V9HHHIH HBttA "IB Hi 'lg£i LIBRARY OF CONGRESS BHRS ^B ■ Class (qJDI'Z^/ Book_^£±L&f~ Typical View on the Lower Illinois River. REPORT OF THE Rivers and Lakes Commission ON The Illinois River and Its Bottom Lands With Reference to the Conservation of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Control of Floods BY JOHN W. ALVORD and CHARLES B. BURDICK, Consulting Engineers [Printed by authority of the State of Illinois.] (** • 1>K Springfield^ III. Illinois State Journal Co., State Printers. 19 15 D. of D. MAR 27 1916 s!C'3l3 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART I. PAGE. Summarized Findings and Conclusions 11 PART II. The Illinois River Watershed and Its Hydro-Geology 19 General Description and Size of Watershed— The River Bottoms — Geologj\ PART III. Flow and Gage Heights — Dams — Submerged Lands 24 Prevailing Gage Heights — Natural Flow— Flow of Chicago Drainage Canal — Navigation Dams — Survey of 1902-1904 — Submerged Lands. PART IV. Agriculture 54 Growth of Agriculture — Growth of Levee Districts — Principal Data of Levee Districts — Investigation of Districts and Levees — Productivity of Agricultural Lands. PART V. Fisheries 64 Growth in Production — Fish Prices — Factors Affecting the General Welfare of Fishes — Fish Yield by Districts — Possibilities of Fish Culture compared with Illinois River Yields. PART VI. Past and Future Floods 84 Flood of 1904— Flood of 1844— Flood of 1913— Probable Floods of the Future- Flood Rates on other Streams — Artificial and Natural Conditions Affecting Flood Rates — Comparison by Ratios— Fuller's Formula Applied to Ratios — Conclusions as to Flood Rates. PART VII. Future Flood Heights 102 Computed Flood Profiles — Values in Flow Formula During Flood of 1904 — Effect of Trees on Flood Values — Values in Flow Formula During Flood of 1913 — Flow Values Used in Computations — Flow Values Observed on Other Rivers — Estimate of Future Flood Heights — Proper Levee Heights. PART VIII. Discussion of Remedies 113 General Principles — Flood Abatement by Storage — Tendency of Levees to Increase Flow Rates — The Future River Valley — Effect of Storage on Flow — Proper Levee Heigts without Storage — Proper Levee Heights with Apex Storage — Bases of Comparison — New Expenditures with High Levees and No Storage — New Expenditures with Storage — Comparative Income and Expense — Other Considerations— Effect of Waterway Projects — Increased Width between Levees — Storage in the Tributaries — Flood Protection Conclusion — Best Use of Remaining Lakes and Lands — Inclosure of Meandered Lakes — Clean Banks — Game, Fishing and Hunting — Cooperation with the Sanitary District — Acknowledgement. PART IX. Appendix 136 Report of the Rivers and Lakes Commission to the Governor and Attorney Gen- eral on Thompson Lake. Recommendations of the Commission Regarding the Removal of Dams. ILLUSTRATIONS. PART I. Typical View on the Lower Illinois River Frontispiece FIGURE NO. PART II. PAGE. 1. Map — Watershed of the Illinois River 2 PART III. 2. Profiles of Water Levels and River Bottom 27 3. Diagram — Prevailing Gage Heights at Various Places 27 4. Diagram — Gage Heights at Grafton, LaGrange and Peoria and Hydrograph at Peoria 29 5. Map of Illinois — Average Annual Precipitation 36 5A. Views of LaGrange Lock and Dam 39 6. Map — Illinois River and Flood Plain below LaSalle 7. Diagram — Prevailing Heads at Navigation Dams 41 8. Diagram — Head at Dams and Rise of Tail Water 42 9. Diagram — Rating Curves 45 10. Profile — Normal Relations of Water Elevations 11. Diagram — Acres Submerged — Kampsville Dam to Mouth of River 46 12. Diagram — Acres Submerged — Mile 52.39 to Kampsville Dam 47 13. Diagram — Acres Submerged — LaGrange Dam to Mile 52.39 48 14. Diagram — Acres Submerged — Mile 108.63 to LaGrange Dam 49 15. Diagram — Acres Submerged — Copperas Creek Dam to Mile 108.63 50 16. Diagram — Acres Submerged — Peoria, Lower Bridge to Copperas Creek Dam. . . 51 17. Diagram — Acres Submerged — Henry Dam to Peoria Lower Bridge 51 18. Diagram — Acres Submerged — LaSalle to Henry Dam 51 19. Diagram — Acres Submerged — LaSalle to Mouth 51 PART IV. 20. View of New Levee Showing Extreme Irregularity of much of the Dipper Work . . 55 21. Map — Growth of Levee District 56 21A. View within the Levees Showing a Newly Reclaimed District 56 22. Map — River Bottoms and Levee Districts 59 23. Profile — Elevation of Levees 59 23A. View of Typical Pumping Station 60 PART V. 24. Diagram — Growth and Decline of Fish Catch on Illinois River 67 25. Diagram— Annual Yield of Fishes on Illinois River 1894-1908 67 25A. View of Fish Market at Havana 68 26. Diagram — Relation of Fish Yield to Water Acreages 78 ILLUSTRATIONS— Concluded. FIGURE PART VT. NO . PAGE . 27. Diagram— Profiles of 1904 Flood 87 28. Diagram — Relation between Drainage Area and Flood Flows 93 PART VII. 29. Map — Extent of Timber in Bottom Lands — Pearl to LaG range 107 30. Map — Extent of Timber in Bottom Lands — Beardstown to Havana 107 31. Map— Rainfall Contours— March 17, to April 1, 1904 109 32. Map— Rainfall Contours— March 20, to 27, 1913 109 33. Diagram — Observed and Computed Flood Profiles Ill 34. Diagram — Elevation of Levees Compared with Observed and Computed Flood Profiles.' Ill PART VIII. 35. Diagram — Effect of River Valley Storage on Flood Rate at Kampsville Dam. . 115 36. Map — Levee Districts Built and Proposed 37. Diagram — Storage in Levee Districts 1 17 38. Diagram — Relation of Flow Storage and Gage Height — At and Above Peoria . . 119 39. Diagram — Relation of Flow Storage and Gage Height at and Above LaGrange Dam 121 40. Diagram — Suggestion for Compromise Levees near Navigable Lakes 130 41. View of River Banks at Recent Moderate Water Stages showing the Dead and Decayed Land Vegetation 133 TABLES. TABLE PART III. NO . PAGE . 1. List of Gages on Illinois and Des Plaines Rivers 24 2. Flow of Illinois River at Peoria— 1890 to 1900. 30 3. Summarized Flow of Illinois River at Peoria— 1890-1899 32 4. Monthly Discharge of Illinois River at Peoria— 1903-1906 33 5. Flow of Des Plaines River above Riverside 34 6. Comparison of Run-off, Des Plaines and Illinois River 34 7. Summary of Rainfall and Run-off Data in Illinois 35 8. Flow of Chicago Drainage Canal, 1900-1914. '.37 9. Data on Navigation Dams 40 10. Land Overflowed Before and After Construction of Levee Districts as Existing or Under Construction in 1914 53 PART IV. 11. Principal Data of Levee Districts 58 PART V. 12. Total Fish Catch— Illinois River— 1894-1908 65' 13. Statistics of Fisheries — Illinois River State of Illinois, and United States for 1908 . . 66 14. Total Fish Catch— Havana Market 66 15. Yearly Averages of German Prices for Carp — 1891-1905 68 TABLES— Concluded. TABLE NO. PAGE. 16. Wholesale Prices for Carp in Berlin for 1909 68 17. Catch Value and Price Paid to Fishermen in Illinois 69 18. Wholesale and Retail Prices for Carp— 1908-1913 69 19. Comparative Statistical Data, Illinois Fisheries 74 20. Acreage in Lakes in Virgin Valley and Subsequent to Construction of Levee Dis- tricts 79 21. Fish Shipped from Illinois River , 80 22. Yield of Illinois River Fisheries in 1908 81 23. Summarized Data on Fish Yields in Foreign Countries 82 24. Financial Statement of a German Pond Fishery 83 PART VL 25. Highest Water in Each Year at Salient Places 85 26. Greatest Measured Flows— Flood of 1904 ? 86 27. Estimated Maximum Flow— Flood of 1904 88 28. Maximum Flood Flows on Streams in and Adjacent to Illinois 92 29. Maximum Flood Rates on all Streams of United States having Record of 10 Years or More 95 30. Relation between Probable Future Floods and Average Yearly Flood 99 31. Comparison of Flood Ratios at Peoria 99 32. Flood Expectation in Various Periods , 100 PART VII. 33. Values in Flow Formula During Bank-Full Conditions 103 34. Values in Flow Formula During Flood of 1904. : 105 35. Effect of Trees and Brush on Flood Flow Values 106 36. Relative Importance of Timber on a Leveed Reach 107 37. Values in Flow Formula During Flood of 1913 108 38. "C" and "N" Values on Various Rivers 110 PART VIII. 39. Storage Required to Reduce Flood Rates at Peoria 120 40. Costs and Benefits of Two Plans for Flood Protection 125 41. List of Meandered Lakes Claimed by the Rivers and Lakes Commission to be Public Waters 131 42. Claims against Sanitary District on Account of Damage from Overflow 133 PREFACE. On March 14, 1914, the Bivers and Lakes Commission was called into a conference with Governor Edward P. Dunne, the Fish and Game Conservation Commission, representatives of the State Water Survey, Biological Department of the State University, and the Agricultural Department of the State University, to discuss the importance of prob- lems growing out of the varied and conflicting interests in and to the Illinois Eiver and its valley. The matters under consideration at this conference were the preservation of the public waters of the State, the reclamation of submerged lands, the preservation of fish, and future flood control. As a result of this conference the Bivers and Lakes Commission employed Messrs. Alvord and Bur dick, civil engineers, to make a survey and study of the Illinois Biver and Valley, compile the facts and report to this commission. This report has been put in printed form for circu- lation. We believe it contains such necessary information as will enable the Executive and Legislative departments of the State to adopt a policy that will prevent conflict between public interests and private interests and at the same time protect both. The Illinois Biver furnishes from 10,000,000 to 24,000,000 pounds of fish per annum, or 10 per cent of the entire fresh water fish caught in the United States. After the opening of the Chicago Drainage Canal in 1900, due to the increased area of overflowed lands, the fish crop increased annually until the year 1908. Since then the yield has been falling off. This has been due to the reclamation of large areas of lakes and overflowed land by drainage and levee districts. The effect of this reclamation work is to confine the flood cross sections of the river and materially raise the flood heights. Messrs. Alvord and Burdick have presented in the report comprehensive and accurate investigations which show the effect of reclamation upon future flood heights and the value of conserving the lakes in the river valley for fish breeding and flood storage reservoirs. Attempts are made by private parties to appropriate meandered or navigable lakes in the Illinois Valley which are the public property of the State. Acting on the policy outlined by the Legislative Committee on Submerged and Shore Lands, which led to the creation of the Bivers and Lakes Commission, this commission is now actively engaged in preventing such illegal seizure of the lakes in the Illinois Valley and conserving them for the use of flood storage, fish production, and the recreation of the public. Bivers and Lakes Commission, Arthur W. Charles, Chairman. LeBoy K. Sherman, Commissioner. Thomas 'J. Healy, Commissioner. Charles Christmann, Secretary. 905 State Building, Chicago, Illinois. PART I. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. The Honorable Rivers and Lakes Commission,, State of Illinois. Gentlemen : At your request we have made a careful study of the somewhat complex problems of the Illinois Eiver relating to the control of floods with particular reference to the effect of the extensive reclama- tion of farm land within the past ten years and the rise and recent rapid decline of the very important inland fishery upon this stream. This report concerns principally that part of the river below LaSalle; above this place the river is of a different character and the problems con- sidered do not exist. We take pleasure in reporting to you the result of our study and findings as follows: THE OBJECT OF THE EEPOET. It is the object of this report to answer the following general questions : 1. What future flood rates may reasonably be expected on the Illinois Eiver ? 2. Is the present waterway sufficient to accommodate the future floods ? 3. What interests are affected by the past and probable future improvements in the valley? How is each interest affected and what is the relative importance of each? 4. What plan can be followed to correct the deficient waterway and to produce a maximum benefit to the local interests and to the public? SITMMABIZED CONCLUSIONS AND FINDINGS. Hereinafter will be found much of the data upon which the answers to these questions must be based. Before, however, -proceeding to discuss these matters at length, we would briefly acquaint you with our principal findings and recommendations as follows: 1. Past floods. We conclude that the flood of 1904, which at most places upon the river is the greatest flood of recent years reached the rate of about 80,000 cubic feet per second at Peoria and 125,000 cubic feet per second at the mouth of the river. These rates are equivalent respec- tively to 5.94 and 4.48 cubic feet per second per square mile of drainage area. At nearly all places upon the river the flood of 1844 reached a greater height than any flood of record before or since. This flood occurred during the maximum flood upon the Mississippi and the water passed 12 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. through a river valley entirely unimproved, very likely a veritable jungle. Under all these circumstances, it is questionable if the flow rates in the 1844 flood very much exceeded. those in 1904. 2. Future floods. The stream records of the Illinois Eiver, although a few records cover 40 to 50 years, are not sufficiently extensive to permit the formation of conclusions as to probable future maximum flood rates. So far as they are available they would appear to indicate that in the course of centuries the flood of 1904 might reasonably be expected about once in 50 years. We have made a careful study of the great floods upon other rivers. It appears that such great floods are due to peculiar combinations of circumstances, such as, although infrequent, are likely to happen at any time, any place in central North America. The great floods upon the average are infrequent, but two great floods may occur in successive years. It is our conclusion that the average flood expectancy, about once in 50 years, is a flood about 35 per cent greater in rate than the flood of 1904: We further conclude that it . is wise to protect the valley lands against the flood occurring upon the average of once in 50 years, namely, a flood about 35 per cent greater in rate than the flood of 1904. 3. Present waterway. In a state of nature the river in flood occupied its entire valley from hills to hills. For many miles in the lower river this flood plain averaged 3 miles in width and in the great floods from 7 to 9 feet in depth. In the lower one-third of the river, farm land levees have reduced the width of the flood plain by about 80 per cent and have reduced the cross section of the flowing stream in a great flood to about 25 per cent of the available cross section of the 1904 flood. Although a large part of the flood flow has always passed by way of the channel, the velocity being comparatively slow upon the land, it is our conclusion that the farm land levees are a menace to themselves, in that they have so restricted the flood water channel and are lacking in height, generally speaking, to such an extent that they are likely to be overtopped in a great flood. As the protection afforded to different districts is quite variable, it is evident that the lowest levees will suffer first and will tend to protect the higher levees. If all the districts are to be protected, however, a greater available flood cross section must be provided which may be accomplished in several ways, or the flood rates must be reduced through storage. 4. Interests affected. Although many interests are affected to a minor degree, we find that the predominant interests in the river valley are agriculture and fishing. There are other important interests at Peoria and at a few of the other cities bordering the stream. These cities, however, without important exceptions are well above the ordinary floods and the municipalities in general are not greatly concerned with flood abatement. 5. Flooded lands. We estimate the total water acreage below LaSalle in the flood of 1844 at 397,980 acres. Of this acreage 320,150 acres, was flooded land. The first total includes 28,490 acres of river surface and 49,340 acres of lakes adjoining the river, the river and lakes surface being measured at the low water plane in 1901. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. 13 6. Levee districts. Since 1904 the construction of levees for the protection of the bottom lands has proceeded at a rapid rate. At the present time nearly all the bottom land below Beardstown has been reclaimed. The total leveed lands are estimated at 171,725 acres. These lands have been protected from floods at an estimated cost of $5,350,000 or about $30.00 per acre. The estimated full value of these lands is about $19,000,000, an average of about $112 per acre. Much of this land is valued at from $125 to $150 per acre. Projected levee districts, so far as we can learn, aggregate about 49,250 acres. It is estimated that the leveed lands produce crops to the value of $3,000,000 per annum and that when these districts are fully cultivated they will be capable of producing $5,000,000 per annum. These figures are based upon the crops of recent years at the prices that generally prevailed prior to 1913. At recent prices, the yield would be much greater. It is estimated that with the projected districts completed and fully cultivated together with a small acreage upon the higher ground, now successfully cropped without levees, the total yield from agriculture will be approximately $6,500,000 per year. 7. Fisheries. Statistics indicate that the fishery of the Illinois Eiver is more valuable than any other fresh water river fishery in the United States. It is exceeded only by the Great Lakes and the salmon industry of the Pacific Coast. The value of the catch to the fishermen amounts to 62 per cent of the fish product of the State and 10 per cent of the production of the United States. The principal statistics of the fishery for the year 1908, according to U. S. Census, were as follows : Total value of catch ' $860,000 Value excluding mussel products $721,000 Persons employed exclusive of shoremen 2,497 Capital employed $557,000 8. Game fish and game. The statistics of fisheries do not include the fish taken for private use, either by the professional fishermen or sportsmen. The Illinois Eiver and its adjacent lakes have long been known as the rendezvous for the sportsman in the taking of game fish and the shooting of water fowl. Competent local observers estimate that the money spent in the local river communities by sportsmen is fully equal to that derived from the commercial fishery. While the benefit to the State could hardly be measured by this expenditure, it indicates a certain value, greater or less in amount, that must be attributed to the preservation of the aquatic life of the stream. This use of the stream will doubtless increase as the value becomes better known through the improved water transportation facilities now shortly to be secured. 9. Fish prices. The statistics above quoted are based upon the average price of about 3 cents per pound to the fishermen. About two- thirds of the catch at present is German carp, which sells for 2 to 2% cents per pound. Other varieties sell from 5 to 10 cents per pound. Carp and other fish return from 12 to 15 cents per pound to the fishermen of Europe or four or five times the American price. The time 14 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. will doubtless come when American prices will be more nearly equal to those of Europe. At foreign prices the 1908 catch of the Illinois Eiver would have amounted to from $3,000,000 to $3,500,000. 10. Rise and decline of fishery. We find that the annual catch upon the Illinois Eiver has gradually increased from about 6,000,000 pounds in 1894 to 12,000,000 pounds in 1900 and 24,000,000 in 1908. No complete statistics are available since 1908, but it is well known that the catch has very rapidly decreased within the past five years. The statistics at Havana would seem to indicate that the yield at present is only about one-third of the banner yield of 1908. The great increase is probably largely accounted for by the rapid increase of the German carp, which first began to appear in the catch of the Illinois Eiver at about the date of the earliest statistics above men- tioned. All fish life was undoubtedly stimulated by the increased stages of water that have prevailed since 1900. The decline since 1908 is probably due to a number of causes including the lesser flood stages prevailing in recent years and the large number of lakes excluded from the river through the construction of agricultural levees shutting off the breeding and feeding grounds of fish and the places where the larger part of the seining has been done. About 17,740 acres in lakes have been enclosed by levees amounting to about 36 per cent of the original lake acreage. Most of these lakes have been enclosed since 1908. 11. Increased fish yields. We have examined such authentic statistics of foreign fisheries as could be found, particularly the statis- tics of the German fisheries. It is our conclusion that at the present prices of fish and labor, a commercial fishery, that is, one in which the fish are bred, fed and sold as a distinct business, could not be profitable. It would seem, however, that there is prospect of a good profit by intelligent fish culture in the ponds and water courses remaining within the levee districts, providing that the industry is carried on as an adjunct to farming in much the same way that poultry is ordinarily raised upon the farm. This would utilize a water acreage that otherwise could pro- duce no revenue and could serve no useful purpose except to store the flood waters in the course of passage to the drainage ditches. 12. Permanency of the fishery. If the fishery is to remain commercially important, means must be provided to take the place of the breeding grounds formerly furnished by the shallow waters of the lakes and sloughs which have been reclaimed. 13. Predominant interest. In the light of the figures before us we must conclude that agriculture is the predominant interest of the valley, that it now furnishes and will hereafter furnish a much greater addition to the wealth of the State than is produced or can probably be hereafter produced by the fisheries. In so far as possible, however, both interests should be promoted in harmony. 14. Eeservoirs and fish culture. In Europe, where the flood problems and the fisheries have been studied for a longer time than in America, the suggestion has been made to promote the fisheries and reduce the floods upon the diked rivers by admitting water to certain of the leveed districts in rotation during each spring season and allowing FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. 15 the water to return to the stream during the low water season. All this with the object of reducing the spring freshets, artificially providing overflowed land for the breeding and rearing of young fish and the periodical enrichment of the land by the sediments of the flood waters. We have endeavored to demonstrate the practicability of such a scheme upon the Illinois Eiver. The practicability of this scheme is hereinafter discussed in connection with the remedy for floods. 15. Future floods and present levees. No great flood has m occurred upon the river since the occupation of the valley by levees approaching the present scale of development. The nearest approach to a great flood was the freshet of 1913. Although this flood is estimated to have been slightly less in volume than the flood of 1904, its elevation in the vicinity of the La Grange Dam, near the head of the most extensive levee system, was 3 feet greater than the flood of 1904 and substantially the same as the exeremely high water of 1844. The levee districts completed since 1913, including those now in process of construction, will still further restrict the flood water passage. 16. Great floods in leveed valley. It is estimated that if the 1904 flood should be repeated under the same conditions of water level in the Mississippi, a number of levee districts would be overtopped. If this flood should be repeated under the high water conditions in the Mississippi that prevailed during the flood of 1844, a large number of the agricultural levee districts would be flooded. It has been previously concluded that a flood 35 per cent greater in rate than the flood of 1904 may reasonably be expected to occur. If such a flood should enter the Mississippi at the height of water prevail- ing in 1844, more than half of the levee districts would be flooded, and under the conditions of levee construction likely to prevail in the future nearly all the levee districts would be flooded, and the water would reach a height about 5 feet above the high water mark in 1844 in the vicinity of the La Grange Dam, with lesser differences up-stream and down- stream. In reference to the flooding of levee districts it should be noted that the lowest levees will be flooded first and to a certain extent will serve as safety valves to protect the districts having higher levees. The flooding of a large number of districts near the apex of the flood will probably arrest the further rise of the water unless the flood is greatly prolonged. Therefore, to increase the elevation of the lower levees serves to decrease the safety of the high levees until all have been increased to such height that a great flood may pass away between the levees. 17. Levees and flood rates. There is no question but that the exclusion of the flood waters from the bottom lands through the construc- tion of levees has a tendency to increase the flood run-off rates of a stream. We have investigated this matter quite carefully as applied to the Illinois Eiver particularly in the measured flood of 1904, assuming it to pass through the present levee system. It is estimated, however, that the net effect of all the levee districts so far constructed would prob- ably increase the maximum flow rate only about 5 per cent and when the bottoms are fully leveed about 10 per cent. This rather unexpected result is accounted for by the fact that in an excessive flood, such as the 16 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. flood of 1904, the valley is practically filled with water several days before the apex of the flood and the maximum flood rate occurs at a time when the gage height is nearly stationary for several days both before and after the apex. A smaller stream or a more flashy stream would doubtless make a better utilization of the storage in its valley. 18. Apex storage. A much greater effect can be produced in miti- gating the floods if certain large reservoirs could be held empty and the flood waters only admitted when the flood is approaching maximum rates and the water passing into the reservoirs could be regulated so that all surplus water above a pre-determined rate could be accommodated. We have investigated this proposition and find that in the lower river at Kampsville for instance, the flood heights are most largely gov- erned by the Mississippi Eiver. In this vicinity storage on the Illinois Eiver could accomplish nothing material. The present levee districts are not adapted to flooding, but if we should assume that all future levee districts, which would be substantially equal in storage volume to the districts at present constructed, should be so built and so operated that they could be flooded without great damage except the loss of crop when flooded, then we estimate that there would be about 850,000 acre-feet of storage above the La Grange Dam, which if used to the best advantage, would reduce the flood flow rate about 25 per cent at Beardstown, making a difference in the height of the water of about 3.4 feet. A similar estimate at Peoria indicates that through storage it would be theoretically possible to reduce a great flood about 2!/2 feet. It is our conclusion that storage as above outlined would be effect- ive in reducing the flood heights in amounts varying from practically zero at the Kampsville Dam to about 3% feet at Beardstown and 2% feet at Peoria. 19. Increased floodway. In general there are three ways to increase the available prism for the passage of floqd waters. The width of the flood stream may be increased by setting the levees back a greater distance from the river bank. We find that this remedy is impracticable on account of cost except where new levees are to be built. We recommend, where levees are built upon both sides of the river at any place above the junction of the Sangamon, that the distance from center to center of levees, measured across the river, be not less than 1,200 feet and where reasonably possible 2,000 feet. Below the Sangamon the land is nearly all leveed. The flood water prisan might also be increased by lowering the bed of the river, as might be accomplished in the construction of a deep waterwav. In our opinion, dredging operations undertaken especially for this purpose would be too costly as compared to other remedies. So far as we can determine, none of the projects for improved navigation would affect the flood water levels any sufficient amount to be of material benefit. 20. Higher levees. It is our opinion that the available cross sec- tion for flood waters can be most economically enlarged by increasing the height of the levees. It seems to us that the circumstances warrant the building of levees to a height about 3 feet above a great flood, assum- ing it to enter the Mississippi River at about the height of the flood of 1844. The excess height of levees is recommended to provide for wave FINDINGS AND KECOMMENDATIONS. 17 wash and in emergency as a small factory of safety to prevent disaster in case of a greater flood. It is believed that in the protection of these farm lands, the danger from loss of life is small and, therefore, that it is not wise to provide against a flood of extremely rare occurrence or to provide a factor of safety that would be justified in the protection of a city where great loss of life might result from the unexpected. To comply with the above recommendation, the higher levees at present would be increased from 2 to 3 feet. The lowest of the levees lie about 6 feet below what we regard as a desirable elevation. As nearly as we can estimate from rather incomplete data, the cost of bringing all the present levees up to the desirable plane would be about $2,532,000. The total expenditure, including this item and also the total cost of all future levee districts, is estimated at about $8,154,300. 21. Levee heights with storage. If all future levee districts should be so built that they might be utilized for storage of the apex flood waters, the necessary levee heights in the upper three-quarters of the river could be reduced from 2 to 3 feet, but this would still require that nearly all the levees should be increased in height at a total esti- mated cost of about $1,592,000. The total expenditure, including this item and also the total cost of all future levee districts, is estimated at $5,389,000. 22. Revenues compared. We have carefully considered the relative merits of the above suggested means for relieving the flood situation and the promoting of fisheries, particularly as to the practicability of using storage reservoirs for these purposes. Giving the storage proposition the benefit of all the doubts includ- ing the practicability of manipulating the reservoirs during the flood and the benefit accrued to the fisheries, we estimated that the largest financial return to the community will be effected through the utilization of the bottom-lands for agriculture and increasing the height of levees such an amount as is necessary to protect the lands. 23. Means of accomplishment. It would seem proper that the additional levee protection should be affected by private enterprise. It is; believed to be the duty of the State, however, to advise the land owners as to conditions and through the Rivers and Lakes Commis- sion to regulate future constructions or alterations in present levees, so far as the powers of the commission extend. Advice to the land owners is the proper function of the State, for no individual land owner is in a position to determine these facts for himself. It is not probable that all the districts can profitably increase their levees to the recommended height, for some of the small districts, par- ticularly those not equipped with farm improvements and public improve- ments, would be injured in case of flood only to the extent of a lost crop and repairs to the levee system. Such districts might better suffer the loss from the occasional flood than to protect against the indefinite future. The proper course in this matter will be determined by the value of the crops and improvements and the frequency of the floods. The decision of a particular district will not affect the community outside the district except where there might be danger to life. — 2 R L 18 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. 24. Promotion of fisheries. The predominance of the agricul- tural interest does not require that the fisheries of the Illinois Eiver should be abandoned. It is believed, notwithstanding the levee districts present and future, that a scientific utilization of the remaining public waters, including the river and twenty or more meandered lakes together with the best use of the remaining undiked bottoms and the spaces between the river banks and levee toes, will result in the maintenance of a valuable fishery. We recommend that the State Laboratory of Natural History be empowered to investigate and determine the best means for promoting the fishery interests in the public waters and the adjacent undiked lands. We should hope that a practicable program might be worked out that would permit of great help to the fisheries and at the same time provide game and fish preserves, usable by the public under proper restriction. We understand that the damage claims, filed against the Sanitary District up to December 31, 1912, for flowage damage to land below TJtica, amounts to $4,539,980, and that additional claims not yet filed will raise this total to about eight million dollars. The last named figure is equivalent to about fifty-four dollars per acre of land outside of the levees, and below the flood plane of 1844. Although these claims are no doubt excessive, it would seem, as has been suggested, that if a working arrangement could be devised, the State might profitably combine with the Sanitary District in the pur- chase of some of these lands. In view of the large expenditures made by our cities for park purposes and the expenditures of the national government in the preser- vation of the national parks, it would seem that there is a field for profitable investments by the State, which wisely administered would accrue to the great benefit of the commercial fishery and to the people of the State. We have endeavored above to briefly outline our principal conclusions and findings. In the body of the report which follows will be found a full discussion of these matters and much of the original data upon which the discussion and conclusions are based. PART II. DESCRIPTION OF ILLINOIS, RIVER— ITS WATERSHED AND HYDRO-GEOLOGY. In many respects the Illinois River is one of the most remarkable streams in the United States. Its past importance as an avenue of water commerce, the possibilities of its future in this respect, its fresh water fisheries, its use as the main sewer, so to speak, of the second city in the country, and more recently, the agricultural development on its bottom lands through the construction of levees, all have led to perhaps more thorough studies, with various objects in view than has been received by any other of our rivers. The Illinois River is formed by the junction of the Des Plaines and Kankakee Rivers, 273 miles by river from its mouth at Grafton. It flows nearly west 62 miles to the Great Bend near Hennepin, and thence pursues its course nearly south, 211 miles, to its junction with the Mis- sissippi. Its watershed, estimated at 27,914 square miles, lies principally within the State. The upper waters of the Des Plaines and Fox Rivers drain 1,080 square miles in Wisconsin, and the headwaters of the Kankakee furnish the outlet for 3,207 square miles in Indiana. The principal tributaries are the Kankakee, 5,146 square miles, the Des Plaines, 1,392 square miles, the Fox, 2,700 square miles, and the Vermillion, 1,317 square miles, all joining the upper river above Henne- pin. Below the Great Bend the Illinois receives the Mackinaw, 1,217 square miles, Spoon River, 1,817 square miles, the Sangamon, 5,670 square miles, and Crooked Creek, 1,385 square miles. The remaining watersheds are small, none exceeding 1,000 square miles. About two- thirds of the tributary watershed lies to the southeast. In the lower 60 miles no important drainage reaches the stream from the west, the dividing line between the Illinois and the Mississippi which here flow in parallel courses, lies not more than ten miles westward. The greater part of the drainage area is a typical Mississippi valley prairie region. The slopes are flat to the north and east, but become more rolling in the lower half of the watershed. The soil is a rich black loam 1 to 4 feet in thickness, very largely underlaid with boulder clay. The upper waters of the Fox River serve a poorly drained lake region, largely in Wisconsin, and more than half of the Kankakee water- shed comprises the marsh region of northern Indiana, at this time partially but not completely drained and reclaimed. The dividing ridge of the basin ranges in elevation from 700 to 1,000 feet above the sea, and the river itself ranges from 499 feet at its head to 412 feet at its mouth. THE RIVER BOTTOMS. From the head of the river, to La Salle, a distance of 50 miles, the fall of the stream is comparatively rapid, dropping about 53 feet. The 19 20 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. stream is flanked on either side by bluff's or sharply rising ground nowhere more than two miles apart, and narrowing to about one-quarter of a mile near Seneca. The bottom lands are comparatively high, and in general rise toward the base of the bluffs. High water is of com- paratively short duration, and it does not prove advisable to dike the farm land. Below La Salle the conditions are quite different. In 223 miles, the fall is only 33 feet, and for the first 80 miles only 6 feet. As in the upper river, the bottoms are flanked by bluffs or hills, but the flood plain is wider, ranging from iy 2 to 3 miles above Peoria, 3 to 5 miles near Havana, and 6 to 7 miles near Beardstown, at the mouth of the Sanga- mon Eiver. In the lower 60 miles, the bottom lands are generally 3 to 4 miles in width. From La Salle to the Mississippi, the bottom land subject to flood aggregates about 400,000 acres or 620 square miles. The immediate banks of the stream are nearly everywhere higher than the bottoms further inland, gradually falling away to lakes, ponds, and marshes near the foot of the bluffs. Some exceptions to this rule are found at the deltas of the larger tributaries. In the upper river as far south as Beardstown, the river banks lie generally from 7 to 12 feet above low water, averaging about 10 feet. The lakes, many of them quite large, are connected with the river at low or medium stages of water and lie at approximately the same elevation as the river, rising and falling with it. The low water connection is always at the foot of the lake. At moderate stages of flood they are connected with the river at their upper ends also, the lakes receiving and carrying a portion of the flood flow in its passage down the valley, and also acting as storage reservoirs, tending to reduce the maximum flow rate of the flood. In the lower river below Beardstown, the immediate banks of the stream are higher, the filling of the bottom lands has progressed further, and the lakes are smaller, many of them lying 10 feet or more above low water in the main stream. They are thus only invaded by river stages considerably above normal. The course of the river is unusually direct, the filling of the flood plain having been insufficient to induce the tortuous courses of the Mis- sissippi and like streams. Throughout the greater part of its length, particularly in the lower 60 miles, the stream follows the base of the western hills, with occasional diversions toward the center of the valley where the stream has been pushed outward by the deposit at the mouth of an important tributary. Throughout its course the low water banks of the stream are thickly overgrown with trees and brush, and in the lower reaches of the river particularly, the bottoms are veritable jungles of trees, shrubs and climbing vines. In its natural state all ground within a few feet of the low water line in river and lakes was thus thickly overgrown, the only open places being the lakes and ponds and their low lying borders sub- merged for a large part of the year, and during the low water season covered with swamp grass and rushes. GEOLOGY. The geological history of the Illinois Eiver is instructive. It serves to show the reasons governing the peculiarities of the river bottom topo- ^ .M> t L GENERAL DESCRIPTION. 