'fit' D 524 .H45 Copy 1 THIS WAR FORETOLD The Scriptural, Scientific and Historical Evidence. BY B. H. HAYNES, M. D. Quotations from fhe Bibl^ are all from the Copyrighted Standard American Version, and are used by permission from Thomas Nelson & Sons. The Scriptural evidence in chart below and in the pamphlet follow- ing proves that the Seventieth Week and the Time of the Gentiles mean the Christian Age. Also proof is advanced that the year 19 1 7 marks the middle of this Christian Age. A deduction made possible by the chart shows that the government which started this war is to be destroyed, but later will be recon- structed in a new form by the victor. (See Page XIII.). This chart represents our view June 25, 1918. •SEVENTY WEEKS Of{A\NNBY (THE ENTIRE BOOK ANAiyzeo B£I.OYt,ALSO r-/,Dv-o,^uT ,„. t.w.0RFacHtR ALL The tbxts are F/toM revelation) bh-h^^nLmd. eSWELKS 6R0UPI enoupu GRoum GROUPN GROUPS GROUPS IDAY EDAY CHURCHES 2:1-7 6EALS 2:a-ii ■fiPMn:--{4YR.f.(pAn<) 12: 1-6 13: 6:1-2 TRUr- PET B, 1:7 THUNi mn voi :[d a SYMBOLICAL 12 t\Li CURS :S 16:2 6:3-4 8:8-9 7-/7 ^ = {E\ I -10 ■H.-iz(^:»Yfa.M-(n^~. rnrcnomNG !^nNr -rn n i^TiANiTY GOVEHNIIlNn - TT.m.K7l \{nAN.\7:P-Pli\ CONTROL RY MO^T Hikti ■^.AdiMJA. SjyeNTlEJh WttK OR ef/VT((.f6 WCfM JUL 20 1918 ©CI.A501231 ^ 6? Ik VICTORY FORETOLD SEVENTY WEEKS SUPPLEMENT— INTRODUCTION NOTES, THIS WAR NOT ARMAGEDDON, IS MENTIONED IN PROPH- ECY, WILL BE ENDED IN YEAR 1918. Many persons are possessed of the idea that this war is the Armageddon of Scripture. If it is Armageddon it must conform to the Scriptural requirements. First, the chief center of fighting should be at the mountain of Megiddo, fifty miles north of Jerusalem. Second, there must be an army of 200,000,000 tanks. Third as a result of that battle a third part of the men on earth must be de- stroyed. Fourth, previous to the l}attle of Armageddon the whole human race should have come quite completely unde,r the preaching of the Gospel of Christ. Fifth, the Eu])hrates river must l;oiorc tlie battle have been dried up so as to furnish a "way" for the march of armies coming from the east. These five conditions have not been met in even a major part of any one of them. Therefore it is quite plain the present war is not Armageddon. Has this war then any place in prophecy? I believe it has. By the statements as well as by the signs and types given in Revela- tion we can divide the elapsed Christian age into four periods. The first of these periods closes with Constantine's Edict of Toleration in the year of our Lord 313. Thv second period closes when Mohammed began preaching in 611. The third period closes when the Italian Parliament relieved the Pope of Temporal Power in 1 (iPMCi. {■■■% YR.flpAYS) ,J^ Sri^BOLICAL riouR Id fl.*^-) (n/ 211: /2 : 7-/7 3^Tihn^ -if] AY.'^i I -10 CURS 1612 16:3 16 :^ 7 16: TIML AND [JlRNiT'^ if H.I -23 5:1-6 5:7-13 3:14-22 AMDS 6:9-11 6:U 17 (7.-/ -n) a: I 'CH.8:i NO 6 9 : 1 -u 3:13 Jl HAT^ I. V rn ^i mio:ii)j g'AX^ friRS A Isiconh (tiiir o\ ThyTs [to 16: 1, 83 I6:i0-ll 16:12-/6 16: 17 caniu GROUPW i7::' 18 CHiS 1 9:1 10 13:11 21 20:1-6 fftVlLAIION di:i TO CONC LU6I0N {2Z:6 ^') LJLRNITy tiC^SS :y: 9vVffHr YDS. 2S^A.D. 'V .^dA.D. (DANd: (DAN3. THE THMf IQ^ DtiOi'it loHS-^^ jRa 2G) ,62&\D srroNn HA If \NF[K nmi HAUL \NflW 284YK' 238YR\, ^i^m Z2AIL .jiMR .fill A D T I965A faffn/^afe^?(j . 12/ 12IUI tioo'rf rrrmiPi 1 jf jnj v (HAN. ': oi-4 Si. .3z: JHf (,nbv^\NC ^T\)Nr ~ rk f\\ ^Ji AN \ir \nAH.\7:2-2t COHTRSl fiy HOSl Hlt-ti'S .'JAINTS scvtN rir TH wcfn oh gcnth 13 wf f m THREE PIVOTAL POINTS BIBLE PROPHPJUY CHART. JtVENTT WffHS OH^wNBr (The £/vr/R£ BOOK an/kk.zed ^etow also 6.W.0«fSCHfR ALL TH£ TEX TS ARE Ff)o^ KE VELA TIOn) ^0'=>'«'^'" ^ «/J I j I 1 ■ 1 , ';*_ B.H. HA-r Uli, MO, '■ :;'•* * • '" ' — i. — iLONi mil Mv f CHART DEDUCTIONS AFTERTHOUGHT While oonstriietino: the chart — wlucli this pamphlet is an attempt to de- scribe — when a pai-tial solution Avoiild illuminate a portion of the field it was immediately recorded. And so workino; throufj:h the months as opportunity offered, discovery followed disciovery. At last the whole field of endeavor had l)een covered; and