COPYRIGHT DEPOSm "DAME CURTSEY'S " Art of :^-^. ENTERTAINING F'or All Occasions NO VEL SCHEMES FOR OLD AND YO UNG AT HOME, CHURCH, CLUB, AND SCHOOL, ARRANGED BY MONTHS By Ellye Howell Glover "Dame Curtsey" Author of " 'Dame Curtsey's' Book of Guessing Contests," " 'Dame Curtsey's' Book of Party Pastimes for the Up-To-Date Hostess," Etc, Etc. CHICAGO A. C. McCLURG & CO, 1918 36 G.^ A'^' < 1 1< COPYUIGHT, 191S HY F. G. BROWNE & CO, COPYRIGHT A. C. McCLURG vSj CO. 1018 APR -4 1918 W. P. HALL l»«INTING COMPANY, CHICAGO 0CI.A4J)29'17 ^' A Foreword THE importance of play is now a recognized factor in the education of our children, and the social side of life must not be forgotten, nor the observ- ance of special days and customs, which add zest and fascination to any party or entertainment. What to do and how to do it, is a problem which con- fionts every mother, teacher, club-woman and guild- vvorker, as well as young people who are both in and out of school. So the many requests for another *^ Dame Curtsey " book is granted by this compilation which has been garnered from magazine clippings, from newspapers and friends; some are original, and all, I am sure, will prove helpful in the art of entertaining. E. H. G. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ENTERTAINING IN JANUARY 1-12 An Ancient Custom — Recipe for the New Year Pie — Favors for a New Year's Party — A New Year's Eve Party — New Year's Dispatches — A New Year's Wish — A Novel Shower — Decorations for New Year's — A New Year's Gift — A Twelfth-Night Party — St. Agnes' Day — A Birthday Dinner — Novel Calender Party — Children's Party. ENTERTAINING IN FEBRUARY lS-40 Candlemas — Dickens' Birthday — Lincoln's Birthday — The First American Valentine — A Valentine Party — A Valentine Announcement — A Patriotic Rag Party — Colonial Reception — A Washington Card Party — Fancy Dress Party — A Patriotic Luncheon — A Children's Washington Party — A Colonial Fair — A MiHtary Euchre — Longfellow's Birthday. ENTERTAINING IN MARCH 41-59 A First of March Party — A March Hare Party — A Violet Party for Grandmother — Charity Card Parties for Lent — Lenten Suggestion — Lenten Luncheons — For "Mothering" Sunday — The Story Chain — A Lenten " Marked Down" Party — Lenten Work — Dollar Parties — Good Friday " Hot Cross " Buns — St. Patrick's Day. ENTERTAINING IN APRIL 61-88 An April Fool Party — A First of April Party — Rainy Day Luncheon — An April Shower — Easter Parties — For the Glad Easter Tide — For the Easter Table — Easter Engagements — An Egg Dance — Easter Morn in Germany — Easter Party for Children — Quaint Easter Monday Custom — Why the Rabbit at Easter? — Easter Place Cards — The Easter Table — A Lily Luncheon — A Money-raising Party — An Easter Rabbit Table — Holding an Egg Race — Easter Wedding Decorations — In Honor of Shakespeare — For Shakespeare's Birthday — For Easter Monday— For a Dutch Affair — An "All Day" Easter Party. [vii] TABLE OF CONTENTS PAQV ENTERTAINING IN MAY 89-97 May-Day Doings — All in the Merrie Month of May — A *' Wishing Well" Shower — A May F^te — Charming Centerpieces for May — An Apple Blossom Luncheon — A May Party Table. ENTERTAINING IN JUNE 99-127 A Rose Shower — A Rose Luncheon — For the Sweet Girl Graduate — A Class Day Entertainment — A Flag Day Party — A Luncheon for Graduates — Unique AfiFair for a June Bride — For June Brides — "Toasts'* for the Bride — June Wedding Decoration — Contest for a Rose Luncheon — The Daisy Chain — Favors for an Embroidery Club — A Clover Luncheon — For a School Entertainment — A Trip to Europe — Friendship Toasts — Steamer Let- ter " Shower " — A Farewell Good-Luck Party. ENTERTAINING IN JULY, AUGUST, AND SEP- TEMBER 129-143 A July Luncheon — Menu for an Outdoor Supper — A Star Hunt — A Fourth of July Tea — July Fourth Lunch- eon — A Sweet Pea Party — For a Porch Party — A Gar- den Shower — Open Air Card Parties — A Seaside Party in August — A Seashore Supper — A Rainbow Picnic — For Labor Day — A Tennis Dinner. ENTERTAINING IN OCTOBER 145-171 An October Luncheon — All Hallowe'en — Hallowe'en Fun — Hallowe'en Engagement Announcement Party — Hallowe'en Suggestions — Choosing Hallowe'en Partners — A Fortune Ball — The Leaf Fortune — A Church Social — Hallowe'en Capers — Nut-crack Night — Mystic Writing — Hallowe'en Refreshments — Chestnut Brownies — The Apple Fate — Witch Night Parties — A Novel Hallowe'en Centerpiece — To Find Partners on Hallowe'en — Hal- lowe'en Stunts — Pumpkin Party — Hallowe'en Cakes — A Hallowe'en Party Invitation — New and Old Tricks. ENTERTAINING IN NOVEMBER 173-189 Forfeits for November Parties — Our Great Thanks- giving Day — Origin of Thanksgiving Day — Turkey Co- nundrums — A November Card Party — Tableaux for Thanksgiving Day — Suggestions for Thanksgiving Even- ing — A Thanksgiving Mart — Grains of Corn Place Cards — Ears of Com Favors — Party for Thanks Day Night — Toasts for Thanksgiving Day — A Thanksgiving Character Party — Sentiments for Thanksgiving Day — The Worker's Thanksgiving. [ viii ] TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ENTERTAINING IN DECEMBER 191-230 Christmas Sentiments — The Origin of the Christmas Tree — A Russian Christmas Eve Party — '* Puss in Boots " at Christmas — Jingles for Christmas Gifts — To go with a Book — A Novel Winter Table — Unique Holiday Party — Novel Ways to give Money — Christmas Gifts in Snow- balls — For a Simday-school Christmas Tree — Tab- leaux Vivants for Christmas — A Christmas Supper — Making Christingles — Christmas Legends — Idea for Christ- mas Decoration — Hymn for Christmas — How to Gild Nuts — Christmas Fun — A Cheese-cloth Christmas — For Christmas Party Invitations — Santa Claus Puzzle Game — A Cranberry Hunt — Decoration for a Holiday Wedding — Ideas for the Christmas Table — The Land of the Snow — A Christmas Poem — A Christmas Tree for Dolly — A Christmas Card Party — Christmas Party for Children — Ways of giving Presents — A Yuletide Wedding — A Christmas Tree Party — The Pedigree of Santa Claus — Christmas Sentiments — The First Christ- mas Carol — A Holiday Party — High Tea for HoUday Week. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SHOWERS 231-260 Two Ways to announce an Engagement — A Novel Announcement — An Announcement Dinner — Favors for an Engagement Luncheon — Place Cards for an Engage- ment Announcement — The Bride's Bouquet — A Military Annoucement — To Find Partners — Clever Engagement Announcement — For the Bridal Table — Daisy Wedding Decoration — Novel Idea for a Bridal Table — Announce- ment Party — Designs for Place Cards — Engagement Announcement — Interesting to Brides-elect — A Hosiery Shower — A Pre-nuptial Luncheon — A ** Sweet and Sour" Shower — A Cap Shower — Showers for a Bride- groom — A Novel Shower — A Pansy Luncheon and Shower — A Bag Shower — A Handkerchief Shower — A Basket Shower — A Linen Shower — A Cup-and-Saucer Shower — A Practical Shower — Spoon Shower — A Mis- cellaneous Shower — A Pin Shower — A Rose Shower — A Kitchen Shower — Wedding Anniversaries. BIRTHDAY PARTIES AND AMUSEMENTS FOR CHILDREN 261-284 A Powpow Party — The Game of "Sons" — "Bird Pie" — A New Setting of an Old Game — Playing Charades — Tableaux for Girls — For a ** Track Meet" — A Birth- [ix] TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE day Sand Party — A Robin Hood Party — Invitation for a Kimono Party — A Doll Party — A Clothes pin Party — Gingerbread Party — Old-fashioned Games — Shut-in Day Amusements — Novel Birthday Custom — For a Birthday Child — An Alice-in- Wonderland Party — New BHnd Man's Buff. PARTIES FOR ALL OCCASIONS 285-335 An A B C Party — For a House Party — A Progres- sive Dinner — A Lemon Party — A Gift for Young Mothers — In Honor of the Stork — A Stork Party — Table for a Stork Shower — A Novelty Party — A Shirtwaist Luncheon — A White Elephant Party — Novel Card Party Idea — Japanese Luncheon — Hints for the Hostess — Place Cards — An Animal Party — Fun with Anagrammed Names — Deft Finger Test — Bachelor Stag Dinner — A Mother Goose Luncheon — Clever Entertainment Scheme — New Idea in Place Cards — Shower for a Shut-in — Progressive Church Dinner — For Mother's Birthday — — Card Party "a la Japan" — Japanese Suggestions — For a Stag Dinner — Bridge Luncheon Centerpiece — An Old-fashioned Party — A Pin Party — Representative Birthday Party — Choosing Partners at a Musical Party — A Bargain Party — A Sample Party — A Pie-plant Party — A Quadruple Birthday Party — A Post-office Party — A State Contest — A '* New Woman " Party — Coffee and Gossip — Dinner Table Entertainment — Mother Goose Party — A Peanut Frolic — A Fad Party — A Brown and Yellow Menu — Shut Your Eyes — A Proverb Contest — To Find Partners. ENTERTAINMENTS FOR CHURCHES AND CLUBS 337-355 A Tea Party — Novel Bazaar Feature — A Lemon Party — A Chm-ch Entertainment — Beehive Festival — A Bird Festival — Handkerchief Sale — A Novel Church Supper — A New Can Shower — A Paper Bazaar — Three-sided Social — Novel Booth for a Summer Bazaar — A Success- ful Bazaar — A Peddler's Parade — New Box Party — A New Contest. [x] ENTERTAINING IN JANUARY A toast to the old year; a toast to the new. May its pleasures be many — its sorrows be few. A Hope for the future — a sigh for the past — A smile for the present — the hours speeding fast, A toast to the old friends — a toast to the new, A toast to the dear friends — and one to the trv^; A prayer to our Maker — in reverent fear. When we meet in a twelvemonth — that all may be here. Madeline Hughes Felton THE ART OF ENTERTAINING ENTERTAINING IN JANUARY AN ANCIENT CUSTOM LONG time ago it used to be the custom to open the door a few minutes before midnight to allow the Old Year to make his exit and the New Year his entrance. If you wish to add a dramatic finish to b' your party on New Year's eve, have some one impersonate Father Time; keep it secret, and have him enter and shake hands regretfully with each one. He must wear a long white beard, carry a scythe and hour-glass, and have on black satin breeches, silk hose, and slippers; in fact, a revolutionary costume is good to copy. As the hour strikes he waves a solenm farewell, and as the stroke finishes, the white-and-gold clad New Year enters with garlands and favors for each, which are smilingly bestowed amid the cries of "Happy New Year!" All then circle round singing "Auld Lang Syne." RECIPE FOR THE NEW YEAR PIE Here is a recipe for a "Happy New Year" pie. It strikes me as being just what we need for a motto during the next twelvemonth: [3] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING Take a quart of pure good-will. Flavor well with sympathy; Boil it on the fire until It is full of bubbling glee. Season with a dash of cheer, Mixed with love and tenderness; Cool off in an atmosphere That is mostly kindliness. Stick a dozen raisins in Made of grapes from laughter's vine. And such fruits as you may win In a purely jocund line. Make a batter from the cream Of good spirits running high, And you'll have a perfect dream Of a Happy New Year pie. Blakeney Gray FAVORS FOR A NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY At each plate put some musical instrument, such as horns, mouth organs, small drums, whistles, and bells. All these instruments of torture are permis- sible and may be used with vigor during the five minutes spent in welcoming the New Year, — that is, if there is no sickness in the neighborhood. Calendars are charming souvenirs for this occasion, also "Line a Day" books for prizes. A NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY Send out invitations for a "Watch Night" party or " Remembrance " party. If you can sketch, draw an hour-glass, a "' Father Time," or a clock face with the hands at midnight, or [4] ENTERTAINING IN JANUARY the last leaf on the calendar with "December 31" done in scarlet. Ask each one to tell of his or her happiest day in the year that is past and in what month it happened. You may play cards, dance, or "reminis- cence," just as suits you best. Have a cake with twelve candles surrounded by a wreath of holly and mistletoe, and the favors symbolic of the year's special days; for instance, a calendar for January, a Cupid or heart for February, a kite for March, a tiny umbrella for April, a posy or bouquet of artificial flowers for May, or a wee May-pole; a doll bride or a basket of roses for June; a firecracker for July; a golf set or picnic basket for August; a bunch of grapes or a small washtub for September, the latter signifying "Labor Day." Repre- sent October with a wee jack-o'-lantern cut from an orange; a pumpkin or a football for November, or a turkey; and for December a miniature Christmas tree. These articles could be procured in duphcate and be used to find partners, or they may be placed in a Jack Horner pie made to represent the face of a clock, red ribbons going to each place. This is an occasion when the fortune nuts may be used, taking perfect English walnuts and removing the meats, insert a narrow strip of paper bearing a pleasant prophecy for the coming season, and then glue the shells closely together. These may be gilded and passed at the table. A wise hostess who knows her guests well will be clever in making these forecasts just right. NEW YEAR'S DISPATCHES As a pastime, distribute telegram blanks with the words "New Year's Day" in large letters at the top, [5] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING and tell each one to write a telegram beginning with the letters of the above in the order that they come. Of course, these will be the merest nonsense but loads of fun, as the following example shows : '*Nora: — Every Woman Yearns Everlastingly After Romantic Situations. Delighted Again Yesterday." A NEW YEAR'S WISH A VERY acceptable message to send with your card to a friend on New Year's morning is the following sentiment: Now what is here? A word of cheer To herald in another year. May all its days be free of blame — A little nobler than your aim; May all its labors be confest A little better than your best; And all the joys within its scope A Uttle brighter than your hope; And may each year be found, when past, A little dearer than the last. A NOVEL SHOWER Santa Claus is forced to share the honors with that omnipresent little man called Cupid, and here is the way "Polly" planned to ''shower" a girl who was married on the last day of the year. There were only twelve or fourteen guests, all girls who had grown up with the bride-to-be. After all had arrived they went into the library to "discover the [6] ENTERTAINING IN JANUARY North Pole," and there it was, a good-sized pole firmly planted in a holly-covered tub, all white and spark- ling with diamond dust. From hooks driven into the post (or pole) hung the gifts, done up in white paper tied with silver tinsel, each package bore the card of the donor suitably inscribed with a sentiment to be read aloud. DECORATIONS FOR NEW YEAR'S We always associate bells with the first day of the new year. "Ring out the old, ring in the new; Ring out the false, ring in the true." Here is a charming decorative scheme for either a party or a wedding. Make a lattice of wire for the ceiling or use a coarse wire netting in which to place Southern smilax, and from the wire at intervals hang bells of silver or holly or of white diamond-dusted cotton. The clappers may be of mistletoe. This scheme is lovely in the dining-room, with a large central bell over the table. Have bell-shaped cards and ice- cream in the same shape. A NEW YEAR'S GIFT On the Continent and in most foreign countries the custom of giving presents on the first day of the New Year is universally observed; it is a day of feasting and merrymaking, of good cheer and hospitality. I wonder how many of you are familiar with these lines written by Bertha E. Jacques .