21 graphy, indicates tendencies still operative but somewhat modified, and materially assists in final conclusions as to what future floods may be expected, through comparison with other streams upon which longer flow records are available. It serves to indicate why some excessive flood rates are not applicable to the Illinois. The territory drained by the Illinois is almost entirely within the area of glaciation. From the headwaters to Peoria, the glacial debris belongs to the Wisconsin period. From Peoria to the southern line of Pike County, the drift is Illinoisan capped by loess, a fine-grained clay-like formation. From this place southward the drainage area is quite small, especially to the west of the river where the area is ungla- ciated, but the surface is largely covered by loess. To the east there is a moderate amount of drift also capped by loess. This visit of the glaciers has had a very marked effect upon the character of the present streams draining the region of their occupation, and the watershed of the Illinois River is principally characteristic of the glacial epoch. The depth of the glacial debris overlying rock except in exceptional instances, varies from 20 feet to several hundred feet, the latter depth of covering predominating. It is well known that when materials are eroded by flowing water, the heavier particles are dropped first and the lighter materials are carried longer distances. Thus, in the valley of the Mississippi River, the upper portion of its ancient channel is paved with coarse sand and gravel. Further southward in Illinois, Iowa and Missouri, the deposits are finer, coarse gravel being scarce. Sand where found is usually coarse to the northward, and becomes finer to the southward. In the lower river, the later deposits are of finely divided clay, and at New Orleans, for nearly all the year, the water is charged with clay particles so fine that many weeks of settling are required to deposit them. The water has rid itself of sands and gravels except in the greatest floods. Similar facts are observable in the territory occupied by the glaciers. The rocks over which they moved were worn, scraped and broken, resulting in debris varying from the largest boulders to finely divided dust. The melting waters took up these materials, transported them under and through the ice, and upon emerging, first deposited the boulders, then the gravel, then the coarse sand, then the fine sand, and lastly the more finely divided clay. Likewise where the glaciers rested for long periods, in their recession the melting waters deposited all kinds of debris which were washed over by the melting of the ice further north, and the materials were sorted in the order above described, the coarser materials in the north and the finer materials in the south. This sorting of the glacial debris is the principal cause of marked differences in the flow characteristics of the streams in the northern United States. In the north in Wisconsin and Michigan, and parts of New York and New England, the sands and gravels predominate. A large part of the rainfall is absorbed by the soil where it is stored and given up again to the streams with relative uniformity throughout the year. Streams are thus produced that yield annually 50 per cent of the rainfall, or 15 to 20 inches per year, and further, by reason of the ground storage, the flow is constant and of relatively large volume in the driest seasons. 22 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. Further south in Illinois, Iowa and in northern Indiana, the sand and gravel is largely confined to narrow belts in the valleys of the water courses, and nearly all the streams drain regions where clay largely predominates, and although clay will absorb a large amount of water, it does so only slowly and gives it up with such reluctance that even the larger streams cease to flow in the dry seasons. The surface, although for the most part well drained, is relatively flat. The water remains for a long time upon the surface ; the absorption is high and as it cannot be drained to the streams, is largely absorbed by luxuriant vegetation. The flood rate is mitigated by the storage in the wide, flat bottom lands, over which although the water is in transit and ultimately drains away, it moves but slowly. All this results in streams that naturally deliver not more than 25 or 30 per cent of the rainfall, or 7 to 15 inches per year. The Illinois and its tributaries are of this character. The flat prairie lands are thoroughly saturated in the spring and give up the water stored only to the roots of vegetation. The immediate run-off in great storms is high, but is slow in its passage through the principal arteries of drainage. Thus, we have streams of small annual run-off s, extremely small summer flows, and flood flows' intermediate between those of the sand and gravel watersheds of Wisconsin and Michigan, and the unglaciated or slightly glaciated regions of Kentucky, southern Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and generally in the southeastern states. These characteristics of regional streams should be kept in mind in examining the data hereinafter presented upon the flood flows of the eastern United States as bearing upon the probabilities in the Illinois River. They serve to explain the improbability upon the one hand of the extremely high run-off rates of the Ohio and Pennsylvania streams, and upon the other hand, the extremely small flood run-off s from some of the watersheds in northern Michigan and Wisconsin. Upon the Illinois Eiver proper, and indeed upon some of its tributaries, storage is a predominating influence and serves to reduce the flood flow rates very near to that of the rivers draining the coarse glacial drifts. For an explanation of the topography of the present river valley, we are also indebted to the research of the geologists. The sharp dis- tinctions between the physical features above and below the Great Bend near Hennepin are explained by the very different geological history of these two reaches of the stream. The lower Illinois from the Bend southward occupies its pre-glacial channel which formed a drainage outlet for a very much larger area than now drains through this portion of the river. There is circumstantial evidence that the Rock River, now a tributary of the Mississippi at one time entered the Illinois near the Great Bend, and was subsequently diverted by glacial action. This enlarged drainage area and the great volumes of water that poured from the glaciers serve to account for the wide and deep river valley that was excavated. In places, the prehistoric stream reached a width not less than 15 miles. The present valley from the Great Bend east is of more recent origin and owes its existence to its temporary occupancy by the drainage from the glacial Lake Chicago. As stated by Leverett : "This portion of the Illinois Valley, although of post-Wisconsin age, has a channel more than a mile in average width and nearly 100 feet in average depth. Yet at present it is the line of discharge for an area of only 12,000 GENERAL DESCRIPTION. 23 square miles. The influence of the waters discharged from the Lake Chicago and also from the lobes north and east of the Kankakee is plainly shown in the great size of this valley." In the escape of these waters it was necessary to cut through a glacial moraine near Marseilles, which for a considerable time, no doubt, impounded a large lake in that part of the river adjacent to Morris. Below the Marseilles moraine, the channel was cut to a depth of 50 to 75 feet, and is still cutting, the river running upon a rock bottom. The great quantities of debris brought down by the glacial floods were deposited in the wide and deep valley of the lower Illinois; also no doubt the scour from the cutting in the upper Illinois. The recession of the glaciers and the resulting diminished floods, particularly the new outlet formed for the Great Lakes waters at Niagara, a compara- tively recent geological event, so greatly diminished the water supply that the filling of the lower Illinois valley was not so far advanced as- other streams of the Middle West, and it remains today only partially filled, with the thread of the stream running substantially straight in its pre-glacial channel, flanked by numerous lakes and lagoons which doubtless would have been largely obliterated but for the important changes in water supply heretofore mentioned. The building up of the bottoms has continued in recent times and is going on today, but the rate of filling is much diminished by the decreased water supply, and consists of the finer silt only, which when the flood invades the bottom lands, is quickly dropped in the relatively still waters and thus accounts for the height of the banks immediately adjoining the stream and the general slope of the land away from the river bank toward the inland lakes. The filling of the lakes is now very slow as much of the water borne material is dropped immediately outside the thread of the channel. In the upper river, although deposits of considerable magnitude took place in the Morris Basin, the more recent period has been one of cutting only. The deposits brought down by the tributaries were largely cut away in the drainage of the Morris Basin, and on account of the more rapid fall in this part of the river, the cutting continues to a relatively small extent. In the lower river the cutting is absent and the bottoms are building, although slowly by reason of the diminished water supply. PART III. FLOW AND GAGE HEIGHTS— DAMS— SUBMERGED LANDS. As would be expected from the topography and geology of the drainage basin, the Illinois River is a stream of extremely small natural flow in drouth, and on account of its wide bottom lands and the great opportunity for flood water storage, the maximum flood discharge is relatively small, and the duration of flood conditions is relatively long. PREVAILING GAGE HEIGHTS. Gage records of water stage are recorded at numerous places throughout the length of the river, particularly the records of head- water and tailwater at the two U. S. dams at Kampsville and La Grange, the two State dams at Copperas Creek and Henry, the observations of the Weather Bureau at Beardstown and Peoria, and several other gages maintained by municipalities and the railroads which cross the stream. Table No. 1 shows the locations of all gages so far as known, with a statement of the length of time covered by each record. The data is very complete for the past twenty years. A number of the gage records are fairly complete back to 1880. The Peoria gage record is continuous, excepting a few years, back to 1869. TABLE NO. 1— LIST OF GAGES ON ILLINOIS AND DESPLAINES RIVERS. Compiled from report of United States Engineers on 14-foot waterway. ■25 General location. fa TJ m w Reads > fa up or s§ down. CO '-' %% §X2 >< By whom established. Custodian of records. 0.0 0.0 7.0 21.0 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 43.1 Grafton Dock Grafton Dock Deer Plain Hardin Columbiana Kampsville Kampsville Lock— lower . . Kampsville Lock— upper. Pearl— C & A. Bridge. . . Valley City— Wabash Br 219.60 410.96 413. 37 414. 61 416.47 416. 82 409. 10 409. 13 419.70 421. 75 Up... . . do. . ..do.. Both. Both. Up... . . do. . ..do.. ..do.. .do- '79-'92 '94- '14 '78- '80 '78- '80 '78- '80 '81- '93 '94- '14 '93- '14 '78-'14 '78-'80 '83- '14 U. S. Eng'rs. ..do ..do U. S. Eng'ers. ..do ..do ..do ..do .do. U. S. Weather Bu- reau, St. Louis— U. S. Engineers, Peoria. United States Engi- neers, Peoria. United States Engi- neers, Peoria. U. S. Eng'rs and C. &A. R.R.inl904 — U. S. E., C. & A. R.R. and San- itary Dist., 1914.. Wabash R. R., De- catur— U. S. En- gineers, Peoria. 24 FLOW AND GAGE HEIGHTS- — DAMS — SUBMERGED LANDS. 2; $ TABLE NO. 1— Continued. General location. £> o J2 03 OT .Sag Reads up or down. H By whom established. Custodian of records. 7 71.3 22 23 Meredosia— Wabash Br . 25 77.6 77.6 77.6 88.9 97.5 103.0 108.5 111.5 120.0 128.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 146.5 153.5 162.0 163.0 163.0 164.5 172.3 180, 181.3 182, 187.3 189.0 189.0 191 194, 195.5 196.0 196, 198.5 201. 202. 207. 210. 210.5 212.0 Browning 436. 82 Sharp's Landing 429.49 LaGrange Lock site , LaGrange Lock— lower LaGrange Lock— upper Beardstown— C. B. & Q. Br. . . 424. 22 Up 425. 23 418. 23 418. 23 427. 25 Holme's Landing Bath Havana Highway Bridge. Liverpool Copperas Creek Copperas Lock— lower. Copperas Lock— upper Kingston Mines— landing. . Pekin Highway Bridge. Peoria & Pekin Union R . R. Br Peoria Lower Free Bridge Peoria Lower Free Bridge. Peoria— U. S. Boatyard... Peoria— upper bridge Mossville (£ mile above) .. . Chillicothe, San. Dist Chillicothe (l* mile above) . Santa Fe R. R. Bridge. . .. Sparland (If miles below) Lacon Highway Bridge. . . Lacon Highway Bridge Lacon (2 miles above) Henry (2 miles below) Henry Br. (| mile below). Henry (city) Henry Lock— lower Henry Lock — upper. Henry (2i miles above). In Lake Senachwine. . . In Lake Senachwine. . . Hennepin Bureau— Lock No. 1. . . Bureau Junction Depue (1J miles below). 439, 430. 22 431 438. 60 432. 73 427. 75 432. 73 434. 44 435. 53 435 588. 36 435. 82 413. 10 588.40 588. 52 436.41 588. 13 442. 04 Both. Up... do., do.. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do... ..do... Down. Up.... ..do... Down. Down. Up.... Down. Up.... 588. 18 588. 20 588. 13 587. 587. 436. 64 443. 587. 82 587. 73 587. 87 587. 56 587. 60 587. 56 Down. ..do... ..do... Down. ..do... Both.. Up. Down. ..do... ..do... ..do... Up.... '78-'81 '84-' 14 '82- : '90-'14 '78-'84 '85-' 14 1903 '78-'80 1903 '78-'79 '78-'81 '95-'04 '07-'14 1903 '73-'76 '77-'14 '77-'14 '03-'04 '92, '98-'04 '12-' 14 '03-' 04 '67-'14 U. S. Eng'ers. .do. .do. .do .do ..do ..do ..do ..do '10-'14 '94-' 14 do. do 111. Canal Com ..do ..do U. S. Eng'rs... City of Pekin U. S. Geo. Sur U. S. Eng'rs... Sanitary Dist.. U.S. Eng'rs... Peoria W. W . . Sanitary Dist.. ..do '03-'04 '03-' 04 ..do U.S. Eng'rs.. Sanitary Dist.. U.S. Eng'rs... Sanitary Dist.. ..do ..do Sanitary Dist.. ..do 111. Canal Com .do. Down. ..do... '03-'04 Sanitary Dist. ..do ..do ..do U.S. Eng'rs.. Sanitary Dist. ..do Wabash R. R., De- catur— U. S. En- gineers, Peoria. United States Engi- neers, Peoria. United States Engi- neers, Peoria. U. S. W. B., 1904— U.S. W. B.,U.S. Eng'rs and San. Dist. in 1914. San. Dist., Chicago. San. Dist., Chicago. U.S. Eng'rs, in 1904 — U. S. Eng'rs and San. Dist. in 1914. San. Dist., Chicago. United States Engi- neers, Peoria. United States Engi- neers, Peoria. U.S. Eng'rs, Peoria 1904— San. Dist., Chicago, 1914. U.S. Eng'rs, in 1904 — U. S. Eng'rs and San. Dist. in 1914. U. S. Geo. Survey. U. S. W. B-, St. L. and Peoria. United States Engi- neers, Peoria. Peoria Water Wks., Peoria. San. Dist., Chicago. U. S. Eng'rs in 1904 —San. Dist. In 1914. United States Engi- neers, Peoria. San. Dist., Chicago. Illinois Canal Cora., Lockport— U. S. Eng'rs, Peoria. Illinois Canal Com., Lockport— U. S. Eng'rs, Peoria. San. Dist., Chicago. United States Engi- neers, Peoria. 26 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. TABLE NO. 1— Continued. General location. > o £2 S3 w •2&H M 2 .-So «§3 > ® « § H Reads up or down. By whom established. Custodian of records. 48 50 214.0 218.3 218.3 220.8 222.5 222.5 222.5 223.0 Marquette (1 mile below) Spring Valley Spring Valley Peru (l\ miles below) . . . Peru Wagon Bridge Peru Wagon Bridge Peru Wagon Bridge La Salle Lock 15 224. 224. 226. 230. 230. 234. 235. 236. 237. 239. 236. 239. 239. 239. 240. 243. 244. 247. 249. 247. 250. 252. 252. 250. 254. 256. 260. 262. 263. 263. La Salle Highway Bridge La Salle acqueduct La Salle (2 miles above) Utica Highway Bridge Utica Highway Bridge Ottawa (below Buf. Rock) B uffalo Rock Ottawa (3| miles below) Ottawa (2"miles below) Ottawa— C, B. & Q. Bridge La Salle County Poor Farm Ottawa— C B. & Q. Bridge.... Ottawa— C. B. & Q. Bridge.... Ottawa— between bridges Ottawa Wagon Bridge Ottawa— above Fox River Ottawa— Fleming Farm Marseilles — Douglas Farm Marseilles (1J miles above dam) Marseilles — above Kickapoo Cr. Marseilles (city) Marseilles (2 miles above) Seneca Bridge Seneca Bridge (200' above) Seneca (2 miles below) Seneca (1J miles above) Seneca (4~miles above) Morris (2£ miles below) Morris (^ mile below) Morris Bridge Morris Bridge Morris (2J miles above) Morris (3 i miles above) Divine— E. J. & E. Bridge... Divine— E. J. & E. Bridge Divine— E. J. & E. Bridge Kankakee R. (i mi. above)... Kankakee R. (800' above) Kankakee feeder Kankakee cut-off. Kankakee cut-off (1 mi. above) Dupage- R. (f mile below) Dupage R. (mouth) Smith's Bridge Smith's Bridge (£ mi. above) .. Smith's Bridge (-^ mile above) . Jackson Cr. (2, 000' above) Millsdale Highway Bridge Millsdale Highway Bridge Foot of Treat's Island Head of Treat's Island Head of Treat's Island Millsdale (2 miles above) Patterson's Station Brandon (below bridge) Brandon Bridge So. Joliet— Davidson Stone Q. 587. 48 587.39 587. 31 587.30 442.98 443. 45 587. 02 435. 36 587. 08 587. 14 587. 12 444. 06 587. 14 587. 14 451. 00 587. 02 587. 06 587. 12 453.90 587. 05 594. 35 453. 92 454. 74 457. 72 462. 48 464. 78 484. 31 487. 22 587. 00 587. 26 484. 50 587. 28 587.34 587. 24 587. 24 587. 08 587. 10 587. 22 485. 95 587. 25 587. 04 488. 48 587. 20 587. 25 494.41 587.36 587.45 587. 16 587. 07 587. 25 586. 95 587. 17 499. 06 587. 13 587. 10 587. 06 587. 06 500.41 509. 55 588. 28 587. 09 586. 72 584. 55 587. 06 587. 04 Down. ..do... ..do... ..do... Up.... Lp.... Down. Up.... Down. ..do... ..do... Up.... Down. ..do... Up.... Down. ..do... ..do... Both.. Down. ..do... Both. . ..do... ..do— ..do... ..do— ..do... ..do... Down. ..do- Both. . Down. ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... Both. . Down. ..do- Up.... Down. ..do... Both. . Down. ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do— ..do... Down. Both. . Down. ..do... ..do— ..do... Both.. ..do- Down. ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... '67-'77 '93-' 14 1900 '1883 1900 '03-'04 900 883 '83-'89 '98-'00 1900 1900 1903 87, '93-'00 '03-'04 1900 '03-'04 1883 1904 1903 1904 00, '03-'04 '02-'04 1883 Sanitary Dist ..do ..do ..do U. S. Eng'rs ..do Sanitary Dist U.S. Eng'rs. Sanitary Dist ..do ..do U.S. Eng'rs. Sanitary Dist ..do U. S. Eng'rs Sanitary Dist ..do.... ..do..-. U.S. Eng'rs Sanitary ..do.... U. S. Eng'rs Dist. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. Sanitary Dist Sanitary Dist U.S. Eng'rs.. U.S. Eng'rs. Sanitary Dist ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... U.S. Eng'rs.. Sanitary Dist. ..do U.S. Eng'rs.. Sanitary Dist. ..do U.S. Eng'rs.. Sanitary Dist. ..do.- ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. Sanitary Dist. U.S. Eng'rs.. Sanitary Dist. ..do ..do ..do U. S. Eng'rs ..do Sanitary Dist ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do San. Dist., Chicago. 111. Canal Com. in 1904— U.S. W.B., San. Dist. and U. S. Eng'rs, 1914. San. Dist., Chicago. San. Dist., Chicago. San. Dist., Chicago. San. Dist., Chicago. San. Dist., Chicago. San. Dist., Chicago. United States Engi- neers, Peoria. San. Dist., Chicago. San. Dist., Chicago. San. Dist., Chicago. United States Engi- neers, Peoria. San. Dist., Chicago. San. Dist., Chicago. ■AXMAN 10 HTUOM OT HDTV, e30AT8 *3Vlfi 8UOI5V ^3JAV3^H e30AjS eUOlSAVTAfl::. J-il H° FIGURE 3. Diagram Showing Prevalence of Various River Stages on Illinois River at various Places To Accompany the Report c Alvord&Burdick Engineers AvERAet Number of Da ©tage wsEqu* ",l 1 1 1 Mil r-6 per Year in which Given "> led or Exceeded * t::::::::::::::- I 3 fel5 \ - £43aje s His-:::-:: ::::: ■ " N 'IV35VYEAK 1 ^ »» -*, = I ::::::::::::=s=;: ■ i 5 | ol 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : ± :• 1 I J i |0o -3 G^Ij Ml 15 I X * IDS no . aaas^vA FLOW AND GAGE HEIGHTS— DAMS — SUBMERGED LANDS. TABLE NO. 1— Concluded. 27 General location. Hi Reads up or down. By whom established. Custodian of records. 59 287.3 287.5 287 290.0 So- Joliet— above McDonough St So. Joliet— McDonough St. Br So. Joliet— C R. I. & P. R. R Br Joliet — Dam No. 1 Joliet— E.J. & E. Bridge Joliet— below Adam's Dam Joliet— below dam Joliet— above dam. 288.5 292.0 292.8 293.3 293.3 293.5 308.0 314.0 Joliet— above Dam No. 1. Joliet— Lock No. 5 Lockport (J mile below) Lockport Lockport Controlling Works. Lockport Controlling Works. Lockport Controlling Works. Willow Springs Riverside Des Plaines Bridge 587. 07 587. 03 587. 04 587. 02 520. 65 544. 65 544. 65 543. 76 538. 23 587. 18 586. 97 587. 04 586. 97 590. 08 587. 04 587. 04 587. 13 ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... Both. . . 1883 ..do.... '03-'04 ..do.... '01-'04 ..do.... '92-'98 ..do.... '93-'04 Down. . ..do.... '00-'04 ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... '90, '92-'98 ..do.... '86-'04 ..do.... '87-'98 Sanitary Dist. . ..do ..do ..do ..do U. S. Eng'rs... Econ. L. & P Co ..do Sanitary Dist.. 111. Canal Com Sanitary Dist.. U.S. Eng'rs... Sanitary Dist.. ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do San. Dist., Chicago. Econ. L. & Power Co., Joliet. Econ. L. & Power Co., Joliet. Illinois Canal Com., Lockport. San. Dist., Chicago. San. Dist., Chicago. San. Dist., Chicago. San. Dist., Chicago. San. Dist., Chicago. San. Dist., Chicago. Note.— Numbers in first column refer to gages listed in Appendix A22 of United States Engineers Report on 14-foot waterway. The records of all gages except those maintained by the Sanitary District of Qhicago (these refer particularly to the upper river) are printed in the Eeport of the U. S. Engineers on the "Fourteen Foot Waterway"*, and include all readings up to 1904 inclusive. For the purposes of this report, these gage records have been brought clown to July, 1914. Space here prevents their reproduction in full, but numerous exhibits herewith attached give the result of the same in so far as they throw light upon the matters herein discussed. The complete gage records are on file at the office of the Eivers and Lakes Commission. Fig. 2 shows a condensed profile of the river bed, and the extreme high and low water marks in various years. Fig. 3 shows diagrammatically the prevalence of various gage heights at salient points upon the river, namely at Grafton, where the gage is on the Mississippi immediately below the mouth of the Illinois, and is therefore influenced not only by the Illinois, but principally by the larger watershed of the Mississippi ; at Valley City about midway between the Kampsville and LaGrange dams, and near the head of the reach in which the levee operations have been most extensive; at Beards- town just below the junction of the Sangamon Eiver, the largest tribu- tary above the Illinois Eiver mouth; and at the foot of Peoria Lake which is probably the best flow gaging station on the river. The diagrams, Fig. 3 indicate the average number of days in each year in which various gage heights are equalled or exceeded, and thus serve to show the prevalence and duration of various river stages. The * 59th Congress Document No. 263. 28 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER, heights as shown at the left of the diagrams refer to feet above the low water of 1894, and at the right, the stage upon the local gage, the zeros of the gages being at various elevations in reference to low water and the Memphis datum plane. Two curves are shown for each place, namely, the average conditions from 1900 to 1913 inclusive, and from 1890 to 1899 inclusive, in order to visualize the effect of the increased flow of water since the opening of the Chicago Drainage Canal, January 1, 1900. It is apparent however, that a large part of the differences shown must be ascribed to differences in the natural run-off during these two periods, for the decade preceding 1900 is known to be one of relatively small natural flow. This is evidenced by the diagram refer- ring to the Grafton gage on which the effect of the Illinois Eiver flow is comparatively slight, which shows the prevalence of materially smaller gage heights prior to 1900 than subsequent thereto. Excepting at Valley City, there has been no change in the river likely to materially affect gage heights during the period considered, except flow. The conditions for the decade previous to 1900 at Valley City are not shown, on account of the interruption in the record caused by the construction of the Kampsville dam completed in 1893. In order to obtain ten full years at Grafton, the years 1888 and 1889 were used on account of the interruption of the records for the years 1892 and 1893. In a few cases it was necessary to interpolate gage heights during the season of the year when the river was frozen over. It is believed in so doing, that the error is small. To have omitted the consideration of these evidently low water periods would have introduced serious error. The gage at Beardstown, it is believed, typifies conditions generally throughout the river valley better than any other gage, it being just below the mouth of the Sangamon where the Illinois has received 83 per cent of its drainage, and a sufficient distance upstream so that the flow on the Illinois is major, and the influence of the Mississippi stage minor. At this place a 4-foot stage or more (10 feet on the Beardstown gage) has prevailed about half the time since 1900. Every year an 8-foot stage has been reached, and upon the average maintained for about forty-five days. A 12-foot stage has been exceeded twice. In the decade prior to 1900, a 1-foot stage was equalled or exceeded about half the time. A 2-foot stage (8 feet on Beardstown gage) was obtained every year for an average duration of 135 days. An examination of the diagrams above referred to, further shows that considering the stages equalled or exceeded one-half the time, and comparing the periods of ten years prior and fourteen years subsequent to January 1, 1900, the Beardstown gage was 2.8 feet lower in the earlier period, the Peoria gage 5.5 feet lower, and the Grafton gage ■3 feet lower. At extremely high water, and again at low water, the differences are less. TYPICAL GAGE RECORDS. As bearing upon prevailing stages in different years and different seasons in individual years, Fig. 4 is presented which shows a graph of the daily gage heights at Grafton since 1879, at La Grange both / • ' \ ^^^^^^^^^ppg ^^^^ ^^ ; : ■ -- r -r--~-- -,— , 5 x-^-— qp- h^,;4>^^- --•-- Tf^-/'* ?>"T'-' I FICURE 1-Dlagrain o/ Gase Heights on Illinois River at Gratton, LaGrange a , - - - . MSI mj •■- ■ . .,- * ■t c w FLOW AND GAGE HEIGHTS DAMS — SUBMERGED LANDS. 29 immediately above and below the dam and lock since 1889, and at Peoria with some short interruptions of record since 1881. At the bottom of the diagram the approximate flow at Peoria is shown, based upon the Peoria rating curve, together with the flow of the Chicago Drainage Canal. It will be noted that extremely low water at Grafton has varied only slightly since the establishment of the gage, reaching very nearly or quite to zero in the driest seasons up to and including the year 1914. The tailwater at La Grange, namely, immediately below the dam receded to between 7 and 8 feet in the dry years prior to 1900. It seems to have been little influenced by the construction of the Kampsville dam completed in 1893. Beginning with the year 1900, the tailwater has not fallen below 10 feet on the gage, and since 1901 it has not fallen below 11 feet. The headwater levels immediately above the dam likewise indi- cate increasing flows during the low water season since 1900. The diagram for La Grange further shows the influence of flow upon the head created at the dam, the head reaching a maximum in the low water season, and nearly or quite disappearing in the spring flood months. The headwater levels prior to 1899 were somewhat influenced by flashboards placed upon the crest of the dam, which increased the depth of water above the same. In 1894, flashboards were placed upon all four of the Illinois Eiver dams. Flashboards were used more or less at LaGrange from 1890 to 1899, but have not since been used at that place. NATURAL FLOW. At the present time during dry seasons, the flow of the Illinois Eiver is largely artificial by reason of the Lake Michigan water diverted to the river through the Chicago Drainage Canal. Prior to January 17, 1900, the conditions were natural except for the small amount of water pumped through the Illinois-Michigan Canal. Table No. 2 shows the flow of the Illinois Eiver at Peoria during each month of the years 1890 to 1900 inclusive, as estimated by Jacob A. Harman, C. E., and published in the report of the Illinois State Board of Health on Sanitary Investigations of the Illinois Eiver tribu- taries in 1901. Table No. 3 is a summary of the years 1890 to 1899 inclusive, and a comparison thereof with the rainfalls in those years. The flows are estimated from gage heights and a comparison thereof with seven measurements of flow at various stages of river ranging from 4 feet to 19 feet at the lower wagon bridge, Peoria. These figures probably represent a maximum estimate, as a greater number of subsequent measurements seems to indicate somewhat smaller flows, especially at the middle gage readings. In reference to these figures, the following is quoted from Mr. Harman's report above referred to: 30 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. TABLE NO. 2— FLOW OF THE ILLINOIS RIVER AT PEORIA, ILLINOIS. As estimated by Jacob A. Harman, C. E., Drainage area 13,480 square miles. Discharge in second-feet. Run-off. Month. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Depth- inches. Second- Gage. Dis- charge. Gage. Dis- charge. feet — square mile. 1890 12.3 9.0 10.0 13.8 11.7 13.3 11.6 3.3 3.6 4.9 4.6 4.4 20,329 10, 395 13, 025 25,996 18, 256 24, 034 17,923 1,221 1,474 2,854 2,494 2,268 6.2 7.7 6.7 10.6 8.8 8.9 3.0 3.0 3.2 2.6 3.6 3.8 4,706 7,455 5,548 14, 765 9,907 10, 150 992 992 1,221 723 1,474 1,657 12, 201 8,523 9,551 19, 395 13, 025 17, 103 6,950 1,066 1,303 1,800 1,950 1,850 1.025 .712 .802 1.628 1.093 1.436 .583 .089 .109 .151 .159 .155 .905 Februray .632 March .709 April 1.440 May .966 June 1.268 July .515 August .078 September .098 ctober .133 November .144 December .136 Year 13.8 4.9 8.6 10.0 15.0 12.8 8.9 7.1 3.9 3.4 3.0 5.0 5.9 25, 996 2,854 9,433 13,025 30,985 22, 140 10, 150 6,275 1,752 1,303 992 2,980 4,233 2.6 3.8 3.9 6.7 10.3 4.9 4.8 3.3 ■ 3.1 3.0 2.7 2.9 4.7 723 1,657 1,752 5,548 13,880 2,854 2,732 1,221 1,066 992 786 921 2,612 7,893 2,193 2,793 8,808 22, 649 9,988 5,906 2,612 1,286 1,055 892 1,737 3,549 7.942 .185 .235 .739 1.903 .839 .496 .218 .108 .088 .076 .146 .298 .588 1891 January .162 February.. .206 March .653 April 1.682 .741 .437 July .194 .094 September .077 October .067 November .128 December .262 Year 15.0 5.8 7.1 8.5 14.5 21.9 18.5 17.5 9.9 4.7 4.4 4.8 5.3 30,985 4,080 6,275 9,201 28, 858 69, 031 48, 130 42. 745 12. 746 2,612 2,268 2,732 3,372 2.7 4.7 4.7 7.0 8.1 10.9 14.4 10.0 4.4 4.2 4.0 4.0 4.5 786 2,612 2,612 6,089 8,303 15, 678 28, 441 13, 025 2,268 2,054 1,850 1,850 2,380 5,289 3,108 4,335 7,763 20,517 46, 342 35, 977 27, 615 5,725 2,302 1,980 2,202 2,885 5.331 .260 .364 .652 1.722 3.889 3.020 2. 318 .481 .193 .165 .185 .241 .392 1892 .229 February .321 .575 April 1.521 3.440 2.672 July 2.032 .425 September .170 October .147 November .165 December .212 Year 21.9 4.7 13.8 19.6 15.5 16.5 11.7 7.9 3.6 3.6 4.0 4.1 5.0 69,031 2,612 25,996 54, 570 33, 175 37, 771 18, 256 7,874 1,474 1,474 1,850 1,950 2,980 4.0 4.1 4.3 13.2 11.6 11.9 8.3 3.6 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.8 4.0 1,850 1,950 2,160 23, 649 17,923 18,934 8,745 1,474 992 992 1,387 1,657 1,850 13, 396 2,214 11, 721 37, 296 24, 571 29, 068 14, 914 3,464 1,362 1,156 1,752 1,765 2,272 13. 490 .186 .984 3.132 2.064 2.440 1.254 .291 . .115 .107 .147 .148 .191 .994 1893 January .164 .869 March 2.768 April 1.823 2.176 June 1.107 July .275 August . 1Q1 .084 October .129 November .130 D ecember .168 Year 19.6 5.9 6.3 12.0 9.0 9.2 54, 570 4,233 4,868 19, 277 10, 395 10, 894 3.0 4.9 5.4 6.0 7.4 6.8 992 2,854 3,509 4,390 6,851 5,725 10.966 3,372 4,107 13,592 7,905 8,413 11. 060 .288 .344 1.141 .664 .706 .815 1894 .256 February .301 1.008 April .586 .624 PLOW AND GAGE HEIGHTS— DAMS — SUBMERGED LANDS. TABLE NO. 2— Continued. 31 Discharge in second-feet. Run-off. Month. Maximum Minimum. Mean. Depth- inches. Second- Gage. Dis- charge. Gage. Dis- charge. feet— square mile. June 7.2 4.3 3.5 6.4 4.9 4.3 5.1 6,464 2,160 1,387 5,034 2,854 2,160 3,108 4.4 3.4 3.1 3.2 3.8 3.8 4.3 2,268 1,303 1,066 1,142 1,657 1,657 2,160 3,481 1,657 1,208 3,283 1,825 2,059 2,495 .293 .139 .101 .275 .153 .173 .210 .258 July .122 August .088 September .242 October .135 November .152 December .185 Year 12.0 4.7 6.7 8.0 7.3 5.0 3.9 6.3 5.3 5.5 4.1 4.6 14.9 19, 277 2,612 5,548 8,087 6,656 2,980 1,752 4,868 3,372 3,648 1,950 2,494 30, 554 3.1 3.3 3.5 5.8 5.2 3.9 3.1 3.7 3.4 3.6 3.6 3.7 4.3 1,066 1,221 1,387 4,082 3,239 1,752 1,066 1,564 1,303 1,474 1,387 1,564 2,160 4,460 1,502 2,160 5,998 5,008 2,437 1,387 2,624 1,834 2,450 1,590 2,059 11, 022 4.487 .126 .182 .504 .420 .205 .116 .220 .153 .206 .135 .172 .925 .331 1895 January .111 February .160 March .445 April .371 May .181 June .102 July .194 August .134 September .181 October .115 .151 December .817 Year 14.9 14.3 11.1 11.9 8.4 10.2 10.0 9.2 9.7 6.6 8.9 8.1 7.4 30, 554 28, 027 16,303 18, 934 8,971 13, 592 13, 025 10, 894 12, 201 5,373 10, 150 8,303 6,851 3.1 8.2 8.1 8.3 6.6 5.3 5.8 3.6 6.7 5.4 5.8 5.8 5.4 1,066 8,523 8,303 8,745 5,373 3,372 4,082 1,474 5,548 3,509 4,082 4,082 3,509 3,338 15, 555 11, 257 13, 767 6,999 7,124 7,585 3,524 8,390 4,148 7,029 6,464 5,350 3.364 1.306 .945 1.156 .588 .598 .636 .296 .705 .349 .590 .543 .449 .247 1896 January 1.153 February .834 1.020 April .519 May .526 June .561 .261 August .624 September .308 October .521 .480 December .396 Year 14.3 14.9 13.8 18.3 17.3 11.5 9.6 9.1 4.7 3.9 3.8 4.9 4.4 28, 027 30, 554 25, 996 47, 019 4,720 17, 592 11, 933 10, 643 2,612 1,752 1,657 2,854 2,268 3.6 5.4 10.6 12.6 11.2 6.8 4.5 4.9 3.8 3.7 3.7 3.8 4.1 1,474 3,509 14, 765 21,408 16, 621 5,725 2,380 2,854 1,657 1,564 1,564 1,657 1,950 8,099 22, 786 18, 738 34, 527 25, 231 12,540 5,666 5,607 1,852 1,734 1,549 2,115 1,734 8.161 1.912 1.574 2.900 2.119 1.053 .475 .473 .155 .146 .128 .177 .146 .600 1897 1.689 February 1.390 2.560 April 1.852 .930 June .419 July .417 August .136 .128 October .113 .156 December .128 Year 18.3 7.7 13.4 19.3 19.2 14.1 13.5 9.1 5.7 5.8 8.0 10.0 8.4 47, 019 7,455 24,421 52, 766 52, 169 27, 206 24, 810 10,643 3,935 4,082 8,087 13, 025 8,971 3.7 4.0 6.9 11.6 10.9 8.8 8.8 3.5 4.0 4.4 4.7 7.2 5.9 1,564 1,850 5,906 17,923 15,678 9,907 9,907 1,387 1,850 2,268 2,612 6,464 4,233 11, 173 3,845 15, 180 31,643 29, 468 17, 275 15, 935 4, 259 2,678 3,372 3,762 9,559 6,102 11.258 .322 1.275 2.658 2.476 1.451 1.339 .357 .225 .283 .315 .800 .512 .826 1898 January .285 February 1.126 2.346 April 2.186 May 1.281 June 1.182 .315 August .198 September .249 October .278 .707 December .451 Year 19.3 52, 766 3.5 1.387 11,923 12. 013 .884 32 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. TABLE NO. 2— Concluded. Month. Discharge in second -feet. Maximum. Gage. Dis- chargi Minimum. Gage. Dis- charge. Mean. Run-off. Depth- inches. Second- feet— square mile. January February March April May June July August September October November December Year 1900 January February March April May June July August September October ■.. November December Year 9.3 10.6 15.1 13.0 8.7 8.7 6.2 4.4 4.3 4.6 5.1 6.8 15.1 8.1 12.4 19.9 16.9 11.5 8.9 7.3 8.1 8.2 7.0 9.5 9.7 19.9 11, 149 14, 765 31,417 22, 889 4,706 2,268 2,160 2,494 3,108 5,725 31,417 8,303 20,686 56, 401 39, 717 17, 592 10, 150 6,656 8,303 8,523 6,089 11, 668 12, 201 56, 401 4.1 3.8 3.4 3.7 4.0 4.4 4.5 7,049 3,372 17,265 10,395 5,548 1,950 1,657 1,303 1,564 1,850 2,268 2,380 3.4 4.9 7.5 11.3 11.9 8.6 6.8 6.3 6.7 5.3 6.3 6.7 8.0 1,303 2,874 7,049 16,941 18,934 9,433 5, 725 4,868 5,548 3,372 4,868 5,548 8,087 4.9 2,874 9,641 6,264 27,308 17, 730 7,100 5,954 2,888 1,678 1,813 2,054 2,660 3,448 7,378 4,924 14,500 35, 100 29, 110 12, 036 8,093 5,590 7,149 5,666 5,382 7,071 9,688 12,026 .809 .526 2.294 1.490 .596 .500 .241 .141 .153 .172 .224 .290 7.436 .416 1.218 2.948 2.444 1.011 .677 .470 .601 .476 .452 .594 .814 12. 121 TABLE NO. 3— SUMMARIZED FLOW OF ILLINOIS RIVER AT PEORIA. By Jacob A. Harman, C. E. Year. Run-off inches. Rainfall — inches. Per cent running off. Cubic feet per second. Second - feet per- square mile. 1890 7.942 5.331 13.555 11. 060 4,487 3.364 8.161 11. 258 12. 013 7.436 33.79 32.30 40. 54 28.80 28.72 29.81 36.03 32.63 41.49 31.11 23.6 16.5 33.4 28.4 15.6 11.3 22.6 34.5 29.0 23.9 7,893 5,289 13, 396 10,966 4,460 3,338 8,099 11, 173 11,923 7,378 .588 1891 .392 1892 .994 1893 .815 1894 .331 1895 .247 1896 .600 1897 .826 1898 .884 1899 .547 Averages 8.460 33.52 25.2 8,391 .622 Without flow from Illinois and Michigan Canal 7.860 33.52 23.9 7,791 .576 "The period under discussion (1890-1899) has been one of low rainfall, the average for the ten years having been 33.52", while the normal rainfall for Illinois as given by Leverett in Water Resources of Illinois is 37.85", an average annual shortage of 4.33". During that time the rainfall exceeded the normal only two years, namely, 1892 and 1898, the intervening years being regarded as the greatest period of severe drouth that has been experi- enced in this region since it has been settled." * * * "The actual low water flow at Peoria during the last ten years has for days and sometimes weeks been as low as 1,000 to 1,200 cubic feet per second, FLOW AND GAGE HEIGHTS DAMS — SUBMERGED LANDS. 