Class gVtr^ Book .^ 2 m°~-J4~^ copmicm DEPOSIT. M THE UNIT BOOKS No. 2 1 October 1903 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN PUBLISHER'S NOTE This edition is published under a special arrangement with The Century Co.^ publishei's of the complete works of Abraham Lincoln and owners of copyright material relating to Mr. Lincoln LETTERS AND ADDRESSES OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN NEW YORK HOWARD WILFORD BELL 259 FIFTH AVENUE 1 903 n Copyright 1 903 BY Howard Wilfobd Bell £-^^-'/ / , ■"> THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, (V Two Copites Risce'ived lEC IB ^903 Cepyright Entiy CUSS Ci^ XXaNo. COPY A. 1 The Trow Press New York LETTERS AND ADDRESSES OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN [From an address to the people of Sangamon county, Illinois, at New Salem, 9 March 1832. Lincoln's first public speech.] Every man is said to have his peculiar ambition. Whether it be true or not, I can say, for one, that I have no other so great as that of being truly esteemed of my fellow-men, by rendering mj^self worthy of their esteem. How far I shall succeed in gratifying this ambition is yet to be developed. I am young, and unknown to many of you. I was born, and have ever remained, in the most humble walks of life. I have no wealthy or popular relations or friends to recommend me. My case is thrown exclusively upon the independent voters of the country; and, if elected, they will have conferred a favor upon me for which I shall be unremitting in my labors to compensate. But, if the good people in their wisdom shall see fit to keep me in the background, I have been too familiar with disappointments to be very much chagrined. [Letter to the editor of the Sangamon Journal, New Salem, 13 June 1836.] To the Editor of the " Journal " : In your paper of last Saturday I see a communication, over the signature of "Many Voters," in which the candidates who are announced in the "Journal" are called upon to "show their hands." Agreed. Here's mine. I go for all sharing the privileges of the government who 5 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES assist in bearing its burdens. Consequently^ I go for admit- ting all whites to the right of suffrage who pay taxes or bear arms (by no means excluding females). If elected^ I shall consider the whole people of Sangamon my constituents^ as well those that oppose as those that sup- port me. While acting as their representative^ I shall be governed by their will on all subjects upon which I have the means of knowing what their will is; and upon all others I shall do what my own judgment teaches me will best advance their interests. Whether elected or not^ I go for distributing the proceeds of the sales of the public lands to the several States, to enable our State, in common with others, to dig canals and construct railroads without borrowing money and paying the interest on it. If alive on the first Monday in November, I shall vote for Hugh L. White for President. [Letter to Colonel Robert Allen, 21 June 1836.] Dear Colonel : I am told that during my absence last week you passed through this place, and stated publicly that you were in possession of a fact or facts which, if known to the public, would entirely destroy the prospects of N. W. Ed- wards and myself at the ensuing election ; but that, through favor to us, you should forbear to divulge them. No one has needed favors more than I, and, generally, few have been less unwilling to accept them ; but in this case favor to me would be injustice to the public, and therefore I must beg your pardon for declining it. That I once had the con- fidence of the people of Sangamon, is sufficiently evident; and if I have since done anything, either by design or mis- adventure, which if known would subj ect me to a forfeiture 6 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN of that confidence, he that knows of that thing, and conceals it, is a traitor to his country's interest. I find myself wholly unable to form any conjecture of what fact or facts, real or supposed, you spoke; but my opinion of your veracity will not permit me for a moment to doubt that you at least believed what you said. I am flat- tered with the personal regard you manifested for me; but I do hope that, on more mature reflection, you will view the public interest as a paramount consideration, and therefore determine to let the worst come. I here assure you that the candid statement of facts on your part, however low it may sink me, shall never break the tie of personal friendship be- tween us. I wish an answer to this, and you are at liberty to publish both, if you choose. [From an address before the young men's lyceum of Spring- field, Illinois, 27 January 1837.] As a subject for the remarks of the evening, "The per- petuation of our political institutions" is selected. In the great journal of things happening under the sun, we, the American people, find our account running under date of the nineteenth century of the Christian era. We find ourselves in the peaceful possession of the fairest por- tion of the earth as regards extent of territory, fertility of soil, and salubrity of climate. We find ourselves under the government of a system of political institutions conducing more essentially to» the ends of civil and religious liberty than any of which the history of former times tells us. We, when mounting the stage of existence, found ourselves the legal inheritors of these fundamental blessings. We toiled not in the acquirement or establishment of them ; they are a legacy bequeathed us by a once hardy, brave, and patriotic, 7 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES but now lamented and departed, race of ancestors. Theirs was the task (and nobly they performed it) to possess them- selves, and through themselves us, of this goodly land, and to uprear upon its hills and its valleys a political edifice of liberty and equal rights ; 't is ours only to transmit these — the former unprofaned by the foot of an invader, the latter undecayed by the lapse of time and untorn by usurpation — to the latest generation that fate shall permit the world to know. X This task gratitude to our fathers, j ustice to our- selves, duty to posterity, and love for our species in general, all imperatively require us faithfully to perform. How then shall we perform it? At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it? Shall we expect some transatlantic mili- tary giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow ? Never ! All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest, with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be ex- pected? I answer. If it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time, or die by suicide. ;^ I hop'e I am over wary ; but if I am not, there is even now something of ill omen amongst us. I mean the increasing disregard for law which pervades the country — the growing disposition to substitute the wild and furious passions in lieu of the sober judgment of courts, and the worse than savage mobs for the executive ministers of justice. This disposi- tion is awfully fearful in any community; and that it now exists in ours, though grating to our feelings to admit, it 8 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN would be a violation of truth and an insult to our intelligence to deny. Accounts of outrages committed by mobs form the every-day news of the times. They have pervaded the country from New England to Louisiana; they are neither peculiar to the eternal snows of the former nor the burning suns of the latter; they are not the creature of climate, neither are they confined to the slaveholding or the non- slaveholding States. Alike they spring up among the pleas- ure-hunting masters of Southern slaves, and the order-loving citizens of the land of steady habits. Whatever then their cause may be, it is common to the whole country. It would be tedious as well as useless to recount the horrors of all of them. Those happening in the State of Mississippi and at St. Louis are perhaps the most dangerous in example and revolting to humanity. In the Mississippi case they first commenced by hanging the regular gamblers — a set of men certainly not following for a livelihood a very useful or very honest occupation, but one which, so far from being forbidden b}'' the laws, was actually licensed by an act of the legislature passed but a single year before. Next, negroes suspected of conspiring to raise an insurrection were caught up and hanged in all parts of the State; then, white men supposed to be leagued with the negroes; and finally, strangers from neighboring States, going thither on busi- ness, were in many instances subjected to the same fate. Thus went on this process of hanging, from gamblers to negroes, from negroes to white citizens, and from these to strangers, till dead men were seen literally dangling from the boughs of trees upon every roadside, and in numbers almost sufficient to rival the native Spanish moss of the country as a drapery of the forest. Turn then to that horror-striking scene at St. Louis. A single victim only was sacrificed there. This story is very short, and is perhaps the most highly tragic of anything of 9 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES its length that has ever been witnessed in real life. A mulatto man by the name of Mcintosh was seized in the street^ dragged to the suburbs of the city, chained to a tree, and actually burned to death; and all within a single hour from the time he had been a freeman attending to his own business and at peace with the world. Such are the effects of mob law, and such are the scenes becoming more and more frequent in this land so lately famed for love of law and order, and the stories of which have even now grown too familiar to attract anything more than an idle remark. But you are perhaps ready to ask, "What has this to do with the perpetuation of our political institutions?" I an- swer, "It has much to do with it." Its direct consequences are, comparatively speaking, but a small evil, and much of its danger consists in the proneness of our minds to regard its direct as its only consequences. Abstractly considered, the hanging of the gamblers at Vicksburg was of but little con- sequence. They constitute a portion of population that is worse than useless in any community ; and their death, if no pernicious example be set by it, is never matter of reasonable regret with any one. If they were annually swept from the stage of existence by the plague or smallpox, honest men would perhaps be much profited by the operation. Similar too is the correct reasoning in regard to the burning of the negro at St. Louis. He had forfeited his life by the per- petration of an outrageous murder upon one of the most worthy and respectable citizens of the city, and had he not died as he did, he must have died by the sentence of the law in a very short time afterward. As to him alone, it was as well the way it was as it could otherwise have been. But the example in either case was fearful. When men take it in their heads to-day to hang gamblers or burn murderers, they should recollect that in the confusion usually attending 10 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN such transactions they will be as likely to hang or burn some one who is neither a gambler nor a murderer as one who is, and that, acting upon the example they set, the mob of to- morrow may, and probably will, hang or burn some of them by the very same mistake. And not only so; the innocent, those who have ever set their faces against violations of law in every shape, alike with the guilty fall victims to the ravages of mob law ; and thus it goes on, step by step, till all the walls erected for the defense of the persons and property of indi- viduals are trodden down and disregarded. But all this, even, is not the full extent of the evil. By such examples, by instances of the perpetrators of such acts going unpun- ished, the lawless in spirit are encouraged to become lawless in practice; and having been used to no restraint but dread of punishment, tliey thus become absolutely unrestrained. Having ever regarded government as their deadliest bane, they make a jubilee of the suspension of its operations, and pray for nothing so much as its total annihilation. While, on the other hand, good men, men who love tranquillity, who desire to abide by the laws and enjoy their benefits, who would gladly spill their blood in the defense of their coun- try, seeing their property destroyed, their families insulted, and their lives endangered, their persons injured, and seeing nothing in prospect that forebodes a change for the better, become tired of and disgusted with a government that offers them no protection, and are not much averse to a change in which they imagine they have nothing to lose. Thus, then, by the operation of this mobocratic spirit which all must admit is now abroad in the land, the strongest bulwark of any government, and particularly of those constituted like ours, may effectually be broken down and destroyed — I mean the attachment of the people. Whenever this effect shall be pro- duced among us ; whenever the vicious portion of population shall be permitted to gather in bands of hundreds and thou- 11 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES sands^ and burn churches^ ravage and rob provision-stores, throw printing-presses into rivers, shoot editors, and hang and burn obnoxious persons at pleasure and with impunity, depend on it, this government cannot last. By such things the feelings of the best citizens will become more or less alienated from it, and thus it will be left without friends, or with too few, and those few too weak to make their friend- ship effectual. At such a time, and under such circum- stances, men of sufficient talent and ambition will not be wanting to seize the opportunity, strike the blow, and over- turn that fair fabric which for the last half century has been the fondest hope of the lovers of freedom throughout the world. I know the American people are much attached to their government; I know they would suffer much for its sake; I know they would endure evils long and patiently before they would ever think of exchanging it for another, — yet, not- withstanding all this, if the laws be continually despised and disregarded, if their rights to be secure in their persons and property are held by no better tenure than the caprice of a mob, the alienation of their affections from the govern- ment is the natural consequence ; and to that, sooner or later, it must come. Here then is one point at which danger may be expected. The question recurs, "How shall we fortifj'^ against it?" The answer is simple. Let every American, every lover of liberty, every well-wisher to his posterity swear by the blood of the Revolution never to violate in the least particu- lar the laws of the country, and never to tolerate their viola- tion by others. As the patriots of seventy-six did to the support of the Declaration of Independence, so to the sup- port of the Constitution and laws let every American pledge his life, his property, and his sacred honor — ^let every man remember that to violate the law is to trample on the blood 12 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN of his father, and to tear the charter of his own and his chil- dren's liberty. Let reverence for the laws be breathed by every American mother to the lisping babe that prattles on her lap ; let it be taught in schools, in seminaries, and in col- leges; let it be written in primers, spelling-books, and in almanacs ; let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislative halls, and enforced in courts of justice. And, in short, let it become the political religion of the nation; and let the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the grave and the gay of all sexes and tongues and colors and condi- tions, sacrifice unceasingly upon its altars. While ever a state of feeling such as this shall universally or even very generally prevail throughout the nation, vain will be every effort, and fruitless every attempt, to subvert our national freedom. When I so pressingly urge a strict observance of all the laws, let me not be understood as saying there are no bad laws, or that grievances may not arise for the redress of which no legal provisions have been made. I mean to say no such thing. But I do mean to say that although bad laws, if they exist, should be repealed as soon as possible, still, while they continue in force, for the sake of example they should be religiously observed. So also in unprovided cases. If such arise, let proper legal provisions be made for them with the least possible delay, but till then let them, if not too intolerable, be borne with. There is no grievance that is a fit object of redress by mob law. In any case that may arise, as, for instance, the pro- mulgation of abolitionism, one of two positions is necessarily true — that is, the thing is right within itself, and therefore deserves the protection of all law and all good citizens, or it is wrong, and therefore proper to be prohibited by legal enactments; and in neither case is the interposition of mob law either necessary, justifiable, or excusable. 13 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES But it may be asked^ "Why suppose danger to our political institutions? Have we not preserved them for more than fifty years? And why may we not for fifty times as long?" We hope there is no sufficient reason. We hope all danger may be overcome; but to conclude that no danger may ever arise would itself be extremely dangerous. There are now, and will hereafter be, many causes, dangerous in their ten- dency, which have not existed heretofore, and which are not too insignificant to merit attention. That our government should have been maintained in its original form, from its establishment until now, is not much to be wondered at. It had many props to support it through that period, which now are decayed and crumbled away. Through that period it was felt by all to be an undecided experiment; now it is understood to be a successful one. Then, all that sought celebrity and fame and distinction expected to find them in the success of that experiment. Their all was staked upon it; their destiny was inseparably linked with it. Their am- bition aspired to display before an admiring world a prac- tical demonstration of the truth of a proposition which had hitherto been considered at best no better than problematical — namely, the capability of a people to govern themselves. If they succeeded they were to be immortalized; their names were to be transferred to counties, and cities, and rivers, and mountains ; and to be revered and sung, toasted through all time. If they failed, they were to be called knaves, and fools, and fanatics for a fleeting hour; then to sink and be forgotten. They succeeded. The experiment is success- ful, and thousands have won their deathless names in making it so. But the game is caught; and I believe it is true that with the catching end the pleasures of the chase. This field of glory is harvested, and the crop is already appropriated. But new reapers will arise, and they too 14 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN will seek a field. It is to deny what the history of the world tells us is true, to suppose that men of ambition and talents will not continue to spring up amongst us. And when they do, they will as naturally seek the gratification of their rul- ing passion as others have done before them. The question then is. Can that gratification be found in supporting and maintaining an edifice that has been erected by others.^ Most certainly it cannot. Many great and good men, suffi- ciently qualified for any task they should undertake, may ever be found whose ambition would aspire to nothing be- yond a seat in Congress, a gubernatorial or a presidential chair; but such belong not to the family of the lion, or the tribe of the eagle. What ! think you these places would satisfy an Alexander, a Caesar, or a Napoleon? Never! Towering genius disdains a beaten path. It seeks regions hitherto unexplored. It sees no distinction in adding story to story upon the monuments of fame erected to the memory of others. It denies that it is glory enough to serve under any chief. It scorns to tread in the footsteps of any prede- cessor, however illustrious. It thirsts and burns for distinc- tion; and if possible, it will have it, whether at the expense of emancipating slaves or enslaving freemen. Is it un- reasonable, then, to expect that some man possessed of the loftiest genius, coupled with ambition sufficient to push it to its utmost stretch, will at some time spring up among us? And when such an one does, it will require the people to be united with each other, attached to the government and laws, and generally intelligent, to successfully frustrate his designs. Distinction will be his paramount object, and although he would as willingly, perhaps more so, acquire it by doing good as harm, yet, that opportunity being past, and nothing left to be done in the way of building up, he would set boldly to the task of pulling down. 15 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES Here then is a probable case^ highly dangerous, and such an one as could not have well existed heretofore. Another reason which once was, but which, to the samel extent, is now no more, has done much in maintaining our- institutions thus far. I mean the powerful influence which the interesting scenes of the Revolution had upon the pas- sions of the people as distinguished from their judgment. By this influence, the jealousy, envy, and avarice incident to our nature, and so common to a state of peace, prosperity, and conscious strength, were for the time in a great measure smothered and rendered inactive, while the deep-rooted prin- ciples of hate, and the powerful motive of revenge, instead of being turned against each other, were directed exclusively against the British nation. And thus, from the force of cir- cumstances, the basest principles of our nature were either made to lie dormant, or to become the active agents in the advancement of the noblest of causes — that of establishing and maintaining civil and religious liberty. But this state of feeling must fade, is fading, has faded, with the circumstances that produced it. I do not mean to say that the scenes of the Revolution are now or ever will be entirely forgotten, but that, like everything else, they must fade upon the memory of the world, and grow more and more dim by the lapse of time. In history, we hope, they will be read of, and recounted, so long as the Bible shall be read ; but even granting that they will, their influence cannot be what it heretofore has been. Even then they cannot be so universally known nor so vividly felt as they were by the generation just gone to rest. At the close of that struggle, nearly every adult male had been a participator in some of its scenes. The consequence was that of those scenes, in the form of a husband, a father, a son, or a brother, a living history was to be found in every family — a history bearing the indubitable testimonies of its 16 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN own authenticity, in the limbs mangled, in the sears of wounds received, in the midst of the very scenes related — a history, too, that could be read and understood alike by all, the wise and the ignorant, the learned and the unlearned. But those histories are gone. They can be read no more forever. They were a fortress of strength ; but what invad- ing foeman could never do, the silent artillery of time has done — the leveling of its walls. They are gone. They were a forest of giant oaks; but the all-restless hurricane has swept over them, and left only here and there a lonely trunk, despoiled of its verdure, shorn of its foliage, unshad- ing and unshaded, to murmur in a few more gentle breezes, and to combat with its mutilated limbs a few more ruder storms, then to sink and be no more. They were pillars of the temple of liberty ; and now that they have crumbled away that temple must fall unless we, their descendants, supply their places with other pillars, hewn from the solid quarry of sober reason. Passion has helped us, but can do so no more. It will in future be our enemy. Reason — cold, calculating, unimpassioned reason — must furnish all the materials for our future support and defense. Let those materials be molded into general intelli- gence, sound morality, and, in particular, a reverence for the Constitution and laws; and that we improved to the last, that we remained free to the last, that we revered his name to the last, that during his long sleep we permitted no hostile foot to pass over or desecrate his resting-place, shall be that which to learn the last trump shall awaken our Washington. Upon these let the proud fabric of freedom rest, as the rock of its basis; and as truly as has been said of the only greater institution, "the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.'* 17 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES [Protest in Illinois legislature, 3 March 1837- Lincoln's first political action in regard to slavery.] Resolutions upon the subject of domestic slavery having passed both branches of the General Assembly at its present session, the undersigned hereby protest against the passage of the same. They believe that the institution of slavery is founded on both injustice and bad policy, but that the promulgation of abolition doctrines tends rather to increase than abate its evils. They believe that the Congress of the United States has no power under the Constitution to interfere with the insti- tution of slavery in the different States. They believe that the Congress of the United States has the power, under the Constitution, to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia, but that the power ought not to be exercised, unless at the request of the people of the District. The difference between these opinions and those contained in the said resolutions is their reason for entering this pro- test. Dan Stone, A. Lincoln. [Letter to Miss Mary Owens, Springfield, Illinois, 7 May 1837.] Friend Mary : I have commenced two letters to send you before this, both of which displeased me before I got half done, and so I tore them up. The first I thought was not serious enough, and the second was on the other extreme. I shall send this, turn out as it may. This thing of living in Springfield is rather a dull busi- ness, after all; at least it is so to me. I am quite as lone- 18 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN some here as I ever was anywhere in my life. I have been spoken to by but one woman since I have been here, and should not have been by her if she could have avoided it. I 've never been to church yet, and probably shall not be soon. I stay away because I am conscious I should not know how to behave myself. I am often thinking of what we said about your coming to live at Springfield. I am afraid you would not be satis- fied. There is a great deal of flourishing about in carriages here, which it would be your doom to see without sharing it. You would have to be poor, without the means of hiding your poverty. Do you believe you could bear that patiently? Whatever woman may cast her lot with mine, should any ever do so, it is my intention to do all in my power to make her happy and contented ; and there is nothing I can imagine that would make me more unhappy than to fail in the effort. I know I should be much happier with you than the way I am, provided I saw no signs of discontent in you. What you have said to me may have been in the way of jest, or I may have misunderstood it. If so, then let it be forgotten; if otherwise, I much wish you would think seriously before you decide. What I have said I will most positively abide by, provided you wish it. My opinion is that you had better not do it. You have not been accustomed to hardship, and it may be more severe than you now imagine. I know you are capable of thinking correctly on any subject, and if you deliberate maturely upon this before you decide, then I am willing to abide your decision. [Letter to Miss Mary Owens, Springfield, Illinois, 16 August 1837.] Friend Mary: You will no doubt think it rather strange that I should write you a letter on the same day on which 19 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES we parted, and I can only account for it by supposing that seeing you lately makes me think of you more than usual; while at our late meeting we had but few expressions of thoughts. You must know that I cannot see you or think of you with entire indifference; and yet it may be that you are mistaken in regard to what my real feelings toward you are. If I knew you were not, I should not trouble you with this letter. Perhaps any other man would know enough without further information; but I consider it my peculiar right to plead ignorance, and your bounden duty to allow the plea. I want in all cases to do right, and most particularly so in all cases with women. I want at this particular time, more than anything else, to do right with you; and if I knew it would be doing right, as I rather suspect it would, to let you alone, I would do it. And for the purpose of making the matter as plain as possible, I now say that you can now drop the subject, dismiss your thoughts (if you ever had any) from me forever, and leave this letter unanswered, without calling forth one accusing murmur from me. And I will even go further, and say that if it will add anything to your comfort or peace of mind to do so, it is my sincere wish that you should. Do not imderstand by this that I wish to cut your acquaintance. I mean no such thing. What I do wish is that our further acquaintance shall depend upon yourself. If such further acquaintance would contribute nothing to your happiness, I am sure it would not to mine. If you feel yourself in any degree bound to me, I am now willing to release j^ou, provided you wish it; while, on the other hand, I am willing and even anxious to bind you faster, if I can be convinced that it will, in any considerable degree, add to your happiness. This, indeed, is the whole question with me. Nothing would make me more miserable than to be- lieve you miserable — nothing more happy than to know you were so. 20 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN In what I have now said, I think I cannot be misunder- stood, and to make myself understood is the only object of this letter. If it suits you best to not answer this, farewell. A long life and a merry one attend you. But if you conclude to write back, speak as plainly as I do. There can be neither harm nor danger in saying to me anything you think, just in the manner you think it. [Letter to Mrs. O. H. Browning, Springfield, Illinois, 1 April 1838.] Dear Madam : Without apologizing for being egotistical, I shall make the history of so much of my life as has elapsed since I saw you the subject of this letter. And, by the way, I now discover that in order to give a full and intelligible account of the things I have done and suffered since I saw you, I shall necessarily have to relate some that happened before. It was, then, in the autumn of 1836 that a married lady of my acquaintance, and who was a great friend of mine, being about to pay a visit to her father and other relatives residing in Kentucky, proposed to me that on her return she would brino^ a sister of hers with her on condition that I would enffaa:e to become her brother-in-law with all con- venient despatch. I, of course, accepted the proposal, for you know I could not have done otherwise had I really been averse to it ; but privately, between you and me, I was most confoundedly well pleased with the project. I had seen the said sister some three years before, thought her intelligent and agreeable, and saw no good objection to plodding life through hand in hand with her. Time passed on, the lady took her journey, and in due time returned, sister in com- 21 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES pany, sure enough. This astonished me a little, for it ap- peared to me that her coming so readily showed that she was a trifle too willing, but on reflection it occurred to me that she might have been prevailed on by her married sister to come, without anything concerning me ever having been men- tioned to her, and so I concluded that if no other objection presented itself, I would consent to waive this. All this occurred to me on hearing of her arrival in the neighbor- hood — for, be it remembered, I had not yet seen her, except about three years previous, as above mentioned. In a few days we had an interview, and, although I had seen her before, she did not look as my imagination had pictured her. I knew she was over-size, but she now appeared a fair match for Falstaff". I knew she was called an "old maid," and I felt no doubt of the truth of at least half of the appellation, but now, when I beheld her, I could not for my life avoid thinking of my mother; and this, not from with- ered features, — for her skin was too full of fat to permit of its contracting into wrinkles, — but from her want of teeth, weather-beaten appearance in general, and from a kind of notion that ran in my head that nothing could have com- menced at the size of infancy and reached her present bulk in less than thirty-five or forty years; and, in short, I was not at all pleased with her. But what could I do ? I had told her sister that I would take her for better or for worse, and I made a point of honor and conscience in all things to stick to my word, especially if others had been induced to act on it, which in this case I had no doubt they had, for I was now fairly convinced that no other man on earth would have her, and hence the conclusion that they were bent on holding me to my bargain. "Well," thought I, "I have said it, and, be the consequences what they may, it shall not be my fault if I fail to do it." At once I determined to consider her my wife, and this done, all my powers of discovery were put to 22 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN work in search of perfections in her which might be fairly set off against her defects. I tried to imagine her handsome, which, but for her unfortunate corpulency, was actually true. Exclusive of this, no woman that I have ever seen has a finer face. I also tried to convince myself that the mind was much more to be valued than the person, and in this she was not inferior, as I could discover, to any with whom I had been acquainted. Shortly after this, without attempting to come to any posi- tive understanding with her, I set out for Vandalia, when and where you first saw me. During my stay there I had letters from her which did not change my opinion of either her intellect or intention, but, on the contrary, confirmed it in both. All this while, although I was fixed "firm as the surge- repelling rock" in my resolution, I found I was continually repenting the rashness which had led me to make it. Through life I have been in no bondage, either real or imag- inary, from the thraldom of which I so much desired to be free. After my return home I saw nothing to change my opinion of her in any particular. She was the same, and so was I. I now spent my time in planning how I might get along in life after my contemplated change of circum- stances should have taken place, and how I might procras- tinate the evil day for a time, which I really dreaded as much, perhaps more, than an Irishman does the halter. After all my sufferings upon this deeply interesting sub- ject, here I am, wholly, unexpectedly, completely out of the "scrape," and I now want to know if you can guess how I got out of it — out, clear, in every sense of the term — no violation of word, honor, or conscience. I don't believe you can guess, and so I might as well tell you at once. As the lawyer says, it was done in the manner following, to wit: After I had delayed the matter as long as I thought I could 23 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES in honor do (which, by the way, had brought me round into the last fall), I concluded I might as well bring it to a con- summation without further delay, and so I mustered my resolution and made the proposal to her direct ; but, shocking to relate, she answered. No. At first I supposed she did it through an affectation of modesty, which I thought but ill became her under the peculiar circumstances of her case, but on my renewal of the charge I found she repelled it with greater firmness than before. I tried it again and again, but with the same success, or rather with the same want of success. I finally was forced to give it up, at which I very unex- pectedly found myself mortified almost beyond endurance. I was mortified, it seemed to me, in a hundred different ways. My vanity was deeply wounded by the reflection that I had so long been too stupid to discover her intentions, and at the same time never doubting that I understood them perfectly ; and also that she, whom I had taught myself to believe no- body else would have, had actually rejected me with all my fancied greatness. And, to cap the whole, I then for the i5rst time began to suspect that I was really a little in love with her. But let it all go ! I 11 try and outlive it. Others have been made fools of by the girls, but this can never with truth be said of me. I most emphatically, in this instance, made a fool of myself. I have now come to the conclusion never again to think of marrying, and for this reason — I can never be satisfied with any one who would be blockhead enough to have me. When you receive this, write me a long yarn about some- thing to amuse me. Give my respects to Mr. Browning. 24 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN [From a speech at a political discussion in the hall of the house of representatives at Springfield^ Illinois, 20 (?) December 1839-] Mr. Lamborn insists that the difference between the Van Buren party and the Whigs is that although the former sometimes err in practice, they are always correct in princi- ple, whereas the latter are wrong in principle ; and, better to impress this proposition, he uses a figurative expression in these words: "The Democrats are vulnerable in the heel, but they are sound in the head and the heart." The first branch of the figure — that is, that the Democrats are vulnerable in the heel — I admit is not merely figuratively, but literally true. Who that looks but for a moment at their Swartwouts, their Prices, their Harringtons, and their hundreds of others, scampering away with the public money to Texas, to Europe, and to every spot of the earth where a villain ma}?^ hope to find refuge from justice, can at all doubt that they are most distressingly affected in their heels with a species of "run- ning itch." It seems that this malady of their heels operates on these sound-headed and honest-hearted creatures very much like the cork leg in the comic song did on its owner: which, when he had once got started on it, the more he tried to stop it, the more it would run away. At the hazard of wearing this point threadbare, I will relate an anecdote which seems too strikingly in point to be omitted. A witty Irish soldier, who was always boasting of his bravery when no danger was near, but who invariably retreated without orders at the first charge of an engagement, being asked by his captain why he did so, replied: "Captain, I have as brave a heart as Julius Caesar ever had; but, somehow or other, whenever danger approaches, my cowardly legs will run away with it." So with Mr. Lamborn's party. They take 25 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES the public money into their hand for the most laudable pur- pose that wise heads and honest hearts can dictate; but be- fore they can possibly get it out again, their rascally "vul- nerable heels" will run away with them. Seriously, this proposition of Mr. Lamborn is nothing more or less than a request that his party may be tried by their professions instead of their practices. Perhaps no position that the party assumes is more liable to or more deserving of exposure than this very modest request; and nothing but the unwarrantable length to which I have already extended these remarks forbids me now attempting to expose it. For the reason given, I pass it by. I shall advert to but one more point. Mr. Lamborn refers to the late elections in the States, and from their results con- fidently predicts that every State in the Union will vote for Mr. Van Buren at the next presidential election. Address that argument to cowards and to knaves ; with the free and the brave it will effect nothing. It may be true ; if it must, let it. Many free countries have lost their liberty, and ours may lose hers ; but if she shall, be it my proudest plume, not that I was the last to desert, but that I never deserted her. I know that the great volcano at Washington, aroused and directed by the evil spirit that reigns there, is belching forth the lava of political corruption in a current broad and deep, which is sweeping with frightful velocity over the whole length and breadth of the land, bidding fair to leave un- scathed no green spot or living thing ; while on its bosom are riding, like demons on the waves of hell, the imps of that evil spirit, and fiendishly taunting all those who dare resist its destroying course with the hopelessness of their effort; and, knowing this, I cannot deny that all may be swept away. Broken by it I, too, may be; bow to it I never will. The probability that we may fall in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just; it 26 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN shall not deter me. If ever I feel the soul within me elevate and expand to those dimensions not wholly unworthy of its almighty Architect, it is when I contemplate the cause of my country, deserted by all the world beside, and I standing up boldly and alone, and hurling defiance at her victorious op- pressors. Here, without contemplating consequences, be- fore high heaven and in the face of the world, I swear eternal fidelity to the just cause, as I deem it, of the land of my life, my liberty, and my love. And who that thinks with me will not fearlessly adopt the oath that I take ? Let none falter who thinks he is right, and we may succeed. But if, after all, we shall fail, be it so. We still shall have the proud consolation of saying to our consciences, and to the departed shade of our country's freedom, that the cause approved of our judgment, and adored of our hearts, in disaster, in chains, in torture, in death, we never faltered in defending. [Letter to John T. Stuart, Springfield, Illinois, 1 March 1840.] Dear Stuart : I have never seen the prospects of our party so bright in these parts as they are now. We shall carry this county by a larger majority than we did in 1836, when you ran against May. I do not think my prospects indi- vidually are very flattering, for I think it probable I shall not be permitted to be a candidate ; but the party ticket will succeed triumphantly. Subscriptions to the "Old Soldier" pour in without abatement. This morning I took from the post-office a letter from Dubois inclosing the names of sixty subscribers; and on carrying it to Francis, I found he had received one hundred and forty more from other quarters by the same day's mail. That is but an average specimen of every day's receipts. Yesterday Douglas, having chosen to consider himself insulted by something in the "Journal," un- 27 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES dertook to cane Francis in the street. Francis caught him by the hair and jammed him back against a market-cart, where the matter ended by Francis being pulled away from him. The whole affair was so ludicrous that Francis and everybody else (Douglas excepted) have been laughing about it ever since. [Letter to W, G. Anderson, Lawijenceville, Illinois, 31 October 1840.] Dear Sir: Your note of yesterday is received. In the diffi- culty between us of which you speak, you say you think I was the aggressor. I do not think I was. You say my "words imported insult." I meant them as a fair set-off to your own statements, and not otherwise; and in that light alone I now wish you to understand them. You ask for my present "feelings on the subject." I entertain no unkind feelings to you, and none of any sort upon the subject, ex- cept a sincere regret that I permitted myself to get into such an altercation. [From a letter to John T. Stuart, Springfield, Illinois, 23 January, 1841.] For not giving you a general summary of news, you must pardon me; it is not in my power to do so. I am now the most miserable man living. If what I feel were equally dis- tributed to the whole human family, there would not be one cheerful face on the earth. Whether I shall ever be better, I cannot tell ; I awfully forebode I shall not. To remain as I am is impossible ; I must die or be better, it appears to me. The matter you speak of on my account you may attend to as you say, unless you shall hear of my condition forbidding it. I say this because I fear I shall be unable to attend to any 28 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN business here, and a change of scene might help me. If I could be myself, I would rather remain at home with Judge Logan. I can write no more. [From a letter to Miss Mary Speed, dated Bloomington, Illinois, 27 September 1841.] By the way, a fine example was presented on board the boat for contemplating the effect of condition upon human happiness. A gentleman had purchased twelve negroes in different parts of Kentucky, and was taking them to a farm in the South. They were chained six and six together. A small iron clevis was around the left wrist of each, and this fastened to the main chain by a shorter one, at a convenient distance from the others, so that the negroes were strung together precisely like so many fish upon a trot-line. In this condition they were being separated forever from the scenes of their childhood, their friends, their fathers and mothers, and brothers and sisters, and many of them from their wives and children, and going into perpetual slavery, where the lash of the master is proverbially more ruthless and unrelenting than any other where; and yet amid all these distressing circumstances, as we would think them, they were the most cheerful and apparently happy creatures on board. One whose offense for which he had been sold was an over-fondness for his wife, played the fiddle almost continually, and the others danced, sang, cracked jokes, and played various games with cards from day to day. How , true it is that "God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb," or in other words, that he renders the worst of human condi- tions tolerable, while he permits the best to be nothing better than tolerable. 29 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES [Letter to Joshua F. Speed, Springfield, Illinois, 3 January 1842.] My dear Speed: Feeling, as you know I do, the deepest solicitude for the success of the enterprise you are engaged in, I adopt this as the last method I can adopt to aid you, in case (which God forbid!) you shall need any aid. I do not place what I am going to say on paper because I can say it better that way than I could by word of mouth, but, were I to say it orally before we part, most likely you would for- get it at the very time when it might do you some good. As I think it reasonable that you will feel very badly some time between this and the final consummation of your purpose, it is intended that you shall read this just at such a time. Why I say it is reasonable that you will feel very badly yet, is because of three special causes added to the general one which I shall mention. The general cause is, that you are naturally of a nervous temperament; and this I say from what I have seen of you personally, and what you have told me concerning your mother at various times, and concerning your brother Will- iam at the time his wife died. The first special cause is your exposure to bad weather on your journey, which my experience clearly proves to be very severe on defective nerves. The second is the absence of all business and con- versation of friends, which might divert your mind, give it occasional rest from the intensity of thought which will sometimes wear the sweetest idea threadbare and turn it to the bitterness of death. The third is the rapid and near approach of that crisis on which all your thoughts and feel- ings concentrate. If from all these causes you shall escape and go through triumphantly, without another "twinge of the soul," I shall 30 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN be most happily but most egregiously deceived. If^ on the contrary, you shall, as I expect you will at some time, be agonized and distressed, let me, who have some reason to speak with judgment on such a subject, beseech you to ascribe it to the causes I have mentioned, and not to some false and ruinous suggestion of the Devil. "But," you will say, "do not your causes apply to every one engaged in a like undertaking.^" By no means. The particular causes, to a greater or less extent perhaps, do apply in all cases; but the general one, — nervous debility, which is the key and conductor of all the particular ones, and without which they would be utterly harmless, — though it does pertain to you, does not pertain to one in a thousand. It is out of this that the painful difference between you and the mass of the world springs. I know what the painful point with you is at all times when you are unhappy; it is an apprehension that you do not love her as you should. What nonsense ! How came you to court her P Was it because you thought she deserved it, and that you had given her reason to expect it.^ What earthly consideration would you take to find her scout- ing and despising you, and giving herself up to another? But of this you have no apprehension; and therefore you cannot bring it home to your feelings. I shall be so anxious about you that I shall want you to write by every mail. [Letter to Joshua F. Speed, Springfield, Illinois, 3 February 1842.] Dear Speed: Your letter of the 25th January came to hand to-day. You well know that I do not feel my own sor- rows much more keenly than I do yours, when I know of 31 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES them; and yet I assure you I was not much hurt by what you wrote me of your excessively bad feeling at the time you wrote. Not that I am less capable of sympathizing with you now than ever^ not that I am less your friend than ever, but because I ho]3e and believe that your present anxiety and distress about her health and her life must and will forever banish those horrid doubts which I know you sometimes felt as to the truth of your affection for her. If they can once and forever be removed (and I almost feel a presentiment that the Almighty has sent your present affliction expressly for that object);, surely nothing can come in their stead to fill their immeasurable measure of misery. Why, Speed, if you did not love her, although you might not wish her death, you would most certainly be resigned to it. Perhaps this point is no longer a question with you, and my pertinacious dwell- ing upon it is a rude intrusion upon your feelings. If so, you must pardon me. You know the hell I have suffered on that point, and how tender I am upon it. You know I do not mean wrong. I have been quite clear of "hypo" since you left; even better than I was along in the fall. I have seen but once. She seemed very cheerful, and so I said nothing to her about what we spoke of. [Letter to Joshua F. Speed, Springfield, Illinois, 13 February 1842.] Dear Speed: Yours of the 1st instant came to hand three or four days ago. When this shall reach you, you will have been Fanny's husband several days. You know my desire to befriend you is everlasting; that I will never cease while I know how to do anything. But you will always hereafter be on ground that I have never occupied, and consequently;, if advice were needed, I might advise wrong. I do fondly hope, however, that you will never again need any comfort 32 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN from abroad. ... I think, if I were yon, in case my mind were not exactly right, I would avoid being idle. I would immediately engage in some business, or go to making preparations for it, which would be the same thing. If you went through the ceremony calmly, or even with sufficient composure not to excite alarm in any present, you are safe beyond question, and in two or three months, to say the most, will be the happiest of men. [From an address before the Springfield Washingtonian temperance society, 22 February 184-2,] Although the temperance cause has been in progress for near twenty years, it is apparent to all that it is just now being crowned with a degree of success hitherto unparal- leled. . . . For this new and splendid success we heartily rejoice. That that success is so much greater now than heretofore is doubtless owing to rational causes ; and if we would have it continue, we shall do well to inquire what those causes are. The warfare heretofore waged against the demon intem- perance has somehow or other been erroneous. Either the champions engaged or the tactics they adopted have not been the most proper. These champions for the most part have been preachers, lawyers, and hired agents. Between these and the mass of mankind there is a want of approach- ability, if the term be admissible, partially, at least, fatal to their success. They are supposed to have no sympathy of feeling or interest with those very persons whom it is their object to convince and persuade. And again, it is so common and so easy to ascribe motives to men of these classes other than those they profess to act upon. The preacher, it is said, advocates temperance be- cause he is a fanatic, and desires a union of the church and S3 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES state; the lawyer from his pride and vanity of hearing him- self speak; and the hired agent for his salary. But when one who has long been known as a victim of intemperance bursts the fetters that have bound him, and appears before his neighbors "clothed and in his right mind," a redeemed specimen of long-lost humanity, and stands up, with tears of j oy trembling in his eyes, to tell of the miseries once endured, now to be endured no more forever; of his once naked and starving children, now clad and fed comfortably; of a wife long weighed down with woe, weeping, and a broken heart, now restored to health, happiness, and a renewed affection ; and how easily it is all done, once it is resolved to be done ; how simple his language ! — there is a logic and an eloquence in it that few with human feelings can resist. In my judgment, it is to the battles of this new class of champions that our late success is greatly, perhaps chiefly, owing. But, had the old-school champions themselves been of the most wise selecting, was their system of tactics the most j udicious ? It seems to me it was not. Too much de- nunciation against dram-sellers and dram-drinkers was in- dulged in. This I think was both impolitic and unjust. It was impolitic, because it is not much in the nature of man to be driven to anything ; still less to be driven about that which is exclusively his own business; and least of all where such driving is to be submitted to at the expense of pecuniary interest or burning appetite. When the dram-seller and drinker were incessantly told — not in accents of entreaty and persuasion, diffidently addressed by erring man to an erring brother, but in the thundering tones of anathema and denunciation with which the lordly judge often groups to- gether all the crimes of the felon's life, and thrusts them in his face just ere he passes sentence of death upon him — that they were the authors of all the vice and misery and crime in the land ; that they were the manufacturers and material of 34 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN all the thieves and robbers and murderers that infest the earth; that their houses were the workshojis of the devil; and that their persons should be shunned by all the good and vir- tuous as moral pestilences — I say, when they were told all this, and in this way, it is not wonderful that they were slow, very slow, to acknowledge the truth of such denunciations, and to join the ranks of their denouncers in a hue and cry against themselves. To have expected them to do otherwise than they did — to have expected them not to meet denunciation with denun- ciation, crimination with crimination, and anathema with anathema — was to expect a reversal of human nature, which is God's decree and can never be reversed. When the conduct of men is designed to be influenced, persuasion, kind, unassuming persuasion, should ever be adopted. It is an old and a true maxim "that a drop of honey catches more flies than a gallon of gall." So with men. If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend. Therein is a drop of honey that catches his heart, which, say what he will, is the great highroad to his reason, and which, when once gained, you will find but little trouble in convincing his judgment of the justice of your cause, if indeed that cause really be a just one. On the contrary, assume to dictate to his judg- ment, or to command his action, or to mark him as one to be shunned and despised, and he will retreat within himself, close all the avenues to his head and his heart; and though your cause be naked truth itself, transformed to the heaviest lance, harder than steel, and sharper than steel can be made, and though you throw it with more than herculean force and precision, you shall be no more able to pierce him than to penetrate the hard shell of a tortoise with a rye straw. Such is man, and so must he be understood by those who would lead him, even to his own best interests. 