.643 E 523 .B43 Copy 1 APPENDIX No, 1, OF THE Laws of New York Relatisig to the War of the Rebellion and Veterans of that War, 1861 = 1910 BY JAMES D. BELL Judge" Advocate, Department of New York, Q. A. R. AND W. BURT COOK, Jr., Assistant Librarian, Law Library in Brooklyn. / APPENDIX NO. 1. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST 01" THE Laws of New York Relating to the War of the Rebellion and Veterans of that War, 1861-1910 JAMES D. BELL, Judge-Advocate, Department of New York, G. A. R, AXU W. BURT COOK, Jr., Assistant Librarian, Law Library in Brooklyn. 15 (.y ^t^ ^. ^,^s± ^A f£L : 1911 a--' INTRODUCTORY NOTE The State of l^ew York was a very potent factor in the sup- pression of the rebellion of the Southern States. The City of Kew York was then as now, and more then than now, the financial center of the continent — and money has always been the sinews of war. I^ew York sent more than 400,000 of her sons into the service of the United States for the suppression of the rebellion. How she did it, what care she took of those in that service, how she provided for their families in their absence, and what she did after the war, down to the present day, for the benefit of the sur- vivors of the great struggle, can only be known from an examina- tion of her laws. In them is found the only full history of these various important transactions. Every one who has dealt with this subject has felt the want of a reference index to the statutes bear- ing upon it. For many years, I had intended to prepare such a table. Very recently, I was fortunate enough to interest my friend, W. Burt Cook, Jr., Assistant Librarian, Law Library in Brooklyn, in the project, and, though the scheme was mine, the execution for the most part has been his. The aim has been to include in the list every provision of law relating to this subject, except only those contained in general appropriation bills. The appended note to each act gives its subsequent history so far as ascertained. The Analytical Index is not meant to include all the laws mentioned in the Chronological Index. All that has been attemiDted is to refer to the first enactment of a statute, whether general or local, and, in the former case, the note will tell where it is to be found in the Consolidated Laws. For amendments, repeals and like changes, the note following the statute in the Chronological List should be consulted. It has been found neces- sary at times to vary this plan in order to co-ordinate statutes not expressly the same in terms, but the number of instances in which that has been done is not many. Dated, Brooklyn, X. Y., June 14, 1910. J. D. BELL. [3a] ANALYTICAL INDEX Anderson, Gen. Robert, 1805-71 Retired rank asked. 1864, res. Appropriations [Note — Appropriation and supply bills of the state and appropriation l)ills of New York city and county liave been included for the period 1861-70 inclusive. From 1871 only special appropriation bills have been listed, although there are in the gen- eral appropriation and supply bills from time to time items of interest in this connection. The amount of time required to list these scattered items was deemed disproportionate to their importance.] Bounty, pay, etc. .1862, c. 25, c. 29; 1863, c. 14, c. 184; 1864, c. 182; 1865, c. 29, c. 41, c. 56, c. 226, c. 325, c. 601, c. 660; 1866," c. 342; 1867, c. 348; 1868, c. 626, c. 861; 1869, c. 562, c. 684; 1870, c. 225, c. 481; 1884, c. 41. Bureau of Military Statistics. 1866, c. 665; 1884, c. 259; 1887, c. 51; 1888, c. 419; 1890, c. 498. Cemeteries Antietam and (Gettysburg. 1864, c. 392; 1866, c. 37; 1871, c. 138. Jamestown, 1901, c. 430. Direct tax. 1862, c. 192. Equipment of troops. 1862, c. 234, c. 397, c. 421; 1866, c. 615; 1867, c. 522; 1870, c. 673; 1871, c. 890, c. 893; 1877, c. 212, c. 295. Expenses of government. 1861, c. 266; 1862, c. 458; 1863, c. 210; 1864, c. 347; 1865, c. 598; 1866, c. 748; 1867, c. 481; 1868, c. 717; 1869, c. 822; 1870, c. 492. G. A. R. national encampment. 1907, c. 401. ]\I(iiuiments and memorials Audersonville. 1905, c. 717; 1910, c. 206. Antietam. 1894, c. 316; 1895, c. 682; 1901, c. 711; 1904, c. 662. Bull Run, Second. 1904, c. 673; 1905, c. 671; 1906, c. 666, c. 667. Cedar Mountain. 1901, c. 357. Chattanooga. 1894, c. 371; 1895, c. 857; 1898, c. 7; 1900, c. 162. Cold Harbor. 1910, c. 210. - Gen. Fowler. 1897, c. 533. Gettysburg. 1884, c. 466; 1887, c. 269; 1888, c. 83, c. 288; 1889, c. 126, c. 420; 1890, c. 440; 1897, c. 397; 1900, c. 162; 1903, c. 582. Grant tomb. 1897, c. 219, c. 647. Gen. Greene. 1903, c. 568. Mt. McGregor. 1896, c. 667. Gen. Sheridan. 1890, c. 222. Gen. Sherman. 1892, c. 647. Gen. Slocum. 1896, c. 203; 1897, c. 164; 1900, c. 196. Syracuse. 1910, c. 125. Troy. 1898, c. 177. Vicksburg. 1900, c. 139; 1902, c. 419. Gen. Warren. 1895, c. 542. Winchester. 1897, c. 292. New York city and county. 1864, c. 404, e. 405; 1865, c. 646; 1866, c. 876; 1867, c. 586; 1868, c. 853; 1869, c. 876; 1870, c. 383. Public and charitable institutions. 1864, c. 401; 1865, c. 641 1866, c. 774; 1867, c. 751 1868, c. 817; 1869, c. 857 1870, c. 704. Public defense. 1861, c. 277, c. 292; 1863, c. 222, c. 239; 1865, 0. 610. [5a] 6a Chronological List of Laws of JSTew York Relief and soldiers' homes. 1863, c. 224; 1864, cone, res.; 1865, c. 15; 1866, c. 185; 1867, c. 255; 1881, c. 69; 1884, c. 331; 1890. c. 93; 1894, e. 468; 1895, c. 676; 1896, c. 236; 1897, e. 47, c. 396; 1898, c. 137, c. 222; c. 523; 1899, c. 162, c. 461; 1900, c. 269, c. 395; 1901, c. 307, c. 709; 1902, c. 433, c. 469; 1903, c. 583, c. 584; 1904, c. 658, c. 720; 1909, c. 194, c. 456. Soldier voting. 1865, c. 657. Support of government. 1862, c. 174, c. 435; 1863, c. 135, c. 393 1864, c. 280; 1865, c. 351 1866, c. 476; 1867, c. 519 1868, c. 830; 1869, c. 645 1870, c. 281. Armories Meeting room for veteran organiza- tions. 1896, c. 853 (Military Law, § 186). Use by veteran organizations. 1884, c. 71 (Military Law, § 192). Use by veteran organizations. Kings county. 1891, c. 86. Arms and Equipments Appropriation. 1863, c. 222. Fifty-fifth regiment, reimbursement. 1870, c. 673. Fifty-sixth regiment, reimbursement. 1866, c. 615. Ninth regiment, reimbursement. 1877, c. 212, c. 295. Payment of claims. 1862, c. 397 (re- pealed 1909, c. 41). Provided for militia. 1861, c. 292 (repealed 1909, c. 41). Reimbursement for lost or destroyed. 1862, c. 421 (repealed 1909, c. 41). Seventy-ninth regiment, reimburse- ment. 1871, c. 890. Sixth regiment, reimbursement. 1871, c. 893. Soldiers' home. 1881, c. 420; 1884, c. 206. Soldiers' home, overcoats. 1879, res. Tliirty-seventh regiment, release from liability. 1863, c. 428. Army of the Potomac, Society of Escort and appropriation. 1887, c. 488. Cemeteries Antietam. 1871, c. 138. Antietam; rights transferred to United States. 1877, c. 324; 1878, c. 4. Gettysburg; appropriation. 1866, c. 37. Gettysburg; marking graves. 1870, c. 492. Jamestown soldiers' plot. 1901, c. 430. De Peyster, John Watts, 1821- Brevet rank asked for. 1866, res. Corporations Corcoran Irish Legion Association. 1868, c. 169. G. A. R., New York Department. 1885, c. 11. G. A. R. Soldiers' Home. 1876, c. 270 (Public Buildings Law, §§ 60-61, 64-66, 100^01). Gen. Warren Monument Association. 1885, c. 440. Grant Monument Association. 1886, c. 7. Home for Disabled Soldiers. 1865, c. 3. Irish Brigade Association. 1869, c. 169. Jamestown Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Association. 1886, c. 241. Luther M. Wheeler Post No. 92, G. A. R. 1882, c. 394. Military Order of the Loyal Legion, New York Commandery. 1906, c. 389. Mount McGregor Memorial Associa- tion. 1889, c. 5. Naples Soldiers' Monument Associa- tion. 1868, c. 409. Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. ^a N'aval Arch Association, New York city. 1901, c. 154. New York State Institution for the Blind. 1865, c. 587 (Educa- tion Law, 1910, § 941). Old Guard, New York city. 1808, c. 284. Ontario County Soldiers' Monument Association. 1867, c. 834. Orleans County Soldiers' Monument Association. 1868, c. 60. Post James M. Brown Memorial Hall Association. 1888, c. 117. Rensselaer County Union Monumental Association. 1867, c. 630. Seventh Regiment. 1861, c. 41. Seventy-first Regiment Association. 1865, c. 716. Societies among veterans and their descendants. 1890, c. 118 (Membership Corporations Law, §§ 160-62). Soldier-Messenger Corps. 1865, c. 535. Soldiers' Business, Messenger and Dis- patch Company. 1866, c. 382. Soldiers' Home. 18^3, c. 223. Soldiers' Home, Brooklyn. 1866, c. 322. Soldiers' monument corporations. 1895, c. 559 (Membership Cor- porations Law §§ 170-72). Soldiers' Monument Society, Niagara County. 1872, c. 236. Sons of Veterans, New York Depart- ment. 1885, c. 447. Sons of Veterans, New York Division. 1892, c. 586. Twenty-second Regiment Veterans. 1868, c. 283. Unincorporated monument associa- tions, transfer of funds to monument corporations. 1897, c. 327 (Membership Corpora- tions Law, § 173). Union Home and School. 1862, c. 420 (repealed 1885, c. 293). Union League Club. 1865, c. 33. Union Veteran Protective Associa- tion. 1895, c. 1038. Union ^"eteians' Union, Department Commandery. 1893, c. 286. Veteran Association. 1895, c. 559 (Membership Corporations Law, §§ 160-62). Veteran Guard, New York Citj'. 1877, c. 126. Washington Grey Cavalry, Veteran Corps. 1869, c. 581. Electors Constitutional Convention; oath of loyalty to be taken by electors. 1866, c. 194 (repealed 1909, c. 59). Soldier vote Constitutional amendment. 1863, res. J 1864, res. Constitutional provision. 1864, Art. 2, § 1: 1872, Art. 2, § 1 ; 1894, Art. 2, § 1. Statute effectuating amendment. 1864, c. 9 (repealed 1909, c. 59) ; 1864, c. 253 (repealed 1865, c. 570) ; 1.865, c. 570 (repealed 1909, c. 22); ap- propriation. 1865, c. 657. Soldiers; exemption from registra- tion law. 1865, c. 740 (re- pealed 1909, c. 22). Soldiers at liomes; constitutional amendment to permit voting by. 1907, res. Firemen Syracuse; veterans, when retired, not to be summoned for fire duty. 1905, c. 683. Utiea; term of service in army al- lowed to count toward re- quired time for retirement. 1888, c. 167. Grand Army of the Republic Arms for. 1886, c. 668 (repealed, 1909, 0. 240) . Badge or button protected. 1885, c. 8 (Penal Law, § 2240). 8a Chronological List of Laws of New York Cayuga county supervisors may rent rooms for. 190G, c. 323. Department of New York incorpo- rated. 1885, c. 11; amended 1889, c. 92. Formation of corporations by. 1892, c. 290 (Benevolent Orders Law, § 2). National encampment. 1907; appro- priation, 1907, c. 401. Ontario county may rent rooms for. 1907, c. 173. Orleans county towns may rent rooms for. 1905, c. 492. Posts may take, hold and convey real property. 1888, c. 290 (Benevolent Orders Law, §§ 2-3). Public buil'dings leased to (General Municipal Law, § 77). Records and history. 1888, c. 207 (Public Buildings Law, § 5). Report made to state. 1893, c. 227 (Public Buildings Law, § 5). Room in cai>itol. 1893, c. 227 (Pub- lic Buildings Law, § 5). Rose, lease of town hall'. 1887, c. 707. Seneca county may rent rooms for. 1907, c. 358. Wyoming county may rent rooms for. 1906. c. 175. Death. Lincoln, Abraham 1865, res. Loyal Legion Badge protected. 1888, c. 1 (Penal Law, § 2240). Memorial Day Brooklyn. 1893, c. 585. Brooklyn; naval veterans. 1905, c. 190. Buffalo. 1903, c. 355. Flatbush; indebtedness to G. A. R. post. 1895, c. 943. Holiday. 1873, c. 577 (General Con- struction Law, §§ 24-25; Pub- lic Officers Law, § 62). Jamestown. 1897, c. 429. New York city. 1905, c. 332. New York city; charter amendment. 1905, c. 552. Observance in school's. 1898, c. 481 (Education Law, 1910, § 712). Rochester. 1897, c 424; 1906, c. G3. Third class cities. 1898, c. 58. Towns. 1890, c. 223 (Town Law, §§ 130-37). Troy. 189G, c. 93; 1898, c. 177. Utica. 1897, c. 425. Veterans in state service, leave of absence. 1895, c. 220 (Public Officers Law, § 63). Military Commission Acceptance, vacates office of covmty judge, Lewis county. 1862, c. 408. Brevet, for LTnited States war serv- ice. 1883, c. 299, § 146 (Mili- tary Law, § 79; 1806, res;. 1867, res. Brevet commissions. 1871, res. Service in United States forces as qualifying for. 1883, c. 299, §§ 26-27 (Military Law, §71). Service in United States navy as qualifying for commission, naval militia. 1908, c. 231, § 58 (Military Law, § 58). Military Duty Telegraph empl'oyes exempt. 1861, c. 215 (Judiciary Law, §§ 546, 635, 720). \'eterans exempt. 1870, c. 80, § 1, Tj 1 (Militnry Law, § 1, ^ 3). Military Exemption Kings county. 1867, c. 612. Military Parades Dewey day. 1905, c. 694 (Military Law, § 241). In cities. 1872, c. 590 (Penal Law, § 2151). When permitted. 1883, c. 299, §§ 75- 76 (Military Law, § 241). Rei-atixo to Wai; of Kebelt.iok and Veterans. 9a Military Record, Bureau of Creatt'd. 1863, c. 113 (repealed 1864, c. 51). Keorganized. 1864, c. 51 (Military Law, § 19). Xame changed. 1865, c. 690 (Mili- tary Law, § 19). Chief may loan flags. 1864, res. Appropriation, missing records. 1890, c. 498. Building. 1865, c. 744 (State Fi- nance Law, § 10€). Completion of volunteer records. 1884, c. 259; 1887, c. 51 (Mil- itary Law, § 19). Exchange of flags. First regiment engineers. 18'6'6, res. Hall of military records, new capitol. 1878, c. 369 (Military Law, § 19). Injury or destruction of articles in bureau. 1896, c. 5S2 (Penal Law, § 1425). Loan of flags. 1869, res. Loan of green flag to Twenty-fifth regiment. 1866, res. Losses of New York regiments. 1889, c. 419. Military record fund. 1897, c. 413 (State Finance Law, § 100). Onondaga county clerk to compil'e military statistics of county. 1909, c. 355. Presentation of flags. 1865, res. Regimental flags for use of G. A. R. 1872, res. Staff department. 1866, c. 665 (Mil-, itary Law, § 19) . State historian. 1895, c. 393 (Ex- ecutive Law, §§ 90^91). Tax for. 1866, c. 610 (Military Law, § 19)- Militia Code. 1862, c. 477; 1870, c. 80; 1883, c. 299; 1893, c. 559; 1898, c. 212. Law. 1908, c. 231; 1909, e. 41. Monuments and Memorials Associations to erect ; incorporation. 1866, c. 273 (Membership Corporations Law, §§ 170-72). Land, acquisition for. 1881, c. 226 (General Municipal Law, § 72). Supervisors, board may erect county monument. 1886, c. 173 ( County Law, § 40 ) . Trustees of public buildings may ac- cept. 1899, c. 512 (Public Buildings Law, § 83). Unincorporated association may transfer funds. 1897, c. 327 ( Membership Corporations Law, § 173). Monuments and Memorials, Local Al'bany. 1908, c. 44. Abraham Lincoln. 1865, res. Women of state. 1886, c. 196. Andersonville. 1905, c. 717. Antietam Fifty-first regiment. 1904, c. 662. Ninth regiment. 1894, c. 316. Thirty-fourth regiment. 1901, c. 711. Antietam and Gettysburg. 1864, c. 392 ; consolidated as one com- mission, 1895, c. 317. Baldwinsville. 1891, c. 187. Batavia, New York state school for blind.- 1908, c. 417. Brooklyn. 1887, c. 339; 1889, c. 279; 1891, c. 353; 1893, c. 586, c. 677, e. 678; 1894, c. 578. Gen. E. B. Fowler. 1897, c. 533. Gen. U. S. Grant. 1895, c. 29. Grant tomb dedication. 1897, c. 501. Gen. H. W. Sl'ocum. 1895, c. 291. Gen. G. K. Warren. 1895, c. 542. Bull Run First; Eighty-fourth regiment. 1906, c. 667. 10a Chronological List of Laws of I^ew York Bull Run — continued. Second; Fifth regiment. 1904, c. 673. Tenth regiment. 1906, c. 666. Cayuga county. 1900, c. 92. Cedar Mountain, Va. ; Twenty-eighth regiment. 1901, c. 357. Chattanooga. 1894, c. 371. appropriation. 1895, c. 857. reappropriation. 1898, c. 7. Cohoes. 1908, c. 193. Cortland. 1876, c. 142. Deposit. 1886, c. 527. Gettysburg. 1887, c. 269; 1889, c. 126; 1890, c. 440. appropriation. 1890, c. 420. Gen. G. S. Greene. 1903, c. 568. New York troops. 1886, c. 466. Ninth regiment. 1888, c. 288. Oneida cavalry. 1903, c. 582. Gen. H. W. Slocum. 1896, c. 203; appropriation, 1897, c. 164. Volunteer Firemen's Association, New York. 1897, c. 397. G«ttysburg and Antietam. 1864, c. 392; consolidated as one com- mission, 1895, c. 317. Jamestown Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Association. 1886, c. 241. Jefferson county. 1867, c. 910. Manlius. 1868, c. 607; 1898, c. 329. Monroe county. 1882, c. 224. Mount McGregor; Drexel cottage. 1886, c. 47 (State Law, § 25). Naples; memorial town hall. 1869, c. 200; 1872, c. 34; 1888, c. 502. Naples; Soldiers' Monument Associa- tion. 1868, c. 409. NTew York City. 1869, c. 350. John Ericsson. 1889, c. 266. Grant Monument Association. 1886, c. 7. Grant tomb; care. 1897, c. 670. Grant tomb; appropriation for dedication. 1897, c. 219, c. 501, c. 647. Abraham Lincoln. 1865, c. 656. New York City — contifmed. Naval Arch Association. 1901, c. 154. Soldiers' and sailors' memorial arch. 1803, c. 522. Niagara County Soldiers' Monument Society. 1872, c. 236. Ontario County Soldiers' Monument Association. 1867, c. 834. Orleans County Monument Associa- tion. 1868, c. 60. Portland. 1898, c. 260. Rensselaer city; cannon. 1898, c. 529. Rensselaer city; soldiers' monument. 1909, c. 332. Rensselaer County Union Monu- mental Association. 1867, c. 630. Sanford. 1886, c. 527. Springwater; . soldiers' memorial hall. 1871, c. 649. Troy. 1889, c. 322; 1898, c. 177. Ulster county. 1887, c. 102. Utica; Munson Williams memorial' hall to have flag of Ninety- seventh regiment. 1898, c. 545. Vicksburg. 1902, c. 419. Warsaw. 1903, c. 134. Winchester; One Hundred Four- teenth regiment. 1897, c. 292. Monuments and Memorials, Indi- vidual Eighty-fourth regiment; Bull Run. 1906, c. 667. Ericsson, John; New York. 1889, c. 216. Fifth regiment; second Bull Run. 1904, c. 673. Fifty-first regiment; Antietam. 1904, c. 662. Fowler, Gkin. E. B.; Brooklyn. 1897, c. 533. Grant, Gen. U. S.: Brooklyn. 1895, c. 291. Monument Association, New York city. 1886, c. 7. Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 11a Grant, Gen. U. S. — continued. tomb. New York city; care. 1897, c. 670. tomb, New York city; appropri- ation for dedication. 1897, c. 219, c. 50L c. 647. Greene, G«n. G. >S. ; Gettysburg. 1903, c. 568. Lincoln, Abraham: Albany. 186.5, res. New York city. 1865, c. 656. New York troops, Gettysburg. 1886, c. 466. Ninety-seventli regiment flag, Miin- son Williams memorial hall', Utica. 1898, c. 545. Ninth regiment; Antietam. 1894, c. 319. Ninth regiment; Gettysburg. 188'8, c. 288. One Hundred Fourteentli regiment, Winchester. 1897, c. 292. One Hundred Thirty-seventh regi- ment battle flag. Veteran Volunteer Association. 1900, c. 219. Oneida cavalry, Gettysburg. 1903, c. 582. Slocum, G«n. H. W.; Brooklyn. 1895, c. 291. Tenth regiment; second Bull Run. 1906, c. 666. Thirty-fourth regiment, Antietam. 1901, c. 711. Twenty-eighth Eegiment, Cedar Mountain, Va. 1901, c. 357. Warren, Gen. G. K.; Brooklyn. 1895, c. 542. Warren, Gen. G. K., Monument As- sociation. 1885, c. 440. National Defense Appropriation, New York city. 1862, c. 2. Bonds authorized. New York city. 1862, c. 185. New York harbors and frontiers. 1863, e. 239. Pensions Fees for pension matters not to be charged by county clerk Genesee county. 1909, c. 334. Greene county. 1900, c. 161. ^lontgomery county. 1899, c. 216. Onondaga county. 1896, c. 512. Saratoga county. 1898, c. 43. Washington county. 1898, c. 324. Property purchased with pension money exempt from execution. 1864, c. 578 (Code Civil Proc. § 1393). Property purchased with pension money exempt, from tax. 1897, c. 347 (Tax Law, § 4). State, not granted for disabilities in United States service. 1893, c. 559 (repealed 1898, c. 212). Police Pensions Buffalo; war service counted toward retirement. 1889, c. 325. New York city; war service counted toward retirement. 1878, c. 389 (Greater New York charter, § 355). Syracuse; retired, pensioned veterans not to be svnnmoned for police duty. 1905, c. 683. Porter, John F. Sabre returned. 1887, c. 477. Regents of University May loan collections to Metropolitan fair. 1864, res. Retirement Naval militia; service in United States navy to count toward. 1901, c. 314; 1903, c. 76 (Mil- itary Law, §§ 57, 82). 12a Chronological Llst of Laws of I^ew York Sheridan, Gen. Philip Henry, 1831-88 Memorial i^roceediiigs, appropriation. 1890, e. 222. Sherman, Gen. William Tecumseh, 1820-91 Memorial proceedings, appropriation. 1892, c. 647. Soldiers' Funerals County charge. 1883, c. 224 (Poor Law, § 84). Indigent. 1881, c. 203 (Poor Law, § 84). Music at, on Sunday. 1880, c. 42 (Penal Law, § 2151). Removal and reinterment of remains. 1902, c. 20G (Town Law, §§ 3*36-37). Soldiers' Home Additional buildings. 1884, c. 331. Ale and beer, sale. 1896, c. 900 (Public BuiMings Law, §§ 62- 63). Appropriation. 1890', c. 93; 1899, c. 162, c. 461; 1901, c. 700; 1903, c. 584; 1904, c. 658. Appropriation, G. H. Blackmar. 1897, c. 396. Arms and accoutrements. 1881, c. 420; 1884, c. 206. Band. 1905, c. 32 (Public Buildings Law, § 61). Buildings, appropriation. 1902, c. 469. Commandant, local rank for. 1898, c. 415. Control by State board of charities, exemption from. 1900, c. 769 (State Charities Law, § 11). Established. 1877, res. Hospital. 1881, c. 69; 1909, c. 456. Improvements. 1898, c. 137. Insane inmates (Public BuiMings Law, § 65). Overcoats. 1879, res. Redding, Thomas, conviction. 1890, c. 149. Right of way for railroad. 1882, c. 86; 1885, c. 254. Transfer to state. 1878, c. 48 (Pub- lic Buildings Law, §§ 60-66). Trustees. 1904, c. 658. Sons of Veterans Parades and drills. 1895, (Military Law. § 241) 733 Taxation Real property bought with pension money. 1897, c. 347 (Tax Law, § 4). Real property of patriotic societies exempt. 1893, c. 498 (Tax Law, § 4). Transfer tax, none on property be- queathed to patriotic associa- tions. 1905, c. 368 (Tax Law, § 221). Thanks, Resolutions of Curtis, Gen. N. M. and troops. 1865, res. Gens. Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Thomas and Vice Admiral Far- ragut and Commodore Wins- low. 1865, res. Hicks, Gov. Thomas H., Md. 1861, res. Prince, Col'. F. W. 1866, res. Rear Admiral Porter and Major Gen- eral Terry. 1865, res. Volunteers. 1865, res. Uniform Of National Guard, protected. 1883, c. 299, § 59 (Military Law, § 239). Union Veteran Legion Badge protected. 1894, c. 259 (Penal Law, § 2240). Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 13a Union Victories Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, Roan- oke isl., Savannah. 1862, res. United States Agent to collect claims against. 1871, 7'es. Aid tendered to President. 1861, res. Aid to, in obtaining loans. 1861, c. 18. Claims of state for expenses of troops. 1866, c. 357. Commissioners for peaceful' settle- ment with South. 1861, res. Direct tax paid. 1862, c. 192. Direct tax, return of. 1891, res. Draft. 1863, res. Quota of men required, to fill. 1865, c. 29 (rei>ealed 1909, c. 41, c. 63) ; 1865. c. 41 (re- pealed 1909, c. 41. c. 63). President invited to pass through State. 1861, res. Tax levy for direct tax. 1862, c. 456 (repealed 1909, c. 62). Weed, Thurlow, appointed commis- sioner for peaceful settlement with South. 1861, res. United States Navy Increase of pay. 1866, r-es. Veteran Preference Immigration commissioner. 1883, c. 286 (repealed 1909, c. 49). State service. 1886, c. 29 (Civil Service Law, § 21). State service; constitutional' pro- vision. 1894, art. 5, § 9. Veteran Preference; Children Cornell university. 1865, c. 585, § 9 (Education Law, 1910, § 1037, U 7). Xew York state school for blind. 1865, c. 587, § 12 (Education Law, 1910, § 991). Veteran Privileges Exemption from execution; pay, re- wards, etc. 1895, e. 663 (Code Civ. Pro. § 1393). Exemption from execution; property bought with pension money. 1897, c. 348 (Code Civ. Pro. § 1393). Exemption from highway labor. 1890, c. 568 (repealed 1909, c. 30). Exemption from jury duty. 1871, c. 245 (repealed 1909, c. 30). Exemption from jury duty; New York city. 1882, c. 410, § 1654. Exemption from poll tax. 1871, c. 245 (repealed 1909, c. 30). Exemption from poll' tax; Saugerties. 1894, c. 546. Exemption from removal from office Brooklyn public buildings. 1888, c. 80. city and county employes. 1888, c. 119. (Civil Service Law, § 22). New York city. 1897, c. 378, § 127. state service. 1884, c. 312 (Civil Service Law, § 22). Veteran Relief Chemung county, auditing claims. 1898, c. 52. Children, relief by institutions, New York city. 1897, c. 378, § 240. First-class cities. 1898, c. 337 (Poor Law, § 81). Furnished through G. A. R. posts. 1887, c. 706 (Poor Law, §§ 80- 82). Nfew York city, appropriation. 1898, c. 523. Relief; burial; headstone. 1896, c. 225 (Poor Law, §§ 80-85). Veterans' Census Separate enumeration, 1885. 1885, 14a Chronological List of Laws of IsTew York Veterans' Licenses Issue by county clerk. 1896, c. 371 (General Business Law, § 32). No local license required in such case. 1898, c. 538 (Town Law, §§ 210-13). Volunteers Brevet rank for distinguished ser- vices. 1865, res. Swindling of. 1864, c. 391 (repealed 1909, c." 88). Taking of oaths or affirmations. 1862, c. 471 (repealed 1909, c. 65). Thirty thousand authorized to be en- listed. 1861, c. 277 (repealed 1909, c. 41). • Volunteers; Bounty and Relief Allotments, distribution to soldiers. 1862, c. 21. LT. S. commissioners of. 1863, res. Auction duties, sales for benefit of soldiers relieved from. 1864, c. 131 (repeated 1909, c. 25). Bounties and relief additional relief. 1863, c. 224; 1865, c. 15 (repealed 1909, c. 46). bounty debt, appropriation. 1884, c. 41. children of deceased volunteers, Erie, Kings, N. Y. countie©. 1875, c. 410. claims for bounty. 1889, c. 530. comptroller may borrow money to pay. 1864, res. counties, supervisors may levy tax, 186.5. 1865, c. 617. counties, tax levies by confirmed. 1863, c. 16. equalization of bounties. 1866, res. governor may borrow money to pay. 1864, res. in relation to relief. 1864, res. indigent and disabled soldiers and sailors, institution for re- lief. 1872, c. 873. Bounties and relief — continued. payment into state treasury of bounty funds. 1869, c. 756 (repealed 1909, c. 58). refund of money paid for substi- tutes. 1887, c. 525 (repealed 1909, c. 29) ; 1892, c. 664 (re- pealed 1909, c. 16). repayment of money paid as bounty. 1863, c. 14. sick and disabled soldiers. 1867, c. 255 (repealed 1909, c. 57). sick and disabled soldiers, free passes. 1866, c. 798 (repealed 1867, c. 4). state appropriation 1863, c. 184 (repeated 1909, c. 41); 1864, c. 182 (partly repealed 1909, c. 58, c. 62) ; 1865, c. 226 (re- pealed 1909, c. 41, c. 58). state debt for bounty purposes. 1865, c. 325 (repeated 1909, c. 41, c. 58). state tax. 1863, c. 393 (repealed 1909, c. 16) ; 1863, c. 514 (re- pealed 1909, c. 46); 1864, c. 182 (repealed 1909, c. 62); 1865, c. 709 (repealed 1909, c. 62): 1866, c. 677 (repealed 1909, c. 62) ; 1867, c. 670 (re- pealed 1909, c. 62) ; 1868, c'. 