F 459 • L8 02 RECTORY THAT DIRECTS." Copy 1 =====- -r,,= Guide to Louisville «/|» List of Hotels, Churches, Theatres and Other Valuable Information. CHAS. T. DEARING Bookseller Nos. 356 to 360 Fourth Avenue LOUISVILLE. KY. 'A DIRECTORY THAT DIRECTS. C. T. Dearing c^^^^^ Printing Co. •A DIRECTORY THAT DIRECTS." Guide to Louisville 41VJ List of Hotels, Churches, Theatres and Other Valuable Information. CHAS. T. DEARING Bookseller Nos. 356 to 360 Fourth Avenue LOUISVILLE, KY. 'A DIRECTORY THAT DIRECTS. EXPLANATIONS. Streets running East and West have line of demarkation at First street. As, "East Main street," east from First street; "West Main street," west from First street. On streets running East and West, "Odd" numbers are on the North side of the street; "Even" numbers on the South side. On streets running North and South, "Odd" numbers are on the East side of the street; "Even" numbers on the West side ARRANGEMENT. Streets bearing NAMES as con- tradistinguished from streets known by NUMBERS, are arranged alphabetical- ly, and are first in order. Streets known by NUMBERS are ar- ranged in numerical order, following alphabetical list. Gift Publisher 30 N'07 STREETS AND AVENUES. Alphabetically Arranged. "A" Street. — From First, east to Bland and west to city limits, bet. Hill and Lee. "A" Alley.— South of "A." Ackerman Court. — From Twenty-third to Twenty-fourth, bet Main and Rowan. Adair St. — From Underbill, east to Dupuy, bet. Kentucky and Caldwell. Adair St. — From Taylor Boulevard, west, in Jacob addition. Adams St. — From river, south to Story avenue, east of Webster. Alabama St. — A short street north of the Canal in Shipping-port. Alford St= — From Twenty-sixth street west to city limits, three squares north of Main street. Allen St. — From "N" south to "O," west of Fifth. Allene Ave. — From Lynn north, west of Lawton avenue. Alta Ave. — East from Baxter avenue, south of Sherwood avenue. Amber St. — From Dumesnil street to Cane Run Road (continuation of Twenty-eighth street). Amy Ave. — From Market south to Chestnut, west of Thirty-fifth. Anderson St, — From Thirteenth to Eighteenth, bet Broadway and Maple. Anderson Alley. — South of Anderson. Andrews Alley. — From Third to Fourth, bet. Main and the River. Arbegust St. — From Fourteenth to Eighteenth, bet Maple and Lexing- ton. Arcadian Place. — From Thirty-seventh west, south of Stratton avenue. Arlington Ave. — From Charlton street to Frankfort avenue, south of Mell- wood avenue. Arteburn. — South of "P" and east of Third. Ash Bottom Road. — (Continuation of Preston Street). Ash St. — From Shelby southwest to Texas, bet. Goss avenue and Mul- berry street. Ashland St. — From Bank street south to Market, bet. Hardin and Grove streets. Asylum Ave. — Now Stoll avenue. Aubin Ave. — From Brownsboro Road, south o Field avenue, west of Cres- cent a\ enue. Avery Avg. — From first east and west, south of Bloom avenue. Avery Court. — From Avery avenue south to Brandies avenue, bet. First and Second. Bainbrldge St. — Now Elliott avenue. 6 Baird St. — From Seventeenth north- west to Twenty-first, bet. Portland avenue and Todd street. Baker Court. — From Delaware to Ken- tucky, west of Eleventh. Ballard St. — From Campbell to Wenzel, bet. Jefferson and Green. Bahard Alley.— From Shelby to Camp- bell, bet Jefferson and Green. Bancroft St. — From Clay east to Shelby, south of Lampton street. Bank St. — From Fifteenth northwest to city limits, south of Portland ave- nue. Bannon St. — From Bank south to Mar- ket, bet. Thirty-eighth and Thirty- ninth. Barbee Ave. — From First, east and west, south of Brandies avenue, formerly "E" street. Barbour Ave. — From Ohio river south- east to Mellwood avenue, beyond Cut-off Road, extreme eastern part of the city. Bardstown Pike. — Continuation of Bax- ter avenue, beyond limits. Baron Ave. — From Goss avenue south to limits, east of Texas. Barret Ave. — From Broadway, nearly opposite Underbill street, southeast to Kentucky street. Bate Ave. — East of city limits, bet. Rehra and Tomppert avenues. Baxter Ave. — From end of East Jef- ferson, near Wenzel street, south- east to city limits. Bayless St. — From Sixteenth west to Eighteenth, south of Burnett avenue. Bayly Ave. — From Frankfort avenue north to Field avenue, east of Hite avenue. Beargrass St. — Erroneous for Story avenue. Beatty St. — From Twenty-sixth west to Twenty-eighth, south of Broad- way. Beech Ave. — From Barret avenue northeast to Von Borries avenue, south of city limits. Beech St. — From Dumesnil to Gibson's Lane, bet. Hemlock and Hazel streets. Beechwood Ave. — From Baxter avenue to Von Borries avenue, east of Slaughter avenue. Belgravia Court. — From Fourth avenue ' to Sixth street, north of Hill. Bell St.— From Floyd to Preston, bet. Lee and Bloom avenue. Be ilea I re Ave. — North from Frankfort avenue to Letterle avenue, second east of Haldeman avenue. Bellewood Ave. — From Rosewood ave- nue south of Baxter avenue. Benton Ave. — From Barret to Rubel avenue, bet Broadway and Wickliffe avenue. Bergermeier Ave. — From Frankfort avenue south to Long Cliffe avenue, east of Carlisle avenue (formerly Jane avenue). 8 Bergman St. — From Preston northeast to Shelby street, north of Knapp. Berry Boulevard. — From Taylor boule- vard west beyond Lentz avenue, east of Conn. Bertie Ave. — From Schoeffel avenue northeast, first east of Mellwood avenue. Bertrand St. — From Fifth to Sixth, bet. St. Catherine and Oak. Bible Alley. — From Eleventh to Twelfth, bet Broadway and Maple street. Bickle Ave. — From Story avenue south to Market, east of Johnston street. Big Mack Ave. — From St. Catherine to Oak, along east side of L. & N. Railroad. Birchwood Ave. — From Frankfort ave- nue south, bet Kennedy and Park avenues. Bishop St. — From Hull street south to Rogers, bet Baxter avenue and Cooper street. Bismarck Ave. — From Twenty-sixth west, south of Grand avenue. Blackburn Road. — From Frankfort avenue north to Reservoir Park. Bland St. — From Knapp street, south of Lee, formerly "B" street. Bohne St. — From High avenue, south to Portland avenue, bet. Twelfth and Fourteenth streets. Boiling Ave. — From Eighteenth street, west to Schurman avenue, south of Foree avenue. Boone'e Lane. — From Bank to Market, west of Bannon street. Bowser St. — From Grayson south to Walnut, bet Ninth and Tenth. Brady St. — From Jackson street east to Hancock street, south of Fulton street. Brandies Ave. — From First east and west, south of Avery avenue, form- erly D street. Breckinridge St. — East. — Three blocks sou^.h of Broadway, From First street east, across "Jacob's" Bridge. Breckinridge St. — West. — From First west to Ninth street. Breedon St. — From Washington street north to L. & N. Railroad, bet. First and Brook. Brentwood Ave. — From Fifth west, south of Denmark. Brent St. — From Broadway above Wenzel southeast to Lampton. Bridge St. — Now Hamilton avenue. Broadway — East — (Six blocks south of Main street). From First street east to Baxter avenue, where it takes the name of "Cherokee Road." Broadway — West.^From First street west to Ohio river and Shawnee Park. Brook St. — From Ohio river south to city limits, one black east of First. 10 Brownsboro Road. — From Story ave- nue at Cut-off road southeast to city limits, now Letterle avenue. Bryn Mawr Boulevard. — Same as Tay- lor Boulevard. , Buchanan St. — From Beargrass Creek southeast to Story avenue, bet Wen- zel and Pocahontas. Buckner Ave. — From Thirty-fourth west beyond limits, south of Strat- ton avenue. Bullitt St. — From Main north to Water street, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Burghard Ave. — From Burnett avenue south, west of Twelfth. Burnett Ave. — From First east to Texas street, and west to limits, north of Hill street. Cabel St. — From Ohio river southeast to Story avenue, east of Pocahontas. Caldwell St. — From First east to Lo- gan street, bet. Breckinridge and Kentucky, and from Underbill to Dupuy. Calhoun St. — From Adams to Ohio, bet Maiden Lane and Clinton street, in "Butchertown." Calvin Place. — Chestnut, southeast cor Jackson. Camp St. — From Floyd street east to Shelby street, south of Oak street. Campbell St. — From Ohio river south to Jacob avenue, bet. Shelby and Wenzel. Canal. — In Shippingport. 11 Cane St. — From Shelby east to city limits, bet. Kentucky and Mary, in "Germantown," now St. Catherine street. Cane Run Road. — From Ormsby ave- nue, west of Twenty-third, south- west to and beyond limits. Carlisle Ave. — From Payne south to Workhouse road, east of St. Joe avenue. Carpet St.— From Twelfth west to Fourteenth, bet. Grayson and Wal- nut. Carter's Alley. — From Third to Fourth street, bet Main and Water streets. Castlewood Ave. — Continuation of Bar- ret avenue from Kentucky, south- east to Von Borries avenue. Catalpa St. — From Dumesnil south to Cane Run Road (would be Twenty- ninth street). Cavewood Ave. — From Frankfort ave- nue to Payne street, east of Young street. Cawthon St. — From Seventh to Ninth, bet. York and Lexington. Cedar. — From Fifteenth west to limits, south of Green, continuation of and formerly Grayson. Center St. — From Jefferson street south to Broadway, bet Fifth and Sixth. Chambers Ave. — From Twenty-sixth west, one block south of Bank. Chapel St. — From Main to Market street, bet. Tenth and Eleventh. Charles St. — From Dandridge avenue southeast to Texas street, bet. Samuel and Thomas. Charlton St. — From Mellwood avenue southeast to city limits, bet. Spring and Stevenson. Chattsworth Ave. — From Frankfort avenue north to Brownsboro Road, east of Ewing avenue. Cherokee Drive. — From Cherokee Park southeast, outside city limits, con- tinuation of Work-house Road. Cherokee Road. — From Baxter avenue east to Midland avenue, formerly East Broadway. Cherokee Parkway. — From Baxter ave- nue northeast to Transit avenue, east of Longest avenue, (formerly Finzer avenue). Cherry St. — On the island in Shipping- port. Cherry Lane. — West from Cut-off Road to Adams street, south of Fulton. Chester Ave. — From Kentucky south to Rupp, east of Shelby, (formerly Shelby alley). Chestnut St. — East — From First street east to Garden street. Chestnut St. — West. — From First street west to city limits and Shawnee Park. Chichester Ave. — From Bonnycastle avenue south to Maryland avenue, east of Bardstown road. 13 Christophel Alley. — From Grayson south to Grayson alley (A) west of Bowser. Christy Ave. — From Barret avenue northeast to Baxter avenue, bet, Morton avenue and Breckinridge street. Churchill St.— From Eleventh to Fif- teenth. Second street south of Ken- tucky. Clare Ave. — From Frankfort avenue north, in Reservoir Park. Clark St. — From Maple street south to Garland avenue, bet. Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth streets. Clay St. — From Ohio river south to city limits. Third street east of Preston. Clean St. — From Grayson south to Carpet street, bet. Twelfth and Thirteenth. Cleveland Ave. — From Twenty-first west to Thirtieth . Two blocks south of Bank, Clifton Ave. — From Frankfort avenue northeast to Letterle avenue, west of Sycamore street, near Blind Asylum. Clinton St. — From Adams street east of "Cut-off," Third street north of Story avenue, at eastern extremity. Coke St. — From Jackson to Shelby, one block south of Breckinridge. Cole St. — From Adams street east to "Cut-off," north of Clinton street. Coleman St.— West of Thirty-third, near Walnut, beyond city limits. 14 Colgan St. — From Eighteenth west to Twenty-first, one Dlock south of Broadway. Collins Court. — From Third east to L. & N. R. R., south of Grand Boule- vard. Columbia St. — From Thirteenth west to city limits. Second street north of Rowan street. Columbus Ave. — From Jackson east to Hancock, south of Caldwell. Congress. — Called both Congress street and Congress alley. — From Sixth west to Twenty-ninth, bet Market and Jefferson. Congress Alley. — From First west to Fifth, bet. Market and Jefferson. Conrad St. — From alley east of Pres- ton east to Jackson, bet. Caldwell and Kentucky streets. Cooper St. — From Hamilton avenue southeast to Ward street, northeast of Baxter avenue. Coral Ave. — From Frankfort avenue north to Letterle avenue, first east of Haldeman avenue. Coral Court. — From Coral avenue northeast, bet. Coral avenue and Haldeman avenue. Cottage Alley. — From Eleventh to Fourteenth street, bet. Broadway and Maple. Count St. — From Preston east to Shelby, south of Oak. Countess St. — From Preston east to Shelby, south of Count. 15 Court Place. — From Fifth to Sixth street, northern boundary of Court House Square. Courtney Ave. — From Twenty-sixth to Twenty-eighth, third street south of Broadway. Crescent Ave. — From Frankfort ave- nue north to Brownsboro Road, east of Bayly avenue. Crescent Court — From Frankfort ave- nue south to Long avenue, east of Kennedy avenue, formerly Bellevue avenue. Cromie St. — From Portland avenue to Bank street, bet. Nineteenth and Twenty-first, now Twentieth street. Crop St. — From Twelfth west to Twen- ty-sixth, one block north of Main street. Crystal Alley. — From York south to Breckinridge, west of Sixth. Curran St. — From Third to Fourth, bet. Broadway and York. "Cut-off" Road. — From Story avenue north to Ohio river. Northeastern line of city limits. Cypress St. — From Virginia avenue south to city limits, west of Twenty- sixth. "D" St. — Now Brandeis avenue. Dandridge Ave. — From intersection of Shelby street and L. & N. Railroad crossing, runs northeast to city limits to a point near Kentucky street. 