?i,?l '^-rP^^^'^^s^' ''C V^ SONGS FROM THE WAYSIDE BY NINETTE M. LOWATER A. BooK of Verse j0^ The royal sun, the beauty of the night, The waters, moaning with mysterious fear, The flitting wind, with touches soft and light. The swaying trees, the blossoms fair and bright- All have a message for the listening ear. LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two CoDies Received JAN 8 1909 Copyrltfnt bntry iWv. vT CLASS Oy^' XXc, No, Copyrig'Kt 190G, by tKe JHti^\\or THE SUN PRESS, SPRING VALLEY, WIS, achlnowledgi:ment Nearly all the poems in this volume have ap- peared previously in Leslie's Monthly, The Youth's Companion, The New York Sun, The New York Herald, Smart Set, The Churchman, Midland Month- ly, and other magazines and periodicals. Their kind permission to reprint is hereby acknowledged. THis booK is Dedicated to XHe Friends ■wHose Love and SympatHy Have inspired it MRS. ninhtte: m. lowatelr OCCASIONAL POEMS Memory Memory, bind fast with many a coil Tiie wealtii of years wliich I have given to you; If to my faith and trust you prove untrue, What have I left, of all a lifetime's spoil? 1 gave you pictures of the far-off sea, Lashed by wild winds, or still as if asleep; Of rivers poising for a downward leap. Or winding through still valleys, calm and free. I gave you pictures of great fields of grain, Rippling like waves beneath the western breeze; Of forests yet unspoiled, whose giant trees Have braved unharmed a century's wind and rain. And more than these, I gave into your hold Tones that were sweet and faces that were dear. The touch of hands that dried each childish tear. Now hidden deep beneath the churchyard's mould. Dear words from tongues that speak, alas! no more, Dear looks from eyes long closed upon earth's strife; Keep them, 1 pray, and guard them all my life; Memory, hold fast my golden store. OCCASIONAL XHe Song of Labor I sing the song of the workman; The joy of the man whose hand Leaps to fulfil, with practised skill, The keen, sure brain's demand; Who knows the joy of creation, Who stands with the Lord as one, Sees what was wrought from hidden thought. And can say of his work, "Well done!" Others may seek for rank and wealth. And search the wide world through; He knows the deep where grand thoughts sleep, Which Tubal Cain once knew. Beauty may lie in a woman's eye, And dwell on her lips so sweet — It lives as well in the engine's swell, And the piston's throbbing beat. The arch which defies the river's flood And holds its waves in check, Is fair as the line where tresses twine, Or the curve of a snowy neck. And he who can feel such beauty's power, And bid it live and move. Knows a deeper bliss than a maiden's kiss Can give to the heart of love. Some must lie soft and feed daintily, Or the soul of them makes moan; But little he heeds who finds his needs In the maker's joy alone. OCCASIONAL Sorrow and pain may come to him — Tiiey surely come to all — But ever he feels a strength that steels His heart to the shafts that fall. He gladly greets the coming years; They bring him added skill. He feels no ruth for the loss of youth; His goal is nearer still. And only this he asks of fate — That he may keep his dower Of strength and will, and labor's skill Unto his life's last hour. XHe Place of My Desire Through many weary years, From dawn to sunset's fire, I've sought, with pain and tears. The Place of my Desire. Perhaps they told me wrong, Perhaps I missed the road; Still with a purpose strong I seek that fair abode. I see it in my dreams — How pleasant, and how fair! Its towers, with golden gleams. Shine through the cloudless air. There is no hated task, There only friendships stay; 10 OCCASIONAL There are the joys I ask, The year is always May. O, Place of my Desire! Since but in dreams I take The path that leads me nigher," O, may I never wake! THe World's Great Peace I saw the navies of the allied world Riding at ease within a sheltered bay; In peace and quiet, side by side they lay, For all the battle-flags at last were furled. The angry cannon stood, all still and grim. Like dogs in leash straining to find a foe; Yet all the ports were closed, and to and fro The ships swayed lightly on the ocean's rim. Never again their thunder shall declare Ruin and death for helpless shore and land; They kept the peace of seas from strand to strand. And bandit cruisers feared to leave their lair. Allied in peace, each nation claimed their aid Only against the enemies of all; No guardian fortress from their fire shall fall, And only crime hides from them, sore afraid. Alas! The dawning, with its golden gleam, Awoke me to a world where wars increase; The keepers of the allied world's great peace Passed with my dream — ah, was it but a dream? OCCASIONAL 1 1 Contentment My garden is a tiny plot, Where winds have barely room to play, A quiet, hidden little spot. Wherein alone for hours 1 stay. Few flowers are there — you who may pass Where blossoms dream their life away In rank on rank beneath the glass. Would find them scarce one glance repay. But for me each one hides the gold Of summer in its chalice fair; And when my one red rose I hold, My June is crowned with rapture rare. Son^ of a Bird Just a little bit of feather And life and song, all held together By a heart almost too small to beat, With cobweb wings and twinkling feet. Where, in a body as small as this, Does he store the passion of joy and bliss. Of life in its utmost ecstasy. Which his little throat pours out to me? No shadow of fear his heart can know, Or that perfect music could not flow So sweet, so clear, so exultingly. As light as the winds, as wild and free! He is surely the heart of the summer weather. Life, joy, and song, in a bit of feather! 12 OCCASIONAL THe Corn A song of the corn, the sturdy corn, which bright- ens this land of ours: Its tender green in the early spring is fairer than blossoming flowers; It amber silk,, with its glossy sheen, is fit for a fairy's loom, And dearer its dimpled, golden ears than the rose or lily's bloom. For they bear the promise of happy hours to the man who toils for bread. When he need not fear that his little ones must go to sleep unfed. There are lovely flowers in this land of ours, wher- ever the foot may fall, The tongue and the ear alike would tire, should I try to tell them all, From the arbutus on Atlantic shores to the golden poppy's gleams. As bright as the metal which lies at its roots by Californian streams; But never a flower such gifts has gained from the sun and dews of morn. Or stands more fair in the summer air than the blessed, golden corn! OCCASIONAL 13 Angels of tHe HouseKold Not they who cluster round the hearth With cheerful looks and smiles, Who charm away our care and grief With loving words and wiles; Upon whose cheek the bloom of health Has left the roseate glow — No, these are not the angels sent To guide our steps below. For often we forget that life Is but a passing day, That all its bliss, its joys and hopes, Like mist will fade away, And strive to win for those we love Pride's highest rank and name, Forgetting that the silent grave Knows not of earthly fame. But when the twilight shadows fall Upon the weary earth. When e'en the children leave their play, And hush their noisy mirth, Then memory o'er our heartstrings sweeps Her shadowy, mystic wand, And those we loved in other days Again beside us stand. Again our mother's loving voice With music cheers our way; Once more we clasp the prattling babe We lost but yesterday; OCCASIONAL And every love that heaven has caught From earth's unkindly shore, Again to us in fancy comes, To bless us, as of yore. And when by earthly cares recalled We put our dreams away, How worthless seems the dross of earth Which over us held sway. Our hearts are purer than they were, And free from passion's tides; The dearly loved, but early lost — They are our angel guides. Nature's Miracle He who loves not a noble tree No fellowship may claim from me. Deep in the earth its great roots spread, But heaven's own blue surrounds its head. It holds the joys of summer's morn, The strength of winter's wildness born. God's birds find shelter in its arms. Secure from everything that harms. It bows when south winds wander past, But breasts unharmed the fiercest blast. 'Tis Nature's miracle to me, Her fairest work — a noble tree. OCCASIONAL 15 XHe Blizzard In the Polar night, with its snows eternal, Of its cold and darkness 1 was born; To me came the knowledge of meadows vernal. And I left my lair accursed and forlorn. Swift were the wings that southward bore me. Far and wide spread my desolate track; I found not the South, for it fled before me. And death and destruction were close at my back. Oh, how 1 laughed, when the grass in the valley Blackened and withered beneath my tread! I laughed when I heard the south wind rally His forces to hurl at my conquering head. But my strong wings drooped, and fear assailed me. My soul grew sick with the scent of flowers; I fled to the North, which never failed me. Away from the weakening southland bowers. Here I crouch in my desolate eyrie. Till strength shall come to my wings again. Till the day when, no longer faint and weary, I shall visit again the homes of men! 16 OCCASIONAL A Song of Nature Two things are ever dear to me — A river and a noble tree. Two things are always sweet to know — The sun, and south winds when they blow. Two things the world with beauty fill — The red rose and the whip-poor-will. Two things are earth's supreme delight — A rainbow and the stars at night. An Invocation 0, spirit of the summer time, Bring back the verdue to the hills, And from the winter's frost and rime Free the unhappy, captive rills. Unbind the lances of the storm. Set free the sweet, imprisoned rain. Where now the snow's battalions form Let bud and bloom appear again. OCCASIONAL Circumstance Say what we may, do what we will, Circumstance is our master still; Lord of us all, it sets the bounds Through which we toil in weary rounds. Who thinks to force its firm-set bars As well might overleap the stars; Who wins, however keen his wit, May know he is its favorite. Love Love is the touchstone of the noble soul; If e'er it harbored one dishonoring thought, Or deed unworthy to completion wrought, It shrinks abashed from clear-eyed Love's control. The idols which it worshipped seem but clay, The treasures which it cherished fairy gold. Which vanishes from e'en the closest hold; And like dim stars which pale before the day Are all affections which it once held dear. It counts no time but hours the loved one shares; No themie but one deafname pervadesits prayers; It fears no darkness so that love shines clear. All which it once desired is now forgot; Ambition, pnde, unto their master bow. And heaven and hell have but one meaning now — The place where Love is, or where he is not! 18 OCCASIONAL TKe Call ''Come," said a voice to tlie poet, as he sought an elusive rhyme One night v/hen the v/orld was sleeping, in the heart of the sweet May-time; "Oh, how can 1 come?" he answered, "let me alone, 1 pray. For the verse 1 now am weaving the hearts of men will sway." "Come," said the voice to the statesman, as he stood in the Senate hall. And men moved on at his bidding, as troops at a bugle call; "How can 1 come?" he answered, "my sun at its zenith stands — Ere it sets my name shall be spoken through all the earth's wide lands." "Come," said the voice to a mother with her chil- dren at her knee, Dreaming how safe and happy their life at her side should be; "Oh, 1 cannot come," she answered; "1 pray you, let me stay — . For how can I leave my darlings to wander far away?" No other word was spoken, but the poet dropped his pen. The statesman's name was heard no more upon the lips of men. The children found no mother, though they called OCCASIONAL 19 with sobbing breath — For the voice which spoke all must obey — it was the voice of Death. 