//■ '^-^/^ -^ / ^ / i^/ > -"/^^ *^^ \A/YANDOTTE CULTURE By E. N. PIEBCE. :> ^ 'V* LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ^WYflNnnTTE CULTURES HOW TO SCORE, HOW TO SELECT, AND HOW TO REAR THEM. ^ --^^SOs^- BY »\ , AUG27 lii3G > / INDIANAPOLIS, ^"^^g ^WASHING ; E. A. PIERCE & CO, PUB'RS. 1886. Eutored according to Act of Conl^rcssi, in tlie year ISSG, by E. A. PIERCE & CO., in the Office of the Librarian of Conr're^s, at W;!sftfnfrton. PREFACE. In taking up the Wyandotte as a subject for this work, I have done so, j^imply because they are very popular, and at the same time much conflict exists in the minds of those breeding them in respect to form and color, so much so, that new breeders of them are at a loss to know what is wanted, and often, while acting conscienlicuely in dealing in them they give offense. A knowledge of a breed of fowls is essential to one who desires to bring them up to standard requirements, and it is the breeder himself, who must direct his own labors and experiments. Success in poultry breeding doe? not depend so much upon large expenditures of money as upon a clear judg- ment, correct infoimation and well directed efforts. In this book we have sought to lay before the reader, in a clear and concise manner, our own vif^ s of scoring and selecting Wyacdcttes, to the end that the breider of them may be enabled to push them forward to greater attain- ments from a standard stand-point, and to finally make them worthy of the American poultry breeder's highest esteem, a possible position which they are eminently fitted to reach if judiciously managed. If by any effort we can make, we can assist in encouraging breeders to strive for that desirable result, we shall feel repaid. Inu.ianapolis, Ind., Aug. 1st, 1886. B. N. Pierce. WYANDOTTE CULTURE. ORIGIN. (^N THE Fanciers' Gazette for June 1886, Rev. ^ Chas. L. Ayer gave the result of his efforts to learn the origin of Wyandottes, as follows: "It is somewhat singular that the origin of so popular and meritorious a fowl as the Wyandotte should be so obscure. After a diligent inquiry, I can find no witness ready to testify relative to Cochin, Bantam, or Hamburg — Brahma crosses. While any one,, not a novice, can see characteristics of the above named breeds, no reliable witness appears to sat- isfy that great and interested jury, composed of American fanciers and poultrymen. It is unreasonable to conclude that if any com- 6 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. bination of blood exists in Wyandottes, some per sons, who worked up the cross could be found. Where are they? I give the result of some of my investigations: In the January American Poultry Journal, Mr. J. Y. Bicknell asserts that ^'Wyandottes were bred in Oneida County, N. Y., under another name, twen- ty years ago. At that time no one knew how, where, or when they were originated. We have no facts to show they ever were produced by a Hamburg or any other cross." Mr. Geo. F. Hull testifies: ''I got my first Wyandottes in 1872 from an aunt of mine living in Nassau, N. Y. She got them from Sandlake, N. Y., but no one seems to know who first brought them there. They probably came from the western part of this state, where the first ones were, so far as I have ever been able to trace them. They were an accidental cross, and no one has so far been bold enough lo claim having orig- inated them. In 1880, I wrote, enclosing stamp, to every one whose address I could obtain, who was then breeding them or had ever bred them. I tried to find out from them what they knew as to their origin, and all who answered were frank enough to say that they knew no more than 1 did. I believe that so far as absolute certainty as to the WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 7 origin of the Wyandotte goes, it Miust always re- main a speculation." Mr. L. Whitaker writes: Wyandottes in '72 were known as Sebright Co- chins. I first found them at Honeoye, N Y., I thougiit at that time I could see all of their future popularity and the result has proved my prediction true. In January '77, I gave them the name of American Sebrights. Mr. F. A. Houdlette, was the first to suggest Wyandotte. As to their origin I made strict search in the years '72, '73 and '74, and each inquiry brought a different theory, and on following up the matter I would find them all to be merely guesses." Mr. D. W. Hooker, writes: 'tl think no man living knows when, where, or how Wyandottes originated. Some ten years ago, when Kidder of Northampton, and myself were breeding them, then known as Sebright Cochins, I wrote wherever I could hear of them, in order to trace them back, but the lines diverged, instead of converging, and I at last gave it up as a hopeless case." This testimony from the early and prominent breeders carries weight. If they have no light to give, where shall we look for it? We may reason on probabilities as Mr. Felch does in trying to answer Mr. Bicknell. But one fact would give us 8 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. more aid and comfort than several assertions, or repeated sayings that this characteristic must have come from this or that breed or mixing of breeds. As to the new breed or offshoot, White Wy- andottes, we have certain information. My first knowledge comes in this way — being a fancier of 30 years experience, I study carefully the adver- tising pages of our poultry journals. Last spring I noted White Wyandottes advertised by Mr. B. M. Briggs, Collin's Center, N. Y., and obtained eggs from him which gave me true White Wyandottes, having the characteristics and excellencies of their mottled ancestors. In the March number of the Poultry World, Mr. Geo. A. Towle gives his expe- rience with White Wyandottes dating back to 72. 1 happened to know that this strain bred very imperfectly in 1885. In the May Poultry Month- ly, Mr. F. A. Houdlette gives his experience, ma- ting up, as Mr. Briggs did, three years ago, white sports, which have bred beautifully true and per- fect. Without doubt other breeders had a similar experience, who did not care to experiment, since the then call was for a laced bird. In an experi- ence of more than 30 years, I have never known a new breed to start with such an immense boom, and with reason, for White Wyandottes start with WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 9 the almost unmatched reputation their darker cous- ins have acquired, with the added advantage of self color, which Standard torturers cannot tinker. Other colors will doubtless follow, as the Golden, already advertised by a Wisconsin breeder. The writer is also familiar with a party now handling solid Black Wyandottes. Now, who, four years ago, when Wyandottes were admitted to the Stan- dard, would have dared predict such a career for them?'' Chas. L. Ayer, Three Rivers, Mass, There can be no doubt, unless something more pointed and trustworthy can be unearthed on this subject than any thing yet advanced, a knowledge of just how the original or Silver variety was orig- inated will remain shrouded in uncertainty. There would be some satisfaction in knowing just what and how the combination was made to produce them, but that they were principally the result of a cross between Dark Brahmas and Hamburgs is quite apparent, often indicated by the reversion to white ear-lobes and spangles in the plumage of the females, and the wing-markings and other charac- teristics of Dark Brahmas, found in both male and female. As the origin cannot add any other character- istic to them, either for better or for worse, it is \0 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. not important to pursue the subject further, and we will leave that branch of the same to such in- quirers as may have the time and inclination to in- vestigate still further. THE GOLDEN WYANDOTTE. This is truly a new breed, and desiring to know more about it, requested Mr. E. S. Comings of Rock- ford, 111., who is breeding them, to furnish us a his- tory of their origin, which he has kindly complied with, as will appear in his own words: "Many years ago Mr. Joseph McKeen of Omro, Wis., by the crossing of several varieties of fowls, produced a brilliant black-red variety, with low rose combs and brilliant yellow legs, that he called "Winnebagoes." They were an excellent fowl, combining beauty with utility, and might have been properly termed a fancy fowl. Mr. McKeen has never attempted to get them recognized by the A. P. A. and admission to our Standard, but was wholly content to breed them in line, for the sole pleasure they gave him, as an evidence of how these lower forms of animated nature can be moulded by the creative fancy of man. These fowls in many respects, resembled our • Wyandotles. In '79 McKeen procured several set- WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 11 tings of American Sebright eggs, of that veteran breeder, L. W. Whitaker of North Adams, Mich. He was more than pleased with the appearance of the beautiful fowls that matured from the eggs that hatched. Being thoroughly posted in the standard varieties, and knowing that each silver variety had its counterpart in a golden variety, the idea nat- urally occurred to him that if he could only color the snowy white, to a beautiful gold that he would have a Golden Sebright, or as time has determined, a Golden Wyandotte. Selecting some of the very best of his American Sebright pullets, he bred them to a fine cockerel of his Winnebago variety, from the first the result was, although not wholly sat- isfactory, enough so, to pursuade him continuing the work of building up this golden variety. By proper selection the work went on, sometimes dis- couraging in the extreme, but with the determina- tion of a true fancier, the good results have contin- ued to grow, until now he has them almost tho- rough-bred. I became interested in them almost three years ago, and am doing my mite to help the good work along, But it seems that McKeen was not the only one that