TX 715 .P165 Copy 1 Class _T_>TJ']bI'N7¥'R4Vj TT'R,IWJCB]E:, < Brown Soup Stock Three tablespoonfuls Armour's Extract of Beef 3 quarts cold water 1 sprig marjoram Vi teaspoonful pepper 2 sprigs parsley 4 cloves V2 bay leaf 3 sprigs thyme 1 tablespoonful salt 2 tablespoonfuls butter ^2 cup each of carrots, turnips, onions, and celery, cut in dices DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Melt tlie butter, add the onion, and brown; then add the vegetaloles and seasonings to cold water; cover and cook slowly 1 hour; strain care- fully and while hot add the Beef Extract, stirring until it is thoroughly dissolved. Add more salt and pepper, if necessary. Cool as quickly as possible. This stock is used for a number of soups and should be made in con- siderable quantities and kept in a cool place until it is all used. Alphabet Soup One teaspoonful Armour's Extract of Beef 1 quart water \Vi tablespoonfuls butter Vq. bay leaf Vt. teaspoonful salt 1 teaspoonful chopped onion 1 teaspoonful flour V& teaspoonful paprika 2 tablespoonfuls alphabets •DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Dissolve Extract of Beef in water; add onion and bay leaf. Cook 10 minutes. Then add butter and flour mixed together, stirring con- stantly. Let boil, strain, add alphabets. Cook 20 minutes. Season and serve. 11 Beef Bouillon Three teaspoonfuls Armour's Extract of Beef 2 quarts cold water 1 sprig parsley 1 tablespoonful salt ^2 bay leaf M tablespoonful whole pepper 1 tablespoonful butter li cup each of carrots, onions, and celery, cut in dices DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Take the water boiling hot and add the Extract, vegetables, and seasonings; cook 30 minutes; strain and serve in bouillon cups. Iced Bouillon Flavor beef bouillon with a small quantity t>f sherry or Madeira wine, chill and serve cold. Pea Soup One teaspoonful Armour's Extract of Beef 1 can peas 1 tablespoonful sugar 1 pint cold w^ater \i teaspoonful paprika 1 tablespoonful minced onion 2 tablespoonfuls butter 1 tablespoonful flour salt and celery salt DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Drain peas from their liquor, add sugar, onion, and cold water; let simmer 20 minutes; then rub through a sieve, re-heat, add Extract of Beef, and thicken with butter and flour mixed together. Season and serve. 12 Cream of Celery Soup One cup of stock made from Armour's Extract of Beef 3 cups celery, cut in inch pieces 2 cups boiling water 1 slice of onion 3 tablespoonfuls flour 2 cups milk 2 tablespoonfuls butter salt and pepper DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Parboil celery in water 10 minutes ; drain ; add stock ; cook until celery is soft and rub through sieve. Scald onion in milk ; remove onion ; add milk to stock ; bind with butter and flour ; season with salt and pepper Easy Vegetable Soup Two teaspoonfuls Armour's Extract of Beef 2 quarts w^ater li cup carrots 1 cup potatoes 14 onion, chopped fine 14 cup celery 3 tablespoonfuls tomatoes 14 tablespoonful parsley 2 tablespoonfuls butter }4 bay leaf li cup rice salt and pepper DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Chop vegetables and add with rice to water with salt ; cook until tender (about 30 minutes); then add Extract of Beef, parsley, bay leaf, and seasonings. Armour's Tomato Bouillon may be used in place of tomatoes — 1 or 2 tablespoonfuls Tomato Bouillon to each quart of soup. 13 Macaroni Soup One quart Brown Stock, made from Armour's Extract of Beef K cup macaroni, broken in pieces salt and pepper DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Cook macaroni in boiling salted water until soft ; drain well and add to stock heated to boiling point. Season with salt and pepper and serve. Spaghetti or other Italian pastes may be substituted for macaroni. Tomato Soup Two teaspoonfuls Armour's Extract of Beef 1 can tomatoes 1 quart water bit of bay leaf 2 cloves 1 teaspoonful paprika 1 tablespoonful sugar 1 teaspoonful salt Va teaspoonful soda 2 tablespoonfuls butter 2 tablespoonfuls flour 1 teaspoonful finely chopped onion DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Strain the tomatoes, add the water, and cook 20 minutes ; add soda, salt, sugar, and Extract of Beef ; bring to boil on quick fire ; bind with butter and flour ; add seasonings. Serve with croutons. Turkey Soup Break turkey carcass in pieces, removing all stuffing; simmer in water 2 hours with a slice of onion and a piece of celery ; remove from fire and strain; then add one-half teaspoonful Armour' s Extract of Beef. Cook 2 tablespoonfuls rice in boiling salted water for 15 minutes, drain, and add to the soup ; cook for 10 minutes ; season and serve. 