v^ x^ .' i:^ 9<> v^ - .^-i pausion of iiuids in narrow tubes. Mercury is general- ly used, of which 100,000 parts at the freezing point of water become 101,835 parts at the boiling point, and on Fahrenheit's scale these parts are divided into 180 de- grees. Solids, by a certain increase of heat, become fluids, and fluids gases, or elastic fluids. Thus ice is converted by heat into water, and by still more heat it becomes steam : and heat disappears, or, as it is called, is rendered latent during the conversion of solids into fluids, or fluids Jinto gases, and re- appears or becomes sensible when gases become fluids, or fluids solids : lience cold is produced during evaporation, and heat during the condensation of steam. There are few exceptions to the law of expansion of bodies by heat, which seem to depend either upon some change in their chemical constitution, or on their be- coming crystallized. Clay contracts by heat, which seems to be owing to its giving off water. Cast iron and antimony, when melted, crystallize in cooling and ex- pand. Ice is much lighter than water. Water expands a little even before it freezes, and it is of the greatest density at about 41® or 42*^, the freezing point being 32® ; and this circumstance is of considerable importance in the general economy of nature. The influence of the changes of seasons and of the position of the sun on the phenomena of vegetation, demonstrates the effects of heat on the functions of plants. The matter absorbed from the soil must be in a fluid state to pass into their roots, and when the surface is frozen they can derive no nou- rishment from it. The activity of chemical changes like- wise is increased by a certain increase of temperature, and even the rapidity of the ascent of fluids by capilla- ry attraction. This last fact is easily shewn by placing in each of two wine glasses a similar hollow stalk of grass, so bent as to discharge any fluid in the glasses slowly by capil- lary attraction ; if hot water be in one glass, and cold water in the other, the hot water will be discharged much more rapidly than the cold water. The fermen- tation and decomposition of animal and vegetable sub- stances require a certain degree of heat, which is conse- quently necessary for the preparation of the food of 32 plants ; and as evaporation is more rapid in proportion as the temperature is higher, the superfluous parts of the sap are most readily carried oflf at the time its ascent is quickest. Two opinions are current respecting the nature of heat. By some philosophers it is conceived to be a pe- culiar subtle fluid, of which the particles repel each other, but have a strong attraction for the particles of other matter. By others it is considered as a motion or vibra- tion of the particles of matter, which is supposed to dif- fer in velocity in different cases^ and thus to produce the different degrees of temperature. Whatever decision be ultimately made respecting these opinions, it is certain that there is matter moving in tlie space between us and the heavenly bodies capable of communicating heat; the motions of which are rectilineal : thus the solar rays pro- duce heat in acting on the surface of the earth. The beautiful experiments of Dr. Herschel have shewn that there are rays transmitted from the sun which do not il* luminate ; and which yet produce more heat than the vi- sible rays; and Mr. Ritter and Dr. Wollaston have shewn that there are other invisible rays distinguished by their chemical effects. The different influence of the different solar rays on vegetation have not yet been studied ; but it is certain that the rays exercise an influence independent of the heat they produce. Thus plants kept in the dark in a hot-house grow luxuriantly, but they never gain their natural colours ; their leaves are white or pale, and their juices watery and peculiarly saccharine. When a piece of sealing- wax is rubbed by a woollen cloth, it gains the power of attracting light bodies, such as feathers or ashes. In this state it is said to be elec- trical; and if a metallic cylinder, placed upon a rod of glass, is brought in contact with the sealing-wax, it like- wise gains the momentary poAver of attracting light bo- dies, so that electricity, like heat, is communicable. When two light bodies receive the same electrical in- fluence, or are electrified by the same body, they repel each other. When one of them is acted on by sealing- wax, and the other by glass that has been rubbed by woollen, they attract each other : hence it is said, that 33 bodies similarly electrified repel each other, and bodies dissimilarly electrified attract each other: and the elec- tricity of glass is called vitreous or positive electricity,* and that of sealing-wax resinous or negative electri- city. When of two bodies made to rub each other one is found positively electrified, the other is always found negatively electrified, and, as in the common electrical machine, these states are capable of being communica- ted to metals placed upon rods or pillars of glass. Elec- tricity is produced likewise by the contact of bodies ; thus a piece of zinc and of silver give a slight electri- cal shock when they are made to touch each other, and to touch the tongue : and when a number of plates of copper and zinc, 100 for instance, are arranged in a pile with cloths moistened in salt and water, in the order of zinc, copper, moistened cloth, zinc, copper, moistened cloth, and so on, they form an electrical battery which will give strong shocks and sparks, and which is possessed of remarkable chemical powers. The luminous phseno- mena produced by common electricity are well known. It would be improper to dwell upon them in this place. They are the most impressive effects occasioned by this agent; and they offer illustrations of lightning and thunder. Electrical changes are constantly taking p]^ce in na- ture, on the surface of the earth, and in the atmosphere ; but as yet the eifects of this power in vegetation have not been correctly estimated. It has been shewn by ex- periments made by means of the Voltaic battery (the in- struments composed of zinc, copper, and water) that com- pound bodies in general are capable of being decompo- sed by electrical powers, and it is probable, that the va- rious electrical phsenoraena occurring in our system, must influence both the germination of seeds and the growth of plants. 1 found that corn sprouted mucii more rapidly in water positively electrified by the Vol- taic instrument, than in water negatively electrified ; and experiments made upon the atmosphere shew that clouds are usually negative ; and as when a cloud is in one state of electricity, the surface of the earth beneath is brought into the opposite state, it is probable that in common cases the surface of the earth is positive, £ 34 l)ifferent opinions are enteitained amongst scientific men respecting the nature of electricity ; by some, the phaenoraena are conceived to depend upon a single sub- tile fluid in excess in the bodies, said to be positively electrified, in deficiency in tlie bodies said to be nega- tively electrified. A second class suppose the effects to be produced by two different fluids, called by them the vitreous fluid and the resinous fluid ; and others regard them as affections or motions of matter, or an exhibition of attractive powers, similar to those which produce che- mical combination and decomposition ; but usually ex- erting their action on masses. The different powers that have been thus generally described, continually act upon common matter, so as to change its form, and produce arrangements fitted for the purposes of life. Bodies are either simple or compound. A body is said to be simple, when it is incapable of be- ing resolved into any other forms of matter. Thus gold, or silver, though they may be melted by heat, or dissol- ved in coi'rosive menstrua, yet are recovered unchanged in their properties, and they are said to be simple bodies. A body is considered as compound, when two or more distinct substances are capable of being produced from it ; thus marble is a compound body, for by a strong heat, it is converted into lime, and an elastic fluid is dis- engaged in the process : and the proof of our knowledge of the true composition of a body is, that it is capable of being reproduced by the same substances as those into which is had been decomposed ; thus by exposing lime for a long while to the elastic fluid, disengaged during its calcination, it becomes converted into a substance si- milar to powdered marble. The term element has the same meaning as simple or undecompoundedbody; but it is applied merely with reference to the present state of chemical knowledge. It is probable, that as yet we are not acquainted with any of the true elements of mat- ter ; many substances, formerly supposed to be simple, have been lately decompounded, and the chemical ar- rangement of bodies must be considered as a mere ex- pression of facts, the results of accurate statical experi- ments. Vegetable substances in general are of a very com- 65 pound nature, and consist of a great number of elements, most of which belong likewise to the other kingdoms of nature, and are found in various form*. Their more complicated arrangements are best understocd after their simpler forms of combination have been examin- ed. The number of bodies which I shall consider as at present undecomposed, are, as was stated in the intro- ductory lecture, three acidifying and solvent substances, six inflammable bodies, and thirty-eight metals. In most of the inorganic compounds, the nature of which is well known, into which these elements enter, they are combined in definite proportions ; so that if the elements be represented by numbers, the proportions in which they combine are expressed either by those num- bers, or by some simple multiples of them. 1 shall mention, in a few words, the characteristic properties of the most important simple substances, and the numbers representing the proportions in which they combine in those cases, where they have been accurate- ly ascertained. 1. Oxygene forms about one-fifth of the air of our at- mosphere. It is an elastic fluid, at all known tempera- tures. Its specific gravity is to that of air as 10967 to 10000. It supports combustion with much more vivid- ness than common air ; so that if a small steel wire, or a watch-spring, having a bit of inflamed wood attached to it, be introduced into a bottle filled with the gas, it burns with great splendour. It is respirable. It is very slightly soluble in water. The number represent- ing the proportion in which it combines is 15. It may be made by heating a mixture of the mineral called man- ganese, and sulphuric acid together, in a proper vessel, or by heating strongly red lead, or red precipitate of mercury. 2. Chlorine, or oxymuriatic gas, is, like oxygene, a permanent elastic fluid. Its colour is yellowish green; its smell is very disagreeable; it is not respirable ; it supports the combustion of all the common inflammable bodies except charcoal ; its specific gravity is to that of air as 24677 to 10000; it is soluble in about half its vo- lume of water, and its solution in water destroys vege- 86 table colours. Many of the metals (such as arsenic uu copper) take tire spontaneously when introduced into a jar or bottle tilled with the gas. Chlorine may be pro- cured by heating together a mixture of spirits of salt or muriatic acid, and manganese. The number represent- ing the proportion in which this gas enters into combi- nation is 67. 3. Fluorine^ or the fluoric principle. This substance has such strong tendencies of combination, that as yet, no vessels have been found capable of containing it in its pure form. It may be obtained combined with hy- drogene, by applying heat to a mixture of fluor or Der- byshire spar, and sulphuric acid, and in this state it is an intensely acid compound, a little heavier than water, and which becomes still denser by combining with wa- ter. 4. Hydrogene, or inflammable air, is the lightest known substance ; its specific gravity is to that of air as 732 to 10000. It burns by the action of an inflamed taper, when in contact with the atmosphere. The pro- portion in which it combines is represented by unity, or 1. It is procured by the action of diluted oil of vi- troil, or hydro-sulphuric acid on filings of zinc or iron. it is the substance employed for filling air balloons. 5. Azote is a gaseous substance, not capable of being condensed by any known degree of cold : its specific gravity is to that of common air as 9516 to 10000. It does not enter into combustion under common circum- stances, but may be made to unite with oxygene by the agency of electrical fire. It forms nearly four-fifths of the air of the atmosphere ; and may be procured by burning phosphorous in a confined portion of air. The number representing the proportion in which it combines is 26. 6. Carbon is considered as the pure matter of char- coal, and it may be procured by passing spirits of wine through a tube heated red. It has not yet been fused ; but rises in vapour at an intense heat. Its specific gra- vity cannot be easily ascertained ; but that of the dia- mond, which cannot chemically be distinguished from pure carbon, is to that of water as 3500 to 1000. Char- coal has the remarkable property of absobing several a: times its volume of cliff'erent elastic iluids, which are ca- pable of being expelled from it by heat. The number representing it is 11.4. 7. Sulphur is the pure substance so well known by that name : its specific gravity is to that of water as 1990 to 1000. It fuses at about 220® Fahrenheit ; and at between 500® and 600® takes fire, if in contact with the air, and burns with a pale blue flame. In this pro- cess it dissolves in the oxygene of the air, and produces a peculiar acid elastic fluid. The number representing it is 30. 8. PJiosphorus is a solid of a pale red colour, of spe- cific gravity 1770. It fuses at 90°, and boils at 550®. It is luminous in the air at common temperatures, and burns with great violence at 150*>, so tliat it must be handled with great caution. Tlie number represent- ing it is 20. It is procured by digesting together bone ashes and oil of vitroil, and strongly heating the fluid substance so produced with powdered charcoal. 9. Boron is a solid of a dark olive colour, infusible at any known temperature. It is a substance very late- ly discovered, and procured from boracic acid. It burns with brilliant sparks, when heated in oxygene, but not in chlorine. Its specific gravity and the number repre- senting it, are not yet accurately known. 10. Platinum is one of the noble metals, of rather a duller white than silver, and the heaviest body in na- ture ; its specific gravity being 21500. It is not acted upon by any acid menstrua except such as contain chlorine : it requires an intense degree of heat for its fu- sion. 11. The properties of ^oMare well known. Its spe- cific gravity is 19277. It bears the same relation to acid menstrua as platinum : it is one of the characteris- tics of both these bodies, that they are very difficultly acted upon by sulphur. 12. Silver is of specific gravity 10400, it burns more readily than platinum or gold, which require the intense heat of electricity. It readily unites to sulphur. The number representing it is 205. 13. Mercury is the only known metal fluid at the common temperature of the atmosphere ; it boils at 660°, 38 and freezes at 39 below 0. Its specific gravity is 13560 The number representing it is 380. 14. Copper is of specific gravity 8890. It burns when strongly heated with red flame tinged with green. The number representing it is 120. 15. Cobalt is of specific gravity 7700. Its point of fusion is very high, nearly equal to that of iron. In its calcined or oxidated state, it is employed for giving a blue colour to glass. 16. JVickel is of a white colour : its specific gravity is 8820. This metal and cobalt agree with iron, it be- ing attractible by the magnet. The number representing, nickel is 111. 17. Iron is of specific gravity 7700. Its other pro- perties are well known. The number representing it is 103. 18. Tin is of specific gravity 729 1 ; it is a very fusi- ble metal, and burns when ignited in the air : the num- ber representing the proportion in which it combines is 110. 19. Zinc is one of the most combustible of the com- mon metals. Its specific gravity is about 7210. It is a brittle metal under common circumstances ; but when heated may be hammered or rolled into thin leaves, and after this operation is malleable. The number repre- senting it is 68. 20. Lead is of specific gravity 11352; it fuses at a temperature rather higher than tin. The number re- presenting it is 398. 21. Bismuth is a brittle metal of specific gravity 9822. It is nearly as fusible as tin ; when cooled slow- ly it crystallizes in cubes. The number representing it is 135. 22. Antimony is a metal capable of being volatilized by a strong heat. Its specific gravity is 6800. It burns when ignited with a faict white light. The number re- presenting it is 170. 23. Arsenic is of a bluish white colour, of specific gravity 8310. It may be procured by heating the pow- der of common w hite arsenic of the shops strongly in a Florence flask with oil. The metal rises in vapour, and condenses in the neck of the flask. The number representing it is 90. a9 24. Manganesmn may be procured from the mineral called manganese, by intensely igniting it in a forge mixed with charcoal powder. It is a metal very diffi- cult of fusion, and very combustible ; its specific gravi- ty is 6850. The number representing it is 177. 25. Potassium is the lightest known metal, being only of specific gravity 850. It fuses at about 150°, and rises in vapour at a heat a little below redness. It is a highly combustible substance, takes fire when thrown upon water, burns with great brilliancy, and the product of its combustion dissolves in the water, The number representing it is 75. It may be made by passing fused caustic vegetable alkali, the pure kali of druggists, through iron turnings strongly ignited in a gun barrel, or by the electrization of potash by a strong Voltaic battery. 26. Sodium may be made in a similar manner to po- tassium. Soda, or the mineral alkali, being substituted for the vegetable alkali. It is of specific gravity 940. It is very combustible. When thrown upon water, it swims on its surface, hisses violently, and dissolves, but does not inflame. The number representing it is 88. 27. Barium has as yet been procured only by elec- trical powers and in verj' minute quantities, so that its properties have not been accurately examined. The number representing it appears to be 180. Strontium the 28, Calcium the 29th, Magnesium the 30th, Silicum the 31st, Muminiun the 32d, Zirco- num the 33d, Glueinum the 34th, and Ittrium the 35th of the undecompounded bodies, like barium, have either not been procured absolutely pure, or only in such mi- nute quantities that their properties are little known ; they are formed either by electrical powers, or by the agency of potassium, from the dilFerent earths whose names they bear, with the change of the termination in um ; and the numbers representing them are believed to be 90 strontium, 40 calcium, 38 magnesium, 3l sili- cum, 33 aluminum, 70 zirconum, 39 glueinum, 111 it- trium. Of the remaining simple bodies, twelve are metals, most of which, like those just mentioned, can only be procured Avith very great difficulty ; and the substances in 40 general from which they are procured are very rare in nature. They are Palladium, Rhodium^ Osmium, Iri- dium, Columbium, Chromium, Molybdenum, Cerium, Tellurium, Tungstenum, Titanium, Uranium. The numbers representing these last bodies have not yet been determined with sufficient accuracy to render a refer- ence to them of any utility. The undecompounded substances unite with each other, and the most remarkable compounds are formed by the combinations of oxygene and chlorine with in- flammable bodies and metals ; and these combinations usually take place with much energy, and are associated with fire. Combustion in fact, in common cases, is the process of the solution of a body in oxygene, as happens when sulphur or charcoal is burnt ; or the fixation of oxygene by the combustible body in a solid form, which takes place when most metals are burnt, or when phosphorus inflames ; or the production of a fluid from both bodies, as when hydrogene and oxygene unite to form water. When considerable quantities of oxygene or of chlo- rine unite to metals or inflammable bodies, they often produce acids: thus sulphureous, phosphoric, and bo- racic acids are formed by a union of considerable quan- tities of oxygene w ith sulphur, phosphorus, and boron : and muriatic acid gas is formed by the union of chlorine and hydrogene. When smaller quantities of oxygene or chlorine unite with inflammable bodies or metals, they form substances not acid, and more or less soluble in water ; and the metallic oxides, the fixed alkalies, and the earths, all bodies connected by analogies, are produced by the union of metals with oxygene. The composition of any compounds, the nature of which is well known, may be easily learnt from the numbers representing their elements ; all that is neces- sary, is to know how many proportions enter into union. Thus potassa, or the pure caustic vegetable alkali, con- sists of one proportion of potassium and one of oxygene, and its constitution is consequently 75 potassium, 15 oxygene. Carbonic acid is composed of two proportions of oxy- gene 30, and one of carbon 11.4. 41 Again, lime consists of one proportion of caldum and one of oxygene, and it is composed of 40 of cal- cium and 15 of oxygene. And corbonate of lime, or pure chalk, consists of one proportion of carbonic acid 41.4, and one of lime 55. Water consists of two proportions of hydrogene 2, and one of oxygene 15 ; and when water unites to other bodies in definite proi)ortions, the quantity is 17, or some multiple of 17, i. e. 34 or 51, or 68, ^c. Soda, or the mineral alkali, contains two proportions of oxygene to one of sodium. tdLmmonia, or the volatile alkali, is composed of six proportions of hydrogene and one of azote. Amongst the earths. Silica, or the earth of flints, pro- bably consists of two proportions of oxygene to one of silicum ; and Magnesia, Strontia, Baryta or Barytes, Alumina, Zircona, Glucina, and Ittria, of one propor- tion of metal and one of oxygene. The metallic oxides in general consist of the metals united to from one to four proportions of oxygene ; and there are, in some cases, many different oxides of the same matal ; thus there are three oxides of lead ; the yellow oxide, or massicot, contains tvvo proportions of oxygene ; the red oxide, or minium, three ; and the puce coloured oxide four proportions. Again there are two oxides of copper, the hlacTc and the orange; the black contains two proportions of oxygene, the orange one. For pursuing such experiments on tlie composition of bodies as are connected with agricultural chemistry, a few only of the undecompounded substances are ne- cessary ; and amongst the compounded bodies, the com- mon acid^, the alkalies, and the earths, are the most es- sential svibstances. The elements found in vegetables, as has been stated in the introductory lecture, are.very few. Oxygene, hydrogene, and carbon, constitute the greatest part of their organized matter. Azote, phos- phorus, sulphur, manganesum, iron, silicum, calcium, aluminum, and magnesium likewise, in different ar- rangements, enter into their composition, or are found in the agents to which they are exposed ; and these twelve undecompounded substances are the elements, the study 42 of which is of tKe most importance to the agricultural chemist. Tiic doctrine of definite combinations, as will be shewn in the following lectures, will assist us in gaining just views respecting the composition of plants, and the economy of the vegetable kingdom ; but the same ac- curacy of weight and measure, the same statistical re- sults which depend upon the uniformity of the laws that govern dead matter, cannot be expected in operations where the powers of life are cencerned, and where a diversity of organs and of functions exists. The class- es of definite inorganic bodies, even if we include all the crystalline arrangements of the mineral kingdom, are few, compared with the forms and substances be- longing to animated nature. Life gives a peculiar char- acter to all its productions ; the power of attraction and repulsion, combination and decomposition, are subser- vient to it ; a few elements, by the diversity of their arrangement, are made to form the most diflferent sub- stances ; and similar substances are produced from compounds, whith, when superficially examined, ap- pear entirely different. LECTUHE III. On the Organization of Plants. Of the Roots, Trunk, and Branches. Of their Structure. Of the Epider- mis. Of the cortical and alburnous Parts of Leaves, Flowers, and Seeds. Of the chemical Constitution of the Organs of Plants, and the Substances found in them. Of mucilaginous, saccharine, extractive, resinous, and oily Substances, and other vegetable Compounds, their Arrangements in the Organs of Plants, their Composition, Changes, and Uses. V ARIETY characterises the vegetable kingdom, yet there is an analogy between the forms and the functions of all the diJSferent classes of plants, and on this analo- gy the scientific principles relating to their organization depend. Vegetables are living structures distinguished from animals by exhibiting no signs of perception, or of vo- luntary motion ; and their organs are either organs of nourishment or of reproduction ; organs for the preser- vation and increase of the individual, or for the multi- plication of the species. In the living vegetable system there are to be consi- dered, the exterior form, and the interior, constitution. Every plant examined as to external structure, dis- plays at least four systems of organs, or some analo- gous parts. First, the Root ; secondly, the Trunk and Branches, or Stem ; thirdly, the Leaves ; and fourthly, the Flowers or Seeds. The 7'oot is that part of the vegetable which least impresses the eye ; but it is absolutely necessary. It attaches the plant to the surface, is its organ of nourish- ment, and the apparatus by which it imbibes food from the soil. The roots of plants, in their anatomical di- vision, are very similar to the trunk and branches. The root may indeed be said to be a continuation of the trunk terminating in minute ramifications and filaments, and 44 not iu leaves : and by burying the branches of certain trees in tlic soil, and elevating the roots iu the atmos- phere, there is, as it were, an inversion of the functions, the roots produce buds and leaves, and the" brances shoot out into radical fibres and tubes. This experiment was made by Woodward on the willow, and has been repeated by a number af physiologists. When the branch or the root of a tree is cut trans- vetsely, it usually exhibits three distinct bodies : the bark, the wood, and the pith ; and these again are in- dividually susceptible of a new division. The bark when perfectly formed, is covered by a thin cuticle or epidermis^ which may be easily separated. 'It is generally composed of a number of laminae or scales, which in old trees are usually in a loose and de- caying state. The epidermis is not vascular, and it merely defends the interior parts from injury. In fo- rest trees, and in the larger shrubs, the bodies of which are firm, and of strong texture, it is a part of little im- portance; but in the reeds, the grasses, canes, and the plants having hollow stalks, it is of great use, and is exceedingly strong, and in the microscope seems com- posed of a kind of glassy net-work, which is princi- pally siliceous earth. This is the case in wheat, in the oat, in different spe- cies of equisetum, and above all, in the rattan, the epi- dermis of which contains a suflRcient quantity of flint to give light when struck by steel ; or two pieces rub- bed together produce sparks. This fact first occurred to me in 1798, and it led to experiments, by which I ascertained that siliceous earth existed generally in the epidermis of the hollow plants. The siliceous epidermis serves as a support, protects the bark from the action of insects, and seems to per- form a part in the economy of these feeble vegetable tribes, similar to that performed in the animal kingdom, by the shell of the crustaceous insects. Immediately beneath the epidermis is the parenchy- ma. It is a soft substance consisting of cells filled with fluid, having almost always a greenish tint. The cells in the parenchymatous part, when examined by the mi- croscope, appear hexagonal. This form, indeed, is that usually affected by the cellular membranes iji vegeta* 45 tiles, and it seems to be the result of the general re-ac- tion of the solid parts, similar to that which takes place in the honey-comb. This arrangement, which has usually been ascribed to the skill and artifice of the bee, seems as Dr. Wollaston has observed, to be merely the result of. the mechanical laws which influence the pres- sure of cylinders composed of soft materials, the nests of solitary bees being uniformly circular. The innermost part of the bark is constituted by the cortical layers, and their numbers vary with the age of the tree. On cutting the bark of a tree of several years standing, the productions of different periods may be distinctly seen, though the layer of every particular year can seldom be accurately defined. The cortical layers are composed of fibrous parts which appear interwoven, and which are transverse and longitudinal. The transverse are membraneous and porous, and the longitudinal are generally composed of tubes. The functions of the parenchymatous and cortical parts of the bark are of great importance. The tubes of the fibrious parts appear to be the organs that receive the sap ; the cells seem destined for the elaboration of its parts, and for the exposure of them to the action of the atmosphere, and the new matter is annually produ- ced in the spring, immediately on the inner surface of the cortical layer of the last year. It has been shewn by the experiments of Mr. Knight, and those made by other physiologists, that the sap de- scending tiirough the bark after being modified in the leaves, is the principal cause of the growth of the tree ; thus, if the bark is wounded, the principal formation of new bark is on the upper edge of the wound ; and when the wood has been removed, the formation of new wood takes place immediately beneath the bark : yet it would appear from the late observations of M. Palisot de Beauvois, that the sap may be transferred to the bark, so as to exert its nutritive functions, indepen- dent of any general system of circulation. That gentle- man separated different portions of bark from the rest of the bark in several trees, and found that in most in- stances the separated bark grew in the same manner as the bark in its natural state. The experiment was tri- 46 ed with most success on the lime-tree, the maple, and the lilac ; the layers of bark were removed in August 1810, and in the spring of the next year, in the case of the maple and the lilac, small annual shoots were pro- duced in the parts where the bark was insulated.* The wood of trees is composed of an external or li- ving part, called alhurmim, or sap-wood, and of an in- ternal or dead part, the heart-wood. The alburnum is white, and full of moisture, and in young trees and an- nual shoots it reaches even to the pith. The alburnum is the great vascular system of the vegetable through which the sap rises, and the vessels in it extend from the leaves to the minutest filaments in the roots. There is in the alburnum a membranous substance com- posed of cells, which are constantly filled with the sap of the plant, and there are in the vascular system seve- ral different kind of tubes ; Mirbel has distinguished four species, the simple tubes, the porous tubes, the tra- cheae, and i\\Q false trachem.-\ Tlie tubes, which he has called simple tubes, seem to contain the resinous or oily fluids peculiar to differ- ent plants. The porous tubes likewise contain these fluids ; and their use is probably that of conveying them into the sap for the production of new arrangements. The tracheae contain fluid matter, which is always thin, watery, and pellucid, and these organs, as well as the false trachese, probably carry off water from the denser juices, which are thus enabled to consolidate for the production of new wood. In the arrangement of the fibres of the w^ood, there are two distinct appearances. There are series of white and shining laminae which shoot from the centre towards the circumference, and these constitute what is called the silver grain of the wood. There are likewise numerous series of concentric lay- ers which are usually called the spurious grain, and their number denotes the age of the tree.J * Fig. 3, represents the result of the experiment on the maple. Journal de Physique, Scptemher 1811, page 210. t Fig. 4, 5, 6, and 7, represent Mirbel's idea of the simple tubes, the porous tubes, the tracliese, and the false tracheae. I Fig. 8, represents the section of an elm branch, which exhibits 47 The silver grain is elastic and contractile, and it has been supposed by Mr. Knight, that the change of volnme produced in it by change of temperature is one of the principal causes of the ascent of the sap. The fibres of it seem always to expand in the morning, and contract at night; and the ascent of the juices, as was stated in the last Lecture, depends principally on the agency of heat. The silver grain is most distinct in forest trees ; but even annual shrubs have a system of fibres similar to it. The analogy of nature is constant and uniform, and si- milar effects are usually produced by similar organs. The jpith occupies the centre of the wood ; its texture is membranous ; it is composed of cells, which are cir- cular towards the extremity, and hexagonal in the cen- tre of the substance. In the first infancy of the vegeta- ble, the pith occupies but a small space. It gradually dilates, and, in annual shoots and young trees offers a considerable diameter. In the more advanced age of the tree, acted on by the heart- wood, pressed by the new layers of the alburnum, it begans to diminish, and in very old forest trees disappears altogether. Many different opinions have prevailed with regard to the use of the pith. Dr. Hales supposed, that it was the great cause of the expansion and developement of the other parts of the plant; that being the most interi- or, it was likewise the most acted upon of all the or- gans, and that from its re-action the phenomena of their developement and growth resulted. Linnaeus, whose lively imagination was continually employed in endeavours to discover analogies between the animal and vegetable systems, conceived " tliat the pith performed for the plant the same functions as the brain and nerves in animated beings." He considered it as the organ of irritability and the seat of life. The latest discoveries have proved that these two opinions are equally erroneous. Mr. Knight has remo- ved the pith in several young trees, and they continued to live and to increase. the tubular structure and the silver and spurious grain. Fig. 9, re- presents the section of part of the branch of an oak. Fig. 10, that of the branch of an ash. 48 It is evidently then only an organ of secondary im- portance. In early shoots, in vigorous growth, it is fill- ed with moisture, and it is a reservoir, perhaps, of fluid nourishment at the time it is most wanted. As the heart- vrood forms, it is more and more separated from the li- ving part, the alburnum ; its functions become exstinct, it diminishes, dies, and at last disappears. The tendrils, the spines, and other similar parts of plants, are analogious in their organization to the branch- es, and offer a similar corticle and alburnous organiza- tion. It has been shewn, by the late observations of Mr. Knight, that the directions of tendrils, and the spi- ral form they assume, depend upon the unequal action of light upon them, and a similar reason has been as- signed by M. Decandolle to account for the turning of the parts of plants towards the sun ; that ingenious phy- siologist supposes that the fibres are shortened by the chemical agency of the solar rays upon thejn, and that, consequently, the parts will move towards the light. The leaves, the great sources of the permanent beau- ty of vegetation, though infinately diversified in their forms, are in all cases similar in interior organization, and perform the same functions. The alburnum spreads itself from the foot-stalks into the very extremity of the leaf; it retains a vascular sys- tem and its living powers ; and its peculiar tubes, par- ticularly the tracheae, may be distinctly seen in the leaf.* The green membranous substance may be considered as an extension of the parenchyma, and the fine and thin covering as the epidermis. Thus the organization of the roots and branches may be traced into the leaves, which present, however, a more perfect, refined, and minute structure. One great use of the leaves is, for the exposure of the sap to the influence of the air, heat, and light. Their surface is extensive, the tubes and cells very delicate, and their texture porous and transparent. In the leaves much of the water of the sap is evapo- * Fig. 1 1) represents part of a leaf of a vine magnified and cut, so as to exhibit the tracheae ; it is copied, as are also the preceding fig- ures, from Grew's Anatomy of Plants, 49 mteil ; it is combined witii new principles, and iitled foi* its organizing functions, and probably passes, in its pre- pared state, from the extreme tubes of the alburnum in- to the ramifications of the cortical tubes, and then de- scends through the bark. On the upper surface of leaves, which is exposed to the sun, the epidermis is thick but transparent, and is composed of matter possessed of little organization, which is either principally earthy, or consists of some homogenous chemical substance. In the grasses it is partly siliceous, in the laurel resinous, and in the ma- ple and thorn, it is principally constituted by a substance analogious to wax. By these arrangements any evaporation, except from the appropriated tubes, is prevented. On the lower surface the epidermis is a thin transpa- rent membrane full of cavities, and it is probably alto- gether by this surface that moisture and the principles of the atmosphere necessary to vegetation are absorb- ed. If a leaf be turned, so as to present its lower surface to the sun, its fibres will twist so as to bring it as much as possible into its original position ; and all leaves ele- vate themselves on the foot-stalk during their exposure to the solar light, and as it were move towards the sun. This effect seems in a great measure dependent upon the mechanical and chemical agency of light and heat. Bonnet made artificial leaves, which, when a moist sponge was held under the lower surface, and a heated iron above the upper surface, turned exactly in the same man- ner as the natural leaves. This however can be consider- ed only as a very rude imitation of the natural process, AVhat Linnaeus has called the sleep of the leaves, ap- pears to depend wholly upon the defect of the action of light and heat, and the excess of the operation of mois- ture. This singular but constant phenomenon, had never been scientifically observed, till the attention of the bo- tanist of Upsal was fortunately directed to it. He was examining particularly a species of lotus, in which four flow ers had appeared during the day, and he missed two in the evening; by accurate inspection, he soon discover^ 50 ed that these two were hidden by the leaves which had closed round them. Such a circumstance could not he lost upon so acute an observer. lie immediately took a lantern, went into his garden, and witnessed a series of curious facts before uuknown. All the simple leaves of the plants he examined, had an arrangement totally dif- ferent from their arrangement in the day : and the greater number of them were seen closed or folded together. The sleep of leaves is, in some cases, capable of be- ing produced artificially. Decandolle made this experi- ment on the sensitive plant. By confining it in a dark place in the daytime, the leaves soon closed ; but on il- luminating the chamber with many lamps, they again ex- panded. So sensible were they to the eflPects of light and radiant heat. In the greater number of plants the leaves annually decay, and are repruduced; their decay takes place ei- ther at the conclusion of the summer, as in very hot cli- mates, when they are no longer supplied with sap, in consequence of the dryness of the soil, and the evapo- rating powers of heat; or in the autumn, as in the north- ern climates at the commencement of the frosts. The leaves preserve their functions in common cases no long- er than there is a circulation of fluids through them. In the decay of the leaf, the colour assumed seems to de- pend upon the nature of the chemical change, and as acids are generally developed, it is usually either red- dish brown or yellow ; yet there are great varieties. Thus in the oak, it is a bright brown ; in the beech, orange ; in the elm, yellow ; in the vine, red ; in the sy- camore, dark brown ; in the cornel tree, purple ; and in the woodbine, blue. The cause of the preservation of the leaves of ever- greens through the winter is not accurately known. From the experiments of Hales, it appears that the force of the sap is much less in plants of this species, and pro- bably there is a certain degree of circulation throughout the winter; their juices are less watery than those of other plants, and probably less liable to be congealed by cold, and they arc defended by stronger coatings from the action of the elements. The production of the other parts of the plant takes 5i place at the time the leaves are most vigorously perform- ing their functions. If the leaves are stripped off from a tree in spring, it uniformly dies, and when many of the leaves of forest trees are injured by blasts, the trees al- ways become stag-headed and unhealthy. The leaves are necessary for the existence of the in- dividual tree, the Jlowers for the continuance of the spe- cies. Of all the parts of plants they are the most refi- ned, the most beautiful in their structure, and appear as the master- work of nature in the ve2;etable kiu2;dom. The elegance of their tints, the variety of their forms, the delicacy of their organization, and the adaptation of their parts are all calculated to awaken our curiosity, and excite our admiration. In the tlower there are to be observed, 1st, the calyx, or the green membranous part forming the support for the coloured floral leaves. This is vascular, and agrees with the common leaf in its texture and organization ; it defends, supports, and nourishes the more perfect parts. 2d. The corolla, which consists either of a sin- gle piece, when it is called monopetalous, or of many pieces, when it is called polypetalous. It is usually very vivid in its colours, is filled with an almost infinite variety of small tubes of the porous kind ; it encloses and defends the essential parts in the interior, and sup- plies the juices of the sap to them. These parts are, 3d, the stamens and the pistils. The essential part of the stamens are the summits or anthers, which are usually circular and of a highly vas- cular texture, and covered with a fine dust called the pollen. The pistil is cylindrical, and surmounted by the style; the top of which is generally round and protuberant.* In the pistil, when it is examined by the microscope, congeries of spherical forms may usually be perceived, which seem to be the basis of the future seeds. It is upon the arrangement of the stamens and the pis- tils that the Linnasan classification is founded. The numbers of the stamens and pistils in the same flower, their arrangements, or their division in different flowers, * Fig. 1 2, represents the common lily, a, the corolla, bbbib, the anthei-s, r, the pistil. 52 are the circumstances which guided the Swedish philo- sopher, and enabled him to form a system admirably adapted to assist the memory, and render botany of easy acquisition : and which, though it does not always as- sociate together the plants most analogous to each in their general characters, is yet so ingeniously contrived as to denote all the analogies of their most essential parts. The pistil is the organ which contains the rudiments of the seed ; but the seed is never formed as a repro- ductive germ, without the influence of the pollen, or dust on the anthers. This mysterious impression is necessary to the con- tinued succession of the different vegetable tribes. It is a feature which extends the resemblances of the dif- ferent orders of beings, and establishes, on a great scale, the beautiful analogy of nature. The ancients had observed, that different date trees bore different flowers, and that those trees producing flowers which contained pistils bore no fruit, unless in the immediate vicinity of such trees as produced flow- ers containing stamens. This long established fact strongly impressed the mind of Malpighi, who ascer- tained several analogous facts with regard to other ve- getables. Grew, however, was the first person who at- tempted to generalize upon them, and much just rea- soning on the subject may be found in his works. Lin- naeus gave a scientific and distinct form to that which Grew had only generally observed, and has the glory of establishing what has been called the sexual system, upon the basis ofminute observations and accurate experiments. The seed, the last production of vigorous vegetation, is wonderfully diversified in form. Being of the high- est importance to the resources of nature, it is defend- ed above all other parts of the plant ; by soft pulpy sub- stances, as in the esculent fruits, by thick membranes, as in the leguminous vegetables, and by hard shells, or a thick epidermis, as in the palms and grasses. In every seed there is to be distinguished, 1, the or- gan of nourishment ; 2, the nascent plant, or thep/zt?He; 8, the nascent root, or the radicle. In the common garden bean, the organ of nourish- ment is divided into two lobes called cotyledons ; tire 53 plume is the small white point between the ufper pan of the lobes ; and the radicle is the small curved coue at their base.* In wheat, and in many of the grasses, the orgaji of nourishment is a single part, and these plants are cEill- ed monocotyledonous. In other cases it consists of more than two parts, when the plants are called polycutyUdo- nous. In the greater number of instances it is, how- ever, simply divided into two, and is dicotyledonous^ The matter of the seed, when examined in its com- mon state, appears dead and inert ; it exhibits neither the forms nor the functions of life. But let it be acted upon by moisture, heat, and air, and its organized pow- ers are soon distintly developed. The cotyledons ex- pand, the membranes burst, the radicle acquires new matter, descends into the soil, and the plume rises to- wards the free air. By degrees, the organs of nourish- ment of dicotyledonous plants become vascular, and are converted into seed leaves, and the perfect plant ap- pears above the soil. Nature has provided the eleoients of germinations on every part of the surface ; water and pure air and heat are universally active, and the means for the preservation and multiplication of life, are at once simple and grand. To enter into more minute details on the vegetable physiology would be incompatable with the objects of these Lectures. 1 have attempted only to give such ge- neral ideas on the subject, as may enable the philoso- phical agriculturist to understand the functions of plants ; those who wish to study the anatomy of vegetables, as a distinct science, will find abundant materials in the works of the authors I have quoted, page, 13, and like- wise in the writings of Linuceus, Uesfontaines, Decan- dolle, de Saussure, Bonnet, and Smith. The history of the peculiarities of structure in the diff'erent vegetable classes, rather belongs to botanical than agricultural knowledge. As I mentioned in the commencement of this Lecture, their organs are pos- sessed of the most distinct analogies, and are governed * Fig. 1 3, represents the garden bean, aa, the cotyledons, b, the plume, c, the radicle. 51 by the same laws. In the grasses and palms, the cor- tical layers are larger in proportion than the other parts ; bnt their uses seem to be the same as in forest trees. In bulbous roots, the alburnous substance forms the largest part of the vegetable ; but in all cases it seems to contain the sap, or solid materials deposited from the sap. The slender and comparatively dry leaves of the pine and the cedar perform the same functions as the large and juicy leaves of the fig-tree or the walnut. , Even in the cryptogamia, where no flowers are dis- tinct, still there is every reason to believe that the pro- duction of the seed is effected in the same w ay as in the more perfect plants. The mosses and lichens, which belong to this family, have no distinct leaves or roots, but they are furnished with filaments which perform the same functions ; and even in the fungus and the mushroom there is a system for the absorption and aeration of the sap. It was stated in the last Lecture, that all the different parts of the plants are capable of being decomposed into a few elements. Their uses as food, or for the purpo- ses of the arts, depend upon compound arrangements of those elements which are capable of being produced ei- ther from their organized parts, or from the juices they contain ; and the examination of the nature of these sub- stances, is an essential part of Agricultural Chemis- try. Oils are expressed from the fruits of many plants; resinous fluids exude from the wood ; saccharine mat- ters are afforded by the sap ; arid dyeing materials are furnished by leaves, or the petals of flowers : but par- ticular processes are necessary to separate the different compound vegetable substances from each other, such as maceration, infusion or digestion in water, or in spirits of wine: butthe aj)plicationandthe nature of these pro- cesses will be better understood when the chemical na- ture of the substances is known; the consideration of them will therefore be reserved for another place in this Lecture. The cojnpound substances found in vegetables are, 1, gum, or anucilage, and its different modifications : 2, r. &i Fi'<7.3. Fig" io. 55 btarch ; 3, sugar ; 4, albumen ; 5, gluten ; 0, gum clas^- tic; 7, extract; 8, tannin ; 9, indigo; 10, narcotic princi- ple; 11, bitter principle ; 12, wax; 13, resins ; 14, cam- phor; 15, fixed oils ; 16, volatile oils ; 17, woody fil)re; 18, acids; 19, alkalies; earths, metallic oxides, and saline compounds. I shall describe generally the properties and compo- sition of these bodies, and the manner in which they are procured. 1. Gum is a substance which exudes from certain trees ; it appears in the form of a thick fluid, but soon hardens in the air, and becomes solid ; wlien it is white, or yellowish white, more or less transparent, and some- what brittle ; its specific gravity varies from 1300 to 1490. There is a great vai'iety of gums, ])ut tlie best known are gum arabic, gum Senegal, gum tragacanth, and the gum of the plum or cherry tree. Grum is soluble in wa- ter, but not soluble in spirits of w^ine. If a solution of gum be made in water, and spirits of wine or alcohol be added to it, the gum separates in the form of w^hitc flakes. Gum can be made to inflame only with'difficul- ty; much moisture is given oft* in the process, which takes place with a dark smoke and feeble blue flame, and a coal remains. The characteristic properties of gum are its easy so- lubility in water, and its insolubility in alcohol. Dif- ferent chemical substances have been proposed for as- certaining the presence of gum, but tliere is reason to believe that few of them aft'ord accurate results ; and most of them (particularly the metallic salts,) which pro- duce changes in solutions of gum, may be conceived to act rather upon some saline compounds existing in the gum, than upon the pure vegetable principle. Ur. Thomson has proposed an aqueous solution of silica in potassa, as a test of the presence of gum in solutions — he states that the gum and silica are precipitated toge- ther — ^this test, however, cannot be applied with cor- rect results in cases when acids are present. Mucilage must be considered as a variety of gum; it agrees with it in its most important properties, but seems to liave less attraction for water. — According to Uermb- stadt, when £;um and mucilage are dissohrd e [A^ave mci'icana,) of the Dulse [Fuciis patmatus,) of the Common Parsnip {Pastinicd sativa,) of St. John's J5read {Ceratonia Siliqua,) the fruit of the (\)mm()n Arbutus {Arbutoft Unedo,) and other sweet lasted fruits ; the roots of the turniji (Brassica Rapa,) of the ('arrot {.Daucus Carota,) of Parsley [Apium pet- rnadinnn/,) the flower of tiu' Euxine Khododendron [Rhododendron poiiticiniu) and from the nectarium of most, other flowers. The nutritive properties of sugar are well known. Since the British market has been over-stocked witli this article from the West India islands, proposals have been made for applying it as the food of cattle ; experi- ments have been made, which prove that they may be fattened by it; l)ut ditficulties connected with tiie duties laid on sugar, have hitiierto prevented the plan from beind tried to any extent. 4. Albumen is a substance which has only lately been discovered in the vegetable kingdom, it abounds in the juice of the papavv-tree [Caryca Papaya:) when this juice is boiled, tlie albumen falls down in a coagu- lated state. It is likewise found in mushrooms, and in ditlVvent species of funguses. AUiumen in its pure form, is a thick, glairy, tasteless fluid ; precisely the same as the white of tiie egg ; it is -soluble in cold water ; its solution, vvlien not too diluted. is coagulated by boiling, and the albumen separates in the form of thin* flakes. Albumen is likewise coagula- ted by acids and by alcohol : a solution of alhumen gives a precipitate when mixed with a cold solution of nut-galls. Albumen, when burnt, produces a smell of ()1 volatile alkali, and aflbrtls carbonic acid and water; it is therefore evidently principally composed of carbon, hydrogene, oxygenc, and azote. According to the experiments of Gay Lussac and Thenard, 100 parts of albumen from the white of the egg are composed of Carbon - - - - 52,883 Oxygene - - - 23,872 Hydrogene - - 7,540 Azote - - - 15,705 This estimation would authorise the supposition, that albumen is composed of 2 proportions of azote, 5 oxy- gene, 9 carbon, 22 hydrogene. The principal part of the almond, and of the kernels of many other nuts, appears from the experiments of Proust, to be a substance analogous to coagulated al- bumen. The juice of the fruit of the ochra {Hibiscus esculen- tus,) according to Dr. Clarke, contains a li((uid albu- men in such quantities, that it is employed in Domini- ca as a substitute for the white of eggs in clarifying the juice of the sugar-cane. Albumen may be distinguished from other substances by its property of coagulating by the action of heat or acids, when dissolved in water. According to Dr. Bos- tock, when the solution contains only one grain of albu- men to 1000 grains of water, it becomes cloudy by ])c- ing heated. Albumen is a substance common to the animal as well as to the vegetable kingdom, and much more abundant in the former. 5. Gluten may be obtained from wheaten flour by the following process : the ilour is to be made into a paste, which is to be cautiously washed, by kneading it under a small stream of water, till the water has carried oft' from it all the starch ; what remains is gluten. It is a tenacious, ductile, elastic substance. It has no taste. By exposure to air it becomes of a brown colour. It is very slightly soluble in water; I)nt not soluble in alco- hol. When a solution of it in water is heated, the glu- ten separates in tiie form of yellow flakes ; in tiiis res- pect it agrees with albumen, but dift'ers from it in being infinitely less soluble in water, '.riie solution of 'Aim- 62 men does not coagulate when it contains much less than 1000 parts of albumen ; but it appears that gluten requires more than 1000 parts of cold water for its so- lution. Gluten, when burnt, affords similar products to albu- men, and probably differs very little from it in composi- tion. Gluten is found in a great number of plants ; Proust discovered it in acorns, chesnuts, horse-chesnuts, apples, and quinces ; barley, rye, peas, and beans ; likewise in the leaves of rue, cabbage, cresses, hemlock, borage, saf- fron, in the berries of the elder, and in the grape. Glu- ten appears to be one of the most nutritive of the vege- table substances ; and wheat seems to owe its superiori- ty to other grain, from the circumstance of its contain- ing it in larger quantities. 6. Gmn elastic, or Caoutchouc^ is procured from the juice of a tree which grows in the Brazils, called Hse- vea. When the tree is punctured, a milky juice exudes from it, which gradually deposits a solid substance, and this is gum elasic. Gum elastic is pliable and soft like leather, and be- comes softer when heated. In its pure state it is white ; its specific gravity is 9335. It is combustible, and burns with a white flame, throwing off a dense smoke, with a very disagreeable smell. It is insoluble in water, and in alcohol ; it is soluble in ether, volatile oils, and in petroleum, and may be procured from ether in an unal- tered state by evaporating its solution in that liquid. Gum elastic seems to exist in a great variety of plants : amongst them are, Jatropha elastica, Ficus indicaj Ar- tocarpus integrifolia, and Urceola elastica. Bird-lime, a substance which may be procured from the holly, is very analogious to gum elastic in its pro- perties. Species of gum elastic may be obtained from the misletoe, from gum-mastic, opium, and from the ber- ries of the Smilax caduca, in which last plant it has been lately discovered by Dr. Barton. Gum elastic when distilled, affords volatile alkali, water hydrogene, and carbon in different combinations. It therefore consists principally of azote, hydrogene, oxygene, and carbon ; but the proportions in which they arc combined have not vet been ascertained. Gum elas- 63 tic is an indigestible substance, not fitted for tlie food of animals ; its uses in the arts are well known. 7. Extract, or the extractive principle, exists in al- most all plants. It may be procured in a state of tole- rable purity from saftron, by merely infusing it in water, and evaporating the solution. It may likewise be ob- tained from catechu, or Terra japonica, a substance brought from India. This substance consists principal- ly of astringent matter, and extract ; by the action of wa- ter upon it, the astringent matter is first dissolved, and may be separated from the extract. Extract is always more or less coloured ; it is soluble in alcohol and water, but not soluble in ether. It unites with alumina when that earth is boiled in a solution of extract ; and it is precipitated by the salts of alumina, and by many me- tallic solutions, particularly the solution of muriate of tin. From the products of its distillation, it seems to be composed principally of hydrogene, oxygene, carbon, and a little azote. There appears to be almost as many varieties of ex- tract as there are species of plants. The diiFerence of their properties probably, in many cases, depends upon their being combined with small quantities of other ve- getable principles, or to their containing different saline, alkaline, acid, or earthy ingredients. Many dyejing sub- stances seem to be of the nature of extractive principle, such as the red colouring matter of madder, and the yel- low dye, procured from weld. Extract has a strong attraction for the fibres of cotton or linen, and combines with these substances when they are boiled in a solution of it. The combination is made stronger by the intervention of mordants, which are earthy or metallic combinations that unite to the cloth, and enable the colouring matter to adhere more strongly to its fibres. Extract in its pure form cannot be used as an article of food, but it is probably nutritive when united to starch, mucilage or sugar. 8. Tannin, or the tanning principle, may be procured by the action of a small quantity of cold water on bruised grape-seeds, or pounded gall-nuts ; and by the evapora 64 tion of the solution to dryness. It appears as a yellow substance, possessed of a highly astringent taste. It is diificiilt of combustion. It is very soluble both in wa- ter and alcohol, but insoluble in ether. When a solu- tion of glue, or isinglass (gelatine,) is mixed with an aqueous solution of tannin, the two substances, i. e. the animal and vegetable matters fall down in combination, and form an insoluble precipitate. When tannin is distilled in close vessels, the princi- j)al products are charcoal, carbonic acid, and inflamma- ble gases, with a minute quantity of volatile alkali. Hence its elements seem the same as those of extract, but probably in different proportions. The characteris- tic property of tannin is its action upon solutions of isin- glass or jelly; this particularly distinguishes it from ex- tract, with which it agrees in most other chemical qua- lities. There are many varieties of tannin, which probably owe the difference of their properties to combinations with other principles, especially extract, from which it is not easy to free tannin. The purest species of tannin is that obtained from the seeds of the grape ; this forms a white precipitate, with solution of isinglass. The tan- nin from gall-nuts resembles it in its properties. That from sumach affords a yellow precipitate ; that from ki- no a rose coloured ; that from catechu a fawn coloured one. The colouring matter of Brazil wood, which M. Chevreul considers as a peculiar principle, and which he has called Hematine, differs from other species of tan- nin, in affording a precipitate with gelatine, which is so- luble in abundance of hot water. Its taste is much sweeter than that of the other varieties of tannin, and it may, perhaps, be regarded as a substance intermediate between tannin and extract. Tannin is not a nutritive substance, but is of great im- portance in its application to the art of tanning. Skin consists almost entirely of jelly qy gelatine, in an organi- zed state, and is soluble by the long continued action of hoiling water. When skin is exposed to solutions con- taining tannin, it slowly combines with that principle ; its fibrous texture and coherence are preserved : it is rendered perfectly insoluble in water, and is no longer p. 64 Fiq. 12. 65 liable to putrefaction : in short, it becomes a substance in chemical composition precisely analogous to that furnished by tlie solution of jelly and the solution of tannin. In general, in this country, the bark of the oak is used for affording tannin in tlie manufacture of leather ; but the barks of some other trees, particularly the Spanish chesnut, have lately come into use. The following ta- ble will give a general idea of the relative value of dif- ferent species of barks. It is founded on the result of experiments made by myself. Table of *N*iimhers exhibiting the quantify of Tannin afforded by 480lbs. of different Barlcs, which express nearly their relative Values. Average of entire bark of middle-sized Oak, cut in spring of Spanish Chesnut — — of Leicester Willow, large size of Elm '. of Common Willow, large of Ash of Beech - - - of Horse Chesnut of Sycamore of Lonibardy Poplar - of Birch - - of Hazel - - - of Black Thorn of Coppice Oak ' • of Oak cut in autumn of Larcli cut in autumn White interior cortical layers of Oak Bark 29 21 33 13 11 16 10 9 11 15 8 14 16 32 21 8 72 The quantity of the tanning principle in barks dif- fers in different seasons ; when the spring has been very cold the quantity is smallest. On an average, four or five pounds of good oak bark arc required to form one pound of leather. The inner cortical layers in all barks contain tlie largest quantity of tannin. Barks contain r 66 the greatest proportion of taimiu at the time the buds begin to open — the smallest quantity in winter. The extractive or colouring matters found in barks, or in substances used in tanning, influence the quality of leather. Thus skin tanned with gall-nuts is much paler than skin tanned with oak bark, which contains a brown extractive matter. Leather made from catechu is of a reddish tint. It is probable that in the process of tanning, the matter of skin, and the tanning princi- ple first enter into union, and that the leather at the mo- ment of its formation unites to the extractive matter. In general, skins in being converted into leather in- crease in weight about one third ;* and the operation is most perfect when they are tanned slowly. When skins are introduced into very strong infusions of tannin, the exterior parts immediately combine with that principle, and defend the interior parts from the action of the so- lution ; such leather is liable to crack and to decay by the action of water. The precipitates obtained from infusions containing tannin by isinglass, when dried, contain at a medium rate about 40 per cent, of vegetable matter. It is easy to obtain the comparative value of different substances for the use of the tanner, by comparing the quantities of precipitate afforded by infusions of given weights mixed with solutions of glue or isinglass. To make experiments of this kind, an ounce or 480 grains of the vegetable substance in coarse powder, should be acted upon by half a pint of boiling water. The mixture should be frequently stirred, and suffered to stand 24 hours ; the fluid should then be passed through a fine )inen cloth and- mixed with an equal quantity of solution of gelatine, made by dissolving glue, jelly, or isinglass in hot water, in the proportion of a drachm of glue or isinglass, or six table spoonfuls of jelly, to a pint of water. 'Vha precipitate should be collected by passing the mixture of the solution and infusion through folds of blotting paper ; and the paper exposed to the air till its contents are quite dry. If pieces of paper * Tliis estimation must be considered as applying to dry skin and .-/rv leather. 67 of equal weights are used, in cases iu Avhich different vegetable substances are employed, the ditlerence of the weights of the papers when dried, will indicate with tolerable accuracy, the quantities of tannin contained by the substances, and their relative value, for the purposes of manufacture. Four tenths of the increase of weight, in grains, must be taken, which will be in relation to the weights in the table. Besides the barks already mentioned, there are a num- ber of others which contain the tanning principle. Few barks indeed are entirely free from it. It is likewise found in the wood and leaves of a number of trees and shrubs, and is one of the most generally diffused of the vegetable principles. A substance very similar to tannin has been formed by Mr. Hatchett, by the action of heated diluted nitric acid on charcoal, and evaporation of the mixture to dryness. From 100 grains of charcoal Mr. Hatchett obtained 120 grains of artificial tannin, which, like na- tural tannin, possessed the property of rendering skin insoluble in vi^ater. Both natural and artificial tannin form compounds with the alkalies and the alkaline earths ; antl these compounds are not decomposable by skin. The attempts that have been made to render oak bark more efficient as a tanning material by infusion in lime water, are con- sequently founded on erroneous principles. Lime forms with tannin, a compound not soluble in water. The acids unite to tannin, and produce compounds that are more or less soluble in water. It is probable that in some vegetable substances tannin exists, combi- ned with alkaline or earthy matter; and such substan- ces will be rendered more efficacious for the use of the tanner, by the action of diluted acids. 9. Indigo may be procured from woad [Tsatis tincto- ria,) by digesting alcohol on it, and evaporating the so- lution. White crystalline grains are obtained, which gradually become blue by the action of the atmosphere : these grains are the substance in question. The indigo of commerce is principally brought from America. It is procured from the Indigofera argenteUy or wild indigo, the Indigofera disperma, or Gautimala indigo, ami the liidigofera tinctoria, or French indigo. It is prepared by fermenting the leaves of those trees in water. Indigo in its common form appears as a fine, deep blue powder. It is insoluble in water, and but slightly soluble in alcohol: its true solvent is sulphuric acid : eight parts of sulphuric acid dissolve one part of indigo ; and tlie solution diluted with water forms a very line blue dye. Indigo, by its distillation, affords carbonic acid gas, water, charcoal, ammonia, and some oily and acid mat- ter : tlie charcoal is in very large proportion. Pure in- digo therefore most probably consists of carbon, hydro- gene, oxygene, and azote. Iiidigo owes its blue colour to combination with oxy- gene. For the uses of the dyers it is partly deprived of oxygene, by digesting it with orpiment and lime wa- ter, when it becomes soluble in the lime water, and of a greenish colour. Cloths steeped in this solution com- bine with the indigo ; they are green when taken out of the liquor, but become blue by absorbing oxygene when exposed to air. Indigo is one of the most valuable and most extensive- ly used of the dyeing materials. 10. The narcotic principle is found abundantly in opzM?/?, which is obtained fi'om the juice of the white pop- py [Papaver album.) To procure the narcotic principle, Avater is digested upon opium: the solution obtained is evaporated till it becomes of the consistence of a syrup. By the addition of cold water to this syrup a precipitate is obtained. Alcohol is boiled on this precipitate ; du- ring the cooling of the alcohol crystals fall down. These crystals are to be again dissolved in alcohol, and again precipitated by cooling : and the process is to be repeat- ed till their colour is white; they are crystals of narco- tic principle. The narcotic principle has no taste nor smell. It is soluble in about 400 parts of boiling water; it is insolu- ble in cold water : it is soluble in 24 parts of boiling alcohol, and in 100 parts of cold alcohol. J t is very soluble in all acid menstrua. It has been shewn by De Rosne, that the action of opium on the animal economy depends on this principle.. 69 Many other substances besides the juice of the poppy, possess narcotic properties ; but they have not yet been examined with much attention. The Lactuta sativa, or garden lettuce, and most of the other lactucas yield a milky juice, which when inspissated has the charac- ters of opium, and probably contains the same narcotic principle. 11. The hitter 'principle is very extensively diffused in the vegetable kingdom ; it is found abundantly in the hop [Humilus lupilus,) in the common broom [Spartium scoparium,) in the chamomile [Anthemis nobilis,) and in quassia, amara and excelsa. It is obtained from those substances by the action of water or alcohol, and eva- poration. It is usually of pale yellow colour ; its taste is intensely bitter. It is very soluble, both in water and alcohol ; and has little or no action on alkaline, acid, saline, or metallic solution. An artificial substance, similar to the bitter principle, has been obtained by digesting diluted nitric acid, on silk, indigo, and the wood of the white willow. This substance has the property of dyeing cloth of a bright yellow colour ; it differs from the natural bitter princi- ple in its power of combining with the alkalies : in union with the fixed alkalies it constitutes crystallized bodies, which have the property of detonating by heat or percussion. The natural bitter principle is of great importance in the art of brewing; it checks fermentation, and pre- serves fermented liquors; it is likewise used in medicine. The bitter principle, like the narcotic principle, ap- pears to consist principally of carbon, hydrogene and oxygene, with a little azote. 12. Wax is found in a number of vegetables ; it is procured in abundance from the berries of the wax myr- tle [Myrica cerifera:) it may be likewise obtained from the leaves of many trees; in its pure state it is white. Its specific gravity is 9,662 ; it melts at 155 degrees ; it is dissolved by boiling alcohol ; but it is not acted upon by cold alcohol ; it is insoluble in water ; its properties as a combustible body are well known. The wax of the vegetal)le kingdom seems to be pre- riselvof the same nature as that afforded bv the bee. From the experiments of M. M. Gray Lusf^ac and The- nard, it appears that 100 parts of wax consist of , Carbon - - - - 81,784 Oxygene - - ' - - 5,544 Hydrogene - - - 12,672 Or otherwise, Carbon .... 81,784 Oxygene and hydrogene in the ^ proportions necessary to form \ 6,300 water ... ^ Hydrogene - - - 11,916 which agrees very nearly with 37 proportions of hydro- gene, 21 of charcoal, one of oxygene. 13. Resin is very common in the vegetable kingdom. One of the most usual species is that aftbrded by the dif- ferent kinds of fir. When a portion of the bark is re- moved from a fir tree in spring, a matter exudes, which is called turpentine ; by heating this tui-pentine gently, a volatile oil rises from it, and a more fixed substance remains, this substance is resin. The resin of the fir is the substance commonly known by the name of rosin ; its properties are well known. Its specific gravity is 1072. It melts readily, burns witli a yellow light, throwing off much smoke. Resin is insoluble in water, either hot or cold ; but very solu- ble in alcohol. When a solution of resin in alcohol is mixed with water, the solution becomes milky ; the re- sin is deposited by the stronger attraction of the water for the alcohol. Resins are obtained from many other species of trees. Mastich, from the Fistachia lentiscus. Elemi from the Amyris elemifera, Copal from the Rhus copallinum, San- darach from the common juniper. Of these resins copal is the most peculiar. It is the most difficultly dissolved in alcohol ; and for this purpose must be exposed to that substance in vapour; or the alcohol employed must hold camphor in solution. Accordins; to Gray Lussac and Thenard, rt 100 parts of cotiimou resin contain Carbon - - 75,944 Oxygene - - ■ - 13,337 Hydrogene - - 10,719 or of Carbon - - 75,944 Oxygene and hydrogene in the) proportions necessary to form } 15,156 water - ) Hydrogene in excess 8,900 * According to the same cliemists, 100 parts of copal consist of Carbon - - 76,811 Oxygene - - 10,606 Hydrogene - - 12,583 01, Carbon - - 76,811 Water or its elements - 12,052 Hydrogene - - 11,137 From these results if resin be a definite compound, it may be supposed to consist of eight proportions of car- bon, twelve of hydrogene, and one of oxygene. Resins are used for a variety of purposes. Tar and pitch principally consist of resin, in a partially decom- posed state. Tar is made by the slow combustion of the fir 5 and pitch by the evaporation of the more volatile parts of tar. Kesins are employed as varnish, and for these purposes are dissolved in alcohol or oils. Copal forms one of the finest. It may be made by boiling it in powder with oil of rosemary, and tlien adding alco- hol to the solution. 14. Camphor is procured by distilling the wood of the camphor tree ( Laiirus camplwra,) which grows in Ja- pan. It is a very volatile body, and may be purified by distillation. Camphor is a white, brittle, semitrans- parent substance, having a peculiar odour, and a strong acrid taste. It is very slightly soluble in water ; more than 100,000 parts of water arc required to dissolve one pai't of camphor. It is very soluble in alcohol ; and by adding water in small quantities at a time to the solu- tion of camphor in alcohol, the camphor separates in a crystallized i'onu. It is soluble in nitric acid, and is se- parated IVoiu it by water. Cainplior is very inllanunabic ; it burns witli a bris;ht flame, autl tlirows olV a j;Teat quantity of carbonaceous matter. It forms in combustion water, carbonic acid, and a peculiar acid called ciuuplioric acid. No accur rate analysis has been made of campbcu-, but it st^.ems to approach to the resins in its composition ; and consists of carbou, bydroj;'eue, aud oxysjene. Camphor exists in other plants besides the Lauims camjjltora. It is procured from sjiecies of the laurus j;ro\viu:i;* in Sumatra, Horneo, and other of the Kast Indian isles. It has been obtained from thyme {Thy- mus scv^iUnnu[ nuirjorum [Origanum majorana,) Gin- p;er tree [Jlmmuntn Zingiber y) Saa;e [Salvia afficlna- //.s'.) Many volatile oils yield camphor by being mere- ly exposed to the air. An artificial substance very similar to camphor has been iVuined by M. Kind, by saturating; oil of turpen- tine with muriatic acid gas (the gaseous substance pro- cured from connuon salt by the action of sulphuric acid.) The cami)hor procured in well conducted ex- ])eriments amounts to half of the oil of turj)entine used. It agrees with common camphor in most of its sensible j»roperties ; but ditl'ers materially in its chemical (puili- ties aud composition. It is not soluble without decom- position in nitric acid. From the experiments of Geh- len, it appears to consist of the elements of oil of tur- pentine, carbon, hydrogene and oxygene, united to the elements of nuniatic gas, chlorine aud hydrogene. From the analogy of artilicial to natural camphor, it does not appear improbable, that natural cami)hor may be a secondary vegetable compound, consisting of cam- phoric acid ami volatile oil. Camphor is used medici- nally, but it has no other application. 15. Fidrd oil is obtained by expression from seeds and fruits: the olive, the almond, linseed and rape-seed atVord the nu)st common vegetable fixed oils. The pro- perties of fixed oils are well known. Their specific gravity is less than that of w ater ; that of olive and of rape-seed oil is 91o; that of linseed and almond oil 932; that of palm oil 9t>8 : that of walnut aud beech mast oil 73 923. Many of the fixed oils congeal at a lower lem|)e- rature tiian tliat at which water freezes. They all require for tlieir eva|)oration a hii;lier temperature tliari that at which water l)oils. The [iroducts of tlie combustion of oil are water, and carbonic acid i;as. From the exj)erimcnts of (jiay Lussac and Thenard, it appears tiiat olive oil contains in 100 parts, Carbon - - 77,213 Oxygenc - - 9,427 Hydrogenc - - 13,360 This estimation is a near aproximation to 11 propor- tions of carbon, 20 hydrogene, and one oxyjjjenc;. The following is a list of fixed oils, and of the trees that aflord them. Olive oil, from the Olive tree {Olea Europea,) Lin- seed oil, from the common and Perennial Flax [Linum 2isitatisitimum et percnne,) Nut oil, from the lla/el nut [Covyllus avellana,) Walnut, [Jui^lans regia,) Hemp oil, from the Hemp [Cannahis sativay) Almond oil from the sweet Almond, (Jlmy/^'duhis communisy) Heech oil, from the common Beech [Fai^us sylvatica^) Rape-seed oil, from the Rapes {^BrasHica najms et campeatriH,) Pop- py oil, from the Poppy [PapavGv aomnifcvum,) oil of Sesamum, from the Sesamum (Seftamum orientate,) Cucumber oil, from the Gourds [CucuThita pepo etma- leppo,) oil of Mustard, from the Mustard [Sinaph ni- gra et arvensin,) oil of Sunflower, from the annual and perennial Sunflower, [Jlelianflius annuus et perennis,) Castor Oil, from the Palma Christi [Ricinun commu- nis,) Tobacco-seed oil, from the Tobacco {J^Ticotiana fabacum et rustica,) Plum kernel oil, from the Plum tree {Prunus domeHtica,) (Irape-seed oil, from the Vine ( Vitia vinifera,) Rutter of cacoa, from tli(5 Cacoa tree [Theobroma cacao,) Laurel oil, from the sweet Ray tree [Lauras nobilis,) The fixed oils are very nutritive substances; they are, of great importance in their applications to the purposes of life. Fixed oil, in combination with soda, forms the finest kind of hard soap. The fixed oils are used ex- tensively in tlnMiiiM hani(;al arts, and for the preparati 9 of albumen and extract t ) — loss, partly saline matter - - 30 To ascertain the primary elements of the different ve- getable principles, and the proportions in which they are combined, different methods of analysis have been adopted. The most simple are their decomposition by heat, or their formation into new products by combus- tion. When any vegetable principle is acted on by a strong red heat, its elements become newly arranged. Such of them as are volatile are expelled in the gaseous form ; and are either condensed as fluids, or remain permanent- ly elastic. The fixed remainder is either carbonaceous, earthy, saline, alkaline, or metallic matter. To make correct experiments on the decomposition of vegetable substances by heat, requires a complicated ap- 89 paratus, much time and labour, and all the resources of the philosophical chemist : but such results as are useful to the agriculturist may be easily obtained. The apparatus necessary is a green glass retort, attached by cement to a receiver, connected with a tube passing un- der an inverted jar of known capacity, filled with wa- ter.* A given weight of the substauce is to be heated to redness in the retort over a charcoal fire ; the receiver is to be kept cool, and the process continued as loug as any elastic matter is generated. The condensible fluids will collect in the receiver, and the fixed residuum will be found in the retort. The fluid products of the dis- tillation of vegetable substances are principally water, with some acetous and mucous acids, and empyreumatic oil, or tar, and in some cases ammonia. The gases are carbonic acid gas, carbonic oxide, and carburetted hy- drogene ; sometimes with olefiant gas, and hydrogene ; and sometimes, but more rarely, with azote. Carbonic acid is the only one of those gases rapidly absorbed by water ; the rest are inflammable ; olefiant gas burns witli a bright white light ; carburetted hydrogene with a light like wax ; carbonic oxide Avith a feeble, blue flame. The properties of hydrogene and azote liave been de- scribed in the last lecture. The specific gravity of carbonic acid gas, is to that of air as 20.7 to 13.7, and it consists of one proportion of carbon 11.4, and two of oxygene 30. • The specific gravity of gaseous oxide of carbon, is taking the same standard 13.2, and it con- sists of one proportion of carbon, and one of oxygene. The specific gravities of carburetted liydrogene and olefiant gas are respectively eight and thirteen ; both contain four proportions of hydrogene ; the first contains one proportion, the second two proportions of carbon. If the weight of the carbonaceous residuum be added to the weight of the fluids condensed in the receiver, and they be subtracted from the whole weight of the substance, the remainder will be the weight of the gas- eous matter. The aceous and mucous acids, and the ammonia form- ed are usually in very small quantities ; and by com- * See Fig. 1 4. M 90 jiariiii; the proportions^ of water and charcoal with the quantity of the i:;as!ies, takini; into account their qualities, . a a;eneral idea may be formed of the^ composition of the substance. The [iroportions of tlie elements in the e;rcater number of tlie vegetable substances which can be used as food, have been already ascertained by phi- losophical chemists, and have been stated in the preced- ing pjiges ; the analysis by distillation may, however, iu some cases, be useful in estinuiting the pow ers of ma- nures, in a manner that will be explained in a future lecture. The statements of the composition of vegetable sub- stances, quoted from M. M. Gay Lussac and Thenard, were obtained by these philosophers by exposing the sul)stances to the action of heated hyper-oxymuriate of potassa; a body that consists of potassium, chlorine,' and oxygene; and which aflbrded oxygene to the carbon and the hydrogene. Their experiments were made in a peculiar apparatus, and required great caution, and were of a a ery delicate nature. It will not therefore be necessary to enter upon any details of them. It is evident from the whole tenor of the statements which have been made, and the most essential vegeta- ble substances consist of hydrogene, carbon, and oxy- gene in difterent proportions, generally alone, but in some few^ cases combined with azote. The acids, al- kalies, earths, metallic oxides, and saline compounds, though necessary in the vegetable cecouomy, must be considered as of less importance, particularly in their relation to agriculture, tlian the other principles : and as it appears from M. de Saussure's table, and from other experiments, they differ in the same species of vegeta- ble when it is raised on different soils. M. M. Gay Lussac and Thenard have deduced three propositions, which they have called lairs from their ex- periments on vegetable substances. The Jirst is, ^'that a vegetable substance is always acid w henever the oxy- gene it contains is to the hydrogene in a greater pro- portion than in w ater.'" The second. •• that a vegetable substance is always resinous or oily or spiritous whenever it contains oxy- gene in a smaller proportion to the hydrogene than exists iu ^va(cr.