conceived the idea of pro- ducing a Golden Wyandotte. The same spring he was commencing this work, G. L. Buskirk of Odell, 12 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 111., by crossing with Black Red standard varieties produced some very good results in cockerels, but not as good pullets. Procuring some foreign blood of Mr. McKeen, this year will determine the val- ue of the cross. But fully a thousand miles from either of these gentlemen, in Waynesboro, Pa., nearer by far the home of our standard variety, curious as it may seem, the same idea was born in the mind of Jacob Ryder of that place. He too has shown himself to be a skillful breeder in producing another family of the Golden Wyandotte, related in no way to either of the other families. Strange as it may seem, the type is very nearly the same in these three ma- tings; in each we find the same golden color in pul- lets, the same rich golden bay color in cockerels, the lacing is of a brilliant blue-black, such as we find in the wing-coverts of the Peacock. Speaking as a fancier, setting aside all pecuniary interest, I honestly believe here is a breed that will create a greater boom among our fraternity, than any fowl that has ever appeared-they have not only their beauty to recommend them, but they have good sterling qualities, are better layers than their sil- ver cousins, and are a larger fowl." E. S. Comings. WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 13 Mr. W. E. Shedd of Waltham, Mass., a breed- er of another strain of Golden Wyandottes writes us, that his stock originated with a farmer, who as- serts that they came by crossing two strains of Sil- ver Wyandottes. Mr. S. further says they are very handsome, and breed true to feather. 14 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. VALUING DEFECTS. ^HE art, if it may be styled an art, of scoring or valuing defects, is one which, to be acurate, requires a great amount of study and practice. One expert may work upon a different basis or ideal from another, and as a result they vary so much that the assertion is sometimes made that scoring is simply guess work. For the purpose of bringing poultry men nearer to one ideal, we have attempted herein to present to our readers ar- ticles and illustrations which may enable all, who seek to apply the Standard, either in their own yards or the show room, to do so more accurately and at the same time with more regularity. the term ''cutting" or "cut," as applied to valu- ing defects, is simply setting down or designating the amount to be deducted from the standard value of any given section of the specimen . For example, if a comb is defective, audit is found that it falls short two points from standard value, it is styled "two outs'' or ''cut two," and the comb would get a valuation of five where the Standard gives a per- WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 15 feet one seven . The same course is pursued through all the sections of the entire specimen It seems to us to be sheer nonsense to mark defects in eighths, (except in weight,) and but rarely in fourths. Halves are certainly small enough as applied to color, condition, head, comb, ear-lobes, wattles or toes. The back, breast and body, if cut for shape, or form, or their make-up, should be marked one at least in all cases where, standing alone, the eye can readily detect any irregularity or deficiency therein. If it requires comparison with another bird, clearly correct in such particular, to decide whether or not the specimen is deficient, it may be cut one-half point should it prove to be at fault. No two combs are alike, and any set rule for valuing them would hardly work satisfactorily. It is therefore advisable that a certain set of combs should be cut a half point; another set, one point; and so on to as high as four or five. To explain: all combs in any one class or variety of birds marked one and a half points off should be of a certain kind or set, and while not exactly alike they come within the one and a half class. The same rule obtains in color and on legs and toes. Hence, if two and a half is the cut on several combs in one class, it is not imperative that they be exactly 16 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. alike; in fact, one may be slightly better than the other, but not good enough to mark two, while the comb of one of its competitors is not bad enough for three; they are therefore both placed in the two and a half class. Marking in fourths is "splitting hairs," and in many cases would become a farce. It will be found that the average judge, who attempts it in a large show, will embarrass himself beyond degree, and will generally be unable to score the specimen twice alikp without recourse to his score card. To score accurately one must not be too technical, but mark such defects as are plainly to be seen and which are important. It is claimed that nothing is perfect in the abstract meaning of the word, but because this may be so, it is not necessary to say that a bird's toe is not perfect, according to its true intent and meaning, the toe- nail being worn off a sixteenth of an inch; or that a purely white feather is not perfect, the webbing having become discon- nected between two fibres thereof; or that any sec- tion of a specimen is not perfect because an im- material feather is broken. Such technicalities are not desirable in scoring. Still there are cases, such as in sections where the valuation is very low, or where the competition is very close a one- WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 17 fourth cut may be recognized as correct. Then, again, whenever ties are to be decided, in cases where particular sections have been classified on half points as above mentioned, the specimens so tied should be re-examined, and if the classified defect in one is really slightly better than the oth- er, by cutting or adding one-fourth the tie would be removed, it should be so found. 18 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. WYANDOTTE COCK. [Fig 1] WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 19 SYMMETRY. ^T will be observed that this section is placed at ^ the head, of all "Scales of Points," and prop- erly should be discussed first herein. It may be well to remark, that among breeders, writers and judges, a great variance of opinion has been advanced relative to the importance of retain- ing this section in the future Standard. While it is wholly unnecessary to discuss this question here, we ask our readers to pardon us for digressing, since we are of the opinion, from our present un- derstanding of its value and importance, taken in connection wuth judging thoroughbred fowls, its elimination from the Standard would lead to great dissatisfaction and uncertainty in the breeding of this class of stock, ending in dissensions and divis- ions in the ranks of poultry breeders. We know of no reasons, neither have any been presented in the various publications, proving that the symmetry section is either wrong or bane- ful in its influence on the well being of thorough- 20 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. bred poultry, or that by its use an incorrect value of the merits of a specimen is given. The osten- sible reason given is that it is the lever which judges use to cover frauds in scoring, by giving it a fictitious value in the score for the purpose of favoritism or injury. Symmetry, as a special feature in connection with our system of arriving at the merits of fowls, is doing its own good work, and results in holding the characteristic shape of the various breeds of fowls distinct from each other, immediately de- tecting any encroachment of the one upon the other, by reason of its being a guide to the intel- igent breeder as to the true and complete shape of a standard specimen, no matter whether he is breeding fowls in Maine or California, in Texas or Rhode Island. In fact, it creates a lively in- terest on the part of all breeders and judges to un- derstand or know the true type as viewed by the great fraternity of poultry breeders, or it is, as we have heretofore stated, the ''short-hand" way of acquiring an understanding of the recognized or standard shape of a specimen in any breed of fowls. SYMMETRY OP COCK. Whenever a breeder is found, who has "no eye" WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 21 for the general good symmetry or type of a fowl, no matter in what variety, there will also be found incongruous mating and many defective birds in his flocks. When a specimen comes up to the standard re- quirements for shape in all sections, and seems to be in perfect accord with the ideal bird of the va- riety under consideration, (which a fancier or breeder should always build up in his imagination, and without which he cannot successfully select or mate his flocks for breeding,) it should be marked "full" or ''perfect" in this section. By placing symmetry front and foremost in the Standard, it operates as a guide to this object, and is valued at ten points or "full," it being the same in all gallanacious fowls except Games. In Wyandottes, the cock must be medium in size, in comparison with the Asiatic, Spanish, or Ham- burg breeds; head short, but broad in the crown over the eyes, with a well arched and short neck, short for his size and height; back, broad and flat over from shoulder to shoulder, with a saddle full, broad and rising in a concave sweep to the tail, [See figure 1.] (saddle meaning the rear of the back, and the long hackle like feathers thereon;) tail well developed, i. e., good size, broad at the 22 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. base, sickles gracefully curved, medium in length, (not as long as those of a Hamburg cock, nor as short as those common to a Brahma cock-a me- dium between the two;) fluff, full; short in the legs, the same straight and standing well apart. Now, if any one cannot apply the foregoing des- cription, in connection with that of the