16 Davies Ave. — From Fifth west, south of Jarvis avenue. Debarr St. — From Barret avenue east to Rubel avenue, south of Broadway. Deer Park Ave. — From Euclid avenue southeast to Baxter avenue, north of Ropewalk Lane. Deerwood Ave. — From Baxter avenue southwest to Euclid avenue, south of Deer Park avenue. Delaware St.— From Fifth to Sixth and from Eleventh to Fifteenth, one block south of Lexington. Delmont Ave. — From Bertie avenue southeast, second north of Letterle avenue. Denmark. — From Fifth west, south of Evelyn avenue. Dixon Ave. — From Gossar south, be- yond limits. Douglas Court. — From Everett avenue to Dudley avenue, bet. Highland and Transit. Drescher Bridge Ave. — From Letterle avenue north, beyond limits. Dresden St. — From Fifth west, south of Jockey Club. Duker Ave. — From Baxter avenue southwest to Schwartz avenue, east of Reingart avenue. Dumesnil St. — From Seventh street west to limits, one block south of Oak street. Duncan St. — From Bank and Sixteenth streets west to city limits, north of Main. 17 Dufilop Lane. — From Bertie arenue to Drescher Bridge avenue, bet. Bel- mont and Frank avenues. Dupuy St. — From Breckinridge to Page street, east of Jacob Bridge. "E" St. — Now Barbee avenue. East St. — Now Brook street. Eastern Parkway. — From Barret ave- nue to Newburg Road, south of Ferndale avenue. Eddy St. — From Fourteenth to Twen- ty-eighth, bet Walnut and Grayson. Edenside Ave. — From Von Borries ave- nue southwest to beyond limits to Rosewood avenue, in the Highlands. Edge land Ave. — From Baxter avenue, northeast to Cherokee Park, bet. Midland and Sherwood avenues. Edward St. — From Wickliffe avenue southeast to Rufers avenue, east of Barret avenue. Edwards Ave. — From Letterle avenue northeast beyond city limits. Edwin Ave. — From Taylor Boulevard northwest beyond Dakota avenue, in Boulevard Addition. Eighteenth St. — From canal southwest to Bank, at Griffiths avenue, thence south to limits. Eighth St. — From river south to limits, west of Seventh. Elder St. — From L. & N. Railroad, near round house, East Louisville, to creek, north of Reservoir avenue. Eleventh St. — From Rowan south to to limits, west of Tenth. 18 Elliott Ave. — From Twenty-fourth street to city limits, bet Broadway and Magazine. Ellison Ave. — From Goss avenue north to Samuel street, bet Krieger and Logan streets. Ellwanger Ave. — From Frankfort ave- nue south, east of Franck avenue. Elm St. — From Shelby street notheast to Mill, bet. Short-Line Railroad and Fulton. El wood Ave. — From Bardstown Pike south-west to Von Borries avenue. In the Highlands, south of Transit avenue. Emerald Ave. — East from Coral ave- nue to Vernon avenue, first north of Frankfort avenue. English Ave. — From Crescent avenue east to Reservoir, north of Frank- fort avenue. Esquire St. — From Eleventh to Twen- tieth streets, bet. Broadway and Magazine. Euclid Ave. — From Eighteenth west to Twenty-sixth, south of Dumesnil street. , Euclid Ave. — From Taylor Boulevard northwest beyond Dakota, in Boule- vard Addition. Euclid Ave. — From Shady Lane south- east to Ropewalk Lane, east of Von Borries avenue. 19 Evans .St. — Prom Woodbine street north to first alley south of Ormsby avenue, bet. Floyd and Preston streets. Evelyn Ave. — From Third west to Sixth, south of Kenton. Everett Ave. — From Highland avenue southeast to Finzer avenue, east of Broadway. Ewing Ave. — From Short-Line Rail- road northeast to Brownsboro Road, near Crescent Hill Station. "F" St. — From First, east and west, south of Barbee avenue. Fen ley Ave. — From Frankfort avenue northwest, in Reservoir Park. Fern St. — From Cooper street east to Pine, bet. Hamilton avenue and Hull street. Ferndale Ave. — From Bardstown Pike southwest, south of Edenside ave- nue, in the Highlands. Fetter St. — From Overhill street north- east to Baxter avenue, tv/o blocks north of Broadway. Field Ave. — From Hite avenue east to limits, and beyond, north of Frank- fort avenue. Fifteenth St. — From canal to limits, west of Fourteenth. Fifth St. — From river south to St. Catherine, and from Hill south to limits, west of Fourth. 30 F Inzer Ave. — From Baxter avenue northeast to Transit avenue, east of Longest avenue. (See also Chero- kee Parkway). First St. — From river south to limits, is the dividing line by which the city is numbered east and west. Fischer Ave. — From junction of Mary street and Dandridge avenue south- east to city limits. Three blocks east of Shelby street, out Mary street. Flat Lick Road. — From Preston street south, outside of city limits. Florence Place. — From Seventh to Eighth, bet. Lexington and Ken- tucky. Florida Ave. — From Thirty-third west to Thirty-ninth, south of Water. Florida St. — In Shippingport. Floyd St. — From Ohio river south to city limits, two blocks east of First street. Foree Ave. — From Eighteenth to Schurman avenue, south of Magnolia avenue. Forrest Ave. — From Hazel west, south of Dumesnil, in Parkland. Forrest St. — From Shelby street east, south of city limits. Fort St. — From Mellwood avenue south to Bernard street, bet Spring and Charlton. 21 Fortieth St. — From river south to limits, west of Thirty-ninth. Forty-first St. — From river south, west of Fortieth. Forty-second St. — From river south, wePt of Forty-first. Forty-fourtli St. — From river south, west of Forty-third. Forwood Ave. — Now Elmwood avenue. Fountain Ferry Ave. — From Market south to Walnut, first street east of the river. Fountain Place. — From Fourth west to St. James Court, bet. Magnolia and Belgravia avenues. Fourteenth St. — From canal south, west of Thirteenth. Fourth St. — From river south to limits, west of Third. Franck Ave. — Frankfort avenue south, east of Raymond avenue. Frank Ave. — From Mellwood avenue southeast, north of Delmont avenue. Frankfort Ave. — From Story avenue southeast to beyond city limits. Franklin St. — From Jackson street east to Wenzel, then northeast to Cabel street, two blocks north of Main street. Front St. — In Shippingport. Fulton St. — From First street east with the river to Adams street, then northeast to city limits. "'G" St. — From First east and west, be- yond House of Refuge grounds. Gallagher St. — From Fourteenth to Eighteenth, three blocks south of Kentucky. Gait Ave. — From Short-Line Railroad southeast to Blind Asylum. Garden St. — From eastern terminus of Chestnut street, northeast to Baxter avenue and Green street. Garfield Ave. — From Twenty-third west to city limits, bet. St. Xavier street and Griffiths avenue, three blocks south of Bank street at Twenty-ninth. Garland Ave.^From Eighteenth street west to beyond city limits, four blocks south of Broadway. Garvin Place. — From Zane street south to Ormsby avenue, bet Fourth ave- nue and Sixth street (part of Fifth street). Gaul be rt St. — From Kentucky south to Oak. One block east of Eighteenth (now Seventeenth street). Gay St. — From Beargrass Creek north- west to Fulton. One block west of Adams street. Geiger St. — From Campbell street east to Wenzel, three blocks north of Main street. Gernert Ave. — From Lawton avenue northeast, south of A. Gibson's Lane. — From Cane Run Road to the river, in Parkland. 33 Gilligan St. — Prom Twenty-first street to Twenty-second and from Twenty- fourth to Twenty-sixth, bet. Bank and St. Xavier. • Glenn Alley. — From Jackson to Han- cock, bet. Lampton and Breckin- ridge. Glover's Alley. — From Market south to Congress, bet. Ninth and Tenth. Goss Ave. — From Dandridge avenue and Shelby street southeast to be- yond city limits. Merging into the Poplar Level Road. Grady Ave. — From Thirty-eighth west to Thirty-ninth and beyond, south of Arcadian Place (continuation of Bohne avenue). Graham Ave. — From Birchwood ave- nue west, south of Frankfort avenue. Grand Ave. — From Twenty-sixth west to beyond city limits. Second street south of Kentucky street. Grand Boulevard. — Continuation of Third to Jacob Park. Grauman St. — (Continuation of Gray- son street west of city limits). Grant Ave. — From Collins Court north- east of Grand Boulevard. (In Wilder Park). Graves St. — From Twenty-first to Twenty-sixth, bet. Broadway and Maple street. Gray St. — West. — From First street west to Second street, bet Chestnut and Broadway. Gray St. — East.— From First street east to Wenzel street. Gray's Alley. — Between Main and Mar- ket and Third and Fourth streets. Grayson St. — From Sixth street west to Fifteenth. Two blocks south of Jefferson. Green St. — West. — From First street west to Fifteenth. One block south of Jefferson. Green St. — East. — From First street east to Garden street and Baxter avenue. Green Alley. — From Eighteenth street west to Twenty-sixth, bet. Jefferson and Grayson streets. Greenwood Ave. — From Twenty-sixth street west to beyond city limits (Parkland). Griffiths Ave. Alley.— North of Griffiths avenue and west of Twenty-first street. Griffiths Ave. — From Junction of Bank and Eighteenth streets, west to Twenty-first, then nothwest to Twen- ty-sixth street. One block south of Bank street. Guthrie St.— From Second to Third street, bet. Walnut and Chestnut streets. Hackney Ave. — From Eleventh to Twelfth, south of Jefferson, former- ly West Green. Hahn St. — From Brandeis avenue south to G street, bet. Preston and Floyd. Haldeman Ave. — From Short Line Railroad nortlieast to Brownsboro Pike, along eastern line of Blind Asylum grounds. Hamilton Ave. — From Baxter avenue above Beargrass Creek, northeast to Gregory street, then southeast to Payne street. Hancock St. — From Ohio River south to city limits. Five blocks east of First street. Hancock Alley. — From Jackson to Shelby, bet. Market and Jefferson streets. Hanover St. — West of city limits, south of Market street. Hardin St.— (Continuation of Thirty- third street, from Bank south to Tyler street). Harlan Ave. — From Grant avenue east, north of Collins Court. Harney St.— From Fifteenth to Eigh- teenth. Two blocks south of Ken- tucky street. Hawthorn St. — From Barret avenue west, south of Rufers avenue. Hazel St. — From Dumesnil south to Southern avenue, west of Beech, in Parkland. Hemlock St. — From Dumesnil street south to Gibson's Lane, Parkland. Hemp St. — In Shippingport. Henry Ave. — From Forty-first to Forty- second, south of James avenue. 26 Hepburn Ave. — From Barret avenue northeast to Von Borries avenue, south of Highland avenue, near city limits. Herman St. — (Continuation of Jeffer- son street, beyond western limits). Herp Ave. — From Baxter avenue south- west to Von Borries between Schuster Court and Edenside ave- nue. Hickory St. — From Goss avenue south- east of Morgan, east of Hoertz ave- nue. High Alley.— From Twelfth street west to Thirty-second street. Half block north of Portland avenue. High Ave.— From Twelfth street, northwest to city limits. One block north of Portland avenue. Highland Ave. — From Barret avenue northeast to Dudley avenue. Hill St. — From First street east to Clay street, and west beyond Eigh- teenth street, three blocks south of Ormsby. Hite Ave. — From Frankfort avenue north to Field avenue, west of Bayly avenue. Hopkins Ave. — (Continuation of "G" street, from Eleventh street west). Hopkins Ave. — (Continuation of "G" from 7th west). Hcertz Ave. — From Stonewall street, beyond Shelby street railway cross- ing, northeast to Goss avenue. 37 Howard St. — Now Breckinridge street, beyond Jacob's Bridge. Howard St. — From Eighteenth west to Twenty-sixth street, three blocks south of Broadway. Hull St. — From Baxter avenue, near Underbill street, northeast, bet. Hamilton avenue and Payne street. Hull Alley. — (See Reed avenue). Illinois St. — A short street in Ship- pingport. Indiana Ave. — From Lee to Avery ave- nue, bet. Fourth and Fifth streets. Innis Court. — F"rom Barret avenue west, bet. East Breckinridge and Page strets. Irvine St. — From Adams street east to city limits, two blocks south of Ful- ton street. '*J." — From Fourth west, north of "K." Jackson St. — From Fulton street south to city limits, four blocks east of First street. Jacob Ave. — West. — From First west to Second, one block south of Broad- way. Jacob Ave. — East. — From first east to Shelby street, thence northeast to railroad crossing, near Underbill street, thence southeast to city limits, bet. Dupuy street and Barret avenue. James Ave. — From Fortieth to Forty- second, south of Falls City avenue. Jane Ave. — From Shelby ville Pike (in Clifton), south. ?8 Jarvis Ave. — From L. & N. Railroad west to Seventh, south of Shipp ave- nue. Jefferson St. — West. — From First street west to city limits, two blocks south of Main street. Jefferson St. — East. — From First street east to its junction with Baxter ave- nue, two blocks south of Main street. Jefferson Terrace. — East side of Floyd street, bet. Gray and Broadway. Jennings Ave. — (Continuation of Schil- ler street, which see). Johnston St. — From Franklin street south to Market street, east of Wenzel street. Jones St. — From "M' street north, bet. Second and Third streets. "K" St.