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Page Absence Frances Anne Keiiihle. 127 Address to the Mummy at Belzoni's Exhibition . , Horace Smith. 42 Afifliction one Day Horace Smith. 219 After the Burial James Russell Lozvell. 340 A Little While Jane Crewdson. 462 Alpine Shepherd, The Maria White Loxvell. 308 Among the Beautiful Pictures Alice Gary. 241 Angel Charlie Emily C. Judson. 194 An Ode Sir William Jones. 96 Arsenal at Springfield, The Henry W. Longfellow. 109 Ascension, The Charles Wesley. 368 As Down in the Sunless Retreats Thomas Moore. 447 As to the Distant Moon Anne C. Lynch. 127 At the Window Richard Realf. 227 AufWiedersehen! (Summer) James Russell Loicell. 338 Battle Autumn, The John G. Whittier. no Beacon, The P^'"^ ^^''^"' J"""''' 32 Beating of mv Heart, The .... Richard MoncJdon Milnes. 121 Beautiful River, Tlie Benjamin F. Taylor. 20 Beautv and the Butterfly Lord Byron. 182 Bells, The ^^.?'^^ ^- P''^' 276 Bill and Joe Oliver Wendell Holmes. 211 Bingen on the Rhine Mrs. Garoline Norton. 74 Boadicea William Gowpcr. 85 Break, Break, Break Alfred Tennyson. 244 Bridal of Andalla, The Anonymous. 180 Bridge of Sighs, The Thomas Hood. 1S5 Bringing our Sheaves with us Elizabeth Akers, Allen. 407 Brooklet, The ^ir Robert Grant. 439 viii CONTENTS. PAGE Burial of Sir John Moore, The Charles Wolfe. 84 But Who Shall See? Thomas Moore. 41 ''Can find out God?" Eliza Sctidder. 401 Carrier-Pigeon, To a J^^^^" G. Percival. 123 Casa Wappy ^^'"'''^ ^^- '^^°"'- 33^ Catarina to Camoens Elizabeth Barrett Broxvning. 150 Chambered Nautilus, The Oliver Wendell Holmes. 404 Charge of the Light Brigade Alfred Tennyson. 48 Children's Hour, The Heriry W. Longfellow. 193 Chillon Lord Byron. 112 Christmas Hymn, A Alfred Domett. 357 Christ's Call to the Soul Jerome Savonarola. 377 " Christ turned, and looked upon Peter " . Elizabeth B. Browning. 379 Christus Consolator ■ Francis T. Palgrave. 374 Cleopatra at Actium Thomas K. Hervey. 46 Cleopatra Embarking on the Cydnus .... Thomas K. Hervey. 44 Closing Scene, The Thomas Buchanan Read. 413 Cloud, The Jo^"^ Wilson. 438 Cloud, The P^^'^y Bysshe Shelley. 7 Come into the Garden, Maud Alfred Tennyson. 129 Come to me. Dearest Joseph Brenan. 133 Consolation George Crabbe. 378 Convict Ship, The Thomas K. Hervey. 234 Coronach Sir Walter Scott. 333 Cowper's Grave Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 325 Crucifixion, The Henry Hart Milman. 362 Crucifixion, The James Montgomery. 363 Cuckoo, To the 7^^^" Logan. 16 Daughters of Toil Evangeline M. Johnson. 233 Day is Done, The Henry W. Longfellow. 3 Day's Ration, The Ralph Waldo Emerson. 261 Dead House, The James Russell Lowell. 341 Death-bed, A James Aldrich. 107 Death-bed, The Thomas Hood. 317 Death of the Flowers, The William C. Bryant. 34 Death-Song of the Oneida Chief Thomas Campbell. 106 Desiderium William C. Wilkinson. 432 Destruction of Sennacherib, The Lord Byron. 37 Dies Irse Thomas de Celano. 464 Dies IrjE (translated) Abraham Coles. 468 Dies Irje (translated) A. C. Kendrick. 466 CONTENTS. IX PAGE Difference, The - Evangeline M. Johnso7i. 350 Dirge, A George Croly. 444 Divided Jean Ingelow. 250 Douglas, Douglas, tender and true . . . Dinah Maria Miilock. 346 Drifting Thomas Biiclianan Read. 26 " Dum vivimus, vivamus " Philip Doddridge. 403 Dying Christian to his Soul, The Alexander Pope. 451 Each and All Ralph Waldo Emerson. 247 Elegy in a Country Churchyard Thomas Gray. 317 Enslaved Greece Lord Byron. 6 1 Enticed William C. Wilkinson. ^ 427 Epiphany Reginald Heber. 360 Evelyn Hope Robert Browning. 