Standard, to a specimen of this variety, and satisfactorily de- termine whether or not it is good or bad in sym- metry, he certainly does not understand poultry sufficiently well to make a selection, and should de- pend on one more experienced to perform the task. By careful consideration of this description, and by applying it a few times to specimens to discover wherein they fail, one will soon build up in the mind an ideal bird, which will be to him a perfect bird in shape. In using the word "perfect," it is not intended that its signification shall apply in the abstract, since perfection in anything is said to be unattainable in our clouded conception even, but as it is commonly used and applied by mor- tals, who can only "see blindly," in fact, good enough for our highest earthly purposes. For example, look at a specimen! Is his head long and narrow? is his neck too long? (it would be difficult to find one much too short.) Does the WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 23 back side of neck arch out enough, or is it straight up, and is the neck broad enough at the base? Is he round over from shoulder to shoulder, or narrow between them, and is the rear of back broad and full of saddle feathers, making the saddle full in ap- pearance? Is his breast broad, deep and full, i. e., prominent in front, round and broad — a grand good point to be considered — and his body broad, short and full at the sides, oris he narrow? Look at his legs; how do they stand, close together or wide apart, and is he narrow through from, wing to wing? If so, his breast and body are too nar- row. Is his tail good in size, or is it too large or too small, and are his sickles straight, too long or too short? are his legs all right, or are they too long or too short? The following will assist the reader in arriving at the true valuation of defects commonly found in males of this variety, as it measures the defects which are not typical of the breed, and conse- quently impare symmetry, viz: Head, long and narrow ^ out. Comb, too small and hen like, or too large and gross V2 Neck, too long >^ Neck, too straight and thinly feathered % to 1 Neck, carried too far forward /4 u 1 Back, too long Yz Back, narrow 1 1 to 2 „ 1 to 2 „ IVi to 2 „ Vz to 1 „ Vi to 1 „ Vi to 1 „ ^A „ Vi to 1 „ 1 to 2 „ Vi to 1 „ Vz to 1 „ 24 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. Back, straight or drooping to rear, and defective in saddle Back, roached Breast, flat, not full and round Breast, narrow Body, too long Body, too narrow ^ Wings, badly folded, if sufficient to impair symmetry Tail, too large or too small and pointed Tail, squirrel Legs, too long Legs, crooked SYMMETRY OF HEN. In discussing the various standard merits of Wy- andotte hens, we will preface, that we are giving only an opinion, and that the same may be in a measure incorrect, that our statements are based upon our impressions made in the show room, and upon the opinions of such breeders as we have con- versed with in reference thereto. Our object is gained if, by so doing, breeders shall become more familiar with them, and thus be better enabled to develop their good qualities, and avoid their chief defects. Symmetry or shape in hens, by reason of their sex, is very much different from that of the males, but is valued at the same in the scale, viz: 10 points. The outline or symmetry of the hen is very well represented in figure 2. The following will aid the reader who desires to WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 25 WYANDOTTE HEN. [FiCx 2] Study the symmetry of a Wyandotte hen: Head, long and narrow Comb, large and coarse Neck, too long Neck, too straight Neck, carried too far forward Back, too long Back, narrow 14 out 'A Vz to 1 V2 „ 1 1 26 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. Back, straight or drooping to rear, and defective in cushion 1 to 2 „ Back, roached 1 to 2 „ Breast, flat, not full and round Yi to 2 „ Breast, narrow Vz to 1 „ Body, too long 1/2 to 1 „ Body, too narrow 1/2 to 1 „ Wings, badly folded, if sufficient to impair symmetry Vi M Tail, too large or too small and pointed H to 1 „ Tail, squirrel 1 to 2 „ Legs, too long 'A to 1 „ Legs, crooked Vz to 1 „ WEIGHT. if up to the requirement, which, in a cock, is eight and a half ft)s., a cockerel, seven and a half lbs., and and a pullet, five and a half lbs., is marked full, or ten points. But for every pound or fractional part of a pound, the fowl may fall short of the re- quired weights, respectively, there must be de- ducted from the said ten points at that rate and ratio for such deficiency; hence, a cock weighing but seven and a half lbs. would be credited with but eight points in the score, and a cockerel weigh- ing seven pounds, would be cut one point, which would give him but nine points on weight. CONDITION. This subject is considered in every score, is appli- cable to all varieties of standard fowls, and compre- hends a variety of questions or subjects widely dif- WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 27 fering from each other, and requires the exercise of skill and careful judgment in its application by the breeder, exhibitor and judge. It embraces the symptoms of all kinds of diseases known to poul- try, the effects of frosting or freezing of the exposed members of the specimen, sores and gashes re- sulting from fighting, dirty and broken plumage, and last but not least, fowls showing the effect of over or under feeding and care. All will see at once, that it is no easy task to present to the reader any complete plan or rule for valuing the defects of condition, except in a general way. In the first place, a fowl suffering with any serious disease, should not be sent to the show-room, or be permitted to remain with its mates, as thus the health of well fowls will not be put in jeopardy. We have frequently approached exhibition coops, where the fumes from carbolic acid, kerosene oil, camphor and other odorous drugs, concoctions and medicines were rank enough to nauseate and iron- clad stomach-strong evidence of disease. Specimens are frequently seen which have con- tracted a cold by reason of being shipped in bad weathter, or by exposure in transit, and inflama- tion about the eyes and head are manifest, which can generally be easily arrested if promptly attend- 28 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. ed to and before it has assumed a serious character. Such specimens should be considered and tlie cir- cumstances of each taken into consideration. An experienced breeder or judge will quickly know how to act. Frosted combs and wattles, if only slightly touched, should receive a cut of ^ to 1 point; if frozen a. third or halfway down and are swollen, festering or discolored, 2 points out; toes frosted and bad. 1 to 3 points out each. S ;aly legs are an abomination, and so long as sul{)hur and carbolic acid are cheap and only need be applied once a week for two weeks to cure and prevent it, then, why should we not cut from 2 to 3, in condition, if this filthy disease is present? A specimen should not be cut for soiled plum- age common to fowls which have become so on a journey, but where they show neglect, such as running in the mud and storms, in coal houses and other filthy places until their plumage is begrim- med and dingy, 1 to 3 outs, according to their ap- pearance. The loss of one unimportant feather or two should not figure as a defect, but if the feathers on the back are badly torn out and broken, the neck or wings stripped out, the tail mashed and broken, 1 to 3 outs. WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 29 It is a common occurrence to find fowls so fat that on the least excitement they puff and wheeze, and should be cut 1 to 2 outs in this section. Those, from the same cause, which appear enlarged, out of symmetry and ''baggy" in the posterior parts, styled by some ''down a little," evidently pushed into "high show condition" a little too far by greedy and over reaching exhibitors, probably to increase the score in the weight section, should receive a cut from 2 to 3 outs for this extra care. Neither should it be considered as caused by the growth of eggs incident to the approach of the breeding season. Specimens fully '^broken down," that is; unable to carry their weight naturally, and having become weakened in the thighs and hock joints to such an extent as to cause them to tip up in front and tip down behind, should be passed as out of condition for showing or breeding. Males which show ' leg weakness" and walk stiffly, moving the feet with a jerking motion should receive 2 outs. In Wyandottes if perfect in condition, the vala- tion is 8 points. HEAD, is valued at 6 points, and in both male and female, it should be short, broad across the crown; the color of the plumage or feathers of the same sil- 30 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. very white in cocks and silvery-grey in hens; the skin on the face bright red; the eyes bright bay or red in color, (this refers to the iris of the eye, and signifies a'*red eye.'') The beak, horn color, shad- ing to yellow, at the point or along the sides of the beak, and well curved. All of these charac- teristics must be apparent or the head section should be discounted. If the head is long and nar- row, deduct 1 point, or if the color of the plumage is darker than silvery-white in cocks and silvery- grey in hens i to 1 out; if the skin of the face fails in being a bright red, i. e., too dark, i out; if the eyes are hazel or "pearl" in color, failing to show a bright bay or red iris, i to 1 out; if one eye is blinded, 1 out; and if ''run out" 2 out. Any va- riance from the described color of beak, or if it is straight and pointed, failing in being well curved, the out is from -J to 1 point. COMB counts 8 points, which is rather too high a valua- tion of same, as it is not required to possess any very fancy shape or position, it being what is known as "rose" or "double," low, fiat, firm, and