Presb.; shed. Eaton, Dec. 11, 1872; m. 2d, Eaton, Aug. 8, 1874, Jose- phine, dau. of William R. and Mary Jane {Pierce) Henry, b. Eaton, Dec. 20, 1855; Baptist; farmer: Eaton, Ch, by 2d wife, b. Eatoa: 14557. Della Maude, Sept. 21, 1875. 14558. Earl Pratt, Mar. 29, 1879: d, Sept. 22, 1898. 14559. Grace Addie, June 5, 1885. [7475] CHARLES AVERY STORRS,^ (Bra of Edwin P.,) b. Eaton, N.Y., May 20, 1854; m. Sept. 2, 1879, Jennie Lillian, dau. of Henry and Huldah Lavinia (Booth) Nicholson, b. South Richland, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1855; musician; Eaton; Republican; Freemason: she Cong.: member of Woman's Club, Mother's Club, and Chautauqua Class. He was killed in a railroad accident, Merrimack, Wis., Dec. 9, 1891. [7484] EDWIN HUNTER HILDRETH,' (AbbieC- Hunter,* David,'' Jabez,6 David,5 Hopestill Hamlin,* Ebenezer,^ James, 21) b. Windsor, Vt., Nov. 4, 1869; m. Springfield, Mass., May 19, 1896, Marion, dau. of Edward Hortentiars, and Ellen Maria (Moulton) Sterns, b. Springtield, July 16, 1873; special agent and adjuster; Springfield Fire and Marine Ins. Co.; Springfield. No issue. [7485] ARTHUR WILLIAM HUNTER,9 (Andrew J., « David,' Jabez,« David,5 Hopestill Hamlin,* Ebenezer,3James,2i) b. Windsor, Vt., Aug. 8,1866; m. Randolph, Vt., Apr. 1, 1893, Julia Elvira, dau. of Foster Sherman and Dora (Chadwick) Harlow, b. Pomfret, Vt., Sept. 13, 1869; farmer; Windsor; member Vermont Lodge 18, A. F. & A. M. Ch. b. Windsor: 14560. Marion Louise, Dec. 2, 1893. [7486] CLARA LOUISE HUNTER,^ (Sister of Arthur W.,) b. Windsor, Vt., July 22, 1879; m. May 23, 1898, Sherman Ray, son of Foster Sherman and Dora (Chadwick) Harlow, b. Pomfret, Vt., Aug. 7, 1873. i 1126 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [7489] WILLIAM CHARLES DECKER," (Mary P. Hunter.s William/| Jabez,e David, 5 Hopestill Hamlin,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. N. Y. City, Mar. 20, 1874: unmarried: manager; N. Y. City; Republican; Epis. [7492] JULIUS PARKER DRAKE,9 (Elizabeth C. Parker,^ Rebecca,! Pardee,' ZiJplia Hamlin, « Jabez.^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ Jaraes,''i) b. Delhi, N. Y.,j Feb. 28, 1835; m. Feb. 18, 1837, Mary, dau. of Myron Warner, of Milan, Pa.: re- sided Delhi, N. Y., Beach Lake, Pa., Rockford, and Chicago, Ills., Jersey City^ N. J., and N. Y. City; Republican; during latter part of his life manager of N, Y. office of Rockford (Ills.) Watch Co.; member B. P. O. E. He d. suddenly of| heart disease, Emira, N. Y., Apr. 11, 1894. No issue. [7493] REBECCA DRAKE,'-* (Sister of Junius P.,) b. Delhi, N. Y., Nov. 19, 1839; m. Beach Pond, Pa., Oct. 18, 1865, N. Hunt- ington, son of Warner Pratt and Eliza (Snow) Clemons,* b. Peterboro, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1838: ticket agent, Erie R. R. Co., Chambers St., N. Y. Station, over 30 years; Republican; Freemason; resided N. Y. City, until 1871; afterwards, Jer- sey City, N. J.; she d. N. Y. City, Apr. 4, 1895. Children: 14561.* Franklin Bbckwith, b. Dec. 6, 1866, N. Y. City. 14562. Elizabeth Parker, " Aug. 10, 1869, B. Pond; d. Aug. 31, '69, 14563. Charles Snow, " Sept. 15, 1878, " '• unm. 1897. [7494] GEORGE AMASA DRAKE,» (Bro. of Junius P.,) b. Delhi, 'N.Y., Aug. 4, 1845: m. Scranton, Pa., Nov. 5, 1858, Ella, dau. of John and Mary (Wonnocott) Callaway, b. Honesdale, Pa., Oct. 13, 1847; resided Starrucea and Beach Pond, Pa.; engaged at latter place with his father in. tannery; later, Jersey City, N. J.; Wagner car conductor; Republican. Ch. b. Beach Pond: 14564. Freddie, Mar. 15, 1872, d. July 19, 1872. 14565. Richard Jadwtn, Oct. 2, 1881. [7496] ROBERT PA RKER,9 (Charles E..^ Rebecca Pardee,' Zilpha Hamlin,6 Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Hoperlale, Pa., Oct. 5, 1857; m. Kansas City, Mo., Apr. 22, 1885, Marietta Jane, dau. of Edward Tinsiey, and Mary (McDonald) Yager, b. Chillicothe, Mo , May 28, 1863: printer; res. Penn., until 1864; N. J., until 1868; N. Y., until 1873; Minn., until 1875; Cal., until 1885; N. Dak., until 1892; since in Cal.: Democrat; she Epis.; member Acacia Chapter 21, O. E.S. Children; 14566. Paulina Mary, b. Dec. 3, 1886, Dak. T. 14567. Elizabeth Yager, " Oct. 24, 1890, N. Dak. 14568. Robert McDonald, '' Feb. 17, 1897, Cal. * 48(5. For Clemons see note 371. THOMAS REED CLEMONS,3 (Jonathan,2i) b. Rutland, Mass., Mar. 19, 1791; third son; m. Eli/.al)eth, dau. of David and Lucy (Cooledge) Pratt, b. Belchertown, Mass., May 2S, 1783. He d. Petersboro, N.Y. ; she d. Syracuse, N.Y., May 2, 1864. WARREN PRATT CLEMONS,* b. Petersboro, N.Y., Aug:. 16, 1813; m. Cicero, N.Y., Dec. 8, 1836, Eliza, dau. of Isaac Parker and Sally (Forbes) Snow, h. Eaton, N.Y., Jan. 18, 1818. Both d. Syracuse, N.Y. ; he, .luly 2, 1900; she, Nov. 19, 1900. Their son, Nathaniel H. Clemons, m. Re- becca Drake.a NINTH GENERATION. 1127 17511] GEORGE ANTHONY PAYNE,' (George H.,8 Sarah PardeeJ Zilpba Hamlin, 6 Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Delhi, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1859; m. Sept. 12, 1889, Harriet R. Von Leuvon ( ? ) b. Jan. 23, 1865. No issue. [7513] ELIZABETH FENNER.s (Hamlin, » Louisana Hamlin,- Amos,6 €ornelius,54 Ebenezer.s James,2i) b. Aug. 6, 1860; m. Jan. 3, 1882, Walter Varien Andrews, of Hebron, Ills. Ch. b. Hebron: 14569. Sybil Elizabeth, Dec. 6, 1883. 14570. Helen Hazel, Nov. 5, 1889. 14571. Geokgianna, Oct. 8, 1891. 14572. Nellie E., June 15, 1893. 14573. Fennkr Hamlin, July 5, 1896. f7514] ISABELLA MINERVA FENNER,9 (Sister of Elizabeth,) to. May 18, 1866; m. Apr. 24, 1888, George Houghton, of Hebron, 111. Children: 14574. CharlEvS, b. June 18, 1890, Hebron. 14575. Hakktet Whitney, " Mar. 23, 1892, 14576. Fannie F., " Mar. 6,1894. 17515] SARAH GEORGIANA FENNER,9 (Sister of Elizabeth,) b. May 10, 1871; m. Oct. 22, 1891, Ames Wilkinson. Children: 14577. Addie Belle, b. Oct. 26, 1892; d. Nov. 26, 1892. 14578. Edwin Hamlin, *' June 26, 1894, " Nov. 6, 1894. 14579. Wesley Lisle, '•' Mar. 31, 1896. , [7519J ROBERT FRED PARSON,9 (Helen Fenner,^ Louisiana Hamlin,' [Amos," Cornelius,'^* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Hebron, Ills., Mar. 21, 1855: m. 1st, j Richmond, Ills., May 8, 1878, Mary L. Rawson, b. Lake Co., Ills., Feb. 3, 1859, jWho d. Richmond, Dec. 27, 1879; m. 2d, Mary May McConnell; farmer; Hebron, until 1875; since, Richmond; Republican; member Camp 268, M. W. A. Ch. by 2d wife, b. Richmond: 14580.* Mabel, Dec. 2, J 879. [7523] MARY H. WHITNEY," (Harriet Tenner,* Louisiana Hamlin,' Amos,« Cornelius,'-* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Richmond, 111., Feb. 26, 1861; m. tWoodstock, 111., May 9, 1883. Charles S., son of James and Rachael A. (De Lam- jater) Northrop, b. York Center, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1856; lawyer. He was educated at Woodstock High School and graduated Northwestern University, Evanston, 111., 1878: read law at Woodstock: admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court of Illinois, 1880. He res. York Center, until 1861; Woodstock, 111., 1861-82: Arling- ton, So. Dak., 1882-7: Los Angeles, Cal., 1887-90; since, Woodstock; regent i 1128 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Dakota Territorial College, 1886-7; member Arlington Lodge 39, A. O. IT. W.; she was educated Woodstock high school. ' 1 Children: ' 1458L Frances M., b. Feb. 26, 1884, Woodstock. 14582. James W., " July 16, 1886, Arlington. 14583. EarlkH., " Sept. 19, 1893, Woodstock. | [7524] HAMLIN L. WHITNEY,^ (Bro. of Mary H.,) | b. Richmond, Ills., Mar. 8, 1863; m. ISforfalk, Neb., Sept. 5, 1889, Virginia, dau. of Isaac and Sarah (Mailer) Powers, b. Dakota City, Neb., Sept. 20, I869';, asst. general town site and tax agent, C. & N. W. Ry Co.: Richmond, Ills.,'untili 1873; Woodstock, Ills., 1873-86; since, Omaha, Neb.; Republican; member Royal Arcanum and Omaha Club: she Cong. Ch. b. Omaha: 14584. Harriet Bernice, July 23, 1894. [7528] HERBERT LAWRENCE FENNER,9 (Lawrence A., « Louisiana Hamlin,' Amos,6 Cornelius,^* Ebenezer,3 James.ai) b. Virginia City, Mont., Mar. 22, 1871: m. Bisbee, Ariz., Mar. 13, 1900, Ruth R., dau. of Ross and Cynthia Ann (Eldridge) Rogers, b. Mesa, Ariz., June 24, 1879; miner. On Jan. 15, 1898, in company with two partners he started for the Klondike, via. Dyea; they built a boat, and floated down to Dawsoo, and on the way made a prospecting trip on foot to the Pelly and Little Salmon rivers country. In July, 1899, they went to Cape Nome, and returned to San Francisco, Nov. 2, 1899; Salt Lake City, Utah, 1900: since, Bisbee, Ariz.: member VirgioiaCity Lodge 1, A. F. & A. M.; Inde- pendence Lodge 53, Fraternal Brotherhood; she member Girls Club of Inde- pendence. Ch. b. Bisbee: 14585. Harriet Lorene, Sept. 8, 190L [7530] OSCAR FREDERICK FENNER,9 (Bro. of Herbert L.,) b. Virginia City, Mont., Aug. 3, 1872; m. there, Jan. 2, 1899, Mable Julia, dau. of Gilbert Bebee and Anna Frederica (Steflfens) Wheat, b. Virginia City, Sept. 14, 1878; miner; Virginia City; Republican; member Alder Lodge, 30. A.O. U. W. Ch. b. Nevada, Mont: 14586. Lawrence Gilbert, Jan. 5, 1900. [7532] RAYMOND HOPE FENNER,9 (Bro. of Herbert L.,) b. Virginia City, Mont., Oct. 16, 1876; m. by Rev. A. B. Irwin, Highland, Kan- sas, Jan. 1, 1902, Carlotta, dau. of Henry and Mary (Cooley) Filing, the dau. of one of the wealthiest men of Montana. He graduated U. S. Mil. Academy, West Point, June 13, 1900, and was assigned to the 6th U. S. Art. He reported at the. Presidio, San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 1st, 1900; in October of the same year with five other officers they went in the transport Grant in charge of 600 recruits for the army at Manilla, P. I., where he was for a short time in command of a bat- tery, and also on provost duty, awaiting the arrival of ranking officers, from the U. S. In March, 1901, he was Adjustant of a battalion of tbe 6 Art. sent to the NINTH GENERATION. 1129 province of Bataan to operate as Infantry against the insurgent Gen. Mascardo: and was honored by his superior officers as the bearer of negotiations to Mas- cardo for surrender. Assigned 1st Lieut. 2H Battery Field Att. at Vancouver Barraclcs. Wash., August, 1901: ordered home and arrived San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 28. 1901. Child: 14587 A Sox, b. Feb. 24, 1903. Lieut. Raymond H. Fennek. I [7533] LEON ARTHUR FENNER,^ (Bro. of Herbert L.,) b. Virginia City, Mont.. Sept. 17, 1878: unmarried; miner, with his father, ■Virginia City; member of Virginia Lodge 7, L O. O. F.; Republican. t [7535] KATALINA HAMLIN CLARK,^ (Sarah J. Hamlin,8 Daniel D. T.,' Louisiana," A mos,'^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Chicago, Ills., Sept. :>, 1874: m. Hilo, Hawaii, Oct. 31. 1901, Charles Egbert, son of Thomas and Al- 'bina Anne (Farrington) Sedgwick, b. Stockton, Cal., Nov. 11, 1871; electrical engineer; Stockton, until 1880: Berkeley, Cal., until 1895; Schenectady, N. Y., 1896; South Carolina, 1897: San Francisco, Cal., 1899: Hawaii, until 1902: since, )hio: Republican; he grad. from University of Cal., 1893; member Chi Phi So- -iety; and Society of Electrical Engineers of America; she Presb. and member Missionary Cousins Soc , of Hawaii. 1130 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [7536] CAROLYN AUSTIN CLARK,9 (Sister of Katalina H.,) b. Chicago, 111., Nov. 4, 1875; m. Evanston, Ills., Feb. 23, 1897, William Thomas, SOD of Thomas and Harriet (Palmer) Balding, b. Milwaukee, Wis., Nov., 1869; book keeper for Wainaker Plantation, Hilo, Hawaii, 1902; res. Milwaukee, until about 1877; Evanston, Ills., until 1894; Milwaukee, until 1899: since, Hilo; Republican; he was formerly clerk for Marshall Field, Chicago, Ills., and private secretary for Secretary of North West Life Ins. Co.; member B. P. O. E.; she member Missionary Cousins Soc. of Hawaii; Presbs. Children: 14588. Harriet Catalina, b. Aug. 4. 1898, Milwaukee. 14589. Caroline Hamlin, " Oct. 4, 1899, Hilo. 14590. William Thomas, •' Feb. 2,1901, " d. same day. [7554] LOTTIE MAY COON,^ (Mary E. Goodrich,^ Jeremiah,' Anna Treat,6 Mary Hamlin,^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ Jaraes,2i) b. Big Valley, Cal., Sept. 12, 1860: m. Augusta, 111., Mar. 14, 1881, Lorin A., son of Lorin and Mary A. Ainger, b. in Illinois, Dec. 6, 1849; whod. Independence, Cal., May 23, 1895: farmer, resided Independence; removed to Vineland, Fia., 1898, and remarried. Children: 14591. Edward B., b. June 20, 1883, Areata, Cal. 14592. Herbert A., " Dec. 4, 1885, Selma, 14593. Edith May, " May 17, 1888, Independence 14594. Lester C, " May 25, 1890, (( 14595. Ethel Grace, " Oct. 14, 1891, (t 14596. Nellie Pearl, •' Oct. 2, 1893, (t [7555] EMMA COFFENBERRY.a (Martha J. Goodrich,* Jeremiah,' Anna Treat," Mary Hamlin,^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Jasper Co., Ind., Jan. 18, 1860; m. Jan. 17, 1882, Geo. Colwell, of Quitman, Mo.; she d. Quit- man, June 20, 1890. Children: 14597. Myrtle, b. Feb. 1, 1883. 14598. Guy, " Sept. 30, 1886. [7556] EMELINE C0FFENBERRY,9 (Sister of Emma,) b. Jasper Co., Ind., June 23, 1862; m. Jan. 23, 1882, Zinn. Ch. b. Wyoming, 111: 14599. Archie, Apr. 23, 1883. [7557] GRANT L. COrrENBERRY,^ (Bro. of Emma,) b. Wyoming, 111., Mar. 23, 1865; m. June 6, 1886; res. Marshalltown, Iowa. Children: 14600. Maude J., b. July 28, 1890. 14601. May, d. young. 14602. Hazel, " July 4, 1898. [7558] JEFFERSON MERRILL GOODRICH," (James A.,« Jeremiah,' Anna Treat,* Mary Hamlin, 5 Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. July 25, 1859: m. June, 1881, Rebecca A. Mann; res. Goodrich, Kas. NINTH GENERATION. 1131 Children: 14603. Pearly, 14604. Maudje. 14605. Wm. Alonzo. 14606. Beatrice. 14607. Vera. [7.559] JOSEPH FRANKLIN GOODRICH.^ (Bro. of Jeflferson M.,) b. Apr. 27, 1862; m. Oct., 1885, Anna Havvery, who d. June, 1889; m. 2d, 1891, Caroline Burnside; res. Lawson, Okla. Ch. by 1st wife: 14608. Ethel. 14609. Edna. 14610. Anna Ellen. By 2d wife: 14611. Myrtle. 14612. Portia May. 14613. Gladious. 15614. Percy B. [7561] WILLIAM GOODRICH.^ (Bro. of Jefferson M.,) b. Augusta, Ills., Nov. 10, 1871; m. Stillwater, Okla., Jan. 2, 1898, Laura Elizabeth, dau. of James Asbury and Laura Jane ( Daggett) Knott, b. Yates Center, Kansas, June 9, 1877; farmer; Parker, Kansas, 1879-93; since. Lawson, Okla.; Populist. Ch. b. Lawson: 14615. Florence Lorena, Dec. 15, 1898. 14616. William Clarence, June 13, 1900. [7563] MARY EQDOCIA CROOK,!* (Helen R. Goodrich.^ Jeremiah,' Anna Treat,« Mary Hamlin, 5 Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Bradford, 111., July 1, 1859; m. Brooklyn, 111., May 29, 1880, James M., son of John Wesley and Lucinda (Burnett) Higgins, b. Brooklyn, 111., Mar. 4, 1857; baker, printer and teacher; Brooklyn, 111., and Greeley, Kansas; Democrat; member Camp 3201, M. W. A. and Lodge 55 K.P.; United Brethren. Children: b. Apr. 24, 1881, Brooklyn; d. Aug. 7, 1881. '^ Mar. 14, 1883, " Dec. 15, 1884, " " July 6, 1890, Greeley. " May 3, 1895, " [7565] CHARLIE N. CROOK," (Bro. of Mary E., ) b. Stark Co., III., Aug. 1, 1865: m. Paoli, Kansas, 1894, Lucy, dau. of Dan J. and Elizabeth (Miner) Stites, b. Linn Co., Kansas, 1867; farmer; Bradford, 111., until 1875: Doddsville, III., until 1880; Goodrich, Kas., 1892; since, Flynn, Okla.: Populist; Methodist; she United Brethren. Ch. b. Flynn: 14622. Leo, Feb. 24, 1895. 14623. LOREN, Dec. 17, 1897. 14617. Nellie E., 14618. Blanche E., 14619. Adah P., 14620. Charles Randall, 14621. NORAH E., 1132 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [7567] EURETTA FLOY CROOK.s (Sister of Mary E.,) b. Schuyler, Ills., Aug. 24, 1873; ra. Parker, Kansas, Feb. 22, 1899, John Levi, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Missouri (Rash) Wooton, b. Goodrich, Kans., Feb. 22, 1868; farmer; Goodrich; Republican; Methodists. Ch. b. Goodrich: 14624. Samuel Evekett, Dec. 26, 1899. [7571] SADIE F. ILETT,9 (Lucy C. Goodrich,* Jeremiah,^ Anna Treat,6 Mary Hamlin, ^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ Jaraes,^!) b. Collins, Ills., Jan. 9, 1872; m, by Rev. C. P. Burnley, Madison, Wis., Sept. 28, 1893, Ceylon C. Ward, b. Mar. 30, 1869. Children: 14625. Miles Wilford, b. May 27, 1894. 14626. CiEL Miner, " Sept. 7, 1895. [7577] JULIUS H. SACKETT,9 (Maria Treat,* Seymour,? Timothy,* Ruth Hamlin,5 Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Oct. 16, 1838; m. Apr. 10, 1864, , ^( juerinernoru. Children: 14627. Jennie R., b. Jan. 25, 1865; d. June 12, 1865. 14628. Cornelius Bakent, " June 24, 1866. 14629. Ellen C, " June 12, 1875. [7578] RHODA T. SACKETT,^ (Sister of Julius H.,) b. May 1, 1841; m. 1st, Aug. 27, 1857, S. Overlin; m. 2d, 1875, David Chase; she d. Aug. 2, 1885. Ch. by 1st marriage: 14630. Claude, b. Oct. 14, 1865. By 2d marriage: 14631. Jennie M., b. Mar. 18, 1876. 14632. Harvey W., " Jan. 3, 1878. 14633. Joe W., " Dec. 2, 1879. 14634. Charles W., " Apr. 2, 1883. 14635. Rhoda T., " Aug. 2, 1885. [7581] LYDIA A. SACKETT,9 (Sister of Julius H.,) b. Dec. 15, 1845; m. Dec. 15, 1859, Ebenezer Graham; she d. Apr. 25, 1873. Children: b. Aug. 22, 1862. " Sept. 11, 1864. " Nov. 12, 1866. " Nov. 29, 1868. [7582] PHEBE ORLINDA TREAT,9 (Stephen D.,^ Timothy,' Thomas,» Ruth Hamlin, 5 Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James, 21) b. May 21, 1844: m. June 20, 1861, Hanford Graham. [7583] WALTER BYRON TREAT,^ (John H.,* Lyman,' Thomas,« Ruth Hamlin,'^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Buffalo, N.Y., Sept. 1, 1864; m. Brantford, Ont., Apr. 26, 1887, Mary A., dau. of William and Eliza (Pettyman) Kerr, b. Sligo, Ireland, Feb. 1, 1863: res. Lockport, N. Y. 14636.* Dolly M., 14637.* Noah M., 14638. Minnie L., 14639. Joe a., NINTH GENERATION. 1133 Children: 14640. Pearl Evelene, b. Mar. 9, 1888, Brantt'ord. 14()41. Wilbur Kerr, " Jan. 19,1890, Lockport. [7584] ALTEE MAY TREAT,9 (Sister of Walter B.,) b. July 3, 1870; m. Harley, Ontario, Dec 27, 1885, Adam Giddie; she d. July ^ 1894. Ch. b. Lockport, N. Y.: 14642. Elsie Amelia, Oct. 16, 1891. [7585J CLARA ESTELLE TREAT,9 (Sister of Walter B.,) b. June 27, 1874; m. Nov. 1, 1892, Andrew Terrell, of Brantford, Ontario. Ch. b. Ontario: 14643. Andrew Henry, Jan. 10, 1896. 14644. Percy Edward, July 8, 1898. 14645. Jennie Irene, Apr. 15, 1900. [7586] ALVIRA H. TREAT,9 (Sullivan,^ Timothy,' Thomas,6 Ruth Hamlin, 5 Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James, 21) b. Silver Creek, Mich., Sept. 5, 1846; m. Elk Grove, Cal., Oct. 13, 1870, Julius Everson; b. Moravia, N. Y., 1834; merchant; Moravia, until 1856; afterwards, California; Republican. He d. Elk Grove, Nov. 30, 1901. Ch. b. Elk Grove; 14646. Lester T., July 18, 1876, 14647. Walter T„ May 12, 1881. [7587] ALPHA ALDR1CH,9 (Almira Treat,« Timothy,' Thoraas,^ Ruth Hamlin, 5 Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Edwardsburg, Mich., Feb. 17, 1842; m. Feb. 20, 1886, Harvey Linford, son of Oliver and Ann (Woods) Drew, b. Nov. 6, 1839; banker; Cass Co., Mich., until 1866; Berrieu Co., Mich., until 1874; San Bernardino, Cal., after 1875; Prest. of Farmers' Exchange Bank; Republican; Captain 3 Mich. Cav.; enlisted 1861; Unitarian. He d. June 11, 1901. Children: b. Mar. 14, 1867, Berrien Co,; d. in infancy. " Mar. 27, 1868, " " " Sept. 20, 1870. " Sept. 7, 1874, Sacramento; d. in infancy. " Oct. 24, 1876, San Bernardino. " Mar. 14, 1880, " [7588] JAMES M. ALDR]CH,9 (Bro. of Alpha,) b. Edwardsburg, Mich., Feb. 8, 1844; unmarried; member 4 Mich. Cav.; en- listed Aug. 1862; d. in hospital, Lebanon, Ky., of pneumonia, Nov. 10, 1862. [7589] LEVI M. ALDRICH,9 (Bro. of Alpha,) b. Edwardsburg, Mich., Jan. 7, 1846; m. Dec. 10, 1869, Emily A. Beauchamp; res. Elk Grove, Cal., 1893. He d. San Bernadino, Cal., Oct. 11, 1891. No issue. 14648, Stella, 14649.* Arthur Linfori>, 14650.* Fred C, 14651. Henry Elmer, 14652. Roy Fordham, 14653. Walter G., 1134 THE HAMLm FAMILY. [7590] GEORGE B. ALDRICH," (Bro. of Alpha, y b. Edwardsburg, Mich., Oct. 20, 1847; unmarried^ merchant. He d. wardsburg, Mar. 10, 1870. Ed- [7591] JASPER K. ALDRICH,9 (Bro. of Alpha,) b. near Edwardsburg, Mich., Sept. 10, 1849; ra. Fredonia, N. Y., Feb. 14,j 1872, Maria, dau. of Scott and Anna (Wieal) Aldrich, b. Hamburg^ N. Y., Mar. 19, 1848; farmer; res. near Edwardsburg, until 1873: Elkhart, Ind., until I88O5 since, Edwardsburg; Republican; she Methodist. Children: 14654. J. Guy, b. Nov. 1, 1873, Elkhart; unm. 1901. 14655. Martha May, " Nov. 28, 1875, Edwardsburg, " " [7605] JAY W. ROBINSON,9 (Lucy A, Treat,* Timothy,^ Thomas,* Ruth Hamlin, 5 Cornelius,* Ebenezer,3 Jaraes,2i) b. Dowagiac, Mich., Mar, 22, 1859; m. Storm Lake, Iowa, Dec. 4, 1886, Harriet, dau. of Marshall and Laura A. (Smith) Renshaw, b. Fredericksburg, Iowa, Jan. 11, 1868; farmer; Storm 1 Lake; Republican; Baptists. Ch. b. Storm Lake: Lucy L., Aug. 14, 1888. Bernice E., Aug. 23, 1890. MiLoF., Apr. 26, 1894. 14656. 14657. 14658. 14659. Ruth A. Dec. 1, 1898, [7616] FLORA LUCINDA TREAT,9 (George,8 Oren,' Thomas.s Ruth Hamlin, 5 Cornelius,* Ebenez,er,3 James,2i) b. Sharon, Wis., Feb. 24, 1856; m, there, Feb. 28, 1878, Maxon W.,10 son of Mark F. and Harriet (Wheeler) Pierce,* b. Feb. 29, 1856; res. Austin, Cook Co., 111., 1900. * Note 487. Capt. MICHAEL PIERCE.i b. England, about 1615; came to America, about 1645; resided Hingham and Situate, Mass.; bis 1st wife d. 1662; m. 2d, about 1663, widow Anna James; lie helped build the first saw mill, and resided in what is South Scituate; he was killed by Indians, Sunday, Mar. 26, 1676; will dated Jan. 15, 1675. Children: Persis, Benjamin, John, Ephraim, Eliza, Deborah, Anna, Abiah, Ruth, Abigail. EPHRAIM PIERCE,2 m. Hannah, dau. of John Holbrook, of Weymouth, Mass.; removed to Warwick, R. I.; freeman. May 3, 1681; he d. Sept. 14, 1719; will, July 18, 1718; proved Warwick, Sept. 23, 1719. Children: Azrikim, Ephraim, Michael, Rachael, Hannah, E.xperience, John, Benjamin. EPHRAIM P1ERCE,3 b. Warwick, R. I., 1674; m. Mary Low; res. Rehoboth and Swansea, Mass. Children: Mial, David, Elizabeth, Mary, Clothier, Ephraim. Dea. mial pierce,* b. Apr. 24, 1693; m. Judith, dau. of Judge Ellis, b. 1686: res. War- wick. R. I., Swansea and Rehoboth, Mass. He d. Oct. 6, 1744. Children: Ephraim, Wheeler, Na- than, Mary, Judith, Mial, Jobe, Caleb, Joshua. Lieut. JOBE PIERCE,5 b. Apr. 25, 1723; m. Abigail, dau. of Dr. Micah Pratt, of Taunton, Mass., b. Nov. 28, 1725; res. Rehoboth, Mass.; he d. Cct. 4, 1791: shed. May 3, 1813. Children; Jobe, Isaac, John, Samuel. .rOBE PIERCE,6 b. Aug. 7, 1753; m. Dec. 29, 1776, Hannah Bullock; b. Sept. 18, 1775; res- Rehoboth, Mass. He d. Aug. 30, 1818; she d. May 30, 1859. Children: John M., Micah, Benona, Silas, Willtiam, Silas, Gilbert, Abigal. JOHN M. PIERCE,7 b. Mar. 23, 17T8; m. 1st, Hannah Morehouse; m. 2d. Dec. 24. 1816, Elizabeth Hickok, b. Sept. 27, 1786; who d. Aug. 20, 1823; m. 3d, Jan. 1, 1834, Mrs. Eliza Reed, who d. Dec. 1865; res. Taunton, Mass., and Norton Hill, N.Y. He d. May 19, 1846. Children: Philip M., Phebe M., Carlos M., Caroline M., Elizabsth, Maxon, Charles W. MAXON PIERCE,8 b. Mar. 5, 1800; m. Dec. 12, 1822, Charity Nelson, b. Apr. 14, 1804; res. Sharon, Wis. He d. June 18, 1847. Children: Mark F., George L., Hannah E. MARK F. PIERCE.a b. May 21, 1835; m. 1st, June 13, 1847, Harriet Wheeler, b. Feb. 14, 1828; d. Mar. 30, 1859; m. 2d, June 34, 1860, Betsey J. Potter, b. Apr. 14, 1827; res. Big Foot Prairie, III. Children: Mahala E., George W., Ma.\on W., Ames M., Alma J. NINTH GENERATION. 1135 Children: 14660. Bertha Evalyn, b. Mai\ 3, 1879, Fig Foot, 111. 14661. Blanche Mildred, " Oct. 20, 1881, Sbaron. 14662. George Treat, "■ Mar. 10, 1883, " d. Oct. 22, 1883. [7617] HELEN TREAT,9 (Sister of Flora L.,) b. Sharon, Wis., July 2, 1858; m. Monongahela City, Pa., Jan, 26, 1881. Jack- son C, son of John and Anne Catherine (Kammerer) Miller, b. Washington, Pa., Mar. 2, 1856; farmer, carpenter and contractor; Sharon, Wis., 1881-7; since, Chicago, Ills.; except a brief residence in Hawarden, Iowa; Republican; she Uni- versalist. Children: 14663. Florence Lulu, b. May 4, 1882, Sharon; d. Nov. 20, 1882. 14664. Grace Isabel, "July 4,1885, *' " Oct. 22, 1894. 14665. Donald Treat, " July 26, 1896, Chicago. [7620] MARION GEORGIA TREAT,9 (Sister of Flora L.,) b. Sharon, Wis., Jan. 24, 1871; m. there, Sept. 25. 1895, Rev. William Bar- rett, son of William and Eliza Fanny (Barrett) Millard, b. Milvs^aukee, Wis., Feb. 16, 1867; clergyman; Milwaukee, until 1895; New London, Wis., 1895-1900^ since, Geneseo, Ills.; Congs. Children: 14666. Jessica Jeannette, b. Nov. 8, 1897, New London. 14667. Merrill, " Oct. 25, 1900, Geneseo. [7621] ALICE MAY TREAT,9 (Thomas N.,* Oren,' Thomas,^ Ruth Hamlin,5 Cornelius,* Ebenezer,3James,2i) b. Sharon, Wis., Feb. 3, 1865; m. Clear \ Lake, Iowa, Dec. 12, 1888, Charles, son of Robert and Susanna (Everson) Daw- > son, b. Union Grove, Wis., Apr. 10, 1862; farmer; Union Grove, until 1870; since, Clear Lake; Republican; she Methodist. [7622] MINNIE BELL TREAT," (Sister of Alice M.,) b. Sharon, Wis., Nov. 6, 1866; m. Clear Lake, Iowa, Mar. 29, 1900, Herbert Copley, b. Clear Lake, Apr. 10, 1867; farmer; Clear Lake; Republican; she Meth- odist; she d. Clear Lake, Apr. 16, 1901. [7626] ELLA FRANK UNDERHILL,9 (Helen N. Treat,* Oren,^ Thomas.6 Ruth Hamlin, ^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,* James,2i) b. Sharon, Wis., Mar. 6, 1860; m. there, Oct. 19, 1881, Fred Nelson, son of Wellington and Abby (Briggs) Hendrix, b. Spring Prairie, Wis., Jan. 4, 1854; lawyer; Spring Prairie, 1854-7; Elkhorn, Wis., 1857-9; LaFayette, Wis., 1859-73; Madison, Wis., 1873-80; ; Jonesville, Wis., 1880-1; Eau Claire, Wis., 1881-4; since, Minneapolis. Minn.; Re- I publican; she member W. C T. U. Ch. b. Eau Claire: 14668. Helen Rozette, Apr. 23, 1883; unm. 1902. [7627] CLAYTON HORACE UNDERHILL,^ (Bro. of Ella F.,) b. Sharon, Wis., Aug. 24, 1863; m. Nov. 25, 1885, Grace Eugenie, dau. of Or- rin and Jennette ( Abbey ) Carpenter, b. Harvard, Ills., Apr. 19, 1864; res. Sharon, 1863-80; Webster City, Iowa, 1880-1; Eau Claire, Wis., 1881-3; since, Sharon; 1136 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. postmaster; Webster City; member Sharon Lodge 116, A. F. & A. M.; Sharoo Lodge 51, K. P.; members Orion Chapter 117, O, E. S. No issue. [7632] CHARLOTTE AURORA CALKINS,9 ( Marie Frances Treat,* Oren,' Thomas,^ Ruth Hamlin, ^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer.s Jamfes,2i) b. East Aurora, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1875; unmarried. She graduated from East Aurora high school, 1891; from the State Normal school, Brockport, N. Y., 1897: preceptress, high school, Shortsville, N. Y., 1897-9; since, preceptress, high school, Middleville, N. Y. [7635] Hon. ADONIRAM JUDSON HOLMES,^ (Benjamin F.,8 Jennie Treat,' Thomas,^ Ruth Hamlin, ^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,.^ James, ^i) b. Jackson, Ohio, Mar. 2, 1842: m. Boone, Iowa, Apr., 1878, Emma, dau. of Zimri Allan and Margaret (Robson) Folsom, b. Rouse's Point, N. Y., June 4, 1846: lawyer; Pal- myra, Wis., 1855-67; afterwards Boone, Iowa; Republican, city attorney; mayor of Boone; county attorney: representative Iowa legislature, 1882; representative in congress, 1883-8; Sergeant-at-Arms, House of Representatives, congress, '89-90; private, D, 24, Wis., Inf. Vols.; enlisted Aug. 6, 1862: transferred Feb. 1, 1864, as 2d Lieut., G, 37, Wis. Inf. Vols.; promoted 1st, Lieut., May 7, 1864; participated in battles of Perryville, Murfreesboro or Stone River, Chickamauga, Chatta- nooga, Missionary Ridge, Danville, Cold Harbor and Petersburg: wounded Stone River; was at the explosion of the mine, Petersburg, Va., captured there and a prisoner nine months in Danville and Columbus: dis. July 27, 1865. After the war he graduated from Milton College, Wis.: and from Law Dept. Ann Arbor University, Mich., 1867. The Boone News speaks of him as "one of the best men Boone ever claimed for a citizen," while an article in the Boone Ee- puhltcan says: "'His career in the halls of legislation, state and national, is without a blemish. It was a personal benefit to have been acquainted with this character, and almost a liberal education to be admitted to his intimacy. His was a free hand where sorrow called." Member G. A. R.; Loyal Legion; I. O.O. F. and A. F. & A. M.; he d. Clarinda, Iowa, Jan. 20, 1902. Ch. b. Boone: 14669. Harold Judson. 14670. Clarence, May 27, 1886, [7638] IRA WATT HOLMES,' ( Bro. of Adonirum, J.,) b. Palmyra, Wis., Feb. 29, 1860; m. Oct. 26, 1886, Grace Aurora,!* dau. of George and Sarah Elizabeth (Foster) Treat, [7619] b. Sharon, Wis., July 23, 1867. He was a teacher, 187{>-82; employe C, & N. W. R. R, Co., 1882-4; since, U. b. railway postal clerk; res. Palmyra, Wis., until 1877: Boone, Iowa, until 1884; Hawarden, Iowa, until 1894; since, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Republican; Good Templar; Congs. , Children: 14671. Marion Grace, b. Oct. 12, 1891, Hawarden. 14672. Walter Judson, " Jan. 23, 1898, Cedar Rapids. [7642] LEGRAND Deforest HENDERSON,9 (Lucinda Holmes," Jemima Treat,' Thomas,* Ruth Hamlin, ^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,«i) b. East Aurora, N. Y., Mar. 2, 1952; m. Sturgeon Bay, Wis., Feb. 22, 1876, Annie NINTH GENERATION. 1137 B., dau. of William K. and Olive A. (Robbins) Dresser, b. Albany, Maine, May 16, 1858; metchant: Portland, Oregon; Republican; Freemason: he d. Portland, Sept. 14, 1897; she m. 2d, 1900, S. W. Wingate, and res. Portland. [7653] Dr. CHARLES REESMAN TREAT,9 (Charles R,^ Izbon,^ Thomas," Ruth Hamlin, ^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Sharon, Wis., May 19, 1866: m. Magnolia, Wis., Dec. 30, 1886, Hattie Lewis, dau. of Oliver and Jane Levpis, of Howard, Ills.; physician and surgeon; Sharon, Wis., except in New York City, 1899-1900. He graduated high school, 1863; studied two years at Beloit College; studied medicine four years; graduated Chicago Homoepathic Med. College, 1888. Ch. b. Sharon: 14673. Margaret Jane, May 6, 1888. [7655] GILBERT BARTON TREAT,9 (Lewis J.,* Izbon,' Thomas,^ Ruth Hamlin, 5 Cornelius,* Ebenezer,3 James, 21) b. Albert Lea, Minn., Dec. 25, 1859; m. St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 2, 1885, Hannah B. Carl, who d. Dec. 8, 1885; dentist; Polo, Ills., 1893. [7656] LEWIS EDWARD TREAT,8 (Bro. of Gilbert B.,) b. Albert Lea, Minn., Feb. 17, 1861; m. July 25, 1885, Rhoda F. Strahl, of Palo, 111., 1893. He is dead. Ch. b. Palo: 14674. Lewis L., Mar. 24, 1887. 14675. Minnie M., Sept. 10, 1890. [7662] H. BEECHER WHEELER," (Polly M. Treat,^ John,' Thomas,^ Ruth Hamlin, 5 Cornelius,* Ebenezer,3James,2i) b. East Hamburg, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1858; m. there, Sept. 18, 1889. Kate, dau. of Asa Rice and Mahala Erminia (Fisher) Trevett, b. E. Hamburg, Jan. 7, 1859: farmer; E. Hamburg; Methodists. Ch. b. E. Hamburg: 14676. Paul Trevett, Aug. 23, 1890. 14677. D WIGHT M., Mar. 18, 1892. 14678. HOLLis Beecher, Aug. 29, 1893. 14679. Ralph Adna, July 2, 1895. [7663] HATTIE E. TREAT,9 (Fayette,* John,' Thomas,6 Ruth Hamlin,^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. E. Concord, N. Y., June 9, 1855; m. Oct. 26, [ 1878, Byron E. Walters; Springville, N. Y. Children: 14680. Clarence F., b. Feb. 3, 1882. 14681. Harry T., " Feb. 25, 1890. 146S2. Harold E., " Feb. 25, 1890. [7665] ESTELLA C. CORBIN,^ (Charlotte Treat,» John,' Thomas,^ Ruth Hamlin,5 Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. East Aurora, N. Y., July 20, 1859; m. Oct. 14, 1885, Mortimer Leroy Hayden; farmer: Glenwood, N. Y. Ch. b. E. Concord: 14683. Claude C, "Nov. 8,1886. 14684. Gerald L., " Apr. 17, 1889. 1138 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [7667] WAYLAND ALMON TREAT,9 (Thomas,* John,^ Thomas.e Ruth Harn.lin,5 Cornelius,* Ebenezer,3James,2i) b. Polo, Ills., Oct. 21, 1868: m. Chicago, 111., Nov. 12, 1901, Alice, dau. of William and Sophia (Guest) Bowey, b. Luton, Canada, Jan. 25, 1871: foundryman; Chicago, 1886-90: LeMars, Iowa, 1890-5; since, Chicago; Republican: member Le Mars Lodge 322, A. F. & A. M,; she Epis. [7668] GRACE LOUISE TREAT,» (Sister of Wayland A.,) b. Polo, Ills., June 30, 1872; m. LeMars, Iowa, Nov. 22, 1899, John Baldridge Miller, b. Aurelia, Iowa, Apr. 13, — ; real estate broker; Alliance, Neb.; Re- publican; Sergt. A, 1st Neb. V'ols., Spanish war; enlisted Apr. 27, 1898; partici- pated in Insurgent attack an Manilla, Feb. 4-5, 1899; MariquauaRoad, Feb. 17, and Mar. 6, 1899; Mololas campaign, Mar. 25-31, 1899; Mololas to San Fernando, Apr, 23 to May 4, 1899; dis. Aug. 1, 1899; member York Lodge 13, K. P. Ch. b. York, Neb.: 14685. Glenn Treat, Nov. 2, 1900. [7670] CHARLES VICTOR STURDEVANT,9 (Affie B. Treat,^ John,' Thomas, fi Ruth Hamlin, ^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James, ^i) b. Mendota, Ills., Apr. 20, 1867; m. Honolulu, H. I., July 14, 1891, Isabella Boice, dau. of William J. and Isabella (Madill) Walker, b. Unionville, Nev., Mar. 13, 1867; confectioner: Clarence, Iowa, until Dec, 1886: afterwards, Honolulu: Passadena, Cal., 1902; Prohibitionist; Methodist; member of Mystic Lodge 2, K. P., Honolulu; she Cong. Children: 14686. Isabella G., b. May 21, 1892, Santa Clara. 14687. Makgueritta, " May 16, 1893. Passadena; d. May 17, 1893. 14688. Charles Victor, " Sept. 4, 1897, Los Gastos. [7671] HARRY ALMON STURDEVANT,9 (Bro. of Charles V.,) b. Clarence, Iowa, May 5, 1872; m. there, Aug. 16, 1892, Mattie Mae, dau. of Elijah and Marion Murray (Shearer) Garrison, b. Clarence, Oct. 16, 1871; travel- ing salesman for Cudahy Packing Co.; Clarence, until 1892; Passadena, Cal., 1892-3; Honolulu, H.I., 1895-6; Cedar Rapids, Iowa, since 1897; Republican; mem- ber Woodman of the World; she Methodist. Children: 14689. Faustina M., b. June 15, 1893, Redlands, Cal. 14690. Tedcastle, " Mar. 5, 1897, Denver, Col. [7672] THOMAS SQUIRES TREAT,9 (John C.,* John,' Thomas.s Ruth Hamlin, 5 Cornelius,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Concord, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1876; m. East Concord, Aug. 13, 1900, Maude Evalyn, dau. of Orrin Delos and Emma Jane (Titus) Mayo, b. Concord, Aug. 13, 1874; farmer; Waterville, N. Y., until 1891; since, Springville, N. Y.; Republican; Freewill Baptists: members of Maple Lodge 172, I. O. G. T. Ch. b. Springville: 14691. MiLBURN Fayette, Dec. 30, 1901. [767.3] ISAAC HARTLEY HOW,9 (Thomas P.,8 Elizabeth Treat,' Thomas,« Ruth Hamlin,'' Cornelius,^ Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Dec. 24, 1846; ra. by Rev. Mr. Hutchins, Brooklyn, N. Y., Mar. 19, 1867, Jane Elizabeth Carman. i NINTH GENERATION. 1139 He enlisted by the name of George Howard, in Co. G, 7, N. H. Inf. Vols, and i served in the war of rebellion. He and his daughter res. at Richmond Hill, L. 1.; I she d. 1901. ! Children: 14692. Annie E. 14693. A Daughter; d. infancy. 14694. William Lucius; lost at sea. [7674J LUCIUS WALLACE HOW,9 M. D., (Bro. of Isaac H.,) b. Buffalo, N. Y., June 16, 1850; m. N. Y. City, Sept. 10, 1879, Elizabeth Perium, dau. of Alonzo J., and Hester Ann (Hunt) Wyman, b. N. Y. City, Jan. 27, 1857; physician and surgeon and court stenographer; Bronxwood Park, Wil- j liamsbridge, N. Y. City; Republican: member Hebron Lodge 813, A.F.&A. M., I and S. A. R.; Baptists. Ch. b. N. Y. City: 14695. Harry Wallace, Mar. 29, 1881. [7675] CHARLOTTE HENRIETTA HOW,9 (Sister of Isaac H.,) b. N. Y. City, Nov. 19, 1860; m. by Nelson Walch, Esq., Eden, N. Y., Apr. 1 9, 1882, Herbert J., son of James Robert and Abigail (Hitchcock) Thompson, b. ; Brant, N. Y., Mar. 13, 1861; carpenter and farmer; Brant and North Collins, N. Y., 1883: Clear Lake, Wis., 1886-8; since, Loraine, Wis.; Republican; Metho- dists. They have an adopted dau., Elsie A., horn Oct. 22, 1886. No issue. [7677] MARION ELIZABETH STANCLIFT," (Mary J. How,8 Elizabeth Treat,^ Thomas,* Ruth Hamlin, & Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. North Collins, N. Y., Apr. 17, 1849: m. 1865, Albert Hicks; res. Franklinville, N. Y. Children: 14696. Olive. 14697. Ella. 14698. Cora. 14699. Myrtle. 14700. Myrton. 14701. Leroy. 14702. Gourney. 14703. Aaron. [7678] ANNIE LYDIA STANCLIFT," (Sister of Marion E.,) I b. North Collins, N. Y., May 8, 1852; m. Elma, N. Y., Apr. 4, 1875, Abram, j son of Charles Henry and Sally Maria (Valkenburg) Divine, b. Wales, N, Y., I Sept. 30, 1850: carpenter; Elma, N. Y., 1875; Hamburg, 1878; East Aurora, N. Y., since 1879; Democrat: she Presb. Children: 14704. Jennie M., b. July 8, 1876, Elma. 14705. Laura B., " Oct. 6,1878, Hamburg; m. Herbert H.Baker. 14706. Charles A., " Dec. 9, 1880, E. Aurora; d. June 27, 1882. 14707. Clarence H., " Mar. 17, 1885, " " " Dec. 4, 1887. 14708. May G., " Sept.26, 1888, " " " Feb. 12, 1891. i 1140 TITE HAMLIN FAMILY. [7679] MARY HORTENSE STANCLIFT,^ (Sister of Marion E.,) b. Golden, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1855; m. Brant, N. Y., May 10, 1880, Sanauel N., son of Richard and Elizabeth (Newton) Reese, b. Watford, Northamton, Eng., Aug. 11, 1844: laborer; North Collins, N. Y.; Republican; member Erie Lodge, 772, I. O. O. F.: members Hiawatha Rebekah Lodge 208, I.O. O. F,; bugler, E, 10 N. Y. Cav.; enlisted Oct. 3, 18(il, served from Antietam to Apporaatox, in Army of Potomac; dis. July 18, 1865; she member W. R. C. 22. [7686] PHILANDER T. BARRETT,9 (Diadama Treat,^ Amaziah,' Cornelius,^ Ruth Hamlin, & Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. New London, Ohio, Oct. 16, 1835; m. Mary Mitchell, of Sandusky, Ohio; farmer; Turtle, Wis. Children; 14709. A Son. Six Daughters. [7688] MARTHA D. BARRETT,^ (Sister of Philander T.,) b. New London, Ohio, May 26, 1848; m. Fernando Wright, of Clinton, Wis. Children; 14710. A Son. 14711. . A Daughter. [7689] BENJAMIN SMITH PA RK,9 (Sarah Treat,8Amaziah,7 Cornelius," Ruth Haralin,5 Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. New London, Ohio, Dec. 21, 1836; m. Dubuque, Iowa, Sept. 24, 1861, Cornelia Schuyler, b. New York, 1840; music teacher; Sheboygan, Wis.; Republican; principal State Industrial School, Waukesha, Wis., 1882-7; musician, 16 Wis. Inf. Vol., enlisted 1863. Children: 14712. Benjamin Schuyler, b. 1862, d. 1893 14713. Bertha, " 1866. 14714. Edward, " 1868. 14715. Ray, " 1877. [7690] MORTIMER TREAT PARK,^ (Bro. of Benjamin S.,) b. New London, Ohio, July 25, 1841; m. 1st, Clinton, Wis., Sept. 26, 1861, Mary Ehzabeth, dau. of D. P. and Charlotte Hammond, b. Feb. 1, 1841, whod. Clinton, Feb. 12, 1883; m. 2d,1886, Isabella C, dau. of I. B. Smith, b. in Wiscon- sin, 1856; Turtle, Wis, 1847-67; principal of school, Racine, Wis., 1867-75; teach- er. State Normal School, 1875-9; newspaper editor, Elkhorn, Wis., 1879-82; Asst. Secretary of State, Madison, Wis., 1882-91; newspaper work, Elkhorn, 1891-9; Supt. State Public School, Sparta,Wis., since 1899; Republican; Freemason; Odd Fellow; member Temple of Honor; Baptists. Two sons and a daughter by 1st wife. [7691] JOHN HEMAN PARK,9 (Bro. of Benjamin S.,) b. New London, Ohio, Sept. 2, 1845; m. in Penn., Oct. 26, 1881, Pleiades Walker, b. 1856; farmer and R. R. engineer; Rock Island, 111.; Republican; Freemason; private, 47 Wis. Inf. Vols.; enlisted 1864; dis. Sept., 1865. Ch. b. Rock Island: 14716. A Son, 1886. i NINTH GENERATION. 1141 176921 FRED EMERSON PARK,9 (Bro. of Benjamin S.,) b. Turtle, Wis., Nov. 9, 1854; m. Beloit, Wis., Dec. 20, 1874, Sara E., dau. of I Hiram and Betsey (Youner) Turner, b. Beloit, Mar. 16, 1852; traveling salesman; i Lincoln, Neb.; Republican: member Lodge 19, A. F. & A. M.; slie Methodist. ' Ch. b. Beloit: 14717. Hakky Herman, Nov. 4, 1875; d. Aug. 28, 1900; unm. [7693] EMILY DIADAMA TREAT,' (Cornelius M.,« Amaziuh,' Cornelius," Ruth Hamlin, f* Cornelius,* Ebenezer," James, ^i) b. New London, Ohio, Aug. 16, 1842: m. May 29, 1867, Oscar C, son of Cyrus and Jane (Wylcoff) Oates, b. Hopewell, N. Y., May 81, 1832; she was educated at Allen's Grove Academy, Walworth Co., Wis., and was a school teacher. He was conductor for I Southern Mich. R. R.: banker; res. Hopewell, N. Y.; LaCrosse and Clinton, Wis.; Republican. Both d. Clinton; slie Aug. 20, 1901; he July 24, 1898. Children; 14718. Cyrus Mortimer, b. Oct. 28, 1867, Turtle, Wis. 14719. Fanny Alvira, " July 12, 1875, LaCrosse; unm. 1892. J4720, VOLNEY CuRTiss, " Aug. 23, 1879, Clinton, " " [7694] CURTISS MORTIMER TREAT,9 (Bro. of .Emily D., ) b. Turtle, Wis., Apr. 29, 1857; m. Jan. 30, 1883, Jennie, dau. of John and M. i A. Farrington, of Milwaukee: journalist. He started The Clinton Independent, ! at the age of 16. the first paper in Clinton, Wis., which he published live years; i when with M. T. Park they purchased The Walworth County Independent^ at Elk- I horn; sold his interest, and started The Racine Evening News, which he published I about four years. He then accepted a position on the editorial staff of The j Milwaukee Sentinel, which he held about three years; and then became corre- ' spondent of T/te Chicago Tribune', was agent of thQ Associated Press for Milwaukee; and Wisconsin correspondent of The New York World; res. Milwaukee, 615 Grand j Avenue, 1887: member Good Samaritan Lodge 135. A.F.&A.M. ' Ch. b. Milwaukee: 14721. Lillian Gertrude, Sept. 23, 1885. 14722. Leona Farrington, June 13, 1889. [7695] HULDAH JANE MINER,^ (Charlotte A. Treat,^ Ama^iah,* j Cornelius,* Ruth Hamlin, ^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,«i) b. New London, 'Ohio, Apr. 1, 1839; m. Jan. 23, 1862, Philip Salisbury; carpenter; Hampton, Iowa. Three Sons. [7696] WALLACE TREAT MINER,9 (Bro. of Huldah J.,) b. New London, Ohio, Nov. 18, 1844; m. Oct. 30, 1867, Alvira Gates, of Tur- tle, Wis.; she d. Feb. 1, 1873; farmer. Child: 14723. George; res. Chicago, 111. [7697] SARAH ELIZABETH MINER,9 (Sister of Huldah J.,) b. Turtle, Wis., Feb. 11, 1847; m. July 25, 1869, Joseph T. Butler; clerk; Clinton, Wis. No issue. 1142 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. \ [7698] MARY AD ALINE MINER,9 (Sister of Huldah J.,) b. Turtle, Wis., Jan. 23, 1849; m. Dec. 23, 1868, Elnathan F., son of James and Elizabeth (Case) Vanderlyn, b. Jan. 7, 1845; farmer; Clinton, Wis. Ch. b. Clinton: 14724. A Daughter, Nov. 14, 1868; unm. 1902. [7701] ELGIA ELDORUS TREAT^s (Robert R.,^ Alvin,' Cornelius.e Rutb Hamlin,^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Yates, N. Y., Jwne 14, 1851; m. Somerset, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1873, Jane Erika^ dau. of William Campbell and Cath- erine Crawford (Patten) Hines, b. Somerset, June 29, 1852; druggist: Somerset, until 1883: since, Syracuse, N. Y.; Republican; she Epis. No issue, [7702]. FLORA A. TREAT, 9 (Sister of Elgia E.,) b. Somerset, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1854; m. Jan. 30. 1874, Neal J. Van Wagoner, of Somerset; Lockport, N. Y.; she is dead. He res. Lockport. Four children. [7703] ELLA M. TREAT,*" (Sister of Elgia E.,) b. vSomerset, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1856; m. there, Apr. 6, 1876, Arthur Morton, son of Harrison and Adelia (Wilcox) Bennett, b. Somerset, Dec. 23, 1849; farmer; Somerset; Republican; member of Lodge 639, A.F.& A.M., and Tent 467, K.O, T.M.; Methodists. Ch. b. Somerset: 14725. Robert Harrison, Oct. 2, 1877. 14726. William Albinus, Aug. 25, 1879. 14727. Bessie Adelia, Feb. 9, 1884. 14728. Arthur, Mar. 4, 1889. 14729. Flora Emily, May 29, 1890; d. Sept. 3, 1890. 14730. Elgia Treat, Dec. 18, 1891. 14831. Lester Albert, June 22, 1893. [7704] FREDERICK A. TREAT,** (George N.,8 Alvin,' Cornelius.e Ruth j Hamlin,* Cornelius,* Ebenezer,3James,2i) b. Somerset, N. Y., Mar. 16, 1859; m, i Jan. 24, 1883, Ida Featherstone, of Hartland, N. Y.; res. on his father's farm, Mendon, N. Y. Ch, b. Mendon: 14732. Cornelius Jay, Feb. 7, 1884. 14733. George Van Ness, Sept. 12, 1886. [7707] HARVEY H. MEAD,» (Mercy C. Treat,* Alvin,^ Cornelius,' Ruth Hamlin,'^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Two Rivers, Wis., Feb. 23, 1859; m. Somerset, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1889, Lucy Whitlock, b. Somerset; farmer; Somerset; Republican; Presb.: she Methodist. Ch. b. Somerset: 14734. George Whitlock, Nov. 20, 1889. [7709] HANNAH E. MEAD,9 (Mercy C. Treat,^ Alvin,^ Cornelius,* Ruth Hamlin, !i Cornelius,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Two Rivers, Wis., Oct. 15, 1862; m. Gates, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1879, Solomon W., son of Henry H. and Julia (Wilcox) i NINTH GENERATION. 1143 Frost, b. Somerset, Nov. 15, 1858; merchant; Somerset, N. Y.; Republican; she member Home and Foreign Missions, and W, C. T, U.; Presbs. Ch. b. Somerset: 14735. Henry M., Apr. 16, 1886. 14736. Benjamin H., Oct. 21, 1888. [7712] MINNIE L. MEAD,9 tSister of Harvey H,,) b. Corfu, N. Y., Apr. 18, 1868; m. Somerset, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1890, Rev. Charles Tyng Scheaffer, b. Sharon, Wis., July 7, 1868; clergyman; Rochester, West Brighton, Syracuse, Oneida Castle, West Troy, Pleasant Valley, Freedom Plains, Poughkeepsie, and Ancram Lead Mines, N. Y.; Prohibitionist^ she mem- ber of Home and Foreign Missions, and W. C. T. U.; Presbs. Children: b. May 31, 1891, W. Brighton. " Aug. 7, 1892, Rochester. " Oct. 24, 1894, Syracuse. " July 15, 1898. Freedom Plains. *' Jan. 6, 1001, Poughkeepsie, 14737. Chakles H., 147.38. Esther Louise, 14739. IvATHERINE, 14740. Oscar, 14741. Marguerite, [77251 WILLIAM GEORGE TEN BROOK, » (Charlotte J. Treat,* Cor- j nelius D.,' Cornelius," Ruth Hamlin, ^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Battle Creek, Mich., July 18, 1846; ra. Vassar, Mich., Jan. 1, 1867, Delia Eliza- beth, dau. of Warren W. and Lucy A., (Killicutt) Goodwin, b. Fairhaven, Vt., i June 9, 1849; accountant; Duluth, Minn.; Republican; city comptroller: Duluth, 1888-96: private, A, 107 N. Y. Inf. Vols., enlisted June 21, 1862; dis. June 18, , 1865: member Palistine Lodge, 79, A.F.&A. M.; Keystone Chapter, 20, R.A.M.: i Duluth Commandery, 18, K.T.; J. B. Culver Post, 128, G. A. R.; she d. Duluth, Aug. 8, 1895. Ch. b. Duluth: 14742.* Charles Milo, 14743.* William Treat, June 14, 1871. Aug. 22, 1872. [7727] WRIGHT TREAT,^ (Charles G.,^ Cornelius D.,' Cornelius," Ruth Hamlin,!' Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Folsomdale, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1857: m. Bergen, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1875, Hattie L. Luckie, b. Leroy, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1851; res. Marilla, Erie Co., N. Y. Children: 14744. Charles Wentworth, b. Nov. 17, 1876, Rochester. 14745. Clarence B., " Feb. 19, 1879, Folsomdale 14746. Frank, " May 29, 1883, ( i 14747. Grace Estelle, " Sept. 6, 1885, Marilla. 14748. Glenn, . " Apr. 12, 1888, a 14749. Effie May, (1 1889, (t [7728] JAMES W. TREAT," (Cornelius A.,* Cornelius D.,' Cornelius,6 Ruth Hamlin, 5 Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James, 21) b. Michigan City, Mich., Feb. 23, 1851; m. Hannibal, Mo., Jan. 28, 1886, Ora, dau. of Jerry and Cornelia Ann (Owens) Barton, b. Hannibal, Jan. 10, 1863; Republican. Ch. b. Hannibal: 14750. Barton A., May 6, 1899. ii 1144 THE HAMLIK FAMILY. j i [7729] GEORGE BRADFORD TREAT,^ (Bro. of James W.,} b. Galva, Ills., Mar. 9, 1858; m. Jacksonville, 111., Oct. 6, 1884, Emily Leavens/ dau. of Cicero Davis and Ada Frances (Brogden) Miller, b. Jacksonville, May 23, 1863; prest. C. A. Treat Mfg. Co.; Hannibal; member Hannibal Lodge 188, A. F. & A. M.: Hannibal Cliapter 7, R. A. M., and Excalabal Commandery 5, K. T.;: she Epis. [7731] IRA RALPH TREAT,^ (Benjamin P.,^ Cornelius D.,^ Cornelius,* Ruth Hamlin, 5 Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Knowlesville, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1855; m. Grand Rapids, Mich., Mar. 24, 1879, Mary, dau. of John and Mary (Shannon) Patterson, b. Holley, Mich., Apr. 15, 1852; foreman, Grand Rapids Felt Boot Factory; Grand Rapids, since 1866; Democrat; member A. O. U. W.; Epis. Ch. b. Grand Rapids: 14751. Benjamin Palmer, Mar. 25, 1880; d. Apr. 3, 1883. 14752. William Henry, Aug. 13, 1882, " Apr. 14, 1883. 14753. Julia Ella, Jan. 16, 1892, 14754, John P., Oct. 3, 1894; d. Dec. 27, 1895. 14755. Elsie, July 30, 1896. 14756. Marguerite, Mar. 4, 1900. [7734] JULIA ELLA TREAT,9 (Sister of Ira R.,) b. Alabama Centre, N. Y, July 2, 1866; m. Nov. 4, 1890, Earl Drew, of Grand Rapids, Mich.; she d. Denver, Col., May 1901; he is dead. [7735] EDWIN CHAPIN TREAT,9 (John J., » Cornelius D.,' Cornelius.^ Ruth Hamlin,^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Hannibal, Mo., Nov. 27, 1861; m. Washington, Pa., Nov. 2, 1887, Ada Covert, dau. of William and Jennie (Hampsen) Oiler, b. May 22, 1863. He grad. Hannibal High School, 1877; ap- prenticed to learn machinist trade, 1878; was employed on the U, P. R. R. unti} 1887, when he accepted a position in Southern Kansas R. R. shops, Ottawa, Kansas, where he resided 1893. Children; 14757. Merle Edwin, b. Oct. 16, 1888, Ottawa. 14758. A Daughter, " Nov. 22, 1889, Chanute; d. same day. [7737] JOHN JAY TREAT,» (Bro. of Edwin C.,) b. Hannibal Mo., Oct. 9, 1864; m. San Diego, Cal., Jan. 15, 1888, Elizabeth, dau. of Daniel and Catherine (McFaul) Hurley, b. Whitneyville, Me., Dec. 2, 1868; locomotive engineer; San Jacinto, Cal. Ch. b. Los Angeles: 14759. John Burnett, ' Oct. 30, 1888; d. Aug. 10, 1889. 14760. Lizzie May, Dec. 4, 1889. [7738] VICTOR HUGO TREAT,9 (Bro. of Edwin C.,) b. Hannibal, Mo., Sept. 28, 1866; m. Osawatomie, Kas., June 29, 1890, Clara Fredonia, dau. of William and Mary (Sherman) Mapes, b. Stryker, Ohio, Apr, 6, 1870; machinist; Kansas City, Mo.; Democrat; member Ivanhoe Lodge 446, A. F. & A. M., and Lodge 216, A. O. U. W. Children: 14761. William Jay, 14762. Charles V. H 14763. Nella a., 14764. Edith E., 14765. Mary M., NINTH GENERATION. 1145 b. Jan. 21, 1892, Ottawa. " May 28, 1894, Ottawa: d. Feb. 16. " Nov. 14, 1896, Armourdale. " Oct. 16, 1899, " " Feb. 21, 1900, Ivanhoe. [7739] BENNETT FRANCIS TREAT,' (Bro. of Edwin C.,) b. Hannibal, Mo., Sept. 27, 1868; m. Kansas City, Kansas, June 12, 1895, Louise A., dau. of Burnhardt Wuest, b. Forest City, Mo., Dec. 23, 1872; civil engineer and timber inspector; Kansas City, Kansas; Republican; member A.O.U.W.; Methodists. . Ch. b. Kansas City: 14766. B. Forest, Mar. 2, 1898. 14767. Sylvia Louise, Sept. 11, 1900. [7740] LILLIAN ELIZABETH TREAT,9 (Sister of Edwin C.,) b. Hannibal, Mo., Sept, 28, 1870; m. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 22, 1889, Silas M.,son of Andrew J. and Jane F. Johnson, b. Jan. 26, 1855; miller; Spokane Falls, Wash. Ch. b. Rockford, Wash.: 14768. Beulah B., July 6, 1890. [7747] AMELIA NORTH,^ (Cynthia A. Treat,* Noah N.,' Cornelius,* Ruth Hamlin,5 Cornelius,* Ebenezer.^ James,2i) b. East Bloomfleld, N. Y., Mar. 12, 1861: m. there, Nov. 12, 1884, Edgar F., son of Marquis Marcenus and Esther \ Maria (Smith) Burt, b. Mendon, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1861; farmer; E. Bloomfield; Republican: P'reemason; K. O. T. M. and A. O. U. W.; she member Ladies' Aid Soc. Ch. b, E. Bloomfleld: 14769. Isabel, Oct. 19, 1895. 14770. Howard Smith, Oct. 24, 1897. [7752] EVANGELINE KATHERINE CHITTENDEN,' (Nellie M, Treat,* Joseph R.,' Cornelius, ^ Ruth Hamlin,-^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Chicago, 111., Sept. 13, 1861; m. there, Nov. 2, 1886, Clinton Jay Warren. Ch. b. Chicago: 14771. John Treat, Feb. 28, 1895. [7756] MARY ESTHER CHAMBERLAIN,' (Philetu-s,* Malina Treat,^ Ebenezer,« Ruth Hamlin,'* Cornelius,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Mich., Dec. 16, 1839: m. George Pomeroy Graves; slie d. Wolcott, N. Y., Apr. 26, 1897. Children: 14772. Henry K. 14773. George Raymond. [7758] PHILENA LOVENIA CHAMBERLAIN,' (Sister of Mary E.,) b. Galen, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1846; m. Albert E. Goff, of Rochester, N. Y. Child: 14774. J. Burton. 1146 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [7760] PHILETUS CHAxMBERLAIN,^ (Bro. of Mary E.,) b. Rose, N. Y., Apr. 14, 1855: m. Rochester N. Y., Nov. 13, 1884, Elizabeth Stone, dau. of Frank and Harriet (Ely) Van Dorn, b. Rochester, Aug. 19, 1859; lawyer; Rose, until 1866; Mendon, until 1876: since, Rochester: Republican; Commissioner of Schools; member Rochester Lodge, 660, A. F. & A. M. Ch. b. Rochester: 14775. Belle M., Aug. 29, 1885. 14776. Arthur Van Dorn, Apr. 28, 1891. [7761] EMMA COOKINGHAM CHAMBERLAIN,^ (Sister of Mary E..) b. Rose, N. Y., June 28, 1864: m. Dec. 31, 1890, Benjamin F. Davis: she d. Chicago, His. Children: 14777. Julian S. 14778. Lete Chamberlain. [7763] LEON TREAT CHAMBERLAIN,9 (Philander T.,* Malina Treat,' Ebenezer,^ Ruth Hamlin, & Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Clyde, N. Y., Apr. 3, 1862: m. Hastings, Minn., Sept. 30, 1886, Lizzie oyes; lawyer; Hastings, 1864-87; since, St. Paul, Minn.; Fieeraason; Baptists. No issue. [7768] FREDERICK ADELBERT TOWNE,^ ( Malina J. Chamberlain,* Malina Treat,' Ebenezer,* Ruth Hamlim,'* Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Rose, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1851; m. Eau Claire, Wis., Sept. 10, 1877, Isabel, dau. of Rev. Thomas and Margaret ( Wilson) Barland, b. Ills., Sept. 5, 1849; carpenter; Rose, until 1855; Rock Co., Wis., 1855-7: Wheaton, Wis., until 1878: since, Eau Claire; Prohibitionist; Forrester: Congs. Ch. b. Eau Claire: 14779. Jesse Keith, Mar. 27, 1880. 14780. Isabel Viola, Oct. 18, 1882. 14781. Margaret Agnes, Mar. 21, 1884. 14782. Wilfred Barland, Apr. 9, 1888; d. Jan. 21, 1890. 14783. Frederick Willard, Sept. 30, 1892. [7769] HAMLIN AUGUSTUS TOWNE,9 ( Bro. of Frederick A.,) b. Rose, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1853; m. Wheaton, Wis., Nov. 21, 1883, Henrietta Ella, dau. of Simeon Stafford and Mary Ann (Smith) Wells, b. Sherbrook, Canada, Mar. 5, 1853; farmer; Rose, 1853-5: Rock Co., Wis., 1855-7; since, Whea- ton; Republican: member school board: chairman town of Wheaton; member Chippewa Co. Board; Good Templer, and member A. P. A.; Methodists. Ch. b. Wheaton: 14784. Clarence Hamlin, b. May 8, 1885. 14785. Harlow Henry, " Mar. 7, 1890. 14786. George Milton, " Nov. 14, 1892. [7770] MARY ALLA TOWNE,9 (Sister of Frederick A.,) b. Wheaton, Wis., May 12, 1857; m. there. Mar. 12, 1881, Frederick Augustus, son of and Ellen (Gladwell) Flieshman, b. Dunbarton, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1853; farmer; Oldham, So. Dakota; Republican; Baptists. NINTH GENERATION. 1147 Ch. b. Oldham: 14787. Edna Albekta, July 30, 1882. 14788. Frederick Hamlin, Jan. 29, 1884. 14789. OlLIE MA.LINA, Sept. 18, 1885. 14790. Charles Elliott. Mar. 5, 1888. 14791. Oka Town, Mar. 27, 1889. 14792. Hattie Viola, May 7, 1891. 14793. Floyd A., May 10, 1893. 14794. Myrtle Iva, July 10, 1894. 14795. Ernest Reynolds, Sept. 2, 1897. 14796. Grace Fern, Jan. 12, 1901. [7771] Rev. CHARLES HENRY TOWNE,nBro. of Frederick A.,) b. Wheaton, Wis., Nov. 16, 1859; m. Chippawa Falls, Wis., Sept. 5, 1888, Mary Elizabeth Scott, b. Northumberland, Pa., Jan. 4. 1861; clergyman; Wheaton, Eau Claire and Black River Falls, Wis., until 1889; Tacoma and Fairhaven, Wash., until 1894: Colby-Unity, 1895-6; Rib Lake, 1897; Stanley, 1898-9; Cumberland, 1899-1900; and Clear Lake, Wis., 1901-2; Independent in poli- tics; Methodists. Children: 14797. Mable Estella, b. Oct. 2, 1889, Tacoma. 14798. Rena Belle, " Nov. 27, 1890, Fairhaven 14799. Charles Scott, " May 19, 1892, 14800. Ruth, " Oct. 13, 1895, Unity. [7772] HATTIE ESTHER TOWNE," (Sister of Frederick A.,) b. Wheaton, Wis., Oct. 24. 1866: m. Eau Claire, Wis., Nov. 9, 1886, John Wishard, son of David and Margaret (Graham) Purvis, b. Gagetown, N. B., June 6, 1860; policeman: Eau Claire, Wis., 1886-8; Prentice, Wis., 1888-90; since, Minneapolis, Minn.: Republican: Methodi.st; member Dewey Tent 60, K. O. T. M.; she Adventist: member Author's Club, and Author's Pub. Asso.; a poetess of good ability. THE WATERFALL. [HATTIE TOWNE PURVIS.] Through tlie forest, with its whisper low, entrancing. Comes a sound of murmured music from afar. And 1 follow where the merry stream is dancing Down the Cliannel where the rocks and pebbles are. Fronded ferns are bending low the stream to border. Celandine, whose gorgeous trumpets tempt me near; And I reach them by the bridges made to order By old nature ere the hand of man was here. Nearer, nearer sounds the music as I listen: It is sweeter than an instrument of strings. And the rugged walls of rock with foam beads glisten. Where the waterfall its pearls by handfulls flings. O, the beauty of the shower of diamonds raining! And the shimmer of the lacy foam below; Ever fading while it seemeth to be gaining, O, the gleam of perfect colors in the bow! i 1148 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. 'Tis the bridal of the rivulet and river, When the bride is waiting in her room alone. But a little while, and mother earth will give her To her lover, and the two will be as one. So my fancy, with the foamy streamlet flowing. To the tune of falling water dreams and dreams. While I wander down the valley, scarcely knowing Which is real, my life, or only that of streams. Children: 14801. LoRA Myrtle, b. Feb. 19, 1888, Eau Claire. 14802. Viola Elsie, " Sept. 12, 1890, Prentice. 14803. Lynn David, " Mar. 23, 1896, Minneapolis 14804. Clifford John, " Aug. 11, 1899, (> [7773] VIOLA ADELLA TOWNE,9 (Sister of Frederick A.,) b. Wheaton, Wis., Oct. 19, 1868: m. Clark, So. Dakota, Dec. 24, 1900, Law- rence Joseph, son of Lawrence and Catherine (Butler) Long, b. Howard Co., Iowa, July 15, 1859; Bradley, So. Dakota. Ch. b. Clark Co., So. Dak: 14805. A Child, Jan. 12, 1902. [7774] ALICE HENRIETTA BOARDMAN,** (Esther A. Chamberlain, « Malina Treat, ^ Ebenezer,^ Ruth Hamlin, ^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Rushford, N. Y., Apr. 5, 1852: m. Livonia, N. Y., De Lafayette, son of Alvin and Jane Keyes, b. Mendon, N.Y., Oct. 7, 1850; draughtsman; Livonia and Col- lins, N.Y.; Detroit, Mich. Children: 14806.* Etta, b. Apr. 21, 1870, Livonia. 14807.* William Loomis, " Oct. 8, 1871, 14808.* Arthur Melville, " Feb. 3, 1873, 14809. Floy Belle, " Feb. 10, 1876, " d. Aug., 1886. 14810. Grace Malina, " Mar. 2, 1879, Collins; unm. 1902. [7775] MELVILLE MONROE BOARDMAN,^ (Bro. of Alice H.,) b. Rushford, N.Y., Jan. 17, 1854; m. Sept. 1, 1880, Cornelia Ann, dau. Jonathan A. Stevens, of Schenectady, N. Y.; artist: San Francisco, Cal. Ch. b. N.Y.City: 14811. Eva Frances, Aug. 14, 1882; m. Royce. of [7777] HATTIE TOWNE CHAMBERLAIN,^ (Hamlin T.,* Malina Treat,' Ebenezer,6 Mary Hamlin, ^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,3James,2i) m. Min- neapolis, Minn., May 23, 1888, Edward Hamill. Children: 14812. Grace E. 14813. Ruth. 14814. Dorothy. 14815. Edward. NINTH GENERATION. 1149 XT779] CHARLES TREAT CHAMBERLAIN, (Bro. of Hattie T.,) m. Aurelia Sherman; res. Minneapolis, Minn. Children: 14816. Charles. 14817. Marie. 14818. George Harlow. [7780] LOUIS MILTON CHAMBERLA1N,9 (Bro. of Hattie T..) m. Ethel ; res. Minneapolis, Minn. No issue. [7781] FRANK NORTH CLAFLIN,' (Haviliah B.,8 Esther Treat,^ Ebenezer,6 Ruth Hamlin,^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer.s James.^i) b. Hastings, Minn., Feb. 12, 1862: m. Eureka Springs, Ark., May 18, 1887, Florence Forker; banker and merchant; Eureka Springs, Ark. Child: 14819. Florence Elizabeth, b. July 27, 1894. [7783] CHARLES EDWIN CURTISS,« (Cyreneus T.,8 Jemima Treat,^ Ebenezer,6 Ruth Hamlin, ^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) Professor, Normal School, Madison, Wis. [7787] SIERRA NEVADA GATES,^ (Emily M. Curtis,* Jemima Treat,^ Ebenezer,6 Ruth Hamlin, ^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer.s James,2i) b. New London, Ohio, July 28, 1851: m. 1st, Aug. 21, 1873, Orrin Charles Harvey, June 3, 1843; R. R. engineer; Turtle, Wis., 1873: Clinton, Wis., 1875; Freeport and Savannah, Ills., until 1885; New London, Ohio, 1885: Republican: served in the U. S. Navy, on the Miss, river; mem. Excelsior Lodge 97, A.F. & A. M.; Div. 27, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; he d. Aug. 17, 1885; m. 2d, Chicago, Ills., Dec. 25, 1890, Albert Ezra Elder, b. Bainbridge, Ohio, Jan. 16, 1851; manufacturer; Bain- bridge, until 1871; Chester, Ohio, 1871-86; since, New London. Ohio; Prohibi- tionist; Baptist. Ch. by 1st marriage, b. Freeport, Ills: 14820. Claude Russell, May 16, 1880; unm. 1902. [7789] IDA EVELINE GATES,9 (Sister of Sierra N.,) b. Pleasant Lake, Ind., May 17, 1857: m. Freeport, Ills., Sept., 1880, Placidias Pierce, son of John B. and Sarah Ann (Shipley) Porter, b. Mt. Savage, Md., Aug. 22, 1844; manufacturer; Chicago, Ills.; Republican: mem. of Ravenswood Lodge 777, A. F. & A. M.; Calambic Chapter 202, R. A. M.; St. Bernard Com- mandery .35, K. T.; Lake View Lodge 694, R. A.; Camp 3052, M. W. A.: Apollo Lodge 139, A. O. U. W.; she mem. O. E. S., and Ravenwood Women's Club. Ch. b. Lanark, 111.: 14821. A Son, Aug. 1, 1881; unm. 1902. [7793] MATTIE EVALENA CURTISS," (William P., « Jemima Treat,' Ebenezer,6 Ruth Hamlin, » Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i)b. Ruggles, Ohio, June 19, 1873; m. New London, Ohio, June 16, 1897, Pitt, son of Hiram William and Mary Louisa (Fanning) Townsend, b. New London, June 21, 1870; coal I 1150 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. operator; New London, until 1893; since, Cleveland, Ohio; educated at the Uni- versity of Michigan; Epis. Ch. b. Cleveland: 14822. Marian Louise, Mar. 17, 1900. [7795] ADDIE REBECCA TREAT,9 (William M,,* Ebenezer H.,^ Ebenezer,« Ruth Hamlin, » Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ JameSt^i) b. Turtle, Wis., Sept. 27, 1863; m. Montgomery Co., Iowa, Jan. 7, 1886, William H., son of Mel- vin and Isabel Eaton, b. Fremont Co., Iowa, Oct. 16, 1860; grain dealer; Emer- son, Iowa; Republican; Baptists. Children: 14823. Mabel Lousie, b. Oct. 10, 1887, Thomas Co., Kas. 14824. Marcus M., " June 17, 1889, " " " 14825. Ray Lee, *' June 2, 1892, " " d. Sept. 30, '93 14826. Thomas Harlan, •' Dec. 10, 1894, Emerson. 14827. Ei>NA Jeannette, " July 10, 1896, [7796] EDWIN BRADLEY TREAT," (Bro. of Addie R.,) b. Clinton, Wis., Mar. 20, 1867; m. Doniphan, Neb., Dec. 20, 1893, Olive Esther, dau. of James P. and Melvina Dewitt, b. Lewis, Iowa, Apr. 16, 1874; farmer; Doniphan; Republican, Baptist: Ch. b. Doniphan: 14828. Marion Marcus, Nov. 8, 1894; d. Dec. 12, 1894. 14829. A Son, Feb. 22, 1896, " Feb. 27, 1896. 14830. Hamlin Cardell, Feb. 18, 1897, " Aug. 19, 1899. [7797] EBENEZER HAMLIN TREAT," (Bro. of Addie R.,) b. Clinton, Wis., Mar. 20, 1867; m. Gem, Kansas, June 7, 1899, Esther Cor- delia, dau. of Jasper and Rachael Goin, b. E. Tenn., Sept. 1, 1873; farmer; Don iphan. Neb.; Republican; Baptist. 14831. A Child. [7798] MABEL LOUISE TREAT," (Sister of Addie R.,) b. Clinton, Wis., Sept. 24, 1868: m. Emerson, Iowa, Jan. 1, 1889, Warren Ota, son of Melvin and Isabel Eaton, b. Fremont Co., Iowa, Feb. 15, 1864; merchant; Gem, Kansas; Prohibitionist; postmaster; member of Ruby Camp 10,665, M. W. A.; Baptists. i • Ch. b. Gem: 14832. Ota, Dec. 29, 1889; d. Jan. 6, 1890. 14833. Edward Eugene, Feb. 24, 1895, " Aug. 18, 1895. 14834. Mearle Arthur, Mar. 6, 1897. 14835. Albert Leland, Mar. 28, 1899. 14836. Ethel Aliva, Feb. 10, 1901. [7802] MARCUS WOODS HATCH," (Mary L. Treat,^ Ebenezer H.,' Ebenezer,« Ruth Hamlin,^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Clinton, Wis., Aug. 27, 1863; ra. Kansas City, Mo., Apr. 3, 1889, Nellie, dau. of George L. and Catherine A. Brown, b. Kansas City, Aug. 25, 1866; salesman; Brooklyn, N. Y.; Baptists. NINTH GENERATION. 1151 Ch. b. Kansas City: 14837. George Edgak, Mar. 28, 1893. 14838. Helen Catherine, Dec. 10, 1895. [7803] MINNIE LOUISA HATCH,9 (Sister of Marcus W.,) b. Clinton, Wis., Mar. 23, 1865: m. William Ring, son of William H. and Mary E. Beclcwith, b. Macliias, Me., Sept. 13, 1861; merchant: Kansas City, Mo. Ch. b. Kansas City: 14839. Marion, Nov. 11, 1894. 14840. Mildred Elizabeth, Mar. 23, 1896. [7804] HARLOW TREAT HATCH,^ (Bro. of Mareus W.,) b. Clinton, Wis., Sept. 19, 1866; m. Kansas City, Mo., Mar. 14, 1892, Mary Josephine, dau.of William T. and Mary W. Evernghim, b. Haledon, N. J., Mar. 15, 1870: salesman: Kansas City. Ch. b. Kansas City: 14841. Gladys Evernghim, Dec. 31, 1893. 14842. Mary Helen, Mar. 6, 1897. [7805] HAMLIN EDGAR HATCH, 9 (Bro. of Marcus W.,) b. Clinton, Wis., May 26, 1870; m. there, June 9, 1892, Emaline L., dau. of Wellington F. and Margaret A. Christman, b. Clinton, Mar. 18, 1873; salesman and commercial traveler; Detroit, Mich. [7807] MARCIA EUGENIE TREAT,9 (Franklin H.,* Ebenezer H.,^ Ebenezer,6 Ruth Hamlin, ^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James, ^i) b. Evansville, Wis., Oct. 17, 1868: m. Canton. So. Dak., Apr. 25, 1888, John Frank, son of John G. and Lydia B. Ferguson, b. Hampden, Me., Nov. 28, 1857; lumberman; Minne- apc)lis, Minn. No issue. [7808] CLAUDE MILO TREAT,9 (Bro. of Marcia E.,) b. Evansville, Wis., Mar. 28, 1871: m. Canton, So. Dak., Dec. 9, 1896, Louise 1 Mae, dau. of Herman and Katherine(Nonnemacher) Woerz, b. McGregor, Iowa, Apr. 8, 1876; merchant; Canton. Ch. b. Canton: 14843. Onalee Opal, Apr. 8, 1898. [7829] ABIGAIL CATHERINE MOORE,^ (Pliebe M. Brown,8 George,^ Phebe Hamlin, "^ Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,^!) b. Flint, Ind., Sept. 17, 1837: m. John G. Brown. He resides Leesburg, Ind., with his dau. Jennie Wagner, 1898; she d. Ontario, Ind. Children: 14844.* Jennie, b. July 6, 1874, LaG range. 14845.* Dora Jeanette, " June 23, 1876, Ontario. [7831] NANCY M. CRUMMEL,9 (Sister of Abigail C. Moore,) b. Flint, Ind., May 15, 1841; m. Lima, Ind., Oct. 20, 1861, Jeremiah Eaton, b. Sandusky Co., Ohio, 1838; farmer; Lima, Republican; she Presb. Ch. b. Lima: 14846.* Nettie Viola, Apr. 11, 1866. 14847.* John Edward, 14848. Charles, 14849.* William Hugh, 14850. George, 14851. Ebenezek Cook 1152 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [7837] MARY BROWN,9 (John W.,* George,7 Phebe Hamlin, e Jabez,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Tipton, Iowa, Mar. 13, 1846; m. George, son of| Hugh and Mary (McClelland) Bartley; farmer; Marathon, Iowa, 1897; Republi- can; private, E, 92d N.Y. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Apr., 1864; dis. April, 1865; membeirj G. A. R.; shed. Tipton, Mar. 17, 1877. Ch. b. Cedar Co.: b. Oct. 21, 1866. " Apr. 12, 1868, Red Oak; unm. 1901. ^' July 12, 1871, Newell. • d. unm. Mar. 16, 1891. [7839] EBENEZER COOK BROWN,9 (Bro. of Mary,) b. Tipton, Iowa, Dec. 25, 1849; m. Emma Smith; res. So. Dak. He was the! first station agent, C. R. I. & P. R. R. Co., Audubon, Iowa, 1879; she resj Yankton. Child: 14852. Grace. f7840J FRED BROWN,8 (Bro. of Mary,) b. Tipton, Iowa, Feb. 26, 1852; m. Flora, dau. of Elzy and Sarah (Dallas) Carl; res. Tipton. Child: 14853. Clara, b. Tipton; m. William Kellar. [7844] MARY E. JBROWN,9 (Frederick H.,8 George,' Phebe Hamlin,* Jabez,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer, 3 James,2i) b. Lagrange co., Ind., Aug. 31, 1848: m. May 22, 1870, Allen J., son of Francis and Alcetta F. (Mason) Green, b. Dela- ware Co., Ohio. Oct. 10, 1847: farmer and stockman; Orland, Ind., 1853-68: Sioux City, Iowa, 1869-72; Lowell, Mich., 1873-6: since, Orland; Republican; member C, 12 Ind. Cav.; enlisted 1863; in battle of Nashville, Tenn.; dis. Nov., 1866; Freemason and Odd Fellow; she Presb. He d. Orland, Nov. 17, 1900. [7848] JOHN CLARK LEE,9 (Betsey C. Brown,8 George,' Phebe Hamlin.fi Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Flint, Ind., Jan. 16, 1835; en- listed 100th Ind., Inf. Vol.; d. unmarried, Grand Junction, Tenn., Feb. 11, 1863. [7849] GEORGE LUCIEN STOCKER,9 (Betsey C. Brown,* George,^ Phebe Hamlin,^ Jabez,* Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i)b. Coldwatei', Mich., 1841; m. Tipton. Iowa, Feb. 20, 1866, Jennie, dau. of Hugh and Mary (McClelland) Bartley. b. Gallupville, N. Y., 1841; constable, deputy sheriff, city marshal: Sao City, Iowa: Republican; member Sac City Lodge 323, I. O. O. F.: Saxon Lodge 106, K. P.: Roena Division 9, U. R.; she Methodist; member Rebekah Lodge 259, 1. O. O. F. Children: 14854. Nellie, b. 1867, Cedar Co.; d. 1881. 14855.* P'RED, " Feb. 24, 1870, Sac Co. [7850] MARY STOCKER,' (Sister of George L.,) b. Orland, Ind., Dec. 29, 1842; m. June 12, 1863, William Henry Carver, b. May 10, 1839; merchant; Orland: member B, 100 Ind. Inf. Vols, war of Rebellion. Both d. Orland; she May 18, 1890; he Dec. 6, 1899. Children; 14856. Maria M., 14857. Clark L., 14858.* William N., 14859. Albert G., 14860. Charoltte M., 14861. Berth L., 14862. Howard L., NI^^TH GENERATION. 1153 b. Mar. 27, 1864; d. Nov. 16, 1891. " Sept. 3, 1866. " July 7, 1870. " Aug. 14, 1873. " Dec. 30, 1875; d. July 17, 1877. " Jan. 22, 1878. " May 19, 1881. [7851] JOHN LELAND STOCKER,« (Bro. of George L.,) b. Orland, Ind., 1846; m. Sac City, Iowa, Oct. 24, 1869, Lydia M., dau. of Samuel Leman and Mary (Leach) Watt, b. Allen Co., Ohio, Nov. 29, 1851; Supt. of Public Works: Sac City, 1867-76; Ashton, Iowa, until 1878; Sac Co., Iowa, 1878-84; since, Newell, Iowa; Republican: member Rex Lodge 242, K. P. and D. G. C; and 447, M. W. A.; she member Court of Honor 796; Congs. Children: 14863. iNA Charlotte. b. June 24, 1871, Sac City; d. Sept. 22, '73. 14864.* Howard Watt, "June 2,1874, 14865.* Charles George, " Nov. 10, 1876, Ashton. 14866. Ned Henry, " Oct. 13, 1879, Sac City. [7852] MARY C. KEITH,« (Abigail C. Brown,* George,^ Phebe Hamlin,6 Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James.^i) b. Lima, Ind., Dec. 14, 1841; m. Sturgis, Mich., July 4, 1863, William, son of John and Mary Ann (Brownscombe) East- man, b. Devonshire, England, Oct. 17, 1836; cabinet-maker, until 1864; sash and door maker, until 1876; since, farmer; came from England, 1850; Mt. Vernon, Ohio, until 1861; Lima, Ind., until 1877: Chariton Co., Mo., until 1891: since, Lima; Republican; member Meridian Sun Lodge, 76, A. F. & A. M.; LaGrange Chapter 102, R. A. M.; she Presb. Ch. b. LaGrange Co., Ind: 14867.* Mabel, y^ug. 5, 1866. 14868.* Blanche, Sept. 23, 1872. 14869. Inez, Mar. 24, 1876. Two daughters, d. in fancy. [7853] CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH KEITH,9 (Sister of Mary C.,) b. Lima, Ind., Oct. 26, 1843; m. Ontario, Ind., May 17, , John D., son of James and Sarah (Woodhead) Scott, b. Yorkshire, England, Apr. 21,1841; pri- vate, 4 Mich. Inf. Vols.; enlisted 1861; participated in 36 engagements; wounded; dis. 1864; res. Lima; Republican; she Presb. Ch. b, Ontario. Ind.: 14870.* Lottie, July 23, 1866. 14871.* George, . May 3, 1872. [7855] HARRIET M. KEITH,9 (Sister of Mary C.,) b. Lima, Ind., Dec. 2, 1853; m. Ontario, Ind., Mar. 30, 1876, W. H.,son of William and Eliza (Burns) Duff, b. Rochester, N.Y., Dec. 26, 1852: clerk circuit court, 1893-1901; LaGrange, Ind.; Republican; resided Rochester, N. Y., until 1858; Gainsville, until 1860; Castile, until 1865; Warsaw, until 1869; Lima, Ind., until 1893; since, LaGrange; member Lodge 142, K. P.; Methodist; she Presb. 1154 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ch. b. Lima: 14872. William B., Jan. 20, 1880 14873. James K., Nov. 29, 1882 14874. Enid E., Dec. 26, 1885 14875. Mildred C, Mar. 27, 1888 [7857J EDWARD LUTHER KEITH, » (Bro. of Mary C.,) b. Lima, Ind., July 20, 1858; m. there, Jan. 21, 1884, Emma, dau. of Elia and Harriet (Short) Gonser, b. Fairfield Center, Ind., Mar. .3, 1858: foremac wood dept.. Advance Thresher Co., Battle Creek, Mich.: Republican; membe Camp 911, M. W. A.; Methodist. > Ch. b. Battle Creek: * 14876. Glenn, Apr. 1.3, 1885. [7859] ANGUS McKINLEY BROWN,9 (George,*^ Phebe Hamlin, Jabez,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Orland, Ind., Apr. 1.3, 1847; m. Sa( City, Iowa, Jan. 1, 1870, Lucy Ann, dau. of Albert and Lucy Chapin (Cole Rounsevell, b. Sheboygan Falls, Wis., Oct. 7, 1847; farmer: Sac City, 1870-2 Ashton, Iowa, 1874-6; Sioux City, Iowa, 1878-84; Walker Island, Neb., 1885-7 Shell, P. 0.,Wyo., 1888-92; since, California, LaCanada, 1901; Republican; mem ber D, 12 Iowa Inf. Vols.; enlisted Oct. 1, 1864: in battle Nashville, and siegf of Spanish Fort; dis. Sept. 30, 1865; member 25, Fraternal Brotherhood; Han cock Post, G. A. R.: Presbs.: she d. Colton, Cal., Dec. 14, 1895. Children: b. Dec. 25, 1870, Sac City; d. aged 8 weeks. " Feb. 9, 1872, " unm. 1901. " June 7, 1874, Ashton. " Aug. 24, 1876, " d. June 24, 1886. " Aug. 24, 1876, Sioux City. " July 1, 1883, " " unm. 1901. " Aug. 30, 1885, Walker's Island. 14877. 14878. 14879.* 14880. 14881.* 14882. 14883. George Carrol, Albert Ossian, Jennie Maude, LiLLiE May, Lucy Mabel, Clara Viola, Charles Angus, [7860] ELIZA PARMLEY BROWN," (Sister of Angus M.,) b. Steuben Co., Ind., Mar. 9, 1848; m. 1st, Cedar county, Iowa, Oct. 6, 1866, Leonard D., son of William A. and Hannah J. (Blackman) Sweet, b. Jones Co., Iowa, Dec. 31, 1844; Corp. K, 6 Inf. Vols.; enlisted 1861; dis. 1862; farmer; Storm Lake, Iowa; Republican; Presb.; Freemason; bed. Storm Lake, June 2,1880; she, milliner; Storm Lake. d. Apr. 18, '74 Children: 14884.* Florence M., b. Oct. 3, 1868, Sac Co. 14885.* George D., " Mar. 31, 1871, •' " 14886. Clarendon D., " May 18, 1873, Beuna Vista Co 14887.* Mattie J., " Feb. 2.3, 1875, " " " 14888.* Blanche S., " May 19, 1877, " " " 14889. Lorenzo D., " Aug. 20, 1879, ." unm. 1902. [7862] GEORGE BROWN,** (Bro. of Angus M.,) b. Steuben, Ind., Apr. 27, 1851; m. Newell, Iowa, May 17, 1874, Mary E., dau. of William and Malinda (Hadament) Marsden, b. Huron, Ohio, Dec. 19, 1857; grocer; Ilershey, Neb.; Prohibitionist: member A.O. U. W.; she member L. M. L. A.; Congs. NINTH GENERATION. 1155 Children: 14890.* Walter E., b. Feb. 23, 1875, Newell. 14891. Adelbert, " Feb. 25, 1880, " d. Aug. 6, 1880. 14892.* Grace V., " June 27, 1881, " 14893. Valeria D., " May 19, 1884, Curtis; unra. 1901. [7865] FREDERICK HAMLIN BROWN,« (Bro. of Angus M.,) b. Steuben Co., Ind., Sept. 5, 1858: m. Sac City, Iowa, Feb. 22, 1879, Hattie Vlmira, dau. of Chester and Louisa Alraira ( Witson) Cheney, b. Galena, Ills., Dec. 16, 1862: farmer; Sac City, Iowa, and Riley, Okla.; Republican; United Brethren. Children: 14894.* 14895. 14896. Nellie May, b. Feb. Daisy Almira, " Nov. George Chester, " Jan. 2, 26, 5, 1883, Sac City. 1893, " " 1898, Oklahoma, [7866] MARY ANN BROWN,9 (Sister of Angus M.,) b. Red Oak, Cedar Co., Iowa, May 31, 1860: m. Sac City, Iowa, Jan. 1, 1878, plarence Addison Halstead, b. LaGrange, Ind., May 25, 1855; motorman; Chi- cago, 111.; Independent in politics; Methodists. Children: 14897. Stella Maude, b. Mar. 2, 1879, Sac City; m. Jas. E.Windsor 14898. Clara Eliza, " Aug. 16, 1881, " 14899. LuELLA Etoyle, " Feb. 25, 1885, Milan, Kans.; d. Sept. 16, '86 14900. Sylva Leone, '' Sept. 2, 1891, Storm Lake, Iowa. [7871] ESTELLA D. BROWN,* (Samuel W.,8 George,' Phebe Hamlin,« [Fabez, 5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,» James, 21) b. Steuben County, Ind., Mar. 3, 1857: m. ist, Orland, Ind., Apr. 22, 1876, Ira E., son of Orson and Cyimtlia (Welsh) Wood- 'ord, b. Salem Center, Ind., .Jan. 29, 1851; farmer; near Salem Center; Republi- can; he d. near Salem Center, Oct. 12, 1885; ra. 2d, Orland, Ind., Dec. 2, 1891, [chabod S., .son of Abijah and Jane (Alcott) Parsell, b. Jackson township. May 0, 1864: farmer: near Salem Center; Republican; she Presb. Ch. by 1st marriage, b. Galena, Kas.: 14901. Ruth, Oct. 9, 1881. By 2d marriage, b. Salem Center: 14902. Samuel G., Feb. 3, 1893. I [7873] GERTRUDE P. BROWN," (William,* George,' Phebe Hamlin,* !Tabez,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Oct. 26, 1852; m. Loomis. Four daughters. [7875] MARGARET BROWN,9 (Sister of Gertrude P.,) b. Cedar Co., Iowa, Dec. 4, 1865: ra. Tipton, Iowa, July 30, 1891, Warren Ferguson, b. Mechanicsville, Iowa, Oct. 23, 1858; farmer; Stanwood, Iowa; Dem- pcrat; member Star Lodge 166, I. O. O. F. [7878] FRANCES ABIGAIL B0WN,9 (Olive Brown,* George,' Phebe Hamlin, 6 Jabez,^ Thomas.* Ebenezer,^ James,2i)b. Greenfield, Ind., Apr. 15, j|l849; m. there, Nov. 8, 1873, John Watkins, son of Zenas Marshall and Betsey 1156 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Elizabeth (Honsicker) Brownell, b. Williams Co., Oliio, Apr. 7, 1852; carpenter, cabinet maker, painter and upholsterer; own a farm in Lagrange Co., Ind.: and res, Angola, Ind.; formerly at Springtield, Ind.: Republican; Presbs. Ch. b. Springfield: July 12, 1875. Apr. 7, 1882; d. Jan. 12, 1890, 14903.* 14904. 14905. 14906. Olive Elnora, Arthur Jay, EsLiE May, Elmer Jay, Apr. 26, 1883. Sept. 16, 1890. [7879] DAVID HASKINS,^ (Olive Brown,* George,' Phebe Hamlin." Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James, ^i) b. Mill Grove, township, Steuben Co., Ind., Aug. 7, 1851; m. Flint, Ind., Feb. 23, 1873, Jenet, dau. of Robert and Cath- arine (Beebe) Ryan, b. Jackson townsliip. Steuben Co., Ind., June 26, 1854; res. Salem Center; Republican: township trustee; Methodists. Ch. b. Salem Twp., Steuben Co: 14907. William, May 24, 1875. 14908. Clara, Dec. 23, 1880. 14909. Fred, Oct. 20, 1887. [7881] JOHN HASKINS,9 (Bro. of David,) b. Nov. 20, 1857; m. 1879, Myrtie Kellogg. He d. Jan. 26, 1890. Children: 14910. Lulu. 14911. Blanche. 14912. low^A. 14913. Mettie. 14914. Homer. [7883] JOHN WILLIAM SUTHERLAND,^ (Lucy A. Brown,* George,' Phebe Hamlin,6 Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Salem Center, Ind., Jan. 14, 1853; m. Sac City, Iowa, 1880, Emma Jane,^ dau. of Rev. George and Emily D. (McNellie) Brown, [7864] b. Mich., Aug. 29, 1852; sexton; Sac City; Re- publican; Presb.; she Christian Catholic. . Ch. b. Sac City: 14915. Clarence Andrew, Nov. 6. 1881; unm. 1901. [7884] LUCY ARVILLA SUTHERLAND,!* (Sister of John W.,) b. Lima, Ind., Aug. 16, 1855; m. 1873, Winfield, son of William and Malissa (Slater) Aldrich, b. 1847; salesman; Sac City; Republican; member Lodge 239, A. O. U. W.; she member M. B. A.; Methodists. Ch. b. Sac Co. Iowa: Ermina Maria, Nov. 4, 1874. Homer Winfield, Apr. 24, 1877. Feb. 15, 1880. Jan. 2, 1884. Apr. 9. 1886. Sept. 3, 1892. 14916.* 14917. 14918.* 14919. 14920. 14921. William Hudson, Jay Leroy, Charles May, Ruth Arvilla, NINTH GENERATION. 1157 17885] MARIA SUTHERLAND,9 (Sister of John W., ) b. Orland, Ind., Apr. 1, 1857: m. 1880^ Ellwood, son of Benjamin and Han- (nah (Jrisli) Roby; Republi-can. Both d. Sac County, low^; she Dec. «, 1884; he 1884. •Ch. b. Alta, Iowa: 14922. Bertie, 1884; d. 1885. [7886] ADELBERT R. WOOD,« (Mary A. Brown,* George,^ Phebe Hamlin," Jabez,^* Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 Jam«s,2i) b. Lima, Ind., Mar. 23, 1854: m. Flint, Ind., Sept. 18, 1881, Viola, dau. of John U. and Sarah (Hanes) Ouster- haut, b. Salem Center, Ind., Dec. 5, 1855; farmer; Salem Center: Republican; member Lodge 639, 1. O, O. F., and Turkey Creek Rangers; Presbs.; she member ^Christian Endeavor, and Daughters of Rebekah, 456, I. O. O. F, Ch. b. Salem Center: 14923. Lena A., Oct. 18, 1883. 14924. Russell J., Apr. 10, 1889. 14925. A Child, Dec. 3, 1891; d. same day, 14926. IVA E,, Oct. 18, 1892. [7887] LINCOLN R. WOOD,9 (Bro. of Adelbert R.,) b. Orland, Ind., Dec. 13, 1865; m. Hudson, Ind., Aug. .31, 1889, Sara, dau. of Jacob and Harriet (Forward) Broug, b. Salem, Ind., July 17, 1870; farmer; Sa- lem; Republican; Presbs. Ch. b. Salem: 14927. A Child, Aug. 31, 1893; d. same day. 14928. Randall L., Sept. 15, 1894, " Mar. 2, 1896. [7889] WILLIAM W. WOOD,9 (Bro. of Adelbert R.,) b. LaGrange Co., Ind,, Nov. 8, 1870; m. Hudson, Ind., Nov. 30, 1892, Clara, jdau. of Henry and Susan (Keysbury) Mills, b. Salem, Ind., Dec. 20, 1869: farmer; ISalem Center; Republican. Ch. b. Salem Center: 14929. Blanche Z., Jan. 6, 1896. [7890] JAMES HAMLIN,9 (George E.,* James V.,' Salmon,* Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) Captain Fire Dept., Newark, N. J. [Note 488] CARRIE CHARLOTTE HORNICK," (Phebe M. Hamlin,* John G., 7 Salraon,«* Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenzer,^ James,2i) b. Hoboken, N. J., Jan. 6, 1866; m. there, Oct. 18, 1898, Albert Bonus, son of Thomas Carr, b. Bel- mont, Port of Spain, B. W. I., Apr. 7, 1863; cocoa and orange planter; Gran Coura, Trinadad; B. W. I.; she is an artist; Epis. Ch. b. Gran Coura: 14930. Frederick Witcomb. * Note 488. SALMON HA ML1N,6 [500] Since writing his sketch at page 23;^ further rec- ords of his family have been furnished by a grand daughter, Mrs. Phebe M. Horniclf, of N. Y. 3ity. The records taken from an old family Bible show that he was born in 1764 instead of lis 1763; wife was b. Apr. 24, 1770. He d. Mar. 23, 1821. 1158 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [Note 488] JENNIE MAUDE HORNICK,* (Sister of Carrie C.,) b. Hoboken, N. J., Sept. 29, 1867: unmarried; school teacher; Mt. Vernon:: she contracted fever while on a visit to Trinadad, from which she died, N. Y. City, Mar. 27, 1900. [Note 488] GEORGE MITCHEL HORNICK,^ (Bro. of Carrie C.,) b. Hoboken, N. J., Feb. 11, 1870; m. Cobleskill, N., Y,, Jan. 1&, 1901, May, dail. of Daniel and Mary ( Vanfalkenburg) Shaffer, b. Nov. 30, 1877; lace mer- chant; Cobleskill: Epis.; she Methodist. Ch. b. N. Y.: 14931. Gertrude, Jan. 13, 1901. [Note 488] FREDERICK WHITCOMB HORNlCK.s M. D., (Bro. of Carrie C) b. N. Y. City, Sept. 20, 1872; ra. there. Dec. 8, 1900, Frances. Whitson, dau. of George and Harriet (Black) Mott, b. Hempstead, Long Island, N. Y., June 22, 1875; physician and surgeon; N. Y. City; Epis.; she Methodist, No issue. [Note 488] CLARENCE IRVING HORNICK,» (Bro. of Carrie C.,) b. N. Y. City, June 4, 1875: m. there, Apr. 4, 1899, Katherine, dau. of Philip and Margaret (Keim) Doll, b. Nov. 15, 1878; builder; N. Y. City; Epis. Ch. b. N.Y. City: 14932, George Henry, July 31, 1900. Children: Paulina, b. .Tan. 3, 1787. Fanny, " Dec. 9, 1788; m. — Lee; res, Newark, Harbiet, " May 3r 1791, " Bryant. Pamela, " .July 18,1793, " Barto. Clarissa, " Nov. 14, 1795. *James Vanderberg, •' Mar. 14, 1798. Almira. " Dec. 30, 1800; m. Simpson. Carolina, . " May 3, 1803, *JoHN George, '• Sept. l, 1S0<5, Duchess Co. Maria M., " .Jan. 8, 1811 ; m. Nicholas Babcock. .JOHN GEORGE HAMLIN,? (Salmon,6 Jabez,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,3,James.2i) b. Duch- ess Co , N Y., Sept. 1, 1806; m. N. Y., Mar. 15, 1832, Eliza Hunt, dau. of Abljah and Frances (Fra- zee) Ward, b. Sing Sing, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1805; cleryman; Christian church. He d. Pleasant Valley, N. Y., 1892; she d. Seward Valley, N. Y., Spring of 1764. Children: b. Sept. 15, 1836, N. Y. ; m. Helen RoHin. 