^^ They are so good that I want you every one to read them : [7] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING "Of all the gifts that come to cheer. The best one is a brand-new year. Snow-wrapped and holly-decked it comes, To richest and to poorest homes. "Twelve jeweled months all set with days Of priceless opportunities; A silver moon and a golden sun With diamond stars when the day is done. "And over all a sapphire sky Where pearly clouds go floating by — Joy to you for the year that brings So many and such precious things." A TWELFTH-NIGHT PARTY The sixth day of January is "Twelfth-night," or "Old Christmas," and offers opportunities for a novel party. In England and many places on the Continent it was the time chosen for the most elaborate masked balls. An immense cake containing a ring was always served, and the guest obtaining the ring was for the time made "king" or "queen." In history we read how Mary Queen of Scots honored her maid, Mary Seaton, by robing her in her own royal apparel to be the "Queen of Twelfth-night." Tradition says that on this night every vestige of the Christmas green must be taken down and burned to propitiate the evil spirits and insure good luck to the household. Invitations for such a party afford an opportunity for the hostess to decorate them with water-color sketches of bonfires piled high with holly wreaths and Christmas trees. [8] ENTERTAINING IN JANUARY If there is no open fireplace for the cremation, there may be a back yard, even to an apartment, where the ceremony can take place. HaK the fun is to permit the guests to dismantle the house of the decorations and build the fire. The coals left by the blazing cedar offer a good chance for roasting marshmallows and chestnuts. Each person may be requested to tell a story while his or her especial armful of greens is being consumed, for each one must make an offering to the ''eviV spirits. A chafing-dish supper or an oyster roast, with coffee, cider, and sandwiches, will be sufficient refreshments, not forgetting the "mystery" cake. Tradition says it must contain a bean, or per- haps two, one for the lady and one for the man. The cake may be frosted in halves, pink for the ladies to cut, and white for the men. The finders are to be the honored ones for the remainder of the evening. Other "good luck" favors may be placed in the cake if the hostess wishes to do so. ON ST. AGNES' DAY The twentieth of January is the day celebrated in honor of good St. Agnes. At this season, in the days long gone, young maids were wont to peer into the future to discern, if possible, the characteristics pos- sessed by their husbands. The flowers for the day are rosemary and thyme, and a sprig of each was placed in a pair of wooden shoes, which in turn were placed on either side of the pillow when the young girl retired. This done, she was supposed to dream of the man who was to be her future helpmeet in life. White candles were burned and a "pin" stunt was popular, conducted [9] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING in this way : A row of pins was removed from the paper while this rhyme was repeated and the pins stuck one by one in the sleeve of her gown; I stick this pin, this pin I stick, To know the thing I know not yet; That I may see The man that shall my husband be — Not in his best or worst array, But what he weareth every day. That I, tomorrow, may him ken From among all other men. You see there are ideas here for a luncheon at which an engagement is to be announced, or for a bridal luncheon, as it is a day most befitting parties given just for girls. White flowers should be used, white candles and shades, and a white menu served. It would also add to the occasion if the guests all wore white. A JANUARY BIRTHDAY DINNER Once I thought that winter functions were not half so pretty as summer ones, but of late it seems as if nothing could be more suggestive of hospitality than a room warm with red and green decorations, quantities of candles, and a blazing fire in an open fireplace, without which no up-to-date house is complete. For the birthday dinner in January the table-cloth of Cluny lace should be laid over red silk. A huge cake should be the centerpiece, and it should be surrounded by a wreath of red candles and red carnations, which do not fade as quickly as roses. The mantel should be [10] ENTERTAINING IN JANUARY banked with poinsettias, the individual and reHsh dishes should be of red Bohemian glass. The place cards ought to have the verse for January written in red ink and decorated with red beads in lieu of garnets. The gift for the birthday girl is, of course, a handsome garnet ring set in silver and should be presented on a ring holder of red Bohemian glass. The maid should bring it in on a tray when the dessert is served. If there are eight or ten guests — college chums, perhaps — they might be asked to come in costume representing either some celebrity whose birthday occurs in January or something indicative of their own birth-month. The especial days for entertaining in January are New Year's Day, Twelfth-night, and the Eve of St. Agnes, January the twentieth. A NOVEL CALENDAR PARTY This party was a success the first time I tried it. I will tell you about it. The invitations were on bell- shaped bits of red cardboard, with lettering done in gold. The wording was to this effect: "Miss Blank requests your presence at a calendar party on the eve of the New Year to bid farewell to an old friend and welcome a newcomer. Please come wearing something to represent the month of your birth, one of the special days, if possible." The night in question arrived and the party pre- sented a most bewitching appearance. Many had the flower, stone, and verse representing their birth-month, and many wore something to represent the special day or days in that month. For instance, July was gay with red, white, and blue, with a fringe of small fire- [11] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING crackers around the tunic of the gown and a crown of gilt stars and silk flags on the side of the bodice. She carried a basket of ** poppies," wore an enormous ruby ring, and presented a card to the hostess which read, "Those who in warm July are born. The glowing ruby should adorn; Then will they be exempt and free From love's doubts and anxiety." This shows how effective the idea is when carried out. Decorate with holly, mistletoe, and candles. SNOW MEN FOR CHILDREN'S PARTY Don't say "these are too much trouble to make." Of course it would be a little easier to serve the ice- cream plain, but we must all take a bit more care with holiday parties, and the kiddies will just love these snow men. What you need is ball scoops in two sizes, some grated chocolate, some white stick candy, and some cloves. Take vanilla ice-cream, scoop out a league ball first, place the smaller ball on top, roll in grated cocoanut if you want it fuzzy, and if you wish some darkies, use a chocolate cream for the head. Stick in the candy arms, sprinkle on some chocolate for hair, put in cloves for eyes, and stand off to admire the result. Don't forget a clove nose and a couple for the mouth. In place of cloves, citron bits or candied cherries cut up may be used, or all three, to make a variety. Cloves or tiny hard red candies may be used for buttons down the front. In fact, there are many possibilities in mak- ing these cream figures very fascinating. [12] ENTERTAINING IN FEBRUARY ENTERTAINING IN FEBRUARY TO CELEBRATE CANDLEMAS HE first day to be celebrated during this month is "Candlemas," which falls on February 2. The hostess of today grasps any new idea by which to make her party a bit differ- ent, a little out of the commonplace, so I trust that these few suggestions will give novelty to any functions contemplated. Like most of our festival days. Candlemas is a church day, celebrating the purification of the Blessed Virgin. In the dark ages candles were burned on this day to ward off evil spirits. The European peasants believe that a fair Candlemas predicts severe weather, and the Scotch say : If Candlemas be fair and clear. There'll be two winters in the year. Let us suppose that a young woman whom none suspect of having succumbed to the wiles of Cupid is to announce her engagement on Candlemas at a luncheon to which nine of her dearest girl friends are to be bidden. The table should be round and covered with a white centerpiece and doiUes. The flower allotted to this day [15] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING is the modest snow drop. If it is not obtainable, Roman hyacinths may be used, with four tall, white wax tapers in glass candlesticks. At each place there will be an individual white candle in an inexpensive glass holder, which will be the favor, the name card being tied to it with white satin ribbon. These cards should have a row of candles with the names done in silver. By the candlesticks should be tiny boxes covered with white satin containing wax matches. With the coming of dessert the girls should light their tapers, and the bride-to-be must see that hers burns longest, which foretells that she is to be married within the year. The ice-cream may be frozen to represent candles. In the top of each may be placed a wee wax taper, which should be lighted when brought to the table. The cakes may be heart-shaped and frosted in white, with the initials of the happy pair done in silver bonbons on the top of each. FOR DICKENS' BIRTHDAY The seventh of February is Dickens' birthday, and some hostess may like to add a touch of novelty to an entertainment on that day. The guests may be asked to come in a costume repre- senting a character from one of the great novelist's books, or to wear some article to indicate the character or title of one of his books. For refreshments the hostess should have everything as old English as possible. She should use only candle light and place all the eatables on the table at once. The cold "joints" may be represented by roast beef or mutton, and there should be a cold roasted fowl. [16] ENTERTAINING IN FEBRUARY Individual meat pies or chops would be suitable, and she should not forget the orange marmalade, with seed cakes. If one desires there may be rye bread with tankards of ale. Of course, there must be the inevitable "tea." As each guest arrives, the name of the character he or she represents should be taken. After all have assembled, pass cards and pencils. Give a half hour for guessing the personages represented, then award a framed photograph of Dickens for the first prize and a copy of one of his stories for the second. There is a charming book called "Stories from Dickens" that is intended for yoimg readers, but it would be enjoyed by any devotee of this unequaled author. Decorate with the English flag and use any old English china or Sheffield plate that is obtainable. A DICKENS CONTEST Here is another suggestion for the observance of Dickens' birthday. This excellent contest came from England. In using it, leave blank the spaces for the titles of his stories, which are to be filled in by the guests. This is especially adaptable for clubs and literary societies. "Oliver Twist" had some "Hard Times" in the "Battle of Life," having been saved from "The Wreck of the Golden Mary" by "Our Mutual Friend" "Nicholas Nickleby," who had just finished telling "A Tale of Two Cities" to "Martin Chuzzlewit." "The Cricket on the Hearth " was chirruping " Right Merrily " and "The Chimes" were heard from an "Adjacent Church." "Seven Poor Travelers" had commenced [17] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING singing "A Christmas Carol" when "Barnaby Rudge" arrived from "The Old Curiosity Shop" with some "Pictures from Italy" and "Sketches by Boz" to show "Little Dorrit" who was busy reading "Pickwick Papers." "David Copperfield," after taking "Ameri- can Notes," arrived and informed "The Company" that the "Great Expectations" of "Dombey and Son," re "Mrs. Lirriper's Legacy," had not been realized. However, he had seen "Boots at the Holly tree Inn" taking "Somebody's Luggage" to "Mrs. Lirriper's Lodgings," which are in "No Thoroughfare" opposite "Bleak House," and had been informed that "The Uncommercial Traveler" had just given one of "Dr. Marigold's Prescriptions" to "The Haunted Man" who was brooding over "The Mystery of Edwin Drood." FOR LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY LiNCOLN^s birthday on the twelfth is worthy of celebrating. Patriotic features are, of course, in order. This is a good scheme to follow: Decorate w4th flags and the ever attractive red, white, and blue. A pretty way to use crepe paper is to make a lattice work of strips across a ceiling, placing flags and lanterns at intersections. When the guests arrive, pass little booklets tied with red, white, and blue ribbon. The company may be paired off into working partners by means of the questions and answers on the front of the booklets. For instance, the man who takes a booklet having the figures "1492" must find the girl who has "Christopher Columbus" on the front of her program, etc. Then conduct the guests into a room marked with a placard over the door ^vith this sign: "Museum of 118] ENTERTAINING IN FEBRUARY Curios Connected with America." The Kst of objects given may be changed or added to as the hostess thinks best. Pictures cut from magazines or advertisements may serve for the real objects, though most of the articles may be found in childrens' play rooms and at the toy departments of the shops. A horse with a rider in colonial garb bearing the label, "This Horse and Rider Rode by Night." — Paul Revere. Two colored dolls with broken chains bearing the card: "Free." — A.Lincoln. A bunch of cherries with the title: "Our National Fruit." — Washington. A toy hatchet with the tag: "Guess Again." — Carrie Nation. A huge cigar labeled: "Always with a National Hero." — General Grant. A horse mounted by a "Rough Rider." — Roosevelt. *f A large sugar kiss tagged : "Once a Talked-of Hero." — Hobson. The United States flag wearing the card: "Two ' Patriotic Women." — Betsy Ross and Barbara Frietchie. A music score and a conductor's baton. — Theodore Thomas. An old stove-pipe silk hat: "His Grandfather's Hat." — Benjamin Harrison. Two pencil marks just alike. — Mark Twain. An enormous toy elephant labeled: "The Greatest Show on Earth." — P. T. Barnum. A toy log cabin with a lot of little pickaninnies. — — Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe. A doll dressed as a Puritan maid seated at a spinning wheel. — Priscilla Alden. [19] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING A Confederate bill on a picture of the "White House of the Confederacy at Richmond." — JeflFerson Davis. ANOTHER TWELFTH OF FEBRUARY CELEBRATION This is the most unique and novel Lincoln party I have ever seen, so I want to tell you about it. It was planned by a young matron whose children were to celebrate the day. Everything was so realistic, that I was filled with admiration for the ingenuity of this mother. On the table she had constructed a log cabin. It was built of delicious candy sticks of molasses flavor. The windows were made of spun sugar which looked for all the world like glass, and the spun threads made the finest kind of snow for the yard. The chimney looked like brick but was made of peppermint squares. In the yard were a few trees and the whole was surrounded by a splendid rail fence built of butter-cream sticks. At each place was a souvenir haK-pound box of candy the top of which bore a picture of Lincoln. You can just imagine the delight of those young people, and, by the way, the children of this little mother are the happiest imaginable. Nothing is too much trouble, for, as she confided to me, "This is the only time I shall ever be sure of them. The years with mother are very short. The world claims the children all too soon." LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY On February 12 the birthday of the great emanci- pator is celebrated in the public schools, and some years ago the authorities proclaimed it a national hol- [20] ENTERTAINING IN FEBRUARY iday. The hostess may adapt a number of pretty, significant symbols for a dinner or a luncheon on this day. The ''Stars and Stripes" are always eflfective used as a decorative scheme, and a chain of silver paper could encircle a little log cabin centerpiece with rail fence made of sticks of candy. A black china doll dressed like a pickaninny could hold the place card, and another appropriate centerpiece would be a toy truck loaded with bales of cotton. Write at the top of the place- card, "With malice toward none, with charity for all." IN MEMORY OF LINCOLN To grant the wishes of many readers I give this list of inexpensive books which are suitable for prizes or gifts for a Lincoln program and several subjects for short papers for the use of teachers who wish to have appropriate exercises for the children. STORY OR PAPER SUBJECTS "Stories of Lincoln's Boyhood." " Lincoln as a Young Man." "Lincoln as a Lawyer." "* Father Abraham,' Lincoln as President." BOOKS "Best Lincoln Stories Tersely Told," written by