20 " OCCASIONAL Life They lived, they loved, they wrought In fair domains of thought. Or grim want's battlefield. Where manhood is revealed; Then passed; and few can say Where once they stood, to-day; And this is the epitome Of all that has been, or shall be. My Lady Spring My Lady Spring came walking in, Only the other day; So long we looked, so late she staid. We feared she'd missed the way. "O Lady Spring, dear Lady Spring, Why did you make us wait? If you had come a month ago You still had been too late." But Lady Spring said not a word — She only turned and smiled; Ah! Well she knew no one could chide. By such a look beguiled. OCCASIONAL 25 Cities may crumble 'neath the guns Which guard our flag unfurled, Yet all shall greet — at last — King Wheat, For hunger rules the world. My Song Once in my early youth I knew a song, I know not how I learned it now, or when; But oh, it was so sweet! If I had sung The world perforce must all have listened then. But many a pathway lured my willing feet, And oft I tarried long at pleasure's gate; And when I heard a whisper, "You should sing," I said "It will be sweeter if I wait." But when the length'ning shadows eastward turned, And heavier grew the burden I must bear, I said "I shall forget it if I wait, Now I must sing my song, so sweet and rare." But ah, I had forgotten! And the world. Restless and eager, would not turn aside; None heard the faint, uncertain notes which rose, Trembled and faltered, and in silence died. 26 OCCASIONAL XHe Passing of Summer All garlanded with golden grain, And bearing fruits and berries red, The Summer followed those great streams By which the gulf is fed. With her the singing birds have gone, And all the dainty woodland flowers; There is a shadow on the noon, A hush upon the bowers. No more the yellow sun rides high And calls on sluggards to arise; We watch and wait to see him drive The pale moon from the skies. The trees are gay with painted leaves, The crickets fiddle loud and shrill, But the far path that summer took Is lipne and lonely still. E-artH, tHe Beaxitifvil I think the time will never be When earth will not seem fair to me. If I may see the arching sky. With fleecy cloud-wrack floating by; A tree with green, uplifted head. And clover in its shadow spread; Or see a river's stately flight, Its ripples dancing in the light; Though keen my sorrow, 'deep my woe, OCCASIONAL 27 Yet happiness my heart must know. Or if to sleepless eyes no ray Should enter from the brighest day If I might smell a violet My darkened way I should forget, And in my fancy see once more The woodland aisles with boughs arched o'er, And gathered thickly round my feet The bending wild flowers, fair and sweet. Or if my hand might hold a rose, The garden gate would swift unclose, And rank on rank would bloom for me Far fairer flowers than now I see. . The ocean waves would sing for me Their mournful, vibrant symphony; And when in organ tones arise Storm voices grandly to the skies. My puny woe, ashamed to stay. With them would quickly pass away, And in the deep succeeding calm, My soul would join in nature's psalm. 28 OCCASIONAL After The merry Christmas tide is past, The chiming New Year bells are still; And veiled by memory's circling mist, The old year passes down the hill. On to life's lotus-land he goes — The time of youth, when all was fair; Already seem his sorrows less, His pleasures great beyond compare. And often in the future days. Remembrance of his sunny hours Will make us sigh for gladness past. As Autumn sighs for springtime flowers. But now we turn from him away And gaze adown the path that lies Before us, bright with fancy gleams Beneath hope's fair unclouded skies. But ever through the songs of mirth This minor, sad refrain we hear; "Sometime a glad New Year will dawn. And I, alas! shall not be here!" TKe Storm The storm is abroad in its wrath and might — God pity the souls at sea; Oh, ye who kneel down in your homes to-night. Give thanks for your safe roof-tree. OCCASIONAL 21 THe Winds The winds are up, the winds are out, What is the use for men to strive? See how they beat the waves about, And toss the ships as though alive. Here stood a city in their path, Where oft they stopped to rest and play; Last night they came in stress and wrath, And not a soul was left to pray. Who guides their courses fleet and free? Who knows the ways by which they come? And when they charge o'er land and sea, Who turns them backward to their home? THe Tempest The war-ships of the tempest Are sweeping through the sky; We listen to their booming guns, And see their pennons fly. They are the sky's Armada, Which nothing can withstand; The only orders they obey Are given by God's own hand. And when His hand is lifted To bid their fury cease, The Bow of Promise lights the clouds- The signal of His peace. 22 OCCASIONAL JKn Easter Son g I lay awake at midnight before the Easter day, I saw the stars shine brightly along the milky way. The scent of tender blossms filled all the dewy air, The world with reverent gladness was quiet, as in prayer. Earth's organ tones were silent, but through the pine's dark crest There ran an eager whisper of happiest unrest. I thought of that dark evening long centuries ago, When night closed down with horror upon the world's great woe. The black night saw the Saviour lie sleeping in the grave, And hearts grew faint with terror, for there was none to save. But joy came with the morning, light chased away the gloom — He was not dead, or sleeping, but risen from the tomb. Would I had heard the singing of birds upon that day, Had seen the happy blossoms, or known what south winds say. But while I waked and wondered the Easter morning broke, And all earth's myriad voices in sweetest music woke. "The Lord, the Lord has risen," the happy birds proclaim. OCCASIONAL 23 "Fill all the world with singing, in glory to His name." O, heart of mine, awake from silence and from sleep. Join in the swelling chorus — your soul's glad Easter keep. Bind offerings of lilies upon His temple stairs, And He who loves the blossoms will hearken to your prayers. And when unto your duties you tread the accus- tomed way, Keep in your heart His promise — be each an Easter day. Twilig'Kt A golden glory in the sky. Mirrored in waves which strive no more; The cry of night-birds, flitting by, And lo ! the day is o'er. The crescent moon-disc, rising slow, With one attendant, radiant sphere; A cloud across the sunset's glow, And lo! the night is here. 24 OCCASIONAL , I\ing' "WKeat You may tell of your armored cruisers, And your great ships of the line; And swift or slow may steamers go Across the billowy brine. Like thunder may the cannons boom To greet their flags unfurled, And hour for hour, they may have power To rule the frightened world. From ocean shore to ocean shore Lie lines of gleaming steel. And night or day, we hear alway The ring of rushing wheel; Though buffalo have left the plain, ^ And Indian tents are furled, Nor steam nor hand at wealth's command Can rule the busy world. But where the hillside rises fair In terraces of green. And on the plain, where wind and rain Sweep fields of golden sheen, Where sturdy yellow stalks arise, With bannered heads unfurled, Here you may greet the great King Wheat, The ruler of the world. Oh, hills may shake and vales resound Beneath the flying car, And driven by steam and winds a-beam Our ships ride fast and far; OCCASIONAL 29 My Little Maid -witH LavigHing Eyes There's a new grave on the hill tonight Where yester-morn the grass grew bright, And snow-white waving daisies hid The cricket and the katy-did; Now deep within its shadows lies My little maid with laughing eyes; She sleeps beneath the mound so bare, And oh, my heart lies buried there. Oh, little maid with laughing eyes, And sunshine in your silken hair. You sweetly sleep, while long hours creep, But oh, my heart lies buried there. Her little feet will never tread The thorny paths where mine have bled; No shade of sorrow or of sin Will hide those laughing eyes within; No frost of years shall touch one tress. Or dim its glorious loveliness; Her sleep is sweet, with visions fair. But oh, my heart lies buried there. Oh, little maid with laughing eyes, And sunshine in your silken hair, So sweet your sleep I may not weep, But oh, my heart lies buried there. 30 OCCASIONAL XKe Aurora Borealis The rose of winter blossoms in the sky; High o'er the cloudless arch its petals lie; Such changing hues no earth-flower ever wore, But in an hour it fades — to bloom no more. Poetry No word of all the languages can tell what it may be; They cannot make us understand its spirit fine and free. We only know it by the flame it kindles in the heart, Which consecrates us evermore its high priest, set apart. Elusive as the wandering wind, or as the wild flower's breath, Yet all things earthly it defies — it triumphs over death! After tHe Snow A strange new world spreads out before my eyes, A world of silence and of mystery; Where'er I turn 1 meet some new surprise, Some evanescent beauty waiting me; What weird enchanter waved his magic wand, And changed to marble all the living land? OCCASIONAL 31 The DeatH Song of tKe Trees "We are doomed," sighed the trees, "for ever and ever come nigher The axe and the biting saw, and the all-devouring fire. We are strong to meet our fate, but woe for the innocent things Which have lived their happy lives in the peace our shelter brings. The deer will find no refuge from the hunter's deadly gun. The frail wild flowers will wither in the glare of the noonday sun; The streams will dry at their fountains, the nest- ling birds must go. The whole fair land will be stricken with loneliness and woe. No more to the parching southland will the winds bring cooling balm; They will pass an arid desert, with death in its changeless calm. "Alas," sighed the trees together — the wail swept on and on — "Alas for the beautiful land, when its guardian trees are gone!" 32 OCCASIONAL One Day Oh, day of days! If I had known Before thy wondrous light had flown, Or if I had but dimly guessed With thee would pass all peace and rest. Then had I set each hour of thine In memory's most sacred shrine. Swiftly the minutes sped away. And brought the close of that fair day: With tender words and clasping hands We parted on the golden sands, And love, alas, henceforth can be Only a memory to me. Through all that day, whose flying hours Seemed shining links in chains of flowers, Beside us walked the spectre. Death, With pallid cheek and icy breath. And yet no step, no shadow grim. One moment turned our thoughts to him. Oh, day of days! F'orevermore I live in thought thy minutes o'er. Striving to win some tone or look From dim Oblivion's closing book. And sighing, "Oh, that I had known Before thy shining hours had flown!" OCCASIONAL 33 Spring Poetry They say that poets never Should sing of budding spring; I wonder if they ever Have heard the robins sing, Or found the wind-flowers growing Upon a hillside gray, Where snows were lately blowing, And spring seemed far away. Let those talk on who never Have seen the catkins start. Fed from the tide that ever Flows through the tree's green heart; Who never saw earth brighten When south winds come to stay, Or felt their own heart lighten When blue skies follow gray. But we who know the glory When earth awakes from sleep, Who hear the new-old story Told in the river's leap, When first, its ice-bonds riven, It moves, a sentient thing — We to whom this is given May surely sing of spring. 34 OCCASIONAL TKe City of No NigHt The day passed through the twilight's open bars, And in the darkenedsky the pale moon shone, The stately Night claimed her imperial throne; And from her shadow gleamed the waiting stars. Yet knew the city nothing of the Night. — A clear, white splendor burned above the way, Nearer and softer than the orb of day. And darkness fled before its radiant light. Hidden and chained, the dynamos complain, And murmur, yet the master's will obey; Theirs is the task to steal the light of day, And set men free from night's insiduous reign; With this his servant, fettered to his will, Man conquers darkness, and the day stands still. OCCASIONAL 35 TKe Old OaK Tree The sweetest thing of earth to me Is the south wind in the old oak tree. It moves the branches to and fro; The shadows dance on the grass below. The leaves move lightly in the air — Their rustle seems a whispered prayer. Deep in the tangled grass 1 lie, Seeing but glimpses of the sky. So thick the green leaves are above, So light, so soft, the breezes move, I wonder not that men have stood Before some giant of the wood, And made it of their prayers a shrine, Deeming it held a soul divine. 