*^ 91 The third, " that a ve2;etable substance is neitlier acid nor resinous ; but is either saccharine or mucilaginous, or analogous to woocly fibre or starcli, whenever the oxygene and hydrogene in it are in the same proportions as in water. New experiments upon other vegetable substances, besides those examined by M. M. Gay Lussac and Thenard, are required before these interesting conclu- sions can be fully admitted. Their researches establish, however, the. close analogy between several vegetable compounds differing in their sensible qualities, and com- bined with those of other chemists, offer simple expla- nations of several processes in nature and art, by which different vegetable substances are converted into each other, or changed into new compounds. Gum and sugar afford nearly the same elements by analysis ; and starch differs from them only in contain- ing a little more carbon. The peculiar properties of gum and sugar must depend chiefly upon the different ar- rangement, or degree of condensation of their elements ; and it would be natural to conceive from the composi- tion of these bodies, as well as that of starch, that all three would be easily convertible one into the other ; which is actually the case. At the time of the ripening of corn, the saccharine matter in the grain, and that carried from the sap ves- sels into the grain, becomes coagulated, and forms starch. And in the process of malting, the converse change oc- curs. The starch of grain is converted into sugar. As there is a little absorption of oxygene, and a formation of carbonic acid in this case, it is probal)le that the starch loses a little carbon, which combines with the oxygene to form carbonic acid ; and probably the oxy- gene tends to acidify the gluten of the grain, and thus breaks down the texture of the starch ; gives a new ar- rangement to its elements, and renders it soluble in wa- ter. Mr. Cruikshank, by exposing syrup to a substance named phosphuret of lime, which has a great tendency to decompose water, converted a part of the sugar into a matter analogous to mucilage. And M. Kirchoff, re- cently, has converted starch into sugar by a very sim- 92 |>le pi'(Ke;?s, iliat of boiling in very diluted suipliiu'i( acid. The proportions are 100 parts of starclj, 400 parts of water, and 1 part of sulphuric acid by weiglrt. This mixture is to be kept boiling for 40 hours ; the loss of water by evaporation being supplied by new cpianti- ties. The acid is to be neutrallized by lime ; and the sugar crystallized by cooling. This experiment has been tried with success by many persons. Dr. Tuthili, from a pound and a half of potato starch, procured a pound and a quarter of crystalline, brown^sugar ; which he conceives possesses properties intermediate between cane sugar and grape sugar. It is probable that the conversion of starch into sugar is effected merely by the attraction of the acid for the elements of sugar ; for various experiments have been made, which prove that the acid is not decomposed, and that no elastic matter is set free : probably the colour of the sugar is owing to the disengagement, or new combi- nation of a little carbon, the slight excess of which, as has been just stated, constitutes the only difference per- ceptible by analysis between sugar and starch. M. Bouillon la Grange, by slightly roasting starch, has rendered it soluble in cold water ; and the solution evaporated afforded a substance, having the characters of mucilage. Gluten and albumen differ from the other vegetable products, principally by containing azote. When glu- ten is kept long in water it undergoes fermentation; am- monia, (which contains its azote) is given off with ace- tic acid : and a fatty matter and a substance analogous to woody fibre remain. Extract, tannin, and gallic acid, when their solutions are long exposed to air, deposit a matter similar to woody fibre ; and the solid substances are rendered analogous to woody fibre by slight roasting ; and in tliese cases it is probable that part of their oxygene and hydrogene is separated as water. All the other vegetable principles differ from the ve- getable acids in containing more hydrogene and carbon, or less oxygene ; many of them therefore are easily con- verted into vegetable acids by a mere subtraction of some proportions of hydrogene. The vegetable acids, for the 9a most part, are convertible into each otlier by easy pro- cesses. The oxalic contains most oxygene ; the acetic the least: and this last substance is easily formed by the distillation of other vegetable substances, or by the ac- tion of the atmosphere on such of them as are soluble in water ; probably by the mere combination of oxygene with hydrogene and carbon, or in some cases by the sub- traction of a portion of hydrogene. Alcohol, or spirits of uine, has been often mentioned in the course of these Lectures. This substance was not describe'd amongst the vegetable principles, because it has never been found ready formed in the organs of plants. It is procured by a change in the principles of saccharine matter, in a process called vinous fermenta- tion. The expressed juice of the grape contains sugar mu- cilage, gluten, and some saline matter, principally com- posed of tartaric acid: when this juice, or must, as it is commonly called, is exposed to the temperature of about 70®, the fermentation begins : it becomes thick and tur- bid ; its temperature increases, and carbonic acid gas is disengaged iii abundance. In a few days the fermenta- tion ceases ; the solid matter that rendered the juice tur- bid falls to the bottom, and it clears ; the sweet taste of the fluid is in great measure destroyed, and it is become spirituous. Fabroui has shewn that the gluten in must is essen- tial to fermentation ; and that chemist has made saccha- rine matter ferment, by a - 35,83 Madeira - - - 19,34 Ditto - - - 21,40 Ditto . - - . 23,93 Ditto - - - 24,42 Sherry - - . 18,25- Ditto - - - 18,79 Ditto - - . - 19,81 Ditto - - - 19,83 Claret - . - - 12,91 Ditto - - - 14,03 Ditto - - - - 16,32 Calcavella - - 18,10 Lisbon - - - 18,94 Mala.^a - - - 17,2G Bucellas - - - 18.49 Red Madeira - 18,40 Malmsey Madeira 1G,40 Marsala - - - 25,87 Ditto - - - 17,26 Red Champas^nc 11,30 White Champagne 12,80 Bnrginidy - - 14,53 Ditto - - - 11,95 WINE. White Hermitage Red Hermitage Hock - - - - Ditto - - - Vin de Grave Frontignac - - Coti Roti - - - Rousillon - - Cape Madeira - Cape Miischat - Constantia - - Tent - - . - Sheraaz - - - Syracuse - - >Jice - . - - Tokay - - - Raisin Wine - - drape Wine Currant Wine - Gooseberry Wine Elder Wine Cider - - - - Perry _ - - Bro\A'n Stout - - Ale .... Bi'andy - - - Rum . . - - Hollands - - . 1 17,43 12,32 14,37 8,88 12,80 12,79 12,32 17,26 IS, 11 18,25 19,75 13,30 15,52 15,28 14,63 9,88 25,77 18,11 20,55 11,84 9,87 9,87 9,87 6,80 8,88 53,39 53,68 51,60 wmmmMmmiBm 97 The spirits distilled from diflfereiit fermented liquors differ in their flavour : for peculiar odorous matter, or volatile oils, rise in most cases with the alcohol. The spirit from malt usually has an cmpyreumatic taste like that of oil, formed by the distillation of vegetable sub- stances. The best brandies seem to owe their flavour to a peculiar oily matter, formed probably by the action of the tartaric acid on alcohol; and rum derives its char- acteristic taste from a principle in the sugar cane. All the common spirits may, I find, be deprived of their pe- culiar flavour by repeatedly digesting them with a mix- ture of well burnt charcoal and quicklime ; they then af- ford pure alcohol by distillation. The cogniac brandies, I find, contain vegetable prussic acid, and their flavour may be imitated by adding to a solution of alcohol in water of the same strength, a few drops of the ethereal oil of wine produced during the formation of ether,* and a similar quantity of vegetable prussic acid procured from laurel leaves or any bitter kernels. I have mentioned ether in the course of this Lecture ; this substance is procured from alcohol by distilling a mixture of equal parts of alcohol and sulphuric acid. It is the lightest known liquid substance, being of a spe- cific gravity 632 at 60^. It is very volatile, and rises in vapour even by the heat of the body. It is highly in- flammable. In the formation of ether it is most proba- ble that carbon and the elements of water are separated from the alcohol, and that ether differs from alcohol in containing less oxygene and carbon ; but its composi- tion has not yet been accurately ascertained. Like al- cohol it possesses intoxicating powers. A number of the changes taking place in the vegeta- ble principles depend upon the separation of oxygene and hydrogene as Avater from the compound ; but there is one of very great importance, in wliich a new combi- nation of the elements of water is the principal opera- tion. This is in the manufacture of bread. When any kind of flour, which consists principally of starch, is * In the process of tlie distillation of ulcoliol and sulphuric acid af- ter tlie ether is procured ; by a higher degree of heat, a yellow fluid is produced, whicli is the substance in question. It has a f, agrant smell and an agreeable ta-ite, / N I made into a paste with water, and immediately and gra- dually Iieated to about 440°, it increases in weight, and is found entirely altered in its properties ; it has lost its solubility in water, and its power of being converted into sugar. In ibis state it is unleavened bread. A\ hen the Hour of corn or the starch of potatoes, mix- ed with boiled })otaioes, is made into a paste with water, kept warm, aiul suU'ered to remain 30 or 40 hours, it ferments, carbonic acid gas is .disengaged from it, and it becomes filled with globules of elastic iluid. In this state it is raised dough, and aflbrds by baking, leavened bread ; but this bread is sour and disagreeable to the taste ; and leavened bread for use is made by mixing a little dough, that lias fermented, Avith new dougli, and kneading them together, or by kneading the bread with a small quantity of yeast. In the formation of wheaten bread more than^. of the elements of water combine with the flour ; more water is consolidated in the formation of bread from barley, and still more in that from oats; but the gluten in wheat, be- ing in much larger quantity than in otlier grain, seems to form a combination with the starch and water, which renders wheaten bread more digestible than the other species of bread. The arrangement of many of the vegetable principles in the diil'erent parts of plants has been incidentally mentioned in this Lecture ; but a more particular state- ment is required to allbrd just views of the relation be- tween their organization and chemical consritution, which is an o])ject of great importance. The tubes and hex- agonal cells in the vascular system of plants are compo- sed of woody fibre ; and when they are not filled with fluid matter they contain some of the solid materials whi( h formed a constituent part of the fluids belonging to them. In the roots, trunk, and branches, the bark, albur- num, and heartwood, the leaves and flowers ; the great basis of the solid parts is woody fibre. It forms by far the greatest part of the heartwood and bark ; there is less in the alburnum, and still less in the leaves and flowers. The alburnum of the birch contains so much sui;ar and mucilage, that it is sometimes used in the y9 North of Europe as a substitute lor bread. The leaves of the cabbage, broccoli, and seacale, contain much mu- cilage, a little saccharine matter, and a little albumen. From 1000 parts of the leaves of common cabbage I obtained 41 parts of mucilage, 24 of sugar, and 8 of al- buminous matter. In bulbous roots, and sometimes in common roots, a large quantity of starch, albumen, and mucilage, are often found deposited in the vessels ; and they are most abundant after the sap has ceased to flow ; and aftbrd a nourishment for the early shoots made in spring. The potato is the bulb that contains the largest quantity of soluble matter in its cells and vessels ; and it is of most importance in its application as food. Potatoes in ge- neral afford from one-fifth to one-seventh their weight of dry starch. From 100 parts of the common Kidneij potato, Dr. Pearson obtained from 32 to 28 parts of meal, which contained from 23 to 20 of starch and mucilage : and 100 parts of the Apple potato in various experiments, afford me from 18 to 20 parts of pure starch. From five pounds of the variety of the potato called Captain hart, Mr. Skrimshire, jun. obtained 12 oz. of starch, from the same quantity of the Hough red potato 10| oz., from the Moulton white 111, from the Yorkshire kidney 10| oz. from Hundred eyes 9 oz., from Purple red 8j, from Ox nolle 8j.. The other soluble substances in the potato are albumen and mucilage. From the analysis of Einhoff it appears that 7680 parts of potatoes afford Of Starch 1153 — Fibrous matter analogous to starch 640 — Albumen - - - - 107 — Mucilage in the state of a satura- , ^.^ ted solution ... 2112 So that a fourth part of the weight of the potato at least may be considered as nutritive matter. The turnip, carrot, and parsnip, afford principally saccharine, mucilaginous, and extractive matter. I ob- tained from 1000 parts of common turnips seven parts lOU of rtiucilai^c, 34 of saccharine mattev, and nearly one part of albumen. 1000 parts of carrots furnished 95 parts of sugar, three parts of nnicilage, and one-half of extract; 1000 parts of parsnip aiforded 90 parts of sac- charine matter, and nine parts of mucilage. The Wal- cheran or ichite carrot, gave in 1000 parts, 98 parts of sugar, two parts of mncilage, and one of extract. Fruits, in the organization of their soft parts, approach to the nature of bulbs. They contain a certain quanti- ty of nourishment laid up in their cells for the use of the embryon plant ; mncilage, sugar, starch, are found in many of them often combined with vegetable acids. Most of the fruit trees common in Britain have been na- turalized on account of the saccharine matter they con- tain, which, united to the vegetable acids and mucilage, renders tliem at once agreeable to the taste and nutri- tive. The value of fruits for the manufacture of fermented liquors may be judged of from the specific gravity of their expressed juices. The best cider and perry are made from those apples and pears that afford the densest juices; and a comparison between different fruits may be made Avith tolerable accuracy by plunging them together into a saturated solution of salt, or a strong solution of sugar : those that sink deepest will afford the richest juice. Starch or coagulated mucilage forms the greatest part of the seeds and grains used for food ; and they are ge- nerally combined with gluten, oil, or albuminous mat- ter. In corn, with gluten, in peas and beans, with al- buminous matter; and in rape-seed, hemp-seed, linseed, and the kernels of most nuts with oils. I found 100 parts of good full grained wheat sown in autumn to afford Of starch - - 77 — Gluten - - 19 100 parts of wheat sown in spring, Of starch - - 70 — Gluten - - 24 100 parts of Barbary wheat. Of starch - - 74 — Gluten - - 23 100 parts of Sicilian wheat, 101 Of starch - - 75 — Gluten - - 21 1 have examined dijQTerent specimens of North Ameri- can wheat, all of them have contained rather more glu- ten than the British. In general the wheat of warm cli- mates abounds more in gluten, and in insoluble parts ; and it is of greater specific gravity, harder, and more difficult to grind. The wheat of the south of Europe, in consequence of the larger quantity of gluten it contains, is peculiarly fit- ted for making macaroni, and other preparations of flow- er in which a glutinous quality is considered as an ex- cellence. In some experiments made on barley, I obtained from 100 parts of full and fair Norfolk barley, Of Starch - - - 79 — Gluten - - - 6 -—Husk , - . 8 The remaining seven parts saccharine matter. The su- gar in barley is probably the chief cause why it is more proper for malting than any other species of grain. Einhoff has published a minute analysis of barley meal. He found in 3840 parts, Of volatile matter - - 360 — Albumen - - . 44 — Saccharine matter - 200 — Mucilage - - - 176 — Phosphate of lime, with some albumen - - . 9 — Gluten - - - 135 — Husk, with some gluten and starch - - - 260 — Starch not quite free from gluten - - - 2580 — Loss - - - - 78 llye afforded to Einhoff, in 3840 parts ; 2520 meal, 930 husk, and 390 moisture ; and the same quantity of meal analyzed gave, 102 Of starch - 2345 — Albumen 126 — Mucilage 436 — Saccharine matter 126 — Gluten not dried 364 Remainder husk and loss. I obtained from 1000 parts of rye, grown in Suifolk^ 61 parts of starch, and five parts of gluten, 100 parts of oats, from Sussex, afibrded me 59 parts of starch, six of gluten and two of saccharine matter. 1000 parts of peas, grown in Norfolk, afforded me 501 parts of starch, 22 parts of saccharine matter, 35 parts of albuminous matter, and 16 parts of extract, which become insoluble during evaporation of the sac- charine fluid. From 3840 parts of marsh beans (Vicia faba,) Ein- hoff obtained, Of Starch ... - 1312 — Albumen - - - - 31 — Other matters which may be"] conceived nutritive; such as ! 49^4 gummy, starchy, fibrous mat- j ter analogous to animal matter J The same quantity of kidney beans (Phaseolus vul- garis y) afforded, Of matter analagous to starch - 1805 . — Albumen and matter ap- ') proaching to animal mat- V 851 ter in its nature - ) — Mucilage - - - 799 From 3840 parts of lentiles he obtained 1260 parts of starcli, and 1433 of a matter analogous to animal mat- ter. The matter analogous to animal matter is described by Einhoff ; as a glutinous substance insoluble in wa- ter ; soluble in alcohol when dry, having the appearance of glue ; probably a peculiar modification of gluten. 103 From 16 parts of hemp-seeds Biicholz obtained three parts of oil, three and a half parts of albumen, about one and three quarters of saccharine and gummy matter. The insoluble husks and coats of the seeds weighed six and one-eighth parts. The different parts of flowers contain different sub- stances : the pollen, or impregnating dust of the date, has been found by Fourcroy and Vauquelin to contain a matter analogous to gluten, and a soluble extract abounding in malic acid. Link found in the pollen of the hazel-tree, much tannin and gluten. Saccharine matter is found in the nectarium of flow- ers, or the receptacles within the corolla, and by tempt- ing the larger insects into the flowers, it renders the work of impregnation more secure; for the pollen is often by their means applied to the stigma ; and this is particu- larly the case when the male and female organs are in different flowers or different plants. It has been stated that the fragrance of flowers de- pends upon the volatile oils they contain ; and these oils, by their constant evaporation, surround the flower with a kind of odorous atmosphere ; which, at the same time that it entices larger insects, may probably preserve the parts of fructification from the ravages of smaller ones. Volatile oils, or odorous substances, seem particularly destructive to these minute insects and animalcules which feed on the substance of vegetables ; thousands of aphides may be usually seen in the stalk and leaves of the rose but none of them are ever observed in the flower. Camphor is used to preserve the collections of naturalists. The woods that contain aromatic oils are remarked for their indestructibility ; and for their ex- emption from the attacks of insects : this is particularly the case with the cedar, rose- wood, and cypress. The gates of Constantinople, which were made of this last wood, stood entire from the time of Constantine, their founder, to that of Pope Eugene IV. a period of 1100 years. The petals of many flowers afford saccharine and mucilaginous matter. The white lily yields mucilage abundantly : and the orange lily a mixture of mucilage and sugar ; the. petals of the convolvulus afford sugar^, mucilage, and albuminous matter. 104 The chemical nature of the colouring matters of flow- ers has not as yet been subject to any very accurate ob- servation. These colouring matters, in general, are very transient, particularly the blues and reds ; alkalies change the colours of most flowers to green, and acids to red. An imitation of the colouring matter may be made by digesting solutions of gall-nuts with chalk : a green fluid is obtained, which becomes red by the ac- tion of an acid ; and has its green colour restored by means of alkalies. The yellow colouring matters of flowers are the most permanent ; the carthamus contains a red and a yellow colouring matter ; the yellow colouring matter is easily dissolved by water, and from the red, rouge is prepared by a process which is kept secret. The same substances as exist in the solid parts of plants are found in their fluids, with the exception of Avoody fibre. Fixed and volatile oils containing resin or camphor, or analogous substances in solution exist in the cylindrical tubes belonging to a number of plants. Different species of Euphorbia emit a milky juice, which when exposed to air deposit a substance analogous to starch, and another similar to gluten. Opium, gum elastic, gamboge, the poisons of the Upas Antiar and Tiiite, and other substances that exude from plants, may be considered as peculiar juices belonging to appropriate vessels. The sap of plants, in general, is very compound in its nature : and contains most saccharine, mucilaginous, and albuminous matter in tlie alburnum ; and most tan- nin and extract in the bark. The cambium, which is the mucilaginous fluid found in trees between the wood and the bark, and which is essential to the formation of new parts, seems to be derived from these two kinds of sap ; and probably is a combination of the mucilaginous and albuminous matter of one, with the astringent mat- ter of the other, in a state fitted to become organized by the separation of its watery parts. The alburnous saps of some trees have been chemi- cally examined by Vauquelin. He found in those of tlie elm, beech, yoke elm, hornbeam and birch, extractive and mucilaginous matter, acetic acid combined with po- tassa or lime. The solid matter afforded by their cva- 105 poratiou yielded an ammouiacal smell, probably owing to albumen : the sap of the birch afforded saccharine matter. Deyeux in the sap of the vine and the yoke elm has detected a matter analogous to the curd of milk. 1 found a substance similar to albumen in the sap of the walnut tree. I found the juice which exudes from the vessels of the marshmallow when cut, to be a solution of mucilage. - The fluids contained in the sap vessels of wheat and barley, afforded in some experiments which I made on them, mucilage, sugar, and a matter which coagulated by heat ; which last was most abundant in wheat. The following table contains a statement of the quan- tity of soluble or nutritive matters contained in varieties of the different substances tliat have been mentioned, and of some others which are used as articles of food, either for man or cattle. The analyses are my own ; and were conducted with a view to a knowledge of the general nature and quantity of the products, and not of their intimate chemical composition. The soluble mat- ters afforded by the grasses, except that from the florin in winter, were obtained by Mr. Sinclair, gardener to the Duke of Bedford, from given weights of the grasses cut when the seeds were ripe ; they were sent to me by his Grace's desire for chemical examination ; and form part of the results of an important and extensive series of experiments on grasses, made by direction of the Duke, at Woburn Abbey, the full details of which I shall hereafter have the pleasure of stating. o 106 Table of the Quantities of sohtble or nutritive Mat- ters afforded by 1000 Parts of different vegetable Substances, Vegetables or vegeta- ble Subhtajice. Middlesex wheat, average crop - • Spring wheat - - - - . Milde\vedwheatofl806 Blighted wlieat of 1804 Thick-skinned Sicili- > an wheat of 1810 3 Thin-skinned Sicili-'? an wheat of ISIO 5 Wheat from Poland - - North American wheat Norfolk barley Oats from Scotland - - Rje from Yorkshire - - Common bean Dry peas --.---..- Potatoes - Linseed cake ...... Red Beet White Beet Parsnip Carrots Common turnips - . - . Swedish turnips - - - - Cabbage Broad-leaved clover - - Long-rooted clover - - \Miite clover Sainfoin Lucerne -.--.-... Meadow fox-tail grass Perennial rye-grass - - Fertile meadow grass Kougliish mtadow grass Crested dog's-tail grass Spiked fescue grass • Sweet-scented soft, do. Do. do. vernal, do Fiorin -- Fiorin cut in winter - - a> c 2; 955 940 210 650 955 961 950 955 920 743 792 570 574 :fr. 260 ' to 200 151 148 136 99 98 42 64 73 39 39 32 39 23 33 39 78 39 35 19 82 50 54 76 765 700 178 520 725 722 750 730 790 641 645 426 501 :fr. 200 to 155 123 14 13 9 3 7 9 41 31 30 29 28 18 24 26 65 29 28 15 72 43 46 64 70 15 38 22 :fr. 20 'to 15 11 121 119 90 95 34 51 24 3 4 1 2 1 o 4 6 5 o 2 4 4 5 8 3 - 190 240 32 130 230 200 225 60 87 109 103 35 :fr. 40 'to 30 17 14 4 107 All these substances \yere submitted to experiment green, and in their natural states. It is probable that the excellence of the different articles as food will be found to be in a great measure proportional to the quan- tities of soluble or nutritive matters they afford ; but still these quantities cannot be regarded as absolutely denoting their value. Albuminous or glutinous matters have the characters of animal substances ; sugar is more nourishing, and extractive matter less nourishingj than any other principles composed of carbon, hydrogene, and oxygene. Certain combinations likewise of these substances may be more nutritive than others. I have been informed by Sir Joseph Banks, that the Derbyshire miners in winter prefer oatcakes to wheatcn bread; finding that this kind of nourishment enables thera to support their strength and perform their labour bet- ter. In summer, they say oat cake heats them, and they then consume the finest wheaten bread they can procure. Even the skin of the kernel of oats probably has a nourishing power, and is rendered partly soluble in the stomach with the starch and gluten. In most countries of Europe, except Britain, and in Arabia, horses are fed with barley mixed with chopped straw ; and tiie chop- ped straw seems to act the same part as the husk of the oat. In the mill 141bs. of good wheat yield "on an ave- rage ISlbs. of flour; the same quantity of barley 12lbs. and of oats only 81bs. In the south of Europe, hard or thin-skinned wheat is in higher estimation, than soft or thick-skinned wheat ; the reason of which is obvious, from the larger quantity of gluten and nutritive matter it contains. I have an analysis of only one specimen of thin-skinned wheat, so that other specimens may possibly contain more nu- tritive matter than that in the Table ; the B.i rhary and Sicilian wheats, before refer; ed to, were thick sk'nned wheats. In England the difficulty of grinding thin- skinned wheat is an objection ; but this difficiiUy is easily overcome by moistening the corn.* *For the followinc^ note on the subject I am indebted to the kind- ness of the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. 1 08 injormiiluv.t received from John Jeffrey^ Esq. His Mijestifs Consul General at Lisbon, in Ansxvcr to Queries transmitted to him, from the Comm. of P. C, for Trade, dated Jan. 12, 1812, To grind hard corn with the mill stones used in England, the wheat must be well screened, tiien sprinkled with water at the nuller's dis- cretion, and laid in heaps and frequently turned and thoroughly mix- ed, which will soften the husk so as to make it separate from the flour in grinding, and of course give the flour a brighter colour ; other- wise the flinty quality of the wheat, and the thinness of the skin will prevent its separation, and will render the flour unfit for making into bread. I am informed by a miller of considerable experience, and who works his mills entirely with the stones from England or Ireland, that he frequently prepares the hard Barbary corn by immersing it in water in close wicker baskets, and spreading it thinly on a floor to dry; much flepends on the judgment and skill of the miller in pre- paring the corn for the mill according to its relative quality. I beg to observe, that it is not from this previous process of wetting the corn that the weight in the flour of hard corn is increased ; but from its natural quality it imbibes considerably more water in making it into bread. The mill-stones must not be cut too deep, but the furrows very fine, and picked in the usual way. The mills should work with less velocity in grinding hard corn than with soft, and set to work at first with soft corn, till the mill ceases to work well; then put on the hard corn. Hard wheat always sells at a higher price in the market than soft wheat, on an average of ten or fifteen per cent. ; as it pro- duces more flour in proportion, and less bran than the soft corn. Flour made from hard wheat is more esteemed than what is made from soft corn ; and both sorts are applied to every purpose. The flour of hard wheat is in general superior to that made from soft ; and there is no difference in the process of making them into bread; but the flour from hard wheat will imbibe and retain more water in making into bread ; and will consequently produce more weight of bread : it is the practice here, and which I am persuaded it would be advisable to adopt in England, to make bread with flour of hard and soft wheat, which by being mixed, will make the bread much better. (Signed) JOHN JEFFERY. LECTURE IV. On Soils : their constituent Parts. On the Analysis of Soils. Of the Uses of the Soil. Of the Rocks and Strata found beneath Soils. Of the Imjjrovement of Soil. IS subjects are of more importance to the farmer than the nature and improvement of soils; aiul no parts of the doctrines of agriculture are more capable of being illustrated by chemical inquiries. Soils are extremely diversified in appearance and quality ; yet as it was stated in the Introductory Lec- ture, they consist of different proportions of the same elements ; which are in various states of chemical com- bination, or mechanical mixture. The substances which constitute soils have been al- ready mentioned. Tliey are certain compounds of the earths, silica, lime, alumina, magnesia, and of the oxides of iron and magnesium ; and animal and vegetable mat- ters in a decomposing state, and saline, acid or alkaline combinations. In all chemical experiments on the composition of soils connected with agriculture, the constituent parts obtained are compounds ; and they act as compounds in nature : it is in this state, therefore, that 1 shall describe their characteristic properties. 1. Silica, or the eartli of ^tw#s, in its pure and crys- tallized form, is the substance known by the name of rock crystal, or Cornish diamond. As it is procured by chemists, it appears in the form of a white impalpable powder. It is not soluble in the common acids, but dis- solves by heat in fixed alkaline lixivia. It is an incom- bustible substance, for it is saturated with oxygene. I have proved it to be a compound of oxygene, and the peculiar combustible body which I have named silicum ; and from the experiments of Berzelius, it is probable that it contains nearly equal weights of these two ele- ments. jlD 2. The sensible properties of lime are well known. It exists in soils usually united to carbonic acid ; which is easily disengaged from it by the attraction of the com- mon acids. It is sometimes found combined with the phosphoric and sulphuric acids. Its chemical proper- ties and agencies in its pure state will be described in the Lecture on manures obtained from the mineral king- dom. It is soluble in nitric and muriatic acids, and forms a substance with sulphuric acid, difficult of solu- tion, called gypsum. It is not soluble in alkaline solu- tions. It consists of one proportion 40 of the peculiar metallic substance, which I have named calcium ; and one* proportion 15 of oxygene. 3. Mumina exists in a pure and crystallized state in the white sapphire, and united to a little oxide of iron and silica in the other oriental gems. , In the state in which it is procured by chemists, it appears as a white powder, soluble in acids and fixed alkaline liquors. iVom my experiments, it appears that alumina consists of one proportion 33 of aluminum, and one 15 of oxy- gene. 4. Magnesia exists in a pure crystallized state, con- stituting a mineral like talc found in North America. In its common form it is the magnesia usta, or calcined magnesia of druggists. It generally exists in soils com- bined with carbonic acid. It is soluble in all the mi- neral acids ; but not in alkaline lixivia. It is distinguish- ed from the other earths found in soils by its ready so- lubility in solutions of alkaline carbonates saturated with carbonic acid. It appears to consist of 38 magnesium and 15 oxygene. 5. There are two well known oxides of iron, the black and the brown. The black is the substance tiiat flies off when red hot iron is hammered. The brown oxide may be formed by keeping the black oxide red hot, for a long time in contact with air. The first seems to consist of one proportion of iron 103, and two of oxygene 30 ; and and the second of one proportion of iron 103, and three proportions of oxygene 45. The oxides of iron some- times exist in soils combined with carbonic acid. They are easily distinguished from other substances by their giving when dissolved in acids a black colour to solu- Ill tiou of galls, and a bright blue precipitate to solution of prussiate of potassa and iron. 6. The oxide of manganesum is the substance com- monly called manganese, and used in bleaching. It ap- pears to be composed of one proportion of manganesum 113, and three of oxygene 45. It is distinguished from the other substances found in soils, by its property of decomposing muriatic acid, and converting it into chlo- rine. Vegetable and animal matters are known by their sen- sible qualities, and by their property of being decompo- sed by heat. Their characters may be learnt from the details in the last Lecture. 8. The saline compounds found in soils, are common salt, sulphate of magnesia, sometimes sulphate of iron, nitrates of lime and of magnesia, sulphate of potassa, and carbonates of potassa and soda. To describe their characters minutely will be unnecessary; the tests, for most of them have been noticed p. 81. The silica in soils is usually combined with alumina and oxide of iron, or with alumina, lime, magnesia and oxide of iron, forming gravel and sand of different de- grees of fineness. The carbonate of lime is usually in an impalpable form : but sometimes in the state of cal- careous sand. The magnesia, if not combined in the gravel and sand of soil, is in a fine powder united to carbonic acid. The impalpable part of the soil, which is usually called clay or loam, consists of silica, alumi- na, lime, and magnesia ; and is, in fact, usually of the same composition as the hard sand, but more finely di- vided. The vegetable, or animal matters, (and the first is by far the most common in soils) exist in different states of decomposition. They are sometimes fibrous, sometimes entirely broken down and mixed with the soil. To form a just idea of soils, it is necessary to conceive different rocks decomposed, or ground into parts and powder of different degrees of fineness ; some of their soluble parts dissolved by water, and that water adhe- ring to the mass, and the whole mixed with larger or smaller quantities of the remains of vegetables and ani- mals in different stages of decay. 112 It will be necessary to describe the processes by whicli all the varieties of soil may be analysed. I shall be mi- nute in these particulars, and, I fear, tedious ; but the philosophical farmer will, 1 trust, feel the propriety of full details on this subject. The instruments required for the analysis of soils are few, and but little expensive. They are a balance ca- pable of containing a quarter of a pound of common soil, and capable of turning when loaded, with a grain ; a set of weights from a quarter of a pound troy to a grain ; a wire sieve, sufficiently coarse to admit a mustard seed through its apertures ; an Argand lamp and stand ; some glass bottles ; Hessian crucibles ; porcelain, or queen's ware evaporating basins ; a Wedgewood pestle and mortar ; some filtres made of half a sheet of blotting pa- per, folded so as to contain a pint of liquid, and greased at the edges ; a bone knife, and an apparatus for col- lecting and measuring aeriform fluids. The chemical substances or reagents required for se- parating the constituent parts of the soil, have, for the most part, been mentioned before : they are muriatic acid {spirit of salt,) sulphuric acid, pure volatile alkali dis- solved in water, solution of prussiate of potash and iron, succinate of ammonia, soap lye, or solution of potassa, solutions of carbonate of ammonia, of muriate of ammo- nia, of neutral carbonate of potash, and nitrate of ammo- niac. In cases when the general nature of the soil of a field is to be ascertained, specimens of it sliould be taken from different places, two or three inches below the surface,, and examined as to the similarity of their properties. It sometimes happens, that upon plains the whole of the upper stratum of the land is of the same kind, and in this case, one analysis will be sufficient; but in valleys, and near the beds of rivers, there are very great differ- ences, and it now and then occurs that one part of a field is calcareous, and another part siliceous ; and in this case, and in analogous cases, the portions different from each other should be separately submitted to experi- ment. Soils when collected, if they cannot be immediately examined, should be preserved in phials quite filled with them, and closed with ground glass stoppers. 113 The quantity of soil most convenient for a perfect analysis, is from two to four hundred grains. It should be collected in dry weather, and exposed to the atmos- phere till it becomes dry to the touch. The specific gravity of a soil, or the relation of its weight to that of water, may be ascertained by introdu- cing into a phial, which will contain a known quantity of water, equal volumes of water and of soil, and this may be easily done by pouring in water till it is half full, and then adding the soil till the fluid rises to the mouth; the difterence between the weight of tiie soil and that of the water, will give the result. Thus if the bottle contains four hundred grains of water, and gains two liundred grains when half filled with water and half with soil, the specific gravity of the soil will be 2, that is, it will be twice as heavy as water, and if it gained one hundred and sixty-five grains, its specific gravity would be 1825, water being 1000. It is of importance, that the specific gravity of a soil should be known, as it affords an indication of the quan- tity of animal and vegetable matter it contains ; these substances being always most abundant in the lighter soils. The other physical properties of soils should likewise be examined before the analysis is made, as they de- note, to a certain extent, their composition, and serve as guides in directing the experiments. Thus siliceous soils are generally rough to the touch, and scratch glass when rubbed upon it; ferruginous soils are of a red or yellow colour ; and calcareous soils are soft. 1 . Soils, though as dry as they can be made by con- tinued exposure to air, in all cases still contain a con- siderable quantity of water, which adiieres with great obstinacy to the earths and animal and vegetable mat- ter, and can only be driven off from them by a consi- derable degree of heat. The first process of analysis is, to free the given weight of soil from as much of this water as possible, without in other respects, affecting its composition ; and this may be done by heating it for ten or twelve minutes over an Argand's lamp, in a basin of porcelain, to a temperature equal to 300 Fahrenheit ; and if a thermometer is not used, the proper degree 114 may be easily ascertained, by keeping a piece of wood in contact with tlie bottom of the dish ; as long as the colour of tlie wood remains unaltered, the heat is not too high ; hut when the wood begins to be cliarred, the process must lie stopped. A small quantity of water will perhaps remain in the soil even after this operation, but it always atlbrds useful comparaiive results ; and if a higher temperature were emplo^yed, the vegetable or animal matter would undergo deufrrrposition, and in consequence the experiment be wholly unsatisfactory. The loss of \\ eight in the process should be carefully noted, and when in four hundred grains of soil it readies as high as 50, the soil may be considered as in the greatest degree absorbent, and retentive of water, and will generally be found to contain much vegetable or animal matter, or a large proportion of aluminous earth. When the loss is only from 20 to 10, the land may be considered as only slightly absorbent and reten- tive, and siliceous earth probably forms the greatest part of it. 2. None of the loose stones, gravel, or large vegeta- ble fibres should be divided from the pure soil till after the water is drawn oft'; for these bodies are themselves often highly absorbent and retentive, and in consequence influence the fertility of the land. The next process, however, after that of heating, should be their separa- tion, which may be easily accomplished by the sieve, after the soil has been gently bruised in a mortar. The weights of the vegetable fibres or wood, and of the gra- vel and stones should be separately noted down, and the nature of the last ascertained ; if calcarious, they will efl'ervesce with acids; if siliceous, they will be suf- ficiently hard to scratch glass ; and if of the common aluminous class of stones, they w ill be soft, easily cut with a knife, and incapable of effervescing with acids. 3. The greater number of soils, besides gravel and stones, contain larger or smaller proportions of sand of different degrees of fineness ; and it is a necessary ope- ration, the next in the process of analysis, to detach them from the parts in a state of more minute division, such as clay, loam, marie, vegetable and animal matter, and the matter, soluble in w ater. This mav be ett'ected 115 iu a vvny suiRciently accurate by Ijoiliiig tlie soil in lliree or four times its vveiglit of water; aud vvlieii the texture of the soil is broken down, and the water cool ; by agi- tating the parts together, and then suflVring tiiem to rest. In this case, the coarse sand will generally separate in a minute, and the finer in two or three minutes, whilst the highly divided earthy, animal, or vegetable matter will remain in a state of mechanical suspension for a much longer time; so that by pouring the water from the bottom of the vessel, after one, two, (u* three minutes, the sand will be principally separated from the other substances, which, with the water containing them, must be poured into a filtre, and after the water has passed through, collected, dried, and weighed. The sand must likewise be weighed, and the respective quantities noted down. The water of lixiviaticui must be preserved, as it will be found to contain the saline and soluble animal or vegetable matters, if any exist in the soil. 4. By the process of washing and filtration, the soil is separated into two portions, the most important of which is generally the finely divided matter. A minute analysis of the sand is seldom or never necessary, and its nature may be detected in the same manner as that of the stones or gravel. It is always either siliceous sand, or calcareous sand, or a mixture of both. ]f it consist wholly of carljonate of lime, it will be rapidly soluJde in muriatic acid, with effervescence ; Jjut if it consist partly of this substance, and partly of siliceous matter, the resjiective cpiantities may be ascertained by weighing the residuum after the action of the acid, which must be applied till the mixture has accjuired a sour taste, and has ceased to effervesce. This residuum is the siliceous part : it must be washed, dried and heat- ed strongly in a crucible ; the difference between the weight of it and the weight of the whole, indicates the proportion of calcareous sand. 5. The finely divided matter of the soil, is usually very compound in its nature ; it sometimes contains all the four primitive earths of soil, as well as animal and vegetable matter ; and to ascertain the proportions of these with tolerable accuracy, is the most difficult part of the subject. 'VUv liisi pi'ocess to be pcrlbrmetl, in this part of the anal;\His. is the exposure of the fine matter of the soil to tlie adioii of muriatic aciil. This substance should be poured upon the eartliy matter in an evaporating ba- sin, in a qiinniity equal to twice the weight of the earthy matter; but diluted with double its volume of water. The mixture should be often stirred, and suftered tore- main for au hour or an hour and a half, before it is ex- amined. If any carbounte of lime or of magnesia exist in the soil, tiiey will IsaNe been dissolved in this time by the acid, w hicji sometimes takes up likewise a little oxide of iron : but very seldom any alumina. The tluid should be passed through a filtre ; the solid matter collected washed with rain water, dried at a mo- derate heat and weighed. Its loss will denote the quan- tity of solid matter taken up. The washings must be added to the solution, which if not sour to the taste, must be made so by the addition of fresh acid, when a little solution of prussiate of potassa and iron, must be mixed with tlie whole. If a l)lue precipitate occurs, it denotes the presence of oxide of iron, and the solution of the prussiate must be dropped in till no farther eftect is produced. To ascertain its quantity, it must be col- lected in the same manner as other solid precipitates, and heated red ; the result is oxide of iron, which may be mixed witli a little oxide of manganesum. Into the fluid freed from oxide of iron, a solution of neutralized carbonate of potash must be poured till all eflervescence ceases in it, and till its taste and smell in- dicate a considerable excess of alkaline salt. The precipitate that tails down is carbonate of lime; it must I)e collected on the filtre, and dried at a heat be- low that of redness. The remaining fluid must be boiled for a quarter of an hour, Avhen the magnesia, if any exist, will be pre- cipitated from it, combined with carbonic acid, and its quantity is to be ascertained in the same manner as that of the carbonate of lime. If {iny minute proportion of alumina should, from pe- culiar circumstances, be dissolved by the acid, it will be found in the precipitate with the carbonate of lime, and 117 it may be separated from it by boiling it lor a few mi- nutes with soap lye, sufficient to cover the solid matter; this siibstance dissolves alumina, without acting upon carbonate of lime. Should the finely divided soil be sufficiently calcare- ous to eflervesce very strongly with acids, a very simple method may be adopted for ascertaining the quantity of carbonate of lime and one sufficiently accurate in all common cases. Carbonate of lime, in all its states, contains a deter- minate proportion of carbonic acid, i. e. nearly 43 per cent, so that when the quantity of this elastic fluid, gi- ven out by any soil during tlie solution of its calcareous matter in an acid is known, either in weight or mea- sure, the quantity of carbonate of lime may be easily discovered. When the process by diminution of weight is em- ployed, two parts of the acid and one part of the matter of the soil must be weighed in two separate bottles, and very slowly mixed together till the eJQPervescence ceases ; the dijfference between their weight before and after the experiment, denotes the quantity of carbonic acid lost ; for every four grains and a quarter of which, ten grains of carbonate of lime must be estimated. The best method of collecting the carbonic acid, so as to discover its volume, is by a peculiar pneumatic ap- paratus,* in which its hulk may be measured by the quantity of water it displaces. * Fig. 15. A, B, C, D, represent the different parts of tliis appar- atus. A. Represents tlie bottle for receiving the soil. B. 'I'he bot- tle containing the acid, furnished with a stop-cock. C. The tube connected with a flaccid bladder. D. The graduated measure. E. The bottle for containing the bladder. When this instrument is used, a given quantity of soil is introduced into A. B ib fiiied witti muriatic acid diluted with an equal quantity of water; and the stop- cock being closed, is connected with the upper orifice of A, which is ground to receive it. Tlie tube D is introduced into the lower ori- fice of A, and the. bladder connected wiih it placed in its flaccid state into E. which is fiiied with water. The graduated measure is placed under the tube of E. When the stop-cock of B is turned, the acid flows into A, and acts upon the soil ; the elastic fluid generated passes through C into the bladder, and displaces a quantity of water in E equal to it in bulk, and this water flows through the tube into the graduated measure: and gives by its volume the indication of the proportion of carbonic acid disengaged from the soil ; for every ounce measure of which two grains of carbonate of lime may be estimated. 118 6. After tlie calcareous parts of the soil has been act- ed upon by muriatic acid, tlie uext process is to ascer- taiu tlic quantity of finely divided insoluble animal and vegetable matter that it contains. lliis may be done with sufficient precision, by strong- ly igniting it in a crucible over a common fire till no blackness remains in the mass. It should be often stir- red with a metallic rod, so as to expose new surfaces continually to the air ; the loss of weight that it under- goes denotes the quantity of the substance that it con- tains destructible by fire and air. It is not possible, without very refined and difficult experiments, to ascertain whether this substance is whol- ly animal or vegetable matter, or a mixture of both. When the smell emitted during the incineration is simi- milar to that of burnt feathers, it is a certain indication of some substance either animal or analogous to animal matter ; and a copious blue flame at the time of ignition, almost always denotes a considerable proportion of ve- getable matter. In cases when it is necessary that the experiment should be very quickly performed, the de- struction of the decomposable substances may be assist- ed by the agency of nitrate of ammoniac, which at the time of ignition may be thrown gradually upon the heat- ed mass in the quantity of twenty grains for every hun- dred of residual soil. It accelerates the dissipation of the animal and vegetable matter, which it causes to be converted into elastic fluids ; and it is itself at the same time decomposed and lost. 7. The substances remaining after the destruction of the vegetable and animal matter, are generally minute particles of earthy matter, containing usually alumina and silica, with combined oxide of iron or of mangane- sum. To separate these from each other, the solid matter should be boiled for two or three hours with sulphuric acid, diluted with four times its weight of water ; the quantity of the acid should be regulated by the quanti- ty of solid residuum to be acted on, allowing for every hundred grains, two drachms or one hundred and twen- ty grains of acid. The substance remaining after the action of the acid. 1 19 may bu consickred as siliceous ; and it must be separa- ted and its wei^^ht ascertained, after washini^ and dry- ing in tiie usual manner. Tbe alumina and tlie oxide of iron and manganesum, if any exist, are all dissolved by the sulpluiric acid ; they may be separated by succinate of ammonia, added to excess ; which throws down the oxide of iron, and by soap lye, which will dissolve the alumina, but not the oxide of manganesum : the weights of theoxides as- certained after they have been heated to redness will de- note their quantities. Should any magnesia and lime have escaped solution in the muriatic acid, they will be found in the sulphuric acid : this, however, is rarely the case ; but the process for detecting them, and ascertaining their quantities, is the same in both instances. The method of analysis by sulphuric acid, is suffi- ciently precise for all. usual experiments ; but if very great accuracy be an object, dry carbonate of potassa must be employed as the agent, and the residuum of the incineration (6) must be heated red for a half hour, with four times its weight of this substance, in a crucible of silver, or of well baked porcelain. The mass obtained must be dissolved in miaiatic acid, and the solution evaporated till it is nearly solid ; distilled water must then be added, by which the oxide of iron and all the earths, except silica, will be dissolved in combination as muriates. The silica, after the usual process of lixi- viation, must be heated red ; the other substances may be separated in the same manner as from the muriate and sulphuric solutions. This process is the one usually employed by chemi- cal philosophers for the analysis of stones. . 8. If any saline matter, or soluble vegetable or ani- mal matter is suspected in the soil, it will be found in the water of lixiviation used for separating the sand. This water must be evaporated to dryress in a pro- per dish, at a heat below its boiling point. If the solid matter oI)tained is of a brown colour and inflammable, it may be considered as partly vegetable extract. If its smell, when exposed to heat, be like that of burnt feathers, it contains animal or albuminous 120 luaLlcr; if it Ui." while, crystalliiic, and not dcslructihli hy iicat, it may he cousitlciTtl as |)riiuu|>all,Y saline mat- ivv; llic naluio of uliich may he known by tlic tests (lesniheil pa^r 81, 9. Shonld snlpliate or pliospliate of lime ho snspect- C(l in the entire soil, Ihe delection of tlieni requires a particnhir i)ro( ess upon it. A i:;iven \veii;ht of il, for in- stance, four huiulred i^rains, nuist he heated red for lialf an hour in a i rut ihU», mixed with oue-tinrd of powder- ed (harcoal. The mixture must l>e hoiU'd fora([uarter of an hour, in a half pint of water, and the thiid col- lected (hrouj;i» the filtre, and exposed for some days to tlie almospliere in an open vessel. If any notable (pnm- tity of sul[)hate of lime (i;ypsum) existed in the soil, a while precipitate will i;ra.) a ct)rrection must, be nuule l\tr the i;eneral process, by subtractinj:; a sum ecpial to their wei:;ht from the <|uantily of carbonate of lin\e, ohtaimMl by precipitation from the muriatic acid. 121 . Tii arraiii^ing the products, the rorin should be in tiic order of llie exporimiMits l>y wliich ihvy were, procured. Thus, 1 obtained from 401) i^rains of a p)od siliceous sandy soil from a bop garden near Tunbridge, Kent, (i rains. Of water of absorption - - - - 19 Of loose stones and i:;ravel principally siliceous 53 Of undecompounded vej^etable fibres - - 14 Of fine siliceous sand ----- 212 Of minutely divided matter se|)arated by agitation and filtration, and consisting of Carbonate of lime 19 Carbonate of magnesia . . . . 3 Matter destructible by beat, principally vegeta- ble 15 Silica ------- 21 Alumina 13 Oxide of iron ------ 5 Soluble matter, principally common salt and vege- table extract - _ - , . 3 Gypsum 2 Amount of all the products 379 Loss - - - - 21 The loss in this analysis is not more than usually oc- curs, and it depetids upon the impossibility of collect- ing the whole (piantities of the jliflerent precipitates; and upon the presence of more moisture than is account- ed for in the water of absorption, and which is lost in the difl'erent processes. When the experimenter is become acquainted witli the use of the dilferent instruments, the jiroperties of the reagents, and the relations betwcien the> external and chemical qualities of soils, he will seldom find it neces- sary to perform, in any one case, all tin; processes that have been descril»ed. When his soil, for instance, con- tains no notable pro|)ortion of calcareous matter, the ac- tion of the muriatic acid (7) may be omitted. In exam- ining peat soils, he will principally have to attend to the operation by fire and air (8 ;) and in the analysis of Q 122 chalks a'lul loams, lie will often be able to omit the ex- periment by sulphuric acid (9.) In the first trials that are made by persons unacquaint- ed with chemistry, they must not expect much precision of result. Many difficulties will be met with : but in overcomiug tliem, the most useful kind of practical know- ledge will he ohtained ; and nothing is so instructive in experimentjjl science, as the detection of mistakes. The correct analyst ougiit to be well grounded in general chemical information ; but perhaps there is no better mode of gaining it, than that of attempting original in- Testigations. In pursuing his experiments he will be continually obliged to learn the properties of the sub- stances he is employing or acting upon ; and his theo- retical ideas will be more valuable in being connected with practical operations, and acquired for the purpose of discovery. Plants being possessed of no locomotive powers, can grow only in places where they are supplied with food; and the soil is necessary to their existence, both as af- fording them nourishment, and enabling them to fix them- selves in such a manner as to obey those mechanical laws by which their radicles are kept below the surface, and their leaves exposed to the free atmosphere. As the systems of roots, branches and leaves are very dif- ferent in difterent vegetables, so they flourish most in diflerent soils, the plants that have bulbous roots require a looser and a lighter soil than such as have fibrous roots ; and the plants possessing only short fibrous radi- cles demand a firmer soil than such as have tap roots, or extensive lateral roots. A good turnip soil from Holkham, Norfolk, afforded me eight parts out of nine silicious sand ; and the fine- ly divided matter consisted Of Carbonate of lime - - 63 — Silica - - - - 15 — Alumina - - - - 11 — Oxide of iron . . - 3 — Vegetable and saline matter 5 — Moisture . . . - - 3 128 I found the soil taken from a iiekl at Sheffield-place in Sussex, remarkable for producing flourishing oaks, to consist of six parts of sand, and one part of clay and finely divided matter. And one hundred parts of the entire soil submitted to analysis, produced Parts. Silica - - - - 54 Alumina - - - - 28 Carbonate of lime - - 3 Oxide of iron - - - - 5 Decomposing vegetable matter 4 Moisture and loss - - 3 An excellent wheat soil from the neighbourhood of West Drayton, Middlesex, gav« three parts in five of silicious sand ; and the finely divided matter consist- ed of Carbonate of lime - - - 28 Silica - - - - - 32 Alumina - - - - 29 Animal or vegetable matter and moisture 11 Of these soils the last was by far the most, and the first the least, coherent in teiiLture. In all cases the con- stituent parts of the soil which give tenacity and cohe- rence are the finely divided matters ; and they possess the power of giving those qualities in the highest degree when they contain much alumina. A small quantity of finely divided matter is sufficient to fit a soil for the pro- duction of turnips and barley ; and I have seen a tole- rable crop of turnips on a soil containing 11 parts out of twelve sand. A much greater proportion of sand however, always produces absolute sterility. The soil of Bagshot heath, which is entirely devoid of vegeta- ble covering, contains less than ^V of finely divided mat- ter. 400 parts of it, which had been lieated red, afford- ed me 380 parts of coarse siliceous sand ; 9 parts of fine siliceous sand, and 11 parts of impalpable matter, which was a mixture of ferruginous clay, with carbonate of lime. Vegetable or animal matters, when finely divided, not only give coherence, but likewise softness and penetia- bility ; but neither they nor any other part of the soil must he in too great proportion ; and a soil is uopro- ductive if it consist entirely of impalpable matters. Pure alumina or silica, pure carboi\atc of lime, or carbonate of magnesia, are incapable of supporting heal- thy vegetation. No soil is fertile that contains as much as 19 parts out of 20 of any of the constituents that have been men- tioned. It Avill be asked, are the pure earths in the soil mere- .ly active as mechanical or indirect chemical agents, or do they actually afford food to the plant ? This is an important question ; and not tlifficult of solution. The earths consist^ as 1 have before stated, of me- tals united to oxygene ; and these metals have not been decomposed ; there is consequently no reason to suppose that the earths are convertible into the elements of or- ganized compounds, into carbon, hydrogene, and azote. Plants have been made to grow in given quantities of earth. They consume very small portions only ; and what is lost may be accounted for by the quantities found in their ashes ; that is to say, it has not been converted into any new products. The carbonic acid united to lime or magnesia, if any stronger acid happens to be formed in the soil during the fermentation of vegetable matter which will disen- gage it from the earths, may be decomposed ; but the earths themselves cannot be supposed convertible into other substances, by any, process taking place in the soil. In all cases the ashes of plants contain some of the earths of the soil in which they grow; but these earths, as may be seen from the table of the ashes afforded by different plants given in the last Lecture, never equal more than A of the weight of the plant consumed. If they be considered as necessary to the vegetable, it is as giving hardness and firmness to its organization. Thus, it has been mentioned that wheat, oats, and ma- ny of the hollow grasses, have an epidermis principally of siliceous earth ; the use of which seems to be to 125 strengthen them, and defend them from the attacks of of insects and parasitical plants. Many soils are popiilarl j distinguished as cold ; and the distinction, though at first view it may appear to he founded on prejudice, is really just. Some soils are much more heated by the rays of the sun, all other circumstances being equal, than others ; and soils brought to the same degree of heat cool in dif- ferent times, i. e. some cool much faster than others. This property has been very little attended to in a philosophical point of view ; yet it is of the highest im- portance in agriculture. In general, soils that consist principally of a stiff white clay are difficultly heated ; and being usually very moist, they retain their heat on- ly for a short time. Chalks are similar in one respect, that they are difficultly heated ; but being drier they re- tain their heat longer, less being consumed in causing the evaporation of their moisture. A black soil, containing mucli soft vegetable matter, is most heated by the sun and air ; and the coloured soils, and the soils containing much carbonaceous mat- ter, or ferruginous matter, exposed under equal circum- stances to sun, acquire a much higher temperature than pale-coloured soils. When soils are perfectly dry, those that most readi- ly become heated by the solar rays likewise cool most rapidly ; but 1 liave ascertained by experiment, that the darkest coloured dry soil (that which contains abun- dance of animal or vegetable matter ; substances which most facilitate the diminution of temperature,) when heat- ed to the same degree, provided it be within the common limits of the effect of solar heat, will cool more slowly than a wet pale soil, entirely composed of earthy matter. 1 found tliat a ricli black mould, which contained near- ly \ of vegetable matter, had its temperature increased in an hour from 65^^ to 88^ by exposure to sunshine ; whilst a chalk soil was heated only to 69^ under the same circumstances. But the mould removed into the shade, wliere the temperature was 62°, lost, in half an hour, 15° ; whereas the chalk, under the same circum- stances, had lost only 4°. A brown fertile soil, and a cold barren clay were each 126 artificially heated to 88°, having beeu previously dried : they were then exposed in a temperature of 57°; in half an hour the dark soil was found to have lost 9° of heat ; the clay had lost only 6°. An equal portion of the clay containing moisture, after being heated to 88°, was ex- posed in a temperature of 55° ; in less than a quarter of an hour it was found to have gained the temperature of the room. The soils in all these experiments were pla- ced in small tin plate trays two inches square, and half an inch in depth ; and tlie temperature ascertained by a delicate thermometer. Nothing can be more evident, than that the genial heat of the soil, particularly in spring, must be of the highest importance to the rising plant. And when the leaves are fully developed, the ground is shaded ; and any injurious influence, M'hicli in the summer might be expected from too great a heat, entirely prevented : so that the temperature of the surface, when bare and exposed to the rays of the sun, aflbrds at least one indi- cation of the degrees of its fertility ; and the thermo- meter may be sometimes a useful instrument to the pur- chaser or improver of lands. The moisture in the soil influences its temperature ; and the manner in which it is distributed through, or combined with, the earthy materials, is of great impor- tance in relation to the nutriment of the plant. If wa- ter is too strongly attracted by the earths, it will not be absorbed by the roots of the plants : if it is in too great quantity, or too loosely united to them, it tends to in- jure or destroy the fibrous parts of the roots. There .are two states in which water seems to exist in the earths, and in animal and vegetable substances : in the first state it is united by chemical, in the other by cohesive, attraction. If pure solution of ammonia or potassabe poured into a solution of alum, alumina falls down combined with w^ater : and the powder dried by exposure to air will aftbrd more than half its weight of water by distilla- tion ; in this instance the water is united by chemical attraction. The moisture which wood, or muscular fibre, or gum, that have been heated to 212°, afford by distillation at a red heat, is likewise water, the elements 127 of wliich were united in the substance by chemical com- bination. When pipe-clay dried in the temperature of the at- mosphere is brought in contact with water, the fluid is rapidly absorbed ; this is owing to cohesive attraction. Soils in general, vegetable, and animal substances, that have been dried at a heat below that of boiling water, increase in weight by exposure to air, owing to their ab- sorbing water existing in the state of vapour in the air, in consequence of cohesive attraction. The water chemically comhined amongst the elements of soils, unless in the case of the decomposition of ani- mal or vegetable substances, cannot be absorbed by the roots of plants ; but that adhering to the parts of the soil is in constant use in vegetation. Indeed there are few mixtures of the earths found in soils, that contain any chemically combined water; water is expelled from the earths by most substances that combine with them. Thus, if a combination of lime and water be exposed to carbonic acid, the carbonic acid takes the place of water ; and compounds of alumina and silica, or other compounds of the earths, do not chemically unite with water : and soils, as it has been stated, are formed either by earthy carbonate*^, or compounds of the pure earths and metallic oxides. When saline substances exist in soils, they may be united to water both chemically and mechanically ; but they are always in too small a quantity to influence ma- terially the relations of the soil to water. The power of the soil to absorb water by cohesive attraction, depends in great measure upon the state of division of its parts ; the more divided they are, the greater is their absorbent power. The dift'erent con- stituent parts of soils likewise appear to act, even by cohesive attraction, with different degrees of energy. Thus vegetable substances seem to be more absorbent than animal substances ; animal substances more so than compounds of alumina and silica ; and compounds of alumina and silica more absorbent than carbonates of lime and magnesia: these diflferences may, however, possibly depend upon the differences in theirstate of di- \ision, and upon the surface exposed. 128 The power of soils to absorb water from air, is much connected with fertility. When this power is great, the plant is supplied with moisture in dry seasons; and the effect of evaporation in the day is counteracted by the absorption of aqueous vapour from the atmosphere, by the interior parts of the soil during the day, and by both the exterior and interior during night. The stiff clays approaching to pipe-clays in their na- ture, which take up the greatest quantity of water when it is poured upon them in a fluid form, are not the soils which absorb most moisture from the atmosphere in dry weather. They cake, and present only a small surface to the air ; and the vegetation on them is generally burnt up almost as readily as on sands. The soils that are most efficient in supplying the plant with water by atmospheric absorption, are those in which there is a due mixture of sand, finely divided clay, and carbonate of lime, with some animal or vegetable mat- ter : and wiiich are so loose and light as to be freely permeable to the atmosphere. With respect to this quality, carbonate of lime and animal and vegetable matter are of great use in soils ; they give absorbent power to the soil without giving U likewise tenacity : sand, which also destroys tenacity, on the contrary, gives little absorbent power. I have compared the absorbent powers of many soils with respect to atmospheric moisture, and I have always found it greatest in the most fertile soils ; so that it af- fords one method of judging of the productiveness of land. 1000 parts of a celebrated soil from Ormiston, in East Lothian, w hich contained more than half its weight of finely divided matter, of which 11 parts were car- bonate of lime, and nine parts vegetable matter, when dried at 212^*, gained in an hour by exposure to air sa- turated with moisture, at temperature 62°, 18 grains. lOOO'parts of a very fertile soil from the banks of the river Parret, in Somersetshire, under the same circum- stances, gained 16 grains. 1000 parts of a soil from Mersea, in Essex, worth 45 shillings an acre, gained 1-3 grains. 129 1000 grains of a fine sand from Essex, worth 28 shil- lings an acre, gained 11 grains. 1000 of a coarse sand worth 15 shillings an acre, gained only eight grains. 1000 of the soil of Bagshot-heath gained only three grains. Water, and the decomposing animal and viigetahle matter existing in the soil, constitute the true nourish- ment of plants ; and as the earthy parts of the soil are useful in retaining water, so as to suj)ply it in the proper proportions to the roots of the vegetables, so they arc likewise eflBcacious in producing the proper distribution of the animal or vegetable matter ; when equally mixed with it they prevent it from decomposing too rapidly ; and by their means the soluble parts are supplied in proper proportions. Besides this agency, which may be considered as me- chanical, there is another agency between soils and or- ganizable matters, which may be regarded as chemical in its nature. The earths, and even the earthy carbo- nates, have a certain degree of chemical attraction for many of the principles of vegetable and animal substan- ces. This is easily exemplified in the instance of alu- mina and oil ; if an acid solution of alumina be mixed with a solution of soap, which consists of oily matter and potassa; the oil and the alumina will unite and form a white powder, which will sink to the bottom of the fluid. The extract from decomposing vegetable matter when boiled with pipe-clay or chalk, forms a combination by which the vegetable matter is rendered more difficult of decomposition and of solution. Pure silica and sili- ceous sands have little action of this kind ; and the soils which contain the most alumina and carbonate of lime are, these which act with the greatest chemical energy in pre- serving manures. Such soils merit the appellation which is commonly given to them of rich soils; for the vegeta- ble nourishment is long preserved in them, unless taken up by the organs of plants. Siliceous sands, on the contrary, deserve the term hungry, wliich is commonly applied to them ; for the vegetable and animal matters they contain not being attracted by the earthy constitu- R 130 ml; parts of the soil, arc more liable to be decomposed b.y the action of the atmosphere, or carried oil' from them by M aler. i II most of ihe black and brown rich vegetable moulds, the earths seem to be in combination with a peculiar ex- tractive matter, alVorded during the decomposition of ve- 2;etables : tiiis is slowly taken up, or attracted from the earths by water, and appears to constitute a prime cause of the fertility of the soil. The staiuhu-d of fertility of soils for different plants must vary with the climate; and must be particularly inlluenced by the quantity of rain. 'J he power of soils to absorb moisture ought to be much greater in \> arm or dry counties, than in cold and moist ones ; and the (piantity of clay, or vegetable or animal matter they contain greater. Soils also on de- clivities ought to be more absorbent than in i>lains or in the bottom of vallies. Their pnuluctiveness likewise is inlluenced by the nature of the subsoil or the stratum on which they rest. \V hen soils are immediately situated upon a bed of rock or stone, they are much sooner rendered dry by evaporation, than wiiere the subsoil is of clay or marie; and a prime cause of liie great fertility of the land in tlse moist climate of Ireland, is the proximity of the rocky strata to the soil. A clayey subsoil will sometimes be of material advan- tage to a sandy soil ; and in this case it w ill retain mois- ture in such a manner as to be capable of supplying that lost by the earth above, in consequence of evaporation, or the consumption of it by plants. A sandy, or gravelly suhsoil, often corrects the im- perfections of too great a degree of absorbent poMer in the true soil. In calcareous countries, where the surface is a spe- cies of marie, the soil is often found only a few inches above the limiestone; and its fertility is not impaired by the proximity of the rock ; though in a less absorbent soil, this situation would occasion barrenness ; and the sandstone and limestone hills in Derbyshire and North Wales, may be easily distinguished at a distance in summer ])y the different tints of the vegetation. The 131 grass on the sandstone hills usually appears brown and Imrnt up; that on the limestone hills liourishinti; and green. In devoting the diflerent parts of an estate to the ne- cessary crops, it is perfectly evident from what has been said, that no general principle can be laid down, except when all the circumstances of the nature, composition, and situation of the soil and subsoil are known. The methods of cultivation likewise must be dift'er- ent for different soils. The same practice which will be excellent in one case may be destructive in ano- ther. Deep ploughing may be a very profitalile practice in a rich thick soil ; and in a fertile shallow soil, situated upon cold clay or sandy subsoil, it may be extremely prejudicial. In a moist climate where the (juantity of rain that falls annually equals from 40 to 60 inches, as in Lanca- shire, Cornwall, and some parts of Ireland, a siliceous sandy soil is much more productive than in dry districts; and in such situations, wheat and beans will re(|uire a less coherent and absorlient soil than in drier situations ; and plants having bulbous roots, will llourish in a soil containing as much as 14 parts out of 15 of sand. Even the exhausting powers of crops will be influen- ced by like circumstances. In cases where plants can- not absorb sufficient moisture, they must take up more manure. And in Ireland, Cornwall, and the western Highlands of Scotland, corn will exhaust less than in dry inland situations. Oats, particularly in dry climates, are impoverishing in a much higlier degree than in moist ones. Soils appear to have been originally produced in con- sequence of the decomposition of rocks and strata. It often happens that soils are found in an unaltered state upon the rocks from which they were derived. It is easy to form an idea of the manner in which rocks are converted into soils, by referring to the instance of soft granite, or jwrcelain granite. This substance consists of three ingredients, quartz, feldspar, and mica. The quartz is almost pure silicious earth, in a crystalline form. The feldspar and mica are very compounded sub- stances ; Iiotli contain silica, alumina, and oxide of iron ; in the IVldsjiar there is usually lime and potassa: in the mica, lime and magnesia. W'iien a granitic rock of tliis kind has been long ex- posed to the intluencc of air and water, tlie lime and the potassa contained in its constituent parts are acted upon by water or carbonic acid ; and the oxide of iron, which is almost always in its least oxided state, tends to com- bine with more oxygene ; the consequence is, tliat the feldspar decomposes, and likewise the mica; l)ut the first the most rapidly. The felds|)ar, which is as it were the cement of the stone, forms a tine clay: the mica partial- ly decomposed mixes with it as sand; and thcundecom- ])osed (|uart/- appears as gravel, or sand of different de- grees of fuK'ness. As soon as the smallest layer of earth is formed on the surface of a rock, the seeds of lichens, mosses, and other imperfect vegetables which are constantly floating in the atmosphere, ami which have made it their rest- ing place, begin to vegetate; their death, decomposition, and decay, afford a certain quantity of organizable mat- ter, which mixes with the earthy materials of the rock ; in this improved soil more perfect plants are capable of subsisting ; these in their turn absorb nourishment from water and the atmosphere ; and after perishing, afford new materials to those already provided : the decomposi- tion of the rock still continues ; and at length by such slow and gradual processes, a soil is formed in which even forest trees can fix their roots, and which is fitted to re- ward the labours of the cultivator. In instances wiiere successive generations of vegeta- bles have grown upon a soil, unless part of their pro- duce has been carried off by man, or consumed by ani- mals, the vegetable matter increases in such a propor- tion, that the soil approaches to a peat in its nature ; and if in a situation where it can receive water from a higher district, it becomes spongy, and permeated with that fluid, and is gradually rendered incapable of sup- porting the nobler classes of vegetables. Many peat- mosses seem to have been formed by the destruction of forests, in consequence of the imprudent use of the hatchet by the early cultivators of the conn- try ill wliich they exist: when the trees are felled in the out-skirts of a wood, those in the interior exposed to the influence of the winrls ; and havini:; been accustomed to shelter, become unhealthy, and die in their new situa- tion ; and their leaves and branches gradually decora- j)osing, produce a stratum of vegetable matter. In ma- ny of the great bogs in Ireland and Scotland, the larger trees that are found in the out-skirts of them, bear the marks of having been felled. In the interior few en- tire trees are found ; and the cause is, probably, that they fell by gradual decay ; and that the fermentation and decomposition of the vegetable matter was most ra- pid where it was in the greatest quantity. Lakes and pools of water are sometimes filled up by the accumulation of the remains of aquatic plants ; and in this case a sort of spurious peat is formed. The fer- mentation in these cases, however, seems to be of a dif- ferent kind. Much more gaseous matter is ev(dved ; and the neighbourhood of morasses in which aquatic ve- getables decompose, is usually aguish and unhealthy ; whilst that of the true peat, or peat formed on soils ori- ginally dry, is always salubrious. The earthy matter of peats is uniformly analogous to that of the stratum on which they repose ; the plants which have formed them must have derived the earths that they contained from this stratum. Thus in Wilt- shire and Berkshire, where the stratum below the peat is chalk, calcareous earth abounds in the ashes, and ve-. ry little alumina or silica. They likewise contain much oxide of iron and gypsum, ])oth of which may be deri- ved from the decomposition of the pyrites, so abundant in chalk. Different specimens of peat that I have burnt from the granitic and schistose soils of different parts of these islands, have always given ashes principally siliceous and aluminous ; and a specimen of peat from the coun- ty of Antrim, gave ashes which afforded very nearly tlie same constituents as the great basaltic stratum of the county. Poor and hungry soils, such as are produced frOm the decomposition of granitic and sandstone rocks, remain very often for ages with only a thin covering of vegeta- 134 tioii. Soils from the decomposition of limestone, chalks, and basaltsj are often clothed by nature with the peren- nial grasses ; and afford, when ploughed up, a rich bed of vegetation for every species of cultivated plant. Hocks and strata from which soils have been derived, and those which compose the more interior solid parts of the globe, are arranged in a certain order ; and as it often happens that strata very different in their nature are associated together, and that the strata immediately beneath the soil contain materials which may be of use for improving it, a general view of the nature and posi- tion of rocks and strata in nature, will not, I trust, be unacceptable to the scientific farmer. Kocks are generally divided by geologists into two grand division's, distinguished by the names of primary and secondary. The primary rocks are composed of pure crystalline matter, and contain no fragments of other rocks. The secondary rocks, or strata, consist only partly of crystalline matter ; contain fragments of other rocks or strata ; often abound in the remains of vegetables and marine animals ; and sometimes contain the remains of land animals. The primary rocks are generally arranged in large masses, or in layers vertical, or more or less inclined to the horizon. The secondary rocks are usually disposed in strata or layers, parallel, or nearly parallel to the horizon. The number of primary rocks which are commonly observed in nature are eight. First, granite, which as has been mentioned, is compo- sed of quartz, feldspar, and mica; when these bodies are arranged in regular layers in the rock, it is called gneis. Second, micaceous schistiiSf which is composed of quartz and mica arranged in layers, which are usually curvilineal. Third, sienite, which consists of the substance called hornblende and feldspar. Fourth, serpentine, which is constituted by feldspar and a body named resplendent hornblende ; and their separate crystals are often so small as to give the stone a uniform appearance : this rock abounds in veins of a substance called steatite, or soap rock. 135 Fifth, porphyry f which consists of crystals of feldspai' embedded in the same material, but usually of a difl'er- ent colour. Sixth, graiiular marble, which consists entirely of crystals of carbonate of lime ; and which, when its co- lour is white, and texture fine, is the substance used by statuaries. Seventh, chlorite schist, which consists of chlorite, a green of gray substance somewhat analogous to mica and feldspar. Eight, qiiartzose rock, which is composed of quartz in a granular form sometimes united to small quantities of the crystalline elements, which have been mentioned as belonging to the other rocks. The secondary rocks are more numerous than the pri- mary ; but twelve varieties include all that are usually, found in these islands. First, graiiwacke, which consists of fragments of quartz, or chlorite schist, embedded in a cement, prin- cipally composed of feldspar. Second, siliceous sandstone, which is composed of fine quartz or sand, united by a siliceous cement. Third, limestone, consisting of carbonate of lime, more compact in its texture than in the granular mar- ble ; and often abounding in marine exuvia. Fourth, aluminous schist or shale, consisting of the decomposed materials of diflFerent rocks cemented by a small quantity of ferruginous or siliceous matter ; and often containing the impressions of vegetables. Fifth, calcareous sandstone, which is calcareous sand, cemented by calcareous matter. Sixth, iron stone, formed of nearly the same mate- rials as aluminous schist, or shale ; but containing a much larger quantity of oxide of iron. Seventh, basalt or whinstone, which consists of feld- spar and hornblende, with materials derived from the decomposition of the primary rocks ; the crystals are generally so small as to give the rock a homogeneous appearance ; and it is often disposed in very regular columns, having usually five or six sides. Eighth, bituminous or common coal. Ninth, gypsum^ the substance so well known by that 136 name, which consists of sulphate of lime ; and often contains sand. Tenth, rock salt. Eleventh, vhalk, whicli usually abounds in remains of marine animals, and contains horizontal layers of flints. Twelfth plum-pudding stone, consisting of pebbles cemented by a ferruginous or siliceous cement. To describe more particularly the constituent parts of the difl'erent rocks and strata will be unnecessary : at any time, indeed, details on this subject are useless, un- less the specimens are examined bythe!eye; and a close inspection and comparison of the different species, will, in a short time, enable the most common observer to dis- tinguish them. Tlie highest mountains in these islands, and indeed in the whole of the old continent, are constituted by granite ; and this rock has likewise been found at the greatest depths to which the industry of man has as yet been able to penetrate ; micaceous schist is often found immediately upon granite ; serpentine or marble upon micaceous schist : but the order in which the primary rocks are grouped together is various. Marble and serpentine are usually found uppermost; but granite, though it seems to form the foundation of the rocky strata of the globe, is yet sometimes discovered above micaceous schist. Tlie secondary rocks are always incumbent on the primary ; the lowest of them is usually grauwacke : upon this, limestone or sandstone is often found ; coal generally occurs between sandstone or shale ; basalt of- ten exists above sandstone and limestone ; rock salt al- most always occurs associated with red sandstone and gypsum. Coal,' basalt, sandstone and limestone, are often arranged in different alternate layers, of no con- siderable thickness, so as to form a great extent of coun- try. In a depth of less than 500 yards, 80 of these different alternate strata have been counted. The veins which afford metallic substances, are fis- sures more or less vertical, filled with a material differ- ent from the rock in which they exist. 