— From Third to Fifth street, bet. "J" and "L" streets. Keats Ave. — From Frankfort avenue, northeast to Sycamore street. Kellar St. — From Shelby street east to Beargrass creek (now East Gray street). , Kendall St. — South from Broadway alley (A) to Broadway alley (B), west to Twentieth. Kennedy Ave. — From Frankfort ave- nue south, east of Birchwood ave- nue. Kentucky St. — West. — From First street west to Eighteenth street. Begins again at Twenty-sixth street, runs to Thirty-sixth street. Kentucky St. — East.^From First street east to city limits. Kleier Ave. — From "N" north to "M," west of Sixth. Knapp St. — From Preston street and railroad crossing, northeast to Shelby street. Krankel Ave. — From Baxter avenue east to Chichester av.enue, south of Bonnycastle avenue. Krieger St. — From Goss avenue north to Samuel street, one block north of city southern boundary line. *'L" St. — From Third west to Seventh street. Southern part of city. Lafayette St., also called Pearl Ave. — From Floyd east to Preston street. Lampton St. — From Preston street east to beyond Underbill street, thence northeast to Barret avenue. Four blocks south of Broadway. Laurel Court. — From Fourth east to Park Place, south of Brandies ave- nue. Laurel St. — From Preston east to Shelby street, two blocks south of Broadway. Lawrence Ave. — From Tenth west to Eighteenth street, south of Ormsby avenue. Now Wilson avenue. Lawton Ave. — From Preston street at Hill southeast, formerly Preston- street Road. Leahy Court. — From Hite avenue east, north of Bagby avenue. 30 Lee St. — From First two blocks east and two blocks west, bet. "A" and "B" streets. Lee Ave. — From Baxter avenue south- east, near eastern city boundary line. Letterle Ave. — From Story avenue at Cut-off Road east to limits, north of Frankfort avenue, formerly Browns- boro Road. Levering St. — From Magnolia avenue south to city limits, bet. Sixth and Seventh streets. Lewis Ave. — From Twenty-sixth street west to Twenty-eighth street, two blocks south of Broadway. Lexington St. — From Eleventh street west to Eighteenth street, two blocks south of Broadway (from Sixth to Eleventh, now Breckin- ridge). Library Place. — Between Third and Fourth, Broadway and Breckinridge, formerly York. Li I lie Ave. — From Ashbottom Road, east to Flat Lick Road, south of "F." Lincoln Ave. — From Taylor Boulevard northwest, north of Tennesee ave- nue. Linden St. — From East street to Floyd, bet. Green and Walnut streets. Lloyd St. — From Adams street to "Cut- off" Road, bet. Fulton street and Beargrass Creek. 31 Locust St. — From Beargrass Creek at Anderson-Nelson Distillery, north- east to Charlton street. Logan St. — From Broadway south to Goss avenue, east of Shelby. Logan Alley. — From Cane to Mary streets, east of Logan strefet. Lombard St. — From Adams east to Ohio street, bet. Lloyd and Clinton streets. Long Ave. — From Workhouse Road, northeast to Frankfort avenue, near eastern limits. Long Cliff Ave. — See Long Avenue. Longest Ave. — From Von Borries ave- nue east to Baxter avenue, beyond eastern boundary line. Longfield Ave. — From Sixth street west, south of Q. Lost Alley. — From Ohio street east to "Cut-off" Road, north of Story ave- nue. (Now Stoecker avenue). Lucas Place. — From Seventh west to Eighth street bet. Chestnut and Broadway. Lucia Ave. — From Baxter avenue to Von Borries avenue, near eastern city boundary'' line. Lydia St. — From McHenry and Shelby streets southeast to city limits, be- yond railroad. Lynn St. — From Lawton avenue south- east, north of "F." Lyons Ave. — From Shipp avenue north, bet. First and Brook stixets, beyond city limits. 33 Lytle St. — From Fourteenth northwest to Thirty-third street, bet. Bank street and Portland avenue. "M" St. — From First street east and west, south of "L." Madison St. — West. — From Eighth street, west to city limits, bet. Wal- nut and Chestnut streets. Madison St. — East. — From East street east to Wenzel, bet. Walnut and Chestnut streets. Magazine St. — From Eighth street west to city limits, bet Chestnut and Broadway. Magnolia Ave. — West. — From First street west to city limits. Runs mostly across common from Seventh street to Cane Run Road. Magnolia Ave. — East. — From First street east to Shelby street. Maiden Lane. — (Continuation of Wash- ington street, from Adams street northeast to Ohio street, one block north of Story avenue. Maiden Lane. — From Schwartz avenue west to Euclid avenue, south of Shady Lane. Main St. — West. — From First street west to city limits. Main St. — East. — From First street east to Stone street. East Louisville. Maple St. — From Eleventh street west to Twenty-sixth, one block south of Broadway. Marble Alley. — From Second to Sixth, south of Breckinridge. 33 Maria St. — From Lexington street south to Kentucky, bet. Eighteenth and Elizabeth. (Now Seventeenth street) . Marine St. — From Twenty-sixth west to Twenty-ninth street, bet. High avenue and L. & P. Canal. Marion St. — From Ohio river southeast to Beargrass Creek, bet. Ohio street and "Cut-off" Road. Market Place. — From Jefferson to Green, bet. Brook and Floyd. Market St. — West. — From First street west to the Ohio river. Market St. — East. — From First street east to Short-Line Railroad. Marrat Ave. — From Preston street east to alley, east of Hancock street, south of Ormsby avenue. Marshall St. — From Preston east to Garden street, bet. Green and Wal- nut streets. Mary St. — From Shelby street east to Dandridge avenue, one block south of Kentucky. Maryland Ave. — From Bardstown Road east to Chichester avenue, south of Bonnycastle avenue. Mason Ave. — From Shelby street east to Beargrass Creek, bet. Jacob ave- nue and Lampton street. Mayer Ave. — From Goss avenue south- west — beyond city limits. McAllister Alley. — From Sixth street to Seventh, bet Walnut and Chest- nut streets. 34 McAtee Ave. — From Thirty-first to Thirty-second street, first north of Broadway. Mc Harry St. — In Shippingport. McHenry St. — From Shelby and Lydia streets northeast to Goss avenue, beyond railroad. Mechanic St. — From Preston east to Clay street, bet. Kentucky and Oak. (Now St. Catherine street). Mellwood Ave. — From Hamilton ave- nue northeast, formerly Reservoir avenue. Melrose Ave. — From Baxter avenue southeast, south of Midland avenue. Mercer St. — From Jefferson street south to Magazine, bet. Twenty-third and Twenty-sixth. (Now Twenty- fourth street). Merriwether Ave. — From Shelby south- west to Jackson. One block south of Shelby-street railroad crossing. Midland Ave. — From Bardstown Pike northeast, south of Longest avenue (Highlands). Midway Ave. — From Maple street south to Garland avenue, bet. Twen- ty-fourth and Twenty-fifth streets. Milk St. — From Shelby east to Dand- ridge avenue, bet. Mary and Rupp streets. Mill St.— From Fulton street to Short Line Railroad. (Continuation of Wenzel street). 35 Miller St.— South of Short Line Rail- road, bet. Spring street and eastern city boundary line. Beyond Work House. Milton St. — From Shelby street south- east to Texas street. Three blocks beyond railroad crossing at Shelby street. Missouri Ave. — From L. & P. Canal (Portland) at Thirtieth street, west to city limits, bet. Rudd avenue and Water street. Missouri Ave. — From Thirty-fourth, west, south ot Buckner avenue, in Parkland. Monroe St. — Now that part of Rowan street from Tenth to Twelfth. (See Rowan street). Montana Ave. — From Edwin avenue southwest to Schardein avenue, west of Taylor boulevard. Montgomery St. — From Twenty-third street northeast to High avenue at Thirty-first street. One block north of Portland avenue. Morgan St. — From Shelby street east to city limits. Five blocks south of railroad crossing at Shelby street. Morton Ave. — From Barret avenue northeast to Baxter avenue, south of Christy avenue. Mossrose Ave. — From Rosewood street west, south of Bardstown Pike. Mulberry St. — From Shelby southeast to Texas street, beyond railroad. 36 Murrel! Court. — From Third street nearly opposite Washington, bet. Main and Water. Myrtle St. — From Sixth to Seventh, bet. Park street and Magnolia ave- nue. "N" St.— From Third street west to Seventh street, near South Louis- ville. National Turnpike. — From Third at Shipp avenue southwest to Fourth, and from Fourth at "P" southeast. (See also Third and Fourth streets). Nelson St. — From Sixth to Ninth street* bet Main and Water. Nelson Alley. — From Second to Third street, bet. Main and Water. Newburg Road. — (Continuation of Bar- ret avenue). Newton St. — From Grayson street south to Walnut, bet. Eleventh and Twelfth. Nineteenth St. — From High avenue southeast to Bank, thence south to limits, west of Eighteenth. Ninth St. — From river south to limits, west of Eighth. Norris Place. — From Edenside avenue southeast, west of Baxter avenue. "O" St.— From First street east and west, near southern limits. Oak St. — West. — From First street to Eighteenth. Five blocks south of Broadway. Oak St.— East.— From First street east to Preston street 37 Oakdale Terrace. — From Third street Road west, north of Grand Boule- vard. Oakland Ave. — From Seventh west to Ninth, south of Magnolia avenue. O'Hara St.— From Fifteenth street west to Eighteenth, bet. Gallagher and Oak. Chio St. — From Fulton street south- east to Story avenue. Oldham St. — From Seventh to Fif- teenth street. One block north of Oak. Olmstead Ave. — From Twentieth street west to Schurman avenue, south of Stratton avenue. Olive St. — From Dumesnil street south to Woodland avenue (Parkland). O'Neal's Alley.— From Third to Fourth street, bet. Main and Water. Orleans Ave. — From Thirtieth to Thirty-eighth street (Parkland), south of Virginia avenue. Ormsby Ave. — East. — From First to Shelby, south of Oak. Ormsby Ave. — West. — From First street west to city limits. Ormsby Place. — From Ormsby avenue north to Oak Alley, west of Sixth. Overhill St. — From Underbill street southeast to city limits. One block south of Baxter avenue. Owen St. — From Seventeenth street west to Twenty-sixth. One block north of Duncan street. "P" St. — From First street to Seventh street. Near South Louisville. Page St. — From Dupuy street north- east to Barret avenue, beyond Jacob's Bridge. Park St. — From St. Cecilia street north to Slevin, bet. Twenty-fourth and Twenty-sixth streets. Park Ave. — From Third to Seventh, bet. Ormsby and Magnolia avenues. Park Ave. — From Frankfort avenue south to Long avenue, east of Franck avenue. Park Place. — From Confederate Monu- ment southwest to L. & N. Railroad. (See also Third street). Park Place. — Same as East Ormsby avenue. Parker Ave. — From Thirty-seventh to Bannon, south of Bank. Parker St. — From Twenty-fifth street to Twenty-seventh, bet. Montgomery street and High avenue. Payne St. — From Baxter avenue north- east to Crescent Hill. Pearl Alley. — From Eleventh west, bet. Chestnut and Magazine streets. Pearl Ave. — From Floyd east to Pres- ton street, bet. Green and Walnut streets. (Also called Lafayette street). Perry St. — From Short-Line Railroad south to Washington, bet. Preston and Jackson. 39 Peterson Ave. — From Frankfort ave- nue south to Long avenue, east of Raymond avenue. Pflanz Ave. — From Thirty-third street west to city limits, bet. High avenue and Bank. Pike. — From Seventh to Eighth, bet. Main and Market. Pine St. — From Hamilton avenue south- east to Cave Hill Cemetery. Pirtle St. — From Eleventh street west to Twenty-sixth, bet. Main and Mar- ket streets. Pleasant Alley. — From Grayson street to Walnut, .bet. Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets. Plum St. — In Shippingport. Pocahontas St. — From Fulton street southeast to Story avenue, bet. Buchanan and Cabel streets. Pope St. — From Letterle avenue south- west to Short-Line Railroad, near Blind Asylum. Fope Ave. — From Ohio river southeast to Reservoir avenue, beyond north- eastern city boundary line. Poplar St. — From Fulton street south to Beargrass Creek, bet Shelby and Campbell streets. Poplar Level Road. — (Continuation of Goss avenue, as it merges into a country road beyond the city limits). Porter St, — In Shippingport. 40 Portland Ave. — From Rowan, bet. Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, northwest to Thirty-third street. One block north of and parallel with, Bank street. Powhattan St. — From Fulton street southeast to Clinton street, bet. Cabel and Webster streets. Prentice St. — From Fifteenth street to Eighteenth. One block south of Ken- tucky street. Preston Court. — From Floyd to Pres- ton, south of Woodbine, formerly Magnolia avenue. Preston St. — From Ohio river south to city limits. Three blocks east of First street. Preston Lane. — From Chestnut street and Garden, southeast to Broadway. Preston Park Lane. — From Baxter avenue southwest, south of Rope- walk Lane. Prospect Ave. — From Arlington street southeast to Haldeman avenue. One block south of Frankfort avenue, at Blind Asylum. "Q" St. — From First east and west, south of "P" street, near South Louisville. "Q" St., No. 2.— From William street to Pope street. One block north of Frankfort avenue. Also called "H" street. Quadrant Ave. — From Von Borries ave- nue southeast, west of Norris Place. 41 Quarry St. — From Beargrass Creek northeast to Charlton street, bet. Payne street and Work House Road. Quincy St. — From Webster northeast to Adams street. Two blocks north- west of Story avenue. Rammers Ave. — From Dandridge ave- nue southeast to city limits. Beyond Shelby-street railroad crossing. Randolph Ave. — From Broadway south to Benton avenue. One block north- east of Bairet avenue. Randolph Ave. — From Clare avenue east, north of Frankfort avenue. In Reservoir Park. Rastetter Ave. — From Shelbyville Pike south. In Clifton. Raymond Ave. — From Shelbyville Pike southeast. Crescent Hill. Raymond Place. — From Frankfort ave- nue south, bet. Bergermeier and Raymond avenues. Read Alley.