641; 1869, c. 797; 1870, c. 705 (repealed 1909, c. 62) ; 1871, c. 717 (repealed 1909, c. 62); 1872, c. 736; 1873, c. 765 (re- pealed 1909, c. 62) ; 1874, c. 417; 1875, c. 610 (repealed 1909, c. 62) ; 1876, c. 381. tax levy on cities and towns to repay money borrowed. 1863, c. 15 (repealed 1909, c. 62) ; 1864, c. 8 (repealed 1909, c. 46, c. 63). thirty mill'ion dollars for. 1865, c. 56 (repealed 1909, c. 58). twenty-five thousand dollars to relieve suffering. 1864, res. wounded and disabled officers. 1866, res. Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 15a Bounty, pay or prize money, no fees chargeable to minors by surro- gate's court for appointment of guardian to collect. 1864, c. 420 (Code Civ. Pro. § 2501). Hospital and asylum. 1863, res. Loan authorized. 1862, c. 25. Union home and school, children in. 1870, c. 309 (repealed 1885, c. 293). Volunteers; Bounty and Relief; Localities and Individuals Albany city. 1864, c. 329. Albany Burgesses Corps. 1867, c. 522. Albion. 1869, c. 206. Allegany county. 1864, c. 339; 1865, c. 510. Batavia. 1863, c. 170. Bicknell, Jason. 1871, c. 307. Binghamton. 1866, c. 516. Bradford, D. D. 1866, c. 342. Bridgewater. 1866, c. 451. Brooklyn. 1862, c. 247; 1865, c. 178. Brooks, E. C. et al. 1870, c. 481. Buffalo. 1862, c. I4; 1863, c. 29; 1864, c. 234; 1865, c. 243. Butler. 1865, c. 397. Cattaraugus county. 1866, c. 530; 1868, c. 459. Champion. 1865, c. 665. Chenango county. 1865, c. 260; 1867, c. 339. Chili. 1867, c. 341. Clinton county. 1863, c. 307; 1865, c. 529. Cohoes. 1864, c. 330 (probably rep. 1869, c. 912). Columbia county. 18T7, c. 38. Columbia towTi. 1867, c. 224. Corning, J. W. 1867, c. 438. Corning town. 1860, c. 349. Coventry. 1865, c. 443. Curtis, J. F. 1865, c. 601. DeKalb. 1866. c. 20; 1867, c. 496. Devoe, J. A. 1870. c. 284. Dunkirk. 1862. c. 334. Dutchess county. 1865, c. 14. Elbridge. 1865. c. 651. Ellisburg. 1865, c. 265. Erie county. 1863, c. 19. Essex. 1863, c. 76; 1865, c. 653. Fifty-sixth regiment. 1865. c. 660. Foelkins, Jacob. 1870, c. 225. Fowler. 18'66, c. 267. Franklinville. 1865, c. 171. Galen. 1865, c. 105. Geer, C. D. 1874, c. 373. Genesee county. 1868, c. 220. Geneva. 1862, c. 332 (probably re- pealed 1871, c. 65). Georgetown. 1866, c. 604. German Flats. 1862, c. 50. Gorhani. 1866, c. 741. Greene county. 1865, c. 532; 1873, c. 170; 1876, c. 34. Hancock. 1865, c. 338. Harperstield. 1865, c. 468. Herkimer. 1862, c. 203; 1865, c. 440. Homer. 1866, c. 31; 1867, c. 25. Hubbard, Francis. 1869, c. 684. Huron. 1869, c. 464. Kings county. 1862, c. 1; 1864, c. 331. Lawrence. 1867, c. 205. Little Falls. 1862, c. 76. Little Valley. 1867, c. 64; 1869, c. 590 (repealed 1873, c. 21). Louisville. 1865, c. 549. Malone. 1865, c. 385. Manheim. 1862, c. 201. Mansfield. 1869, c. 542. " Marcellus. 1865, c. 398. Morristown. 1862, c. 204. New Hartford. 1866, c. 35. New Lots. 1864, c. 293. New York city. 1863, c. 25, c. 26; 1867, c. 563. New York county. 1862, c. 2; 1864, c. 7; 1865, c. 17, c. 42; 1867, c. 563. Niskayuna. 1865, c. 705. North Greenbush. 1865, c. 283. Onondaga county. 1865, c. 122, c. 312. Ontario county, 1865, c. 21, 16a Chronological List of Laws of N^ew York Orleans county. 1862, c. 362; 1863, c. 197. Orleans town. 1865, c. 551. Oswegatchie. 1865, c. 315. Otsego county. 1865, c. 440. Oyster Bay. 1864, c. 235. Pamelia. 1866, c. 271. Phillipstown. 1864, c. 36. Pittsford. 1866, c. 49. Piatt, Richard. 1871, c. 493. Portland. 1866,- c. 287. Poughkeepsie. 1862, c. 42; 1863, c. 52; 1865, c. 48, c. 425. Putnam county 1863, c. 13. Queensbury. 1866, c. 487. Rensselaer county. 1871, c. 754. Richmond county. 1865, c. 279. Rockland county. 1864, c. 332. Rossie. 1867, c. 551. Rotterdam. 1865, c. 705; 1866, c, 206. Sage, J. E. 1866, c. 726. St. Lawrence. 1867, c. 315. Salisbury. 1862, c. 200. Saner, G. W. 1868, c. 861. Schenectady. 1865, c. 230, c. 705; 1866, c. 206. , Schoharie. 1866, c. 448. Sempronius. 1867, c. 67. Skaneateles. 1865, c. 126. South Bristol. 1863, c. 213. Southeast. 1862, c. 209. Spafford. 1865, c. 546. Stockbridge. 1864, c. 50. Stockholm. 1865, c. 550. Suffolk county. 1870, c. 436. Sullivan county. 1864, c. 169; 1865, c. 660. Summer Hill. 1868, c. 217. Syracuse. 1862, c. 32; 1865, c. 1. Tioga. 1862, c. 31. Tompkins county. 1865, c. 350; 1866, c. 777. Troupsburg. 1866, c. 277. Ulster county. 1862, c. 5; 1865, c. 324; 1870, c. 435. Ulysses. 1863, c. 353. Utica. 1866, c. 107. Varick. 1866, c. 726. Waddington. 1865, c. 544. Washington. 1866, c. 21. Waterloo. 1866, c. 140. Weiss, Charles. 1868, c. 626; 1869, c. 562. West Almon. 1865, c. 258. Westchester county. 1862, c. 38; 1864, c. 133. Wilson. 1866, c. 83. Wyoming county. 1865, c. 252; 18GG, c. 318, c. 518. Youkers. 1862, c. 13. Volunteers; rights and privileges Continuance of actions ; suspen- sion of statute of limita- tions; exemption from execu- tion. 1864, c. 578 (repealed 1909, c. 65). Woman's Relief Corps Home Admission of Mr. and Mrs. Clock. 1900, c. 148. Appropriation. 1895, c. 676; 1896, c. 236; 1898, c. 222; 1900, c. 269, c. 395; 1901, c. 307; 1902, c. 43.3; 1903, c. 583; 1904, c. 720. Established. 1894, c. 468 (State Charities Law, §§ 250-^57). Hospital, appropriation. 1909, c. 194. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST COlNrSTITUTION 1864 Art. II, § 1 amended by vote of people (second Tuesday of March) : In time of war, electors in the actual military service of the state or of the United States not to be deprived of their votes by reason of absence from the state, and legislature empowered to provide the manner in which, and the time and place at which, such electors may vote and for the canvass of such votes in the election district in which they respectively reside, or otherwise. 1894 Art. II, § 1 continued as amended in 1874. Art. V, § 9 (new) : Honorably discharged soldiers and sailors from army and navy of U. S. in Civil War, citizens and residents of the state, to be entitled to preference in appointment and pro- motion without regard to standing on list. STATUTES 1861 C. 18. To aid government in obtaining loan of money upon its bonds. (February 16.) C. 41. To incorporate veterans .of national guard, 7th regt., 1st div. (March 11.) Section 1 amended, L. 1878, c. 314; § 4 amended, L. 1882, c. 89. C. 215. [Exempting employees of telegraph companies from military and jury duty.] (April 13.) Repealed, L. 1890. c. 566; L. 1892, c. 687: L. 1909. c. 28; L. 1909, c. 219; revised as Code Civil' Procedure, § 1030, par. 10; amended, L. 1902, c. 291; repealed, L. 1909, c. 35; revised, Judiciary Law, 1909, §§ 546, 635, 720. [17a] 18a Chronological List of Laws of New York 1861 C. 266. Making appropriations for certain expenses of govern- ment. (April 16.) P. 59'3. Telegraphing joint resolutions of support to president and senators, $59.90. P. 594. Telegraphing notice of appointment to peace commissioners, $48.56. P. 600. Purchase of general regulations for militia, $500. Purchase Scott's Tactics, $500. P. 608. Entertainment of president-elect at Albany, $1,264.50. C. 277. Authorize embodying and equipment of volunteer militia [30,000 men for 2 years' service] and to pro- vide [$3,000,000] for public defense; [$0,002 tax for year Oct. 1, 1861-Sept. 30, 1862]. (April 15.) Reappropriation, L. 1863, c. 210; see also L. 1862, c. 192; L. 1862, c. 397; L. 1863, c. 184; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41. C. 292. To provide arms and equipments of militia and for public defense; [$500,000]. (April 17.) Amended, L. 1865, c. 588; see also L. 1862, c. 397; L. 1863, c. 222; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41. Resolutions Concurrent. Tendering aid to president in support of constitu- tion and the union. (January 14.) Concurrent. Inviting president-elect to pass through state. (January 26, 29.) Concurrent. Appointing commissioners to meet commissioners from other states. (February 1, 5.) Concurrent. Appointing Thurlow Weed commissioner, vice Ad- dison Gardiner, resigned. (February 8.) Co7icurre7it. Thanks to Governor [Thomas H.] Hicks of Mary- land [for refusal to call secession convention]. (Jan- uary 22, February 18.) 1862 C. 1. To authorize board of supervisors. Kings county, to provide for relief of families of volunteers; [borrow not exceeding $200,000]. (February 1.) Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 19a 1862 C. 2. To legalize certain ordinances, New York City; [(1) appropriating money for national defense, April 23, 1861; (2) appropriating money in aid of families of volunteers, July 17, 1861, and (3) appropriating money in aid of families of volunteers, December J 0, 1861]. (February!.) C 5. To authorize board of supervisors, Ulster county, to defray expenses [$4,300] of 20tli regt., N. Y. militia. (February 13.) C. 13. To authorize trustees, village of Yonkers, to raise money [$6,000] by tax [for assistance and relief of volunteers' families.] (February 22.) C. 14. To authorize common council, Buffalo, to borrow money [$50,000 to aid volunteers and their families.] (February 22.) C. 21. Providing for distribution of soldiers' allotments. (March 6.) Repealed, L. 1892, c. 683; L. 1909, c. 23. C. 25. For more speedy payment of volunteers from this state mustered into service of United States and within this state, March 1, 1862; [$350,000 to be borrowed]. (March 8.) Amended, L. 1862, c. 29; repealed, L. 1909, c. 58. C. 29. [Amending c. 25, supra], (March 12.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 58. C. 31. To legalize levy and collection of [$6,500] tax, Tioga COUNTY, to defray expenses of enrolling organizing, mustering and subsisting volunteers for military ser- vice of United States and for aid to their families. (March 15.) C. 32. To legalize and confirm appropriation of $10,000 made by common council, Syracuse, [for support of volun- teers' families]. (March 15.) C. 38. To authorize county treasurer, Westchester county, to issue [$50,000] bonds for relief of families of volunteers and for payment thereof. (March 21). C. 42. To authorize city of Poughkeepsie to borrow money to pay debt [$4,000] incurred for relief of families of 20a Chronological List of Laws of New York 1862 soldiers, to pay floating debt of city and for other specified purposes. (March 22.) C. 50. For relief of families of volunteers in service of United States from town of German Flats; [$1,000 to be raised by tax]. (March 26.) C. Y6. To authorize town of Little Falls to raise [$5,000] to reimburse expenditures for families of volunteers. (March 28.) C. 174. To amend L. 1861, c. 201 entitled "An act making appropriations for support of government;" [appro- priation for commissary department and pay of arsenal keepers increased to $20,000], (April 11.) C 185. To provide for payment of bonds issued by New York City for defense of national union; [$500,000 to be raised in 1862 and the same in 1863; bonds redeem- able 1864]. (April 12.) C. 192. Making appropriation [$2,603,918.67] for payment to United States of direct tax assumed by state and also appropriating proceeds of tax levied in pursuance of L. 1861, c. 277; [$1,250,000 for redemption of comptroller's bonds]. (April 12.) C. 200. For relief of families of volunteers in service of United States from town of Salisbury; [$1,100]. (April 12 > C. 201. To authorize town of Manheim to raise [$500] to re- imburse expenditures for volunteers in service of United States. (April 12.) C. 203. To authorize town of Herkimer to raise [$2,000] to reimburse expenditures for families of volunteers in service of United States. (April 12.) C. 204. For relief of families of New York state volunteers in town of MoRRisTOw^N ; [volunteer aid commissioners provided]. (April 12.) C. 209. To authorize board of town auditors, Southeast, to pro- vide for relief of families of volunteers; [to borrow $600]. (April 12.) C. 234. To provide for payment of [$12,000] expended in equipping 20th regt., N. Y. S. militia. (April 15.) Relatinct to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 21a 1862 C. 247. To authorize city of Brooklyn to issue bonds in pay- ment of [$115,588.56] borrowed for equipment of volunteers and militia for the present war and support of their families. (April 16.) C. 332. § 4 [Legalizing acts of board of trustees, Geneva, in ex- pending money from village treasury 1861 and 1862, for raising and equipping volunteers]. (April 18.) Probably repealed, L. 1877, c. 65. C. 334. To authorize trustees, Dunkirk, to pay certain military expenses ; [$4,375 for clothing and equipping two companies]. (April 18.) C. 362. To authorize supervisors, Orleans county, to raise [$10,000] for support of volunteers [families]. (April 19.) Amended, L. 1868, c. 264. C 397. To provide [$500,000] for payment of certain claims in- curred in organization, equipment and subsistence of troops raised in state or received therefrom for serv- ice of United States. (April 21.) Amended, L. 1863, c. 409; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41. C. 420. To incorporate Union home and school for education and maintenance of children of volunteers. (April 22.) Section 3 amended, L. 1866, c. 243; amended, L. 1872, c. 39; L. 1877, c. 155; see also L. 1870, c. 309; repealed and cor- poration dissolved, L. 1885, c. 293. C. 421. To provide [$50,000] for reimbursement of certain per- sons and regiments belonging to militia for clothing and equipments lost or destroyed in service. (April 22.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 41. C. 435. Making appropriations for support of government. (April 22.) P. 783. Commissary department expenses and com- pensation of arsenal keepers, $10,000. C. 456. [Levying tax of $0,002 for fiscal year October 1, 1862 — September 30, 1863, in payment of direct tax to United States], (xipril 23.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 62. 22a Chronological List of Laws of New York 1862 C. 458. Making appropriations for certain expenses of govern- ment. (April 23.) P. 825. Deficiency in appropriation for expenditures, adjutant general's office, $2,650. Extra labor of four clerks, adjutant general's office, $1,200. P. 826. Extra services, clerk and messenger, adjutant general's office, $160. Inspector general's office, $360. Quartermaster general's office, $2,360. Surgeon general's office, $385. Barrack and arsenal repairs, $1,7'5I2.18. Books and stationery for commissary general, $386.26. Stationery for surgeon general, $21.77. Expenses of volunteer surgeons, $1,000. P. 835. Committee for investigating acts of military board. P. 839. Illumination of capitol on occasion of recent victories, $42.05. Illumination of state hall on occasion of recent victories, $44.85. P. 840. Compensation of engineers to consider defenses of ITew York harbor, $2,000. P. 841. Transportation, care and supplies of hospital •-' for sick and wounded soldiers and removal of remains of officers, $30,000. V Purchase of general regulations and tactics, $1,000. Eeimbursement for 480 sets of accoutrements, $834.40. P. 843. Shells and projectiles, $8,472.50. C. 468. To declare cases in which office of county judge, Lewis COUNTY, shall be vacant; [acceptance of military com- mission]. (April 23.) C. 471. To facilitate taking oaths and affirmations and acknowl- edgement or proof of written instruments by persons Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 23a 1862 in military service of state or United States as volun- teers. (April 23.) Repealed, L. 1877, c. 417; L. 1909, c. 65. C. 477. To provide for enrollment of militia, organization and discipline of national guard and for public defense. (April 23.) Sections 1, 4, 119, 183, 300 amended, L. 1863, c. 425; §§ 101, 146 amended, L. 1864, c. 334; §§ 1, T[ 1 ; 27, 38, 55, 94, 96, 98, 103, 105, 110, 127, 133, 146, 157, 176, 196-98, 203, 225-27, 243-44, 251, 260, 273, 299 amended, L. 1865, c. 612; §§ 8, 13-15, 21, 26, 30, 35, 37, 44, 48, 55, 93-94, 157, 175, 183, 22'5 amended, L. 1866, c. 809; §§ 1, H 2; 4, 8-15, 18, 26, 30, 102, 121, 126-27, 138-40, 142, 146, 218 amended, L. 1867, <". 502; §§ 1, H 2; 4-5, 8-15, 18, 21, 91, 218, ^ 2 amended, L. 1868, c. 651; §§ 4, 15 amended, L. 1869, c. 645; §§ 5-7, 9, 12, 21, 39, 203, 218 and generally amended, L. 1869, c. 778; repealed, L. 1869, c. 645; §§ 226, 228 repealed, L. 1805, c. 612; all repealed, L. 1870, c. 80; L. 1909, c. 41. Resolution Concurrent. Relative to victories [Fort Henry, Roanoke isl.. Fort Donelson, Savannah, etc.] achieved by national army and navy. (February 17.) 1863 C. 13. To authorize board of supervisors, Putnam county, to raise money by tax to pay volunteers in United States service. (February 19.) C. 14. To confirm acts of governor and appropriate [$3,600,- 000] for repayment of monies paid as bounties to volunteers and for other purposes. (February 21.) C. 15. To authorize levying tax upon counties and towns to repay monies borrowed or expended in payment of bounties or for expenses of enlistment or for aid to families or to j)ay any liability incurred therefor. (February 21.) Section 13 amended, L. 1863, c. 104; § 16 amended, L. 1863, c. 46; Erie county, L. 1863, c. 29; Essex county, L. 1863, c. 76; Orleans county, L. 1863, c. 197; Tompkins county, L. 1863, c. 353; Ulster county, L. 1869, c. 215; West- chester county, L. 1864, c, 133; repealed, L. 1909, c. 62. 24a . Chkonological List of Laws of !N"ew York 1863 C. 16. To confirm and legalize taxes imposed in 1862 by boards of supervisors of counties or of such as may have included in taxes sums raised or advanced in their counties for payment of bounty to volunteers enlisted in service of the United States or for sup- port and maintenance of families of such volunteers. (February 23.) C. 10. To confirm acts of board of supervisors, Erie county, in paying bounties to volunteers, and borrowing [$200,000] for that purpose. (March 4.) C. 25. To provide for payment of certain bonds issued by corporation, ISTew York city, and to authorize con- tinuance of aid heretofore granted and allowed to families of volunteer soldiers now serving in army of the Union; [$500,000 to be borrowed in 1863 and same in 1865; other loans permitted]. (March 6.) . C. 26. To legalize ordinance, New York city; [1, providing relief for volunteers' families, June 18, 1862; 2, pro- moting speedy recruitment, September 2, 1863, and 3, appropriating $500,000 for relief of soldiers' families, ISTovember 8, 1862.] (March 6.) C. 29. Confirming certain proceedings of common council, Buffalo, granting relief to families of volunteers and to authorize common council to borrow [$50,000] for that purpose. (March 14.) C. 46. To amend L. 1863, c. 15, [§ 16]. (March 25.) Kepealed, L. 1909, c. 62. C. 52. To authorize city of Poughkeepsie to borrow money to pay water loan and [$48,119.89] to pay indebt- edness incurred in borroAving money to pay bounties, 1862. (March 26.) C. 76. Providing that certain liabilities incurred by Military Aid society, town of Essex, shall be a debt against town and providing for their payment. (April 7.) C. 113. In relation to bureau of military statistics. (April 8.) Kepealed, L. 1864, c. 51; L. 1909, c. 41. Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 25a 1863 C. 135. Making appropriations for support of government. (April 15.) P. 209. Uniforms, equipments, pay, etc., of militia, $200,000. C. 170. To authorize toAvn of Batavia to raise [$6,300] for payment of bounties to volunteers in service of United States. (April 17.) Section 4 amended, L. 1864, c. 20. C. 18-4. To promote re-enlistment of volunteers now in service of United States and enlistment of persons into regiments and corps now in said service and here- after to be organized; [$3,000,000 appropriated]. (April 17.) Section 3 amended and partly repealed, L. 1864, c. 2; appropriation, L. 1864, c. 182; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41. C. 197. To enlarge powers of board of supervisors, Orleans county, under L. 1863, c. 15 [relative to payment of bounties]. (April 21.) C. 210. Making appropriations for certain expenses of govern- ment and to supply deficiencies. (April 23.) P. 359. Expenses of commissioner to invite attention of general government to using canals for public defense, $4,000. P. 360. Superintendent of capitol, services while capi- tol was occupied for military purposes, $150. P. 361. Secretary of auditing board of claims in- curred in organization, pay, equipment, (piartering, subsistence, etc., of troops, $666.66. Surgeon general, department expenses and ex- penses of volunteer surgeons, $15,000. Adjutant general, muster rolls of volunteers, $7,500. P. 362. Aid to General Burnside, ascertaining men ready for duty, $31. Unexpended balance of $3,000,000 (L. 1861, c. 277) reappropriated. 26a Cheonological List of Laws of I^ew York 1863 C. 210. P. 362, Benefit of sick, wounded, fiirlouglied, dis- charged soldiers and removal of remains of deceased officers, unexpended balance of $30,000 (L. 1862, c. 458) reappropriated. P. 363. Quartermaster general, settlement of ac- counts, $500. P. 364. Union Lome and school, $3,000. P. 370. Compensation to officers of 82d and 94th regts., N". Y. volunteers, $1,500. P. 375. Committee on public defense, exj)enses inspec- tion N'ew York harbor, $257.31. P. 380. Surgeons to examine volunteers, $500. C' 213. To provide for reimbursing by tax upon town of South Bkistol, money contributed to pay bounties and to aid in supporting families. (April 23.) C. 222. To provide and repair arms and equipments of militia and for public defense; [$500,000]. (April 24.) C. 223. To incorporate " The Soldiers' home." (April 24.) C. 224. To provide additional means of relief [$200,000] for sick and wounded soldiers in United States service. (April 24.) See also L. 1864, c. 392; repealed, L. 1909, c. 57. C. 239. To protect harbors and frontiers of state against in- vasion and to provide for their defense; [$1,000,000]. (April 27.) C. 307. To authorize levying and collecting tax in towns of Clinton county for payment of money borrowed to pay bounties to volunteers. (April 29.) C. 353. To authorize supervisors, Tompkins county, to levy [$4,500] tax in town of LTlysses to reimburse moneys paid for soldiers' bounties. (April 29.) C. 393. To provide means for support of government ; [§ 4, tax of $0,002 for payment of bounties]. (May 4.) All repealed, L. 1892, c. 686; L. 1909, c. 16. C. 409. Supplementary and amendatory of L. 1862, c. 397, re- lating to auditing of military accounts. (May 4.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 41. Relating to War of Eebellion and Veterans. 27a 1863 0. 425. To amend L. 1862, c. 477. (May 5.) Section 1 amended, L. 1865, c. 612; L. 1867, c. 502; § 5 amended, L. 1866, c. 809; generally amended, L. 1865, c. 512; probably repealed, L. 1870', c. 80; repealed, L. 1909, e. 41; see also L. 1887, c. 525. C. 428. For release of officers, 37th regt., N. Y. S.militia, from liability for 121 muskets stolen from armory while regiment was absent from state by order. (May 5.) C. 514. Providing for relief to indigent families of volunteers and persons who may be ordered into military or naval service of United States. (May 17.) Section 1 amended, L. 1864, c. 8; amended, L. 1864, c. 72; repealed, L. 1909, c. 46. Resolutions Concurrent. Relative to establishment of hospital and asylum for wounded and disabled soldiers who have belonged to various regiments of 'New York tetate volunteers. (January 15, 29.) Concurrent. Relative to United States allotment commissioners. (February 19.) Concurrent. In relation to quota of state [draft] furnished for military service of the United States. (April 9, 24.) Concurrent. Proposing amendment to constitution providing that persons in military service of United States may vote at place where they may be in such service. (April 22, 24.) See also 1864, concurrent resolution. 1864 C. 2. To amend L. 1863, c. 184, § 3. Repealed, L. 1909, c. 41. C. 7. To legalize certain ordinances of the board of suj)er- visors, New York county, and provide for payment of bonds therein specified ; also to authorize borrowing of additional money for payment of riot damages and military bounties. (February 8.) Section 2 amended, L. 1864, c. 11; § 5 amended, L. 1864, c. 396; amended, L. 1865, c. 515. 15 c. 11. c. 20. c. 36. 28a Chronological List of Laws of !N"ew Yoek 1864 C. 8. To authorize levying tax upon the counties and towns to repay moneys borrowed for or expended in payment of bounties to volunteers or for expenses of their enlist- ment or for aid to their families or to pay any liability incurred and to amend L. 1863, c. 514, § 1. (Feb- ruary 9.) Amended, L. 1864, c. 72; § 7 amended, L. 1864, c. 390; § 11 amended, L. 1864, c. 72; § 22 amended, L. 1865, c. 29; L. 1865, c. 41; New Lots, L. 1864, c. 293; St. Lawrence COUNTY, L. 1867, c. 315; Westchester county, L. 1875, c. 629. Repealed, L. 1909, c. 46; L. 1909, c. 63. C. 9. To perfect amendment of Constitution providing for vote of electors in military service of United States. (Feb- ruary 13.) Repeal'ed, L. 1909, c. 59. To amend L. 1864, c. 7, [§ 2]. (February 18.) To amend L. 1863, c. 170, § 4. (February 25.) Authorizing and directing board of supervisors, Putnam county, to raise [$12,600] by tax to pay moneys bor- rowed by toAvn of Phillipstown to assist drafted men and to encourage volunteering. (March 11.) C. 50. To legalize action of special town meeting, town of Stockbridge^ August 27, 1863; [raising money to pay bounties to drafted men]. (March 19.) C. 51. In relation to bureau of military statistics. (March 2.1.) Section 1 amended, L. 1875, c. 518; repealed and revised, L. 1887, c. 247; repealed, L. 1893, c. 559; revised. Military Code, 1893, §§ 38-42; repealed, L. 1898, c. 212; revised, Military Code, 1898, § 16; repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised, Military Law, 1908, § 19; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised. Military Law, 1909, § 19; see also L. 1865, e. 690; L. 1865, c. 744; L. 1866, c. 610; L. 1866, c. 665; L. 1878, c. 369. C. 72. To amend L. 1863, c. 514, and L. 1864, c. 8. (March 26.