33 approximately 600 cubic feet of which has been furnished to the Illinois- Michigan Canal by the pumps at Bridgeport. * * * The natural flow of the Illinois River at Peoria has apparently been as low as 200 to 300 cubic feet per second." U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEASUEEMENTS AT PEORIA. During the years 1903, 1904, 1905, and 1906, the U. S. Geological Survey maintained a gaging station at the Peoria and Pekin Railway bridge one and one-half miles southwest of Peoria. Table No. 4 sum- marizes the flow as reported in Water Supply Papers Nos. 98, 171 and 207. Flows are given for the open water months onlv. During the years of observation, the Drainage Canal being in operation, the flow on no day was less than 6,170 second-feet. TABLE NO. 4— ESTIMATED MONTHLY DISCHARGE OF THE ILLINOIS RIVER AT PEORIA, ILLINOIS— DRAINAGE AREA 13,250 SQUARE MILES. Made by U. S. Geological Survey and reported in Water Supply Papers Nos. 98, 171 and 207. Month. Discharge in second-feet. Maxi- mum. Mini- mum. Mean. Run -off. Second- feet per square mile. Dept h in inches. March 10-31. April May June July 1-8 August 22-31. September.. October November... December... March 21-31 . . . April May June July August September October November December 1-12: April May June July August September . October... November. December. January.. February. March April May June July 1-21. 1903 1904 1905 1906 44, 090 25, 360 14,870 16, 065 14, 080 11,420 11,420 57, 650 54, 950 28,410 13,910 8,572 8,092 9,614 9,822 7,450 7.400 20, 480 35,500 22,930 13,740 8,092 10, 125 8,044 8,044 8,355 19, 800 24, 800 27, 000 25, 500 16, 300 9,280 7,360 22, 830 11, 230 8,000 8,620 11, 565 7,850 8,460 37, 650 26,440 13,910 7,713 7,118 7,008 6,860 7,491 7,156 7,080 16, 820 16, 820 14,460 8,044 7,575 7, 659 7,008 6,900 7,491 8,460 16, 000 18, 700 17, 100 9,220 7,360 6,170 40, 589 3.06 31, 169 2.35 17,332 1.31 10, 152 .77 9,160 .69 8,637 .65 12, 127 .92 13, 129 .99 9,790 .74 9,500 .72 51,330 . .387 39, 000 2.94 19,310 1.46 11, 000 .830 7,789 .588 7,577 .572 7,531 .568 8,508 .642 7,333 .553 7,186 .542 18, 760 1.42 24, 580 1. 86 19,320 1.46 10,490 .792 7,875 .594 9,134 .689 7, 587 .573 7,473 .564 7,851 .593 11, 500 0.871 18,700 1.42 23, 600 1.79 22, 700 1.72 12, 000 .909 8.350 .633 6,620 .502 2.50 2.62 1.51 .86 .21 .24 1.03 1.14 .83 .83 1.58 3,28 1.68 .926 .678 .660 .634 .740 .617 .242 1.58 2.14 1.63 .913 .685 .769 .661 .629 .684 1.00 1.48 2.06 1.92 1.05 .71 .39 -3 R L 34 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. FLOW OF TEIBUTAEIES. Mr. Harman further summarizes the available records of flow on the Des Plaines, a northern tributary of the Illinois, and compares it with the rainfall from 1887 to 1898, as shown on Table No. 5 herewith. Table No. 6 is also presented, comparing the flow on the Des Plaines with that of the Illinois where the records overlap. It indicates that the average conditions upon the two rivers are quite similar as regards aggregate run-off. TABLE NO. 5— FLOW OF THE DES PLAINES RIVER BASIN ABOVE RIVERSIDE. From report of Illinois State Board of Health, Jacob A. Harman, C E. Year. Off- inches. On— inches . Per cent of rain running- off. Second- feet per square mile. 1887 13.18 6.13 10.38 7.44 3.08 5.04 14.05 10.92 29.13 34.95 29.03 27.80 30.48 33. 74 30.55 37.74 45.2 17.6 35.8 26.8 10.1 15.0 46.0 29.0 1.00 1889 0.45 1893 0.76 1894 0.55 1895 0.23 1896 0.38 1897 1.03 1898 0.81 Averages.... 8.777 31.68 27.7 0.65 TABLE NO. 6— COMPARISON OF RUN-OFF ON DES PLAINES AND ILLINOIS RIVERS. From report of Illinois State Board of Health, Jacob A. Harman, C E. Depth in Inches. Second-feet per square mile. Year. Des Plaines. Illinois. Illinois less canal. Des Plaines. Illinois. Illinois less canal. 1893 10.38 7.44 3.08 5.04 14.05 10.92 11.06 4.49 3.36 8.16 11.26 12.01 10.46 3.89 2.76 7.56 10.66 11.41 0.76 0.55 0.23 0.38 1.03 0.81 0.815 .331 .247 .600 .826 .884 0.769 1894 .285 1895 .201 1896 .554 1897 .780 1898 .838 Averages 8.48 8.39 7.79 0.63 0.617 0.571 MISCELLANEOUS ILLINOIS STREAMS. Table No. 7 is published by the Illinois State Water Survey, Series No. 11, Year 1914. It is a summary of the flow records obtained on Illinois streams by the State of Illinois in cooperation with the II. S. Geological Survey during the years 1905 to 1911, and a comparison of the flows with the rainfalls prevailing during the time of flow measure- ments. These streams with a few exceptions, are tributaries of the Illinois Eiver and are all on or adjacent to this watershed. The aggre- gate average flows of these streams for the period considered is as PLOW AND GAGE HEIGHTS— DAMS SUBMERGED LANDS. 35 shown — .82 second-feet per square mile of drainage area, which is equivalent to 10.9" of watershed depth per year, as compared to 7.86" for the Illinois Eiver at Peoria for the period 1890 to 1899; likewise upon the tributaries, 28.8 per cent of the rain that fell ran off through the streams as measured, as compared to 23.4 per cent upon the Illinois during the decade 1890 to 1899. TABLE NO. 7— SUMMARY OF RAINFALL AND RUN-OFF DATA IN ILLINOIS. Illinois State Water Survey— No- 11. • I e S3 •o CD A • £8 tag fl "So 08 to "o DO .2 03 ft 1 CO PI bC "o la Rainfall— ( monthly average). Run-off. Stream and location of gaging station. ft if CO si 03 O o ft e t- . 03 -H ft <5 §a ft CD CO ii CO a> CD PI > o ■< i o o CD a pi T3 PI o o C9 n a I* PI a> vS i 8 a> co PI 03 cs 0> CD O CD 9, *- <£ a OT s CD o< C3 S3 ft < 2 hi 1 o CD Rock River at Rockton Fox River at Sheridan Kankakee River at Momence Big Muddy River at Cambon Beaucoup Creek at Pinckney- ville . ... 6150 2170 2430 735 227 535 1540 390 1030 1980 2680 5220 760 335 481 550 2560 5000 427 459 1903-09 1905-06 1905-06 1908-11 1908-11 1909-11 1909-11 1908-11 1908-11 1908-11 1908-11 1907-11 1909-11 1908-11 1908-11 1908-11 1908-11 1909-11 1908-11 1908-11 67 9 17 37 37 21 21 39 41 3.01 2.97 3.12 3.48 3.37 3.08 3.18 3.08 3 37 2.85 3.02 2.96 3.37 3.11 2.99 3.25 2.99 3.27 3.22 3.26 3.39 3.52 3.39 3.47 3.05 3.21 3.09 3.37 3.01 + 5.6 — 1.65 + 5.4 + 3.27 + 8.4 + 3.0 — 2.2 + 3.0 + 3.1 + 5.6 + 7.1 + 10.0 — 1.1 +10.1 — 6.1 — 2.3 — 1.3 — 3.9 — 2.96 — 2.3 16550 5700 6780 2290 685 1470 4390 1070 3100 6030 8380 17500 2370 1100 1400 1470 7250 13300 1250 1210 27100 9780 6960 11000 2170 3650 6210 3870 10600 17720 19900 54400 6620 4030 7760 9280 19200 11000 4140 5840 950 240 360 ...... 100 5.5 3.5 23 162 48 .2 1.6 60 432 5 1 4790 1810 1980 536 98 458 1290 378 948 1357 2213 5650 641 293 357 482 2040 3240 340 334 0.78 .83 .81 .73 .43 .86 .84 .97 .92 .69 .83 1.08 .84 .88 .75 .88 .80 .65 .80 .73 28.9 31.8 29.2 23.4 14.3 Embarrass River at Oakland. Embarrass River at St. Marie Kaskaskia River at Areola. . . Kaskaskia River at Shelby- ville 31.0 29.4 35.3 30 6 Kaskaskia River at Vandalia Kaskaskia River at Carlyle. . Kaskaskia River at New Athens 40 3. 40 40 3.49 54 3. 75 22.5 26.6 32. 3 Shoal Creek at Breese Silver Creek at Lebanon Skillet Fork, Little Wabash at Wayne City 20 36 35 41 41 16 41 40 3.48 3.75 3.26 2.98 3.17 2.97 3.27 2.94 27.0 26.6 2,5.6 Sangamon River atMonticello Sangamon River at River ton Sangamon River at Oakford. . South Fork Sangamon River at Taylorville 32.8 28.1 24.4 27,2 Salt Creek at Kenney 27.6 Total 35659 103295 29235 Average 0.82 28. 8 NORMAL RAINFALL OF ILLINOIS. Fig. 5 is a map indicating the normal variations in rainfall in the State of Illinois taken from the Illinois State Water Survey Series No. 11, Year, 1914. It shows the progressively increasing rainfall from the northern to the southern end of the State, the upper watershed of the Illinois lying within a region having a normal rainfall of 30 to 35 inches, the lower one-half of the watershed lying in territory where the normal rainfall lies between 35 and 40 inches. It has been noted that in the larger floods upon the Illinois River, the higher rainfall rates for the days on which the floods were produced, progressively increased toward the southeastern side of the watershed. 36 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. MAP ILLINOIS SHOWING AVERAGE ANNUAL PRECIPITATION LEGEND INCHES DEPTH □ 30 TO 35 35 » 40 40 - 45 45 » 50 FIGURE 5. FLOW AND GAGE HEIGHTS DAMS SUBMERGED LANDS. 37 FLOW OF THE CHICAGO DRAINAGE CANAL. Since 1848 the natural flow of the Illinois River has received some artificial replenishment by Lake Michigan water at Chicago — prior to January 17, 1900, through the operation of pumps at Chicago, for the water supply of the Illinois-Michigan Canal, and in the later years of that period, to promote the cleanliness of the Chicago River. Although the supply thus pumped was nearly or quite equal to the extreme low water flow of the Illinois River so far south as Peoria, the accession of water from this source was small compared to the aggregate annual flow of the river. Mr. Harman estimates the flow from the Illinois-Michigan Canal at 600 cubic feet per second for the 10-year period previous to 1900. This is equivalent to .6 of an inch per year on the watershed above Peoria, or about 7 per cent of the average flow of the river at that place during the decade stated. Since January 17, 1900, the previous water conditions have been greatly changed through the flow of the Chicago Drainage Canal, which has averaged from 3,136 second-feet in 1900 to 7,185 second-feet in 1913. The flow in the last named year is equivalent to 7.1" on the drainage area tributary to Peoria, which is about 87 per cent of the estimated average flow at that place during the decade immediately prior to the opening of the canal. It is equivalent to about 3.4" upon the watershed tributary to the mouth of the river; probably equivalent to about 40 per cent of the run-off of the prior decade at that place. TABLE NO. 8— FLOW OF THE CHICAGO DRAINAGE CANAL, 1900 TO 1914. Data from report on removal of navigation dams by L. E. Cooley— cubic feet per second. Months. 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 January 1,450 2,315 2,100 2,728 3,228 3,226 3,391 3,576 2,307 3,450 3,813 4,227 4,917 5,060 5,296 4,427 3,106 2,903 3,140 3,932 3,906 3,840 3,896 4,114 4,194 4,204 4,233 4,165 4,166 4,071 4,323 4,204 4,291 4,155 4,248 5,352 6,124 5,750 5,361 4,638 4,570 4,812 4,870 4,532 4,330 4,545 4,686 5,570 5,463 5,170 4,708 4,946 5,125 4,100 4,553 4,573 4,141 4,004 4,451 5,067 5,167 5,527 5,546 4,737 4,120 4,124 4,123 4,290 4,340 4,510 3,378 3,919 4,457 4,626 4,393 4,507 4,719 4,420 3,996 3,429 3,740 5,221 5,198 4,907 5,303 5,467 4,954 4,954 5,031 5,539 5,600 6,250 4,703 4,205 4,395 February March April May ... June July August September. October November December 5,005 Mean 2,989 4,041 4,302 4,971 4,693 4,477 4,471 5,117 TABLE NO. 8— Concluded. Months. 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 January 5,720 5,770 5,565 5,675 5,837 6.686 7, 146 6,927 7,093 7,385 7,113 6,542 5,782 5,525 5,681 6,340 5,875 6,363 6,949 7,142 7,189 7,060 6,857 6,298 6,253 6,074 5,947 6,238 7,222 7,684 7,850 8,390 8,381 7,943 7,272 7,075 6,653 February 6,647 6,235 M ar ch '.'...'.'...'.'. April ... 6,550 May 7,297 June 7,425 July August September October 6,660 6,490 5,512 November December Mean 5,317 5,667 5,967 6,454 6,378 7,193 38 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. Table No. 8 is a statement of the average flow of the Chicago Drainage Canal in each month up to June, 1914, as stated in the report of Mr. Lyman E. Cooley, C. E., on the "Removal of the Navigation Dams of the Illinois River." The monthly flows are lacking for the years 1908 and 1909, and a part of 1910. The same information is shown diagrammatically upon Fig. 4 at the bottom of the diagram. It will be observed that the flow has gradually increased during the fifteen years that the canal has been operated. In the respective years the flow is nearly constant, but lately has been slightly greater in the late sum- mer months than the normal for the respective years. This probably arises from the desirability of greater dilution at the season when the sewage nuisance is likely to be most objectionable. EFFECT ON LOW WATER CONDITIONS. The natural run-off of the Illinois Basin occurs principally in the spring and early summer, whereas the water of the Drainage Canal is nearly uniformly distributed throughout the year. As would be expected, therefore, the low water conditions are the ones most markedly changed through the accession of the Lake Michigan water. It has been esti- mated that prior to 1900, there were periods when the flow at Peoria was as low as 1,000 to 1,200 second-feet. The flows less than 2,000 second-feet were the rule rather than the exception for periods of from one to three months during the summer and fall. Fig. 4 illustrates graphically the changed conditions both in gage height and flow at Peoria, largely brought about through the accession of this additional water. Where gage heights at Peoria as low as 3 feet, frequently occurred prior to 1900, the lowest gage heights since 1901 have been 7 or 8 feet, and within the past three years, not less than 9 feet. A part of this increase may have been due to greater natural flow. The additional water further shows its effect in less degree at other gages downstream, but has apparently practically lost its effect when Grafton is reached, for the lower water stages at Grafton have been substantially the same of late years as previously. Fig. 4 illustrates these effects at Peoria, the La Grange Dam, and Grafton. FUTURE DELIVERY OF DRAINAGE CANAL. The main channel of the Sanitary District has an estimated capacity of 14,000 second-feet, except for about one-quarter of its length, between Summit and Robey Street, which is subject to progressive enlargement. The original capacity of this section was about 8,500 second-feet, but is now undergoing enlargement. The Chicago River is being improved to produce 10,000 second-feet. With the Sag Channel tapping the Calumet River completed, also improvements now under way, it will be practicable to deliver about 14,000 second-feet to the Des Plaines River. The Secretary of War by virtue of the Act of March 3, 1899, refused to permit more than 4,167 second-feet to be drawn from the lake at Chicago, and in 1912, enjoined the Sanitary District from with- drawing a greater volume. The issues of this case are now in court. FLOW AND GAGE HEIGHTS — DAMS SUBMERGED LANDS. 39 The State law under which the Sanitary District was organized requires that the sewage of the district shall be diluted with lake water at a rate equivalent to 3,333 second-feet for each million of population FIGURE 5A. LaGrange Lock and Dam. in the district. The total population of the Sanitary District by U. S. Census 1910, was 2,311,810. A compliance with this provision in the law would require a flow of about 7,700 second-feet. 40 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. NAVIGATION DAMS. The Illinois River has been a highway of commerce from the earliest settlement of the country. For the purpose of maintaining low water, navigation dams and locks have been constructed at Kampsville, La Grange, Copperas Creek and Henry in the early days producing slack water navigation as far up the river as La Salle, the terminus of the Illinois-Michigan Canal. The dams at Henry and Copperas Creek were completed in 1871 and 1877 respectively, and were constructed by the State of Illinois. The dam at La Grange was completed in 1889, and the dam at Kampsville in 1893. These two dams were built by the 17. S. Government. Table No. 9 shows some salient facts relating to these dams. Their locations are shown upon Fig. 6. They are also shown on several other maps. TABLE NO. 9— DATA OF ILLINOIS RIVER NAVIGATION DAMS. Kamps- ville. La Grange. Copperas Creek. Henry. Miles above Grafton 31 1893 *421.9 1,200 8.93 6.14 2. 6 to 4. 0. to 0. 2 77 1899 432. 63 819 7.45 5.60 3. 2 to 4. 2 0. to 0. 8 137 1877 *439. 640 4.28 2.38 0.3 to 0.6 196 Year completed 1871 Crest level Memphis datum *443. 1 Length of crest between abutments — feet 540 Head created under various water conditions, i. e, difference in water level immediately above and below dam and locks — feet — 5.19 Low water of 1901 2.80 Usual head at low water season past 5 years Usual head during high water months 0. 6 to 1. 2 * 423.9 prior to 1904. Several changes between 1904 and 1906. By scale profile of 1904 Survey U.S. Engineers. Under the water conditions prevailing at the time of their con- struction, these dams added materially to the navigability of the stream. Thus, during the low water season of 1894, the heads created, or increased water depth at each dam were as follows: Feet. Kampsville 8.93 La Grange 7.45 Copperas Creek 4.28 Henry . / , 5.19 In the low water season of 1901 (the lowest water since the opening of the Chicago Drainage Canal), the heads at the several dams were as follows : Kampsville 6.14 La Grange 5.60 Copperas Creek 2.38 Henry 2.80 The lowest water occurred between July 25th and August 18th, when the flow of the Chicago Drainage Canal was 3,140 second-feet in July, and 3,932 second-feet in August. This is about one-half the flow of the canal in 1913. IAV -f ii \ * V. w^Jte^ Map Of JSr«™»« Ilunois Rivera Flood Plain ^ ^^^^X^X^J^, 1 fi I^ST"" \ l Below LaSalle J> J^>rf ' \i^ T eeARB^T^^-^ ^» • »— I ^A *awm V V^ u 1& Accompany The Report Of T^tvTwS .OU-PPC^ .CNO» V g Alvord a Burdick 3 i-^S*""— T^" - ^ rSy t~^j| |g§5\^»V if^jjjf^x ^ 1 ENSINtEBS y ^^sj^ ^K^^%>^ ^V u rW^ LE T 6 ^ 2 d>d) 1 U 8f 9 c J>rn < o m o 0) 11 z n pi 1 ililsls "r % -j ft rf h ss 8 lit Jfj Jill Wifflfil Ji! M# .4 rl 1 !>> # iiiiiiiii'i;-H- i:'|: !■■:!! - • ; L izrr : ' i ' ' H I Tr : i i j :: ' * ° : . j ; - <^r j !r ''|'lH~'i ' lffft : i llfl I 1 rt- 1 1 1IH 1 1 " ^~ _L f - tit i if if 4?8 4j™j|j|~ :-;:f: t4l iiiiii \ m\i Hiffiii r 111 ff 8 1 '■ ' \ \ III s g mmik iV-t Is e!s 8 8 8 -..! ' ili||-T •iJimlx tt mi 1 i'irllT ~! LI 31 41 fi ih, lililllllllllllllH J CO ^> o i tl*fl 5S 8 4 5TA6I St of River Feet 1 1"' 11 ""Ulllllll^" 1 " — Pfffi _iikt|l|JJ---_^ ::::: ijjlpz EJ EEE 4 M $rn 1 : 4 3-iKJ(j = - — : !1 **£ m mji;|- :1 21-7. :i:: 4 v <8 ::::: p: t:l| * jfwj=::bE= hdiiiil Kflloi i" t — ripfittpi — :: = ::: iilfii=El;==En |[ KM} F . = .■* = : r i '■« • ' j ;|ij:j\-:.---- ■-— -- ■ ji|]["[[;^ -- ------ \W¥\ : - z -±- z FT.J 4tHfitr1n ----- jjjiipii ^gggilli : ^i: WflW *w UiutijUj Mil LEEDSE slL ■ 5TA6E of River in Feet •6 aanoH "re m +4- rnQ© j te ^ 3*° c? (U r < / 6. K J^ *> 8 3 g « 1 1 (M III! i 1 i 1 1 M 1 1 [ 1 i i tftL i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 tfPfith ■ M Ml WM ! 8 8, 1 :i {jWiiinHftfffl MmttIItH' n \ ' : : i , [ 1 | 1 1 -|| 8 8 H 8 8 ^ y § ° ^5 2 ^Q SI* s 8<§ s 3*r 3~d ?§|i §11 Q 3J coHg 8£S n en «5X lyl 1^ 'oi lo, 1.-4 loo l5 ■« 'nj lr? irq IN -|^ Corresponding stage on S Gaqe ort Grafton IO. I.-J M K» ICP IjO l*S 'o '= '= l?5 "a '5 <5 'CS I® I3 "=j '5 I3 l» Corresponding stage on 6aqe at Beardstown FIGURE 11. FLOW AND GAGE HEIGHTS— DAMS— SUBMERGED LANDS. 47 Elevation Above Memphis Datum— (orf center of reach) 81 § a £ s CD > x r u 8 1 ^ i ^3. J sg. 4-33 op 3s > fg-'J > ^o O _n>5 Z vO Q pniQ o *3f ±oSL ITITIlWWfYYff i Corresporwli'noj stoqe or Upper Gotoje at Kampsville ■b ■« * ■= '§ "8 'g 'f '2 % '§ '3 '8 fc'S lg l?5 Ijj "K Ip '» 'g '=3 l| FTGURB 12. -, Corregpondinq sfoofe on « QoojeottBeonotefwrn 48 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. Elevation Above Memphis Datum— (at center of reach) 1 : t § 1 1 8 § 11 "if |qj ::: § I-! i- > $ S 8 " CD l RS 8 § 1 1 1 X § g 1 1 1 i CO > 'ft? lag. ^ q. 3*; F5l I 9 ! '3 '? 'I '§ '3 '1 'f '3 f 'g 'g 'g '§ 'I "g Correspondinq staoje on Lower Qooje or* LaGranqje ■S '« 'R 'S '8 'g 'c 'g -g '3 fe 'g fe 'S "fi fe^g FIGURE 13. "•g ^gS"'' FLOW AND GAGE HEIGHTS — DAMS SUBMERGED LANDS. 49 Elevation Above Memphis Datum- (at center of reach) L , J *._ , tj, \--~ !1lZ£_Z CD > ill 1 ! mi So jj^ — 4 R L FIGURE .14, 50 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. Elevation Above Memphis Datum Reenter of reach) § $ § * ■ 5 § § o § 5 8 1 9 # s 8 f>8 1 I I ^ § * § § i s § 8 ft 03 s. 9 i ^5-8 34 m ':''-: ■', ,-•!) noitour ocrau8 & osovjA >irD Explanation of Diasram A Indicates flowage iri natural river valley before construction of levees as in 1904* prior thereto B Indicates flowage aHer construction or levees as existing & in progress of construction in 1914. Acres Submersed by Illinois River La Salle to Mouth UNDER Normal Variations in River Stage Including Bed of River and Lake Beds To Accompany Report of ALVORD & BURDICK Engineers Chicago. 4bb Mil r r - r 1 *~ : ^~ v • .: 450 IB+ft'/j "|tW 34 ? 4415 440 4W v.i4oib| Ml ill 453 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 [ | 1 | p 39.75 ML JB.75 |K .1775 ELI 1S.75 Be 15.75 LlBJ J4K7S JP 12.15 J?7 1176 121 Jp.75 10.2 9.75 & 8,75 _S4 J75 4.8 Li75 J.7 Acres Submerged : on hi SQiON/YCpr c'S-tcoibnl ■■./TtenoD rioted \^'!dv Ttertp i?fb 9PCWd!> esbwibnl •■- ?D?S9V9l TO a --• _ ' \: & Q» i . v ; %: ? ;^::^: . > i axis. -3 1 G» FLOW AND GAGE HEIGHTS — DAMS — SUBMERGED LANDS. 51 For convenience the minutes of latitude were used to divide the river into convenient sections below Peoria. The sections were nearly all two minutes in width measured north and south, extending across the river valley, and were thus about 2% miles in dimension parallel to the general trend of the river valley. Curves of water area were drawn for each section in reference to the height of water surface above Memphis datum plane. NORMAL FLOW PROFILES. For practical purposes, it was necessary to combine these sections into groups more or less distinctive of the several reaches of the whole stream. As the slope of the water plane becomes of importance in com- bining several of the small sections, and further in view of the fact that it is a series of numerous sloping water planes that govern the water acreage at various gage' heights, it was thought that the information as to water acreage could be best expressed in terms of the gage height at some salient place such as Beardstown. For this purpose Fig. 10 was prepared, which is intended to represent the normal gage height relation throughout the river from La Salle to Grafton, for river stages between the low water of 1901 and the high water of 1904. This was done by determining as nearly as possible, the average correlation of the various gages through platting a large number of observations of each gage against the simultaneous reading at Beardstown. The series of profiles thus represented, would not be expected to closely correspond to the profile in any particular flood, for the flood will vary in height upon the different reaches of the river in accordance with the varying contributions from the different tributaries of the main stream. Upon the average, however, the curves represent the composite of the conditions constantly recurring, and varying for local reasons from day to day above and below the water profiles represented. The slopes in the river valley, particularly on account of the dams, vary with stage, and for a given gage height at the foot of a certain reach, the acreage overflowed will vary with the slope of the water surface. It was, therefore, deemed important to determine a normal slope for each gage height in order that a normal or average acreage could be determined. CURVES OF FLOWAGE. Diagrams of water acreage at various river stages are presented in Figs. 11 to 19, inclusive. Two curves of acreage are shown, namely — first, (curve "A") the virgin river valley as it existed before levee operations were begun, or prior to 1904, and second, (curve "B") the water acreages at present with the levee districts as now completed or in process of construction. The acreages for the entire river from La Salle to the mouth are shown upon Fig. 19. At the left of the diagram, the elevation of water surface is shown at Beardstown, in reference to the Memphis datum plane, and at the right of the diagram, corresponding heights upon the Beardstown gage, and also the stage usually prevailing at Grafton for certain elevations at Beardstown. The stage at Grafton resulting from 52 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. a given stage at Beardstown, will of course, vary widely, and the relation indicated is no more than an average relation. The relation will, how- ever, be usually roughly correct, for generally, rivers in the same locality are in greater or less degree of flood at the same season. The diagram is read thus: During the low water of 1901 the Beardstown gage read just under 6.75, corresponding to a Memphis datum elevation of 434. The total water acreage including the lakes and ponds was 77,000 as indicated by curve "A". Under present conditions, owing to construction of levee districts which has cut off numerous lakes from connection with the river at a similar gage height, the water acreage would be 68,000, (curve "B") the difference in the . acreages named representing the water surface reclaimed. It should be said that not all these lakes are drained, but they are enclosed within levees which make them inaccessible from the river, and many of the lake beds are farmed. With an elevation of 12.75 on the Beardstown gage, cor- responding to 440 feet Memphis datum, the area of the water surface from La Salle to Grafton would be 225,000 acres in the virgin river valley, and 152,000 acres as now partially reclaimed. Likewise, it will be noted that at an elevation corresponding to the flood of 1844, the acreage in the virgin river valley is 398,000, and as reclaimed, 249,000, assuming that the levees all extended above the 1844 flood water plane, which corresponds to elevation 22.5 on the Beardstown gauge. Fig. 11 shows similar information in reference to that part of the river valley between Grafton and Kampsville dam. The elevations at the left of the diagram refer to the elevation in the center of this reach, and at the right of the diagram, the corresponding stage is shown at Grafton, the nearest governing gage, and also the usually corresponding stage at Beardstown. Fig. 12 shows the same information for the so-called Pearl reach, so named from the principal town thereon, and extending from the Kamps- ville dam to mile 52. (See mileage marked on Fig. 10.) In this reach of the river the farm land has been nearly all reclaimed. The acreage of water at the flood level of 1844 in the virgin valley was 47,200. A repetition of this flood height would produce an acreage of only 10,700, indicating that the flood water surface has been reduced nearly 80 per cent through the construction of levees. There is a similar reduction at all stages of water though not quite so great at the low stages. This reach is completely leveed and probably represents a maximum that may be used as a guide for estimating the future possibilities on the remainder of the river. An examination of the succeeding diagrams shows a less percentage of the land reclaimed in the upper parts of the river, except in the vicinity of Pekin where a little more than half of the bottom lands in the so-called Pekin reach has been reclaimed. Eeclamation above Pekin has not been extensive on account of the relatively small width of the bottom lands, and probably never will be as extensive as the operations in the lower river. Table No. 10 summarizes numerically the principal figures of acreage, and shows separately the acres in river bed, lake beds, and the land overflowed, under several stages of water. The land acreage as tabulated is the total water acreage after, deducting river bed and lake beds at the plane of low water in 1901. FLOW AND GAGE HEIGHTS — DAMS — SUBMERGED LANDS. 53 s OOO l^ iO <-t o CN 8 oa 1 - "t o CO J, •pHBI CO ■*! l^ CO Oi CO OO CT o I •rTf-To"^ of cm cqa CN (M^ CO *H Wr- CO j? 'SI oo 00 •wox oooo o o oc S88J8 8 {8 g? o o5 "3 > § i-TcTco'co' -^ io -»r r oc cohnw - •puci l^i-IOJOO 00 CO t--«J iocncoco co co toer a jflOiOOO r* ©" j-JCX s '»H CN .-ICO CO rH CNr- 1 3 o 05 OOQO O O OC CONOCO t»i .-1 ooc o fe •WOjt ■*MOiO O O COI> ■^ it tfoo^j-^o co ** coce CM g 60 .s •pn^q; H-mOljO CT> UO CN r- ocooo Tt» o> coct s g It ft 9 £ o u ft CO O0"r-To0~cf CO*" kS. U5f s oooo o o oc OOOO iO O ujif oiooooo oo co o cr co-^-^eo i-^ of r-Tr- o ® 'TO°Ji o of w i-t i-H CO CO CNCN CO •TO 31 'A! oooo o o oc NONio e* t-- oo •* HC3®0> i-< T* t^ r- 8 CO •T's 32IB[U t S9I0V of of«> of t-T .-fee CO oooo o o oc o J o •pUBI 1-THO00 CO iO CSC C^tO-^cO iO CT5 cOcC o^oTcoio" t»T t~-T o cd 5 •mox NlMiO^ O r-t -&0- 00 o 5 o t>~ t^i— ( r* i>r t»t oo*~c l-T TfiT^COOO lO CO COP" CO OOOO O o oc o o I-- CN ■"*! 00 i<0 O 0O l~ a •puBq; HfflOW CO O CN CT o cd >> .a 03 o iocntjTco" cn" »o -sTo- COCO^lO •* CN CN^ cT 8 oooo o o oc OOcOO CO OT ■*< CM COCO--ICO 0O O HCf >-To"cn~cn~ -^ of co'c TtlTjtlOl^ lO CO COOl o 1? CD ea *I«WL oo" CD > c§ oooo o o oc o bi) l-CNOOOO CN H Tji.r '(-1 _p •pUBq t»i iO Tjt Tji o O CO CM 00 fl A '(H coio"^-^ rtT co" t^Tf co- So > a 3 ft CO >-. CD > rHr-(CNCO CO rH r-1^. co •WOi ssss s § §g OlCNcOCN io CN IOCC oTco o o co" tjT oTo: rtCNCNiO Tji CN CNCM 8 o CO" o^ OOOO O O oc o •I0( 51 "AY .-HCNOOCN -^i h ^nir: t^OO-^00 o» CO oc co "1's 9JIBI a I S9J0V of-^Tioof o t»T hV CT? oooo o o oc cnotho t< oo ioc N00CDO5 CN 00 OS« o •I0f 51 AV o •I '3D «jtos I9AT.lt II S3J3y coofofof Of r* ofoi «f CN OOIHM l~- o oc o lOOOHH co !>• O - CO o od -Ocpftc3 h|h Sec TO 03 "o a o "o3 ws^so pm tn^ hJ lia ■a a o 1 a o J3 =2 • CD cc So CJCCC ftS2s CO OS cSS o cot: £ c- > p ■> c "SScdOcd ft* b"S: 2 sws^s S h f o ,4 o 03 CD u o a ^5c3' a * CD B fi 03 «3 03 "2 03 £ ^4 O ~ |_CU03CD03 q) <[> {H c p. >«?: p. p. ^ PART IV. AGRICULTURE IN THE ILLINOIS RIVER VALLEY. Although the Illinois Eiver was one of the earliest highways of commerce, and some of the first cities of the State were built upon its banks, with a few important exceptions these settlements have not attained large growth. It is only where the railroads have crossed the river that important municipalities have grown up. The villages not having railroad connections have remained in population practically where they were at the time the western railroads were first built. For the most part, these cities, and indeed the villages, are well above the high water mark. The exceptions are the immediate water fronts of several cities, and a considerable portion of the city of Beardstown, which is located upon a knoll adjoining the river bank, which becomes an island in case of extreme flood. The exceptional floods invade the business districts of the city, covering the streets to a shallow depth. Therefore, so far as the cities are concerned, and the industries therein, the matters considered in this report are of relatively small moment. The river, its flow, its floods and its stages are of principal concern to the industries of farming and fishing. The relative importance of these two industries has an important bearing upon the control of river improve- ments. In the following pages we will endeavor to show the present status of agriculture, and in a separate part of this report will consider the matter of the fisheries. GEOWTH OF AGKICULTUKE. Agriculture in the bottom lands has been of comparatively recent development. Mr. Lyman E. Cooley, C. E., who has given much study to the river, describes it as follows: "The character of these bottoms was described in the first official examina- tion by Capt. Howard Stansbury in 1838. He describes the valley as from 1 to 5 miles wide, deeply overflowed in every freshet, filled with bayous, ponds and swamps, and infested with wild beasts; clothed with dense vegeta- tion, and said it was 'a forbidden wilderness ever incapable of inhabitation by man.' General Wilson in 1867 gives his own description and quotes Stansbury, and he says, 'It may be true in part, but already cultivation has begun to encroach upon the higher bottom lands.' General Marshall in 1890 also described the bottom lands, their character, and says that 'cultivation has extended over the higher bottoms; in fact, it extends everywhere they can get in seed before the floods begin.' He says, 'At about the 12-foot stage, the sloughs, ponds, the lakes and the lower part of the bottoms are filled; at a 16-foot stage, 80 per cent of all the lands that are ever flooded, are already covered.' " The bottom, lands on the lower reaches of the river are higher than those further north, and were cultivated earlier, but until the construc- tion of levees was begun, the cultivation was largely confined to the 54 AGRICULTURE. 00 higher ground covered with water for only a short time, or in some years not at all. Although a few levees were built at an earlier date, the construction of levee districts as now existing, began only shortly prior to 1900. In 1904, at the time of the survey of the IT. S. Engineers, less than half a dozen districts had been built. These being widely scattered, and most of them of small size, the interference to flood flow was not material. At the present time more than 40 per cent of the river valley has been reclaimed, and most of this work has been done since 1908. LEVEES. With but few local exceptions, the river follows the foot of the hills forming the west bank, the low bottoms lying to the eastward of the stream. The eastern bank is higher than the general level of the bottoms on account of the quick deposit of the sediment carried by the main stream in flood, as the rising waters pass landward. This provision of nature has been utilized to protect the farm lands from inundation by FIGURE 20. A New Levee Showing Extreme Irregularity of Much of the Dipper Work. levees which border the low water edge of the stream 300 or 400 feet landward therefrom, and usually following the stream until an important tributary is reached, thence following the bank of the tributary to the eastern highlands. At some places where the thread of the river is in transit between the eastern and western highlands of the valley, levee districts have thus been formed on both sides of the main stream, but the greater number of districts lie to the east thereof. The practice is common to construct these levees by dipper dredging, a floating dredge being used riding in a wet borrow pit or moat from which the excavated material is cast upon the bank forming a rather rough and irregular levee, and shown in the accompanying cuts, Figs. 56 REPORT ON" ILLINOIS RIVER. 20 and 23A. It is common practice to use a borrow pit about 60 feet in width with a 10-foot berm between the borrow pit and the toe of the levee. The levees usually have a theoretical top width of about 6 to 8 feet, and combined side slopes of from 4% to 5 on one. It is the prac- tice to place the borrow pit£ on the river side of the levee and to leave a space of 200 feet more or less between the borrow pit and the low water river bank. The trees and brush upon this space are left in place to serve as a "wave break" for the protection of the levee. A few of the smaller districts have no pumping facilities, but the great majority of the acreage is drained by pumps which operate at such seasons of the year as the river may be above the desirable water plane in the district. Many of the sloughs, ponds and lakes are drained and farmed, but a portion of the lowest of these depressions is com- monly used for the storage of excessive rainfall. GEOWTH OF LEVEE DISTEICTS. Fig. 21 is a scale drawing of the river valley and serves to picture the growth of the levee districts and the extent to which they have encroached upon the flood water plain of the river. Separate diagrams are shown illustrating the conditions in 1904, practically at the beginning FIGURE 21 A. Within the Levees. A Newly Reclaimed District. of levee construction, and the year of one of the greatest floods that has occurred upon the river. The black area indicates the extent of water surface in flood. Up to 1908 a few additional districts had been built. The third plat indicates the conditions in 1913, at which time another greater flood occurred, caused by the edge of the storm which did such tremendous damage in Ohio.. The fourth diagram represents the condi- rfcoei Hi # V ^gt mI jifoMAHD ooaft 10 MOfToimreafl %! - -1ST of Levee Piste? X^S^iS 25,Sr ,k Map op LunoS R^ Bottoms LEVEE DI0THCT9 Port of oMr.cl No 7 Inced before 1904 DutrANollondia pro ^\ tecleol from lo* floods only prior i^ to < ud sTomreiO 93vaJ ^o t»j / twxryiC a*nj ctV WOq0< QrfW ,**<} **&-' phh'^E" H *«*nO w»o"*^ Cff' eH^-iQ f ijwnriofl * .-**-0 «»: ! ctr b»-*> 3 jk V^lA^^.'.TWTIoD ?* »*cj w>!li* »-*!«,-« »• 'naifl «f *>*Dv'i J-*rv«cH Bj >»v+-JO« t f ; 't:-y OM ... p.'fl !lc| **/ .- 8' b*rocir* i ri 1* imxKrn --^ **• « ,-js io« ? oiO ! • ■t-hi Sjk faoroq^U 99 ♦t^tfe^v- C//I y bewocwY"?. » V5»^*v. 'ff- wwdrf-^c. -ww** ■ #!■»«£«» ti^*&->oaaC- jflf ~rO.»*** If 9k*-G •*<>'* In »fDyrV"7-?rwwj q »jJ«j r - «4cJ.o.««cc*>»ML A ■ ■ > *i byoVcT* **$SM8P B * "^-wci -*■*# jdtf A : ■ -•-.-••' !▼<* ^r f - AGRICULTURE. 