'Jliis material is almost always crystalline ; and usually consists of calcareous spar, ttuor spar, quartz, or heavy spar either 137 separate or together. The metallic substances are ge- nerally dispersed through, or confusedly mixed with these crystalline bodies. The veins in hard granite sel- dom afford much useful metal ; but in the veins in soft granite, and in gneis, tin, copper, and lead are found. Copper and iron are the only metals usually found in the veins in serpentine. Micaceous schist, sienite, and granular^marble, are seldom metalliferous rocks. Lead, tin, copper, iron, and many otlier metals are found in the veins in chlorite schist. Grauwacke, when it con- tains few fragments and exists in large masses, is often a metalliferous rock. The precious metals, likewise iron, lead, and antimony, are found in it ; and sometimes it contains veins or masses of stone coal, or coal free from bitumen. Limestone is the great metalliferous rock of the secondary family ; and lead and copper are the metals most usually found in it. No metallic veins have ever been found in shale, chalk or calcareous sand- stone; and they are very rare in basalt and silicious sandstone.* In cases where veins in rocks are exposed to the at- mosphere, indications of the metals they contain may be often gained from their superficial appearance. When- ever iluor' spar is found in a vein, there is always strong reason to suspect that it is associated with metallic sub- stances. A brown powder at the surface of a vein al- ways indicates iron, and often tin ; a pale yellow pow- der lead ; and a green colour in a vein denotes the pre- sence of copper. It may not be improper to give a general description of the geological constitution of Great Britain and L'e- land. Granite forms the great ridge of hills extending from Land's End through Dartmoor into Devonshire. The highest rocky strata in Somersetshire are grau- wacke and limestone. The Malvern hills are compo- sed of granite sienate and porphyry. The highest moun- tains in Wales are chlorite schist, or grauwacke. Gra- nite occurs at Mount Sorrel in Leicestershire. The great range of the mountains in Cumberland and West- * Fig. 1 6, will give a general idea of the appearance and arrange- ment of rocks and veins. LSS niorelniiil. ;uc poiphyvy, chlorite, schist, and grauwacke; but iijranUc is tVmiul at the western boundary. Through- out Scotland tlie most elevated rocks are granite, sienite, and micaceous scliistus. No true secondary formations are found in South Britain, west of Dartmoor ; and no basalt south of the Severn. The chalk district extends from the western part of Dorsetshire, to the eastern coast of Norfolk. The coal formations abound in the district between Glamorganshire and Derbyshire; and likewise in the secondary strata of Yorkshire, Durham, West- moreland, and Northumberland. Serpentine is found only in three places in Great Britain ; near Cape Li- zard in Cornwall, Portsoy in Aberdeenshire, and in Ayrshire. Black and gray granular marble is found near Padstow in Cornwall ; and other coloured prima- ry marbles exist in the neighbourhood of Plymouth. Coloured primary marbles are abundant in Scotland ; and white granular marble is found in the Isle of Sky, in Assynt, and on the banks of Loch Shin in Suther- land : the principal coal formations in Scotland, are in Dumbartonshire, Ayrshire, Fifeshire, and on the banks of the Brora in Sutherland. Secondary limestone and sandstone are found in most of the low countries north of the Mendip hills. In Ireland there are five great associations of prima- ry mountains ; the mountains of Morne in the county of Down; the mountains of Donegal; those of Mayo and Galway, those of Wicklow, and those of Kerry. The rocks composing the four first of these mountain chains are principally granite, gneis, sienite, micaceous schist, and porphyry. The mountains of Kerry are chiefly constituted by granular quartz, and chlorite schist. Co- loured marble is found near Killarney; and white mar- ble on the western coast of Donegal. Limestone and Sandstone are the common secondary rocks found south of Dublin. In Sligo, Roscommon, and Leitrim, limestone, sandstone, shale, iron stone, and bituminous coal are found. The secondary hills in these counties are of considerable elevation ; and many of them have basaltic summits. The northern coast of Ireland is principally basalt ; this rock commonly reposes upon a white limestone, containing layers of flint, and the same fossils as chalk ; but it is considerably harder than 139 that rock. There are some instances, in this district, in which columnar basalt is found above sandstone and shale, alternating with coal. The stone coal of Ireland is principally found in Kilkenny, associated with lime- stone and grauwacke. It is evident from what has been said concerning the production of soils from rocks, that there must be at least as many varieties of soils as there are species of rocks exposed at the surface of the earth ; in fact there are many more. Independent of the changes produced by cultivation and the exertions of human labour, the ma- terials of strata have been mixed together and transport- ed from place to place by various great alterations that have taken place in the system of our globe, and by the constant operation of water. To attempt to cla's"? soils with scientific accuracy would be a vain labour; the distinctions adopted by farmers are sufficient for the purposes of agriculture ; particularly if some degree of precision be adopted in the application of terms. The term sandy, for instance, should never be applied to any soil that does not contain at least se- ven-eighths of sand ; sandy soils that eifervesce with acids should be distinguished by the name of calcareous sandy soil, to distinguish them from those that are sili- ceous. The term clayey soil should not be applied to any land which contains less than one-sixth of impalpa- ble earthy matter, not considerably effervescing with acids ; the word loam should be limited to soils, contain- ing at least one-third of impalpable earthy matter, copi- ously effervescing with acids. A soil to be considered as peaty, ought to contain at least one-half of vegetable matter. In cases where the earthy part of a soil evidently con- sists of the decomposed matter of one particular rock, a name derived from the rock may with propriety be ap- plied to it. Thus, if a fine red earth be found imme- diately above decomposing basalt, it may be denomina- ted basaltic soil. If fragments of quartz and mica be found abundant in the materials of the soil, which is often the case, it may be denominated granitic soil ; and the same principles may be applied to other like in- stances. In general, the ^oils, the materials of which are the t40 most various iiud hetevogeueous, are those called alluvi- al, or which have been formed from the depositions of rivers ; many of tliem are extremely fertile. 1 have ex- amined some productive alluvial soils, which have been very different in their composition. The soil which has been mentioned pai;e 128, as very productive, from the banks of tlie river Parret in Somersetshire, afforded me eight parts of finely divided earthy matter, and one part of siliceous sand ; and an analysis of the finely divided matter gave the following results. 360 parts of carbonate of linie. 25 alumina. 20 silica. 8 oxide of iron.^ 19 vej^etable, animal, and saline mat- ter. A rich soil from the neighbourhood of the Avon in the valley of Evesham in Worcestershire, afforded me three- fifths of fine sand, and two-fifths of impalpable matter ; the impalpable matter consisted of 35 Alumina. 41 Silica. 14 Carbonate of lime. 3 Oxide of iron. 7 Vegetable, animal, and saline matter. A specimen of good soil from Tiviot-dale, afforded five-sixths of fine siliceous sand, and one-sixth of im- palpable matter which consisted of 41 Alumina. 42 Silica. 4 Carbonate of lime. 5 Oxide of iron. 8 Vegetable, animal, and saline matter. A soil yielding excellent pasture from the valley of the Avon, near Salisbury, afforded one- eleventh of coarse siliceous sand; and the finely divided matter consisted of 141 7 Alumina. 14 Silica. 63 Carbonate of lime. 2 Oxide of iron. ^ 14 Vegetable, animal, and saline matter. In all these instances the fertility seems to depend upon the state of division, and mixture of the earthy materials and the vegetable and animal matter ; and may be easily explained on the principles which 1 have endeavoured to elucidate in the preceding part of this Lecture. In ascertaining the composition of sterile soils with a view to their improvement, any particular ingredient which is the cause of their unproductiveness, should be particularly attended to; if possible, they should be compared with fertile soils in the same neighbourhood, and in similar situations, as the difference of the com- position may, in many cases, indicate the most proper methods of improvement. If on washa sterile soil it is found to contain the salts of iron, or any acid matter, it may be ameliorated by the application of quick lime. A soil of good apparent texture from Lincolnshire, was put into my hands by Sir Joseph Banks as remarkable for sterility : on examining it, I found that it contained sulphate of iron ; and I offer- ed the obvious remedy of top dressing with lime, which converts the sulphate into a manure. If there be an excess of calcareous matter in the soil, it may be im- proved by the application of sand, or clay. Soils too abundant in sand are benefited by the use of clay, or marie, or vegetable matter. A field belonging to Sir Robert Vaughan at Nannau, Merionethshire, the soil of which was a light sand, was much burnt up in the sum- mer of 1805 ; I recommended to that gentleman the ap- plication of peat as a top dressiiig. The experiment was attended with immediate good effects ; and Sir Ro- bert last year informed me, that the benefit was perma- nent. A deficiency of vegetable or animal matter must be supplied by manure. An excess of vegetable mat- ter is to be removed by burning, or to be remedied by the application of earthy materials. The improvement 142 or peats, ov bogs, ov marsli land^, must be i)icce(ie(l by draiiiiiij;" ; sta^^iiaut water beiiij; injurious to all the nu- tritive classes of plants. Hoft black peats, when drain- ed, are often made productive by the mere application of sand or clay as a top dressing;. When peats arc acicl, or contain ferrujijinous salts, calcareous matter is absolutuely necessary in brini^iiii;; them into cultivation. When they abiuind in the l>ranches and roots of trees, or when their surface entirely consists of living vegeta- bles, the wood or the vegetables must either be carried off, or }>e destroyed by burning. In the last case their ashes allcu'd eartiiy ingredients, fitted to improve the tex- ture of the peat. The best natural soils are those of which the materi- als have been derived from difl'erent strata; which have been minutely »livitle»l by air and water, and arc inti- mately blended together : and in improving soils artifi- cially, the farmer ( annot do better than imitate the pro- cesses of nature. The materials necessary for the purpose are seldom far distant : coarse sand is often found immediately on chalk ; and beds (»f sand and gravel are common below clay. The labour of improving the texture or constitu- tion of the soil, is repaid l)y a great permanent advan- tage ; less manure is required, and its fertility insured : ami capital laid out in this way secures for ever, the pro- ductiveness, and consequently the value of the land. LECTURE V. On the J\rature and Constittition of the Atmosphere ; and its Influence on Vegetables. Of the Germination of Seeds. Of the Functions of IHants in their differ - ent Stages of Growth ; with a general View of the Progress of Vegetation. L HE constitution of the atmosphere has heen already generally referred to in tlic preceding Lectures. Water, carbonic acid gas, oxygene, and azote, have been men- tioned as the principal substances composing it ; but more minute inquiries respecting tlieir nature and agencies are necessary to afford correct views of the uses of the at- mosphere in vegetation. On tliese inquiries 1 now propose to enter ; the pur- suit of them, 1 hope, will offer some objects of practical use in farming ; and present some philosophical illustra- tions of the manner in which plants are nourished; their organs unfolded, and their functions developed. If some of the salt called muriate of lime that has been just heated red be exposed to the air, even in the driest and coldest weather, it will increase in weight and become moist ; and in a certain time will be con- verted into a fluid. If put into a retort and heated, it will yield pure water ; will gradually recover its pris- tine state ; and, if heated red, its former weight : so that it is evident, that the water united to it was derived from the air. And that it existed in the air in an invisible and elastic form, is proved by the circumstance, that if a given quantity of air be exposed to the salt, its volume and weight will diminish, provided the experiment be correctly made. The quantity of water which exists in air, as vapour, varies with the temperature. In proportion as the wea- ther is hotter, the quantity is greater. At 50" of Fah- renheit air contains about one fiftieth of its volume of vapour 5 and as the specific gravity of vajiour is to that 144 of air nearly as 10 to 15, this is about one-seventy-fiftli of its weight. At 100°, supposing that there is a free communica- tion with water, it contains about one fourteenth parts in volume, or one- twenty-first in weight. It is the con- densation of vapour by diminution of the temperature of the atmosphere, which is probably the principal cause of the formation of clouds, and of the deposition of dew, mist, snow, or hail. The power of different substances to absorb aqueous vapour from the atmosphere by cohesive attraction was discussed in the last Lecture. The leaves of living plants appear to act upon the vapour likewise in its elas- tic form, and to absorb it. Some vegetables increase in Aveight from this cause, when suspended in the atmos- phere and unconnected with the soil ; such are the house- leek, and different species of the aloe. In very intense heats, and when the soil is dry, the life of plants seems to be preserved by the absorbent power of their leaves : and it is a beautiful circumstance in the economy of na- ture, that aqueous vapour is most abundant in the at- mosphere when it is most needed for the purposes of life ; and that when other sources of its supply are cut off, this is most copious. The compound nature of water has been referred to. It may be proper to mention the experimental proofs of its decomposition into, and composition from, oxygene and hydrogene. If the metal called potassium be exposed in a glass tube to a small quantity of water, it will act upon it with great violence ; elastic fluid will be disengaged, which will be found to be hydrogene ; and the same ef- fects will be produced upon the potassium, as if it had absorbed a small quantity of oxygene ; and the hydro- gene disengaged, and the oxygene added to the potas- sium are in weight as two to 15 ; and if two in volume of hydrogene, and one in volume of oxygene, which have the weights of two and 15, be introduced into a close vessel, and an electrical spark passed through them, they will inflame and condense into 17 parts of pure water. It is evident from the statements given in the third 145 Lecture, that water forms by far the greatest part of the sap of plants ; and that this substance, or its elements, enters largely into the constitution of their organs and solid productions. Water is absolutely necessary to the economy of ve- getation in its elastic and fluid state ; and it is not de- void of use even in its solid form. Snow and ice are bad conductors of heat ; and when the ground is cover- ed with snow, or the surface of the soil or of water is frozen, the roots or bulbs of tlic plants beneath are pro- tected by the congealed water from the influence of the atmosphere, the temperature of which in northern win- ters is usually very much below the freezing point ; and this water becomes the first nourishment of the plant in early spring. The expansion of water during its con- gelation, at which time its volume increases one-twelfth, and its contraction of bulk during a thaw, tend to pul- verise the soil ; to separate its parts from eacli other, and to made it more permeable to the influence of the air. If a solution of lime in water be exposed to the air, a pellicle will speedily form upon it, and a solid matter will gradually fall to the bottom of the water, and in a certain time the water will become tasteless ; this is ow- ing to the combination of the lime, which was dissol- ved in the water, with carbonic acid gas which existed in the atmosphere, as may be proved by collecting the film and the solid matter, and igniting them strongly in a little tube of platina or iron ; they will give off car- bonic acid gas, and will become quicklime, which add- ed to the same water, will again bring it to the state of lime water. The quantity of carbonic acid gas in the atmosphere is very small. It is not easy to determine it with pre- cision, and it must differ in different situations ; but where there is a free circulation of air, it is probably never more than one-five hundredth, nor less than one- eight hundredtli of the volume of air. Carbonic acid gas is nearly one-third heavier than the other elastic parts of the atmosphere in their mixed state : hence at first view it might be supposed tiiat it would be most abundant in the lower regions of the atmosphere ; but unless it has been immediately produced at the surface 146 of the earth ill some chemical process, this does not seem to he the case : elastic iluids of different speciiic gravities have a tendency to equahle mixture by a spe- cies of attraction, and the different parts of the atmos- phere are constantly agitated and blended together by winds or other causes. . I)e Saussure found lime water precipitated on Mount Blanc, the highest point of land in Europe ; and carbonic acid gas has been "always found, apparently in due proportion, in the air brought down from great heights in the atmosphere by aerostatic adventurers. The experimental proofs of the composition of car- bonic acid gas are very simple. If 13 grains of well burnt charcoal be inflamed by a burning-glass in 100 cubical inches of oxygene gas, the charcoal will entirely disappear : and provided the experiment be correctly made, all the oxygene except a few cubical inches, will be found converted into carbonic acid ; and what is very remarkable, the volume of the gas is not changed. On this last circumstance it is easy to found a correct esti- mation of the quantity of pure charcoal and oxygene in carbonic acid gas : the weight of 100 cubical inches is to that of 100 cubical inches of oxygene gas, as 47 to 34 : so that 47 parts in weight of carbonic acid gas, must be composed of 34 parts of oxygene and, 13 of charcoal, which correspond with the numbers given in the second Lecture. Carbonic acid is easily decomposed, by heating potas- sium in it ; the metal combines with the oxygene, and the charcoal is deposited in the form of a black powder. The principal consumption of the carbonic acid in the atmosphere, seems to be in affording nourishment to plants ; and some of them appear to be supplied with carbon chiefly from this source. Carbonic acid gas is formed during fermentation, com- bustion, putrefaction, respiration, and a number of ope- rations taking place upon the surface of the earth ; and there is no other process known in nature by which it can be destroyed but by vegetation. After a given portion of air has been deprived of aqueous vapour and carbonic acid gas, it appears little altered in its properties: it suppoi-ts combustion and an i- 147 wal life. There are many ijiodes of separating its prin- cipal constituents, oxygene and azote, from each other. A simple one is by burning phosphorus in a confined volume of air : this absorbs the oxygene and leaves the azote; and 100 parts in volume of air, in which phos- phorus has been burnt, yield 79 parts of azote : and by mixing this azote with 21 parts of fresh oxygene gas artificially procured, a substance having the original characters of air is produced. To procure pure oxy- gene from air, quicksilver may be kept heated in it, at about 600°, till it becomes a red powder ; this powder, when ignited, will be restored to the state of quicksilver by giving off oxygene. Oxygene is necessary to some functions of vegeta- bles ; but its great importance in nature is in its relation to the economy of animals. It is absolutely necessary to their life. Atmospheric air taken into the lungs of animals, or passed 4n solution in water through the gills of fishes, loses oxygene ; and for the oxygene lost, about an equal volume of carbonic acid appears. The effects of azote in vegetation are not distinctly known. As it is found in some of the products of ve- getation, it may be absorbed by certain plants from the atmosphere. It prevents the action of oxygene from being too energetic, and serves as a medium in which the more essential parts of the air act ; nor is this cir- cumstance unconformable to the analogy of nature; for the elements most abundant on the solid surface of the globe, are not those which are the most essential to th& existence of the living beings belonging to it. The action of the atmosphere on plants differs at dif- ferent periods of their growth, and varies with the va- rious stages of the development and decay of their or- gans ; some general idea of its influence may have been gained from circumstances already mentioned ; I shall now refer to it more particularly, and endeavour to connect it with a general view of the progress of vege- tation. If a healthy seed be moistened and exposed to air at a temperature not below 45°, it soon germinates; it shoots forth a plume which rises upwards^ and a raiU- cle which descends* 14B If the ai? be confined, it is found that in the process of germination the oxygene, or a part of it is absorbed. The azote remains unaltered ; no carbonic acid is ta- ken away from tlie air, on the contrary some is added. Seeds are incapable of germinating, except when oxy- gcne is present. In tlie exhausted receiver of the air- pump, in pure azote, in pure carbonic acid, when mois- tened they swell, but do not vegetate : and if kept in these gases, lose their living powers and undergo putre- faction. If a seed be examined before germination, it will be found more or less insipid, at least not sweet ; but af- ter germination it is always sweet. Its coagulated mu- cilage, or starcli, is converted into sugar in the process ; a substance difficult of solution is changed into one easily soluble : and the sugar carried through the cells or ves- sels of the cotyledons, is the nourishment of the infant plant. It is easy to understand the nature of the change, by referring to the facts mentioned in the third Lecture ; and the production of carbonic acid renders probable the idea, that the principal chemical difference between sugar and mucilage depends upon a slight difference in the proportions of their carbon. The absorption of oxygene by the seed in germina- tion, has been compared to its absorption in producing the evolution of foetal life in the egg : but this analogy is only remote. All animals, from the most to the least perfect classes, require a supply of oxygene.* From * The impregnated egs^s of insects, and even fishes, do not pro- duce younpj ones, unless they are supplied with air, that is, unless the foetus can respire. I have found that the eggs of moihs did not produce larva: when confined in pure carbonic acid ; and when they were exposed in common air, the oxygene partly disappeared, and carbonic acid was formed. The fish in the egg or spawn, gains its oxygene from the air dissolved in water; and those fishes that spawn in spring and summer in still water, such as the pike, carp, perch, and bream, deposit their eggs upon subaquatic vegetables, the leaves of which, in performing their healthy functions, supply oxygene to the water. Tlie fish that spawn in winter, such as the salmon and trout, seek spots where there is a constant supply of fresh water, as near the sources of streams as possible, and in the most ra])id cur- rents, where all stagnation is prevented, and where the water is satu- rated vvitii air, to which it has been exposed during its deposition from clouds. It is the instinct leading these fish to seek a supply of p. 148 149 llie moment the heart begins to pulsate till it ceases to beat, the aeration of the blood is constant, and the func- tion of respiration invariable ; carbonic acid is given off in the process, but the chemical change produced in the blood is unknown ; nor is the reany reason to suppose the formation of any substance similar to sugar. In the , production of a plant from a seed, some reservoir of nourishment is needed before the root can supply sap : and this reservoir is the cotyledon in which it is stored up in an insoluble form, and protected if necessary du- ring the winter, and rendered soluble by agents which are constantly present on the surface. The change of starch into sugar, connected with the absorption of oxy- gene, may be rather compared to a process of fermenta- tion than to that of respiration ; it is a change effected upon unorganized matter, and can be artificially imita- ted ; and in most of the chemical changes that occur when vegetable compounds are exposed to air, oxygene is absorbed, and carbonic acid formed or evolved. It is evident, that in all cases of tillage the seeds should be sown so as to be fully exposed to the influence of the air. And one cause of the unproductiveness of cold clayey adhesive soils is, that the seed is coated with matter impermeable to air. In sandy soils the earth is always sufficiently pene- trable by the atmosphere ; but in clayey soils there can scarcely be too great a mechanical division of parts in the process of tillage. Any seed not fully supplied with air, always produces a weak and diseased plant. The process of malting which has been already refer- red to, is merely a process in which germination is ar- tificially produced; and in which the starch of the coty- ledon is changed into sugar; which sugar is afterwards, by fermentation, converted into spirit. It is very evident from the chemical principles of ger- mination, that the process of malting should be carried on no farther than to produce the sprouting of the radi- cle, and should be checked as soon as this has made its distinct appearance. If it is pushed to such a degree as air for their eggs which carries them from seas, or hikes into the niountuin country ; which induces them to move against ilie streauj, and to endeavour to overleap weirs, mill-dams, and calarat (s. 15.0 to occasion the perfect developenient of the radicle and the plume, a considerable quantity of saccharine matter will have been consumed in producing their expansion, and there will be less spirit formed in fermentation, or produced in distillation. As this circumstance is of some importance, I made in October 1806, an experiment relating to it. I ascer- tained by the action of alcohol, the relative proportions of saccharine matter in two equal quantities of the same barley ; in one of which the germination had proceeded so far as to occasion protrusion of the radicle to nearly a quarter of an inch beyond the grain in most of the specimens, and in the other of which it had been check- ed before the radicle was a line in length ; the quantity of sugar afforded by the last was to that in the first near- ly as six to five. The saccharine matter in the cotyledons at the time of their change into seed-leaves, renders them exceed- ingly liable to the attacks of insects : this principle is at once a nourishment of plants and animals, and the great- est ravages are committed upon crops in this first stage of their growth. The turnip fly, an insect of the colyoptera gfiinus, fixes itself upon the seed-leaves of the turnip at the time that they are beginning to perform their functions : and when the rough leaves of the plume are thrown forth, it is in- capable of injuring the plant to any extent. Several methods have been proposed for destroying the turnip fly, or for preventing it from injuring th6 crop. It has been proposed to sow radish-seed with the tur- nip-seed, on the idea that the insect is fonder of the seed leaves of the radish than those of the turnip ; it is said that this plan has not been successful, and that the fly feeds indiscriminately on both. There are several chemical menstrua which render the process of germination much more rapid, when the seeds have been steeped in them. As in these cases the seed- leaves are quickly produced, and more speedily perform their functions, I proposed it as a subject of experiment to examine whether such menstrua might not be useful in raising the turnip more speedily to that state in which it would be secure from the fly ; but the result 151 proved tliat the practice was inadmissible; for seeds so treated, though they germinated much quicker, did not produce healthy plants, and often died soon after sprout- ing. I steeped radish seeds in September 1807, for twelve hours, in a solution of chlorine, and similar seeds in ve- ry diluted nitric acid, in very diluted sulphuric acid, in weak solution of oxysulphate of iron, and some in com- mon water. The seeds in solutions of chlorine and oxysulphate of iron, threw out the germ in two days ; those in nitric acid in three days, in sulphuric acid in five, and those in water in seven days. But in the cases of premature germination, though the plume was very vigorous for a short time, yet it became at the end of a fortnight weak and sickly ; and at that period less vigorous in its growth than the sprouts which had been naturally developed, so that there can be scarcely any useful application of these experiments. Too rapid growth and premature decay seem invariably connected in organized structures ; and it is only by following the slow operations of natural causes, that we are capable of making improvements. There is a number ef chemical substances which are very oflFensive and even deadly to insects, which do not injure, and some of which even assist vegetation. Se- veral of these mixtures have been tried with various suc- cess ; a mixture of sulphur and lime, which is very de- structive to slugs, does not prevent the ravages of the fly on the young turnip crop. His Grace the Duke of Bedford, at my suggestion, was so good as to order the experiment to be tried on a considerable scale at Wo- burn farm : the mixture of lime and sulphur was strew- ed over one part of the field sown with turnips ; nothing was applied to the otlrer part, but both were attacked nearly in the same manner by the fly. Mixtures of soot and quicklime, and urine and quick- lime, will probably be more efficacious. The volatile alkali given off by these mixtures is offensive to insects ; and they aftbrd nourishment to the plant. Mr. T. A. Knight* informs me, that he has tried the method by * IMr. Knight has been so good as to famish me with tl>e fol!o%v-- ing note on this subject. 152 ammoniacal fumes with success ; but more extensive iiials are necessary to establish its general efficacy. It may, however, be safely adopted, for if it should fail in de- stroying the fly, it would at least be a useful manure to the land. After the roots and leaves of the infant plant are form- ed, the cells and tubes throughout its structure become filled with fluid, which is usually supplied from the soil, and the function of nourishment is performed by the ac- tion of its organs upon the external elements. The con- stituent parts of the air are subservient to this process ; but, as it might be expected, they act differently under different circumstances. When a growing plant, the roots of which are sup- " The experiment which I tried the year before last, and last year, to preserve turnips from the fly, has not been sufficiently often re- peated to enable me to speak with any degree of decision ; and last year all my turnips succeeded perfectly well. In consequence of your suggestion, when I had the pleasure to meet you some years ago at Holkham, that lime slacked with urine might possibly be found to kill, or drive off, the insects from a turnip crop, I tried that preparation in mixture with three parts of soot, which was put into a small barrel, with gimblet holes round it, to permit a certain quan- tity of the composition, about four bushels to an acre, to pass out, and to fall into the drills with the turnip seeds. Whether it was by affording highly stimulating food to the plant, or giving some flavour which the flies did not like, I cannot tell ; but in the year 1811, the adjoining rows were eaten away, and those to which the composition was applied, as above described, were scarcely at all touched. It is my intention in future to drill my crop in, first, with the composition on the top of the ridge ; and then to sow at least a pound of seed, broad-cast over the whole ground. The expense of this will be ve- ry trifling, not more than 2s. per acre ; and the horse-hoe will instant- ly sweep away all the supernumeraries between the rows, should those escape the flies, to which however they will be chiefly attract- ed; because it will always be found that these insects prefer turnips gixjwing in poor, to those in rich ground. One advantage seems to be the acceleration given to the growth of the plants, by the highly stimulative effects of the food they instantly receive as soon as their growth commences, and long before their radicles have reached the dung. The directions above given apply only to turnips sowed \ipon ridges, with the manure immediately under them ; and I am quite certain, that in all soils turnips should be thus cultivated. The close vicinity of the manure, and the consequent short time required to carry the food into the leaf, and return the organizable matter to the roots, arc, in my hypothesis, points of vast importance ; and the re- sults in practice are correspondent." 153 plied with a proper nourishment, is exposed in the pre- sence of solar light to a given quantity of atmospherical air, containing its due proportion of carbonic acid, the carbonic acid after a certain time is destroyed, and a certain quantity of oxygene is found in its place. If new quantities of carbonic acid gas be supplied, the same result occurs ; so that carbon is added to plants from the air by the process of vegetation in sunshine ; and oxygene is added to the atmosphere. This circumstance is proved by a number of experi- ments made by Drs. Priestly, Ingenhouz and Wood- house, and M- T. de Saussure ; many of which I have re- peated with similar results. The absorption of carbonic acid gas, and the production of oxygene are performed by the leaf; and leaves recently separated from the tree effect the change, when confined in portions of air con- taining carbonic acid; and absorb carbonic acid and produce oxygene, even wlien immersed in water hold- ing carbonic acid in solution. The carbonic acid is probably absorbed by the fluids in the cells of the green or parenchymatous part of the leaf; and it is from this part that oxygene gas is produ- ced during the presence of light. M. Sennebier found that the leaf, from which the epidermis was stripped off, continued to produce oxygene when placed in water, containing carbonic acid gas, and the globules of air rose from the denuded parenchyma ; and it is shewn both from the experiments of Sennebier and Wood- house, that the leaves most abundant in parenchymatous parts produce most oxygene in water impregnated with carbonic acid. Some few plants* will vegetate in an artificial atmo- sphere, consisting principally of carbonic acid, and ma- ny will grow for some time in air, containing from one- half to one- third ; but they are not so healthy as when supplied with smaller quantities of this elastic sub- stance. Plants exposed to light have been found to produce oxygene gas in an elastic medium and in water, con- * I found the Arenaria tenuifolia to produce oxygene in carbonic acid, which was nearly pure. 154 tahiiiie; no carbonic^ acid gas ; but in quantities much smaller tlian when carbonic acid gas was present. In the dark no oxygene gas is produced by plants, whatever be tlie elastic medium to which they are expo- sed ; and no carbonic acid absorbed. In most cases, on the contrary, oxygene gas, if it be present, is absorbed, and carbonic acid gas is produced. In the changes that take place in the composition of the organized parts, it is probable that saccharine com- pounds are principally formed during the absence of light; gum, Voody fibre, oils, and resins during its pre- sence ; and the evolution of carbonic acid gas, or its formation during the night, may be necessary to give greater solubility to certain compounds in the plant. I once suspected that all the carbonic acid gas produced by plants in the night, or in shade, might be owing to the decay of some part of the leaf, or epidermis; but the recent experiments of Mr. D. Ellis are opposed to this idea; and I found that a perfectly healthy plant of cele- ry, placed in a given portion of air for a few hours on- ly, occasioned a production of carbonic acid gas, and an absorption of oxygene. Some persons have supposed that plants exposed in the free atmosphere to the vicissitudes of sunshine and shade, light and darkness, consume more oxygene than they produce, and that their permanent agency upon air is similar to that of animals ; and this opinion is espou- sed by the writer on the subject 1 have just quoted, in his ingenious researches on vegetation. But all expe- riments brought forwards in favour of this idea, and particularly his experiments, have been made under cir- cumstances unfavourable to accuracy of result. The plants have been confined and supplied with food in an unnatural manner; and the influence of light upon them has been very much diminished by the nature of the me- dia through which it passed. Plants confined in limit- ed portions of atmospheric air soon become diseased ; their leaves decay, and by their decomposition they ra- pidly destroy the oxygene of the air. In some of the early experiments of Dr. Priestly before he was ac- quainted with the agency of light upon leaves, air that jiad supported combustion and respiration, was found 155 purified by the growth of plants when they were expo- sed in it for successive days and nights ; and his expe- riments are the more unexceptionable, as the plants, in many of them, grew in their natural states ; and shoots, or branches from them, only were introduced through water in the confined atmosphere. 1 have made some few researches on this subject, and I shall describe their results. On the 12th of July, 1800, I placed a turf four inches square, clothed with grass, principally meadow fox- tail, and white clover, in a porcelain dish, standing in a shallow tray filled with water ; 1 then covered it with a jar of flint glass, con- taining 380 cubical inches of common air in its natural state. It was exposed in a garden, so as to be liable to the same changes with respect to light as in the common air. On the 20th of July the results were examined. There was an increase of the voKime of the gas, amount- ing to fifteen cubical inches ; but the temperature had changed from 64° to Tl'' ; and the pressure of the at- mosphere, w^hich on the 12th had been equal to the sup- port of 30.1 inches of mercury, was now equal to that of 30.2. Some of the leaves of the white clover, and of the fox-tail were yellow, and the whole appearance of the grass less healthy than when it was first introdu- ced. A cubical inch of the gas, agitated in lime-wa- ter, gave a slight turbidness to the Avater ; and the ab- sorption was not quite one-one hundred and fiftieth of its volume. 100 parts of the residual gas exposed to a solution of green sulphate of iron, impregnated with ni- trous gas, a substance which rapidly absorbs oxygene from air, occasioned a diminution to 80 parts. 100 parts of the air of the garden occasioned a diminution to 79 parts. If the results of this experiment be calculated upon it, it will appear that the air had been slightly deterio- rated by the action of the grasses. But the weather was unusually cloudy during the progress of the experiment; the plants had not been supplied in a natural manner with carbonic acid gas; and the quantity formed during the night, and by the action of the faded leaves, must have been partly dissolved by the water ; and that this "was actually the case, I proved by pouring lime-water 156 into the wattr, when an immediate precipitation was oc- casioned. The increase of azote 1 am inclined to attri- bnte to common air disengaged from the water. The following experiment I consider as conducted under circumstances more analogous to those existing in nature. A turf four inches square, from an irrigated meadow, clothed with common meadow grass, meadow fox-tail grass, and vernal meadow grass, was placed in a porcelain dish, which swam on the surface of water impregnated with carbonic acid gas. A vessel of thin flint glass, of the capacity of 230 cubical inches, having a funnel furnished with a stop-cock inserted in the top, was made to cover the grass ; and the apparatus was ex- posed in an open place; a small quantity of water was daily supplied to the grass by means of the stop-cock.* Every day likewise a certain quantity of water was re- moved by a si[)lion, and water saturated with carbonic acid gas supplied in its place ; so that it may be presu- med, that a small quantity of carbonic acid gas was con- stantly present in the receiver. On the 7th of July, 1807, the first day of the experiment, the weather was cloudy in the morning, but fine in the afternoon ; the ther- mometer at 67, the barometer 30.2 : towards the evening of this day a slight increase of the gas was perceived, the next three days were bright; but in the morning of the 11th the sky was clouded; a considerable increase of the volume of the gas was now observed : the 12th was cloudy, with gleams of sunshine ; there was still an increase, but less than in the bright days ; the 13th was bright. About nine o'clock A. M. on the 14th the receiver was quite full ; and considering the original quantity in the jar, it must have been increased by at least 30 cubical inches of elastic fluid : at times during this day globules of gas escaped. At ten on the morn- ing of the 15th, 1 examined a portion of the gas; it con- tained less than one-fiftieth of carbonic acid gas : 100 parts of it exposed to the impregnated solution left only 75 parts ; so that the air was four per cent, purer than the air of the atmosphere. I shall detail another similar experiment made with * See Fig. \7, 157 equally decisive results. A shoot from a vine, having three healthy leaves belonging to it, attached to its pa- rent tree, was bent so as to be placed under the receiver which bad been used in the last experiment ; the water confining the common air was kept in the same manner impregnated with carbonic acid gas ; the experiment was carried on from August 6th, till August 14th, 1807 ; during this time, though the weather had been general- ly clouded, and there had been some rain, the volume of elastic fluid continued to increase. Its quality was examined on the morning of the 15tii ; it contained one- forty- second of carbonic acid gas, and 100 parts of it afforded 23.5 of oxygene gas. These facts confirm the popular opinion, that when the leaves of vegetables perform their healthy functions, they tend to purify the atmosphere in the common va- riations of weather, and changes from light to dark- ness. In germination, and at the time of the decay of the leaf, oxygene must be absorbed ; but when it is consi- dered how large a part of the surface of the earth is cloth- ed with perennial grasses, and that half of the globe is always exposed to the solar light, it appears by far the most probable opinion, that more oxygene is produced than consumed during the process of vegetation; and that it is this circumstance which is the principal cause of the uniformity of the constitution of the atmosphere. Animals produce no oxygene gas during the exercise of any of their functions and they are constantly con- suming it; but the extent of the animal, compared to that of the vegetable kingdom, is very small ; and the quantity of carbonic acid gas produced in respiration, and in various processes of combustion and fermenta- tion, bears a proportion extremely minute to the whole volume of the atmosphere : if every plant during the progress of its life makes a very small addition of oxy- gene to the air, and occasions a very small consumption of carbonic acid, the effect may be conceived adequate to the wants of nature. It may occur as an objection to these views, that if the leaves of plants purify the atmosphere, towards the, end of autumn, and through the winter, and early spring, 158 tlie air in our climates must become impure, the oxygeiie iu it diminish, and the carbonic acid ij;as increase, which is not the case ; but there is a very satisfactory answer to tliis objection. The different parts of the atmosphere are constantly mixed toi;ether by winds, which when they are strong, move at the rate of from 60 to 100 miles in an hour. In our winter, the south-west gales convey air, which has been purified by the vast forests and sa- vannas of Houth America, and which, passing over the ocean, arrives in an uncontaminated state. The storms and tempests which often occur at the beginning, and towards the middle of our winter, and which generally blow from the same quarter of the globe, have a salu- tary influence. 15y constant agitation and motion, the equilibrium of the constituent parts of the atmosphere is preserved; it is fitted for the purposes of life ; and those events, which the superstitious formerly referred to the w rath of heaven, or the agency of evil spirits, and in w hich they saw only disorder and confusion, are demonstrated by science, to be ministrations of divine intelligence, and connected with the order and harmony of our system. I have reasoned, in a former part of this Lecture, against the close analogy which some persons have as- sumed between the absorption of oxygeue and the for- mation of carbonic acid gas in germination, and in the respiration of the fix'tus. Similar arguments will apply against the pursuit of this analogy, between the functions of the leaves of the adult plant, and those of the lungs of the adult animal. Plants grow vigorously only when supplied Avith light ; and most species die if deprived of it. It cannot be supposed that the production of oxygene from the leaf, which is known to be connected with its natural colour, is the exertion of a diseased function, or that it can acquire carbon in the day-time, when it is in most vigorous growth, when the sap is ri- sing, when all its powers of obtaining nourishment are exerted ; merely for the purpose of giving it off again in the night, when its leaves are closed, when the motion of the sap is imperfect, and when it is in a state ap- proaching to that of (piiescence. Many plants that grow upon rocks, or soils, containing no carbonic matter, can 151^ f)iity be supposed to acquire their charcoal from the carbonic acid gas in the atmosphere ; and the leaf may be considered at the same time as an organ of absorption, and an organ in which the sap may undergo different chemical changes. When pure water only is absorbed ])y tlie roots of plants, the fluid, in passing into tiie leaves, will proba- bly have greater power to absorb carbonic acid from the atmosphere. When the water is saturated with carbon- ic acid gas, some of this substance, even in the sunshine, may be given off by the leaves ; but a part of it like- wise will be always decomposed, which has been pro- ved by the experiments of M. Sennebier. When the fluid taken up by the roots of plants con- tains much carbonaceous matter, it is probable that plants may give off carbonic acid from their leaves, even in the sunshine. In short, the function of the leaf must vary according to the composition of the sap passing through it ; and according to the nature of the products which are formed from it. Wlien sugar is to be pro- duced, as in early spring at the time of the development of buds and flowers, it is probable that less oxygene will be given off, than at the time of the ripening of the seed, when starch, or gums, or oils, are formed; and the pro- cess of ripening the seed usually takes place when the agency of the solar light is most intense. When the acid juices of fruits become saccharine in the natural process of vegetation, more oxygene, there is every rea- son to believe, must be given off, or newly combined, than at other times ; for, as it was shewn in the Third Lecture, all the vegetable acids contain more oxygene than sugar. It appears probable, that in some cases, in which oily and resinous bodies are formed in vegetation, water may be decomposed; its oxygene set free, and its hydrogene absorbed. I have already mentioned, that some plants produce oxygene in pure water; Dr. Ingenhouz found this to be the case with species of the confervse, I have tried the leaves of many plants, particularly those tiiat pro- duce volatile oils. When such leaves are exposed in water saturated with oxygene gas, oxygene is given off* in the solar light ; but the quantity is very small and al- 160 Mays limited ; nor have I been able to ascertain with certainty, whether Uie vegetative powers of the leaf were concerned in tlie operation, though is seems probable. I obtained a considerable quantity of oxygene in an ex- periment made fifteen years ago, in which vine leaves were exposed to pure water ; but on repeating tlie trial often since, the quantities have always been very much smaller ; I am ignorant whether this difference is owing to the peculiar state of the leaves, or to some confervae which might have adhered to the vessel, or to other sources of fallacy. The most important and most common products of ve- getables, mucilage, starch, sugar, and woody fibre, are composed of water, or the elements of water, in their due proportion, and charcoal; and these, or some of them, exist in all plants ; and the decomposition of car- bonic acid, and the combination of water in vegetable structures, are processes which must occur almost uni- versally. When glutenous and albuminous substances exist in plants,* the azote they contain may be suspected to be derived from the atmosphere : but no experiments have been made which prove this ; they might easily be in- stituted upon mushrooms and funguses. In cases in which buds are formed, or shoots thrown forth from roots, oxygene appears to be uniformly ab- sorbed, as in the germination of seeds. I exposed a small potato moistened with common water to 24 cubi- cal inches of atmospherical air, at a temperature of 59^. It began to throw forth a shoot on the third day ; when it was a half au inch long I examined the air ; nearly a cubical inch of oxygene was absorbed, and about tliree- fourths of a cubical inch of carbonic acid formed. The juices in the shoot separated from the potato, had a sweet taste ; and the absorption of oxygene, and the production of carbonic acid, were probably connected with the conversion of a portion of starch into sugar. When potatoes that have been frozen are thawed, they become sweet ; probably oxygene is absorbed in this process ; if so, the change may be prevented by thaw- ing them out of the contact of air ; under water, for in- stance, that has been recently boiled. 161 In the tillering of corn, that is, the production of new stalks round the original plume, there is every reason to believe that oxygene must be absorbed ; for the stalk at which the tillering takes place, always contains sugar, and the shoots arise from a part deprived of light. The drill husbandry favours this process ; for loose earth is thrown by hoeing round the stalks ; they are preserved from light, and yet supplied with oxygene. I have counted from forty to one hundred and twenty stalks produced from a grain of wheat, in a moderately good crop of drilled wheat. And we are informed by Sir Kenelm Digby, in 1660, that there was in the posses- sion of the Fathers of the Christian Doctrine at Paris, a plant of barley, which they, at that time, kept l)y them as a curiosity, and which consisted of 249 stalks spring- ing from one root, or grain ; and in which they counted above 18,000 grains, or seeds of barley. The great increase which takes place in the transplan- tation of wheat, depends upon the circumstance, tjiat each layer thrown out in tillering may be removed, and treat- ed as a distinct plant. In the Philosophical Transac- tions, Vol. Lviii. p. 203, the following statement may be found : Mr. C. Miller, of Cambridge, sowed some wheat on the 2d of June, 1766 ; and on the 8th of August, a plant was taken and separated into 18 partS;, and replanted ; these plants were again taken up, and divided in the months of September and October, and planted separately to stand the winter, which division produced 67 plants. They were again taken up in March and April, and produced 500 plants : the num- ber of ears thus formed from one grain of wheat was 21,109, which gave three pecks and three quarters of corn that weighed 471bs. 7ozs. ; and that were estima- ted at 576,840 grains. It is evident from the statements just given, that the change which takes place in the juices of the leaf by the action of the solar light, must tend to increase the proportion of inflammable matter to their other consti- tuent parts. And the leaves of the plants that grow in darkness, or in shady places, are uniformly pale ; their juices are watery and saccharine, and they do not afford X 162 oils or icsiuous substances. 1 shall detail an exp6ri- ment on this suhject. I took an equal weight, 400 grains, of the leaves of two plants of endive, one bright green, which had grown fully exposed to light, and the otiier almost white, which had been secluded from light by being covered with a box ; after being both acted upon for some time by boil- ing water, in the state of pulp, the undissolved matter was dried, and exposed to the action of warm alcohol. The matter from the green leaves gave it a tinge of olive; that from the pale leaves did not alter its colour. Scarcely any s(did matter was produced by evaporation of the alcohol tliat had been digested on the pale leaves : where- as by the evaporation of that from the green leaves, a considerable residuum was obtained : five grains of which were separated from the vessel in which the evaporation was carried on ; they burnt with flame, and appeared partly matter analogous to resin. 53 grains of woody fibre were obtained from the green leaves, and only 31 from the pale leaves. It has been mentioned in the Third Lecture, that the sap probably, in common cases, descends from the leaves into the bark; the bark is usually so loose in its texture, that the atmosphere may possibly act upon it in the cor- tical layers ; but the changes taking place in the leaves, appear sufficient to ex[dain the diflerence between the products obtained from the bark and from the alburnum ; the first of which contains more carbonaceous matter than the last. When the similarity of the elements of diflferent ve- getable products is considered, according to the views given in the Third Lecture, it is easy to conceive how the different organized parts may be formed from the same sap, according to the manner in which it is acted on by heat, light and air. By the abstraction of oxy- gene, the different inflammable products, fixed and vola- tile oils, resins, camphor, woody fibre, &c. may be pro- duced from saccharine or mucilaginous fluids ; and by the abstraction of carbon and iiydrogene, starch, sugar, the diflerent vegetable acids and substances soluble in water, may be formed from highly corabu«tible and in- i6^ solu?)le substances. Even the limpid volatile oils which convey the fragrance of the flower, consist of different proportions of the same essential elements, as the dense woody fibre ; and both are formed by different changes in the same organs, from the same materials, and at the same time. M. Vauquelin has lately attempted to estimate the chemical changes taking place in vegetation, by analy- sing some of the organized parts of the horse-chesnut in their different stages of growth. He found in ti»e buds collected, March 7, 18d2, tanning principle, and albuminous matter capable of being obtained separately, but when obtained, comliining with each other. In the scales surrounding the buds, he found the tanning prin- ciple, a little saccharine matter, resin and a fixed oil. In the leaves fully developed, he discovered the same prin- ciples as in the buds ; and in addition, a peculiar green resinous matter. The petals of the flower yielded a yellowish resin, saccharine matter, albuminous matter, and a little wax : the stamina afforded sugar, resin, and tannin. The young chesnuts examined immediately after their formation, afforded a larger quantity of a matter which appeared to be a combination of albuminous matter and tannin. All the parts of the plant afforded saline com- binations of the acetic and phosphoric acids. M. Vauquelin could not obtain a sufficient quantity of the sap of the horse-chesnut for examination ; a cir- cumstance much to be regretted ; and he has not stated the relative quantities of the different substances in the buds, leaves, flowers, and seeds. It is probable, how- ever, from his unfinished details, that the quantity of resinous matter is increased in the leaf, and that the white fibrous pulp of the chesnut is formed by the mu- tual action of albuminous and astringent matter, which probably are supplied by different cells or vessels. I have already mentioned* that the cambium, from which the new parts in the trunk and branches appear to be formed, probably owes its powers of consolidation to the mixture of two different kinds of sap ; one of which *P. 104. J (i4 flo^vs upwards from the roots; and other ol' which pro- bably descends from the leaves. 1 attenipledj in May 1804, at the time the cambium was forming in tlie oak, to ascertain the nature of the action of the sap of the alburnum upon the juices of the bark. By perforatine; the alburnum in a youni^oak, and applying an exhaust- ing syringe to the aperture, 1 easily drew out a small quantity of sap. 1 could not, however, in the same way obtain sap from tlie bark. 1 was obliged to recur to the soluti«)n of its principles in water, by infusing a small quantity of fresli bark in warm water; the liquid obtain- ed in this way was highly coloured and astringent ; and produced an immediate precipitate in the alburnous sap, the taste of wliich was sweetish, and slightly astringent, and which was colourless. Tlie in(;reasc of trees and plants must depend upon the quantity of sap which passes into their organs ; upon the quality of this sap; and on this modification by the principles of the atmosphere. Water, as it is the vehi- cle of the nourishment of the plant, is the substance principally given off by the leaves. Dr. Hales found, that a sunflower, in one day of twelve liours, transpired hy its leaves one pound fourteen ounces of water, all of Avhich must have been imbi])ed by its roots. The powers which cause the ascent of tlie sap have heen slightly touched upon in the Second and Third Lectures. The roots imbibe fluids from the soil by ca- pillary attraction ; but this power aU)ne is insufficient to account for the rapid elevation of the sap into the leaves. This is fully proved by the following fact detailed by Dr. Hales, Vol. 1. of the Vegetable Statics, page 114. A vine branch of four or five years old was cut through, and a glass tube carefully attached to it; this tube was bent as a siphon, and filled with quicksilver; so that the force of the ascending sap could be measured by its ef- fect in elevating the quicksilver. In a few days it was found, that the sap had been propelled forwards with so much force, as to raise the quicksilver to 38 inches, which Is a force considerably superior to that of the usual pressure of the atmosphere. Capillary attraction can only be exerted by the surfaces of small vessels, and can never raise a iluid into tubes above the vessels tliem- selvc.?». .165 1 Fefeired in the liegiuiiing of the Third Lecture to Mr. Knight's opinion, that the contractions and expan- sions of the silver grain in the alburnum, are the most efficient cause of the ascent of the fluids contained in its pores and vessels. The views of this excellent ])hy- siologist are rendered extremely probable by the facts be has brought forward in support of them. Mr. Knight found that a very small increase of temperature was suf- ficient to cause the fibres of the silver grain to separate from each other, and that a very slight diminution of heat produced their contraction. The sap rises most vigorously in spring and autumn, at the time the tempe- rature is variable; and if it be supposed, that in expand- ing and contracting, the elastic fibres of the silver grain exercise a pressure upon the cells and tubes containing the fluid absorbed by tlie capillary attraction of tlie roots, this fluid must constantly move upwards towards the points where a supply is needed. The experiments of Montgolfier, the celebrated in- ventor of the balloon, have shewn that water may be raised almost to an indefinite height by a very small force, provided its pressure be taken off by continued divisions in the column of fluid. This principle, there is great reason to suppose, must operate in assisting the ascent of the sap in the cells and vessels of plants which have no rectilineal communication, and which every where oppose obstacles to the perpendicular pressure of the sap. The changes taking place in the leaves and buds, and the degree of their power of transpiration, must be in- timately connected likewise with the motion of the sap upwards. This is shewn by several experiments of Dr. Hales. A branch from an apple tree was separated and in- troduced into water, and connected with a mercurial gage. When the leaves were upon it, it raised the mer- cury by the force of the ascending juices to four inches ; but a similar branch, from which the leaves were remo- ved, scarcely raised it a quarter of an inch. Tliose trees, likewise, whose leaves arc soft and of a spongy texture, and porous at their upper surfaces, dis- played by far the greatest powers with regard to the ele- vation of the sap. 166 The same accurate philosopher whom 1 have just quoted, found that the pear, quince, cherry, walnut, peach, gooseberry, water- elder_, and sycamore, which have all soft and unvarnished leaves, raised the mercu- ry under favourable circumstances from three to six inches. Whereas the elm, oak, chesnut, hazel, sallow, and ash, which have firmer and more glossy leaves, raised the mercury only from one to two inches. And the evergreens and trees bearing varnished leaves, scarcely at all affected it ; particularly the laurel and the lauristinus. It will be proper to mention the facts which shew, that in many cases fluids descend through the bark ; they are not of the same unequivocal nature as those which de- monstrate the ascent of the sap through the alburnum ; yet many of them are satisfactory. M. Baisse placed branches of different trees in an in- fusion of madder, and kept them there for a long time. He found in all cases, that the wood became red before tlie bark ; and that the bark began to receive no tinge till the whole of the wood was coloured, and till the leaves were affected ; and that the colouring matter first appeared above, in the bark immediately in contact with the leaves. Similar experiments were made by M. Bonnet, and with analogous results, though not so perfectly distinct as those of M. Baisse. Du Hamel found, that in different species of the pine and other trees, when strips of bark were removed, the upper part of the wound only emitted fluid, whilst the lower part remained dry. This may likewise be observed in the summer in fi'uit- trees, when the bark is wounded, the alburnum remain- ing untouched. I have mentioned in the Third Lecture, that when new bark is formed to supply the place of a ring that has been stripped off, it first makes its appearance upon the upper edge of the wound, and spreads slowly down- wards ; and no new matter appears from below rising up- wards, if the experiment has been carefully performed. I say carefully performed ; because, if any of the inte- rior cortical layer be suffered to remain communicating -with the upper edge^ new bark chvei'ed \yjth e"pidermis 167 "Will form below this, and appear as if protruded upoii the naked alburnum, and formed within the wound; and such a circumstance would give rise to erroneous con- clusions. In the summer of 1804, 1 examined some elms at Ken- sington. The bark of many of them had been very much injured, and, in some cases, more than a square foot had been stripped oif. In most of the wounds the for- mation of the new cortical layers was from above, and gradually extending downwards round the aperture; but in two instances there had been very distinctly a for- mation of bark towards the lower edge. 1 was, at first, very much surprised at this appearance, so contradicto- ry to the general opinion ; but, on passing the point of a pen- knife along the surface of the alburnum, from below upwards, I found that a part of the cortical layer, which was of the colour of the alburnum, had remained com-, municating with the upper edge of the wound, and that the new bark had formed from this layer. I have had no opportunity of looking at the trees lately ; but I doubt not that the phsenomenon may still be observed ; for some years must elapse before the new formations will be complete. In accounting for the experiment of M. Palisot de Beauvois, mentioned in the Third Lecture, it may be supposed that the cortical fluid flowed down the albur- num upon the insulated bark, and thus occasioned its increase ; or it may be conceived that the bark itself contained sufficient cortical fluid at the time of its sepa- ration to form new parts by its action upon the alhur- nous fluid. The motion of the sap through the bark seems prin- cipally to depend upon gravitation. When the watery particles have been considerably dissipated by the tran- spiring functions of the leaves, and the mucilaginous, inflammable, and astringent constituents, increased by the agency of heat, light, and air, the continued impulse upwards from the alburnum, forces the remaining in- spissated fluid into the cortical vessels, which receive no other supply. In these, from its weight, its natural tendency must be to descend ; and the rapidity of the descent must depend u|>on the general consumption of 4.68 the fluids of the bark in the living processes of vegeta- tion ; for there is every reason to believe, that no fluid passes into the soil tlirough the roots ; and it is impos- sible to conceive a free lateral communication between the absorbent vessels of the alburnum in the roots, and the transporting or carrying vessels of the bark ; for if such a communication existed, there is no reason why the sap should not rise through the bark as well as through the alburnum ; for the same physical powers would then operate upon both. Some authors have supposed that the sap rises in the alburnum, and descends through the bark in consequence of a power similar to that which produces the circula- tion of the blood in animals ; a force analogous to the muscular force in the sides of the vessels. Dr. Thomson in his System of Chemistry, has stated a fact which he considers as demonstrating the irratibi- lity of living vegetable systems. When a stork of spurge (Euphorbia peplis) is separated by two incisions from its leaves and roots, the milky fluid flows through both sections. Now, says the ingenious author, it is impos- sible that this could happen without the living action of the vessels, for they cannot have been more than full ; and their diameter is so small, that if it were to conti- nue unaltered, the capillary attraction would be more than sufficient to contain their contents, and, consequent- ly, not a drop would flow out. Since, therefore, the li- quid escapes, it must be driven out by a force different from a common physical force. To this reasoning it may be answered, that the sides of all the vessels are soft, and capable of collapsing by gravitation, as veins do in animal systems long after they have lost all their vitality : which is an effect to- tally different from vital or irritable action ; and the phsenomenon may be compared to that of puncturing a vessel of elastic gum filled with fluid, both above an,d below ; the fluid will make its way tlirough the aper- tures, though in much larger quantity from the lowest, which I have found is likewise the case with the spurge. l)r. Jjarton has stated, that plants grow more vigor- misly in water in which a little camphor has been infii- 169 sed. This has been brought foivvard as a fact in favour of tlie iFritability of the vegetable tubular system. It is said, that camphor can only be conceived to act as a stimulus, by increasing the living powers of the vessels,, and causing them to contract with more energy. But this kind of speculation is very unsatisfactory. Cam- phor, we know, has a disagreeable pungent taste, and powerful smell ; but physicians are far from being agreed whether it is a stimulant or sedative, even in its operation upon the human body. We should have no right whatever, even supposing the irritability of ve- getables proved, to conclude, that because camphor as- sisted the growth of plants, it acted on their living pow- ers ; and it is not right to infer the existence of a pro- perty proved in no other way, from the operation of un- certain qualities. That camphor may assist the growth of plants it is easy to conceive ; and why should Ave not consider its efficacy as similar to the efficacy of saccharine and mu- cilaginous matter, and particularly of oils, to which it is nearly allied in composition ; and which afford food to the plant, and not stimulus ; which are materials of as- similation, and not of excitement ? The arguments in favour of a contraction similar to muscular action have not then much weight; and besides, there are direct facts which render the opinion highly improbable. When a single branch of a vine or other tree is intro- duced in winter into a hot-house, the trunk and the other branches remaining exposed to the cold atmospliere, the sap will soon begin to move towards the buds in the heated branch ; these buds will gradually unfold them- selves, and begin to transpire ; and at length open into leaves. Now if any peculiar contractions of the sap ves- sels or cells were necessary for the ascent of the sap in the vessels, it is not possible that the application of heat to a single branch should occasion irritable action to take place in a trunk many feet removed from it, or in roots fixed in the cold soil : but allowing that the energy of lieat raises the fluid merely by diminishing its gravity, increasing the facility of capillary action, and by produ- cing an expansion of the fibres of the silver grain, the Y 171) phaenomeuou is iu perfect unison witb tlie views advan- ced in the preceding part of tliis Lecture. The ilexj or evergreen oak, preserves its leaves through the winter, even when grafted upon the common oak ; and in consequence of the operation of the leaves, there is a certain motion of the sap towards the ilex, which, as iu the last case, seems to be inconsistent with the theo- ry of irritable action. It is impossible to peruse any considerable part of the Yegetable Statics of Hales, without receiving a deep impression of the dependence of the motion of the sap upon common physical agencies. In the same tree this sagacious person observed, that in a cold cloudy morn- ing when no sap ascended, a sudden change was pro- duced by a gleam of sunshine, of half an hour ; and a vigorous motion of the fluid. The alteration of the wind from south to the north immediately checked the effect. On the coming on of a cold afternoon after a hot day, the sap that had been rising began to fall. A warm shower and a sleet storm produced opposite effects. Many of his observations likewise shew, that the dif- ferent powers which act on the adult tree, produce dif- ferent effects at different seasons. Thus, in the early spring, before the buds expand, the variations of the temperature, and changes of the state of the atmosphere with regard to moisture and dry- ness, exert their great effects upon the expansions and contractions of the vessels ; and then the tree is in what is called by gardeners its bleeding season. When the leaves are fully expanded, the great deter- mination of the sap is to these new organs. And hence a tree which emits sap copiously from a wound whilst the buds are opening, m ill no longer emit it in summer when the leaves are perfect ; but in the variable wea- ther, towards the end of autumn, when the leaves are falling, it will again possess the power of bleeding in a very slight degree in the warmest days ; but at no other times. Iu all these circumstances there is nothing analogous to the irritable action of animal systems. In animal systems the heart and arteries are in con- stant pulsation. Their functions are unceasingly per- 171 formed hi all climates, aud in all seasons ; in winter, as well as in spring; upon the arctic snows, and under the tropical suns. They neither cease in the periodical noc- turnal sleep, common to most animals ; nor in the long sleep of winter, peculiar to a few species. The power is connected with animation, is limited to beings pos- sessing the means of voluntary locomation ; it co-exists with the first appearance of vitality; it disappears only with the last spark of life. Vegetables maybe truly said to be living systems, in this sense, that they possess the means of converting the elements of common matter into organized structures, both by assimilation and reproduction ; but we must not suffer ourselves to be deluded by the very extensive ap- plication of the word life, to conceive in the life of plants, any power similar to that producing the life of animals. In calling forth the vegetable functions, common physi- cal agents alone seem to operate ; but in the animal sys- tem these agents are made subservient to a superior principle. To give the argument in plainer language, there are few philosophers who would be inclined to as- sert the existence of any thing above common matter, any thing immaterial in the vegetable economy. Such a doctrine is worthy only of a poetic form. The imagi- nation may easily give Dryads to our trees, and Sylphs to our flowers ; but neither Dryads nor Sylphs can be admitted in vegetable physiology; and for reasons near- ly as strong, irritability and animation ought to be ex- cluded. As the operation of the different physical agents upon the sap vessels of plants ceases, and the fluid becomes quiescent, the materials dissolved in it by heat, are de- posited upon the sides of the tubes now considerably diminished in their diameter ; and in consequence of this deposition, a nutritive matter is provided for the first wants of the plant in early spring, to assist the opening of their buds, and their expansion, when the motion from the want of leaves is as yet feeble. This beautiful principle in the vegetable economy was first pointed out by Dr. Darwin ; and Mr. Knigiit has given a number of experimental elucidations of it. All'. Kfii£;lit made, numerous incisious into tlie albui iium ol* the sycamoie and thebiicb, atditTerent lieiglits; and in cxaminini^ tlie sap that flowed from them, he found it more sweet and mucihtginous in proportion as the aperture from which it flowed was elevated ; which lie could ascribe to no other cause than to its having dissolved sugar and mucilage, which had been stored up through the winter. He examined the alburnum in difterent poles of oak in the same forest ; of which some had been felled in winter, and others in summer ; and he always found most soluble matter in the wood felled in winter, and its specific gravity was likewise greater. In all perennial trees this circumstance takes place ; and lii^eAvise in grasses and shrubs. The joints of the perennial grasses contain more saccharine and mucila- ginous matter in winter than at any other season ; and this is the reason why the liorin or Agrostis alba, which abounds in these joints, aftbrds so useful a winter food. The roots of shrubs contain the largest quantity of nourishing matter in the depth of winter ; and the bulb in all plants possessing it, is the recepticle in which nou- rishment is hoarded up during winter. In annual plants the sap seems to be fully exhausted of all its nutritive matter by the production of flowers and seeds, and no system exists by which it can be pre- served. When perennial grasses are cropped very close by feeding cattle late in autumn, it has been often observed by farmers, that tliey never rise vigorously in the spring; and this is owing to the removal of that part of the stalk which would have afibrded them concrete sap, their first nourishment. Ship builders prefer for their purposes that kind of oak timber afforded by trees that have had their bark stripped off in spring, and wliich have been cut in the autumn or winter following. The reason of tlie supe- riority of this timber is, that tlie concrete sap is expend- ed in the spring in the sprouting of the leaf; and the circulation being destroyed, it is not formed anew ; and as ilie wood having its pores free from saccharine matter, is less liable to undergo fermentation from the action of moisture and air. In perennial trees a new alburnum, and consccjuently a new system of vessels, is annually produced, and the nutriment for the next year deposited in them ; so that the new buds like the plume of the seed, are supplied with a reservoir of matter essential to their first de- velopment. The old alburnum is gradually converted into heart- wood, and being constantly pressed upon by the expan- sive force of the new fibres, becomes harder, denser, and at length loses altogether its vascular structure ; and in a certain time obeys the common laws of dead mat- ter, decays, decomposes, and is converted into aeriform and carbonic elements; into those principles from which it was originally formed. The decay of the heart- wood seems to constitute the great limit to the age and size of trees. And in young branches from old trees, it is much more liable to de- compose than in similar branches from seedlings. This is likewise the case with grafts. The graft is only nou- rished by the sap of the tree to which it is transferred ; its properties are not changed by it : the leaves, blos- soms and fruits are of the same kind as if it had vege- tated upon its parent stock. The only advantage to be gained in this way, is the affording to a graft from an old tree a more plentiful and healthy food than it could have procured in its natural state ; it is rendered for a time more vigorous, and produces fairer blossoms and richer fruits, iiiii it partakes not merely of the obvi- ous properties, but likewise of the infirmities and dis- positions to old age and decay, of the tree whence it sprung. This seems to be distinctly shewn by the observations and experiments of Mr. Knight. He has, in a numl>er of instances, transferred the young scions and healthy shoots from old esteemed fruit-bearing trees to young seedlings. They flourished f(U- two or three years; but they soon became diseased and sickly like their parent trees. Jt is from fliis cause that s-o many of the applr?s ftn-^ 174 luei'ly celebmted lor their taste and their uses in the inanulactiire of cider are gradually deteriorating, and many will soon disappear. The golden pippin, the red streak, and the moil, so excellent in the beginning of the last century, are now in the extremest stage of their de- cay ^ and however carefully they are ingrafted, tliey merely tend to multiply a sickly and exhausted variety. The trees possessing the firmest and the least porous heart-wood are the longest in duration. In general, the quantity of charcoal afforded by woods, oflTers a tolerably accurate indication of their durability : those most abundant in charcoal and earthy matter are most permanent ; and those that contain the largest pro- portion of gaseous elements are the most destructible. Amongst our own trees, the chesnut and the oak are pre-eminent as to durability ; and tlie chesnut affords rather more carbonaceous matter than the oak. In old gothic buiblings these woods have been some- times mistaken one for the other; but they may be easily known by this circumstance, that the pores in the albur- num of the oak are much larger and more thickly set, and are easily distinguished ; whilst the pores in the chesnut require glasses to be seen distinctly. In consequence of the slow decay of the heart- wood of the oak and chesnut, these trees under favourable cir- cumstances attain an age which cannot be much short of 1000 years. The beech, the ash, and the sycamore, most likely never live half as long. The duration of the apple tree is not, probably, much more than 200 years ; but the pear tree, according to Mr. Knight, lives through double this period ; most of our best apples are supposed to have been introduced into Britain by a fruiterer of Hen- ry the Eighth, and they are now in a state of old age. The oak and chesnut decay much sooner in a moist situation, than in a dry and sandy soil ; and tlieir tim- ber i« less firm. The sap vessels in such cases are more expanded, though less nourishing matter is carried into them ; and the general texture of the formations of wood necessarily less firm. Such wood splits more easily, and is more liable to ])e affected by variations in the state M' the atnic»spliere. t Granite e tineis 3 'Mictxcotms Sftis 4 Sie7tife 3 Serpeitthte 6 PlTflhlfTlf 175 * The same trees, in general, are much longer lived in the northern than in the southern climates. The reason seems to be, that all fermentation and decomposition are checked by cold; and at very low temperatures both animal and vegetable matters altogether resist putrefac- tion : and in the northern winter, not only vegetable life, but likewise vegetable decay must be at a stand. The antiputrescent quality of cold climates is fully illustrated in the instances of the rhinoceros and mam- moth lately found in Siberia, entire beneath the frozen soil, in which they must probably have existed from the time of the deluge. I examined a part of the skin of the mammoth sent to this country, on which there was some coarse hair ; it had all the chemical characters of recently dried skin. Trees that grow in situations much exposed to winds, have harder and firmer wood than such as are considera- bly sheltered. The dense sap is determined, by the agitation of the smaller branches, to the trunk and large branches ; where the new alburnum formed is conse- quently thick and firm. Such trees abound in the crook- ed limbs fitted for forming knee-timberj which is neces- sary for joining the decks and the sides of ships. The gales in elevated situations gradually act, so as to give the tree the form best calculated to resist their effects. And the mountain oak rises robust and sturdy ; fixed firmly in the soil, and able to oppose the full force of the tempest. The decay of the best varieties of fruit-bearing trees which have been distributed through the country by grafts, is a circumstance of great importance. There is no mode of preserving them ; and no resourse, except that of raising new varieties by seeds. Where a species has been ameliorated by culture the seeds it affords^ other circumstances being similar, pro- duce more vigorous and perfect plants ; and in this way the great improvements in the productions of our fields and gardens seem to have been occasioned. Wheat in its indigenous state, as a natural production of the soil, appears to have been a very small grass : and the case is still more remarkable with the apple and the plum. The crab seems to have ]>uen the parent of I 176 * all our apples. And two fruits cau scarcely be coucei- ved more diflerent in colour, size, and appearance than the wild plum and the rich magnum bonum. The seeds of plants exalted by cultivation always fur- nish large and improved varieties ; but the flavour, and even the colour of the fruit seems to be a matter of ac- cident. Thus a hundred seeds of the golden pippin "will all produce fine large-leaved apple trees, bearing fruit of a considerable size ; but the tastes and colours of the apples from each will be different, and none will be the same in kind as those of the pippin itself. Som« "will be sweet, some sour, some bitter, some mawkish, some aromatic ; some yellow, some green, some red, and some streaked. All the apples will, however, be much more perfect than those from the seeds of the crab, which produce trees all of the same kind, and all bearing sour and diminutive fruit. The power of the horticulturist extends only to the multiplying excellent varieties by grafting. They can- not be rendered permanent ; and the good fruits at pre- sent in our gardens, are the produce of a few seedlings, selected probably from hundreds of thousands ; the re- sults of great labour and industry, and multiplied expe- riments. The larger and thicker the leaves of a seedling, and the more expanded its blossoms, the more it is likely to produce a good variety of fruit. Short-leaved trees should never be selected ; for these approach nearer to the original standard ; whereas the other qualities indi- cate the influence of cultivation. In the general selection of seeds, it would appear that those arising from the most highly cultivated varieties of plants, are such as give the most vigorous produce ; but it is necessary from time to time to change, and as it were, to cross the breed. By applying the pollen, or dust of the stamina, from one variety to the pistil of another of the same species, a new variety may be easily produced ; and Mr. Knight's experiments seem to warrant the idea, that great advan- tages may be derived from this method of propagation. Mr. Knight's large peas produced by crossing two 177 varieties, are celebrated amongst horticulturists, and. will, I hope, soon be cultivated by farmers. 