35 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES Another error, as it seems to me, into which the old reform- ers fell, was the position that all habitual drunkards were utterly incorrigible, and therefore must be turned adrift and damned without remedy in order that the grace of temper- ance might abound, to the temperate then, and to all man- kind some hundreds of years thereafter. There is in this something so repugnant to humanity, so uncharitable, so cold-blooded and feelingless, that it never did nor ever can enlist the enthusiasm of a popular cause. We could not love the man who taught it — we could not hear him with patience. The heart could not throw open its portals to it, the generous man could not adopt it — it could not mix with his blood. It looked so fiendishly selfish, so like throwing fathers and brothers overboard to lighten the boat for our security, that the noble-minded shrank from the manifest meanness of the thing. And besides this, the benefits of a reformation to be effected by such a system were too remote in point of time to warmly engage many in its behalf. Few can be induced to labor exclusively for posterity; and none will do it enthusiastically. Posterity has done nothing for us ; and theorize on it as we may, practically we shall do very little for it, unless we are made to think we are at the same time doing something for ourselves. What an ignorance of human nature does it exhibit, to ask or expect a whole community to rise up and labor for the temporal happiness of others, after themselves shall be con- signed to the dust, a majority of which community take no pains whatever to secure their own eternal welfare at no more distant day ! Great distance in either time or space has wonderful power to lull and render quiescent the human mind. Pleasures to be enjoyed, or pains to be endured, after we shall be dead and gone are but little regarded even in our own cases, and much less in the cases of others. Still, in addition to this there is something so ludicrous in promises 36 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN of good or threats of evil a great way off as to render the whole subject with which they are connected easily turned into ridicule. "Better lay down that spade you are stealings Paddy; if you don't you '11 pay for it at the day of judg- ment." "Be the powers, if ye '11 credit me so long I '11 take another jist." Ought any, then, to refuse their aid in doing what good the good of the whole demands? Shall he who cannot do much be for that reason excused if he do nothing? "But," says one, "what good can I do by signing the pledge? I never drink, even without signing." This question has already been asked and answered more than a million of times. Let it be answered once more. For the man sud- denly or in any other way to break off from the use of drams, who has indulged in them for a long course of years, and until his appetite for them has grown ten- or a hundred-fold stronger, and more craving than any natural ajDpetite can be, requires a most powerful moral effort. In such an un- dertaking he needs every moral support and influence that can 230ssibly be brought to his aid and thrown around him. And not only so, but every moral prop should be taken from whatever argument might rise in his mind to lure him to his backsliding. When he casts his eyes around him, he should be able to see all that he respects, all that he admires, all that he loves, kindly and anxiously pointing him onward, and none beckoning him back to his former miserable "wallowing in the mire." But it is said by some that men will think und act for themselves ; that none will disuse spirits or anything else be- cause his neighbors do ; and that moral influence is not that powerful engine contended for. Let us examine this. Let me ask the man who could maintain this position most stiffly, what compensation he will accept to go to church some Sun- day and sit during the sermon with his wife's bonnet upon 37 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES his head? Not a trifle, I '11 venture. And why not? There would be nothing irreligious in it, nothing immoral, nothing uncomfortable — then why not? Is it not because there would be something egregiously unfashionable in it? Then it is the influence of fashion ; and what is the influence of fashion but the influence that other people's actions have on our actions — the strong inclination each of us feels to do as we see all our neighbors do? Nor is the influence of fashion confined to any particular thing or class of things ; it is just as strong on one subject as another. Let us make it as unfashionable to withhold our names from the temper- ance cause as for husbands to wear their wives' bonnets to church, and instances will be just as rare in the one case as the other. "But,'* say some^ "we are no drunkards, and we shall not acknowledge ourselves such by joining a reformed drunk- ards' society, whatever our influence might be." Surely no Christian will adhere to this objection. If they believe as they profess, that Omnipotence condescended to take on him- self the form of sinful man, and as such to die an ignomini- ous death for their sakes, surely they will not refuse submis- sion to the infinitely lesser condescension, for the temporal, and perhaps eternal, salvation of a large, erring, and unfor- tunate class of their fellow-creatures. Nor is the condescen- sion very great. In my judgment such of us as have never fallen victims have been spared more by the absence of appe- tite than from any mental or moral superiority over those who have. Indeed, I believe if we take habitual drunkards as a class, their heads and their hearts will bear an advan- tageous comparison with those of any other class. There seems ever to have been a proneness in the brilliant and warm-blooded to fall into this vice — the demon of intemper- ance ever seems to have delighted in sucking the blood of genius and of generosity. What one of us but can call to 38 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN mind some relative, more promising in youth than all his f ellows_, who has fallen a sacrifice to his rapacity ? He ever seems to have gone forth like the Egyptian angel of death, commissioned to slay, if not the first, the fairest born of every family. Shall he now be arrested in his desolating career? In that arrest all can give aid that will; and who shall be excused that can and will not? Far around as human breath has ever blown he keeps our fathers, our brothers, our sons, and our friends prostrate in the chains of moral death. To all the living everywhere we cry, ''Come sound the moral trump, that these may rise and ctand up an exceeding great army." "Come from the four winds, O breath ! and breathe upon these slain that they may live." If the relative grandeur of revolutions shall be estimated by the great amount of human misery they alleviate, and the small amount they inflict, then indeed will this be the grand- est the world shall ever have seen. Of our political revolution of '76 we are all justly proud. It has given us a degree of political freedom far exceeding that of any other nation of the earth. In it the world has found a solution of the long-mooted problem as to the capa- bility of man to govern himself. In it was the germ which has vegetated, and still is to grow and expand into the uni- versal liberty of mankind. But, with all these glorious results, past, present, and to come, it had its evils too. It breathed forth famine, swam in blood, and rode in fire ; and long, long after, the orphan's cry and the widow's wail con- tinued to break the sad silence that ensued. These were the price, the inevitable price, paid for the blessings it bought. Turn now to the temperance revolution. In it we shall find a stronger bondage broken, a viler slavery manumitted, a greater tyrant deposed; in it, more of want supplied, more disease healed, more sorrow assuaged. By it no orphans starving, no widows weeping. By it, none wounded in f eel- 39 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES ing, none injured in interest; even the dram-maker and dram-seller will have glided into other occupations so gradu- ally as never to have felt the change^ and vrill stand ready to join all others in the universal song of gladness. And what a noble ally this to the cause of political freedom ; with such an aid its march cannot fail to be on and on^ till every son of earth shall drink in rich fruition the sorrow-quenching draughts of perfect liberty. Happy day when — all appe- tites controlled, all poisons subdued, all matters subjected — mind, all conquering mind, shall live and move, the monarch of the world. Glorious consummation ! Hail, fall of fury ! Reign of reason, all hail ! And when the victory shall be complete, — when there shall be neither a slave nor a drunkard on the earth, — how proud the title of that land which may truly claim to be the birth- place and the cradle of both those revolutions that shall have ended in that victory. How nobly distinguished that people who shall have planted and nurtured to maturity both the political and moral freedom of their species. This is the one hundred and tenth anniversary of the birth- day of Washington ; we are met to celebrate this day. Wash- ington is the mightiest name of earth — long since mightiest in the cause of civil liberty, still mightiest in moral reforma- tion. On that name no eulogy is expected. It cannot be. To add brightness to the sun or glory to the name of Wash- ington is alike impossible. Let none attempt it. In solemn awe pronounce the name, and in its naked deathless splendor leave it shining on. [Letter to Joshua F. Speed, Springfield, 25 February 1842.] Dear Speed: I received yours of the 12th written the day you went down to William's place, some days since, but de- 40 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN layed answering it till I should receive the promised one of the l6th^ which came last night. I opened the letter with intense anxiety and trepidation; so much so_, that^ although it turned out better than I expected, I have hardly yet, at a distance of ten hours, become calm. I tell you, Speed, our forebodings (for which you and I are peculiar) are all the worst sort of nonsense. I fancied, from the time I received your letter of Saturday, that the one of Wednesday was never to come, and yet it did come, and what is more, it is perfectly clear, both from its tone and handwriting, that you were much happier, or, if you think the term preferable, less miserable, when you wrote it than when you wrote the last one before. You had so obviously improved at the very time I so much fancied you would have grown worse. You say that something indescribably horri- ble and alarming still haunts you. You will not say that three months from now, I will venture. When your nerves once get steady now, the whole trouble will be over forever. Nor should you become impatient at their being even very slow in becoming steady. Again you say, you much fear that that Elysium of which you have dreamed so much is never to be realized. Well, if it shall not, I dare swear it will not be the fault of her who is now your wife. I now have no doubt that it is the peculiar misfortune of both you and me to dream dreams of Elysium far exceeding all that anything earthly can realize. Far short of your dreams as you may be, no woman could do more to realize them than that same black-eyed Fanny. If you could but contemplate her through my imagination, it would appear ridiculous to you that any one should for a moment think of being un- happy with her. My old father used to have a saying that "If you make a bad bargain, hug it all the tighter"; and it occurs to me that if the bargain you have just closed can possibly be called a bad one, it is certainly the most pleasant 41 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES one for applying that maxim to which my fancy can by any effort picture. [Letter to Joshua F. Speed, Springfield, 27 March 1842.] Dear Speed: Yours of the 10th instant was received three or four days since. You know I am sincere when I tell you the pleasure its contents gave me was, and is, inexpressible. As to your farm matter, I have no sympathy with you. I have no farm, nor ever expect to have, and consequently have not studied the sub j ect enough to be much interested with it. I can only say that I am glad you are satisfied and pleased with it. But on that other subj ect, to me of the most intense interest whether in joy or sorrow, I never had the power to withhold my sympathy from you. It cannot be told how it now thrills me with joy to hear you say you are "far happier than you ever expected to be." That much I know is enough. I know you too well to suppose your expectations were not, at least, sometimes extravagant, and if the reality exceeds them all, I say, Enough, dear Lord. I am not going beyond the truth when I tell you that the short space it took me to read your last letter gave me more pleasure than the total sum of all I have enjoyed since the fatal 1st of January, 1841. Since then it seems to me I should have been entirely happy, but for the never-absent idea that there is one still unhappy whom I have contributed to make so. That still kills my soul. I cannot but reproach myself for even wish- ing to be happy while she is otherwise. She accompanied a large party on the railroad cars to Jacksonville last Monday, and on her return spoke, so that I heard of it, of having en- joyed the trip exceedingly. God be praised for that. You know with what sleepless vigilance I have watched you ever since the commencement of your affair; and al- though I am almost confident it is useless, I cannot forbear 42 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN once more to say that I think it is even yet possible for your spirits to flag down and leave you miserable. If they should, don't fail to remember that they cannot long remain so. One thing I can tell you which I know you will be glad to hear, and that is that I have seen and scrutinized her feelings as well as I could, and am fully convinced she is far happier now than she has been for the last fifteen months past. You will see by the last "Sangamon Journal" that I made a temperance speech on the 22d of February, which I claim that Fanny and you shall read as an act of charity to me; for I cannot learn that anybody else has read it, or is likely to. Fortunately it is not very long, and I shall deem it a sufficient compliance with mj request if one of you listens while the other reads it. . . . The sweet violet you inclosed came safely to hand, but it was so dry, and mashed so flat, that it crumbled to dust at the first attempt to handle it. The juice that mashed out of it stained a place in the letter, which I mean to preserve and cherish for the sake of her who procured it to be sent. My renewed good wishes to her in particular, and generally to all such of your relations who know me. [From a letter to Joshua F. Speed, Springfield, Illinois, 4 July 1842.] As to my having been displeased with your advice, surely you know better than that. I know you do, and therefore will not labor to convince you. True, that subject is painful to me ; but it is not your silence, or the silence of all the world, that can make me forget it. I acknowledge the correctness of your advice too ; but before I resolve to do the one thing or the other, I must gain my confidence in my own ability to keep my resolves when they are made. In that ability you 43 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES know I once prided myself as the only or chief gem of my character; that gem I lost — how and where you know too well. I have not yet regained it; and until I do, I cannot trust myself in any matter of much importance. I believe now that had you understood my case at the time as well as I understood yours afterward, by the aid you would have given me I should have sailed through clear, but that does not now afford me sufficient confidence to begin that or the like of that again. You make a kind acknowledgment of your obligations to me for your present happiness. I am pleased with that acknowledgment. But a thousand times more am I pleased to know that you enjoy a degree of happiness worthy of an acknowledgment. The truth is, I am not sure that there was any merit with me in the part I took in your difficulty ; I was drawn to it by a fate. If I would I could not have done less than I did. I always was superstitious; I believe God made me one of the instruments of bringing your Fanny and you together, which union I have no doubt he had fore- ordained. Whatever he designs he will do for me yet. "Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord" is my text just now. If, as you say, you have told Fanny all, I should have no objection to her seeing this letter, but for its refer- ence to our friend here : let her seeing it depend upon whether she has ever known anything of my affairs; and if she has not, do not let her. I do not think I can come to Kentucky this season. I am so poor and make so little headway in the world, that I drop back in a month of idleness as much as I gain in a year's sowing. I should like to visit you again. I should like to see that "sis" of yours that was absent when I was there, though I suppose she would run away again if she were to hear I was coming. 44 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN [Memorandum to E. H. Merryman^ who acted as second for Lincoln when he was challenged by Jas. Shields, 19 September 1842.] I did write the "Lost Townships" letter which appeared in the "Journal" of the 2d instant, but had no participation in any form in any other article alluding to you. I wrote that wholly for political effect — I had no intention of in- juring your personal or private character or standing as a man or a gentleman; and I did not then think, and do not now think, that that article could produce or has produced that effect against you ; and had I anticipated such an effect I would have f oreborne to write it. And I will add that your conduct toward me, so far as I know, had always been gen- tlemanly ; and that I had no personal pique against you, and no cause for any. If this should be done, I leave it with you to arrange what shall and what shall not be published. If nothing like this is done, the preliminaries of the fight are to be — First. Weapons : Cavalry broadswords of the largest size, precisely equal in all respects, and such as now used by the cavalry company at Jacksonville. Second. Position : A plank ten feet long, and from nine to twelve inches broad, to be firmly fixed on edge, on the ground, as the line between us, which neither is to pass his foot over upon forfeit of his life. Next a line drawn on the ground on either side of said plank and parallel with it, each at the distance of the whole length of the sword and three feet additional from the plank; and the passing of his own such line by either party during the fight shall be deemed a surrender of the contest. Third. Time : On Thursday evening at five o'clock, if you can get it so; but in no case to be at a greater distance of time than Friday evening at five o'clock. 45 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES Fourth. Place: Within three miles of Alton^ on the op- posite side of the river^ the particular spot to be agreed on by you. Any preliminary details coming within the above rules you are at liberty to make at your discretion ; but you are in no case to swerve from these rules^ or to pass beyond their limits. [From a letter to Joshua F. Speedy Springfield, 4 (.?) October 1842.] I began this letter not for what I have been writing, but to say something on that subject which you know to be of such infinite solicitude to me. The immense sufferings you endured from the first days of September till the middle of February you never tried to conceal from me, and I well understood. You have now been the husband of a lovely woman nearly eight months. That you are happier now than the day you married her I well know, for without you could not be living. But I have your word for it, too, and the returning elasticity of spirits which is manifested in your letters. But I want to ask a close question, "Are you now in feeling as well as judgment glad that you are married as you are.''" From anybody but me this would be an impudent question, not to be tolerated ; but I know you will pardon it in me. Please answer it quickly, as I am impatient to know. I have sent my love to your Fanny so often, I fear she is getting tired of it. However, I venture to tender it again. [From a letter to Martin M. Morris, Springfield, Illinois, 26 March 1843.] It is truly gratifying to me to learn that while the people of Sangamon have cast me off, my old friends of Menard, 46 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN who have known me longest and best^ stick to me. It would astonish^ if not amuse^ the older citizens to learn that I (a stranger, friendless, uneducated, penniless boy, working on a flatboat at ten dollars per month) have been put down here as the candidate of pride, wealth, and aristocratic family distinction. Yet so, chiefly, it was. There was, too, the strangest combination of church influence against me. Baker is a Campbellite; and therefore, as I suppose, with few exceptions got all that church. My wife has some rela- tions in the Presbyterian churches, and some with the Epis- copal churches ; and therefore, wherever it would tell, I was set down as either the one or the other, while it was every- where contended that no Christian ought to go for me, be- cause I belonged to no church, was suspected of being a deist, and had talked about fighting a duel. With all these things. Baker, of course, had nothing to do. Nor do I complain of them. As to his own church going for him, I think that was right enough, and as to the influences I have spoken of in the other, though they were very strong, it would be grossly untrue and unjust to charge that they acted upon them in a body, or were very near so. I only mean that those influ- ences levied a tax of a considerable per cent, upon my strength throughout the religious controversy. But enough of this. [From a letter to Johnston, Tremont, 18 April 1846.] I have not your letter now before me ; but, from memory, I think you ask me who is the author of the piece I sent you, and that you do so ask as to indicate a slight suspicion that I myself am the author. Beyond all question, I am not the author. I would give all I am worth, and go in debt, to be able to write so fine a piece as I think that is. Neither do I know who is the author. I met it in a straggling form in a 47 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES newspaper last summer_, and I remember to have seen it once before^ about fifteen years ago^ and this is all I know about it. The piece of poetry of my own which I alluded to, I was led to write under the following circumstances. In the fall of 1844, thinking I might aid some to carry the State of Indiana for Mr. Clay, I went into the neighborhood in that State in which I was raised, where my mother and only sister were buried, and from which I had been absent about fifteen years. That part of the country is, within itself, as un- poetical as any s23ot of the earth; but still, seeing it and its objects and inhabitants aroused feelings in me which were certainly poetry; though whether my expression of those feelings is poetry is quite another question. When I got to writing, the change of subject divided the thing into four little divisions or cantos, the first only of which I send you now, and may send the others hereafter. My childhood's home I see again. And sadden with the view; And still, as memory crowds my brain^ There 's pleasure in it too. O Memory ! thou midway world 'Twixt earth and paradise. Where things decayed and loved ones lost In dreamy shadows rise. And, freed from all that 's earthly vile^ Seem hallowed, pure, and bright. Like scenes in some enchanted isle All bathed in liquid light. As dusky mountains please the eye When twilight chases day; As bugle-notes that, passing by. In distance die away ; 48 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN As leaving some grand waterfall. We, lingering, list its roar — So memory will hallow all We've known, but know no more. Near twenty years have passed away Since here I bid farewell To woods and fields, and scenes of play. And playmates loved so well. Where many were, but few remain Of old familiar things; But seeing them, to mind again The lost and absent brings. The friends I left that parting day. How changed, as time has fled ! Young childhood grown, strong manhood gray. And half of all are dead. I hear the loved survivors tell How nought from death could save. Till every sound appears a knell. And every spot a grave. I range the fields with pensive tread. And pace the hollow rooms, And feel (companion of the dead) I 'm living in the tombs. [From a letter to Joshua F. Speed, Springfield, 22 October 1846.] We have another boy, born the 1 0th of March. He is very much such a child as Bob was at his age, rather of a longer order. Bob is "short and low," and I expect always will be. 49 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES He talks very plainly, — almost as plainly as anybody. He is quite smart enough. I sometimes fear that he is one of the little rare-ripe sort that are smarter at about five than ever after. He has a great deal of that sort of mischief that is the offspring of such animal spirits. Since I began this letter, a messenger came to tell me Bob was lost; but by the time I reached the house his mother had found him and had him whipped, and by now, very likely, he is run away again. [From a letter to Johnston, Springfield, 25 February 1847.] Dear Johnston: Yours of the 2d of December was duly delivered to me by Mr. Williams. To say the least, I am not at all displeased with your proposal to publish the poetry, or doggerel, or whatever else it may be called, which I sent you. I consent that it may be done, together with the third canto, which I now send you. Whether the prefatory re- marks in my letter shall be published with the verses, I leave entirely to your discretion; but let names be suppressed by all means. I have not sufficient hope of the verses attracting any favorable notice to tempt me to risk being ridiculed for having written them. [Letter to William H. Herndon, Washington, D. C, 13 December 1847.] Dear William : Your letter, advising me of the receipt of our fee in the bank case, is just received, and I don't expect to hear another as good a piece of news from Springfield while I am away. I am under no obligations to the bank; and I therefore wish you to buy bank certificates, and pay my debt there, so as to pay it with the least money possible. 50 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN I would as soon you should buy them of Mr. Ridgely, or any other person at the bank^ as of any one else, provided you can get them as cheaply. I suppose, after the bank debt shall be paid, there will be some money left, out of which I would like to have you pay Lavely and Stout twenty dollars, and Priest and somebody (oil-makers) ten dollars, for ma- terials got for house-painting. If there shall still be a.iy left, keep it till you see or hear from me. I shall begin sending documents so soon as I can get them. I wrote you yesterday about a "Congressional Globe." As you are all so anxious for me to distinguish myself, I have concluded to do so before long. [From a letter to William H. Herndon, Washington, 8 January 1848.] Dear William: Your letter of December 27 was received a day or two ago. I am much obliged to you for the trouble you have taken, and promise to take in my little business there. As to speech-making, by way of getting the hang of the House I made a little speech two or three days ago on a post-office question of no general interest. I find speaking here and elsewhere about the same thing. I was about as badly scared, and no worse, as I am when I speak in court. I expect to make one within a week or two, in which I hope to succeed well enough to wish you to see it. It is very pleasant to learn from you that there are some who desire that I should be reelected. I most heartily thank them for their kind partiality; and I can say, as Mr. Clay said of the annexation of Texas, that "personally I would not object" to a reelection, although I thought at the time, and still think, it would be quite as well for me to return to the law at the end of a single term. I made the declaration 51 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES that I would not be a candidate again, more from a wish to deal fairly with others, to keep peace among our friends, and to keep the district from going to the enemy, than for any cause personal to myself ; so that, if it should so happen that nobody else wishes to be elected, I could not refuse the people the right of sending me again. But to enter myself as a competitor of others, or to authorize any one so to enter me, is what my word and honor forbid. [From a speech in the house of representatives, Washing- ton, 12 January 1848. Lincoln's first printed speech in congress.] As to the country now in question [Mexico] we bought it of France in 1803, and sold it to Spain in 1819^ according to the President's statements. After this, all Mexico, includ- ing Texas, revolutionized against Spain; and still later Texas revolutionized against Mexico. In my view, just so far as she carried her resolution by obtaining the actual, will- ing or unwilling, submission of the people, so far the coun- try was hers, and no farther. Now, sir, for the purpose of obtaining the very best evidence as to whether Texas had actually carried her revolution to the place where the hostili- ties of the present war commenced, let the President answer the interrogatories I proposed, as before mentioned, or some other similar ones. Let him answer fully, fairly, and can- didly. Let him answer with facts and not with arguments. Let him remember he sits where Washington sat, and so re- membering, let him answer as Washington would answer. As a nation should not, and the Almighty will not, be evaded, so let him attempt no evasion — no equivocation. And if, so answering, he can show that the soil was ours where the first blood of the war was shed, — that it was not within an inhab- 52 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN ited country, or, if within such, that the inhabitants had sub- mitted themselves to the civil authority of Texas or of the United States, and that the same is true of the site of Fort Brown, — then I am with him for his justification. In that case I shall be most happy to reverse the vote I gave the other day. I have a selfish motive for desiring that the President may do this — I expect to gain some votes, in con- nection with the war, which, without his so doing, will be of doubtful propriety in my own judgment, but which will be free from the doubt if he does so. But if he cannot or will not do this, — if on any pretense or no pretense he shall re- fuse or omit it — then I shall be fully convinced of what I more than suspect already — that he is deeply conscious of being in the wrong ; that he feels the blood of this war, like the blood of Abel, is crying to Heaven against him; that originally having some strong motive — what, I will not stop now to give my opinion concerning — to involve the two coun- tries in a war, and trusting to escape scrutiny by fixing the public gaze upon the exceeding brightness of military glory, — that attractive rainbow that rises in showers of blood — that serpent's eye that charms to destroy, — he plunged into it, and has swept on and on till, disappointed in his calcula- tion of the ease with which Mexico might be subdued, he now finds himself he knows not where. How like the half-insane mumbling of a fever dream is the whole war part of his late message ! At one time telling us that Mexico has nothing whatever that we can get but territory; at another showing us how we can support the war by levying contributions on Mexico. At one time urging the national honor, the security of the future, the prevention of foreign interference, and even the good of Mexico herself as among the objects of the war ; at another telling us that *'to reject indemnity, by refus- ing to accept a cession of territory, would be to abandon all our just demands, and to wage the war bearing all its ex- 58 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES penses, without a purpose or definite object." So then this national honor^ security of the future^ and everything but territorial indemnity may be considered the no-purposes and indefinite objects of the war! But, having it now settled that territorial indemnity is the only object, we are urged to seize, by legislation here, all that he was content to take a few months ago, and the whole province of Lower California to boot, and to still carry on the war — to take all we are fight- ing for, and still fight on. Again, the President is resolved under all circumstances to have full territorial indemnity for the expenses of the war ; but he forgets to tell us how we are to get the excess after those expenses shall have sur- passed the value of the whole of the Mexican territory. So again, he insists that the separate national existence of Mex- ico shall be maintained ; but he does not tell us how this can be done, after we shall have taken all her territory. Lest the questions I have suggested be considered speculative merely, let me be indulged a moment in trying to show they are not. The war has gone on some twenty months ; for the expenses of which, together with an inconsiderable old score, the President now claims about one half of the Mexican territory, and that by far the better half, so far as concerns our ability to make anything out of it. It is comparatively uninhabited ; so that we could establish land offices in it, and raise some money in that way. But the other half is already inhabited, as I understand it, tolerably densely for the nature of the country, and all its lands, or all that are valuable, already appropriated as private property. How then are we to make anything out of these lands with this encum- brance on them.^ or how remove the encumbrance? I sup- pose no one would say we should kill the people, or drive them out, or make slaves of them; or confiscate their prop- erty. How, then, can we make much out of this part of the territory .f* If the prosecution of the war has in expenses 54 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN already equaled the better half of the country, how long its future prosecution will be in equaling the less valuable half is not a speculative, but a practical, question, pressing closely upon us. And yet it is a question which the President seems never to have thought of. As to the mode of terminating the war and securing peace, the President is equally wandering and indefinite. First, it is to be done by a more vigorous prosecution of the war in the vital parts of the enemy's coun- try ; and after apparently talking himself tired on this point, the President drops down into a half-despairing tone, and tells us that "with a people distracted and divided by con- tending factions, and a government subject to constant changes by successive revolutions, the continued success of our arms may fail to secure a satisfactory peace." Then he suggests the propriety of wheedling the Mexican people to desert the counsels of their own leaders, and, trusting in our protestations, to set up a government from which we can secure a satisfactory peace; telling us that "this may become the only mode of obtaining such a peace." But soon he falls into doubt of this too ; and then drops back onto the already half -abandoned ground of "more vigorous prosecution." All this shows that the President is in nowise satisfied with his own positions. First he takes up one, and in attempting to argue us into it he argues himself out of it, then seizes an- other and goes through the same process, and then, confused at being able to think of nothing new, he snatches up the old one again, which he has some time before cast off. His mind, taxed beyond its power, is running hither and thither, like some tortured creature on a burning surface, finding no position on which it can settle down and be at ease. Again, it is a singular omission in this message that it no- where intimates when the President expects the war to ter- minate. At its beginning. General Scott was by this same President driven into disfavor, if not disgrace, for intimat- 55 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES ing that peace could not be conquered in less than three or four months. But now^ at the end of about twenty months, during which time our arms have given us the most splendid successes, every department and every part, land and water, officers and privates, regulars and volunteers, doing all that men could do, and hundreds of things which it had ever be- fore been thought men could not do — after all this, this same President gives a long message, without showing us that as to the end he himself has even an imaginary conception. As I have before said, he knows not where he is. He is a be- wildered, confounded, and miserably perplexed man. God grant he may be able to show there is not something about his conscience more painful than all his mental perplexity. [From a letter to William H. Herndon, Washington, 1 February 1848.] Dear William : Your letter of the 1 9th ultimo was received last night, and for which I am much obliged. The only thing in it that I wish to talk to you at once about is that because of my vote for Ashmun's amendment you fear that you and I disagree about the war. I regret this, not because of any fear we shall remain disagreed after you have read this letter, but because if you misunderstand I fear other good friends may also. That vote affirms that the war was unnecessarily and unconstitutionally commenced by the President; and I will stake my life that if you had been in my place you would have voted just as I did. Would you have voted what you felt and knew to be a lie .^^ I know you would not. Would you have gone out of the House — skulked the vote? I expect not. If you had skulked one vote, you would have had to skulk many more before the end of the session. Richardson's resolutions, introduced before I made any move or gave any vote upon the subj ect, make the 56 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN direct question of the justice of the war; so that no man can be silent if he would. You are compelled to speak ; and your only alternative is to tell the truth or a lie. I cannot doubt which you would do. [Letter to William H. Herndon, Washington, 2 February 1848.] Dear William: I just take my pen to say that Mr Ste- phens, of Georgia, a little, slim, pale-faced, consumptive man, with a voice like Logan's, has just concluded the very best speech of an hour's length I ever heard. My old with- ered dry eyes are full of tears yet. If he writes it out anything like he delivered it, our people shall see a good many copies of it. [Letter to Archibald Williams, Washington, 30 April 1848.] Dear Williams: I have not seen in the papers any evidence of a movement to send a delegate from your circuit to the June convention. I wish to say that I think it all-important that a delegate should be sent. Mr. Clay's chance for an election is just no chance at all. He might get New York, and that would have elected in 1844, but it will not now, be- cause he must now, at the least, lose Tennessee, which he had then, and in addition the fifteen new votes of Florida, Texas, Iowa, and Wisconsin. I know our good friend Browning is a great admirer of Mr. Clay, and I therefore fear he is favor- ing his nomination. If he is, ask him to discard feeling, and try if he can possibly, as a matter of judgment, count the v^otes necessary to elect him. In my judgment we can elect nobody but General Taylor; and we cannot elect him without a nomination. Therefore don't fail to send a delegate. 57 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES [From a letter to the Rev. J. M. Peck, Washington, 21 May 1848.] Dear Sir: On last evening I received a copy of the "Belle- ville Advocate," with the appearance of having been sent by a private hand ; and inasmuch as it contained your oration on the occasion of the celebrating of the battle of Buena Vista, and is post-marked at Rock Spring, I cannot doubt that it is to you I am indebted for this courtesy. I own that finding in the oration a labored justification of the administration on the origin of the Mexican war disap- pointed me, because it is the first effort of the kind I have known made by one appearing to me to be intelligent, right- minded, and impartial. It is this disappointment that prompts me to address you briefly on the subject. I do not propose any extended review. I do not quarrel with facts — brief exhibition of facts. I presume it is correct so far as it goes; but it is so brief as to exclude some facts quite as material in my judgment to a just conclusion as any it in- cludes. Although you say at one point "I shall briefly exhibit facts, and leave each person to perceive the just application of the principles already laid down to the case in hand," you very soon get to making applications yourself, — in one in- stance as follows: "In view of all the facts, the conviction to my mind is irresistible that the Government of the United States committed no aggression on Mexico." Not in view of all the facts. There are facts which you have kept out of view. It is a fact that the United States army in march- ing to the Rio Grande marched into a peaceful Mexican set- tlement, and frightened the inhabitants away from their homes and their growing crops. It is a fact that Fort Brown, opposite Matamoras, was built by that army within 58 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN a Mexican cotton-field_, on which at the time the army reached it a young cotton crop was growings and which crop was wholly destroyed and the field itself greatly and perma- mently injured by ditches^ embankments, and the like. It is a fact that when the Mexicans captured Captain Thornton and his command, they found and captured them within an- other Mexican field. Now I wish to bring these facts to your notice, and to as- certain what is the result of your reflections upon them. If you deny that they are facts, I think I can furnisA proof which shall convince you that you are mistaken. If you admit that they are facts, then I shall be obliged for a refer- ence to any law of language, law of States, law of nations, law of morals, law of religions, any law, human or divine, in which an authority can be found for saying those facts constitute "no aggression." Possibly you consider those acts too small for notice. Would you venture to so consider them had they been com- mitted by any nation on earth against the humblest of our people? I know you would not. Then I ask, is the pre- cept, "Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them" obsolete.'' of no force.'' of no applica- tion? I shall be pleased if you can find leisure to write me. [Letter to Archibald Williams, Washington, 12 June 1848.] Dear Williams: On my return from Philadelphia, where I had been attending the nomination of "Old Rough," I found your letter in a mass of others wliich had accumulated in my absence. By many, and often, it had been said they would not abide the nomination of Taylor; but since the deed has been done, they are fast falling in, and in my opin- ion we shall have a most overwhelming, glorious triumph. 59 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES One unmistakable sign is that all the odds and ends are with us — Barnburners^ Native Americans^ Tyler men, disap- pointed office-seeking Locofocos_, and the Lord knows what. This is important, if in nothing else, in showing which way the wind blows. Some of the sanguine men have set down all the States as certain for Taylor but Illinois, and it as doubtful. Cannot something be done even in Illinois.'* Taylor's nomination takes the Locos on the blind side. It turns the war thunder against them. The war is now to them the gallows of Haman, which they built for us, and on which they are doomed to be hanged themselves. [From a letter to William H. Herndon, Washington, 22 June 1848.] As to the young men. You must not wait to be brought forward by the older men. For instance, do you suppose that I should ever have got into notice if I had waited to be hunted up and pushed forward by older men.^ You young men get together and form a "Rough and Ready Club," and have regular meetings and speeches. Take in everybody you can get. Harrison Grimsley, L. A. Enos, Lee Kimball, and C. W. Matheny will do to begin the thing; but as you go along gather up all the shrewd, wild boys about town, whether just of age or a little under age, — Chris. Logan, Reddick Ridgely, Lewis Zwizler, and hundreds such. Let every one play the part he can play best, — some speak, some sing, and all "holler." Your meetings will be of evenings ; the older men, and the women, will go to hear you ; so that it will not only contribute to the election of "Old Zach," but will be an interesting pastime, and improving to the intel- lectual faculties of all engaged. Don't fail to do this. 60 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN [From a letter to William H. Herndon, Washington^ 10 July 1848.] Dear William: Your letter covering the newspaper slips was received last night. The subject of that letter is ex- ceedingly painful to me ; and I cannot but think there is some mistake in your impression of the motives of the old men. I suppose I am now one of the old men ; and I declare, on my veracity _, which I think is good with you, that nothing could afford me more satisfaction than to learn that you and others of my young friends at home are doing battle in the contest, and endearing themselves to the people, and taking a stand far above any I have ever been able to reach in their admira- tion. I cannot conceive that other old men feel differently. Of course I cannot demonstrate what I say ; but I was young once, and I am sure I was never ungenerously thrust back. I hardly know what to say. The way for a young man to rise is to improve himself every way he can, never suspecting that anybody wishes to hinder him. Allow me to assure you that suspicion and jealousy never did help any man in any situation. There may sometimes be ungenerous attempts to keep a young man down; and they will succeed, too, if he allows his mind to be diverted from its true channel to brood over the attempted injury. Cast about, and see if this feel- ing has not inj ured every person you have ever known to fall into it. [From a speech in the house of representatives, Washing- ton, 27 July 1848.] The other day one of the gentlemen from Georgia [Mr. Iverson], an eloquent man, and a man of learning, so far as I can judge, not being learned myself, came down upon us 61 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES astonishingly. He spoke in what the "Baltimore American" calls the "scathing and withering style." At the end of his second severe flash I was struck blind^ and found myself i feeling with my fingers for an assurance of my continued existence, A little of the bone was left;, and I gradually re- vived. He eulogized Mr. Clay in high and beautiful terms, and then declared that we had deserted all our principles, and had turned Henry Clay out, like an old horse, to root. This is terribly severe. It cannot be answered by argument • — at least I cannot so answer it. I merely wish to ask the gentleman if the Whigs are the only party he can think of who sometimes turn old horses out to root. Is not a certain Martin Van Buren an old horse which your own party have turned out to root ? and is he not rooting a little to your dis- comfort about now} . . . But the gentleman from Georgia further says we have deserted all our principles, and taken shelter under General Taylor's military coat-tail, and he seems to think this is exceedingly degrading. Well, as his faith is, so be it unto him. But can he remember no other military coat-tail under which a certain other party have been sheltering for near a quarter of a century ? Has he no acquaintance with the ample military coat-tail of Gen- eral Jackson? Does he not know that his own party have run the five last presidential races under that coat-tail ? And that they are now running the sixth under the same cover? Yes, sir, that coat-tail was used not only for General Jackson himself, but has been clung to, with the grip of death, by every Democratic candidate since. You have never ven- tured, and dare not now venture, from under it. Your cam- paign papers have constantly been "Old Hickories," with rude likenesses of the old general upon them; hickory poles and hickory brooms your never-ending emblems; Mr. Polk himself was "Young Hickory," "Little Hickory," or some- thing so; and even now your campaign paper here is pro- 62 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN claiming that Cass and Butler are of the true "Hickory stripe." Now^ sir, you dare not give it up. Like a horde of hungry ticks you have stuck to the tail of the Hermitage lion to the end of his life ; and you are still sticking to it, and drawing a loathsome sustenance from it, after he is dead. A fellow once advertised that he had made a discovery by which he could make a new man out of an old one, and have enough of the stuff left to make a little yellow dog. Just such a discovery has General Jackson's popularity been to you. You not only twice made President of him out of it, but you have had enough of the stuff left to make Presidents of several comparatively small men since; and it is your chief reliance now to make still another. Mr. Speaker, old horses and military coat-tails, or tails of any sort, are not figures of speech such as I would be the first to introduce into discussions here ; but as the gentleman from Georgia has thought fit to introduce them, he and you are welcome to all you have made, or can make by them. If you have any more old horses, trot them out; any more tails, just cock them and come at us. I repeat, I would not introduce this mode of discussion here; but I wish gentlemen on the other side to understand that the use of degrading figures is a game at which they may not find themselves able to take all the winnings. ["We give it up !"] Aye, you give it up, and well you may ; but for a very different reason from that which you would have us understand. The point — the power to hurt — of all figures consists in the truthfulness of their application ; and, understanding this, you may well give it up. They are weapons which hit you, but miss us. But in my hurry I was very near closing this subject of military tails before I was done with it. There is one entire article of the sort I have not discussed yet, — I mean the military tail you Democrats are now engaged in dovetailing into the great Michigander. Yes, sir; all his biographies 63 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES (and they are legion) have him in hand^ tying him to a mili- tary tail^ like so many mischievous boys tying a dog to a blad- der of beans. True the material they have is very limited^ but they drive at it might and main. He zTivaded Canada with- out resistance, and he ow^vaded it without pursuit. As he did both under orders, I suppose there was to him neither credit nor discredit in them ; but they constitute a large part of the tail. He was not at Hull's surrender, but he was close by ; he was volunteer aid to General Harrison on the day of the battle of the Thames; and as you said in 1840 Harrison was picking huckleberries two miles off while the battle was fought, I suppose it is a just conclusion with you to say Cass was aiding Harrison to pick huckleberries. This is about all, except the mooted question of the broken sword. Some authors say he broke it; some say he threw it away, and some others, who ought to know, say nothing about it. Perhaps it would be a fair historical compromise to say, if he did not break it, he did not do anything else with it. By the way, Mr. Speaker, did you know I am a military hero.^ Yes, sir; in the days of the Black Hawk war I fought, bled, and came away. Speaking of General Cass's career reminds me of my own. I was not at Stillman's de- feat, but I was about as near it as Cass was to Hull's sur- render ; and, like him, I saw the place very soon afterward. It is quite certain I did not break my sword, for I had none to break ; but I bent a musket pretty badly on one occasion. If Cass broke his sword, the idea is he broke it in despera- tion; I bent the musket by accident. If General Cass went in advance of me in picking huckleberries, I guess I sur- passed him in charges upon the wild onions. If he saw any live, fighting Indians, it was more than I did; but I had a good many bloody struggles with the mosquitoes, and al- though I never fainted from the loss of blood, I can truly say I was often very hungry. Mr. Speaker, if I should 64 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN ever conclude to dofF whatever our Democratic friends may suppose there is of black-cockade federalism about me^ and therefore they shall take me up as their candidate for the presidency, I protest they shall not make fun of me, as they have of General Cass, by attempting to write me into a mili- tary hero. Mr. Speaker, I adopt the suggestion of a friend, that General Cass is a general of splendidly successful charges — charges to be sure, not upon the public enemy, but upon the public treasury. He was Governor of Michigan Terri- tory, and ex-officio Superintendent of Indian Affairs, from the 9th of October, 1813, till the 31st of July, 1831— a period of seventeen years, nine months, and twenty-two days. During this period he received from the United States treas- ury, for personal services and personal expenses, the aggre- gate sum of ninety-six thousand and twenty-eight dollars, being an average of fourteen dollars and seventy-nine cents per day for every day of the time. This large sum was reached by assuming that he was doing service at several dif- ferent places, and in several different capacities in the same place, all at the same time. By a correct analysis of his ac- counts during that period, the following propositions may be deduced: First, He was paid in three different capacities during the whole of the time; that is to say — (l) As governor's salary at the rate per year of $2000. (2) As estimated for office rent, clerk hire, fuel, etc., in superintendence of Indian af- fairs in Michigan, at the rate per year of $1500. (3) As compensation and expenses for various miscellaneous items of Indian service out of Michigan, an average per year of $625. Second. During part of the time — that is, from the 9th of October, 1813, to the 29th of May, 1822 — he was paid in four different capacities; that is to say, the three as above, 65 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES and, in addition thereto, the commutation of ten rations per day, amounting per year to $730. Third. During another part of the time — ^that is, from the beginning of 1822 to the 31st of July, 1831 — he was also paid in four different capacities ; that is to say, the first three, as above (the rations being dropped after the 29th of May, 1822), and, in addition thereto, for superintending Indian Agencies at Piqua, Ohio ; Fort Wayne, Indiana ; and Chicago, Illinois, at the rate per year of $1500. It should be ob- served here that the last item, commencing at the beginning of 1822, and the item of rations, ending on the 29th of May, 1822, lap on each other during so much of the time as lies between those two dates. Fourth. Still another part of the time — that is, from the S 1st of October, 1821, to the 29th of May, 1822 — he was paid in six different capacities ; that is to say, the three first, as above; the item of rations, as above; and, in addition thereto, another item of ten rations per day while at Wash- ington settling his accounts, being at the rate per year of $730; and also an allowance for expenses traveling to and from Washington, and while there, of $1022, being at the rate per year of $1793. Fifth. And yet during the little portion of the time which lies between the 1st of January, 1822, and the 29th of May, 1822, he was paid in seven different capacities; that is to say, the six last mentioned, and also, at the rate of $1500 per year, for the Piqua, Fort Wayne, and Chicago service, as mentioned above. These accounts have already been discussed some here; but when we are amongst them, as when we are in the Patent Office, we must peep about a good deal before we can see all the curiosities. I shall not be tedious with them. As to the large item of $1500 per year — amounting in the aggregate to $26,715 — for office rent, clerk hire, fuel, etc., I barely 66 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN wish to remark that so far as I can discover in the public documents^ there is no evidence^ by word or inference, either from any disinterested witness or of General Cass himself, that he ever rented or kept a separate office, ever hired or kept a clerk, or even used any extra amount of fuel, etc., in consequence of his Indian services. Indeed, General Cass's entire silence in regard to these items, in his two long letters urging his claims upon the government, is, to my mind, almost conclusive that no such claims had any real existence. But I have introduced General Cass's accounts here chiefly to show the wonderful physical capacities of the man. They show that he not only did the labor of several men at the same time, but that he often did it at several places, many hundreds of miles apart, at the same time. And at eating, too, his capacities are shown to be quite as wonderful. From October, 1821, to May, 1822, he eat ten rations a day in Michigan, ten rations a day here in Washington, and near five dollars' worth a day on the road between the two places ! And then there is an important discovery in his example — the art of being paid for what one eats, instead of having to pay for it. Hereafter if any nice young man should owe a bill which he cannot pay in any other way, he can just board it out. Mr. Speaker, we have all heard of the animal stand- ing in doubt between two stacks of hay and starving to death. The like of that would never happen to General Cass. Place the stacks a thousand miles apart, he would stand stock-still midway between them, and eat them both at once, and the green grass along the line would be apt to suffer some, too, at the same time. By all means make him Presi- dent, gentlemen. He will feed you bounteously — if — if there is any left after he shall have helped himself. 67 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES [Letter to Thomas Lincoln^ Washington^ 24 December 1848.] My dear Father: Your letter of the 7th was received night before last. I very cheerfully send you the twenty dollars, which sum you say is necessary to save your land from sale. It is singular that you should have forgotten a judgment against you; and it is more singular that the plaintiff should have let you forget it so long, particularly as I suppose you always had property enough to satisfy a judgment of that amount. Before you pay it, it would be well to be sure you have not paid, or at least that you cannot prove that you have paid it. Give my love to mother and all the connections. [Note for law lecture written about 1 July 1850.] I am not an accomplished lawyer. I find quite as much material for a lecture in those points wherein I have failed, as in those wherein I have been moderately successful. The leading rule for the lawyer, as for the man of every other calling, is diligence. Leave nothing for to-morrow which can be done to-day. Never let your correspondence fall behind. Whatever piece of business you have in hand, be- fore stopping, do all the labor pertaining to it which can then be done. When you bring a common-law suit, if you have the facts for doing so, w:^ite the declaration at once. If a law point be involved, examine the books, and note the authority you rely on upon the declaration itself, where you are sure to find it when wanted. The same of defenses and pleas. In business not likely to be litigated, — ordinary col- lection cases, foreclosures, partitions, and the like, — make all examinations of titles, and note them, and even draft 68 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN orders and decrees in advance. This course has a triple ad- vantage; it avoids omissions and neglect^ saves your labor when once done, performs the labor out of court when you have leisure, rather than in court when you have not. Ex- temporaneous speaking should be practised and cultivated. It is the lawyer's avenue to the public. However able and faithful he may be in other respects, people are slow to bring him business if he cannot make a speech. And yet there is not a more fatal error to young lawyers than relying too much on speech-making. If any one, upon his rare powers of speaking, shall claim an exemption from the drudgery of the law, his case is a failure in advance. Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to com- promise whenever you can. Point out to them how tlie nom- inal winner is often a real loser — in fees, expenses, and waste of time. As a peacemaker the lawyer has a superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be busi- ness enough. Never stir up litigation. A worse man can scarcel}^ be found than one who does this. Who can be more nearly a fiend than he who habitually overhauls the register of deeds in search of defects in titles, whereon to stir up strife, and put money in his pocket ? A moral tone ought to be infused into the profession which should drive such men out of it. The matter of fees is important, far beyond the mere ques- tion of bread and butter involved. Properly attended to, fuller justice is done to both lawyer and client. An exorbi- tant fee should never be claimed. As a general rule never take your whole fee in advance, nor any more than a small retainer. When fully paid beforehand, you are more than a common mortal if you can feel the same interest in the case, as if something was still in prospect for you, as well as for your client. And when you lack interest in the case the job will very likely lack skill and diligence in the performance. 