36 OCCASIONAL Morning Over the clear, deep blue of the sky a film of silver steals, And lower in the star-gemmed west the radiant moon-disc wheels. No earth can I see around me, only an opal mist, Which in the horizon's verge afar changes to amethyst. One by one the stars grow pale, and a blush like the heart of a rose Springs from the mist to the eastern sky, and clings, and deepens, and grows. Behold, a shaft of golden light, which pierces the fog-wrack white. The trees lift up their stately heads, and earth is bathed in light. I have seen the world created — it is pure, and fair and new; God said again "Let there be light," and lo, the sun burst through. OCCASIONAL 37 THe DasKer CK\irr\ Down by the spring in the shade of the trees, I churn my cream in the cool of the day ; Many and many a time I've seen My grandmother churn in the selfsame way. Since then, full many a patent churn Has lived its life and had its day ; But in spite of all that has come and gone, I churn my cream in the old-time way. The butter comes in a golden ball. Fresh and sweet as the flowers in May; Was it better in the days gone by? Is it better in the newer way? And so there is many an old time thing Which you think is buried and gone for aye: But you will find that it's living yet, Like the dasher churn I use to-day. Truth and honor arid noble lives — They are out of fashion now, you say — But the germ in every heart survives And the world grows better day by day. 38 OCCASIONAL TWe Water What is it that aileth the waters — the river, the lake, the sea? Forever a miserere they chant of a grief to be. They have garnered the fear and terror from aeons of pain and woe, And from land to land go sobbing in minors weird and low. Only the heart sore-stricken by sorrow's heavy • hand Can hear below the rythm, interpret, and under- stand; Only the soul grown hopeless can hear again and again To earth's cry of baffled longing, the water's sad "Amen." OCCASIONAL 39 Too Late Too late! The words came sounding through the ages, Filled with the burdens of all human life; Too late to turn Love's open, roseate pages, Too late to quench the flames of cruel strife. Too late for friendships slipped away forever. For gracious deeds, by loving kindness sped; Ah, happiest of all are they who never Have cried 'loo late" above the unheeding dead. Swift moves the hand of Time across the dial ! This hour is thine — thy certain gift from fate ; It has no space for respite or re-trial^ — Be thine the boon to find it not too late. Lilies Lilies, lilies red and gold, lilies white as snow, Which is fairest of them all — who can ever know? Yet, methinks this creamy one with the waxen cup Saw our Savior's loving glance when he took it up, And has kept it in its heart through the Summer's glow. And has thought of that alone, underneath the snow ! 40 OCCASIONAL XHe Reapers I will sing you a song of a reaper ; his tireless scythe he swings, With the clover blooms around him lying in broken rings; The air grows faint and heavy with the weight of their perfumed breath, And their rosy hues fade out beneath the unspar- ing hand of death. I will sing you a song of a reaper; he moves o'er the uplands brown. And wherever his sickle flashes the ranks of the corn fall down; Yesterday tall and stately it stood in its ripened pride — To-day it is lying helpless and bound on the bare hillside. I will sing you a song of a reaper; through the forest his ax-stroke rings, Where stand the oaks which braved the storms through the reigns of a hundred kings; Deep have the great roots clasped the earth, the grand heads seek the sky. But puny man has doomed them, and beneath his hand they die. I will sing you a song of a reaper; his sickle hath no man seen, We hear not his step on the upland, or down on the meadows green; OCCASIONAL But he ever moves among us, through the city and forest deep, And they whom his finger touches in silence his secret keep. But the corn which bowed down to the reaper, and the fragrant grass laid low, Fed the hungry kine and their master when the north winds brought the snow. And the trees which the wind and lightning had spared thsse many years Have made a dwelling-place for man, where he rests, secure from fears. And the Master hath sent forth the reaper who gathers the fair and dear, He will add them to His treasure, which He keeps to His hand anear; And no more than the corn or the clover, or the stately forest tree. Can we tell where He will use them — but the Master holds the key. 42 OCCASIONAL XHe Cro'wclecl Hour I do not love the city's roar, Like hungry beasts unsatisfied; Its canoned streets where evermore Pours back and forth a human tide; I do not love the way that lies Along the shadowed, sunless street; The stabbing stare of stranger eyes. The ceaseless din of stranger feet; I stifle in the lifeless air. The arch above is strange to me; I long to see the meadows fair, Where heaven's own winds may wander free; I long to see the fleckless skies Bend o'er me, like a jeweled cup, To see the unveiled sun arise, And to the stars at night look up. Give me the sweet companionship Of bird, ^nd bee, and wayside flower; Let me from Nature's chalice sip. And with her live my crowded hour ! OCCASIONAL 43 TKanKsgiving Thank God for Love. Though one kind heart alone Respond with true affection to your own; Though all beside unheeding pass you by, Yet light divine illumes your earthly sky- Thank God for Love! Thank God for Life. Though rough the path you know, Though well acquaint with poverty and woe. While you at morn the earth's fair face behold, While night still spreads her pomp of rose and gold- Thank God for Life! Thank God for Death. After the summer hours Beneath the snow sleep all the weary flowers; So, after all Life's pains and joys are past. Shall Death bring kindly rest for all at last- Thank God for Death! 44 OCCASIONAL In j\n Ancient Wood I stood within a winding woodland aisle, With trees like pillars wrought with wondrous wile; Vines wreathed them, draped with curious droop and turn, And deep their bases sank amid the fern. From pale flower-censers, slowly swinging there, A fragrance filled the cool, illumined air; Wandering through arches deep, mysterious, dim, Tones echoed sweet as song of seraphim; Low, penetrating, harmonies unordered, new, With choruses triumphant breaking through; They filled my heart, as waters fill the sea, And from life's galling bonds my soul rose free. In this undesecrated grove, alone, 1 found a temple unto man unknown, With roof and buttress, column, architrave, Nobler than human skill e'er planned or gave, Filled with illusive fragrance of the leaf And wood-flower, whose frail life is sweet as brief; I heard the birds, to whom alone is given To sing on earth the harmonies of heaven; Thus near to nature, like our earlier race, I lost the greed of gold and love of place; A higher level my glad spirit found — Then knew I that I stood on holy ground. OCCASIONAL 45 A Song' of Hope Beyond the narrow limit which marks our mortal marge Dwell they once prisoned with us, whom death has set at large. Not in some walled-in city beyond our planet's ken Bide they who once were with us, but in the homes of men. Unseen they move among us; we pass them on the stair; At eve they sit among us, in each accustomed chair; But to the words they utter our ears are deaf and sealed; Not unto eyes earth-shadowed is one dear face revealed. But in each soul's recesses they touch a chord which thrills, E'en as the rain-drop reaches the pulses of the hills. 46 OCCASIONAL THe NigHt CometH Sometime a day shall dawn for thee In which thine eyes no change may see; The sun will shine, with wonted grace, On every dear, familiar place; No cloud will veil its skies with gloom, Yet it shall be thy day of doom. Thy life web shall unfinished stand Where falls the shuttle from thy hand; No loving deed can add its gold, No kindly word, in silver told, May broider its design for thee — Once stopped, the loom shall idle be. Then, since each morn may bring the day When unseen hands thy work shall stay. Let every act and word of thine Fulfil the harmonious design; Weave life's strange web with watchful care- Each thread may be the last one there. OCCASIONAL 47 THe Coxirt of "War Not all an evil is war, grim and stern, It is the sword, swift, keen, which pierces through The shell of wrong, the ancient or the new, And brings to judgment lands that will not learn. It is the mighty, unchained force, which draws All hidden tyrany to fullest light. The Court of Last Appeal to God and right, Where each stakes life and freedom for his cause. And he who offers this, when duty calls To save his country's honor, serve her need. Who meets death unafraid — whate'er befalls, Has he not gained the heighth of human deed? He has known all that life can hold to give, And if he die, has felt what 'tis to live. 48 OCCASIONAL My Valentine The sun comes shining up the slcy; Its warmth gives promise of the spring: Though cold and white the snowdrifts lie, The happy birds begin to sing. But in my heart no sweet chimes ring, I feel no token of Love's spring; Shine out, maiden, maiden mine, Upon your lonely Valentine. Through all the day, like silver bells. The old rhyme in my heart has rung; Like water in unfailing wells, The love in it is ever young; 'The rose is red, the violet blue, The pink is sweet, and so are you." O listen, maiden, maiden mine. So sings your loving Valentine. Dispel the night that round me lies! Shine out, sun that makes my spring ! Look kindly with those lovely eyes. Whence Cupid's arrows gain their sting ! She comes — how balmy sweet the air ! She smiles — the earth is passing fair ! With loving glance and hand in mine, I've won her for my Valentine. SONNETS SONNETS 51 XHe Tide of Years Come back, Youth, with all your hopes and fears ' Across the years which thickly intervene; I do not ask your hair of silken sheen, Your rosy cheeks, or eyes that shine through tears; Nay — though this mirrored visage strange appears. Like some pale mask which rudely comes between And hides the face so long and often seen, For this I do not call across the years. But give me back the joy and courage high. The bounding pulse, the ardent soul of yore. The hope 1 knew when long life spread before. And all Life's gifts seemed in my path to lie. Let Age pile frost on my devoted head, So thou, Youth, reign in my heart instead. A Vision of Life I saw a mighty caravan with slow Steps move across a bare and wind-swept plain; As wave crowds wave upon the tossing main, So each his brother drove with threat and blow. Far in the west the mist hung thick and low. Yet on they moved, and none turned back again. Eastward, from purple shades swept on the train — Whether or whence no watching eye might know. Long gazed I on the soft and shrouding mist 52 SONNETS Which wavered, thinned, and almost drew aside, With hues that changed from gray to amethyst; And portals which held fast the living tide. Nor knew, until I felt its folds touch me. That 1 was one of that strange company. j\ S\immer Day To lie in clover and watch the sky As the sun nears the gateway of the west, While like tall galleons seeking home and rest, The bright clouds gather and roll swiftly by; To see the bees in their luxurious quest From bloom to bloom with busy ardor fly. While mother-birds, with long-drawn, plaintive cry. Recall the little wanderers to the nest; To hear the murmer of complaining trees, The beat of far-off waves upon the shore. To feel the light touch of the south wind's kiss, And look through Nature's eyes, until one sees Her myriad timid lives, unknown before, — Oh, what on earth can be so sweet as this? SONNETS 53 TKe EartK is Ov»r Own The earth is ours? Nay, tenants are we all, Tenants at will of unrelenting fate; Even now, before life's opening outer gate They stand, to whom the earth full soon will fall. Theirs are the streams ye drain from fancied needs, The trees ye fell, and leave