even on the head, oval in front, and wide at center, with a small spike, much less prominent than that on Hamburgs. In figure 3 is an illustration of a good WYANDOTTE CULTURE, 31 WYANDOTTE COMB [Fig. 8.] HAMBURG COMB [Fig. 4.] comb for a Wyandotte cock. The SiHiidrtid does not require the point or extreme rear end to turn 32 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. up as at B, or turn down as at A, still there can be no objection to the latter position, and as it would not so closely resemble the Hamburg comb, as shown in figure 4, it is possibly better to have it conform more nearly to the top of the head, some- what after the manner of A in figure 3. The top of the comb should be evenly covered with small WYANDOTTE COMB [Fig. 5] poinls. If the comb is too high or too large the cut would be from 1 to 2; if not flat and firm, ^ to 2; if not setting evenly or squarel}^ on the head when viewed from the front, ^ to 2; too large a spike, or its entire absense, 1 to 2, and if the top of comb has deep holea or "cups" in it, or bunched up in the center as in figure 5, ^ to 2-^; if smooth and without the small points i to 2 outs. Figure 6 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 33 represents a Brahma comb, and it is undoubtedly a reversion to this comb, to whicii many of the de- fects found in Wyandotte combs are chargeable, such as absence of spike, bunching up on top of the head , as in figure 5, &c . Single combs, or those which lay over on one side of the head are not BRAHMA COMB. [Fig. 6.] Standard and should always be discarded. The comb of the hen in shape is the same as that of the cock, only small and feminine, which would render it much neater. In scoring, the same rules apply as in that of males. WATTLES AND EARLOBES figure 5 points. The wattles must be fine in tex- ture, pendant, of medium length, and in color 34 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. bright red, while the earlobes must be well de- veloped and bright red in color. By pendant wattles of medium length, one may understand that they are not to be long like those on a Leghorn or Cochin cock, but short and somewhat rounded. If too long, 1 out; if the color be a dark red and coarse in texture, i to 1 out; if one is entirely gone 1 point. The earlobes must be well developed, and if shriveled and small, and drawn tightly to the face, 1 out; if any white appears on them, 1 or 2 outs, according to degree, and if the entire lobes are white the specimen is disqualified. In the hen the skin of the wattles must be red in color and fine in texture, and they must be short and well rounded on the edges, not too long and pendant, and equal in length. The earlobes should be of a fair size, in color and texture of the skin the same as the w^attles. In scoring, the same rules apply as in that of males. NECK is valued, when perfect in shape and color, at 8 points. In shape, it must be short and well arched, in plumage it must be full and abundant, in color silvery- white, with a black stripe through the center of the feather, which tapers to a point near the ex- tremity. See figure 7. If the neck is too long, WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 35 Fig. Fig. S. 36 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. and not short in comparison with the size and heighth of the specimen, 1 or 2 outs; if straight from head down to back, and without a fine arch springing out just below the juncture of the head and neck, J to 1 out; if the hackle is deficient in quantity, 1 to 3 outs, and if the same is not long and flowing, i to 1 out; if the black stripe does not taper to a point at the extremity of the feather, but is blunt and black, it should be discounted from 1 to 3 points, or if the lacing near the point is edged with black, as in figure 8, 1 to 3 points out. The neck of the hen must be short and arching as it drops below the juncture of the head and neck, with an abundance of hackle, each feather black, tapering to a point near the tip end, with a narrow lacing of silvery-white around the webbed portion of tha same. See figure 9. If the neck is too long, and not short in comparison with the the size and heighth of the specimen, 1 to 2 outs, if straight from head down to back, and without a fine arch, i to 1 out; if the hackle is short causing the back to appear long and slim, 1 to 2 outs; if the black stripe does not taper to a point at the ex- trdmity of each feather, but is blunted, see figure 10, and the silvery-white lacing, so much to be ad- m'lo'l i-^ dinsfv, the out should be from 1 to 3. WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 37 ^^^^^p' i ^m^ ^^^^j M Fig. 9. Fig. 10. Wyandottes, many of them, are very imperfect in color of plumage of the neck, and breeders, should discard from the breeding yard all fowls showing a dark or smutty ring, or black on the lower part of the neck. BACK. has the same valuation as neck. It must be 38 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. short, broad and flat at shoulders — a specimen showing all this is rare. The color of plumage, which is seen when standing naturally, should be silvery-white. That portion of the back lying un- der the hackle or neck feathers is largely colored with black, but if it extends out bey»nd the hackle so as to intermingle with the feathers of the back, which should be silvery-white, the defect deserves from 1 to 2 outs, as it may be apparent. This portion of the back is not to be included with th»t of sad- dle, which begins just. back of and between the shoulders and extends to the tail. This part of the back must be full and broad in shape, and well covered with saddle feathers, njaking it appear more broad and full, and also, causing the oat- line of the back to lise in a concave sweep to the tail. The saddle feathers must be white with a black stripe through the center. If the back is narrow across from shoulder to shoulder, ^ to 1 out; if too long from neck to tail, 1 to 2 outs; if depressed in front of tail, failing to rise in a con- cave sweep, 1 to 2 out; if the saddle feathers are not well striped with black, ^ to 1 out. The back of the hen must be short from back of neck to front of tail, broad across, both at shoulders and cushion, and flat at shoulders. The cushion. WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 39 which begins near the center of the back in rear of the shoulders, should be full, that means, not scant, and to be full, it must be broad and slightly rising in convex form. The color of the plumage of the back must be, viz: Web of feathers black with white centers, and under-color, a dark slate-color, the white centers may be more or less penciled with black. N'ow, ''more or less penciled with black," admits a back so dark as to appear nearly black or dingy at a little distance off, and still the spec- imen must be considered as perfect in this respect. It is a surprise to us, that such a "let down" from good color should have been approved by the American Poultry Association. It is well enough to be charitable to a new breed, but when our generosity is a curse, then it is worse than positive rigidness. Figure 11 shows a back feather with but a slight white center w^hich is altogether too small. Figure 12 shows a feather often found in the cush- ion, and clearly indicates the influence of a Dark Brahma ancestry. Even with pullets seemingly fair in color, on moulting as hens the penciled center appears in many cases. In scoring, the back cannot be discounted for color so long as the feathers have a black lacing, and do not show any other colors than black and 40 WYANDOTTE CULTURE, Fig. 11. Fig. 12. white. If the feathers on the back are white in the web with crescent shaped tips of black, 2 outs; if the white centers are too small, or if the same are penciled, as shown in figure? 11 and 12, 1 to 3 outs in either case as in degree. If the back be too long from neck to tail, 1 to 2 out?; if narrow and round over from shoulder to shoulder, i to 1 out; if de- pressed in front of tail, falling to show a full cush- ion, 1 to 2 outs. "^ WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 41 It is important that the hack be carefully con- sidered, since it adds, if good, very lar«;ely to the general appearance of the specimen, and we be- lieve that the valuation of the back section in many varieties described in the standard is decidedly too low. As a rule, a good back accompanies other Fig. 13. Fig. 14. sections good in shapp, such as neck and tail, and is an index as to the general make-up of the specimen. BREAST AND BODY. This section is of importance, because the vari- ety is claimed to be a very valuable breed for the table, and while its standard valuation is the same 42 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. as that of other breeds, viz: 10 points, when per- fect, yet its make-up is such that it must neces- sarily have a full, round and prominent breast, with a straight breast-bone. In figures 13 and 14, we give an illustration of the markings of the breast feathers. In figure 13 it will be noticed the white center is smaller, consequently the general color of the breast feathers, as they lay on the bird, will be darker, and, in fact, it makes such a spec- imen darker throughout. The standard descrip- tion of breast is, "under-color slate, web of feather black, with medium sized white centers, which ta- per to a point near the extremity." Perhaps it would have been more clearly worded, relative to the white center, had it been described as tapering to a point as it approaches the extremity of the feather. In well bred specimens of this variety, re- ferring to shape, they will be found to be very broad for their size, hence, the body must be short and deep, and to complete this breadth, they must be rounded out at the sides, in front of the legs, that is, filled out in front of legs, and without narrow- ness or gauntness thereat. • So far as plumage on body is concerned, it has a slaty