all the parts of the structure were in their proper places. Yet there was still dou))t ; perhaps what seemed a solution was only a delusion. The chart was given anothei- careful review, and there on its face stood the answer to all my qnestionins-. Unseen before, but now perfectly plain stood Ihe conclusive answer; The middle column and the middle groui) on the chart contain all the diineull ])roblems of its construction, and wondei- of wonders, TIIKV KORM A SVM.MKTinCAL CHOSS. Here then had lain the proof pos- sibly undiseovered until now. The still small voice spoke in my inner con- sciousness, "The solution is confirmed." It sang the words over and over again. Yes, the Mastci- \\'ho gave to John the vision and commanded him to write it (mt just as it was given, HID HIS INDIMDrAL :\IAlHv IX THAT \Vl\rnX(}. He must have i)ut it there as a sign to confirm and ciomfort those who by study seek to find out and know for thcm.selves Jehovah, and His l)uri)ose as revealed by His Son, Jesus Chi-ist. This cliMt't has been sold or given to about 2.500 clergymen. Just tliree ol).j('c1e(l to it. (hie said it i^ondicted with authorities. Another gave no rea- son. And tlie third, a colkge i)i-esi(lent, ex])lained that a "prophetic gap" occurs after the sixty-ninth week. The aiithoi- believes that if thei-e is such a ga]) it has at most only tlu' length of time that Chi-ist was engaged in his ac- tive eai-th-ministi-y. This was about three and a half years. But personally, we understand that seventy follows immediately after sixty-nine. The "False Prophet" mentioned on pages 16 and 20 is certainly the Mo- iiammedan faith. The two-horned-beast is the government that is to nile the world during the second half week. We were mistaken in thinking this beast the same as the "False Pi'ophet." Our manifest mistakes in the first edition bring out more sti'ongly the reliabilitv of the chart as a guide. The author accepts the claim of the Roman Catholic Church to that prophecy by Daniel concerning the three kings and the three horns (see "Postscript" page 19.) It therefore follows that if this figure does rep- resent the Head of that Church, the Pope would therefore meet defeat in 1917. Because our chart on the preceding page shoAvs that 1917 is the end /// of the "three and a half times." In 1917 the Pope made a strong plea to the nations for peace and its re-establishment. The Oejitral Powers cleverly turned this peace plea to their OMn use and by deceiving the Italians ac- complished their defeat. That the Pope was caught in so clever a manner by the Central Powers has subjected him to the adverse judgment of the whole world. So was fulfilled— in our opinion— the prophecy found in Daniel 7:25-26. And if there is any prophecy that tells when the war is to end, it is found in Daniel 12:11. This phase we have discussed in our "Afterthought" in the middle pages of this pamphlet. —The Author. March, 1918. The importance of the entering into the war of the American Democracy has become more evident since this pamphlet was publishe:! eight months ago. Eemember that the Italian Parlinment relieved the Pope of Temporal Power in the spring of 1871, and that the United States declared war on Germany April sixth, 1917. The interval is almost exactly 46 years after the act of that Parliament. Commentators agree that in Daniel and Revelation where the figure of a beast is used it refers to civil e:overrineiit. With this rule in mind it becomes plain that the seven-headed-ten-hoi'ued-beast of these books is the Roman civil government. The Kaiser claims for himself the position of power and dominion which Tiberius and the succeeding Caesars have exercised. Thus from the time of the Crucifixion to the present have the ideals of Roman civil government remained. Tiberius established the law of lese majesty and Wilhelm's throne is protected by it. This Roman ideal of government is autocracy. When the United States entered the war autoc- racy was challenged. That declaration of war seems the most significant act possible when we consider that the heathen institution of autocracy is thus placed at death grips with Christian democracy. With