1 have seen several of his crossed apples, which pro- mise to rival the best of those which are gradually dy- ing away in the cider countries. And his experiments on the crossing of wheat, which is very easily effected, merely by sowing the different kinds together, lead to a result which is of considerable importance. He says, in the Philosophical Transac- tions for 1799, " in the years 1795 and 1796, when al- most the whole crop of corn in the island was blighted, the varieties obtained by crossing alone escaped, though sown in several soils, and in very different situations. '^ The processes of gardening for increasing the num- ber of fruit- bearing branches, and for improving the fruit upon particular branches, will all admit of eluci- dation from the principles that have been advanced in this Lecture. By making trees espaliers, the force of gravity is par- ticularly directed towards the lateral parts of tlie branch- es, and more sap determined towards the fruit buds ; and hence they are more likely to bear when in a horizontal than when in a vertical position. The twisting of a wire, or tying a thread round a branch has been often recommended as a means of ma- king it produce fruit. In this case the descent of the sap in the bark must be impeded above the ligature ; and more nutritive matter consequently retained and appli- ed to the expanding parts. In engrafting, the vessels of the bark of the stock and the graft cannot so perfectly come in contact as the al- burnous vessels, which are much more numerous, and equally distributed ; hence the circulation downwards is probably impeded, and the tendency of the graft to evolve its fruit-bearing buds increased. By lopping trees, more nourishment is supplied to the remaining parts ; for the sap flows laterally as well as perpendicularly. The same reasons will apply to ex- plain the increase of the size of fruits by diminishing the number upon a tree. As plants are capable of amelioration by peculiar me- thods of cultivation, and of having the natural term of 178 . iheir duration extended ; so, in conformity to the gene- ral law of change, they are rendered unhealthy by be- ing exposed to peculiar unfavourable circumstances, and liable to premature old age and decay. The plants of warm climates transported into cold ones, or of cold ones transported iulo warm ones, if not absolutely destroyed by the change of situation, are uni- formly rendered unhealthy. Few of the tropical plants, as is well known, can be raised in this country, except in hot houses. The vine during the whole of our summer may be said to be in a feeble state with regard to health ; and its fruit, except in very extraordinary cases, always contains a supera- bundance of acid. The gigantic pine of the north, when transported into the equatorial climates, becomes a de- generated dwarf ; and a great number of instances of the same kind might be brought forward. Much has been w ritten, and many very ingenious re- marks have been made by different philosophers upon what have been called the habits of plants. Thus, in transplanting a tree, it dies or becomes unhealthj', un- less its position with respect to the sun is the same as before. The seeds brought from warm climates germi- nate here much more early in the season than the same species brought from cold climates. The apple tree from Siberia, where the short summer of three mouths immediately succeeds the long winter, in England, usu- ally puts forth its blossoms in the first year of its trans- plantation, on the appearance of mild weather; and is often destroyed by the late frosts of the spring. It is not ditlicult to explain this principle so intimate- ly connected with the healthy or diseased state of plants. The organization of the germ, whether in seeds or buds, must be different according as more or less heat, or al- ternations of heat and cold, have afl'ected it during its formation ; and the nature of its expansion must depend wholly on this organization. In a changeable climate the formations will have been interrupted, and in dif- ferent successive layers. In an equable temperature they will liave been uniform ; and the operation of new and sudden causes will of course be severely felt. Tlie disposilion of trees may, however, be chauged i79 gradually in many instances; and the operation of anew climate in this way be made supportable. The myrtle, a native of the south of Europe, inevitably dies if ex- posed in the early days of its grov^^th to the frosts of our winter; but if kept in a green-house during the cold seasons for successive years, and gradually exposed to low temperatures, it will, in an advanced stage of growth, resist even a very severe cold. And in the south and west of England tiie myrtle flourishes, produces blos- soms and seeds, in consequence of this process, as an unprotected standard tree ; and the layers from such trees are much more hardy than the layers from myrtles reared within doors. The arbutus, probably originally from similar culti- vation has become the principal ornament of the lakes of the south of Ireland. It thrives even in bleak moun- tain situations; and there can ])e little doubt but that the offspring of this tree inured to a temperate climate might be easily spread in Britain. The same princijiles that apply to the effects of heat and cold will likewise apply to the influence of moisture and dryness. The layers of a tree habituated to a moist soil will die in a dry one : even though such a soil is more favourable to the general growtli of the species. And, as was stated, page 132, trees that have been raised in the centre of woods, are sooner or later destroyed, if exposed in their adult state to blasts, in consequence of the felling of the surrounding timber. Trees, in all cases, in which they are exposed in high and open situations to the sun, the winds, and the rain, as I just now noticed, become low and robust, exhibit- ing curved limbs, but never straight and graceful trunks. Shrubs and trees, on the contrary, which are too much sheltered, too much secluded from the sun and wind ex- tend exceedingly in height; but present at the same time slender and feeble branches, their leaves are pale and sickly, and in extreme cases they do not bear fruit.' The exclusion of light alone is sufficient to produce this spe- cies of disease, as would appear from the experiments of Bonnet. This ingenious physiologist sowed three seeds of the pea in the same kind of soil : one he suf- fered to remain exposed to the free air ; the other he eii- « losetl in ;i lube of glass ; ami tlie (bird in a tube of Avood. Tbe pea in tlie tube of glass sprouted, and grew in a manner scarcely at all difterent from that under usual circumstances; but the plant in the tube of wood, deprived of light, became white, and slender, and grew to a much greater height. The plants growing in a soil incapable of supplying them with sufficient manure or dead organized matter, arc generally very low ; having brown or dark green leaves, and their woody fibre al)ounds in earth. Those vegetating in peaty soils, or in lands too copiously sup- plied with animal or vegetable matter, rapidly expand, produce large bright green leaves, abound in sap, and generally blossom prematurely. Where a land is too rich for corn it is not an uncom- mon practice to cut down tlie first stalks, as by these means its exuberance is corrected, and it is less likely to fall before the grain is ripe ; excess of poverty or of richness is almost equally fatal to the hopes of the farm- er : and the true constitution of the soil for the best crop is that in whicli the earthy materials, the moisture and manure, arc properly associated ; and in which the de- composable vegetable or animal matter does not exceed one- fourth of the weight of tbe earthy constituents. The canker, or erosion of the bark and wood, is a dis- ease produced often in trees by a poverty of soil ; and it is invariably connected with old age. The cause seems to Jbe an excess of alkaline and earthy matter in the descending sap. 1 have often found carbonate of lime on the edges of the canker in apple trees ; and ul- min, which contains fixed alkali, is abundant in the can- ker of the elm. The old age of a tree, in this respect, is faintly analogous to the old age of animals, in whicli the secretions of solid bony matter arc always in excess, and the tendency to ossification great. The common modes of attempting to cure the canker, are by cutting the edges of the bark, binding the new bark upon it, or laying on a plaster of earth ; but these methods, though they have been much extolled, proba- bly do very little in producing a regeneration of the part. Perhaps the application of a weak acid to the canker might be of use ; or, where the tree is of great value, it 181 . may be watered occasionally with a very diluted acid. Tlie alkaline and earthy nature of the morbid secretion warrants the trial ; but circumstances that cannot be foreseen may occur to interfere with the success of the experiment. Besides the diseases having their source in the consti- tution of the plant, or in the unfavourable operation of external elements, there are many others perhaps more injurious, depending upon the operations and powers of other living beings ; and such are the most difficult to'^ cure, and the most destructive to the labours of the hus- bandman. Parasitical plants of different species, which attach themselves to trees and shrubs, feed on their juices, de- stroy their health, aiul finally their life, abound in all climates ; and are perhaps, the most formidable of the enemies of the superior and cultivated vegetable species. The mildew, which has often occasioned great ha- vock in our wheat crops, and which was particularly destructive in 1804, is a species of fungus, so small as to require glasses to render its form distinct, and rapidly propagated by its seeds. This has been shewn by various botanists ; and the subject has received a full illustration from the enlight- ened and elaborate researches of the President of the iioyal Society. The fungus rapidly spreads from stalk to stalk, fixes itself in the cells connected with the common tubes, and carries away and consumes that nourishment which should have been appropriated to the grain. No remedy has as yet been discovered for this disease ; but as the fungus increases by the diff'usion of its seeds, great care should be* taken that no mildewed straw is carried in the manure used for corn ; and in the early crop, if mildew is observed upon any of tlie stalks of corn, they should be carefully removed and treated as weeds. The popular notion amongst farmers, that a barberry- tree in the neighbourhood of a field of wheat often pro- duces the mildev/, deserves examination. This tree is frequently covered with a fungus, which if it should be shewn to be capable of degenerating into the wheat fun-' gus, would offer an easy explanation of tlie effect. 482 There is every reason to believe, from the researches of Sir Joseph Banks, that the smut in wheat is produ- ced by a very small. fungus which fixes on the grain : the products that it affords by analysis are similar to those afforded by the puff-ball; and it is difficult to con- ceive, that without the agency of some organized struc- ture, so complete a change should be effected in the con- stitution of the grain. The misletoe and the ivy, the moss and the lichen, in fixing upon trees, uniformly injure their vcigetative pro- cesses, though in very different degrees. They are sup- ported from the lateral sap vessels, and deprive the bran- ches above of a part of their nourishment. The insect tribes are scarcely less injurious than the parasitical plants. To enumerate all the animal destroyers and tyrants of the vegetable kingdom would be to give a catalogue of the greater number of the classes in zoology. Every species of plant, almost, is the peculiar resting place, or dominion of some insect tribe ; and from the locust, the caterpillar, and snail, to the minute aphis, a wonderful variety of the inferior insects are nourished, and live by their ravages upon the vegetable world. I have already referred to the insect which feeds on the seed-leaf of the turnip. The Hessian fly, still more destructive to wheat, has in some seasons threatened the United States with a fa- mine. And the French government is at this time* is- suing decrees with a view to occasion the destruction of the larvas of the grasshopper. In general, wet weather is most favourable to the propagation of mildew, funguses, rust, and the small pa- jasitical vegetables ; dry weather to the increase of the insect tribes. Nature, amidst all her changes, is con- tinually directing her resources towards the production and multiplication of life ; and in the wise and grand economy of the whole system, even the agents that ap- pear injurious to the hopes, and destructive to the com- forts of man, are in fact ultimately connected with a more exalted state of his powers and his condition. His in- * January, 18 1 3*. 183 tlustry is awakeiievill adhere to the stick. It is not solubl»in water; but by the action of acids, as Mr. Katchett has shewn, it be- comes soluble, and analogous to gelatine. It is less disposed to putrefy than gelatine. According to M. M. Gay Lussac and Thcnard, 100 parts of fibrine contain Of Carbon - 53.360 Oxygene - 19.685 Hydrogene 7.021 Azote - 19.934 Mucus is very analogous to vegetable gmn in its cha- racters ; and as Dr. Bostock has stated, it may be ob- tained by evaporating saliva. No experiments have been made upon its analysis ; but it is probably similar to gum in composition. It is ca|)able of undergoing pu- trefjiction, but less rapidly than fibrine. •Animal fat anil oils have not been accurately analy- zed j but there is great reason to suppose that their com- 189 position is analogous to that of similar substances from the vegetable kingdom. Albumen has been already referred to, and its analy- sis stated in the Third Lecture. Urea may be obtained by the evaporation of human urine, till it is of the consistence of a syrup; and the ac- tion of alcohol on the crystalline substance which forms when the evaporated matter cools. In this way a solu- tion of urea in alcohol is procured, and the alcohol may be separated from the urea by heat. Urea is very solu- ble in water, and is precipitated from water by diluted nitric acid in the form of bright pearl-coloured crystals ; this property distinguishes it from all other animal sub- stances. According to Fourcroy and Vauquelin, 100 parts of urea when distilled yield 92.027 parts of carbonate of ammonia. 4.608 carburetted hydrogene gas. 3.225 of charcoal. Urea, particularly when mixed with albumen or gela- tine, readily undergoes putrefaction. tiric acidj as has been shewn by Dr. Egan, may be obtained from human urine by pouring an acid into it ; and it often falls down from urine in the form of brick- coloured crystals, it consists of carbon, hydrogene, oxygene, and azote : but their proportions have not yet been determined. Uric acid is one of the animal sub- stances least liable to undergo the process of putrefac- tion. According to the different proportions of these princi- ples in animal compounds, so are the changes they un- dergo different. When there is much saline or earthy matter mixed or combined with them, the progress of their d'^composition is less rapid than when they are principally composed of fibrine, albumen, gelatine, or urea. The ammonia given off from animal compounds in putrefaction may be conceived to be formed at the time of their decomposition by the combination of hydrogene and azote ; except this matter, the other products of pu- trefaction are analogous to those afforded by the fer- mentation of vegetable substances; and the soluble sub- stances formed abound in the elements, which are the 190 constitucut parts of vegetables, in carbon, hydrogene, and oxygene. Wliencver manures consist principally of matter solu- ble in water, it is evident that their fermentation or pu- trefaction should be prevented as much as possible ; and the only cases in which these processes can be useful, are wlien the manure consists principally of vegetable or animal fibre. The circumstances necessary for the pu- trefaction of animal substances are similar to those re- quired for the fermentation of vegetable substances ; a temperature above the freezing point, the presence of water, and the presence of oxygene, at least in the first stage of the process. To prevent manures from decomposing, they should be preserved dry, defended from the contact of air, and kept as cool as possible. Salt and alcohol appear to owe their powers of pre- serving animal and vegetable substances to their attrac- tion for water, by which they prevent its decomposing action, and likewise to their excluding air. The use of ice in preserving animal substances is owing to its keep- ing their temperature low. The efficacy of M. Appert's method of preserving animal and vegetable substances, an account of which has been lately published, entirely depends upon the exclusion of air. This method is by filling a vessel of tin plate or glass with the meat or ve- getables ; soldering or cementing the top so as to render the vessel air tight ; and then keeping it half immersed in a vessel of boiling water for a sufficient time to ren- der the meat or vegetables proper for food. In this last process it is probable that tho small quantity of oxygene remaining in the vessel is absorbed ; for on opening a tinned iron canister which had been filled with raw beef and exposed to hot water the day before, I found that the minute quantity of clastic fluid which could be pro- cured from it, was a mixture of carbonic acid gas and azote. Where meat or vegetable food is to be preserved on a large scale, for the use of the navy or army for in- stance, I am inclined to believe, that by forcibly throw- ing a quantity of carbonic acid, hydrogene, or azote, into tlie vessel, by means of a compressing pump, similar to that used for making artificial Seltzer water, any change 191 ill the substance would be more ettectually prevented. \So elastic fluid in this case would have room to form by the decomposition of the meat ; and the tightness and strength of the vessel would be proved by the pro- cess. No putrefaction or fermentation can go on with- out the generation of elastic fluid ; and pressure would probably act with as much efficacy as cold in the preser- vation of animal or vegetable food. As different manures contain different proportions of the elements necessary to vegetation, so they require a different treatment to enable them to produce their full effects in agriculture. 1 shall therefore describe in de- tail the properties and nature of the manures in common use, and give some general views respecting the best modes of preserving and applying them. All green succulent plants contain saccharine or mu- cilaginous matter, with woody fibre, and readily ferment. They cannot, therefore, if intended for manure, be used too soon after their death. When gree7i crops arc to be employed for enriching a soil, they should be ploughed in, if it be possible, when in flov/er^ or at the time the flower is beginning to appear, for it is at this period that tliey contain the largest quantity of easily soluble matter, and that their leaves are most active in forming nutritive matter. Green crops, pond weeds, the paring of hedges or ditches, or any kind of fresh vegetable matter, requires no pre- paration to fit them for manure. The decomposition slowly proceeds beneath the soil ; the soluble matters are gradually dissolved, and the slight fermentation that goes on checked by the want of a free communication of air, tends to render the woody fibre soluble without occasion- ing the rapid dissipation of elastic matter. When old pastures are broken up and made arable, not only has the soil been enriched- by the death and slow decay of the plants which have left soluble matters in the soil; but the leaves and roots of the grasses liv- ing at the time and occupying so large a part of the surface, afford saccharine, mucilaginous, and extractive matters, which become immediately the food of the crop, and the gradual decomposition affords a supply for suc- cessive years. Ili2 Rajm cake, which is used with great success as a ma- nure, contains a large quantity of mucilage, some albu- minous matter, and a small quantity of oil. This ma- nure should be used recent, and kept as dry-as possible before it is applied. It forms an excellent dressing for turnip crops ; and is most oeconomically applied by be- ing thrown into the soil at the same time with the seed. Whoever wishes to see this practice in its highest de- gree of perfection, should attend Mr. Coke's annual sheep-shearing at Holkham. Malt dust consists chiefly of the infant radicle sepa- rated from the grain. I have never made any experi- ment upon this manure ; but there is great reason to sup- pose it must contain saccharine matter, and this will ac- count for its powerful eftccts. Like rape cake it should be used as dry as possible, and its fermentation prevented. Linseed cake is too valuable as a food for cattle to be much employed as a manure ; the analysis of linseed was referred to in the Third Lecture. The water in which ^0^ and hemj) are steeped for the purpose of ob- taining the pure vegetable iibre, has considerable ferti- lizing powers. It appears to contain a substance ana- logous to albumen, ancl likewise much vegetable extrac- tive matter. It putrefies very readily. A certain de- gree of fermentation is absolutely necessary to obtain the flax and hemp in a proper state ; the water to which they have been exposed should therefore be used as a manure as soon as the vegetable fibre is removed from it. Sea weeds f consisting of diflerent species of fuci, al- gjE, and conferva'., are much used as a manure on the sea coasts of Britain and Ireland. By digesting the common fucus, which is the sea weed usually most abun- dant on the coast, in boiling water, I obtained from it one-eighth of a gelatinous substance which had charac- ters similar to mucilage. A quantity distilled gave nearly four-iifths of its weight of water, but no ammo- nia ; the water had an empyreumatic and slightly sour taste ; the ashes contained sea salt, carbonate of soda, and carbonaceous matter. The gaseous matter afforded was small in quantity, principally carbonic acid and gas- eous oxide of carbon, witli a little hydro-carbonate. This manure is transient in its effects, and does not last 193 for more than a single crop, which is easily accounted for from the lar£;c quantity of water, or the elements of water, it contains. It decays without producing heat wlien exposed to tlic atmosphere, and seems, as it were, to melt down and dissolve away. 1 have seen a large heap entirely destroyed in less than two years, nothing remaining l)ut a little hlack iihrous matter. I suffered some of the firmest part of a fucus to remain iu a close jar, containing atmospheric air, for a fortnight : in this time it had become very much shrivelled ; the sides of the jar were lined with dew. The air examined was found to have lost oxygene, and contained carl)onic acid gas. Sea weed is sometimes suflered to ferment before it is used ; but this process seems wholly unnecessary, for there is no fibrous matter rendered soluble in the pro- cess, and a part of the manure is lost. The best farmers in the west of England use it as fresh as it can be procured ; and the practical results of this mode of applying it are exactly conformable to the theory of its operation. The carbonic acid formed by its incipient fermentation must be partly dissolved by the water set free in the same process ; and thus be- come capable of absorption by the roots of plants. The effects of the sea weed, as manure, must princi- pally depend upon this carbonic acid, and upon tlic so- luble mucilage the weed contains ; and I found that some fucus which had fermented so as to have lost about half its weight, afforded less tlian one-twelfth of mucilaginous matter ; from which it may be fairly concluded that some of this substance is destroyed in fermentation. Jhy straw of wheat, oats, barley, beans, and ])eas, and spoiled hay, or any other similar kind of dry vege- table matter, is, in all cases, useful manure. In gene- ral, such substances are made to ferment before th(iy arc employed, though it may be doulited whether the prac- tice should be indiscriminately adoi>ted. From 400 grains of dry barley straw 1 obtained eight grains of matter soluble in water, which had a brown colour, and tasted like mucilage. • From 400 grains of wheateu straw I obtained five grains of a similar sub- stance> B h 194 Their (an ho, no doubt Unit tlic straw of (liHevcntcroixs IinmcdiaU'ly |)loiii;'ho(l into the £;rouiul allords noun.sh- nicnt to i»lanLs; hut tlunr is an ohjrciion to this uioihod of usiiii; straw from the difficulty of luiryinj; loui; straw, and from its renchuini:; the, husbaiulry foul. When straw is made to ferment, it liccomcs a more inanai;eahle nianure; Init there is likewise, on the whole, a i^reat loss of nutritive matter. More manure is per- liaps sup[)lied for a siiij^le crop; !>nt the land is less im- proved than it wonid he, supposini; the whole of the ve- j^etable matter could be iinely divided and mixed with the soil. It is usual to carry straw that can be employed for no other purpose to the dunghill, to ferment, and decom- pose ; but it is worth experiment, whether it may not be more economically applied when chopped small by a proper mat hine, and kept dry till it is plouti;hejl in for the use of a crop. li» this case, thoniijh it would decom- pose much more slowly, and produce less effect at first, yet its inlluence would be mu( h more lasting. Mere wood if fibre seems to be the only vegetable mat- ter that reqtiires fermentation to render it nutritive to plants. Tanners' spent bark is a substance of this kind. Mr. Vouui;', in his excellent Kssay on Manures, which gained him the Hedfordian nu'dal of the Hath Agricul- tural Society, states, ^' that si)ent bark seemed rather to injure than assist vegetation;"'' which he attributes to the astringent matter that it contains. Hut, in fact, it is freed from all soluble substances, by the operation of water in the tan- pit; and if injurious to vegetation, the elVect is prohably owing to its agency u[»on water, or to its mechanical etVects. It is a substance very absorbent and retenti^ e of moisture, and yet not penetrable by the roots of plants. Inert peatu matter is a substance of the same kind. It renmijis for years exposed to water and air without un- dergoing change, and in this state yields little or no nou- rishment to plants. AVoody llbre will not ferment unless some substances are mixed with it, which act the same part as the muci- lage, sugar, and extractive or albuminous matters, with Aviiich it is iisnallv associated in herbs and succulent vc- 195 getabies. Lord Meadowbank has, judiciousiy recom mended a mixture of common farm-yard dung for the purpose of bringing peats into fermentation; any putres- cible or fermentable substance will answer the end ; and the more a substance heats, and the more readily it fer- ments, the better will it be fitted for the purpose. Lord Meadowbank states, that one part of dung is sufficient to bring three or four parts of peat into a state in which it is fitted to be applied to land ; but of course the quantity must vary according to the nature of the dung and of the peat. In cases in which some living vegetables are mixed with the peat, the fermentation will be more readily eflfected. Tanners' spent bark, shavings of wood and saw-dust, will probably require as much dung to bring them into fermentation as the worst kind of peat. Woody fibre may be likewise prepared so as to be- come a manure, by the action of lime. This subject I shall discuss in the next Lecture, as it follows natural- ly another series of facts, relating to the eflects of Ihne in the soil. It is evident from the analysis of woody fibre by M. M. Gay Lussac andThenard, (which shews that it con- sists principally of the elements of water and carbon, the carbon being in larger quantities than in the other vege- table compounds) that any process which tends to ab- stract carbonaceous matter from it, must bring it nearer in composition to the soluble principles ; and this is done in fermentation by the absorption of oxygene, and pro- duction of carbonic acid ; and a similar cftect, it will be shewn, is produced by lime. Wood-ashes, imperfectly formed, that is, wpod-ashes containing much charcoal, are said to have been used with success as a manure. A part of their eflects may be owing to the slow and gradual consumption of the charcoal, which seems capable, under other circum- stances than those of actual combustion, of absorbing oxygene so as to become carl)onic acid. In April, 1803, I enclosed some well- burnt charcoal in a tube half filled with pure water, and half with com- mon air; the tube was hermetically sealed, 1 opened the tube under pure water, in the spring of 1804, at a mo iiUie wlii'u iho iUiuospIio-iic. icnipoiaLiiie ami pleasure wtue nrai ly the- sanlie as at the commencement of the ex- periment. Some water rushed in ; and on expelling a little air ])y heat from the tube, and analyzing it, it was found to contain only seven percent, of oxygene. The water in the tuhe, when mixed with lime-water, produ- ced a copious precii>itate; so that carbonic acid had evi- dently been formed and dissolved by tlie water. Manures from animal substances, in general, require no chemical preparation to fit them for the soil. The greatobjectof the farmer is to blend them with the earthy constituents in a proper state of division, and to prevent their too rapid decompositioti. The entire parts of the muscles of land animals are not commonly used as manure, though there are many cases in wliich such an application might be easily made. Horses, dogs, sheep, deer, and other quadrupeds that have died accidentally, or of disease, after their skins arc separated, are often sullered to remain exposed to the air, or immersed in water, till they are destroyed by birds or beasts of prey, or entirely decomposed ; and in this case, most of their organi/alde matter is lost for the land in which they lie, and a considerable portion of it employed in giving off noxious gases to the atmo- sphere. By covering dead animals with five or six times their bulk of soil, mixed with one part of lime, and sutlering them to remain for a few months ; their decomposition would impregnate the soil with soluble matters, so as to render it an excellent manure; and by mixing a little fresh quick lime Avith it at the time of its removal, the disagreeable ellluvia will be in a great measure destroy- ed ; and it might be applied in the same way as any other manure to crops. Fiifh forms a powerful manure, in whatever state it is applied ; but it cannot be ploughed in two fresii, though the quantity should be limited. Mr. Young records an experiment, in which herrings spread over a field, and ploughed in for wheat, produced so rank a crop, that it was entirely laid before harvest. The refuse pilchards in Cornwall are used throughout the county as a manure, with excellent effects. They are usually mixed with sand or soil, and sometimes w ith sea weed, to prevent them from raising too luxuriant a crop. The effects are perceived for several years. In the fens of Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire, and Norfolk, the little fishjes called sticklebacks, are caught in the shallow waters in such quantities, that they form a great article of manure in the land bordering on the fens. It is easy to explain the operation of fish as a manure. The skin is principally gelatine ; which from its slight state of cohesion, is readily soluble in water : fat or oil is always found in fishes, either under the skin or in some of the viscera ; and their fibrous matter contains all the essential elements of vegetable substances. Amongst oily substances, blubber has been employed as a manure. It is most useful when mixed with clay, sand, or any common soil, so as to expose a large sur- face to the air, the oxygene of which produces soluble matter from it. Lord Somerville used blubber with great success at his farm in Surrey. It was made into a heap with soil, and retained its powers of fertilizing for several successive years. The carbon and hydrogene abounding in oily sub- stances, fully account for their effects ; and their dura- bility is easily explained from the gradual manner in which they change by the action of air and water. Bones are much used as a manure in the neighbour- hood of London. After being broken, and boiled for grease, they are sold to the farmer. The more divided they are, the more powerful are their effects. The ex- pense of grinding them in a mill would probably be re- paid by the increase of their fertilizing powers ; and in the state of powder they might be used in the drill Iius- bandry, and delivered with the seed, in the same man- ner as rape cake. Bone dust, and bone shavings, the refuse of the turn- ing manufacture, may be advantageously employed in the same way. The basis of Bone is constituted by earthy salts, prin- cipally phosphate of lime, with some carbonate of lime and phosphate of magnesia ; the easily decomposable substances in bone are fat, gelatine, and cartilage, which seems of the same nature as coagulated albumen. 198 According to the analysis of Fourcroy and Vauqueiin, ox bones are composed Of decomposable animal matter - 51 — phosphate of lime . - - 37.7 — carbonate of lime - - - 10 — phosphate of Magnesia - - 1.3 100 M. Merat Guillot has given the following estimate of the composition of the bones of different animals. Bone of Calf Horse Sheep Elk Hog Hare Pullet Pike Carp Horses' teeth Ivory - - Phosphate of l Carbonate of Lime. Lime. 54 67.5 70 90 52 85 72 64 45 85.5 64 1.25 5 1 1 1 1.6 1 5 20.5 1 The remaining parts of the 100 must be considered as decomposable animal matter. Hoi^ is a still more powerful manure than bone, as it contains a larger quantity of decomposable animal matter. From 500 grains of ox horn, Mr. Hatchett ob- tained only 1.5 grains of earthy residuum, and not quite half of this was phosphate of lime. The shavings or turnings of horn form an excellent manure, though they are not suflBciently abundant to be in common use. The animal matter in them seems to be of the nature of co- agulated albumen, and it is slowly rendered soluble by the action of water. The earthy matter in horn, and still more that in bones, prevents the too rapid decom- position of the animal matter, and renders it very dura- ble in its effects. Hair, woollen rags, and feathers are all analogous in romposition, and principally consist of a substance simi- 199 lar to albumen, united to gelatine. This is shewn by the ingenious researches of Mr. Hatchett. The theory of their operation is similar to that of bone and horn shavings. The refuse of the different manufactures of sHn and leather form very useful manures ; such as the shavings of the currier, furriers' clippings, and the offals of the tan-yard, and of the glue- maker. The gelatine con- tained in every kind of skin is in a state fitted for its gradual solution or decomposition ; and when buried in the soil, it lasts for a considerble time, and constantly affords a supply of nutritive matter to the plants in its neighbourhood. Blood contains certain quantities of all the principles found in other animal substances, and is consequently a very good manure. It has been already stated that it contains fibrine ; it likewise contains albumen : the red particles in it which have been supposed by many fo- reign chemists to be coloured by iron in a particular state of combination with oxygene and acid matter, Mr. Brande considers as formed of a peculiar animal sub- stance, containing very little iron. The scum taken from the boilers of the sugar bakers, and which is used as manure, principally consists of bullock's blood, which has been employed for the pur= pose of separating the impurities of common brown su- gar, by means of the coagulation of its albuminous mat» ter by the heat of the boiler. The different species oicoralsy coralines, and sponges f must be considered as substances of animal origin. From the analysis of Mr. Hatchett, it appears that all these substances contain considerable quantities of a matter analogous to coagulated albumen ; the sponges afford likewise gelatine. According to Merat Guillot, white coral contains equal parts of animal matter and carbonate of lime ; red coral 46.5 of animal matter, and 53.5 of carbonate of lime ; articulated coraline 51 of animal matter, and 49 of carbonate of lime. These substances are, I believe, never used as ma- nure in this country, except in cases when they are ac- cidently mixed with sea weed ; but it is probable that tlie coijilines might be advantageously employed, as they are found in considerable quantity on the rocks, and bot- toms of the rocky pools on many parts of our coast, where the land gradually declines towards the sea; and they might be detached by hoes, and collected without much trouble. Amongst excrementations, animal substances used as manures, urine is the one upon which the greatest num- ber of chemical experiments have been made, and the nature of which is best understood. The urine of the cow contains, according to the ex- periments of Mr. Brande, Water 65 Phosphate of lime - - - 3 Muriates of potassa and ammonia 15 Sulphate of potassa - - 6 Carbonates, potassa, and ammonia 4 Urea 4 The mint of the liorsc, according to Fouvcroy and Yauquelin, contains, Of Carbonate of lime - • 11 — Carbonate of soda - - 9 — J$enzoate of soda - - 24 — Muriate of potassa - - 9 — Urea - , . - 7 — Water and mucilage - - 940 In addition to these substances, Mr. Brande found in it phosphate of lime. The urine of the ass, the camel, the rabbit, and do- mestic fowls have been submitted to diflerent experi- ments, and their constitution iiave been found similar. In tiu^ urine of the rabbit, in addition to most of tlic in- gredients above mentioned, Vauquelin detected gelatine; and tlie same chemist discovered uric acid in the urine of domestic fowls. Human urine contains a greater variety of constituents thau any other species examined. Urea, uric acid, and another acid similar to it in na- ture called rosacic acid, acetic acid, albumen, gelatine, a n:9inous matter, and various salts arc found in it. /■>,/. /;: I'. L>w those operations hy which earthy and saline matters are consolidated in the iihre of plants, and hy which they are made- snhservient to their func- tions. Some inquirers adopting that suhlirnc. generali- zation of the ancient philosophers, that matter is the same in essence, and that the dillcntnt suhstances con- sidered as e.lements hy chemists, are merely diil'erent arrangements of the same indeslruf^tihie particles, have endeavoured to prove, that all the vari(5(.ies of the prin- cijdes found in plants, may he formed from the suhstan- ces in the atmosphere; and that vegcitahh*. life is a pro- cess in which hodies that the analytical philosopher is unahle to change or to form, are ccmstantly com[»osed and decomposed. These opinions have not heen ad- vanced merely as hypotheses; attempts have heen made to supj)ort them i>y experiments. M. Hchra-dar and Mr. J5raconnet, from a series of distinct investigations, have arrived at the same conclusions. They stale that difl'erent seeds sown in fine sand, sulphur, and metallic oxides, and supplied only with atmospherical air and ■water, produced ln'.althy plants, which hy analysis *i I 'i yielded various earthy and saline matters, Avliich eiiliei* were not contained in the seeds, or the material in whicli they grew ; or which were contained only in much smaller quantities in the seeds : and hence they conclude that they must have ])een formed from air or water, in consequence of the agencies of the living organs of the plant. The researches of these two gentlemen were conduct- ed with much ingenuity and address ; but there were cir- cumstances which interfered with their results, which they could not have known, as at the time their labours were published they had not been investigated. I have found that common distilled water is iar from, being free from saline impregnations. In analysing it by Voltaic electricity, I procured from it alkalies and earths ; and many of the combinations of metals with chlorine are extremely volatile substances. When dis- tilled water is supplied in an unlimited manner to plants, it may furnish to them a number of difterent substances, which though in quantities scarcely perceptible in the water, may accumulate in the plant, which probably per- spires only absolutely pure water. In 1801, I made an experiment on the growth of oats, supplied with a limited quantity of distilled water in a soil composed of pure carbonate of lime. The soil and the water were placed in a vessel of iron, which was in- cluded in a large jar, connected with the free atmosphere by a tube, so curved as to prevent the possibility of any dust, or fluid, or solid matter from entering into the jar. My object was to ascertain whether any siliceous earth would be formed in the process of Vegetation ; but the oats grew very feebly, and began to be yellow before any flowers formed : the entire plants were burnt, and their ashes compared with those from an equal number of grains of oats. Less silicious earth was given by the plants than by the grains ; but their ashes yielded much more carbonate of lime. That there was less siliceous earth I attribute to the circumstance of the husk of the oat being thrown oft* in germination ; and this is the part which most abounds in silica. Healthy green oats taken from a growing crop, in a field of which the soil was a fine sand, yielded siliceous earth in a much gieater pro- 'il3 portion than au equal weight of the corn artificially raised. The general results of this experiment are very much opposed to the idea of the composition of the earths, by plants, from any of the elements found in the atmo- sphere, or in water ; and there are other facts contra- dictory to the idea. Jacquin states that the ashes of glass wort {Salsola soda,) when it grows in inland situations, afford the vegetable alkali ; when it grows on the sea v shore, where compounds which afford the fossile or ma- rine alkali are more abundant, it yields that substance. Du Hamel found, that plants which usually grow on the sea shore, made small progress when planted in soils containing little common salt. The sunflower, when growing in lands containing no nitre, does not afford that substance ; though when watered by a solution of nitre, it yields nitre abundantly. The tables of de Saus- sure, referred to in the Third Lecture, shew that the ashes of plants are similar in constitution to the soils in which they have vegetated. De Saussure made plants grow in solutions of differ- ent salts, and he ascertained, that in all cases, certain portions of the salts were absorbed by the plant, and found unaltered in their organs. Even animals do not appear to possess the power of forming the alkaline and earthy substances. Dr. For- dyce found, that when canary birds, at the time they were laying eggs, were deprived of access to carbonate of lime, their eggs had soft shells ; and if there is any process for which nature ma^be conceived most likely to supply resources of this kind, it is that connected with the reproduction of the species. As the evidence on the subject now stands, it seems fair to conclude, that the different earths and saline sub- stances found in the organs of plants are supplied by the soils in which they grow ; and in no cases composed by new arrangements of the elements in air or water. What may be our ultimate view of the laws of chemis- try, or how far our ideas of elementary principles may be simplified, it is impossible to say. We can only rea- son from facts. We cannot imitate the powers of com- position belonging to vegetable structures ; but at least we can understand them : and as far as our researches have gone, it appears, that in vegetation coin|)ound forms are uniformly produced from simpler ones ; and the elements in the soil, the atmosphere, and the earth absorbed and made parts of beautiful and diversified structures. The views which have been just developed lead to correct ideas of the operation of these manures which are not necessarily the result of decayed organised bo- dies, and which are not composed of different propor- tions of carbon, hydrogene, oxygene, and azote. — They must produce their effect, either by becoming a constitu- ent part of the plant, or by acting upon its more essen- tial food, so as to render it more fitted for the purposes of vegetable life. The only substances which can with propriety be called fossile manures, and which are found unmixed with the remains of any organised beings, are certain alkaline earths or alkalies, and their combinations. The only alkaline earths which have been hitherto applied in this way, are lime and magnesia. Potassa and soda, the two fixed alkalies, are both used in certain of their chemical compounds. I shall state in succession such facts as have come to my knowledge respecting each of these bodies in their applications to the purposes of agriculture ; but I shall enlarge most upon the sub- ject of lime ; and if I should enter into some details which may be tedious and minute, I trust, my excuse will be found in the importance of the inquiry ; and it is one which has been greatly elucidated by late disco- veries. The most common form in which lime is found on the surface of the earth, is in a state of combination with carbonic acid or fixed air. If a piece of lime- stone, or chalk, be thrown into a fluid acid, there will be an effervescence. This is owing to the escape of the carbonic acid gas. The lime becomes dissolved in the liquor. When limestone is strongly heated, the carbonic acid gas is expelled, and then nothing remains but the pure alkaline earth ; in this case there is a loss of weight ; and if the fire has been very high, it approaches to one- :ii5 half the weight of the stone ; but iii comuiou cases, iime- stones, if well dried before burning, do not lose much more than from 35 to 40 per cent., or from seven to eight parts out of twenty. I mentioned, in discussing the agencies of the atmo- sphere upon vegetables, in the beginning of the Fifth Lecture, that air always contains carbonic acid gas, and that lime is precipitated from water by this substance. When burnt lime is exposed to the atmosphere, in a cer- tain time it becomes mild, and is the same substance as that precipitated from lime water ; it is combined with carbonic acid gas. Quicklime, when fi^'t made, is caustic and burning to the tongue, renders vegetable blues green, and is soluble in water; but when combined with carbonic acid it looses all these properties, its solubili- ty and its taste : it regains its power of effervescing, and becomes the same chemical substance as chalk, or lime- stone. Very few limestones, or chalks, consist entirely of lime and carbonic acid. The statuary marbles, or cer- tain of the rhomboidal spars, are almost the only pure species ; and the different properties of limestones, both as manures and cements, depend upon the nature of the ingi'edients mixed in the limestone ; for the true calca- reous clement, the carbonate of lime, is uniformly the same in nature, properties, and effects, and consists of one proportion of carbonic acid 41.4, and one of lime 55. When a limestone does not copiously effervesce in acids, and is sufficiently hard to scratch glass, it contains siliceous, and probably aluminous earth. When it is deep brown, or red, or strongly coloured of any of the shades of brown or yellow, it contains oxide of iron. When it is not sufficiently hard to scratch glass, but ef- fervesces slowly, and makes the acid in which it effer- vesces milky, it contains magnesia. And when it is black, and emits a foetid smell if rubbed, it contains coaly or bituminous matter. The analysis of limestones is not a difficult matter ; and the proportions of their constituent parts may be ea- sily ascertained, by the processes described in the Lec- ture on the Analysis of Soils ; and usually with suffi- 216 cient accuracy for all the purposes of the farmer, by the fifth process. Before any opinion can be formed of the manner in which the different ingredients in limestone modify their properties, it will be necessary to consider the operation of the pure calcareous element as a manure, and as a cement. Quicklime in its pure state, whether in powder, or dissolved in water, is injurious to plants. — I have in se- veral instances killed grass by watering it with lime wa- ter. — But lime, in its state of combination with carbonic acid, as is evident from the analyses given in the Fourth Lecture, is a useful ingredient in soils. Calcareous earth is found in the ashes of the greater number of plants ; and exposed to the air, lime cannot long conti- nue caustic, for the reasons that were just now assign- ed, but soon becomes united to carbonic acid. When newly burnt lime is exposed to air, it soon falls into powder ; in this case it is called slacked lime ; and the same effect is immediately produced by throwing wa- ter upon it, when it heats violently, and the water dis- appears. Slacked lime is merely a combination of lime, with about one third of its weight of water ; i. e. fifty-five parts of lime absorb seventeen parts of water ; and in this case it is composed of a definite proportion of wa- ter, and is called by chemists hydrate of lime ; and when hydrate of lime becomes carbonate of lime by long ex- posure to air, the water is expelled, and the carbonic acid gas takes its place. When lime, whether freshly burnt or slacked, is mix- ed with any moist fibrous vegetable matter, there is a strong action between the lime and the vegetable mat- ter, and they form a kind of compost together of which a part is usually soluble in water. By this kind of operation, lime renders matter which was before comparatively inert, nutritive ; and as char- coal and oxygene abound in all vegetable matters, it becomes at the same time converted into carbonate of lime. Mild lime, powdered limestone, marles, or chalks, have no action of this kind upon vegetable matter ; by 217 their action they prevent the too rapid decomposition of substances already dissolved ; but they have no tenden- cy to form soluble matters. It is obvious from these circumstances, that the ope- ration of quicklime, and marie or chalk, depends upon principles altogether different. — Quicklime in being ap- plied to land, tends to bring any hard vegetable matter that it contains into a state of more rapid decomposition and solution, so as to render it a proper food for plants. — Chalk and marie, or carbonate of lime, will only im- prove the texture of the soil, or its relation to absorp- tion ; it acts merely as one of its earthy ingredients.—- Quicklime, when it becomes mild, operates in the same manner as chalk ; but in the act of becoming mild, it prepares soluble out of insoluble matter. li is upon this circumstance that the operation of lime in the preparation of wheat crops depends ; and its ef- ficacy in fertilizing peats, and in bringing into a state of cultivation all soils abounding in hard roots or dry fibres, or inert vegetable matter. The solution of the question whether quicklime ought to be applied to a soil, depends upon the quantity of in- ert vegetable matter that it contains. The solution of the question, whether marie, mild lime, or powdered limestone, ought to be applied, depends upon the quan- tity of calcareous matter already in the soil. All soils are improved by mild lime, and ultimately by quicklime, which do not effervesce with acids ; and sands more than clays. When a soil deficient in calcareous matter contains much soluble vegetable manure, the application of quick- lime should always be avoided, as it either tends to de- compose the soluble matters by uniting to their carbon and oxygeue so as to become mild lime, or it combines withjthe soluble matters, and forms compounds having less attraction for water than the pure vegetable sub- stance. The case is the same with respect to most animal manures ; but the operation of the lime is different in different cases, and depends upon the nature of the ani- mal matter. Lime forms a kind of insoluble soap with oily matters, and then gradually decomposes them by E e 3(8 separating from them oxygene and carbon. It combines likewise with the animal acids, and probably assists their decomposition by abstracting carbonaceous matter from them combined with oxy£;ene ; and, consequently, it must render them less nutritive. It tends to diminish likewise the nutritive powers of albumen from the same causes ; and always destroys, to a certain extent, the efficacy of animal manures, either by combining with certain of their elements, or by giving to them new ar- rangements. Lime should never be applied with ani- mal manures, unless they are too rich, or for the pur- pose of preventing noxious effluvia, as in certain cases mentioned in the last Lecture. It is injurious when mix- ed with any common dung, and tends to render the ex- tractive matter insoluble. I made an experiment on this subject: I mixed a quantity of brown soluble extract, which was procured from sheeps' dung with five times its weight of quick- lime. I then moistened them with water ; the mixture heated very much ; it was suft'ered to remain for four- teen hours, and was then acted on by six or seven times its bulk of pure water : the water, after being passed through a filtre, was evaporated to dryness ; the solid matter obtained was scarcely coloured, and was lime mixed with a little saline matter. In those cases in which fermentation is useful to pro- duce nutriment from vegetable substances, lime is always efficacious. I mixed some moist tanner's spent bark with one-fifth of its weight of quicklime, and suffered them to remain together in a close vessel for three months ; the lime had become coloured, and was effervescent : when water was boiled upon the mixture, it gained a tint of fawn colour, and by evaporation furnished a fawn- coloured powder, which must have consisted of lime united to vegetable matter, for it burnt when strongly heated, and left a residuum of mild lime. The limestones containing alumina and silica are less fitted for the purposes of manure than pure limestones ; but the lime formed from them has no noxious quality. Such stones are less efficacious, merely because they fur- nish a smaller quantity of quicklime. I mentioned bituminous limestones. There is very 2tt> seldom any considerable portion of coaly matter in these stones ; never as much as five parts in 100 ; but such limestones make very good lime. The carbonaceous matter can do no injury to the Land, and may^ under certain circumstances, become a food of the plant, as is evident from what was stated in the last Lecture. The subject of the application of the magnesian lime- stone is one of great interest. It had been long known to farmers in the neighbour- hood of Doncaster, that lime made from a certain lime- stone applied to the land, often injured tlie crops con- siderably, as I mentioned in the introductory Lecture. Mr. Tennant, in making a series of experiments upon this peculiar calcareous substance, found that it contain- ed magnesia ; and on mixing some calcined magnesia with soil, in which he sowed different seeds, he found that they either died, or vegetated in a very imperfect manner, and the plants were never healthy. And with great justice and ingenuity he referred the bad effects of the peculiar limestone to the magnesian earth it con- tains. In making some inquiries concerning this subject, I found that there were cases in which this magnesian limestone was used with good effect. Amongst some specimens of limestone which Lord Somerville put into my hands, two marked as peculiar- ly good proved to be magnesian limestones. And lime made from the JBreedon limestone is used in Leicester- shire, where it is called hot lime ; and 1 have been in- formed by farmers in the neighbourhood of the quarry, that they employ it advantageously in small quantities, seldom more than 25 or 30 bushels to the acre. And that they find it may be used with good effect in larger quantities, upon rich land. A minute chemical consideration of this question will lead to its solution. Magnesia has a much weaker attraction for carbonic acid than lime, and will remain in the state of caustic or calcined magnesia for many months, though exposed to the air. And as long as any caustic lime remains, the magnesia cannot be combined with carbonic acid, for lime instantly attracts carbonic acid from magnesia. 220 Wlieu a magnesian limestone, is burnt, the magnesia is deprived of carbonic acid much sooner than the lime ; and if there is not much vegetable or animal matter in the soil to supply by its decomposition carbonic acid, the magnesia will remain for a long time in the caustic state ; and in this state acts as a poison to certain vege- tables. And that more magnesian lime may be used upon rich soils, seems to be owing to the circumstance^ that the decomposition of the manure in them supplies carbonic acid. And magnesia in its mild state, i. e. fully combined with carbonic acid, seems to be always a useful constituent of soils. I have thrown carbon- ate of magnesia (procured by boiling the solution of mag- nesia in super-carbonate of potassa) upon grass, and upon growing ^\'heat and barley, so as to render the sur- face white; but the vegetation was not injured in the slightest degree. And one of the most fertile parts of Cornwall, the Lizard, is a district in which the soil con- tains mild magnesian earth. The Lizard Downs bear a short and green grass, which feeds sheep producing excellent mutton ; and the cultivated parts are amongst the best corn lands in the county. Thjrt the theory which I have ventured to give of the operation of magnesian lime is not unfounded, is shewn by an experiment which 1 made expressly for the pur- pose of determining the true nature of the operation of this substance. I took four portions of the same soil : with one 1 mixed ^V of its weight of caustic magnesia, with another I mixed the same quantity of magnesia and a proportion of a fat decomposing peat equal to one- fourth of the weight of the soil. One portion of soil re- mained in its natural state ; and another was mixed with peat without magnesia. The mixtures were made in De- cember 1806 ; and in April 1807, barley was sown ia all of them. It grew very well in the pure soil, but bet- ter in the soil containing the magnesia and peat ; and nearly as well in the soil containing peat alone : but in the soil containing the magnesia alone, it rose very feeble, and looked yellow and sickly. 1 repeated this experiment in the summer of 1810 with similar results ; and I found that the magnesia in the 221 soil mixed with peat became strongly eftervescent; whilst the portion in the unmixed soil gave carbonic acid in much smaller quantities. In the one case the magnesia had assisted in the formation of a manure, and had become mild ; in the other case it had acted as a poison. It is obvious, from what has been said, that lime from the magnesian limestone may be applied in large quan- tities to peats ; and that where lands have been injured by the application of too large a quantity of magnesian lime, peat will be a proper and efficient remedy. I mentioned that magnesian limestones effervesced little when plunged into an acid. A simple test of mag- nesia in a limestone is this circumstance, and its render- ing diluted nitric acid or aqua fortis milky. From the analysis of Mr. Tennant, it appears that the magnesian limestones contain from 20.3 to 22.5 magnesia. ' 29.5 to 31.7 lime. 47.2 carbonic acid. 0.8 clay and oxide of iron. Magnesian limestones are usually coloured brown or pale yellow. They are found in Somersetshire, Lei- cestershire, Derbyshire, Shropshire, Durham, and York- shire. I have never met with any in other counties in England ; but they abound in many parts of Ireland, particularly near Belfast. The use of lime as a cement, is not a proper subject for extensive discussion in a course of Lectures on the chemistry of agriculture ; yet as the theory of the opera- tion of lime in this way is not fully stated in any elemen- tary book that I have perused, I shall say a very few w^ords on the applications of this part of chemical know- ledge. There are two modes in which lime acts as a cement ; in its combination with water, and in its combination with carbonic acid. The hydrate of lime has been already mentioned. When quicklime is rapidly made into a paste with wa- ter, it soon loses its softness, and the water and the lime 222 form togcllier a solid colicieiit mass, winch consists, us has been staled before, of 17 parts of water to 55 parts of lime. When hydrate of lime whilst it is con- solidating, is mixed with red oxide of iron, alumina, or silica, tlie mixture becomes harder and more cohe- rent than when lime alone is used : and it appears that this is owing to a certain degree of chemical attraction between hydrate of lime and these bodies ; and tfiey render it less liable to decompose by the action of the carbonic acid in the air, and less soluble in water. The basis of all cements that are used for works which are to be covered with water must be formed from hydrate of lime ; and the lime made from impure lime- stones answers this purpose very well. Puzzolana is composed principally of silica, alumina, and oxide of iron ; and it is used mixed with lime to form cements intended to be employed under water. Mr. Smeaton, in the construction of the Eddystone lighthouse, used a cement composed of equal parts by weight of slacked lime and puzzolana. Puzzolana is a decomposed lava. Tarras, which was formerly imported in considerable quantities from Holland, is a mere decomposed basalt : two parts of slacked lime and one part of tarras forms the principal part of the mortar used in the great dykes of Holland. Substances which will answer all the ends of puzzolana and tarras are abundant in the Bri- tish islands. An excellent red tarras may be procured in any quantities from the Giant's Causeway, in the north of Ireland : and decomposing basalt is abundant in many parts of Scotland, and in the northern districts of England in which coal is found. Parker's cement, and cements of the same kind made at the alum works of Lord Dundas and Lord Mulgrave, are mixtures of calcined ferruginous, siliceous, and alu^ minous matter, with hydrate of lime. The cements which act by combining with carbonic acid, or the common mortars, are made by mixing to- gether slacked lime and sand. These mortars, at first solidify as hydrates, and are slowly converted into car- bonate of lime by the action of the carbonic acid of the air. Mr. Tennant found that a mortar of this kind in 4hree years and a quarter Iiad regained 63 per cent, of the quantity of carbonic acid gas which constitutes the definite proportion in carbonate of lime. The rubbish of mortar from houses owes its power to benefit lands principally to the carbonate of lime it contains, and the sand in it ; and its state of cohesion renders it particu- larly fitted to improve clayey soils. The hardness of the mortar in very old buildings de- pends upon the perfect conversion of all its parts into carbonate of lime. The purest limestones are tlie best adapted for making this kind of mortar ; the magnesian limestones make excellent water cements, but act with too little energy upon carbonic acid gas to make good common mortar. The Romans according to Pliny, made their best mortar a year before it was used : so that it was par- tially combined with carbonic acid gas before it was employed. In burning lime there are some particular precautions required for the different kinds of limestones. In ge- neral, one bushel of coal is sufficient to make four or five bushels of lime. The magnesian limestone re- quires less fuel than the common limestone. In all cases in which a limestone containing much aluminous or siliceous earth is burnt, great care should be taken to prevent the fire from becoming too intense ; for such lime easily vitrifies, in consequence of the affinity of lime for silica and alumina. And as in some places there are no other limestones than such as contain other eartlis, it is important to attend to this circumstance. A moderately good lime may be made at a low red heat ; but it will melt into a glass at a white heat. In limekilns for burning such lime, there should be always a damper. In general, when limestones are not magnesian their purity will be indicated by their loss of weight in burn- ing ; the more they lose, the larger is the quantity of calcareous matter they contain. The magnesian lime- stones contain more carbonic acid than the common lime- stones ; and I have found all of them lose more than half their weight by calcination. Besides being used in the forms of lime and carbon- ?ite of lime, calcareous matter is applied for the pur- poses of agriculture iu other combinations. One of thesis 224 bodies is gyijsum or sulphate of lime. This substance consists of sulphuric acid (the same body that exists combined with water in oil of vitriol) and lime ; and when dry it is composed of 55 parts of lime and 75 parts of sulphuric acid. Common gypsum or selenite, such as that found at Shotover Hill, near Oxford, con- tains, besides sulphuric acid and lime, a considerable quantity of water ; and its composition may be thus ex- pressed : Sulphuric acid, one proportion - 75 Lime, one proportion - - 55 Water, two proportions - - 34 The nature of gypsum is easily demonstrated ; if oil of vitriol be added to quicklime, there is a violent heat produced ; when the mixture is ignited, water is given off, and gypsum alone is the result, if the acid has been used in sufficient quantity; and gypsum mixed with quicklime, if the quantity has been deficient. Gypsum, free from water, is sometimes found in nature, when it is called anhydrous solenite. It is distinguished from common gypsum by giving off no water when heated. When gypsum, free from water, or deprived of wa- ter by heat, is made into a paste with water, it rapidly sets by combining with that fluid. Plaster of Paris is powdered dry gypsum, and its property as a cement, and in its use in making casts, depends upon its solidi- fying a certain quantity of water, and making with it a coherent mass. Gypsum is soluble in about 500 times its weight of cold water, and is more soluble in hot wa- ter ; so that when water has been boiled in contact with gypsum, crystals of this substance are deposited as the water cools. Gypsum is easily distinguished by its properties of affording precipitates to solutions of oxa- lates and of barytic salts. Great difference of opinion has prevailed amongst agriculturists with respect to the uses of gypsum. It has been advantageously used in Kent, and various tes- timonies in favour of its efficacy have been laid before the Board of Agriculture of Mr. Smith. In America it is imployed with signal success ; but in most coun- ties of England it has failed, though tried in various ways, and upon different crops. Very discordant notions have been formed as to the 225 mode of operation of gypsum. It has been supposed by some persons to act by its power of attracting mois- ture from the air ; but this agency must be compara- tively insignificant. When combined with water, it re- tains that fluid too powerfully to yield it to the roots of the plant, and its adhesive attraction for moisture is inconsiderable ; the small quantity in which it is used likewise is a circumstance hostile to this idea. It has been said that gypsum assists the putrefaction of animal substances, and the decomposition of manure. I have tried some experiments on this subject which are contradictory to the notion. I mixed some minced veal with about one-one hundredth part of its weight of gyp- sum, and exposed some veal without gypsum under the same circumstances ; there was no diff'erence in the time in which they began to putrify, and the process seem- ed to me most rapid in the case in which there was no gypsum present. I made other similar mixtures, em- ploying in some cases larger, and in some cases smaller quantities of gypsum ; and I used pigeons' dung in one instance instead of flesh, and with precisely similar re- sults, it certainly in no case increased the rapidity of putrefaction. Though it is not generally known, yet a series of ex- periments has been carried on for a great length of time in this country upon the operation of gypsum as a ma- nure. The Berkshire and the Wiltshire peat-ashes con- tain a considerable portion of this substance. In the Newbury peat-ashes I have found from one-fourth to one-third of gypsum, and a larger quantity in some peat-ashes from the neighbourhood of Stockbridge : the other constituents of these ashes are calcareous, alumi- nous, and siliceous earth, with variable quantities of sulphate of potassa, a little common salt and sometimes oxide of iron. The red ashes contain most of this last substance. These peat-ashes are used as a top dressing for cul- tivated grasses, particularly sainfoin and clover. In ex- amining the ashes of sainfoin, clover, and rye grass, I found that they afforded considerable quantities of gyp- sum ; and this substance, probably, is intimately com- bined as a ncccssai-v part of their woody fibre. If this F f 326 leat down the city and sowed it with 2m salt J*' that the soil might be for ever unliuitful. Vir- gil reprobates a salt soil ; and Fliny, though he recom- , mends giving salt to cattle, yet affirms, that when strew- ed over land it renders it barren. But these are not ar- guments against a proper application of it. Refuse salt in Cornwall, which, however, likewise contains some of the oil and exuviae of fish, has long been known as an admirable manure. And the Chesliire farmers con- tend for the benefit of tlie peculiar produce of their country. It is not unlikely, that the same causes influence the eflects of salt, as those which act in modifying the ope- ration of gypsum. Most lands in this island, particu- larly those near the sea, probably contain a sufficient quantity of salt for all the purposes of vegetation ; and in such cases the supply of it to the soil will not only be useless, but may be injurious. In great storms the spray of the sea has been carried more than 50 miles from the shore ; so that from this source salt must be often supplied to the soil. 1 have found salt in all the sandstone rocks that I have examined, and it must ex- ist in the soil derived from these rocks. It is a constitu- ent likewise of almost every kind of animal and vegeta- ble manure. Besides these compounds of the alkaline earths and alkalies, many others have been recommended for the purposes of increasing vegetation ; such are nitrPy or the nitrous acid combined with potassa. Sir Kenelin Digby states, that he made barley grow very luxuriantly by watering it with a very weak solution of nitre ; but he is to speculative a writer to awaken confidence in his results. This substance consists of one proportion of azote, six of oxygene, and one of potassium ; and it is not unlikely that it may furnish azote to form albumen, or gluten, in those plants that contain them ; but the nitrous salts are too valuable for other purposes to be used as manures. Dr. Home states, that sidphate of potassa, which as 1 just now mentioned, is found in the ashes of some peats, is a useful manure. But Mr. Naismith* ques- * Elements of A^'iiculture, p. 78. 2ai tions his results ; and quotes experiments hostile to bis opinion, and, as he conceives, unfavourable to the eflB- cacy of any species of saline manure. Much of the discordance of the evidence relating to the eiTicacy of saline substances depends upon the cir- cumstance of their having been used in different pro- portions, and in general, in quantities much too large. I made a number of experiments in May and June, 1807, on the effects of different saline substances on bar- ley and on grass growing in the same garden, the soil of which was a light sand, of which 100 parts were composed of 60 parts of siliceous sand, and 24 parts finely divided matter, consisting of seven parts carbon- ate of lime, 12 parts alumina and silica, less than one part saline matter, principally common salt, with a trace of gypsum and sulphate of magnesia : the remain- ing 16 parts were vegetable matter. The solutions of the saline substances were used twice a week, in the quantity of two ounces, on spots of grass and corn, sufficiently remote from each other to prevent any interference of results. The substances tried were siqier-carhonate^ sulphate, acetate, nitrate^ and muriate of potassa ; sulphate of soda, sulphate, nitrate, muriate, and carbonate of ammonia. 1 found, that in all cases when the quantity of the salt equalled one-thirtieth part of the weight of the water, tlie effects were injurious ; but least so in the instances of tlie car- bonate, sulphate and muriate of ammonia. When the quantities of the salts w^ere one-three hundredth part of the solution the effects were different The plants wa- tered with the solutions of the sulphates grew just in the same manner as similar plants watered with rain water. Those acted on by the solution of nitre, acetate, and super-carbonate of potassa, and muriate of ammo- nia, grew rather better. Those treated witli the solu- tion of carbonate of ammonia grew most luxuriantly of all. This last result is what might be expected," for carbonate of ammonia consists of carbon, hydro^enc, azote, and oxygene. There was, however, another re- sult which I had not anticipated ; the plants watered with solution of nitrate of ammonia did not grow better than those watered with rain water. The solution red- 2^2 dened litmus paper; and probably the free acid ex- erted a prejudicial effect, and interfered with the re- sult. Soot doubtless owes part of its efficacy to the ammo- niacal salt that it contains. The liquor produced by the distillation of coal contains carbonate and acetate of am- monia, and is said to be a very good manure. In 1808, I found the growth of wheat in a field at Koehampton assisted by a very weak solution of acetate of ammonia. Soapers' waste has been recommended as a manure, and it has been supposed that its efficacy depended upon the different saline matters it contains ; but their quan- tity is very minute indeed, and its principal ingredients are mild lime and quicklime. In the soapers' waste from the best manufactories, there is scarcely a trace of alkali. Lime moistened with sea water affords more of this substance, and is said to have been used in some cases with more benefit than common lime. It is unnecessary to discuss to any greater extent the effects of saline substances on vegetation ; except the ammoniacal compounds, or the compounds containing nitric, acetic, and carbonic acid ; none of them can af- ford by their decomposition any of the common princi- ples of vegetation, carbon, hydrogene, and oxygene. The alkaline sulphates and the earthy muriates are so seldom found in plants, or are found in such minute quantities, that it can never be an object to aj)ply them to the soil. It was stated in the beginning of this Lec- ture, that the earthy and alkaline substances seem ne- ver to be formed in vegetation ; and there is every rea- son, likewise, to believe, that they are never decompo- sed ; for after being absorbed they are found in their ashes. The metallic bases of them cannot exist in contact •with aqueous fluids ; and these metallic 1)ases, like other metals, have not as yet been resolved into any other forms of matter by artificial processes ; they cortibinc readily with other elements ; but they remain undes- tructible, and can be traced undiminished in quantity^ tlirouffh tlieir diversified combinations. LECTURE VIll. On the Improvement of Lands by Burning ; chemical Principles of this Operation. On Irrigation and its Effects. On Fallowing ; its Disadvantages and Uses. On the convertible Husbandry founded on re- gular Rotations of different Crops. On Pasture ; Views connected with its Application. On various Agricultural Objects connected with Chemistry. Con- clusion, i HE improvement of sterile lauds by burning, was known to the Romans. It is mentioned by Virgil in the first book of the Georgics : " Sfepe etiam steriles incendere profuit agros." It is a practice still much in use in many parts of these Islands ; the theory of its opera- tion has occasioned much discussion, both amongst sci- entific men and farmers. It rests entirely itpon chemi- cal doctrines ; and 1 trust I shall be able to ofier you satisfactory elucidations on the subject. The basis of all common soils as I stated in the Fourth Lecture, are mixtures of the primitive earths and oxide of iron ; and these earths have a certain degree of at- traction for each other. To regard tliis attraction in its proper point of view, it is only necessary to consider the composition of any common siliceous stone. Feldspar, for instance, contains sjliceons, aluminous, calcareous earths, fixed alkali, and oxide of iron, which exist in one com|)Oinid, in consequence of their chemical attrac- tions for each other. Let this stone be ground into im- palpable powder, it then becomes a substance like clay: if the powder l)e heated very strongly it fuses, and on cooling forms a coherent mass similar to the original stone ; the parts separated by mechanical division ad- here again in consequence of chemical attraction. If the |)owder is heated less strongly the particles only su- perficially combine with each other, and form a gritty 234 mass, which, when broken into pieces, has the charac- ters of sand. , If the power of the powdered feldspar to absorb wa- ter from tlie atmosphere before, and after the applica- tion of the heat, be compared, it is found much less in the last case. The same eflect takes place when the powder of other siliceous or aluminous stones is made the subject of ex- periment. I found that two equal portions of basalt ground into impalpable powder, of which one had been strongly ig- nited, and the other exposed only to a temperature equal to that of boiling water, gained very difterent weights in the same time when exposed to air. In four hours the one had gained only two grains, whilst the other had gained seven grains. When clay or tenacious soils are burnt, the effect is of the same kind ; they are brought nearer to a state analogous to that of sands. In the manufacture of bricks the general principle is well illustrated ; if a piece of dry brick earth be appli- ed to the tongue it will adhere to it very strongly, in consequence of its power to absorb water ; but after it has been burnt there will be scarcely a sensible adhe- sion. The process of burning renders the soil less com- pact, less tenacious and retentive of moisture ; and when properly applied, may convert a matter that was stiff, damp, and in consequence cold, into one pow- dery, dry, and warm ; and much more proper as a bed for vegetable life. The great objection made by speculative chemists to paring and burning, is, that it destroys vegetable and animal matter, or the manure in the soil ; but in cases in which the texture of its earthy ingredients is perma- nently improved, there is more than a compensation for this temporary disadvantage. And in some soils where there is an excess of inert vegetable matter, the de- struction of it must be beneficial ; and the carbonace- ous matter remaining in the ashes may be more useful to the crop than the vegetable fibre, from which it was prod u fed. 235 I have exauiiiied by a chemical analysis three spe- cimens of ashes from dillerent lands that had under- gone paring and burning. The first was a quantity sent to the Board by M. Boys of liellhanger, in Kent, .whose treatise on paring and burning has been pub- lished. They were from a chalk soil, and 200 grains contained 80 Carbonate of lime. 11 Grypsum. ! 