^o ■■■,>• ^0^ -i- V. ■ i^y o^ ► t 4.0 fm. THE HERO OF MANILA YOUNG HEROES OF OUR NAVY. Uniform Edition. Each, i2ino, cloth, $1.00. The Hero of Manila. Dewey on the Mississippi and the Pacific. By Rossiter Johnson, author of " Phaeton Rogers," "A History of the War of Secession," etc. Illustrated by B. West Cline- dinst and Others. The Hero of Erie (Commodore Terry). By James Barnes, author of " Midshipman Farrap-ut," " Commodore Bainbridge," etc. With 10 full page Illus- trations. Commodore Bainbridge. From the Gunroom io the Qjiarter-deck. By James Barnes. Illustrated by George Gibbs and Others. Midshipman Farragut. By James Barnes. Illustrated by Carlton T. Chapman. Decatur and Somers. By Molly Elliot Seawell, author of " Paul Jones," " Little Jarvis," etc. With 6 full-page Illustrations by J. O. Davidion and Others. Paul Jones. By Molly Elliot Seawell. With 8 full-page Illus- trations. Midshipman Paulding. A True Story of the War of 1S12. By Molly Elliot Se.awell. With 6 full-page Illustrations. Little Jarvis. The Story of the Heroic Midshipman of the Frigate Con- stellation. By Molly Elliot Seawell. With 6 full- page Illustrations. D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, NEW YORK. Midshipman Dewey. THE HERO OF MANILA DEWEY ON THE MISSISSIPPI AND THE PACIFIC ROSSITER j;OHNSON AUTHOR OF PHAETON ROGERS, A HISTORY OF THE WAR OF SECESSION, ETC. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY B. WEST CLINEDINST AND OTHERS NEW YORK D. APPLETON AND COMPANY 1899 r' (PYRIGHTT iSijQ, Copyright By D. APPLETON AND COMPANY. TWO COPIES RECEIVED. PREFACE If this little book does not show for itself why it was written, how it was written, and for whom it was written, not only a preface but the entire text would be useless. The author beheves that in every life that is greatly useful to mankind there is a plan and a purpose from the beginning, whether the immediate owner of that life is aware of it or not; and that the art of the biographer — whether he is dealing with facts exclusively or is mingling fact and fiction — should make it discernible by the reader. The authorities that have been consulted include the Life of David Glasgow Farragut, by his son; Ad- miral Ammen's Atlantic Coast; Greene's The Missis- sippi; Battles and Leaders of the Civil War; The Re- bellion Record; Marshall's History of the Naval Acad- emy, and especially Adelbert M. Dewey's Life and Letters of Admiral Dewey. R. J. Amagansett, Sept J ruber S, iSgg. CONTENTS CHAPTER PA'-B I. — The philosophy of fighting i II. — On the river bank 12 III. — B.\TTLE ROYAL 23 IV. — Education at Norwich 34 V. — Life at Annapolis 41 VI. — The BEGINNING of war 58 VII. — The FIGHT FOR New Orleans 68 VIII. — The battle at Port Hudson 92 IX. — The capture of Fort Fisher 105 X. — In time of peace 112 XI. — The battle of Manila 116 XII. — After the cattle 130 XIII. — The problem on land 139 XIV.— Honors 145 XV. — Letters 149 vii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS, FACING PACK Midshipman Dewey Frontispiece By B. West Clinedinst An early battle lO By B. West Clinedinst A schoolroom episode 31 By B. West Clinedinst Scene of naval operations in Western rivers . . • . 65 i^ Farragut and Dewey ......... 69 By B. West Clinedinst Whitewashing the decks ........ 73 By B. West Clinedinst Order of attack on Forts Jackson and St. Philip ... 84 Farragut's fleet passing the forts . 89 Order of attack on Port Hudson . 95 Passage of the batteries of Port Hudson ..... 98 Removing the wounded ........ 104 By B. West Clinedinst Diagram of Manila Bay ......... 116 / U. S. Cruiser Olympia, Admiral Dewey's Flagship . . . 122 The battle of Manila 126' Admiral Dewey on the bridge of the Olympia .... 131 Medal presented by Congress ....... 139 Sword presented by Congress ....... 145 Shield presented to the Olympia ....... 148 Dewey Triumphal Arch, New York 151 Charles R. Lamb, Architect ix The house in which Admiral Dewey was bom in Montpelier, Vermont. THE HERO OF MANILA. CHAPTER I. THE PHILOSOPHY OF FIGHTING. It is not necessary to visit the Bay of Naples ra order to witness a beautiful sunset. Our own atmos- phere and our own w^aters produce those that are quite as gorgeous, while our own mountains and woodlands give them as worthy a setting as any in the world. Half a century ago a little boy sat at his chamber window in Vermont looking at a summer sunset. He was so absorbed in the scene before him and in his own thoughts that he did not notice the entrance of his father until he spoke. THE HERO OF MANILA. " \\'hat are you thinking about, George? " said the father. " About ships," the boy answered, without turning liis head. "What kind of ships?" " I can see nearly every kind," said George. " See them — where? " said his father, looking over his shoulder. " Right there in the sunset clouds," said the boy. "Oh!" said his father; and then, after looking a while, added, " Suppose you point out a few of them." " Do you see that small cloud, at some distance from the others — the one that is rather long and narrow, with a narrower one alongside? " "Yes, I see that." " Well, that," said the boy, " is a Brazilian cata- maran, and those little knobs at the top are the heads of the men that are paddling it." " Just so," said his father. " What else can you see?" " The catamaran," said George, " is pulling out to that clipper ship which has just come to anchor oflf the port. The clipper is the large one, with her sails furled. Probably the Indians have some fruit on board, which they hope to sell to the sailors." " Ouitc natural." said the father. THE PHILOSOPHY OF FIGHTING. 3 " And that smaller one, under full sail, fore-and-aft rigged, is a schooner in the coasting trade." " That one appears to be changing shape rapidly," said the father, " Yes," said the boy. " She is tacking, and you see her at a different angle." " I might have suspected as much," said the fa- ther, " but I never was a good sailor." " That very large one," continued the boy, " with a big spread of canvas and holes in her hull, where the red sunlight pours through, is an old-fashioned seventy-four, with all her battle-lanterns lit." " A pretty fancy," said the father, who evidently was becoming more interested and better able to see the pictures that were so vivid to his son. *' Do you see that dark one over at the right, with one near it that is very red and very ragged? " said the boy. " I do." " Those are the Constitution and the Java. They had their famous battle yesterday, and the Java was so badly cut up that to-day Bainbridge has removed her crew and set her on fire. She will blow up pretty soon." " I should like to see it," said the father. " And if you look over there to the left," said the boy, " you see quite a collection of rather small THE HERO OF MANILA. ones, most of ihcm very red, some half red and half black. It looks a little confused at first, but when you know what it is you can see plainly enough that it is the battle of Lake Erie. In the very center there is a small boat, and on it something that looks black and blue and red, with a, little white. The black is cannon smoke. The blue and red and white is the American flag, which Perry is taking over to the Niagara, because the Lawrence is so badly damaged that he has had to leave her. That one with only one mast standing is the Lawrence." " Yes, my son, I think you have accounted beau- tifully for everything there except one. What is that dark one, with rounded ends and no mast, just be- yond the clipper? " " Oh, that," said the boy, taking a moment for reflection, " I think that must be a bullhead boat on the Delaware and Hudson Canal." " It is a good representation of one," said his fa- ther, smiling. " But, George, how came you to know so much about ships and boats and naval history? " " By reading all I could find about them, sir." " Well, George, I am really pleased," said Dr. Dewey; "pleased and encouraged to know that you liave taken to reading instead of fighting. I was afraid you never would love books; but now that you have ])cgun, you shall have all the good ones you will read." THE PHILOSOPHY OF FIGHTING. 5 "Thank you, father, I shall be t^lad of theni." " But come now, my son, supper is ready, and your sister is waiting for us." " I will come pretty soon," said George, and his father descended the stairs. A little later the boy went slowly down, and quiet- ly slipped into his place at the table. In a few minutes Dr. Dewey looked up, then started as if surprised, and dropped his hands to the edge of the table. He took a sharp look at George, and then said: " What does that mean? How came you by that black eye? " " There is only one way to get a black eye that I know of," said the boy. " Fighting? " " Yes, sir." The doctor was silent for several minutes, and then said: " I don't know what to say to you or do to you, my son. You know what I have said to you about your fighting habit, and you know that I mean it, for I have not only talked to you, but punished you. When I found you had been reading history I took new hope, for I thought you must have got past the fighting age and given your mind to better things. But here you are again with the marks of a pugilist." THE HERO OF MANILA. " I don't fight Avhen I can help it, and I'm afraid I never shall get past the fighting age," said George. " Don't fight when you can help it? " said his fa- ther. " Can't you always help it? " " I might by running away. Do you want me to do that?" the boy answered quietly. " Of course I don't," said the doctor quickly. " But can't you keep away? " " I have to go to school," said George, " and I have to be with the boys; and some of them are quar- relsome, and some are full of conceit, and some need a good licking now and then." " And you consider it your duty to administer it," said the doctor. " Conceit is a crime that can not be too severely punished." The boy felt the irony of his father's remark, and saw that he did not quite understand that use of the word " conceit," so he proceeded to ex- plain : " When a boy goes about bragging how many boys he has licked, and how many others he can lick, and how he will do this, that, and the other thing, if everybody doesn't look out, we say he is too con- ceited and he ought to have the conceit taken out of him; and the first good chance we get we take it out." " Suppose you left it in him and paid no atten- THE PHILOSOPHY OF FIGHTING. tion to it — what would happen in that case? " said the doctor. " He would grow more and more conceited," said George, " and make himself so disagreeable that the boys couldn't enjoy life, and before a great while you would find him picking on smaller boys than himself and licking them, just to have more brag." " Do you really have any such boys among your schoolfellows, or is this only theoretical? " the doctor inquired. " There are a few," said George. " And how^ do you determine whose duty it is to take the conceit out of one of them? Do you draw lots, or take turns? " " The boy that enjoys the job the most generally gets it," said George. " Just so," said the doctor. " And is there some one boy in the school wdio enjoys the job, as you call it, more than all the others? " George evidently felt that this question came so near home he ought not to be expected to answer it, and he was silent. His elder sister, Mary (they had lost their mother five years before), now spoke for the first time. " Perhaps," said she, " we ought to ask George to tell us the circumstances of this last fight. I don't beheve he is always the one to blame." THE HERO OF MANILA. " Certainly," said the doctor; " that is only fair. Tell us all about it, George." Thereupon the boy proceeded to tell them all about it in a very animated manner. " Bill Amnion," he began, " is one of the bossing- est boys in school. He expects to have everything his way. I don't blame a boy for wanting things his own way if he takes fair means to get them so, but Bill doesn't always. You and the teacher tell me that bad habits grow w^orse and worse, and I sup- pose it was that way with Bill. At any rate, we found out a few days ago that he was taking regu- lar toll out of two smaller boys — Jimmy Nash and Teddy Hawkins — for not licking them. Each of them had to bring him something twice a week — apples, or nuts, or marbles, or candy^ or something else that he wanted — and he threatened not only to lick them if they did not bring the things, but to lick them twice as hard if they told any one about it." "Why did those boys submit to such treatment?" said the doctor. " Well, you see," said George, " Jimmy Nash's father is a Quaker, and doesn't believe in hurt- ing anybody, and so if Jimmy gets into any trouble he whales him like fury as soon as he finds it out. And Teddy Hawkins's mother gives him plenty of spending money, so he is always able to buy a little THE PHILOSOPHY OF FIGHTLXG. 9 something- to please Bill, and I suppose he would rather do that than fight." " If they were boys of any spirit," said the doctor indignantly, " I should think they would join forces and give Bill the thrashing he deserves. The two together ought to be able to do it." "Yes, they could," said George; "but, you see, they are not twins, and can't always be together — in fact, they live a long way apart — and as soon as Bill caught either of them alone he would make him pay dear for it. He needed to be licked by some one boy." " I see," said the doctor; " a Decatur was wanted, to put an end to the tribute." " Exactly! " said George, and his father's eyes twin- kled with pleasure to see that he understood the allu- sion. He was specially anxious that his boy should become familiar with American history, but he had no anticipation that his son would one day make Ameri- can history. " When we found it out," George continued, " Bill tried to make us believe that Jimmy and Teddy were simply paying him to protect them. He said he was their best friend. 