these thoughts in mind if one will read the twelfth chapter of Revelation it will suggest almost to the point of certainty that the decision for Avar by our democracy is the very act which marks the middle point of the "Gentiles' Week." This conviction makes some changes necessary in the dates on the chart: 1917 thus takes the place of 1918, An error in the length of the first "day" is also corrected. The two halves of the "fourth day" in the new chart* have each a length of 46 years. A change is also made in the "69 Week" line for the following reason: Daniel foretold the dates of the beginning and the ending of Christ's earthly ministry (Daniel 9:24-27). The day-for-a-y ear- rule that applies to this prophecy is found in the writings of Moses' and Ezekiel (Num. 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:4-8). The "69 weeks" prophecy ])effins early in the seventh year of the first Artaxerxes (Ezra 7:7-26). This" was'^the IV yoar 458 ]>. ('. Tlu' proplu-ey closed Mith "Messiah" arrived in 25 A. D. 'JMiis was tlie year Clirist was baptized and began preaching. The interval lietween the first, and the second date was 488 years. The "69 Aveeks" have i'.lso 4H'i (hiys. The "62 weeks" l)egan with the coronation ceremonies for the second Ai'taxerxes in 405 H. (". and eiuU'd with the Crucifixion in 29 A. D. 'i'lie interval was just 4:}4 years. And the "62 weeks" contain just 434 days, .lews iiave observed how i)erlectly these two time prophecies point out the loui- years Christ was engaged in His earth ministry. The Jews now apply the same day-for-a-year-rule to the promise in Daniel 12:11. This is the vital- izing text of Zionism 1)ecause Jews know tliat as a result of an alliance with 1lie Pei-sians llicy got po.ssession and control of Jerusalem and Palestine and held it foi- fouiteen years. Then they lost Jerusalem to the Ronums in 628 A. I). Tiius was suspended for the last time Jewish temple worship. Daniel's prophecy of "1290 days'' seems to point to this event. Add to the date 628 A. 1). Daniel's 1290 years, and the date of the promised restora- linn of Palestine to the Jews appeaj-s as 1918 A. D. Since the Allies captured .lerusalem in 1917, if the Jews are to get possession of Palestine in 1918, it seems most likely that it will occur as a result of a treaty. Such a treaty can hardly be made without being at the same tinu' the agreenuMit that nnist come at the end of the war. Jews were free to renew at Jerusalem their sacrifi- cial temple worship as soon as the city was captured, Dec. 27, 1917. And the iailure of the Jews so to do seems to point out that date as the middle point (tf the "Seventieth Week" (Dan. 9:27). The Kaiser's hope of being Po})e- l"hiii)er()i- of the world in his palace on the top of the IMountain of Olives was shattei-ed by this capt\ire. This analysis of i^ible histoi-y involves the prop- osition that at a tinu> not more than 45 years hence men commonly will be living to vei-y great ages. I have stated my belief on pages 12, 14 and 17 Ihat men during the "tilth day" jieriod are to live to such ages as did Abra- ham. A search of modei-n medical writings tends to support this belief. Be- fore oui- local medical society we delivered a paper Avhich was a review of recent lileratui'e. Some twenty-five articles and books were quoted to show the pi-esent tirnd towai-d a belief that old-age results chiefly from poisoning by disease gei'ms which are growing in the human tissues. And that immuni- zation as at present practiced will tend toward very greatly lengthening the span of life. This paper was published in the Journal Lancet of Minneapolis Feb. 1st. 1918. ' Nature's i-ecoi-d and the liible story ai-e equally God's books. My analysis of Scriptui'al time has two grand divisions. Each grand division has seven sub-divisions or "days." The period when Christ was teaching on earth marks the dividing point between the grand divisions In the Genesis account Creation's first six days are represented as completed But the "seventh day" is represented as continuing. I understijnd that the "seventh day" began when Adam fell into sin, and continued until that sin and