— From Twelfth to Thir- teenth, south of Chestnut. Read Ave. — From Thirteenth west to city limits, bet. Chestnut and Maga- zine streets. (Formerly called Hull Alley). Reese Alley. — From Grayson to Wal- nut street, bet. Eighth and Ninth. Rehm St. — From Frankfort avenue east, bet. Story avenue and Bear- grass Creek. Rehm Ave. — From eastern city boun- dary line east, bet. River road and Bates street. 4S Reingardt Ave. — From Baxter avenue southwest to Schwartz avenue, east of Stevens avenue. Reservoir Ave. — Prom eastern termi- nus of Main street, at Stone street, northeast to city limits. (Now Mell- wood avenue). Reutlinger Ave. — From Dandrige ave- nue southeast to city limits. Three blocks east of Shelby, via Mary street. Richmond Ave. — From Ohio river southeast to city limits, beyond northeastern boundary line. River Road. — (Continuation of Van Buren street, from city limits east. Roberta Ave. — From Frankfort avenue north to Field avenue, east of Bayly avenue. Rogers St. — From Overhill northeast to Baxter avenue. Rollin St. — From Preston to Shelby street, near southern city boundary line. Ropewalk Lane. — From Newburg road northeast to Baxter avenue, south of Shady Lane. Roselane St. — From Preston to Shelby street. Three blocks south of Broad- way. Rosewood Ave. — From Bardstown Pike to Von Borries avenue. In the High- lands. 43 Rowan St. — From Tenth street west to city limits. (From Tenth to Twelfth, formerly called Monroe street). One block north of Main street. Rowan Alley. — From Main street to river, bet. Eleventh and Twelfth. Rube! Ave. — From Broadway south. One block southwest of Baxter ave- nue, formerly Overhill street. Rudd Ave. — From L. & P. Canal west to city limits. Portland. Rufers Ave. — From Castlewood avenue east to Von Borries avenue, south of Winter avenue. Rupp St. — From Preston street east to Dandridge avenue, south of Oak. Russell Alley. — From Hancock to Clay street, bet. Lampton and Breckin- ridge. Russell Ave. — From Eighteenth east, south of Wilson avenue. Samuel St. — From Dandridge avenue southeast, at Logan street and rail- road crossing. Say re St. — From Market to Jefferson street. One block below Twenty- second. Schardein Ave. — From Taylor Boule- vard northwest 200 feet beyond Mon- tana avenue. Schiller Ave. — From Dandridge avenue and Cane street southeast to Bear- grass Creek. 44 Schuster Court. — From Baxter avenue southwest, bet. Edenside avenue and Rosewood avenue. Schwartz's Alley. — From First street to Second, bet. Oak and St. Catherine. Schwartz Ave. — From Lee avenue to Shady Lane, west of Baxter avenue. Second St. — From river south to limits, west of First. Seventeenth St.— From L. & P. Canal south to Jefferson, and from Grayson south to limits, west of Sixteenth. Seventh St. — From river south to limits, west of Sixth. Shady Lane. — From Von Borries ave- nue northeast, south of Stevens avenue. Shelby St. — From Ohio river south to city limits. Seven blocks east of First street. Shelbyville Pike. — (Continuation of Frankfort avenue from Crescent Hill, runs east parallel with railroad. Sherwood Ave. — From Baxter avenue north to Cherokee Park, east of Mel- rose avenue. Shiloh Ave. — From Ohio river south- east to Reservoir avenue, beyond city limits. Shipp Ave. — From First street east and west, south of Brandies avenue. Short St. — From Griffith avenue south to Owen, bet. Twenty-first and Twen- ty-second. 45 Short St. — From Beargrass Creek east to Spring street, at upper Main street. Side Alley. — From Twelfth to Thir- teenth south of Lexington. Sixteenth St. — From Canal to High avenue, from Bank south to Jeffer- son and from Grayson south to limits, west of Fifteenth. Sixth St. — From river south to limits, west of Fifth. Slaughter Ave. — From Baxter avenue northeast of Transit avenue. High- lands. Slevin St. — From Twenty-fourth north- west to city limits. Three blocks south of Bank street. Smith Alley. — From Franklin south to Washington street, bet. Wenzel and Buchanan. Smyser Ave. — From Short-Line Rail- road northeast to Frankfort avenue, east of Pope. Snead St. — From Water to Washing- ton street, bet. First and Second. South St. — From Jefferson to Grayson street, bet. Fifteenth and Sixteenth. Southern Ave. — From Caltalpa to Thirty-eighth, south of Magnolia avenue. Southgate St. — From Fifteenth to Eighteenth, bet. Lexington and Ken- tucky. Southwick Ave. — From Thirty-second west to Thirty -seventh, south of Southern avenue. 46 Speckert Ave. — From Hancock htreet east to alley bet. Caldwell and Ken- tucky. Speed Ave. — Northeast from Baxter, avenue, south of Bonnycastle ave- nue. Spring St. — From Reservoir avenue at Short-Line Round House to Quarry street. Spratt St. — From Goss avenue north- east to Samuel street. Springer Alley. — From Preston to Han- cock street, bet. Chestnut and Gray. Spurrier St. — From Hancock street east and west, bet. Fulton street and railroad. St. Bernard St. — From Spring street at Short-Line Round House northeast to Charlton street, south of Reser- voir avenue. St. Catherine St. — West. — From First west to Ninth street. One block south of Kentucky street. St. Catherine St. — East. — From First street east to limits. St. Cecilia St.— From Twenty-fifth to Twenty-sixth street. Three blocks north of Main. St. Charles Place. — From Second east one-half square, bet. Walnut and Chestnut, opposite Guthrie. St. James Court. — From Magnolia ave- nue (or southern line of Central Park) south to Hill street, bet. Fourth avenue and Sixth street. 47 St. Joe Ave. — From Payne to Quarry, east of Cavewood avenue. St. Joseph St. — Prom Brook to Floyd street, bet. St. Catherine and Oak. St. Louis Ave. — From Eleventh to Six- teenth street, bet. Wilson and Mag- nolia avenue. St. Paul Ave. — From Kentucky south to St. Catherine, east of Hancock. St. Paul St. — In Shippingport. St. Paul Ave. — From Kentucky south to St. Catherine, east of Hancock. St. Xavier St. — From Twenty-first to Thirty-third street. Two blocks south of Portland avenue. Standard Ave. — From Eighteenth street west, south of Magnolia avenue. State St. — From Frankfort avenue northeast to Brownsboro road. Stein Court. — From Preston street west to Floyd alley, south of Oak. Stevens Ave. — From Baxter avenue southwest to Barret avenue, east of Lee avenue. Stevenson St. — From Mellwood avenue southeast to Arlington street. One block west of Frankfort avenue. Stilz Ave. — From Frankfort avenue south to Cherokee drive, east of Bellevue avenue. (Formerly Stilz lane). Stoecker Ave. — From Ohio east to Cut- off road, north of Story avenue. Stokes Ave. — Prom Fountain road southwest to city limits. Stoll Ave. — From Frankfort avenue, opposite Blind Asylum, south to Payne street. Stone St. — From Story avenue south- east to Reservoir avenue. (Con- tinuation of Webster street). Stone Alley. — From Thirteenth to Twentieth streets, bet. Chestnut and Madison, Stonewall St. — From Shelby north- east to Texas street, beyond rail- road crossing. Story Ave. — From Main above Wenzel street northeast to city limits. Stratton Ave. — From Eighteenth west to Schurman avenue, south of Ormsby avenue. Struck Ave. — From Reutlinger street northeast to Rammers street, near southeastern limits. Stucky Ave. — From Averly avenue to Ship avenue, bet. Second and Third. Sturgis St. — From Payne street north- east to Frankfort avenue. Summers Alley. — From Water south to Nelson street, bet. Second and Third. Swan St. — From Kentucky, near Un- derbill street, south to Dandridge avenue. Two blocks east of Shelby. Sycamore St. — From Vernon avenue east to Ewing avenue. One block north of Frankfort avenue. Sylvia Ave. — From Shelby southeast to Texas, south of Stonewall 49 "T" St.— From Third east to L. & N. R. R., south of Kenton avenue. Tarascon Ave. — In Shippingport. Taylor Boulevard. — From Seventh and "L" south through country to Jacob Park. Tenth St.— From L. & P. Canal south to limits, west of Ninth . Texas St. — From Stonewall, near Shelby, northeast to Thomas street, crossing Goss avenue. Third St. — From river south to limits, west of Second. Third St. Road.— From Third at "Q" southeast. Thirteenth St. — From Portland avenue south to limits, west of Twelfth. Thirtieth St.— From L. & P. Canal southeast to Portland avenue, thence south to limits, west of Twenty- ninth. Thirty-eighth St. — From Water south to Bank, and from Garland avenue south to limits, west of Thirty- seventh. Thirty-fifth St. — From Water south to Bank, and from Walnut south to Broadway, west of Thirty-fourth. Thirty-first St. — From Missouri ave- nue south, west of Thirtieth. Thirty-fourth St. — From Water south to Bank and from Market south to Broadway, west of Thirty-third. 50 Thirty-second St. — From Water south- east to Portland avenue, and from Broadway south, west of Thirty- first. Thirty-seventh St. — From Water south, west of Thirty-sixth. Thirty-sixth St. — From Water south to Pflanz avenue, and from Garland avenue south, west of Thirty-fifth. Thirty-third St. — From Water south, west of Thirty-second. Thomas St. — From Dandridge avenue to city limits. Three blocks east of Shelby at Milk street. Thorn St. — From Reservoir avenue east to city limits, near Short-Line Round House. Todd St. — From Seventeenth north- west to Twenty-first, bet. Bank and Baird streets. Tomppert St. — From "Cut-off" road east. Transit Ave. — From Von Bories avenue east to Workhouse Road, Highlands, Twelfth St.— From L. & P. Canal south to limits, west of Eleventh. Twentieth St. — From Portland avenue south, west of Nineteenth. Twenty-eighth St. — From L. & P. Canal southeast to Portland avenue, thence south to Dumesnil, west of Twenty-seventh. 51 Twenty-fifth St. — From High avenue southeast to Portland avenue, from Bank south to Jefferson, and from Broadway to Garland avenue west of Twenty-fourth. Twenty-first St. — From High avenue south to limits, west of Twentieth. Twenty-fourth St. — From High avenue southeast to Portland avenue, and from Bank south to limits, west of Twenty-third. Twenty-ninth St. — From Missouri ave- nue south to Greenwood avenue, west of Twenty-eighth. Twenty-second St. — From High ave- nue south to Portland avenue, from Bank south to Garland avenue, and from Ormsby avenue to Olmstead avenue, west of Twenty-first. Twenty-seventh St. — From L. «fe P. Canal south to Bank, and from Mar- ket south to Broadway, west of Twenty-sixth. Twenty-sixth St. — From L & P. Canal south to limits, west of Twenty-fifth. Twenty-third St. — From High avenue south to Portland avenue, west of Twenty-second. Tyler Ave. — From Twelfth west to Twenty-second, north of Portland avenue. U nderh III St. — From Brent street south of Broadway, northeast to Baxter avenue, at the foot of the hill. 5» Van Buren St. — From Adam street northeast to "Cut-off" road. One block south of Fulton street. Vernon Ave. — From Frankfort avenue northeast to Brownsboro road, bet. Blind Asylum and railroad crossing. Victor Ave. — From Hite avenue east to Bayly avenue, north of Frankfort avenue. Victoria Place. — From Fourth to Sixth, in St. James Court, game as Mag- nolia avenue. Virginia Ave. — From Eighteenth west to city limits, through Parkland. Von Berries Ave. — From Baxter ave- nue at its junction with Highland avenue, southeast to city limits. Von Spiegel. — From Thirty-seventh west to Thirty-eighth, south of Young. Wainright Ave. — From Ashbottom Road east to Flatlick Road, south of "F." Walnut St. — West. — From First street west to city limits. Four blocks south of Main street. Walnut St. — East. — From First street east to Garden street. Four blocks south of Main. Ward St.— From Fifth to Sixth street,. bet. Breckinridge and Kentucky. Now Delaware. 53 Water St. — From Brook west to Tenth street, and from Canal Locks, Portland, to city limits, following river bank. Water St. — From Shelby east to Camp- bell, bet. Franklin and creek. Waterbury St. — From Caldwell south to Kentucky. Three blocks east of First. Waverly Ave. — South from Frankfort avenue to L. & N. Railroad, east of Haldeman avenue. Wayne St. — From Fulton street south- east to Beargrass Creek, bet. Adams and Ohio. Weatherton Ave. — From Maple south to Howard. (Formerly Twenty-first alley). Webster St. — From Beargrass Creek south to Story avenue, bet. Cabel and Adams streets. Wenzel St. — From Beargrass Creek south to junction of East Madison and Garden streets. Two blocks east of Shelby. West St. — From Green south to Chest- nut, bet. Tenth and Eleventh street. Wickliffe Ave. — From Barret avenue east to Benton avenue, north of . DeBarr street. Wilder Ave. — From Collins Court south, east of Third. William St. — From Frankfort avenue northeast to Brownsboro Road, bet. Reservoir avenue and Pope street. 