J. E. Gallaher. "The Perfect Tribute," by Andrews. "The Toy Shop," by Margherita S. Gerry. "He Knew Lincoln," by Ida M. Tarbell. < [21] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING For favors for such an affair write a choice sentence by Lincoln on a bit of paper, roll it up, and tie with red, white, and blue ribbon. The following are excellent sayings to use: "With malice toward none, with charity for all." "The leading rule for the man of every calling is diligence." "Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today." "Whatever piece of business you have in hand, before stopping do all the labor pertaining to it which can be done." "I do the very best I know how, the very best I can, and I mean to keep doing so to the end." "I'm not bound to win, but I*m bound to be true." "I'm not bound to succeed, but I'm bound to live up to what life I have." "Do not worry; eat three square meals a day; say your prayers; keep your digestion good; exercise — go slow and easy; maybe there are other things which your special case requires to make you happy, but, my friend, these, I reckon, will give you a good lift." An interesting pastime for this occasion will be to make puzzles from pictures of Lincoln, the White House, and of his humble boyhood home. Post cards pasted on light wood or cardboard make excellent puzzles. Have one for each child, to be taken home when finished. At such an affair it would be fine to have a story-teller dressed as in the days of '61. Children love this sort of thing, and the stories, of that day are very instruct- ive and interesting. Log cabins are obtainable at candy shops or may be built of sticks of candy. Darky dolls [22] ENTERTAINING IN FEBRUARY may be used for favors also. On the envelopes or boxes containing the puzzles write the following: "If these parts you will fit together well, The name of this hero you'll surely tell." These sentiments are suitable for Lincoln's birthday or for the natal day of George Washington, on the twenty-second : Our Country To her we drink. For her we pray. Our voices silent never. For her we'll fight, come what may; The Stars and Stripes forever. Miss M. Spigel It's good to be merry and wise. It's good to be honest and true. It's good to support America's cause, And bide by the R^d, White, and Blue. Olivek Sheppard Our Flag We pledge allegiance to our flag; To it we will be true. We will defend it with our Uves, Our own Red, White, and Blue. The white, it stands for purity. For faith and truth the blue. The red for courage bold and strong; There's meaning in each hue. [23] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING Star-spangled Banner it is called; Sometimes Old Glory, too. Sometimes the Banner of the Free, Our own Red, White, and Blue. Florence Bates The Yankee Girl Here's to the maiden of my dreams, Whose tender eyes meet mine. With the shy, sweet glance of an old romance, While her cheeks blush red as wine. Who can dance, or cook, or sew, or sing, Who needs no French maid to dress her. The Yankee queen who's fit for a king. To my girl of girls — God bless her! Helen A. Mulhall The lily of France may fade, The thistle and shamrock wither. The oak of England may decay. But the Stars shine on forever. E. Holmes CHILDREN'S PARTY FOR ST. VALENTINE'S DAY The postman certainly divides the honors with good old St. Valentine. I really believe our faithful gray- uniformed friend is the most looked-for man on the fourteenth, and wo betide him if his bag is not well filled with Cupid's missives. With this in mind you must hear of a pretty party planned for three Httle children and their twenty guests, aged from seven to ten. [24] ENTERTAINING IN FEBRUARY A post-office was erected in the large hall from clothes bars covered with dark green cambric on which quan- tities of red hearts were pasted. A window was placed in the opening and a table behind for the sorting of the mail. A mail bag hung on the outside, and there was a slit below the window to permit the children to drop their valentines in. Each child brought one and the hostess provided the others, so that each child received at least three. A sign ''office closed" was over the window at first. After all had arrived and were ready for the distribution of the mail this was changed to ''office open." United States mail uniforms may be purchased at the large department stores and the postmaster might wear one, just to add fun. Here is a new version of an old game called "blind postman," which was played at this party: Count out and choose a child for postman, then let each child select the name of a city and a chair in the circle. The postman, blindfolded, stands in the mid(i^ and says: "A letter has been sent from New York to Chicago." Then those two children change places and during the change the postman tries to get the vacant chair. Tiny mail bags filled with candy hearts were the favors at this party. VERSES FOR VALENTINE GIFTS These verses will just suit some one, I am sure, for the custom of sending gifts as valentines is quite preva- lent. I have had them pigeonholed and do not know who wrote them, but I am sure whoever it was will be glad to have them passed on. [25] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING To go with a heart-shaped frame : Within this frame, in my behalf, Insert the sweetest photograph For which a maiden ever sat. And guess whose heart looks just like that. To go with a sewing outfit: Here is Cupid's haversack! What's within the leathern pack? Scissors sharper than his darts. Thread for mending damaged hearts. To go with a candlestick or a box of bayberry candles: Make light every night Of the gift that I tender, But never make light Of the love of the sender. With a heart-shaped pincushion: Behold my heart, dear Valentine, A target set for Love's divine Unerring bow; for every pin Is Cupid's arrow shot within! To send with flowers (lilies of the valley) : Earth's valentines, so fresh and fair of hue. The buds her valleys bring To woo reluctant spring, I bring to one more sweet than spring — to you. [26] ENTERTAINING IN FEBRUARY With a rattle for the baby : I'm a rattle, bright and fine, Sent for baby's valentine. Take me, shake me, chubby hand ! Call the elves from fairy land ! Send with a silver bonbon box: Suppose I fill this graven silver heart With sugar-candy hearts that beat as mine? They could not tell the hundred thousandth part Of all my love for you, sweet Valentine. To go with a belt buckle or pin : 'Tis folly, sure, to mope and grieve And wear the heart upon the sleeve. Oh, let my heart be rather placed Upon the belt about her waist! With a bit of jewelry: To gild refined gold or paint the lily, So Shakespeare tells us, looks extremely silly; But yet the mighty poet holds it meet To tender sweets as tribute to the sweet; And thus I deem he would approve of them That proffer gems or jewels to a gem. To write in or send with a book: Oh, place this book upon the shelf! I'll tell a finer tale myself. With work and faith and love therein, And you shall be the heroine. [27] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING THE FIRST AMERICAN VALENTINE It is of interest to know that a young woman of Worcester, Mass., invented the first American valentine in the year 1856. Her business of manufacturing these dainty trifles became so enormous that one firm alone ordered over twenty-five thousand dollars' worth of valentines annually. Before this, Germany had sent us our supply for the celebrating of this pretty festival. An invitation to an affair at which "post-oflSce" is to be a feature of the evening may bear this little verse on a card decorated with tiny gilt hearts: "Cupid will distribute letters On St. Valentine's night; Love has bound you in his fetters, Come and loose the seal that night.'* The valentine cake baked in a large heart-shaped mold should contain four prophetic gifts, viz., a ring for the one to be married first, a coin for the future million- aire, a tiny horseshoe, emblem of good luck, and a thimble for the one fated to single blessedness. Place cards may be envelopes containing pretty valentines, and a good game to play is made by cutting hearts into puzzles. Have tables and partners, and the couple who get their hearts (one each) together first progress. Play once around, award prizes, such as a heart-shaped tray or pincushion, a heart bearing a tiny thermometer, or a heart-shaped sachet. [28] ENTERTAINING IN FEBRUARY A VALENTINE PARTY Love has no time nor seasons, so they say, but the fourteenth of February and Cupid are a pretty strong combination. All this makes me think of how one girl managed a successful Valentine party. She arranged just as many cozy nooks as she was to have couples. Over each one red hearts were suspended. Partners were chosen by matching posies from a basket, which also bore numbers to correspond with the number on the heart over the cozy retreat. When mates were found they repaired to their corner and each girl was to make a proposal and be accepted or rejected. At the expiration of an allotted time the girl progressed to the next corner. x\t the end the girl who had received the most acceptances had the privilege of choosing her partner first for refreshments. One can just imagine all the fun. The cakes, cream, and sandwiches were all heart-shaped. A VALENTINE ANNOUNCEMENT A CHARMING maiden who had yielded to Cupid's earnest pleading announced the fact to her friends in this pretty way: On St. Valentine's Day eight of her nearest and dearest girl chums were bidden to a luncheon. The table was done in pure white, the centerpiece of bride roses, the candles white with white silken shades. At each plate there was a pink brides- maid rose, except at that of the hostess, where a pure bride rose told the story. The place cards represented brides, the face being a photograph of the real bride. The favors were white suede card cases containing the [29] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING cards of the happy girl and the lucky man. Can you imagine anything sweeter? For the evening the girl's mother issued cards for a dance to which all the gay circle of young people were asked, and the cotillon favors were symbolic of the good patron saint who presides untiringly over affaires de ccBur. There were necklaces and fobs of tiny silver and gilt hearts. Hearts were represented in fans, cups, aprons, and cushions. One figure was especially attract- ive : Red fencing hearts for the girls, bows and arrows for the men. The ices and cakes were hearts, with a plentiful supply of gilt Cupids with arrows. A PATRIOTIC RAG PARTY A YOUNG hostess mystified her friends by issuing the following invitation : "Ye are cordially invited to come to an old-fashioned rag cutting and sewing bee at ye home of Mistress Polly Blank on ye evening of Saturday, February the eleventh. *'Put ye apron and ye scissors in ye reticule, come at early candle light, ye good man to come to supper at ye hour of seven thirty. Lanterns at ye hour of ten." When asked how she happened to think of this plan, she replied: **Well, you know all those red and blue rags mother sent me for rugs? I just concluded to tear up some old sheets for white and get the girls to sew and cut until I had enough." The decorations were colonial quilts put up on the walls and over the couches and large chairs. Candles were used for lighting. The men were asked for tea. A game of cards followed with a Pilgrim rag rug for a prize. [30] ENTERTAINING IN FEBRUARY Here is the menu that was served at six o'clock: COLD HAM. ROLLS BOSTON BAKED BEANS. BROWN BREAD COLD PRESSED CHICKEN. RELISH OLD-FASHIONED COTTAGE CHEESE BAKED APPLES CRULLERS. GINGERBREAD COFFEE FRUIT. NUTS COLONIAL RECEPTION The afternoon of February the twenty-second is a most admirable time to give a colonial reception. Re- quest each lady to come with powdered hair, plain gown, and kerchief, also to wear anything in her possession that is really old-fashioned or that has an interesting history. Have some one give a sketch of Mount Vernon, and if you can procure small unmoimted photos of ** Mount Vernon" paste them on the cardboard hatchets, which will be either place cards or souvenirs. Tie a bow on them of narrow red, white, and blue ribbon, which comes woven together. Red, white, and blue "opera" sticks tied together with the ribbon and placed on end on the table add greatly to the color scheme. At this season of the year you can buy candy or almond boxes shaped like tiny cocked hats, drums, bayonets, tents, cannon, and all sorts of novelties suggestive of the Father of his Coimtry. For the table centerpiece have a small tree loaded with artificial cherries. For cakes you can make very realistic hatchets by cutting out a pasteboard model, [31] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING laying it on cooky dough, and cutting out with a sharp knife; ornament with a candied cherry. Tiny metal hatchets can be purchased and the place card may be attached with the announcement that "This is a facsimile of the original hatchet." Ice-cream or charlotte russe could be served in a cocked hat or cannon box, and would add much to the novelty of the table. For salad use cherries stuffed with a hazel nut, white grapes seeded and a candied cherry inserted, cubes of pineapple and a few slices of orange. Serve with mayonnaise on white hearts of lettuce. Coffee, chocolate, and sandwiches cut in roimds will make a delicious repast, and these are ample for an afternoon affair. If possible use either colonial glass or brass candle- sticks and have the rooms lighted with candles and lamps. Blue bowls filled with red and white carnations are appropriate decorations. No other colors should be used on this day. INVITATION FOR A WASHINGTON CARD PARTY For invitations for a Washington card party use a card or sheet of paper decorated with the likeness of Washington or a picture of Mount Vernon. Write the following : Come ye dames of highest station, Come ye maidens young and fair, Lend your beauty. Lend your graces. Flashing eyes, Bepowdered hair. [32] ENTERTAINING IN FEBRUARY Lend your wit, your smiles, your laughter, Beauty spots and Dimples rare; Tis the Nation's Father's birthday, Patriots, dames and maids, be there. This is especially suited to a club or Masonic card party. The words could be printed on a Washington post card or on buff stationery, using blue ink. Seal with the United States shield. If desirable, the guests might be asked to come in costume. Have tally cards to represent big red cherries and use stars for the keeping of the score. Decorate with flags, and for the table from which refreshments are served have a small tree just laden with artificial cherries. If practical, make a gash in the tree and slip in a small metal hatchet. Serve cherry ice, and if a salad is wished, serve it in cocked hats. FANCY DRESS PARTY ON THE "TWENTY- SECOND" It seems that the immortal Father of his Country is in no danger of being forgotten. Never before have the novelties been so alluring. The cherry candle shades are especially attractive, with nut holders, bonbon boxes, and plate cards carried out in the cherry scheme, making a beautiful table. Hatchets may be used for score cards if cards are to be played after the feast. At a fancy dress party the hostess may represent Miss Columbia and the host Uncle Sam. The guests should be asked to dress in patriotic costumes and to repre- [33] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING sent the name of a president, or his nickname, by some symbol. For instance, a picture of a canoe out of which the occupants are tumbling would be Tippecanoe (Harrison); a chain made of paper links would be Lincoln; a Teddy bear would indicate Roosevelt, etc. These questions about the ladies of the White House wdll prove interesting: WTiat first lady of the land fled from Washington to escape the British? (Dolly Madison.) Wliat was Mrs. Lincoln's name before marriage? (Miss Mary Todd.) Name three early presidents who married mdows. (Washington, Jefferson, and Madison.) What early president married a New York girl? (Monroe.) ^Vhom did John Q. Adams marry? (Louise K. Johnson of Maryland.) WTiat president had a troubled love affair and marriage? (Jackson.) What early president besides Washington married a widow called Martha? (Jefferson.) A red and white carnation tied with a blue ribbon may be pinned on each guest as he or she leaves the dressing-room. A tiny maiden dressed