'What protection do they need?' said I. ' They are peaceable little fellows, and there is nobody that would be coward enough to attack them.' Bill saw that he was cornered on the argu- THE HERO OF MANILA. nicnt, and at the same time he got mad at the word coward, thinking I meant it for him. I didn't, for I don't consider him a coward at all." " Not if he is a bully?" said the doctor. " No, sir," said George. " He certainly is some- thing of a bully, but he is not cowardly." " There you agree with Charles Lamb," said the doctor. " Who is Charles Lamb? " said George. " He was an Englishman, who died fifteen or twenty years ago," said the doctor, " and I hope you'll read his delightful essays some day — but not till you've mastered American history. Attend to that first." '' ril try to," said George. " When Bill flared up at that word he seemed to lose his head a little. ' Who are you calling a coward? ' said he, coming up close to me, with his fist clenched. I said I never called anybody a coward, because if he wasn't one it wouldn't be true, and if he was everybody would find it out soon enough, without my telling them. ' Well, you meant it for me,' said he, ' and you'll have to fight it out, so you'd better take off your jacket mighty quick.' I said I had no objection " "You had no ol)jcction! " exclaimed his sister Mary. " Well — that is — under the circumstances," said George, " I didn't see how I could have any. I had An early battle. THE PHILOSOPHY OF FIGHTING. ii no right to have any. Those two boys (Hd need pro- tection — they needed to be protected against Bill Am- nion, who was robbing them. And I thought I might as well do it as anybody. So i said, ' Come over to the orchard, boys,' and we all went. Teddy Hawkins held my jacket, and Sim Nelson held Bill's. We squared off and sparred a little while, and I suppose I must have been careless, for Bill got the first clip at me, landing on my eye. But pretty soon I fetched him a good one under the cheek bone, and followed that up with a smasher on " Here Mary turned pale, and showed signs of un- easiness and repugnance. George, who was warming up with his subject, did not notice her, but was going on with his description of the fight, when his father stopped him. " Your sister," he said, " has no taste for these par- ticulars. Never mind them until some time when you and I are alone. Only tell us how it turned out." " The boys said it turned out that I gave Bill what he deserved, and I hope I did, but I didn't tell them what a mighty hard job I found it." " Bravo, George! " exclaimed the doctor, and then quickly added: " But don't fight any more." CHAPTER 11. ON THE RIVER BANK. A GROUP of boys sat on the bank of Onion River, looking at the water and occasionally casting pebbles into it. Wet hair, bare feet, and other circumstances indicated that they had not long been out of it. Be- low them, in one of the comparatively shallow, flat- bottomed reaches, a company of smaller boys were paddling about, some ■• taking their first lessons in swimming, some struggling to duck each other, and some carefully keeping aloof for fear of being ducked. Trees, rocks, broken sunlight, and a summer breeze made the little scene quite Arcadian. " ]\Iy uncle is going to California to dig gold," said one of the larger boys, who answered to the name of Tom Kennedy. " My father says they have discovered gold mines in Australia that are richer than those in California," said another, Felix Ostrom by name. " But that is twice as far away," said the first speaker, " and you can only get there by a long sea vovage. You can go overland to California, and be ON THE RIVER BANK. 13 in our own country all the time. Isn't that a great deal better, even if you don't get quite so much gold? " " It wouldn't be better for me," answered George Dewey. " I would rather go by sea, and would rather go to other countries. I want to see as many of them as I can. I would especially like to sail in the Pacific Ocean." " Why the Pacific? " said Tom. " Because," said George, " that is not only the largest ocean in the w^orld, but it has the most islands and touches the countries that we know the least about." " It's an ugly thing to get to it, round Cape Plorn," said Felix. " You can go through the Strait of Magellan," said George. " Last week I found a book of voyages in my Aunt Lavinia's house, and I've been reading all about Magellan. He was the discoverer of the Pacific Ocean, and he sailed through that strait to find it." " He must have been a very modest man," said Tom. " Why? " " Because he didn't name it Magellan Ocean." " He called it the Pacific because he found it so calm," said George. " And he sailed clear across it. Just think of coming to an unknown sea five or six 14 THE HERO OF MANILA. thousand miles wide, and sailing right out into it, and on and on, past islands and reefs, and sometimes long stretches with nothing in sight but sky and water, and no way to tell when you'll come to the end of it! And when you stop at an island you don't know what you'll find, or whether you'll find anything — even good drinking-water. And he didn't know whether the earth was really round, for no one had ever sailed round it before. I think that beats Co- lumbus." " Was he really the first one to sail round the world? " said Felix. " Not exactly," said George. " His ship was the first that ever went round, but he didn't get round with her." "Why not?" " Because when they got to the Philippine Islands, which they discovered, they went ashore on one of them and had a fight with the natives, and Magel- lan was killed." " I guess the Philippine Islands are pretty good ones to keep away from," said Sammy Atkinson. " I should be willing to take my chances, if I could get there," said George. " But I suppose I never shall." " You can't tell," said Sandy Miller, a boy who had recently come from Scotland with his parents, ON THE RIVER BANK. 15 " what savage countries you may visit afore you die. Two years ago I didn't dream I'd ever come to America." " Do you call ours a savage country? " said Felix, with a twinkle in his eye. " I didn't exactly mean to," said Sandy, " and yet I think I might, when I remember how all you boys wanted to fight me the first week I was here, only because I was a stranger." " Not quite all," said George. " No, I take that back," said Sandy. " You say truly not quite all, for you yourself didn't, and I mustn't forget it of you. I suppose it's human na- ture to w^ant lo fight all strangers, and maybe that's the reason the Philippine men killed Master Ma- gellan. I suppose they'd try to do the same if any- body went there now. But I wish you'd tell us more about him and about the Pacific and the Philippines, for I am aye fond of the sea; I en- joyed every wave on the Atlantic when we came over." Thereupon George, being urged by the other boys as well, gave an account, as nearly as he could remember, of what he had read. " What has become of those islands? " said Bill Ammon. " They are there yet," said George. i6 THE HERO OF MANILA. " Did yon think they were snnk in the sea? " said Tom Kennedy. " It might not be very ridiculous if he did," said George, " for they have terrific earthquakes, and a good many of them." '' Of course I meant," Bill explained, " who owns them?" '' Spain says she does," said George, " and she has had them a long time, for she took possession of them about fifty years after they were discovered; but she came pretty near losing them forever about a century ago." '' How was that? " Bill inquired. " A British force attacked them," said George, " and stormed Manila, the capital, and the city had its choice to pay five million dollars or be given up to the soldiers for plunder. It paid the money." "Do you think that was right?" Felix Ostrom asked. " I don't know^ enough about it to say," George answered; "but I suppose war is war, and when it has to be made at all it ought to be made so as to accomplish something." " What was the name of Magellan's ship? " asked Tom Kennedy. " He started with five ships," said George, " but four of them were lost. The largest was only eighty ON THE RIVER BANK. feet long. The one that went round the world and got home was the Victoria." " Huh! " said Tom, " 1 might have known il — ju^t like those Britishers, naming everything after their queen." " Magellan was not a Britisher, he was Portu- guese," said George. " And Queen Victoria was not born till about three hundred years after his famous voyage." The boys burst into a roar of laughter and hooted at Tom. " It's all very well for you to laugh," said Tom when the merriment had subsided a little, " but I'd like to know how many of you would have known that I made a blunder if George Dew-ey hadn't ex- plained it to you — probably not one. I can't see that anybody but George has a right to laugh at me, and I noticed that he laughed least of all." The boys appeared to feel the sting of Tom's argu- ment, but at the same time they felt that any op- portunity to laugh at him should be improved, be- cause he was critical and sarcastic above all the rest. They wanted to resent his remark, but did not know of any way to do it efTectively, and were all getting into ill humor when Felix Ostrom thought of a way to turn the subject and restore good feeling. " Look here, boys," said he, " as we are talking i8 THE HERO OF MANILA. about the sea, and some of us intend to be sailors when we are old enough, I'd like to propose that Sandy Miller sing us a sea song. He knows a rip- ping good one, and I know he can sing it, for I heard him once at his house." There was an immediate demand for the song, which was so loud and emphatic and unanimous that Sandy could not refuse. " It's one that my great aunt, Miss Corbett, wrote," said he. " I can't remember it all, but I'll sing you a bit of it as well as I can. Ye'll just re- member that I'm no Jenny Lind nor the choir of the Presbyterian church." Then he sang: " I've seen the waves as blue as air, I've seen them green as grass ; But I never feared their heaving yet. From Grangemouth to the Bass. Fve seen the sea as black as pitch, Fve seen it white as snow; But I never feared its foaming yet, Though the waves blew high or low. When sails hang flapping on the masts. While through the waves we snore, When in a calm we're tempest-tossed. We'll go to sea no more — No more — We'll go to sea no more. "The sun is up, and round Inchkeith The breezes softly blaw ; The gudeman has the lines on board — Awa* ! my bairns, awa' ! ON THE RIVER BANK. 19 An' ye'll be back by gloamin' gray, An' bright the fire will low, An' in your tales and sangs we'll tell How weel the boat ye row. When life's last sun gaes feebly down. An' death comes to our door. When a' the world's a dream to us, We'll go to sea no mon — No more — We'll go to sea no more." When the applause that greeted the song had sub- sided, little Steve Leonard asked: " I suppose that means they'll sail all their lives, doesn't it?" " Yes, it means just about that," said Tom Ken- nedy. Paying no attention to the touch of sarcasm in Tom's intonation, Steve added: " Well, they might do that in a fishing boat, but they couldn't do it in the navy. My Uncle Wal- ter is an of^cer in the navy, and he's got to get out of it next year, because he'll be sixty-two years old, though there isn't a gray hair in his head." " The people in the song zvcre fishermen," said Sandy. At this moment there was a cry of alarm among the small boys in the stream. One of them had got beyond his depth and had disappeared beneath the surface. THE HERO OF MANH.A. The larger boys rushed down the bank with eager inquiries: "Where?" "Where did he go down? " But two of them — George Dewey and Bill Amnion — did not need to wait for the answer. They knew the exact depth of every square yard in that part of the river, and the set of the current at every point, for they had been in it and through it more than a hundred times. " Run down the bank and go in by the pine tree, Bill," said George. " I'll go in just below the riffle and explore the cellar-hole!" A few seconds later both of these boys had disap- peared under water. The " cellar-hole," as the boys called it, was a place where some natural force, probably frost and the current, had excavated the bed of the river to a depth of eight or ten feet, with almost perpendicu- lar walls. It was a favorite place for the larger boys to dive; and another of their amusements consisted in floating down into it with the current, w^iich, just before entering the cellar-hole, ran swiftly through a narrow channel. The two boys w^ere under water so long that their companions began to fear they never would come up. From the excited state of their minds it seemed even longer than it really was. ON THE RIVER BANK. Bill was the first to appear, and as soon as he could get his breath he reported " No luck! " A moment later George came up, and it was evi- dent that he was bringing something. As soon as Bill saw this he swam toward him, and at the same time two other boys plunged in from the bank. They brought ashore the apparently lifeless body of little Jimmy Nash and laid it on the grass. " What shall we do? " said several. " Shake the water out of him," said one. '' Stand him on his head," said another. *' Roll him over a barrel," said a third. " Somebody run for a doctor," said a fourth; and this suggestion was quickly carried out by two of the smaller boys, who scampered ofif in search of a physi- cian, " The barrel is the right idea," said George, " but there is no barrel anywhere in sight. Boys, bring us that big log." Half a dozen boys made a rush for the log, rolled it down the slope, and brought it to the place where it was wanted. They laid Jimmy across it, face down, and gently rolled him back and forth, which brought considerable water out of his lungs. One of the boys who had run for a physician had the good fortune to come upon Dr. Dewey, who was passing in his gig, and shouted: THE HERO OF MANILA. " Doctor! Doctor! there's a drownded boy down here! Come quick! " The doctor sprang to the ground, tied his horse to the fence in less time than it takes to tell it, and followed the excited boy across the field and down the bank. After working over the little fellow about half an hour he brought him back to consciousness, and at the end of another half hour Jimmy was well