54 Willow Ave. — From Transit avenue southeast to Cherokee Parkway, Highlands. Wilson St. — Prom Overhill northeast to Baxter avenue, bet. Underhill and Fetter. Wilson Ave. — From Eleventh to Eigh- teenth street, south of Ormsby ave- nue. Winter Ave. — From Baxter avenue southwest to Barret avenue, beyond city limits. Wood St. — From Adams street, east to city limits, bet. Irvine and Lloyd. Woodbine St. — From Brook street east to Hancock, south of Ormsby ave- nue. Woodland Alley. — From Wenzel east to Johnston street, bet. Main and Market. Woodland Ave. — From Eighteenth west to Thirty-eighth street, bet. Forrest and Magnolia avenues. Wood's Alley.— From Ninth to Tenth, bet. Walnut and Madison. Workhouse Road. — From Payne east, continuation of Hamilton avenue. York St. — From Second west to Ninth. One block south of Broadway. Young Ave. — From Cane Run Road west, in Parkland. Young St. — From Frankfort avenue west, near Blind Asylum. Young Ave. — From Thirtieth west to Thirty-fifth, south of Southwick ave- nue. 65 Zane St. — From Garvin Place west to Eighth street, and from Tenth west to Fifteenth street. One block south of Kentucky street. PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. Theaters, Parks, Etc. Avenue Theater. — 543-550 Fourth. Baxter Square. — Jefferson and Twelfth. Boone Park. — Duncan and Rowan, Nineteenth and Twentieth. Buckingham Theater.— 223-227 W.Jef- ferson. Central Park. — West side Fourth, south of Park avenue. Cherokee Park. — East side Cherokee Parkway, north of Willow avenue. Douglas Park. — Eastern entrance to Cherokee Park on Bardstown Road. Eclipse Baseball Park. — Seventh and Kentucky. Fontaine Ferry Park. — Fountain Ferry avenue, foor of Market. Greenwood Park (Colored). — Green- wood avenue, corner Thirty-fourth. Hopkins' Theater.— 133 W. Market. Jacob Park. — Fourth, south of city. Macauley's Theater.— 329 W. Walnut. Masonic Theater. — Chestnut, Third and Fourth. New Louisville Jockey Club. — Fourth, southwest corner P. Phoenix Hill Park.— 1116 Baxter 56 Princess Skating Rink and Amuse- ment Co. — 737 Seventh. Eeccius Baseball Park. — Twenty- eighth, northwest corner Garland avenue. Riverview Park. — Foot of Greenwood avenue. Shady Side Park.— 1819 Preston. Shawnee Park. — Foot of Chestnut. The Mary Anderson Theater. — Fourth, southwest cor. Chestnut. Wilder's Park.— Third, south of Q. PUBLIC HALLS, BLOCKS AND BUILDINGS. Alford Building.— 633 Fourth. American National Bank Building. — 300 W. Main. Armory — Sixth and Walnut. Atherton Office Building.— 700 Fourth. Atherton Building. — Fourth, northwest corner Walnut. Avenue Hall. — 129 Nineteenth. Bacon's Building. — 551 Fourth. Barbers' Aid Hall.— 406^ W. Jeffer- son. Beck's Hall.— 117 W. Jefferson. Belgravia Flats.— 1641 Fourth. Belvoir Apartments. — 1525 Cherokee Parkway. Cherokee Apartments. — Corner Chero- kee Parkway aiid Baxter. 57 Board of Trade Building. — Main, north- west corner Third. Bowles' Hall.— 366 E. Jefferson. Brentwood Apartments. — 1424 First. Caldwell Block.— 421 Fourth. Calvin Place. — Chestnut, southeast corner Jackson. Caperton Block.— 403 W. Chestnut. Chalforte Flats. — Hill, southeast cor- ner Fifth. Cherokee Hall.— 3500 Third. Chestnut Street Hall.— 2601 W. Chest- nut. City Hall.— 601 W. Jefferson. Clare, The.— 535 Second. Clay Building. — Main, southwest cor- ner Third. Coker Apartments. — 722 W. Chestnut. Colored Masonic Hall. — 541 Six.th. Columbia Building. — Fourth and Main. Concordia Hall.— 600 E. Jefferson. County Jail. — Green, southwest corner Center. Courier - Journal Building. — Fourth, southeast corner Green. Courier-Journal Office Building. — 515 Fourth. Court House. — Jefferson, between Fifth and Sixth. Cromie Building.— 341 Fifth. Custom House and Post Office Build- ing. — Fourth, northeast cor. Chest- nut. Delmont Hall. — 1573 Story avenue. Druid's Hall.— 401 E. Market. Elkhorn Hall.— 1805 Portland avenue. 58 Elks' Home.— 314 W. Walnut. Equitable Building. — Fourth, northeast corner Jefferson. Euclid Hall.— 652 W. Jefferson. Excelsior Hall— 307 First. Falls City Hall— 1126 W. Market. Fischer's Hall. — 1706 Baxter avenue. Fortuna Hall.— 1136 E. Breckinridge. Fruechtenicht's Hall. — 1603 Jackson. G. U. O. O. F. Hall (Colored).— 1228 W. Walnut. Gaulbert Building.— 624 to 630 Fourth. Germania Hall. — 107 W. Jefferson. Guthrie Block. — Jefferson, southeast corner Fourth. Hast Building.— 713 Fourth. Heptasoph's Hall.— 1635 W. Main. Hibernian Hall.— 306 Seventh. Highland Hall. — 1627 Baxter avenue. Holloway Flats.— 717 Fourth. Home Telephone Co. Building. — 629 Fifth. Huber's Hall.— 600 E. Green. Illinois Life Insurance Building. — Market, northeast corner Fifth. Iroquois Hall.— 3500 Third. Jefferson Terrace. — Floyd, southeast corner Gray. Judge Building. — 555 W. Jefferson. Kean Block.— 449 to 453 W. Jefferson. Keller Building.— 445 to 451 W. Main. Kentucky Title Building.— 324 to 326 Fifth. Kenyon Building.— 216 Fifth. Kirwan Building. — 543 Court Place. Langham Flats. — 320 E. Broadway. 59 Law Building. — 518 W. Green. Leeds Apartments. — Second, northeast corner Barbee. Liberty Hall.— 211 W. Walnut. Liederkranz Hall. — Sixth, northwest corner Walnut. Loraine, The.— 700 W. Chestnut. Louisville Horse Show Building. — Fifth and Water. Louisville Live Stock Exchange. — 505 Johnston. Louisville Public Bath House. — 423 Preston. Louisville Trust Co. Building. — Mar- ket, southwest corner Fifth. Marker's Hall. — 504 Seventhteenth. McDowell Block.— 502 Fourth. Masonic, The.— 310 to 314 W. Chest- nut. Newman Block.— 442 W. Walnut. New York Hall.— 821 Fifth. Norton Building.— 358 Fourth. Norton Hall.— 408 W. Broadway. Norton Hall.— 827 W. Broadway. Odd Fellows' Temple.— 606 W. Wal- nut. Osborne Flats. — 126 E. Broadway. Pahler's Hall.— 1733 Eighteenth. Parfitt Flats. — St. James Court and Hill street. Parkland Hall.— 2743 Dumesnil. Parkland Masonic Temple. — 2801 Dumesnil. P a r k s i d e Apartments. — Bonnycastle east of Baxter. Parr Block.— 526 to 542 Fourth. 60 Parson Apartments. — Bonnycastle ave- nue east of Baxter. Patterson Hall.— 330 W. Jefferson. Payson Block.— 506 Fifth. Pfister's Hall.— 2504 W. Market. Pirtle's Flats.— 917 Second. Pope Building. — Walnut, southeast corner Third. Portland Avenue Opera House, — 2613 Portland avenue. Post Building.— 317 W. Walnut. Preston Hall.— 808 E. Main. Rademaker Hall.— 1407 Payne. Red Men's Hall.— 1236 W. Market. Reeb's Union Hall.— 516 Fifth. Rossmore Flats. — 750 Fourth. Royal Templar's Hall.— 1637 W. Main. St. Charles Place.— 629 to 633 Second. St. Columbia Hall. — 1121 Washington. St. Francis Hall.— 547 Fifth. St. James Apartments. — East side St. James Court, south of Victoria Place. St. John's Hall.— 811 Clay. St. Louis Bertrand Hall.— 1410 Sixth. St. Martin's Hall.— 814 E. Gray. Salvation Army Hall.— 622 W. Jeffer- son. Sans Souci Apartments. — 1701 Third. Savoy, The.— 1122 Sixth. Schaeffer's Hall.— 601 E. Broadway. Scholtes' Hall.— 1706 W. Market. Schreiber's Hall.— 2603 Bank. Schroeder's Hall.— 601 E. Jefferson. Scottish Rite Cathedral.— 620 to 628 Sixth. Shelby Market Hall.— 516 Shelby. Shafer's Hall. — 311 Twenty-seventh. 61 Swiss Hall.— 746 E. Jefferson. Telephoue Building. — 444 W. Jefferson. Todd Building. — Fourth, northeast cor- ner Market, True Reformers' Hall (Colored).— 822 W. Walnut. Turner's Hall.— 419 W. Jefferson. Tyler Building. — 341 W. Jefferson. Union Hall.— 304 First. Union National Bank Building. — 542 W. Main. United States Trust Building.— 500 W. Main. Urban Building.— 232 Fourth. U. B. F. and S. M. T. Hall.— 828 Maga- zine. Veteran Firemen's Historical Associa- tion Building.— 413 First. Weissinger - Gaulbert Apartments. — Broadway, southwest corner Third. Weller Block.— 632 Fourth. Wells, The.— 636 Fourth. Whayne Building. — 426 W. Jefferson. Wilkes' Block.— 5C2 Fourth. Y. M. C. A. Building.— 318 W. Broad- way. Zeller's Hall.— 1310 Shelby. Y. M. H. A. Building.— 619 First. CLUBS. Business Woman's Club. — 431 W. Wal- nut. Catholic Woman's Club.— 315 W. Wal- nut. 69 Crescent Hill Club. — Stilz Lane, near Frankfort avenue. Country Club of Louisville, Mellwood avenue, beyond limits. Delmont Club. — 1573 Story avenue. Elks' Club.— 316 W. Walnut. Engineers and Architects' Club. — 358 Fourth. Filson Club.— 202 E. Chestnut. Louisville Automobile Club. — 217 W. Broadway. Louisville Boat Club. — Third and River. Masonic Club. — Chestnut, bet. Third and Fourth. Pendennis Club.— 332 W. Walnut. Standard Club.— 639 Fifth. Tavern Club.— 716 Third. The Commercial Club.— 302 W. Main. Woman's Club.— 1312 Fourth. Young Men's Hebrew Association. — First, bet. Walnut and Chestnut. MUSICAL SOCIETIES. Apollo Club (Male Chorus).— E. G. Reimers, President; Frank Burck, Secretary; Fred Cowles, Director. Meets at 529 Fourth every Tuesday evening. Kentucky Military Band. — F. J. Hum- mel, President; Otto Eitel, Vice- President; F. M. Stutz, Secretary and Treasurer; Theo. Eitel, Conduc- tor. Meets at Liederkanz Hall every Monday at 8 p. m. 63 Louisville Liederkanz. — German vocal society. Wm. Koop, President; A, Mohlengraft, Director; S. F. Bene- dict, Secretary. Meets on Sixth, northwest corner Walnut, every Tuesday night. Musical Club. — Thos. E. Basham, Pres- ident; Thos. Gordon Secretary. Meets every Monday evening at 529 Fourth. Philharmonic Society of Louisville. — A. R. Cooper, President; L W. Bern- heim, Vice-President; C. M. S. Hebel, Treasurer; Julius Wanner, Secretary. Columbia Building. Swiss Singing Society (Alpenroesli). — Meets every Tuesday evening at Germania Hall. The Social Maennerchor. — Meets every Saturday night at 419 E. Jefferson. LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS. Business Women's Club Library. — 431 W. Walnut. Eleanor Tracy, Secre- tary. Library of the Southern Baptist Theo- logical Seminary. — 500 W. Broad- way. J. R. Sampey, Librarian. 25,000 volumes. Open to the public 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Not circulating. Louisville Law Library. — Court House. W. O. Harris, President; S. F. John- ston, Librarian. 64 Louisville Free Public Library. — 533 Fourth street. Paul C. Earth Pres- ident; Bennett H. Young, Vice-Pres- ident; John Stites, Treasurer; Wm. F. Yust, Librarian. United States Library.— 221 Custom House. Young Men's Christian Association Library. — Central department, 318 W. Broadway. Open daily. Sunday from 2 to 5 p. m. Railroad Department. — 1023 W. Broadway. Open daily. A free reading room and library. CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS. Kentucky Sunday School Association. —308 Fifth. Young Men's Christian Association. — 318 W. Broadway. Central Department— 318 W. Broad- way. Railroad Department. — 1023 W. Broadway. Colored Men's Department. — 942 W. Walnut. Women's Christian Association. — 431 W. Walnut. CHURCHES. (Services at the usual hours.) Louisville Ministerial Association. — Meets first Monday of each month at Y. M. C. A. Building, Fourth and Broadway. Louisville and Vicinity Bible Society. — 421 W. Main. Baptist. Ash Street Mission. — 1109 Ash. Broadway Church. — 113 E. Broadway. Chestnut Street Church.— 910 W. Chestnut. Clay Street Mission.— 520 Clay. Clifton Church. — Frankfort avenue, northwest corner Belleaire. East Church.— 412 E. Chestnut. East Meade Church. — North side F, east of Flat Lick Road. Eleventh and Jefferson Street Mission. —1101 W. Jefferson. First German Church.— 639 E. Broad- way. Franklin Street Church.— 936 Frank- lin. Highland Church. — 1501 E. Broadway. Immanuel Church. — 2028 Logan. Logan Street Church. — 2028 Logan. McFerran Memorial Church. — Oak, southeast corner Fourth. Oakdale. — East side Grand Boulevard, south of Fourth. 66 Ormsby Avenue Mission. — Ormsby and Sixteenth. Parkland Church. — 2447 Catalpa. Portland Avenue Church. — 3205 Port- land avenue. Southgate Street Church.— 1535 South- gate. Third Avenue Church.— 2118 Third. Thirty-sixth Street Church.— Thirty- sixth, northeast corner Grand ave- nue. Twenty-second and Walnut Street Church.— 2200 W. Walnut. Twenty-sixth and Market Street Church.— 2536 W. Market. Walnut Street (First) Church.— 1201 Third. East Green Street Mission. — 916 E» Green. Eleventh and Market Street Mission. — 1128 W. Market. Faith Rescue Mission. — 440 E. Jeffer- son. German Mission. — 1408 Preston. Highland Mission. — 1320 E. Broaway. Hope Rescue Mission. — 808 W. Jeffer- son. Nineteenth and Portland Avenue Mis- sion Sunday School. — 129 Nineteenth. Preston Street Mission. — 2128 Preston. Seventeenth and Main Street Mission. — 504 Seventeenth. Van Buren Street Church. — 1215 Van Buren. 67 (Colored.) National Baptist Foreign Mission Board.— 726 W. Walnut. Antioch Church. — Wilson, southwest corner Eleventh. Beargrass Church. — Bergermeier ave- nue, southeast corner Payne. Berean Church. — 712 W. Kentucky. Bland Street Church.— 2121 Bland. Cabel Street Church.— 212 Cabel. Calvary Church.— 838 Fifth. Centennial Olivet Church. — 1517 Har- ney. Crescent Hill Church. — East side Stilz avenue, south of Frankfort avenue. Eleventh Street Church.— 637 Eleventh. Emanuel Church.— 1014 Tenth. Fifth Avenue Church.— 638 Fifth. Gladstone Memorial Church. — 611 Eighth. Good Shepherd Church.— 829 Oldham. Green Street Church.— 333 E. Green. Hill Street Church.— 1214 W. Hill. Lampton Street Church.— 910 Hancock. Little Flock Church.— 1910 Hancock. Mount Olive Church.— 15 Floyd. N Street Church.— N, northwest corner Sixth. New Hope Missionary Church. — 1925 Levering. Ninth Street Church.— 1028 Ninth. Portland Church.- 2733 Lytle. South Parkland Mission. — South side Arcadian Place, west of Thirty- eighth. 68 Virginia Avenue Church. — Thirty-sixth, northwest corner Virginia avenue. Zion Church.