a place of death Instead of forests with their healing breath, The falls that vanish to exploit your deeds. What will ye answer, when of you they ask "Where is the beauty which you held in trust? What use to us these heaps of golden dust, With earth a prison where we do our task?" TKe Silent Singers Where are they now, dead singers of dear songs? Where are the souls, vibrant with melody. Whom sweet sounds sought as waters seek the sea, To whom great thoughts converged in shining throngs? From them seemed lifted Eden's primal curse — They talked with angels, and were unafraid; Can death destroy those thrilling chords which made Them harps y^olean of the universe ? When some great star sends down its shining light, 5 4 SONNETS 1 wonder if they, waiting, learn to know The meaning of the planets, as they go Singing together on their pathway bright, And if they come, in visions of the night, And chant those wondrous harmonies below. Regret When first from thy dear eyes the love-light fled, And rigid grew those tender lips, and cold. From out my heart arose the cry of old, "Oh, would that thou had'st lived and I were dead." But now 1 bend above thy hidden head When night draws near with pomp of rose and gold. Or breath thy name when Dawn's white lids unfold. And gladness mingles with the tears I shed. For since for evermore one of us twain Must bear Grief's chrism upon an aching brow, And evermore must listen, but in vain. For tones sealed with eternal silence now. And long for death as misers long for gain, — 'Tis well, beloved, thai 'tis I, not thou. SONNETS 55 Fifty Degrees Belo-NV Zero We see the pale, reluctant day appear Slowly above the hills that hem us round; The small, cold sun is rainbow ringed and bound, And on each side shines out a sister sphere. From the deep wells white shafts of vapor rear Their misty shapes, in frigid sunlight drowned, And the awed ear is startled by the sound Of bursting tree-trunks, in the forest near. The brief day passes and gives place to night — Night with dark skies, and stars that burn and glow, With triple moons o'f luminous, clear light, Banded with all the hues the prism can show. Fair lies the world, stilled by the winter s breath — But 'tis the beauty and the calm of death. 56 SONNETS THe Empty Nest To-day I found a little empty nest, Fashioned with rarest and most patient skill; A few soft, tiny feathers lingered still Where once reposed the loving mother's breast. But she will come no more from weary quest With food for every tender, open bill; No more her care their every want can fill — They wander far, who once found here their nest. Ah me, my nest is empty, too, to-day, The birdlings whom I loved and reared have flown; The words now left unsaid I cannot say, The lessons still unlearned will ne'er be known; Once on each heart I wrote whate'er I willed. But ere I knew, the snowy leaves were filled. To Him >VHo HatH Measure me not by what 1 may achieve. Nor mark my progress by the heighth I gain; How can you know with what sore heart and pain I strive for that which others but receive? How can you know how 1 am weighted down. What dead men's sins press heavy on my soul? Or how I can but creep toward my goal, While others pass me, reaching for their crown? By this, I pray you, mark my onward way — SONNETS 57 The daily strife with bonds that hold me fast, Like shadowy fingers, reaching from the past. Holding a token which I must obey; Pity the fettered feet that but mark time, While others march and gain the hills sublime. THe SympHony of Nature In all the grand procession of the years. The seasons with their changes, subtle, sweet. The too-brief summer, and the winter's sleet. My heart has found the chord of bliss and tears. The brightest hours of all my life were set In starry eves, or moonlit summer nights. Or sunny days, all filled with dear delights, Whose passage left me memory and regret. So when the east is flushed with morning's rose, Or in a golden glory dies the day. The folded leaves of memory unclose. And bear me with their magic far away. With sighing wind and wave I wander free — The beauty of the earth gives wings to me. 58 SONNETS "TKere's a Joy in tKe Heart of Pain" Some day which at the farthest shall be near The eyes which meet thy own shall close for aye, The hands which clasp thine shall become but clay, And silent be the voices now so dear; Then shalt thou be thrice blest if they who here Walked close beside thee in Life's weary way No angry, unkind word e'er heard thee say. And shed for thee no bitter, hidden tear. This is the secret of grief's wild unrest. Which gives to loneliness its keenest sting — To know that thou, whose life was crowned and blest With that most rare and precious earthly thing, A heart that loved thee with a true, pure flame. Knew not its worth — until the angels came I SONNETS 59 THovi Hast a Noble Gviest, O FlesK Put by thy weaknesses, O trembling flesh, Summon thy will to grapple with thy foes; Faint not with terror 'neath the stinging blows Dealt by the cares which hold thee in their mesh. Fear this, and only this — that thou should'st fail To rise above the littleness of life, To gather strength and courage from its strife, And from its deepest meaning raise the veil. Forget not that thou hast a noble guest, Who from the watch-tower of thy inmost thought With gladness sees thee in thy upward quest, And sorrows when earth's dross thy heart hath bought; This guest, who lifts thee from thy brother clod, Is co-eternal with Almighty God. Ante Lxicem If I could know that in some genial clime This marred, imperfect life might e'er attain The goal toward which 1 almost hopless strain, With patience 1 should tread the paths of Time. Now, tortoise-like, through winter's cheerless rime, And summer days that seem too fair for pain, I onward toil, the heighth afar to gain. Which seems each day more distant and sublime. My soul has deeps that never yet were stirred; My heart has pulses which have never thrilled; 60 SONNETS They wait in vain some magic master-word,- Some unknown purpose to be yet fulfilled. Death, when I meet at last thy dread eclipse, Be thou to me my soul's apocalypse. To tHe Poet Polish and carve, until thy words shall be Like clearest crystal o'er the thought below; Like some imprisoned ruby let it glow, That he who readeth may its beauty see. Tis not mere words, though chosen skilfully, Which give to verse the witchery we know; Like liquid music may sweet numbers flow. Which pass and die as leaves fall from the tree. Tis the strong thought, in fitting words enshrined. Shining from out its setting like a star, Which claims the lasting homage of the mind, Recurring oft, through days and scenes afar. Then, lest thy toil be wasted ere 'tis wrought, Be sure thy verse reveals a noble thought. SONNETS 61 j\ "Winter Morning The soft, blue sky leaned down toward the earth, Veiled with white, fleecy clouds that moved and stirred Like the light pinions of some sleeping bird, Poised in the ether where it had its birth. An opal radiance shimmered in the east, Mounted and widened, till, shot through its bars, The arrows of the sun dispersed the stars, Glad from their service to be thus released. No sun which lights a perfect day in June Has ever known a fairer sky than this; It should be welcomed by the song-birds' tune, Its rose and gold should greet the south-wind's kiss; Who could believe, did he not glance below, This glory bends above a waste of snow ? NigHt Who has not felt the beauty of the night, The solemn glory of its starlit space? Who has not tried, with reverent awe, to trace The stars which sang in the first morning's light? Who has not looked, and trembling, felt His might Who gives to worlds their own appointed place, And yet who watches, with omniscient grace. Each human atom on these planets bright? And sometimes, picturing that fair world whose bliss 62 SONNETS And grandeur far transcends our highest thought, We seek with earth-held eyes a type in this, And wonder what more glorious God hath wrought, Since we are told that heaven's clear skies will miss The revelation which our evening brought. Exploration I need not seek the Pole's eternal snows To learn their wondrous, silent mystery; Each year the Arctic hither comes to me. Bringing the weird Aurora's changing rose, Dark skies, in which each planet burns and glows. Gray dawns, which scarce reveal gray land and sea. And noons more drear than night itself can be. With chilling winds, which beat with cruel blows. Here, too, I know the ardent Tropic's zone; Long days, which melt to nights of argent flame; Lush grasses hiding life unseen, unknown. And flying winds, too swift, too light, for name. For me the winter wanes and summer dies, A traveller whose anchors never rise. SONNETS 63 Alone Alone each soul must journey o'er the way Which leads to realms where silence reigns supreme; There is no speech of souls, save thoughts which gleam From the dear eyes whose lovelight makes our day; Words are so impotent, they oft betray The heart which trusts them with its dearest theme. Lives touch our own, and we perhaps may dream That love can see beyond the walls of clay, But when God calls "Where art thou?" and we stand With souls uncovered, shrinking from the gaze Of purity unveiled, would one whose hand We clasped on earth, still know us in that blaze? Alone we hither came — from what far strand? Alone we shall depart, to death's strange land. 64 SONNETS XHe Sor»g "WHicH Lives Of war and honor, love and death, they sang — The bards, who lived in far, heroic times; They sought no quaint conceits or sounding rymes. But life's great passions through their measures rang. So Helen lives, and still we hear the clang Of shield and spear beneath the walls of Troy; We see Penelope her arts employ, And feel poor Hero's utmost fear and pang. But they who sing to-day — save he whose word Measures our heartbeats, and whose pen is fire, The "Friend of all the World" — what heart is stirred By their sweet strains, which gracefully expire ? Singers arise and with their lays depart — The song which lives is written with the heart. SONNETS 65 XHe Deserted FarmKovise Set in green fields, far from the narrow way, Stood an old farmhouse, with its windows bare; No smoke rose curling on the morning air — Chilly it looked, although the time was May. It seemed to miss the children, who in play Once sang and shouted, free from fear or care, Around its high-silled doors; no life was there. Even the pasture green and empty lay. From the great barn no placid cows looked out. Or drank from the clear brook that rippled by; No bees hummed in the weather-beaten hive; No lonelier is Pompeii, walled about With drifts volcanic, shutting out the sky, A tomb of those who filled it when alive. On tHe AVestern Slope The traveler where Life's rough pathways wind Knows not when he has passed the mountain crest, Until he finds his road turned toward the West, And looking back, he sees the height behind. Yet for awhile, how gentle is the slope. How light his burden — for he still must bear His weight of sorrow, poverty,, or care — And still he sees his gentle comrade, Hope. But soon, ah, soon, the way grows rough and hard; The sky grows dark, for night is drawing near; 66 SONNETS No, more sweet Hope is nigh, to whisper cheer, His feet are bruised with stones and broken shard. The pathway ends above a gulf unknown; He can but leap — and he must go alone. "WHat Freedom Cost Ye silent men, who to your country gave That last full measure of devotion — life — Ye fell asleep while the tumultuous strife Around you swelled in fury like the wave Which breaks upon the rocks that prove its grave. To-day, around you all the air is rife With wailing cries from bugle and from fife, The voice of that dear land you tried to save. Nay, ye have never died ! Ye live to-day In that fair flag with which the breezes play, With every flashing star undimmed, unlost; In every soul which joys that it is free, In every heart, which clay like yours shall be. Before our land forgets what freedom cost. SONNETS 67 THe Proof of Love Not in the calm content of peaceful hours, Is Love, the conqueror and master, proved; Who knew, while