14 {^ui^iwj¥i^X^7T7^iw:kb£^ ^ Ox-Tail Soup Five cups Brown Stock, made from Armour's Extract of Beef 1 small ox -tail J^ cup each of carrots, turnips, onions, and celery, cut in small piece* Yz teaspoonful salt /i cup Madeira wine 1 teaspoonful Worcestershire sauce 1 teaspoonful lemon juice DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Cut ox-tail in small pieces, wash, drain, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and fry in butter 10 minutes. Add to stock and simmer 1 hour. Then add vegetables which liave been parboiled 20 minutes and simmer until vegetables are soft. Add salt, pepper, wine, Worcestershire sauce, and lemon juice. Potato Soup One teaspoonful Armour's Extract of Beef 3 potatoes 1 quart water 1 pint milk 2 slices onion, minced 1 teaspoonful parsley, chopped .% teaspoonfuls salt li teaspoonful celery salt J4 teaspoonful paprika 2 tablespoonfuls butter 1 tablespoonful flour DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Cook potatoes in boiling salted water; when soft rub through a sieve; scald with onion, add milk slowly to potatoes. Melt half the butter, add flour; stir until well mixed; then stir into boiling soup. Let boil up, add Extract of Beef, and remaining butter, salt, celery salt, paprika, and parsley last. 15 Potage a la Creole One teaspoonful Armour's Extract of Beef 1 quart cold water 1 pint strained tomatoes 2 tablespoonfuls butter K saltspoonful paprika Vz cup rice 1 tablespoonful finely chopped onion 1 teaspoonful salt V2 bay leaf M teaspoonful celery salt DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Cook the rice and the onion in 1 quart salted water; when rice is done add the strained tomatoes, bring to boil, then add Extract of Beef. Bind with butter and tlour cooked together; add seasonings and serve. Corn Chowder One- half teaspoonful Armour's Extract of Beef 1 can corn 4 cups potatoes, cut in K-inch slices 1 % inch cube salt fat pork 1 small sliced onion 4 cups scalded milk 8 common crackers 3 tablespoonfuls butter salt and pepper DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Cut pork in small pieces and fry out. Add onion and cook 5 min- utes, stirring often to prevent burning. Strain fat into a stew-pan. Parboil potatoes 5 minutes in boiling water to cover; drain and add potatoes to fat; then add two cups of boiling water. Cook until potatoes are soft, add corn and milk: then heat to boiling point. Season with salt and pepper. Add Extract of Beef, butter and crackers, split and soaked in enough milk to moisten. Remove crackers, turn chowder into a tureen, and put crackers on top. 16 Croutons Take a slice of stale bread, remove the crust, cut the bread into cubes about half an inch in size and fry briskly in a small quantity of butter (about enough to cover bottom of fr>'ing pan) until the cubes turn a nice brown color. Take them out with a skimmer and throw them into the soup when serving. Croquettes of Odds and Ends "With Armour's Extract of Beef These are made of any scraps or bits of good food that happen to be left over from one or more meals, but in such quantities that they can not be utilized separately. For example: A couple of spoonfuls of frizzled beef and cream; the lean meat of a mutton chop; 1 spoonful of minced beef; 2 cold hard-boiled eggs; a little cold chopped potato; a few slices of cold chicken. One or more of these, well chopped and seasoned, mixed with 1 raw egg, a little flour, butter, and stock made from Armour's Extract of Beef, then made in the form of croquettes and browned well in a frying pan or griddle and served on small squares of buttered toast, will surprise housekeepers what a delicious addition these offer for the breakfast or luncheon, as will also the small cost of preparing. 