enough to be taken to his home. He was very weak, and two large boys walked beside him, supporting him by the arms, while all the others followed in a half-mournful, half-joyful procession. " I wonder if Jimmy's father will lick him for be- ing drowned," said Tom Kennedy. CHAPTER III. BATTLE ROYAL. Winter came to Montpelier, and with it frost, snow, and a new school year. The first snowfall was in the night, and by noon of the next day it was soft enough to pack, presenting an opportunity for fun such as American boys never forego. Big or little, studious or indolent, every one of those whose acquaintance we have made in the pre- ceding pages, together with many of their schoolmates whom we have not named, took up handfuls of the cold, white substance, fashioned them into balls, and tried his skill at throwing. It is the Yankee form of carnival, and woe to him who fails to take the pelt- ing good-naturedly. That day the fun was thickest at the orchard near the schoolhouse. Half a dozen boys, partly sheltered by the low stone wall, were considered to be in a fort which a dozen others were attacking. At first it was every man for himself, " load and fire at will," but as the contest grew hotter (if -that term will do for a snow battle) it was necessary to organize the work 3 23 24 THE HERO OF MANILA. a little. So the smaller boys were directed to give their attention entirely to the making of balls, which the larger ones threw with more accuracy and force. One boy, having a notion to vary the game with an experiment, rolled up a ball twice as large as his head, managed to creep up to the wall with it, and then threw it up into the air so that it came down inside the fort. When it came down it landed on the head and shoulders of Teddy Hawkins, broke into a beautiful shower, and for a moment almost buried him out of sight. This feat of military skill received its appropriate applause, but the author of it had to pay the cost. Before he could get back to his own lines he was a target for every marksman in the fort, and at least half a dozen balls hit him, at all of which he laughed — with the exception of the one that broke on his neck and dropped its fragments inside his collar. When there was a lull in the contest a boy looked over the wall and hailed the besiegers with: "Boys, see who's coming up the road!" A tall man who carried a book under his arm and apparently was in deep thought was approaching. This was Pangborn, the schoolmaster, fresh from col- lege, still a hard student, and assumed by the boys to be their natural enemy from the simple fact that he had come there to be their teacher. BATTLE ROYAL. 25 When he appeared at this interesting moment there was no need of any formal proclamation of truce be- tween the contending forces. The instinct of the country schoolboy suggested the same thought prob- ably to every one, whether besieger or besieged. The word passed along, " Make a lot of them, quick! and make them hard." The little fellows whose hands were red and sting- ing with cold worked with double energy, and the larger ones ceased throwing at one another, stepped back to places where they were not so likely to be seen from the road, and by common consent formed an ambush for the unsuspecting teacher. When he came within range a ball thrown by George Dewey, which knocked off his cap, was the signal for a general attack, and the next minute he thought himself in the center of a hailstorm, the hail- stones being as large as country newspapers ever rep- resent them. After the first sensation of bewilderment, he realized the situation, and being a man of quick wit, with some experience of boys, he saw what was the one proper thing to do. Coolly laying down his book on his cap where it rested on the snow, and paying little attention to the balls that were still whizzing round him, he proceeded to make five or six, as round and solid as could be desired. Then, looking for the leader of the attack, 26 THE HERO OF MANILA. and recognizing him in Dewey, he charged upon that youngster and delivered every ball with unerring aim. It was so good an exhibition of marksmanship that all the other combatants stood still and looked on, their appreciation of all good throwing balancing their repugnance to all teachers. When he had delivered his last ball, which Master Dewey received courageously and good-naturedly in the breast, Mr. Pangborn picked up his book and his hat and resumed his walk, the small boys now coming to the front and sending their feeble shots after him. " Fm afraid he's game," said Tom Kennedy. '' I'm not afraid of it, I'm glad of it," said Sim Nelson. " I want him to be game. Of course we must try to lick him, before the term's over, but I hope we won't succeed. I want the school to go on, and want to learn something. This may be my last winter, for I've got to go to a trade pretty soon. I was just getting a good start last winter. I was nearly through fractions when we licked old Hig- gins and he gave up the school." " Then why do we lick the teacher at all? " said Sammy Atkinson. " I suppose it wouldn't answer not to," said Sim. " What would the boys over in the Myers district say if we didn't give him a tug? " BATTLE ROYAL. 27 " The boys in the Myers district tried it with tlicir teacher last week, and got licked unmercifully," said Bill Ammon. " At any rate," said Sim, '" it appears to be an old and settled fashion. Father had a visit last night from a schoolmate, and they were talking over old times, and I heard them give a lively description of a fight with a teacher. After they had driven out three men in three winters, the trustees engaged a woman teacher. She was tall and strong, and not afraid of anything. Of course they couldn't fight her, because she was a woman; but all the same she laced those boys with a rawhide whenever they broke the rules. But father said she hadn't much education; she never took them beyond simple fractions, because she didn't understand arithmetic beyond that point herself. When they got there she w'ould say, ' I think now we ought to take some review lessons; I believe in thoroughness.' And in the reading class she taught them to say So'-crates and Her'-cules, instead of Soc'- ra-tes and Her'-cu-les. Father said the boys learned lots of obedience that winter, but nothing else." " Well, of course," said Teddy Hawkins — and his words were slow, because he was trying at the same time to bite ofT the end of a big stick of Spanish licorice — " if it was the custom of our forefathers — we must keep it up. But w^e want a good boy — to 28 THE HERO OF MANILA. lead the fight and manage it. If ^ve do it — in a helter-skelter way — we'll — get — licked." "Certainly!" said Sim. "And that may be the result of it any way. Dewey's the fellow to lead the crowd and take charge of it. What do you say — will you do it^ George? " " If he does anything that we ought to lick him for, I will," said George. " But if you're going to be the ones to pick the quarrel, you may count me out." The next day the teacher brought a mysterious parcel and laid it in his desk without undoing it. He had had charge of the school only a week, and by overlooking many occurrences that might have been taken as a deliberate challenge, he had hoped to make the boys see for themselves that he bore them no ill-will. His forbearance had been taken for timid- ity, and many of his pupils saw in the tall young graduate only another victim who was destined very soon to follow the vanquished teacher of the preceding winter. Contrary to their expectations, Mr. Pangborn opened the school as usual, and made no allusion to the snowballing afifair. The first class was ordered to take position be- fore his desk. As they filed past, one of the boys, extending his foot, tripped another. The boy that was tripped made a great fuss about it, fell unneces- BATTLE ROYAL. 29 sarily over a bench, and professed to be hurl both in mind and in body. Mr. Pangborn called the aggressor before him and said: " I was willing to pass over what occurred yes- terday at the orchard, and I had no intention of in- forming your parents about it. I recognize the fact that you are boys, and I know that boys like fun and must have it. If you sometimes misplace your fun and overdo it, and act like highwaymen instead of good, healthy, civilized boys, if it is outside the schoolhouse and school hours I have no more to say about it than any other citizen. But when you're here you've got to behave yourselves. I will say no more about what has just occurred, but at the least sign of any further riot or misbehavior I'll put a stop to it in a way that you'll remember, and this will help me." With that he opened the parcel and displayed a large new rawhide. For a few seconds there was a dead silence in the room. Then a boy in one of the back seats — it was George Dewey — stood up and said: " Mr. Pangborn, I want to tell you what I think about that, and I guess most of the boys think as I do. If they don't, I hope you'll let them say what they do think. You've been giving us sums in pro- 30 THE HERO OF MANILA. portion, and my father tells me I must try to apply everything I learn. If I do anything wrong I'm will- ing to be licked according; but I don't want to take a big thrashing for a little thing. I don't beheve any boy in this school will do anything bad enough to deserve that rawhide; you can't give any but the biggest thrashings with it. And so if you attempt to use it at all we'll all turn in and lick you." " You've made quite a good show of argument, George," said the teacher, " and I like to have a boy exercise his reasoning powers — that's one thing I'm here to teach you. But there is a serious fault or two in your statement of the case. In the first place, no boy is obliged to do any wrong, little or great; he is at perfect liberty to obey all the rules and be- have like a gentleman, and if he does so he'll not be touched by this rawhide or anything else. If he chooses to break the rules he knows beforehand what it will cost him, and he has no right to complain. In the second place, the trustees have not put you here to govern the school or judge how it ought to be governed. They have employed me for that; and I intend to do what I have agreed to do and am paid' for doing. I have come here to teach the school, but I can't teach without order and obedience on the part of the pupils; and order and obedience I will have — pleasantly if I can, forcibly if I must. If you had )--V''-' A schoolroom episode. BATTLE ROYAL. 31 stopped, George, at the end of your argument, I should stop here with my answer, and should praise you for having reasoned out the case as well as you could, though you did not arrive at the right conclu- sion. Nothing will please me better than for the boys to cultivate a habit of doing their own thinking and learn to think correctly. You will always find me ready to listen to reason. But you did not stop at the end of your argument; you added a threat to attack me with the whole school to help you and overcome me. Whatever you may say of big and little faults, you have now committed one of the greatest. If I passed over such a breach of discipline, my usefulness here would be at an end. Unless I am master there can be no school. If you see the jus- tice of this and are manly enough to acknowledge it, you may simply stand up and apologize for your threat, and then we'll go on with the lessons as if nothing had happened. If not, of course you must take the consequences." " I don't know how to apologize," said George, " and I'm not going to." " Then step out here," said the teacher, as he took up the rawhide. The boy went forward at once, with his fists clenched and his eyes blazing. Mr. Pangborn saw there was good stuff in him, 32 THE HERO OF MANILA. if only it were properly cultivated, and could not re- press a feeling of admiration for his courage. " Now let's see you strike me," said George. The next instant the rawhide came down across his shoulders, and with a cry of rage the boy threw himself upon his teacher, fighting like a terrier. Then five or six of the larger boys came to George's aid; most of the smaller ones followed them; those who were not anxious to fight did their part by yelling, overthrowing desks, and spilling ink; and the whole place was in a hideous uproar. They charged upon the teacher from all sides, but he held fast to Dewey's collar with one hand while he plied the rawhide with the other. The largest boy, who had received a stinging cut across the face, got a stick from the wood-box and let it fly at the master's head, which it narrowly missed. Feeling that his life might be in danger, Mr. Pangborn picked up the stick and waded into the crowd, using it as a policeman uses his club. The boy who had thrown it was toppled over with a blow on the head, and in three minutes all the others were driven out of the schoolhouse, some of them feeling a little lame about the shoulders and sides — all except Dewey, on whom the teacher had not relaxed his grip. He now resumed the raw- hide and gave the boy as much more as he thought he deserved. BATTLE ROYAL. sz A little later they left the house together and walked up the street to Dr. Dewey's office, where the boy was turned over to his father, with a brief state- ment of the circumstances. Dr. Dewey thanked the teacher for what he had done, and the lesson to George was complete. The next morning George was in his seat at the tap of the bell, and throughout the day he was as orderly and studious as could be desired. When the session was over and the teacher was leaving the house, he found the boy waiting for him at the door. George extended his hand and said: " Father and I talked that matter all over, and we both came to the conclusion that you did exactly right. I thank you for it." From that time Zenas K. Pangborn and George Dewey were fast friends. CHAPTER IV. EDUCATION AT NORWICH. A YEAR later George Dewey left the school and went to the Morrisville Academy, and there also Mr. Pangborn's teachings stood him in good stead. His aptitude in sports always made Dewey a favorite with his companions. He was one of the fastest runners and the best skaters, and he had the knack of do- ing everything he did quickly and neatly, in the way that shows the properly balanced relations between mind and eye and body. He acted as he thought — quickly and surely — and he was certain to resent any insult or infringement of what he considered his rights. Dr. Dewey had been thinking over his son's fu- ture, and had decided upon sending George to West Point, although even at this time the boy's inclinations turned more strongly to the other branch of the serv- ice. Yet he did not strenuously object, and so after a year at Morrisville he was sent to Norwich Uni- versity at Northfield, Vermont. Norwich University stands on a plateau above the town of Northfield. It is a fine old place, with a wide 34 EDUCATION AT NORWICH. 