evenly life's current moved, How strong might be the bond of clasping flowers? Nor may the winds of circumstance, that sweep, Like chaff, all power and garnered wealth away, Alone prove Love, that in thy heart holds sway. So thou shalt know if it be true and deep. But by this test Love's purity is shown; If in companionship's clear light, which bares Each hidden weakness, to the world unknown, Thou shalt forgive each, as thou dost thine own. And feel the pity which a mother shares. Then hast thou known the Love which lives and dares. A >^inter Sunset Based on the dazzling whiteness of the snow Arose fair towers, crimson and tipped with gold. From which unrolled brave pennants, fold on fold. Waving defiance to an unseen foe. The night crept on — the crescent moon rode high, Attended by her lonely, faithful star; The shadows deepened — but still stood afar That pillared wonder in the glowing sky. Long, long it lingered, till the last faint gleam 68 SONNETS Of day slipped softly down the western stair; Then every cloud, awaking from its dream, Gave up each picture it had prisoned there. The banners drooped — down fell the lofty towers — Night reigned unchallenged o'er this world of ours. TKe L^and of Dream Midnight is here, and earth is wrapped in sleep; I only, of all near me, watch and wake; All others to that land the pathway take, Where dreams their tantalizing promise keep. There are no hearts that ache, no eyes that weep; The rose of health blooms brightly on each cheek; Voices long silent in sweet converse speak. And long closed eyes meet ours with glances deep. 0, Land of Dreams ! O, pleasant Land of Dreams! Where reason dwells not, with unpitying light. Where time stands still, nor leaves its cruel blight, Where hearts are true, and all is what it seems. In your enchanted realm 1 live again — Here, I but dream — ainid the haunts of men ! SONNETS 69 When first the hand of Spring unlocks the showers And sets the prisoned buds and grasses free, We say, "How beautiful the world will be When June comes with her crown of royal flowers." But when at last we see the rose-wreathed bowers, And hear the bobolink's ecstatic glee, We lightly hold the beauty which we see. And dream of fairer and more perfect hours. Until some day we hear with tender ruth The crickets chirping in some creviced stone; Ah, so we lightly spill the wine of youth, And idly dream of roses still unblown, But suddenly awake to know the truth — The June of life, with all its flowers, has flown. L^incoln On history's white page he stands alone — Our Lincoln, with his martyr's aureole crowned; He sought not fame, and yet her plaudits drowned Detraction's clamor and hate's undertone. A noble soul from every feature shown. Stern, rugged, in the mills of effort ground To symmetry; his life-horizon's bound Was faith in God, and trust for all unknown. A man was he of nature's finest clay, Born with the strength to climb, the power to rule; Sad with the sadness great minds know alway, 70 SONNETS He played with mirth, and used it for a tool. Through him we have a land made one and free- After such toil, how welcome rest must be I Opportxinity This is the sharpest pang which failure brings, To know that sweet success was near, so near, We missed it only by a hairbreadth here; Or, idly musing over meaner things, Sought not occasion, till it used its wings. Alas ! for though delusive hope may cheer Our hearts awhile with songs both sweet and clear, Yet shall we learn that fate but one time flings Open the door of opportunity. That each may enter and his guerdon win. None pass it ever with impunity — Its triple bolts move only from within. Nor prayer nor tear avails — we wander evermore Like shipwrecked sailors on an alien shore. SONNETS 71 'ecemt>er Again the great clock in the hall of Time Proclaims the midnight of the waning year; Again the frozen earth lies brown and sere, Hidden beneath its winding-sheet of rime. The budding beauty of the tender Spring, The golden promise of the Summer days. Autumn's fulfilment— all have gone their ways, And Winter reigns — dread desolation's king. He who first saw the passing of the year — The trees all bare, the velvet grass all dead. The soft earth changed to rock beneath his tread — How could he live through all those days of fear? Even we who know, how gladly we shall see The earth unchained, the rivers running free. 72 SONNETS "TTKe CervtMries Fall LiKe Grains of Sand" Sometimes I watch the passing of the sun, While rose and purple splendors veil his car, Or see the moon with her attendant star Rise o'er earth's rim, her nightly race begun. Or see the storm clouds gather low and dun. With vivid lightnings darting near and far. While the white waves against the harbor bar Leap up, like dogs upon the quarry won. A cycle hence, across you azure arch Sun, moon and stars will pass, and clouds shall be; Deep unto deep will call its hosts to march Agai-nst the land, whose borders mock the sea; And I — Ah, 1 shall see it not — that day I shall be dust beneath some mound of clay. THe Da>vning Day How slow the dawn comes to the eyes that wake; How long her chariot lingers on the hills Before she finds the little, hidden rills, And glory flashes from the waiting lake. How long, from every nest on bush and tree. Impatient murmurs from each nestling rise. Before day's flame lights up the morning skies, And wings released flash upward, glad and free. How long the pale moon lingers in the west. Guarding the portals of the realm of night, Before the eager sun begins his eager quest, SONNETS 73 And men awake to life, and life's delight, And -they who sought sweet sleep and rest in vain, May in day's busy hours forget their pain. TKovigKt Great thoughts are shy. Oft in some lonely hour. Watching the solemn sky and glorious sun, I feel a thrill through all my being run. As one reveals to me its mighty power. But ere slow speech can seize it, it has fled, Like fantasies of sleep from morning's light. And though I sorrowing search, and long invite. It comes no more — my wondrous thought is dead. Or if sometimes 1 warily am still. Until soft plumage nestles on my heart, And close I clasp it, with caressing art, To find it mine, surrendered to my will, Behold, the iridescent light is gone; The glory vanished, though the thought lives on. 74 SONNETS THrenody The saddest thing in all the world is this: The emerald of the springing grass to see, The tender leaves come forth on bush and tree, And hear the birds pour out their hearts in bliss; To find in dimpled dells which winters miss, The violets blooming, fair and sweet and free, To feel your whole soul thrill in ecstasy Beneath the syren south wind's perfumed kiss; And yet to know that when your loving eyes Are closed beneath the low-arched roof of mould, Sweet birds will sing, warm suns set and arise, And soft, slow winds will wander, as of old, Nor pause one moment by the mound where lies The heart which loved them — hidden now and cold! SONNETS 75 June Here summer halts upon her Northward way, And drops the flowery burden which she brought From tropic lands, with fragile beauty wrought, And dyed with hues like sunset clouds astray. Now night glides softly into perfect day. And waning day is merged in fairest night; Soft smiles the sun through drifts of fleecy white, And laughing Southern breezes hither stray. This is the climax of the perfect year, And if we had no other joy but this — To feel the sunshine's soft, pervading bliss. To see and know the beauty of the earth, The calm, blue skies and waters deep and clear — Oh, life were still a gift of heavenly birth. New England There is a land which the Atlantic laves, A land of groves, and fields, and purling rills; Fair are its storied vales and noble hills, And grand the voices of wind-driven waves. It is the land which holds our fathers' graves. Although the fields they trod another tills; Its beauty all our childhood's memory fills, And oft the heart its peace and quiet craves. It is the granary which held Freedom's seed Secure through war, and more insidious peace. Till, scattered far, when rose the time of need 76 SONNETS It wrought the land's redemption and release. New England ! Mother of a nation free ! The Occident gives greeting unto thee. TKe SpKinx on tHe HeartH No need have 1 to seek the sphinx afar — She lies with bended elbows on my knee; Her gleaming amber eyes are turned on me, Remote and passionless as some fixed star. Yet anger, love, devotion unto death, And courage high, her timid spirit knows; Though sleeping now, within her bosom glows The same hot fires fanned by our human breath. Gentle, yet tameless, all our life she shares, Yet lives her own, with joys and fears apart; Once worshipped, still a regal mien she wears, And claims the homage of each tender heart. Behind those eyes inscrutable if 1 might see. Should I not find close kinship unto me ? SONNETS 77 THe Voice of the Deep Sometimes I weary of the puny race Which launches fragile craft upon my breast, In which to sail upon some trifling quest, And thinks me tamed when I but give it grace. On every sea men dare my might and wrath; Even my Arctic fastness they invade; Ah, how their souls faint in them, sore afraid. When I rise to sweep them from my path. Not all the forces of the earth, unchained, Can wreak the vengeance which I hold in store, When from my fetters I am freed once more. And find my ancient kingdom all regained; Only His power, who holds me in His hand. Saves from my fury, day by day, the land. Beyond tKe Bar Once all the winds that blew had calls for me, And brought me messages from lands afar; Once in the radiance of each brilliant star I found companionship, not mystery. But since she launched upon an unknown sea. Where none may know where any harbors are And each frail boat may wreck on unseen bar. The universe is filled with awe for me. For since 1, too, full soon must sail away Upon that chartless and unharbored sea, How shall I pass, through tides that swell and sway, 78 SONNETS To that far orb from whence she watches me? For well I know that she is waiting there — That sweet, white soul, who must make heaven more fair. THe Gods of Old And Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died; his eye was not dimmed, nor his natural force abated. I know whence came the old, immortal tales Of Gods who feared not age, nor time's decay; It was life's protest, in that earlier day, Against the coward flesh which shrinks and fails. In vain the soul's command, the will's decree, Some time the body will refuse its aid. The purpose high by weakness be betrayed. And night close down, while still the eyes can see. Well might they call them gods, who knew not this, Who felt not, while life's tide leaped full and high, A foe within — insiduous, lurking nigh. Waiting to taint the deepest draught of bliss. Well might they call them gods, whom age passed by, Whose strength failed not, who only had to die. PATRIOTIC POEMS Come GatKer Today Come, gather to-day from the hill and the plain, Leave your life's daily toil and planning for gain; Come hither, with all that is fairest and best To lay on the graves of our heroes at rest; Our heroes — above whose low dwellings to-day A nation has gathered, its tribute to pay. Bring music, and song, and the fairest of flowers From the garden and field, and the dim woodland bowers, For the graves that we garland the altar shall be Where our vows we renew o'er the dust of the free. All over our land they are lying asleep; By the ocean, whose waves still their sad vigil keep. By the lovely Potomac, whose blue, sunny wave So often was red with the blood of the brave, By the mountains, where Kenesaw guarded the glen When Sherman marched by with his legions of men, Or Lookout, whose cloud-enwreathed summit one day Saw a battle where blood ran like wine in the fray. From the homes which they loved their graves lie afar. Who died that our banner might miss not one star. Where the shadows of battle fell darkly and chill Stand the cities of Silence, all mutely and still; No sentinel guards the cold, white-gleaming stone; The soldier, unarmed, lies there helpless and prone, Still robed in the blue which he honored