— 742 Center. Christian. Broadway Church. — 316 E. Broadway. Campbell Street Church. — 518 Camp- bell. Central Church. — 1103 Second. Clifton Church. — East side Vernon avenue, north of Frankfort avenue. Eighteenth Street Mission of Park- land Church. — Eighteenth, south- east corner A. F Street Church. — South side of F, east of Flat Lick Road. Fifteenth and Jefferson Street Church. —1428 W. Jefferson. First Church. — Walnut, northeast cor- ner Fourth, Gospel Mission of Portland Avenue Church.— 3038 Bank. Highland Church.— 2229 (a) Baxter avenue. Parkland Church.— 2416 Catalpa. Portland Avenue Church.— 2500 Port- land avenue. Third Church.— 1719 W. Chestnut. (Colored.) Green Street Church. — 1307 W. Green. Hancock Street Church. — 729 Hancock. Third Church.— 610 Twelfth. 69 Congregational. (Colored.) Plymouth Church.— 1626 W. Chestnut. Episcopal. All Saints' Church.— 1946 Floyd. Calvary Church.— 913 Fourth. Calvary Chapel. — 111 Campbell. Christ Church Cathedral. — 521 Second. Church of the Advent.— 1607 Baxter avenue. Church of the Epiphany.— 1122 Eigh- teenth. Grace Church. — 323 E. Gray. St. Andrew's Church. — 1055 Second. St. George's Mission. — 2600 Beech. St. John's Church.— 1115 W. Jefferson. St. Mark — South side Frankfort ave- nue, west of Kentucky avenue. St. Paul's Church. — 400 Victoria Place. St. Peter's Church.— 3412 High avenue. St. Stephen's Chapel. — 1811 Fischer avenue. Trinity Church.— 1030 E. Main. (Colored.) Church of Our Merciful Savior. — 1033 W. Walnut. Evangelical Association. First English Church.— 952 Twenty- fourth. First German Church. — 910 E. Walnut. 70 German Evangelical. Bethlehem Church.— 1862 Seventh. Christ Church.— 1238 E. Breckinridge. Immanuel Church. — Corner Transit and Baxter avenues. St. John's Church.— 651 E. Market. St. Luke's Church.— 1824 W. Jefferson. St. Matthew's Church.— 609 E. St. Cath- erine. St. Paul's Church. — 551 Preston. St. Peter's Church.— 1229 W. Jefferson. Westermann Memorial Church. — East side Rostetter avenue south of Frankfort avenue. (Reformed.) Salem Church. — 1716 Prentice. Zion Church. — 528 E. Broadway. West Broadway Church. — South side Broadway, west of Thirty-fifth. Israel. Adas Jeshuren. — 228 E. Chestnut. Bethamedrosh Hagodal. — 419 E. Green. B'Nai Jacob. — 454 E. Jefferson. Congregation Ansheisfard. — 613 First. Temple Adas Israel. — West side Third, between York and Breckinridge. Temple Brith Sholum. — Second, north- east corner College. Latter Day Saints. Latter Day Saints Church.— 606 W. Walnut. 71 Lutheran. First English Church.— 417 E. Broad- way. First German Evangelical Church. — 1125 E. Broadway. Grace English Church. — 408 Twenty- sixth. Second English Church.— 2117 W. Jef- ferson. Second German Evangelical Church. — • 2200 W. Madison. St. Paul's Church. — West side Brook, bet. Breckinridge and Caldwell. Third English Church.— 1510 Story avenue. Trinity English Church. — Corner High- land and Rubel avenues. Methodist Episcopal. (North.) Eighteenth Street German Church. — 2418 Eighteenth. Epworth Church. — South side M, west of Fourth. First German Church.— 600 E. Market, Second German Church. — 1701 W. Jef- ferson. Third German Church.— 700 E. Breck- inridge. Trinity Church.— 639 Third. Wesley Church.— 2310 W. Jefferson. 73 (South.) Louisville District.) Board of Church Extension of the Methodist Episcopal Church (South). —705 W. Chestnut. Louisville Methodist Alliance. — Meets the second Thursday of each month at Walnut Street Church. Asbury Chapel. — 312 Ohio. Beechmont Church, — At Beechmont. Broadway Church. — 219 E. Broadway. Clifton Church. — 2100 Frankfort ave- nue. Chestnut Street Church. — 809 W. Chestnut. Fourth Avenue Church. — 1201 Fourth. Free Methodist Church.— 3317 (a) Floyd. Hill Street Church.— 907 W. Hill. Jefferson Street Church. — 1925 W. Jef- ferson. Lander Memorial Church. — 1530 Chero- kee Road. Marcus Lindsey Memorial Church. — 801 E. Main. Portland Church.— 3323 High avenue. Rivers Memorial. — 622 E. Ormsby ave- nue. Shipping-port Church. — 118 Tarascon avenue. South Louisville Church.— 3750 Third Street Road. Walnut Street Church.— 500 W. Wal- nut. 73 West Broadway Church.— 2113 W. Broadway. "West Broadway Mission. — 2316 Howard. Wilson Fletcher Church. — Virginia ave- nue. (Colored.) African Zion Church.— 2717 Twelfth. Asbury Chapel.— 630 Ninth. Broadway Zion Church.— 1301 W. Broadway. Center Street Church. — 513 Center. Coke's Chapel. — 436 E. Breckinridge. Harris Chapel. — Southwick avenue, southwest corner Thirty-eighth. Jackson Street Church. — 520 Jackson. Jacob Avenue Tabernacle. — 418 E. Jacob avenue. Lloyd Street Church.— 1510 Lloyd. Miller's Chapel — Bismarck avenue, northwest corner Thirty-eighth. Quinn, Chapel.— 829 W. Walnut. St. James' Church.— 1118 Fifteenth. Young's Chapel. — 1543 Harney. Zion Church.— 708 Fifteenth. Presbyterian. (Northern.) Alliance Church.— 2330 Second. Calvary Church. — 2327 Portland ave- nue. Covenant Church.— 1901 W. Jefferson. 74 Fourth Avenue Church. — 1101 Fourth. Fourth Church. — 425 Hancock. Immanuel Church. — 2314 W. Chestnut. Knox Church (Colored).— 1122 W. Madison. Warren Memorial Church. — 400 W. Broadway. (Southern.) Crescent Hill Church. — ^West side Crescent avenue, north of Frankfort avenue. First Church.— 834 Fourth. Flora Heights Mission Church. — 1808 Foree avenue. Highland Church. — 1401 E. Broadway. James Lee's Memorial Church. — 1001 Frankfort avenue. Lawton Avenue Chapel. — 2346 Lawton avenue. Lydia Street Mission. — 1101 Lydia. Portland Avenue Church. — 3200 Port- land avenue. Preston Street Mission (Colored). — 644 Preston. Second Church. — 120 W. Broadway. South Louisville Chapel.— 3514 Third. The Stuart Robinson Memorial Church. — Victoria Place, southeast corner Sixth. Third Church.— 1604 W. Chestnut. Westminster Church. — 1600 First. Woodland Church. — 2468 Amber. 76 (Associate Reformed.) A. R. Presbyterian Church.— 625 W. Chestnut. (Cumberland.) Broadway Church.— 2401 W. Broad- way. Oak Street Church.— 1301 Second. Roman Catholic. Cathedral of the Assumption. — 541 to 547 Fifth. Church of Our Lady.— 3521 Rudd ave- nue. Church of St. Aloysius.— 1323 Payne. Church of St. Brigid's.— 2008 Von Bor- ries avenue. Church of St. Cecilia.— 2511 St. Cecilia. Church of St. Frances of Rome. — West side Cavewood avenue, north of Payne. Church of St. Paul.— 1826 Jackson. Church of St. Philip Neri.— 224 Wood- bine. Church of the Blessed Sacrament. — 1123 Washington. Church of the Holy Name.— 3425 Fourth. Church of the Immaculate Conception (German).— 610 Eighth. Church of the Sacred Heart.— 1629 W. Broadway. 76 Holy Cross Church.— 3124 W. Broad- way. St. Anthony's Church (German).— 2224 W. Market. St. Augustine's Church (Colored.) — 1409 W. Broadway. St. Boniface Church (German). — 513 E. Green. St. Charles Borromeo Church. — 2700 W. Chestnut. St. George Church.— 2706 Eighteenth. St. John' Church.— 700 E. Walnut. St. Joseph's Church. — 1516 Washing- ton. St. Louis Bertrand Church. — 1404 Sixth. St. Martin's Church (German). — 1103 Shelby. St. Mary Magdalene Church.— 1309 Brook. St. Michael's Church.— 314 Brook. St. Patrick's Church.— 1303 W. Market. St. Peter's Church (German).— 1620 Southgate. St. Vincent De Paul's Church.— 1901 Shelby. St. William's Church, 1226 W. Oak. Ursuline Sisters' Chapel.— 800 E. Chest- nut. Scientist. First Church of Christ.— 748 Fourth. 77 Seventh Day Advent. Second Church. — 751 Seventh. Social Settlement. Louisville Settlement Home. — 834 E. Jefferson. Neighborhood House. — 530 First. Spiritual. Church of Spirit Communion. — 520 Clay. Christian Spiritual Church of the World.— 2518 W. Main. Swedenborgian. Louisville Society of the New Church. —1048 Third. Unitarian. Church of the Messiah. — 901 Fourth. Heywood Memorial Chapel. — 1938 (a) Baxter avenue. United Brethren. United Brethren Church. — South side Brandies avenue, east of Flat Lick Road. 78 Gospel Missions. Church of Divine Truth. — 725 Preston, Gospel Hall Mission. — 734 E. Main. Holiness Mission. — 1129 W. Walnut. Union Gospel Mission (Inc.). — 128 E. Jefferson. Salvation Army. — 712 W. Jefferson. Shelby Street IFnion Gospel Mission. — 113 Shelby. CEMETERIES. Adas Jeshuren Cementery. — South side Woodbine, east of Floyd. Adas Israel Cemetery. — West side Law- ton avenue, south of "K." Cave Hill Cemetery Co. — Baxter ave- nue, head of Broadway. Eastern Cemetery. — 1311 Baxter ave- nue. Greenwood Colored Cemetery. — Green- wood avenue, southwest corner Fortieth. Hebrew Cemetery. — 2118 Preston. Louisville Colored Cemetery. — East side Goss avenue, sotith of Texas. National Cemetery. — Situated in the interior of Cave Hill Cemetery. Old Catholic Cemetery. — South side of Jefferson between Fifteenth and Sixteenth. 79 Portland Cemetery. — South side of Pflanz avenue, west of Thirty-fifth. St. John's (R. C.) Cemetery.— Twenty- sixth, northwest corner Duncan. St. Louis (R. C.) Cemetery. — Barret avenue, near limits. St. Michael's German (R. C.) Ceme- tery. — Goss avenue, near limits. St. Stephen's Cemetery. — Lawton ave- nue, south of Ashbottom Road. Western Cemetery. — Jefferson, between Fifteenth and Seventeenth. HOTELS. Arlington Hotel.— 1137 W. Main. Rates, $1.50 and $2.00 per day. Bosler's Hotel. — Jefferson, southeast corner Second. Bourbon Stock Yards Hotel.— 1100 E. Main. Rates, $1.40 per day. Bridwell's Hotel.— 325 to 329 E. Mar- ket. Rates, $1.00 per day. Eckert's Hotel.— 531 W. Market. Rates, $1.00 per day. Enterprise Hotel.— 232 to 242 E. Mar- ket. Rates, $1.00 per day. Farmers' Central Hotel.— 206 E. Mar- ket. Rates, $1.00 per day. Farmers' Home. — 416 and 418 E. Mar- ket. Rates, $1.00 and $1.25 per day. Fifth Avenue Hotel.— 519 to 527 Fifth. Rates, $2.00 per day. Fourth Avenue Hotel.— 225 Fourth. Grand Hotel.— 832 W. Broadway. Gult House. — Main, northeast corner First. Rates, $2.00 per day and up. Hotel Victoria. — Northeast corner Broadway and Tenth street, opposite Union Station. Rates, $2.00 per day. Louisville Hotel.— 620 to 636 W. Main. Rates, $3.00 to $5.00 per day. Normandy Hotel.— 131 to 137 Seventh. Rates, $1.50 per day. Palace Hotel.— 910 W. Main. Rufer's Hotel.— 219 Fifth. St. Nicholas Hotel.— 325 Sixth. Seelbach's Hotel.— 600 Fourth. Senning's Hotel.— 200 W. Jefferson. The Old Inn.— 600 W. Main. The Willard.— 522 W. Jefferson. Rates, $2.50 per day. Trebing's Hotel.— 620 W. Market. Waverly Hotel.— 615 W. Walnut. RAILROADS. Baltimore «S: Ohio Southwestern Rail- road Co.— 346 and 348 W. Main; passenger depot, Seventh and Water; freight depots, Fifteenth and Main and First and Washington. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co. — 257 Fourth; depot, Seventh and Water; freight depot, 401 E. Main. Chicago & Alton Railway Co. — 60, 302 V/. Main. 81 Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Railway Co. (Monon Route).— 222 Fourth; depot, Tenth and Broadway; freight depot. Fourteenth and Rowan. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Rail- way. — 83 Todd building. Choctow, Oklahoma & Gulf Railroad. — 83 Todd building. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. — 259 Fourth; depot, Sev- enth and Water. Illinois Central Railroad Co. — Ticket office, southeast corner Fourth and Market; depot, Seventh and river. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. — General offices, 145 W. Main; ticket office, 400 W. Main; depots, First and Water and Tenth and Broad- way. Louisville, Henderson & St. Louis Railway Co. — General office, tenth floor Columbia building; contract freight office, 339 W. Market; depot, Seventh and Water; freight depot, Twelfth and Rowan. Missouri Pacific Railway. — 301 Norton building. Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Co. (Pennsylvania Lines). — Division freight office, 302 W. Main; ticket office. Fourth, northeast corner Market; passenger depots, Tenth and Broadway and Fourteenth and Main; freight de- pots. Thirteenth and Jefferson and Thirteenth and Portland avenue. S2 Rock Island System (C, R. I. & P. Railway and C, O. & G. Railroad)— 83 Todd building. Southern Railway Co. in Kentucky (Inc.). — Columbia building, ninth floor; passenger depot, Seventh and Water; freight depots. Thirteenth and High and Twelfth and Rowan. Texas & Pacific Railway Co. — 27, 302 W. Main. Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad. — 348 W. Market. (Cap Lines.) Produce Shippers Despatch. — 409 Co- lumbia building. (Palace Cars.) Pullman Co. — 501 Columbia building. (Palace Cars for Horses.) Arms Palace Horse Car Co. — 615 Co- lumbia building. (Street.) Louisville Railway Co.— 322 W. Jeffer- son. (Suburban Electric.) Louisville & Eastern Railroad. — 511 W. Green. 83 SUBURBAN ELECTRIC LINES. Louisville & Eastern. — From Center and Green east to Hancock and Green, Workhouse Road, Crescent Hill, City Limits, Reservoir Park, St. Matthews (s), Beechwood, Warwick Villa (s), Lyndon, Car House, Ba- shaws, Ormsby, Morats (s). Lake- land, Anchorage (s). Forest, O'Ban- non, Maxey, Huston (s), Pewee Val- \ey, Locust Lodge, Beard. Return- ing same route. Louisville & Southern Indiana Trac- tion Co. — Cars leave depot on Third street between Green and Walnut, or from Third and Market. New Albany and Jeffersonville cars run fifteen and thirty minutes apart. Jeffersontown Line. — Leaves depot on Jefferson or Green streets between Third and Fourth. Hour line. Stops at following stations: City Limits, Doups Point (s), Lennerts (s), Hikes Point, Lows (s), South- ern R. R., Jeffersontown. Returning same route. Prospect Line. — Leaves depot on Jef- ferson or Green streets between Third and Fourth. Hour line. Stops at follwing stations: Frank- fort avenue (s). Golf Links, Calla- hans (s), Blankenbakers, Glenview (s), Florida Heights, Harrods Creek (s), Prospect. Returning same route. 