57 tions during the summer of 1914, with districts under construction com- pleted. The last diagram shows the conditions as they may exist in the comparatively near future when all the districts now projected are completed. It will be observed that in the lower one-quarter of the river valley the flood plain width has been reduced nearly 80 per cent. EFFECT UPON FLOODS AND FISHERIES. It need hardly be stated that the restriction in the flood plain through the construction of levees must tend to produce greater flood heights under like flood flows. The reclamation of this land, and par- ticularly the lakes, has been detrimental also to the breeding and taking of fish, an important industry upon this stream. The extent of the effect upon floods and the detriment to the fish- eries will be hereinafter discussed. Our purpose in this section of the report is to show to what degree the agricultural industry is important as having a bearing upon remedies that may be applied to the control of the river. INSPECTION OF DISTRICTS. Although at present the State law requires a permit for the con- struction of levees and other structures upon public waters, and the most recently constructed districts have filed plans with the Rivers and Lakes Commission, the record of the operations within the valley was by no means complete, and to secure the data needed to determine the effects upon the levees, stream flows and other matters, and to determine approximately the commercial importance of agriculture within this valley, a careful investigation was found to be necessary. This examination included a three days' inspection of the stream from La Salle to Grafton, made by the undersigned in company with the Rivers and Lakes Commission and the Fish and Game Commission. Following this inspection, our representative examined nearly all the levee districts in person, first visiting all the county seats where the records of levee operation were on file, obtaining information on file at the court houses, calling upon many district commissioners, bankers and business men, and interviewing engineers who had designed or worked upon the levee districts. Having completed this examination and having completed a list of the districts constructed and in progress of construc- tion, he returned to Peoria, and by motor boat again passed down the river, stopping at each pumping plant along the way for the purpose of noting pumping equipment and supplementing information regarding the levee districts, where lacking. The data obtained from the county clerk's office usually included the boundary of the district as described in the court decree organizing the district, alterations of district made by subsequent decrees, acres assessed in the assessment roll, the area of each district if given, although this was usually not on record, the most recent annual assessments, the total of special assessments since the organization of the district, the amounts paid out for original construction, and the names of the com- missioners and engineers. The condition of the records differed mate- 58 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. rially in different counties. Most of the counties have special drainage record books in which matters pertaining thereto are segregated. In some counties the records are in the miscellaneous records; some of the records are apparently incomplete. PEINCIPAL DATA OF LEVEE DISTBICTS. Table No. 11 herewith summarizes the principal data concerning all the levee districts of record, all the private districts that could be located, and so far as we could ascertain by inquiry locally, and from the engineers interested in such matters, the projected districts. For convenience, the districts are designated by name and referred to by number on Fig. 22 which indicates location. In general, the num- bers are consecutive from the mouth of the river upstream. A large number of the figures on acreage within the several districts were obtained from the engineers. A few values were found on maps or reports on record, and some were obtained by planimeter from maps of the districts or from maps of the Illinois Eiver valley. Areas de- termined by planimeter are so indicated on the summary sheet. So far as possible, the areas under cultivation in each district were estimated. This was not possible in the case of all districts. The totals at the bottom of the page, Table 11, assume that the districts upon which no figures were obtained vary as the average of the districts where esti- mates were practicable. Apparently about two-thirds of the acreage is now in cultivation, and about 90 per cent is susceptible to agriculture. The waste land for the most part is in the beds of deep lakes or occupied by the ditches and structures necessary for drainage and the utilization of the land. Areas in cultivation and acres cultivatable, we obtained by talking with persons familiar with the ground and comparing the same with the assessed area which would usually be equivalent to the useful land. INHABITATION. The number of dwellings and inhabitants within each district was obtained from people familiar with the area. For districts with less than ten dwellings, the reports are probably fairly accurate, but for districts of greater population, many of the answers received were evid- ently wild guesses. The results as a whole must be considered as approxi- mate. DATES OF CONSTEUCTION. In studying the behavior of floods during the last ten years, it was important to know the extent of river valley developments, and to this end careful inquiry was made as to the date of beginning and completing each levee. These dates were usually obtained from the engineers in charge, or from the commissioners of the district. In nearly all in- stances the dates were certain, and are probably as accurate as indicated by the figures in the tabulation. High water elevations as shown in the table are taken from all available gage readings on the river with interpolations between gages. , . . .96V9J ' Bifid 91&Q I 1. \ LwgoUiei— print* ;S, '.■'..-■ I l.-i-i- ,1 ir. Id, ■;..:,-.,. . . i .1— eteyi • . flTeiQ 33V3jg*»6" T8I J JbuM toeR jcrfl "hcR ■Ifonfl p-i9 9i yd 5* - \*HcV W riwcfctnoe6 rttuoe >l*srQ enortD a£ - ^9-i0 looD efpvh9 -mnrtoH -.-.■* ■:■■■■ - >;". 5N bseoqorfl-eDxnfDfDM.W *>loJ nocqatorfT fir v 8( er osi •e+DVlV? boowfuH SSI e>lnochicrl *K>rfooa>f 5S ItewHott « weiWIiH nowe ©la flS r yfnuoO ttooe VS 9tevh c I-e9>(D0.O4rt 65 afoqfcrfte&J noe'ftbnA bsteafoiq fohteib ?o norhoq rworte qoM * I S d a V 8 9 01 II a a -&L di MewtnjiO &#*<** <•%"> ^.-*"" List of Levee Districts . Valley 33 Mud Lake-Proposed South Beartfcfbwn 54 Duck bland- Proposed Crane Creek 5b Spring Lake Ekired p Coal Creek. Jb Banner *Clear Lake 57 Curnmings-Prlvate 6 K.eachor Fairbanks 2Z ♦LyncVibUnj&ftungatror !8 Pekin& La Marsh Hamm- Private !» Peoria - Proposed Big Lake 40 East Peoria VfeJ Fbint-Propssed 41 Proposed Scott County re W.Matanzas-Propajed 4Y Partridge 77 Otter Creek 4? Proposed 12 Mauvaisterre 28 Langellier Proposed 1! Anderson LokeFVopo* 29 Lacey 45 Proposed 14 M s See Crwk TO SpoonSiver-Unorgarws 46 Hennepin 15 Kerr -Private 31 <3hurte- Private 16 1 Meredosia Lake |3Z Thompson Lake * Map •show? pe r+lo n of district protected by levee, \ /> '!-/ \ ■» y % X Map of Illinois River Bottom^ Levee Di3trict$ To Accompany the Report of , ALVORD & BuRDlCK Engineers Chicago, 5co/e of Miles Qfl 10M *A3 - : / '•#>&&. ^'eeWs^, fwpti m - .-■■ . ■■•■ jO u > 3 -J I M M+4—f ' ; ; ;■■■ Itt Mfc P« ;,., AGRICULTURE. 59 LEVEE CEESTS. The elevations of the levee tops were obtained from the engineers for the districts in the great majority of eases. In a few cases this in- formation could not be secured. We were advised that in some districts the levees had settled and washed so that the effective height is less than the standard profile. It is said that there are instances where, owing to lack of inspection, the construction did not follow the plan at all places. It has been the usual custom to fix the standard profile for the levee top on a line paralled to the river, horizontal, that is, without allowing for the fall of the stream. As much of the work was done by dipper dredges, the profile was usually not accurately followed, but an effort was made to place sufficient excess material to allow for settlement, a reasonable amount of wash, and the ordinary inequalities of dipper dredging. In some of the districts the tops of the levees were smoothed with a drag after the materials had settled and weathered. SECOND INVESTIGATION. After the examination above described, and following a platting of the results, a comparison with flood profiles disclosed the need for fur- ther information. Accordingly, a second trip was made by launch from Peoria to the lower end of the levee system in February, 1915, at which time the river was in moderate flood and it was possible to land on the levees directly from the launch or by means of a rowboat. The investigator was equipped with a wye level. He landed usually at three places on each levee ; near the head, in the middle and near the lower end of each district. At each place he recorded the elevations of the levee tops for several hundred feet upstream and downstream from the point at which a landing was made. The levels were referred to the water level in the river prevailing at the time, and were reduced to Memphis datum by noting the stage of the river as indicated by the gages passed during the trip, interpolating between gages where neces- sary. The result of this examination is shown upon Fig. 23 on which is indicated the individual observations as to height, and a profile of each levee showing the general average height at various places between the head and foot of same. The standard grade for each district is indicated on the same drawing as reported by the engineers of the districts or others possessed of the information. The extreme variation in height noticeable in some of the levees is usually accounted for by some special circumstance, as the utilization of a railway embankment often materially higher than necessary to give the standard grade of protection, or in one or two cases, the inequalities resulting from work in increasing the height of the levees only par- tially completed. We were further advised that in some of the cases where the height appears to be much above the standard grade, this condition is accounted for by the use of a dipper dredge in the construction of the levee, and the necessity for excavating sufficient material to float the dredge, the excess excavation being thrown on the top of the embankment. 60 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. Most of the extreme low points noted occurred at pumping stations for short distances, the levees being left at low grade probably for con- venience in handling fuel from barges, doubtless with the thought that the height could be quickly increased in case of need. A number of other low points are occasioned by road crossings where the standard was not maintained for similar reasons. Although a slight error is introduced by referring these levees to Memphis datum by comparison with water levels, the extreme irregu- larity in these levee profiles would hardly seem to have warranted the connection of each levee to a standard benchmark. To have done so would have been impossible with the means available for this report. FIGURE 2 3 A. A Typical Pumping Station. Note, also, the Irregular Dipper Dredge Levee. PUMP CAPACITY. Pumping capacities where possible, were secured from the design- ing engineers. In some cases it was necessary to compute the capacity from the sizes of the pumps, and where this was necessary, it was done on the assumption of a discharge velocity of 10 feet per second. COST OF DISTRICTS. The figures as to cost were obtained from the special assessment record and the amounts paid out as on record, checked by consultation with commissioners and interested parties, to determine whether all assessments levied had been found, whether funds had been privately subscribed before any assessment was made, and whether amounts had been assessed but not used. On the whole, the costs are thought to be fairly accurate. For private districts, costs were hard to obtain as they are not on record. Some low values shown are for incomplete dis- tricts, particularly those not equipped with pumps. AGRICULTURE. 61 ASSESSED VALUATION. The assessed valuations are based upon the record for 1913. How- ever, property is not divided on the limits of levee districts so that it was impossible to determine the exact assessed valuation. The method used was to refer to a map showing the boundaries of the district taken from the assessor's record or from the collector's record, the assessed value of each piece of property lying entirely within the district, and to make a fair division where properties overlap the boundary. FULL VALUE OF PROPERTY. The full value of land within districts was estimated by talking with landowners, bankers and people familiar with the areas. In gen- eral, the landowners were inclined to place a higher value on the land than bankers and disinterested parties. Most of the bottom land within the district is equivalent in productivity to the very best Illinois farm land ; but the cost of pumping and maintenance, the possibility of dam- age from high water, and the fewer improvements due largely to fear of overflow, are factors tending to reduce the value of the land below that of the less productive upland. The total value of the land in each dis- trict was computed from the average value per acre. IMPROVEMENTS AND CONDITIONS. Many of the districts visited had but few permanent improvements. The larger number of districts are comparatively new, and many are practically beginning their productive existence. For these newer dis- tricts the dwellings are principally temporary in character. Nearly all of the districts have good substantial pumping stations. There are very few improved roads. Where levees can be used for roads, fairly good highways exist, but in the bottoms considerable work is needed to put them in condition for use at all seasons. As would be expected, the older districts have the best improve- ments, especially those adjacent to Beardstown. CONDITION OF LEVEES. One criticism!, not applicable to all districts, is the lack of attention paid to the levees. The construction by dredge is undoubtedly the best method to employ for high levees, but this leaves the levees with the appearance of a miniature mountain range. The location of much of the levee work makes it difficult to obtain thorough and continuous inspection ; and in one instance reported, the inequalities in the elevation of the levee top gave the district 2 feet less protection than the plans intended, or the average material handled made possible. It is probable that similar conditions exist in other districts. As a rule, the levees are allowed to be covered with a rank growth of weeds. On one of the private districts the owner proposes to fence his levees and to pasture them. This would keep the surfaces exposed to view so that damage from burrowing animals or from other causes, would be readily noticed and the presence of cattle would tend to drive away 62 EEPOET ON ILLINOIS PtlVER. pests. When the danger from poorly kept and poorly inspected levees is considered, this plan would seem to be worthy of consideration by all landowners. ESTIMATED PRODUCTIVITY OF AGRICULTURAL LANDS. So far as we were able to determine, there are no statistics from which the annual value of the crops can be computed for the Illinois River Valley. The most definite figures practicable are apparently based upon the improved acreage and the average yields so far as they may be determined. At the time that we examined the levee districts, an effort was made to secure as accurately as possible, the average crop yield on each. To this end, those likely to be most familiar with the local facts were consulted, including farmers, drainage commissioners, engineers, and where possible as a check, bankers in the adjacent towns. Corn is the staple crop on the bottom lands, but wheat is also produced. Stock raising has not yet become extensive. It is believed that fairly accurate figures were obtained from about one-half the levee districts in crop. Most of the corn yields range from 40 to 90 bushels per acre, and the wheat yields 20 to 40 bushels. Those best informed are of the opinion that the bottom lands properly farmed should yield 50 to 60 bushels of corn per acre over a period of years. At the present time, the price of corn is abnormallv high. The estimates of yield that we secured were based upon a more normal price of 50 cents for corn, with other grains in proportion. The crop yields per acre for fourteen districts, aggregating 61,000 acres as estimated by the best informed local people ranged from $18.00 to $50.00 per acre, the latter figure covering a small district, and averaged $26.20 per acre in cultivation. Some large well improved tracts are said to produce $30.00 to $35.00 per acre, based upon 50 cents for corn. In 1914 the farmers received an average price of 70 cents for corn and 87 cents for wheat. At these prices large tracts yielded $30.00 to $45.00 per acre. At the present time about 113,000 acres are in cultivation or will be ready for cultivation this year. At $27.00 per acre, the annual yield would be $3,050,000. The land subject to cultivation is estimated at 157,000 acres. It is believed that within the next few years this land should be improved so as to produce about $33.00 per acre at average prices. This is equivalent to $5,200,000 per annum. With all districts now projected, assuming that the cultivable land will be in about the same proportion to the leveed area as in the districts now improved, the total cultivated area in the valley would approximate 200,000 acres, which, if so improved as- to produce a gross return of $33.00 per acre, would produce a gross yield of $6,600,000 per annum. UNLEVEED LANDS. The acreage capable of crop without levees in that portion of the valley where levees do not now exist, is comparatively small, bordering the extreme high water line fairly closely. Below the La Grange dam, except for the land close to the mouth of the river, this acreage is a AGRICULTURE. 63 narrow irregular strip on the slope of the hills. Above the La Grange dam there are 178,900 acres unleveed below the plane of the 1844 flood (land and water) and there are 45,600 acres lying above the plane reached in the flood season every year since 1900. There are 22,700 acres flooded only one year in three. There are about 35,000 acres of land which has been free from water by May 1 since 1900, two years in three. A large part of this land has not been flooded since 1844. By no means all of the land is cleared that could be farmed, and no estimate is practicable as to the acreage in crop. If it is assumed that the whole of the 35,000 acres produces an average of $15.00 per acre, the yield of this land would be about $500,000 per annum. SUMMAKY OF AGKICULTUBAL VALUES. To sum up, therefore, in round figures, about 170,000 acres or about half the bottom land acreage below La Salle has been leveed at a cost of $30.00 per acre, or slightly over $5,000,000 ; that these lands today are valued at nearly $20,000,000, that they produce annually about $3,000,- 000, and when fully cultivated should produce about $5,000,000 per year. When districts now projected are fully cultivated, the total yield of the leveed lands of the river should approximate over $6,000,000 per annum. The gross return from the unleveed lands above the La Grange dam probably does not exceed $500,000 per annum. PART V. THE FISHERY OF THE ILLINOIS RIVER. It is a fact not generally known that the fishery of the Illinois Eiver is the most important river fishery of the country^ excepting only the salmon industry of the Pacific Coast, and this is not, strictly speaking, a river fish. In the last U. S. Census, which covered the calendar year 1908, the fish taken commercially from the Illinois Eiver totaled 23,896,000 pounds, returning $721,000 to the fishermen, at about three cents per pound. The river produced 62 per cent of the fish taken in this State, and over 10 per cent of the fresh water fish of the United States. The industry has grown from about 6,000,000 pounds taken in 1894, to the maximum of nearly 24,000,000 pounds in 1908, since which time the catch has declined very rapidly. This growth and decline is attributable to a number of causes, among which may be mentioned the introduction of the German carp, the increase in waters brought about by the Chicago Drainage Canal, the effect of the accompanying sewage thereof, and the closing and reclaiming of the lakes which has taken place very rapidly since 1900 through the leveeing of lands and the isolation of such waters by hunting and fishing clubs. These causes, some tending toward increase and others toward decrease, are so inter- related and their combined effects are so important to the permanency of the fish industry as to warrant careful study to the end that, so far as possible, the beneficial conditons may be promoted, and the detri- mental conditions relieved in so far as this is consistent with the public welfare. It will be our endeavor to throw such light upon these matters as is possible with the existing data. GAME FISH. The Illinois Eiver bottoms are today, and have long been considered, the best game fishing grounds of the State, and also the best hunting grounds for water fowl, and while retention of these recreation grounds is warranted in so far as consistent with the development of the country and its citizens, the commercial importance of the fishery is concerned with the so-called game fishes to a relatively minor degree, for although they bring the highest price, the weight taken is relatively small. The game fishery, however, is of great importance to the sportsmen of the State, and is an important source of revenue to the towns along the river. Experienced observers estimate that the local communities receive approximately as much money by reason of the visiting fishermen as they do from the commercial fisheries. FOOD FISH. The principal value of the catch is in the Gierman carp, and until recently, the buffalo fish, neither of which is extensively used at present 64 FISHERIES. 65 by American born people, but which furnish an important and cheap food to people principally of foreign birth in the larger cities. Most of the Illinois Eiver fish is shipped to Chicago and New York. Taste in this regard is doubtless a matter of education, for to the European who understands the cookery of the carp and has become accustomed to it through generations of use, it is regarded as a great delicacy among all classes of people, even the nobility. In Germany par- ticularly, carp farming is well established as an independent industry, and has been practiced for centuries in much the same way that poultry' is handled upon the American farm. As yet, the food fish does not compel the price commensurate with its value as a food, carp selling in the American market at from 1% to 5 cents per pound, depending upon the season, and averaging about 3 cents in return to the fishermen as compared to 10 to 12 cents for bass and pike-perch, and about half as much for whitefish and catfish. The German wholesale prices for carp are about equivalent to the Ameri- can price for bass, or from four to five times the present price of carp in this country. It will not be sufficient therefore, to measure the future possibilities of the Illinois River as a fishery by the present price of its product. The fish produced are certain to become more valuable, and particularly the so-called food fish. TABLE NO. 12— TABLE SHOWING TOTAL FISH CATCH— ILLINOIS RIVER— 1894-1908. I Year. Agency reporting. * Pounds offish. Cents per pound. tValue to fisher- men. 1894 United States Fish Commission 6,037,378 7, 252, 811 9, 703, 798 14, 006, 866 11, 205, 516 11, 899, 865 10,779,582 16, 149, 076 14, 739, 000 19, 270, 000 23, 896, 000 2.7 2.85 2.88 $162, 450 207,687 279,482 1896 Illinois Fishermen's Association 1897 Illinois Fishermen's Association 1899 United States Fish Commission 1899. . Illinois Fishermen's Association 3.22 3.27 362, 246 388, 876 1900 Illinois Fishermen's Association 1903 United States Commission 1906 Illinois Fish Commission 1907 Illinois Fish Commission 1908 Illinois Fish Commission 1908 United States Bureau of Fisheries 3.02 $721, 000 * Pounds includes fish only. t Value includes turtles and miscellaneous products which are not weighed; this affects price per pound as given, slightly. Mussel shell products excluded in all figures. X Computed by deducting shells and pearls. GROWTH IN PRODUCTION. Table No. 12 shows the total fish catch, together with the value thereof, upon the Illinois River for such years as statistics are available. It includes the period 1894 to 1908. The table shows the agency gather- ing the statistics in each year for which figures are given. It will be noted that in certain years as in 1899 and 1908, different agencies present figures not entirely in agreement. The figures of the U. S. Fish Commission and the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries seem to be some- what larger than the figures of the Illinois Fishermen's Association and the Illinois Fish Commission in the years where comparisons are prac- ticable. All these figures refer to fish taken for sale, no account being taken of the very small catch used by the fishermen. All the statistics — 5 R L 66 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. are primarily based upon fish shipments/ and in view of the fact that there is more or less shipping from the minor to the major markets on the river, more or less duplication is probable in all the statistics herein given. It is believed that the statistics of the local Illinois associations probably represent the true fish catch more nearly than statistics pre- pared by the U. S. agencies. Table No. 13 shows the relation of the Illinois Eiver yield to that of the State and to the United States for the year 1908, in accordance with the figures of the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries as contained in the Census of 1910. TABLE NO. 13— GENERAL STATISTICS OF FISHERIES— ILLINOIS RIVER— STATE OF ILLINOIS AND UNITED STATES. United States Census for year, 1908. Value of Fish and Mussel Products Statistics for Illinois River— (to Fishermen)— Total value of catch $860, 000 United States $8,329,000 Value excluding mussel products. . . 721,000 State of Illinois (16 per cent of Persons employed (exclusive of total United States catch). . .... 1, 388, 000 shoremen)— Illinois River (62 per cent of State, Proprietors 1, 504 10 per cent of United States)... 860,000 Salaried 6 Wageearners 987 2,497 Capital employed $551, 000 MEN AND CAPITAL. The table also shows the statistics of persons engaged in the fisheries together with capital invested according to available statistics. In 1908 more than half the fishermen of the State were on the Illinois Eiver (2,500 persons), and nearly two-thirds of the total capital employed in fisheries, ($551,000). TABLE NO. 14— TOTAL FISH CATCH— HAVANA MARKET. Year. Pounds. Per cent of total catch on river. Authority. 1896 1, 573, 298 1,600,183 1,830,291 1,368,010 2, 700, 000 3, 800, 000 21.7 16.5 16.3 11.4 18.4 19.7 Illinois Fishermen's Association. 1897 Illinois Fishermen's Association. 1899 1900 Illinois Fishermen's Association. 1907 Illinois Fish Commission. 1908 Illinois Fish Commission. Average 17.3 3, 066, 658 2, 223, 794 2,221,930 1,803,724 1, 181, 151 1,293,563 1908 R. E. Richardson. 1909 R. E. Richardson. 1910 R. E. Richardson. 1911 R. E. Richardson. 1912 R. E. Richardson. 1913 (to October 31) R. E. Richardson. Note.— 1,593,000 pounds average 1896 to 1900 inclusive. STATISTICS SINCE 1908. There are no figures covering the entire river for the years subse- quent to 1908. The only figures that we were able to secure concern the shipments from Havana, one of the most important fishing points on the river. Table No. 14 shows these statistics for the years 1908 to esr OS 51 01 i ; i «"■— , f=t- 4MAVPJH] i li^!^w aei sfCi ua orei eoei eoei voe/ aoet .- -U r l r a. s i 5 r "• U.^ I 1 1 ! U o 7 s 1 I'M A ifS j is MM r-i I 1 1 'J ' c ± iHkvAINb, 1 1 I IT 1834 1896 B97 1899 1800 1903 1306 1907 1908 1309 I9» 1911 1912 1913 " NOTE: Catch since 1908 based on Statistics for Havana upon assumption that it9 percentage tototalfer River remains constant, i.e. 17.3'/., which isthe average percentage DIAGRAM SHOWING from 1896 to 1908. GROWTH<% DECLINE OF Total Fish Catch on Illinois River To accompany Report of AlvordScBufdick Engineers Chicago £S -toij iwohS marqajQ I htwohQ K9 i MM ML 1 V. j 1 DO lb< S. 1 sU'Ili 1 c 1 fjj.0 (T " :f Fi9h llll 1 1 o a 8 a Million Pounds hoijjsM 3 jpe fP^ je i Q 1 I i i < i / i » i • / o A, Acres < fW ate»v 5^ t » f s. ^ ati Floe d A oex > i < >-i & "--- « >» u - — L^i 5^ \ \ \ / ~1 t V i :s -Yie dor' FT in "LbsT V t> s7 Mil ion; of \ 1 >•- -r'J ^A > - i r* V ~r- \a cres < it L ake< TA •- L WPIa aeol 1901 1895 1900 1905 !9 Years 10 FIGURE 26. the yield of fish has fallen off more rapidly than the reduction in acre- age, although the data tends to point toward this conclusion. At the bottom of the diagram we show the area of lakes at the low water plane FISHERIES. 79 of 1901, platted from Table No. 20 herewith submitted. It seems to us questionable whether valuable deductions can be drawn from the com- parison of the fish yields with the low water area of the lakes, especially the low water areas at a fixed datum plane such as 1901. The area in lakes at this plane has always been substantially constant prior to about 1904. There was a slight decrease in the lake acreage between 1904 and 1908, and a more rapid decrease between 1908 and the present time. TABLE NO. 20— TABLE SHOWING ACREAGE IN LAKES— ILLINOIS RIVER VALLEY BEFORE THE CONSTRUCTION OF LEVEES AND THE ACREAGE AS REDUCED IN SUBSEQUENT YEARS THROUGH CONSTRUCTION OF LEVEE DISTRICTS. All areas based on the low water plane of 1901. Miles of river. As existing in the— Description of reach. Virgin v alley before levee construc- tion — acres. Year 1904— acres. Year 1908— acres. Year 1913— acres. In 1914, includ- ing projects being built— acres. When all projected districts are built — acres. Grafton to Kampsville Lock. Kampsville Lock to Mere- dosia 31.5 39.8 26.0 75.6 24.1 27.4 2,710 7,720 5,770 24, 220 1,870 7,050 2,710 7,700 5,520 24, 220 1,870 7,050 2,710 5,950 5,180 24, 180 1,870 7,050 2,150 2,450 3,880 20, 280 1,870 6,140 2,170 1,360 2,060 18, 130 1,740 6,140 2,170 930 Meredosia to Browning Browning to Mossville Mossville to Henry Lock Henry Lock to La Salle 2,060 14, 130 1,150 2,440 Grafton to La Salle 224.4 49,340 49, 070 46,940 36, 770 31, 600 22,880 When the present levee projects are completed, the "leveed-in lake areas" will aggregate 40 per cent of the acreage originally existing. When all projected districts are built, about 55 per cent of the lakes will be cut off from the river. In view of the fact that the fishes breed, to a large extent feed, and are taken by the fishermen mainly in the lakes or from overflowed marshes, it does not require a lengthy argument to show that levee construction is detrimental to the public fishery. FISH YIELD BY DISTRICTS. Table No. 21 shows the yield of fish in pounds for the various por- tions of the Illinois River. This data is taken from the statistics of the Illinois Fishermen's Association and the Illinois Fish Commission, which distributes the fish according to the shipping points. The infor- mation, therefore, serves to show approximately what parts of the river have produced various quantities of fish under the changed circumstances of recent years. An examination of this table in connection with Table No. 20 which shows the water acreages divided into the same reaches as covered by the table of fish production, indicates that in the lower portion of the river where the land reclamation has been most extensive, the growth in the fish production between 1896 and 1908 was smallest, and that the largest growths in yields occurred in the middle portion of the river where few levees had been built up to 1908. 80 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. TABLE NO. 21— STATEMENT OF FISH SHIPPED FROM THE ILLINOIS RIVER FOR THE YEARS 1896, 1897, 1899, 1900, 1907, 1908. Name of shipping point. Miles above Graf- ton. 1896 From the report of the Illinois Fisher- tion — pounds. 1897 From the report of the Illinois Fisher- men's Associa- tion — pounds. From the report of theillinois Fisher- men's Associa- tion- pounds. 1900 1907 From the From the report of report of the the Illinois Fisher- Illinois men's Fish Associa- Commis- tion — sion- pounds. pounds. 1908 From the report of the Illinois Fish Commis- sion- pounds. Grafton Hardin Kampsville. Columbiana — Pearl Montezuma Florence Harris Landing. Blue Island Valley City Naples Meredosia... Beardstown. Browning Bluff City Bath Havana Liverpool Kingston Mines Pekin Pekin and Copperas Creek Peoria Chillicothe Chillicothe and Lacon. Lacon Sparland Henry Putnam Henry and Putnam. . . Hennepin Bureau Hennepin and Bureau Creek Depue Spring Valley La Salle Total weight- pounds Total value Price per pound.. 0.0 21.2 32.0 32.0 41.9 50.2 55.6 56.1 58.1 61.6 65.6 71.3 88.7 97.3 105.5 111.0 120.1 128.0 145.5 152.9 196,300 61,400 240, 050 186,500 67, 500 223, 050 497,750 477, 050 190, 000 190,000 138, 000 190, 000 328,000 277, 000 1,678,280 171, 000 1,436,600 1,955,280 1,607,600 520,500 270, 200 1,573,298 137,515 11,368 410, 000 1,103,700 153, 700 207.500 1, 600, 183 190, 180 200, 160 162.7 180.5 931,400 2, 124, 540 3,854,281 5,579,963 255,500 189.1 189.1 196.0 203.0 150, 000 "245," 656 564,650 650,500 564,650 207.5 210.0 56,580 "28,"420 938, 000 212.5 218.3 224.5 168, 230 171, 825 61,390 85, 000 1,339,445 7,232,811 $207,687.22 $0. 029 9,896,708 $279,482.07 $0. 027 199,900 214, 000 381, 250 795, 150 247,400 176, 600 222,550 646, 550 310,500 1,789,600 2, 100, 100 869, 700 160, 100 282,570 1,830,291 210,680 567,390 2,104,940 6,025,671 1,092,700 1,092,700 530,000 166,330 162,625 88,390 947,345 11,607,516 8362, 246. 77 $0. 031 262, 100 163, 210 595, 420 1, 020, 730 37,600 397,000 93,050 296, 100 172, 500 15,000 179,500 363,500 1, 554, 250 581,990 1,385,470 1,967,460 862, 150 412,490 368,800 1, 368, 010 152,930 773,i 1, 240, 070 5, 178, 140 765,800 "136*566 388, 760 1, 285, 060 155, 130 287, 000 76,410 518,540 11,524,180 $388,876.40 $0,034 322,000 50,000 375,000 747, 000 280,000 40,000 17,000 337,000 500,000 1,800,000 2,300,000 1,400,000 1, 500, 000 2, 700, 000 2, 800, 000 1,500,000 5,900,000 275,000 75,000 700,000 1, 050, 000 120,000 "42,' 666 11,000 232, 000 405,000 14, 739, 000 360,000 120,000 425, 000 905, 000 325,000 62,000 22,000 409,000 684, 000 1,950,000 2,634,000 1,700,000 1,900,000 3,800,000 3,400,000 2,800,000 13,600,000 350,000 102, 000 750,000 1,202,000 L 75, 000 56, 000 19, 000 270, 000 520, 000 19, 270, 000 THE POSSIBILITIES OF FISH CULTURE COMPARED WITH ILLINOIS RIVER YIELDS. To fairly measure the fish productivity of the Illinois River and to gain- an approximation of future possibilities, it will be useful to com- pare the yield of our stream with the fish yields in some foreign coun- FISHERIES. 81 tries where fish culture has been studied and practiced. Most of the available experience has been gained in Germany and Austria, although fish culture has been extensively practiced in Japan and in China for centuries. ILLINOIS RIVER YIELD, 1908. In order that we may have a yardstick to measure the foreign expe- rience, it will be useful to set down the Illinois River yield as per U. S. Census for the year 1908. Table No. 22 shows the figures for 1908 in total and per acre of water surface under various conditions, from the low water of 1901 to the high water of 1904. It will be well to keep in mind that 1908 was a banner fishing year, the total product being more than twice the average of the ten or fifteen preceding years. The cause was probably the long continued high water of that spring and several springs preceding during the breeding time and the most important feeding time of the fishes, coupled with the low water in the fall, which gave the fishermen an extraordinary chance to harvest their crop. TABLE NO. 22— YIELD OF ILLINOIS RIVER FISHERIES (EXCLUSIVE OF MUSSEL SHELLS AND PEARLS) YEAR 1908. Pounds. Value to fishermen at three cents per pound. Total (by United States Census) 23, 896, 000 106,700 317 510 152 186 67.5 85 $721, 000 00 Per mile of river (La Salle to Grafton — 224) 3, 220 00 Per acre of river lakes and ponds, at plane of low water of 1901, excluding lakes within agricultural levee districts (75, 430 A.) 9 58 Per acre of lakes and ponds at plane of low water of 1901, excluding lakes within agricultural levee districts (46,940 A.) 15 40 Per acre of water normally prevailing about one-half the year in river ponds and lakes (i. e. 10 feet on Beardstown gage) based on the virgin river valley as with no levees (157,000 A.) 4 60 Per acre of water normally prevailing about one-half the year in river ponds and lakes (i. e. 10 feet on Beardstown gage) excluding area of river (128,510 A.) 5 61 Per acre of flood water, 1904, flood plane (358,740) 2 01 Per acre of land and lakes flooded, 1904, flood plane (280,910) 2 57 It is further significant to note that in the natural river and its connected waters, the acreage varies widely with the stage of water, and hence with the season of the year so that it is unfair to fish farming to compare low water acreages in the rivers and lakes with the product of artificial ponds where the acreage is constant, for in the river and con- nected waters, the wild fish breed and feed over areas tremendously larger than prevail at low water. To base the acre yield of fish on the low water area of the Illinois River is like basing the live stock yield on the farm upon the area of the barnyard. The true measure of the wild fish yield should be based upon an acreage somewhere between that at low water and flood. For comparison with acre yields in agriculture, the yield of the river must be compared with the acres of land that could be reclaimed and hence, practically the area of land above the low water plane frequently flooded, excluding the channel of the river at low water and possibly some of the lakes. Table No. 22 shows the Illinois River fish yield for 1908 in pounds and value, together with the vields per acre on various surfaces from low — 6 R L 82 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. water to high water. It will be observed that the yield of fish was $2.01 per acre of flood water in the flood of 1904, and $15.40 per acre of lakes and ponds at the low water plane of 1901. It was $2.57 per acre of land and lake beds flooded in 1904, excluding the low water channel of the river. FOKEIGN FISH YIELDS. " Actual figures on foreign fish }delds are difficult to secure; little authentic information is published in English. Through the assistance of the State Laboratory of Natural History, a search in the German pub- lications has furnished data which are summarized in Table 23. This table includes a few data of actual yield and a few summarized conclu- sions of foreign observers believed to be well informed. A column is shown of gross return in fish per acre of pond surface. The last column in the table shows the equivalent yield per acre based on the average price of Illinois fish for 1908, which was about 3 cents per pound. This is about one-fourth or one-fifth of European prices. TABLE NO. 23— SUMMARIZED DATA ON FISH YIELDS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Pounds per acre. Cents per pound. Gross yield per acre. Gross yield per acre three cents pound. 2. 1. A German pond fishery with 202 acres in ponds- artificial feeding. Carefully operated— Fischer ei Zeitung, 1907. Product almost entirely carp E. Walters' estimate of the yield of carp per year in Germany without feeding or manuring from ponds laid dry over winter — Fischerei Zeitung, 1907 — On poor uncultivated land, bog or otherwise sterile bottom On sour and bad meadow land, alder swamps and mud holes On good meadow land On first class ground A recorded yield from wild waters, Germany. A pond or lake, 8.83 acres, with hard sandy bottom, depth 9 feet, containing a varied assortment of wild fish— Fischerei Zeitung, 1908 Yield of cloister ponds in Jutland, Denmark. Four national ponds; fish not fed. (F. Z., 1910) Unusual yield of carp in small pond culture, Japan, heavily fed. 225 acres in very small ponds. Fisch- erei Zeitung, 1907 Statement as to German yields, Zeitschrift Fur Fischerei, 1897— Small fish ponds not unusual If ponds are fed from wastes of farm or an entire community— pounds of carp Village of Kraschnitz, 10 acres product in year, Known cases by feeding and the use of newer rational methods 252 43.5 174 348 1,778 267 to 334 14.8 *10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 3.5 $37 20 4 40 8 80 17 60 35 20 25 40 62 23 30 00 to 40 00 71 00 100 00 $ 7 55 1 30 2 61 5 22 10 44 45 51 53 40 8 02 to 10 00 t21 30 t30 00 * Average price for carp in Germany, 1907. t Assuming German price to have been 10 cents per pound. Although some remarkable yields are shown up to $100.00 per acre per year at foreign prices, the German experience, which seems to be more conservative and accurate, seems to give promise of not more than from $35.00 to $40.00 per acre at the German prices, and from $7.00 to $10.00 at the American prices now prevailing. The greatest fishing year on the Illinois Eiver seems to compare quite favorably with these figures. FISHERIES. 