so well. 82 PATRIOTIC POEMS For he fell where he fought, and he rests where he fell. We know of the spirit so valiant and brave Whose glory sank down in the gloom of the grave, But never a mortal can measure or know What joys of the living lie buried below. Alas, for the hopes which had bloomed through the years, But faded and died in that tempest of tears. There's many a mother who knows not what grave Hides the face of her first born, his hair's sunny wave, And many a wife who knows not to-day Where her hero is sleeping the glad years away. Oh, the dreams they had dreamed of a future so fair. Which they who are sleeping should bless and should share; But the sun of their joy set in darkness and tears, And the shadows grow deeper, through all the long years. When the echoes of cannon from Sumpter were heard. Into line sprang our soldiers, nor waited a word; Sad farewells were spoken, and prayers softly said, When they left us to swell the long ranks of the dead. Oh, little we knew, as they marched on their way, Where their pathway would lead, or how long they would stay. Beside them marched spectres like demons uncaged. PATRIOTIC POEMS 83 Grim famine, and fever, and murder enraged; The red fields of battle lay thick in their way, And the unbuilded prison awaited its prey; But their eyes were holden — they knew not their doom, Nor knew that they marched toward a wide-open tomb. They dreamed of the time when with beat of the drum And clamor of fife, they should conquerors come; When their names through the homes of their childhood should ring. And bards tell their deeds in the songs they should sing; When the country they rescued should greet them with cheers, And the eyes that they loved should brim over with tears — Tears of joy and of pride — alas, they were shed • O'er names in the lists of the missing and dead. silent Grand Army! Our pulses may thrill When we tell of your deeds — yours are bloodless and still; Not even the garlands we bring you today Can move the strong arms that are folded for aye; The bugle's loud blare and the drum's muffled beat Cannot pierce the sealed ear nor move the stilled feet; Not even the voice of our country could stir 84 PATRIOTIC POEMS The heart which once throbbed with devotion for her. We honor not you, dead heroes, today. But ourselves, when our laurels above you we lay, For your names will grow brighter with luster untold When the wreaths that we bring you are turned into mould; And we claim you and mourn you, soldiers, as ours, And the voice of our love is these beautiful flowers. Till the last roll is called, and we all answer ''Here, " We will garland your graves in the morn of the year, And each flower that we gather with reverent thought Is an oath to remember the deeds you have wrought. Deeds which will live till remembrance shall cease. And bourgeon and bloom into ages of peace! PATRIOTIC POEMS 85 May 30 In a long past May the drums were beating, And the notes of the fife grew shrill with ire, Long grew the lines of soldiers meeting. And the land was filled with battle fire. Up from the south came the cannon's thunder. And hearts at home grew faint with fear Till the clouds of war were rent asunder. And the sun of Peace shone bright and clear. Oh, little we heeded the May-time splendor As we watched the soldiers march away — There was manhood stern and boyhood tender, And each was eager for the fray. Ah, many a foot went marching gaily Which came not back when the war was done, And our ears were filled with the moaning daily Of the mother weeping for her son, The stricken maid for her plighted lover, The lonely wife for her husband slain. And still the heavy cloud hung over, And the whole land seemed a battle plain. Back they came with the strong ranks broken — Many tney went, but few they came — And the tale of their daring deeds unspoken Was traced on each brow in battle flame. Stern were the lips that once smiled brightly, Erect and firm was the measured tread. Steady the eyes that once roved lightly, Somber with thought of a comrade dead; 86 PATRIOTIC POEMS Back they came with their banner flying, With no star lost or its glory dim, And the sound of the wives and mothers crying Was drowned in a great triumphal hymn. O land of our love, of our heart's devotion, With a heavy price was your glory bought. For from eastern sea to western ocean Close lie the graves of men who fought. Some lives went out on the field of glory, Some in the prison pen alone, But each name shall live in his country's story Till the stars from her flag fade out unknown. But the swift years gather and wait behind us. And the blue-clad lines grow thin and slow, And the Day of the Dead, as it comes to find us. Sees gaps in the ranks it used to know. Men of the line once full and steady, Whose souls are strong and whose hears are true, Whose lives were laid on the altar ready, Till your country gave them back to you. When you meet around your comrades sleeping, Furloughed forever from pain and care. What does it mean to you, when you are keeping This tryst with the dead which we see and share? Do the muffled drum with its voices hollow And the drooping flag which you bear to-day Speak to your hearts of their love who follow Your steps to the tents where your comrades stay? PATRIOTIC POEMS ' 87 Do you know that the world still looks with wonder At the fields you won, when your foes you met In the wild, swift charge to the cannon's thunder, With the unsheathed saber and bayonet? Ah, it seems but a dream of the past — the marches With the foe behind and the foe before. Where the southern pine with its shade o'erarches, And the river dips to the warm gulf shore. No more shall the noon-day, fierce and burning, With its sudden storms o'ercloud your sky; You stand with your face to the sunset turning, And shadows soft in your pathway lie. March on — till you come to the shadowy valley Where the sentry Death shall bid you stand. Where the Great Commander your lines shall rally, With your long lost comrades on either hand. Memorial Day Soldiers of the Silent Army ! You whose half- told days shall shine On the calendar of ages with a radiance divine. You whose memory is the anchor of our country's storm-tossed bark, Binding her to truth and freedom when the skies are veiled and dark, You whose sightless eyes behold us, and whose shadowy forms are near, Rouse your spirits from their slumbers, and our 88 PATRIOTIC POEMS heartfelt pledges hear ! By the sky that arches o'er us, bright with Sum- mer's loveliest blue, By the garlands that we bring you, smiling through their tears of dew. By each fond remembrance clinging to the earthly forms you wore, By each heart that broke with anguish, when you fell to rise no more, By each hope that faded with you from love's shining morning sky, By each life whose joy departed when you laid you down to die. By the banner that you gave us, free from every spot and stain, Never, while the crimson life-blood courses swiftly through each vein, Shall the land which you enfranchised bear a tyrant or a slave, While its soil supports a footstep, or its depths afford a grave. PATRIOTIC POEMS 89 Our Flag Float out, O starry banner, to every wind that blows. Earth's peerless flower of beauty, Freedom's con- stellate rose ! When first thy thirteen planets flamed out upon the sky How little dreamed this nation how far those folds would fly; Unknown upon the waters, despised upon the strand. No seer foretold thy glory, emblem of our land ! How many men have perished, on mountain, shore and sea, How many women's hearts have bled, only for love of thee ! The stars upon thy azure field have gleamed through battle years, Thy stripes are red with precious blood, or white with rain of te^rs; And sheltered 'neath thy spreading folds, which glow with heaven's own light. Are all dear things that earth can give and all that makes life bright; Like him of old, we vow to-day, from ocean shore to shore, To serve thee with our fortunes, lives, and honor, evermore! 90 PATRIOTIC POEMS THe Price of Freedom \ Freedom is never lightly won, Her price is blood, and pain, and tears; They by whose hands the work is done Must leave its gains for happier years. The height they saw, with upraised eyes, Shall be the path their children tread; And all they dared to win the prize. Earth shall not know till they are dead. But though death's flames leap high and roll Across the path of Freedom's shore, Earth shall not lack the patriot soul Till tyranny shall be no more. THe ReMnion of tKe G. A. R. Close up ! The lines are lessening fast, The blasts of death are sweeping past. And he who missed us on the field. Where shot and shell his track revealed, With silent tread is stealing on; Our ranks are thinned; our comrades gone; No bugle call will sound retreat, We onward move, our foes to greet. Close up! Close up! Then — forward march! Each year sees thousands lying low, And we who stay have steps more slow; The frosts of time have touched each head, Our speech is grave, our jests all sped. PATRIOTIC POEMS 91 Still facing front, unconquered, brave, We rally where our guidons wave, Knowing that soon we all shall hear The signal, sounding loud and clear, Put out the lights ! Put out the lights ! XHe Banner of Song' ancl of Story What flower of the air above us is flying, In the sunshine displaying each glorious hue? Like the stars of the night are the stars on it lying, Like the azure above is its beautiful blue. ' Tis the emblem of freedom the ages have sighed for, The freedom which patriots have fought and have died for; ' Tis the standard our forefathers bravely defended, The flag without stain, which to us has descended; 'Tis the flag of our country, unmatched in its glory, ' Tis the Star Spangled Banner of song and of story. Closed are the eyes that first flashed at its glory. Dust are the feet t hut first answered its calf, The voices are silent that first sung its story. And bade us defend it, whatever befall. Only with death shall our faithful hands leave it, Until death guard it well, ye who receive it! Let shame and dishonor abide near tt never. And no foe shall withstand it, unconquered forever; And the Star Spangled Banner of song and of story Shall float on through the ages, unmatched in its glory. 92 PATRIOTIC POEMS Peace, or "War? Tis well to keep the truce of Peace And leave the sword undrawn, For well we know that woe must come When red War walks at dawn. Tarry before ye sound the drum To wake the call to arms, For in War's train shall evil creep, And work a thousand harms. But mark ye this — till time shall cease. The hand in mail shall be The keeper of the Nation's rights And hopes of liberty; And when oppression stalks abroad Earth's best-beloved is he Who bares his sword and stakes his life To keep his country free. PATRIOTIC POEMS 93 Gone into Oamp Thin are the blue-clad ranks to-day, once half a million strong, And slow and feeble are the feet that once marched far long; Once more together they will march with slow, uncertain tramp, To see their comrades who have gone before them into camp. The tents are spread — the low, green tents, whose curtains tightly close; No reveille will waken those who sweetly here repose; No more their weary feet will toil o'er highways rough and damp — For them the long, hard march is done, for they've gone into camp. Their comrades come with songs and flowers; the banner of their love Floats proudly out upon the air, their low, close tents above; Ah, many a mile they followed it with strong and steady tramp. Before they heard the order given — "Break ranks — go into camp." Soon all the weary feet will halt, the last march will be made. For them the low, green tents be spread on hillside 94 PATRIOTIC POEMS or in glade; No more together vyill they march with slow and broken tramp — To all the order will be given — "Break ranks — go into camp." Memorial Day Remembrances In the morning of my life-time, many long, long years ago. When within our country's borders brothers met a brother foe, When the earth was glad with sunshine and May sweetness filled the air. Once with others 1 stood waiting — waiting by the roadside bare. Soon the throbbing air was vibrant