as Martha Washington, holding her posies in a quaint basket with streamers of red, white, and blue, would add interest to the occasion. A PATRIOTIC LUNCHEON Nowadays the florists keep right up wi\h the times, and decorations in the national colors are not hard to find. \\Tien real flowers are not obtainable, the tissue [34] ENTERTAINING IN FEBRUARY paper artist furnishes us wdth such reahstic imitations and such charming papers with napkins for each special day that they may be used with pleasure at church and club affairs and perhaps for very large home parties where little children are the guests. For the luncheon table red and white sweet peas with blue corn flowers make an attractive centerpiece, rest- ing in a drum obtained in the toy department. In a family where there are boys a drum with a hole in the head may perhaps be found. If so, it is just what "mother" needs for the occasion. Cocked hats should hold the salted almonds, and tiny hatchets may bear the guests' names, a wee bunch of cherries being tied to the handle. I give a menu, also a recipe for a red fruit punch, which may be served during the game of cards if they should be the afternoon's amusement. ICED CHERRIES ROLLED SANDWICHES. SALMON CROQUETTES MASHED POTATOES (bluC platCs) stuffed olives tomato aspic with shrimp salad crace:ers. raspberry ice FLAG CAKE (white platcs) RED FRUIT PUNCH The flag cake is made by having three layers, one red, one white, one blue. Use a white icing, color part with red and a wee bit with blue, and make the stars of white. These colorings may be obtained at the drug store and are perfectly harmless. Red fruit punch, called on this occasion patriotic [35] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING punch, is made by taking the contents of one can of grated pineapple, juice of six lemons, six oranges, and two grape fruits. Add two quarts of water and sugar to taste and let stand several hours or over night. Strain, color red, put in a pitcher with pieces of ice, and add a quart of charged water. PARTY FOR CHILDREN ON THE TWENTY- SECOND For a children's Washington party decorate the room prettily with flags and pictures of Washington and Mount Vernon. Have a paper hatchet in which there is a pin for each child. Blindfold each child, one at a time, and have him pin the hatchet on the nose of Washington. A large cheap print may be obtained for this purpose. This will make lots of fun. Award a cherry log cabin box filled with candied cherries. Then have these riddles; children just love to guess them. What holds all the snuff in the world .'^ No one knows (nose). What makes a man baldheaded.f^ Want of hair. Why is it impossible for a bareheaded boy to cut down a cherry tree? Because he hasn't a hat yet (hatchet). In what age do we find the happiest men.'^ Marriage. To what island should women be banished? Isle of Man. What is the name of the most popular ship in the world? Courtship. Where is a good place for a hungry man? Sandwich Islands. [36] ENTERTAINING IN FEBRUARY Where should a person go to find happiness? To the dictionary. What would you do if you were caught with a stolen watch? Give it up. A COLONIAL FAIR Decorate with flags and with yellow and blue or, as it was called in the old days, "buff." Have the boys in Continental uniform to take tickets in the entry and act as messengers if needed. Have the assistants wear eighteenth century costumes, and suspend a huge " Liberty " bell in a conspicuous place. Have if possible thirteen booths to commemorate the thirteen original States. *' Virginia" may be presided over by the ever popular "George and Martha," and may dispense New York ice-cream (frozen custard), which was the favorite dessert of our fathers. Colonial dames should take charge of "Maryland" and sell dainty needlework. Allot flowers and fruits to " Delaware." " New Jersey " may have the candy kitchen, in charge of attractive little Dutch maidens. Of course the Quakers will have "Pennsylvania" and should dispense practical household necessities, such as aprons, quilts, and knitted articles. Give New York apples for decoration and Indian things presided over by Indian maids. Perhaps a review of the "Leather Stocking Tales" will assist in getting up these dresses. "Massachusetts" will have the worthy "Pilgrim" mothers and a few of the fathers if they can be induced to lend their aid in this manner. Priscilla and Mary (Chilton) serve tea. Then Connecticut must have a booth, perhaps of wooden ware, and thus [37] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING be typical of the "Nutmeg" State. Rhode Island should have all the baby articles, as it is the littlest one of all. Have a loan collection for New Hampshire, and for Georgia you must have a negro cabin with a real black mammy in charge. Have her make and sell hot waffles, served with maple syrup. The Carolinas may be left for whatever the committees deem best. Those participating may be glad of these names from which to select, using their own last names: Penelope, Honor, Hepzibah, Prudence, Ophelia, Faith, Malvina, Mercy, Perseverance, Content, Deliverance, Remembrance, Comfort, Hope, Patience, Love, Hu- mility, Priscilla, Roxana, Charity, and Delight, the men being equally favored, as Ichabod, Repentance, Ben- ajah. Elected, Faithful, Paletiah, Thankful, Increase, Fear, Abijah, Abimelech, Ebenezer, Hezekiah, Philan- der, Peleg, Josias, Erastus, Solomon, Ezekiel, and Jonathan. CARD PARTY FOR THE TWENTY-SECOND Military Euchre Sets may be purchased, which consist of large flag- poles with holes in them to hold the little flags. It is, however, quite possible to make your own. In this case a fort may be made for each table with a dish or a small bright tin pan filled with sand. Each fort is named instead of the table being numbered, and the tally cards have on them the names of the forts, four or six bearing the same name. This, of course, will depend upon whether the game is four or six-handed euchre. [38] ENTERTAINING IN FEBRUARY The tally cards are drawn and when the players find their forts they "cut" to see which two or three shall hold the fort. Then it does not matter who wins, the two or three drawing the lot to progress must go on until they again reach their own fort when they are permitted to hold it and the original holders progress. The winners of the game at each table are given a small flag which they carry back and plant on their own fort. When the games are finished, the fort having the most flags wins, so four or six prizes must be pro- vided, one for each player at that particular fort. The military colors and idea should be carried out as far as possible in the refreshments and whatever decorations may be used. Red, white, and blue are not diflScult colors to obtain in anything but flowers, where the blue fails if neither corn flowers nor forget-me-nots are obtainable. Crepe paper or ribbon may help out. Ice-cream may be served in balls piled up to represent cannon balls, with a tiny silk flag waving from the top of each ball. FOR LONGFELLOW'S BIRTHDAY The twenty-seventh is the natal day of one of our most beloved American poets and for those who wish to entertain on that day the following suggestions may be of assistance. For souvenirs take white or gray cards, moimt a picture of Longfellow or his home in Cambridge, and write a suitable quotation. Then have a series of Uving pictures. A delightful selection may be made from the "Hanging of the Crane," each picture illustrated to be accompanied by the readmg. "The Rainy Day," "Children's Home," [39] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING "Voices of the Night," "The Black Knight, " and groups from the ''Spanish Student " are all effective subjects. For music there is the "Arrow and the Song," "The Day is Done," "The Bridge," and the "Lost Chord." Have a twenty-minute sketch of the poet, and if possible procure Longfellow post cards for the invita- tions. Serve individual dishes of Boston baked beans and brown bread, doughnuts, and coffee. These are typical New England refreshments. [40] ENTERTAINING IN MARCH ENTERTAINING IN MARCH A MARCH FIRST PARTY F any one has a party in mind for the first, the following suggestions may prove helpful. We have all heard the saying, "mad as a March hare, " and we also know that March has an unsavory reputation for blustering winds which turn everything topsy- turvy. So plan this most unusual party by putting these lines at the top of your invitation: The Hatter and the Dormouse are, as usual, drinking tea. The March Hare, mad as ever, is inviting you to be A member of a chosen few to celebrate with hearty And enthusiastic lunacy that noted "Mad Teaparty." Follow by the date, day and hour, with name and address. To make more fun, you might say: "Come in the most grotesque costume possible." Have the dining-room table set in a topsyturvy way with a cunning "Mr. Benjamin Bunny" for the center- piece, a cocked hat askew on top of his head. Have little black pasteboard hats with yellow bands to hold the salted almonds and use all the spring flowers such [43] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING as dafiFodils, crocus, tulips, and hyacinths in individual crystal flower holders for decorations. Have the cups, saucers, plates, napkins, and flat silver in a jumbled mass on sideboard and table. Tell the guests to select what they need, find their places by means of yellow, rabbit-shaped cards, rescue a chair, and be seated at the table. It will add to the merriment to have it a progressive teaparty, each guest moving into her next neighbor's seat. Ask eight guests and have five courses. If cards are played afterwards, have the losers progress, and award the prize to the one having the lowest score. A copy of *' Alice in Wonderland" would be an appropriate prize. We never outgrow this charming tale. A famous New York business man once told me it was his constant solace and joy. A MARCH HARE PARTY The well-known verse from Bryant's poem called " March " headed the invitation which bade eight guests to a revel conducted by the ''Mad March Hares." The stormy March is come at last. The wind and cloud and changing skies; I hear the* rushing of the blast That through the snowy valley flies. It was a cheery sight, indeed, to see the attractive table, with eight saucy brown hares made by the clever fingers of the hostess from cardboard, one standing erect at each plate. Appropriate, too, was the color scheme of brown and green with jonquils. At each end of the table was a chafing-dish, presided over by the hostess and her sister. First rabbit bouillon was [U] ENTERTAINING IN MARCH served in cups, then "little pigs in blankets," which were plump oysters sauteed in thin strips of bacon. Corn muffins appeared at just the right moment, hav- ing been made in the kitchen. The piece de resistance was a deUcious Welsh rarebit. Coffee was served with cheese and toasted crackers. There were no sweets. Olives, salted nuts, and crisp celery hearts were on the table in relish dishes. For luck, each guest was given a rabbit's foot, warranted to be the left hind one cut from a jack-rabbit caught in a grave- yard on the thirteenth day of the month in the dark of the moon. Every one had a glorious time. The saying, "mad as a March hare," was certainly a misnomer on this occasion. A VIOLET PARTY FOR GRANDMOTHER The violet is the flower appropriate to this month and it would be lovely to have a bunch for each guest. For other decorations, any of the spring blossoms, arranged either in pots or in flower holders, may be used in this way. The guests may be asked to bring their work and to tell stories of their grandchildren, it being taken for granted that all grandmother's guests possess these wonderful adjuncts to eternal youth, and where is the grandmother who does not live over her own and her children's lives in the wee ones who bring back the by-gone days.^ As most women — even grandmothers — play cards nowadays, several rubbers, with perhaps favors for all and no prizes, may be arranged for the afternoon. This pretty verse may be used for either place cards or invitations: [45] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING In March the earliest bluebird came And caroled from the orchard tree His little tremulous songs to me. He called upon the summer's name And made old summers in my heart All sweet with flower and sim again. William Dean Howells. LENTEN PARTIES WriH the advent of Lent, society is supposed to take a much needed rest, but in reahty the hostess does just about as much entertaining, only the nature of the functions changes from large affairs to "small and earlies.'' Here is a suggestion for a sewing circle, and an after- noon could be spent most pleasantly at this "bag party." Ask each guest to bring enough pretty cretonne or art ticking to make a bag twelve inches long by twelve inches wide when finished. In each bag put a sharpened pencil, a pad of paper, half a dozen envelopes stamped, six postals, a half dozen plain, laundered handkerchiefs, and a bottle of cologne. Give these bags to the matrons of hospitals to be distributed to patients who are unable to provide such comforts. A patient in a ward passes many a lonely hour, and these bags will afford untold pleasure. Making a "comfort" powder box is another scheme which will afford fascination work for a "Lenten" circle. Get the regulation powder boxes and white squares of paper at a drug store. Then write a num- [46] ENTERTAINING IN MARCH ber of pretty, helpful quotations on these white slips, fold like powders, and fill the boxes. On the outside mark: "Take one at breakfast time." These will be greatly appreciated by "shut-ins" and by the occu- pants of the various "homes" and institutions. CHARITY CARD PARTIES FOR LENT A NEW idea for progressive card parties given for charity is to give prizes of potted plants and keep the score with flowers, either carnations, roses, or some blossom that does not wilt quickly. Invitations are sent for a "floral progressive card party" on cards cut in the shape of a flower. Jonquils, tulips, marguerites, and roses lend themselves admirably to this plan. To the winners pass vases containing the score flowers. At the finish every one will possess at least one or more of the fragrant reminders of their good or bad luck. The ice-cream may be molded in floral shapes and the small cakes ornamented swith candy roses. Crystal- lized violets and rose leaves may be mixed with the bonbons. Each guest is supposed to contribute twenty-five or fifty cents, whichever sum is agreed upon, to the charity for which the party is given. It is a pretty idea to donate the flowers won to hospitals or send them to individuals who are ill. One way to conduct these parties, which are always large affairs, is to have a potted plant the admission. LENTEN SUGGESTION During the weeks of Lent it might be a new thought to some to adopt the plan of a charming young hostess who says she always endeavors to change the character [47] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING of her entertaining during Lent. She seeks out those from whom she can expect no return, those who are lonely, often neglected; those for whom life is a solid grind, with little or no variety. For instance, the stenographer in her husband's office will receive two tickets to the matinee with a note saying that two seats have been reserved at a down- town tearoom for such an hour, and the note says: '* Please ask the one you want to enjoy this after- noon with you." A charity kindergarten will be the object of her sweet Lenten thoughts and a couple of dear old ladies will be her guests to view her treasures collected in foreign lands. In this way happiness and joy are brought to those who least expect it. Whether one believes that keep- ing this season is part of a religious duty or not, it can- not fail to be of benefit to every one to take up some special work at this time, such as a course of standard reading, lessons in language, or charitable sewing. By a little careful thought it is very easy to find deeds to do very close at hand. Suppose all card clubs aban- doned prizes and devoted that money to sending flowers to a poor, sick person, equipping a necessity bag for a mother with a baby, or sending an automobile to take some shut-in to ride. Suppose some one gave up the matinee for this period, devoting the money to some worthy cause. If we all practised this for forty days how many