35 parade-ground extending before the buildings, and back of it are the brick barracks that contain the cadets' quarters and the armory and recitation rooms. Everything was managed in miHtary fashion, and there was no better school in which to fit a boy for the life and habits of a soldier. It was in the year 1851 that George Dewey became a pupil there, and from the day of his coming he manifested the powers of leadership that afterward distinguished him. Four or five young fellows in uniform were seated in one of the rooms in the South Barrack. They belonged to the second-year men, and the second year at any institution of learning is perhaps the cru- cial one. If a boy gets into any mischief that is serious, it is generally in his second year. The doings of the sophomore have cost many a dollar out of the college treasury, to pay for stolen gates and burned fences, smashed lamp-posts and injured constables. And it was so with the second year's men at Norwich. " Where's Doc. Dewey? " asked one of the boys. " We must get him into the scheme, or the whole thing will fall through." " If any of you fellows want to see Doc. Dewey, all you've got to do is to come to the window," said a boy who was gazing out on the parade ground. At the farther end a soHtary figure was patrolling up and down, turning at the end of his beat about a 36 THE HERO OF MANILA. large elm that stood in the corner of the campus. The punishments at Norwich were of a miUtary char- acter, and extra sentry duty was the reward for any breach of discipHne. " I ought to be the one doing all that march- ing," said one of the boys, " for George only tried to get me out of the scrape, but he wouldn't let me tell." " Well, he'll be off in half an hour," said another, " and we'll meet in his rooms. What do you say? " " So say we all of us," was the return. " We can hatch up the scheme there better than anywhere else." In a few minutes the party broke up, to meet later in a room down the hallway. Across the Connecticut River, which skirts the town of Northfield, is the town of Hanover, the seat of old Dartmouth College. From time immemorial the greatest rivalry had existed between the two institu- tions, and in the years that preceded the civil war this feeling had almost grown into a feud, and for a member of either institution to cross the river was to enter the enemy's country, with all the attendant risk. Only three or four evenings previously Dewey and one of the other cadets had boldly crossed the bridge and appeared in the Hanover streets in broad daylight. It had not taken long for the news to reach the ears of a few of the Dartmouth sophomores, who were spoiling for a row, and soon Dewey and his EDUCATION AT NORWICH. 37 companions had found out that they were followed. But it was not until they had reached the entrance to the bridge that there was any sign of trouble. There, sure enough, they saw four of the Dartmouth belligerents waiting for them. An old farmer, crossing the bridge from Hanover to Northfield, was driving a pair of rather skittish horses that were prancing as they heard the rattling of the boards beneath their feet. It was almost time for the evening assembly, and if the boys were to be prompt they must not be stopped, although such, it was plain, was the intention of the Dartmouth boys who were awaiting them. They asked the farmer if he would give them a ride, and he dechned; but they had jumped into the wagon, and, when near the spot where their four enemies had lined across the causeway, one of the cadets leaned forward and, picking up the whip, struck the two horses across their backs. This was all they needed; the Dartmouth boys had barely time to jump aside when the team went tearing by. But it was easier to get the young horses going than to stop them. The rattling of the bridge frightened them more and more, and the people on the streets of Northfield were surprised to see a runaway come roaring into town with an old man and two hatless cadets hauling at the reins without result. It was fortunate that no harm was done, and the horses were stopped halfway 38 THE HERO OF MANILA. up the hill that leads to the University; but the president had seen and recognized the two uniformed figures, and that was one reason why Doc. Dewey was walking about the old elm on this fine spring day. The evening before, one of the cadets had re- turned from a nocturnal excursion across the river with his coat torn and a story of being badly treated. Revenge was being planned, and the plotters had chosen Dewey as their leader for the coming expedi- tion that was meant to teach the Dartmouth fellows a lesson. This expedition resulted in a lively en- counter, in which, though outnumbered, the Norwich boys are said to have been victorious. In the tradi- tions of the school it is known as the Battle of the Torn Coats. In Dewey's last year at Norwich the faculty pro- cured two fine six-pounder howitzers, with limbers, to replace the old iron guns at which the cadets had been exercised. When they arrived, the cadets took down the old guns and brought up the new ones from the railway station. As boys naturally would, they divided into two parties and made a frolic of the occasion. It was tedious work getting the guns out of the car, but as soon as they were out and limbered up the fun began. One of the cadets has told the story very prettily in his diary. EDUCATION AT NORWICH. 39 " Ainsworth and Munson chose squads to draw them to the parade. I chanced to be in Ainsworth's squad. Ainsworth's squad wanted to lead, but as Munson's squad had the road ahead and we were at the side and in sandy gutters, it was doubtful how we were to do it. They started off with a fine spurt, getting a big lead. Going up the hill where the road was broader we steadily gained until only the length of the trail in the rear; then we gathered and started on a run, passing and keeping the lead, with cheers and great glee. Climbing the hill, we proceeded more slowly, Munson quietly in the rear, on our way round the North Barracks and then through the usual gate- way to position. As we entered the village near the southeast corner of the parade, we noticed Munson's squad, apparently under the lead of Dewey, making for a short cut across the grounds, first breaking down the fence for passage. Now our efforts were re- doubled, and the boys of the other squad declare that they never saw fellows run as we ran, or expect to see a gun jump as that six-pounder bounded along the main street and around the corner. But we led; round the North Barracks at double quick went gun and gun squad, entered the barrack yard and placed the gun in position before the west front of the South Barracks, giving three cheers for No. i to the chagrin of No. 2, just approaching position. 40 THE HERO OF MANILA. It was a great race and pleased the faculty exceed- ingly." This was only one of many episodes that prevented life at Norwich from being dull for the boys, and sweetened their memories in after time, though not assisting directly in any useful branch of education. CHAPTER V. LIFE AT ANNAPOLIS. When Dr. Dewey had consented to his son's wishes for a naval education, the next step was to secure his appointment to a cadetship at the Academy at Annapolis. Each member of Congress has the privi- lege of appointing a candidate when there is no cadet from his district in the Academy; and the President has ten appointments at large, besides one for the District of Columbia. The giving of these appoint- ments after a competitive examination was not so common forty years ago as it is now. They were almost invariably bestowed arbitrarily, according to the Congressman's personal relations with those who sought them or his idea of his own political interests. But it was of little use to appoint a boy who could not pass the mental and physical entrance examina- tions. George Dewey obtained an appointment, but only as alternate. The first place was given to a schoolmate two years older than he, George B. Spal- ding. For some reason Spalding, though a bright boy, failed to pass, while the alternate answered the re- 41 42 THE HERO OF MANILA. quirements and was admitted to the Academy. Mr. Spalding was graduated two years later at the Uni- versity of Vermont, studied theology at Andover, and has had a creditable career as a clergyman and legis- lator. It is said that only about forty per cent of the appointees are able to pass the entrance examinations, and of those who are admitted, only about half finish the course. Dewey entered the Academy September 23, 1854, being then in his seventeenth year. He was born December 26, 1837. The number of cadets was then one hundred and sixty, the curriculum had been re- cently remodeled for a four-years' course, and the first class under the new regulation was graduated that year. Captain Louis M. Goldsborough (afterward rear admiral) was the superintendent. The classes are designated by numbers, the lowest (corresponding to freshmen in a college) being called the fourth. The cadets (or midshipmen, as they w^ere then called; that term is no longer in use) were under the immediate charge of an officer called the Com- mandant of Midshipmen. He ranked next to the superintendent, and was the executive officer of the institution and the instructor in seamanship, gunnery, and naval tactics. He had three assistants. There were eight professorships — Mathematics; Astronomy, Navigation and Surveying; Natural and Experimental LIFE AT ANNAPOLIS. 43 Philosophy; Field Artillery and Infantry Tactics; Ethics and Enghsh Studies; French; Spanish; and Drawinj^. The examinations of all the classes were held in February and June. A very strict record was kept of the conduct of every student; and after the June examination those in the second class who had not received more than a hundred and fifty demerit marks during the year were furloughed till October, while the others were at once embarked for the annual prac- tice cruise. This appears like a great number of de- merit marks for even the worst student to receive, but some ofifenses were punished with more than one mark. Thus, for neglect of orders or overstaying leave of absence the penalty was ten marks; for having a light in one's room after taps, eight; for absence from parade or roll call, six; for slovenly dress, four, etc. Any cadet who received more than two hundred de- merits in a year was dropped from the rolls; and it was optional with the superintendent to dismiss a cadet from the service for being intoxicated or having liquor in his possession; for going beyond the limits of the institution without permission; for giving, car- rying, or accepting a challenge; for playing at cards or any game of chance in the Academy; for offering violence or insult to a person on public duty; for publishing anything relating to the Academy; or for any conduct unbecoming a gentleman. 44 THE HERO OF MANILA. The daily routine of the Academy is of interest as showing to what discipHne the cadets were subjected, and what habits of promptness, regularity, and ac- curacy were cultivated. Marshall's History of the Academy shows us what it was at that time, and it is still practically the same. The morning gun-fire and reveille with the beating of the drum was at 6.15 a. m., or at 6.30, according to the season. Then came the poHce of quarters and in- spection of rooms. The roll call was at 6.45 or at 7.15, according to the season. From December ist to March ist the later hour was the one observed. Chapel service followed, and afterward breakfast at 7 or at 7.30. The sick call was thirty minutes after breakfast. Then the cadets had recreation till 8 o'clock, when the study and recitation hours began. Section formations took place in the front hall of the third floor, under the supervision of the of^cer of the day, who, as well as the section leaders, was responsible for preservation of silence and order. When the signal was given by the bugle, the sections were marched to their recitation rooms. They marched in close order, in silence, and with strict observance of military decorum. Whenever a section left its recita- tion room it was marched by its leader to the third floor, and there dismissed. Study alternated or intervened with recitations LIFE AT ANNAPOLIS. 45 until one o'clock, when the signal for dinner was given. The cadets were again formed in order by the captains of crews, and marched into the mess hall. The or- ganization was into ten guns' crews, for instruction in seamanship and gunnery, and for discipline. The cap- tains of crews, when at the mess table, repressed promptly all disorderly conduct, unbecoming language, and unnecessary noise. They enforced perfect silence among their guns' crews until the order " Seats! " had been given. Then conversatipn was permitted. Si- lence was enforced again after the order " Rise! " until the crews reached the main hall. At all times, in mus- tering their crews, the captains were required to call the names in the lowest tone that would secure at- tention. They were required to report any irregular- ity in uniform or untidiness which they perceived at any formation, as well as any infraction of regulations, disregard of orders, or other impropriety. The Professor of Field Artillery and Infantry Tac-^ tics was inspector of the mess hall, and presided at the mess table. He had charge of the police and order of the mess hall, in which duty he was assisted by the officer of the day and the captains of crews. Each student had a seat assigned to him at table, which he could not change without the sanction of the in- spector of the mess hall; and no student must appear at meals negligently dressed. 