15, 1837, " unm. 8, 1838, " 22, 1838, " m. Edwin Wbitcomb. 29, 1840, " Palmyra. 12, 1842, " Rochester. .I0H.\ .JAMES HAMLIN.S (.fohn G.,7 Salmon,6 .Jabez.s Thomas.* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. New York, Feb. 21), 1840; m. Miss Strail, of Seward Valley, N. Y. ; soldier in the civil war. PHEBE MARIE HAMLIN,* (Sister of .John .J.,) b. Rochester, N.Y., Oct. 12, 1842; m. N.Y. City, Feb. 13, 1865, George Henry, son of William and Mary llornick, b. Waterford, Ireland, Nov. 2, 18.35; lace merchant; Hoboken, N. .J., and N. Y. City. Epis.; she res N.Y. City. He d, N.Y- City, Oct. 23. 1901. Children: *Cabrie Charlotte, b. .Jan. 6, 1866, Hoboken. Mennie Maude, " Sept. 29, 1867, *Georoe Mitchel, " Feb. 11, 1870, ♦Frederick Whitcomb, " Sept. 20, 1872, N.Y. City, ♦Clarence Irving, " June 4, 1875, Edith IBKNE, " Oct. 8, 1877, Hoboken; teacher. Alonzo Alvord, b. Sept Ella .Jane, " Apr. George Ward, '• Mar. Frances Caroline, " Mar, *.JoHN James, " Feb. *Phebk Marie, " Oct. NINTH GENERATION. 1159 [Note 488] EDITH IRENE HORNlCK,9 (Sister of Carrie C, ) b. Hobolcen, N. J., Oct. 81, 1877: unmarried: school teacher: N. Y. City. She •compiled the records of the descendants of her grandfather, Rev. JohnG. Ham- lin, for this work. [7891] MARIA LOUISE DEWEY,9 (Seymour B.,* Susan M. Fairchild,' Lucinda Hamlin," J abez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James, 21) b. North Egre- niont, Mass., Mar. 8, 1849; m. there, Jan. 25, 1871, William J., son of Pliny and Eliza Karner, b. South Egremont, Mass., Jan. 10, 1840; civil engineer; Chicago, 111.; Republican^ member Am. Soc. Civil Engiueers, N. Y. City; Western Soc. Engineers, Chicago; Progressive Council, 940; Royal Arcanum; she member •Chicago Chapter, D.A.R.; Chicago South Side Woman's Club; Epis. [7892] CARRIE DEWEY, 9 (Sister of Maria L.,) b. Egremont, Mass., Apr. 9, 1853: m. there, Feb. 2, 1881, Charles Frank, son Leonard and Mary (Chapman) Brown, b. Genoa, Wis., Feb. 19, 1853; railway employe; Sheffield, Mass., in youth; Egremont, 1880-3; since, Chicago, Ills.; Re- publican; member Cincinnatus Lodge A. F. & A. M,, Great Barrington, Mass.; and K. T.; she Epis.; member Thursday Morning Club, and D, A. R. Ch. b. Egremont; 14933. Seymour Dewey, Apr. 3, 1882. 14934. Louise Dewey, Nov. 13, 1883. 14935. Guy Estey, Apr. 25, 1900. [7894] ALICE CAROLINE DEWEY,9 (John F.,8 Susan M. Fairchild,? Luncinda Hamlin, " Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Norwalk, Ohio, Feb. 22, 1847; m. there, Sept. 8, 1880, Sebre Howard, son of William Beatson and Jane Howard Waring, b. Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1841; corporal, E., 85 Ohio, Inf. Vols.: enlisted May 26, 1862; dis. Sept., 1862; he came to Cleve- land, Ohio, 1848; Toledo, since 1863: cashier, Ketcham Nat'l Bank; Republican; member of all the Masonic bodies of Toledo, including 30° Scottish Rite Masons; Mystic Shrine; and G. A. R.; members Trinity church. He d> Toledo, Feb. 12, '99 No issue. [7895] ELLA JOSEPHINE DEWEY,9 (Sister of Alice C.,) b. Norwalk, Ohio, Feb. 16, 1849; m. there, Jan. 19, 1881, William Boone, son of Jonathan and Ann (Boone) Wolverton, b. Groton, Ohio, Aug. 8, 1842; Sergt., A, 72 Ohio Inf. Vols.; enlisted Oct. 24, 1861; in battles of Crump's Landing, Shi- loh, Corinth, Jackson, Vicksburg, Jackson, Brancton, Brice's Cross Roads, cap- tured at Guntown, Miss., June 11, 1864, and confined in Andersonville Prison 9 months; dis. July 21, 1865; lawyer; Norwalk; prosecuting att'y of Huron Co., Ohio, 1876-80; Republican; members St. Paul's P. E. church. He d. Norwalk, Oct. 21, 1894. No issue. [7898] FRANK LATIMER DEWEY,9 (Sister of Alice C, ) b. Norwalk, Ohio, June 24, 1856; m. there, Nov. 3, 1880, Hon. Lewis Cass, son of John and Mary (Weyburn) Laylin, b. Sept. 28, 1848; prosecuting att'y, Huron Co., Ohio, 1879-1887; member Ohio legislature, 1888-94, speaker of the house; secretary of state of Ohio; Republican; Norwalk; Columbus, Ohio, 1901: I 1160 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. member Mt. Vernon' Lodge A.F.&A.M.; Huron Chapter, R. A.M., and Com- mandery 18, K.T., Norwalk; Methodists. Children: 14936. Clarence Dewey, b. Aug. 29, 1882. 14937. Robert Weyburn, " May 7, 1886. . 14938. Lewis Fa iRCHiLD, " Sept. 27, 1889. [7903] FLORENCE ])EWEY,9 (Theodore,* Susan M. Fairchild,'Lucinda Hamlin,« JabeK,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,* Jaraes,2i) b. Great Barrington, Mass.^ Sept. 9, 1850; m. there, Oct. 29, 1879, James Albert Tanner, of Lee, Mass. Ch. b. Lee: 14939. Elstb, Sept. 14, 1882. [7905] ABIGAIL LUNCIN DA FOOTE,!* (Eliza Wooster,* Almira Fairchild,' Luncinda Hamlin, « Jabez^^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,3i) b. Nov, 16, 1831; m. Charles C. Smith; she res. St. Paul, Minn.; he is dead. Children: 14940. Charles. 14941. Frank,* unm. 1897. [7908] CAROLINE DEWEY FOOTE,9 (Sister of Abigail L.,) b. Apr. 11, 1836; ra. 1860, Charles W. Millen, of Norwalk, Ohio. Children: 14942.* Agnes, b. 1862. 14943. John Gardiner, unm. [7912] ARTHUR WOOSTER,9 (John,* AlrairaFairchild,' Lucinda Ham- lin, "JabeZi^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James, ^i) m. 1st, Allie Brayraan, of Well- ington, Ohio; m. 2d, his cousin, Ella Foote;^ Chronicle Bldg., San Francisco, CaL Ch. by 1st marriage: 14944. John. [7914] CAROLINE DEWEY WOOSTER,9 (Henry M.,^ Almira Fair- childj Lucinda Hamlin,8 Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Sullivan, Ohio, Feb. 15, 1841; m. Norwalk, Ohio, Oct. 24, 1860, Malcom, son of Shepard and Deborah Ferris (Drake) Patrick, b. Norwalk, Mar. 13, 1835; druggist; Nor- walk; Republican; she Epis, Ch. b. Norwalk: 14945.* Henry Wooster, Dec. 24, 1862. 14946.* Nellie, Oct. 12, 1865. [7915] CHARLOTTE WOOSTER,9 (Sister of Caroline D.,) b. Chatham, Ohio, Oct. 26, 1842; m. by Rev. George Watson, Norwalk, Ohio, Nov. 15, 1864, Capt. Frederick Harper, son Charles Leicester and Eliza W. (Gris- woldt) Boalt, b. Norwalk; Capt., D, 55 Ohio Inf. Vols.; enlisted Sept. 13, 1861; * His name changed to Ponsonby. + Note 489. ELIZA W. GRISWOLD was dau. of Gov. Roger Griswokl, of Conn. ; and grand dau. of Gov. Matthew Griswnld, of Old Lyme, Ct. NINTH GENERATION. 1161 commissioned 2d Lieut., Oct. 20, 1861; 1st Lieut., Oct. 2, 1862; Captain, Mar. 4, 1864: resigned, Sept. 13, 1864. He was assassinated on a rancli, near Voltaire, Kansas, Apr. IT, 1887;. she res. Cleveland, Ohio. Ch. b. Norwalk: 14947. William Wooster, Nov. 9, 1865; d. Aug. 10, 1866. 14948.* Lucy Perkins, May 11, 1868. 14949.* Caroline Wooster, Jan. 10, 1871. 14950. Frances Moss, May 9, 1872; unm. 1902. 14951. Marian Griswold, Nov. 17, 1873, " " 14952. Frederick Leicester, July 16, 1874, " " [7916J SARAH JEANNETTE WOOSTER,9 (Sister of Caroline I).,) b. Plymouth, Ohio, Nov. 17, 1849; ra. Norwalk, Ohio, Jan. 21, 1885, Charles Frederick, son of Henry and Margaret Ann (Wigh) Endley, b. New Lisbon* Ohio, Nov. 13, 1842; fruit grower; .Mansfield, Ohio, 1846-74; Tiffin, Ohio, 1874- 80; Pueblo, Col., 1880-7; since, San Diego, Cal.; Republican: private, E, 3 Ohio Cav.; enlisted Sept., 1861; in battles of Stone River, Shiloh, Chattanooga, Chickamauga; dis. Aug. 4, 1865; Epis. No issue. [7918] EMMA WOOSTER,^ ( William F.,« Alraira Fairchild,7 Lucinda Hamlin, fi Jabez, 5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James, 2 1) m. Elias Sanford; Elyria, Ohio. Children: 14953. Kate. 14954. Hal. [7919] NATHAN PARK WOOSTER," (Bro. of Emma,) I b. Elyria, Ohio, 18.53; m. 1877, Florence T., dau. of Rev. Benjamin Tompsett I Noakes, D. D., and wife, Sarah (Piper), b. Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1855; drug- gist: Elyria: Republican; Epis. Ch. b. Elyria: 14955. Florence Noakes, 1878. 14956. Benjamin Baldwin, 1882. [7920] FANNIE WOOSTER,9 (Moses F.,' Almira Fairchild,^ Lucinda Hamlin, 6 Jabez,' Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James, 21) b. Norwalk, Ohio, Feb. 19, 1853; m. Cleveland, Ohio, May 17, 1882, Arthur Edmund, son of George Rodney [and Eleanor (Root) Whiting, b. Mayfleld, Ohio, Feb. 6,1851; manufacturer; Maytield and Cleveland, Ohio: Republican: member Forest City Lodge, A.F. & A.M. and Cleveland Chapter 148, R. A.M.; she Epis. Ch. b. Cleveland: 14957. Florence Eleanor, June 10, 1886. [7921] EVELYN WOOSTER," (Sister of Fannie,) b. Norwalk, Ohio, July 22, 1857; m. there. May 14, 1879, Harry Cameron, |i son of James and Margaret (Cameron) Grant, b. Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 4, 1856; 'manufacturer; Pittsburg, Pa.; Cleveland, Ohio; and N. Y. City; Republican: member Forest City Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Ch. b. Cleveland: 14958. Lawrence Wooster, .Tune 10, 1886. 1162 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [7932] HENRY MARTYN FAIRCHILD,9 (Horace J., » Moses.^ Luncinda Hamlin,8 Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. N. Y. City, Dec.1 28, 1862: m. Jan. 1, 1894, Harriet Isabel, dau. of Thomas and Misha (Rutterf Verker, of N. Y. City. [7934J HELEN MARGUERITE FA IRCHILD,9 (Sister of Henry M.,j b. Rawdon, Cheshire, Eng., Feb. 18, 1872: m. June 5, 1895, Isaac Smith, son! of Judge Charles, and Caroline (Tulman) Wheaton, b. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Decj 13, 1864. [7938] JARVIS ROSE FAIRCHILD,^ (Jarvis M.,8 Muses,^ Lucind? Hamlin,* Jabez,» Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Aug. 23, 18H8: m. Oct. 25, 1893, Sarah Lenita Plumb, of N. Y. Child: 14959. HoxiE, b. Sept. 7, 1894. [7950] MURIEL ROBINSON, » (Harriet R. Church,* Nathaniel," Ruth Hamlin, « Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1860; m. N. Y. City, Sept. 10, 1891, Rev. Franklin, son of Gen. Augustus and Martha (Champlin) Gaylord, b. Yonkers, N. Y., May 1. 1856. He graduated Yale College, and entered the ministry 1894; pastor, Paris, France, and Ford- ham, N. Y. City: member Yale Club and Cong. Club; members Trinity Cong. Church, N. Y. City. No issue. [7957] WILLIAM HUDSON HARPER,9 (Mary L. Scovllle,* Lois D. Church,' Ruth Hamlin, « Jabez,!" Thomas,* Ebenezer," James,2i) b. New York City, Mar. 20, 1857; m. Feb. 14, 1888, Grace Augusta, dau. of Benjamin and Katharine R. (Drennan) Cooke,* b. Plymouth, Ohio, Dec. 16, 1862: journalist: Evanston, Ills.; has res. in Winsted and Salisbury, Ct., and Washington, D. C. He prepared for college at Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., and studied at Georgetown College and Edwards Place School, Stockbridge, Mass.: gradu- ated from Yale College, class of 1880; was class poet, and on staff of Yale News, the first college daily: taught a few months at school for boys. Garden City, Long Island, N. Y. He went to Chicago, Ills., October, 1881, and began work on the News, worked on The Inter-Ocean, 1883-99: worked for the Civic Federation of Chicago a few months in 1900; and in the summer of that year brought out a hand-book on trusts, entitled " Restraint of Trade." He assisted in preparing the report to congress of the Commission on the Improvement of the Park System of Washington, in 1901: member Psi Upsilon fraternity, Yale College; Press Club, and University Club, of Chicago; and the National Union. At his suggestion The Inter-Ocean conducted the competition resulting in the adoption of the female figure typifying Chicago, with the motto, "I WILL." Mrs. Harper is member of Woman's Board of Missions of the Interior, and I). A. R.; Congs. Children: 14960. Katherine Scoville, b. Jan. 29, 1890, Chicago. 14961. Paul Church, " Sept. 14, 1892, Evanston. * Note 490. Mrs. HARPER is a lineal descendant of Francis Cooke, whc with his sou John came in the Mayflower, 1620; his wife and other children came afterwards. NINTH GENERATION. 1163 [7958] MARY LOIS HARPER,9 (Sister of William H.,) b. Winsted, Ct., Nov. 15, 1860; m. Washington, D. C, Feb. 11, 1888, James Uonstantine. son of James and Sarah (Collins) Piling, b. Washington, Nov. 16, 1846: Ethnologist, and Bibliographer of North American Indian languages; Washington; Catholic; member of Cosmos Club, Washington and various Scien- tific societies; she member D. A. R., and Washington Club. He d. Olney, Md., July 26, 1895. Children: 14962. Lois Hakpek, b. Dec. 27, 1888; d. June 22, 1890. 14963. Ruth Harper, " Nov. 21, 1890. [7959] SAMUEL SCOVILLE PASCHAL,« (Mary L. Scoville,^ Lois D. Church,' Ruth Hamlin, « Jabez,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Washington, D. C, Mar. 16, 1875; m. there. May 12, 1897, Mary Lois, dau. of Henry Clay and Susan (McConneli ) Sherman, b. Washington, Jan. 5, 1875; lavpyer; Exeter, N.H., 1889-93; Cambridge, Mass., 1893-6; Washington, D. C, and Honolulu, H. I., 1899-1901; Republican; Presb. Children: 14964. Barbara, b. Aug. 8, 1900, Honolulu; d. Oct. 22, 1900. 14965. Guy Sherman, " Aug. 14, 1901, Washington. [7964] JOHN EDWARD WARD,9 (Edward.^ Ruth A. Church,' Ruth Hamlin,« Jabez, a Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Salisbury, Ct., June 6, 1870; m. Falls Village, Ct., June 6,1893, Edith Louise, dau. of Bruen and Celia I. (Smith) Burnett, of Amesville, Ct.; farmer; resides on his father's farm, Salis- bury, occupied successively by his father, grandfather and greatgrandfather; Methodist; she Cong. Ch. b. Salisbury: 14966. Nathaniel Church, Feb. 17, 1894. [7984] NETTIE HAMLIN HIBBARD," (Mary A. Hamlin,8 John W.,' Jabez.fi'^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James, 21) b. Celina, Ohio, Aug. 9, 1858; m. East Aurora, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1878, Frank, son of Fisher and Phebe (Lawrence) Metcalf, b. Holland, N. Y., .Tan. 4, 1848; farmer; Momence, 111., 1878-9; Holland, 1880; East Elma, N. Y., 1882; East Aurora, 1900; Willink, N. Y., 1902; Democrat; she Epis. Ch. b. E. Elma: 14967. Clara Luoinda, July 14, 1882; unm. 1902. 14968. Frank, Oct. 9, 1884. [7985] CLARA L. HIBBARD," (Sister of Nettie H.,) b. Akron, Ohio, Oct. 29, 1860; m. East Elma, N. Y., Mar. 10, 1883, Dewey E., son of David Fancher and Puella Lucinda (Terry) Barker, b. Clarendon, N.Y., Aug. 17, 1861; letter carrier; Orleans Co., N. Y., until 1865; Monroe Co., N.Y., until 1872; since, Erie Co., N.Y.: Buffalo, 1901; Independent; member Branch 3, National Asso. of Letter Carriers; Epis. Ch. b. E. Elma: 14969. George Dewey, Dec. 16, 1883. 1164 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [7986] IDA HAMLIN, 9 (Frederick ISr,8 John W.,^ Jabez,*^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) \}^ st. Louis, Mo., Sept. 3, 1859; m. Chicago, Ills., Oct. 20, 1880, Louis D. Webster; lawyer; Chicago, Ills. No issue. [7987] HARRY WILDER HAMLIN.9 (Bro. oflda,) b. Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 7, I860; unmarried: chemist: employed by Am. Glu- cose Co.: Buffalo; later at Peoria, 111. [7988] KATHERINE HAMLIN CHERRY," (Emma M. Hamlin,* Ed- ward S.,' Jabez,«» Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. N. Y. City, Mar. 15, 1866; m. Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 19, 1893, Robert Colter, son of Fredericli William, and Sarah (Colter) Boy^ b. Cincinnati, Apr. 16, 1862: merchant: Cincinnati; res. Austin, Texas, 1903; Democrat. He was educated Williams College, Mass.: she at Bradford Academy, Mass.; Epis. No issue. [7989] LAURA BELLE CHERRY,9 (Sister of Katherine H.,) b. Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 18, 1870; m. there, Oct. '23, 1895, Charles Theodore, son of Theodore Lund August and Clara Esther (Emrie*) Greve, b. Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. 3, 1863: lawyer; Cincinnati; Democrat. He graduated Harvard Col- lege, A. B., class of 1884; and from Cincinnati Law Schcjol, L L. B., 1885; ad- mitted to the bar, Ohio, same year, and to U. S. Courts: Asst. U. S. Attorney, Southern Dist. of Ohio, 1894-8; Referee in Bankruptcy, since 1898; candidate for Congress, 2d Dist. Ohio, 1892; candidate for Probate Judge, 1902; member Literary Club; Society of Colonial Wars; Founders and Patriots; War of 1812; American Academy Political and Social Sciences; Joint Editor Bench and Bar, Ohio: Author Centennial History of Cincinnati; she was educated Bradford Academy, Mass.; Epis.: member of Woman's Club and Whist Club. Ch. b. Cincinnati: 14970. Theodore, Aug. 20, 1902. [7990] Hon. CHARLES McGINLEY LeBLOND,^ (Louisa McGinley,* Betsey E. Hamlin, ' Jabez,^^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Celina, Ohio, June 27, 1854: m. Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 6, 1877, Annie, dau. of Luke and Kather- ine (Barlow ) Brennan; lawyer; Celina; Representative, Ohio, Leg.; she Catholic. Ch. b. Celina: 14971. Luke Brennan, Oct. 28, 1880. 14972. Charles Hubert, Oct. 28, 1884. 14973. Charlotte Maria, Sep. 18, 1888. [7991] EMMA LOUISE LeBL0ND,9 (Sister of Charles M.,) b. Celina, Ohio, Aug. 1, 1859; m. there, Jan. 14, 1885, Charles A., son of Joseph and Emma (Geissert) Kloeb; res. Celina: candidate for auditor, Mercer Co., Ohio, 1896; Catholics. Ch. b. Celina: 14974. Le Blond Charles, June 13, 1886: d. June 29, 1886. 14975. Annie Louise, Feb. 14, 1888. 14976. Francis, June 16, 1890. * Note 491. CLARA E. EMRIE, descends from John Emepy,i of Newbury, Mass. See note 317. I^INTH GENERATION. 1165 [7992] FRANK CELESTIAN LeBLOND," (Bro. of Charles M.,) b. Celina, Ohio, Sept. 18, 1863; m. Colorado, Mar. 15, 1892, Eleanor Van I Ifatta, b. Richmond, Va.; half owner and manager of the Telluride Coffee Co.; Hilo, Hawiian Islands; vShe is a physician; graduate Chicago Medical School, and ;a Philadelphia med. school; medical officer under the Hawiian Government, ! No issue. [7994] KATE HAMLIN PHELPS,^ (Charles H.,8 Luncinda E. Hamlin,^ i Jabez,*!^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. St. Mary, Ohio, Dec. 10, 1864; m. \ Fort Davis, Texas, May 13,1888, Farrand, son of EmiliusKitchelland Elizabeth ' ;Sanford (Pierson) Sayre, b. Monticello, Mo., .June 17, 1861; cadet, West Point, U. S. Military Academy, graduated June 15, 1884; 2d Lieut. 8 U. S. Cav., July 1, 1884; 1st Lieut. 8, U. S. Cav., Apr. 17, 1891; Ft. Mead So. Dak.. 1896; has served at Fort Mcintosh and Fort Davis, Texas, and Jefferson Barracks; she Cong. Ch. b. St. Mary: 14977. Elizabeth Stanford, Nov. 11^, 1891, [8000] MARY VIRGINIA PHELPS,9 (Frederick E.,* Lucinda E. Ham- lin,' Jabez,*^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Fort Bayard, N. M., Nov. 25, 1871; m. Urbana, Ohio, July 19, 1894, George Archibald, son of George Goodwin and Susan Isabella (Fielden) Harriman, b. Fisherville, N. H., Sept. 19, 1869; res. Urbana, Ohio; Republican; Baptist; member Junior Order American- Me- •clianics; sii€ Presb. Ch. b. Urbana: 14978. Alice Elizabeth, Apr. 5, 1895. I [8007] ELIZABETH HAMLIN,9 (Fi'ank,^ Cicero J.,' Jabez,6sThoinas-,» *t Ebenezer,3 James.^i) b. Buffalo, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1876; m. there, Apr. 25, 1900, Seth Bliss, son of Seth Bliss and Lucy (Thompson) Hunt, b. N. Y. City, Dec 18, 1871: asst. manager, Atlas Works, Standard Oil Co., Buffalo, N.Y.; Republican; she Presb. [8008] HELEN HAMLIN,9 (Sister of Elizabeth,) b. Buffalo, N. Y., Apr. 11, 1879; m, there, Jan. 8, 1902, William Mann, son iof William Mann and Julia Murrid (Clarke) Fincke, b. N. Y. City, Jan. 1, 1878; lasst. supt. of coal mines; Ellsworth, Pa.; Republican; he grad. Yale Univer- sity, 1901; Presbs. [8009] KATHERINE HAMLIN,9 (William,^ Cicero J.,' Jabez,*"* Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Buffalo, N.Y., Mar. 13, 1876; m. there, 1896, EUicott, son of Edwin Townsend and Sarah (Grant) Evans, b. Buffalo; agent Locomobile Co.; Buffalo; Republican. Children: 14979. Elizabeth Gates, b. Nov., 1898. 14980. Edwin TowNSEND, " Apr., 1900. [8011] SARAH GATES HAML1N,9 (Sister of Katherine,) b. Buffalo, N. Y., June 7, 1880; m. there, Feb. 19, 1901, George Armstrong, 1166 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. son of Rev. Dr. Samuel S. and Theresa (Weirman) Mitchell, b. Washington, D^ C; lumberman; Buffalo; Republican; Presbs. ' Child: 14981. William Hamlin, b. Nor. 15; 1901. [8018] NELLIE C. CASEY," (Sarah C. Hamlia,^ Roderick,' Amasa.s- : Jabez,& Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) m. John McGuire, of Champaign, 111. 14982'. One Child; res. Champaign. ' [8020] ELLEIST YOUNG,* (Harriet Hamlin,» Roderick,' Amasa.e Jabez,5> I Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) m. William Pluramer. He Is dead. Child: 14983. Harry; res. Kenosha,^ Wis., 1897, [8025] MATTHEW YOUNG," m. Lulu Rogers, of Salem, Ills. Children: 14984. Ro&ER. 14985. Harper. [80271 WILLIAM YOUNG,^ m. Emma Richards; Salem, IIL Children: 14986. Lloyd. 14987. Edna. 14988. William. (Bro. of Ellen,) (Bro. of Ellen,) (Bro. of Ellen,) [8028] JOHN YOUNG," m. Myrtle Scott; Salem, 111. Child: 14989. Nellie. [8030] SARAH COPPLE," (Frances Hamlin,' Roderick,' Amasa,« Jabez,» Thomas,3 James,2i) m. Jasper Gillott of Kansas. Children: 14990. WiLBER. 14991. Cora; res. Kansas. 14992. William. [8037] NEWTON H. HAMLIN," (Amasa,^ Roderick,' Amasa,« Jabez,* Thomas,* Ebenezer.s James, ^i) m. Jennie Cook; Odin, 111. Child: 14993. DiMON C. [8043] NELLIE NORENE HAMLIN," (Charles,' Roderick,' Amasa,« Jabez,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James.^i) b. Centralia, Ills., Sept. 28, 1872; m. Cen- tral City, Ills., Sept. 28, 1890, Enoch H. McClelland, b. near Odin, Ills., June 18, KIITTH GENERATION. 1167 1860; coal miner; Centralia; Democrat: city marshal, 1896: member 419, A. O. U. W.; and Camp 52, M, W. A.: Methodists. Ch. b. Odin, Ills.: 14994. Laura May, July 31, 1891. [8085] EUGENE VAN RENSSELAER HAMBLIN,9 (Harvey,* Harmon," James," Amasa,'' Thomas,* EbeTiezer,^ James,^!) b. Sterlingville, N. Y., r i Jan. 29, 1855; m. Natural Bridge, N. Y., Mar. 31, 1881, Emma Francelia, dau. of Anson Dodge and Lucy Hannah (Gates) Ellis, b. Theresa, Jefferson Co., N. Y^, Apr. 24, 1864; farmer; Natural Bri. 1832: farmer: New Oregon, Iowa, 1857-80;, since, Cresco, Iowa: Republican: she was a school teacher: Congs-. i Ch. b. New Oregon: 15078.* Addie E., June 20, 1862. 15079.* Edwin Alonzo, Apr. 20, 1867. 15080.* Gaines W., Apr. 20, 1869. [8164] GEORGE DEVILLO GILLETTE,^ (Bro. of Adeline R.,) b. Cortland, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1835: m. Cohoes, N. Y., May 1, 1861, Sarah; Maria, dau. of Theodore and Sarah (Carpenter) Briggs, b. Schaghticoke. N. Y.J Sept. 24, 1841: sadderly hardware merchant; Cortland, Pittstown, Meridian and Auburn, N. Y.; Republican; member Christian church: Royal Arcanum and A, O. U. W.; private A, 3d N. Y. Regt.: served until close of war of Rebellion; she' is of Quaker parentage. He d. Auburn, Sept. 16, 1880. Children: b. Mar. 15, 1862, Pittstown: d. Jan. 21, 1876 " July 11, 1864, Meridian. " Mar. 1, 1868, " Mar. 28, 1870, " Feb. 27, 1874, " Mar. 29, 1879, Auburn. 15081. 15082.* 15083.* 15084.* 15085. 15086. Charlie Arthur, Carrie Bell, Minnie Adaline, Harriet May, Sarah Meda, George Kelsey, [8167] HARRIET PARDEE,' (Harris,^ Emily Hamlin,'' Darling/ Amasa,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ Jaraes,2i) b. June 11, 1842; m. Oct. 8, 1868, Stephen B. Musgrave. Child: 15087. Elizabeth Von Stbenburg; m. Albert F. Hyde [K171] CHARLES ADELBERT GREEN,^ (Emily Blinn,** .Julia A. Ham-; lin,' Darling,6 Amasa,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,^') b. Phila., Pa., Apr. 7,! 1854; m. Elmira, N.Y., Aug. 10,1886: Louisa Gower, b. Dec. 16, 1870; tailor:' Phila., Pa. Children: 15088. Charles Joseph, 15089. Charles Joseph, 15090. Robert Alonzo Hamlin, 15091. Alonzo, 15092. Mary Louisa, 15093. George William, b. July 23, 1894: d. Jan. 19, 1895. " Sept. 15, 1895. " Nov. 13, 1897. " Oct. 24, 1898: d. Jan. 10, 1899. " Oct. 20, 1900. " Dec. 10, 1901; d. May 20, 1902. I NINTH GENERATION. 1175 T8172] EDWARD PA XTON GREEN,9 (Bro. of Charles A.,) b. Philadelphia, Pa., 1856; m. Northumberland, Pa., May 13, 1889, Rose I Hamor, b. Oct. 28, 1869; tailor; he d. Northumberland, Sept, 2, 1895, Children: 15094. Emily C, b. Feb. 4, 1890. 15095. Martha Hakriet, '* Sept. 10, 1893. [8173] ELLA OLIVIA GREEN,« (Sister of Charles A.,) b. Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 14, 1858; m. Dodge City, Mo., Nov. 25, 1890, War- ren J. Norville; R. R. conductor: she d. Philadelphia, May 6, 1893. Ch. b. Dodge City: 15096. .lAMES W., Nov. 13, 1891. [8177] IDA MAY BLINN,3 (Joseph C.,* Julia A. Hamlin,' Darling,« Amasa,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Bowers Mills, Mo., May 28, 1871; in. Dodge City, Kansas, Warren J. Norville, Cli. b. Dodge City: 15097. James J. [8186] Dk. JOSEPH GARRETT HICKEY,' (Laura L. Hamlin,8 Aus- tin,' Darling,^ A masa,'' Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Auburn, N. Y., July ' 10, 1875; m. Philadelphia, Pa., June 27, 1901, Clara Amelia, dau, of Thomas and Estella (Liggett) Johnston, b. Pittsburgh, Pa., July 3, 1878; dentist; Auburn, N. Y., 1875-96; Since, Philadelphia, Pa.; Republican; Presbs. [8189] WILLIAM HAMLIN BANKS,^ (Jane E. Hamlin,^ Philo,' Darling,^ Araasa,'' Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,^!) b. Mifflintown, Pa., Nov. 16, 1862: m. there, Bessie, dau. of Robert and Catherine (Jacobs) Parker; physi- cian and surgeon; Mifflintown. He graduated at Lewistown Academy, and and from the University of Penn. Children: 15098. Robert P. 15099. Jane H. 15100. William H. 15101. Catherine J. 15102. Hugh Mc. [8190] JAMES ALONZO BANKS,^ (Bro. of William H.,) b. Mifflintown, Pa., Oct. 5, 1864; unmarried; he graduated from the Penn. State Board of Pharmacy; druggist; Mifflintown; Democrat; Presb. [8191] ANDREW BANKS,9 ' (Bro. of William H.,) b. Mifflintown, Pa., Mar. 21, 1866; unmarried. He graduated at Princeton College, N. J.; lawyer; Mifflintown, until 1886; Princeton, N. J., 1886-9; Green- burg, Pa., 1896-9, except when in the army; since, Mifflintown; Democrat; Presb.; corporal, I, 10 Pa. Inf. Vols.; enlisted April, 1898; in battles of Malite, Capture of Manila, Storming Chinese White Chapel and DeLoma Church Yard; dis. June, 1899. d 1176 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [8192] ELLA CATHERINE BANKS.fl (Sister of William H.,)" b. Ferraaug-b Tp., Juniata Co., Pa., May 6, 1868: m. Mifflintown, Pa., Dec. 3T, 1891, J. Howard, son of John and Margaret Jane ( Ewing:) Neely, b. Honey Grove, Pa., Sept. 7, 1858; lawyer; Honey Grove, 1858-85; since, Mifflintown: Democrat; district attorney, 1891^: member Union Lod^^e 324. A.F. & A. M.: Harrisburg Consistory, 32°: Presbs. Ch. b. Mifflintown: 15103. LiCiAN Banks, Mar. 3, 1893; d. Nov. 29,1893, 15104. John Howard, Nov. 22, 1894. 15105. William Hamlin, Feb. 2, 1896. 15106. Helen, Dec. 27, 1899. [8193'1 REBECCA JANE BANKS,9 (Sister of William H., ) b. Mifflintown, Pa., July 18, 1870; m. Ezra Parker; banixer; Washington,D.C. Children: 15107. A Son. 15108. A Daughter. [8194] PHILO HAMLIN BANKS,^ (Bro. of William H.,) b. Mifflintown, Pa., Nov., 1872. He graduated Jellerson College, May, 1901; surgeon on ship Montcalm, on trip to South Africa, and contracted typhoid j fever on his return trip, from which he died, Nov., 1901. [8198] BYRON HAMLIN UHL,9 (Emily C. Hamlin,^ Philo,' Darling,' Amasa,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James, 21) b. Monticello, Ind.. Oct. 25,1873; m. Mt. "Vernon, N.Y., Dec. 7, 1899, Euphemia Eismann, b. Oct. 17, 1876; sten- ographer and typewriter for com mission of immigration; res Monticello, Ind.; Brooklyn and Mt. Vernon, N.Y.; Republican; Presb.: she Epis. Ch. b. Mt. Vernon: 15109. Agnes Emily, Nov. 1, 1900; d. Aug. 6, 1901. [8199] AGNES EVA UHL,9 (Sister of Byron H.,) b. Monticello, Ind., Feb. 2, 1876; m. Chicago, 111., Jan. 4, 1900, upon her death bed. William Robert Cullins, b. Aug., 1875; physician and surgeon; Mem- phis, Tenn., and Chicago, 111.; Democrat; Epis.: she had graduated in medi- cine, recently before her marriage, and d. Chicago, Jan. 12, 1900. [8200] STEWART CAMPBELL UHL,^ (Bro. of Byron H.,) b. Monticello, Ind., June 1, 1878: unmarried: cigar dealer; Wolcott, Ind., since Aug., 1900; Republican. [8201] OPHELIA ELIZABETH EVANS,9 (Ophelia E. Woodward,* Hannah E. Hamlin,' Darling," Amasa,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James.^i) b. Brook- lyn, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1858; m. Dallas, Texas, July .31, 1879, Earl Frank, son of James S. and Lucia (Chamberlain) Squires, b. Cortland, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1857; commercial traveler; Cortland, until 1897; since, Binghamton, N. Y.; Repub- lican; Baptist; she Christian Scientist. NINTH GENERATION. 1177 Ch. b. Cortland: 15110. William Duane, May 28, 1880: unm. 1902. 15111. Augustus James, July 4,1883, " " 15112. PIenrietta Cakmichael, Sept. 1, 1888. [820fj] MARIA WOODWARD BISHOP,9 (Maria L. Woodard," Hannali E. Hamlin,^ Darling,* Amasa, 5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,^!) b. Buffalo, N.Y., Jan. 3, 1860: unmarried; res. Cortland, N. Y.; she graduated Cortland Normal School, in which she is an instructor: has twice visited Europe; studied a year in Cambridge, England, and has taught school eighteen years. [8211] EDWARD HENRY DOTY,* (Horace,* John,' Damaris Hamlin,» Amasa,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James, 21) b. Kinderhook, N.Y., May 4, 1829; m. Brainerd's Bridge, N.Y., Dec. 2, 1857, Cordelia Allen; painter. Tarrytown, N.Y. Child: 15113. Mary Elleh. [8214J ISAAC LODEWICK DOTY,^ (Bro. of Edgar H.,) b. Chatham, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1837; m. N. Y. City, Mary Jane Desmond; paint- er; N.Y. City. Children: 15114. (tEORge Espe. b. Jan. 2, 1869. 15115. HoRTENSB, " Nov., 1870. [8216J ELIZABETH ANN DOTY, 9 (Sister of Edgar H.,) b. Valatie, N. Y., July 4, 1842; ra. N. Y. City, Charles Barrett, b. there, May 17, 1843; res. Hoboken, N. J. Child b. Hoboken: 15116. Isabella, Oct. 10, 1869. [8232] WILLIAM JEROME DOTY,^ (Ezra S.," William H.,' Damaris Hamlin, 6 Amasa,* Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Monongalia Co., W.Va., Dec. 26, 1842; shoemaker; Omaha, Neb. Children: 15117. David A. 14118. John F. [8233] SAMUEL LOGAN DOTY,9 (Bro. of William J.,) b. Monongalia Co., W.Va., June 5, 1844; ra. Kate McCoy; res. Waukee, Iowa, Child: 15119. A Daughter, b. 1874. [8262] JULIA LIVIA COLMAN,« (Charles L.,8 Henry R,' Lucy Ham- lin, « Nathaniel, 5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Fond du Lac, Wis., Sept. 17, 1850; m. Bellevue, Iowa, Dec. 18, 1872, Willis Leroy, son of Jonathan Willis and Alma Rebecca (Dennison) Osborne, b. Nelson, N. Y., May 25, 1846; private, G, 40 Wis. Inf. Vols.; enlisted May 11, 1864; dis. Sept. 21, 1864; editor; LaCrosse, Wis., until 1873; McGregor, Iowa, until 1877; since, LaCrosse. I 1178 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: 15120. Rockwell CoLMAN, b. Feb. 3, 1874, McGregor; unm. 1901. 15121. Lauka Alma, " Aug. 8, 1875, " 15122. Edna Lucia, " Sept. 20, 1881, La Crosse: unm. 1901. [8263] LUCIUS CHARLES COLMAN,9 (Bro. of Julia L.,) b. Fond du Lac, Wis., Mar. 27, 1853; m. LaCrosse, Wis., May 15, 1883, Genevra, dau. of Rev. Samuel and Angeline Lucy (Burcliard) Wyekoff, b. Meadville, Pa., June 29, 1858; lumber mfg.; vice-prest. C. L. Colman Lumber Co., until 1855; since, LaCrosse, Wis.: Republican; member of Lodge 45, A. F. & A. M.; Smith Chapter 12, and Commandery 9, K. T., all of La Crosse: she Cong. He render- ed valuable assistance in carefully compiling the records of the descendants of Lucy Hamlin, 6 who m. Elihu Colman. Ch. b. La Crosse: 15123. Helen, Feb. 22, 1884; d. Oct. 26, l.'-84. 15124. Charles Wykoff, Jan. 2, 1891, " Jan. 3, 1891. [8264] HARRY LAMAR COLMAN,9 (Bro. of Julia L.,) b. LaCrosse, Wis., June n, 1862; m. there, June 9, 1887, Boletta Joanna, dau. of Eric and Anna (Brunsbery) Knutsen— Saltwold, b. Lodi, Wis., Aug. 22, 1863; lumberman; secretary, C. L. Colman Lumber Co., LaCrosse; Republican. Ch. b. LaCrosse: 15125. Charles Edward, Dec. 3, 1894. 15126. Charlotte, July 29, 1896. 15127. Julia, Aug. 25, 1899. [8265] EDWARD LEONARD COLMAN,9 (Bro. of Julia L., ) b. LaCrosse, Wis., May 18, 1865; m. Detroit, Mich., July 27, 1885, Helen Maria, dau. of Hiram Nelson and Sarah (Perry) Ballard, b. Burlington, Vt., Sept. 30, 1866; treasurer, C. L. Colman Lumber Co., Lacrosse; Republican. Children: 15128. Ethel Louise, b. June 3, 1886, Detroit; d. Mar. 11, 1887 15129. Ruth, " Mar. 31, 1890, LaCrosse. 15130. Anna, " Aug. 16, 1891, 15131. Joseph Hixon, " Jan. 11, 1897, [8267] ANNA LIVIA COLMAN,^ (Henry,* Henry R.,' Lucy Hamlin,* Nathaniel, 5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Watertown, Wis., June 23, 1863: m. Beloit, Wis., Aug. 3, 1893, Henry William, son of Rev. A. C. and Elizabeth J. Pennock, b. Columbus, Wis., June 10, 1862; lawyer: Omaha, Neb.; Republi- can. She attended schools in various places; Milwaukee Woman's College: graduated from Laurence University, 1884; taught in Atlanta, Ga.; High School in Elkhorn, Wis.; six years in Milwaukee High School; Presbs. Ch. b. Omaha: 15132. Margaret Colman, May 6, 1894; d. Oct. 3, 1896. 15133. John Colman, Dec. 4, 1899. NINTH GENERATION. 1179 [8268] LAURA LUCINDA C0LMAN,9 (Sister of Anna L.,) b. Evansville, Wis., Sept. 22, 18(j7; attended public schools; graduated Lake Geneva High School, 1867; attended Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.; graduated Froebel Training School, 1891; taught Kindergarten, Chicago, and Council Bluffs, Iowa; took post graduate studies in Chicago University; Meth- odist. [8269] HOWARD DARLING COLMAN,9 (Bro. of Anna L.,) b. Waukesha, Wis., July 9, 1873; m. Rockford, 111., June 17, 1902, Bertha Emeline, dau. of George Washington and Adella Maria (Woodruff) Maguire, b. Jan. 16, 1875. He attended the public schools in Milwaukee, White Water, and Lake Geneva, Wis.; graduated from Wayland Academy, 1890; attended Beloit College through the Sophomore year; inventor and manufacturer; Rockford; 111.: Republican; she Cong. [8277] LAENA DARLING HAMLIN,^ (Henry.s Orlo J.,^ Asa.s Nathan- iel,'* Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James.21) b. Smethport, Pa., June 7, 1856; m. there, Sept. 5, 1877, Hon. Robert Hutchinson, son of Edward Wallace and Marlon (Simson) Rose, b. Montrose, Pa., 1848; lawyer; Smethport, 1874-94; since, Bing- hamton, N. Y.; Republican; State Senator; Freemason, 32°; Shriner; Epis.; she member Monday Afternoon Club; Civic Club; King's Daughters. Ch. b. Smethport: 15134. Robert Craig, Aug. 10, 1880; unm. 15135. Marion, June 6, 1883; d. Aug. 17, 1897. [8278] EMMA MARION HAMLIN,9 (Sister of Laena D.,) b. Smethport, Pa., Dec. 26, 1857; m. there, Oct. 26, 1885, Rev. John Heber, son of John and Rebecca Ann (Sanderson) McCandless, b. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1844; Rector, St. Luke's church, Smethport; Epis. He graduated Western Uni- versity, Pa., 1S64. A. B.; from which he received the degree of A. M., 1867; gradwated from General Theological Seminary, N. Y., 1867; ordained by Bishop Kerfoot, Deacon. 1867: Priest, 1871; Rector, First Church, New Haven, Pa. St. Peter's church, Blairsville, Pa.; Trinity church, Freeport, Pa., 1867-70 Christ church, Indiana, Pa., 1870-2; All Saint's church, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1872-6 St. John's church, Newark, N. J., 1876-8: St. Mark's church, Mendham, N. J., 1878-80: St. Luke's church, Smethport, Pa., since 1880; member McKean Lodge 388, A. F. & A. M.; Bradford Chapter 260, R. A. M.; Trinity Commandery 58,K. P. No issue. [8279] EUGENIA MAY HAMLIN,9 (Sister of Laena D.,) b. Smethport, Pa., Dec. 2, 1865; m. there, Jan. 21, 1891, Howard E., son of Dr. Andrew, and Anna (Cannon) Merrell, b. Geneva, N. Y., June 14, 1862; nurs- eryman: Geneva. He graduated Hobart College, 1883, A.B., Magna Cum Laude; member Phi Beta Kappa Soc. No issue. [8280] ORLO JAY HAMLIN," (Bro. of Laena D., ) b. Smethport, Pa., June 23, 1873; m. by Rev. Henry W. Nelson, Geneva, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1899, Mirabel Depew, dau. of Charles Worth and Vashti Susie 1180 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. i (Depew) Folger,* b. Geneva, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1876: banker: Smethpuit: Repub- lican. He was educated at St. Paul's Scbool, Concord, N. H., under Rev. Henry I A. Coit, D. D., and at Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y.: afterwards took a course at Business College; member banking house of Henry Hamlin & Son, Smeth-i port; vice-prest.. The Clarence Stone and Lime Co., Clarence, N. Y.; vice- prest.. The Haines Flint Bottle Co., Smethport; member Smethport Glass Co.; tlie Allegheny Glass Co., and other enterprises: member Kappa Alpha Soc.;i McKean Lodge 388, A. F. & A. M.; Coudersport Consistory S. P. R. S., 32°; Epis. Ch. b. Smethport: 15136. Mirabel McCoy, Sept. 6, 1901. [8281] WILLIAM ORLO HAMLIN," (John C.,* Orlo .J./ Asa,« Nathan-] iel,s Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Smethport, Pa., Mar. 2, 1859; m. i Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1888, Julie, dau. of Colin and Julie Elma (Miller) Light- \ body, b. Brooklyn, Dec. 6, 1870; hardware and lumber merchant: Smethport, until 1880; Brooklyn, N. Y., until 1899: since. Smethport; Republican; member | Montauk Lodge 286, A.F.»&A.M.; Aurora Grata Consistory; and Kismet Tem- ple N. M. S.: Epis. ! Ch. b. Brooklyn: 15137. Allen Lightbody, Aug. 27, 1891. 15138. Jeanette McCoy, Sept. 8, 1896. [8282] CHARLOTTE ALINE HAMLIN, « (Sister of William O.,) I b. Smethport, Pa., Dec. 1, 1860; m. there, 1886, Dr. Lewis Hezekiah, son of j Lewis Hezekiah and Caroline (Carman) Robinson, b. Monticello, N. Y., 1847; « dentist; Brooklyn, N. Y., 1864-96: since, Holtsville, N. Y.: Republican; school trustee; member Brooklyn Dental Soc; N. Y. State Dental Soc; and American Dental Protective Asso.; Librarian Brooklyn Dental Soc; member of commit- : tee on Code of Ethics, Brooklyn Dental Soc. \ [8283] MARY EUGENIA HAMLIN, 9 (Sister of William O.,) ! b. Smethport. Pa., Oct. 10, 1863; ra. Feb. 26,. 1884, Charles Bosworth, artist; ' Brooklyn, N.-Y. Children: 15139. William Hamlin, b. Mar. 21, 1885. 15140. Charlotte Mary, " May 13, 1891. [8289] EMMA NOBLE CLIFF,^ (Orra M. Noble,8 Eliza M. Hamhn,' Asa,« Nathaniel.^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Pittston, Pa., Feb. 16, 1852; m. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 26, 1886, Frank Birdsall Kitchen; dyer; ■ Philadelphia. Ch. b. Philadelphia: 15141. Paul Cliff, Mar. 3, 1888. [8291] EVERETT GLENT WORTH CLIFF,9 ( Bro. of Emma N.,) b. Sterling, Pa., Jan. 1, 1857: bank teller; Philadelphia, Pa.; d. unm. Phila- ' delphia, July 4, 1899. * Note 492. Charles Worth Folger was formerly purchasing clerk, XT. S. bureau of printing and engraving; son of Hon, Charles .Tames Folger, Judge Supreme Court, and Secretary U. S. Treasury under President Arthur. NINTH GENERATION. 1181 [8295] IDA MARIE GATES,* (Eliza M. Noble,* Eliza M. Hamlin,- Asa,« Nathaniel,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,* Jaraes,2i) b. Flushing, L. I., June 6, 1860; m. Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec 8, 1887. Llewellyn Arthur Wray, b, London, Eng., Oct. 4, 18t>0; lawyer; N. Y. City: res. Brooklyn. Ch. b. Brooklyn: 15142. Eleanor Wischler, Oct. 9, 1888. 15143. Nelson Hill, Feb. 25, 1890, 15144. Anne Noble, June 3, 1891. 15145. Llewellyn Herbert, Dec, 1894, [8300] JAMES LEONARD N0BLE,9 (Thomas H.,* Eliza M. Hamlin,' Asa,'= Nathaniel'' Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James.^i) b. Sterling, Pa., Apr, 8, 1867; m. Arlington, Pa., Sept., 1895, Helen Bidwell. Ch. b. Ariel, Pa.: 15146. Floyd Thomas, July, 1900. [8301] WILLIAM HAMLIN NOBLE," (Bro. of James L.,) b. Sterling, Pa., May 18, 1870; m. Hamlinton, Pa., Oct., 1897, Ella Cook. Child: 15147. Warren Cook, b. June, 1898, [8303] MAUDE NOBLE BORTREE,** (Marian A. Noble,' Eliza M. Hamlin,' Asa,8 Nathaniel, ^ Thomas,* EbeDezer,^ James,2i) b. Chicago, Ills., Apr. 23, 1868; m. there, Jan., 1894, Arthur Thomas Evans; she d. Chicago, Dec. 6, 1899. Ch. b. Chicago: 15148. Arthur Thomas, Nov., 1899. [831.3] MARY ELLEN PROVIN,^ (Ellen M. Hamlin,« Asa D.,' Asa,« NathaQiel,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James, ■^i) b. Ridgeway, Pa., Mar. 28, 1873: m. Clean, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1891, Volney J., son of Francis Marion and Angelia Cole- man, b. Port Allegany, Pa., Nov. 19, 1869: mechanic: Port Allengany; Republi- can: member of Tent 11, K. O. T. M.; Epis. Ch. b. Port Altegany; 15149. Lawrence Hamlin, Nov. 15, 1892. [8314] HARRY LLEWELLYN BACKUS,^ (Flora A. Hamlin,* Asa D.,' Asa,« Nathaniel, 5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James.^i) b. Smethport, Pa., Sept. 13, 1872; editor J&Jiean County Miner; member McKean Lodge 388, A. F. & A. M., and Condersport Consistory, 320. [8323] PAUL DELANO HAMLIN,' (Delano R.,« Byron D.,' Asa,« Nathaniel,-^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3James,2i) b. Smethport, Pa., Jan. 24, 1873; m. Chicago, Ills., Oct. 30, 1900, Sallie, dau. of George King and Louise (Reynolds) Sboenberger, b. Chicago, Ills., May 29, 1878: lumberman; Smethport, 1898; since. Chicago; attended St. Paul School, Concord, N. H., 1887-92; YaJe Uni- versity, 1892-6; Epis. [8325] HARRIET FORBES REDFIELD,» (Jenette Hamlin,* Byron D.,? Asa,fi Nathaniel," Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Smethport, Pa., Aug. 14, 1874; m. there, Oct. 24, 1898, Col. Melville Montague, son of James Selah and i-i82 THE HAML1]?I FAMILY i I Frances Katherfne (Ayers) Gillett, b. JuneSO, 1872; civil engineer; treasurer andij manager Ga»Ct>.; Newark, Ohio; Republican; Sergt., I, 3d N. Y.,Vol. Inf. Mayj to Sept. 1898, Colonel and A, D. C. on staff of Gov. Nasli, of Ohio; Epis. ) Ch. b. Smethport: 15150. Bernice Redfiem), Feb, 12^ IQW, [832H] HORACE HAMLIN REDF1ELD,9 ( Bfo, of Haniet F.,) b, Chattanooga, Tenn., Jan. 10, 1878; m. Smethjxjrt, Pa., Oct. 10, 1900^! Grace Emily, dau. of Frederick Arthur and Emily Leone (Huenerfeldt)McCoy,.j b. Ellicottville, N. Y., Apr. 1, 1878; hardware merchant; Chattanooga, Tenn-^i until 1879; Washington, I). C., until 1882; Augusta, Ga., until 1896; Smethportrl Pa., 1900^ Republican^ Epis. | [8330] CARL GOTTLOB ZIEGLER,^ A, M., ( Mary F. BeTl,» Julia A.| Ham'lin,' Arcillus," Nathaniel, & Thomas,* Ebenezer.^ James,2») b. Lawrence, Kansas, Jan. 27. 1876; m. Detroit, Mich., Sept. 3, 1901, Louise Langley, dau. ofl Newton N. and Clara Louise (Langley) Neff, b. Detroit, Jan. 28, 1878; teacher;:! Detroit, until 1897; Trinity College, Hartfort, Ct., 1897-8; N.Y. City, until 1900^. Summit, N. J., 1900-1: Beattyville, Ky., 1901; since, Detroit; Republican; mem- ber Wayne Lodge, 104, K. P.; Gea. Custer Council, 517, N. U.: Phi Psi Chapter of Alpha Chi Rho, and Conn. Beta of Plii Beta Kappa, Trinity College; Epis. [8363] NORA JANETT HOLDERNESS,» (Eliza A. Hamlin,^ George W.,^ Richard,^ Nathaniel, & Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,^!) b. Kenosha, | Wis., July 15, 1865; m. Virden. Ills., Mar. 18, 1885-, John, son of John and Emma] f Allen) Fortnam, b. Fexrkenham, Et^., Mar. 23, 1857; butcher and trader; Virden, Girard and Waverly Ills.; Wichita, Kansas, since 1887; Republican; Epis.: mem- ber of West Side Camp 1568, M. W. A.; she, Christain; member Ida Lodge 179,; Daughters of Rebekab and Maple Leaf Camp 1067, Royal Neighbors, Cla. b. Wichita: 15151. Bessie Ruth. Nov. 10, 1892, [8364] JOHN HENRY HOLDERNESS,» (Bro. of Nora J.,) b. Springfield, IlL, May 1, 1867; married; painter and decorator; Peoria, 111.; [S3Q&] CORA ASENATH HOLDERNESS,» (Sister of Nora J.,) : b. Virden, Ills., Dec. 18, 1871; m. Apr. 25, -, Harvey, son of Solon B. and Mary (Smith) Parrish, b. Adrian, Mich., July 28, 1847; coal miner: Virden: Re- publican; miember of Miner's Union 693; and Miner's Benevolent Asso.; she. Baptist. I Ch. b. Virden: I 15152. NoKA ASENATH, Feb. 12, 1894. ' 15153. LuLLA May, Apr. 9, 1895. 15154. Eugene McKinley, Sept. 21, 1896, 15155. Mary Ruth, July 7, 1898, [8376] WILLIAM HAMLIN GALLOWA Y,ff(Emraa J. Hamlin,^ George W.,' Richard, « Nathaniel,-^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Christian Co., HI., June 20, 1878; farmer and stock grower; Edinburg, 111. He was educated by private instructors, until 19 years of age, when he entered college at Quincy, 111.; member of Electric Lodge 505, K. P. I "NINTH GTENETIATIOIS 1183 [8377] GEORGE SAN TFORD GALLOWAY. « (Bro. William IL,) b. Sangamon Co., 111., Oct. 11, 1880: unraarried. His education was re- ceived by private instruction until eighteen years of age, when he entered Gem ■City Business College; after completing a course there he spent a year travel- ing in the western states, and in January, 1901, became connected with the 'Continental Causalty Co., of Chicago, 111., of whicii he is claim adjuster; prjvate, C 1st III., N. G.i member of Mayflower Lodge 468. K. P, I Geohge S. GallowaYv 18.378] EMMA ALICE GALLOWAY,^ '(Sistet of Wiliiaitt )fl.,) b. Edinburg, 111., Apr. 14, 1886; she was placed in a kindergarten school at the age of six years: afterwards attended the public school, and is now a student in Edinburg high school; member of Yeomen of America. [8385] JULIETTE HaMLIN LAWRENCE," (Juliette H. Fisher,' JulS^ . ette Hamlin,' Richard, « Nathaniel,^ Thoma.s,* Ebeneiier,^ James, '■^') bw Hart' ford, Ck, Dec. 17, 1874; m. George Edward Bulicley.* * Note 493. Rev. PETER BULIvELEV^.i (son oif Re\^. Edward) emigrated to America, 1635; m. Grace, dau. of Sir Richard Chitwood; settled as pastor, Concord, Mass., 1636; a Puritan; ' he d. 1659. Rev. GERSHOM BULKEIiEY,2 b. at sea, 1635; graduated from Harvard College, 1653; studied theology, medicine and surgery; settled New London, Ct., 16.5S; surgeon in King Phil- 1184 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [8391] MARY ALICE BATES/ (George S.,* Eliza H. HamlinJ Richard,* Nathaniel,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 Jaraes,2i) b. South Hadley Falls, Mass., Oct, 31, 1867; ra. Springfield, Mass.. Oct. 23, 1889, Charles L., son of Alonzo Sabin,* b. Millbury; she d. Springfield, Jan. 7, 1893. [8407] ANNIE FOOTE HULBERT,9 ( William C.,^ Richard 0.,» Philander, s Marcia Hamlin. & Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James, ^i) b. Erie, Pa., June «J: 26, 1848: m. there, Nov. 11, 1875, Charles M. Haywood: res. Erie, 1885. Children: 15156. William Hulbekt, 15157. Miner Evans. 15158. MiRRIAM Callendar. [8409] JESSIE CURTISS HULBERT,9 (Sister of Annie F.,) b. Mackinac Island, Mich., Mar. 21, 1853; m. Erie, Pa., June 9, 1881, George A. Disque: res. Erie, Pa., 1885. Child: 15159. Kenneth Hulbert. [8438] WARREN FORD HARMON,^ (Lucinda Ford,' Warren,' Jesse,* Ruth Hamlin, 5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James.^i) b. Canaan N. Y., Dec. 5, 1851, m. Jackson, Mich., Apr. 18, 1894, Pauline Lantis. Ch. b. Waterloo, Mich.: 15160. Mark, Aug. 22, 1894. 15161. Luke, June 12, 1896. [S439] ABIGAIL AGNES FORD,» (William A.,* Warren,^ Jessie,* Ruth Hamlin,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Henrietta, Mich., Apr. 10, 1864; m. there, Jan. 13, 1884, Adin, son of Edward and Bethena (Bunker) Aldrich, b. Henrietta, Feb. 17, 1860; farmer; Henrietta and Leslie; Republican; she Meth- odist. lip's war; afterwards settled Westersfield, Ct. ; m. Sarah, dau. of President Cliauncy, of Har- vard College, 1659. .JOHN BULKELEY.3 Hon. .JOHN BULIvELEY.* CHARLES BULIvELEY,^ b. Colchester, Ct. ; m. Betsey Taintor. EDWARD BUJ^KLEY.f' GEORGE L. BULK:LEY.7 GEORGE EDWARD BULRLEY;* m. Juliette H. Lawrence. * Note 494. WILLIAM SABIN.i The date of bis coming is unknown, but tradition has it, he came from Wales or south of England, whither he found refuge in flight from France. He was a Huguenot; the name was Sabine. The name of his first wife has not been found; m. 2d, Martha, dau. of .James and Anna Allen, of Medfield, Mass. He was in Rehoboth, Mass., 1643; a man of culture, wealth and benevolence; one of the leaders in school, church and town affairs. The family crest was a ducal crown, with a hand holding a fleur-de-lis. He d. 1687. Will, June 4, 1687; proved, Boston, July 17, 1687. Ma.j()k JOHN SABIN.2 b. Aug. 27, 1666; m. Sarah Peck, b. Feb. 2, 16Kfl. In 1698 he bought land of Uncas, in Pomfret, Ct., and his church connection was at Woodstock until 1715. He bought Hillsite, now Thompson Village, Ct., 1716, and gave it to bis son the following year. In 1730 he gave an acre of land to the church of Killingly for a meeting house site. He was mover in town affairs, and a leading military spirit. He d. Oct. 25, 1742; she, Oct. 1, 17;«. Children: Hezekiah, Jonathan, Zerviah. NINTH CtENERATION. 1185 Children: 151K2. William Edwakd, b. Nov. 23, 1885, Henrietta. 1F,W6. Allie Madgk, •' Nov. 6, 1889, " 151H4. Wakken Franklyn, "May 1, 1891, Bunker Hill. [8440J MARGARET ALICE FORD,9 (Sister of Abigail A.,) b. Henrietta, Mich.. Apr. 7, 1866: m. there, Jan. 28, 1883, William Lyman, son of William A. and Julia A. (Pixley) Stowell, b. Henrietta, Feb. 16, 1863; farmer; Mason and Munith, Mich.; Democrat; she Methodist. Ch. b. Munith: 15165. Irene Gladys, Dec. 28, 1898. [8441] WILLIAM WARREN FORD,« (Bro. of Abigail A.,) b. Henrietta, Mich., Oct. 7, 1869: m. Munith, Mich., Oct. 17, 1893, May, dau. of Lawrence Hobart and Anice A. (Aldrich) McCreery, b. Bunker Hill, Mich., Aug. 27, 1870; farmer: Free Silver; she United Brethren. Children: 15166. Harold Douglas. 15167. Fred Warren. [8443] CARRIE I. FORD,« (Edward W.,* Warren,' Jesse,« Ruth Hamlin,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 Jaraes.^i) b. Bridgeport, Ct., July 18, 1853; m. Jackson, Mich., Oct. 12, 1868, William Henry, son of Albert and Elizabeth (Carpenter) McKitchen, b. Harmony, N. J., May 31, 1849; traveling salesman; Grass Lake, Mich.; Democrat; J'reemason; K. O. T. M.; she methodist. Ch. b. Tompkins: 15168. Jessie Mae, May 5, 1886. [8444] GEORGE A. FORD,^ (Bro. of Carrie I.,) b. Waterloo, Mich., June 16, 1857; ra.-lst, Vennie "Wheelock, b. Bethany, Mich., July. 1871: she Methodist; she d. there, Apr. 6, 1893; m. 2d, Ithaca, Mich., June 22, 1898, Bertha Barnes; stockman; Breckenridge, Mich.; Odd Fellow. [8445] MARION L. FORD," (Sister of Carrie I.,) b. Waterloo, Mich., May 28, 1859; m. Tompkins, Mich., Nov. 28, 1884, Syl- vester Sebring, b. N. Y. state, July 2, 18.59; Freemason. Children: 15169. Beulah Dawn, b. Nov. 21, 1890, Springport. 15170. ZoE, " Apr. 22, 1897, Tomkins. [8446] WILLIAM A. FORD,9 (Bro. of Carrie I.,) b. Waterloo, Mich., June 17, 1863; m. Tompkins, Mich., Oct. 6, 1888, Nellie, dau. of Jotham and Leanora (King) Wood, b. Tompkins; farmer; Tompkins; Democrat; Freemason: she L. O. T. M.; she d. Tompkins, Dec. 5, 1897. Ch. b. Tompkins: 15171. Marion, Mar. 29, 1889. 15172. Majorie, Dec. 14, 1896; d. Jan. 10, 1898. 15173. Willie A., Nov. 28, 1897. 1186 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. j [8448J EDGAR WARREN CALL,« (Mary A. Ford,^ WarrenJ Jesse,«i Ruth Hamlin,'^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Austerlitz, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1848; m. Henrietta, Mich., Dec. 24, 1873, Alice, dau. of Chester Field, b. Stockbridge,'| Mich., Sept. 6, 1854; farmer; Stockbridge and Henrietta; Democrat; Freema-' son; she member Ladies' Aid Soc; Methodists. He d. Henrietta, June 15, '89.: Children: I b. Apr. 29, 1875, Stockbridge; m. Roy McCrery. " Nov. 13, 1876, " " F. E.Kinkeid. i " July 27, 1879, Henrietta, " Fred Breitraayerj " June 19, 1882, " July 6. 1886, [8451] MARIAN E. CALL.« (Sister of Edgar W.,) b. Waterloo, Mich., Mar. 16, 1858; ra. Stockbridge, Mich., Dec. 23, 1880,i[ William Moe. Ch. b. Munith, Mich: ' 15179. Homer J., Nov. 18, 1881. \ 15180. Alma L., July 12, 1883. i [8452] CHARLES H. CALL,^ ( Bro. of Edgar W.,) b. Waterloo, Mich., June 30, 1863; m. Jackson, Mich., Nov. 30, 1893, Mary Agnes Mooney, b. Ireland, Oct. 14, 1866; policeman; Jackson; Democrat: member of Foresters; she Catholic. 15174. Nellie A.. 15175. Laura L., 15176. Jennie L., 15177. Eddie W., 15178. Allie A., Ch. b. Jackson: 15181. Charles W., Apr. 21, 1895. 15182. Harold I\, Jan. 31, 1897: d. Aug. 24, 1897. 15183. Leonard M., Apr. 19, 1899. [8458] SMITH FRANKLIN PHI LLIPS,« (Marietta Smith,« Polly Ford,' Jesse, 6 Ruth Hamlin,'' Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,- 1) b. New Lebanon, N.Y., Feb. 7,1851; m. by Rev. N. L. Heroy, East Canaan, N.Y., Aug. 17, 1886, Esther Rachael, dau. of Harrison and Esther Almira(Park) Cady, b., Canaan, Nov. 13, 1850: farmer and teacher; res. on the farm of his grandfather Smith, East Chatham, N. Y.; Republican and Prohibitionist. He graduated Yale Col- lege 1880, taught in academy at Cheshire, Ct.; Methodists. No issue. \ [8459] JEANETTE MARTHA HERRICK,9 (Elizabeth L. Ford," John A.,'' Jesse,6 Ruth Hamlin,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Canaan, N.Y., Aug. 11, 1849; m. there, Dec. 18, 1872, Allen Perkins, son of William Henry and Almira (Wilbor) Cady, b. Chatham, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1850; R. R. foreman; East Chatham, 1862-75; Greenbush, until 1897; since, Newton, Mass.; she d. Green- bush, N. Y., Mar. 11, 1881: he m. 2d, New Lebanon, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1883, Min- nie Emma Harrick," sister of first wife. No issue by 1st marriage. Ch. by 2d wife, b. Greenbush: 15184. Almira E., Mar. 2, 1890; d. Oct. 17, 1896. 15185. William Henry, Dec. 4, 1891. 15186. Jkanette Elizabeth 15187. Albert Amos, 15188. KiTTJE, 15189. Carrie May, 15190. Millard, 15191. Charles Franklin, II NINTH GENERATION. 1187 [8460] CHARLES FRANKLIN HERRICK,*' (Rro. of Jeanette M.,) b. Canaan, N Y., Nov. 20, 185:^: m. Hudson, N. Y., July 3, 1873, Josie M., dau. of William and Sarah (Ham) Winn, b. Ghent, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1862; tinner; East Chatham, 1873-81; West Stocl^bridge, Mass., until 1883; afterwards, Pitts- tield, Mass.; Democrat; he d. Pittstield, Feb. 18, 1886. Children: b. June 24, 1875, E. Chatham. " Nov. 24, 1876, " " d.Dec.3, '81 " Jan. 24, 1880, " " " Aug. 22, 1881, West Stoclcbridge. " Feb. 12, 1885, Pittsfield. " Apr. 11, 1886, " [8462] EDWIN AMOS HERRICK,9 (Bro. of Jeanette M.,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1860: m. 1st, Albany, N. Y., June 1, 1881, Kittie Van Valkenburgh, dau. of Jacob and Mary (Wans) Declcer, who d. Hudson, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1888, aged 30 years: m. 2d, Wellesley, Mass., June 26, 1892, Eliza Christina Chrisolra; Supt., knitting mill. Oriskany Falls, N. Y.; Republican. Ch. by 1st wife: 15192. Mary Elizabeth, Mar. 21, 1882, Philmont, N. Y.; unm. '99. 15193. Ford Edwin, July 4, 1887, Hudson, " d. Sept. 2, '87. [8463] JOHN CALVIN HERRICK,« (Bro. of Jeanette M.,) b. Chatham, N. Y., Mar. 25, 1862; m. Hudson, N. Y., Apr. 23, 1890, Clara May, dau. of William Henry and Hattie V. (Miller) Saulpaugh, b. Hudson, Dec. 10, 1869; furniture salesman: Rensselaer, N. Y.; Democrat; she Presb. Ch. b. Greenbush, N. Y: 15194. Hazel Bell, Dec. 1, 1891. 15195. Lyle Edwin, Oct. 27, 1894. 15196. Newell Ford, Jan. 14, 1899. [8464] GEORGE W. FORD,« (Calvin F.,« John A.,^ Jesse,* RuthHamlin,* Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,'^i) b. Rockford, Ills., July 17, 1855: m. Oct. 12, 1886, Jessie Corey, b. Rockford, Mar. 3, 1864. Children: 15197. Bernice, b. Aug. 3, 1888, Lincoln, Neb. 15198. Nellie, " May 16, 1890, " [8465] ELLA A. FORD,^ (Sister of George W.,) b. Feb. 23, 1858; m. 2d, C. M. Davis: Passadena, Cal. Four children: [8470] GEORGE LOCKROW,« (Mary J. Park,* Welthia Ford,^ Jes.se,« Ruth Hamlin, 5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Meriden, Ct., May 3, 1870; m. there, Sept. 6, 1892, Nellie May Hall, b. Middlefield, Ct., Mar. 12, 1875; artist, painter; Meriden: Methodists. Ch. b. Meriden: 15199. WiNFRED Hall, Nov. 22, 1893. 1188 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [8474] NELLIE LOUISE SPENCER,« (Louisa A. Powell,** A tana V. Ford, 7 Jesse,* Ruth Hamlin,^ Thomas," Ebenezer,3 Jaraes,2i) b. Red Rock, N. Y., May 3, 1878; m. Sept. 23, 1899, John Kilbridge; res. N. Y. C. Ch. b. N. Y. City: 15200. John Richakd, Nov. 18, 1900. [8486] IDA A. FORD,« (William 0.,8 Ransom,' Eliab.e Ruth Hamlin.^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,3James,2i) b. Springfield, Ills., Dec. 1. 1855: m. New Leb- anon, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1892, William H., son of Ava Randolph and Mary Polly (Eggleston) Harrison, b. New Lebanon, July 29, 1845; farmer; New Lebanon; Democrat. No issue. [8488] BLANCHE CORNELIA FORD,9 (Sister of Ida A.,) b, Canaan, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1860; m. July 14, 1891, Elmer, son of Stedman and Eliza (Champnoy) Conant, b. Hoag's Corners, N. Y., June 27, 1862; res. Pittsfield, Mass; Republican; she Baptist. Ch. b. Pittsfield: 15201. Elma, Jan. 23, 1895. 15202. A Son, Feb., 1900. [8489] ERVA FORD,9 (Bro. of Ida A.,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1863: m. Feb. 4, 1890, Edith Fidelia, dau. of Joseph and Hannah Susanna (Chittenden) Wheeler, b. Stephentown, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1869: carpenter; Richmond. He d. Nov. 4, 1896. Ch. b. Richmond: 15203. Millie Melissa, Feb. 18, 1891, d. Oct. 20, 1896. 15204. Joseph William, Dec. 10, 1892, " " 1896. 15205. Clinton Erva, Feb. 17, 1897, [8490] SAMUEL WILKINSON F0RD,9 (Bro. of Ida A.,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1865; m. East Longmeadow, Ma.ss., July 17, 1889, Hattie E., dau. of Duhamel and Nancy Emma (Crampton) Clark, b. Lee, Mass., Nov. 21, 1862; carpenter: Springfield, Mass.; she Methodist. Ch.b. Springfield: 15206. Mabel Alicia, Apr. 26, 1890; d. Apr. 30, 1890. 15207. Stella May, May 23, 1892, " June 24, 1892. 15208. A Daughter, 19—. [8492] MINNIE AUGUSTA F0RD,9 (Sister of Ida A.,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Nov. 4. 1870; m. Pittsfield, Mass., Aug. 22, 1888, Harry, son of Jesse and Celestia Caroline (Luce) Howard, b. Pittsfield, Nov. 22; mer- chant; Pittsfield; Republican: she Baptist. Ch. b. Pittsfield: 15209. Pearl Alice, Oct. 20, 1889. 15210. Clarence Walter, Dec. 27, 1891. 15211. Ethel Melissa, Dec. 9, 1896. ni:nth generation. 1189 [8493] ELLA A. DOTY,9 (Mary Ann Ford,* Ransom,' Eliab,« Ruth Hamlin,'* Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Chatham, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1848; m. Isaax; Van Alstyne; Chatham: she d. Canaan, N. Y., Apr. 14, 1886. Children: 15212. Florence May. 15213. Ella Miranda. [8494] MARY F. EATON,« (Lucy M. Starks,* Talcott G.v Ruth Ford,« Euth Hamlin.'' Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Aug. 23, 1841. Child: 15214. A Son. [849(>] MARIE ELIZABETH THOMAS,' (Laura A. Starks,* Talcott,' Ruth Ford,6 Ruth Hamlin, f* Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James^^ij b. Feb. 28, 1845; m. Charles E. Broeflle. Several children. [84Q7J JESSE I). GOODRICH,' (Laura A. Starks,^ Talcott G.,' Ruth P'ord,fi Ruth Hamlin,-' Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2iJ b. Dec. 18, 1849, m. Addie Powell; Chatham Center, N. Y. Several children. [8498] FREDERICK C GOODRICH,' (Bro. of Jesse D.,i b. Nov. 11, 1858: m. Ida F. Acker. Chi Id lien: 15215. Fkederxck L., b- I>ec. 25, 1879. 1521«. Lucv B., " Mar. 2, 1881. 15217. Lester C, ^' Dec. 22, 1882. 15218. J. Edward, " Aug. 8, 1884. 15219. William S., *' Feb. 5, 1886, 15220. Gordon E., *' Nov, 20, 1887. 15221. Sarah L., ^' Feb. 6, 1890, 15222. Jesse C, " Nov. 17, 1891. 15223. Grace E., *' Jan. 1, 1894, 15224. Elmer Roy, " Jan. 5, 1896, 15225. Raymond W., " Dec. 30, 1898. [8504] JOHN C. MESICK,9 m. D., ( Beebe,« Prudence Starl«,' Ruth Ford,« Ruth Hamlin,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,^!) b. Chatham, N. Y^, Oct. 18, 1852: m. Spencertov^n, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1875, Cecelia M., dau ot James S. and Sarah (Risedorph) Griswold, b. Spencertown, Aug. 27, f^l; physician: Nivervllle, N. Y., 1881-96; since, Spencertown; Republican; health orticer, 1896- 1901: Christian; she Methodist. Children: 15226. Dean, b. Feb. 13, 1878, Spencertown. 15227. ANNA, " Dec. 20, 1883, Nivervllle. 1190- THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [8509] ANDREW S. FORD.s (Franklin S.,« Lorenzo D.,- Davicl,^ Rutb Hamlin,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,=* Jaraes,2i) b. Canaan, N. Y., Mar. 2, 1853; m. there, Feb, 26, 1873, Hattie E., dau. of Joseph and Mary (Lovejoy) Pendleton, b. Canaan, Nov. 3, 1854; book-keeper; Chatham, and N. Y. City: Republican: she d, Chatham, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1887. Ch. b. Canaan: 15228. Anna L., Jan. 4, 1874, [8510] ALFRED B. FORD,« ' fBro. of Andrew S.,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Jan. 18, 1855; dealer in eoal and feed, with his father; Chatham, N. Y.; Republican. [8511] EVA J. FORD, !> (Sister of Andrew S.,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1867; m. C. T. Dunham. She assisted in com- piling the records of the Ford family for this work. [8512'] FRANK FOWLER," (Cordelia A. Ford,^ Lorenzo D.,' J)avid,e^ Ruth Hamlin,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Canaan, N. Y., Oct. 29,1848;. m. June 10, 1874, Henrietta McKee, of Fairbury, Ills. He d. MeCook, Neb., June 15, 1891. Children: 15229. William Cornehts, b. Jane 27, 187&. 15230. Alfred Hugh, '' Jan. 29, 1877. [8513] ADDIE FOWLER,!^ (Sister of Frank,) b. Canaan, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1857; m. James L. Gray, of Olney, Ills.. No issue. [8517] BITRTT FORD," (Sidney W.,» Lorenzo D,^ David," Ruth Hamnn,5- j Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Canaan, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1867; ra. We&t Leb- anon, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1891, Jennie E. Fowler; E. Chatham, N. Y. Child: 15231. Rachael Anna, b. Mar. 2, 1892, [8523] MABEL FLINT,* (Adeline M. Ford,* Lorenzo D.,^ David," Ruth: Ham lin,5 Thomas,* EbeDezer,^ James,2i) b. Flat Brook, N. Y.. Feb. 19, 1869; m^, Lebanon Springs, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1893, George Fred, son of John T. and Diana Elizabeth (Rhodes) Fellows; farmer. Children: 15232. Wakde Lynton, b. June 25, 1894, Canaan. 15233. ' Howard Kenneth, " Nov. 24, 1897, Chatham, [8524] LORENZO DOW FLINT,* (Bro. of Mabel, ) b. Flat Brook, N. Y., Apr. 16, 1871; m. Waterbury, Ct., June 24, 1891, Mirmie A. Dayton; laundryman. Children: 15234. Leah M., b. Apr. 1, 189*2, Hartford. 15235. Dayton M., " Oct. 12, 1894, Winstead, NINTH GENERATION. 1191 [8525] NELLIE F. PIERSON,9 (Antoinette A. Foid,» Lorenzo D.,' David,« Ruth Hamlin,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer.s James,2t) b. Canaan, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1869: m. there, June 6, 1888, Henry D., son of Luther and Catherine (Van Valkenburgh) Frisbee, b. Dec- 28, 1865; farmer: Canaan: town clerk. [8555] MARY MATILDA CRANE," (George F.,s Maria Burrows,' Pru- dence Ford," Ruth Hamlin, ^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,^!) b. Red Rock, N. Y,, Oct. 3, 1858: m. Ghent, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1881, Charles LeRoy, son of .Jerome B. and Sarah A. (Halstead) Westover, b. Austerlitz, N. Y.. Mar. 5, 1858, Ch. b. Ghent: 15236. Raymond Wells, July 2, 1883; d. Oct. 15, 1886. 15237. Roy Chakles, July 9, 18^5. 15238. Fkank Hakkison, Oct. 1, 1889. 15239. Beutha Sakah, July 3, 1894. 15240. Geouge Jerome, Aug. 26, 1896. [8556] GEORGE CRANE BLASHFIELD,9 (Marietta Crane,* Maria Burrows,' Prudence Ford," Ruth Hamlin. » Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Shushan, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1863; m. Feb. 28, 1886, Carrie E., dau. of Jerome B. and Sarah A. (Halstead) Westover, b. Green River, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1864; she m. 2d, Rev. Joel Gallup, and res. Cliatham, N. Y.; he d. Ghent, N.Y., Nov. 2, 1893. Ch. b. Ghent: 15241. RoscoE Westoveu, Sept. 20, 1890. [8575] ABBIE J. REED," (Harriet E. Starks,* Emeline Ford," Ruel,« Ruth Hamlin,^"- Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Brainard, N. Y., Mar. 10, 1872: m. June 10, 1896, Archie Manchester, of Berlin, N. Y. Child: 15242. Violet M., b. Mar. 22, 1897, [8576] LEROY REED,9 ( Bro. of Abbie J.,) b. Brainard, N. Y., June 28, 1875; m. June 10, 1896, Ida Tower; Rossmans, N. Y. Child: 15243. Henry L., b. Mar. 9, 1898. [8592] CONDE HAMLIN," (David H.,8 Anson B.,' Caleb J.,« Thomas.s* Ebenezer,3 James.'^i) b. Glenville, N.Y., Nov. 9, 1861; m.N.Y. City, Dec. 10, 1892, Lenbra, dau. of Ex-Gov. Austin, of Minnesota: vice-prest. and general manager. The Pioneer Press Co., since 1899. He graduated Winona, Minn., High School, 1879; Union College, 1883; A. M., 1886: Law School, University of Wis., LL. B., 1887; admitted to state and federal courts, same year: Colonel, 4th Regt. N. G., Minn., 1898; member State Board of Corrections and Chanties, 1897-8; prest., St. Paul Com. Club, 1897-1899. 1192 THE HAMLIN FAMILY, CoNDE Hamlin, [869^ FRED ELMEKDORP HAMLlK,*f (Bro. of Cond(?J * b. McGregor, Iowa, Dec. 7, 1864; saperintendenti of schools, 1889-94; Marsb-J fieid, Wis,; later, Houston, Minn. , t f 'i [8594] GRACE AUGUSTA HAMLIN,'' (Sister of Conde,) b, McGregor, Iowa, July 18, 1867; m. Winoaa, Minn., May 10, 1888, Frank Leslie, son of Frederick Messer and Catherine Cordelia (Knowlton) Morse, b- Belvidere, Ills., Nov. 2, 1867; railway superintendent; res. Belvidere, until 1883; Rochester, Minn., 1883-5; Winona, Minn., 1885-94; Bari boo. Wis., 1894: Madison, Wis<, 1S94-5; Clinton. Iowa, 1895-6; Madison, Wis., 1896-8; St. Paul, Minn., 1898- 9; Plainfield, N. J., 1899^1901; Brooklyn, N. Y., 1901-2; Independent; she gradu- ated Winona high school; and attended Winona normal school; Congs. ' Ch. b. Winona: j 15244. Eatherine Conde, Feb. 26, 1889. L8597] SOLYMAN GREGORY HAMLIN," (Solyman G.,» Anson B.,''' Caleb J.,6Thomas,5* Ebenezer,3,James,2i) b. Schenectady, N. Y., Apr. 30, 1878; unmarried; student, Amherst College, class of 1902; res. Schenectady, until; 1881; Glenville, N. Y., 1881-9; since, Springfield, So. Dak.; member Lodge 309, B. O. P. E.; and Theta Delta Chi. Soc. NINTH GENERATION. 1193 [8fi06] Dii. JAMES HAMLIN McIVOR," (Abbie Hamlin,* Richard C.,' Caleb/ Thomas.54 Ebenezer,3 James.^i) b. N. Y. City, May 1, 1872; m. June. ]89(i. Miss Kate Orville. of Birmingham, England; educated in the schools of New York, and Manhattan College: graduated New York Homeopathic Medi- cal College, 1892; in which he is clinical instructor in minor surgery; physician; N. Y. City. [8617] ELBERT BACON HAMLIN,'-* (Teunis S.,* Salmon C.,' Caleb J., « Thomas,5* Ebenezer,^ James,^!) b. Troy, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1874. He attended the public school, Washington, D. C.; Westminster School, Dobb's Ferry, !S. Y.; Yale University, 1896, A. B.: N.Y. Law School, 1898, LL. B.; lawyer: Troy, until 1883: Cincinnati. Ohio, until 1885; Washington, D. C, until 1891; since, N. Y. City; Republican: Presb. [8619] JAY HEATH,9 (Calista Hamlin,^ HawleyH.,' Theron.e Thomas,^* Ebenezer,:* James,2i) b. Locke, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1860; m. Cortland, N. Y., Jan. 24, 1883, Hattie E., dau. of Albert and Maria (Adams) Sears, b. Cortland, Oct. 2, 1858: farmer; Cortland: Prohibitionist; she Presb. Ch. b. Cortland: 15245. Lewis I., July 14, 1886. [8620] HENRY HEATH, 9 (Bro. of Jay,) b. Locke, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1864, m. Cortland, N.Y., Mar. 8, 1888, Bertha E., dau. of David and Rosa (Moss) Wright, b. Moravia, N. Y., Mar. 8, 1864; farmer; Cortland; Prohibitionist: members Grange 766, P. I. U.;she Cong. Ch. b. Cortland: 15246. Floyd V., Feb. 14, 1889. 15247. Pearl Grace, Oct. 18, 1897. [8621] SUSIE AURENIA HAMLIN,9 (Henry C.,8 Hawley H.,^ Theron.e Thomas,''! Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Groton, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1866; m. Moravia, N.Y., Feb. 13, 1884, Ed. H., son of George W. and Mary Jane (Hoagland) Bowen, b. Moravia, July 3, 1860: electrician; Moravia, until 1890: since, Cortland, N. Y.; Republican; she, Methodist. Ch. b. Moravia: 15248. Eva C, Sept. 12, 1884. 15:249. Emma H., Aug. 7, 1885. 15250. Edith M.. Apr. 14, 1889. [8622] CLARA ORCELIA HAMLIN,9 (Sister of Susie A.,) b. Moravia, N. Y., June 16, 1869; m. Cortland, N. Y., Jan. 24, 1901, John S., son of John and Hetty (Babcock) Lockey, b. Tompkins Co., N. Y., 1856; me- chanic; Cortland; Republican: Odd Fellow; she Methodist. Ch. b. Cortland: 15251. Carl H. D., 1894. [86.34] JOHN JEWETT CANFIELD," (Calvin J.,* Nathan,' Jerusha Hamlin,6 Thomas, 5* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Feb. 24, 1867; m. Canandaigua, N. Y.,Oct. 16, 1890, Anna Aden Priest; miller. Ch. b. Canandaigua: 15252. Ardus Vilroy, Feb. 17, 1892. 1194 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. j [8635]. LEWIS DAVID CANFIELD,9 (Bro of John J., ) : b. July 9, 1869: ra. Canandaigua, N. Y.. Aug. 16, 1893, Ida Jane Cooley. i Ch. b. Canandaigua: i 15253. Harold, May 22, 1894. i 15254. EuTH, May 9, 1900. I [8720] WINIFRED ALMIR A WILDER,9 (Ella I. Hamlin,* Asa B.,' Truman,6 Lewis,'^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Armada. Mich., July 30, 1876: m. Sept. 3, 1901, Daniel, son of James and Elizabeth (Renno) Beatham, b. St. Clair Co., Mich., July 1, 1878: drayman: Romeo, Mich.; Republican. [8721] NORA MARIE WILDER,^ (Sister of Winifred A.,) b. Armada, Mich., Aug. 5, 1881: m. Oct. 4, 1898, Archibald, son of David and Elizabeth (Court) Robertson, b. Marine City, Mich., Oct. 1, 1878; carpen- ter: Armada; Republican; member Camp 5707, M. W. A.: she Methodist. Child: 15255. Marguerite Ivonette, b. Apr. 11, 1902. [8722] NELLIE E. WILDER,^ (Sister of Winifred A.,) b. Armada, Mich.. Oct. 17, 1883; m. Mar. 27, 1901, Albert Manley, son of] Albert R. and Hannah (Woodbeck) Embury, b. Bruce, Mich., Oct., MO, 1881;] farmer; Romeo, Mich. * . i [8726] HELEN MARIAN KELSEY,9 (Annie L. Hamlin,« Stephen B..' | Truman,6 Lewis,5 Thomas,* Ebenezer,3James,2i) b. Theresa, N.Y., Apr. 17, 1872; unmarried, 1902; instructor, Wellesley College, Mass., 1896-1900; Registrar, i 1900-2. j [8735] HELEN HULL,9 (Wilham,* Betsey Drake,' Eunice Hamlin,^ Seth,5 Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Worcester, N.Y., June 3,1846: m. ; Westford, N. Y., Jan., 1868, Walter, son of Adam and Eliza (Planck) Engell, b. ' Center Valley, N. Y., May 9, 1847; merchant: Center Valley and Mohawk, N. Y.; Republican; Lutheran; Odd Fellow; she Methodist: she d. Mohawk, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1900. I Ch. b. Center Valley: j 15256.* Venila, May 6, 1870. i; 15257.* Sadie Zenena, Mar. 4, 1875. ^ 15258. Charles, Jan. 18, 1881. \ 15259. Van Court, Dec. 18, 1885. [8736] EMMAGENE HULL,9 (Sister of Helen,) . b. Worcester, N.Y., Aug. 9, 1848; m. 1st, Westford, N.Y., Mar. 6, 1866, Nicholas, , son of Michael and Betsey (Van Alstyne) Banker; merchant: Westford; Demo- crat; Methodist; member of Co. G, 121 N. Y. Inf. Vols.: enlisted Aug. 13, 1862; participated in all battles of the army of the Potomac from Antietam to Ap- pomattox; wounded in left arm by shell, at Spottsylvania, May 10, 1864: dis. June 25, 1865. He d. Westford, July 5, 1879; m. 2d, Mar. 20, 1884, Dr. Daniel Pomeroy, son of Daniel and Mary (Tunniclifl) Van Court, b. Feb. 6, 18.38; physi- cian and surgeon; Mohawk, N.Y.; Republican; private, G, 34, N.Y. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Apr., 1861; participated in battles of Balls Bluff, Yorktown, Williams- NINTH GENERATION. 1195 burg, Fair Oaks, where he was wounded, and was dis. from Hospital, New Haven, Ct.; justice of the peace and notary public; charter member, G. A. R., Cooperstown, N. Y.: and transferred to Chismore Post 110, G. A. R.; member Lodge 162, A. F. & A. M.; she member Chapter 82, O. E.S. and W. R. C, and Womans Foreign Mis. Soc; Methodists. Ch. by 1st marriage: 15260.* Elizabeth May, b. May 19, 1867, Center Valley. 15261. John Henry, " Apr. 17, 1872, Westford; d. Feb. 6, 1876. [8737] JOHN T. HULL," ( Bro. of Helen,) b. Worcester, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1852; m. 1st, Mary McFee, who died; m. 2d, Nov. 21, 1883, Celia Child, who d. Jan., 1886; m. 3d, Oct., 1889, Mary Wheeler. He d. Mohawk, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1901. Child: 15262. Grace E., b. June 23, 1888. [8738J SARAH HULL," (Sister of Helen,) b. Schenerus, N. Y., Apr. 12, 1856; m. Garrettsville, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1878, Eugene Borelli, son of Borelli Darwin Taft and Zenana (Vosburg) Ingalls, b. Richtield, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1852, son of her father's second wife; veterinary sur- geon: Mohawk, N. Y.; Democrat; justice peace; member of Mohawk Valley Lodge 276, A. F. & A. M.; Iroquois Chapter 236, R. A. M.: she member Chapter 82, O. E. S. [8740] GEORGIA ELLIOTT," (Olive Hull,* Betsey Drake,' Eunice Ham- lin,«Seth,5 Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James.^i) b. Westford, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1846; m. Milford, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1867, Sidney Jewell, son of Stephen S. and Relief (Jewell) Burton, b. Westvllie; farmer; Westville; she Baptist. Children: 15263. Charles Jewell, b. June 21, 1868, Westville. 15264. Maky Ella, " Dec. 18, 1869, " 15265.* Kate Marie, "May 3,1872, 15266. David Sutherland, " July 26, 1874, Milford. 15267. Harry Cornish, " June 28, 1878, Springfield. 15268. Eliphalet Bliss, '■ Sept. 8, 1884, Westford. 15269. Emma Vera, " Apr. 12, 1887, [8742] HENRY WALTER RAN DALE," (LaurindaHull,« Betsey Drake,^ Eunice Hamlin, 6 Seth, 5 Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Edmeston, N. Y., Nov. 15. 1848: m. Fly Creek, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1872, Anna Elizabeth, dau. of George Whitney and Sarah Ann (Dixcm) Gary, b. Litchfield. N. Y., June 20, 1847; mil- ler and sawyer: Brooktield and Belmont, N. Y., Mason City, Iowa, Eau Claire, Wis,, and Fly Creek, N. Y.: Republican; member of Fly Creek Grange 710, P. H.; she member of W. C. T. U.: Methodists. Ch. b. Fly Creek: 15270.* George Gary, b. Mar. 17, 1875. 15271. Raymond Irving, " Nov. 10, 1880; d. Oct. 1, 1883. 15272. Florence Gary, " Apr. 18, 1888. 1196 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. 18744] FRANK ADIN RANDALL,« (Bro. of Henry W.,) , b. Eau. Claire, Wis., Mar. 13, 1862; m. Westtield, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1886, Frances] Amelia, dau. of George Benjamin and Ellen Maria (Drake) Bishop, b. Westford,' N. Y., Sept. 10, 1858: photograplier: Eau Claire, Wis., until 1870; Fly Creek, | N. Y., until 1886: Silver Creek, N. Y., until 1893; since. Fly Creek; Republican;: member Cooper Tent, 601, K. O. T. M.; Presbs. ' Children: i ■ 15273. Vayne Bishop, Dec. 4, 1886, Silver Creek. j 15274. Makion Judson, Sep. 25, 1888, " " j 15275. Daniel Benjamin, Dec. 11, 1897, Fly Creek. j I [8747] OLIVE ADELLA HULL,9 (Henry S.,^ Betsey Drake,- Eunice' Hamlin,"* Seth, 6 Isaac,* Ebenezer.-^ .James,^!) b. .Joliet, Ills.. May 1. 1855; m. Abi-I lene, Kansas, July 9, 1873, Raraone Ruscas. b. in Spain, Dec. 25, 1845; farmer;; Holland, Kas.; Republican; she Methodist; member of W. R. C. Ch. b. Kansas: 15276. Charles W., Aug. 25, 1875. 15277. Gilbert M., Nov. 4, 1880; unm. 1902. [8748] CHARLES EUGENE HULL,9 (Bro. of Olive A.,) b. Joliet, Ills., Apr. 26, 1859; m. Feb. 23, 1875, Ida Holtzhouser, b. May 6, 1859: she was adopted by a family named Chapman: painter; Abilene, Kansas, and San Francisco, Cal.; Republican; she Methodist. Ch. b. Abilene: 15278. Irving Hull, Apr. 27, 1880. 15279. Edward Hull, Oct. 23, 1883. [8749] ADIN SILAS HULL,^ (Bro. of Olive A..) b. Joliet, Ills., Aug. 29, 1862: m. Coupeville, Wash., Feb. 10, 1890, Frances Ame, dau. of William L. and Clara Elizabeth (Moore) Beach, b. Ferguson, Mo., Aug. 11, 1870; carpenter; Coupeville, 1886-96; Seattle, Wash., since 1897; Democrat; she Methodist. Children: 15280. Josephine Gertrude, b. Apr. 13. 1891, Coupeville, 15281. Clair Moore, " June 27, 1893, ( i 15282. Frederick, " July 24, 1900, Seattle. [8750] EVA ERMINA HULL,9 (Sister of Olive A.,) b. Joliet, Ills., Nov. 26, 1867; m. Seattle, Wash., Aug. 14, 1888, Moses, son of John C. and Lydia (Murphy) Mock, b. Scalp Level, Pa., July 3, 1856; engineer; Coupeville, Wash.: Republican; Sheriff, 1894-8; member Lodge 16, A. F. & A. M.; Lodge 107, I. O. O. F.; and Woodman; members Beulah Rebekah Lodge 47, I. O. O. F. and Tula Chapter 26, O. E. S. No issue. [8753] MINNIE MAY TAYLOR,« (Juliette E. Hull,« Betsey Drake,' Eunice Hamlin," Seth,^ Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James, ~i) b. Fly Creek, N. Y., Mar. 9, 1867; m. there, June 30, 1886, Claude J., son of John Henry and (Roberts) Burrell, b. Schuyler's Lake, N. Y.. Feb. 11, 1865; clerk in store: Fly Creek, 1884- NINTH GENERATION. 1197 1887; Cooperstown, until 1895; Oneonta, N. Y., since 1898; Republican: mem- ber of Otsego Lodge 138, A. F. & A. M.; Baptist; she Presb. No issue. [8754] HORACE IRVING TAYLOR,» (Bro. of Minnie M.,) b. Fly Creek, N. Y., July 29, 1872; ra. Cooperstown, N. Y., May 11, 1892, Laura, dau. of Frank Hubbell and Addie (McLaflin) Robinson, b. Burlington Flats, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1872: dry goods clerk: Fly Creek, until 1901: since. Mil- ford, N. Y,; Republican; member Otsego Lodge 138, A. F. & A. M.; Metho- dists: members Fly Creek Chapter 201, O. E. S. Ch. b. Fly Creek: 15283. Ralph Robinson, • May 1, 1894. 15284. Ruth, June 21. 1900. [8755] CHARLES LINN TAYLOR,« (Bro. of Minnie M.,) b. Fly Creek, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1877; m. there, Oct. 12, 1898, Harriet T., dau. , who d. Windsor, Ct., Apr. 27. 161-1, aged 4.i yr.s. 2 mos. : m. 2d, Windsor, Susanna, widow of Dea. William Rrckwell, and prob. dau. of Bernard Capen or Chapin, b. Apr. 5, 1602. who d. ! Windsor. Nov. 11, 1666. He embarked with his family on the "Mariiand John" Mar. 20, 16:iO. at ii Plymouth, Eng., and reached Boston, May 30, 1630; settled at Dorchester, Mass. ; freeman. May \ 18, 1631. He removed to the Conn, river, Oct., 16J5, where his family prob. joined him April. 1636, i and settled at Windsor; surveyor; deacon in the church; town clerk, 1632-77; selectman. He d. Windsor, Dec. 16, 1581. Ch. by 1st wife: Priscilla, Samuel, Tahan, Matthew, a child, .fohn. SAMUEL 'GRANT.2 b. Dorchester, Mass., Nov. 12, 1631; m. Windsor, Ct.. May 27, 16.J8. \ Mary, dau. of .Tohn and Anna (White) Porter, b. England, 1638; res. Windsor; removed to East Windsor Hill, as early as 1672; ferryman, owner of saw miW, sealer of measures, lister, con- stable, surveyor, boundgoer; joined the church, 1685. He d. East Windsor Hill, Sept. 10, 1718. : Children b. Windsor: Samuel, a child, .John, .Matthew. Josiah, a child, Nathaniel, Mary, Sarah. SAMUEL GRANT,3 b. Windsor, Ct., Apr. 20, 1659; m. 1st, there, Dec 6, 1683, Anna, dau. ' of Samuel and Anna (Gillet) Filley. b. Windsor, Aug. 16, 1664. who d. Apr. 18, 1686; m. 2d, Stan- ington, Ct., Apr. 11, 1688, Grace, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Booth) Miner, b. Stonington. Sept. \ 20, 1670, who d. Apr. 16, 1753; carpenter; East Windsor Hill; owned cider mill, part of saw mill; kept tavern. He d. May 8, 1710. Children by 1st wife: Sarah, Samuel. By 2d wife, b. Windsor: j Hannah, Samuel, Noah, Abigail, Ephraim, Grace, David. Ebenezer. SAMUEL GRANT,* b. Windsor, Ct., Sept. 19, 1691; m. there, Jan. 1, 1718-9, Theophyle Bart- lett, who prob. d. E. Windsor, Dec. :i3, 1775. He res. E. Windsor; prob. removed to Tolland. 1813; ; to Bolton, now Vernon, 1726; lie purchased 500 acres of land, on which a large part of Rockville, i Ct., stands; he returned to Windsor; weaver, lister, hayward, surveyor, constable, tythingman ! sergeant. He d. E. Windsor, Apr. 7, 1721. Children: Abigail, Samuel, Azariah, Aaron, Gideon, | Abiel, Ozias, Alexander, Elizabeth, AARON GRANT,6 b, E. Windsor, Ct., Dec. 12, 1724; m. 1st, there. May 30, 17.51, Mabel East- on, who d. there, Oct. 28, 1867; m. 2d, Dec. 22, 1767, Mrs. Theodosia, wid. of Ozias Pitkin, Hartford, Ct., and dau. of Benedict and Sibelhi (Bryan) Bull, b. Milford, Ct., Feb. 4, 1724-5, who d. E. Windsor, Feb. 17, 1788; carpenter and farmer; E. Windsor Hill; grand juror; key keeper, tyth- ing man, inspector. He d. E. Windsor, Jan. 31, 1804. Ch. by 1st wife, b. E. Windsor Hill: Mabel, Aaron, Eunice, Lucretia, Sarah, Reuben, Content, Epaphras. By 2d wife, b. E. Windsor: Ben- jamin, a child, a child. REUBEN GRANT,6 b. East Windsor. Ct., Aug. 21, 1763; m. in Conn.; res. East Windsor; removed to E. Hartford, 1796-7; to Penn., about 1800; to near Xapaiiee. Ont , 1805; to Port Hope, Ont., 1810; shoe maker; Rev. soldier. He d. Port Hope, Sept. 1, 1834; his widow d. there, about 1844. Children: Horace, Orrin, Jam- s. Reuben Pitkin, Whitney, John, Anna. HORACE GRANT.' b. inCt.; res. in Canada, Mirh., and Illinois; wife, Betsey. Their dau. Sarah M., m. Calvin Hambliii. Children: Sarah Mabel, Selina Manly, Augusta Sophia, .John Lafayetie. NINTH GENERATION. 1213 [9056] WlLLIAxM ASHER DA\V (William H.,^ Asher H.,' Jerusha Haralin,« Jeliial,^ Isaac,* Ebenezei-,^ James,2i) b. Wilbraham, Mass., Aug. Ki, 1864; m. Fitchburg, Mass., Sept. 20, 1889, Helen Champney. He was educated at Wilbraham Academy and Cornell: member of Newton Lodge A. F. & A. M. Child: 15424. Alfred Champney, b. Sept. 8, 1891. [9057] HENRY ALBERT DAY. 9 (Bro. of William A.,) b. Wilbraham, Mass., June 17, 1867: m. Montgomery, Mass., Oct. 25, 1893, Alice Maria, dau. of R. D. and N. J. (Ballou) Avery, b. Montgomery, Feb. 22, 1873. He was educated at Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham; member Newton Lodge A, F. & A. M., Wilbraham. [9071] CLARENCE JAMES PORTER,9 (Catherine B. Montrose,* Harriet L. Starr,^ Mercy Hamlin,* Cyreneus,^ Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James.