under-color, and the web is tinged or frosted with white on the edge, only slightly, as one showing too much frost- WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 43 ing would give the specimen too much weakness in color, that is, too light. In scoring the breast of a Wyandotte cock, first examine its shape. Is it broad enough and full enough to meet your ideal of the same? if not, cut him from 1 to 2 for narrowness, and from 1 to 2 for lack of fullness; if his breast bone is crooked, 1 to 2 outs; if his feathers are not laced entirely around the webbed portion, the same being white, with a crescent shaped black tip, and up the sides, (see fig- ure 15,) the out is 2 points. As the feathers run up toward the neck, if they grow darker, and finally are solid black, 1 to 2 outs; on the other hand, if his breast is not evenly colored, and shows large patch- es as it approaches the sides, of very light colored feathers, 1 to 2 outs; if the feathers become lighter as they approach the thigh, running into gray or white tipped with black as in figure 16, 1 to 2 outs. Breast wholly black in color or wholly white, are, of course, not to be regarded, as it is a Standard disqualification. The body, if long like that of a Brahma, 1 out; if -sunken in at the sides and narrow, 1 to 2 outs; if the frosting on the feathers of the fluff is lacking, -J tp lout, and if too much frosting, (as it is only required to be slightly frosted,) i to 1 out. On examining the un- 44 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. der color on the breast and body, if too light, i to 1 out, and the same cut if it is found too dark. The shape of breast and body in the hen is re- quired to be full and round, and as they are broad and compact in their general characteristics, and as their backs must be short, their bodies must necessarily be short, and to complete the round- ness of breast and body, they must also be full in front of the legs. If the breast is narrow across, 1 to 2 out; als^o 1 to 2 for lack of fullness or promi- nence; if the breast bone is crooked 1 to 2 outs. The color of the plumage is, for web, a white center, laced around with black as shown in figure 13, which is about the amount of lacing required in this variety of fowls. If the plumage of the breast be not evenly colored, showing patches, as it ap- proaches the thighs, of light colored feathers, 1 to 2 outs; if the breast feathers are white with only black tips, or if the white extends to the outer edge in the widest part of the feathers, (see figure 16) thus destroying the black lacing which extends around the webbed portion of the feather, from J to 2 outs, as the defect may be apparent. The body must be short and deep, up and down, and in color of plumage, black with white centers wherever re- quired, but near the thighs it has a frosted ap- WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 45 Fig. 15. Fig. 17, Fig. 16. 46 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. pearance, or a sort of gray in color. If the body is long like that of a Brahma, 1 out; if the frosting on feathers near the thigh is wanting, and appears nearly black, or if it is too light in color, ^ to 1 out in either case. In many specimens otherwise good, the feathers, both in breast, body and in back, having good cen- ters, are also slightly tinged with gray or moss- ing around the extreme outer edge, as shown in figure 17, which is a defect, being uncalled for, and which causes a lack of clearness in the black lacing, and should be cut from i to 1 point. WINGS should be medium in size when compared with the size of the bird, and well folded, that is, the prima- ries (the feathers shown in figure 18 marked A) or wing quills, nicely *'venetianed," and held up un- der the secondaries, or those feathers growing out below the elbow of the wing. The secondaries are those of the long feathers, seen when the wing is closed up naturally (Shown at B in figure 18.) The primaries have a slight white lacing on the outer or lower web of the feather, (figure 19 shows a pri- mary feather somewhat reduced in size. The por- tion of black and white on same is about correct.) The secondaries must be black on the inside web WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 47 Fig. 18. and white on the outer web. (Figure 20 shows a sec- ondary feather somewhat reduced, but the lacing and proportion of white to black are about right.) If the primaries are solid white, or if one feather is solid white, or solid white out half way, or only slightly, as shown in figure 21 it is a defect, and must be discounted from ^ to 2 outs, as in degree; (we should discount the white in the illustration 1 point,) if the primaries are carried outside of the wings, 1 to 2 outs. The wing-bar is composed of the lower wing-coverts, and by reason of their coloring and position, form a sort of crescent across 48 WYANDOTTE CULTURE, Fig. 19. Fig, 20. WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 49 Fig. 21. Fig. 22. the wing at or iiea.r the base of the fliglit feathers seemingly. Mr. Felch says, "if you will examine a covert feather, you will see it is white with a black shad- ins: along the shaft or quill which widens to a deep black spangle at the point; (see figure 21) this heavy black spot or spangle forms the bar. The first and second set of coverts, with the black, 50 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. reaches, the shorter into the longer, so as to leave only the shaded white described, so, a nice first- class bar represents almost a Dark Brahma bar in appearance. A nice Dark Brahma bar, with a row of diamond shaped white spots through its center, would be a first class Wyandotte bar. Such cock- erels are exceedingly scarce and valuable. A biid with such a bar and a clear, silvery neck, striped with metallic black, would be worth its weight in gold, and from such only can we hope to build up the Wyandottes into beauty." In our own opinion, the wings in Wyandotte cocks average poorly, and that one reason is, be- cause too much white in the wing-bar is allowed by the Standard, and because the color of the feathers constituting the wing-bar are improperly described therein. (This opinion is based upon examination of specimens found in various exhibitions, largely tending to prove it.) We believe the description of primary and secon- dary feathers in the wings, Siho the wing- bars, should be exactly alike as to color in both males and females, and that the description of the color of the feathers in the wing-bar of both males and females should read "black on inner web and around the tip of the feather" and along the edge WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 51 of the outer web, the balance of the outer web, white, better understood by the illustration shown in figure 22. The present standard description of the color of the wing-coverts is, '* nearly white with a black stripe through the center, that widens near, the point of the feather, producing a double-span- gled bar across the wing;" which is also illustrated in figure 21. In our humble opinion, all, or nearly all, Wyandotte cockerels showing wing-coverts with standard color will, as cocks, show either defective primaries, or secondaries or both, and will con- tinue to do so, as long as such males are bred from. We will remark, however, that in some males, as well as females, which show the color of the lower feathers in the wing-bar, as shown in figure 22, also show feathers high up on the bar, in which the white center passes over into the inner or upper web, thus making a full white center, similar to the plumage on the breast. The upper cov^erts, or those feathers which cov- er the flat of the wing, also the shoulders, must be slate in under-color, with a white web, which gives this portion the appearance of being white, the more silvery the better. If the wing-bar has solid white feathers, or the tips of the coverts are white or gray, or if the black spangle is not 52 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. wide enough to form a good black bar, the outs are from i to2; if the upper or shoulder coverts are intermixed with black, or if the under-color ex- tends in a smutty black into the web of these cov- erts, so as to mar the uniform whiteness of the same, i to 1 out; or if the same has a dirty yel- lowish shade, i to 1 out. In the hen, the wing-bar should be colored sim- ilarly to that of the male, although in many cases, the centers of the web of the feathers comprising the same will be found to be white on both sides of the quill, while in others, in the lower part of the bar, the feathers will be similar in color to that of figure 22. The Standard requires the primaries, or flight feathers, to be black, with a narrow white lacing along the lower edge, as shown in figure 19. The secondaries, black on inner web and around the tip end of the feather, outer web white, but the black is allowed to run over from the inner web, across the shaft, thus making a narrow black line along the outer web nearest the shaft, (see figure 20,) but when the wing is properly folded only the white on the outer web, and the black crescents on the tips can be seen, (see B in figure 18.) The shoulder coverts have a dark undercolor, but should be similar in color in the web of the same, as are WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 53 Fig. 24. Fig. 35. Fig. 23. 