69 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES Settle the amount of fee and take a note in advance. Then you will feel that you are working for something, and you are sure to do your work faithfully and well. Never sell a fee note — at least not before the consideration service is per- formed. It leads to negligence and dishonesty — negligence by losing interest in the case, and dishonesty in refusing to refund when you have allowed the consideration to fail. There is a vague popular belief that lawyers are neces- sarily dishonest. I say vague, because when we consider to what extent confidence and honors are reposed in and con- ferred upon lawyers by the people, it appears improbable that their impression of dishonesty is very distinct and vivid. Yet the impression is common, almost universal. Let no young man choosing the law for a calling for a moment yield to the popular belief — resolve to be honest at all events ; and if in your own judgment you cannot be an honest lawyer, resolve to be honest without being a lawyer. Choose some other occupation, rather than one in the choosing of which you do, in advance, consent to be a knave. [Letter to John D. Johnston, 2 January 1851.] Dear Johnston: Your request for eighty dollars I do not think it best to comply with now. At the various times when I have helped you a little you have said to me, "We can get along very well now" ; but in a very short time I find you in the same difficulty again. Now, this can only happen by some defect in your conduct. What that defect is, I think I know. You are not lazy, and still you are an idler. I doubt whether, since I saw you, you have done a good whole day's work in any one day. You do not very much dislike to work, and still you do not work much, merely because it does not seem to you that you could get much for it. This habit of uselessly wasting time is the whole difficulty; it is vastly 70 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN important to you, and still more so to your children, that you should break the habit. It is more important to them, be- cause they have longer to live, and can keep out of an idle habit before they are in it, easier than they can get out after they are in. You are now in need of some money ; and what I propose is, that you shall go to work, "tooth and nail," for somebody who will give you money for it. Let father and your boys take charge of your things at home, prepare for a crop, and make the crop, and you go to work for the best money wages, or in discharge of any debt you owe, that you can get ; and, to secure you a fair reward for your labor, I now promise you, that for every dollar you will, between this and the first of May, get for your own labor, either in monej or as your own indebtedness, I will then give you one other dollar. By this, if you hire yourself at ten dollars a month, from me you will get ten more, making twenty dollars a month for your work. In this I do not mean you shall go off to St. Louis, or the lead mines, or the gold mines in California, but I mean for you to go at it for the best wages you can get close to home in Coles County. Now, if you will do this, you will be soon out of debt, and, what is better, you will have a habit that will keep you from getting in debt again. But, if I should now clear you out of debt, next year you would be just as deep in as ever. You say you would almost give your place in heaven for seventy or eighty dollars. Then you value j^our place in heaven very cheap, for I am sure you can, with the oifer I make, get the seventy or eighty dollars for four or five months' work. You say if I will furnish you the money you will deed me the land, and, if you don't pay the money back, you will deliver possession. Nonsense ! If you can't now live with the land, how will you then live with- out it ? You have alwaj^s been kind to me, and I do not mean to be unkind to you. On the contrary, if you will but follow 71 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES my advice, you will find it worth more than eighty times eighty dollars to you. [From a letter to John D. Johnston, Springfield, Illinois, 12 January 1851.] You already know I desire that neither father nor mother shall be in want of any comfort, either in health or sickness, while they live; and I feel sure you have not failed to use my name, if necessary, to procure a doctor, or anything else for father in his present sickness. ... I sincerely hope father may recover his health, but at all events, tell him to remember to call upon and confide in our great and good and merciful Maker, who will not turn away from him in any extremity. He notes the fall of a sparrow, and numbers the hairs of our heads, and He will not forget the dying man who puts his trust in Him. Say to him that if we could meet now it is doubtful whether it would not be more painful than pleasant, but that if it be his lot to go now, he will soon have a joyous meeting with many loved ones gone before, and where the rest of us, through the help of God, hope ere long to join them. Write to me again when you receive this. [Letter to John D. Johnston, Shelbyville, 4 November 1851.] Dear Brother: When I came into Charleston day before yesterday, I learned that you are anxious to sell the land where you live and move to Missouri. I have been thinking of this ever since, and cannot but think such a notion is utterly foolish. What can you do in Missouri better than here.f* Is the land any richer? Can you there, any more 72 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN than here^ raise corn and wheat and oats without work? Will anybody there^ any more than here_, do your work for you? If you intend to go to work, there is no better place than right where you are ; if you do not intend to go to work, you cannot get along anywhere. Squirming and crawling about from place to place can do no good. You have raised no crop this year; and what you really want is to sell the land, get the money, and spend it. Part with the land you have, and, my life upon it, you will never after own a spot big enough to bury you in. Half you will get for the land you will spend in moving to Missouri, and the other half you will eat, drink, and wear out, and no foot of land will be bought. Now, I feel it my duty to have no hand in such a piece of foolery. I feel that it is so even on your own account, and particularly on mother's account. The eastern forty acres I intend to keep for mother while she lives ; if you will not cultivate it, it will rent for enough to support her — at least, it will rent for something. Her dower in the other two forties she can let you have, and no thanks to me. Now, do not misunderstand this letter ; I do not write it in any unkind- ness. I write it in order, if possible, to get you to face the truth, which truth is, you are destitute because you have idled away all your time. Your thousand pretenses for not get- ting along better are all nonsense; they deceive nobody but yourself. Go to work is the only cure for your case. A word to mother. Chapman tells me he wants you to go and live with him. If I were you I would try it awhile. If you get tired of it (as I think you will not), you can return to your own home. Chapman feels very kindly to you, and I have no doubt he will make your situation very pleasant. 7S LETTERS AND ADDRESSES [Fragment written about 1 July 1854.] Equalit}'' in society alike beats inequality, whether the lat- ter be of the British aristocratic sort or of the domestic slavery sort. We know Southern men declare that their slaves are better off than hired laborers amongst us. How little they know whereof they speak ! There is no perma- nent class of hired laborers amongst us. Twenty-five years ago I was a hired laborer. The hired laborer of yesterday labors on his own account to-day, and will hire others to labor for him to-morrow. Advancement — improvement in condition — is the order of things in a society of equals. As labor is the common burden of our race, so the effort of some to shift their share of the burden onto the shoulders of others is the great durable curse of the race. Originally a curse for transgression upon the whole race, when, as by slavery, it is concentrated on a part only, it becomes the double- refined curse of God upon his creatures. Free labor has the inspiration of hope ; pure slavery has no hope. The power of hope upon human exertion and happi- ness is wonderful. The slave-master himself has a concep- tion of it, and hence the system of tasks among slaves. The slave whom you cannot drive with the lash to break seventy- five pounds of hemp in a day, if you will task him to break a hundred, and promise him pay for all he does over, he will break you a hundred and fifty. You have substituted hope for the rod. And yet perhaps it does not occur to you that to the extent of your gain in the case, you have given up the slave system and adopted the free system of labor. 74 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN [From a speech delivered in reply to Senator Stephen A. Douglas at Peoria, Illinois, l6 October 1854.] About a month after the introduction of the bill [to give Nebraska and Kansas territorial governments] on the judge's own motion it is so amended as to declare the Missouri Compromise inoperative and void; and, sub- stantially, that the people who go and settle there may estab- lish slavery, or exclude it, as they may see fit. In this shape the bill passed both branches of Congress and became a law. This is the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. The foregoing history may not be precisely accurate in every particular, but I am sure it is sufficiently so for all the use I shall attempt to make of it^ and in it we have before us the chief material enabling us to judge correctly whether the repeal of the Missouri Compromise is right or wrong. I think, and shall try to show_, that it is wrong — wrong in its direct effect, letting slavery into Kansas and Nebraska, and wrong in its prospective principle, allowing it to spread to every other part of the wide world where men can be found inclined to take it. This declared indifference, but, as I must think, covert real zeal, for the spread of slavery, I cannot but hate. I hate it because of the monstrous injustice of slavery itself. I hate it because it deprives our republican example of its just influence in the world; enables the enemies of free insti- tutions with plausibility to taunt us as hypocrites ; causes the real friends of freedom to doubt our sincerity ; and especially because it forces so many good men among ourselves into an open war with the very fundamental principles of civil lib- erty, criticizing the Declaration of Independence, and insist- ing that there is no right principle of action but self-interest. 75 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES Before proceeding let me say that I think I have no prejudice against the Southern people. They are just whatl we would be in their situation. If slavery did not now exist! among them^ they would not introduce it. If it did now exist among us^ we should not instantly give it up. This I believe of the masses North and South. Doubtless there are individuals on both sides who would not hold slaves under any circumstances^ and others who would gladly introduce slavery anew if it were out of existence. We know that some Southern men do free their slaves^ go North and be- come tip-top Abolitionists^ while some Northern ones go South and become most cruel slave-masters. When Southern people tell us they are no more responsi- ble for the origin of slavery than we are^ I acknowledge the fact. When it is said that the institution exists^ and that it is very difficult to get rid of it in any satisfactory way^ I can understand and appreciate the saying. I surely will not blame them for not doing what I should not know how to do myself. If all earthly power were given me, I should not know what to do as to the existing institution. My first im- pulse would be to free all the slaves, and send them to Liberia, to their own native land. But a moment's reflection would convince me that whatever of high hope (as I think there is) there may be in this in the long run, its sudden execution is impossible. If they were all landed there in a day, they would all perish in the next ten days; and there are not surplus shipping and surplus money enough to carry them there in many times ten days. What then.^ Free them all, and keep them among us as underlings.'* Is it quite certain that this betters their condition? I think I would not hold one in slavery at any rate, yet the point is not clear enough for me to denounce people upon. What next.^ Free them, and make them politically and socially our equals ? My own feelings will not admit of this, and if 76 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN mine woiild^ we well know that those of the great mass of whites will not. Whether this feeling accords with justice and sound judgment is not the sole question, if indeed it is any part of it. A universal feeling, whether well or ill founded, cannot be safely disregarded. We cannot then make them equals. It does seem to me that systems of gradual emancipation might be adopted, but for their tardi- ness in this I will not undertake to judge our brethren of the South. When they remind us of their constitutional rights, I ac- knowledge them — not grudgingly, but fully and fairly; and I would give them any legislation for the reclaiming of their fugitives which should not in its stringency be more likely to carry a free man into slavery than our ordinary criminal laws are to hang an innocent one. But all this, to my judgment, furnishes no more excuse for permitting slavery to go into our own free territory than it would for reviving the African slave-trade by law. The law which forbids the bringing of slaves from Africa, and that which has so long forbidden the taking of them into Nebraska, can hardly be distinguished on any moral princi- ple, and the repeal of the former could find quite as plausi- ble excuses as that of the latter. Equal justice to the South, it is said, requires us to consent to the extension of slavery to new countries. That is to say, inasmuch as you do not object to my taking my hog to Ne- braska, therefore I must not object to you taking your slave. Now, I admit that this is perfectly logical, if there is no difference between hogs and negroes. But while you thus require me to deny the humanity of the negro, I wish to ask whether you of the South, yourselves, have ever been willing to do as much.^ It is kindly provided that of all those who come into the world only a small percentage are natural tyrants. That percentage is no larger in the slave States 77 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES than in the free. The great majority South^ as well as Norths have human sympathies, of which they can no more divest themselves than they can of their sensibility to physi- cal pain. These sympathies in the bosoms of the Southern) people manifest, in many ways, their sense of the wrong of slavery, and their consciousness that, after all, there is humanity in the negro. If they deny this, let me address them a few plain questions. In 1820 you joined the North, almost unanimously, in declaring the African slave-trade piracy, and in annexing to it the punishment of death. Why did you do this.'' If you did not feel that it was wrong, why did you join in providing that men should be hung for it.^ The practice was no more than bringing wild negroes from Africa to such as would buy them. But you never thought of hanging men for catching and selling wild horses, wild buffaloes, or wild bears. Again, you have among you a sneaking individual of the class of native tyrants known as the "Slave-Dealer." He watches your necessities, and crawls up to buy your slave, at a speculating price. If you cannot help it, you sell to him; but if you can help it, you drive him from your door. You despise him utterly. You do not recognize him as a friend, or even as an honest man. Your children must not play with his; they may rollick freely with the little negroes, but not with the slave-dealer's children. If you are obliged to deal with him, you try to get through the j ob without so much as touching him. It is common with you to join hands with the men you meet, but with the slave-dealer you avoid the ceremony — instinctively shrinking from the snaky contact. If he grows rich and retires from business, you still remem- ber him, and still keep up the ban of non-intercourse upon him and his family. Now why is this ? You do not so treat the man who deals in corn, cotton, or tobacco. And yet again. There are in the United States and Ter- 78 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN ritories, including the District of Columbia 433,643 free blacks. At five hundred dollars per head they are worth over two hundred millions of dollars. How comes this vast amount of property to be running about without owners. We do not see free horses or free cattle running at large How is this? All these free blacks are the descendants ot slaves, or have been slaves themselves; and they would be slaves now but for something which has operated on their white owners, inducing them at vast pecuniary sacrifice to liberate them. What is that something? Is there any mis- takino; it? In all these cases it is your sense of justice and human sympathy continually telling you that the poor negro has some natural right to himself-that those who deny it and make mere merchandise of him deserve kickmgs, con- tempt, and death. And now why will you ask us to deny the humanity of the slave, and estimate him as only the equal of the hog? Why ask us to do what you will not do yourselves? Why ask us to do for nothing what two hundred millions of dollars could not induce you to do ? ^ r ^x,^ But one great argument in support of the repeal of the Missouri Compromise is still to come. That argument is "the sacred right of self-government." It seems our dis- tino-uished senator has found great difficulty in gettmg his antagonists, even in the Senate, to meet him fairly on this argument. Some poet has said : Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. At the hazard of being thought one of the fools of this quota- tion, I meet that argument-I rush in-I take that bull by the horns. I trust I understand and truly estimate the right of self-government. My faith in the proposition that each man should do precisely as he pleases with all which is ex- 79 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES clusively his own lies at the foundation of the sense of jus-; tice there is in me. I extend the principle to communities of men as well as to individuals. I so extend it because it is politically wise^ as well as naturally j ust : politically wise in saving us from broils about matters which do not concern us, Here_, or at Washington^ I would not trouble myself with the oyster laws of Virginia^ or the cranberry laws of Indiana. The doctrine of self-government is rights — absolutely and eternally rights — but it has no just application as here attempted. Or perhaps I should rather say that whether it has such application depends upon whether a negro is not or is a man. If he is not a man^ in that case he who is a man may as a matter of self-government do just what he pleases with him. But if the negro is a man, is it not to that extent a total destruction of self-government to say that he too shall not govern himself? When the white man governs himself, that is self-government; but when he governs him- self and also governs another man, that is more than self- government — that is despotism. If the negro is a man, why then my ancient faith teaches me that "all men are created equal," and that there can be no moral right in connection with one man's making a slave of another. Judge Douglas frequently, with bitter irony and sarcasm, paraphrases our argument by saying: "The white people of Nebraska are good enough to govern themselves, but they are not good enough to govern a few miserable negroes !" Well! I doubt not that the people of Nebraska are and will continue to be as good as the average of peojDle else- where. I do not say the contrary. What I do say is that no man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent. I say this is the leading principle, the sheet-anchor of American republicanism. But Nebraska is urged as a great Union-saving measure. 80 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN Well^ I too go for saving the Union. Much as I hate sla- very, I would consent to the extension of it rather than see the Union dissolved, just as I would consent to any great evil to avoid a greater one. But when I go to Union-saving, I must believe, at least, that the means I employ have some adaptation to the end. To my mind, Nebraska has no such adaptation. It hath no relish of salvation in it. It is an aggravation, rather, of the only one thing which ever endangers the Union. When it came upon us, all was peace and quiet. The nation was looking to the forming of new bonds of union, and a long course of peace and prosperity seemed to lie before us. In the whole range of possibility, there scarcely appears to me to have been anything out of which the slavery agitation could have been revived, except the very project of repealing the Missouri Compromise. Every inch of territory we owned already had a definite settlement of the slavery question, by which all parties were pledged to abide. Indeed, there was no uninhabited country on the continent which we could acquire, if we except some extreme northern regions which are wholly out of the question. In this state of affairs the Genius of Discord himself could scarcely have invented a way of again setting us by the ears but by turning back and destroying the peace measures of the past. The counsels of that Genius seem to have prevailed. The Missouri Compromise was repealed; and here we are in the midst of a new slavery agitation, such, I think, as we have never seen before. Who is re- sponsible for this.'' Is it those who resist the measure, or those who causelessly brought it forward and pressed it through, having reason to know, and in fact knowing, it taaust and would be so resisted.'' It could not but be ex- 81 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES pected by its author that it would be looked upon as a measure for the extension of slavery, aggravated by a gross breach of faith. Argue as you will and long as you will, this is the naked front and aspect of the measure. And in this aspect it could not but produce agitation. Slavery is founded in the selfishness of man's nature — opposition to it in his love of justice. These principles are an eternal antagonism, and when brought into collision so fiercely as slavery extension brings them, shocks and throes and convulsions must cease- lessly follow. Repeal the Missouri Compromise, repeal all compromises, repeal the Declaration of Independence, repeal all past history, you still cannot repeal human nature. It still will be the abundance of man's heart that slavery ex- tension is wrong, and out of the abundance of his heart his mouth will continue to speak. The Missouri Compromise ought to be restored. For the sake of the Union, it ought to be restored. We ought to elect a House of Representatives which will vote its restoration. If by any means we omit to do this, what fol- lows } Slavery may or may not be established in Nebraska. But whether it be or not, we shall have repudiated — dis- carded from the councils of the nation — the spirit of com- promise; for who, after this, will ever trust in a national compromise.^ The spirit of mutual concession — that spirit which first gave us the Constitution, and which has thrice saved the Union — we shall have strangled and cast from us forever. And what shall we have in lieu of it? The South flushed with triumph and tempted to excess; the North, betrayed as they believe, brooding on wrong and burning for revenge. One side will provoke, the other re- sent. The one will taunt, the other defy; one aggresses, the other retaliates. Already a few in the North defy all constitutional restraints, resist the execution of the fugitive- 82 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN slave law^ and even menace the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. Already a few in the South claim |the constitutional right to take and to hold slaves in the free States — demand the revival of the slave-trade — and demand a treaty with Great Britain by which fugitive slaves may be reclaimed from Canada. As yet they are but few on either side. It is a grave question for lovers of the Union_, whether the final destruction of the Missouri Com- promise^ and with it the spirit of all compromise^ will or will not embolden and embitter each of these, and fatally increase the number of both. But restore the compromise, and what then ? We thereby restore the national faith, the national confidence, the na- tional feeling of brotherhood. We thereby reinstate the spirit of concession and compromise, that spirit which has never failed us in past perils, and which may be safely trusted for all the future. The South ought to join in doing 4;his. The peace of the nation is as dear to them as to us. Tn memories of the past and hopes of the future, they share as largely as we. It would be on their part a great act — great in its spirit, and great in its effect. It would be worth to the nation a hundred years' purchase of peace and pros- perity. And what of sacrifice would they make? They only surrender to us what they gave us for a consideration long, long ago ; what they have not now asked for, struggled or cared for; what has been thrust upon them, not less to their astonishment than to ours. Little by little, but steadily as man's march to the grave, we have been giving up the old for the new faith. Near eighty years ago we began by declaring that all men are created equal; but now from that beginning we have run down to the other declaration, that for some men to enslave others is a "sacred right of self-government." These prin- ciples cannot stand together. They are as opposite as God 83 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES and Mammon; and who ever holds to the one must despise the other. When Pettit^ in connection with his support of the Nebraska bill^ called the Declaration of Independence "a self-evident lie^" he only did what consistency and can- dor require all other Nebraska men to do. Of the forty- odd Nebraska senators who sat present and heard him, no one rebuked him. Nor am I apprised that any Nebraska newspaper, or any Nebraska orator, in the whole nation has ever yet rebuked him. If this had been said among Marion's men. Southerners though they were, what would have become of the man who said it.^* If this had been said to the men who captured Andre, the man who said it would probably have been hung sooner than Andre was. If it had been said in old Independence Hall seventy-eight years ago, the very doorkeeper would have throttled the man and thrust him into the street. Let no one be deceived. The spirit of seventy-six and the spirit of Nebraska are utter antagonisms; and the former is being rapidly displaced by the latter. Fellow-countrymen, Americans, South as well as North, shall we make no effort to arrest this ? Already the liberal party throughout the world express the apprehension "that the one retrograde institution in America is undermining the principles of progress, and fatally violating the noblest political system the world ever saw." This is not the taunt of enemies, but the warning of friends. Is it quite safe to disregard it — to despise it? Is there no danger to lib- erty itself in discarding the earliest practice and first pre- cept of our ancient faith? In our greedy chase to make profit of the negro, let us beware lest we "cancel and tear in pieces" even the white man's charter of freedom. Our republican robe is soiled and trailed in the dust. Let us repurify it. Let us turn and wash it white in the spirit, if not the blood, of the Revolution. Let us turn 84 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN slavery from its claims of "moral right" back upon its ex- isting legal rights and its arguments of "necessity." Let us return it to the position our fathers gave it^ and there let it rest in peace. Let us readopt the Declaration of In- dependence, and with it the practices and policy which har- monize with it. Let North and South — let all Americans — let all lovers of liberty everywhere join in the great and good work. If we do this, we shall not only have saved the Union, but we shall have so saved it as to make and to keep it forever worthy of the saving. We shall have so saved it that the succeeding millions of free happy people, the world over, shall rise up and call us blessed to the latest generations. [Letter to Hon. George Robertson, Springfield, Illinois, 15 August 1855.] My dear Sir: The volume you left for me has been re- ceived. I am really grateful for the honor of your kind remembrance, as well as for the book. The partial reading I have already given it has afforded me much of both pleasure and instruction. It was new to me that the exact question which led to the Missouri Compromise had arisen before it arose in regard to Missouri, and that you had taken so prominent a part in it. Your short but able and patriotic speech upon that occasion has not been improved upon since by those holding the same views, and, with all the lights you then had, the views you took appear to me as very reasonable. You are not a friend of slavery in the abstract. In that speech you spoke of "the peaceful extinction of slavery," ' and used other expressions indicating your belief that the thing was at some time to have an end. Since then we have had thirty-six years of experience ; and this experience 85 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES has demonstrated, I think, that there is no peaceful extinc- tion of slavery in prospect for us. The signal failure of Henry Clay and other good and great men, in 1849^ to effect anything in favor of gradual emancipation in Ken- tucky, together with a thousand other signs, extinguished that hope utterly. On the question of liberty as a prin- ciple, we are not what we have been. When we were the political slaves of King George, and wanted to be free, we called the maxim that "all men are created equal" a self-evident truth, but now when we have grown fat, and have lost all dread of being slaves ourselves, we have be- come so greedy to be masters that we call the same maxim "a self-evident lie." The Fourth of July has not quite dwindled away; it is still a great day — for burning fire- crackers ! ! ! That spirit which desired the peaceful extinction of sla- very has itself become extinct with the occasion and the men of the Revolution. Under the impulse of that occasion, nearly half the States adopted systems of emancipation at once, and it is a significant fact that not a single State has done the like since. So far as peaceful voluntary emancipa- tion is concerned, the condition of the negro slave in Amer- ica, scarcely less terrible to the contemplation of a free mind, is now as fixed and hopeless of change for the better, as that of the lost souls of the finally impenitent. The Auto- crat of all the Russias will resign his crown and proclaim his subjects free republicans sooner than will our American masters voluntarily give up their slaves. Our political problem now is, "Can we as a nation con- tinue together permanently — forever — half slave and half free?" The problem is too mighty for me — may God, in his mercy, superintend the solution. 86 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN [From a letter to Joshua F. Speed, Springfield, Illinois, 24 August 1855.] Dear Speed: You know what a poor correspondent I am. Ever since I received your very agreeable letter of the 22d of May I have been intending to write you an answer to it. You suggest that in political action, now, you and I would differ. I suppose we would; not quite as much, how- ever, as you may think. You know I dislike slavery, and you fully admit the abstract wrong of it. So far there is no cause of difference. But you say that sooner than yield your legal right to the slave, especially at the bidding of those who are not themselves interested, you would see the Union dissolved. I am not aware that any one is bidding you yield that right; very certainly I am not. I leave that matter entirely to yourself. I also acknowledge your rights and my obligations under the Constitution in regard to your slaves. I confess I hate to see the poor creatures hunted down and caught and carried back to their stripes and unrequited toil; but I bite my lips and keep quiet. In 1841 you and I had together a tedious low- water trip on a steamboat from Louisville to St. Louis. You may remem- ber, as I well do, that from Louisville to the mouth of the Ohio there were on board ten or a dozen slaves shackled together with irons. That sight was a continued torment to me, and I see something like it every time I touch the Ohio or any other slave border. It is not fair for you to assume that I have no interest in a thing which has, and continually exercises, the power of making me miserable. You ought rather to appreciate how much the great body of the Northern people do crucify their feelings, in order to maintain their loyalty to the Constitution and the Union. I do oppose the extension of slavery because my judgment 37 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES and feeling so prompt me, and I am under no obligations to the contrary. If for this you and I must differ, differ we must. You say, if you were President, you would send an army and hang the leaders of the Missouri outrages upon the Kansas elections; still, if Kansas fairly votes her- self a slave State she must be admitted, or the Union must be dissolved. But how if she votes herself a slave State unfairly, that is, by the very means for which you say you would hang men.^ Must she still be admitted, or the Union dissolved .f^ That will be the phase of the question when it first becomes a practical one. In your assumption that there may be a fair decision of the slavery question in Kan- sas, I plainly see you and I would differ about the Nebraska law. I look upon that enactment not as a law, but as a violence from the beginning. It was conceived in violence, is maintained in violence, and is being executed in violence. I say it was conceived in violence, because the destruction of the Missouri Compromise, under the circumstances, was nothing less than violence. It was passed in violence, be- cause it could not have passed at all but for the votes of many members in violence of the known will of their con- stituents. It is maintained in violence, because the elections since clearly demand its repeal; and the demand is openly disregarded. You say men ought to be hung for the way they are ex- ecuting the law; I say the way it is being executed is quite as good as any of its antecedents. It is being executed in the precise way which was intended from the first, else why does no Nebraska man express astonishment or condemn a- tion.f* Poor Reeder is the only public man who has been silly enough to believe that anything like fairness was ever intended, and he has been bravely undeceived. That Kansas will form a slave constitution, and with it will ask to be admitted into the Union, I take to be already 88 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN a settled question, and so settled by the very means you so pointedly condemn. By every principle of law ever held by any court North or South, every negro taken to Kansas is free ; yet, in utter disregard of this, — in the spirit of vio- lence merely, — that beautiful legislature gravely passes a law to hang any man who shall venture to inform a negro of his legal rights. This is the subject and real object of the law. If, like Haman, they should hang upon the gallows of their own building, I shall not be among the mourners for their fate. In my humble sphere, I shall advocate the restoration of the Missouri Compromise so long as Kansas remains a Territory, and when, by all these foul means, it seeks to come into the Union as a slave State, I shall oppose it. I am very loath in any case to withhold my assent to the enjoyment of property acquired or located in good faith ; but I do not admit that good faith in taking a negro to Kansas to be held in slavery is a probability with any man. Any man who has sense enough to be the con- troller of his own property has too much sense to misunder- stand the outrageous character of the whole Nebraska busi- ness. But I digress. In my opposition to the admission of Kansas I shall have some company, but we may be beaten. If we are, I shall not on that account attempt to dissolve the Union. I think it probable, however, we shall be beaten. Standing as a unit among yourselves, you can, directly and indirectly, bribe enough of our men to carry the day, as you could on the open proposition to establish a monarchy. Get hold of some man in the North whose position and ability is such that he can make the support of your meas- ure, whatever it may be, a Democratic party necessity, and the thing is done. Apropos of this, let me tell you an anec- dote. Douglas introduced the Nebraska bill in January. In February afterward there was a called session of the Illinois legislature. Of the one hundred members compos- 89 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES ing the two branches of that body^ about seventy were Dem- ocrats. These latter held a caucus, in which the Nebraska bill was talked of, if not formally discussed. It was thereby discovered that just three, and no more, were in favor of the measure. In a day or two Douglas's orders came on to have resolutions passed approving the bill; and they were passed by large majorities ! ! ! The truth of this is vouched for by a bolting Democratic member. The masses, too. Democratic as well as Whig, were even nearer unanimous against it; but, as soon as the party necessity of supporting it became apparent, the way the Democrats began to see the wisdom and justice of it was perfectly astonishing. You say that if Kansas fairly votes herself a free State as a Christian you will rejoice at it. All decent slave- holders talk that way, and I do not doubt their candor. But they never vote that way. Although in a private letter or conversation you will express your preference that Kansas shall be free, you would vote for no man for Con- gress who would say the same thing publicly. No such man could be elected from any district in a slave State. You think Stringfellow and company ought to be hung; and yet at the next presidential election you will vote for the exact type and representative of Stringfellow. The slave-breeders and slave-traders are a small, odious, and detested class among you; and yet in politics they dictate the course of all of you, and are as completely your masters as you are the master of your own negroes. You inquire where I now stand. That is a disputed point. I think I am a Whig; but others say there are no Whigs, and that I am an Abolitionist. When I was at Washington, I voted for the Wilmot proviso as good as forty times ; and I never heard of any one attempting to unwhig me for that. I now do no more than oppose the extension of slavery. I am 90 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN not a Know-nothing; that is certain. How could I be? How can any one who abhors the oppression of negroes be in favor of degrading classes of white people? Our prog- ress in degeneracy appears to me to be pretty rapid. As a nation we began by declaring that "all men are created equal." We now practically read it "all men are created equal, except negroes." When the Know-nothings get control, it will read "all men are created equal except negroes and foreigners and Catholics." When it comes to this, I shall prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretense of loving liberty, — to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocrisy. Mary will probably pass a day or two in Louisville in October. My kindest regards to Mrs. Speed. On the lead- ing subject of this letter, I have more of her sympathy than I have of yours; and yet let me say I am your friend forever. [From a speech delivered at Galena, Illinois, about 1 August 1856.] You further charge us with being disunionists. If you mean that it is our aim to dissolve the Union, I for myself answer that it is untrue ; for those who act with me I answer that it is untrue. Have you heard us assert that as our aim? Do you really believe that such is our aim? Do you find it in our platform, our speeches, our conventions, or anywhere? If not, withdraw the charge. But you may say that though it is not our aim, it will be the result if we succeed, and that we are therefore dis- unionists in fact. This is a grave charge you make against us, and we certainly have a right to demand that you specify 91 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES in what way we are to dissolve the Union. How are we to effect this ? The only specification oiFered is volunteered by Mr. Fill- more in his Albany speech. His charge is that if we elect a President and Vice-President both from the free States, it will dissolve the Union. This is open folly. The Con- stitution provides that the President and Vice-President of the United States shall be of different States; but says nothing as to the latitude and longitude of those States. In 1828 Andrew Jackson, of Tennessee, and John C. Cal- houn, of South Carolina, were elected President and Vice- President, both from slave States; but no one thought of dissolving the Union then on that account. In 1840 Har- rison, of Ohio, and Tyler, of Virginia, were elected. In 1841 Harrison died and John Tyler succeeded to the presi- dency, and William R. King, of Alabama, was elected acting Vice-President by the Senate ; but no one supposed that the Union was in danger. In fact, at the very time Mr. Fill- more uttered this idle charge, the state of things in the United States disproved it. Mr. Pierce, of New Hampshire, and Mr. Bright, of Indiana, both from free States, are President and Vice-President, and the Union stands and will stand. You do not pretend that it ought to dissolve the Union, and the facts show that it won't; therefore the charge may be dismissed without further consideration. No other specification is made, and the only one that could be made is that the restoration of the restriction of 1820, making the United States territory free territory, would dissolve the Union. Gentlemen, it will require a de- cided majority to pass such an act. We, the majority, being able constitutionally to do all that we purpose, would have no desire to dissolve the Union. Do you say that such re- striction of slavery would be unconstitutional, and that some of the States would not submit to its enforcement } I grant 92 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN you that an unconstitutional act is not a law; but I do not ask and will not take your construction of the Constitution. The Supreme Court of the United States is the tribunal to decide such a question^ and we will submit to its decisions; and if you do also, there will be an end of the matter. Will you.^* If not, who are the disunionists — you or we? We, the majority, would not strive to dissolve the Union; and if any attempt is made, it must be by you, who so loudly stigmatize us as disunionists. But the Union, in any event, will not be dissolved. We don't want to dissolve it, and if you attempt it we won't let you. With the purse and sword, the army and navy and treasury, in our hands and at our command, you could not do it. This government would be very weak indeed if a majority with a disciplined army and navy and a well-filled treasury could not preserve itself when attacked by an unarmed, undisciplined, unor- ganized minority. All this talk about the dissolution of the Union is humbug, nothing but folly. We do not want to dissolve the Union; you shall not. [Fragment of a speech delivered at a Republican banquet in Chicago, 10 December 1856.] We have another annual presidential message. Like a rejected lover making merry at the wedding of his rival, the President felicitates himself hugely over the late presi- dential election. He considers the result a signal triumph of good principles and good men, and a very pointed rebuke of bad ones. He says the people did it. He forgets that the "people," as he complacently calls only those who voted for Buchanan, are in a minority of the whole people by abcut four hundred thousand votes — one full tenth of all the votes. Remembering this, he might perceive that the 93 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES "rebuke" may not be quite as durable as he seems to think — that the majority may not choose to remain permanently rebuked by that minority. The President thinks the great body of us Fremonters, being ardently attached to liberty, in the abstract, were duped by a few wicked and designing men. There is a slight difference of opinion on this. We think he, being ardently attached to the hope of a second term, in the con- crete, was duped by men who had liberty every way. He is the cat's-paw. By much dragging of chestnuts from the fire for others to eat, his claws are burnt off to the gristle, and he is thrown aside as unfit for further use. As the fool said of Kiiig Lear, when his daughters had turned him out of doors, "He 's a shelled peascod" ["That 's a sheal'd peascod"]. So far as the President charges us "with a desire to change the domestic institutions of existing States," and of "doing everything in our power to deprive the Constitution and the laws of moral authority," for the whole party on belief, and for myself on knowledge, I pronounce the charge an unmixed and unmitigated falsehood. Our government rests in public opinion. Whoever can change public opinion can change the government practically just so much. Public opinion, on any subject, always has a "central idea," from which all its minor thoughts radiate. That "central idea" in our political public opinion at the be- ginning was, and until recently has continued to be, "the equality of men." And although it has always submitted patiently to whatever of inequality there seemed to be as matter of actual necessity, its constant working has been a steady progress toward the practical equality of all men. The late presidential election was a struggle by one party to discard that central idea and to substitute for it the op- posite idea that slavery is right in the abstract, the work- 94 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN ings of which as a central idea may be the perpetuity of human slavery, and its extension to all countries and colors. Less than a year ago the Richmond "Enquirer," an avowed advocate of slavery, regardless of color, in order to favor his views, invented the phrase "State equality," and now the President, in his message, ado23ts the "Enquirer's" catch- phrase, telling us the people "have asserted the constitu- tional equality of each and all of the States of the Union as States." The President flatters himself that the new central idea is completely inaugurated; and so indeed it is, so far as the mere fact of a presidential election can in- augurate it. To us it is left to know that the majority of the people have not yet declared for it, and to hope that they never will. All of us who did not vote for Mr. Buchanan, taken together, are a majority of four hundred thousand. But in the late contest we were divided between Fremont and Fillmore. Can we not come together for the future.^ Let every one who really believes, and is resolved, that free society is not and shall not be a failure, and who can conscientiously declare that in the past contest he has done only what he thought best — let every such one have charity to believe that every other one can say as much. Thus let bygones be bygones; let past differences as noth- ing be; and with steady eye on the real issue, let us rein- augurate the good old "central ideas" of the republic. We can do it. The human heart is with us; God is with us. We shall again be able not to declare that "all States as States are equal," nor yet that "all citizens as citizens are equal," but to renew the broader, better declaration, includ- ing both these and much more, that "all men are created equal." 95 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES [From a speech at Springfield, Illinois, 26 June 1857.] Now as to the Dred Scott decision. That decision de- clares two propositions — first, that a negro cannot sue in the United States courts; and secondly, that Congress can- not prohibit slavery in the Territories. It was made by a divided court — dividing differently on the different points. Judge Douglas does not discuss the merits of the decision, and in that respect I shall follow his example, believing I could no more improve on McLean and Curtis than he could on Taney. He denounces all who question the correctness of that decision, as offering violent resistance to it. But who re- sists it.f* Who has, in spite of the decision, declared Dred Scott free, and resisted the authority of his master over him.f' I have said, in substance, that the Dred Scott decision was in part based on assumed historical facts which were not really true, and I ought not to leave the subject without giving some reasons for saying this ; I therefore give an in- stance or two, which I think fully sustain me. Chief Jus- tice Taney, in delivering the opinion of the majority of the court, insists at great length that negroes were no part of the people who made, or for whom was made, the Declara- tion of Independence, or the Constitution of the United States. On the contrary. Judge Curtis, in his dissenting opinion, shows that in five of the then thirteen States — to wit. New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and North Carolina — free negroes were voters, and in propor- tion to their numbers had the same part in making the Con- stitution that the white people had. He shows this with so much particularity as to leave no doubt of its truth. . . . 96 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN The chief justice does not directly assert, but plainly assumes, as a fact, that the public estimate of the black man is more favorable now than it was in the days of the Revo- lution. This assumption is a mistake. In some trifling particulars the condition of that race has been ameliorated; but as a whole, in this country, the change between then and now is decidedly the other way; and their ultimate destiny has never appeared so hopeless as in the last three or four years. In two of the five, States — New Jersey and North Carolina — that then gave the free negro the right of voting, the right has since been taken away, and in a third — New York — it has been greatly abridged; while it has not been extended, so far as I know, to a single additional State, though the number of the States has more than doubled. In those days, as I understand, masters could, at their own pleasure, emancipate their slaves; but since then such legal restraints have been made upon emancipation as to amount almost to prohibition. In those days legislatures held the unquestioned power to abolish slavery in their respective States, but now it is becoming quite fashionable for State constitutions to withhold that power from the legislatures. In those days, by common consent, the spread of the black man's bondage to the new countries was prohibited, but now Congress decides that it will not continue the prohibition, and the Supreme Court decides that it could not if it would. In those days our Declaration of Independence was held sacred by all, and thought to include all; but now, to aid in making the bondage of the negro universal and eternal, it is assailed and sneered at and construed, and hawked at and torn, till, if its framers could rise from their graves, they could not at all recognize it. All the powers of earth seem rapidly combining against him. Mammon is after him, ambition follows, philosophy follows, and the theology of the day is fast joining the cry. They have him in his 97 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES prison-house; they have searched his person^ and left no prying instrument with him. One after another they have closed the heavy iron doors upon him; and now they have him, as it were_, bolted in with a lock of a hundred keys, which can never be unlocked without the concurrence of every key — the keys in the hands of a hundred different men, and they scattered to a hundred different and distant places; and they stand musing as to what invention, in all the dominions of mind and matter, can be produced to make the impossibility of his escape more complete than it is. It is grossly incorrect to say or assume that the public estimate of the negro is more favorable now than it was at the origin of the government. Three years and a half ago. Judge Douglas brought for- ward his famous Nebraska bill. The country was at once in a blaze. He scorned all opposition, and carried it through Congress. Since then he has seen himself superseded in a presidential nomination by one indorsing the general doctrine of his measure, but at the same time standing clear of the odium of its untimely agitation and its gross breach of national faith; and he has seen that successful rival constitutionally elected, not by the strength of friends, but by the division of adversaries, being in a popular minority of nearly four hundred thousand votes. He has seen his chief aids in his own State, Shields and Richard- son, politically speaking, successively tried, convicted, and executed for an offense not their own, but his. And now he sees his own case standing next on the docket for trial. There is a natural disgust in the minds of nearly all white people at the idea of an indiscriminate amalgamation of the white and black races ; and Judge Douglas evidently is basing his chief hope upon the chances of his being able to appropriate the benefit of this disgust to himself. If 98 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN he can^ by much drumming and repeating, fasten the odium of that idea upon his adversaries, he thinks he can struggle through the storm. He therefore clings to this hope, as a drowning man to the last plank. He makes an occasion for lugging it in from the opposition to the Dred Scott decision. He finds the Republicans insisting that the Dec- laration of Independence includes all men, black as well as white, and forthwith he boldly denies that it includes negroes at all, and proceeds to argue gravely that all who contend it does, do so only because they want to vote, and eat, and sleep, and marry with negroes ! He will have it that they cannot be consistent else. Now I protest against the counterfeit logic which concludes that, because I do not want a black woman for a slave I must necessarily want her for a wife. I need not have her for either. I can just leave her alone. In some respects she certainly is not my equal; but in her natural right to eat the bread she earns with her own hands without asking leave of any one else, she is my equal, and the equal of all others. Chief Justice Taney, in his opinion in the Dred Scott case, admits that the language of the Declaration is broad enough to include the whole human family, but he and Judge Douglas argue that the authors of that instrument did not intend to include negroes, by the fact that they did not at once actually place them on an equality with the whites. Now this grave argument comes to just nothing at all, by the other fact that they did not at once, or ever afterward, actually place all white people on an equality with one another. And this is the staple argument of both the chief justice and the senator for doing this obvious vio- lence to the plain, unmistakable language of the Declara- tion. I think the authors of that notable instrument intended to include all men, but they did not intend to declare all 99 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES men equal in all respects. They did not mean to say all were equal in color^, size^ intellect^ moral developments, or social capacity. They defined with tolerable distinctness in what respects they did consider all men created equal — equal with "certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." This they said, and this they meant. They did not mean to assert the ob- vious untruth that all were then actually enjoying that equality, nor yet that they were about to confer it imme- diately upon them. In fact, they had no power to confer such a boon. They meant simply to declare the right, so that enforcement of it might follow as fast as circumstances should permit. They meant to set up a standard maxim for free society, which should be familiar to all, and revered by all; con- stantly looked to, constantly labored for, and even though never perfectly attained, constantly approximated, and thereby constantly spreading and deepening its influence and augmenting the happiness and value of life to all people of all colors everywhere. The assertion that "all men are created equal" was of no practical use in effecting our separation from Great Britain; and it was placed in the Declaration not for that, but for future use. Its authors meant it to be — as, thank God, it is now proving itself — a stumbling-block to all those who in after times might seek to turn a free people back into the hateful paths of des- potism. They knew the proneness of prosperity to breed tyrants, and they meant when such should reappear in this fair land and commence their vocation, they should find left for them at least one hard nut to crack. I have now briefly expressed my view of the meaning and object of that part of the Declaration of Independence which declares that "all men are created equal." Now let us hear Judge Douglas's view of the same sub- 100 I OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN ject, as I find it in the printed report of his late speech. Here it is : No man can vindicate the character, motives, and conduct of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, except upon the hypothesis that they referred to the white race alone, and not to the Africans, when they declared all men to have been created equal; that they were speaking of British subjects on this continent being equal to British subjects born and residing in Great Britain; that they were entitled to the same inalienable rights, and among them were enumerated life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Declaration was adopted for the purpose of justifying the colonists in the eyes of the civilized world in withdrawing their allegiance from the British crown, and dissolving their connection with the mother country. My good friends, read that carefully over some leisure hour, and ponder well upon it; see what a mere wreck — mangled ruin — it makes of our once glorious Declara- tion. "They were speaking of British subjects on this continent being equal to British subjects born and residing in Great Britain !" Why, according to this, not only negroes but white people outside of Great Britain and America were not spoken of in that instrument. The English, Irish, and Scotch, along with white Americans, were included, to be sure, but the French, Germans, and other white people of the world are all gone to pot along with the judge's infe- rior races ! I had thought the Declaration promised something better than the condition of British subjects; but no, it only meant that we should be equal to them in their own oppressed and unequal condition. According to that, it gave no prom- ise that, having kicked oif the king and lords of Great 101 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES Britain, we should not at once be saddled with a king and lords of our own. I had thought the Declaration contemplated the progress- ive improvement in the condition of all men everywhere; but no, it merely "was adopted for the purpose of justify- ing the colonists in the eyes of the civilized world in with- drawing their allegiance from the British crown, and dis- solving their connection with the mother country." Why, that object having been effected some eighty years ago, the Declaration is of no practical use now — mere rubbish — old wadding left to rot on the battle-field after the victory is won. I understand you are preparing to celebrate the "Fourth," to-morrow week. What for? The doings of that day had no reference to the present; and quite half of you are not even descendants of those who were referred to at that day. But I suppose you will celebrate, and will even go so far as to read the Declaration. Suppose, after you read it once in the old-fashioned way, jon read it once more with Judge Douglas's version. It will then run thus: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all British subjects who were on this continent eighty-one years ago, were created equal to all British subjects born and then residing in Great Britain." And now I appeal to all — to Democrats as well as others — are you really willing that the Declaration shall thus be frittered away.