with the noise of drum and fife. And we saw the blue-clad soldiers marching to the field of strife; O, I see them still so plainly — see again each white, set face — Then the noise grew faint and distant, and they left but empty space. O, the many who went marching far away toward the South, O, the few who came back to us, each with grave and firm-set mouth, Each with eyes that told the story of the vision they had seen — PATRIOTIC POEMS 95 Pale death riding on the whirlwind, hurling arrows swift and keen; Through the years whose ghosts pursue us from the dim and shadowy past They have lived and moved among us, with whose lot their own is cast; But whenever May comes to us, bringing flowers and skies of blue, Once again the spell is on them, and their youth- time they renew. Once again they march together to the sound of fife and drum, But they hear no bellowing cannon hoarsely call- ing them to come; Hosts in arms no more await them, bullets stop no more the way, But they march beneath their banner as they marched that sweet May day. Ah, for them no more forever shall the wine of battle flow. Never shall men hail them victor, while the clang- ing trumpets blow. Year by year they march together to the field where each shall know At the last — defeat and silence, when their con- queror lays them low. See, they seek their fallen comrades, sleeping with untroubled breasts. Keeping 'neath their green tents ever the unbroken 96 PATRIOTIC POEMS truce of rest. Let no tear-drop dim the glory of one aureole- circled grave — They have done with grief and weeping — bring no sorrow to the brave; Bring them evergreen and laurel, emblems of the; matchless fame Which they won while death pursued them, wrapped in sheets of blinding flame; Bring them pansies, for remembrance of their cour- age true and high, Roses for the love and gladness which beneath their tombstones lie; Lillies for the white souls offered on the altar of our land. Till their red blood quenched the bale-fire, by the breath of warfare fanned. Rest in peace, ye dead, forever! to the utmost bounds of time Shall your deeds be told in story, sung in poet's proudest rhyme; And whenever May-flowers blossom, like fair jewels on earth's breast. Shall the hands of freemen wreath them round the green beds where ye rest. PATRIOTIC POEMS 97 XKe Oregon Turn back thy prow, Oregon, Toward thy western home; No foeman's ship will bar thy way, Or cross thy track of foam; By day, by night, like hounds in leash, No more thy engines strain To reach the sepulcher where sleeps Thy sister ship, the Maine. O, nobly thou hast played thy part — Though half the world away. Like arrow to its mark ye sped, - To join and win the fray. Go back, O Oregon, in peace ! 'Mid wondrous deeds and bold Thy rush of fourteen thousand miles Shall ever more be told. K.eenan's CHarge at CHancellorsville Oh, tell not of Leonidas and the pass he guarded well, Where with his brave three hundred so long ago he fell; Why search through misty ages for deeds of dar- ing high ? The men who charged with Keenan have taught us how to die. Through every vein the life blood pulsed with 98 PATRIOTIC POEMS rythmic ebb and flow, Before them stretched the happy years, illumed by hope's bright glow. Yet with one breath life's noon-day sun was stricken from their sky — Think you they heard unmoved the word which doomed them then to die ? Theirs not the hope even valor craves — to win the hard-fought fray; Knowing their graves before them yawned, they sped along the way; No faltering hand a charger checked, although full well they knew With every step their life's short span of seconds shorter grew. Sleep sweetly, O ye heroes ! When English bards shall tell How Nolan and his soldiers at Balaklava fell, We'll show them where you charged alone an army on its way, And say, ''Here died their brothers — as true, as brave as they." Memorial Day Blossom, O flowers, in riotous splender ! Open, lingering buds, to the light ! I will gather you all, fresh, fragrant and tender, PATRIOTIC POEMS 99 And weave you in garlands, sweet, dewy and bright. Over the graves where our heroes are sleeping I will lay all your beauty and innocent bloom, That they o'er whose dust a proud nation is weeping May know that we love them, though low in the tomb. What are our wreaths to the garlands they offered On liberty's altars — the white flowers of life? What are our tears to the red drops they proffered — The warm blood that flowed o'er the hot flames of strife ? All we can give of remembrance most tender Is but a leaf in the crown of the brave, Or drops which, illumined by his glory's bright splendor, Will change to an aureole over his grave. for the tones that are silent forever; for the hearts that were true to the right; O for the arms that knew weariness never, But fought all the day till death's swift-falling night. Nothing but freedom is worth such devotion; Only the land which our forefathers gave, Redeemed and unbroken from ocean to ocean, Is worth half the cost of one soldier's low grave. 00 PATRIOTIC POEMS "War Voices Hark, the drum calls "Follow, follow" With reverberation hollow, And the fife screams, "Hither, come, I am brother of the drum; And we call you, call you hither; Follow us and ask not whither." Then the bugle shrieks "Obey me, Follow, follow, nor delay me, Follow us the wide world over Where the clouds of battle^ hover, Leaving father, mother, lover; Though at first your heart shall sicken. When you see the red blood thicken, You shall laugh to see it flowing. On the trampled greensward growing. War, hell's eldest, dearest daughter, Bids you follow to the slaughter." "Come," the bugle shrieks, "obey me, Follow, follow, nor delay me;" And the fife screams, "Hither, hither, Follow, follow, ask not whither." And the loud, compelling drum Echoes, "Follow, follow, come." PATRIOTIC POEMS 10 XHe Sleeping Brave Men from whose lifted hand Once dropped the tool or pen At Duty's stern command, Oh, rouse ye once again. Take ye these lovely flowers From garden and from grove, Children of sun and showers, Full-freighted with our love. For you we dare not weep, Nor for your half-told days; The bed where heroes sleep Is warmed by Glory's blaze. We count not freedom's cost Of manhood or of youth. But mourn that earth has lost So much of strength and truth. LATER POEMS THe Lords of Life and Love ar\d DeatH Three wanderers passed my humble dooj: Stately, and strong and fair were they; One moved untrammeled on his way, And two a heavy burden bore. Behind one, flowers sprang from the plain, And song birds circled where he stood. And when he looked at ms, the blood Went singing, surging through each vein. "Who art thou, lord?" To fear was vain. For even his look with joy was fraught; ''My name is Life, and I have brought Thy heritage of bliss and pain." Light seemed the burden which 1 felt; Then to my side another drew. Crowned with fair heartsease and with rue. And silent at his feet I knelt. "A heavy burden thou must bear, For thou art woman, I am Love — And Love and Life thy strength shall prove, For Love shall all thy being share." A great bliss swept me like a wave; A great grief filled me, and I wept; I bowed where his light feet had stept. And said, "Have pity on thy slave. 106 LATER POEMS ''Lord of us all, I own thy reign — But give me peace, and make me blest; Take from my heart this wild unrest — Give me thy joy, and still my pain." "Nay," said the other, who drew near, 'That is my gift, and mine alone; I lift the burdens thou hast known, I give thee peace, and take thy fear, "When Love and Life have lost their spell. My love and peace shall comfort thee." His noble face looked down on me And a great calm upon me fell. The lords of Life and Love and Death Passed on and left me where I stood; But now a strange, tumultuous flood Beat in each pulse and moved each breath. And evermore my doom shall be This burden and unrest alway; And when they pass from me, that day Lord Death shall soothe and comfort me. LATER POEMS 107 Man, XHe Destroyer By the work of His hand God made them, and he pronounced them good — Creatures of fen and forest, creatures of wold and wood. Each with his plane of living, the river, the land, the sea, And each with the breath in his nostrils which the same God gave to thee. Life and the joy of living — pain and the fear of death — This he gave them for birthright, this they drew in with their breath; Brothers are they — do you feel it when you shoot the bird on her nest, And the seal with the white milk oozing from out her wounded breast ? What thinks the kind Lord of you, striving to learn His trade, Wrenching and tearing asunder the nerves and the threws He made ? Will the thought of the lives you have taken and the pain you have giyen oft Brighten the gloom of your death-day, or make your death-bed soft ? They are heirs of the earth as you are, with strength and courage, yet What chance have they with the coward trap and the lying lure you set ? 108 LATER POEMS Think you their Maker hears not the cry they raise to Him When you bind His helpless creatures and tear them limb from limb? You may prate of your skill and science, but be- neath your fair white skin You are the world's Apaches — to the savage alone are you kin. All Passes Who Cometh from the mountains bare and brown? Who rises from the somber-shadowed sea? "I am the spirit of thy joy and hope — " "And I bring woe to thee." "Twin-born, for ages this has been our task — To wait upon each year, until its close." One in its hand held rue of pain and grief, The other, joy's red rose. Full oft their noiseless feet had crossed my path. Full oft &ach tone and face had greeted me; Oft had 1 fled from grief's dark-visaged face. And turned his twin to see. I thought I knew them well — that woe or joy Must ever bear the look with which he came; But as I gazed, alike they grew — they smiled — Behold ! they were the same. LATER POEMS 109 TKe Days of OM days of old, forever past, what is the charm you hold Which turns your sorrow into joy, your silver into gold? Oft times your sky was overcast, fierce storms swept o'er your way, But with a pang of keen regret we think of you today. Ah me! It was the promise of young life's morn- ing hours, The glamour of Hope's magic spell which paved the way with flowers; She showed us all the bliss of earth — it seemed within our grasp — Alas ! It turned to worthless dross when held with eager clasp. Life's path has wider, smoother grown, the winds are soft and sweet Which gently touch the fading cheek, as day and twilight meet, But oh, to know one hour again when all that life can give Seemed waiting for our hand to take, and it was joy to live ! 