64 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. the feathers on the breast, white centers heavily laced with black, and the lacing growing heavier as the feathers run over the wing-bow. In figure 24 is shown a feather properly colored, found on the shoulders of the hen, also, in figure 25 is shown a feather having too much white in the center — the latter is more often found than the former, and should be discounted from 1 to 2 outs in proportion to amount of such feathers found on the shoulders and wing-bow. In the wings, penciling in the white centers is also allowed. The defects in the wings are usually in folding and color. If not well folded, that is, each feather folded over the other proper- ly, beginning with the lowest feathers, and held up against the sides naturally, the out is from 1 to 2; if the shoulder coverts (see figure 24 and 25) are too light or too dark 1 to 2 outs; if the wing bar has solid white or gray feathers, or if any of the feath- ers composing the same are solid black, ^ to 2 outs; if a solid white or partially gray feather, or feath- ers are found among the secondaries, J to 2 outs, (see figure 20;) if the same are found in the pri- maries, 1 to 2 outs, (see figure 21;) and if the out- er web of the secondaries when properly folded, and held naturally up against the sides show, any lacing, penciling or mossing, other than the black WYANDOTTE CULTURE. tips, i to 2 outs, as in degree. 55 Fig. 27 56 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. TAIL. This section is figured at 7 points, and the stan- dard requirements are: good development, some- what spreading at base, black in color; sickles, medium in length, gracefully arched, in color glos- sy black. Tail coverts, glossy black, lesser coverts black, having an edging of white. These latter feathers grow out at the base of the tail, and are found next to the saddle feathers. As to size of tail, it should be rather more than medium, when comparison is made with those on Brahmas and Hamburgs; not pinched at base, but broad up and down, black in color, the upper or greater tail cov- erts abundant and black, while the lesser or lower ones should be narrower with a black center and a wide white lacing. In figure 1 is shown a proper tail, both in size and carriage, while in figure 26 is shown a tail too high and large. The perpendic- ular line A B in figure 26 is drawn to show how much of this tail is carried forward. No part of the tail should be carried forward of this line, and it would be better and more symmetrical if it did not extend beyond the line E D. The illustration nearly approaches what is styled ''Squirrel tail," and should be discounted 2 outs. If carried still farther forward, so as to become a complete "Squir- WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 57 rel tail, "it should be 3 points out. If the tail is carried too high to balance the specimen evenly, even if not as high as is shown in figure 26, and detracts for the good appearance of the specimen, 1 to 2 outs. In figure 27 is an illustration of the proper carriage of a Cochin tail. If the Wyandotte tail was proportionately as small as this illustration, or carried as low, it would be a serious defect — the line A D being at an angle of 45 degrees. Hence, it is proper to assume, that if the tail is carried at an angle of about 90 degrees, which would be a trifle lower than the line B E in figure 26, it would be about correct in heighth. If the tail be too small and pinched, 1 and 2 outs; if the sickles are ex- tremely long i to 1 out; if the coverts are scant and deficient, ^ to 1 out; if the sickles show white in front, part way out, 1 to 2 outs, as in degree; if the main tail feathers, (tail primaries,) show white part way out, similar to that in figure 28, i to 1 out; if the upper tail coverts show white, i to 1 out; and if the low^er tail coverts are solid black, 1 out. Wry tail disqualifies, which means that it is naturally carried more or less to one side of a perpendicular line, when viewed from squarely in front of the specimen. This section in the make-up of a Wyandotte hen 58 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. [Reduced in size.] Fig. 28. Fig. 29. should be fairly developed, which would seem to signify, that it should not be as large as that of a Hamburg hen, but spreading out wide at the base, and carried at an angle of about 85 degrees, so as to make it moderately upright. If the tail is carried too high, it causes the back to seem too short, and WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 59 it is not in harmony with general good symmetry on a bird of blocky appearance. The main tail feathers must be black in color. The smaller or lower tail coverts, those short feathers which grow up and out on the sides of the tail near the cushion, black with small white centers, while the long or upper tail-coverts should be black in color. Very few specimens are found which do not show gra}^ along the edges of the tail coverts, as shown in figure 29, some more and some less, and is undoubtedly traceable to the Dark Brahma an- cestry. If the tailbe smalland pinched, held too closely together, 1 to 2 outs; if carried too high or too low to balance the specimen evenly, and de- tracting from a pleasing appearance, 1 to 2 outs; if the main tail feathers are tipped with white or gray in the web part, just above the coverts, ^ to 2 outs; if the coverts are solid black, or are too white, -J- to 1 out; if the tail-coverts show tracing of gray along their edges, i to 1 out, in proportion to the defect; if the tail is what is known as "Squirrel," — carried over the back beyond a perpendicular line with the level of the back, — 3 outs. A wry tail, as in the case of cocks, if carried to one side of a perpendi- cular line, when viewed from squarely in front of the specimen disqualifies. 60 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. FLUFF Counts 5 points, if it meets all the standard re- quirements, which are: That it must be full and abundant, and dark slate powdered with gray in color. Hence, if a specimen is deficient in fluff feathers, and appears as not being rounded out in profile, in this section, 1 to 2 ou4;s; if not broad and square, when taken in connection with size and other sections, 1 out; and if too black or too light in color, ^ and 2 outs. We think too high a valu- ation is given to this section, and would prefer it at 3, giving the balance to more valuable or impor- tant sections. Fluff is often erroneously applied to feathers which seem to grow from the under part of the body in rear of the legs, but which, in fact, are long, soft feathers growing out of the thighs, spreading out below the wings, and lying among the feathers of the fluff. These feathers are often frosted a little along the edges, and have a slight strip of white along the shaft, merely a slight streak. The fluff itself is composed of soft downy feathers with broad centers of gray, and tips of dull black, slightly frosted on the ends, while the fluffy part of the feather proper is light slate color. In proportion as the gray centers are broad and the dark tips are small, so is the fluff light or dark in WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 61 color. Hence, a dark specimen usually has a dark fluff. The foregoing rules apply to both males and fe- males alike, and both should be scored alike. Fig. 30. LEGS AND TOES Are combined in one section, and have 7 points for a standard valuation. The thighs should be short and stout, and well covered with soft feathers. In color same as fluff substantially. Shanks rather short and stout, yellow in color. If the thighs are long and slender, J and 1 out; and if the color of the feathers on the same are too dark or too light, i to 1 out. The shanks are also required to be 62 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. short and stout, when the size of the specimen is considered, which renders the entire leg short. Hence, along shank, 1 out; and if it is small, and not stout in appearance, i to 1 out, crooked toes (see 1 figure 30), i to 2 outs. As to color of shanks and toes, any other than yellow will not do, and would disqualify. If the color varies from a good yellow, the cut should be from ^ upwards, as it may merit. If the legs are crooked and angular at the hock joints, i to 1 out; and if knock-kneed (see 2 figure 30), 2 to 3 outs. Should black spots, or rather, black scales, appear on the shanks or toes, they should be discounted from i to 2 outs. The disqualifications in Wyandotles may be prop- erly considered here. "Birds not matching in the show pen," we infer, signifies that where one of a pair, trio or breeding pen which may be on exhibi- tion, is very light in color while another is very dark, it is a mismatch. ''Combs other than rose or falling to either side," operate where a speci- men may have a single or pea-comb, and when the comb tilts over to one side sufficiently for its side to touch the feathers of the head. ' 'Crooked backs" are often found and can usually be discovered by their one-sidedness, but if not clearly apparent, a careful examination and pressure of one hand down WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 63 the back will generally reveal the defect. "De- formed beaks" are some times seen, they do not set squarely in front of the head, or do not set down squarely together, but are crossed more or less. *' Wry tail" as herein before stated, is one which does not .stand perpendicularly when viewing the speci- men from squarely in front, but leaning to one side. *' Twisted feathers in the wings" are those which have turned wrong side out, or twisted completely around. "Shanks feathered, or any other color than yellow, except in hens, which may be faded from yellow," of course, if feathers are completely developed on the shanks, the specimen is out, slight appearances of small fine feathers may be ad- mitted, but should be discounted from Ito 2 points. A hen fnay have a faded yellow leg and still com- pete but the cut should be from i out, upwards, as she may merit. ''Solid black or solid white breasts" conveys the idea that all of the feathers on the breast must be wholly of one color or the other, if it is not all over one of these colors, cut from 1 to 3 as in a degree. Solid white or yellow earlobes disqualify, but they must be wholly covered with white or yellow to be thrown out entirely. The foregoing valuation of defects in this variety is sufficiently elastic to meet the various defects, 64 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. WHITE WYANDOTTE COCK. [Fig. 31.] WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 65 while the smallest and largest valuation of any defect are the extremes either way, and the various shades of difference, which may come between,' must be left to the person applying the same. Enough has been said, however, to give any reader, who will study it and the Standard care- fully, full^insight, and enable him to approximate very closely to the correct score of his fowls. 