17 ^4. INXE the days of Madame de Stael the cliafing dish has steadily grown in IX)pularity. At one time it was looked upTI'JbI'Nj¥J^'Y77T7^IWICBE^ ^ Cream of Asparox Two tablespoon fuls Armour's Asparox 2 tablespoonfuls butter 1 quart milk Vz teaspoonful salt 1 tablespoonful flour 1 pinch of celery salt M teaspoonful paprika DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Melt butter; add flour, stirring thoroughly. Add milk and bring to boil. Then add the Asparox and seasoning. May be served with croutons. Murray Hill Potatoes (Ala Asparox) Cut 4 cold boiled potatoes and 6 hard boiled eggs in one-fourth inch slices. Put layer of potatoes in buttered baking dish; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cover with layer of eggs, repeat, and pour over 2 cups of Sauce Asparox. Cover with buttered cracker crumbs and bake until crumbs are brown. Sauce Asparox One tablespoonful Armour'3 Asparox 1 pint cream or rich milk Wi tablespoonfuls butter 1 tablespoonful flour pinch of salt and pepper DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Heat milk, add butter and flour stirred together. Then add Asparox and boil. Season to taste. 29 Tl^IWJCBE^ Escalloped Fish One cup Sauce Asparox 1 li cups cold white fish Yz cup buttered cracker crumbs salt and pepper sprig of parsley DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Covei- bottom of dish with one-half the fisli. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, ^'^id pour over one-lialf the sauce. Repeat. Cover with crumbs and bak*^ in hot oven until crumbs are brown. 30 Appropriate Sauces for Serving with — Roast Beef / Tomato Catsup. I Grated Horse-radish. Roast Mutton Stewed Gooseberries. Roast Lamb Mint Sauce. Roast Pork Apple Sauce. Roast Turkey f Cranberry or Celery. i Plum or Grape Sauce. Roast Chicken Currant Jelly. Boiled Turkey Oyster Sauce. Broiled Steak Mushrooms— Fried Onions. Pigeon Pie Mushroom Sauce. Roast Goose Apple Sauce. Fried Salmon Egg Sauce. Broiled Mackerel Stewed Gooseberries. Boiled or Baked Fish . . ) i^'^i^^ Cream Sauce. I Drawn Butter Sauce. ^1 y'UlbIjN'n'R3Y7IT'I^I'N:KBEs < Suggestions for Using ARMOUR'S TOMATO BOUILLON Tomato Bouillon Two teaspoonfuls Armour's Tomato Bouillon ^i pint boiling -water or hot milk salt and pepper to season DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Serve in bouillon cups with saltine wafers. When baking beans add a little of Armour's Tomato Bouillon and rote the fine flavor. Baked Fish Take one-third cup of Armour's Tomato Bouillon. Place in pan with fish. Add a slice of onion and parsley and baste often while fish is cooking. Oyster Cocktail Take 1 tablespoonful of lemon juice with half cup of Tomato Bouillon. Season with salt, pepper, and tabasco. Add 1 pint of small oysters, and chill thoroughly before serving. 34 z Sardines a la Creole Drain choice sardines and lay on strips of toast. Partially cover with Tomato Bouillon and grated cheese, and brown in a hot oven Tomato Puree One-half cup Armour's Tomato Bouillon 2 tablespoonfuls butter 1 pint milk 2 tablespoonfuls flour salt and pepper DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Melt the butter, add the flour and stir. Add the milk and cook until creamy. Then add Tomato Bouillon and season. Serve with croutons. Tomato Sauce One cup Armour's Tomato Bouillon 1 teaspoonful minced onion 1 tablespoonful flour 1 tablespoonful butter Yo. teaspoonful salt 1 teaspoonful chopped parsley DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Brown the onion in the butter, add the flour and thoroughly brown. Add the Tomato Bouillon and parsley. Cook until it thickens. 35 Molasses Cookies One egg 1 cup molasses 1 tabiespoonful ginger /3 cup hot ■water 1 cup sugar, bro'wn I cup shortening, butter and lard 1 tabiespoonful soda 1 tabiespoonful vinegar a pinch of salt DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Stir egg and sugar to a cream. Add molasses, shortening, and ginger, stirring all together. Dissolve soda in hot water and add. Put in vinegar last thing before flour. Mix as stiff as sugar cookies. Wheat Muffins Two cups flour 14 teaspoonful salt 3 tablespoonfuls melted butter 1 to 1 /i cups milk 2 teaspoonfuls baking pow^der 2 tablespoonfuls sugar 1 egg DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Sift together thoroughly, flour, salt, and baking powder. Then add, well beaten together, egg, sugar, melted butter, and milk. Stir well. Bake quickly. (20 