^i) b. Jef- ferson, Wis., Oct. 15, 1864; m. Chicago, Ills., May 21, 1S90, Sophie, dau. of Charles Oscar and Mary (Fricke) Marggraf, b. Chicago, July 24, 1871; with Fair- banks Canning Co., Union Stock Yards: res. Chicago, Ills., since 1885: Republi- can; she member Dutch Ref. church. Oh. b. Chicago: 15425. Edwin, Jan. 21, 1892. [9073] WALTER DARWIN PORTER," (Bro. of Clarence J.,) b. Jefferson, Wis., Sept. 3, 1870; m. Plymouth, Wis., June 7, 1899, Effie, dau, pi of William Howard and Charlotte (Mills) Lawrence, b. Winooski, Wis., Mar. 21, 1871; telegraph operator; Green Bay, Wis. [9075] HATTIE PEARL TEAPE,!' (Mary E. Montrose,' Harriet L. Starr,' Mercy Hamlin. « Cyreneus,'^ Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Bremer county, Iowa, Mar. 14, 1870: m. Rockford, Iowa, July 26, 1897, Clarence Henry, son of Albert Stowe and Mary Adelaide (Rice) Gritfeth, b. Floyd, Iowa, July 24, 1870: cashier: Farmer's National Bank, Wapanucka, Ind. Ter., since 1901; before at Floyd; Republican; she Cong. No issue. [«076] MARION L. TEAPE,' (Sister of Hattie P.,) b. Horton, Iowa, Jan. 30, 1872: m. Rockford, Iowa, Aug. 28, 1901, Hans Adolf, son of Mark and Amalie (Emke) Kroeger, b. near Watkins, Iowa, Feb. 4, 1872: lawyer and banker; W^atkins, 1876-81; Traer, Iowa, 1881-94; University, Ana Arbor, Mich., 1894-6; Rockford, Iowa, 1896-8; Des Moines, Iowa, 1898-1901; since, Newton, Ind. Ter.; Republican; member of Hesperia Lodge, 340, A. F. & A. M.; she Cong. [9078] IDA LOUISE TEAPE,» ISister of Hattie P.,) b. Marble Rock, Iowa, Oct. 16, 1876; m. Rockford, Iowa, Apr. 4, 1900, Les- ter Philip, son of Philip L. and Lucretia (Cass) Loomer, b. Mar. 28, 1875; farmer; Wis., until 1888; Butler Co., Iowa; Clarksville, Iowa, 1902: Republican: mem- ber of Camp 1976, M. W. A.; Methodist; she Cong. i 1214 THE HAMLl]^ FAMILY. [9086] WILLIAM GOULD,^ (Henry D,* Betsey J. Starr,^ Mercy Ham- blin,6 Cyreneus,5 Isaac,* Ebenezer.^ .Ianaes,2i) b. Raymond, la., Sept., 1869: ' m,Waterloo, la., Jan., 1898, Irene St ufer; drayman; Waterloo; Baptist; W.O.W. No issue. [9091J MYRTLE CRISSEY,** (Frank,* Laura Miller,' Laura Hamblin,^ Cyreneus,^' Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ Jaraes,2i) b, Stockton, N. Y., Mar. 9, 1864; m. Pan- ama, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1887, Langford Leroy, son of Leroy and Malvina (Baker) Nelson, b. Potter Co., Pa., Jan. 28, 1858; fruitgrower; Fredonia, N. Y.; Ad- ventists; she member Grange 316, P. H._ No issue, [9100] TULIP IRENE THOMPSON,* (Harriet J. Miller,* Linus W.,^ Laura Hamblin,^ Cyreneus,^ Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ Jaraes,2i) b. Jamestown, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1879; ra. Sept. 8, 1898; Henry A. Parker: commercial traveler; Buffalo. Child: 15426. Sheldon Henry, May 18, 1901. [9114] EUGENE HOBERT HOYT,^ (Laura E. Turaer,^ Marriette Ham- lin,' Henry,6 Asa,* Isaac,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Sharon, Mich., 1853; ra, Oct. 22, 1879, Carrie C. Cleveland, of Ypsilanti, Mich. He d. Allaidon, 1880; she res. St. Paul, Minn., a widow. [9119] BONNIE LOUISE ELDER,' (Lilah E. Turner,* Marriette Hamlin,' Henry, « Asa,* Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James, 21) b. Lansing, Mich., Oct. 26, 1871; m. there, June 22, 1892, Wallace C. Edwards, of Dowagiac, Mich. Child: 15427. John Elder, b. June 1896, [9121] MINNIE E. MARSHALL," (George," Cbarra Hamlin,' Henry,® Asa,* Isaac,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Lansing, Mich., Apr. 5, 1872; m. Burt W. Johnson. Child: 15428. George Francis, b. 1893, [9129] LIZZIETTA PUNTENNEY,9 (Mary A. Hamlin,» Henry N.,» Henry,* Asa,* Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Apr, 4, 1860; m. Apr. 4, 188S, Jf. J. Roberts. I^wo daughters. [9130] MINNIE ETHEL PUNTENNEY,'-* (Sister of Lizzietta,) b. near Butler, 111., Mar. 29, 1864; unmarried: .school teacher; she was edu- cated at State University, Normal, 111., 1881-4; and received from Central Normal College, Danville, Ind., 1887, the degree of B. S,; res. Montgomery Co., j 111., 1895. [9142] EMMA ETHEL RIDGEWAY,9 (Laura H. Hamlin,^ Henry N.,' Henry, « Asa,* Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Atchison Co., Mo., Dec. 19, 1883; pi. Blanchard, Iowa, 1901, Guy, son of Barrett and Annie B. (Baker) Thurman, b. Council Bluffs, Iowa, 1874; lumber dealer; Council Bluffs, 1874-84; since, Blanchard, Iowa: Freemason; member M. W. A.; Methodists. NINTH GENERATION. 1215 [9146] CAROLINE L. WICKS,' (John B.,» Martha C. Munson,' Millia O. Hamlin, 6 Asa,* Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Paris, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1864: m. Milford, Mass., Nov. 10, 1892, William P. Cooke: Newton Center, Mass.; Epis, Gh. b. Newton Center: 15429. John Wicks, Nov. 4, 1893. 15430. Richard Clark, " 16, 1894, 15431. Barbara, Aug. 5, 1899. Children: 15432, William N., 15433. WiNABELLE, 15434. Thos. C. J., 15435. Clarence H,, [9155] CAROLINE E. LADD,^ {Joseph E.,» Sarah Hamlen,"Theophilus,« Nathaniel,* Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ Jaraes,2i) b. Augusta, Me., Nov. 11, 1837: m. there, .Tan. 15, 1863, Maj. Thos. C. J., son of Samuel and Hannah (James) Bailey, b. Stanton Mills, Del., Oct. 6, 1836: Capt. and Bvt. Major, U.S.A.; served in Army of Potomac; in seige of Petersburg; in battles Weldon R. R. and South Side R. R.; prisoner: Epis, Iren: b. Dec. 16, 1863, Wilmington. " Aug. 21, 1866, Augusta. " Dec. 20, 1867, Belmont. " June 10, 1878, Orange. [9157] EDWIN LA.DD.9 tBro. of Caroline E.,) b. Augusta. Me., Apr. 3, 1841; m. there, Fanny Fisher: machinist; Republi- caa; private, H, 3d Maine Inf. Vols.; enlisted June 3, 1861: in battle of Bull Run; discharged Feb. 9, 1863; re-enlisted June 16, 1863, V. R. C. He d. between- Jacksonville and Havana, Sept. 19, 1872; she d. Augusta, Aug. 17, 1871. [9164] GEORGE W. LADD,* (Daniel,^ Sarah Hamlen,' Theophilus,« Nathaniel,* Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Newport, Fla., Jan. 17, 1851; m, there, 1880, Elizabeth E., dau. of Henry and Acklin Thompson: carpenter; Newport; Democrat; Methodists. Ch. b. Newport: 15436. Joseph M., Jan. 31, 1881. 15437. Jessie M., Feb. 6, 1883. 15438. Annie C, Sept. 12, 1889. 15439. Daniel G„ Jan. 5, 1890. [9166] JOSEPH MILTON LADD,' (Bro. of George W.,) b. Newport, Fla., Apr. 3, 1857; m. Leon Co., Fla., Jan. 29, 1891, Adeliza L,' dau. of Weld and Celia M. (Barrow) Hamlin, b. Leon Co., July 27, 1868. He went to live with his uncle, the Hon. George W. Ladd, at Bangor, Maine, in May, 1873. After completing his studies he was clerk and bookkeeper in the wholesale grocery store of his uncle. During the 46th Congress he was given a position in the House of Representatives. In 1882 he returned to Newport to manage his large landed estate, left him by his father, and in 1902 was engaged there in general merchandise, farming and stock raising, and growing pecan nuts, and fishing in fall and winter; Democrat; justice of the peace. 1893-7; drummer, C, Jameson Guards, 1st Maine Militia; she methodist. 1216 THE HAMLII? FAMILY. Ch. b. Newport: 15440, Trank Oversteet, June 5, 1893: d. June 12, 189"^, 15441, Ella L., Dec. 20, 1894. 15442, Henry Palmer, Mar. 31, 1897. 15443, Fred Taylor^ Apr. 14, 1901. [91«7] ABBY CONY LADI>,9 (George W.,» Sarah Harolen,' Theophilus,«^ Nathaniel, 5 Lewis,* Ebeaezer,^ Jaraes,2i) b. Bangor, Me., Sept. 16, 1847: m. therev Sept. 16, 1875, Walter Philbrook, b. Winthrop, Maine, July, 1836: bank teller and book keeper; Mobile, Ala., before the civil war; Sangatuck, Mich., 1866-79. He served in a Mobile, Ala., Regt. in the Confederate army; and was wounded in the right shoulder at Shiloh. Independent in politics. For years he was in an asylum for softening of the brain, and d. St. Louis, Mo., Apr. 27, 1888; she res. Bangor, Maine: Epis. Ch, b. Bangor: 15444, Mary Warren, Sept. 22, 1876; d. Oct. 3, 1892. [9172] HENRY FREDERICK FULLER,« (Sarah R. Ladd,^ Sarah Ham- len,' Theophilus/ Nathaniel,' Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Chicago, 111., Mar. 5, 1860; ra. Norwich, Conn., Nov. 22, 1892, Amy Mansfield, dau. of Albert Wacy and Hannah Miner (Culver) Converse, b. Norwich, July 17, 1866; teacher, and mfgr. scientific instruments: Chicago until 1866; Brooklyn, N. Y,, 1868; Chi- cago, 1877; London, Eng., 1878: Chicago, 1886: N .Y. City, 1888: New Rochelle, N.Y., 1892; Chicago, 1897; member Chicago Academy Sciences: Illinois Micro- seopal Society; Society of Science, Letters and Arts, London, Eng.; private. A, First 111,, N. Gr., enlisted 1878, served during the Anarchist Riots, Chicago; dis- charged 1881; Republican, Episcopalians. Ch. b. Chicago: 15445. Dorothy Converse, Nov. 19, 1894. 15446. Catherine Weston, Oct, 20, 1896, [9173J FLORENCE FULLER," (Sister of Henry F.,) b. Chicago, Ills., Mar. 5, 1865; m. Nassau, Bahamas, May 13, 1886, H. E. Saunders, an Englishman, b. Nassau, May 13, 1865; merchant; Nassau and New Rochelle, N. Y.; Epis. Ch. b. Nassau: 15447. Henry Fuller, Jan. 1, 1887; drowned, Mouse Isl., Me., Aug. 24,'95 [9175] JOSEPH EUGENE HAMLIN,» (Weld,* John,^ Theophilus," Na- thaniel, & Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Leon Co., Fla., Jan. 18, 1852; m. 1st, there, Jan. 28, 1873, Mary, dau. of Thomas J. and Sinthey Miller, b. Dale Co., Ala., May, 1855, who d. Leon Co., June 20. 1887; she Methodist: m. 2d, Jefferson Co., Fla., Aug. 20, 1887, Mary Margaret, dau. of James Henry and Sarah Jane (Thrift) Albritton, b. HerrandoCo., Fla., Dec. 6, : Baptist; carpenter; farmer and stockgrower; Newport, Fla.; Democrat; Methodist. NINTH GENERATION. 1217 Children: 15448. Joseph Edward, 15449. Mamie Wilder, 15450. Lewis Herbert, 15451. John William, 15452. Allen Fred, 154.53. Raymond Reed, 15454. LlLLA, 15455. Della Ethel, 15456. Annie May, 15457. Nellie Estelle, b. July 30, 1876, Leon Co.; unm. 1902. " Jan. 28, 1878, " " " " Feb. 5, 1880, " d. May 2, '91 " Sept. 15, 1882, " unm. 1902. " Dec. 3, 1888, " Aug. 21, 1890, " Mar. 23, 1892, " Dec. 13, 1894, Wakulla Co. " May 3, 1897, (t a " Aug. 17, 1900, Leon Co. [9176] JOHN GEORGE HAMLIN,9 (Bro. of Joseph E.,) b. Leon Co., Florida, Apr. 18, 1854; m. Wakulla Co., June 19, 1875, Annie, dau. of Abe and Eliza Bleetchington, b. Leon Co., 1856; farmer; Florida; Dem- ocrat; Methodists. He d. Leon Co., Nov. 9, 1890; she d. Wakulla Co., Sept. 12, 1893. Ch. b. Leon Co.: 1.5458. 15459. 15460.* 15461.* 15462. John George, Walter Bond, Maggie Eliza, Kate Bradley, Annie Livonier, May 29, 1876; unm. 1902, Sept. 22, 1879, " Nov. 19, 1882. July 25, 1885. July 14, 1888. [9177] SARAH EMILY HAML1N;9 (Sister of Joseph E.,) b. Leon Co., Florida, Dec. 1, 1856: m. there, Jan. 18, 1877, James Green, son of John G. and Sarah A. Skipper, b. Leon Co., Jan. 29, 1850; cooper by trade; merchant; Thomas City, Fla.; Democrat; she Methodist. No issue. [9180] MARGARET ELIZABETH HAMLIN,9 (Sister of Joseph E.,) b. Leon County, Fla., Dec. 27, 1864; m. there, June 26, 1881, Stephen M., son of James and Fairby Coggins, b. Wakulla County, Fla., May 21, 1859; cooper and farmer; Woodville, Fla.; Democrat; Methodists. Ch. b. Leon Co., Fla. 15463. James Green, 15464. Weld Hamlin, 15465. Celia Margaret, 15466. Sarah Green, 15467. Adeliza Livonier, 15468. Maude Irene, 15469. Blanch May, Feb. 1, 1882. Oct. 6, 1883. Feb. 15, 1886. Apr. 2, 1889. Mar. 7, 1891. June 5, 1895. July 21, 1900. [9182] CHARLES WELD HAMLIN,^ (Bro. of Joseph E.,) b. Leon Co., Florida, Jan. 13, 1871; m. there, Jan. 1, 1893, Sarah Allin McDaniels, b. Leon Co., Apr. 5, 1868; cooper and farmer; Woodville, Fla.; Democrat; Metho- dist; she Baptist. I 1218 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: 15470. George Palmer, b. Dec. 16, 1893, Leon Co. 1547L James Ralph, "Apr. 8,1895. 15472. Charles Weld, " Aug. 11, 1897. 15473. Maggie RossiE Alberta, "July 27,1899. [9183] CHARLES BAKER MANSUR,9 (Mary E. Hamlin,* John,' Theophilus,6 Nathaniel, ^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Groton, Mass., Sept. 30, 1855; m. Vinnie Follensby. Children: 15474. Marion. 15475. Dorothy. [9184] GEORGE HYRUM MANSUR,9 (Bro. of Charles B.,) b. Groton, Mass., Aug. 27, 1857; m. Mabel Berry. Children: 15476. Charles. 15477. Frank. 15478. Lucy. 15479. Florence. 15480. George. [9186] MARY WOOLEY MANSUR,9 (Sister of Charles B.,) b. Groton, Mass., Dec. 2, 1861; m. 1880, George Russell, son of John Russell : and Lucy Sophia (Kemp) Southwick, b. Lowell, Mass., 1851; she Universalist. Ch. b. Groton: | 15481. Harry Mansur, May 24, 1881. [9190] MAUDE 1. HAMLIN,^ (George,* John,' Theophilus,fi Nathaniel,'^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Key West, Florida, Oct. 2, 1869; m. there, June 27, 1888, George L., son of John and Mary E. Lowe, b. Key West, Oct. 2, 1868; cashier. First Nat'l Bank, Key West; Republican: member B. O. P. E.; Epis. Ch. b. Key West: 15482. John F., Dec. 1, 1890. ; 15483. Robert M., Aug. 10, 1893. ] [9192] ALICE MAY SEVERANCE,' (Henry W.,* Ann Hamlen,^ Theophilus,* Nathaniel, ^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ Jaraes,2i) b. Honolulu, H. I., May 1, 1862; m. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 29, 1885, George Bacon, son of Dr. Richard Maris, and Eleanor (Von Coelin) Kirkbride, b. Philadelphia, Pa., Mar. .30, 1849; engaged in mining and railroads; Philadelphia; Republican; Friend; vice- prest, Chamber of Commerce; Prest. Choctaw Coal and Railway Co.; Minne- apolis, Minn.; she Cong. No issue. [9193] GERTRUDE CHILD SEVERANCE,!* (Sister of Alice M.,) b. San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 26, 1869; m. Honolulu, H. I., Jan. 29, 1895, Charles F., son of Charles H. and Susan Ellen (Cowan) Sawyer, b. Dover, N. H,. ni;nth generation. 1219 Jan. 16, 1869; woolen mfgr.; Dover: member St. Paul Commandery, K. T.; slie member D. A. R.; Congs. No issue. [9194] JANE SEVERANCE PARKE, (Annie Severance,' Ann Hamlen,' Theophilus.e Nathaniel, » Lewis,* Ebenezer.s James,2i) b. Honolulu, Hawiian Is- lands, Aug. 20, 1^51: and res. there; Cong. [9195] ANNIE HAMLEN PARKE,9 (Sister of Jane S.,) b. Honolulu, H. I., Oct. 31, 1858; and resides there; artist; member Kilo- haua Art League. Epis. [9198] WILLIAM COOPER PA RKE,9 ( Bro. of Jane S.,) b. Honolulu, H. I., Sept. 19, 1865: and resides there; attorney at law; stud- ied law Boston University Law School: Past Grand, Excelsior Lodge 1, I.O.O.F. Past Chief Patriarch, Polynesia Encampment 1, I. O. O. F.; also Mass. Society, Sons American Revolution. [9202] JULIA GORHAM HINCKLEY,9 (Malvina H. Wheeler,' Mal- vina Hamlen." Theophilus,* Nathaniel,-^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 21, 1852; m. Poughkeepsie. N. Y., Feb. 3, 1875, Elbert Lee, son of Stephen and Ann Mary (Green) Baker, b. Poughkeepsie, Aug. 28, 1852; lawyer: Santa Barbara, Cal.; Republican; she Epis. Children: 15484.* Emily Hinckley, b. Nov. 7, 1875, Poughkeepsie. 15485. Alice Hamlen, " July 29, 1881, " 15486. Mary Barbaba, " Oct. 23, 1885, Santa Barbara. 15487. Stephen Baker, " Sept. 19, 1887, " 15488. Anna Mary, " Feb. 2, 1890. [9203] WILLIAM I. HINCKLEY,' (Bro. of Julia G.,) b. Milton, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1855; m. Fort Benton, Mont., July 8, 1885, Kate B. Tonge: res. San Francisco, Cal. Ch. b. Helena, Mont: 15489. Ruth E aland, Aug. 22, 1888. 15490. Thomas John, Aug. 9, 1890. [9204] MARY BILLINGS HINCKLEY,9 (Sister of Julia G.,) b. Feb. 24, 1858; m. Beach Bluffs, Mass., July 18, 1888, Prof. Charles Rock- well, son of Peter and Catherine (Cook) Lanman,* b. Norwich, Ct., July 8, 1850; Prof, of Sanskrit, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.; Independent in poli- tics: Unitarians: teacher and writer. He graduated Norwich Free Academy, 1867; Yale College, 1871; remained there as student of Sanskrit and linguistic science under Whitney until 1873: when he received the degree of Ph. D.; went to Germany to pursue the same branches; studied at Universities of Berlin (un- der Albrecht Weber); Tuebingen (under Roth); and Leipsic (under Curtius and Leskien): was called to Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 1876, the year of its opening: and to Harvard University, 1880, as Professor of Sanskrit. He pub- * NoTE49fi. The mother of Peter Lanman, was Abigail, grand dau. of Gov. Jonathan Trumbull, of Conn., known as "Brother Jonathan." Mrs. Mary B. Hinckley-Lanman, descends in the 9th Generation from Gov. Thomas Hinckley, of Barnstable, Mass. 1220 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. lished, 1880, Noun-inflection in the Veda (vol. x, Journal of the American Oriental Society); an Investigation of the grammar and exegesis of the Veda; and in 1888, a Sanskrit reader with vocabulary and notes, which, in connection with Whit- ney's Sanskrit Grammar, is intended to furnish a complete apparatus for the first year or two of Sanskrit study. Secretary American Philological Associa- tion, 1879-84; during which time he edited volumes x. to xiv. of its Transactions; and was its president, 1880-90. Corresponding Secretary, American Oriental Society, 1884-94. In 1889, while traveling in India, he acquired a valuable col- lection of books, and some 500 manuscripts (Sanskrit and Prakrit) for the library of Harvard University. He edits, with Professor George F. Moore, of Andover, the Journal of the American Oriental Society. He also edits, ''with the co-operation of various scholars," the Harvard Oriental Series, published by Harvard University; the first volume of this series, a book of Buddhist Sanskrit stories, entitled Jataka Mala, edited by Professor Kern of the University of Leiden and printed in Oriental characters, appeared in 1891. (A translation of it was published as volume I. of Professor Max Miiller's Sacred Books of the Buddhists.) The second volume is the Sanskrit text of Sankhya Pravachana Bhashya or Commentary on the Exposition of the Sankhya Philosophy by Vijnana Bhikshu, edited by Professor Garbe, of University of Tuebingen. The third volume is Buddhism in Translations, by H. C. Warren, of Cambridge. This work consists of translations of over a hundred passages from Buddhist Script- ures, so selected and arranged as to give a complete and systematic presenta- tion of the subject at first hand. The fourth and fifth volumes will contain the translation of the Atharva Veda Sanhita, with a full critical and exegetical commentary, left in manuscript by the late Professor Whitney, of Yale. During the college year 1888-89, Mr. and Mrs. Lanman traveled on the continent of Europe, and in India, visiting Bombay, Allahabad, Benares, Calcutta, Darjee- ling in Himalayas, Bodhi Gaya, Agra, Delhi, Jeypore, Ahmedabad, Girnar in Gujerat, and the Caves of Ajunta and Ellora. Children: 15491. Faith Trumbull, b. Feb. 15, 1890. 15492. Thomas Hinckley, " May 13, 1891. 15493. Edith Hamilton, " July 5, 1892. 15494. Jonathan Trumbull, " Sept. 23, 1894. 15495. Katharine Mary, " " " " [9205] KATHARINE HAMLIN HINCKLEY, 9 (Sister of Julia G.,) b. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1859: m. Roxbury, Mass., Apr. 2, 1884, Prof. Edward Stevens, son of David Newton and Rachael Hobart (Ripley) Sheldon, b. Waterville, Me., Nov. 21, 1851; Prof, of Romance Philology, Harvard Univer- sity, Cambridge, Mass. Ch. b. Cambridge: 15496. Mary Hinckley, Nov. 27, 1890. [9207] SAMUEL FREDERICK HINCKLEY,8 (Bro. of Julia G.,) b. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Mar. 19, 1867: m. Washington, D. C, Oct. 12, 1892, Grace O. Christian, of Washington, D. C. He d. Aiken, S. C, Dec. 16, 1892. [9209] EDWARD CLIFFORD BARRELL,^ (Hannah F. Wheeler,* Mal- vina Hamlen,'' Theophilus,« Nathaniel,"^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Portland, Me., June 16, 1857; m. Oakland, Cal., Dec. 21, 1888, Sara, dau. of Mark ,J NINTH GENERATION. 1221 Gillett and Isabel Taylor (Nelson) Whitney, b, Litchfield, Mich, Jan. 2, 1858; bank teller: San Francisco, Cal., 1866-1878; Austin, Nev., until 1879; Sacramento, Cal., until 1883; since, Colusa, Cal.: Republican; member A. O. U. W.; Epis. Gh. b. Colusa: 15497. Edward Clifford, Apr. 22, 1889. 15498. Henry Nelson, Sept. 7, 1890. [9210J HENRY GRAY HINCKLEY, » (Mary L. Wheeler,' Malvina Hamlen,' Theophilus,^ Nathaniel,^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James,2ij b. Nov. 19, 1862; m. Oakland, Cal., Mary Grayson. Children: 15499. Grayson Wheeler, b. Apr. 11, 1887. 15500. Frederick Gray, " May 27, 1890. 15501. Helen Russell, " Sept. 6, 1891. 15502. Marion, " May 22, 1894. [8230] WILLIAM WHEELER HAMLEN, 9 (Frederick,* Lewis B.,' Lewis," Nathaniel,^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Augusta, Me., Sept. 22, 1870; where he resided until April, 1895; since at Great Falls, Montana; stock- man: Epis.; Republican: unmarried, 1896. [9231] JOHN ELBERT HAMLEN,9 (Bro. of William W., ) b. Augusta, Me.. May 9, 1873; unmarried, 1896: stockman; Augusta, until Dec, 1894; since at Great Falls Montana; graduate High school, Angusta, 1891; Episcopalian; Republican; member Augusta Lodge 141, A. F. & A. M. [9232] HARRY HOWARD HAMLEN,* (Bro. of William W.,) b. Augusta, Aug. 12, 1877; unmarried, 1896; graduated High school, Augusta, 1893: and entered Bowdoin College same year. [9233] LOT MORRILL HAMLIN,9 (Charles N,« Charles H.,' Lewis,« Nathaniel, 5 Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Augusta, Me., Jan. 15, 1880; unmar- ried; student at Princeton University, 1902. [9246] FREDERICK TURNER,^ (Elizabeth Morton,^ Sarah H. Carter,' Sarah Hamlin,* Nathaniel,^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James.21) m. Illinois, 1863. Children: 15503. Samuel. 15504. Sallie. [9247] WILLIAM H. TURNER,^ (Bro. of Frederick,) m. Annie Hobart, of Hingham, Mass. Children: 15505. William Henry, d. young. 15506. George W., " " 15507. Caleb Gilbert, " " 15508. Helen, " " 15509. William, b. 1864, Augusta. 121^2 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [9255J EMMA ELIZABETH HAMLEN,« (John P.,* Cliarles," Perez," Nathaniel, 5 Lewis,* Ebenezer,3James,2i) b. Winthrop, Me., July 5, 1865; m. Oct. 11, 1887, Herbert Nathan, son of Nathan Edwin and Elvira Young (Bowles) Buck, b. North Wilmington, Mass., Mar. 27, 1862; grocer: North Wilmington; Eepublican; selectman; member Friendship Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; Congs. Ch. b. N. Wilmington: 15510. Forrest Hamlen, Sept. 19, 1888. 15511. Rodney Edwin, Apr. 4, 189.3. 15512. Louise Mayo, June 16, 1896: d. May 18, 1897. [9256] JOHN WALTER HAMLEN,^ (Bro. of Emma E.,) b. South Maiden, Mass., June 18, 1869; m. Lynn, Mass., May 20, 1896, Annie Evelyn, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Reagan) Shillington, b. Saugus, Mass., July 8, 187^; shoe cutter; Cliftondale, Mass. Children: 15513. Evelyn May, b. Dec. 30, 1896, Lynn. 15514. Gladys Elizabeth, ''Feb. 1.1897, " 15515. Dorothy Mildred, " Mar. 13, 1901, Cliftondale. [9257] CHARLES HAMLEN,9 (Bro. of Emma E.,) b. Everett, Mass., Sept. 9, 1871; m. Providence, R. I., July 20, 1898, Florence, dau. of Otis and Mary Lowe (Batcheller) Harnden. b. Haverhill, Mass., Dec. 15, 1878; pattern maker; North Willmington, Mass., until 1898; since Lynn, Mass.; Republican. No issue: [9258] WILLIAM FRANKLIN HAMLIN,^ (Franklin L. ,8 Charles,' Pe- rez,^ Nathaniel, ^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,3 James,2i) b. Augusta, Me., Nov. 2, 1862; m. Lucy H., dau. of Peter Pray, b. Vassalboro, Me.; shoe manufacturer; Lynn and Haverhill, Mass. He d. Augusta, Mar. 17, 1889. Ch. b. Haverhill: 15516. Ottlee Augusta, Nov. 16, 1893. [9260] DELWIN A. HAMLIN,9 (Wellington B,* William," Perez,* Nathaniel,^ Lewis,* Ebenezer,3James,2i) b. Sidney, Me., Feb. 2, 1846; m. Hallo- well, Me., Dec. 28, 1873, Laura, A., dau. of Horace and Emeline (Packard) Par- lin, b. East Winthrop, Me., May 4, 1849. He graduated Colby University, Wa- terville, Me., 1871; teacher; Boston, Mass., master of the Training School. He d. Allston, — Boston, May 25, 1893. His widow resides , Maine. The following sketch was prepared by Dr. Larkin Dunton: '•Both the Normal School and the Training School have suffered an irre- parable loss in the death of Delwin A. Hamlin, which occurred May 25, 1893. He had been a teacher in Boston for over twenty-two years, and had been mas- ter of the Training School since September 1, 1886, nearly seven years. Mr. Hamlin was a native of Maine, and belonged to the same family as the late Vice-President Hamlin, a family noted alike for ability and integrity. He was a man of marked intellectual ability, keen, broad, profound. His thinking was close, clear, and sharp. His work was methodical in every department of hu- man knowledge which he undertook to investigate. • His loyalty to truth was unbounded; he followed wherever truth led the way — not timidly, but fearless- Prof, Delwin a. Hamlin k;i NINTH GENERATION. 1223 ly. Studiousness was his leading intellectual quality: at all times and in all places lie was adding to his store of knowledge, especially his knowledge of tlie univereal principles which govern the origin and destiny of the plienomenal world. In this he was no sluggard, but a student of the intensest earnestness: an unsolved problem would hold his closest attention till the late hours of night. His intellectual patience was marvellous: rarely has there lived a man wlio could endure so intense and continuous intellectual strain. And no less marvellous was his clearness of vision when attained. The mere statement of his views was often enough to make others see eye to eye with himself. The result of all this was, that at the end of twenty-two years of work among us, he was probably the most learned man connected with the public school service of Boston; he was noted alike for the breadth and the depth of his attainments. His mind was singularly judicial; he knew both terms of a judgment in their fullness before he attempted a comprehensive comparison. He never essayed to judge the unknown. His intellectual activity was marked by originality; he never seemed to have exhausted his resources. His iesthetic nature was strong and active. His sense of humor was a source of perpetual delight to his friends. His love of nature was intense, from the microscopic structure of vegetable and animal cells up through flowers, leaves, and birds, to the starry heavens and the universe of w(jrlds. He loved truth for truth's sake; the charm of his life lay in the acquisition, not in the possession or the display of knowledge. He was a lover of artistic forms, both of sense and imagination. Poetry beguiled and cheered many an hour. He quoted little poetry, he memorized much. His nature was characterized by modesty. He wasslow to make acquaintances. He never obtruded himself upon others. With all his learning he made others feel his interest in their contributions to the common stock. Reason and not au- thority was his instrument. He was wonderfully pure-minded; wliat bethought he said; but his stories could be told to one's daughters. His sense (»f honor was as delicate as that of an ideal knight. Fairness and honesty marked all his actions, commercial, intellectual and moral. His close thinking produced c(tn- viction, and then his expression was fearless. When he spoke it was to tell what he thought. His charity was ample. He had a wonderful power of put- ting himself in tlie place of another, and of seeing and feeling with the other. A man could ditfer from him in politics and religion and be just as good a man. His spirit of helpfulness often made him self forgetful. Show him that you were a sincere seeker after truth, and his willingness to help knew no bounds. He was absolutely loyal to every cause he espoused and every friend he gained. He never said a mean or hateful thing of any human being. The effectiveness of a character like this showed itself in the confidence he inspired both in his opinions and his honesty; and again in the inspiration which he aroused in others. One could not know him without being moved to do his best, and to raise himself to his highest level. From him we may learn that a sclioolmaster at his hardest work may become a scholar. All his vast acquirements were made amid.st the burdens of the severest class-room teaching. May he continue to live in our better lives." Childien: 15517. Ralph, b. Mar. 5, 1878, Quincy. 15518. Emily, " Jan. 19, 1880, Cambridge. 15519. Horace, " Apr. 19, 1883, Quincy. 15520. DUNTON, " Sept. 28, 1888, Alls ton. 1224 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [9262] Prof. GEORGE H. HAML1N,9 (Bro. of Delwin A.,| b. Sidney, Me., Nov. 18, 1850; m. Orono, Me.. May 20, 1877, Annie M., dau. of Col. Gideon Mayo,* b. Orono, Aug. 24, 1850. He graduated Maine State College, 1873, with which he has since been connected; professor of civil engineering and treasurer; city engineer, Bangor, Me. Children: b. Nov. 28. 1881; d. Jan. 28, 1886. " Sept. 7, 1883, " Feb. 13, 1886. " May 5, 1886. " Sept. 29, 1888. 15521. Henry Mayo, 15522. Laura, 15523. Charles, 15524. George Harold, Prof. George H. Hamlin. [9265] MARY E. HAMLIN,« (Sister of Delwin A., ) b. Sidney, Me., 1857; m. Boston, Mass., by Rev. George D. Lalimer, May 17, 1892, Bordman, son of Joseph F. and Mary M. (Bordman) Hall, b. Bangor, Me., 1856: lawyer; Dorchester, Mass. [9269] ELIZABETH C. HAMLIN,» (Joseph P.,* William, ' Perez," Nathaniel. 5 Lewis,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Boston, Mass., Jan. 24, 1860: a pro- fessional singer; Boston. A local paper has this notice of her talent and ability: "Why do people never speak of seeing a person slug? After listening to and watching Elizabeth Hamlin at Hotel Champlain, I came to the conclusion that * For Mayo see note 21. NINTH GENERATION. 1225 there was as much pleasure in the one as the other. And what a beautiful woman Miss Hamlin is ! Her profile is perfect, and her graceful head is set with such regale poise on her beautiful shoulders. It is not only beauty of face, but of figure, that is hers, and when she adds to that her tine, perfectly trained voice, there is very little left to desire. I suppose Miss Hamlin is one of the finest exponents of the late Mme. Rudersdorf that we have, and certainly her singing is the best possible proof of the virtue of the method; pure tones, clear kidge, July 26, 1899. [9475] Elder LYMAN DUANE HAMBL1N.9 (Lyman S.,* Jacob V.,' Isaiah," Barnabas,5Sylvanus,* Elkanah.* James,2i) b. Kanab, Utah, Apr. 22, 1872; ra. Luna, N. M., Nov. 10, 1892, Fanny Adeline, dau. of Edward Alven and Fanny (Young) Noble, b. Kanab, Nov. 8, 1874; farmer; Utah, until 1879: since, in Ari- zona; Eagar, 1900; members Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S., in which he is elder; member Y. M. M. I. Asso., chorister and teacher in the church; she mem- Y. L. M. I. Asso. Children: 15657. Esther Cecelia, b. Feb. 20, 1894, Nutrioso. 15658. Lois, " Aug. 19, 1895, Alpine. 15659. Fanny, " Mar. 13, 1897, Springerville. 15660. Charles Allen, " July 16, 1899, Eagar. 15661. Pearl, " July 15, 1901, Kanab. 15662. Ruby, " Nov. 19, 1902, " [9495] JOSEPH ROSCOE HAMBLIN,9 (Joseph,^ Jacob V.,' Isaiah,* Barnabas,^ Sylvanus,* Elkanah,^ James,2i) b. Kanab, Utah, Nov. 19, 1879; m. Murray, Utah, Dec. 1, 1902, Rose, dau. of John Thomas Richard and Su- sannah (Buhler) Hiclo. Harriet, dau. of Rev. Asa White. He went to Eurelca, Cal., and erected the first saw mill on ilie Bay, 1855. He volunteered to fight the Indians, .loined Capt. Woodward's company and had many perilous escapes from death. At one time he owned a valuable farm, which was destroyed, and he began life anew at Areata, Cal. He d. Feb. 9, WJ'3. 1244 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. (Rogers) Wilson, b. Harwich, Mass., 1878; carpenter: expressman: North Fal- mouth: Republican. Ch. b. North Falmouth: 15760. Maxwell Osborn, Oct. 26, 1898. [9907] SYLVANUS ALLEN HAM BLIN,9 (Bro. of Caleb E.,) born at sea. Latitude 28, south Longitude 14, 30, W., on ship Eliza Adams, at 10:30 p. m., Feb. 23, 1868: m. Falmouth, Mass., Feb. 26, 1896, Gertrude, dau. John L. and Annie M. (Healy) Edmunds, b. W. Falmouth, Aug. 13, 1777: har- ness maker; West Falmouth; Republican. Ch. b. W. Falmouth: 15761. Chester Earl, July 21, 1898. [9910] PERCY CALVIN HAMBLIN,« (Bro. of Caleb E.,) b. Akeroth, New Zealand, June 14, 1875: m. West Falmouth. Mass., June 5, 1902, Harriet Conquest, dau. of Minard and Harriet Lapham (Perrin) Wood, b. So. Boston, Mass., Mar. 30, 1868; painter: West Falmouth; she Adventist. [9914] WILLIAM OSBORN HAMBLIN,MElias T.,' Caleb,' Benjamin,^ Lemuel, » Reuben. * Elkanah.^ James,2i) b. Sandwich, Mass., Jan. 16. 1865: m. Akron, Ohio. Nov. .30, 1892, Nellie Sophia, dau. of Henry and Jennie (Evans) Hine, b. Akron. Ohio, Sept. .30, 1867: teacher; Providence, R. I. High School. He res. New Bedford, Mass., 1873-88; Boston, Mass., until 1890; Akron, Ohio, until 1892; since, Providence. Ch. b. Providence: 15762. Donald Osborne, Jan. 3, 1894. [9922] CHARLES APOLLOS EATON, 9 (Mary E. Hamlen.s Thomas.' Benjamin, « Lemuel, ^ Reuben,* Elkanah,^ James, -i) b. N. Bridgewater, now Brockton, Mass., Sept. 11, 1855; m. there, 1876, Abbie Allen, dau. of Soranus and Louisa Lincoln, (Cone) Dunham,* b. N. Bridgewater, Oct. 7, 1855; slioe mfg.: Brockton; chief of fire department: Methodists. Ch. b. Brockton: 15763. Maky Abbie, Dec. 23, 1876; d. Mar. 11, 1886. 15764. Charles Chester, June 11,1878. 15765. Louis Franklin, Sept. 11, 1893. [9923] JOSEPH HERBERT HAMLEN," (Charles C.,« Thomas,' Benja- min,* Lemuel,-^ Reuben,* Elkanah,^ James,2i) b. Sidney, Me., Nov. 19, 1847; m. Foxborough, Mass., Sept. 3, 1872, Jennie I, dau. of Abijah and Abby (Hill) Fales, b. Medway, Mass., Aug. 6, 1852; carpenter and builder; Sidney, Me.; Need- ham and Spencer, Mass.: Putnam, Ct.: Orange, Mass., 10 years: I'oxborough, 1895: Republican; member Rural Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Sidney; and Social Lodge, I. O. O. F., Orange; Baptists. Ch. b. Foxborough: 15766.* Annie L., Dec. 29, 1874. * For Dunham see note 2. NINTH GENERATION. 1245 [9924] CHARLES THOMAS HAMLEN,^ (Bro. of Joseph H.,) b. Sidney, Me., June 29, 1849: m. Lizzie Sullivan, of Charlestown, Mass.; res. California. No Issue. [9925] MARY ABBIE HAMLEN,9 (Sister of Joseph H.,) b. Sidney, Me., May 1, 1851; m. David B. Munsey, of Oakland, Me., where she d. Feb. 7, 1892. No issue. [9927] Rev. GEORGE HENRY HAMLEN,^ (Bro. of Joseph H.,) b. Sidney, Me., Feb. 22, 18ti6; m. May 13, 1893, Almira Jeanette Avery, b. Jefferson, Maine, Apr. 18, 18f>9. He graduated Bates College, Lewiston, Me., class of 1890: Cobb Divinity School, Lewiston, class of 1893, and ordained at graduation; missionaries, Balsore district, Orissa, Bengal Presidency, India; appointed by Free Baptist Board Foreign Missions, Aug. 16, 1893. Child: 15767. A Son, b. June, 1894. [9930] HENRIETTA TOBEY HAMBLIN,' (John C.,« Benjamin,'* Lemuel, s Reuben,^ Elkanah,^ James, 21) b. West Falmouth, Mass., Sept. 2, 1857; ra. Hon. Edward Herbert,** son of Josiah and Mary E. (Thayer) Thompson,* b. Worcester, Mass., Sept 28, 1857; U.S. Consul, Minda, Yucatan, 8 years, 1896. The have children. 19931] ALICE MARIA HAMBLIN,9 (Sister of Henrietta T.,) b. Australia, Mar. 9, 1860; m. West Falmouth, Mass., Dec, 31, 1879, Horace Edward, son of Benjamin and Clara (Bates) Swift,t b. Plymouth, Mass., Dec. 22, 1857: mechanical engineer: Providence, R. I., 1881-6; since, Boston, Mass.; she d. Dorchester, Mass., Oct. 11, 1900. Children: 15768. WiLMOT Layton, b. 1880, AV. Falmouth; unm. 1902. 15769. Louis HA3JBLIN, " 1883, Providence: d. 1883. 15770. Edith Foster, " 1885, " " 1887. 15771. Ethel Maria, " 1888, Boston. [99.33] JOHN ALBERT HAMBLIN,« (Bro. of Henrietta T.,) b. West Falmouth, Mass., Jan. 14, 1864; ni. Milford, N. H., June 28, 1888, Mary Ellen, dau. of William W. and Sarah (Hardy) Greenwood, b. Hollis, Me., Sept., 1862: electrician; Augusta, Me., since 1888; member city council, 1895; Bethlehem Lodge, A, F. & A. M.; Cashnoc Chapter, R. A. M.: Highland Lodge, A. O. U. W.; she d. Augusta, Sept. 8, 1895. Ch. b. Augusta: 15772. Mariam Louise, Apr. 19, 1889. 15773. Edith, Aug. 21, 1892. * NOTE.iOl. .JOSIAH AUGUSTUS TH0MPSON,!<.Iosiah, 7 .Iames,65 13 sinieon.«.Fames.i) JAMES TSOMPSON.i b. England, 1593; wife Elizabeth, three sons and a dau. all b. Eng- land. He came to Mass., in the company of Gov. Winthrop, landed at Salem, .Tune, KKJO. one of the first settlers of Charlestown, Mass. ; yeoman; freeman, Dec, ](i:iJ; one of the first settlers of Woburn, Mass. + For Swift for see note 121. 1246 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [9938] NANNIE ETHEL HAMBLIN,^ (George W.,' Benjamin,- « Lem- uel,5 Reuben,* Elkanah,'* James,2i) b. Astoria, Oregon, Jan. 29, 1878: m. Clatsop, Oregon, Nov. 1, 1899, Luther Marion, son of William Lewis and Martha Gilbert (Lynch) Campbell,* b. Vineland, Kansas, Oct. 11, 1865; res. Rainier, Wash.: Republican. [9940] SAMUEL MOREY HOLMAN,9 (Christina A. Hamblin,* Benja- min," ^^ Lemuel, 6 Reuben,* Ellcanah,^ James, -i) b. Norton, Mass., Jan. 1, 1861: m. West Falmouth, Mass., Jan. 1, 1886, Virtue Elizabeth, dau.of Silas F. and Mar- tha GifEord (Bowermanf) Swift, J b. W, Falmouth, Nov. 28, 1860; photographer: Attleboro, Mass.; Republican; member K. P., and Pilgrim Fathers; she Friend; menaber Round Table and Pilgrim Fathers. Ch. b. Attleboro: 15774. Gracje MOREY, Oct. 8, 1886. 15775. Samuel Morey, Nov. 2, 1887. 15776. Laura Swift, July 19, 1891; d. Nov. 18, 1891. 15777. Virtue Sw^ift, , June 4, 1895. 15778. David Emory, Nov. 15, 1896. [9942] GEORGE FRANKLIN HAMLIN," (George W.,8 Benjamin,^* Lemuel, 5 Reuben,* Elkanah,^ James,2i) b. Pawtucket, R. 1., Dec. 13, 1871; m. there, Aug., 1891, Maria 1. Ray, Attleboro, Mass.. from whom he separated; jeweler; Pawtucket, until 1877; afterwards, Attleboro, Mass.; Republican; Cong.; marine, U. S. Navy, enlisted 1896; dis. as corporal, Oct. 25, 1901; re-en- listed in signal service, U. S. A., Nov. 1, 1901; stationed in Alaska. Ch. b. Attleboro: 15779. Isabella Willmarth, July 24, 1893. [9943] WALTER MARSHALL HAMLIN,9 (Bfo. of George F., ) b. Pawtucket, R. I., Mar. 30, 1873; m. by Rev. Walter Barton, Attleboro, Mass., Nov. 7, 1892, Elizabeth L., dau. of George and Elizabeth Felton, b. Ply- mouth, Mass., 1873: printer; Pawtucket, until 1877; since, Attleboro, Mass.; Republican. Children: 15780. Walter Marshall, b. May 21, 1893, Thoraaston, Me. 15781. Louise Felton, " Oct. 6, 1895, Attleboro. [9945] ECJLINDA MARIA BAKER,9 (Mary S. Hamblin,« Benjamin,' » Lemuel,'^ Reuben,* Elkanah,^ James,2i) b. West Falmouth, Mass., Sept. 18, 1861; m. there, Frederick Newton, son of James and Achsah (Landers) Bowman, | b. West Falmouth; carpenter; W.Falmouth; Democrat; K. P.; Methodists. * Note .503. LEWIS CAMPBELL, b. near Lynchburg, Va., Oct. 10, 1780; m. Susannah Mon- roe, b. near Richmond, Va., Feb. 31, 1784; soldier, 1813 war; their son, William Lewis Campbell, b. near Lynchburg, Feb. 1.5, 1812, m. Martha G. Lynch. JOHN LYNCH, native of Virginia, m. Sevicy Hayth, b. Campbell Co., Va,, 1798; soldier 1813 war; their dau. Martha G. Lynch, m. William L. Campbell. + For Bowerman see note 327. $ For Swift see note 121. 8 For Bowman see note 327. NINTH GENERATION. 1247 Children: 15782. Marjorie Newtok, b. Brockton. 15783. Hazel Mae, (1 15784. Rita, u 15785. Ruth Ellen, W. Falmouth 15786. EULINDA, (1 it 15787. G ROVER, 11 i( [9947] ALONZO HAMBLIN BAKER,« (Bro. of Eulinda M.,) b. West Falmouth, Mass., Dec. 6, 1868; m.' Brooklyn, N, Y., Mae Moe: painter: Brooklyn; Republican; Methodist. [9948] CHRISTINA HOLMAN HARTWELL,9 ( Mary S. Hamblin,* Benjamin, '« Lemuel, » Reuben,* Elkanah,^ James,2i) b. West Falmouth. Mass., Mar. 24, 1875; m. East Falmouth, Benjamin Stuart, son of Alvin and Eliza (Stuart) Crowell,* b. W- Falmouth; painter: W. Falmouth; Republican: mem- ber A. P. A.; she Methodist. Ch. b. W. Falmouth: 15788. Dorothea. 15789. Alvin Francis. [9952] LIZZIE BARSTOW SANFORD,^ (Timothy ,» Delilah Eldridge,^ Rebecca Hamblin," Lemuel,"^ Reuben,* Elkanah,^ James, 21) b. Fairhaven, Mass., Aug. 31. 1865: m. Falmouth, Mass., June 4, 1901, Elmer Lorenzo, son o:f Lorenzo and Achsah (Battles) Shurtletf, b. Somerset, Mass., July 26, 1864: rail- road employe, N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Co.; Somerset, 1864-70; Fairhaven, 1-870- 93; Boston, Mass., since 1893; Republican; member of George H. Taber Lodge^ ^ , A.F. &A.M. if [9953] ELLEN DAVIS HATCH, » (Adeline Sanford,^ Delilah Eldridge,'' Rebecca Hamblin," Lemuel," Reuben,* Elkanah,^ James.^i) b. Woods Hole, Mass., Nov. 7, 1855: m. there, Dec. 25, 1882, Frank L., son of Barzillai Lewis and Elizabeth Ann (Gardner) Gifl'ord,t b. Woods Hole, July 18, 1854: painter: Woods Hole: member Marine Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; Epis, Ch. b. Woods Hole: 15790. Ellen Franklin, July 18, 1884. 15791. William Maxon, Apr. 10, 1886, 15792. Chas, Edmund Lloyd, Dec. 3, 1887. [9962] NETTIE M. BENSON,^ (Isadore G. Hamblin,** Josiaii.' Ellis,* ! Lemuel, s Reuben,* Elkanah,^ James, 21) b. West Wareham, Mass.. 1874; m. ■I 1898, Lester P. Hodgkins, b. Lewiston, Me., 1874; carpenter; So. Portland, Me. [9963] ISADORE J. HAMBLIN,^ (Charles,^ Ainsworth F.,' Lemuel,6s Reuben,* Elkanah.s James.^i) b. Barnstable, Mass., Sept. 16. 1874: m. Dec, 30, 1894, Edwin Baker. J Child: 15793. Milton. * For Crowell see notes 52, 270 and 390. + For Gilford see note 93. * For Baker see note 125. 1248 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [9m(i\ LILU CYRENE COFFIN,' tHarriet C. Kern,« Cyrene E. Ilamhlin,^ Lemuel,** Reuben,* Elkanah,'' James,*!') b. Hyannis, Mass.: m. ■ VVedjjewood, of Somerville. Mass. Chilrlri'ii: 15794. Rali'ii. 15795. IIakkikt. 1o7SKj. Lutheu. [9971J FRANKLIN KOSSUTH WILMARTH.^ (Ephram," Abigail C. Hamblin,' Lemuel,"* Reuben,* Elkanab,^ James,2>) b. Sandwich, Mass., Oct. Ui, ISol; m. Apr. 12, 187t), Enima Anderson, b. N. Y., Apr. ;i, 1854; tailor and cul- ler: Brooklyn, N. V.: Republican: Methodist. Ch. b. Brooklyn: 15797. Franklin Moktimkk, 15798. Waltei: Livingston, 15799. Gkace Adelaide, 15800. Walter Livingston, 15801. Geokge Reynolds, 15802. l^IEHCE .Takvis, 15803. CiiAULEs Henry, Feb. 20, 1877. Aug. 7, 1879: d.Oct. 18. 1881. Dec. 18, 1881,. " July 28, 1882. July 6, 1883. Oct. 25, 1886. June 1, 1891. Sept. 4. 1895. [9973] GEORGE LEONARD WILMARTH,* (Bro. of Franklin K.,) b. Sandwich, Mass., Sept. 2, 1857; m. Apr. 9, 1883, Jennie Lobe!, b. New York, Jan. 16, 1861; collector; Brooklyn, N. Y.; Republican; Epis. Children: 15804. Florence Ethel, 15805. Nellie Augusta, 15806. Maude Elben, 15807. George Reynolds, 15808. Albert Victor, 15809. Robert Leonard, 15810. Harold Edward, b. Mar. 9, 1884, N. Y. " Sept.26. 1885, Brooklyn. •' Dec. 8, 1887, " Jan. 26, 1890, " Nov. 25, 1892, " Nov. 18, 1894, " May 4, 189-, L9983] EDWIN FOREST JONES,» (Nancy M. Hamblin,* Simeon F..' Lemuel,** Reuben,* Elkanah.s James,^ •) b. Mar. 17. 186*^: in. Julia Boyle. Child: 1;3811. Edwin Sylvester, b. July 29, 1895. [9986] WILLIAM CLINTON GREENE,'-' ^Dorcas H. Hambiin." Sim- eon F.,' Lemuel,*' Reuben,* Elkanah,» James,'- ') b. Feb. 15, 1871: unmarried. He enli.sted at New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 27, 1899. in the Spanish war; served at Manila, P. 1.: was in the battle at Tsin Tsin, and seige of Pekin, China; served in the Legation (Juard in Pekin, until Nov. 27, 1902, when he was honorably dis- cliargi'fl: res. Marion, Mass. [!i990] ELLA GIBBS ATWOOD," (Susan .M. Ilamblin," Simeon F.,» Lemuel,*'' Reuben.* Elkanah.^ James.'^i) b. South Middleboro. Ma.ss.. .June 7. 1868: m. there, Feb. 14, ISiil, Eugene Ebenezer, son of Ebetiezer Dunhaiii and Nancy Eugenia ( Bisbee) Shaw,* b. Carver, Mass., Nov. 5, 1845: lumber mfg., and cranberry grower; Carver; Republican; member A. O. U. W., and I. O. O. F. < • For Shaw see notes &x and :m. NINTH GENERATION. 1249 Children: 15812. Kenneth Eugene, b. Feb. 17, 1892, Plymouth. 15813. CoKA Frances, " Apr. 12. 1893, Carver. 15814. Hannah Lucile, •' Oct. 11, 1895, " 15815. Arav^esta EIugenia, " July 3, 1898, " [9991] HARPJET AME.S ATW00D,9 (Sister of Ella G.,) b. South Middleboio. Mass.. .June 2(i, 1870: ra. there, Nov. 27, 1890, Epbraim Edward, .son of Edward and Victoria ( Westgate) Stringer, b. Carver, Mass.; moulder: South Carver: Republican. Ch. b. So. Carver: 1.581(1 Lavarah. Mar. 4, 1^93. 15817. Granville, May 27, 1894. 15HI8. Francis Emerson, July 9,1902. [9992] JOHN EVERETT ATVV00D,9 (Bro. of Ella G.,) b. South Middleboro, Mass., July 19, 1872; m. Carver, Mass., Nov. 30, 1898, Lillian Mabel, dau. of Theodore Thomas and Elizabeth Sampson (Leach) Yaughan,b. Carver, Dec. 28, 1879; sawyer; Carver; Republican; member Lodge 84, A.O. U. W.; she Baptist. Ch. b. Carver: 15819. Lawrence Ellsworth, Dec. 19, 1899. 15820. Elizareth, May 29, 1902. [9993] HERBERT FRANKLIN ATW00D,9 (Bro. of Ella G.,) b. South Middleboro, Mass., Oct. 29, 1874; m. Carver, Mass., Mar. 3, 1898, Lucy Thomas, dau. of Albert Tillson and Maria Young ( Davis*) Shurtliff, b. Washington, D. C, Jan. 9, 1877; teamster; Carver; Republican; member Ply- mouth Rock Lodge 84, A. O. U. W. Ch. b. Carver: 15821. Rov F., Sept. 8, 1898. 15822. Charlotte, Sept. 15, 1899. 15823. Eunice, Aug. 31, 1902. [9994] FLORA WILLIAMS ATWOOD,9 (Sister of Ella G.,) b. South Middleboro, Mass., June 16, 1878; m. Carver, Mass., Feb. 22, 189(i, James Stewart, son of James Stewart and Juliet (Rickard) Hud.son, b. Jan. 9. 1875. Ch. b. South Middleboro; 15824. A Son, July 24, 1898, stillborn. [9998] KATE M. HAMBLIN,« (Lemuel E.,* Simeon F.,' Reuben,*^* Elka- nah,3 James,2i) b. Gadsen, Ala., Oct. 1, 1867; m. July 26, 1887, Otto Agricola. Children: 15825. Emma Julia, 15826. Ethel L., 15827. Lillian Ruth, 15828. Otto Hamlin, 15829. Hugh Wilmer, 15830. Frederick Theodore, * For Davis see notes 4, 17, 42 and 169. b. July 25, 1887: d. Nov. 19, 1888. July 12, 1889, ii Feb. 19, 1893. Dec. 27, 1890. July June 6, 12. 1892. 1894. JRE, " Jan. 12, 1896. 1250 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [IfMJOT] LEMUEL E. TASKER.» (Catherine A. Hamblin/ Simeon F. .■ Reuben,* Lemuel,'' Reuben,* Elkanah,^' James.- 1) b. Wyominj;. Illinois, 1860. Children: 15831. Reihen C. 15832. LouKNE. [10019] OLIVE HAMRLIX CROWELL,' (Joshua," Olive N. Hamblin,' Thomas, «•• Reuben, < Elkanah,-' James. '^'j b. East Derinis. Mass., Sept. H, l^ti!); m. tliere, Apr. 24, 1S94, Louis, s(»n of Cyrus and Dorothy (Weeks*) Nickerson,t b. Harwich, Mass., Ann. 19. 1869; telejjraph operator and ticket agent: N. Y. N. H. ov: II. Pv. R. Co : Fairhaven. Mass., since 1893; Republican; Free Thinker. Ch. b. Fairhaven: 15833. A Son, Feb. 19, 1895: d. Mar. 14, 1895. 15834. DoKis Mekedith, Dec. 21, 1896. [1(X)24] OLIVER FRANCIS HAMBLIN,'-' (Francis E.,* Thomas.'*"* Reuben, < Elkanah,'* James,*') b. Newton, Mass., Apr. 8, 1856: m. 1st, Newton, Sept. 26, 1877, Martha Stone, dau. of Philemon and Caroline Ware (Quigley) Stacy, b. West Newton, Mass.. Oct. 14, 1883: who d. Xewton, Dec. 18. 1884: m. 2d, June 26, 1889, Hattie Everett, dau. of Henry Walter and Lydia Fuller (Holwayl) Fish,^ b. W. Barnstable, Mass., July 20. 1869: R. R. conductor: New ton, until 1893; since, Allston, Mass.; Republican; member Waban Lod^'e 156, I. O. O. F., and Channinfj Council 76, Newton; .second wife, Cong. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Newton: 15835. CuAKLO'i"i'E Caroline, Feb. 8, 1879. 15836. Chaules Francis, Aug. 22, 1881. 15837. Martha Elizabeth, Dec. 12, 1884. [100.34J MARIETTA HAMBLIN,^ (William M.,» Thomas C.,' Jolin,«'« Elkanah,» James,-^') b. Nantucket, Mass., May 10, 1866: m. by Rev. Myron S. Dudley, Nantucket, Jan. 18, 1893, Lewis Sheridan, son of Charles F. and Deborah B. (Chadwick||) Ray, b. Nantucket, Jan. 7, 1865: painter: Nantucket; she member W. R. C, 86. Ch. b. Nantucket: 15838. Marion, 1896. 15839. Gladys, 1898. 15840. Alice, 1900. * For Weeks see notes 422 and 4«2. t For Nlckerson see note .'Ml. * For Holwiiy see note 4tU. 9 For Fish see note 54. I For Chadwlck see note UiH. TENTH GENERATION. [10069] AUGUSTUS HAMBLEX HALL,!" Drusilla Hamblin,^ Joshua," Cornelius,«5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. South Boston, Mass., May 9, 1865; res. Wakefield, Mass.; unmarried; member Golden Rule Lodge, A. F. & A. M. [10077] LORENZO DOW BAKER, w (Martha M. Hopkins,^ Hope Ham- blen,^ Joshua," Cornelius.s^ Benjamin,* Eleazer.s James,^!) b.,Wellfleet, Mass., Sept. 5, 1863: unmarried; merchant, and U. S. consular agent, Port Molant, Jamaica, W. 1.: member board of directors Boston Fruit Co.; member Ameri- can Academy Political and Social Science, Philadelphia, Pa., and W. C. T. U. [10078] JOSHUA HAMBLEN BAKER,i» (Bro. of Lorenzo D.,) b. Welltleet, Mass., June 8, 1868; unmarried; agent and tratfic manager, Boston Fruit Co.: Methodist; and member W. C. T. U. [10079] MARTHA ALBERTA BAKER, 10 (Sister of Lorenzo D..) b* Wellfleet, Mass., Aug. 31, 1875; unmarried; Methodist; member W.C.T.U., and Christian Endeavor. [10080] REUBEN RICH BAKER,i» (Bro. of Lorenzo D.,) b. Wellfleet, Mass., Aug. 13, 1877; unmarried; U. S. consular agent. Port Maria, Jamaica, W. I.; agent Boston Fruit Co., and West India Fibre Co.; member W. C.T.U. [10092] MABEL ALLEN NICHOLSON,") (Mary E. A. Baker,' Elijah," Jane Hamblen," Cornelius,«5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,^!) b. East Boston, Mass., Dec. 1, 1867; m. Essex, Mass., Dec. 25, 1896, Wintield Moses Daniels, of Woonsocket, Rhode Island. Children: 15841. Joyce Milligent, b. Sept. 30, 1887. 15842. WmFiELD Moses, " June 7, 1889. 15843. Elizabeth Blackbukn, " Jan. 25. 1891. [10097] FLORENCE WHITMAN STORY,!" (Adaliz M. Baker,'-' Elijah,8 Jane Hamblen," Cornelius,«'^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2») b. Essex, Mass., Dec. 10, 1875; m. East Boston, Mass., June 22, 1898, Francis Albert Goodhue, of Essex. Ch. b. Essex: 15844. Flokence Alberta, Apr. 7, 1899. 1252 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [10100] FKANCLS ALLEN COBB,'" (Mary F. Rich," Mary .1. Baker.- .lane Hamblen," Corneliu.s,*'' Beiijainiii,* Eleazer,» James, =") b. Wellfleet, Mas.s.. Dec. 9, 1814; m. N. Y. City. Nov. 29, IB'.m, Mabel Pralt. b. May 4, 1879; proof reader; Wellfleet. until \XW: since. N. Y.; Metlxxlisl: siie Epis.; she d. N. Y. City, Oct. 1, 1897. Cli. N. Y. City: ir)H4o. Fkancis Allen, Aii^r. 2«, 1^97. [10104] .JONATHAN EDDV HAMliLEN.'" (Charles T.,"^ Josepli B.," Cornelius,' •■'•' Benjamin, < Eieazer,:' .James,-'; b. Boston, Mass., May 29. isiitj: m. New York City, May 24, 1892, May Ethel, tlau. of George and Margaret E. (Keyes) Compton, b. Quincy, Plumas Co., Cal.. July 29, 1873; lawyer; N. Y. City, 1899. No i.ssue. [10144] ELIZA HOPKINS,!" (Andrew S.,» Joel,* Ruth D. Gross.^ Mercy Hamblen.''' Cornelius.'' Benjamin,* Eleazer,'* .James:"-') m. George "\V.,son of Richard and .Julia Dout^las f 'liipinan.* Children: 1584(). PiiMtcY Rich. 15847. Lewis. 15848. George W. [10145] SARAH HOPKINS,'" (Sister of Eliza.) m. Frank, son of Alfred and Lydia Cha.se; res. Galveston, Texas. Six or seven children. [10151] VERNON SINNETT,'" (Clara I). Hopkins,'-' Joel,» Ruth I>. Gross," Mercy Hamblin," Cornelius,'' Benjamin, < Eleazer,^ James, '^'l m. Dec. .'Jl, 1895, I<"anny Ethel Farmer. Child: 15849. A Son. [101.53] JOHN IJ^GALLS BROWNE.i" (Ruth N. Hopkins.'-' Josluia." Ruth D. (iross, 7 Mercy Hamblen," Cornelius,'' Benjamin, * Eleazer,-* James,-') b. Philadelphia Pa., Feb. 14, 1852; m. Washington, D. C, Feb. 14, 1883, Jeannette Alden, dau. of Nel.son Addison and Janet K. West, b. Bath Me., May 20, 1S5H: 1st a.sst. examiner, U. S. Patent Otlice, Washin^'ton, D. C: Repulilican: 1'. (J.. Eastern Lodge 7, 1. O. O. F.; P. G. M., I. O. O. F., D. C; Major. P. M. Branch, i. ( ►. O. F.; raeml>er Superior Lodge, K. P.; and S. A. R. Child: 15850. Mahlk, b. Mar., 1884: d. July 4. 1S84. [101.54] CHARLES WESTON IIOI'KINS BP.OWNE,'" (Bro. of John 1.,) b. Bangor, Me., Oct. 27, 1857; m. Orono, Me., Dec. 23, 1884, Maude Maria. dau. of William and Jane Maria (Lewis) Colburn, b. Orono, Me., July 29, 1862; draftsman, U.S. Patent Ottice, Washington, D. C; Republican. He graduated For ChlpuDiii si(>5. For (Jov. William Bradford see note .T^l. Ma.jok WILLIAM lUiADFORl),^ b. Plymouth. Mass., June 17, 1624; in. Isl, Alice, dau. of Tliomas Richards, of Weymouth, Mass., b. 1627, who d. Dec. 12, 1671 ; m. 2d, Mrs. Wlswall; m, 3d, Mrs. Mary (Atwood) Holmes, dau. of .John Atwood. of Plymouth; he res. IMymouth, where he d. Feb. 20, 1704; major of the forces, and deputy governor. Cli. l)y 1st wife, I). Plymouth: .lohn William, Tliomas, Alice, Hannah. Mercy. Meletiah. Mary. Samuel, Sarah. By 2d wife, b. I'ly- inoulh: .Ir).sepli. liy 3(1 wife, I). I'lymouth: Israel, Ephraim, David, Hezekiah. LiKiTT. SAMUEL BRADFORD.s b. Plymouth, 1668; m. July, 1680, Hannah, dau. of John and Ellzal)eth (Peabo1. .St. Catherines. i:.872. ."siTAKT Wmrisfi. " Aua. M, 18!+4, (10198J ADLLAIDL ELIZA liltOOKS.'" (Rhida E. Haiublin.* Lewi.s.^- David. « Joshua,' Benjamin. < Elea/.er.'' James,'^') b. Wilna. N.Y., Jan. o. 18.38; moved vvitli lier parents to Wisconsin, 1855; m. Oxford, Wis., .Ian. 1, 18(1(1, Otlu'llo. .son of Willard at)d Sarah Ciiurch, b. St. Lawrence. N. Y.. May 1."), 1824, Ills second wife: by former wife he liad children: David Willard. Sarali Eliza and F^dwin Othello: private, F, 39 Iowa, Inf. Vols.: enlisted Autr. 17, 1862; served on Sherman's march to the sea: dis. June (i. 1865: carpenter; res. in N.Y. and Wis., New Virtrina, Iowa, and Clay Center, Kas.; member Post 88, Ci. A. R., Slieridan, Neb.; she member W. R. C.; Baptists; both d. Clay Center: she Sept. 4, 1895: he Apr. 7, 1887. Ch. b. New Virgina: 1587:^.* Orlando Brooks, Mar. 2, 1862. 15874. Ernest Sherman, Apr. 10, 1866; d. Feb. 4, 1882. 15875.* Corrine Sajhantha, Oct. 4, 1869. 15876.* Bertha Isabel, June 29, 1872. 15877. Norman Erastus, Apr. 17, 1874. 15878. Joseph Boyd, July 1, 1880; d. Nov. 4, 1881. [10199] ELEANOR MARIA BROOKS, «•> (Sister of Adelaide E.,) b. Wilna. N. Y., July 8. 18.39; moved with her parents to Wis., 1855; m. 1st, Ricliford, Wis., Jan. 27, 1859, Th(»mas, son of Joshua and Jemima (Barton) Craw- ford; farmer: Ohio, and Westtield, Wis.; Republican; private, 16 Wis. Inf. Vols.; enli.sted 1862; in battle of Shiloh; d. St. Louis, Mo., 1862; m. 2d, Albia, Iowa, Oct. 7, 1863, Dr. Isaac, son of Daniel and Grace (Williams) Kneeland, b. r-'ranklin, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1821; physician: Berea, Ohio; Charitc»n, Iowa: and Burr Oak, Kansas; Republican; Presb.; Freemason: bed. Burr Oak, Mar. 9, 1887; .she res. Eureka Springs, Ark.; Methodist. Ch. by 1st marriage: 15879. Lillie, b. Dec. 1, 1858; d". 1864. 15880.* James, " Jan. 27, 1860. Cole. ma. I.'i881.* Harvey, " July 8, 1862, Adams Co. By 2d marriage, b. Chariton: 15882.* Mary, Sept. I, 1864. 15883.* Lucius D., June 14, 1866. 15884. IlAinuET, Jan. 1, 1«(;7. 1588;-,.* Anna, Apr. 2.3, 1871. |li>L'()()| LVI)I.\ LOUISA BROOKS.'" (Sister of Adelaide E..) 1>. Wihia. N.Y., .Mar. 22, 1841; muved to Wisconsin with her parents, 1855: rn. Pilot Knob, Wis., Feb. 9, 1860, Edwin Maxwell, son of William and Lucy (Wilder) Hicks, b. Cuba, N. Y., Apr. 7, 18.37; farmer; Cuba, N. Y., and Pilot TENTH GENERATION. 1257 Knob, Wis.; Democrat: private, A, 7 Wis. Inf. Vols.; enlisted .Jan. 15, 186,5: d. f| Wasliington, D. C, Apr. 7, 1865: she Methodist. Ch. b. Pilot Knob: 1588«. Mary Edwina, June 16, 186-; unm. 1901. [10201] HARRIET SERENA BROOKS.io (Sister of Adelaide E.,) b. Wilna, N.Y., Aug. 10, 1843: moved with her parents to Wis., 1855; m. Adams Co., Wis., Nov. 18, 1864: Jonatlian Benhaven, son of Samuel Benhaven and Eleanor (Maxon) Ayers, b. Allegheny Co., N. Y., Oct. 8, 1837: farmer; re- moved from Allegheny Co., to Milton, Wis., 1846; to Pilot Knob, Wis., 1855; Re- publican: private, F, 1 Wis. Cav.; served in Kentucliy, wounded, and dis. at close of war: member Thomas Crawford Post, G. A. R.; Methodists. He d. Pilot Knob, June 7, 1898. Ch. b. Pilot Knob: 15887.* Edith Elizabeth, Oct. 1, 1866. 15888. Nellie Emeline, Dec. 27, 1870; d. Mar., 1871. 15889.* Harvey Lewis, Aug. 10, 1874. [10202] LUCIA ADELPHIA BROOKS,in (Sister of Adalaide E.,) b. Wllna, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1845: moved with her parents to Wis., 1855: m. James Crawford, b. Ohio, 1843; farmer; Springfield, Wis.: Republican; private, in Heavy Artillery, enlisted 1863; member Thomas Crawford Post, G. A. R.; she Methodist; she d. Springfield, Oct. 2, 1874. No issue. [10203] LUCIUS ABNER BROOKS,i« (Bro. of Adelaide E.,) b. Wilna, N. Y., Jan. 18, 1848; removed with his parents to Wis., 1855; m. Lucy, dau. of Simeon and Jane (Hewett) Lincoln, b. Cazenovia, Wis.: farmer; Pilot Knob, and Cartwright, Wis., and Alford, Neb.: Republican; Methodists. No issue. [10206] FRANCES ISABEL BROOKS,io (Sister of Adelaide E.,) b. Lowell, Wis., June 22, 1855: m. Coloma, Wis., Oct., 1877, Frederick Charles, son of Francis and Elizabeth (Tallecic) Miller, b. N. Y. City, Oct. 1, 1855; farmer; Springfield, Wis.: Republican; Methodists. Ch. b. Springfield: 15890.* Fannie, Nov. 30, 1877. 15891. Harry, Sept. 24, 1879; d. Mar. 22, 1881. 15892.* Faith, Aug. 24, 1881. 15893. Herbert, Oct. 17, 1883: d. Mar. 1890. 15894. Grace, Apr. 30, 1889; unmarried, 1901. [102071 CLARA VIOLET BROOKS,!" (Sister of Adelaide E.,) b. Pilot Knob, Wis., Nov. 11, 1857; m. there, Mar. 29, 1890, Peter Paulsen, son of Hans Paulsen and Christine (Lund) Beck, b. Denmark, Apr. 22, 1857; farmer: Denmark, until 1875: Georgetown, Neb., since 1890; Republican; mem- ber Camp 6447, M. W. A., and 296 Modern Brotherhood; Presb. Ch. b. Georgetown: 15895. Alice Viola, June 5, 1891. • 15896. Philip Paulsen, Oct. 28, 1897. 1258 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. (10209] EUNICE EDWINA BROOKS,»o (Sister of Adelaide E.,) b. Pilot Knob, Wis., Aut,'. 22, 1862; m. Curaio, Neb., Feb. 28. 1892, Joseph Calvin, son of Hiiyli '"^lieiry and Eli/.a Ann (Fer^nison) Reniin^'ton, b. Boone Co.. Ind., Oct. 20, 180o: farmer; Indiana, until 1876; Cuniro, Neb., 1892-1901; Silver Republican; member M. \V. A.: Baptists. Slie was a teaclier before marriage; res. Wisconsin, until 1884: Kansas, until 1888; Wisconsin, 1890; since, Nebraska. Gil. b. Cumro: 15897. Calvin Buooks, Dec. 10. 1895. [10210] ABNER p. DOWNER,'" (Harriet U. Hamblin,* Lewis."- David,* Joshua,'' Benjamin.* Eleazer,^ James,''') b. Chittenango, N. Y., July 29. 1843: m. 1st, Walloomsac, N. Y.. Dec. 17, 1866, Anna P., dau. of Josiah and Lydia (Milliman) Richmond, who d. Au{?. 8, 1871: m. 2d, Chicago, 111., Sept. 24. 1878, Marion Stewart, dau. of .John F. and Ann Cecelia (Brookhart) Carter.* b. St. Louis, Mo., May 15, 18.^2. He was educated at Mt. Anthony Seminary. Ben- nington Center, Vt., and Cazenovia Seminary, N. Y.: resided at Chittenango, until 1862: ButTalo, 1862^; N. Y. City, 1864-6; Lockport, 1867-72: Chicago. 1872- 81; N. Y. City, 1881-5: Fanwood. N. J., 1886-95; since, Chicago: merciiant in Lockport: and trustee Lockport .Sav. Bank; moved to Chicago, joined the Chi- cago Board of Trade, Oct. 9, 1872: moved to N. Y., 1881; and became member N.Y. Produce Exchange; mem. Chicago Board of Trade and Grain Commi.ssion: member Sullivan Lodge, A. F. & A. M.. Chittenango: Epis.. vestryman Grace church, Lockport; St. Pauls, Chittenango: and All Saints, Fanwood. Ch. by 1st marriage, b. Lockport: 15898. Akthuk Richmond, Aug. 6, 1871; d. Jan. 15, 1872. By 2d marriage: 15899. John Fauntlekoy, b. Aug. 9, 1881, N. Y. City. 15900. William ViCToK, " June 23, 1885, Brooklyn. 15901. Hauuiet Cecelia, " June 5, 1887, Fanwood. [10211] HARRIET C. DOWNER,'" (Sister of Abner P.,) b. Chittenango, N.Y., July 9, 1845; m. there, Sept. 2. 1869, Thomas M., son of James Lawrence and Charlotte (Ilolbrook) Hatch, t b. Chittenango, Nov. 23, 1841: |)rivate, G, 2d, N. J., S. M.: enlisted Apr. 26, 1861; dis. July 31, 18()1: com- mercial traveler; Syracuse, N. Y., 1869-73: since, Chittenango; Democrat; mem- ber Sullivan Lodge, A. F. & A. M.: Central City Chapter 48, R. A. M., Syracuse; • Note .'iOti. .JOHN CARTER.i b. Eii^'land; cuiuu to Corotoman, Va.. KMfl; m. SHrali, dau. of Sir Thomas Ludlowe, an English noblemiin ; a descedant of the Royal bouse of England. He was burled there, lti61(. Children: Surah, Robert. ROHEKT CARTER.^ b. Cnrotom.in, Va., l(«i;»: called "Iving Carter;" m. 1st. 16««, Judith Arnistead; ni. L'd, Hetty Laiidon: he resided Corotoman; a larjre land liolder; prest of the Vir- Kinia Council; (icjvernor of Vu. ; receiver Kenerul of tobacco taxes. He d. Corotoman, 173:J. Ch. by 1st wife, (several chlldri-n). .lohn. By 2d wife: Laudon. LAIIDON CARTER,-"! ni. Maria, d.au. of Col. William Hyrd, of Westovor, Md.; res. Sabin Hall. LACDoN CARTER," m. Miss Font leroy; res. Pltt.syh ania. .lollN CARTER, ■■> m. .l.-me Edwards. EDW.MM) CARTER," m. his cousin . I lulith Carter. JOHN K. CARTER.^ m, Ann C. Hn>okliart. .MARION K. CARTER,* m. Abner P. Downer, t For (latch see note 04. TENTH GENERATION. 1259 she member Owaliyena Chapter, D. A. R., and Ladies' Auxiliary, St. Paul's church: Epis. Children: 15902. Abner Downer, b, June 29, 1872, Syracuse. 15903. JA3IES Arthur, " Nov. 22, 1879, Chittenango. [10212] ALICE MARIA DOWNER,io (Sister of Abner P.,) b. Chittenango, N.Y., Dec. 7, 1852; m. there, June 9, 1894, John Richard Castello; merchant; Chittenango; Freemason and Odd Fellow; she Epis. [10213] WILLIAM VICTOR DOWNER,io (Bro. of Abner P.,) b. Chittenango, N. Y., July 9, 1856; m. there, June 16, 1885, Helen Louise, dau. of John Henry Hobart and Helen Maria (Holmes) French, b. Chittenango, Nov. 7, 1860. He graduated Yale College, 1878; grain commission merchant; Chittenango, until 1889; Chicago, until 1881: N. Y. City, until 1886; since, Buf- falo, N. Y.; Republican; Epis. Children: 15904. Huntington, b. Aug. 22, 1887, Chittenango. 15905. Hobart French, " Nov. 4, 1889, Buffalo. [10214] WILLIAM EDWIN PROSSER.w ( Mary F. Hamblin,' Lewis,*' David, 6 Joshua,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Sulhvan, N. Y., May 4, 1851; m. June 5, , Elizabeth, dau. of Reuben and Hannah (Pennock) Car- penter; farmer and school teacher; North Manlius, N. Y.; Republican; Metho- dists. He d. Sullivan, Dec. 18, 1893. Ch. b. Sullivan: 15906.* Maude L., Jan. 9, 1877. 15907.* Alice L., Dec. 30, 1880. 15908.* Maymb E., Feb. 18, 1882. 15909. Edna Pearl, Mar. 20, 1886. 15910. William Victor, Feb. 20, 1888. [10215] ROSALIA M. PROSSER,i« (Sister of William E.,) b. Sullivan, N. Y., May 22, 1853; m. there, Apr. 11, 1895, George Henry, son of Samuel J. and Abbie Jane (Thorn) Harns, b. Sullivan, June 4, 1851; farmer; North Manlius, N. Y.; Democrat; member Sullivan Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; she Methodist. [10217] GEORGE HAMBLIN PROSSER,io (Bro. of William E.,) b. Sulhvan, N. Y., Apr. 23, 1862; m. North Manhus, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1887, Nettie May, dau. of Jacob and Celia (Worden) Taflfner, b. North Manlius, Sept. 9, 1861; farmer; North Manlius; Republican. Ch. b. Sullivan: 15911. Harold H., Apr. 6, 1889. [10218] MINNIE MAY PROSSER,»» (Sister of William E.,) b. Sullivan, N. Y., Apr. 27, 1869; m. there, Feb. 16, 1894, Edward Frankhn, son of Michael and Hannah Shay, b. Sullivan, Mar. 7, 1867; fj^rmer; North Manlins, N. Y.; Republican. 12G0 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [10220] ADELAIDE MAY SEELY,»'» (Adelaide E. Hamblin." Lewis,*' David,* Joshua,'' Benjamin,* Eleazer,» James,-!') b. Onundaiira, N.Y.. July 20, lS(il: m. MidflU'bury, Vt., Oct. 18. 18!»3, Rev. Joiin WiKht Cluipriiun: Episcopal clergyman. and inissioiuiry: Anoick, Alaska: former home, Middlubury. Vt.: she Epis. Ch. b. Anoick: 15912. HenkyH.^mhi.in. Jan. 8, 189.j. [10224] NELLIE UNDERWOOD,'" (Margaret F. Hamblin,' Lewis."' David,* Joshua,'^' Benjamin,* Eleazer.^ James,*') b. New Woodstock, N. Y., July lit. 18ttr): m. Grant Park, Ills., Doc. IH, 188(5, Elroy, son of Lorenzo and Tlatniah (Osby) Streeter, b. Grant Park, June 7. 18(52: merchant; Grant Park. luUil 1894: Chicago, 1895; since, Geneva, Wis.; Republican; Methodists. Ch. b. Grant Park: 15913. Velma, Nov. 26, 1890. [102.32] WALTER EDGAR LANSING,'" (Harriet M. Hamblin.;-- David.' Lewis," David," Joshua,-' Benjamin,* Eleazer,» James,^') b. Chittenango Falls, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1850; m. Kirkville, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1873, Mary L., dau. of George Nelson and Mary Cole (Chandler) Taylor, b. Kirkville, July 7, 18r)2: i-aii)enter and builder; Chittenango Falls, until April, 1865; Sullivan, N. Y., until 1873; Kirkville. until April, 1893; East Syracuse, N. Y., 1901: Republican; prest. Board of Education; member East Syracuse Tent 549. K. O. T. M.; Methodists. Ch. b. Kirkville: 15914.* Nelson Legkand, Dec. 18, 1878. 15915. Frances J., Apr. 30, 1885. [1023.3] JULIA MARIA LANSING,'" (Sister of William E.,) b. Chittenango Falls, N.Y.. Sept. 6, 1852; m. John Henry, son of John and Delilah (Beeman) Nutting, of Chittenango Station. N.Y. No issue. [102.34] LILLIAN JANE LANSING,'" (Sister of William E..) b. Sullivan N. Y.. Nov. 18, 1866: m. Chittenango. N. Y., Aug. 28. 1886. Alfred James, .son of Martin and Betsey (Newcomb) Quackenbush, b. Munnsville, N. Y.. Oct. 3, 18(56; laborer; Syracu.se, N. Y. Ch. b. Sullivan: 15916. Leon, May 10, 1887. 15917. Claka, Feb. 9, 1891. [10235] CORA SOPHIA HAMBLIN," (Lucien D.,* David,»'« Jo.shua.f* Benjamin,* P^leazer,-'' James,^') Chittenango, Falls, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1859: m. there, Feb. 16, 1887, Noah, .son of Ilajnmond Davis, b. Marathon, N. Y. Ch. b. Messengerville, N. Y: 15918. Floyd, May 26, 1889. 15919. Ethel, May 26, 1893. [ 10236] CHARLES A BNER HAMBLIN,'" (Bro. of Cora S.,) b. Chittenango Falls, N. Y., Apr. 22, 1865; m. Caneseraga, N. Y., Callie, dau. of Henry Slee. s TENTH GENERATIOJN 1261 Children: 15920. Anna Helen, b. July 28, 1889, Caneserat»a. 15921. LuciEN Milton, " Sept. 3, 1893, Chittenango Falls. [10239] ARTHUR DELOSS HAMBLlN,i« (William M.,» David,''^* Joshua,^ Benjamin,* E]eazer,3 James,2i) b. Chittenango Falls, N. Y., June 14, 1869; m. Oneida, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1892, Blanche E.,'" dau. of Edwin P. and Mary J. (Cranson"*) Chapman, b. Perry ville, N. Y., May 9, 1870. Ch. b. Oneida: 35922, Harold Chapman, Aug, 11, 1893. [10240] GENEVIEVE LEON A KEELER,i« (Leona Woodworth,» Harriet Hamblin,* Lewis,' David,* Joshua,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James.^i) b, Fenner, N. Y., June 28, 1852; m. Syracuse, N. Y., by Rev. Geo. B. Stocking, Apr. 18, 1874, Wendell Lansing, son of Robert and Augusta (Lansing) Avery, b, Perryville, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1850; student of medicine, University of City of N, Y.: Perryville, 1875. [10241] Prof. JOHN DYKEMAN CONLEY," (Paraelia E. John- son, » Lucy Hamblin,^ Joshua,'' David,6 Joshua,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Brockport. N. Y.. Sept. 14, 1843: m. Carlinville, Ills., Mar. 20, 1873, Virginia C, dau. of Samuel T. and Elizabeth Ann (Palmerf) Mayo,4: b. Carlinville, Jan. 3, 1849. He graduated from State Normal School, Albany, N. Y., 1863; princi- pal of school at Roslyn, L. L, the home of William Cullen Bryant, 1863-5; grad- uated from Hamilton College, N. Y., A. B., 1869: and while in college was a member of Delta Kapp Epsilon Frat.; he also received the degree of A. M. from Hamilton College, and the degree of Ph. D. from Blackburn University. Pro- fessor of Natural Science, Blackburn University, Carlinville, Ills., 1869-87; professor of Chemistry and Geology, and vice president State University of Wyoming, Laramie, 1887-96, and acting prest. of same; since, professor of Chemistry and Geology, Blackburn University. His educational work has been of a high order; the geological charts published by him are among the best that have appeared on that subject; and he possesses one of the best geological cabinets in this country; Democrat; alderman, 1880-7; Epis.; member of Mt. Nebo Lodge 73, A. F. & A. M.; she Methodist. He assisted in compiling the records of this branch of the family. Ch. b. Carlinville: 15923.* John Mayo, Dec. 25, 1873. 15924.* Florence Elizabeth, Sept. 29, 1879. [10242] JANE PAMELIA CONLEY.i" (Sister of John D.,) b. Canastota, N.Y., May 21, 1845; m. there,. Dec. 27, 1876, Rev. HenryAlfred, son of Henry and Lucy (Guillemont) Duboc, b. Paris, France, Apr. 30, 1845; clergyman; Tonawanda, 1876; Missouri, 1900; since, Chicago, HI.; Republican; * Note 507. MARY J. CRANS0N,9 (Olive B. Ward,* Chloe Booth,' Polly White,« Joslah.^ Joseph,* Josiah,32 .John.i) + Elizabeth A. Palmer was sister of Gen. John M. Palmer, U. S. Senator from Illinois. $ For Mayo see note 21. 12H2 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Freemason: she nK'mber t»f Kind's imii^'hters: DaiiKliterscif the King: Woman'!* Auxiliary; Shakespeare Circle: (iirl's Friendly Soc; Epis. Ch. b. Tonawanda: 15925. IIexky L., Nov. 23, 1880; unm. 1!<02. [10243] JENNETTE LESLIE CONLEY,'" (Sister of John I)..) b. Canastota, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1847; m. Oneida, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1875, James Henry Clow, b. Canastota, July 6, 1840; contract<^r of public works; Amsterdam, N. Y.: ])em(x*rat: Epis.; she rendered valuable a.ssistance in compiling the de- scendants of her grandparents for this work. No issue. [10244] JOSEPHINE M. CONLEY,'» (.Sister of John D..) b. Canastota, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1848; m. there, Dec. 23, 1873, Elisha G.. son of John D. and Elsie (Goodeno) Gay, b. Sconondoa, N.Y., Sept. 1, 1843; contractor and real estate dealer; Oneida, N. Y., 1854-1902; since, Texas City, Texas: Re- publican: jjrivate, Ind. Co. N. Y. Cav.; enlisted Jan. 14, 1864; .served at Head l^uarters Army of Potomac; dis. June 23, 1865; member John R. Stuart Post, 174, G. A. R.; she Epis.; Charter member and Prest. Twentieth Century Club, Oneida, N. Y. Ch. b. Oneida: 15926. Edna, Jan. 23, 1877; d. May 15, 1880. [10245] JEROME HAMLIN CONLEY.io ( Bro. of John D.,) b. Canastota, N.Y., Aug. 6, 1850; m. Jan. 1, 1871, Clara Jane Acker, of Can- astota. Children: 15927.* James Emmet, b. June 5, 1873. Thkee dauohteks and son, dead. [10246] JEFFERSON BALLOU CONLEY,!" (Bro. of John D.,) b. Canastota, N.Y., Oct. 18, 1852; m. near Peckskill, N.Y., Belle 1., dau. of James and Elixabeth W. Lynch. He graduated from Eastman Business College; book keeper several years; at present, collector, N. Y. City. Ch. b. Brooklyn: 15928- Belle L., Nov. 11, 1876; died. 15929. Hauhy B., Feb. 15, 1879, " 15930. Frank VV., Feb. 6, 1881. 15931. Blanche Irene, Dec. 4, 1884. 15932. Jefferson W., Nov. 7, 1886. 159.33. Edna Gay, Sept. 4, 1889. 159.34. Leroy M., Dec. 7, 1892. [10247] JOSELIA LUCY CONLEY.'" (Sister of John P., J b. Canastota, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1854: m. Parish. N. Y., Nov. 26, 1877. Charles Montgomery, son of Valentine Berry and Sarah (Montgomery) Powers, b. Can- ton, Pa., Jan. 3, 1850; jeweller; New Martinsburg, W. Va.; member of Gartield Lodge 559, A. F. & A. M.; Epis. Ch. b. Dubois, Pa: 15935. Daisy, Mar. 2, 1880; unm. 1902. 15936. Valentine, Mar. 13, 1882, " " 15940, Walter, 15941. Mary E., 15942. Peraenelia, 15943. Clarence Emmett, 15944. Francisb C, TENTH GENERATION. 1263 110248] JUDSON JAY CONLEY,i» (Bro. of John D.,) b. Canastota, N. Y., June 4, 1856; m. Nov. 15, 1876, Mary Butler, b. Onon- daga, N. Y.; farmer; Canastota. Children: [H. Knight. 15937. Lum May, b. Oct. 20, 1877, Canastota; m. Frederick 15938. George Henry, *' Feb. 7, 1879, 15939. Thomas Manard, " Aug. 27, 1884, Beulah, Kas. [10249] JAMES EMMETT CONLEY,*" (Bro. of John D.,) b. Canastota, N. Y., June 24, 1858; m. there, Mar. 5, 1881, Hattie M., dau. of Christopher Columbus and Mary Elizabeth Duffy, b. Peterboro, N. Y., 1866; boatman on canal; Canastota; Democrat; Methodists. Children: b. 1883, Canastota. " 1885, " d. 1890. " 1893, " " 1893. " 1898, Union Springs. " 1900, Amsterdam. [10252] MINNIE SAYLES," (Mariette Johnson,9 Lucy Hamblin," Joshua,' David, 6 Joshua,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James, 21) b. Canastota, N.Y., July 21, 1856; m. Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1882, William, son of William and Mary Ann (McKay) Brough. b. N.Y. City, Aug. 20, 1858; bookkeeper; N.Y. City, 1858-1865; Brooklyn, 1865-1882; Oneida, 1882-1889; Democrat; treasurer of Oneida, N.Y., 1888; member of Eumema Lodge 296, 1. O.O. F.; Adema Encampment 117, I. O. O. F.; and Canton Oneida, 34.; Epis. Ch. b. Oneida: 15945, Mary McKay, Aug. 12, 1891, 15946, Milton Saylbs, Mar. 18, 1894. [10253] WILLIAM RUDD,io (Jane Johnson,^ Lucy Hamblin,* Joshua,' David, « Joshua,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Utica, N. Y., 1847; married; soldier civil war. He d. Canastota, N. Y., 1900, [10257] JANE PAMELIA JOHNSON," (Darius H.,« Lucy Hamblin,' Joshua,^ David, 6 Joshua,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Canastota, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1856; m. Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr. 11, 1877, William Henry Eurich, b. Brooklyn, Sept. 7, 1855; furrier: Brooklyn; Republican; Baptists; she d. Canastota, Feb. 4, 1884. Ch. b. Brooklyn: 15947, William Darius, June 16, 1880; unm. 1902. [10259] GRACE FLORENCE JOHNSON," (William H. H,,» Lucy Hamblin,« Joshua,' David,* Joshua,^ EJenjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2«) b. Alton, Ills., Apr. 10, 1872; m, there, Oct, 5, 1898, Orrin Grover, son of Ira and Eliza- beth Adeline (Ferguson) Norris, b, Canfield, Ohio, Nov. 17, 1854; ticket agent, Chicago and Alton R, R. Co.; Canfield, Ohio; Laeon, Ills.; Alton, Ills., since 1874; Republican; Epis. 12«4 THE HAMLIN P'AMILY. [10266] ALBERT L. ROBERTSON,!" ( Helen Morrison,* Paraelia Harablin,' Joshaa,' David, • Joshua,'' Benjamin,* Eleazer,* James,8»)b. P'enner, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1850. Ch. b. Plaintfeld, 111: 15948. Helen Makie, Aug. 27, 1883. [10274] CORA A. WOOD,™ (Agnes Morrison,9 Pamelia Hanabliii.» Joshua,' David," Joshua,'* Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James.s') b. Lockport, Ills., July, 1858; ra. Edmundson. Ch. b. Denver, Col.: irm9. William, May 30, 1882. [10276] EVA M. KEENE,!*^ (Rose Morrison,* P&raelia Harabl in. » Joshua,' David," Joshua,!^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,- 1) b. Livingston Co., 111., Apr. 2i), 1863; m. Barber. Children:. 15950. Irma B., b. Oct. 12, 1883, Cliester, Ills. 15951. Hazel O., " Sept. 2, 1886, Joliet, [1028.3J ANNIE LYDIA HAMLIN,^ (Palmer,^ Leander,* Joshua,' David," Joshua,'* Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,'^') b. Godfrey, Ills., Oct. 26, 1862; m. Nokomis, Ills., Dec. 11, 1888, Henry W., son of John Henry C, and Johanna (Roseman) Lueders, b. Hillsborough, Ills., Dec. 26, 1857; lawyer; Hillsborough, antil 1865; then Cbristian County, Taylorville, and Nokomis, Ills., and Tacoma, Wash.; Democrat: member Rainen Lodge 11, I. O. O. F.: Tacoma Encampment 8, I. O. O. F.; Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F.; G. H. Priest, G. Enc. I. O. O. F., Wash.; record keeper, Cyrene Tent 6, K. O. T. M.; scribe. Pacific Enc. 16, Pioneers of Pacific; private, B, 5th Ills. N. G.; enlisted 1882; served in strikes at Collins^ ville and Reinike Station, May, 1884; she Methodist: member Eureka Rebekah Lodge 1, I. O. O. F.; Rebekah Assembly, ]. O. O. F., Wash.; Tacoma Hive 1, L. O. T. M.; Rep. Supreme Hive, 1899; Pacific Enc. 16, Pioneers of Pacific. No issue. [10293] ADELBERT W. HAMBLIN," (Ward P.,'-' Stephen,^ Joshua,' David," Joshua, •• Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,''!) b. Pulaski, Mich., Nov. 17, 1860; m. Hillsdale, Mich., Apr. 30, 1896, Anna, dau. of William and Anna (Gauge) Knopf, b. Asting Onbrockstraw, Germany, Sept. 12, 1865; merchant; Allen, Mich.; Freemason; she Catholic. Ch. b. Allen: 1.5952. Roll AND, July 12, 1897. [10295] ELDORA HAMBLIN,"'' (Sister of Adelbert W.,) b. Pulaski, Mich., Nov. 14, 1873; m. Jonesville, Mich., Mar. 1.3, 1894, Watson Gray, b. North Adams, Mich., June 6, 1869; farmer; Allen, Mich. Ch. b. North Adams: 159.53. Ftiiel, Jan. 15, 1896. 1 TE^^TH GENERATION. 1265 [10296] JENNIE E. HAMLIN, »« (Orville J.,' Steplien,^ .Toshua,^ David/ Joshaa,5 Benjamitl,* Eleazer,3 James,2») b. Pulaski, Mich., Oct. 4, 1866; m. Con- cord, Mich., July 6, 1893, George Thomas Dutton, b. Mt. Vernon, Ontario, Dec. 2, 1864; printer; Van Couver, B.C.; Republican; member Co. E, Montana Na- tional Guards, 1892; B.P.O.E., 240: Mt. Moriah Lodge 24, A.F. & A. M., Butte, Mont.; she Universalist; member O.E.S., 191; Byron Stoddard Corps 186, W.R.C. [10298] HARRY JOSHUA HAMLIN,w (Jerome B.,' Joshua,*^ David,« Joshua,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Manlius, N.Y., Dec. 21, 1868; in- surance agent; Syracuse, N.Y. [10299] CLYDE BALL HAMLIN,io (Bro. of Henry J.,) b. Manlius, N.Y., July 22, 1871; m. Syracuse, N.Y., June 27, 1895, Mary Re- becca, dau. of William and Mary (Dunn) Crabtree, b. Syracuse, May 16, 1873. He was employed over three years as shipping clerk, for O. H. Short & Co., carriage manufactory, Syracuse; since, traveling salesman for H. R. Olmstead & Son, Syracuse; Republican; Epis. No issue 1897. [10300] ELMER E. WILBUR," (Josephine Hoag,' Amanda Hamblin,» Joshua,^ David,« Joshua,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James, ^i) b. Fenner, N. Y., June, 1862; m. Canastota, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1886, Cora, dau. of Adelbert and Helen (Tapling) Carr, b. Kirkville, N. Y., Dec. 19, 1868; farmer; North Manlius, N.Y.; Republican; Adventists. Ch. b. N. Manlius: 15954. Olive, Apr. 6, 1889. [10301] OLIVER S. BLOSS.w (Celia Hoag,' Amanda Hamblin,^ Joshua,^ David, 6 Joshua,'* Benjamin,* Eleazer,3James,2i) b. Fyler Settlement, Madison Co., N. Y., Aug. 4, 1872: m. Aug. 2, 1893, Ella Lyden; traveling agent for Smith Premier Typewriter Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Methodists. [10302] MINNIE BELLE BLOSS,i» (Sister of Oliver S.,) b. Kirkville, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1873; m. Canastota, N. Y., Mar. 5, 1893, Sey- mour, son of Oliver Goldsmith and Anna (DeLaney) Moyer, b. Chittenango, N.Y., Jan. 28, 1869: merchant: Chittenango, until 1880; since, Mycenae; Demo- crat; postmaster, since April, 1892. Ch. b. Mycenae: 15955. Anna Louise, Mar. 14, 1894. [10330] JAMES HENRY GOODBY," (Ellen M. Ormsby,' Polly Ann Hamblin,8 Elijah,' David, « Joshua,* Benjamin,* Eleazer," James,2i) b. Brooklyn, N. Y., June 15, 1851; m. Portage, N. Y., July 3, 1870, Lydia, dau. of Jesse and Amelia (Whitmarsh) Taft, b. Addison, N. Y., 1850; salesman; Brooklyn, until 1865; Addison, until 1883; since, Saginaw, Mich.; Democrat; she Methodist; she d. Saginaw, May 3, 1900. Ch. b. Addison: 15956. James Henry, June 6, 1871; unm. 1902. 15957. Mildred Lois, Sept. 7, 1874, " " 1266 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [10331] Dk. WILMOT NEWTON GOODBY,i» (Bro. of Jaiues H.,) b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1853; ra. Addison, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1872, Alice Rice, of Woodhull, N. Y; res. Portland, Oregon. [10334J JOHN L. THOMPSON. i» (Roxanna Ilamblin,' Norman,* Elijah,' David,* Joshua,-' Benjamin,* Eleazer,'* James,«») b. Princeton, III., June 2, 1869; m. there. May 23, 1894, Bertha A., dau. of Charles C. and Ella (Saulsbury) Holcomb, b. Princeton, May 26, 1875; plumber; Princeton: Methodist. [10335] CHARLES B. THOMPSON, '0 (Bro. of John L.,) b. Princeton, 111., Sept. 12, 1872: m. Kewanee, 111., Nov. 2, 1892, Etta, dau. of James and Irene (Enos) Miller, b. Kewanee, Feb. 22, 1871: plumber and gas titter: Kewanee: Baptist. Ch. b. Kewanee: 15958. Gladys Lillian, Feb. 20, 1895. [10337] IRMA BLANCHE WRIGHT,i» (Homer L.,' Almira Hamlin," Elijah," David, 6 Jashua,'^ Benjamin,' Eleazer,^ James. 21) b. Logan, Ohio, Feb. 10, 1875; m. London, England, June 14, 189.^, Dr. Plenry Francis, son of Henry Francis Heims: dentist: Florence, Italy: she is a very beautiful lady: studied music with Vaumicini and Vanini, and is a noted singer. [10.3.38] ROBERT RAYMOND WRIGHT, w (Bro. of Irma B., ) b. Logan, Ohio, June 27, 1877; unmarried; student of electrical engineering, Sheffield Scientific Inst., class of 1901. [10.341] JEWELL DA VI D SORNBORGER,'" (n>avid.9 Harriet Hamblin,* David, '« Joshua,'' Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James, -i) b. San Francisco. Cal., Nov. 27, 1869; unmarried; student; Cambridge, Mass.; entered Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., Sept., 1888; Harvard University, class of 1896. [10.342] Hon. S. HENRY SORNBORGER,i» (Hamhlin.* Harriet Hamblin,'* David, '« Joshua, =< Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,^!) b. Medina, Mich., Oct. 1, 1847; m. 1st, Geneseo, 111., Dec. 10, 1872, Josephine, dau. of Whitfield and Electa (Pomeroy) Sanford, b. Ohio, Dec. 1, 1847, from whom he was divorced, 1888: she d. Wahoo, Neb., Nov. 21, 1895; m. 2d, Wahoo, Jan. 7, 1890, Ella, dau. Jonathan and Eliza (Holmes) Chollette, b. Galva, 111., July 20, 1871; lawyer; he was educated in the high school, Hudson, Mich.; admitted to the bar. Wahoo, Nov., 1877; prosecuting attorney, 1893-5; judge 5tli judicial district, Nebraska, since 1899; he removed from Michigan to Geneseo, 111., 1867; to Nebraska, 1868; member A. O. U. W., and M. W. A. Ch. by 1st wife, b. Des Moines, Iowa: 15959. Walter John, Sept. 21, 1887. By 2d wife, b. Wahoo: 15960. Gkouge Chollette, Sept. 17, 1895. [10.343] MILLS M. SORNBORGER.io (Bro. of S. Henry,) b. Medina, Mich., Dec. 1, 1849; m. Neligh, Neb., July 23, 1893, Anna E., dau. of James and Frances E. (Bannister) Powell, b. Dennison, Iowa, May 5, TENTH GENERATION. 