83 THE YIELD OF A FISH FARM. As bearing upon the future possibilities in the Illinois River val- ley, it is instructive to quote the somewhat detailed figures of one com- mercial fish farm in Germany as shown in Table No. 24. It will be observed that 202 acres of water surface divided into 52 ponds, with a total investment of $29,094, including land, returned gross $37.30 per acre at an annual cost including four per cent on the investment of $27.15 per acre, leaving a net profit of $10.15 per acre. The net return on the investment exclusive of interest was 11 per cent. It is instructive to note that the overseer received only $432 per year and that the total expense for labor was only $1,140 ; further, that the average price received for fish was about 13.6 cents per pound. At present American prices for labor and for fish, the yield from this farm would have been very much less than the running expenses. Where suit- able ponds exist, however, or can be cheaply constructed on land not otherwise useful, as is the case in many of the levee districts of the Illinois River Valley, it is possible that intelligent fish culture as an adjunct to farming can be made practicable. It is understood that ex- periments along this line are now being made by farmers in the valley. It would be well if their efforts in this direction could be so supervised by the State that the experiment is fairly tried. TABLE NO. 24— FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF A GERMAN POND FISHERY FROM THE FISCHEREI ZEITUNG, 1907, P. 517. Area of water surface 202 acres divided into 52 ponds. Value of Plant- Land $11,527 20 Pond system 8, 902 80 Buildings 2, 808 00 Fish 4,126 80 Old inventories 343 20 Gates and sluices 1, 386 00 Total $29,094 00 Total. Per acre. Income from sale of fish* (principally carp at 13. 6 $7, 535 04 $37 30 Expense and Fixed Charges- Four per cent on $29,094 $1, 163 76 53 04 3 84 Land and building tax Fire insurance $ 6 05 $1, 220 64 Repairs to buildings $ 76 08 72 00 92 40 432 00 708 00 204 00 172 80 124 08 1, 788 00 151 20 13 20 433 92 Renewal of implements Renewal of gates and sluices Salary of overseer Other help Transportation charges Fertilizers Lime Fish food Office expense . . Sickness and medicines Loss of fishes 4, 267 68 21 10 Total $5,488 32 •$27 15 Net profit $2, 046 72 $10 15 * The sales of fish in normal years from this property averages as follows: Carp, pounds Tench, pounds ...].........".. Trout, pounds .V. . ...\.\.\ ...... . 47, 178 2,866 875 Total, pounds 50, 919 PART VI. PAST FLOODS AND THE PROBABILITIES OF THE FUTURE. From what has been said in Part III, as to the extent to which the construction of levees has encroached upon the bottom lands, it will be realized that the safety of these and other bottom land improvements depends upon the adequacy of the designs to meet the future flood con- ditions. Waterways must be maintained of sufficient width and depth to permit the passage of the floods. In the consideration of this matter, it becomes necessary to esti- mate the maximum rates of flow likely to occur, for a comparison of flood heights alone, past and future, is impracticable on account of the important changes brought about through levee construction. In making an estimate of future flood rates, it will be necessary to closely examine past experience, for we can view the future no more accurately than we can see the past. The past furnishes the best guide for the future. It, therefore, becomes of significance to inquire as to the flood rates that have occurred upon the Illinois Eiver. In this inquiry it will be useful to examine a record of flood heights, for, while the greatest height and greatest flow are not always simultaneous, they are likely to be approximately so, and we may reasonably look for the greatest flow rates among the years when the highest gage readings occurred. FLOOD HEIGHTS. Table No. 25 shows the maximum gage height in each year so far as it is a matter of record; at Peoria from 1867 to 1914, and at Beards- town, Pearl and Grafton since 1879 or 1880. These are not simultaneous gage readings, but record the highest elevation of the water during the year at the several places. The date of each high water is noted in the table. It will be observed that the same flood does not always produce the highest water of the year at every place upon the river ; thus, very frequently the maximum gage height at Grafton occurs in May, June or July, being influenced principally by the Mississippi Eiver. Pearl is influenced by the Mississippi Eiver to a less degree. At Beardstown and Peoria the gage heights are governed almost entirely by Illinois Eiver flows, the maximum flood usually occurring in March or in April. The flood of greatest height upon the Illinois Eiver occurred before the establishment of the present gages. This flood was so remarkable however, as to leave well authenticated marks well distributed through- out the river valley and for comparative purposes, we have shown the gage height of this flood at the four places noted, as it would have been had gages been in place as at present. 84 PAST AND FUTURE FLOODS. 85 TABLE NO. 25— HIGHEST WATER IN EACH YEAR— GAGE HEIGHT AT SALIENT PLACES ON ILLINOIS RIVER. Peoria. Beards town. Pearl. Grafton. Miles from mouth 163.0 435. 82 5.5 21.33 15.75 19.17 16.25 15.66 88.9 427. 25 6.7 43.1 419. 70 5.42 Zero of gage Memphis D. Low water of 1901 410.96 1.4 July2€ Feb. May July Mar. Mar. -28 20 12 1 29 19 July 26-28 Dec. 17-18 1867 1868 1869 . .. 1870 1871 1872 1873 15.42 13.75 Apr. Feb. 13 19 1874 1875 1876 16.58 15.50 Apr. Apr. 7 5 1877 1878 1879 11.7 13.4 16.1 17.8 21.8 16.6 Apr. May Dec. June Feb. Apr. 22 17 31 16 25 2 8.6 16.6 Apr. May 25 1 1880 19.05 22.89 23.14 23.34 21.09 17.28 18.47 13.65 22.40 14.39 14.64 14.9 25.69 July 8- 9 May 5 July 5- 6 June 25 1881 1882 1883 20.88 17.66 1884 Mar. 29 Apr. 6- 7 Apr. 29 May 15 Feb. 16 1885 16.58 14.08 14.75 11.08 9.17 9.83 10.70 20.42 18.10 7.75 Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. July Jan. Apr. May May Mar. 22 27 28 29 2 19 26 19 5 22 i6.66 18.66 14.10 Feb. Feb. Mar. 19 19 30 16.6 16.5 13.5 12.0 13.5 12.8 18.4 17.0 9.8 Feb. Feb. Apr. June Jan. Apr. May Mar. Mar. 26 23 3 27 20 24 15 14 20 1887 1888 May 30 May 31 1889. 13.30 15.00 21.90 19.90 12.30 15.00 14.70 18.30 19.30 15.10 19.90 17.70 19.30 23.00 17.90 15.90 20.40 17.80 15.80 19.80 22.30 June Apr. May Mar. Mar. Dec. Jan. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. July Mar. Mar. May Mar. Jan. May Nov. Apr. Mar. 25 17 9 15 14 31 1 24 31 22 16 31 22 12 28 19 7 24 10 5 12 24 1 30 8 1891 Apr. 26 May 18 1893 14.4 14.4 18.1 23.2 18.0 18.2 17.2 16.6 28.65 24.07 18.3 18.3 17.9 22.6 14.3 15.4 23.6 20.5 12.6 32.16 May 12 Dec. 22 1895 1896 May 30 May 2 May 23 May 25 Mar. 16 1897 18.33 18.33 12.50 16.08 14.00 20.60 19.30 13.00 15.20 16.10 15.50 12.80 15.10 19.60 20.80 10.20 26.50 Apr. Apr. Mar. Mar. Apr. July June Apr. June Apr. Feb. May Jan. Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. 7 6 22 22 10 28 12 7 17 13 3 26 12 27 7 10 11 16 19.9 14.1 17.7 15.2 17.0 20.0 14.1 15.6 18.3 15.5 14.8 16.9 18.8 21.8 13.4 22.50 Apr. Mar. Mar. Apr. Mar. Apr. June Apr. Jan. May Jan. Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. 1 14 19 6 26 15 4 14 10 29 24 10 31 7 4 5 15 1899 1900 1901 Apr. 10-11 June 11 1903 1904 Apr. 30 June 16 1905 Apr. 15 July 25 1907 1909 July 15 May 10 Oct. 4 1911 Apr. 10 Apr. 11-12 June 27 1913 It will be noted that this flood is nearly four feet higher than any- other flood recorded at Peoria, .7 of a foot higher at Beardstown, 5.7 foot higher at Pearl, and 6.5 foot higher than any other flood recorded at Grafton. It is worthy of note that the 1913 flood at Beardstown closely approached the 1844 flood in height, but was considerably less in height at the other places given in the table. This matter is considered else- where in this report. The eight highest floods at Peoria (Lower Wagon Bridge) were as follows: Gage Gage Gage Year. height. Year. height. Year. height. 1904 23.0 1892 21.9 1883 20.88 1913 22.3 1867 21.33 1907 20.4 1908 22.2 1902. 21.0 These are the only floods exceeding 20 feet on the gage. s REPORT OX ILLINOIS RIVER. FLOOD OF 1904. The flood of 190-1 which attained the greatest height at Peoria reached since 1844, was measured at numerous places upon the river by the U. S. Engineers in connection with their report on the waterway, and also by the 17. S. Geological Survey in connection with the hydro- graphic work on the rivers of the United States. Measurements were made at the apex of the flood as nearly as possible, and also at numerous other gage heights between flood stage and low water, particularly in the year 1904, but also in the years 1903. 1905 and 1906. Reference has previously been made to measurements by Mr. Jacob A. Harmon in 1900 and 1899. TABLE NO. 26— GREATEST MEASURED FLOWS— FLOOD OF 1904. Illinois River. Location of discharge section. Miles Date of from meas- Gage Graf- ure- height ton. ment. — feet. Creat- or ed flows- sec. -ft. By whom measurement was made. Remarks. Pearl— C. & A. bridge — Pearl— C. & A. bridge Beardstown— city bridge.. Beardstown— city bridge.. Havana— city bridge Havana — city bridge. Havana — city bridge. Havana — city bridge. Havana — city bridge . Peoria— P. ■ IS. 1 Mar. as 17.6 Mar. 28 21.83 Mar. : : 21. 4S Apr. 2 21.17 Apr. , 20.12 Apr. y 19.66 Mar. 23 19.3 Mar. 22 18.8 Apr. 2 —117. 3 Mar. -• —US. 3 Mar. 21 —78.47 Mar. 27 — 79.9S Mar. 25 —74.1 Mar. 25 —74.6 Mar. 2-5 —74. S 115. 204 109.404 90.64 76. 071 74. 314 75.970 74,268 58, 370 41. 934 51. 55S 52. 59. 333 57.53S 54.473 46. 561 57.097 50.920 20. 07S 17.943 17.343 U. S. Eners. ..do....:... ..do ..do U. S. G. S_. ..do ..do U. S. Engrs. ..do U. S. G. S .. ..do ..do ..do ..do U. S. Engrs. ..do U.S. G. S .. ..do U. S. G. S .. ..do U. S.G.S.. ..do ..do .OS' below crest on April 6. .28' below crest on April 6. .6' below crest on April 4. 1.5' below crest on April 4. Crest on April 1, 42,000 c. f . s. estimated over road- .2' below crest. 9.000 c. f. s. estimated over road. .5' below crest. 1.8' below crest. 2.3' below crest. Crest on March 28. .35' below crest .66' below crest. 1.71' below crest. 2.17' below crest. 2.53' below crest. 3.03' below crest 1.9' below crest on Mar. 27. 2.9' below crest on Mar. 27. Crest on Mar:. 1.51' below c: .11' below crest on Mar. 26. .6' below crest on Mar. 26. .8' below crest on Mar. 26. * Flow of Des Plaines River near its mouth. Table No. 26 shows a summary of the flow measurements made by the TJ. S. Engineers and the 17. S. Geological Survey, at and near the apex of the flood of 1904 at several places throughout the length of the river. It will be observed that all measurements were not made exactly at the apex of the flood, and although at most of the places, the measure- ments agree fairly well, stage of water considered, the measurements of the U. S. Engineers generally give greater flows than those of the U. S. Geological Survey, and at Peoria, the difference is large when the stage of the river is considered at the times of the respective measurements. CONCLUSIONS OF U. S. ENGINEERS. As a result of their measurements, the U. S. Board of Engineers- reported the maximum flow rates of the 1904 flood as follow- : " z. <**• ce ooi ei BE 27 - - \ i Jill 1 1 11 J j i 1 li li i 1 u. 1 : : . ! ; 1 . ... .... . . 4» ::::.T...:x.:. l .^.-l; ... . j ■ tj .;: ill 1 l|l[ll % #ff J ...:. .;..:, -.: J ! 1 ill *t ' BBSs! fei ■ : — Profiles of 1904 Flood «3 "•' ... ' : |" : ' K J ■-. ■■: ; «. aoo-ri * PAST AND FUTURE FLOODS. 87 Second-feet. Joliet, Des Plaines River 22,000 Channahon, Des Plaines River. 22,000 Devine, Illinois River ' 73,000 Ottawa, Illinois River 85,000 Peoria, Illinois River 90,000 Havana, Illinois River 100,000 Beardstown, Illinois River 115,000 Pearl, Illinois River.. . 117,000 PEORIA RATING CURVE. As Peoria is one of the best measuring points on the river, and a long gage record is available here, it becomes of considerable impor- tance to determine the proper gage height and flow relation as closely as the data will permit. Turning to Fig. 9 (the diagram of rating curves) it will be observed that six measurements have been made, resulting in flows between 50,000 and 60,000 second-feet at gage heights between 19 and 23 feet, two by the U. S. Engineers, three by the U. S. Geological Survey, and one by Mr. Jacob A. Harmon. The one measurement at the flood apex made by the U. S. Geological Survey is not in accord with the five other measurements which were made at stages from 2 to 4 feet lower. As bearing upon this matter, Mr. J. W. Woermann, C. E., in his report to the United States Engineer Office, makes the following comment : "During the flood stage the work was concentrated between Peoria and the mouth for the reason that the U. S. Geological Survey had a party at work taking measurements on the upper part of the river. At Peoria and Havana, measurements were taken by both parties, and it is possible to compare their results. The results agree fairly well for ordinary stages, but at high water our curves give greater discharges than those of the U. S. Geological Survey. In my opinion, this is accounted for by the fact that the observers of the U. S. Geological Survey used small Price current meters with comparatively light weights, and we know from our own observations, that the meters were deflected out of a vertical position very materially. This, of course, resulted in the meters recording a lower velocity than actu- ally existed. It is believed, therefore, that the results obtained on this survey with a large Price current meter and a 60 pound weight are more reliable. "It should also be stated that our measurements were taken from a cable away from the disturbing influences of the bridge piers, whereas their meters were suspended directly from the bridges in taking observations." It was thought that the above apparent difference might be ex- plainable by different conditions of river slope, and therefore, Fig. 27 was prepared which shows the profile of the flood surface on various dates from March 23d to April 30th. The measurement of the U. S. Engineers was made on March 23d, at which time the fall between the Lower Wagon Bridge and Pekin was 3.25 feet. The measurement of the U. S. Geological Survey was made on March 28th, at which time the fall between these places was 3.6 feet. The gage height at Peoria was 2.8 feet higher on March 28th, and at Pekin 2.45 feet higher on March 28th than on March 23d. These figures indicate that the velocities on March 28th must have been equal to or slightly greater than those on March 23d, and that 88 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. therefore, the difference in the flow results cannot be accounted for on the score of changed river conditions. The flows undoubtedly were con- siderably greater on the 28th than on the 23d. There is a further reason for believing that the flow on March 28th was considerably larger than would be indicated by the U. S. Geological Survey measurement. At another place in this report the flow co- efficients prevailing in the stream and in the river valley are discussed, and tables are shown of the values prevailing in the river prism and in the flooded valley, according to the best available information on this and other rivers. If a flow so small as that reported by the U. S. Geo- logical Survey occurred, the flow coefficients would be materially smaller than evidently obtained elsewhere on the river and upon other rivers. In fact, using reasonable values in the channel section proper under the cross-sections and slopes prevailing, the channel should have been capable of discharging somewhat more water than was measured, without con- sidering any flow at all as traveling by way of the flooded bottom lands. For all of these reasons, we are inclined to the belief that the max- imum flow rate at Peoria was about 80,000 second-feet at the flood apex, or slightly less than the estimate of the U. S. Engineers. At other places further down the river, the agreement in measure- ments is fairly close. In the light of all the measurements made, we would place the prevailing flow rates at figures slightly under the esti- mates of the IT. S. Engineers for the middle reaches of the river. CONCLUSIONS AS TO FLOOD EATES IN 1904. In order that we may have concrete figures for use hereafter, it seems necessary to determine the 1904 flows. It is our opinion that the figures of flow set down in Table No. 27 are most closely concordant with all the available information. The table also shows the drainage area tributary to each of the observation stations, and the flow rate in cubic feet per second per square mile. TABLE NO. 27— ESTIMATED MAXIMUM FLOW— FLOOD OF 1904. Illinois River. Place. Date. © I > - ■d o a M J2 o <3£ 03 xi . 8 IS P S © 43.2 19.4 88.8 20.0 119.9 19.9 162.3 21.8 23.0 239.8 —113.35 270.7 —78.8 278.0 14.1 288.4 —5.5 3g si 0.2H Remarks. Grafton Pearl Beardstown Havana Peoria tOttawa— C B. & Q Bridge ^Devine— E. J. & E. Bridge ♦Channahon— near mth of Jackson Creek. ♦Joliet— below Econ. Lt & Power Co. Dam Apr. 20 Apr. 6 Apr. 4 Apr. 1 Mar. 23 Mar. 28 Mar. 27 Mar. 25 Mar. 26 Mar. 23 125, 000 115, 000 105, 000 90, 000 80, 000 85, 000 73, 000 22, 000 22, 000 27, 914 26, 182 23, 444 17, 454 13, 479 4.48 4.40 4.47 5.15 5.94 10, 229 8.31 6, 538 11.21 975 22.5 975 22.5 U. S. Engrs. estimate, 117,000. U. S. Engrs. estimate, 115,000. U. S. Engrs. estimate, 100,000. U.S. Engrs. estimate, 90,000. Estimate of U. S. Engineers. Estimate of U. S. Engineers. Estimate of U. S. Engineers. Estimate of U. S. Engineers. * Note.— These places on Des Plaines River above head of Illinois River, t Sanitary District gages. PAST AND FUTURE FLOODS. 89 FLOOD OF 1844. The flood of 1844 as before stated, reached greater heights than any previous flood at every place upon the river. In order that some idea might be formed as to the rate prevailing during this flood, some comparisons have been made relative to the comparative cross-sections, slopes and mean depth prevailing in 1844, and in 1904 under the meas- ured flood. It has been demonstrated that in the flow of rivers, the average velocity and hence the delivery, will vary approximately as the cross- sectional area, the square root of the mean depth and the square root of ' the slope. This relation holds so long as the retarding effect of the sur- faces over which the water passes remains constant. It is not possible to determine simultaneously gage readings for the flood of 1844. The best that can be done is to reason from the high- water marks which are determined with fair accuracy at numerous places and to compare them with similar highwater marks in the measured flood of 1904. The high water marks of 1844 are fairly well determined at Peoria and at Pekin, points about ten miles apart. The figures bearing upon this point are as follows : Flood of Flood of 1904. 1844. Average cross-sectional area, square feet 79,020 111,220 Mean depth— feet ' 12.2 15.85 Fall Peoria to Pekin— feet 3.6 1.7 Square root of mean depth 3.50 3.98 Square root of fall 1.90 1.30 Eatio of cross-sections 1.40 Ratio of depth, square roots 1.14 Ratio of fall, square roots .69 Product of ratios net relation 1.10 These figures so far as they go, would indicate that the 1844 flood was about 10 per cent greater than the flood of 1904 in the vicinity of Peoria. A similar comparison between LaGrange and Pearl, a distance of 33.2 miles, in which the fall was 2.3 feet in 1844, and 6.38 feet in 1904, indicates that at this place the flood rate of 1844 was about 32 per cent greater than in 1904. A comparison over a longer stretch of river, namely, from Beards- town to Grafton, upon the same basis, would indicate a quite materially higher ratio than the above, but it is believed that not much reliance can be placed on the extreme highwater slope indications so near to the Mississippi River, the heights at Grafton being very largely governed by agencies outside of the Illinois River. The above comparisons take no account of the influence of increased depth and velocity, upon the fractional resistance of the water in passage. These factors would tend to increase the apparent flows in 1844 by the amount of about 25 per cent. (Effect of these factors on value of C in Kutter's formula.) The comparison further takes no account of the 90 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. difference in skin friction that may have existed (as covered by the value of n in Kutter's formula). This would tend to reduce the comparative flow rates in 1844, for much of the bottom land has been cleared of trees and brush, especially in the lower river in the year of 1904. Com- putations seem to show that about one-half the flood passed by way of the bottom lands in the lower part of the river in 1904, at which time little had been done in the way of levee construction. This land was probably a jungle in 1844, highly resistant to passage of water. The river channel proper was probably in much the same condition in 1844 and 1904, and if we disregard the water passing over land, and consider the channel section of the river only, the hydraulic elements would indicate an excess flow rate in 1844 of about 14 per cent in the reach between Peoria and Pekin, and in the reach from La Grange to Pearl, the channel flow rates would be indicated as approximately equal. The slopes between Pekin and Havana would seem to indicate higher flow rates in 1844 than any of the above, unless it can be shown that the land was wooded to a much greater extent in 1844, and upon this point we have no information. The land at the present time has perhaps the highest percentage of trees and brush of any reach on the river. Between Peoria and the Great Bend, the high flows are also indicated, but the flood marks are not so numerous or well authenticated. It is believed that there is good reason for the conclusion that in the lower river, say below Beardstown, the flow rate in 1844 at no time was materially greater than the rate observed in 1904. In the upper river, the indication is less clear and the flood rates of 1844 probably exceeded those in 1904 by not less than 15 per cent, and possibly more. FLOOD OF 1913. The flood of 1913 produced a maximum flow rate at Peoria about 10 per cent less than the flood of 1904. In the lower river at Beardstown it reached a height within .7 of a foot of the 1844 flood, but- it traversed a river differing greatly from that existing in 1904 and previously, par- ticularly between Beardstown and Grafton. The flow cross-section was greatly reduced on account of the levee construction. For reaches of considerable length, the water was confined between agricultural levees and the high bank on the western side of the river, closely approximating the channel conditions in the main stream here and elsewhere. We have elsewhere herein demonstrated the values for coefficients of flow generally prevailing in the channel sections of the Illinois Biver, and if these values are applied to the channel sections and slopes pre- vailing below Beardstown in the flood of 1913, it is indicated that the maximum flow rates during this flood were closely approximate to the measured rates in the flood of 1904. There is reason to believe that in 1913 as in 1904, a large increment was furnished by the Sangamon Biver, and the rates thus produced were probably accentuated by exten- sive operations in channel straightening in the Sangamon Biver bottoms completed prior to 1913, that tended to reduce the natural storage in the valley of the Sangamon Biver, and somewhat increased the rates of flow delivered to the Illinois at Beardstown. All these matters seem to indicate that the maximum flood rate in 1913 was about 10 per cent less than the rate in 1904 in the vicinity of PAST AND FUTURE FLOODS. 91 Peoria, and substantially equal to the 1904 flood rates at Beardstown and below. THE PROBABLE FLOODS OF THE FUTURE. ' It becomes necessary, if we may design works that will safely stand the floods hereafter, to estimate as accurately as we can the flood rates that the future is likely to produce. In estimates of this kind we can do no more than to examine the past and to assume that what has occurred before may occur again, and referring particularly to the Illinois River, it will not be sufficient to base our conclusions on the experience of this river on which continuous records cover only about fifty years. Due weight must be given to the experience on other rivers having a longer record, for experience has shown that the peculiar com- bination of circumstances that produce a deluge and flood materially greater than the ordinary large flood, may occur on any stream at any time, and where records are sufficiently lengthy, it is shown that the intervals between such occurrences may be very great, in fact, so long as centuries, or, the great floods may follow one another closely. The experience in this regard upon some streams of long record is instructive. GREAT FLOODS. Upon the Mississippi, the greatest flood since the occupation of the valley occurred in 1844. The flood second in magnitude occurred in 1785. There was an interval of fifty-nine years between these floods and in the seventy-one years since 1844, this flood has not been closely approached. The flood of 1883 on the Ohio River at Cincinnati was the greatest flood up to that time since the river has been known to the white man. The following year a slightly greater flood occurred which has not since been equaled. At Cairo on the same river, the record flood occurred in 1883. It was slightly exceeded in 1912, and again . exceeded in 1913. The late Mr. Emil Kuichling, C.E., quotes the official investigation into the floods of the river Seine at Paris, and states that in observations covering 400 years, the greatest flood occurred March 1, 1658. The flood second in magnitude occurred January 28, 1910. This flood almost equaled the former great flood and was estimated at 83,500 second-feet on 16,860 square miles, a rate of about 5 second-feet per square mile, which is approximately equal to the flood of 1904 upon the Illinois River. The flood third in magnitude occurred December 26, 1740; it was slightly smaller than the flood last above mentioned. Mr. Kuichling also quotes the experience on the River Danube at Vienna, on which the highest water from well attested flood marks occurred in the year 1501. The flood was roughly estimated at 503,200 second-feet on 39,200 square miles, a flood rate of about 13 second-feet per square mile. Numerous floods have since occurred upon this river, but none larger than 307,800 second-feet. This is over 25 per cent less than the discharge in the great flood of 1501. The above citations emphasizes the value of long records and the chance for serious error in the drawing of conclusions from a short record. 92 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. FLOOD "BATES ON OTHER STREAMS. As throwing light upon what may occur in the valley of the Illinois River, we have collected such data as we could secure relative to the maximum flood flow rates that have been observed on the streams in and adjacent to the State of Illinois. We show this data in table ISTo. 28. These streams are all much smaller than the Illinois River, and as would be expected, show flood rates per unit of drainage area consider- ably higher than the rates on the Illinois River. The streams listed include Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin, and the flow rates vary from 7 to 34 second-feet per square mile. TABLE NO. 28— MAXIMUM FLOOD FLOWS ON STREAMS IN AND ADJACENT TO ILLINOIS. River. Place of measure- ment. CS ® C3 S cf a "e3 M P Date. 1 *> £ Authority. Des Plaines River. . Grand River Riverside, 111 Grand Rapids, Mich. New Athens, 111 *Carlyle,Ill 633 4,900 5,200 2,705 1,040 390 3,163 4,900 8,000 1,230 757 675 19.4 693 140 7,850 34,700 1,032 520 1,570 7,300 June Mar. May May May May Mar. Mar. 1892 27, 1904 1908 1908 1908 1908 27, 1904 29, 1904 13,300 39, 400 54, 440 19,946 10, 580 3,868 56, 880 79,950 21.0 8.04 10.45 7.37 10.18 9.92 17.98 16.33 10.0 20.3 7.3 34.1 15.0 15.8 86 32 16 77 115 89 18.6 T. T. Johnston. W. S. No. 147. U. S. G. S. and 1. 1. C. Kaskaskia U.S. G. S.andl.I. C. Shelbyville, 111 Areola, 111. U.S. G. S.andl.I. C. U. S.G. S.andl.I. C. Wabash River White River Logansport, Ind tW. S.Nos. 147 and 128. fW. S. Nos. 147 and 128. D. W. Mead- Wisconsin Kilbourn, Wis Lansing, Mich Grand River March 1904 July 7, 1902 25,000 5,510 23, 060 290 11,000 12, 000 250, 000 555, 200 80,000 60, 000 140, 000 136, 000 W. S. No. 129. L. E. Cooley. U. S. G. S. Black Neillsville, Wis Lake Geneva, 111 River dale Lake Geneva Calumet Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 7, 1908 13, 1913 13, 1913 13, 1913 25, 1913 25, 1913 25, 1913 13, 1913 L. K. Sherman. FLOOD BATES DUR- ING GREAT FLOOD OF 19 13, IN OHIO. Ottawa River Lima, Ohio W. J. Sherman. Muskingum River. . Marietta, Ohio ..do W. J. Sherman Columbus, Ohio Columbus, Ohio Columbus, Ohio Lafayette, Ind Alvord & Burdick. Alvord & Burdick. Lower Scioto Wabash Alvord & Burdick. Rough Est., Sackett. * Estimated that without the storage of the bottomlands, i.e. with the bottoms protected by levees, the unit rate would have been 25 second-feet per square mile. Report of J. A. Harman, Kaskaskia River Improvement. f Largest flood since 1885 and probably longer. The same table also shows the flood rates resulting from the greatest rainstorm of record that occurred in Ohio in March, 1913, accomplishing the great devastation at Dayton, Columbus and other Ohio cities. It will be observed that the Ohio River at Marietta, with a drainage area slightly larger than the Illinois, produced a flood rate of 16 second- feet per square mile, nearly three times the maximum recorded rate on the Illinois. It must be remembered however, that the tributary water- shed in the western Pennsylvania mountains is a water producer differ- ing greatly from the Illinois prairies. It will be observed that the flow rates on the smaller streams range from 32 to 115 second-feet per square mile. Fig. 28 shows in diagrammatic form, a composite representation of the data shown upon Table No. 28 also the maximum flow rates upon TTT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 ! 1 I'l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 ! 1 1 - i ' 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 Dia6ram Showing Relation of Drainage Area^ Flood Flow ?n Rivers of the Eastern United States Considers© only Well Defined Maximum Floods T - < - - - X ndicates max. flow rates in Illinois River Flood of ! 904- (agree* flood), ndicates the flow rates in the Ohio Floods of 1913 on the Otentanjy i'. ociotoK), Lower Scioto I3i,and Miami (4). The first three are maximum ?A hour rates. The Miami flood is a crest rate bul was orobably nearly the same for 24 hours, ndicates great floods in Illinois and adjacent territory, ndicafes maximum ?4hnur rates on all rivers east oftte Mississippi where continuous record? have been kept for 10 yeans or more. Tom data compiled by Weston E, Fuller, M.Am, Soc. C.E. ^urve) Represents Kuichlina formula for occasional maximums. "hese curves are not intended for application to areas over 5 000 sq. miles bur are extended for comparative purposes. Curve) Represents Murphy formula intended to apply to areas of tess than 10,000 square miles. - t 3 t ■s I 5 100 4 o 1 , \ "'e [*\ J — T . ~r 1 v ^ \ it! it " ' k ' -H 8 w 4 J. 4- - - — — __ - - "T § eo3 » --5 3 «^= -4.-- — - ..-.- i^ .:■-. •f -- T J» T a a i-Ti J -U . r-t " t 1 T1 5o0o i00co i5cco 20000 25000 Drainage Area in Square Mile? PAST AXD FUTURE FLOODS. 93 a large number of other American streams lying east of the Mississippi, and for purposes of comparison, the greatest recorded flood rates on the Illinois Eiver are shown. It is the purpose of this diagram to illustrate the wide variation in maximum flow rates of the streams of the eastern United States, and to further illustrate the effect of the size of the water- shed contributing to the stream flow. The diagram is platted with drainage area in square miles laid off horizontally, and maximum flood flows in cubic feet per second per square mile, vertically. Each spot represents an observation on some stream, and is platted opposite to the size of its drainage area and its flow rate. Mr. Emil Kuichling in connection with his report on the New York State Barge Canal, platted similar data for some of these streams and others, and drew curves of relation which are reproduced on Fig. 28 marked "K-2" and "K-l" on the diagram, indicating the flood rates upon drainage areas of various sizes likely to occur rarely, and occasion- ally, respectively. The Murphy formula for streams of the northeastern United States is also represented by the curve line marked "M." The Kuichling formula was intended to apply to drainage areas not larger than 5,000 square miles, and the Murphy formula to areas up to 10,000 square miles. Curves "M" and "K-l" have, however, been extended to cover the total drainage area of the Illinois Eiver for comparative purposes, and seem to fit conditions fairly well. It will be observed that 1913 floods on the Ohio streams equaled, or, in one case, materially exceeded the curve of rare floods. It will further be seen that the Illinois Eiver has the lowest flood rates of any of the great rivers recorded, and in its upper reaches where the drainage area is small, it is well below the average of streams having a like drainage area. ARTIFICIAL CONDITIONS AFFECTING FLOOD BATES. At the outset it will perhaps be desirable to mention some of the artificial causes that tend to affect flood flows, particularly as these causes have been much discussed of late, and the operation of these causes hereafter might obviously have a tendency to affect conclusions made at this time. The drainage of low land has affected flood flows in two ways. By draining the swamps which naturally were more or less covered with standing water, these natural flood water storage reservoirs have been destroyed. This would have a tendency to increase flood rates particu- larly on the adjacent streams. Upon the other hand, the reclamation of swamp land has permitted the soil to act as a receptacle for storage that was not available when the land was flooded with water. This tends to counteract the direct effect of the drainage. The tiling of rolling farm land, an extensive practice in Illinois, has probably had very little effect on floods one way or the other; if anything, the tendency is to reduce the effects of the flood delivered to the streams. The question of deforestation recently much discussed, is of small concern on the watershed of the Illinois. The majority of the acreage has always been prairie land. 94 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. The reclamation of bottom lands on the tributaries of the Illinois, is a more important effect. Considerable work has already been done on the Sangamon in the way of straightening the channel for the pur- pose of decreasing the frequency of overflow, and in case of flooding, removing the water from the bottom lands more quickly. This practice tends to rob the bottom lands of their ability to store flood waters; to increase the delivery rate of the tributaries, and hence if the practice is extensively pursued, to materially increase the rate at which flood water is delivered in the valley of the Illinois Eiver. As the Illinois Eiver is a great stream, and most of the tributaries are comparatively small, the dangers arising from this work will depend upon the extent to which such reclamation works are built. There are a number of tributaries of the Illinois on which works of this kind are suggested, but the matter has not been sufficiently investigated as yet to form an intelligent opinion as to how extensive these works will ultimately be, and of the effect they may produce upon the flood deliveries of. the Illinois Eiver. So far as the artificial drainage of swamp land is concerned, it is not probable that future^, operations will be of sufficient moment to materially change the rates that have prevailed in the last twenty years. NATUEAL CONDITIONS AFFECTING FLOOD EATES. It must not be presumed that conditions are likely to occur that will produce flood rates upon the Illinois Eiver equal to those of the recent Ohio floods. There is no doubt that although the rainstorm pro- ducing those floods may occur again, although such a storm never before visited the eastern United States, and may center on the Illinois Eiver watershed, even so, the watershed of this stream could not produce the rates that occurred in Ohio, for the watershed is too large, the stream valleys too wide, and the gradients are too flat. Even so, very much larger floods might be produced, for only the edge of the March, 1913, storm covered the watershed of the Illinois Eiver, and a great flood was produced below Peoria. Had this storm been centered on the Illinois Eiver, there is little doubt but that a record flood would have resulted. Upon the great rivers such as the Ohio, Mississippi and Missouri, the melting snows have an important effect upon the flood rates, and the greatest floods have resulted through a warm rain on snow, supple- mented by torrential rains in the lower reaches of the watersheds affected. The snow conditions on the Ohio and Mississippi are particu- larly important by reason of the great depth that sometimes covers the ground in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Minnesota. The snowfall is of less importance on the smaller streams, on which the greatest floods usually result from torrential rains, although some- times supplemented by snow lying on the ground. These smaller drain- age areas come within the compass of a much more concentrated rainfall than is possible on the watersheds of the great rivers, on -which rain- storm floods are usually produced by a number of storms each covering only a part of the watershed, or the series of recurring storms in a measure following the flood waters down through the drainage area. The condition of the ground surface has very much to do with the maximum runoff rates, thus, a ground that is already saturated with PAST AND FUTURE FLOODS. 95 a moderate rainfall, is in a condition to deliver a succeeding torrential rain almost entire to the water courses, and more important and of more frequent occurrence, the frozen ground of late winter and early spring produces a similar result. Thus, we almost always have our floods in this latitude in February, March or April. This is true upon the Illinois, except in the lower part of the river where the flood is influenced by the Mississippi and Missouri Kivers which may deliver their flood waters as late as May or June. Thus, in so far as rainfall and ground surface conditions are con- cerned, the streams of the central and northeastern United States are much alike, and the principal differences in unit runoff must be looked for in topography. A double effect is here produced, for the flat gradients not only tend to low delivery rates, but also tend to store the flood waters, thus making delivery to the streams over a longer period and at smaller rates. The effects of topography are much too complicated to give us directly valuable information as to probable flood rates, or even to make definite comparisons between watersheds. An effort has been made however, to accomplish this purpose in another way, namely, by ascer- taining the average flood flows of our various streams and comparing the great floods on the streams, each as a ratio of the average flood on the same stream. COMPAKISON BY EATIOS. This method of comparing flood flow rates was first suggested in a paper by Weston E. Fuller, read before the American Society of Civil Engineers, October 15, 1913. Mr. Fuller has clone a great service to the hydraulics of rivers in this suggestion, and in assembling the flood flow data on all our American streams, in such form that intelligent comparison thereof can be made. Table No. 29 has been prepared largely from his data, but with a few additions, including all the rivers of the United States on which flow records are available, covering ten years or more. TABLE NO. 29— MAXIMUM (24-HOUR) FLOOD RATES— ALL STREAMS OF UNITED STATES HAVING RECORD OF TEN YEARS OR MORE. (Compiled from paper on Flood Flows by Weston E. Fuller, M. Am. Soc. C. E.) Stream. Place measured. Drainage area — square miles. Length of record —years. Average yearly flood flow— second^ feet. Maxi- mum flood— second- feet. Maxi- mum flood per square mile— second- feet. Ratio of maxi- mum to average flood. NEW ENGLAND STREAMS. Connecticut River Hartford 10, 234 4,638 2,090 8,144 615 240 4,270 13 104 56 40 26 24 21 18 14 113, 400 43,400 24, 900 73, 000 16, 800 1,850 59, 600 434 205, 000 82, 150 55, 500 115, 000 30, 640 3, 275 151, 000 788 20.0 17.7 26.6 14.2 49.7 13.6 35.4 60.6 1.81 Merrimac 1.90 Androscoggin Rumford Falls 2.23 Connecticut 1.58 Pemigewasset. .. 