9 Charcoal 15 Oxide of iron. 3 Saline matter. Sulphate of potash. Muriate of magnesia, with a minute quan- tity of vegetable alkali. The remainder alumina and silica. Mr. Boys estimates that 2660 bushels are the com- mon produce of an acre of ground, which, according to his calculation would give 172900 lbs. containing Carbonate of lime 69160 lbs. Gypsum 9509.5 Oxide of iron 12967.5 Saline matter 2593.5 Charcoal - 7780.5 In this instance there was undoubtedly a very consi- derable quantity of matter capable of being active as manure produced in the operation of burning. The charcoal was very finely divided ; and exposed on a large surface on the field, must have been gradually converted into carbonic acid. And gypsum and oxide of iron, as I mentioned in the last Lecture, seem to produce the very best effects when applied to lands con- taining an excess of carbonate of lime. The second specimen was from a soil near Coleor- ton, in Leicestershire, containing only four per cent, of carbonate of lime, and consisting of three-fourths light siliceous sand, and about one-fourth clay. This had > been iuii:' bcfurc burning, and 100 parts uf the ashes gave. 6 parts charcoal 3 Muriate- of soda and sulphate of potash, Avitli a trace of vegetable alkali. 9 Oxide of iron. And the remainder the earths. In this instance, as in the otlier, iinely divided char- coal was found ; the solubility of wliich would be in- creased by the presence of the alkali. The tiiird instance was, that of a stiif clay, from Mount's Kay, Cornwall. This land had been brought into cultivation from a lieath by burning about ten years before ; but having been neglected, furze was spring- ing up in diifercnt parts of it, which gave rise to the se- cond paring and burning. 100 parts of the ashes con- tained 8 parts of charcoal. 2 of saline matter principally common s^t, witli a little vegetable alkali. 7 Oxide of iron. 2 Carbonate of lime. Remainder alumina and silica. Here the quantity of charcoal was greater than in the other instances. The salt, I suspect, was owing to the vicinity of the sea, it being but two miles off. In this land there was certainly an excess of dead vegeta- ble fibre, as well as an i\nprofitable living vegetable matter ; and I have since heard that a great improve- ment took place. Many obscure causes have been referred to for the purpose of explaining the effects of paring and burning; but I believe they maybe referred entirely to the dimi- nution of the coherence and tenacity of clays, and to the destruction of inert, and useless vegetable matter, and its conversion into a manure. Dr. Darwin, in his Phytologia, has supposed, that clay during torrelaction, may absorb some nutritive prin- ciples from the atmosphere that afterwards may be sup- plied to plants; but the earths are pure metallic oxides, saturated with oxygene; and the tendency of burning is to expel any other volatile principles that they may con- tain in coml)ination. If the oxide of iron in soils is not saturated with oxygene, torrefaction tends to produce its further union with this principle; and hence in burn- ing, the colour of clays changes to red. Tl^e oxide of iron containing its full [iroportion of oxygene has less attraction for acids than the other oxide, and is conse- quently less likely to be dissolved by any fluid acids in the soil ; and it appears in this state to act in the same manner as the earths. A very ingenious author, whom I quoted at the end of the last Lecture, supposes that the oxide of iron when combined with carbonic acid is poisonous to plants ; and that one use of torrefaction is to expel- the carbonic acid from it ; but the carbonate of iron is not soluble in water, and is a very inert substance; and I have raised a luxuriant crop of cresses in a soil composed of one-fifth carbonate of iron, and four-fifths carbonate of lime. Carbonate of iron abounds in some of the most fertile soils in England, particularly the red hop soil. And there is no theoretical ground for sup- posing, that carbonic acid, which is an essential food of plants, should in any of its combinations be poisonous to. them ; and it is known that lime and magnesia are both noxious to vegetation, unless combined with this principle. All soils that contain too much dead vegetable fibre, and which consequently lose from one- third to one- half of their weight by incineration, and all such as contain their earthy constituents in an impalpable state of divi- sion, i. e. the stiff clays and marles, are improved by burning; but in coarse sands, or rich soils containing a just mixture of the earths; and in all cases in which the texture is already sufficiently loose, or the organizablc matter sufficiently soluble, the process of torrefaction cannot be useful. All poor siliceous sands must be injured by it ; and here practice is found to accord with theory. Mr. Young, in his Essay on Manures, states, " that he found 26S burning injure sand ;" and the operation is never per- formed by good agriculturists upon siliceous sandy soils, after they have once been brought into cultiva- tion. An intelligent farmer in Mount's Bay told me, that he had pared and burned a small field several years ago, which he had not been able to bring again into good con- dition. 1 examined the spot, the grass was very poor and scanty, and the soil an arid siliceous sand. Irrigation or watering land, is a practice, which at first view appears the reverse of torrefaction ; and in ge- neral, in nature the operation of water is to bring earthy substances into an extreme state of division. But in the artificial watering of meadows, the beneficial effects de- pend upon many different causes, some chemical, some mechanical. Water is absolutely essential to vegetation ; and when land has been covered with water in the winter, or in the beginning of spring, the moisture that has penetra- ted deep into the soil, and even the subsoil, becomes a source of nourishment to the roots of the plant in the summer, and prevents those bad effects that often hap- pen in lands in their natural state, from a long continu- ance of dry weather. When the water used in irrigation has flowed over a calcareous country, it is generally found impregnated with carbonate of lime ; and in this state it tends, in many instances, to ameliorate the soil. Common river water also generally contains a certain portion of organizable matter, which is much greater after rains, than at other times ; and which exists in the largest quantity when the stream rises in a cultiva- ted country. Even in cases when the water used for flooding is pure and free from animal or vegetable substances, it acts by causing the more equable diffusion of nutritive matter existing in the land ; and in very cold seasons it preserves the tender roots and leaves of the grass from being affected by frost. Water is of greater specific gravity at 42® Fahren- heit, than at 32°, the freezing point ; and hence in a meadow irrigated in winter, the water immediately in 239 contact with the grass is rarely below 40^; a degree of temperature not at all prejudicial to the living organs of plants. In 1804, in the month of March, I examined the tem- perature in a water meadow near Hungerford, in Berk- shire, by a very delicate thermometer. The tempera- ture of the air at seven in the morning was 29*^. The water w^as frozen above the grass. The temperature of the soil below the water in which the roots of the grass were fixed, was 43^. In general those waters which breed the best fish are the best fitted for watering meadows ; but most of the benefits of irrigation may be derived from any kind of water. It is, however, a general principle, that waters containing ferruginous impregnations, though possess- ed of fertilizing effects, when applied to a calcareous soil, are injurious on soils that do not effervesce with acids; and that calcareous waters which are known by the earthy deposit they afford when boiled, are of most use on siliceous soils, or other soils containing no re- markable quantity of carbonate of lime. The most important processes for improving land, are those which have been already discussed, and that are founded upon the circumstance of removing certain con- stituents from the soil, or adding others or changing their nature ; but there is an operation of very ancient practice still much employed, in which the soil is expo- sed to the air, and submitted to processes which are purely mechanical, namely , fallowing. The benefits arising from fallows have been much over-rated. A summer fallow, or a clean fallow, may be sometimes necessary in lands overgrown with weeds, particularly if they are sands which cannot be pared and burnt with advantage; but is certainly unprofitable as part of a general system in husbandry. It has been supposed by some writers, that certain principles necessary to fertility are derived from the at- mosphere, which are exhausted by a succession of crops, and that these are again supplied during the repose of the land, and the exposure of the pulverized soil to the influence of the air ; but this in truth is not the case. The earths commonly found in soils cannot be combined 240 with move oxygeuc ; none of them unite to azote ; and such of them as arc capable of attracting carbonic acid, are always saturated with it in those soils on which the practice of fallowing is adopted. The vague ancient opinion of the use of nitre, and of nitrous salts in ve- getation, seems to have been one of the principal spe- culative reasons for the defence of summer fallows. ^Nitrous salts are produced during the exposure of soils containing vegetable and animal remains, and in greatest abundance in hot weather ; but it is probably by the combination of azote from these remains with oxygene in the atmosphere that the acid is formed ; and at the expense of an element, which otherwise would have formed ammonia ; the compounds of which, as is evi- dent from what was stated in the last Lecture, are much more efficacious than the nitrous compounds in assisting vegetation. When weeds are buried in the soil, by their gradual decomposition they furnish a certain quantity of soluble matter ; but it may be doubted whether there is as much useful manure in the land at the end of a clean fallow, as at the time the vegetables clothing the sur- face were first ploughed in. Carbonic acid gas is form- ed during the whole time by the action of the vegeta- ble matter upon the oxygene of tlie air, and the greater part of it is lost to the soil in wliich it was formed, and dissipated in the atmosphere. The action of the sun upon the surface of the soil tends to disengage the gaseous and the volatile fluid matters that it contains ; and heat increases the rapidity of fermentation : and in the summer fallow, nourish- ment is rapidly produced, at a time when no vegetables' are present capable of absorbing it. Land, when it is not employed in preparing food for animals, should be applied to the purpose of the pre- paration of manure for plants ; and this is effected by means of green crops, in consequence of the absorption of carbonaceous matter in the carbonic acid of tl/e at- mosphere. In a summer's fallow a period is always lost in which vegetables may be raised, cither as food for animals, or as nourishment for the next crop ; and the texture of the soil is not so much improved by its 241 exposure as in winter, when the expansive powers of ice, tlie gradual dissolution of snows, and the alterna- tions from wet to dry, tend to pulverize it, and to mix its different parts together. In the drill husbandry the land is preserved clean by the extirpation of the weeds by hand, and by raising the crops in rows, which renders the destruction of the weeds much more easy. Manure is supplied either by the green crops themselves, or from the dung of the cat- tle fed upon them ; and the plants having large sys- tems of leaves, are made to alternate with those bear- ing grain. It is a great advantage in the convertible system of cultivation, that the whole of the manure is employed ; and that those parts of it which are not fitted for one crop, remain as nourishmeut for another. Thus, in Mr. Coke's course of crops, the turnip is the first in the or- der of succession ; and this crop is manured with recent dung, which immediately affords sufficient soluble mat- ter for its nourishment ; and the heat produced in fer- mentation assists the germination of the seed and the growth of the plant. After turnips, barley with grass seeds is sown ; and the laud having been little exhaust- ed by the turnip crop, affords the soluble parts of the decomposing manure to the grain. The grasses, rye grass, and clover remain, which derive a small part only of their organized matter from the soil, and proba- bly consume the gypsum in the manure which would be useless to other crops : these plants likewise by their large systems of leaves, absorb a considerable quantity of nourishment from the atmosphere; and wlien plough- ed in at the end of two years, the decay of their roots and leaves affords manure for tlie wheat crop ; and at this period of the course, the woody fibre of the farm- yard manure which contains the phosphate of lime and the other difficultly soluble parts, is broken down ; and as soon as the most exhausting crop is taken, recent ma- nure is again applied. Mr. Gregg, iwliose very enlightened system of culti- vation has been published by the Board of Agriculture, and who has the merit of first adopting a plan similar to Mr. Coke's upou strong clays, suffers tlie ground af- M b 242 ter barley to remain at rest for two years in grass ; sows^ peas and beans on the leys; ploughs in the pea or bean stubble for wheat ; and in some instances, follows his wheat crops by a course of winter tares and winter bar- ley, which is eat off in the spring, before the land is sowed for turnips. Peas and beans, in all instances, seem well adapted to prepare the ground for wheat ; and in some rich lands, as in the alluvial soil of the Parret, mentioned in the Fourth Lecture, and at the foot of the South Downs in Sussex, they are raised in alternate crops for years together. Peas and beans contain, as appears from the analysis in the Third Lecture, a small quan- tity of a matter analogous to albumen ; but it seems that the azote which forms a constituent part of this matter, is derived from the atmosphere. The dry bean leaf, when burnt, yields a smell approaching to that of de- composing animal matter; and in its decay in the soil, may furnish principles capable of becoming a part of the gluten in wheat. Though the general composition of plants is very an- alogous, yet the specific difference in the products of many of them, and the facts stated in the last Lecture, prove that they must derive different materials from the soil; and though the vegetables having the smallest systems of leaves will proportionably most exhaust the soil of common nutritive matter, yet particular vegeta- bles when their produce is carried oft", will require pe- culiar principles to be supplied to the land in which they grow. Strawberries and potatoes at first produce lux- uriantly in virgin mould, recently turned up from pas- tufe ; but in a few years they degenerate, and require a fresh soil ; and the organization of these plants is such, as to be constantly producing the migration of their lay- ers : thus the strawberry, by its long shoots, is constant- ly endeavouring to occupy a new soil ; and the fibrous radicles of the potato produce bulbs at a considerable distance from the parent plant. Lands, in a course of years, often cease to aflbrd good cultivated grasses; they become (as it is popularly said) tired of them^ and one of the probable reasons for this was stated in the last Lecture. 24:i The most remarkable instance of the powers of ve- getables to exhaust the soil of certain principles neces- sary to their growth is found in certain funguses. Mush- rooms are said never to rise in two successive seasons on the same spot; and the production of tlie phsenome- na called fairy rings has been ascribed by Dr. Wollas- ton to the power of the peculiar fungus which forms it, to exhaust tlie soil of the nutriment necessary for tlie growth of the species. The consequence is, that the ring annually extends ; for no seeds will grow where their parents grew before them ; and the interior part of the circle has been exhausted by preceding crops ; but where the fungus has died, nourishment is supplied for grass, which usually rises within the circle, coarse, and of a dark green colour. When cattle are fed upon land not benefited by their manure, the eflPect is always an exhaustion of the soil ; this is particularly the case where carrying horses are kept on estates ; they consume the pasture during the night, and drop the greatest part of tlieir manure in the day during their labour in the daytime. The exportation of grain from a country, unless some articles capable of becoming manure are introduced in compensation, must ultimately tend to exhaust the soil. Some of the spots, now desart sands in northern x^fri- ca, and Asia Minor, w^ere anciently fertile. Sicily was the granary of Italy ; and the quantity of corn carried off from it by the Romans, is probably a chief cause of its present sterility. In this island, our commercial system at present has the effect of affording substances, which in their use and decomposition must enrich the land. Corn, sugar, tallow, oil, skins, furs, Avine, silk, cotton, ^c. are imported, and iish are supplied from the sea. Amongst our numerous exports woollen, and linen, and leather goods, are almost the only substances which contain any nutritive materials derived from the soil. In all courses of crops it is necessary that every part of the soil should be made as useful as possi!)le to the different plants ; but the depth of the furrow in plough- ing must depend upon the nature of the soil, and of the 244 subsoil. Ill I'ich clayey soils the furrow can scarcely be too deep ; and even in sands, unless the subsoil con- tains some principles noxious to vegetables, the same practice should be adopted. When the roots are deep, they are less liable to be injured, either by excess of rain, or drought ; the layers shoot forth their radicles into every part of the soil ; and the space from which the nourishment is derived is more considerable, than "when the seed is superficially inserted in the soil. There has been much diflference of opinion with re- spect to permanent pasture ; but the advantages or dis- advantages can only be reasoned upon according to the circumstances of situation and climate. Under the cir- cumstances of irrigation, lands are extremely produc- tive, with comparatively little labour ; and in climates where great quantities of rain falls, the natural irriga- tion produces the same effects as artificial. When hay is in great demand, as sometimes happens in the neigh- bourhood of the metropolis, where manure can be easily procured, the application of it to pasture is repaid for by the increase of crop ; but top-dressing grass land with animal or vegetable manure, cannot be recommend- ed as a general system. Dr. Coventry very justly ob- serves, that there is a greater waste of the manure in this case, than when it is ploughed into the soil for seed crops. The loss by exposure to the air, and the sun- shine, offer reasons in addition to those that have been already quoted in the Sixth Lecture, for the application of manure even in this case, in a state of incipient, and not completed fermentation. Very little attention has been paid to the nature of the grasses best adapted for permanent pasture. The chief circumstance which gives value to a grass, is the quantity of nutritive matter that the whole crop will af- ford ; but the time and duration of its produce are like- wise points of great importance ; and a grass that sup- plies green nutriment throughout the whole of the year, may be more valuable than a grass which yields its pro- duce only in summer, though the whole quantity of food supplied by it should be much less. The grasses that propagate themselves by layers, the 245 different species of Agrostis, supply pasture throughout the year ; and, as it has been mentioned on a former occasion, the concrete sap stored up in their joints, ren- ders them a good food even in winter. I saw four square yards of iiorin grass cut in the end of January, this year, in a meadqw exclusively appropriated to the cultivation of florin, by the Countess of Hardwicke, the soil of which is a damp stiff clay. They afforded 28 pounds of fodder ; of which 1000 parts afforded, 64 parts of nutritive matter, consisting nearly of one-sixth of sugar, and five- sixths of mucilage, with a little extractive mat- ter. In another experiment, four square yards gave 27 pounds of grass. The quality of this grass is inferior to that of the florin referred to in the Table, in the lat- ter part of the Third Lecture, which was cultivated by Sir Joseph Banks in Middlesex, in a much richer soil, and cut in December. The florin grass, to be in perfection, requires a moist climate or a wet soil, and it grows luxuriantly in cold clays unfltted for other grasses. In light sands, and in dry situations, its produce is much inferior as to quan- tity and quality. The common grasses, properly so called, that afford most nutritive matter in early spring, jwe the vernal mea- dow grass, and meadow fox-tail grass ; but their pro- duce at the time of flowering and ripening the seed are inferior to that of a great number of other grasses ; their latter- math, is, however, abundant. Tall fescue grass stands highest, according to the ex- periments of the Duke of Bedford, of any grass, proper- ly so called, as to the quantity of nutritive matter afford- ed by the whole crop when cut at the time of flowering ; and meadow cat's-tail grass affords most food when cut at the time the seed is ripe; the highest latter-math pro- duce of the grasses examined in the Duke of Bedford's experiments is from the sea meadow grass. Nature has provided in all permanent pastures a mix- ture of various grasses, the produce of which differs at different seasons. Where pastures are to be made ar- tificially, such a mixture ought to be imitated; and, per- haps, pastures superior to the natural ones may be made •Mb by selecting due proportions of those species of gi'asses fitted for the soil, which afford respectively the greatest quantities of spring, summer, latter-math, and winter produce ; a reference to the details in the Appendix will shew that such a plan of cultivation is very practica- ble. In all lands, whether arable or pasture, weeds of every description should be rooted out before the seed is ripe ; and if they are suffered to remain iu hedge rows, they should be cut when in flower, or before, and made into heaps for manure ; in this case they will furnish more nutritive matter in their decomposition ; and their in- crease by the dispersion of seeds will be prevented. The farmer, who suffers weeds to remain till their ripe seeds are shed, and scattered by the winds, is not only hostile to his own interests, but is likewise an enemy to the public : a few thistles neglected will soon stock a farm ; and by the light down which is attached to their seeds, they may be distributed over a whole country. Nature has provided such ample resources for the con- tinuance of even the meanest vegetable tribes, that it is very difficult to ensure the destruction of such as are hostile to the agriculturist, even with every precaution. Seeds excluded from the air, will remain for years in- active in the soil,* and yet germinate under favourable circumstances ; and the different plants, the seeds of which, like those of the thistle and dandelion, are fur- nished with beards or wings, may be brought from an immense distance. The fleabane of Canada has only lately been found in Europe ; and Linnseus supposes that it has been transported from America, by the very light downy plumes with which the seed is provided. * The appearance of seeds in places where their parent plants are not found may be easily accutinted for from this circumstance and olher circumstances. Many seeds are carried from island to island by cur- rents in the sea, and are defended by their hard coats from the im- mediate acdon of the water. West Indian seeds (of this description) are often found on our coasts, and readily germinate : their lcu>g voy- af;e having been barely sufficient to afford the cotyledon its due pro- portion of moisture. Other seeds are carried indigested in the sto- mach of birds, and supplied with food at the moment of their depo- sition. The light seeds of the mosses and lichens probably float in every part of the atmosphere, and abound on the surface of the sea. 247 In feeding cattle with green food, there are many ad- vantages in soiling, or supplying them with food, where their manure is preserved, out of the field ; the plants are less injured when cut, than when torn or jagged by the teeth of the cattle, and no food is wasted by being trodden down. They are likewise obliged to feed with- out making selection ; and in consequence the whole food is consumed : the attachment, or dislike to a par- ticular kind of food exhibited by animals, offers no proof of its nutritive powers. Cattle at first refuse linseed cake, one of the most nutritive substances on which they can be fed.* * For the following observations on the selection of different kinds of common food by sheep and cattle I am obliged to Mr. George Sinclair. " Lolium fierenne, rye grass. Sheep eat this grass when it is in the early stage of its growth, in preference to most others ; but af- ter the seed approaches towaijds perfection, they leave it for almost any other kind. A field in the Park at Woburn was laid down in two equal parts, one part with rye grass and white clover, and the other part with cock's-foot and red clover : from the spring till mid- summer the sheep kept almost constantly on the rye grass ; but after that time they left it, and adhered with equal constancy to the cock's- foot during the remainder of the season. Dactylis glomerata^ cock's-foot. Oxen, horses, and sheep, eat this grass readily. The oxen continue to eat the straws and flowers from the time of flowering till the time of perfecting the seed ; this was exemplified in a striking manner in the field before alluded to. The oxen generally kept to the cock's-foot and red clover, and the sheep to the rye-grass and white clover. In the experiments published in the Aiiioeuitates Academicae, by the pupils of Linnaeus, it is asserted that this grass is rejected by oxen ; the above fact, however, is in contradiction of it. Alofiecurus firatensis, meadow fox-tail. Sheep and horses seem to have a greater relish for this grass than oxen. It delighls in a soil of intermediate quality as to moisture or dryness, and is very produc- tive. In the water-meadow at Priestley, it constitutes a considerable part of the produce of that excellent meadow. It there keeps inva- riably possession of the top of the ridges, extending generally about six feet from each side of the watercourse ; the space below that, to where the ridge ends, is stocked with cock's foot, rough stalked mea- dow grass, Festuca /iratensis, Fcstuca duriuscuia^ ji[^rostis stolonijc- ra Agrostis /talus tris, and sweet-scented vernal grass, with a small admixture of some other kinds. P/ileuDi firatense, meadow cat's-tail. This grass is eaten without reserve, by oxen, sheep, and horses. Dr. Pulteney says, that it is dis- liked by sheep ; but in pastures where it abounds, it does not appear robe rcjijcted bv these animals; but etucn ia cotninon viih S;ucb 248 When food artificially composed is to be given to cattle, it should be brought as nearly as possible to the state of natural food. Thus, when sugar is given to others as are growing with it. Hares are remarkably fond of it. The Phleum nodosum^ Fhleum alfiinum,, Foa fertilise and Poa comfiressa^ were left untouched, although they were closely adjoining to it. It seems to attain the greatest perfection in a deep rich loam. jigrostis stolonifera, florin. In the Experiments detailed in the Amoenitates Academicse, it is said, that h-irses, sheep, and oxen, eat this grass readily. On the Duke of Bedford's farm at Maulden, flo- rin hay was placed in the racks belore horses in small distinct quan- tities ; alternately with common hay ; but no decided preference for either was manifested by the horses in this trial. But that cows and horses prefer it to hay, when in a green state, seems fully proved by Dr. Richardson, in his several publications on Fiorin ; and of its pro- ductive powers in England (which has been doubted by some,) there are satisfactory proofs. Lady Hardwicke has given an account of a trial of this grass, wherein twenty-three milch cows, and one young horse, besides a number of pigs, were kept a fortnight on the pro- duce of one acre. Poa (rivialis, rough-stalked meadow. Oxen, horses, and sheep, eat this grass with avidity. Hares also eat it ; but they give a de- cided preference to the smooth-stalked meadow-grass, to which it is, in many respects nearly allied. Poa /iratensis, smooth-stalked meadow grass. Oxen and horses are observed to eat this grass in common with others ; but sheep rather prefer the hard fescue, and sheeps' fescue, which affect a si- milar soil. This species exhausts the soil in a greater degree than almost any other species of grass ; the roots being numerous, and powerfully creeping, become in two or three years completely matted together ; the produce diminishes as this takes place. It grows common in some meadows, dry banks, and even on walls. Cijnosurus cristatus^ crested dog's-tail grass. The South Down sheep, and deer, appear to be remarkably fond of this grass: in some parts of Woburn Park this grass forms the principal part of the herbage on which these animals chiefly browse : while another part of the Park, that contains the Jgrostis cafiilaris, Jgrostis, fiu- miliSy Festuca ovina, Fentuca duriuscula, and F'estuca cambrica^ is seldom touched by them ; but the Welch breed of sheep almost constantly browse upon these, and neglect the Cynosurus cristatusy Lolium perenne^ and Poa trivialis. Agrostis vulgaris [cafiillariSf Linn.,) fine bent ; common bent. This is a very common grass on all poor dry sandy soils. It is not palatable to cattle, as they never eat it readily, if any other kinds be within their reach. The Welch sheep, however, prefer it as I be- fore observed ; and it is singular, that those sheep being bred in the park, when some of the best grasses are equally within their reach, should still prefer those grasses which natuially grow on the Welch mountains ; it seems to argue that such a preference is the effect ot some other cause, than that of habit. Festuca ovina, sheeps' fescue. All kinds of cattle relish this 249 them; some dry fibrous matter should be mixed with it, such as chopped straw, or dry withered grass, in order that the functions of tiie stomach and bowels may be grass; but it appears from the trial that has been made with it on clayey soils, that it continues but a short time in possesbion of such, being soon overpowered by the most luxuriant kinds. On diy shal- low soils that are incapable of producing the larpjer sorts, this should form the principal crop, or rather the whole ; for it is seldom or never, in its natural state, found intimately mixed with others; but by itself. Festuca duriuscula, hard fescue grass. This is certainly one of the best of the dwarf sorts of grasses. It is grateful to all kinds of cattle ; hares are very fond of it : they cropped it close to the roots, and neglected the Fustuca ovina., and Fustuca rubra, which were contiguous to it. It is present in most good meadows and j)astures. Festuca firatensis, meadow fescue. Tiiis gruss is seldom absent from rich meadows and pastures ; it is observed to be highly grate- ful to oxen, sheep, and horses, particularly the former. It appears to grow most luxuriantly when combined with the hard fescue, and Foa trivialis. jivena eliator, tall oat-grass. This is a very productive grass, fre- quent in meadows and pastures, but is disliked by cattle, particularly by horses ; this, perfectly, agrees with the small portion of nutritive matter which it affords. It seems to thrive best on a strong tena- cious clay. Avena JIavescens, yellow oat-grass. This grass seems partial to dry soils, and meadows, and appears to be eaten by sheep and oxen, equally with the meadow barley, crested dog's tail and sweet-scented vernal grasses, which naturally grow in company with it. It nearly doubles the quanlity of its produce by the application of calcareous manure. Holcus lanatus^ meadow soft grass. This is a very common grass, and grows on all soils, from the richest to the poorest. It affords an abundance of seed, wiiich is light, and easily dispersed by the wind. It appears to be generally disliked by all sorts of cattle. The pro- duce is not so great as a view of it in fields would indicate ; but being left almost entirely untouched by cattle, it appears as the most productive part of the herbage. The hay which is made of it, from the number of downy hairs which cover the surface of the leaves, is soft and spongy, and disliked by cattle in general. Anthoxanthum odoratum., sweet-scented vernal grass. Horses, oxen, and sheep, eat this grass; though in pastures where it is com- bined with the meadow fox-tail, and white clover, cock's-foot, rough- stalked meadow, it is left untouched, from which it would seem un- palatable to cattle. Mr. Grant, of Leighton, laid down one half a field of a considerable extent with this grass, combined with white clover. The other half of the field with foxtail and red clover. The sheep would not touch the sweet-scented vernal, but kept con- stantly upon the fox-tail. The writer of this, saw the field when the grasses were in the highest state of perfection ; and hardly any tiring I i 250 performed in a natural manuer. The principle is the same as that of the practice alluded to ia the Third Lecture, of giving chopped straw with harley. In washing sheep, the use of water containing car- bonate of lime should be avoided ; for this substance de- composes the yolk of the wool, which is an animal soap, the natural defence of the wool ; and wool often washed in calcareous water, becomes roagli and more brittle. The finest wool, sucli as tliat of the Spanish and Saxou sheep, is most abundant in yolk. M. Vauquelin has analysed several different species of yolk, and has found the principal part of all of them a soap, with a basis of potassa, (i. e. a compound of oily matter and potassa,) with a little oily matter in excess. He has found in them, likewise, a notable quantity of acetate of potassa, and minute quantities of carbonate of potassa and mu- riate of potassa, and a peculiar odorous animal matter. M. Vauquelin states, that he found some specimens of wool lose as much as 45 per cent, in being deprived of their yolk ; and the smallest loss in his experiments was 35 per cent. The yolk is most useful to the wool on the back of the sheep in cold and wet seasons ; probably the appli- cation of a little soap of potassa, with excess of grease to the sheep brought from warmer climates in our win- ter, that is increasing their yolk artificially, might be useful in cases where tiie fineness of the wool is of great importance. A mixture of this kind is more conforma- ble to nature, than that ingeniously adopted by Mr. Blakewell ; but at the time his labours commenced, the chemical nature of the yolk was unknown. could be more satisfactory. Equal quantities of the seeds of white clover, were sown with each of the grasses; but from the dwarf na- ture of the sweet-scented vernal grass, the clover mixed with it had attained to greater luxuriance, than that mixed with the meadow foxtail." 251 I have now exhausted all the subjects of (li.scussiouj> which my experience or information has been able to supply on the connexion of chemistry with agriculture. 1 venture to hope, that some of the views brought forward, may contribute to the improvement of the most important and useful of the arts. I trust that the inquiry will be pursued by others ; and that in proportion as chemical philosophy advances towards perfection, it will afford new aids to agriculture. There are sufficient motives connected both with pleasure and profit, to encourage ingenious men to pur- sue this new path of investigation. Science cannot long be despised by any persons as the mere specula- tion of theorists ; but must soon be considered by all ranks of men in its true point of view, as the refine- ment of common sense, guided by experience, gradually substituting sound and rational principles, for vague popular prejudices. The soil offers inexhaustible resources, which, when properly appreciated and employed, must increase our wealth, our population, and our physical strength. We possess advantages in the use of machinery, and the division of labour, belonging to no other nation. And the same energy of character, the same extent of resources which have always distinguished the people of the British Islands, and made tliem excel in arms, commerce, letters, and philosophy, apply with the hap- piest effect to the improvement of the cultivation of the earth. Nothing is impossible to labour, aided by in- genuity. The true objects of the agriculturist are like- wise, those of the patriot. Men value most what they have gained with effort ; a just confidence in their own • powers results from success ; they love their country better, because they have seen it improved by their own talents and industry ; and they indentify with their in- terests, the existence of those institutions which have afforded them security, independence, and the multiplied f^njoyments of civilized life. APPENDIX. VCCOUNT OF THE RESULTS EXPERIMENTS ON THE PRODUCE AND NUTRITIVE Ql^LI- TIES OF DIFFERENT GRASSES, AND OTHER PLANTS, ISED AS THE FOOD OF ANIMALS. ISSTITtTTED BT JOHN. DUKE OF BEDFORD. INTRODIIC rrioN nr Tin: Kin toil Of the 215 proper grasses which are capahle of being cultivated in this climate two only have heen employed to any extent for niakini; artificial |)astnres, rye grass and cock's-foot grass; and their a[)j)lication for this pur- pose seems to have heen rather the result of accident, than of any proofs of their superiority over other grasses. A knowledge of the comparative merits and value of all the dillerent species and varieties of grasses ciiririot fail to he of the highest importance in practical agricul- ture. The hope of obtaining this knowledge was the motive that in(lu('ed the Duke of Jiedford to institute this series of experiments. Spots of ground, each containing four square feet, in the garden at Woburn Abbey, were enclosed by iioards in such a manner that there was no lateral communica- tion between the earth included by the boards, and that of the garden. 'I'he soil was removed in these enclo- sures, and new soils supplied ; or mixtiire of soils were made in them, to furnish as far as possible to the diller- ent grasses those soils which seem most favourable to their growth; a few varieties being adopted for the pur- pose of ascertaining the eil'ect of diilereut soils in the same plant. The grasses were either planted or sown, and their produce cat and collected and dried, at the pro[)er sea- sons, in summer an jg^g jg „ i22 4 12 The produce of the space, ditto - 2.3-^1^ 5 " '^ At the time the seed is ripe the produce is Grass, 9 oz. The produce per acre - - - 80 dr. of grass weight when dry 24 dr ■> The produce of the space ditto - ^TS j The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 3.1 dr. > The produce of the space, ditto - 7.H dr. ^ The weight of nutritive matter which is lost by taking the crop at the time the grass is in flower, exceeding half its value - - 188 12 _ 4 The proportional value which the grass at the time of flowering bears to that at the time the seed is ripe, is as 4 to 13. The latter-math produce is Grass, 10 oz. The produce per acre - - 108900 = 6806 4 64 dr. of grass afford nutritive matter, 2.1 dr. 3828 8 = 239 4 8 The proportional value which the grass of the latter-math bears to that, at the time the seed is ripe, is nearly as 9 to 13. The smallness of the produce of this grass renders it improper for the pAr- pose of hay ; but its early growth, and the superior quantity of nutritive mat- ter which the latter-math affords, compared with the quantity afforded by the grass at the time of flowering, causes it to rank high as a pasture grass, on such soils as are well fitted for its growth ; such are peat-bogs, and lands that are deep and moist. II. Hokvs odoratus. Host. G. A. Growing in wooils. Sweet-scented soft grass Nat of Germany. Flo Ger. — H borealis. Growing in moist meadows. At the time of flowering, the produce from a rich and sandy loam is Grass, 14 oz. The produce per acre ... 80 dr. of grass weigh when dry - 20.2 dr. f The produce of the space, ditto - 57.1 y > The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying • The weight is avoirdupois ; lbs. pounds, or. ounces, dr. drachms. The weights not named are, quarters of drachms, and fractions of drachms ; tlius 7.1 V mieaiis 7 drachms 1 qvrarter of a drachm and i of a quarter. 98010 = 6125 10 29403 = 1837 11 = 4287 15 4977 10 = 311 1 1 oz. 152460 or lbs. per acre. = 95 J8 12 39067 14 = 2441 11 14 . 7087 2 v., 10124 13 or (hs. per acre =. 610 15 6 35600 = 152460 35732 13 = 27225 <= 9528 12 17696 4 = 2233 4 1.1 APPENDIX. >i59 ^4 Jr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 4.1 dr. 7 The produce of the space, ditto 14.3^ > At the- time the seed is ripe the produce is Grass, 40 oz. Ti>c j.rodiice per acre - - *. :64idr ofgrusSj .. ngh when dry - 28 rfr. > Tlie produce of the space, ditto - 224 dr. $ The weightiest uytlie produce of one acre in drying 64 dr. of grass afford nutritive matter 5.1 dr. 1 The produce of the spuce, ditto - 52.2 dr. 3 The weight of nutritive matter wiiich is lost by taking the crop at the time tlie grass is in flower, being more than half of its value 1600 8 10 The proportional value which the grass at the time of flowering beai-s to that at the time the seed is ripe is as 17 to 21. The produce of la\ter-malh is Grass, 25 oz. The produce per acre 272250 =. 17015 10 64 The produce of the space, ditto - 336 dr. 3 The weig'it lost by the produce of one acre in drying 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 1 2 dr. ) The produce of the space ditto - 11.1 dr,^ The produce from :i sandy loam is Grass, 12 oz 8 dr. The produce per aore 80 dr of grass weigh when dry 24 dr.") The produce of tlie space, ditto 60 dr. ^ 60 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 1 dr. 5 The produce of the space, ditto 3.0i 5 oz. 326700 or lbs. per acre = 20418 12 93010 = 1256 61 14293 2 7657 = 478 9 136125 = 8517 13 40837 9 - 2552 5 8 2126 15 ^ 132 H 1-5 12931 u 5819 5 2 7111 8 14 461 4 26© AFl»liN131X. At the time the seed is ripe, the produce from the clayey loam is ox. or lbs. per acre Grass, 19 ox. The produce per acre - - 2G6910 80 dr. of grass wcigli wlien dry 36 dr. \ o-^.^n The produce of tlie space, ditto 136 3;^ 3 y-3l\J9 8 The welglu lost by the produce of one acre in drying 64. f/)\ of g-russ afford of nutritive matter 2.1 ».^_^ . The produce of the space, ditto 9.975 $ The weiglit of nutritive matter which is lost by leaving the crop till the seed be ripe, being one twenty-fifth part of its value - If 8 11 The proportional value whicli the grass, at the time of flowering, bears to that at the time the seed is ripe, is as 6 to 9. The latter-math profluce, from the clay loam is Grass, 12 02. '['he produce per acre - - 130680 = 8167 8 64 =. s«70 6 A The produce ofthe space, ditto - 138 89.2| 5 2573 4 Grass, 14 oz. The produce per acre 80 dr. of grass w 'i^h when dry 32 dr. The produce of t ' space, ditto 89.2t^.'3j The weight lost by die produce of one acre in drying 64 dr. of gra.ss afford of imtritive matter 1.2 dr. '} The produce of the space, ditto At the time of flowering the produce is Grass, 14 oz. The produce per acre 80 dr. of grass weigh when dry The produce of the space, ditto The weight lost by the produce^JP' one acre in drying 64 dr of grass afford of nutritive matter 3 dr. The produce of the space, ditto - 10.2 dr The weight of nutritive matter which is lost by leaving the crop till the seed be ripe, being half of the value of the crop - 223 152460 60984 7146 9 - 5717 4 223 5 9528 12 4811 8 5717 4 446 10 264 • APPENDIX. The propoilionul value by which the grass, at the time of flowering exceed? that at the time the seed is ripe, is as 6*0 12. ^ The proportional difference in the value of the flowering and seed crops of this grass is directly the reverse of that of the preceding species, and affords another strong proof of the value of the straws in grass which is intended for hay. The straws, at the time of flowering, are of a very succulent nature ; but from that period till the seed be perfected, they gradually become dry and wiry. Nor does the root leaves sensibly increase in number or in size, but a total suspension of increase appears in every part of the plant, the roots and seed vessels excepted. The straws of the Poa trixrialis are, on the contrary, at the time of flowering, weak and tender ; but as they advance towards the period of ripening the seed, they become firm and succulent ; after that peri- od, however, they rapidly dry up and appear little better than a mere dead substance. XIII. Festuca glabra. Wither. B. 2. P. 154. Smooth fescue grass. Nat. of Scotland. At the time of flowering, the produce from a clayey loam with manure is or. or lbs. per acre Grass, 21 or. The produce per acre - 228690 0=14293 80 tfr of gi-ass weigh when diy ^2 *?»-. ^ „. y,g -^^ S7\7 4 The produce of the space, ditto 134.1i%,t5 ^^*'° v-=:}fu 4 u The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying - - 8576 14 64 dr. of gi-ass afft)rd of nutritive matter 2 dr. 7 "-iaa t\ jlaf. in n The produce of the space, ditto 10.2 dr. 5 ^ 140 U = 440 lu u At the time the seed is ripe the produce is Gnss. 14 oz The produce per acre - - 152460 <= 9521 12 80 rfr.ofgrass weigh when dry . 32 Jn^ g^gg q == 3811 8 The producp of the space, ditto 89.2y 3 The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying 5717 4 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 1 1 <^''' ^ ocr 1 1 •• t o<: in The produce of the space, ditto - 4.1tV5 ^^' ' ^^ =" ^^^ 1 ii The weight of nutritive matter which is lost by leaving the crop till the seed be ripe, exceeding half of its value - - 260 9 The proportional value which the grass at the time the seed is ripe, bears to that of the crop at the time of flowering, is as 5 to 8. The produce of latter-math is Grass, 9 oz. The produce per acre 6t dr. of gi'ass afford of nutritive matter 2 ^r '^ The produce of the space, ditto - l.O^Jr. 3 The proportior.al value which the grass of the latter-math be«rs to that of the crop at the time of flowering, is as 2 to 8, and to that of the crop, at the time tlie seed is ripe, is as 2 to 5. The general appearance of t!»is grass is very slinihrr to that of the Featma duriiMcafa : it is however, specifically dift'erent, and inferior in many respects, which will be manifest on comparing their sevcnil prodiico with each other . but if it be compared with some others, now under (jenct-a! ctillivation, the re- sult is much in its favour, the soil which it affects being duly attended to. The Anthoxunthum odovatum being taken as an example, it. appears that Ids. per acre Festuca glabra, affords of nutritive matter From the crop at the time of fioweriivg - - - 446. > ,^^ oz. or lbs. per acre 98010 ^ 6125 10 765 U = 47 1.3 APPENDIX. 265 Anthoxanthum odoratum, ?:^ At the time of flowering, ditto - - - - - 122. At the time the seed is ripe, ditto .... 31 The weight of nutritive matter, which is afforded by the produce of one acre of the Festuca glabra exceeding tliat of the Anthox- anthum odoratum, in proportion nearly as 6 to 9, lbs. per acre 433. 199. XIV. EesUica rubra. Wither. B. 2. P. 153. Purple fescue grass.Nat. of Britain. At the time of flowering, the produce from alight sandy soil, is oz. 163350 56923 12 or tbs. per acre = 102U9 6 3557 11 3828 8 6651 U 239 4 174240 r8408 =10890 = 4900 8 5445 5989 340 8 Grass, 15 oz. The produce per acre 80 dr. of grass weigh when dry - 34 dr. ") The produce of the space, ditto - 102 dr. ^ The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying ....... 64 dr. of grass afford of luitritive matter 1.2 dr. \ The produce of the space, ditto - 22^ dr. At the time the seed is ripe the produce is Grass, 16 or The produce per acre 80 dr. of grass vVeigh when dry - 36 dr. ^ ^ The produce of the space, ditto 115 3 //,.. 3 The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 2 dr. , The produce of the space, ditto - 8 dr. '. The weight of nutritive matter which is lost by taking the crop when the grass is in flower, being nearly one-third part of its value - 101 The proportional value which the grass, at the time of flowering, bears to that at the time the seed is ripe, is as 6 to 8. This species is smaller in every respect than the preceding. The leaves are seldom more than from three to four inches in length ; it affects a soil si- milar to that favourable to the growth of the Festuca ovina, for which it would be a profitable substitute, as will clearly appear on a comparison of their pro- duce with each other The produce of latter-math is Grass, 5 oz. The produce per acre - . 54450 = 3403 2 64 t/r. of grass afford of nutritive matter 1.2 dr. 1276 2= 79 12 The proportional value which the grass of the latter-math bears to that at the time the seed is ripe is as 6 to 8, and is of equal value with the gi-ass at the time of flowering. XV. Festuca ovina. Engl.fBot. 585. Wither. B. 2. P. 152. Sheep's fescue grass. Nat. of Britain. 8 At the time the seed is ripe the produce is Grass, 8 oz. The produce per acre 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter The produce of the space, ditto The produce of latter-math is Grass, 5 oz. The produce per acre 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 1.2 Jr.? 3dr.S 1.1 dr. 87120 2031 14 or lbs. per acre = 5445 = 127 9 54450 1063 = 3403 7 = 66 The dry weight of this species was not ascertained, because the smallness of the produce renders it entirely unfit for hay. If the nutritive powers of this species be compared with those of the preceding, the inferiority will appear thus : l1 1.21 1.1 5 266 APPENDIX. Festuca ovina, (as above) ufToi'ds of nutritive matter Ditto ditto ditto Festuca nibra ditto ditto ~ < "12 Ditto > ditto ditto 1.2 5 The coniijarative degree of nourishment which the grass of the Festuca ru- bra affords, exceeds therefore that aflorded by the F. ovina, in proportion as 11 to 14. ^ From the trial that is here detailed, it does not seem to po.ssess the nutri- tive powers generally ascribed to it ; it has the advantage of a fine foliage, and may, therefore, very probably be better adapted to the masticating organs of sheep, than the larger gi-asses, whose nutritive powers are shewn to be great- er : hence on situations where it naturally gi'ows, and as pasture for sheep, it may be inferior to few others. It possesses natural characters very distinct from F. rubra. XVI. Briza media. Engl. Bot. 340. Host. G. A. 2. t. 29. Common quacking-grass. Nat. of Britain. At tlie time of flowering, the produce from a rich brown loam, is oz. or lbs. per acre Grass, 14 oz. The produce per acre - - 152460 = 9528 12 80 f/r. of grass weigh when dry - 26 rfr. ^ ..oeAo o nnac ti a The produce ofthe space, ditto 72.2-^^^,-. 5 *^^*^ 8=3096 13 8 The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying - ". - - 6431 14 8 64 At the time the seed is ripe the produce is Grass, 39 oz. The produce per aci"e 80 dr. of grass weigh when dry - 40 dr. ^ The produce of the space, ditto - 312 dr. 3 The weight lost by the produce of one acre 64 dr. of grass afibrd of nutritiv e matter 3.2 dr. ') The produce of the space, ditto - 34.0^ 3 The weight of nutritive matter which is gained by leaving the crop till the seed be ripe, being more than one-third part of its value, is 362 10 5 The proportional value which the grass at the time of flowering, bears to that at the time the seed is ripe, is as 5 to 7, nearly. The produce of the latter-math is Grass, 17 oz. 8 ./r. The produce per acre - 190575 0=11910 15 64 Jr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 1.2 dr. 4466 9 = 281 10 9 The proportional value which the grass of the latter-math bears to that at the time of flowering, is as 6 to 10 ; and to that at the time the seed is ripe, as 6 to 14. 64. dr. of the' straws at the time of flowering afford of nutritive matter 1.2 dr. The leaves or latter-math, and the straws simply, are there- fore of equal pnoportional value; a circumstance which will point out this grass to be more valuable for permanent pasture than for hay. The above de- tails prove, that a loss of nearly one-third of the value of the crop is sustained, if it is left till the period when the seed is ripe, though the proportional value of the grass at that time is greater, i. e. as 7 to 5. The produce does not in- crease if the grass is left growing after the period of flowering, but uniformly decreases ; and the loss of latter-math, which, (from the rapid growth of the foliage after the grass is cropped) is very considerable. These circumstances point out the necessity of keeping this grass closely cropped, either with the scythe or cattle, to reap the full benefit of its great merits. XVIII. Bromus tectonm. Host. G. A. 1, t. 15. Nodding pannicled brome-grass. Nat. of Europe Litroduced 1776. H. K. 1. 168. At the time of flowering, the produce from a light sandy soil, is or lbs. per acre Grass, 11 oz. The produce per acre 80 dr. of grass weigh when dry • 42 dr- ^ The produce of the space, ditto - 92.1^3 Tlie weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying oz. 119790 = 7486 14 62889 12 == 3930 9 12- 3556 4 4 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter The produce of the space, ditto 3 dr. I .1 dr. 3 5615 2 350 15 2 This species being strictly annual, affords no latter-math, which renders it comparatively of little value. ^ ZIX. Festuca cambrica. Hudson. W B. 2. P. 155. Nat. of Britain At the time of flowering, the produce from a light sandy soil, is oz. or lbs. per acrfe Grass, 10 05, The produce per acre - - 108900 ..--6806 4 268 APPENDIX. oz. or IBe. per acre 80 r/r. of grass weigh when dry - 34 .A-. ? ^^^^^ 8=2892 10 8 1 he produce ot the space, ditto - 68 dr. > .v The weight lost by the produce of one acre in dr\ing - 3913 9 8 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 2.1 dr. ') 'laoa a _ 239 4 8 Tlie produce of the space, ditto - 5.2^ 5 '" This species is nearly allied to the Festuca ovina, from which it differs little, except that it is larger in every respect. The produce, and the nutritive mat- ter which it affords, will be found superior to those given by the F. ovi7ia, if they are brought into comparison. XX. Brovms dlandnis. Curt. Lond. Engl. Bot. 1006. Nat. of Britain. At the time the grass is ripe flower, the produce from a rich brown loam, is Grass, 30 os. The produce per acre - - 326700 =20418 12 80 r/r.ofgrass weigh when dry - 34 Jr.? 138347 8 = 8677 15 The produce or the space, ditto ^04 dr. 3 I'he weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying - 11740 13 64 iroiA \ oer 9 1 The produce of the space, ditto - 22.2 5 1 =» vo/- ~ 1 This species, like the preceding, is strictly annual ; the above is therefore the produce for one year, which, if compared to that of the least productive of the perennial grasses, will be found inferior, and it must consequently be rC" garded as unworthy of culture. XXI. Poa angmtifolia. With. 2. P. 142. Narrow-leaved meadow grass. Nat. of Britain. At the time of flowering, the produce from a brown loam, is oz. or lbs. per acre Grass, 27 02. The produce per acre - - 294030 0=18376 14 80 f/r. of grass weigh when dry - "* '^'•- ? 104962 12 - 7810 2 12 The produce ofthc space, ditto - 183.2| 5 1-*^°^ ^^ - '»^" ^ ^^ The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying 10566 11 4 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 5 dr. ') ooscfi 11 1 A.'in « 11 The produce ofthe space, ditto - 33.3 5 ^-^»»o ^^ = i*ju on At the time the seed is ripe, the produce is Grass, 14 oz. The produce per acre - - 152460 = 9528 12 80 Jr. of grass weigh when dry - 32 Jr. ? f-r^Qf.. r. oo„ „ -. The produce of the space, ditto - 89.2^ 5 ^"^^* = 08U 8 The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying 5717 4 64 Jr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 5.1 Jr.? lotAC t ■rni fi t The produce of the space, ditto - 18.1^ 5 ^"^^^^ / - 7ui o 7 The weight of nutritive matter wliich is lost by leaving the crop tiU the seed be ripe, exceeding one-third part of its value - 649 4 In the early growth of the leaves of this species of Poa, there is a striking proof that early flowering in grasses is not always connected with the most abundant early produce of leaves. In this respect all the species which have already come under examination, are greatly inferior to that now spoken of. Before the middle of April the leaves attain to the length of more than twelve inches, and are soft and succulent ; in May, howevei", when the flower-stalks make their appearance, it is subject to the disease termed rust, which af- fects the whole plant ; the consequence of which is manifest in the great defi- ciency of produce in the crop at the time the seed is ripe, being one-half less than at the time of the flowering of the grass. Though this disease begins in APPENDIX. 269 the straws, the leaves suftcr most from its effects, being al the time tlie seed is ripe completely dried up : the straws, therefore, constitute the principiil part of the crop for mowing, and they contain more nutritive matter in propor- tion than the leaves. This grass is evidently most valuable for pernjancnt jias- ture, for which, in consequence of its srpcrior, rapid, and early growtii, and the disease beginning at the straws, nature seems to have designed it. The , grasses which approach neaiest to this in respect of early produt:e of leaves, are tlie Poa fcrtilis, Dac'.ijlis glomerata, PIdcum pralenac, Jilofiecunta pralemis, Jlvena etiator, and Bromus littoreus, all grasses of a coarser kind. XXII. Avi-iM eliator. Curtis 191. Engl. Bot. 813. — Holcus avenaceus. Tall oat -grass. Nat. of Britain. At the time tlie seed is ripe, the produce is oz. or Ihs, per acre Grass,, 24 or. The produce per acre - - ,261360 0=16335 8 i *•. of grass weigh when dry - 28rf,-.> 91475 14 _ 5717 inpo «<> nee o 10 The produce of the space, ditto - 6 Jr. 5 *iJ»J l^ - ^55 6 IZ The produce of latter-math is. Grass, 20 oz. The produce per acre - - 217800 0=13612 8 64 dr of grass afford of nutritive matter 1.1 dr. 4ii53 14 = 265 13 14 The weight of nutritive matter which is afforded by the crop of the latter-math, exceeding that afforded by the grass of the seed crop in proportion nearly as 26 to 25. - - - - 10 9 2 This grass sends forth flower straws during the whole Season ; the latter- math contains nearly an equal number with the flowering crop. It is subject to the rust, but the disease does not make its appearance till after the period of flowering; it affects the whole plant, and at the time the seed is npe the leaves and straws are withered and dry. This accounts for tlie superior value of the latter-math over the seed crop, and points out the propriety of taking the crop when the grass is in flower. XXIII. Poa eliator. Curtis, 50. Tall-meadow grass. Nat, of Scotland. At the time of flowering, the produce from a rich clayey loam, is Grass, 18 02. The produce per acre 80 dr. of grass weigli when dry 28 dr. ") Tlie produce of the space, ditto 100.3 .? ^ 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 3.2 dr. " Tlie produce of the space, ditto - 15.3 The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying .... .... 36I7 15 3 The botanical characters of this g^ass are almost the same as those of thf^ ^vena eliator, differing in the want of the awns only. It has the essential cha racter of the Hold (Florets male, and hermaphrodite. Calyx husks two-valved with two florets) and since the Aveiia eliator is now referred to that ^cw\^ Ibis may with certainty be considered a variety of it. XXIV. Fentuca duriusada. Engl. Bot. 470. W. B. 9. P. 153. Hard fescue grass Nat. of Britain. oz. 196020 or lbs. per acre =-12251 4 60607 =- 4287 15 10719 13 = 669 15 13 270 APPENDIX. At the time of flowering, tlie produce from a light sandy loam, is or. or Ids. per acre Grass, 27.8 or. The produce per acre - 294030 0=18376 14 80 f/;-. of grass weigh when dry - 26 dr.-^ ,„„,,„ The produce of the space, ditto 194 l| $ ^''^'^^^ 8 = 8259 9 The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying - . . 10106 4 8 The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying - " 7112 8 S ji4 Jr. of grass .-ifl-ord of nutritive matter 2.3 Jr. ^ 8890 10= 555 10 10- The produce of the spiice, ditto - lo.Oj > XXVI. Milivm efusunu Curt. Lond. Engl. Bot. 1106. Common millet grass. Nat. of Britain At the time of flowering, the produce from a light sandy soil, is oz, or llis. per acre tJrass, 11 or. 8 Jr. The produce per acre - 196020 0=12251 4 80 Jr. of grass u-eigh when dry ^^Irf^J 7595712=4747 5 li The produce of the space, ditto lll.Sg- y 64 dr. of grass allord of nutritive matter 1.3 Jr. ^ ^r, -q ,^ _ no^ , - j^ The produce of the space, ditto 7.3* S ~ APPENDIX. 271 ' This species in its natural state seems confined to woods as its place of ^jTowth ; but the trial that is here mentioned, confirms the opinion that it will grow and tlirive in open exposed situations. It is remarkable for the light- ness of the produce, in proportion to its bulk. It ])r()duces foliage early in tlie spring- in considerable abundance ; but its nutritive powers appear compara- tively little. XXVII. Festnca pratensis. Engl. Bot. 1592. C.Long. Meadow fescue grass. Nat. of Britain. At the time of flowering, the produce from a bog soil, with coal ashes for taanure, is or lbs. per acre dr. ■) dr-S oz. 217800 103455 8 .13612 6465 15 15314 1 304920 121968 7146 = 957 =19057 -= 7623 7146 9 11434 8 446 10 Grass, 20 oz. The produce per acre 80 dr. of grass weigh when dry - 38 dr The produce of the space, ditto - 152 The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying - - - ' - 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 4.2 dr. ') The produce of the space, ditto 22.2 dr. > At the time the seed is ripe the produce is Grass, 28 oz The produce per acre 80 dr. of gi-ass weigh when dry 32 dr. ') The produce of the space, ditto 179.0* 5 The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying ........ 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 1.2 dr. ~) The produce of the space, ditto 10.2 dr. 5 The weight of nutritive matter which is lost by leaving the crop till the seed be ripe, exceeding one-half of its value - 510 7 8 The value of the grass at the time the seed is ripe, is to that of the grass at the time of flowering, as 6 to 18. . The loss which is sustained by leaving the crop of this grass till the seed be ripe, is very great. That it loses more of its weight in drying at this stage of growth, than at the time of flowering, perfectly agrees with the deficiency of nutritive matter in the seed crop, in proportion to that in the flowering crop : the straws being succulent in the former, they constitute the greatest part of the weight ; but in the latter they are compat atively withered and dry, conse- quently the leaves constitute the greatest part of the weight. It may be ob- served here, that there is a great difference between straws or leaves that have been dried after they were cut m a succulent state, and those which arc dried (if I may so express it) by nature whde growing. The former retain all their nutritive powers ; but the latter, if completely dry, very little, if any. XXVIII. Lolium perenne. Engl. Bot. 315. Flo. Dan. 747. Perennial rye-grass. Nat. of Britain. At the time of flowering, the produce from a rich brown loam is oz. or lbs. per acre Grass, 11 o:. 8 (/n The produce per acre - 125235 = 7827 3 80 dr. of grass weigh when dry The produce of the space, ditto 78 34 dr. ■ 4 53156 13 = 3322 4 li The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying -.-.... 64 dr. of grass aflTord of nutritive matter 2.2 '/'•• V The pro•. 850 12.== 53 2 12 The proportional value wiiich the grass of the lalter-matli bears to that at the time of flowering, is as 4 to 10, and to that at the time the seed is ripe, as 4 to 11. XXIX. Poa maritima. Engl. Rot. 1140. Sea meadow grass. Nat. of Britain. At tlie time of flowering, the produce fi-om a light brown loam, is •Grass, 18 or. The produce per acre 80 dv. of grass weigh when dry The produce of the space, ditto The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying 32 dr. 115.5J 196020 78408 or lbs. per aci-e =12251 = 4900 13782 7350 861 64 dv. of grass afford of nutritive matter 4.2 dr. 1 The produce of the space, ditto - 20.1 9004.7 o Thf produce of tiie space, ditto 44 dr. > ^-^y*' ^ — Tlie wt-igiit lost by the produce of one acre in Irving 64 -^ i.ioo^ b « The weigiit lost by the produce of one acre in drying 10107 4 8 64 ir,n«, j The produce of the space, ditto 18 Jr. j ^^^^ * "= 7&5 11 M m 9 7 274 APPENDIX. At tlie time the seed is ripe, the produce is or. or lbs. per aci-e Grass, 16 oz. the produce per acre 174240 = lOS'K) 80 ^/r, of grass weis,'h when dry 33 dr. > 71874.0 4492 2 The produce of tlic space, ditto lOSy 5 The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying- 6397 14 ()4 (//-. of grass afiord of nutritive matter 3.1 dr. \ hrah o =» 55" 2 Tlie prochice of the space, ditto 13 dr. 5 The latter-math produce is Grass, 5 oz. The produce per acre - - 54450 = 3403 2 64 dr. of grxss afford of nutritive matter 1.1 dr. 1063 7 = 66 7 7 The weigiit of oytritivc matter which is lust by leaving tlie cro|) till the seed be ripe, exceed- ing one fourth part of its value -..--. 212 11 The proportional value which the grass, at the time of flowering, bears to that at the time the seed i-i ripe, is as 12 to 13 ; and the value of the latter- math stands ih proportion to tliat of the crop at the time of flowering, as 5 to 12, and to that of the crop taken at the time the seed is ripe, as 5 to 13. This species of fescue greatly resembles the rye grass, in habit and place of growth : it has excellencies which make it greatly superior to that grass, for the pur[)oses of either hay or permanent pasture. This species seems to improve in produce in proportion to its age, which is directly the re- verse of the Lolium pereime. XXXIV. Poa cristata. Host. G. A. 2, t. 75.— Aira Cristata. Engl. Bot. 648. Crested meadow grass. Nat. of Britain. At the time of flowering, the produce from a sandy loam is ox. or lbs. per acre Grass, 16 or. The produce per acre - - 174240 = 10890 80 ^r. of grass weigh when dry 36 rfr ^ ^g^g q = 4900 Si Ihe produce oi the space, ditto H^TB" j The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying - - 5989 8 64 r/r. of grass afford of nutritive matter 2 dr. 'i e/tAe n lAri K Q The produce of the space, ditto 8 dr. 5 ^'**^ U — JW ^ u The prochice of this species, and the nutritive matter that it affords, are equal to those of the Festuca ovina at the time the seed is ripe : they equally delight in dry soils. The greater bulk of grass in proportion to tlie weight, with the comparative coarseness of the foliage, render the Poa cristata infe- rior to the Festuca ovina. XXXV. Festuca mijiirus. Engl. Bot, 1412. Host. G. A. 2, t. 93. Wall fescue grass. Nat. of Britain. At the time of flowering, the produce from a light sandy soil is oz, or Jbs. per acre Grass, 14 oz. The ])roduce per acre - - 152460 80 dr. of grass weigh when dry 24 dr. "i ^c-oo n. The produce of the space, ditto 67||y 5 ^^'"^^ " The wt ight lost by the produce of one acre in drying - 64 rfr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 1.2 3062 13 191 6 13 The produce of the space, ditto 4.2 dr. ) XXXV^II. ffordeitm hulbomm. Hort. Kew. 1, P. 179. Bulbous barley grass. Nat. of Italy and the Levant. Introduced 1770, by Mons. Richard. I At the time of flowering, the produce from a clayey loam with manure, is ' OS, or lbs. per acre Grass, 35 oz. The produce per acre - - 381150 =23821 80 ./r. of grass weigh when dry - 93 ./r. 7 ^^.^^224 q = 9826 8 6 The produce or tlie space, ditto - 2:>l dr.- 3 The weight lost by tlie produce of one acre in drying - - 13994 7 10 64 The produce of the space, ditto - 90 dr. 5 At the time the seed is ripe the produce is Grass, 75 oz. The produce per acre ... 80 dr. of grass weigh when dry 19 dr. '} The produce of the space, ditto 283 dr. 3 The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying - 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 3 dr. ^ The produce of the space, ditto 56,1 dr. 5 The weight of nutritive matter which is lost by leaving the crop till tiic seed be ripe, being nearly one third part of its value 1435 11 2 The proportional value which the grass of the time the seed is ripe, bears to that, at the time of flowering, is as 12 to 18. This grass, as has alrea « .« Ti.e p.oauce of the si)ace, ditto - 50U«^ \ "^^^^^S 10 ==21:>78 10, The weight lost by the produce ot'one acre in drying 64 (//'. ot ).e spuce, (htto 196 dr. 3 Tlie weig-i\t of nuti-ilive matter which is lost by taking the cro]) at the time of flowering, eJJceeding one half of its value - ... - 1111 5 6 The proportional value which the grass at the time of flowering bears to that at the time the seed is ripe, is as 6 to 14. Tiiis species greatly resembles the preceding in habit and manner of growth ; but is inferior to it in value, which is evident from the deficiency of its produce, and ol tiu' nutritive matter afforded liy it. The whole plant .is likewise coarser and of greater bulk m j)roporlion to its weight. The seed is alfecied with the same disease which destroys that of the former spe- cies. - - 20540 1 6 15567 4 = 973 1 4 6U9840 =38115 243936 =15246 - 22869 33350 = 2084 6 10 XL. Festnca eliator. Engl. Rot. 1593. Host. G. A. 2, t. 79. Tall fescue grass. Nat. of liriiain. At the time of flowering, the produce from ablack rich loam, is oz, or lbs. per acre Grass, 7S oz. The produce per acre 80 .->mA^ « « ^ Th.^ produce of th<- space, ditto - 57 2} ^ = 24o0 4 The v/cifi^ht lost by the produce of one acre i'l drying 3675 6 64 f/r. of grass afford of nu'ritive matter 2.1 '^r.^ oa^c in •.•^ ^r -r. The produce of the space, ditto - 5.0J j 3445 10-= 215 5 10 XLII. Triticnm, Sp. Wheat grass. At the time of flowering, the produce from a rich sandy loam is oz. or lbs. per acre Grass, 18 oz. The produce per acre - . - 196020 =12251 4 SO (h'. of grass w^igh when drv - 33 '/'"O the produce of the space, ditto - 115^ S ~^'*^^ = 4900 8 Tlie weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying - 7350 12 64 to n The produce of the space, ditto - - 96 Jr. $ °'^'^^" = 4083 12 The weiglit lost by the pt'oduce of one acre in drying - - 9528 12 64 J;-, of grass afford of nutritive matter l.o Jr. ? ^^q^ ^ „ „ The produce of the space, ditto - 8.3 Jr. S ^^ = o72 o 7 The above produce was taken from grass tliat liad occupied the ground for four years, during wliich time it had increase dr. ? ijino => 818 14 • The produce of the space, ditto - 19.1 Jr. 5 278 APPENDIX. Uc. per acre The weight of nutritive matter which is lost by leaving the crop till the seed be ripe, exceeding one-third part of its value - 372 3 8 The proportional value which the grass at the time the seed is ripe, bears to that at tlie time of flowering, is as 11 to 12. XLV. Festuca ditmelorum. Flo. Dan. 700. Pubescent fescue grass. Nat. of Britain. At the time of flowering, the produce from a black sandy loam, is oz. or lbs. per acre Grass, 16 oz. The pr :duce per acre - - 174240 =10890 80 rfr. of grass weigh when dry . - - 40 dr."} q-,oA n -a Mr n n The produce of the space, ditto - 120 Jr. 5 ^^^^0 = o44.5 9 The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying - -' 5445 64 __„ „ im o c The produce of the Si >ace, ditto - - 4 Jr. 5 ^'^^ " "^ UU ^ a XLVI. Poafirtilis Host. G. A. Fertilis meadow grass. Nat. of Germany. At the time of flowering the produce from a clayey loam, is ' oz. or lbs. per acre Grass, 22 oz. The produce per acre - - 239580 =14973 12 80 ./,-. of grass weigh when dry - ' ff'l U5779 ^ = 78&1 3 8 The produce 01 the space, ditto - lo4y 3 The weiglit lost by the produce of one acre in drying --..-..--- 7111 8 8 64rfnof grass afford of nutritive matter 4 2 Jr. ^ jjg845 7 _ io52 13 7 The produce of the space ditto - 24.3 dr. 5 If the nutritive powers and produce of this species, be compared with any other of the same family, or sucli as resemble it in habit and the soil which it affects, a superiority will be found, which ranks this as one of the most valuable grasses ; next to the Poa angitstifolia, it produces the greatest abundance of early foliage, of the best quality, which fully compensates for the comparative lateness of flowering. XLVII. Jlrundo colorata. Hort. Kew. I.P. 174. Engl. Bot, 402. Phalaris ai'iuidinacea. Striped-leaved reed grass, Nat. of Britain. At the time of flowering, the produce from a black sandy loam is oz. or lbs. per acre Grass, 40 or. The produce per acre - - 435600 0=27225 80 f/r. of grass weigh when dry 56 dr.'> mcnon n i99ci A. n The produce ofthe space, ditto - 28.8 Jr. 5 ^^^^^^ 0=12251 4 64 Jr. of grass afford of nutritive matter . 4 Jr 7 otooc n I7ni Q n The produce of the space, ditto - 40 Jr. 5 '^'^^^ u = i/'ui y u The strong nutritive powers which this grass possesses recommend it to the notice of occupiers of strong clayey lands, which cannot be drained. Its produce is great, and tlie foliage will not be denominated coarse, if compared with those which afford a produce equal in quantity. XLVm. Trifolmm prntmse. W. Bot. 3, P. l."7. Broad-leaved cultivai ed clover. Nat of Britain. At the time the seed is ripe flower, the produce from a rich clayey loam is oz. or lbs. per acre Grass, 72 oz. The produce per acre - - 784080 =49005 APPENDIX. 279 80 dr. of grass weigh when dry - 20 dr. 7 The produce of the space, ditto - 288 dr. $ The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying - - 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 2.2 dr. The produce of the space, ditto - 45 dr, 9z. «F lbs. per acre 196020 =12251 30628 2 3675 1914 If the weight which is lost by the produce of this species of clover, in drying, be compared with that of many of the natural grasses, its inferior va- lue for the purpose of hay, compared to its value for green food, or pasture, will appear ; for it is certain that the difficulty of making good hay increases in proportion with the quantity of superfluous moisture which the grass may contain. Its value for green food, or pasture, may further be seen by com- paring its nutritive powers, with those manifested by other plants generally esteemed best for this purpose. Trifolium pratense (as above) affords of nutritive matter - 2.2 dr. XLIX. Trifolinm ripens (white clover) from an equal quantity of grass •.. 2.0*. L. Ditto, variety, with brown leaves, ditto . - - - . 2.2 dr. Tile grass of the T*. pratense, therefore, exceeds in value that of the T. repens, by a proportion as 8 to 10 ; but it is of equal proportional value with the brown variety. LI. Burnit (Poterium sanguisorba) affords of nutritive matter - 2.2 dr. LII. Bunias orientalis (a newly introduced plant,) ditto - - - 2.2 dr. The proportional value of these two last, and of the T. pratense, and the brown-leaved variety of T. repens, are equal ; they exceed the T. repens as 8 to 10. The comparative produce of these four last-mentioned species, per acre, has not been ascertained. LIU. Trifolium macrorhizum. Long-rooted clover. Nat. of Hungary, At the time the seed^is ripe, the produce from a rich clayey loam is Grass, 144 oz. The produce per acre 80 dr. of grass weigh when dry - 34 ^gggS = 35J9 4 I'he produce of Uie space, ditto - 83-5- 3 Tlie wciarlit lost by tiie produce of one acre in drying - - - - - 5308 14 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 2.2 dr. ') ^^^q j^ ^ 045 IQ 1 The produce of the space, ditto - 8.04 > LVl. Ifordeiim pratense. Engl. Bot. 409. Host. G. A. 1. 1. 33. Meadow barley-grass. Nat. of Britain. At the time of flowering, the produce from a brown loam, with manure, is Grass, 12 oz. The produce per acre 80 dr. of grass weigh wlien dry - 32 dr. ■) The [)roduce of the space, ditto - 67.1 dr.^ The weight lost by the produce of one acre in ■ drying - - - - - 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 3.3 dr. ^ The produce of the sp;.; c^ ditto - 11.1 dr. 3 LVII. Poa compressa. Engl. Bot. 365. Flat-stalked Meadow-grass. Nat. of Britain, At the time of flowering, tlie produce from a gravelly soil, with manure, is oz. or lbs. per acre Grass, 5 oz. The produce per acre - - 54450 = 3403 2 80 ,/r. of grass Avcigh when dry - 34(/r.J 23^^^ 4 = 1446 5 4 The produce or tlve space, ditto - o4 dr. > The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying - '- 1956 12 12 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter - 5 dr. > .2^0 ^^ ^ 265 13 14' The produce of the space, ditto - 6.1 5 "^ •■ 1 The specific characters of this species are mucli the same as those ot the roafc-rtilis, differing in the compressed figure of the straws and creeping root onlv. If the produce was of magnitude, it would be one of the most valuable" grasses ; for it produces foliage e^rly in the spring, and possesses strong nutritive powers. LVIII. Poa aqiialica. Curt. Lond. Engl. Bot. 1315. Heed Meadow-grass. Nat. of Britain. At the time of flowering, the produce from a strong tenaciou.s clay, is oz. or lbs. per acre Grass, 186 oz. The produce per acre - - 20225540 .==126596 4 SO Jr. of grass weigh when dry - 48 f/i-. ^ 1215324 = 75957 12 The produce of the space, ditto - 1785.2^^. S l"]je weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying 50638 8 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 2.2 dr. } 7C)122 = 4945 2 10 The pro hice of tlie space, ditto - 116.1 dr. j LIX. ^ra aqnatica. Curt. Lond. Engl. Bot. 1557- Water hair grass. Nat. of Britain. \t tlie time of flowering, the produce from water, is oz. or lbs. per acre (h-ass, 16 oz. 'I-he produce per acre - - 1742400 ---= 10890 N II 282 APPENDIX. oz. or iis. per acre 80 rfr. of grass weigh when dry - 24*0 o = "^^fiT .. o The produce of the space, ditto - 76.3,V 5 ' The weighi lost by the produce of one acre in drying - - 7623 64 (//■. fff grass afford of nutritive matter 2.1 dr.'i - _ ^ „„_ .,„ ^(. Tiie produce of the space, ditto - 9 dr. $ , ^ ^ LX. Brotniis cristatus. Triticum cristatum, H. G. A. 2, t. 24. Secale prostratum. Jacquiu. Nat. of Germany. At the time O'' flowering', the produce from a clayey loam, is oz. or lbs. per acre Grass, 13 oz. The produce per acre - - 141570 = 8848 80 Jr. of grass weigh when dry - - o6dr.\ rt:cno a ^.-on a n The produce of the space, ditto - 83.1 dr. ^ ^^°^^ = od>3U * U The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying - - 5308 14 64 J)', of grass afford of nutritive matter 2.2 dr.'i re^n i "At: in n The produce of the space, ditto - 8.0^?^ ^ ^^"^ '■ = ^*^ ^" ^ LXI. Elyrmis Sibiricus. Hort. K. 1, P. 176. Cult. 1758, by William P. Millar. Siberian lyme grass. Nat. of Siberia. At the time of flowering, the produce from a sandy loam, with manure, is oz. or lbs. per acre Grass, 24 oz. The produce per acre ' - - 261360 = 16335 80 d,-. of grass weigh when dry - -^S^-] 91476 = 5717 4 The produce ot the space, ditto - lo4.1j 3 The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying ,- 10617 12 64 rf)\ of grass afford of nutritive matter 2.1 dr.'i 91 SR 7 = 511 7 The produce of the space ditto - 13.2 dr. $ fcXII. Mra cxspiiosa. Host. G. A. 2. t. 42. Engl. Bet. 1557. 'llirty hair grass. Nat. of Britain. At the time the seed is ripe, the produce from a strong tenacious clay is oz. or lbs. per acre Grass, 15 oz. The produce per acre - - 163350 6 =10209 6 80 rf,-. of grass weigh when dry - -26rfr.7 53088 12=3318 12 1 he produce ot the space, ditto - ^'^^■r ^ The weiarht lost by the produce of one acre in drying -...------ ooyi 5 4 64 (/)•. of grass afford of nutritive matter 2 dr.\ e^\{^^ \y = 319 11 The produce of the space, ditto - 7.2 dr. 3 LXni, Hordeum murinum. Curt. Lond. Engl. Bot. 1971. Wall barley grass. Way Bennet. Nat. of Britain. At the time of flowering, the produce from a clayey loam, is oz. or lbs. per acre Grass, 18 oz. The produce per acre - - 196020 0=12251 4 80 dr. of grass weigh wlieii dry - 28 dr. } gggQj, q _ ^287 15 The produce of the space, ditto 100.O.J. 3 The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying . " - - - , 7963 5 64 Jr of grass afford of nutritive matter 3 dr.'i 2679 15 = 167 7 15 The produce of the space, ditto - ^-^^g ^ APPENDIX. 283 LXIV. Avena flavesceiis (Jurt. Lond. Engl. Bot. 952. Yellow oat grass. Nat. of Britain. At the time of flowering, the produce from a clayey loam, is oz. or Ibs^tv acre Grass, 12 oz. The produce per acre - - 130680 ' = 8157 8 80 Jr. of Krass weigh when dry - 28 J,..-> ^.^„g 0=2858 10 1 he produce ot the space, ditto - o/.l dr. 3 The weight lest by the produce of one acre in dtying - 5308 14 64 c/r of grass afford of nutritive matter 3.3 e space, ditto 27.2 dr The weight of nutritive matter which is lost by taking the crop at tlie time of flowering, exceeding one-third part of its value is 436 1 3 Tlie proportional value which the gra.ss, at the time of flowering, bears to that at the time the seed is ripe, is as 12 to 20. The i-Toduce of latter-math is Grass, 7 oz. The produce per acre - - 76230 = 4764 6 64 The produce of the space, ditto l^-'Jy 3 The produce of latter-math is Grass, 13 oz. Tlie produce per acre 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 1.1 dr. oz. 196020 or lbs. per acre = 12251 4 85758 12 == 5359 14 12 . 6891 5 4 13016 15 = 813 8 15 141570 2765 = 8848 2 = 172 13 LXXV. .^igrostis vulgaris. Wither. Bot. 2, 132. Hud. A. capllaris. Dr. Smithy A. arenaria. Fme bent grass. Nat. of. Britain. At the time the seed is ripe, the produce from a sandy soil, is 152460 76230 or lbs per acre = 9528 12 4764 6 .2^%dr.l 4019 15 4764 251 6 3 15 Grass, 14 oz. The produce per acre 80 dr. of grass weigh when dry - 40 dr. The produce of the space, ditto 112 dr. The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 1.2-^ The produce of the space, ditto 5 This is one of the most common of the bents, likewise the earliest; in these respects, it is superior to all others of the same family, but inferior to seveml of them in produce, and the quantity of nutritive matter it affords. As the species of this f:\mily are generally rejected by the cultivator, on account of the lateness of their flowering ; and this circumstance, as has alreadj' been obser- ved, does not always imply a proportional lateness of foliage, their compara- tive merits in this respect may be better seen, by bringing them into one vieWj as to the value of tiieif early foliage. The aj>parept difference Tlieir nutritive of time. powers. Agrostis vulgaris Middle of April - 1-2^ palustris One weel;' later - 2.3^ siolonifera Two, ditto - 3.2 canina Ditto, ditto 1.3 ■itricia Ditto, ditto ' 1.2 288 APPENDIX. The apiiarenl ■ difference Their nutritive (if time. jjoweis. nivea Tliree weeks, ditto 2 littoralis Ditto, ditto o repcns Ditto, ditto o mt'xicana Ditto, ditto 2 fasciculans Ditto, ditto 2 T.XXVI. Agrostis palmtns. Wither. Bot. 2, P. 129. Var. 2, alba. Engl. Bot. 1189. A. alba. Marsh bent grass. At tlie time of flowering', the produce from a bog-earth, is oz. or lbs. per acre Grass, 15 or. The produce per acre - - 163350 6 =102u9 6 80 f/r. of errass weiHi when dry 36 dr.') ,-.