^* — thus left no more, at most, than an inter- esting memorial of the dead past? — thus shorn of its vital- ity and practical value, and left without the germ or even the suggestion of the individual rights of man in it? But Judge Douglas is especially horrified at the thought of the mixing of blood by the white and black races. Agreed for once — a thousand times agreed. There are white men enough to marry all the white women, and black 102 I OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN men enough to marry all the black women; and so let them be married. On this point we fully agree with the judge, and when he shall show that his policy is better adapted to prevent amalgamation than ours, we shall drop ours and adopt his. Let us see. In 1850 there were in the United States 405,751 mulattos. Very few of these are the off- spring of whites and free blacks; nearly all have sprung from black slaves and white masters. A separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of amalgamation; but as an immediate separation is impossible, the next best thing is to keep them apart where they are not already together. Such separation, if ever effected at all, must be effected by colonization; and no political party, as such, is now doing anything directly for colonization. Party operations at present only favor or retard colonization incidentally. The enterprise is a difficult one; but "where there is a will there is a way," and what colonization needs most is a hearty will. Will springs from the two elements of moral sense and self-interest. Let us be brought to believe it is morally right, and at the same time favorable to, or at least not against, our interest to transfer the African to his native clime, and we shall find a way to do it, however great the task may be. The children of Israel, to such numbers as to include four hundred thousand fighting men, went out of Egyptian bondage in a bodj^ How differently the respective courses of the Democratic and Republican parties incidentally bear on the question of forming a will — a public sentiment — for colonization, is easy to see. The Republicans inculcate, with whatever of ability they can, that the negro is a man, that his bondage is cruelly wrong, and that the field of his oppression ought not to be enlarged. The Democrats deny his manhood; deny, or dwarf to insignificance, the wrong of his bondage; 103 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES so far as possible^ crush all sympathy for him, and cultivate and excite hatred and disgust against him; compliment themselves as Union-savers for doing so; and call the in- definite outspreading of his bondage "a sacred right of self- government." The plainest print cannot be read through a gold eagle; and it will be ever hard to find many men who will send a slave to Liberia, and pay his passage, while they can send him to a new country — Kansas, for instance — and sell him for fifteen hundred dollars, and the rise. [Memorandum sent to compiler of The Dictionary of Con- gress, about 15 June 1858.] Born, February 12, 1809, in Hardin County, Kentucky. Education defective. Profession, a lawyer. Have been a captain of volunteers in Black Hawk war. Postmaster at a very small office. Four times a member of the Illinois legislature, and was a member of the lower house of Congress. [From a speech delivered before the Republican state con- vention at Springfield, Illinois, which had nominated Lincoln for United States senator l6 June 1858.] Mr. President and Gentlejiien of the Convention: If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could better judge what to do, and how to do it. We are now far into the fifth year since a policy was initiated with the avowed object and confident promise of putting an end to slavery agitation. Under the operation of that policy, that agitation has not only not ceased, but has con- 104 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN stantly augmented. In my opinion^ it will not cease until a crisis shall have been reached and passed. "A house di- vided against itself cannot stand." I believe this govern- ment cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other. Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction ; or its advocates will push it forward till it shall become alike lawful in all the States^ old as well as new, North as well as South. [From a speech at Chicago, Illinois, 10 July 1858.] Judge Douglas made two points upon my recent speech at Springfield. He says they are to be the issues of this campaign. The first one of these points he bases upon the language in a speech which I delivered at Springfield^ which I believe I can quote correctly from memory. I said there that "we are now far into the fifth year since a policy was instituted for the avowed object and with the confident promise of putting an end to slavery agitation; under the operation of that policy, that agitation has not only not ceased, but has constantly augmented. I believe it will not cease until a crisis shall have been reached and passed. 'A house divided against itself cannot stand.' I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dis- solved" — I am quoting from my speech — "I do not expect the house to fall, but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other. Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it, 105 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction, or its advo- cates will push it forward until it shall become alike lawful in all the States, old as well as new. North as well as South." That is the paragraph ! In this paragraph which I have quoted in your hearing, and to which I ask the attention of all. Judge Douglas thinks he discovers great political heresy. I want your attention particularly to what he has inferred from it. He says I am in favor of making all the States of this Union uniform in all their internal regula- tions; that in all their domestic concerns I am in favor of making them entirely uniform. He draws this inference from the language I have quoted to you. He says that I am in favor of making war by the North upon the South for the extinction of slavery; that I am also in favor of in- viting (as he expresses it) the South to a war upon the North, for the purpose of nationalizing slavery. Now, it is singular enough, if you will carefully read that passage over, that I did not say that I was in favor of anything in it. I only said what I expected would take place. I made a prediction only — it may have been a foolish one, perhaps. I did not even say that I desired that slavery should be put in course of ultimate extinction. I do say so now, however, so there need be no longer any difficulty about that. It may be written down in the great speech. Gentlemen, Judge Douglas informed you that this speech of mine was probably carefully prepared. I admit that it was. I am not master of language; I have not a fine edu- cation; I am not capable of entering into a disquisition upon dialectics, as I believe you call it ; but I do not believe the language I employed bears any such construction as Judge Douglas puts upon it. But I don't care about a quibble in regard to words. I know what I meant, and I 106 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN will not leave this crowd in doubt, if I can explain it to them, what I really meant in the use of that paragraph. I am not, in the first place, unaware that this government has endured eighty-two years half slave and half free. I know that. I am tolerably well acquainted with the history of the country, and I know that it has endured eighty-two years half slave and half free. I believe — and that is what I meant to allude to there — I believe it has endured because during all that time, until the introduction of the Nebraska bill, the public mind did rest all the time in the belief that slavery was in course of ultimate extinction. That was what gave us the rest that we had through that period of eighty-two years ; at least, so I believe. I have always hated slavery, I think, as much as any Abolitionist — I have been an old-line Whig — I have always hated it, but I have always been quiet about it until this new era of the intro- duction of the Nebraska bill began. I always believed that everybody was against it, and that it was in course of ulti- mate extinction. [Pointing to Mr. Browning, who stood near by.] Browning thought so; the great mass of the nation have rested in the belief that slavery was in course of ultimate extinction. They had reason so to believe. The adoption of the Constitution and its attendant his- tory led the people to believe so, and that such was the belief of the framers of the Constitution itself. Why did those old men, about the time of the adoption of the Con- stitution, decree that slavery should not go into the new territory, where it had not already gone? Why declare that within twenty years the African slave-trade, by which slaves are supplied, might be cut off by Congress? Why were all these acts ? I might enumerate more of these acts — but enough. What were they but a clear indication that the framers of the Constitution intended and expected the ultimate extinction of that institution? And now, when I 107 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES say, — as I said in my speech that Judge Douglas has quoted from^ — when I say that I think the opponents of slavery will resist the farther spread of it^, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in course of ultimate extinction, I only mean to say that they will place it where the founders of this government origi- nally placed it. I have said a hundred times, and I have now no inclina- tion to take it back, that I believe there is no right and ought to be no inclination in the people of the free States to enter into the slave States and interfere with the ques- tion of slavery at all. I have said that always; Judge Douglas has heard me say it — if not quite a hundred times, at least as good as a hundred times; and when it is said that I am in favor of interfering with slavery where it exists, I know it is unwarranted by anything I have ever intended, and, as I believe, by anything I have ever said. If by any means I have ever used language which could fairly be so construed (as, however, I believe I never have), I now correct it. . . . It happens that we meet together once every year, somewhere about the 4th of July, for some reason or other. These 4th of July gatherings I suppose have their uses. If you will indulge me, I will state what I suppose to be some of them. We are now a mighty nation: we are thirty, or about thirty, millions of people, and we own and inhabit about one fifteenth part of the dry land of the whole earth. We run our memory back over the pages of history for about eighty-two years, and we discover that we were then a very small people, in point of numbers vastly inferior to what we are now, with a vastly less extent of country, with vastly less of everything we deem desirable among men. We look upon the change as exceedingly advantageous to us and to 108 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN our posterity^ and we fix upon something that happened away back as in some way or other being connected with this rise of prosperity. We find a race of men living in that day whom we claim as our fathers and grandfathers; they were iron men; they fought for the principle that they were contending for; and we understood that by what they then did it has followed that the degree of prosperity which we now enjoy has come to us. We hold this annual celebra- tion to remind ourselves of all the good done in this process of time^ of how it was done and who did it^ and how we are historically connected with it; and we go from these meetings in better humor with ourselves — we feel more at- tached the one to the other^ and more firmly bound to the country we inhabit. In every way we are better men, in the age, and race, and country in which we live, for these celebrations. But after we have done all this, we have not yet reached the whole. There is something else con- nected with it. We have, besides these men — descended by blood from our ancestors — among us, perhaps half our people who are not descendants at all of these men; they are men who have come from Europe, — German, Irish, French, and Scandinavian, — men that have come from Europe themselves, or whose ancestors have come hither and settled here, finding themselves our equal in all things. If they look back through this history to trace their con- nection with those days by blood, they find they have none; they cannot carry themselves back into that glorious epoch and make themselves feel that they are part of us; but when they look through that old Declaration of Indepen- dence, they find that those old men say that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal," and then they feel that that moral sentiment taught in that day evidences their relation to those men, that it is the father of all moral principle in them, and that they have 109 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES a right to claim it as though they were blood of the blood, and flesh of the flesh, of the men who wrote that Declara- tion, and so they are. That is the electric cord in that Declaration that links the hearts of patriotic and liberty- loving men together, that will link those patriotic hearts as long as the love of freedom exists in the minds of men throughout the world. Now, sirs, for the purpose of squaring things with this idea of "don't care if slavery is voted up or voted down," for sustaining the Dred Scott decision, for holding that the Declaration of Independence did not mean anything at all, we have Judge Douglas giving his exposition of what the Declaration of Independence means, and we have him saying that the people of America are equal to the people of England. According to his construction, you Germans are not connected with it. Now I ask you, in all soberness, if all these things, if indulged in, if ratified, if confirmed and indorsed, if taught to our children, and repeated to them, do not tend to rub out the sentiment of liberty in the country, and to transform this government into a gov- ernment of some other form.^ Those arguments that are made, that the inferior race are to be treated with as much allowance as they are capable of enjoying; that as much is to be done for them as their condition will allow — what are these arguments? They are the arguments that kings have made for enslaving the people in all ages of the world. You will find that all the arguments in favor of kingcraft were of this class; they always bestrode the necks of the people — not that they wanted to do it, but because the people were better off for being ridden. That is their ar- gument, and this argument of the judge is the same old serpent that says. You work and I eat, you toil and I will enjoy the fruits of it. Turn in whatever way you will — whether it come from the mouth of a king, an excuse for 110 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN enslaving the people of his country, or from the mouth of men of one race as a reason for enslaving the men of an- other race, it is all the same old serpent, and I hold it that course of argumentation that is made for the purpose ot convincing the public mind that we should not care about this should be granted, it does not stop with the negro 1 should like to know— taking this old Declaration of Inde- pendence, which declares that all men are equal upon prin- ciple, and making exceptions to it,— where will it stop? It one man says it does not mean a negro, why not another say it does not mean some other man? If that Declaration is not the truth, let us get the statute-book in which we find it, and tear it out! Who is so bold as to do it? It it is not true, let us tear it out [cries of "No, no ]. Let us stick to it, then; let us stand firmly by it, then. It may be argued that there are certain conditions that make necessities and impose them upon us, and to the ex- tent that a necessity is imposed upon a man he must sub- mit to it. I think that was the condition in which we found ourselves when we established this government. We had slaves among us; we could not get our Constitution unless we permitted them to remain in slavery; we could not se- cure the good we did secure if we grasped for more; but having by necessity submitted to that much, it does not de- stroy the principle that is the charter of our liberties. Let that charter stand as our standard. My friend has said to me that I am a poor hand to quote Scripture. I will try it again, however. It is said m one of the admonitions of our Lord, "Be ye [therefore] per- fect even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. The Saviour, I suppose, did not expect that any human creature could be perfect as the Father in heaven; but he said "As your Father in heaven is perfect, be ye also per- fect/' He set that up as a standard, and he who did most 111 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES toward reaching that standard attained the highest degree of moral perfection. So I say in relation to the principle that all men are created equals let it be as nearly reached as we can. If we cannot give freedom to every creature_, let us do nothing that will impose slavery upon any other creature. Let us then turn this government back into the channel in which the framers of the Constitution originally placed it. Let us stand firmly by each other. If we do not do so, we are tending in the contrary direction that our friend Judge Douglas proposes — not intentionally — working in the traces that tend to make this one universal slave nation. He is one that runs in that direction, and as such I resist him. My friends, I have detained you about as long as I de- sired to do, and I have only to say, let us discard all this quibbling about this man and the other man, this race and that race and the other race being inferior, and therefore they must be placed in an inferior position. Let us discard all these things, and unite as one people throughout this land, until we shall once more stand up declaring that all men are created equal. [From a speech at Springfield, Illinois, 17 July 1858.] Last night Judge Douglas tormented himself with hor- rors about my disposition to make negroes perfectly equal with white men in social and political relations. He did not stop to show that I have said any such thing, or that it legitimately follows from anything I have said, but he rushes on with his assertions. I adhere to the Declaration of Independence. If Judge Douglas and his friends are not willing to stand by it, let them come up and amend it. Let them make it read that all men are created equal, ex- cept negroes. Let us have it decided whether the Declara- 112 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN tion of Independence, in this blessed year of 1858, shall be thus amended. In his construction of the Declaration last year, he said it only meant that Americans in America were equal to Englishmen in England. Then, when I pointed out to him that by that rule he excludes the Ger- mans, the Irish, the Portuguese, and all the other people who have come amongst us since the Revolution, he recon- structs his construction. In his last speech he tells us it meant Europeans. I press him a little further, and ask if it meant to include the Russians in Asia? or does he mean to exclude that vast population from the principles of our Declaration of Independence? I expect ere long he will introduce an- other amendment to his definition. He is not at all partic- ular. He is satisfied with anything which docs not endanger the nationalizing of negro slavery. It may draw white men down, but it must not lift negroes up. Who shall say, "1 am the superior, and you are the inferior?" My declarations upon this subject of negro slavery may be misrepresented, but cannot be misunderstood. I have said that I do not understand the Declaration to mean that all men were created equal in all respects. They are not our equal in color; but I suppose that it does mean to de- clare that all men are equal in some respects ; they are equal in their right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Certainly the negro is not our equal in color — perhaps not in many other respects; still, in the right to put into his mouth the bread that his own hands have earned, he is the equal of every other man, white or black. In pointing out that more has been given you, you cannot be justified in taking away the little which has been given him. All I ask for the negro is that if you do not like him, let him alone. If God gave him but little, that little let him enjoy. When our government was established, we had the insti- 113 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES tution of slavery among us. We were in a certain sense compelled to tolerate its existence. It was a sort of necessity. We had gone through our struggle^ and secured our own independence. The framers of the Constitution found the institution of slavery amongst their other institutions at the time. They found that by an effort to eradicate it, they might lose much of what they had already gained. They were obliged to bow to the necessity. They gave power to Congress to abolish the slave-trade at the end of twenty years. They also prohibited slavery in the Territories where it did not exist. They did what they could and yielded to necessity for the rest. I also yield to all which follows from that necessity. What I would most desire would be the separation of the white and black races. [From Lincoln^s reply to Douglas in the first joint debate, Ottawa, Illinois, 21 August 1858.] Now, gentlemen, I don't want to read at any great length, but this is the true complexion of all I have ever said in regard to the institution of slavery and the black race. This is the whole of it, and anything that argues me into his idea of perfect social and political equality with the negro is but a specious and fantastic arrangement of words, by which a man can prove a horse-chestnut to be a chest- nut horse. I will say here, while upon this subject, that I have no purpose, either directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so. I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and the black races. There is a physical difference between the two, which, in my judgment, will probably forever forbid their living to- gether upon the footing of perfect equality; and inasmuch 114 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN as it becomes a necessity that there must be a difference, I; as well as Judge Douglas^, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position. I have never said anything to the contrary^ but I hold that^ notwith- standing all this^ there is no reason in the world why the negro is not entitled to all the natural rights enumerated in the Declaration of Independence — the right to life, lib- erty, and the pursuit of happiness. I hold that he is as much entitled to these as the white man. I agree with Judge Douglas he is not my equal in many respects — cer- tainly not in color, perhaps not in moral or intellectual endowment. But in the right to eat the bread, without the leave of anybody else, which his own hand earns, he is my equal and the equal of Judge Douglas^ and the equal of every living man. Henry Clay, my beau ideal of a statesman, the man for whom I fought all my humble life — Henry Clay once said of a class of men who would repress all tendencies to lib- erty and ultimate emancipation, that they must, if they would do this, go back to the era of our independence, and muzzle the cannon which thunders its annual joyous return; they must blow out the moral lights around us; they must jjenetrate the human soul, and eradicate there the love of liberty; and then, and not till then, could they perpetuate slavery in this country ! To my thinking. Judge Douglas is, by his example and vast influence, doing that very thing in this community when he says that the negro has nothing in the Declaration of Independence. Henry Clay plainly understood the contrary. Judge Douglas is going back to the era of our Revolution, and to the extent of his ability muzzling the cannon which thunders its annual joyous re- turn. When he invites any people, willing to have slavery, to establish it, he is blowing out the moral lights around us. When he says he "cares not whether slavery is voted down 115 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES or voted up" — that it is a sacred right of self-government — he is^ in my judgment^ penetrating the human soul and eradicating the light of reason and the love of liberty in this American people. And now I will only say that when, by all these means and appliances. Judge Douglas shall succeed in bringing public sentiment to an exact accordance with his own views — when these vast assemblages shall echo back all these sentiments — when they shall come to repeat his views and to avow his principles, and to say all that he says on these mighty questions — then it needs only the formality of the second Dred Scott decision, which he in- dorses in advance, to make slavery alike lawful in all the States — old as well as new. North as well as South. [From Lincoln's opening speech in the second joint debate, Freeport, Illinois, 27 August 1858.] I have supposed myself, since the organization of the Republican party at Bloomington, in May, 1856, bound as a party man by the platforms of the party then and since. If in any interrogatories which I shall answer I go beyond the scope of what is within these platforms, it will be per- ceived that no one is responsible but myself. Having said this much, I will take up the judge's interrogatories as I find them printed in the Chicago "Times," and answer them seriatim. In order that there may be no mistake about it, I have copied the interrogatories in writing, and also my answers to them. The first one of these interrogatories is in these words: Question 1. "I desire to know whether Lincoln to-day stands as he did in 1854, in favor of the unconditional re- peal of the fugitive-slave law?" Afiswer. I do not now, nor ever did, stand in favor of the unconditional repeal of the fugitive-slave law. 116 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN Q. 2. "I desire him to answer whether he stands pledged to-day as he did in 1854^ against the admission of any more slave States into the Union^ even if the people want them?" A. I do not now^ nor ever did^ stand pledged against the admission of any more slave States into the Union. Q. 3. "I want to know whether he stands pledged against the admission of a new State into the Union with such a constitution as the people of that State may see fit to make?" A. I do not stand pledged against the admission of a new State into the Union with such a constitution as the people of that State may see fit to make. Q. 4. "I want to know whether he stands to-day pledged to the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia?" A. I do not stand to-day pledged to the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia. Q. 5. "I desire him to answer whether he stands pledged to the prohibition of the slave-trade between the different States ?" A. I do not stand pledged to the prohibition of the slave- trade between the different States. Q. 6. "I desire to know whether he stands pledged to prohibit slavery in all the Territories of the United States, North as well as South of the Missouri Compromise line?" A. I am impliedly, if not expressly, pledged to a belief in the right and duty of Congress to prohibit slavery in all the United States Territories. Q. 7. "I desire him to answer whether he is opposed to the acquisition of any new territory unless slavery is first prohibited therein?" A. I am not generally opposed to honest acquisition of territory; and, in any given case, I would or would not op- pose such acquisition, accordingly as I might think such 117 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES acquisition would or would not aggravate the slavery ques- tion among ourselves. Now, my friends, it will be perceived upon an examina- tion of these questions and answers, that so far I have only answered that I was not pledged to this, that, or the other. The judge has not framed his interrogatories to ask me anything more than this, and I have answered in strict accordance with the interrogatories, and have answered truly that I am not pledged at all upon any of the points to which I have answered. But I am not disposed to hang upon the exact form of his interrogatory. I am really dis- posed to take up at least some of these questions, and state what I really think upon them. As to the first one, in regard to the fugitive-slave law, I have never hesitated to say, and I do not now hesitate to say, that I think, under the Constitution of the United States, the people of the Southern States are entitled to a congressional fugitive-slave law. Having said that, I have had nothing to say in regard to the existing fugitive-slave law, further than that I think it should have been framed so as to be free from some of the objections that pertain to it, without lessening its efficiency. And inasmuch as we are not now in an agitation in regard to an alteration or modification of that law, I would not be the man to introduce it as a new subject of agitation upon the general question of slavery. In regard to the other question, of whether I am pledged to the admission of any more slave States into the Union, I state to you very frankly that I would be exceedingly sorry ever to be put in a position of having to pass upon that question. I should be exceedingly glad to know that there would never be another slave State admitted into the Union; but I must add, that if slavery shall be kept out of the Territories during the territorial existence of any 118 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN one given Territory, and then the people shall, having a fair chance and a clear field, when they come to adopt the Constitution, do such an extraordinary thing as to adopt a slave constitution, uninfluenced by the actual presence of the institution among them, I see no alternative, if we own the country, but to admit them into the Union. The third interrogatory is answered by the answer to the second, it being, as I conceive, the same as the second. The fourth one is in regard to the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia. In relation to that, I have my mind very distinctly made up. I should be exceedingly glad to see slavery abolished in the District of Columbia. I believe that Congress possesses the constitutional power to abolish it. Yet as a member of Congress, I should not with my present views be in favor of endeavoring to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia unless it would be upon these conditions : First, that the abolition should be gradual ; second, that it should be on a vote of the majority of qual- ified voters in the District; and third, that compensation should be made to unwilling owners. With these three con- ditions, I confess I would be exceedingly glad to see Con- gress abolish slavery in the District of Columbia, and, in the language of Henry Clay, "sweep from our capital that foul blot upon our nation." In regard to the fifth interrogatory, I must say here that as to the question of the abolition of the slave-trade between the different States, I can truly answer, as I have, that I am pledged to nothing about it. It is a subject to which I have not given that mature consideration that would make me feel authorized to state a position so as to hold myself entirely bound by it. In other words, that question has never been prominently enough before me to induce me to investigate whether we really have the constitutional power to do it. I could investigate it if I had sufficient time to 119 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES bring myself to a conclusion upon that subject^ but I have not done so, and I say so frankly to you here and to Judge Douglas. I must say, however, that if I should be of opin- ion that Congress does possess the constitutional power to abolish the slave-trade among the different States, I should still not be in favor of the exercise of that power unless upon some conservative principle as I conceive it, akin to what I have said in relation to the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia. My answer as to whether I desire that slavery should be prohibited in all the Territories of the United States is full and explicit within itself, and cannot be made clearer by any comments of mine. So I suj^pose in regard to the question whether I am opposed to the acquisition of any more territory unless slavery is first prohibited therein, my answer is sucli that I could add nothing by way of illustra- tion, or making myself better understood, than the answer which I have placed in writing. Now in all this the judge has me, and he has me on the record. I suppose he had flattered himself that I was really entertaining one set of opinions for one place and another set for another place — that I was afraid to say at one place what I uttered at another. What I am saying here I suppose I say to a vast audience as strongly tending to Abolitionism as any audience in the State of Illinois, and I believe I am saying that which, if it would be offen- sive to any persons and render them enemies to myself, would be offensive to persons in this audience. [Note for a speech, written about 16 September 1858.] I believe the declaration that "all men are created equal" is the great fundamental principle upon which our free institutions rest. That negro slavery is violative of that 120 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN principle; but that by our form of government that principle has not been made one of legal obligation. That by our form of government the States which have slavery are to retain or disuse it, at their own pleasure; and that all others — individuals, free States, and National Government — are constitutionally bound to leave them alone about it. That our government was thus framed because of the ne- cessity springing from the actual presence of slavery when it was formed. [From Lincoln's opening speech at the fourth joint de- bate, Charleston, Illinois, 18 September 1858.] While I was at the hotel to-day, an elderly gentleman called upon me to know whether I was really in favor of producing a perfect equality between the negroes and white people. While I had not proposed to myself on this occa- sion to say much on that subject, yet as the question was asked me I thought I would occupy perhaps five minutes in saying something in regard to it. I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races — that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to tliis that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they can- not so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the 121 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES superior position the negro should be denied everything. I do not understand that because I do not want a negro woman for a slave I must necessarily want her for a wife. My understanding is that I can just let her alone. I am now in my fiftieth year, and I certainly never have had a black woman for either a slave or a wife. So it seems to me quite possible for us to get along without making either slaves or wives of negroes. I will add to this that I have never seen, to my knowledge, a man, woman, or child who was in favor of producing a perfect equality, social and political, between negroes and white men. I recollect of but one distinguished instance that I ever heard of so fre- quently as to be entirely satisfied of its correctness, and that is the case of Judge Douglas's old friend Colonel Richard M. Johnson. I will also add to the remarks I have made (for I am not going to enter at large upon this sub- ject), that I have never had the least apprehension that I or my friends would marry negroes if there was no law to keep them from it ; but as Judge Douglas and his friends seem to be in great apprehension that they might, if there were no law to keep them from it, I give him the most solemn pledge that I will to the very last stand by the law of this State, which forbids the marrying of white people with ne- groes. I will add one further word, which is this : that I do not understand that there is any place where an alteration of the social and political relations of the negro and the white man can be made except in the State legislature — not in the Congress of the United States; and as I do not really apprehend the approach of any such thing myself, and as Judge Douglas seems to be in constant horror that some such danger is rapidly approaching, I propose, as the best means to prevent it, that the judge be kept at home and placed in the State legislature to fight the measure. I do not propose dwelling longer at this time on the subject. 122 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN rProm Lincoln's rejoinder to Douglas at the Charleston, Illinois, joint debate 18 September 1858. J Judge Douglas has said to you that he has not been able to get from me an answer to the question whether I am in favor of negro citizenship. So far as I know, the judge never asked me the question before. He shall have no oc- casion to ever ask it again, for I tell Wm very frankly that I am not in favor of negro citizenship. This furnishes me an occasion for saying a few words upon the subject. I mentioned in a certain speech of mine, which has been printed, that the Supreme Court had decided that a negro could not possibly be made a citizen, and without saymg what was my ground of complaint in regard to that, or whether I had any ground of complaint. Judge Douglas has from that thing manufactured nearly everythmg that he ever says about my disposition to produce an equality between the negroes and the white people. If any one will read my speech, he will find I mentioned that as one of the points decided in the course of the Supreme Court opin- ions, but I did not state what objection I had to it. But Judge Douglas tells the people what my objection was when I did not tell them myself. Now my opmion is that the different States have the power to make a negro a citizen under the Constitution of the United States, if they choose The Dred Scott decision decides that they have not that power. If the State of Illinois had that power, I should be opposed to the exercise of it. That is all I have to say about it. [Note for a speech, written about 1 October 1858.] But there is a larger issue than the mere question of whether the spread of negro slavery shall or shall not be 123 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES prohibited by Congress. That larger issue is stated by the Richmond "Enquirer/' a Buchanan paper in the South, in the language I now read. It is also stated by the New York "Day-book/' a Buchanan paper in the North, in this language. ... In support of the Nebraska bill, on its first discussion in the Senate, Senator Pettit of Indiana declared the equality of men, as asserted in our Declaration of Independence, to be a "self-evident lie." In his numer- ous speeches now being made in Illinois, Senator Douglas regularly argues against the doctrine of the equality of men; and while he does not draw the conclusion that the superiors ought to enslave the inferiors, he evidently wishes his hearers to draw that conclusion. He shirks the respon- sibility of pulling the house down, but he digs under it that it may fall of its own weight. Now, it is impossible to not see that these newspapers and senators are laboring at a common object, and in so doing are truly representing the controlling sentiment of their party. It is equally impossible to not see that that common object is to subvert, in the public mind, and in practical adminis- tration, our old and only standard of free government, that "all men are created equal," and to substitute for it some different standard. What that substitute is to be is not dif- ficult to perceive. It is to deny the equality of men, and to assert the natural, moral, and religious right of one class to enslave another. [Note for a speech, written about 1 October 1858.] Suppose it is true that the negro is inferior to the white in the gifts of nature; is it not the exact reverse of justice that the white should for that reason take from the negro any part of the little which he has had given him.^ "Give 124i OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN to him that is needy" is the Christian rule of charity; but "Take from him that is needy" is the rule of slavery. [Note for a speech, written about 1 October 1858.] The sum of j^ro-slavery theology seems to be this: "Slavery is not universally right, nor yet universally wrong; it is better for some people to be slaves; and, in such cases, it is the will of God that they be such." Certainly there is no contending against the will of God; but still there is some difficulty in ascertaining and applying it to particular cases. For instance, we will suppose the Rev. Dr. Ross has a slave named Sambo, and the question is, "Is it the will of God that Sambo shall remain a slave, or be set free?" The Almighty gives no audible answer to the question, and his revelation, the Bible, gives none — or at most none but such as admits of a squabble as to its meaning; no one thinks of asking Sambo's opinion on it. So at last it comes to this, that Dj*. Ross is to decide the question; and while he considers it, he sits in the shade, with gloves on his hands, and subsists on the bread that Sambo is earning in the burning sun. If he decides that God wills Sambo to continue a slave, he thereby retains his own comfortable position; but if he decides that God wills Sambo to be free, he thereby has to walk out of the shade, throw off his gloves, and delve for his own bread. Will Dr. Ross be actuated by the perfect impartiality which has ever been considered most favorable to correct decisions? [From a note for a speech, written about 1 October 1858.] Judge Douglas is a man of large influence. His bare opinion goes far to fix the opinions of others. Besides this, 125 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES thousands hang their hopes upon forcing their opinions to agree with his. It is a party necessity with them to say they agree with him^ and there is danger they will repeat the saying till they really come to believe it. Others dread, and shrink from, his denunciations, his sarcasms, and his ingenious misrepresentations. The susceptible young hear lessons from him, such as their fathers never heard when they were young. If, by all these means, he shall succeed in molding public sentiment to a perfect accordance with his own; in bringing all men to indorse all court decisions, without caring to know whether they are right or wrong; in bringing all tongues to as perfect a silence as his own, as to there being any wrong in slavery ; in bringing all to declare, with him, that they care not whether slavery be voted down or voted up; that if any people want slaves they have a right to have them; that negroes are not men; have no part in the Declaration of Independence; that there is no moral question about slavery; that liberty and slavery are per- fectly consistent — indeed, necessary accompaniments; that for a strong man to declare himself the superior of a weak one, and thereupon enslave the weak one, is the very essence of liberty, the most sacred right of self-government; when, I say, public sentiment shall be brought to all this, in the name of Heaven what barrier will be left against slavery being made lawful everywhere.^ Can you find one w^ord of his opposed to it ? Can you not find many strongly favor- ing it.^* If for his life, for his eternal salvation, he was solely striving for that end, could he find any means so well adapted to reach the end.^ If our presidential election, by a mere plurality, and of doubtful significance, brought one Supreme Court decision that no power can exclude slavery from a Territory, how much more shall a public sentiment, in exact accordance 126 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN with the sentiments of Judge Douglas^ bring another that no power can exclude it from a State? And then^ the negro being doomed^ and damned, and for- gotten, to everlasting bondage, is the white man quite cer- tain that the tyrant demon will not turn upon him too ? [From Lincoln's opening speech at the sixth joint debate, Quincy, Illinois, 13 October 1858.] We have in this nation the element of domestic slavery. It is a matter of absolute certainty that it is a disturbing element. It is the opinion of all the great men who have expressed an opinion upon it, that it is a dangerous element. We keep up a controversy in regard to it. That contro- versy necessarily springs from difference of opinion, and if we can learn exactly — can reduce to the lowest elements — what that difference of opinion is, we perhaps shall be better prepared for discussing the different systems of pol- icy that we would propose in regard to that disturbing ele- ment. I suggest that the difference of opinion, reduced to its lowest terms, is no other than the difference between the men who think slavery a wrong and those who do not think it wrong. The Republican party think it wrong — we think it is a moral, a social, and a political wrong. We think it is a wrong not confining itself merely to the per- sons or the States where it exists, but that it is a wrong which in its tendency, to say the least, affects the existence of the whole nation. Because we think it wrong, we pro- pose a course of policy that shall deal with it as a wrong. We deal with it as with any other wrong, in so far as we can prevent its growing any larger, and so deal with it that in the run of time there may be some promise of an end to it. We have a due regard to the actual presence of it amongst us, and the difficulties of getting rid of it in any 127 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES satisfactory way, and all the constitutional obligations thrown about it. I suppose that in reference both to its actual existence in the nation, and to our constitutional ob- ligations, we have no right at all to disturb it in the States where it exists, and we profess that v/e have no more inclination to disturb it than we have the right to do it. We go further than that: we don't propose to disturb it where, in one instance, we think the Constitution would permit us. We think the Constitution would permit us to disturb it in the District of Columbia. Still we do not propose to do that, unless it should be in terms which I don't suppose the nation is very likely soon to agree to — the terms of making the emancipation gradual and com- pensating the unwilling owners. Where we suppose we have the constitutional right, we restrain ourselves in reference to the actual existence of the institution and the difficulties thrown about it. We also oppose it as an evil so far as it seeks to spread itself.. We insist on the policy that shall restrict it to its present limits. We don't suppose that in doing this we violate anything due to the actual presence of the institution, or anything due to the constitutional guaranties thrown around it. We oppose the Dred Scott decision in a certain way, upon which I ought perhaps to address you a few words. We do not propose that when Dred Scott has been decided to be a slave by the court, we, as a mob, will decide him to be free. We do not propose that, when any other one, or one thousand, shall be decided by that court to be slaves, we will in any violent way disturb the rights of property thus settled; but we nevertheless do oppose that decision as a political rule, which shall be binding on the voter to vote for nobody who thinks it wrong, which shall be binding on the members of Congress or the President to favor no meas- ure that does not actually concur with the principles of that 128 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN decision. We do not propose to be bound by it as a political rule in that way, because we think it lays the foundation not merely of enlarging and spreading out what we consider an evil, but it lays the foundation for spreading that evil into the States themselves. We propose so resisting it as to have it reversed if we can, and a new judicial rule established upon this subject. I will add this, that if there be any man who does not believe that slavery is wrong in the three aspects which I have mentioned, or in any one of them, that man is mis- placed and ought to leave us. While, on the other hand, if there be any man in the Republican party who is impa- tient over the necessity springing from its actual presence, and is impatient of the constitutional guaranties thrown around it, and would act in disregard of these, he too is misplaced, standing with us. He will find his place some- where else; for we have a due regard, so far as we are capable of understanding them, for all these things. This, gentlemen, as well as I can give it, is a plain statement of our principles in all their enormity. I will say now that there is a sentiment in the country contrary to me — a sentiment which holds that slavery is not wrong, and therefore it goes for the policy that does not propose dealing with it as a wrong. That policy is the Democratic policy, and that sentiment is the Democratic sentiment. If there be a doubt in the mind of any one of this vast audience that this is really the central idea of the Democratic party, in relation to this subject, I ask him to bear with me while I state a few things tending, as I think, to prove that proposition. In the first place, the leading man — I think I may do my friend Judge Douglas the honor of calling him such — advocating the present Democratic policy never himself says it is wrong. He has the high distinction, so far as I know, of never having said 129 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES slavery is either right or wrong. Almost everybody else says one or the other^ but the judge never does. If there be a man in the Democratic party who thinks it is wrong, and yet clings to that party, I suggest to him in the first place that his leader don't talk as he does, for he never says that it is wrong. In the second place, I suggest to him that if he will examine the policy proposed to be car- ried forward, he will find that he carefully excludes the idea that there is anything wrong in it. If you will ex- amine the arguments that are made on it, you will find that every one carefully excludes the idea that there is anything wrong in slavery. Perhaps that Democrat who says he is as much opposed to slavery as I am, will tell me that I am wrong about this. I wish him to examine his own course in regard to this matter a mo- ment, and then see if his opinion will not be changed a little. You say it is wrong; but don't you constantly object to anybody else saying so? Do you not constantly argue that this is not the right place to oppose it? You say it must not be opposed in the free States, because slavery is not there; it must not be opposed in the slave States, be- cause it is there ; it must not be opposed in politics, because that will make a fuss ; it must not be opposed in the pulpit, because it is not religion. Then where is the place to oppose it? There is no suitable place to oppose it. There is no plan in the country to oppose this evil overspreading the continent, which you say yourself is coming. Frank Blair and Gratz Brown tried to get up a system of gradual eman- cipation in Missouri, had an election in August, and got beat; and you, Mr. Democrat, threw up your hat and hal- loed, "Hurrah for Democracy!" So I say again, that in regard to the arguments that are made, when Judge Douglas says he "don't care whether slavery is voted up or voted down," whether he means that 130 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN as an individual expression of sentiment, or only as a sort of statement of his views on national policy, it is alike true to say that he can thus argue logically if he don't see any- thing wrong in it; but he cannot say so logically if he admits that slavery is wrong. He cannot say that he would as soon see a wrong voted up as voted down. When Judge Douglas says that whoever or whatever community wants slaves, they have a right to have them, he is perfectly logical if there is nothing wrong in the institution; but if you admit that it is wrong, he cannot logically say that anybody has a right to do wrong. When he says that slave property and horse and hog property are alike to be allowed to go into the Territories, upon the principles of equality, he is reasoning truly if there is no difference between them as property; but if the one is property, held rightfully, and the other is wrong, then there is no equality between the right and wrong; so that^ turn it in any way you can, in all the argu- ments sustaining the Democratic policy, and in that policy itself, there is a careful, studied exclusion of the idea that there is anything wrong in slavery. Let us understand this. I am not, just here, trying to prove that we are right and they are wrong. I have been stating where we and they stand, and trying to show what is the real difference be- tween us; and I now say that whenever we can get the question distinctly stated,— can get all these men who be- lieve that slavery is in some of these respects wrong, to stand and act with us in treating it as a wrong, — then, and not till then, I think, will we in some way come to an end of this slavery agitation. 131 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES [From Lincoln's rejoinder at the sixth joint debate_, Quincy, Illnois, 13 October 1858.] I wish to return to Judge Douglas my profound thanks for his public annunciation here to-day to be put on record, that his system of policy in regard to the institution of slavery contemplates that it shall last forever. We are get- ting a little nearer the true issue of this controversy^, and I am profoundly grateful for this one sentence. Judge Douglas asks you, "Why cannot the institution of slavery, or rather, why cannot the nation, part slave and part free, continue as our fathers made it forever ?" In the first place, I insist that our fathers did not make this nation half slave and half free, or part slave and part free. I insist that they found the institution of slavery existing here. They did not make it so, but they left it so because they knew of no way to get rid of it at that time. When Judge Douglas undertakes to say that, as a matter of choice, the fathers of the government made this nation part slave and part free, he assumes what is historically a falsehood. More than that: when the fathers of the government cut off the source of slavery by the abolition of the slave-trade, and adopted a system of restricting it from the new Territories where it had not existed, I maintain that they placed it where they understood, and all sensible men understood, it was in the course of ultimate extinction ; and when Judge Doug- las asks me why it cannot continue as our fathers made it, I ask him why he and his friends could not let it remain as our fathers made it.^ It is precisely all I ask of him in relation to the insti- tion of slavery, that it shall be placed upon the basis that our fathers placed it upon. Mr. Brooks, of South Carolina, once said, and truly said, that when this government was 132 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN established, no one expected the institution of slavery to last until this day; and that the men who formed this govern- ment were wiser and better than the men of these days; but the men of these days had experience which the fathers had not, and that experience had taught them the invention of the cotton-gin, and this had made the perpetuation of the institution of slavery a necessity in this country. Judge Douglas could not let it stand upon the basis where our fathers placed it, but removed it, and put it upon the cotton- gin basis. It is a question, therefore, for him and his friends to answer — why they could not let it remain where the fathers of the government originally placed it. [From Lincoln's reply at the seventh and last joint debate, Alton, Illinois, 15 October 1858.] [Judge Douglas] says he "don't care whether [slavery] is voted up or down" in the Territories. I do not care my- self, in dealing with that expression, whether it is intended to be expressive of his individual sentiments on the subject, or only of the national policy he desires to have established. It is alike valuable for my purpose. Any man can say that who does not see anything wrong in slavery, but no man can logically say it who does see a wrong in it ; because no man can logically say he don't care whether a wrong is voted up or voted down. He may say he don't care whether an indifferent thing is voted up or down, but he must logically have a choice between a right thing and a wrong thing. He contends that whatever community wants slaves has a right to have them. So they have if it is not a wrong. But if it is a wrong, he cannot say people have a right to do wrong. He says that, upon the score of equal- ity, slaves should be allowed to go into a new Territory like other property. This is strictly logical if there is no 133 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES difference between it and other property. If it and other property are equal, his argument is entirely logical. But if you insist that one is wrong and the other right, there is no use to institute a comparison between right and wrong. You may turn over everything in the Democratic policy from be- ginning to end, whether in the shape it takes on the statute- book, in the shape it takes in the Dred Scott decision, in the shape it takes in conversation, or the shape it takes in short maxim-like arguments — it everywhere carefully ex- cludes the idea that there is anything wrong in it. That is the real issue. That is the issue that will continue in this country when these poor tongues of Judge Douglas and myself shall be silent. It is the eternal struggle between these two principles — right and wrong — throughout the world. They are the two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time; and will ever continue to struggle. The one is the common right of humanity, and the other the divine right of kings. It is the same principle in jvhatever shape it develops itself. It is the same spirit that says, "You toil and work and earn bread, and I'll eat it." No matter in what shape it comes, whether from the mouth of a king who seeks to bestride the peoi3le of his own nation and live by the fruit of their labor, or from one race of men as an apology for enslaving another race, it is the same tyrannical principle. I was glad to express my gratitude at Quincy, and I reexpress it here to Judge Douglas — that he looks to no end of the institution of slavery. That will help the people to see where the struggle really is. It will hereafter place with us all men who really do wish the wrong may have an end. And when- ever we can get rid of the fog which obscures the real ques- tion, — when we can get Judge Douglas and his friends to avow a policy looking to its perpetuation, — we can get out from among them that class of men and bring them to the 134 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN side of those who treat it as a wrong. Then there will soon be an end of it, and that end will be its "ultimate extinction." Whenever the issue can be distinctly made, and all extra- neous matter thrown out, so that men can fairly see the real difference between the parties, this controversy will soon be settled, and it will be done peaceably too. There will be no war, no violence. It will be placed again where the wisest and best men of the world placed it. Brooks of South Carolina once declared that when this Constitution was framed, its framers did not look to the institution existing until this day. When he said this, I think he stated a fact that is fully borne out by the history of the times. But he also said they were better and wiser men than the men of these days ; yet the men of these days had experience which they had not, and by the invention of the cotton-gin it be- came a necessity in this country that slavery should be per- petual. I now say that, willingly or unwillingly, purposely or without purpose. Judge Douglas has been the most prom- inent instrument in changing the position of the institution of slavery, — which the fathers of the government expected to come to an end ere this, — and putting it upon Brooks's cotton-gin basis — placing it where he openly confesses he has no desire there shall ever be an end of it. [Letter to N. B. Judd, Springfield, Illinois, 16 November 1856.] Dear Sir: Yours of the 15th is just received. I wrote you the same day. As to the pecuniary matter, I am will- ing to pay according to my ability; but I am the poorest hand living to get others to pay. I have been on expenses so long without earning anything that I am absolutely with- out money now for even household purposes. Still, if you can put in two hundred and fifty dollars for me toward 135 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES discharging the debt of the committee^ I will allow it when you and I settle the private matter between us. This^ with what I have already paid_, and with an outstanding note of mine^ will exceed my subscription of five hundred dollars. Tliis^ too, is exclusive of my ordinary expenses during the campaign, all of which being added to my loss of time and business, bears pretty heavily upon one no better off in [this] world's goods than I ; but as I had the post of honor, it is not for me to be over nice. You are feeling badly, — "And this too shall pass away," never fear. [Letter to Henry Ashbury, Springfield, Illinois, 19 Novem- ber 1858.] Dear Sir: Yours of the 13th was received some days ago. The fight must go on. The cause of civil liberty must not be surrendered at the end of one or even one hundred de- feats. Douglas had the ingenuity to be supported in the late contest both as the best means to break down and to uphold the slave interest. No ingenuity can keep these an- tagonistic elements in harmony long. Another explosion will soon come. [From a letter to A. G. Henry, Springfield, Illinois, 19 November 1858.] I am glad I made the late race. It gave me a hearing on the great and durable question of the age, which I could have had in no other way; and though I now sink out of view, and shall be forgotten, I believe I have made some marks which will tell for the cause of civil liberty long after I am gone. 136 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN [From a lecture delivered in neighboring towns in 1859 and before the Springfield library association 22 February I860. From the autograph manuscript in the Lincoln collection of Charles F. Gunther^ Esq.