minutes.) Marguerites Whites of 2 eggs 1 cup chopped pecans 1 cup pulverized sug^ar 1 teaspoonful vanilla DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Whites of eggs beaten stiff. Add sugar, stirring well, then pecans and vanilla, stirring all together. Spread the mixture on fresh zephyr- ettes, and brown slowly in the oven. Brown Bread . /i2 cups Graham flour 14 cup wheat flour li cup corn meal H cup molasses 1 teaspoonful salt I teaspoonful soda % cups sweet milk DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Dissolve soda in milk. Mix dry ingredients and sift. Add molasses and milk. Stir until well mixed. Turn into a buttered mold and steam 2 hours. Egfgs in Cases Break 5 eggs and leave the yolks in half of the shell, taking care to keep them unbroken. Beat whites until very stiff and arrange on a buttered platter. Make hollows in the whites and drop a yolk in each nest thus made. Dredge with salt and paprika, put in a bit of butter on each yolk, and bake in a moderate oven till set (from 5 to 8 minutes). Garnish with parsley and serve from dish in which they are cooked. 37 Snickadoodle Two cups sugar ^A cup butter 3 teaspoonfuls baking powder 1 cup milk 3 cups flour 2 eggs DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Stir butter and sugar to a cream; add milk, then flour well sifted with baking powder. Eggs unbeaten put in last thing. Sugar and cinnamon sprinkled on top. Use large tins and spread thin. Aspic Jelly For garnishing Salads, Game, and Entrees, and for the Invalid and Convalescent One teaspoonful Armour's Extract of Beef Vz package acidulated gelatine I pint hot w^ater 1 cup cold w^ater Vz cup sherry w^ine 2 teaspoonfuls sugar DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Cover gelatine with cold water; let stand 5 minutes. Then add hot Waaler, sugar, and wine. Strain and put into mold until cold. 38 2 rounding or 4 even teaspoonfuls of baking powder to 1 quart nf tlour. 1 teaspoonful of flavoring extract to 1 quart custard. 1 teaspoonful of soda to 1 pint sour milk. 1 teaspoonful of Armour's Extract of Beef to 1 quart hot water. 1 teaspoonful of mixed herbs to 1 quart soup stock. 1 teaspoonful soda to 1 cup molasses. % teaspoonful of Armour's Extract of Beef to 1 cup hot water. 1 teaspoonful of salt to 1 quart of soup stock or 2 quarts of flour. 1 tablespoonful of each chopped vegetable to 1 quart soup stock. 1 teaspoonful or more, to suit the taste, of Armour's Tomato Bouillon. 1 teaspoonful or more, to suit the taste, of Armour's Asparox. 39 **See that the jar is in a blue carton '* S not an Extract of Beef. The latter is a culinary article for making^soui)S, sauces, etc., while Soluble Beef is a food for the invalid and convalescent. With Soluble Beef a more nourishing bn»th may be made than it is i)ossil)Ie to make from fresh meat by the usual household methods. One teaspoonful of Soluble Beef is ecjual in nutriment to from 10 to 20 teaspoonfuls of beef juice. Soluble Beef is packed in small opal jars, similar to Hie one used for Extract t»f Beef, but the 2-oz. and 4-oz. sizes are in a blue carton. It is designed especially as a food for the invalid and convalescent, particularly for those suffering from affections of the stomach and bowels, (jr of low vitality. It will keep indefinitely in any climate, and may be taken as desired at any time. Care, however, should be exercised not to use too great a quantity and thereby impart an apparent bitterness to the broth, and to properly season it before serving. {^IJJ^Il^TI'RSYTITl^I'NJCBEs < Beef Tea Nourishing One-fourth teaspoonful Armour's Soluble Beef 1 cup hot water salt and pepper to taste DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Take the water at its first boil, add the Soluble Beef and stir until thoroughly dissolved. Season and serve. Frozen Beef Tea An Appetizing Dish for Feverish Invalids To a cup of the above Beef Tea add a small quantity of French gela- tine, previously dissolved in a tablespoonful of water, and set on ice until jellied. Serve cold with salt and pepper to taste. Celeried Beef Tea One-half teaspoonful Armour's Soluble Beef 2 tablespoonfuls chopped celery- salt 2 cups water DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Clean and cook the celery in salted water until tender. Strain. Add Soluble Beef and season. A little milk or cream can be used if desired. 