46 THE HERO OF MANILA. Thirty minutes were allowed for breakfast, and the same time for supper. Forty minutes were allowed for dinner. After dinner the young gentlemen had recreation again until two o'clock, when the afternoon study and recitation hours began. These continued until four o'clock, followed by instruction in the art of defense, infantry or artillery drill, and recreation until parade and roll call at sunset. Supper followed immediately; then recreation and call to evening studies at 6.25 or .6.55, according to the season. Study hours continued until tattoo at half past nine, which w^as a signal for extinguishing lights and inspection of rooms. After " taps " at ten o'clock no lights were allowed in any part of the students' quarters, except by authority of the superintendent. On the school-ship attached to the Academy there was another set of rules and regulations, concerning duty, conduct, and etiquette, so minute and exacting that one would think it was a liberal education merely to learn them all, to say nothing of obeying them daily and hourly. Here are the greater part of them: At reveille the midshipmen will immediately turn out, arrange their bedding, and taking the lashing from the head clews of their hammocks, where it was neatly coiled the night before, will lash up their ham- mocks, taking seven taut turns at equal distances, and LIFE AT ANNAPOLIS. 47 tucking in their clews neatly. They will then place their hammocks under their right arms, and first cap- tains will give the order, " Stand by your hammocks, No. — forward, march! " at which order they will pro- ceed in line, by their allotted ladders, to their allotted places in their respective nettings; when there, they will in order deliver their hammocks to those ap- pointed to receive them. Each first captain delivering his hammock and falling back, will face the line of his gun's crew, and see that proper order is main- tained; each midshipman, after delivering his ham- mock, will fall back, facing outboard, forming line from first captain aft. When all are stowed, the first cap- tains, each at the head of his crew, will face them in the direction of their ladder, and march them to the wash room — odd-numbered crews on starboard, even numbers on port side of the wash room. Towels will be marked and kept in their places, over each respec- tive basin. No one will leave the wash room until marched out; three guns' crews will wash at the same time, and each week the numbers will be changed. When ready, the first captains will march their crews to their places on the berth deck, where they will dis- miss them. Guns' crews Nos. i and 2 stow hammocks in for- ward netting — No. 2 on port, and No. i on starboard side; Nos. 3, 5, and 7 in starboard, and Nos. 4, 6, 48 THE HERO OF MANILA. and 8 in port quarter-deck nettings, lowest numbers of each crew stowing forward. Nos. I and 2 guns' crews leave berth deck by fore- hatch ladders, Nos. 3 and 4 by main-hatch ladders, Nos. 5 and 6 by after-hatch ladders, and Nos. 7 and 8 by steerage ladders, each on their respective sides, and each march to their allotted places on spar deck. Twelve minutes from the close of reveille (which will be shown by three taps on the drum) are allowed for lashing hammocks and to leave the berth deck. The guns' crews will form in two ranks, at their respective places on gun deck: Nos. i, 3, 5, and 7 on port side, and Nos. 2, 4, 6, and 8 on starboard side; first and second captains on the right of their crews, officer in charge, and adjutant forward of main- mast. Officer of the day and superintendents forward of main hatch, fronting officer in charge; when formed they will be faced to the front, and dressed by first captains by the orders, " Front; right dress." The adjutant then gives the order, " Muster your crews! " when each first captain, taking one step to the front, faces the line of his crew, second captain stepping for- ward into his interval; first captain then calls the roll from memory, noting absentees; when finished, faces toward his place, second captain takes backward step to his former position, and first captain faces about to his place in the front rank; the adjutant then gives the LIFE AT ANNAPOLIS. 49 order, " First captains front and center! " First cap- tains take one full step to the front, and face the adjutant's position, second captains filling intervals as before; the adjutant then gives the order, "March!" at which captains march in direction of the adjutant, forming in line abreast of him. The adjutant then gives the order, " Front! report! " The captains report all present, thus: "All present, No. i!" or, if any are absent, thus: " absent. No. i!" First captain of No. I will begin in a short, sharp, and intelligible tone, making the salute when he has finished, which will be the signal for first captain of No. 2 to report, and so on to the last. The adjutant then gives the order, "Posts! march!" the first captains facing, at the order "posts!" in the direction of their crews, advance at the word "march!" to their places in the ranks. The adjutant then reports to the ofificer in charge, and receives his instructions; if there be any orders he publishes them; he then gives the order, " Two files from the right, two paces to the front, march!" when the two files from the right of each rank step two paces to the front, and the adjutant gives the order, "Battalion right dress!" The bat- talion dresses on the two files, and the adjutant gives the order, " Battalion to the rear, open order, march! " when the rear rank will take two steps to the rear, halt, and be dressed by the second captain. 50 THE HERO OF MANILA. The officer in charge, with the adjutant, will pro- ceed to inspect the battalion. The adjutant will then give the order, " Rear rank, close order, march! " when the rear rank will take two steps forward. The adju- tant then gives the order, " Officer of the day and superintendents, relieve!" at which the officer of the day and superintendents of the day previous will face about, and pass the orders to their reliefs, the officer of the day delivering his side arms; they will then take position in their respective crews. When the officer of the day and superintendents of the day previous have taken their places in their crews, the adjutant gives the order, " March to break- fast! " the first captains will direct their crews by their respective ladders to their respective mess tables. On arriving at the mess tables, each first captain will take position in rear of his camp stool, at the after end of the table, second captain taking the forward end, and the crew taking position corresponding to their places in the ranks; all will remain standing in rear of their respective camp stools until the officer in charge gives the order, " Seats! " at which word the midshipmen will place their caps under their camp stools, and quietly take their seats. As the midship- men at each tal)le shall have finished the meal, the first captain will rise and look at the adjutant, who will acknowledge the report by raising his right hand; LIFE AT ANNAPOLIS. 51 the first captain will then resume his seat; when all shall have reported, the adjutant will make it known to the officer in charge, who, rising from his seat, will tap on the table and give the order, " Rise! " at which order each midshipman will rise, put on his cap, step to the rear of his camp stool, putting it in place, and facing aft; at the order " March!" from the adjutant, first captains will advance, follow^ed by their crews in their proper order, and proceed to their parade stations on the gun deck, where they will form and dress their command, and bring them to parade rest in order for prayers. All will take off their caps at the opening of prayers, and put them on at the order '' Attention! " at the close of prayers, from the adjutant, who gives the order " Battahon, attention! right face, break ranks, march! " The hours for recitation and study were the same on board the training ship as in quarters — from about eight o'clock in the morning to one o'clock, and from about two o'clock in the afternoon to four o'clock. The guns' crews were then assembled for exercise at the great guns for an hour or more, or perhaps in in- fantry drill, or in practical seamanship, including ex- ercises with boats, the lead, log, etc. Evening parade intervened, and after supper the fourth class were called to their studies again. At tattoo, half past nine in the evening, the midshipmen were required to ar- 52 THE HERO OF MANILA. range their books and papers neatly, place their chairs under their desks, and at gun-fire form by crews, when the officer in charge inspected the study tables. At " taps " all must turn in, and all noise must cease at four bells. The rules of etiquette were very minute. Here are some of them: The midshipmen will not use the steerage ladders, the after ladder from the gun deck, the starboard poop ladder, the starboard side of the poop, quarter-deck, or gangway abaft No. 2 recitation room; they are par- ticularly enjoined to keep the starboard gangway clear. The etiquette of the quarter-deck will be strictly ob- served. Officers on coming up the quarter-deck lad- ders will make the salute. No running, skylarking, boisterous conduct, or loud talking will be permitted on the quarter-deck or poop. The midshipmen will never appear on the gun deck or quarter-deck without their caps, jackets, and cravats. They will, in ascend- ing and descending the ladders, avoid the heavy step upon them which is made by shore people; when ab- sent in boats they will yield implicit and prompt obedi- ence to their captains, or those placed in charge. It is particularly forbidden to get out of or into the ship through the ports, or to sit on the rail of the ship. No one is permitted to go out on the head-booms during study hours, or to go aloft, without authorized per- LIFE AT ANNAPOLIS. 53 mission. No one is permitted to go or come from the berth deck during study hours by any other than the main-hatch ladders. The midshipmen are forbid- den to sit upon the study tables. A young man who could go through with four years of such discipline as this, and at the same time keep up such proficiency in his studies as to pass the examinations, might well be supposed to be thor- oughly fitted for the duties of life. George Dewey went through with it, and on graduation, in 1858, stood fifth in a class of fourteen. His classmate, Captain Henry L. Howison, says of him: " In his studies Dewey was exceedingly bright. At gradua- tion he was No. 5 in our class and I was No. 4, but after the rearrangement at the end of our final cruise he was No. 4 and I was No. 5. He was a born fighter. He was just as much of a fighter in a small way when he was a boy as he has been in a large way as a man. His days at the Naval Academy proved this. He is quick at the trigger and has a strong temper, but he has excellent control over it. When a cadet he would always fight, and fight hard if necessary, but he was never known to be in a brawl. I do not want to convey the idea that he ever wanted to get into a row, because he didn't. He would go a long way to get out of fighting if the affair was none of his business. He was sure to be on the right 54 THE HERO OF MANILA. side of every fight, but the fight had to come to him. He did not seek it. If he saw a quarrel on the street and he thought it the part of a gentleman to help one or the other of the contestants, he would not hesitate a moment about pitching in. He would go miles to help a friend who was in trouble. He was fond of animals, and especially fond of horses. Ever since I have known him he has gone horseback rid- ing whenever he had a chance, and has owned several fine animals. At the Academy he would ride when- ever he could get anything to ride. He had a fine horse when we lived in Washington. I recall that Dewey as a lad was very fond of music, and, indeed, quite a musician himself. He had a really good bari- tone voice, nearly a tenor, and he used it well and frequently, too. He also played the guitar well. He was no soloist, but could play accompaniments all right." When Dewey was in the Academy there was a spe- cial source of misunderstanding, ill feeling, and quar- rels in the heated condition of politics and sectional jealousy; and then, as ever, it was customary for the boys to settle their differences with their natural means of ofTense and defense. Dewey did not escape the peculiar peril of those days. There is a story to the effect that the leader of the Southern party among the cadets made an occasion to give George an un- LIFE AT ANNAPOLIS. 