^ Chicago.] We have all heard of Young America. He is the most current youth of the age. Some think him conceited and ar- rogant ; but has he not reason to entertain a rather extensive opinion of himself.'^ Is he not the inventor and owner of the present, and sole hope of the future.^ Men and things, everywhere, are ministering unto him. Look at his apparel, and you shall see cotton fabrics from Manchester and Lowell ; flax linen from Ireland ; wool cloth from Spain ; silk from France; furs from the arctic region; with a buffalo- robe from the Rocky Mountains, as a general outsider. At his table, besides plain bread and meat made at home, are sugar from Louisiana, coffee and fruits from the tropics, salt from Turk's Island, fish from Newfoundland, tea from China, and sj^ices from the Indies. The whale of the Pa- cific furnishes his candle-light, he has a diamond ring from Brazil, a gold watch from California, and a Spanish cigar from Havana. He not only has a present supply of all these, and much more; but thousands of hands are engaged in producing fresh supplies, and other thousands in bring- ing them to him. The iron horse is panting and impatient to carry him everywhere in no time ; and the lightning stands ready harnessed to take and bring his tidings in a trifle less than no time. He owns a large part of the world, by right of possessing it, and all the rest by right of wanting it, and intending to have it. As Plato had for the immortality of the soul, so Young America has "a pleasing hope, a fond desire — a longing after" territory. He has a great passion — a perfect rage — for the "new" ; particularly new men for 137 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES office, and the new earth mentioned in the Revelations, in which, being no more sea, there must be about three times as much land as in the present. He is a great friend of humanity; and his desire for land is not selfish, but merely an impulse to extend the area of freedom. He is very anxious to fight for the liberation of enslaved nations and colonies, provided, always, they have land, and have not any liking for his interference. As to those who have no land, and would be glad of help from any quarter, he considers they can aif ord to wait a few hundred years longer. In knowledge he is particularly rich. He knows all that can possibly be known; inclines to believe in spiritual rappings, and is the unquestioned inventor of "Manifest Destiny." His horror is for all that is old, particularly "Old Fogy"; and if there be anything old which he can endure^ it is only old whisky and old tobacco. If the said Young America really is, as he claims to be, the owner of all present, it must be admitted that he has considerable advantage of Old Fogy. Take, for instance, the first of all fogies. Father Adam. There he stood, a very perfect physical man, as poets and painters inform us; but he must have been very ignorant, and simple in his habits. He had had no sufficient time to learn much by observation, and he had no near neighbors to teach him any- thing. No part of his breakfast had been brought from the other side of the world; and it is quite probable he had no conception of the world having any other side. In all these things, it is very plain, he was no equal of Young America; the most that can be said is, that according to his chance he may have been quite as much of a man as his very self-complacent descendant. Little as was what he knew, let the youngster discard all he has learned from others, and then show, if he can, any advantage on his side. In the way of land and live-stock, Adam was quite in the 138 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN ascendant. He had dominion over all the earth, and all the living things upon and round about it. The land has been sadly divided out since ; but never f ret. Young America will re-annex it. . . . What one observes, and would himself infer nothing from, he tells to another, and that other at once sees a val- uable hint in it. A result is thus reached which neither alone would have arrived at. And this reminds me of what I passed unnoticed before, that the very first invention was a joint operation. Eve having shared with Adam the getting up of the apron. And, indeed, judging from the fact that sewing has come down to our times as "woman's work," it is very probable she took the leading part, — he, perhaps, doing no more than to stand by and thread the needle. That proceeding may be reckoned as the mother of all "sewing-societies," and the first and most perfect "World's Fair," all inventions and all inventors then in the world being on the spot. [From a speech at Chicago on the night of the municipal election 1 March 1859-] I do not wish to be misunderstood upon this subject of slavery in this country. I suppose it may long exist; and perhaps the best way for it to come to an end peaceably is for it to exist for a length of time. But I say that the spread and strengthening and perpetuation of it is an en- tirely different proposition. There we should in every way resist it as a wrong, treating it as a wrong, with the fixed idea that it must and will come to an end. If we do not allow ourselves to be allured from the strict path of our duty by such a device as shifting our ground and throwing us into the rear of a leader who denies our first principle, denies that there is an absolute wrong in the institution of 139 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES slavery^ then the future of the Republican cause is safe, and victory is assured. You Republicans of Illinois have deliberately taken your ground; you have heard the whole subject discussed again and again; you have stated your faith in platforms laid down in a State convention and in a national convention; you have heard and talked over and considered it until you are now all of opinion that you are on a ground of unquestionable right. All you have to do is to keep the faith, to remain steadfast to the right, to stand by your banner. Nothing should lead you to leave your guns. Stand together, ready, with match in hand. Allow nothing to turn you to the right or to the left. Re- member how long you have been in setting out on the true course; how long you have been in getting your neighbors to understand and believe as you now do. Stand by your principles, stand by your guns, and victory, complete and permanent, is sure at the last. [Letter to H. L. Pierce and others, Springfield, Illinois, 6 April 1859.] Gentlemen: Your kind note inviting me to attend a fes- tival in Boston, on the 28th instant, in honor of the birthday of Thomas Jefferson, was duly received. My engagements are such that I cannot attend. Bearing in mind that about seventy years ago two great political parties were first formed in this country, that Thomas Jefferson was the head of one of them and Boston the headquarters of the other, it is both curious and interest- ing that those supposed to descend politically from the party opposed to Jefferson should now be celebrating his birthday in their own original seat of empire, while those claiming political descent from him have nearly ceased to breathe his name everywhere. 140 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN Remembering, too, that the Jefferson party was formed ui^on its supposed superior devotion to the personal rights of men, holding the rights of property to be secondary only, and greatly inferior, and assuming that the so-called Democracy of to-day are the Jefferson, and their opponents the anti- Jefferson, party, it will be equally interesting to note how completely the two have changed hands as to the principle upon which they were originally supposed to be divided. The Democracy of to-day hold the liberty of one man to be absolutely nothing, when in conflict with another man's right of property; Republicans, on the contrary, are for both the man and the dollar, but in case of conflict the man before the dollar. I remember being once much amused at seeing two par- tially intoxicated men engaged in a fight with their great- coats on, which fight, after a long and rather harmless con- test, ended in each having fought himself out of his own coat and into that of the other. If the two leading parties of this day are really identical with the two in the days of Jefferson and Adams, they have performed the same feat as the two drunken men. But, soberly, it is now no child's play to save the prin- ciples of Jefferson from total overthrow in this nation. One would state with great confidence that he could con- vince any sane child that the simpler propositions of Euclid are true; but nevertheless he would fail, utterly, with one who should deny the definitions and axioms. The principles of Jefferson are the definitions and axioms of free society. And yet they are denied and evaded, with no small show of success. One dashingly calls them "glittering generali- ties." Another bluntly calls them "self-evident lies." And others insidiously argue that they apply to "superior races." These expressions, differing in form, are identical in object and effect — the supplanting the principles of free govern- 141 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES ment, and restoring those of classification^ caste, and legit- imacy. They would delight a convocation of crowned heads plotting against the people. They are the vanguard, the miners and sappers of returning despotism. We must re- pulse them, or they will subjugate us. This is a world of compensation; and he who would be no slave must con- sent to have no slave. Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves, and, under a just God, can- not long retain it. All honor to Jefferson — to the man who, in the concrete pressure of a struggle for national inde- pendence by a single people, had the coolness, forecast, and capacity to introduce into a merely revolutionary document an abstract truth, applicable to all men and all times, and so to embalm it there that to-day and in all coming days it shall be a rebuke and a stumbling-block to the very har- bingers of reappearing tyranny and oppression. [Letter to T. J. Pickett, Springfield, Illinois, 16 April 1859.] My dear Sir: Yours of the ISth is just received. My engagements are such that I cannot at any very early day visit Rock Island to deliver a lecture, or for any other object. As to the other matter you kindly mention, I must in candor say I do not think myself fit for the presidency. I certainly am flattered and gratified that some partial friends think of me in that connection; but I really think it best for our cause that no concerted effort, such as you suggest, should be made. Let this be considered confidential. [From a letter to M. W. Delahay, 14 May 1859.] You will probably adopt resolutions in the nature of a platform. I think the only temptation will be to 142 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN lower the Republican standard in order to gather recruits. In my judgment such a step would be a serious mistake, and open a gap through which more would pass out than pass in. And this would be the same whether the letting down should be in deference to Douglasism or to the Southern opposition element; either would surrender the object of the Republican organization — the preventing of the spread and nationalization of slavery. This object surrendered, the organization would go to pieces. I do not mean by this that no Southern man must be placed upon our national ticket in I860. There are many men in the slave States for any one of whom I could cheerfully vote to be either President or Vice-President, provided he would enable me to do so with safety to the Republican cause, without low- ering the Republican standard. This is the indispensable condition of a union with us ; it is idle to talk of any other. Any otlier would be as fruitless to the South as distasteful to the North, the whole ending in common defeat. Let a union be attempted on the basis of ignoring the slavery question, and magnifying other questions which the people are just now not caring about, and it will result in gaining no single electoral vote in the South, and losing every one in the North. [Letter to Dr. Theodore Canisius, Springfield, Illinois, 17 May 1859.] Dear Sir: Your note asking, in behalf of yourself and other German citizens, whether I am for or against the constitutional provision in regard to naturalized citizens, lately adopted by Massachusetts, and whether I am for or against a fusion of the Republicans, and other opposition elements, for the canvass of I860, is received. Massachusetts is a sovereign and independent State; and 143 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES it is no privilege of mine to scold her for what she does. Stilly if from what she has done an inference is sought to be drawn as to what I would do, I may without impropriety speak out. I say, then, that, as I understand the Massa- chusetts provision, I am against its adoption in Illinois, or in any other place where I have a right to oppose it. Understanding the spirit of our institutions to aim at the elevation of men, I am opposed to whatever tends to de- grade them. I have some little notoriety for commiserat- ing the oppressed negro; and I should be strangely incon- sistent if I could favor any project for curtailing the ex- isting rights of white men, even though born in "different lands, and speaking different languages from myself. As to the matter of fusion, I am for it, if it can be had on Republican grounds ; and I am not for it on any other terms. A fusion on any other terms would be as foolish as unprin- cipled. It would lose the whole North, while the common enemy would still carry the whole South. The question of men is a different one. There are good patriotic men and able statesmen in the South whom I would cheerfully sup- port, if they would now place themselves on Republican ground, but I am against letting down the Republican standard a hair's-breadth. I have written this hastily, but I believe it answers your questions substantially. [Letter to Hon. Schuyler Colfax, Springfield, Illinois, 6 July 1859.] My dear Sir: I much regret not seeing you while you were here among us. Before learning that you were to be at Jacksonville on the 4th, I had given my word to be at another place. Besides a strong desire to make your per- sonal acquaintance, I was anxious to speak with you on politics a little more fully than I can well do in a letter. 144 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN My main object in such conversation would be to hedge against divisions in the Republican ranks generally, and particularly for the contest of I860. The point of danger is the temptation in different localities to "platform" for something which will be popular just there, but which, nev- ertheless, will be a firebrand elsewhere, and especially in a national convention. As instances, the movement against foreigners in Massachusetts; in New Hampshire, to make obedience to the fugitive-slave law punishable as a crime; in Ohio, to repeal the fugitive-slave law; and squatter sov- ereignty, in Kansas. In these things there is explosive mat- ter enough to blow up half a dozen national conventions, if it gets into them; and what gets very rife outside of con- ventions is very likely to find its way into them. What is desirable, if possible, is that in every local convocation of Republicans a point should be made to avoid everything which will disturb Republicans elsewhere. Massachusetts Republicans should have looked beyond their noses, and then they could not have failed to see that tilting against foreigners would ruin us in the whole Northwest. New Hampshire and Ohio should forbear tilting against the fugitive-slave law in such a way as to utterly overwhelm us in Illinois with the charge of enmity to the Constitution itself. Kansas, in her confidence that she can be saved to freedom on "squatter sovereignty," ought not to forget that to prevent the spread and nationalization of slavery is a national concern, and must be attended to by the nation. In a word, in every locality we should look beyond our noses ; and at least say nothing on points where it is probable we shall disagree. I write this for your eye only; hoping, how- ever, if you see danger as I think I do, you will do what you can to avert it. Could not suggestions be made to lead- ing men in the State and congressional conventions, and so avoid, to some extent at least, these apples of discord.^ 145 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES [Letter to Hon. Samuel Galloway, Springfield, Illinois, 28 July 1859.] My dear Sir: Your very complimentary, not to say flat- tering, letter of the 23d inst. is received. Dr. Reynolds had induced me to expect you here; and I was disappointed not a little by your failure to come. And yet I fear you have formed an estimate of me which can scarcely be sus- tained on a personal acquaintance. Two things done by the Ohio Republican convention — the repudiation of Judge Swan, and the "plank" for a re- peal of the fugitive-slave law — I very much regretted. These two things are of a piece; and they are viewed bj" many good men, sincerely opposed to slavery, as a struggle against, and in disregard of, the Constitution itself. And it is the very thing that will greatly endanger our cause, if it be not kept out of our national convention. There is another thing our friends are doing which gives me some uneasiness. It is their leaning toward "popular sover- eignty." There are three substantial objections to this. First, no party can command respect which sustains this year what it opposed last. Secondly, Douglas (who is the most dangerous enemy of liberty, because the most insidious one) would have little support in the North, and by conse- quence, no capital to trade on in the South, if it were not for his friends thus magnifying him and his humbug. But lastly, and chiefly, Douglas's popular sovereignty, accepted by the public mind as a just principle, nationalizes slavery, and revives the African slave-trade inevitably. Taking slaves into new Territories, and buying slaves in Africa, are identical things, identical rights or identical wrongs, and the argument which establishes one will establish the other. Try a thousand years for a sound reason why Con- 146 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN gress shall not hinder the people of Kansas from having slaves, and when you have found it, it will be an equally good one why Congress should not hinder the people of Georgia from importing slaves from Africa. As to Governor Chase, I have a kind side for him. He was one of the few distinguished men of the nation who gave us, in Illinois, their sympathy last year. I never saw him, but suppose him to be able and right-minded; but still he may not be the most suitable as a candidate for the presidency. I must say I do not think myself fit for the presidency. As you propose a correspondence with me, I shall look for your letters anxiously. [From a speech at Columbus, Ohio, 16 September 1859-] In that contest [with Douglas] I did not any time say I was in favor of negro suffrage; but the absolute proof that twice — once substantially and once expressly — I de- clared against it. Having shown you this, there remains but a word of comment upon that newspaper article. It is this : that I presume the editor of that paper is an honest and truth-loving man, and that he will be greatl}^ obliged to me for furnishing him thus early an opportunity to cor- rect the misrepresentation he has made, before it has run so long that malicious people can call him a liar. [From a speech at Cincinnati, Ohio, 17 September 1859-] I should not wonder if there are some Kentuckians about this audience; we are close to Kentucky; and whether that be so or not, we are on elevated ground, and by speaking distinctly I should not wonder if some of the Kentuckians would hear me on the other side of the river. For that 147 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES reason I propose to address a portion of what I have to say to the Kentuckians. I say^ then^ in the first place^ to the Kentuckians, that I am what they call, as I understand it, a "Black Repub- lican." I think slavery is wrong, morally, and politically. I desire that it should be no further spread in these United States, and I should not object if it should gradually ter- minate in the whole Union. While I say this for myself, 1 say to you Kentuckians that I understand you diifer radically with me upon this proposition; that you believe slavery is a good thing; that slavery is right; that it ought to be extended and perpetuated in this Union. Now, there being this broad difference between us, I do not pretend, in addressing myself to you Kentuckians, to attempt prose- lyting you; that would be a vain effort. I do not enter upon it. I only propose to try to show you that you ought to nominate for the next presidency, at Charleston, my dis- tinguished friend. Judge Douglas. In all that there is no real difference between you and him; I understand he is as sincerely for you, and more wisely for you, than you are for yourselves. I will try to demonstrate that proposition. Understand now, I say that I believe he is as sincerely for you, and more wisely for you, than you are for your- selves. In Kentucky, perhaps, — in many of the slave States cer- tainly, — you are trying to establish the rightfulness of slavery by reference to the Bible. You are trying to show that slavery existed in the Bible times by divine ordinance. Now Douglas is wiser than you for your own benefit, upon that subject. Douglas knows that whenever you establish that slavery was right by the Bible, it will occur that that slavery was the slavery of the white man, — of men without reference to color, — and he knows very well that you may entertain that idea in Kentucky as much as you please, but 148 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN you will never win any Northern support upon it. He makes a wiser argument for you; he makes the argument that the slavery of the black man, the slavery of the man who has a skin of a different color from your own, is right. He thereby brings to your support Northern voters who could not for a moment be brought by your own argument of the Bible-right of slavery. Will you not give him credit for that.^ Will you not say that in this matter he is more wisely for you than you are for yourselves } Now, having established with his entire party this doc- trine, — having been entirely successful in that branch of his efforts in your behalf, — he is ready for another. At this same meeting at Memphis, he declared that in all contests between the negro and the white man, he was for the white man, but that in all questions between the negro and the crocodile he was for the negro. He did not make that declaration accidentally at Memphis. He made it a great many times in the canvass in Illinois last year (though I don't know that it was reported in any of his speeches there; but he frequently made it). I believe he repeated it at Columbus, and I should not wonder if he re- peated it here. It is, then, a deliberate way of expressing himself upon that subject. It is a matter of mature delib- eration with him thus to express himself upon that point of his case. It therefore requires some deliberate attention. The first inference seems to be that if you do not enslave the negro you are wronging the white man in some way or other; and that whoever is opposed to the negro being enslaved is, in some way or other, against the white man. Is not that a falsehood.^ If there was a necessary conflict between the white man and the negro, I should be for the white man as much as Judge Douglas; but I say there is no such necessary conflict. I say that there is room enough for us all to be free, and that it not only does not wrong 149 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES the white man that the negro should be free, but it positively wrongs the mass of the white men that the negro should be enslaved; that the mass of white men are really injured by the effects of slave-labor in the vicinity of the fields of their own labor. But I do not desire to dwell upon this branch of the question more than to say that this assumption of his is false, and I do hope that that fallacy will not long prevail in the minds of intelligent white men. At all events, you ought to thank Judge Douglas for it. It is for your benefit it is made. The other branch of it is, that in a struggle between the negro and the crocodile, he is for the negro. Well, I don't know that there is any struggle between the negro and the crocodile, either. I suppose that if a crocodile (or, as we old Ohio River boatmen used to call them, alligators) should come across a white man, he would kill him if he could, and so he would a negro. But what, at last, is this proposition ? I believe that it is a sort of projDOsition in proportion, which may be stated thus: "As the negro is to the white man, so is the crocodile to the negro; and as the negro may right- fully treat the crocodile as a beast or reptile, so the white man may rightfully treat the negro as a beast or reptile." That is really the point of all that argument of his. Now, my brother Kentuckians, who believe in this, you ought to thank Judge Douglas for having put that in a much more taking way than any of yourselves have done. I will tell you, so far as I am authorized to speak for the opposition, what we mean to do with you. We mean to treat you, as near as we possibly can, as Washington, Jefferson, and Madison treated you. We mean to leave you alone, and in no way to interfere with your institution; to abide by all and every compromise of the Constitution, and, 150 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN in a word, coming back to the original proposition, to treat you, so far as degenerated men (if we have degenerated) may, according to the example of those noble fathers- Washington, Jefferson, and Madison. We mean to remem- ber that you are as good as we; that there is no difference between us other than the difference of circumstances. We mean to recognize and bear in mind always that you have as good hearts in your bosoms as other people, or as we claim to have, and treat you accordingly. We mean to marry your girls when we have a chance — ^the white ones, I mean, and I have the honor to inform you that I once did have a chance in that way. ^ I have told you what we mean to do. I want to know, now, when that thing takes place, what do you mean to do ? I often hear it intimated that you mean to divide the Union whenever a Republican or anything like it is elected President of the United States. [A voice: "That is so."] "That is so," one of them says; I wonder if he is a Ken- tuckian? [A voice: "He is a Douglas man."] Well, then, I want to know what you are going to do with your half of it? Are you going to split the Ohio down through, and push your half off a piece? Or are you going to keep it right alongside of us outrageous fellows ? Or are you going to build up a wall some way between your country and ours, by which that movable property of yours can't come over here any more, to the danger of your losing it? Do you think you can better yourselves on that subject by leaving us here under no obligation whatever to return those speci- mens of your movable property that come hither? You have divided the Union because we would not do right with you, as you think, upon that subject; when we cease to be under obligations to do anything for you, how much better off do you think you will be? Will you make war upon us and kill us all? Why, gentlemen, I think you are as gallant 151 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES and as brave men as live; that you can fight as bravely in a good cause^ man for man, as any other people living; that you have shown yourselves capable of this upon various oc- casions; but man for man, you are not better than we are, and there are not so many of you as there are of us. You will never make much of a hand at whipping us. If we were fewer in numbers than you, I think that you could whip us ; if we were equal it would likely be a drawn battle ; but being inferior in numbers, you will make nothing by attempting to master us. [From notes for speeches delivered in Kansas, 1-5 Decem- ber 1859.] I say Douglas popular sovereignty; for there is a broad distinction between real popular sovereignty and Douglas popular sovereignty. That the nation shall control what concerns it; that a State, or any minor political community, shall control what exclusively concerns it; and that an in- dividual shall control what exclusively concerns him, — is a real popular sovereignty, which no Republican opposes. But this is not Douglas popular sovereignty. Douglas popular sovereignty, as a matter of principle, simply is: "If one man would enslave another, neither that other nor any third man has a right to object." Douglas popular sovereignty, as he practically applies it, is: "If any organized political community, however new and small, would enslave men or forbid their being enslaved within its own territorial limits, however the doing the one or the other may affect the men sought to be enslaved, or the vastly superior number of men who are afterward to come within those limits, or the family of communities of which it is but a member, or the head of that family, as the present and common guardian of the whole — however any 152 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN or all these are to be affected^ neither any nor all may in- terfere." This is Douglas popular sovereignty. He has great dif- ficulty with it. His speeches and letters and essays and explanations explanatory of explanations explained upon it^ are legion. The most lengthy^ and as I suppose the most maturely considered, is that recently published in "Harper's Magazine." It has two leading objects: the first, to ap- propriate the authority and reverence due the great and good men of the Revolution to his popular sovereignty; and, sec- ondly, to show that the Dred Scott decision has not entirely squelched his popular sovereignty. Before considering these main objects, I wish to consider a few minor points of the copyright essay. Last year Governor Seward and myself, at different times and occasions, exjaressed the opinion that slavery is a dur- able element of discord, and that we shall not have peace with it until it either masters or is mastered by the free principle. This gave great offense to Judge Douglas, and his denunciations of it, and absurd inferences from it, have never ceased. Almost at the very beginning of the copy- right essay he quotes the language respectively of Seward and myself — not quite accurately, but substantially, in my case — upon this point, and repeats his absurd and extrava- gant inference. For lack of time I omit much which I might say here with propriety, and content myself with two remarks only upon this point. The first is, that inasmuch as Douglas in this very essay tells us slavery agitation began in this country in 1699^ and has not yet ceased; has lasted through a hundred and sixty years, through ten entire gen- erations of men, — it might have occurred to even him that slavery in its tendency to agitation and discord has some- thing slightly durable about it. The second remark is that Judge Douglas might have noted, if he would, while he 153 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES was diving so deeply into history, the historical fact that the only comparative peace we have had with slavery dur- ing that hundred and sixty years was in the period from the Revolution to 1820, precisely the period through which we were closing out the African slave-trade, abolishing slavery in several of the States, and restraining the spread of it into new ones by the ordinance of '87, precisely the period in which the public mind had reason to rest, and did rest, in the belief that slavery was in course of ultimate extinction. Another point, which for the present I shall touch only hastily, is Judge Douglas's assumption that the States and Territories differ only in the fact that the States are in the Union, and the Territories are not in it. But if this be the only difference, why not instantly bring the Terri- tories in.^ Why keep them out.'' Do you say they are un- fitted for it.^ What unfits them? Especially what unfits them for any duty in the Union, after they are fit, if they choose, to plant the soil they sparsely inhabit with slavery, beyond the power of their millions of successors to eradicate it, and to the durable discord of the Union? What func- tion of sovereignty, out of the Union or in it, is so por- tentous as this? What function of government requires such perfect maturity, in numbers and everything else, among those who exercise it? It is a concealed assumption of Douglas's popular sovereignty that slavery is a little, harmless, indifferent thing, having no wrong in it, and no power for mischief about it. If all men looked upon it as he does, his policy in regard to it might do. But neither all nor half the world so look upon it. Near the close of the essay in ''Harper's Magazine" Douglas tells us that his popular sovereignty pertains to a people only after they are regularly organized into a po- litical community; and that Congress in its discretion must 154 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN decide when they are fit in point of numbers to be so or- gianized. Now I should like for him to point out in the Constitution any clause conferring that discretion upon Con- gress, which, when pointed out, will not be equally a power in Congress to govern them, in its discretion, till they are admitted as a State. Will he try ? He intimates that before the exercise of that discretion, their number must be ten, fifteen, or twenty thousand. Well, what is to be done for them, or with them, or by them, before they number ten thousand.^ If any one of them desires to have slaves, is any other one bound to help him, or at liberty to hinder him? Is it his plan that any time before they reach the required numbers, those who are on hand shall be driven out as trespassers.^ If so, it will probably be a good while before a sufficient number to organize will get in. But plainly enough this conceding to Congress the dis- cretion as to when a community shall be organized, is a total surrender of his popular sovereignty. He says himself it does not pertain to a people until they are organized; and that when they shall be organized is in the discretion of Congress. Suppose Congress shall choose to not organize them until they are numerous enough to come into the Union as a State. By his own rule, his popular sovereignty is de- rived from Congress, and cannot be exercised by the people till Congress chooses to confer it. After toiling through nineteen mortal pages of "Harper," to show that Congress cannot keep the people of a new country from excluding slavery, in a single closing paragraph he makes the whole thing depend on Congress at last. And should Congress refuse to organize, how will that aff'ect the question of planting slavery in a new country? If individuals choose to plant it, the people cannot prevent them, for they are not yet clothed with popular sovereignty. If it be said that it cannot be planted, in fact, without protective law, that 155 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES assertion is already falsified by history ; for it was originally planted on this continent without protective law. If slavery is right — ordained by the Almighty — on one side of a line dividing sister States of a common Union, then it is positively wrong to harass and bedevil the owners of it with constitutions and laws and prohibitions of it on the other side of the line. In short, there is no justification for prohibiting slavery anywhere, save only in the assump- tion that slavery is wrong; and whenever the sentiment that slavery is wrong shall give way in the North, all legal pro- hibitions of it will also give way. If it be insisted that men may support Douglas's meas- ures without adopting his sentiments, let it be tested by what is actually passing before us. You can even now find no Douglas man who will disavow any one of these sentiments ; and none but will actually indorse them if pressed to the point. Five years ago no living man had placed on record, nor, as I believe, verbally expressed, a denial that negroes have a share in the Declaration of Independence. Two or three years since, Douglas began to deny it ; and now every Doug- las man in the nation denies it. To the same effect is the absurdity compounded of sup- port to the Dred Scott decision, and legislation unfriendly to slavery by the Territories — the absurdity which asserts that a thing may be lawfully driven from a place, at which place it has a lawful right to remain. That absurd position will not be long maintained by any one. The Dred Scott half of it will soon master the other half. The process will probably be about this: some territorial legislature will adopt unfriendly legislation; the Supreme Court will de- cide that legislation to be unconstitutional, and then the advocates of the present compound absurdity will acquiesce in the decision. The only effect of that position now is to 156 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN prepare its advocates for such acquiescence when the time comes. Like wood for ox-bows, they are merely being soaked in it preparatory to the bending. [From an address at Cooper institute, New York, 27 Feb- ruary I860.] And now, if they would listen,— as I suppose they will not,— I would address a few words to the Southern people. I would say to them: You consider yourselves a reason- able and a just people; and I consider that in the general qualities of reason and justice you are not inferior to any other people. Still, when you speak of us Republicans, you do so only to denounce us as reptiles, or, at the best, as no better than outlaws. You will grant a hearing to pirates or murderers, but nothing like it to "Black Republicans." In all your contentions with one another, each of you deems an unconditional condemnation of "Black Republicanism" as the first thing to be attended to. Indeed, such condemna- tion of us seems to be an indispensable prerequisite— license, so to speak— among you to be admitted or permitted to speak at all. Now can you or not be prevailed upon to pause and to consider whether this is quite just to us, or even to yourselves? Bring forward your charges and speci- fications, and then be patient long enough to hear us deny or justify. You say we are sectional. We deny it. That makes an issue; and the burden of proof is upon you. You produce your proof; and what is it? Why, that our party has no existence in your section— gets no votes in your section. The fact is substantially true; but does it prove the issue? If it does, then in case we should, without change of prin- ciple, begin to get votes in your section, we should thereby cease to be sectional. You cannot escape this conclusion; 157 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES and yet^ are you willing to abide by it? If you are, you will probably soon find that we have ceased to be sectional, for we shall get votes in your section this very year. You will then begin to discover, as the truth plainly is, that your proof does not touch the issue. The fact that we get no votes in your section is a fact of your making, and not of ours. And if there be fault in that fact, that fault is pri- marily yours, and remains so until you show that we repel you by some wrong principle or practice. If we do repel you by any wrong principle or practice, the fault is ours; but this brings you to where you ought to have started — to a discussion of the right or wrong of our principle. If our principle, put in practice, would wrong your section for the benefit of ours, or for any other object, then our principle, and we with it, are sectional, and are justly opposed and denounced as such. Meet us, then, on the question of whether our principle, put in practice, would wrong your section; and so meet us as if it were possible tint some- thing may be said on our side. Do you accept the challenge ? No ! Then you really believe that the principle which "our fathers who framed the government under which we live" thought so clearly right as to adopt it, and indorse it again and again, upon their official oaths, is in fact so clearly wrong as to demand your condemnation without a moment's consideration. Some of you delight to flaunt in our faces the warning against sectional parties given by Washington in his Fare- well Address. Less than eight years before Washington gave that warning, he had, as President of the United States, approved and signed an act of Congress enforcing the pro- hibition of slavery in the Northwestern Territory, which act embodied the policy of the government upon that sub- ject up to and at the very moment he penned that warning; and about one year after he penned it, he wrote Lafayette 158 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN that he considered that prohibition a wise measure, express- ing in the same connection his hope that we should at some time have a confederacy of free States. Bearing this in mind, and seeing that sectionalism has since arisen upon this same subject, is that warning a weapon in your hands against us, or in our hands against you? Could Washington himself speak, would he cast the blame of that sectionalism upon us, who sustain his policy, or upon you, who repudiate it? We respect that warning of Wash- ington, and we commend it to you, together with his ex- ample pointing to the right application of it. But you say you are conservative — eminently conserva- tive — while we are revolutionary, destructive, or something of the sort. What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried? We stick to, contend for, the identical old policy on the point in con- troversy which was adopted by "our fathers who framed the government under which we live"; while you with one accord reject, and scout, and spit upon that old policy, and insist upon substituting something new. True, you disagree among yourselves as to what that substitute shall be. You are divided on new propositions and plans, but you are unanimous in rejecting and denouncing the old policy of the fathers. Some of you are for reviving the foreign slave- trade; some for a congressional slave code for the Terri- tories ; some for Congress forbidding the Territories to pro- hibit slavery within their limits; some for maintaining slavery in the Territories through the judiciary; some for the "gur-reat pur-rinciple" that "if one man would enslave another, no third man should object," fantastically called "popular sovereignty"; but never a man among you is in favor of Federal prohibition of slavery in Federal Terri- tories, according to the practice of "our fathers who framed the government under which we live." Not one of all your 159 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES various plans can show a precedent or an advocate in the century within which our government originated. Consider, then, whether your claim of conservatism for yourselves, and your charge of destructiveness against us, are based on the most clear and stable foundations. Again, you say we have made the slavery question more prominent than it formerly was. We deny it. We admit that it is more prominent, but we deny that we made it so. It was not we, but you, who discarded the old policy of the fathers. We resisted, and still resist, your innovation; and thence comes the greater prominence of the question. Would you have that question reduced to its former pro- portions? Go back to that old policy. What has been will be again, under the same conditions. If you would have the peace of the old times, readopt the precepts and policy of the old times. You charge that we stir up insurrections among your slaves. We deny it; and what is your proof? Harper's Ferry ! John Brown ! ! John Brown was no Republican ; and you have failed to implicate a single Republican in his Har- per's Ferry enterprise. If any member of our party is guilty in that matter, you know it, or you do not know it. If you do know it, you are inexcusable for not designating the man and proving the fact. If you do not know it, you are inexcusable for asserting it, and especially for persisting in the assertion after you have tried and failed to make the proof. You need not be told that persisting in a charge which one does not know to be true, is simply malicious slander. Some of you admit that no Republican designedly aided or encouraged the Harper's Ferry affair, but still insist that our doctrines and declarations necessarily lead to such re- sults. We do not believe it. We know we hold no doctrine, and make no declaration, which were not held to and made 160 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN by "our fathers who framed the government under which we live." You never dealt fairly by us in relation to this affair. When it occurred, some important State elections were near at hand, and you were in evident glee with the belief that, by charging the blame upon us, you could get an advantage of us in those elections. The elections came, and your expectations were not quite fulfilled. Every Re- publican man knew that, as to himself at least, your charge was a slander, and he was not much inclined by it to cast his vote in your favor. Republican doctrines and declara- tions are accompanied with a continual protest against any interference whatever with your slaves, or with you about your slaves. Surely, this does not encourage them to revolt. True, we do, in common with "our fathers who framed the government under which we live," declare our belief that slavery is wrong; but the slaves do not hear us declare even this. For anything we say or do, the slaves would scarcely know there is a Republican party. I believe they would not, in fact, generally know it but for your misrepresenta- tions of us in their hearing. In your political contests among yourselves, each faction charges the other with sympathy with Black Republicanism; and then, to give point to the charge, defines Black Republicanism to simply be insurrec- tion, blood, and thunder among the slaves. Slave insurrections are no more common now than they were before the Republican party was organized. What induced the Southampton insurrection, twenty-eight years ago, in which at least three times as many lives were lost as at Harper's Ferry? You can scarcely stretch your very elastic fancy to the conclusion that Southampton was "got up by Black Republicanism." In the present state of things in the United States, I do not think a general, or even a very extensive, slave insurrection is possible. The indis- pensable concert of action cannot be attained. The slaves 161 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES have no means of rapid communication ; nor can incendiary freemen, black or white, supply it. The explosive materials are everywhere in parcels; but there neither are, nor can be supplied, the indispensable connecting trains. Much is said by Southern people about the affection of slaves for their masters and mistresses; and a part of it, at least, is true. A plot for an uprising could scarcely be devised and communicated to twenty individuals before some one of them, to save the life of a favorite master or mistress, would divulge it. This is the rule; and the slave revolution in Hayti was not an exception to it, but a case occurring under peculiar circumstances. The gunpowder plot of British history, though not connected with slaves, was more in point. In that case, only about twenty were admitted to the secret; and yet one of them, in his anxiety to save a friend, betrayed the plot to that friend, and, by consequence, averted the calamity. Occasional poisonings from the kitchen, and open or stealthy assassinations in the ifield, and local revolts extending to a score or so, will con- tinue to occur as the natural results of slavery; but no gen- eral insurrection of slaves, as I think, can happen in this country for a long time. Whoever much fears, or much hopes for, such an event, will be alike disappointed. In the language of Mr. Jefferson, uttered many years ago, "It is still in our power to direct the process of emancipa- tion and deportation peaceably, and in such slow degrees, as that the evil will wear off insensibly ; and their places be, pari passu, filled up by free white laborers. If, on the con- trary, it is left to force itself on, human nature must shud- der at the prospect held up." Mr. Jefferson did not mean to say, nor do I, that the power of emancipation is in the Federal Government. He spoke of Virginia; and, as to the power of emancipation, I speak of the slaveholding States only. The Federal Gov- 162 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN ernraent, however, as we insist, has the power of restrain- ing the extension of the institution — the power to insure that a slave insurrection shall never occur on any American soil which is now free from slavery. John Brown's effort was peculiar. It was not a slave in- surrection. It was an attempt by white men to get up a revolt among slaves, in which the slaves refused to partici- pate. In fact, it was so absurd that the slaves, with all their ignorance, saw plainly enough it could not succeed. That affair, in its philosophy, corresponds with the many attempts, related in history, at the assassination of kings and emperors. An enthusiast broods over the oppression of a people till he fancies himself commissioned by Heaven to liberate them. He ventures the attempt, which ends in little else than his own execution. Orsini's attempt on Louis Napoleon, and John Brown's attempt at Harper's Ferry, were, in their philosophy, precisely the same. The eagerness to cast blame on old England in the one case, and on New England in the other, does not disprove the sameness of the two things. And how much would it avail you, if you could, by the use of John Brown, Helper's Book, and the like, break up the Republican organization.^ Human action can be modi- fied to some extent, but human nature cannot be changed. There is a judgment and a feeling against slavery in this nation, which cast at least a million and a half of votes. You cannot destroy that judgment and feeling — that sen- timent — by breaking up the political organization which rallies around it. You can scarcely scatter and disperse an army which has been formed into order in the face of your heaviest fire; but if you could, how much would you gain by forcing the sentiment which created it out of the peace- ful channel of the ballot-box into some other channel.'' What would that other channel probably be.'' Would the 163 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES number of John Browns be lessened or enlarged by the operation ? But you will break up the Union rather than submit to a denial of your constitutional rights. That has a somewhat reckless sound; but it would be palliated, if not fully justified, were we proposing, by the mere force of numbers, to deprive you of some right plainly written down in the Constitution. But we are proposing no such thing. When you make these declarations you have a specific and well-understood allusion to an assumed constitutional right of yours to take slaves into the Federal Territories, and to hold them there as property. But no such right is specifically written in the Constitution. That instrument is literally silent about any such right. We, on the contrary, deny that such a right has any existence in the Constitution, even by implication. Your purpose, then, plainly stated, is that you will de- stroy the government, unless you be allowed to construe and force the Constitution as you please, on all points in dispute between you and us. You will rule or ruin in all events. This, plainly stated, is your language. Perhaps you will say the Supreme Court has decided tLe disputed constitu- tional question in your favor. Not quite so. But waiving the lawyer's distinction between dictum and decision, the court has decided the question for you in a sort of way. The court has substantially said, it is your constitutional right to take slaves into the Federal Territories, and to hold them there as property. When I say the decision was made in a sort of way, I mean it was made in a divided court, by a bare majority of the judges, and they not quite agreeing with one another in the reasons for making it; that it is so made as that its avowed supporters disagree with one an- other about its meaning, and that it was mainly based upon 164 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN a mistaken statement of fact — the statement in the opinion that "the right of property in a slave is distinctly and ex- pressly affirmed in the Constitution." An inspection of the Constitution will show that the riglit of property in a slave is not "distinctly and expressly af- firmed" in it. Bear in mind, the judges do not pledge their judicial opinion that such right is impliedly affirmed in the Constitution ; but they pledge their veracity that it is "dis- tinctly and expressly" affirmed there — "distinctly," that is, not mingled with anything else — "expressly," that is, in words meaning just that, without the aid of any inference, and susceptible of no other meaning. If they had only pledged their judicial opinion that such right is affirmed in the instrument by implication, it would be open to others to show that neither the word "slave" nor "slavery" is to be found in the Constitution, nor the word "property" even, in any connection with language alluding to the things slave, or slavery; and that wherever in that instrument the slave is alluded to, he is called a "person"; and wherever his master's legal right in relation to him is alluded to, it is spoken of as "service or labor which may be due" — as a debt payable in service or labor. Also it would be open to show, by contemporaneous history, that this mode of alluding to slaves and slavery, instead of speak- ing of them, was employed on purpose to exclude from the Constitution the idea that there could be property in man. To show all this is easy and certain. When this obvious mistake of the judges shall be brouglit to their notice, is it not reasonable to expect that they will withdraw the mistaken statement, and reconsider the con- clusion based upon it? And then it is to be remembered that "our fathers who framed the government under which we live" — the men who made the Constitution — decided this same constitutional 165 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES question in our favor long ago: decided it without division among themselves when making the decision; without di- vision among themselves about the meaning of it after it was made, and, so far as any evidence is left, without basing it upon any mistaken statement of facts. Under all these circumstances, do you really feel your- selves justified to break up this government unless such a court decision as yours is shall be at once submitted to as a conclusive and final rule of political action? But you will not abide the election of a Republican president! In that supposed event, you say, you will destroy the Union; and then, you say, the great crime of having destroyed it will be upon us ! That is cool. A highwayman holds a pistol to my ear, and mutters through his teeth, "Stand and deliver, or I shall kill you, and then you will be a mur- derer !'* To be sure, what the robber demanded of me — my money — was my own; and I had a clear right to keep it; but it was no more my own than my vote is my own; and the threat of death to me, to extort my money, and the threat of destruction to the Union, to extort my vote, can scarcely be distinguished in principle. A few words now to Republicans. It is exceedingly de- sirable that all parts of this great Confederacy shall be at peace, and in harmony one with another. Let us Repub- licans do our part to have it so. Even though much pro- voked, let us do nothing through passion and ill temper. Even though the Southern people will not so much as listen to us, let us calmly consider their demands, and yield to them if, in our deliberate view of our duty, we possibly can. Judging by all they say and do, and by the subject and nature of their controversy with us, let us determine, if we can, what will satisfy them. Will they be satisfied if the Territories be unconditionally 166 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN surrendered to them ? We know they will not. In all their present complaints against us, the Territories are scarcely- mentioned. Invasions and insurrections are the rage now. Will it satisfy them if, in the future, we have nothing to do with invasions and insurrections.'' We know it will not. We so know, because we know we never had anything to do with invasions and insurrections; and yet this total ab- staining does not exempt us from the charge and the de- nunciation. The question recurs, What will satisfy them? Simply this: we must not only let them alone, but we must some- how convince them that we do let them alone. This, we know by experience, is no easy task. We have been so trying to convince them from the very beginning of our organization, but with no success. In all our platforms and speeches we have constantly protested our purpose to let them alone; but this has had no tendency to convince them. Alike unavailing to convince them is the fact that they have never detected a man of us in any attempt to disturb them. These natural and apparently adequate means all failing, what will convince them ? This, and this only : cease to call slavery wrong, and join them in calling it right. And this must be done thoroughly — done in acts as well as in words. Silence will not be tolerated — we must place ourselves avowedly with them. Senator Douglas's new sedition law must be enacted and enforced, suppressing all declarations that slavery is wrong, whether made in politics, in presses, in pulpits, or in private. We must arrest and return their fugitive slaves with greedy pleasure. We must pull down our free-State constitutions. The whole atmosphere must be disinfected from all taint of opposition to slavery, before they will cease to believe that all their troubles proceed from us. 167 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES forever find, their way to Europe by New York, to South America and Africa by New Orleans, and to Asia by San Francisco. But separate our common country into two na- tions, as designed by the present rebellion, and every man of this great interior region is thereby cut off from some one or more of these outlets — not, perhaps, by a physical barrier, but by embarrassing and onerous trade regulations. And this is true wherever a dividing or boundary line may be fixed. Place it between the now free and slave coun- try, or place it south of Kentucky or north of Ohio, and still the truth remains that none south of it can trade to any port or place north of it, and none north of it can trade to any port or place south of it, except upon terras dictated by a government foreign to them. These outlets, east, west, and south, are indispensable to the well-being of the people inhabiting, and to inhabit, this vast interior region. Which of the three may be the best, is no proper question. All are better than either; and all of right belong to that people and to their successors forever. True to themselves, they will not ask where a line of separation shall be, but will vow rather that there shall be no such line. Nor are the mar- ginal regions less interested in these communications to and through them to the great outside world. They, too, and each of them, must have access to this Egypt of the West without paying toll at the crossing of any national boundary. Our national strife springs not from our permanent part, not from the land we inhabit, not from our national home- stead. There is no possible severing of this but would mul- tiply, and not mitigate, evils among us. In all its adapta^ tions and aptitudes it demands union and abhors separation. In fact, it would ere long force reunion, however much of blood and treasure the separation might have cost. Our strife pertains to ourselves — ^to the passing genera- 268 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN tions of men; and it can without convulsion be hushed for- ever with the passing of one generation. We say we are for the Union. The world will not forget that we say this. We know how to save the Union. The world knows we do know how to save it. We — even we here — hold the power and bear the responsibility. In giving freedom to the slave_, we assure freedom to the free — hon- orable alike in what we give and what we preserve. We shall nobly save or meanly lose the last_, best hope of earth. Other means may succeed; this could not fail. The way is plain, peaceful, generous, just — a way which, if followed, the world will forever applaud, and God must forever bless. [Letter to army of the Potomac, Washington, 22 Decem- ber 1862.] To the Army of the Potomac: I have just read your com- manding gieneral's report of the battle of Fredericksburg. Although you were not successful, the attempt was not an error, nor the failure other than accident. The courage with which you, in an open field, maintained the contest against an intrenched foe, and the consummate skill and success with which you crossed and recrossed the river in the face of the enemy, show that you possess all the qualities of a great army, which will yet give victory to the cause of the country and of popular government. Condoling with the mourners for the dead, and sympa- thizing with the severely wounded, I congratulate you that the number of both is comparatively so small. I tender to you, officers and soldiers, the thanks of the nation. 