-,, n'r q ,itn.t o o The produce ot the space ditto - lOo dr.^ Tlie weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying -.....:..- 5615 2 3 64 Jr of grass afford of nutritive matter 2.3 rfr. > 7018 15 = 4""? 10 15 The produce of the space, ditto - 10. H 3 _ a At the time the seed is ripe the produce is Grass, 20 oz. The produce per acre - - - 217800 =13612 8 80 rfr. of grass weigh when dry 32rf..J ^ = 5445 The produce 01 the space, ditto 128 dv.$ The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying 8167 8 64 f/?'. of grass afford of nutritive matter 2.j dr.') q"\q q _ '>P4 14. Q The produce of the space, ditto 13 3 dr. 5 ^ ~ The weight of nutritive matter which is lost by taking the crop at tlie time of flowering, being one-fourth part of its value - 146 3 10 The proportional value of grass, in each crop is equal. T.XXVII. Panicum dactijhm. Engl. Bot. 850. Host. G. A. 2, t. IS. Creeping Panic grass. Nat. of Britain. At the time of flowering, the produce from a sandy loam, with manure, is oz. or lbs. per acre fJrass 46 oz. The produce per acre - - 500940 =31308 12 Hi; dr, of grass weigh when dry 36 dr. ") gor^oa « Tlie produce of the space, ditto 33l.0| 5 "^^^^^^^ ^ 'I'he weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying -• 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 2 dr. 7 -i rg^x .5 The produce of the space, ditto - 23 dr. $ .LXX\'ni. Aqmslis utolonifi'ra. Engl. Bot. 1532. Wither. Bot. 2, 181. (Fiorln, l)r. Richardson.) Creeping bent. Nat. of Britain. At the time of flowering, the produce from a bog soil, is oz. or lbs. per acre Crass, 26 or. The produce per acre - - 283140 =17696 4 80 Jr. of grass weigh when dry - .35 Jr.") ,^^07- 10 77.10 1 19 The produce of the space, ditto - i82,/r.5^ '>■'".£ weight lost by the jjroducc of one acre - - - 9732 15 O 14088 15 17219 13 97866 6 APPENDIX. 289 <54 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 3.2 dr. The produce of the space, ditto 22.3 dr :] oz. 15484 or lbs. per acre = 967 1.2 3 36 dr. 20I.2| 504920 137214 =19057 8 = 8575 14 10481 10 16675 = 1042 3 At the time the seed is ripe the produce is Grass, 28 oz. The produce per acre 80 dr. of grass weigh when dry I'he ])roduce of the space, ditto 'I'he weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying ....... 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 3.2 di The produce of the space, ditto 24.2 dr The weight of nutritive matter which is lost by taking the crop at the time of flowering, being nearly one-fourteenth of its value, 74 7 3 I.XXIX. ^groxtis stolonifera. Var. angnstilblia. Creeping bent, with narrow leaves. Nat. of Britain. At the time the seed is ripe, the produce fnmi a bog soil, is Grass, 24 oz. The produce per acre 80 dr. i)f grass weigh when dry 36 dr. > The produce of the space, ditto 172.3y 5 The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying ... . . . . . 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 3 dr. ") The produce of the space, ditto 18 dr. 5 I'he weight of nutritive matter afforded by tlie produce of one acre of the Agrostis stolonifera, exceeding that of the variety in proportion, is 6 to 8 - 276 8 1 The above details will assist the farmer in deciding on the comparative va- lue of this gi"ass. From a careful examination it will dovibtless appear to pos- .sess merits well worthy of attention, though perhaps not so great as has been supposed, if the natural place of its growth and habits be impartially taken into the account. From the couchant nature of this grass, it is denominated couch-grass, by practical men, and from the length of time that it retains the vital power, after being taken out of the soil, is called squitch, quick, full of life, &c. LXXX. Agrostis camia. Engl. Bot. 1856. Brown bent. Nat. of Britain. oz. 261360 or lbs. per acre =16335 117612 = 7350 12 . 8984 4 12251 4 = 765 11 4 At the time of flowering, the produce from a brown sandy loam, is \i \ 43013 =- 2688 5 oz. or /6s. per acre 98ulG = 6125 10 3437 3828 8 = 239 Grass, 9 oi. The produce per acre 80 dr. of grass weigh when dry 34 dr. The produce of the space, ditto - 63-j- . The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying '64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 2.2 dr. \ The produce of the space, ditto - 5.21^ 3 LXXXI. Agrostis canina. Var. muticae. Awnless brown bent. Nat. of Britain. At the time the seed is ripe, the produce from a sandy soil, is oz. or lbs: per acre Grass, 21 oz. The produce per acre - ^-- - O 228690 =14293 2 290 APPENDIX. w. 80 dr. of grass weigh when dry - 24 dr. "> The produce of the space, ditto 100.3-y ^ The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying 64t/r. of grass afford of nutritive matter 1.3 dr. ^ The produce of tlie space, ditto - 9.0j 5 The weight of nutritive matter which the produce of one acre of the awnless variety, exceeds that of the last mentioned species 151 68607 6253 or lbs. per acre = 4287 15 10005 3 = 390 13 8 11 1.XXXII. Agrostis stricta. Curt. A. rubra. Upright bent grass. Nat. of Britain. At the time the seed is ripe the produce from a bog soil, is Grass, 11 or. The produce per acre - - 119790 = 7486 14 80 dr. of grass weigh when dry - 29 dr. "> 43433 ^^ ^ 2713 15 The produce 01 the space, ditto - oo* dr.y The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drj'ing - 4772 15 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 1.2 dr.\ 0007 o — it*? r The produce of the space, ditto - * '' " ^ "^^^^ ^~ ^'^ ' .2 dr.\ LXXXni. Agrostis nivea. Snowy bent grass. Nat. of Britain. At rhe time the seed is ripe, the produce from a sandy soil, is Gra-iS, 7 oz. The produce per acre 80 ./' . of grass weigh when dry - 22 dr. i The pvoduce of the space, ditto - 30.S-|- 3 The weight lost by the produce of one aci'e in dryiig - 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 2 dr. 7 The produce of the space, ditto - o^dr. 3 76230 20963 4 or lbs. per awe = 4764 6 1310 3 3454 3 2382 3 == 148 14 LXXXIV. Agrostis fascicularis. ILids. Var. canina. Curt. Tufted leaved bent. Nat. of Britain. At the time of flowering, the produce from a light sandy soil, is Grass, 4 oz. The produce per acre 80 ^r. of grass weigh when dry - 20 dr.') The produce of the space, ditto - 16 dr. 5 The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 2 dr. 7 The produce of the space, ditto - 2 The produce of the space, ditto - 192 dr. I dr.^ oz. or lbs. per acre 326700 —20418 12 130680 « 8167 8 APPENDIX, 291 0^, OP lbs. per acre 4:he weiffht lost by tlie produce of one acre in drying - - 12251 4 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 1.1 dr.'> g^gn it «. 398 to 13 Tlie produce of the space, ditto - 9.1 ^ 5 LXXXVI. Panicum viride. Curt. Lond. Engl. Bot. 875. Green Panic grass. Nat. of Britain. At the time the seed is ripe, the produce from a light sandy soil, is Grass, 8 oz. The produce per acre - - 87120 = 5445 80 rfr. of grass weigh when dry - 32 dv.} ^^^^^ Q »= 2178 The produce or the space, ditto - 51^ 3 The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying 326/ ' 64 Jr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 1.2 dr.") nr, ., ^. iot q i^ The produce of the space, ditto - 3 dr. 5 -^^^^ ^^' °° 1-^' ^ ■^* LXXXVII. Panicum sanguinale. Curt. Lond. Engl. Bot. 849. Blood coloured panic grass. Nat. of Britain. At the time the seed is ripe, the produce from a sandy soil, is Grass, 10 oz. The produce per acre - - 108900 0. = 6806 4 64 dr, of grass afford nutritive matter ■'^•^■^g- 1914 4 = 119 IQ 4 This and the prec«dmg species are strictly annual, and from tlie results of this trial their nutritive powers appear to be very inconsiderable. The seed of this species, Mr. Schreber describes (in Beschreibung der Graser) as the manna grass. In Poland, Lithuania, 8tc. it is collected in great abundance when after being thoroughly separated from the husks, it is fit for use. When boil- ed with milk, or wine, it forms an extremely palatable food, and is most com- monly made use of wliole, in the manner of sago, to which it is in general pre. ferred. LXXX^^II. Agrostis lobata. Curtis, lobata carenai'ia, Lobed bent grass. At the time of flowering, the produce from a sandy soil, is 0-. or ibs. per acfe Grass, 10 oz. The produce per acre - - 108900 = 6806 4 80 dr. of grass weigh when dry - - 40 dr. "> The produce of the space, ditto - -BOdr.S ^4450 = 3403 2 Tlie weight lost by the pi'oduce of one acre in drying -".-.-.-... 3403 2 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 3 dr.\ ,.,„. ., _ ^ The produce of the space, ditto - 7.2dr,S ^^"* ^^ -^ -^^^ ^ 1^ LXXXIX. Agrostis repens. Whitlier. Bot. A. nigra. Creeping rooted bent, black bent. Nat. of Britain. At the time of flowering the produce from u clayey loam, is oz. or lbs. per acr^e Grass, 9 oz. The produce per acre - - 98010 = 6125 10 80 dr. of grass weigh when dry - - 35 dr. > Acyom e. o«-q 1 « •; The produce ofthe space, ditto - -63 d;. 5 ^^^^ 6=26/9 15 6 The weiglit lost by the produce of one acre in drying 3445 \Q IQ 64 rfc. of grass afford of nutritive matter 3 dr. \ >■£■« o 00^ a « The produce of the space, ditto - 6.3 dr. $ '*^594 o = 287 3 o 304920 = 19057 8 106722 = 670 2 - 12387 6 9528 12 595 8 12 292 APPENDIX. XC. Jgrontis JMexicana. Hort. Kew. 1. P. 150. Mexican bent grass. Nat. of S. America. Introduced, 1780, by M. tl Alexander. At the time of flowering, the produce from a black sandy soil, is oz. or lbs. per acre Grass, 28 oz. The produce per acre 80 dr. of grass weigli when dry - 28 '^r. ~i The produce of the space, ditto - 156.33- 5 The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying - 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 2 dr. \ The produce of the space, ditto - - 14 c/r 5 XCI. Stipa pennata. Eng. Bot. 1356. - Long-awned feather gi-ass. Nat. of Britain. At the time of flowering, the produce from a heath soil is or. or lbs. per acre Grass, 14 oz. The produce per acre - - 152460 = 9528 12 80 Jr. of grass weigh when diy - '- 29 f'?'. 1 ,.o/;<; ,« ^aha o io The produce of thi space, ditto - 81 } 5 ^^^66 12 = 3454 2 12 The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying - . . . . 6074 9 4 64 f/r. of grass afford of nutritive matter 2.3 dr. 7 .^ ac\q t n The produce of the space, ditto - 9.2^ 3 0^51 u — 4uy 7 U XCII. Triticiim repens. Engl. Bot. 909. Creeping rooted wheat grass. Nat. of Bi'itain. At the time of flowering, the produce from a light clayey loam is or. or lbs. per acre Grass, 18 oz. The produce per acre 80 dr. of grass weigh when clry - 32 ''f. ") The produce of the space, ditto - 115j- 3 The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying -.--... 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 2 dr. \ The produce of the space, ditto - - 9 64 dr. of the roots, afford of nutritive matter 5.'i dr. The proportional value of the roots, is therefore to that of the grass, as 23 to 8. XCin. Mopecunts ngrostis. Engl. Bot. 848. A. myosuroides. Slender fox-tail grass. Nat. of Bi-itain, Curt. Lond. At the time of flowering, the produce from a light sandy loam is oz. or lbs. per acre Grass, 12 oz. The produce per acre - - 130680 = 8167 8 80 c/r. of grass weigh when dry - - ol *0 "ira ia r The produce of the space, ditto - 74.l| 5 ^"^'^^ ^ ~ ""^^^ ^* ^ 64 Jr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 1.3 Jr. > _,._„ . „„,-, - . The produce of the space, ditto - 5.1 Jr. 3 '^^''^ ' '^'^'^ ^ * XCIV. Bromus asper. Engl. Bot. 1172. Curt. Lond. Bromus hirsutus. H«ds. Bromus ramosus. B. sylvaticus, volger. B. altissimus. H^ry stalked brome grass. Nat. of Britain. 196020 = 12251 4 78408 = 4900 8 - . 7350. 12 6125 10 = 382 13 10 or. or lbs. per acre 217800 =,13612 8 65340 =. 4083 12 - 9528 12 6806 4 = 425 6 4 871200 =54450 416 J:} 283177 8 =17697 9 8 - 36752 -30rt:| ^0418 12 = 1876 6 6 2 12 APPENDIX. - 293 At the time of flowering the produce from a light sandy soil, is Grass, 20 oz. The produce per acre 80 dr of grass weigh when dry - - 24 dr. > The produce of the space, ditto - - 96 dr. ^ The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying ..----. 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 2 dr. The produce of the space, ditto 10 dr. XCV. Phalaris canardensis. Engl. Bot. 1310. Common Canary grass. Nat. of Britain. At the time of flowering, the produce from a clayey loam, is oz. or lbs. per acre Grass, 80 oz. The produce per acre 80 dr. of grass weigh when dry The produce of the space, ditto The produce in weight lost by drying 64 dr. of grass afford of nutritive matter The produce of the space, ditto XCVI. MeUca ccernlea. Curt. Lond. Engl. Bot. 750. Purple Melic grass, Nat. of Britain. At the time of flowering, the produce from a light sandy soil, is oz or lbs, per acre Grass, 11 or. The produce per acre - 119790 = 7486 14 Q 80 dr. of grass weigh when dry - - 30 dr.') The produce of the space, ditto - • 66 dr. 5 ^^^^l 4 -= 2807 9 4 The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying 4679 4 3 64 Jr. of gi'ass afford of nutritive matter 1.2 rf^o 07?/- o The produce of the space, ditto ■- 4.0| J ^'^^ " =" I'^S 4 8 XCVII. Dactylis cynosuroides. Linn. fil. fasci. 1. P. 17. American cock's foot grass. Nat. of N. America, At the time of flowering, the produce from a clayey loam, is oz. or lbs. per acre Grass, 102 oz. The produce per acre - ^ 111780 =69423 1 80 rfr. of errass weiffh when dry - -48 ^ cccAro n a-^^. . The produce of thi space, ditto - 979^ ^ ^^6468 =41654 4 The weight lost by the produce of one acre in drying - - - 27769 8 64 Jr. of grass afford of nutritive matter 1.3 rfr.l on'^'o n lono a The produce of the space, ditto - 44.2| 3 '" u = I6y8 4 Of the Time in lohich different Grasses produce Flowers and Seeds. To decide positively the exact period or season, when a grass always comef; into flower, and perfects its seed, will be found impracticable ; for a variety of circumstances interfere. Each species seems to possess a peculiar life in which various periods may be distinctly marked, according to the varieties of its age, of the seasons, soils, exposure, and mode of culture. The following Table, which shews the time of flowering, and the time of ripening the seed of those grasses growing at Woburn, which are meu' tioned in the Experiments, must therefore only be considered as serving for a test of comparison, for the different grasses, growing under the same qircum- stances. 294 APPENDIX. r^ Time of flowering. Time of ripeitiog the Seed. Anthoxant'mim odoratum llolcusodoratus - Cynosurus caeruleus - Alopecurus pratensis Alopecurus aipinus Poa alpina Poa pratensis Poa cserulea Avena pubescens Festuca hordiformis Poa trivialis - Festuca g-lauca Festuca glabra Festuca rubra • Festuca ovina Briza Media Dactylus glomerata Bromus tectorum Festuca oambrica Bromus diandrus - Poa angustifblia Avena elatior Poa elatior Festuca duriuscula Milium etl'usum Festuca pratensis Lolium perenne Cynosurus cristatus Avena pratensis Bromus multiflorus Festuca loliacea Poa cristata Festuca myurus Aira flexuosa Hordeum bulbosum - Festuca calamaria Bromus littoreus Festuca elatior Nardus stricta Triticum, (species of) Festuca fluitans Festuca dumctorum Holcus lanatus Poa fertilis Arundo colorata Poa (species of) - Cynosurus erucseforniis Plileum nodosum Phleuni protcnse Elymus arenarius Elyinus geniculatus Trifolium pratense Trifolium pratense «^ Trifoliiim niacrorhi/.UTP Sanguisorba canadensis Bunias oricntalis - Medicago sativa Hedysaruni onobrychis 20 30 April 29 April 29- April 30 May 20 May May May 30 ftlay 30 June 13 June 13 June 13 June 13 June 16 June 20 June 24 June 24 June 24 June 24 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July Julv July- July July July July July July Jii]v June 21 June 25 June 20 June 24 June 24 June 30 July 14 July 14 July 8 July 10 July 10 July 10 July 10 July 10 July 10 July 10 July 14 July 16 July 16 July 16 July 16 July 16 July 16 July 20 July 20 July 20 July 20 July 28 July 20 July 28 July 28 July 28 July 28 July 28 July 28 July 28 Aug. 6 Aug. 6 Aug. b Aug. 10 Aug. 12 July 20 July 26 July 28 July 28 July 30 July 30 July 30 July 30 July 30 July 30 July 30 July 30 July 30 July 30 July 30 Aug 6 Aug. APPENDIX. 295 Hordeum pratense Poa compressa Poa aqiiatica - Rromus cristatus - Elymus sibiricus Aira csespitosa Avena flavescens Bromus sterilis Holcus mollis - . Bromus inermis - Aijrostis vulgaris Agrostis palustris Panicum dactylon Agrostis stolonifera Agrostis stolonifera (var.) Agrostis canica Agrostis stricta Festuca pennata Panicum viride Panicum sanguinale - Agrostis lobata Agrostis repens Agrostis fascicularis Agrostis nivea - Triticum repens - Alopecurus agrestis Bromus asper Agrostis mexicana Stipa pennata - Melica caerulea Phalaris cananiensis Dactylus cynosuroidcs' Time of flowerinp. July 20 July 20 Julv 20 July 24 July '24 July 24 Julv 24 July 24 July 24 July 24 July 24 July 28 July 28 July 28 July 28 July 28 July 28 July 28 Aug. 2 Aug. 6 Aug. 6 Aug. 8 Aug. 10 Aug. 10 Aug. 10 Aug 10 Aug. 10 Aug. 15 Aug. 15 Aug. 20 Aug. .30 Aug. 30 Time of ripeniiifr the Seed Aug. 8 Aug. 8 Aug. 8 Aug. 10 Aug. 10 Aug. 10 Aug 15 Aug. 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 20 Aug. •20 Aug. 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 30 Aug. 30 Aug. 15 Aug. 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 25 Aug. 30 Aug. 30 Aug. 30 Sept 8 Sept 10 Sept 25 Sept 25 Sept 30 Sepi 30 Oct. 20 * In the experiments made on the quantity of nutritive matter in the grasses, cut at the time the seed was ripe, the seeds were always separa- ted ; and the calculations for nutritive matter, as is evident from the de- tails, made for grass and not hay. Of the different Soils referred to in the Appendix. Iv books on agriculture and gardening much uncertainty and confusion arises from the want of regular definitions of the various soils, to distinguish, them specifically by the names generally used : thus the term bog-earth, is almost constantly confounded with peat-moss, and heath-soil ; also the term • light loam,' * heavy soil,' &c. are given, without distinguishing whether that be ' light' from sand, or this • heavy' from clay In minute experiments, it is doubtless of consequence to be as explicit as possible in those particulars. The following short descriptions of such soils as are mentioned in the details of the experiment are here given for the above purpose. 1st. By ' loam' is meant any of the earths combined with decayed animail, or vegetable mattter. 2nd. ' Clayey-loam,' when the greatest proportion is clay. ord. ' Sandy-loam' when the greatest proportion is sand. 4th. 'Brown-loam' when the greatest proportion consists of decayed vege- *able matter. 5th, ' Rich-black loam,' when sand, clay, animal and veg'ctable matters are 296 APPENDIX. combined in unequal proportions, the clay greatly divided, being in the least proportion, and the sand and vegetable matter in the greatest. The terms ' light sandy soil,' ' light brown loam,' ^c. are varieties of the above, as expressed. Observations on the chemical Compositions of the nutritive ^fatter afforded by the Grasses in their different States. By t/ie Editor. X HAVE made experiments on most of the soluble products supposed to con- tain the nutritive matter of the grasses, obtained by Mr. Sinclair ; and 1 have analysed a few of them. Minute details on this subject would bt- little inter- esting to tlie agriculturist, and would occupy a considerable space ; 1 shall therefore content myself with mentioning some particular facts, and some ge- neral conclusions, which may tend to elucidate the inquiry respecting the fit- ness of the different grasses for permanent pasture, or for alternation, as grecu crops with grain. The only substances which I have detected in the soluble matters procured from the grasses, are mucilage, sugar, bitter extract, a substance analogous to albumen, and diflferent saline matters. Some of the products from the after- math crops gave feeble indications of the tanning principle. The order in which these are nutritive has been mentioned in the First Lecture ; the albumen, sugar, and mucilage, probably wlien cattle feed on grass or hay, are for the most part retained in the body of the animal ; and the bitter principle, extract, saline maiter, and tunnin, when any exist, probably for the most part voided in the excrement, with the woody fibi-e. The ex- tractive matter obtained by boiling the fresh dung of cows, is extremely similar in chemical characters to that existing in the soluble products from the grasses. And some extract, obtained by Mr. Sinclair, from the dung of sheep and of deer, which had been feeding upon the Lolium perenne, Dactylis glomerata, and Trifolium repens, had quahties so analogous to those of the extractive matters obtained from the leaves of the grasses, that they might be mistaken for each other. The extract of the dung, after being kept for some weeks, had still the odour of hay. Suspecting that some undigested grass might have re- mained in the dung, which might have furnished mucilage anc' sugar, as well as bitter extract, 1 examined the soluble matter very carefully for these sub- stances. It did not yield an atom of sugar, and scarcely a sensible quantity of mucilage. Mr. Sinclair, in comparing the quantities of soluble matter afforded by the mixed leaves of the Lolium perenne, Dactylis glomerata, and Trifolium repens, and that obtained from the dung of cattle fed upon them, found their relative proportions as 50 to 13 It appears probable from these facts, that the bitter extract, though soluble in a large quantity of water, is very little nutritive ; but probably it serves the purpose of preventing, to a certain extent, the fermentation of the other ve- getable matters, or in modifying or assisting the function of digestion, and may thus be of considerable use in forming a constituent part of the food of cattle. A small quantity of bitter extract and saline matter is probably all that is need- ed, and beyond this quantity the soluble matters must be more nutritive in proportion as they contain more albumen, ^ugar, and mucilage, and less nutri- tive in proportion as they contain other substances. In comparing the composition of the soluble products afforded by different crops from the same grass, I found, in all the trials I made, the largest quanti- ty of truly nutritive matter, in the crop cut when the seed was ripe, and least bitter extract and saline matter ; most extract and saline matter in the autumn- al crop ; and most saccharine matter, in proportion to the other ingredients, in the crop cut at tlie time of flowering. I shall give one instance : 100 parts of the soluble matter obtained from the Dactylis glomerata, cut in Sower, afforded. Of sugar . . . - - 18 parts Of mucilage - ... 67 APPENDIX. 29T Of coloured extract, and saline matters, with some matter rendered insoluble by evaporation - - . 15 100 parts of the soluble matter from the seed crop, afforded, Sugar ..... 9 parts Mucilage ..... 8.5 Extract, insoluble, and saline matter 6 100 parts of soluble matter from the after math crop, give, Of sugar . . - . . 11 parts Of mucilage - - - - 59 Of extract, insoluble, and saline mat- ters. 30 The greater proportion of leaves in the spring, and particularly in the late autumnal crop, accounts for the difference in the quantity of extract ; and thp inferiority of the comparative quantity of sugar in the summer crop, probably depends upon the agency of light, which tends always in plants to convert sac^ charine matter into mucilage or^ starch. Amongst the soluble matters afforded by the different grasses, that of the Elymus arenarius was remarkable for the quantity of saccharine matter it con- tained, amounting to more than one-third of its weight. The soluble matters .'S'om the different species of Festuca, in general afforded more bitter extractive matter than those from the different species of Poa. The nutritive matter from tlie seed crop of the Poa compressa was almost pure mucilage The soluble matter of the seed crop of Phleum pratense, or meadow cat's tail, afforded more sugar than any of the Poa or Festuca species. The. soluble parts of the seed crop of the Holcus mollis and Holcus lanatus, contained no bitter extract, and consisted entirely of mucilage and sugar. Those of the Holcus odoratus afforded bitter extract, and a peculiar substance having an acrid taste, more soluble in alcohol than in water. All the soluble extracts of those grasses that are most liked by cattle, have either a saline or subacid taste ; that of the Holcus lanatus is similar in taste to gum arabic. Pro- bably the Holcus lanatus, which is so common a grass in meadows, iittght bft madt palatable to cattle by being sprinkled over with salt. I have found no differences in the nutritive produce of the crops of the dif- ferent grasses cut at the same season, which would render it possible to esta. blish a scale of their nutritive powers ; but probably the soluble matters of the after-math crop are alway,s from one-sixth to one-third less nutritive than those from the flower or seed crop. In the after math the extractive and saline mat- ters are certainly usually in excess ; but the after-math hay mixed with sum-- mer hay, particularly that in which the fox-tail and soft grasses are a^iundant, would produce an excellent food. \ Of the clovers, the soluble matter from the Dutch clover contains mbst muci- lage, and most matter analogous to albumen : all the clovers contain more bittei- extract and saline matter than the common proper grasses. When ptiit-e clover is to be mixed as fodder, it should be >.vith siimmc" hav, rath'^rthan alter-nrafh 51? ait ID ]s So • Page. Acids, account of those found in vegetables 76 Age of trees, by what limited --.-.-- 17^ Alcohol, theory of its formation ........ 94 Alburnum, uses of - - - 46, 173 Alkalies, method of ascertaining their presence in plants - - 79 effects produced by, in vegetation ..... 20 Animal substances, their composition, &c 188 ■ ________^ decomposition of -...,. 187 Atmosphere, nature and constitution of - - - - - . I43 Animal matter, mode of ascertaining its existence in soils - . 118 Bark, its oiRce and uses 44j 166 Barks, their relative value for tanning skin ..... 65 Blight in Corn, its cause 181 Bread, its manufacture, theory of its production - - . . 98 Burning, its use in improving soils - 233 Canker in trees, probable mode of curing - - . . . J80 Carbonic acid, a part of the atmosphere ...... 145 necessary to vegetation ...... ^^2 Cements, on those obtained from limestone 221 Chemistry, its application to agriculture - 9 ' importance in agricultural pursuits - - . . gS Combustibles, simple, referred to- 36 Combustion, supporters of, mentioned 35 Courses of crops, particular ones recommended .... 242 Corn, its tillering, theory of this operation . - - - _ I6I Diseases of Plants, their causes discussed ..... igQ Earths, on those found in plants 81 Electricity, its influence on vegetation - - - . . . 33 Elements chemical, of bodies 34 ■ — '■ — laws of their combinations .... 40 Excrements, use of as manures - 201 Fairy rings, their causes - -. 243 Fallowing, theory of 22, 239 Fermentation, phaenomena of- 94 Fly-turnip, plan for destroying or preventing 152 Flowers, their parts and office - 51 Geology, referred to as teaching the nature of rocks • - - 134 Crafting, gencK^ views on this process - 173 800 INDEX. Pag^ Grasses, on those iit tor pasture - - - - - - 244 Gravitation, its effects on plants 27 Green crops recommended - - - -- - - - 242 Gypsum, its use as a manure 224 Heat, its effects on vegetables ' - - 32, 125 Husbandi-y diill, its advantages ....-,. 241 Ice, its anti-pulrcscent powers ....... 190 trrigation, theory of its effects 238 Irritability, vegetable, its existence doubted - - ■ - - - 168 Land, causes of its fertility 139 '■ ^ ban-eiincss --.-.... 141 Leaves, tiieir functions .--•-..... 45 Light, its effect on vegetation 153 tiimestone, its nature and uses ---.--. 20, 215 _ action in the soil - 21 ■' mode of burning 223 •— ■ magnesian, its jjeculifer properties ... - 22, 219 Lime, mode of ascertaining the quantity, in limestones and soils - 116 salts of, on the mode of detecting them in soils ... 120 Manures, on their applications --*..... 184 how taken into the vegetable system .... 185 fei'mentation of-------- 10, 205 in what state to be used •■ 207 animal .......... 201 ~ mineral 218 ■ > vegetable -.-.-.--.. 191 saline 199, 213 jSIalting, theory of the process of ---*--- - 149 Matter, powers of discussed --...--. 27 Metals, account of -... 37 Metallic oxides, those found in plants ..--.. 81 Mildew, cause of -------.. . 181 Meat, method of preserving it ....... jgo ^ Oils, fixed, their nature and production ...... 72 Oxygene, its presence in the atmosphere, and uses . . « I47 . necessary to gerjniuation ..... 147^ igQ Faring and burning, theory of their operation - - - - . 234 Pasture, where advantageous ........ 244 Plants, organization of 43, 98 Plants, parasitical, described as the cause of disease in corn - . 181 Peat mosses, on tlieir formation - 132 on tiieir improvement ....._ 142 Putrefaction, methods of jjreventing ... . . . . 190 Pith nature of ---.---.-. . 47 Plants, parts of - 43 Quicklime, injurious to soils ...._... 216 Rocks, their number and arrangement ...... 134 those from which soils are derived, or on which they rest - 137 Sap, cause of its ascent discussed - -164 course of ^ 13, 162 -•"— - its composition discussed -- 104 i:nD£:^» 301 Pagft ^alte, thtir uses as manure ^"9, 21S — — on such as are found in vegetables ... - - ol on tliose found in soils, account of - - - • ■ " ^^^ Seeds, on those produced by crossing ^' " germination of 148 their nature and uses -» ^-^ Simple substances desci'ibed ..-.---- 36 Sods, properties of -- ^"^f ^}'f composition of .-.----- Hlj 1~^> — — method of analysing 11* formation of ------**"* I'' ^ their constituent parts 1^^ improvement of -- 1^1 — — their classification ..------- lo-' Subsoils, varieties of, and their effects ..---- 130 Soot, pi'operties of as a manure .--.--- 209 Sugar, mode of refining .-- - 59 Tanning principle, its application to taiming 64 ■ 1 quantity in different baij^ ..... 65 artificial -•■ 67 Temperature of soils discussed 125 Trees, habits of, discussed ...-.--. 178 ■ M . cause of their decay _-.----. 173 . age of 174 tJrine, its use as a manure 200 ■\'^egetables, their chemical composition S5 — — improvement of, by cultivation 176 •' renovation of the atmosptiere ..... 158 . the causes of their growth discussed .... 171 Vegetable matter, mode of ascertaining its quantity in soils - - 118 — — — its analysis -- 85 — — — — decomposition of, described - - - - 1 87 — principles, their arrangement in plants ■ . - - - 98 • life, phaenomena of discussed - . . . . - 171 - - matter, decomposition of -. 186 Vegetation, influenced by gravitation 27 influence of light in 161 progress of 152, 227 its effect on a soil 242 Veins or mines, their situations 136 Water, absorption of by soils -- 127 its state in the atmosphere 143 Wheat, transplantation of .....-<.- 16j. crossing of--------e- 177 Wines, theory of their formation 93 ■ ■ quantity of spirits they contain -.-... 5g IXIiEX TO TKE APP¥iKl>lX- Pag-e ^^I'rosiis canina, brown bent ----»--- 289 canina var. vmtica, awnless brown bent - - - - 289 ■ fascicularis, tufted-leaved bent .-.--- 290 — — — lobata, lobed bent grass ---_-.-- 291 — — ^— mexicana, mexican bent grass - - - - ' - - 292 — — nivea, snowy bent gi'ass .-.-_-. 289 ' palustris, March bent grass ------ 288 repens, creeping rooted bent ____-- 291 ■ stricta, upriglit bent grass -.--.-. 290 — — — stolonifera, fiorin creeping bent ------ 288 ■ stolonifera var. angustifolia, creeping bent narrow leaves - 289 " vulgaris, fine bent grass --__.-- 287 Aira aguatica, water hair grass .-_---- 281 cxspitosa, turfy hair grass --___-- 282 jlexuosa, waved mountain hair grass - - - - - 37*4 Alopeciirus agrostis, slender fox-tail grass _ - - - - 292 alpint^, alpine fox-tail grass ------ 26O pratensis, meadow fox-tail grass ----- 259 Anthoxaiithum odoratum, sweet scented vernal grass _ - _ 258 Arundo colorata, striped-leaved reed grass - - - - - 278 Avena elatior, tall oat grass ----____ 269 - flavescens, yellow oat grass ------- 283 pratensis, meadow oat grass --__--_ 273 pubescens, dc^wny oat grass .-_---- 26O Briza media, quaking grass ----»-__ 266 Bromus aspei^ .--.--_--_ 299 ' cristatus ---------- 282 diundrus - - -.- - . - - - _ 268 erecuis, upright perennial brome grass . - - - 270 inerniis, awnless brome grass ------ 287 littoreiis, sea-side brome grass ------ 275 muhiflonis, many-flowering brome grass - - - - 273 ■ ■ •- tectorum, nodding pannicled brome grass - - - - 267 sterilis, barren brome grass -..--_ 283 Bunias orientaUs - - --.--___ <^'7Q Cynosurus cieruleus, blue moor grass ---,-__ 259 cristatus, crested dog's-tail grass . . - . _ 272 enicaformis, linear spiked dog's-tail grass - - - 285 Dactylis cymsuroides, American cock's-foot grass ... - 293 glomerata, round-headed cock's-foot grass - - . - 266 Elymus armnrixis, upright sea lyme grass ----- 28G geniculatus, pendulous sea lyme grass .... 286 —— — sibericds, Siberian lyme grass "^ ■• - . - 389 304 INDEX. ifage Festuca cahvnaria, reed-like fescue grass -•-... 275 camhrica ....--...-^ 267 (.uriuscula, hard fescue grass .---.. 269 dumetonim, pubescent fescue grass ..... 278 elatior, tUll fescue grass - - 276 fliiitans, floating fescue grass ...... 277 glabra, smooth fescue grass ...... 264 glmica, glaucous fescue grass - 263 hordiformis, barley-like fescue grass ..... 262 — — — loUacea, spiked fescue grass ...... 273 inyurus, wall fescue grass - - - - - - ' - 274 "^— — ovina, sheep's fescue grass - - - ... . - 265 pemiata, spiked fescue grass ...-,.. 290 pratensis, meadow fescue grass - - - - > . 271 — — — rjibra, purple fescue grass - 265 Hedysarwn onobri/chis, sainfoin - - . - - .- . 280 Hordeuin bidbnsum, bulbous barley grass -.--.. 275 — — — murinum, wall barley grass - , - - - - . - 282 ■ pratense, meadow barley grass . - . ... 281 Holcus lanatns, meadow soft grass ....... 277 • ■■ mollis, creeping soft grass . - - . - . . 283 odoratns, sweet scented soft grass ...... 258 Lolium peremie, perennial rye grass ....... 271 Jifedicago sativa, lucerne - .. . . . . . . 5S0 J^elica aerulea, purple malic grass -...-.. 293 Jyfiliu7n effusuvi, common millet grass ...... 270 JVarJjw striata, upright mat grass --..-.. 27r JPanicum dactylum, creeping panic grass ...... 288 ' ■ ■- sangidnale, blood coloured panic grass - -• . . 291 viride, green panic grass -_..... 291 Phalaris canaviensis, common canai'y grass ..... 293 Phlenm nodosum, bvilbous- stalked cat's- tail g^-ass .... 285 pratense, meadow cat's-tail grass ...... 285 • var. miliar, meadow cat's-tail grass, van smaller - 285 Poa alpina, alpine lueadow grass ....... 260 (ingusiifolia, narrow-meadow grass - - - • . - - 268 aquatica, reed meadow grass - 281 ctendea, v. p. pratense, short bluish meadow grass ... 262 cnmpressa, flat-stalked meadow grass 281 cristnta, crested meadow grass ....... 274 elatior, tall meadow grass ........ 269 fertihs, fertile meadow grass ....... 278 • var. b. fertile meadow gn^ss, var. 1. .... 284 marifima, sea meadow grass ....... 272 /)!'ato;47,9, smooth-stalked meadow grass ..... 261 ♦ ?riTva/j,s, roughish meadow grass . . - . - . 262 Potirinm sauguisorba, burnet ........ 279 Slipn pennata, long armed feather grass ...... 29i TrIfoHum r.ncrorhiznm, long-rooted clover ..... 279 pratense, broad-leaved cultivated clover .... 278 repens, white clover --...... 279 Tritiaim repens, creeping rooted wheat grass 29^ ^^ sp. wheat ^yvass - 277 TUlEiATl^¥i ON AS FOUNDED ON ACTUAL EXPERIENCE:, AND AS COMBINED WITH THE LEADING PRINCIPLES OB IN WHICH THt THEORY AND DOCTRINES OF SIR HUMPHRY DAVY, AND OTHER AGRICULTXJEAL CHEMISTS, AKE RENDERED FAMILIAR TO THE EXPERIENCED lARMER- BY A PRACTICAL AGRICULTURIST. PHILADELPHIA: I'UBIISUED BY B. WARNEIl, 171, HIKH STKA'KJ . 182^^1 IPIBISI^ii'lPISc IflEORY would always coincide with practice, if the speculator could hold to the mind's eye a complete model of the subject discussed ; could see all the parts in action together, as a machine is surveyed ; and mea» sure excitements and obstructions precisely as they ope- rate. But, in treating of arts which depend for their success on natural operations, the most difficult part of the task is, to assign the proper degree of influence to the many causes and qualities which act invisibly, and cannot be controlled by man. Hence, the philosopher who exercises the strongest intellect on previous systems of Jigriculture, and on the knowledge accumulating from the progress of practical experience and scientific discovery^ cannot be certain that some latent interme- diate impulse in tl\e machine of vegetation, has not elu- ded bis anxious inquiry, or that he is aware of all the causes which exist, and of their conducing to a general effect. Amidst these difficulties, the Theorist cannot advance any considerable way beyond the track of experience^ in the pursuit of materials for a new system, without be- ing liable to move on a line which subsequent experience may be compelled to abandon- Meanwhile, an in- dependent and equally specious hypothesis may uphold the reasonableness 'of some branch of established prac- tice impeached by the new system, and vindicate from IV I'UEFACE. the name of prejudice that slow and circumspect transi- tion from tried courses to alleged improvements, which prevents a whole country from being involved in the speculations and risks of an experimental farm. The views of Sir Humphry Davy in regard to Soils and Manures may, on many fundamental points, be re- ceived without dispute, as no less sound and practical than they are original and ingenious : but he has advan- ced some new doctrines, and become the advocate of some recent partial practices, which do not accord with the general experience of Gardeners and Agriculturists. Nevertheless, by the connection with the subtile princi- ples and problems of Chemistry under which these are given, the Practical Farmer who may feel dissatisfied with a particular part of the professor's theory, because it is at variance with his own maxims derived from ex- perience, is perplexed and silenced by the reasoning, being unable to enter with perspicuity into the grounds of argument drawn from the depths of philosophy : thus he is asliamed to question a train of deductions by "which he is conducted to a doctrine in which he does not confide. But when theory is opposed to theory, the practical man is disembarrassed, and raised to the situation of an arbiter. It may be added, that some few points among the difliiculties of Chemistry, treated by Sir Humphry Davy as fundamental principles, are not yet considered as es- tablished by all the great Chemists; consequently, the speculative deductions from these must stand over for approval, until the assumed principle be exploded or confirmed. PREFACE. V In the following Treatise, the leading doctrines of this illustrious Contributor to the formation of an en- lightened system of Agriculture are brought under re- view; in order that such as are obviously well founded^ or tenable against superficial objections, may be recom- mended to general practice ; as well by corroborating facts and observations, as by the connected order and simplified form in which they are presented ; — and that such as are open to considerable objection, either on prac- tical grounds, or by collision with a contrary hypothe- sis, may be exhibited at the tribunal of reason, and sub- jected to the test of experience, in so plain a shape as shall bring them within the grasp of the Practical Ag- riculturist who may have formed no previous acquaint- ance with Chemical Science. ^m^§, PAOIi Use op the Sort -- 9 On the Basis of Soils 10 Terms for Soils Defined ..-.---• 11 On the Improvement of Soils : I. Jiy the Admixture of Earths, to improve the Texture of tlie Soil - 13 Teats of Sniln - 15 CoiTectiven of ill-conntiliitcd Soils .- 1. Iron in its Acid Combinations ..... 22 2. Fixcess of pure Calcareous Matter - ... - 22 3. Excess of Carbonate of Lime .----- 23 4. Redundant Sand 23 5. Excess of Vegetable Matter ...--- 23 6. liedundancy of Clay -- 23 n. By Druininff ------.--- 23 III. By Vanng and Bxirni'ng ...... 24 IV. By Turmng-in Green Crops us Manure ... - - 25 V. By Fallo-wintf .....---. 26 VI. By Irrigation ......... 35 VII. By applying Earths as Manures : 1. I.ime as a Solvent (Quick-lime) 42 2. Mild Lime - ■ 43 Time of laying on Lime .--•.. 46 3. Magnesia -- - 47 4. I'liospliate of Lime 47 5. Gypsum ..-. 47 6. Burnt Clay 54 Considered as the Food of Plants - - - . 38, 39 VIII. By introducing Mineral or Saline Substancest as Manures : 1. Common Salt --.------ 57 2. Comparative Elfect of different Salts .... 57 IX. By Manuring -with Refusp. Substances not excrementitiom : 1. Street and RoaflDirt, and the Sweepings of Houses - 58 2. Soot 58 3. fJoal ashes 58 4. Coal-water -...----- 59 5. Wood-ashes 59 6. Carbonate of Ammonia - 59 7. Coal-tar - - - 59 8. Rones 59 9. Horn 59 10. Hair, Feathers, and Woollen Rags 59 11. Refuse of Skin and Leather ..-.-. 60 12. Bleacher'8 Waste .--.-■- 60 Vm CONTENTS, Pagb 13. Soaper's Waste, 60 14. Fluids of dissolved Animal Substances - - . - 60 Rlood 60 Sugar-baker's Scum 60 Graves 61 Oily Substances — Train Oil and Blubber ... 61 Oil-cake 62 15. Refuse Fish 62 16 Carrion -- - -•- - - - . . 62 17. Rape-seed Cake 63 18. Malt Dust 63 19. Sea weed 63 20. Dry Straw, and Spoiled Hay .-...- 63 21. Vegetable Mould -.--.-.- 64 •22. Woody Fibre : ........ 64 Tanner's Spent Bark ....... 6^1 Inert Peaty Matter - 64 Shavings of Wood and Saw.dust 65 The Fibre and Grain of Wood ..... 65 23, Ashes of Vegetables not Woody ..... 65 Burnt Straw 65 Peat-ashes 65 X. By Excremcntitiorts Substances applied as J\Ianure : 1. Dung of Sea-birds 66 2. Night-soil 66 3. Pigeon's Dung ........ 67 4. Tlie Dung of Domestic Fowls ..... 67 5. Rabbit's-Dung 68 6. The Dimg of Cattle 68 7. Hog-dung 70 8. Urine 70 JManagement of J\Iamire From the Homestead : Professor DaA7's Theory of Composite Manure - - . 71 Objection noticed by the Professor . - . . . 72 His own Practical Application of the above Theory • - 72 Free Remarks on the Theory, and on its Practical Application 72 Recapitulation 83 Additional Notes, gee. -.--••- , 85 TREATISE ON ^Olli^ AXU MAX^IVE^. USE OF THE SOIL. OORRECT views of the office of the soil disclose the ration- ale of approved modes of tillage ; if one mode is found supe- rior to another, they lay open the cause of it ; and proceeding from courses which are experienced to l)e beneficial, a principle is thus obtained for extending their application. One great use of the soil, is to afford a bed for the plant, and a cover for its roots from the sun and from the wind ; while the roots, by taking hold of the ground, act as stays and supports for the trunk of the plant. A second important office is that both of a depository and a channel of nutriment : In these rela- tions, the soil ought to contain a certain proportion of common vegetable basis, and of peculiar substances found in plants on analysis ; it ought again to be easily permeable to air ; also po- rous, for the percolation of water and passage of fluid manures ; well fitted for allowing a plant| by the fine tubes within its-roots, to derive sustenance slowly and gradually from the dissolved and soluble substances mixed with the earths. As the systems of roots, branches, and leaves, are very dif- ferent in different vegetables, so specific plants have a preference for peculiar soils in which they flourish most. The plants that have bulbous roots require a looser and lighter soil than such as have fibrous roots : and those of the latter, which have short and slender fibrous radicles, demand a firmei soil than such as have tap roots or extensive lateral roots. Hence, when succes- sive crops of the same plant have drawn out from a soil the pe- culiar properties most adapted to its individual nature, the bed of earth becomes less fit for the same plant, until it has been rested and recruited : while it may be fitter for some other plant of a different constitution than it originally was ; though ex- hausted in regard to the crop which it has long l)orne, it may be fresh for a new sort of vegetable. In short, the principles laid down in the " Practical Gardener," (Introduction to the Knv CHEN Garden, under the head Rotation of Crops^ are more or fess applicable to all the branches of Gardening and Agriculture. B 10 BASIS 01' SOILS. Sir Humphrey Davy, an illustrious ornamant of the English school of Chiiinistry, is not more distinguished by his discoveries in philosophy, than by seeking, with true ambition, to make pro- found knowledge subservient to the common arts by which the common wants of mankind are supplied ; he has contributed largely to the service of agriculture, by publishing his scientific researches into the composition of earths, and the true food of plants. With the object of founding a course of agricultural improvement on fixed principles, he has communicated, in the Elements of Agricultural Chemistry/'^ some very important re- sults from a systematic train of experiments. We propose to lay before the Reader the substance of his leading conclusions, divested, as much as possible, of chemical terms ; and to re- view the peculiarities of his system with candour and indepen- dence ; concentrating, for unity of method, scattered articles belonging to the same branch of rural economy. In the extensive field of his inquiry, he touches on the prin- ciples of many other arts ; it therefore becomes necessary, in sketching an outline after him, which shall embrace only the department of agriculture, to connect the extracts by details and observations for which Sir H. Davy is not responsible. " Soils, in all cases, consist of, either a mixture of finely di- vided earthy matter,| — or of earthy matters not reduced to pow- der, such as gravel and other stones ; more or less combined with decomposed animal or vegetable substances; saline ingre- dients, also, frequently lodge in a soil ; and the earthy matters are frequently accompanied with the oxides of minerals, parti- cularly the oxide of iron.:!: The earthy matters form the true basis of the soil ; the other parts, whether naturally present, or artificially introduced, operate in the same manner as manures. Four Earths generally abound in soils :<^ 1. The. aluminous^ j. e- Clay, including alum ; 2. The siliceous^ i. e, Flint, in va- rious stages of decomposition, including flinty sand; 3. The calcareous^ i. e. Limestone, under various modifications,including marie, chalk, and chalky sand ; 4. The magnesian^ i. e. Magne- sia, a stone sometimes mistaken for commonlimestone, but when burnt and applied to land it is much longer in passing from a caustic to a mild state, and under most circumstances is highly pernicious to vegetation. 'llie small proportion in • This work, which will be frequently referred to. Is entitled, Elanents of ^gricnltiiral Cliemistry, in a Cowsf of Lfcturcs for the Board of ^igricultitre. By Sir Humphry Davy, LL.D. F.H.S. &c. &.c. 8vo. American, 1820. t Ibid. p. 15. , t Ibid. pp. Ill, 123. § Ibid. p. 15. TERMS FOR SOILS. 11 which it may be sometimes bentficial, will be afterwards ex- plained. The above are the only earths which have been hitherto found in plants. Other primitive earths sometimes enter into soils by the pul- verization of rocky materials. TERMS FOR SOILS DEFINED. The popular terms for soils are seldom applied with precision. What one man c;(lls a marie, another will call a clay ; and so on. But if a general circulation and acceptance could be obtamed for the principles of definition judiciously laid down by Profes- sor Davy — according to which a soil is to be styled a clay, sand,, or chalk ; a marie, loam or peat ; or a compound of these — the characteristic terms would be every where intelligible. In framing a system of definitions, a soil is to take a particular denominationfrom a particular kind of earth, not exactly in pro- portion as that earth may preponderate, or not, over others in form- ing the basis of the soil, but rather in proportion to the influence which a particular kind of earth, forming part of the staple, has on tillage and vegetation. Thus, as clay is a substance of which a comparative small quantity will give a cold and stubborn cha- racter to a soil, the name claifey is often properly bestowed, where the quantity of pure clay to be collected from a given piece of land, is but as 8 to 42, compared with the quantity of sand which another field may contain, and yet barely deserve the denomination of sajidi). "The term clayey should not be given to a soil which con- tains less than one-sixth of aluminous matter ;" because less than that will not be attended with the common effects which govern the culture, and limit the crops, for a clayey sod. The epithet sandy is not an appropriate distinction for any soil that does not contain at least seven-eight parts of sand ; and sandy soils are to be distinguished into .siliceous sandy or flinty sand, and calcareous sandy or chalky sand. The word calcareous, or any denomination implying the presence of mild lime or chalk, is not properly applied unless a specimen of the soil is found stronglv to effervesce with acids, or unless water having a channel in the soil affords a white earthy deposit when boiled. A marle consists of mild lime with a small proportion of clay, and sometimes of peat, with a mixture of marine sand and animal remains ; the lime having originated, for the m.ost part, from the decomposition of sea-shells. A soil maybe treated as maonesian, where but a small 12 . IMPROVEMENT OF SOILS. comparative quantity of magnesian stone is present ; as will be explained in treating of Magnesia as a manure. Hie combination of animal or vegetable matter in an inferior proportion with earthy matter, but not lower than one-sixth, makes a loam : the word loam should be limited to soils con- taining at least one-third of impalpable earthy matter (distin- guishable by the touch from sand, chalk, or clay,) combined with decayed animal or vegetable substances not exceeding half the weight of the mere earth; the earthy matters may compre- , hend aluminous, siliceous, or calcareous ingredients, and in some cases be mixed with mineral oxides: according to the pro- portions of which, the soil may be red loam, brown loam, ot black loam ; and in regard to the basis, a clayey loam, a sandy, or a chalky loam. A superior proportion of vegetable matter, that is to say, an excess of this above half the bulk of the earthy basis, makes a PEAT. To bring this kind of soil into successful cultivation, the quantity of vegetable matter must, in most cases, either be reduced or counterbalanced by the admixture of some of the simple earths. Where a slight tincture of any particular mineral substance has a strong effect on vegetation, this quality should be indica- ted by a corresponding word prefixed to the principal name for the soil. Thus the presence of either salts of iron, or sulphate of iron, ought to be marked by prefixing the term ferruginous to the denomination taken from the basis, to remind the culti- vator that the effect on vegetation will be pernicious, unless he has recourse to an effective remedy. If on the contrary, oxide of iron be found in the soil, there is seldom any occasion to no- tice it in the name: in small quantities, it forms a useful part of soils, and has been found to constitute from a 15th to a 10th part of several highly fertile fields : it is found in the ashes of plants. To persons unacquainted with chemistry it may be use- ful to add, that salt of iron exhibits the crystals obtained from iron by the action of an acid fluid. Sulphate of iron is Cop- peras, a native kind of which is produced in some soils by the effect of the springs and earths on each other. Black oxide of iron is the substance that flies off from red-hot iron when ,it is hammered. Iron appears to be only hurtful to vegetation in Its acid combinations. See Tests of Soils. IMPROVEMENT OF SOILS. Almost all the expedients 'for improving, enriching, or cor recting a soil, known to agriculturists, may be comprehended under one of the following heads : IMPROVEMENT OP SOILS. 13 1 . The admixture of Earths to improve the Texture of the Soil. 2. Draining. 3. Paring and burning. 4. Turning in Green Crops as Manure. 5. Fallowing. 6. Irrigation. 7. Applying Earths as Manures. 8. Introducing Mineral or Saline Elements as Manures. 9. Manuring with Refuse Substances not excrementitious; 10. Manuring with Excrementitious Substances. I. By the Admixture of Earths^ to improve the Texture of the Soil. This is a distinct thing from applying Earths as a manure. It is of avail in proportion as the smallness of the tract, or the value of the plant, to be cultivated, allows the free introduction of new earths, until the staple of the land is composed as desired. Almost all sterile soils are capable of being thus improved ; and sometimes the latent pernicious quality which destroys the va- lue of an extensive tract of land, can be corrected without much expense. The best constitution of a soil, is that in which the earthy materials are properly balanced, so as to combine as many ad- vantages of different ingredients as are compatable, and so as to obviate the defects attending any single kind of earth. The ground, or basis of the soil, should be well adapted for the admission of air, and for the percolation of moisture, with- out retaining it in winter. A well-tempered aptness in the soil to absorb water frofn air, and to retain it in a latent form, is clearly connected with fer- tility. The power to absorb water by attraction, and to hold moisture without being wet, depends on the mechanical struc- ture of the particles of earth, and the balancing effect of diffe- rent earth. Thus sand will attract moisture, but will not keep it lonjr under the influence of heat. Clay will long retain wa- ter which has fallen upon it, and always keep moist under a hu- mid atmosphere : but in continued dry weather, with summer heats, the surface of it, being baked into an almost impenetrable crust, is little capable of absorbing moisture. Hence crude clays form equally bad lands in extremely wet or extremely dry seasons. Chalk is of a middle nature, in this respect. It re- sults, that the soils best adapted for supplying the plant witli moisture by atmospheric exhaustion are compositions*' of ?an(l * Elements of AgricuUurul ('hemistry, p. 141. 14 IMPROVEMENT OF SOILS. fmel}^ divided clay, and pulverized chalk, with a proportion of animal or vegetable matter.* There is besides, in particular earths, an agency subservient to vegetation, which depends on chemical affinities, in those earths, for elementary substances floating in the air, or de]}osited in the soil. Thus, both pure clay and carbonate of lime have an attraction for volatile oils and solutions of oil and sapona- ceous matters, and for much of the pulpy stuff fust disengaged from organic remains. Hence a limited pifoportion of these earths contributes to form a rich and generoufi soil ; because they long preserve in their pores the prepared nourishment of vege- tables, parting with it gradually as it is drawn by growing plants,- and refusing it to the fainter action of air or water. The properties of a soil may be aggravated or tempered by the nature of the Subsoil. When the upper layer rests upon a bed of stone, or of flinty gravel, it is much sooner rendered dry by evaporation ; an efl^ect which is beneficial, or otherwise, as the climate is moist in excess, or inclined to aridity. A clayey foundation counteracts the readiness of flinty sand to part with moisture to a drier climate ; so does a bed of chalk in a less degree. A soil is neither fit for tillage nor pasture, if it consist en- tirely of impalpable matters,! or of pure clay, pure silica, or pure chalk. Sand may abound in a higher proportion than the more tenaceous earths, without causing absolute barrenness. Thus a tolerable crop of turnips has lieen raised on a soil of which eleven parts in twelve were sand. A good turnip soil from Holkham was found to contain f parts of siliceous sand. If the quantity of impalpable earth and finely divided organic matter l)e a little increased beyond what a sand plant requires, it will suffice for good returns of barley. Although wheat de- pends more on a rich staple, happilj' the constituents of land fit for it are combined with very great diversity. An excellent wheat soil, from Middlesex, afforded ^ of sand ; the rest was chalk, silica, and clay, pretty equally distributed, with a propor- tion of organic matter so surprisingly small (only 22 parts in 500) that it may be apprehended some considerable substance, convertible into food for a growing plant, might be included in the chalk. Chalk may in the next degree form the prepondera- ting earth of good soil. A large portion of England is chalk ; * The compound of carlli, which seems every where most fiivonrable to ve.G^etation, is that which consists of one-third of chalk, half of sand, and a fifth of clay : from a Paper on the Chemical .^Inali/fiis of Soils, translated from the Italian of Tahbroni, hy Arthur Young-, lisq. (^Jhinals of .^s'l'icullitir, vol. viii. 173.)— " A fifth of clay :" this proportion is too larj^e ; independent of consumable or cropping manure ; by which the clay should be reduced to one- sixth or lower. •J Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, p. Ij."!, TESTS OF SOILS. i5 and many of the districts where it is the staiile earth, liberally repiiy cultivation.*" The Warp-land ^^ alluvial soil) in the East Riding of York- shire, is a strong clayey loam, the fertility of which can hardly be equalled. The sediment gradually adding to the depth of this warp-land, being brought from the higher country by the numerous rivers and streams which open into this common es- tuary, is composed of a variety of substances. Decomposed vegetable and animal matter should be from one-ei^g-hth to a fourth of the bulk of the earthy substances, according to the dependence of the expected crop on the nutritive power of the soil. Many soils (observes Sir H. Davy) are in popular language distinguished as cold ; and the distinction, though at first view it may appear to be founded on prejudice, is as just on philoso- phical principles as it is consonant to the experience of the farmer. Some soils are constituted for imbibing a much greater degree of heat from the rays of the sun ; and of soils, brought to the same degree of heat, some cool much faster than others. Soils that consist chiefly of a Stipf white clay, take heat slowly ; and being usually very moist, they retain their heat only for a short time. Chalks are similar in be- ing slowly heated : but being drier, they retain heat longer. A Black soil containing much soft vegetable matter, if the site and aspect dispose it to dryness, is most heated by the sun and air : all the coloured soils, especially those containing much carbonaceous matter (charcoal,) or ferru- ginous matter (iron,) are disposed for acquiring a much higher temperature than pale-coloured soils. When soils are per- fectly dry, those that most readily become heated by the solar rays, likewise cool most rapidly. Moisture without fermenta- tion retards the accession of heat, and accelerates its escape. The faculty of absorbing and retaining moisture has been al- ready brought under tiotice. The method of detecting the pre- sence of some ingredient in the soil which the eye cannot per- ceive, and which escapes the touch when a portion of mould is rubl)ed between the fingers, is by having a specimen of the earth of such cubical dimensions as may be thought proper, dug out ; and finding the materials of it by various chemical tests. TESTS OF SOILS. For the common purposes of agriculture, the natural consti- • Mr. Stricklund states the remarkable fact, that the .c^reat vein of clialk tci'- minates in the East Hiding; of Yorkshire ; and beyond it northward, no chalk is found ill the island. See also a Map Delineatm^ the Strata of Enjlund and Wales, with part cf Scotland, by W. Sinitii, 1815. 16 TESTS OP SOILS. tution of a virgin soil, or the state of improvement which land under tillage has acquired from artificial causes, can, in the great majority of cases, be sufficiently determined by taking up portions of earth in different parts of a field, regard- ing the soil as a separate layer from the subsoil, or strata un- disturbed by cultivation ; and examining these by the common lights which persons employed in agriculture have derived from experience. But when the nature of a virgin soil is entirely unknown, no previous trials of its powers having been made ; or when a cultivated field unaccountably baffles the ordinary course of skilful husbandry, while lands constituted apparently like it make good returns under similar treatment; it is proper to have recourse to the aid which modern chemistry offers to agriculture, for a full and accurate knowledge of the grounds on which success may be expected, or the causes of failure ex- plained and rectified. The instruments required for the analysis of soils are few, and of small cost : — a pair of scales, large enough to weigh a quarter of a pound of common earth, and so delicately exact as to turn when loaded with a grain ; a set of weights, correspond- ing with the same limits ; a wire sieve, just coarse enough to pass mustard-seed ; a comuion kettle, or small boiler ; an Ar- gand lamp and stand ; two or three Wedgwood crucibles ; eva- porating basins ; a pestle and mortar ; a bone knife ; some fil- ters, made of half a sheet of blotting-paper, folded so as to con- tain a pint of liquid, and greased at the edges. The principal tests, or chemical re-agents for separating the constituents of the soil, are : Muriatic acid (spirits of salts ;) sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol ;) pure volatile alkali, dissolved in water ; solution of prussiate of potassa ; solution of potassa (soap ley ;) solution of neutral carbonate of potassa ; succinate of ammonia ; nitrate of ammonia ; solution of carbonate of am- monia ; solution of muriate of ammonia. Dry carbonate of potassa is sometimes wanted in fusing earths. The quantity of soil conveniently adapted for a perfect ana- lysis is from 200 to 400 grains. It should be collected in dry weather, and exposed to the atmosphere till it becomes dry to the touch. Independently of regular analysis, the specific gravity of a soil assists to indicate the quantity of animal and vegetable mat- ter it contains ; because the atoms of either are lighter than the atoms of cla}', of sand, or of lime. In proportion as a soil is light, it maybe presumed to be rich. Before a soil is analysed, the other physical properties of it should also be examined ; be- cause they denote, in a sensible degree, the sorts of earth in its composition, and serve to guide the order in which the chemi- cal tests are applied. Siliceous soils are generally rough to the touch, and scratch glass, when rubbed upon it ; calcareous soils (besides effervescing with acids, a trial to be afterwards descri- TESTS OF SOILS. 17 bed,) when in the shape of sand, do not scratch glass ; and clay^ while it is generally distinguishable by the touch, neither scratches glass nor effervesces with acids ; ferruginous soils are, for the most part, of a red or yellow colour, or rusty-brown. 1. Measure of Absorbent Power by the Dissipation OF Latent Water. — After soils have been dried by continu- ed exposure to the air, they still contain a considerable propor- tion of water which adheres to the earths, and to the animal and vegetable rudiments, in such obstinate combination, that it can only be driven off by a high degree of heat. To free a spe- cimen of soil from as much of this water as may be, without otherwise affecting its constitution, let it be heated for ten or twelve minutes over an Argand's lamp, till its temperature at- tain 300° of Fahrenheit. If a thermometer t)e not used,* the proper maximum of heat may be measured by keeping a piece of wood in contact with the bottom of the dish : While the co- lour of the wood remains unaltered, the heat is not excessive : as soon as the wood begins to be charred, discontinue the pro- cess. If a higher heat were applied, the vegetable or animal matter would be decomposed, and all the following train of ex- periment be rendered illusory. The loss of weight in the soil thus dried should be noted, as Indicating the absorbent power of the S(jil. Supposing the spe- cimen to have previously weighed 400 grains, the loss of fitty (or an eigth part) denotes a soil absorbent and retentive ot wa- ter in the greatest degree : such a soil will generally be found to contain either much vegetable or animal m.atter, or a large pro- portion of aluminous earth, in which two respects this indica- tion is equivocal ; but the tests to follow will decide. When the loss is onlv from a twentieth to a fortieth part of the whole, the soil is but slightly, absorbent, and siliceous earth probably forms the greatest part of it. 2. Separation of Gross Fragments. — Loose stones, gra- vel, and vegetable fibres, are artfully kept in the specimen im- til after the water is dissipated: for they participate, in different degrees, in that power of alisorbing moisture which affects the fertility of land. After the process of heating, detach these ; by bruising the soil gently in a mortar, and passing it through the sieve. Take separate minutes of the weights of the vegeta- ble fragments, and of the gravel and stones ; distinguishing the nature of the latter. If calcareous, they will effervesce with acids ; if siliceous, the-y will scratch glass ; and if aluminous, .they will be easily cut with a knife, and will refuse the tests^of lime and flint. 3. Separation of the Sand. — The greater numher of soils '.ontain varying proportions of sand more or less granulated. It * FJem^nts of Agricultural Chemistry, p. 112. C 18 TESTS OF SOILS. is necessary to separate the sand from the impalpable or more finely divided matters; such as clay, loam, marie, vegetable and animal atoms. Uo do this, boil the silted mass in four times its weight of water : when the texture of the soil is broken, and the water cooled, alternately shake the sediment in the vessel, and suffer it to settle ; for in subsiding, the different parts will be distributed in layers. Thus treated, the coarse sand will gene- rally separate in a minute, and the finer in two or three minutes, while the infinitely small earthy, animal, or vegetable matters, will continue in state of mechanical suspension: so that by pour- ing the water from the vessel after three minutes, the sand will be found divided from the other substances. The other sub- stances, with the water containing them, must be deposited in a filter, to be analysed as under 4. Meanwhile the sand is to be examined, and its quantity registered. It is either calcareous or siliceous ; and its nature may mostly be detected as that of stones and gravel, without a minute analysis. If it consist whol- ly of carbonate of lime, it will rapidly dissolve in muriatic acid, with effervescence ; but if it consist partly of this, and partly of siliceous sand, the latter will be found unchanged after the acid dissolving the lime has ceased to effervesce. This residuum must be washed, dried, and heated strongly in a crucible. Its weight is then ascertained by the balance ; and that, deducted from the weight of the whole, indicates the quantity of calcare- ous sand dissolved. 4. Analysis of the Finkly-divided Matters. — The water passing through the filtre is to be preserved ; for if any saline particles or soluble animal and vegetable elements exist- ed in the soil, it will be, found to contain them. Meanwhile the fine solid matter^eft on the filter must be collected, and dried. This is usually a compound exceedingly multifarious ; it some- times contains all the four primitive earths, as well as animal and vegetable matter. To ascertain the proportions of these with tolerable accuracy, is the most difficult part of the assay. I. Test of Lime in a Solid State. — Of muriatic acid take twice the weight of the promiscuous soil ; and dilute the acid with double the measure of water. Let the mixture remain for an hour and a half, stirring it frequently. By this time, if any carbonate of lime or of magnesia existed in the soil, they will have been dissolved in the acid ; which sometimes takes up likewise a little oxide of iron, but very seldom any alumina. The fluid should be passed through the filter. Then let the solid matter be collected, washed with rain water, dried under a moderate heat, and weighed. The loss denotes the quantity of solid matter taken up. II. Test of Ikon. — Add the washings to the solution, which, if not sour to the taste, must be made so by the addition of fresh TESTS OF SOILS. 19 acid. The test now to be added to the whole, is some triple so- lution of prussiate of potassa and iron. If a blue precipitate oc- curs, it indicates the presence of oxide of iron ; and more of the triple solution must be dropped in till this effect ceases. In or- der to weigh the precipitate, it must be collected and heated red. The result is oxide of iron, with perhaps a little oxide of man- ganiisum. III. Test of Lime suspended in a Fluid : — also of Mag- nesia. — Having taken out all the mineral oxide, next pour into the fluid a solution of neutralized carbonate of potassa, continu- ing to do so until it will effervesce no longer, and- till both the taste and smell of the mixture indicate an excess of alkaline salt. The precipitate that falls down is carbonate of lime : it must be collected on the filter, and dried at a heat below that of red- ness. The remaining fluid must be boiled for a quarter of an hour; when the magnesia, if any exist, will be thrown down, combined with carbonic acid. To bring it into a state for being weighed, treat it as the carbonate of lime.* IV. Test of Alumina incidentally dissolved and pre- cipitated. — If any minute proportion of alumina should have been dissolved by the acid employed in the first test, it will be found with the carbonate of lime in the precipitate obtained by the third. To separate it from the carbonate of lime, boil it for a few minutes with as much soap lye, or solution of caustic so- da, as will cover the solid matter. Soap lye thus applied dis- solves alumina without acting upon carbonate of lime. v. Measure of the Matter destructible by Red- IHEAT. — After the finely-divided promiscuous soil has been act- ed upon by muriatic acid, the next step is to ascertain the quan- tity of insoluble animal and vegetable matter which the residu- um contains. Set it in a crucible over a common fire ; and let it be ignited till no blackness remains in the mass ; stirring it often with a metallic rod so as to expose new surfaces successively to the air. The loss of weight ultimately caused, shews the quantity of sub- stance destructible by fire and air. When the smell emitted during the incineration resembles that of burnt feathers, it is a certain indication either of animal • In case the soil be sufficiently calcareous to efTervesce very strongly with acids, ProfeSsoi- Davy gives us a method of measuring the quantity of carbon- ate of lime, by collecting the carbonic gas expelled by the acid in a pneumatic apparatus described verbally in the Lectures, p. 116. This gas is to be either measured or weighed ; and it will bear the proportion of 43 to 100 to the ori- ginal weight of the carbonate of lime. This may be a very simple process to an expert chemist; but it is neither so easy to describe, nor so cheap to practice in occasional experiments, as that above. In an outline like this, for popular use, it is therefore sufficient to notice it. 20 TESTS OF SOILS. matter or of some substance analogous to it : on the other hand, a (.opious blue flame unitormly denotes a corresponding propor- tion of vegetable rudiment. It will accelerate the destruction of matter decompcjsable by ignition, to throw gradually upon the heateu mass some nitrate of ammonia, in the proportion of one-fifth to the weight of the residual soil. VI. Separation of the Parts indestructible by Heat. — The remaining parts are generally minute atoms of earthy matter, comprehending alumina and silica, combined with oxide of iron, or of manganesum. To separate these, boil them in little more than their weight of sulphuric acid, diluted with four times its weight of wa- ter. The substance keeping a solid form after this treatment, may be considered as siliceous. Let it be collected on the filter, washed, dried, and wtighed. If the residuum contained any oxide of iron, or of mangane- sum, ihey will have been dissolved by the sulphuric acid. To throw down the oxide of iron, add in excess succinate of am- monia. Whrn this has been done, introduce soap lye, to dis- solve the alumina, and to precipitate the oxide of manganesum. Heat the oxides to redness, and then eigh them. Should any magnesia and lime have escaped solution by the first test, that of muriatic acid, (which is rarely the case,) they will be found in the sulphuric acid. Their quantities are ascer- tained by a similar process to that above. (Course sometimes substituted for "v. and vi." — If very great accuracy be the object, dry carbonate of potassa must be -mploved as the agent ; of which four times the weight of the subject must be put with it into the crucible, and heated red for half an hour. The mass indestructible by heat must then be dissolved in muriatic acid, and the solution evaporated till it is nearly solid. In this state, add to it distilled water, by which the oxide of iron, and all the earths, except silica, will be dis- solved in combination as muriates. The silica, after filtration, must be heated red. The other substances are separated as from the muriatic and sulphuric solutions above. Where the soil to be analysed contains stones of doubtful composition, this pro- cess is well fitted to determine their charactt-r.) VII. Evaporation of the Digesting Water. — The wa- ter first used for boiling the earth as under L 3. (and which was directed to be kept for a separate trial) will contain whatever sa- line matter, or soluble vegetable and animal rudiments, existed in the soil. This water must be evaporated to dryness at a heat below boiling. If the solid matter obtained be brown in colour and inflam- mable, it may be regarded as vegetable extract, unless in com- tESTS OF SOILS. 21 bastion it emit a smell like tnat of burnt feathers, which indi- catts animal or uiouminous matter. If any portion be white, crystalline, and not destructible by heat, it may be considered as saline m its properties. The saline matter altogether bears a muiute proportion to the other constituents; and as most of it is generally common salt, the following tests need seldom be re- . sorted to. Salts of potassa are thrown down by a solution of platina. Sulphuric acid combined with any salt is detected in a solution of baryta by a dense white precipitate. Salts of lime assume a cloudy appearance in a solution containing oxalic acid. Salts of magnesia cause a similar cloudiness in a solution of am- monia. Muriatic acid is discovered by forming clouds in a so- lution of nitrate of silver. Salts containing nitric acid sparkle when thrown on burning coals. VIII. Process for detecting Sulphate of Lime, and Phosphate of Lime. — Sulphate of Lime (Gypsum) is to be detected by another independent process ; on which is engrafted a method of 'getting at Phosphate of Lime in a separate state. First, put the residuum, with one-third of jts weight of powder- ed charcoal, into a crucible : and heat the mixture red for half an hoar. The mass is afterwards to be boiled in water, (half a pint to 400 grains,) for a quarter of an hour. Filter the whole : expose the collected fluid for some days to the atmosphere ; and so much gypsum as the soil comprised will be gradually depo- sited as a white precipitate. Then to separate the Phosphate of Lime from the solid resi- duum, digest upon it muriatic acid more than sufficient to satu- rate the soluble earths. Evaporate the solution, and pour wa- ter upon the remains. The result will dissolve the earthy com- pounds, and leave the phosphate of lime untouched. When Sulphate of Lime and Phosphate of Lime have been thus disengaged in a solid form, it is sometimes necessary to de- duct a sum equal to their weight from the amount of the Car- bonate of Lime ; but that is only when the latter has been cal-> culated by the loss sustained in solid matter, part of which en- ters into the new compounds from which the Sulphate and Phos- phate have been recovered. IX. Formula for recapitulating the Results. — When the analysis of a soil is finished, add the quantities together ; and if they nearly equal the original portion of soil,* the assay maybe confided in as accurate. Four hundred grains of a good siliceous sandy soil from a hop garden near Tunbridge, Kent, gave these results : — Grains Water of absorption -...19 Iioose stones and gravel, chiefly flinty -.•..- S3 Can-ied over, .... - 72 • Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, p. 120. 32 CORRECTIVES OF SOIL&. Brought forward, . - - . 72 Undecomposed vegetable fibres 14 Fine siliceous sand ---- 212 S.i. /'Carbonate of lime 19 1 1 1 Carbonate of magnesia --..... 3 "3 s 1 Matter destructible by heat, chiefly vegetable - - . 15 :|^s J Silica 21 ^3*5"% Alumina ..--......13 •J a J Oxide of iron --........ S g 2 m Soluble matter, principally common salt and vegetable extract 3 •gS* V^Gypsum ..---.-..- 2 Loss • - 21 . 400 X. Popular Application or DEt ached Steps in the Pro- cess. — The assay may be very much simplified, when the inqui- ry is confined to one leading object. Thus, il it be merely wish- ed to know, whether a soil contain already so much lime as to make it inexpedient to bring on lime as a manure, it will be enough to put the specimen into a dish, and to pour upon it a quantity of muriatic acid : indeed when no other experiment is to be grounded on this trial, good white-wine vinegar may be employed. If the soil immersed in acid effervesces strongly, it is sufficiently charged, or perhaps overcharged, with lime. In a similar way, one or two essential questions may be sometimes solved by resorting to any of the other tests, either alone, or two or three connectedly, in a different order from that which has been set down. CORIlECTIVliS OF ILL-CONSTITUTED SOILS. The following are simple and efficacious correctives of some bad ingredients in soils, or the excess of some good constituent; the presence of which frequently disappoints even the skilful cultivator, when either the true cause is not suspected, or an ap- propriate remedy is not known. 1. A farmer with a great portion of common skill is often baf- fled by Iron in its acid combinations. If on washing the specimen of a sterile soil, it is found to contain the Salts of IRON, Sulphate of iron, or any Acid matter, it may be ameliorated by a top-dressing of quick lime ; which converts the sulphate of iron (copperas) into a manure. 2. If there be an Excess of pure calcareous matter (\ and the head Management of Manure from the Homestead. j V. Bif Fallorving. — Sir Humphry Davy seems to under-rate the utility of fallowing, and to be disposed to recommend the non-fallowing system. The following is the substance of the observations occurring in different j^arts of his Work on this subject. (1st.) '* The chemical theory of fallowing is very simple. Fallowing affords no new source of riches to the soil. It merely tends to pro- duce an accumulation of decomposing' matter . which in the com- mo7i course of crops xvoiild be employed as it is formed ; and it is scarcely possible to imagine a single instance in which a culti- vated soil can lie fallow for an entire vear with advantage to the farmer. The only cases where this practice is beneficial seems to be in the destruction of weeds, and for cleansing foul soil ^ "• i'lie benefits arising from fallows have been much over- rated. A suinmer fallow, or a clean fallow, may be sometirnes nect-ssury in lands overgrown with ^veeds, particularly if they are sands, — which cannot be pared and burnt with advantage: but it is certainly unprofitable as part of a general system of hustiandry."! , (2dly.) " It has been supposed hy some writers, that certam * Elemcvits of AgTicultural Chemisty, p. 22. tlbid,2?9, FALLOWING. 27 principles necessary to fertility are derived from the atmos- phj-rc, .viu;.h are uXiaasted by a succession of crops, and that these are again supplied duriiig the repose of the land, and the exposure of the pulverized soil to the influence of the air : but this, in truth, is not the case. The earths commonly found in soils cannot be combined witn more oxygen ; none of them will unite to azote ; and such of them as are capable of attracting carbonic acid, are always saturated with it on those soils on which the practice of fallowing is adopted. The vague ancient opinion of the use of nitre, and of nitrous salts in vegetation, seems to ha -e been one of the principal speculative reasons for the defence of summer fallows. Nitrous salts are produced during the exposure of soils containing animal and vegetable remains, a id in greatest abundance in hot weather : but it is PROBABLY by the com!)ination of azote, escaping from those remains, with oxygen in the atmosphere that the acid is formed ; and at the expense of an element v/hich would otlier- wise have been converted into ammonia; the cosnpounds of which, as is evident from what is stated under VIII. 2, are much more efficacious than the nitrous compounds in assisting vegetation."* (3dly.) " When weeds are buried in the soil, by their gra- dual decomposition they furnish a certain quantity of soluble matter: but it may be doubted, whether there in as- much use- ful manure in the land at the end of a clean falloxv^ as at the time the vegetables clothing the surface were first ploughed in. Carbonic acid gas is formed during the whole time by the action of the vegetable matter upon the oxygen of the air ; and the greater part of it is lost to the soil in which it -was formed^ and dissipated in the atmosphere. " The action of the sun upon the surface of the soil tends to disengage the gaseous and tnt- volatile fluid matters contained in it ; and heat increases the rapidity of fermentation : and in the summer fallow^ nutriment is rapidly produced at a time when no vegetables are present capable of absorbing it."f (4thly.) "■ Land when it is not employed in preparing food for animals, should be applied to the preparation of manure for plants ; and this is effected bv means of green crops, in con- sequence of the absiorption of carbonaceous matter from the carbonic acid of the atmosphere. In a summer^ s falloxv^ a pe- riod is always lost in which vegetables may be raised, either as food for ani rials, or as nourishment for the next crop ; and the texture of the soil is not so much improved by its exposure as in winter, when the expansive powers of ice, the gradual dis- solution of snows, and the alternations from wet to dry, tend to pulverize it, and to mix its different parts together.":|; * Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, p, 240. tTb.id. ^ Ibid. 2H TALLOW IN tt. The Reader has now before him the arguments directed hy Sir H. Davy against the praetice ot fallowing, as part of a ge- neral system of husbandry. But cannot some of the above object;ions to the giving of a periodical rest to land after an exhausting crop be obviated ? and are not the benelits of a summer fallow, when admitted to be necessary, in some respects undervalued ^ In the first place, this eminent philosopher observes, that fal- lowing " MERELY tends to produce an accumulation of decom- posing matter, which in the common course of crops would be employed as it is formed.'" But this accumulation of decom- posing matter is alone a great acquisition ; it is in many cases the precise restorative wanted to keep up the proportion oi ve- getable mould necessary to fertility. Supposing the milder course of crops to employ the decomposing matter as it is formed, — how are plants which depend still more on the nutri- ment lodged in the :-.oil, to be grown in full crops, where the quantity of manure is limited by local circumstances, unless the elements of vj:getation are allowed to accumulate for a sea- son, at periods adjudged proper by a manager acquainted with the power of the soil and the course of crops ? Secondly, in opposition to the idea that certain principles ne- cessary to fertilit)- are derived from the atmosphere. Sir Hum- phry enters on a speculative train of reasoning, — against which it would be presumptuous to appeal, had he offered a positive conclusion as a great chemical authority : but some of the as- sumed data — such as that the " earths commonly found in soils cannot be combined with more oxygen" — seem to skirmish with the conclusion [" Nitrous salts". . . to the end of the para- graph ;] — nor has the " vague ancient opinion of the use of nitre and of nitrous salts in vegetation'' been subverted or discoun- tenanced b)- the experiments of modern physiologists, many of whom have found that plants will grow in nitre alone, which is more than the ancient opinion requires in its support. And as to the final inference, — " but it is probably by the combina- tion," &c. the uncertainty disclosed in the word " probably," deprives the argument ot all decisive effect in a practical point of view for although the Professor is acquainted witl\ the ope- . ration of gases as far perhaps as experiment will ever trace it^ the manner in which nitrous salts are produced in soils contain- ing animal and vegetable remains, is but guessed at by him, and not explained to us with the authority of certain knowledge. Thirdly, this distinguished Chemist, after virtually admit- ting, that the weeds which were overrunning the land must en- rich it by being buried in its bosom, further observes : — " But it may be doubt r.D, whether tliere is as much useful manure in the land at the end of a clean fallow, as at the time the vegeta- bles clothing the surface were first ploughed in." . , . he Scj:. FAI.LOWIXG'. 