55 mistakable statement of his opinion of Yankees in general and George in particular, whereupon he pres- ently found himself provided with a black eye. Then came a challenge to mortal combat, which George promptly accepted. Seconds were chosen, and a meet- ing would undoubtedly have taken place had not some of the students informed the faculty, who put a stop to the scheme and made the boys give their word of honor to keep the peace. George participated in the annual practice cruises with his classmates, and after graduation they were sent on a two-years' cruise in European waters in the steam frigate Wabash, commanded by Captain Samuel Barron. The ship attracted a great deal of attention in every port she visited. Steam had been only re- cently adopted for naval vessels, and the Americans had constructed a type of steam frigate that was superior to anything in the other navies of the world. While the Wabash lay at Malta a fine steam yacht came in from the sea and anchored near her. It was said that she was the property of a distinguished noble- man, and was one of the few first-class steam yachts then in existence. She excited a great deal of curiosity among the ofificers of the Wabash. A few days later Captain Barron gave out a general invitation, and many visitors from the garrison and from British men- of-war in the harbor came to inspect the new war ship 5 56 THE HERO OF MANILA. from the West. Dewey and the other midshipmen were on hand to assist in doing the honors, and when a kindly-looking gentleman with a small party came up the gangway and saluted the quarter-deck with a nautical air, George returned the salute and asked if he could be of any service. The gentleman said he would like to see whatever was to be seen, and the self-possessed young midshipman proceeded to show him and his party over the vessel. When they had nearly completed the rounds, Dewey ventured to offer his card by way of introduction. The gentleman took out his own card and gave it in return, and Dewey, as he glanced at it, read one of the highest names in the British peerage. " Yes," said the gentleman, " that is my little teakettle anchored under your quar- ter. I fear she'll seem rather cramped after we go aboard of her from this." Dewey's conscience now began to trouble him, and he insisted on taking the party to his commanding ofificer, though, as he an- ticipated, from that moment his own existence was ignored. While nothing strictly historical took place in con- nection with this cruise, there were many pleasant inci- dents and some that made strong impressions on the young midshipmen in regard to duty and discipline. Several Italian ports were visited, princes and ambas- sadors were received on board, and courtesies were LIFE AT ANNAPOLIS. 57 exchanged with the war vessels of several nations. The Fourth of July and Washington's Birthday were duly observed, and on the former occasion one of the officers read the Declaration of Independence to the ship's company assembled on deck. At Leghorn the Wabash ran aground, and a British merchant steamer assisted in getting her ofT. At Genoa some of the petty officers and seamen got into a street fight, in which a man was killed; and the captain sent them all ashore next day for the civil authorities to identify the par- ticipants. At Spezia, Dewey records in his journal, " five hundred and fifty gallons of beans were surveyed, condemned, and thrown overboard," furnished prob- ably by contract. This is in striking contrast with what afterward he w^as able to say concerning the sup- plies of the fieet at Manila. On November 13, 1859, they sailed for home, and on December i6th arrived at the port of New York. A little later Midshipman Dewey was examined at Annapolis for a commission, and he not only passed the examination, but was ad- vanced in his relative standing. He then received leave of absence to visit his home. He was commissioned lieutenant April 19, 1861, and was ordered to the steam sloop Mississippi. CHAPTER VI. THE BEGINNING OF WAR. The United States navy had done little to distin- guish itself since its wonderful achievements in the War of 1 812 with Great Britain. During the Mexican War it took part in the occupation of CaHfornia, and performed what service it could in the Gulf, but there was no opportunity for anything remarkable. Wilkes had made his exploring expedition in Pacific and Ant- arctic waters; Ingraham, in the St. Louis, had de- manded and secured the release of Martin Koszta at Smyrna; Tatnall, with his famous " blood is thicker than water," had participated in the bombardment of the Chinese forts at Peiho; Hudson, in the Niagara, had assisted in laying the first Atlantic cable; and sev- eral cruisers had pursued pirates in the West Indies. But with the exception of these occurrences the navy had done nothing to attract popular attention for more than forty years. Yet it had quietly accomplished much good work on the Coast Survey; and the Naval Academy at Annapolis, from its establishment in 1845, educated ofBcers who gave character and efificiency to 58 THE BEGINNING OF WAR. 59 the service, and when the day of battle came showed themselves to be worthy successors of the famous cap- tains who had preceded them. A great crisis in the nation's history was now ap- proaching, more rapidly than any one suspected. The older statesmen were gone. Adams, Jackson, Clay, Calhoun, and Webster, all had passed away within a period of seven years. Their successors were men of different mold, and the problem that had given them the most serious trouble, while comparatively small in their day, had now grown to monstrous proportions. The dififiiculty arose from the existence of two exactly op- posite systems of labor in the two parts of the coun- try. In the Southern States the laborers w^re of a dififerent race from the capitalists and ruling class, and were slaves; in the Northern States all (except a very small proportion) were of the white race and all were free. The dififerent ideas and interests that arose from these two dififerent states of society had constantly tended to alienate the people of one section from those of the other, and the frequent clashing of these in- terests in the halls of legislation had obscured the fact that in a much larger view, and for permanent reasons, the interests and destiny of the whole country were the same. In the summer when young Dewey was graduated at the Naval Academy, Abraham Lincoln, then in the midst of a heated canvass on this question^ 6o THE HERO OF MANILA. said in a speech that became famous: "I believe this Government can not endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dis- solved, I do not expect the house to fall, but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other." Most of the Southern statesmen, and a few of those at the North, looked to a division of the country as the best, if not the inevitable, solution of the problem. But against this there was a barrier greater and more permanent than any wording of constitution or laws enacted in the last century by a generation that had passed away. This was the geography of our country. Mr. Lincoln did not distinctly name it as the reason for his faith in the perpetuity of the Union, but he probably felt it. History shows unmistakably that the permanent boundaries of a country are the geographical ones. Conquest or diplomacy occasionally establishes others, but they do not endure. Separate tribes or peoples, if living within the same geographical boundaries, ulti- mately come together and form one nation. Had our country been crossed from east to west by a great river like the Amazon, or a chain of lakes like those that separate us from Canada, or a high mountain range, the northern and southern sections might never have come together, or would have been easily sepa- rated into two distinct peoples. But with no such THE BEGINNING OF WAR. 6i natural line of division, and with the Mississippi run- ning south through the center of the country, and with railroads, telegraphs, and other rapidly multi- plying means of communication tying the sec- tions together, the perpetuity of the Union was a foregone conclusion, whatever might be the argu- ments of the politician or the passions of the people. Nevertheless, the struggle had to come, whether this great consideration was realized or not, and come it did. The Southern statesmen were in earnest in their threat of disunion, and when Abraham Lincoln was elected to the presidency in i860 they proceeded to carry it out. South Carolina passed an ordinance of secession in December, and most of the other Southern States followed quickly, and the new gov- ernment, called the Confederate States of America, was organized at Montgomery, Alabama, in February, 1 861. They proceeded to take possession of the United States forts, arsenals, and navy yards within their ter- ritory, and soon had them all without firing a gun, except those at Pensacola and Fort Sumter in Charles- ton harbor. The Confederate forces erected several batteries within reach of Sumter, and on April 12th opened fire on the fort and compelled its surrender. This was the actual beginning of hostilities, and within twenty-four hours the whole country, North and 62 THE HERO OF MANILA. South, was ablaze with the war spirit. The President called for volunteers to suppress the rebellion and re- store the national authority, and was offered several times as many as he asked for. The South was already in arms. Many of the military and naval officers who were from the South went with their States, and young men who had been educated to- gether at West Point or Annapolis were now to take part on opposite sides in one of the greatest conflicts the world has ever seen. In some in- stances brother was against brother, and father against son. Gideon Welles, of Connecticut, was Secretary of the Navy in President Lincoln's cabinet. Though some of the naval officers resigned their commissions and offered their services to the Confederacy, the ves- sels of the navy, except a very few that were cap- tured at Norfolk navy yard, remained in the possession of the National Government. There was need of all these and more, for a mighty task was about to be undertaken, and there were large bodies of troops to be transported by sea, cities to be captured, fortifica- tions to be bombarded, and ports to be held under blockade. This last was a most important duty, though little idea of glory was connected with it, and popular reputations could not be made in it; for the Southern States had very few manufactures, and for THE BEGINNING OF WAR. 63 arms, ammunition, and other necessaries they de- pended mainly on importation. At this time the United States navy was under- going transformation. In the more important vessels steam had been substituted for sail power, but they were still constructed of wood, and the development of the ironclad was just beginning. In the emergency the Government bought a large number of merchant vessels of various kinds, including some ferryboats, turning them into gunboats and transports, and began the construction of ironclads. Many ironclads of light draught for use on the western rivers were built in a hundred days. The Southerners were almost without facilities for building vessels from the keel, but they made two or three formidable rams and floating batteries by covering the wooden hulls of some of the captured ships with railroad iron. The first naval expedition of the war sailed in August, 1861, commanded by Flag-Officer Silas H. Stringham. It consisted of ten vessels, including two transports, carried about nine hundred soldiers, and was directed against the forts that guarded Hatteras Inlet, North CaroHna. The troops, with some diffi- culty, were landed through the surf, and a combined attack by them and the naval force reduced the de- fenses and compelled their surrender with about seven 64 THE HERO OF MANILA. hundred prisoners. The garrisons had lost about fifty men, the assailants not one. This was due to the fact that the work was done chiefly by rifled guns on the vessels, which could be fired effectively while out of range of the smooth-bore guns of the forts. Late in October another expedition, commanded by Flag-Officer Samuel F. Du Pont, sailed from Hampton Roads. It consisted of more than fifty ves- sels, and carried twenty-two thousand men. A ter- rific gale was encountered, one transport and one storeship were lost, and one gunboat had to throw its battery overboard. When the storm was over, only one vessel was in sight from the flagship. But the scattered fleet slowly came together again and pro- ceeded to its destination — the entrance to Port Royal harbor, South Carolina. This was guarded by two forts. The attack was made on the morning of No- vember 7th. The main column, of ten vessels, led by the flagship, was formed in line a ship's-length apart, and steamed past the larger fort, delivering its fire at a distance of eight hundred yards, and then turned and sailed past again, somewhat closer. In this man- ner it steamed three times round a long ellipse, de- livering its fire alternately from the two broadsides. Some of the gunboats got positions from which they enfiladed the work, and two of the larger vessels went up closer and poured in a fire that dismounted several THE BEGINNING OF WAR. 65 guns. This was more than the garrison could endure, and they evacuated the fort and were seen streaming out of it as if in panic. The other cohimn, of four vessels, attacked the smaller fort in the same manner, with the same result. Meanwhile, a much larger and more important naval expedition than either of these was planned at Washington. New Orleans was the largest and rich- est city in the Confederacy. It had nearly one hun- dred and seventy thousand inhabitants — more than Charleston, Mobile, and Richmond together. In the year before the war it had shipped twenty-five mil- hon dollars' worth of sugar and ninety-two miUion dollars' worth of cotton. In these two articles its ex- port trade was larger than that of any other city in the world. And as a strategic point it was of the first importance. The Mississippi has several mouths, or passes, and this fact, with the frequency of violent gales in the Gulf, made it very difficult to blockade commerce there. Moreover, if possession of the Mis- sissippi could be secured by the national forces it would cut the Confederacy in two and render it dif- ficult if not impossible to continue the transporta- tion of supplies from Arkansas and Texas to feed the armies in Virginia and Tennessee. Add to this the fact that any great city is a great prize in war, highly valuable to the belligerent that holds it, and the im- 66 THE HERO OF MANILA. portance of New Orleans at that time may be readily appreciated. The defenses of the city consisted of two forts — Jackson and St. Philip — on either bank of the stream, thirty miles above the head of the passes and about twice that distance below New Orleans. They were below a bend which had received the name of English Turn, from the circumstance that in 1814 the British naval vessels attempting to ascend the stream had here been driven back by land batteries. The forts were built by the United States Government, of earth and