all other transgressions were pardoned as the result of Christ giving up His life on the cross. This makes Creation's "seventh day" an era of about 4000 years. Also, I understand the seven letters to the churches of Asia in Revelation's second and third chapters are a chronological and prophetic history of Christ's earthly church. This historical accour.t is supplemented by six parallel historical accounts in the same book. The fourth of these seven accounts is the prophecy John made after hearing the secret message of the seven thunder-voices and after he, at the command of the angel, ate the book. Deep meaning and mystery are here indicated. The fourth letter to the churches— the one to Thyatira, and the supplemental accounts that appear in division four of each of the six subsequent and parallel accounts form a column presenting fully as deep difficulty and as great mystery. Column four and number four of the parallel accounts form a symmetrical and significant cross. It is graphically outlined in the accomj^anying chart. Chapter ten and the first thirteen verses of chapter eleven in Revc^bi- tion is a section evidently interposed into the midst of the account of tlie sixth trumpet. The reason for this confusion of order is evidently to nuike the problem of interpretation difficult. The command to John to seal up the message of the seven thunder voices confirms the theory that John pur- posely obscured the phophecy's meaning. If this account had stood in its logical place between chapters eleven and twelve the problems of Dani(4 and Revelation would have been solved more easily. Daniel also twice re- ceived similar commands to seal up prophecies (Dan. 8:26 and 12:4 and 9). Because in the sixth trumpet blast we have the account of the seven sealed-up thunder voices it seems necessary to give the author's interpretation of the figure of the trumpet blasts. I find the figui-e introduced by a state- ment which I understand means that the prayers of Christian people rospH in suffering for the Avilfully rebellious against Christ's rule. One-third of mankind only, are affected during each of the first four trrmpet blrst periods. Evidently this was due to the slow progress of evangelization and to conipi-o- mises Avith heathenism. During the fifth and sixth trumpet periods a gen- eral system is evidently to dominate all the peoples of the earth. The sev- enth trumpet period is the age when Christ's rule over the govei-nments of this, world is complete. Historically, the first trumpet age Avas a period of fiery evangelism. The second- trumpet Avas the age of pOAverful state-sup- ported extension of the Christian faith. The third trumpet tells of a "star" "WorniAvood" Avhich must be IMohammed and liis teaching. The fourth trum- pet pictures an age of extension and intensification th«.t must mean the pres- VI ent war ami llie coiulitioiis that led up to it, as well as tlie recousti-iu-tion peri- od that will follow. J^robahly the fifth tniiiipot will be a system of world- <.;Ovei-niHeiit whieh is to be inaujrurated in 19();i A. D., and eontiiiue diirinji- an a^e of jri-eat peaee and pi'osperity. Pi'obably also, the sixth trumpet is the picture of an age when the world through prosperity and pride has come to the final wiw — Armageddon. Piobably the experience of Armageddon will so educate the world that when the age of the seventh trumpet comes all llic resurreEled saints then living will acknowledge the rule of Christ. Tilt' wounded head of the beast pi'obably nu'ans the Jewish nation. After accepting the rule that in Daniel and Revelation the figure of a l)east is always a civil government we come to the question, what does the figui-e of a woman mean? The solution that seems to apply to all such figures and at the same time agi'ee with the known facts of history is that the woman is the type for God's church in this world. What then, is the ama/ing figure of the "woman" "liabylon" sitting on the sevendieaded-ten-horned-beast ' This seems (piite clearly to be the state supported church. Support of chui'ches by state money has ceased except in those countries of Europe with a monarchial foi-m of