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 63. C 131. To relieve from auction duties all sales made for relief of sick and wounded soldiers. (April 6.) Repealed, L. 1896, c. 376; L. 1909, c. 25. C. 133. To enable towns in Westchester county to raise moneys by tax to defray expenses of procuring volun- Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 29a 1864 teers or substitute soldiers for inhabitants drafted into service of United States, 1863, and for other purposes. (April 6.) C. 169. To legalize and confirm acts, resolutions and proceed- ings of board of supervisors, Sullivan county^ in paying bounties to volunteers, drafted persons, substi- tutes or their families, or issuing bonds, and to authorize a tax to pay the same. (April 12.) C. 382. Making appropriations for payment of bounties to volunteers and providing means therefor. (April 14.) Section 3 repealted, L. 1909, c. 62; §§ 4-5 repealed, L, 1909, c. 58. C. 234. To confirm and legalize certain obligations [$27,000] issued by city of Buffalo. (April 19.) C 235. Approving and legalizing action of supervisor, town clerk and justices of the peace, town of Oyster Bay, in issuing four bonds of $500 each, for procuring substitutes for indigent men of family, drafted and accepted as soldiers. (April 19.) C. 253. To enable qualified electors, absent in military service of United States, to vote. (April 21.) Repealed, L. 1865, e. 570; L. 1909, c. 22. C. 280. Making appropriations for support of government. (April 22.) P. 686. Expenses of military departments connected wnth raising trooj)s to suppress the rebel- lion, $100,000. Appropriation, L. 1865, c. 179. C. 293. For relief of town of N'ew Lots; [bounties and pro- curing substitutes]. (April 22.) C. 329. To authorize common council, city of Albany, to fund [$100,000] debt incurred for relief to indigent families of persons ordered into military service of United States. (April 23.) C. 330. Legalizing acts of " taxpayers, village of Cohoes ; [$4,800]. (April 23.) Probably repealed, L. 1869, c. 912. 30a Chronological List of Laws of ITew Yoek 1864 C. 381. To authorize board of supervisors, .Kings county^ to provide [$15000,000] for relief of families of volun- teers and enlistment of volunteers or substitutes. (April 23.) C. 332. To provide for repayment of moneys borrowed by towns of Rockland county for relief of drafted men. (April 23.) C. 334. To amend L. 1862, e. 477, and for other purposes; [replacing uniforms]. (April 23.) Section 1 amended, L. 1865, e. 612; repealed, L. 1869, c. 645; § 2 repealed, L. 1866, c. 809; all repealed, L. 1870, c. 80; L. 1909, c. 41. C. 339. In relation to collection of taxes to pay military bounties, Allegany county. (April 23.) C. 347. Making appropriations for certain expenses of govern- ment. (April 25.) P. 799. Superintendent of capitol, services while capitol was occupied for military purposes, $200. P. 801. Adjutant general, completion of muster rolls, $5,000. Certain military services, $297.38. Railroad transportation of soldiers, $746.12. P. 802. jManual and tactics for adjutant ,generars office, $3,000. Repayment of moneys overpaid by paymaster, $242.41. Enrollment for draft, 1862. P, 803. Expenses of raising volunteers, 1862, 1863. Adjutant general, advertising, 1863. Advertising, Albany Standard, $174.38. Claims incurred in organization, equipment and subsistence of troops, reappropriation, $350,000. P. 812. Carriages to attend funeral of the dead of 177th regt, $265. C. 390. To amend L. 1864, c. 8, § 7. (April 25.) Eepealed, L. 1909, c. 63. Relating to War of Eebellion and Veterans. 31a 1864 C. 391. To prevent swindling of persons enlisting into military or naval service of United States and to make such ' offenses felony and to punish nse of certain means to procure enlistments. (April 25.) Section 2 repealed, L. 1886, c. 593; all' repealed, L. 1896, c. 548; L. 1909, c. 88. C. 392. To provide grounds for final resting place of remains and monument to perpetuate the memory of soldiers of this state who fell on battlefields of Gettysburg and Antietam; [$30,000]. (April 25.) C. 396. To amend L. 1864, c. 7, [§ 5] ; [$900,000 instead of $200,000]. (April 25.) ' Section 5 amended, L. 1865, c. 515. C. 399. To provide ways and means for support of government; [§ 3, tax of $0.002125 for payment of bounties]. (April 25.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 62. C. 401. Making appropriations for certain public and charitable institutions. (April 25.) P. 908. Union home and school, $3,000. J^ew York county board of supervisors may pay Union home, $5,000. P. 909. Hospitals in state, provided they do not reject any proper application of sick or wounded soldiers, $50,000. P. 910. Ladies' soldiers' aid society, Ithaca, for mair.- tenance and education destitute and orphan children of soldiers, $2,500, on condition of raising like amount. Section 1 partly repealed, L. 1865, c. 641 ; L. 1909, c. 58. C. 404. To enable board of supervisors, ISTew York county, to raise money by tax for certain county purposes. (April 25.) P. 938. Election expenses, special election, constitu- tional amendment on soldiers' franchise, $15,000. 32a Chronological List of Laws of N"ew York 1864 C. 404. P. 939, Interest, county substitute and relief fund bonds, $56,046.16. Interest, soldiers' substitute bounty fund bonds, $55,000. C. 405. To enable board of supervisors, New York county^ to raise money by tax for use of corporation. (April 25.) P. 942. Interest, volunteer soldiers' family aid fund, $60,000. C. 420. To amend L. 1863, c. 362, [§ 7], entitled "An act in relation to proceedings in surrogates' courts and to the fees of surrogates, the compensation of executors and administrators and to a clerk for surrogates; [no fee chargeable for appointment of guardian to enable minor to receive bounty, arrears of pay, or prize money due for services of parent or brother in mili- tary or naval service of United States.] (April 30.) Amended, L. 1866, c. 784; revised in Code Civil Procedure, § 2501; original act as amended, repealed, L. 1893, c. 686; L. 1909, c. 65. C. 578. Concerning rights and privileges of persons in military and naval service of United States ; [actions continued without costs ; statute of limitations does not run ; pay and bounty exempt from execution ; sword, horse, medal, etc., exempt from seizure]. (May 4.) Repealed, L. 1877, c. 417; revised, L. 1876, c. 448; Code Civil Procedure, § 1393; amended, L. 1895, c. 663; L. 1897, c. 348; original c. 578 repealed, L. 1909, c. 65. Resolutions Concurrent. Proposing amendment to constitution to extend elective franchise to persons in military service of United States. (January 7, 15.) Adopted by people, March 8, 1864; effective by L. 186-1, c. 253; L. 1865, c. 570. Concurrent. Authorizing comptroller to borrow money to pay state bounty to volunteers in United States army. (February 17, 19.) Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 33a 1864 Conrurroif. In relation to neglect and snffering of state volun- teers; [expenditure of $25,000 authorized]. (Jan- uary 20, March 4.) Cunriirrcnl. Authorizing chief of bureau of military statistics to send flags and trophies to Metropolitan fair, jM^ew York. (March 17, 18.) ('onciirrciil. Authorizing regents of university to send portions of collections under their charge to Metropolitan fair, in aid of Sanitary commission. (March 10, 22.) Concurroit. In relation to General Robert Anderson; [retired rank with full pay asked]. (March 14, 22.) Concurvent. In relation to bounties to volunteers. (March 30, April 4.) VuncuvronL Anthorizing governor to borrow sufficient money to supply deficiency in fund t(^ pay state bounties to volunteers. (April 22, 23.) 1865 C. 1. To authorize city of Syracuse to borrow [$20,000] and issue bonds for same; [support of volunteers' families]. (Jannary 17.) (' 3. To incorporate Home for disabled soldiers. (Jannary V. 14. To legalize bonds issued in jiursuance of resolutions of board of supervisors, Dutchess county, and t() pro- vide for taxes to pa}' same; [bounties]. (February 2.) C. 15. To provide additional means of relief [$200,000] for sick and wounded soldiers in United States service. (February 2.) Amended, L. 186G, c. 185; repealed, L. 1909, c. 46. C 17. To confirm and make valid a certain ordinance of board of su|)ervisors, I^ew York county, passed June 25, 1864, and to provide for redemption of [bounty] bonds [$2,000,000] therein specified. (February 8.) C. 21. To legalize [bounty] bonds issued in pursuance of reso- lutions of board of supervisors, Ontario county, and to provide for taxes to pay the same. (February 10.) 16 34a Chkonological List of Laws of IsTew York 1865 C. 20. To provide for filling quota of men required for army and navv of ITnited States and to repeal L. ISG-i, c. 8, § 22, and prohibit local bounties and to raise [$30,000,000] by issue of bonds and to provide for submitting question thereon to people. (February 10.) Section 6 amended, L. 1865, c. 226; § 7 amended, L. 1865, c. 41; Rensselaer county, L. 1871, c. 754; appropriation, L. 1865, c. 56; § 3 partly repealed, L. 1865, c. 226; §§ 8-13 repealed, L. 1865, c. 325; wholly repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; L. IflOQ, c. 63; see also L. 1865, c. 42; L. 1867, c. 689; L. 1870, c. 436. C. 33. To incorporate " Union league club," New York City. (February 16.) Section 3 amended, L. 1867, c. 160; L. 1874, c. 423; supple- mental' act, L. 1892, c. 606. C. 41. To provide [$30,000,000] for filling quota of men re- quired for army and navy and to amend L. 1864, c. 8, § 22, and to regulate local bounties. (February 24.) Section 6 amended, L. 1865, c. 226; § 3 partly repealed, L. 1865, c. 226; wholly repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; L. 1909, c. 63. C. 42. To provide for payilicnt of interest on bonds issued by supervisors, jSTew York county. (February 25.) C. 48. To authorize city of Poughkeepsie to borrow [$246,100] to pay indebtedness incurred, principal and interest, in borrowing money to pay certain bounties authorized by mayor and common council, under call of President, July, 1864. (February 27.) See also L. 1865, c. 425. C. 56. To jirovido [$30,000,000] for payment of bounties directed to be paid by L. 1865, c. 20. (February 27. ) Amended, L. 1865, c. 226; repealed, L. 1909, c. 58. C. 105. To legalize acts of town board, Gai.ex, in issuing bonds for bounties. (March 11.) (\ 122. To legalize special tax, imposed by board of supervisors, Onondaga county, to raise bounties. (]\[arch 15.) C. 126. To legalize acts of town meeting, Skaneateles, and authorize and require board of supervisors to levy tax to repay [money spent to relieve to^vii of liability to draft] to inhabitants of town. (March 16.) Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 35a 1865 C. 177. For relief of James Saunders and others, re-enlisted veterans, Franklinville ; [$2,700 for bounties, to be borrowed by town]. (March 22.) C. 178. To legalize resolutions of common council, Brooklyn, approved March 13, 1805; [money for enlisting men in 56th regt.]. (March 23.) C. 226. To amend L. 1865, c. 29, c. 41 and c. 50, and in relation to providing means for payment of bounties and for reimbursing and refunding municipalities for bounties paid. (March 29.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; L. 1909, c. 58. C. 230. To authorize city of Schenectady to fund bounty debt [$135,000]. (March 29.) C. 243. Confirming proceedings of common council, Buffalo, granting relief to families of such residents as have entered military service of United States and to authorize common council to borrow [$30,000] for that purpose. (March 29.) C 252. To legalize and confirm acts or proceedings heretofore passed or adopted by any town in Wyo:ming county, or by board of supervisors relative to raising or paying bounties. (March 31.) C. 258. For relief of Edwin Baker [for money paid by him as bounty for volunteers, town of West Al:mond]. (March 31.) C. 200, To provide payment of certain volunteers, Chenango COUNTY. (March 31.) C. 205. To confirm proceedings of special town meeting, town of Ellisburg, March 30, 1804. (March 31.) C. 279. To confirm and legalize resolutions, board of supervisors, Richmond county, and authorizing levying of tax to repay [$75,000] l)orrowed under said resolutions. (April 1.) C. 283. To legalize actions of board of town auditors, town of XoRTii Greenbush, in relation to bounties and to authorize the collection of the same. (April 1.) 36a Chkonological List of Laws of New York 1865 C. 312. To extend time for collection of special tax imposed by supervisors, Onondaga county^ to raise bounties. (April 8.) C. 315. To authorize board of supervisors, county of St. Law- rence, to levy a tax on the town of Oswegatchie, to refund [$1,300] paid by town of Stockholm to vol- 1 nteers credited to town of Oswegatchie; [$1,300]. (April 6.) C. 324. To authorize Ulster county to borrow money to repay taxes illegally imposed, and to legalize certain acts of board of supervisors ; [payment of bounties to vol- unteers]. (April 7.) C. 325. To provide means of paying bounties authorized by law, and of reimbursing municipalities for bounties paid in pursuance of law by creating a state debt for that purpose; and to submit to the people question of creating such debt, and to repeal certain sections of L. 1865, c. 29; [$30,000,000 to be borrowed].. (April 7.) Amended, L. 1866, c. 209; § 2 amended, L. 1867, c. 488; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; L. 1909, c. 58. C. 33S. To authoTize collection of moneys to pay bonds issued to pay soldiers' bounty, enlisted for town of Hancock, 1864. (April 8.) C^ 350. To legalize action of board of supervisors, Tompkins county, and of towns of said county relative to col- lection by tax and disbursement of moneys for the payment of bounties. (April 10.) C. 351, Making appropriations for support of government. (April 10.) P. 618. National guard salaries, pay, arms, unir forms, equipment and supplies, $200,000. C. 385. To confirm acts of trustees, Malone village, in relation to organizing and defraying expenses of police force and of home guard. (April 13.) C. 397. To legalize acts of town meeting, town of Butler, and of officers of said town, in raising bounties and to legalize obligations issued therefor, (April 13.) Eelating to War of Rebellion and Vetebans. 37a 1865 C. 8i)8. To legalize acts of town meetings, town of Marcellus, and proceedings of board of supervisors, Onondaga county, in levying tax [$6,225] in pursuance thereof. (April 13.) C, 425. To authorize city of Poughkeepsie to borrow [$12,200] . to pay such persons who have enlisted' and who have furnished substitutes under the call of the President of July 18, 1864, such further sums as will nuike the whole received by them severally, as bounty, equal to $730, upon certain conditions. (April 14.) ('. 440. To confirm proceedings in towns in Herkimer and Otsego counties in raising moneys to pay volunteers, substitutes or drafted men and to make valid evidences of indebtedness issued therefor. (April 14.) C. 443. To legalize acts of town board, Coventry, in issuing bonds for bounties. (April 14.) C. 468. To authorize board of town auditors, town of Harpers- field^ to levy and collect tax to pay the town's in- debtedness [$13,000] incurred in paying bounties. (April 17.) 0. 510. To confirm acts of boards of town auditors and board of supervisors, Allegany county. (April 21.) C. 515. To amend L. 1864, c. 7; [permitting interest of 7%]. (April 21.) G. 529. To legalize and confirm acts and proceedings, board of supervisors, Clinton county, and the towns of said county relating to raising and paying bounties. (April 21.) C 532. To legalize and confirm acts or proceedings heretofore ado])ted by board of supervisors, Greene county, re- lative to raising or paying bounties and to authorize payment of bounty bonds. (April 22.) C. 535. To incorporate Soldier-messenger corps; [to furnish for benefit of soldiers and sailors, who have served honor- ably in army and navy, the employment incidental to a message and parcel corps]. (April 22.) Section 4 repealed, L. 1886, c. 593. SSa, Chronological List of Laws of New York 1865 C. 5-14. To confirm proceedings of town meeting, town of Waddtngton, held February 14, 1865, declaring bounty fund raised in said town a debt against town. (April 22.) C. 54G. To legalize acts of town meeting, town of Spafford, and to authorize and require board of supervisors of county to levy tax to repay sums of money to inhabitants ; [to relieve town from draft]. (April 22.) C. 549. To legalize action of special town meeting, town of Louisville, September 17, 1864; [raising money to pay bounties]. (April 22.) C. 550. To legalize bonds issued in pursuance of resolutions of special town meeting, town of Stockholm ; [refund- ing money contributed to aid town in procuring volun- teers]. (April 22.) C. 551. To legalize and confirm acts or proceedings heretofore had at town meeting, town of Orleans, by board of town auditors, or supervisor, relative to raising or pay- ing bounties, or to issuing of bonds for payment of bounties and for other purposes. (April 22.) C. 570. To provide manner in which, and time and places at which electors of state, absent in actual military ser- vice, may vote and for canvass and return of votes. (April 27.) Appropriation, L. 1865, c. 057; repealed, L. 1866, c. 524; L. 1909, c. 22. C. 585, To establish Cornell university; [§ 1), state scholarships; preference to children of veterans who have died in service]. (April 27.) Amended, L. 18T2, c. 654; L. 1886, c. 614; L. 1887, c. 291; repeated, L. 1894, c. 556; revised, Consolidated School Law, 1894, t. 12, § 1, II 7; repealed, L. 1909, c. 21; revised, Educa- tion Law, 1909, § 1127; repealed, L. 1910, c. 140; revised, Education Law, 1910, § 1037, |[ 7. C. 587. To authorize establishment of New York state institu- tion for blind ; [§ 12, preference in admission to blind children of those who died in Ignited States service, Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 80a 1865 or from wounds or injuries received therein]. (April 27.) Repealed, L. lUOO, c. 21; revised, Education Law, 1900, § 941; repealed, L. 1910, c. 140; revised, Education Law, 1910, § 991. C. 598. Making appropriations for certain expenses of govern- ment and for supplying deficiencies. (April 28.) P. 1222. Balance due state agent for relief of soldiers, $577. P. 1223. Bureau of military statistics. Union soldiers in rebel prisons and record of seamen in naval service, $3,800. P. 1231. Advertising, adjutant generaFs office. P. 1232. Printing " Trophy flags " and binding, $4,000. P. 1234. Services and subsistence, national guard, ri^it duty and frontier invasion, $13,000. P. 1237. Draping rooms, etc., death of Abraham Lin- coln, $2,000. P. 1239. Services 2(1 division, national guard, guard- ing arsenal and armories. Kings county. C. 001. For relief of John F. Curtis; [$50 bounty withheld from Edwin D. Curtis, under age when enlisted]. 'April 28.) C. 610. Making appropriation [$150,000] for military expendi- tures. (April 29.) C. 012. To amend L. 1802, c. 477, § 1, ^ 1 ; S§ 27, 38, 55, 94, 9G, 98, 103, 105, 110, 127, 133, 14G, 157, 176, 196-98, 203, 225-27, 243-44, 251, 260, 273, 299; § 226 re- pealed, and for other purposes. (April 29.) Section 1 [original §§ 55, 94, 157, 225] amended, L. 1866, c. 809; § 1 [original §§ 1, 127, 146] amended, L. 1867, c. 502; § 1 [original § 203] amended, L. 1869, c. 778; wholly repealed, L. 1870, c. 80; L. 1909, c. 41. C. 617. To authorize board of supervisors of counties to hold special meetings during 1865 for levying tax upon towns and counties to pay bonds or other obligations incurred for payment of bounties. (April 29.) p. 1.328. p. 1330. p. 1331. 40a Chronological List of Laws of New Yokk 1865 C^ 641. Making appropriations for certain public and charitable institutions. (May 1.) P. 1318. LTnion home and school. .P. 1321. Ladies' soldiers' aid society, Ithaca, on condi- tion of raising like amount, $2,500. Hospitals of state, outside New York city, pro- vided no proper application of sick or wounded soldiers be refused, $55,000. C. 640. To enable board of supervisors, New Yokk county, to raise money by tax, for use of corporation. (May 1.) Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln, $35,000. Ladies' union aid society, $4,000. Interest on volunteer soldiers' family aid fund bonds, $45,000. P. 1332, Printing, Abraham Lineuln's obsequieS. C 651. To authorize electors, town of Elbridge, to vote [$13,500] for relief of John Rice and others, to raise same by tax and pay the same ; [money raised for bounties to volunteers]. (May 1.) C. 653. To confirm and ratify resolutions of board of super- visors, Essex county, and legalize bonds issued in pursuance of the same. (May 1.) V. 656. To provide for laying out of plot of ground in Central park. New York City, for erection of monument to memory of Abraham Lincoln, late president of United States. (May 1.) C. 657. To provide for defraying expense directed to be in- curred under L. 1865, c. 570, entitled " An act to provide manner in which and places at which electors of this state, absent in actual military service of United States may vote and for canvass and return of their votes" passed April 27, 1865; [$10,000 appro- priated]. (May 1.) C. 660. To provide for payment of bounties to certain volun- teers, 56th regt., N. Y. V., [$350 to each of 12]. (May 1.) Relatino to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 41a 1865 C. 665. To legalize action of special town meeting, held in town of Champion, August 4, 1864; [raising money to pay bounties]. (May 1.) C. 690. In relation to bureau of military statistics; [name clianged to bureau of military record]. (May 11.) Repealed, L. 1893, c. 559; revised, L. 1893, c. 559, §§ 38-42; revised, L. 1898, c. 212, § IG; repeal'ed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised. Military Law, 1908, § 19; repealed, L. 1909, e. 41; revised. Military Law, 1909, § 19. C. 705. To establish boundary lines of city of Schenectady and boundary lines between city and towns of Rotter- dam and Niskayuna; [§ 4, liability of transferred land to pay bounties]. (May 12.) Amended, L. 1866, c. 205; L. 1860, c. 206. C. 709. To provide ways and means for support of government; I i^ ?), tax of .0:^ for l)ounty purposes]. (May 12. ) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 62. C. 716. To incorporate 71st regiment association, ISTew York city. (May 12.) C. 740. To ascertain by proper proof citizens entitled to right of suffrage [in ISTew York City and Brooklyn; § 17, soldier vote]. (May 13.) Hudson exempted, L. 1866, c. 198; amended, L. 1866, c. 812; L. 1870, c. 383; extended to Richmond county. L. 1867, c. 952; partly repealed, L. 1870, e. 503; repealed as to New York City, L. 1881, c. 537; repealed, L. 1872, c. 675; L. 1909, c. 22. C. 744. To provide suitable repository for records of war and for other purposes ; [building to be erected if $75,000 be donated]. (May 13.) Amended, L. 1866, c. 610; repealed, L. 1893. c. 559; § 9 revised, L. 1893, c. 559, § 42; repealed, L. 1898, c. 212; revised. Military Code, 1898, § 16; repeated, L. 1908, c. 231; revised. Military Law, 1908, § 19; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised, Military Law, 1909, § 19. Resolutions Concurrent. Complimentary to Generals Grant, Sherman, Sheri- dan and Thomas and to Vice Admiral Farragut and Commodore Winslow. (January 5, 13.) 42a Chronological List of Laws of New York 1865 Concurrent. Thanks to Hear Admiral David D. Porter, Major General Albert H. Terry and others; [Fort Fisher]. (January 25, February 9.) Concurrent. Thanks to volunteers in army and navy. (February 24, 25.) Concurrent. Relative to Brigadier General X. Martin Curtis and troops under his command; [Fort Fisher]. (March 25, April 5.) Concurrent. Relative to presentation of flags; [to state bureau of military statistics]. (April 28.) Concurrent. Relative to death of Abraham Lincoln. (April 19.) Concurrent. Authorizing governor to confer brevet rank upon oflticers and soldiers of New York volunteers for dis- tinguished service. (April 24, 28.) Concur) ent. Authorizing commissioners of land office to permit citizens of Albany to erect bronze statue of president. (April 27, 28.) 1866 C. 20. To confirm certain proceedings, town of DeKalb, to refund money advanced to pay volunteers. (Feb- ruary 3.) C. 21. To confirm certain proceedings of board of supervisors, Washington county, and of towns in county, rela- tive to bounties. (February 5.) C. 31. To authorize board of supervisors, Cortland county, to levy tax on town of Homer, for payment of bounty money; [$1,<)0() expended in excess]. (February 9.) C. 35. To legalize and confirm proceedings of special town meeting, town of New Hartford, held November 25, 1865; [payment of bounties]. (February 10.) ( . .')7. ]\Iaking an appropriation [$20,000] for Soldiers' national cemetery at Gettysburg. (February 10.) C. 49. To authorize town of Pittsford to raise [$1,000] by tax to refund bounty payments made by Walter W. Marsh. (February 17.) Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 43a 1866 C. 83. To provide [$500] for payment of bounties to five vol- unteers who enlisted from town of AVilson in Sep- tember, 1804. (February 28.) C 107. To authorize common council, city of Utica, to appro- . priate [$68,400] received from State for reimburse- ment of bounties. (March 8.) C. 140. To leg-alize certain proceedings, board of town officers, town of Waterloo, and to authorize and require board of supervisors of Seneca county to levy and collect tax upon property of town, to pay certain bonds and other indebtedness. (March 13.) C. 185. To ameiul L. 1865, c. 15; [$70,000 appropriated]. (March 22.) Appropriation, L. 1867, c. 255; repealed, L. 1909, c. 40. C. 206. Ill relation to bounty tax of that portion of city of Schenectady annexed from toA\ni of Rotterdam. (March 22.) C 267. To confirm certain proceedings, town of Fowler, to refund [$5,315] advanced to pay volunteers. (March 30.) C. 271. To legalize and confirm the acts or proceedings at town meeting, town of Pamelia, February 13, 1865; also acts or proceedings of board of town auditors or super- visor, in pursuance of town meeting, relative to rais- ing of moneys, or issuing of bonds, or other obligations for payment of bounties and for other purposes. (March 30.) (\ 273. Authorizing incorporation of associations to erect monu- ments to perpetuate memory of soldiers who fell in defense of the Union. (March 30.) Amended, L. 1875, c. 35; L. 1877, c. 136; L. 1888, c. 299; §§ 1-4, 6-7 repealed, L. 1895, c. 559; revised in Membership Corporations Law, 1895, §§ 110-12; repealed, L. 1909, c. 40; revised. Membership Corporations Law, 1909, §§ 160^62; § 5 repealed, L. 1886, c. 593. C. 277. To legalize action of board of town auditors, town of Troupsburg, providing for raising of [$23,250] for bounties to volunteers; and to authorize the board of 44a Cjironological List of Laws of New York 1866 supervisors, Steuben county, to levy tax upon said town to repay same. (March 30.) C. 287. To authorize investment of surplus bounty moneys be- longing to town of Portland. (March 30.) C. 318. To confer upon board of supervisors, Wyoming county^ power of local legislation and administration as to disposition of moneys and other property held by county and by certain towns arising from reind;)urse- ment by state of bounty money. (April 2.) C. 342. For relief of Daniel D. Bradford and John W. Thomp- son ; [$300 bounty to each]. (April 3.) C. 340. To authorize issuing of ] $05,000] bonds by town of Corning, for paying debts for boimties. ( April 3.) C. 448. To reimburse Xathan P. Hinman, Albert Brown and Orson Root for [$855] expended and lial)ilities in- curred as war committee, . town of Schoharie. (April 7.) C. 451. To legalize action of annual town meeting, town of Bridgwater^ in relation to payment of bounty to vol- unteers, years 1861 and 1862. (April 7.) C. 476. Making appropriations for support of government. (April 10.) P. 1047. Interest on bounty debt, $1,!