1267 1871; resided Hudson, Mich., until 1868; Fremont, Ohio, until 1883; since, Ne- braska; ranchman; Brunswick, Neb.; Populist. No issue. [10344] MYRON GEORGE HAMBLIN,i« (James,* Myron,« David,'« Joshua,* Benjamin,* Eleazer,» James,2i) b. Ancram, N. Y., July 7,1868; m. there, June 29, 1892, Aletta Moore, dau. of Eason.and Mary Jane (Moore) Card, b. An- cram, Aug, 29, 1870; farmer; Ancram. He was educated Seymour Smith Insti- tute, Pine Plains, N. Y. No issue. [lOoOl] JAY TWOGOOD HAMBLIN,i" (John T.," Stickles D.,« Eli,^ David,6 Joshua,* Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Gaines, N. Y., June 8, 1874; m. Horseheads, N.Y., Nov. 21, 1900, Nina Adelia, dau. of Orraan and Sarah Eliza Goodyear, of Horseheads. Child: 15961. Florence Eliza. [10360J SAMUEL ROBERTSON FOWLER,i» (Elizabeth H. Robertson," Elizabeth Hamblin,* Hiram,' David, « Joshua,* Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James.^i) b. Canastota, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1876; unmarried, 1902; student at College of Physi- cians and Surgeons, N.Y. City, 1902; member 7 Regt. N. Y. State N. Guards. [10362] LORING ROBERTSON FOWLER, i'> (Bro. of Samuel R.,) b. Syracuse, N.Y., Sept. 16, 1882; unmarried, 1902; student at Eastman Col- lege, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1902. [10363] CAROLINE PITKINS ROGERS,i« (J. Elizabeth Slocum," Caroline E. Pitkin,* Elizabeth Hamblin,^ Joshua,«* Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i\ b. Brownville, Pa., Aug. 31, 1859; m. Aug. 24, 1880, Louis Joseph Papineau, of Monte Bello, Quebec, Canada. [10366] JAMES SLOCUM ROGERS,i» ( Bro. of Caroline P.,) b. Philadeldhia, Penn., Nov. 21, 1871; graduated from Princeton, 1893; lawyer. [10367] MYRON JAMES AI)AMS,io (Charles H.,9 Pamelia Hamblin,^ Myron,7 Joshua,6* Benjamin,* Eleazer,» James,2i) b. Troy, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1873; m. Green Island, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1898, Emma Angelica, dau. of Albert Henry and Mary Angelica (Denley) Green, b. Troy, Oct. 12, 1873; supt. Troy Carriage Works: Troy, until 1890; Lansingburgh, 1902; Republican; member Troy Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; Presbs. Cliildren: 15962. Emilib C, b. July 19, 1899, Troy. 15963. Makjorie, " Nov. 28, 1900, Lansingburgh. [10370] CHARLES LEROY PINE," (Clara M. Adams," Pamella Ham- blin,8 Myron,' Joshua,6* Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Lansingburgh, N. Y., July 18, 1866; m. there, Nov. 18, 1891, Grace Eddy, dau. of Warren Todd and Alice (Eddy) Kellogg, b. Langsingburgh, Nov. 14, 1866; treasurer, United Shirt and Collar Co.; Langsingburgh; Republican; Presbs. 1268 THE HAMLIN I A.MILY. Cli. b. Lansin^jburjjli: 15964. Ruth Kellouo, M;ir. 2. 189.}. 15965. Wauuen Knox, Mar. l!>, 18i>6; d. Dec. 29, 1896. [10;ni] IDA KATE PINE,'" (Sister of Charles L., ) b. Troy, N. Y., Mar. 10, 1868; m. May 7, 1891, John Alfred, son of John Alfred Kimberly: Neenah, Wis. Child: 159«iH. Alfkkd K., b. P^eb. 28, 1892. [10380] EDWARD PATTERSON,'" (Lydia J. Marker." Lucy Standish." Sarali Haniien,' Isaac. "^f" Benjamin,* Elea/.er.s James.'') b. Peru. Oiiio. July 4. iSCiO; ni. (Jsiialoosa, Kas., Feb. 27, 1890, Eva Cresswell: furniture and undertak- ing; Oskaloosa; Republican; K. P. and M. W. A. Ch. b. Oskaloosa: 15967. Cliffokd, Dec. L'i, 1890. 15968. Makguekite, Oct. 24. 1892. 15969. Clyde Robekt, Feb. H, 1896. 15970. Hakold, Oct. 1, 1901. [10,382] ADDISON A. PATTERSON,'" (Bro. of Edward.) b. Peru, Ohio, Mar. 19, 1866: m. Santa Barbara Co., Cal., June 15, WMi. 0\i\r D. D., dau. of David Allen and Penena Ann (Lysinfjer) Crowell, b. Washinirtmi. Pa., Feb. 18, 1871; R. R. agent and telegraph operator; Santa Maria, Cal.: Re- publican; K. P.; Methodists. Ch. b. LosOlivo.s, Cal.: 15971. A Son, Oct. 16, 1897. [10386] DEAN BARKER CLARK,'" (Melvina L. Baker,* Lucy .Standish,^ .Sarah Ilamlen,' Isaac,®'^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,'* James,'') b. Peru. Oliio, Oct. 18, 1878; m. Mar. 1, 1900. Altah Luella, dau. of Wilsctn Elmer and Mary Pauline (Barnum) Barker, b. Johnstown, Ohio, July 20, 1876. [10.389] JOHN VALENTINE BARKER.'" (John,^ Lucy Standish,^ Sarah Haralen,' Isaac, «» Benjamin.* Eleazer,-' .lames,-') b. Bronson, Ohio, Feb. 14, 1877; m. Dec. 18, 1901, Frances Hall, dau. of James Lawrence and Nellie Loei.se (Hall) Coit, b. Norwalk, Ohio, Jan. 7, 1883. [10397] JOHN PINNEY,'" (Sarah II. Standish," Zacliariah," Sarah Hamlen,' I.saac,*-"* Benjamin,* Eleazer," James,^') b. Norwalk, Ohio, Sept. 1, 1H64: m. there, B^el). 24, 1886, Florence I., dau. of Wilson Lee and Eliza Asenatii (.Minkler) Driver, b. Erie Co. Ohio, Apr. 27, ISlifi; engineer: Fremont, Ohio: Repul)lieaii; member of Fraternity Camp 3411, .M. W. A. Children: 15972. Ella, b. Mar. 23, 1887, Townsend, Ohio. 15973. CiiAULEs, " Oct. 28, 1890, Bradner, [10.398] CORA EMMA SIIEDD,'" (Lucy E. Stand ish,« Zachariah," Saralj Ilamlen,' Isaac,"* Benjamin,* Ebenezer,'' James,2i) b. Norwalk, Ohio, Mar. 18, 1866; m. La Fayette, Ind., June 26, 1884, Addison Hallcck Lamoreaux, b. Man- i TENTH GENERATION. 1269 lius, Mich., Apr. 1, 1862, a descendant of the Huguenot family of L'Amoreaux, who came to this country from France during the religious persecutions of the Huguenots: supt. chair manufactory; Otsego, Mich. Ch. b. Otsego: 15974. Guy, Nov. 3, 1885. 15975. Ida, Apr. 19, 1887. 15976. Gekaldine, 1892. Zachary J. Standish. U0401] ZACHARY JOSEPH STANDISH,i« (Zachariah M.,» Zachariah," Sarah Hamlen,^ Isaac," & Benjamin,* Ebenezer,8 .James,2i) b. La Fayette, Ind., July 29, 1881; m. Rochester, N.Y., Aug. 28, 1902, Katherine Frances, dau. of William and Mary (Hourihan) Riley, b. Oswego, N. ¥., Nov. 2, 1880: machin- ist; La Fayette, Ind., 1881-2; Peru, Ind., 1883; Peoria, 111., 1883-8: Danville, 111., 1888-95; Rochester, N.Y., 1895-7; since, Pittsburg, Kas.; Democrat; member of Port Arthur Lodge, 149, International Asso. of Mechanics; Catholics. [10404] MARTHA ADELAIDE NARAMORE,io (Mary G. Jenkins," Polly B. Hamlen,«Isaac,^«5 Benjamin,* Eleazer, James,2i) b. Goshen, Mass., Feb. 22, 1860; m. Rochester, N.H., Sept. 19, 1883, Charles Franklin, son of Thomas and Sarah (Dame) Bryant, b. Rochester, May 9, 1832; Corp. K,33, Mass. Inf. 1270 THE IIAMLIJJ FAMILY. Vols.: enlisted Aug., 1862, promoted sergeant: participated in battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg. Bentonville and Beverly Ford: dis. 1865; member G.A.R.: pctstmaster; Sharon, Mass.: Republican; Freemason. Cb. b. Sharon: 15977. Maude Daphne, Mar. 25, 1886. [10405] ELMER ELLSWORTH NARAMORE,'" (Bro. of Martha A..) b. Goshen, Mass., July 7, 1861; m. Canton, Mass., .Jan. 17, 1889, Grace L., dau. of Roscoe E. and Sarah .L (Hitchcock) Harlow, b. Avon, Maine, P'eb. 19, 1867; railroad employe; Cummington, Somerville, Sharon, Readville, Mass.; Whitefield, N. H.: and Everett, Ma.ss.; Republican; member of Blue Hill Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Ch. b. Sharon: 15978. Gladys, May 25, 1895. [10406] MARY LINNETTE JENKINS," (Edward C.,» Polly B. Ham- len,« Isaac,^«5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 Jaraes,2i) b. Adams, Mass., Oct. 12, 1867; m. Swift River, Mass., June 18, 1885, Edward, son of Francis and Catherine (Benzy) Raby, b. Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 22, 1853; farmer; Huntington. Mass., until 1888: Chester Center, two and a half years; then returned to Huntington; Republican; Congs.; members Huntington Grange, P. H. Children: 15979. Gertrude May, b. Apr. 12, 1886, Swift River: d. June 22, "86. 15980. Vivian Adella, " Aug. 13, 1887, Huntington. 15981. Hazel Jenkins, " Feb. 21, 1889, Chester Center. 15982. Marion Frances, " Mar. 12, 1892, Huntington. 15983. Clara Ellen, " Dec. 3, 1895, [10407] CAROLINE ELLEN JENK1NS,"> (Sister of Mary L.,) b. Swift River, Mass., Aug. 2.5, 1877; m. there, Nov. 26, 1895, Merton Al- fred, son of William Henry and Harriet Alzina Higgins, b. Sand Lake, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1869; lumberman; Huntington, Mass.; Republican; Baptists. Ch. b. Huntington; 15984. Minnie Crosly, Nov. 14, 1899. [10434] FRANCES ISABELLE LUTHER,io(Flora Hamlen,» Robert D.,» Joshua,' lsaac,«6 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,*!) b. Boston, Mass., Apr. 15, 1868: ra. there, Sept. 15, 1896, William Hultz, son of David and Anna (Blair) Walker. b. Pittsburgh, Apr. 7, 18(59; chemical expert and engineer: Pittsburgh, until 1894; since, Boston: Republican. Ch. b. Newton, Mass; 15985. Kenneth Luther, June 27, 1901. [10437] NELLIE ANDREWS," (Mary E. Abbott,' Eliza Hamlin,* David, '•■' Isaac," Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James.*') b. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1851: m. there, July 25, 1877. Perry Leroy Thompson, b. Buffalo, Sept. 20, 1849; butch- er; Buffalo; Republican: member A. F. I. U.; she Methodist, and member E. I. & U.; Select Knights; Degree of Pocahontas, I. M. & I. D. O. R.M. TENTH GENERATION. 1271 [10444] MARY AMELIA HOKE,io (Sarah H. Ash,* Eliza IIamblin,« Davidjs isaac,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,3 James,2i) b. Clarence, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1879; m. Buffalo, N. Y., Dec, 1895, John L., son of John and Theresa (Light) Shutt, b. Buffalo, N.Y., Dec, 1872; farmer; Buffalo, N. Y., Mayville, Mich., and New- stead, N. Y.; Republican; Lutheran; she Presb. Children; 15986. Elsie May, b. Dec 25, 1896. 15987. Howard Leroy, " Jan. 21, 1898. 15988. Mabel, " Jan. 17, 1899. [10461] FRANK A. DIXON,!" (George F.,9 Anna Hamblin,^ David,'* Isaac,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ .Taraes,2i) b. Rock Co., Wis., July 27, 1856; m. Long Island, Kas., Oct. 10, 1881, Lucinda, dau. of Ulerich and Mary (Durler) Brun- ner, b. Dec 11, 1856: farmer and stock grower; PhillipvSburg, Kansas, sinpe, 1873; Republican; member Camp 274, A. O. U. W. Ch. b. Phillips Co., Kas.: 15989. Olive Lucinda, 15990. James Albert, 15991. Beulah May, 15992. Frank Alteverde, 15993. Clara Ivy, 15994. Harry Irving, 15995. Ella Edna, Nov. 8, 1882. Mar. 3, 1885. Sept. 10, 1886. Aug. 21, 1888. Jan. 19, 1891. Aug. 22, 1893. Apr. 25, 1895. [10464] DANIEL H. McNITT,"* (Polly A. Dixon, » Anna Hamblin,* David,7« Isaac,'* Benjamin,* Eleazer.s James,2i) b. Decatur, Wis., Oct. 18, 1860; m. Brodhead, Wis,, Oct. 27, 1882, Joanna, dau. of Andrew and Bertha (Johnson) Anderson, b. Christiana, Norway, Mar. 8, 1858; farmer; Spring Brook, Wis.; Republican. Ch. b. Brodhead; 15996. Nettie May, July 6, 1883. 15997. Bertha Alvira, Mar. 30, 1885. 15998. Jay Walter, Feb. 15, 1888. 15999. Herbert Arthur, June 27, 1894. 16000. Jessie, Dec. 4, 1898. 16001. Bessie, Dec. 4, 1898. . [10465] NATHAN E. McNITT,i<> ( Bro. of Daniel 11.,) b. Decatur, Wis., Sept. 19, 1862: m. Elroy, Wis., Sept. 5, 1883, Minnie May, dau. of Russell and Matilda (Orvis) Wells, b. Apr. 16, 1869, polisher; Janesville, Wis.; Republican; she Christian. Ch. b. Elroy: 16002. Ernest, June 17, 1884. [10467] ULYSSES J. McNITT,io (Bro. of Daniel H., ) b. Brodhead, Wis., Nov. 22, 1867; m. Spring Valley, Wis., Apr. 7, 1889, Ollie, dau. of Andrew and Bertha (Johnson) Anderson, b. Christiana, Norway, Apr. 10, ; mason; Spring Brook, Wis.; Republican. 1272 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Children: lt)(M).{. Elmku Nathan, b. Dec. s, i889, Brodhead. 16004. Lek Willia.m. " Oct. 28, 1897, " 1600"). Albert ITknuy, " Oct. 2. 18<>'.t, Spiinir Brook. [10469] MILO B. .McMTT,io (Bro. of Daniel H.,) b. Brodhead, Wi.s., Mar. 28, 1872; in. Monticello, Wi.s.. Mar. 24, 1895, Abi. dan. of Albert and Sarah (I>jrn) Daniels, b. Oregon, Wis., Jan. 14. 1870: farmer: Re[)uhlican. [1(M721 CHARLES B. BUMP, '» (Amanda M. Di.xon." Anna Ilamblin," David," Lsaac,^ Benjamin, < Eleazer,^ James,^') h. Phillipsburg. Kansas, Apr. 13, 1874: m. Mary A. Jones, b. Phillips Co., Kas., Dec. 28, 1877. Children: 16006. Lloyd, b. Dec. 29, 1897. 16007. Winnie, " June 26, 1899. [10475] RAYMOND A. JENNlNrJS,") (Alvira L. Andrews,9 Amanda Ilamblin,* David.^* Isaac,* Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,^!) b. Eden. N. Y., Nov. 23, 1872; m, Evans, N. Y., June 6, 1893, Ethelyn Elma, dau. of Lovell Duane and Mary (Sheldon) Norton, b. Perrysburg, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1872; farmer; Eden, K.Y., 1872-3; North Collins, N. Y.; Republican: she Baptist. Ch. b. North Collins: 16008. Blanche Alvika, Mar. 14, 1894. 16009. Nina Mary, July 4, 1899. [10476] HERBERT LYNN KEELER,'" (Annie E. Andru.s," Amanda Hamblin,** David, '« Isaac,* Benjamin, < Eleazer,:' .lames."') b. Lake City, Minn.. Nov. 1, 1879: unmarried; enlisted June 11, 1898, C. 13. Minn. Vols. He served at Manila. P. I. When his company was hemmed in by Filipinos, he volun- teered to break through their lines to bring re-inforcements, and succeeded in bringing the 2d Oregon to the rescue. He contracted diphtheria, from which he died in the -service at Manila, May 16, 1899. An extract from the letter of a comrade gives the following account of his service as a soldier: "The news of Herbert Keeler's death came to us while we were on the march between San Isidore and Condaba. It came to us at a very sad time, as we had just buried a 22nd Infantry boy that morning. Keeler left us at Baluang a very sick boy, but no one thought he was as sick as he really was. The news of his death caused great sorrow in the company, a.s he had earned the respect of every man in the company. He was only a young l^)y, but he had the courage of a grown inati. The night we were attacked in Tondo, he showed the slutT he was made of by going down to D Co. alone for re-inforcements. Then at Bocare the night we were attacked, he again showed his c(»urage by going to the Ore- gans for help: he had to go fully a mile and a half over a road that he was very little ac([iiainted with, the greater jiart of it through tiiick woods, and as we supposed, and a,s there probably was niggers all around us; there are very few men, if any. who would do that same thing alone. No one who was on the track that night will ever forget how relieved we felt when the Oregons came up to reinforce us, or will we ever forget the boy who wetit after them alone, through those lonely W(j(xls. The news must have been an awful shock to his TENTH GENERATION. 1273 parents, but they can always look back with pride on his record as a soldier." Tlie following letter from his captain relates to his service: "St. Isabell, P. I., May 22, 1899. My Dear Sir: It is with a heavy heart I write to you this morninpr. I have just received notice of the death of your son, who was a private in my com- pany. He has been on duty continually with his company until May 3rd, when he was sent in from Maasin by the doctor; he had a sore throat and cold. He was taken out on board the Hospital Ship Relief when his case developed into diphtheria, and of which he died on May Kith. While he was sick I went out to see him but was not allowed to do so, but 1 found that lie was havinj^ every care possible and every comfort that a tirst-class hospital could afford. I can say nothing'- more to his credit than he was a good soldier, wiliinjjr and fearless in his duty and beloved by all his comrades. I never had cause to reprimand him for any reason, and have always had the fullest confidence in him, both as a soldier and as a man. 1 can only extend to you my fullest and deepest sym- pathy, and throu. Rev. Edward (Jeorge, .son of Enos and Mary (Smith) Palmer, b. Ridgeway. Mich., Oct. 11, 1.S67: clergyman: Detroit, Midi.: member Pontiac Commandery 2, Iv. T.; and A. A. O., N. M. S ; she member Chapter Itin, O. E. S.: Congs. [10.501] LAURA ELNORA LESLIE.'" (Ella A. Shattuck,'-- Laura Pratt ,' Clarissa Hamlen,' John, f' Isaac,-' Benjamin,* Eleazer,* James,-'; b. Covert, Mich., June 13, 1875: m. there. Nov. 30, 1899, John Robinson, son of Levi Par- sons and Mary F^lizabeth (Waldron) Spelman, b. Portland, Mich., Mar. 19. 1873: dealer in flour, feed, lumber and coal: he resided in various places in Mich., with his father, who was a Cong, clergyman: Portland, Stanton, Covert, Big Rapids, Howard City, Leroy and Covert, 1891-1901; Republican; member Camp 6402, M. W. A.; Congs. Ch. b. Covert: KiOlO. A Daughter, Jan. 28, 1901: d. Jan. .30. 1901. [10507] ESTHER ELIZABETH WAITE,'" (Alfred E.,' Celia f^ord.^ Abigail Hamlen,' John," Isaac,» Benjamin,* Eleazer.3James.*-») b. Conway, Mass., Aug. 17, 1804: m. Pioneer, Ohio, Dec. 31, 1894, John, son of Lyman and Lucinda (Shangle) Bigbee, b. Pioneer, Apr. 30, 1869: cabinet maker; Pioneer, until 1900; since, Kendallville, Ind.: Republican: Baptists. [10.509] ARTHUR ALLEN WAITE.io . (John E,' Celia P'ord,* Abigail Hamlen,' John," Isaac,-' Benjamin,* Eleazer,-' James,-'') b. Whately, Mass., Feb. 4. 1870: m. Williamsburg, Mass., May 10, \8in\, Bertha Mabel, dau. of Rufus and Eunice A. (Polly) Waite. b. Whately, Sept. 3, 1871: machinist: Whately, Hat- field and Greenfield, Ma.ss. Children: 1(5011. Ethkl Eunice, b. Feb. 3, 1898, Hattield. 1()012. DouoTHV, " June 29, 1901. Greenlield. [10510] LESTER EUGENE WAITE,"> (Bro. of Arthur A.,) b. Whately, Mass., Apr. 27, 1S74: m. there, Sept. 18, 1901. Alice, dau. of James and Nancy Maria (Temple) Haskins, b. Shelburne, Mass., .July 24, 1882: clerk; Wliately; Republican. [1051S| Ll NDA .MABEL CURTIS. '"(Florence E. Shaw,''Lavantia Ford,-* Abigail Hamlen,' .John," I.saac,-' Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,-") b. N. Y. City, Dec. 25, 1874; m. Alameda, Cal., Jan. 15, 1899, James William, son of John and TENTH GENERATION. 1275 Elizabeth Ann (Gibbons) Bergstrom, b. San Francisco, Cal., Apr. 1. 18H9; prest. and manager Bergstrom Music Co.: San Francisco, until 1891; Minneapolis, Minn., until 1892-3; Honolulu, H. I., since 1894; Republican: member Pacitic Lodge 822, A. F. & A. M.: Honolulu Chapter 1, R. A. M.; member Honolulu Commandery 1, K. T.; Aloha Temple, N. M. S.; members Leahi Chapter, O.E.S. Ch. b. Honolulu: 16013. Allan Shaw, June 24, 1901. [10519] FANNIE LAVANTIA CURTIS," (Sister of Linda M.,) b. N.Y. City, Aug. 2, 1879; m. Abington, Mass., June 10, 1902. Charles Willis, son of Oliver Henry and Elmira Stevens (Willis) Flanders, b. Chelsea, Mass., Mar. 7, 1863. [10529] ELLEN MARIA LOWE,i» (John,^ Louisa A. Messinger,* Betsey Phillips,^ Elizabeth Hamlin, fi Eleazer,''^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,:* James,2i) b. Fitchbuig, Mass., Apr. 30, 1847; m. there, July 16, 1868, Lyman W., son of Jacob Harris and Abagail Lovpe (Wheeler) Merriam, b. Fitchburg, Mar. 31, 1844; in- ventor: Holden, Mass., 1872-3; Fitchburg. until 1876; Jatfrey, N. H., until 1880: Gardner, Mass., 1880; Winchendon, until 1885; since, Fitchburg; Republican; Congs. b. Aug. 9, 1869, Fitchburg. " Aug. 2, 1871, " d. Apr. 23, 1872. " Aug. 21, 1872, Holden, " Sept. 22, 1890. " Nov. 25, 1874, Fitcliburg. " July 9, 1876, Jaffrey. " Mar. 5, 1878, " Sept. 27, 1880, Winchendon. " Dec. 30, 1883, " Sept. 11, 1885, Fitchburg; d. Aug. 5, 1887 Children: 16014.* Sarah Abbie, 16015. Frederic Lowe, 16016. Louise Adaline, 16017. Alice Edna, 16018. John Lowe, 16019. Edith Augusta, 16020. Lizzie Maria, 16021. Clifton Harris, 16022. Henry Mead, [10530] EDNA MARY LOWE,i« (Sister of Ellen Maria,) b. Fitchburg, Mass., May 3, 1848; m. there, Feb. 22, 1883, James Edward, son of James Pope and Susan Abigail (Upton) Putnam, b. Fitchburg, July 22, - — , his second wife; he m. 1st, Millbury, Mass., Oct. 6, 1870, Ellen Elizabeth Brown, who d. Fitchburg, Feb. 18, 1881, by whom he had son, Frank Webster, b. Mar. 23, 1873, who d. July 23, 1887; farmer; Fitchburg; res. California, 1864-5; Republican; Odd Fellow; member Fitchburg Grange, P. H.; she Cong. Ch. b. Fitchburg: Helen Edna, Aug. 8, 1885. [10531] WALDO HOWES LOWE,i» (Bro. of Ellen M.,) b. Fitchburg, Mass., May 8, 1849; m. there, Feb. 13, 1872, Mary Louisa, dau. of Albert Simeon and Martha Abigail (Willis) Whitcomb, b. Marlboro, N. H., Mar. 27, 1851; butcher, and Supt. Talulah Paper Co.: Fitchburg, until 1853; Rindge, N. H., until 1856: Fitchburg; until 1870; Brighton, until 1871: Fitch- burg, until, 1878; Chicago, 111., until 1883; Cheyenne, Wyo., until 1887: Omaha, Neb., until 1891: since, Fitchburg: Republican; member Home Lodge r,0H. A. F. & A. M., Chicago; Congs. 1276 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Itj024. 1(102.3. lt)02ti. Klti^T. 1«028. 1(1029. i(;o;5i». i()0;n. Children: Bessik Edna. b. Hkktik. M ATI' IK Loi'ISA. " I'LOUENCK .loSKrillNK, " Gkutkudk VVhitcomb, " Albkkt Waldo, " loukna >l\y, " Willis Mead, " Nov May .hilv 25, 1872, Fitchburg: d.Au^r. 3, '73 7, 187;j, '• d. .June 23, 187") n, 1«7(), " iinm. 1901. Aiir. 22. 1878, " • " May K). 1880, Keene, N. H. " .June 11. 1.^82. Chicatro: d. Feb.. 1885. Oct. 17, 1884, Cheyenne. [1897. Aufr. 10, 1896, Fitch bur>^: d. Any:. 31, [10.-);i2J ]RA ADRLBERT LOWE,"' (Bro. of Ellen M.,) b. FitchbuiK', Mass., Oct. 13. 1850: in. Ciiarlestown, Mass., June 19, 1884. Annie Maria, dau. of .Jasper and Mary Patten (Swett) Stone, b. Charlestown, Feb. 20, 1857; commission merchant, tirm of Lowe Bros., Greenfield, Mass.: Fitchburt:, until 1881: Cheyenne, Wyo., until 1887: Chica-ro, 111., until 1888: Boston. Mass.. until 1890: since. Greenfield: Cong.: she Adventist. Ch. b. Charlestown: 16032. Beatrice, Nov. 29, 1888. riO.5.3.31 ALBERT NATHANIEL LOWE.'"' iBio. of Ellen M.,) b. Rindge, N. II., Mar. 12. 1852; m. Fitchburg, Mass., Oct. 28, 1879, Emma Rebecca, dau. of Dr. Thomas and Charlotte (Fisk) Palmer, b. Fitchburg, Dec. 17, 1854; paper mfg.: Fitchburg, since 1855: treasurer and manager, Falulali Pa- per Co.: director, Safety Fund Nat'l Bank, Fitchburg; Congs. Ch. b. Fitchburg: May 8, 1881. May 8, 1881. Jan. 20, 1883. Apr. 17, 1885. Feb. 4, 1887. Jan. 10, 1891. 160.33. 1()034. 16035. 1()()3H. 1()()37. 16038. Erving Fisk, P'knest Palmer, Joseph Albert, Guy Russell, Ralph Putnam, Charlotte Emma, [10534] ARTHUR HOUGHTON LOWE,'" {Bro. of Ellen M.,) b. Rindge, N. IL, Aug. 20, 1853: m. North Adams, Ma.ss.. Dec. 11, 1878. An- nie, dau. of John and Margaret (Cleghorii) Parkhill, b. Belvidere, Ills., Feb. 15, 1857: mfg. of cotton, wool and silk goods; Fitchburg, Mass., since 1855; Repub- lican; alderman, 1888; prest. board of trade, 1891-2: mayor, 1893; treasurer and manager, Parkhill Mfg. Co.: director, Fitchburg Nat'l Bank: and in other cor- porations; vice-prest.. Fidelity Co-operative Bank; Congs. Ch. b. Fitchburg: 1()039. RussEL B., Feb., 1880. 10040. A. Margaret, Nov., 1885. 10041. Racmiael p., May, 1889. [10535] ORIN MESSENGER LOWE,'" (Bro. of Ellen .M..) 1). Fitchburg, Ma.ss., Apr. 18, 1855: m. Lunenburg, Ma.ss., Oct. 30, 1S79, Florence Allicia, dau. of (Jcorge H. and Sarah Jane (Smith) Webber, b. Fitch- burg, May 19, 1859; commi.ssiiHi merchant; Fitchburg, until 1875; San Franci.sco, Cal., 1875-6; Chicago, ill.. 1880; since, Fitchburg; Republican: member Common Council, 1889; Mt. Rollston Lodge 98, I. O. O. F. TENTH GENERATION 1277 Children: 16042. Gkace Albro, b. Sept. n, 1880, Lunenburg 16043. Irene May, " May 4, 1884, FitchburfT. 16044. Porter Webber, " Feb. 25, 1887, 16045. Rodney Messeng ER, " Jan. 16, 1890, [10536] LEWIS MEAD LOWE,i« (Bro. of Ellen M.,) b. Fitchburg, Mass., Mar. 11, 1857; rn. Cheyenne, Wyo., Apr. 20, 1886, Lu- rilla, dau. of Daniel Franklin and Irene Augusta (Boynton) Whipple, b. Marion, Iowa, May 3, 1865; farmer, butcher and produce commissioner; Fitchburg, until 1880; Chicago, 111., 1881: Fitchburg, until 1884: Cheyenne, Wyo., until 1888; Fitch- burg, until 1892: since, Lunenburg; members Fitchburg Grange 186, P. of H.; she Baptist. 16046. 16047.. 16048. 16049. 16050. Children: Lillian Mabel, Lester Whipple, A Daughter, Lowell Mead, Leland Ithamar, b. May 8, 1887, Cheyenne. " Mar. 19, 1889, Fitchburg; d. same day. " Dec. 26, 1891, " " " " " Nov. 30, 1894, Lunenburg. " July 12, 1901, [10537] HERBERT GEORGE LOWE,io (Bro. of Ellen M.,) b. Fitchburg, Mass.. Mar. 27, 1859: m. Delavan, Ills., May 24, 1888, Mary Adalaide, dau. of William Ambrose and Susan (Orndorffj Vaughn, b. Delavan, Apr. 1, 1860; paper mfg.: Fitchburg; Republican; Cong.; she Methodist. Ch. b. So. Fitchburg: 16051. Donald Vaughn, Feb. 13, 1891. 16052. Malcolm Branson, May 21, 1892. [10.538] IDA LOUISE LOWE,'» (Sister of Ellen M.,) b. Fitchburg. Mass., Apr. 26, 1861: m. there, Dec. 14, 1880, Rev. Ezra J., son of Jackson and Lucy Jane (Leavitt) Riggs, b. Boston, Mass., Dec. 11, 1846; 1st sergt., E, 28 Ma.ss. Inf. Vols.; enlisted Oct. 1, 1861; re-enlisted Dec. 31, 1863; participated in battles of James Island, S.C., Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Mine Run, Bristoe Station, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Totopotomy, Cold Harbor, Reams Station, siege of Petersburg: wounded in left arm. Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864; dis. June 30, 1865; enlisted Apr. 12, 1867, F, 42 U. S. Inf.; dis. Apr. 9, 1869; clergyman; Boston, Mass., until 1861; in the army 1861-5; Boston, until 1867; in the army until 1869; Revere, Mass., until 1876; Andover, Mass., until 1879; Rindge, N. H., until 1882; Andover, until 1883; East Jaffrey, N. H., until 1886; Manitou Springs, Col., until 1887; Stock- ton, Cal., until 1889; Platteville, CoL, 1890; afterwards, Provincetown, Mass.; member Post 55, G. A. R., Provincetown; she member W. C. T. U.; Congs.; members D. O. G. C. Children: 16053. Nelson Francis, b. Sept. 23, 1881, Rindge; d. Sept. 13, 1882. 16054. Christine Loutse, " July 6, 1889, Fitchburg. [10539] FRANK EDWARD LOWE," (Bro. of Ellen M.,) b. Fitchburg, Mass., Jan. 16, 1804; senior member, lirm of Lowe Brothers, commission merchants, Greenfield, Mass., composed of himself and brother Ira A.Lowe;prest., Electric Street Railway, and large owner and director in another line; res. Greenfield; Republican; member Royal Arcanum. 1278 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [10540] GEORGE RUSSELL LOWE,i» (Bro. of Ellen M.,) b. Fitchburg, Mass., July 11, 1865: m. Gardner, Mass., Jan. Iti, 1889. Mary Elizabetli dau. of George Wa.sbington and Sarab Elizabeth, 'Brick) Marshall, b. Mendon, Vt., July 7, 18(52; commission merchant; Fitchburg, until 1887; since, Gardner: Republican: prest., Board of Trade: vice-prest.. Westminster Nat'l Bank; prest., Y. M.C. A.; member P.S.C. E.; she member V. W.C. A.: Congs. Ch. b. Gardner: 16055. Bektha, Jan. li, ]8!»0: d. Oct. 23, 1890. [10541J DAVID LOWE,»» (Bro. of Ellen M.,) b. Fitchburg, Mass., June 23, 18«7: m. there, June 1, 1892, Grace 1., dau. of Charles Henry and Frances Helen (MacKenzie) Doten, b. Boston, Mass., Dec. 4, 1866: supt., Parkhill Mfgr. Co., Fitchburg; Republican: she member Women's Industrial and Educational Union: Congs. Ch. b. Eitchburg: 16056. Eleanor, Apr. 7, 1893; d. Dec. 17, 1874. [10542] HARRIET LYDIA LOWE,»» (Sister of Ellen M.,) b. Fitchburg, Mass., Apr. 15, 1870; ra. there, July 12, 1891, William H., son of George and Martha (Hamilton) Wright, b. Clinton, Mass., Oct. 17, 1865: ma- chinist; Fitchburg, 1870-1892; Gardner, Mass., until 1894: since, Fitchburg; Re- pul>lican; she was a school teacher: Congs. Ch. b. P'itchburg: 16057. WiLMA Harriet, July 24, 1892. 16058. Eunice Cummings, Aug. 1, 1894. [10.543] SAMUEL HOWES LOWE,i« (Bro. of Ellen M.,) b. Fitchburg, Mass., Oct. 22, 1873; unmarried: bank clerk and asst. teller, Safety Fund National Bank; member of Y.M.C A., and Y. P. S. C.: and treas- urer of the latter; Fitchburg; Republican; Cong. [10547 AUSTIN CHILDS LOWE,i« (Calvin M.,» Louisa A. Messenger," Betsey Phillips,- Elizabeth Hamlin, » Eleazer,» Benjamin. < Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Whittaker, Mich., Feb. 12, 1856; m. there. Mar. 1, 187H, Mary A. Davis, b. Pontiac, Mich., May 22, 1852; Republican; Congs. He d. Wliittaker, May 15, '83. Ch. b. Whittaker: 160.-J9. , Maky p., May 12, 1880. 16060. George A., Nov. 9, 1881. 16061. Edward J., Oct. 9, 18s3. [10551] LUCY EDITH LOWE,'" (Sister of Austin C.,) b. Whittaker, Mich., Apr. 13, 1H)7; ni. there, June 24, 1891, William J. Knapp, b. Freedom, Mich., Jan., 1856; hardware merchant; Chelsea, Mich.: Re- publican: Freemason; Congs.; shed. Whittaker, Apr. 6, 1894. Ch. b. Chelsea- 16062. Ralph Apr 6, 1894. TENTH GENERATION. 1279 [10553] CARL WILLIAM LOWE,io (Bro. of Austin C, ) b. Whittaker. Mar. 2, 1871; m. there, May 27, 1894, Chri-stie, dau. of Robert and Katherine (Frazer) Lawson, b. Ypsilanti, Mich., June 10, 1873; Southern Star Lodge 891, K. O. T. M.; Prohibitionist; Congs. Ch. b. Detroit, Mich.: 16063. Elizabkth, Sept. 15, 1895. [10556] WILLIAM VOSE LOWE,"' (David S.,' Louisa A. Messenger," Betsey Phillips,' Elizabeth Hamlin, « Eleazer,'' Benjamin,* Eleaxer,^ James,^!) b. Augusta, Mich., Sept. 25, 1859; m. Fitchburg, Mass., Dec. 2, 1891, Frances Ida, dau. of Henry Pason and Mary D. (Pierce) Boutelle, b. Fitchburg, Sept. 5, 1870; engineer; Fitchburg; Republican; member Apollo Lodge 205, Fitch- burg; Congs. Ch. b. Fitchburg: 16064. Mildred Amelia, Sept. 19, 1892. 16065. Richard Vose, Mar. 2, 1894. 16066. Mary Boutelle, Apr. 13, 1896. [10559] FREDERICK HENRY LOWE,»o (Seth L.,9 Louisa A. Messen- ger,8BetseyPhillips,'Elizabeth Hamlin,* Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,3James,2i) b. Whittaker, Mich., Jan. 11, 1860; m. Fitchburg, Mass., Nov. 21, 1889, Florence, dau. of Asa Raymond and Achsah Ann (Aldrich) Lovell, b. Adams, Mass., Aug. 26, 1856; employed with Falulah Paper Co., Fitchburg, Mass.; Republican; Cong- No issue. [10561] EUGENE FRANCIS LOWE,io (Bro. of Frederick H.,) b. Fitchburg, Mass.. July 11, 1864; ra. there, June 13, 1888, Myrta Mozella, dau. of Andrew Jackson and GulaElma(Woodburn) Maynard, b. Rockford, 111., Jan. 13, 1866; Gardner and Fitchburg; Republican; Congs. Ch. b. Fitchburg; 16067. Harold Maynard, Oct. 1, 1889. 16068. Percival Eugene, Sept. 15, 1891. [10579] EDWIN WALKER PHILLIPS,'" (Ivers C.,9 Ivers,« Samuel,^ Elizabeth Hamlin,6 Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,2i) b. Troy, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1856; m. Annie Tucker Venners, b. Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 18, 1850. Children: 16069. Harold Edwin, b. June 28, 1886; d. July 8, 1894. 16070. Ethel Tucker, " May 8, 1889. [10580] CAROLYN ISABEL WORKS, i« (Harriet R. Phillips,9 Ivers,« Samuel,' Elizabeth Hamlin," Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James.^i) b. Ash- burnham, Mass., Feb. 12, 1857; m. Fitchburg, Mass., Dec. 21, 1886, Edward Everett, son of William Henry and Mary Elizabeth (Robertson) Dennett, b. Portsmouth, N.H., Aug. 27, 1858; worst>ed mfgr.; Portsmouth, 1858-1882; since, Fitchburg; Republican. Ch. b. Fitchburg: 1607 L Marian Phillips, Apr. 21, 1888. 16072. Isabel, Apr. 16, 1890. 16073. Phillips, Mar. 16, 1892. 1280 TTTE PIAMLIN FAMILY. [10581) FRANK HAMILTON WORKS,»« ( Bro. of Carolyn L,) b. West Fitclibmv, Mass., Feb. 28, 1861; m. Bidrleford, Me., Aur. 10. 1887. Bessie Elder, dau. ol' Edward Scammon and Elizalietb (Priest) Morris. 1>. Portland, Me.. Aup- 1". l^W: civil engineer and contractor: Fitchbiirtj: Repub- lican: member Cliarles W. Moore Lodtje. A.F. &A.M.: Apollo Lcjd^re JO.v L O. O. F.; member city council, 1891-3: she Epis. Children: 16074, Hakkikt Evelyn, b. May 24, 18«9, Fitclibiirtf. lH07o. Katiikkink Emily, " Mar. 4, 1891, West Fitchburtj. 16076. Hklkn Elizaijeth, " Oct. 27, 18l«, Fitcliburj;. [105821 MARION LOUISE WORKS,'" (SKster of Carolyn 1.,) b. West Fitchburt', Mass., May :i8, 1865: m. there, Nov. 15, 1887. Capt. George Herbert, son of Charles Adams and Emily (Bailey) Priest, b. Hillsboro, N. H., Sept. 25, 1865: lumber dealer: Brookline, N. H., 1865-9; since, Fitchburg; Democrat; member Aurora Lodge, A. F. & A. M.: Thomas Chapter, R. A. M.; Jerusalem Commandery 19, K. T.: Nashua Tribe 37. 1. O. R. M.; Capt. Co. B, 6 Regt. Mass. V. Militia. Ch. b. Fitchburg: 16077. Charles Edwin, Mar. 4, 1889. 16078. Georse Herbert, Nov. 10, 1893. [10589J CHARLES MOULTON CARTER,''' (Sarah A. Russell,-' Sally Phillips," Samuel,' Elizabeth Hamlin," Eleazer," Benjamin,* Elea/.er,^ Janies.'^i) b. Westminster, Mass., Dec. 31, 1859; m. May, 1879, Helen .1. Wilder, of Haver- hill, Mass.; res. Denver, Col. Ch. b. Denver; 16079. Waldo Wilder, Feb., 1880. 16080. Edwin Russell, May, 1882. 16081. Mekle Greenwood, July, 1883; d. July. 1891. 16082. Genevieve Louise, July, 1885. 16083. Harley, July, 1887. [10592] ALBERT WHITING CARTER,*" (Bro. of Charles M.,) b. Haverhill, Mass., Sept. 13, 1865; m. May, 1889, Mary Caldwell, of Lead- ville, Col. . No issue. [1059.3] SARAH LYDIA SAWYER,"' (Caroline L. Riissell,'-» .Sally Phillil).s,« Samuel,' Elizabeth Hamlin."' Eleazer,'' Benjamin. * Eleazer,'' James, -i') b. Fitchburg, Mass., Dec. 27, 1858; m. there, Sept. 13, 1888, .lohn William, son of Robert and Mary Ann (Cassidy) JigM'er, b. Westminster, Mass., Mar. 2, 1851; carpenter and builder; Lawrence. Mass., 1854-8; since, Hyde I'ark, Mass.; Pro- hibitionist; member NejKjnset Council 136. R. A.; Baptists. ClL b. Hyde Park: 16084. Robert Sawyer, Feb. 28, 1890. 16085. RiTH RussKLL, Aug. 10, 1891: d. Sept. 18, 1891. 16086. Marion Eunice, Sept. 12, 1892. 16087. Lester Pill LLU's, Feb. 3, 1894: d. Apr. ti, 1894. 16088. Helen Caroline, Oct. 7, 1895. TENTH GENERATION. 1281 [10594] JAMES RUSSELL SAWYER,i« (Bro. of Sarah L.,) b. Fitchburg, Mass., May 15, 1862: m. there, Oct. 21, 1886, Mary Louise, dau. of John and Mary (McNamara) Willmott, b. Fitchburg, Dec. 25, 1861; farmer; Fitchburg. Ch. b. Fitchburg: 16089. Bessie Frances, b. Aug. 8, 1888. 16090. Louise Willmott, " Nov. 8, 1892. [10595] CARRIE ABBIE SAWYER,'« (Sister of Sarah L.,) b. Fitchburg. Mass.. Dec. 4, 1869: m. there, Feb. 4, 1891, Walter Benjamin, son of Henry G. and Harriet (Gates) Wightman, b. July 12, 1866; pattern malter; Fitchburg; Walpole, N. H.; Milwaulcee, Wis.; Hyde Park, Mass.: and Clare- mont, N. H.: member Golden Cross; Baptists. [10600] AUGUSTUS HENRY CARTER,i» (Marion A. Rice,« Laura O. Fairbanks,* Lydia Phillips,' Elizabeth Hamlin.« Eleazer,'^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,'' James,2i) b. Lebanon, N. H., Feb. 11, 1862: m. Lowell, Mass., Aug. 3, 1886, Abbie May, dau. of Henry and Abbie (Brown) Jackson, b. New Hartford, Ct., Aug. 21, 1868: manufacturer; Lebanon; Republican; Freemason. Ch. b. Lebanon: 16091. Marion Jackson, Aug. 28, 1887. 16092. Donald Augustus, Jan. 21, 1895. [10601] FREDERICK GORDOY CARTER,i« (Bro. of Augustus H., ) b. Lebanon, N. H.. Aug. 9, 1865; m. there. May 16,1892, Sarah Josephine, dau. of Justus and Helen (Fulton) Sargent, b. Lebanon, Jan, 6, 1873; manufac- turer; Lebanon; Republican; Freemason and Odd Fellow. Ch. b. Lebantm: 16093. Henry Gordon, Nov. 26, 1899. [10602] EDWARD AARON DAVIS,i» (Laura A. Rice,9 Laura O. Fair- banks,* Lydia Phillips,' Elizabeth Hamlin," Eleazer,'^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James.2i) b. Chelsea, Vt., June 18, 1865; m. there, June 25, 1892, Josephine A., dau. of Peter and Johannah O'Connell, b. Bethel, Vt., May 3, 1870; bank cash- ier; Chelsea, until 1885; Detroit, Mich., until 1888; Bethel, Vt., 1902; Republi- can; Freemason and K. T.; she Epis. Ch. b. Bethel: 16094. Edward Aaron, Mar. 6, 1901. [10604] ROBERT F. FAIRBANKS, »» (Charles L.,« Setb P.,» Lydia Phillips,' Elizabeth Hamlin," Eleazer,-> Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ .Tames,«») b, Wor- cester, Ma.ss,, Feb. 16, 1875; m. May 5, 1901, Lulu B.. dau. of Charles O. and Susan B. (Longley) Eagles, b. Canning, N. &, Aug. 27, 1881. [10610] ELEANN KNAPP RAY,i« (Margaret L. Smith,9 Caroline A. Fairbanks,* Lvdia Phillips.' Elizabeth Hamlin,' Eleazer,* Benjamin,* Eleazer,'^ James,'-ii) b, Franklin, Mass., Aug. 22, 1877; m. there, June 18, 1J)00, Edward Gottlieb, son of Gottlieb Broenniman, b. Watertown, Wis., Dec. 16, 1872; 1282 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. hrciker: N. Y. City: Republican: Freemasdii: she Kiiiduated Vassar college, class of 1889. CI). I». lirookiyn, N. Y.: KiOft'). Edoak R.\Y, July 4, 1901. [KKilioJ ELSIE DANA McWAlN."' (William I).." Harriet N. Kilgore." Susannah Hamlin," Africa," Elca/er.-' Benjamin, < Eleazer.^* .lames.'^i) b. Wal- thaiu, Mass., Mar. 25, 1«H2; unmarried: graduated Cambridtre, (Mass.) Latin High School. 1900; stenographer and type writer: Boston. (lot)T;{] STELLA (iEKTKUDE .MKADE,'" (Alexander .J. ,« Europe A., << Dorcas Hamlin," Europe. •■■ P^leaxer,-* Btnijamin,* F^leazer,-'' James, «•) b. Ana- heim, Cal., June 4, 1879: in. Los Angeles. Cal., July 24. 1900, Winfred Elmo, son of Ale.xander Hamilton atid Martha Ozella ( Pleasants) Heavis. b. Whittier. Cal., Nov. 0, 1S77: editor, Ihuntii's Vohikj I'mijli •. Anaheim, Cal., 1879-80; Los Angeles, 1886-1900; since, Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii: Democrat: member Companion Court 18, L O. F.; she principal Lahainaluna Seminary, Main, Hawaii; member of Court 422. I. D. F.: members M. E. church South. Ch. b. Lahaina: 16096. Hauold Maksuall, July 26. lltol. [10685] DAVJD WARD KING.'o ( Robert Q.,» Almena Caldwell.* Han- nah Hamlin,' Europe, « Eleazer,-' Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James. 21) b. Springfield. Ohio. Oct. 27, 1857: m. there, Dec. 29, 1880, Mary Wylie, dau. of Austin Milton, and Lettie Reed (Jrwiu) Burbank. b. Danville, Ky., Sept. 23, 1859: Presbs. Ch. b. Maitland, Mo.: 16097. Lettie Reed, Dec. 29, 1881. 16098. Robert Quigley, Dec. 11, 1886. 16099. MiKlAM, Oct. 24, 1892. [10687] ROBERT LEFFLER KJNG,»" (Bro. of David W.,) b. Springfield, Ohio. Aug. 24, 1863; m. Value, Ohio, June 4, 1891, Lola M., dau. of Augustus F. and Minnie (Ault) Askam. b. Value, Mar. 4, 186H; Methodists. Ch. b. Grassland Farm, near Value, Ohio: 16100. Edwin Askam. Mar. 11, 1892. 16101. Hamlin Caldwell, June 28, 1894. [10688] ALMENA ADELINE KlNG.io (Sister of David W.,) b. Springfield. Ohio, Sept. 17, 1869; ni. Sept. 9, 1896, Harvey, son of James and Emma Jane ( Davis) Warrick, b. Davenport, Iowa, Dec. 25, 1871; res. Spring- field: I'resb. [10690J Di:. D.W'ID KING GOTWALD,'" (Mary E. King.* Alemena Caldwell,* Hannah Hamlin,' Europe." Eleazer.'' Benjamin. * Eleazer. James,-'') b. Shippofiburg, Pa., Oct. 21, 18(i0; m. York, Pa., Sept. 6. 1883, Julia Baugher, flau. of William and .Mary .liilia (Hauglier) Kurtz, b. York, May 8. 18()0; physician: Springfield, Ohio; Republican; he graduated Medical Department ITniversity of Pennsylvania, 1882; Capt. and A.sst. Surg. 3d Ohio, Vol. Inf., Mar. to Nov. 10, 1K9,S: Lutherans. TENTH GENERATION. 1283 Ch. b. York, Pa: 16102. William Kuktz, July 8, 1884. 16103. Maky King, July 8, 1886. [10691] Rev. GEORGE DANIEL GOTVVALD,i<' (Bro. uf David K.,) b. Shippenburg, Pa., Sept. 18, 1862; m. York, Pa., July 7, 1885, Mary Bertlia, dau. of George Frederick and Emma (Gardiner) Baugher, b. York, Sept. 17, 1861; clergyman; graduated Gettysburg, Pa., College, 1882: Gettysburg Seminary, 1885; Salina, Kas., 18S5; Kansas City Mo., 1888; Republican; Lutherans. He d. Kansas City, Jan. 12, 1890. Ch. b. Salina, Kas.: 16104. Julia Baugher, • July 8, 1886; d. July 10, 1886. 16105. Elizabeth Gardinek, Dec. 25, 1887. [10694] Rev. FREDERICK GEBHART GOTWALD.i" (Bro. of David K.,) b. Aaronsburg, Pa., May 11, 1869; m. York, Pa., June 10, 1897, Julia Agnes, dau. of David Etta and Mary (Fulton) Small, b. Feb. 26, 1869; Lutheran clergy- man. Child: 16106. Luther Alexander, b. July 28, 1898. [10697] ALMENA GOTWALD,io (Sister of David K.,) b. York, Pa., June 29, 1876; ra. Oct. 12, 1899, Glenn- Morris, son of Seth Greely and Sarah Grigella (Ruhl) Cummings, b. Gallon, Ohio, Sept. 22, 1873: lawyer; he studied law with Cummings & McBride, Mansfield, Ohio; and ad- mitted to the bar, June, 1898. Child: 16107. George Gotwald, b. Nov. 15, 1901. [10699] CLARENCE NOBLE K[NG,i« (David,« Almena Caldwell,* Hannah Hamlin, ' Europe,* Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James.^i) b. Spring- field, Ohio, Dec. 25, 1865; m. May, 1888, labella Munson, b. Oswego, N. Y.; Dec. 11, 1867. [10700] JENNIE MARY KING,>» (Sister of Clarence N.,) b. Springfield, Ohio, Feb. 2. 1876; m. May 2, 1899, George Herbert Brain, b. Springfield, May 20, 1865; lumber merchant. Child: 16108. Charles Kino. b. July 15, 1900. [10734] MARY KEYT iSHAM,i« ( Mary H. Keyt,» Susannah Hamlin,» Hannibal G.,^ Europe.* Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,^!) b. Cincin- nati, Ohio, Aug. 20, 1871; unmarried. She received gold medal for general scholarship, and silver medal for mathematics. Woodward High School, 1890: B. A., Wellesley College, 1894; M. A., University of Cincinnati, 189L'" (Bro. of Mary K.,) b. Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept. 11, 1873; m. Terrace Park, Ohio, Oct. 2, 1901, Mary Elizabeth, rlau. of Peter F. and Louise (Cotil. He was educated in the public schools of Cincinnati: Woodward Hi^'h School; White and Sykes, Franklin School; and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Troy. N. Y.: Presbs. [101: asst. mechanical engineer, Laidlow Dunn Gordon Co.. Tweedvale, Oliio. [10754] WARREN E. CARTER.io (Eugene." Henry," Pamelia Hamlin.- America," Eleazer.'' Benjamin.* Eleazer,^ James.^') b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 1. 1865: in. there, 1899. He served several terms of enlistment: one in 18 U.S. Inf.: one in U. S. Marine Corps: was on U. S. Crui.ser, New York; acting sergt-major, U. S. Marines: was mentioned for distinguished gallantry at Guantanamo, Cuba, JuneC?) 1898: also served in the Phillipines: gunnery .sergt. U. S. Marine Corps. Brooklyn Navy Yard. 1899. Child: 1()109. Eugene Robert, b. lUOu. [10756] GEORGE HENRY CARTER,'" (Bro. of Warren E.,) b. Bradford, Mass.,. July 19, 1871: m. Haverhill. Mass.. Oct. 1, 1896, Malvina Hastings, dau. of Henry Ware and Martha Piumiiier (Hastings) Mansur. b. Rox- bury, Mass., Aug. 14, 1873: shoe mfgr.; Bradford, Mass., 1871-96; since, Haver- hill. No issue. [107.57] HENRY CARTER CORSON,i» (Catherine S. Carter," Henry.s Pamelia Hamlin,' America,* Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,-') b. Bradford, Mass., June 25, 1872; unmarried; graduated Harvard University. 1895: Cong. He d. Nov. 18, 1896. [10758] CHARLES EMERSON CORSON,'" (Bro. of Henry C.,) b. Haverhill, Mass.. Aug. 15, 1879; student. Harvard University, Class of 1902: Cong. [10760] MELLIE GOLDTHWAITE CARTER,'" (Robert G.,» Henry,* Pamelia Hamlin,' America,* Eleazer,'^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^' James,-') b. Fort Richardson, Texas, June 21, 1871; m. Washington, D. C, Oct. M, 1900, August Hector, .son of Baron Hector Lamey Von Bayer, and his wife, Baronin Mathil- da Caroline Von Cornberg, b. Karlsrhue. Baden, Germany, -June 21, 1873; civil engineer: he res. Karisriiue. until 1875; Washington, D. C, until 1890: Ithaca, N. Y., until 1892; Johnston, Pa., until 1896: Ithaca, until 1900; since, Easley, Ala.; member Fidelity Lodge 51, A. F. & A. M., Ithaca. Ch. b. Easley: 16110. Donald Caktek Goldthwaite, July 26, 1901; d. Nov. 18, 1902. TENTH GENERATION. 1285 [10761] BESSIE RICHARDSON CARTER, i« (Sister of Mellie G.,) b. Fort Richardson, Texas, Nov. 14, 1872; m. Baltimore, Md., Mar. 16, 1893, Edgar C, son of Hon. Frank L. Campbell, b. Washington, B.C.; clerk in War Dept. Washington, D. C. His father was asst. secretary of interior. [10762] ROBERT DEXTER CARTER, •« (Bro. of Mellie G.,) b. Newtonville, Mass., Aug. 10, 1876: m. Washington, D. C, Jan. 16, 1899, Helen Flint, dau. of Charles M. and Mary Jane (Patterson) Wright, b. Annapo- lis, Md., Sept. 27, 1875. He served in the Philllipine Islands as Q. M. clerk, under Gen. H. W. Lawton: Head Quarters, 1st Division, 8 A. C, since Jan. 19, 1899: commissioned 2d Lieut. F, 12, U. S. Inf., Jan. 1, 1900: .stationed atTarlac, Panique, Pura, O'Donnell, Gerona and Manila, Island of Luzon: served in cam- paigns of Laguna de Bay: in attack on Santa Cruz: in tiret southern campaign, in actions at Bacoor and Zapote Bridge and Imus, under Gen. Lawton; Batt., Q. M. and commissary; collector U. S. Int. Rev., Province of Tarlac. July, 1900, to Feb. 12, 1901: returned to the U. S., 1902. [10772] ALTA MAY BEAN,io (Mary C. Hamlin,« Albert,* America,'* Eleazer,5 Benjamin,* Eleazer.s Jaraes,2i) b. Archers, Col., Jan. 1, 1877: m. Little- ton, Col., June :W, 1895, Charles Jackson, son of Joseph Peter and Nancy Ann {Garrett) Conrad, b. Stout's Mills, W. Va., July 16, 1870; farmer; W. Va., until 1889; since, Colorado; Sedalia, Col., 1802; Republican; Odd Fellow. Ch. b. Douglas Co., Col: 16111. Edavin, b. May 3, 1896. 16112. Flyod Lester, " July 6, 1899. [10791] THEODORE GAGE WILKINS,i« (Luther E.,^ Alraira F. Ham- lin,* America,'6 Eleazer," Benjamin,* Eleaze.r,^ James,2>) b. Clinton, Mass., Nov. 27, 1873; m. Providence, R. I., Oct. 17, 1899, Lizzie Russell, dau. of Willis Clif- ford and Addie Jones ( Masten) Healey, b. Provincetown, Mass., Dec. 20, 1882; res. Worcester, Mass. Ch. b. Worcester: 16113. Theodore Russell, June 26, 1900, 16114. Adelaide Elizabeth, Dec. 17, 1901. [108.33] NELLIE MABEL STETSON,!" (George H.,9 Adeline Hamlin,* Elijah L.,7 Cyrus,^ Eleazer,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James.^M b. Kenduskeag, Me., Apr. 5, 1873: m. Bangor, Me., Sept. 2, 1896, Stover Wheelwright, son of Albert Henry and Ellen (Wheelwright) Thaxter, b. Bangor, Oct. 31, 1873; grain dealer, bookkeeper: Bangor; Republican: she Unitarian. Ch. b. Bangor; 16115. Elizabeth Kidder, May 18, 1897, [10907] FRED* HAMBLIN LYMAN,i« (Mary A. Hamblin,^ Alexander C.,9 William L.,' Silas,*^ James,*3 2i) b. Battle Creek, Mich., Oct. 29. 1866; m. Mar. 10, 1897, Bertha May, dau. of Henry P. and Matilda (Flagg) Blashtield, b.Yorkville, Mich., Jan. 25, 1867; insurance, real estate and loan agent; Battle Creek; Republican. No issue, 1899. 1286 THE JTAMLIK FAMILY. fl0922J SAOIK L. MOFFATT.w (Alice G. Ckjllins,» Martha Hamblln," William L.,'Silas,«6Jame.s,"«») b. Orleans, N. Y., July 5. 1875; m. Brownville, N. Y.. Oct. 10, 1H«)4. Charles R., son of Edwin and Hattie (Crandall) Adams, b. Brownville. June 19. iHl.i: fanner; Brownville: iiepublican, Ch. b. Brownville: 16116. NlLKS, Aug. 5, 1895. 16117. luKNK, Aug., 1898. [10926] GRACE B. HOOVER, »» (Addie E. Collins," Martha Hamblin,* William L.,' Silas,*!- .James.i^zi) \y_ Brownville, N.Y., Au^'. 2o, ls76: m. there, Nov. 21, 1894, Melvin, son of Theron and Rose (Chaufty) Ti merman, b. Brown- ville, Nov. 8, 1872: farmer; Brownville: Republican: member l^o.xter Grange, and Foresters. Ch. b. Brownville: 16118. Cecil, Aug. 29, 1896. 16119. TiiKHoN, June, 1899. [10927] NELLIE E. HOOVER,!" (Sister of Grace B.,) b. Brownville, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1878: m. there, Feb. 8, 1899, Arthur, son of William and Anna (Williams) Poole, b. Brownville, Apr. 19, 1877; farmer; Brown- ville; l^'orrester. [10960] LUCRETIA CHILDS," (Cordelia T. Small,'-' Lucretia Hamblin," William," Nathan," Caleb,5James,*»2M b. North Falmouth, Ma.ss., May 4, 1850: m. there, Sept. 12, 1877, Capt. Charles Childs, b. Flores, Western Islands, Dec. 24, 1841: master mariner, retired: North Falmouth. Ch. b. N, Falmouth: 16120. Ralph A., Oct. 8, 1874. 16121. HKKiiiiUT F., July 4, 1878. [10961] FREDERICK CHILI)S,w (Bro. of Lucretia,) b. North Falmouth, Mas.s., Jan. 24, 1852; m. Brockton. Mass., Feb. 14. 1880, Sarah, dau. of .lames Lane and Sarah (Capen) Carr, b. Brockton, .Sept. 14, 18,58: shoe business; Brockton, 1896. Child: l6l2^2. Arthuk, b. Aug. 5, 1880. [10962] BYRON CHILDS,!" (Bro. of Lucretia, J b. Hilo, Hawaiian Islands, Apr. 4, 1854; ra. East Falmouth, Mass., July 11, 1H91, Nettie, dau. of William S. and Nellie (Davi.s*) Baker.t b. E. Falmouth. May :iO. 182, E. Falmouth. 16124. GkaceE., " Mar. 18, 1894. • I'.. I |);i\ i> ^. .■ I :*4. 17, 42 and 169. t For linker see note 123. TENTH GENERATION. 1287 [109631 LILLIE CHILDS,i» (Sister of Lucretia,) b. North Falmouth, Mass., Nov. 20, 1856; m. there, May 29, 1894, William, son of Asa and Eliza (Adams) Raymond, Pocas.sett, Mass., Dec. 13, 1854: painter; Pocassett. 1896. Children; 16125. Edith, b. July 10, 1885. 16126. Jennie, " July 15, 1887. [10964] MINNIE CH1LDS,'» (Sister of Lucretia,) b. Honolulu, H. I., Oct. 2, 1858: m. North Falmouth, Mass., Nov. 29, 1888, R. Bertram, son of Abraham and Lucinda (Burgess*) Phinney,t b. Monument Beach, Mass., Apr. 23, 1863; carpenter: Monument Beach, 1896. Ch. b. Monument Beach: 16127. Waldo B., Jan. 27. 1891. 16128. Lucy E., Mar. 30, 1894. [10967] FLORENCE M. SNOW," (Rebecca W. Small,9 Lucretia Hamblin,* William, 7 Nathan,* Caleb.^ James,*^^!) b. East Boston, Mass., May 19, 1876; m. Winchester, Mass., June 15, 1897, Charles Ramsey Bready, b. Philadelphia, Pa., 1867; wool merchant: Philadelphia: Republican; Baptist. Ch. b. Philadelphia: 16129. Alberts., May 21, 1898. [10969] JUSTINA MELROSE HAMBLIN,io (WiHiam.9 Hirara,^ Wil- liam,' Nathan,6 Caleb,^ .James,»3«') b. Waquoit, Mass., Dec. 5,1872; m. Ware- ham, Mass., by Rev. Charles H. Washburn, Feb. 15, 1893, Capt. Charles Freeman, son of Joseph Henry and Roxaona ( Douglas) Burgess,* b. Wareham, July 15, 1867: farmer; Wareham. Ch. b. Falmouth: 16130. Gordon Freeman, Mar. 24, 1894. [10971] SUSAN ELIZA BASSETT,>o (Anna L. Hamblin,9 Hiram,« William, 7 Natlian,* Caleb,^ James,* 321) b. West Barnstable, Mass., Dec. 8, 1875: m. there, Sept. 4, 1897, Frank Whitman, son of Henry Frank and Eliza Abby (Whitman) Loring, b. W. Barnstable, Dec. 5, 1872; poultry breeder: West Barnstable; members East Sandwich Grange; shed. W.Barnstable, Sept. 7, 1898. Ch. b. W. Barnstable: 16131. Henry Bassett, Aug. 31, 1898. [10973] EMILY KERN," (William E.,* Tabitha P. Hamblin,* William,' Nathan,fi Caleb,^ James,*32i) b. Sandwich, Mass., Dec. 3, 1852; m. New Bedford, Mass., Mar. 26, 1876, William, son of William M. and Phebe T. (Taylor) Wilber, South Dartmouth, Mass., July 13, 1850; res. New Bedford. [10974] ETTA KERN,'" (Sister of Emily,) b. Sandwich, Mass., May 21, 1861: m. New Bedford, Mass., Oct, 15, 1883, * For Burgess see note 389. + For Phinney see note 189. 1288 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. James, son of Geurjye and Ellen (McNiitt) .Schwall, b. New Bedford, Mar. \K 1853; drujfifist; New Bedford: Ereemason. Ch. b. New Bedford: 16132. Eva E., May 25, 1885. [10978J LILLIAN SEARS BAKER,'" (Anphenette Kern,« Tabitha P, Hamblin," William, ^ Nathan,* Caleb,'- James.^sai) b. .South Lenni.s, Ma.s.s., Oct. 20, 1867; m. there, Oct. 20, 1885, William Russell, son of Rus.sell Davis and Eli/a (Kelley) Farris, b. South Yarmonth, Ma.ss.. Apr. 9, 18()4: merchant: South Yarmouth, until 1900; siiK'e, .Melrose, Mass.; Republican: on school committee, 9 years: member Howard Lod.i,'e, A. F. & A. M.; Orient Chapter, R. A. M. Children: 16133. Russell Davis, b. Nov. 29, 1887, So. Yarmouth. 16134. Mabel Winthkop, " Dec. 2, 1891. 16135. Cecil King, " Sept. 26, 1900, .Melro.se, [10996J GERTRUDE HAINES TAYLOR,'" (Ella E. Haines," Nancy M. Jones,'* Hannah Hamblin,' Nathaniel," Caleb,'^ James, <■'-'») b. Waltham. Mass., June 29, 1871: m. Ro.vbury Mass., Aua. 24, 1892, Alexander William, son of An- drew and Jenet (Dickey) McKee, b. Roxbury, Apr. 9, 1869; trimmer of clothin^j; Roxbury, until 1894; since, Cambridge, Mass.; Republican; Freemason. [11006] MARY ELIZABETH LOOMIS,'" (Leonard G.,^' Lovisa Crocker,* Betsey Foote,- Elizabeth Hamblin, « Job,'' James,*32i) b. Greenbush, Mich., l-'eb. 28, 1867; m. there, Dec. 28, 1888, Prof. Douwe Bouka. son of Hessel and Clara Yutema, b. May 31, 1851; profe.ssor of Chemistry and Physics in Hope College, Holland, Mich.; Republican: members of Dutch Reformed Church. Children: 16136. Hessel Edward, b. Jan. 17, 1891, St. Johns, 16137. Leonard Francis, " July 29, 1892, 16138. Clara Elizabeth, " Feb. 28, 18»4, Holland. 16139. Theodore Otto, "Apr. 8, 1900, 16140. Chester, '• Feb. 4, 1902, " [11007] LEONARD STANTON LOOMIS,*" (Bro. of Mary E.,) b. Greenbush, Mich., Auj^-. 4, 1871: m. Addison, Mich., An^. 28, 1895, .Vdali F. Browne; farmer; Hud.son, Mich.; Republican: Methodists. [ 11017] WILBERT CROCKER,'" (Alvan J.,» Judson,* Betsey Foote,' Elizabeth Hamblin, « Job,f' James,*»^') b. Gaines, Mich., Mar. 30, 1873: m. ByioD Center, Mich., Aug. 2, 1S94, Lillie, dan. of Sidney and .Vlvira Williams, b. Byron, Jan. 23, 1873: farmer; Byron Center: Repul)lican; she Methodist; shed. Byron Center, Jan. 13, IJWO. Ch. b. Byron: 16141. TuEssiK, Nov. 13, 18i>6. 111032] WILLIAM FOOTE gUAYLE.'" (Romela M. Foote." Lyman P.,» Thomas,^ Elizabeth Hamblin, « Job.'- .fames,<»2') b. Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 26, 1862: m. Duluth, Minn., Feb. 16, 1898, Frances, dau. of Guardis Delazon and TENTH GENERATION. 1285) Alice Almyra (Bradley) Edwards, b. Bay City, Mich., Feb. 14, 1875; merchant: Duluth; she Methodist. Child: 16142. Henky Bradley, b. Jan. 26, 1899. [11033] FLORENCE HELEN QUAYLE," (Sister of William F.,) b. Cleveland, Ohio, June 9, 1865; m. there, June 11, 1896, Jay D.. son of Spencer and Mary Fuller, b. Alden, N. Y.; treasurer, Hasoroth Canning: Co.; Cleveland: Republican: she Epis. Ch. b. Cleveland: 16143. Helen Elizabeth, Mar. 29, 1898. [11038] ELLA RUTH LENEE,i« (Florence R. Foote.s Lyman P.,« Thomas,' Elizabeth Hamblin,« Job,^ James,*32i) b. Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 7, 1876; m. Poplar Bluff, Mo., July 20,1898, Walter Sebastian Albret, b. Cape Girardeau, Mo., Mar. 24, 1868; merchant; Cape Girardeau, 1868-86; N. Y. City, 1886-9: since. Cape Girardeau: Democrat: Catholic; she Epis. Ch. b. Cape Girardeau: 16144. Marian Lenee, Oct. 6, 1899. [11057] GEORGE 1. FRAlZER,io (Mary A. Gardner,9 Temperance R. Foote,« Thomas,' Elizabeth Hamblin,« Job,-^ James,*^^!) b. Ramsey, 111., Mar. 31, 1878: unmarried; school teacher, stenograper, and book keeper; Ram- sey; Republican. [11062] JAMES M. MARTIN, i« (Emma T. Gardner,9 Temperance R. Foote,8 Thomas,' Elizabeth Hamblin,* Job.5 James,*^^!) b. Arlington, Mo., Oct. 4, 1873; m. Ramsey, Ills., May 15, 1892, Myrtle, dau. of Robert F. and Luticia (Flynn) Clow. b. London City, Ills., Nov. 25, 1874; farmer: Phelps Co., Mo., 1881; London City and Ramsey, Ills.; Republican; member Oak Bluff Camp 162, M. W. A.; Christians. Ch. b. Carson Township: 16145. Jessie, b. Feb. 7, 1893: d. Feb, 16, 1893. 16146. Arlie, "Apr. 4,1894. 16147. ViFQUAiN, " Nov. 13, 1896. [11073] CORA EVELYN BARTON, w (Emeline J. Foot," Solomon R.,« Silas,' Elizabeth Hamblin,« Joh,5 James,**^!) b. Melrose, Minn., May 17, 1871; m. San Pedro, Cal., Dec. 25, 1893, Wilbur S., son of Warren Edgar and Mary Charlina (Barton) Mclntyre, b. Fillmore Co., Minn., Oct. 18, 1867: proprietor of Mclntyre's Protective Patrol, Passadena, Cal.; removed to California, Dec. 8, 1887; res. Santa Barbara, Cal., until July, 1888: San Pedro, July, 1888, to Dec, 1894; Passadena, Cal., since Dec. 24, 1894: Republican; member Tent 1, K. O. T. M.; she Epis.: member Hive 6, L. O. T. M. Children: 16148. Evelyn B., b. Mar. 31, 1895; d. Jan. 1, 1901. 16149. Beatrice M., " June 27, 1897. 12iK) Tin-: TIAMIJN I AMILV. [11074J A DDIE ALL5ERTA BARTON,'" (Sister of Cora E.,) b. Birchdale. Minn., Feb. 16, 187;i: m. San Pedro, Cal., June 28, 1894, Fred- [ erick S., son of William Ilt-nry and Mary (Crozier) Nichols, b. Wapakoneta, , Ohio, Oct. 31, I8t)4; lumber inspector; Wapakoneta, until 1884: Washington. D. C, until 1891; since, San Pedro, Cal.; Democrat; member Lodge 126, K. P.: she Epis. Cli. b. .San Pedro: 16150. Ruth Pauline, .Inly 4, 1895. 16151. Clarence Edwakd, May 5, liioi: d. .Ian. 4. lif'2. [llliyj ALICE TAYLOR ROBERTS, i«> (Mary Ann Stevens,* Ransom F / Louvisa J'oote,' Elizabeth llamblin," .Job/^ James,<32') b. Traver.se City, Midi.. May 12, 1873; unmarried: graduate of Conservatory of Music. Philadelphia, l';i.: a noted musician; Cong. [11120] WILLIAM RAN.SOM ROBERTS, 10 (Bro. of Alice T.,) b. Traverse City, Mich., June 28, 1876: unmarried: soldier in Cuban and Philippine wars, M, 34 Mich. Inf.: dis. Nov. 1898; G, 37 U. S. Vols.; dis. Feb. 20, 1901. He was at San Juan, and in eleven engagements in the Philippines. [11121] MARIAN STEVENS ROBERTS. »» (Sister of Alice T.,) b. Tiaverse City, Mich., Aug. 22, 1878; unmarried; teacher. [11122] LORIN BURRITT STEVENS,'" (Elihu B.,'-- Ransom F..« Lou- visa Foote,' Elizabeth IIamblin,« Job,^ James,*32i) b. Hart, Mich., Jan. 30, 1876; m. Grandville, Mich., Sept. 1, 1897, Maude Augusta, dau. of Isaiah Barber and Mary Elizabeth (Gray) Hamilton, b. Georgetown, ^lich., Sept. 6, 1878: nailer and carpenter: Byron and Grandville, Mich.; Grand Rapids, since 1897; Repub- lican; she Methodist. Ch. b. Grand Rapids: 16152. LouiN Ransom, Oct. 12, 1898. 16153. Isaiah Burkett, Apr. 17, 1900. 16154. Cyrus Ben,jamin, Nov. 18, 1901. [11242] ANNE EVERETT CHILDS,>" ( William,'-' Thoma.s,* Joseph. '"s ^ Deliverance Hamblin,* James,32i) b. Waquoit, Mass., Aug. 3, 1856; m. 1885. I Ignatius Sargent, b. Philadelphia, Pa.; retired, Waquoit. Child: 16155. WiNTHKOP William. [11244] WILLIAM ANDREW CHILDS,>« (Bro. of Anne E.,) b. Wacjuoit, Mass., Aug. 12, 1867; m. Feb, 20, 1894, Harriet Merritt, of New Bedford, Mass. No issue, 1896. [11245J ELIZA WESTON CHILDS,i» (Sister of Annie E.,) b. Falmouth, Mass., Dec. 22, 1873; m. there, b. Rev. Thomas Bell, Aug. 23, 1892, Dr. Charles Warren, son of Charles Warren and Eliza (Lambert*) Wliite.t b. Randolph, Ma.ss., 1860; physician; Fairhaven Mass. Child: 16156. Lawrence Warren. • For Lambert see note 43. + For White sue note 27. TENTH GENERATION. 1291 [11246] FLORANCE F. TlBBITTS.w (Idella G. Hamlin,» Chandler O.," Isaiah,' Josiah,6 Timothy," Zaccheus,* Jonathan, 3 James,2i) b. Dec. 23, 187"); m. George Morton. Child: 1(5157. Ruth S. [11259] GEORGE ARNOQLD JAQUES,'" (Flora A. Miller," Mary . J. Hamblin," Isaiah," Josiah, 6 Timothy, 5 Zaccheus,* Jonathan. :* Jarae.s,ai) b. Worcester, Mass., May 17, 1870; m. there, Oct., 1893, AbbyAmy, dau. of Syl- vanus Granger and Abby Amy (Hendrick) Bullock, b. Oct. 10, 1871: carpenter; Worcester; Republican; member Worcester Conclave 332, Heptasophs: Baptists. Ch. b. Worcester: 16158. Harold Richard, Feb. 23, 1895. 16159. Bexjamin Bullock, Dec. 19, 1896. 16160. Gladdis Caroline, Apr. 17, 1898. [11273] MARY E. HAMLEN,i« (Alonzo H.,s Hartwell A.,« David,' Tim- othy, "^'^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan, ^ James,2i) b. East Vassalboro, Me., Sept. 20, 1871; m. McCurdy; res. N. Vassalboro. Ch. b. North Yas.salboro: 16161. Malen, Mar. 11, 1896. 16162. . Melvin, Jan. 1, 1898. 11274] BERTHA N. HAMLEN," (Sister of Mary E.,) b. East Vassalboro, Me., Aug. 3, 1873; m. North VavSsalboro, Me., Dec, 25, 1893, Albert, son of George W. and Margaret (Fairfield) Clark, b. St. Albans, Me.. Feb. 1, 1873; grocer; Fairfield; Republican: Methodist; member A.O. U.VV. No issue. [11287] VESTA M. ERSKlNS,i" (Almira H. WMlliams,^ Vesta Hamlen,* Daniel,' Timothy,^^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan, » James,2i) b. Bradford, Me., Oct. 11, 1873: m. Jan. 16, 1889, Samuel Putnam, of Presque Isle, Me. Ch. b. Presque Isle.: 16163. George W., Aug. 2, 1892. 16164. AVIS S., July 18, 1894: d. Aug. 25, 1894. 16165. Mildred M., June 11, 1895. [11301] CARRIE E. DEARBORN,io ('"^arah C Williams,'-' Jane Hamlon," Daniel,- Timothy,6sZaccheus,i Jonathan,^ James,2i) b. Bradford, Me., Feb. 8, 1863: m. Cal., Dec. 27, 1893, Rev. Leland D. Rathbone, b. Ohio; clergyman; Redwood City, Cal.: he graduated Oberlin College: went to Cal., and there grad- uated, Cong. Theological school; pastor, Cong, church. Redwood City: she grad- uated Normal school, Castine, .Me., 1882: taught school in Maine, until 1889; went to Cal. and taught school at Pecadero, and Mt. Brow; afterwards, principal of Woodside school. She was accidently killed by a runaway horse, May 17. 1895. [11302] ROSE DEARBORN, i« (Sister of Carrie E.,) b. Bradford, Me., Mar. 3, 1865: graduated Normal School, Castine. Me., 1882; taught .school, Houlton, Me., Manchester, N. H., and Lynn. Mass. In 1902 she was supervising drawing in the public schools of Skowhegan, Me.; Bapti.st. 1292 THE nAMLT>' FAMIT.Y. \IU04] LILLIAN M. DEARBORN,'" (Sister of Carrie E..) b. Bradford, Me.. June 29, 18(58: gradated Normal scliool, Castine. Me., 1887: laiinht si-JKMil, II(jnlt()ii, Me.. Newmarket, N.II., and Everett. Mas.s. In 1902 \va.s supervisor of drawing in Quincy. Mass.: Baptist. |li;{05] ELSIE M. I)EAlliU)[JN.'" (Sister of Carrie E.,) 1). Brafiford. Me.. .Inly 2. 1870: teaclier in public school, Maiden. Mass. \]VAM] .JOHN \V. DEARBORN. i» (Bro. of Carrie E..) h. Bradford. .Me.. .Fune 11. 1HT2: graduated at University of Maine. 1898: draftsman lor VVincliester Reaptint; Arms Co., New Haven, Ct. [11.307] EMMA B. DEARBORN. >» (Sister of Carrie E.. ) b. Bradford, Me., Feb. 1, 187.J; teacher: Taunton, Ma.ss. [11308] HELEN M. DEARBORN,'" (Sister of Carrie E.,) b. Bradford, Me.. Nov. 8, 1878: student, Salem, (Mass) Normal School. [11309] HARVEY REED WILLIAMS,'" (Henry T.,» Jane Hamlen. - Daniel,' Timothy."'' Zaccheus,* Jonathan, 3 James, 2') b. Bradford. Me., June 14, 18(i9; inimarried, 1894: .scliool teacher: East Bradford: attended school in his native town, and Hig^ins Classical Institute, Charlestowo, Me.; member Inde- pendent Grange 77, P. of H.: Oak Hill Lodge 211, I. O. G. T.: Bradford Lodge 8ti. I. O. O. F.: Univer-salist. [11319] SUSAN HODGES,w (Llewellyn E.,» Harriet Hamlin," Jonas,' Timothy,"-' Zaccheui5,< Jonathan," Janies,^') b. Winslow, Me., June 8, 18G9: m. Lowell, Ma.ss., Oct. H, 1887, Sidney K., son of Enoch, and Harriet Fuller.* b. Winslow, 18.51; farmer; Winslow; Republican; selectman; members P. H.. Winslow, Me. Ch. b. Winslow: 16166. Mkuton, Aug. 4, 1892. [11359] WILLIAM IT. DEAN,"' (Livonia McKinney,« Maria West,» Mary Dickey,' Mary Hamlin," Timothy,^ Zaccheus,< Jonatlian,^ James,-') b. .South Thomaston, Me., Aug. 20, 1855; ra. there, Oct. 30, 1879, Lyde M., dau. of Samuel and Hannah J. (Sleeper) Dean, b. S. Thomaston, Mar. 18, 1856: clerk; S. Thomas- ton; liepublican; member Knox Lodge 20, I. O. O. F.; Metliodists. She d. Los Angeles, Cal., Mar. 29, 1890. Ch. b. S. Thomaston: 16167. Maynakd S., Aug. 13. 1880. 16168. Gkack J., Dec. 30, 1882. [11.360] ALVIN F. DEAN,'o ( Bro. of William H..) b. .So. Thomaston, Me., June 6, 1857: m. Portland, Me., May 29, 1894, Alice, dau. of DeLuncy and Annie M. (Hicks) Sears, t b. Raymond, Me., May 25, 1875: merchant; Portland: Republican; member Portland Commandery 2, K. T., and Hadattah Lodge 117, I. O. O. F.: she member AVoman's Literary Union. Ch. b. Portland: 16169. AuciliHAl.D S., Dec. 14, 1894. 16170. Lucy F., July 11, 1897. • For Fuller see note 112. + For Sears see notes 7. 28.'). 368, 370, 3«1 and 42«. TENTH GENERATlOxN 1293 [11361] BENJAMIN W. DEAN," (Bio. of William H.,) b. South Thoraaston, Me., July 2(5, 1859; in. Bangor, Me., Apr. 20, 1887, Jessie D. Brooks; merchant: Portland, Me.; Republican; Odd Fellow; she res. Port- laud, 1899. He d. Portland, Nov. 10, 1889. Ch. b. Portland: 16171. Elizabeth, Oct., 1888. [11362] JOHN FRED DEAN.'o (Bro. of William H..> b. So. Thomaston, Me., July 18, 1870; m. Biddeford, Me., Sept. 20, 1897, Ella Jeannette, dau. of James and Sarah Jane (W^ells) Beaumont, b. Biddeford, July 25, 1873; merchant: Biddeford: Republican; she Epis.; member Rebekah Lodge, J . O. O. F, Ch. b. Biddeford: 16172. Jeanstette Beaumont, Dec. 10, 1898. [11363] CHARLES H. FRYE,«« (Sarah J. McKenney,» Maria West,« Mary Dickey," Mary Hamlin,*^ Timothy,'* Zaccheus,* Jonathan,* James.^i) b. South Thomaston, Me., Mar. 7. 1859: m. Chelsea, Mass., Oct. 25, 1882, Mattie L., dau. of Timothy D. and Cyntliia (Crosby*) Atwood.f b. 1860: bank cashier; Revere, Mass.: Republican: selectman. He d. Boston, Mass., Aug. 24, 1898; she d. Sharon, Mass., Aug. 21, 1898. Ch. b. Revere: 16173. HAiiOLD, 1884. [11368] CHARLES H. McKENNEY," (Henry H..* Maria West,* Mary Dickey," Mary Hambiin,« Timothy, ^ Zaceheus,* Jonathan,* James,2i) b. Cape Elizabeth, Me., May 8, J864: adopted by his aunt Frances E. Bartlett, and is tailed Bartlett; married. [11376] SOLOX CHASE, 10 (Drusilla M. McKenney,» Maria West,* Mary Dickey,' Mary Hamlin, « Timothy,'- Zaccheus,* Jonathan,* James,3i) b. Chase's Mills, Me., Aug. 6, 1872; m. Oct. 25, 1895, Helma Anderson, of Sweden, Me., b. Apr. 7, 1871. Children: 16174. Myrtle, b. July 23, 1896: d. Feb. 11, 1897, Denver, Col. 1<3175. Mildred, " Nov. 26, 1897. [11380] EDWIN FRANK McKEEVER,i» (Mary A. Tibbitts," Dorcas W^est,s Mary Dickey,^ Mary Hamlia," Timothy,^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan,* James.^i) b. Merrimack, N. H., Feb. 28, 1867; m. St. Andrews, N. B., Nov. 13, 1890. Cora Holmes, dau. of Albion K. Parris and Eliza Ann (Abbotti Page. b. Orono, Me., Aug. 25, 1871: painter: Eddington, Me.; Republican: member of Minerva Lodge •96, I. O. O. F. [11396] EDITH JANE MAYO,i» (Emma J. Moore." John.* Pauline Dickey,^ Mary ilamlin,* Timothy,^ Zaccheus,* Jonathan,* James,=JM b. East Bos- ton, Mass., July 12, 1875; m. Franklin Park Mass., Apr. 21, 1898, Arthur A., son of Alonzo A. and Sarah Knights, b. Melrose, Mass., 1873; civil engineer: Melrose. * For Crosby see note 391. + For Atwood see note 287. 12W THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [11434] CLARA ADELA HAMLIN,i« (Charles H.," William,* Solomon.''-- Timothy,* Zaccheus,* Jonathan, s James.^M b. Medway, Me., Dec. 31, 1872: m. Mattawamkcay, Me., Oct. IB, 1890, Henry Erlwarrl. son of Nelson .Vugustus and Natiey Marsh (Fletcher) Powers, b. Medway, Aug- 24, 18Hy: farmer; Medway; Republican; members Floral Grange 232, P. H. Ch. b. Medway: 1617<>. Maude May, Aug. 10, 1891. 1H177. BuDD Edwakd, Aug. 1, 1894. I(il7«. Mkkle Allen, May 12, 189ti. 1<)179. Otis Henky, June 9, 1897. 16180. Scott Fletcher, Oct. 3, 1898. 16181. Harris Hamlin, Aug. 23, li>oo. [11445J MILLIE MAY HAMLIN,» (Sister of Clara A.,) b. Medway, Me., Feb. 10, 1875; m. Mattawamkeag, Me., Nov. 8, 1890, Sheri- dan, son Nelson Augustus and Nancy Marsh (Fletcher) Powers, b. Medway, Jan. 21, 1866: farmer; Medway. Ch. b. Medway: 16182. Rachael Mildred, Dec. 30, 1892. . 16183. Don Fletcher, Aug. 5, 1894; d. Sept. 14, 1894. 16184. EjiiiA Nancy, Nov. 14, 1896. 16185. Paul Dickson, May 30, 1899. 16186. Prince Albert, Feb. 7, 1901. [11436] LILLIE ELIZABETH HAxMLlN, 10 (Sister of Clara A.,) b. Medway, Me., Mar. 6, 1877: m. Milo, Me., Apr., 1895, Jerry, son, of Moses Robert and Mary Ann (Wells) Haskins, b. Milo, Feb. 10, 1876; carpenter; Milo: Republican; member of Foresters, and K. O.T. M.; Baptists. Ch. b. Milo: 16187. Jerry Leroy, Feb. 24, 1897. 16188. Lala Bell, Mar. 20, 1898. 16189. Ned. Lawrence, Jan. 10, 1901, [11437] CHARLES WILLIAM HAMLIN,'"* ( Bro. of CUira A.,^ b. Medway, Me., July 17, 1879; m. Brownville, Me., Nov. 2, 1901, Sadie An^ nie, dau. of John Edward and Emma Frances (Berry) Roberts, b. Brownville, May 18, 1879: millman: has traveled extensively over the U. S.; res. Lake View, Me., 1902; member Champion Lodge, K. P.; Congs. fll4»)2J GEORGE HAROLD CROWN,'" (Harriet E. Foster,-' Huldah A. Hathaway,*' Clari.ssa H. Hamblin,- Williams," Isaac.f- Josiah,< Jonathan,- James,-!') b. Milton, Vt., May 11, 1^75; unmarried; merchant; Haverhill, .Mass. 111467] MABEL F. MiELIiOV.'" (Julia E. Foster," Huldah A. Hatha- way," Clari.ssa II. Hamblin,' William, •• Isaac,-' Josiah,< Jonathan. » James,-') b. Middlese.>c, Vt., June 11, 1877; m. Haverhill, Mass., Sept. 12, 1899, William Frank, son of William Frank and Emma S. Kippen, b. Bridgeport, Ct., July 5, 1876; clothier: Haverhill: Republican. Ch. b. Haverhill: 161fx». BrknnaMcElrov, Aug. 23, 1900. 16191. J i: MA Foster, Aug. 23, 1900. TENTH GENERATION. 1295 [14489] Dr. WILLIAM SELDEN PEIKCE,!" (Martha White,' Selden,* Eoxanna Hamlin,' Mark,^ Ebenezer,^*^ james.^i) b. Canton, Ct., Oct. 9, 1857; ra. Warren, Pa., June 20, 1901, Annie Grace, dau. of Alpheus Johnson and Nancy Janette (Miles) Davis, b. Warren, Nov. 17, 1867; physician and surgeon; Onavva, Iowa, 1&58-77; Stoneham, Pa., 1877-84; since, Warren, Pa.; Kepiiblican; Coro- ner, 1890-1902; Odd Fellow and B. P. O- E.; Presbs. [14490] KATE PEIRCE.i" (Bro. of William S.,) b. Onawa, Iowa, May 23, 1860; m, Stoneham. Pa.. Sept. 12,1882, Fred Philip, son of Philip and Amelia (Butters) Hue, b. Liverpool, Eng,, Sept. 30, 1859: formerly bookkeeper and clerk; oil producer, since, 1882; he res. Liverpool, En^r., 1859-63; Isle of Jersey, 1864; St. John, N. B., 1865-78: Stoneham, Pa., 1880-3; since, Warren, Pa.; Republican; prest., American Oil Co., Delaware; director, Citizen^s Nat'l Bank, Warren; trustee, Presb. church, Warren; member North Star Lodge 241, A.F. & A.M.; Occidental Chapter 235, R. A. M.: Warren Com- mandery 63, K. T,; prest., Warren Outing Club; member Conewango, Outing, Shakespear and Golf Clubs, of Warren; she member Shakespear Club; Presbs. Children: 16192. Hakold Peikce, June 20, 1888, Stoneham. 16193. Edwin Ruthven, Dec. 12, 1884, 16194. Florence Millington, July 1, 1887, Warren. [14491] ELBRIDGE GERRY PEIRCE,i« (Bro. of William S., ) b. Onawa, Iowa, May 17, 1867; m. Jamestown, N.Y., Dec. 19, 1895, Florence Belle, dau. of William F. and Moilie (West) Stone, b. Washington, D. C.. Dec. 9, 1871; credit man and otBce manager, Jamestown Worsted Mills; he res. Onawa, Iowa, until 1877; Stoneham, Pa., until 1885; Jamestown, N.Y., 1893: N. Y. City. 1894; Schenectady, N.Y., 1896; Jamestown, 1902: Republican: corporal and ser- geant, 13th Separate Co., N. Y., N. G.; enlisted 1888; dis. 1894; member ML Moriah Lodge, 145, A.F. & A.M.; she Cong; member Century Club and Y.W.C.A. Ch. b. Jamestown: 16195. Elbkidge Gerry, June 3, 1900. [14492] HELEN WHITE PEIRCE,i'> (Sister of William S.,) b, Onawa, Iowa, Sept. 13, 1869; m. Warren, Pa., Nov. 20, 1889, Robert Shields, son of Edward Smytheand Katherine Piercy Hall, b. Philadelphia. Pa., Feb. 27, 1862; salesman; Philadelphia, Merchant ville, N. J., and Warren; Re- publican. Ch. b. Warren: 16196. Martha Pkirce, Nov. 26, 1895. [14493] ELIZABETH PEIRCE,!" (Sister of William S.,) b. Onawa, Iowa, Sept. 7, 1874; m. Warren, Pa,, June 3, 1897, Gilbert Smith, son of James and Lottie Smith Galbraith, b. Ohio, Apr. 17, 1872: Lieut., U. S. Navy; Youngstown, Ohio; Warren, and Philadelphia, Pa.; Germantown, Pa., 1901; Republican. He entered the U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md.. as cadet from Penn., Sept. 8, 1890: graduated 1896. Injured on U.S. Siiij). Indiana, and lost a foot, 1896; Presbs. Ch. b. Warren: 16197. William Peirce, June 4, 1900; d. same day. 16198. Helen Peirce, ' June 4, 1900. 1296 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [HoOlJ PHILIP GIDEON WHEELER.'" (Mary J. White.' SeldPti/ U(»xanna Hamlin,' Mark," Ebenezer,*«» Jaiiies,2i) b. Canton Center, Ct., .Sept. 22, 1869; unmarried: educated in Warren Ili^rh seliool: compositor, insur- ance a^'ent: Erie arul Warren, Pa.; member Warren Lixitje SM. I. O. O. F. tl4r}()2] HAWLEY EDWARD.S WHEELER, >» ( Bro. of Philip G.,) b. .Stoneham. Pa., Apr. 15, 1880: unmarried: educated Warren II ij^h .school: nurse; Warren and Erie, Pa. [14;508] NELSON DANIEL COE,»o (Catherine R. Goddard.» Harriet White,* Roxanna Hamlin. ■-.Mark," Ebene-Aer,''«» .fames,-'') b. Winsted. Ct., Oct. 17. 1858: m. Sept. 15, 188.1, Carrie, dau. of William A. and Martha (Kelsey,* Waterbury. Ch, b. New Haven: 16199. Hakhikt Watekhuky, Sept. 15, 1884. 16200. Fkedekick Kklsky, Dec. 18, 1886. [14,545] EDITH BROWN,'" (Hiram B.," Elixa Hamlin," Romanta," Dan.' Ebenezer.'^*^ .lames,^') b. Otsego, Mich., Dec. IT, 1878: m. (xrand Rapids. Mich.. Nov., 1898, Edwin, son of J. B. and Catherine (Jones) Marshall, b. Plainweil, Mich., Sept. 8, 1875: fireman, L. S. & M. S. R. R.; White Pigeon, Mich. Ch. b. White Pigeon: 16201. Ruth, Aug. 2, 1899. [14551] MABEL EDITH SWETLAND,'" (Eva C. MunsoD," Miriam Hamlin,"* Romanta,' Dan," Ebenezer,"** James,^') b. Portland, N. Y., June 22, 1877; m. Brocton, N. Y., Apr. 12, 1899, DeHart E. Lynch, b. Charlotte, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1874; bookkeeper; Charlotte, N. Y., until 1889; Brocton, until 1899; Warren, Pa., until 1901; since Jamestown, N. Y.: Republican; she member Ladies Home Club. Ch. b. Warren: 16202. HowAKD Beujamin, Jan. 5, 1900. [14.5<>11 FRANKLIN BECK WITH CLEMONS.'" (Rebecca Drake,'-' Elizabeth C. Parker,« Rebecca Pardee,' Zilpha Hamlin,'' Jabez.'' Thomas,* Ebenezer,Mames,'~') b. N.Y. City, Dec. 6, 1866: unmarried; civil engineer; Syra- cuse and N.Y. City; Republican: member The Order of Foundei-s and Patriots of America: Empire State Society: S. A. R., and of Syracuse local cha[)tor (»f same. He rendered valuable assistance in compiling the de.scendants of Zilpha Hamlin," for this wcfrk. [14.580] MABEL PARSONS,'" (Robert F.,'-* Helen Fenner," Louisiana Hamlin,' Amos, « Cornelius,'^* Ebenezer,:* James,-') b. Richmond, Ills., Dec. 2, 1879; m. Chicago, Ills., Dec. 19, 1901, Ralph Leslie, son of Frank G. and Etta (Bogart) Fi.sk, b. Nov. 28, 1879; barber: Richmond, until marriage; since, Elgin, Ills.; member Knights of the Globe, and Barbers rnion. |146;}6j DOLLY M. GRAHAM,'" (Lydia A. Sad Seymour,' Timothy.* Ruth Hamlin.'' Cornelius.* Ebenezer, 22, 1862; m. Apr. 4, 18S0, Milton Wambold. Child: 1620:i Myktle, b. June 25, 1882. Sackelt.9 Maria Treat," H James,*') b. Aug. TENTH GENERATION. 1297 [14(>37] NOAH M. GRAHAM,i« (Bru. of Dolly M..) \>. Sept. 11, 1864: m. June 6, 1884. 1()204. One Child. 114649] ARTHUR LINFORD DREW, i« (Alpha Aldrich," Aliuira Treat,** TimothyJ Thomas,'"' Ruth Hamlin,'' Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James,"') b. Three Oaks, Mich., June 27. 1868: m. vStockton, Cal, May 22, 189-5, Helen Eliz- abeth, dau. of Perry and Eliza (Saunders) Tefft, b. Stockton, .lune 18, 187;}: rail- road contractor; Three Oaks, until 1875; San Bei'nardino, until 1902: since, Los Angeles. Cal.; Republican; she Cong. Ch. b. Los Angeles: 16205. Caroline Adelma, May 30, 1900. [146.50J FRED C. DREW, 1" (Bro. of Arthur L.,) b. Three Oaks, Mich., Sept. 20, 1870: m. Grand Rapids, Mich., Oct. 10, 1893, Bertha Leone, dau. of William and Frances (Gilbert) Harri.son, b. Grand Rapids, Aug. 3, 1871: book keeper, Harrison Wagon Mfgy.; Three Oaks, until 1875: San Bernardino, Cal., 1875-99; since, Grand Rapids, Mich.; Republican; member State Militia. She Epis. Ch. b. Grand Rapids: 16206. Hakvey Linford, Sept. 6, 1901: d. Sept. 8, 1901. [14742] CHARLES MILO TEN BROOK, i" (William G.,'-* Charlotte J. Treat,* Cornelius D.,' Cornelius," Ruth Hamlin,-^ Cornelius,* Ebenezer,^ James.'^M b. Duluth, Minn., June 14, 1871: m. there, Apr. 22, 1897, Claire Lsabel, dau. of John Joseph and Rebecca Sarah (Coulson) Miller, b. LaPorte, Ind., Nov. 6, 1876: bookkeeper: Duluth, until 1881; Minneapolis, 1881-2; since, Duluth; Republican: member of Duluth Council 1483, R. A." Ch. b. Duluth: 16207. Ruth Cordelia, Mar. 26, 1898. 16208. Allen Goodwin, Sept. 15, 1899. [14743] W^ILLIAM TREAT TEN BROOK,i'> (Bro. of Charles M.,) b. Duluth, Minn., Aug. 22, 1872: m. there, Aug. 16, 1899, Ida Mae, dau. of Charles Jacob and Ida Ann (Hershey) Rathvon, b. Tonavvanda, N.Y., P'eb. 6, 1875; bookkeeper: Duluth; Republican: member Palestine Lodge79, A.F.&A.M.; Keystone Chapter, 20, R. A. M.: Duluth Commandery 18, K. T.; Scottish Rite 33°; Osman Temple, N. M. S.; she member Zenith Chapter 25, O. E. S. [14806] ETTA KEYE.S,i« (Alice H. Boardman,« Esther A. Chamberlain." Malina Treat,' Ebenezer,« Ruth Hamlin, ■'• Corneliu.s,* Ebenezer,:' James. ••") b. Livonia, N. Y., Apr. 21, 1870; m. Lansing, Mich., Mar. 19, 1889, Pearl Whit- comb, son of Thomas and Esther (Shaw) Williams, b. Charlotte, Mich., Apr. 3, 1867; Associated Press operator; res. Eaton Rapids, Mich., during boyhood; later. Bay City and Lansing: Detroit, Mich., 1902; Republican. No issue. [14807] WILLIAM LOOMIS KEYE.S,'" (Bro. of Etta,) b. Livonia, N.Y., Oct. 8, 1871; m. Lansing, Mich., 1889, Luella Moore, of Lansing; clerk with Rapid R. R. sys'-em; Detroit, Mich. Ch. b. Toledo, Ohio: 16209. Bessie Vivian, Aug. 18, 1891. 1298 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [14808] ARTIILR MELVILLE KKYES,'o (Bro. of Etta.) b. Livonia, N.Y., Feb. 3, 1873: ni. Detroit, Mich., 189«, Mena Burns, of Am- herstburff, Ont.; merchant: Detntit. No issue. [14844] .lENNlE BROWN,'« ( Abi^rail C. Moore,» Phebe M. Brown. > George,' Phebe Hamlin," .Jabc/.,* Thomas,* Ebenezer.^ James,* >) b. LaGrange Co.. Ind., July 6, 1874: m. Feb. 8. 1891, .Mose.s, son f»f William and (Hurst) Wagnfr: laborer; Leesburg, Ind. Ch. b. LaGrange Co.: 1()210. Clauen-ce, Oct. 24. 1891. HiJll. A Child, Apr. 7. 1894: d. Apr. 15, 1894. I(i212. Oka, Oct. 8, 1895. [14845] DORA .lEANETTE BROWN,'" (Sister of Jennie.) b. Ontario, Ind., June 23, 1876; m. Mitchell, .So. Dak., Mar. 24, 1896. [14847] JOHN EDWARD BARTLEY,'" ( Mary Brown.-' John W.,- George,' Phebe Hamlin," Jabez,'^ Th(»mas,* Ebenezer,3 James,-') b. Cedar cf)unty, Iowa, Oct. 21, 1866: m. Iowa City, Iowa, Aug. 16, 1892, Edith, dan. of Charles and Mary Janet (Guild ) Cope, b. Cedar county, Sept. 26, 1871: farmer and teacher: Tipton, Iowa, until 1892; Lowden, Iowa. 1892: Calamus, Iowa, 189.3-4: Tipton. 1896: Atali.ssa, 1897-8; since, Tipton: Republican: 1st Lieut., F, 49 Iowa, Inf. Vols., Spanish Am. war, commissioned Apr. 25, 1898, and served in the 7th Army Corps at the occupation of Havana, Jan. 1, 1899: dis. May 15, 1899; Capt. F, 49 la., N. G.; treasurer Cedar Co. 1900-1; member Alhambria Lodge 93, K. P. Children: 16218. Charles Cope, b. June 10, 1893, Lowden. 16219. Mai{V Catherine, '• .Ian. 2, 1895, Calamus. 16220. Ror.KRT lIiHiii, 'May 27, 1^97, .Vtali.s.sa. 19221. Rutm.Ianet, "Apr. 2. 1900, Tipton. [14S49I WILLI.V.M HUGH BARTLEY,'" (Bro. of John E., ) b. Newell, Iowa, .luly 12, 1871: m. Marathon. Iowa, Nov. 26, 1891, Ellen. dau. of John and Emily (Latin) Garton, b. Marathon, July 16, 1872: real estate TENTH GENERATION. 1299 broker; Laurens, ]a.: Democrat: member Camp KWO, M. \V. A.: luembens Church of God. Ch. b. Marathon: 16222. Effie, Sept. 25, 1892. 16223. George, Nov. 2, 1893. 16224. Blanche, Sept. 1, 1895. 16225. Bessie, Mar. 24, 1897. 16226. Eva, Dec. 25, 1898: d. Jan. 3, 1899. 16227. Earl, Oct. 26, 1900. [14855] FRED STOCKER,'" (George L.,'-' Betsey C. Brown," George^ Phebe Hamlin, « Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer.s James,-'i) b. Sac Co., Iowa, Feb. 24, 1870; m. Oct, 19, 1898, Annie L.. dan. of Charles Percy and Hannah (Buhner) Hicks, b. Cedar Co., Iowa, Jan. 30, 1876: carpenter; Sac City, Iowa; Republican; member Sac City Lodge 323, I. O. O. F.; she Methodist; members Brotherhood American Yeomen, 86. No issue. [14858] WILLIAM N. CARVER,io (Mary Stocker,' Betsey C. Brown,* George, 7 Phebe Hamlin, « Jabez,-' Thomas,* Ebenezer,' James,2i) b. July 7, 1870; m. Dec. 3, 1893, Lottie M. Van Pelt. Children: 16228. June, Jan. 24, 1895. 16229. William H., Oct. 4, 1896. [14864] HOWARD WATT STOCKER,!" (John L.,'-' Betsey C Brown,* George,^ Phebe Hamlin, « Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,^^!) b. Sac City, loM'a, June 2, 1874; ra. Ft. Dodge, Iowa, Aug. 16, 1900, Myete, dau. of Jeremiah and Emeline (McClure) Prudum, b. Aledo, 111., May 31, 1876; barber; Sac City, until 1876; Ashton, Iowa, 1876-8; Sac Co., Iowa, 1878-84; Newell, Iowa, until 1900; since, Cherokee, Jowa; Republican. [14865] CHARLES GEORGE STOCKER,!" (Bro. of Howard W.,) b. Ashton, Iowa, Nov. 10, 1876; m. Newell, Iowa, Apr. 12, 1900, Laura, dau. of George Louis and Elois Safora (Rench) Layman, b. Frostburg, Md., Nov. 13, 1879: barber; Ashton, until 1878; Sac Co., Iowa, 1878-84; since, Newell, Iowa: Republican; member Rex Lodge 242, K. P.; she Methodist. [14867] MABEL EASTMAN,i" (Mary C. Keith,^ Abigail C. Brown,* George,^ Phebe Hamlin,* Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,»James,2i) b. Lagrange Co., Ind., Aug. 5, 1866: m. Chariton Co., Mo., July 3, 1890, John A.Silcott; plasterer; Lima, Ind.: Republican. No i.ssue. [14868] BLANCHE EASTMAN, 10 (Sister of Mabel,) b. La Grange Co., Ind., Sept. 23, 1872; m. Chariton Co., Mo., Dec. 13, 1891, Lloyd Perry, b. Linn Co., Mo., Feb. 24, 1862; farmer; Chariton county, Mo.; Democrat. Ch. b. Lima, Ind.: 16230. Ura, July 8, 1894. r.m THE hamlin family. [14870J LOTTIE SCOTT,'" (Charlotte E. Keith.'' Abitrail C, Hri.wii.^ (Jeor^e,' Phebe Hamlin." Jabez,-- Thomas, < Ebenezer.^ James,2i) b. Ontario, Ind.. July 23, 186(): m. Lima, Ind., Nov. 1(), 1892, Rut'us M., son of John and Katherini' (Feesler) Kimmel. b. Lima, Ind.. May .'5, lH(iS: liardware merchant: Lima; Dem- ocrat; postmaster. 1S9;5-T: meml)er LaCiraiiye Lodtre lait. I. O. O. F.: Lima Lod^e W2, K. I'. [14fS71) (;E0R(;E SCOTT, •» I Hro. of Lottie.) b. Ontario, Ind., May 3, 1872: in. Fredonia, Kansas, Eninia .Moore; merchant: Thayer. Ind.; Republican. [14879] JEN.VIE MAUDE BROWN,'" (Antrus M.." (reortfe,"" Phehr Hamlin, « Jabez,-' Thomas,* Ebenezer.* James,-') b. Ashton, Iowa, June 7. 1874; m. Colton, Cal., Oct. 11, 1899. Milton Henry, son of John Charles and Charity (Coburn) Blake, b. Colton, Sept. 14, 1878; mechanic: Los Angeles, Cal.: Presb.; member K. P.; Lodge 2o, Fraternal Brotherhood. [14881] LUCY MABEL BROWN,'" (Sister of Jennie M.,) b. Sioux City, Iowa, Aug. 24, 187(): m. Apr. 7, 1901. .lauies Vivian Date: res. P^ res no, Cal. [14884] FLORENCE M. SW^EET,'" (Eliza P. Brown," George,"" Phebe Hamlin,*"' Jabez,'* Thomas,* EbeDezer,3 James,-') b. Sac county, Iowa. Oct. 3, 1868; m. Don. A. Rutledge; blacksmith; he went to Klondyke; Methodists. [14885] GEORGE D. SWEET,'" (Bro. of Florence M.,; b. Sac County, Iowa, Mar. 31, 1871. Child: 16231. Makjokie. [14887] MATTIE JANE SWEET,'" (Sister of Florence M..) b. Beuna Vista County, Iowa, Feb. 23, 1875; m. Fonda, Iowa, Sept. 5, 1893, P'red, .son of Don A. and Sarah M. (Thorn) Marvin, b. near Dubuque, Iowa, Aug. 14, 1856; railway expressman: Fonda, Iowa, 189.'}-19<10; since, Des Moines, Iowa: Republican; member Symbol Lodge 432, A. F. & A. M.; Odd Fellow and M. W. A. Ch. b. Fonda: 16232. FoHKEST W., Jan. 4, 1896. 16233. Geuald Sweet, Aug. 26, 1898. [14888] BLANCHE S. SWEET,'" (Sister of Florence M..) b. Beuna Vista County, Iowa, May 19, 1877: m. George Kcrslake: merchant. [14890] WALTER E. BROWN,'" (George,""' Phebe Hamlin,« Jabez,"* Thomas,* Ebenezer,3 James,^') b. Newell, Iowa, Feb. 23, 1875; m. Curtis, Neb., Aug. 6, Cenie, dau. of Samuel and (Ellis) Link, b. Sept. 1873; Alliance. Neb. Children: 16234. Oscar C, b. Oct., I8i)7, Curti.s. 16235. llEATHA, " June, 1898, 16236. Velpha, " Sept., 1899, Alliance. TENTH GENERATION 1301 [14892] GRACE V. BROWN,") (Sister of Walter E.,) b. Newell, Iowa, June 27, 1881; m. Hershey, Neb., Nov. .