42 {^IJ'blWTT'RsYTIT'RsI'NlCJbEs ^ Rice Water One-half teaspoonful Armour's Soluble Beef 2 tablespoonfuls rice 2 cups cold water milk or cream salt and pepper DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Pick over rice and wash, add to water and boil until tender; strain; add Soluble Beef, stirring until dissolved; season and re-heat. A half inch piece of stick cinnamon may be cooked with rice, and will assist in reducing a laxative condition. Add milk or cream if desired. Egg-nog One-quarter teaspoonful Armour's Soluble Beef 1 <^ti % cup milk. 1 tablespoonful sugar 2 tablespoonfuls wine 1 tablespoonful brandy salt DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Beat eggs slightly; add pinch of salt, sugar, and wine. Mix thor- oughly; add milk, first dissolving Soluble Beef in milk. Strain. Wine may be omitted and a very slight grating of nutmeg used. Albutnenized Milk For Invalids and Convalescents One-quarter teaspoonful Armour's Soluble Beet 1 cup milk white of 1 egg DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Put milk in tumbler. Dissolve Soluble Beef in a small quantity of warm water, add, with white of ^%%, and shake thoroughly until v.ell mixed. A small pinch of salt can be added last. 43 e>Ul5l'N7l'R3YTIT'^I'NTCBE^ < Cocoa Cordial Strengthening and Sustaining One-quarter teaspoonful Armour's Soluble Beef 1 teaspoonful cocoa 1 teaspoonful sugar Vz cup boiling -water IH tablespoonfuls port wine DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Mix cocoa and sugar. Add enough of the water X.<^ form a paste. Stir in remainder of water and Sohible Beef and boil 1 minute. Then add wine and serve hot. Useful in cases of chill or exhaustion. Wine Jelly A Nutritious and Appetizing Food for Invalids One-half teaspoonful Armour's Soluble Beef K package gelatine 1 cup boiling water 1 tablespoonful sugar Va cup cold water V2 cup sherry wine juice of half a lemon DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Cover the gelatine with cold water, and let stand 30 minutes. Dis- solve the Soluble Beef and sugar in hot water, and pour over gelatine, stirring until dissolved. Strain, and add wine and lemon juice. Pour into a mold previously wet with cold water, and stand away to harden. Serve very cold. 44 Toast Water For a Weak Stomach One-quarter teaspoonful Armour's Soluble Beef Equal measures of stale and toasted bread and boiling water salt DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Cut bread in quarter-inch slices, put in pan, and dry tlu)roughly in a slow oven until crisp and brown. Break in pieces. Add water, first dissolvintj the Soluble Beef in it. Let stand one hour, strain through cheesecloth and season. Tiiis is often beneficial in cases of extreme nausea. 45 PACE Albumenized Milk 4.3 Alphabet Soup 11 Appropriate Sauces , 31 Armour's Soluble Beef 41 Armour's Tomato Bouillon 33 Asparox 27 Aspic Jelly 38 Baked Fish 34 Beef Bouillon 12 Beef Tea 42 Brown Bread 37 Brown Soup Stock 11 Celeried Beef Tea 42 Chafing Dish Wrinkles ]') Cocoa Coriial 44 Corn Chowder 16 Cream of Asparox 29 Cream of Celery Soup 13 Cream Toast with Asparox 28 Creamed Lobster 21 Croquettes of Odds and Ends 17 Croutons 17 Easy Vegetable Soup 13 Egg-nog 43 Eggs a la Creme 22 Eggs in Cases 37 English Monkey 23 Escalloped Fish 30 Fricassee of Dried Beef 23 Frozen Beef Tea 42 Golden Buck .20 Iced Bouillon 12 Lobster a la Newburg 21 Macaroni Soup 14 Marguerites 37 Miscellaneous 36 Mock Mince Pie 22 Molasses Cookies 36 Murray Hill Potatoes (A la Asparox) 29 46 PACK Ox-Tail Soup 15 Oyster Cocktail .^4 Oyster Pan Roast 25 Pea Soup 12 Potagre a la Creole 16 Potato Soup 15 Rice Water 4.> Sardines a la Creole 35 Sauce Asparox 29 Sauces for Fish and Meats 31 Shredded Ham with Currant Jelly 24 Shrimp Wiggle 25 Shrimps a la Creole 24 Snickadoodle 3S Soluble Beef 41 Soup Making 8 Stewed Mushrooms 23 Stock for Soups 9 Suggestions for Using Armour's Tomato Bouillon 34 Table of Proportions 39 Thick White Sauce 2S Toast Water 45 Tomato Bouillon 34 Tomato Puree 35 Tomato Sauce 35 Tomato Soup 14 Turkey Soup 14 Veal Croquettes 2S \'egetable Soup 13 Welsh Rarebit 20 Wheat Muffins 36 Wine Jelly 44 ^. ^4 190S. 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