269 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES effect upon the minds of the owners is that of property, and nothing else; it induces them to insist upon all that will favorably affect its value as property, to demand laws and institutions and a public policy that shall increase and secure its value, and make it durable, lasting, and universal. The effect on the minds of the owners is to persuade them that there is no wrong in it. The slaveholder does not like to be considered a mean fellow for holding that species of property, and hence he has to struggle within himself, and sets about arguing himself into the belief that slavery is right. The property influences his mind. The dissenting minister who argued some theological point with one of the established church was always met by the reply, "I can't see it so." He opened the Bible and pointed him to a pas- sage, but the orthodox minister replied, "I can't see it so." Then he showed him a single word — "Can you see that?" "Yes, I see it," was the reply. The dissenter laid a guinea over the word, and asked, "Do you see it now.^" So here. Whether the owners of this species of property do really see it as it is, it is not for me to say; but if they do, they see it as it is through two billions of dollars, and that is a pretty thick coating. Certain it is that they do not see it as we see it. Certain it is that this two thousand million of dollars invested in this species of property is all so con- centrated that the mind can grasp it at once. This immense pecuniary interest has its influence upon their minds. But here in Connecticut and at the North slavery does not exist, and we see it through no such medium. To us it appears natural to think that slaves are human beings ; men, not property ; that some of the things, at least, stated about men in the Declaration of Independence apply to them as well as to us. I say we think, most of us, that this charter of freedom applies to the slave as well as to ourselves ; that the class of arguments put forward to batter down that idea 170 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN are also calculated to break down the very idea of free gov- ernment^ even for white men^ and to undermine the very foundations of free society. We think slavery a great moral wrongs and while we do not claim the right to touch it where it exists_, we wish to treat it as a wrong in the Terri- tories, where our votes will reach it. We think that a re- spect for ourselves, a regard for future generations and for the God that made us, require that we put down this wrong where our votes will properly reach it. We think that species of labor an injury to free white men — in short, we think slavery a great moral, social, and political evil, tolerable only because, and so far as, its actual existence makes it necessary to tolerate it, and that beyond that it ought to be treated as a wrong. Now these two ideas — the property idea that slavery is right and the idea that it is wrong — come into collision, and do actually produce that irrepressible conflict which Mr. Seward has been so roundly abused for mentioning. The two ideas conflict, and must forever conflict. Again, in its political aspect does anything in any way endanger the perpetuity of this Union but that single thing — slavery? Many of our adversaries are anxious to claim that they are specially devoted to the Union, and take pains to charge upon us hostility to the Union. Now we claim that we are the only true Union men, and we put to them this one proposition: What ever endangered this Union save and except slavery? Did any other thing ever cause a moment's fear ? All men must agree that this thing alone has ever endangered the perpetuity of the Union. But if it was threatened by any other influence, would not all men say that the best thing that could be done, if we could not or ought not to destroy it, would be at least to keep it from growing any larger? Can any man believe that the way to save the Union is to extend and increase the 171 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES only thing that threatens the Union, and to suffer it to grow bigger and bigger? Whenever this question shall be settled, it must be settled on some philosophical basis. No policy that does not rest upon philosophical public opinion can be permanently main- tained. And hence there are but two policies in regard to slavery that can be at all maintained. The first, based on the property view that slavery is right, conforms to that idea throughout, and demands that we shall do everything for it that we ought to do if it were right. We must sweep away all opposition, for opposition to the right is wrong; we must agree that slavery is right, and we must adopt the idea that property has persuaded the owner to believe, that slavery is morally right and socially elevating. This gives a philosophical basis for a permanent policy of encourage- ment. The other policy is one that squares with the idea that slavery is wrong, and it consists in doing everything that we ought to do if it is wrong. Now I don't wish to be mis- understood, nor to leave a gap down to be misrepresented, even. I don't mean that we ought to attack it where it exists. To me it seems that if we were to form a government anew, in view of the actual presence of slavery we should find it necessary to frame just such a government as our fathers did: giving to the slaveholder the entire control where the system was established, while we possess the power to re- strain it from going outside those limits. From the neces- sities of the case we should be compelled to form just such a government as our blessed fathers gave us; and surely if they have so made it, that adds another reason why we should let slavery alone where it exists. If I saw a venomous snake crawling in the road, any man would say I might seize the nearest stick and kill it; but if I found that snake in bed with my children, that would 172 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN be another question. I might hurt the children more than the snake, and it might bite them. Much more, if I found it in bed with my neighbor's children, and I had bound myself by a solemn compact not to meddle with his children under any circumstances, it would become me to let that particular mode of getting rid of the gentleman alone. But if there was a bed newly made up, to which the children were to be taken, and it was proposed to take a batch of young snakes and put them there with them, I take it no man would say there was any question how I ought to decide ! That is just the case. The new Territories are the newly made bed to which our children are to go, and it lies with the nation to say whether they shall have snakes mixed up with them or not. It does not seem as if there could be much hesitation what our policy should be. Now I have spoken of a policy based on the idea that sla- very is wrong, and a policy based upon the idea that it is right. But an effort has been made for a policy that shall treat it as neither right nor wrong. It is based upon utter indifference. Its leading advocate has said: "I don't care whether it be voted up or down." "It is merely a matter of dollars and cents." "The Almighty has drawn a line across this continent, on one side of which all soil must forever be cultivated by slave labor, and on the other by free." "When the struggle is between the white man and the negro, I am for the white man; when it is between the negro and the crocodile, I am for the negro." Its central idea is indifference. It holds that it makes no more differ- ence to us whether the Territories become free or slave States, than whether my neighbor stocks his farm with horned cattle or puts it into tobacco. All recognize this policy, the plausible sugar-coated name of which is "popular sov- ereignty." 173 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES That saying, "In the struggle between the white man and the negro," etc., which, I know, came from the same source as this policy — that saying marks another step. There is a falsehood wrapped up in that statement. "In the struggle between the white man and the negro," assumes that there is a struggle, in which either the white man must enslave the negro or the negro must enslave the white. There is no such struggle. It is merely an ingenious falsehood to degrade and brutalize the negro. Let each let the other alone, and there is no struggle about it. If it was like two wrecked seamen on a narrow plank, where each must push the other off or drown himself, I would push the negro off • — or a white man either; but it is not: the plank is large enough for both. This good earth is plenty broad enough for white man and negro both, and there is no need of either pushing the other off. So that saying, "In the struggle between the negro and the crocodile," etc., is made up from the idea that down where the crocodile inhabits, a white man can't labor; it must be nothing else but crocodile or negro; if the negro does not, the crocodile must possess the earth; in that case he declares for the negro. The meaning of the whole is just this: As a white man is to a negro, so is a negro to a crocodile; and as the negro may rightfully treat the croco- dile, so may the white man rightfully treat the negro. This very dear phrase coined by its author, and so dear that he deliberately repeats it in many speeches, has a tendency to still further brutalize the negro, and to bring public opinion to the point of utter indifference whether men so brutalized are enslaved or not. When that time shall come, if ever, I think that policy to which I refer may prevail. But I hope the good free men of this country will never allow it to come, and until then the policy can never be maintained. 174 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN [Letter to E. Stafford_, Springfield, Illinois, 17 March I860.] Dear Sir: Reaching home on the 14th instant, I found yours of the 1st. Thanking you very sincerely for your kind purposes toward me, I am compelled to say the money part of the arrangement you propose is, with me, an impossibility. I could not raise ten thousand dollars if it would save me from the fate of John Brown. Nor have my friends, so far as I know, yet reached the point of staking any money on my chances of success. I wish I could tell you better things, but it is even so. [Letter to Samuel Galloway, Chicago, 24 March I860.] Ml/ dear Sir: I am here attending a trial in court. Be- fore leaving home I received your kind letter of the 15th. Of course I am gratified to know I have friends in Ohio who are disposed to give me the highest evidence of their friendship and confidence. Mr. Parrott, of the legislature, had written me to the same effect. If I have any chance, it consists mainly in the fact that the whole opposition would vote for me, if nominated. (I don't mean to include the pro-slavery opposition of the South, of course.) My name is new in the field, and I suppose I am not the first choice of a very great many. Our policy, then, is to give no of- fense to others — leave them in a mood to come to us if they shall be compelled to give up their first love. This, too, is dealing justly with all, and leaving us in a mood to sup- port heartily whoever shall be nominated. I believe I have once before told you that I especially wish to do no ungenerous thing toward Governor Chase, because he gave us his sympathy in 1858 when scarcely any other distin- 175 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES guished man did. Whatever you may do for me, consistently with these suggestions^ will be appreciated and gratefully remembered. [Reply to the committee sent by the Chicago convention to inform Lincoln of his nomination 19 May I860.] Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Committee: I ten- der to you, and through you to the Republican National Convention, and all the people represented in it, my pro- foundest thanks for the high honor done me, which you now formally announce. Deeply and even painfully sensible of the great responsibility which is inseparable from this high honor — a responsibility which I could almost wish had fallen upon some one of the far more eminent men and experienced statesmen whose distinguished names were be- fore the convention — I shall, by your leave, consider more fully the resolutions of the convention, denominated the plat- form, and without any unnecessary or unreasonable delay respond to you, Mr. Chairman, in writing, not doubting that the platform will be found satisfactory, and the nom- ination gratefully accepted. And now I will not longer defer the pleasure of taking you, and each of you, by the hand. [Letter to Hon. George Ashmun, president Republican na- tional convention, Springfield, Illinois, 23 May I860.] Sir: I accept the nomination tendered me by the con- vention over which you presided, and of which I am for- mally apprised in the letter of yourself and others, acting as a commmittee of the convention for that purpose. The declaration of principles and sentiments which ac- 176 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN companies your letter meets my approval; and it shall be my care not to violate or disregard it in any part. Imploring the assistance of Divine Providence^ and with due regard to the views and feelings of all who were rep- resented in the convention — to the rights of all the States and Territories and people of the nation ; to the inviolability of the Constitution ; and the perpetual union, harmony, and prosperity of all — I am most happy to cooperate for the practical success of the principles declared by the conven- tion. [Remarks at Springfield, Illinois, 14 August I860.] My Fellow-citizens: I appear among you upon this occa- sion with no intention of making a speech. It has been my purpose since I have been placed in my present position to make no speeches. This assemblage hav- ing been drawn together at the place of my residence, it appeared to be the wish of those constituting this vast as- sembly to see me; and it is certainly my wish to see all of you. I appear upon the ground here at this time only for the purpose of affording myself the best opportunity of seeing you, and enabling you to see me. I confess with gratitude, be it understood, that I did not suppose my appearance among you would create the tumult which I now witness. I am profoundly grateful for this manifestation of your feelings, I am grateful, because it is a tribute such as can be paid to no man as a man; it is the evidence that four years from this time you will give a like manifestation to the next man who is the representa- tive of the truth on the questions that now agitate the public ; and it is because you will then fight for this cause as you do now, or with even greater ardor than now, though I be dead and gone, that I most profoundly and sincerely thank you. 177 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES Having said this much^ allow me now to say that it is my wish that you will hear this public discussion by others of our friends who are present for the purpose of address- ing you, and that you will kindly let me be silent. [Letter to Miss Grace Bedell, Springfield, Illinois, 19 October I860.] My dear little Miss: Your very agreeable letter of the 15th is received. I regret the necessity of saying I have no daughter. I have three sons — one seventeen, one nine, and one seven years of age. They, with their mother, con- stitute my whole family. As to the whiskers, having never worn any, do you not think people would call it a piece of silly affectation if I were to begin it now.^ [Letter to William S. Speer, Springfield, Illinois, 23 October I860.] My dear Sir: Yours of the ISth was duly received. I appreciate your motive when you suggest the propriety of my writing for the public something disclaiming all inten- tion to interfere with slaves or slavery in the States; but in my judgment it would do no good. I have already done this many, many times; and it is in print, and open to all who will read. Those who will not read or heed what I have already publicly said would not read or heed a repe- tition of it. "If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead." 178 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN [Letter to Hon. Truman Smith, Springfield, Illinois, 10 November I860.] My dear Sir: This is intended as a strictly private letter to you, and not as an answer to yours brought me by Mr. . It is with the most profound appreciation of your motive, and highest respect for your judgment, too, that I feel constrained, for the present at least, to make no decla- ration for the public. First. I could say nothing which I have not already said, and which is in print, and open for the inspection of all. To press a repetition of this upon those who have listened, is useless ; to press it upon those who have refused to listen, and still refuse, would be wanting in self-respect, and would have an appearance of sycophancy and timidity which would excite the contempt of good men and encourage bad ones to clamor the more loudly. I am not insensible to any commercial or financial depres- sion that may exist, but nothing is to be gained by fawning around the ''respectable scoundrels" w^ho got it up. Let them go to work and repair the mischief of their own mak- ing, and then perhaps they will be less greedy to do the like again. [Remarks at the meeting at Springfield, Illinois, to celebrate Lincoln's election 20 November I860.] Friends and Fellow-citizens : Please excuse me on this occasion from making a speech. I thank you in common with all those who have thought fit by their votes to indorse the Republican cause. I rejoice with you in the success which has thus far attended that cause. Yet in all our re- joicings, let us neither express nor cherish any hard feelings 179 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES toward any citizen who by his vote has differed with us. Let us at all times remember that all American citizens are brothers of a common country, and should dwell together in the bonds of fraternal feeling. Let me again beg you to accept my thanks^ and to excuse me from further speak- ing at this time. [Reply to William Kellogg, M.C., who wrote asking advice^ 11 December I860.] Entertain no proposition for a compromise in regard to the extension of slavery. The instant you do they have us under again: all our labor is lost, and sooner or later must be done over. Douglas is sure to be again trying to bring in his "popular sovereignty." Have none of it. The tug has to come, and better now than later. You know I think the fugitive-slave clause of the Constitution ought to be en- forced — to put it in its mildest form^ ought not to be re- sisted. [Letter to A. H. Stephens, Springfield, Illinois, 22 Decem- ber I860.] My dear Sir: Your obliging answer to my short note is just received, and for which please accept my thanks. I fully appreciate the present peril the country is in, and the weight of responsibility on me. Do the people of the South really entertain fears that a Republican administration would, directly or indirectly, interfere with the slaves, or with them about the slaves.^ If they do, I wish to assure you, as once a friend, and still, I hope, not an enemy, that there is no cause for such fears. The South would be in no more danger in this respect than it was in the daj^s of Washington. I suppose, however, this does not meet the 180 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN case. You think slavery is right and ought to be extended, while we think it is wrong and ought to be restricted. That, I suppose, is the rub. It certainly is the only substantial difference between us. [Letter to Hon. J. T. Hale, Springfield, Illinois, 11 January 1861.] My dear Sir: Yours of the 6th is received. I answer it only because I fear you would misconstrue my silence. What is our present condition? We have just carried an election on principles fairly stated to the people. Now we are told in advance the government shall be broken up unless we surrender to those we have beaten, before we take the offices. In this they are either attempting to play upon us or they are in dead earnest. Either way, if we surrender, it is the end of us and of the government. They will re- peat the experiment upon us ad libitum. A year will not pass till we shall have to take Cuba as a condition upon which they will stay in the Union. They now have the Constitution under which we have lived over seventy years, and acts of Congress of their own framing, with no prospect of their being changed; and they can never have a more shallow pretext for breaking up the government, or extort- ing a compromise, than now. There is in my judgment but one compromise which would really settle the slavery ques- tion, and that would be a prohibition against acquiring any more territory. [Address of farewell, Springfield, Illinois, 11 February 1861.] My Friends: No one, not in my situation, can appreciate my feeling of sadness at this parting. To this place, and 181 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES the kindness of these people, I owe everything. Here I have lived a quarter of a century, and have passed from a young to an old man. Here my children have been born, and one is buried. I now leave, not knowing when or whether ever I may return, with a task before me greater than that which rested upon Washington. Without the assistance of that Divine Being who ever attended him, I cannot succeed. With that assistance, I cannot fail. Trusting in him who can go with me, and remain with you, and be everywhere for good, let us confidently hope that all will yet be well. To his care commending you, as I hope in your prayers you will commend me, I bid you an affectionate farewell. [Reply to address of welcome at Indianapolis, Indiana, 11 February 1861.] Governor Morton and Fellow-citizens of the State of Indiana: Most heartily do I thank you for this magnificent reception; and while I cannot take to myself any share of the compliment thus paid, more than that which pertains to a mere instrument — an accidental instrument perhaps I should say — of a great cause, I yet must look upon it as a magnificent reception, and as such most heartily do I thank you for it. You have been pleased to address your- self to me chiefly in behalf of this glorious Union in which we live, in all of which you have my hearty sympathy, and, as far as may be within my power, will have, one and insep- arably, my hearty cooperation. While I do not expect, upon this occasion, or until I get to Washington, to attempt any lengthy speech, I will only say that to the salvation of the Union there needs but one single thing, the hearts of a people like yours. When the peojjle rise in mass in behalf of the Union and the liberties of this country, truly may it be said, "The gates of hell cannot prevail against 182 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN them." In all trying positions in which I shall be placed, and doubtless I shall be placed in many such, my reliance will be upon you and the people of the United States; and I wish you to remember, now and forever, that it is your business, and not mine; that if the union of these States and the liberties of this people shall be lost, it is but little to any one man of fifty-two years of age, but a great deal to the thirty millions of people who inhabit these United States, and to their posterity in all coming time. It is your business to rise up and preserve the Union and liberty for yourselves, and not for me. I appeal to you again to con- stantly bear in mind that not with politicians, not with Pres- idents, not with office-seekers, but with you, is the question: Shall the Union and shall the liberties of this country be preserved to the latest generations.'' [From an address to the legislature of Ohio at Columbus, 13 February 1861.] Mr. President and Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen of the General Assembly of Ohio: It is true, as has been said by the president of the Senate, that very great responsibility rests upon me in the position to which the votes of the American people have called me. I am deeply sensible of that weighty responsibility. I cannot but know what you all know, that without a name, perhaps without a reason why I should have a name, there has fallen upon me a task such as did not rest even upon the Father of his Country; and so feeling, I can turn and look for that support without which it will be impossible for me to perform that great task. I turn, then, and look to the American people, and to that God who has never forsaken them. 183 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES [From an address at Cleveland^ Ohio, 15 February 1861.] Frequent allusion is made to the excitement at present ex- isting in our national politics^ and it is as well that I should also allude to it here. I think that there is no occasion for any excitement. I think the crisis^ as it is called, is alto- gether an artificial one. In all parts of the nation there are differences of opinion on politics; there are differences of opinion even here. You did not all vote for the person who now addresses you, although quite enough of you did for all practical purposes, to be sure. What they do who seek to destroy the Union is altogether artificial. What is happening to hurt them? Have they not all their rights now as they ever have had? Do not they have their fugitive slaves returned now as ever ? Have they not the same Constitution that they have lived under for seventy-odd years ? Have they not a position as citizens of this common country, and have we any power to change that position? [Cries of "No!"] What then is the matter with them? Why all this excitement? Why all these com- plaints ? As I said before, this crisis is altogether artificial. It has no foundation in fact. It can't be argued up, and it can't be argued down. Let it alone, and it will go down of itself. There is one feature that causes me great pleasure, and that is to learn that this reception is given, not alone by those with whom I chance to agree politically, but by all parties. I think I am not selfish when I say this is as it should be. If Judge Douglas had been chosen President of the United States, and had this evening been passing through your city, the Republicans should have joined his supporters in welcoming him just as his friends have joined with mine to-night. If we do not make common cause to 184 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN save the good old ship of the Union on this voyage^ nobody will have a chance to pilot her on another voyage. To all of you, then, who have done me the honor to par- ticipate in this cordial welcome, I return most sincerely my thanks, not for myself, but for Liberty, the Constitution, and Union. I bid you an affectionate farewell. [Address at Utica, New York, 18 February 1861.] Ladies and Gentlemen: I have no speech to make to you, and no time to speak in. I api3ear before you that I may see you, and that you may see me; and I am willing to admit, that so far as the ladies are concerned, I have the best of the bargain, though I wish it to be understood that I do not make the same acknowledgment concerning the men. [Address to the senate of New Jersey at Trenton, 21 February 1861.] Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Senate of the State of New Jersey : I am very grateful to you for the honorable reception of which I have been the object. I cannot but remember the place that New Jersey holds in our early his- tory. In the Revolutionary struggle few of the States among the Old Thirteen had more of the battle-fields of the country within their limits than New Jersey. May I be pardoned if, upon this occasion, I mention that away back in my childhood, the earliest days of my being able to read, I got hold of a small book, such a one as few of the younger members have ever seen — Weems' "Life of Washington." I remember all the accounts there given of the battle-fields and struggles for the liberties of the coun- 185 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES try, and none fixed themselves upon my imagination so deeply as the struggle here at Trenton, New Jersey. The crossing of the river, the contest with the Hessians, the great hardships endured at that time, all iixed themselves on my memory more than any single Revolutionary event; and you all know, for you have all been boys, how these early impressions last longer than any others. I recollect thinking then, boy even though I was, that there must have been something more than common that these men struggled for. I am exceedingly anxious that that thing — that something even more than national independence; that something that held out a great promise to all the people of the world to all time to come — I am ex- ceedingly anxious that this Union, the Constitution, and the liberties of the people shall be perpetuated in ac- cordance with the original idea for which that struggle was made, and I shall be most happy indeed if I shall be a humble instrument in the hands of the Almighty, and of this, his almost chosen people, for perpetuating the object of that great struggle. You give me this reception, as I understand, without distinction of party. I learn that this body is composed of a majority of gentlemen who, in the exercise of their best judgment in the choice of a chief magistrate, did not think I was the man. I understand, nevertheless, that they come forward here to greet me as the constitutionally elected President of the United States — as citizens of the United States to meet the man who, for the time being, is the representative of the majesty of the nation — united by the single purpose to perpetuate the Constitution, the Union, and the liberties of the people. As such, I accept this reception more gratefully than I could do did I believe it were tendered to me as an individual. 186 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN [Address in Independence hall^ Philadelphia, 22 February 1861.] Mr. Cuyler: I am filled with deep emotion at finding myself standing in this plaee^ where were collected together the wisdom, the patriotism, the devotion to principle, from which sprang the institutions under which we live. You have kindly suggested to me that in my hands is the task of restoring peace to our distracted country. I can say in return, sir, that all the political sentiments I entertain have been drawn, so far as I have been able to draw them, from the sentiments which originated in and were given to the world from this hall. I have never had a feeling, politically, that did not spring from the sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independence. I have often pondered over the dangers which were incurred by the men who assembled here and framed and adopted that Declaration. I have pondered over the toils that were endured by the officers and soldiers of the army who achieved that independence. I have often inquired of myself what great principle or idea it was that kept this Confederacy so long together. It was not the mere matter of separation of the colonies from the motherland, but that sentiment in the Declaration of In- dependence which gave liberty not alone to the people of this country, but hope to all the world, for all future time. It was that which gave promise that in due time the weights would be lifted from the shoulders of all men, and that all should have an equal chance. This is the sentiment em- bodied in the Declaration of Independence, Now, my friends, can this country be saved on that basis .^ If it can, I will consider myself one of the happiest men in the world if I can help to save it. If it cannot be saved upon that principle, it will be truly awful. But if this country 187 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES cannot be saved without giving up that principle, I was about to say I would rather be assassinated on this spot than surrender it. Now, in my view of the present aspect of affairs, there is no need of bloodshed and war. There is no necessity for it. I am not in favor of such a course ; and I may say in advance that there will be no bloodshed unless it is forced upon the government. The government will not use force, unless force is used against it. My friends, this is wholly an unprepared speech. I did not expect to be called on to say a word when I came here. I supposed I was merely to do something toward raising a flag. I may, therefore, have said something indiscreet. [Cries of "No, no."] But I have said nothing but what I am willing to live by, and, if it be the pleasure of Almighty God, to die by. [First inaugural address, Washington, 4 March 1861.] Fellow-citizens of the United States: In compliance with a custom as old as the government itself, I appear before you to address you briefly, and to take in your presence the oath prescribed by the Constitution of the United States to be taken by the President "before he enters on the execu- tion of his office." I do not consider it necessary at present for me to discuss those matters of administration about which there is no special anxiety or excitement. Apprehension seems to exist among the people of the Southern States that by the accession of a Republican ad- ministration their property and their peace and personal security are to be endangered. There has never been any reasonable cause for such apprehension. Indeed, the most ample evidence to the contrary has all the while existed and been open to their inspection. It is found in nearly all the 188 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN published speeches of him who now addresses you. I do but quote from one of those speeches when I declare that ''I have no purpose^ directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no in- clination to do so." Those who nominated and elected me did so with full knowledge that I had made this and many similar declarations, and had never recanted them. And, more than this, they placed in the platform for my accept- ance, and as a law to themselves and to me, the clear and emphatic resolution which I now read: Resolved, That the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the States, and especially the right of each State to order and control its own domestic institutions according to its own judgment exclusively, is essential to that balance of power on which the perfection and endurance of our polit- ical fabric depend, and we denounce the lawless inva- sion by armed force of the soil of any State or Terri- tory, no matter under what pretext, as among the grayest of crimes. I now reiterate these sentiments ; and, in doing so, I only press upon the public attention the most conclusive evidence of which the case is susceptible, that the property, peace, and security of no section are to be in any wise endangered by the now incoming administration. I add, too, that all the protection which, consistently with the Constitution and the laws, can be given, will be cheerfully given to all the States when lawfully demanded, for whatever cause — as cheerfully to one section as to another. There is much controversy about the delivering up of fugitives from service or labor. The clause I now read is as plainly written in the Constitution as any other of its provisions : 189 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES No person held to service or labor in one State, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall in consequence of any law or regulation therein be discharged from such ser- vice or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due. It is scarcely questioned that this provision was intended by those who made it for the reclaiming of what we call fugitive slaves ; and the intention of the lawgiver is the law. All members of Congress swear their support to the whole Constitution — to this provision as much as to any other. To the proposition, then, that slaves whose cases come within the terms of this clause "shall be delivered up," their oaths are unanimous. Now, if they would make the effort in good temper, could they not with nearly equal unanimity frame and pass a law by means of which to keep good that unan- imous oath? There is some difference of opinion whether this clause should be enforced by national or by State authority; but surely that difference is not a very material one. If the slave is to be surrendered, it can be of but little consequence to him or to others by which authority it is done. And should any one in any case be content that his oath shall go unkept on a merely unsubstantial controversy as to how it shall be kept? Again, in any law upon this subject, ought not all tlie safeguards of liberty known in civilized and humane juris- prudence to be introduced, so that a free man be not, in any case, surrendered as a slave ? And might it not be well at the same time to provide by law for the enforcement of that clause in the Constitution which guarantees that "the citizen of each State shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States"? I take the official oath to-day with no mental reservations, 190 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN and with no purpose to construe the Constitution or laws by any hypercritical rules. And while I do not choose now to specify particular acts of Congress as proper to be en- forced, I do suggest that it will be much safer for all, both in official and private stations, to conform to and abide by all those acts which stand unrepealed, than to violate any of them, trusting to find impunity in having them held to be unconstitutional. It is seventy-two years since the first inauguration of a President under our National Constitution. During that period fifteen different and greatly distinguished citizens have, in succession, administered the executive branch of the government. They have conducted it through many perils, and generally with great success. Yet, with all this scope of precedent, I now enter upon the same task for the brief constitutional term of four years under great and peculiar difficulty. A disruption of the Federal Union, here- tofore only menaced, is now formidably attempted. I hold that, in contemplation of universal law and of the Constitution, the Union of these States is perpetual. Per- petuity is implied, if not expressed, in the fundamental law of all national governments. It is safe to assert that no government proper ever had a provision in its organic law for its own termination. Continue to execute all the express provisions of our National Constitution, and the Union will endure forever — it being impossible to destroy it except by some action not provided for in the instrument itself. Again, if the United States be not a government proper, but an association of States in the nature of contract merely, can it, as a contract, be peaceably unmade by less than all the parties who made it? One party to a contract may violate it — break it, so to speak; but does it not require all to lawfully rescind it? Descending from these general principles, we find the 191 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES proposition that in legal contemplation the Union is per- petual confirmed by the history of the Union itself. The Union is much older than the Constitution. It was formed, in fact_, by the Articles of Association in 1774. It was matured and continued by the Declaration of Independence in 1776. It was further matured, and the faith of all the then thirteen States expressly plighted and engaged that it should be perpetual, by the Articles of Confederation in 1778. And, finally, in 1787 one of the declared objects for ordaining and establishing the Constitution was "to form a more perfect Union." But if the destruction of the Union by one or by a part only of the States be lawfully possible, the Union is less perfect than before the Constitution, having lost the vital element of perpetuity. It follows from these views that no State upon its own mere motion can lawfully get out of the Union ; that resolves and ordinances to that effect are legally void; and that acts of violence, within any State or States, against the authority of the United States, are insurrectionary or revolutionary, according to circumstances. I therefore consider that, in view of the Constitution and the laws, the Union is unbroken; and to the extent of my ability I shall take care, as the Constitution itself expressly enjoins upon me, that the laws of the Union be faithfully executed in all the States. Doing this I deem to be only a simjDle duty on my part; and I shall perform it so far as practicable, unless my rightful masters, the American people, shall withhold the requisite means, or in some author- itative manner direct the contrary. I trust this will not be regarded as a menace, but only as the declared purpose of the Union that it will constitutionally defend and main- tain itself. In doing this there needs to be no bloodshed or violence ; 192 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN and there shall be none^ unless it be forced upon the national authority. The power confided to me will be used to hold, occupy, and possess the property and places belonging to the government_, and to collect the duties and imposts; but beyond what may be necessary for these objects, there will be no invasion, no using of force against or among the people anywhere. Where hostility to the United States, in any interior locality, shall be so great and universal as to prevent competent resident citizens from holding the Federal offices, there will be no attempt to force obnoxious strangers among the people for that obj ect. While the strict legal right may exist in the government to enforce the exercise of these offices, the attempt to do so would be so irritating, and so nearly impracticable withal, that I deem it better to forego for the time the uses of such offices. The mails, unless repelled, will continue to be furnished in all parts of the Union. So far as ]>ossible, the people everywhere shall have that sense of perfect security whiclj is most favorable to calm thought and reflection. The course here indicated will be followed unless current events and experience shall show a modification or change to be proper, and in every case and exigency my best discretion will be exercised according to circumstances actually exist- ing, and with a view and a hope of a peaceful solution of the national troubles and the restoration of fraternal sym- pathies and affections. That there are persons in one section or another who seek to destroy the Union at all events, and are glad of any pre- text to do it^ I will neither affirm nor deny; but if there be such, I need address no word to them. To those, however, who really love the Union may I not speak ? Before entering upon so grave a matter as the destruc- tion of our national f abric^, with all its benefits, its memories, and its hopes, would it not be wise to ascertain precisely LETTERS AND ADDRESSES why we do it? Will you hazard so desperate a step while there is any possibility that any portion of the ills you fly from have no real existence? Will you^ while the certain ills you fly to are greater than all the real ones you fly from — will you risk the commission of so fearful a mistake ? All profess to be content in the Union if all constitutional rights can be maintained. Is it true^ then, that any right, plainly written in the constitution, has been denied? I think not. Happily the human mind is so constituted that no party can reach to the audacity of doing this. Think, if you can, of a single instance in which a plainly written provision of the Constitution has ever been denied. If by the mere force of numbers a majority should deprive a minority of any clearly written constitutional right, it might, in a moral point of view, justify revolution — certainly would if such a right were a vital one. But such is not our case. All the vital rights of minorities and of individuals are so plainly assured to them by affirmations and negations, guar- anties and prohibitions, in the Constitution, that controver- sies never arise concerning them. But no organic law can ever be framed with a provision specifically applicable to every question which may occur in practical administration. No foresight can anticipate, nor any document of reasonable length contain, express provisions for all possible questions. Shall fugitives from labor be surrendered by national or by State authority? The Constitution does not expressly say. May Congress prohibit slavery in the Territories? The Constitution does not expressly say. Must Congress protect slavery in the Territories? The Constitution does not expressly say. From questions of this class spring all our constitutional controversies, and we divide upon them into majorities and minorities. If the minority will not acquiesce, the majority must, or the government must cease. There is no other OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN alternative; for continuing the government is acquiescence on one side or the other. If a minority in such case will secede rather than acquiesce, they make a precedent which in turn will divide and ruin them ; for a minority of their own will secede from them whenever a majority refuses to be controlled by such minority. For instance_, why may not any portion of a new confederacy a year or two hence arbitrarily secede again, precisely as portions of the present Union now claim to secede from it? All who cherish disunion sentiments are now being educated to the exact temper of doing this. Is there such perfect identity of interests among the States to compose a new Union, as to produce harmony only, and prevent renewed secession ? Plainly, the central idea of secession is the essence of anarchy. A majority held in restraint by constitutional checks and limitations, and always changing easily with de- liberate changes of popular opinions and sentiments, is the only true sovereign of a free people. Whoever rejects it does, of necessity, fly to anarchy or to despotism. Una- nimity is impossible; the rule of a minority, as a permanent arrangement, is wholly inadmissible; so that, rejecting the majority principle, anarchy or despotism in some form is all that is left. I do not forget the position, assumed by some, that con- stitutional questions are to be decided by the Supreme Court ; nor do I deny that such decisions must be binding, in any case, upon the parties to a suit, as to the object of that suit, while they are also entitled to very high respect and consideration in all parallel cases by all other departments of the government. And while it is obviously possible that such decision may be erroneous in any given case, still the evil effect following it, being limited to that particular case, with the chance that it may be overruled and never become 195 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES a precedent for other cases, can better be borne than could the evils of a different practice. At the same time, the can- did citizen must confess that if the policy of the government, upon vital questions affecting the whole people, is to be irrevocably fixed by decisions of the Supreme Court, the instant they are made, in ordinary litigation between parties in personal actions, the people will have ceased to be their own rulers, having to that extent practically resigned their government into the hands of that eminent tribunal. Nor is there in this view any assault upon the court or the judges. It is a duty from which they may not shrink to decide cases properly brought before them, and it is no fault of theirs if others seek to turn their decisions to political purposes. One section of our country believes slavery is right, and ought to be extended, while the other believes it is wrong, and ought not to be extended. This is the only substantial dispute. The fugitive-slave clause of the Constitution, and the law for the suppression of the foreign slave-trade, are each as well enforced, perhaps, as any law can ever be in a community where the moral sense of the people imper- fectly supports the law itself. The great body of the people abide by the dry legal obligation in both cases, and a few break over in each. This, I think, cannot be perfectly cured ; and it would be worse in both cases after the separation of the sections than before. The foreign slave-trade, now im- perfectly suppressed, would be ultimately revived, without restriction, in one section, while fugitive slaves, now only partially surrendered, would not be surrendered at all by the other. Physically speaking, we cannot separate. We cannot re- move our respective sections from each other, nor build an impassable wall between them. A husband and wife may be divorced, and go out of the presence and beyond the reach of each other; but the different parts of our country 196 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN cannot do this. They cannot but remain face to face, and intercourse, either amicable or hostile, must continue between them. Is it possible, then, to make that intercourse more advantageous or more satisfactory after separation than before? Can aliens make treaties easier than friends can make laws.^ Can treaties be more faithfully enforced be- tween aliens than laws can among friends? Suppose you go to war, you cannot fight always; and when, after much loss on both sides, and no gain on either, you cease fight- ing, the identical old questions as to terms of intercourse are again upon you. This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dis- member or overthrow it. I cannot be ignorant of the fact that many worthy and patriotic citizens are desirous of having the National Constitution amended. While I make no recommendation of amendments, I fully recognize the rightful authority of the people over the whole subject, to be exercised in either of the modes prescribed in the instru- ment itself; and I should, under existing circumstances, favor rather than oppose a fair opportunity being afforded the people to act upon it. I will venture to add that to me the convention mode seems preferable, in that it allows amendments to originate with the people themselves, in- stead of only permitting them to take or reject propositions originated by others not especially chosen for the purpose, and which might not be precisely such as they would wish to either accept or refuse. I understand a proposed amend- ment to the Constitution — which amendment, however, I have not seen — has passed Congress, to the effect that the Federal Government shall never interfere with the domes- tic institutions of the States, including that of persons held 197 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES to service. To avoid misconstruction of what I have said, I depart from my purpose not to speak of particular amend- ments so far as to say that, holding such a provision to now be implied constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable. The chief magistrate derives all his authority from the people, and they have conferred none upon him to fix terms for the separation of the States. The people themselves can do this also if they choose; but the executive, as such, has nothing to do with it. His duty is to administer the present government, as it came to his hands, and to transmit it, unimpaired by him, to his successor. Why should there not be a patient confidence in the ulti- mate justice of the people? Is there any better or equal hope in the world? In our present differences is either party without faith of being in the right? If the Almighty Ruler of Nations, with his eternal truth and justice, be on your side of the North, or on yours of the South, that truth and that justice will surely prevail by the judgment of this great tribunal of the American people. By the frame of the government under which we live, this same people have wisely given their public servants but little power for mischief; and have, with equal wisdom, provided for the return of that little to their own hands at very short intervals. While the people retain their virtue and vigilance, no administration, by any extreme of wickedness or folly, can very seriously injure the govern- ment in the short space of four years. My countrymen, one and all, think calmly and well upon this whole subject. Nothing valuable can be lost by taking time. If there be an object to hurry any of you in hot haste to a step which you would never take deliberately, that obj ect will be frustrated by taking time ; but no good obj ect can be frustrated by it. Such of you as are now dissatis- 198 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN fied, still have the old Constitution unimpaired^ and, on the sensitive point, the laws of your own framing under it; while the new administration will have no immediate power, if it would, to change either. If it were admitted that you who are dissatisfied hold the right side in the dispute, there still is no single good reason for precipitate action. Intelli- gence, patriotism, Christianity, and a firm reliance on him who has never yet forsaken this favored land, are still com- petent to adjust in the best way all our present difficulty. In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow-countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. The govern- ment will not assail you. You can have no conflict without being yourselves the aggressors. You have no oath regis- tered in heaven to destroy the government, while I shall have the most solemn one to "preserve, protect, and defend it." I am loath to close. We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battle-field and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature. [Reply to Secretary Seward's memorandum, 1 April 1861.] My dear Sir: Since parting with you I have been consid- ering your paper dated this day, and entitled "Some Thoughts for the President's Consideration." The first proposition in it is, "First, We are at the end of a month's administration, and yet without a policy either domestic or foreign." At the beginning of that month, in the inaugural, I said: "The power confided to me will be used to hold, occupy, and 199 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES possess the property and places belonging to the govern- ment^ and to collect the duties and imposts." This had your distinct approval at the time; and^ taken in connection with the order I immediately gave General Scott, directing him to employ every means in his power to strengthen and hold the forts, comprises the exact domestic policy you now urge, with the single exception that it does not propose to abandon Fort Sumter. Again, I do not perceive how the reinforcement of Fort Sumter would be done on a slavery or a party issue, while that of Fort Pickens would be on a more national and patriotic one. The news received yesterday in regard to St. Domingo certainly brings a new item within the range of our foreign policy ; but up to that time we have been preparing circulars and instructions to ministers and the like, all in perfect harmony, without even a suggestion that we had no foreign policy. Upon your closing propositions — that "whatever policy we adopt, there must be an energetic prosecution of it. "For this purpose it must be somebody's business to pur- sue and direct it incessantly. "Either the President must do it himself ^ and be all the while active in it, or "Devolve it on some member of his cabinet. Once adopted, debates on it must end, and all agree and abide" — I remark that if this must be done, I must do it. When a general line of policy is adopted, I apprehend there is no danger of its being changed without good reason, or continuing to be a subject of unnecessary debate; still, upon points arising in its progress I wish, and suppose I am en- titled to have, the advice of all the cabinet. 200 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN [From Lincoln's first message to congress convened in special session 4 July 1861.] It is thus seen that the assault upon and reduction of Fort Sumter was in no sense a matter of self-defense on the part of the assailants. They well knew that the garrison in the fort could by no possibility commit aggression upon them. They knew — they were expressly notified — that the giving of bread to the few brave and hungry men of the garrison was all which would on that occasion be attempted, unless themselves, by resisting so much, should provoke more. They knew that this government desired to keep the garri- son in the fort, not to assail them, but merely to maintain visible possession, and thus to preserve the Union from actual and immediate dissolution — trusting, as hereinbefore stated, to time, discussion, and the ballot-box for final ad- justment; and they assailed and reduced the fort for pre- cisely the reverse object — to drive out the visible authority of the Federal Union, and thus force it to immediate dis- solution. That this was their object the executive well un- derstood ; and having said to them in the inaugural address, "You can have no conflict without being yourselves the ag- gressors," he took pains not only to keep this declaration good, but also to keep the case so free from the power of ingenious sophistry that the world should not be able to mis- understand it. By the affair at Fort Sumter, with its sur- rounding circumstances, that point was reached. Then and thereby the assailants of the government began the conflict of arms, without a gun in sight or in expectancy to return their fire, save only the few in the fort sent to that harbor years before for their own protection, and still ready to give that protection in whatever was lawful. In this act, discarding all else, they have forced upon the country the distinct issue, "immediate dissolution or blood." 