}60,000. ('. 487. To legalize certain votes and resolutions, town of Queensbury, annual meeting held March 6, 1866, and to authorize appropriations for certain purposes; [$8,000]. (April 10.) C. 516. To provide for payment of bounties [$300 to each] to two volunteers who enlisted in the field and were duly credited to Binghamton, January 24, 1864. (April 11.) C. 518. To authorize board of supervisor^;, Wyoming county^ to hold special meetings during 1866, for levying tax to pay bonds issued or other obligations incurred for payment of bounties. (April 11.) J{elating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 45a 1866 C. 524. To repeal L. 1865, c. 570. Repealed L. 1909, c. 22. C. 5f3(). To legalize proceedings of board of supervisors, Cat- taraugus COUNTY, in issuing bonds for bounty pur- poses and to provide for raising money by tax to pay the same. (April 12.) C 604. To legalize acts of town meeting, Georgetown, March 6, 1866; [taxing town $1,100 for extra bounties]. (April 16.) (\ 610. In relation to state repository for records and memru'ials of the war. (April 16.) Amended, L. 1887, c. 247; repealed, L. 1893, c. 559 revised, Military Code, 1893, § 42; repealed, L. 1898, c. 212 revised, Military Code, 1898, § 16; repealed, L. 1908, c. 231 revised. Military Law, 1908, § 19; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41 revised. Military Law, 1909, § 19. C. 615. In relation to 56th regt., national guard; [$3,000 to indemnify officers for purchase of uniforms]. (April 16.) C. 665. To organize bureau of military record [as] additional staff department ; [$9,500]. (April 18.) Amended, L. 1887. c. 247; repealed. L. 1893. c. 559; re- pealed, L. 1909, c. 41. C 677. To })rovide ways and means for support of government; [§ 3, tax of .002125 for bounty debt.] (April 19.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 62. C. 726. For relief of Joseph E. Sage; [$300 bounty, town of Varick]. (April 20.) C. 741. To authorize board of town auditors, Goruam, to audit accounts for expenses of raising volunteers and auth- orize supervisors of county to levy tax to pay the same. (April 20.) C. 748. ]\Iaking appropriations for certain expenses of govern- ment and to supply deficiencies. (April 21.) P. 1605. Printing 4,500 copies, report board of man- agers, JSTew York State soldiers' depot, $1,978.78. 4()a Chkoivological List of Laws of New York 1866 P. 1606. 4,000 copies obsequies Abraham Lincoln, $5,923.40. 1,560 copies History of flags of volunteer regi- ments, $6,168. 2,024 record books, bnreau of military record, $826. P. 1611. Expenses of mementoes for New York state volunteers, $2,250. P. 1612. Preparation of instructions, soldiers' voting law. P. 1613. Preparing papers and property returns, quar- termaster's department, $1,875. Reappropriation unexpended balances, equip- ment of troops, etc., $150,000. P. 1615. Bureau of military record, obtaining record of soldiers, sailors and marines, $2,000. P. 1616. Chaplain, 64th regt., N. Y. state volunteers, $300. P. 1617. Bounties to volunteers, unexpended remainder of $85,000. P. 1618. Counties, liquidation of claims of volunteers, $488.50. Expenses of enrollment for draft, $15,000. P. 1619. Chaplain, 19rh regt., $492.86. Draping house of governor, obsequies of Abra- ham Lincoln, $217.74. C. 774. ]\laking appropriations for certain public and charitable institutions. (April 24.) P. 1676. Union home and school. P. 1677. Union home and school, $7,000. Soldiers' home and ladies' relief association, Elmira. C. 777. To- legalize action of board of supervisors, Tompkins " rouxTY, in disposing of state bonds issued by comp- troller, in pursuance of L. 1865, c. 56, § 2. (April 24.) Relating to War of Eebellion and Veterans. 47a 1866 C. 798. Prohibiting issue or use of free passes on railroads ; [except for sick and disabled soldiers]. (April 25.) Eepealed, L. 1867, c. 4. C. 876. To enable board of supervisors, l^ew York county, to raise money by tax for use of corporation. (May 4.) P. 20G1. Ladies' union relief association, care of indi- gent soldiers and their families, $5,000. P. 2062. Union home and school, $5,000. P. 2067. Monument to ISTew York soldiers. Greenwood, $15,000. Resolutions Concurrent. Relative to officers in veteran reserve corps; [Presi- dent requested to continue wounded and disabled offi- cers in Union service]. (January 10, February 2.) Concurrent. Relative to loaning one of the green flags in bureau of military record to 25 th regt., ]^. G. S. ]Sr. Y., to be used on St. Patrick's day. (March 10, 12.) Concurrent. Relative to increase of pay to officers United States navy. (March 10, 21.) Concurrent. Of thanks to Lieutenant Colonel Frederick W. Prince; [Fort Fisher]. (February 5, April 2.) Concurrent. Authorizing governor to confer on officers of national guard of this state who have honorably served in mili- tary service of L^nited States, brevet commissions of corresponding rank to those received from President of United States. (April 11, 19.) Concurrent. Requesting our senators and representatives in con- gress to vote in favor of bill for equalization of bounties to honorably discharged soldiers and sailors. (April 19, 20.) Concurrent. Requesting governor to confer upon Brigadier General J. Watts De Puyster brevet rank of major [general] in national guard of ISTew York. (April 9, 20.) 48a Chronological List of Laws of New York 1866 Concurrent. Authorizing chief of bureau of military record to exchange flags with the So'cietv of mechanics and tradesmen of city of New York ; [1st regt. engineers]. (April 20.) 1867 C. 4. To repeal L. 1866, c. 798. (January 17.) C. 25. In relation to raising moneys in town of Homer to pay bounties [$800 to each] to volunteers. (February 7.) C. 64. Distributing bounty moneys [$800] in town of Little Valley. (March 9.) C. 67. To legalize acts of board of town auditors, Sempronius, in auditing claims for money advanced to pay town bounties. (March 9.) C. 194. To provide for convention to revise and amend consti- tution. (March 29. ) Section 2 [voter must swear at election of delegates : 1, that he has not voluntarily borne arms against United States; 2, nor given aid to persons in armed hostility; 3, nor exercised functions of any office under any au- thority in hostility; 4, nor supported any hostile government ; 5, nor deserted the TTnited States ser- vice; 6, nor left state to avoid draft]. Section 2 declared unconstitutional, 39 N. Y. 418; act amended, L. 1867, c. 463; L. 1868, c. 538; repealed, L. 1909, c. 59. C. 205. Directing payment of $300 by town of Lawrence to John Dyke, veteran volunteer. (March 30.) C. 224. To authorize holding of special town meeting, town of Columbia, and to carry into effect the proceedings; [to refund $300 to each drafted man who paid for substitute]. (March 30.) C. 255. To provide means of relief for sick and disabled soldiers honorably discharged from service of United States and for maintenance of military agencies as now established ; [$100,000]. (April 3.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 57. Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 49a 1867 C. 315. Authorizing board of supervisors, St. Lawrence COUNTY, to raise by tax upon said county a sum suffi- cient to refund to such towns as have furnished relief under L. 1864, c. 8, § 21, such sums as they have expended. (April 10.) C. 322. To incorporate the Soldiers' home, city of Brooklyn. (April 10.) C. 339. Authorizing board of supervisors, Chenango county, to assess and levy tax upon the town of Columbus for payment of bounties to drafted men; [$1,200, divided among 4]. (April 12.) C. 341. To legalize and confirm acts of town meeting, town of Chili, and of the officers of said town in paying to certain volunteers [$900] belonging to town. (April 12.) C. 357. To facilitate payment of claims of state of I^Tew York against United States for expenses incurred in organi- zation, equipment, subsistence and transportation of troops. (April 12.) C. 382. To incorporate Soldiers' business, messenger and dis- patch company ; [to furnish employment, so far as practicable, to worthy, disabled soldiers, and orphan sons of soldiers who lost their lives or became disabled, while serving in New York regiments]. (April 15.) C. 438. For relief of Joseph W. Corning; [$1,000]. (April 19.] C. 481. Making appropriations for certain expenses of govern- ment. (April 22.) P. 1241. Agent employed by governor for obtaining information relative to war debts of cities, counties and towns, $500. P. 1242. Extra services, comptroller's office, in connec- tion with issue of revenue bounty bonds, $400. P. 1246. Commissioners of public accounts, examining accounts of paymaster general and other military departments, $1,200 each. 50a Chkonological List of Laws of New York 1867 P. 1255. Commissioners, national cemetery at Antie- tam, $400. Contribution to fnnd, national cemetery at Antietam, $10,000. Y. M. C. A., religious services, soldiers' home, Albany, $1,350. P. 1257. Cascadilla Place, reappropriation of amounts appropriated to Ladies' soldiers' aid so- ciety, Ithaca, $5,000, Collecting state property, 1861, after depart- ure of 16th and 28th regts., $18.Y5. P. 1259. Enrollment of national guard, New York city, 1862, $5,806. P. 1259. ISTational Lincoln monument association, $10,000. Reappropriation, L. 1872, c. 733, p. 1759. P. 1260. Bounty debt sinking fund, $1,293,862.97. 2. 496. To legalize proceedings of annual town meeting, town of DeKalb, held Feb. 12, 1867, in relation to appro- priation and disbursement of surplus money paid over to supervisor by the late recruiting committee. (April 22.) C. 519. Making appropriations for support of government. ■ (April 22.) P. 1454. Xational guard, including printing muster rolls of vohmteers, $200,000. P. 1457. Interest on bounty debt and contribution to sinking fund, $3,960,000. C. 522. For relief of Albany Burgesses Corps; [$1,500 reim- bursed for equipping a company in 25th regt., IST. Y. 'S. militia, under first call of president]. (April 22.) C. 551. To authorize holding of special town meeting, town of RossiE, and to carry into effect the proceedings thereof; [to refund subscriptions for paying volun- teers and substitutes whose enlistment applied on town quota under the call of July, 1864]. (April 22.) Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 51a 1867 C. 563. To provide for payment of bounties to certain volun- teers in service of United States from New York city and county [5 persons]. (April 22.) C. 586. To enable board of supervisors, 'New York county, to raise money by tax for use of corporation. (April 23.) P. 1598. Ladies' union relief association, care of in- digent soldiers and their families, $5,000. P. 1600. Monument, Greenwood cemetery, $30,000. Repealtecl, L. 1881, e. 537, p. 769. C. 612. Relative to military exemption. Kings county [to assess to county instead of to ward]. (April 23.) Repealed, L. 1870, c. 80. C. 630. To incorporate Rensselaer county union monumental association. (April 23.) C. 670. To provide ways and means for support of government ; [§ 3, tax of $0,003 for bounty purposes] . (April 23.) Partly repealed, L. 1873, c. 760; wholly repealed, L. 1909, c. 62. C. 751. Making appropriations for certain public and charitable institutions. (April 24.) P. 1852. Fnion home and school. P. 1853. Ladies' relief association, Elmira, for sol- diers' home. P. 1855. Union home and school, $5,000. C 834. To incorporate Ontario county soldiers' monument association and to raise [$25,000] by tax to erect monument. (May 9.) C. 910. To authorize towns of Jefferson county to raise money to aid in erection of monument to commemorate the soldiers killed or dead of wounds or disease and for other purposes. (May 14.) Section 9 partly repealed, L. 1886, e. 593. Resolutions Concin-rent. Authorizing Governor to confer brevet commission [on oHicers of national guard who have been in serv- ive of United States]. (March 1'3, April 17.) 52a Chkonological List of Laws of New York 1868 C. GO. To incorporate Orleans county monument association and to raise [$10,000] by tax to erect monument. (March 26.) C. 169. To incorporate Corcoran Irish Legion Association in Kew York city. (April 11.) C. 217. To authorize board of town auditors, Summer Hill, to audit expenses of raising volunteers and to authorize supervisors of Cayuga county to levy tax to pay the same. (April 16.) C. 220. Authorizing board of supervisors, Genesee county, to issue additional bonds for redeeming war bonds about to become due. (April 16.) C. 283. To incorporate veterans of 22d regt., 4th brigade, 1st Division, N. G. S. N. Y. (April 22.) C. 284. To incorporate Old guard of Xew York city. (April 22. ) Amended, L. 1873, c. 574; L. 1882, c. 88. C. 409. To incorporate ISTaples soldiers' monument association and to raise [$2,000] by tax to erect monument. (April 27.) C. 459. To provide for adjustment of claims against towns in Cattaraugus county and to provide means for pay- ment. (April 29.) C. 607. To authorize town of Manlius to appropriate [$2,500] for erection of monument to memory of soldiers killed in late war. (May 5.) C. 626. For relief of Charles Weiss; [$2,500]. (May 6.) See L. 1869, c. 562. C 717. Making appropriations for certain expenses of govern- ment. (May 8.) P. 1595. Printing and binding 750 copies annual re- port, bureau of military record, $3,187.91. Printing v. 7-8, muster rolls, ISTew York vol- unteers, $12,500. P. 1602. Commissioners of accounts, additional com- pensation for examining accounts of pay- master general, $1,000 to each. Appropriation, L. 1870, c. 492, p. 1119. Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans, 53a 1868 P. 1608. Commissioners to adjust and settle claims against United States for expenses in organi- zation, equipment, etc., of troops, $1,000. ■Commissioners, national cemetery at Antie- tam, $500. Soldiers' home, Albany, chaplain, $450. P. inOl). Soldiers' home, Albany, maintenance, $50,000. P. IGll, Services and disbursements, organizing, drill- ing and disciplining 81st regt., N. Y, volun- teers, $1,044.60. P. 1612. Medical services, examination of volunteers, $245. P. 1613. Services in defense of New York state agents before United States military commission, $6,161.39 to each of two counsel. Medical agent, relief of sick and x^'ounded soldiers, $982.61. C. 817. j\[aking appropriations for certain public and charitable institutions. (May 14.) P. 1846. Union home and school. P. 1849. Union home and school, $50 for each orphan. Ladies' educational union (patriot orphan home), $5,000. C. 830. Making appropriations for support of government. (May 19.) P. 1945. National guard, including printing of muster rolls, $150,000. P. 1948. Interest on bounty debt and contribution to sinking fund, $4,000,000. C. 853. To make provision for government of New York City. (June 3.) P. 2009. Equestrian portrait of Gen. McClellan, $1,000. P. 2011. Ladies' union relief association, $10,000. P. 2015. Enclosing and improving soldiers' burying ground. Calvary cemetery, $27,000. 54a Chronological List of Laws of Kew York 1868 Completion of soldiers' monument, Creen- wood, $23,600. Raising and equipping Tammany regiment, $825. Repealed, L. 1873, c. 335; L. 1881, c. 537. C. 861. For relief of George W. Sauer; [$2,500]. (June 8.) 1869 C. 169. To incorporate Irish Brigade Association, in New York city. (April 14.) C. 206. To enable town of Albion to pay the bounties promised to certain enlisted soldiers; [$(>00 divided among four]. (April 16.) C. 209. Authorizing town of Naples to raise $8,000 by tax to build a " Town and soldiers' memorial hall." (April 16.) See also L. 1872, c. 34. C. 350. To authorize erection of soldiers' and sailors' monument in Xew York City and authorize the raising of [$30,000] therefor. (April 2-7.) Amended, L. 1870, e. 638. C. 464. To legalize acts of supervisor and town clerk, town of Huron, in issuing [$2,400] bonds to pay bounties. (May 1.) C. 542. In relation to certain bounty moneys, town of Mansfield. (May 3.) C. 562. To enable the comptroller to pay amount awarded to Charles Weiss, in accordance with L. 1868, c. 626. (May 4.) C. 581. To incorporate Veteran corps of Washington Grey Cavalry, X. G. S. X. Y. (May 5.) C. 590. To legalize actions of special town meeting, Little Valley, August 29, 1864; [raising money to pay bounties]. (May 5.) Repealed, L. 1873, c. 21. C. 645. Making appropriations for support of government. (May 6.) Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 55a 1869 P. 1536. jSTational Guard, including printing of mnster rolls of volunteers, $200,000. P. 15;31>. Interest and sinking fund, bounty debt, $4,000,000. r. GS4. To ])r<»vi(le for auditing and payment of claim [$300] of Francis Hubbard, late of Hopkinton. (May 7.) C. 750. To authorize payment of certain moneys [bounty funds] into treasury of state. (May 8.) Repeated, L. 1909, c. 58. C. 822. Making appropriations for certain expenses of govern- ment. (May 10.) P. 1919. Printing muster rolls, $3,500. P. 1923. Closing military agencies, $7,500. P. 1924. Services, office of commandant of depot, New York, 1862, $90. P. 1929. Extra services, volunteer department, Adju- tant General's office, $200. Extra services, military agencies, $357.25. P. 1933. Extra services, compiling '' Register of officers commissioned in volunteer regiments," $500. Commissioners of public accounts, completing examination of accounts of Paymaster Gen- eral, $1,000 to each. P. 1941. Soldiers' home, Albany, maintenance and re- moval of inmates to national asylums, $50,000. P. 1942. Commissioners to adjust claims against United States, $800. C. 857. Making appropriations for certain public and charitable institutions. (May 11.) P. 2065. Union home and school. C. 876. To make provisions for the government of Xew York city. (May 12.) P. 2121. Patriots' orphan home, $5,000. Ladies' union relief association, $5,000. 50a Chronological List of Laws of Kew York 1869 P. 2128. Home for support and education of destitute children of soldiers ; completion of edifice, $50,000. Resolutions Concurrent. Relative to loaning certain llags in bureau of mili- tary record. (January 25, 26.) 1870 C. 80. To provide for enrollment of the militia, organization of national guard and for public defense ; military code. (March 17.) § 1, Tl 1 [exemption of veterans of United States forces] . Repealed, L. 1883, c. 299; revised. Military Code, 1883, § 1, H 2; repealed, L. 1893, c. 559; revised. Military Code, 1893, § 2, ]\ 2; repealed, L. 1898, c. 212; revised. Military Code, 1898, § 1, ^ 3; repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised, Military Law, 1908, § 1, If 3; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised, Military Law, 1909, § 1, Ij 3. C. 225. For relief of Jacob Foelkins ; [$2,500]. (April 15.) C. 281. Making approj^riations for support of government. (April 19.) P. 627. Bureau military statistics, expenses, $3,000. P. 629. Interest and sinking fund, bounty debt, $3,950,000. C 284. To authorize tax upon town of Guilford for relief of James A. Devoe ; [drafted man ; $300] . (April 19.) C. 309. Relative to Union home and school for education and maintenance of children of volunteers; [payment by supervisors, ISTew A^ork county, for children there- from]. (April 21.) Section 1 amended, L. 1873, c. 143; revised in New York City Consolidation Act, L. 1882, c. 410, § 194, ^ 21, subd. 6; corporation dissolved, L. 1885, c. 293. 0. 383. To make further provision for the government of T^Tew York city. (April 26.) P. 887. Ladies' union relief association, $10,000. Patriots' orphan home, $5,000. L^nion home and school, $5,000. RELATI^•G TO Wak OF REBELLION AND VeTEKANS. 57a 1870 C. -435. To authorize hoard of su])ervisors, Ulster county, to extend time of ])a_viiieiit of princi]nil of a portion of hoiinty debt. (April 27.) C. 43(5. In relation to distribution of moneys reimbursed the townships of Suffolk cou.xty for excess of years, jn-ovided by L. 1865, e. 29; [payment of UKmey to persons who furnished substitutes]. (April 27.) ('. 4>sl. For relief of Enos C. Brooks and William S. Fullerton ; I reind)ursement of money expended in raising 64th and 1 :50th regts., X. Y. volunteers]. (April 28.) C 492. Making appropriations for certain expenses of govern- ment and for supplying deficiencies. ("April 28.) P. 1110. Subsistence, 73d regt., X. Y. S. militia, 1861. $186.73. Services, officer 10th regt., N". Y. S. militia, 1862-63, $500. Defending claim to major generalship, $500. P. 1118. Commissioners of public accounts, examina- tion of military accounts, $1,000 to each. P. 1122. Construction and repair, barracks, guard house and stables, use of volunteers, Platts- burg, $936.38. Services, commandant volunteer camp, 1861, $260.40. Subsistence, 28th regt., a^. Y. S. militia, 1861, $210. Transportation of volunteers, II. P. 11. P. Co., 1863-64, $100.90. Subsistence and quarters, volunteers 22d regt., ]\T. Y. S. volunteers, $168. Recruiting expenses, Co. H, 22d regt., X. Y. S. volunteers, $319. P. 1123. j\[arking, preserving and decorating graves, soldiers' cemetery, Gettysburg, $6(.000. Last item repealed, L. 1872, c. 733; L. 1896, c. 90S, L. 1909, c. 21; L. 1909, c. 62. 58a CiiKONOLOGicAL List of Laws of New York 1870 a 67:^. In relation to 55tli regt., K G. S. K Y. ; [$15,028.3() for nniforni and eqnipments worn out and lost in service of United States]. (May 5.) C. TO-i. Making appropriations for certain public and charitable. institutions. (May 6.) P. 1686. Ladies' union relief association. P. 1688. Union home and school. C. 705. To provide ways and means for support of government ; [§ 3, tax of $0.002125 for bounty debt]. (May 6.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 62. 1871 C. 138. Making appropriation [$7,281] for Antietam luitional cemetery for memorial of patriotic dead of Antietam, South Mountain and Monocacy. (March 20.) C. 2-15. Relating to military exemptions; | exempts honorably discharged veterans of seven years' service commenc- ing between April 17, 1854, and April 29, 1865, from jury duty and six days' highway tax, yearly]. (April 1.) Repealed, L. 1872, c. 519; L. 1908, c. 330; L. 1909, c. 30. C. 307. To levy tax upon town of Stockholm to reimburse Jason Bicknell for [$480.75] expenses incurred in defending suits for alleged misapplication of bounty moneys while acting as war finance committee. (April 6.) C. 493. For relief of Richard Piatt; [for amount paid on judg- ment for persons enlisted and credited to town of Clay, and costs and expenses in defending suit]. (April 14.) C. 649. Authorizing town of Spkingwater to raise [ $2,400] by tax for purpose of erecting town and soldiers' memorial hall. fA]n'il 20.) C. 717. To provide ways and means for support of government; [tax of $0,002 for bounty debt]. (April 26.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 62. Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 59a 1871 C. 754. Ill relation to (jistribiitioii of moneys reimbursed the several townships of Rensselaer county for excess of years, provided by L. 1865, c. '2d [on call of Jnly 18, 1804; arising from credit of substitutes furnished by princi])al jointly with town]. (April 26.) C. 890. In relation to 7l»th regt., X. G. S. X. Y. ; [$17,500 in settlement of money advanced for uniforms and equip- ment lost in United States service]. (May 10.) C. 893. In relation to 6th regt., X". G. S. X\ Y. ; [$16,334.13 in settlement of money advanced for uniforms and equipment worn out and lost in United States serv- ice]. (May 10.) Resolutions ConcKneiit. Authorizing governor to confer brevet commissions upon ofiicers of national guard [honorably discharged and re-entered or who may hereafter re-enter service as officer]. (March 1,14.) Concurrent. For appointment of agent to collect claims due state from United States for expenditures of state in sup- pressing rebellion]. (March 27, 30.) 1872 C. 34. Authorizing and recjuiring town of Xaples to raise a further sum | $5,000 | to provide for completion and furnishing town and soldiers' memorial hall. (Feb- ruary 12.) C. 39. To amend L. 1862, c. 420, and act amendatory thereof [L. 1866, c. 243]. (February 15.) ('. 91. Supplementary to and amendatory of L. 1870, c. 80 [Military Code, § 1, by striking out word " white "]. (]\rarch 7.) C 23(5. To incorporate Soldiers' monument society, Xiagara county. (April 16.) 16. 60a Chronological List of Laws of Kew York 1872 C. 590. To regulate processions and parades in cities; [§ 3, music permitted with military funerals on Sunday]. (May 7.) Amended, L. 1880, c. 42; repealed, L. 1886, e. 593; L. 1909, c. 26; revised. Penal Code, 1881, c. 670, § 276; amended, L. 1883, c. 302; L. 1883, c. 358; L. 1895, c. 778; revised, renal Law, 1909, § 2151: s 3 revised in New York Ciiy Consolidation Act, L. 18S'2, e. 410, § 1941; revised in Greater New York charier (L. 1897, c. 378; L. 1901, c. 4'66), § 14,57. C. 054. To amend L. 1865, c. 585, [§ 9]. (May 13.) Amended, L. 1886, c. 614; repealed, L. 1894, c. 556; revised, Consolidated School' Law, 1894, t. 12, § 1, ^ 7; repealed, L. 1909, c. 21; revised. Education Law, 1909, § 1127; repealed, L. 1910, c. 140; revised. Education Law, 1910, § 1037, ^ 7. C. 736. To provide ways and means for support of government; [tax of $0,002 for state bounty debt]. (May 15.) C. 873. To establish and maintain an institution for relief of indigent and disabled soldiers and sailors. (June 3. ) Resolutions Concurrent. Tvelative to taking regimental flags from military l)ureau for use of (1. A. 11. (April 6, 10.) 1873 C. 143. To amend \.. ISTO, c. 30i) ; |$150 for each child, pay- able by board of sui)ervisors]. (March 27.) C. 170. To authorize board of supervisors, Greene county, to provide for payment of principal of portion of bounty debt of county by issuing [$135,000] new bonds. (April 1.) C. 577. To amend L. 1870, c. 370, entitled " An act to amend an act [L. 1849, c. 261] entitled ' An act to designate holidays to be observed in acceptance and payment of bills of exchange and promissory notes ' " [by add- ing memorial day]. (May 22.) Revised, Code Civil Procedure. ISSO. S 3'343, If 21 ; Code section repealed, L. 1892, c. 677; revised, Statutory Construc- tion Law, 1892, § 24; amended, L. 1897, c. 614; L. 1902, Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 61a 1873 c. 39; repealed, L. 1909, c. 27; revised, Greneral Construction Law, 1909, §!j 2-J-2o; amended, L. 1909. c-. 