goveinment. Observe the position of chapters 17 and 1ort of chui'ches will disappear from the eai-th dni'ing the next 46 yeai-s. This system of state control of churches, thi'ough i>ay of ministers from state money, is so evidently a leading cause of the present war, that it is the commonly accepted prograui that state churches are to l)e disestablished in the reconstruction at the end of the war. A clear undei-standing that the figui'e "l>fd)ylon" api)lies to all the churches receiv- ing state financial aid will siirel\- hasten Ihe movement toward this disestab- lishment. The latter* half (»f the fourth day period evidently is to be a time of re- covei-y fj-om the war and a time of great social and religious activity. At its close a notable mas.s-movement of Jews to Christianity is foi'C-shadowed. This movement towards Christ by the Je^^■s, beginnini>- in 1963 A. D.. is to continue dui'ing the whole 168 yeai-s of the fifth day. Then will api)ear "them Avhich say they are Jews, and ai'e not, but do lie." Thus will the beginning of the sixth day be signalized. These ^alse Je\vs may easily be the gi-eat money- lords of those times and have theii- place of I'esidence in or near the city of Jei"usaleni. The Dragon f devil) and the Beast CA\orld-government) and the False l*ro])het (Mohammedism) will in the sixth day gather the i>eoples of the world to the battle of Armageddon. The size of the army shows that the woi-ld will then be very densely populated. We could not noAv possibly pro- duce that army of 200,000,000 1aid&L ^mn ?: 3i-^ s. {nAN.\7:^-j?l\ mOAY z:iz-) 7 6:5-6 A^JS 8: 10-11 ND riGUR FS Ft:^-)--in/ 16:4-7 2S) 2G) BH A.n . mOAY HDAYmDAYVnOAY^CTEnNITY is about 220 years less than was the time from man's creation to Christ's baptism. Christ said — we believe concerning this comparison — "And except those days had been shortened, no flesh would have been saved; but for the ele<5t's sake those days shall be shortened." (Matt. 24:?2). The prophecies giving the limits of the seven Christian periods are found in Daniel and Revelation, and indicate that the time from Christ to Constantine's Edidt of Toleration is the first of the seven Christian periods, and that the second Christian period lasts up to the time of Mohammed's proclamation of his teaching; while the third Christian period lasts up to the time when Temporal Power was withdrawn from the Pope by the Italian Parliament. The fourth Christian period lasts up to the time of the promised conversion of the Jews in A. D. 1963. (Dan. 12:12). The fifth Christian period lasts up to the time Jewish temple worship is re-established in A. D. 2131. (Dan. 8:11-14 and Rev. 3:9). For the length of the sixth and seventh Christian periods read page VIH. There is a bnef eighth period during which Satan holds sway on earth. (Rev. 1 1:7. 17;1 1. 20:7-10). It cannot be called a Christian period because the Christian age w^as closed ju^ previous to its beginning. Satan at that time seems able to blot out the influence of the Scripture*. It appears thi» age is the time of the second judgment. We are told Chris's chosen and faithful ones selected in the time of the first judgment are to escape this trial. (Rev. 20r4-6.) The two prophets w^ho are at the close of the Christian age slain by the devil are well represented by two Bible characters, John the Baptist and John the Beloved. Of the Bap- tist, Christ said no greater man has been born, and of the Beloved he said, "If I will that he tarry till I come." Each was intimately related to Christ and each holds his peculiar place at the close of one of the two Scriptures. The Baptist w^asthe last of the old line of prophets, and the Beloved is credited with being the writer of Revelation. Thus they in a special manner represent the Old and the New Testaments. These two records co-operating like two men are to dominate the thought and history of the latter half of the Christian age. Therefore the prophets are the Jewish and the Christian faiths. ( This is to correct a contrary statement made on page IX). "Babylon," the state supported church, continues to near to close of the sixth Christian period. (This is to corre