barren spots would be made to smile and blossom as the rose ! Lent need not be a time for repression, but rather an abundant expression of the best that lies within us. [48] ENTERTAINING IN MARCH LENTEN LUNCHEON MENU Have jonquils in a green jar for the centerpiece and serve first oranges or grape fruit mixed with cubes of pineapple in a half of a small grape fruit or orange. Next may come cream of corn soup with grated yolk of hard-boiled egg over the top; then egg cutlets with wax beans and potato croquettes, and pineapple salad with cheese crackers. A delicious Spanish cream with sunshine cake may furnish the last course. Yellow and white bonbons with yellow tomato preserves and salted almonds make up the accessories. If possible use white and gold china. FOR "MOTHERING" SUNDAY Do not forget that the fourth Sunday in Lent brings to us what is known in England as ''Mothering" Sim- day. It is a day devoted especially to honoring in the best way possible our dear mothers. In olden times the day was celebrated by all the children going home, where a delicious dinner, composed of dishes especially liked by the honored guests, was served. After the repast, heart to heart talks were indulged in and family plans and matters were discussed. Gifts were made to the dear household saint, and it was a time long to be remembered. The father was not forgotten, but was taken a bottle of choice wine or a brand of his favorite smoking tobacco. If we cannot all go to our mothers, we can at least send a loving letter and perhaps inclose a check for her to use as she deems best. If our mothers are not still with us we may do some- [491 THE ART OF ENTERTAINING thing for somebody's mother, or at least see that the day is made brighter and happier for the fact that we have remembered '* Mothering" Sunday. There has been a movement to take another day to celebrate in honor of our mothers, but it seems as if we could all be broad enough to accept the one that history and tradition give us and so unite on the mid- Sunday in Lent. THE STORY CHAIN Here is an admirable way to earn money during Lent. Form a chain of ten congenial women. In alphabetical order each one is hostess. The ten are bound to go to each meeting or send a substitute, and the hostess may ask two guests. A good short story is to be read aloud, which will not take more than an hour and a half to read (it must consume an hour). The others may bring their work and there may be music at the discretion of the hostess. Tea is served with sandwiches or small cakes, and a fee of twenty- five cents is paid by each one present. By the time the ten hostesses have entertained there will have been ten good stories heard and a goodly sum collected with- out hard work. Let us see how many story chains will be started. A LENTEN "MARKED DOWN" PARTY A YOUNG woman's society could have a lot of fun out of this "marked down" party. Word the invita- tions like this, writing them on cards, and have placards to advertise it in the windows of the main business street stores: "The Young People's Society of the [50] ENTERTAINING IN MARCH Blank Street Church invites you to a * marked down' party in the church parlors on Wednesday evening, March the sixth. Admission only to those who come with their names marked down on a card attached to coat or gown. All members of the society are requested to be present, that a check may be marked down opposite each name at roll-call. Please mark down this date on your social calendar and bring a pencil." At the door have two boxes, one for men and one for women, in which are price tags with pink string loops attached, to be slipped over the button of each arrival. On the tags have the price marked in black ink crossed off with a "marked down" price in red ink as the department stores do. With these duplicate price tags partners are found for a five-minute conversation. The following rules may be posted in a conspicuous place: See that some one else has a good time; then you will be sure to enjoy yourself. Find your first partner by the price in black ink on your tag. Change partners when the signal is given, and find your second partner by a corresponding ** marked down " price in red ink. Then for diversion have a guessing contest as to the contents of mysterious packages, and pass slips on which the guesses are to be marked down. Here are a few suggestions for the packages: A most useful article, although it is always back- ward in showing the result of its work. (A blotter.) Something that may travel all over the coimtry for two cents. (Postage stamp.) [51] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING It is usually ahead of time and, although often behind-hand, is yet always relied upon. (A calendar.) Extracts from many pens. (A penwiper.) It has a snippy disposition. (Pair of scissors.) A study in oil. (Box of sardines.) An article which ought to throw light on any subject. (A match.) When all have guessed and the key has been read, the contents of the parcels may be awarded to those guessing correctly or the nearest. Much fun may be had in serving refreshments. This may be done in the cafeteria style with prices "marked down." LENTEN WORK During the season of Lent it is an excellent plan to form "circles" for special work. One may be entirely of children from the ages of seven to twelve. They may meet at a private house, where there are several grown-ups to help and guide, and make per- fectly charming scrapbooks which go to hospitals, to the Indians, and to the mountain whites in North Carolina. These youngsters, with some help of course, get ready for a bazaar which is held Easter week and from which they realize a goodly sum for missions or whatever charity is chosen. Another plan is to form a doll brigade which gets and dresses dolhes for a children's hospital. DOLLAR PARTIES DURING LENT Dollar parties are quite popular schemes for raising money during Lent. Each lady is pledged to make one dollar, and the week before Easter there will be [52] ENTERTAINING IN MARCH "experience" parties to tell how the one hundred cents were produced and to deposit the money with the various treasurers. Nearly every woman you meet is for the time being a *' captain of finance," and there are many ingenious plans for raising the almighty dollar. One young miss said she never realized before how large a sum one dollar was and how much easier it was to spend than to make it. GOOD FRIDAY "HOT CROSS" BUNS Once a year we may have the famous '*hot cross" bims on our table. In England the venders go about calling, "One a penny, two a penny, 'hot cross' bims!" The recipe is appended: "Hot Cross" Buns. — Mix well one pint of luke- warm milk with two ounces of yeast and the yolk of one large egg. Add two pounds of flour and knead to a dough. Set the basin in a warm place, cover it with a cloth, and let the dough rise for from one and a half to two hours. Now add a half ounce of mixed spice, three ounces each of currants and sultanas, and, if liked, a very tiny pinch of nutmeg. Shape the mixture into buns and place them on buttered tins to rise for half an hour. This done, brush them over lightly with milk. Make a cross on them with the back of a knife and bake in a quick oven from fifteen to twenty minutes. Good Friday Pudding. — One and one half cups of bread crumbs and the same quantity of chopped apples, one cup of raisins, and three eggs. Put in buttered dish and steam one and one half hours. Serve with warm sauce flavored with lemon and brandy. [53] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING FOR ST. PATRICK'S DAY LUNCHEON The hostess who gave this affair followed, as far as she could, real old Irish customs. She confined the decorations to the dining-room. Over the doors and windows she hung large crosses made from straw and flowers — in olden times they were hung from the doorposts. Then she draped green cheese-cloth over the windows and made a frieze of it all around the room combining it with the Irish flag. Over the dining-room table was a large stuffed rooster or cock, for this bird is sacrificed on every seventeenth of March in memory of St. Patrick. Tradition says it must be a black cock. The china was white with green bands, the candles in glass holders were green with green and white shades, and the centerpiece was a gilded harp in imitation of the one "that once through Tara's halls." At each place were tiny green pots containing growing shamrocks (oxalis in this case). On each place card was tied a wee clay pipe, and anecdotes or genuine Irish riddles and jokes were written on them. I give a few for the benefit of other hostesses : Dennis said his wife was very ungrateful when the priest remonstrated with him upon his failure to provide for her. "Shure, Father, she hadn't a rag to her back when I married her, and now she is covered with them." He was an Irish soldier just returned from foreign service, and they asked him if he had met with much hospitaUty abroad. "HospitaHty, did you say? Sure, I was in the hospital nearly all the time." What is the greatest miracle ever worked in Ireland? Waking the dead. [54] ENTERTAINING IN MARCH WTiat is the diflFerence between an Irish CathoHc priest and a Baptist clergyman? One uses wax candles, the other — dips. An Irishman wrote home to his friends over the briny deep that in this country everybody was so honest that a reward had to be offered for thieves. Tea was served with four whole cloves, two green mint cherries, and a tiny lump of green rock candy in each cup. This gave a really delicious flavor and was a distinct novelty befitting the occasion. The salad was of hard-boiled eggs cut to represent a daisy and served in a bed of water cress and white lettuce hearts. The soup was cream of corn with finely chopped parsley sprinkled over the top. QUOTATIONS FOR ST. PATRICK'S DAY Here's to the land of the shamrock so green. Here's to each lad and his fair sweet colleen. Here's to the ones we love dearest and most, And may God save old Ireland — that's an Irishman's t^^t- Ada Lewis. To THE Shamrock My country's flower, I love it well. For every leaf a tale can tell And teach the minstrel's heart to swell In praise of Ireland's shamrock; The emblem of our faith di^dne WTiich blest St. Patrick made to shine, To teach eternal truth sublime, And which shall last as long as time. And long as blooms the shamrock. (Oscar Wilde) T. B. Harron. [55] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING OuLD Ireland Pat may be foolish and sometimes very wrong, Pat has a temper, which doesn't last very long; Pat's full of jollity, that everybody knows, But you'll never find a coward where the shamrock ^ * Elizabeth Berry. Ireland The country that gave St. Patrick, the birthplace of wit, and hospitality's home — dear ould Ireland. HIBERNIAN PUNCH Make a strong lemonade, then add one pint of lime juice, which can be purchased by the bottle if fresh fruit is not at hand; juice of six oranges and two grape fruits or shaddocks; arrange a wreath of mint foliage above a crystal bowl and fill with crushed ice; then turn in the fruit juices; the ice melting will dilute it plentifully. Add one bottle of mint cherries drained from the juice. FOR ST. PATRICK'S DAY Now the first factional fight in Ireland, they say» Was all on account of St. Patrick's birthday. A PARTY on the seventeenth may be made attractive by using quantities of green decorations. These are effective if carried out in festoons of cheese-cloth or crepe paper. Irish flags may be made or obtained from the city stores. These typical refreshments may be served: Potato soup in green bowls, rye bread sandwiches, tea, potato salad on lettuce leaves in a wreath of shamrock or [56] ENTERTAINING IN MARCH oxalis. Pistachio ice-cream may be molded into the shape of Httle pigs and served with shamrock cookies or cakes. Wiggly snakes may ornament the table. Clay pipes may be used for name cards, having the name and date done in green on the bowls. I give two recipes for use on this festival day, the first of which is for green sandwiches. To make them, take a handful of mint and a handful of parsley, a tiny green onion, and mince all very fine. Mix well with mayonnaise seasoned highly with paprika. Spread be- tween thin slices of fine-grained white bread. The second is for mint ale. This is just the beverage to use in honor of good old St. Patrick. It is used in place of frappe or a thirst quencher at parties. Take the juice of five lemons and a cup and a half of sugar. Place in a punch bowl with six stalks of bruised mint. Add plenty of cracked ice and two bottles of ginger ale. This is deli- cious and its use need not be confined to the seventeenth. TOASTS FOR ST. PATRICK'S St. Patrick was a gentleman who, through strategy and stealth. Drove all the snakes from Ireland; here's a bumper to his health; But not too many bumpers, lest we lose ourselves and then Forget the good St. Patrick and see the snakes again. If life for me hath joy or light, Tis all from thee: My thoughts by day, my dreams by night Are but of thee, of only thee, rp ^.^ •^ Tom Moore. [57] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING Come in the evening or come in the morning, Come when you're looked for or come without warning: A thousand welcomes you'll find here before you, And the oftener you come here the more I'll adore you. Old Irish Toast. OTHER ST. PATRICK'S DAY SUGGESTIONS Ask each guest to come prepared to tell an Irish joke or story, to sing an Irish song, dance a jig, or tell an anecdote pertaining to the Emerald Isle. In this way the hostess is sure of having a successful party. Irish character costumes might be worn, for it is a well-known fact that when dressed for the part one always does better. Here are menu suggestions to be used as the hostess thinks best: Olives and tiny green pickles, chicken in cubes of green jelly, lettuce sandwiches and Saratoga chips, salad served in green apples hollowed out, green mayonnaise, pistachio ice-cream served with white cake with decorations of green angelica, Irish punch and green bonbons, mints, gum drops, and buttercups. For a dinner a crown roast of pork could be arranged like one of lamb by an obliging butcher, and with each rib tipped with a green paper frill it would be a goodly sight. Fill in the center with green peas, and there could be a border of mashed potatoes sprinkled with parsley. Call it *' Murphy's turkey." Green color- ings are perfectly harmless if purchased at a reliable druggist's or grocer's, and they may be made also of spinach juice. [58] ENTERTAINING IN MARCH TO FIND PARTNERS ON ST. PATRICK'S DAY Make as many shamrocks of green paper as there will be guests. Give each girl one, but hide those for the men and tell them they must find them and then find the girl who has the question which their shamrock answers. Here are the "green" conundrums: A choice variety of plum Green Gage A raw youth Greenhorn Verdant Green A retailer of fresh vegetables .... Greengrocer A part of a theater Greenroom WTiere plants are sheltered .... Greenhouse DandeKons and spinach Greens Death to bugs Paris Green Mountains in Vermont Green Turf green with grass Greensward A coimtry Greenland A kind of apple Greening [59] ENTERTAINING IN APRIL ENTERTAINING IN APRIL AN APRIL FOOL PARTY A little nonsense now and then Is relished by the best of men. EMEMBERING the above, let us enter into the spirit of the first day of April. Once upon a time there were three merry children who dearly loved the first of April. They played pranks "from early morn till dewy eve." Here is a fist of surprise eatables which these young- sters concocted yearly and sprimg upon their ador- ing families who graciously forgot and were always obligingly '* fooled." The pancakes and biscuits had a layer of white cotton inserted. Maple sugar "just from the country " was cleverly made by mixing coarse salt and molasses. This was sHghtly dried and passed with innocent looking marshmallows peacefully reposing in quinine instead of powdered sugar. Baked potatoes, neatly hollowed out and lined with waxed paper, held vanilla ice-cream. When it came to delicious-looking, round chocolates, no one suspected any disguise and all were fooled to find them oyster crackers coated like choco- late creams. Bananas when passed on a plate were found to contain a fruit salad. The best thing of all [63] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING about this April Fool party was that these jokes