1.82 Cobbossecontec Gardiner 1.77 Kennebec Water ville 2.53 Fomer 1.82 96 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. TABLE NO. 29— Continued. Stream. Place measured. Drainage area- square miles. Length record —years. Average yearly flood flow — second- feet. Maxi- mum flood— second- feet. Maxi- mum flood per square mile— second- feet. Ratio of maxi- mum to average flood. Penobscot (West) Penobscot Millinockett West Enfield The Forks 1,880 6,600 1,570 3,305 4,500 2,800 3,440 256 823 139 152 102 24,000 5,640 9,650 660 6,430 1,920 3,000 9,810 11, 100 251 1,530 3,480 2,400 7,300 2,420 4,900 2,660 4,493 3,400 3,300 7,060 762 4,180 6,230 531 15,400 604 4,610 1,610 831 593 990 2,500 4,440 23,800 21, 400 2,450 1,260 1,032 520 1,570 675 2,720 1,340 662 410 987 8,990 1,180 11 11 11 11 23 13 12 12 34 27 27 25 21 17 17 15 15 14 13 12 12 12 11 11 10 20 18 17 15 15 15 14 14 13 13 12 12 12 12 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 50 21 21 20 16 16 16 14 13 14 13 13 11 10 10 14, 000 60, 630 13, 720 31, 700 44, 500 32,900 50,500 5,950 10,600 4,620 5,020 4,820 276, 000 104, 300 114, 000 14, 800 99, 000 30,400 44, 800 123, 800 143, 250 6,890 25,970 63, 500 39, 100 114,300 32, 550 101, 000 40,846 52, 800 62, 192 48,483 57,562 20,428 29, 013 61, 658 12, 500 114, 028 13,440 76,400 23,661 16, 600 15,301 10,434 36, 247 34,476 294, 000 231, 000 50, 000 23, 280 19,300 14,500 33, 800 25, 800 64, 200 36, 900 22, 500 12, 300 16,400 92, 891 28, 550 24, 250 93,400 19, 890 49, 700 108, 000 43,900 84, 200 12, 150 27,995 9,012 8,769 8,650 593, 000 164, 100 218, 700 20,460 176, 900 82, 156 139, 700 217, 700 304, 800 11, 100 35,900 118, 000 63, 000 309,930 50, 860 141, 000 62, 000 90, 650 130, 000 88, 630 75, 800 47, 200 37, 000 84, 800 17, 700 146, 000 19, 000 131, 000 39, 200 37, 250 21,860 30, 250 59, 100 50,420 480, 000 409,520 246, 000 39, 300 68, 000 51, 000 119, 000 57, 140 137, 760 62, 450 38, 550 22, 360 30, 720 157,410 55,200 12.9 14.1 12.7 15.0 24.0 15.7 24.4 47.5 34.0 64.8 57.7 84.8 24.7 29.2 22.7 31.0 27.5 42.8 46.5 22.2 27.5 44.3 23.5 34.0 26.2 42.4 21.0 28.8 23.3 20.2 38.2 26.9 10.7 61.9 8.8 13.6 33.3 9.5 31.5 28.5 24.4 44.9 36.9 30.6 23.7 11.3 20:2 19.1 10.0 31.2 65.8 98.2 75.7 84.8 - 50.5 46.5 58.4 54.5 31.1 17.5 46.8 1.74 1.54 Kennebec 1.45 Connecticut Orford 1.57 HUDSON RIVER STREAMS. Hudson Mechanicsville Ft. Edward Dunsbach Ferry... Dolgeville 2.42 Hudson 1.33 Mohawk 1.66 East Canada Creek 2.04 MIDDLE ATLANTIC STREAMS. Passaic Dundee Dam Low Forks 2.64 Neshaminy Creek 1.95 Perkiomen Frederick . . 1.75 Tohickon Creek Susquehanna Point pleasant 1.80> 2.15 Susquehanna (West) . . Potomac Williamsport Port of Rocks Frederick 1.58 1.92 Monocacy 1.38- Delaware Riegelsville Philadelphia Millville. 1.79 Schuylkill 2.70' Shenandoah 3.12 Susquehanna Wilkes-Barre Danville 1.76 Susquehanna 2.13 Patapsco... . 1.61 Chenango Binghamton Newport 1.38- Juanita 1.86 Susquehanna Binghamton Augusta 1.61 SOUTH ATLANTIC STREAMS. Savannah 2.71 Ocmulgee Macon 1.56 Black Warrior Tuscaloosa... 1.4a James Buchanan 1.52 Cape Fear Fayetteville Salisbury 1.72 Yadkin 2.10 Chattahoochee Coosa West Point Riverside 1.83 1.32 Broad of Georgia Oconee.... . Carlton, Ga Dublin 2.31 1.27 James Cartersville Carters, Ga Selma 1.37 Coosawatte 1.42 Alabama 1.28 Etowah Canton, Ga Alston, S. C Resaca, Ga Glasgow, Va Madison, S. C Woodbury, Ga Sturdevant, Ala Columbus, Miss Wheeling 1.42 Broad of Carolina Oostanaula 1.72 1.66 James, N. Fk 2.25- Tugalloo 1.43 Flint 1.84 Tallapoosa 1.63 Tombigbee 1.48 OHIO RIVER BASIN. Ohio 1.63 Tennessee Chattanooga 1.77 *Miami 4.92 Clarion Clairon, Pa Near Columbus Columbus 1.68 Upper Scioto 3.52 Olentangy 3.52 Lower Scioto ..do 3.52 Little Tennessee New Judson, N. C Radford, Va Alderson, W. Va. . . Bryson 2.22: 2.15 Greenbrier 1.69 Tuckaseegee 1.71 Hiwasse Murphy, N. C Asheville, N. C Knoxville 1.81 French" Broad 1.87 1.70 Hiwasse Reliance 1.93 PAST AND FUTURE FLOODS. TABLE NO. 29— Continued. 97 Stream. Place measured. Drainage Length area — square record miles. —years. Average yearly flood flow — second- feet. Maxi- mum flood— second- Maxi- mum flood per square mile — second- feet. Ratio of maxi- mum to average flood. ST. LAWRENCE RIVER BASIN. Genesee Genesee Moose , UPPER MISSISSIPPI RIVER BASIN. Mississippi Pine Mississippi. Chippewa. . MISSOURI RIVER BASIN. Kansas Kansas West Gallatin Platte Madison Milk North Platte, Neb Cachela Poudre Loupe Bear Creek South Platte (S. Fork) Republican Blue St. Vrains Creek LOWER MISSISSIPPI BASIN. Arkansas Arkansas , WESTERN GULF OF MEXICO. Rio Grande Brazos Colorado GREAT BASIN. Bear Bear Provo Humboldt Humboldt Humboldt (S. Fork) Logan Mill Creek Parley's Creek Carson (West Fork) . Big Cottonwood City Creek. Ogden Truckee... Truck ee Truckee. Weber . . SOUTHERN PACIFIC COAST. Kern Sacramento Tuolumne Kings Rochester, N. Y ... ..do Moose River, N. Y. St. Paul, Minn Pine River Reser voir, Minn Above Sandy River, Minn Chippewa Falls, Wis Lecompton, Kans. . Lawrence, Kans . . . Salesville, Mont Columbus, Neb Red Bluff, Mont... Havre, Mont North Platte, Neb . Fort Collins, Colo . . Columbus, Neb Forkscreek, Colo. . . Denver, Colo Junction, Kans Manhattan, Kans. . Lyons, Colo Canon City, Colo. Pueblo, Colo Del Norte, Colo. Waco, Tex Austin, Tex Collingston,Utah. . Preston, Idaho Provo, Utah Golconda. Nev Oreana, Nev Elko,Nev Logan, Utah Salt Lake City, Utah ..do Woodward, Cal Salt Lake City, Utah ..do Ogden Tahoe, Cal State Line, Colo. Nev , Vista, Nev Unita, Utah Bakersfield, Cal. Jellys Ferry LaGrange, Cal.. Sanger, Cal 2,365 2,365 346 35, 700 452 4,510 5,300 58, 550 58, 550 860 56, 900 2,085 7,300 28, 500 1,060 13, 500 345 3,840 25, 840 9,490 209 3,060 4,600 1,400 30, 800 37, 000 6,000 4,500 640 10, 800 13, 800 1,150 218 21.3 50.1 70 48.5 19.2 360 519 955 1,520 1,600 2,345 9,300 1,500 1,740 12S 12 11 22, 100 22, 400 42, 223 1,051 6,250 36, 454 81, 000 59, 300 5,800 25, 000 6, 500 3,919 17, 640 3,133 14,940 1,291 1,900 20, 650 27, 500 3,757 5,430 4,350 55, 000 43, 000 6,550 4,580 2,130 1,400 1,260 1,120 1,390 56 142 900 460 82 774 260 930 800 4,025 129, 000 18,900 19, 000 50, 000 21.0 36, 500 15.4 6,760 19.6 80, 800 2.3 1,586 3.5 9,572 2.1 64, 400 12.1 221, 000 3.8 221, 000 3.8 10, 750 12.5 51, 100 .9 10, 275 4.9 9,600 1.3 25, 500 .9 5,611 5.3 27, 000 2.0 2,260 6.5 5,570 1.5 47, 520 1.8 68, 770 7.3 1,280 6.1 6,690 2.2 11, 060 2.4 7,670 5.5 132, 000 4.3 72, 600 2.0 11, 600 1.9 8,500 1.9 4,150 6.5 3,160 .3 3,047 .2 1,478 1.3 2,450 11.2 112 .5 274 5.5 1,570 22.2 835 17.3 164 8.6 3,257 9.1 1,340 2.6 15, 300 16.1 8,940 5.9 7,980 5.0 9,505 4.1 254, 000 27.3 52, 000 34.7 43, 930 25.2 2.26 1.63 1.17 1.91 1.51 1.53 1.77 2.72 3.72 1.86 2.05 1.58 2.46 1.44 1.79 1.81 1.75 2.94 2.31 2.50 1.30 1.78 2.04 1.76 2.40 1.69 1.77 1.86 1.95 2.26 2.42 1.32 1.77 2.00 1.93 1.75 1.82 2.00 1.93 1.74 2.91 1.81 1.66 2.36 1.97 2.75 2.31 -7 R L 98 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. TABLE NO. 29— Concluded. Stream. Place measured. Drainage area — square miles. Length record —years. Average yearly flood flow— second- feet. Maxi- mum flood— second- feet. Maxi- mum flood per square mile— second- feet. Ratio of maxi- mum to average flood. NORTHERN PACIFIC COAST. Columbia Willamette Spokane Weiser Umatilla Cedar '. The Dalles, Ore... Albany, Ore Spokane, Wash... Weiser, Idaho Gibbon, Ore Ravensdale, Wash 237, 000 4,860 4,000 1,670 353 170 31 754, 100 1, 390, 000 5.9 19 115, 500 188, 000 38.7 18 23,550 35, 200 8.8 12 9,732 17,940 10.7 10 3,808 10, 000 28.4 10 4,612 10, 800 63.5 1.85 1.63 1.50 1.85 2.63 2.34 * Miami River rates are crest rates. Mr. Fuller has shown that regardless of size or character of water- shed, the ratio of the greatest flood to the average flood on each of our rivers, is much the same, viewed broadly and covering like periods of time. That is to say, a comparison on the ratio basis seems to eliminate size of drainage area and character of watershed, two of the most troublesome factors in the problem, and apparently reduces the differ- ences to the chance combination of circumstances which may produce a great flood on a given watershed, and fail to occur upon another 'in a like period. This method of comparison further permits, to some extent at least, a utilization of our relatively short American records to give us informa- tion that it might be expected a longer record might, upon the average, approximately substantiate. Thus, this method of comparison, apparently justifies the adding together of all the yearly records from all the rivers of the middle and eastern United States, setting down the yearly floods of each stream as ratios of the average of each stream, thus securing a composite record of great length as of one stream. The record thus produced by Mr. Fuller is some 1,672 years in length, and by arranging the ratios in the order of their magnitude, it was possible to draw valuable deductions on the theory of probability as to the flood ratio likely to occur upon any stream in a given period of years. With this ratio determined and the average flood of the given stream known, which can be approximately determined by a relatively small number of floods, a valuable deduction can be drawn as to the probable great flood and the likelihood of its occurrence in a given period of years. A determination by this method is no more valuable, and probably not less valuable than the actuary tables of the life insurance companies. It cannot be expected to successfully predict the maximum flood upon any river in a given period of years any more than the actuary tables can show the life of a particular individual, but, in the long run in the indefinite future upon any stream, the conclusion based on the ratio method of comparison will probably fit the occurrences, and the least that may be said is that there is apparently no better means of determ- ining the likely future occurrences. PAST AND FUTURE FLOODS. 99 LENGTH OF PEEIOD AND PEOBABLE EATIO. If the procedure outlined above is granted, it is practicable to deduce mathematically the size of the ratio likely to occur in a given period of years. The following table is quoted from Mr. Fuller's paper, and shows the ratios that are likely to occur in the several yearly periods named. TABLE NO. 30— RELATION BETWEEN FLOOD TO BE EXPECTED IN A SERIES OF YEARS AND THE AVERAGE YEARLY FLOOD. (From paper on Flood Flows by Weston E. Fuller, American Society of Civil Engineers, October 15, 1913.) Ratio of largest flood to average yearly flood. 2.36 Time in years. 1 5 10 25 Ratio of largest flood to average yearly flood- 1.00 1.56 1.80 2. 12 Time in years. 50 100 500 1,000 , 2.60 3.16 3.40 Thus, in one year there is an even chance that the average flood will be equaled, in ten years the chances are even that a flood of 1.8 times the average will be equaled, and that in 1,000 years the chances are even that a flood will occur 3.4 times the average flood. In a way therefore, this procedure tends to fix a more or less definite maximum to provide for which, designs may be made, or, if the property to be protected is sufficiently valuable, or if many lives are to be protected as in the flood protection of a great city, the factor of safety can be provided and the works may be made adequate to provide against the greatest future con- tingency probable, with as liberal an allowance for error or the eccen- tricity of chance, as cost may permit or the value of the protection may warrant. FLOOD EATIOS AT PEORIA. It is practicable by the use of the rating curve at Peoria previously mentioned, to determine roughly, floods of past years. It will be instruc- tive to compare these flood rates and determine their relation to the average flood at this place. A nearly continuous record is available at Peoria since 1867, a period of forty-eight years. Table No. 31 shows the five greatest floods within this period ; the ratio of each to the average flood and the probable frequency of occurrence based on the forty-eight year record. TABLE NO. 31— COMPARISON OF FLOOD RATIOS AT PEORIA. Length of record— 48 years. Average flood— 40,800 second-feet. Year. Flood in second- feet. Ratio to average flood. Comparative expectancy —years. 1904 . ..... 80, 000 73, 000 72, 000 68. 000 64, 000 1.96 1.78 1.76 1.66 1.56 48 1913 24 1908 16 1892 12 1867 10 On the basis of the record at Peoria, we might therefore, expect a flood equal to that of 1904 once in forty-eight } r ears, a flood equal to that in 1913 twice in forty-eight years, or once in twenty-four years, a 100 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. flood equal to that in 1908, three times in forty-eight years or once in sixteen years, that is to say, based on the record that exists, the chances would be even that the floods as stated would occur in the lengths of time mentioned. As to whether this record is sufficiently long to warrant conclusions as to frequency and magnitude is open to question. FULLER FORMULA APPLIED TO RATIOS. An examination of the above Illinois River data, and the large amount of flood data shown upon Table No. 29 would incline one to the belief that the broad experience on many rivers over long periods is of greater significance than the short period of record upon the Illinois. There seems to be no better means of applying this broad experience than the formula suggested by Mr. Fuller, which is in no sense theoreti- cal, but is the concrete epitome of the most lengthy experience which it is possible to apply to the matter. Expressed mathematically, this formula is as follows : R = 1 + 0.8 log. T in which T = time in years, R = the ratio of the greatest flood rate likely to be expected within the time T to the average annual maximum flood of the stream. Mr. Fuller has further summarized the large amount of data shown in Table No. 29 for the purpose of disclosing the average effect of the size of the drainage area upon flood rates, and demonstrates that the flood flows vary more nearly to the .8 power of the drainage area than any other single function of watershed size. Various other hydraulicians have placed this ratio as low as the .6 power, but there is probably no con- clusion in this regard that is based upon so large an amount of data as that of Mr. Fuller. An examination of the average floods, as indicated by the rating curves at Peoria, Beardstown and Pearl varying from 13,000 to 26,000 square miles watershed area, indicates that this relation holds very nearly true for the Illinois River, Peoria and Pearl being in substantially exact agreement, and Beardstown varying from this rule not more than 10 per cent. Table No. 32 is prepared from the Fuller formula, and indicates the flood rates most likely to occur once at the place named within the yearly periods stated. TABLE NO. 32— FLOOD EXPECTATION IN VARIOUS PERIODS ON ILLINOIS RIVER. Drainage area — square miles. Average annual flood Q(are)— second- feet. Coeffi- cient c _Q.(ave.) Maximum flood rate expectation— second-feet— once in— Place. 16 years 1 + .8 log T = 1.96. 30 years l + .8log T = 2.18. 50 years 1 +.8 log T=2.36. 100 years l + .81og T=2.60. 1000 years A .8 l + .8log T = 3.40. Peoria 13,479 23, 444 26, 182 27,914 40, 250 62,500 68,460 20 18 20 20 79, 000 122, 000 134, 000 141, 000 87, 750 136, 500 149, 200 157, 000 95,200 148,000 161, 500 170, 000 104,800 162,500 177,900 187, 200 136,900 Beardstown Pearl 213,000 232,900 Mouth of river 245, 000 T=Time in years. A=Drainage area in sq. miles. C=Coefficient of run-off. Q=Rate of flow in second-feet. Q(ave.)=CA-s. Q(max)=CA-s (i+.81og T). PAST AND FUTURE FLOODS. 101 A comparison of these figures with those hereinbefore given, as indicated by the flood of 1904, indicate that the 1904 flood is one that should reasonably be expected about once in sixteen years, that a flood of about 95,200 second-feet may be expected at Peoria once in fifty years, a flood of about 104,800 second-feet once in one hundred years, and a flood of 137,000 second-feet once in one thousand years, with correspond- ing flood rates at Beardstown and Pearl as noted in the table. If it is assumed that the flood of 1844 was about one-third larger than the 1904 flood at Peoria, or say, 110,000 second-feet, then this flood would have been the normal maximum flood in a 140-year period accord- ing to the Fuller formula. The flood actually occurred seventy-one years ago. To some, the above reasoning may seem to involve too many assump- tions to reach conclusions of merit. It is quite likely that time will come when the science of meteorology reaches a sufficient perfection (and that will be when it has a record behind it sufficiently long) to permit conclusions as to the size, shape and intensity of great rainstorms in the different localities of the eastern United States. At such time the above line of reasoning may be modified in that it may be practicable to narrow or widen the chances in certain localities, but at the present time there seems to be as good a chance for the great Ohio storm in 1913 to cen- tralize on the Illinois Eiver as to cover a great oblong as it did, spanning Indiana and Ohio, with the fringes of the storm in Illinois and Indiana. Until such matters are better understood, conservatism must assume that these great storms may happen anywhere in the general region of their occurrence. CONCLUSIONS AS TO FLOOD EATES. It will serve our present purposes to apply to the recently leveed Illinois valley the greatest flood that has left an authentic record of rate, namely the flood of 1904, and also to show the effect on water levels that would be occasioned by a flood about 35 per cent greater. Viewing the experience broadly of all the rivers in the country, these floods would approximately correspond to the record floods of sixteen years and fifty years respectively. In the application of remedies for the conditions as they may be disclosed, it will be pertinent to consider the results that might be pro- duced by even larger floods, and the data hereinbefore given will furnish a background for the ultimate probabilities of the future. PART VII. FUTURE FLOOD HEIGHTS AND THE EFFECT ON AGRICULTURAL LEVEES. Having determined approximately the magnitude of the recent floods on the Illinois Eiver, and the most probable flow rates to be expected hereafter, it now becomes possible to apply these floods to the modified river valley as existing today through the construction of levees, and as it will probably exist a few years hence when the levee districts now proposed are completed. COMPUTED PROFILES. Formulas and coefficients governing steady flow in uniform chan- nels are well understood among engineers, and fairly definite values governing the ordinary conditions are in general use. In a river, however, the conditions differ quite materially from the artificial channel under the usually assumed conditions of uniform flow, and while the flow formulas usually applied to the artificial conditions, are used, it is important to check the values in so far as this is possible by comparison with actual occurrences upon the stream under considera- tion so far as these occurrences can be determined and weighed. CHEZY FORMULA. The formula used in the following computations is the one perhaps most widely used by engineers in estimates of the flow of water in channels. The formula is as follows: in which V is the average velocity of the water in a given cross-section expressed in feet per second, C is a coefficient, r is the hydraulic radius in feet, and s is the slope. In applying this formula to the conditions on the Illinois Eiver, it is particularly important that the value C be determined under as many conditions as possible, for in this problem it will be necessary to deal with some very irregular cross-sections, especially where certain reaches of the stream are partly leveed, and at certain other places within the river valley it will be necessary to deal with cross-sections partly within the prism of the river channel and partly upon land where some of the floods have spread out to a great width with only a shallow depth. It is believed that in view of the accurate topographical survey, and the large number of flow measurements during the 1904 flood, the values here shown merit considerable confidence. In applying the flow formulas to the Illinois Eiver conditions, it has been necessary to read slopes from gage records that are ordinarily recorded only to the nearest tenth. It was, therefore, thought necessary 102 FUTURE FLOOD HEIGHTS AND THE EFFECT ON LEVEES. 103 to consider reaches of river not shorter than would produce in general two or three feet of fall so that errors in observation of slope might produce a minimum of effect. All of the flow computations have been based upon an average cross- section for each reach considered, the average crogs-section being the numerical average of a sufficient number of sections uniformly spaced to give a fair determination of the facts. In the long reaches the sections were about five miles apart. BANK-FULL CONDITIONS. Table No. 33 shows the result of computations to determine the prevailing flow coefficients under approximately bank-full conditions of the stream, that is, just prior to the water forsaking the channel of the stream and partially traveling by way of the bottom lands. A number of flow measurements were made at this stage of water, which has permitted fairly accurate estimates of the flows prevailing. It will be observed that the results are reasonably consistent for hydraulic computations. The value of "C" for the entire river averages 103, with a corresponding value of .0257 for '"n" in Kutter's formula. TABLE NO. 33— VALUES IN FLOW FORMULA DURING BANK-FULL CONDITIONS OF 1904 AT VARIOUS PLACES ON ILLINOIS RIVER. GRAFTON TO KAMPSVILLE DAM. Distance = 166,200 feet. Foot of Head of ft © 1 43 o 03 © 3 reach. reach. i o 03 © >la B © 1 > © oS w # g ^ S u Pr © >.© Date of discharge measure- 03 I 03 © © OS 'o _g .1=! P. 03 is II of fe- o © ment. si ea"© i S> 3 © be 03 •5" •2 1 C3 £ > > © © i M "© © SP © J, "3 '-3 © m © > ©t) 1/3 O OS © © OT W> ■ o3"S ©=2 >o a 03 ^1 ft>H S3 ft £^ 03 | © 1 M a o 3 O H o h £ 3 < o § May 10 428. 56 423.96 17.6 13.0 433. 55 428. 45 24.45 19.35 5.0 4.5 i 58, 300 i 34, 600 12.44 12.02 25, 050 18, 850 2.33 1.83 19.0 15.5 ' 98 89 .0313- May 23 . 0336 May 24 423.66 422. 76 12.7 11.8 428. 10 424. 80 19.00 15.70 4.4 2.0 1 33, 400 116,370 11.99 11.12 18, 160 15, 720 1.91 1.04 15.1 13.6 96 81 . 0305 June 27 .0366 Aver ages of " C " and " N " 91 . 0330' KAMPSVILLE DAM TO PEARL. Distance = 61,800 feet. May 21 June 3 429. 73 427. 48 426. 43 20.60 18.35 17.30 431. 53 429. 12 427. 62 11.83 9.42 7.92 1.8 1.6 1.2 * 31, 800 2 27, 450 2 17, 460 2 2. 33 2 2. 56 2 1.86 16, 670 13, 840 12, 840 1.91 1.98 1.40 12.6 11.1 10.5 100 117 95 . 0270' . 0220' June 24 . 0284 Aver ages of " C " and " N " 104 . 0258 PEARL TC Distance VALLEY CITY. = 97,300 feet. May 21 431.53 429. 12 427. 62 11.83 9.42 7.92 435. 25 432. 67 430. 67 13.50 10.92 8.92 3.7 3.6 3.1 2 31, 800 2 27, 450 2 17, 460 2 2. 33 2 2. 56 2 1.86 14, 000 11,500 9,900 2.27 2.38 1.76 12.5 10.8 10.4 104 118 97 .0248 0207 June 3 June 24 0256 Averages of "C" and "N" 106 . 0233 104 REPORT ON ILLINOIS EIVEE. TABLE NO. 33— Concluded. LA GRANGE DAM TO BEARDSTOWN. Distance = 59,700 feet. Foot of Head of fr os So'd o 03 03 J3 3 reacu. reach. d A, J. 03 § >ls a A SaO c3 03 03 fH Pi 03 W .a 03 fcJO 03 > II CO "o3 ^ ^ Date of discharge measure- £ . <£ £ . <2 ■§ o s^ 03 bo 03 (-i 03 03 b £ ment. ■gtt ■as •2 1 > > J M 'S A 03 'O 3g eg o 03 03 03 to 03 ^ ►> 03 S3 d 03 03 03 gj "S 03 5 ® ft Sh 03 03^J TJ 03 03 1 03 1 pi M a o H O H o f^ S § ■ m FUTURE FLOOD HEIGHTS AND THE EFFECT ON LEVEES. 107 closes the fact that although the mean depths were less below La Grange, the bottom lands were about 70 per cent cleared of trees and brush at the time of the survey 1902 to 1904, and presumably during the flood, whereas in the reach between Beardstown and Peoria, the bottoms were only about one-half cleared of timber and brush. The data seem to indicate that on the Illinois bottoms for the relations between stream cross-sections and valley cross-sections there prevailing, the bottoms about 30 per cent timbered, gave average C values of 56 as compared to 28 for cross-sections 52 per cent timbered. (See Table No. 35.) Figures 29 and 30 illustrate the timbered conditions in two of the reaches. It will be noted that the reach giving the lowest C value was much the more heavily timbered. It is not expected that these figures are of general scientific interest. They would not be applicable to other streams without correction for the relation between the bottom land sections and the stream cross-sections proper. It is believed however, that the above information will be of material assistance in estimating flood heights under the changed con- ditions of the future, and to avoid being misled by some excessive flood heights of the distant past before any land was cleared. TABLE NO. 36— TABLE ILLUSTRATING THE RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF TIMBER AND BRUSH ON A COMPLETELY LEVEED REACH, I.E., FROM MILE 40 TO MILE 60— ILLINOIS RIVER IN FLOOD OF 1913. Section at— Mile 40. Mile 45. Mile49.7. Mile 55. Mile 60. 35,500 32,920 93% 42, 800 32i 430 76% 32, 850 26, 880 82% 35, 100 33,400 95% 26, 400 23, 510 Per cent channel section to total 89% 87% 2,220 1,300 370 3,000 81% Width of flooded section, feet 2,600 1,850 150 830 53% 3,620 1,720 430 3,020 84% 1,970 1,620 150 1,000 53% 1,650 1,150 Width of channel section, feet "Land Section" on Levee Side- Width, feet :..:•. 300 2,250 Per cent land area not cleared 77% Average 70% 550 2,970 "Land Section" on "Bluff Side"— Width, feet 600 1,750 1,470 7,350 200 700 200 640 Per cent land not cleared Per cent of total flow cross-section over timber and brush land 1.2% 6.0% 7-4% 1.5% 6.6% Average 4.5% VALUES IN 1913 FLOOD. It has previously been stated that in all probability, the flood of 1913 approximated the flow rates of 1904 very closely in the middle and lower river, with rates slightly less only as far upstream as Peoria. As confirmatory in a general way of the similarity of these two floods, we take occasion to refer to Figures 31 and 32 which show the rainfall contours of the storm of March 17 to April 1, 1904, and March 20-27, 1913. It will be observed that in both storms the southeastern 108 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. part of the watershed received about 6" of rainfall. The total average rainfalls in these storms were as follows: Storm ! of March 17 ^ornr to April 1, 1 : -^arch 20 1904. t0 27 » 1913 - Rainfall in inches above Peoria 3.74 4.68 3.37 Rainfall in inches below Peoria 4.28 Total rainfall on watershed 4.24 3.86 It will be observed that so far as the total rainfall is concerned, these storms are quite similar. The 1904 storm however, covered a longer period. In view of the fact that certain computations of future flood heights in places fall very close to the 1913 flood profile, it will be useful to determine what values probably existed in the 1913 flood. This has been done in Table No. 37. This table shows the interesting fact that in the reach of the river where the stream is fully leveed, the values of C cor- respond fairly well with the values previously tabulated for bank-full conditions, indicating that when the bottom lands are leveed off entirely, the problem of flood heights may be approached quite confidently using values of C of about 100. TABLE NO. 37— VALUES IN FLOW FORMULA DURING APEX OF FLOOD OF 1913, AT VARIOUS PLACES ON ILLINOIS RIVER— ASSUMING MAXIMUM FLOW RATE TO HAVE BEEN EVERYWHERE THE SAME AS IN 1904. Aver- Aver- Aver- age Aver- age "C" in Length Fall- age sec- age Chezy's Date. Reach. —feet. feet. flow — tion — mean form- C. F. S. square feet. depth- feet. ula V = C T/rT. Apr. 11 Apr. 11 Grafton to Kampsville Dam 166, 200 61, 800 6.8 124, 000 71, 600 11.1 81 Kampsville Dam to Pearl 2.1 115, 000 32,300 16.0 *152 Apr. 11 Pearl to Valley City 97, 300 5.7 114, 000 34, 300 15.6 110 Apr. 11 Apr. 11 Apr. 6 Apr. 5 Apr. 4 Valley City to Meredosia 50, 200 .9 112, 000 80,400 11.5 85 Meredosia to La Grange Dam 34, 300 1.1 HI, 000 96, 700 15.0 53 La Grange Dam to Beardstown 59, 200 1.0 108, 000 107, 200 15.3 63 Beardstown to Havana 164, 200 89,300 2.5 1.7 95, 000 85, 000 201, 400 160, 300 11.8 14.0 35 Havana to Copperas Dam 32 Apr. 3 Copperas Dam to Pekin 85, 000 49, 600 2.5 2.5 85, 000 81, 000 56,500 69,800 14.1 12.7 74 Apr. 2 Pekln to Peoria 46 * Data in this reach is not reliable on account of a break in the levee of the Hartwell District. FLOW BATES. We have hereinbefore given a table (No. 27) showing our conclusion as to the flow rates that prevailed at various places upon the Illinois !River during the flood of 1904. These data have been used in the computed flood profiles hereinafter given, interpolating between observa- tion points in the table in accordance with tributary drainage areas. £2 •n^H ' l\ -— J> I H — j mtt^JK^y r<3 ! 1 i Ji >f"no^ M 1 05 0' | M | 3JA03 A y ' ■^J FUTURE FLOOD HEIGHTS AND THE EFFECT ON LEVEES. 109 In the computation of profile for a flood 35 per cent larger than that of 1904, it has been assumed that the flood would be 35 per cent greater in rate to every place upon the river considered. FLOW VALUES USED IN COMPUTATIONS. In the computations of the profiles of future floods, we have in general been guided by the data hereinbefore presented, and further, upon close observation of the effects that have been produced heretofore under conditions as nearly similar as possible to the probable results in the estimate of particular profiles. It will be noted that much of the data points toward the conclusion that for Illinois Eiver "channel conditions," as distinguished from those conditions where bottom lands are overflowed, the value of C in the vJhezy formula approximates 100, or reduced to value of n in Kutter's formula under the general depth and slopes prevailing approximately, n = .026. Between Bearclstown and Kampsville, a distance of some sixty miles, the river is now very largely confined by levees, and the channel con- ditions are very largely similar to those of artificial channels, except in cases where the cross-sections are more or less broken up through the partial reclamation of the bottom lands. We have used values of C approximating 100 for the conditions of the re-occurrence of the 1904 flood in the river valley leveed as at present, and have used higher values for C under the circumstances where the same flood might enter the Mississippi Eiver at a higher level as in 1844. These variations in the value of C in general range from 100 to 108, the value being varied in accordance with the mean depth and slope, as would be indicated by substituting these values in Ku tier's formula for C. Above Beardstown, nearly all the reaches are more or less affected for long distances by the flooding of bottom lands at all stages of water considered, and in computing flood heights under various conditions of flow, the reasoning has been as close as possible from known results under known circumstances. In most cases values were substituted in the flow formula, values being used that were indicated by the nearest comparable known circumstance. In some cases where the computed flood differed slightly from an observed flood of known volume, it was only necessary to correct the slope for difference in stage, resulting velocities and mean depth, to ascertain approximately the profile for the changed condition. To sum up therefore, theory has been used in the computation of these flood profiles only as it might be useful to reason intelligently from the nearest similar known condition to the condition upon which information was desired. FLOW VALUES OBSERVED ON OTHER RIVERS. For comparative purposes we would show herewith, Table No. 38, which is compiled from a treatise by Ganguillet and Kutter. We show •» only the experimental flow values in instances where the depths and * velocities were somewhat comparable to those upon the Illinois. It will 110 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. be observed that data on other streams conforms fairly well to the tabu- lated observations on the Illinois. TABLE NO. 38— TABLE SHOWING "C" AND "N" VALUES ON VARIOUS RIVERS FROM TABLE BY GANGUILLET AND KUTTER. Ganguillet and Kutter. Hydraulic radius. Velocity — feet per second. "C" value. "N" value Weser 6.3 to 13.6 9.46 17.5 10.9 to 15.8 10.9 to 18.4 11. 2 to 17. 9 13.91 13.94 11 to 16 11 to 17 12 to 14 13 to 16 15.3 to 18.4 17.42 11 to 18 3. 5 to 5. 1 3.41 8.0 1. 9 — 2. 4 3. 7 to 4. 8 2.3 to 3.3 5.84 5.64 3. to 3. 5 3. to 5. 2. 2 to 2. 5 2. 7 to 3. 4. to 5. 2 2.05 3. to 6. 2 81 to 101 97.1 86.3 89 — ■ 98 92 — 108 86 — 93 78.9 79.8 89 — 98 81 — 99 87 tol02 116 to 130 84. 4 to 84. 5 127.3 90 to 107 . 020 to • 025 0228 Tiber Elbe 0275 Saone 027 030 Seine at Paris 023 026 Seine atMeulan 026 029 Rhine at Neuburg 0297 Rhine at Pforz 0294 Rhine at Delta . 022 . 029 Rhine at Delta . 024 . 030 Danube . 0247 . 0287 Bayou LaFourche . 0195 . 0225 Bayou Plaquemine . 0292 — . 0296 Great Nevka .0252 Missouri . 023 — . 0254 Average of all (excluding extremes) 93 .026 FUTITEE FLOOD HEIGHTS. With the aid of the data hereinbefore described, we have estimated the height to which the flood waters will probably rise in the improved river valley under several conditions as set forth on Fig. 33. Fig. 33 shows the water profiles from Grafton to Peoria. Three observed flood lines are shown, the full lines A, B and C, — "A" repre- senting the flood of 1904, "B" representing the' flood of 1913, and "C" representing the flood of 1844. The first and last floods passed through a practically virgin valley with no levee districts. The flood of 1913 passed through a valley almost completely leveed below Valley City. Fig. 33 further shows the computed profile of the 1904 flood, assuming this flood to be repeated under present conditions with levee districts now under construction completed, it being assumed that the flood enters the Mississippi Eiver at the same elevation as in 1904. It will be observed that in the lower eighty miles of river this water surface follows quite closely the actually observed flood in 1913. It is estimated that the maximum variation from the original 1904 flood would occur in the vicinity of Valley City, at which place the water would be about 4 feet higher than in 1904. This difference remains substantially the same up as far as Beardstown, above which place the difference gradually becomes less, and it is estimated that at Peoria the retarding effect of the leveed districts downstream has been very nearly lost. The line marked "G" is the computed water profile of a 1904 flood, assuming it to pass through the Illinois Eiver valley when all the levee districts now pro- jected are completed. It will be observed that this would cause the water to rise a little over 5 feet higher at Meredosia than it did in 1904; in fact, nearly 2 feet higher than any water has reached at this place. At Havana, curve "G" very nearly coincides with curve "D," but in the vicinity of Copperas Creek they again separate on account of the proposed levee districts in that vicinity. if; 33 am h m Diagram Showing Maximum Flood Profiles Observed o° Computed Illinois River ~ > — the Report of ALVORD & BuRDICK "S Chicago Legend !: mg&s.i'-ii&j, "^' m "' r " n *'* '"—■ fl ° ■■ ■ ■ . ■ ...„.. H Con-puiod profile, attmeaa F except the dish-ids ore oesumed to be complef j J20 HO KX) 90 80 70 60 50 40 Above Grafton cmiWUHG MAfl9AlO e3JTOR c i OOOJl MUM1XAM cotusmcO <** 03VR3eaO fovifl aionujl NOIOfluS j8 ohovjA opoolrlO 5^99ni(0fi3 0H3c)3j ^ >f»oibr<{ O ■ Kith- ,"iter*oo ^ebnu * .booR an o prtivDH bo -ioo rtoVhuitenco idbn; •N>8l "to ( 9 vel oHf +C(90X9 « booR ~i$m Htiw .erroitii <.» 