110 LATER POEMS April Ring out, O gladsome Easter bells, Your tale of joy to men ! From out the winter's grave of cold Earth wakes to life again. Each bird that from the southward comes On pinions swift and strong, Each flower that blooms from roots that slept Where winter lingered long, Renews a yearly miracle, Greater than pen or paint E'er told in book or pictured scene Of wonder-working saint ! A Fragment When some sweet hope, whose light seemed pure and holy, Which long had blessed my pathway rough and lowly, Has sunk below my soul's horizon slowly, I oft have said, in vain is all endeavor. Since joy and peace elude my grasp forever. While those obtain them who have sought them never. But when the years have made my vision clearer, I oft have found some bliss which I held dearer, Which my lost hope, expiring, brought me nearer. LATER POEMS 1 1 1 Svimmer Velvet turf and turquoise sky, Bird and bee and butterfly; South wind with the trees at play- Life is bliss alone today ! While the katydid complains, While the rainbow follows rains, While the stars press one by one On the pathway of the sun And all night their radiance give, It is only joy to live ! "WHen NigKt Has Come The day grows old, the night falls dark and dreary, The stars are hid, the wind sounds chill and eerie; The tired lids droop o'er eyes with slumber weary — The Night has come. Kind Night, which sets a bound to all endeavor, Which brings us rest and peace and comfort ever. And sleep, whose gentle benediction fails us never — The Night has come. Rest in her calm, O hearts grown faint with aching, Take ye her comfort, souls with sorrow aching; Some time you shall know peace without awaking — When Night has come. 12 LATER POEMS XHe FatHers Have E-aten Sovir Grapes There is a road, weary and long, Treeless, windswept and bare; No happy groups upon it throng — Alone I travel there. Paths wind beside, where grasses grow, Whose travelers bear no load; They are the fields I love and know — I never leave the road. Sometimes when stones have bruis-ed my feet, And steep the hills 1 pass, I look at the paths so cool, so sweet. And long for the smooth, soft grass. But though for fairer ways I yearn. And none my steps would stay, My very feet refuse to turn. And keep the bare, hard way. My fathers made this path my own — They chose this road for me; It must be mine, to keep alone. Until Eternity. LATER POEMS XHe Silent Harp The great harp of the world in silence lies, While years pass by, with swift, unhurrying wings; Since he who sang The Idylls of the King, No one has claimed it as a rightful prize. Sometimes a hand has raised it, and has stirred The silent strings with murmurs soft and sweet, And with delight we heard the prelude fleet, And waited for the magic master-word. In vain we waited — once more silence fell. Once more life swept its wonted way along; No heroes' deeds are told in deathless song, No more our hearts are lifted on its swell. Why are ye silent, ye who well know How thrilling rhyme and lofty thought should blend? Why fear ye Fame's high places to ascend, And stand above Fate's idle ebb and flow? Fear not the loneliness of heart that stings, Pause not to rest until the height is gained; Fear but to be the coward who remained Content to grope, although his soul had wings. Listen, Men in Yo-ur Graves Listen, men under the grasses lying, Who fought for the flag on the land and the sea; Do you hear the bugles wailing and sighing? 14 LATER POEMS Do you hear the fife, insistent and crying? Do you hear the drum calling, "follow me?" 0, ye who died where bullets were singing, Do you hear the marching feet at your head? Do you smell the flowers, their incense bringing ? Do you see the banners slowly swinging ? Do you live today, though we call you dead? Listen, O men in your graves attended By Love and Honor wherever you lie; Because you have lived life has grown more splendid And we mark where you stood when your brief lives ended That our country may measure its heroes thereby. Rest, ye dead who shall live on for ages, Live anew in each breast which valor has known; Your deeds shall shine out upon earth's whitest pages. Shall be sung by the poets and taught by the sages Till the world-heart is raised to the height of your own. THe Mis&in^ SHip The ships they come and the ships they go Far over the shining sea. But though soft and sweet the south winds blow, LATER POEMS There comes no ship for me. And though when the harbor bar grows white The sails come swiftly in, To lie where the waves are calm and bright, Away from the thunderous din. The bark which carried my hopes and fear Turns not her prow to the shore; She has sailed the sea for many years, Yet she comes to land no more. Did she touch at the isles of Might-have-been, Far out to the rosy west ? And before the storm, was she safely in The port of Peace and Rest? I only know I am growing old With the years that lapse away, And the hopes I thought always to hold Have left my heart for aye. But when I reach the Port of Rest, And look o'er the sea once more, I think that the ship that I loved best Will lie by the shining shore. THe Joy of Jvane Color and life and scent All in one glory blent; Earth, air and heaven in tune — This is the joy of June. Night only veils her skies; LATER POEMS When Dawn uplifts her eyes Out from the drowsy flowers Rise all the scented hours. Happy and warm and blest, This is the whole year's best; Summer is fair and young, With sweet songs still unsung. SHall We Find TKem So? I watched alone the wonder of the night — The frozen moon, shining with borrowed light, Trailing upon the lake her silvery bars; The varying radiance of the distant stars, Set jewel-like in the great azure arch, Yet ever moving, with majestic march, To great Arcturus, throned upon the sky, Watching processions of the worlds wheel by, And wondered if with equal, far-seen grace, Our planet in these mighty ranks keeps place. 1 heard the voices of the brooding night — The hum of creatures whom the days affright; The querulous katydid's incessant note. The flute-like call from the shy Hylas' throat; From the far ponds a faint, unchanging drone. To other sounds a cadenced undertone; My heart grew faint, and 1 felt tears arise, So great the beauty of the earth and skies; If there are fairer worlds than this to know, If we forget not, shall we find them so ? LATER POEMS TKe Beautifxil Old ElartK They may tell us of earth's ages— she is very old, in truth — But she bears the charm forever of a fair, perpet- ual youth. Year by year I hold her dearer, with a deep, admiring love. And with fresh delight each morning see her fair processions move. Tender spring time, fervid summer, royal autumn, winter stern, Each has many a hidden beauty, which a lifetime cannot learn. O the secrets of the forest, which it whispers in the ear When its stately aisles are trodden, with no other mortal near ! the beauty of the sunset, when the day-god goes to rest On a bed of glory, curtained with the splendor of the west ! the silence and the marvel of the strange, en- chanting night. With the silver lamps of heaven burning with their solemn light ! O the wild, lamenting waters, moving on from shore to shore, Seeking rest and peace forever — finding it, ah, nevermore ! 118 LATER POEMS Who can learn the tale they tell us through their billows, o'er and o'er, Or give voice unto the meaning of Niagara's ceaseless roar? And the ever haunting wonder of the winds that sweep and swell — Will they always be forbidden all their mysteries to tell ? And the rainbow, curving softly o'er the mountains and the glen. Like a shining bridge to heaven for the feet of weary men ! Who that sees the changing streamers of the Borealis' flame But must bow in awe and wonder to a force he cannot name ? Or what mortal, though he study for a lifetime, ever knows Even the secret of the color that is hidden in the rose ? Though she cares not for our homage, knows not of our praise or love, But goes on her way unheeding with the shining orbs above, 1 shall love the earth forever, till they lay me down to rest Hidden by the emerald mantle, folded closely to her breast ! LATER POEMS 119 Dreams dreams, sad dreams that come with sleep and night, Of lights which shone upon youth's flower- decked shore. Of dear, dead days, of faces seen no more, And tones which waken all the old delight ' We knew when hours were fleet and days were bright; Sweet as sweet Love, with all his lying lore; Sad as the lonely life which waits before, Memory's handmaiden, with her sword of might — Which are ye, curse or blessing ? Who can tell Who longs for night through all the lonely day — Who hears in dreams alone sweet voices swell Which made the music of life's earlier day? And, ah ! What matter ? for we near a home Where waits a bed to which dreams never come. Easter Lilies I saw the gracefull lily-bells a-swinging in the light, 1 heard the snowy lily-bells a-singing in the night; "Break out in bloom, O lagging buds," 'twas this I heard them say — "Tomorrow's dawn will bring to us the blessed Easter day. "Because we are most beautiful, with chalices that bear 20 LATER POEMS A message from the heavenly world to this of grief and care, Men choose us for their messenger, to breath their prayers to him Who rose from death to give them hope, and light where all was dim." happy, happy lilies, who bear, your cups within, The hopes and prayers of hearts that break with sorrow and with sin. Before His feet who stands among the asphodels of heaven, 1 pray you lay my burning tears, which plead for sins forgiven. ^ Midsummer Now has the year come into its glory, Tis the high tide of its beauty and bliss; Every day tells a wonderful story And promises hours sweeter than this. The hum of bees and children's laughter. The song of birds and rippling streams, — How we shall miss and long for them after, — How they will echoe through all our 'dreams. Think not now of the white snows falling, Of days grown short and nights grown chill; Summer is Queen and her voice is calling — Listen, and love her, and do her will. LATER POEMS 12 In tHe Garden "And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day." (Gen- esis 3:8.) The Lord walked in the garden; Though spreading far, from east to west The universe upheld his throne, Creation offered of its best, And heaven was all his own. The Lord walked in the garden. The Lord walked in the garden; The brooding silence of the night Descended on the dewy flowers, And he whose word created light Found pleasure in the bowers — The Lord walked in the garden. The Lord walked in the garden; O, holy comfort of the stars And wonderous mystery of night; For, passing through the ether's bars And leaving heaven's own light, The Lord walked in the garden. INDEX Angels of the Household 13 Days of Old 109 After 28 Dreams 119 Aurora Borealis After the Snow 30 30 Easter Song, An 22 Ancient Wood, An 44 Earth the Beautiful 26 Ante Lucem 59 Earth is our Own 53 Alone 63 Empty Nest 56 Autumn 69 Exploration 62 Z &UCVAAAJ&X April no Easter Lilies 119 A Fragment no Fifty Degrees below Zero 55 All Passes 108 Freedom's Cost 66 Blizzard, the 15 Freedom, Price of 90 Bird, Song of 1 I Banner of Song and of Story 9 1 Fathers Have Eaten Sour Grapes 112 Beyond the Bar 11 Gone into Camp 93 Beautiful Old Earth, The 117 Gods of Old 78 Contentment n Hope, Song of 45 Corn, the 12 Him who Hath 56 Circumstance 17 Hour, the Crowded 42 Call, the 18 Harp, The Silent 113 City of no Night 34 Crowded Hour 42 Inovation, An 16 Court of War 47 In the Garden 121 Centuries fall like Grains of Sand 72 Joy in Heart of Pain June Joy of June 58 75 115 Come Gather Today Churn, The Dasher 81 37 Death Song of the Trees Dasher Churn Dawning Day 31 37 72 King Wheat Keenan's Charge at Chancellorsville 24 97 December 71 Love 17 Deserted Farmhouse 65 Life 20 Lady Spring, My 20 Labor, Song of 8 Little Maid with Laughing Eyes 29 Lilies 39 Life, Vision of 5 1 Lincoln 69 Land of Dream 68 Love, Proof of 67 Lords of Life and Love and Death 105 Listen, Men in Your Graves 1 I 3 Memory 7 Miracle, Nature's 14 My Lady Spring 20 My Song 25 Morning 36 My Valentine 48 Morning, a Winter 6 1 Memorial Day Remem- brances 94 May 30 85 Memorial Day 87 98 Man, the Destroyer 107 Men in Your Graves Listen 1 1 3 Missing Ship 1 1 4 Midsummer 120 Nature's Miracle 1 4 Nature, Song of 1 6 Night Cometh 46 Nest, the Empty 56 Nature, Symphony of 57 Night 61 New England 75 Night, City of No 34 One Day 32 Old Oak Tree 35 Opportunity 70 On the Western Slope 65 Our Flag 89 Oregon, The 97 Place of My Desire, the 9 Passing of Summer 26 Poetry 30 Poet, To the 60 Proof of Love 67 Peace, or War 92 Price of Freedom 90 Reapers, the 40 Regret 54 Reunion of the G. A. R. 90 Song of Labor 8 Song of a Bird ' 1 1 Song of Nature 1 6 Spring, My Lady 20 Song, An Easter 22 Summer, Passing of 26 Storm 28 Spring Poetry 33 Song of Hope 45 Summer Day 52 Silent Singers 53 Symphony of Nature 57 Song which Lives 64 Sphinx on the Hearth 76 Summer 1 1 1 Sleeping Brave 101 Silent Harp 1 1 3 Ship, the Missing 1 1 4 Shall We Find Them So 116 Tempest, the 2 1 Twilight 23 Trees, Death Song of 3 1 Too Late 39 Thanksgiving 43 The Night Cometh 46 Tide of Years 5 1 The Earth is our Own 53 To Him Who Hath 56 There's a Joy in the Heart of Pain 58 Thou Hast a Noble Guest, Oh Flesh 59 To the Poet 60 Thought 73 Threnody 74 Valentine, My 48 Vision of Life 5 1 Voice of the Deep 77 World's Great Peace 1 Winds, the 2 I Wheat, King 24 Waters, the 38 Wood, An Ancient 44 War, the Court of 47 Winter Morning 61 Winter Sunset 67 What Freedom Cost 66 Western Slope 65 When Night Has Come 1 I I War Voices 100 Years, the Tide of 5 1 Zero, Fifty Degrees Below 55 [y% / w^ . ^ L '