201 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES And this issue embraces more than the fate of these United States. It presents to the whole family of man the question whether a constitutional republic or democracy — a government of the people by the same people — can or can- not maintain its territorial integrity against its own domestic foes. It presents the question whether discontented indi- viduals, too few in numbers to control administration accord- ing to organic law in any case, can always, upon the pre- tenses made in this case, or on any other pretenses, or arbitrarily without any pretense, break up their government, and thus practically put an end to free government upon the earth. It forces us to ask: "Is there, in all republics, this inherent and fatal weakness?" "Must a government, of necessity, be too strong for the liberties of its own people, or too weak to maintain its own existence?" So viewing the issue, no choice was left but to call out the war power of the government; and so to resist force employed for its destruction, by force for its preservation. It may be affirmed without extravagance that the free in- stitutions we enj oy have developed the powers and improved the condition of our whole people beyond any example in the world. Of this we now have a striking and an impres- sive illustration. So large an army as the government has ^now on foot was never before known, without a soldier in it but who has taken his place there of his own free choice. But more than this, there are many single regiments whose members, one and another, possess full practical knowledge of all the arts, sciences, professions, and whatever else, whether useful or elegant, is known in the world ; and there is scarcely one from which there could not be selected a President, a cabinet, a congress, and perhaps a court, abun- dantly competent to administer the government itself. Nor do I say this is not true also in the army of our late friends, now adversaries in this contest; but if it is, so much better 202 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN the reason why the government which has conferred such benefits on both them and us should not be broken up. Whoever in any section proposes to abandon such a gov- ernment would do well to consider in deference to what principle it is that he does it — what better he is likely to get in its stead — whether the substitute will give, or be intended to give_, so much of good to the people? There are some foreshado wings on this subject. Our adversa- ries have adopted some declarations of independence in which, unlike the good old one, penned by Jefferson, they omit the words "all men are created equal." Why.f* They have adopted a temporary national constitution, in the preamble of which, unlike our good old one, signed by Washington, they omit "We, the People," and substitute, "We, the deputies of the sovereign and independent States." Why.f* Why this deliberate pressing out of view the rights of men and the authority of the people? This is essentially a people's contest. On the side of the Union it is a struggle for maintaining in the world that form and substance of government whose leading object is to elevate the condition of men — to lift artificial weights from all shoulders; to clear the paths of laudable pursuit for all; to afford all an unfettered start, and a fair chance in the race of life. Yielding to partial and temporary de- partures, from necessity, this is the leading object of the government for whose existence we contend. I am most happy to believe that the plain people un- derstand and appreciate this. It is worthy of note that while in this, the government's hour of trial, large num- bers of those in the army and navy who have been favored with the offices have resigned and proved false to the hand which had pampered them, not one common soldier or common sailor is known to have deserted his flag. Great honor is due to those officers who remained true, 203 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES despite the example of their treacherous associates; but the greatest honor^ and most important fact of all^ is the unanimous firmness of the common soldiers and common sailors. To the last man^ so far as known, they have suc- cessfully resisted the traitorous efforts of those whose commands, but an hour before, they obeyed as absolute law. This is the patriotic instinct of the plain people. They understand, without an argument, that the destroy- ing of the government which was made by Washington means no good to them. Our popular government has often been called an ex- periment. Two points in it our people have already set- tled — the successful establishing and the successful ad- ministering of it. One still remains — its successful maintenance against a formidable internal attempt to over- throw it. It is now for them to demonstrate to the world that those who can fairly carry an election can also sup- press a rebellion; that ballots are the rightful and peace- ful successors of bullets ; and that when ballots have fairly and constitutionally decided, there can be no successful appeal back to bullets; that there can be no successful appeal, except to ballots themselves, at succeeding elec- tions. Such will be a great lesson of peace: teaching men that what they cannot take by an election, neither can they take it by a war; teaching all the folly of being the be- ginners of a war. Lest there be some uneasiness in the minds of candid men as to what is to be the course of the government toward the Southern States after the rebellion shall have been suppressed, the executive deems it proper to say it will be his purpose then, as ever, to be guided by the Con- stitution and the laws; and that he probably will have no different understanding of the powers and duties of the Federal Government relatively to the rights of the 204. OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN States and the people, under the Constitution, than that expressed in the inaugural address. He desires to preserve the government, that it may be administered for all as it was administered by the men who made it. Loyal citizens everywhere have the right to claim this of their government, and the government has no right to withhold or neglect it. It is not perceived that in giving it there is any coercion, any conquest, or any subjugation, in any just sense of those terms. The Constitution provides, and all the States have ac- cepted the provision, that "the United States shall guar- antee to every State in this Union a republican form of government." But if a State may lawfully go out of the Union, having done so, it may also discard the republican form of government; so that to prevent its going out is an indispensable means to the end of maintaining the guarantee mentioned; and when an end is lawful and ob- ligatory, the indispensable means to it are also lawful and obligatory. .. r a It was with the deepest regret that the executive tound the duty of employing the war power in defense of the government, forced upon him. He could but perform this duty or surrender the existence of the government. No compromise by public servants could, in this case, be a cure; not that compromises are not often proper, but that no popular government can long survive a marked prece- dent that those who carry an election can only save the government from immediate destruction by giving up the main point upon which the people gave the election. The people themselves, and not their servants, can safely re- verse their own deliberate decisions. As a private citizen the executive could not have con- sented that these institutions shall perish; much less could he, in betrayal of so vast and so sacred a trust as the free 205 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES people have confided to him. He felt that he had no moral right to shrink^ nor even to count the chances of his own life in what might follow. In full view of his great responsibility he has, so far, done what he has deemed his duty. You will now, according to your own judgment, perform yours. He sincerely hopes that your views and your actions may so accord with his, as to assure all faithful citizens who have been disturbed in their rights of a certain and speedy restoration to them, under the Constitution and the laws. And having thus chosen our course, without guile and with pure purpose, let us renew our trust in God, and go forward without fear and with manly hearts. [Proclamation of a national fast-day, 12 August 1861.] Whereas a joint committee of both houses of Congress has waited on the President of the United States and re- quested him to "recommend a day of public prayer, hu- miliation, and fasting, to be observed by the people of the United States with religious solemnities, and the offer- ing of fervent supplications to Almighty God for the safety and welfare of these States, his blessings on their arms, and a speedy restoration of peace": And whereas it is fit and becoming in all people, at all times, to acknowledge and revere the supreme government of God; to bow in humble submission to his chastisements; to confess and deplore their sins and transgressions, in the full conviction that the fear of the Lord is the begin- ning of wisdom; and to pray with all fervency and con- trition for the pardon of their past offenses, and for a blessing upon their present and prospective action: And whereas when our own beloved country, once, by the blessing of God, united, prosperous, and happy, is 206 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN now afflicted with faction and civil war^ it is peculiarly fit for us to recognize the hand of God in this terrible visitation, and in sorrowful remembrance of our own faults and crimes as a nation and as individuals, to humble our- selves before him and to pray for his mercy — to pray that we may be spared further punishment, though most justly deserved ; that our arms may be blessed and made effectual for the reestablishment of law, order, and peace through- out the wide extent of our country; and that the inesti- mable boon of civil and religious liberty, earned under his guidance and blessing by the labors and sufferings of our fathers, may be restored in all its original ex- cellence : Therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, do appoint the last Thursday in September next as a day of humiliation, prayer, and fasting for all the people of the nation. And I do earnestly recommend to all the people, and especially to all ministers and teachers of religion, of all denominations, and to all heads of fam- ilies, to observe and keep that day, according to their sev- eral creeds and modes of worship, in all humility and with all religious solemnity, to the end that the united prayer of the nation may ascend to the Throne of Grace, and bring down plentiful blessings upon our country. [Letter to General Fremont, Washington, D. C, 2 Sep- tember 1861.] My dear Sir: Two points in your proclamation of August SO give me some anxiety: First. Should you shoot a man, according to the procla- mation, the Confederates would very certainly shoot our best men in their hands in retaliation; and so, man for man, indefinitely. It is, therefore, my order that you al- 207 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES low no man to be shot under the proclamation without first having my approbation or consent. Second. I think there is great danger that the closing paragraph^ in relation to the confiscation of property and the liberating slaves of traitorous owners, will alarm our Southern Union friends and turn them against us; perhaps ruin our rather fair prospect for Kentucky. Allow me, therefore, to ask that you will, as of your own motion, modify that paragraph so as to conform to the first and fourth sections of the act of Congress entitled, "An act to confiscate property used for insurrectionary purposes," approved August 6, 1861, and a copy of which act I here- with send you. This letter is written in a spirit of caution, and not of censure. I send it by special messenger, in order that it may certainly and speedily reach you. [Letter to General Hunter, Washington, 9 September 1861.] My dear Sir: General Fremont needs assistance which it is difficult to give him. He is losing the confidence of men near him, whose support any man in his position must have to be successful. His cardinal mistake is that he isolates himself and allows nobody to see him, and by which he does not know what is going on in the very matter he is dealing with. He needs to have by his side a man of large experience. Will you not, for me, take that place.'* Your rank is one grade too high to be or- dered to it, but will you not serve the country and oblige me by taking it voluntarily? 208 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN [Letter to Mrs. Fremont, Washington, 12 September 1861.] My dear Madam: Your two notes of to-day are before me. I answered the letter you bore me from General Fremont on yesterday, and not hearing from you during the day, I sent the answer to him by mail. It is not ex- actly correct, as you say you were told by the elder Mr. Blair, to say that I sent Postmaster-General Blair to St. Louis to examine into that department and report. Post- master-General Blair did go, with my approbation, to see and converse with General Fremont as a friend. I do not feel authorized to furnish you with copies of letters in my possession without the consent of the writers. No impression has been made on my mind against the honor or integrity of General Fremont, and I now enter my protest against being understood as acting in any hostility toward him. [Letter to O. H. Browning, Washington, 22 September 1861.] Mp dear Sir: Yours of the 17th is just received; and coming from you, I confess it astonishes me. That you should object to my adhering to a law which you had assisted in making and presenting to me less than a month before is odd enough. But this is a very small part. Gen- eral Fremont's proclamation as to confiscation of prop- erty and the liberation of slaves is purely political and not within the range of military law or necessity. If a com- manding general finds a necessity to seize the farm of a private owner for a pasture, an encampment, or a fortifi- cation, he has the right to do so, and to so hold it as long 209 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES as the necessity lasts; and this is within military law, be- cause within military necessity. But to say the farm shall no longer belong to the owner, or his heirs forever, and this as well when the farm is not needed for military pur- poses as when it is, is purely political, without the savor of military law about it. And the same is true of slaves. If the general needs them, he can seize them and use them; but when the need is past, it is not for him to fix their per- manent future condition. That must be settled according to laws made by law-makers, and not by military procla- mations. The proclamation in the point in question is simply "dictatorship." It assumes that the general may do anything he pleases — confiscate the lands and free the slaves of loyal people, as well as of disloyal ones. And going the whole figure, I have no doubt, would be more popular with some thoughtless people than that which has been done ! But I cannot assume this reckless position, nor allow others to assume it on my responsibility. You speak of it as being the only means of saving the government. On the contrary, it is itself the surrender of the government. Can it be pretended that it is any longer the Government of the United States — any govern- ment of constitution and laws — wherein a general or a president may make permanent rules of property by proclamation? I do not say Congress might not with propriety pass a law on the point, just such as General Fremont proclaimed. I do not say I might not, as a mem- ber of Congress, vote for it. What I object to is, that I, as President, shall expressly or impliedly seize and ex- ercise the permanent legislative functions of the govern- ment. So much as to principle. Now as to policy. No doubt the thing was popular in some quarters, and would have been more so if it had been a general declaration of eman- 210 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN cipation. The Kentucky legislature would not budge till that proclamation was modified; and General Anderson telegraphed me that on the news of General Fremont hav- ing actually issued deeds of manumission^ a whole com- pany of our volunteers threw down their arms and dis- banded. I was so assured as to think it probable that the very arms we had furnished Kentucky would be turned against us. I think to lose Kentucky is nearly the same as to lose the whole game. Kentucky gone, we cannot hold Missouri, nor, as I think, Maryland. These all against us, and the job on our hands is too large for us. We would as well consent to separation at once, including the surrender of this capital. On the contrary, if you will give up your restlessness for new positions, and back me manfully on the grounds upon which you and other kind friends gave me the election and have approved in my public documents, we shall go through triumphantly. You must not understand I took my course on the proclamation because of Kentucky. I took the same ground in a private letter to General Fremont before I heard from Ken- tucky. You think I am inconsistent because I did not also for- bid General Fremont to shoot men under the proclama- tion. I understand that part to be within military law, but I also think, and so privately wrote General Fremont, that it is impolitic in this, that our adversaries have the power, and will certainly exercise it, to shoot as many of our men as we shoot of theirs. I did not say this in the public letter, because it is a subject I prefer not to discuss in the hearing of our enemies. There has been no thought of removing General Fre- mont on any ground connected with his proclamation, and if there has been any wish for his removal on any ground, our mutual friend Sam. Glover can probably tell you what 211 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES it was. I hope no real necessity for it exists on any ground. [Letter to General McClernand^ Washington, 10 Novem- ber 1861.] My dear Sir: This is not an official, but a social letter. You have had a battle, and without being able to judge as to the precise measure of its value, I think it is safe to say that you and all with you have done honor to your- selves and the flag, and service to the country. Most gratefully do I thank you and them. In my present po- sition I must care for the whole nation; but I hope it will be no injustice to any other State for me to indulge a little home pride that Illinois does not disappoint us. I have just closed a long interview with Mr. Washburne, in which he has detailed the many difficulties you and those with you labor under. Be assured we do not forget or neglect you. Much, very much, goes undone; but it is because we have not the power to do it faster than we do. Some of your forces are without arms, but the same is true here and at every other place where we have consid- erable bodies of troops. The plain matter of fact is, our good people have rushed to the rescue of the government faster than the government can find arms to put into their hands. It would be agreeable to each division of the army to know its own precise destination; but the government cannot immediately, nor inflexibly at any time, determine as to all; nor, if determined, can it tell its friends without at the same time telling its enemies. We know you do all as wisely and well as you can; and you will not be de- ceived if you conclude the same is true of us, Please give my respects and thanks to all. 212 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN 3 Decem- [From Lincoln's annual message to congress, ber 1861.] It continues to develop that the insurrection is largely, if not exclusively, a war upon the first principle of popular government — the rights of the people. Conclusive evi- dence of this is found in the most grave and maturely con- sidered public documents as well as in the general tone of the insurgents. In those documents we find the abridg- ment of the existing right of suffrage and the denial to the people of all right to participate in the selection of public officers except the legislative, boldly advocated, with labored arguments to prove that large control of the people in government is the source of all political evil. Monarchy itself is sometimes hinted at as a possible refuge from the power of the people. In my present position I could scarcely be justified were I to omit raising a warning voice against this approach of returning despotism. It is not needed nor fitting here that a general argument should be made in favor of popular institutions; but there is one point, with its connections, not so hackneyed as most others, to which I ask a brief attention. It is the effort to place capital on an equal footing with, if not above, labor, in the structure of government. It is assumed that labor is available only in connection with capital; that nobody labors unless somebody else, owning capital, somehow by the use of it induces him to labor. This assumed, it is next considered whether it is best that capital shall hire labor- ers, and thus induce them to work by their own consent, or buy them, and drive them to it without their consent. Having proceeded thus far, it is naturally concluded that all laborers are either hired laborers or what we call slaves. 21S LETTERS AND ADDRESSES And, further, it is assumed that whoever is once a hired laborer is fixed in that condition for life. Now, there is no such relation between capital and labor as assumed, nor is there any such thing as a free man being fixed for life in the condition of a hired laborer. Both these assumptions are false, and all inferences from them are groundless. Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capi- tal, and deserves much the higher consideration. Capital has its rights, which are as worthy of protection as any other rights. Nor is it denied that there is, and probably always will be, a relation between labor and capital pro- ducing mutual benefits. The error is in assuming that the whole labor of the community exists within that relation. A few men own capital, and that few avoid labor them- selves, and with their capital hire or buy another few to labor for them. A large majority belong to neither class — neither work for others nor have others working for them. In most of the Southern States a majority of the whole people, of all colors, are neither slaves nor mas- ters; while in the Northern a large majority are neither hirers nor hired. Men with their families — wives, sons, and daughters — work for themselves, on their farms, in their houses, and in their shops, taking the whole product to themselves, and asking no favors of capital on the one hand, nor of hired laborers or slaves on the other. It is not forgotten that a considerable number of persons mingle their own labor with capital — that is, they labor with their own hands and also buy or hire others to labor for them; but this is only a mixed and not a distinct class. No principle stated is disturbed by the existence of this mixed class. 214. OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN Again^ as has already been said^ there is not, of neces- sity, any such thing as the free hired laborer being fixed to that condition for life. Many independent men every- where in these States, a few years back in their lives, were hired laborers. The prudent, penniless beginner in the world labors for wages awhile, saves a surplus with which to buy tools or land for himself, then labors on his own account another while, and at length hires another new be- ginner to help him. This is the just and generous and prosperous system which opens the way to all — gives hope to all, and consequent energy and progress and improve- ment of condition to all. No men living are more worthy to be trusted than those who toil up from poverty — none less inclined to take or touch aught which they have not honestly earned. Let them beware of surrendering a po- litical power which they already possess, and which, if sur- rendered, will surely be used to close the door of advance- ment against such as they, and to fix new disabilities and burdens upon them, till all of liberty shall be lost. From the first taking of our national census to the last are seventy years; and we find our population at the end of the period eight times as great as it was at the begin- ning. The increase of those other things which men deem desirable has been even greater. We thus have, at one view, what the popular principle, applied to government, through the machinery of the States and the Union, has produced in a given time; and also what, if firmly main- tained, it promises for the future. There are already among us those who, if the Union be preserved, will live to see it contain 250,000,000. The struggle of to-day is not altogether for to-day — it is for a vast future also. With a reliance on Providence all the more firm and earnest, let us proceed in the great task which events have devolved upon us. 215 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES [Letter to General G. B. McClellan, Washington, 3 Feb- ruary 1862.] My dear Sir : You and I have distinct and different plans for a movement of the Army of the Potomac — yours to be down the Chesapeake, up the Rappahannock to Urbana, and across land to the terminus of the railroad on the York River; mine to move directly to a point on the rail- road southwest of Manassas. If you will give me satisfactory answers to the follow- ing questions, I shall gladly jdeld my plan to yours. First. Does not your plan involve a greatly larger ex- penditure of time and money than mine.^ Second. Wherein is a victory more certain by your plan than mine? Third. Wherein is a victory more valuable by your plan than mine,'' Fourth. In fact, would it not be less valuable in this, that it would break no great line of the enemy's com- munications, while mine would.'' Fifth. In case of disaster, would not a retreat be more difficult by your plan than mine.'' [Message to congress, 6 March 1862.] Fellow-citizens of the Senate and House of Representor tives : I recommend the adoption of a joint resolution by your honorable bodies, which shall be substantially as fol- lows : Resolved, That the United States ought to cooperate with any State which may adopt gradual abolishment of slavery, giving to such State pecuniary aid, to be used by 216 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN such State^ in its discretion, to compensate for the incon- veniences_, public and private, produced by such change of system. If the proposition contained in the resolution does not meet the approval of Congress and the country, there is the end; but if it does command such approval, I deem it of importance that the States and people immediately inter- ested should be at once distinctly notified of the fact^, so that they may begin to consider whether to accept or re- ject it. The Federal Government would find its highest interest in such a measure, as one of the most efficient means of self-preservation. The leaders of the existing insurrection entertain the hope that this government will ultimately be forced to acknowledge the independence of some part of the disaffected region, and that all the slave States north of such part will then say, " The Union for which we have strugggled being already gone, we now choose to go with the Southern section." To deprive them of this hope substantially ends the rebellion; and the initi- ation of emancipation completely deprives them of it as to all the States initiating it. The point is not that all the States tolerating slavery would very soon, if at all, initiate emancipation; but that while the offer is equally made to all, the more Northern shall, by such initiation, make it certain to the more Southern that in no event will the former ever join the latter in their proposed confederacy. I say " initiation " because, in my judgment, gradual and not sudden emancipation is better for all. In the mere financial or pecuniary view, any member of Congress, with the census tables and treasury reports before him, can read- ily see for himself how very soon the current expendi- tures of this war would purchase, at fair valuation, all the slaves in any named State. Such a proposition on the part 217 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES of the General Government sets up no claim of a right by Federal authority to interfere with slavery within State limits^ referring^ as it does_, the absolute control of the subject in each case to the State and its people immedi- ately interested. It is proposed as a matter of perfectly free choice with them. In the annual message, last December, I thought fit to say, " The Union must be preserved, and hence all indis- pensable means must be employed." I said this not hastily, but deliberately. War has been made, and continues to be, an indispensable means to this end. A practical reac- knowledgment of the national authority would render the war unnecessary, and it would at once cease. If, how- ever, resistance continues, the war must also continue; and it is impossible to foresee all the incidents which may at- tend and all the ruin which may follow it. Such as may seem indispensable, or may obviously promise great effi- ciency, toward ending the struggle, must and will come. The proposition now made, though an offer only, I hope it may be esteemed no offense to ask whether the pecuniary consideration tendered would not be of more value to the States and private persons concerned than are the institu- tion and property in it, in the present aspect of affairs } While it is true that the adoption of the proposed resolu- tion would be merely initiatory, and not within itself a prac- tical measure, it is recommended in the hope that it would soon lead to important practical results. In full view of my great responsibility to my God and to my country, I earnestly beg the attention of Congress and the people to the subject. 218 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN [Letter to Henry J. Raymond, editor New York Times, Washington, 9 March 1862.] My dear Sir: I am grateful to the New York journals, and not less so to the " Times " than to others, for their kind notices of the late special message to Congress. Your paper, however, intimates that the proposition, though well intentioned, must fail on the score of expense. I do hope you will reconsider this. Have you noticed the facts that less than one half day's cost of this war would pay for all the slaves in Delaware at $400 per head — that eighty-seven days' cost of this war would pay for all in Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Kentucky, and Missouri at the same price? Were those States to take the step, do you doubt that it would shorten the war more than eighty-seven days, and thus be an actual saving of expense.'* Please look at these things and consider whether there should not be another article in the " Times." [Letter to Hon. James A. McDougall, Washington, 14 March 1862.] My dear Sir; As to the expensiveness of the plan of grad- ual emancipation with compensation, proposed in the late message, please allow me one or two brief suggestions. Less than one half day's cost of this war would pay for all the slaves in Delaware at four hundred dollars per head. Thus, all the slaves in Delaware by the census of I860, are 1,798 400 Cost of the slaves $719,200 One day's cost of the war 2,000,000 219 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES Again, less than eighty-seven days' cost of this war would, at the same price, pay for all in Delaware, Mary- land, District of Columbia, Kentucky, and Missouri. Thus, slaves in Delaware 1,798 Maryland 87^188 District of Colum- bia 3,181 " " Kentucky 225,490 " " Missouri 114,965 432,622 400 Cost of slaves $173,048,800 Eighty-seven days' cost of the war . . 174,000,000 Do you doubt that taking the initiatory steps on the part of those States and this District would shorten the war more than eighty-seven days, and thus be an actual saving of expense? A word as to the time and manner of incurring the ex- pense. Suppose, for instance, a State devises and adopts a system by which the institution absolutely ceases there- in by a named day — say January 1, 1882. Then let the sum to be paid to such a State by the United States be as- certained by taking from the census of I860 the number of slaves within the State, and multiplying that number by four hundred — ^the United States to pay such sums to the State in twenty equal annual instalments, in six per cent, bonds of the United States. The sum thus given, as to time and manner, I think, would not be half as onerous as would be an equal sum raised now for the indefinite prosecution of the war ; but of 220 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN this you can judge as well as I. I inclose a census table for your convenience. [Letter to General McClellan, Washington, 9 April 1862.] My dear Sir: Your despatches, complaining that you are not properly sustained, while they do not offend me, do pain me very much. Blenker's division was withdrawn from you before you left here, and you knew the pressure under which I did it, and, as I thought, acquiesced in it — certainly not without reluctance. After you left I ascertained that less than 20,000 unor- ganized men, without a single field-battery, were all you designed to be left for the defense of Washington and Manassas Junction, and part of this even was to go to General Hooker's old position; General Banks's corps, once designed for Manassas Junction, was divided and tied up on the line of Winchester and Strasburg, and could not leave it without again exposing the upper Potomac and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. This presented (or would present, when McDowell and Sumner should be gone) a great temptation to the enemy to turn back from the Rappahannock and sack Washington. ]\Iy ex- plicit order that Washington should, by the judgment of all the commanders of corps, be left entirely secure, had been neglected. It was precisely this that drove me to detain McDowell. I do not forget that I was satisfied with your arrange- ment to leave Banks at Manassas Junction; but when that arrangement was broken up and nothing was substituted for it, of course I was not satisfied. I was constrained to substitute something for it myself. And now allow me to ask, do you really think I should 221 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES permit the line from Richmond via Manassas Junction to this city to be entirely open, except what resistance could be presented by less than 20_,000 unorganized troops? This is a question which the country will not allow me to evade. There is a curious mystery about the number of the troops now with you. When I telegraphed you on the 6th, saying you had over 100,000 with you, I had just ob- tained from the Secretary of War a statement, taken as he said from your own returns, making 108,000 then with you and en route to you. You now say you will have but 85,000 when all en route to you shall have reached you. How can this discrepancy of 23,000 be accounted for? As to General Wool's command, I understand it is doing for you precisely what a like number of your own would have to do if that command was away. I suppose the whole force which has gone forward to you is with you by this time; and if so, I think it is the precise time for you to strike a blow. By delay the enemy will rela- tively gain upon you — that is, he will gain faster by forti- fications and reinforcements than you can by reinforce- ments alone. And once more let me tell you it is indispensable to you that you strike a blow. I am powerless to help this. You will do me the justice to remember I always insisted that going down the bay in search of a field, instead of fighting at or near Manassas, was only shifting and not surmount- ing a difficulty; that we would find the same enemy and the same or equal intrenchments at either place. The country will not fail to note — is noting now — that the present hesitation to move upon an intrenched enemy is but the story of Manassas repeated. I beg to assure you that I have never written you or spoken to you in greater kindness of feeling than now, nor 222 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN with a fuller purpose to sustain you, so far as in my most anxious judgment I consistently can; but you must act. [Telegram to General McClellan, Washington, 1 May 1862.] Your call for Parrott guns from Washington alarms me, chiefly because it argues indefinite procrastination. Is anything to be done.'' [Letter to General McClellan, Washington, 9 May 1862.] My dear Sir: I have just assisted the Secretary of War in framing part of a despatch to you relating to army corps, which despatch of course will have reached you long before this will. I wish to say a few words to you privately on this sub- ject. I ordered the army corps organization not only on the unanimous opinion of the twelve generals whom you had selected and assigned as generals of division, but also on the unanimous opinion of every military man I could get an opinion from (and every modern military book), your- self only excepted. Of course I did not on my own judg- ment pretend to understand the subject. I now think it indispensable for you to know how your struggle against it is received in quarters which we cannot entirely disre- gard. It is looked upon as merely an effort to pamper one or two pets and to persecute and degrade their sup- posed rivals. I have had no word from Sumner, Heintzel- man, or Keyes. The commanders of these corps are of course the three highest officers with you, but I am con- stantly told that you have no consultation or communication with them; that you consult and communicate with nobody but General Fitz-John Porter and perhaps General Frank- 223 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES lin. I do not say these complaints are true or just^ but at all events it is proper you should know of their existence. Do the commanders of corps disobey your orders in any- thing ? When you relieved General Hamilton of his command the other day, you thereby lost the confidence of at least one of your best friends in the Senate. And here let me say, not as applicable to you personally, that senators and representatives speak of me in their places as they please without question^ and that officers of the army must cease addressing insulting letters to them for taking no greater liberty with them. But to return. Are you strong enough — are you strong enough, even with my help — to set your foot upon the necks of Sumner, Heintzelman, and Keyes all at once? This is a practical and very serious question for you. The success of your army and the cause of the country are the same^ and of course I only desire the good of the cause. [Proclamation revoking General Hunter's order of mili- tary emancipation, 19 May 1862.] Whereas there appears in the public prints what purports to be a proclamation of Major-General Hunter, in the words and figures following, to wit: The three States of Georgia, Florida, and South Caro- lina, comprising the military department of the South, having deliberately declared themselves no longer under the protection of the United States of America, and having taken up arms against the said United States, it became a military necessity to declare martial law. This was ac- cordingly done on the 25th day of April, 1862. Slavery and martial law in a free country are altogether incom- 224 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN patible; the persons in these three States— Georgia, Flor- ida, and South Carolina — heretofore held as slaves, are therefore declared forever free. And whereas the same is producing some excitement and misunderstanding: therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, proclaim and declare that the Government of the United States had no knowledge, information, or belief of an in- tention on the part of General Hunter to issue such a proclamation; nor has it yet any authentic information that the document is genuine. And further, that neither General Hunter, nor any other commander or person, has been authorized by the Government of the United States to make a proclamation declaring the slaves of any State free; and that the supposed proclamation now in question, whether genuine or false, is altogether void so far as re- spects such a declaration. ' I further make known that, whether it b,e competent for •fl me, as commander-in-chief of the army and navy, to de- clare the slaves of any State or States free, and whether, at any time, in any case, it shall have become a necessity indispensable to the maintenance of the government to ex- i ercise such supposed power, are questions which, under my responsibility, I reserve to myself, and which I cannot September 1864.] My esteemed Friend: I have not forgotten — probably never shall forget — the very impressive occasion when your- self and friends visited me on a Sabbath forenoon two years ago. Nor has your kind letter, written nearly a year later, ever been forgotten. In all it has been your purpose to strengthen my reliance on God. I am much indebted to the good Christian people of the country for their constant prayers and consolations; and to no one of them more than to yourself. The purposes of the Almighty are perfect, and must prevail, though we erring mortals may fail to ac- curately perceive them in advance. We hoped for a happy termination of this terrible war long before this; but God knows best, and has ruled otherwise. We shall yet acknowl- edge his wisdom, and our own error therein. Meanwhile we must work earnestly in the best lights he gives us, trusting that so working still conduces to the great ends he ordains. Surely he intends some great good to follow this mighty convulsion, which no mortal could make, and no mortal could stay. Your people, the Friends, have had, and are having, a very great trial. On principle and faith opposed to both war and oppression, they can only practically ojjpose op- 306 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN pression by war. In this hard dilemma some have chosen one horn^ and some the other. For those appealing to me on conscientious grounds, I have done, and shall do, the best I could and can, in my own conscience, under my oath to the law. That you believe this I doubt not; and, believing it, I shall still receive for our country and myself your ear- nest prayers to our Father in heaven. [Telegram to General Grant, Washington, 29 September 1864.] I hope it will have no constraint on you, nor do harm any way, for me to say I am a little afraid lest Lee sends reinforcements to Early, and thus enables him to turn upon Sheridan. [Response to a serenade 9 November 1864.] Friends and Fellow-citizens: Even before I had been in- formed by you that this compliment was paid me by loyal citizens of Pennsylvania, friendly to me, I had inferred that you were of that portion of my countrymen who think that the best interests of the nation are to be subserved by the support of the present administration. I do not pretend to say that you, who think so, embrace all the patriotism and loyalty of the country, but I do Believe, and I trust without personal interest, that the welfare of the country does re- quire that such support and indorsement should be given. I earnestly believe that the consequences of this day's work, if it be as you assume, and as now seems probable, will be to the lasting advantage, if not to the very salvation, of the country. I cannot at this hour say what has been the result of the election. But, whatever it may be, I have no desire to modify this opinion: that all who have labored 307 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES to-day in behalf of the Union have wrought for the best interests of the country and the world; not only for the present^ but for all future ages. I am thankful to God for this approval of the people; but^ while deeply grateful for this mark of their confidence in me, if I know my heart, my gratitude is free from any taint of personal triumph. I do not impugn the motives of any one opposed to me. It is no pleasure to me to triumph over any one, but I give thanks to the Almighty for this evidence of the people's resolution to stand by free govern- ment and the rights of humanity. [Letter to Mrs. Bixby, Washington, 21 November 1864.] Dear Madam: I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant-General of Mas- sachusetts that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle. I feel how weak and fruit- less must be any words of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering to you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the Republic they died to save. I pray that our heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cher- ished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom. [From the annual message to congress, 6 December 1864.] The most reliable indication of public purpose in this country is derived through our popular elections. Judging by the recent canvass and its result, the purpose of the people within the loyal States to maintain the integrity of the 308 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN Union, was never more firm nor more nearly unanimous than now. The extraordinary calmness and good order with which the millions of voters met and mingled at the polls give strong assurance of this. Not only all those who sup- ported the Union ticket, so called, but a great majority of the opposing party also, may be fairly claimed to entertain, and to be actuated by, the same purpose. It is an unanswer- able argument to this effect, that no candidate for any office whatever, high or low, has ventured to seek votes on the avowal that he was for giving up the Union. There has been much impugning of motives, and much heated contro- versy as to the proper means and best mode of advancing the Union cause; but on the distinct issue of Union or no Union the politicians have shown their instinctive knowledge that there is no diversity among the people. In affording the people the fair opportunity of showing one to another and to the world this firmness and unanimity of purpose, the election has been of vast value to the national cause. The election has exhibited another fact, not less valuable to be known — the fact that we do not approach exhaustion in the most important branch of national resources — that of living men. While it is melancholy to reflect that the war has filled so many graves, and carried mourning to so many hearts, it is some relief to know that compared with the sur- viving, the fallen have been so few. While corps, and di- visions, and brigades, and regiments have formed, and fought, and dwindled, and gone out of existence, a great majority of the men who composed them are still living. The same is true of the naval service. The election returnS^ prove this. So many voters could not else be found. The States regularly holding elections, both now and four years ago — to wit: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jer- 309 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES sey. New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin — cast 3,982,011 votes now, against 3,870,222 cast then; showing an aggre- gate now of 3,982,011. To this is to be added 33,762 cast now in the new States of Kansas and Nevada, which States did not vote in I860; thus swelling the aggregate to 4,015,- 773, and the net increase during the three years and a half of war, to 145,551. A table is appended, showing partic- ulars. To this again should be added the number of all soldiers in the field from Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Delaware, Indiana, Illinois, and California, who by the laws of those States could not vote away from their homes, and which number cannot be less than 90,000. Nor yet is this all. The number in organized Territories is triple now what it was four years ago, while thousands, white and black, join us as the national arms press back the insur- gent lines. So much is shown, affirmatively and negatively, by the election. It is not material to inquire how the increase has been produced, or to show that it would have been greater but for the war, which is probably true. The important fact remains demonstrated that we have more men now than we had when the war began; that we are not exhausted, nor in process of exhaustion ; that we are gaining strength, and may, if need be, maintain the contest indefinitely. This as to men. Material resources are now more complete and abundant than ever. The national resources, then, are unexhausted, and, as we believe, inexhaustible. The public purpose to reestablish and maintain the national authority is unchanged, and, as we believe, unchangeable. The manner of continuing the effort remains to choose. On careful consideration of all the evidence accessible, it seems to me that no attempt at nego- tiation with the insurgent leader could result in any good. 310 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN He would accept nothing short of severance of the Union — precisely what we will not and cannot give. His declara- tions to this effect are explicit and oft repeated. He does not attempt to deceive us. He affords us no excuse to deceive ourselves. He cannot voluntarily re-accept the Union; we cannot voluntarily yield it. Between him and us the issue is distinct, simple, and in- flexible. It is an issue which can only be tried by war, and decided by victory. If we yield, we are beaten ; if the South- ern people fail him, he is beaten. Either way it would be the victory and defeat following war. What is true, how- ever, of him who heads the insurgent cause, is not necessarily true of those who follow. Although he cannot re-accept the Union, they can. Some of them, we know, already desire peace and reunion. The number of such may increase. They can at any moment have peace simply by laying down their arms and submitting to the national authority under the Constitution. After so much the government could not, if it would, maintain war against them. The loyal people would not sustain or allow it. If questions should remain, we would adjust them by the peaceful means of legislation, conference, courts, and votes, operating only in constitutional and lawful channels. Some certain, and other possible, questions are, and would be, beyond the ex- ecutive power to adjust; as, for instance, the admission of members into Congress, and whatever might require the ap- propriation of money. The executive power itself would be greatly diminished by the cessation of actual war. Par- dons and remissions of forfeitures, however, would still be within executive control. In what spirit and temper this control would be exercised, can be fairly judged of by the past. A year ago general pardon and amnesty, upon specified terms^ were offered to all except certain designated classes, 311 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES and it was at the same time made known that the excepted classes were still within contemplation of special clemency. During the year many availed themselves of the general provision^ and many more would only that the signs of bad faith in some led to such precautionary measures as rendered the practical process less easy and certain. During the same time^ also^ special pardons have been granted to individuals of the excepted classes, and no voluntary application has been denied. Thus, practically, the door has been for a full year open to all_, except such as were not in condition to make free choice — that is, such as were in custody or under constraint. It is still so open to all; but the time may come — probably will come — when public duty shall demand that it be closed ; and that in lieu more rigorous measures than heretofore shall be adopted. In presenting the abandonment of armed resistance to the national authority on the part of the insurgents as the only indispensable condition to ending the war on the part of the government, I retract nothing heretofore said as to slavery. I repeat the declaration made a year ago, that "while I remain in my present position I shall not attempt to retract or modify the Emancipation Proclamation, nor shall I return to slavery any person who is free by the terms of that proclamation, or by any of the acts of Con- gress." If the people should, by whatever mode or means, make it an executive duty to reenslave such persons, another, and not I, must be their instrument to perform it. In stating a single condition of peace, I mean simply to say, that the war will cease on the part of the government whenever it shall have ceased on the part of those who began it. 312 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN [Letter to General W. T. Sherman, Washington, 26 Decem- ber 186i.] » My dear General Sherman: Many, many thanks for your Christmas gift, the capture of Savannah. When you were about leaving Atlanta for the Atlantic coast, I was anxious, if not fearful; but feeling that you were the better judge, and remembering that "nothing risked, nothing gained," I did not interfere. Now, the un- dertaking being a success, the honor is all yours; for I be- lieve none of us went further than to acquiesce. And taking the work of General Thomas into the count, as it should be taken, it is indeed a great success. Not only does it afford the obvious and immediate military advantages ; but in showing to the world that your army could be divided, putting the stronger part to an important new service, and yet leaving enough to vanquish the old opposing force of the whole, — Hood's army, — it brings those who sat in dark- ness to see a great light. But what next? I suppose it will be safe if I leave General Grant and yourself to decide. Please make my grateful acknowledgments to your whole army — officers and men. [Letter to General Grant, Washington, 19 January 1865.] Please read and answer this letter as though I was not President, but only a friend. My son, now in his twenty- second year, having graduated at Harvard, wishes to see something of the war before it ends. I do not wish to put him in the ranks, nor yet to give him a commission, to which those who have already served long are better entitled and better qualified to hold. Could he, without embarrassment 313 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES to you or detriment to the service, go into your military fam- ily with some nominal rank, I, and not the public, furnishing his necessary means? If no, say so without the least hesi- tation, because I am as anxious and as deeply interested that you shall not be encumbered as you can be yourself. [Instructions to Secretary Seward in regard to peace con- ference, 31 January 1865.] You will proceed to Fortress Monroe, Virginia, there to meet and informally confer with Messrs. Stephens, Hunter, and Campbell, on the basis of my letter to F. P. Blair, Esq., of January 18, 1865, a copy of which you have. You will make known to them that three things are indispensable — to wit: 1. The restoration of the national authority throughout all the States. 2. No receding by the executive of the United States on the slavery question from the position assumed thereon in the late annual message to Congress, and in preceding docu- ments. 2. No cessation of hostilities short of an end of the war, and the disbanding of all forces hostile to the government. You will inform them that all propositions of theirs, not inconsistent with the above, will be considered and passed upon in a spirit of sincere liberality. You will hear all they may choose to say and report it to me. You will not assume to definitely consummate anything. [Telegram to General Grant, Washington, 1 February 1865.] Let nothing which is transpiring change, hinder, or delay your military movements or plans. 3U OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN [Draft of message to congress, 5 February 1865. Never signed or sent.] Fellow-citizens of the Senate and House of Representa- tives: I respectfully recommend that a joint resolution, sub- stantially as follows, be adopted so soon as practicable by your honorable bodies: "Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Con- gress assembled. That the President of the United States is hereby empowered, in his discretion, to pay $400,000,000 to the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Mis- souri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia, in the manner and on the con- ditions following, to wit: The payment to be made in six per cent, government bonds, and to be distributed among said States p?'0 rata on their respective slave populations as shown by the census of I860, and no part of said sum to be paid unless all resistance to the national authority shall be abandoned and cease, on or before the first day of April next; and upon such abandonment and ceasing of resistance one half of said sum to be paid in manner aforesaid, and the remaining half to be paid only upon the amendment of the National Constitution recently proposed by Congress becoming valid law, on or before the first day of July next, by the action thereon of the requisite number of States." The adoption of such resolution is sought with a view to embody it, with other propositions, in a proclamation look- ing to peace and reunion. Whereas a joint resolution has been adopted by Congress, in the words following, to wit : Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, do proclaim, declare, and make known, that S15 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES on the conditions therein stated, the power conferred on the executive in and by said joint resolution will be fully ex- ercised ; that war will cease and armies be reduced to a basis of peace; that all political offenses will be pardoned; that all property, except slaves, liable to confiscation or forfei- ture, will be released therefrom, except in cases of interven- ing interests of third parties; and that liberality will be recommended to Congress upon all points not lying within executive control. [^Indorsement.'] February 5, 1865. To-day these papers, which explain themselves, were drawn up and submitted to the cabinet and unanimously disapproved by them. [Reply to a committee of congress reporting the result of the electoral vote, 9 February 1865.] With deep gratitude to my countrymen for this mark of their confidence; with a distrust of my own ability to per- form the duty required under the most favorable circum- stances, and now rendered doubly difficult by existing na- tional perils; yet with a firm reliance on the strength of our free government, and the eventual loyalty of the people to the just principles upon which it is founded, and above all with an unshaken faith in the Supreme Ruler of nations, I accept this trust. Be pleased to signify this to the respect- ive Houses of Congress. [Second inaugural address, Washington, 4 March 1865.] Fellow-countrymen : At this second appearing to take the oath of the presidential office, there is less occasion for an extended address than there was at the first. Then a state- 316 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN merit, somewhat in detail, of a course to be pursued, seemed fitting and proper. Now, at the expiration of four years, during which public declarations have been constantly called forth on every point and phase of the great contest which still absorbs the attention and engrosses the energies of the nation, little that is new could be presented. The progress of our arms, upon which all else chiefly depends, is as well known to the public as to myself; and it is, I trust, reason- ably satisfactory and encouraging to all. With high hope for the future, no prediction in regard to it is ventured. On the occasion corresponding to this four years ago, all thoughts were anxiously directed to an impending civil war. All dreaded it — all sought to avert it. While the inaugural address was being delivered from this place, devoted alto- gether to saving the Union without war, insurgent agents were in the city seeking to destroy it without war — seeking to dissolve the Union, and divide effects, by negotiation. Both parties deprecated war; but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive; and the other would accept war rather than let it perish. And the war came. One-eighth of the whole population were colored slaves, not distributed generally over the Union, but localized in the Southern part of it. These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. All knew that this interest was, somehow, the cause of the war. To strengthen, perpetuate, and extend this interest was the object for which the insur- gents would rend the Union, even by war ; while the govern- ment claimed no right to do more than to restrict the terri- torial enlargement of it. Neither party expected for the war the magnitude or the duration which it has already attained. Neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease with, or even be- fore, the conflict itself should cease. Each looked for an easier triumph, and a result less fundamental and astound- 317 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES ing. Both read the same Bible, and pray to the same God ; and each invokes his aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assist- ance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces; but let us judge not, that we be not judged. The prayers of both could not be answered — ^that of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has his own purposes. "Woe unto the world because of offenses ! for it must needs be that offenses come; but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh." If we shall suppose that American slavery is one of those offenses which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through his appointed time, he now wills to remove, and that he gives to both North and South this terrible war, as the woe due to those by whom the offense came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a living God always ascribe to him? Fondly do we hope — fervently do we pray — that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondman's two hundred and fifty years of un- requited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said, **The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether." With malice toward none ; with charity for all ; with firm- ness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the na- tion's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan — to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves, and with all nations. 