29 To this speculative objection the answer must necessarily take a speculative turn. If there be less manure in the land at the dose of a fallow, the quantity lost must have escaped in the shape ot vapour, and been dispersed in the atmosphere. It may be wortii while t(j inqvjire how far this is to be estimated as a loss i In opposition to the theory of Sir Humphry Davy on this point, it is quite consistent with good logic to suppose, that whatever escapes from the dissolviu)^ mass of a dead plant in the form of vapour, and does not fall down to the earth by con- lensation, is easily and most naturi.lly taken up by a new grow- nj; plant from the atmosphere, throu;i;h the leaves ; that is to ^ay, whatever has^ tendency to fly oil' into the air is to be re- ';ovcred by communication with the air. On this subject the theory of the author of these remarks is as Ibllows : — To form the bulk of a growing plant, — certain Substances comprehended under some of the descriptions of matter com- mon to vegetables, and which appear on analysis to be combined differently in different' species, are taken up by the roots from the soil, and by the leaves from the air, tlirough the medium of congenial fluids : in succulent plants a greater proportion of food is received by the leaves than by the roots, so that even the bulk of the plant, or the basis of the sap, is in such kinds increased chiefly by derivations from the air. To imbue a common insipid basis with those distinguishing peculiarities which make different species growing in the same ,oil differ in scent, flavour, and the qualities which are salutary or pernicious in food and medicint, — certain Specific Essen- ces, or volatile aeriform atoms, invisible either from being co- lourless or minutely divided, are taken up entirely by the leaves from the air; the character of the plant having been originally fixed by a portion of the peculiar essence being lodged in the seed so as to attract to it only volatile particles of its own na- ture.* H';nce in mixed masses of manure, the manure may be con- sidered better adapted for general purposes, when the volatile properties peculiar to specific plants and to animal bodies have ::scaped, and when the residuum is nothing more than the mat- ter common to vegetable and animal bodies. It may seem to be a loss, that the gaseous essence, escaping into the atmosphere, is dispersed over an immeasurable region of air, and carried by winds over the face of the earth, instead of being retained for the enrichment of a particular field. To • 'I'liis tlicon' will f^o a considerable way towards afTording a solution why Jic hlossoms and fruit of" a graft should preserve their distingiiishinjj pcouliari- .ics, unaltered by connexion with the stock* so FALLOWING. this it may be answered, that che ^ases of which the air is con- stitued — oxygen, azote, and carbonic acid gas — though differing in ilieir specific gravity ar rather levity, arc found to be com- bined in any cubical quantity of air in a proportion which ne- ver materially varies ;* and it is quite reasonable to suppose, that the volatile salts or spirits, or aromatic principles, which constitute the essences of plants, arc distributed equally over the atmosphere by the same law. The quantil^ of volatile essence floating within reach of the attraction ol an individual plant must, ^indeed, be allowed to be evanescent even to the confines of no- thingness, when the transparency of the air is considered, and the tnultiplicity of difl'erent essences of which infinitel) small divi- sions are supposed to be floating in it. But if^on the other hand, we advert to the elastic nature of the air, and the jiroperty which it is found to have ot always preserving its natural equi- librium, the most scanty provisions of volatile food in the vici- nity of a plant is abundance. Thus, suppose a plant to take up carbonic acid gas with great avidity ; although the proportion of carbonic acid gas is extremely small, yet the plant cannot drink tip the quantity in immediate contact so fast, but the same quan- tity will be constantly preserved in the air surrounding it ; for gas of the same nature is incessantly pressing into the temporary void where the interchange of natural air is unrestricted. The supply of a peculiar essence to plants, by the medium of the common air, may be rendered sufficiently ample by obedience to the same law. It may therefore be one of the benefits of a fallow, to lose every thing which can escape by a free exposure of the putrefy- ing remains which promiscuously accumulate in a soil. On the hypothesis which has just been sketched, the objec- tion of Sir H. Davy, that " the action of the sun upon the sur- face of the soil tends to disengage the gaseous and the volatile fluid matter that it contains, and heat increases the rapidity of fermentation," — may be enlisted among the arguments in favour of a summer fallow. In cases where a restorative course is de- sirable, the objector also becomes an ally who urges, that " in the summer fallow nutriment is rapidiiy produced at a time when no vegetables are present capable of absorbing, it." Fourthly, with regard to the superior utility of ploughing in Green Crops, as recommended in the Elements of Agricultu- ral Chemistrv, instead of a fallow : — There can be no difference of opinion where the land is poor, or exhausted, without being foul; that is to say, when it wants recruiting with manure, but not cleaning of root-weeds to the full depth of the soil. Plants which quickly decompose, such as the lettuce, are most conducive to * In a given volume of air, their pro^jortions arc usually found to be : Oxygen 3^^ ; azote J^^ ; carbonic acid gas ^^^ max. ^^^ min. FALLOWING. 31 ihe object of exciting a fermentation in fibrous woody remainis as well as enriching the land. This subject has been already touched under Sect. IV. To return to 'the question of fallowing. It is merely to dis- embarrass the practical manager, that so much has been said by way of theory against an hypothesis on non-JflUowing^ which is made to depend on assumptions from chemical principles too little capable of proof from experiment to be safely adopted in this branch of agriculture. Some of the incidental statements, in the above abstract from the Professor's Lectures, are decidedly adverse to practical maxims in which most farmers, and the majority of writers on husbandry, including the Reports from Agricultural Societies, concur ; — the statements, for example, that ' sands are benefited by a summer fallow more than clays ;' and that the ' land is not richer at the end of such a fallow than it was before.' On the contrary, the conclusion to which the registered courses of pro- fitable husbandry lead, is very much like the following sum- mary. 1. Land is uniformly recr^iited during a fallow : this is pro- ved by the circumstance, that, in all soils, a much leas quantity of dung is necessary after a sutnmer fallow ; and on some lands none is wanted ; nay, the experienced Cally is of opinion, that dunging naked fallows is in many cases better dispensed with, and has often, in tolerable loam^, made the crop to fail. 2. Clays are unfit for green crops, the substitute for a sumr mer fallow ; and hence are necessitated to adopt the latter, in rotation with white crops.* A winter fallow merely is, indeed, an excellent thing in light grounds, and as a preparation for spring wheat ; but it will not do with clays, which require a thorough drying and pulverizing, before they can profit by the falling juices, which would only render the earth more hard and compact. A summer fallow is, therefore, more proper for this soil.f 3. Light soils only can dispense with fallows. The ques- tion therefore is narrowed to this compass : Whether the benefit of a summer fallow, on a sandy or other light soil fit for green crops, is equal to the loss of a year's rent» or to the difference between the profit of a green crop and the rent for one year paid on a naked fallow ? The general conclusion is, — that it i? not ; and that a summer fallow for light soils is too costly. By a rotation of crops, every ingredient in the manure ap- plied is successively turned to profit; for those parts of it which are not fitted for one crop remain as nourishment for another. • Letter by tlie President of the Workington Agricultural Society, dated TSav, 2D, 1814. t Pfiilosophical Magazine for Jan. 1815. A<>. 1. p. 12. IJ2 FALLOWING. Different soils refiuJrc a diiriient rotation, and the ])vacttce of one district allord no ubsolutr rule lor another. Local circiim- rilances will always nilluenci- the course of crops ; jet a survey of some of" the rotati(jns, which alter long trial are found lo be repeatedly beneficuil on the principal sorts (g them to the public in his Annals of ^griciiUue. 7th vol., to whom they were sent with all the exterior marks of an ordinary correspondent : they were subscribed " Ralph Robinson," and dated from Windsor. FALLOWING. 35 -consuming the crop, treading the soil, and rendering it more compact and firm, which a light soil requires. . . . Besides, this enables the farmer to keep a larger stock of cattle, which increases his quantity of manure." " Thus his land, although never dormant, is continually re- plenished with a variety of manures, and thus unites the system of continued pasture with cultivation." — Letter dated otii Mc(rchf 1787. Extract relating to Winter Fallows. It is to be premised that the texture of some lands gives them a middle nature between light and heavy ; or else from local causes- there is no dependence that they can be kept sufficiently dry in winter for a feeding-crop. " Many soils may be impro- ved by winter fallows. This may be practiced by ploughing immediately after the grain crop is off in a dry season ; and by being well water-furrowed during the winter ; and by proper dressings in the spring : but Mr. Ducket does not think this method equal to a feeding-crop of rye, turnips, or tares." — Let- "*" ter dated 5th March^ 1787. ^* . Extract relating to Summer Fallows. The joint effect of this and the preceding passage is the more remarkable, because the Editor of the Annals of Agriculture appended to the first Letter the Note which is exhibited below.* 'v The note bespeaks the echo of a preconceived opinion : but his ''^,^, Correspondent had a mind independent of that system which *i- would invert, instead of modifying and augmenting, the " ga- thered wisdom" of a hundred generations. This reply is a pointed correction of the mistake in regard to Mr. Ducket. " He thinks fallows necessary for strong soils, as the clods of the earth cannot be well broken to pieces without being some- time exposed to the air." — Letter dated 5th March^ 1785. As in gardens the land can be kept clean by the hoe, and the renovation by manure is more under the power of the cultiva- tor, a winter tallow is in most cases sufficient. VI. By Irrigation. — Irrigation is often found to be beneficial under two different kinds of circumstances ; being resorted to with different intentions : • " I have at various times, during tlie last fifteen years, viewfed with groat attention the husbandry of the very ingenious Mr, Ducket. I took notes of what I saw for my private information, but did not publish them, as I thought I perceived a disinchnation in that gentleman to have them so brought for- ward ; and on some points, he expressly desired me not. I am glad to find by this memoir (fpr which the Pubhc is much indebted to the author) that he has relaxed in this particular. I wish much that Mr. Robinson, as he has broken the ice, would proceed, and in particular give his courses of crops; and ex^ plain, in particular, his nUer rejection offalloivs," 36 IRRIGATION. 1. To obtain an alluvial deposit left by the water. In winter, on land where no crop or seed is lodged, but where annual or other plants are to be cultivated in the following season : or in autumn, whenever the crop is off the ground ; or at any time when the soil of a fallow requires to be strengthened, this sub- stituted for a more expensive manure may be applied. Also meadows may be floated at the seasons judged proper, accord- ing to the circumstances ot the land, the quality of the water, and the constitution of the grass. The practice of the Fiorin School (founded by Mr. Richardson,) as reported in the Agri- cultural Magazine, N. S. No. 6. is in substance thus : " Some par s of the Fiorin to be irrigated in November : others in Feb- ruary : the floating to be continued at intervals throughout the summer ; the water to be one xveek^ or less^ on the meadow, and txvo weeks off it : but the grass not to be mown till October." The result is not stated, in the most favourable event, this me- thod could only be proper for grass which naturally grows on bogs, and where it is intended to be husbanded as a winter food. 2. In summer, a light shallow irrigation may be directed over land occupied with growing plants, where a long continuance of dry weather makes it desirable to draw out such a resource. This is merely watering ; and not irrigating, to obtain an allu- vial manure. The winter irrigation of meadows is, in many districts, the effect ot a local flood, which the farmer cannot prevent nor ma- terially control : but the temporary mischief is followed with a rich compensation. AH plants which are not aquatic, if they are covered over the tops with water, have their growth imme- diately arrested ; and if they thus continue inundated during, the winter months, the majority die down to the root, having the herb completely dissolved, and even the roots of others pe- rish : but the vegetable matter of the plants thus decomposed adds to the depth and fertility of the soil ; and such plants as survive to shoot again in spring, derive an advantage from the decayed substance of the others, as well as from the alluvial soil deposited by the water. Sir Humphry Davy's, theory on irrigation partly corresponds with the above ; but one good effect which he attributes to the flooding of meadows in winter, is quite opposed to the admis- sion of temporary injury to plants not aquatic. His words are : *' In very cold seasons it [the inundation] preserves the roots and leaves of the grass from being affected by frost Water is of greater specific gravity at 42** of Fahrenheit than at 32**, the freezing point ; and hence in a meadow irrigated in winter, tht water immediately in contact with the grass is rarely below 40°, a degree of temperature not at all prejudicial to the living organs of plants. [He proceeds to relate the following experiment.] In 1804, in the month of March, I examined the IRRIGATION. 37 « temperature of a water meadow near Hungerford, in Berkshire, by a vvr^ delicate thermometer. The temperature of the air, at seven in the morning, was 29">. The water was frozen above the grass. The temperature of the soil below the water, in which the roots of the grass were fixed,* was 43°." — This in- sulated observation is certainly not enough to support the prin- ciple laid down by the Professor. As the water is reduced in depth, in the course of its subsiding and evaporating, there must happen many occasions on which the grass would lie al- ternately in shallow water, and alternately in thin ice, partly covered and partly exposed, and ready to dissolve as soon as any heat acts upon the moisture. It concerns the practical farmer who has meadows which ht can either float, or keep dry, to decide by close persoral exami- nation, in what manner gi'asses not aquatic are affected by lying under water during the frosts and other vicissitudes of v. inter : of this the state of the grass at the subsiding of the water in sprmg, and the weight of the crop, is the proper criterion.] The Professor says in another place : "■ When land has been covered by water in the winter, or m the beginning of spring, the moisture that has penetrated deep into the soil, and even the subsoil, becomes a source of nourishment to the roots of the plant in summer ; and prevents those bad effects that often happen to lands in their natural state from a long continuance of dry weather.":}: The alluvial matters which the water may have diffused through the veins of the land is undoubtedly be- neficial : but, were the water which has conveyed them to stag- nate in the subsoil, it would be more pernicious to most plants than the droughts of summer. We now come to some other communications by this distin- guished Chemist ; the substance of which may be given with- out protest or comment as principles consistent with experience — although they are placed on an original foundation, which enlarges the sphere in which irrigation may be safely applied. " When the water used in irrigation has flowed over a calca- reous bed, it is generally found impregnated with carbonate of lime ; and such water tends, in that respect, to ameliorate a soil in proportion as any of the modifications of lime and charcoal v/ere deficient ; but where these are already in excess, water charged with a limy sediment should be withheld j while wa- • Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, p. 239. f " Should the frost set in when the water is on the land, so that some spots should be covered with ice for some days, the spot so covered with ice will be of a darker green, and appear more healthy in the spring than the rest of the field. But when they come to mow the hay, the crop will be considerably less than that on the other parts of the field that were not covered with ice." 0)1 Watering JMeadoivs in Brecknockshire. Report by J\lr, John Clark to tile Board of Jlgricidture, 1794. ^ Elements of A^icultural Chemistry, p. 238. 38 APPLYING EARTHS AS MANURES. ter impregated with sand, clay, gypsum, or particles of iron, would be beneficial. " Common river water generally contains a certain portion of the constituents of vegetables and animal bodies ; and after rains this portion is greater than at other times : it is habitual- ly largest when the source of the stream is in a cultivated country.* " In general, those waters which breed the best fish are the best fitted for watering meadows ; but most of the benefits of irrigation may be derived from any kind of water — -provided the soil be not already overcharged with the prevailing ingredi- ent in the deposit left by the water ; and provided, on the other hand, that the matter of the soil and the matter of the depo- sit are not pernicious when combined. These are general prin- ciples : 1. That waters containing ferruginous impregnations (particles of iron) tend to fertilize a calcareous soil. 2. Fer- ruginous waters are injurious on a soil that does not effervesce with acids, which is one of the tests of the presence of lime. 3. Calcareous waters, which are known by the earthy deposit they afford when boiled, are of most use on siliceous soils, or other soils containing no considerable proportion of carbonate of lime.f Supposing the farmer to have a complete command over con- tiguous water containing a suitable alluvial deposit, he may render a cultivated level, which requires rest and a cheap ma- nure, extremely productive with comparatively little labour, by irrigating on the above principles. VII. By applying' Eafths as Manures. — When any decom- ' posed mass of stone or earth is laid upon or turned into the cultivated clod, with the object — eitherof furnishing a solvent to the remains of animal or vegetable matter which encumber the soil by their slow decay, or of enriching the land with some substance which is apparently taken up by specific plants as FOOD ; then the earthy matter is applied as manure. This is a distinct province from that of merely applying earths to mend the texture of the soils as under I. But sometimes the two designs will coincide. Closely connected with the theory of manures is the inquiry. What is the true food of plants ? " The chemistry of the more simple manures, the manures which act in very small quantities — such as gypsum, the alka- lies (which include potash and soda,) and various saline sub- /Stances — has hitherto been exceedingly obscure. It has been generally supposed, that these materials act in the vegetable economy in the same manner as stimulants in the animal econ- omy, or perhaps in some relations as solvents ; but that in ei- ther case they merely render the common food more nutritive. * Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, p. 238, t^bid, 239. ON THE FOOD OF PLANTS. 39 It seems, however, a much more probable idea, that they are actually a part of the true food of plants, and that they supply that kind of matter to the vegetable Jibre rvhich is analo- gous to the bony 7natter in animal structures.''''* The probability that Sir H. Davy has assigned to these substjmces their true office in vegetation, is much heightened by the earthy matters aftbrded by different plants on analysis. On a similar principle, the benefit of a small proportion of shell marl, in the compost for the pine apple, is accounted for in Abercrombie's " Practi- cal Gardener."! The epidermis of the rattan is stated to contain a sufficient quantity of flint, to give light when struck by steel ; and some small proportion of minutely pulverized flint exists generally in the epidermis of hollow stalked plants, where it is of great use in serving as a support, and seems to perform an office in the feeble vegetable tribes analagous to that of the fine thin shell by which many insects are defended. As a prelude to a survey of the effects of different earths as manures, it may be serviceable to glance at those constituents in the kingdom of nature, which appear to be the chief agents in vegetation. Before the true constitution of Water was known, some phi- losophers and speculative horticulturists had supposed, that all the products of vegetation might be generated from water ; an opinion which practical experiments have shown to be falla- cious. This ancient error, and the revival of it by several eminent physiologists in the 17th and 18th centuries,:|: was founded on correct observations, in regard to the following points : — 1. The presence of moisture is necessary to germina- tion. 2. Water is the vehicle of various particles of nourish- ment derived both from the air and from the soil ; ^nd no ma- nure can be taken up by the roots of plants unless it is present. 3. Various vegetables, a greater number than can be easily na- med, have been found to grow vigorously with the roots in con- tact with water without earth. In the same manner, the existence of air-plants, — the misin- terpretation of various phsenomena observed in experiments on * Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, p. 19. ■f Hot-house, Pinery, p. 601. The first edition of tlie " Practical Garden- er," was published before tlie Elements of AgriculUiral Chemistry appeared. + Van Helinont, Boyle, Bonnet, Duhamel, Tillet, and Lord Karnes, zealously endeavoured to establish the theory of water being the only food of plants -, and Braconnot quite recently, by experiments with distilled water. Margraf, Bergman, Kirwan, Hassenfratz, Saussure, San Martiuo, and Davy, have expo- sed the fallacies of this theory. Every pound of rain water contains one grain of earth, besides other impregnations. Plants raised from pure water will vegetate only a certain time, and never perfect their seeds. Bulbous roots, which are made to grow in water, if not planted in earth every other year, refuse at last to flower, and even to vegetate. 40 ON THE FOOD OF PLANTS^ the atmosphere, and the repeated demonstrations that without the presence ot" ah', or of oxygen gas, neither the germination of seeds can commence, nor the offices of vegetation proceed, — have led many inventors of' new hypotheses on the growth and food of plants, to attribute to the agency of Air greater effects than is consistent with the daily evidence that many other things are equally indispensable. So the productive power of mere Earth has been exagge- rated. Jethro TuU, the ingenious author of the system of horse-hoeing, and after him Duhamel, having observed the excellent effects produced in tillage by a minute di- vision of the soil, and by the pulverization of the broken clod by exposure to dew and air, were misled by carrying these principles too far. Supposing earth to be the only food ot plants, they contended, that by finely dividing the soil, any number of crops might be raised in succession from the same land, so as to render periodical fallows unnecessary, Duhamel attempted to prove that vegetables of every kind could be raised without manure : but he lived long enough to alter this opin- ion ; his subsequent trials led to the mature conclusion, that no single material constituted the food of plants. The general experience of farmers had long before convinced unprejudiced theorists of that as a fundamental principle ; and also that ma- nures were absolutely consumed in the growth of plants. The principles of Sir Humphry Davy are nearly, but not im- plicitly adopted in the following recapitulation and synthesis. Water, and air, and earth (as the chief depository of solid organic materials,) all operate in the process of \«getation. No one principle affords the pabulum of plants : it is neither water, which may form the basis of their fluids, for it exists in all the products of vegetation; nor air, of which they give out various forms on distillation, such as oxygen, and azote, and inflammable gas ; nor charcoal, which is found on analy- sis to be a principal constituent of plants ; nor the particles of flint, and of gypsum, at other times of lime, found in the stems of most vegetables. In all cases, the ashes of plants contain some of the earths of the soil in which the plant grew ; but the earthy particles never exceed y^ in weight of the vegeta- ble burnt. The soil is the great laboratory in which the main part of the food for common plants, or that which conduces to their gross bulk, is lodged and prepared. In proportion as some kinds of vegetables are found not to exhaust a soil, they must be supposed to derive organic materials from the air, as well as from the rain or other water with which their vessels may come in contact ; further, some contrilmtions to the sub- stantial juices of all plants may float among the constituents of air. To all kinds of leaves and fruit, the atmosphere may pos- ON THE FOOD OP PLANTS. 4l iibly be the medium of the subtile and volatile parti- cles WHICH constitute FLAVOUR AND AROMATIC ESSENCE * The colour of plants, in regard to the constant repetition of habitual tints, may depend greatly on their free communication with light : but the colour of the foliage, flowers, and fruit, is also affected by accidents in the soil and climate. The princi- ples of vegetable matter which escape from putrefying plants, are either soluble in water or aeriform ; in the one state, they form the most useful part of manure j in the other, they swim in the atmosphere ; in both states, they are capable of being as- similated by the organs of contiguous vegetables : for plants take up the elements found in thtir composition, either by their roots from the soil, or by their leaves from the air. The substances found in plants on analysis may be divided into — 1. Those which constitute the hard mattf-r or frame of the plant. 2. Those wbich are eminently, if not soLly, the nutritive materials, whether in the form of dry solids, soft pulp, or juice. 3. Those which serve as condiments, and con- tribute to diversify the scent, flavour, colour, and medical properties. The first class includes the simple earths, the earthy bases of compound substances, metallic oxides, and the basis of woody and vegetable fibre, great part of which is carbon. It has been already mentioned that the eartliy , matter never exceeds one fiftieth part in weight of the whole plant, and it is commonly much less ; lime and flint are found the most frequently ; mag- nesia more rarely ; and clay most seldom of all. No other metallic oxides occur than those of iron and manganesum. — ■ Charcoal is a principal constituent in all plants. The second class comprehends several substances which are common to the animal as well as the vegetable kingdom, and therefore may be regarded as directly nutritive to animals ; along with a great number not generally present in vegetables to any sensible degree, although abundant in particular plants : these are, farina, or the basis of starch ; gluten, or paste ; gura, or mucilage ; gelatine, or the matter of jelly ; (these three are not always distinguishable;) albunen, resembling the white of an egg ; sugar ; water ; wax ; resin ; fixed oils ; fungin, a prin- ciple detected in the cucumber, abundant in mushrooms ; and extract an indefinable substance, changing with the plant ana- lysed. The third class consists of acids, alkalies, and soluble salts ; — of these the most usual is sulphuric acid, combined with sul- phate of potassa ; likewise common salt, and phosphate of lime. The following seem to belong to this class, though sometimes • That is, such as are proper to the plant ; for a rank soil may deteriorate the flavour of edible produce by conveying through the roots some remaining juices of % foreign substance. F 42 CAUSTIC LIME AS A MANURE. in intimate combination with substances under the first or second : — tannin, or the matter tanning leather ; indigo, and the various colouring matters ; camphor ; the bitter principle ; the narcotic principle, or opiate ; volatile oils. In addition to all the elementary parts actually found, some aroma, or fugitive essence, which would belong to the third class if it could be detained, may go off in a form thinner than air, too subtile to be weighed or measured. The accumulation in a plant of the first class of things in a due and healthy proportion, may depend principally upon the soil, as a mixture of earth ; of the second, upon the manure ; of the third, in a slight degree upon the local climate, but emi- nently upon the power natural to the plant for attracting pecu- liar particles in the earth and air. After these introductory remarks on the chief agents in ve- getation, it will be more easy to explain the operation of the different earths, or species of decomposed stone, which are laid upon lands as manure. 1. Lime as a solvent. (Quicklime.) — Lime, when first burnt, has a caustic property, speedily decomposes vegetable and animal fibre, and is soluble in water. After burnt lime has been exposed to the atmosphere a determinate time, it be- comes mild, by taking up Ciirbonic acid ; loses its solubility ; and becomes chalk, or carbonate of lime. When newly burnt lime is exposed to the air, it soon falls into powder; in this case it is called Slakt-d Lime. The same effect is at once produced by pouring water upon it, when it heats violently, and the water disappears. Slaked lime was used by the ancient Romans for manuring the soil in which fruit-trees grew. Nevertheless caustic lime is pernicious to vegetation, as far as it comes in contact with a growing plant. Where acid vegetable mould — a radical bane in some marshes, moors, and peat-lands — requires correction, proceed as under I. 1. When quicklime, i. e. lime either freshly burnt or slaked, is mixed with any moist fibrous vegetable matter, there is a strong action between the two substances ; and they form a kind of compost, of which a part is usually soluble in ater. Thus lime renders matter, which was comparativeh' inert, nutritive ; and as charcoal and ox}^gen abound in vegetable matters, the lime is at the same time converted into carbonate of lime.* So burnt lime, in its first effect, decomposes animal matter, and seems to accelerate the progress of such matter to a capa- city of affording nutriment for vegetables : gradually^ however, the lime is neutralized by carbonic acid, and converted into a substance analagous to chalk ; but in this case it more perfectlv • Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, p. 216. MILD, LIME AS A MANURE. 43* Vnixes with the other ingredients ot the soil, and is more ]ier- vadingly diffused, more finely divided, than mere chalk artifi- cially applied. Burnt lime is probably more benelicial to land tontaining much woody fibre or animal fibrous matter^ than any calcareous subsiance in its natural state.* Thus is quicklime efficacious in iertiiizing peats, and in reducing under tillage soils abounding in hard roots. But when animal or vegetable re- mains are destitute of fibrous matter, so as not to require a powerful solvent, or when their bulk is not in too large a pro- portion, or their tendency to putrescency excessive and noxious, the application of quicklime is an unnecessary reduction of their strength ; therefore to cover or mix them with any simple earth, or stone pulverized without burning, will be better. — See " 2. Mild Lime:" Lime moistened with sea-water yields more alkali (soda) than when treated with common water ; and is said to have been used in some cases with more benefit as manure. f It is most important to the Agriculturist to be apprised of the difference in the operation of common limestone, which is of a pure white colour, and another kind of limestone which has a brown or pale yellow tincture : for a disclosure of the cause of this difference, the public are indebted to Mr. Tennant. It had long been noticed, that a particular species of limestone found in the north of England, when applied in its burnt and slaked state to land, in considerable quantities, either occasioned abso- lute sterility, or considerably injured the crops for many years. Mr. Tennant, by a chemical analysis, discovered that this kind of limestone differed from the common, by containing magne~ ■Stan earth : and from several horticultural experiments, he as- certained that magnesia, applied in large quantities, in its caus« tic state, is pernicious to vegetation. Under common circum- stances, the lime from the niagnesian quarry is, however, used in small doses, upon fertile soils, with good effect ; and it may be applied in greater quantities to soils containing a very large proportion of vegetable matter.:): See, fui'ther, " 3. Magne- sia ;" also soaie restraints on the use of quicklime, in th^ fourth paragraph of the next article. 2. Mild Lime, powdered unburnt limestone, marles, and chalks, have no solvent action upon animal or vegetable re- mains : on the contrary, they prevent the too rapid composition of substances already dissqlved ; and they have no tendency to form solublejl matters. § Calcareous matter, in some propor*- • Elements of Agricultural Chcmistiy, p. 21. t Ibid. p. 232. i Ibid. p. 21. II Ibid. p. 216. § That is to say, not in a direct manner : but where there is any mineral or ■saline acid in the staple earth or ordinary manure, tlie radical evil in what is -called .so?/?' lajid, a top drosfsing- of litne, (set abcivcj 1. 1.} ^\-ill nenfralizc tlm 44 MILD LIME AS A MANURE, tions, seems to be an essential ingredient in all fertile soils ; ne- cessary perhaps to their proper ttxtui^e, or as a constituent iu the organs of plants.* Although lime, when rendered mild by the recovery of the carbonic acid which was expelled in burning the limt- stone, does not undergo any further change in itself by continued exposure to the air, yet when saturated with moisture descending in showers or otherwise conveyed to it, it has the property of at- tracting an additional quantity, or second dose, of carbonic acid : this — not entering into its constitution, but hanging loose- ly about it by a transient association — the mild lime readily parts with to vegetables growing near ; at the same time the bulk of the mild lime is a little lessened by the action of mois- ture dissolving part of its crust. Lime in every state has also the property of attracting volatile oils floating in the air, as well as fluid oils in contact with it. The efficacy of a dressing of mild lime is proportioned to the deficiency of calcareous matter in the natural soil. All soils which do not effervesce with acids, are improved by mild lime, and sands more than clays. The rubbish of mortar, on account of the quantity of sand which it contains along with the chalk, is peculiarly fitted to benefit clayey soils. Marie, though the basis of it is mild lime, is to be distinguished from a pure calcareous dressing, because it usually contains the re- mains of some animal matter, with a little clay or peat. When a soil which requires an accession of calcareous mat- ter, at the same time contains much vegetable manure, which is already soluble by the ordinary agency of moisture and natural heat, without any ingredient that calls for quicklime, — the cal- careous dressing should consist of chalk, marie, or mild lime .; acid matter. Quicklime is more efficacious tlian mild lime for this purpose ; but simple chulk, also marie, applied in large quantities, will correct the evil. These manures, by neutralizini;' tlie acids combined with the mould, qualify the vegetable and other soluble substances also present, to be converted by the influence of the atmosphere and of moisture into nutriment for plants. — . All the experiments yet made render it probable, that the food of plants, as it is taken up from the soil, is imbibed by the extremities of the roots only. Hence, as the extremities of the roots contain no visible opening, we may conclude that the food wliich they imbibe must be in a stale of solution first. And, in fact, the carbonaceous matter, in all active manures, is in such a state of combination as to be soluble in water whenever a beneficial effect is obtained. AH the salts which we can suppose to make part of the food of plants, are so- luble in water. This is the case also with lime, whether it be pure or in the state of a salt : magnesia, and alumina may be rendered so by carbonic acid gas ; and even miiuUe flinty sand may be dissolved in water. We can see, therefore, in general, though we have no precise notions of the veiy combi- nations that are immediately imbibed by plants, that all the substances which form essential parts of their food 7nay be dissolved in water. Sijstem of Che- misinj, by Thomas Tliomson, M. D. F. R. S. E. Vol. V. p. 376. 3d. edit. Edin. 1807. • Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, p. 21. Compare with " Practical Gardener," p. 601. UNBURNT LIME AS A MANURE. 45 and the application of quicklime should be avoided ; as quick- lime is disposed to unite with the soluble matter of dead jjlants, destitute of woody fibre, before the latter can have benefited the soil, and thus forms a compound insoluble in water. Quick- lime also, while it purifies, diminishes the strength of animal manures ; it should never be applied with these, unless they are too rich, or for the purpose of preventing noxious effluvia, as in the cases of reducing carrion, or qualifying night-soil, af- terwards mentioned : it is calculated to render soft animal ma- nures less nutritive, and to make oily matters insoluble.* Quicklime is also injurious when mixed with any common dung, and tends to render the extractive matter insoluble. Fur- ther, when it unities with oily matters, it produces a soap not easily dissolved, like the less tenaceous compound formed by mild lime. Limestones that contain flinty or clayey particles, are not so good as others for burning into lime j but they possess no nox- ious quality. Bituminous limestones contain a fraction of coally matter, never amounting to one-twentieth. They make good lime : and the coally matter, so far from injuring land, may, under favour- able circumstances, be converted into food for plants. Nothing yet has been said in regard to unburnt limestone. In a district where limestone is plentiful, and fuel scarce, a far- mer, anxious to leave no local resource neglected, might natu- rally fall upon the idea that lime, in an uncalcined state, if re- duced to powder, or ground into small calcareous gravel, would be beneficially applied as a manure where mild lime would be serviceable, without being aware that the same practice had been already partially tried. The first attempt to convert unburnt limestone into a manure, was made by Lord Kames : no account, however, is known to be extant, from which we can learn how far it succeeded ; and the trial must be supposed to have proved abortive, if made upon moss or moorish lands, which, owing to the great quan tity of imperfectly decomposed vegetable remains imbedded in them, cannot possibly be benefited by any substaiice possessing less activity in destruction than caustic lime. Many years afterwards a large machine was erected in the county of Perth, which was furnished by three pounding-instru- ments of iron from the Carron Foundry, worked by a stream of water, for breaking unburnt lime into small rubble. This machine was unfortunately carried away by a flood before the eff"ects of such lime as a manure could be decisively appre- ciated ; but as far as the intervening time allowed of experi- • Elements of Agricultural Cliemistry, p. 218 46 TIME or LAYING ON MANURE. ments, the conclusions were favourable. Much of it had been expended o.) a farm of Colonel Alexander Kobertson. As the thewry of the thing, those who are sanguine in recom- mendiiig a fartaer trial of it, suppose that unburnt limestone must ue more powerful in its effects than mild lime, which has gOi.e through the double process of burning and conversion into chalk. Any given quantity of raw limestone, say they, — a bush- el, tor uistance. — contains twice as much calcareous earth as the same bulk of slaked lime. Further, it is commonly ima- gined by persons who have used both kinds, without making' any accurate experiments, that the effects of the raw limestone are slow, but more lasting ; of the calcined limestone, more ex- peditious, but not so permanent. But they seem to overlook the true grounds of comparison. Limestone, in burning, loses, it is true, considerably in weight by the carbonic acid gas which is expelled : Lime, in passing from a caustic to a mild state, recovers this gas from the atmosphere ; but it does not regain the qualities of hardness and cohesion ; and differs from what it originally was, as powdered chalk from marble, or nearly so, according to the texture of the. fossil burnt. Unburnt lime- stone, therefore, has neither the solvent activity of quicklime, — •- nor the absorbing power of chalk, — nor the minute division ol mild lime mixed with eai'th, while an impalpable powder. ihie of laying on Lhne. — Nothing has been said of the stages in husbandry at which the application of lime is most beneficially mad^ : because this is quite distinct from an inquiry into the principles on which the good or ill effect of lime on different soils can be accounted for. Indeed it depends on con- siderations which the gardener and agriculturist, each alone in his own province, is qualified to weigh, from an intimate know- ledge of their respective lands, and by the professional expe- rience gained in raising the intended crops. Nevertheless, in the valuable collection of Papers which conveys the gathered wisdom of the school of Scottish agriculture, some information occurs on this subject, which it may be useful to disseminate, as marking the general lines of a successful practice. " Li the best cultivated counties, lime is now most generally laid on finely pulverized land, while under a fallow, or imme- diately after being sown with turnips. In the latter case, the lime is uniformlv mild ; in the former, quicklime, as pernicious to vegetation, may be beneficial in destroying weeds. Sometimes mild lime is applied in the spring to land, and harrowed in with gr'.ss-seeds, instead of being covered with the plough; and under this management, a minute quantity has produced a striking and permanent improvement in some of the hiil pastures of the south- eastern counties. Its effects are yet perspicuous, after the lapse of nearly half a century. In some places, lime is spread on grass MAGNESIA. PHOSPUATE OP LIME. 4T land, a year or more before it is brought under the plough ; by which the pasture in the first instance, and the cultivated crops subsequently, are found to be greatly benefited. But in v^hat- ever manner this powerful stimulant is applied, the soil is never exhausted afterwards by a cuccession of grain-bearing crops, a justly exploded practice, which has reduced some naturally fer- tile tracts to a state of almost irremediable sterility."* 3. Magnesia in a caustic state (burnt magnesian stone) is pernicious to vegetation: mild magnesia is in no respect hurt-- ful, provided there is a deficiency of calcareous matter in the soil. Caustic magnesia, applied to lands charged highly with rich nianure, in a proportion not exceeding one-hfth of the ani- mal or vegetable remains, is speedily rendered mild by the car- bonic acid with which it is supplied, as the nianure decomposes : but it should never be thrown on land where a portion of quick- lime already occupies the surface; because, while the quicklime is becoming mild by its readier attraction for carbonic acid, the magnesia retains its caustic property, and acts as a poison to most plants. Caustic magnesia will destroy woody fibre the same as quicklime; and in conabination with strong peat, assists in forming a manure. If the peat equal one-fourth of the weight of the soil, and the magnesia do not exceed j^jth, the proportion may be considered as safe. Where lands have been injured by too large a quantity of magnesian lime, peat will be an efficient remedy. See also above, 1. Lime as a Solvent, Magnesian limestones are usually coloured brown, blue, or pale yellow : they are found in the counties of Somerset, Lei- cester, Derby, Salop, Durham, Northumberland, and York : they are abundant in many parts of Ireland. f 4. Phosphate of Lime. — This is a compound of phosphoric acid and lime, one proportion of each ; it is insoluble in pure water, but soluble in water containing any acid matter. It forms the greatest part of calcined bones. It exists in most excrementitious substances ; and is found both in the straw and grain of wheat, barley, oats, and rye ; and likewise in beans, peas, and tares. In some places in these islands, it exists in a native state, but in very small quantities ; it is generally con- veyed to the land by the medium of other manure; and is pro- bably necessary to corn crops, and other white crops.:[: In soft peats, or other lands which contain an excess of vegetable mat- ter, phosphate of lime is one of the most serviceable manures. See IX. 6. : 5. Gypsum, Selenite, or Sulphate of Lime, is found na- tive at Shotover Hill, Oxfordshire ; and abounds in many other parts of England. Natural gypsum commonly consists of wa- * Tteneral Report of the Agriculture of Scotland, &c. f Elements of Agricultural Chemlstrj', pp. 220, 221. T Ibid. p. 228. 4S GYPSUM AS A MANURE. ter, sulphuric acid and lime ; 22 parts of water, 46 of sulphuric acid, and 32 of lime. Wh.-n the water is expelled by heat, the other constituents keep their proportion unaltered. As a ma- nure, it is the subject of much difference of opinion. It may unravel some perplexities, and conduce to a fair estimate, it we treat of it under the four following heads : I. Theory of its Operation. — Gypsum meets in few soils any thing which can decompose it; and while its elements remain fixed, it neither assists the putrefaction of animal remains, nor the decomposition of manure. The ashes of particular sorts of peat contain a considerable quantity of gypsum ; some kinds, a- third part : and such ashes have been applied with good ef- fect as a top dressing for cultivated grasses. In correspondence with this, the ashes of sainfoin, clover, and rye-grass, afford considerable proportions of gypsum : but only a very minute quantity of it is found in barley, wheat and the turnip. The reason why the artificial mixture of gypsum with soils is not ge- nerally effice^ceous, is probably, because most cultivated soils contain sufficient quantities of it for the use of the grasses, and an excess of it above what other crops absorb in their growth. Gypsum is contained in stable dung, and in the dung of all cat- tle fed on grass ; and it is not taken up in corn crops, or crops of pulse, and in very small quantities in turnip crops. It is possible that lands which have ceased to bear good crops ai cultivated grass, maybe restored by a dressing of gypsum.* As to a general standard for the application of gypsum, those plants seem most benefited by its application which always af- ford it on analysis : such as lucerne, clover, and most of the artiffcial grasses : But where the soil already contains a sufficient quantity of this substance for the use of the grasses, its appli- cation even on pasture cannot be advantageous : for plants re- quire only a determinate quantity of manure ; an excess may be detrimental, and cannot be useful. f It has lately been asserted, on the authority of a gentleman resi- dent at Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania, that gypsum is only useful as a manure in those parts of the United States that are distant from the sea not less than eighty miles. On the hypothesis that sea-air destroys the fertilizing principle in gvpsum, Mr. R. Bake^^^ell, a correspondent of the Monthly Magazine,:}: pro- ceeds to account for its failure as a manure in so many parts of England. It is enough to dispel this opinion to name the county of Kent, as the place where it has most fully succeeded. Sir H. Davy in directing our attention to the constituents of this manure, the composition of the soil, and the nature of the plant, has contributed material aids for judging when to apply • Elements of Agricultural Chemisty, p. 224. t Ibid, 19 t For October, 1815. GYPStJM AS A MANURE. 49 k :'— But perhaps he has not adverted sufficiently to the inimita- ble chemistry of Nature, by which she may disengage the ele- ments of gypsum when buried in a suitable soil, and enable par- ticular plants to extract them in a simpler form. It therefore becomes important to recollect, that the sulphuric acid^ which lodges in gypsum in a solid state, can be resolved into — sulphur' oils acid gas^ about 40 parts ; and oxygen, 60 parts ; and that when the water suspended with the two gases is dissipated, thfe proportions will be nearly, Condensible into sulphur ----- 16 parts. Oxygen ___.._ 54 Water ------...-.20 100 Now, instead of confining the possible benefit to such plants as afford gypsum in an unaltered state, may we not conclude that a large number of vegetables, constituted to reject the calcareous base altogether, may appropriate some modification of the other elements ? " The saline compounds (as professor Davy in another place notices) contained in plants, or afforded by their ashes, are very numerous. The sidphuric acid^ combined with potassa, or sulphate of potassa, is one of the most usual. Com- pounds of the nitric, muriatic, sidphuric^ and phosphoric acids, exist in the sap of most plants." In analogy with some late ex- periments of DeSaussure,we may further suppose that sulphuric acid, diluted with water by the chemistry of Nature, may be instrumental in converting the starch of plants into sugar. " As starch boiled in water with sulphuric acid, and thereby changed into sugar, increases in weight without uniting with any sul- phuric acid or gas, or without forming any gas, we are under the necessity of ascribing the change solely to the fixation of water. Hence we must conclude, that starch-sugar is nothing else than a combination of starch with water in a solid state. The sul- phuric acid is neither decomposed, nor united to the starch as a constituent ; nevertheless it is likewise found that long boiling in pure water does not convert the starch into sugar."* This fact opens a large field for rational speculation qn the physiology of vegetables ; as it renders it possible that some of the mineral acids in the sap of plants, after acting chemically^ on the juices concocted into pulp, may be thrown out unchanged : they may al- ter the flavour without entering into the essence of the fruit. Another step in the process of conversion brings us to pure sulphur. Some plants yield this on analysis. Seeds, sown by way of experiment on nothing but this mineral, have produced * See a Translation of the original Paper in Jminls of Philosophy for De- cember 1815. (No. XXXVI. pp. 425, 426.) G 50 GYPSUM AS A MANURE. healthy plants ; and many soils, which nature has inr.pregnatetl. with sulphur, are highly fertile. The peats or loams on which gypsum has been most success- ful, niav contain vegetable acids calculated to decompose it. It is true that the means by which human art can at present sepa- rate its elements are very limited. It is decomposed, 1. by the oxalic acid ; 2. by carbonates of potash ; 3. by carbonate of stron- tium ; 4. by muriates of barytes. The second and third solvents are only mentioned to be dismissed, as unlikely to be of .ny use in agriculture : the carbonate of lime generated by the second, being less soluble in water than the sulphate ; and chalk, when wanted, can be had at a cheaper rate. The third, carbonate of strontian, is a newly-discovered earth, of rare occurrence. As to the compound produced by the fourth, sulphate of barytes is perfectly insoluble in water : and it is a reasonable suspicion th'at it would be pernicious to vegetable life. To recur to oxalic acid, the first-mentioned solvent. This is naturally present in wood-sorrel, and is procured artificially by the action of nitric acid upon sugar, and several other vege- table substances. Peat-moss, in an unreclaimed state, usually abounds with oxalic acid : hence there is a mutual action be- tween that sort of peat and gypsum. Perhaps such a compound might be cheaply imitated, by mixing vegetable mould and wood- ashes, urine and gypsum ; or short muck, old cow-dung, sea- Wi-ed, and gvpsum, — substituting, where sea-weed cannot be oonv.ned, soap-lye ; or bleacher's lees ; or salterns refuse, vege- c: I :' ashes, and water. It may be worth' while also to try, whether in those cases vhcre quicklime would form an insoluble compound, or dimin- ish the nutritive richness of a compost, gypsum may not be a apital ingredient ; for instance, with some of the following sub- stances t oiiif vrtitters ; — animaLncids; — all artitnahrtamtres^ par- ticularlv such ms contain allnoffen, (one element in the white of eg}j;s is sulphur;) — the common dung- of cattle. Furtliur, as mild lime and gypsum seem to be as unlike each other as two substances with the same base can well be, it may be of practical benefit to compare their effects in various com- posts of the same strength. To clone this theoretical part, sulphuric acid has a great at- traction for water, and may be useful in a soil in summer. Where the sulphur cannot be decomposed, it may diminish the cold- .ness ot soii'.e lands. Gypsum may be offensive to delicate aphides by the same impregnation; and it may kill some hardy insects by setting into a hard crust upon them. In addition to the common case of land being already satura- ted with gypsum or lime, are there any descriptions of soil on which decomposed gypsum might have a liad effect? 1. Would it not deteriorate a soil containing particles of iron ? This may GYPSUM AS A MANUllE. 51 be put as a caution ; for sulphate of iron is pernicious to vege- tation ; but as lime is the antidote to that vice in a soil, decom- posed gypsum seems, even in this case, to contain its own re- medy, unless the proportion of lime be thought too low. 2* Might not the sulphuric acid hurt the texture of a soil almost livhoUy composed of pure clay ? Sulphate of alumina is not . baneful to plants as a salt, though, as a mineral earthy compound, it is not the most tractable under tillage : but here again lime is pi'esent, to prevent its formation, or to dissolve it. II. Experience of it abroad. — It is about half a century since gypsum was discovered to have in Pennsylvania almost a magical influence on the growth of red clover; and it is there held in rising estimation. The Pennsylvanian farmers seem to have derived from Europe the first suggestions for applying this manure to artificial grasses. M. Gilbert, from whom a quota- tion is given in Sect, iv., states the practice to have long pre- vailed in France with signal success. In Germany, Mr. Mayer, a clergyman, discovered the use of gypsum as a manure about the year 1768 ; and in Voghtland, in Saxony, gypsum-earth is said to have converted several barren tracts into fruitful fields. The agriculture of Switzerland has also reaped much benefit from the same resource. III. Experience of it in this Island. — Perhaps it has not yet received a fair trial here ; but as far as experiments in different counties of England and Scotland are reported, the mass of evi- dence is against it. [As the FinsT ExPEniMEUT of Arthur Young relates to a particular point in ihe " Method of Pi'cparing and Applying it," it is given under that head.] SECOND EXPERIMENT by the EDITOR of ANN. AGRIC. ^Marked five square Rods of Clover on a good Turnip Loam -with a gravelly bot' toiii, luorth lOs. an acre, in JYIcirch, 1791. "No. 1. Sprinkled with one quart of gypsum. 2. Two quaris. 3. Three. 4. Four. 5. Five quarts of wood a.shes. '* Nos. 1 and 2 were equal, and ratlier superionr to any of tlie rest. No. 5. was the worst. The clover manured (compared with tlie adjoining land that had no manure) was not only considerably higher, but thicker, of a deeper and more luxuriant colour, and of a bi'oader leaf. " One quart to a rod, is five bushels to an acre. I am confident that neither •iuch a quantity of night-soil, pig-dung, peat-ashes, nor any other manure with which I am acquainted would liave had an equal effect. The result of this ex- periment is therefore quite contrary to that of last year.* A. Y." EXPERIMENT by JOHN ALLEN, Esq. on four square Rods, First Year's clean Clover. Nos. 1 and 4. No manure. No. 2. Four quarts of sifted cinder-ash which had never been exposed tp the atmosphei'e. No. 3. One quart of gypsum. * Annals of Agriculture, Vol. XVI. p. 184. ' '52 GYPSUM AS A MANURE. When the clover was in full head, all^being mown, the produce of Nos. 1 and 4. averaged 38 /6s. 6 oz. each. , No. 2. weighed 50 lbs. No. 3. 54 i lbs.*- Another gentleman, Mr. R. Procter Anderdon, of Henlade, Somerset, atter detailing some trials, says, — " Hence I conclude, s's tar as my experiments go, that on many plants, or on many soils, gypsum powder will have no effect ; but that it has an ef- fect on old clover, on a loamy soil ; and that a greater effect may be reasonably expected from it, when applied to younger plants of the same sort."f From a subsequent Letter of the same Correspondent, it seems greatly to promote the growth of Chicory, and to be de- structive to the slug. A farmer, near Epping, in ITQl, found it greatly to increase the returns from a sowing of oats. The extensive experiments made by a Kentish farmer, in the years 1792, 1793, and 1794, are reported in the Bath Papers., vol. VIII. The first states generally that they were chiefly up- on " light loams and poor calcareous soils, especially of the chalky kind.'' It is therefore very important that the following observation, which occurs in detailing a particular experiment, should have a conspicuous and prominent place. " A light loamy earth to the depth of three feet on chalk, produced much better crops, than a shallow surface on chalk, both having been manured with gypsum." The plants were chieHy sainfoin, cow- grass, and Dutch clover ; and repeated trials were attended with favourable results. / To these might be opposed many instances of the failure of gypsum as a manure, in various parts of England, even when applied to grass-lands : but the failures uniformly consist, not in any pernicious effect, but in the want of any superiouj;, re- turns, compared with unmanured lands of the same quality. Whether it is that in North Britain the farmers find it more profitable to pare off peat, and use it as a compost for lands un- der tillage, than to attempt the reclaiming of entire beds of soft peat by immediate cultivation,— or whether they have cheaper top-dressings, — the sum' of their experience in regard to gypsum, is expressed in the following sweeping conclusion : " Gypsum has not hitherto been attended with any success in Scotland.":]: As to grass-lands not abounding in vegetable re- mains, what has been stated under head i. makes it less surpri- sing that a dry powder, so hard to decompose, should not have produced any effect corresponding to its reputation in Ame- rica. • Annals of Agriculture, vol. XVI. 303. t Ibid. vol. XVII. p. 297. . • k General Report of the Agricultural State on Scotland, vol. II. p. 537, GYPSUM AS A MANURE. 53 IV. Method of preparing and applying it. — Even those wri- ters who maintain that there is nothing like gypsum, pointedly differ in their instructions for preparing and applying it. One in the opposite hemisphere says : " The spring oi the year has been esteemed the best season for sowing it; but Ihave sown it in March, April, May, June, July, August ; and 1 know no difference in its effect. You will observe, it is only a top ma- nure, therefore must be sown on a sward of grass : it is parti- cularly good for white and red clover. It may be broken by- hand, and afterwards sifted ; but we stamp it, and afterwards pass it through our mill-stones : it must not be calcined"* " Six bushels to the acre I use, and it is preferable to fifty loads of the best dung. This you must think extrava-* gant ; it is so, and yet true."f M. Gilbert, author of a Treatise on Artificial Grasses^ pub- lished in France,:]: says, that " it produces the same effect whe- ther IT IS CALCINED OR ROUGH, if it is but powdercd ; that six bushels, Paris measure, manure very well an acre for a year; and that half that quantity does for the two following years. The only thing to be attended to, is, not to sprinkle this manure before the seeds which are mixed in the herbage are near ripe : if sowed sooner, it makes the trefoil grow so fast as to smother the grass with which it is mixed It only produces^ beneficial effects when sowed after or before rain ; sowed on dry- land which continues such, its effects are nothing." As to CALCINING : It is not likely to make any difference, be- cause the sulphuric acid in gypsum cannot be expelled by the most violent heat of the furnace ; and an experiment of Arthur Young§ countenances the assertion, that the effects of gypsum are the same, whether calcined or rough. It is thus stated ; " Spots -were staked out on an upland meatlo-,a of clover. No^l. A perch iincalcined. The grass weighed, green, 112 lbs, No. 2. Calcined. 114 lbs. No. 3. No manure. 113 lbs." The produce is vincommonly great ; but the equal success ol the unmanured piece makes this experiment a comparative failure. The American farmers employ it upon netu ground., and strew it upon the surface. In reclaiming a peat not already dis- posed to form sulphate of lime, it may qualify an excess oi^oft vegetable matter very beneficially. It does not follow, however, that on lands differently circumstanced, particularly upland • Extract of a Letter from Philadelphia, dated Sept. 16, 178S, A/inals of Agriculture, vol. XV. p. 109, t Ibid. June 1, 1790, p. 110. t Reviewed in J/inals of Jlgricnlturp, vol. XV. p. 444. ^ Annals ^f Agriculture, vol. XIV, p. 319. 54 ON CLAY-BURNINCJ. pastures, which aecm to be worn out, the same mode of appli- cation ought to be adhered to ; and it a restorative is sought in gypsum, the history both of its successes and its faikires, would recommend a compost containing peat, or some imitation of it. This will be a fair test of what it can effect. 6. Burnt Clay. — Of late, very flattering reports have been circulated of the practice of burning clay into ashes, for a top dressing. It is not a recent invention : for very pai-ticular in- structions for doing it are given in a small Treatise, published near a century ago.* Revived lately in Scotland, the process, described in a letter by Mr. Craig, has excited much attention, and induced many spirited agriculturists, in various parts of the island, to adopt it on a large scale. The expectations from it are sanguine ; although the experience had of it is not yet ex- tensive enough to form a ground of recommending it for gene- ral application, it is called " Burning Clay for Manure : yet, as the torrefied powder is not valued for any vegetable ashes suppo- sed to be contained in it, as in the common practice of paring and burning, but is simply to operate as burnt earth, it were more correct to modify the term to " Burning Clay to improve the Tex- ture of the Soil." This is not a verbal distinction, but a practical difference. If attention to it should much contract the field for the operation, it may prevent many disappointments. Thus, suppose the agriculturist is induced, from his system of farming, to cul- tivate turnips on a clayey soil, not well adapted to their gi-owth, it is plain that the ashes of burnt clay, copiously distributed over the surface, would immediately consult the ^habits of the plant, by dividing a tenacious, and rendering drier a humid soil ; and thus, without supposing the burnt clay to act as a manure, the texture of the staple would receive a permanent improvement. On the other hand, if on a soil not rich in the common basis of ve- getables, and which is to be planted with any of the exhausting culmiferous crops, or other crops dependent on a generous soil, the panacea of mere burnt earth is resorted to, as a substitute for the long tried proportions of consumable manure, the result of such an ill-timed application of fire must be disappointment. Indeed the operation of burning clay for ashes is so tedious and expensive, that even where the circumstances of the land demand such an improvement, the outlay would overwhelm the farmer — unless he intermit the practice during those stages of rotation in which he can raise beans, and other crops fit for clay * Tlie Practical Farmer ; or, the Hertfordshire Jliisbandman. See a Let Icr in tlie Farmer's Magazine, No. LXllI. with ilie si.tynivtiire " J.-G. F." It is also men- tioned in The Coitntrii Gentletna/i'ii Conipanioii, b_v Stejjhen Switzer, Gardener. (London, 8vo. 1732) 'I'liis latter work slates, lliat the Earl of Halifax was the inventor of this resource : and it gives several letters, written in 1730 and 1731, attesting- its success in several ]5arts of Kiii^-land; with accounts from Scotland that it had answered better than lime or dung !— but was found too expensive. ON CLAY-BUllNING. 55 oils, by easier modes of tillage. If, however, he is satisfied to prepare land, by this practice, for the green crop, or other stage of a rotation which most requires it, and is attentive at other times to keep up the vegetable strength of the staple by soluble manures adapted to repair the exhaustion of preceding- harvests, and to meet the appetite of the expected crop, the texture of the soil will be gradually improved, while the dan- ger of relying upon burnt earth as a manure will be avoided. If the surface burnt is a peat, or moss, or contains the roots or other remains of plants, the ashes may be truly a manure ; but then the principle and its application are assimilated to the practice of paring and burning tuif, and the useful commerce in peat ashes ; neither of which is a novelty. So a marl, fraught with animal remains, is decidedly a manure. The clay may. be either burnt in heaps, or in kilns. For this purpose, it is dug or pared off in shallow spits, ab-.ut four in- ches thick. Two layers of these are commonly taken. Whe- ther any part of the subsoil should or should not be also dug up, depends upon its composition. See above, Sect. IV. It accelerates the process of ignition to set the spitfuls first to dry, either separately or in open piles. The kiln may be fired with furze, wood, cinders, coal, or any combustible refuse. As to the quantity of ashes to be applied, the Hertfordshire Husband- man says, — " About forty bushels, sown on an acre by the hand, out of the seed-cot, and harrowed in with barley and grass seeds, does vast service." The Scottish agriculturists assign from twenty to twenty-five cubic yards per acre, as a dressing for turnips. When kilns are used, limestone may be burnt with the clay. If this practice be combined with that of burning with lime instead of fire, the expense will be lessened, and a manure of better composition obtained. It may be acceptable to describe a good method of doing both together.* Pare off the sods, or turf, and surface clay, with the skim- coulter plough, or other convenient instrument, and dry the parings ready for burning. Get quicklime fresh from the kiln in the following proportion : having marked out a base for the pile, for every square superficial yard, three Winchester bush- els of lime ; or for a mound seven yards in length, three yards :md a half in breadth, 72 bushels. In building, begin with a layer of dry parings, six inches in height ; on which spread half the lime intended to be used, about five inches thick, mixing sods with it; then a covering of eight inches of sods ; on this the other half of the lime is spread, and covered a foot thick ; the height of the mound at this stage being about ayard. Mr. Curwen deems it better to suffer it to ignite of itself, than to effect the combustion * The following- is derived from the Letter of Mr. Curwen, of Workington- Hall, to Mr. Dempster, of Diinichen, publi.shed, by permission, in the Farmer'^ Magazinp, No. LXJV. p. 411. 5(5 AllNERAL SUBSTANCES. by applying water. In twenty-four hours it will take fire. When the fire is fairly kindled, fresh sods must be applied. Mr. C. recommends obtaining a suflicient quantity of ashes, before any clay is put upon the mounds. The lire naturally rises to the top. It takes less time in piling, and effects more work, to draw down the ashes from the top, and not carry the mound higher than six feet. The clay if not sufficiently burnt is lumpy, and unlractable under tillage : on the other hand, Mr. C. regards calcined ashes as of no value ; but they ought certainly to be burnt to a powdery state, or until they will fall to powder from a slight stroke ; and it does not appear that the calcination of any earth lessens its absorbmg power. The finer clav-ashcs arc, the great- er is their capacity of absorption from the atmosphere. Some idea may be formed of the spirit with which Mr. C. lias taken up the trial of this system of surface-soil and clay- burning, when he says, " I have just completed paring twenty- six acres of clover lea of the second crop, which I intended next year for turnips. The sods were well broken with the harrows, which freed them of the greatest part of the mould. The residue was burnt, and has afforded me above a thousand single-horse carts of ashes. There are twelve mounds with se- venty-two Winchester bushels of lime each I have ma- nufactured for use this season, two thousand single carts of ashes." On lands thus manured, while turnips and clover have, in the most favourable cases, surpassed expectation, wheat has fallen below it. At present the balance of experience from the recent trials seems to have this inclination : the advantage of bunnng clay alone is questionable, as a measure of general applica- tion ; and unless vegetable matter or lime is burnt with it, the benefit will seldom repay the expense. When clay has been burnt alone, dung, or other manure containing vegetable nutri- ment, should be spread with it, especially in preparing land for an exhausting crop. Many discoveries in tillage fall into disrepute by being ap- plied without regard to local circumstances, or by being con- tinued after a suflicient change has been effected in the original constitution of the soil. Burnt clay can only be what physicians would call a topic:vl remedy. VlII. Bij introducing Mineral or Saline Elements as Ma- nures. — Mineral substances are more or less contained in decayed animal or vegetable matters. When these sub- stances have been extracted in a pure state, by a chemical pro- cess, they are in general too expensive and too useful in the arts or* in the ordinary affairs of life, to be applied as manures: on which account the following experiments will serve rather to slicw the principle or cause of a fertilizing, or contrary effect, from the gross matters in which they are found, than for the purpose of expending the pure extract on any soil, as in the ex- DIFFERENT SALTS COMPARED. 57 jvcriments : on the other hand, it will appear, from some of the details under this article, vvhy'an earthy mass, or heap ol reluse matter, containing a particular chemical sui)stance,may he bene- ficial, — while that substance in a pure state is pernicious. 1. Common Salt, or Muriaie or Soda. — The Mineral Alkali of Soda is tlie basis oi' Marine Salt. " When common salt acts as a manure, it is probably l)y enterinjj into the com- position of the plant in the same manner as gypsum, phosphate of lime, and the alkalies. It has been proved to have been sometimes useful in small quantities. It is likewise oftensiveto insects. Some persons have argued against the employment ot it, Ijecause, when used in Inri^e quantities, it either does no good, or r(;nd(;rs the land sterile ; but this is not a cause lor en- tirely rejecting it. In Cornwall, the n fuse salt from the large ■works of dry-salters — which, it is to be reme>Ml)ered, contains some of the oil and scales or other parts of the juices and skins of fish — has long been known as an admirable manure. But as latent muriate of soda is one of the constituents m almost every kind of animal and vegetable manure, the cultivated lands of these islands may be supposed to contain, in general, a sufTi- cient quantity for the purposes of vegetation, (not to mention that the surrounding sea must have an effect on the air and soil to a considerable distance inland ;) so that a direct supply of it to the soil may be found, in most cases, not only useless but in- jurious.* In the water given to plants which are natives of the sea-coast, a minute infusion of common salt would consult the natural circumstances of that description of vegetables : indeed they languish without it.f 2. Comparative Effect or oifferknt Salts. — Profes- sor Davy confirms and illustrates the above and affords a general principle for the solution of contradictory results under altered circumstances, by an experiment on the effect of different salts conveyed in water to the roots of plants. The subjects of trial were separate spots in a garden, on which grass and corn were growing. The soil of the place was a light sand, — of which 100 parts contained 60 of flinty sand, 24 of finely divided earth or chemical elements of earth, and j 16 of vegetable matter; and of the whole, less than one part in 100 was saline matter, principally common salt. The saline substances tried were super -carhonutc of potassa^ (crystals of soda,) sulphate of potassa^ (vitriolated tartar,) acetate ofpotassa^ (foliated earth of tartar,) nitrate of potassa^ (prismatic nitre,) and muriate of potansa ; sulphate of soda^ (glauber's salt or vi- triol of soda ;) sulphate^ nitrate^ muriate and carbonate of am- monia. The quantities applied were two ounces to each spot • Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, p. 230, t System of Chenmtry, by Thomas Thoniso/i, M.D. F.U.S.R, vol. V. p. 364. od edit. Edlnburgli. H 58i SOOT. — COAL-ASHES. twice a week. In all cases wlicrt- Uk quantity equalled j^tfa part ot the water, the eflect was injurious ; i)Ui least so in the instances ot the carbonate, sulphate, and muriate ot ammonia. When the quantities ot the salts were y^tj '^^ ^^^ solution, the effects were different : — i'hen, the plants watered with the solu- tions ot the sulphates grew just in the same manner as similar* plants watered with rain water : Those acted upon by sokuions of nitre; acetate, and super-carbonate ot potassa; and muriate ot" ammonia ; grew rather better ; those treated with the solution of carbonate ot" ammonia grew most luxuriantly of all : The plants watered with the solution of nitrate of ammonia did not grow better than those watered with rain water ; " probably (says Sir H. Daw,) the free acid had a prejudicial effect, and intertered with the result." But if tlu- effect was equal to that ot rain water, there was no proof of a pernicious agency ; the ill effect was mereh'^ negative, and seems rather to have prescribed a slight increase in die quantity dissolved in the water. IX. Bij Manuring' with RifuHv Sitbtitanccs not exxrcineti- titioits. — ileaps ot refuse matter, which contain excrementitious substances incidentallv, and l)ut in a small proportion, will be included under this article. 1. SruKKT andRoa.!) Dirt and the Swkepingsof Houses may be all regarded as composite manures. As they are de- rived from different sulistances, their constitution varies ; but in all cases they refresh and strengthen a soil. Scrapings of roads not clayey are i)eneficial without exception : those from high-roads are enriched in far the greater degree by the drop- pings of cattle. The promiscuous dung which is gradually in- corijorated with the sludge, is so jjerfectl}' reduced by exposure to the weather, that it takes the appearance of e;!J th. The effects of road-drift are in many cases Ijeneficial in a higher degree than the cultivator miglit expect from its known composition : but the greatness of the benefit may ht well accounted for, by considering that the gravel, or slate, or stone, which is ground into earth l)y the i)assing of carriages along a road, is neccssa- rilv virg-in-f(irt/t^ having never been in a state to support vege- tation. Fine road-stuff is ix'tter than dung on pasture land. 2. Soor is a very jjowerful manure ; its great basis is char- coal, in a state of solubility In' the action of air and water. It contains also salt of ammonia, with a portion of oil. To mix soot witli quicklime is a bad practice ; because much volatile alkali is thus disengaged, without any benefit to the land. This manure requires no preparation ; and is well fitted to be used in a drv state, as a top-dressing (a ])eck to four square poles of land) tiirown in with the seed. It is a good improver of cow- dung and goose-dung ; either of which alone, and in a fresh state, are of little power. I'urther, its alkali tends to make oily particles miscible with water. 3. CoAL-AsiiES. — It appears from an experiment of Mr. Coal-water. — bones. — hair, &c. 59 Wright, afterwards particularly adverted to, that coal-ashes on a plot wht;re barley is to be grown has the same efficacy as hog- dung ; while it is inferior to the dung of sheep, and something better than that of horses. 4. Coal-Watkr, or the liquor produced by.; the distillation of coal, is said to be a good manure. 5. WooD-AsHES consist principally of the vegetable alkali •united to carbonic acid : and as this alk;ili is found in almost all plants, it may be an essential constituent in the organs of the greater part. The vegetable alkali has a strong attraction for water. See the comparative efficacy of wood-ashes with that of coal-ashes and the dungs of several kinds of cattle and do- mestic fowls, under X. 6. ft. Ca.kbonati: of Ammonia. — The liquor produced in the distillation of coal at the C^as Esta!)lishments, may be recom- mended as a valuable manure on the following accounts. First, it principally contains carbonate of ammonia ; (see the experi- ments by professor Davy already sketched :) secondly, it con- tains also a little sulphur. In the proportion of one gallon to 16 or 18 of water, this liquor may be applied to all green crops as a manure, with good effect. When the object is to destroy insects, three gallons only of v/ater should be added to one of the liquor. 7. Coal Tar. — The tar produced in making carburetted hy^- drogen gas is beneficial as a manure, conveyed in proportion- ate heaps of earth or marie. One gallon of this tar being mix- ed with about a wheelbarrow full of mould or fit earthy materi- als, will form a compost of great activity. This may be either ploughed in or used as a top-dressing, as the nature of the land and crop may render expedient. 8. Bonks consist of phosphate of lime and decomposable ani- mal matter. Bone powder, bone shavings, and bone ashes, are serviceable where phosphate of lime is to be supplied to a soil. Bone ashes ground to powder will impart a reduced share of benefit to aral)le lands, containing much vegetable matter, and may perhaps enable soft peats to produce wheat ; but powdered bone, in an uncalcined state, is always to be preferred to bone ashes, because the oil and other animal matter with which bones are richly charged has not been dispelled. 9. Horn is still a more powerful manure than bone, as it con- tains a larger quantity of decomposable animal matter :* it is very durable in its effects on a soil. 10. Hair, Feathers, and Woollen Rags, are all analo- gous in composition ; they are more nearly allied to horn than to bone ; they contain a great quantity of albumen (a substance similar to white of egg,) gelatine (basis of jelly,) with some, oil.. Woollen rags act powerfully for one year. * RIemcnfs of .AjrriOTlfijral Cliemistry, p. t9S. 60 liLEACHUll'S WASTE, &C. 11. }\EFUSK OF Skin and Le.vTher, accumulating in differ- ent manufactories — such as furriers' clippings, the shavings ■ f the currier, and the offals of the tan-yard, and the glue-maker — form ^ highly useful manures ; any one of which, buried in the soil, operates for a considerable time.* 12. Bleacher's Waste. — it is usual to cast away the resi- duum of the stills as a worthless article : but surely if some competent person were employed to separate the sulphate of soda from the sulphate of manganese, the former might be turned to a good account. The waste solutions of the oxy-muriatic salts are also convertible into a valuable manure. See the experi- ments of Professor Davy, above. Humboldt, about 1810, dis- covered that a weak solution of such preparations, has the pro- perty of accelerating and enlarging the growth of vegetables. Gardeners whose grounds are in the neighbourhood of bleach- fields, would do well in availing themselves of all the advanta- ges their situation affords them for making experiments on this interesting and important subject.f The waste lees, after boil- ing linen yarn or cloth, may also be used for alkalizing com- posts. 