brick, in the style that was common before the introduction of rifled cannon. They were now gar- risoned by fifteen hundred Confederate soldiers, and above them lay a Confederate fleet of fifteen vessels, including an ironclad ram and an incomplete floating battery that was cased in railroad iron. Below the forts a heavy chain was stretched across the river, supported on logs; and when it was broken by a freshet the logs were replaced by hulks anchored at intervals across the stream, with the chain passing over their decks and its ends fastened to trees on the banks. A similar chain was stretched across the Hudson at the time of the Revolutionary War. In addition to all this, two hundred Confederate sharpshooters con- stantly patrolled the banks between the forts and the head of the passes, to give notice of any approach- THE BEGINNING OF WAR. 67 ing foe, and fire at any one that might be seen on the deck of a hostile vessel. The Confederate au- thorities fully appreciated the value of the Crescent City. The problem before the national authorities was, how to take that city in spite of all these barriers. CHAPTER VII. THE FIGHT FOR NEW ORLEANS. Military scholarship is a good thing; military genius is sometimes a better thing. When it was re- solved by the authorities to attempt the capture of New Orleans it was assumed that the two forts on the river below the city must be first destroyed or com- pelled to surrender. The chief engineer of the Army of the Potomac, whose ability was unquestioned, made a long report to the Navy Department, in which, after describing the forts and their situation, he said: " To pass these works merely with a fleet and appear before New Orleans is merely a raid, no capture." And in describing the exact method of attack he said: " Those [vessels] on the Fort Jackson side would probably have to make fast to the shore; those on the Saint Philip side might anchor." Substantially the same view was afterward taken by Captain David D. Porter, who was to have an important part in the en- terprise. It was also assumed that the forts could be reduced by bombardment, if this was only heavy and persistent enough. In accordance with this idea, 68 Farragut and Dewey. THE FIGHT FOR NEW ORLEANS. 69 twenty-one large mortars were cast for the work. They threw shells that were thirteen inches in diam- eter and weighed two hundred and eighty-five pounds. For each of these mortars a schooner was built; and so great was the concussion of the atmosphere when one was fired, that no man could stand near it with- out being literally deafened. Therefore platforms projecting beyond the decks were provided, to which the gunners could retreat just before each shot. The remainder of the fleet, when finally it was mustered, was made up of six sloops of war, sixteen gunboats, five other vessels, and transports carrying fifteen thou- sand soldiers to co-operate in the attack or hold the forts and the city after it should be captured. The number of guns in the fleet was more than two hundred. After this expedition (the most powerful that ever had sailed under the American flag) was planned and partly organized, and the mortar schooners nearly completed, the Navy Department looked about for a suitable officer to command it, and Secretary Welles finally chose Captain David G. Farragut. This officer had his own ideas of the best way to effect the capture. He would have preferred to dispense with the mor- tars, in which he had no faith; but they had been prepared at great expense, and that part of the fleet was to be commanded by his friend Porter, and so 70 THE HERO OF MANILA. he accepted them, and as soon as it could be got ready the expedition sailed from Hampton Roads. When it arrived at the mouths of the Mississippi there was a gigantic task to be performed before the fleet could enter the stream. An American poet has thus described the delta of the great river: " Do you know of the dreary land, If land such region may seem, Where 'tis neither sea nor strand, Ocean nor good dry land, But the nightmare marsh of a dream — Where the mighty river his death-road takes. Mid pools and windings that coil like snakes — A hundred leagues of bayous and lakes — To die in the great Gulf Stream ? " There are five mouths or passes, spread out like the fingers of a hand. Of course no one of them was as large and deep as the river above, and the entrance of each was obstructed by a bar. The smaller vessels — mortar schooners and gunboats — were taken in without difficulty, but the larger ones required enor- mous labor to get them over the bar. The Missis- sippi — of which Captain Melancton Smith was the commander, and Lieutenant George Dewey the ex- ecutive officer — was lightened of everything that could be taken off, and even then had to be dragged over by tugboats, with her keel a foot deep in the mud. She was the only side-wheel war vessel in the fleet. THE FIGHT FOR NEW ORLEANS. 71 It required two weeks' labor to get the Pensacola in; and the Colorado could not be taken in at all, as she drew seven feet more of water than there was on the bar. The masts of the mortar schooners were dressed off with bushes so that they could not be distinguished easily from the trees along the shore; and as soon as they were moored in their chosen position the bombard- ment was begun. The forts could not be seen from them, and the gunners fired with a computed aim, throwing the immense shells high into the air, that they might fall almost perpendicularly into the forts and explode. The bombardment was kept up steadily for six days and nights, nearly six thousand shells be- ing thrown. They fell in and around the fortifica- tions, destroyed buildings, cut the levee, and killed fourteen men and wounded thirty-nine. It is said that in modern warfare a man's weight in lead is fired for every man that is killed; in this instance about sixteen tons of iron were thrown for every man that was injured. The main object, however, was not to disable the garrisons, but to dismount the guns and render the fortifications useless; and this result was not accomplished. The forts and their armaments were in almost as good condition for service as ever. Meanwhile, Farragut had made up his mind that to anchor abreast of these fortifications and attack 72 THE HERO OF MANILA. them would simply be to lose his vessels. It is only in its ability to keep moving that a war ship (at least a wooden one, and there was not an ironclad in this fleet) has an advantage over land works of equal armament. To surrender this advantage at the begin- ning is to lose the fight at the end. Furthermore, he believed that as the sole purpose of the forts was to protect the city, if he could lay the city under his guns the forts would be abandoned. Consequent- ly, in spite of the advice of the eminent army engineer, and his friend and brother of^cer. Porter, he deter- mined to pass the forts with his whole fleet (except the mortar schooners) and appear before New Orleans. This was a new thing in warfare, and it is im- portant to note it here, because George Dewey, who had been promoted to a lieutenancy at the beginning of the war, was in that fleet, and Farragut was his instructor as well as his commander. The passage was to be made in the night, and Farragut — who had learned to perform every duty that is ever required on shipboard, except those of the surgeon — gave in his general orders minute in- structions for every preparation, and suggested that the officers and crew of each vessel add any other precautions that their ingenuity might devise. Every man in the fleet was busy. In the fore- castle of the Mississippi a group of sailors were mak- Whitewashing the decks. THE FIGHT FOR NEW ORLEANS. 73 ing splinter nettings, criticising the arrangements for the attack, and speculating as to the result. " What's Bill Amnion going to do with that white paint? " said one. " He's going to paint the gun deck," answered a comrade. "What! paint it white?" " Yes, white." " What's that for? To make us a better target for the reb gunners? " " It's to make it so that we can see what we're about, and find things when we need them." " That seems to say we're going up in the night," said the first speaker. " You've hit it," said another; " that's exactly what we are in for." " Whose idea is this of painting the decks? " asked a fourth. " Bill pretends it's his," said the boatswain's mate. " He thinks it's a great idea. But I was by when he got his orders, and I know it originated with Dewey." " I don't care where the idea came from," said the sailmaker, " I don't admire it." "Why not?" " Because it's just the wrong thing. The boys on the Pensacola and the Oneida are rubbing: the decks 74 THE HERO OF MANILA. over with mud, so that the Johnnies will have a hard time to distinguish them. I think that's the true idea." " I can't agree with you there," said the boat- swain's mate. " As soon as we get fairly into it the smoke will be so thick that the Johnnies can't see through it very perfectly anyway. And that's just when w^e want to see everything on our own deck." " It may be so," grumbled the sailmaker; " but if it comes to that, old Dewey'd better have the river whitewashed, so that he can see to con the ship." This bit of sailor wit created laughter, of which the little company were in much need, for some of them were not at all hopeful of the coming contest. " He'll con the ship all right," said another sailor, who had not spoken before, and who answered to the nickname of Slippery Sim (his real name being Simeon Nelson). " I knew him in Montpelier, and I know you can depend on him every time." " In Montpelier? " said the boatswain's mate. " Why, that was about Bill Ammon's latitude and longitude, if my reckoning's right." " It was, exactly," said Nelson. " Then he ought to have know^n Dewey too," said the boatswain's mate. " Know him? " said Nelson. " I should say he did know him. The most famous of all the fights THE FIGHT FOR NEW ORLEANS. 75 that ever took place among our boys was between him and Dewey." " Did you see it? " said the saihuaker eagerly. " I did," said Nelson in an impressive tone. " I had the honor of holding Ammon's coat." " And which Hcked? " asked the sailmaker. "Hold on!" said the boatswain's mate. "Don't answer that question. Never spoil a good story by telling it stern foremost. Give us the whole narra- tyve from beginning to end, and don't let us know which licked till you get to the very last. If those two fellows were at it, I know it must have been a tug. A good description of it ought to brace us up for the lively fight that's before us." " Yes," said another, " it may be the last story that some of us will ever hear." " Don't be dow^n-hearted, Ned," said the first speaker. " I've sailed with old Farragut nearly eight- een years, and I know he'll pull us through." " I haven't any doubt that he'll pull the fleet through all right," said Ned. " But even a victori- ous fleet generally has a few red spots on the decks, and not so many gunners when it comes out as when it went in. It's all right, of course. I'm not finding fault, and I'm not any more afraid than I ought to be. I expect to stand up and do my duty, as I know the rest of you will. But a man can't help being a 76 THE HERO OF MANILA. human creature, with human feehngs, if he is a sailor; and when he's killed he's just as much killed, and all his pretty plans spoiled, whether it's in a victory or in a defeat." " That's all true enough, Ned," said the boat- swain's mate; "but what we want to cultivate just now is the spirit of fight, not the spirit of philosophy. Save your philosophy till after the battle, and then you'll have plenty of good company, for then every- body will be philosophizing about it." " They will, indeed," said the sailmaker, " and a good many of them wdll be telling how they could have managed it better that we did. The great trouble in this war is that so many of our best generals and admirals who ought to be in the field or on ship- board have jobs in barber shops that they don't like to give up, or can't be spared from country stores and newspaper offices." " Oh, belay your sarcasm," said the boatswain's mate. " Let's have the story of the big fight between Dewey and Ammon, Sim." Thereupon Nelson gave a minute and graphic account of that schoolboy contest. " I don't see," said Ned, " why Bill Ammon never has mentioned that he was a schoolmate of Dewey's. I should think he would be proud of it." " The reason is plain enough," said the sailmaker. THE FIGHT FOR NEW ORLEANS. 77 " He was afraid that might lead up to thft story of this fight. Probably he would be quite willing that it should remain untold." " Well, whatever he was in school days," said Ned, " Bill's a pretty good fellow now; and I don't see that he has much to be ashamed of. It seems he put up a good stiff fight then, and I think he'll do his duty with the best of us now." "Yes, that's so!" responded two or three. " Talking about that whitewashing," said the sailor who had opened the conversation, " I think it's all right enough, but it seems to me it might have been applied where it would have done still more good." " Where's that, Tom? " said the boatswain's mate. " I suppose you know," said Tom, " that the Itasca and Pinola went up last night to break the chain and make an opening for the fleet to pass through. Cald- well did that all right. But it's going to be a mighty hard matter to steer these big sea-going vessels through that narrow place in the current of a river like this and in the smoke of battle. The thing I'm most afraid of is that some one of our ships will get tangled up among those hulks, and then the rebs can just pound her as if they had her in a mortar. Suppose the ship at the head of the line should get caught across the opening, where would the whole fleet be then?" 78 THE HERO OF MANILA. " Of course there is great risk," said the boat- swain's mate, " but how are you going to avoid it? They took up a new-fangled torpedo to blow up some of the hulks and make a wider opening, but the thing wouldn't work. Those machines that are to go off under water seldom do work." " I was thinking," said Tom, " that if they had whitewashed the decks of the hulks next to the open- ing it would go far to prevent such an accident." " You didn't go up there with Caldwell, and neither did your brother," said the sailmaker. " If you had, I don't think you'd have been anxious to whitewash anything and make yourselves a better target for the sharpshooters on shore. Our men were fired on all the while as it was." " I think I could have managed it," said Tom. " Tell us how." " I would have taken up some buckets of white paint — I see you smile, but you've got ahead of your reckoning. No, I wasn't going to say I'd take some brushes along and make a nice job painting the decks. I'd keep the buckets covered up till just as we were ready to come away, and then I'd simply overturn them on the decks and push ofif. That would whiten them enough to help our pilots through." " I'm not sure but that's a good idea," said an- other sailor. THE FIGHT FOR NEW ORLEANS. 