112: Piiblic' Officers Law, 1909. § 02. C. 705. To provide ways and means for sup])ort of government; [$0,002 tax for state bounty debt redemption]. (June 14.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 62. 1874 C. '37'). Requiriuii" l)oard of supervisors, Clienango county, to levy and assess uj^on town of Pharsalia such sum, not exceeding $300 and interest, as town shall vote, to be paid to Charles D, Geer, a volunteer. (May 7.) C. 417. To provide ways and means for support of government; [tax of $0,002 for l)ounty debt]. (.Afay 11.) 1875 C. 35, Supplementary to L. 1806, c. 273; [net annual income of soldiers' monument associations not to exceed $25,000]. (February 26.) Repealed and revised, L. 1888, c. 299; repealed, L. 1895, c. 559 ; revised, JNIenibership Corporations Law, 1895, §§ 120-2.3; repealed, L. 1909, c. 40; revised. Membership Corporations Law, 1909, §§ 170-73. C. 410. To amend L. 1875, c. 221 ; [§ 5, amended to include in definition of " poor,'' children of volunteers dying in late civil war]. (May 21.) Section 1-6 revised in New York City Consolidation Act, L. 1882, c. 410, § 210; amended L. 1885, c. 249, § 2; L. 1889, c. 178, § 2; revised, Greater Xew York charter ( L. 1897, c. 378; L. 1901, c. 466), § 240. C. 518. To amend L. 1864, c. 51, § 1. (-Tune 7.) Repealed and revised, L. 1887, c. 247; repealed, L. 1893, c. 559; revised, Military Code, 1893, §§ 38-42; repealed, L. 1898, c. 212; revised. Military Code, 1898, § 16; repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised, Military Law, 1908, § 19; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised. Military Law, 1909, § 19. C. 610. To provide ways and means for support of government; [tax of $0,002 to pay state bounty debt]. (June 21.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 62. 62a Chronological List of Laws of New York 1876 C. 34. To provide for payment of portion or the whole of bounty debt, Greene county, by issuing new bonds. (February 28.) Section 2 amended, L. 1880, c. 218 C. 142. To authorize commissioners of land office to convey cer- tain lands belonging to state in village of Cortland to "■ Cortland soldiers' monumental association " for erection, maintenance and protection of a soldiers' monument. (April 22.) C. 270. To incorporate G. A. R. soldiers' home of the state of Js^ew York. (May 15.) Section 9 amended, L. 1877, c. 75; amended, L. 1878, c. 48; § 3 repealed, L. 1886, c. 593; repealed, L. 1893, c. 227; revised, Public Buildings Law, 1893, §§ 40-46; repealed, L. 1909, c. 48; revised. Public Buildings Law, 1909, §§ 60-01, 64-66, 100-101. C. oSl. To ])rovide ways and means for support of government; [tax of $0.001/.3 to pay bounty debt]. (May 20.) 1877 C. 3S. To authorize board of supervisors, Columbia county, to provide for payment of principal of portion of bounty debt by issuing new bonds, (March 9.) C. 75. To amend L. 187G, c. 270, § 0. (March 30.) C. 12(5. To incorporate Yeteran guard, Xew York city. (April 13.) C. loTi. Supplementary to L. 1866, c. 273; [monument associ- tions may build memorial hall instead of monument], (April 14.) Repealed, L. 1888, c. 299; L. 1909, c. 40. C. 155. Further to amend L. 1862, c. 420. (April 17.) C. 212. Authorizing adjutant general, inspector general and commissary general to audit claim of 9th regt. for uniforms and equipments worn out in United States service during late war. (May 3.) Appropriation, L. 1877, c. 295. C. 295. To provide [$21,956.11] for payment of award made by board of audit created under L. 1877, c. 212. (kay 19.) Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 63a 1877 C. 324. Transferring interests of people of the state in the " National Antietam cemetery " to government of United States. (May 25.) Resolution Concurrent. In reference to soldiers' home for state [at Bath]. (May 7, 8.) 1878 C. 4. To facilitate transfer to United States of title to Antie- tam national cemetery, Maryland. (January 19.) C. 48. To authorize transfer to state of soldiers' home and ap- l)ointment of board of trustees for its completion and control. (March 11.) Section 3 partly repealed, L. 1886, c. 593; all repealed, L. 1893. c. 227; §§ 1-7 revised, Public IJuildings Law, 1893. §§ 40-42, 44; repealed, L. 1909, c. 48; revised, Public Buildings Law, 1909, §§ 60-66. C. 369. To provide for a hall of military record [in new capitol] and the maintenance thereof. (May 25.) See also L. 1887, c. 247; repealed, L. 1893, c. 559; revised. Military Code, 1893, § 42; repealed, L. 1898, c. 212; revised, Mil'itary Code, 1898, § 16; repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised. Military Law, 1908, § 19; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised, Military Law, 1909, § 19. C. 389. To create a police pension fund for disabled and retired policemen in JSJ'ew Yokk City; [§ 5, time of service in army followed by honorable discharge, not to be deducted from time of service in police department]. (June 4.) Included in New Yoek City Consolidation Act, L. 1882, c. 410, § 307; amended, L. 1882, c. 330; L. 1884. c. 180, S 18: L. 1885, c. 364, § 2; L. 1888, c. 575; L. 1895, c. 569; revised in Greater New York charter (L. 1897, c. 378; L. 1901, c. 466), § 355. 1879 C. 407. To ]>rovide for care and maintenance of insane inmates of New York state soldiers' and sailors' home. (May 29.) Repealed, L. 1893, c. 227; revised. Public Buildings Law, 1893. § 43: reiu-alod. L. 1909, c. 48; revised. Public Buildings Law, 1909, § 65. 64a Chronological List of Laws of New York 1879 Resolution Concurrent. Relative to furnishing of overcoats for inmates of soldiers' and sailors' home, Bath; [500 furnished by eommissarv general of ordnance]. (January 30.) 1880 C. 42. To amend L. 1872, c. 590 [§ 3]. (March 3.) Revised, Penal Code, L. 1881, c. G76, § 276; amended, L. 1883, c. 302; L. 1883, c. 358; L. 1895, c. 778; repealed, as original law, L. 1886, c. 593; L. 1909, c. 88; repealed, as code soetioii, L. I'JOi), c. S8 ; revised. Penal Law, 190(1, § 2151; also, revised in New York City Consolidation Act, L. 1882, c. 410, § 1941; revised in Greater New York charter (L. 1897, c. 378; L. 1901, c. 466), § 1457. C. 178. Supplemental to code of civil procedure; [§ 3343, ^ 21, May 30 a public holiday]. (May G.) Repealed, L. 1892, c. 077; revised, Statutory Construction Law, 1892, § 24; repealed, L. 1909, c. 27; revised. General Construction Law, 1909, §§ 24-25; airei.ded, L. 1909, c. 112: see also Pul'lic Officers Law, 1909, § 62. C. 218. To amend L. 1876, c. 34; [issue of new bonds author- ized]. (May 8.) 1881 C. 69. Making appropriation [$15,000] for construction of additional hospital, Soldiers' and sailors' hom.'\ (March 29.) C. 203. To authorize burial of any honorably discharged soldier, sailor or marine who shall hereafter die without leav- ing means sufficient to defray funeral expenses. (May 4.) Title and § 2 amended, L. 1884, c. 319; §§ 1-2 amended, L. 1883, c. 247; § 1 amended, L. 1885, c. 34; § 2 amended, L. 1887, c. 216; L. 1895, c. 783; L. 1898, c. 411; all repealed, L. 1896, c. 225: revised in Poor Law, 1896, § 83; repealed, L. 1909, c. 46; revised. Poor Law, 1909, § 84. C. 226. To authorize board of trustees of any incorporated vil- lage, trustees of any monument association and town Relatixg to War of Rebellion and Vetekaxs. 6'5a 1881 board of any town to acquire lands for monument pur- poses. (May 9.) Repealed, L. 1892, c. 085; revised, Greneral Municipal' Law, 1892, § 25: repealed, L. 1009, c. 29; revised. General Munici- pal Law, 1909, § 72. C. 420. To authorize issue of certain arms and accoutrements for use at jSTew York state soldiers' and sailors' home. (May 28.) C. 070. To establish a penal code. (July 26.) S 276 [music permitted at military funeral in cities on Sunday] . Amended, L. 1883, c. 302; L. 1883, c. 358; L. 1895, c. 778; repealed, L. 1909, c. 88; revised, Penal Law, 1909, § 2151. 1882 V. 80. To authorize commissioners of land office to sell and convey to New York, Lackawanna and Western R. R. Co. a right of way across lands occupied by New York soldiers' and sailors' home. (April 19.) ,SVr rt/.so L. 1884, c. 478; L. 1885, c. 254. C. 88. To amend T. 1873, e. 574 [ex-officers of regular army, nayv or volunteer service may become members of Old guard, New York city]. (April 19.) Section 2 amended, L. 1889, c. 293. C. 224. Conferring upon board of supervisors, Monroe county, authority to raise [$40,000] to build memorial monu- ment. (May 27.) C. 330. To amend L. 1878, e. 389; [retains provision allowing time spent in army to be counted as police service. New York City]. (June 8.) Revised in Xew York City Consolidation Act, 1882, § 307; amended, L. 1884, c. ISO; L. 1885, c. 364; L. 1888, c. 575; L. 1890, c. 531; L. 1895, c. 569; revised. Greater New York charter (L. 1897, c. 378; L. 1901, c. 466), § 355. C. 394. To incorporate Luther M. Wheeler Post No. 92, G. A. R. [Saratoga Sj^rings]. (July 1.) C. 410. Consolidation Act, New York City. (July 1.) § 194. *'^ 21. sulid. 0. Union home and school for education and nuiintenance of children of volunteers IT OHa CiiRONOLOGicAT. LisT OF Laws of Kew York 1882 to receive $150 per annum for each child received from city. Corporation dissolved, L. 1885, c. 293. § 307, time of army service may be eonnted as police service for police pension purposes. Amended, L. 1884, c. 180; L. 1885, c. 364; L. 1888, c. 575; L. 1895, c. 569; revised. Greater New York charter (L. 1897, c. 378; L. 1901, c. 466), § 355. 8 1(554, ^[^j 10-11, exemption from jury duty. Ee-enacted from Code Civil Procedure, § 1081; Code sec- tion repealed, L. 1909, c. 35; revised. Judiciary Law, 1909, § 635, ^^ 10-11. § 1941, military, etc., funerals with music permitted on Sunday. Revised in Greater New York charter (L. 1897, c. 378; L. 1901, c. 466), § 1457. 1883 C. 247. To amend L. 1881, c. 203; [special county official to superintend soldiers' burials; cost not to exceed $3'5 each; interment must not be in pauper lot; headstone, $15]. (April'lQ.) Section 1 amended, L. 1885, c. 34; § 2 amended, L. 1884, c. 319; L. 1895, c. 783; all repealed, L. 1896, c. 225; revised, Poor Law, 1896, § 83; repealed, L. 1909, c. 46; revised. Poor Law, 1909, § 84. C. 286. To amend laws relating to alien immigrants and to secure an improved administration; [§ 7, preference of veterans for appointment as subordinates to com- missioner]. (April 21.) Repealed, L. 1893, c. 528; L. 1909, c. 49. C. 290. To provide for enrollment of militia, for organization and government of national guard and for public de- fense ; military code. (April 23.) 8 1, T[ 2 [honorably discharged veteran exempt from militia duty]. Ropealed, L. 1893, c. 559; revised. Military Code, 1893, § 2, H 2; repealed, L. 1898, c. 212; revised Military Code, 1898, § 1, II 3; repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised, Military Law, 1908, § 1, If 3; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised. Military Law, 1909, § 1, Ij 3. Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 67a 1883 §§ 2G-2T [prior .service in United States forces to count toward eligibility for commission]. Amended, L. 1886, c. 412; L. 1888, c. 332; repealed, L. 1893, c. 559; revised, Military Code, 1893, §§ 52-53; repealed, L. 1898, c. 212; revised. Military Code, 1898, § 52; repealed, L. 1008, c. 231; revised. Military Law, 1908, § 71; repealed, L. li)U!l. r. 41; revised, Military Law, lyOO, § 71; amended, L. 1909, c. 371. § 59 [iinlawfnlly wearing nnifurnis, devices indicating rank, etc.; veteran organizations exempted]. Repealed, L. 1893, c. 559; revised. Military Code, 1893, § 107; repealed, L. 1898, c. 212; revised. Military Code, 1898, § 175; repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised. Military Law, 1908, § 239; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised. Military Law, 1909, § 239. §§ 75^76 [veteran associations may parade in public, with firearms on memorial day, or on reception of soldiers returning from service and for escort duts' at soldiers' funerals]. Repealed, L. 1893, c. 559; revised. Military Code, 1893, § 147; repealed, L. 1898, c. 212; revised. Military Code, 1898, § 177; repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised. Military Law, 1908, § 241; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised Military Law, 1909, § 241. § 146 [brevet commissions; service in Ignited States regular or volunteer troops may be counted toward prescribed time]. Amended, L. 1885, c. 310; L. 1891, c. 261; repealed, L. 1S93. c. ,j.59; revised. Military Law. 19G8, § 79; repealed, L. 1909, t". 41; revised. Military Law, 1909. § 79; amended. L. 1909, c. 371. C. •)0'2. To amend penal code, S -7t); [music permitted at mili- tary funerals on Sunday]. (April 24.) Amended, L. 1883, c. 358; L. 1895, c. 778; repealed, L. 1909, c. 88; revised. Penal Law, 1909, § 2151. (\ oHS. To amend penal code, certain sections; [no change in §276]. (May 5.) 1884 r. 41. To appropriate unexpended balance [$3,055.80] re- maining in treasury of state to bounty debt sinking fund. (March 14.) 68a Chronological, List of Laws of New York 1884 C. 71. To authorize use of state armories by associations of dis- charged soldiers. (March 20.) Amended, L. 1888, c. 528; repeated, L. 1893, c. 559; re vised. Military Code, 1893, § 17G; repealed, L. 1898, c. 212; revised. Military Code, 1898, §§ 137, 143; repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised, Military Law, 1908, § 192; repealed, L. 1909, ('. 41; revised, Military Law, 1909, § 192; amended, 1.. 19(19, c. 210. 0. 180. To amend L. 1882, c. 410, § 307; [no change in time of war service]. (April 21.) Kevised, Greater New York charter (L. 1897, c. 378; L. 1901, c. 466), § 355. C. 20G. To authorize issue of certain arms and accoutrements for use at New York state soldiers' home. (April 25.) C. 259. To provide for completion of records of New York volunteers of war of rebellion on file in office of ad- jutant general of state and for safe-keeping thereof; [bureau of records established and bureau of military statistics united therewith; appropriation, $10,000]. (May 8.) Repealed and revised, L, 1887, c. 247; repealed, L. 1893, c. 559; revised. Military Code, 1893, §§ 38-40; repealed, L. 1898, c. 212; revised. Military Code, 1898, § 16; re- pealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised. Military Code, 1908, § 19; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised, Military Law, 1909, § 19. C. -312. Respecting employment of honorably discharged Union soldiers and sailors in public service of state ; [general veterans' preference act]. (May 19.) Amended, L. 1887, c. 464; § 1 amended, L. 1894, c. 716; amended, L. 189G, c. 821; repealed, L. 1899, c. 370; revised, Civil Service Law, 1899, § 20; repealed, L. 1909, c. 15; revised. Civil Service Law, 1909, § 21, C. 319. Further to amend L. 1881, c. 203; [marking unmarked graves of veterans]. (May 21.) Section 1 amended, L. 1887, e. 216; L. 1895, c. 783; L. 1898, c. 411; repealed, L. 1896, c. 225; revised. Poor Law, 1896, §§ 83-84; repealed, L. 1909, c. 46; revised, Poor Law, 1909, § S3; amended. L. 1910. c. 102. C. 331. Making appropriation [$50,000] for construction of additional Imildings, soldiers' and sailors' home, Bath. (May 21.) Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 69a 1884 C. 410. To amend L. 1883, c. 354; [§ 4 gives veterans prefer- ence in civil service of cities] , Section 4 amended, L. 1886, c. 29; L. 1894, c. 717; § 5 added, L. 188G, c. 29; all repealed, L. 1899, c. 370; revised, Civil' Service Law, 1899, § 20; repealed, L. 1909, c. 15; revised, Civil Service Law, 1909, § 21. 1885 C. 8. To ])reveMt persons from unlawfully using or wearing badge of G. A. R, of this state. (February 4.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 88; revised in Penal Law, 1909, § 2240. (\ 11. For incorporation department of N. Y., G. A. R. ( February (>. ) Section 5 amended, L. 1889, c. 92. C. 254. To authorize commissi(mers of land office to sell and convey to l^ew York, Lackawanna and Western Rail- way Company a right of way across lands occupied by New York soldiers' and sailors' home. (May 9.) C. 293. To repeal L. 1802, c. 420. (]\ray 21.) C. 364. To amend L. 1884, c. 180 [§ 307 retained unchanged]. (May 28.) Amended, L. 1888, c. 575; L. 1890, c. 531; L. 1892, c. 52; L. 1892, c. 82; L. 1892. c. 178; L. 1894, c. 536; L. 1895, e. 569. V. 440. To incorporate the General Warren monument associa- tion. (June 9.) V. 447. F\)r incorporation, department of IsTew York, sons of veterans; [limit to property, $50,000]. (June 9.) Resolution CuiicurrcnI. That secretary of state be and hereby is requested to instruct enumerators for census of 1885 to separately enumerate and return veteran soldiers and sailors in their res]iective districts. (March 31, April 1.) 1886 ('. 7. To incorporate Grant monument association; [$1,000,- 000 tax exemption]. (February 3.) Section 2 amended, L. 1892, c. 131. 70a CiiEONOLOGicAL LiST OF Laws of New York 1886 C. 2\). To amend L. 1884, c. 410 [§§ 4-5]. (March 1.) Section 1 amended, L. 1894, c. 717; L. 1895, c. 344; re- pealed, L. 1899, c. 370; revised. Civil Service Law, 1899, § 20; repealed, L. 1909, c. 15; revised. Civil Service Law, 1909, § 21. C. 47. Granting consent of state to acquisition by United States of certain land on Mt. McGregor, Saratoga county, known as " Drexel cottage," and ceding juris- diction. (March 10.) Repealed, L. 1892, c. 678; revised. State Law, 1892, § 25; repealed, L. 1909, c. 59; revised, State Law, 1909, § 25. C. 17'j. To empower board of supervisors of counties to vote moneys for erection, repairing or remodeling of monu- ments to veterans. (April 21.) Repealed, L. 1892, c. 686; revised. County Law, 1892, § 38; repealed, L. 1909, c. 10; revised, County Law, 1909, § 40. C. 19G. To authorize veteran soldiers and sailors residing in state to erect a [$15,000] monument on capitol grounds, Albany, in honor of women of state for their humane and patriotic acts during war. (April 24.) C. 241. For incorporation of Jamestown soldiers' and sailors' memorial hall association ; [limit of property $100,000]. (April 29.) C. 412. To amend L. 1893, c. 299 [§ 26]. (May 18.) Repeated, L. 1893, c. 559; L. 1909, c. 41. C. 4(36. To provide [$5,000] for designating positions and move- ments of troops of state on battlefield of Gettysburg. (May 26.) C. 527. To authorize town of Deposit and town of Sanfokd to raise [$1,000 each] for erection of soldiers' monu- ment. (June 2.) C. 614. To amend L. 1865, c. 585, § 9, as amended by L. 1872, c. 654. (June 10.) Amended, L. 1887, c. 291; repealed, L. 1894, c. 556; re- vised, Consolidated School Law, 1894, t. 12, § 1, If 7; re- pealed, L. 1909, c. 21; revised Education Law, 1909, § 1127; repealed, L. 1910, c. 140; revised. Education Law, 1910, § 1037, II 7. C. 644. To enable any county, city or town to lease its public Relating to Wak of Rebellion and Veterans. Tla 1886 buildings or part thereof to posts of G. A. R. (June 15.) Amended, L. 1888, c. 62; repealed, L. 1892, c. 685; revised, General Municipal Law, 1892, § 2(3; repealed, L. 1909, c. 29; revised, General ^lunicipal Law, 1909, § 77. (". ()(iS. 'i'o Hutliori/o adjutant general to issue arms, accontre- nicnts ami auiiniinition [12 stands of arms, with am- munition, to each] to posts of G. A. R. (June 15.) Repeated, L. 1909, c. 41; §§ 1-3 revised. Military Law, 1909, § 16; repealed, L. 1909, c. 240. 1887 C. 51. To provide [$10,000] for completion of records of New York volunteers of war of rebellion on file in office of adjutant general of state. (March 2.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised, Military Law, 1909, § 19. C. 102. To authorize Ulster county to aid in erecting memorial soldiers' monument ; [$10,000 cost]. (March 31.) C. 21G. To further amend L. 1881, c, 203, as amended by L. 1881, c. 319; [§ 2, relating to expense, when veteran dies outside of state]. (April 26.) Amended, L. 1895, c. 783; L. 1898, c. 411; repealed, L. 1896, c. 225; revised, Poor Law. ]Si9n, §§ 84-85: repealed. L. 1909, c. 46; revised. Poor Law. 19^). ?§ 84-85; § 85 amended, L. 1910, c. 102. 0. 247. In relation to collection and preservation of battle flags, records and relics of ISTew York volunteers who served in war of rebellion and to repeal L. 1864, c. 51; L. 1875, c. 518; L. 1884, c. 259; [establishes bureau of records, war of rebellion]. (A])ril 30.) Repealed, L. 1893, c. 559; §§ 1-5 revised. Military Code, 1893, §§ 38-42; repealed, L. 1898, c. 212; revised. Military Code, 1898, § 16; repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised. Mili- tary Law, 1908, § 19; repeated, L. 1909, c. 41; revised, Military Law, 1909, § 19; § 6 revised, Penal Code, § 640. U 14, by L. 1896, c. 552; repealed, L. 1909, c. 88; revised. Penal Law, 1909, § 1425, jf 14. C. 269. To provide for erection of suitable monuments to memory of soldiers of state engaged in battle of ■Gettysburg. (May 3.) Section 1 amended, L. 1888, c. 83. 72a Chronological List of Laws of ISTew York 1887 C. 291. To amend L. 1865, c. 585 [§ 9]. (May 7.) Eeppuled, L. 1894, c. .j."(j ; ievis?il, lonsolidatel Sl'IiooI Law, 1894, t. 12, § 1, ^ 7 ; repealed, L. 1909, c. 21; revised, Education Law, 1909, § 1127; repealed, L. 1910, c. 140; revised, Education Law. 1910, § 1037, ^ 7. C. 389, To authorize erection of soldiers' and sailors' moiiuiiient, city of Brooklyn^ by municipal authorities and to provide [$100,000] therefor. (May 16.) Sections 1-2 amended, L. 1888, c. 476. C. 44:7. To authorize return to former owner [John F. Porter, Glaymont, Del., captain, Co. G, 14th regt., N. Y. S. cavalry volunteers] of sabre [lost 1863, near Port Huron, La.] now in possession of bureau of military statistics. (May 24.) C 464. To amend L. 1884, e. 312; [preference to veterans in state, city, town and village employment]. (May 25.) Declared unconstitutional, 3 N. Y. Supp. 522; § 1 amended. L. 1894, c. 71G; L. 189G, c. 821; repeal'ed, L. 1899, c. 370; revised, Civil Service Law, 1899, § 20; repealed, L. 1909. c. 15; revised. Civil Service Law, 1909, § 21. C. 488. To authorize governor to detail an escort from national guard for society of army of the Potomac, at annual reunion, Saratoga, and to provide [$7,500] for ex- penses. (June 1.) C. 525. To enable cities and towns which have not already done so, to refund money expended in purchasing substi- tutes or in commutation by men drafted into military service of United States and held to service in drafts under conscription act of United States, entitled "An act for enrolling and calling out the national forces and for other purposes," approved March 3, 1863, and the acts amendatory thereto, while the option of com- mutation by payment of $300 remained, and for relief of men who entered service under said drafts. (June 6.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 29. C. 706. To provide for relief of indigent soldiers, sailors and Relatino to War of Rebelliot^ and Veterans. 73a 1887 marines and families of those deceased; [through G. A. R. posts]. (June 25.) Sections 1-4 amended, L. 1888, c. 261 ; § 6 added, L. 1896, c. 568; all repealed. L. 1896, c. 225; revised, Poor Law, 1896, §§ 80-82; repealed, L. 1909, c. 46; revised, Poor Law, 1909, §§ 80-82: amended, L. 1910. c. 102. C. 707. To lo<2;alize, ratify and confirm vote of majority of tax- payers, town of Rose, at annual town meetinii,', March 8, 1887, granting free use of town hall to J. E. Sherman Post No. 401, G. A. R., for entertain- ments, \>hcn not previously engaged; also, gvanting to ]ii)st entire control of room above entrance to be fitted u]) with memorial tablets of marble or brass. (June 25.) 1888 C. 1. To i)revent persons unlawfully using or wearing insignia or rosette of military order of Loyal Legion. (Jan- uary 30.) Repealed, L. 1893, c. 092; revised, Penal Code, § 674a, L. 1893, c. 692; amended, L. 1894, c. 505; repealed, L. 1909, c. 88; revised, Penal' Law, 1909, § 2240. C. 02. To amend I^. 1880, c. 044; [by including villages]. (March 19.) Repealed, L. 1892, c. 685; revised. General Municipal Law, 1892, § 26; repealed, L. 1909, c. 29; revised, General Munici- pal Law, 1909, § 77. 0. SO. To amend L. 1887, c. 314, entitled ''An act providing for offices of keeper or janitor of public buildings, city of Brooklyn, county of Kings ;" [no removal of honor- ably discharged veteran except for cause, after hear- ing]. (March 20.) C. 83. To amend L. 1887, c. 209 [§ 1, by appropriating $74,500]. (March 27.) Re-appropriated, L. 1890, c. 440. C. 117. To incorporate Post James M. Brown memorial hall association, and to create a trust for disposition of its funds and property ; [$50,000 building]. (April 10.) Section 2 amended, L. 1899, c. 452; §§ 1-2 amended, §§ 3-7 repealed, L. 1905, c. 379. 74a " Chronological List of Laws of ISTew Yoek 1888 C. 119. Eelating to employees of cities and counties; [honorably discharged veteran not to be removed except for cause, after hearing]. (April 10.) Amended, L. 1890, c. 67; L. 1892, c. 577; L. 1898, c. 184; repealed, L. 1S99, c. 370'; revistd, Civil Service Law. 1899, § 21; repealed, L. 1909, c. 15; revised, Civil Service Law, 1909, § 22; amended, L. 1910, c. 264. C. 1G7. To amend L. 1862, c. 18, entitled ''An act to revise the charter of the city of Utica and to repeal L. 1876, c. 371, § 22; [city firemen, enlisting in and receiving h(jnorable discharge from army subsequent to appoint- ment, to be honorably discharged from fire depart- ment]. (April 21.) C. 207. To provide for preservation of records and history of G. A. 11., department of ISlew York; [room in new capitol or other public building; annual report to be printed as legislative document]. (May 1.) Repealed, L. 1893, c. 227; revised. Public Buildings Law, 1893, § 5; repealed, L. 1909, c. 48; revised. Public Buildings Law, 1909, § 5. C. 201. To amend L. 1887, c. 706. (May 9.) Section 6 added, L. 189G, c. 598; repealed, L. 1896, c. 225; revised. Poor Law, 1896, §§ 80-82; repealed, L. 1909, c. 46; revised, Poor Law, 19C9, §§ 80-83 ;. amended, L. 1910', c. 102. C. 288. To authorize governor to detail 9th regt., national guard, to attend dedication of monument to be erected at Gettysburg in honor of that regiment at reunion of survivors of army of Potomac and to provide [$7,000] for expenses. (May 15.) C. 290. To enable posts of G. A. K. to take, hold and convey real and personal estate. (May 15.) Repeated, L. 1896, c. 377; revised. Benevolent Orders Law, 1896, §§ 2-3; repealed, L. 1909, c. 11; revised. Benevolent Orders Law, 1909, §§ 2-3; amended, L. 1909, c. 240, e. 420; L. 1910, e. 145, c. 297. c. 420. C. 299. To amend L. 1866, c. 273, as amended and supple- mented by L. 1875, c. 35 and L. 1877, c. 136. (May 15.) All repealed, L. 1895, c. 559; § 1, 1j 5 revised. Member- ship Corporations Law, 1895, § 121; all repealed, L. 1909, c. 40: § 1, H 5 revised, Membership Corporations Law, 1909, § 171. Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 75a 1888 C. 476. To amend L. 1887, e. 339, §§ 1-2; [$100,000 cost]. (June 2.) C. 502. To legalize vote of annual town meeting, town of ]S^aples^ to raise by tax $613.55 to repay amount advanced by IS'aples union agricultural society toward erection of memorial town hall and to provide for carrying it into effect. (June 4.) C. 528. To amend L. 1884, c. 71. (June 9.) Repealed, L. 1900. c. 41 ; revised, Military Law. 1909, § 192 ; amended, L. 1909, c. 240. C. 575, To amend L. 1882, c. 410, § 307, as amended by L. 1885, c. 864; [retaining provision that military service in time of war may be included in counting time for service for police pension]. (June 9.) Amended, L. 1890, c. 531; L. 1892, c. 52; L. 1892, c. 82; L. 1892, c. 178; L. 1894, c. 530; L. 1895, e. 569; revised, Greater New York charter (L. 1897, c. 378; L. 1901, c. 460), § 355. 1889 C. 5. To establish ^It. McGregor memorial association. (Jan- uary 31.) Amended, L. 1896, c. 667; L. 1898, c. 561. C. 92. To amend L. 1885, c. 11, § 5. (March 29.) C 126. To provide for erection of suitable talilets to commemo- rate services of soldiers of the state engaged in bat- tle of Gettysburg and making appropriation [$2,000] therefor. (April 11.) C. 2(U'). To authorize and provide for erection by j^ew York City of a monument [$10,000] in any public parks, squares or places belonging to city in honor and mem- ory of John Ericsson, deceased. (May 8.) Amended, L. 1891, c. 251. C. 279. To further provide means for erection and completion of soldiers and sailors' monument in city of Brook- lyn by authorizing .issue of bonds; [$150,000]. (May 9). C. 293. To amend L. 1873, c. 574; [ex-ofRcio or ex-members of regular army, navy or volunteer service of the Ignited States eligible]. (May 22.) Tfia Chronologtcat. List of Laws of ISTew Yoek ' 1889 C. 322. To authorize common council, citv of Tkoy, to consent that trustees of Rensselaer couuty soldiers and sail- ors' monument association erect and maintain upon land of said city known as Washington square, monu- ment authorized to be erected and maintained by association as provided in articles filed in office of secretary of state, November IT, 1886. (May 29.) C. 325. To establish police pension fu.nd in city of Buffalo; I § 4 ])r(»vi(les for including time of service in United States forces during rebellion]. (May 29.) C. 419. To authorize purchase and distribution of statistical publication showing mortuary losses of each Xew York regiment during war of rel)ellion, and making an ap])r(ipriation | $0,000]. (June 11.) C. 420. Making appropriati(ms for completing work of monu- mentiug battlefield of Gettysburg and reappropriating money for securing sites and avenues leading thereto. (June 11.) C. 423. To authorize board of supervisors, Oneida county, to levy [$15,000] tax upon towns and wards for erecting soldiers' monument in city of IItica. (June 11.) C. 530. To authorize board of claims to hear, audit and deter- mine claims of | 18 persons] for bounty under L. 1865, c. 29 and acts amendatory thereof and to make an award thereon. (June 15.) 1890 C. 67. To amend L. 1888, c. 119; [honorably discharged soldier, sailor or marine, having served as such in union army or navy during war of rebellion, or jNIexi- can war, and who shall not have served in the confed- erate army or navy, to be removed only for cause after hearing]. (March 24.) Amended, L. 1892, c. 577; L. 1898, c. 184'; repealed, 1899, c. 370; revised, Civil Service Law, 1899, § 21; repealed, L. 1909, r. 15; revised. Civil Service Law, 1909, § 22: amended, L. 1910, c. 264. Kelating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. T7a . 1890 C. {)o. To provide [$25,000] for deficiency in appropriation for supi3ort and maintenance of JSTew York soldiers and sailors' home, and for transportation of appli- cants for admission, and for ordinary repairs during fiscal year ending September 30, 1890. (April 4:.) C. 11^. For incorporation of social, literary, charitable and his- torical societies among nnion veterans or their de- scendants. (April 18.) Repealed, L. 1895, c. 559; revised. Membership Corpora- tions Law, 1895, §§ 110-12; repealed, L. 1909, c. 40; revised, Membership Corporations Law, 1909, §§ 160-62. C. i;U). To amend L. 1862, c. 18, § 120; [exemption from serv- ing full term of five years to receive certificate of those Avho, while members of volunteer fire department of Utic'a, served and received honorable discharge in United States volunteers]. (April 17.) ('. 14!). To authorize and empower state board of claims to hear, audit and determine claim of Steuben county. for moneys expended in prosecution and conviction of Thomas Redding, inmate of I^ew York state soldiers and sailors' lionu\ for murder of Patrick Dowling, police sergeant at said home, and to include therein reasonable compensation for counsel of Redding and to make awards therefor. (April 22.) C. 222. To ])i'ovi(h' for printing, binding and distribution of 10,000 copies of memorial proceedings of legislature on death of Gen. Philip IT. Sheridan and making [$5,000] appropriation therefor. (April 29.) C. 223. To authorize towns to raise [$100 each] to defray ex- penses of proper observance of memorial or decoration day. (April 29.) Section 1 amended, L. 1898, c. 36; L. 1899, c. 679; L. 1901, c. 87: § 2 added. L. 1895, c. 485; § 3 added, L. 1905, c. 492; repealed, L. 1909, c. 63; revised, Town Law, 1909, §§ 136-37. C. 440. Reappropriating money for erecting regimental and battery monuments at Gettysburg and making appro- priations for expenses of commission in charge, and for purchase of plats for marking position of troops T8a GiiKoNoLOGicAL List of Laws of New Yokk: 1890 engaged, and for grading grounds and to terminate office of commissioners appointed by L. 1886, c. 466. (May 24.) 0. 498. To amend L. 1889, c. 570; [$4,500 for missing records of ?iew York volunteers and to purchase 750 copies of Frederick Pliisterer's History of New York in War of Rebellion]. (June 4.) C. 5.3L To further amend L. 1882, c. 410, § 307, as amended by L. 1885, c. 364 and L. 1888, c. 575, relating to pension fund for police department of New Yokk City; [retains provision including military service in time of service for eligibility for pension], rjune 7.) Amended L. 1892. c. 52, c. 82, c. 178; L. 1894, c. 536; L. 1895, c. 569; revised in Greater New York charter (L, 1897, c. 378; L. 1901, c. 466), as § 355. C 568. In relation to highways, c. 19, general laws; highway law. § 33, ^ 2 [honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who lost an arm or leg in LTnited States serv'.ce during war, or unable to perform manual labor from disabilities, exempt from highway labor]. (June 7.) Amended, L. 1898. c. 353; L. 1903, c. 172; repealed, L. 1908, c. 330; L. 1909, c. 30. 1891 C. 186. To authorize use of armories. Kings county, by associa- tions of honorably discharged soldiers. (April 14). C. 187. To legalize and confirm action of electors, towns of Lysandek and Van Euken, in relation to ])aying by tax balance due on soldiers' monument, village of Baldwin svii.LE. (April 15. ) C. 251. To amend L. 1889, c. 266; [$10,000]. (April 23.) C. 353. To further provide means for statuary, beautifying and completion of soldiers and sailors' monument, city of Beookt.yn, by authorizing the issu.e of [$100,000] bonds. (May 9.) Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 79a ' 1891 Resolutions Concurrent. Relating to return by United States to states and territories and the District of Columbia of moneys collected under direct tax levied by act of congress ajj- proved August 5, 1861. 1892 C. 52. To further amend L. 1882, c. 410, § 307, as amended by L. 1884, c. 180; L. 1885, c. 364; L. 1888, c. 575, and L. 1890, c. 531, relating to pension fund for police department, I^ew York City; [continues pro- vision allowing military service to be included in con- tinuous service for pension purposes]. (February 25.) Amended, L. 1892, c. 178; L. 1894, c. 53G; L. 1895, c. 5G9; revised. Greater New York charter (L. 1897, c. 378; L. 1901, c. 466), § 355. . C. 82. [Same title; retains provision regarding military serv- ice]. (March 5.) Amended, L. 1892, c. 178; L. 1894, c. 536; L. 1895, c. 569; revised. Greater New York charter (L. 1897, c. 378; L. 1901, c. 466), § 355. C. 131. To amend L. 1886, c. 7, § 2. (March 15.) C. 178. [Same title as c. 52; retains provision regarding mili- tary service]. (March 22.) Amended, L. 1894, c. 536; L. 1895, c. 569; revised, Greater New York charter (L. 1897, c. 378; L. 1901, c. 466), § 355. 0. 290. To authorize formation of corporations by benevolent orders for acquisition of real property and erection and maintenance of buildings for use of such orders; [G. A. R. posts may unite and form corporations]. (April 12.) Section 1 amended, L. 1893, c. 72; L. 1895, c. 713; L. 1901, c. 476; repealed, L. 1896, c. 377; revised. Benevolent Orders Law, 1896, § 2; .repealed, L. 1909, c. 11.; revised, Benevol'eut Orders Law, 19C9, § 2; amended, L. 1909, c. 240. c. 420; L. 19-10, c. 145, c. 297, c. 4'20. C. 577. To amend L..1888, c. 119, § 1; [removal from munici- 80a Chronological List of Laws of New York ' 1892 pal service of bonorably disebarged soldier, sailor or marine to be for cause only, after bearing]. (May 14.) Amended. L. 1898, c. 184; repealed, L. 1899, c. 370; re- vised. Civil Service Law, 1899, § 21; repealed, L. 1909, c. 15; revised, Civil Service Law, 1909, § 22: amended, L. 1910, c. 2G4. (1 5S(). For incorporation, division of A^ew York, sons of vet- erans. (May 14.) (J. (J4;3. Furtber to amend L. 1886, c. 588, entitled "An act to pr()vi(U^ for and define public or legislative printing." (May ir.) § 8 [1,000 extra copies report oi commander, depart- ment of X. Y., G. A. E.]. See also L. 1892, c. 682 (this provision omitted) and L. 1892, c. 677 (Statutory Construction Law), § 33; repealed, L. 1898. c. 187; revised, L. 1898, c. 187, § 76; repealed, L. 1901, c. 507; revised, State Printing Law, 1901, § 9; amended, L. 1908, c. 274; repealed, L. 1909, c. 60; revised. State Printing Law, 1909, § 11; amended. L. 1909, c. 413; L. 1910, c. 392. C G4T. T(» jirovide for printing, binding and distribution of 10,000 copies memorial proceedings of legislature on deatb of Gen. W. T. Sberman, and making appro- priation [$5,000] tberefor. (May 17.) C 664. To enable cities and towns wbich bave not already done so to refund money expended in furnisbing substi- tutes or commutation by men drafted into military service of Lhiited States and held to service in sev- eral drafts under conscription act of Fnited States [37th congress, sess. 3, c. 75] entitled "An act for enrolling and calling out the national forces, and for other purposes," approved March 3, 1863, and acts amendatory thereto, while option of commutation by payment of $300 remained, and for relief of men who entered service under said drafts. (May 17. ) Declared unconstitutional, 159 N, Y. 212; repeated, L. 1909, c. 16. Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 81a 1892 C. GT7. Relating to eoiistnietion of statutes, e. 1, General laws; statutory construction law. (May 18.) § 24 [memorial day a legal holiday.] Amended, L. 1897, c. 614; L. 1902, c. 39; repealed, L. 1909. c. 27; L. 1909, c. 51; revised, General Construction Law, 1909, §§ 24-25: amended, L. 1900, c. 112; Public Officers Law, 1909, § 62. ^ 25 [acquisition of lands for erection of soldiers' aud memorial moiiunients] . Repealed, L. 1909, c. 29; revised, General Municipal Law, 1909, § 72. § 26 [lease of public building to G. A. R. post.] Repealed, L. 1909, c. 29; revised, General Municipal Law, 1909, § 77. r. ()8<). In relation to counties, c. 18, General laws; county law. (May 18.) § 38 [soldiers' monuments]. Repeai'ed, L. 1909. c. 16; revised, County Law, 1909, § 40. 1893 C. 72. To amend L. 1892, c. 290. (March 1.) Amended, L. 1895, c. 713; L. 1901, c. 476; repealed, L. 1896. c. 377; revised, Benevolent Orders Law, 1896, § 2; repealed, L. 1909, c. 11; revised. Benevolent Orders Law, 1909, § 2; amended. L. 1909. c. 240, c. 420; L. 1910. c. 145 c. 297, c. 420. C. 227. Relating to public buildings, c. 14, General laws; pub- lic buildings law. (March 27.) § 5 [rcjoni for G. A. R. in capitol building, for rebellion records and relics.] Repealed. L. 1909. c. 48; revised, Public Buildings Law, 1909. § 5. §§ 40-44 [New York state soldiers and sailors' home]. Section 40 amended, L. 1903, c. 108; § 41 amfended, L. 1905, c. 32; repealed. L. 1909, c. 48; revised. Public Buildings? Law, 1909. §§ 60-61, 64-66. C. 286. For incorporation department commandery, state of J^ew York, Union veterans' union. (April 4.) r. 408. In relation to exemption of real property of religious, charitable and educational corporations and associa- 82a Chkonological List of Laws of New Yoek 1893 tious from taxation; [also those organized exclusively for patriotic purposes]. (April 29.) Repealed, L. 1896, e. 908; revised. Tax Law, 1896, § 4, ^ 7; repeal'ed, L. 1909, c. 62; revised. Tax Law, 1909, § 4. C. 522. To provide for soldiers' and sailors' memorial arch^ New York City; [cost $250,000]. (May 2.) C. 559. Ill relation to militia, c. 17, General laws; military code. (May 4.) Title changed to c. 16, L. 1894, c. 457. § 2, Tf 2 [United States soldiers and honorably dis- charged veterans exempt]. Repealed, L. 1898, c. 212; revised, Military Code, 1898, § 1, ^ 3; repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised. Military Law, 1908, § 1, ^ 3; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised. Military Law, 1909, § 1, H 3. §§ 88-42 [bureau of records, war of rebellion]. Amended, L. 1897, c. 591; repealed, L. 1898, c. 212; re- vised. Military Code, 1898, § 16; repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised. Military Law, 1908, § 19; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised. Military Law, 1909, § 19. §§ 52-53 [service in United States forces to count toward eligibility for commission]. Amended, L. 1896, c. 360; repealed, L. 1898, c. 212; re- vised, Military Code, 1898, § 52; repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised, Military Law, 1908, § 71; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised, Military Law, 190il), § 71; amended, L. 1909, c. 371. § 107 [veteran organizations may wear uniforms and use designations of rank similar to those of national guard]. Repealed, L. 1898, c. 212; revised. Military Code, 1898, § 175; repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised, Military Law, 1908, § 239; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised. Military Law, 1909, § 239. § 129 [pensions, not granted for disabilities in United States service]. Repealed, L. 1898, c. 212; L. 1909, c. 41. § 147 [associations of veterans may parade with fire • arms, on memorial day or for reception of returning soldiers or for escort duty at soldiers' funerals]. Amended, L. 1895, c. 733; repealed, L. 1898, c. 212; re- vised, Military Code, 1898, § 177; repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised, Military Law, 1908, § 241; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised. Military Law, 1909, § 241. Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 83a ' 1893 § 176 [veteran organizations may have room in ar- mories] . Amended, L. 1896, c. 853; repealed, L. 1898, c. 212; re- vised, Military Code, 1898, § 137; repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised, Military Law, 1908, § 186; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised. Military Law, 1909, § 186. C. 585. To authorize city of Brooklyn to make yearly pro- vision for celebration of memorial day, including 1893. (May 5.) Sectidii 1 anK^iukd, L. 1S94, c. 429; L. 1895, c. 538; § 2, amended, L. 1897, c. 13; L. 1905, c. 190. C. 586. To further provide means for erection, embellishment and completion of soldiers' and sailors' monument, Brooklyn, by authorizing issue of [$100,000] bonds. (May 5.) C. 677. To provide for audit of certain expenditures, Brook- lyn, for joint celebration of completion of soldiers' and sailors' monument and of discovery of America. (May 10.) C. 678. To provide for audit of certain expenditures. Kings county, for joint celebration of completion of mem- orial arch and of discovery of America. (May 10.) C. 692. To amend Penal code [§ 674a, added, unauthorized wearing badge of Loyal legion]. (May 11.) Amended, L. 1894, c. 505; L. 1896, c. 366; L. 1896, c. 1002; L. 1890, e. 184; L. 1900, c. 508; L. 1905, c. 590; repeal'ed, L. 1909, c. 88; revised, Penal Law, 1909, § 2240. 1894 C. 259. To prevent persons unlawfully using or wearing badge of T^nion veteran legion in this State. (April 4.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 88; revised. Penal Law, 1909, § 2240. C. 316. To ]>r()vide for erection of suital)le monument to mem- ory of soldiers, 9tli regt., volunteer infantry [Hawkin zouaves], engaged in battle of Antietam and making appropriation [$2,500] therefor. (April 18.) Amended L. 1895, c. 682. C. 371. To provide for erection of suitable monuments, mem- orial structures and markers in honor of and to mem- 84a Chkonological List of Laws of New York 1894 ory of soldiers engaged in militarv operations around Chattanooga, comprising battles of Wanliateliie, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge and llinggold, 18 OS. (April 27.) Amended, L. 1895, c. 189; L. 1898, c. 7. C. -l-IiK To amend L. 1893, e. 585. (May 3.) Amended, L. 1895, c. 538. i\ 457. To amend L. 1898, c. 559, Military code, by changing chapter no. [to c. K), General laws]. (May 3.) Repealed, L. 1898, c. 212; revised. Military Code, 1898; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41. C. 408. To provide for establishment of home for aged and dependent veteran and his wife, veterans' mothers, widows and army nurses, residents of Xew York; L$2,000J. (May 3.) Sectif n 1 amended, 1^. 1897, c. 47; §§ 2, 5^& amended, L. 1906, c. 451; § 8 amended, L. 1907, c. 597; §§ 9-10 added, I^. 19(l(!,' c. 451: wh:;]ly repealed, L. 1909. c. 57; revised, State Charities J.aw, 1!J(I9, S§ 250-58; § 2.5i6 amended, L. 1!)00, e. 240; L. 1910, e. 133; § 251 amended, § 2,53 repealed, §§ 254-58 renumbered aS §§ 253-57, L. lO'lO, c. 449. r. 505. To amend Penal code [§ ()74a], relating to unautliov- ized wearing of badges; f Loyal legion, or any society, order, or oi'sanization of 10 years' standing in state]. (May 7.) ^ Amended, L. 1896, c. 366; L. 1896, c. 1002; L. 1899, c. 184; L. 1900, c. 508; L. 1905, c. 590; repealed, L. 1909, e. 88; revised. Penal Law, 1909, § 2240. C. 53(3. To further amend L. 4882, c. 410, § 307, as amended by L. 1884, c. 180; L. 1885, c. 364; L. 1888, c. 575 and L, 1890, c. 531 relating to pension fund for police department, New York City; [retains pro- vision for including military service in time of con- tinuous service]. (May 8.) Amended, L. 1895, c. 569; revised. Greater New Yori< charter, (L. 1897, c. 378; L. 1901, c. 466) as § 355. C. 546. To amend L. 1855, c. 262; [§ 37, no poll tax in village of Ulster (now Saugerties), on honorably discharged and disabled veterans]. (May 8.) Amended, L. 1898, c. 347. Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 85a 1894 C. 551. To amend Penal code [§ 640, ^j 14 and adding § 674, IfTf b, c, d, e], in relation to military offenses. (May 8.) § 640, ^[ 14 [removal, mutilation or destruction of articles in state military bureau]. Amended, L. 1896, c. 552; repeated, L. 1909, c. 88; re- vised, Penal Law, 1909, § 1425. § 674, •] b [unlawfully wearing national guard uniform or designation of grade]. Repealed, L. 1909, c. 88; revised, Penal Law, 1909, § 1484. C. 556. To revise, amend and consolidate general acts relating to public instruction. (May 8.) t. 12, § 1, •] 7 [preference, in appointments to state scholarships of children of those who died in United States service | . Repealed, L. 1909, c. 21; revised, Education Law, 1909, § 1127; repealed, L. 1910, c. 140; revised. Education Law, 1910, § 1037, H 7. C. 578. To provide for completion and care of soldiers' and sailors' monument, Brooklyn, and to provide means therefor. (May 9.) C. 716. To amend L. 1884, c. ai2 [and L. 1887, c. 464] relat- ing to removals [of veterans from otHce]. (May 19.) Section! amended, L. 1896, c. 821; repealed, L. 1899, c. 370; revised, Civil Service Law, 1899, § 21; repealed, L. 19(19, e. 15; revised. Civil Service Law, 190'9, § 22; amended, L. 1910, c. 264. C. 717. To amend L. 1886, c. 29; [preference of veterans in appointment]. (May 19.) Declared unconstitutional, 146 N. Y. 401 ; § 1 amended, L. 1895, c. 344; repealed, L. 1899, c. 370; revised, Civil Service Law, 1899, § 20; repealed, L. 1909, c. 15; revised, Civil Service Law, lOOi), § 21. 1895 C. 220. To enable veterans to ])articipate in exercises of memo- rial day ; [leave of absence to be granted to veterans in state service]. (April 3.) Amended, L. 1901, c. 26; L. 1902, c. 81; repealed, L. 1909, e. 51; revised, Public Oflicers Law, 19tl9, § 63; amended, L. 1910, c. 335. 86a Chronologic AT. List of Laws of ITew York 1895 C. 291. To authorize erection of monument of Henry W. Slocuni in city of Brooklyn, and construction of proper pedestal for monument to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant and to provide [$30,000 and $10,000] therefor. (April 11.) C. 317. To consolidate ISTew York commission on battlefield monuments of Gettysburg and New York commission on battlefields of Chattanooga. (April 16.) C. 344. To amend L. 1894, c. 717 [§ 1, Ij 4, preference in civil service to honorably discharged veterans]. Declared unconstitutional, 148 N. Y. 219; repealed, L. 1899, c. 370; revised, Civil Service Law, 1899, § 20; repealed, L. 1909, c. 15; revised, Civil Service Law, 1909, § 21. C. 393. To provide for appointment of State historian and for compilation of military and naval records of state ; [including records of war of rebellion]. (April 23.) Section 2 amended, L. 1900, c. 63; all repealed, L. 1909, c. 23; revised, Executive Law, 1909, §§ 90-91. C. 485. To amend L. 1890, c. 223. (May 1.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 63; revised. Town Law, 1909, § 136. C. 538. To amend L. 1894, c. 429. (May 3.) Amended, L. 1897, c. 13. C. 542. To authorize building and construction of proper pedes- tal for monument t(^ General Gouverneur K. Warren and to provide [$4,000] therefor. (May 3.) Amended, L. 1896, c. 379. C. 559. Relating to membership corporations; c. 43, General laws; membership corporations law. (May 8.) §§ 110^12 [veteran soldiers and sailors associations]. Repealed, L. 1909, c. 40; revised. Membership Corpora- tions Law, 1909, §§ 160-62. §§ ]20-'22 [soldiers' monument corporations]. Section 120 amended, L. 1905, c. 411; § 121 amended, L. 1899, c. 207; L. 1905, c. 411; § 123 added, L. 1897, c. 327; repealed, L. 1909, c. 40; revised. Membership Corporations Law, 1909, §§ 170-73. C. 569. To amend L. 1882, c. 410, and acts amendatory thereof, relating to appointment of police commissioners and to police department; [retaining provision allowing Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans, 87a 1895 military service to count towards continuous service in ^STew York City for pension purposes]. (May 9.) Revised, Greater New York charter, (L. 1897, c. 378; L. 1901, c. 466) as § 355. C. 663. To amend Code of Civil Procedure, [§ 1393] relating to military pay, rewards, etc., exempt from execution and- other legal proceedings. (May 14.) Amended, L. 1897, c. 348. (\ 676. To appropriate [$25,000] for l^ew York state home for aged, dependent veteran and his wife, veterans' mothers, widows and army nurses, residents of ISTew York. (May 14.) C. 682. To amend L. 1894, c. 316, and making an appropria- tion [$5,000] therefor. (May 14.) C. 713. To amend L. 1892, c. 290, as amended by L. 1893, c. 72. Amended, L. 1901, c. 476; repealed, L. 1896, c. 377; re- vised. Benevolent Orders Law, 1896, § 2; repealed, L. 1909, e. 11; revised, Benevolent Orders Law, 1909, § 2; amended, L. 1909, c. 240, c. 420; L. 1910, c. 145, c. 297, c. 420: C. 733. To amend Military code, L. 1893, c. 559, in relation to parades and drills by members of sons of veterans. (May 23.) Repealed, L. 1898, c. 212; revised. Military Code, 1898, § 177; repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised. Military Law, 1908, § 241; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised. Military Law, 1909, § 241. C. 778. To amend Penal code [§ 276] relating to processions and parades on the Sabbath day ; [music permitted at a military funeral]. (May 27.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 88; revised. Penal Law, 1909, § 2151. C. 783. To amend L. 1883, c. 247.- (May 27.) Repealed, L. 1896, c. 225; revised. Poor Law, 1896, § 84; repealed, L. IDll!). c. 40: revised. Por.r Law, 1909, § 85; amended. L. 19 UN e. 102. C. 857. Making appropriations for continuing the erecting suit- able monuments, memorial structures or markers in honor and to the memory of soldiers of New York engaged in military operations around Chattanooga, comprising battles of Wauhatchie, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge and Ringgold, 1863. (May 31.) Amended, L. 1898, c. 7; L. 1900, c. 162. 88a CnRoisroLOGicAL List of Laws of T^ew Yoek 1895 C. 943. Providing for tax to pay [$250] due from former town of Flatbitsh to James H. Kerswill Post 149, G. A. K. (June 6.) C. 1038. To revise and amend articles of incorporation, Union veteran protective association. (June 15.) Amended, L. 1896, c. 370. 1896 C. 93. To amend L. 1893, c. 577, by making provision to authorize city of Teoy to provide for proper observ- ance of memorial day ; ['$3,000 ; G. A. R. post com- manders to serve on committee]. (March 11.) Amended, L. 1898, c. 177. C. 189. To amend L. 1894, c. 371. (April 1.) Amended, L. 1898, c. 7. C. 203. To provide for equestrian statue of Major-General Henry W. Slocum, deceased, on battlefield of Gettys- burg; [$3,000]. (April 4.) Amended, L. 1897, c. 164; L. 1900, c. 196. C. 225. Tn relation to the poor, c. 27, General laws; poor law. (April 8.) §§ 80-84 [relief to soldiers, sailors and marines; l)nrial; headstones] . Section 80 amended, L. 1899, c. 83; L. 1900, c. 475; § 81 amended, L. 1898, c. 337; L. 1899, c. 462; § 83 amended,. L. 1900, c. 24; L. 1903, c. 96; L. 1908, c. 328; all repealed, L. 1909, c. 46; revised, Poor Law, 1909, §§ 80-8i5 ; amended, L. 1910, e. 102. C. 236. To appropriate [$50,000] for New York state home for aged, dependent veteran and his wife, veteran's mothers, widows and army nurses. (April 10.) C. 360. To amend c. 16, General laws (military code), [S 52], as amended by L. 1895, c. 924. (April 21.) § 52 [service in United States forces to connt toward eligibility for commission]. Repealed, L. 1898, c. 212; revised. Military Code, 1898, § 52; repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised, Military Law, 1908,- § 71; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised. Military Law, 1909, § 71; amended, L. 1909, c. 371. Relatixg to War of Rebellio^^ and Veterans. 