175 Evening Guest, An Dinah Maria Miiloek. 344 Excellency of Christ Giles Fleteher. -i^-]-}^ Extract Samuel T. Coleridge. 262 Extreme Unction James Riissell Loivell. 290 Faith Frances Anne Kcmble. iSi Faith William Henry Hiirlbert. 402 Fancy in Nubibus Samuel T. Coleridge. 266 Farewell Life, Welcome Life Thomas Hood. 452 Farewell to his Wife Lord Byron. 203 First of March, The Horace Smith. 33 First Voices of Paradise, The Hartley Coleridge, z-j^ Flow down, cold Rivulet Alfred Tennyson. iS Flower's Name, The Robert Brozvning. 125 " Follow Thou Me " Lncy Larcom. 426 Footsteps of Angels Henry W. Longfellow. 347 For a Timepiece Samuel T. Coleridge. 2S7 Fragment Emily Bronte. 343 From the Epipsychidion Percy Bysshe Shelley. 12S Future Life, The William C. Bryant. 420 Genevieve Satmiel T. Coleridge. 114 Genius of Death, The George Croly. 443 Gethsemane William O. Stoddard. 369 Gifts of God, The George Herbert, t,^ Giving in Marriage : — (Songs of Seven) .... Jean Ingeloxv. 190 God Francis Quarks. 390 God Gabriel Romanowitch Derzhavin. 470 Go, Forget. Me Charles Wolfe. i^6 X CONTENTS. PAGE Going and Coming Edward A. Jcnks. 419 Going Out and Coming In . Isa Craig Knox. 287 Golden Street, The William O. Stoddard. 436 Golden Wedding, Tlie David Gi-ay. 202 Good Great INIan, The Samuel T. Coleridge. 295 Grave, The J- G. von Salis. 331 Greece Lord Byron. 60 Haste Not ! Rest Not ! Johann W. von Goethe. 406 Haunted Palace, The Edgar A. Poc. 263 Health, A Edward C. Pinhficy. 117 Heart's Song, The Artlmr C. Coxe. 376 Heaven Nancy A. W. Priest. 454 Henry Kirke White Lord By)'on. 302 Hermit, The . James Beattie. 274 Heroes Edna Dean Proctor. 348 Highland Mary Robert Burns. 177 Hour of Death, The Felicia Hemans. 314 " How amiable are Thy Tabernacles " .... Henry F,. Lyfe. 375 How Many now are Dead to Me .... yoli7i G. C. Brainard. 243 How Sleep the Brave ? William Collins. 112 How they brought the good news from Ghent to Aix R. Broxvning. 78 Hymn of the Hebrew Maid Sir Walter Scott. 36 Hymn to Adversity Thomas Gray. 303 If I had Thought Charles Wolfe. 332 If Thou wert by my Side Reginald Hebcr. 198 I know Thou hast Gone Thomas K. Hervey. 455 Imagination William Shakespeare. 267 Imperfection of Human Sympathy John Keble. 384 In Italy Bayard Taylor. 141 In View of Death Anonymous. 448 Is it Come? Frances Bi-own. 257 Isles of Greece, The Lord Byron. 57 '■ It is more Blessed " Rose Terry Cooke. 408 Ivry Thomas B. Macaulay, 80 Jamie 's on the Stormy Sea David Macbeth Moir. Q.) 145 Jeanie Morrison William Mothe7-wcll. 147 Knight Toggenburg F. von Schiller. 170 Know Thyself Samuel T. Coleridge. 261 CONTENTS. xi PAGE Labor and Rest Dinah Maria Mitlock. 389 Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers Felicia Hemans. 10 1 Land of Lands, The Alfred Tcmiyson. 100 Langley Lane Robert Buchanan. 137 Last Leaf, The Oliver W. Holmes. 209 Life Lord Byron. 214 Life's " Good-Morning " Anna Letitia Barbaidd. 452 Light and Color F. von Schiller. 10 Lines on a Skeleton Anonymous. 220 Lines on Leaving Europe Nathaniel P. Willis. 102 Lines to an Indian Air Percy Bysshc Shelley. 122 Lines written in a Churchyard Herbert Knowles. 421 Lines written in an Album Lord Byron. 136 Litany Sir Robert G^-ant. 370 Lochiel's Warning Thomas Campbell. 86 Locksley Hall Alfred Tennyson. 155 Long-Aj^o, The Richard Monckton Milnes. 236 Longing James Russell Lowell. 246 " Looked upon Peter " Samuel M. Waring. 379 Lord the Good Shepherd, The James Montgomery. 398 Lord Ullin's Daughter Thomas Campbell. 89 Lord will come, The Reginald Hebcr. 464 Lore-Lei, The Heinrich Heine. "j-j Losses Frances Brown. 