{o. iMiii. Joseph McConnell, b. Scotland: farmer; Hershey: she Cong, Ch. b. Hershey: 16237. Fern, Oct. 28, 1900. [14894] NELLIE MAY BROWN,io (Frederick H.,'-» George,*^ Phebe Hamlin, 6 Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,2i) b. Sac City, Iowa, Feb. 2, 1883; m. at home of brides"s parents, Feb. 4, 1900, Howard E., son of Edward and Malinda (Mills) Horstield, b. Ogdeasburg, N.Y., Sept. 30, 1876: farmer: moved from N. Y. to Sac county, Iowa, 1879; Dewey county, Okla., 1889, Riley, Okla.; Republican; United Brethren. [149031 OLIVE ELNORA BROWNELL,i« (Frances A. Bown,'' Olive Brown,* George,' Phebe Hamlin,6Jabez,»Tliomas,* Ebenezer.s James,2i) b- Bushy Prairie, Lagrange Co.. Ind., July 12, 1875; m. there, Nov. 25, 1894, Melvin, son of Joseph and Anna (Lint) Gannon, b. Milford Tp., Lagrange Co., Ind., Nov. 9, 1868; painter; Kalamazoo Co., Mich., 1899; Elmira. Mich., 1900; Manceloiia, Mich., 1902; Republican; Baptist; she Methodist. Children: 16288. Elmek Gekald, b. June 13, 1897, Salem. 16239. William Earl, " July 1, 1900, Elmira, [14916] ERMINA MARIA ALDRICH,io (Lucy A. S utile rland,' Lucy A. Brown, » George,- Phebe Hamlin, « Jabez,» Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,^!) b. Sac City, Iowa, Nov. 4, 1874; m. there. May 10, 1899, Walter Thomas, son (»f James Madison and Belle (Laughlin) Boring, b. Butler, Mo., Sept. 12, 1873: tinner: Sac City; Republican: member Camp 3280, M. W. A.; Methodists. Ch. b. Sac City: 16240. Dorothy Arvilla, Mar. 9, 1902. [14918] WILLIAM HUDSON ALDRICH,io (Bro. of Ermina M., ) b. Sac City, Iowa, Feb. 15, 1880; m. Kent, Iowa, Apr. 14. 1901, Sarah Ellen, dau. of John and Alice Amelia Ball, b. Sac City, Dec. 23, 1881; barber; Creston, Iowa; Republican; Methodists. [14942] AGNES MILLEN,i» (Caroline D. Foote,' Eliza Wooster,* AlmiraFairchild,^ Lucinda Hamlin,^ Jabez,'"' Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ Jaraes.^i) b, 1862; m. Sept., 1889, Frederic Cruger, of St. Paul. Child: 16241. Charles Frederic. [14945] Dr. henry WOOSTER PATRICK," (Caroline D. Wooster,» Henry M.,8Almira Fairchild,' Lucinda Hamlin, « Jabez,^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,» James,2») b. Norwalk, Ohio, Dec. 24, 1862; m. Traverse City, Mich.. Aug. 26, 1884, Sarah, dau. of Jacob and Susan (Hutchinson) Stoulenburg. b. 1862: physi- cian: Norwalk and Elyria, Ohio: Republican; member B. P.O. E.; Epis. Ch. b. Norwalk: 16242. Susan Jannette, b. June 15, 1885. 1:^02 THE ITAMLIN FAMILY. [1494&J NELLJE I'ATKICK."' (Sistur of Henry W.,) b. Norwalk, Ohio, Oct. 12. \H(i6: tn. there, .lune 15, 1887, Theodore C, son of John anri Fidelia C. Stevens, b. Toledo, Ohio, Feb. fi. lHti4: banker; Toledo: Re- publican: n>enaber Sanford Collins Lodge, A. F. ^^ A. M.: Epis. Ch. b. Toledo: 10243. Malcolm, b. Jan. 24, 1888. 16244. Paul, " March, 1891. 16245. Helen, '' May, 189t>. [14948] LUCY I^ERKINS BOA LT,»" (Charlotte Wooster,'^ Henry M.." Almira Fairchild," Lucinda Hamlin," Jabez,"* Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,^') b. Norwalk, Ohio, May 11, 18(58; m. there, Oct. 7, 1891, Asa Gardner, son of Charles Hackley and Sophronia ( Mnd^e) Palmer b. Watwika. His., Aii^f. 29. 1856: general agent. Sloss Shetlield Sleel and Iron Co., Birmingham, Ala.; Watseka, 1856-T:}: Norwalk, Ohio, 1873-7; Watseka, 1877-80; Terre Haute, Ind.. 1880-5; Chicago, His., 1886-7; Peoria, Ills., 1886-93; St. Louis, Mo., 1893; Evansville, Ind., 189:5- 1900; since, Birmingham: Republican; member Indiana Soc. S.A.R.; she mem- ber Vanderburg Chapter, 1). A. R., and Woman's Club. Children: 16246. FuEDEKiCK GARDNER, b. J UDB 16, 1893, Norwalk: d. Jan. 1, "^6. 16247. Charles Leicester, " Nov. 7, 1896, Evansville. 16248. Gardner, " Mar. 19, 1898, 16249. Francis, " Jan. 28, 1899, " d, Jan. ;{l.'9i* 16250. Malcom Boalt, "■ Apr. 10, 1900, "' [14949] CAROLINE WOOSTER BOALT,io (Sister of Lucy P.,) b. Norwalk, Ohio, Jan. 10, 1871: m. June, 1897, John A. Strutton; res. Nor- walk. 16251. A Child, b. June, 1898; d. Oct., 1898. [15011] Rev. CALVIN JONES GRAVES,'" (Jefferson F.,» Ferdinand v.," Roxanna Hamblin,' James, « Amasa,'^ Thomas,* Ebenezer,^ James,-' b. Booneville, N.Y., June 6, 1873; m. Auburn, Ind., June 28, 1897, Mary Jane, dau. of Amos and Rosana Maria (Freeman) Hilkey, b. Auburn, Ind., Mar. 7, 1875; clergyman: Booneville, until 1892; Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1892-3: Upland, lud., ls^ William John, .son of Samuel and Eli/.a (Deni.son) Limerick, b. \VestTrdi.st. [15260] ELIZABETH MAY BANKER,*^' (Emmat^eoe Hull,'-' William. Betsey Drake,^ Eunice Hamlin, » Sethif* Isaac,* Ebenezer,^ James,^!) b. Centn Valley, N. Y., May 19, 1867; m. — Howd. |j Cbildren: 162.59. Guy 11\nkek, b. June :i, 1894. 16260. Alhkut Inoalls, " July 14, 1895. [15265] KATE MARIA BURTON,'" (Georgia Elliott,» Olive Hull,* Betsey Drake,- Eunice Hamlin, « Seth," Isaac* El^enezer,-' James.'-') b. West- i. ville, N.Y., May 3, 1872: m. Pontiac, Mich., Apr. 12, 1900. Frank Charles, son of t William Frank and Myra Sophronia (Wiley) Sherman, b. Bucksport. Me., Jan, 11. 1861; inventor and promoter; Pontiac, Mich.; Republican; Baptists. [15270] GEORGE GARY RANDALL,'" ( Henry W.,-' Laurinda Hull/ Betsey Drake," Eunice Hamlin," Seth,' Lsaac,* Ebenezer,=* James,^') b. Fly Creek, N. Y., Mar. 17, 1875; m. Fort Plain, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1901, Eula Tiffany, dau. of William and Martha (TitTany) Rapp, b. Fort Plain. Jan. 1. 1H81; clerk; Fort Plain; Republican: Freemason; Methodists. [15:308] MARY E. FAY,io (Lina Bisbop,» Mary Ann Caldwell,* Laura William," Clarissa Hamblin.« Lsaac,»* Ebenezer,'* James.-'i b. Norwalk. Ohio, Oct. 24, 1877; m. Jan. 13, 1901, Lewis, son of Ale.vander and Lucy (Esterbrook) Chapin, b. Milan, Ohio, Oct. 20, 1871; farmer; Norwalk; Republican. Child: 16261. Nora Lucille, b. Dec. 11, 1901. [15328] KITTIE MAY GREEN, »« (Catherine Abel." Nancy D. Clary," Eliza M. Williams,' Claris.sa Hamblin,« Isaac, ^* Ebenezer,^ James,-*') b. Detroit, Mich., Mar. .30, 1874: m. there, Nov. 1.5. 1899: Robert, .son of Robert and Clara Shiell. b. Detroit. .May 31. 1871; mercliant: Delr(jit: Contr.: slie Epis. [15.3.351 ALICE BELLE HANCHETT,'" (Rosa Hell Van (Jelder,'-' Ida I. C. Williams." .John W.,' Clarissa IIaini)lin.« Isaac, ■'< Ebenezer.-* James.-'^ b. Amherst, Ohio, 1874: m. 1st, Sept. 24, 1892, Clayton Engles, who d. Dec. 4, 18!»4; m. 2d, June 1, 1897, Bernard A. Ku.ss. Ch. by 1st iTiarriage: 16262. FiTiiEL, I). Apr. 30, 1894. By 2d marriage: 16263. Jesammene, b. Aug. 1, 1899. TENTH aENERATlON. l;U)o [15350] IDA ALDRICH SEARS,"' (Henry P.,» Philip IT.," Polly Hovv- landj Lois Hamblin," Perez.'> Isaac,* Ebenezer,» James,'' ») b. Pittstield, Mass., Sept. 26. 1875: m. Holyoke. Mass., Dec. 13, 189.3, Edwin Ruitis, son of Nelson Abbottand Adele (Hoag) Miles, b. N.Y. City, June 18, 18()7: book keeper: New Canaan, Ct.. and Denisboro, N.Y., until 1885; since, Holyoke, Mass.; Re* publican: Congs. Cb. b. Holyoke: ]62«4. Ruth Elizabeth, Sept. 5, 1895. 162<)5. ROBRHT Sears. Au^. 24, 1897; d. Aug. 23, 189^. 16266. Edwin Franklin, May 4, 1900. [153511 ETHEL ANNA SEARS,"' (Sister of Ida A.,)' b. Hinsdale, Mass., Apr. 6, 1878; m. Holyoke, Mass., Oct. 3, 1900, Edward Piatt, son of Fiank Kennedy and Frances Amelia (Hitchcock) Young, b. Blooms- bury, N.J., Apr. 28, 1872; printer; secretary and treasurer of Gardner News Co., Gardner. Mass.: Bloorasbury, until 1890; Flemington, N. J., until 1895: Mont- pelier, Vt., and Gardner, Mass., since 1900; Republican; she Cong. Ch. b. Gardner: 16267. Richard Sears, b. Sept. 8, 1901. [15460J MAGGIE ELIZA HAMLIN,'" (John G," Weld,* John,' Theophi- Ius,s Nathaniel,'* Lewis,* Ebenezer.s James,^') b. Leon Co., Fla., Nov. 19, 1882; m. Tallahassee, Fla., Jan. 2, 1901, Allen Jefferson, son of Joseph Stafford and Georgia (Parker) Geoghagan, b. Liberty Co., Ga., Jan. 18,1861, his 2d wife; farmer and dealer in naval stores; Woodville, Fla.; Democrat; K. P. Before marriage she was a .school teacher; member W. C. T. U.; Methodists. Ch. b. Woodville: 16268. Thomas .Jefferson, Oct. 27, 190L [15461] KATE BRADLEY HAMLIN,") (Sister of Maggie E.,) b. Leon Co., Florida, July 25, 1885; m. Newport, Fla., Sept. 4, 1901, George Fred, son of Frederick and Maggie Rowe, b. Mcintosh county, Ga., June 29, 1869: turpentine woods rider: Wakulla, Fla.; Democrat. [15484] EMILY HINCKLY BAKER,"' (Julia G. Hinckley.' Malvina H. Wheeler,8 Malvina Hamlen," Theophilus,« Nathaniel,'' Lewis,* Ebenezer,;' James,2i)b. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1875; m. N. Y. City, Apr. 8, 18')6, Charles Frederick, son of Rev. Augustus Hart Carrier, D. D., and wife Susan Anna Bandell, b. North East, Pa., Dec. 27, 1862: lawyer; Santa Barbara, Cal.; Democrat: she Epis. Child: 16269. Emily Beatrice. b. Jan. 29, 1898. [15552] AGNES J. STONE,'" (Alma Braden,» Rosellia Langdon," Lydia Hamblin,' Asa,« Barnabas,^ Sylvanus,* Elkanah,"* James,^') b. Rose Dale, Wis., Apr. 14, 1877; m. May 21, 1893, Frank L. Likens, b. Feb. 28, 1869. Children: 16270. Hearald, b. 1894: d. Fob. 19. 1899. 16271. Elmer, " June 20, 1896. 16272. Edna, " June 29, 1899. 16273. Roy, "Oct. 7,1901. 130(3 TTTE HAMT.IN KAMILY. [15553] EDNA R.STONE, »» (Sister of Agnes J.,) b. Marcelon, Wis., Feb. 5, 1879; m. Feb. 9, 189«, Tim O'Lary b. June 4, 1860. aiild: U\T,4. Hkauold. 1). May 17, 1901. [15-555] EMMA E. STONE,"" (Sister of Agnes J.,) li. Wright Co., Iowa, Feb. 28, 1884: in. Aug. 30, 1900, Artlnir H. Macliam, b. .lune 10. 1878. Child: 16275. Lkonahd, b. July 1!«, 1901. [15617] MARYETTE ALGER,'" (Martlia Young.« Mary M. liaml^liii," .Jacob v.," Isaiali," Rarnabas,'> Sylvanus,* E]l» (Ella M. Adams,'-- Isabella S. Hamblin," Nathaniel,' Reuben," Benjamin, &« Elkanah,^ James,2i) b. "Williman- tic, Ct., June 23, 1872: ra. there, Oct. 25, 1893, Howard Hughes Riggloman, b. Ohio: res. N. Y. City. [15766] ANNIE L. HAMLEN,»» (Joseph H.,» Charles C.,« Thomas,' Benjamin. « Lemuel,^ Reuben,* Elkanah,^' James, ^i) b. Foxboro, Mass., Dec. 29, 1874; m. Orange, Mass., Dec. 25, 1893, Arthur E., son of Israel C. and Zoradia (Shepherdson) Brown, b. Warwick, Mass., May 1, 1871: salesman; Foxboro; Republican: Baptists. Ch. b. Foxboro: 16278. AuTHUK CuKLEY, July 16, 1895. ELEVENTH GENERATION. [15873] ORLANDO BROOKS CHURCH," (Adalaide E. Brooks,'" Rhoda E. Hamblin,9 Lewis,8^ David,6 Joshua,-^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,-' James,^') b. New Virginia, Iowa, Mar. 2, 1862; m. May 21, 1901, Mrs. Statira Halley, nee Kelso: carpenter; Seattle, Wash. [15875] CORINE SAMANTHA CHURCH," (Sister of Orlando B.,) b. New Virginia, Iowa, Oct. 4, 1869: m. 1st, Jan. 21, 1889. Waldo A. Chapman, from whom she was divorced June, 1891; m. 2d, Clay Center, Kas., Apr. 12, 1894, Henry, son of Casper and Annie (Spilker) Boge, b. Quincy, 111., July 5, 1862; farmer; Quincy, until 1883: since, Clay Center; Democrat: she Baptist. Ch. by 1st marriage, b. Clay Center: 16279. Norma A., Nov. 14, 1888. [15876] BERTHA ISABEL CHURCH," (Sister of Orlando B.,) b. New Virginia, Iowa, June 29, 1872; resident probationer, Episcopal Sis- terhood of the Good Shepherd, St. Louis, Mo. [15880] JAMES CRAWFORD," (Eleanor M. Brooks,"* Rhoda E. Ham- bliD,9 Lewis,87 David," Joshua," Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,'-') b. Coloma, Wau- shara Co., Wis., Jan. 27, 1860: m. Westlield, Wis., Dec. 31, 1899, Annette, dau. of Henry and Mary (Shover) Shelp, b. Mazomanie, Wis.. Oct. 2, 1869: farmer; Springfield, Wis., 1863-82; since, Westtield; Republican; member Westfield Lodge 227, A. F. & A. M.: and Westfield Camp 3969, M. W. A.; she Methodist. Ch. b. Westfield: 16280. Mary Madeline, Dec. 5, 1900. [15881] HARVEY CRAWFORD," (Bro. of James,) b. Adams Co., Wis., July 8, 1862: m. Mankato, Kansas, Nov. 4, 1885. Edna, dau. of Shepard and Sally Black, b. Portland. Ind., Mar. 1, 1860; merchant; Charlton, Iowa, until 1874; Newbern, Iowa, 1880: Mankato, Kans., 1891; Formosa, Kans., 1898; Belleville, Kansas, 1898-1901: Republican: mayor of Belleville, 1898- 1900; Freemason; K. P.: M. W. A. and A. O. U. W.; Methodists. Children: 16281. Harry Barton, b. Nov. 4, 1886, Mankato. 16282. Leigh Shepard, " Dec. 6, 1889, 16283. Laurel, " Aug. 19, 1898, Belleville. 1308 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. [158821 MAKV KNEKLAND." (Ek-aiior M. l^r(n.ks,>"' RlKjda E. Ilam- bllii/ Lewis,"' David/' Josluia,' Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ James,-') b. Chariton. Iowa, Sept. 1, 1864; m. Mankat«j, Kansas, June 13, 189.5, Harvey S., son of Wil- liam Jolin and Mary E. (Knapp) L()^,'an, b. LaFayette, lnd.,18ti4: railway agent: Mankato, Kansas: Sulphur Sprintrs, Texas: Galena, Kansas: Eureka Springs, Aik., since March,UK)l; Kopuhlican; K. T. and member N. >L S.: she I'resb., ^nd membpr O. E- S. Ch. b. Mankato; 1()284. Caklton Ivnkeland. Apr. 25, 1896. [15883] LUCIUS D. KNELLAND." (Bro. of Mary,) b. Chariton, Iowa, June 14. 18n(>: m. Belleville, Kansas, Oct. 4. 1899. Nancy M., dau. of Thomas F. atid Phebe Jane (Pierce) Newburn, b. Roseville, His.. 187(5: merchant: Little River. Kans;is: Itepublican: K. P., and M. W. A.: she memi)er Evangelical church. Ch. b. Belleville: 162{'5. Anna Mildukd, Jan. IT. 1901. [15885] ANNA KNEELANI),'' (Sister of Mary,) b. Chariton, iowa, April 23, 1871; m. Burr Oak, Kas., April 23. 1889. Calvin Ilulbert; bank cashier; Burr Oak: later, St. Louis, Mo.; Republican; Odd Fel- low: she member Rebekah Lodge, J. O. O. F. Ch. b. City of Mexico: l«28fi. Eleann, Dee. 25, 1896. [15887] EDITH ELIZABETH A YERS," (Harriet S. Brook.s,'« Rhoda E. Hamblin,9 Lewis,*' David,* Joshua,* Benjamin,* Eleazer,s James,*!) b. Pilot Knob, Wis., Oct. 1, 1866: m. We.stHeld, Wis., Oct. 4, 1893, George Edward, son of Reuben and Sarah Ann (Williamson) Beeston, b. Oct. 4, 1862; farmer: Spring Creek, Wis., until 1893: Coloma, Wis., until 1898; since, Chippewa I'all.s, Wis.: Republican; Methodists. No issue. [15889] HARVEY LEWIS AYERS," (Bro. of Edith E..) b. Pilot Knob, Wis., Aug. 10, 1874; m. Friendship, Wis., Mar. 20, 1901, Myra M., dau. of Stewart and Almira Frances (Hedden) McFarlin, b. Lincoln. Wis., Jan. 2, 1879: farmer; Pilot Knob; Republican: >lethodist; she Cong, ^^o issue, [15890] FANNIE MILLER," (Frances Brooks,'« Emeline Harablin,» Lewis,87 David,' Josliua,'- Benjamin, < Eleazer,^ Jaipes.'-'M b. SpVingfielci, Wis., Nov. .30, 1877; m. April, 1899, Guy Gibson. Ch. b. Rii;hHeld: 16287. Fkkdkkic Nkale, May 8, 1901, [15802] FAITH M1LLEI{,M (Sister of Fannie,) b- Springtield, Wis., Aug. 24, 1881: m. .June 12. 1900. Robert Lowe. Ch. b. (Coloma, Wis.: ^6288, \' I VI AN, July 18, 1901. ELEVENTH GENERATION. 1309 [15906] MAUDE L. PEOSSER," (William E.,i« Mary F. Hamblin,'-' Lewis,8' David, «Joshua,s Benjamin,-' Ebenezer,:* James,-M b. Sullivan, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1877; m. Rome, N. Y., Mar. 15, 1999, George H., son of Michael and Elizabeth (Ehle) Jacobs, b. Rome, Nov. 29,1876; farmer: Rome, until 1900; since, Orwell, N.Y,; Prohibitionist; Methodists. Cli. b. Rome: 16289. Ray, June 18, 1900. [15907] ALICE LUCINDA PROSSER," (Sister of Maude L.,) b. Sullivan, N. Y., D&c. 30, 1880; m. Kirkville, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1899, Lewis Fred, son of Frederick and Sophia (Hauer) Herman, b. Bridgeport, N. Y., Ma^' 18, 1872; farmer; Bridgeport: Republican: Methodists. Ch. b. Bridgeport: 16290. Stuart Lewjs^ June 17^ lj90L [15908] MAYME E. PROSSER," (Sister of Maude L.,) b. Sullivan, N. Y.. Feb. 18, 1882: m. Rome, N. Y., Mar. 14, 1900, Walter, ison of George and Lois (Markart) Rung, b. Rome, Oct. 10, 1875; mechanic; Rome; Republican; Methodist; member A. O. U. W.; she Baptist. Ch. b. Rome: 16291. George W., Jan. 17, 1901. [15914] NELSON LEGRAND LANSING," (Walter E.,i» Harriet M. Harablin,9 David,« Lewis,' David.* Josh.ua,s, Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ Jame.s,2i) to. Kirkville, N.Y., Dec. 18, 1878; m. East Syracuse, N.Y. , May 9, 1900. Grace E., •dau. of William James and Alice T. (Skulley) Winchell, b. Oneida, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1880: lawyer; Kirkville, until Apr., 1893; since, East Syracuse: Republican; Methodist; member East Syracuse Tent 549, K. O. T. M.; she Baptist. Ch. b. E. Syracuse: 16292. Walter Elbert, Dec. 2, 1900. [15923] Dr. JOHN MAYO CONLE\^" (John D.,»»PameliaE. Johnson," Lucy Hamblin,8 Joshua,' David,« Joshua,^ Benjamin,* Eleazer,^ Jamcs,^') b. Car- linville, Ills., Dec. 25, 1873; m. Oshkosh, Wis., Oct. 1, 1901, Beatrice Mary, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth (Leary) Roche, b. Oshkosh, Dec. 29, 1876: he attended the State University of Wyoming, four years, and graduated Chicago Med. Col- lege, 1897; physician and surgeon; Oshkosh, Wis.; Democrat; Methodist; mem- ber of Winnebago Lodge 120, L O. O. F., and Winnebago Tent 45, K. O. T. M.; she Catholic. [15924] FLORENCE ELIZABETH CONLEY," (Sister of .lohn M..) b. Carlinville. Ills., Sept. 29, 1879; unmarried; she graduated at Blackburn University, Carlinville, 1901, winning the gold medal for highest rank in schol- arship. [15927] JAMES EMMET CONLEY," (Jerome H.,'» Pamelia K. John-sun," Lucy Hamblin,« Joshua,' David.e Joshua,-' Benjamin,* Ebenezer,» James.^M b. i:ilO THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Juneo, IST.i; m. Jan. 4. 1S99, Anna Belle Cadriin, oi Charleston, S. C: electri- cian and engineer; Charleston. Child: 16293. J EKOME Gilbert, b. Dec. 6, 1899. [I()ni4] SARAH AHHIE MP:RRL\M," (Ellen M. Lowe,'" .John.-' Louisa A. Messenger," Betsey IMlillips,' Elizabeth Hamlin,''* Elea/er.'- Benjamin,* Elea- zer,3 James,2i) b. p^jtchburg, Mass., Aug. 9, 1869: m. there. Sept. 11, 1890, Hon. James L., son of George E. and Martha (Lewisi Harrington, b. Lunenburg, Mass., Oct. 17, 1854: farmer: Lunenberg: Republican: constable: school com- mittee; representative, Mass. legislature, 1895; member Lunenburg (irange 169, P. H.: prest., Worcester North Ag. Soc; member Y. M. C. A.; Methodists. Ch. b. Lunenburg: 16294. Lewis L., Jan. 14, 1892. 16295. Ruth L., May 23, 1893. 16296. Cakl R., Mar. 2, 1896. I ADDENDA. Capt. JOSIAH JENK1NS,6 [352] In addition to his sketch, paRCS 202-3; it appears from McLellan's Hist, of Gorham, recently from the press, that the Jenkins family went to Gorham soon before the Revolution. The name does not appear there up to the year 1773. His name appears in 3d Regt. Cumber- land Co. militia; and as sergt. in Capt. Wentworth Stuart's Co., in Col. Ed- mund Phinney's 31 Mass. Regt : enlisted from Gorham, May 15, 1775, as appears on a return of the company, Sept. 29, 1775. This regt. arrived at Cambridge, July, 1775, and took part in the siege of Boston, and was mustered out Decem- ber of the same year; Col. Phinney was commissioned colonel of a new regiment, the 18th Continental, and re-elisted many of his old command: the new regi- ment entered the service Jan. 1, 1776, and was stationed at Cambridge. Tradi- tion says that when the British evacuated Boston, in March, 1776, it was the first regiment to enter the city, and was stationed at Fort Hill. One company of this regiment, noted for its fine appearance, marched at the head of tiie pro- cession which on Apr. 8, 1776, followed Gen. Warren's body to its resting place in the Old Granary burying ground. In the fall of 1776 the regiment had a long, hard march to Ticonderoga, and during the following year was active in the northern army, and was discharged at Fort George, December. 1776. From the roll of Capt. Stuarfs 1st Co., of Dec. 8, 1776, it appears that Josiah Jenkins was 2d Lieut, and promoted 1st Lieut. Apr. 18, 1776, and re-engaged as Captain in Col. Samuel Brewer's (12 Mass.) Regt. Nov., 13, 1776. Many of the men of the 18th Regt. re-enlisted for three years under Col. Brewer, and the regiment served at Ticonderoga, Lake George, Kings Ferry and in winter quarters at Valley Forge. It participated in the battles of Hobartown and Monmouth, and was present at Burgoyne's surrender, and was at West Point, 1779. Tiie roll of the company taken Jan. 23, 1778, names Josiah Jenkins as captain, and "on furlough." Captain Jenkins took part in the siege of Boston and the Ticonderoga campaign, and was in the battle of Monmouth, and an engagement on Lake Champlain, and was at Burgoyne's surrender. He was discharged Apr. 1, 1779. He was a pensioner; app. dated Gorham, Apr. 14, 1818. After the war he lived in Gorham, and the last years of his life in the village, opposite the Cong, church, where he d. Oct. 20, 1831. His widow d. 1836, aged about 80. SARAH ELEANOR JENKINS," [993] b. Gorham, Me., June 14, 1780: m. Samuel Bartlett. son of Samuel Bartlett, Esq., Register of Probate, Cambridge, Mass. He came from Cambridge to Gorham, Me. Children: 16267. Benjamin, b. Sept. 5, 1814; lost at sea. 16298. WiLLARD B., " May 26, 1817; Methodi.st clergyman: d. Me- [chanics Falls, .June, 1898. 'J 1312 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. MARY CHIPMAN JENKINS,^ [995], b. Gorliam, Mar. 22, 178o: m. Abner Towle, who prob. came from Hampton, N. H. He res. Gorham, Me. She d. July 22. 1849: he d. Nov. 8, 1860, aged, 80. Children: 16299. Cynthia, b. May 1, 1H06: m. Dec. 20, 1842, Ira. son of Daniel and Betsey (Clement) Baker, b. Sept. 23, 179, 1809: m. Martha Bryant. " Sept. 11, 1810: d. Dec. 14, 1896: utim. " Oct. 8, 1812: ra. Samuel T. Buck. " Sept. 11, 1814; m. Adeline Hill. " July 25, 1815: res. Boston. " May 7, 1818: d. June 20, 1840. " Apr. 26, 1820: d. Mar. 6, 1887. unm. " Apr. 11, 1823: m. Eli Clay, of Hiram. "Nov. 25, 1827: m. 1st, John E. Naylor: 2d, J. [Holmes Smith. 16300. Lorenzo, 16301. EnwAKD C, 16302. ROBEKT H.. 16303. MiKIAM B., 16304. Henky, 16305. Brainakd, 16306. Serena, 16307. Mary" M., 16308. Almira. 16309. Catherine, AURELIA JENKINS,^ [996], b. Gorham, Aug. 21, 1787: m. 1st, James, son of Josiah and Hannah (Hanscom) Swett, b. Aug. 21, 1784, his 3d wife: hem. 1st, Sophia Lincoln, who d. 1812: 2d, Hannah Martin, who d. 1828; shoemaker and merchant: he res. Gorham village; after death of 1st wife he went to East- port, Me., and the British Provinces; but returned to Gorham before his 2d marriage; she d. Feb. 23, 1849; he d. Feb. 8, 1859. NANCY JENKINS,' [997], b. Gorham, June 3, 1791: m. Apr. 2. 1810, Fran- cis, son of Benjamin and Sarah (Magory) Poland, b. Portland. Me., Apr. 19. 1788. He served in the 1812 war, on a privateer, supposed to have been lost. It was traced to the coast of Spain, but nothing further known of him. Children: 16310. AURELiA, b. Aug. 16, 1811: m. Jonathan Buck, Jr. Irciiilji:ijn, at Bangor. Me., and left sons, Archelous and Albert. By 2d marriage, Delia H. Gross,' had a son, Sylvanus Smith, « inste;»i of the one given at 2.300. CORRECTIONS. Page 62 115 115 191 194 214 232 250 256 256 258 266 269 298 307 307 311 313 313 316 316 321 353 367 368 368 368 368 387 387 397 407 420 421 421 421 422 ne 48, ae 27, ne 48, ne 46, ne 2, ne 10, ne 27, ne 4, ne 9, ne 51, ne 20, ne 21, ne 15, ne 27, ne 7, ne 12, ne 16, ne 30, ne 30- ne 8, ne 17, ne 39, ne 18, ne 47, ne 8, ne 14, ne 27, ne 48. ne 13, ne 18, ne 12, ne 22, ne 9, ne 20, ne 22, ne 38, ne 16, for 1640, read 1636. for 1775, read 1675. for 1672, read 1675. for 1850, read 1820. for Parmelia, read Pamelia. for 1606, read 1806. for 1633, read 1823. for Newton, read Newtown. for Wealthia, read Welthia. for Blaio, read Blinn. for 1873, read 1813. for Clarkson, N. Y., read Rochester, Mich. for Willis, read Weller. for Martin, read Marston. for Anna, read Ann'. for Benjamin, read Baker. for Parmelia, read Pamelia. for 1779, read 1777. 31, omit these words: "and Clinton, N. Y., Mt. Vernon, Ohio: and Brownvllle, Pa., wliere he was a merchant and farmer." for Benjamin H., read Elisha P. for '* " " '' for Whitmore, read Whitman, for a public entertainment, read his private club, for Tonawanda, read Towanda. for " " " for Herman, read Hemon. for private, read musician, for Bradley, read Braley. for 1804, read 1802. for Berrel, read Reuel. for 1819, read 1809. for Richael, read Rachael. for Chaflin, read Claflin. for Mar., read Nov. Atlanta, read Augusta, for Aug. 27, read Aug. 22. for Waldennes Mentelle, read Waldemar Montelle. i;n4 THE IIAMI.IN FAMILY. Page 442 line 17, for Henry A.. 1). Apr. 1(». IKW. read Henry Au^rustus, b. Apr. 10. 18:iH. 447 line 33, read nearly every important appointment. 448 line 12, for N. Y.. read Wis. 448 line 12, for Fon dn lac, read Food dn Lac. 44M line 13, for " " " •• " 448 line 14. for '' '' " " " " "■ 455, In sketch of .Julia Ann Hamlin, lines 16-18, for "and served (5 years on tlie tiarutoya, arKi subsequently on other vessels; served in the (Jnlf naval wjuadron durinj; the Mexican war: dis.; " read: liis first .service was on the Sdnitoija, and subsequently on other vessels in the Gulf naval squadron during the Mexican war: resif^ned 45(i line 21, for 1803, read 18!»9. 45(j line 21, for 18M, read .June, 1895. 457 line 2H, for 1863, read 1883. 4.58 line 25, for Cornwall, read Cam. .502 line 5, lor Pittsfield, read Lee. 521 line 8, for 1866, read 1869. 524 line 8, for 1867, read 1798. 538 line 41, for Dawes, read Howes. 5.38 line 42, for Mr., read Mrs. 539 line 5, for Frances, read Francis. 555 line 11, for Renjamin, read Benjamin. 590, Sarah J. Collins,* who married Moses Leach, had 7 children. 590, Ruth H. Collins,8 M. Archibald Bissell; and had: Etta, who m.— Smith, and res. Melrose, Mass. Also a son, Archibald, whod. young. 590 lines 31-32, for Timothy, read Farnsworth. 592 line 21, for 1822, read 1832. 592 line 22, for 1832, read 1822. 600 line 5.3, for Tyler, read Taylor. 600-1, Sketch of Caroline E. Pitkin; .James G. Slocum, m. 2d, at Sara- toga Springs, N. Y. instead of Stenbenville, Ohio. 613 line 3:^, for 1867, read 1687. 614 line 25, Sylvanus Shaw,^ was b. 1665, not 1662. He d. West Cum- mington, Ma.ss.: the inscription on his grave stone there, gives the date of his death, .Jan. 18, 1H52, aged 87 years. His wife d. Aug. 11, 1852, aged 80 years. Their son, Hrackley Shaw, d. Aug. 7, 1848. 625 line 21, for Black read Benjamin. 627 line 15, for 1833, read 1823. 629 line 49, for 1855, read 18.56. 630 line 31, for Aug. 18, read Aug. 17. 632 line 20, for Nov., read Mar. 649 line .33, for L. E. Emery, read L. A. Emery. 662 line 3, for Hale, read Hall. 662 line 8, for 1858, read 1868. 6C,3 line 11, for 1874, read 1864. 66(i line 42, for Hermon, read Hemon. 670 line 39, for Jeams, read James. CORRECTIONS. 1315 Page 676 line 39, for Bro. of Cornelius F., read (Cornelius F.J Nathaaiel," Caleb,' James,*32i). 676 line 44, for Oct. 5, 1830, read Apr. 5, 1840. 677 line 2, for navely, read naively. 678 line 6, for Bichnell, read Bicknell. 684 line 12, for Eloie, read Elsie. 686 line 39, for 1895, read 1865. 686 line 41, Beamon, read Beaman. 743 line 14, for Hunter, read Goodricli. 765 line 24, for Erederic, read Frederic. 775 line 36, for Freeman, read Feeman. 775 line 40, for 1859, read 1860. 795 line 2, for 1833, read 1838. 808 line 17, for Mary Eugenie, read Eugenia May. ■808 line 24, for 1855, read 1859. 816 line 20, for Burges, read Burgess. 816 line 22, for Cushing, read Cushman. 817 line 1, for Wiles, read Wyles. 817 line 11, for Burges, read Burgess. 835 line 5, for Janesville, read Jonesville. 835 lines 5-6, omit the words: graduated from State Normal School, Albany, Class 1867. 836 line 40, for Warner read Wagner. 836 line 42, for 103, read 983. 836 line 47, for Edwin, read Erwin. 867 line 27, for Democrat, read Republican. 868 line 13, for Pittsfield, read Lee. 868 line 21, for Sept. 10, read Sept. 15. 868 line 24, for Pittsfield, read Lee. 868 line 25, for Nelson, read Wilson. 868 line 30, for Pittsfield, read Lee. 868 line 33, for 1877, read 1876. 868 line 36, for Helm, read Helen. 891 line 12, for Union, read Confederate. 894 line 8, for Leronier, read Livonier. 896 line 13, for Hanlin, read Hamlin. 910 line 35, for Elizabeth, read Eliza. 911 line 47, for Adeline, read Adelaide. 915 line 15, for Adelpert, read Adelbert. 915 line 20, for 1885, read 1886. 923 line 46, for Louis, read Lois. 942 line 17, for Wareman, read Wareham. 942 line 21, for Jan., read June. 942 line 23, for Mary, read Merry. 942 line 24, for Aug. 30, 1855, read Sept. 21, 1859. 942 line 24, for Windham, read Wiliimantic. 983 line 8, from name Mary Eliza, omi^. the word Eliza. 983 line 12. " " Lucille Emily, omit the word Emily. 983 line 12, for Henry Justis, read Harry Juster. 983 line 18, for Jennette, read Janet. 985 line 3, for Gellett, read Gillett. l.'iKi THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Pajje 985 line '.i. for Pawnal, read Pownal. 985 line IH. for Chittenango Falls, read ChittenaKo. 98H lines 4-3H, for Conastota, read Canastota. 988 line 4:i. for 1H.")1. read 1853. 988 Mary Etta .lolinson,'^ \r,Kir>]. Later information shows that she was b. July 16, 1834: in. .Inly 9, 1853, Milton Lothrop Sayles: botli d. Oneida. N. Y.: she .1 iily 7, 1882: he May 1«, 18S9. J 1025 line 42, for liiack. read Renjamin. " 1025 line 44, for Harriet Russell read Harriet Ru.ssell King. 102«) line 15, for Diner, read Dines. 1029 line 53, for Ohio, read Illinois. 1030 line 15, for Wiiittenburg, read Wittenbiirg. " line 15, for 189rt, read 1885. " line 19, for Oct. 21, read Oct. 31. 10.% line 37, for Nov., read Mar. 1040 line 7, for 1866, read 1886. 1053 line 4, for Segnia, read Segma. 1074 line 17, for Sanqorn, read Sanborn. INDICES ILLUSTRATIONS. Abhutt, Rky. Lyman, Andrews, Hon. H. F., . Barnstable, Court House, Beeler, Edward, . Bell, Mrs. Julia A., Bishop, Gen. Albert W., . Caldwell, Europe H., Caldwell, Hamlin, Cape Cod, Map of, Carmichael, Col. Jajles C, Carter, Major Eugene, . Carter, Hon. Henry, . Carter, John H., Carter, Capt. Robert G., . Clark, Dr. Joseph E., Coat of Arms, Hamline, CoLMAN, Rev. Henry, CoNLEY, Prof. John D., Crowell, Hon. Joshua, . CuRRiE, Mrs, Emma A., Doanb, Mrs. Charilla R., Farkinoton, Byron, Farrinoton, Charles, Farrinoton, Horatio, FAURiNfJTON, Mrs. Mary, Farrinoton, Reuben, Fenner, Hamlin, Fenner, Lawrence A., F'enner, Raymond H., Fisher, Ma.jor George B., Foot, Lorin S., . portrait (1 portrait . opposite portrait portrait opposite " opposite opposite portrait " opposite portrait portrait opposite PAGE, 652 i 14 929 455 802 103:i 627 8-9 800 1038 632 1037 1039 915 2 806 1261 963 858 795 389 389 389 389 389 739 740 1129 816 1077 INDEX. 1319 Fowler, Mrs. Elizabeth, . Fowler, Mrs. Elizabeth H., Fowler, Florence E., Fowler, JoHisr C, Fowler, Loring, , Fowler, Loring R., Fowler, Samuel R., portrait opposite 599 599 599 599 599 599 599 Galloway, George S., . Gardiner's Fight With Indians, Goodrich, John S., . . . portrait . 1183 145 portrait opposite 743 Hamblen, Charles T., Hamblen, Cornelius, Hamblen, David, . Hamblen, Isaiah B., Hamblen, Joseph B., . Hamblen, Rev. Joseph B., Hamblen, Mrs. Rerecca D., Hamblen, William B., Hamblin, Elder Benjamin, Hamblin, Capt. Caleb O., Hamblin, Elder Edwin, Hamblin, Elkanah, ■ Hamblin, Mrs. Emily B., . Hamblin, Mrs. Esther C, Hamblin, Elder Francis M., Hamblin, Elder Frederick, , Hamblin, Elder Jacob V., Hamblin, Elder Jacob V., Hamblin, Capt. John C, . Hamblin, Elder Lyman S., - Hamblin, Elder William H., Hamlen, Arthur B., Hamlen, Calvin, . Hamlen, Dr. George D., Hamlen, Rev. George M,, Hamlen, Mrs. Harriet B. W., Hamlen, Lafayette D., Hamlen, Mortimer T., . Hamlen, Nathaniel, , Hamlen, Robert D., Hamlen, Theophilus, . Hamlin, Albert, portrait opposite opposite opposite opposite (( opposite opposite house of portrait opposit-e 973 307 579 585 582 975 582 974 927 950 551 554 950 925 552 553 547 548 954 925 550 1068 387 1070 677 675 ()07 607 ()75 mo 280 633 1320 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Hamlin Dk. Amos, portrait opposite 224 Hamlin Mrs. Anna L., . » ( 195 Hamlin Dk. Augustus C, . 646 Hamlin Bykon E., . . 810 Hamlin Hon. Byron D., . t i 454 Hamlin Calvin C, . . 838 Hamlin Gen. Charles, i . 648 Hamlin Charles E., .1 1050 Hamlin Prof. Charles E., k ; . . 902 Hamlin, Hon. Charles S., t» opposite 1054 Hamlin Cicero J., Esq., i 4 . . 435 Hamlin Dr. Cyrus, (1 opposite 195 Hamlin Dr. Cyrus, house of 1 1 196 Hamlin Dr. Cyrus, . . portrait 1 1 1051 Hamlin, Rev. Cyrus, . ii u 358 Hamlin Gen. Cyrus, a (1 648 Hamlin, Conde, .... Ik , . 1192 Hamlin Cook, .... 4 i , 260 Hamlin Dr. Daniel I). T., i u 631 Hamlin Frank, (I i( 649 Hamlin Hon. Freeman, a . . 323 Hamlin Hon. Frederick, n . 241 Hamlin Hon. Frederick, . house of opposite 240 Hamlin , Frederick M., . U (i . 438 Hamlin Frederick V., portrait . . 434 Hamlin George H., . 484 Hamlin , Prof. George H., i 4 . . 1224 Hamlin , George W., . opposite 457 Hamlin Hon. Hannihal, . , a 349 Hamlin Hon. Hannibal, . oflice of It 352 Hamlin . Hon. Hannibal E., portrait n 649 Hamlin , Hannibal G., (( it 332 Hamlin , Hannibal G., house of , . 335 INDEX. 1321 Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hannibal G., . . . . tombstone of Hannibal G., Henry, Henry A., Henry W., . Rev. Homer, . House, Alford, Mass., Jabez, . . . . portrait opposite house of signature Jabez, tombstone of site of home . portrait opposite tombstone of James, Hon. James G., . John, Lester, .... Mrs. Mary, .... Mrs. Mary F portrait opposite Hon. Orlo J., ... Miss Rose A., .... " . . Salmon, " . . Rev. Teunis S., Timothy, .... Weld, William E., . Hon. Wolcott, . Hamline, John H., .... Hamline, Rev. Leonidas L., . . . " " Hamline University, Hancey, Mrs. Nellie M., . . . portrait Hazen, Dr. Edward H., . . . " opposite Hazen, Mrs. Minerva C, . . . " • • HoLMAN, Mrs. Christina A., . . " opposite Hunter, Jabez, " . - opposite opposite opposite Johns, Dr. Daniel J., portrait King, Oil. David, portrait 33tj 630 807 709 4VKi 439 7") 141 237 29 798 659 272 37 332 448 707 262 839 459 894 453 363 1121 402 402 1010 775 428 955 223 426 1031 Ladd, Daniel, Logan, Mrs. Hannah M., Logan, Thomas W., Lyman, Mr.s. Kate H., McKeevkr, Mr.s. Maria A., Moulton, Mrs. Ella E., . MuLLKiT, Rev. Alfred E., house of . 891 portrait opposite 938 (1 ii 938 (> •> THE HAMLI>' FAMll.Y. NoKiJi, Mks. Hannah A., Page, Mas. Lillie P Pakk, Gen. Sidney W., . Pattekson, Hon. CnAULEs E., . Pheli's, Capt. Fkedeuick E., Phelps, Mks. Mauy E., 1 'nil, LIPS, Col. I veks, Rice, Fuank S RiGGs, Adeline A., . RiGGs, John E., RoBEKT College, Robertson, Mrs. Elizabeth, Robertson, Dr. Samuel, . Robertson, Mrs. Temperance. . RuLAND, Mrs. Tirzah IIamlen. ScuDDER, Hon. Henry A., . Severance, Hon. Henry W., . Severance, Hon. Luther, . Shaw, Mrs. Lavantia F.. Standish, Zachariah M., . Standish, Zachary J., Stewart, Mrs. Harriet E., White, Hon. Willard, . WoosTER, Col. Moses F., . portrait 679 portrait opposite 1104 •• 825 " opposite 725 (( 7sl a . 781 " opposite til 8 portrait . . 879 " opposite 550 n it It 550 3(10 portrait " 599 " " 599 878 "... 10H9 portrait it :W2 . 896 525 " opposite 612 . . 1002 " . . . 1269 " . . 680 portrait (t 1118 770 INDEX TO NOTES. Abbott, Adams, Alden, Allen. Allyn, Andrews. Andrus, Annable, Atherton, Atwood, Bachiler, Backus, Bacon, Baker, Bancroft, Bangs. Barnes, Bassett, Beal, Beals, Bearse, Beckwith, Benjamin, Biddings, Billings, Blackwell, Blake, Blossom, Blush, Bodfish, Bompasse, Bonney, Bowman, Bowerman, Bradford, Brainerd, Brewster, Brinckerhoff, Brown, Buckland, Bulkley, Burbank, Burgess, Burnham, Bursley, HrA. 652, 1093 295, 541, 942 9", 1093 291, 949 129 219 219 128 193, 341 307 530. 1115 210, 212 104 101 1S>4 315 140 166 182 283, 317, 535 48 221 473 1243 343 103 397 206 126 65 68 98 375 375 362, 1254 392 567 789 175, 232, 340, 632 270 1183 493 561 341 119 Calkins, Campbell, Candee, Carpenter, Carter, 337, Case, Chadwick, Chandler, Child, Chipman, Choate, Church, Claghotn, Clark, Clemons, Cobb, C(ilchester, Ct., Cole, Coleman. Conde, Cooke, Cornwell, 228, 478 502, 1246 267 945 430, 647, 1258 47 215 851 65 88, 108 318, 345 2.35 66 776 507, 1126 52, 1.33, 165 77 1254 132, 245, 8.35 1162 536 Cranston, Crocker, Crosby, Crowe, Crowell, Carrie, Curtis, Curtice, Cushman, Cutting, Daggett, Danforth, Davis, Delano, Delap, Denison, Bern ford, Dewey, Dexter, Dickey. Dikeman, Dillingham, Doane, Doggett, Dotey, Dunham, Dyer, Eastman, Eldredge, Ellis, Elmer, Emerson. Emery, Emrie, Ewer, Eyrick, Fairchild. Falmouth, Mass. Farley, Farmington, Ct., Farrington, Farwell, Fifield, Fillmore, Fish, Flint, Folger, ' Foote. Ford, Forsyth, Fowler, Freeman, Frye. Fuller, Gibbs, Gilford, Gillett, Glenny, Glover, Gold. Goodrich, Goodspeed, Goodwin, Gould, Grant, Griswold, Guernsey, 1261 Iladaway, 21 H 63, 66, 107 Hallett, 121 570 Hallock, 732 79, 566 Hamblen, 1 16, .390 79, :>>'„ 292, 566 llamblin. 46. 55, 12ti ,S58 Hamblin I'lains, 3:^ 1013 Hanchetl, 244 222 Harding, 164, ISO 817 Hart, 869 646 Hartwell, 241 1110 Hatch, 124 657, 1029 Hathaway, 218,396 .38, 51, 66, 199 Havemann, 897 245, 843, 1092 Ilawkes, 475 85 Hazen, 286.428 457 Herick, 380 t>57 Higgins, 578 252,423 Hines. 203 125 Hinckley, 61, 110, 116, 368, 1219 214 Hinman, 434 311 Hirick, 380 207 Hollister, 410, 8(H) 164, 537 Hoi mes, 347 1110 Hoi way. 94ti 242 Hooper, 1.51 33 Hopkins, 52, 306, 309 91, 203, 603 Howes, 300, 618 1093 Howland, 88, 98. 107, 174, 167, 120 269,365 , 370, 395, 9«>1 62 Hubbard, 2,53 .»> Huckins, 87 327,638 Hulbert, 144. 239, 817 349 Hull, 127 1164 Humphrey, 401, 1088 42, 6M2 Hyde, 154 380 Ingalls, 724 201 Ingersoll. 867 121 Irish, 204 354 Isum, 171 73 Jenkins, 41,368,911 385 .Jewett, 149 871 Johns. 235 270 Jones 374. 399 319 Jordan, 388 81, 210 323 11 SO 211 148, 321 229 457, 997 103, 568, 704 1102 138 79 121 226 332 116 181 226, 1121 60,301 278,538 181, 498 1212 IKiO 724 Kllgore, Kimball, Knowlton, Ladd, Lanman, Learned. LeBlond, Lee, Lewes, Lewis, Lines, Linnell, Little. Livermore, Livingston. Lombard, Lothrop, Lovell, Lowe, Lumbard, Lyman, Lynch. 275, 329. 407, 631, lUl 660, 990, 1014, 1238 379 521 1219 :i61 779 255 43 43, 46, 63S 207 39 320 195 846 67 105 170 617 07 345, 4510, 741 1240 1324 THE IIAMLiJJ FAMILY. Marston, Ills Hand. 1116 Matlliews. aut' liawson. M7 .May... 54 Ki.x', 510 M.-Kav. 5iC. UU-li. ISJ) .MrWalii. tra Kiiliards. 97. 320 .MfL'jcs. MelKS. 3.X7 Kichiiiond. 5i4 3«7 Klder. 316 Miles. 431) Robblns. 343 Mor^e. M.> liobtrts. 445 MuHiTf. 7ti Kfli Hohertsoti. 5'.i9 MiilUtt. 2S4 UolllllSOIl. 117 MuMvdll, 27T 734 lioysc, l.'M Nlrhols. iV) KukKles. H18 N'lfki'rson. 4W Kuxbon. 123!' Ni.tilf. Noiirsf. 452 Ml Sabin. 1184 Nurst'. Nye. OMoriK, Tlif IVtl 79 Sanderson, Sares, Sawyer. Scudder, 84 40 4!>.'> 39 O.sttThoiult. SI 12 Sears. 40, 303, 41):> Oils. 2SH5 502, 509. tjs7 Packard. 1H3 Severans. .^24 I'ardui'. 711. u: 443 Seymour, 725 Park, 188 Sharon. Ct.. 47. 7s l>ark»'. 4<)5 Shalluck. li4l I'arkhurst, 1!I2 Sliaw, l»5. Ill 2 IVok. 3'.>4 4S. 370 Phillips, ISO Snake Pond. 374 Phiimuv. 2119 Snow. 203 Pitkin,' 313 Soule, 397 Plummer. 642 Sparrow. 50S Pope, 59 Spauldinj;. 2:w Prence, 54 5«8 Standisli, 310 Prc'scott, 2S2 Starr. 273 Pri'sion. Ct., 102 Stearns, 1S4 I'rtx'tor, 98 Stetson, 045 St. .lohn. Sto<-klnjr. Stone, Storrs. Stow, Street. Sumner, Swift, Tavlor, Thayer, Thorn ps0 Irish, James 204 Jenkins, Alvan 205 Jenkins, Ebenezer 108 Jenkins, Joseph 204 Jenkins, Josiah 202 Jenkins, Lot 118 Jenkins, Nathaniel 205 Jenkins, Samuel 203 Pardee, James 137 Patterson, Ansel 217 Phillips, Seth 186 Richards, Joseph 186 Scudder, Ebenezer 170 Swift, Willard 150 Treat, Asabel W. 226 Treat, Cornelius 229 Treat, Dorotheas 225 Treat, Richard 225 Treat, Thomas 228 Treat, Timothy 140. 228 WAR OF 1812 Brown, George 422 Burrows. Zenas 470 Doty, Ezra 244 Drake, William 265 Filmore, Sherlock 319 Ford, Jesse 464 Ford, John 321 Ford, Ruel 258 Hamblen Charles 216 Hamblen. Cornelius 306 Hamblen. Eleazer .307 Hamblen, Joshua 305 Hamblen, Nathaniel 210 Hamblin, Abraham H. 441 Hamblin, Asa 287 Hamblin, Benjamin 293 Hamblin, David 312 Hamblin, E^)hrai^l ,311 Hamblin, Hiram 441 Hamblin, Isaiah 288 Hamblin. Stephen 270 Hamlin. Africa .32(i Hamlin, Calvin 264 Hamlin, Cook 2(iO Hamlin, David 318 Hamlin, Isaiah 383 Hamlin, Jabez 215 Hamlin. .losiah 384 Hamlin, Poladore 327 Hamlin, Tlieron 259 Hathawav, Paul C. Holmes, John 395 410 Howland, Eben 292 Jenkins, Josiah 368 Kimball. Crafts P. 275 McDonald, .leremiah .30S» Merritt. Sewell 274 Mullett, Jolin 284 O'Flyng, Edmund .367 Pitkin, Samuel 313 Poland, Francis. 1312 Spratt, David 392 Treat, Lyman 415 Treat, Oren 416 Treat, Timothy 415 MEXICAN WAR. Bell, Agrippa N. 455 Churchill, William H. 7.35 Hamblin. Charles M. .382 Hamblin. David W. 595 Hunter. Charles G. 7.36 Hyde. William 610 Piatt, William H. 421 West, Hosea 713 WAR OF REBELION CNION ARMY. Andrews. Lawrence G. 731 Ash. Nathaniel. 1007 Atwood. John S. 960 Ayres, Jonathan B. 1257 Bachelder. George A. 649 Bacon. Jasper N. 854 Bailey Thomas. C J. 1215 Baldwin. .lerome B. 1237 Banker. Nicholas, 1194 Barker. John 1000 Barton. Albert G. 1076 Bates. George S. 818 Beals, George S. 908 Bean, RinaldoP. 1041 Beecher. Chester 1120 Bishop. Albert W. 802 Boalt, Frederick H. 1160 Braden. John 920 Braintrd. Ibiiry W. P. 718 Brainerd. John C. 718 Brainerd. Samuel R. 718 Brick, George H. 901 Brick, Isaac C. 901 Brick. William M. 901 Brown. Augus M. 1154 Brown. Dt'Xtcr B. 636 Bryant. Charles F. 1269 Bucklaiid. Frank M71 Burrows I'rederick N'. S32 Buss. George 749 Carralchael. James C. 800 Carpenter. Curtis A. 945 Carter Charles F, 1036 Carter. Eugene 1037 Carter, John H. 10.36 Carter, I{obert G. 1039 Carter. Walter 10.39 132f. .I;irin!s N. tn-iitiorry. Milton. A. ollliis. CliiLrifs II. oliijiiii. .Vii'.'iistiis L. (iliiiaii. I>;ivl(l N. olU)ii. l-'r.iiikllii )lt4)ii. Henry II. uliDii, Luilicr (M)k. !•' rede rick \V. avis. Edward J. Diivis. Henry T. I )f;m. Kr.mk I >t-i..ani'y. ("Iiaries A. I )iMiioii(i, l''rf(liTi(;k A. Di'wey, .Marcus 14. Di.xori, Kenjamin F. Holy, Ezra Doty, .lolin E. I )rako. Isaao Dyer, Aidin II. Eddy. I'M win Eiden, John A. Endiey, Cliarlos F. Ersklns, Jolin C. Ersklns, Roger A. Ewer. William 1). Farley. Alljert 1). F. I''ariey, Joliti II. I''arriM!iloM. Ilyron II. l'"arriiigton, diaries A. !•" irriiifjilon, (justavus A. Farrington, Horatio 1'. I'"arrnif;;ion, Keuljen M. Feely, S. Legrand I''enner, Tlioiiias 0. Filield. Edson H. Fisli. Itenjainin E. Fisii. Nailiaiiiel 11. Fisli. Obed .M. I'"ish. Sumner B. FIana;;aii, William M. FiKjte. Asahel I'. Foote, Lavias II. Ford. Silas 1'. Foster, , lames F. Fi>sier, Kii'liard H. Foster, Samuel H. Gardner, Henry [j. (jay, l''.llslia (i. (jerrisli, Luther .M. tiillt'tie. (Hor^'e I). (MK)drleh, , lames A. (ioodrii-li. ,|c)|in S. Ooodwin. .Ml)erl H. Graves, Fi-niinand V. Green, (jeor^e .\. (jreen, .lo.seph Green, William S. Hamblen, (liiaries T. Ilamhieii, William H. Il:itiil)liii. .Xhram II. Ilamblin, .\ndrew T. Hamlilin. Hejamlii II. Haml)iiii. rliarles E. Ilamltiin. ( lirlslonlier C. Hamlilin. Edw.ircf G. Ilamlfiln. Eugene L. Ilaniblin, George B. 7<^ •;!•!• 1147 nort I I I 111!) 7i;t H(ir •HIT 117(1 llCil 71>-.' liiL'7 1(C_'7 7.s;i 12.')7 li'Mi 1(1,")!! 744 in.'t :i75 7i)I lOlSt i»,VV ,")S!» 'J 12 4t>(l 1007 803 827 UK 1004 H7 824 1117 IIIU II Hi 982 1202 1W7 1174 744 743 521 7><9 9lUI 797 1201 972 973 789 918 tl.s2 721 !>22 9iK) 98ti 91 9 HamhIIri Hamhiin liatn))lin Hamlilin Hamlilin HamliiiM Hamlilin Hamlilin Hamlilin Haiiden. Hamlen. Ilatnien, Hamlen. Hamiln. Hamlin. Hamlin. Ilaiidin. Hamlin. Ilandin. Hamlin. Hamlin. Hamlin. Il.'imiin. I lamlin. Hamlin. Hamlin. Hamlin. Hamlin. Hamlin. Hamlin. Hamlin. Hamlin. Hamlin. Hamlin. Hamlin, Hamlin, Hamiln. Hamlin. Hamlin, Hamlin, Uamlin. Hamlin. Hamlin. Hamlin, Handin, Hamlin. Hamlin, Hamlin, Hamlin, Hamlin, Hamlin, Hamlin, Hamiln, Hamiln, Hamlin. Hamlin, Handin, Hamlin. Hatniin. Hamlin. Handin. Hamlin, Ilandin. Hamlin, Hamlin. . (ieort^e W. , Hart well ('. . Ilenrv .\. . HollaiKl. , .lames K. . .Iii>.liiia C. . S|iencer .\. , Ward I'. , W.arrt.-n 'P. Charles II. J. E/.ra .Maxey Shepard E. .Vifn-d .M. .\masa .\mmi R. .\u>;ustus C Kenjamin I). diaries Charles F. diarU'S G. Charles II. Charles .1. Charles W. Cyrus David David A. David H. David T. DeWitt C. Dwiv'lit .M. Edward F. Edward L. Europe W. Franfis Geor^'e H. Hannibal Haskaline Henry A. Henry S. Horace A. Horace Y. .lames G. .lames M. .lesseT. .lolin 37i .lohn H. .lohn T. .M. ■lohn W. .loshua G. Lewis W. .Miles A, Nath.-mlel T. Oliver H. Oliver C. Orville J, Roscoe G. Seth C, Solym.'in G. Tiieodore P. Waterman M William William G. William J. William T. Ilani'hett, Lewis S. Hai'vey, Oscar L. Hastings, Simon C. Ilatcii. Thomas M. Ha/.en, P^dward H. Ila/.en, Monroe Henderson .Mon/.o llililiard. Noel 1'. Hicks, Edwin M. llo(l>;es, Frank D. Ilod^'es. (Jeorgi- W. Hodges, Llewellyn K. Hoke. Andrew .\. H:> 791 7i>5 792 s7ri '.K>4 7!rj :«•:• .'>:s,') ti7.s 7lH) tiOll 70S 7.S4 842 (ilti tm 648, 8ii7 4iiL O'.Hi liU 1011) 70.') tU9 491 694 naj 644 671 8s7 61 li. 6,')7 tU3, 696 630 639 905 349 85ti 709 4S.S 4.H8 4M8 798 671, 696 4!tO , 895. 921 4,ss 540 777 642 73,') 7ir2 541 836 842 991 70S 4.S6 835 786 703 720 609 4,85 KtO 1202 858 90li 1258 775 .547 75 I 777 12.')ti IH'iJ 1099 ll)!t9 1006 11.36 648 980 113S .S21 .S21 4ii2 733 Hunt. .Melvin H. 733 Isham, Asa B. 1034 .lenklns, Asa 663 Jenkins, .\sa C. 100« .lenklns. Edward C. 1003 .lenkins. Francis 663 lenklns. Hemon D. 666 ■lenkins. .losiali II. 664 Johns. William F. 772 .Jones. Theron II. S40 K'anode. Otho B. 995 Eel ley. .lames 4«10 K'ennaslon. I'rerl L. 6:i4 Kern lli-nrv .\. 1066 K'etcham. 'I'heodore 881 Kilborn. Franklin, 873 l\ilborn. Samuel 873 King, David 1030 King. Samuel N. 1030 Kirk, .lames V. V£i Ladd. Edwin 1215 Langdon. Christopher 921 Leavens. Eben N. 1018 I^enee Henry E. 1075 Lewis. Julius 872 Long. Daniel 634 Lolontrose. Henry W. 8S1 ^lorey, Norris stUj .Morse. Frederick H. .s62 Morse, .lohn F. 499 Morse, John H. 8(i2 Moulton, Horace H. 7(»9 Naramore, Henry N. li>03 N'iies, Tliomas L. 689 Osborne. Willis L. 1177 Owen, William H. 710 Park. Benjamin S. 1140 Park, .lohn H. 1140 Park. Sidney W. ,s25 Parker, diaries E. 737 Parker. .James 7;i8 Patterson. .James F. 725 Payne, George W. 910 Peake, Elien S. 7;iS Perigo .Mark H. .si5 PiniH'V. .Jackson, N. liHH Pinney. .lohn 1001 Plummer. William P. 708 Pond, Ilenrv A. 872 I'orler Lewis M. 1110 Frame, .lohn .M. 71Mi Pratt. (Jeorge (J. 668 Provin, Sanford S. SIO Quayle, William H. 1074 Rand. Phillip I'. 1116 li:iiisom. Norman W. 12.')5 Reed. Henry C. 8;« Reese. Samiiel N. 1140 Rice. Emerv E. 1021 Rice. Horatio II. 876 Rice, .lames S. 877 RlgRs, EzraJ. 1277 INDEX 13-] Koberts, Lorin Romans. Theodore D. Boot. Edward Rudd. William Russell Charles F. Rust. Charles Sawyer. Charles K. Scott. John D. Scudder, Henry B. Searles. William A. Small. James G. Smith, George F. Spencer, John Spratt, Alton D. Spratt, Stowell S. Starr, Eli L. Stephens, Alonzo S. Stuart, Charles W. Stuart. Daniel H. Stubbs, William T. Sturdevant. Thomas D. Sweet Leonard D. Sylvester. Thomas H. Taylor, E. Herbert Ten Brook. William G. Thompson. George W. Thompson. Jesse B. Thompson. John D. Thompson. Philo C. Tihbitts. Charles H. Tibbitts. Franklin A. Treal. Cornelius A. Treat. Gordon Treat. Horace J. Treat, .lohn J. Treat. Lewis J. Tripp, Ezra Uhl, George Van Court, Daniel P. Waring. Sebre H. Watson. William W. Wheeler. John E. White. Elijah White. Henry M. White. John White. Willard Whitney. Lucius Wicks. Jay M. Wicks. John B. \Vilkins. Luther Wilkins. Luther E. Williams. Caleb D. Williams. Howard Williams, Theodore Williams, Thomas F. Wilmarth, Barton Winsor. Abram L. Wolverton. William B. Wooster, Moses F. WAR OF REBELLION C. S. A. Evans. William R. Hamblin, Lemuel E. Hamlin. Weld Harper. John R. Humphrey, David 10:9 Jaques, Benjamin C. 1092 1110 Ladd. Alfred W. 893 1-M3 Meade. Europe A. 626 1021 Philbrick. Walter 1216 844 Piatt. Charles A. 421 lo;.'i Piatt, William L. 422 1153 909 1067 U. S. ARMV^ AND NAVY. 575 Andrews. Theodore 404 864 670 Bailey, Thomas C. J. 1215 716 Carter, Eugene 1037 717 Carter, Henry. 631 881 Carter, Robert J). 12S5 742 Carter, Robert G. 1039 1099 Carter. Warren E. 1285 1098 Churchill. Sylvester 406 710 Dickens. Francis W. 1059 752 1154 Fenner. Raymond H. 1128 915 Galbraith, Gilberts. 1,295 9,S6 Hamlin, Edward L. (iiH) 1143 Hamlin, George F. 1246 785 Hamlin. William J. 734 1123 Hulbert, William 462 994 Ladd, James M. 892 1123 Limerick. William 1304 1104 1104 75(3 Phelps Frederick E. 780 Piatt, Daniel 232 742 Rich, Edwin W. 979 746 Sargent. Alden, 715 756 Sayre. Ferrand, 1165 751 Spratt, Frank 1107 950 799 MILITIA. 1194 1159 Abel. Frederick L. 1201 1040 Anthony. John C. 534 1118 1119 875 1119 Bestow, John C. 252 Brown. John A. 764 Clark. Joseph E. 915 J117 Dutton, George T. 1265 730 889 Emery, John A. 657 889 Fisher. George B. 816 684 Fowler. Samuel R. 1267 1043 Gillett, Melville M. 1181 865 Goodwin, Solomon 278 866 Green, Charles T. 12:'5 1205 866 958 927 1159 769 Hall. Hiland B. 1212 Hamblin, William P. 379 Hamlen, Joseph S. 532 Hamlin, Asa 279 Hamlin. Cyrus 347 Hamlin. Hannibal 197 Hamlin. Heman G. 477 Hamlin. Isaac 319 Hamlin. James G. 332 800 Hamlin. I'erez 284 Hamlin. Seth 285 960 Hamlin, Simeon E. 1230 893 Harding. Ambrose H. 1107 774 Hillibert. Jolin 372 729 Hulbert, Philander 253 Humphrey. Nicholas H. H'l Hunter. David 407 Hunter. William 409 Leuders. Henry W. 12(>4 Marsh, Darwin W. r>i(( Meade, William H. id-ti Mullett, Charles T. ass MuUett, John 539 Peirce. Elbridge G. l'>9S Pliillips Ivers, (i],s Reed. Frank A. j-'io Richards. Emmett E. 1230 Smith. Fred N. 7HK Stone, Theodore 344 SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR Banks. Andrew Bartley. John E. Butman. Percival F. Carter. Robert D. Carter, Warren E. Fenner, Raymond 11. Gotwald, David IC. Greene, William C. Hamlin. Frank B. Hamlin, (ieorge F. Hamlin. William E. K'eeler, Herbert L. Limerick. William ,1. Logan. John A. Miller. John B. Payne. George R. Roberts. William R. OTHER WARS AND SERVICE. Hamblin. Duane. Hamblin. Jacob V.. Hambln. Lyman ^<.. Hamlen. Charles Hamlin. Eh'Mzer Hamlin. Europe Hamlin. George Hamlin, Perez .lohnson. William D. Ma.\well. Wiliiiim |{. Mclvenney. Charles Miller. Linus. W. Parke, William C. BRITISH ARMY. 1175 1 2^18 1239 12.'<5 l:.M 1 128 1282 1248 l:.*29 124«i 1H4« 1272 1304 1122 1138 1226 1290 9a5 547 924 530 194 191 200 1.55 9:c 924 712 514 SStti Currie, James G. Fenian Raid, 1866, S.58 Hamblin. David. 1812 war, .371 Hamblin, Fr.incis 1M2war, 371 Hamblin, Silas, Rev. war, 207 Hamblin, William L, 1812 war, ;!71 DESCENDANTS AND PERSONS ALLIED BY MARRIAGE. ABBEY Anna E. 601,999 AINGER, Isu»>cl 108K Augustus 414 Edward B 1130 ABBOTT Carroll B. 942, 1237 Edith M. 1130 Abigail 354 Charles 11. »»I, 999 Ethel G. 1130 Alexander L 1052 Charles It. I2si; Herbert A 1130 Bealrict; V. 6.53 10.32 Clara K. !•!•!• Lesti^r C. 1130 Charles tJOS Clara M. »(01 , 9ini Ijorin A 1130 Clara E. (B7 EttleL. 913 Nellie P. 1130 Dorothea V. 1052 EllaM. **■**»■. 942, ISiJ AKERS Eliza A. .393. 719 Emma I. mhMMm 942 Effle .SIO Elizabeth 1072 Emlle 0. 601, 1267 ALBEE Ernest H. 053, 1052 Floyd D. 1200 G«orge F. 11(1!) (ieorge (i08 Francis M. 03!) ALBEKTON Harriet F. fl5.J, 1032 Frank S63. 1200 W. D. 75S Herbert V. tj*{. 1052 Garrey N63 ALBIN John 600 George 039 Carl H. II 134 Lawrence F. 653. 1051 George J. 939 Clyde 11134 Lorenzo :m George N. 913 George F. KiH Lytiian 652 Harrison Sii:i John T. 1034 Mary E. Sullivan 608, 1006 Horace A. annw^iw.va i^ »42. 12.37 Ruth A. 11134 39;i Irene 12.S(i ALBRET Theodore J. 653, 1052 John H. 12U0 .Marian L. 12N9 ABEL John Q. Kti3 Walter tS. 12M) Catherine «65, 1201 Laura M. 1:.'1KJ ALBRIGHT Fredericli Kt)5 Lotta E. 9!)!) Estella ]irs(i Fre Marsh 690 Paul F. 121M) Delia M. 6S(i lOSl A liLES Phehe A. 917 Emma I. 6S«i, UWI .Julia H74 Rav E. 12(KI Ermiua .M. 115«v 1301 ABKONSOM Ruth E. 939 Frank 74,S(i, ii:« (v><6 1134 Bfisi^y <>. HIani-h 9.f) 035 .Martha M. .Mary A «)StV 10.><0 Charlolle L. iV-lX 691 Melta V. tvSli. K".-! Clareiii:e 1). oils .Morris G. 74«> D.jii <;. 935 AGRICOLA Kuili A. 115(5 Emily i'. 9:J5 Emma J. 1249 .Sarah E. tWt) (it.-orge W, 935 Ethel L. 1249 Warren F. 11H5 (iuy 935 Frederick T. 1249 William E. 11S5 Lenora A. 9;t"> Hugh W. 1249 William H 115«!. 1»)1 Margaret 937 Lillian R. 1249 Winlield 11. "Mi Hoy 935 Otto 1249 A LEX AN DEI i ADAMS Otto H. 1249 Charles I:.^i4 Adelaide A 541 A IK' EN. Vincon 544 Amos B. 942 Asa 407 AL(;ER Amy H. 913 Augusta 407 Betsey iOti Anna !N!7 .<4arah 407 Charles W i2:« INDEX. 1329 Delila M. 1232 Arthur H. 654 ARCHER Elda i)3t; Bertha L. 1058 Frank A. 1173 Frank R. 1232 Charles 654 Jonathan C. 1173 lona B. John S. 1232 1232 Delia K. EffleC. 10,i8 1079 ARMSTRONG Eliza .1. .'i-4 9.'vS John W. 1232 Elizabeth C. 654 11 ;■ n||;lli Joscpli H. 1232 Ellis :i83 1 1 (llllllVll Harriet 419 Leonard 93(5 Emma 124^ ARNOLD Adelia Lloyd 93li Ethel J. 1079 7r>4 Martha 1232 Eugene 3.S3. 697 Anna M. 671. 1»Ki3 Mary A. 91)*) Frank S. 1058 Betliia 671, 1(H>3 Maryette 1232, ISItO Helma 1293 Bow ley Byron Edward S. 671 Sarah L. Teddy, 1232 1232 Joanna John 1271 301 .880 10G4 Thomas A. 12:« Katherine R. 654 Eliza .1. 671, 1(H>;S Thomas G. 936 Mary F. 849 Elizabeth 46 Thomas H. ALLAN 936 Nellie M. Ollie 1167 1271 Elizabeth L. Ellen A. lOtVJ 671. \WA Samuel 683 Peter A. 1079 Hannah M. 671, 10t;4 ALLEX Ralph 11. 1058 James A. KHil Alexander W. 511 Raymond H. 1058 1064 Carlo 5t)l Robert H. 654 .Jarnet 10*>4 Charles 491 Roberta 383 il oshua ti71. KUki Clement 1240 Roger U. 654 Myrtle M. 1064 Cordelia 1177 Sarah W. 654 Oliver IIHU Edward H. 511 Victt)ria 617 Willard E. 1IM>4 Edward W. 511 Walter 383 William C. S80 Edwin L. 511 ANDREWS William I. 671, UXhJ Elislia J. 861 Amanda 404 William T. 1064 Elizabeth 291 Amos P. 731 ASH Elizabeth L. 511 Austin 731 Derwood M. 1007 Emma M. 511 Catherine 404, 731 Gertrude C. 1(H)7 Florence L. 725 Charles W. 404 Grace E. 1007 Frances 0. 511 Chauncey C. •>10, 404 .lessie M. 1007 Fred H. 861 Chauncey H. 404, 731 Maude E. l<0. 12.VJ Perez J. 370 Phebe R 404, 731 EllaG. iH50, 1248 Prince 370 Sabra 220 Ellen 589 William 791 Samuel 404 Elliot N. 578 AMANN Sybil E. 1127 Elizabeth 1249 Mary L. 1203 Theodore 220, 404 Eunice 1249 AMES Theodocius 404 Flora W. Vt6<1. 1249 Bradford L. 960 Wallace C. 404, 731 Franklin H. 5,83.969,976 David B. 617 Walter V. 1127 (Jranville L. 060 David D. 324 Whiteley 220. 404 Harriet A. 960, 1249 Edward M. 324 Whiteley H. 219 Helen A. .■.xi Freeman H. 324 ANDRUS Herbert F. 9i>0, 1249 Granville 960 Adeline A. 608 John K. 960. 1249 Hannah 391 Alvira L. 608, 1008 John S. 1H<0 John H. 324 Amanda A. 608 .lose pi 1 C. O.-^O Lucius F. 324 Annie E. 608, 1009 Lawreri(!e E. 1249 Mary L. 324 Charles H. mx. UHKt Maltie L. 1293 Mason 324 Henry H. 608 Perez W. 578 Sarah E. 324 ANGELL Ray 960 AMIDON Maria A. 878 Roy F. 1249 Eunice 417 ANTHONY Rich:ird 583 ANDERSON John C. 534 Richard A. 583 578 Alexander 383 Franklin W. 953 Samuel i;i30 TIIK HAMLIN J-A.MIL^-. Siirah A. Sar.il) I). Susan Charlotte AlsL-nii R. A I Susan Hlanclic Carl It. tJrantC. Lonora I>)uis \V. Keneue Cecelia Mary AL'CilKK AIM) I.DII'IIEU A I ST IN L. AVEKETT AVEKILL A^■l•:u^■ AHce M. Alniir;i .1. Cliark-s H. lliiriv K. Il.iiry II. Lc'iira .M. Martfurite .f. .Mr. Nathan C. Hoberl N. Siiurnian F. Windall L. William N. 45<> 4.59, Ann I). Dorothy AVER AVKES Abner K. Ariel S. Edgar Edgar D. Edith E. Elida M. Ueor^rc A. Gi'or;;e F. (Jeoru'c II. Har\fv L. Ilenrit-lla I'. Horace II. Ilnf,'h .M. •leroriic li. .lonat hail It. Kati- I". Lewis K. .Marv A. Nellie E. liose E. Satniicl M. Samuel H. AVLSWOKTU George 11. Mary A. BABB Andrew Celeslia E. El.sic Emilv n. Floy<1 (irace l>. .lames \V. Marvin W. Stella E. MABCOCK Carrie \. Celeslia M. Cora Edward Klhridge Flma Emma Frederick .Maria Nl<-holas Sarah U. Zera 4H!t, 12.57. 4Kit, Hl:i. l:.'57, 204 612. (i]2, 5-s'l WH IKC KS3 KI2 12(i«) I2ix> 12iHi 11!M l.JOM 5IN) l7 818 818 818 12(il 45!t 1024 |s4 , S4il . 84'.t 1013 1018 1308 . S.50 1013 1013 480 1308 • 489 , 480 4><0 1013 12.57 480 480 410 12.50 1013 4Nt 2t)4 1084 42St 70(i 708 1U>0 70S lltiO 708 IKiO 708 lltiO 704 7i»4 7'.t4 703 704 7it4 755 7)M 457 11. '.8 K53 704 BABBITT Melissa A. Nancy M. BACH ELDER Cieorge A. BACKUS Cornelius David Dehorah FranU U. Harry L. 810, 1 1 i ra III kiialxxl Job .lushua Matilda C. Sarah Selh Simeon A Ilia 1 I). Bertha II. Doris II. Frances Frank L. l-'ranklin .1. Henry I>. .laspt'r N. Lory Martha Mr. .Mary A. I'auiina William .M. H.\C(i.\ BADGER 007 !107 ^>ti '.130 (V40 211 211 211 810 1181 7H» 210 211 211 810 212 2 Hi 211 282 1225 I22li 838 !K)7 122H 1225 854 522 104 273 304 .531 Bvron W. t-ll Kill jh 811 Vio a 811 BAILE^ Ann L 1)23. 1024 Clarence H. 1215 Frank A. lilt) (ieorge 11. 02.5 Henry 1)23 Thomas C. .1. 1215 Walter A. 1220 William N. 1215 Winal.elle 1215 BAIKD Edward T. 8(W (ieorge P 808 (irace 1*. 808 Helen (Helm) 8(58 K'atlierineE. .502, 808 Marjorle 808 Mary E. 808 Spencer F. 735 William 502 William K. .502. 81 is Willis 1>. •502. 808 BAKER Aimer W. 300 Adaliza M. 5s2. 072 Adeline H. 022, 1113 Albert 1'. 300 Alice II. 1210 Ali.e L. 071 .\lon/,o II. itSO. 1247 Aiigeline 581 Ann E. 00.3 Anna .M. 1210 Catherine I'. 582. 071 Clarence C. otii. los; Edwin 1247 Elbert I>. 1210 Elea/er 11. 300, 481.582 Elijah :W6. 581.582.071 Eli/.abeth 007 Elkanah S. 1000 EllaC. 1227 Ellen A. 9.53 Enu'line 1005 Emily H. 121)1, i;Mr> Eiilinda M. 050, 12lt> Eunice 555 Eunice S. 5«1 Eiini.-eT. iKxi Fr.incifs E. 1312 (irace 1'. ■.m. 72'; (lertrude W. 071 Harriet M. sit,s Hattie .\. mi 720 Helen 10.S7 Herbert II. 1130 Ilez»-kiah 1). 300. .5s 1 Ira 1312 Isabel M. ;-;!>o. 720 .lohn .XI .lohn W. 001. 10s7 .Joseph. 300, 5>1 .loseph K. .5.S2 .losluia H. i.70. 12.>I Lillians. 1000. 12^8 Lored/.o 1). 070. 1251 Loriii 11. *.K» Liii-y (). 3.80. ac Lvdia 251 Mr. .503 Miss 205 Martha A. 970, 1251 Marv B. 1210 Marv C. 3.><0. 002 Marv E. A. 5S2. 971 Marv II. 722 Marj'.l. Mil .>2 Milton 1247 Nancy E. .581 NaiK-y .1. 3»n Nancv l\. .581 Nathaniel ,300. ;5s| Nettle 12sO Paulina .M. :iOO. .572 Keuben R. 070. 1251 Kuth 11. :^0(>. .5s 1 Sarah 102. »*«1 Stephen B. 1210 Stephen II. :iso. (iiii Susan 57s Walter 10>7 Willi.-im 0.55 BALDING Caroline li. 113(1 Il.irriet C. 113(1 William T. 113(1 BALDWIN Andrew 771 Chira K. 880 Edward tWl Emma B. 1237. 1»W (ieorgie E. 1237 .leremiali (■■HI ,ler<.»me B. 1 2.37 .h'ssle .M. 12;: Laura .\. lu;2 Lawrence liOl Louisa 731 Louise 001 Luiiian 001 Maria 413 .Myron om BALL Cora E. 1072 Coriu'liii A. 001 Edw.ird C 070. 107 ■-' Eli/.a M. 1072 Florence 1. 1072 Fred .M. 1173 1 la/el A. 1174 Mariaiii 1'. 1174 Michael 078 Nancv E. (>0.t S.irairE. 1301 Thomas 1'. 00s Waller .M. 00s BALLAKD Arthur II. SH17 Flora 1070 Hattie K. 1123 Helen -M. 1178 Levi 997 INDEX. 1331 Addic M. Caroline Diana Harry B. Lee Lee A. Lillian I. Welcome AVilliiun V. BALLOU I2:2(i 592, OS'.I 'Ml 908. 1.22(! 908, l;.'2t> 122(i 908. 122ti BANCIIOR John F. ]0i;i BANCROFT Clarissa 324 Sally 194 BANGS Archibald 575 Clarence ,575 Daniel 57.'5 Harole 575 Herbert 575 Jennie 745 Temperance 315 BANKER Elizabeth M. 1195, lau .John H. 1195 Nicholas 1194 BANKS Andrew 799, 1175 Anna M. 799 Catherine .T. 1175 Ella C. 799, ] 17(3 Hugh M. 1175 James A. 799. 1175 Jane H. 1175 Philo H. 779, 1170 Rebecca J. 799, 117(5 Robert P. 1175 William 799 William H. 799, 1175 BANTER Dewitt C 994 Guy H. 994 Myrta B. 994 BARBER Amanda B. 983 Diadama H. 727 Frank O. Ii43 Hazel O. 12ii4 Irma B. 12(i4 Mr. 1264 Nancy L. 1004 BARBOUR Thirza 400 BARDEN James J. 720 Fannie P. 751 BARDWELL Ella J. 4t>0 Emma H. 4()0 Frederick L. 460, 819 George E. 4(50. 819 Harry J. 4(50 Harvy J. 819 Joseph 459 B ARIGHT (xrace 898 Walter L 898 BARKER Altah L. 1268 Dewey E. 1163 Edgar 602 Edsar C. 1001 George D. 1163 George M. 1019 Jay M. 1001 John 602, 1000 .[ohn V. 1001, 12(58 Lucy A. 1001 Lydia J. 602, 1000 Maryette 921 MelvinaL. 602,1000 Myrtle L. 1001 Nathaniel 703 Robert 602 KARLANI) HARLOW BARNARD BARNES iiir. 121 990 371 1185 948 140 .220 829 75S 326 220 Isabel Thankful K. P. Sarali Bertha Charles E. Horcas liaiinah Jane A. .lulia L. Lavinia Lucretia BARNEY Sophia 420 BARRELL Edward C. 897, 12:.>0, 122! Henry N. 1221 Samuel n97 BARRENGER Fred ii68 Walter ihis BARRETT Augustus M. 753 Benjamin 1061 Charles 1177 Frank 1061 Heman 753 Isabella 1177 Louisa J. 792 Martha D. 7.53. 1140 Philander T. 753, 1140 Sarah A. 751$ BARRAGER .) esse 1083 BARROW Celia M. 893 BARRY Adelaide 859 Almira W. 534, 907 Arthur 534 Ashbel W. 534 Charles O. 534, 907 Charles W. 907 Harriet F. 534 Mabel E. 907 William 534 William H. 534 BARTLETT Abigail 367 Anna M. 980 Asa 293 Beniamin 1311 Calvin L. 614 Charles H. 1103, 1293 Eleanor A. 1103 Evelyn A. 614, 1015 Gertrude A. 1254 Horace .279 John 750 Lizzie 1103 Maria E. 1103 Minerva 615 Richard 1015, 1103 Richard O. 1103 Ruth T. 1015 S. A. 980 Samuel 1311 Sarah J. 459 Walter L. (?14, 1015 Ward S. 1015 WillardB. 1311 John E. Margaret M.iry C. Kol)ert II. Kiitli .1. William II. 1152, 12auk M. 1067 George S 459, 8IS Harriet E. 459 Hiram 475 Louisa 1045 Margaret 48, 49 Mary A. 817, 11S4 Sarah M. 1067 Sherman 4.59 William H. 475 BATH Maria A. 463 BATTERSHALL Laura M. 469 Jane 473 BATTLES Clyde H. 1009 Ethel l(Kt9 George G. 1 009 May I. 1009 Ruth V. 1009 BAUGHER Mary B. 1283 BAXTER AlannaS. 918 Alpheus H. 54;i, 917 Amasa W. 917 Apphia 171 Betsey 5(il Chloe F. 54;i. 917 Elijah .5*1,917 Elizabeth J. 543.917 Eudora F. 917, 1228 George E. 1228 Joseph .54^1 .loseph O. 513. 917 Joshua D. 54:1. 917 Martha 384i Marv.l. .543.918 Ralph M. 122.S Robert I). .543 .Solomon II. 54.3, 917 William M. 917, 1228 n.\y\A< Eliza 414 Harriet 414 .Josephine 414 Mr. 414 BAZIN Ellen .M. 5.35 1332 THE riAMTJN FAMILY. HEACH BELDEN A.J. 598 Ann 2r,4 Eliza (i87 Alanson 471 Frances A. 1 1'.Hi Horace Nil Amos 471 IJKALS. .loliii htil Betsey 474 Ablcall Adelaide A. 2S3 Olive 861 Calvin 471 5;jii BKLDINi; D wight 471 Clara 535 Chester 833 Eben H. 7x7 Clarinda IWJ George S. 8.33 Eben N. 780 Cvriis 6113 Orvilie D. 833 Edith t;i« Edwin O. tH>3 BELL Emma P. 7n7 Enillv I.. 530 Adolpli N. 812 Mr. 310 Ev.lyn 1. 53(5 , !KtS .X-rrippa N. 455 Mary F. 7S7 E/ra 2Ki Albert 11. 1042 Miss. S28 Fredericl< F. :vM> Anna 450, 837 Rachael A. 8»4 George George S. 530 ■2Ki . «>08 Anna M. Charles 1042 45ti BEECH ER Chester 1120 Grid Icy 535 Clara .1. 1042 Cora L. Mtt lloraci' iKi . 53ti . mix Ellen B. 4.W1. SI 2 BEEDEE Leaiitlia tH)3. UM Ethel 1112 Abbie S. 751 Lewis 11. -•"sJ . .">:j5 Fred W. 1204 BEEDY Louisa 2^3 , 5:^1 Geof^'e N. 4.5li. N12 Seth E. 524 Fjfjuisa E. 53t] . !H)H tirace E. M12 BEELER Maria 5*5 ll.iirv K 4,50. N12 Edward 92K Maria W. 283,537 Henry R. 1204 BEESTON Mary A. Natnaniel II. 283 535 ,537 Howard S. Katherlne E. 450 1204 George E. 1308 Ori.ssa 283 . .53ti Li lb- 4.50, siri BICKI-ORD Pollv 182 Marion E. S12 Ada 042. 1047 Polly H. 530 , WH MaryF. 4.'iO. si 2 .\rchie 042 11147 Rebecca \Ki 'I'imolhy C. 1041 Pearl R. 1047 Theron 003 William F. 1042 Ruth H. 1(147 William C. 283, 5$> BELLMAN Sullivan T. 042 William .1. 908 James C. 320 BICKMORE BEAMAN" BENDER Henry 1105 Franklin P. 086 Hubert H. 987 Henrv E. 11(15 Hattie ftse. 1081 Ira W. 987 Lila il. 1105 Horace two John O. 9S7 BICKNELL Horace O. 080 BENEDICT Alice 710 1107 |{KAN Almira .-.15 Arthur E. 710 Alta M. 041, 12.><5 Catherine 091 Henry M. 678 l(t71 Gladys 1041 BENHAM •Itimes S. ii7s Grace M. lt)41 Harriet 1114 Stephen G. 710 Herbert H. 1041 BENJAMIN BIDDINGS Iva G. 1041 Everett E. 1121 Ernest M. 1243 Rinaldo I'. 1041 Louisa 473 Henry A. 1243 May L. 1044 Mary F. 715 BIDWELL Nina M. 10ii4 BENNETT Helen 1181 BEARD Addison H. 4S7, .X4S BIGBEE Ann 488 Angus SI lit .John 1274 BEARDSLEY Arthur 754. 1142 HIGELOW Aaron T. 450 Arthur M. 1142 Isaac ,J. 401 BE ARSE. Bessie A. 1142 Martha 757 Abigail 170 Caroline 508. 1040 Royal 1172 Betsey 317 Kigia T. 1142 BILLINGS Ebene/.er P. i:S3 Plora E. 1142 Anistasia 471 Eliza 2!>it .loshua F, 1041 Louisa ■M.i Freeman 13:t Lester A. 1142 Mr. 4til George i;i3 Martha P. 497 Martha A. 541 James 88 Marv 784 BIRD Levi r.a .Milton N. 848 E. R. 540 Mr. 2it2 Nancy .\. 4,S7, 848 BISBEE Sarah D. 559 Nathaniel S. 487 Elvira ;w2 William H. '.HiO Robert 11. 1142 James 183 BEATHAM Samtiel 994 liebecca D. 582 Daniel 11 04 William A. 1142 BISHOP BEAUCHAMl BEN N ION Albeit W. 802 Emily A. 11 :» M. Hattie It 151 Alexander i>5,i BEAUMONT BENSON .\u;:ust us ,stfc! Ella J. 1293 Cynthia J. 5U lierlha M. L. 1115 BEBB Laura L. 12iMi Charles 863 1199 Clement E. 819 Nettie .M. !V57, 1247 Eli/.:i s(;:i BECK. Revilo P. 9.57 I'>.inces A. 853 ll!"*i Alice B. 1257 BENTLEV (ieneva .M. 1199 Peter l». 12.">7 Louisa 41.'. lieorge B. N">3 I'liillp P. 12,">r |{ERGSTROM i^.'iur.a A. Sl!3 BECKWI Til A Man S. 1275 Lina 80:( 1199 Erasiiis 221 .liimes W. 1274 Mariii W. St 12. 1177 Hamlin 221 BERRY .Martha E. Mi3 Harvey 221 Edward A. 7so Mary 177 .Marinn 11,'>1 Mabel 12IN .Mary E. .s(i3 Martini M. 1120 BESTOW Minnies. IIW Mildred K. 1151 John C. 252 Sarali 225 Polly 221 BETTS BISSELL Thomas 220 .221 Lvdia 4l»5 Etta 5SK), 98.3 Osiil;i 221 BEEBE .Mr. 590 William \i. 1151 A. G. 471 Willliim C. 320 INDEX 1333 BLACK Edna 1307 James M. 1083 Jaue 625 BLACKWELL Jane 103 BEADS Abram 309 BE A IE Adaline D. 485 Benjamin J. 485 Betsey 228 Celia'M. 4^5 Charles H. 485 Dwiglit A. 485 Frances A. 485 Jennie E. 485 Lucy A. 485 Setb H. 485 BLAISDALL E. S. 900 Eva 900 Sanborn 529 BLAKE Alta P. 10S6 Frank E. J08(3 George F. 1086 Lvdia A. 644 M'ilton H. 1300 Xellie M. 1086 BLANCHARD Horace 588 BLASHFIELD Bertha M. 1285 Elijah 832 George C. 832. 1191 Roscoe W. 1191 BLATCHFOED Alicia H. 576 Eebecca C. 576 BLEDSALL Mr. 586 BLEETCHEV^GTON Annie 1217 BLINN Alonzo C 798 Clarissa M. 443, 798 Emily 443. 797 George W. W. 443 Harriet E. 443. 797 Ira il. 798. 1175 Joseph C. 443. 798 William 443 BLODGETT Edwin H. 1018 Fredmund H. 1018 George H. S. 1018 Lorenzo 1018 William B. 1018 BLOSS Andrew 991 Channing L. 992 Eva J. 992 Lizzie A. 992 Minnie B. 992. 1265 Oliver S. 992, 1265 BLOSSOM Hannah S. 370 Sarah 206 BLUSH David 126 Elizabeth 126 Eeuben 126 Thomas 126 BLYTHE Florence 898 BO ALT Caroline W. 1161, 1302 Frances M. 1161 Frederick H. 1160 Frederick L. 3161 Lucy P. 1161. 1302 Marian G. 1161 William W. 1161 BOAEDMAX Alice H. 7^9. 1148 Daniel Eva F. Henry Melville M. Eosa L. Julius F. Simeon Henry Bertha L. Betsey BODFISH BOGE BOGGS BOIS Bessie E. Nellie E. Orias B, Perry E. Ferris S, Eay M. Louisa Lydia Ehoda BOLLINGEE BOLLIS BONELLI BONNEY 486 1148 759 759, 1148 486 560, 949 560 1307 1062 228 129S 129S 129S 1298 846 846 547 98 734 BOWEY BOWKER BONSALL Elizabeth R. 788 BOOKER Mary J. 705 BOONE Charles 985 BOOTH Alpheus 669 Charles W. 1171 Emert E. 1171 Flora U. 1171 Hartwell W. 1171 Melva M. 1171 Sarah W. 738 BORDEN Jennie 490 BOEING Dorothy A. 1301 Walter T. 1301 BOETEEE Blanche M. 809 Franklin S. 809 Maude N. 809. 1181 BOSS Lewis 944 BOSWOETH Abby C. 562 Albert C. 1100 Charles 1180 Charlotte M. 1180 William H. 1180 BOTSPORD Bradley S. 844 Joshua 250 BOTTS Kate B. 1235 Michael H. 1235 Michael L. 1235 BOUGHTON Charles 1127 Fannie F. 1127 George 1127 Harriet W. 1127 BOURK Louisa G. 818 BOURNE Barnabas E. 721 Clarence V. 721 Flora A. 721 Jesse S. 721 BOUTELLE Frances I. 1279 BOUT WELL Flint 894 BOWEN Anna 264 Ed 11. 1193 Edith M. 1193 Emma H. 1193 Eva C. Alice Addie L. Ida BOWLES M. E. Sidney W. BOWMAN Earnest Edward F. Eulinda Florence G. Frederick N. Grace Grover Hazel M. Jennie Joseph Majorie N. Milicent V. Olive Rita Ruth E. Seth H. BOWERMAN Rosanna A. Restean !I17 917. Frances A. Joseph O. Lucy M. BOWN llU Robert C Julia BOYE BOYLE BOYNTON Ann M. Nettie S. Samuel BRACKTT Albert A. Albert E. Vina B. BRADEN Alma Arthur R. Bertha M. Datus E. Earl H. Erwin 11. Erwin S. Eva E. Grace J . James John JohnH. John W. Julia M. Mabel M. Marie M. Rose V. BRADFORD Sarah A. Jane BRADLEY Clarence E. Eliza .lennette C. Lewis H. Miss. Martha L. Russell BRADSllAW Homer S. 921. H21, 921, 921, Mary D. BICVGG BKAIN Charles K. George H. BRAINERI) Artiiur Carl Carroll Charlotte M. lliS 1138 1060 1233 362 914 1227 1227 1247 1227 1246 1227 1247 1247 1227 543 1247 1227 1247 1247 917 373 469 1155 766 767 1164 1248 7J3 1049 1105 908 909 909 1228 122S> 1229 921 1229 1229 1229 1225) 12211 .54t) 920 1229 1229 1228 1229 1229 1229 362 571 615 344 762 615 376 6i:. 615 1211 366 12.S.J 1108 1108 1108 1108 i:5:!4 THE HAM LIN FAMILY Ellen A. »« ,717 Sarah A. N32 Estelle M. 717 Sarah M. 1174 Etbel 11 us BRIGll.VM Fri'dus O. :wa , 717 r^)ui.sa i>;i9 tiforiri' H . 71it Alfred (;. (589 Ik-loii llOs Eunice .M. 6S9 ll.len N. 717 I'red E. list), 10S4 lUiirv W. 1'. SiK) , 71M lloyte V. 6sst. 10K4 11. rl'trl K. 71S Laiira B. 6s!t. 1084 .laiiics C ■Mi , 71M LIniia .M. tisji. 1084 Jiimi-s H. :fl»-J Lovella 1. «8», 1084 .loll 11 C. :i9:j . 7IK Lulia H. N34 KatlitTlnc lias Otis F. K3t .Marion IKIK Samuel sa4 Marv A. 39:s . 71S BRINKEHHOFF Maud S. 71S Phebe M. "89 Ni-w.-li I HIS BRISTOL Newel 1 W. 717. nils Keziah 728 Sanuiul li. :iii;i . 7is BliODIlA^' Sophia N. sm . 717 Alfred H. S47 Walter 11 OS BROEFFLK Walters. 717. 11 OS Charles 11S9 BKALE'i- BItOENNIMAN Jennie '.117 Edward G. 1281 Mary 542 Edgar R. 1282 .Silas HI 7 B RON SUN BUAMHALL Uuldah 1.51 Edwin aia BROOKFIED H RANCH Georgiaima 421 Cliester A. 11(H) BROOlvS. Cora E. IKKl Adelaide E. 1).S4, 1256 FranltD. 1100 Alice A. 984 Geneva A. IKMl Celinda A. 984 Georjre D. lUH) Clara V. 084, 1257 IlillTV W. 1100 Edward 984 Ina li IllHt Eleanor M. 9S4. 1256 \\ iiiilirop .M. IKMI Eunice E. 984, 1258 BRANDON l-'runces I. 984, 1257 George R. tid'j Harriet S. 984, 1257 BRAYMAN Jessie D. 1293 Allie IKJO JCata A. 1023 BRAY Lewis S. 9S4 Walter .1. 716 Lois 134 BRAZEE Lucia A. 984, 1257 Jacob 757 Lucius A. 984, 1257 BREAOY Lydia L. 984. 12.56 Alhcrt S. 1 :.'S7 Mr. UW Charles R. 1L'S7 BROSS BREED William M. 879 Katherine G. 1:203 William R. 879 BREITMAYER BRONG Fred 1186 Sara 1157 BREMNER BROUGH BRENNAN Ezra Annie BREWER .Marianna A. Otis .M. BREWSTER Harriet K. Lee D. BRICK Ann E. Caroline A. Edward S. (jeorge II. Harriet E. Henry A. Isaa.-C. Su timer S. William .M. BRIGDEN Charles Sally Thomas Ann O. Cyrus Harvey M. Lihl.le" Louisa S. Mary E. Rhoila M. Ro.vleL. BRIGGS 698 1164 1012 907 775 775 .530 .5:i0 .530, !HH 5.30, "101 530 530, 1»01 5.30. 901 5:^0 5:W. iH)l 413 413 413 554 .554 554 1170 89S 554 554 8y A. Daniel Daniel W. I)avij. 192, 340. 340. tvY. n.">4 636 7tt.'» ll,-).-. 347 340 316 927 631. 12l's 1124 1152 766 1124, 125K> 12,53 76t> 76«) 1124 766 1154 "•^ 875 1^0] 765 766,111.56 7l>(i, ll.5.> 636 636 34t) 6,35 765 11,55 765. 11.52 l-.5:{ 7ti5 7t>5. 7ti6. 11. "i5 . 42.i, 765, 7tU) 11,54 1154. 115.5 ■M\ 766. 11.55 11.52 1155. 1301 11,59 1233 1044 615 1124 ti3l) 63t> 765 361, 655 733, 1124 76«; 766 942 340 s;n 340. ^m 930 9:30 1151. 12!N 11.54, i:«Nt 316 9.30 2:32, 340 766 1151 1014 765 930 1124 ,so:i 628 733 12.53 1154 316 1124 11.59 :i61 4(>5 767 42:3. 6;J6, 7(>4, 423, IN DEX i:«n Lucy M. 1154. ia)o BUCK Mary W. l:.''s2 Uv. 783 Bessie W. 1242 William 4tC< Mrs. 670 Betsey S. 6()7 BlKCll Miss, 341 Carl H. 1242 Anna 556 Mahala- 34C , t):j5 Charles B. 1242 Marsden C. S5.>.> France's .1. 941 Nancy M. t)32 Samuel T. 1312 Frederick II. 941 Nellie 1150 Walter 1242 Frederick .1. !»2li Nellie M. 1155 1301 Wilbur 1242 Hubert A. i»26 Nina li36 BUCKLAND Hubert U. 926 Nina F. 1233 Adella 870, 1206 Hyruni P. !t2(! Olive 423. 766 Auiiustus 270, .504 .870 Jacob R. 926 Oscar C. 1300 Bessie 871 John S. 940. im Otis W. 316 Charles N. 871, 1.206 Joseph S. 920 PaulL. 655, 1052 Emma 504 Lois E. !r26 Pliel)e M. 423 764 Eva W. 871 Lydia P. 941 Ralph L. 1253 Eveline 870 Martha A. 552 Keaiha 1300 Fanny 270 Melissa M. 941 Reuben L. 1201 Fran k 504, 871 Orson T. 926 Rose A. .). 939 Frank E. 871, 1207 Pearl 92ti Rufus G. 340, 635 Harlan 504, 871 Prudum !)41 Rutl) 175 Harold 871 William I. 920 Samuel W. 423, 766 Newell 504, 871 BURKE Sarali H. 11.24 Pollv 270.504 George 670 Seymour D. ll.)9 Rufus 871 BURGESS Sidney P. 663, 1044 Sarah 504 Charles m9 Stephen 316 Stephen 270, 504 Charles F. 1287 Stephen F. 318 William 27 X 504. 870 Elizabeth 1096 Theodore 765 BUCKLEY Elvina 3*«7 Thomas 811 Amanda 755 Gordon F. 1287 Valenia D. 1155 BUCKMAN ♦ Louisa A. 1019 Velpha IciOO Adelaide M. 1059 Lucinda 3SH) Vera 980 BUELL Luther P. 1095 Walter P. 361. 1052 Sarah A. 498 BURGON Walter E. 1155 131)0 BUERK Dora BULKLEV George A. 93J William 423 766 970 Bl'RLINGAME BROWNE Charles H. vm Adah F. 1288 George E. 1183 BURLINGHAM Charlene C. 1253 BULL Eliza .-)43 Charles W'. H. 980, 1252 Clara W. 748 BURNETT John I. 980, 1252 BULLARD Edith L. IIUS John W. 980 Charles H. 643, 1047 BURN HAM Mable 1252 Elsie H. 1047 Almira 405 BROWNETJ, Isaac H. 643 Mary L. 1045 Arthur J. 1156 BULLOCK Wilfiam Ml Aimer J. 1156 Abbie A. 1291 BURNS Aslie M. 1156 Caroline W. 979 John F. 764 John W. 1155 BUMP Mena 129.S Olive E. 1156 1301 Charles B. 1008, 1272 Rufus 716 BRUCE .««. \ Charles E. 1065 BURNSIDE Mr. 731 Georire F. 1008 Caroline 1131 BRUDI Lloyd 1272 BURR Anna M. 1082 Mary Varney 1007 Ellen 590 BRUNNER 10t)8 Helen .-.!X) Lucinda 1571 Varney E. 1008 Mr. 160 BRUSH Winnie 1272 Martha A. 317 Stella J. 1089 BUMPAS BURRAS BRUZIE Thankful 68 Mr. .-KMI Miss 444 Juliana 270 lU'RRELL BRYAN BUNDY Claude .1. 1196 Mr, 437 Sophia BUNNELL 320 Dwight 1201 BRYANT Edward G. l:.*01 Ann E. 975 Harriet 604 Harry C. 1200 Charles F. 1269 BUNTON Kenneth P. 1201 EdKarT. 1172 Emily J. George J. Isadore F- 537 BIRRILL Howard T. 1172 527 Harriet N. 666 Jessie 1015 537 Lettice C. 38f* Julia 365 Jesse 5.S6, 537 Miss 389 Mabel C. 1172 I/avina H. 537 ,908 Orrin 791 Martlia 1.312 Loui.sa .J. 537 BURROWS. Maude D. 1570 Maria W. 5:^7 Addison 258. 473 Pamelia 179 Mary F. Orissa M. 537 Alanson S. 473 Sarah 98 537 Caroline 2.'.S William C. 365 BURBANK Charles .M. 47(1. \H BUCHANAN Esther 494 ,855 David .1. 473. ,s;i2 Elizabeth 1114 Lydia 494 , 856 Dora 831 1336 Tlir: HAMLIN FAMILY. F.sllur M. .•<33 Benjamin K. 943 Leonard M, TI8S Fl(l.-li:i 470 Harold K. 944. 1239 Marian E. 823. 1186 l-'ri'tliTick V. 473 , Kt.' I'erclval F. K44. 12:» Marv E. S2;i Fl( tssit* s:t' BfTTS Nellie A. 11.S6 Ihnriittit 124H Loui.s 546 CALOtT L<-<> ( i. s;« Mary stw Lewis W. 910 Maria iv< . 47H BLXTO.N Oliver C. S. 916 .Mau.lr KCl Etta .1. 1241 CALLAW A\ Martin I). 47S BFZ/.ELL Ella 1126 Mir:iii(la 47(1 47.-. Abby C. 701 CALVIN MortiintT L. 47:< Harriet C. 701, 1095 Sally 417 MortiiJiiT T. K33 Louisa (HW CAMERON ( )scar 47:1 Wilbur F. 701. KWi Millie A. 977 I'l-arl L S3;i William mi CAMP Kalpli 470 BYRNES Louise M. 7:J5 Kutl> 25S , 473 Marj^urite A. IDSt .Mary iniir Hiilly A. 470 CADDEN CAMPBELL Susan A. 473 , SiC' Elizabeth 1(K53 Carver 479 'I'ali-otl K". 470 CAODIN Celia C. 479 William 2.')S Anna B. 1310 Clarissa A. 479 William M. f7( ,47.S , Ka CADWELL Edjrar C. 12^5 /it-nas 470 Daniel D. 5(X» Eliza 775 /.llpliii .1. 2bH ,474 .lane 50aura L. 11841 Clarence \V 1241 INDEX. 1337 Henrietta N. 947 Caroline A. 2S2 Mabelle S. 1241 Catherine S. 632, 1039 CAEMAN Charles F. 631, 103t) Charles L. 1198 Charles M. 1021, ]2S() Jane E. 1138 Cora L. 1021 Paul I. 1198 Donald A. 12S1 CARMICHAEL Dort)tliea M. \0M .James C. 800 Edwin K. l:2S0 ,Jaii:es W. 802 Eliza A. 282, 5.i0 CARNEY Elizabeth P. tai Benjamin J. 398 Emerson F. Xi9, 631 Charles H. H98 Eugene »W2, 1037 Clara B 398 Eugene L. I03S Ella F. 398 Eugene R. 12S4 Emma E. 398 Frederick G. 1021, lis) Esther A. 218, 398 Frederick S. 52k Hannah A. 398 Genevieve L. 12S0 Herbert E. 398 George H. 103S. 12.S4 John A. 218, :ii*H George M. .528, !K)I Levi S. 398 George P. 1021 Lucy B. 398 Harley 12S0 Maria A. 398 Harriet 4til Mary J. 398 Harriet W. 2.S2, 52.S Patr'ck 218 Henry 3:-19. ti3l Sarah A. 218, 398 Henry G. 12sl Walter F. 398 Henry L. 282. 530 CARPENTER Henry W. 1021 Charles E. 1055 Hebert F. 1021 Clyde 1055 Isaac 2M Curtis A. 945 .lane 279 Delia M. 945 Jarvis F. 1050 Elizabeth 1259 JarvisL. 647, 10.)0 Elmer E. 945. 1240 John 337 Eugene 1055 John H. 632. 1036 Grace E. 1135 John S. 282, 529 Mr. 58S Julia 528 Nettie E. 945 Julia F. 10.iO Willis E. 945 Leander 530 CARTELYOU Lizzie 1018 Dinah 364 Mr. 224 CARTLE Miss. 715 Frederick H. 783 Marion J. 1281 George W. 783 Marion S. 12.).S W. H. 783 Mary B. 1050 CARR MellieG. 1040, 12S4 Albert B. 11.57 Merle G. 12,S0 Cora 1265 Natalie P. 1040 Frederick W. 1157 Rebecca 61 s John G. 1171 Robert D. 1040. 12S5 Orville L. 1171 Robert G. 632, 1039 Sarah 1286 Royal 514 CARRIER Samuel R. 647 Cliarles F. 1305 Sarah 528 Emily B. CARROLL Adelia M. 1305 982 Sarah H. Sarah M. Theodore W. 282, 529 529 282, 529 Mary CARUTH 901 Waldo R. 1021 Waldo W. 1280 Betsey Eli 318 318 Walter Warren E. 632, 1039 103.S, 1284 Esther 318 CASE Louisa 318 Amarilla 727 Lyman Harrison 318 318 Charles P. Doris A. 574, 907 9li7 CARVER Ellen J. 762 Albert G. 1153 Fanny V. 967 Bertha L. 1153 Helen 967 Charlotte M. 1153 Hope John C. :i5. 3li 573 Clark L. 1153 Howard L. 1153 John \V. 9«>7 June Maria M. 1299 1153 Louisa L. Lucy M. 841 967 William H. 1152. 1299 Lydia 32() William N. 1153. 1299 Mary E. SHi7 CARY Anna E. 1195 Olive William 967 35, :i6, 47 CARYL CASEY Henry 602 Cynthia ")05 Mary E. 602 Myron 5(V5 CARTER John 11. 462 Albert W. 1021, 1280 Lora 7K^ Allen 392 Marv 783 Amelia F. 632 Nellie C. T.'sJ. lUki Amelia H. 631 William E. 783 Augustus H. 1021, 1281 CASH Bessie R. 1040, 1285 Mary 10t»5 CASTELLO .Fohn R. CASWELL Emily .\. Benjamin T. CATIICART George CATON Manila C. C.MIL Mary CliADBuLRNK Mary CHADWICK Alexander II. Alfred .M. Anna M. Augustus W. Betsey C. Caroline W. Catherine W. Chloe Clarissa S. Clement Coryaon Dalsille E. David Eliza F. Elton .1. Esther Esther A. George A. Gustavus B. Hannah T. :is4, 215, 215, 215 384 .384. 558. 215, .3>4. 215, 393, 215, 385, Ichabod James C. .558. J ason John 215, Joseph Joshua T. J udah F Julia A. Lucy Mr. Mary A. Melinda Mercy F. Olive T. Priscilla H. 215, Uhodema H. 384. Ro.xanna Sophia Statira S. 384. Susan A. Triphena 215, Typhosa 215, Wallace W. Zeruiah 215, CHAFFEE Alma CHAMBERLAIN Alice J. Arthur V. Belle M. Charles Charles F. Charles T. 7tK(. Dan T. Emma Emma O. 758. Esther A. 420 Ethel Frank (ieorge II. llanillnT. 420, Hannah L. 420 Harlow II. HattieT. 760. Jeanette Leon T. 7.59. Louis .M. 760. Louisa L. Malina.l 420. .Marie Mary E. 758. Philander 1259 539 667 445 rms 1051 :m5 :i85 .385 7tXl 558 iV>H 384 .'iiVJ 558 391 385 700 215 7(X) 391 699 384 omt !>48 215 ms 384 3!I2 .562 557 :^5 393 .")t>2 67 393 700 557 700 3!t2 6.98 385 215 699 558 392 St2 699 391 379 758 n4i\ llHi 1149 1173 1149 7.59 760 1146 , 7.59 1173 7.59 1149 , 759 , 7.59 7tiO 1148 4.57 1146 114U 7.58 . 759 1I4U 1145 419 i:i:J8 THE JlA.Ml.lN J-AMILY I Ml 1 1 under T. 4u'o. ")!» riilhna L. 7:>H. lU.'. I'lillfius 4J0, 7.V*. IIW 'ri'inpfranri- 3X7 CHAMHKKLIN AuBUslus.l. 1M8. V2A3 ChliH- 295 Kllfii M. 521 Kth«l M. 1243 M.iiiili- L. 1243 Kiilph II. 1243 Svlvaims m" \<'llliiiniK. iMK, 1243 CHAMBRliS Anna S87 CMAMPNKV lUloii 1213 (11 AI'FN lA'wis i:«i4 Ly.li.' ■ASZ Xoia L. yjM Viola 453 CIIAI'.MAN Hi'mifu 1303 Hlaixhe E. 12(il Hurt ]20ti Kliiur n. B. 1107 Ikriry II. 12t») Ida iish; John W. 12(itl Julia K. 974 Nortiiaii A. 1307 Sophia 2G0 Soplironiit H. !M)2 Waldo A. 1307 CHANDr.Ei; Clarence H. Nil Ernest S.'.l Edward U. Sal George C. h51 George W. 947 CHARLTON Dorothy G. 1067 Elizabeth 10t)7 John 11. 1007 Sylvia .M. 1007 CHASE Caroline A. 52« Charles 908 Charles \V. 1132 David 1132 Doris A. i)6H Edlth.M. 1103 Ellas. 1103 Ellen A. 079 Esther l\ i.KIl Ethel 1. 1103 EranU 1252 llarvev W. 1132 llatti.".M. iMIl Herbert M. 901 James J. 1103 Jennie L. 1 103 Jennie .M. 1132 J()sei)li \V. 1132 Kat.- 1". tki3 Mildred 1293 >Iurray H. 9li.s Myrtle Klioda T. 12!"3 1132 Kosala 589 S. T. IMtO Solon 1103. 12^13 CHEKKV Ellas V. 778 Katherlne II. 77H, 1104 Laura M. 77>. lli!4 (IIKNKV Mattle A. 1155 CHESEBKOntiH William 4S1 CHESLEV Alexander 92n Hi-niaiiiln F. 92k Edgar H. 928 Jacob 928 James E. John A. Joseph Mary F. Vera M. Lucy A. Charles Elvira Hazel O. William ^' Cella Charles F CHESTER CHICK 'cm 1.1 ) Abbie I A hi gal I Aliie L. Anne K. Artluir Jienjaniin Byron Calvin Charles Deliverance Eliza W. Elizabeth Frederick Grace K. Ilajinali Hannah S. llenrv M. Herbi-rt F. James Jessie S. Job Joseph Lewis Lillie Liicretia Mr. Marv E. Meliitable Minnie I'eter Ralph A. Robinson Ruth Sarah Thomas William William CIMLOS 928 928 U28 92« 92S 5as »13 1034 WM 1195 1066 958 05. 127 KKil 1091. 12VI0 12Ni 155. 120 1064. 12Ni 12; 12S0 44. C"), 127 1091. 12«.H) li5 1004. 12M0 12.S0 120. 127 (S95 071 12s0 !>"). 127 12h0 l:;7 05, 125. 213, 3S3. 570 120 1004. 12S7 1(H>4. 12H0 040 1017 120 12S7 l(hV4 12S0 957 05. 120 127 383, 097 Um, 1091 1091. 12iM) 1004, 127, 5lU, 097 CHILSON Rose J. Sarah CHIl'MAN George W. Lewis Mary Percy R. CHITTENDEN Emma A. Evangeiim- K. 7 Frederick W. (ieorge R. Ge(jrge W. ,)8. Henry W. Eliza B. Koxanna l':il: CHOATE HOLETTE iiriic 1004 oitSt 1252 1252 108 1252 S44 75s 758 75« 758 344 318 1200 Addle E. Bertha J. Charles N. Charles R. Curinue S. Daniel .1. Donald H. Edwin A. Edwin II. llrne.sl S. Fre(lerlck Frederick N. 1174. 1302 1250. 13l»7 773 420. 773 1250, i:{07 2;{6 i.mi 1174. l.Uis i;io3 i2:>ii 2.!0. 427 427 Gaines H. Ganies W. Gordon C. Harriet E. Harriet U. Harriet T. Helen A. .loseph B. Lois D. Mr. M.irv Mary L. Natlianiel Norman E Orlando B Othello Ruth A. Sarah S. Townsend V. William 11. CHFRCHILL Charles C. Franklin H. Hannah Helen S. Mary H. Richard C. Sylvester William H. CHKISOLM Eliza C. CHRISTLVN Grace O. CHRISTMAN Emallne L. CHHISTV Sarah M. Lorenzo M. CLAFLIN Achsah A. Bellamy Esther M. Florence E. Frank N. Hannah L. llavaliah B. Henrietta S. CLANCEV Mr, 1174, 1303 1174 VMi 427 420, 77.3 427 oit> 12.">ti 2:iO. 427 797 177 42ii, 773 Zia. 2:«). 420 12.'>t! 1250. i:io7 12.".«i 2:«J. 427 427 773 2.Ui. 427 4. 4(Ni 7:i5 7:i5 220 400 7Xi 7:C> 400 735 11S7 1220 1151 SOO S'.m Charles H. EllaT. Mabel B. Marv K. CLAPP CLARK" Albert Albert B. Alpha B. Ambrose A. Angeline Anna .M. Anna T. Auzella S. Carolyn .V. Clarissa .M. David 11. Dean Dean B. Dora Edward Ella F. Emma F. Erastus Eugene l'"annit' E. Frank Frank J. Fred 11. (ieorge B. (iladvs Harriet A. 1 1 at tie E. Helen lliirn .1. Henrietta Humphrey 420. 700 420 420. 7iil» 1149 700, 1149 420. 7r.O 420. 7f.O 420, 7t;o 719 1113 ](l(t5 1113 950 1291 742 724, 1 1 k; S4S 700 724. 1110 97s 770 742. 113(t 2S0 ItHH) ■7t> 120S lOtil 518 7(H> KHHi 770 S77 Sti9 S4S. Ks7 (>(i9. 700, INDEX. i;{3it Isaac Jane Jessie John John D. John M. Joseph E. Joseph H. Justnia M. Katalina H. Lillian A. Lucinda M. Lydia INlV. Martha Martha J. Marvin M. Mary Mary A. B. Medora J. Melvin Minerva E Mirriam P. Nathan Nathaniel H. Noel Orlando Oscar Persis S. Robert L. Roman Royal Sadie A. Samuel P. Sarah A. Sarah E. Sarah L. Susan C. Thaddeus Walter H. Warner William A. CLEMENT Edna F. Melinda R. CLEMONS Charles S. Elizabeth P. Franklin B. Freelove Jeanette N. Huntington CLEVELAND Abigail 609 lOtil 471 887 284 284 284 542, <)]5 284, 542 476 742, 1129 848 896 :J24 275, 593 921 669, 101)0 1090 887 284 1061 1106 100.S 915 669 284, 541 597 724 597 284,541 700 518 597 542 284 501 284 54i 573 887 776 1015 669 ion ioi:i 1126 1126 1126, 1296 598 507 1126 CLIFF. Carrie C. Albert B. Albert J. Emma N. Everett G. Frank L. Orra J. CLIFFORD Carrie George B. Sylvia H. William A. James H. Myrtle R.F. Anastasia Bertha E. Cora C. T. Cordelia Douglas L. Ernest A. Harold \V. James C. John John B. Josephine Mary L. Nancy D. Ruth R. CLOW CLARY 482 1214 808 808 808, 1180 808, 1180 808 808 1072 962 962 962 1262 1289 407 865, 1202 865 8tJ4 500. 