2 1 > Is O u o2> 5> o s Li 20 O CO > ui -O j\ Q B I 3V. 150 MO 130 120 110 KM 90 I Miles Above Grafton 70 60 50 40 ' 30 20 10 pi 3HIWOH8 MAROAlQ uqm/ 2^j^2 FUTURE FLOOD HEIGHTS AND THE EFFECT OX LEVEES. Ill HIGH MISSISSIPPI LEVELS. It is pertinent to inquire what would happen should the flood of 1904 be repeated with the bottom lands leveed as at present, and with the Mississippi at the height prevailing during the flood of 1844. This condition is illustrated on Fig. 33 by line "E." It will be observed that the computed line "E" lies above the flood of 1844 for the reach of river between Pearl and Havana. The curve "E" intersects the curve "D" which was the same flood entering the Mississippi at the low level as in 1904 in the vicinity of Copperas Creek. This indicates that for large floods having about the flow rate of 1904, the effect of the Mississippi Eiver stage disappears below Peoria. For the purpose of illustrating a condition that may occur but probably rarely, we show on Fig. 33, the profile "F" which is the com- puted height to which the water would rise, assuming a flood about 35 per cent greater than the flood of 1904 should pass through the valley under present conditions, with levees under construction completed, and enter the Mississippi Eiver at the flood level of 1844. It has been elsewhere estimated that a flood of this delivery might reasonably be expected to occur about once in fifty years. It would be natural to expect that the Mississippi would be relatively high at the time of occurrence of such a flood. In assuming that this large flood is delivered to the Mississippi at the flood height of 1844, which is the greatest flood of record on the Mississippi Eiver in over one hundred years, we have probably fixed flood heights, especially in the lower river, that are not likely to be exceeded once in fifty years. It is quite con- ceivable that even a flood of greater volume might occur at any time. The probability of its occurrence on the apex of a record Mississippi flood is not very great. ABOVE PEOEIA. The computations have been carried upstream only so far as Peoria for the reason that the developments above this place, including those in prospect, are not sufficiently great to have an important effect upon the flood profiles. The developments are very largely in prospect and not well matured. It is therefore thought to be inadvisable to attempt to reason out the small variations in river levels that might be occasioned by the proposed districts. GAGE HEIGHTS AND LEVEE DISTRICTS. Fig. 34 shows the observed and computed water profiles hereinabove described, and also the profiles of the levee tops on the Illinois Eiver so far as we have been able to determine them. This figure is prepard for the purpose of showing the adequacy or inadequacy of the existing levees to protect the land against future floods. Upon this drawing we have used the standard levee profiles as indi- cated by the dotted lines on Fig. 23. These profiles have been used as representing the levee top that it is endeavored to maintain in each district, the levee actually existing varying more or less from time to time as it may be reduced in height by weathering or as it may be increased in height to provide additional protection. An examination 112 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. of Fig. 34 indicates that all the levees are of sufficient height to with- stand the flood heights of 1904 and 1913, -although at the time of occurrence at least one district was over-topped by the latter flood. The flood height of 1844 would inundate about half of the existing districts. The flood of 1904 might be repeated in the river valley as now improved without over-topping any of the levees. One district would however, be over-topped if the same flood occurred in the river valley with all the districts completed as now proposed. If the flood of 1904 should be repeated in the river valley as now existing and should enter the Mississippi at the height of the 1844 flood, about one-third of the levee districts would be over-topped — all of those districts lying below Meredosia. If a flood exceeding in amount the flood of 1904 by about 35 per cent, should be repeated in the present valley, and should enter the Mississippi at the flood height of 1844, then about two-thirds of the levee districts would probably be over-topped. A few districts near Valley City, Beardstown and Pekin would probably escape. It will be observed that the standard levee grades are what might be called only slightly deficient, the lowest lying not more than 3 feet below the maximum flood height on figure 34. PEOPEE LEVEE HEIGHTS. If these levees protected a great city where a failure of the levee would entail great loss of life, as at Dayton during the flood of 1913, and great damage to property, then there should be considered quite materially greater flow volumes than we have herein considered, and consequently, greater heights of water under the conditions of the leveed river valley present and future. Under such circumstances we would be warranted in considering contingencies more remote than have been considered herein. In the Illinois Eiver valley, levees protect farm land only. A failure is not likely to produce loss of life, for in flood, levees are very carefully watched, and if a levee is over-topped, the inhabitants are usually pre- pared to leave some time in advance of the event. The damage from flooding will be nominal except for the loss of a crop. The flooding of a district about once in fifty }^ears would not seem to involve sufficient damage to incur great expense to provide against flooding, but when the ability to readily sell the land is considered, it is probable that a liberal factor of safety in the height of the levees is justified. It will be readily seen that where at all possible, levees should extend sufficiently above the maximum water level to guard against the danger of over-topping through wave action and wash. PART VIII. DISCUSSION OF REMEDIES. The preceding chapters have shown that the agricultural levee dis- tricts have grown and encroached upon the river bottoms to such extent that they endanger themselves by restricting the flood water channel and increasing the flood heights to such amounts that many districts must be flooded when an unusual freshet- occurs. It has further been shown that the fish yield which rapidly increased up to 1908 has since that time rapidly declined, having been greatly aftected by the reduction in breeding and feeding grounds brought about through the construction of agricultural levee districts and the exclusion of the flood waters from these lands, on which flooded lands the fish breed and the early development of the young fish takes place. It remains to select the best remedy for these unfavorable conditions and tendencies, and in so doing, it will perhaps, be most useful briefly to point out the various remedies more or less applicable to the existing situation to show how each would affect the problem in hand, and if possible, to select from these remedies, the one best fitted to accomplish the maximum of good in the light of the circumstances as they exist at present and in the future so far as we are privileged to read the future. In the application of corrective measures, it will be kept in mind that the bottom land levee districts are producing at the present time agricultural products to the value of about three million dollars per annum, at the average prices of the past few years. There is good prospect that this yield will soon be increased to six or seven million dollars. The Illinois Eiver fishery in 1908 yielded $721,000 with fish at an average price of three cents per pound. At European wholesale prices, ten to fifteen cents per pound, this catch would have been w T orth from two and one-half to three and one-half million dollars. Nineteen hundred and eight was a banner fishing year. It would seem therefore, that from a financial standpoint, agricul- ture is the predominant interest, but that the fisheries have great future possibilities and should be given all possible consideration in the im- provement of the Illinois Eiver valley conditions. OUTLINE OF EEMEDIES. It is doubtful if anyone will seriouslv consider the abandonment of the investments in the valley and the reverting to conditions of nature which would be likely to correct the' present difficulties. For obvious reasons it is out of the question that we go back to the days of the buffalo and the Indian. Eeferring particularly to the flood situation, the remedies are of two classes, first, channel improvements, and second, storage. Channel improvements will include all means of providing a more adequate waterway for the passage of the floods. This may be accom- plished in a number of ways as follows : 113 — 8 R L 114 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. (a) Through increasing the height of the agricultural levees, thereby permitting the flood waters to occupy a greater cross-section without flooding the farm lands. (b) Through lowering the bed of the channel, perhaps through cooperation with one of the several plans for a deep waterway. (c) Through greater widths between levees where same are built on both sides of the stream or elsewhere by setting the levees back at greater distances from- the river. This is hardly a practicable remedy where the levees have been built. It is easily applicable, however, to future levee construction. Storage if properly applied, will be efficacious in reducing the rate of flow at critical periods in a flood, and hence it would have a tendency to reduce maximum flood heights. Storage may be beneficially applied to the Illinois Eiver in two ways : (a) Through storage in the Illinois Eiver bottoms, and (b) Through storage in the valleys of the tributaries. It will be useful to this problem to determine approximately how far each of these remedies might be effective, and as the effects of some of them are quite complex, it will be well to examine them carefully. Storage is, perhaps, the most difficult to apply, and as it has some attrac- tive possibilities, we will consider it first. FLOOD ABATEMENT BY STOEAGE. The reduction of floods through storage, although it has only lately claimed public attention in this country, is not a new remedy either at home or abroad. Europe furnishes us numerous examples of large reservoirs built for the storage of flood waters ; and particularly in France, in Spain and in Germany, the practice has been followed more or less for two hundred years. Within the last twenty years, a great number of these reservoirs have been built in Germany and in Austria. In the United States six very large reservoirs have been built for the control of the Upper Mississippi Eiver. This work was started in 1881, and completed in 1895. Perhaps the chief duty of these reservoirs is the improvement of low water conditions in the Upper Mississippi, but they have also a marked effect upon the flood heights above St. Paul. The Pittsburgh Flood Commission reporting under date of April, 1912, recommended storage reservoirs as a correction for the flood con- ditions of the Ohio Eiver at Pittsburgh. Eeservoirs were considered for the flood protection of Columbus, Ohio, and while channel improvements were selected as the most effective remedy, it was demonstrated that reservoir sites in the valleys of the rivers adjacent to Columbus aggregating about 125,000 acre-feet, would have been effective in reducing a 140,000 second-feet flood to about 78,000 second-feet, a reduction of 45 per cent. This was on the Lower Scioto Eiver having a drainage area of 1,570 square miles. Storage reservoirs have been adopted as the remedy for the con- ditions producing the Dayton disaster on the Miami Eiver. It is esti- mated that seven reservoirs having a capacity of 60,000,000,000 cubic feet, or 1,400,000 acre-feet, would have been effective in reducing the March, 1913, flood of 250,000 second-feet from a drainage area of 2,500 square miles by the amount of 75 per cent. DISCUSSION OF REMEDIES. 115 TENDENCY OF LEVEES TO INCREASE FLOW RATES. Elsewhere in this report it has been pointed ont that the storage in the capacious bottom lands of the Illinois River tends to reduce the maximum rate at which the water is delivered to the Mississippi, and also to a certain extent, to reduce the flow at all places on the Illinois River. Diagram Showing Effect of River Valley Storage on _ Flood Rate at Kampsville Dam To Accompany the Report of AlJVORD & BURD1CK Engineer©. Alndicaf«9 flood ro+e of W* flood. . B Indicates estimated flood rate with 9ame inflow or water but with valley storage reduced as at present. Indicates resulting rate? with same C Inflow but with the whole valley improved to the same extent that now prevail? between Kampsville and UaSrange. 5 10 15 20 25 5MH5 20 2) 9 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL KAY Month and Day - 1904 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 JUNE JULY FIGURE 35. 116 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. The construction of the agricultural levee districts has not only decreased the cross-section through which the flood waters might escape, but has also robbed the valley of a large part of its storage, thereby tending to increase the rate of run-off in the stream. Elsewhere in this report we have presented diagrams giving the area in the river valley that is overflowed at various heights of water. From these diagrams it is practicable to compute the volume of the storage in the river, valley when the same is flooded to any depth below the high water of 1844, the highest water of record. In order to determine approximately the effect of the levee opera- tions on the maximum flood flow rate, we have prepared Fig. 35 which is a hydrograph of the flow rates estimated to have existed at the Kamps- ville Dam during the flood of 1904. This liydrograph is based on the rating curve at Pearl a short distance above Kampsville, and although it is doubtless more or less in error, particularly in the latter part of the flood through the influence of the Mississippi Eiver, it is believed to represent the facts with sufficient accuracy to determine approximately the effect of the bottom lands' storage. Eef erring to Fig. 35 the line marked "A" is the hydrograph of flow of the 1904 flood. It will be observed that this flood reached a maximum of about 115,000 second-feet. Line "B" represents the estimated flow rates near the apex of the flood should the flood of 1904 be repeated, but with the valley storage reduced as at present, with the districts under construction completed. Under these conditions it is estimated that the run-off rate at Kamps- ville would be 121,000 second feet. Curve marked "C" is the estimated flow rate near the apex of the flood, assuming the inflow to the river valley to have been the same as in the flood of 1904, but with the whole valley improved to the same extent that now prevails between Kampsville and La Grange, that is, assuming that practically the entire river from Kampsville to La Salle is confined between levees. Under these circumstances, it is estimated that the inflow of the valley in 1904 would have resulted in a flood rate of 126,000 second feet at Kampsville. These modified flow hydrographs have been estimated upon the assumption that the rate of flow passing Kampsville is the summation of the inflow rates to the river valley plus or minus the gain or depletion in the river valley storage as produced by rising or falling stages. Inasmuch as crest rates were principally of significance, it was not thought necessary that the computation should cover the entire flood. In estimating the amount of water going into and coming out of the valley storage, the river was taken section by section. This was neces- sary inasmuch as at some times during the flood, the storage was building in certain parts of the river, and depleting at certain other places above Kampsville. The total storage in the levee districts as now completed, or in process of construction above Kampsville between low water plane of 1901 anol the high water plane of 1904, is estimated at 920,000 acre-feet. The total amount of storage above Kampsville within all levee dis- tricts, assuming that the river is leveed-in about to the same extent as Illinois River \ FLood Plain Below USuxe DISCUSSION OF REMEDIES. 117 T 1 7 T ' / TT _U_i L 1 J L ' • i ' Li -^A- I - \A / / !' 1 1 ■^A'TT-/- i- "T . . ; T ' I ^ n T ^ tt _l_^LL' _<_ _i_ L_ t- 1 J ' - J _._. ^T 4- L ^^ V _ "-£ .^ I f : -.--±x____± All ' I // 1 i * 1 1 i f1Tu~^ ~*~ "^ ~^ ---I--4- | -p - ■ .--... .. _ I J / ^^. nr ±± ^j: Peoria UJ . sT° tjt-^_j~ Lj\ Salle IOM ■ 1_ f A i O 06 LO 15 tO £6 ____._. __ ___, j_ ' ,' ^^ j . ^^r'".. -S 7 ^ - • , at 7 -!■"' w 2 ~ ^ -- r * -^-t- -j- Z& 4 — --&£$££-*'- — *- "^ i A V ^t* n „ v -:^:: : :~::::::: : :: i3Eit « * -ir^tlMUml.. -*- *■ iii S jih%* ** i i -? *"-. =-" Z ^ cZ±~* X A + ' ** i 15 / ** --*- " . i ./■% r«v -£** +' LAGRANGE 3M^ t* ** -7° *>■*■- - - LA f\AI » F" i A 7 iZ.t "~ r ~§f i y 1 p~ rlL 05 10 16 " 20 Zh ~X~ J* * r i> ^ -$ ^ ^ i> ' it it ■^_^a^ x it % T -- ^M-ljSig- _,. -i -= = '__ a :==::::::E::E:=:E^!S:': .aBBiS^-—*::^ — ,, — — ^.^fi ^^ : :::::::2S^::: ::^S^- 1R ^** - ■ »*£- .*2" ^="" .. ^ 3i£ --** KAMPSV1LLE C^M -rfr ^*" TO JS ^ LA SALLE m -£ ** it -t 10 2^ ±± >^ * it r -^ 5 1 _ : iEEix -H 1.0 1.5 «0 Storage in Million Acre Feet EXPLANATION A Storage in preset districts new completed or under construction 3 Storage in probable f/tune districts. C Total available storage in alt levee districts - present and future. Diagram Showing Storage in Levee Districts IN THE Illinois River Valley lb Accompany the Report of AlVORD & BURDlCK Engineer Chicago. FIGURE 37. 118 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. now prevails between Kampsville and LaGrange, is estimated at about 1,920,000 acre-feet. It is estimated, therefore, that robbing the valley of 920,000 acre- feet would increase the flood rate of 1904 by only about 5 per cent, and that the ultimate possible levee operations would tend to increase the flood rate only slightly more than 10 per cent. The reason for the small effect of such a large alteration in the river bottom storage doubtless lies in the fact that the storage is largely used up before the flood reaches its apex, and as the flood remains nearly stationary for several days at the apex, it is only a fraction of the upper foot of the valley storage that has an important effect on the maximum flow rates of the Illinois Eiver. Therefore, although the construction of levee districts on the bottom lands has a restrictive effect on the passage of floods, as has been previously pointed out, the construction of these districts has a minor effect only upon the flow rates in depriving the stream of its valley storage. As is pointed out later, this does not prevent the river storage artificially handled from producing an important effect upon the maxi- mum flow of the stream; thus, if the levee districts may have the water excluded from them until the flood begins to approach its apex and can then be utilized to the full capacity of the districts to reduce the flood apex, large effects may be produced. EFFECT OF APEX STOEAGE. In order that it may be determined what effects are practicable by storing a portion of the flow near the apex of great floods in certain of the levee districts built or hereafter to be built in the valley of the Illinois Eiver, the estimates which follow have been made. THE FUTUEE EIVEE VALLEY. Out of about 398,000 acres below La Salle lying below the water surface of the great flood of 1844, it will be recalled that a total of about 171,725 acres comprise lands now leveed or around which levees are now in process of construction, and about 49,250 acres comprise lands for the protection of which levees have been proposed or are in con- templation at this time. We estimate that there is an additional area of about 75,400 acres that will ultimately be leveed probably at no dis- tant time. This leaves about 100,000 acres which includes the river bed amounting to 28,490 acres at the low water plane of 1901, leaving slightly over 70,000 acres comprising the river banks outside of the levee systems, small areas where it is deemed probable no levees will be built on account of the narrow bottom lands, and particularly the rapidly rising 'bottoms where the river skirts the bluffs which bound the valley. Fig. 36 shows levee districts now built, the districts at present proposed, and the probable future districts. Fig. 37. shows diagrammatically the amount of acre-feet stored within the levee districts for various stages of water. Curves are shown for: "A" Storage in present levee districts. "B" Storage in future levee districts. "C" Total storage in all districts present and future. DISCUSSION OF REMEDIES. 119 The exhibit referred to shows the above facts for the valley above Peoria ; also for the valley above the La Grange dam and for the valley above the Kampsville dam. In each case La Salle is the upstream limit of the computed storage. In all cases the storage is expressed in acre-feet, an acre-foot being equivalent to one acre flooded to a depth of one foot. Diagram Showing Relation of Plow, Storage^ Gage Height^ At i£> Above Peoria || p To Accompany the Report of If |$ Alvord 3c Burdick c& ci Engineer* Chicago, COS Qfc mil M7 ea.7 not- _280 _£7.5 _270 _£&£ _£60 _?6.5 _£50 JM.5 _840 _£5.5 JZO _&?) J20 _ei.s _2io _£05 _eoo J95 _!<*> J7.0 r t y?m2_ t _ lUU-T" i - : 9«L r il - - 90 \ e*6_ UJ It, V % a. ^^ *7 fln -j %■ 250_ \j \s> 2£5_ 1U _^* ^ t V' | Q T ^o eeo_ it \ >^r, ^ |r ^a. D |— \ Nfc^ 2I.5h F- rs\ X K> £|.Q_4 ^ J^ eas^ 6 ^ 9 \^_ 20O_ U_ PA -Ato §L I9t5_ A3* l90_ §5 I8J6 •40 ^ lo *- I6jQ_ I7.Q. 20 ■»- i 0.5 10 it SYORAQE-MlLU l?70 Ltecd at exact time to > 20 85 *Q on Acre rEFrr produce maximum effect. FIGURE 38. 120 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. Stage of river is expressed in gage height at Beardstown. This place is selected as being perhaps more significant over the long stretch of river than any other single gage upon the stream. At the high water plane of 1904, the total storage inside of all levee districts present and probable future, is estimated as follows: In districts now constructed or in process of construction. . .920,000 acre-feet In districts now proposed. 425,000 acre-feet In future districts 575,000 acre-feet EFFECT OF STORAGE ON FLOW. From the rating curve at Peoria, and the daily gage heights during the flood of 1904, a hydrograph of flow during the rlood was constructed, and from this hydrograph there was computed the amount of storage that would have been required to reduce the flow rates near the apex of the flood to various lesser flow rates. Table No. 39 shows this com- putation, and it also shows a similar computation for a flood about 35 per cent greater than the flood of 1904, assuming the greater flood to have exceeded the 1904 flood by the same percentage on every day during the flood. TABLE NO. 39— STORAGE REQUIRED TO REDUCE FLOOD RATE ON ILLINOIS RIVER AT PEORIA. 1904 flood (80,000 second-feet.) Average flow rate prevailing for— Reduced flood rate for corre- sponding period— second-feet. Difference or second- feet to go into storage. Storage Time— days. Rate— second-feet. required— acre-feet. 7.5 75,700 70, 800 65, 100 60, 700 70, 000 60,000 50,000 40, 000 5,700 10, 800 15, 100 ' 20,700 85,000 283,000 600,000 1, 070, 000 14.0 20. 26.0 A greater flood (110,000 second-feet.) 6.0. 11.0. 16.0. 20.0. 24.5. 105,400 100,000 5,400 99, 800 90,000 9,800 95, 500 80, 000 15,500 91, 000 70, 000 21, 000 86, 000 60,000 26,000 64,000 214,000 480,000 840,000 1, 260, 000 Note.— Greater flood assumed to be about 35 per cent greater than the flood of 1904, upon each day of the flood. The effect of apex storage, as above computed, is shown diagram- matically upon Fig. 38. It is assumed that the storage would be utilized at the proper moment and in the exact proper amount to produce the maximum effect with the acre-feet in storage capacity available. At the right of the diagram will be found the gage heights cor- responding to the flows appearing on the left side of the diagram. Two scales of gage height are shown: the first corresponding to the virgin river, that is, as it existed prior to 1904; and second, our estimate of the gage heights that would usually prevail under the flows as shown at the left of the diagram in the river valley when all the bottom lands are reclaimed. DISCUSSION OF REMEDIES. 121 A comparison of these two gage height scales indicates that below IT feet on the gage, the construction of levee districts has small effect upon the stage of water. It is only at the stages which produce con- siderable bottom land flooding and induce substantial flows on the bottom lands that the effect of the levees begins to be felt. Diagram Showing Relation of Flow, Storage ^6aoe Height At -& Above La Orange To Accompany the Reporf of Alvord & Burdick Engineers Chicago. 1 ! 1 uo\ I 1 \ du~ \ l\ j \ tPH- \s \ tl UJ III h !■ D nr> - ! | O ! \i M | *■ in | L i O ^ "Z crt M ; > _) r OO V ^ h A * 4 \ i \ 1 > << £ ^< i O «r> > i li LL ~\~ "TCi- - £0- 6C. C 6, B I > 1. 5 £ % 3,0 S? SS £1.8 28-0 .27.5 _e7.o .26.5 .20.0 _25.5 _25.0 !Q0__«.5 21.5. ei.o. ea*_ I9&. 19Q. no. 1671 ,S^oRA0E-Miu_ipN Acre Ftej .240 J25.5 _e*.o jee.e _ge.o JEI.O iaoi?o.5 .20.0 •^.195 .190 .18.5 .180 J7.5 I6&JJ7.0 FIGURE 39. 122 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. The estimate of future gage height under a completely leveed river is based upon a computation of the gage height of a great flood (about 35 per cent greater than the flood of 1904) entering the Missis- sippi Eiver at the level of the flood of 1844. It has been assumed that the new rating curve will coincide with the old rating curve at a bank- full stage, and it is further assumed that the new rating curve would vary in approximately a uniform manner for stages between these extremes. In platting the rating curves for the unleveed river, it was observed that above the bank-full stage the flow increases more rapidly than the gage height on account of the water traveling by way of the wide bottoms. With a completely leveed river .it would be expected that the flows for the higher gage readings might be approximated by pro- jecting the gage curve for stages less than bank-full. It was observed that the curve computed in the manner above explained, corresponds fairly well to the rating curve thus projected. Fig. 39 illustrates the effect of the various amounts of storage above La Grange. This diagram has been computed in the manner previously explained for Peoria. PROPER LEVEE HEIGHTS WITHOUT STORAGE. Referring to Fig. 33 which is a resume of the maximum flood flow profiles computed and observed, the profile marked "H" is the estimated surface of a flood about 35 per cent greater than the flood of 1904 assumed to enter the Mississippi River at the datum elevation of the flood of 1844, and to traverse a river valley completely leveed between La Salle and Grafton. It has been previously concluded that this repre- sents a condition which might be expected to occur about once in fifty years upon the average. It would seem reasonable to increase the height of all levees where necessary, to pass a flood of this magnitude without danger to the levee system. In our opinion it would be good policy to build all levees up to a height equivalent to 3 feet above the estimated water plane "H," corresponding to the line "L" on Fig. 34. LEVEE HEIGHTS WITH APEX STORAGE. The levee districts now built are not provided with facilities for using them as flood storage reservoirs in emergencies, and many of them are so improved that flooding would be disastrous. It will be less diffi- cult to flood the districts to be constructed hereafter, for the bottom lands are less in width and it will be therefore, easier to farm them from dwellings built on ground above the high water plane. For purposes of estimate we would assume that all districts con- structed hereafter will be so built as to be usable for flood storage pur- poses, and will endeavor to ascertain the effect upon the maximum flood heights of the stream. Referring to Fig. 33 it will be observed that at Kampsville, very little can be accomplished in a great flood through the storage of flood waters, for the fall from Kampsville to Grafton is only about 2 feet under the conditions of 1844. If the whole flood were stored above Kampsville, the flood could therefore not be reduced more than 2 feet. It is probably impracticable to accomplish anything mate- rial by storage at this place. DISCUSSION OF REMEDIES. 123 At Beardstown much of the effect of the Mississippi River has disappeared. The Illinois Eiver predominates in the relation between flow and gage-height. Referring to Fig. 39 shoAving the relation be- tween flow and storage at La Grange immediately below Beardstown, and Fig. 37 showing the acre-feet in storage above the La Grange dam — it is indicated that in a great flood there would be about 850,000 acre- feet of storage above La Grange in future levee districts (Curve "B") which, if used to the best advantage, would reduce a flood of 143,000 second-feet to 108,000 second-feet. Without storage, the gage height would be about 28 feet, and with the storage stated, about 24.6 feet, a difference of about 3.4 feet at Beardstown. A similar comparison at Peoria based on Fig. 38 and the diagram of storage above Peoria- — Fig. 37 indicates that the available storage above Peoria would be instrumental in reducing the height of the great flood about 2% feet, if used at the proper time and the water diverted to storage at proper rates to produce the maximum effect. The line "K." Fig. 34 is drawn to roughly represent the top of the levees that would be considered reasonably safe if the storage in all future leveed districts could be utilized as apex storage for flood waters when needed. This curve coincides with curve "L" at Kampsville, departs uniformly from curve "L" to a maximum departure of 3.4 feet at Beardstown, and gradually approaches curve "If* to a departure of 2.5 feet at Peoria, retaining the same relation above Peoria. An approxi- mate estimate, therefore, indicates that the storage stated would have the effect of reducing the practicable levee heights in amount, varying from nothing at Kampsville to 3.4 feet at Beardstown, and 2.5 feet -at Peoria, With this information in hand, it would be practicable to estimate the future expenditures that will be required to build the future levee dis- tricts up to these profiles, and also to increase the height of the existing districts so as to make them safe from overflow on the two assumptions above. BASIS OF COMPARISON. Two procedures confront us : "First — To build the levees to such, height that future floods may be safely passed under the conditions when all the bottom lands are re- claimed, all districts being used for agriculture and kept dry by pumping, and "Second — The construction of the levees only to such height as will be sufficient to pass the floods when using future levee districts to store flood water in a great flood." It will be sufficient for our present purpose in making a financial comparison of these projects, to consider only the total moneys that must be hereafter expended without regard to who furnishes the money; to estimate the total revenues that may be produced by these bottoms — land and water— and to estimate comparative annual expenditures; all with- out regard to where the money comes from or who is benefited by the works built. A comparison upon the above basis is enlightening for the reason that the State is interested in seeing improvements accomplished that will produce the maximum of good — in this case, the maximum of food for a given expenditure, and a comparative annual operating cost. 124 REPORT OST ILLINOIS RIVER. NEW EXPENDITURES WITH HIGH LEVEES AND NO STORAGE. If the levees, present and future, are built up to the profile "L," (Eig. 34) we estimate that the following expenditures will be involved: Embankments to increase existing levees at 13c per cubic yard $2,240,000 Stripping old levees at $1,500 per mile 292,000 $2,532,000 Levees immediately proposed at 12c per cubic yard $1,750,000 Interior improvements including pumping plants and tile drainage at $7.50 per acre 369,500 2,119,500 Distant future levees at 12c per cubic yard $2,937,000 Interior improvements, pumping plants and tile drainage at $7.50 per acre 565,800 3,502,800 Total $8,154,300 If future levee districts are utilized for storage so that all levees may be constructed with tops corresponding to profile "K," Fig. 34, and assuming that future levee districts will be used for flood storage and fish culture only, pumping plants and tile drainage being omitted, but the levees being equipped with flood gates by which flood water can be discharged into each district at a rate of about 5,000 cubic feet per second, the estimated cost would be as follows : Old levees raised at 13c per cubic yard $1,300,000 Stripping at $1,500 per mile 292,000 $1,592,000 Levees now proposed at 12c per cubic yard $1,291,000 Flood gates 100,000 1,391,000 Distant future levees at 12c per cubic yard $2,256,000 Flood gates 150,000 2,406,000 Total $5,389,000 COMPAEATIVE INCOME AND EXPENSE. For purposes of comparison, we will assume that the operating cost of the agricultural levee districts is substantially the same as would be the cost of levee districts for the storage of flood waters and fish, culture. We would further assume that 90 per cent of the land enclosed in agri- cultural levee districts produces $27.00 per acre per annum, which is the estimated acre yield of the past few years. We would further assume that if the river is completely leveed, and the bottoms used for agriculture, the commercial fishery of the Illinois River will have disappeared. This assumption will, be favorable to storage. We would further assume that the total yield of fish from the Illinois River will be one hundred pounds of fish per annum per acre of water surface prevailing for about half the year. This seems to have been approximately the yield prevailing in the past. (See Fig. 26.) At three cents per pound, the present American price, this would be $3.00 per acre of total water surface. At fifteen cents per pound, a price often received in Europe at the present time, this would amount to $15.00 per DISCUSSION OF REMEDIES. 125 acre. These yields per acre cannot be compared with the yield per acre for agricultural purposes ; for the fish yield as thus computed, applies to the river surface as well as the land that may be flooded, whereas the acre yield from agriculture applies only to land. For purposes of general comparison, we have prepared Table No. 40 which summarizes the additional investments hereinbefore estimated, and estimates the return from agriculture and fisheries. The return from fishes has been estimated upon the assumption that the flood storage districts will retain water during the major part of the spring and summer season, as may be most desirable to promote the fishery, the reservoirs being emptied in the late fall or winter in order that they may be available for flood storage in the following spring. The acreage for computing total yield is based upon the total area of the leveed district. TABLE NO. 40— COMPARATIVE COSTS AND BENEFITS OF FLOOD PROTECTION. TWO PLANS FOR High levees as per profile Lower levees as per profile "K». No storage. Storage. Net investment. $8, 254, 300 $5, 389, 000 Annual Benefits, Past Prices— From agriculture 1 $7, 200, 000 $4, 150, 000 From fisheries a 567, 000 Less interest on new investment at 6 per cent $7, 200, 000 490, 000 $4, 717, 000 323, 000 Net comparative benefit $6, 700, 000 $4, 394, 000 Annual Benefits at German Prices for Fish— From agriculture $7, 200, 000 $4, 150, 000 2, 830, 000 From fisheries 3 , Less interest on new investment at 6 per cent $7, 200, 000 • 490, 000 $6, 657, 000 323,000 Net comparative benefit $6, 710, 000 $6,334,000 1 Return from agriculture at $27 per acre on 90 per cent of land in districts. 2 At 3 cents per pound. 3 At 15 cents per pound. It has been assumed that all expenses incident to the administration of agricultural levee districts and the flood storage districts will be the same, the only difference in the outgo being differences in the rental values of the moneys that would be necessarily invested. An allow- ance has been made for interest on the investment at 6 per cent. Comparisons have been made upon two bases, namely, with fish at the present price of three cents per pound, and with fish at prices which may be reached in the future, it being assumed that the future may produce prices equivalent to the present German prices — about 15 cents per pound. An examination of Table No. 40 would appear to indicate that with fish at the present price, the use of all the bottom lands for agriculture will return to the community over two million dollars more per year than could be secured by constructing lower levees and using them for 126 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. fish culture and flood storage, the existing levees being used for agri- culture as at present. If, however, the comparison should be made upon the basis of German fish prices, the comparative returns would be much more nearly equal. The estimate, however, still indicates that a 3 r early return of nearly $400,000 more could be secured by bottom land agriculture.* (Eegardless as to whether the beds of lakes in the Illinois valley are of most value for agricultural purposes for private individuals or for flood storage and fish breeding for the public at large, the fact remains that these public waters and submerged lands cannot be seized by private parties for agricultural purposes and, consequently, the foregoing economic analyses must be modified so as to exclude such public sub- merged lands. Rivers and Lakes Commission of Illinois.) OTHEE CONSIDEEATIONS. It is true that if the flood waters are excluded from the bottom lands, the farmers must ultimately resort to fertilizers to take the place of the benefit arising from the natural flood. Experience upon the uplands of Illinois, land that was very rich when first broken, indicates that within fifty or sixty years serious deterioration will have taken place. It is estimated that an annual flood would be worth about one dollar per acre per year over a long period of years, to keep the bottom land up to standard indefinitely. It is believed that this sum is not suffi- ciently large to make it an object to flood the bottom lands for the purpose of enriching them, even if done only in occasional years. It is believed that the damage to structures other than land would make this practice undesirable. It would be possible to equip all levee districts with pumping plants, agricultural drainage, as well as flood gates, using a part of the districts each year to store flood waters and promote fishing. They will be necessary for flood storage only in exceptional years, but if they are to promote the fisheries, there must be a large acreage flooded each year. No gain can come from this procedure except to benefit the land for agricultural purposes or to enrich the waters for the propagation of fish. It is believed that the gain from this procedure would not be sufficient to overcome the damages involved in flooding the farm lands, for the benefit to the farm lands would probably not exceed one dollar per acre per annum, and it is questionable how much the alternate farming and fishing would benefit the yield of fish. It seems probable that a large amount of vegetation might be grown in the flood storage reservoirs in the latter part of the summer and early fall — perhaps sufficient to answer all the purposes of enriching the fish waters. EFFECT OF WATEEWAY PEOJECTS. In order to determine approximately the effect upon flood water heights that might be occasioned by various projects heretofore proposed for improvement of navigation, we have given some consideration to three projects that have received considerable attention, namely, the Fourteen Foot Waterway, carefully investigated by the IT. S. Board of DISCUSSION OF REMEDIES. 