66 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. WHITE WYAin>OTT£S. WHITE WYANDOTTE HEN. [Fig. 32.] 'his Tariety or offshoot from standard Wyandottes have not been admitted to the Standard, conse- quently, we can only approximate as to their score. In judging them, the valuation given to each section of the Wyandotte Standard may be given WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 67 them. Their shape in every particular should be identical with that laid down by the Standard for Wyandottes, and as to color, the same rules and re- quirements set forth by the Standard for White Cochins may be safely applied, to-wit: Plumage of the head, clear white; of the neck, clear white, of the back, white, free as possible from a yellowish tinge; of the breast and body, clear white, free from any yellowish tinge; of the wings, white, free as possible from a yellowish tinge; of the tail, clear white; of the fluff, clear white; of the thighs, clear white. Specimens showing any color in plumage other than white or yellowish white should be passed or disqualified. A score made in this man- ner would result in finding the best specimens, no matter how large the class. In figures 31 and 32 will be found illustrations of a cock and hen of this new breed, in shape, substantially the same as shown in figures 1 and 2 illustrating standard Wy- andottes. GOLDEN WYANDOTTES. Since this variety is identical in shape with stan- dard Wyandottes, and only varying from them in color, they can be accurately scored by substituting instead of the words ''white" or ''silver- white" the words "golden bay," the same as is found in the 68 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. Golden Polish Standard, and then, by applying the same as hereinbefore set forth, a careful breeder may be enabled to correctly estimate the 'worth of any. specimen so tested. -<^f^3(3S^- MATING WYANDOTTES. |Ur knowledge, relative to the proper mating of standard Wyandottes is based principally upon the statement made by breeders, and the examin- ation of specimens, both progenitors and progeny, as seen in the show room, together with such gen- eral knowledge as may have been obtained by years of breeding other varieties. - It is unnecessary for us to go into a long dis- sertation on the question of thorough-breeding. Every farmer and breeder in the land, no matter what class of stock they may be breeding, have read over and over again in books and newspapers articles on scientific breeding, that sire and dam should be thorough-bred, that is, that they and their progen- itors^ ever since the foundation of that particular WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 69 breed, should be bredifrom the best specimens, each in his or her own day and generation. It is a well demonstrated fact, that unless the progenitors of any breeding stock are or have been so bred, that their progeny were not even or true in qualities, and brought to their owners loss and chagrin as often as they do profit and pleasure. Believing the foregoing to be true, we have a so- lution for the many unsatisfactory results obtained by breeders of Wyandottes in the last few years. It is safe to assert, that never in the history of fowls has a new bred sprung up and gained in popular- ity, as rapidly as have Wyandottes. Three years ago they were first admitted to the Standard, and up to that time their reputation was an indiffer- ent one, and the breeding of them was carried on without rule or guide, subject only to the whims and caprices of each individual breeder. Upon their becoming a standard breed, they were sought for, and the demand for them increased so rapidly, that those, who had them, could not supply such demand, and fabulous prices were asked and paid for those even no better than culls, — the off- colorfed oneSj the under-sized ones, all were sold at inany times their real value, and found places in n-umeroAis breeding pens, to produce eggs and stock 70 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. with which to supply the great demand. The reader can at once see, that under this state of things, the principles of thorough-breeding was lost sight of by most breeders, and resulted, as such poor matings always will, in producing much dis- satisfaction . Then, againy. new breeders, those who had never given standard poultry breeding a mo- ment's study, embarked with this breed, and with- out any guide or rule, except the common one of placing males and females in the same yard, start- ed out as Wyandotte breeders, and scattered the re- sults far and near. With all this in view, we must confess that Wy an dottes have held their own re- markably well, and the result has shown, that if they are now more carefully bred, according to the rules of scientific breeding, they possess qualities which will place them among the very best breeds of domestic fowls. We hear about matings No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, &c., but all this does not mean much. Every breeder should mate his best male with his best females, selected according to such lights as he may acquire from the Standard, by which, we mean, no matter what breed, select the best male by applying the Standard, in like manner select the females, and place them in pen No. 1, from which to expect the WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 71 best chicks, and from which the best chicks will be produced. It is true, that sometimes, one or the other of the sexes will be too light or too dark in color, and in such cases efforts will be made to uti- lize the stock, but all such matings are experiments, are outside of the rules of fine breeding, and are as liable to result detrimentally as beneficially. The country is already filled up with Wyandottes mated up to utilize all of the ofF-colored and indifferent stock — black-necks, penciled-backs, white breasts, gray tails and light weights, all have had a promi- nent place in the breeding yard, until it is impossi- ble to find, except in extreme cases, a hen which has passed her second moult without more or less of these objectionable defects. In all cases where new breeds are sought to be established, the ut- most care should be exercised in the selection of breeding stock, so that the excellencies and desira- ble characteristics, which render them valuable, may be fully fixed and established in the blood of the breed, but in Wyandottes, their popularity has somewhat retarded this, and now they must be sub- jected to close and careful selection to increase the percentage of desirable and high scoring speci- mens. In selecting stock for a Wyandotte breeding pen, on- 72 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. ly those should be chosen showing good size, strong constitutions, fine development and full maturity. Size includes heighth, length and breadth of th^ specimen; a strong constitution includes vigor, abil,- ity to withstand the rigor of climatic changes and hearty eaters; fine development means all sections rounded out, — a specimen may have good size, a strong constitution, be a good feeder, and yet be leggy, fiat breasted, or pinched and dwarfed else- where, &c., — full maturity implies that an age has been reached, at which all parts, external and in- ternal, are sufficiently developed to produce vigorous and healthy offspring. No fowl, male or female, can be depended upon to produce the best of strong healthy chicks, which has not reached full develop- ment in body and plumage. A growing cockerel or an immature pullet cannot be depended upon to produce chicks equal in all respects to those from adult fowls. The charge, so often, made, that Wyandotte chicks are not hardy, can find its foun- dation in this manner of mating^ which has been largely resorted to to supply the demand. As Wyandottes, and in fact, all fowjs, grow in years, and grow new plumage yearly, the colored feathers have a tendency to come in white, more or less. This trait is discernable throughout the en- WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 73 tire animal kingdom — a loss of the color element, which gives to hair, wool or feathers their various shades of color, in proportion as the animal ap- proaches senility, or becomes aged. In fowls, this peculiarity is first seen at the base of the neck- feathers, tips and bases of primaries and secondar- ies of wings, base of sickles and main tail feathers, or on the tips of plumage elsewhere, and is notice- able at difi"erent ages in various families of fowls, a§ they may have been selected for breeders. For in- stance, by throwing out all specimens showing this white defect on the first moult, and using those per- fectly colored in this respect, the tehdency to grow white is lessened, and by persistent efibrt, strains of fowls are produced which do not show much of this defect even at three and four years of age. But in Wyandottes another defect which arises from a different cause is likely to appear. The Standard demands that the plumage on neck, the primaries and secondaries of wing, the sickles, tail coverts and main tail feathers of cocks shall be substantially the same as those found in Dark Brahma cocks, (see figure 8, 9, 18, 19, 20 for the proper color,) while the neck plumage, primaries and secondaries of a Hamburg cock or hen (one of the progenitors of the Wyandotte) are white, ex- 74 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. cept small black spangles at the tips, and their is a continual cropping