865 1202 865 866 865 500, 865 865, 1202 500, 865 865, 1202 500,865 866 Stephen L. Thomas Willisim William J. Willinrii W. Willie CLA >■ Eli CLAYTON Joseph L. S. Thomas William B. CLIJCAS Elizabeth COAT Maurice E. COBB Allen A. Betsey E. Catherine L. Collins Edith W. El is ha C. Francis A. Lydia Martha Y. Orrin A. Rebecca J. Sabra Thomas Walter C. Wilbert O. COCHRAN Frank S. Fred F. Fields W. Forest L. John H. Kate Mattie E. Walter Welsey William CODD Susanna D. COE Frances M. Frederick K. Harriet M. Harriet \V. James N. Kate G. Nelson D. 500, StW 500 S(U 500. S64 S66 865 1312 1061 1064 1064 (iOS) 1234 972 586 316 315 972 316 1252 52 316 316 316 ](U 181). 581) 972 316 922 922 922 922 922, 1230 922. 1230 922 922 922 922 Thomas D. CCMjBEKT 9 429 1064 1296 1120 1296 1119 112(1 1296 1120 COFFIN Annie L. 1024 Charles A. 1024 Joseph 958 Lizzie M. 958 Lllu C. 958, 1248 Mary E. 1024 William L. 1024 COFFENBERRY Emeline 743, 1130 Emma 743, 1130 Grant L. 743.1130 Hazel Maude . May Milton A. J. Adeliza L. Blanch M. Celia M. .James G. Maude 1. Sarah G. Stephen M Weld H. COGGINS Orra L. John H. Frances Sarah L. COGSWELL COHOON COIT U. 1130 1130 UM 743 1217 1217 1217 1217 1217 1217 1217 1217 448 58H, 979 1268 304 Maude M. Homer COLBUKN COLBY COLE Adeline L. Frederick B. Irving Laslie Kenneth C. Martha Martin Mildred W. Orra Ruth COLEMAN E. W. Ezra H. Orville Harry Henry .M. Lawrence II. Mr. Maria Morris Reliance Sarah I. Volney J. COLLIER Frances C. COLLINS Addle E. Alice G. Alice I. Alice M. Aulia Betsey Caioline Charles F. Charles H. Charles O. Cordelia David N. Dennis Elea/er H. Eli George Georgiana Gertrude E. James H. John Julia A. Laura . Libbie S. Lucinda Lydia L. Mary 0. Mae E. Mary M. jnchard Ruth H. Sarah .1. Solomon Solomon C. Solomon J. Thomas Tyranius Walter 670 670 Alvyn W. Anna Annii L. AnnahC. Asenath Augustus \j Cliarles E. Charles L. Charles W. Charlotte Claire Clara Clinton B. David \. Edna M. COLMAN i2:)2 (►37 S53 1254 873 «73 1255 603 873 1255 252 91 1 19H 2)13 1095 1198 10(fc> llHl 301 705 1198 132 930 1181 996 1062 llHil 615 982 311 494 311.595 982 5.><9, 9h2 670. 1062 311 311 615 310, 589 311 5<.K) 589, 982 982. 1254 311 311 311 590 670 31 U 311, 595 310, 589 1062 1028 590 310. 590 310. 5iH) 310 589 :tlO, 590 670 202 (>70 N)5 1178 806, 1178 806 245. 447 US. 807 1178 44.H. 80;i 1178 1178 807 805 804 448.807 !i ( l.Ud Tin-: IIAMLIN J-AMILY. Edwurd L. .HCi. J 17s Edwin H. 83(1 COOM US p:iiliu :: 45. 44>i, sOti Katheriiie ^Xt H.rtha 5s9 Ktlnl L. 117S CONE F.dwin 573 I'lL'iclier 447. WU Isabel 1 E. nil COON Frank \i. KH Mary 519 Kli>lia 743 Ilarrv L. K03, 117m Co.NKLIN Franklin S. 74;» lli-kii 117s Alice,!. mi Lottie M. 743, 1130 lliliiy 44K. >«>:> Fausta A. 7(52 COONS lltiirv A. WMi Frank (i. (59(i Marv M. 934 lU'iirv II. H. 44s Ulaii.lie I. 12(!2 Mr. 7s^ Howard I>. SOIi. Il7!t Clarence E. 1203 COPE .1 allies 447. H()4 Edna (i. 1202 Edith 1298 .loliii II. 44S. SO, Fn^reiice E. 12til i:)09 COPELANl) .lu.supli II. 117s Framise C. 12(i3 Josepliine E. 915 .rosi'ph S. 44S. Sdti Frank W. 121)2 COPELON .losi'pliiru' II. .fiilia s(l4 44S. 117s (ieor^'e II. Ilarrv H. 12(53 12(5.5 Irena COI'LV 934 .liilia L. M»3, 1177 ,)aniesE. !)KS, 12(52. 12(53 i:509 Herbert U.& Katlieriiie 1). S(Ki .lane P. 9,-S 1201 CoPPLE Laura L. •■tNi. 117!) .lell'erson H. «,S8 1202 .Vniia 784 Louis H. SOti .lelVerson W. 12(52 lieriha 7s4 Lucius C. S()5. 117s .leiinetle L. 9SS 12(^2 Ella 784 .Marian .Marv L. S05 S04 .lert^me G. .lerome H. 9KS 1310 12(52 George J. 11. 784 ;s4 7s4. llli(5 .MiliccntB. ,s((4 .Idliii 1). 9KS 12(51 Sarah Paul K. Hai )h II. S07 S07 .loliii .M. .lohn W. 1:^01 1309 988 William CORA 7^4 Kut 1 1178 .Joselia L. 988 1202 Frances 87i5 Seymour 2' Wlllard H. 15, 447, W)5 .Josephine M. 9>S 1202 CORBIN 806 .foshua O. 988 ^^ ^-' &% M.^ & * ^ Estelle C. 7,".2. 1137 COLTOX .ludsoii .1. '.'S.S 12(53 Favette :.">2 Ada M. 1170 .lulia 1". 9>8 William F. ;.'>2 Coriulia A. 7H3, 1170 Lerov .M. 12(52 CORBRIDGE Cyrus K. 1172 Lulu'.M. 12(53 Mary A. .551 Don M. 1172 I'eraeiielia 12(53 COREY ElllHT.I. 1171 Thomas M. 12(53 .Ji ssie lls7 Euf'uiii; J. 7!!.!. 1170 Walter 12(53 CORNWALL Eva M. 1172 CONNET Be la 747 Eveline L. 7ttH, 1170 Catherine H. 202 J ane A. ,5315 Flora B. 1172 CONNOR CORRINGTON Franklin 793, 1170 Martha A. 444 J ames F. 783 Geortfe M. 793, 1170 CONRAD CORSON George S. (irace H. 1172 1171 \-'\_' ii XV ^L t-r Charles. I. Edwin 12.'<5 12.S5 Charles E. Henry C. 039, 12.S4 039. 1:..S4 Ilarrv -M. 1172 Floyd L. 1285 .lohn 1039 lleiirV H. 7!)3. 11(59 CORTRIGHT Hi ram E. 79,3, 1170 CONKOV Anthony 4>3 Ida.M. 1171 Anna (i. ().)9 COSIER lola.l. 1172 CON V Harriet 319 Irena .^L 1171 Joseph S. ()4s COTTON Iva C. 1172 CONVERSE Clara M. 1075 Jeruc \i. 1172 Amy M. 121(5 Lucrelia 404 John H. 1172 COOK COTTHELL Leon A. 1172 Albert 581 Isabel C. 407 Luther 792 Amv .1. 1027 COUCH Myron G. 1170 RlaiH-he E. 1027 Charlotte M. 772 Orville 793 CarrieC. 1027 Eva T. 475 IJay K. 1172 Charles E. 1027 F. W. 093 UaymoiKJ \\ . 1170 Ella 1181 Frederick M. 380, (59,5 Rose lie L. 793. 1170 Florence .1. 1027 Frederick \\ . 380. l>9.J Hoy E. 1172 I'rederick W. (525, 11)27 Georjre \\. 093 Kusscll .1. 79,3. 1172 Ilaiin;ili M. 551 .Mav L. (593 Walter .1. 1171 Helen V. (525. 102(5, 1027 Nefiie I). (593, 1088 William L. 1170 .leiiiiie B. 745, lll'iO Orlando N. 093 Wilson L. 1171 ■loliii (525 Oscar K. Oie, IONS COLVIX .lohn C. lo::7 Ruel F. 475 Lucy L. 1(100 John II. (!25, 1027 N'ernali E. 093 CCJLWELL Joseph W. (525. I02ti William R. 475 tJeorjie 1130 .lulia C. (525, 1027 COULSON <'Uy 11.10 Mary C. 7(H Margaret 419 Myrtle 113:) Semanlha 791 Eil/.a 7.57 C()M[\(;<> Sophia 1). 1027 co^NTl;^ M.vN Hebcna .1. 479 COOKE Inez l.>04 CO.Ml'TON Anna H. 477 .lohn A. i;50.( May E. 1252 Karli.'ira 1215 Milton E. 1304 CUMSTOCK (;ra.-e A. 1102 COURSER .Marion 1237 .lohn W. 1215 Helen F. 12:is CON A NT i;i.-liaril C. 1215 COVKLL El ma IISS W iliiam 1'. 1215 Clarissa 5m> p]lmer I IKS COOLEV Priscilla B. 1109 C(JNI)E Harriet 784 Iia.\ iiore 1109 Cornelius S. s;i(i Ida 1090 .-^ophia F. 1109 Edwin G. Kdi Ida J. 1194 Walter A. 1108 INDEX 1341 Mary R. Matilda CRABTREE CRAFTS CRAIG Anna B. Arthur T. p:dwai'd H. Edwin Eleanor Elias Elizabeth A. Elmer R. Hamlin L. Henry A. Henry K. Margurite E. Ulive Rose E. Sarah Waterman T. H. Wheelock CRAM Annie George S. CRANDALL Fannie COWAN CRISSEY Alexander 1253 Alice Dorothy E. 1253 Forest W. Robert W. 1253 Frank COX Orisen Edmund 483 Myrtle Frances 483 CROCKER INIahala 483 Abbie Mortimer 483 Abiy:ail Jesse 483 Adelbert Sarah LouLs 923 .Margery I). .305 Martha .\. 92:1. 12:11 .Mary :«i!) Mary 1-'. I KM Kactiael l&j Ruth C. 1108 Sarah 570 Sarah J. 92:i, 12:11 Taylor St23, 1231 William 92:1. 12:12 William E. i2:ii CROSS Celestine (542 Clara E. 102.") Elizabeth .H04 CROW Amiranda E. 5.52 Moses 453 CROWL Alfred E. 12(H1 Cora C. 12(Hl Howard A. 121HI Mary I. 1200 CROWN George H. 1114. 1294 William E. 1113 CROW ELL Abigail a^^H Alonzo 389, :J94 Alphoiizo E. 721 Alphoiizo F. 394, 721 Alvin !•'. 1247 Angeline S. (597 Benjamin S. 1247 Blanche B. 721, 1113 Data :i83 Dorothea 1247 Edith .962 Eleazer :iS9 Elizabeth H. 383 Etta H. 722 Fear 292 Francis B. :«»4 Henry H. 722. 1113 Howard m Isabel M. 721 .1 esse a'ia ,lohn :i8ji Joseph W. 299 Joshua 560. 962 Leander :m» Lucy K. :«t4 .Mary Nathan 79 962 Olive 1). I). 12t5,s Oliver :i'ncv 789 CULVEK Amand.i my Lv.lla H. 562, 957 Bertha (i. le.' DATE MV. 63."* CUMING James V. i:t(«t Mary 3(i. 67 Caroline II. 4«12 , S21 DAVENPORT M;.ry A. 127.'< Franris 11. 462 Allx-rt 47i; Mary E. Noah 11119 Tliuma.-i B. 4tK . s21 Anson 476 12iii> CITMINGS Bejamln F. George G. Glen SI 37.'-> 12M3 12h3 Betsey David Jewetfc Mary A. 476 476 476 476 PaulH. Phebe C. Prlscilla Prudence lll.V lll.\ (57 203 Letjnard Marshall 375 Salmon 476 Rebecca G. 562 375 William William 11. 476 476 Ruth Sally 51 199. :54il. CUNNINGHAM DAMAREL Sarah l:^2 Alice J. 1210 Charles W. 10S4 Sarah A. KKhV James (). 1210 DAMON Shubael 3(i. -.Ss Mary V. lt82 CoraE. 716 Simon 66 CUKKIK Mrs. Florence INK 1)75 SusaD 66 ir>i . 155 Henry W. 716 Susan E. 418 James G. Hzit* Maybert L. 716 Thomas M-Z CURTIS DANA Thomas G. .vt: David 3itO Caroline 878 Timothy 723 Delia 461 Ella F. 624 Timotliy C. 723, 1115 Eugene S'.KI Henry 624 Walter E. 723, 1019. 1115 Fannie L. 1014, 1275 John E. 878. 1212 Walter G. it5(l Helen H43 Lydia M. Mary S. Sellerk William H. DANFORTH 624 William 11. 723. 111.-) Josiah F. 1013 624 Zimri 19i» Linda M. Nellie M. Phebe A. CURTISS 1014, 1274 1014 754 878 624 DAWES Estella M. Daniel N. 721 610 Ann J. 514 Harriett A. 1029 DAWSON Charles 42(1 Loomis L. 657 Charles 1135 Charles E. 7l>0. 114!" Mary M. 1030 DAY Charles L. 42( . 761 DANIELS Alfred C. 1213 Charles O. Cyreiieus T. 420 761 , 760 Abi Elizabeth B. 1272 1251 Abbie AshiT 11. 911 271. .")(»9 Daisy Daniel W. 420 761 , 761 Georf^e DAVIDSON iik; diaries K. Ebenezer S. 510 271 Ebenezer 11. 42( , 761 Dudley Mary E. DAVIDS 695 Eliza 271,, 109 Emily M. Esther J. 420. 7i5(l 420, 761 886 Henry A. •lo.sepli S. 879. 1213 510 Mattie E. 761, 1149 'Esther DAVIS 763 Kelsey 271 Phebe A. 420 Lora A. 271 William P. 420. 761 Aaron 1022 Loren 271. 510 William U. 761 Abner 254 Louisa 510 CUSHMAN Mrs. E. CUSHING Abel CUSTER 307 UK Annie Annie G. C. M. Benjamin F. Bessie C. Caroline F. 900 1295 1187 1146 1019 957 Lydia K. Thomas C. William A. William H. DAYTON 271 9C>9 899, 1213 509. 87S Sarah J. 488 Charles W. 565, 961 Minnie A. 1I!H» CUTTING Content 67 DEAL Helen A. 646 Ebenezer i6. 38, 199 Edgar 9;i2 Sewell 40(i Edmund 565 DEAN Sewell S. 406 Edward A. 1022. 1281 Alvin F. 1102. I2!e CUVLER Edward .1. 1019 An-liibaldS. 1292 Ell/.alMHh M. 735 Elizabeth 221 Barnaby A. 12i>> Minerva P. 6»1 Elizabeth B. 471 Mciijaiiiin W. 1102, r-w DA DM AN Ethel 12a) Carrii- 1>. 682 Jennie A. 1025 Fanny Floy2 C. H. 1073 Grace F. 1019 Mabel 12(18 Mary si 3 Ilatnliii 19!t Mary A. 469, 471 DANIELS llaiinah 285 Mavnard S. 1292 Joyce M. 12,->1 Harriet O. 565, 961 Stella 1208 Mr. 31 N Henry T. .'i62. 9;-)(5 Warren 1208 Mary A. 512 Ilervey 5(55 Warren P. (582 Wiiilield M 1251 Isaiah 199 William H. 1102, 12it2 INDEX. 1343 DEARBORN DENNETT DEXTER Drnsilla Carrie E. 1098, 1291 Edward E. 1279 167 Charles E. 1241 Isabell 1279 Marihali Charles T. Elsie M. Emma B. Ernest Eva G. 1241 1098. 1292 109S, 1292 1241 1241 Marian P. Phillips DESMORE Florence 1279 1279 917 DICKENS I< ranees W. 11159 DICKERMAN Nellie L 1114 Helen M. 1098. 1292 DEPEW DICKERSON Isabella 1098 Elias 598 Dora A. 1087 John 1098 Nora 796 DIG ICE Y John W. 1098, 1292 DePEYSTER Abigail 214. .389 Eillian M. 1098. 1292 George 4.37 Albert 390 Bose 1098, 1291 .lames A. 437 Alexander 214 DECKER Joel 239 Andrew 390 Albert 73(5 DERBY Caroline ■.m Albert A. 737 Addie 1209. 1210 Charles 3M1I Antoinette E. 47G DERRICK David 214. .391 Eftie 470 Anne 318 Eleazer 214, .3iM( Fannie C. Harriet W. Helen F. Joseph L. 737 476 476 476 DERRY John Grace 1079 1709 Eleazer B. Eliza Emily llallett 214 -214, .391 390 -214. .391 Kittle V. 1187 DEYINE Ilamblin 214. 391 Leonard 476 Mary 763 Hannah .390 Lillie K. 737 DEWEY Harriet 390 Wadsworth L. 476 Alice 768 Hezekiah :S89 William C. 737, 1126 Alice C. 708, 1159 Howard 390 DeGRAFF Amanda 423 J ane :214, 390 Vroman 837 Asaph 502 .lennie S. John R. 51.^ DeHART Caroline L. 424. 767 51.'* Elizabeth B. 625 Carrie 769, 1159 Lucinda 390 DELAP Charles A. 502 Martha 214. 391 Rose 85 Charlotte E. 460 Mary 214. -.m DeLANEY Charles H. 4IU) Pauline 214. 390 Charles A. 1057 Clarence 1160 Priscilla 214, 391 Fannie 1057 Edla J. 76S Robert .3.S9 Florence L. 1057 Edward 768 William 314. 389 DELANO Edward L. 767 Wilson 390 Asenath 245 Elizabeth 7lW DICKSON Frederick H. 843 Elizabeth H. .■)(12 Caroline S. 493 Harold 843 Ella .1. 76,'<, 11.59 Hannah M. 493. R55 Samuel T. 843 Ellen 252 Henry 493. 8.55 DeLaVAYEA Ellen F. 40 423 DILLINGHA Niil ha.n Matthew 226 Harriet H. 460 DIAMOND Jacob S. DEMOND Harriet S. 502 S4.i H45 Alice E. 913 Howard G. 768 Lena B. Anthony D. 540 James 423 Maude H. 84^5 Arthur G. 912 Jane 423 DISQUE George A. Arthur H. 912 Jerusha 270 1IS4 Carrie L. 540, 913 John 252 Kenneth H. ll.>4 Charles A. S12, 1226 John F. 424,768 ■^^- Xh* ■-■ A« \^ %j^m ■ ■ • DIYINE Curtis 1226 John H. 423 Abram 113» Edith H. 912, 1226 John W. 502 Charles A. 1139 Ella F. W. 540,913 Julia H. 552, 4li0 Clarence H. 1139 Florence E. 912 Lewis F. 1160 .lennie M. 1139 Frank S. 913 Lizzie J. 1243 Laura B. 1 139 Frederick A. 540, 912 Lois E. .502 MayG. DIXON 1139 Frederick W. 912 Ijonson 423 George A. 540, 913 Marcus B. 252,460 Amanda M. 608. 1008 Harry E. 913 Maria L. 767, 1159 Anna 1007, liX'S Helen H. 912 Mark 423 Ben.j.imin 1(K)7 Howard G. 912 Mary J. 768 Benjamin V. Millie E. m2. 1226 Robert W. 1160 Ella E. 1271 Rosa E. 912 Salmon 423 Ephraim B. 608. iiHi; Sarah L. ,>J0 Sarah A. 502 Frank IIHI7 William H. 540, 913 Seymour B. 424, 767 Frank A. 1(H)8. 1271 DEMOREST Sophia 271 Fred 1(Nt7 Alice DEMPSTER 1199 Stanley Theodore 768 424, 768 George Cieorge F. 1IHt7 608, 1IH»7 Delia E. 492 Timothy H. 434. f68 Harry 1. l:.*71 DENISON William Ilinry W . tiO."*. 1l»l7 George H. 1088 DEWITT ■lames A. 1271 Mary A. 457 Olive E. 11.50 James M. 608, 1(108 I i:«4 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Jesse mn William IL 244, 446, 8f« DRISCOL Lurietti.i > . tVIS William .1. 804, 1177 Miss Hrtj .M:lr^;ilrl•t A. tWS, 1IK»H 1)01'(;LAS DRIVER Miiry F. UK17 Marie lOtll Florence I. 1268 Mill Ilk' A. KHis Nellie 10i»l DRYER Olive L. 1271 I)OW Cleora S50 Folly A. tiOi, lOOS Alice 735 DWKillT DOANE Canjiine 390 Lucy A. 805 George H. 7!):') .losepli 537 Mary F. 6:^1 Surah (i. .5^7 William L. 1024 DVAS DOUGE DOW NEK Cornelia 1202 Bert.l. 521,.S1»»1 Abner 1'. i)s5, 125.S Louise 1202 Carrif A. .-CM, SHil Alice M. 985, 1259 DVK Grace E. SiHt .Vrtliur It. 12.is Mr. 2iU John W. Ml-.-'W Harriet ('. ' 985. 12.T8 Rebena J. 479 Mr. .>l!t llobart F. 1259 DUBOC DOE lluniin;;ton 12.i» Henry A. 1261 Alfr.-d r.29 ,lolin F. 125H Henry L. 1262 Carrif !HtO William V. !IM5, 1258, 1259 DFDLEV Charles A. '.HKI DOWNS Ellen M. 1101 Ellen M. :yJiK '.HH» Sarah 482 Jane H. 725 Emma A. Wll DK.VICE .Jonas 4*)7 Frances C. 52!t, iKK) Au>;ustus 7.37, KHMl Kill- J ustiu S. 529, Betsey Carolyn 1^ Charles G. 265. 491 Curtis P. 10S7 Sarah E. 701 492. s54 Enid E. Il.->4 DOLE lOSl •lames Iv. 11. ">4 Louise (i74, 10.i7 Charles H. 1081 Mildred C. 1154 Thomas D. (561 Charles W. lliHI W. H. 11. -.3 DOLL Edward W. 4(t2 William B. 11.54 Katherine 115S Ellen M. 492, 853 Dl'FFV DOKE Emma A. 492 Hattie M. 126:{ Frances i)Sl Eu*'ene 392 DUNBAR DOULANI) Fanny .M. Flora 1081 Helen M. 54t» Mr. 5HS 492 IHNKIN DOTEN Florence M. 1081 A. W. 7.55 Grace 1. 127S Florelle 492 Frank T. 7.5.5 DUTV Franc 492, 855 Marv A. 7.>5 Austin 447, 804 Frances M. 492, S54 Mattie E. 755 Betsey f4 Adda .M. 481. S41 Ednmnd C; 804 Horace 737 Albion K. P. f45 Edward 11. 1177 Isaac 2t>5, 492 AsiihelC. 481. S41 Elizabetli 242, 729 John 265, 491 C. Lee >41 Elizabeth j ^. 447, 803 804, 1177 John E. 492. 854 C. T. lllMI Elizaljeth D. 447 .lulius P. 1126 Charles 4M Ella A. 827, 1189 .lunius P. 737 Charles A. 4S1 Everella C h04 Laiiriiula 265, 491 Deborah 440 Ezra U'44, 440. 447. SO:s Leulah 492. 8.54 Esther 371 Ezra S. 447, 804 Marion J. 492. 854 Hattie E. 481. s41 Flora M. 803 Marjorie L. lOsl Ida J. 4><1 Florence E 803 Mary P. 492. 855 .lerusha 4t<1 Geor^'e E. 1177 Mary S. 1081 Mary 3;^ Georfje N. 804 MenzoO. 492 Roy C. Sally William .^41 Henry 446, 803 .Minnie 8.54, 1061 440 Hiram A. 447 Pcrlia 492 4»0 Horace 446, 803 Perlia J. 492 DITNLAP Horlensc 1177 I'erlia M. 492, 8.55 Cr.'ifts K. 515 Ida V. 803 I'l»ilander 492 Joseph P. 51.5 Isaac l^ 803, 1177 Philo 265, 492 DUNN James I'. 447 Rebecca 737, 1126 Lavelette E. 5S7 .lohn 244, 44() Kichard J. 1126 DUNNING John E. 804, 827 William 2ti5 Alice A. 746 John F. 1177 William R. 265, 4S>2 Pliilander 745 John L. 803, 804 DREW lU'RllAM Lewis li. 803 Arthur L. 1133, 1297 Marv E. 714 Lilly F. 80:i Caroline A. 1297 Matiie B. 841 Lorenzo 11 447, K03 Earl 1144 I) US EN BERRY Lucv a. 80.3 Fred O. li:i3, 1297 Enoch J. .8.56 Martha E. 447 Harvey L. W.a. 12*t7 DUTILH Mary A. 803 Henry E. Roy F. ll:^;^ Marion mr Mary E. 1177 113.3 DUTTON Milo L. 447 Stella ii;j3 George T. 1265 Olive 8o:i Walter G. 1133 DYER Owen 1'. WI4 DRESSER Alden II. 603, 1004 I'clir L. 803 Annie H. n:<6 .Vufiusta M. 603 UeLecca E 804 Caroline 4.><9 Kmf(i. 603. 1004 Khoda 471 DRIGGS Lydia 203 Samuel I,. 804, 1177 Olivia 4t)5 Ruth 91 Sanford J^. 804 Endly 7:13 Samuel 603 Sarah H. 803 DRINKALL ' DYSON Thomas 803 Addle 1080 Hattie Z. 81S William 803 DKMXICW.VTl :i{ IriiKi B. 81 S William F 80.3 Mary .">71 'riiomas 81S I INDEX. 1345 953 EAGLES Lulu B. EAMES Edward A. Edward W. EARL Mr. EARLE Ellen E. E.\RLY Katherine EASTMAN Adria S. Blanche Frank Inez Mabel 1153. William EASTWOOD S. J. EATON Albert L. Apollas Arabella M. Charles A. Charles C. Da^id David V. B. Edna J. Edward E. Elvira Ethel E. George George W. Jeremiah Jerusha .John S. Louis F. Mr. Mabel L. Marcus M. Maria Mary A. Mary F. Mearle A. Nettie V. Ota Roy L. Thomas H. Warren O. William H. Edward Mary EBBITS Albert E. Caroline M. Charles W. David David B. Delos DeMelvin Edgar Edwin Elizabeth George E. .lerusha Laura M. Lydia A. Mary E. Oscar D. Preston A. Sarah F. Susan P. EDDY 12s 1 1203 1203 423 1124 1007 1093 1153, 1299 988 ll.'iS 1299 1153 750 1150 953 90G 1244 1244 371 827 1150 1150 371 1150 371 953 11.51 287 &27 1244 371 1150 1150 547 1244 11H9 1150 1298 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 736 736 William Simon EDSON EnWAKl)S 827. 1151, EDGERTON EDGETT 1094 972 673 592 592 592 592 592 592, 989 592 1094 366 673, 1066 592 592. m 592, 989 1094 673 673, 1167 739 Emily Jewett 481 Mr. 481 Mary 481, 841 EDMINSTER Jessie M. 7is EDMUNDS Gertrude 1244 EDMUNDSON Mr. 1264 1264 656 939 939 564. 959 626 1214 939 939 750 564 939 12i4 Andrew Haynes A. Ida .Jane John K. Lacell M. Lafell 11. Lydia A. Samuel Vera B. Wallace C. EGGLESTON Alvlra S. 59,s Eliza 487 EIILE Hannah B. yo ELSMANN Euphemia 1176 ELTING E. J. 822 Edith 822 Victor M. 822 ELY Charles F. 817 Fanny 407 Helen 666 Martha 692 EMBURY Albert M. 1194 EMERICK Frank 59S EMERSON Arthur M. 1024 Clifford D. 1024 Fannie E. 638 EMERY Alvin H. 657,1053 Blanche O. 657, 10.54 Charles H. 981 Ellen V. ;m9 Harold 981 John A. 657 Ruth 1053 Sarah J. 349 ENCELL Sarah B. 437 ENDLEY Charles F. 1161 ENGELL Charles 1194 Sadie Z. 1194, 13m VanCourt 1UM Venila 1194, i;«3 Walter lliU ENOS Grace 782 ENSIGN Harriet L. 85*5 ERHART Andrew 757 ERNEST Stella M. 1015 ERSKINS Charles W. 1096 Harris K. 1096 John C. .nnxi John W. lOlHi Roger A. liW Rufus D. lOiHI Vesta M. 109(5. 12»tl ERTLE Ella F. 1101 134f. THE HAMLIN FAMILY. FIIMCII Edwin 2»tl FARR Williiini I). I26:t Kk'bert 2(11 Julia H. 6vS8 William H. 126:j F.li/abeth P. 365. (i61 FARR ELL EVANS Frances 201 , 3t« Mary 905 Arthur T. llMl Frani'fs E. 425. 772 FARyL-HARSON Caroline 342 Helen M. 771. 1162 Anna 826 ("atlHTJiu- S46 Henry M. 771. Ilti2 FARKIN(;T()N Kdwiii T. m.5 Horace .1. 42.5, 771 Arthur 712 Kli/.aliftli C. 111)5 Iloxie lliti Hyron 11. :i8«. 711 Klll.ott llt^i Jane F. :j«w. 661 Charles 711 IlL'slur L). MMl .larvis .M. 425. 772 Charles A. ;W(, 711 Marv 342 Jarvis R. 772. 1162 Eva 712 MarV K. M4 .lohn 202 Ezekiel B. :m» OpIiLlla E. soo. 1176 John II. 2:15 George 712 William »(K) Laura E. 235. 42.5 Georgia ;ii William K. K4M) Mr. 202 (iuslavus A. 3S9. 711 EVAUTS .\laiia W. 772 Helen .M. 3^9, 711 Daniel 55.'> .Mary 201.235 Horatio 712 Darius r>55 Mary E. .«;.> Horatio P. 389. 711 U et)rKe 555 Moses 201. 234. 23.5. ;{65,42.-> Irving 712 Warren 5.")5 Olivia StM .lennie 1141 EVERARU Sabrina :isi Lottie 712 Marv A. ' lOhO Susan .NL 235. 423 .Mary A. 389. 712 Robert lOMO Walter 425 Rebecca -.ixb EVERETS Waller M. 772 Reuben .M. .(89. 711 Electa 4»U Zacliariah 201 'I'iniotliy S. >9. 711 EVERN(;ilIM FALES William O. ;is9. 712 Marv .1. 1151 Jennie I. 1244 FARRIS EVERSJON FALL Celia Iv. 12SS Julius 1133 Heriali 41» .Mabel W. 12-s Lester T. 11 :« Uleekcr 4I.S Russell D. 12.S8 Walter T. iVM Daniel 418 William R. 1288 Wllmot V. 971 Esther 418 EVITTS Franklin 418 FARWELL Herd ilia L. Laura 111H (ieor;,'e 41S 872 EWER William 41S Charlotte 871 Racine M. 6K2 FA LOR CuthbutC. L(juisa -Manila E. s72 William D. 708 Aljram E. liOO, 101(1 s72 EWING Austin L. 609, llKl'.l 872, 1207 Hattie 692' Cora 609, UHl'.t FAUGHT FADDIS Edna I. 1010 Albert E. 531,S(06 Saraii -«4 Elva E. 1010 Alice M. ititi Sopliia W lliam 784 Ei)hraim 609 Carrie 11. .531 784 Frank L. ti09, KlO'.l Cora A. 906. 1225 William A. 7S4 Grace M. l(H19 Columbus H. Xn. 906 I-AHXESTOCK James O. ti09 Ellen 11. .531, 90ti Charles L. W. 1210 Louis P. 609 Elijah 531 FAIR Nancy E. 6(V.) James H. 531 Margaret H40 Rose (;09. 1009 FAIVER FAIRBANKS Velma A. 1(K)9 Lydia L. 694 Adalaide E. (521, 1022 Veriia L. 1010 FAY All)ert 1'. 326, 631, 1022 William E. (i09, 1010 Abi-rail .\. i'i»>4 Albert W. 621 FARAGHER Arthur H. Chauncey F. Francis T. 11 '.»•.• Alice 1. 1022 Alice 15. 1086 1199 Almira (?21 Alpha K. 108t) tkJ7 (^7 1199. 1304 Caroline A. Charles F. 32(1 .(>21 1022 Hurt F. Hurt T. 1086 1086 tirace Mary E. Charles L. 621. 1022 Ha/.el R. 10S6 FEATHERSTONE David (J21 Warren C. 1086 Ida 1142 Ellen A. ()21 FARLEY FEELY Emma L 621 Alfred 651 Antoinette 6'.NI Europe H. Frank E. :^2( , (521 Alfred D. F. 354. l>50 Herbert D. 090 C21, 1022 Annie .M. tul Katie K. (i!KI Harriet E. 621 Charles 3.54 S. Lcgrand 6i>0 llenrv 621 Charles II. 354 William T. 690 llerlHrt 621 Charles R. 651, 1051 FEEMAN .1 acob 325 Cyrus 11. 3.54. 651 Sarah 775 Jacob 11. ;{26, 622 Edith 651 FELLOWS Jeremiah t!21 Ellen F. 3.54 George F. 1190 John 11. Ur22 Emilv 3.54 Howard K. ll-Kl Laura <>. 32( ). 620 Harriet IL 651 Waide L. lliK) Lv. (-.21 .lohn 11. 354. 6:51 FELT Mark'aret E. 1022 Liz/.ie (t51 Minnie M. 1089 Menry E. 326, Ii21 Marv L. 3.54. 651 F ELTON Robert F. 1022. 12.S1 Nettie (>51 Fli/abeth L. 1246 Sarali 1). 326 Phllii) (v51 Sarah 882 Seth P. -.i-y, (121. 11122 Rebecca E. Xri FENN Sherman D. :t:j( .. 621 Susan :{.54, ()51 Ada H. 771 FAIU'll 11,11 William 651 Caroline R. 425. 771 Achsah E. 23; 1. 424 FARMER Ell/a M. 425, 771 Almira 235, 424 Fannie E. 12.52 Marv C. 42.5. 771 Arthur S. 771 FARNIIM Kobert C. 771 Charlotte 2:J5, 42;-) .lonathan 216 Rose II. 771 Christine M. 771 FARNSWORTH Waller H. 771 Constance L. 771 Charlotte II. 74.S William B. 424 Edith 11. 771 John M. 1019 William]). 425, 771 INDEX. 1347 FENNER Andrew 293 Oscar (i. 1041 Carper i.ms Ansel W. 557 Ruth S. 66. 946 Hamlin •111. 739 Benjamin 291.2i»2. 5.5ii Sarah K. 761 Harriet 411, 739 Benjamin 15. 946 Setli 49. f>4 Harriet L. 741, 112S Benjamin E. 556. 944 Sumner B. .Vi7. 947 Helen 411. 7311 Benjamin l\ .557. 946, 124_1 Susan E. it4»i. 1241 Herbert L. 741. 112.S Braddock 557 Susanna 2«ll. .").'>7 Homeria 411 Braddock E. 557. 947 Sv-lvia T. Temperance 556 Isabella M. 739. 1127 Caroline 2in. 55(1 25)5 Isabella R. 411. 741 Carrie S. 946. 1241 Thankful r)65 Lawrence A. 411. 740 C^liarles 1241 Trvphosia 29;j Lawrence G. 112.S Charles B. 945 WilliLT E. 1242 Leon A. 741, 1129 Charles E. 944 Walters. !»46. 1242 Mary E. 411, 739 Charles S. 946, 1241 \\ arren .V>6 Oscar F. 741. 112S Charlotte M. 55*1 William H. 1241 Raymond H. 741. 1128 Chipman 291. 5.-)7 FISH BORN Sarah G. 739. 1127 Chloe 560 .James 1>2 Thomas 411 Clarissa 291, 556,557 Joseph M. 182 Thomas C. 411, 741 Content 120. 373 Mary 1S2. 314 Thomas F. 741 Cora G. 1241 Sarah IK2, 315 FEN TON Delila 2tH Sophronia 1>2 Lesson 372 Derinda 29;i FISHER FERGUSON Dorcas 81 Betsey 216 Elizabeth 766 Dorothy 1()8 Bertha B. 105U John F. 1151 Edward O. 944 Charles 216 Warren 1155 Edwin H. 946, 1241 Edmund 216 FIELD Electa A. 946, 1240 Ezra 216 Alice 1106, 1186 Electa H. 5.5() George 216 Daniel F. 657 Elial 961 George B. 458 , 816, S17 Elias 657 Ellhue H. 961 Harriets. 216, 394 Hartry H. 657 Eliza 293 Jane E. 458, 817 Horace 758 Elizabeth A. 556 .lohn F. 774 Huldah 416 Elizabeth D. 55*i Juliette H. 458,817 S. E. 379 Elizabeth H. 291,557 l,aur;ir 216 Sarah 1039 Ellis H. .291. 5.")() LuilnT 216 • FIELDS Elton W. 124<1 .Martin T. 4.58 Louisa 1063 Emily 293 Nancy 216 FIFIELD Ernest E. 946,1240 Salonie D. 216. 394 Betsey 270, 505 Ethel L. 1242 Sarah SH9 Carrie 650 Etta L. 1241 Thomas T. 458 Charlotta 270 Fear 210 Warren 216 Clinton 505 Ferda P. lt4ti KISK ]3oa 505 Fidelia C. 946 Phebe A. h:n Edson H. 505, 873 Florence G. 947 Ralph L. 121H) Frank 505 Florence M. 1041 FISKE George B. 504. 873 Florence W. 961 Julia ."^86 Hiram 270, 504 Frederick \V. 947 FITCH Ida 505, 873 Galen B. 946 Bertie 990 James 505 George 946, 1241 John 990 Jenks L. 504, 872 George B. 1241 Mary 9!t0 Juliette 505 George H. 557 .Mary J. ia^7 Lewis L. Lora M; 873 873, 1208 Grace L. Hannah 946. 1242 945 Timothy iiti FITZGERALD Mary A. 504,872 Hannah C. 557, 678 Celia M. .•M..1 Mary F. Minnie 872 Hannah N. 556. 945 Ellen .M. 10O2 .505 Harry E. <)47, 1241 FLANAGAN Paulina L. 872 Helen M. 556. 945 Cordelia C. 865, U103 Perez H. 270, 505 Henry C. 946, 1242 Eliza C. 865, 1202 Rhoda 270, 504 Henry 1. 1242 Louise 86:5, 1202 Samuel 270 Howard W. 946, 1241 Thomas C. 865 Sarah 505, 873 Jonathan 569 William M. 8(>5 William 270, 505 FILLEBROWN Archie F. 1238 Clarence R. 123« FILLMORE Sherlock 319 Josephine W. Justus H. Laura Laura A. Lewin Lewin B. Lewin H. Lewis B. Lizzie H. LotC. Louisa Lurana Lydia Mr. Margaret C. Marion Marion G. Martha A. 961 .^.^6 1241 557 291, 5.56 94li ;>56. mti William S. FLANDERS Charles W. Emeline S. FLEMING Pearl FLETCHER 865 1275 676 1200 James R. FINCH Betsey George Mortimer FINCKE William M. FINLEY William FIRMAN Mr. FISH Abigail Addie Addie E. Albert Albert I. Ancel 311 475 598 1165 783 857 .556, 944 946, 1242 543 761 5iKt 294 546 557, 94S 1241 1242 5H.">, 1240 Augustus D. Caroline A. Cyrus 11. George 11. Hannah Harriet Henry li. IsoU'ua II. Lulia Minnie L. Pelatiah 3W, 660 :i(M 3(V1 6(iU 9N ;«14 364, tUi«t lUK) (U<0. I()55 :i64 291, 5,57 946. 1241 947 946, 1241 • 947 293 Mary G. Mercy Nathaniel Nathaniel H. Obed M. Olive 945, 1240 2'.tl 291,293 5.57. 946 557, 947 ll^ FLIESIIMA.N Charles E. Edna A. Ernest R. Floyd A. l"red. 1077 Ua.'isom 211.378 OIlic- M. 1147 Mabel R. lOTs Kansoni L. 378, tiss Ura T. 1147 Mary 1079 liay ti. 10S3 FLINT Mary E. i.Xi Kichard OS Burtle 830 .Minnestjta (iS5 Uobert S. 1075 Cathrrine 4t>7 Minnie A. 1078 Komelia .M. (►»4. 1074 Chark's S30 .Myrtle C. 1078 Samanthi; 370 Dayton M. iitm Paul 1079 Selah D. (>s:i (ieor-rf \V. hiSI Silas :<77, O.S."! Sila> 211.370. Li-ah .M. lUMI Solomon li. .377. ii85 Statini .1. 37s Lillit- L. l:24(» Stanley H. WalteL. 107K Tern pa 0S4. 1075 Lon-ii/o I). KW, 1 IIM) 1079 Temperance 211.377 Lucy :j:i3 FOOTE Temperance K. 170. CM. 1075 Mabel Kjn, iiiH) Abigail .). 37s. 089 Thomas 211. 370. (VS4 Mav h») Abigail L. 708. lliiO Thomas C. tS.s4. 107."> FLVNN Ada OKI. lo74 \arus H. 0.sh, hN2 Elizaliflli 43S Albert A. OHS. l(^»2 Waldo E. s^4 FOUEUTV Alberta \V. 10H2 W alter C. 10S3 Etta 7:20 Aliee L. Ut75 Walter E. 089 FOLUEIt Aljihonso E. Angeline P. 08s. I(is3 William 684 Maribel D. 117it 37S, t^-vs FORBES FOLLENSB\ Asahel P. 378. Iisi» Harriet F. 9SH Vlnnle 1218 Belle 083. 1074 Uu.xie L. 8ti(i FOLLETT Betsey 119. 211.3.0 FORCE Annie uaa Betsey II. 378 Georgianna ■122 Cc'k-stia 933 Birney E. 1083 FORD Lyman 933 Caroline 211.379 Abigail A. 822. 1184 .MiiRTva 933 Caroline A. 107.'. Abigail K. 404.823 Kachaol 933 Caroline D. 708. IIOO .Vbner 2.57. 407 NN airen 932, 93:5 Catherine P. 3lH Adelbert 475. ,s;u William 9;j3 Charles li. 088. lOKi Adeline •^^. 408, 472 FOLSOM Cora U. 088, 1083 Adeline .M. 472. 829 Emma 1130 Cora E. 084, 1075 .Vchsia E. 474 Caroline E. 1078, (>n") Cora M. 1075 Alanson 149, -Su Caroline D. tJ8.j David 211, 370. 1)^3 Alanson G. 472. K-'.» Charles E. 1079 Delia 211. 377 Albert 2.)S. 474 Charles H. 08'), 1079 Eldora B. (i89 Albert II. 6IU. 10H. 407 Ethel M. 1078 Ernest C. 088. 1083 Alonzo G. 2.57. 470 Eugene 085 Ethel B. (i89 Alphonzo 2.57. 471 Ell^'ene B. 1079 Flora B. 10S3 Aliana V. •ii56. 407 Eugene S. 085. 1079 Florence K. 084. 1075 Ambrose S. 40S Francis 1). 085 Frances A. 708 Andulasia 258. 475 Frederick W. 083 Frank H. 088, 1082 Andrew S. 829. 11 110 Oi\\ K. 1079 Frank E. 1074 Angeline 322. »il4 IlaVuld L, 1078 Geneva II. 1084 Angeline B. 473. Kil Ida .M. 085. 1079 George W. 1075 Angeline 1. 831 Isabel 1079 Gerald T. 1075 Angle 82tt .lessie 1079 Grace W. 1082 Anna L. 1190 .lessie A. 1078 Grotius D. 7ti8 Annis 257. 409 Katlierine 1079 Harriet 217 AnnisM. 409 Lerov -V. 1078 Harriet S. 088. 1083 Antoinette A. 472 Lorin S. 085, 1077 Hartley B. U)S2 Arthur 407 .Mabel E. 1078 Helen 1'. 084 .\.\sena 470 Mary 1079 Henry P. 378. OKs, U)S4 Bernice 1187 Mary E. 085 HerlH-rt P. i>83, 1074 Betsey A. 472 Minnesutii 685 Hiram I. 0S4 Betsey E. 2.H> Minnie A. 1078 Ida B. 688, 1083 Betsey M. 474 Myrtle C. 1078 James H. 1083 Blanche C. 827. llss FOOT Lavias H. 378. 0.>»7 Burtt 82i", lliH> Caroline I). 377.085 Laura 211, ;>78 By ion L. 470 Caroline E. 685. 1078 Laura .V. 378, 089 Calvin F. 40.">. S24 Charles E. 1079 Leonora 083 Caroline J. 474 Charles II. 083, 1079 Leon L. 1082 Carrie I. 822. 1185 Clara A. (m. 1079 Linton V. 1083 Celia .122, 01 1 Dorothy 1079 Lotta T. 1073 Charles 475 Kineline .f. 685, 1076 Lottie B. 1083 Charles A. 409 Emma 1... 085, 1077 Louis H. 1082 Charles E. 470 Eugene 083 Louvisa 211, 377 Charlotte A. 40S Eugene B. 1079 Lvirian P. 370, im Chester H. 820 I'liigene S. t>85. 1079 Martha E. 10S3 Chester S. 468, 820 Ethel .M. 1078 Mary E. M9 Christiana 409 Francis D. 08;j Maryelte K. 378. OiHJ Clarenci' B. 475 l-'rederlck W. 685 May E. 1083 Clarlnda 257, 472 (itlV K- 1070 Minnie .V. 1075 Carlssa 257 Harold L. 1078 .Monson F. 1082 Clinton E. 1188 Harold S. 1079 .My hired M. 1084 Cordelia A. 472. 829 Ida M. OK"i, 1079 .Mvrlle K. 1084 Corrieli;i L. 4(W Isabel 107!) .Nathan \V. 708 Coryitou L. 407, 820 Jesslu 1079 Neva M. 1083 Cyrus L. 250. 4«i7 David 149, 256, 258, 473 David W. 831 Delevan 468 Edward 833 Edward W. 464. 474, 822 Edwin A. 469 Edwin .J. 257, 469. 471 Eliab 149, 257 Ellab G. 257 Eliab W. 257. 468 Elijah 256 Eliza C. 429 Elizabeth 465 Elizabeth A. 258, 476 Elizabeth L. 465, 824 Elizabeth S. 831 Ella A. 824, 1187 Ellen M. 470 Ellis 473, 829 Ellis J. 430 Emeline 258. 474 Emer J. 468 Emerett 474 Enos 257 Erva 827, 1188 Esther 465 Eugene 473, 831 Eugenie 831 Eva J. 829, 1190 Excena 258 Elorence 831 Francis A. 465 Francis G. 831 Frank 470, 829 Frank R. 827 Franklin S. 472, 827 Fred A. 467, 826 Fred C. 827 Fred W. 1185 Frederick 831 George A. 822, 11 a5 George H. 473, 829 George W. 465,469, 824, 1187 Geraldine 258, 472 Hannah 468 Harold D. 1185 Harriet A. 706 Harriet E. 257, 469 Harriet J. 470, 472 Harriet M. 258, 476, 831 Harry 830 Harry J. 256 Harry L. 1004 Harry M. 827 Helen 473, 826, 830 Helen L. 831 Helen M. 827 Henrietta 475, 834 Hiram D. 257, 258, 468 Hiram F. 467 Hiram M. 468, 827 Horace W. 465 Howard W. 1004 Huldal) B. 604 Ida A. 827, 1188 Ira B. 474 Irving 473, 831 Isaac 256 Isabelle A. 475 Issachar R. 603 James E. 831 James P. 826 James S. 470 Jennie 829 Jesse 149, 255, 256, 464 Jesse M. 827 Joel 149, 256 John 321, 831 John A. 256, 465 John D. 834 John H. 467 Jonathan 148, 149, 257 Jonathan D. 470 Jonathan H. 256, 257, 468 Jonathan P. 469 Joseph C. 258, 472 INDEX. L349 Joseph G. 149. 2.58 SilasJ. 4tt5. S23 Joseph W. 11S8 Silas V. 4«i">. 824 Julia 0. 604. 1004 Stella M. 1188 .Julia M. 474 Susan A. 435 Lavantia 322. 612 Susannah 258, 4«7 Lelia iM. 476 Tryphcnia 25« Levi J. 4»)7 Valorous I). 4«7 Lewis T. 004. um Vesta E. 604 Lorana C. 475. 834 Vin8;< John C. «i7 FULLER Henry L. 590, 982 Ix^rlni; U. liiw. 12«7 Albert .547 .lames .M. (VS4 Samuel K. !«tS, 124 Asa 2tS Catherine W. 1216 Mary A. 684, 107.') Allen 2ti2. 4«7 Chloe 216 Minnie tvs4 Charlotte 2«i2 , 4«7. S47 Dorothy C. I'klward K. 1216 Soi(jmon H. .590. !ts2 Corydon 262, -IXti 527 Susie 6*4 liamiltun 2tt-' Ellen F. 949 Theodore F. .')!•»> Ue/.eklab 262 Eli/atK-tl» 527 Wilfred A. 1076 FHAIZER Florence 893 1216 GARRETT.' Georj^e I. 075, 12SH Frances E. 527 Ai'iia KW Isaac 1075 Frederick A. 893 J>. II. 1027 FKAZEli Frederick C 527 Harry l>. 1027 Harriet U. 10«!» Hannah N. .527 GARRISON James S. lOWl Helen E. 1289 Mattie M. 1138 Samuel W. KXiD Henry A. C. 527 GARTON FKAZIE14 Heiirv F. 8»3 1216 Ellen 1298 Llna E. 1229 Henry W. 893 GARFIKl.D FRANKLIN Isaac 547 Daniel W. 500, 864 Mary W. 775 James »t7 Edward M. 120(» Elizabeth 1012 Jay r>. 1289 Est ell a M. 864. 1201 FREDENBURG Merton 125)2 Fannie M. ,5043 Wallace 547 JuliaC. 500. H64 FREEMAN FITRBUSH Milton 5tiO Caroline E. 704 Alvena M. 1225 Paulina E. 5 Mr. 1227 Olive T. 7m» William M. S63. 120O Sanih 103 FURMAN GARLAND FREE&E Lydla ^fyrtimer 696 Alden W. 715 Benjamin 47.1 6i)() Amasa S. 715 C:iroline 473 Pliny G. 6tHi Fay E. 715, 1107 Delevan 473 GAGE GATES Edwin W, 473, KiX Caroline M. 745 Alvlna 7i^> Leonard 473 C-ordella 304 Alvlra 1141 Prudence 473, 832 Desire 174 Charles M. 7t>v) William F. 831 Florence 577 Cyreneus C. 760 FRENCH Julia C. 577 Cyrus .M. 1141 Addle A. 6.35 Marietta 821 Edith M. SI9 Annie F. 635 William L. 577 F:inny A. 1141 Ariliur .M. 1067 GALBRAITU Herhert N. stK* Edwurd .M. 10(i7 Gilbert S. 1295 Ida E. 761. 1149 Ella 635 Helen P. 1295 Ida -M. 809. 1181 Fannie 11. 635 William P. 1295 Jesse N. 80«) Helen L. 1259 GALE John W. 7()0 Horace L. 625 Emery P. 1172 Kate L. 782 John J. 635 Glenn N. 1173 Miss 7!M» Julia 651 Harold F. 1173 Mary 617 Mr. 556 Leon E. 1173 Nelson .1. S09 injETTER Mary J. 794 Oscar C. 1141 Hattle 1089 GALER Sierra N. 760. 1I41> FRISBEE Joseph B. JW8 Volney 0. 1141 Henry D. 11 91 GALLISON GAVREN FRISBIE Charles 1312 Lizzie 324 Maria L. 4<;i GALLOP GAY FRITH Mr. 759 Albert K. (Vf5 Sanders A. S12 GALLOWAY Austin T. KHll FRO AT Emma 815 Edna 1202 Theodore 803 Emma .V. 1183 Elisha G. 1262 FROST George 815 Ethel 12li4 Benjamin II. IHH George S. 1183 Watson 1264 Bessie It. 1011 William 815 GAYLORD Geortje W. r)H4, 97li William H. 1182 Ackley 270 Harry .M. 1143 William N. 815 Franklin llti2 Mr. 309 GAMBIA GENUNG Marana 494 Olive 705 Alice 464 .Sarah L. .584 GANNON R. M. 4»-4 Sarah W. 7:i8 ElmerG. l»tl Cli.irles 464 Silence 5.54 Melvin VMl Lucy 4t^ Solomon W. 1142 William E. 1301 Merwin 464 William K. 584 GARDNER GERHARDT FRY Arthur 11. 982 Henry IKHt Amanda 949 Cora K. 684 GERRISH FRYE David P. 5S9 Annl L. 1097 Alpheus 110:.' Dewitt C. 684 Charles W. 1097 INDEX. 1351 Frank W. 1097 John H. 1097 Lewis E. 1097 Luther M. 1097 Mae E. 1097 GEOGHAGEN Allen J. 1305 Thomas J. 1305 GETCHEI,T< Alice M. 1096 Etta M. 701, 109t> IdaL. 1096 Leonard E. 701 Warren E. 701, 1096 Willis L. 701 GHEHEY Isabel leC. 1230 GHOSLIN Elizabeth 792 Emma 792 GIBBS Abigail 365 Ann 136, 222 Betsey 222, 259 Deliverance ' 136 Eliza 623 Elizabeth 136 Heman 136 Henry 405 Job ■ 136 Joshua 136 Mary 80 Eobert 136 Euth 79 Sylvanus 136, 222 Sylvia 136 GIBSON Adalaide M. 10S2 Arthur C. 1169 Clarence D. 1169 Dale L. 1169 Frederic N. 130S Guy 1308 Eubie M. 1169 GIDDIE Adam 11:33 Elsie A. 1133 GIDDINGS Alice 716 Arthur E. 716 Mary 192 Stephen 716 GIFFOBD Abigail 121 Amanda M. 469 Charles E. L. 1247 Edwin S. 469 Ellen F. 1247 Eliza A. 565 Emeline L. 553, 555 Eunice C. 676 Frank L. 1247 Frederick 798 George W. 798 Harvey 798 Horace C. 469 Isaac S. 469 John 798 Kenner G. 798 Martha J. 798 Mary E. 798 Sarah J. 469 Silas D. 469 Walter J. 798 William M. 1247 GILBEET Arad 204 Barzill 447 Bruce B. «05 Ernest H. 805 George 44-8, 805 George M. 805 Helen 448 John 448 Laura 448 Laura E. SOS Lucy 44S GILL Anna 1007 Lucy 981 GILLETT Bern ice E. 1182 Betsey S. 405 Diantha H. 820 Mr. 264 Mellville M. 1181 GILLETTE Abner G. 490 Adeline R. 75T7, 1174 Anson 796 Caroline F. 27! , 521 Carrie B. 1174, 13(« Charlie A. 1174 George I). 797, 1174 George K. 1174 Harriet M. 1174. 1303 Hubert E. 279 Justus E. 279 Mr. 4il0 Minnie A. 1174, 1303 Sarah M. 1174 GILLIS Abbie M. nil GILLOTT Cora 1166 Jasper 1166 Mr 784 Wilbur 1 166 William IKHi GILMAN William H. 1056 GILPIN George 809 GINN Daniel A. 584 GLADWYN Lottie C. 443, 796 Minnie A. 796 William 442 William E. 443, 796 GLEASON Martlia L. 944 GLEDHILL Jennie E. 853 John L. 853 Katie N. 853 1197 GLESSNEE Elizabeth mm Frances 1036 Jacob 1036 John G. M. 1U36 GLINES Alice L. 1023 Finaldo A. 1023 Martha 1023 GLOYD Abbie A. 611) Abbott L. 1011 Charles 0. «10 , 1011 Clara M. 610 Lura C. 1011 Noah L. 610 GODDAED Catherine E. 728 , 1119 Charles J. 728 •Icrome 728 GODFREY Alexander 310 Gideon 310 GODWIN Park 365 GOFF Albert E. 1145 J. Burton 1145 GOIN Esther C. 1150 GOLDING Eobert D. .S44 GOLDSMITI 1 Arthur G. not Chester H. 1101 GOLDTllW.MT Maria L. i)5r« GONSER Emma ll.'vl GOOD in' J.'imes H. 994, l:.'il". Mildred L. ir.'tt") Wilinot N. 9SM. 1266 GOODE Frances C. 743 GOODHUE Florence A. 1251 Francis A. 1251 GOODING Emma 971 GOODNOW Mary 771 C. L. Abram Anna E. Beatrice Calvin Charles E. Charles H. Charles N. Cynthia Edna Edward II. Elmer K. Knieline Ethel Florence L. Frances A. Franklin Frederick Frederick George Gladius Gordon E. Grace E. Harry .1. Helen R. Ilermau C. Horace A. Howard N. J. Edward Jacob L. James James A. James N. Jett'erson M. Jennie ■leremlah Jesse C. Jesse D. John John S, .losepli Joseph F. Joseph K, Juliet T. Lester C. liOrenzo J. Lu(;inda Lucy Lucy B. LucV C. .Martha J. Mary Mary I-l Maude Mercy F^ Myrtle Nathan \'iiiir\y i'vTcy H. I'hehe I'orlia M. Kayinond \V. ItelR'cca L Sallv H. .'^arah L \'era William William A. GOODRICH 743 414 874 1131 1131 227. 413 414 7*1 414 413 1131 W74 11H9 743 1131 1131 KM 743 S28. 11H9 11S9 74:1 1131 llf<9 1189 414 414. 744 744 1121 874 11,><9 227, 414 743 414. 744 744 744, 1130 74;i f, 413. 743 1189 ,H2H. 1I>si»kp:i) Ada M. Ami F. Ari-tliusia Ariluir Bi-iij:iiiilii Bonjaiiilii !■'. Culviii Carol liR- Charl.-s CliarU's P. Charlt's S. Cliloe Cliloe C. Eliza Elizabetb Ernest Etiiel Franklin Fred iJak-ri Harriet Harry Henry C lsal)el M. Julia A. .J. .lulia I'. .Iiiilith 11. .Iiisuis H. Luinuel Luciiida Lucy .Mary Nal)1)y II. I'liilander Kuby Sarah A. Hopliia Su>aM (JOUDWIN Albert AllKTt H. Alb.-.!» .').')!> 292, .V.S .->."xi 292 572 .").")« HKM) KKHI 292, 5()0 1090 292, .'159 2!)2, .").")!( 1(»9() r).")9 721 292, 5(50 55!) 292, 558 292 292 572 294 292 292 292 lOitO 292, 558 170 292 598 279, 521 521 59H lU.i .521 279, 521 598 .59S 598 279 521 279, 520 598 598 598 .521, .S89 598 521 312 598 278 1267 859, 11!I9 859 H59, Hilt 8.59. 1199 959 8.59 859 IHH) 1199 .S.-)9 859, GOTWALD .Mnien.a 1080, 128:^ Charles II. io:^o I>avi(l K. 10:«). I2M2 Eli/.alH-ihG. 12S3 Frederick G. l(J3*3 William W. 1030 GOULD Alfred 882 Burt 8X2 Delos W. 513 Frank 882 Georj^e E. 513, 8-82 George T. 495 11. .M. 1083 Helen .1. 49;') Henry I). 513, as2 Henry II. 495 .James F. 495 .lames H. 4!6 .Jay 8,s2 .John 181 .lohn 11. 4ih) I'arker 10.S3 William 882, 1214 GOVE Dorothy 184 GOWER .James Z. 488 Louisa 1174 GRAHA.M Carrie 671 Dolly .M. 1132, 1290 Ebenezer 1132 Emma 314 Fannie li. 788 George 314 Hanford 1132 .lane S. 2.>4 .Joe A. 1 132 .loseph 314 Minnie 1242 Minnie L, 1132 Noah M. 1232, 1297 Mary GRANGER GRANT 4!W lltil Util 1212 264 7iH) IKiT 440 1167 1167 i:i02 II lis 1006 llti7 1046 308, 667 368 368 4(H) 273 Harry C. Lawrence W. Lucy E. Sarah .M. GRAVES Amelia li. Amv M. Ashbel Byron II. Byron I'. 790. Calvin J. llii.-^, Calvin V. 7iHi. Carrie F. Catherine 222, 7!X(, Cephas A. 1005, UKI6 Elmer T. 1168 Emma J. llli.s Emma K. 7SH), ll(i<" Ferdinand V. 440, 7N9 Ferdinand V. S. \u;s. 1302 Georjfe .\. TlK). 1107 Geort;e B. 1167 (;et)rKe P. 1145 (ieoru'e li. 1145 Henry K. 1145 .lellerson P. 790, 11(W .loe F. 1167 Lucian II. KKKi Mar-raret E. 79(1, 116s Koselta M. KHMi Rufus H. 1006 Stanley A. 1167 GRAY Christopher (iordon V. .James L. Ijouisa Mr. Miss .Marjraret Phebe W. Samantba .V. GRAVIIAM Ann GR.VVSON Mary GROIIE Adolph G. Ernest H. Gertrude C. Lester \. GREEN Alonzo Allen .1. Cassandria S. Charles A. Charles .J. Cynthia Edward P. EllaO. Emily C. Emma A. Emma L. l''itzhu^'li Geor^'e L. Georf^e S. Georfte W. H end rick A. .Jennie .V. Jerusiia .Joseph Jvittie .M. Martha II. Mary L. Nancy .J. Noble T. Robert A. H. Russell Sarah Sherman B. Thomas H. William B. William S. Winifred GREENE Au^'usta .M. Ben jamin H. Calvin II. Charles A. Charles T. (jeort;e A. Henry W. Ilora.-e H. Marjorie C. Susan T. William C. William II. GR FENWAY I>'raiik Harriet GREENW(JO Adam Adam II. .Vdelbert Constan<'e Edna Geneva .lennie .M;iry K. .M.'iryetta Kuth Sar.ih .1. W ill lain William T. GREER Susan V. GREGORY Gilbert 797 797, 797, 797 4s:{ 1190 182 4,S3 716 483 4.S.-, 1027 55, 56. 57 1221 913 913 913 913 1174 11.52 (lOI 1174 1174 448 1175 1175 1175 12(i7 797 12.55 55(i 746 1174 746 912 .S36 797 1201. 13(H 1175 1174 74(> 746 1174 438 KUO 746 797 74(i 1201 1201 960 .856 8,55 !HiO 1225 9()0 856 ,s5(> 1198 !K>0 1248 119S 741 T41 12;f 1232 1232 119<> 12.t2 12.i2 12:^2 1245 1232 12:^2 12.(2 1IJ GREW (ieorge 889 968 Rebecca 285 Henrv M. 679 Nancle A. 574. iHlS GREY James G. 678 Nina 722 Philuria 3i)7 Marion F. 678, 1071 Rose A. 574 GRIFPETH HAIR Uulh P. 90S Clarence H. 1213 Sarah E. 1032 Samuel .573 GRIFFIN HALE Samuel W. 572 Ada B. 644 Amanda 544 Sarah A. 385 GRIFFIS Helen 624 Ttinpirance 383 Eliza 404 Sarah 191 Theodore B. .'>73 GRIFFITH HALL William F. ri74, !M18 Susan F. 942 Albert E. 791 William W. .574 Martha 752 A Ivan 693 H ALLEY GRIGGS Arthur C. 794, 1173 Statira i:w7 Sarah E. 761 Augustus H. 969.'l:.'5t HALTOIN Horace W. 758 Bordiiian 1224 Emma H. 1033 GRIGSBY Carrie L. 794, 1173 IIA.MBLETON IdaN. 1121 Charlotte E. 1027 Charles E. 664 GRIMM Clara D. 1027 11 A. MILL Mary B. 1237 Cornelia 878 Dorothy 114H GRINOLD Delia E 509 Edwai'd 114.H Elvada 849 Edwin A. 878 Grace E. 1148 GRISWOLD Ella lliO Ruth 1148 Abigail 257 Elizabeth 475 HAMILTON Albert 791 Elmaetta E. . 1119 Ellen E. 12.55 Alfred G. 791 Emily P. 475 Maude E. 1290 Cecelia M. 1189 E.i ily W. 1058 Ellen G. 791 Er.istus 475 HAMLIN, IIA.MBLIN. vVc. ElvinaG. 791 Fannie 969, 976 A S. 42;i, 767 Levi A. 791 Florence E. 878 Abbie 477, K17 Phebe M. 828 Francis G. 509, 878 Abbie .V. 397, 725 GROSS Frank E. 794 Abl)ie (' 642 Annie T. 590, 983 Frederick A. 1027 Abbie F. 360, 6.V4 Benjamin 176 , 177, 3iO Frederick R. 1027 Abhv F. 3">S. 652 Delia 11. 177, 309, i::il2 George C. 959 Abhv I. 1091 Eliza F 318, 590 Grace M. 878 Abby O. Abel 261 Hannah 177, 310 Harry A. 7^4,1173 2.59 James E. 310, 590 Hiland B. 509 , 878. 1212 Abigail 36. 4S. 50, 7s. >a 121. 12s Lydia 177, 30y HilandS. 509, 878 16r, 168, 169, 185, I'.HI, 192. 213 Mary E. 590, 983 Huldah 173 XWi. .121 , ;i26, 383, 531 i)42, .561 Mercy 177, 310 Isabella S. 509 878 Abigail C. 294. 564 Nellie 590, 983 Jean 1173 Abigail K. 343, (U2 Rebecca E. 310, 58a Jesse E. 1173 Abig;iil S. 489, S50 Ruth 91 Jesse K. ^78 Abner 95 , 442, 794 Kuth D. 177, 309 Joseph D. 794 AViraliam H. 241 , 440. 441 GRUBB Joseph W. 1027 Abraham L. 6iK) Mary li69 Kate A. 878 Abram H. 7K9 GRUMMON Lot 588 Ada »<> Damaris 155 Lyman 475 Ada O. 587 GUERNSEY Mabel A. 117.J 95.9 Ada V. H4<5 Alice H. 724 Marion G. Adaline 240 Anna .1. 724 Mary B. 5 1 5 Ad ill i no L. 217. 395 ^1 LA2 Walter 604 Benjamin 395 Adelbert E. 789, 1167 William H. 604 Benjamin W. 722 Adelbert G. t>72 t J X A A A %.m/ R M K M. -*- % GUNN Carlcton C. 722 AdellK'rt W. 991, 1264 Henry J. James 1008 1008 Caroline P. Clara J. 722 722 Adelaide Adelaide E. ;«:.■. 4i'4, ti'.it) 591, 9S.") William E. 1008 Edmund 395 Adelaide 1*. 442. 7iH> 311. .594 2lU. 4s7 GUPTILL Elsie li. 967 Adelaide K. Abbie S. 750 Emily A. 395 Adella Carrie E. 1100 Eugenia 395 AdeliaC. Adeline 347 Charles H. 1099 Granville W. !h;7 , 54 S, IM.>. '."H' Charles E. llOO Henrietta 173 Adeline A. 400 Frank 1100 Horace F. 395. 722 Adeline T. George 1100 James D. 395, ?-'2 Adella 519. H.SS 720 494. x:*\ Vinnie HADDUCK 1100 .lames H. •lames W. 967 574. 722 Adella M. Aihjl )hus Benjamin F. Helen D. 983 983 .loseph P. .fosiah H. 574 395, 722 .\del /a L. Africa Kt ^1»1. 1,1. » , i>«i, asMt. :i:.Y< ■till HADLEY .lulia 574 Agar 1'. Agnes l>. .\gnes E. Amsworth F. Alaiison V. 497, SCO 373. 672 1. 37:1. :m 144.245 Sarah HAINES Abby R. Alonzo M. 670 618 679, 1072 .luliaii 0. Lucy L. Lucy P. Lydia W. it6S ;ft)5, 722 574. 'MW 574 2J»- 1354 THE FIAMLIN FAMILY Albert 33«. 373 Albert F. Allwrt (i. Alherl L. AllMTt V. Allifit W. AlljiTtus B. All>iii Albion K. I'. AUl.ii .1. Alfxamlcp AlfxaiKler A. AluxaiidiT C. AiexatKlt-r II. Alfr.d Alfiffl l>. F. Alfred F. Alfred M. Alfreds. Alfred \V. Alice Ut', isx Alice C. Alice D. Alice E. Alice F. Alice J. Alice L. Alice M. (>-'2, li;5. 1158 Alice T. Allen A. Allen F. Allen L. Alley M. Almeda C. .Mnicna .Minenia Almira 101 27!i, :.'H2. 5!)7, 702. AIniira F. .Mniira L. Alon/.o .\l(}nzU) 342, 11.39 :C0, (110. li>42 7lHI, KKO 1K{, 31 s 531. !HC. .317. im :wi) 977 372. t!(}9 38«>, 7(»5 273 3(10. (i.V. 4K>, N45 3KH. 7m 7()H 320, (110 ;. 195. ,S57. 9.32. 992 II 9h 997 975 549, GIU, 91S, 930 323 3(11. (i.)5 519, 1143 tkJO, S]i. <).->4, 1024 103(3, 1042, 1245 (169. 10(10 309, 587 1217 1I,M) 791.11(59 904 33(5, (i.30 312, 595 190, 217. 234, 2.52 312, 38(5, 4.58, .534 :J39, .561,634, 9,53 535, !K)8 .243, 444. 446 11.58 319 700, 1095 286, .544 385 389, 550 939 387 792 (197 ,312. r).s8 1,52. 2(13 259 487, (157 (544 94 B94, 1088 311,594 524, 554 31S. (MW MO, 934 312 142, Zis, 43(1. 784 ;M1, 40.5. ,551, (115 7.32. 9;f;s 319, (109 312 102, 192, 194. .3.39 482, N42 208,224,225,411 261 280. ,524 373 211.3, is7 3><7 570, 5S4 400, .570. (1.33. 1011 , 197, 2^2, 312, 3I.S , (508, 670, >>iH. 932 497, MiO 9.50, 124.i .\nna F. Anna H. Anna L. Anna M Anna W. Anne .Vnnetie .\nnie .\niiie C. .Vniiie E. Annie F. .\nnie L. Annie M. .Vnnie S. .Xndrew C. AiKlri-w 1'. Anifi'ew .1. Andrew 'P. AhfTelica T. Antrellne l>. AiiKUs .1. An nettle Aiinis U. Ansel Anson B. .\n.son I^. Antoinette .\raiiiaiitlia V Arcilliis Areannah Areo V. Armenta E. Arminda Arthur 43(5. (540 1261 :i07, 4:iS. 672. 779 .373. 414 313, 976 31. 32. 142. 213 i)20 «ft5. 860, 920. 942 (142. (543. 1017 :{82, 551. (KXi. 7(Kl. 936 540. 914 :i43. 4,'<9. 643. s5ll. 99(1 1217. 1244. 1264, i;.((5 682. 1040, 1217 622 l(k^9 564. 9.5s 561. 943, 953 .544. 91K 477. ^37 970 9.57 544 639 169. 295, 570 259, 477. S36 477. S3S 277. 517 7(K). 1095 144. 2.50 .341, 637 1.52, 2(i;i 622. 1024 549. 552. 939 54;i. 649, 92(t, 1046 Arthur H. 644.676.791. 106s. 1169 Arthur ('. Arthnr I). Arlhur 11. Arlhur .M. Arthur I'. .Vrtliur ,S. Arlhur \V. Arvilla 1(1119 9.S7. 1261 439, 786 1143. ^7(l 918. 1228 682. 860. 1199 364, 583, 059, 975 553 Asa 80, SI, 144. 151, 160. 161. 167 245, 279, 287, 295, 544, ,546, 566 Asa B. 264, 376. 4S5, 489, .S44 Asa 1). 247. 453 Asa F. 544 Asa \V. ;,31 Asahel 20.S Asahel W. 3S4, 697 Asenatli .1. 247. 4.53 Asia 102, 200 Asher P. 159,271,509 Ashton \V. 720 Augusta 200. 362, , 450. 639, 813 Aujrusta A. 343 Augustus 52S Augustus C. 208, 347, 4!W. 646 Austin 24;i, 444 Austin .1. 319 Austin 1*. 5s7, 978 Avis 386, 703 B. Fmeline 387 Barnahas 82, 166 167, 285. 286 Bartholomew 5, 27. 32, :«, :f5 Baxter :586 Ba/.aliel S. 103, 200 Belinda 3(1,. 593 Belle 494, (i9S. S5(i Bi'njamin 37. 41 , 43, 45. 48. 53, ,54 .*).5, 56, .57. 5,8, 64, 84, 87, 93, 94 121, 167. 16S, 174, 176, 179, 207 209. 213. -.I'M). 293, :f05. 307. 371 372. 549. .561, 5,><4. 670, 9.27. Benjamin B. 213. :W8, ,181 Ben.jandn I). Benjamin K. Benjamin F. Benjamin II. Benjamin ( ). Berenice II. Berlin Berlha 586 381. 695 955 1.52. 263,561. 608 954. 720 375, 6.^2, 1006 318 (144 441. 791 784,937, 1112 1(15. 216. V.Hl. Bertha A. Bertha C. Bertha M. Bertha X. Bessie A. Bessie I. Bessie .M. Beth Betliania O. Belhiah Belsev 91. 1:52. 14 160. 161. 342. 477. Bel.sev .\. Betsey B. Betsey E. Betsey .1. Betsey L. Betsey .M. Betsey 1'. Betsey S. Beltv Benlah BluiK'he Blanche E. Blanche O. Blanche K. Burk Burnell T. Byron B. Byron L). Byron E. Bvron .S. Cadv B 144 266, 1169 (541 •154 1095. 1291 615 1225 641. 1042 1 (11 213. 3K4 670 1.55, 159 274, 2li4 477. ,s36 .■j61. 9." 3 238, 433, 9:54. 1235 551 . 9:c :iX\. 695 3^6, 706 271. .509 554, !>41 I.-3 1209 81.5. S95 1113 657 10:k5 926 S4.S 442. 796 247. 454 4.53. SIO 319. 4:56. 609. 7^4 '.m Caleb 64, 120. 121. 2(M). 293. 5(50 Caleli.I. 1.50. 222, 2,59. 47(1. 477. 8.35 Cahl) E. 9.52. 1243 Caleb (>. .5(ll.9.")0 Calista 479. S39 Calvin 154. 214. 264, 265. 339. .3^8 490, 495. 6 52 t-bl Calvin A. 266. 497 Calvin C. 477. 643. 838 Calvin M. 777. S57. 1101 Candace 441. 791 Carl S. 1040 Carlie O. (544 Carl ton B. 975 Carlton L. 1072 Carnot 2i5, 412 Caro L. K99 Carolina 11,58 Caroline 161,240,251,266. 279 4:is, 4.56. 494, 495, .52s, s,56, !t.34 Caroline A. Caroline B. Caroline F!. Caroline .M. Caroline N. Caroline S. Carrie A. Carrie B. Carrie E. Carrie M. Carrie I'. Carrie II. Cassendana CastellJi Catalina Y. Catharine Catharine A. Catharine M. Catharine S. Cecelia Cecil .M. Celestia F. Chandler G. 34;J.53I. iH)5 .50S, S78 405.4,53. Ml 360. 533. 654. '.H)7 436 271.5051 1042 64,3 482. 697. S43. 1091 922. l(«tl 7(H5 604. 1(M»5 543. 916 ISKt. .327 412, 741 262. S.Ki. 491. 701 446. 565. 961 3:52. .5,52 364. 660 92(5 920 376 .384. 697 Charles 1.32, 13:^. 216, 264. 282. 3:'3. 371, 436. 442. 501, ,50S. 5;t0 604. (539, (Its, r.70. 790. 791, H«7 904, 9S4, 1(K12, IKvS. y^-^::, l.-,;>t Charles A. 341. .364. OOS. (i.i7, 644 660. 876, 926, 9,s7, 1015. 1214 1260. Charles A. S. 694 Charles B. :i42, 640, 644, 121s i INDEX. 13oo Charles C. 268, 343. 498, 561, 570 953, (543 Charles E. 394, 457, 531, 5H3, 5S4 643, tU9. 694, 70S. 721. 814. 902 '.157, 1047. 10.50. 1167. Charles F. 253, 382, 440. 461. 696 788. 813,850.964. 12.50 Charles G. 344, 384, 644 Charles H. 28). 295. 385. 528, 566 641. 700,720, 1046, 1111 Charles H. J. 283. 535 Charles J . 430, 433, 628, 777, 779 10:)3 Charles L. 374, 442, 499, 506, 696 .S74 Charles M. 213, 382, 397. 4:W, 725 784, 867. 1204 Charles N. 528, 900 Charles R. 485. 488, 6.56, 84(i Charles S. 632. (i.59. 1040. 1054 Charles T. 5^3, 644. 9.53, 972. 1245 Charles W, 269. 386. 561, 566, 705 8iU. 906, 955. 962, 975, 1111 1217, 1218, 1294. Charlotte 159. 241, 270, 271. 374 442, 506 Cora 8. ' Cordelia Cordelia .\ Cordelia F. Cordelia 11, Corciic Cornelia Cornelia 1?, ('i)7'iielia M, Cornelia !^. Cornelius 47 78. ill, 93 176, :.>1.-,', :«4. 306, 307, 5s:{. .5<)7. !l7ti Cornelius F. Creda F. Charlotte A. 263 Charlotte C. Charlotte E. Charlotte J. Charlotte P. Charilla R. Charra Chastina E. Chauncy J. Chester £. Chester R. Chloe Chloe F. Chloe M. Chloe R. Christiana A. Christina B. Christina L. Christopher C. Christopher O. Christopher R. Cicely Cicero J. Claire Clara 341, .551. 657, 9" Clara A. 695, 784, 1090, Clara H. Clara M. Clara O. Claracy Clarence Clarence B. Clarence C. Clarence H. Clarice Clarissa 570. 808, 934 962, 1180 374. 678, )2.")0 788 442. 442 332 795 277, 517 363 782 1244 1091 286, 542, 543, 560 950 1227 394 441 293, 561 218 545. 922 477, 836 361, 655 7 238, 435 691 7, 936, il37 1111. 1294 360, 654 549, 929 839, 1193 150 937 976 813 791, 1168, 1210, 875 929 154, 155, 160, 185, 243 259, 261. 262, 268, 274. 318, 321 443, 479, 486, 934, 1158. Clarissa A. Clarissa H. Clarissa M. Clarinda Clary E. Claudius H. Claudius L. Clifford Clyde T. Clyde B. Collins E. Conde Constant Content Cook, Cora Cora A. Cora F. Cora H. Cora .1. Cora M. 485, 847 217, .395 250, 478 540, 912 6.i7 937 937 545 843 991 . 1265 587. 978 835, 1191 167 45. 4(i. 68 150, 2tX) 997 701 682 599 633. 1042 6S2. 1072 987. 1260 3m5, 313. 580, 599 2(54 ■ 3:12. 37li. &^s 5S0 12.56 5i)3 5i)l 4.57. S14 .■UK .57. 58, 7t) 139. 175 310. 312 Dorcas H. l>rusilla 565. tMiO 25)0, ;106, 5.54. 57s, IKHt . '.123 . 54, .55, .5ti. 124. 138 10, Cynthia 144, 244. Cyprian Cvrene Cyrene E. Cyrene AI. Cyreiieus Cyrus 102, 195. 197 353. 358, 3ii4, 649, 653 Cyrus I). Daiuaris Dan Dana Dana B. Daniel Daniel D. T. Daniel 11. Daphne Daphne .1. Darling David 26, 31, 44. 45, 94. 95. 124, 13i, 183, 207, 306, 311, 381, .385. 970, 996. David A. David B. David F. David H. David .T, David P, David R, David T. David W. Dehor; 208. 21 312. 318. 371. 491, 579. 5.^0. 374, 6r3 849 271, 505, 506 494. K'i6 as4. 12)6 294, .5(53 213. 385 SI, 160 199. 200. 347 1051 :-U2, tU2 1 12. 244 220, 221 794 313,643 386. 50s 22.5. 412 251. 566 551 553, 940 142. 242 48, 54. 64. 70 142, 177. 178 213. 214. 265 372. 376 591, 5!>S 136, 214, 552, Deborah C. Deborah L. Deborali iNI. l)ebi)rali P. Decatur DeForest W. Delano R. DeLancy B. Delia Delia A. Delia E. Delila E. Deliverance Delia E, Delia, It Delwin A. Del win F, Derrick V. DeWitt C. Diantha Dinion C. Doddv Don 0, Donald C. Donald I). DonaUl O. Dora Dorothy M. Dorr Dorr L. Dorr M. Dorcas Dorcas E. 381. 694 221 , 306. 406 491, 501. 8.55, 867 477, 835 735 380. 691 550 195, 343, 344, 644, 818 312, 385, 595, .596. 993 1089 28. t>4. 70. 121, 134. 210 213, 375, .381 176. (i.s2 Drusilla F. Duanc .549.551 Dunton D\vi;,dii E, DwiKlit ,M. Earl L. Earle \V. Earnest A. Eben (i, Eluii P. Ebene/.er ;w, :t5, 36. .37 (5, 70. 76. i:{4. 221 Elienezer S. Edgar A. Edgar F. Edgar S. Ed nil Edith A. Edith E. Edith Iv. Edith M. Edmond Edmund Ednuind A. Edmund H. Edmund I. 21s. 400 251, 456 i;j3, 218 405 487. 847 455,811 986 599, 997 273,511 251, 457 294 45, 65, 124, 210 1217 794 904, 1222 927 477 372, 671 ,596 1166 672 549 644 1173 1244 857, 1198 1222 2()1 , 4.4 SIO 48:t. 4K4. S44 liti, 294, 331 540, 912 »4.i, liJ7 93r>. 12.11 1223 K,S,S 518, hS7, SS,>< S43, 1111 610 720, nil 393. 720 273 43. 411, 47 .271. 405 1.59, SI 515 275, 515 490 iRiO, Edna Edna L. Edson H, Edson S, Edson T. Edward Edward .V. Edward B. Edward H. Edwiird C. Edward E. Edward F. Edward (J. I^dward H. Edward J, Edward K. Edward L. Edward M. Edward P, Edward R. Edward S. Edward T. Edward W. Edwin 217. ri»5 9,53 72(1 1225 •N14 243 1101 70S :{,8.S, 707. 1101 ,S<)K .SS4, 997 1225 275. 514 4S7. .S4.S 4^5, S45 7, S, 6.59, 10.54 i'M, 660, '.H)4. 10.55 iNi4 C. 916 433, 5, 777 10.55 324, 3»U. 616. (>57 691. '..9.1 5:12. 585, \m. 977 .5.VJ. 941 •J05. 1225 240, 34.3, 382, 623. lU^l (>il6 67s, 1071 .508, .570, !»6t 815 152, 238, 240. 364, 430 43s, 6.59, !KK) (M9, 1051 247. 3S(i, 701 2S9. .313, .'i;)'.*, :i9S. .551 .55:1, 5! 9. (iOS. (>34 251,457 32;t K14, H47, '.127 39S (k)6. 105:1 ItSii 569,720, 1113 317, (i04. 9;t7 444. 986 9.37. 1113 ,591. '.'S6 649. 9,53 :{.s4. .5.'>3 792, 1169 Kft». 1193 ;iS4 <»91. 126N 179, 2S1. 313. .5;>, !>64 4iH». .54i>. "51 36, 37. 40, 41 102. 1:0 SOS, :i44 Edwin A. Edwin O. Edwin D. Edwin F. Edwin G. Edwin H. Edwin M. Edwin O. Edwin P. Edwin R. Edwin S. Edwin T. Eftie A. Ellie L. RIbert B. El bridge p;idora Eleanor Eleanor A. Eleazer 5. :?0, 32. :15, 42, 4S. .54. .V). 58. 93, 97 176. 194. 195, 217, ;«)7, 39s, 5,S(i Electa 159, Electa S. Eli Ellas Elias II. Ellas T. Elida (). 272, 479 317, tUHl 208. 372 293 261 561.9.52 4SS 1350 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Elijah .".!i, Ur2. ur.i, ut;. l.Vi. i:>!( ITH. 2l»5, LtH). :n-'. 4!M. 4!Hi Elijah L. ]»;. :U4 Elinor C. inr>."i Ellsha ;t7. 41. iW, fiit, Iftt. KHl. hi.") •>:i. •>i. :At) Elisliii A. .">)!<) Elisha II. l.')2. :.'i!:{ Eli/.a l!l7. 240. :tll. :US. m>. 594 ij(K). 7;i2. ::«. ii2:i Eli/a A. i'>2. .t::. 4rws. 459. ti*'. 731 «14. 934, VZiT, Eliza C. 319 Eliza J. 5.">4 Eliza K. ;m3. 64:t Eliza L. 2C.I. 295. 4SG. 5()9. 9(53 Eliza .M. 247, 452, 4.')3. sio Eliza O. ;V)1, 9:i3 Eliza V. .')54, 943 Elizahctli 7, 37, .39, 55. .->.'<, t>H. 102 hi:). KHt. 124. 139, 144. 152. hil 179. is<). 207. 211. 2.52. 2(!4, 277 2H2, 2S5. 293. 295. 311. 313. 347 371. .372. 3K4, :HK5. 477. 4KJ, 518 54;5. 551, 5(50. 599. 782, 921. 936 939, 940, 1h)5. Elizabeth C. .570, 90.5, 1224, 1227 Elizaht'th H. S!OtJ Eli/.ahetli .F. 225, 332, ii2H ElizalK'th M. 224, .542. 916 Elizalu'th O. 721. 1113 Elizaljeth 1*. .542 Elizahi'th T, 339 Elizabeth V. 477 Elkanah :«, 36, 37, 48, 49, 84, 167 290, 555 Ella 341, 446, 638, 81)2, 9S4 Ella A. 549, 92H Ella n. 399, 726 Ella E. 3w. ;t)9 Ella I. 4S9. 850 Ella.f. 485,845.1158 Ella M. 640, 1046 Ella W. 610 Elh-n 597 Elk-ii A. 997 Ellen E. 344, 644 Ellen F. 275 Ellen K. 341. (!37 Ellen L. 1101 Ellen M. 253, 358, 45.3, 4i!I. ,"i91 810, 916. 9K-> Ellen P. 941, 1236 Ellis KM. 294 Elmer E. 540, 914 Elmer L. 953 Elmira 551,9.35 Elmira M. 4S5, .s45 Eliiiina |{, 489 El na than 374 EInathan P. i:^ Elsie 996 Elsie U. iKi() Elsie. I. nil Elsie .M. 4,S8. S49 Elsie W. (i,s2 Elvaton 1.33, 218 Elvira 273,36.3,371,669 Elvira B. 342,641 Elvira O. 372 Ely 178, 312, 599 Emellne 372,553,669,941 Enieline E. 4(K), 727 Eniilv 22.'). 243. 411. 443. 532, 1223 Emily A. 9)2 Emily M. 508. 877 Emily C. 444. 570, 799 Emily E. 444, 798 Emily l". i»50 Emily II. 289. 373, 547, 673 Emily .1. 252, 459 Emily M, 43.3. 777 Emily 14. 1072 Emily S. r,s7 Emerson E. 199 Emery Cj. 991 Emma 552. 584. 949 Emma A. 364. t)57 Emma H. 961 Emma C. 361. 655 Emma E. 794. 904. 921. 1172. 1:.22 1230 Emma F. 7(H!. iioi Emma F. G. 697. 1091 Emma .1. 458. 544, .591. 815, 919 9s6 Emma .M. 634, 808. 1179 Enjioa 1". 440, 78H P^mtiia B. 961 Emmons 277, 5is Enoch E. 312. 597 Ephraim 94. 139. 178. 311 Ephraim S. 5.so. 970 Erasmus I). 225 P>astous II. 5.32 Erastus 141, 144, 2:J9. 2.">1, 440 Erastus C, 216 Erastus E. 518, 8ks Erastus G. 152, 263, 487 Ernest A. 120 Ernest. I. 671 Ernest L. 784 Ernest 8. 587. 954 Estella 9:j4. 1235 Estella A. 4^5. 845 Estella M. 490, 851, 990. I0,s9 Estella V. 694. 1090 Esther 36, 45, 46. 67. 68. 141. 213 239. 2(k). 314. 494. .597, 782, 8.38 Esther C. 1234 Esther L. 485, 846, 1005 Esther M. 405, 7:M Esther V. 914 Etta 385, Gi4. 1043 Etta B. (iic' Etta E. nil Etta M. 385, 700 Ethal M. 815 Ethel A. 914 Ethel B. 84t) Ethel E. ' 845 Eth.lU. 795,1173 Ethel K. 1173 p:thel L. 1121 Ethel M. 1091 Ethel P. 708 Ethel S. 587, 978 Ethel V. 914 Eus^ene B. 457, 813 Euf?ene I), 4.)8, 814 Eugene E. 994 Eugene L, 591. 5ederii'k \. 430. 777 Frederick .'>. 643 I'rederick V. 238. 434 Frederick W. 364, 487, 6.59 \ INDEX 1357 Freeman 186, 323 Geordie H. 644 Georse 7. 102, 200, 243. 273. 275 2.^0, 283. 400, 440. 405, 515, 522 535, 540, 660. 784, 815. 895, 955 965. George A. 261, 319. 484.697. 1091 George B. 284, 541, 544, 7.35. 919 George C. 265.491 George D. 457. 678, 814. 1070 George E. 3.53. 423, 458, 720. 767 815 876. 906. 1111 George F. 332, 498. 628, 861. 867 955. 1204. 1246. George G. 10;U George H. 200. 261, 363, 440, 4S5 531, 561, .570. 644. 656, 706, 720 788, 904. 905, 952, 953, 965, 1224 1245 George I. 632. 1040 George K. 3;J9. 632 George L. 528, 876, 899. 977 George M. 374. 676 George O. 479, 549, 840, 930 .George P. 659, 1218 George E. 541 George S. 555. 845 George T. 605. 698. 1006 George W.. 252. 269. 294. 319. 343 364. 384, 386. 457. 459. 491. 497 501. 561. 563. 570. 608, 682. 698 701. 852, 860. 861. 955, 965. 1046 1158. 1199. George Z. 583. 975 Georgiana 535, 943. 1237 Georgie 977 Geneva 936 Geneveive 888 Gertrude A. 661 Gertrude E. 438. 868. 952 Gertrude H. 535, 676, 1069 Gertrude L. 542 Gertrude R. F. 660, 1055 Giles 26 Gladys 1089 Gladys E. 1222 Gladys M. 1101 Glezen F. 608 Goodman 31 Gorham 213, 384 Grace 857. 927, 996 Grace A. 835, 961, 1192 Grace B. 1047 Grace D. 399. 726 Grace E. 920 Grace H. 285. 977 Grace I. 535 Graced. 616,735,1091 Grafton 209 Graham 926 Granville F. 563 Green 102 Greta R. 876 Grove A. 381.693 Grover D. 997 Gustavus A. 266, 492 Guy 919 Guy F. 937 H. Leo 994 Hallett 213. 385 'Hannali 7, 121. 136, 210. 219. 331. 374. 923. Hannah A. Hannah B. Hannah C. Hannah E. Hannah J. Hannah Ti. Hannah M. Hannah N. Hannah S. Hannibal 354, 27. 32 44, 45, 64. 66. 84 139, 168.178, 192, 202 221, 224, 280. 283. 312 386. 401, 522, 534, 545 375, 5.35, 679, 950 152, 263. 307, 372. 584 282, 386, 532, 534, 58, 922 Hannibal G. 192, 3:^2. 336. tu^O Hannibal U. 644 Happie A. 541 Harlot 2iM. .'.43 H ariot C. 326 Harley 494. 8r)6 Hiirmon 241. 440. ,59ti. 994 Harriet 219. 225. 243.262.265 287. 31 1. 312. 386. 401, 436. 446 452. 486. 477, 490. 586. 592. 597 598, 633, 704, 78:i, 996, 1040 1158. Harriet A. 283, 453, 534, 701, x(\f) 1095 Harriet C. 622. 1023 Harriet E. 375. 485, 534, 679, 846 907 Harriot F. 344, 440, «v44, 7^6 Harriet G, 659 Harriet H. 444, 570 Harriet M. 506, 591, 634, 977. S)87 1044 Harriet N. 259. 294, 479. 564, 950 124:i Harriet P. 397, 40.5, 725, 733 Harriet R. 238 Harriet S. 240, 423, 437, 484, 732 844. 1123 Harriet U. .591 . SH") Harriet W. 540,914 Harold 977, Wxi Harold C. 1261 Harold E. 1005 Harriot 970, 543 Harriot A. .580 Harris S. 786 Harrison 311.594.919 Harrisons. 594,992 Harry 436, 782 Harry A. 609 Harry B. 615 Harry H. 899, 1221 Harry J. 991.126.5 Harry W. 777, lUU Hartwell A. 386, 700 Hartwell C. 441. 791 Hartwell H. . 1168 Harvey 133, 1.59, 160, 218, 273, 440 789 Harvey D. 287, 54;5 Harvey M. 554,943 Haskaline 494. 8.56 Hattie E. 444. 799. 922 Hattie M. 700 Hawley H. 259. 479 Hazea D. tVi4 Helen 381, 436, 495, 647. 782, 857 1052. 1165 Helen F. 978, 1040 Helen B. 4 441. 452, 479, 528, 551. 553, 554 790, 807. Henry A. 388, 442, 444, 566. 703. 531 , 59.S Henry .1. 343. (U4 HenrVlv. 3WJ. 701.9.52 Henry L. 705. IKKt Henry M. 332. 361. 796, 937, 1224 Henry N. Honrv P. HeiirV S. Henry W, Herbert Herbert E. Herbert 11. Herbert T. Herman Herman G. Herman T{. Herman 'I'. Hernion M. Hester HtHtic M. Heltie P. Huzekiah B. 277, 517, 888 342 26.3, 39.3, 4KK, 489, 719 266, 317. 495. SCO, 954 697, una 678 876 963 271 259. 477. 8:« (OT, 1045 312 4<)6 312, 5i»5 9K4 2fl«. 490 Hiram 178. 241. 24.3, .313. .37:1, 441 446. 59S, (i72, 996 Hiram E. Hiram F. Hiram H. Hoel H. Holland Helton Homer Homeria l(tti5 2'ls. 4:«5 444. 7".t9 7(M 441. 7Vi 285 225. 240. 439, 7:« 225 Hope 35. 37. 47, 82, 167. 176. 290 .S4 262. S49 1121 704 2 799 317. 606 926 319 54. .58. 70. 80. 81. 9i5. !Hi 1S2, mt. 195) 319. 2(*0. 3(U 2S.5. .542 9:i7 avj tH3 5i54. 942 1246 063 912 5«W. 957 5(>:i. 957 957. 1247 128. 167. 213. 288. :i6.3. :t2. IMO 1358 TIIE HAMLIN FAMILY. Isaiah |{. .W. r>s4 Isaiah II. .W. t«»7 Isaiah S. ma Israri 5. 33. Xi. 36. 76 Iva |{. 1113 Izahtl M. stfl .Jatii-z 4".. -W. 67, 80. I3K. 13(1. 140 141. 315. iM Jabfzl). .■>4!i Jiicob -tsi. ;VI9. ."kSI. 51HJ. <.r2T. i»3s Jiicob P:. 544, 553. !W» Jat-ob I.. imi Jacob I'. il3H Jacob \'. 2«!t. 547. !»3ii James ,">. 7. K. <». 14. l."i. 18. 3f>. 27 3S. 29. .10. :n. 32. :i:(. 34. Xy. 36 37. 43. 44. 45. ,54. (W. lis. 121. 124 131. 142. 2(tS. 20!i, 21(i. 2i:t. 241 2."i!l. 374. ,J.sl. 400. 441. .5!IH. ti70 673. 7:{.i. 767. iHt6. 1062. losit 11,57. JanifS A. 4K4. 640. 844. 1167 Jaincs B. 362. (vB. ti.5(i. 1042 James D. 271. 318. jOS. 6as James E. 382, X^Z 405. 534. 'tW 734. R8S. ih>7 James F. 213. 3^2 .lames G. li)2. :i33. :m. 4+4. 644 7'.is .lames H. 480. 518. 840. !I06 .lames .1. 374. 676 .lames -M. 343. 372, .382. 54. 106!) .lames N. 2.5!<, 47'.) ,lamesP. 5.S4 .1 allies K. 477. 508, 87.5, 876, 1218 James T. 4(V5. 733 .lames V. 234. 42:{. 1158 .lames W. 343. 546. 672 Jane ii3. 154. 176. 177. 273. 286. .HHS :M)H. 372, 38(5. 511, 543. 544. .586 670, 703, 918. Jane A. 240,506 Jane E. 243,26a, 444, 445. 4,s<). 502 7'.li> Jane G. C. 65!) ,Iane .M. 555. !)43 Jaiuata 444.800 .lasper E. !)64 Jiiv L. 921 ,layT. !I!I7, 1267 Jeanette 251, 4(M). 4,56 Jeaiietle M. 1180 .leliiel 81. 1,5!) Jemima 120. 208 Jenelte 4.55. 811 Jennie 670, 784, 904. !K)3. 1061 Jennie H. 1042 Jennie C. ' .540,014 Jennie E. 591, 987, 9!ll. 1265 .Icnnie L. 458, si(i .leniiie M, 5(K). 875 Jennie I*. 698, lOlCi .leniiy L. 519 .leniiy V. 88,s .leremiali 9:>! Jerome H. 593. Still Jernsha 84, 131. 150. 159. 2()0. 271 Jenislia .V. 30(), 587 Jenislia C. 361, 4.85 Je.S9e Kl. 1,59, 213, 272, ,306, 385. 5S() Jesse T. 264, 490 Jessie C. 10.53 .le.ssie G. 5^7 Jessie L. 587, 616. 977 Jessie .M. iXi Jessie li. 1)78 Jewell 251) Joan 7 .loanna 67. (W .loaiina ( '. 2,59, 478 Joasli 19:.', :i:}i .lob 35, 36, 37, 4-1. 45, 47, M. 121 212, 381 Joel 159 John 5. 7. 8. 26, .30, :{3. :«. 37, 43 45. 47. 4M. 49. .50. 54, 76, so. si 83, 84, 95, 103, 141, 144, 1.59, 169 184, 18,-), l.sti. iji,-,, 3(17, 20S. 2:« 236. 2.53, lino. 2i»5, :i42. 34.3, :S64 373. 405. 494. ,523. 545. 546, 570 (Ul, 659. 8!C». 919. 921. !HU. 12:h) ,)ohn A. 400. 69s. hti7. iC's, 9.54 1092. 1167. 1215 .lolm C. 326, 452, .531, 5«il. ,569, (i:.'2 808, 954 John D. 9:+t John E. 271, 509, 7*4. HW, 1221 John F. 266, 494, 540, 544, 920 .lohn G. 894. 1158. 1217 John H. 26:1. 488, 498. 608, )U0, 731 861, 1046, 1121 John , I. 45s, si, 5, i|,>s John I-, 4.SS, iiiii, 1(147 JoIhi .\I. 374,691,706,1101,1121 John \. 1230 Jolui 1'. 312, ;}86, 531, 705. 'MH John K. 24!). 4.37, 604. 10.55 .John S. 406, 497, 735. siri John T. 4.59, 479, 552, 585, .599. 81h 840. 997 John T. M. 2S4. 510 John \V. 2:J8. 275. 319, :a2. 343 429. 4;i0, .51.5, 622, (540, 719, 777 '.HI4, 102:1, nil, 1217,1222. .lonab 80, 1.5:1 Jonas 214, :i86 .lonallian :5.5, ."16, 37. 45. MS, 68 132. 216, .394 Jonathan E. 973. 1252 Josepli 95, 184, 294, 295. 549. .551 563, 566, 567, 927, 9:U Joseph B. 307, 582, 5K1, 971 Joseph C. 720,9:18, 1113 ,Ioseph D. 1053 Joseph E. 894. 1216. 1217 Joseph G. .58:1. 927. 976 Joseph H. :U51, ;566, 6,56, 9.53. 961 1244 Josepli N. 444 Joseph P. 261. 485. .531. 5.52. 7:i2 905, 938 Joseph R. 937, 13;J4 Joseph S. 282, 393. 5:13. 5:i:!, 730 907 •loseph W. 961 Josephine 553, 584, 836. 938, 97(5 1121 Josephine E. 4!K), Soi Joshua .55, .56. 57, ,58, 93, 94, 176 17s, 179, 182, 208, 305, ;i(H!, 311 :n7. ;i43, 372, 578, 580, 593, Joshua 0. 569, 9iU Joshua G. ;u;i, (542 Josiab 45, 46, 67, 68, 128, 131, i:i2 213, 217. :{S4, 941 Josiah E. 294, 299, .56:i Julia 144, 240, 277, :141, :147. :is4 441,517, (5:17, (547. 793 .kiUa A. 34;i. 251, 281, 319, 443 45i5, 528 ,Iulla I). 2i59, 476, 477, 5,55, 943 Julia E. 604, t)94, 1(H)5 .luliaF. 3,s8, 708 .lulia M. .591, 977, 987 Juliette 340, 352. 440, 4.5s Juliette A. 4:i6, 7s:t .luliusA. 2i:t, :is2 .lustina M. 1065, 12s7 Kate 4:i() Ivate B. 1217, i:to5 Kate M. !Hil. 1249 Katherine 782, 1165 Katie E. 922 Katie .\I. 922 Karl M. ic's Laena D. 808. 1179 Lafayette D. 317. 606 Lara N. 6(Ki Laura 144. 1(50. 252. 259, 274, :il4 4.st), 494, 601, 697, 799, 857, 1224 Laura A. 340. 444.4S0. 564. 8W 10!i| Laura B. :{20. 991 Laura E. 4ss Laura II. r>ls. nss Laura .1. 506. s74 Laura K. :i:M*. 6:i4 Laura L. 444. 79s Lauriston .>(!, Toi i^avina 793 I.,;i\vrence :tl4. iiui.920 Lawrence A. (501. 999 Lawrence K. r2l Leander 155. 267. 312. 59:5. !>94 Lena L. :i99. 726 Lena .M. 1325 Lena K. 671 Lent i:i6. 331. 4ii5 Lenzea IKl, 31s Leoneila B. 954 Leonidas L. 319. 4(hi, 40) Leonidas.M. 7.31. 1121 Leonidas X. 1121 Leonidas V. 404. 7:iO Leonora 952 LeHoy D. 791 Lester 159. 272 Lester A. s;is Lester S. 9!r2 Levi :i!)0. 543 Levi A. . (582. 1072 Levi B. 506. s74 Levi 1). 37(i. r>s2 Lewin A. 217. 218 Lewis 47. 48. 6), 80. 81, 1:1,3. 1.53 VVi. 1(54. 1(55. 168. 178. 194. 2is 241. 2S1. 2.S2. 2s:i. 307. 310. :)11 :i41. 441. 5:14. 541. 5.S4, 591. 597 Lewis B. 281. 528 Lewis C. 271. 508. ,87(5 Lewis E. 5;50, 720. «:i2, 100(5. llOO nil Lt wis F. ,58,->. (594. 977. 10S9 Lewis .M. :i8i. 094. 720. s99. 1112 Lewis \V. 406. .591. 7:1.5. 794 Lewis H. 121: Lilla 1217 Lillian J):i4. 9!l,3 Lillian G. 6:17. 1045 Lillian K. lO.so Lillie B. 1(H>> Lillie V. 694 Lillie E. nil lllH. 1:.'9I Lillie. I. 720 Lillie .M. (54:1 Lincoln li. .338 Linda ,1. 45:i, 810 Lizzie ,541 Lizzie L. 610 Lizzie C. 9.50 Llewellyn S. 7:i> Llovil 11. 21s, IIMl Llovd 1). 694. 1090 Lois oren 144. 251 Loren M. (594. 10.8!) Lorenza A. 5!H). 99:5 INDEX. 1359 Lorenzo D. Ijorenzo F. Liorenz'j N. Lorenzo S. Lorinria Lorinda N. Loris S. Lot Lot M. Lottie Lottie B. Louie .L Louis H. Louis L. Louis W. Louisa V.i9. Louisa B. Louisa K. Louisa M. Louise Louise F. Louisiana Lovina E. Lovisa Lucelia A. Lucien D. Lucien N. Lucile Lucinda 130. Lucinda E. Lucinda H. Lucretia Lucretia B. f/ucretia F. Lucretia M. Lucy 144. 195 Lucy A. Lucy D. Lucy O. Lucy P. Lucy R. Lucy W. Lulu A. Lurana Luretta Lutlier Lutlier C. Lydia 41, M. \so. 190, 1.04. 495. .i4i). Lydia A. Lydia G. Lydia I. * Lydia J. Lydia M. Lydia W. Lyle I. Lyman Lyman S. Lyman D. M. Adelia M. liay Mabel. J. iMabel M. Mabel R. Mae E. Maggie E. Mafjgie R. A. Mahala S. Mahalia JNIalvina Malvina D. Mamie W. Marana Marcia N. Marcus Marcus B. Margaret 4i Margaret A. Margaret C. Margaret E. Margaret F. Margaret V. Margaretta 694. 1089 .•238. 4:27 375 319 :200. 313, 302 375, 681 838 163. 282, 926 900, 1.221 920 1111 991 706, 1 101 932 976 214. 225, 318. 672 561. 9.50 441. 790 981 440. 814 1246 22.5, 411 317 161, .277 441, 792 591. 987 1261 852 141.234. 2.52. 307 31S. 405. 583 238, 43a 433, 777 283. 535 373. 405, 672 405. 4:33. 733. 778 2.52. 459 273 245, 286. 311, 312 543. 549. 592. f,!)7 243. 416. 676. 1067 394, 721 598 212, 380. 928 387 214, :i8S.. 528, 899 984 167, 290 563 194. 241, 3.39. 442 1040 84. 94, 95. 102. 178 2^ 287, 311, 329 489, 850 1168 1089 480. 840 252, 344, 459 544, 918 906 186. 323 549. 924 926, 1.234 372, 671 994 874 1173 721 914 1217, 1305 1218 5.54, 942 922 . 506. .^26 934 1217 4flp, 857 262 791 217. 397 1,234,281, 442, 79 1 423 5.^^, 944 444, 894. 1217 591. 9.86 412, 7-12 327 JIaria 208, 213, 243, 314, 339, 372 381. mi. 672 Maria C. .374 Maria E. 49s. s(il Maria L. tiOs. srn Maria M. 11. "tS Mariali 312. .".97 Mariam L. 1245 M;iriam P, .542 INIarie A. 444, 79S Marie E. 977 Marietta 598, 632, '.nil. OOO. 1010 1:2-50 Marietta B. Mariette Mariette B. Marilla R. Marion Marion A. Marion E. Marion M. Mark Mark \). Mark H. Marsiiall Marshall C. Marston L. 6S2 277. 516 400, 727 :i20 860 439. 786 \)r„« 6.55 Martha 67, 166, 208. 281, 2,'<5, .286 3,S6, 441, 446. 498, .545, 705, 791 803, 923. Martha A. 317, .320, :323, 332, 479 r.49, 603, 615, 629, 840, 923. Martha D. 622, 1023 Martha E. 506, 553, 637, 874, 1250 Martha F. 266 Martha.]. .540,914 Martlia L. 372. 670 Martlia M. :i06, 341, .578, 63(i, 969 1043 241, 442 31:2, 544, 596, '.r20 Martin Martin E. Martin H. Martin .1. Murtin L. Marina M. Martyn A. Mary 7, 2 45, 55, 56 81, 97, 102 287, 28,s. 545 706 789 261, 483 iK)6 32, 3ti, 37. 38. 41, 44 fu, 5,s, (U, 1)7, 7.^. SO .., „.. .._- 124, 12.S. i:i2. 133 139. 1.53, 155, 163, 168, 169, 176 19."). 200, 214. 217. 241, 251, 261 2i6, 273, :280, 281. 287, 295. :t08 31.x 328, 361, 384, .389. 4;{6, 440 455, 4Si, 488, 4!B, 49S, 544. 546 !^63. 586, 624, 670, 783. 789, M5 «Ql,9;i2. Mary A. 200. 2»0. 259, 2.S2. 36:< 384, 405. 430. 437, 440, 457, 490 515. 518, 542. .551. .552. 561, 570 .^.93, 657. 669. 697. 777. 7.S6. 794 884. 887. 919. 934. 9:i7. 940. 950 9.53. 1060, 1172. 1215. Mary A. G. 554.912 Mary A. R. 361. (>55 Mary B. 364, 628. 659, 694, 1034 1089 212. 281, 380. 477, 52s 570, 633, 837, 894. 1041 984 261.271,277. .343. 373 406, 446, 477, 4S9. 50)5. 519. 522 .5.31. .'40. 544. ,549. 551. .5.=i2. .561 .593. 5St>i, 622. 642. 676, 7(Hi. 719 7:^5. 802. .'^O.'^. S94, 904. 914, 919 922 U2S. <)32. 953. 9!M). 1)121 1040, 1062, 1067, 109.5. ilH) 1224. 1291 Mary F. 341, .388. 458, 50)i. .591 636, 707, 81)), S74, 952. 9S5 Mary F. C. 95s Mary(T. 3;i9. 49.s. s)ii Marv H. 4.-5. 811 Mary .J . 2.59. 261. .381. 4,^0. 190 fills Mary .1. E. '.ini Mary L. .182. 4:Vi. 6'.>5. 701. 779, -ss Mary C. Mary D. Mary E. Mary M. 264, Mary 1'. Marv U. F. Marv S. .508, .Mary T. Marv V. Mary W. Maryette Maryette C. Maryette M. Mason .Matilda Matilda U. .Mailie Maltie E. Maud .1. Maude B. Maude E. Maude I. Rliiudc ,M. ^Ia\(•v Ma.xwell O. May May F. Mazie 1.. iMehitable .Mellen K. .Melinda Melissa Melis.sa I). Melville L. .Melville W. .Meivin A. .Melvin.T. Meivin M. Meivin O. .Melvina Mercy 47. 70 133. 1.3)). 144. 212. 273. :i80. Mercy A. Mercy H. Mercy f». "Merle Metta A. Michael .Mildred Mildred E. Mildred I. Mildred L. Miles A. Miles C. Millard F. MilliaO. Millie M. Milo Milton Milton P. Minerva Minerva C. Minnie .Minnie E. .Miiiide .M. .Mua .Mira O. Mirabel M. Miriam Miriam 1'. Alississlppi Molly Monroe Morris .1. Morris \V. Morion .Morton \V. .^lor^imer .1. Morlimer T. Moses K .Muiiford .M. Mniietta Myra L. >lyroii .Myron F,. .\l"vron li. .Myron M. ;c:i .332 387, 615 719, 977 .531 .KIO .561, .58a 7k6. 955 3.36, tklO >0W iNil 27.5 . 485 549 144 441 . 793 97« 522 430 5K7 )1.50. io5:i )tl3 .514 . 7i»8. •.HNt S9j. 121 S SI7 :186 7(Hi 1244 4»< . 8»9. 9.38 506 S74 84. 94, U!7 641. 1044 ;i8,s 3.S5 . .549 9-23 289. .547 720. nil «1H 720. 1112 .5!H5 312 611 531 280 . 76. 7S. S)). SI . 93 147. KiO. 1)19. 176 :irt8 58fi 218 4(NI .541 S46 515 7. 8 !I36 1023 1201 6!tl 441. 7<»2. 11)19 4;ci 319 161 277 Mil. 12!»4 IIM .273 . 275 3l,s . 319 240 2fS . 428 •272 . 4,s.s liis. IIKK). 11134 liOl. DHKi 94 . ISl )'>Ott ll.s<) 405 . 7.34 .".12 522 95 . is:i 261 . 4,s:i 373 672 672 273 1112 :(17 . 6) HI 6) lit :2.s:2 . 532 MM ;)lt)I . 91H 1)».".0 170. 312. .114 . .598 .VtH IHHt. 12(17 442 . 71X1 1360 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Mvron 1'. tun. IfKKi Dsrar C. 387, 7(lt; M'ynm W. ;(Ni Myrtk- A. 1)01 Oscar O. 79-,' Myrtlf V. \r.i>i Othello C. 942 Mvrtlllji L. 430. TKi Otis 21t, 386, :is7 Niit.by S»5 Ottlee A. 1 :.----' Niiiicy \93. iMT, 31N, 339. 371.r^« Owi'll 11. 441 N'jini'y A. .'Kil , I'M O/.nIa ,j;)0 Niiii.-y II. .{«»;. 701 I'alirjtT 593, if.K) Nancy L. 21C., !M I'ariit'hi 17H Nancy .M. X7(5, 5C5. tW2, i».'.9 Nannii' K. 955, 124t> NarclssaY. l.")2 Nathan 121, 208, 209, .373 Nat hail C. 259, 479, 5,54. 942 N.-ithan S. 2W, :S(>4 Nalhanlfl so, SI. 121, 142, 144 liil. Iti.!. Ki.-), 210. 213. 24.'>. 2.MI :>.'). 2'.Hi, 374, 375. 523, r)54, t;73 NalhanicI I'. 2S5, 542 NallianielK. 524 N.itliaiiielT. 284, .341 Nellie 9:« Nellie A. 643, 104,s Nellie D. 1091 Nellie K. 1217 Nellie G. 917 Nellie .1. 104;^ Nellie L- 634,1043 Nellie M. 795 Nellie N. 7S4. lltki Nellie O. 453, si l Nellie R. 922 Nelson 31K Nelson O. KW Nephi 927 Nettie F. (>s-2 Newton H. 7S4, lltki Niles 241, .142 Noah C. 381, 694, \\m Noel W. 597 Norman 219, 312, 59(5 Norman C. 433, 779 Norman S. 591. 9.s4 Norris 3s5 Norton tHie Norton N. 585, 977 Oane C. 847 Obed 286, 289, 542, 5.50 Olx;(l A. 553 Obed E. 552, 9.(7 O'Oilvie E. 503 Olive Kil. 1(53, 165, 2,59. 26t;, 279 2SI, 2.S2, 479, 493, 49s, 531, 9.37 Olive A. :«7, 553. 698, 840, 941 1(«I3 Olive B. 317, 4S0. 603 Olive C. 295, 566 Olive H. 2.sy, 549 Olive .J. 406 Olive L. t)82 Olive N. 295, .566 Olive 1'. 905 Olive W. 36.3,657 Oliver H. 477, .S36 Oliver C. 4*<2. .S42 Oliver 1<\ 962,1250 Oll.i .M. 708 OiiiarE. 1112 Or.i H. 591, 9S3 Orlando 179 Orlo.V. 792 Or). ..I. 247,448,808,1179 Orpha E. S49 Orphal^ 7iHi t)rra 1S3, .319 (Jrr.'i F. 319, 6t»9 Orra.I. 453,810 Orren 1S5 Orrin 719,1109 Orrin D. 243 Orville 179,240 Orville .1. 593. 991 Orville V. 695 Oscar 2.89, 506, 551, 965 I'amelia 154, liM. 2:J4. ::m. 290 31 1. 314, 337, 35.3, 592. 601, 1 1,')8 Para 939 Patience 50, 82, x4 Paul 1). 811, 1181 Paul .M. 542 Paulina 2:«, 42.3. 115s Pauline E. 452, 808 Paulina F. 6s2 Pearl 1209, 1210, 1234 PelcK Mi Percey 838 Percey C. 952, 1244 Percey !^. (>09 Perez 81, 155, 1.59, 160, 16:1, liH I(i5, 17t), 273, 282, 284. .mi, 540 .".7s. 911. Per ley H. 70t> Persis 393, 719 PersisP. 720,1112 Peter 7, 20s, 373 Phear 286. 543 Phebe 94, 141. ISO, Zi2, 265, 275 119S Phebe A. 264, 441, 790 Phebe M. 554, 942, 11.5s Phebie O. .593 Philander 312 Philemon 81 Philo 144, 155, 201, 219, 243, 252 266, 400, 444, 494, 495, 8.5t>. 857 Philo D. 444, .s(Kl Poladore 190, 327 Polly 165, 167, 1S2, 186. 217. 2.s3 2S7, 318, 321, 395. 936. Polly A. 312, 591, 596, 983 Polly B. 317, 603 Prescott 339 Priscilla 45, 46, 66, 67. 128, 214 Prince 2(U Prince E. 531 Rachael 50, 82, 167, 288, 551, 932 9;« Rachael A. 477 Rachael T. 549. 552, 927 Ralph 1223 Ralph B. 721 Ralph E. 1091 Ralph B. 976 Ray 1209, 1210 Ray A. 70s Ray E. 1091 Ray F. 609 R.iyinond 977 RaVniond R. 1217 Rei.e<,-ca 93. 94, i;i2, 150, 16S, 176 ls2, l,8:i, 216, 292, 294, 318, 372 373, 5(i2. Rebecca F. ItHI, .3,54 Reliecca C. .394 Rebecca (i. 5(i5, 901 Rebecca N. 569. 9lU Reliance 216. 394 Rena M. !t94 Rettie 937 Reuben 49. 50. 82. 84. 121. 167 16S. 169, IS;-), 209, 214, 2ltti, 2!H 295, 320, 371, 373, 374, 387, 553 669 ReulM-n n. 706 ReuV)en L. 12.56 Reuben S. .591. 9S1 Reuben W 9.S4. 12.55 Rhoda A. 1,59, 270, 271, 5(»S, 943 Rhod.i E. 552, 591, 984 Richard 144, 2,52. t'70. ^(V^^ Richard A. 243. 444. 5.S1. 97.*^ Ric-liard C. 259. 477. s;iS Richard 11. 400. 726 RoU-rt B. R. ti06 Robert D. 317, 605, 86.S, 1204 Robert E. 597. 995 Robert F. 545 Robert N. 721 Robert P. 78« Robert W. 953 Robinson P. 91s Roderick 238. 4,36 I{t>}rerC. 1101 Roland R. 695 Roland S. 928 Roland V. 914 Rolland 1204 Roiii.uita 221. 405 Rosa E. i>37 Rosa L. 4*<» Rosa S. 961 Rosabella lai, 219 Rosamond W. 320 Rosanna M. 6,s2, 1072 Uoscoe 708 RoscoeG. 38S, 70H Rose 499, 69s, 939 Riwe .\. 388, 707 Rose E. 707 Roselvin 697 Rosina 136. 219 Roswell 261. 4s:j Roxanna 219, 241, 400, 44o. 441 Roxanna M. J. 3sl. 694 Roxaina 596. Sim Roxy.l. 441,792 Roy S42 Roy A. UKU Roy G. t>l4 RoV M. 65*), 1052 RoVal P. 1173 Ruby 1234 Rudolph 934 Rue I 282. bSl Rufus 194 Rufus G. 194 Russell 440, 441, 7Ks. 790 Russell E. 122.5 Ruth 36, 44. 45. iH, 64, 70. 78. 80 91, 93, 94. 133. 14t>, 141. 148 149, 175, 176, 1.S2, 235, 30,5. 553 s:j6. Ruth .V. 78S, K44 Ruth B. 307 Ruth E. 261, 4.86 Ruth .M. 217 Sabra 2JU, MO .**abrina 16.5. 284 Sadie A. 92s !*adie L. 1111 Sally 102. 159, 160, Uw, 167, liH 195, 199, 221, 283, 287. :i40, 405 Sally A. 261,483 Sally B. 264,489 SallV E. :W). 7(H> Salmon 141, 1.50.233. 2,36,261. 11.57 Salmon C. 259, 47S Sam 11. 6ti9 Samantha 441.791 Samuel 159, .5s() Samuel A. 364, mv) Samuel B. 200, 306, 324, 362. ,5S(> Samuel C. 570 Samuel G. 480, h41 Samuel ,1. 477. K18 Samuel L. 364 Samuel P. :143 Samuel S. 271, 509 S:iraO. 868 Sarah 7, 26. .Ti, 36. 45, 46, 67. 68 78, SI. 94. 95, 140, 142, 144, 1.52 1.59. Ki:^, 1S2. l.s.3. 1S4. 244. 2.52 262. 2S0, 281. 2S5. 2.S7, 31»!, 318 319, 362, 374. 3sl, 521. 545. 670 673, 934, 1063. INDEX. 1361 Sarah A. 259 312, 317, 326, 405 407, 553, .583, 598, 604. 622, 734 SliO. 932, 938. Sarah B. 307. 342. 376, 508. 583 640, 082, 845. 877 Sarah C. 284. 4.30, 539, 570, 783 Sarah D. 200, 3W , 365, .551. 6(i0. 932 Sarali E. 3:23 372, 374, 379. 470 604, 015, 070. _^734, 834, 894, 922 904. 1005 , 131 7. Sarah F. 532, 570 Sarah U. 294, 563, 782, 1105 Sarah H. ;«2, 430. S60 Sarah J. 340, 339. 353. 301, 384 400, 413, 459, M9, 650, 698, 735 743. S18. Sarah L. 598 Sarah M. 217. 384. 544, 918 Sarah O. 540, 927 Sarah P. 38 , 551 , 555, 095, 930, 943 Sarah R. 732, 1123 Sarah W. 282 Scott E. 596, 993 Scytha S. 552, 939 Sears 52S Semantha 341, 033, 1(»41 Seth 81, 120 150 154. 155, 160, 106 , 108, 308, 361, 274, 285, 372. 373 483, 545, 070, 9.23. Seth A. 561 Seth C. 301, 485, 486 Seth F. 933 Seth H. M. 361 Shepard L. 320, 009 Shubael N. 2S5 Siba 183, 318 Sibyl 317, 003 Sibyl W. 861 Silas 64, 130, 194, 207,341,371,372 Silas P. 341 Simeon 82 166 285, 287, 542, 545 916, 1227 Simeon E. 921, 1230 Simeon F. 294, 565 Solomon 45, 46, 66, 67, 68, 128 130, 178, 215, 286, 311. 393, 543 591. Solomon A. 531, 720, 1112 Solomon H 261, 483 Solomon L. 542, 915 Solyman G 359 476, 477, 835, 836 1192 Sophia 194, 221, 261, 271, 340, 406 483, 505 Sophia A. 381. 694 Sophia D. 508 Sophia I. 570 Sophronia 214, 219, 240, 388, 401 405 Sophronia O. 387, 388, 708 Sophronia R. 336 Spencer A. 441, 792 St. Clair C. 1210 St. Clair S. 500, .S74 Stella 933 Stella M. 1047 Stephen 155, 159, 212, 209, 370 311,593 Stephen B. 264, 489, 807 Steplien E. 005 Stephen O. 605 Stephen W 593 Stickles D. 313, 598 Stuart W. 13.5ti Susan 178, 199, 200. 226. 3.53, 304 373, 563, 934 Susan A. 308, 563, 586, 587. 957 Susan E. 360. 430 Susan F. 782 Susan M. 505. 9(» Susan V. 9.50 Susannah 7, 190, 311. 327, :W2 372, 593. IMO Susannah D. 330, 029 Susie 939 Susie A. 839, 1193 Susie L. 587 Sumner 214. :iXV Sumner II. •i,s6. 705 Sumner M. 7(h Sylvanus 49, 50. 81, S2, 100, 167 313. 3.S6, 387, 3,84, 542, 546, 09s 910, 9,53, 1344. Sylvanus A. Sylvan us F. Sylvanu.s L. Sylvester Sylvester B. Sylvester F.. Sylvia Sylphia T. Corwin Tabitha Tabitha P. Talbot F. Tamer G. Tamsa Tempe Tennis S. Thacher Thaddeus Thaddeus H. Thankful 08, 76, 94, 131, 134, ;>05 900 984. 13.")5 501, 9.53 439, 786, 1089 508 731. 1121 150, 259. 301 317. 004 480. S40 004, 1005 441. ,91 163. 379. 2.S0 953 560, .561, 679, 950 318 150 301, 482, h42 .5(iO 295, 506. 9ti3 144. 344 319 49, 50. 68, ,^ 373, 073 0.55 936 94. ISl 155. 308 578, s;i8 39:1 100 13.(1 Theo C. Tlieodore F. Tbeodore P. Theodore S. Theodosia Theron Theron A. Theron II. Theron O. Theresa Theophilus Thomas 47, 78. 79. 80. S4, 131, 150, 108, 310, 359, 393, 395. 519, 501. 569, 070, 671, lOtB 149 373 Thomas C. Thomas F. Thomas H. Thomas M. Thomas R. Thomas T. Thornton Timothy Timothy C. Timothy H, Timot by S. Tirzab I'. Tirzah S. Truman 730 ■)70 533 888 551, 569, 934, 903 561, 953 8,38 313 4^59 253 380, 704 144. 253 670. l(Hi9 554, 943 154, 221, 264, 312, 405 596 3i>5, 570. 394. 504. 07, 128. 130. 131. 214, 253, Truman I. Truman L. Ulysses S. G. Urania Ursula Useba Verdi E. Versia M. Vernisia A. Vesta .1 Veva Vlda C. Viola Virgil L. Virginia M. Volney \'olney P. Wallace Wallace B. Wallace E. Walter Walter A. Walter B. Walter C. Walter E. Walter G. Walter.]. Walter K. 490 640 1111 235 277, 516 441 1111 876 700 197, 347, 702 937 846 M57 12;S() 731, 1122 551, J«7 at7 !«7 4;f5 910. 1317 9(!3. 970. 977 .549, V^i* 682. 1072 818 446, (533, 1042 Walter M. Walter?. Walter S. Wiirren Warren E. Warren T. Ward P. Washington Washington I. Wiiieriniin M. Weallhy Weld Wellington B. Wells We^sb■y Wilbur A. Wilbur R. Wilbur W. Wilford W. Will Will C. M. WillardC. Willard O. Willard R. WUlard S. Willard W. Ilium iXi. 3(19, 215. 217. 395, 311. 313, 3><4. 393, 4.30, 5;S1. 535, 543, 593, 599. li:i9. 7i»0. 793. 794. 937. 1001. 100; William A. 4b5, 2W. 955. .5?<.5, 443, 309, 21 K, 5itt, OlM, :wi, 3iil, 522, 5:^1, 124ti 977 , 7SW 275 W 720, 549 4;«. 779. , 144. 167, ll^5, 2.">9, 3s3, 3s:s, 343, .343. .373. 441. 444, 479. ,'>43, .551. .509. 670. 073. 73(». N15. S40, ir3(l, 1. 1173. 5;^!. 585, 836, William B. William C. William D, William E. William F. William G. William H 405. 5t)6. 615. 010. 870. 90!S. William .1. William L. 153, 262, 387, 544. 094. 973. 1(W9, 937. U.is. 243, 44.5, 440, 551 095 247. 4.5.3. 549. 597 720. 997. 104S. 217, 553. ".H)4. 939 319. 444 194. 2S9. :j3:^. Ml 535. 550. 553. .5.5.3, 0.f7. 0x3. 091. 7:13. 94;i, 964. 261, 373, 400. 4*<5 734 207,268,371. 499 William M. 284. M\. 540. 591. William (). William 1". William S. William T. William V. William W. SOs. 953. 11S() 212. 371. 379 477. h37 4<<9 544. 77, 499, 519, 59,3 380, Willie Willie B. Willie G. Willis O. Willis M. W'ilmirth WInHeld S Wluthrop Winthrop .\. \Nolcoi t WolCDlt ('. WoodrutV .\. Worderi W. Yates N. Zaccheus 46, 67, 120. 1.33, ZellaO. Zenas Zerviah Zilplia ZoaS. Zophen IIALBRKT Gertrude HALDEKMAN Maria 604 701. 