13. Soaper's Waste has been recommended as a manure, under, the supposition that its efficacy depended upon the differ- ent saline substances which it contains : but the quantity of these is very minute indeed ; its chief ingredients are mild lime and quicklime, either of which, when a supply of calcareous materi- als, or when a caustic solvent is wanted in a soil, may be had at a cheaper rate. 14. The Fluid, or Dissolved Parts, of Animal Sub- stances, require some preparatory process to fit them for ma- nure. The great object is to blend them with the soil in a pro- per state of minute division. When these have been applied in a rank or unreduced state, bad effects have followed. Perhaps while they retain the combinations of animal matter unchanged^ or not ejitirely broken^ they are ill adapted to promote the func- tions of vegetable life. Thus tallows and oils, received in a crude state by the roots, may clog the pores of the bloated plant, repel dews and aqueous fluids, and obstruct the free communication of the kaves with the atmosphere. One mode is, to spread the animal fluid thinly on the land un- der tillage, and previous to putting iji the seed or plants^ to suf- fer the free escape of the volatile particles that will go off by ex- halation. The better mode is to convey animal matter in a com- post of earthy or vegetable materials. Blood is a good manure. The Scum taken from the boilers of Sugar-bakers consist principally of bullocks'' blood. When sugar-baker's waste has been reduced to the finest state • Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, p 199. . t Chemical Essays, by Samuel Parkes, F. L. S. London, 1815. vol. IV. jO^ 160. OIL AND BLUBBER. 61 possible, it will still be improper for application as a manure^ until it has been mixed and incorporated with three or four times its bulk of some earthy substance, which may be enriched with a proportion of vegetable mould or desiccated dung. Graves also are too rank both for corn and grass, unless con- veyed in a compost of earthy materials ; wood ashes may be profitably added, as having a tendency to divide and correct the particles of tallow. Oily substances contain a deal of carbon, and are employ- ed as manures with great advantage. Animal or vegetable al- kali increases their fertilizing power, by converting them into soaps. Quicklime diminishes their, efficacy, tending to make them insoluble. — Train-oil and Blubber, All the practical writers on the application of train-oil and blubber, and similar refuse, agree that to rectify it, it must be made into a compost with a great body of earth, though they may recommend differ- ent proportions under the diversified circumstances on which in- dividual experience is founded. The ingenious Dr. Hunter* advises a compost thus formed ; Let \2lbs. of American potash be dissolved in four gallons of water : mix the solution with twenty bushels of dry mould, and fourteen gallons of train-oil. A Correspondent of the Farmery's Magazine^ found that blub- ber in a crude state, as he applied it in a first essay, destroyed, instead of assisting, vegetation. Twelve years' experience has led him to a most successful method of using it, which he pre- sents to the notice of other agriculturists. His plan is to make it into a compost in the proportion of nine loads of earth to one load of blubber. He first makes a layer of earth two feet thick, — building it a foot higher at the sides, three feet inward, like a solid wall, to form a cavity for the blubber. When the blubber has been laid on a foot in depth, similar layers ai"e repeated to a convenient height till the blubber is expended, leaving three feet ' of earth for the top layer : The entire heap is then beat down close at the top and sides to exclude the air. In this state it will ferment, and the earth becomes impregnated with the foul air of the blubber. When this fermentation abates, which it will do in about two mouths, the heap is to be turned over from top to bottom. The bottom layer of earth, which thus becomes the cover, will require some addition in thickness, to prevent the escape of air by the second fermentation : When this abates, the compost is again turned over ; and after a third fermenta- tion, becomes fit for use. The communicator of this method then adds : " The mixing or applying lime therewith, I have found detrimental, as the lime reduces the blubber, and prevents fermentation. I never use this compost until it is nine or twelve * Georgical Essays. t No. LXIIL (dated Aug. 7, 1815,) p. 287. 62 REFUSE FISH. — CARRION'. months old. In this state, 1 have applied — to both grass and. tillage land — about 10 or 15 loads of the compost per acrr, tach load weighing two tons ; and have cut from the grass land tliree tons of hay per acre, and after-grass in proportion. I have, also used it to tillage crops of Avheat, beans, and potatoes, on a field of 20 acres, that has not been fallowed for ten years, until this present summer, but manured annually in the above proportion; and from which I have reaped five quarters of wheat per acre, — five quarters of beans, — and from 1300 to 1500 pecks of potatoes, — with those crops in succession. The land is a strong clay ; and the only difficulty from constant cropping is in keeping it clear from short twitch grass, of which if left in the land, the blubber encourages the growth." Pulverized Oil-cake has been used with advantage as a ma- nure : it is an antidote to the wire-worm, especially if mixed •with elder or wormwood, when it proves a certain means of de- -stroying the worm ; an effect which is explained by reflecting that oil is destructive to most insects. A mill has been invent- ed for pulverizing oil-cake as a manure, which, with one horse, will, crush five tons per day. 15. Refuse Fish forms an excellent manure, provided the quantity be limited, — and, that sufficient time intervene, before the plants are put in, for the combinations of animal matter to be destroyed. In an instance, recorded by Mr. Young, of too great a quantity of herrings having been ploughed in for wheat, so rank a crop was produced, that it was entirely laid before har- vest. In order to prevent a dressing of fish from raising too luxuriant a crop, they should be mixed r ith earth, or sand, and sea-weed. Their effects are perceptible for several years. *•' The manure produced in the fishing villages from the mix- ture of all oily and fishy substances, favours bear [barley] and green crops; but when used much, renders the soil unfit for pro- ducing oats : hence that soil is called poisoned.''* 16. Carrion is not commonly used as a manure, though there are many cases in which such an applicatioTi might easily be made. Horses, dogs, sheep, deer, and other quadrupeds, that have died accidentally or by disease, are too often suffered to lie exposed to the air, or immersed in water, till they are de- voured by birds or beasts of prey, or entirely decomposed : meanwhile, noxious gases are given off to the atmosphere, and the land where they lie is not benefited. By covering a dead animal with six times its bulk of soil, mixed with one part of lime, and suffering it to remain for a few months, the decompo- sing carcase is made to impregnate the superincumbent mould •with soluble mattei's, so as to render the compound an excellent manure; and by .nixing a little quicklime with it at the time of * Sinclair's i^latintical Acccount of Scotland, vol. VII. p. 301. MALT DUST. SEA W'KED. 63 its removal, the clisagretable effluvia would be in a great mea- sure destroyed. Any waste carcase may also be dissolved by enclosing it in a heap of vegetable matter in a state of fermenta- tion : but it is advisable to urge and sustain the fermentation at a heat high enough to kill gentles and caterpillars. 17. Rape-Seed Cake, composed of the husks or bran of rape-seed, is a restorative manure for arable land. It should be vised when fresh, and turned in with the seed. There is also a rape-cake formed of the ashes from burnt rape- straw, which contain a deal of alkali. This is a good dressing for turnips. 18. Malt Dust is a manure of great power and vivacity. It answers best as a spring top-dressing. Provide for wheat ten quarters per acre; barley, eight; grass-land, four. It excels in stimulating a cold soil. 19. Sea weed. — In some of the maritime counties' a great deal of sea weed comes in on the shore. This manure is tran - sient in its effects, and docs not last for more than a single crop. But for one crop it has been found to be the most productive of any.* It is sometimes suffered to ferment before it is used : but this seems wholly unnecessary; for there is no fibrous matter ren- dered soluble in the process, while a part of the manure is lost. The best farmers use it as fresh as it can be procured. Where it cannot be immediately applied, a good resource to save the juices draining from it is to lay it on a flattened heap of- earth preparing for compost. — Sea-weed, as a manure, improves the growth and taste of esculent herbs. 20. Dry Straw and Spoiled Hay, with every sort of haulm, is convertible into manure for all lands. In general, such sub- stances are made to ferment before they are employed; " though it may be doubted (says Sir H. Davy) whether the practice should be indiscriminately adopted. There can be no doubt that the straw of different crops immediately ploughed into the ground affords nourishment to plants : but there is an objeciion to this method, from the difficulty of burying long straw, and from its rendering the husbandry foul. When straw is made to ferment, it becomes a more manageable manure : but there is likewise a great loss of nutritive matter. More manure is perhaps sup- plied for a single crop : but the land is less improved than it would be, supposing the whole of the vegetable viatter could be finely divided and mixed with the soil. It is usual to carry straw that can be employed for no other purpose to the dunghill to fer- ment and decompose : but it is worth experiment, whether it may not be more economically applied when chopped small by a proper machine, and kept dry till it is ploughed ih for the use of a crop. In this case, though it would decompose much more slowly^ and * Sinclair's Statistical Account of Scotland, vol. VII. p. 202.,, t Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, p. 1&4. 64 VEGETABLE MOULD. WOODY I'lBRE, &C. produce less ejfftct at Jirstf yet its injincnce xvould be much more /asttn^y* On this question, and the proposed artifice for preserving the whole quantity of rtluse straw or hay as manure for the soil, the Reader's attention is invited to the Strictures and Sugges- tions annexed to the article, Management of Manure from THE Homestead. 21. Vegetable Mould, or tree-leaves decomposed, is a manure so nearly fit for universal application, that no other ex- ception need be made to it than the case of a soil being already too rich. It is too valuable to be used on common occasions, alone. It may be mixed with sand, perfectly rotted dung, ex- hausted bark, or other ingredients, according to the wants of the soil. 22. Woody Fibre. — "Mere woody fibre (says Professor Davy) seems to be the only vegetable matter that requires fer- mentation, to render it nutritive to plants. "Tannkrs' spent Bark is a substance of this kind. Mr. Young, in his Essay on Manures, which gained him the Bed- fordian Medal of the Bath Agricultural Society, states that, * spent bark seeyns rather to injure than to assist vegetatwn ;' which he attributes to the astringent matter that it contains. But, in fact, (remarks the Professor) it is freed from all soluble substances by the operation of water in the tan-pit. If injurious to vegetation, the effect is owing either to its agency upon wa- ter ; or more probably, to its mechanical structure and effect, being very absorbent and retentive to moisture, and yet not pene- trable by the roots of plants."! By * Tanners spent Bark,' in the above passage, it is to be understood only the bark from which the tanning principles has been extracted in a tanner's vat. This substance, when fer- mented^ as directed under ••* Hot-house," in Abercrombie's *' Practical Gardener," is a great auxiliary to vegetation : in general, the excitement from it is only safely given through the medium of mould ; but the offsets and cuttings of many plants, struck into the surface of a bark-bed, will vegetate without earth. See " Pinery," and Grape-house." With regard to its applica- tion in the open garden, it is not a fit dressing for^ommon beds, till reduced to an earthy state. Inert Peaty Matter is similar, in respect to the absolute necessity of fermenting it before it can be beneficial as a manure. It remains for years exposed to vater and air without under- going change ; and, in this state, yields little or no nourishment to plants. Lord Meadowbank has recommended a mixture of farm-yard dung for the purpose of bringing peats into fermcnta- • Elements of Agricultuial Chemistry, p. 194. flbid. SHAVINGS OF WOOD.— I'EAT ASHES. 65 tlon ; for this end, clung is well adapted, but any putrescible substance will serve equally well ; and the more readily any re- fuse litter heats, the bettt-r will it answer the purpose. In or- dinary cases, one part of dung is sufficient to decompose three, and from that to six, parts of peat : green vegetables, mixed with the peat, will accelerate the fermentation. In the height of summer it will take about three months — and in the season comprehending winter, six months — to reduce fermented peat to the state of vegetable mould, 'len cubic yards per acre may be ploughed in for wheat. Shavings of Wood, anij Saw-oust, will require as much dung, or green vegetable refuse, to bring them into fermentation, as the worst kinds of peat. The FIBRE and grain of avood can be much' sooner decom- posed by the action of caustic lime, than by the process of fer- mentation. The young shoots of pruned trees, and similar ve- getal c refuse, may be speedily converted into a manure, by be- ing laid in a pit, with alternate layers of quick-lime. Mr. Brown, of Derby, has been honoured with a medal, from the Society of the Adelphi, for this contrivance, extending the application of a principle which has been immemorially known, and recently much adverted to. See above. Lime as a solvent. 23. Ashes of vegetables not woody. — The conversion into ashes by combustion of vegetable refuse matter, otherwise easily reducible into manure by fermentation, may sometimes increase its fertilizing power in one of thfese ways : either by augmenting the tendency in the manure to produce carbonic acid, under the combined action of charcoal, moisture, and air, — or by the effect of the alkali in relation to some other manure, or the texture of the soil,— or by some ingredient which would be pernicious in combination being expelled in the burning. Vegetable ashes, applied as a top-dressing, may also contribute to the destruction of insects and their larva;. Burnt Straw is said, by an intelligent practical farmer,* to be a manure that will insure a crop of turnips. The compara- tive efficacy of burnt straw is shewn by an experiment of Mr. Wright, recorded in a subsequent page. Peat Ashes have a local utility as a top-dressing for culti- vated grasses. The peat ashes of Berkshire and Wiltshire, in particular, are sold at a considerable price for manuring artifi- cial grass-lands, and are much celebrated for their good effect. Professor Davy, having analysed as well these ashes as the soils to which they are successfully applyed, found in the soils themselves no sensible quantity of gypsum;) the ashes, on the other hand, consisted in great part of gypsum, with a little iron, a little common salt, and variable quantities of calcareous, alu- • Jl General View of the JlgncuUurc of the East Hiding of VorkMre, bv H. K. Strickland, Esq. t Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, p. 19. J 66 NIGUT-SOIL. minous, and siliceous earth, and sulphate of potassa. But such is not generally the case with peat ashes : to produce this pre- ponderating quantity ot gypsuiu, the peat must be charged with vitriolic matter, and lie on a substratum of calcareous eartli. — Turl-ashes are used in the Netherlands for manuring clover and other grass lands; and force great crops." X. By Excrementitioiis Substances applied as Manure. — The potency of dung as a manure varies with the animal affording it. 1. Dung ov Sea-bikds.— One of the most powerful dungs is that ot such sea-birds as feed on animal food. The naturally sterile plains of Peru are fertilised by guano^ a species of dung collected Irom small islands in the Soudi Sea, frequented by sea-birds. It is used over a great extent ot South America, applied in very small quantities, and chiefly for crops of maize. The dung of sea-birds had not been used in this country as u manure until a trial of it was made in Wales, at the recom- mendation of Sir H. Davy ; in which instance it produced a powerful but transient effect on grasses. 'I'hat sagacious and candid experimentalist hence conjectures, that the rains in out- climate materially injure that species of manure, unless where it happens to be deposited in caverns or fissures of rock, out of reach of the weather. 2. NiGHT-SoiL, in whatever state used, whether recent ot fermented, is a very powerful manure, and capable of supplying abundant food to plants. Saw-dust is a good vehicle for it. The disagreeable smell of night-soil may be destroyed by mix- ing it with quick-lime; and if exposed to the atmosphere in. thin layers, strewed over with quick lime, in fine weather, it speedily dries, and is easily pulverized : so prepared, it may be used in the same manner as rape-seed. The Chinese mix their night-soil with one third of its weight of a fat marie, make it into cakes, and dry it by exposure to the sun. These cakes, which are said to have>no disagreeable smell, form an article ot commerce. In the neighbourhood of London, this manure is prepared for sale in a concentrated state, so as to be inoffen- sive in the carriage, even Avhen conveyed in bulk. The Cona* pressed Night-soil may be commodiously used as a top-dressing lor wheat in the spring of the year, and for all kinds of spring corn, for young clovers, and other green crops ; one hogshead will be sufficient for an acre, when it has been prepared with due attention to the preservation of its fertilizing properties. As an enriching manure, many experiments have established, tliat human ordure is to be ranked many degrees before the dung of the pigeon, hen, sheep, or swine ; powerful as all these are. But its effects are .not so permanent as those of many other substances. From recent experiments, Mr. Middleton con- cludes, that no other manure can compete with it for the first year after its application ; in the second year, the benefits from it are very much diminished ; in the third, its effects, nearly, if DUNG OF FOWLS. 0< not quite, disappear. Much depends on the depth of soil. There can be no doubt that a substance in which the pi'inciple of vegetable nutriment is highly concentered, is in pro|jortion well calculated for speedily restoring or enriching land, and ior forcing great crops without detriment, — supposing the staple to be deep enough for tillage, and to be fidy constituted as to tex- ture. On the other hand, a shallow dip of mould requires con- tributions of new earth, without which forcing manures v.'ill but exhaust it sooner. On the authority of trials which seem to be convincing, some writers have insisted that an inconceivable loss of valua- ble fluid is incurred by exsiccating night-soil. Though thi§ may be a good reason for forming this sul)stance into a compost with earth, where it can be consumed on the spot ; yet it is none against the use of the article in a cgncentrated state, in which the loss, a*? far as the escapirig fluids are not transferred to some absorbent compost, falls upon the preparer ; while the expense of carriage, in regard to the solid essential part, is materially lessened. 3. Pigeon's Dung is next in fertilizing power. When dry, it may be employed as other manures capable of being pulverized. One tenth part of pigeon's dung, four parts of sand, and five parts of vegetable mould, is a good compost for a cold heavy soil. The foUo'-.ing interesting quotation must recommend pigeon's dung as a fine ingredient in a compost for melons. " The pro- duce of the sub-district of Linjan (in the province of l;;ak) is not inferior to that 'of the most fertile spots in Persia, 'i'his iub-district is about seventy miles in length and forty in breadth : it is irrigated hy canals cut out from the Zeinderood, and covered with villages, which are surroimded with gardens and prodigi- ous numbers of pigeon-houses. On inquiry I found that these birds are kept principally for the sake of their dung, and that the acknowledged superiority in the flavour of the melons at Ispahan, is alone to be ascribed to this rich manure. The lar- gest of the pigeon-towers will sell for three thousand pounds ; and many of them \ield to the proprit-tors an annual income of two or three hundred pounds each."* 4. The Dung of Domestic Fowls approaches very nearly in quality to pigeon's-dung. It is very liable to ferment.f Sir Humphrey Davy here ranks the dung of domestic fowls next to pigeon's dung, without dciining what species of fowls IS intended, or discriminating between the different kinds of do- mestic fowls. It appears from a set of comparative experi- ments recorded in the Agricultural Magazine, that Hen dung, ' fieographicaKMcDi'jiv of the Persian Emfn're, hy Jolm Macilnnald Kennirr. rolitical Assistant to Sir .lohn Malcolm, in his Mis.4ion to tl^e f;o\in of Persia, 4to. London, 1813. p. 110. i F-Icmonts of A frri cultural Chemistry, p. 204 68 KXI'KRIMENTS WITH MANUUES. or the dung of the common fowl, is most efficacious ; Duck clung is to.be rated second ; while Goose dung was found so in- ferior that the produce from a spot manured with it was not much above the average of three patches sown without manure. See the statement at length, under article 6. 5. Rabbit's Dunc has been used with great success as a manure ; so much so, that it has been found profitable to keep rabbits chiefly for the sake of the dung, and to have the hutches constructed in subservience to the object of accumulating it with- out waste. 6. The DuNc; ov Cattle. — " Of the dung of cattle (says Sir H. Davy,) that of hard-fed horses appeal's to be the strongest. The dung of sheep and deer is thought to be more efficacious than that of oxen. The dung of oxcji is supposed, by many, to require a long preparation to fit it for manure. To combat the opinion that ox-dung requires a long prepara- tion. Sir Humphry then enters upon a course of argument against the general practice, in regard to fermenting promiscu- ous dung-heaps. " If the dung of cattle is to be used as a ma- nure, like the other species of dung which have been mentioned, there seems no reason why it should be made to ferment except in the soil ; or if suffered to ferment, it should be only in a slight degree. The grass in the neighbourhood of spots where unfermented dung has been dropt, is always coarse and dark green : some persons have attrilnited this to a noxious quality in unfermented dung ; but it seems to be the result rather of aa excess of food furnished to the plants." The estimate founded on the experiments adverted to under article 4. above, does not correspond with the order in which the dung of horses and that of s^Jieep are mentioned by Sir H. Davy ; and it countenances the objection held in common by many practical men against the use of fresh cow-dung. Nine different kinds of manure having been tried on patches of bar- ley, the result was as follows : — Hen-dwig Most efficucious. [hick-dimg Second in power. Sheep-dung Thii-d. LI . 1 ^ \ ...Exactly alike. Fomth Ihrse-dmg Fifth. IVood-ashea Sixtii. ^ , C Seventh. Not much above tlie averaffc of three patches Goosc-dmi:t..< -.i . & i ^ I sown witliout manure. Cow-dutig Evidently prejudicial. The quality of the land is not stated ; but possibly one cause of the cow-dung being prejudicial, was the natural coldness of the soil. Moreover, barley is extremely impatient of dung that is not well digested and divided. But on warm arid soils, cow- dung may be an improving manure, if fermented with other EXPERIMENTS WITH MANURES. 6!) dung, or kept alone till it can be pulverized. In canvas3in[i this point with an eminent liorticulturist, he informed me^ that it is his own practice, and that of many gardeners skilled in pre- paring choice composts, to keep cow-dung for a period of three years, before they apply it either alone as a manure, or as an in- gredient in a composite mould. When used in a fresh state, as a manure, it shoiiTd never be alone, but mixed with any such arti- cles as the following, of a warm nature, and easily pulverized : the dung either of the sheep, the hog, the horse, the rabbit, the pigeon, the hen, the duck, with "some of the animal manures ; or with lime and sand, marie, soot, coal-ashes, the ashes of any burnt vegetable, or other substance ; as the soil may want either to be strengthened, or to be cooled with as much cow-dung as can I)e applied without its peculiar disadvantages. Properly, qualified, it is a good dressing for most shrubs and fruit-trees. As the texture of the soil varies, or as a plant of a different nature forms the crop, so the proportion of fertilizing power which a comparative trial of manures has fixed in one instance will vary in another. Still some manures seem to be universally inferior ; while others, though not always standing in the first place, may be relied on for conducing to a profitable return. A paper by the Rev. James Willis, President of the Christ' Church Agricultural Society, records two valuable experiments, made to ascertain the positive effect of different manures on the product of potatoes, in the same soil, with the same sort, and under the same management. One experiment was on the eyes alone^ or small cuttings ; and the other on the xvfiole root ; so that the increase from these also may be compared. The sort planted was the White Round, on a clean sandy loam, well pulverized, in rows two feet asunder, twelve inches distant in the row, and six inches deep. TABLE o/EXPERIMENTS ivith the EYES only, plantedon tJic 12th Jlpril 18«). MAMJUE. rnOTtUCT. .1. Pig-'s (lung -..--. 1 Ijag and liulf, //er /j<^. 2. M(nvn f^ass ------ 1 bag- and 2 bushels. 3. Sheep's dung ----- 1 bag and 1 peck. 4. Coal-a.shc.s ------ 1 bag and 1 peck. 5. Hen's dung 1 bag and 1 peck. 6. ^>ld rags 1 bag 2 gallons. 7. Garden rubbish 1 bag 1 gallon. 8. Horse-dung ------ 1 bag 1 gallon, 9. Turf-asliea »----- I bag 1 gallon, 10. Turf-dust -...--. 1 bag. 11. River mud ..--.. 1 bag. 12. Cow dung 1 bag. TABLE of EXPERIMENTS -mth the WHOLE ROOT, planted on the XOtV Afml 1811. MANUnU. PRODUCT. I. Pig's dang _..,,. ^ bag ." pcckj, per Ivrf^ 70 EXPERIMENTS WITH MANURES. MAVUllE. PUOTiUCT. 2. Sheep's dting 1 ba^ and half. 3. Coal-ashes 1 bag- and half • 4. Old rags 1 bag and half. 5. Mown grass 1 bag, 2 busii. 2 pecks, 1 gail. 6. Hen's dung 1 bag 2 bushels. 7. River mad 1 bag 1 buslicl. 8. Turf ashes 1 bag, 3 pecjp, 1 gallon. 9. Horse-dung 1 bag 3 pecks. 10. Garden rubbish ----- 1 bag 3 gallons. 11. Turf-dust 1 bag 3 gallons. 12. Cow-dung - 1 bag 3 gallons. On reviewing the two Tables, we may perceive, that though the relative powers of the manures may vary a little, Ironi ac'' cidental causes, yet the increase from the Whole Root, us tried against that from the Eyes with the same manure, is uniformly so much greater as to prove decisively that it is more profitable to set either a Half or Whole Root, than to plant Eyes. The author of the Experiments also informs us, that in digging up the potatoes, he found those produced from the eyes much smaller. To the passage above quoted (p. 68,) Sir H. Davy subjoins : " The question of the proper mode of the application of the dung of horses and cattle, however, properly belongs to the ar^ tide of composite manures ; for it is usually mixed in the farm- yard with straw, offal, chaff, and various kinds of litter ; and itself contains a large portion of fibrous vegetable matter." See next section, Management of Manure from the Home- stead. 7. Hog-dung— according to the comparative statement above, Cp. 68,) ranks immediately after sheep-dung, and before horse- dung. 8. Urine. — All urine contains the essential elements of ve- getables in a state of solution : but the various species of urine from different animals difff^r in their constituents ; and the urine of the same animal alters when any material change is made in its food. During the putrefaction of urine, the greatest part of the soluble vegetable matter contained in it is dissipated : it should consequently be used as fresh as possible; but if not mixed with solid compost, it should be diluted with water ; as when undiluted, it contains too much animal matter to form a proper fluid nutriment for absor]>tion by the roots of plants. Putrid ui^ine abounds in ammoniacal salts j and though less ac- tive than fresh urine, is a very powerful manure.* MANAGEMENT OF MANURE FROM THE HOMESTEAD. Composite Manure. — Under the head X. 6. it has been no- ticed, that the consideration of the right mode -of applying the * Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, p. 201. HOMESTEAD MANURE. 71 DunjT of Cattle, on a large scale, belongs to the article Compo- site Manure; because it is mixed ni the farm-jar d with straw- litter, and with various kinds of vegetable offal, which itself contains a large proportion of hard fibrous matter. The remarks scattered in the Elements of Agricultural Che- niisiry on this subject are thrown together in the following ab- stract. Professor Davifs Theory on Composite Manure. A slight incipient fermentation is undoubtedly ot use in the dunghill ; for by means of it a disposition is brought on in the woody fibre to decay and dissolve, when it is carried to the land, or ploughed uiio the soil, — and -woody jihre is always in .p-eat t;xccss m the refuse of the farm. Too great a degree of fermentation is, however, very prejudicial to the composite ma- nure in the dung-hill : it is better that there should be no fer- mentation at all before the manure is used, than that it should be carried too far. This must be obvious, from the following considerations. The Professor's arguments may be arranged under five heads : four theoretical j and one practical. I. " An immeasurable quantity of substance disposed for con- version into iood tor plants is then suffered to escape in the form of drainings and vapour. During the violent fermentation which is necessary for reducing farm-yard manure to the state in which it is called short-muck^ not only a large quantity of fluid, but like .vise of gaseous matter, is lost ; so much so, that the dung is reduced one-half, and from that to two-thirds or more in weight : now the principal elastic matter disengaged is carbonic acid ith some ammonia; and both these, if attracted by the moisture in a soil, and retained in combination with it are capable of becoming nutriment to plants." — In aid of this reasoning, the Professor relates an experiment, from which he considers that he has obtained particular proof that the gaseous matter from fermenting dung is of great utility to growing plants. He introduced the beak of a retort filled with ferment- ing manure, consisting principally of the litter and dung of cat- tle, into the'border of a garden among the roots of some grass. In less than a week, a very distinct effect was produced upon the spot exposed to the influence of the matter disengaged in fermentation ; the grass gr ;w with much more luxuriance than in, any other part of the garden. II. ••' There is (continues the author of the experiment) an- other disadvantage in the loss of heat ; which, if excited in the soil, is useful in promoting the germination of the seed, and in assisting the plant in the first stage of its growth, whf-ii it is most feeble and liable to disease ; and the fermentation of ma- nure in the soil must be particularly favourable to the wheat 72 MANAGEMENT Of crop, in preserving a genial temperature beneath the surfacCj late in the autumn, and during winter." III. " Again, it is a general prniciple in chemistry, that in all cases oi decomposition, substances combine much more readily at the moment of their disengagement than after they have been perfectly formed. And in fermentation beneath the soil, the fluid matter is applied instantly, even whilst it is warm, to the organs of the plant ; and consequently is more likely to be efficient than in manure that has gone through the process of fermentation, and of which all the principles have entered into new combinations.'* IV. The Professor, in another place, reminds us, that the ultimate results from an excess of fermentation in a heap of manure are like those of combustion. V. " A great mass of facts may be found in favour of the application of farm-yard dung in a recent state. Within the last seven years, Mr. Coke has entirely given up the system of applying fermented dung; and he informs me (says Sir H. Davy) that his crops have been since as good as ever they were, and that his manure goes nearly twice as far." VI. Objection noticed by the Professor. — Sir Humphry then candidly states an objection made by many practical Agricul- turists to his system for managing composite manure. " A great objection against dung but slightly fermented, is, that weeds spring up more luxuriantly where it is applied." To which he answers : " If seeds are carried out in the dung, they certainly will germinate ; but it is seldom that this can be the case to any extent: and if the land is not cleared of weeds, any kind of manure, fermented or unfermented, will occasion their rapid growth." VII. His oxvn sPractical Application of the above Theory. — It is to be observed, that the Professor admits the beneficial ten- dency of a slight or incipient fermentation in mixed heaps. To regulate the practice of fermenting composite manures, as the basis of the heap may vary, these are his two general principles : 1. Whenever manures, consist principally of matter soluble in WATER, their ferltientation or putrefaction should be prevented as much as possible. 2. The only cases in which putrefaction can be useful, are when the manure consists chiefly of animal or vegetable fibre. Agreeably to the al)ove principles. Sir H. Davy then gives Directions for the Manageynent of Farm.yard Dung in the Hcap^ and for its Application to the Soil: of which the following is the substance. " Where farm-yard dung cannot be immediately applied, the destructive fermentation of it should be prevented as much as possible. For this end, the dung should be kept dry, and unex- posed to the air ; for moisture and contact with the oxygene of HOMESTEAD MANURE. 73 the atmosphere tends to excite fermentation. To protect a heap irotu rain, a covering of compact marie, or of a tenacious clay, should be spread over the surface and sides of it.* " Watering dunghills is sometimes recommended for check- ing fermentation : but this practice, although it may cool the dung for a short time, is inconsistent with just views ; for moisture is a principal agent in all processes of decomposition : dry fibrous matter will never ferment. " If a thermometer plunged into the dung does not rise to above 100° of Fahrenheit, there is little danger of much aeriform mat- ter flying off. If the temperature is higher, the dung should be immediately spread abroad. When dung is to be preserved for any time, the site of the dunghill is of great importance. In order to have it defended from the sun it should be laid either under a shed, or on the north side of a wall. To make a complete dung repository, the floor should be paved with flat stones, a little inclination being made from each side towards the centre : in the centre there should be drains, connected with a small well, furnished with a pump, by which any fluid matter may be collected for the use of the land. It too often happens that the drainings of the dung- hill are entirely wasted." The Professor then adverts to the application of littery dung on pastures. " If slightly fermented farm-yard dung is used as a top dressing for pastures^ the long straws and unfermented ve- getable matter remaining on the surface should, as soon as the grass begins to rise vigorously, be removed and carried back to the dunghill : in this case no manure will be lost, and the hus- bandry will be at once clean and economical." Free Remarks on the Theory^ and on its Practical Applica- tion. — Having finished the above compendium of Sir H. l)avy*s Views on the Management of Manure from the Homestead, the Writer subjoins a few Strictures and Suggestions in regard to the five principal grounds on which the Professor recommends that composite manure should be, under common circumstances, but slightly fermented before it is spent on land. The first objection of the Author of the Elements to the re- duction of farm-yard dung to the state o{ short-muck^ relates to the loss of FLUID, and of gaseous matter. Every person must admit that the subtraction of a fluid sub- stance from a mass of dung must diminish the strength and rich- ness of the intended manure ; and though in some cases the bulk of the fluid may be rain water or waste water accidentally fall- ing upon the dunghill, yet it cannot be denied that part of the essence of the dung must be carried away in the drainings. Ne- vertheless, where the drainings of the dunghill can be saved in • Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, p. 20fl. K 74 MANAGEMENT OP a proper receptacle, in order to be applied to heaps of dry com- post, or to land under tillage, thtre is no loss to the Agricultu» rist in the separation of the fluid part of the manure. Sir Hampry Davy's plan of a well to catch the drainings of a dur.ghill is sufficiently practical; and where the nature of the te- nure makes it worth the cultivator's while to have such a well, is perhaps as good a method as can be devised for obviating the loss of fluid matter. In other cases, where a reservoir cannot be formed for the drainings from an accumulating mass of dung, it will be a ser- viceable expedient to prepare a thick layer of good earth (cul- tivated mould or rich loam,) raised at the edges as the basis of the intended dunghill: which layer of earth, by continually recei- ving the moisture draining from the superincumbent dung,will be as valuable for manure, when the whole is removed as the dung itself. The escape of gaseous matter forms another part of the ob- jection to fermenting Uung, above cited from Sir H. Davy. Un- der a previous head, Impkovement of Soils, V. By FalloW' i7ig\ the writer, in endeavouring to meet a speculative objection to fallowing, founded on the escape of gaseous matter, has offer- ed some considerations why that should not be estimated as a loss. (p. 28 31.) As to the escape of gaseous matter from fermenting dung, it is not easy to prevent it, if the dung lie any where but in the very bosom of the land. Perhaps, however, when dung must be partly decomposed before it is applied, a case of mould over the heap would attract, and hold in combination, much of the caibonic acid and ammonia which would else escape in vapour. Such mould, like that laid underneath, would be imbued with sustenance for plants, but in a less degree, and only in propor- tion to the completeness of the fermentation. But the coverir.g of earth, would in some instances be liable to be burnt, and in others be apt to prevent the free fermentation necessary to dis- solve woody fibre. As to the experiment of the vapour directed frorn the beak 6f a retort on some grass growing in a border, as recorded by the Professor ; it may be in place to observe, that the effect on grass, of which the species is not mentioned, fails to afford a sufficient criterion : — had the subject of experiment been a kit- chen esculent requiring a rich soil and yet impatient of rank ma- nure, and had the trial been protracted till the time of flowering or fruiting, some satisfactory conclusion might have been form- ed with regard to the influence of the gas on the growth of the plant and the flavour of its edible produce. The second objection to the fermentation of a heap of dung intended for manure, at a temperature exceeding 100 degrees of Fahrenheit as a maximum, adverts to the loss of heat. The HOMESTEAD MANURE. 7$ way in which the loss of heat is supposed by the Professot to operate, involves so much that is hypothetical, that an appeal to the result of trials in which the different causes that may ope- rate are not distinctly measured will not be decisive in favour of the theory ; because it frequently happens that an effect which pretty constantly attends a particular practice is attributed to the wrong cause. Now it appears contrary to nature, and to the principle on which a warm climate is imitated in any forcing de- partment, to excite the roots of a plant with any degree of arti- ficial heat, unless there be some cover or weather-screen to de- tani the warm vapour and create an atmosphere corresponding to the soil ; and the seed or root ought to be protected from the fermenting substance by a coat of earth. The disadvantage from the loss of heat in manure may there- fore be more correctly attributed to the. entire exhaustion of the fermenting principle, and to the want of its influence in commu- nicating a kindred fermentation to dry fibrous .natter already in the clod, and so reducing it to a state of aliment for plants. On the other hand, it may conduce to the health and vigour of the plants to have the fermentation in the soil conipleted before the new crop is put in, so that the growing roots may not be in con- tact with putrefying substances. The third ground of argument for postponing the decompo- sition of manure till it be imbedded in the soil is drawn from a principle in chemistry, that substances kscaping -from de- composed BODIES ENTER INTO NEW COMBINATIONS MOST REA- DILY WHEN FIRST DISENGAGED. There seems no reason for contesting the practical inference deducible from this principle — provided the intention be confined to promoting the combina- tion of the matter disengaged from the dissolving body intimate- ly with the soil : either by casing the dunghill with mould to be used as compost, or by burying the manure in a clod when par- tially fermented, and before it is much exhausted of the rudi- ments of vegetable matter iiy drainings or vapour ; taking care to have the manured soil afterwards properly turned and expo- sed to the air before it is sown or planted, so that whatever gase- ous matter has a natural tendency to fly off into the air may free- ly escape. But the theory on which a beneficial influence is an- ticipated from applying the *' fluid matter while it is warm to the organs of the plant," seems to be repugnant to the process of nature, and closely allied to that hypothetical branch of the se- cond ground of argument already objected to. Nor is there any proof that a fermenting substance is fit food for a living plant ; the residuum of animal and vegetable substances purified by free exposure after decomposition seems, in the circle of natural ope- rations, to contribute chiefly to the bulk of ne^v plants : but w hen crude animal or vegetable remains. Or the fluid or solid sub- Stances rejected in the composition of animals, are administer 76 MANAtiENEJSX OF ed to growing plants, the rank manure appears, irom numerous experiments, to make them flourish unnaturally at first, and then to induce disease and premature decay. To give an instance from each class, this is the known effect of oil, tree-leaves, urine, night-soil. The utmost extent of the fourth objection will bring the dung which has cuswdWy fir e-fanged on a par with the ashes of various burnt vegetables. How far the condensed power of these (a specific sort being chosen for the desired effect) has been found on particular soils cropped with suitable plants, to exceed that of the very same sort of manure in an unfermented state, or in any stage of decomposition short of combustion, is well known to practical cultivators, and has been partly noticed in p, 65. This objection is again adverted to under Recapitulation^ sect. 5. Fire-fanging, regarded as a mischief, as an excess beyond the farmer's design is easily prevented. The fifth argument is entirely practical, and the authority ad- duced in its support one of the highest. If, under different lo- cal circumstances, other cultivators are led to the same conclu- sion by similar experiments carried on for a sufficient course of time, this single argument will have more weight than the other three ; because there can be no competition between theory and experience. It is nevertheless to be observed, that the statement made above, after Mr. Coke, is not clear in its import : it can have the weight just conceded to it only on the construction, either that some of the manure made on the farm that was expended under the old system is disposable for some other purpose under the new, — or that some expense in fetching manure from distant places, that had used to be incurred, is saved : but if the state- ment, " that the crops are as good as ever they were, and that the manure goes nearly twice as far," mean only that the dung when now expended is nearly twice as much in bulk or weight, and covers the surface of the field more thickly in the same pro- portion, the benefit is merely illusory, — the crop is confessedly not increased ; while the carriage of the dung to the land must be heavier, and the labour of spreading it greater. The following Experiment of Mr. Wright, recorded in the Agricultural Magazine^ N. S, No. 3, is a valuable contribution on this subject. HOMESTEAD. 77 6 0) o. U5 Ul c3 o CJ •c 5 1 C • c c y> C- . O r-^ 3 ^ ^ c 1^ o c :§ CO ^ 3 en ^ Jo 1 1 CO c =3 JO CJ PfiJ K r4 bO P ;?; 9 h.n CO CO •S'o -° »— 4 5 « S" ^ o CO •H Q U 00 eg 1 0) bo 3 00 CO o n ti (U 0) 1 o 1 •^.s Eh H ho t3 Co N. in (U a. . 2 to ;zi 1 c .2 3 ti c «; CO H ^ fl '3 1 O o "a. c CO J?i- 5S CO :: -5 5 i/J 3 -a o -* W 1 O O o C^ '55 5 s p a' C4 05 o air -«1 '^ o Q O C _ ^ (i1 1 00 o CO o •; a 3 CO CO 3h 1? 1 •J , . O o , U > ■|^ r;-A>^ cn F -i :« J $; o ^ S 5 So c. » • o C-5 9 ^■3 & g O O rt o -s: ? fc. -Q r; CO .o.^ o.t^ -■^1 to ■(NO ^(N^ ^ c^* o - ^ !N 1^0 .. ^ . . -J] 78 MANAGEMENT OP To complete this experiment, there wants a notice of propor- tion of weight which a heap ot rotten dung would lose in eight months : three tons of strawey dung would scarcely make more than a ton and a half of completely rotted dung : but when dung, is reduced one-third in weight, the fermentation may be consi- dered far enough advanced for agricultural pur|'Oses in general. Supposing the original quantity to have been on a par, the above experiment would be, in every instance but the first, in favour of thcrotted dung: the small inferiority in the case ot the turnips may be attributed to there being an excess of manure above what the plant required; so that had but one ton been put on for the turnips, and the other ton been reserved for the se- cond crop, the benefit to both crops might have been much en- hanced. It appears from the Experiments of Mr. Hassenfratz, cited in Dr. Thomson's System of Chemistry^ that the times in which manures begin to produce, their effects, and the length of time for which they operate, are proportioned to the degree of putrefaction under which they are applied. Having manured two pieces of the same kind of soil, the one with a mixture of dung and straw highly putrefied, the other with the same pro- portions of dung and straw newly mixed, and the straw almost fresh, he observed, that during the first year, the plants which grew on the putrefied dung produced a much better crop than the other ; but the second year (no new dung being added) the ground which had been manured with the uii putrefied dung pro- duced the best crop : the same thing took place the third year ; after which, both seemed to be equally exhausted. Ano- ther experiment of the ^ame chemist made on shavings of wood, places in a striking light the slow progress of the effects of ma- nure which decomposes slowly. He allowed shavings of wood to remain for about ten months in a moist place, till they began to putrefy, and then spread them over a piece of ground, by way of manure. The first two years, this spot produced nothing more than others which had not been manured at all ; the third year it was better ; the fourth year it was still better ; the fifth year it reached its maximum of fertility ; after which it decli- ned constantly till the ninth, when it was quite exhausted. When dung moderately fermented has been applied to land sown with turnips, it has been observed that the fly is not so apt to take the turnip as when the dung has been fermented in a de- ficient or excessive degree. This is not to be attributed so much to the vapour from the dung being offensive to the fly, for a high heat is congenial to the insect, as to the plants making such quick progress from a free but well-tempered excitement as to get into the rough leaf and past danger before the insect lights upon it. In the sixth place, the abstract above presented from Sir H. Davy's Lectures, notices a main objection to the expenditure of llOMESTEAD MANURE. 79 "lung on land when but slightly Jermented, which is, that weeds spring up more luxuriantly when dung in that state is applied. By way of rei)elling this objection, the Proi'essor mere iy alleges, that " it can seldom be the case to any extent that seeds are carried out in the dung. Not to dismiss an important objection without obviating it, — If the system of using composite dung when green, or but slight- ly fermented, be adopted, the following precautions and limita- tions seem necessary in collecting the materials. From the dunghill intended to be so expended must be excluded many things naturally mixing in the refuse heaps of a farm and gar- den. These things may be comprehended under three classes : — 1. Weeds; 2. Vegetable remains, containing woody fibre ; 3. Particular kinds of dung which are pernicious without being pulverised. But articles which contribute so materially to the mass of vegetable manure need not be lost. Let one dunghill be set apart as £i rot-heap for such substances as it is requisite entirely to decompose before they are carried to the land, par- ticularly weeds and woody fragments. The heap to which litter and dung is carried for u^e when slightly fermented should be kept at a distance from the rot-heap, and nothing should be admitted into it but what is easily solu- ble from the effects of heat and moisture. An intelligent friend named in the Preface to the " Practical Gardener," as a contributor of several valuable additions to that posthumous work of Abercrombie — who derives his opinions on practical points from a long course of experience in the di- rection of large horticultural and farming establishments, en- lightened by a general acquaintance with the best authors on ru- ral economy — has communicated to the Writer several observa- tions in respect to the application of dry litter and unfermented dung on land. In the above review of Sir H. Davy's system, under the head, Imi'Rovementof Soils, IX. 17, " Dry straw and spoiled hay," a method of employing these materials without fermenting is suggested. If the expense of cutting dry straw by a machine to prepare it for manure should not prove too great, it may be worth the cultivator's while to employ it as above recommended on LAND UNDER THE PLOUGH OR SPADE, provided the soU is rich enoitifh in vegetable aliment to sustain the expected crop without ajiu ifntnediate benefit fro fu the mamire. Manure so applied will rather assist the second crop than the first. Incontestable Exception. In land to be sown with barley, lit- terv unreduced dung has a remarkably bad effect. With regard to pastures, the agriculturist above alluded to entertains, from experience, from observation, and from reason- ing on theoretical grounds, a decided opinion, that neither hay nor straw, nor any haulm, should be applied to the surface of 80 MANAGEMENT OP grass-land before it has undergone a sufficient fermentation to ensure its easy and expeditious decoiuposition when spread abroad. On grass-land, the object of combining as much as pos- sible of the manure with the soil is more likely to be promoted by spending it in a stage already advancing toward complete de- composition, than by lodging on the gr^ound strawy litter nut at all fermented ; while the face of the verdure will not be so long encumbered. Nor will the gaseous matter escaping from litter left slowly to rot in a pasture more benefit the land than if it had exhaled from a dunghill in the homestead. It is altogether dif- ferent in relation to land under the plough or spade ; by turning in the manure as soon as circumstances may render fit, when fermentation has just commenced and the long litter is some- what reduced, the fluid matter is secured for the enrichment of the land without any extraordinary pains and without injury, be- cause the crop is aftcrxvards put in : the gaseous matter is also secured , but whether permanently or not, may be doubted, be- cause substances disposed to take a volatile form will fly off whenever the bosom of the soil is opened to the air by tillage. In order to preserve the fluids draining from dung, without the expense of a reservoir, or the trouble of laying a terrace of mould as the site of a dunghill, — the composite dung or litter, previous to fermentation, may be laid in heaps on the field where it is to be spent, and then brought to ferment by the same means as dung preparing for a hot-bed, and kept fermenting for about the same time before it is spread. This might be done even on pasture : but it is worth consideration, 1". Whether the spread- ing of a substance which has to go through the whole process of fermentation over a surface of grass may not materially injure the life oi* the health of the herb. 2°. Whether a smaller pro- portion of manure, if laid on pasture in a state approaching that of vegetable mould, may not be more beneficial, by soon mixing with the soil, and doing no injury to the crop, than the larger quantity of litter, which has to lie for a length of time heating and partially rotting before it is dissolved and imbibed by the sward. This is stated as a subject for further inquiry, in deference to the Professor : but a practical farmer who has tried the matter is decidedly of opinion that dung must be considerably reduced to be of unqualified benefit to pasture. To obviate one princii)al objection against employing strawy unfermented dung as a top dressing for pasture^ Sir H. Davy proposes to carry back to the dunghill the long straws and un- fermented remnants of vegetable matter. This mode of re- moving the encumbering litter would be attended with an ex- pense hir be}'ond the value of the strawy refuse : and yet, were such litter left in a pasture after the new herbage shoots, the husbandry would be foul ; and, in the loss of manure, with ia- jury to the crop, doubly unprofitable. HOMESTEAD MANURE. 81 With respect to the dung of cattle in a green or unfermented state, it is said, under the head Improvement of Soils, X. 6. as a quotation from Sir H. Davy : " If the pure dung of cat- tle is to be used as a manure, like the other species of dung which have been mentioned, there seems no reason why it should be made to ferment, except in the soil." The first ground of exception to this, is offered by Mr. Wright's experiment already quoted, proving that green cow- dung is pernicious on land sown with barley. As to sheep-dang, deer-dung, hog-dung, and horse-dung, in a green state, they may be applied, either singly or mixed, to ploughed land in general with a good effect. The hot and fiery kinds of dung should not be laid on pasture, unless tempered by mixture with the colder sorts, or unless the quantity applied can be minutely divided so as to facilitate both the equal dis- tribution of it over the field, and its speedy sinking into the sur- face. Thus the dung of hard-fed horses should not be used green on pasture land, because of its heating quality ; but it may be turned into ploughed land with obvious advantage. If, how- ever, an arable field is in want of instant benefit frOm manure, such part of the manure as consists of horse-dung ought to be fermented ; because the dung of an animal not chewing the cud contains much undigested inatter, — straws of grasses, or grains of corn, according to its food, broken into small parts, but not dissolved : whereas the dung of most cattle that ruminate soon putrefies in the soil. Cow-dung alone forms an exception ; some of its peculiarities are noticed below. Sheep's dung may be applied green, either to pasture or ploughed land. The urine of sheep, richer than that of other cattle, except perhaps deer, is of equal utility with their dung. The dung of deer is as well adapted to improve pasture with- out long encumbering the surface, as that of sheep. If sheep are folded, the sooner the dung is ploughed into the land the better. Neat's dung in a recent state is cold. Another cause of its bad effect alone is its tendency to cake, so that it has a tenacity like that of clay : hence it is not easilv pulverized, so as to be equally distributed over a field, and intimately blended with the soil. When laid pure in a mass, it does not naturally heat ; but it may be brought to ferment b)' a mixture of straw and hot dung. If kept for a long time vmmixed with other dung, it undergoes a change within itself, without losing the vegetable part of its substance by fermentation. When the dung of oxen is prepared as the main ingredient for exotic fruit-bearing shrul^s, it should be kept for three years by itself, to lose its tenacity : after which period it is full of aliment for plants, perfectly 82 MANAGEMENT (>V divested of th.it rankness which is offensive to the roots of trees, and easily pulverized. Where several dung-heaps are collected near a homestead, it niay be proper to distribute the litter to each, with some attention tw the kind ot crops lor which the manure is to be spent. Stable dung, also the straw of corn and j)ulse crops, might be set apart to augment the bulk of manure preparing for arable land : offal hay, the sweepings of the hay-loft, and the decayed substance of green crops, Would revert, with much fitness, in the shape of compost, to fields of pasture. This is only an extension of the principle on which malt-dust has been employed as a manure for barley, with peculiar success. Lands laid down under grass merely to prepare them for corn should be treated when manured as arable, in respect to the quality of tlie manure, especially when on the point of being broken up. The following practical outlines on important points in the Management of Manure from the flomestead are drawn from a recent work of great authority, to which e have more than once appealed. As far as they correspond with communications already given, it is a satisfactory corroboration : if they manifest any shade of rei)ugnance to practices or opinions detailed in this treatise, the circumspection of the Rt^ader will be usefully awakened. " In the Southern counties of Scotland at the present time, the crops are cut very low : the straw and haulm is used for absorbing the excrementitious matter of domestic animals. The juices of the dunghill are carefully preserved from waste ; while the heap is greatly augmented and enriched by the con- sumption of green clover and turnips, and made to undergo a greater or less degree of fermentation and putrefaction accord- ing to the crops and soils to which it is to be applied. Dung is never laid on foul land, — very rarely on pasture or hay grounds, as in England ; but it is distributed economically over a third or fourth part of the land in tillage, and thus over thie whole farm in regular succession, at a tiine when the soil is in a state to receive the greatest benefit from its operation, and in that stage of a rotation when the land most demands that method of recruiting it. " For a drilled turnip crop, it is indispensable that the dung be well rotted, and capable of instantly hastening the growth of a plant which in its infancy is exposed to the attack of seve- ral deadly eneniics. ~ But an abundant crop of potatoes may he raised by the use of fresh unfermented manure ; and for clay soils generally, whether tlie manure be aiiplied to a fallow unde.r HOMESTEAD MANUIIE. 83 preparatf(Mi for nn autumn sowing of wheat, or for beans, as it has a much longer time to decompose in the. soil, a less degree of putrefaction is required than for a turnip crop."* Recapitulation. — For the management of manure from the homesteacl, tne following rules of practice seem to result from the preceding discussion of theoretical print ipks, in connection with some recorded experiments. 1. To ferment dung-heaps from which mown or pulled weeds and woody fibrous' refuse are excluded, until they have lost one- third of their weight ; and even this in districts where manure is scarce, and where the motives for spending it in the most economical way are the strongest. To ferment it to this mini- mum degree previously to spending it on arable land in au- tumn, or at a season when some tinxe will elapse before the seed is put in. To ferment and purify it in a greater degree when intended for use just before a spring sowing. To ferment dung to be spent on grass-land until the strawy materials begin to dis- solve. 2. To ferment dung-heaps in which weeds and fibrous vege- table remains or woody offal are laid to rot, until the roots and seeds of the weeds and the fragments of woody matter are de- composed. This kind of heap may properly be set apart for pasture as far as it will extend. 3. To save the drainings from dunghills as much as possi- ble. 4. To disregard the loss of gaseous and volatile matters, both from the dunghill and from the surface of land ; and to estimate it rather as a benefit, for the reasons givt-n under " Fallowing.""' (pp. 28 — 31.) To make trial, nevertheless, low far a covering of earth upon a dunghill can be converted into a manure, where the matter of a dense and rapid exhalation niav seem worth in- tercepting. 5. To avoid fermenting the dung-heaps described under 1. until the fibrous texture is totally destroyed, and the mass of ma- nure becomes cold and soft, — where the manure is to be expend- *;d on a large tract, particularly on lands under the plough, — chiefly for these two reasons : first, to oln-iate the loss of fluid matter where a reservoir cannot he contrived ; and secondly, on account of the exhaustion of the fermenting- principle, which would be usefully set in action in foul soils ; rather than for the ♦jther causes theoretically assigned in the Elements of AgricidtU' ral Chemistry : because, admitting a principle urged by Profes- sor Davy, meriting a distinct notice, that the " ultimate results of excessive fermentation, are like those of combustion," it is • r,f>rf>v:il Rf'poil o'.i tlin Agricullurftl State of PcoUand, in five vols. 4to. 84 MANAGEMENT, &G. reasonable to conclude, from the experiment related above, on the ashes of 15 cvvt. of Barley Straw, that if the quantity of burnt straw had equalled the weight of strawy dung, the ashes would have surpassed the strawy manure in fertilizing effect. The ashes of various burnt vegetables are celebrated for their fertilizing power. To return to the object of checking fermenta- tion beyond the proposed degree, spread the heap abroad. Heavy watering Avill at once abate the heat ; but the heat will after- wards revive with increased fury, unless the stack be either trod down to exclude the air, or scattered and partially dried before it is again allowed to ferment. 6. In gardens, and on grounds cultivated on a small scale, and even on arable farms where rest by summer fallowing can be superseded by a constant full supply of manure, the utility of rotted dung is far above that of strawy unfermented litter or slightly fermented dung ; because the latter is a nidus for in- sects ; also because putrefying remains, if in contact with grow- ing plants, must tend to injure the health of many species, and to deteriorate the flavour of the edible parts of plants, and espe- cially of esculent roots. Al>DlT10A*Ali KOTE^. Page 26. " By Fallowing."] — While this Treatise was in the press, an ori' ginal critique on the ' Elements of Agricultural Chemistry,' appeared in the ' P'armer's Magazine.' The Conductor of it, who possesses great advantage for comparing the projects of theory with the results of practice, has ex- pressed a deliberate dissent from Sir H. Davy's doctrine ' on Fallowing.' The grounds of opposition there taken coincide so closely in a few fundamental points — and so substantially in their tenor and conclusion — with the observa- tions made on the same subject in the preceding pages, that it may be expe- dient to state that the passage in the Ti'eatise (pp. 26 — 34) was printed oft" before the publication of the Magazine, and that the MS. of it had been in the hands of some friendly critics sufficiently long to establish for it an inde- pendent origin ; having been dissected by a surgeon, weeded and pruned by a gardener, and examined for a degree by the principal of a college. This still leaves to the critique in the Magazine all the force of a corroborating authority; in which light I adduce an extract from it, with much satisfaction. The coincidence chiefly to be remarked, is in admitting many of the Lec- turer's positions advanced as chemical facts, and in deriving from them counter arguments. But the points on which the Reviewer enlarges are not the same, and some forcible passages in his parallel course struck me as;new, the natural effect of free deduction without communication. " But with regard to his doctrine concerning fallowing, we diffier from him entirely. He thinks a clean fallow ' may be sometimes necessary in lands ' overgrown with weeds, particularly if they are sands which ca.inot be pared * and burnt with advantage ; but that it is certainly unprofitable as a general * system of husbandry.' Now, we think naked fallow to be chiefly useful on. strong tenacious clay soils ; and although it be true that the mineral earths in the composition of the soil, attract no new principles of fertility from the air, there are inferences deducible from his own doctrines which seem to recom- mend fallows for such soils. Waving the destruction of weeds, which can be more effectually accomplished by fallow, than by any drilled or green crop, we observe, 1st, That by exposing soil in large clods, to the action of the sun's rays, in spring and summer, it is heated to 120'' of Fahrenheit, and often ■much more. By this its moisture is exhaled, and the clay comes somewhat to resemble that described by our author, which had been burnt with fire. It becomes more brittle, and less apt to cohere with subsequent moisture. Hence, the oftener our carse soils are treated with fallow, the more friable they be- come. 2d, When our author pronounced this severe censure upon fallows, he seems to have forgotten what he so often states in the course of his work, that after all the soluble matter in a Soil is exhausted by cropping, there still remains much charcoal, the remains of woody fibre ; that this charcoal im- bibes a large proportion of oxygen when the air has access to it, but that it I'emains inert in the soil, unless a new fermentation be excited in it, by various means which he describes. Now, in clay soils this charcoal is effectually ex- cluded from imbibing oxygen from the air, but is brought into a condition to do so by fallowing. The effect of this, and of its imbibing moisture, is its gradual conversion into carbonic acid, and carburetted hydrogen, for the nou- rishment of plants. Accordingly, esperjencetl farmer* have assured us, tfaa'. 86 ADDITIONAL, NCKfES. they have known kuid that liad been long manured, and aftenvards exhausted by cropping, have its fertility more restored by a fallow than if it had re- ceived a full dose of p\itrescent manure. Their experience may be accounted for by data furnished by our author; and we are sorry that, in this case, his conclusions seem to be in direct opposition to his premises. We so far, Lowever, agree with him, that tallows are sometimes too often repeated, especially on sandy soils, where drilled crops may, in general, serve their purpose ; but on cohesive soils we hold them to be occasionally indispensable." Farmer's Jila^asine, No. LXIV. (dated 6 Nov. 1815.) p. 48y. P. 50. It is decomposed, &c.] — The sulphuric acid in gypsum will also com- bine with ammonia. Manufacturei*s of sal ammoniac liave availed them- selves cf this, afterwards disengaging the ammonia with muriatic acid. This strengthens the motives for trying with gypsum composts containing animal filaments. Composts, rightly proportioned, are in general moi-e effi- cacious than any simple"" manures. P. 76. The fijih argimxent is entirely practical, and the authority adduced in its support one of the highest.] — The Author of the Lectures might have cited anotlier great name, as an advocate for expending putrescible manure in a fresh state. From the ' Hints on Agricultural Subjects,' (by .1. C. Curwen, M. P. of Workington Hall, Cumberland, Esq. 2d edit. London, 1809,) it may be collected, that tiie practice at the Schoose Farm was shaped upon this principle, but with many capital divergencies from the broad .and indiscrimi- nate track which owes its ease and simplicity to the nature of mere specula- lion. " 1 should say, . . . bury the manure as deep as possible, and then sow the tui'nips directly on the manure, leaving twenty-four Inches between the rows : this will afford ample room for the plough to work, v/hioh will not only admit complete cleaning, but in the operation furnish that degi-ee of nourish- ment to the turnip, which in very dry seasons would be highly serviceable, and contribute greatly to (he weight of the crop " Hints, p. 221. " This method would also permit of fresh stable-litter being made use of, without the necessity of its undergoing that degree of fermentation which reduces it at least one-third in bulk ; and, in my opinioji, still more in effi- cacy. . . I have taken great care in having horse and cow dung mixed in equal quantities, and the muck-heajis formed into pyramidal shapes, so as to admit of their being easily covered with earth, whicli is collected for this purpose from head-lands and ditclies. This method prevents the evaporation ; and the gas imbibed with tlie earth makes it equally valuable with the dung. The making what is called manure pies is a common practice in Ireland. It serves «Teatly to increase the quantity, which must always be acceptable to the far- mer." Hints, ^.222. Mr. Curwen's method of applying manure in the field is but part of a sys- tem ; therefore, before giving that method, it will be ))roper to state, thai his first principle for bringing foul land into good tilth, and for superseding a na- ked fallow, by the i-elief of alternate green crops, is, — to leave such a space between the stitches of the green crops as will admit of working both with the plough :ind hoe throughout the season -, a space double to what is com- monly allowed. He holds, that by constantly turning the vacancies between the rows or beds, in every direction, he can in dry weather procure for the ])lants something like a compensation for rain, in the evaporation of m.oisture from the earth. " The first day's exhalation from ploughincr is in the propor- tion of 950lf)s of water per hour front an acre. Tne evaporation decreases on the second day a third part, and continues to diminish for three or four days according to the lieat of the weather, when it entirely ceases ; and is again renewcil by fresh ploughing." Hints, pp 211, 212. " A field of cabbages were this year set on a very strong stiff clay, which previous to their being planted was in high tilth. The severe drought which succeeded the rains that fell soon after setting, baked the ground perfectly hard. The plants made little or no progress; they were seen by a friend of mine, on Monday the 26th of May, as I was commencing the breaking of th(^ ADDITIONAL NOTES. 87 ground with the ploughs. I'hey were worked for the whole week. On the baturday they were seen again by the same gentleman, and he could scarcely be persuaded tiiey were tlie same plants The week had been very dry, with a hot sun, and strong norlii-east wmds. Tlie crop of last year was allowed to have been u very extraordmary one, and weighed thirty-five tons and a half jjcv acre. Some of the cabbages were fifty-live pounds ; they had only fourteen tons of manure upon the acre. My second principle is, to bury the dung as deep as possible, in order to retard the evaporation, and keep the heat in tlie ground, by preventing tlie atmosphere from acting upon it. It is a point to be particularly attended to, that the manure should be kept quite dry, w hich is done by having a deep trench in tUe centre of tiie sijuce between tlie rows. By these two combined principles, 1 expect 1 sliall succeed in obtaining equal crops, though but one lialf, and in some instances, only a third of my ground is occupi'id. To pronounce decidedly tiiat this will be the case would require furtiier experience than 1 can prc'cnd to boast of. So many circumstances ougli! to be taken into consideration in every expei'iment, that many trials must be had before it can be pronovinced altogetlier successful. 1 have the tesiiniony of a very meritorious agrlouliurist, wlio iias made several experi- ments upon this plan in garden husbandry, and wlio states the most favourable result. 'I'lie gentleman I allude to is the Itevcrend E. lilkrton, of Colston, near Ulverstone. To such as iiave no option, hke myself, but are obliged to set their potatoes on wet ground, the plan 1 have followed has in one parti- cular been found to answer a most admirable purj)ose. it keeps the potatoes so perfectly dry, that in tliis unparalleled year of wet, where in most dry grounds tlie loss by decayed potatoes has been very great, 1 have had no loss whatever. 1 cannot boast of the weiglit of my crop, but indeed it was not to be expected, being set a month later than the usual time, and the vegetation destroyed by the frost in the very beginning of September, which is a month belbre what is common. I am by no means discouraged or dubious of the prin- ciple on wliich it was undertaken ; and I hope to give il -i very fair trial." Mnts, pp. 213, 214. " Dung, and .ill the animal mixtures, 1 bury as deep as possible, taking care lliat they shall he deep. Lime, (the little 1 use being solely in compost,) schistus, . . . sand, &c. are used for top-dressings." /{iiUs^ p. ^22. " 1 am strongly inclined to believe, that where the ground is laid dry, that manure can scared)' be deposited too deep , by so doing the evaporation is retarded, and consequently, the manure continues for a greater length of time to fui-- nish nourishment to the crop." HhUs, p. 26S. " The experiments I have made tend to establish the double advantage of well cleaning and working the ground. First, as it frees the land from weeds ; and secondly, as it conduces to the growth of the crop. It aftbrds likewise a very strong demonstration in favour of using the manure in its freshest state, by which not only the great usual expense of making dunghills will be saved, but the manure made to extend to the improvement of a third more land. " Most of the farm 1 occupy was in that state of foulness as to require, ac- cording to genei-cal practice and opinion, a succession of fallows to clean it. Be- ing unwilling to adopt a system which is attended with such loss, 1 determined to attempt to clean a part of it by green crops, and for such purpose to allow a much greater distance between tlie stitches than Isad ever been in practice. My first experiment on this plan was made on a crop of cabbages ; they were planted in a quincunx form, allowing four feet and a half between each piant, in order to allow room for the plough to wn-k in all directions. 1 adopted, tliis plan of field husbandry, as alfording the greatest fiicility in cleaning the crop, though I believe it was never before practised. Two thousand three hundred and fifty plants were set per acre (eight thousand is not unusual in the com- mon method,) and each plant had, by computation, an allowance of a stone of manure, or less than fourteen tons per acre ; though the common quantity is generally from tliirty to forty tons per acre. The manure was deposited as (leep as the ]d(Migh could penetrate, drawn by four horses, and the plant set directl)'^ above it. " The plough and harrow, constructed to work betwixt the rows, were con- stantly employed during the summer, and the ground was as completely freerl 88 ABBITIONAL NOTES. from weeds as it could have '"een by a naked t;illow. Tlie very surprising- weight of my crop, whioli ia October was thh"ty-five tons and a half per acre, and many of the cabbages fifty-five pounds each, were matter of surprii^e to all who saw them, as well as to me ; and I could assign no satisfactory reason for the fact. The quahty of tlie land was very indift'erent, being a poor cold clay, —the manure was very deficient of the usual quantity, — the plants when set by no means good, — in short, there was nothing to justify tlie expectation of even a tolerable crop. 1 did not find any thing in the accounts from cultivators of cabbages to afford me a solution of my difficulties, or any clue to explain it. By mere accident 1 met with the Bishop of Landatl's experiment, ascertaining the great evajioration from the earth, as related in his admirable Treatise on Chymistry ; singular as it may appear, this very uiteresling" experiment had re- mained for thirty years without any practical interences being drawn from it applicable to agriculture. It apj^eared to me highly probable, that the rapid advance in growth made after the hoemg of drilled grain, was attributable to the absorption of the evaporation produced from the earth, and was the cause of the growth of my Cabbages. With great impatience and anxiety, as I had the honour to inform you last year, I looked forward to tiie ensuing season to afford me an opportunity of continuing my experiment. I had long been a strenuous advocate for deep burying of manure, tliough my sentiments rested chiefly on opinion ; this appeared to open a field for incontestable proofs of its advantage. My cabbages were last year planted on the same plan as the for- mer year. Fortunately 1 extended the same principle to my potatoes, whicli I was obliged to set on wet strong ground, from want of a choice of land. My annual quantity of potato ground is from sixty to seventy acres. They were set in beds three feet long, and two feet broad, leaving four feet and a half be- tween each bed lengthways, and; hree feet endways. On eacli acre there were 1230 beds, and 615(J sets, or five to each bed, viz. one at each corner, and one in the middle. I'he sets of potatoes, when planted according to the usual most approved practice, in three feet stitches, and nine inches apart, amount to about twenty thousand. In the present, and indeed in all seasons when potatoes are scarce, the savmg in planting is a considerable object A great advantage also arises in being able to keep the potatoes and manure from wet. In the late uncommonly wet season I sustained little or no loss in my mode, which was not the case in many of the driest grounds. This plan unites hand hoeing with horse culture, and will be found serviceable in wet soils. " The lateness of planting, together with the premature frosts, prevented my forming a fair judgment as to the quantity per acre which might be obtain- ed by this method. My view in fixing upon this plan was, to enable me to judge of the effects of evapor.ition, by being able to continue my operations for a longer period. I have no doubt but that in common seasons, notwith- standing the increased distance, the whole ground would be covered. ' " My experiments on cabbages this season, commenced by planting them early in April. From the rain which fell subsequently, and continued till the beginning of .May, succeeded by severe east winds, the earth became so hard and baked, that the plants had made very little progress. " In the first week in June the ploughs were set to work : as they started, Mr. Ponsonby, of Hail Hall, was .present, and saw the crop ; it was with diffi- culty that the ground was first broken, but by the end of the week it was brought into fine tilth. Notwithstanding the whole week had been dry, with a strong sun antl severe east wind, yet such was the progress in growth of the cabbage, that when seen again by that gentleman on the Saturday, he coidd scarce be persuaded they were the same plants. " During these operations I had been making constant experiments with glasses, contrived for the purpose, to ascertain the quantity of evaporation from the land, which I found to amount, on the fresh ploughed ground, to nine hun- dred and fifty pounds per hour on the surface of a statute acre, whilst on the ground unbroken, though the glass stood repeatedly for two hours at a time, there was not the least cloud upon it which proved that no moisture then arose from the earth. " The evaporation from the ploughed land was found to decrease rapidly af- I tei" the fil'bt and second day, and ceased after five or six days, depending ou ADDITIONAL NOTES. 89 \We; wind and sun. These experiments were carried on for many inontlis. Af« ter July the evaporation decreased, yvliich proves tliut though the heat of the atmosphere be equal, the air is not so dense. The evaporation, after the most abundant rains, was not advanced beyond what tlie earth afforded on being fresh turnevl up. The rapid grow th of my potatoes corresponded perfc-ctly with the previous exjjerinicnts ; and their growth in dry weather visibly ex- ceeded that of other crops where tiie earth was not stirred." Hints, pp. 269 . . 274. " The evaporation from dang is five times as mucli as from earth, and is equal on the surface of an acre to 50Uu pounds per hour. By making use of dung in its freshest state, the farmer may extend his cropping to one-third more land with the same quanti:y of manure. It is with regret that 1 have viewed in many parts of the kingdom the quantity of manure wliich is exposed on the surface, and tends to no good. I am strongly of opinion, that in all' light soils, if the manure was buried in trenches as I propose, and the turnips sowed above it, that more abundant crops would be procured. By cleaning with the plough, great advantage would be derived to the crop, from the eva- poration yielded by the eai th. Hot manure might also be used. By fermenta- tion dung is reduced to one half its bulk, and its (quality reduced in a much greater proportion. The manure now con)monly taken for one acre of broad- cast, would if deposited whilst hot in drills, answer for four acres, and the crop produced be much more." Jtints, p. 275. These extracts embrace three important things : 1. Grekn chops with wide INTEIIVALS. 2. TaV. APPLICATION OF TUTRESCIBLE MAXUUE IN A FUESH STATE. 3. The pnoposEi) extension ot this puactice to light soils. In relatiori to the first head, the copious evaporation of moisture from new- ly turned earth is an important disc overy. The wide inttrvals in the green crops are to provide for its free application. The iutention is judicious : but in leaving intervals wide enough for a plough to work, tlie sacrifice of area may outweigh the benefit, especially if the plants are not capable of reaching a size in proportion to the space between them. The large field cabbages are perhaps most likely to aflTord a compensation in weight, in what degree the usual field crops would be thus diminished is highly requisite to be computed; for if the produce from an acre is diminished every alternate year in a mate- mi proportion, the sacrifice in even or eight years may be equal to one na- ked fallow in the same time, or may exceed it. VViien potatoes are planted^ Jn the manner above described, 3 feet by 2 Intervals of four feet and a half. 3 feet by 2 The unplanted ground is as 11 to 2; and can it be expected that the roots will send out runners halfway across the wide intervals .'' or that the weight of crop can sustain a competition with one raised from closer beds ? We" may fionclude that further experiments produced the conviction that such green fallows are on the average unprofitable ; for at the date of the letter cited in the preceding treatise, (p. 31. n.) The President of the Workington Agncul- tural Society had become reconciled to a summer fallow in rotation with white crops, on a clay soil. But the history of experimental farming is a history of revolutions in which practices which seem to be the very same are alternately abandoned and resumed — seem to be, but they arc not, the very same ; lor the cu'cumstances of positive knowledge are different by the a>. -^^ ^ .v. ^ a'^' ^■V' .•^^ ■^d* ,.^>- -^>^^V^. %.^- :>,V,A:. \_.^. .^.-,:-',A: \,^. ^^ •.^^' ^^^ ^^^^ ^ o^^ " O. ''««*• ^ %/ c^ ^^ "^^-O^ ,V \ V^ . \\.^ '^^-%,.^ \0^ ^ v>^^ ^^. '%--<^ ■;^^ -^^o^ o^^ . .c>^ _^c>' -^ 1 . '^ >.!» A ^^ '-e ^^^. "/.-■"'-^-.'••'\-v^^' .•O ^.o'i \-' .^^^ o,. ..V >.>J-'' c^^ X.^^' \<^'- •«•. <.^- rP- /. -S^ cP^ <" / ^- ?5 9<. / ^- C c> V ^'^., 1^. V x.^^ v &■ ^ 9<. V ' \.^ ^^^''^-Y;^'\.