were harmless. Now, please, dear fathers and mothers, just remem- ber that the first of April comes only once a year. Bite easily and quickly when a pocketbook Hes on the sidewalk and stoop to pick it up. Go cheerfully your- self to the door when the bell rings, because as a rule domestics haven't a keen sense of humor. Be cheerful when the postman brings you more than one "fool" letter, and, best of all, sharpen up your own wits and see how many times you can catch the wily youngsters who are lying in wait for you. AN APRIL FIRST PARTY The first day of April has become quite a "special" day with hostesses who are ever on the alert for a touch of novelty. Entertainments are always more enjoyable when full of surprises. The guests who were fortunate enough to be bidden to the party I am going to tell you about had more than the usual good time. On arriving they found the bell missing. In its place was a big tin pan with a potato masher tied to it with which to knock. The hostess received them in a wash dress, cap, and huge kitchen apron. Then came surprise number two. The ladies were given caps and aprons also, and the men were presented with market baskets. The hostess explained that her maid had departed and that the guests would have to get their own supper. Sur- prise number three followed. The host acted in the capacity of storekeeper and dispensed the provisions as each man presented his order list. [64] ENTERTAINING IN APRIL Chafing-dishes and the gas stove were used, and the hostess had the following articles in readiness: Charlotte russe in tiny black kettles, salted nuts in a tin pie pan, a setting of eggs (candy ones) in wee baskets for favors at each place. The salad was served in tin patty pans and the coffee in tin cups. Around the court jester centerpiece was a circle of tin spoons, each with a red candle in the bowl held there by a drop of hot wax which had been allowed to fall before the candle was placed in the spoon. The hostess was congratulated upon the success of this party with its series of surprises. RAINY DAY LUNCHEON A SEASONABLE fimctiou for this month is a rainy day luncheon. One given recently was literally what the name signifies, for the hostess said she wanted eight of her most intimate friends to limcheon the first rainy day. When that day arrived she telephoned to these eight expectant guests and they all responded with alacrity, scenting a good time from afar. The centerpiece was a white parasol, the handle imbedded in a low mound of daffodils and violets. Ice was concealed in perforated tin boxcovers which were placed beneath the vines up under the umbrella. The melting ice dripped in tiny rain drops on the flowers below, much to the delight of the guests, who said they were not disappointed in their expectations of something original. Real showers apparently pro- duced the real flowers on the spot. The place cards were tied to the handles of diminutive doll parasols in pink, white, yellow, and blue, and under [65] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING each umbrella was a wee doll clad in the dearest of raincoats. Little baskets of rustic make were also at each place, filled with wood violets. FOR APRIL FIRST About once a year every one is ready for the extreme novelties that are permissible on the first day of April, and guests take kindly to marshmallows dipped in quinine, button molds covered with chocolate, pill boxes filled with salt and iced as small cakes. In France this day is called "Poisson d'Avril," meaning "Fish of April," signifying that one is easily caught. One hostess who had planned an entertainment had her place cards fish-shaped, with an appropriate quota- tion and the date inscribed in gold ink. The fish were cut out of gray cardboard touched up with water-colors. A fool's cap of white crepe paper was the receptacle for holding spring blossoms in the center of the table. There were also fools' caps to be worn by each guest, and these were made of crepe paper and in dainty colors. The ice-cream was cone-shaped, covered with adorable little jesters' caps. The menu was served backwards, beginning with dessert, finishing with bouillon and breadsticks. Cards followed the luncheon, and the score was kept with tiny gilt bells hung to a fool's cap score card. AN APRIL SHOWER A DELIGHTFULLY pretty shower was carried out last year by an April hostess, who headed her invitations [66] ENTERTAINING IN APRIL with a charming verse from one of Jean Ingelow's poems : Heigh ho ! daisies and buttercups. Fair yellow daffodils stately and tall — A sunshiny world full of laughter and leisure. And fresh hearts unconscious of sorrow and thrall! She used white cards written in gold ink, and ex- plained to all the guests that it was to be a sunshine shower for the little bride who was to cross the sea on her honeymoon. She asked that each of the eight guests would do up her parcel or steamer letter in white with yellow ribbons and send to her the day before the function. As a centerpiece there was a steamer bearing the colors of the line on which the bride was to sail, as well as the dear "stars and stripes." The parcels were put on board as freight, each one attached to a yellow ribbon which hung over the side. At either end of the table were brass loving cups filled with daffodils, daisies, buttercups, vines, and ferns. The candles were yellow, in old-fashioned brass candlesticks, with shades of yellow silk. The place cards were anchors of gilt paper, the names done in blue water-color, and each bore a good wish for the bonny bride-to-be, which was read aloud. When the dessert had been served the ribbons were pulled, bringing the packages off the ship. They were placed in a pretty box, tied with gold cord, and fastened with golden seals, each girl sticking one with a wish. The packages were to be opened, one a day, while on board the ship. This pretty ceremony finished, all [67] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING adjourned to put the last stitches in the bridal lingerie, as it is considered to be a good omen if the bride's "nearest and dearest" friends put in a few stitches, thinking good luck thoughts while they work. AN EASTER PARTY I MUST tell you of a most unique Easter table which one hostess arranged for a party of twenty-four jolly people. The table was set on a long, enclosed porch, beautiful with quantities of growing ivy and ferns. The hostess had the tinsmith make a long and rather shallow pan which she placed in the middle of the table and surrounded with maidenhair fern and spring flowers. Tiny, live ducks (artificial ones will do) swam about contentedly. At each end of the table were low jars filled with flowers and chocolate cakes on which tiny, hard candies were scattered like seeds. All over the table were bunnies and chickens and a few chanticleers. There were individual candles, with shades of dehcate pink, lavender, blue, green, and yellow. The holders were of glass, very inexpensive and twined with smilax. The name cards were tied to them and the guests took them home as souvenirs. The repast was simple, but just what such a feast should be — several kinds of sandwiches, chicken salad, oHves, candied kumquats, celery stalks filled with cheese, salted nuts, coffee, veal croquettes made egg-shaped and served on wee nests of water-cress. The ices were in shape of eggs, chicks, lihes, and rabbits. The cake was individual angel food, with a tiny yellow chick on each cake. [68] ENTERTAINING IN APRIL FOR THE GLAD EASTER TIDE Children adore this season, so let every mother who can possibly do it have some kind of a party for the neighborhood children. The ever alluring post card makes a suitable invitation and the Saturday after Easter is just the time to have it. Of course there must be an egg hunt. Nothing has ever supplanted this time-honored custom. Much joy and excitement is caused by having all kinds of eggs, hard-boiled and colored candy ones — the latter come in all sizes and colors — even the china nest egg may be used for hiding. Add several "prize" eggs, which must be gilded and silvered. Provide baskets or bags for each Uttle hunter, and for the rewards choose some of the many fascinating favors symbolic of Easter. Try this for another stunt: A real nest of straw or a round basket will do. Fill it with downy chicks. BUndf old the children, one at a time, turn them around, and tell them to go to the nest and select a chickie to take home. For the table centerpiece have a wagon filled with eggs drawn by a tandem team of bunnies, with a bunny for a driver. Harness these "hares" with narrow ribbon of any preferred color. Nests of spun sugar filled with ice-cream eggs will deUght the children. Have rabbit-shaped cookies, using currants for eyes. FOR THE EASTER TABLE Let me tell you of a beautiful centerpiece for an Easter table. It may be utilized also, if desired, for [69] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING the giving of favors or to announce an engagement. If money does not have to be considered, use real Easter hhes. In the center of each a very small gift may be concealed or the engagement ring placed. At the close of the repast pass the jar and request each guest to take a lily. The surprise comes when the favor is discovered. Artificial lilies may be made or purchased and will serve the purpose admirably. Another very effective table decoration is made by using a low bowl filled with spring flowers over which is suspended a number of butterflies. These are made of the colors predominating in the flowers and are hung on very fine threads of irregular lengths from a hoop wound with ferns or smilax fastened over the table from the hght or ceihng. These butterflies can be made very easily at home and some Japanese stores have pretty ones. Cocoons made from tissue paper and stuffed with cotton are appropriate receptacles for holding gifts or favors. The name card may be attached to them with the following descriptive verse: From my little cradle take me; I can't wake unless you wake me; Lift the covers that now bind me. Take them off and you will find me. FOR EASTER With the dawn of the Easter morn comes the thought of all things made new. Even to those who sit in darkness the light begins to break, and they can say **It is well," although hearts break and voices choke. This day is full of hope, for is not the Lord [70] ENTERTAINING IN APRIL risen? In the Eastern churches the day is still called Pascha, and we speak of the paschal moon. The word "Lent" comes from the Teutonic word *'lenz," meaning spring, because the forty days' fast comes in this season. In medieval times eggs were solemnly blessed by the priests before being distributed to the people. The eggs were boiled hard first, then fancifully decorated and given as special gifts to dear friends. A most curious custom called "lifting" was observed on Easter Monday in England. A crowd of young swains carried a gaily decorated chair covered with white silk and garlands of flowers and went from house to house in- viting the young girls to be lifted. They then thrust the chair into the air as high as possible, and upon descending from the "lifting" each gallant claimed a kiss as payment. In the records kept in the Tower of London there is an interesting account of the young ladies and maids of honor "lifted" by King Edward I on an Easter Monday and of the payment made. Nearly every country has its own pecuhar beUef regarding Easter. Perhaps the most curious custom on this side of the water is the hanging of Judas, which survives in Mexico, and which so many tourists have seen. Days before Easter the merchants display all sizes of images representing the traitor disciple. These are sought by the natives, who hang Judas with much ceremony at Easter time. EASTER ENGAGEMENTS How many young people are aware of the fact that in the Middle Ages an engagement made on Easter [71] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING Sunday was considered to be most auspicious and happy? A troth pHghted on this Sunday was supposed to be pecuUarly blessed and it was the day of days for proposals. It was also customary for lovers to send poetic verses to their adored ones after the manner of valentines. The one given below was written in the time of Richard I and is certainly worthy to be used in this twentieth century. It was composed by a poet of the day named Athelstane Wade and the spelling has been modernized to suit the times: 'Tis God's Sunday, precious one, That binds your heart in love to me. Let us, then, all folly shun; Be true, my sweet, as I to thee. Troth plighted on Christ's rising day Is sacred, holy, good, and true. Let come to me whatever may. In Ufe or death I'll cling to you. GIVING AN EGG DANCE This is an ancient amusement that was much in favor with the young folk in Queen Elizabeth's time and may be made a very attractive feature of an Easter party. The requirements are thirteen eggs, the con- tents carefully blown out and the shells colored — eight red ones, four yellow, and one white. The yellow ones may be easily gilded. Place these eggs on the floor in two circles, the outer circle of red, eight feet in diameter, the inner circle of the gilded eggs about four feet in diameter, and the white egg in the middle of the inside circle. [72] ENTERTAINING IN APRIL The first couple is placed within the outer circle between the red and yellow eggs, and to slow waltz music they dance around three times. Then entering the inner circle they waltz three times around the white egg. This must all be done without breaking the shells or misplacing them. If an egg is broken or moved more than twelve inches out of place the couple instantly retires and the next couple enters. The broken eggs are not replaced, but the moved ones are put in position. The first couple to go through successfully receives a prize. There may be rewards for second and third couples if the hostess wishes. EASTER MORN IN GERMANY In certain German provinces the peasants continue to observe some very curious customs. One which strikes the traveler as most interesting is the singing of the servants at sunrise, accompanied by the orchestra that is often kept up among the tenants on a large estate. The baron, or whoever the owner may be, descends to the great hall when the music begins, and all the employees pass in review, each carrying something emblematic of his or her occupation, and yet indicating something in the life or death of the blessed Lord. In one such procession the washerwomen carried snow-white tubs in which large dolls lay dressed to represent the infant Jesus. The foresters had small hatchets, the blades fastened in black crosses. The gardeners had stiff bouquets of flowers surrounded by crowns of thorns. The housemaids carried brooms [73] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING swathed in white sheets, symboKc of the Saviour's winding sheet. The blacksmiths had hammers and great spikes, and the masons carried trowels and white stones. They walked two by two, making a low bow before the head of the house and his guests, and as each passed, he or she received a gift of money. This performance is universal on all the large estates of Germany and has been carried out for generations. EASTER PARTY FOR CHILDREN For a children's party send the invitations inclosed in an egg shell in a wee basket just large enough to hold it. Say, "May I count on you for the party I am hatching for Easter Saturday.