84 Salt River Line. — Leaves depot on Jefferson or Green streets between. Third and Fourth. Hour line. Stops at following stations: City Limits, Polks (s), Shively (s), Hunter's- Trace, Clarks (s), Pleasure Ridge Park (s), Valley. Returning same route. Okoiona Line. — Leaves depot on Jef- ferson or Green streets between Third and Fourth. Hour line. Stops' at following stations: Preston and Broadway, City Limits, Cemetery (s), Prestonia (s), Gilmorie, Lamb- hurt (s), Okoiona. ROUTES OF STREET RAILWAYS. Fourth Ave. Line. — From Gait House, corner Main and First, down Main to Fourth, out Fourth to the Race Course and to Iroquois ("Jacob") Park, via Third and via Seventh. Returning. — From "Jacob" Park in Fourth to Market, up Market to First, in First to Gait House, corner First and Main. , Note. — This line runs to Iroquois or Jacob Park, New Louisville Jockey Club Race Course, Luisville Trotting Association Track, and' passes the Auditorium, Avenue and Macauley's Theaters, and the Gait House and Seelbach Hotel. 85 Transfers. — At Fourth and Market to Market, west, to Portland, north; at First and Market to Market street, street, to Shelby, south; at First and Main to Main street, east or west, to Eighteenth and Preston, •east or west. (South bound). — At Fourth and Broadway to Broadway, east or west. (North bound). — At Oak street, east or west; at Broad- way to Broadway, west; at Broad- way or Jefferson street to East Broadway; at Chestnut street, east; :at Walnut, east or west; at Green street, east or west; at Jefferson street to Jefferson street, east or west, to West Chestnut. West Broadway Line. — From Gait House, First and Main, down Main to Fourth, out Fourth to Jefferson, up Jefferson to Second, out Second to Broadway, down Broadway to Shawnee Park. Returning. — From Shawnee Park up Broadway to Sec- ond, in Second to Jefferson, up Jef- ferson to First, in First to Gait House, corner First and Main. IMote. — This line passes the Union Station, Tenth and Broadway, Gait House and Buckingham Theater; also Senning's, Bellevue and Vic- toria Hotels; is convenient to Jef- fersonville Ferry and Depot, First and river. Transfers. — At Preston street, north or south; at Hancock street, south; 86 at Shelby street, north or south; at Barret avenue, south; at Second street, south, to Broadway, east; at Fourth street, south; at Sixth street,, south; at Seventh street, south. (Emergency). — At Second street,, south; East Broadway. (Going Either Way). — At Twenty-eighth street, south; at Eighteenth street,, north or south; at Fifteenth street, north or south; at Twelfth street, north or south. (East bound). — At Seventh street, north or south; at Sixth street, north or south; at Fourth street, north or south; at. Second and Jefferson to West Jef- ferson; at First and Jefferson, east; at Brook street, south. Portland Ave. and Shelby St. Line. — From Thirty-fifth and Rudd avenue to Thirty-third and Rudd, thence to Portland avenue, thence to Seven- teenth, out to Main, up Main to Thir- teenth, thence to Market, up Market to Shelby, thence to Railroad Cross- ing and Goss avenue. Returning. — Same route. Note. — This line is convenient tO' principal places of amusement, and passes depot Fourteenth and Main. Transfers. — At Seventh and Market, south, or Depot Line, south; at Twelfth and Market, south; at Thirteenth and Market, west; at Fifteenth and Main, south. North: bound only). — At Sixteenth and 87 Main to Eighteenth, south, to Main, west. (South bound only). — At Seventeeth street to Eighteenth street, south, to Main street, west; at Preston and Market to Preston street, south, (Going Either Way). — At Broadway, east or west; at Chestnut street, east or west; at Walnut street, east or west; at Jef- ferson street, east or west; at Shelby and Market, east; at Fourth street to Furth street, south; to Second street, south; at Fifth street to Brook street, south, to Barret, south; at Sixth street to Sixth street, south. IVIarket St. and Frankfort Ave Line. — From Twenty-sixth and Market, up Market to Johnston, thence to Story avenue, thence to Frankfort avenue, thence to Blind Asylum. Returning same route to Twenty-sixth and Market, and continues west on Mar- ket to Fontaine Ferry Park, Bicycle Track and Shawnee Park. TMote. — This line is convenient to all places of amusement and passes the Farmers' Home Hotel, Enterprise Hotel, Bourbon House and is con- venient to all other hotels, passes Bourbon Stock Yards and Blind Asylum. 'Transfers. — At Sixth street, south; at Fifth street to Brook street to Bar- ret avenue, south; at Fourth street to Fourth street, south, to Second 88 street, south; at Preston street,, south; at Shelby street, south. (East bound only). — At Nineteenth street, south. (Going Either Way). — At Nineteenth street, north; at Eighteenth street, suth; at Fifteenth sreet, south; at Thirteenth street to Portland avenue, north; at Twelfth street, south; at Seventh street to Seventh street, south, to Depot Line, South. Preston, Main and Eighteenth St. Line. — From Eighteenth and Mag- nolia, north on Eighteenth to Main, thence east on Main to Preston,, south on Preston to Burnett avenue. Returning same route. Note. — This line passes Louisville Hotel, Old Inn, Gait House, De- pots at Fourteenth and Main, Sev- enth and River and First and River, also Jeffersonville Ferry. Transfers. — At Broadway, east or west; at Chestnut street, east or west; at Eighteenth and Walnut to Walnut street, east or west, to Bank street, east or west; at Eighteenth and Jefferson to Jefferson street, east or west; at Eighteenth and Market to Market street, east or west; at Eighteenth and Main, west; at Seventeenth and Main to Shelby street, south; at Sixteenth and Main, north; at Fifteenth and Main, south; at Twelfth and Main, south; at Seventh and Main to Sev- 89 enth street, south, to Second street, south, to Depot, south; at Sixth and Main, south; at Fifth and Main to Brook street, south, to Barret ave- nue, south; at Fourth and Main, soutli; at Preston and Main to Main street, east; at Preston and Market to Market, east; at Preston and Jef- ferson to Jefferson, east or west; at Preston and Green, east or west; at Preston and Walnut to Walnut street, east or west. Seventh and Brook St. Line. — From Seventh and Myrtle, and north on Seventh to Oak, thence to Brook, In Brook to Chestnut, west to Fourth, in Fourth to Walnut, west to Fifth, in Fifth to Main, down Main to Seventh, thence out Sev- enth to Railroad Crossing. Note. — This line passes Masonic and Macauley's Theaters, and is con- venient to the Avenue and Bucking- ham Theaters. Passes the Fifth Avenue Hotel, is convenient to the Willard, passes Seelbach's and the Louisville Hotel, passes Depot Sev- enth and Water. Transfers. — At Seventh and Broad- way, east or west; at Seventh and Chestnut, east or west; at Seventh and Walnut, east or west; at Brook and Chestnut, east; at Brook and Broadway, east or west; at Second and Oak, south; at Fourth and Oak, south. (West bound only). — At 90 Sixth and Oak, south; at Fourth and Walnut to Walnut street, east; at Fifth and Walnut to Walnut street, west, to Chestnut street, west. (North bound on Fifth).— At Fifth and Green, west; at Fifth and Mar- ket to Market street, east or west, to Preston and Shelby; at Fifth and Jefferson to Jefferson, east or west; at Fifth and Main, east or west, or to Eighteenth and Preston, east or west. (North bound on Seventh). — At Seventh and Green, east or west; at Seventh and Jefferson, west; at Seventh and Market, east or west, to Portland or Shelby; at Seventh and Main, east or west, or Eigh- teenth and Preston. Barret Ave. and Sixth St. Line.— From Sixth and Hill, in Sixth to Main, east on Main to Fifth, south on Fifth to Chestnut, east to Campbell, south to Broadway, east to Barret avenue, and south to Castlewood. Return- ing same route. Note. — This line passes Fifth Avenue Hotel, is convenient to the Willard and Louisville Hotels; passes City Hall, Court House, Masonic Theater and Old Inn. Transfers (either way). — At Sixth and Broadway, east or west; at Chestnut street, east or west; at Walnut street, east or west. (North bound). — At Oak street, east; at Green 91 street, east or west; at Jefferson street, east or west; at Market street, east or west, or to Portland and Shelby; at Main street, east or west. Eighteenth or Preston. (East bound). — At Preston street, south; at Hancock street, south; at Shelby street, south; at Broadway and Bar- ret avenue to Broadway, east. (West bound). — At Barret and Broadway to Broadway, west; at Shelby street, north or south; at Hancock street, south; at Preston street, north or south; at Brook street, south; at Second street, south; at Fourth street, south. Second St. Line. — From Second and Barbee, in Second to Jefferson, down Jefferson to Fourth, thence to Main, down Main to Seventh, thence to Market to Fourth, thence to Jeffer- son, up Jefferson to Second, out Second to beginning. Note. — This line runs to the House of Refuge, passes Masonic Widows' and Orphans' Home, Senning's, Bosler's, Seelbach's and Louisville Hotels, Buckingham Theater, and is convenient to all places of amuse- ment; passes depot at Seventh and Water. Transfers. — At Fourtb and Main to Main street, east, to Preston, east; at Seventh and Main to Main street, west, to Eighteenth street, west. 92 (South bound). — At Second and Jef- ferson to Jefferson street, east; at Second and Walnut to Walnut street, east or west; at Second and Broad- way to Broadway, east or west. (Emergency). — To Broadway, east or west; at Oak street, east or west; at Chestnut street, east; at Walnut street, east or west; at Green street, east or west; at Jefferson street to Jefferson street, east or west, to First and Main, to West Chestnut street; at Fourth and Market to Market street, east or west, to Shelby street, east or west. Walnut and Bank St. Line.— From Thirty-third and Rudd avenue, south on Thirty-third to Bank, up Bank to Nineteenth, south on Nineteenth to Walnut, up Walnut to Fifteenth, north on Fifteenth to Green, up Green to Hancock, south on Han- cock to Breckinridge, east on Breck- inridge to Logan. Note. — This line passes Boone Park, and is convenient to all other places of amusement. Transfers. — At Eighteenth and Wal- nut, south; at Nineteenth and Wal- nut, west. (East bound only). — At Nineteenth and Main, east; at Nine- teenth and Market, east or west; at Eighteenth and Walnut, east; at Fifth and Green, to Jefferson street, east; at Hancock and Broadway, east. (West bound only). — ^AtBroad- 93 way, east or west; at Nineteenth and Jefferson, west; at Nineteenth and Market, west; at Nineteenth and Main, west. (Going Either Way). — At Chestnut street, east; at Walnut street, east; at Green and Preston, south; at Second and Green, south; at Fourth and Green, south; at Fifth and Green, to Brook street, south, to Chestnut street, west; at Sixth and Green, south; at Seventh and Green, south; Depot Line, south; at Twenlfth and Green, south; at Fifteenth and Walnut, south. Walnut St. and Parkland Line. — From Parkland to Cherokee Park. Returning same route. Note. — This line passes Cave Hill Cemetery, National Cemetery, Phoe- nix Hill Garden, Macauley's Theater and New Seelbach Hotel, and is con- venient to all other places of amuse- ment. Transfers. — At Second street, north or south ; at Preston street, north or south; at Shelby street, north or south. (East bound only). — At Twen- ty-eighth and Broadway, east or west; at Tenth street, south; at Baxter and Hamilton, east. West bound only). — At Baxter and Hamil- ton, east or west; at Hancock street, south; at Seventh street, Depot Line, south. (Going Either Way). — At Twenty-eighth and Greenwood 94 to Riverview ; at Nineteenth street to Bank street, north; at Eighteenth street, north or south; at Fifteenth street, north or south; at Twelfth street, north or south; at Seventh street, north or south; at Sixth street, north or south; at Fifth street to Brook street, south, to Barret avenue, south; at Fourth street, south. East Broadway and West Jefferson St. Line. — From Twenty-sixth and Jef- ferson, up Jefferson to Second, out Second to Broadway, thence to Baxter avenue to City Limits. Re- turning same route. "Note. — This line passes Baxter Square Park, Buckingham Theater, and is convenient to all other places of amusement; also passes National and Cave Hill Cemeteries. Transfers. — At Preston, north or south; at Shelby street, north or south. (West bound only). — At Fif- teenth street, south, to West Chest- nut; at Twenty-eighth street, south. (Emergency). — West Broadway; Second street, south, (East bound only). — At Fifth street to Barret avenue, south; at Second and Broad- ay to Second street, south, to Broad- "way, west. (Going either way). — At Nineteenth street, north; at Eigh- teenth street, south; at Fifteenth street, south; at Twelfth street, south; at Seventh street to Seventh 95 street, south, to Depot Line, south; at Sixth street, south; at Fourth street, south; at Second and Jeffer- son to Jefferson street, east, to First and Main; at Brook street, south; at Hancoclv street, south. Main St. Line. — Slevin and Twenty- sixtli, south on Twenty-sixth to Main, to Johnston, north to Story avenue, southwest to Main, west to Twenty-fifth, thence north to Slevin and west to Twenty-sixth. Note. — This line passes Bourbon Stock Yards and Hotel, Gait House, Seel- bach's and Louisville Hotels; passes depots at Fourteenth and Main, Seventh and river and First and river and Jeffersonville Ferry, and runs through the principal wholesale business district. Transfers. — At Sixth street, south; at Fifth street to Brook street, south, to Barret avenue; at Fourth street, south; at Preston street, south. (East bound only). — At Thirteenth and Main to Shelby, south. (West bound only). — At Nineteenth street to Bank street, north. (East of west bound). — At Nineteenth street, south; at Eighteenth street, south; at Sixteenth street to . Portland, north; at Fifteenth street, south; at Twelfth street, south; at Seventh street, south, to Seventh street, south; at Second street, south, to Depot Line, south. 