out of white feathers, or par- tially white feathers, in wings and tails of Wyan- dottes, which is simply a reversion in some degree to. the Hamburg blood. It is for this reason that thjese defects should be carefully guarded against in the selection of breeding stock. In addition to good size and strong constitution, two other important points are imperative in the make-up of a fine Wyandotte, namely: Good symmetry or shape, and general good color. No fowl is. desirable without both of these, since a fail- ure in one or 15oth greatly reduces their standard value. Hereinbefore will be found the manner or mode of finding and valuing good shape and color, and the rules apply equally well in selecting for the show room or breeding yard, since it must be self-evident, that there is reason for assuming^ that a thorough-bred fowl, which scores higher than an- other, will proportionately breed better, all other things being equal. Believing this to be true, we have long since abandoned the opinion that low scoring fowls, under any circumstances, can equal those capable of reaching high scores in the breeding yard, where the mating and breeding of them : is carried on intelligently. WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 75 --•-'' Fig. 33. Fig. 34. Undercolor is the color of that portion of the "feather which is not united together, the downy part,"and is considered as such, until the fibers are 'webbed together,, and from that point out to the tip, the color is styled', sifrface or outer color. This 76 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. undercolor throughout the entire plumage of the cock should be a dark slate to insure the best re- sults. With such a cock, females can be placed showing plumage as hereinafter described, with a fair prospect of getting a reasonable percentage of fine chicks, which percentage will gradually in- crease for the better year by year. On the other hand, if the hens have broad white centers in the breast feathers, as shown in figure 14, and the cock also has broad centers in the plumage of the breast, and the plumage shades off into gray or spangled feathers (the latter is shown in figure 16) as they approach the thighs, the mating will prove too light, and their progeny will show plumage as light as that illustrated in figure 15. The breast feathers, to meet the requirements of the Standard, should not differ materially in the proportion of black and white from those shown in figure 33 (from near the front of breast) and in fig- ure 34 (from the side of breast, as they approach the thighs). In males the feathers in front of neck> just above the breast, should show but slight trac- ing of white centers, and on the breast the white centers should not be larger than those shown in figures 33 and 34. The feathers composing the wing-bow, also the primaries and secondaries are WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 77 Fig. 35. Fig. 36. properly illustrated in figures 19, 20 and 22, to which we will add, that for the wing-bow, or flat of wings, good color will be found in figure 35, and in figure 36 is a representation of a good shoulder-covert, which grow out near the top of the wings. Figure 37 represents a good feather taken from near the center of the back, or rather, from the cushion, where it begins to rise. The feathers of the cush- ion as they approach the tail grow larger and longer, and the white centers grow smaller, but should not 78 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. Fig. 37. Fig. 38. become mere white streaks, stripes or lines as shown ia figure 38. While discussing the color of plumage of the cushion of the hen, it may be well to add that the Standard demands that the web of the saddle- feath- ers of the cock shall be ''white with a black stripe through the center," which is very difficult to pro- duce. There is a great tendency in the breed to WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 79 show a smutty and dingy white in saddle-feathers, and there can be no doubt, but the defect will con- tinue to annoy breeders, so long as hens are em- ployed in breeding pens showing speckled and felight centers in cushions. The only remedy for this trouble that can be recommended is to cull dosely and weed out this defect, using only those that show it the least, which course can safely be depended upon as a rule, provided, the undercolor and breast plumage be correct in color. We are indebted,to Sid Conger, of Flat Rock, Ind., who kindly furnished us a hen from which the feathers illustrated in figures 33, 34, 35, 36 and 37 were plucked. ■■ ^^^^)QSa^- • HOW TO REAR WYANDOTTES. fT SEEMS unless to go over a subject which has . been discussed repeatedly in all the poultry per- iodicals of the day, and we only allude to the sub- ject in a general way^ It is safe to assume, that if large and vigorous breeding stock is provided with suitable quarters and good wholesome food and water properly furn- ished them, they will produce eggs of good quality 80 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. during the breeding season, beginning with March, which is sufficiently early to produce Wyandottes — March, April and May being the natural breeding season in Northern States, but February may be included for more Southern latitudes. Eggs thus produced will hatch out lively and strong chicks by "Dame Nature's" modes, under any of the or- dinary conditions. Any failure in hatching vigor- ous chicks from such eggs is convincing evidence that bad management is chargable with the failure. The ordinary methods of cooping the brood hen will do, but throw around her the safe-guards necessary to keep away hawks, rats, cats, skunks, weasels and other marauders. Do not suffer young chicks to become wet and chilled by running through wet grass, pools of water or water dishes in early morning, nor to be overheated by the rays of the sun at mid-day. Feed sparingly of some well-cooked food for the first three weeks, and ad- minister some known remedy for lice every week, to both hen and chicks. After that time, furnish the growing chicks with good food, well cooked, such as boiled potatoes, bran and corn-meal, or cooked corn and oat-meal, into which stir bran in equal parts, for the morning and noon feed; wheat and cracked corn at night. This diet should WYANDOTTE CULTURE. 81 be somewhat changed occasionally by feeding corn only, or wheat only, but do not overfeed at any time. Gravel, crushed bone, and a very little tinc- ture of iron added to their drinking water will keep them healthy. Provide some green food, if plenty of grass range is not at hand. If meat is fed, it should always be cooked and chipped up into pieces so as to aid in digestion. As soon as the chicks begin to give evidence of maturity, separate the cockerels from the pullets. When an age is reached at which the most valu- able ones can be selected, it would be better to sep- arate them; as it will be more convenient if high finish is desirable. If they are intended for the show room, provide coops about three feet square, in which confine them, but do not place more than two in a coop. Fill in the bottom with straw about six inches deep. Continue the feed as before, but throw the grain into the straw, so that they may have plenty of work. Keep tip the supply of crushed bone and gravel. In addition to the regu- lar feed mentioned, at 9 at night, by the aid of a lamp, feed them on baked potatoes, and corn bread, or bread toast slightly buttered. At least once a month, rub their legs with an ointment made of sweet oil, three oz., sulphur one 82 WYANDOTTE CULTURE. oz., carbolic acid 15 drops, for the purpose of keep- ing their legs smooth. This kind of care will well repay the breeder, by the elegant VVyandottes pro- duced. Feeding troughs should always be used, but these, as well as the water receptacles, should be kept in a clean condition. The rearing of fowls does not demand the great amount of labor and ex- pense often indicated in newspaper articles treat- ing on that subject, nearly all of the difficulties arising therefrom are the results of over- doing, keep- ing too many, want of space, or a siip-shod, lazy management. TO THE EEADER. To make the matter set forth in this book of any practical use, permit us to suggest, that specimens be examined in connection with the reading of the same, so that the directions and illustrations there- in made can be firmly fixed in the mind, as a cas- ual reading thereof would be of but little value, and the object sought in a great measure lost. This re- quest complied with, and we shall hope that some good has been accomplished. ii^^sxs:^'^ CORRECTIONS. Page --il, 11th line from the bottom spell ''gallanacious" gallinaceous. Page :i4, 4th line from top read >2 to 2 for ly^ to 2. Page 56, 4th line from bottom read E B for E D. CONTENTS. Page. Origin Silver-laced Wyandottes White Golden Valuing Defects, Symmetry, .... of Cock, of Hen, . Weight, .... Condition, .... • 5 8 10 14 19 21 24 26 26 Head, . . 29 Comb, . . 30 Wattles and Earlobe 3, 33 Neck, • , 34 Back, . . . m Breast and Body, . . 41 Wings, . » 46 Tail, . . 56 Fluff, . . . 60 Legs and Toes, . . . 61 Disqualifications, . . ■ . 62 White Wyandottes, how to score them. . , 66 Golden Wyandottes, how to score them. , 67 Mating, . , . . , 68 Undercolor, . . . . 75 Rearing, . . . 79 FflNGIERS' EflZETTE Indianapolis, Ind. The Most Successful Poultry Magazine Published. B. N. PIERCE, EDITOR. THIRTT-SIX PaGKs: HaXUSOJIELT Il.LUfSTRATED AVITH OrIGINAI- EngKAV- IKGe I Al.IVE TO THE WaNTS OF FANCIERS AND BkeEDERS. BoTH North and South ! Its Correspondents inc i.ude the Most Scholaret and Practicai. Poultrymen FK03I AEE SEiTH)NS! No Department for BEES. <.OOKING RECEIPTS, or Fl'XNY isAYIXGS to fill up space, but a general Poultry Correspondence by Practical Poultrymen. Each T: sam- ple copies, four two-cent stamps. Address. E. A. Pierce & Co., INDIANAPOLIS, IND. 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