^" Have puzzles made from Easter post cards cut out by some clever boy on a jig-saw, one each, in an egg- shaped box. Children as well as grown people have the puzzle craze. For prizes have Easter favors, there being many from which to select. Then hang up a sheet after the manner of an old-fashioned donkey party. Draw a big brown nest on it with crayon. Give each child a paper egg cut from bright colors with the name on the back for identification. Then let them, while blindfolded, try to pin their eggs in the nest. QUAINT EASTER MONDAY CUSTOM Probably one of the most unique Easter customs is carried on in Bulgaria where on the Monday after the great festival day the unmarried lads and lassies gather in the village churchyard, attired in their very best garments, and indulge in all sorts of outdoor games. [74] ENTERTAINING IN APRIL If in these merry sports a young man is permitted to get and keep the handkerchief of one of the shy maidens it is equal to a verbal proposal, and the follow- ing day, if the suitor is favored by the girl's parents, they send the swain a jug of wine which is considered a token of approval, and a wedding soon follows. It may well be the most important day in the year's calendar to the young people in this community, and it is certain that every girl is provided with an especially dainty kerchief for this important occasion. AN EASTER PARTY FOR CHILDREN At this party a Jack Horner pie was the centerpiece, and each ribbon radiating from it had a tiny chick on the end. These chicks may be purchased by the dozen or by the hundred, and instead of hiding eggs for the "hunt," the hostess concealed these fluflFy little chicks. Inside the pie there were Easter novelty candy boxes filled with the tiniest of candy eggs. The surprise of the party was at the finish, when a screen was removed revealing a tub filled with water in which there were enough real live baby ducklings to give one to each child, and there were little wooden cages such as canary birds come in to put the duckies in to be carried home. There was egg-shaped ice-cream served with cookies in shape of rabbits, with currants for eyes, and little nests filled with candy eggs. The hostess made charming hats of tissue paper for the girls and soldier caps for the boys — regular cocked hats, with nice, long, white tissue paper feathers. Balls of confetti were the parting gift at this prettiest of Easter parties. [75] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING WHY THE RABBIT AT EASTER? Each year at this season the cunning little bunny appears in the shop windows beside downy chicks and gaily colored eggs. The legend of the Easter rabbit is one of the most ancient in mythological lore and is closely related to the folk tales of southern Germany. In the beginning of things, it seems, the rabbit was a bird. As a great favor the goddess Ostara, who was the patron of spring, gave it four legs for which the rabbit was deeply grateful. In remembrance of its former life as a bird, when the spring or Easter season comes it lays eggs of gorgeous colors. As the egg has always been a symbol of the resurrection, it is used at Easter time. It is a German custom for children to go to their godmothers at Easter for the gift of colored eggs and a baked rabbit. Just before Easter the children are sent to the garden to build a nest for the expected rabbit, and early Easter morning they go with great expectations (which are never disappointed) to get the eggs which the rabbit has laid for them. Even in Africa, among the heathen tribes, worship of the egg is common. No altar is complete without its egg decoration, and most huts have at least one sacred egg. On all the eggs devoted to the rites of worship a verse from the Koran is written at each end, while the sides are ornamented by scenes from the Nile. A rare specimen of these eggs is to be seen in the Detroit Museum of Art. The etchings on the shell follow closely the same general design as that which [76] ENTERTAINING IN APRIL appears in the paintings of men and women recently foimd in Cairo. EASTER PLACE CARDS Use Easter symbols for any affairs given the week following Easter Sunday. Let the place cards be redolent of spring Tvath its promise of hope and love. Eggs, chicks, rabbits, the cross in gilt, violets, hhes, crocuses, and jonquils are all charming when done in water-colors. A lovely set of twelve dinner cards has birds for the decorative scheme, with appropriate mottoes deUcately lettered. I give two quotations, just to serve as examples. I wish I could give samples of the cards. He giveth you your wings to fly And breathe a purer air on high. And careth for you everywhere. Who for yourselves so little care. The blue eggs in the robin's nest Will soon have wings and beak and breast. And flutter and fly away. On place cards to be used where the guests are all churchmen, the butterfly motif with the cross and "I am the resurrection and the life" or *'He is risen" should be used exclusively. The flowers should be lilies, the corsage bouquets of purple and white violets. FOR THE EASTER TABLE A PRETTY salad for Easter is made by forming a nest from bars of cold boiled potatoes laid upon white [77] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING lettuce hearts. Fill the nest with "eggs" made of cream cheese and then rolled in yellow grated cheese. Serve with mayonnaise dressing and sandwiches of brown and white bread cut in egg shape. For a violet luncheon a most attractive dessert is made by coloring gelatin with grape juice. Pour into egg shell molds which are kept firm and upright by imbedding them in a dish of salt. Place on ice. When solid, remove the shells and serve these eggs with whipped cream. An effective centerpiece for the Easter table is made by filling a low, round basket with violets and mi- gnonette. Aroimd this, place downy yellow chickens facing the guests. Tie a violet and green ribbon around the neck of each one and let it lead to the guest's place, where it will fasten a boutonniere of violets to the name card. A JOLLY EASTER PARTY The invitations to this pretty party were issued in a unique way. Wee baskets containing an egg joined in the middle concealed the following, neatly written and rolled, to go inside: Lillian Whiting 33 Chestnut Street Easter Party Monday, April 8, 1912 2:30 to 6 Egg Rolling Rabbit Hunt Lots of Fun [78] ENTERTAINING IN APRIL The names of the children asked were written on Easter cards tied to the handle with white and yellow ribbon. Partners for refreshments were found by- matching eggs of the same color. The ice-cream was in the form of yellow chicks on nests of green spun sugar candy. The best of all was the rabbit himt, which took place just before the children went home. Real Kve rabbits (one for each child) were in a screened corner of the porch in straw and leaves. The children went one at a time and caught a bunny by his ears, put it in a httle covered basket, and took it home. ARRANGING A LILY LUNCHEON For a lily luncheon it goes without saying that the decorations are all white and gold. The cloth should be of snowy white with centerpiece over yellow, or the ever-pleasing pohshed board with plate doihes. Easter Uhes, the flowers chosen for this pretty function, should stand tall and regal in their purity in the center of the table. White tissue paper hlies may be made at home or purchased to hold salted nuts, and the yellow candles should be shaded with white Hlies, the holders being of cut glass. Plain white china with a gold band is the proper thing, and for place cards have one lily in a small yellow jardiniere (doll size) at each plate, to which are tied hly-shaped cards bearing the name in gold ink. Serve this menu: Cream of celery soup over which the grated yolk of hard-boiled egg is sprinkled, bread- sticks, boiled fresh cod with egg sauce, chicken breasts fried, creamed potatoes in yellow ramekins, cauli- [79] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING flower, hot rolls, white grape gelatin and candied orange peel, egg salad in water cress nests, cheese straws and, for dessert, ice-cream eggs, served in yellow spun sugar nests with a tiny yellow chick perched on the side of the plate. Individual cakes iced with yellow and a white chick on each one. As this is a white season, the hostess might request her guests to wear white gowns with yellow accessories. The house decorations should be confined exclusively to lilies, of which there are many varieties. A MONEY-RAISING PARTY A CHURCH in a small country village makes quite a sum of money each Easter season for its chronically depleted treasury by asking contributions of fresh eggs from members of the congregation. These eggs are disposed of at fancy prices to city friends for their Easter morning breakfast. I also heard of a lovely way to use eggs at this season. People who had chick- ens were asked to send just what eggs they could spare to the church parlors. The eggs were distributed to hospitals and homes, where they were served on Easter morning to patients. A class of young men in the church, hearing of the egg scheme, sent a huge basket of yellow chicks and a big bunch of daflFodils to be laid on the tray with the eggs, and one flower and one chick were given each patient. AN EASTER RABBIT TABLE Easter is always regarded as a season of great festivity with eggs, lilies, and bonnets galore and all kinds of joyous parties for both old and young. Ought [80] ENTERTAINING IN APRIL we not to be gay and festive at this time? A poet has aptly said, "Joy is a duty we owe to God." This may not be quoted correctly, but the idea, I hope, is clear. This description of a rabbit table will be interesting, and it is easy to arrange: Use a low, round basket filled with eggs, moss, vines, and flowers for the center- piece. Around this have a circle of rabbits (candy boxes). White, yellow, lavender, and pink (also green and blue, if liked) ribbons should be tied to the rabbits' paws and run to each plate. Tiny rabbits with the name card around the neck may be at each plate. The bonbons should be colored eggs in wee nests. HOLDING AN EGG RACE There is a purely German sport called Eierlaufen or egg race. It is always a feature of the Easter Mon- day parties, and, by the way, it is the custom in that country for the grandparents to entertain their families with their children on Easter Monday. The young people participate in all the traditional games of which the egg race is a great favorite. A course is laid out around the room which takes the child over chairs, stools, under tables, and finally through a big barrel. Six hard-boiled, colored eggs are placed on the floor at the starting-point, and the child is handed a shallow wooden spoon in which the eggs are to be carried separately over this course and deposited in a basket at the goal. The one who makes the transfer in the shortest space of time and with the fewest drops is awarded a fancy egg-shaped receptacle filled with candy eggs. [81] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING EASTER WEDDING DECORATIONS At the church, long-stemmed HHes may be fastened to the end of each pew making a lovely aisle. On the altar there should be nothing but lilies and the candles. At home have the mantels and the dining-room table banked with lilies, and the canopy under which the couple stands to receive congratulations should be of the same flower combined with vines. Individual ice-creams in the form of a lily with leaf and stem of green spun candy may be had, also bonbons orna- mented with wee liUes. The bridal cake must, of course, be decorated with the same flower. Then, in addition to all this, if the bride's name happens to be Lilian, how charming it would be to know that lingerie, table and household linen have all been marked with a lily motif beneath a daintily embroidered name or monogram. IN HONOR OF SHAKESPEARE The twenty-third of April is the natal day of the great bard of Avon, and these few suggestions may prove helpful to any wishing to add a touch of some- thing different, if entertaining on that day, or for a literary club whose members may wish to honor the greatest of our dramatists. As far as possible use flowers mentioned by Shake- speare for decorations, with a nosegay of pansies (for thoughts) as a souvenir for each guest. Other flowers to use are violets, lilies, primroses, roses, and daffodils. If music is desirable, have a duet called '*La Ro- manesca," which was a dance of the fifteenth century. [8^2] ENTERTAINING IN APRIL Ask each guest to come prepared to give a quotation from Shakespeare when the name is called, and here are the names of three songs of Shakespeare which would add to the occasion: "My Lady Green Sleeves," *'0h. Mistress Mine," **Come live with me and be my Love," and I think there is a song called "When I was a Little Tiny Boy." I give a clever invitation which will be just the thing for a hostess who wishes to entertain at cards on the twenty-third: Mr. and Mrs. John Smith send greeting to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones. April twenty-third, Eight o'clock. Lend thy serious hearing to what I shall unfold. Hamlet. Sir (and lady), you are very welcome to our house, It must appear in other ways than words. Therefore, I scant this breathing courtesy. Merchant of Venice. Say, what abridgment Have you for this evening? Midsummer Night'b Dream. Whist will be the pastime — passing excellent. Taming of the Shrew. If your love do not persuade you to come, Let not my letter. Merchant of Venice. For prizes framed pictures of Stratford-on-Avon scenes, one of Shakespeare, or a stein picturing FalstaflF with a cup of sack, or *' Romeo and Juliet" would be [83] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING appropriate. Even a set of postals portraying Shake- spearean views in a post card case would be acceptable. FOR SHAKESPEARE'S BIRTHDAY This menu, compiled from "The Tempest," may add a touch of novelty if a hostess happens to be enter- taining upon the twenty-third, which is the birthday of the great bard of Avon. At the top of the menu card put: I must eat my dinner. — Act I, Scene 2. Cereal Soup Of wheat, rye, barley, vetches, oats, and peas. — Act IV, Scene 1. Broiled Lobster Half a fish and half a monster. — Act III, Scene 2. Oyster Patties . . . nothing that doth fade But doth suffer a sea-change Into something rich and strange. — Act I, Scene 2. Sweetbreads It must needs be of subtle, tender, and delicate tem- perance. — Act II, Scene 1. Mashed Potatoes Wilt please you taste of what is here? — Act III, Scene 3. Brussels Sprouts Strange Stuff! — Act I, Scene 1, [84] ENTERTAINING IN APRIL Green Onions . . . it is a hint That wrings my eyes to 't. — Act I, Scene 2. Pickles How eam'st thou in this pickle? — Act V, Scene 1. Comb Honey In the cowslip's bell I he. — Act V, Scene 1. Combination Salad So perfect and so peerless are created Of every creature's best. — Act III, Scene 1. Sherbet or Ice Cream What? Must our mouths be cold? — Act I, Scene 1. Wine or Ginger Ale At least two glasses. — Act I, Scene 2. Angel Food Cake A thing divine. — Act I, Scene 2. FOR EASTER MONDAY This description is of an affair which was most successfully given by a church society. The ideas may be utiUzed for a private party also. The announce- ment was written on white cardboard, egg-shaped, having a cunning wee chick on it. Some were done in water-colors, some cut from *'ads" and pasted on. Both these jingles were used, so take your choice. The longest one had merely broken eggs outlined on the cards instead of the *' chicks." [85] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING Who am I? A new-hatched chick. Where am I going? I'll tell you quick. For the great egg social I am billed On Monday night at Blank Street Guild. This lively chick Has done the trick. He's burst his shell And feels quite well. His brother is billed For Blank Street guild. In sandwich fare You'll meet him there. The admission was ten cents or two eggs. The eggs were put in dozen lots, placed in dainty boxes or baskets, and sent to a hospital. The decorations consisted entirely of yellow and white crepe paper, spring flowers, and bulb potted plants, which were for sale. Those not sold were returned to the florist. The guild re- ceived a commission on all sold. There was a home- made candy booth, also a grab '*nest," where tissue paper eggs held wee articles, and there was a penny "nest" and a five-cent "nest." The refreshments con- sisted of egg sandwiches, coffee, ice-cream (egg-shaped) , and small cakes. The charge was twenty-five cents if the whole menu was taken. The sandwiches and coffee were fifteen cents and the same price for cream and cake. FOR A DUTCH AFFAIR For a novel scheme at a party or luncheon given in the spring time nothing more pleasing could be evolved [86] ENTERTAINING IN APRIL than this : On the name card to be attached to a tulip write this apt quotation: Dutch tulips from their beds Flaunted their stately heads, MONTGOMEBY. To simulate a body of water down the center of the table use a mirror, one of oblong shape if possible to procure it. Upon this, place a wooden shoe with three or four fluffy yellow ducklings with one wee fellow perched on the toe. Around the "water" make a border of tulips, ferns, and vines. The tulips should have rather short stems. If little Dutch figures cannot be purchased of card- board to put at the places, they may be made by