96 Chestnut and Jefferson St. Line. — From Twenty-seventh and Chestnut, up Chestnut to Fifth, north on Fifth to Jefferson, up Jefferson to Baxter avenue, south on Baxter avenue to Hamilton, east on Hamilton to Payne, northeast on Payne to Frank- fort avenue, thence to Crescent Hill. Returning same route. Note. — This line passes Fifth Avenue Hotel, is convenient to Willard Hotel, City Hall, Court House, and passes Buckingham Theater and Bosler's and Senning's Hotels. Transfers. — At Second and Jefferson to East Broadway; at Preston street, south; at Baxter and Hamilton, south. (West bound only). — At Baxter and Hamilton, east or west; atPreston street, north or south; at Second street to Broadway, east or west; at Fifth and Jefferson, west; at Fifth and Green to Bank, west. (Going either way). — At Eighteenth street, north or south; at Fifteenth street, north or south; at Twelfth street, north or south; at Tenth street, south; at Seventh street, north or south; at Sixth street, north or south ; at Fifth and Walnut, south, to Brook street, south; at Fifth and Chestnut to Barret ave- nue, south; at Fourth street, south; at Second street, south; at Shelby street, south. 97 Beargrass Line. — Connects at Baxter avenue with the Walnut street and East Broadway and W. Jefferson street lines; running out on Bards- town Pike to city limits. Twelfth and Fifteenth St. Line. — From First and Water, south on First to Main, west on Main to Seventh, south on Seventh to Walnut, west on Walnut to Tenth, south on Tenth to Broadway, west on Broad- way to Twelfth, north on Twelfth to Main, west on Main to Fifteenth, south on Fifteenth to Oak. Return- ing. — North on Fifteenth to Main, east on Main to Twelfth south on Twelfth to Sts. Mary and Elizabeth Hospital, north on Twelfth to Broad- way, east on Broadway to Tenth, north on Tenth to Walnut, east on Walnut to Seventh, north on Sev- enth to Main, east on Main to First, north on First to Water. Transfers. — At Twelfth and Broadway, east or west, or to Depot Line. (North on Fifteenth).— At Fifteenth and Jefferson, east or west; at Fif- teenth and Market, east or west. (North on Twelfth).— At Twelfth and Green, east or west; at Twelfth and Jefferson, east or west; at Twelfth and Market, east or west, or to Shelby, east; at Fifteenth and Broadway, east or west; at Fifteenth and Chestnut, east or west; at Fif- teenth and Walnut, east or west; at 98 Fifteenth and Main, west, or Port- land, west; at Twelfth and Main, east, or Preston, east; at Twelfth and Market to Shelby, east; at Twelfth and Walnut, east or west; at Twelfth and Chestnut, east or west. Depot Line. — From Water to Main, west on Main to Seventh, south on Seventh to Walnut, west on Walnut to Tenth, south on Tenth to Broad- way, west on Broadway to Twelfth, north on Twelfth to Main, west on Main to Fifteenth. Returning. — East on Main to Twelfth, south on Twelfth to Dumesnil, north on Twelfth and Broadway, east on Broad- way to Tenth; north on Tenth to Walnut, east on Walnut to Seventh, north on Seventh to Main, east on Main to First, north on First to Water. Transfers. — At First and Main, east. South and West bound). — At Sixth and Main to Sixth, south; at Sev- enth and Market, west; at Seventh and Walnut to Walnut, east; at Tenth and Walnut, west; at Tenth and Chestnut, west; at Twelfth and Broadway to Broadway, west, to Twelfth, north and south. (North and East bound). — At Twelfth and Broadway to Broadway, west; at Tenth and Chestnut, east or west; at Tenth and Walnut, west; at Sev- enth and Green, east or west; at 99 Seventh and Jefferson, west; at Seventh and Market, east or west; at Seventh and Main, west. „ River View Line. — From Twenty- eighth, west on Greenwood avenue to River View Park. Returning same route. Transfers. — At Twenty-eighth and Greenwood to Walnut street; Broad- way, east only; at Nineteenth street, north; at Eighteenth street, north or south; at Fifteenth street, north or south; at Tenth street; at Sev- enth street, north or south; at Sixth street, north or south; at Fifth street, south, to Brook and Bartlett; at Fourth and Walnut, south; at Second and Walnut, north or south; Preston and Walnut, north or south; Shelby and Walnut, north or south; Baxter and Hamilton, east. STEAIVIBOATS. Louisville & Cincinnati Packet Co. — Office, wharfboat, foot of Third. Louisville & Evansville Packet Co. — 176 Fourth, Wharfboat, foot of Fourth. CAB, CARRIAGE AND HACK RATES. Rates Estabiislied by City Ordinance. 14 squares or under, each pas- senger $ 50 100 Over 14 and less than 20 squares, first passenger 75 Additional passengers, each... 50 More than 20 squares, first pas- senger 1 00 Additional passengers, each... 75 When conveyance is hired by the hour, $1.50 for the first hour and $1.00 for each additional hour. Per day of 10 hours, $8.00. 50 lbs. baggage for each passenger carried free. Baggage over 50 lbs, 25c per 100 lbs. Children under 5 years free; over 5 and under 12, one-half price. DAILY NEWSPAPERS. Louisville Courier- Journal (Dem.). — Fourth and Green. Louisville Times (Dem.). — 505 Fourth street. Evening Post (Ind.).— 317 W. Walnut street. Louisville Anzeiger (German, Dem.). — 343 W. Green street. Louisville Herald (Rep.).— 415 W. Market street. POST-OFFICE. Corner Fourth and Chestnut. Stamp and General Delivery Departments open from 7 a. m, to 10 p. m.; Sun- days, 9 to 10 a. m. Money Order Department from 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Registered Letter Department from 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. EXPRESS OFFICES. Adams.— 437 to 443 W. Jefferson. American. — 419 W. Jefferson. Pacific Express Co.— 217 Third. Southern. — 437 to 443 W. Jefferson. United States.— 445 W. Jefferson. SOCIETIES, SECRET AND BENEV- OLENT. American Legion of Honor. Louisville Council, No. 439. — Falls City Hall, second and fourth Mon- day. Ancient Order of Hibernians. Division No. 1. — 133 W. Market, sec- ond and fourth Tuesday. Division No. 2.-133 W. Market, first and third Friday. 108 Division No. 3. — 1853 Portland avenue, first and third Monday. Division No. 4. — 133 W. Market, sec- ond and fourth Wednesday. A. O. U. W. ^ LODGES. Louisville, No. 6. — First and Market, first and third Saturday. Kentucky No. 7.— 419 E. Jefferson, fourth Friday. Jefferson, No. 12. — 117 W. Jefferson, second and fourth Tuesday. Mozart, No. 18.— 117 W. Jefferson, first and third Saturday. Germania, No. 19. — 221 W. Market, first and third Friday. West End, No. 21.— 311 Twenty-sev- enth, every Wednesday. Schiller, No. 24. — 600 E. Green, every Tuesday. Antiquity, No. 30. — Liberty Hall, every Monday. Humboldt, No. 37.-2504 W. Market, second and fourth Tuesday. Clay, No. 92.-406 W. Jefferson, every Wednesday. Walker, No. 104.— 1239 E. Broadway, second and fourth Tuesday. 103 Sackett, No. 105.— 2601 W. Chestnut, every Tuesday. Osborne, No. 108.— 1733 Eighteenth, second and fourth Thursday. Harmony, No. 116.-1126 W. Market, second and fourth Monday. Meek, No. 122. — Fourth and L, every Tuesday. B. P. O. Elks. Louisville Logde, No. 8.— 314 W. Wal- nut, every Monday. Catholic Knights of America. Central Committee. — Meets second Fri- day of each month at St. Mary's Hall, Eighth and Grayson. Louisville, No. 4. — 545 Fifth, first and third Monday. MASONIC BODIES. Abraham Lodge, No. 8. — Meets at Masonic Temple on the first and Third Wednesday of each month. 104 Mt. Zion, No. 147. — Meets at Masonic, second and fourth Wednesday. Le^vis Lodge, No. 191. — Meets at 313 Twenty-sixth street, every Friday evening. Compass, No. 223. — Meets at Masonic, first and third Thursday. Willis Stewart, No. 224.— Meets at Masonic, second and fourth Wednes- day. St. George Lodge, No. 239. — Meets in Masonic Temple on the second and fourth Thursday in each month. Excelsior Lodge, No. 258. — Meets at Excelsior Hall, 307 First street, on the first and third Tuesday in each month. Robinson Lodge, No. 266. — Meets at northeast corner Seventeenth and Main streets on the first and third Thursday in each month. Preston Lodge, No. 281. — Meets in their hall. Main street, near Shelby, on the first and third Wednesday in each month. Louisville Lodge, No. 400. — Meets on the first and third Monday in each month, in Scottish Rite Cathedral, Sixth and Walnut streets. Kilwinning Lodge, No. 506. — Meets at southeast corner of Thirteenth and Market streets, on the second and fourth Wednesday in each month. 105 Aurora Lodge, No. 633.— Meets at 112S W. Market, on the second and fourth Thursday in each month. Parkland, No. 638.— Meets at 2801 Dumesnil, first and third Friday. Suburban Lodge, No. 740. — Meets at Iroquois Hall, Third and '"O" streets, on the second and fourth Thursday in each month. Shibboleth Lodge, No. 750. — Meets in Fischer's Hall, 1706 Baxter avenue, on the first and third Tuesday in each month. Daylight, No. 760. — Meets at Masonic, second and fourth Saturday after- noon. King Solomon Chapter, No. 5, R. A. M. — Meets in "The Masonic," on the fourth Monday in each month. Eureka R. A. Chapter, No. 101. — Meets in their hall. Main street, near Shel- by, on the fourth Friday in each month. Hiram R. A. Chapter, No. 129.— Meets in Red Men's Hall, Thirteenth and Market, on the first and third Tues- day in each month. Highland R. A. Chapter, No. 150.— Meets at Baxter and Rosewood ave- nue on the third Monday of each month. Louisville Commandery, No. 1, K. T. — Meets in Commandery Asylum, Elks' Hall, 314 W. Walnut street, on the fourth Tuesday in each month. 106 DeMolay Commandery, No. 12, K. T. — Meets in Commandery Asylum, Sixth- street, near Walnut, the second Tuesday of each month. Order of Eastern Star. Queen Esther Chapter, No. 1. — Meets on the fourth Friday of each month at Scottish Rite Cathedral, Sixth and Walnut streets. Electra Chapter, No. 11. — Meets sec- ond and fourth Monday at Lewis Hall, Twenty-sixth and Portland avenue. Naomi Chapter, No. 14. — Meets the second and fourth Tuesday in each month in the new Masonic Temple, Chestnut, near Fourth. Bright Star Chapter, No. 11.— Meets on the first and third Monday in each month at Parkland Masonic Temple, northwest corner Twenty- eighth and Dumesnil. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS ENCAMPMENTS. Mt. Horeb, No. 1.— 211 W. Walnut,, first and third Friday. 107 Amnon, No. 11. — 211 W. Walnut, sec- ond and fourth Thursday. Goethe, No. 37.— 1126 W. Market, sec- ond and third Thursday. LODGES. Boone, No. 1. — 455 W. Jefferson, every Monday. Chosen Friends, No. 2.— 606 W. Wal- nut, every Tuesday. Lioraine, No. 4. — 451 W. Jefferson, every Tuesday. Herman, No. 17.— 211 W. Walnut, every Wednesday. Azur, No. 25.-211 W. Walnut, first and third Tuesday. Home, No. 29.— 211 W. Walnut, every Monday evening. Schiller, No. 60.-606 W. Walnut, first and third Wednesday. Corinthian. No. 74. — 451 W. Jefferson, every Friday. Louisville, No. 81.-211 W. Walnut, every Tuesday. Portland, No. 138.-313 Twenty-sixth, every Tuesday. Humbolt, No. 141.— 1126 W. Market, every Thursday. Mozart, No. 149.— 211 W. Walnut, every Thursday. 108 Phoenix, No. 196.— 133 W. Market, first and third Wednesday. Doric, No. 221.— 211 W. Walnut, every Saturday. Board of Relief. — Meets last Saturday of each month at 606 W. Walnut. REBEKAH LODGES. Falls City, No. 1.-606 W. Walnut, sec- and and fourth Friday. Fortuna, No. 5.— 1706 W. Market, sec- ond Thursday of each month. Active, No. 59.— 211 W. Walnut, sec- ond and fourth Thursday. Veteran Association. — Meets third Saturday in January, April, July and October; annual meeting in October at 211 W. Walnut. Liberty Hall Association (Inc.). — 211 W. Walnut, first Monday of each month. 109 INDEX. Arrangement 2 Cab, Carriage and Hack Rates 58 Cemeteries 47 Christian Associations 37 Churches 38 Clubs 35 Daily Newspapers 58 Explanations 2 Express Offices 59 Hotels 48 Library Associations 37 Musical Societies 36 Places of Amusement 31 Post-office 58 Railroads 49 Routes of Street Railways 51 Societies, Secret and Benevolent. . .59 Streets and Avenues 3 Steamboats 57 Suburban Electric Line 51 tm 22 mi LIBRARY OF CONGR^^ iPH j" *^^^ 571 974 4 ^