720. .SO. HI. 150, »J28, 952. 200 .•Wi 4>7 208, 2H5 441 151 .CV. ,5X7 :vM lliU .Ml KisK , 7(13 , 4M2 , h93 , )NM 920 31H 913 792 1112 928 857 814 930 im k7d 957 875 , 208 2f*« .373 495 .591 7S2 \m 846 977 583 1225 1(HI6 . tW ,9.34 , «4;i 1111 1222 . 009 . :i80 570 800 ,671 , WtO . 672 1065 987 1344 , :i06 , 928 , K'lO 919 , .si«l 1221 . tH)4 044 961 UHKi 1112 9:16 um \W (153 . :<63 , 091 M7 S47 540 ,216 S18 , 570 . 7IM , 223 ;. ti22 28.5 1(V5« 1362 TTTE n A MI. IN FAMILY. IIAI.I, .lohn 180 Semilda 488 Inn L. 1240 I'hebe llM William H. 11S.S HALSTEAO IIARDV HARROUN Clarfnci' A. ll.V. Daniel W. JtSO Elliott K. («St Clara K. ll.V) Louie 9S0, 1253 John E. KS4 LiiLlla K. ll.V. Uuih L. vm HART Su-lhi M. 11.V. Williur H. 12.)3 Anna \. S»i9 Sylvia l>. ll.V) HARDWICK Edward 709 HAMMER Algie M. 1058 HARTONG Anna 10«7 .lames \V. 105H Li Hie m> HAMMOND Samuel H. 10.')H HAUTWELL Clara 755 HARLAN Annie L. SHI7 l)wi„'lii L. 755 Clarence .1. i:iir_> Charles E. lOS.) I'raiik I). 755 Marion C. i:i02 Charlotte 241 (iciir;;u F. 755 Il.MiLoW Charlotte M. JK)7 .lames 734 Agatha 98) Christina H. '.m. 1247 .Itssie 755 Alice P. !I48 Egbert T. KK) Mary E. IHO Grace L. 1270 Leonard J. 955. !I5») MiirvT. 7.'>.'> .Iiihn 94S Lucinda I). .532 Minnk- 755 .lulia E. 1125 Lu.-y H. iK>7 Nalliaii C. 755 .lulia H. SIO .Mar;;nerite UK-i Susan C. 755 Laura C. 94S .Sarah W. 017 HAMOR Lvdia E. I'riah 830 K5t< .1 fssse L. i)7s Warren F. S22. 1184 Lydia A. Orrin C. 494 .Inlin 244 HARNDEN 1149 Lewis S. 1002 Florence 1222 Oscar L. 495. ,*;.> Lui-y 259 HARNES Ursen 494. 405 HANCOCK Emily 57ti XJrsen A. 494. 850 Libbie 1087 HARNS HAKWUOD HAND George H. 1259 Benjamin F. F. N. tkil Isadore C. 829 HARPER M4 HANDY John R. 774 Laura F. S14 Alexina R. Henjamin F. Daniel IL 574, 91)8 574 1242 Katherine S. Mary L. 774. PauIC. 1102 1103 1102 HASKELL Annie P. Etta L. t>51 72(5 Frank G. 574. fHiH William H. 774. 1102 Frank B. 10»>5 Harold B. IHiH HARPENDING Harriet F. 1095 John 0!)5 Ellen 479 Harry L. Otis F. 720 Nellie G. 1242 HARPLEY 390 Sarah 299 Elmer 1009 HASKINS Willi am S. 574 HARRICIv Alice 1274 HANFORD Minnie E. iim; Blanche 11.50 Frank- 599 HARRIMAN Clara 115t5 I'^red 599 Alice E. lit).') David 707. 1156 Georgia 599 George A. 1105 Fred 1151) Mary 599 HARRINGTON Homer 1150 May C. 599. <.)97 Carl R. 1310 Iowa 1150 HANSCOM .1 ames L. 1310 .letTerson W. 700 Lillian B. 912 Lewis L. 1310 Jerry 1294 HANSON Maria 794 .lerry L. 1294 Abigail 384 Rutli L. 1310 .lohn 707. 11.5t5 HAOIGHORST HARRIS Lala B. 125*4 C. R. 4-H2 Charles S. 703, , 10i>9 Lulu 11.56 HAPGOOD Daniel 70.3 Mettle 1156 Mary A. :i44 EttaO. 703 Ned L. 1294 HAPSON F'annie 804 Nelson .1. 707 D. C. 1008 Fanny Frank W. 4(19 IJebecca 327 IIARBAUGH KWI William 1156 Frederick C'. 841 (ieorge D. 7o:t HASTINGS HARDEN Graham 804 Hattie M. 1045 Alson 311 Henry 877 Simon C. 906 1IAI;I»ER IlenrV G. 804 William H. >2;{ Caroline 830 llu::li 877 HATCH II. \. 75.") .la.-..l. W. 70.3 Abbott 1067 .lohn II. 832 .losenh 703 Al.ner D. 12.59 HARDING Lvdia S. 1)5; t Addle M. 950 Albert 1312 May M. 877, , 1210 Adelia F. 558 .Viiibrnse H. 1107 Nellie 877 Alice F. 9.57 .\ ri'lielous 1312 Nellie (;. 703. 10!»!t Cliarles 95)t Uelsey :t42 HARRISON I'hloe 2.s() Kiinlce 5S1 Herth.i L. 1297 Clarissa 5.")9 INDEX. 1363 95 76^ (0, Edgar E. 762 Ellen D. 956, 1247 Esther 266 Fausta T. 762 George E. 1151 George S. 1067 Gladys E. 1151 Hamlin E. 762,1151 Harlow T. 76.2. 1151 Helen C. Isaac H. James A. Jane Joseph Mr. Slarcus W. Martha Mary 0. Mary H. Mlniiie L. Moses E. Olivia Ruth A. Silas W. Thatcher 0. Thomas M. William William A. HATHAWAY Abbie Caroline Charles Gharles H. Clarissa Daniel P. Daphua P. Dora M. Edwin Fred H. George George D. Harriet F. Helen R. Huldah A. John Julia Levi S. Lewis J. Lois Nathaniel D. Paul C. Sarah T. Will F. HAVEMANN Julia J. William HAVENS Doris Elma A. Frank H. Frederick D. Frederick W. Gilbert M. Henry HAWERY Anna HAWKES Louise P. HAWKINS Charles H. Lida E. Ralph E. Sophia HAWKS Adeline M. Maria HAYDEN Claude C. Gerald L. Mortimer L. HAYES Esther N. Martha A. HAYNES Daphne 1151 1067 J*!59 286 124 201 1150 166 578 1151 1151 563, 957 .201, :J65 956 563 563, 957 12.58 475 1067 396 396, 724 396, 723 723 396, 723 410. 738 396, 724 723, 1115 72.3 723 410 723 396 410, 738 396, 723 396 396, 724 396, 723 723 218 410 395 1073 723 897 897 1211 1211 849 1211 1210 1211 849 1131 907 1056 1056 1056 319 827 47S 1137 1137 1137 477 639 288 HAYWOOD Charles M. Miner E. Mirriam C. William H. HAZEN Albert .\rulrew Arthur W. Au/.iMla F. Au/.ella M. Auzilla C. Henjamin H. Caroline diaries \. Charles F. Darius .V. Edward Edward H. Edward F. Edward H. Elizabeth G. Emerson Frances M- George \V. Harriet Isaiah James M. Jerusha Laura T. Lois Lois A. Luthera Mary L. Monroe Nabby E. Nathan Olive Roswell E. Roy A. Samuel S. Serena E. Seth P. Simeon T. Simon Thaddeus Viroska J. Willett E. William William H. William W. Mary Lizzie R. HEAD HEALEY 287 429, 429. 429, 288, 288,, 11S4 1184 11S4 ns4 429 54(> 776 776 776 776 77() 288. 54(i 429, (76 429 546 428 77() 776 775 776 546 429 54() S46 2,s8 .=i4(> 287 776 288, 5r>4 546 546 429 547 551) 288 286 547 776 .547 4::9 546 546 546 540 547 .547 942 546 546 520 1285 288, 288. HEATH Bertha C. L. 771 Carl L. 1051 Cynthia 515 Cyrus 839 Elsie M. 1051 Floyd V. 1193 Henry 839, 1193 Jay 839. 1193 Louis I. 1193 Mildred G. li>")l Orren 69S Pearl G. 1193 Robert W. 10.". 1 William 1051 HEDGES Annie E. 628 Elizabeth B. 628 James 11. 628 .Joseph 628 Leify C. 628 Mary J. 628 Matilda «28 Sarah F. 628 William 112:i William II. 628 HEFFLEMAN Ada A. WW Ella F. «W Grace A. 6«9 Imogene M . *W9 Iva .M. tKKI Jennie L. tiOtl Jessie F. 609 Laura A. iW) Holla (i2« Ro.xanna 318 HOBBIE William H &» Theodore A. C. 1204 Eurydice 995 HEWETT HILLIBERT Frances P. 738 Ell/a T. 527 Miss 372 Mills 995 I'auliiia (}<)!• John 2()S, 372 HOBBS Sarah IJ3 Sarah A. 372. 070 Alice G. 8ti9 IlKW INS IIILLICK -Arthur H. 8«J9 Franklin flOO Mary A. HILLS 510 Harold W. 1205 WllUaiu F 900 Harriet W. sii9 HEWITT Asa 278 Helen 1). 869. 12(K> Chark'S S. 1233 •loslali 277 Helen L. 1205 .Icnnh- M. li'n Marv A. 278. 520 John H. 869. 12(k-) .lolm R. vxa William 278, .520 Simeon L. h09 I^x'kwood \z^ HINCKLEY HOCH Lottie i2.i;j Annie R. s79 Battle H. 1009 Lucinda 7S9 Augusta Barney Chloe J. 300 HODGE Lutlfia 1233 897 Phelje A. 739 Mr. 7s<) !H)4 IIODCES Marvftte J2:« Cora 1". I>s2 Barnum 7(; Ilodiah 110 Maria 588 Ella 1139 292 Mettora M. 572 Ellen E. Hi:.'(; Julia E. 3(KI Phebe 7(U ( Journey li:i9 Julia G. 722. , S97. 1219 Stephen 10.I9 .lollll 995 Katherine II. 897. 1220 Susan 1099. 12^)2 Leroy 1139 Mr. 293 Susan R. 704. 1099. 1100 Mary E. 12.-.7 Marion 1221 HODGKINS Myrtle 1139 Mary 00 Lester P. 1247 Myrton 1139 Mary B. 897, 1219 HODSKINS Olive 1139 Ruth E. 1219 Mr. 319 Rose 1231 Samuel F. 897, 1220 HODSON Sophia L. 587 Seth 682 Mr. 988 HIGBIE Solomon 305 HOGEBOOM Frances 510 Sophia W. 299 Harriet A. (^7 IlIGGINBOTHAM Susan 299 HOHN Agnes HtiO Thomas J. 1219 Kate 992 Annie 800 Wallace 299 HOKE George W. m) William I. 897, 1219 Andrew A. 1006 Jessie 8tiO Wilson 299 Arthur A. 1007 l{o>jert G. 81)0 Zeuas M. 299 Carrie E. UK17 Wlliiam A 800 HINMAN Fannie D. ltXi7 HIGGINS Edfrar S. 655 Laura M. 1007 Adah P. 1131 Katherine 4;u Lotta 1007 Adeline 57s HINE Mary A. 1007, 1271 Blanche E . 1131 Nellie S. 1244 Nellie 1(HI7 Chiirles H. 1131 HINES Sarah H. 11H)7 Harrison 744 Holland 203 William L. UK)7 James M. 1131 Jane K. 1142 HOLBEN Lucretia F 1 0t)9 Josiah 203 Mr. .508 Maria T. 580 Prudence 2t« HOLBROOK Merton A. 1270 Richard 203 Ann 499 Minnie C. 127(1 HITCHCOCK Eleazer 175 Nellie E. 1131 Clarence 695, 1090 Esther 324 Norah E. 1131 Clayton 11. tiitS llann.ih 186 HILDKKTll ClilVord 695, 1090 Isaiah 175 Samuel tm; (ieorgianna S. 977 .lames 274 Edwin il. 73<), , 1125 Henry S. 694 J erusha 175. 305 IIILKEY Lester lOiH) .lolin 175 Mary J. 1302 Mary 695, IWtO John M. 175 HILL HOAG Martha 175 Adeline 1312 Celia 594, iHJl I'egsy 175 Annie A. ()(>.'>. 1058 David 594 HOLCOMB Clyde C. 12(14 Kiiimagene 594 Bertha A. 12*i6 n. M. 12.31 Eva 594 Elizabeth 860 Dani.l M. I2il Harrison 594 H OLDEN llarv.y 11. 1231 Josephine 594, 991 Alden C. 1004 J. Fell.)ws I>(i5 Leander 594 Anna S21 James K. 1204 Maria 594 Charles N. 1004 Josepli F. 005 Royal 591 (ieorge W. 821 Joshua 101 William 594 1 1 u 1 bert 821 Lucia A. 1204 IIOBART HOLDERNESS \ Lucy E. 0()K Abigail L. 5,32 Archie R. 814 Mary E. liowland SOti Annie 1221 Cora A. 814. 1182 535 Frank 5.">6 Frederick E. 814 INDEX 1365 Jessie R. 814 HOOPER Jennie L. lOUM John C. John H. 814 814, 1182 Calvin Lois 2tW 151 IIOSBIIRGH Mary L. 693 Nora J. 814, 1182 HOOVER HOSFOKl) HOLDRIDGE Charles H. l()t52 Sarah .1. 871 Harriet 423 Ethel M. 1062 IIOSK'INGS HOLIDAY Frank R. l(Hi2 Sidney ,1. I). 909 Aaron 849 Grace B. 1062, I2S6 HO.^^KINS HOLLENBECK Mattie E. 1062 M^M ^^^» A K. A. A ■ fc_' YiurUm 1209 Georgie 635 •Nellie E. 1062, 1286 Chaun(3ey 12) lU Mary J. 829 Rodolpho 1062 Delos W. X74 1209 William H. 2o3 HOPKINS Edward A. N74 HOLLIDAY Almira L. 970 Frank M. S74 1208 Sophia 847 Andrew S. 588 , 979 Fred K. 874 120S HOLLIS Anna B. 980, 12.")3 (iavlord E. 1208 William C. 892 Annie R. 970 Harlow A. 874 HOLLISTER Artliur 979 Ilaliu> M. 874 Edwin O. 860 Arthur T. 970 1 Inward 121)9 Eliza G. 809 Aurena 479 Hugh M. 1209 George 729 Charles 201 .lennie E. S74 120S Henry O. 410 Clara 588 ,981 Leland D. I20U I. C. 729 Clara D. 588 , 980 Luella 12 Peter F. 943, 1237 Florence I. 970 Euby Stepnen S. 1237 Francis A. 588 , 980 943 Fred W. 980 Raymond B. Sarah HOLMAN Frederick I. 588 , 9S1 David E. 1246 Hannah 588 ,980 HOUGH Mr. Grace M. 1246 Helen 501 37t( Laura S. 1246 Hiram 588 HOUSTON Nathan H. 955 Isaac W. .588 A ii7PlI:i I . 77*1 Samuel M. 1246 Isaac T. 726 iX, IJl fiKj i I 111 M-^ Esther H J 1 II 776 Virtue S. 1246 Jane 501 Harry P. Lloyd H. Miss 77« 776 HOLMES Jerusha R. 579 Adoniram J. 749, 1136 Joel 309 ,587 389 Agnes 348, 647 Joel A. 588 , 979 Percy H. Preston O. 776 Albert H. 971 John 309 776 Amanda 416, 750 Joseph K. 588 HOW Anna L. 348 Joshua 309 ,588 Annie E. ii:«i Benjamin F. 416. 749 Joshua W. 588 ,980 Charlotte II. 75;t ii39 Clarence 1136 Lauraette 840 Harry W. Isaac 1139 Cyrus 416, 750 Lucia S. 664 417 Cyrus H. 348 Lucius S. E. 6ti4 Isasw- II. 753, 1138, li:i9 Edward 666 Miss 786 Lucius W. 753 1139 Ellen V. ;M8, 648 Mr. 43S Mary .1. 41 ", 753 Elvira T. 416, 750 Martha M. 579 ,970 ThomiLS 1*. 41' ', 752 Frank P. 348, 648 Mary E. 588, 979 , 9,S0 Thomas Y. 462 Grace A. 972 Minnie A. 980, 1253 William L. llliil Harold J. 1136 Nancy B. 588, 979 HOWARD Harriet 454 Rachael 1057 Clarence W. llss Iva 416, 749 Ralph T. 980 Clitrord W. S>i4 Job 347 Richard 586 Eliza W. 946 John 416 Ruth 309 , 588 Ethel M. 1188 Lucinda 416, 750 Ruth G. 588 Harry 1188 Lucinda M. 749 Ruth N. 58H . 9W> Henry C. .S><4 Mr. 447 Sarah 979, ];.'.-)2 Lawrence B. 914 Miss 205 Sarah C. 58t< , '.MO Pearl A. 1188 Marion G. 1136 Samuel 679 , 969 Walt^'r P. 884 Minnie 666 Samuel E. 970 Vincent M. 884 Nancy 416, 750 Thomas 579 IIOWI) Rushia J. 706 Thomas J. 588 Albert L 1:104 Stetson 102 HOPPING Guy B. llttM Walter H. 348,648 Caleb H. 5<)6 Mr. 1304 Walter J. 1136 Edward N. 506 HOWE William 102 Stephen 606 Adelaide S. 717 1108 HOLSENBUKG HORNICK Alice S. 1108 Alice J. 997 Carrie C. 1157 Almernon R. 810 HOLTON Clarence I. 1158 Annie 371 Caroline 622 Edith I. 1159 Arthur D. 810 HOLWAY Frederick W. 1158 Blan.-h A. 810 Amanda 963 George H. 11 r)8 CVIestia 491 Frederick N. 964 Geoi-ge M. 115S Charles H. .soil Lurana T. 964 Gertrude 1158 Claris.sa M. 491 Lena E. 964 Jennie M. 1158 Dudley W. 717 HOLTZHOUSER HORSFIELD Edilh F. 718 Ida 1190 Howard E. 1310 Edwin H. 717 HOMAN HORTON Eninia L. 7tW Emma 1167 Ethelyn E. 1272 Eunice 191 13tt« THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ferdinand S. 71V Nelson 5.58. 949 Floreni-i- 1. 717. IKW Oscar 559, 949 Kruncfna S. 717 Perez 270 Fred us \i. 717. IKW Polly 270, 502 Gustaviis A. 11. 41»1 Pomeroy B. Karhael 370, 668 H. Kstella (I'.Mt 107 Henry :{7I Khod.i 270 Howard A. MO Salira .1. 25(1. 5.55 JaiK! A 491 Sallv A. 2!»l Jesse N. K(I9 .Sarah 168. 174 , 291,555 Jonas 4yi Solomon C. 292. 5.>8 Leon S. 717 Susannah 291,555 Mr. ;i76 Sidney 270, 55 James S. 1249 Belhania 168, 293 RevelloS. .898 Cliarles F. 944 HUE Charles W. 556,944 Edwin R. 1295 Chloe A. a 292 Florence M. 1295 Chloe C. 292 Fred P. 1295 Clarissa 291 Harold P. 1295 Daniel 291 HUGHES Darius 291 Beatrice 1086 Diadama 168, 292 Clara 1086 Eben 168, 292 Harry T. 1086 El)enezer 291 Lura 1086 Edward B. 2Qi :, 559, 949 Margurite F. 1086 Eliza C. 292, 559 lialph .M. 1086 Elizabeth 365, 555 Wil iam A. 1086 Elizabeth S. 99ti HUGHSON Ella F. 669 Pamela 233 Ellen 370, 6t)8 HULBERT Emily 558 Abby M. 820 Emily C. 292 Abner D. 463, 821 Estella A. 949 Achsah 147 Franct.'S .V. 556, 944 Achsah M. 253 IVank L. 5.59. 949 Alliens. 463 Frank S. 944 Allen G. ,'<20 Ueorge W. 291 , 555, 949 Allen W. 4r.1, S20 Guslavus 292, 559 Anna C. 462, 821 Hannah M. '.Mil Annie 1). 820 Harriet 270. 555 Annie F. 820, 1184 .lalH'x. 370 Belle 821 .lames 291 Calvin i;«)8 .lohn l». 669 Caroline 254 , 462, 4ti3 .luseph 269, 270 Caroline A. 463 .losephine 55(> Catherine B. 461, 822 .lulia 558 Catherine G. 820 .luslu> 291 Charles 461 Lemuel 167, 291 Charles A. 311, 820 Marv .\. .559, 949 Charles E. 4(Vt .Melinda 556 Charles F. 4.37, 4ti3 M.rrv 118 Charles .1. 254, 462 Nathaniel 168,291 Charles S. 785 Nathaniel W. 291, 555 Charles W. 82;j Chauncey Clara B. Clarinda Clinton C. Constance A. Delia C. Desire Diantha K. Edward Egbert D. Eirbert N. Eleann Elizabeth T. Kmeline B. Emma Erasmus D. Esther A. Frances D. Frani'es J. Francis B. Francis G. Francis R. Fredericlc Frederick C. Frederick R. George George H. George M. Georgiauna GeraTdine Harriet C. Helen Helen M. Henry Henry A. \V. Henry I. Henry M. Henry W. Ida L. Isaac H. S. James C. James E. Jane C. Jennie S. Jessie C. Jessie !M. .lohn John E. John N. John P. John K. John W. .losephus .Junius Junius .J. Laura D. Li Hie Lorania Louise A. Lucy A. Lucy E. Miss Mari-ia Maria B. Mary Mary C. Marv J. MarV L. Mortimer Nancy C. Nellie G. Nellie M. Peyton U. Philander Phillip F. Pt)llv Prescott M. Richard G. Richard O. Richard P. Richard R. Richard T. Robert G. Sally Sally L. Samuel B. 253. 46J 463 147,254 820 ,s2o 161, n2o .591 820 254. 462 4ta, .s2l 253. 461 1»»8 462, 821 2.55 463 2.'>5, 46;{ 437 .s2(» 4413 46.3 820 461, s20 2,54 820 2.55, 46:i 4t;i 437 511 463 4«i3 511 461. SI 9 255, 4tU. 511 254. 462 4*>.f 147, 2.55 255. 4*« 462. S2I 4»)3 254, 462 437. 785 462. 821 2.54 7.S5 820. 1184 SZi 144, 461 437, 785 511 254,462 820 147, 253. 4t>.3 4().( 147, 254 255. 4t>.3 437. 784 785 147. 2.54 511 255. 4(>4 4t>,3 819 254 785 821 82l> 46:1 4W. 820, 822 437, 784 4()1, 820 820 1081 147, 254 147, 2.5:i 823 2.55 820 82(t 2,5;). 461 147, 461. 819 4(» 4(H 4t>:t, 821 147. 255 2.53 464 4;J7. 78 147 INDEX. 1367 Sarah Sarah A. Sarah J . Sophia B. Stephen L. Victor D. Victor M. Victor R. ■William AVilliamC. William H. William J. AVilliam R. William R. i^ilpha M 255. 254,462. D. HULL Adin S. Charles E. Charles S. Clair M. Edward Emma C. Emmagene EvaE. Frank Frederick Grace E. Helen Helen M. Henry Henry M. Henry S. Irving Irving D. Jasper Jennie E. John John M. John P. Josephine G. Laurinda Louisa Mr. Minnie B. Olive Olive A. Oscar T. Sarah Silas Theodosia A. William HULSIZER Mary Julia Sarah L. HUMASTOX HUME 147, 254, 462 511 463 437. TS5 464, 822 46;^ 464 463 820 461, 819 463 821 820 820 2;i5 853, 1196 853, 1196 7a5 1196 1196 491, 853 852, 1194 853, 1196 852 11S6 1195 1194 785 853 847 491, 853 1196 491, 853 785 491, 853 491, 852 785 852, 1195 1196 491. 852 596 847 853, 1197 491, 852 852. 1198 853 1195 491 78ii 491, 852 856 852, 852 404 996 HUMISTON Harriet 591 Maria 591 HUMPHREY Almena 1035 Anne B. 1120 Blanche E. 1088 David 401, 729 David E. 729 Diadama 219 Edwin D. 728. 1120 Edwin R. 1120 Electa 401, 729 Electa S. 729 Ellen A. 977 Elmer E. 1088 Frances «1, 72!) Grant H. 729 Hamlin J. 1088 Hannah 401, 729 Harriet A. 745 Helen F. 728 Hugh vm Isaac L. 401, 729 John 729 Kate V. 728, 1120 Lent H. 729 Lizzie H. 729 Mark 401 , 728, 729 B. Margaret Mary Mary A. Mary E. Minnie S. Nell B. Nicholas Peninah Rebecca Susannah H. William D. William H. W'illiam K. HUNT Adeline L. Albert G. Arad Artliur S. Hewitt C- Edith H. Eva Francos Frederick O. Georgia Hiram Ita Jefferson T. John Martha Melvin H. Oliver P. Rhoda Ruth Samuel T. Seth B. Sheldon R. William A. William M. HUNTER Abbie C. Andrew J. Arthur W. Betsey Caroline J. Charles 728, 401 401 1121 1120 729 729 729, 1121 729 1035 1035 729 1035 1035 733 733 1088 1231 733 10.88 1231 1231 <>63 1231 7.(3 1231 1231 12;^1 12:^1 733 963 l.')5 10S.S 963 1165 1231 12.31 1088 Charles G. Clara L. David Delia Emily Emma S. Fannie E. Franklin G.'ilen Horace Jabez John Jonathan Lucy Marion L. Mary Mary P. Nancy S. Nicholas Robert Rosamond H. Harali Sylvia Thankful Thomas William William C. William G. HUNTLEY Diadama Henry Rebecca HUNTRESS Mary L. IIURD Dolly Henrietta L. ,lohn IIIRLBDT Belinda Dorcas E. 409. 736 409, 73ti 736. 1125 137 409 223.409 407. 736 736. 1125 76, 137, 223, 407 76, 137 223 409 409. 736 222. 407 2£i. 407 22:s. 4tl7 137. 223 2:23, 409 76, 137 222,406 1125 222. 223, 406, 409 4Wt, 7;it) 409 407 407 409. 736 76. 137, 222. 406 76, 136 76, 137 137 137, 222, 223, 409 407 .>» 442 794 413 898 251 8.S(5 282 ,437 ,437 Edward Edward C. Ella L. Frank W. George W. Craci' Harry Hubbard C. Laura Laura D. Loraine K. Raphael H. iirni.Ev Clara H. Elizabeth HURST Eleanor Herliert V. Leon H. Raymond O. W. L. Winifred I^ HUTCHINSON Alice R. Alma v. Annie Edwin .1. Edwin \'. Helen M. William William J. HUXFORD Mr. 460. 239, Mr. Nellie M. Submit William Henry G. Ava M. Charles F. Ida .]. .lames R. John Myrtle E. Sadie F. HYDE IDE ILETT 610. B. INGALLS 744 Eugene Zenana INGERSOLL Bera W. Charles C. Frank B. Lucrelia A. Philo B. Ralph B. Trunian U. 7.3:t. Warren B. INORAHAM Marcia P. C. IRISH Abiah Chloe Elizabeth ■I a mes Jac(jb Marv IKVIN(; ISHAM Alonzo K. Asa B. Asa C. Eleanor L. Frances C. Helen Lydla Mark K. Susanne II. iia5, 1035. lUi.'>, 239. 339, (Ji'orge Ray Mr. JACOBS H. JACOBSt)N 819 819 460 4U0 819 819 437 230 819 819 239 iOXi 1144 ICJ 923 stn (123 923 !>23 945 945 IMo 94.". iM.'ii 945 945 tMi 57P 244 1010 154 niu JS.57 744 744 744 744 744 744 1132 1195 .S52 7:a 1124 733 1124 7:« 7:1.3 1124 7:b 2(^ 2(4 2m 2(M .■!.> 12^^ um I2S4 it):<> io:i5 Kl'iTi 171 i2s;j 1.109 i:iou 407 1368 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. .JACKSON P^xix-rietice 3ti. 43. .59, 61. si Ruth 1). 607 Abl.v .M. 12M Frances 3ti6. :i67, 6»H Ruth S. li(« IttTiha K. X^'J Fr.ini-es L, 36*1. tUH Sally 204. 2))5 Hun II. 1(>^9 Francis 366. 6«« Samuel 43. )io . 61 . Ifts, 116. 203 Carrie 4iU Frank 11. 6(vl 2m, 205- DwlKht D. KsH Fred S. 6«a Samuel B. 370 Edwtinl L. (>.■(.'> Freeman 42 Sarah 43, 62 EIk:i !•;. l(l.«l» Freeman H. 20*5. 370 Sarah F. 203. : W7. 1311 Hiiprv U. ta.-) Frederick 6('>5 S:itinla 11. 369 lU-liMi L. OX) (ieon:e 202. ;wt) Simeon 61. 116. 1 17, 205. 206. »i9 llunrkita L. 3.-)S (Jeorj^e \V. 36!) Susan 2(>5, ai9. t)»)7 Uonier T. KHll Gilbert S. 662 Temperance 2 .lessk'ii F. KHH Guy S. 665 Thankful 43. 5» JAMES llalhert H. 105!) Thomas 41. 60. 107 Edwin 7X6 Hannah m , 204, 205 Thornton 6<).i JAMESON Hannah .V. 366. tita Warren 202. 367. 3(>S. lyw Clyde B. m: Harry W. Hattle M. 662. 1056 Weston E. 10.56^ Everett W. Hiu on William 205, , 36<). ;Mm George C. 6«6, lo->. 06«i William K. l)(& Norrls .M. K6; Hemon 1). :m. tkiti William F. 370 Williiiiii 6h6 llodiab 117. 207 William H. 202.366, , 367. 6))5 .lAQUES Hope 43.62 William 11. H. :iti9 Benjamin B. 12«1 James 391 Zebiiia H. 662. 1))56 Beiijatnin C. ]2;t2 James H. 306, tH)3 JENNEY Cliarlfs A. 622, 1024 Jane 8. 3»j7. 1)65 Jabez 1). 12:17 EuKfne H. 622 John 117 , 2(V). ;i6<) Wealthy 290 Evangeline V. )l»ii2 .loseph 116 , 2t)4. 36H JENNINGS George A. 1092. 12!)1 Josepli 11. 36)!. 662 Asa C. lOOs Oladdi.sC. 12511 Josiah 43. 62. 116.202 . 2)13. 367 Blanche A. 1272 Harold R. 12iU 368, 1311, 1312 George U. ) o36. 1045 Harriet H. 622 Joslah H. 367, 6t)4 Grace 1)^45 Josepli H. 622, 1(124 Julia W. 66:j Nina M. 1272 Mary E. 101)2 Katherlne 203 Raymond A. 10O9. 1272 Williani II. 622 Lemuel 576 JESSITP William T. 622 Lot 61 .118.207 Polly JETT 468 JAQUITH Ijouisa •20-2. 3»i?< INGS Adelaide 11. 706 Louisa E. 307. tk).') Jennie 9l)7 JEFFRIES Louisa S. 603 JEWELL Annie ioa6 Louise B. 664 Seraph J. <)!)j> JELLEY Lucinda 202 .lEWETT Harriet L. 825 Lucretia A. 3«W Mary 149, 641 JENKINS Lucy Luella 117,206 . 207, 369 JIGGER Ablah 116, 303 6»)5 Helen C. 1280 AhiKail 205 Lydia 202, 204, 205,206 , 367. .■tti9 John W. 12.S0 Achsali lis Lydia C. 2«t Alvan 116.20.') M'iss 205 Roherl S. 12- Aniamlul 205 Marguerite 666, io.>y Ruth R. 12.S0 Ann 107 Marion 36S JIPSON Ann E. 3ti() Marshall 202 Joba 390 Anna 0. :i68, 6tn Martha 60, 202 JOHNS Annas. 667. 1050 Martha B. 603 Bishop L. 426, 773 Annie L. 10.-)6 Mary 61. 110. 118 . 203. 204 Carrie 772 Asa 42, 107, 202, 366. t^i:{ Mary A. 1056 Charles H. 615 Aurelia 203, 1312 Mary C. 203, 1312 Daniel. I. 235. 236. 425 . 426, 772 Baker 205 Mary E. mi Kdwai'd L. 426. 772 Barllett 205. 360 Mary G. 603. 1(K)3 Elizalx'th !>. 426, 776 Benjamin 204, ;W9 Mary J. 367. t))i4 Elizabeth M. 772 Benjamin F. 360, t)t>7 Mary L. 1003. ]2.() Fhrence .1. 615 Betsey 369, M7 Mary P. (>0.i Frederick C. 772 Betsey R. 667 May 666. 105!) George B. M. 615 Braley 117. 20«i Mercy 43. ,59 Geortrie .M. 772 Caroline E. 367, 664, 1003, 1270 Nancy 203. 1312 Gertrude .M. 772 Catherine 367 Natban 60, 107, 202 1. 365, 3))7 Horace E. 615 Charles 202. 36(i, 3(iM Nathaniel 61. 116 i, 205. 3(i!) Jay W. 772 Charles E. 366. (k>2 Nellie 663 .lohn C. 615 Chloe lis Olive 204 Lena K. 772 Christine A. .'tow Oren 2lH) Mary .V. 42() Crocker 2lHi Owen 3«W Ruth (). 426 Daniel W. 21 >5 Parker N. 6*vf. 1057 William F. 426. 772 Dcliorah lUi Paul B. 667. 105!) JOHN.SON Dlanlha C. 003. 1003 Payne 207. 371 Abla E. 032 I><»n-as 2lHi. 370 Perez, 117, 206 A mile 1)40 Kbene/.er 4;i, 60, 108, 202, :i67 Philemon lis Beulah B. 1145 Kdllh M. lUi!) Polly 204 Burl W. 1214 Edward 2(H1 Prince 117. 2)Di Caroline 785 Edward C. 603, 1003 Prudence 204 Charles 4M Ellsliii 205, ;j6<.t Uachael 202. .3»!6 Charles S. IZU Elisha B. 2nd iH):( Kdiia 740, 123:^ Ell/alH-th C. .m. (Ki Klchiiioiid A. ()03. 1)HI3 Kdwiii 716 Ellis 205, 360 R(jbert B. 371,ti6U Elizabeth R. 977 Eunice 20<1 Robert M. 665 Elsie A. 927 INDEX. 1369 Experience Fred George F. George T. George W. Grace F. Henry Henry L. Jane Jane P. Joel H. John S. Julia A. Kate Katie C. Leona Levi Lila Luman P. Maggie JNIariette Maryette Mary J. May Merza Pamelia E. Pearl Rachael Raehael S. Ruthie Sadie Silas M. Sixtus E. Thomas Wallace W. Wiley L. William William D. Will-am F. William H. H. Wilmirth Clara A. Isabella Mary JOHSTON JOLLY JONES 76 981) 1214 932 4(59 989, 1263 549 932 592, 9(^8 988, 12(i3 939 1233 687 1087 989 1233 71H 932 469 815 592. 988 1233 414 123:i 932 592. 988 940 257 469 932 716 1145 940 76, 989 820 940 76, 716 932 592. 940 592, 988 940 1175 1303 994 G. Abby A. Ada M. Amos Anna E. Asa H. . Caroline H. Caroline .T. Charles E. David E. Archie Edgar -M. Edward D. Edwin F. Edwin S. Ella M. Ellen Ellen M. Ellery L. Eliza Eliza A. Elizabeth Emma M. Flora B. Flora M. Francis E. Harley E. Harriet L. Helen James James W. Jane Laura S. Lorenzo D. Lorinda N. Lottie D. Lucy D. Margarette A. Mary M. Melissa A. 673, ■m. 959, 1)73, 947 1067 374 635 637 947 916 10,88 216 692, 1088 1013 692 124S 1248 10ti7 479 982 5.57, 959 375, 1168 375, 678 320 557, 948 1053 959 425 692, 1087 5.57 222 673 1091 218 1101 375, 678 375 978 479 1088 994 459 Minnie 637 Nancy E. r->ri7, 947 Nancy M. 375, 67S Nathan C. 479 Nathaniel 557 Orra H. 459, S17 Orrin 45S Paulina F. 375, 679 Phernie 479 Kosella 399 Roy C. 1091 Susan A. 557, 947 Susan E. 479 Sylvester Theron H. 959 479, 840 Thomas ■ 479 William 11. 959 JORDAN Francis 1052 Phebe H. ;-j>i8 Nettie L. 1172 .JOSEPH Sarah 597 JOSLIN Julia 262 JOY Ida M. 1045 JOYCE Allison 1167 Elizabeth G. 1167 Florence P. 1167 John A. 1167 Katherine D. 1167 JUDD Rachael 547 JUDGE Robert 5H4 Willie L. 5,S4 JUDKINS Angle 711 JUDSON Perlia 491 JUSTIS Henry 983 KANODE Otho B. 995 KARNER William J. 11.59 KAZER John 513 KEELER Charles H. 1009 Emily 551 Genevieve L. 987, 1261 Herbert L. 1009, 1272 Walter L. 987 KEENE Abigail .369 Charles S. 1072 Elizabeth 9i'0 Eva M. 990, 1264 I. E. 95H) Zar 990 KEENER Caroline 626 KEITH Charlotte E. 765,1153 Edward L. 765,11.54 Glenn ll.'>4 Harriet M. 765, 1153 James C. 7(u James M. 7(i5 John R. 765 MaryC. 765,1153 KELLAK William 1152 KELLEY Alexander R. :103 Caroline 30.'i Caroline P. 303 Ellen E. 4(«) Hannah S. 303 ilenrv *« Isabel S. 4tiO James 460 James D. 303 Jessie Lillian H. Marv I). Pauline Prentiss Rose 1). Zeno S. KELLOGG Augustus Grace E. John H. Jonah Maria Mertie Miranda Moses (1. Philander Theodore .1. Timothy KELSEY George George A. Harriet M. Heath Helen Helen M. Nellie Sarah A. KENDALL Sarah KENISON George W. Miss KENNASTON Fred L. KENNEDY Elizabeth KENNEY Ada F. Amos P. Celeste Charles Edna B. Judson Mary 1. Samuel D. 443, 443, 851, 443, H. Elizabeth Selden L. Ella F. Albert H. Ainswortl Amanda Anphenettie Cyrene E. Delilah C. Emily Emily A. Etta Fannie R. Harriet C. Harrison T. Henry A. Herbert Martha A. Martin L. Martin W. Mary A. Miniiie Minnie L. Sarah B. Theodore Williatii WlUhiiri K. KENT KENYON KERN 4*!0 460 460 571 302 :i03 .303 2.->4 1267 2.->4 254 201 1156 254 2:>4 2.")4 2.54 2:>5 850 , 797 ,776 443 1208 1194 KU ,797 282 :»61 361 ♦m 4^16 1011 !t42 913 1011 943 943 1011 701 1082 1209 673 MH 052 l(Xi6 oM 364 1287 673 1287 988 !)58 673 10U(i 10l>)t 5*W 56.). 564, S>58 lCi8 560 1066 958 1066 673 KHU) lOikt 673, 1066. UXi6, 5(>4, 673, im. 673. Mary .\ George KEUK KEUSL.VKK KETCH AM Julians. Mary A. Theodore KETCHITM CatliiTJiie K. 11.(2 i:ioo S8I latH 881 012 1370 THK HAMLIN lAMILY. CMiarlotto Josephine Abbiu S. Arthur M. Bisslc V. I)i-L;ifuvette Ktta I'lov H. (Jrac-f M. Iliildah William I,. KEYES 1M> Alnli/ii 'r. K 1-JltT IMS 111-. l-JliT niN IMS 111-, i-.w ii:2it. i(i:!<; in: It; (•i;.".t lii:«> !;:.'!• lo.-tii (Sil. lOX'i «2!i, lii:{t iV2'.\. 1085 S71 I'.i'.t. H(iJ 110.') Ii«) -'.")!! 55 505, 873 505. «7:j oOo 505, ^7H 118.S 1188 587 587 Aimira Caroline Charli'tte Cyrus H. Emerson Gabriel Hamilton llarriii N. Ilenrv Henry C. IlcrlK-rt Hebecca Samuel Susan S. Webster KILLYEN Mary KILTATRICI .Andrew Myrtle S. I. KIMBALL Alice C. Anna T. Bruce .1. Catherine A. Ch.irhs \V. Crafts P. Cynlliia Edward C. Edward K. Kllen T. I'r.-d II. ( Jeorye !•'. <;rac-e Hannah lliiirv N. llfiirV S. Herbert C. Jessie M. .Iuli:i A. .Inlia L. 327 :i27 327 327, 327, .327. 327 327 624 (i23 327 .■127 (i24 327 t;23 623 624 (>24 ()24 624 ()24 624 624 1200 KXvl 1(H14 51."), Ks4 511), .s,sr) 276, 516 515, 8S4 5 III 275 276, 515 123!t IMIit t>:t Katherine Lillian E. Li/./ie (j. .Martha E. .Morris S. Morton S. Olive A. rauline Rufusll. Sarah II. Sarah T. .'^ophia Vnln.v I'. William I". William II. KIMBERLV Alfred K. .lohn A. Kufu> .M. 1014 «K» t^t'iO ,')S7 276. 515 1014 276, 516 tyn 515 tun 641 515 .6. Albert R. Ale.xander C. Almena A. Almena C. Clarence N. David D.-ivid W. Edwin A. Eul.ilia .M. Harriet W. Handin C. .lames .lames H. Jennie M. John g. Lett a R. Lucie A. Mr. MarKaret C. .Mary E. Mary H. Mary L. Miriam Orra H. Orlo W. Robert Robert L. Roliert Q. Rodney Jtowena J. Samuel N. Sarah J. Thoma William : I M .M 1-: I KiNt; 643. 1014 516 126X 12i!s TiOO 1047 627 12S2 1031 D. li. 10251. (;27. 1031. 12S3 626, 627. 1030 102!t. 12S2 12S2 .SOS iln 12S2 228 627 1031. 128;^ 627 12S2 1110 26;s 102!l 627. UW 643 808 1282 8as 808 8(),s 1282 12S2 621 s08 1030 1031 1020 643 1029, I02!». 627 627 F. E. Amelia J. Kate Mary ,lolin KIXKEin ICINNKV KINSEV KIPl'EN Brenna M. .Iuli:i F. William F. KIRK .lames V. KIRKBRIDE tieorge B. KIRKUl' Benjandn C. Harold B. .lames T. .loseph I'. N'i.-lor II. Fr:ink I'aul C |{. May L Annie Char- I" ran I • L. es A. •is K I Tt ' 1 1 K N KLEBEIUi KLOEB iis(; 484 4S7 611 7s4 1204 1204 !l2.i 121.S 1123 ii2:j 112:^ 112.1 112.1 11-0 ll.SI 1052 1161 1101 IIUI LeBlond C. iiiU KNAIM' Collie A. 1022 Kalnh 1278 \\ illiam 371 William .1. 1278 km: ELAN I) Ann:i 12.-k). i:io.s Anna .M, 1308 Betsey .^2 Charlotte 6.32 Ella 1040 (ieorge E. i'M. 1044 (ieorsfe 11. tl'Ui (Jerirude L. 1044 Harriet 12:)6 Isaai- 12.-Hi Lurius D. I2.v;. 1.30S .Marv 1256. 13(W KNIGHT Frances C. 62:{ Frank J. 105.5 I'rederii-k II. 126:^ Ilarrv F. I055 .larvi's 1'. IIKMI .lerome 1'. ti*.H> .lust in P. 696. 1000 Mary J. 4 l7 KNIGHTS Arthur A. i2 Abby 0. 802. 1216 Alfred W. ,")22 , S!t3 .\nn .M. 8!K) Anna P. 8!KI Annie C. 1215 .\rthur 81H> Bessie W. 8! 13 Caroline E. 8H0, 1215 Cliarles P. soo Daniel 52:; ;. .siM) D.inieUi. 1215 I'.d win 800, 1215 Klla S1I2 Ella L. 1216 Emma E. 867 Frank (). 1216 Frankiin B. 522 . S!«) Fred T. 1216 tieorne W. 522. 8!t2, 1215 INDEX. 1371 Hannah 52-2 Henry P. 1216 James M. 523, S92 Jennie F. 890 Jesse M. 1215 Joseph 521 Joseph E. 522. 890 Joseph M. 892, 894, 1215 Julia B. H90 Mary H. 522. S92 Sarah J. 892 Sarah R. 522, S93 Susan 720 Theophilus 890 Theophilus H. 522 William H. 892 LaFAVE Richard 1090 LaFRANCIS Mary J. 875 LAKE Harriet A. 512 LAKIN Elizabeth 1560 LAMARSNA A 1 bin a 873 LAMBERT Anna J. 918 Mary J. 858 Soplironia M. 918 William T. 918 LAMPHEAR Francis P. 883 Edith I. 883 J. Milton 883 LANCASTER Betsey '586 LANDER Olive E. HOI Willis E. 1101 LANDERS Ansel R. Asa Franklin John Lot Lucetta M. Lucy J . Lydia Mary W. Minerva Nettie Samuel John Mary Phebe Walter E. 987, LANTIS Pauline LAl^HAM Antoinette H attic Jennie John R. Julia A. Kate R. Miss Mary Russell Sears Uattie J.S. Ole Sarah LANE LANGDON Asa Christopher Francis B. Janette Marinette Roselia LANGSTON Horace A. John W. Julia R. LAN HAM Alester E. LANMAN Charles R. Edith H. Faith T. Jonathan T. Katherine M. Thomas H. LANSING Cornelius Edwin Frances J. Frank Helen Julia M. Lillian J. Nelson L. 543, 916 543 543 916 318 543 9l(i. 1227 543 916 917 544 543 917 916, 1227 916 391 391 391 545 ,921 545 ,921 .545 921, 1229 545 545 , 920 8.50 850 S5t) 784 1219 1220 1220 1220 1220 1220 987 855 1260 855 855 987 1260 987 1260 1260 1309 LAKCOM LARGE LARSON L.VRKINS LARRABEE 260, 1309 1184 -117 517 517 517 517 51; 2<« 517 517 tH9 Annie Caroline A. Charles David Dwight W. LASKEY Ella Fred Wilbur LASLEY Theodore H. LASSELS Brock way J. Madge E. LATTIN Bonnie A. R. LAURENCE Flora T. LAWRENCE Albert B. Charles H. Effie Hannah Harry A. Ivers P. Juliette H. Marion R. Mary Nancy Ralph C. Thomas F. William LAWSON Christa LAY Eliz I beth LAYLIN Clarence D. Lewis C. Lewis F. Robert W. LAYMAN Laura LEACH Annie Hosea M. Loren/a Moses LEATHERS Irvin C. Nettie M. Oliver C. LEARNED Charles D. :Maria E. Lorinda A. Rufus C. Sophronla A. Vesta A. LEAVENS Eben N. Frank N. 1253 821 743 318 964 279 521. 8!K) 279 279, 521 978 978 978 687 855 8o5 886 1108 1020 817 1213 205 1020 1020 , llKi 1020 2(»5 542 1020 817 720 LEAVITT Betsey Mary I-kBLoNI) Charles II. Charles M. Charlotte M. Emma L. Francis C. Frank C. Luke H. LkBR(^KE Samuel L. LeDUC Emma LKGGETT May E. 81 ; r79. Anthon II. A/.ubah Carrie .M. Clara Dora M. Edwin H. Eleanor A. Ezra T. Harriet IleberL. Helen J. Ina Inez E. Jacol) I). John A. John C. .lohii D. .lohn W. Joseph H. Lelia Lillian Linda Louisa Lucius O. Marcus E. Maryette Otto H. Paria H. Raymond D. Viola Wallace Willard Willard II. William William F. William L. William (>. Winnie 3(52 LEE 1279 Margaret LEESE ox 1160 1159 1160 IKK) 1299 5iW 123t) 5i>5 590 ■ 1108 llOK llOS 361 :«i2 (liVi 3«12 3t52 362 1018 1018 LEIGHTON LEMMON LENEK Charles S. Henry M. Susan H. David W. Hiram N. Jessie D. Lenora F. Ella U. Harry F. Henry E. LEONARD Christopher •lames Mr. LESLIE (Ji'orKc \V. Laiir;i K. .1,HI STM) iir>4 lllM UiU 779. lllW 779, Ihu 779 lltU loiil 760 12111 iCH) 2.V> «i.>4 HHi 9:Ui ■CM 12IKI KUi 941 'Chi I2:t. 930 !G« 7tV>. II. 52 !Cn>. 9:t«i 12:6 >i:t(i 9:10 UK! «i« 6.54 941 9m UK! J2:{.-. tl'lO 9:{»t i2:j.> 911 9»i i2:fc'. IKOt IMl 822 899 81«l 81»9 i:«l6 i;i4Nl liHHl 1075. William G. Agnes L. All)ert Albert .N. Allen .\nri Anna LEWIS 1289 1075 1075 480 481) 1011 1011. 1274 101 1 1207 UO MtH IKM 85 133 i;i72 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Aniif Arillur (.'. Henjaniln T. HfDlia K. Kill ram K. Ulaiiche L. Carl K. Carlisle Charlt'sS. ('harlot to F. Chester A. Clarence Clark Cora Paplinf T. EcIiuuikI II. Edmund I'. Edward H. Eli/aliiihC. Ellin F^riiest E. Everett F. Fannie Fannie E. Fanny B. Florence Frances L. Francis Francis A. l'"ranU A. Frank E. Frederick Oeorge Ueorfte C. Gertrude C. Gill>ert V. Harland B. 1 1 at tie lliien lllratu F. Jennie M. Jesse D. John John A. John F. Joseph Julius Ijaura M. I^ouisa It. Lucius Mabel H. Margaret G. Mark Martha Mary Mary E. Mary H. Marv L. Mi la" .Minnie Grson F. I'aulina Peter Hachael Kalph W. Kchecca Kudgcr Kuth Samuel E. Sarah Sarah A. Solon .\. Susan Waller M. Wilfred Willie C. 21H latT mo S7(t V»10 N70 504. «70 H72, lt>K(t. 1207 504. S?2 1207 S71 !M0 4(K) 4 244 940 43 940 40, 9«4 870. 12(K> 870. 12IK) 2!Ni 1200 Esther M. Joseph S. Orvllle V. Uoger II. Mae Minnie Thomas I.IKUN M(!(;i rr 1 018 lOiS 1(I4S 104N ()S9 mi LIGHTBODY .lohn A. 1122 Julie IInO .losephine 93s LIlvENS Marv L. Siiedrack 1122 Edna i:i05 .> Klmer 1305 Tlielma K. KiS I'rank I^. ]:«);■. Thomas W. 9.J.H llearald 1305 LLOYD Roy 1105 Fannie C. 814 l.ll.l,^• LONG Daniel 480 Addle 634 FiCetta B. 087 Annie E. 634, 1(M2 .lane F. !I05 Charles 134 .lohn .1. 480 Daniel o;^4 Martha 4S0 Ella 6^, 1042 Olive 4X0 Laurence .1. 114H Voll 734 .Marv J. tkl4 LIMERICK SCO 1 1 7s") William J. i:j04 LOMBAKK LINCOLN Abigail C. 182, 315 (Jeorj^e B. 610 Albron O. 315 Lucy 12.57 Benjamin 315 8. Anna (i50 Benjamin H. 1.S2 LINDER Betsey Caroline 1S2, 316 Delia 7tiO 7tS8 Mary H. 970 Catherine ls2. 316 LINDSLEY Chalana 2^17 Henrietta M. 7Ni Edward P. 1022 LINES Ellslia ]«2 Polly 207 Elisha P. 182. 315 LINK Experience 315 Cenie 131H) E.\|)erience B. 315 LITCHFIELD Lucv B. 315 Eunice 424 Martha &U LITTLE Mary 67 Charles 043 Rebecca 1S2 Sylvester 2S0 Robert H. 1022 I'amelia 320 Ruth 1S2. 315 LITTLEFIELD Thomas 315 Alonzo . 098 LONGHEAD 1 Josephine t)57 Harriet .1. 401. 730 LIVERMORE James 401 Anna 195 LOOMKR Betsey 215 Lester P. 1213 Carrie B. 1113 LOOM IS Nellie M. 1113 Alvin C. 6,st. 1073 LIVINGSTON Alvin J. 1073 lone 846 Bert E. 1073 John W. 846 Charles W. 683. 1073 LOBDELL Edith M. 1073 Edith H. 1049 Egbert A. :073 Sarah 98 tieoi'ge M. 1073 LOBEL Harvey C. 1073 Jennie 124.S .Jonatlian ti83 LOCKEY Jonathan C. 6.s;j Carl H. D. 1193 Julia R. 683 John S. 1193 Leonard G. 6S3. 2072 LOCK HEAD Leonard S. 1073. 12.s,s Caroline C. 510 Lulu A. 1073 LOCICROW Mr. 11. v. Daisy A. S26 Marv E. 1073, 12,ss Esther .1. S26 Oliv'e A. 1073 (ieor};e 820 , 11K7 William C. 68:1, 1073 .1 acob 825 LORD Mary II. 826 Charles B. 990 Park 826 Guv 4KI0 Sidney .1. 826 Helen A. 990 Winfred 11. 1187 Jesse 9!I0 LOCKWOOD Minnie R. 9iK) I'rank A. 884 LORING .lames 180 Eliphalet 174 Nancy 924 Frank W. 1287 Timotliy 924 Gertrude 542 Timothy .1. 924 Henry B. 1287 LODELIA LOTHROP .lennie 672 Desire 573 LODE WICK LOUNIK)N Elizabeth H03 Arthur P. 786 LOGAN Harry G. 7S6 Almee !«8 Lenn'ra 786 Annie E. 9:i8 Mortimer II. 786 Carllor) K. 1308 Robert S. 7S« Edilh.l. 1122 Samiu'l K. 7S6 Harvey S. 1308 LOVELL Hazel 938 Adelaide 572. !»66 .lay E. 9.38 Adeline D. .")71. iKiO Jessie 93S Angeline 004 INDEX 1373 AuriUa Bertha Betsey Blanche Charles G. 297 572 170 572 297 Herbert G. IdaL. Ira A. Irene M. .T. Webster 1016 1016 1016 , 1277 . 1277 .1276 1277 1017 IJTIIElt Benjamin S. Flora 11. Frances I. lOOb LVTA Carol iiu- l.VI)KN 1(K»6 1270 Chester M. Clinton 571. 966 572 J. Wellington John 617 711 1015 625 Cornelia 47() .John A. 1011) El U 12«.'> Edward M. 297, 573 John F. 121S J>VivE Carrie Florence 1279 Joseph A. 1276 7:h T.U Frances H. 573 Leland I. 1277 .lohn W. Hannah 173 Lester W. 1277 Libbie 734, 1125 Hattie L. 1005 Lewis M. 1016 1277 Lottie U. 7:J4 LYMAN iii'i Horace S. 297, 300, 572 Lillian M. 1277 John 297 Lorena M. 1276 .\manda 24,'» John M. 572 Lowell M. 1277 Charles E. 1060 Lucy 528 Lucy E. H)I7 1.27S Fred H. loiiii 12S'> Marcia F, 297 Lucy E. 10J7 M.irtha A. 49)1 Mariam 572 Malcolm B. 1277 William C. 741 Martha 358 Marian A. 1016 LYNCIJ Mary E. 572. 966 Mary B. 1279 Belle r. 1262 Mary S. 297. 572 MaryE. 1017 IK' 11 art E. 1296 Nelson A. 297 Mary L. 1017 Howard U. rjHi Nelson O. 572 Mary P. 1278 Mary E. 1059 Noah H. 571 Mattie L. 1276 LYON Olivers. 297 Mildred A. 1279 Asa 5!tK Eosa P. 572. 966 Oliver 713 Bertha E. E. ,1202 Eussell 297. 572 Orin M. 1016 1276 Eli J-kS Velina 297, 572 Pauline S49 Elsie M. Mint ^\'illis 572 Percival K 1279 Frederick II. 4,M Zenas M. 572 Porter W. 1276 John M. .>>27 LOVEJOY Eachael P. 127(i John W. 440 Frank H. 1075 Ealph P. 1276 LVON.-^ Henrietta 1066 Eobert 1308 Belle L. im Joseph H. 911 Eobert M. 1218 Laurence »D» Mattie 1039 Eodney M. Eussell B. 1277 LYTLE Newton B. 911 1276 Sadie C. 928 Walter H. 911 Eichard V. 1279 MACIIAM LOWE Samuel H. 1016, 1278 Arthur H. y.m A. Margaret 1276 Seth L. 617 1017 Leonard 13*16 Alibie L. 1017 Seth P. 617 MACK Albert N. 1016. 1276 Stephen C. 617. 1018 Charles D. ltr25 Albert W. 1276 Susan A. 1017 Clarence A. K-ST Annie L. 1017 Vivian 1308 George T. 102» Arthur H. • 1016, 1276 Waldo H. 1016 1275 George W. 1025 Aurora 713 William V. 1012 1279 .>ennie E. 102i Austin C. 1017. 1278 Willis M. 1276 .lohn M. 1(12.". Beatrice 1276 Zettie 714 Nellie F. J 02.% Bertha 1278 LOWELL William 1). 1025 Bertie 1276 Nancy 368 William O. Ui2i Bessie E, 1276 LOWN MACAULEY Calvin ^I. 617, 1017 Esther 473 Amasa 738 Carl W. 1017. 1279 LOWEY Robert F. 7:J8 Celia A. 1017 James 752 Sarah 738 Charlotte E. 1276 LOYSTER MacDONALD Clara L. 1017 Martha A. 84** Louise B. ••59 Daniel 617 LUCAS William U')9 Daniel C. 617 Ann *i02 William II. MacIVOR Flora 11. James 11. •jil David 617 , 1016. 1278 Jane 602 8,37 Davis S. 617, 1017 LUCE Delia E. 1017 Sabra 269 lltu Donald V. 1277 LUCKIE .'vJ7 Edna 1018 Hattie L. 1143 MACNIUKK Edna M. 1016, 127.T LUDHAM Charles H. •KC Edward J. 1278 Mr. 469 Hanford i«l7 Edwin G. 1017 LUEDERS MADDEN Eleanor 1.278 Henry W. 1264 .\nna .M. .37.» Elizabeth 1278 LUMBAED .MAUDOCK Ellen M. 1016, 1275 Lucy 216.217 Alice M. 1200 Ernest P. 1276 LUMBEET MAGINNJS Erving F. 1276 Miss 946 Frank 7,H Eugene F. 1017, 1279 LUNDQUI'^T MACiOON Florence J. 1276 Adrian F. 12.11 Melissa HM Frank E. 1016, 1277 Flora 1231 MAIUIRE Fred 714 Frederick A. 1:2.31 liertha E. 1179 Frederick H. 1017, 127S Lois 12.il M.MN George 617. 1017 Martha 1231 PIkIh- :.io George A. 1278 Maude 1231 MAJOR George L. 1218 Roland C. 12.31 .lenetle M. 778 George E. « Gertrude W. 1016, 1278 Verda 12 fl MALCXJM 1276 LUPTOX Allen lUtS Gordon 1018 Carrie 997 Allen G. 61tu* Friincisco C. t\W Fr.-tl.rl.-k H. ti99 IsalK-llaB. «m LiK'llaC. «!«» Marv A. OIH( Mary V. (5SW »>rla"ii(lt> WW f)rvlllt> W. Clii MAF-COMSON' ijurab l^Oit MAIJJ'KV Clinton J. losr lit'lUXf E. Ills; Harry .1. t»»2. lOhT Lui'le 1115 Marv E. lOH" Kutfi A. 9! 1-2 Williarij B. fiiC Ids; William J. (ill:,' MALTBY Aloii/o 791 Oeorgf A. 791 MANCHESrEK Archie 1191 Violet M. 1191 MANGDM Amelia 'Xi:i Anna L. 9a5 Hetsey J, «;i5 Clara 93.T Clark 933 Cyrijs Desmond 935 933 F)uane 935 Emma 933 (ieor^e At. 9;« fjeor^e 11. 935 Harold 9;i3 Harvey 933 J. Will'iara 935 .Uremlah 933 John W. 9:i3 Joseph 935 Kav 9.35 Lydia 933 Lydia E. 935 .Miiry 1236 93:1 Marv A. 934 Sarah O. 935 1235 Thomas 93;{ Thomas L. 935 William 9:j.3 MANN Rebecca A. 1130 MANNING Louisa Anna MANSFIELD MANSUR Charles B. Dorothy Florence Frank Ueorjre Geori Geor;;e Lucy Malvina H. Marion Marv E. Mary W. •Wilfred C. II. V. H94, S94. H94, S94. Clara F. Annie Thir/.a .MAPE.« MARA WET/, MAUBLE ma 121H 121H 121M 121.S 121s VZ\H 12I.S S94 121s 1284 121K S94 121s WK 111! 1053 4lKt Nelson G Sophie William Louisa M MEKCHANT MAIUJGRAF MAKKEY MAHKllAM MARKS Amasa A. Anna A. Anna G. Annie Cliarles A. Charlfs E. Eli/.a.I. Frances L. Frederick A. (ieor^e E. Lucy E. Lucy .M. .Mary E. William L. .MARRIN'ER Frank Harriet E. -Milton MARSDEN Mary E. MARSH D. Henry Darwin \V. .Mary MARSHALL Antoinette Arthur Holla Benjamin G^ F]d\vin Fainiy Farnswortb B. Farnsworth G. Frank George Helen Helen .M. Henry Jane Julia Laura Mary Mary E. Minnie E. Orville Peleg Rollln Ruth Thomas MARSTON Belle Cliarlotte CyiUhia F, .Minnie F. Sarab Zenas MARTIN Ardelplda A rile lienjamin F. (Jalvin Fred (ieorge James M, J essie John C. John L. Octavia Teiiipa TlnHiias F. \'ifi|nain MARVIN Forrest W . Fred Gerald S. .MASON Aaron 574 1213 KV, 421. 763 422 764 7(W 422. 7(W 7lW 7l>:f 7t>4 422 422. 7ii4 422 763 422. 7t>;i 422. 764 lldti IHK) urn) 1154 1210 1210 KXMi 517, XS7 517 1173 590 1296 872 590 51K). 9S3 517 517. SNi 517 971 517 303 517 887 872, 120s 127S 886. 1214 517, 887 .517 872 1296 887 !H1I 298 563 6.'>5 298 298 9!t2 1289 1076 1076 792 1076 107(), 1289 1289 1076 1076 1076 1076 1076 12.^9 13(Hl i:<(IO 1300 Anceir. Clara B. Cbarles G. Columbia T. Cora E. Ellen M. (irace E. HerUrt Howard Jane E. .lennie M. 868, S«58. .1. MASSUR Mis, 793. Lois A. MASTERMAN Sarab A. MASTERS Claude A. Elsie A. .lolin \. Leo .V. .Maude A. Mav A. Millard A. SvlHl A. Wiiinifreti A. MATAH David MATHER Martha A. Zelotes MATHERLV Anderson George B. .MATH IAS John J. Mary S. MATJiON MATTHEWS S, Abigail Algie M Charlotte Emma Frank E. Ilervy Howard Jane E. Jentne L. Jolin .M. Levina B. Minnie Morgan S. Steplien MATTHEW.SON Alexander Minnie M. .MATTOCK George George H. John MAXEV Han nab MAXFIELD .Josephine MA.MM Mattie A. MAXWELL Andrew B. Archibald H Charles C 793 Delilah M Edna Erma Eva Flavins Franklin (ieorge Grace I. Hannah llatlie .lane licona Mary L. .Maryette Nina F. I'hebe Rachael M. 924. 924. 12;«, 924. •24. 924. I(»9."V stW S»iK 793 1204 793 1204 793 79:* 12i»4 1172 713 87r 107s 107s lOTs l(i7s 107s 107s 107s 1078 1078 734 815 401 840 S40 425 818 530 1057 52» 966 lOir? l(«>7 U>97 713 1097 1057 916 84S l(fi7 1097 llXH-> 109t> 1053 10)3 1053 386 861 1101^ 123.3 12.36 1233 924 1234 12:0 1233 Sr24 12:« 924 818 i2;a i23;i 1233 924 123:; 123:{ 123:1 447 1233 INDEX. 137; 924, William A. William B. MAYNARD Myrta M. MAYO Anna Annie M. Edith J. Elizaljeth John A. Mary E. Maude E. Kathaniel F. Orilla V. Roxana Sarah Susan .1. Timothy L. Virginia C. McALISTER Harriet C. MCALLISTER John E. McCAIN Sarah J. McCALLISTER Alexander C. Alfred G. Oscar L. Oscar X. McGANDLESS John H. MCCARTNEY AdaF. MCCARTY Mary Phebe McCAUSLAND Antonio C. McCOLLUM Mr. Mella Stella McCONNELL Fern Joseph Mary M. McCORRISON Linnie M. Sadie E. McCLELLAN Bridget Charles Esther Moses MCCLELLAND Enoch H. George W. Laura M. McCLINTOCK Ella R. McCOY Charlotte M. Eugenie Grace E. Hannah L. Kate Ruth S. William E. McCREERY May Koy Juliet Mr. Malen Melvin Nellie F. AIcCRERY McCUMBER McCURDY McCWAIG 123:i 924 12T9 4S, 53 1224 nm. 1.293 .>8 IKH) iise. 978 1138 1106 981 530 94 5Sti 586 1261 805 664 743 667 667 667 667 1179 86(i 693 414 1091 803 803 803 1301 1301 1127 1112 1113 418 418 418 418 1166 784 1167 1094 384 808 811 1182 807 1177 .261 319 811 1185 1186 Sarah A. McDANIELS 760 1291 1291 1291 64;i 1217 McDERMOTT Charles W. William L. MCDONALD Ada Arthur B. Betsey Delia Dora Eliza A. George Harold A. Ina L Isaac James C. .lane Jeremiah John T. Lydia Mary S. Olive Waltor WilliMin T. McDONOlGH Jennie McDowell James F. Julius A. Mary Mary A. Marshall Marshall H. Robert Robert L. Mcelroy Bertha E. Edith P. Frank M. Mabel F. 1 Robert N. Thomas G. McFARLANE Amy McFARLAND Clara McFARLIN Myra M. McGARVIE Nancy Mary Ina . McGEE McGHEE McGINLEY Charles Ebenezer Frederick E. .James Louisa McGINNIS Charles McGOVEKN Catherine McGRATH Frances M. McGRAY Li/zie M. McGREVEY Charles II. McGUlRE .John _ McINTIRE Emily Frances Mr. McINTYKE Beatrice M. Evelyn B. Wilbur S. McKALLER Charles .lesse 11. Daniel S. Hester A. James S. McKAY 1227 122s 949 11(17 309, 5SS 309 .5.S9 309, 589 'vS9 1077 1077 309 1077 309 309, 5S9 inrr 309 309 ••KKI 5.><9 665 1021 382. 6i>5 382. 695 6ft) 382 .382, 695 .3,^2 695 381 10:» 1114 1114 114, 1:.".i4 1028 1029 529 1205 1308 482 442 1057 433,779 433 433 6i6 433, 779 720 832 831 109H 1006 1166 711 1099 4S9 12M' 12S9 12S9 457 457 :m. !n»2 5lk), 99:t 595. 9i)3 .MarvC. 595, 5HO Sarah M. ."i95, !HI2 -MdvF.E Alexander W. 12XM Eleanor IHH) Henrietta 1190 McK'ENNEV Charles 712 Drusilla M. 712, 110.1 Charles II. IKi.l. 12!>;i Frances E. 712. IKtt George E. 712 Henry 11. 712, 11<« llerliert .N. 712 I.,iv4 Edwin F. 1104, rjttj Ella M. 1 101 Grace D. 1104 Guv L. 1104 John H. 1104 M cKIBBEN Adam E. 106:i .\nna M. 106.1 .lohn una .John W. 106:1 McKITCHE> .Jessie M. 11S5 William H 1185 McLEAN Annie .1. 1242 Mc.Ml KK.W Mr. 401 McNELLIE Emily D. McNIEL 766 Nellie McNITT l]9!i Albert 11. 12?J Bertha A. 1271 Bessie 1271 Daniel H. IIKW. 1271 Dwight E. KMH Elmer N. 1272 Ernest 1271 George D. UNIS Herl)ert A 1-271 Jay W. 1271 Jessie 1271 Lee W. 1-271 Milo B. lOOs, 1272 Nathan E. lOos. 1-271 Nathan 1'. IIIOS Nettie M. 1271 Uly.sses .1. lOOS. 1271 M< •PIIERSON Margaret McKAE KHC' Belle MrWAI.N nil Anna 624 Charles W 112:1. 1024 Daniel II. 62.1. 10-2i DavUl B. (•i2:t. ItrJa David E. KC. Elsie 1). io-2.'>. r>-2 (JtMirge \N . ii23. 10-25 Harriet E. Iti't. 643 .lane 624 .lolin 624 Laura (CM Leavitt B. •LM Mary E. liCi Mnrrell 10-25 Orissa (•CI Kul)y C. 1025 1376 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. William B. Willliiiii 1). MEACII Eunice S. M EACH AM Cola \V. MEADE Alexander .1. Alinena C. AlvinT. Men jamin F. Hcssi.- A. Carl K. Caroline E. Charles Charles (5. Charles L. Charles N. Charles W. Cljurlotle B. Chloe Clara B. Cvru«i II. Daiii.l II. Ellen Eniiiia Europe A- Fraiiti B. bieorne B^ Georj^e F. tieorjie S. George W. H raci" Hamlin C. Haiinab E. Harriet S. Harry K. Harvey H. Helen C. Henry C- Ida B. Indiana James A, JaneF. Jennie M. John M. Josephine Luerelia A. Magfiic 1 tC3, M;irt.Mret Martha Mary H. Mary D. Mary H. Minnie A. Minnie L. Noble K. Quincy Robert C Sarah HtellaG. Sumner William William C. William II Willie W. M. :{31. 623 Ufc.'S :tl{) HH!) IftM \(r>x 7.').') Sil. (Go KWi 5<.l» 51 Ki 025,620 Uttx ")!»."> I)2t; aai. 625 755 505 a31.625 754 5i>5 755 :f31, 626 1026 1025 ti26 626 1142 1026 (HT), 1026 725. 1142 XSl 1026 725. 1142 625 Xil, 626 102s 421 331, 595, 62() 505 6;J5 62.) 626, Kathfrlne Mar^raret MERCER Rachael MERCHANT Hexekiah Dflioruh Thankful Lydia .losiah . Lizzi*- .lolin II. Ht'riiioiiie .Mitriloii B. Edwin H. Edwin F, Georj^e S. lenr.'.t L. Lucrella L. Roberts. Kiilh K. MICKEL .MILES 110.-, 6()6 1)67 ii6T 667 1305 1305 IM<<.I 774 431 1305 1305 MILLEN Ale.xls Alfred Alice Allison It. Ann J. Anna Arthur C. Arthur T. Itenjamirv Bertie Caroline- Caroline .M, Carrie Carrie B. Carrif D. Carrie E. Carrie V. Charles Claire I. Collins W. Curtis David F. Delia A. Diana Donald T. Edith H. Ella Elizabebb Elvira Emily L. Emma Ephraim Ett!l Faitb Fannie Fanny Flora G. Florence L. Florista A. Frederick C. Frederick M. Galiisha F. Genevieve V. George B. Georsie I. GlenT. Grace Grace I. Hamlin llarriet .1. Harry Heber John S. .lulia . Liura Lewis Linus W. Lorenzo I). Louisa v.. Lucy L. Mr. .Man ton L. M.I riraret .1. Martha D. Mary Milo Minerva .1. Nellie Ophelia Kosetta Russell Savilsliury Silas Thaddeus U. Vernon E. Volney MILLER 11.35> li:V) 1160. 130r 1160 7t)9 1161V 379 514, '^8» 514, 8H4 594 .594 5.'>6 691 1IKC> 275. 514 88:{ 379 272. 510 10S7 KK 591. I0s7 loiC 698. 10*t2 1297 501 274 378, 379, 690 272 379. 6'.MI li:f.> KKKV 514. 88;t 379. 782 274. 513. 1144 514 7i>2 1266. 12.57. 1;J08. 12.57. 1»K 510, .879 10i»2 113» 698. 10!»2 12.57 898. l(li<2 1IH)4 .•vs;i 698, 1092 t)91 113,'^ 12.57 li:V) .514. SS.J 514. 8S4 12.57 272 98:j 272 274. 513 8.«<;v 274. 514 379, i;91 691 272. 5UV 12;tl 514. .S 1024 514. 883, 1216 274 10.S7 1171> 870 .594 916 594 317 i2:n 691. 1087 8.83 INDEX. 13- w. 609 MOLITOR Margaret P. 713. lliM Wesley A. 379 Josephine 920 Martha ;flHi, 713 Willard E. 691 MOLLARU Slehitable 214 William 274. 513 Sarah E. 1253 Oci-a 7lU Herbert 1258 MONK Otea 7(14 Irene 274, 514 Asahel I. 790, Ikis Oils 390. 713 Jackson C. 1135 Earl 1U58 Rachael E. 1(22 Jennett 983 Emniott 7itO Sarah 3JHJ, 714 Jeannette 0. 883 John 790 Thomas H. 8H8 Jerusha P. 272 Josephine Pearl 7!)0, 1168 Thomas L. 731 John 983 1168 Vesta .\. 648 John B. 1138 MONROE Vincinl 7U John H. 272. 510, 1U95 Martha 374 William 7(14 MILLETT Sarah 374 ,880 William (i. 731 Joseph Henry 941 941 MONSON Harriet 413 MORF.IiOUSE Adeline Mikirt'fl Mortimer Seth O. MILLICHAMP Ethel L. MILLIGAN William MILLINGTOjS Samuel D. MILLS Aurelius Carrie G. Clara Cora E. Edwin C. John S. Stiles E. 1203 771 r a55 MONTGOMERY Polly MONTROSE 505 4(58 830 472, K-K) 472 Adeline S. Catherine B. Erasmus D. 512 512 881 512 MOREY Arthur N. Frank K. 887 855 728 751 1157 890 728, 1120 743 728 Henry W. Lucy'R. Marion M. Mary E. ' Sarah A. MOOERE 512 512 512 , 8.S1 512 , 882 ,882 512 Howard W. Isabel \l. Joseph 11. Norris MORFORD Hattie S(i7 867, 1 103 867 86(J 735 Emeline R. 720 M0R(;AN Nellie 914 Adelbert 749 William F. William P. 1094 MOOERS .\deliiic 475 728 Mary A. 1111 Kdwanl 1. 4tU MILTABARGER MOONEY Ettie A. 1(H7 Clareacy S. 695 Mary A. 1186 George W; 1040 MINER MOORE Isaiali 4(14 Bertha E. 1208 Abbie 714 Joseph 978 Charles 425 Abbie P. 713, 1106 Lucy A. 464 George 1141 Abigaiil C 764, 1151 Rebecca 137 George M. 754 Alwilda 713 Roval L. 0. 749 H. C. 461 Ann 3!)0 William F. 464 Huldah J. 754, 1141 Arthur W. 713, 1106 MORRILL Ida M. 754 Belinda A. 713. 1106 Annie 900 Joel 754 Bertha 713 MORRIS Mary A. 754, 1142 Charles 318 Bessie E. 1280 Mat hi as 425 Clarence J. 713 MORRISON Nettie 461 Clarence M. 713 Agnes 593, 9!Kt Robert 425 Clifton M. 713, 1107 Chad wick ftSil Sarah E. 754, 1141 Earnest 714 Elizabeth 593 Susan 425 Ed ward 647 Ellas. 982 Thomas 425 Edwin O. 713 Emma 59:^. 990 Wallace T. 7.54. 1141 Elizabeth 714 Eugene 9^9 MINNICK Ella N. 713 Hannah M. 955 Hannahette 795 Elmer H. 1106 llflen 593. 9sit MITCHELL Emma 1300 .lames 593 Charles E. 904 Emma .1. 713. llOli Lewis 9S1I Edward 519 Emmeline 390 714 Mary 989 Eunice U. 904 Esther M. 1106 Rose 59.3. 9mt Fannie J. 519, 888 Evelyn 713 William 59: , 59;j. 9S!l George A. 1165 Eugene 851 MORRO Maebelle B. 1047 Eugenie 851 Eugenie E. 812 Mary 1140 Frank A. 713, 1106 MORROW Mary A. 888 Frank H. lUS Mamie 1211 May L. 519 Fred J. 713 MORSE William H. 1166 Gladys E. 11(H) Allen C. s()5 Pavid L. 3(e Alma L. 1186 Katherine 3iHI Edward 4W Homer J. 1186 Katherlne M. 76S Elizal.tih F. 8(i2 May William 1247 L. Albert 390 . 714 Emma K. St>2 1186 Lorenzo 39(1, 714 Frank H. •iTiO. Ut)l MOFFATT Lilly 66.) Frank L. ihy David T. •1061 Louisa B. lllHl Frank W. 8(12 Edwin 1061 Lucia A. 731 Frederick H. 4W. S(12 Harris E. lOtil Luella 1297 GenoUe ^62 Horace E. 1061 Lydia 390 George II. •199. Ni2 Sadie L. 1061, 1286 Mabel 6«- ,714 Georgia B. s(i2 Susie E. 1061 Marcus 714 Gertrutle .Nl3 1378 TJIE HAMLIN FAMILY Harvey H. 2{W. iW Lui-y .\. 2H4 Eliza W. 527 Iliirvt'v L. )^-2 .Mary C. 5:19 Emily B. 527 Ilfiiry (J. 093 Susan E. .538 George 11. 527 ls:il)illati. 49« Abla A. 544 Julia A. 528 John •Jtw MINSON M.irgaret 528 .John F. 'MX. 4W. nW Ada A. 734 Mark 527 John U. 4ii!t. St;:: Alma 734 Mary E. .")2s, iKHI John J. 4!"'.t Charles 277, 519 NA\' Jonathan m:> Edith M. 7.34 Lottie 1010 Kathi-rine C. 1192 Eva C. 7:J4, 1121 NAYLOR Laura N>2 Frankie C. 734 John E. l.il2 Lanra A. 4!>'.l Hannah K. 277. .-)20 NEAL Laura U. V^Mt Hiram 760 Ann M. 5.'^1 Mary 49!>. 1(>.".1 Isabella ]28;t Frank R. 971 Marv E. >fc> .lames E. 519. 888 Frank W. 581, 971 MarV L. St)-* .lane 519 John .581 Scri'pta 4i'9 .lulius 277. 519 John R. 581. 971 'I\'i7i|)i'rance 499 J usi us 277. 519 Lucy .1. 581 W, A. 7M Laura 277 NEALY Wilson M. 1051 Maria E. 277. .■.19 Nina 911 MORTON Martha C. 277, .520 NEELEY Annie D. 901 Milton .1. 7;i4 Helen 1176 Elizal)etli 529, 5t01 Nellie J. 734 J. Howard 1176 Klla \i. 901 Samuel H. 7M John H. 1176 Fredcriclv .")29. !X)1 Sarah 519 Lucien B. 1176 George 1-'91 Stewart 519 William 11. 1176 (ieorfje A. rc>!) MINSEV NEP^F (ieors^e \V. 529. IHll David H. 1245 Louisa L. 1182 (Jilbert .')•-';• MURCH NELSON Helen .529 Alartha 284 John P. 407 Lizzie G. 1043 MURDOCK Langford L. Marion E. 1214 Lizzie T. !HI1 L. R. .S54 868 May iHIl Leafy .331 Ole 74;i Ruth S. 1291 John M. 936 NESBITT William IL 529 Ellen W. 1198 Charles 976 MOSHER Stanley W. 1198 Mabel 97ti Calvin 481 Walter L. Mils NEWBERRY Joseph Louise 481 William H. 1197 J ames S.'H) 481 MURPHY Olive A. 85(5 MOSES Elsie 390 NEW BURN Jolin L. 947 MURRAY Nancy M. 1308 Roxanna 219 Edward P. 1124 NEWCOMB SamunthaJ. 694 Grace E. 1124 Almira 316 MOSS Margaret J. 1207 Azariah 316 Ida 920 Thomas C. 1123 Charles E. 582 MOTHERWELL MUSGRAVE Cornelius S. 316 Anfjie O. tiiK) Elizabeth V. 1174 Daniel E. 772 Edwani T. ti9!t Stephen B. 1174 Daniel Y. .582 Elizabeth E. (i90 MUTCHLER David E. 582, 972 Flora A. (i9'.» Marv 843 Ferrit 422 George W. 699. 1(194 MYERS Isaac B. 316 Leigh H. 1094 Carl 1058 Mvra M. 582 Thomas A. 699 Edward 1058 Rutli 316 MOTT Elizabeth 694 NEWELL Cornelia 313 Jessie lt>58 Ada L. 763 Edward 313 Marlin 105S Elmer F. 968 Frances W. 1158 Max 10.">S Frederick W. 968 l''redericli 313 Zora lt»58 Hobart 11. !Ki8 .lames 313 NARRAMORE Mabel T. 7i;;j Laura 313 Elmer E. 1003. 1270 Mary *»> OrvlUe 313 Gladys 1270 Milton 7(8 MOULTON Henry L. 1003 Myron 763 Horace H. 709 I^Iartha A. 1003. 1269 t)ra E. 763 I>iicretia B. 6lW NARRERGAN Uov W. 7(8 MOVER Rose 10S2 Way land M. 7i8 Anna L. 12ti.-) NARTEN NEWMAN CJuy I>. 99;J Bertha E. 1075 0. A. ,S49 Ilfiiry M. 993 Christian 1075 NICOLL .lohn 11. 852 Christian C. 1075 Azra P. 929 i^amuel i1>3 Henrys. 1075 Lurline 929 Seymour 12(M Lyman F. 1075 Priscilla 929 MUDGE Perry E. 1075 NICHOLS Enoch .105 NASH Abbie M. 1242 Hannah 138 Almira 414 Annie P. 519 lluldah 224 Emily 12:il t^lareiice E. 12JK) M.try 76 George 1'. M2 Elizabeth 8(52 MULLETT .John W. tW2 Emily A. 757 Adt laide F. .'>39, 91 1 Josephine t)5i'i l''rederick S. 12iK1 Alfred K. 538, iMI9 Prince T. IU2 Helen A. !Hi7 Arthur C. 539 Samtiel B. 642 Lizzie A. SS4 diaries E. 53S Samuel H. (►42 Martha D. (;22 (•h;irles F. 284. r>.i,s W illie .M. IH2 Mary 411 HI! /.a 284. 5:58 NASON Marv A. 944 Kmlly F. .■>:t9 C\'irollne O. 527 Uutii 1'. 121 HI (ieorge F. 5.39. 91 1 Delia \i. .527. 899 NICHOL-SON John 284,538 Edward A. 528 Arthur C. 971 INDEX. 1379 Bessie G. I.e. 971 John 391 OLMSTEAD 729 Laura O. 605 MaryL, OLNEY MM James L. 971 Martha L. 944 ,HW5 Jennie L. Mabel A. NICKERSON 971, 1125 12;>1 Mary E. NORVILLE .lames J. 1085 1175 Minerva ORCUTT Clarinda H. 670 604 Anna 943, 1236 .1 ami's \V. 1175 ORDWAV Celia 979 Warren .1. 1175 Mary E. 1037 Clara 1106 NOTTAGE ORMISTON Doris M. 1250 Elizabeth 11. 1045 W. T. 651 Israel F. 942 Frank M. 0,SI), 1045 OK.MSUY Josepliine 943 Grace A. 1045 Catherine M. run Louis 1250 Herbert F. B. 1045 Ellen y\. 5U(i ihu Lucinda H. 540 Herbert P. IkMi, 1045 Ir:i II. 59tl Lydia A. 588 May E. 104') Marv J. 596 Mr. 292 Nathaniel 1045 Noble D. rm Mary 942 Piercy 11, 1045 Wilmot N. 59( ), 9SH Orrick 400 Samuel F, 636 ORTON NICKLE9 NOURSE Catherine 'M~ Jeannette 769 George B. ioo:j ORVILLE NIGHTENGALE .lohn P. ltH)2 Kate 1193 Frances 1117 John W. 1003 OSBORN NILES NUTTER Eva 761 Charles E. 1085 Mabel M. 122(i Harry T. K11 Charles M. 689, 1084 NUTTING Theresa E. 1004 Claude E. 689, 1085 .John H. 1260 OSBORNE Levern E. 689 Sophia 638 Edna L. 1178 Mildred E. 1085 NYE Laura A. 11 7s, VMXi Rosa M. 689, 1085 Alvin iKS7 Rockwell C. 117H Seabert H. 689 Arthur G. ."iliO Willis L. 1177 Thomas L. 689 Asa 119 , 207, 558 OSGOOD NOAKES Benjamin 560 Caroline B. 877, 1211 Florence T. 1161 Bethiiel G. 559 Emily M. 1211 NOBLE Elizabeth 119 Ilarod .M. 1211 Addie 1125 Esther 1 19. 207 Hiram 877 Adelaide M. 452, 809 Florence G, 948 Hiram R. 1211 Belle J. 971 Hannah ,556 Homer B. 1211 Charles H. 809 ■fames H. 948 Ida M. io4:t Deborah A. 453 James P. 586 .lames W. 877 1211 Delia 1119 Joanna F. 1065 Samuel H. 877 1211 Eliza M. 452,'809 John 560 Willard P. 1211 Emeline M. 45; , 809 Josiah 119 OSTERHOUDT Fanny A. 1234 .Josiah C. 948 Catherine 11. 802 Floyd T. Grace 1181 809 Lemuel 62 Lot , 119, 559 ti2, 118 Harris P. Henry F, 802 .S02 Harriet M. 452 Mary t)3 Howard Htt James L. 809 1181 Mercie P. 558 OSTRANDER James M. 452 Mercy 63 Viola A. 1119 Marian A. 453, 809 Mercy A. 586, 978 OSTRO.M Orra M. 45:: 2, 808 Mercy P. 6();i Abigail 477 Thomas M. 45:: ;, 809 Nathan 63 OUSTERHAUT Warren 0. 1181 Peter 207 Viola 1157 William H. 809, 1181 Rebecca 119 OVERLIN NOBLES Robert i>(50 Claude li:52 Hannah 160 Russell S. 726 S. ii:t3 Job 160 Samuel 63 OVERLOCK NOE Saphronia 5i)0 Susan A. '.MM Dora 840 Sarah 63 OVERSTKEET NOLAN Silas 588 Elizabeth 890 Lida 909 Sylvia 2^)5 OVIATT NORTH ■ Thankful 63 Esther 224 Amelia 757, 1145 Thomas 63, 558 Lillian 1084 Elisha D. 757 O'CONNELL OTIS Eliza 436 Josephine A. 1281 Jane 2JI6 Elizabeth 760 O'FLYNG OWEN George W. 679, 950 Aleela ♦!66. 1058 Alible S. 711 John D. 760 Caleb C. :Hu, 6(i5 Abigail :i88. 710 Rebecca C. 444 Clarissa :i67 Alice M. 711 Rebecca 244 Edmund 3(i7 Amelia A. M. ;V>M NORTHAM Frances E. 3(>7, 6(i5 .Arthur W. 1160 Heber 510 Isaac M, 367, 666 Charles E. 711 1102 Henry H. 510 Ivyl 6t)ti, 10,">8 Charlfs H. UVI2 IKC* Nellie 510 Louisa T. 3«)7, 6(i() Charles P. ;is8 Samuel 510 James E. 665 Elmer \V. 116U Solomon S. 510 Marion ti(>(! Elvah C. 1U»2 NORTHROP Marion I), 367 Flori-nce P. 1 I6U Charles S. 1127 Mary H. ;«j7, 665 Frank 1.. 711 Earle H. 1128 O'KELLEY Fred K. 711 llftJ Frances M. 1128 Elizabeth 213 Gract' 5i « James W. 1128 O'LARY Henrietta :ws NORTHRUP Hearald i:t06 Henry T. 711 Sarah M. 5:i8 Tim 1306 Lona II. 711 NORRIS OLDHAM Perry W. Il(!9 Orrin G. 12(3 Emma F. 1072 Haymontl 1102 NORTON OLLER Tliiiodiy II. ;iss Eliza S. 605 Ada C. 1144 Walter I161» 1380 THE HAMLIN FAMILY \\ illiani 3W \S illiaiu II. 388, 710 William S. 388, Til OWENS Cliailes II. 1042. 1102 .losi'ph 1042 Mabel C. 1042 Maude A. 1042 llawanl H. 421 I'ACCAKD Alii-f II. mio Chilion 1S4 Cornelia W. :i2o Cynthia K. 320 David lh4 Ellen M. 320 Irani 183. 310 Irene 1,^3 Lvdia E. 88S Mary A. (ii>" Myron W. 320 Neplii .320. (iO!) No.ili 183,184,320 Olive 184 I'olly 183 Polly H. 320 Sally ls4 PADBURV Satie 120!) PAINE Anthony M. 410 Ellsworth E. 739 George A. 739 George H. 411. 739 PAGE Albert C. 1104 Charles A. 1104 Charles H. 528 Levi 528 Martraret C. ,389 Martha H. 528, 8 Charles L. 992, 1302 Clara A. 1206 Edward E. 594, iKI2 Edward G. 1274 Emily 514 Emma U. 1270 Everard 7(H) FU)ra E. 8.-)4 Francis 1302 Fredericl< G. 1302 Gardner 1302 Gertrude A. 594 H. 1). 721 Harlow C. 700 Iltnry B. 1205 .1 eroihe A. 594, 992 John 244. 447 Lewis B. 1205 Leuelah D. 854 Liz/.ie A. 1124 Mal<-olm B. i;i02 .Mamie V. i«)2 Mary B. 591 Mason 244.447 Myrtle M. 99'' Paul M. 594 Hollo C. 1205 Sarah 447 Sarah A. 992 Sarab K. 528 W. («7 William 854 PANGBOKN Ethel P. 783 Floy E. 7«3 .lames L. 763 Myrtle M. 763 I'AI'INEAU Louis .1. 1267 PARDEE Amand.-i 443. 797 Betsey 13s Daniel . I. 224.410 l>avid II. 224. 409 Kliziibeth 224 Harriet 797,1174 Harriets. 443 Harris 44;j, 797 Irwin 44;i .lames 137, 224 .loll II 76 .lonathan 138,141,22:1 -Mary A. 224, 410 Rebiccra 138, 224, 410 Sally 151 Sarah 224. 410 PARK Addison 465 Altana W. 46i">, 825 Arthur 1046 Austin F. 465. 824 Benjamin 753 Ben jamin S. 753. 1140 Beriiia 1140 Caroline 769 Catherine J. 342, 6:i8 Charles R. 342 Clara 390 Cyrus H. 342 Earl 437 Edward 1140 Edward E. ia8 Eleazer 194 Esther 229. 437 Fred E. 75;^, 1141 Georj^e II. 638 Hannah 231 Harry H. 1141 Irene 437 .Toll 11 194,341,342.638 ■lobii II. 7r)3, 1140 .loseph 437 .loseph W. 188 .hi Ma 6;i8 Mary. I. 465.825 Mortimer T. 753. 1140 Ray 1140 Sally A. 342, 6as Sarah 194. 342 Sidney W. 465, 825 Stuart 638. 1046 Stuart .1. 342, 638 William :il2, 6;i8 William S. 194, 638 PARKE Annie H. 891), 1219 Bernice B. 896 ,lane S. 896, 1219 Susan W. 896 William C. 896, 1219 PARKER Abraham L. 576 Amasa 410 Anu'lia .M. 757 Bessie 1 1 75 Cliarles E. 410, 737 Charles F. 573, Wi6 Cleone T. 576 Cora A. 573.91)7 Daniel 207 ManicI II. 410 Di'borali 68 ElizabeMi C. 410.7.(7 Elizabeth L'. 1126 Ezra 1176 (ieorjfe A. 410. 7:i8 Henry A. 1214 Henry M. 967 .l;imes ■ 410, 738 .Ijimes II. 572 .loseph II. 575, 576 .Junius C. 410 Lovell H. 9»)7 Maria L. 576 Marion .576 Marv A. 410. 738 -Matilda 529 Mercy 207 Nora"F. 844 ()s.-ar F. 576 Paulina M. 1126 Philamond S. 410. 7:17 Rebi'cca .342 Rebecca L. 410. 73S Robert 410.737, 1126 Robert M. 1126 Rose 576 Rose D. 576 Sheldon H. 1214 Silas B. 575 Susan 749 William S. 737 Zeno S. .576 PARKHILL Annie I27i) PARKHURST Sarah 192 PARKS Cadence E. 684 Martha A. 513 Xancy 327 Tryphenia 379 Victorine O. 584 PARLIN Laura A. 1122 PARLOW Phebe 290 PARMELE Mr. 413 William 413 PARISH Eupene M. 1182 Harvev 1182 Lulla M. Ils2 Mary R. 11, k2 Nora A. 1182 PARRY Harriet E. 732 Sophia 732 PAR.SON Clara 739 Frank L. 739 Mabel 1127. 12!Ki Marv C. 739 Myron F. 739 Robert F. 739, 11. -.^ William 739 William C. 739 PARSELL Ichabod S. 1155 Samuel G. 1155 PARTRIDGE Bertha 1106 Kliza ,sic.i l\ Percy IKHi Freeman 71.'i. 1106 Herman iKXi Sophia 692 PASCHALL Barbara 1163 (ieorge W. 774 Guy S. IKW Samuel S. 774. 1163 PATOHEN Susan 822 PATERSON Hiram 885 PATRICK Elvira .1. .518 Henry W. 1160. y.m Malcom iitjO Maria L. 780 Marv E. 7.s0 Nellie 1160.1302 Susan. I. 1301 PATRTDGE .Minnie F. 1124 INDEX. 1381 FATTEN James ;{()2 Julia 500 PATTEESON Addison A. loOO, 1268 Alley Y Ansel Austin E. Bessie M. ■Caroline H. Charles E. Clifford Clyde R. David L. S. Edward Elisha B. Elzadle H. Ernest B. Frances Harold Harry L. James H. James F. Josephine Lucy Louisa M. Madge Maruuerite Robert M. Sara L. PATTISOX Silas PAYNE Arthur W. Charles H. Edward H. Eliza A. Elizabeth A. Fannie D. Frank E. George A. Oeorge E. George W. James A. John M. Laura M. Lucy A. William William F. Winnie M. Alice N. Addie PAYSON PEA BODY PEAK Fred H. Horace L. Eobert D. PEAKE Amasa P. Eben E. Elizabeth P. Fannie A. George P. PEAESE Artliur A. Ephraim Helena F. Ijillian B. PEAESOLL George A. Kesiah PEAESON Amelia M. 912 217 1000 912 398 398, 725 1268 1268 725 lOOa 1268 912 912 912 912 1268 912 217. 397 .398. 725 1000 1000 1000 1000 126S 912 725 1105 910 539, 910 1066 539, 910 910 1066 910 1127 910, 1226 539, 910 918 910 539 539 538 539, 910 910 199 1047 1081 1081 1081 738 738 738 738 738 1113 226 1113 1113 840 840 Caroline S. Mehitable W'illiam R. Addie Adaline Erastus Heman J. Ira R. Jasper C. Jeremiah PEASE PECK 1205 385 847 785 394 3!)4 486,847 486 a55 394 Lewin A. Mandana L. Martha Mary Samuel E. Sarah .1. William E. John Cora B. PEEL PEELOR PEIEOE Edwin R. Elbridge G. Elizabeth Helen W. Kate Sarah E. William S. PELTON Guy R. PENDLETON Hattie E. PEN NOCK Elmira Henry W. .lohn C. Margaret C. William Wilmot PERCIVAL Abbey S. Ephraim George Hannah Harriet John Lotta Su>.an Vena William E. PERCUPILE Archie J. Eliza A. Ella A. Leonora A. William PERIGO Mark B. FERINE Mary L. PERKINS Christine Mrs. PEREINE Bes.sie Edward George G. William 117 117 117 117 1117 1117, 1295 12!t5 121K) 1295 1105 1295 75 394. 721 Berrv V. 921. 1229 Caroline II. AVJ Charles E. 39-1 Charles H. iCl Cornelia 394 Dolly 3Jt4 Edward M. Klisha 1080 Ella \V. Elsie L 1237 Frederick C. Frederick E. .lames .lo.seph .losepli E. Kate II. Luke \V. Lydia afiss Mary .\. Mary L. Margaret L Mary V. Mercv Morris B. Ealph F^ Susan M. William PHIPPS Harriet A. PHINNEV Andrew Asa S. Braddock Charles Content Elvira A. Emilv Frank E. Frederic Harriet N. Joseph .lulia F. Lucy LucV E, Lydia S. Mercy Olive H. E. Bertram Tabitha Waldo B. PHILBROOK Mary W. Walter PHILLIP.S Abbie L Amelia J. Andrew Charles H. Diana Enoch ■ Ida John C. F. Julia R. Lloyd Margaret H. Sophia L. Ura PERRV 945 Harriet B Alzina Angeline Anna Annie H. Christiana Mary PETERS PETITT PETTIT Jane T. Anna \V, PllAIR PHELPS 4 I llitt 987 1178 1178 1178 987 987 559 293 711 173 558, 949 558 711 558, 948 711 558 1074 1074 1074 1074 1074 845 863 1114 259 875 875 875 875 439 023 959 376 623 490 tS.'3 969 1299 623 439 1299 1055 828 826 1085 832 465 465 1063 780 788 sot 7M0 434, 780 414 2>C. 414 im6 '*m TWO 782 782, 1165 414 782 782 ■at. 7S0 286 540 780, 4:m. 2>I7, 171 573 563 297 29«i 573 297, 573 573, 967 573, 967 301 297, 57d 297, 574 573 12X7 297, .573 213 3tf4 12n7 20S 12'>7 1216 1216 Albert E. Alice B. Arthur A. Asia Bertha Betsey Catlu'rine Edwin W. Emeline Enos B. Ethel T. Harold E. Harriet R. Ivers I vers C. James .loliii .Iose|ili \V. Lydia Miss Mary A. Oils S. Ralph M. Sally SaiiMU'l Sarah T. Setli Smith F. 'i'hotnas Walter E. 620, 1(120 !M2 ]?i6 12:S6 l.ss 1236 IK**. 325 rttl. 446 1020. 1279 69,S 942, 1336 1279 i2;w (I2lt. 1020 325. 6IS 4120. lOlM ;i2U 18.S, 326 823 188,325 873 620 i2;w 1236 :42r). (CO i-^s, :j2S (W). 1O20 18*1. IKS. :42:i ^34. 11 SI isv .126 I2:i6 1382 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. FIirLPOT Charles 232 POPE Amanda E. r)S9 Charles A. 2:12. 421 Abbie G. .3(& P1CKARI> Charles H, 421 Alice E. ;ft>5- Eli2;a 7i-: Cornel la .\. 421 Anna F. StiD- PICKERING Daniel 232 Augustus E. 36,> Samuel 779 Edward 03-? Charles 59. 104 I'lCKETT F^dward (,'. 421. 76;{ Eben C. ;WiV Charles J255 Edwin 232 Edward J04, 201 I'lEKCK Kli/al.el.h 232. 421 , 422, 764 F^stlier 106. 201. 2ii6- Aaron aUi Klla H. 422 Eu;.'enf R. :«5 Bertha K. 113.-. Kpliraim 231 Experience 103. Blan.-lie M. 1135 Kpliraiiii !I. 232 E/.ra 59, 103. 104. 201 Ellen 1312 Fannie W, M. 422 E/ra T. 201. 365- Ueor^e T. ii:r. George F. 232 Frances E, ;J6.'> Maxson W, 1134 Henry C. 422 Fred A. !Nis 8elii>a 1312 Henry J. 2:12 Hannah 106. 201 riEKREPOXr .lacoli B. :i31 , 232. 422 Joanna 59. 11 11 Statira M. 737 John W. 422 John 59. 101 PIER8UN .losephine 421 JwJith 1114 Eva E. 12<1M Katherine D. 421 Lemuel 59. KH Nellk- F. 8«0, 1 191 Lilliel. 421 Lewis 104. 2(11 Samuel H. 830 Lewis F. 422 Lydia 106. 2t55 Walter L. ]2«8 Lucy A. 232. 421 Miss 2iil PILIXG Mary M. 421 .M artba 106, 2<12 James C- lua Mary E. 421 Robert 1(14 Lois H. IHiJ MedoraC, 648 Sarah 103. 1(11 Kuth H. lUi3 Mosetta 421 Seth 59, 104. 105, 201 I'IXE Robert T. 422 Seth T. 36» Berrie II. 999 S-.ir-Ah A. 421 PORTTTR Charles L. 999. 12(i7 Susan M. 232 Ada M. ^K Jh J^J^J ]02.>* Clara L. Ida K. 999, 999 William William E. Zi2 421, 763 Alarica Alice M. 16(1 98i> James K. P. 9i)9 William H. 232. 421 Alta A. 1110 Ruth K. 12()S William L, 232, 422 Annie C. 1110 Warren A. 999 Zaimon 232 Arthur B. 668 Warren K. FINKHAM 12li.s PLUMB Almira 4tS Arthur L, Asa Benjamin F, Carrie E. 1028 160 102r 1028 Charlotte A. PINNEY 721 Sarah L. PLUMMER 1162 Charles ]:2(i.s Albert D. 645 Catherine 378 Ella Frank 12(W Caroline M, 1096 Charles G. 1028 1001 Calvin H. 709 Clarence J. 882, 1213 George Jackson N, 1001 1001 Charles H. David 644 724 Edwin Ellen W. 1213 ti68 John PIPER IWil, 12CkS Edmund H. 709 Emma A. 501 Fannie 11. 645 Emulus W 79K Aurtlla A. 1024 Florence E. 709. 1101 Florence A. 720, 1110 PITCHER Harold H. 724. 1115 Forrest E. 1110 Bertha E. 486 Harry 1166 Francis H. 668, 1060 Clarissa 4H6 Mabel D. 724 Frank H. 8.S2 Ella 486,847 Nellie E. 645 Frank J. 720. 1110 George W. 486 Rose E. 709. 1102 Frederick M. w. 668, 106O Mary 154 Samuel 642 George M. 97* Orantie G. 486 Walter I. 724 Gertrude L, 978 Pearl 847 William 1166 Helen 1018 Seth H. 486, 847 William P. 708 HerlKjrt W. . 313, 600 POLLARD .luliana 160 (Jeor^re W. 600 Thomas t»s Lewis .M. 720. 1110 J. Howard 6lK) POLLEY Llovd M. 102H Lucy 313 Thercsii 1079 .Maria A. 720. 1110 Mary L. 600 POMEROY .Majorie W. KHiO Pamelia E. :n:i, t;oi Dorotha M. 1207 Mary 160 Hamuel 3ia ;, ti()0 Edwin G. 1207 Mary L. 1028 William F. IKK) Fannie 1089 Maude A. 1028 PITMAN .leruslKi 159 Mildre.l M, 1028 liattle i(u:> POND Minnie E, 102* PIXLE.Y Annie M. 901 Olive 160 Abigail 464 Charles D. 872. 1208 Perez 160 PLACE Frederick L. 872. 1208 Placidias P. 1149 Charles E. 12:{7 lleiirv A. 872 Raphael 160 Laura A. 805 .IoIim'I'. 872 Kutus 1028 PLAISTED Marion L. 1208 Sumner F. 1110 Mary 4S8 M.ary A. 872 Thomas F. 1028 PL ANT Y POOL \'iiMor .\. 1028 T. P. 26.5 Lydia A. 611 Waller 1). 882. 1213 PLATT I'OOLE Warren P. 8.SI Aden a F. 422 Arthur 12.S(i William 719 Annie S. 422 Hannah 441 William E, 720, 1110 Betsey 2;i2 Walter L. 1242 William 11. 881 INDEX. 1383 William W. AVinifred R. POST Isaac 668 1110 797 IdaE. Jacob H. Joseph W. Lucinda T. 69^ 6!I8 . 10!« 69H 6!W Lora M. Lynn 1). Viola R IMTNAM Avis S. 114A lUH 114H Jane 463 Morris E. 1094 1291 , I21t| 8:.! POSTLE ■Gusta POTE 857 Samuel A. PllESCOTT Anna 69S 2iIiiu>rva Samuel grACKENIUISIl Alfred J. Nancy M. 406 Anna A. 11!B Alice M. 977 Sarah E. 889 Anna H. 1240 Clara 126(1 Susan E. 8-89 Charles E. 12H0 Leon 12tiU William 597 Emma L. 1095 gi'AVLE POWELL Everett W. 10i»5 Charles T. I(i74 Addle 1189 George H. 1280 Florence 11. j(i74 . r>9 Anna E. 1266 Martha 213 Henry B. Mamie I2>9 Cyprian 467 Mary V. 889 1074 John C. 467 PRIOR Ruth K. 1074 Louisa A. 46 7, .S26 Charles O. 1060 William F. ]t»74 . 12ns POWELLSON Jessie 1060 William 11. 1«»74 Arietta K. 861 John lOciO QUICK POWERS Lucy A. 461 Rela B. 615 Budd E. 1294 Noah L. 1060 Emanui'l 11. 615 Charles M. 1262 PRINDLE Lizzie .V. fll5 Daisy 1262 Samuel 234 William D. (115 Don F. 1294 PRITCHARD OUINLAN Emma N. 1294 Clare \mi George H. 80O Harris H, 1294 George A. 1063 QUINTARD Henry E. 1294 PROCTOR Mary -m Janie R. 1056 Edna M. 788 RABON Maude M. 1294 Hannah 98 Jessie 10W Merle A. 1294 Harlan P. 788 W. liKW Otis H. 1294 Harriet L. 788 RABV Paul D. 1294 Helen 635 Clara E. i2:i« Prince A. 1294 Mildred A. 788 Edward 127(t Rachael M. 12i>4 Pay son H. 78S Gertrude .M. 1270 Kosilla 1)11 PROVIN llaztl .1. 127(t Scott F. Sheridan r2W 1294 Mary E. San ford S. SIO, 11S1 810 Marion F. Vivian A 1270 1270 Valentine 1262 PROSSER RAMSDF.LL Virginia 1128 Alice L. 1259, 1309 A. 388 FRAME Anna B. !»,So RAMj^EV Deborah 695 Eda 415 George E. 1125 John M. 796 Edna P. 12;)9 .John L. MS< Libbie A. ' 976, 1173 George H. 985 1259 RA.MEY PRATT Harold H. 1259 Emma F. im Anna B. 828 Harriet M. 9S5 RAM) Bern ice 32] , 611 Luther 985 Alice 400 Charles 82.S Mr. 415 John 1117 Charles A. 66S Mayme E. 12.59. 1309 Mary Nellie 1117 Charles K. 370 Minnie M. 985, 12.59 1117 Elizabeth 512 Maude L. 1259, 1309 Philip ('. 1116 Enoch 369 Timothy T. 415 Rk-hard F. 1117 Ernest 668 William E. 985. 1259 Sophy 1117 Florence J. 828 William V. 1259 RAN PALL George G. 37f , 6ti8 Rosalia M. 985, 1:»9 Daniel B. s52. IhXi Harry 611 PRUDUM Enmia ,1. s:)2 Helen 7S2 Frances J. 5,52 Florence C^ 1 1!t5 Herbert S. 828 Myete 1299 Frajik A. 8.-)2 ll'Hi Ida H. 370 PULLEY George C. llU'i. l.'HM Jerome I. 567 Ann E. 477 Ilarriil A. 1024 Laura •d21 , 611 PUNTENNE-i Henry W. .s.-c'. lllt.'i Lucy G. 321 , 610 Charles S. H87 Irving I>. 8.V2 Mabel 1252 James M. ,>*i7 Launcelot T. 8.-.; Maria G. ;J21 L. Eleanor 8,S7 Mr. 2:.4 Mary L. 32J ,610 Lizzietta 887, 1214 ^lari(>^ .i. II mi Otis 321 Lylah A. 887 Ravtnond I. no.". Paul 668 Minnie E. S87, 1214 Vavni- n. II'.M Sally H. 321 , 610 Sarah 15. 887 Will K. iiii; Samuel W. im PDRCELL U A.N KINS PRAY Mina A. 1173 Sarah iNll Lucy H. 1222 PURDY KANNKV PREBLE Eliza J. 3. ll8»i Henry 384 D. G. S4« (Ji'orgi' II. IKI PRENTISS ITKVIS Il.iiiiiin M. I2.V> Alphonzo 698 Clifford .1. 114S ll.irriiMt M. I.. SK't. 12.V> Earl A. 1094 John W. 1147 .leshie .M. ItNl ViM THE HAMLIN lAMILY. John II. Laura Lucy K. Norriian W. I'liollv Itufus S. William L. William W. (183. »83, KAI'P K ATM BON Eula T. Ida M. RATIIB(^)NE LL-latid n. RAWLING8 Anna L. RAW80N Mary L. Nelson Alice E(l|.?ar K. Eleann K. 1023. Fred (jiJadys John •losepli G, Lewis S. Maria L Marlon Nettie «5t). KAV Edith Jennie William Carrie A. Mary j^usan RAYMOND REA READ REA VIS Harold M. Win f red E. KEDFIELD Harriet F. ll(jrace U. Horace V. Scott F. REDDING Leah REED Ahbie J. Albert E. Annis Aujifustus C. Belle G. Caroline M, Charles R. Charlotte O. Edith B. Ellen Elvira Emily T. Emn)a Euj^ene Frank A. Florence M, Harriet Hazel M. Helen M. Henry Henry C Henry L. Horace G. Howard Howard Sv John G. I^eroy Marrlelta. Mary A. MlllU'an N. K. Nellie Knfus O. Kufus R. Samuel 811, sil, 1255 5<» 1355 1255 592 flKI 125i"i 12..J 1»U li^.t; 12! II 7X0 1127 s70 1250 102.J 12x1 12.V) (i5« 1«23 12.")0 KMO 1250 105:^ 12S7 12x7 910 426 200 1282 1282 1181 1182 811 «11 St. Clair Vesta H. William H. 834, 875. K34, 1191 h7.T 442 1075 702 1018 875 1211 1211 784 471 BOO 8;« 702 1210 1255 852 1211 lOSH 702 83.'! iim h75 1211 820 II 01 85«) io:so 1075 487 1075 702 702 702 REESE Aaron Anna Daniel Kmma A. Frank Lilla L. Lora E. .Merton B. I'latt Samnel N. Wellin^'lon W. REESMAN Margaret REEVES Julia A. REIFSNIDER Sarah E. REMINGTON Calvin B. Joseph C. REMSEN Phebe RENION Lucinda C. RENSHAW Harriet RENSSELAER Florence REYNOLDS Arthur E. Blanch E, Chester A. E. O. Irwin M. Marcus Richard Sarah REX Ella H. Jacob C. INHiinie P. Thaddeus S. RHINES Mr. 744 Clara M. Lavina Lizzie M. George F. Abbie F. Alice Artilla M. Augustus C. lienjamiu Caroline II. Charles E. Charles F. GharlesG. Charles W. Cornelia Edward C. Emery Emery E. Erma Eugene R. Eva M. Evelin .S. Frances Frank S. Frederick Frederick J. (leorfie H. llelHjr B. Horatio H. James S. .loseph Laura A. Lee A. Lloyd R. RHOADES RHODES RIAL RICE 875 702 1211 834 KM S34 8.T0 834 850 850 850 8*4 1140 xjO 750 489 970 12.58 1258 463 756 1134 546 1172 1172 816 490 816 282 816 882 10.34 1034 1034 1034 589 699 768 780 120S 527 1266 877 880 508 767 527 527 510 898 509 510 620 620. 1021 938 510 877 510 875 879, 880 508 9;J8 510. 620. SKO rion. 876 5ns, S77 .527, 89S, 938 620, 1022 938 938 510, Lucius E. 63l> Marion A. ( 520. 102i Mary 50S. 877 Mary E. .527. S9H Remick C. 510* Rena 93.H Ricliard H. .>27 Richanl K. .527 Ruth A. san Wesley T. 4,8» RICH Addie M. 971 Claris.sa F. 315 Edwin i)S7 Edwin W. 587, 979 Eunice 979 Hannah 5,8.s Henry V. 315 Horner B. 971 .lames H. 970 .lames W. 971 .Jeremiab 315 Jonathan ISO Lilla H. 587. 978 Louise F. 584 Mariam P. 315 Mary :m3 Mary P. 582. 972 Mary M. 315 Melissa A. 969 Samuel 5,S2 Uriah 582 RICHARDS Ann 550 Benjamin 1S6 Emma lltW Emmett E. 1230 Helena 976 Isaac 186, 324 John C. 12.fO Joseph 97. ls6 Mr. 469, 479 Mary 186 Rhnda 320 Ruth M. 1230 Sarah 186 Turner 4.S> Treat 486 RICHARDSON Abbie R. 61 » Adeliza 895 Alvenu !K)6 Asenath L. 298 Edwin K. UKK) Eva 874 Gardiner 365, 661 Harold P. 1100 Ira J. :W5 Josiah 171 Lester 1100 Llovd H. 1099 William H. 10!W RICHMOND Anna P. 1258 Silence .554 RICH TOR Ellen 1083 Mary lft>« RI DA BACK Louise 764 RIDDELL Enos S. 606 RIDER Drusllla 305 RIDGEWAY Emma E. 888, 1214 Frank H. S88 Ruth KS}4 Samuel L. 888 RIGGLOMAN Howard H. 1306 RIGGS Adeline E. 550, 931 Adeline A. 931 Agnes V. Albert E. 931 5i-)0, 931 INDEX. 1385 Albert S. Almond I. Amarrilla Bertha Bessie S. Brigliam A. Charles 11. Charles W. Christine L. Don F. Edwin A. Emily Ezra J. Harriet Herbert Herbert E. Irving S. John £. Julia A. Levi S. Linnie Margaret M. Mary A. Nathan A. Nelson F. Rachael Kuth Tessa Wallace Winnie 931, RILEY Abigail Edward O. Elizabeth E. James E. James L. Katherine F. William M. RIPLEY John ROBBINS Emma J. Harriet Henry S. Jennie L. Lena C. Medora M. Nellie R. ROBERTS 931 931 1235 931 931 5oO, 931, 9.i-2 550, 930 931 1277 931 931 932 1277 932 931 550.931 931 550,932 931 931 931 931, 1235 .550, 931, 932 931 1277 932 932 931 550 932 948. 217 948 1243 94« 1243 1269 1243 715 1003 343 1003 1003 1003 572 1003 Alma G. 1229 Alice T. 1080, 1290 Amer S. 1229 Anna 213 Asa C. 1229 Caroline E. 737 Carrie 1198 Catherine E. 44;5 Elise A. 817 Prances G. * 422 Frank C. 1229 Glen H. 845 Helen A. 655 Ida V. 845 J. J. 1214 Jay 593 Joseph B. 817 Lorin 1079 Mabel M. 845 Marion S. 1080 1290 Mark VV. 1229 Mary L. 1229 Minnie M. 845 Paul 817 Sadie A. 1294 Theodore A. 845 William B. 817 William J. 817 William R. 1080, 1290 ROBERTSON Albert L. 989. 1264 Archibald 1194 Bertha H 687, 1082 Daniel 989 Dean L. 1082 Ebenezer 377 Edith 687 Elizabeth Elizabeth H. Ellen Euirene R. Frank N. Francos J. Helen M. Herbert Hiram 11. John B. John II. Marguerite I. Mary Mary L. Nainie L. Richard H. Samuel Sarah M. Theodore H. ROBINSON Amanda Andrew G. Benjamin F. Bernice E. Bertha L. CaO. Ca W. Charles S. Chloc H. Edmund O. Eliza B. Elizabeth Emily B. Eva G. Fletcher B. Frank W. J. H. Jane Jay W. Laura Leslie S. Lewis H. Lewis J. Lorinda Lucy L. Marcus Margaret Mary J. Marv L. Matilda McDonald Mercv D. Milo F. Milton Muriel Nathaniel PhilenaP. Ruth A. Samuel T. Sarah A. Sarah B. Sophronia Stoughton Warren R. Wilbur S. ROBISON Alanson Laforest Lelan G. ROBY Bertie Ell wood ROCHE Beatrice M. ROCKWOOD Sarah RODGERS Nancy RODMAN Thomas V. Lydia Lucy .599. (iS7 377 t>S7 6fi7 997 989 989 '. (vS7 lOsl 12(>4 9SU 599 377, 6S7 687 1194 (187 377, tW7 10S2 687, 10S2 .V.IH 377 377, 687 523 666 885 1134 lO.V.) tU)6 1058 773 915 666 918 526 950 1101 747 666, 1058 583 387 747, 1134 1197 10.58 1].><0 li(!6 415 1134 415 598 989 755 522 666. 1059 565 ii:i4 415 773. 1162 178 904 li:i4 900 528 929 415 415 747 666, 1058 ROE Charles C. ROGER 1197 014 1197 1157 1157 1309 279 sm 665 312 842 672 ROGERS Anios Arthur Caroline F. Caroline P. Charles t'Drnclius Kddie Eleanor S. Fannie Frank F. Freddie George A. G race .1 . Hiram F. Ilyrum A. Isaac Isaac S. lames .lames S. .leniiie .John H. Joseph Kate Leona Libbie Louisa A. Lucy Lucy P. Lulu Mr. Mary A. Mary H. Mary L. Mary M. ftlaud Mira Nathan F. Ruth R. Talbot -M. Thomas Thomas J. Walter William N. ROLLINS Ada F. Avis Calvin H. Charles W. Ellen M. Ida M. .Tesse B. Julia D. Lydia H. Mary A. Sumner H. William O. ROMANS George W. Leon M. Lorenzo Iv. Prentls Theodore D. ROMER Cella A. ROOD Mary E. ROOT Edward George G. Hannah Harriet Helen Henry G. Mrs. Tempo E. ROSE Robert O. Robert H. Mr. Marion ROSSITEK Mary ROSS AllRTt E. Laura A. 87:J srj 578 999. 1267 Krj 1S2 S73 9S«t 771 873 873, 123«i 87:1 12:«i 1235 .578, 9t» 762 99i». 12»>7 1115 .S73 m;» 12:^6 873 578 731, 87;i 57.S lliki ,578 37S y7.1 WH X73 KMi KHki 1128 873 1236 NS8 I2:w ;i88 388 388 388 388 937 388 388 388 388 ;i88 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 848 1011 864 S.4 ■h>* W63 847 864 438 804 1179 1179 1.VJ 1179 847 138(i THE PIAMLIX FAMILY KOTH Walter .1. 1021 William A. 10K> Warren T. 747 ROrLSTON RUST Miittle M. 1171 Charles h44 KOUXDY Daniel M. Ii44 Susan A. 1:2:1:2 Harry W. S44 ROUSE Lviiiaii If. 814 Lorenzo 51it .Marv K. 844 Hubtrt M. 520 Mercy H- 324 CiirolliR- W. 520 RUTLEDGE ROUNSEVEIJ [. Don A. KI'XTON 1300 Lucy A. ROWF. 11. -4 Mary 1. RYAN 1239 Gcorue F. J :«).') Jenet ll.ili Minnie K. T1,H Ruth .J. 5,s9 Sariili !KHi SARIN WliLiler WHi Charles L. 11K4 ROW ELL Barton C. C. 409 223,409 SACKETT Clyde / Cornelius B. *" 1090 ii:e Henry 409 Ellen C. 11.12 ROYALSTON ,lctinic K. 11, S2 Maria 5P3 .lulius H. 74.">. ii;^2 ROYCE l..ydia A. Mark 74,-). 1132 Mr. 1148 1(190 ROYS Moretoii B. 744 Phebe J. 728 Ki'ulicii 745 ROYSE Khoda T. 745. 11:12 Jacob Vii Seymour T. 745 Joel 134 Theodore 1090 Amos i:u SADDLER ROZELL Betsey 683 Sarali 405 SAFFORD RUBY Annie E. 948 Edith M. '.m Fannie V71 RUCKER SAIiA Persis (iilS •James 1255 RUDD SALISBURY Delia 98« Belinda 555 Isaac 988 David 598 Lottie 988 Mary ,J. 598 Lucy .1. 988 Philip 1141 William 988, 12(>J SALTWALD RUGGLES Boletta J. 1178 Benjamin 168 SAMMONS Hannah IfiS ■Tames 887 Mary J. 1109 SAMPLE RULAND Clara M. 1204 Arthur L. 1069 SAMUEL Donald L. 1070 Elizabeth I. 668 RUNG John E. 1059 George W. i:i09 .John S. 668, 1059 Walter IHOit Robert 667 RUN YON Robert M. 668. 1059 Ann RUPLE Flnette M. 477 SANBORN Alice B. Carrie W. 1074 1074 RUSCAS Edna .M. 1102 Charles W. 11 iK) ElicieM. 1074 GilbiTt M. lliHJ Elmer E. 1074 Ramone 1196 Ethel M. 1074 RUSSELL Eugene 1074 Austin 882 Fred M. 1101 Caroline L. 620, 1021 Grace M. 1074 Charles 620 Howard 1074 Charles F. 620, 1021 Raymond P. 1102 Charles .1. 1021 Sarah 649 Cora J. 99:1 Sarah K. 535 Edgar H. 747 SANCHE Edith A. 747 H. 664 Fli/aheth 92:» SANDERSON P'ninia L. 1229 John 84 Frank 1021 Mary F. 102."> Fred 1021 N. A. 7,")() Hattlc 882 Tabltha 19 lltnrv W. 747 SANDS ln«/, "U. 747 George M. 11 09 .lennit M. 1047 SANFORD Mabel 882 Adeline 562. 956 Mal.el M. !«i;i Alice 4.56 Mary S82 David P. 45(i Marv A. I0I6, 1017 Ellas 1161 Mvrile HS2 (•race H. 4.56 Sarah A. ti20, 1020 Hal 1161 Waldo A. t)9:{ Isaac 5li2 Jennie F. 956 .losephine 1266 Kate 1161 Lizzie B. ! AV), 1247 Timothy 562, 956 SANGER Fanny B. 947 SARGENT Albert C. 12:ts Alden ;i91. 715 Betsey 39.3 Ella 391, 714. 715 Ignatius 1290 .lohn F. 391, 715 Laura ,1. :)91. 715 Mr. ;i8.>< Martha A. 391,714 Robert :i91. 715 Ro.xanna .191. 715 Sarah J. 1281 Winthrop W. 1290 SAULSBURY Joel 288 SAULPAUGH Clara M. 1187 SAUNDERS 11. K. 1216 Henry F. 1216 SAUNDERSON Elizabeth C. 905 SAYAtiE Carrie M. 109K Hiram F. 109M Mary 223 SAYERY Edith B. 1083 Edna D. 1083 Edwin F. 108;i George A. 10M3 SAWYER Bessie F. 12.S1 Carrie A. 1021. 12M1 Charles F. 1218 Clara C. 1049 Eben ^99 Isaac W. 1046 James R. 1021, 12M Louise W. 12SI Myra L. 10.50 Sarah L. 1021. 12.H) SAXTON Catherine J. 762 SAYLES Milton L. 988 Minnie < 588. 1263 SAYRE Elizabeth S. 1165 Farrand III& SAYWARD Ana 120:> SCHARENBROICH Anna M. 10,s4 SCHEAFFER Charles H. 1143 Charles T. 1143 Kstlur L. in:; Katlicriiie iu:f Marguerite 1143 Oscar 114:1 SCHELLENGER Harold i;«i3 Thomas 1303 SCHERMERHORN Miss 11. ■!2 Nancy M. ,SS1 SCHOFIELD .Marian E. SI 3 SCHOUTEN Sarah is2 SCHRADER Nellie E. 993 SCnULTZ Marie 1071 SCHUYLER Cornelia 1140 M;iry A. 83,5 i INDEX. 1387 SCHWALL Eva E. 1288 James 1288 SCOTT Eveline 517 Frances L. 526 1 George 1153, 1300 Ida G. 990 Irving H. 1197 Jean 1197 John D. 1153 Lottie 1153, 1300 Lucile G. 1197 Mary E. 1147 Myrtle 1166 ; Walter R. 1197 SCOVILL Angelina S. 427, 775 Caroline E. 427 Caroline R. 427, 774 Edith 774 Grace 774 Harriet 427 Harriet J. 427 Herbert 774 Jonathan 427, 773 Lois 774 Mary L. 427, 774 Mollie • 774 Nathaniel C. 427, 773 Robert 774 Samuel C. 427, 774 Samuel D. 427 William P. 427 SCRAIL Miss 1158* SCRIPTURE Elizabeth 602 SCUDDER Abigail 171, 172 , 174, 299 Abigail R. 296 Adeline L. 571 Albert 172 , 298, 574 Alfred 172, 299 Ale.xander 174 297, 571 Alice C. 304 Alon?o 171, 297 Ann 52, 304 Ansel H. 300 Arthur 571 Arthur F. 170 Asa 87, 172 Benjamin 52 Ben.iamin F. 171, 297 Benjamin H. 57 Bessie M. 576 Betsey 171 Bradford 571 Caroline 173, 302 Caroline H. 172 Cephas 172 Charles 174, .303 Charles N. 301 Charles 0. 571 Charles W. 304, 576 Charlotte 172 Daniel r^i. 90, 172, 300, 575 David 52, 90, 174 David C. 304 Duley R. 173 Ebenezer 39, 52, 53, 85, 87, 170 171, 173, 296 Edgar C. 571 Edward 1?2 Edwin 173, 301 Eleazer 53, 90 Elisha 304 Elisha G. 174,304 Eliza A. 209 Elizabeth ;«. 36, 39, 52, 5S , 87, 172 Elizabeth F. 301 Ella 299 Ella D. 300, 575 Emily P. 297 • Emily O. 297, 581 Emma 296 Erastus Ethel Eugenia Eugenie I. Evarts E.