79 "Is it?" said the boatswain's mate. "I guess you've never sailed with Caldwell or Dewey. If you had you'd know that either of them would be more horrified at the idea of any such sloppy work, even on the deck of an old hulk, than at doubling the risk of his ship. They're dandies, both of 'em." " If anything gets afoul of the hulks," remarked a sailor who had not spoken before, " it will probably be this old spinning wheel. The Secretary of the Navy that ordered a side-wheeler for a war ship must have been born and brought up in the backwoods. If we could have got the Colorado over the bar I wouldn't be here. She's the ship we ought to have if we're going to knock those forts to pieces." " I'm not sure that the largest ships are the best for this work," said the sailmaker. " This whole fieet was built for sea service, and it's out of place in a river Hke this." " Of course it's a loss not to have the Colorado with us," said the boatswain's mate. " But the best thing that was aboard of her is with us." "What's that?" said several. " That old sea dog Bailey," answered the boat- swain's mate. " He's no dandy, but he knows what to do with a ship in a fight or in a storm or any- where else. I was with him on the Lexington in forty-six, when we went round Cape Horn to Cali- 8o THE HERO OF MANILA. fornia. That was the beginning of the Mexican War. We carried troops and army officers. Bill Sherman, who commanded a brigade at Bull Run, was among them. So was General Halleck — he was only a lieu- tenant then." " Bailey's on the Cayuga now," said the sailor from the Colorado, " and if Farragut understands his business he'll let him lead the line, unless Farragut leads it himself in the flagship. I wish I could be with him; but when we had to leave the Colorado outside they scattered our crew all through the fleet, and I just had the luck to be sent to this old coffee mill." " As long as Doc. Dewey's on the bridge you needn't be afraid of her," said Sim Nelson, " whether she's a spinning wheel or a coffee mill — and your opinion seems to vary on that point. There was lots of good fighting before propellers were invented, but you appear to think we can't do anything without a propeller." " A propeller isn't very likely to be struck by a shot," said the man from the Colorado; "but these old windmill sails going round on each side of this tub can hardly help being hit." " Now you just quit worrying, and settle your mind on an even keel," said Sim Nelson. " There's such a thing as ability, and there's such a thing as THE FIGHT FOR NEW ORLEANS. 8i luck. Ability and luck don't always go together — more's the pity! There's McDowell at Bull Run, as able as any general there, and he planned the battle well, and our boys put up a good stiff fight; but just at the last the luck turned against him, and then where was he? 'Tisn't so with Doc. Dewey. I've known him ever since we were boys, and his ability and luck always went together, I've no doubt there are plenty of good officers in the fleet, but I'm glad to have him on the bridge of the ship that I sail in. whether it's an old spinning wheel, or a coffee mill, or a windmill, or whatever other name you may invent for it." The man from the Colorado said no more, and a few minutes later the boatswain called away half of the men who were making netting to assist in pro- tecting the boilers and machinery. They piled up hammocks and coal in such a way as to stop a good many shots that might otherwise reach these vital parts of the ship. They had not quite finished this task when there was a cry of "Fire raft!" followed quickly by an order to man two boats. Hardly any time seemed to elapse before the boats swung down from the davits and the oarsmen pulled away with a strong, steady stroke. In the stern of each stood two men with a long pole, on the end of which was an iron hook. 82 THE HERO OF MANILA. Up the stream a little way was an immense mass of flame, gliding down with the current. In the center it was crackling, at the side occasionally hiss- ing where a burning stick touched the water, and above it rose a dense column of smoke, curved at the top and swaying in the light breeze. " That's the fifth of those villainous valentines they've sent us," said the man from the Colorado. " Well, we took good care of the other four," said the boatswain, " and I guess we can take care of this, though it's the biggest and ugliest of all. It won't be long now before we send 'em the answer, post paid. Back water, there! back water!" This command was uttered and obeyed none too quickly. Two of the gunboats — the Kineo and the Sciota — trying to avoid the fire raft, collided violently, and the mainmast of the Sciota went overboard with a crash and just missed striking the boat. Then both the gunboats dragged across the bows of the Mis- sissippi, but skillful management prevented any fur- ther damage there, and the two small boats pulled up close to the windward side of the fire raft, at the same time with four boats from two other ships. The men in the stern struck their hooks into the side of the flatboat that formed the base of the blazing pile, and the oarsmen pulled for the shore. The heat al- most shriveled the skin on their faces, but they bent THE FIGHT FOR NEW ORLEANS. 83 to the work with a will, and slowly towed the mon- ster away from the line of the fleet, down stream more than two miles, and then over to the western bank, where they pushed it into the shallow water and mud and left it to burn itself away, a beautiful and harmless spectacle. As they pulled back to their ships they noticed that the various crews were at work " stopping " the sheet cables up and down the sides, in the line of the engines. "That's a splendid idea; whose is it?" asked the man at the stroke oar. " Yes," said the boatswain, " it makes them iron- clad as far as it goes. They say it was suggested by Engineer Moore, of the Richmond." " Splendid fellow! " said the man from the Colo- rado. " He was a schoolmate of mine." "Where was that?" said the boatswain. " Detroit," said the man from the Colorado. " He and I used to run away from school together and swim across to Windsor." " Um — about half a mile," said the boatswain, musingly, " and current eight miles an hour — very good swimming for boys. But," he added aloud, " Mr. Moore ought to know about that. He thinks he was born and brought up in Plattsburg, New York — I heard him say so — and that his father was in the 84 THE HERO OF MANILA. battle of Lake Champlain. What funny mistakes men make about themselves sometimes! " The man from the Colorado said no more. Two o'clock in the morning of April 24, 1862, was fixed as the hour for the fleet to weigh anchor and steam up the river. The moon would rise an hour and a half later, and it was the intention to pass the forts in darkness and have the benefit of moonlight after the gauntlet had been run. Five minutes be- fore two the signal was given — two red lights at the masthead of the flagship; but it was moonrise before all were ready and in motion. The question of a moon, however, was no longer of any consequence, for the Confederates had observed the preparations, and had set fire to immense piles of wood that they kept for the purpose at the ends of the chain, so that the whole scene was as light as day. This did not stop Farragut, who had made up his mind to pass the forts and lay the city under his guns. The mortar schooners moved up stream to a point near Fort Jackson, and began a heavy bombardment. Then the fleet, in a long line, steamed steadily up the river, passed through the opening in the chain, and with rapid broadsides swept the bastions of the forts as they went by. It was in three divisions. The first, consisting of eight vessels, was led by Cap- tain Theodorus Bailey in the Cayuga; the second, of BATTERY First Division— Z«a9!I, by D. r, Fr.nch. Bronze tablet for forward turret of Admiral Dewey's flagship, Olympia. Presented by citizens of Olympia, Wash. CHAPTER XV. LETTERS. When a man has become famous, there is at once a desire on the part of the pubHc to know something of his character and habits of thought aside from the work that has brought him into notice, and these are generally shown best by his letters. We are permitted to make a few significant extracts from Admiral Dewey's correspondence, with which we will close this volume. Several Confederate veterans at Clarksville, Tenn., some of whom had belonged to the battery that de- stroyed the Mississippi when she was trying to pass Port Hudson, sent him a letter of congratulation. In his reply, dated July 23, 1898, he said: "I can assure you that, although I have had letters, resolutions, tele- grams, etc., from all parts of the United States, none has given me more pleasure than the communication from you. One fortunate result of this war with Spain is the healing of all tjie wounds that have been rank- ling since 1865, and I believe that from now on we will be a united people, with no North, no South. That result alone will be worth all the sacrifices we 149 ISO THE HERO OF MANILA. have made. It would give me much pleasure to talk over with you those stirring days around Port Hud- son, and I hope that pleasure may be in store for me." Under date of October 3, 1898, he wrote to Mrs. Noss, of Mount Pleasant, Penn., whose husband had been killed in the battle of Malete: " I wish to express to you my deepest sympathy. It must lessen your sorrow somewhat to know that your young husband fell fighting bravely for his country, the noblest death a man can know. From the Olympia I watched the fight that fearful night, and wondered how many Ameri- can homes would be saddened by the martyrdom suf- fered by our brave men, and my sympathy went out to each and every one of them. Your loss has been sadder than the others, and I am unable to express the sorrow I feel for you. Tears came to my eyes as I read the sad story of the father who never saw his child, and then the loss of all that was left to the brave mother. It is hard sometimes to believe, but our Heav- enly Father, in his infinite goodness, always does things for the best, and some day father, mother, and daugh- ter will be joined, never again to be parted. With my tenderest sympathy, believe me your sincere friend." In a letter to a friend he wrote, after briefly de- scribing the battle: " The Spanish Admiral Montojo fought his ships like a hero. He stood on his quarter- deck until his ship was ablaze from stem to stern, and •k,J The Devvej- Triumphal Arch in Madison Square, New York. (From the model, by the courtesy of the designer, Charles R. I.amb.) LETTERS. 151 absolutely sinking under his feet; then, transferring his flag to the Isla de Cuba, he fought with what was left of his fleet, standing fearlessly amid a hail of shrap- nel until his second ship and over one hundred of her crew sank like lead in a whirl of water. It seems to me that history in its roll of heroes should make men- tion of an admiral who could fight his ships so bravely and stand on the bridge coolly and calmly when his fleet captain w^as torn to pieces by one of our shells at his side. I sent him a message telling him how I ap- preciated the gallantry with which he had fought his ships, and the deep admiration my of^cers and men felt for the commander of the Reina Cristina, who nailed his colors to his mast and then went down with his gallant crew. I think, my dear Norton, that had you witnessed this, as I did, you too would have sent the brave sailor the message I caused to be sent to him, to which he responded most courteously." Political parties are fain to seize upon popular heroes for their presidential candidates — often without much reference to the hero's former political afifiliatioiis or want of them. The response is not always such an emphatic refusal as was given once by General Sher- man, and now by Admiral Dewey. This is what the Admiral said: " I would not accept a nomination for the presi- dency of the United States. I have no desire for any 152 THE HERO OF MANILA. political office. I am unfitted for it, having neither the education nor the training. I am deeply grateful for many expressions of kindly sentiment from the Ameri- can people, but I desire to retire in peace to the en- joyment of my old age. The navy is one profession, politics is another. I am too old to learn a new pro- fession now. I have no political associations, and my health would never stand the strain of a canvass. I have been approached by politicians repeatedly, in one way or another, but I have refused absolutely to con- sider any proposition whatever. This is final." THE END. YOUNG HEROES OF OUR NAVY. Uniform Edition. Each, I2mo, cloth, $1.00. The Hero of Manila. Dewey on the Mississippi and the Pacific. By Rossiter Johnson, author of "Phaeton Rogers," "A History of the War of Secession," etc. Illustrated by B. West Clinedinst and Others. A new book in the Young Heroes of our Navy Series. The Hero of Erie {Commodore Ferry). By James Barnes, author of "Midshipman Farragut," "Com- modore Bainbridge," etc. With lo full-page Illustrations. 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