89a 1896 (\ ;}()(). To amend Penal code [-^ HT-ta] relating to nnantlior- ized wearing of badges. (April 22.) Amended, L. 1896, c. 1002; L. 1899, c. 184; L. 1900, c. 508; L. 1905, c. 590; repealed, L. 1909, c. 88; revised. Penal Law, 1909, § 2240. C. o70. To amend L. 1895, c. 1038, in relation to holding of annual meetings. (April 22.) (\ 371. To authorize issuing licenses to honorably discharged soldiers, sailors and marines for hawking, peddling and vending merchandise. (April 22.) Amended,^ L. 1899, c. 059; L. 1904, c. 556; L. 1905, c. 102; repealed, L. 1909, c. 25; revised, General Business Law. 1909, § 32. i\ 377. In relation to benevolent orders, c. -i-t, General laws; benevolent orders law. (April 23.) § 2, "[9 [G. A. R. posts]. Paragraph 10 added, L. 1898, c. 464; § 2 amended, L. 1899, c. 684; L. 1902, c. 390; L. 1903, c. 10; §§ 3, 5 amended, L. 1897, c. 141; repeal'ed, L. 1909, c. 11; revised. Benevolent Orders Law, 19C9, § 2; amended. L. 1909. c. 240, c. 420; L. 1910. c. 145. e. 297, c. 420. C. 379. To amend L. 1895, c. 542; [$4,000]. (April 23.) C. 512. To amend L. 1893, c. 520, relating to filing of abstracts of title; [§ 3, no fees chargeable by county clerk, Onondaga county, in pension cases]. (May 11.) Amended. L. 1897, c. 14. ('. 'u>'2. T(t auKMid Penal code, ^ (540, in relation to malicious injury and destruction of property; [§ 14, articles in state military bureau]. (May 12.) Eepealed, L. 1909, c. 88; revised. Penal Law, 1909, § 1425, H 14. C. 598. To amend L. 1887, e. 700, as amended by L. 1888, c. 261; [§ G, joint relief committee, G. A. R. posts]. (May 13.) -Repealed. ]>. 19(1!). c. 40; revised. Poor Law. 1909, § 82: amended, L. 1910, c. 102. C. 6fi7. To amend L. 1889, c. 5; [$1,000 annually]. (May 14.) Amended, L. 1898, c. 561. OOa Chronological List of L.\ws of New York 1896 C. 821. To further amend L. 1894, c. 716 [§ 1], amending L. 1884, c. 312. (May 21.) Repealed, L. 1899, c. 370; revised. Civil Service Law, 1899,, § 21; repealed, L. 1909, c. 15; revised, Civil Service Law, 1909, § 2.2; an^eiided, L. 1910, c. 264. C. 853. To amend L. 1893, c. 559 [military code], c. 16, Gen- eral laws, as amended h\ L. 1895, e. 924. May 22.^ § 176 [G. A. R. post or veteran organization may liave room in armory]. Repealed, L. 1898, c. 212; revised, Military Code, 1898, § 137; repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised. Military Law, 1908, § 186; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised, Military Law, 1909, § 186. C. 900. Authorizing sale of ale and beer upon premises of New York state soldiers' and sailors' home, Bath, and pro- viding for expenditure of net proceeds. (May 26.) Section 1 amended, L. 1908, e. 350; all repealed, L. 190".), c. 48; revised. Public Buildings Law, 1909, §§ 62-63. C. 908." In relation to taxation, e. 24, General laws; tax law. (May 27.) § 4, ^ 7 [real and personal property of patriotic asso- ciation exempt]. Amended, L. 1897, c. 371; L. 1903, c. 204; L. 1906, c. 336; L. 1907, c. 693; see also L. 1897, c. 347; all' repealed, L. 1909,' c. 62; revised, Tax Law, 1909, § 4. 1897 C. 13. To amend L. 1895, c. 538, amending L. 1894, c. 429; L. 1893, c. 585; [ })ayment of moneys by Brooklyn to treasurers of war veterans associations]. (Feb- ruary 11.) C. 14. To amend L. 1893, c. 520 ; [§ 3, Onondaga county clerk not to charge fee in pension cases]. (Feb- ruary 11.) C. 47. To amend L. 1894, c. 468, § 1, and making appropria- tion [$7,000 for maintenance, New York state woman's relief corps home, 1897]. (March 10.) Amended, L. 1906, c. 451; repealed, L. 1909, c. 57; re- vised. State Charities Law, 1909, § 250. Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. Ola 1897 C 141. To aiiieiid L. 18*JG, e. .''>77, §§ 3, 5, benevolent orders law. (March 30.) Section 1 amended, L. 1906, c. 467; all repealed, L. 1909, p. 11; rpvispd, Benevolent Orders Law, 1009, §§ 3, 5; § 3 iiiiieiukHl. L. lillO, c. 420. C 104. Appropriating [$22,000] to erect equestrian statue of Major-General Henry W. Slocmn, deceased, on battle- field of Gettysburg. (Aprils.) C 219. Making appropriation [$25,000] for attendance of national guard and naval militia at ceremonies for dedication of tomb of Gen. U. S. Grant, April 27, 1897. (April 8.) C. 257. To authorize city of Brooklyn to participate in cere- monies incident to dedication of Grant's tomb in 'New York City; [$1,000 to be expended by treasurer, memorial and executive committee, G. A. R.]. (April 15.) Amended, L. 1897, e. 501. C. 292. To provide for erection of suitable monument in com- memoration of soldiers of 114th regt., 1^. Y. volun- teer infantry, engaged in battle of Winchester and Cedar Creek, Va., Sept. 19 and Oct. 19, 1864, and making appropriation [$2,500] therefor. (April 16.) C. 327, To amend L. 1895, c. 559, relating to membership cor- porations; [§ 123, unincorporated monument or memorial association may transfer funds to incorpo- rated association]. (April 23.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 40; revised, Membership Corpora- tions Law, 1909, § 173. C. 347. To amend tax law, § 4, * 5, in relation to exemption from taxation of real property purchased with pro- ceeds of pension, (April 23.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 62; revised, Tax Law,' 1909, § 4. C. 348. To amend Code civil procedure, ^ 1393, relative to seizure and sale of real property purchased with proceeds of pension. (April 23.) C. 371. To amend L. 1896, c. 908, tax law; [§ 4, ^ 7, ex- 92a Chronological List of Laws of New York 1897 emptioii from taxation of property of patriotic corpo- ration]. (April 24.) Amended, L. 1903, c. 204; L. 1906, c. 33G; L. 1907, e. 693; repealed, L. 1909, c. 62; revised. Tax Law, 1909, § 4. C. o78. To unite into one municipality under corporate name of city of New York, various communities lying in and about New York harbor, including city and county of New York, Brooklyn, Kings county, Rich- mond county and part of (Queens county, and to pro- vide for governmeut thereof. (ALiy 4.) § 124, *l '.] [veteran preference in civil service]. Omitted in L. 1901, c. 466, as covered by Civil Service luaw. § 127 [veterans retained in service]. § 240 [board of estimate may appropriate excise money to institutions caring for children of volunteers wh > died in war]. § 355 [time of war service to count toward required time for police pension]. Amended, L. 1898, c. 380. ^ 1457 [music at military or G. A. R. funeral on Sun- day]. C. 390. Authorizing and directing comptroller to pay George H. Blackman [$833.33] for services as acting superin- tendent. New York state S(ddiers' and sailors' home, Bath. (May 10.) C. 397. To authorize and enable volunteer firemen's association New York City, to erect monument u])iin battlefield of Gettysburg, in commemoration of fallen members and making appropriation [$3,500]. (May 10.) C. 413. Relating to state finance, c. 10, General laws; state finance law. (May 13.) § 100 [military record fund]. Repeated, L. 1909, c. 58; revised, State Finance Law, 1909, § 100. (\ 414. Tn relation to villages, c. 21. General laws; village law. (May 13.) Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 93a 1897 i\ 414. )^ lo;! [poll tax; exemption of disahh^d veterans]. Amended, L. 1905, c. 498; repealed, L. 1909, c. 64; re- vised. Village Law, 1909, § 103. C. 424. To ])i'ovi(le for pi'o]ier observance of memorial day, Rocii i;s ii;i;, and to authorize eonnnon council to make annual a])])ropriafion | $."t()0 to he expended nnder direction of veteran ori>anizations |. (May !.'>.) Sections 1-2 amended, L. 1906, c. 63. (\ 425. Authorizing' Utica to ])rovide for proper observance of memorial day; [$200 to be expended by mayor and G. A. R. post commanders]. (May 13.) C. 428. To provide for examinations to ascertain and determine merit and fitness of persons seeking to enter civil service of state and cities, ratings npon examination and persons by whom condncted ; | § S reserves rights of honorably discharged soldiers, sailors and marines]. (May 15.) Repealed, L. 1899, c. 370; L. 1909, c. 15. C. 420. To provide for ])i'o])er observance of memorial day, .1 AMESTowx, and authorize common conncil to make animal appropriation ; | $250 to be expended nnder direction of veteran organizations]. (Mav 15.) Amended, L. 1901, c. 430. ('. 501. To authorize Bkooki>y.\ !o acce])t invitation of Xew York City to ])artici))ate in dedication of Grant's tond» and to provide | $1,501)] therefor. (May 18.) C. 533. Foi- erection of monnment and statue of late Gen. Edward B. Fowler, city of Brooklyn, and providing [$7,000] for payment. (May 18.) Amended. L. 1900, c. 612. C. 51)1. To amend L. 181)3, c. ^>'^U [Afilitary code], as amended by L. 1804, c. 457, constituting c. 10, General laws. (May 19.) '• § 38 [bnreau of rec(/rds, war of rebellion]. Repealed, L. 1898, c. 212; revised. Military Code, 1898, § 16; repealed. L. 1908, c. 231; revised. Military Law, 1908, § 19; repealed, L. 1909. c. 41; revised, Mil'itary Law, 1909, § 19. 94a Chronological List of Laws of New York 1897 C. (iU. To amend [L. 1892, c. 677, § 24], statutory construc- tion law, in relation to public l;olidays ; [memorial day retained]. (May 19.) Amended, L. 1902, c. 39; repealed, L. 1909, c. 27; L. 1909, c. 51; revised, General Construction Law, 1909, §§ 24-25; § 24 amendea, L. 10(19. c. 1,12; Public Officers Law, 1909, § m. C. 647. Jo make further provision [$25,000] to celebrate dedi- cation of Grant monument, jSTew York City. (May 22.) Amended, L. 1897, c. 670. C. 070. To authorize board of commissioners, department of public parks, ]S[ew York City, to enter into contract with Grant monument association for care and prescn-- vation of tomb of Gen. Grant, Riverside Park; [$5,000]. (May 22.) Section 1 amended, L. 1908, c. 27. 1898 C. 7. Reappropriating [$50,000] for erection of suitable monuments, memorial structures or markers in honor and memory of soldiers from New York engaged in military operations around Chattanooga, comprising battle of Wauhatchie, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge and Ringgold, 186.3, as provided by L. 1895, c. 857. (February 17.) C. :^G. To amend L. 1890, c. 228, relating to raising money by towns for proper observance of memorial or decora- tion day ; [$50 ; G. A. R. post may direct expend- iture.] (March 7.) Amended, L. 1899, c. 679; L. 1901, c. 87; repealed, L. 1909, c. 63; revised, Town Law, 1909, § 136. C. 4;>. To make ofHce of county clerk, Saratog^^ county, sal- aried, and regulating management; [§ 3, no fees in pension cases]. (March 9.) C. 52. To authorize board of supervisors, Chemung county, to audit and allow certain claims for relief heretofore ■furnished to indigent soldiers. (March 9.) Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 9'5a 1898 C. 58. Authorizing cities of third class to provide for proper observance of memorial day; [$200; to be expended under direction of mayor and commander and quar- termaster of (}. A. R. postj. (March 10.) Repealed, L. 1900, c. 327; revised, General City Law, 1900, § 10; repealed, L. 19.09, c. 26; revised, General City Law, lOd!), § 12; an-.ended, L. 1909, c. 288. (\ l'^)7. To provide [$3,490] for improvements, Nev^ York state soldiers' and sailors' home, Bath. (March 28.) C. 177. To amend L. ISOo, c. 577, as amended by L. 1896, c. 93, by niaking provision for proper observance of memorial day and also for care of soldiers' and sailors' monument in Washington square, [Tboy] and grounds around the same ; [$3,000 ; commanders of G. A. R. posts to be committee]. (March 29.) C. 184. To further amend L. 1888, c. 119, § 1; [veterans re- movable only for cause, after hearing; transfer, when oflfice abolished]. (March 31.) Repealed, L. 1899, c. 370; revised. Civil Service Law, 1899, § 21; repealed, L. 1909, c. 15; revised. Civil Service Law, 19(1!), § 22; amended, L. 11)10, c. 2G4. ('. 187. To amend [L. 1892, e. 682], legislative law, in relation to printing and t(i repeal certain acts. (March 31.) § 76 [extra copies of report of department of 'New ■York, G. A. R., retained.] Repealed, L. 1901, c. 507; revised. State Printing Law, 1901, § 9; amended, L. 1908, c. 274; repealed, L. 1909, c. 60; revised, State Printing Law, 1909, § 11; amended, L. 1909, ('. 4i;^; L. 1910, c. 392. r. 212. Tn relation to militia, c. 16, General laws; military code. (April 2.) ^ 1, ^! 2 [exemntion of honorably discharged veteran]. Repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised. Military Law, 1908, § 1, H 3; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised. Military Law, 1909, § 1, H 3. § 16 [bureau of records, war of rebellion]. Repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised. Military Law, 1908, § 19; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised. Military Law, 1909, § 19. 96a CiiRONOLOGiCxiL List of Laws of jSTew York 1898 C. -212. § 52 [service in U. 8. forces to eoniit toward eligibility for commission]. Amended, L. 1900, c. 746; L. 1001, c. 314; L. 1903, c. 76; repealed, L. 1908, e. 231; revised, Military Law, 1908, §§ 58, 71; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised. Military Law, 1909, §§ 58, 71; amended, L. 1909, e. 371. § 1^7 [quarters in armory for G. A. li. post]. Repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised. Military Law, 1908, § 186; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised, Military Law, 1909, § 186. § l-iS [G. A. R. or veteran organizations may use armory] . Amended, L. 1899, e. 240; L. 1906, c. 105; repealed, L. 1908, e. 231; revised, Military Law, 1908, § 192; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised, Military Law, 1909, § 192; amended, L. 1909, c. 240. § 175 [veteran organizations and Sons of veterans may wear uniforms and devices indicating rank]. Repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised. Military Law, 1908, § 239; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised. Military Law, 1909, § 239. § 177 [military parades by veteran organizations]. Amended, L. 1905, c. 694; repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; re- vised, Military Law, 1908, § 241; repeated, L. 1909, c. 41; revised, Military Law, 1909, § 241. C. 222. In relation to Isew York state woman's relief corps home and making appropriation [$24,500] therefor. (April 7.) C. 2(10. To legalize and eontirm vote of annual town meeting, town of Portland, 15 February, 1898, appropriating $1,700 for soldiers' monument. (April 13.) C. 324. To amend L. 1897, c. 116, § 3 ; [no fee in pension cases, Washington county clerk's office]. (April 19.) C. 329. To authorize town board, Manlius. to change location of soldiers' monument. (April 19.) C. 337. To amend L. 1896, c. 225, [§ 81], poor law, in rela- tion to relief of indigent soldiers, sailors and marines resident in cities of first class ; [under supervision of G. A. R. posts]. (April 20.) Section 1 amended, L. 1899, c. 462; all repealed, L. 1909, c. 4'6; revised. Poor Law, 1909, § 81; amended, L. 1910, e. 102. Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 97a 1898 C. 353. To amend L. 1890, c. 568 [§ 33, f 2], highway law, in relation to assessment for highway labor; [con- tinues exemption of disabled veterans]. (April 20.) Amended, L. 1903, c. 172; repealed, L. 1908, c. 330; L. 1909, c. 30. C. 380. To amend L. 1897, c. 378, [§ 355], relating to pension fund for jwlice department [of New York city; retains provisions concerning veterans]. (April 21.) C. 411. To amend L. 1881, c. 203 as amended by L. 1887, c 216, to provide headstone for honorably discharged soldier, sailor or marine heretofore or hereafter buried in any counties of state; [$15 each], (April 22.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 46; revised. Poor Law, 1909, § 85; amended, L. 1910, c. 102. C. 415. Conferring local rank upon commandant, jSTew York soldiers' and sailors' home, Bath. (April 22.) C. 481. To provide for display of United States flag on school- houses, in connection with public schools, and to encourage patriotic exercises in such schools; [§ 3, state superintendent of public instruction to make provision for observance of memorial day in schools]. (April 22.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 21; revised, Education Law, 1909, §§ 700-02; repealed, L. 1910, c. 140; revised, Education Law, 1910, §§ 710-12. C. 523. Making appropriation [N^ew York city, 1899, $10,- 000] for relief of indigent soldiers, sailors, marines and families of those deceased. (April 26.) C. 529. Authorizing city of Rensselaer to use certain lands for park purposes; [§ 2, G. A. R. post to locate cannon on lot.] (April 26.) Sections 2-3 amended. L. 1909, c. 332. C. 538. To amend L. 1890, c. 569, town law, in relation to licensing of hawkers and peddlers ; [§§ 184-87 added, no license required from veteran holding county license]. (April 26.) Amended, L. 1899. c. 314; repealed, L. 1909, c. 63; re- vised. Town Law, 1909, §§ 210-13. 18 98a Chronological List of Laws of Xew York 1898 C. 545. Directing adjutant general to deliver battle flags, 97th regt., ]^. Y. S. v., to trustees or managers of Munson Williams memorial hall, Utica. (April 26.) C. 561. To amend L. 1889, c. 5, and act amendatory thereof; [corporators to include department commander and adjutant general, G. A. li.]. (April 26.) 1899 C. 83. To amend L. 1896, c. 225, [§ SO], poor law, in relation to relief of soldiers, sailors and their families. (March 14.) Amended, L. 1900, c. 475; repealed, L. 1909, c. 46; re- vised, Poor Law, 1909, § 80; amended, L. 1910, c. 102. C. 162. To amend that portion of L. 1898, c. 607, making cer- tain appropriationiS for New York state soldiers' and sailors' home ; to extend time for letting contracts by trustees ; for completion of work of constructing and equipping new buildings provided for and authoriz- ing board of trustees to use portion of any balance unexpended of appropriation for ordinary repairs [$78,000]. (March 30.) 0. 184. To amend Penal Code, L. 1881, c. 676, § 674a, in rela- tion to unauthorized weiaring badge or button of G. A. R (March 31.) Amended, L. 1900, c. 508; L. 1905, c. 590; repealed, L. 1909, c. 88; revised, Penal Law, 1909, § 2240. C. 207. To amend L. 1895, c. 559, [§ 121], membership cor- porations law, in relation to erection of soldiers' monu- ments. (April 1.) Amended, L. 1905, c. 411; repealed. L. 1909, c. 40; re- vised, Membership Corporations Law, 1909, § 171. C. 216. To amend L. 1898, c. 41, relative to Montgomery COUNTY clerk's fees; [§ 3, no fee in pension cases]. (April 1.) C. 240. To amend L. 1898, c. 212, [§ 143], relative to use of armories; [use bv veteran organizations permitted]. (April 5.) Amended, L. 190G, e. 105; repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; re- vised. Military Law, 1908, § 192; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised, Military Law, 1909, § 192; amended, L. 1909, c. 240. Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 99a 1899 C. 314. To amend L. 1890, c. 569, [§ 181], town law, in rela- tion to licensing of hawkers and peddlers, as amended by L. 1898, c. 538 ; [no license required from veteran holding county clerk's license]. (April 13.) Reijeaied, L. 1909, c. 63; revised, Town Law, 1909, § 210. C. 370. In relation to civil service of state and cities and civil divisions thereof. (April 19.) Numbered c. 3, General Laws, L. 1900, c. 195; repealed, L. 1909, c. 15. § 20 [preference to veterans]. Amended, L. 1902, c. 270; repealed, L. 1909, c. 15; re- vised, Civil Service Law, 1909, § 21. § 21 [removal of veterans from office]. Amended, L. 1902, c. 270; L. 1904, c. 697; repealed, L. 1S09, c. 15; revised. Civil Service I^aw, 1909, § 22; amended, L. 1910, c. 2G4. C. 452. To amend L. 1888, c. 117, [§ 2], rehitive to use of funds of post James M. Brown memorial hall association; [application of interest and income for benefit of post]. (April 27.) C. 461. Making appropriation [$53,300] for ^ew York state soldiers' and sailors' home, Bath. (April 27.) C. 462. To amend L. 1896, c. 225, [§ 81], poor law, in rela- tion to relief of soldiers hj grand army posts ; [post to give notice that it assumes charge.] (April 27.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 46'; revised, Poor Law, 1909, § 81; amended, L. 1910, c. 102. C. 512. To amend L. 1893, c. 227, [§ 3, Tf 6], public buildings law, in relation to power of trustees of public build- ings to accept statues, monuments, memorials or tablets for any public buildings or grounds. (May 4.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 48; revised. Public Buildings Law, 1909, § 3. 0. 679. To amend L. 1890, c. 223, [§ 1], relating to raising of [$50—100] for projier observance of memorial or decoration day; [G. A. R. post may direct disburse- ment]. (May 25.) Amended, L. 1901, c. 87; repealed. L. 1909, c. 03; revised. Town Law, 1909, § 136. 100a Chronological List of Laws of I^ew York ■ 1900 C. 24. To amend L. 1896, c. 225 [§ 83], poor law, in relation to burial of soldiers, sailors or marines; [providing for county superintendent of burials]. (February 24.) Amended, L. 1903, c. 96; § 1 amended, L. 1908, c. 328; all repealed, L. 1909. c. 46; revised. Poor Law, 1909, § 84. C. 92. To provide for submission of proposition to electors of Cayuga county for erection of soldiers' and sailors' monument and authorizing board of supervisors to raise money therefor. (March 7.) C. 139. To authorize commissioners of battlefields of Gettys- burg and Chattanooga to ascertain and determine positions of l^ew York troops in cainj)aigTL and siege of Vicksburg and making an appropriation [$1,000] therefor. (March 15.) C. 148. Authorizing board of managers, State home for depen- dent veterans, Oxford, to receive as inmates Francis G. Clock and Elizabeth his wife. (March 16.) C. 161. To make office of county clerk, Greene county, salaried and to provide for conduct of office; [§ 3, clerk not to charge fees in pension matters]. (March 10.) C. 162. To amend L. 1895, c. 857, in relation to powers of com- missioners of battlefields of Gettysburg and Chat- tanooga; [§ 5, $11,000]. (March 16.) C. 195. To amend L. 1899, c. 370, in relation to civil service by making it chapter [3], General Laws. (March 22.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 15. C. 190. To amend L. 1896, c. 203, in relation to additional ex- penditure of [$5,000] for placing an equestrian statue of Major General Henry Warner Slocum, de- ceased, on battlefield of Gettysburg. (March 22.) C. 219, Directing adjutant general to deliver battle flag of 137th regt., 1^. Y. S. v., presented to regiment by ladies of Binghamton, to veteran volunteer association of such regiment. (March 23.) Eelatikg to War of Rebellion and Vetekans. 101a 1900 ■ C. 2'69. Making appropriation for ISTew York state woman's re- lief corps home, Oxford. (April 2.) C. 327. In relation to cities, c. 22, General laws; general city law. (April 6.) § 4 [parades of veteran soldiers allowed]. Eepealed, L. 1909, c. 26; revised, General City Law, 1909, § 5. §§ 10-11 [third class city may ap|)ro})riate $200 for memorial day; expended by mayor and G. A. R. post commanders] . Repealed. L. 1909, c. 26; revised, General City Law^ 1909, §§ 32-13; amended, L. 1909, c. 28S. C. 395. ]\raking appropriation [$67,638] for completion, con- struction and repair of buildings, ]*^ew York state soldiers' and sailors' home, Bath. (April 12.) a 475. To amend L. 1896, c. 225, [§ 80], poor law, in rela- tion to relief of soldiers, sailors and their families. (April 17.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 46; revised, Poor Law, 1909, § 80; amended, L. 1910, e. 102. C. 612. To provide for commissioners for erection of monument and statue of General Edward B. Fowler in place and stead of commissioners constituted by L. 1897, c. 533. (April 23.) C. 746. To amend [L. 1898, c. 212], military code. (May 3.) § 52 [services in United States forces to count toward eligibility for commission]. Amended, L. 1901, c. 314; L. 1903, c. 76; repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised, Military Law, 1908, § 71; repealed, L. 1900, c. 41; revised. INIilitary Law. 19n9. § 71; amended, L. 1909, c. 371. r. 709. Relating to State board of charities and their control and management of ISTew York state soldiers' and sailors' home; [home exempt from control of board]. (May 5.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 57; revised. State Charities Law, 1909, § 11. 102a Chronological List of Laws of Xew York I 1901 C. 26. To amend L. 1895, c. 220, [§ 1] ; [leave of absence with pay to be given veterans in service of state, county, city or village]. (February 19.) Section 1 amended, L. 1902, c. 81; all repealed, L. 1909, c. 5'1; revised. Public Officers Law, 1909. § 63; amended, L. 1910, c. 335. 0. 87. To amend L. 1890, c. 22:}, [^ 1], relating to raising [$50-100] by towns for proper observance of memo- rial or decoration d-ay; [to be disbursed under direc- tion of commanders of G. A. R posts]. (March 11.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 03; revised, ToAvn Law, 1909, § 136. C. 154. To incorporate Naval arch association; [on Manhattan waterf roiit] . (March 22.) C. 307. Making appropriation for Xew York state woman's re- lief corps home, Oxford, (April 10.) C. 314. To amend [L. 1898, c. 212], military code. (April 11.) § 48 [service in LTnited States navy may count toward retirement]. Amended, L. 1903, c. 213; repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; re- vised, Military Law, 1908, § 82; repealed. L. 1909, c. 41; revised. Military Law, 1909, § 82. § 52 [service in United States forces may count toward eligibility for commission] . Amended, L. 1903, c. 76; repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; re- vised. Military Law, 1908, § 71; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised. Military Law, 1909, § 71; amended, L. 1909, c. 371. § 60 [brevet commission for war service]. Repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised, Military Law, 1908, § 79; repealed L. 1909, c. 41; revised. Military Law, 1909, §•79; amended, L. 1909, c. 371. C. 357. To ju'ovide for erection of suitable monument in com- memoration of soldiers, 28th regt., N. Y. volunteer infantry, engaged in battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862 and making appropriation [$1,500] therefor. (April 17.) C. 430. To amend L. 1897, c. 429, by providing for perpetual care of soldiers' plot in cemeteries of Jamestown; [$250]. (April 18.) Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 103a 1901 C. 466. To amend Greater New York charter, L. 1897, c. 378. (April 22.) § 127 [veterans in municipal service to be retained]. § 240 [children of vulnnteers who died in war; board of estimate may appropriate excise money to institu- tions caring for such]. Section 245 added, L. 1905, c. 552. § 355 [war service to count toward continuous service in police for pension purposes] . § 1457 [music at military or G. A. R. funeral on Sunday] . C. 507. In relation to state printing, c. 52, General laws; [state printing law], and repealing acts inconsistent there- with. (April 23.) § 9 [extra copies report department of l^ew York, • G. A. R.]. Amended, L. 1908, c. 274; repealed, L. 1909, c. 60; re- vised. State Printing Law, 1909, § 11; amended, L. 1909, c. 413; L. 1910, c. 392. 0. 533. Relating to rights of veterans; [provisions of any law passed 1901, not to affect their rights or privileges]. (April 25.) Section 2 amended. L. 1904. c. 037; all repealed, L. 1909, c. 15; revised, Civil Service Law, 1909, § 23. C. 709. Making appropriation [$46,830.50] for completion, construction, improvements to grounds and repair of certain buildings, N'ew York state soldiers' and sailors' home, Bath. (May 3.) C. 711. To provide for erection of suitable monument to memory of soldiers, 34th regt. volunteer infantry, engaged in battle of Antietam and making appropriation [$2,500] therefor. (May 3.) 1902 C. 39. To auiend [L. 1892, c. 077, § 24], statutory construc- tion law, in relation to performance of contracts on public holidays. (February 20.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 27; L. 1909, c. 51; revised, General Construction Law, 1909, §§ 24-25; § 24 amended, L. 1909, c. 112; Public Officers Law, 1909, § 62. lOda Chronological List of Laws of ISTew Yoek 1902 C. 206. In relation to removal of remains of deceased soldiers from potter's field and neglected or abandoned ceme- teries to incorjDorated cemeteries properly cared for and to provide for soldiers' plot in siicli cemeteries and to defray expenses of obtaining plots and removals and reinterment of remains and for annual care of soldiers' plots. (March 21.) Section 2 amended, L. 1904, c. 506; L. 1905, c. 391; all repealed, L. 1909, c. 03; revised, Town Law, 1909,. §§ 336-37. C. 270. To amend L. 1899, c. 370, [§§ 8, 20-21], civil service law, in relation to veterans. (March 29.) Amended, L. 1904, c. 097; repealed, L. 1909, c. 15; re- vised, Civil Service Law, 1909, §§ 0, 21-22; § 22 amended, L. 1910, c. 264. C. 419. To provide for erection of suitable monument and markers in honor and to memory of ^STew York troops Avhich took part in campaign and siege of Vicksburg, 1863. (April 7.) C. 433. Making appropriation for New York state woman's relief corps home, Oxford. (April 7.) C. 469. Making appropriation for construction, completion, equipment and repair of buildings and improvements to grounds of ISTew York state soldiers' and sailors' home, Bath. (April 10.) 1903 (I. 76. To amend [L. 1898, c. 212], military code, relative to commissioned officers. (March 25.) § 52 [service in United States forces to count toward eligibility for commission]. Eepealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised, Military Law, 1908, § 71; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised. Military Law, 1909, § 71; amended, L. 1909, c. 371. § 63 [service in United States navy to count toward retirement, naval militia]. Repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised. Military Law, 1908, § 82; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised, Military Law, 1908, § 82. Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 105a ( 1903 C. 96. To amend L. 1896, c. 225, [§ 83], as amended by L. 1900, c. 24, in relation to burial of soldiers, sailors or marines and tbeir wives or widows, (March 25.) Amended, L. 1908, c. 328; repealed, L. 1909, c. 46; re- vised, Poor Law, 1909, § 84; amended, L. 1910, c. 102. C. 108. To amend L. 1893, c. 227, [§ 40], public buildings law, in relation to trustees of ISTew York state soldiers' and sailors' home. (March 31.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 48; revised, Public Buildings Law,^ 1909, § 60. C. 134. Authorizing Wyoming COUNTY soldiers' monument asso- ciation, unincorporated, to transfer and convey monu- ment erected [at Warsaw] and authorizing county lO' accept and providing board of trustees to supervise, maintain and keep monument in repair, etc., and making expense a charge on county. (April 6.) C. 213. To amend [L. 1898, c. 212], military code, relative to composition and strength of national guard and naval militia. (April 24.) § 48 [service in United States navy to count toward retirement] . Repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised, Military Law, 1908, § 57; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised. Military Law, 1909, § .57; amended, L. 1909, c. 233. C. 355. To amend L. 1891, c. 105, [§ 72], in relation to depart- ment of finance, Buffalo; [appropriation for memorial day permitted]. (May 6.) C. 568. To provide [$8,000] for placing bronze statue to brevet Major General George S. Greene on battlefield of Gettysburg. (May 13.) C. 582. To provide for erection of suitable monument to com- memorate services of Oneida, JST. Y., cavalry in battle of Gettysburg and making appropriation [$1,500] therefor. (May 13.) C. 583. Making appropriation for New York state woman 'r. relief corps home, Oxford. (May 13.) C. 584. Making appropriation for ISTew York soldiers' and sailors' home, Bath. (May 13.) 106a Chronological List of Laws of New York 1904 • C. 506. To amend L. 1902, c. 206, [§ 2J, relative to erection of new lieadstones or iiioniiinents in cemeteries to wliicli remains have been removed. (April 29.) Amended, L. 1905, c. 391; repealed, L. 1909, c. 63; re- vised, Town Law, 1909, § 337. €. 556. To amend L. 1896, c. 371, [§§ 1-2], in relation to auction sales. (May 3.) Amended, L. 1905, c. 162; repealed, L. 1909, c. 25; re- vised, General Business Law, 1909, § 32. C. 637. To amend L. 1901, c. 533, [§ 2, providing compensation during period of unlawful removal from office]. (Ma/9.) Eepealed, L. 1909, c. 15; revised, Civil Service Law, 1909, § 23. C. 658. Making appropriation for New York state soldiers' and sailors' home, Bath. (May 9.) C. 662. To provide for erection of suitable monument to com- memorate services of 51st regt., IST. Y. S. volunteers, engaged in battle of Antietam and making appropria- tion [$1,500] therefor. (May 9.) C. 673. To provide for erection of suitable monument to com- memorate services of 5th regt., IST. Y. S. volunteer infantry (Duryee's zouaves), engaged in battle of second Bull Run or Manassas Plains, Va., and mak- ing appropriation [$1,500] therefor. (May 9.) Section 1 amended. §§ 2-4 added, L. 1905, c. 671. C. 697. To amend L. 1899, c. 370, [§ 21], civil service law, relative to power of removal in counties. (May 9.) Repealed, L. 1909. c. 15; revised. Civil Service Law, 1909, § 22; amended, L. 1910, c, 264. C. 720. Making appropriation for New York state woman's relief corps home, Oxford. (May 11.) 1905 C, 32. To amend L. 1893, c. 227, [§ 41], public buildings law, relative to authorizing trustees of soldiers' and sailors' home, Bath, to organize and maintain a band Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 107a 1905 and pay for same out of maintenance funds of home. (March 2.) Repealed, L. 1009, c. 48: revised, Public Buildings Law, 1900, § 61. C. 162. To amend L. 1896, c. 371 [§§ 1-2], in relation to auction sales. (Aj)ril 8.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 25; revised. General Business Law, 1909, § 32. C. 190. To amend L. 1893, c. 585, [§ 2], relative to naval vete- rans. (April 11.) C. 332. To authorize expenditure bv Xew York city of money for proper celebration of memorial day, 1905. (April- 25.) C. 368. To amend L. 1896, c. 908, tax law, in rehition to taxable transfers. (May 4.) § 221, exemption of personal property, except money or securities, bequeathed to corporation or association or- ganized exclusively f(U' * * * patriotic pur- poses. Amended. L. 1907. c. 204; L. 1908, c. 310; repealed, L. 1909. c. 62: revised. Tax Law, 1900, § 221; amended, L. 1910, e. 600, c. 706. C. 379. To amend L. 1888, c. 117, [§§ 1-2], relative to name of corporation and use and final disposition of its funds, [repealing §§ 3-7]. (May 16.) C. 391. To amend L. 1902, c. 206, [§ 2], providing for payment of certain expenses by county. (May 16.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. 63; revised. Town Law, 1909, § 337. C. 411. To amend L. 1895, c. 559, [§§ 120-21], membership corporations law. relative to soldiers' monument cor- porations. (May 16.) Repealed, L. 1900, e. 40; revised, Membership Corpora- tions Law, 1909. §§ 170-71. C. 492. Amending L. 1890, c. 223, empowering town boards, Orleans county, to raise [$100 yearly] for rental of Grand Army post rooms; [§ 3 added]. (May 17.) Repealed, L. 1909. c. 63; revised. Town Law, 1909, § 137. C. 498. To amend L. 1897, c. 414, [§ 103], village law, in relation to poll tax and enforcement of collection 108a Chronological List of Laws of New Yoek 1905 thereof; [continues exemption of disabled veterans]. (May 17.) Repealed, L. 1909, c. t)4; revised, Village Law, 1909, § 103. C. 552, To amend [L. 1901, c. 466], Greater New York charter, to confer power upon board of estimate and appor^ tionment to appropriate money for proper observance of memorial day, New York city; [§ 2il5 added]. (May 18.) Amended, L. 1900, c. 360. C. 671. To amend L. 1904, c. 673, [§ 1], relative to appoint- ment of commissioners to procure site and defining their powers and duties; [§§ 2-4 added]. (June 1.) C. 683. To supplement provisions of law relating to police pen- sion fund and firemen's pension fund, city of Syracuse ; [.§ 3, honorably discharged veterans, if retired, not to be summoned for police duty; § 8, same provision, respecting fire duty]. (June 1.) C. 694. To amend [L. 1898, c. 212], military code, in relation to military parades on Dewey day. (June 2.) Repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised, Military Law, 1908, § 241; repealed. L. 1909. c. 41; revised, Military Law, 1909, § 24L C. 717. To provide for erection of suitable monument to com- memorate heroism, sacrifice and patriotism of more than 9,000 New York soldiers confined in Anderson- ville, of whom more than 2,500 died in prison, and making appropriation [$25,000] therefor. (June 3.1 Amended, L. 1910, c. 206. 1906 C. 63. To amend L. 1897, e. 424, [§§ 1-2] ; [appropriation $750]. (March 15.) C. 105. To amend [L. 1898, c. 212], military code, relative to armories. (March 23.) § 143 [use of armories by veteran associations]. Repealed, L. 1908, c. 231; revised. Military Law, 1908, § 192, T[ b; repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised, Military Law, 1909, § 192, H b; amended, L. 1909, c. 240. Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 109a 1906 •C. 175. Authorizing board of supervisors, Wyoming county, to appropriate [$500] to provide quarters for G. A. R. posts. (April 9.) C. 323. Authorizing board of supervisors, Cayuga county, to appropriate [$50] to provide quarters for G. A. R. posts. (April 26.) C. 360. To amend Greater New York charter [L. 1901, c. 466, § 245], so as to extend powers of board of estimate and apportionment to appropriate money for proper observance of memorial day, ■ INew York city'. (May 10.) C 380. To incorporate commandery of jN^ew York, military order of Loyal legion of United States. (May 10.) C. 451. To amend L. 1894, c. 468, [§§ 2, 5-6] as amended by L. 1897, c. 47; [§§ 9-10 added]. (May 15.) Repealed. L. 1909, c. 57; revised, State Charities Law, 1909, §§ 251. 254-55, 2'57-5&; § 251 amended, §§ 254-55, 257-58 renumliered as §§ 253-54, 256-57, L. 1910, c. 449. C. 666. To provide for erection of suitable monument in com- memoration of soldiers of 10th regt., N^. Y. S. volun- teer infantry (national zouaves), engaged in battle of second Bull Run or Manassas Plains, Va., August 30, 1862, and making appropriation [$1,500] therefor. (May 31.) any to erect soldiers' and sailors' memorial to memory of soldiers and sailors, of civil war; [$100,000]. (March 20.) C. 193. To authorize city of Cohoes to contril)ate [$5,000] toward memorial to soldiers and sailors of civil war. (April 30.) Sections 1-2 amended, L. 1910, c. 221. C. 231. In relation to militia, c. 16, General laws; military law. (May 7.) § 1, *[ 3 [exemption of honorably discharged veterans from militia duty]. Repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised. Military Law, 1909,. § 1. II 3. _ . § 19 [Inireau of records, war of rebellion]. Repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised. Military Law, 1909, § 19. Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. Ilia 1908 C. 231. § 57 [service in United States navy to count toward retirement, naval militia]. Repealed, L. 1900, c. 41; revised, Military Law, 1909, § 57; amended, L. 1909, c. 233. § 58 [service in United States navj to count toward eligibility for commission, naval militia]. Repealed, L. 1909, c. 41; revised, Military Law, 1909, § 58. § 71 [service in United States forces to count toward eligibility for commission]. Repealed, L. 1900, c. 41; revised. Military Law, 19C9, § 71; amended, L. 1909, c. 371. § 79 [brevet commission for service in United States forces in war time]. Repealed, L. 1900, c. 41; revised, Military Law, 19C0, § 79; amended, L. 1909, c. 371. § 82 [service in United States navy to count toward retirement, naval militia]. Repealed, L. 1900, c. 41; revised. Military LaAv, 1909, § 82. § 180 [meeting room in armory for G. A. R. or veteran organization]. Repealed, L. 1900, c. 41 ; revised, Military Law, 1009, § 186. § 192, •; b [use of armories by G. A. R. or veteran organization] . Repealed, L. 1900, c. 41; revised, Military Law, 1909, § 192. •[ b; amended, L. 1909, c. 240. ^ 239 [use of uniform or devices indicating grade per- mitted to G. A. R. and other veteran organizations in- cluding Sons of veterans] . Repealed, L. 1009, c. 41 ; revised. Military Law, 1009, § 239. § 241 [military parades by veteran organizations and Sons of veterans permitted]. Repealed. L. 1900, c. 41; revised. Military Law, 1900, § 241. C. 274. To amend [L. 1901, c. 507, § 9], state printing law, relative to extra copies of messages and reports; [re- taining provision for 1,000 copies, report of depart- ment of Xew York, G. A. R.]. (May 18.) Repeakd, L. 1900, c. CO; revised. State Printing Law, 1909, § n ; amended, L. 1909, c. 413; L. 1910, c. 392. 112a CiiKONOLOGicAL LisT OF Laws OF New York 1908 C. 310. To amend L. 1896, c. 908, tax law, in relation to taxable transfers, (May 18.) § 2'21 [no important change]. Eepealed, L. 1909, c. 62; revised, Tax Law, 1909, § 221; amended, L. 1910, c. COO, c. 700. C. 328. To amend L. 1896, e. 225, [§ 83], poor law, in rela- tion to burial of soldiers, sailors or marines and their wives or widows. (Mav 19.) Eepealed, L. 1909, c. 46; revised. Poor Law, 1909, § 84. C 417. Authorizing designation of permanent site within grounds of N"ew York state school for blind, for soldiers' and sailors' monnment to be erected by town of Batavia; [$15,000]. (May 20.) 1909 Consolidated Laws, see p. 113a. O. 112. To amend L. 1909, c. 27, general construction law, rela- tive to holidays, by designating October 12 as a holi- day, known as Columbus day. (March 23.) C. 194. Making appropriation [$3,000] for rebuilding barn recently destroyed by fire at Thomas Indian school and also for completing hospital, Woman's relief corps home, Oxford. (April 15.) C. 233. To amend L. 1909. c. 41, § 57, military law. (April 22.) C. 240. To amend consolidated laws as passed, for correcting various errors, inaccuracies and inconsistencies and supplying various omissions. (April 22.) B'enevolent orders law, § 2, last f, [unimportant change]. Military law, § 192, | b, [unimportant change]. State charities law, § 256, [unimportant change]. C. 288. To amend L. 1909, c. 26, [§§ 12-13], general city law, relative to authorization and expenditure of money for memorial day, cities of third class; [$300]. (May 6.) C, 322. To amend L. 1898, c. 529, [§§ 2-3], in relation to construction of monument, to memory of soldiers and sailors, city of Rensselaek, in place of mounting Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 113a 1909 camion, as provided, at expense of city and authoriz- ing common council to provide [$3,000] by issuing bonds. (May 12.) (\ 334. To make office of county clerk, Genesee county, salaried and regulating management of office and fixing salary of clerk and assistants; [§ 3, no fees in pension cases]. (May 12.) C 355. To authorize county clerk, Onondaga county, to com- pile and maintain records, statistics and historical in- formation relative to soldiers and sailors of war of rebellion who enlisted from county. (May 15.) C. 371. To amend L. 1009, c. 41, §§ 71, 79, military law. (May 17.) ^71 [eligibility for commission]. § 79 [brevet commissions]. Uniniportaiit changes. (\ 41.".. To amend L. 1909, e. 00 § 11, state printing law. X(i cluing." (if importance. ( '. 420. To amend L. 190!), c. 11, benevolent orders law. C^Iay 21.) Section 2, 'i IS added. C 456. To provide for enlargement and improvement of hos- pital at New York soldiers' and sailors' home, Bath, and providing for segregation and care of tuberculosis patients therein and making appropriation [$15,000]. (May 22.) Consolidated Laws, 1909 C 3. Benevolent orders law; L. 1909, c. 11. (February 17.) § 2, 1[ 9 [G. A. R. posts]. § 3 [powers]. Amended, L. 1910, c. 420. § 7 [may form joint corporations]. Amended, L. 1910, c. 14.5. C. 7. Civil service law; L. 1909, c. 15. (February 17.) § 9 [no probationary appointment of veterans, in classi- fied service]. § 21 [preference in appointment]. 19 114a Chronological List of Laws of New York 1909 C. 7. § 2'2 [limitation on removal]. Amended, L. 1910, c. 264. § 23 [compensation when reinstated by court]. C. 11. County law; L. 1909, c. 16. (February 17.) § 40 [erection of soldiers' monument]. C. 16. Education law; L. 1909, c. 21. (February 17.) §§ 700-02 [renumbered 710-12; L. 1910, c 140; the flag; celebration of memorial day]. § 941 [renumbered 991; L. 1910, c. 140; New York state school for blind ; preference to children of de- ceased veterans] . § 1127, Tf 7 [renumbered 1037, H 7 ; L. 1910, c. 140; Cornell university ; preference for state scholarships to children of veterans who died in service]. C. 18. Executive law; L. 1909, c. 23. (February 17.) §§ 90-91 [state historian]. C. 20. General business law; L. 1909, c. 25. (February 17.) § 32 [free licenses to vend, issued to veterans]. § 35 [construction of § 32]. C. 21. General city law; L. 1909, c. 26. (February 17.) § 5 [processions and parades of veterans]. §§ 12-13 [third class cities, appropriation of $300 for memorial day; expenditure]. Amended, L. 1909, c. 288. C. 22. General construction law; L. 1909, c. 27. (February § 24 [memorial day a holiday]. Amended, L. 1909, c. 112. C. 24. General municipal law; L. 1909, c. 29. (February IT.) § 7'2 [acquisition of land for monuments in cities and towns]. § 77 [lease of public buildings to G. A. R. posts]. C. 25. Highway law; L. 1909, c. 30. (February 17.) § 79 [exemption from labor for removal of snow, of honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who lost an arm or a leg in service or are disabled]. Amended, L. 1910, c. 13i6. Relating to War of REBELLioisr and Veterans. 115a 1909 C. 30. Judiciary law; L. 1909, c. 35. (February 17.) § 516, ^ 12 [counties other than ISTew York and Kings, exemption from jury duty]. § 635, ^ 11 [same; New York county]. § 7:20, 1 9 [same; Kings county]. C. 35. Membership corporations law; L. 1909, c. 40. (Feb- ruary 17.) §§ 160-62 [veteran soldiers' and sailors' associations]. g§ 170—73 [soldiers' monument corporations]. C. 36. Military law; L. 1909, c. 41. (February 17.) § 1, T[ 3 [honorably discharged veterans exempt from militia service]. § 19 [bureau of records, war of rebellion]. § 57 [naval militia ; service in United States navy co count toward retirement]. Amended, L. 19C9, c. 233. § 58 [naval militia; service in United States navy to count toward eligibility for commission]. ^ 71 [prior service in United States forces to count toward eligil)ility for commission.] Amended, L. 1909, c. 371. § 79 [brevet commissions for United States service in war] . Amended. L. 1909, c. 371. § 82 I naval militia; service in United States navy to count toward retirement]. § 186 [G. A. K., other veteran organizations, or Sons of veterans, may have meeting room in armory]. § 192, T[ b [G. A. II., other veteran organizations, or Sons of veterans, may use armory]. Amended, L. 1909, c. 240. § 2.']9 [unlawfully wearing uniforms and devices indi- cating rank; veteran organizations and Sons of vet- erans exempted]. § 241 [military parades ; veteran organizations and Sons of veterans permitted to parade]. C. 40. Penal law; L. 1909, c. 88. (March 12.) 116a Chronological List of Laws of New York 1909 C. 40. § 9o5 [obtaining by fraud or without authority signa- ture to applications or property for degrees, secrets or membership in secret fraternities]. § 98G [fraudulent use of name or title of secret fra- ternity] . § 1425, ^[ 14 [removal, mutilation or destruction of arti- cles in state military bureau] . § 1484 [unlawful M'earing of uniform of national guard ; members of certain organizations specially excepted by Military Law]. § 1897 [prohibition of carrying fire arms not to extend to duly organized military organizations]. § 21.51 [procession and parades on Sunday; military funerals permitted]. § 2240 [unauthorized wearing or use of badge, name, title of officers, insignia, ritual or ceremony of certain orders and societies ; G. A. R., Loyal legion, Union veteran legion] . C. 42. Poor law; L. 1909, c. 46. (February 17.) §^ 80-85 [relief, burial, headstones]. Amended, L. 1910, c. 102. C. 44. Public buildings law; L. 1909, c. 48. (February 17.)' § 3, T[ 6 [trustees of public buildings may receive statues, monuments, memorials or tablets]. § 5 [room for G. A. R. in capitol]. §§ 60-66 [!New York state soldiers' and sailors' home]. C. 47. Public officers' law; L. 1909, c. 51. (February 17.) § 62 [business in public offices on holidays]. § 63 [leave of absence to veterans, memorial day]. Amended, L. 1910, c. 335. C. 55. State charities law; L. 1909, c. 57. (February 17.) § 11 [exemption of soldiers' and sailors' home from control of state board]. §§ 250-58 [IsTew York state woman's relief corps home] . Section 251 amended, L. 1910, c. 449; § 253 repealed, L. 1910, c. 449; § 256 amended, L. 1909, c. 240; L. 1910, c. 133; §§ 254-58 remmibered as §§ 253-57 by L. 1910, c. 449. Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 117a 1909 V. 50. State tinance law; L. 11)01), c. 58. (February 17.) S 100 [military record fiuid]. C\ 57. State law; L. 1909, c. 59. (February 17.) § 25, Tf 27 [cession of Mt. McGregor to Uiiited States]. (\ 58. State printing law; L. 1009, e. 60. (February 17.) § 11 [1,000 extra copies, report of department of ISTew York, G. A. R.]. Amended, L. 1909, c. 413; L. 1910, c. 392. ('. CO. Tax law; L. 1909, c. 62. (February 17.) § 1, ^f 5 [exemption of real property bought with pen- sion money]. § 4, ^' 7 [exemption of real property of corpora- tion or association organized exclusively for patriotic purposes] . § 221 [exemption from transfer tax of property other than money or securities, bequeathed to patriotic asso- ciations]. Amended, L. 1010, c. 600; c. 70G. C. 62. Town law; L. 1909, c. 63. (February IT.) § 45 [town meeting may appropriate for soldiers' monument]. § 136 [town board may vote $50-$100 for memorial day]. § 137 [town board, Orleans county, may vote $100 yearly for G. A. R. post rooms]. § 210 [town not to require license from veteran hold- ing county clerk's license]. § 336 [soldiers' burial plot]. § 337 [removal of remains]. V. <;4. Village law; L. 1909, c. 64. (February 17.) § 103 [exemption of disabled veterans frum poll tax]. 1910 C 71. Authorizing adjutant general to issue obsolete ordnance property to city, village or town authorities and state commissions. (April 5.) 118a Chronological List of Laws of New York 1910 C. 125. Making appropriation [$6,000] for participation of a portion of national guard and naval militia in cere- monies attending dedication of new soldiers' and sailors' monninent, Syracuse^ June 21, 1910, (April 20.) C. 133. To amend L. 1909, c. 57, [§ 256], state charities law [as amended by L. 1909, c. 240 and c. 258] in rela- tion to eligibility of persons for admission as inmates of New York state woman's relief corps home. (April 21.) C. 136. To amend L. 1909, c. 30, § 79, highway law, in relation to adoption of labor system of removing snow. (April 21.) No change of importance. C. 145. To amend L. 1909, c. 11, § 2, T[ 7 and § 7, benevolent orders law. (April 22.) No change of importance. C. 192. To authorize trustees of Flatiron park, village of Waterford, to convey interest in such park to Water- ford soldiers' and sailors' monument association and to provide for care, maintenance and improvement of said park by village. (April 29.) C. 206. To amend L. 1905, c. 717, by adding to the commission having: charge of the erection of the monument three survivors of Andersonville prison. (May 5.) C. 210. Making appropriation [$1,500] to defray expenses of surviving members, Eighth New York heavy artillery, while attending dedication of monument at Cold Har- bor, Va., in commemoration of services of regiment. (May 5.) C. 221. To amend L. 1908, c. 193, [§§ 1-2], by increasing maxi- mum amount of contribution [to $6,200]. (May 5.) C. 264. To amend L. 1909, c. 15, [§ 22], civil service law, in relation to power of removal ; [retains veteran privi- lege]. (May 9.) C. 297. To amend L. 1909, c. 11, § 11, benevolent orders law. (May 14.) Adds H 20 to § 2. Relating to War of Rebellion and Veterans. 119a 1910 C. 335. To amend L. 1909, e. 51 [§ 03], public officers law, in relation to leave of absence of veterans of the regular armv, navy and marine corps on memorial day. (May 19.) ('. 392. To amend L. 1909, c. 60, § 11, state printing law, as amended by L. 1909, c. 413. (June 6.) Xi) cliange of importance. C. 420. To amend L. 1909, c. 11, §§ 2-3, benevolent orders law. (June 7.) Adds ^ 19 to § 2; no change of importance in § 3. C. 449. To amend L. 1909, c. 57, state charities law, generally. (June 9.) § 2.51 amended; § 253 repealed; §§ 254-58 renumbered as §§ 253-57. C. 000. To amend L. 1909, c. 62, § 221, tax law, in relation to exemptions from taxable transfers. (June 23.) Amended, L. 1910,, c. 706. Unimix)rtant changes. C. 700. To amend L. 1909, c. 62, § 221, tax law, in relation to taxable transfers. (July 11.) Unimportant changes. FEB 3 tan LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 709 164 1^^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 709 164 1