\perience Ferdinand Frank II. Frederh^k Frederick C. Frederick M. Freeman L. George Gustavus Hannah Hannah V. Hannah R. Helen H. Henry Henry A. Henry B. Horace Horace E. Isaac Isabella Isaiah James James T). Jane M. John .John W. Jonathan Joseph C. Josepii W. Josiah Josiah F. Julia Lizzie Lot Louisa Lucinda Lucy Lydia Lydia I. Margaret Marshall S. Martha Mary Mary F. Mary J. Mary W. Maude C. Mehitable Nathaniel Nelson Oliver Olivers. Orville A. Otis Philander Persis Persis C. Prentiss Prentiss W. Puella L. Rebecca Reliance Rose. Rose D. Rufus Russell Sally Samuel Samuel H. Sarah A. Sarah C. Sophia Sophronia A. Sylvia C. Thomas Thomas D. William William A. William K. VVinthrop S. Zeno x. 173 577 .304 304 304 39, 52 25»8, 574 576 174, .304 297, 571 571 173, 300. 301 171 2i)9 ■■». 52, 172. 173 173 298 301 171, 173, 296 173. .301 576. 9t>y 174, .3t)4 304. 577 171. 296 :m 87. 171. 172. 26 171. 296 173. .301 300 170. 174, 296 296, 571 173,300 53 39 87 300. 575 85 173 172 53, S5 ;ftM, 576 299, 575 3(KI. 57 53, 8' 2!W :m 577 87 87. 173 98. 174. 296 :k)4 298 576 173, 301 Eliza .1. ./ohn Mary J. SEA .MAN SEABKOOK Alhert H. William A. Oscar SEARLES SEARLS SEARS Alice Chauncey Chauncey H Clarissa "ll. Eliza A. Ethel A. Ethel C. Fear Frank I. Frederick N. Florence .M. Hattie E. Helen A. Henry (;. Henry P. Horatio H. Horatio N. Ida A. John C. John M. Lois H. Lois S. Lydia Margaret L. Mary A. Mary C. Marv E. Philip H. 502, Sara W. Sarah A. Sibyll B. Susan \. William C. SEATON Jeannie SEABRING Beulah 1). Sylvester Zoe SEE Fanny SEDGWICK Charles E. D. E. SEELEY Adelaide M. Caroline Henry .M. William H. SEINWRATH Mary SELLS Ella SESSIONS Almira G. SEVERANCE Alice M. Allen Annie Gertrude C. Hel«-n Henry W. Luther .Marian SEWARD 944 .mC 1092 10«i7 1067 K38 1292 502, tm 870 314 314 r.m Ni9 302 1205 W59. >s*i9. 502 314 86S. 12<>4 12i>5 314 4t»5 314 314 520 11.85 11. S5 1185 233 1129 747 12iiO 6.S5 JtN'> 1074 1230 253 i>s5. ) Emma W. Samuel SEXTON 8J»5. 1318 8!t7 52(5, WHl .S95, 12IS S97 52)5. Sllj 534. 53l5. «I6 8Jt7 im: Fanny M. Mr. Cornelia SEVMin'K May SHADKU SHAFFER 1059 ?.» 5.S1 498 II.W 1388 THE HAML1>' FAMILY SHANK Harry W. 511 David R. 93>i Samuel 1063 Jennie I. 511 Earl E. 93S SHANNON John H. r.11 Katie itJS John R. -83 Mary L. r.il , N>«J Paul E. ies SHATTUCK SHERBFRN Raymond 938 Alice 66.1 Clara 1013 SINNETT Carrie A. t>ll. 1011 llfiirv T. 70:i Edward F. 5SS Charles 6(i:t Ililan'd G. 1312 Edwin F. 9.>«() Ella A. (Ill 1011 .Icnnie H. 6(>I KCfl Jennie 9S() EIna F. Kill Lilla 661 llCifi N'ernon 980, 1353 Eninia L. TN) Luther (1(11 SKIFF Fred (». 611 .Moses F. 6*11 1(>.')li Alfred L. 474 Julia A. 736 Ruth 1(l."Ki Asa W. K33 Karl B 10i:j William L. I16I 1056 Dewev W. K« Mary F. 1011 i:.'74 SHEREK Effie Si. 8:H Orla W. till Kill Asa 1). Sll Fred M. 833 I'ersis lUI Christian MIO Frederick W. 474 She jard L. Wil iain J. tin loii Clarcnre II. h11 Heman .1. 474 (ill Elsie M. Ml .Melville W. S33 Winiiifred D. loi:i Frederick C. Ml Mildred K. Ki3 SHAVER SHERIFF Myrtle M. Perrv D. Sarali Uriah D. SKILLINGS Samuel SKINNER Amanda SKIPPEK James G. SLADE Jefferson A. Maria L. Viola M. SLATER 'Catherine SLEE Callie SLEEPER K« Clayton E. 1 :.':.".! Charles W. 878 1211 s;t;j 916 SHAW Charlotte B. 878 1211 Addie B. Alon/.o 104:2 813 Isaac T. SHERMAN 878 47- 634 A ra vesta E. 1349 Amelia 1149 Clarence D. 1113 Frank C. 1304 41S Cora F. 1249 Gertrude 659 Cynthia 319 Mary L. 1163 1317 Electa 317 SHERWOOD Ellen J. 393 Ellsworth B. 1228 Enimett H. 1113 Elsie V. 1338 133.> 957 133;j 673 Eu^iene E. Fayette Favette D. (114. 1348 (il3 1015 Herbert A. Muriel E. William A. 1338 133H 1338 Florence E. (114 1013 SHIELL Freeman 393 Robert 1304 1360 9S3 1337 Hannah L. Harriet 1349 (iOO SHILLINGTON Annie E. 1233 James E. James M. Julius C. 1043 (i50 614 SIIIRTLEFF Ann SHOENBERGER 341 Charles SLENTIFORD Frances V. Kenneth E. 1249 Sallie 1181 SLINGERLAND Lillian 650 8H0REY Christiana 478 Lola L. 1015 Charl(!s E. S. 913 SLOAN Lydia Wiiry E. 95 Clarence C. 913 Joseph 694 1043 Ethel E. 913 SLOATE Sarah T. 956 Grace O. 913 Phebe 318 Sillinda M. 614 1014 Herbert M. 913 SLOCUM William M. 1113 Ralph W. 913 James G. 600 SHAY Walter H. S. 913 Jane E. liOl . i'i'9 Edward F. 1259 SHORT Mary (Kll SHEDD Serval 206 SMALL Alon/.o F. 1(H)1 SHUMWAY Amelia R. 673, 1065 Charles UHJl Mr. 586 Andrew J. 915 Charles S. 583 SHURTLIFF Arnold 1572 Charles VV. 583, 970 Lucy T. 1349 Beatrice H. 915 Cora E. 1001 135H SHITTT Cora D. 672 Dannie! 1001 Elsie M. 1371 Cordelia F. 673, 1064 Florence M. 9r(i Howard L. 1371 Eliza S. 575 Fred 1(H)1 John L. 1371 Everett 575 Frederick C. 1001 .Mabel 1371 Grace W. 575 Jedediah 583 SIBLEY Hiram E. 673, 1065 Jessie E. 976 Robert 739 James C. 575 John 11. 976 SICHLEY James G. 575 Lewis 11. 583 Nancy 319 .lulia A. 13S3 Marv 1001 SILCOTT Lena A. 575 Sarah A. 583 John A. 1399 Rebecca W. (573. 1(H)5 Warren E. i)&i SIMON Ro.xanna S. 073, l(Hii') William F. bS:i. 97li Clarissa 849 Sarah 373 SHEEHAN SIMONDS Susan A. 672 Thomas 588 Dessie M. 1239 SMALLEV SHEETS SIMONS Andrew M. 679 Jennie L. 8*-) Sarah 286 Jane M. 447 SHELDON Sl.MPSON SMELLIE Edward S. 1230 Almira 2:t3 Julia A. R. 1113 Ilanti.'ili F. 459 David B. 13:)5 SMILIE Mary II. 13:.'0 (;rfta 1355 Judith A. 953 SHELP llcrlurt A. SSI SMITH Anette 13(17 Ilawley S. SSI Abij;ail 176 SHEPARD Mr. 115S A:: lies 913 Charles J. 1212 Stanley G. SSI Albert S. 589 982 (iail 1056 SIMS Alice (;. 1102 Henry 11. lOTHi George 789 Almira 465 SHEPAKDSON SINCLAIR Althea J. .5Sl . S»81 George L. .■>! , >.>«0 David G. sets Alvin 11. 48? ,848 INDEX. 1389 Antoinette 519 Ralph H. 621 Ellen .M. 608 Artemas R. 621 Rebecca 176 Henry C. Ida V. fSli Asa B. 850 Rufus 506 830 Benjamin 6S Ruth B. 684 .lolin 670 Ben amin G. 310. 1312 Sally ITO John 11. C70, 1063 Bethia 300 Sarah < 1 U Mary K. NelleL. ikVt Blanche 848 Sarah E. 50«i 82(1. 1188 Carrie H. 483, 844 St. George 739 SPERRY Caryl P. 788 Susanna 68 Clarissa 262 Charles 1160 Sylvanus 310, 589, 1312 SPICER Charles C. 487, 1160 Atalter P. 739 Amanda 740 Charles E. 884 William 44a 628, 857 SPIER Charles H. o06 William .\. 505 Li via K. 448 Charles W 850 William B. .506 SPONABLE Charlotte A. 9t52 William H. 628 Flan 854 Clara M. 818 William L. 440 Perl la M. 854 Cleora A. 850 William S. 506 ,875 SPRAGUE Clyde 848 Zariah 176 Hattie 6«3 Cornelius H. 176 SNEDEKER Miss 424 Curtis 843 Mary 409 Phube 857 CvrusF. 465 SNODGRASS Rhoda K. «5fl David H. 176 Martha J. 627 SPRING Davis 68 Sue C. 1032 Earl 786 Elbert H. 850 SNOW Mr. 780 Elijah B. 557 Abijah 183 Martha 838 Elizabeth A. 902 Amanda P. 1097 SPRINGER Ella 989 Benjamin 1312 Julia G. 66S Ellen 589, 1095 Benjamin G. 310, 1312 SPRATT Ellen A. 982 Emeline 722 Abbie D. 717 Emeline 376 Florence M. 1065, 1287 Abby S. 392 . 71« Emily M. 739 Hannah 216 Alice M. 717. 1108 Emma 487, 848, 1152 Hannah .7. 310, 1312 Alton 1). .3;i. 1140 Marieta S. 465,823 Nellie 785 Minnie C. 7.'>3 Mary E. Mary J. Mary M. Mary S. iMattie 628 506, 586, 874 1039 506,875 8.57 Sarah SPARROW Stephen SPEAR Blanche 238 716 1016 Nettle C. '-M Wlllard C. 753 STAN DISH Anna .M. iWl. UHC Bliss 310. 602, 003. t^\ lUVJ Minnie Mortimer H. 838 483,843 SPENCE William G. 576 Cliirk Em her .M. .ilO 002, 1001 na.i Myrtle Nancy C. Olive Priscilla 857 622 883 513 SPELLMAN John R. SPENCER Charles 1274 t i t Iliildah Isaac Lucy Lucy K. .116 :ii6 .111! . «»>2 . tiir.' 1390 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Mary J. Orrln Peleg Polly .Siiliy Sarah H. /at-liariah • Zaoliariali >!. Zacbary .J. STANLEY EU/.a M. Marry M. .I;u'ks<,>ii M. Mary Nailiiiniel G. STANAKD Lucinda SyKU S. 602, im. 603. 1001, 310 60-2, 1002, 6t>4, IUJ4. «(J4, Frunces Jennie Leander STANTON STAPLES Abigail L. Aclisal) M. Ada .M. Alaiis1 .i91 9411 1)02 not; «3J 257 471 ,471 2.57 471 828 471 828 828 828 83:i 1 471 471 471 828 82H 828 827 474 828 471 82H 471 470 K2H 829 511 511 882 512 S81 512 512 274 881 512 881 512 881 512 513 512 881 513 8X1 273 883 2:^1 513 512 512 ,512 880 142 2t58 414 Delina 509 Harriet 414 Maria L. 771 STILLMAN Pamella 520 STILLWELL Jane A. 404 STITES Lucy il31 . STEELE Charles E. KtH) Edward L. 12:iO Frank H. 8t^) ■lolinT. 1230 Joseph W. 1230 Lawrence L. 1120 Linda M. 1120 Mr. 373. SKiO Minnie 12;w Thomas B. 1130 STEPHENS Alonzo S. 742 Sarah E. 742 STEPHENSON Charles E. 1071 Harry E. 1071 Lillian M. 1071 Tir/a 381 William C. 1071 STERNS Marion 1125 STETSON Charlotte H. Clarence C. Edward *>«>, Eugene H. Frank B. George George F. George H. Irving G. Isaiah K. Mary A. Nellie M. Reuben K. Roger II. Ruth W. STEVENS Adelaide Alan M. Albert G. Annis M. Benjamin Benjamin F, Bonnilxil ChauMcey CliaUMcey B. Cornelia A. Cyrus B. Delia T. Donald A. Kliliu B. Ellen B. Fr.'ink Guy \V. Helen Henry T. Howard 1>. Isaiah B. James 725 John .377, 08(5 John IL 387. 393. 719 Lillian C. lOsO Loriri B. 1080, 121H) Lorin R. 12!K) Malcom 1302 2(53 (580. 64(5, 1049, ti4(). 640, 1049, 981 1049 1049 1049 981 645 1049 1253 1050 1049 10.)0 1285 981, 12.53 1050 10.50 393 10,><0 537 639 377 377 1080 686 377 1148 liSii, 1080, l:.'iK) 377, 6S6 1080 686, 1080 912 686 1080 1.S02 719 1080 1290 Marie W. .Marv MarV A. 37 < Mary L. Nora F. Paul Ransom F, 377 Roljert L. Sarah 686. Sarah B. 377 Theodore C. Thomas STEVESON Annie J. Charlotte Fanny Henry Phebe Rachael RoU-rt Sherman William STEWART Carl C. David B. Elizabeth Henry .lane .lohn Laura H, Lois Mr. Maud K. 927. Sarah Tamer Teressa Thomas H. Vivian William T. STRAHL Rhoda F. STRANAHAN Henry STRATHAN Lulu K STKATTON C. W. Charles W. Harriet N. Nathan STREET Eunice L. STREETER Elroy Velma STRINGER Ephraim E. Francis E. Granville Lavarab Betsey Beulah Clarissa Julia Mary E. William STRONG John A. STRUTTON STOCKER Charles G. Clarissa Iv. Fred George George L. Howard W. Ina C. .lohn L. Mary Ned H. Nellie STOCKING Adaline D. STODDEK Amelia J. 1153, 1152. 765, 115;^. 765. 7(>5, a3T 62:i 107!> 71!> 108O 1302: , (5.S6 lu-^o 1079 . tlNi 1302 393 1171 288 288( 288 288 2881 288 288 1232 1232 779 1232 t)24 67if l(iT!» 1232 841 12i4 7(H> 940 1232 927 1252 927 1137 55(> nor 692 692 610 (194 708 12(50 1260 1249' 124» 1249 1249 68«y 228 41» 201 43i 491 1302 129» 407 1299' 7(55> 1152 1299 1153 1153 1152 1153 1152 68& 913 INDEX. 1391 STODDARD Eliza J012 Esther A. 550 Maria 76ft STONE Abel 638 Adeline H. 969 Agnes J. 1228, 1305 Anna L. 650 Annie M. 1276 Bela R. 851 Bertha M. 847 Catherine 344. 645 Charles a53, 650 Cyrus H. 353, 650 Edna E. 1228, 1306 Edward F. 650 Edward W. <535, 1044 Elbridge 635 Elsie 195, 344 Emily F. 353. 650 Emma E. l.t?8. i:^06 Ernest E. 1228 Etta B. 1228 Florence B, 1295 Francis S. 650 Frank A. 1228 Frank \V, 851 G. W. 1228 George A. 199g George R. 847 Grace D. 650. 1051 Hannibal 195. 344 Henrietta J. ^53 Harriet U. 353, 650 Herbert 650 -Tulia 353. 645. &% Katherine A. 1044 Leander G. 650 Margaret C, 353, 650 Mary 344 Mary A. 1051 Moses 195 Myrtle F. 1228 Nathaniel 312 Sophronia 344. 645, 650 Susan 189 Susan H. 650 Theodore 190, 344 Thomas N. 969 William C. 625 William E. 353, 650 William N. 969 William W. 353 STONE LAKE C. A. 1123 Harriet H. 1123 STONEHOUSE Mate L. 852 Nettie F. 852 STORES Charles A. 406, 734, 1125 Dan 406 Delia M. 1125 Earl P. 1125 Edwin P. 734, 1125 Grace A. 1125 STOEUM Ella D. 884 STORY Daniel A. 971 Florence W. 972, 1251 John E. 972 Josephine A. 972 Mildred A. 972 STOTLER H. 609 Mary E. 609 STOUTENBURG Sarah 1301 STOVER Emily 602 STOW George K 1022 STOWE Esther 236 191 790 717 lis.-, 717 790 1185 Dorcas STOWELL Charles Eva Irene G. Joseph Maria William L. STUART Charles W. 703, 1099 Daniel H. 703, 1098 Edith fisKj Eunice W. 70s Margery A. <):ji Marie L. 703, 1098 Robert W. 703 STDBBS Helen G. 710 William T. 710 STUFER Irene 1214 STDRDEVANT Charles V. 752, 1138 Clarissa 274 Faustina M. 1138 Harry A. 752. 1138 Isabella G. ii;j8 Lavina 5.")4 Margueritta 113s Tedcastle U3s Thomas D. 752 STURGIS Almond P. 961 Blossom 4P0 Charles E. swi George H. iHU Leroy A. 961 SULLIVAN Catherine E. 1047 Lizzie 1245 SUxMMERS Mr. 546 SUMNER Minerva R. 798 SUM ME Y Daniel F. 1057 SURDAM Mr. 373 SUTHERLAND Anna 689 Clarence A. 1156 G. A. 854 Irving 767 John 767 John W. 767, 11.56 Lucy A. 767. 1156 Maria 767. 11.57 Martha A. 490 Mary J. 737 William 766 SUTTON William 514 SWAIN Harriet 918 SWAN Lucinda 447 SWANSOX Christa 920 Francis 920 Fred 919 William 920 SWEENEY Rachael M. 982 SWEET Blanches. 1154. 1.300 Clarendon D. ll.')4 Florence M. 1154. i;«>0 George D. ll.U 1.300 J^onard D. I1.'>4 Lorenzo D. 11.>1 Mattie J. 1154. i;«Hi Marjorie 1300 SWETLAND Arthur E. 1124 Benjamin S. 1124 Herbert M. 1124 J. Miner Mabel E. Charles J ames A42 1245 151 IMI 124i 1245 1245 i^i. 1238 IHl 941, r£t& 041 918 Wl, 123«t 151 151 943 124ti 1345 l.'iU SWING Mary E. 12M SYLVESTER Elmira E. iti5 Etta M. tuo Joseph A. A. 915. 1227 Thomas H. 915, 1227 TABER Harriet ho3 TAFFNER Nettie M. 12,59 TAFT Henry W. 1084 Lydia 1265 Mary L. tnn TALBOT Edward S. tkSt Mary it64 Prescott ,s5l Roselyn S. .ssi Sarah !Hi2 TALLANT Nathaniel J72 TALLMAN Sally 4(W TALLMADGE Charles 757 TANNER Elsie I ii'rfi James A. Utio TASKER Betsey IHI Edwards. 961 Lemuel E. 961. 12.'>(J Lorene 12.V» Margaret F. IM Mary ISl. .IH Matthew isl Nancy l«l Reuben C. 961. 1250 William IM TATE ■lobn 7:u TAYLOR Charles :n*> Charles K. I2<>1 Cluirles L. 85.1, ll!i7 Charles R. IIIW Clarence lOKV lU'll.i 379 Uoni II. .«»< K. lUrliirt SIN) F^lherl 379 EglMTi II. tlflO, UK") Elisha .377 Ellz.llielh ;i79. 690 Ella E. .\. lOff* 1392 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Ella W. 986 THATCHER Jennie 44b' Emma 379, 690 .Fnlius 5it8 Saphronia 409 Ethel F. 9N1 Melissa J. 689 THl'RMAN Fen ton 10r)0 THAXTER Guy 121* George L. :w8 ElizalK'th K. 12S5 THURSTON George H. ](>iJO SUner W. 12H.-, Cordelia 12:^4^ Gertrude H. 1071. 1288 THAYER .Mary P. '.f5>i Harriet 4!HJ .Addison M. 102:1 Sally 32.5 Henry 7at 1 )ora ,571 TIRBITTS Horai'e I. 8:')3, 1197 (itrtrude 1023 Alonzo 712 Isaaf. 36, 59 Mary J. Rachat'l M. 606 Alonzo J. 712 J. Louis 1201 1023 Amy B. lif.il Jennie M, «90 Robert E. 1023 Annie IJtH John 1). 378, 379 THOMAS Brantha [>. T12 Ke/Jah 215 Allen 82S Charles H. 712, 11(14 Ivittir B. 1085 Arvid fi. 878 Daniel 712 Launcelob 853 Caroline 877 Flanklin A. 712, 1104 Uinra H. «90. 10S5 Mr. 319. 746 Florence F. 091, 1291 Laura L. l(ts;"> .Marie E. h2s James L. 712 Lilli^m F. «!», lOM) Michael 796 Li Hie P. 712, 1104 Lloyd E. Lu<^"inda 1063 THOMPKINS Maria A. 712. 1103 547 Barbara 476 Oliver 1091 Luther B, 690, 10M5 THOMPSON Tressie L. 1(K.4 Martraret 1050 Apphia Arnold P. 416 Walter B. 1091 Mark A. 1071 905 TICE Martha 324 Carrie A. 1168 Catherine R. 463 ilarlha A, Minnie M. Paul M. Perry T. Rachael Ralph B. D. Ralph R. Rebecca Roy G. Ruth Thankful Theodore D. Thomas F. William A. William H. 379,689 William L TEAPE Blanche H, Edith M. Km ma C. llattie P- Ida L. John P. Slariou L. Thaddeus S. TEFFT Ella E. Helen E. 690 853, 1191) 1201 1201 Charles B. Delia Delia M. 995, 1266 1123 804 TIEDEMANN Elisse R. TILLMAN 084 Dessa 804 Walter P. 773 666 1085 Dousrald Edward D. 804 804 TILLOTSON David 44)5 1197 66 1201 1197 36 Edward li. 1245 Emma L. 405 Elizabeth E. Eleanor Esther George 857 1215 545 78.5 1198 George Sophronia TILLSON Pbllo 4a5 40» 414 1085 io->o George M, 884 TIMERMAN George W. 785 Cecil 128«> 106.3 6{t0, 1085 Gladys L. Harriet A. 73;i 1266 112:1 Melvin Theron 1286 1286 i06;j Herbert J, 1139 TIRRILL 882 882 8h2 882, 1213 882, 1213 882 882, 1213 882 1018 1297 Howard James F. Jennie L. 1203 995 804 Eunice S. TOBEY Albert :j20 254 Jesse B. John John D. 733, 1123 732 994 Angel ine Ben.iamin Bathsheba 254 201 169 John L. 843, Lillian M. Maggie H. Mahala J. Marjorie E. 995 1266 1123 857 921 884 Elisha Elizabeth Hannah Harriet .lohri W. 2.54 947 201 239 2.54 Martha 470 Louisa 254 TEN BROOK Matt S4;i Louisa C. C. 515 Allen G. 1297 Mattie A. 1015 Maria F. fr54 Charles M. 1143, 1297 Minnie L. 1123 Nancy B. 301 George V. 755 Nancy NinaM. 416 TODD Ruth C. 1297 884 Helen J. 82a William G. 75.5, 114:5 Orange 857 Mary A. 701 William T. 1143, 12t)7 Perry L. 1:^70 TONGE TEN N A NT Philo 0. 733 1123 Kate B. 1211* Adeline a. 864 Roy 843 TOOKER TENNENT Jame» H. TENNEY Benjamin R. Bryan C. Iljirriot R. Jacob 11. Mary K- Olive V. »>rra\vell Roscoe F. Thomas R, Warren M. Wilford, A. 821 928 928 899 928 ■ 3.58 928 928 899 928 928 928 Siirah Sarah P. Susjin .M. Thomas C, Truman 11. 733 t>48 752 1203 7.33 Frank H. George H. Maria M. TORREY Emma H. S61, f^-Z .X62 590 610 Tulip 1. Warren W. William 884, 1214 797 857, 1198 Leavitt Ruth TOURGEE 610 322 William M, Zada B. THOMSON Barbfini rilORN Mary E. THORNTON 995 8.s;} 991 Alvah Clarissa A. Lewis Paiiielia I'helie Philip William 2(>4 2(U 264 264, 4vSS» 264 2lU 264 TERKENCE Lucy D. 505 TOUSLEY Ml9» 404 THORPE Ed C. 849" TERRILL Mr. 2.53 Ella L. 84» Andrew 113;i Sophia 447 tieorge E. 84S Andrew II. ii3;i THRASHER J. C. 849 .lennie 1. n;i3 Ann K. t^is Olie J. 84<> Orrin 612 THIIRBER TOU VELLE Percy E. 113,3 Ira L. 446 Theoph G. 780 INDEX. 1393 TOWER TOWLE Louisa B. Abby Ida Abner Almira Brainard Catherine Cyntbia Edward C. Henry Lorenzo Mary M. Miriam B. Robert H. Sarah Serena TOWXE Charles H. Charles S. Clarence H. Frederick A. Frederick W. George M. Hamlin A. Harlow H. Hattie E. Henry M. Isabel y. Jesse K. Mabel E. Margaret A. Mary A. Rena B. Ruth Sally Viola A. Wilfred B. TOWXSEND Hannah Marion L. Pitt Stanley T. Thomas B. William 7S0 660 1191 i:i12 1312 i:n.> 1313 1312 1312 1312 1312 1312 1312 1312 583 1312 759. 1147 1147 1146 759, 1146 1146 1146 759, 1146 1146 759, 1147 759 1146 1146 1147 1146 1146 1147 1147 184 1148 1146 759, 759. Sadie M. Amos T. Belle M. Chester A. Edith A. Fred A. Lulu Mark S. Pearl A. Ray A. TRACE TRACY TRAFTON 177 1150 1149 811 353 520 1077 1078 1078 1078 1078 1078 1056 1078 1078 1078 905 Hannah TRASK Abbie Allan P. Andrew H. Charles F. Edgar S. Eliza Evelyn M. Floristou Isaac F. John H. .loseph A. Joshua H. Lettee E. Louise Samuel Sarah H. Walter B. TREADWELL Jennie M. TREAT 228, 416, 747 762, 1150 746 413 588 981, 1254 588 588, 981 588, 981 588 1102 1102 588, 981 588 588 588, 981 981 588 588 58S 1254 691 981 E. H. Abigail Addie R. Adelbert Adeline C. AftieB. 417, 752 Alice Alice E. Alice M. Almon H. Almira Altec M. Alvin Alva B. Alvira II. Amanda Amanda E. Ama/.iah Amelia C. Anna B. Anne Ashbel W. B. Forest Barton A. Benjamin P Bennett F. Betsey Calvin Caroline P. Caroline E. Carlton Carrie A. Carrie L. Carrie E. Carroll L. Carroll X. Charles D. Charles G. Charles H. Charles R. Charles V. Charles W. Charlotte Charlotte A Charlotte J. Clara E. Clarence B. Clarissa S. Claude M. Cornelius Cornelius A. Cornelius D. Cornelius J. Cornelius M. Curtis M. Cynthia Cynthia A. Cyrenia A. David David H. Delia J. Diadama Dorotheus D wight T. Ebenezer Ebenezer H. Edith E. Edna J. Edward B. Edward P. Edwin B. Edwin C. Effle M. Elgia E. Eliza Elizabeth Ella M. Ella J. Ellerv B. EUery S. Ellis Elsie Emily D. Emma Emperess M. Erastus Esther Esther A. Ethel A. Eva L. Fayette Fayette C. 140 750 742 748, li;i5 417. 751 415, 7l.'> 74.'>, ii:a 2:iUi8 7.54 745. 113;i 228 415. 747 231, 417 418 757 140, 226 140, 226 1145 1143 231. 418. 7.i6, 1144 756. 1145 229 228 413 421. 763 414 746 752 762 748 762 751 418, 755 748 417, 7,50, 751, 1137 1145 1143 140, 226. 417, 752 417. 754 418. 7.W 745, 1133 1143 419 763. 11.51 I. 229. 418, 420, 755 418, 756 231. 418 1142 417, 754 754, 1 141 417, 751 419, 757 417 226 413. 742 746 417, 753 140. 225 750 140. 2:^1 231. 420. 762, 1150 1145 419, 758 762 758 11. 'lO 7,)6, 1144 1143 7.>1, 1142 22.S, 415 22!t, 417 754. 1142 7.")2 4 It), 748 2;il. 419 7.50 1144 754, 1141 419 421, 7ti."( 417 231, 420 419, 757 762 747 416, 417, 7.52 717 Fidelia Flora A. Flora L. Frances E. Francis Frank Frank E. Fr.ink .1. Franklin II, Frederick A. George George B. George E. George 11. George N. George S. George V. Glenn Gordon Gilbert B. Grace A. Grace E. Grace L. Hamlin Hamlin C. Hannah Harriet .\. Harriot M. Harriet P. Hattie E. Helen Helen U. Helena Henry Henry C. Herman Horace J. IraH. IraR. Isaiah M. Izbon Jacob L. James B. James W. Jay S. Jemima 229. 2.(1 Jennie Jennie T. John John B. John C. John II. John J. 231. .John I'. John K. Joseph .Tosepli R. Juli.i E. Julius A. Laura Leona F, Lewis E. Lewis .1. Lewis L. Lillian E. Lillian G. Llzzii- V. Lizzie M. Lois V, Louisa Louisa li. Lottie Lucia Lucretia M. Lucv A. LucV M. Luella K. Lyman Lvman L. MalK-l L. Malina Marcla E. Marirarct M;iri;.ircl J. >larguerlte Maria 415, 745 7:a. 1142 747, II.U 742 22s 419. 756. 1U3 750 7r)4 421. 762 754, 1142 416, 747 756, 1144 419, 757 413 418. 754 417, 751 1142 1143 226. 413, 742 751, 1137 747, 1i:ni 1143 752, 113- 420. 7ii2 UM 231, 418 416, 419. 749, 757 746 419. 757 7.52. 1137 416, 418, 747. 1i:i5 416. 74.S 125.3 226. 413 419. 7.58 262 415, 7441 415. 744> 756, 1144 414 229.416 7.56 415. 746 752 415, 745 41>, 419. 7.x!, 1144 1144 419, 7:>» 12.'«.i 231, 419 756, 1144 416, 747 226.228. 413, 415 1141 751, 1137 417, 751 1137 756, 1145 1141 41." 4i: 22^. 1141 74<1 746 751 7.Vi 414 417 415. 747 413 7.'.nrn F. Milton l». Minnie B. Minnie M. Nanrv ■!. Xi-lla".\. Nt'lli.' M. Ni-liii- K. Nelson Nouli N. Onalee O. Ort-eiia E. (^ri-n Orin B. Drvilk-C. Orville M. I'arl< I'earl E. IMiclieO. I'ollv M. IMioila Ivii-liard Kolii'rl P. l{ol)i-ri I{. Kuliv Kutfi Sarali Seymour Seymour E. Steplit-n D. Sullivan Susan A. Susan L. Susanna Sylvia L. 'I oressa L. Tiiomas Thomas N. Tlionias S. Timothy 'I'rypliosa N'ictoria Victor H. Vivian Walla.-eO. Walter B. Wavland A. Wil'linr Will.ur IC. Willard \V. William William E. William H. William J. William M. William 1». William W. Williams WrlK'lit Kate Annie h 41(5, 7411 747. ii:^r> ll.V) 4i;J 140. 22(1. 42<). 7(12 413 421 . 7(i2 114.'> 4 IK. 7:').') 741) 140. 22t* 41H. 7r>t 1144 WW 421. 7(12 .US. iir. 11H7 415 114:> 41!). 7.")tS 758 7i)t) 2;il. 41!l ll.')l 413 229. 41(1 420. 7til 41(1. 74(t 74!» 2;il. 420 11. a 745. li:{2 417. 751 414 13!t. 140, 225 748 418. 754 415, 746 140.231. 4IS 417, 7r)3 22.S, 414 417, 7.iO 414, 745 41."). 745 418, 755 418 140. 228, 414 1145 748 140, 228, 229, 417. 752 4 It). 748 752. 113S 140, 228, 229, 415 229 416. 749 756, 1144 756 415, 746 745, 1132 752, 1138 7ij6 IKii 415. 746 226. 1253 756 1144 1115 421, 762 748 74t; I25:i 756, 1143 11.(7 S:- iral TKEVETT TIUBON ri;ii-i' / Charity Cyrus Ezra Kacliael A. Sylvanus TUl'AX Tolly TKUESDELL Mellndu.I. 1072 313 950 9.')0 5il8 950 411 F.duiri Fraiil\ Helen Williuni Mary A. TRIFANT TKIMBl'LL 576 Almira.l. TWOGOOD \j. Albert H. !• rancis .M. Franlv (ieorne II. liladys A. (Juy "E. Ottieli e Cliesler i). Edith L. Ida Isaac G. .lean E. Charles G. TRUSLEE TFCKEH ti.)t(. TUFTS 637 (137 TI'PPEE 284 r%i7 284, 516, 537 Elizabetl .iDseph E. TURNER Alice M. Caleb U. Calvin B. Cephas W. Charles R. Clarissa M. Cornelius l>wit,'lit .M. E. Hamlin Klisha M. Eliza F. 2S4, 537, Emma D. Frances F. Frances W. Frank C. Fred Frederick 901. Gabriel Geor;^e W. Grace B. M. Helen Helen .M. Henry 11. 516. HenrV N. Herbert E. 537. .1. Emmons 516., . I sine E. .lennie .loll 11 .M. 284. .loseph 1). Laura E. 510, Liliiii E. 516, Malcomb Malvina A. .Mary E. SUi, N.iifiaiiiel 2Kt, Natlianiel B. 284,537, I'ere/. 11. 284 Ruth C Sallte Sally Samuel Sara E. Sarah V. 284 William William E. William H. '.m. TUTTl.E Cynthia , lennie E. Mary 1). Polly TWITCH ELL Claytt)n Emma I'red TWIST Louisa 855 855 av> 79S 10.')3 ().'>(i (i5() 1112 10.-)3 1112 1112 637 637 1046 637 1(146 1041) (U) (i70 1221 ,5:s7 , 909 8«6 555 , 886 KS(i 516 , !RI9 . 909 516 555 537 .")37 1221 555 1221 886 1221 516 . t^Hd 516 . iH)9 , 8,S(5 5.55 48;} , 537 538 , 88;") ,886 555 538 , 8S5 , 5.")5 , 909 ,5:18 537 1221 555 1221 1141 . 5:18 1221 537 1221 KM) 792 759 1(H7 1047 1(147 28(1 Abbie Clarissa Clitrord H. Edwin .M. Elizabeth .lennie .losiali B. lioss B. Stella P. Mayne I). George A. Orland Stewart Agnes E. Byron H. Georjre Stewart C. TYLER UDALL UHL 800. 800. 800. .■)>IS 714 4i)2 854 5h4 461 12()s 516 K")4 516 854 1234 12:»4 1234 1176 1176 799 1176 ULERV Elizabeth .). 756 UNDER HILL 1 Clayton H. 748. 1135 Ella F 748, 1135 Horace D. 748 Nellie M. 1(H4 Owen W. 748. UNDERWOOD Amos 8.")5 Carrie 98(i J. Amos ,s55 John 98ti Nellie 986, 1260 UNSWORTH Samuel 1026 UPJOHN Bertha H. 1081 Edward .1. 1081 Ida F. 1081 .lulia A. 1081 William U. 1081 UPTON Abbie C. 618, 1019 Calvin 618 Daniel 618 Emilv M. 618, 1019 Etheiyn L. 1019 Harrison 618, 1019 Jane A. 618, 1018 Joseph 617 Lizzie M. 1019 Lydia 11. 61 s Louisa A. 618. 1019 Marratou 1018 Mary T. 618. 1019 Susan E. 618, 1018 VAIL Arthur W. 1)54 Charles E. &-A Cyrus 11. &M Henrietta L. 654 Marion L. l«4 Mary E. 773 William 11. 654 VALENTIN :\lary C. 1051 VALENTINE Elizabetli B. 609 VAN ALSTVNE Ella M. 11.89 I'Morence M. 11. S9 Isaac 11, s9 VAN CAMP Elizabeth 224 VAN COURT Daniel P. 1194 VANDERBURG Edfiar M. K14 Era W. KH Henry W. 834 Maifrarel 23;} .Martin O. KU Ora F. 834 INDEX. 1395 VANDERLYN Elnathaa F. 1142 VAN DORN Elizabeth S. 1146 VAN DUSEN Ida N. 822 Jennie STti R. W. 751 VAN DYKE Sarah 412 VAN GELDER Jerome 86B Rosa B. 866, 1202 VAN HOUSEN Aaron 324 ■ Ambrosia S. 468 Annie E. 46S Charlotte A. 468 Francisco 468 Harriet J. 468 Lovine 468 Martin F. 468 Orilla A. 468 Polly A. 468 Prudence M. 468 William 468 VAN LOAN Eliza O. 944 Prances 836 VAM NATTA Eleanor 1165 VAN NESS Hannah F. 418 VAN NORDEN Sarah A. 890 VAN PELT Lottie M. 1299 VAN TASSELL Ellsworth 735 Hermon D. 735 VAN VALKENBURG Jane 444 VAN VLECK Anna M. 829 VAN WAGONER Neal J. 1142 VARNEY Lucy 914 VAUGHAN Archie E. 919 Clara E. 919 Elizabeth A. 919 Lillian M. 1249 Mary A. 1277 Mary E. 919 Roxie A. 919 Samuel E. 919 VENNERS Annie T 1279 VERKERS Harriet L 1163 VIALL Hattie M. 1225 VIOKERY Betsey S. 754 VIETS Ida 999 VILAS Lucius N. 1236 VINCENT Jonathan 476 VOGLE John W. 1082 VOSBURG Zenana 852 VOSE Frances A. 101? Julia A. 994 Susan R. 1017 VON BAYER August H. 1187 Donald 0. G. 1184 VON LEUVON Harriet R. 1127 VON STEENBURG Elizabeth 797 Rena Sarah A. Caroline James V ROOM AN WADE WADLEIGH WADLEY Harriet Mary li. Clarence Ora Rebecca Moses Addison Arthur 11. Ashbel Charles A. Charles H. (ileason Guy Jennie Leah Lewis E. Mary A. Minliie M. Nellie M. WADS WORTH WAGNER WAIT Adelaide C. Alfred E. Annie L. Argie L. Arthur A. Arthur W. Bertha M. Clifford E. Dorothy Esther E. Ethel E. Francis D. John B. John E. Leslie E. Lester E. Mara M. Nettie M. Willis F. WAITE til-J 1012. lOii 612, 1012, 612, WAITT Frank H. Henrietta H. WAKEMAN Emily WALBRIDGE George WALES Mollie WALLACE Priscilla C. Mary 8. WALKER Arthur W. Christina B. Ella M. Evelj;n M. Fannie Frances E. Geraldine Harriet F. Isabella B. Kenneth L. Nathan O. Pleiades Samuel B. Sarah J. WillardF. William H. WALTER Maria Soi)hia Zelak Byron E. Carrie 612 WALTERS 516 396 2ij« 42.5 1298 1298 991 1298 1240 1005 534 1005 1240 1240 1240 1240 1240 1005 1240 1005 100.) 1012 1012 612 1012 1274 612 1274 1012 1274 1274 1274 612 611 i012 1012 , 1274 1013 1012 ,1012 1109 571 377 728 186 796 778 1082 456 4:56 456 8J)3 456 1082 1019 1138 1270 1226 1140 4.')6 456 10,s2 1270 414 414 414 11.37 919 Cliircnce K. Kditli K. Harold E. Harry T. Martin Olive T. Stephen H. Susie William Kate Sarah L. WALTKU.MIIJE WAL'l'dN WAMUOLI) Milton Myrtle WAKHUKTON Thomas 11. WAKl) Ceylon C. Charles Ciel M. Edward Kdward C. Elizabeth Etta Frank Frances L. Fred Geori,'e Hannah L. Harry .lames E. John E. 775, .lohn K. Josephine Kil bourne Li I a L. Lizzie E. Mr. Mary A. Miles W. Nathaniel C. 427, 775, Nellie J. Noble Ruth L. Algie M. Coralie ,1. Algie C. James T. .lames \V. WARE 665. Sebre H. Fatiny Henry L. Mr. Mary WARINti WARNER WAKK 245. Ennna P. George W. WARKEN Charley R. Clara 1. Clinton ■). Ediiiond Eugei'e E. Frank John T. Lottie E. Mary Zil|)iia 1. llarvev ■ WASHBIKN Flrlella K. (ieorgo (Jeorge H. Ilcnrv H. .Maria William M. WASSON Frances WATERBIKV Carrie WAUKICK 1137 HK'i 1137 1137 U19 885 U19 919 KS5 842 669 I2i »19 919 427 919 U19 .508 775 »1H 1163 427 427 874 775 1108 407 775 1132 116.3 775 919 , 775 1058 665 1058 (i6.-> 1(»5S 1159 :J20 12117 319 , 1126 l:a« 1048 86)1 1145 1073 1145 1095 490 1022 1282 N41 (i.VI itM 054 717 773 VJM 1396 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. W A lERHOirSE John R. 392. 716 Prince 210 Sar.ih 71ii Levi .M. 392. 715 T. V. 720 WATERMAN I,.wis M. 392 William 11. .530 Agnes KKMI Martin 712 William L. 713.1105 End 1000 Mary L. 517 WESTENHAVER lliirrv 1000 Serepta S. 700. lom H. 597 Hileii E. 1(H1<1 WEBSTER Lucy WESTMAN .'i97 Marcus M. J^iKI Almira E. 487 Marion UHK) Daniel T. 729 Susan P. 303 Rufhai-1 407 Er.d 759 WESTOVER \V ATKINS Fred W. 720 Bertha S. 1191 AllMTi H. 457. H1.3 Jane 759 Carrie E. 1191 AlluTl 11. Arthur .\. Bvroii E. cTiarlt's A. ChlOL- E. 81 ;j 4.')7. SIS »r.7 .loseph W. .loshua Louis n. 575 489 lltU Charles L. Erank H. Georjie .1. 1191 1191 1191 813 Rosette S. \eltiia L. 485 1225 Raymond W. Roy C. WESTON 1191 1191 Ellen E. M3 Will 759 Eriii'st A. 81.1 WEDGEWOOD Esther 032 Evelina 813 Harriet 1248 WETMORE Eanny I. 813 Luther 1248 Louise A. 10S(! Er:inl< .V. 813 Mr. 1248 WHEAT Erank 11. Grace 1). 457 813 Ralph WEEKS 1248 Mabel J. WH EATON 1128 Guy Iv 813 Clarissa 314 Isaac S. 1102 ,1 es.se M. 813 Emma 871 W'HEATLEY Kate L. 813 Harriet B. 073 Elizabeth it20 Roliert S. 813 Li/./ie 015 WHEELER Stephen I. 813 Maria 416 Anna M. 751 Stephen M. 457 Martha 543 Anna O. 520 WATROUS Mary A. 943 Catherine W. 520 Ella A. 844 Sally 824 Dwisrht M. 1137 WATSON Sylvia 1000 Edith F. 1188 An^eline .■)ftO WEHR Frank .s. 751 Edith M. 1040 Catherine lOOil H. Beecher 751. 1137 Hiirriet 579 WELCH llamblin B, 290 Harry W. 1040 Alfred G. ()25 ll:innali F. 520. s WATTS Parnelia K. 984 John E. 1118 Charles 315 WELDON Julia E. 520. 897 Katie 315 Julia A. 898 Lor a A. 489 Mary E. William D. 315 WELLINGTON Louisa 311 5tj0 Emily S. 704 Mr. 178 WEAVER Fannie 704 M. A. 3>4 Mortimer ;jsi WELLS MalvinaH. .520. 897 Mr. 381 Carmi 414 Mary L. 520, 897 WEBB Clarissa 201 V Minerva E. 751 Alvina 933 Henrietta E. 1140 Newell 098 Charles 933 John P. 595 " Olivia L. 526, 899 Charles II. 1024 Julia A. 311. 595 ' Paul T. 1137 David 9;b Lemuel U. 595 Philip G. ! Ralph A. Sophronia Stephen 1118. 12'.h; Elniira 933 Mr. 814 1137 Emily Erank 11. 93;j 1023 Miss Melissa E. 803 987 732 751 Ihniy W. 1024 Minnie M. 1271 William L. 520 .lennle 933 Philip 595 WHEELOCK Joseph Lydia im Rachael 590 Eliza 527 933 AVENTWORTH Vennie 1185 Margaret 93;^ Abbie 705 WHELDON Mary 933 WESOOTT Martha J. 00:1 Marv E. 031 John 1312 WHEITSEL I'ierr.- A. 102.t WEST Elizabeth 020 RiK-ha.'l 933 Charles G. 530 WHICH ER Hoxcina 93;i Dorcas 390, 712 Nam-v P. 7(HI William 9*1 Ellen A. <.MIO WlllDDFN William K. 1024 Evalena S. 713, 1105 .\iinii' T. 1112 WEBBER Florence M. 1105 Hannah .1. 310 Augusta 517 (ieorjiianna 713, 1105 Horatio 310 Charles E. 700, 1094 Henry 5:!C. .lohn 310 Cony 712 HMest 712 L:iurii ;hhi WlllTC'O.MB p:sther 715 Lemuel .(•H) Anna 11. 10.52 Elorence A. 1270 Livonia 390 Edwin 11.58 I'lorenic E. 700. 1094 Malinda 275 John 040 Frank L. 1093 Maria 3SK), 712 Mary L. 1275 llenriciia W. .M7 Mary H. 713, 1105 WlinFORD John 700 Ocena M. 71.1. 1105 Frank 1'. 959 INDEX 1397 Marion E. W Adelia Albert H. Alice L. Charles D. Cliarles T. Charles W. Charlotte S. Clara L. Dryden P. Edgar L. Edmund C. Elijah Elizalaeth Elizabeth K. Elmietta Everander Frances Frank Frank B. Friend Oeorge Oeorge L. Harriet Helen E. Helen M. Henry M. Herbert H. Herman B. James A. Jessie K. John Julia A. Judith Kezia J. Kingsley Ivaura A. Lawrence A. Lawrence \V. Mr. Miss Martha Mary .T. Mary L. Mattie Mattie S. May J. Miriam N. Myra J. Philip Eeuel O. Samuel Sarah Sarah K. Selden Selden D. Sidney B. Virtus G. Walter R. Wilbur J. Willard Willard F. William William W. Woo(!ward M. «59 HITE 1120 511. 880 111!) 72", 1119 1029 1290 542 727 727 T28, 1120 511. 880 400. 727, 1119 693. 1(»S 1(129 400,727,728, 1119 299 1117 1119 727, 1119 400 727 400, 728 400, 728 875 1117 728 727 728, 1120 i">9. 727. 1119 728 W) 1120 1117 400, 728 1117 1290 63 219 727. 1117 727, 1118 1119 715 875, 1210 581 1117 1070 1117 400. 727 714, 715 467 823 400, 727 1119 1029 511, 514 727 727. \U^ 40a 727, 1117 1117 828 810 1029 Hamlin L. Harriet B. Lavina Lucius Lucy Marv IL Mary T. Peter Sadie Sara Sarah H. WHITFIELD Mr. WHITLOCK Lucy Mr. WHITING Arthur E. Clarissa Cyrene E. Florence E. WHITMAN John W. Samuel WHITNEY Almira Bathsheba Clara L. Frank Oeorge Gertrude L. 624, 1142 312 1161 323 9.H4 1161 366 366 515 385 730 740 740 730 Ella A Lara L. William Ellen M E. M. Caroline L. Charles Charles P. Emma R. Greor^e H. Jay M. John B. Russell H. Ruth A. Sophia WHITTAKER WHITTIER WHITTLE WICKS 740, 112^ 112N .117 917 740. 1127 3:5:3 739, 740 74««w Ida I. C. .'ml nW .lanii'> D. 2i>i>. .'mi 1127 1127 1127 1114 1127 91 : 407 72^ 725 SIS 56. 95 702 501 7u2 1206 702. um .s»i6. I2(« ,501. nW S«i6. 1203 702. 1097 124 I in; 12U6 86ti urn 870 lODS X54. 1197 702 KU •SB. I2IW N67. lau |-Jlk,'> IttlM. 1292 j»Nl 2«Ht. .lOl 702. IOI»> 1097 1398 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. 4«1 05, .lobri -MH.rcrZ Nellie A. .lolin U. 702, H)ilT IMorce A. ,lnlin \V. -Mt. 'Mn Kohurt L. .Ii«'-I»uu 'Mi Uiiltor L. .Iiisiin 2tMi. .")lo 705, Laura 2t}t). 500 l.auntta A. M' Charles G. 71!l, Li Ilk- \2HS l.oiilsell. ^70 l.irlu M. lOl.t l.iitlxr.M. 702 M r. 4H7 Marjorie C. 120;t MartJJii 11. 7»»2 M.irv K. 702. lOiC il.iry li. 2l>!l. ."XH May 1205 M Ho II . 500. M)3 Mllloii htiti .Moiitvillc .tOI Vunluson L» V2m Nell if L. .iOI. sti7 I'earl W. 12'.I7 I'f.irlia .V. «54, 1197 I'DfliT II. S67 KalphA. 1203 lialliliC. Stil>, 1203 Kfid 1200 KohtTt E. ^<54 KobcTt S. 1197 Kufus R. 702 Rue 11 702 Ruth R. 705 Samuel 256 Sarah C. 702, KMIs Sena 31N .*^hiTman t< Alineiia I. !)5« Asahel C. MU Barlou 564,9,58 Hflst-v .M. 9.')S Chailts II. lil^ Kll/aliill> 564 Ephraiiii 564, 9,')S Floreiice E. 124H WINSOR Franklin K. U58, lils Aljram 11. Franklin .M. 1248 Abram L. (ieor^il* 058,1248 Alon/.o (;e()i','e It. 1248 Ariluir »;ra.-e.V. 1348 CatraU-U Harold E. Iit8 FJljali F. IsalwllaF. 3(i4, 959 Feni Jason 564 .losejiJi 927, Julie 564. it59 ,lusepl»C. Lester .M. 9.")« Lucy 927, Mr, 437 Olive Marie .■.t^ Olive E. Marion 5fl4. St59 Sarah P. 927, .Maude E. 12|.s Zenetta Al.l>le Harak t'harles G. ' Fxlifar C. Eli N. Eli/.abeth Eli/.al)eth ,f. l-'jorence .NL ;e T. llarrlel T. Howard .lames ,Joel (;, .Joel ,1. Leoiuird Louisa 'i Lucy A. Lydia E. Lyman Mr. Margaret E, Margaret M. Mary A. Myra Otis Polly Robert H, Sarah Sarah L, Theron WINCH ELL Grace E. .Jennie Susan E. S'olney WINCHESTER David D. WINDSOR .lames E. WING Albert B. Alvin Charles A. Charles H. Elsie Ernest C. Ethel M. Grace M. .Tohn Vi. Nathaniel N. Thankful WINGATE Andrew T. Harriet E. Sikrah E. WINN .losie M. Betsey WINSLOW Edwin C. Hannah ivucinda A. Samuel ,V10. WINSHIF 124« 1248 124.H 1248 1281 1100 311 1109 1109 5<.»5 7t)ti 1243 595 1197 noo , 595 71S 719 705 1100 1173 595 705 M9 ll(t9 516 719 105« 705 :i83 595 160 .595 .595 5t)5 S61 362 1026 1155 726 1065 1115 726 t>51 726 72t; 726 1115 106') 107 5:19 911 540 342 .->34 ■jiti 534 927 Jt27 927 1227 J*27 lrii5 12:^1 i2:m 1234 12:!5 12: (4 927 12: 14 123.5 Emma Capt. Anna C. Charles H. Frederick .loseph .Martha L. WINTER W 1 - 1 1 WISS .Tohn Philip Patience .Jeanette Rose Louise M Ann E. Mary Ella M. WITH AM WITHERELL WITSON WOERNER WOERZ WOLCOTT WOLF 711 Is2 1240 1240 1240 1240 1240 :kk> 309 916 442 l\i)0 1151 768 199 K82 WOLVERTON William B. 11.59 WONDERLV .Josepliine M. 1034 WOOD Adelbert R. 967. 1157 Blanche Z. 1157 Callie S42 Carrie 842 C.irrie .1. 842 Caroline EL 824 Cora A. !)90. 12«>4 Dolly 10S2 Emily A. 541 Fannie E. 950 Frances P. 937 Fred L. 842 Ciardner P. 1020 Harriet C- 1244 IvaE. 1157 .lames D. J»90 .lohn 618 .lohn B. 842 John K. 767 .Joseph 621 i^a Fayette 870 Leander li. 7t)7 Lena A. 1157 Lincoln li. 767, 1157 Lulu E. 990 .Mr. 2t>5 Nellie 1185 Randall L. 1157 Russell. I. 1157 Seniardel 700 Varon 621 Waldo (i21 William W. 767, 1157 Willie 990 Willis E. 842 WOODAKD Emogene N<:; Henrietta E. 444 , soo Henry hi 444 Maria L. 444 . ste Martha 6:^2 Ophelia E. 444 . soo WOODFORD I ra E. 11.55 Ruth 1155 WOODHOUSE Frances E. 5S(> WOODRUFF Addle C. 6!K), lOStV Alice 1). 690, 1086 Alva B. 690 Elmer B. 690 Fred .V. 1086 Fred L. 690 George S. 6S»0 INDEX 13UI» Lyman B. 690 Nellie E. 690 Walter P. 690, lose WOODSUM Sarah K. 633 WOODWARD Marietta B. &S2 Susan 441 William H. 682 WOODWORTH Charles 6a-) Leona 5!)2, 987 Liewis 592 J.ouisa 592 Luther 592 Mercy 592 Orrin J. 592 WOODS Eachael 669 WOOLINGTON Elsie 744 WOOSTER Alice 769 Alma F. 769 Arthur 768, 769, 1160 Benjamin B. 1161 Caroline D. 769, 1160 Charlotte 769, 1160 Clara L. 771 Eliza 424, 768 Emma 769. 1161 Evelyn 769. 1161 Fannie 769, 1161 Florence N. 1161 Henry M. 424, 769 John 424 , 768, 1160 Mortimer S. 771 Moses F. 424, 769 Nathan 424 Nathan P. 769. 1161 Sarah J. 769. 1161 Theodore S. 424. 771 William P. 424. 769 William M. 771 WOOTON John L. 1132 Samuel E. 1132 WORDEN George H. 816 Georgia 816 James P. 816 Mr. 262 Sanford E. 816 WORKS Carolyn I. 1020. 1279 Edwin D. 1020 Frank H. 1020. 1280 Harriet E. 1280 Helen E. I2»(i YEl'TZEK Katherine E. 12S0 lit iiry 755 Marion L. 1020. V2>*0 VOUK WORTH Hessif n. i\U Phebe y.i\ Dennis B. M4 WORTHIXGTON Sardinia 4(vl WRAY Anne N. iisi Eleanor W. nxi Llewellyn A. lisi Ella F. Morence L ll.'inn.'ili E. 11 at tie .M. Lucrelia Mabel L. YOST y>U. li'J'.i «U4. Iit41' 7Jt 644. imx 4:Ki t'»44. llMU Llewellyn 11. Nelson 11. lis] 11^1 Carolyn G. Charles G. KS.'. WRIGHT Evelyn .1. K<. Addle 1120 Florence L. Ml Alon/o P. ()51 Geor^'o E. »Ci Asahel 456 Nina 1). Ml Bertha E. IIW William H. Ml Charles P. 597 YOUNG Elizabeth P. 8(>0 Alice 7ai Ella M. 597 Clarissa 7K1 Eunice C. 1278 Edna 111.6 Fernando 1140 Edward P. i:«r. Fred W. 1199 Ellen IKi, IKiti George 440 Harper llt<6 Hazel 1199 Henrietta SrJ4, 1232 Helen F. 1285 Jane 91 Homer L. 597. W WYMAN Don we B. 12^"' Charles B. 726 Hessel E. I2N<. Elizabeth P. 1139 Leonard F. VSts Ella 538 Theodore O 12KS Joseph 538 ZIEGLER Lucy 538 Carl G. 812, 1183 Mabel B. 726 Eustace P. 812 Sarah 5:18 Howard B. M2 William U. 726 Paul .S12 YAGER Winifred 11 812 Marietta J. 1126 ZINN YELLETTE Archie ii;«> Keziah Wl Mr. ii:u.i OTHER NAMES PERSONS NOT RELATED BY DESCENT Oil MARRIAGE, PLACES, ETC. Al)lx.'v >^. ll.ti Ai)i)<)it \w. StO. xn. :t.v>. aiti. i\r.i hS4. tib-2, tiXt. t)94, IS51. »11, 1029 li'.IS. Al)l>r»'vi!itioris 25 Abel 154 AlxTiiiithy 71. 7:.' Achurri 142 Aclaii. the 24S Ackiev SHI A(i:iir" ii:t4. l-'H.') Ailiiliiric 24(> Adams 12, 24. 12G. 227. 2:i4. 2!n 2!>4. 2!»s. ;{2K, :}4H, :HM, :««». 4Mi) 524. 547. 620. 705. 850, 1I1I3. 1240. 12X7. A5 Andress 466 Andn-w 402 Andrews, 2. 143.219, 220. 2«7, 275 87(t. 1171 .\inli"s 42. 115 .Vtiilni-> V.>7 Anniil.lc 15, 18, 22, 30, .34, 52, lis 127, 128, 129, 130, 162. 37.i .Vwli-v 354 Anscfl^se Ansel 247 10(5 Ansley 3:JSt Anthony 796, l(Ni2 Aorson 137 A pels • 12(H( Appleton 347, 350, 407 Arey 979 Arista 246 Arniitage 13. 327 Arnold 46, 1.52, 732, SKis Ashley 26. 1.52, 1.54, X50. 157, 158 225. 228, 3iH), 423, 434, 83:1, 868 1029. Ashton 380 Atchison ICJs AthelwDulf 247 Atherton 192, 193, 2,50, ;B8. 341 411, 625. 640 Ati.x de France 247 Atkins 20, 21. 2:^, 52. 303. 12«i8 Atkinson lost; Attukoo 122 Atwater 277. 498. 1121. 1122 Atwood 21. 22. 23. 33. 92. 'Mi. 307 308, 313, 408, 567, 589. tWiO. 969 970, 1020, 1254. Aubray 347 Auger 322 Ault 12S2 Austin 61. 1092. 1114 Avery 943. 1229 Ayers 1182 Ay res 637 Azo 245 Babbitt 449 Biibcock 441,63^.937, 1193 Backhouse tU Backus 122. 210. 211. 212. 398. !H!6 Bacon 14. 19. 30. 3s, 42. 54, 57, 6t» 66, .so, 86, 87, 104, 105, lOtj. 115 130, 135. 182, 265, 266, 301. 450 818. BasfJcrly 878 liailey 100. 132, 176, 184, 191, 20it 2iHt. 348. 62;^. 823. 972, 1209 1280. Bakeinan W2 Baker 19. 118. 122. 129. Kil, 162 164. 175, 181, 191. 203, 203, 218 226, :«)5, :«H), 308, 347. 356. 380 399, 411, 579. 580. 672. 913, 921 1214, 1237. Baldri(l«e 1029 Baldwin 74. 320. 476, r>03 itallard 151, 152, 303, 3(Ki, 355, 3.56 S02 Ballon 911.1213 Bancroft 194, -124 Hand 397 Uandell 1305 Itanjier 12^2 ISancs 19. 20. 21. 39, 121, 16.2. 167 209. .307. 315 Bannister ISii. 1266 Marber 227,493. 727. 72s {{arbour 400 |{aiili-n 1.5:i Bardgley 935- Barker 127. 129. 340. a54. 3.55. 408- 1014. 1045. 122«k Barlow 1164 Barnard 65. 278, 320. 371 Barnes 19. 71. 74. Ills. 140. 141. 153. 219, 220. 221. 864 Barnett 105. 1(»45. 1131 Harnum 242. 1268 Barnstable 9, 13. \i^ Barr 160 Barras 1005 Barren 350 Barrett 467.730 1135 Barron 730. 1235 Barrow :j3, 36, 478. 1215 Barrows 47H Barrus 761 Barry 1303 liars tow 2; (5. 640 Bartlett 149. 226, 249. 350. 520 998. 1048. 1060. 1092. 1212. 1311 Jiarton :i59. 1256. 12.s9 Bass 97. ;J48 Bassett 12. 19. 24, 52, 54. 59. 62 79. 109. 120. 121. 130. 161. 167 174. 2*«i. 685. 763. NH6. 1076. Batchelder 3;W. .505 Ba.tcheller 122i Batchiler 13. 107. :«7 Bates 55, 95, 151. 173. 6.50. ItHW 1245 Bathrich 429 Uattershall 467 Battles 1247 Baudoin V. 247 Baiulouin 247 BaurnLrardner 695 Baxter 130. 348. 38 Beecher 652. 79.3 Beenian 1260 Beers 184. 268. 410. ti.s6. 844 Beldi'n 152. 370 Belding 22.s Bell 13. .319. 815 Betnan 406 Benient 230. 379. 612 Bends 396. 7.30 Benjamin 148. a58. 467 Bennett 1124 INDEX. 1401 Bennoch 646 Benson 349, 579 Bent 45(i Benton 497 Beizy 1270 Bergin 327 Bernard 247 Berry Ki. 19, : :0, 162, 685, 783, 955 1015, 125 932, 945, 947. 999, 1095. 1226 12.'<1, 13tHi. Browne 10, 173 Browning 184, 329 Brownscomb 115;t Bruce 4.37 Bruitt 13 Bruyn 512 Bryant W. 9S4 Bryan 1212 Buck 71, 219. 342, 'm. Wi, HiW Buckingham 255. 267 lUicklaiul 270, 1254 Budd 732 Buell 278, 728, M12 Bnhler 12:14 Bulkley Bull Bullard Bullen Bullock Bulmer 200, 249. 327. ;C« 179. 1212 IM 34(1 1134 121W Bumpas 12, 24, 4h Bursell 19. 40. .5.5 Byington 512 Byrd 125s Cadwallader siUJ Cady liHis CaHinch 997 Cahoon 57:t Cain s<> Caldwell 21.27s Caleb :h5 Calendar .s:il Calhoun I2:w Calkins 78. 138. 149, 23s, 44;-i Callaniore 1014 Callan 9K2 Calven i:© Cameron 84;j. 1101 Camiiu't 2W7 Camp W8 CamplK'll 522. HW Camj)tield I*) Canilee 267. 2»ts Camly 4"2 Canlield i:ts. 260. 77.5, s70 Cannon 12, :>1. 1074. 1179 Canny 5:flt Canterbury Cape Cod Capen 1212. rXl Capron -flW Card "•* Carey 59. 1S6, 413. KHHl CarU't4)n 2iM. 270. 40H Carlson 1231 Carlton S-'"^ Carman 12, lis<» C.ir|H-ntor227,.3«2.iM5. 1174, llso 8 1 140:^ THE HAM UN FAMILY Carr XM. 50:<. OWt. HH7 Carrier UrM C'arU'lyou ;«M Cartor 10. 2si. :C7, SIS. 4:10. 431 511. t'»47. tiTxV Ke.'. nil) OarvL-r 10. ss. U>. :iti2. M7 Cary l.B. ItM. lihi. :i«4 Case 47. 1;M. MS, 1142 Caseley \x. M Caslev IX Cass ■ l:ii:t Cassidy l-'si Ca.stle 144. 147. .">4J Cate 734. 7:«. 1050 Cedrlc 347 Ct'ii tulle 240 Chadlxjurne 1S7 Cliadwell 13 Cbadwick 07. 315, :tK4. '^H',. 31(1 40X. <,)15, 0 ChatTee .179 Cliiiniberlain aV). 514. 1029. 1176 Cliamhers H(<0 Clianipney 058 Champlin 1103 Cliampiioy 11H8 Cliaiidler 190, 354. 355. .3,T«i. 40s .503. 10H3, 120O Chapin 05. 18.5. 313. a.<2. 793. 1313 Cliaptnan 19, 33, 34. 7s, lis. 140 308, see, 1133. 1159 Charles 311 Chase 19, 20, 53, 129, 347. 348. 431 575.897, 1110, 1197 Chatterton 303 Chatham 31 Charibert 340 Charles de France 346 Ch.irles Martel S47 Chaufty 13S6 Chauncey 1184 Chedri(;k 543 Cheever W. 175. 345, 1013 Cheney 171 Clu'shro 814 Chesley 1107 Chestnut 935 Chick 3():i. lo.')4 Child 99, 339. stis Childe 543 Chi Ids 39. 50, 64, 65, 66, 104, 136 137 Childerlck I 340 Chilperic 346 Chillin^'sworth 13 Chillern 10 Chipman ,53. 04. 87. 88. m. 105 107, 108, 109, 110, ll.>. 110 Cliittenden 1.5, 1188 Clioate 318, 345, 346, 347 Choder 211 Chodes 311 Chubb 74 Cliurch 146. 177, 2;J5, 236. 349, 437 771, 104S Chun-liill 330. 321, 249, 388, 1092 Clallin 1313 ClaKhorn 39, 66, 133 Clampltt 9t)0 Clapp 119, 185, 323, 1108 Clark 10. 13. 19. 20, 31, 3.i. 00. 99 1(M5. 130, 139, 137. Iti4. lUti. 312 335, 349, aV). 2'y2. 3()7. 343, 344 347. .349. 370, 4(h;. 411. 443. 4i;0 4«1. 4.S0, :m. tVll. f>5s, ()S4, 731 7ilO, 805, S19, 930, 741,>tOs. 1039 Clarke 30. 343. 1105. 1339 Clary o,)4, 1(M»3 Clawsoii S3 1 Cleav(,'S S51 Cl^■^;h(l^n 1270 Clcriua 1075 Clenicnl .TB. 1312 CliTiieiits 4K7 Cleveland 191. 335». 4;i.'<. 504. 1054 Cleveland. Countess of 5 Clitlord 04.) Crackstoa 10 Clinton K5, 379 Crafts 275. 277. 598 Clotaire I 340 Craig 281. .538 Clotaire 11 340 Crain :i)8 Clovis I 340 Cram 1077 Chiyes 1S4. !t<>9 Crandall 816, 1386 Clusaret 040 Crane 497. "KKJ. 5,S6. 44.5. 8.t<> Coat of xVrms 4 Cranson 1301 Coats lOSO Cravy 1119 Cobb 15. 10. is, i.:. 'M. 33. .34. 43 43. 51. 53. 53. liO. 01, t;3. 09. M8 1117. lOS. 117. lis. 133. VM. Iti4 liu. ISO, :aH. 308, 513. 5«>8. 704 Coburn 338. 13W Coi-hran :i:ix Cochrane 1307 Codman 134 Coe 373. 50!l Coffin 717. 949. 1130 Cog«in 14, 15. Is. 3s. 309 Cogswell 80. 347. .ss5 Colt 304, 576 Coite 19. 79 Colby 1309 Coldam :«3 Cole 13. 19. 30. 31. 22, 23, aii. 9s 100. 350. 445. 50.3, 1154. 1354 Coles -78 Coley 3)1) Coleman 66, 80, 133, 133, 140, 3is .303. 901. 1131 Collamore (H5 Collar 1039 Collicut 13, 14. 128, ,-)30 Collier 20. 54. ,55, 05. 89, .507. ")68 Collins 22. 23. 151. 180. 3i)8. 310 3ll.0,s:j, 720. 813. 850. 979. 1103 1103. Colson 397, 613 Colter lUi4 Col ton 704 Colman 345 Colt 153 Colver 74. 3;i0 Compton loiis Comstock 78, 401. 745. 998 Conant 33. 43. 008. ikss Condit 181 Cone 140. 141, 1088, 1341 Coner 12 Conklin 732. 1284 Con net 303 Conrad 347. 348 Conrad II 34*< Conrad the Ked 348 Converse 3;j7. 058 Cony 890 Cook 10, 31, 34. 74. 103. 137, 105 3(XI, 3.S4. 317. 445. 51.5. 538. 938 10;i8, 1219. Cooke 10, ,503. 1048 Cooledge liHl. Ii30 Cooley 757, 1138 Coolidge 033 Coomer 1354 Coon 810 Cooper 15, 18, 2». 30, 1170 Coper 10 Corbet 78 Corel 21 Corey 733 Cornell 094. S83 Cornish 139 t'ortellieu 364 Cor win 7.32 c;osgrove 1072 Cotton 110. :iJ3 Co u I son 1397 Court i;94 Couzens SHKi Covan 780 Covil 31 Cowing 1013 Cowles 70. 220, 458. 1(MI3 Cox 99 Coy 987, 1081 Crawford 470 Crayford 814 Crippen 77. 78 Crisp 32 Crocker 18, 2s, 48, 50, 5.3. 01, 03 04. 05. 06. S3. 88, 105, 107, 10s 115, 117, 119. 130. 13:i, 139, 171 173. 303. .301. IMH. 3(W. 'Mis. 370 .iso. :^l , 39it. 500, 573, 003. 00,3 Crokcr 10 Croudiie .341 Cronipton llKs Cromwell 180. 129s Crook 9i) Crooker 98. 99. US Crosby 19. 31. *2. .305, .3as. 34s 502. 503. .Vi3. (>5.s. stKJ. 1393 Cross 790 Crossman 181. 479. 513 Crow,138.093 Crowe :jOO Crowell 17. 19. 21. 23. 41. 00. 79 123. 1.30. 313. 393. 3S3. 3S4. 394 .567. .50S. 509. OSS. (i97. 910. it53 !>55. 1031. 1005. 1337. 1339. Crt)zier 1390 Cruthers 9<>4 Cruthenden 998 Cudworth 15. 10. is. M. 3!>5 Culbertsen 009 Cullen .S73 Culver 313. 437. 4tit). 1310 Cummings 185. 190. 194. 199. ;^.50 545. 1034 Cunnel K^S Cunningham 073 Curtis 149. IS] . i,s5. 237. .390. 449 714. 735. ,SH4. 1004. 1087. 1095 1114. Currier 376 Curtice 7s. 332 Curtis 9,34. it97. 998 Gushing 33. 95. 98. 9i». 1.58. ISO 187. 1.S9. 191 Cuslmian 13. 90. 541. sl7. 913 1315 Cutter 3.30 Cutting lft5. 375, 1054 Daggett 305. ;us. 1131 Da kin M. 341 Dale 1013 Dal ton 337 Dame 909. 1269 Damon 290. 327. 004 Dana 6,53 Dane a>4. .355. .s51 Danforlh 355 Daniels 703.971 Darby 170 Darling 807. .sos. 811 Davenport 134. 971 Davidson 4.59. 5()7. (>59. 993 Davis 18. 19. .30. 3s. .39, 43. 51. tiO 01. 04. tm. 91, 101. 131. 134, 128 130. 1,33. 133. 19.1. 199. 3S1. 3.s5 :i(M(. .'tiis. .i'.l'.l. 4:i;i. 4(«). M\il 779 sst). iH>5. 914. 9.57. 1(«7. 1093 1101.1349.1383.1386. . Davison 804 Daw.son 988 Day 276, 408. 600. ]3t« I >eal 142 Dean 1.5;i. 776, 788. 800, 875, 966 Deane 13, 30. .39, 5:1, 107. 136 Dearborn 388 Ilei'eiver . 540 Decker ' 23- INDEX. 1403 de Barstow 253 cle Bursrundy 247 de Eaton 249 d'Este 248 de Parley 354 de Forsyth 229 de France 24<> de Hamline 2 de Hayden • 24!) deJurnet 70S DeLameter 1127 Delano 12. 24, 33, 97, 242, 243. 245 249, 2.50, 283, 397. 1092 DeLaney 12(i5 de le Noye 397 de Lannoy 245, 246, 247, 24S Delap 85 de Merleberg 333 de Montgomery 5 Demon til 379 Demming 140, 211, 228, 358, 867 1122 Denison 1304 Denley " 1267 Dennett 909 Dennis 19, 395. .')39 Dennis. Mass. ^9 Dennison 1177 Denny 1110 Densler 854 Depew 1180 de Foot 249 de Puy 483 Derby 19, 88, 127 Derrick 318 Desborough 248 de Townsliend 249 Deville 19 de Warrenne 249 Dewey 252. 268, 736, 1209 de Wbitney 333 de Wolf 255. 2.56. 647 Dewsbury 248, 397 de Wyuington 249 Dexter 12, 51. 125, 130, 167, 286 978 Deyo 803 De Witt 969 Diamond 374, 375 Dibbett 503 Dibble 228 Dick 920 Dickenson 90, 1S4 Dickey 67, 131, 214, 1199 12S8 Diggs 136 Di£l :i3« Dikeman 311 Dillingbam 13, 20, 167, 207 Dimaiock 13. 14. 15. 16. 17, 19, 30 .51, 88, 119. 121. 138, 303, 954 Diner 1026 Dingley 12, 20, 148 Dingman 446 Dings 234 Dix 99> 220 Dixon 442. 1195 Doane 20. 21, 23, 57, 67, 91, 164 165. 315, 1054 Drtnnaii 116;.' Drew 715 Drittill lOSO Droegmiller UXM» Drury 193. 759 Dubbels 7sn Dudley 407 Diuison HHi Dutty 964 Dun 500 Dunn 1265 Dunbar 1014 Dun lap 5:i3 Dunn 800 Dmiliam 33, .53. 77, 78, 249, 290 ;507, 466. 985 Dunning 419 Dupper 194 Durand .504 Duraiit 622 Duri^n 10.57 Durham 68.713 Durler 1271 275 Escoinb Esti-y Esterbrook Eudo Evans Everell IH 61N, i:. Ellingwood 104s Ellis 12,19,20,21,62,103,120 167. 179. 322. 398, B.S3, 785, §06 1134.1300. Ellicott 111'* Elliott "33, .s.^".! Elmer 1.37.222,259,3.9 Elseii ''. Ely "• I''*'' Emery 196, ;J49. 350. 646. 649 Emerson 199, 337, 338, 329, 507 631, 638, 661, 1015 Emke 1213 Emmerson '" Emrie Ijt'i Emsoner 'O'' Endicott '-•' England 3;!.^ ^''' ^4 Ensigne '•' EviTtl I 153, 1«7, 890. 962, 1026 Everson 11.35 Ewell 16. 1.x. IJlt Ewer 43, 61. 106. lis, 3(ni, .Mil Ewintf 1176 Explanations 3.5 Extell 181 Eyrlck 3«0 Fairburn 905 Fair.liild 201, 234, 265. 266. :iM 424, 4, 1391 Fairchilds s:t: Fairbanks 164, 191, :t2.5 Falconer 774 Falkson 59S Fall "06 Fall and 19 Fallen 19 Falmouth, Mass. — Fanning Ills, 1149 Farewell 439 Farley 1S7. 354. i>.58 Earn ham 33".! Farnsworth s6. :tW Farnandis 403 Farnum :154. 355 Farrar 340, 1016, 1017 Farrali 1tH> Farrigut 743 Farrington ;K). 112?' Farwell .590,739.871.1123 Falkner 19s. um FauMce 117, 104> Fay 398. 999. KXIl, 1023 Faxon 7tM Fearing 1^1 Feeni.'in 1315 Feesler i:«>0 Feilding 1<><2 Fellows 182, 183, 225, 334, 688 1029 Felton 867 Fenn 2;t4 Fenner 313 Fenno •"■>•' Ferguson 12.58. 1263 Fernando 1. 346 Ferrell I2«>I Fical ^>'' Fickel S4it Field 156. 719. lo:t9 Fiekkn "6-'> FiUeld 270. 337. 521, 13«)7 Flllebrown ~tO Filley 1212 Fillmore 319 Finch :<>'<2 Fish 12, 1.3, 81. 82. 84. liH'.. liW 2(Kt. 310. 393, 2S)4. 370. 373. 439 562. 56:1. 570. 676. 67s. ii79, 9WJ Fisher 167, 187, 3«nt, 373. :fiM. 956 1109. iir Fisk :i55. 1376 Fiske ;«-tH^? Flanilers 9I.» Flaunif {!! Fletcher II. 9s. ;i6t, 6»tl». I III 1207. r.lM Flint ;cit. ;f4 340 Flynn >^' Foirgin ""^ FolM.m 1024. 1117 1404 THE HAMLIN FAMILY. Fountleroy 125s Foord 12 FoiJti- 11!'. 211. 212. 3.H1. MK) F(>rt)i-s hH. -^11. Il2ti Ford 1-lH. 14il. 20.S. 321. 452. 4(;5 im. 4(17. t&.H. 10<»4. 10O5. 1014 l(>5(f. 12.")5. Forsyth 22« Fort N53 Fortin 74 FiTtune Passengers 12 Forward 1157 Foss 1011 Foster 15. B3, 70, 104, 1S7. 217. XMt Mb. 50:i. tiSt), (57S, S40. I(i2!t 120.S, 1225. Fource 1204 Fowler 252. 275, 3.30, 45K, '.m Fox 230. 277. 7!)3, WiO Foxwell l.j. 10. li». 53. 1254 l'"r;iii<-is 771 I'raiichiniont 24(i FniDks 544. G(K) Frazer 127!) Frazier IM. 7;J4 Frederic II. 248 Free! and .^0. (547 l<'reeman. Col. 704 Freeman 12. 13. 17. 21, 22. 2:i. 41 55, 5S. 62. 103. 104. 120, 121 130. 132. Iti5. Diti. Ui7, h]s, 171 184. 205. 20!t. 210, 2'.l!l, .303. 3.S5 4!*H. 51!t. M7. MS. 720. 72!), 1030 1302. Fremont 646, 649 French 106, 334, >W, 865, 949 lOlS, 102.5. Fretter 1200 Fricke 1213 Friend 1.3. 125, 329 Frisbie 7s, 136 Frost 33S, Si")6, 1041, 10!)4. 1112 Frothlngham 2S4 Frye 196 Fuller 11,16, 22. 24. .34, 77. 79, 89 !M). 98, 105. 106. 108. 109, 118 127, i:{8, 139, 173, 216. 220, 2!)9 314, 327, :J49, ,3i)5 Gibson 28«. 3S!t, 49«. 6«i9, ssi Giddings .^1,.H5 (;iir<)rd 2.3. 121. 122. 151, .itiS. .5.56 .5.57. 561. 704. 1113 (Albert Ml. 234, 25«i. ^3. 502. t;oo mil. 1212. 12!t7 Giles 181 Gill 99 Gil let 735 Gillett 138, 226, 227. 244. 311. 405 1315 Gillette 278,279.874 (ill Man 1227 (iillson 15 (Jilson .3; is Gitteau 6(H Givens !t97 Glad we II 1146 Glass 24S (Jlassford 446 Glenny 332. 334 (ilc/.cn 157.319 (Jlidden 1116 Glover 110. 115. 116. 34s Goddiird l><1 Godden 1li'7 Godell lOtUi Godfrey 21. 22. 79. 420. 1072 Goff 220. 8(>4 (iohene 12;i3 (;old 142. 182. 2.50 Golley 742 Gooch 1039 Goodale 526 Goodell 674. 871 Goodeno 1262 Goodenow 140 Goodfellow 1019 Goodman 11 Goodnough S05 Goodrich 77. 78. 80, i;i8, 156, 161 211. 226, 227. 228, 411, 467. .503 670. 1315. Goodspeed 14.18,38.60.61,62 11!1. 171. 17.3. 291, 2!)2, 2!I4, 298 2i)9. 301. 36S. 370. 399. 5tk), 5i)9 Goodwill 81 Goodwin 227. 228, 313, 5:i8, .598 692. 712 Gordon 678. 67!t. 7,57 Gorham 43. 51. 79. !)0, 9!(. 105 106. 121. 130. 457. 1115, 1117 Gorman 120s Gosliorn 3tis Gott 257, 258, 275, 329, 330 Gould 99. 182. 497, 879 Gowen 181 Gragg 236 Graham 5.5.58,87,178,226.229 2.55, ,502. 814. 1147 Grammond 4.52. 453 (^ranby 137 Granger 244 (irannis 121.209.510 Grant 222, 250, 2(>4. 286. 589. mi 756, ,s,s;i, 1017. 1165 Gratecap 7ii4 Graves 338, 345. 354, 355, 3.56, 429 611 (;ray 19. 20. 21, 24, 77, 1.30, .i..4 m\. 503, .571, 617, 841, 944. 9S1 10<)2, 12SI0, 1254. tirause 19 Green 13, 86. 109, 116. 32s. 3.34 408, 48;i, 794, S05, 1049, 1219 Greenfield 13 Green le;if 345 Gregory 853 (ireiT 51 (irev 397 (JrilVfth 167 liritlin 23. 2,5ti Gritlith 21, 21'.i Grinage 774 (Jrlru'al 347 (.Jrinnell 1108 Griswold 200. 25t>. 1160 Groat 8«4 (Jross 21, 92, 176, 2S3, 590, M 7 (irosvenor 219 4!t llMiiscom 110. 1312 Han.son 362. 3.><4 Hapgood ;W4. 623 Harden 99. 1,53 Harding 20, 21. 22. 23. 164. ISO 342. 1106 Hardy 1245 Hare 156 Harlow 13, 283, 502. 5:W ll.'irnden 3.55 Harnett 812 Harper 23,128,376 INDEX 1405 Harriman 438 Harrington 429, 915, 9S5 Harris 386, 328, 640, 1093, 1097 Harrison 590. 1053 Hart 73, 134, 135, 136. 216, 221 239, 664, 881 Harmon 923 Hartford IIV Hartness 181 Hartough 364 Hartwell 177.241,661,9.55 Harwood 184 Harwich, Mass. 19. 20 Harvey 120, 182, 207, 221, 224, 600 850 Haskell 344, ;i45, 429. .532, 1051 Hasl 569. 688, 9()2. Howell 7:J2 Howland 11, 20. 24. 42. («. 64. 6(i 87, 88, 89, 4 Hodle 9:« H. dges 263. 329.9S0 Hodgkins 20, 24, 347 Hoit I'i Hoisington 137. 222 Holbeck H. ^'9 Holbrook 56, 91, 174, 2:10, 243. 374 537, 580, 1134, 12;5« Holcomb l'>»' HoUlen 2t>0, 536, 600 Holderness 7i9 Holdridge 258,470 Holland -103 Hoi ley 78. 94, 120. 141. 844 HoUis 140. m, 227. 239. 242, 343 3.50, 410. 6S5 Hollister UW Holmes 16. 43. .■)5, 3:t0. Mi. -W 3t)9. 509, 574, 960. 13-59 H ol t 276, ;W0, :i55, .m, 904, 104 1 Hoi ten , ^ I'y, Hoi way 13,60,946 Homer i»«<- ^'^^ Homes ,'V'' Ilonsicker "''I Hook 5»7 llooke II Hooker 70. 71, 1.54. 224. 27h. :i47 475. ti.5.><. sr.9. l(i.t>* Hooper 151, l."Ct. -^Vi Hoot on 527 1 1 11 1 )bard 219, 2:19, 25:1, 27:H, W« KNC). 1116 llubbell |s| llublHTton 7.» Hubby :m Huckins 14, 1 8, .53. k7. K« Hucmrfeldt Ms- HiilViiian H.S1 Hughes los(. I3:t<.i Hugne. (,'apet 3(7 Hujriie. the (Jreat 347 HuUieri 3il.'> Hull VX 14, 15, 17. IK. 19.2:1.30. 61 (Ml. 119. H;7. \2S Humphrey l;», 178,219, lU. 40l 1079. hiss* Humphreys 64.s llungerford 141 Hunn 220 llunold 316 Hunsicker lixni 1 1 unt 77, 78, 137, ;155, 44:1, 445, 497 660, t«W, s'M. ll:iH Hunter 76, 138. 497, rj;«l Huntley 255. 3<.Hl Huntington 311 llurd 3:1, 195. :W1, 513, r)69 Hurlbut78, 123, 141. 144. 146, 147 2:19. :i(i3. 515. 'M» Hurst 13, .53, lit. rj9,s Hus.sey 5:io. 956 Huti-hins 87, 3.34, KM Hutc-hinson 7.^, 3.52, 349, 47.5. VM Hutson !» Huzzey :195 Hyatt 871 Hyde 152. 154. 182. 202. 212. 3l:i 328, 2.55, 497. .5o:i H viand 16 Hyllier f^7 Imigo 2:W Ingalls 724. S;V3. sVl Inirersoll 156. 1.57. 424. ."UU Inkplieii NW Innian 10-<' Innigo 246 Irish 204,235,861,11.57 Irvin 784 Irwin 1283 Isar W isham 171 Isum . 171 Ives l.'xl lyanough !•'• .Ik.-knian 7Z\. 1171 .Jackson 15. 18.30. 79. Iitit. 1S9 191. 196. 214, 230. .158, 47.s, 817 959. . .Jacob 1(»5. 24.1 .lai'obs 10.5. 167. 210. 7:12. Ml. 1175 .lames 19. .57, 965. 1005. ll.H. 1215 .lames I 'l-^ .lannry i<;'' ,la<|ncs •!■'''' .Iai|uilli "S" .larvis 77. 12.54 .laynes <^ .lean 246 .lean. Ilietiood 34«» .lelVrles '»♦ .lenklns 22, .^, 41. 42. 4.3. 59. 61 {i-^. 64. 81. 107. 10.8. 109. 117. Ill* i-^. I2». 269, 292. 360. 1(78. •lenne 2W .lennev -^ .lennings HW. 3K.'. 611. 11 16 .lenks 4"^' .lewcil isv. :i:t4. 707. 1011'. im» .liwtti 7s. 99. 149. :t7>». <•»•. 47s 497. 640. «H2. tWll. 1240 I40fi THE HAJILIN FAMILY. Jewlit 4'.tN .lii:ilii)liikln Yoakin 74 .loljson !(«»:( .loliiis i%. 470 Joliiison 23. 23, 99. 2Ut, 220. 2:14 ■S<>. 314, 37K. f>83, K»2. s>3, '.iO> Sttit. !I77. »i)8. 1047. 1050. nil 1271. .((jhiislon 22s. :iti. »)») 370. 374, 37;'), 35X.t. .MKt: soil. '.t4> »5<). !H)1. ".f.HJ, U»:t,'>. KHVT). 12i«; Jordan IM). 27.'>. 3v> .Josliii 3,J7. .Cix. KU'.i .l<..>*sflyr» St!i. 321 Joi>iit« 24'. I .Joy 1004 ,li>V«-c' 13, 1?, S,s. hU). 107 .Imlcl ,'>«;i. li!)2. 1003 ,lury 102« .luster 1315 .Justice lOS .Justus 167 Kain «!17 Kainer 74 Kiinierer 113,5 Kane 4,'>4 Keatlnj? 44!l Keeler 273 Keeno 1094 Keith 76,5. 7t)7 Kelley 297, 951. 12ss Kellogfj: 2.5{J, 379, 4.5H. MO. >is9 1206 Kelly 19. 3() KeLsey 74. 12ti9 Kelso 1307 Kemp 1218 Kempt* Ml .52 Kendall 194. 337, 338, J17, 61S Kenilrick 16 Kennedy 396. 1082 Kent i:iO, 4!t0. 497, .stil Kerby 13 Kei n 564, 991 Kerr 102« Ketchara fiSl Ketclium 854 Kettle :«3 Keyes 379, 1021, 1252 Keysbury 1157 Kidder 55. KI9. 645 Kilbouni 227,979 Kilby 979 Iv i I ^'ore 327, 623. 64:1, 1025 Killic-utt 1143 Kilner iWfll Kimball 275. 276, 277, 286, ;C9 3;{0. :«1. 340. ill. 343, 344. 407 Mt^. 40ii. (i{,5. W5. 971. Kimberlcy 267 Kinraid 1093 Kint,' 13. 17, 20. 3t;. (Hi. Itio, 225 ■2211. 3ti9. .S36, 1029. Il,s5. 1316 Kirijrriiati 321,322,603,777 Kiuffrey 92:5 KlnfTshury 181, lO'.w KinrMMiil 209 Klrine 86(i KiMiis<-u( 1254 Kinsella K15, 830 Kit>sm;ru 347 Klil.y 122 Kin land 255 Kiirid!;e 994 KitteiedKe- 742 Kiltred^e nm Kleiin 11,58 Kline 75,2.50 Knapi> iK>. 4.87. 10119. 102;(, 1061 i;i08 Kneeland t>4<) Knell 9»i Knickerbiicker 329, 843 Knibloe 47. 79. 142, 14*!, 1.50, 153 177, 201, 242. 243, 250 Knielit 3:^ Ktdttin 1000 Knoll M2 Knopp 23,5.424 Knnit 12 Ivnowle 26 Knowies 21,22,41,180,307,315 1107 Knowlton 343,379.1192 Korn 1079 Krone lo:(o Kuriz 129S La Har so9 La Chappi'lle 7i>4 Lary 99n Ladd 2,50, 1049, ]0ti7 La Due 1121 Laiiig^ 800 Lake 141 Lambert 1290 Lambie lui; Lamburton 76 La .Monroe KC>' Lamont 1009 Lamson ,340 Landers 13, 81, 103. 151, 242, 1246 La n don 371, 1258 Lane 43. 76. 267, 433. 610. lHi6. !tl4 935, 102.5 Lang k86 Langley 1182 Langmore 11 Langworth Xia Lank ton 1H5, 1029 Lansing 477. 1261 Jjapham 16, 181 Lara way 871 L:irze 255 Larkin 366 Lamed 42 Larrabee 466, 10<»3 Lary 909 Lasel -M-i Liisber 991 Laskin 380 La Shevilear 551 Lassell 737 Latham 11 Latin 12i> Leaven wortb 998 Leavitt 64, 869, 1046, 1277 Le Karon 1072 Lee iK». 107. 120. 1.54. 225. 255. 2.56 2411. 396. 408. 6,54. 821. lOdO Leel 762. 10.>^(1 LetHer Vtiih lo:«) Leggett 1201 Legh 249 Leigliton 1093 Li'ii-ester 1 1 Leiand 171. 429. 4;t4 le .Mabieu 24.«i I^endall 40s Li'onard 26.5. 611 Let lire 1254 Ijcvericli 13 Levetl 99 Lewes 16. 1.8. 23, 30. as. 4,3 Lewis 18. 4;*. 46, 53, ,5s. (51. (12. 72 73. 79, 81, 85. 88. 91. 93, ill. 122 130, 162, 164, 218, 242, 243. 268 298. 3CIH. 400. 443. 56R, 722. 957 II'.HI. I:S2. 1310. Ley ford 710 Lil.l.v UHS Ligt'ttt 117* Li-lu 1271 Li I lev 166 Lillyblade 849' Lincoln 99, 321, .346, 350, 507. tV45 1212 Llndsv 99 Lines 207' LirMu-il 16. 2.'. 2^. .39. 42. 61. 6,5 124. -Mis. .574 Linnelt 18, :^(». 65' Lint 1301 Lint^rarde 24K Litchfield 14. 15. 18, 424, 5.50 Little 243. 320. 32s. 409. 429. iWZ 661. 8ls. 940. 1048 Littlefield 708. 714. 71.5. 1094. 109S» Livermore 195. l',H5. :«0. 40K. 4<»9 Livingston 137. 226, 229. m,52 LolKlell 9«. 327 IvM.'k 65+ Lot'kwtjod 431 Lombard 16. 18. 21. 23. 30. a*;. 4;i. 61. 64. t)6. 67. 105. 132, 133. \7i> 172, 180, 204, 297, .581, 582, 585 !HI7. Long 627. 721. 73» Longfellow 350. I05,5' Longley 344. 429. i2."il Ijoomis 74, 227. 7.5«> Lord 7n. Ill, 115, 2.Hi, 474 Loring 64. 106. ,349, 3.50, ,5,32. 1014 Lothrop 15, 17. b. 22. 27. :J0. 34 39, 41. 4.3. 46. 54. 61. 64. t>5. 6» 79, m. s-;. 104. 105. 107. 109, 118 120. 132. 133, 1.38. 184, 250. :W0 ,3 485, 1004 Ludlowe 125S LufUin 345 Luliinanii KWS LuUas '91* Lull 12:(7 Lum 1205 Lumbard Is Lumber ItV Lumpkin 19- ,54. 120. 495 Lund 12-57 Lunv ii Luttnr 12.54 Lyman 71. 245. 2.52 Lynili 1246 I.iyoiis 27T Lyslion 1U)2 Lysinger )26,s Mabbs 442 M.ible 249 Macdutr <.fc5. (Hi- Macktn/ie 1039. 1278 Macomber 122 Madden 373 .Madill II.3.S Mads 10<.H> Magory 1312 Magoun 321 Mailer 1128 Malconi 95 Maliory 267. 872 Manard 92T INDEX 1407 Mander Mane Mann Manning Man ton Man waring Ma pes Marble Marcil Marchant Marchison Margeson Mariger Markart Marrs Marriner 10,V2 594 1014 158, 184 159 3()4 732 lOiir :)50 130, 174 121H) 11 927 1309 7;« 452 Marsh 106, 2;d2, 228, 230, 249. 278 313, 880, WW) IMarslial 458 Marshall 131. 151, 303, 345, 4S, 841 Marston 84, 298, 299, 301, 366, 572 1313 Martin 11, 345, 346, 609, 849. 922 1064, 1312 Marvin 78 Mason 164, 313, 518, 612, 614, 730 1011, 1041, 1152 Mass 690 Massey 8S0 •Masten 44;i 1258 Mather 76. 110, 33a 348, 708 Mathis 1236 Mattaijuason 21, 400 Matteson 989 Matthews 19, 71. 7a 79. 400, 567 714, 1106 Maverick 226 Mawin 502 Max field St» Maxon 12.57 May 51, 182, 183, 201, 362, 384, 544 Maydole 406 Mayflower Passengers 10-12 Mayhew 36, 111. 115 Maynard ;i38. 733 Mayo 14, 18, 20, 21, 23, 30. 41. 43 54, 5.5. 58, 94, 104, 165, 206, 309 3i5, 495, 568. Mayou 400 McAlister 799 McAstleon 1.'35 McCaine 1043 McClatehey 1032 McClellan 1038 McClelland 11.52 .McCloy 1007 McCluVe 1097, 1299 McCol lister 204 McConnell 519,971,1163 McCoy 261 McCrackia 757 McCrumbie .547 McDonald 1126, 124:i JMcDonough 493 McDougal 189 McDowell 10.57 McElroy b74 McFarland 634 McFarlin 801 McFaul 1144 Mc Huron 747 Mcintosh hii^ .McKane 744 McKay I2t);i Mclvecknie 281 Mclvenney . 327, 907 McKenzie 227. 4t)0 Mclvinley TfitO, 1(54 Mclvnight 503 McLaflin 1197 McLean 977 McLellan UM McMahon 403 McMann ^^4 McMindley 837 McNamara 1281 McXarrin 507 McNaughton 1077 McNeil 730, 756 McNutt 128S Meach 319 Mead Xi\ Meads 38 Means 42:J, 582 INIedliiiry 987 Meeker" 731 Meigs 229, 387, 719. .st^ Meirs KHW Mel lean 771 Melvin iXa, 1208 Mendsen 4.35 Monks 108 Mercer fl99, 1115 Merovee X>46 Merihew 39(i Merriam 192. 7;^o Merrick 41, 315, 496 Mosler Muss Moti Moil I ton Mower Mfiwyer Moyer 123 1193 513. ItU). l^<9 :r23. 111)1. 11:^, K. Merrill 287, ."Se, 788, 939, 940 Merritt 16. 1022 Mervig 246 Merwin 256, 7.38 Meserve 340 Mes.senger 71, 325 Metcalf 905 Michel 20 Middleboro, Mass. 23 Miles 431, 939, 998, 1295 Millard 750 Miller 12, 125, 1.36, 181, 2.37, 274 379, 423. 484, :m. 653, 84:3, lOsO 1187 Millett 539 Mi Him an 847, 12.58 Mills 78, 230, 501. 1169, 1211, 1213 1301 Millspaugli 978 Milne 818 Milroy 8(S Miner 718, 1131, 1212 Minor 457 Minick 442 Minkler 1268 Mintner fl Mirick .334 Mitchell 110, 146.204, 268, 39ti 574, 1230. 1092 Mix 2ti7 Mixir 106. 184 Mohe 684 Molen 937 Molt 736 Monroe 524 Monross 71. 72. 73. 220 Mo> sail .'537 Monson 612 Montague 1086 AlontJiine, Earl of 5 Montcalm 84.3 Montell 422 Montgomery !ft. 506. 12(i2 Moody 125, 328, 1104 Moon 684 Moor 798 Mooie 98, 189, J95. 341, .354, :^»0 410. 817, 825. 858, 1024, 1196 1267. More II, 507 Morey 151. 955, 1208 Morehouse 235, WM Morgan 12. 278. 4(i«, 482, 694, 700 S46, 1059 Monvll ;«0, 70.1 Morris 92 Morrison 142, 082, 1012, 1057. 1094 12:.5 Morse 184, 288, 276. 3.'>2. 4:11. 521 623. 6:t4. tr>0, 71>i. 921. U>.'A Morton 99, I.>1. In7, 2it9. 242. lo: 6H4. 10, 77. 7h, j:ci, 224, 276, 1.302 -Mnldrt'w timfi Mnlfcinl v-j |.j(j Mil I In I •JK4 Mulllnes li Mollins 11. um. liKCi Munincr 7hO Muiidsy i(ua Munn •J(i7. •_'(;s Mini roe Jt9. 341. I life .MuiisiMi 277.611 Miiri-h •i.s4. ;tv9 Munlock 256, 3;tl, 492. I2ii» Murphy ||7 Newton II4<* Nicholas 12 Nichols 12. 4N. 1.S4. 25(t. 3li0. .Vtl !HI5. 910. Ii">4 Nicholson 19. 1121 Nickerson 19. 20, 21. 22. 2.3. 79 400. .'.la in;:. 1212 Nicola 2lo. 9I4. I2:i«l Nurcie iMI Nutter r>W Nuttings :til ^■ye 12. 62. WKl. 104, 151, 209, 2l(i 216, iiC. .365. 360. MW, ?(44, Mill 1002. Oaks U8N Oakes 57 Oaklev «» Oher ■ ;tW Dliloiig. the 7V Oiloniiell Vi9 (>-i)oiiiieii y»n (rixelley .<•. sil. 213 O'Kllley rxij. .'HU (»ldh.'iiii 122 oiiii 122:. Oliver 12.'.. la Olliisli-il 4.V2 OiideUIrk IW orcuti J».*»4 uoa THE HAMLIN FAMILY, Orleans. Mass^ OrndorIT Orpin (»rr (trioii Orvis C>slHjrii 0.sl«)riif OslHinriie Ospxjd Osijy Ostrander OtbtTi Otliou Otis 2:> :,'!tn iJ«, sxts 4a. 7t..< 4'.HI 477 .^J7, .m. OS.', 1054 U2. 20h, K;jO. S3:i ::4.-) :i47 «. «^i- 105. 117. Us, 1.11. Is; •iiMi, 3l«, 7!I4 OT(X)Ie 815 Otto I. 248 Owen 328, 478, B51 Owen* 7iH). lU'i Pabodie J>7 Packard IVCJ. .T22. 741. 122-.' Paddock 19, 21, 40, 'Ms. ms. 50.i 567, 5(}S, 7!W Paddy lo;( Patre 218, 52ti Paine 21. 22. Si. 42. .'>.S..iO><. .ids 5S2, 600, 6;i5, 643, 6.S2> 10.")4 12.37 Palmer 12, 19, 68, 166. 174. IH7 245, 671. 867, !K)5, 1130, 12(il Pantry 27s Pardee 76. 78, 137. 151, 4il7 Park 194. 469. list! Parke 7s Parker 16. 23, 42. 5:{, 61. ivj. ti4. fi*; 79. s,S. 107. 108. 121. 130. 171 2:^0. :fl6, 3.27, 32S, .■i;i7, 342, 356 :j5s. 370. 3.S3, 39t>, 4(W. 410. 562 tkK). 637. 908, 994, 1015, 1029 I(C>4.. 1305. Parkhuast 192, 1302 I'arks 379. 497 ParriH-lee 410, y.is I'arris 196 I'arslow 21 I'arsons 329, W4, 906, !Ht9 l'aitridj.?e 24 Patcli 347 Patol>in 445 Pattee 705 Patten .349. 1142 Patterson M. 191, 980. 12S5 Patton 8S7 Paul 850. KMM) Pa.vtori Isl Payne 19. 972 PaVson 465, 617 Peal)ody 276, 286, 908, 1014, 1254 Peak .3,29 Pearce 99. 860 Pearcy liiO. 226 I'earse IS, 99 Pease 19, 235, 497 Peck 70, 71, 268, 394. 410. 6.s4. I07s 1184, 1251 Peck ham 673 Peeljles 84() Peiliiiz 1015 PeiiilH-rUjn 276 Pennciiian 645 Pen nock 12.59 Penny 855 Penover 137,242 Pepin 247 Pepin L[. 247 Pepin. tlieKbort 247 I'epi" le Gros 247 Pepper 22 I'eppen-ll 67, 121 I'enival 23, 173. 2ll!i Perli.ini ;t;t4 Perkins 184. 26S, 2S(1, .■M5. .")42. 730 847. s.">!i. 'Xis. s Perrln 950. 1344 Perry, 39, .59. 99. 103, 104, 122. I,'>0 L5I. 376, 429. lOm. UTs I'ersell PiT.son I'esyn Peter Peterson Petil i'ettee Pettibone Pettlt Pettynian- Pfeiller IMieliJs ; 4. 1.35, 252, .33^ s>4 I8fl, 797 24S 23 1026 78. 140 ilo 458 792. S20 1132 672 . 474 6111 92s 613 246 246 246 +6 Piiilips Pldllippe III. Pliiilippe VI. Pliillippe de France Philiipi)e tlie (jood Pliillips 20, 21, 9(}. 98. 9!t. isii. !.• 356, 855. 8ti8, 1093. 1103 Phili>ot 1013, 1112 Pbinney28,64, 132, 167. 203. 204 209. 218, 219, 294. 297, 560. 573 ti73. 915, 957, 1084, 1091. 12H i'liipps 43 Pickard 28tJ, 428 Pickering 409 Pickett 971. 972 Pierce 55, 305. 396, 397. 698, ,sko 1125, <279. 1.308 Pierson 286. 11(^5 Pike c>40 I'il^rim Dates 9 Pinder 379 Pineon 267 Pinezer 9.')9 Pinf^rey 660 Piper 1161 Pilkin 200. 278, 313, 1212 Pitts 12. 982 Pi.xley 401, lls5 Planck 1194 Plantagenet 247 Plat 243 Plait 3.52. 1086 Platts 1019 Pleasants I2s2 Ploss 2:14 Plummer 2.52, 408. 660 Plunket 931. 9.39 Pollard 340. 347 Polly 1274 Ponieroy 184, 452, 1085, 1266 Pond 872 Poiitus 24. 248 Pool 322. 6(« Pot)le 181, 316, :m. 676. 943 Poor 320.349.1116 Pope 59, 87, 105, 115. 189, 193. 265 21«). 397, lOli,') Poph-fnn-nan-peet, Peter 74 Popli-ne-hon-muk-nuk, John 74 Porter 78, 95, 122. ISi, 1,85. 211 220, 2;i5, 277. 278. 321. .322. :{:«» 378. 1014, 1212. Post 154. 696, 752 Pote * 2(M Potter 13, 1.57, 221, 225, 2tU. .32St 345, 34t), 406. 519, 608. (i:a. 7.(9 11.34, 12.35 Potts 1 197 Powell 161,211,22.5,631,870 Powter 658 Pratt Xi. 127. 211. 278. 32s. :m 610. KIS. 947. 1045, 1110,1126 1134. n. 1280 12, 20, 21, 2,3. .34, 54, .55 120, i;i2, 165,314 13 . 103 . 70< 187 , 2s2 . 661 518 . 72T 1115 3:J4. |0'."3 10'.i3- 111. 115, ma 77 303- 19 .244 9s . 345 23: 11 1015 312 Zi (548; 325 .372 . 72.5 3ti7 :W7 ,692 108.T 330 21 .400 12ri<> 13t» 1013, 185 , 534 78,s. 99' 3:« ,621 889, 957. 1123 278 871 . 872 7iH> 1132 !iti4 I'reist Prence, 80. 103. 110. .Vis. Prt'iitii-e Prentiss 33i» 438, 943, 1205 Presbury Prescott Preston Priam Prianle Price Pride Prince Prince Henry Prindltr Pring Priichett Proctor Provlncetown Prower Pnlsiver Pulvi-r Purinston Purinton Putnam Pyle Pynchon (,)uackenbusb (,>uarles (^>uason gjjingley Kace Kackliff Iliie Haley Ramsdell Rand Randall Hansford Ransom Hapalee Rash Rathbone Ratliljun 827 Hathburn .s78 R;iw lings 16. 741 Hawson 111, 347, 348. 349, 647 Ray 593. 105t Raymond :}30, 3:19, 343. 398, 875 Ha V nor 275 Head 917, !H3 Reagan 1222 Heed 171, 217. 317. 322, 324, 564 661,745,1134,12.54 Hees 930 Reeves 161, 474 Heid 214 Reminnton 227. 823. 1202 Remley 213 Rench 129it- Ren no 1194 Heuben 267 Rew 74 Reynolds .3:13. 41 1. 472, 730. 794^ 1026, 1181. 12.i4 Rhodes 670. 11!K> Hice 185, 494, 495. 505. ii55. 795 W5. 1213 Rich 22. 180, 3 Richard, tin? Fearless 247 Hii'liard. the (iood 247 Ricliards .'.5. 89. 97, 183, 219. 230' 320, 362, 394, 604, 613, 699, 1023- 12,-4. Hichardson 98. 2^8. 298. 493. 636 704.717, 8."il. 1110 Hiclierson 977 Hlfhey 9:>- Richie 937 Rii'lnnonci 76, 454 Rickard 1249 Rick r 786, 1052 Hidden 825 Rider 19. 305. 310. Mi HIixall 874 Higdale 11 Higgs 345 Riley 227. 2:t9. lioi Ripley 329. 1220 Ring 24, .52 INDEX. 14(>!» Rise l(Ki Risedorph US!) Robbins 191, 224, 343, 572, 846 Robert 247 Robert College 360 Robert II 247 Robert le Diable 247 Roberts tl. 180, 256. :i45. 4HS, 544 625, 6.59. 982. 1039, 1086. 1196 Robertson 377, 993, 1279 Roble 368 Robinson 16, 18. 22. 23. 30, 34, 48 98, 115, 116, 117, 118. 122, 124 161, 162. 166, 215, 349, 501, 568 611. 736, 817. 839, 845, 915, 961 . 1067. Robson 1136 Rockafellow 8(i6 Rockwell 794, 1212 Roe 312, 466 Roett 72 Rogers 11, 20. 23, 143, 150, 152 167, 209. 224. 313. 358, 427. 538 580, 580. 599. 802, 958. 1244, 1254 Rolf 332 RoUey 12;« Rollins 1172 Romeyn 835 Roosevelt 592 Root 404. 503, 863, 886, 1161 Rorison S61 Rose 158. 250. 552, 596 Roselle 405 Roseman 1264 Ross 600,1108.1205.1206 Rossiter 122, 153. 161. 182, 211 225, 869 Rounds 340 Rounseville 396 Rousseau 651 Rowe 899, 1089. 1100 Rowell 991 Rowland 256 Rowley 15, 16. 18, 20, 23. 30. 52 79. 124. 139. 152. 206, 224, 225 314. Royce 72, 75, 134, 142, 912 Roycroft 54 Roys 1204 Rugg 429 Ruggles 76, 116. 168, 231, 656 Ruhl 12,83 Rumble • 148 Runnells 408 Russell 31, 32. 36, 45 180, 199, 296 919, 1200. 1205. 1229 Rust 324, 345 Rutgers 161. 191 Rutter 1162 Ryder 303, 400. 496, 567, 569 Rymer 85 Sabin 46 Sackett 250, 459, 502, 877 Sage 320 800 557 Salmon 147 Salter 613 Saltonstall 184, 4<3 Sampson 181. 249, 577, 582, 947 1092 Samson H Sanborn 430, 635, 1316 Sanclio I. 246 Sancho II. 246 Sanclio III. 246 Sandall 0^1 Sanderson 13, 84, 623. 640, 979 1W9 Sanders 567,1116 Sandwich I7 San ford 396, 553, 729. 944 Sardam 334 Sargeant S-"- 449 Sargent 152, 328, 3i)l, 982 Saulsbury 422, 1266 Saunders 125, 344, Sailer Salisbury Savage Savery Sawliill Sawin Sawtelle Sawyer 191, 194, 320. :i-t7. 394. 725, 895 1093, 1297 23,222, .Sa.\-ton Sayles " Sayres S(!animon Sean ling Scant Scheele Schermerhorn Schretl'ler Schuyler Scliurz Scofield Scott Scotto Scoville Scripture Scudder Seabrook Seabury Seaman Seamons Searle Sears 19 330. 396. 1066. Seavey Secunke Seeley Segor Segur Segisfred Sergle Seter Sever Severance 1087 1.">1 310 81M ■X\S. 350 617 156. 445 9S,>< 263 2;t 12.(0 452 897 137 992 160, 177, 84;f. s4li ,Stl 1206 193, 275, 7,80, H60 235 510 330. 340. 632 14, 18. 39. 51. 53, f.O. .Mi 88, 106, 315, 822 201 19 587 1010 4.S4 20,21,40.76, 149,238 445, 495, 498, 503, .'i()6 589 i:j8 919 1013 761 245 166 849 32it '. 5<)8 , 687 Sheperd Slieperdson Sherburii Slieridan Sherman Sherwood Slieldon Shields Shipley Sliirley Shiverick Short Shortt 20, 275, 532. .567. 569. 514, 521. 1044 328. 493 227. 1119 745 lOiMt 718 1274 1144 410 327,349 330 1119 242 1297 74 146. 156. 191. liU. 730 113.S 91K 355. 1(«I9 5S4 S4.") 74, 227. 244. 12t)9. 1210 1272 16, IS 845 154, 155, 174. 189. 193 238,278,290, \WZ ;i:t4 1»»6 1011 151,396,543. 1141 r>o:i Seward Sewell Seymour Shafer Shatrer Shatter Sliangle Shannon Sharswood Shatswell Shattuck Shaver Shaw 14, 18, 24, 74. 95. 96. 97 317, 322, 324. 64 1115 107 i;«i7 1167 K«i K12 S.VI 10; 2 12, 24. 9; Shove Shover Shult/. Shiunway Shuphi'lt Shiirtleir Shute Sibley Sidi'iuT Silk Sill Simms Simmons Simon 111'.' Simonds 152. \S\. 225, 286, 1029 Simons 275 Sinii)kins 19 Simpson 192, 234, M5 SiniR'tt 720 SkelTo 13 Skegeton 249 Skelton 268 Skiff 23, 59. RS, 10:i. 167. 916 Skidmore 497 Skinner 76, 77, 7s. 224, 955 Skulley i:t<»9 Slater 96.s. 1156 Slawson 13 Sleeper 1292 Sleppy , lt>5t> Slergle H.>< Slosson 319 Small 21. 2:1, 310. .'Mil, 594. :iJ7, 275 278, 2i»0, 300. 307, 309. ;«7, 347 348. 37i>. 40s, 42it. 4i>0. 4("m, ."iO:» 512, 515. 526. 542. .V.O. .V.s. .5«ls 581. 611. 664. tiSi. tXs, C.irj, 704 735. S(Hi. M2. 82.t, s;>. M2, S-o .S6. 2(«. JU!" 30S. ;W5. 497. r)02. 791. iCi. UH."« 1126. Snyder 3?2. 4i.l Soaper ** Soper KJiS Sorenson "^'9 ijoule 24. 249 :i9; .Snithard 242, 24;J. 244. 2.56 SoiltlHT •'^l .Southworlh 9, 97. 18.5. 2:J5. 242 :kc.', 5iSS Sowle " Sparhawk "O ■■^ narrow 20, 21. 43. STi. \Xi. 31.. 'Mi^. 724 Snauldlng 2:*, :«». *W. 761 Speed III" Spi'llmun . -j^' Spencer 47. 77. 14(1. :8»2. i^^" .Spi-ndlove Sperry ■- Spji-cr -'•'.' SplhT l**^ Spi'lT;ird SpolViird SpooiiiT Spriiirner Spniifue 24. 7^. 101. 2:t5, 423. 424 Spriitt Spring Sprlnu'ihi)r|n Sprout S(|Uasli U SIT 2T:i 1S7. n<7. ii»2 n»2 I.V) \£Si 3W». 3110 •-T6 1410 THE HAMLIN P^AMILY. S(|ulre 1202. 1303 Syninjes Tabor :«5 Trevove 12 Stacey 12 19 Treworgy ISO Stacy 7.59, 9H3 Tafl 1303 Tribby 1034 Standlsh U. 89. 97, 13H, 249. 31(1 Taintor 226 Trip 852 um Talcott 160. isi Tripp 313, 508. 600. 723 Stiinford H.-.1 Tall.rk 1257 Trot I 109. 111. 115 Stanley 185. 249. 27H Talmadgi^ 78 Trowbridge 424 Stanton 4.3;t Tallowell 59 Trua.x 477. 8,3.5 Staples 502. tM2. 7a3, 914 TanuT 44:1 True 6t>l Stark 1S2. 225, 22S Tanner 501. U57. 6.58, 1225 Truen 27,s Starke 75H Tap ley 631 Truesdel 208 Starks 257. 2i>8. 467, 4tls Tajjling 126.5 Trull 1.52 St. Arnoul 247 Tarball .333 Trumbull 211. 1219 Starr 19. 129. 231. 273 Tarr 539 Truro, .Mass. 2.3 Starrett 407 'J'ate V>(U Trussell 409 Stead man Ii93 Taylcott 658 Trvon 1 4 Stearns KHi. l.><4 I'.W. :m. 50.3. 621 Taylor 19, 20, 21. 48. 51. 5.3. M Tuck 1117 9><5 '74. 91. 1(V5. 107. \0S. 124. 129 Tucker 600. !ll 1 Stebt>in«e 658 KJO, 13S. 151. 1S7. 220. 227. 324 Tudor 64.S Stebbins 78 334, 349. 379. 394. 39f<. 442. 476 Tulman 1162 Steckraan 3.98 524, 5.39. IHX). 6.58, 771, .S40, 9.30 Tunxis. Ct. 73 Stedman 16 1015. 1085. 1287. Tiipiing 10(;4 Steele 23, 410, 1076 Tavor 334 'I'upper 12. .57, iKi. 100 105. 235 Steenburj; S02 Teal! 598 r.07 Stellens 112S Templar 19 Turman 1230 Stephen 13. 139 Temple Tench 1274 Turner 12. 13. 1.5. 16. 53. 76. .S4 Stephens 354, 419. S51 12 H(i. 212. 2H.i. .i;t8. 424 ,557. 565 Stetson 148 Tenney 3.58 iiS4. 719. !)05, 12:i4 Stevens 23. 151. 1.53. 169. 266, .^1 Terrance 885 Tuthill 732 3.54, a55. 377. 393, 65:1 1027 Terry 510.732. Il(i3 Tuitle 72. 7.5. 421. 661. titkj. 737 1107. 1226.. Thacher 19. 53. 79. 90. 124. 136 Twilley 920 Stevenson :i82. 668 150 167 . 200. 269, .3(X). 4iHi Twining 21. 162 Stewart 12, 2\. 23, 42, 410, 489 Tha.xter 2:55 Twisden 16 Stickles 312 Thayer 39. 182, 183, &i5, 1106, 1245 Twitchell 642 Stlckney 276. 338 Thorn 1242 Tyler 78, 843 Stirling 796 Thomas 22 34. 9S, 99. 100. 109 Tyrrell 1.53 St. .lohn 78. 142, 242. 313 127. 148, ~m 189, 191.322,853 Ullman Ulmer St 1.5 St. Louis IX. 246 'M>. 1103 Stockbridge 16 Thompson 59 , 140, 348, 457, 465 Tncas Underbill Underwood 1]>4 497 Stocker 407. 409 471, 5:53, 548 , 697, 777, 779, 844 Stoekwell 885 959. 981. 983 1092, 1165. 123:i 728. 1202 Stoddard 160, 220, 278, 288. 547 Thomson 11 Upham 329 614 Thorn 1231, 1259, 1300 ITpson [ ' pton Urraijua Valentine 752 Stone 111, 115, 184, 185. 189, 195 Thorne 397 1275 227,330, 341. 344, 348. 353, 507 Thornton 90H 246 l)2;t, tWl, 737, 1078, 1100, 1113 Thrasher 629 2.56 Storrs 87, 406 Thrift 1216 Valkenburg 11.39 Story 11, 408 T hurst in 325, 600, 617 Vance 90t). I(l.i0 Stoughton 843 Thwing 161 Van Alstyne 308. 1198 Stout 888 Thysen 1092 Vanaraburg 864 Stover 669, 1076 Tibijitts 309 Van Antwerp 412 Stow 19, 191. 236, 2.37 Tichnor 3;J4 Van Auk en 595 Stoweli 349. 350. 752 Tickner 78 Van Coelin 1218 Slrader 1173 Tidd 337 Van Denburg 137. K^li Strahorn 214 Tierson 796 Vanderburgh 2a3 2;J4. 671 Street 86 TilTany 2(e. 1304 Vandusen lOSl Streeter 5.35 Tilden IB. 01, 166. .320 Vanfalkenburg 11. 5s Strong 78, 185, 228. 431 Til ley 14, 15, 18, 19.2.3,88 Van (iuilder 74 Stryker 789 Tillie 11 Van Ness 159 Stuart 194, 595, 606, 657, 703, 996 Tillotson 227. 2:W. 237 Van Hensselaer 137. S46 1247 Til ton 319,' 610, lOik) Van Schoick 410 Stud ley 566, 69S, 699 Timon 967 Van Schoonhoven 137 Sturdephant 547, 5,50 Tinker 12 Van St*'enl)urg 802 Sturdevant .320 Tlrrell 320 V:in Valkenburgh 1191 Sturgis 19. 130 Titcomb 4(19 \'an Veighten 137 Sudbury 057 J »j«ilUS 691. ii:j,s N'an Wormer 49S Sullivan 62.5. 121 K^ ifcjbey 19 104 . 12,5. 1.50. 201. 209 Van Wourl 1.37 Sumner .51), 58, 237 ■ ff 239. 250, 301, 503, 956, 123M Van yea 1171 Sunno 246 '^\>Uman 1105 Varhey 345 Sutherland 243 Tom Ion 21 Vassels 16 Sutphen Wl Tomlin.son 105 \'auglian w 1)52. 653 Sutten 16 Tompkins 224 \'aui;lin 923 Swackhamer 1059 Tony 3(> N'ermalier 1210 Swain 1018 Toothaker 661 Veniiayer 3(!2 Swan 445, 498 Torrey ;+47 Via 11 1109 Swartzwolter 1027 Tousley 478 Vickery —1 i, .56. 9!tl Sweat mi Town 1(« Vincent 13.19.79, 125 1,30. 496 Sweet .58, 500, 721 Towne 184, 1.85,641. lOOti 568, 613 Swe.sgart 780 Townsend 431. 503 Vining 317 Swctt 1276 1'racv 211 \'on Corn berg 1284 Swift 13, 1,'>(), 151, 209, 224. 679 Trafton 214, 331 Vosburg 1195 Sykes 1039 Tread well 189 Vose 160 Sylllce Hi Treat 23. 77 . 115 . i:», 176. 180,200 Vreeland 883 Sylvester 1(114 411, 1121 Vrooman 226 Symon 27n Trt'lawney F.amily 4, 3S9 Vroman 837 Symonds .327, 1004, IKHt Tremaln 74 W ade 13, 98 130. 152 TtJ> f M SB «| INDEX 1411 Wadisbone 19 "Wadsworth \-i^i. 150. 186. 203. 270 "NYagoner 7:^6 Wahlheim 843 - Waiffre 24(5 AVagstafF 7 Wain Wright 724 AVait 137. 222 Waite 32S AVaitt 574 AVakeman isi Walbridge !14.5 AValdo 327, 1058 A^'aldron 1274 AValker 22, 137. 157, ItJU, 242, 24!» 267, 328. 395. 523, 937. 1048, 1069 AValkley 362 AVall 934, 1029 Wallace 777, 876, 952. 986, 1092 1171 A\' alley 64. 104. 129. 399 Walton 11)6 AYalvin 802 AVampatuck. Josiah 23 AVamsutta 249 AVanalancet 276 Wans 1187 Ward 22, i;i5. 136. 182. 183. 717 838, 876. 998. 1017 Wardwell 151. 540 AVare 325. 724, 883 AVarebam 252 A\'arbam 226. 4.58 AVarn 318 Warner 74. 136. 182. 183. 184. 191 225. :«7. 338. 464. 988. 1000 Warren 12. 68. 72. 105. 184. 189 203, 209. 235- 242. 249. 296. 320 322, 334, 632. 719. 980. Warwick. Earl of 180 Wasamequin 249 Washburn 68. 514, 7lO Washington 190. &43, 1032 Wateman 303. 217, 242 Waterman 92. 1239 Waters 445, 738. 1019 Watson 74> 27& 698, 1047 AVatten 929 AVattles 290. 435. 466 AVatts 2.53 Watuspequin 23 AVaugh 278 Way 78 AVayburn 115 AVeaver «)4 AVebb 74 174. 200, 239, 249, 338 542. 802 Webber 23, 214, 384, 365, 391, 688 1093 Webster 98, li5, 140, 237, 349, 685 IWl Weeks 23, 118, 121. 124, 151, 285 314. 543, Sta, 1250 Weirman 1165 W^elch 74. 839, 1155 Welsh 877 AVelf 245 AVelles 1121 Wellfleet, Mass. 22 Wellington 87a Wells 18. 87, 211, 220, 227, 261 31.3, 411, 503. 732, 974. 10ti7, 1293 1294. Wemble 1114 We-naum-peetu Gaac <4 Went worth 539 Wert West 79S AVestgate Westman W'eston Wetherbee Wetinore Wexam Weyburn Wheeler 154 :i41. :i43. 345 911. 996. 1134. 1275 Wheelock Wheelwright 210,228.250. \iy.\. 1^15 1249 1!I1 2:r7. 491. 922 249. 1159 199. 201, 3:to, :mo 46(i. 625, 641. t>45 A54 12.S5 19. 51, 52, 80, 209 216 111, 11,5. {)09. 9M«i 10S2 779 187. 337. as8, -.m, («s 19, 24, 59. 60. Si). 1.50 187, 193. 267, 33S. 4.V.I 480. .545, t>58. 6t)3, 8ti(), iK)5. 1001 1058. 19(v{. 1212. 124;i Whitehead 181. 1201 Whitelaw 8.59 Whiting 141, 226, 313. 355, 466 907. 9t)5. 1020 447 5.5. 164. 175. I!t2. 321 1093. 12.S7. 1313 321. 1265 .321, 3;i7. 122.S 1.55, 191. 193, 3:i2. .iXi 338, 532, 1022 Wlu'lden Whidden Whipple Whitljeck Whitbuck Whitcomb W'hite 12. 166. 167 Whitlock Whitman Whitmarsh Whitmore Whitney Whiton Whittaker Whittemore Whittlesey Wigh Wiial Wilbor Wild Wilde Wilder AVildman W'ilcox 123 95 XU 211. 5(« 1161 1134 11S6 322 896 48.334,337.33a 1256 329 122, 154. 602, 992, 1120 1142 Wiley 13IH Wilkerson 927, 931. VZfi Wilkins 329, 330. :i31. 703 Wiilard 40. 74, 189. 353. 394. 429 566, 568, 645. 650, 749. 7'.ID Willcutt 55. 95 Willett 160. 224. 226. 2*J Willetts 8;« W'illey f^61 William the Conquerer 5. .247 249,333 William Longsword 247 Williams 12, 16, 22. 78. 103. 121 127, 138, 168. 169, ISO, 204. 267 268, 290, :i34. :i45. 411. 4."i(». .501 fi:«l. 6;i5. 771, S46. 942. 1101 1119. 120(1. 1254. 1286. AVilliamson 13.3, !^58, 1308 Willis 13. 127. 269, 1275 Willocke 1<).86 AVilloughby 122 Willson 1210 Willmer 43;f Wilmot 351 Wikou 110. 171, 178, 234, :»3. 397 408,740,905, 1146,1315 Wlltse 745 Winchell 74. ^52 Wlncbe.ster 348, t«B Windsor onj Winogar 242 WliKU'giir I'.NUi Willi; 13, 20, 107, 117. 1 -i 151. 1(i7. .'fclO, .565, .■.. I WingiTl joHi Winn |ot4 Wiiiiu- :ui. 7%5 Winii'K:ott 1I2»I Winship :m2 Winsor 13 WInslow 12. 20. 5ft. SN, N». I(l7 UN. 126. 167, 2H3. 2ilH. 397. 7(l3 Winter hi. i: WintiTS .if^v Wintijrop 124. 1.^9. IM. I>7, 2:C> Mi. 473. M.li Wiswall . 1254 Wist(jn ;ni7 WjU'kiiid I 247 Wilh.n-ll 22. ,51. lott Wilhcrspoon .592 Witson 1155 Witt 32» Wolcott 140. 151, ll«). 23). .TH2 AVolfe 122 Wolfhardus 245 Wollaston 13 Wood 269. 27(). :B4. 74m. 753. '<«ll 1021. 1(J37. lltsi. MKi WocKlbeck IIJH Wood burn 1279 Woodlirldge 74. (<0. 139. 140. 141 224 Woodbury 9(0 W oodford 70. 219. 445 W(H)dhead 11.53 Woodmansev ,'C.'7 Wood rope ' 10<)2 Woodruff 181, 367, 26.x. ii79 Woods 1.53, 7ii2. 1133 Woodside 1122 Woodward 230, 27>*. 313. :t«« 45X, 996, UHW Wood worth 466 WooJey 7.ts Woolsey 9,« Worden 19. 21, 115, 126. 444. ,561 12,59 WordwelJ 714 Works 1174 Wormslev 551 Wortt-iidyke 8»w Worth «•>-• Wiirthingtt>n U^i-s W right 12. la 19. 192. 1!0. 227 379. 497. 951. 977. 1015. 102s W'room 2n> Wrotham 220 Wulbi-n 602 Wyalt 27H Wvkoir 1141 Wyles 817, 1315 Wvnian 3:17,3:18,1116 Xmu.>reii 2W Yale '''••''"'■ !i?i Val lowly 757 A'armouth 1* Vi.st •"< Yi .u Kg 2?:. 23, v.. 58, 91 . 94, 315 .1:2. 395. 4ui. IT'.i. :►»,•>. (I7it. r23 .•02.9:10, iCxi. ma 1141.12X1 !2:<4. Younglove <4 Vouilgt* '•" ;KhG'^'9 I ^^^ .• "V. ,c,- . ', ^_^ J - y V -^^..^ : " ^r.V^ ^" -^^.^ * • o. ';>. ''^'- *- A^^ ' •' . ..... ■'. ^--r..^^ ■ .•> ': V ./■ j:^^ V^ ^/; ^^-^ V.,, S°-- • -^^,^ ^-n^ \, ^^ .^ i V '.-• ^^ '--"°^ aO ^<> *•-• <^^ °^ '-•" A^ . •<' .v / - "^i^ A^ »'- A / '" ^ v^ ♦* ■'.■'■I. J » ^V ^j, • ti y * "^ ^ ' "NjtV-^ ■» *. . aO L < V » If • rt ' ' ^■^^^ ^ « o o . \' V 1*^ V « • »■ t (s. .5 ' • o, -> - I 1 ,-}w •) 'V ^ ^o -^ov^ ,v >^' 'X^ o • e » o ' A *^ > .'^►"^' •>. v-^^ v^^ MAR ^1.0 -TV '<^- ^^^. « p<