127 Engineers, The Deep Waterway, as proposed by the Illinois Internal Improvement Commission, and the more recent Eight Foot Waterway Link connecting the drainage canal with the Illinois Eiver at the head •of navigation. Xone of these projects will so affect the flood water cross-sections as to be of material aid, or to prevent the wisdom of increasing the height ■of the agricultural levees. The eight foot project requires only a small amount of dredging in the lower river, and will not affect the flood water conditions except the small effect produced by the removal of the dams which is understood to be a part of the project. This effect is very small — probably not more than two or three inches during extreme flood. It is roughly estimated that the fourteen foot waterway project will affect extreme flood heights in amounts varying in different parts of the river, but not exceeding three inches. This does not consider the affect of the removal of the dams which would add slightly to the benefit. The project of the Internal Improvement Commission, although in the published bulletin it is not definitely stated as regards the lower river, would appear to have the effect of reducing flood stages a little more than a foot at Peoria and Beardstown. The data at hand will not permit of more accurate computations than these. INCKEASED WIDTH BETWEEN LEVEES. There are certain places upon the river where the bottom lands on both sides of the river are enclosed within levees, although for the most part, the river skirts the bluff, leaving bottom lands only on one side. The expenditures in the levees already built are too large to warrant serious consideration of moving the levees to positions further back from the river, thereby increasing the flood water cross-section. To do this would involve great expense for new levees, and would also generally require higher levees, for existing levees have generally been constructed upon the highest ground which is near the river bank, the ground sloping off inland. In building future levees, however, careful consideration should be given to the location of the levees and the treatment of the flood plain between the levee faces with the object of maintaining a waterway adequate for the passage of great floods. Under date of September 16, 1910, Mr. J. W. Woermann, C.E., who was assistant engineer in charge of the surveys in the report of the U. S. Engineer Board on a Fourteen Foot Waterway, reported to land- owners relative to certain levee districts on opposite sides of the river located a short distance below Pekin. In reply to the question as to how much space it is necessary to leave between two levee districts in question, Mr. Woermann among other things stated : "The actual discharge of the Illinois River in this reach during the flood of 1904, according to the discharge measurements taken under my direction, was about 95,000 cubic feet per second. In other words, at Sturgeon Island it appears that approximately 17,000 cubic feet per second passed through the timber or beyond the tops of the banks. For a similar flood this is the amount that should be provided for outside of the channel proper. As the average velocity outside of the channel would probably not exceed 5.0 feet 128 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. per second, this would require a supplemental cross-section of 3,400 square feet, and as the depth of the water on top of the hanks was about 10 feet at this point, this would mean a supplemental width of 340 feet, provided this width was clear. This is the greatest additional width that is required in any part of this reach. At this particular point, most of this additional width can be secured by clearing Sturgeon Island. In other words, the cleared width at this point should be not less than 940 feet. The next, most restricted section is below the head of Scott's Lake, marked Station 756 on the government map; during the flood of 1904, the discharging capacity of the river proper was about 87,600 cubic feet per second, leaving about 8,000 cubic feet per second to be carried outside of the banks. For a velocity of 5.0 feet per second, this would require a supple- mental area of 1,600 square feet. As the depth over the banks was about 8 feet at this point, the supplemental width beyond the banks should amount to not less than 200 feet. In other words, the cleared width at this point should be not less than 820 feet. To allow for a factor of safety and for the uncertainty connected with the application of any formula to a large river, I would recommend that 800 feet be taken as the minimum width to be kept clear. At Coon Hollow Island and the other islands below it, the clearing of the islands will give sufficient width. This is an important matter and must not be neglected. If the islands and banks are allowed to become thickly covered with timber and brush, their discharging capacity may be reduced to almost nothing and the flood line may be raised as much as three or four feet. The cost of the clearing should be borne equally by the two districts. In regard to the location of levees, it is my opinion that the Spring Lake district on the whole has been quite liberal. At Coon Hollow Island the center line of their levee is only about 210 feet from the low water shore line of 1901, but in the other sections this distance is considerably larger,, and in some places much greater than necessary, as shown in the accom- panying table. In locating your levee I would recommend that the center line be placed about 250 feet from the low water line of 1901, passing between the river and the several adjoining lakes, viz., Stillman Lake No. 1, Scott's Lake, Murray Lake and Kelcey Lake, making the minimum distance between center lines of levees about 1,200 feet. A fringe of timber and brush 100 feet wide is sufficient protection from wave-wash and ice. In your supplemental letter of September 13 you state that the Spring Lake levee is 4 feet above high water mark. This is not definite as you da not state which high water. According to the information furnished me by their attorney, the top of their levee was 5 feet above the high water of 1902,. or 3 feet above the high water of 1904, or 1.0 to 1.5 feet below the high water of 1844. I would recommend that you build your levee at least 1 foot above- the high water of 1844. The combination of circumstances which produced that flood may recur at any time. Furthermore, it gives your district a, valuable asset to have its levee a little higher than the one on the opposite side. If, as the result of an ice gorge or failure to keep down the timber and brush, the river should rise to an unexpected height, the overtopping of the levee on the opposite side would probably save your own." In our opinion no levees should be permitted at a less distance apart, center to center, than the 1,200 feet recommended by Mr. Woer- mann. It is probable that in most places widths of 2,000 feet can rea- sonably be secured without sacrifice, all costs considered. This recom- mendation will apply as far south as the mouth of the Sangamon, with proper allowances for the increased drainage coming in below Pekin. This increased drainage is comparatively small. Below the Sangamon, the land is nearly all leveed, and there will be comparatively little* occasion to pass upon this question. It is probable that the same allowance should be made between Peoria and La Salle, for although the drainage becomes smaller at the north, the floods at La Salle are nearly as great as those at Peoria. DISCUSSION OF REMEDIES. 129 Where the floods must pass between two lines of levees, we would emphasize the matter spoken of by Mr. Woermann, namely, the necessity for so removing underbrush and trees that the full effect of the cross- section is secured after providing a minimum of brush for protection of the banks against wave wash. It is a question as to how such bottoms shall be kept cleared on account of the rapid growth of underbrush. No donbt much can be accomplished by clearing and pasturing. It is a problem that must be faced where the river is completely enclosed, for it will be impracticable to build the levees high enough to force the water through great lengths of bottoms covered thickly with brush. STORAGE IN THE TRIBUTARIES. It has been impossible to make a determinative study showing the effect of storing flood waters in the valleys of the tributaries, for the purpose of reducing the flood rates upon the Illinois River. The means at our disposal do not permit of original surveys, and there is no data available from which the practicabilities of the matter may be definitely determined. Reservoirs upon the lower ends of the tributaries if properly dis- tributed, will have substantially the same effect as equal volumes in the valley of the Illinois. If reservoir sites on the tributaries could be secured of such character that the average depth of the stored water materially exceeds the average depths in the valley of the Illinois, then possibly there might be some advantage in utilizing such tributary storage. There would necessarily be sufficient advantage in reducing the area flooded to more than pay the cost of the dams necessary to create such reservoirs. Although it is possible that investigation might show some favorable reservoir sites, it must be remembered that at equal depths equal areas will be overflowed either on Illinois bottom lands or the bottom lands of the tributaries, and unless it can be shown that a much greater average depth can be secured on the tributaries, or land flooded having much less value, and both of the propositions seem doubtful, there would seem to be no net gain to the State to protect certain bottom lands of the Illinois at the expense of flooded bottom lands elsewhere. FLOOD PROTECTION" CONCLUSION. In the light of the figures upon the preceding pages, there would seem to us no doubt that the bottom lands will be most economically protected against flood by increasing the heights of the levees sub- stantially to the profile marked "L" on Figure 34. It is our conclusion, in the light of all the data which we could find, that it is impracticable to effectively use bottom land storage reservoirs for the mitigation of floods, for the reason that more effective results can be secured at less cost through increasing the heights of levees. This takes into account all possible gain that might accrue to the fisheries through handling the bottom land reservoirs in such manner that they will assist in fish propagation. — 9 R L 130 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. BEST USE OF REMAINING LAKES AND LANDS. The original bottom land lakes aggregated 49,340 acres at low water. Levee operations have up to the present time reduced this lake area to about 31,600 acres. There are about 22 meandered lakes, and Suggestion for Compromise Levees NEAR Navigable Lakes To Accompany 4-he, Reporf c^ Alvord 8c Burdick Engineer* ^ LCVEC = 3 *0D .fit... Indicorfes required Levee * suggested compromise. FIGURE 40. DISCUSSION OF REMEDIES. 131 possibly more, to which the State claims title. Table 41 is a list of the meandered lakes claimed by the Eivers and Lakes Commission to be public waters. It is stated that this list is not complete. We have added opposite the name of each lake its area by planimeter measurements from the U. S. Engineer's Survey Map. Excluding Peoria Lake, which we have included in the area of the river as elsewhere tabulated herein, these lakes aggregate 7,002 acres, or a little less than one-quarter of the lakes remaining unleveed. TABLE NO. 41— PARTIAL LIST OF LAKES ADJACENT TO ILLINOIS RIVER TO WHICH THE STATE CLAIMS TITLE. Area in County. acres. Slough four miles above , Liverpool.- Mason Clear Lake \ Masnn si n Mud Lake/ Mason 810 Spring Lake Tazewell 1,390 Saiwell Tazewell 42 Pekin Lake . Tazewell 244 Gar Lake (near Sparland). Tazewell 59 Huse Slough near Peru ... La Salle 59 Pond opposite Peru La Salle 21 Thompson Lake Fulton 1, 723 Total 7, 002 County. Slough near Otter Creek Jersey Macoupin Slough Greene Slough near Van Geson Is- land Greene Slough near Valley City Pike Area in acres. 450 24 17 30 Meredosia Lake Scott-Cass. . . . 1, 182 Hickory Slough (near mouth of Sangamon R.). Mason , Lake Depue Bureau Matanzas Bay Mason Dog Fish Lake \ Mason. Quiver Lake. . / Liverpool Lake Mason 25 .*. """346 290 290 INCLOSURE OF MEANDERED LAKES. It has been the practice, in the construction of the levee districts, to build the levees close to the river, thus cutting off the inland lakes from the stream. In certain places the title to the land surrounding the lakes may be held by private individuals who desire to dyke the same, and if the State can establish its title to the lake bed, the dyking of lands adjacent to the large lakes will be very expensive, if completely dyked, the dykes being very long, and occupying the low ground. Fur- thermore, the lakes thus enclosed will be of little value for the propaga- tion of fish, if the levees are built close to the shore, for the high water levels in the spring and the higher water levels prevailing throughout the season hereafter through the increased drainage canal flows will rise upon the sides of the levees, thus destroying all the shallow water which is so advantageous to the breeding and rearing of fish. The suggestion has been made in circumstances such as these, to compromise with the land owners by trading a portion of the lake bed for a portion of the privately held land, and to build the levees sub- stantially as shown by line B, Figure 40; thus accomplishing for the land owner a levee of reduced cost, with reduced, cost of maintenance, and accomplishing for the public a lake most practicable for the breeding and taking of fish. It would seem that this suggestion is worthy of very serious consideration in cases where applicable. In the storage computations which we have previously made, we have assumed that ultimately practically all the bottom land will be under levee. This may require a long time for accomplishment, and it is quite possible that there are some areas lying so low, or so cut up by tributary streams, as to be uneconomical of reclamation. It will be further noted that certain tracts are so separated by meandered lakes as to make the long line of levees required so expensive that the economy of reclamation may be doubtful. The time at our 132 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. disposal has obviously not permitted an examination of the practicability of dyking these individual tracts. It is strongly recommended that, so far as possible, these unused lands and lakes be used for the betterment of the aquatic life of the river. As to how they can best be used will probably be a subject of further study by the Department of Natural History. CLEAN BANKS. Competent observers state that under present conditions a great amount of the fish spawn is being destroyed through the growth of fungi, occasioned by decaying land vegetation, such as trees and brush that have been permanently inundated and killed through the increased water stages since 1910. We have heretofore pointed out the great desirability of clearing the bottoms, except for a narrow wave break in those sections of the river where both sides of the stream are leveed, in order that a clear waterway for the flood may be provided. The keeping of these lands cleared will not only serve to provide a practicable channel for flood waters but will best serve the needs of the fishes. With the levees placed well back from the river banks, as recommended in districts to be built hereafter, the grounds between the levees and the river bank, properly cleared, will be of great benefit to the aquatic life of the stream. GAME FISHING AND HUNTING. The waters of the Illinois Eiver have been the rendezvous of the sportsman — both the hunter and the fisherman — for many years. It is too much to expect that the entire river bottoms will be retained in the original state of nature in order to furnish recreation grounds for those capable of benefiting by them. In general, the fate of these bottoms will doubtless be ultimately decided by financial considerations, which, as we have shown, point towards agriculture as the most profitable use of the bottoms, commercially. It is hoped that future studies in intensive fish culture may find a way to keep the stream stocked, through a better utilization hereafter of the breeding and feeding grounds that remain. Large expenditures are being made by cities, and the U. S. Govern- ment is not only setting aside unused lands wherever possible for play- grounds for the people, but is spending considerable sums annually for their maintenance. It is not beyond reason that the State of Illinois should obtain such bottom lands by purchase as may be necessary to aug- ment the most favorable meandered lake holdings, for the double purpose of studying, and, if possible, increasing the aquatic life of the stream, and furnishing state parks or preserves, in which, under proper re- strictions, hunting and game fishing may be pursued, and which will serve as nurseries for augmenting the commercial fishery of the stream generally. COOPEEATION WITH THE SANITAEY DISTEICT. It is generally known that damage suits, aggregating large sums, have been filed against the Sanitary District of Chicago for damage to Illinois bottom lands through the increased water delivered to the river DISCUSSION OF REMEDIES. 133 by the Chicago Drainage Canal. The suggestion has been made for the State and the Sanitary District to combine in the purchase of the lands damaged, or certain of them as might be most useful to the State for the purposes heretofore mentioned. FIGURE 41. River Banks at Recent Moderate Water Stages, Showing Land Vegetation. the Dead and Decayed The following figures are taken from the report of Mr. Lyman E. Cooley, C. E., entitled "The Illinois Elver. Physical Eelations and the removal of the Navigation Dams," August, 1914. Mr. Cooley places the expenditures of the Sanitary District to date on the Illinois and Des Plaines Eivers in payment of land damages, the expenditures of the Engi- neering Department in preparation for defense of suits, and the expendi- tures of the legal department, at between $500,000 and $600,000 up to December 31, 1912. TABLE NO. 42— CLAIMS AGAINST SANITARY DISTRICT ON ACCOUNT OF DAMAGES FROM OVERFLOW ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1912. Permanent damage. Temporary damage. Total. Claims. Amount. Claims. Amount. Claims. Amount. Utica to Havana 122 2 5 $2,474,400 33,330 469, 000 46 108 1 $ 434,900 1,118,350 10, 000 168 110 6 $2, 909, 300 Havana to La Grange 1,151,610 La Grange to Mouth 479, 000 Totals 129 $2, 976, 730 155 $1, 563, 250 284 U, 539, 980 The total claims pending against the district for damage on account of overflowed land up to December 31, 1912, upon the Illinois Eiver below Utica, amount to a total of $4,539,980. The principal details of these claims are shown upon Table 42, herewith. 134 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. The total of the land and lakes in the Illinois Eiver bottoms outside of the districts at present leveed, amounts to 219,760 acres below the flood plane of 1844, and 195,000 acres below the flood plane of 1904. The total damage claims as stated are equivalent to $20.20 per acre below the 1844 flood plane and $22.80 per acre below the flood plane of 1904. If we exclude the lake beds outside the levee districts, amounting to 31,600 acres, the total of the damage claims per acre would be $24.00 and $27.80 per acre for the land below the flood planes of 1844 and 1904, respectively, or if we exclude from the acreage of land those acres for the protection of which levee districts are now projected, the land acreage will be reduced by an additional amount of 49,250 acres, and the total of the damage claims per acre, respectively, below the 1844 flood plane and the flood plane of 1904, would be $32.75 and $39.70 per acre of land. The report above referred to further states : "The additional claims preferred but not yet entered of suit will, raise the total to about eight million dollars." Eight million dollars in damages will serve to nearly double the figures above mentioned. With regard to the value of the bottom lands, as has been previously stated in this report, those lands leveed along the Illinois Eiver are held at from $100 to $150 per acre. The unreclaimed low bottoms are of uncertain value. It is said that much of this land is held at about $15 per acre. Within 25 years past it is probable that all the land in the bottoms could have been purchased at from $5 to $10 per acre. In the light of all these figures, it would seem that lands of con- siderable value to the public might be secured by the State through cooperation with the Sanitary District, thus relieving the District from at least a part of the heavy damage claims against it, and securing to the public permanent and undisputed possession of land well adapted to assist in the maintenance of the aquatic life of the river and at the same time to form state parks or state preserves that would accrue to the benefit of the public generally. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. This investigation, particularly so far as it relates to natural history, would have been impossible except for the services of Prof. Stephen A. Forbes of the State Laboratory of Natural History, who from the begin- ning of the investigation has advised us on all matters pertaining to his department. We are further indebted to Mr. L. Iv. Sherman, C. E., Engineer Member of the Eivers and Lakes Commission, for valuable criticism and data; to Mr. E. E. Eichardson, in charge of the Biological station at Havana, for much valuable information regarding the fisheries ; to Prof. J. G. Mosier, of the Department of Agriculture, State University, who accompanied us upon our inspection trip and from whom we learned much relating to the agriculture of the bottom lands. We are further indebted to the members of the Eivers and Lakes Commission and the Fish and Game Commission, who also accompanied us upon our first inspection trip. DISCUSSION OE REMEDIES. 135 The investigations relating to agriculture and the agricultural levee districts were conducted by Prof. Leslie A. Waterbury, under our general direction and we are indebted to our assistant, Mr. E. T. Reilly, for much painstaking work in the intricate hydraulic calculations relating to the flood waterways. Respectfully submitted, John" W. Alvoed. Chas. B. Burdick. Engineers. Chicago, Illinois, July 24, 1915. APPENDIX I. Chicago, May 5, 1915. Hon. Edward F. Dunne, Governor of Illinois, Springfield, III. Dear Sir: The undersigned, the^Kivers and Lakes Commission of the State of Illinois, respectfully submits the following as their findings as to the public character of Thompson Lake, a public body of water located in Fulton County, Illinois, and their recommendations in relation to the same. Section 13 of the law creating the commission and describing its powers and duties is as follows : It shall be the duty of said commission to make a careful investigation of each and every body of water, both river and lake, in the State of Illinois, and to ascertain to what extent, if at all, the same have been encroached upon by private interests or individuals, and wherever they believe that the same have been so encroached upon, to commence appropriate action either to recover full compensation for such wrongful encroachment, or to recover the use of the same, or of any lands improperly or unlawfully made in con- nection with any public river or lake for the use of the people of the State of Illinois. The right and authority hereby given and created shall not be held to be exclusive or to take from the Attorney General, or any other law officer of the State of Illinois, the right to commence suit or action. The commission adopted the following resolution: Whereas, Thompson Lake, situate in the townships of Waterford and Liverpool in the county of Pulton in the State of Illinois, is a body of water about six mires in length and from three-quarters of a mile to a mile and a half in width, and one of the largest permanent bodies of water in the State of Illinois, exclusive of Lake Michigan, and connected with the Illinois River by an inlet or outlet so-called; and, Whereas, Said lake is claimed to be a navigable body of water and the best fish propagating and fish producing body of water in the State, as well as a suitable, desirable and popular place of resort for navigation, fishing, hunting and the like, and for recreation for the people of the State of Illinois, by reason whereof the said lake is of great value to the people of the State and a body of water in which the people of the State claim an interest; and Whereas, It is claimed by the people of the State that the title to the bed of said lake is in the State of Illinois in trust for all the people of the State ; and Whereas, The ownership and title to the bed of said lake is claimed by certain individuals, nearly all of whom are nonresidents of the State of Illinois, and said individuals are assuming to be entitled to the possession and enjoyment of said lake and its facilities for navigation, fishing, hunting and the like, and for recreation to the exclusion of the people and public of said State; and Whereas, It is the duty of the Rivers and Lakes Commission of the State of Illinois to protect the people of the State in their use and enjoy- ment of all of the public waters of the State and to see to it that the same are not encroached upon nor appropriated by private interests or individuals; and Whereas, Said commission is by law vested with the power and juris- diction to investigate conflicting claims with reference to the waters of the 136 APPENDIX I. 137 State and to determine, by public hearings, with reference to any of the bodies of water in the State whether, under all the facts and circumstances and the law, they are of such a character as to constitute the same public waters of the State in which all the people have an interest and to make, enter and promulgate such orders in accordance with their findings of facts as a result of such hearings; now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Rivers and Lakes Commission of the State of Illinois, pursuant to statute in such case made and provided, investigate the question as to the public character of said Thompson Lake, and that to that end a public hearing be held by said commission in the city hall in the city of Havana in the county of Mason in the State of Illinois, commencing on the 10th day of March, A. D. 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and continuing from day to day or from time to time, according to the orders of this commission, as the exigencies of the case may require, and that said commission will receive and consider evidence of all facts, history, circum- stances and matters bearing upon the question as to the public character of said Thompson Lake and the title of the State to the bed thereof and the interest of the people of the State of Illinois therein, and will at the close of said hearing make such findings and enter such order as the evidence submitted and received on said hearing and the matters and things within the knowledge of said commission shall require; be it further Resolved, That a notice of the time and place of the commencement of said hearing and the nature of the same be published for three consecutive weeks in some newspaper of general circulation published in the vicinity of said Thompson Lake, and, further, that a written notice of the time and place of the commencement of said hearing be served personally upon each of the persons who claim, either by himself or together with others asso- ciated with him, to have title to and ownership in the lands underlying the waters of said Thompson Lake, or any part thereof. Hearings were held by the commission from time to time at Chicago and Havana, Illinois, where witnesses were heard and documentary evi- dence considered. The commission * reports and certifies the following: Thompson Lake is the greatest, if not the most valuable, body of water within the State of Illinois. It is said to be the best spawning ground for the feeding and advancement of fish life that there is in the State. It pro- duces millions of pounds of fish annually, and sustains a large portion of our population, especially the people residing in the cities of Pekin, Havana, and Peoria engaged in the fish business. It is steadily enhancing in value to the advantage of these people as well as to the State as the provider of a great and prosperous industry. Thompson Lake was surveyed by the U. S. Government partially in 1817, partially in 1827, and finally in 1842. It extends in a southerly and northerly direction about six miles, being connected with the Illinois River by an inlet about two miles south of Liverpool, Illinois, known as the Thomp- son Lake slough, and an outlet at the south end of said lake almost opposite the city of Havana in the State of Illinois known as the "cut road." From the survey and field notes introduced in evidence, and the testimony of expert witnesses, as well as the exhibits, it appears that the lines established in these surveys constituted what is known as meander lines and positive boundary lines of Thompson Lake. It appears from the testimony that as far back as the memory of one of the oldest living men in the vicinity of Thompson Lake, or Fulton and Mason counties, that it was used for com- mercial navigation for many years. Products and freight, such as grain, horses, cattle, wood, coal and building material, were shipped from the west side of the lake to one of the inlets of the river and thence to Chicago, Peoria, Pekin and Havana; also to St. Louis, Missouri. Harry S. New, Alexander C. Ayres et al., residents of the state of Indiana, claim to be owners of the bed of Thompson Lake and in order to quiet their title filed a bill in equity in the Circuit Court of Fulton County against one William Shafer and others. The complainants endeavored to make the State of Illinois a defendant in this proceeding, but the decree entered by the court in Fulton County (a copy of which is in the possession of the Attorney General) made no finding as to the rights of the people of 138 REPORT ON ILLINOIS RIVER. the State of Illinois in said lake, but did expressly exempt the State of Illinois. The court also made a finding in favor of Harry S. New and others, of Indiana, as to their rights and interests in the land over which Thompson Lake flows as against the several defendants named in the decree. These parties are the incorporators and members of what is known as the "Thomp- son Lake Rod and Gun Club," a corporation under the laws of the State of Illinois composed entirely of members from the state of Indiana. The testimony introduced and copies of documents, deeds, etc., read be- fore the commission and placed in our record, disclose that Harry S. New et al., did not hold all of the abutting lands adjoining Thompson Lake to the meander lines of said lake in fee simple (as he and his cocomplainants claim in their bill filed in Pulton County). It appears that they have no title in fee to large tracts of this land, as disclosed from the abstract pre- pared by us. This abstract will show that no such fee simple title, or in fact any title, could lodge in these complaints. The record will further show that in every instance the land abutting Thompson Lake was conveyed to the water's edge only and, therefore, could not affect the title of what is called the bed of Thompson Lake. The evidence also discloses that all of the surveys which were made from 1817 down to the present date contain a sharp marked water line, declaring Thompson Lake to be a lake, although it appears from an examination of the plats of survey that direct section lines were drawn across this body of water as if it had been a survey of land. This has been explained by com- petent evidence that the reason for the laying of section corners in the lake was because the surveys were made during the winter when there was suffi- cient ice to carry the surveying crew and, therefore, it was easier to draw the straight lines of the sections across the ice than it would have been by calculations had the surveys been made in the summer. In other words, it was for the convenience of the surveyors and to their financial advantage because at the time they were paid for their work by the mile. It appears that the inlet and outlet known as the Thompson Lake slough and the "cut road" have existed for all time as a connection between the lake and the Illinois River; that the upper inlet, or Thompson Lake slough, has always been deep enough and wide enough to permit craft of various kinds, including steamboats drawing as much as 4% feet of water, to enter the lake from the Illinois River, or enter the Illinois River from the lake, and that during low water stages commercial craft could navigate in Thompson Lake when they could not do so in parts of the Illinois River. We quote the following paragraph from the report of the Submerged and Shore Lands Legislative Investigating Committee, page 170, prepared under the direction of the Hon. B. M. Chiperfield, chairman: "From an investigation it is apparent that this lake has been subject to navigation for useful commerce for many years, and if this assumption is true, it is without question the property of the State of Illinois." We have concluded that should either the county judge or the county clerk of Fulton County attempt to convey the land lying under this lake within the lines established by United States government surveys of 1817, 1827 and 1842', that the said deeds or decree affecting this land would be void, and our investigation leads us to believe that the lake within these lines could not be a part of such lands as could be conveyed under what is known as the "Swamp Act" (which was contended in the Fulton County Court), because the ownership of the lake at the time was in the State of Illinois prior to the creation of what is known as the Swamp Act of 1850 and prior to the admission of the State of Illinois into the Union of States in 1818. It is our conclusion that it is one of the bodies of water which has been exempt from the effect of this Swamp Act although (accidentally) embraced in the description given by the then United States government officials. Our investigation of Thompson Lake causes us to believe that the attempt of Harry S. New, Alexander C. Ayres et al., the respondents who claim title to the bed of this lake, has been from its inception an attempt on their part to take from the people of the State of Illinois a large tract of valuable public property without compensation and to destroy a great industry, namely, the propagation of fish life, for the purpose of draining APPENDIX I. 139 the lake and converting it to their own private ownership and use. These parties have sought to prevent the commission, on two different occasions, from investigating the public character of this lake. On one occasion, when a hearing was set by the commission, they secured an injunction against William Shafer and others from appearing before the commission after they had been subpoenaed, as provided by law. On another occasion, the day before the last hearing at Havana, Illinois, the attorneys representing the same parties appeared before his honor Judge Landis in the United States District Court and sought to have the commission enjoined from proceeding with its investigation of the public character of this lake. Their bill was dismissed by the court. We, therefore, in consideration of all the facts and circumstances in connection with the public character of Thompson Lake, conclude that the people of the State of Illinois have great rights and interests in this lake; that its integrity as a public body of water should be preserved, and in view of the litigation between the parties and the great importance of the same, as evidenced by the decree entered, we recommend that the proper officers of the State institute promptly the necessary legal proceedings to quiet the title of the people of the State of Illinois to the land over which said lake flows, or to institute and take such other action as may be deemed to be proper to protect the rights and interests of the people of the State of Illinois in said lake. All parties in interest, Harry S. New, Alexander C. Ayres, and others, were notified by subpoena issued by the commission to be present and take part in the hearings held at Havana and Chicago, Illinois. Maps, plats of surveys, field notes and record of evidence are on file in the office of the commission and may be had upon request. All of which is respectfully submitted. Arthur W. Charles, Chairman; LeRoy K. Sherman, Commissioner; Thomas J. Healy, Commissioner. APPENDIX II. REMOVAL OF DAMS IN THE ILLINOIS RIVER. (From annual report of 1914.) The Illinois Association of Drainage and Levee Districts and similar organizations have at various times passed resolutions demanding the removal of the four clams in the lower Illinois Eiver. The Sanitary District of Chicago has at various times made attempts to have these dams removed. Considered solely from the standpoint of drainage and land overflow, these dams should he removed at once. Section 23 of the act of 1889 to create sanitary districts and to remove obstructions in the Des Plain es and Illinois Eiver recites as follows : "The district * * * shall remove the dams at Henry and Copperas Creek in the Illinois River before any water shall be turned into said channel. And the canal commissioners, if they shall find at any time that an additional supply of water has been added to either of said rivers, by any drainage district or districts, to maintain a depth of not less than six feet from any dam owned by the State, to and into the first lock of the Illinois and Michigan Canal at LaSalle without the aid of any such dam, at low water, then it shall be the duty of said canal commissioners to cause such dam or dams to be removed." After the attempt by the Sanitary District to remove these dams the Supreme Court held (Vol. 184, 111., page 157) that the clause in section 23 of the Sanitary District Act was not mandatory but permissive, and that the clams could not be removed until an equivalent navigable depth is available without the aid of the dams. The Eivers and Lakes Commis- sion has made computations and investigated the flow records and profile of the Illinois Eiver, and finds that if the pending litigation of the Sani- tary District in the Federal courts shall limit the flow of the Chicago Drainage Canal to 4,167 cubic feet per second, and, furthermore, if no dredging or channel improvement is undertaken, the removal of the four dams in the Illinois Eiver will decrease the depth of water to much less than 6 feet in numerous places to the great detriment of navigation. It would be deplorable to the State of Illinois to have the flow limited to 4,167 cubic feet per second, but at the present time the fact must be met that such a condition may possibly exist. We, therefore, do not advocate the unconditional removal of these dams at the present time. The next question is, can the dams now be removed providing com- pensating channel improvements be made? On page 18 of a Eeport by a Board of Officers of the Corps of Engineers of the U. S. Army upon a navigable waterway through the Illinois Eiver, Document 263, 59th Con- gress, First Session, signed by Col. Ernst, Lieut. Col. Bixby and Major Casey, the following statement is made : 140 APPENDIX II. 141 "The additional flow provided by the Chicago Drainage Canal is now 4,200 cubic feet per second. It will allow the removal of the present locks and dams, and it makes practicable the maintenance of an open channel considerably deeper than the seven feet now provided by these structures." Our computations are in accord with this statement, but we find that considerable dredging and channel regulation work will be required to accomplish the above results. The Hirers and Lakes Commission recom- mends and advises as follows: 1. The four State and Federal dams in the Illinois River between Utica and the Mississippi River should be removed, subject to the provision that the dredging and channel improvement necessary to secure a minimum depth of 7 feet is insured. 2. The Sanitary District of Chicago should be permitted to remove the Henry and Copperas Creek dams, subject to specific stipulations as to dredg- ing regulations by the State through the Rivers and Lakes Commission, or other authorized State agency. 3. The Federal appropriation of $1,000,000 for the improvement of the Illinois River (section 1 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, approved June 5, 1910, is now legally available and should be appropriated at once to dredge the lower , Illinois River so that the government dams at La Grange and \ Kampsville may be removed and a navigable depth of 8 feet be secured without such structures. \ ^m HHHHH ■ IS K^3 ■ M gi»WHWIWMW ; :.: ' : '' '■•■"■ Was -'""' ■Br ■ H ,..■■■■■■■ J -: ■ |§ hbHB V, Hli I \ V ■h JU ■1