sketching the faces in water-colors, making the costumes in crepe paper, copying Dutch peasants. A rest of cardboard attached on the back will enable them to stand up in a highly respectable manner. The candle shades may be made in the shape of tulips, and small wooden shoes may be utiUzed for holding crystallized fruits, candied ginger, nuts, and bonbons. There are charming post cards which open up in the form of tulips with a quaint Dutch laddie and lass in each one. They make very appropriate favors for an occasion like this. AN "ALL DAY" EASTER PARTY A MOTHER of three gave an "all day" Easter Monday party, the guests being seven of the neighborhood children. The invitations were written on egg-shaped cards sealed with a violet paster, or the dearest Easter [87] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING chick just coming out of the shell may be found among the seals or pasters, as the children call them. The ages of the guests ranged from five to eight years. A third floor chamber was known as the children's room, and it was prettily decorated with flowers and branches of budding fruit trees which had been placed in water for several days. There was a mass of blossoms on them by Easter. Ten little hoops had been prepared for one of the games, each one wound smoothly with a colored tape. The boy who could roll his hoop twice around the room without letting it turn over was awarded a bag of marbles, and the little girl who accomplished the same feat had a dear little doll baby dressed all in white. A substantial luncheon was served at noon with the prettiest table imaginable, all glorious jonquils, bunnies, and fluffy yellow chicks. A music box played during the repast. After luncheon the children decorated eggs to take home. [88] ENTERTAINING IN MAY ENTERTAINING IN MAY MAY-DAY DOINGS HE old custom of keeping the first day of May is being revived, especially by people living in the country , who make a practise of sendmg baskets filled with wild flowers to their friends who are so unfortunate as to be debarred from gathering them personally. The city people observe the day by sending baskets of fruit and flowers to the sick, or to their friends who may be in sorrow. The children have revived the English method of hanging "May" baskets on the door knobs and then running away before the ring is answered. These baskets may be made at home or may be of an inexpensive kind purchased for a trifle. They should contain, preferably, wild flowers, fruit, or a simple gift. One young hostess delivered her invitations in this novel way, hanging the baskets to the door by a loop of ribbon. For a centerpiece at a May party, have a pole some thirty inches high, supported on a firm, flat base about twelve inches across. Fasten inch- wide ribbon of the delicate pastel shades at the top of the pole. Give these a few twists, carry them to each place, and tie to the handle of miniature baskets bearing the name of the guest and holding the salted nuts. [91] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING To choose partners for any entertainment scheme the hostess may have in mind, or for cards, make a **tuHp bed." Fill a shallow wooden box with sawdust or sand. Cover with green crepe paper and place on a tabouret or stand. Then realistic tulips can be made from crepe tissue paper if real ones cannot be procured. On the end of each stem, wire a half of some well-known quota- tion, or the title of a book. The other half of the quotation and the name of the author of the book must be wired to other tulips. Each guest pulls a flower and proceeds to hunt his partner. The end of one of the tulips may have a drawing of a crown on it and the person gathering that one must be ** crowned" with a garland of flowers, either real or artificial, and have some one read Tennyson's **The May Queen." Intimate friends and sweethearts often exchange gifts on May-day, the little tokens being concealed in a box or basket of flowers. In this busy workaday world it is a good thing to remember all these special days that will vary the monotony of the commonplace. Sentiment is in danger of being crowded out and the re\dval of these Old World festivals is one of the most hopeful signs of the times. I trust that every mother and homemaker will take the trouble to look up the history and romance that is connected with all the "special" days. ALL IN THE MERRIE MONTH OF MAY " Merry time it is in May ..." So began the lines of an old English song, and true it is we all feel gay with balmy winds and glorious spring flowers. A very pretty custom is the keeping of May-day. [9^i] ENTERTAINING IN MAY As usual, we are indebted to our English cousins for the ideas here suggested. If the day be fair and an after- noon party for children is to be given, have a May-pole erected on the lawn and equip it with streamers of delicately colored cambric with which to wind the pole. For a table centerpiece have a small pole wdth an em- broidery ring fastened on the top, and from this hang the ribbons, which may extend to each place, the ends being tied to small baskets filled wdth spring flowers and the place card tied to the handle. This makes a most effective decoration and one suited only to this day. "MAY QUEEN" Lines from Tennyson's "The May Queen" may be wTitten on the card, or the poem may be read aloud. Send the invitations by special messenger in tiny baskets which may be left on the door knob. The giving of gifts on May-day is an old custom. The gifts are usually in a box of fragrant blossoms. What a pretty way for a lover to send a token to his sweetheart hidden in a mass of violets! May-day brings another opportunity for sending gifts of fruit or flowers to our friends who are ill or shut in. A "WISHING WELL" SHOWER Tradition says that wishes *' wished over a wishing weir' in the month of May will come true. Be that as it may, we have heard that our great-grandmothers did it, and it is certain that they all married. Remembering this quaint custom, a hostess planned a pretty shower for a girl friend who is to be a June bride. She im- [93] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING provised a really good-looking well, with the base sur- rounded by pots of ferns and palms. This was out in the sun parlor off of the living-room. The man of the house arranged a well sweep tied with a huge bow of green and white (the wedding colors), and each parcel was deposited beforehand in the well. The happy Httle bride drew out the packages all so daintily wrapped and read the sentiments attached. Afterward refresh- ments were served from a table decorated entirely in ferns and white hyacinths. The place cards were decorated with a well, the long sweep, and a wish lettered in gold. It was what is known as a parcel shower, and it was agreed that no gift should cost more than one dollar. This was the expressed wish of the bride-elect, who said she would not accept it if the promise were not made and kept. She stipulated also that it was to be the only "shower" given in her honor. This was a wise and sane suggestion, for while in their place "showers" are very pretty and acceptable, they have been so over- done that not only the friends but the brides have been put in embarrassing situations. It is not good form to ask any but near and dear friends of the honored guest, and no relative of either bride or bridegroom should give such an affair. A MAY FfeTE Each year when spring has really come, every one feels in a greater or less degree the "call of the wild." It is bound to assert itself in some way. In the time of our grandmothers this desire was usually gratified by a vigorous spring cleaning, but nowadays while [94] ENTERTAINING IN MAY the modern housekeeper still cleans, it is not such an upheaval as of yore, owing to the many aids toward making life easier for all concerned in home making. The fiesta which I am about to describe took place in May, but was talked of and planned for when the snow was knee deep. The whole neighborhood partici- pated. As the affair was on Saturday, fathers and husbands, with a few sweethearts thrown in, had a share in the fun. First there was a wild-flower hunt. Big wagons transported the merry throngs to a spot where all sorts of spring beauties made their home. Birds and squirrels were there also and a jolly two hours were spent. Then at the sound of a bugle all piled into the wagons with the spoils and repaired to the home of a most hospitable suburbanite, w^here races and games were indulged in until five thirty. Then the bugle sounded again and a picnic supper was served on the porches. This had been prepared by all the mothers interested, and the drinkables, milk, butter- milk, coffee, and water, were provided by the hostess. I must tell you about the races, which were most amusing and suited to most any locality. First came the goose race, in which only matrons took part. A course of about a hundred feet was marked off between two trees, and there were three entries, the one driving her goose in the shortest time winning. A very light collar had been put around the neck of the goose. To this reins were attached, and each driver had a light willow switch. The sight was convulsingly funny. The "nursemaids ' " race was nm by ten little girls five years of age dressed in long skirts, caps, and aprons, each with a doll in its carriage, the one successfully getting [95] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING her child unspilled to the end of the course winning. The long skirts greatly hampered the youthful care- takers, but as the babies were of the unbreakable variety no serious damage was done. A wheelbarrow race was entered into by the young men, who took their sweet- hearts over the course first and then were required to go over a rough speedway each with a dozen stones. Every stone spilled out took from the winning points. Just try to wheel an open 'barrow over a very rough track at full speed and see the result. You will have some sympathy for these contestants. Then there was the usual potato and sack races, which need no descrip- tion. After the children were all put to bed, the elders finished up the festivities with a "barn" dance. CHARMING CENTERPIECES FOR MAY At a luncheon try these. For the centerpiece have a high-handled basket gilded and filled with daisies and asparagus ferns. Tie a bunch of daisies and ferns to the handles with soft pink or pale blue taffeta ribbon, carrying an end of the ribbon down to the basket where it ends in a small bow. At each cover have small gilded baskets filled with unhuUed strawberries or cherries. Yellow and lavender iris — some call them flags or fleur de lis — in a tall slender vase make an unusual center also. Have small individual vases at each plate con- taining one or two of these stately blossoms. Yellow and lavender are very striking and are unusually good as daytime colors, but they do not light up well. Can- dles are not as much in favor for daytime functions and are entirely tabooed for these glorious spring time f mictions. [96] ENTERTAINING IN MAY AN APPLE BLOSSOM LUNCHEON A SMALL but very sweetly tuned music box was the centerpiece, literally covered with a mound of apple blossoms. When luncheon was announced there was "music in the air" and the guests found their places by cards decorated with apple blossoms done in water- colors and a bar or two of Mendelssohn's " Spring Song " done in gilt across the top. The favors were candy boxes in the shape of musical instruments and the hostess said she hoped all her guests were *' sweetly attuned." The home at which this pretty luncheon was given was in the country and after the repast all repaired to the orchard and gathered blossoms which they took home. A MAY PARTY TABLE At a spring party the table was laid out like a formal garden with stiff little trees taken from ''Noah's arks" and purchased at the favor department, as were the gilded garden tools. Wild flowers were used in toy wheelbarrows. As a pastime the hostess used flower guessing contests. She had made the cards on which the questions were written in the shape of flower pots, the outside being painted to represent a potted plant. The prizes were brown baskets of spring flowers. The ice-cream was served in flower pots and the salad in turnip cases. As it was made of vegetables, this was most appropriate. [97] ENTERTAINING IN JUNE ENTERTAINING IN JUNE A ROSE SHOWER What is so rare as a day in June ? Then if ever come perfect days. E instinctively think the above lines during this month. No wonder girls choose June for their wedding month. It is so fresh with bright greens and delicate colorings, and one involunta- rily thinks of roses. I really think no one could object to a rose '* shower," and they may be given for brides, for invalids, for anni- versaries, and for the new babies and young mothers. All one has to do is to set the date and hour and ask each guest to bring a rose. Serve an ice with a rose laid on each plate or simply a cup of tea with plain bread and butter sandwiches and wee cakes. If this aflfair is given the day before a wedding the roses will add greatly to the decorations, and the sentiment is such a pretty one for whomever it is given. We should all like to have rose-scattered pathways in this workaday world. Such affairs may be given for hospitals and institu- tions. Let us all have some kind of a rose day before the end of the month. [101] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING A ROSE LUNCHEON Pink is always a satisfactory color, both to hostess and guests, and a **rose" luncheon is the prettiest affair imaginable. The table may be left bare, with individual doilies, or a lace cloth over pink may be used. A plain white damask cover with pink rosebuds and petals scattered over it is always good. Use pink candles, rose shades in holders of glass or silver, and for a most stunning centerpiece suspend a square basket filled with pink roses and maidenhair fern, by means of pink satin ribbons or tulle streamers from the overhead light to within about six inches of the table. The place cards are pink roses cut from water-color paper and painted. Cut them out in rose forms and write half of a rime, either original or from "Mother Goose," on it. In the drawing-room hand the guest a slip of paper containing the other half. In this way the seats at the table are found. The nutholders and ice- cream or ice cases are made of pink paper in rose shapes. Cases for the cream, standing on three wires twisted together and covered with green paper to make legs, are very dainty. As girls sometimes talk personalities and tell things best untold, a huge American beauty rose should be suspended over the dining-room in token of the fact that such was the ancient custom in Greece, the rose being the emblem of secrecy. Hence our oft used term sub rosa. FOR THE SWEET GIRL GRADUATE If one happens to live in a large city with access to an up-to-date book store, these ideas may not prove of [1021 ENTERTAINING IN JUNE the same value as to the girl who must depend upon her own resources in making her *' Memory Book" for commencement. Have plain unruled paper cut into leaves at the printing-oflBce, with holes punched for binding together and tying on the covers. The latter may be of white silk, gay cretonne, or leather, as fancy dictates. On the outside write or print, in good-looking letters: *'A Day in June," then leave a leaf or two blank. Next have a page with a fancy outline around the place for the owner's picture, or, if it is to be a gift, for the recipient's likeness. Under this goes the signature. Have leaves for the class picture or individual photographs, with this quotation from Shakespeare at the top : "I count myself in nothing else so happy as in a soul remembering my good friends." Shakespeare. No doubt a picture of the school will be obtainable and on that page write this: '* Still sits the schoolhouse by the road." Whittier. For the pictures of teachers and principal what better quotation than this? "Taught thee each hour one thing or other." Shakespeare. Again we turn to the "immortal bard of Avon" for the sentiment to write over the space allotted to the class flower: "Hast thou the flower there? " The posy may be pressed and neatly pasted in, or painted in water-colors, thus making an ornamental decoration to the page. [103] THE ART OF ENTERTAINING Of course the class ''yeW must not be forgotten, and Shakespeare has: "With timorous a