285 Lost Leader, The Robert Brozvning. 113 Lotus-Eaters, The Alfred Tennyson. 50 Love: — (Songs of Seven) Jca^t Ingelow. 124 Love-Letter, A Robert Bulwcr Lytton. 134 Lucy William Wordsworth. 225 Lycidas John Milton. 297 Maidenhood Henry W. Longfelloiv. 222 Marco Bozzaris Fitz-Greene Halleck. 63 Martha, thy Maiden Foot Hartley Coleridge. 404 Maud and Madge ^r^ra Perry. 229 Maud Muller John G. Whitticr. 166 Messiah ." Alexander Pope, y^^ Moncontour Thomas B. Macau lay. S3 Monterey Charles Feiino Hoffman. ic8 Morning Hymn to Mont Blanc .... Samuel T. Coleridge. 30 Mother and Poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 68 My Ain Countree Miss M. A. Lee. 441 My Angel Guide Emily C. Judson. 207 xii CONTENTS. PAGE My Bird Emily C. Judson. 191 My Child John Pierpont. 306 My Friend Plmbe Gary. 457 My Life is like the Summer Rose .... Richard Henry Wilde. 293 My Love James Russell Lowell. 119 My Psalm John G. Whiiiier. 351 My Thirty-sixth Year Lord Byron. 284 " My Times are in Thy Hand " .... Anna Letiiia Waring. 410 Nearer Home Phoebe Gary. 442 Night and Dath J- Blanco White. 1 1 Northern Lights, The Benjamin F. Taylor. 12 Nuremberg Henry W. Longfellow. 72 Ocean, The John Augustus Shea. 19 Ode William Wordsworth. 268 Ode on a Grecian Urn John Keats. 67 O Doubting Heart ! Adelaide A. Procter. 418 Oft, in the Stilly Night Thomas Moore. 240 Oh ! Blame not the Bard Thomas Moore. 98 Old Folks Anonymous. 208 Old World and the New, The George Berkeley. 105 On a Picture of Peel Castle William Wordsivorth. 215 On first looking into Chapman's Homer John Keats. 266 On his Blindness John Milton. 295 Only a Curl FAizabeth Bar'rctt Browning. 310 On Parent Knees Sir William Jones. 292 On the Cliff Rossiter Johnson. 143 On the Death of George the Third Horace Smith. 92 On the Receipt of my Mother's Picture .... William Cowper. 322 O Saviour, whose Mercy Sir Robert Grant. 399 Our Baby P'^<^^^ Cary. 433 Our Samts John G. Whittier. 403 Palinode. (Autumn) James Russell Lowell. 339 Pahns of Glory Ja7nes Montgomery. 453 Parallel, The Thottias Moore. 40 Passage, The Ludwig Uhland. 345 Patriot Bard, The. (Charade) . . . Winihrop Mackzvorth Praed. 99 Pericles and Aspasia George Croly. 56 Per Pacem ad Lucem Adelaide A. Procter. 425 Philip, my King Dinah Maria Mulock. 192 Pilgrimage Sir Walter Raleigh. 370 CONTENTS. xiii PAGE Prayer ... James Montgomery. 380 Present The Adelaide A. Procter, 256 Presumption and Despair Richard Chenevix Treitch. 2S9 Prophet The Robert Bulwer Lytton. 2S PsahTi of Life, A Henry W. Longfellow. 260 Qua Cursum Ventus Arthur Hugh Clongh. 249 Raven, The Edgar A. Poe. 279 Resignation Henry W. Longfellow. 304 j^gst Mrs. Robert S. Hoivland. 437 Retribution Longfellow and Lowell. 293 Return of Youth, The William C. Bryant. 3S8 Rhymes of the River ' . . Benjamin F. Taylor. 21 Ring out, Wild Bells Alfred Tennyson. 359 River Path, The Johji G. Whittier. 434 River, The Anonymous. 17 Roll on, thou Sun Anony)7tons. 29 Rose, The .... Edimtnd Waller and Henry Kirke White. 429 Ruth Thomas Hood. 1 1 S Sands o' Dee, The Charles Kingslcy. 91 Seas are Quiet, The Anonymous. 440 Seraph throwing off his Disguise, The .... Thomas Parncll. 374 Sexton, The Park Benjamin. 330 Shall I fear, O Earth, thy Bosom ? Thomas Davis. 423 She walks in Beauty Lord Byron. 36 She was a Phantom of Delight William Wordsworth. 224 Ships at Sea Kobert B. Coffin. 416 Skylark, To the Percy Bysshe Shelley. 12 Sleep The EUzabcih Barrett Broxvning. 328 Snows on Parnassus, The Lord Byron. 63 Soldier's Dream, The Thomas Campbell. 199 Son-dayes Henry Vaughan. 394 Son