318 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN [Letter to Thurlow Weed, Washington, 15 March 1865.] Every one likes a compliment. Thank you for yours on my little notification speech and on the recent inaugural address. I expect the latter to wear as well as — perhaps better than — anything I have produced; but I believe it is not immediately popular. Men are not flattered by being shown that there has been a difference of purpose between the Almighty and them. To deny it, however, in this case, is to deny that there is a God governing the world. It is a truth which I thought needed to be told, and, as whatever of humiliation there is in it falls most directly on myself, I thought others might afford for me to tell it. [From an address to an Indiana regiment, 17 March 1865.] There are but few aspects of this great war on which I have not already expressed my views by speaking or writ- ing. There is one — the recent effort of "our erring breth- ren," sometimes so called, to employ the slaves in their armies. The great question with them has been, "Will the negro fight for them.^" They ought to know better than we, and doubtless do know better than we. I may incidentally remark, that having in my life Heard many arguments — or strings of words meant to pass for arguments — intended to show that the negro ought to be a slave — if he shall now really fight to keep himself a slave, it will be a far better argument why he should remain a slave than I have ever before heard. He, perhaps, ought to be a slave if he desires it ardently enough to fight for it. Or, if one out of four will, for his own freedom, fight to keep the other three in slavery, he ought to be a slave for his selfish meanness. I have always thought that all men should be free; but if 319 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES any should be slaves^ it should be first those who desire it for themselves^ and secondly those who desire it for others. Whenever I hear any one arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally. [Last public address, Washington, 11 April 1865.] We meet this evening not in sorrow, but in gladness of heart. The evacuation of Petersburg and Richmond, and the surrender of the principal insurgent army, give hope of a righteous and speedy peace, whose joyous expression can- not be restrained. In the midst of this, however. He from whom all blessings flow must not be forgotten. A call for a national thanksgiving is being prepared, and will be duly promulgated. Nor must those whose harder part give us the cause of rejoicing be overlooked. Their honors must not be parceled out with others. I myself was near the front, and had the high pleasure of transmitting much of the good news to you ; but no part of the honor for plan or execution is mine. To General Grant, his skilful officers and brave men, all belongs. The gallant navy stood ready, but was not in reach to take active part. By these recent successes the reinauguration of the na- tional authority — reconstruction — which has had a large share of thought from the first, is pressed much more closely upon our attention. It is fraught with great difficulty. Un- like a case of war between independent nations, there is no authorized organ for us to treat with — no one man has authority to give up the rebellion for any other man. We simply must begin with and mold from disorganized and discordant elements. Nor is it a small additional em- barrassment that we, the loyal people, differ among our- selves as to the mode, manner, and measure of reconstruc- 320 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN tion. As a general rule, I abstain from reading the reports of attacks upon myself, wishing not to be provoked by that to which I cannot properly offer an answer. In spite of this precaution, however, it comes to my knowledge that I am much censured for some supposed agency in setting up and seeking to sustain the new State government of Louisiana. In this I have done just so much as, and no more than, the public knows. In the annual message of December, 1863, and in the accompanying proclamation, I presented a plan of reconstruction, as the phrase goes, which I promised, if adopted by any State, should be acceptable to and sus- tained by the executive government of the nation. I dis- tinctly stated that this was not the only plan which might possibly be acceptable, and I also distinctly protested that the executive claimed no right to say when or whether mem- bers should be admitted to seats in Congress from such States. This plan was in advance submitted to the then Cabinet, and distinctly approved by every member of it. One of them suggested that I should then and in that con- nection apply the Emancipation Proclamation to the there- tofore excepted parts of Virginia and Louisiana; that I should drop the suggestion about apprenticeship for freed people, and that I should omit the protest against my own power in regard to the admission of members to Congress. But even he approved every part and parcel of the plan which has since been employed or touched by the action of Louisiana. The new constitution of Louisiana, declaring emancipation for the whole State, practically applies the proclamation to the part previously excepted. It does not adopt apprentice- ship for freed people, and it is silent, as it could not well be otherwise, about the admission of members to Congress. So that, as it applies to Louisiana, every member of the Cab- SSI LETTERS AND ADDRESSES inet fully approved the plan. The message went to Con- gress^ and I received many commendations of the plan, written and verbal, and not a single objection to it from any professed emancipationist came to my knowledge until after the news reached Washington that the people of Louisiana had begun to move in accordance with it. From about July, 1862, I had corresponded with different per- sons supposed to be interested [in] seeking a reconstruc- tion of a State government for Louisiana. When the mes- sage of 1863, with the plan before mentioned, reached New Orleans, General Banks wrote me that he was confident that the people, with his military cooperation, would reconstruct substantially on that plan. I wrote to him and some of them to try it. They tried it, and the result is known. Such has been my only agency in getting up the Louisiana government. As to sustaining it, my promise is out, as before stated. But as bad promises are better broken than kept, I shall treat this as a bad promise, and break it whenever I shall be convinced that keeping it is adverse to the public inter- est; but I have not yet been so convinced. I have been shown a letter on this subject, supposed to be an able one, in which the writer expresses regret that my mind has not seemed to be definitely fixed on the question whether the seceded States, so called, are in the Union or out of it. It would perhaps add astonishment to his regret were he to learn that since I have found professed Union men en- deavoring to make that question, I have purposely forborne any public expression upon it. As appears to me, that ques- tion has not been, nor yet is, a practically material one, and that any discussion of it, while it thus remains prac- tically immaterial, could have no effect other than the mis- chievous one of dividing our friends. As yet, whatever it may hereafter become^ that question is bad as the basis of 322 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN a controversy, and good for nothing at all — a merely per- nicious abstraction. We all agree that the seceded States, so called, are out of their proper practical relation with the Union, and that the sole object of the government, civil and military, in re- gard to those States is to again get them into that proper practical relation. I believe that it is not only possible, but in fact easier^ to do this without deciding or even con- sidering whether these States have ever been out of the Union, than with it. Finding themselves safely at home, it would be utterly immaterial whether they had ever been abroad. Let us all join in doing the acts necessary to re- storing the proper practical relations between these States and the Union, and each forever after innocently indulge his own opinion whether in doing the acts he brought the States from without into the Union, or only gave them proper assistance, they never having been out of it. The amount of constituency, so to speak, on which the new Loui- siana government rests, would be more satisfactory to all if it contained 50,000, or 30,000, or even 20,000, instead of only about 12,000, as it does. It is also unsatisfactory to some that the elective franchise is not given to the colored man. I would myself prefer that it were now conferred on the very intelligent, and on those who serve our cause as soldiers. Still, the question is not whether the Louisiana govern- ment, as it stands, is quite all that is desirable. The ques- tion is, will it be wiser to take it as it is and help to im- prove it, or to reject and disperse it? Can Louisiana be brought into proper practical relation with the Union sooner by sustaining or by discarding her new State government? Some twelve thousand voters in the heretofore slave State of Louisiana have sworn allegiance to the Union, assumed to be the rightful political power of the State, held elections, 323 LETTERS AND ADDRESSES organized a State government, adopted a free-State consti- tution, giving the benefit of public schools equally to black and white, and empowering the legislature to confer the elective franchise upon the colored man. Their legislature has already voted to ratify the constitutional amendment re- cently passed by Congress, abolishing slavery throughout the nation. These 12^000 persons are thus fully committed to the Union and to perpetual freedom in the State — com- mitted to the very things, and nearly all the things, the na- tion wants — and they ask the nation's recognition and its assistance to make good their committal. Now, if we reject and spurn them, we do our utmost to disorganize and disperse them. We, in effect, say to the white man : You are worthless or worse ; we will neither help you, nor be helped by you. To the blacks we say: This cup of liberty which these, your old masters, hold to your lips we will dash from you, and leave you to the chances of gathering the spilled and scattered contents in some vague and undefined when, where, and how. If this course, discouraging and paralyzing both white and black, has any tendency to bring Louisiana into proper practical relations with the Union, I have so far been unable to perceive it. If, on the contrary, we recognize and sustain the new govern- ment of Louisiana, the converse of all this is made true. We encourage the hearts and nerve the arms of the 12,000 to adhere to their work, and argue for it, and proselyte for it, and fight for it, and feed it, and grow it, and ripen it to a complete success. The colored man, too, in seeing all united for him, is inspired with vigilance, and energy, and daring, to the same end. Grant that he desires the elective franchise, will he not attain it sooner by saving the already advanced steps toward it than by running backward over them.^ Concede that the new government of Louisiana is only to what it should be as the egg is to the fowl, we 324 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN shall sooner have the fowl by hatching the egg than by smashing it. Again, if we reject Louisiana we also reject one vote in favor of the proposed amendment to the national Consti- tution. To meet this proposition it has been argued that no more than three-fourths of those States which have not attempted secession are necessary to validly ratify the amendment. I do not commit myself against this further than to say that such a ratification would be questionable, and sure to be persistently questioned, while a ratification by three-fourths of all the States would be unquestioned and unquestionable. I repeat tlie question: Can Louisiana be brought into proper practical relation with the Union sooner by sustaining or by discarding her new State gov- ernment ? What has been said of Louisiana will apply gen- erally to other States. And yet so great peculiarities per- tain to each State, and such important and sudden changes occur in the same State, and withal so new and unprece- dented is the whole case that no exclusive and inflexible plan can safely be prescribed as to details and collaterals. Such exclusive and inflexible plan would surely become a new entanglement. Important principles may and must be in- flexible. In the present situation, as the phrase goes, it may be my duty to make some new announcement to the people of the South. I am considering, and shall not fail to act when satisfied that action will be proper. S25 LIFE OF LINCOLN [Autobiography given to J. W. Fell 20 December 1859-] I was born February 12, 1809, in Hardin county, Ken- tucky. My parents were both born in Virginia, of undis- tinguished families — second families, perhaps I should say. My mother, who died in my tenth year, was of a family of the name of Hanks, some of whom now reside in Adams, and others in Macon county, Illinois. My paternal grandfather, Abraham Lincoln, emigrated from Rockingham county, Vir- ginia, to Kentucky about 1781 or 1782, where a year or two later he was killed by the Indians, not in battle, but by stealth, when he was laboring to open a farm in the forest. His ancestors, who were Quakers, went to Virginia from Berks county, Pennsylvania. An effort to identify them with the New England family of the same name ended in nothing more definite than a similarity of Christian names in both families, such as Enoch, Levi, Mordecai, Solomon, Abraham, and the like. My father, at the death of his father, was but six years of age, and he grew up literally without education. He re- moved from Kentucky to what is now Spencer county, In- diana, in my eighth year. We reached our new home about the time the State came into the Union. It was a wild re- gion, with many bears and other wild animals still in the woods. There I grew up. There were some schools, so called, but no qualification was ever required of a teacher beyond "readin', writin', and cipherin' " to the rule of three. If a straggler supposed to understand Latin happened to sojourn in the neighborhood he was looked upon as a wizard. There was absolutely nothing to excite ambition for educa- ^ 327 LIFE OF LINCOLN tion. Of course^ when I came of age I did not know much. Still, somehow, I could read, write, and cipher to the rule of three, but that was all. I have not been to school since. The little advance I now have upon this store of education I have picked up from time to time under the pressure of necessity. I was raised to farm work, which I continued till I was twenty-two. At twenty-one I came to Illinois, Macon coun- ty. Then I got to New Salem, at that time in Sangamon, now in Menard county, where I remained a year as a sort of clerk in a store. Then came the Black Hawk war, and I was elected a captain of volunteers, a success which gave me more pleasure than any I have had since. I went the campaign, was elated, ran for the legislature the same year (1832), and was beaten — the only time I ever have been beaten by the people. The next and three succeeding bien- nial elections I was elected to the legislature. I was not a candidate afterward. During this legislative period I had studied law and removed to Springfield to practise it. In 1846 I was once elected to the lower house of congress. Was not a candidate for reelection. From 1849 to 1854, both inclusive, practiced law more assiduously than ever before. Always a Whig in politics, and generally on the Whig electoral tickets, making active canvasses. I was losing interest in politics when the repeal of the Missouri compromise aroused me again. What I have done since then is pretty well known. If any personal description of me is thought desirable it may be said I am, in height, six feet four inches, nearly; lean in flesh, weighing on an average one hundred and eighty pounds ; dark complexion, with coarse black hair and gray eyes. No other marks or brands recollected. In this little autobiographical sketch Lincoln covers the 328 LIFE OF LINCOLN facts of his egrly life; the letters and addresses with their annotations make unnecessary in this place any addition in regard to the later years. As to that strange character Lincoln's own words must speak, — it is to his expression of himself in his relations with his friends and his enemies that one must turn. The contents of this volume have been care- fully chosen to show every phase of his nature. Time which tempers all judgments has in the case of Lincoln been swift to bring the eulogies of this generation to follow the criticisms of his own. It was but natural that during a period of intense feeling different factions should emphasize different phases of one of the most complex characters in history. Now that the wounds of that time are almost healed and men and women are middle-aged who were born after Lincoln had passed to give an account of his great trust_, it is possible to see him as he was, — a man of deepest melancholy yet overflowing to coarseness with animal spirits, a man of the " plain people " with all their plainness in small things yet in great matters a model of high courtesy, sensitive to unpopularity yet ready to stand alone because he saw so clearly the goal before him, a shrewd politician yet an unselfish statesman, an uncompromising commander yet a friend tenderly considerate of all human weakness. In the stately simplicity of Lowell's tribute to the murdered president there is the note of prophecy: He knew to bide his time And can his fame abide. Still patient in his simple faith sublime, Till the wise years decide. Great captains with their guns and drums Disturb our judgment for the hour, But at last silence comes ; These all are gone, and, standing like a tower, 329 LIFE OF LINCOLN Our children shall behold his fame. The kindly, earnest, brave, foreseeing man, Sagacious, patient, dreading praise, not blame, New birth of our new soil, the first American, 330 THE STORY OF THE BOOK The books and pamphlets in existence which bear on the life and tragic death of Abraham Lincoln form a collection so vast that the mere enumeration of their titles would go far towards filling a volume. Nine-tenths of these publica- tions are campaign documents and tributes called forth by his assassination. Mr. Andrew Boyd of Albany who pub- lished a Lincoln bibliography in 1870 owned a collection of 404 funeral orations alone^ exclusive of poems and other tributes. From a gentleman in Chili^ from a missionary in Hayti, from a Jew in Wilna^ from innumerable sources and in a dozen languages these pamphlets poured. From Vienna came a play dealing with the dramatic incidents in the life of the dead president. And so one might go on indefinitely. More, probably^, has been written of Lincoln than of any man of his century. Napoleon excepted. Even the question of the speeches and the various forms in which they have been given to the public is too large to be properly treated here. The book-worm must turn to Mr. Boyd's bibliography for the best information in regard to works published prior to 1870; since then the volumes have been sufficiently few and important to find a place in the catalogue of any large library. Mr. Nicolay in making his exhaustive collection of Lin- coln material for the two volumes of the Century Co 's edi- tion of the Complete Works devoted years to research and verification. At an early date he began keeping scrap- books and from his appointment as private secretary to the president-elect he of course let nothing pass him. For the early letters he^ as well as every other biographer, was in- debted to Mr. Herndon for persistent efforts to bring to 331 \ THE STORY OF THE BOOK light anything connected with the president's youth and young manhood. Lincoln himself kept some record of his speeches, for side by side with his unselfish patriotism there dwelt no inconsiderable personal ambition. The political speeches in those days of the beginnings of the country law- yer's greatness had frequently a wide circulation in pamphlet form. Country newspapers were eager to adorn their pages with the rhetoric of the rising politician. A few manuscripts also are preserved. Mr. Nicolay carefully went over every step of the ground, searching old files of the Sangamo Journal and making his labor of love herculean. The first published volume of Lincoln's speeches con- tained the great debates. Follett, Foster and Co. of Colum- bus brought out an octavo volume of 268 pages in I860. Publishers in Boston, New York, Chicago and Detroit fol- lowed suit and the debates ran through two or three editions. A Springfield printer who had been asked by Lincoln to bring them out had considered that their interest too ephem- eral to warrant the venture. The Cooper institute speech in pamphlet form also received the widest publicity in I860 and was translated in several languages including — of all tongues — Welsh. During Lincoln's presidency his letter to Conkling, to Greeley, some to McClellan, that which dealt with the Val- landigham case, extracts giving his opinions on slavery and so forth were sent out in pamphlet form by many printers. After his death these, with the farewell to Spring- field, the emancipation proclamation, the inaugurals, the Gettyburg address, the "favorite poem" and so on, were scattered broadcast. The first appearance of the Gettysburg address in book form was apparently when Little, Brown and Co. of Boston gave it a place in their edition of Edward Everett's oration at the same time and place. In New York Baker and Godwin rather patronizingly included it in their 332 THE STORY OF THE BOOK issue of Everett's speech, without giving to the page of im- mortal words the dignity of mention on the title page. Campaign lives of more or less hackneyed sort contained copious extracts from the speeches. Of the whole collection two only need be mentioned, and only one of these for its intrinsic value. William Dean Howells wrote a slight life of Lincoln in I860 and Follett, Foster and Co. of Columbus published it. In 1864 Henry Jarvis Raymond of the New York Times published a study of the administration of Lin- coln which is the first work of literary and critical value to deal with the subj ect. Most men stood too near the man and the mighty issues of the day to judge him properly as an orator. Mr. Raymond first strikes the note of appreciation. He remarks as the most evident characteristic of Lincoln's state papers a singular faculty for "putting things." "He has no pride of intellect/' continues Mr. Raymond, "not slightest desire for display, no thought or purpose but that of making everybody understand precisely what he means to say. It gives to his public papers a weight and influence with the mass of the people which no man of this country has ever before attained. And this is heightened by the at- mosphere of humor which seems to pervade his mind and which is just as natural to it and as attractive and softening a part of it as the smoky hues of Indian summer are of the charming season to which they belong." To-day Lincoln's position as a master of the English tongue in its strength and simplicity is unquestioned. The French Academy, Emerson, Lowell, Everett, Beecher, Inger- soll, great orators and critics of England and America are united on that point. No man of his century could state a proposition with more exactness and compactness. His clarity of expression, the consistent building up of his argu- ment, his brilliantly apt comparisons, his illuminating wit, his merciless pursuit of illogic in his opponents, his reserve S33 THE STORY OF THE BOOK and his dignity would be remarkable in a mind highly trained and in this untaught son of the wilderness become phenom- enal. The Peoria address, the debates, the letters to Greeley, to McClellan, to Conkling, are models in their way. Equally noticeable in his instinct for words, his choice of the simple, the descriptive, the musical. The inaugurals, the Gettysburg address (ranked by Emerson as the peer of any of the utter- ances of man), the Springfield farewell, illustrate this side of his genius. But no criticism, no analysis, can give life to these ad- dresses as can the vision of the man who uttered them — of the towering, gaunt figure, ill-dressed, uncouth, yet glorified with the dignity of earnestness. Those who heard him say that he was often nervously awkward on rising to speak but soon forgot himself in his subject. He would toss back his head and show his figure, seemingly expanded beyond its lank proportions, at the extent of its gigantic height. He used his hands little but would sweep his arm through the air with an occasional splendid gesture. His rough dark face would shine and his grey eyes flash with eloquence or twinkle with humor. Competent judges rank him with Clay and Webster for force and magnetism. Such was Lincoln the orator. 334. NOTES ON THE TEXT 5 First public address. In this contest Lincoln was not elected, but considering his youth (he was but twenty-three) and his brief residence at New Salem he made a good show- ing. This was the only occasion on which Lincoln was beaten by a direct vote of the people. Biographers com- ment on the simple, direct and rhythmic wording of this ad- dress which shows the chief characteristics of his later style. 5 Letter to Sangamo Journal. In this election Lincoln stood second among the four successful candidates. He was now postmaster of New Salem and deputy surveyor of Sangamon county, had travelled more than most of his neighbors and was far better read. Two toasts of the year's political dinners were: "Abraham Lincoln: He has fulfilled the expectations of his friends and disappointed the hopes of his enemies" and "A. Lincoln: One of nature's noble- men." 7 Address before young men's lyceum. Lincoln had been one of the organizers of this lyceum for mutual im- provement. 18 Protest against slavery resolutions. The resolutions against which Lincoln and Stone protested avoided con- demnation of slavery as a system and were framed to placate pro-slavery sentiment. Abolitionist societies were "highly disapproved" and the right of congress to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia against the consent of the citizens was denied. It is worthy of note that in a time of intense excitement when changes of opinion were constant among the ablest' men Lincoln never altered his views on slavery as here expressed, always opposing the system but regarding slave holders as its victims and respecting their rights. W. E. 335 NOTES ON THE TEXT ^ Curtis^ in The True Abraham Lincoln^ writes : " This, I am confident_, is the first formal declaration against the system \ of slavery that was made in any legislative body in the United States, at least west of the Hudson River." 21 Letter to Mrs. Brorvning. Miss Owens said to W. H. Herndon that she refused Lincoln because he was " de- ficient in those little links which go to make up the chain of a woman's happiness." Mrs. Browning had no idea that the letter was anything but one of Lincoln's grotesque in- ventions until many years after when she was about to give it for publication and Lincoln warned her that there was " too much truth for print " in his confession. 27 Party politics in 18JfO. The seat of government in Illinois was removed in 1839 from Vandalia to Springfield largely through the efforts of Lincoln, and in the new capital there gathered a group of unusual men, Lincoln, Douglas, Baker, Calhoun, Stuart, Shields, Logan, Trumbull, Mc- Clernand, Browning, Treat, McDougall, Hardin and others destined to play prominent parts in the struggle that was drawing near. The Stuart to whom this letter is addressed was Lincoln's law partner. The two men ran together for the legislature in 1834, fought together in the Black Hawk war and formed a friendship that lasted through life. Stuart advised Lincoln to study law, helped him with books and made him his partner, an agreement which continued until 1841. 28 Letter to W. G. Anderson. Lincoln always avoided quarrels and in later years he sent the following advice to a young officer condemned to be court-martialed for quarrel- ing: "No man resolved to make most of himself can spare time for personal contention. Still less can he aff'ord to take all the consequences, including the vitiating of his tem- per and the loss of self-control. Yield larger things to which you can show no more than equal right and yield lesser 336 NOTES ON THE TEXT though clearly your own. Better give your path to a dog than be bitten by him in contesting for the right. Even killing the dog vrould not cure the bite." 28 Difficulty with Miss Todd. The letter to Stuart and the following correspondence with Joshua Speed are inter- esting in connection with the facts of Lincoln's life at that time. In Springfield he met Miss Mary Todd of Kentucky who was visiting her sister^ Mrs. Edwards, the wife of a member of the legislature. They became engaged but there were many disagreements and Lincoln grew depressed al- most to insanity. The marriage was set for the first of January 18 il but it did not take place. After the break- ing of the engagement Lincoln's melancholy grew profound and his correspondence during this period gives an idea of that black depression which at periods throughout his life took possession of him. 29 Sold slaves. Although the slaves noticed on Lin- coln's return from his visit to his friend Speed's Kentucky home were cheerful, Lincoln had seen at the age of nineteen the reverse side of the picture. On returning from a trip to New Orleans he very generally expressed his indignation at the scenes in the slave market of that city and is quoted by his cousin, John Hanks, as declaring that there and then he conceived an undying horror of the system. 30 Letter to Joshua Speed. Speed was for four years Lincoln's room-mate at Springfield and was always his con- siderate and consistent friend, the most intimate he ever knew. Speed surrendered this correspondence to Lincoln's biographer, W. H. Herndon, with a good deal of hesitancy and erased several names. The Speeds were a Kentucky family and Joshua's brother John was apjoointed by Lincoln attorney general of the United States in 1864<. 33 Lincoln*s views on temperance. The feeling against intemperance which led Lincoln to join the Washingtonian 337 NOTES ON THE TEXT temperance society of Springfield lasted throughout his life. Mr. Nicolay says that in the five years spent with the presi- dent at the White House he " never saw him take a glass of whiskey and never heard of his taking one." Colonel John Hay adds to this that he never saw him use tobacco. On the other hand his moderation towards drunkards some- times annoyed zealous reformers. The speech here quoted was not popular with some temperance people because of his observation that hard drinkers may be in heart and head the equals of their more sober brothers. When a committee called during the war to ask the president to abolish the use of liquor in the army adding that the recent defeats were undoubtedly the judgment of God for the drunkenness of the soldiers, Lincoln replied that this was a little unreasona- ble on the part of the Lord, since the southerners drank a great deal worse whiskey and a great deal more of it. With this remark he dismissed the committee. 45 Duel with Shields. This duel with Shields, which never came off, has interest both sentimental and humorous. James Shields was an Irishman, small of stature but bellig- erent of spirit. He was one of Miss Todd's many admirers but this did not prevent the young lady, with one of her friends, from ridiculing him in a local paper. Shields in great anger demanded the name of the writer and Lincoln claimed the authorship of the objectionable lines. He may indeed have urged on the young women to the prank. Shields promptly challenged him. Lincoln had choice of weapons and chose broadswords as described. Considering the extreme disparity in their height and reach of arm the absurdity of this is evident. The little Irishman, nothing daunted, accepted the terms and the pair met. It is related that while they waited for the seconds to measure the ground Lincoln, with assumed absent mindedness, rose from the log on which he sat, drew his sword, felt its edge with his thumb, 338 NOTES ON THE TEXT and pulling himself up to his full height of six feet four inches chopped off a twig at an almost incredible distance above his head_, watching Shields the while with a humorous twinkle in his eye. But his undersized antagonist did not withdraw until friends interfered and refused to let the farce go farther. James Shields afterwards served his country as senator from two states and rose to be a general in the Mexican war and the civil war. As for Lincoln the duel drew him and Miss Todd together again and their marriage followed 4 November 1842. The duel story was used against him politically and Lincoln grew sensitive about the subject. 47 Letter to Martin Morris. At this time Lincoln was contesting the nomination for congress with E. D. Baker, "the Prince Rupert of battle and debate," whose eloquence had already won him fame in Illinois and was destined to give him national reputation. Neither Lincoln nor Baker received the nomination in 1843 for it went to a "dark horse," J. J. Hardin, but Baker served in congress from 1848 to 1849, became Republican senator from Oregon in 1861 and introduced Lincoln at his first inauguration. He was killed at Ball's Bluif 21 October 1861. 47 Literary aspirations. Lincoln, in his log cabin home, read what books he had — "^sop's Fables," " Robinson Crusoe," " Pilgrim's Progress," a History of the United States and Weems' " Life of Washington." Later he laid his hands on Shakespeare and Burns and eagerly read them. Emerson has likened his quaint way of illustrating his points with little stories to the manner of iEsop; possibly his early reading had left this impress on his style. He had a taste for poetry of a rather morbid sort such as his favorite " Oh why should the spirit of mortal be proud." He greatly enjoyed portions of Byron's works while on the other hand he delighted in Tom Hood and revelled in the work of 339 NOTES ON THE TEXT '* Petroleum V. Nasby " (D. R. Locke). In the backwoods he had scribbled verse but it is not recorded that he wrote poetry after the attempts here given. Critics have laid stress on the musical quality of his style and R. W. Gilder gives as example of his " unconscious verse " the lines from the second inaugural which run: Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray That this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. 49 Wife and children. The second son referred to was christened Edward Baker; he died in 1850. Lincoln's other children were: Robert Todd born in 1843; William Wallace born in 1850, died at the White House in 1862; and Thomas born in 1853, died in 1871. Robert Lincoln was secretary of war under Presidents Garfield and Arthur and minister to England under Harrison; he has been a candidate for the nomination to the presidency. He is now (1903) living in Chicago where he is president of the Pullman company. Lincoln's wife survived him many years. She died in Springfield I6 July 1882. She seemed never fully to re- cover the shock of her husband's assassination and during the later years of her life, though her memory remained excellent and her powers of conversation unimpaired, she developed curious eccentricities. She never went into the sunlight but would sit in broad day in a darkened room lighted dimly by candles. She accumulated too a vast num- ber of gowns which she never wore or intended to wear and in other ways showed a mind deranged. 50 Business letter to Herndon. W. H. He^ndon be- came Lincoln's law partner in 1845 and so continued through Lincoln's life. In later years he became the biographer of his famous associate. In reference to the latter's directions regarding the money it is interesting to note that at this time Lincoln was still paying off what he called his " na- 340 NOTES ON THE TEXT tional debt " contracted fourteen years before during the partnershii3 of Lincoln and Berry in store-keeping. Berry drank himself to death shortly after their failure and the men to whom the store had been sold never paid the money, but Lincoln shouldered the debt, overwhelming to a penni- less young frontiersman, and eventually paid it off in spite of the fact that financial ethics were at that time and place rather loose. In this fashion he earned his sobriquet of " honest Abe " and various little anecdotes are told to show his scrupulous uprightness and almost exaggerated honesty. Lincoln was never a good business man. His life-long friend Judge Davis says of him that he apparently had no idea how to make money outside of his profession and never attempted to do so. 52 Speech on Mexican war. The Mexican war, in which Lincoln found himself opposed to the president, arose out of the question whether the southern boundary of the newly annexed country of Texas was at the Nueces or the Rio Grande. In January 1846 President Polk had sent an ex- pedition under General Taylor to the Rio Grande and had there caused the erection of Fort Brown. The Mexicans affirmed this not to be Texan territory and an expedition was sent against the fort. Polk's message to congress set forth that Mexico " had shed American blood upon the American soil." Lincoln, then in his first congressional ses- sion, presented resolutions demanding to be told the " par- ticular spot " on which the blood of American citizens had been shed and claimed that the boundary question was so un- settled that the president's act in sending the Fort Brown expedition amounted to aggression. These " spot resolu- tions " were widely discussed. He held steadily to his posi- tion in spite of its unpopularity. 57 A, H. Stephens. Alexander Hamilton Stephens of Georgia, whose oratory so moved Lincoln, played an im- 341 NOTES ON THE TEXT portant part in later events. A brilliant orator^ he was a Whig member of congress from 1843 to 1859. When the dissatisfied southern states held their convention he opposed secession, but he threw in his lot with the Confederacy and became its vice president. The '* Logan " referred to was Stephen T. Logan, Lincoln's law partner from 1841 to 1845, and his warm friend and admirer as well as his able teacher. 57 Letter to A. Williams. This letter to his henchman Williams is a good example of Lincoln's political shrewd- ness. The Browning referred to was Orville H. Browning, Lincoln's life-long friend. He was eager for the emancipa- tion of the slaves during his congressional career, which perhaps gives point to Lincoln's fear that his sympathies might run away with him in the case of Clay. Browning was secretary of the interior 1866-69. 59 Second letter to Williams. " Barnburners " was the name given by the Conservative Democrats to the newly formed anti-slavery party calling themselves Free-soilers. The Locofocos were the " Reform Democrats" ; the " Na- tive Americans " were the precursors of the Know-nothings who later would have restricted the suffrage to native born Americans. 60 Advice to Herndon. Lincoln's exhortation to Hern- don apart from its political and moral value throws a light on the position of middle-aged men in the early days of the Republic. Lincoln, writing in this character of " old man," was but thirty-eight years of age. Men were supposed to retire early and make way for the younger element. Ninian Edwards, Mrs. Lincoln's brother-in-law, when a candidate for the governorship of Illinois in 1826 found it necessary to apologise profusely for his advanced age although he was but fifty-one, and other instances are not wanting. 64 Lewis Cass. Lewis Cass, Democratic candidate for 342 NOTES ON THE TEXT the presidency against Taylor and here the victim of Lin- coln's raillery_, was born in 1782, served as brigadier general in the war of 1812, was governor of Michigan 1813-31, during which period he made valuable explorations of the Indian country, was secretary of war 1831-6, minister to France 1836-42 and senator from Michigan 1845-8. He was twice an unsuccessful candidate for the nomination to the presidency; after being once nominated and defeated for that office he served as senator from Michigan 1849-57 and as secretary of state 1857-60. It will be noted that this is practically a " stump speech," although delivered in congress, and presaged the enthusiasm with which Lincoln threw himself into the campaign for Taylor. 68 Lincoln as a lawyer. Lincoln began to read law in an odd way. While he was " keeping store " during the ill-fated partnership with Berry, a man passing with a wagon offered for sale a barrel which he found much in his way. To oblige the man Lincoln bought the barrel for half a dollar. Some weeks after he turned it over to shake out some rubbish in the bottom and out fell a copy of Blackstone. Business was not flourishing then and there was plenty of time to read. After the failure of the store he still read and the story is told of an old man who saw, mounted on a wood pile, an ungainly figure coarsely dressed, almost gro- tesque, immersed in a book. " What are you reading?" asked the man. " I'm studying," replied Lincoln. " Study- ing what.^" queried the jDasser-by. " Law, sir." " Great God Almighty !" was all the old man could find to say. With the help of Stuart and more especially of Stephen Logan, Lincoln became a good lawyer. Logan's office has been called a nursery of statesmen for his pupils numbered four senators and three governors of states besides Lincoln. Lincoln's first appearance at court was made in October 1836; his fee for this case was three dollars. Lincoln and 343 NOTES ON THE TEXT Stuart made seldom more than ten dollars over each case. Judge Davis says: In all the elements that constitute the great lawyer he had few equals. . . . He seized the strong points of a : cause and presented them with clearness and compactness. . . . Generalities and platitudes had no charm for him. An unfailing vein of humor never deserted him and he was able to claim the attention of court and jury, when the cause was most uninteresting, by the appropriateness of his anec- dotes. His power of comparison was large and he rarely failed in a legal discussion to use that mode of reasoning. The framework of his mental and moral being was honesty, and a wrong cause was poorly defended by him. He never willingly defended anyone whom he did not con- sider innocent — which at least shows the quality of the man although it may somewhat detract from his professional ability. 70 Letter to John Johnston. John Johnston was the son, by a former marriage, of Lincoln's stepmother. Nancy Hanks^ Lincoln's own mother, died when the boy was nine years old. Sally Bush Johnston, whom Thomas Lincoln took as his second wife_, was a woman of intelligence and sympathy who recognized the talents of the young Abraham and urged him forward as best she could. Lincoln had slight recollection of Nancy Hanks but the child had so grieved to see her put in her wilderness grave in a rough coffin of his father's making, without religious ceremony of any kind, that months afterward he managed to secure the services of a travelling preacher to deliver a funeral address over the grave. His nature was satisfied with the love and care of his stepmother, between whom and himself there was warm esteem. Mrs. Lincoln shortly before her death said: " I can truly say what scarcely one mother in one thousand can say, that Abraham Lincoln never gave me a cross word or 344 NOTES ON THE TEXT look and never refused in fact or appearance to do anything I asked him. His mind and mine — what little I had — . eemed to run together." Just before leaving for Washing- ton for his first inauguration, Lincoln spent a day with his stepmother — the last time they met. As to John Johns- ton, he was a well meaning, if shiftless, fellow, but as Messrs. Nicolay and Hay write apropos of this correspond- ence "a volume of disquisition could not put more clearly be- fore the reader the difference between Abraham Lincoln and the common run of southern and western rural laborers." 72 Letter to John Johnston. Five days after Lincoln wrote the letter of January 12 his father died. John Hanks, loquacious cousin of the Lincolns, gave it as his opinion that Lincoln "did not care very much" for his father. Thomas Lincoln seems certainly to have given his son little in the way either of example or encouragement. 75 Speech at Peoria. With this speech Lincoln made himself a power in national politics. A Chicago editor likened him to Byron who awoke one morning to find himself famous. Lincoln had had little to do with politics since the expiration of his term in congress and his refusal of the proffered governorship of Oregon, but the repeal of the Missouri compromise again aroused him. This measure, which allowed slavery in Missouri but forbade it in all the territory west of Missouri or north of the line 36° 30', was held as the great safeguard against the spread of the " pe- culiar institution " of the south. Its repeal in 1854<, together with congressional insistence on the fugitive slave act, aroused public feeling to a degree unequalled perhaps even in the times of '76. Lincoln found himself again in opposi- tion to his old antagonist of Springfield, Stephen Douglas. There is good authority for the story that the " Democratic giant " was so amazed at the power of his rival that he sought him out privately and made an agreement that neither 345 NOTES ON THE TEXT should speak again before election. The lives of Lincoln and Douglas are so connected that it is impossible fully to ajopreciate the career of the future president without a knowledge of his less successful rival. Stephen Arnold Douglas was fated continually to cross swords with Lincoln. They met in Springfield where^ so says tradition^ they were both suitors for Miss Todd. Doug- las was the conspicuous advocate in the state of Illinois of the principles opposed by Lincoln ; indeed " the little giant/' as the undersized man of great ability was called^ seemed everything that Lincoln was not — small, well formed, good to look at, quick in perceptions, but often short-sighted in affairs of state. Like his great antagonist, Douglas came of humble folk. He was born on a farm at Brandon, Vermont, 23 April 1813. In spite of early hardships he secured a fair education. He went to Illinois, a penniless young man, in 1833, opened a law office the next year and within twelve months was elected attorney general of the state, before he had reached the age of twenty-two. In 1835 he resigned his office because he had been elected to the legislature. In 1837 he ran for congress to represent the most populous district in the country and was defeated by only five votes. He became secretary of state for Illinois in 1840 and judge of the supreme court in 1841. In 1843 he was elected to congress where he consistently advocated ter- ritorial expansion. As chairman of the territorial commit- tee he reported and carried through bills organizing the ter- ritories of Minnesota, Oregon, New Mexico, Utah, Washing- ton, Kansas and Nebraska, also bills granting statehood to Iowa, Wisconsin, California, Minnesota and Oregon. He advocated what he called " the great fundamental principle that every people ought to possess the right of framing and regulating their own internal concerns and domestic institu- 346 NOTES ON THE TEXT tions in their own way." " These things/' he added, " are all confided by the Constitution to each state to decide for itself and I know of no reason why the same principle should not be extended to the territories." He favored the acquisi- tion of Cuba as soon as it could be honorably accomplished. He opposed the Clayton-Bulwer treaty on the ground that it would prevent the United States from extending south- wards. He was a candidate for the nomination to the presi- dency in 1852 but was defeated. At the congressional ses- sion of 1853-4 he introduced the bill to organize on a " pop- ular sovereignty " basis the territories of Kansas and Ne- braska — a measure which revolutionized American politics and brought the discussion regarding slavery to a white heat. It killed the old Whig party and created the anti- slavery " black Republican " party. It repealed the Mis- souri compromise which confined slavery to the states south of Mason and Dixon's line and opened the way, claimed its opponents, for the indefinite spread of slavery. The bill itself declared its purpose to be " not to legislate slavery into any state or territory nor to exclude it therefrom, but to leave the people thereof perfectly free to regulate their domestic institutions in their own way, subject only to the constitution of the United States." On the basis of this doctrine of " popular sovereignty " Douglas tried for the nomination for president in 1856 but was defeated by Bu- chanan. The Kansas-Nebraska bill was very unpopular with the anti-slavery element and, as Douglas said, he could travel from Boston to Chicago by the light of his own burning effigies. But when the question of secession arose Douglas stood firm for the Union. Douglas defeated Lincoln for senator in the contest of 1857-8 but his speeches did not add to his strength outside of Illinois. In I860 Douglas ran against Lincoln for the presidency supported by the northern section of the 347 NOTES ON THE TEXT Democratic party, the south going for Breckenridge. After his defeat and the declaration of the south for secession Douglas remained staunch to the Union and died in 1861, declaring secession to be " crime and madness." 85 Letter to Hon. G. Robertson. The Hon. George Robertson had been chief justice of Kentucky from 1829 to 1843. In the closing paragraph of this letter Lincoln strikes the note of his " divided house " speech delivered three years later. 87 Letter to Speed. This frank expression of Lincoln's views on slavery has been much quoted. The condition of affairs in Kansas brought about by the Missouri compromise excitement deserved the name it received of " civil war." The commissioners appointed to inquire into it reported that it lasted from November 1855 to December 1856 and that the loss of life was something under 200. It further re- ported : Amount of crops destroyed $37,349-61 Number buildings burned 78 Horses taken or destroyed 368 Cattle taken or destroyed 533 Property taken or destroyed by pro-slavery men. $31 8,718.63 Property taken or destroyed by free-state men . . $94,529.40 91 Speech at Galena. The closing words of this speech are famous. Secession talk was just beginning to assume importance. 93 Speech at Chicago. In the campaign of 1856 Fremont ran as the candidate of the newly formed Repub- lican party in the organization of which Lincoln had been active. It opposed the repeal of the Missouri compromise and urged the admission of Kansas as a free state. The Know-nothings nominated Fillmore. The Democrats elected their candidate, James Buchanan. Lincoln narrowly es- caped being nominated for vice president on the Republican 348 j NOTES ON THE TEXT ticket. His closing address in the campaign is known as " Lincoln's lost speech." So moved were his hearers that they " arose from their chairs with pale faces and quivering lips and pressed unconsciously toward him." Even the re- porters forgot to take notes. Joseph Medill, afterwards editor of the Chicago Tribune, says : " I well remember that after Lincoln had sat down and calm had succeeded the tempest, I waked out of a sort of hypnotic trance and thought of my report to the Tribune. It was some satis- faction to find that I had not been ' scooped ' as all the other newspaper men had been equally carried away by the excitement caused by the wonderful oration and had made no report or sketch of the speech." In this Cliicago speech Lincoln shows at least one great gift in a leader of men — that of inspiring new hope in defeated followers. John Charles Fremont was the brave and high-spirited young explorer who did so much to open the west and earned the title of Pathfinder. From 1842 to 1854 he ex- plored the Rockies, Utah and California. He served in the civil war and was nominated in 1865 by Republicans dissat- isfied with Lincoln but withdrew from the contest. 96 Dred Scott. The Dred Scott decision was delivered by the supreme court 6 March 1856. Scott was a negro whose master had removed from Missouri to Illinois taking the slave with him. Two years later Scott's master re- moved to what is now called Minnesota and there sold Scott to one Sanford. Scott denied Sanfcrd's right to hold him and claimed that his residence in a free state had given him his liberty. The court decided in Scott's favor but the case was appealed to a higher court which reversed the decision, then appealed to the supreme court. That tribunal handed down a decision on two points: (1) Is Dred Scott a citi- zen of the United States and as such entitled to bring suit in the United States courts? (2) Did Scott's residence of 349 NOTES ON THE TEXT two years on free soil make him free? The supreme court decided against Scott, although there were dissenting voices. Chief Justice Taney held that when the constitution was adopted " negroes had no rights which the white man was bound to respect " and held it as " absolutely certain that the African race was not included under the name of citi- zens of a state by the framers of the constitution." Thus it was settled that Scott had no right to sue. As to the second point it was decided " that the act of congress [of 1820] which prohibited a citizen from holding or owning [slaves] in the territory of the United States north of the line [36° 30'] therein mentioned is not warranted by the constitution^ and is therefore void." The intense excitement caused by this case was no more than it warranted for the decision on the second question, claimed anti-slavery men, practically gave a man the right to own slaves in any part of the coimtry and certainly made slavery possible in the territories. Roger Brooke Taney (1777-1864) was first a federalist then a Jackson Democrat. He was attorney general of the United States 1831-3 and became chief justice of the su- preme court in 1835. He administered the oath of office to Lincoln at his first inauguration. 104 Senatorial nomination. The Illinois state conven- tion 16 July 1856 declared by acclamation Abraham Lin- coln to be " the first and only choice of the Republicans of Illinois for the United States senate as the successor to Stephen A. Douglas." Douglas was renominated by the Democrats. The " divided house " speech before the con- vention was widely discussed and by some friends considered suicidal. W. H. Herndon tells that Lincoln, who knew he should be nominated, had been for some time writing it on bits of paper changing and correcting. It was his most carefully prepared address. Herndon writes: 350 i NOTES ON THE TEXT Before delivering his speech he invited a dozen or so of his friends to the Hbrary of the state house_, w^here he read and submitted it to them. After the reading he asked each man for his opinion. Some condemned and no one endorsed it. Having patiently listened to these various criticisms from his friends all of which with a single exception were adverse, he rose from his chair and after alluding to the care- ful study and intense thought he had given the question he answered all their objections substantially as follows : " Friends, this thing has been retarded long enough. The time has come when those sentiments should be uttered and if it is decreed that I should go down because of this speech, then let me go down linked with the truth — let me die in the advocacy of what is just and right." The " divided house " assertion was the text for many tirades against Lincoln but he never in any way retracted it. 114 First joint debate. The excitement aroused by the debates was not merely local. The eyes of a country roused almost to frenzy over the questions of the day were centred on Illinois. The debates were attended by crowds, the two parties vying with bands and processions and fireworks. People came for miles and listened to the three-hour speeches with the closest attention. It should be remembered that the northern half of Illinois was anti-slavery and the south- ern pro-slavery. In the first debate, at Ottawa in the north, Douglas propounded a series of questions to Lincoln designed to make him commit himself to anti-slavery senti- ments. In the second debate Lincoln asked Douglas sev- eral questions, chief among them: " Can the people of a United States territory in any lawful way, against the wish of any citizen of the United States, exclude slavery from its limits prior to the formation of a state constitution?" In answering to please Illinois Lincoln saw that Douglas must displease the south. When his friends warned Lincoln against putting this question, saying that it would cost him 351 NOTES ON THE TEXT the senatorship, he replied : " Gentlemen, I am killing larger game; if Douglas answers he can never be president and the battle of I860 is worth a hundred of this." 132 Rejoinder at Quincy. Eli Whitney of Massa- chusetts invented the cotton gin, to clean a thousand pounds of cotton in a day, in 1793. At once the value of land in the south more than doubled and the price of slaves rose accordingly. The African slave trade ceased legally in 1808 but the value of negroes tempted to many violations of the law. Southerners who when secession was talked of argued for a revival of the slave trade instanced the fact that between 1790 and I860 the price of a Virginian male "field hand" had risen from $250 to $l600. 137 Young America. "Young America" was the bat- tle cry of the friends of Stephen Douglas, whose youth had been made a reason for an attempt to keep him from the highest offices. In the Democratic Review which they controlled they exploited this idea calling Cass, Buchanan and the like " old fogies." They were ardent supporters of the Monroe doctrine, " manifest destiny " and territorial ex- pansion of any sort especially the annexation of Cuba. Lin- coln's " world's fair " reference was suggested by the first of such exhibitions to be held in the United States. It was organized in New York in 1853. 142 Letter to Pickett. T. G. Pickett was a newspaper friend of Lincoln who was anxious to be among the first to launch a " presidential boom." Lincoln owed much of this publicity and these invitations to speak all over the country to Douglas who was making pro-slavery speeches in the south and holding up Lincoln to scorn as an abolitionist. 144 Schuyler Colfax. Schuyler Colfax, afterwards vice president during Grant's first term, was an Indiana journalist and politician. His paper, the St. Joseph Valley Register, was a powerful Whig organ. He was at this time 352 NOTES ON THE TEXT in congress. He wrote to Lincoln that although a majority was opposed to slavery it was made up of such differing ele- ments that he who could consolidate them into a " victorious phalanx " in I860 would be " worthier of fame than Napo- leon or Victor Emanuel. In this work . . . you can do far more than one like myself. Your counsel carries great weight with it for, to be plain, there is no political letter that falls from your pen that is not copied throughout the Union." 147 S. P. Chase. Governor Chase of Ohio was a lead- ing candidate for the presidential nomination in I860. Lin- coln made him secretary of the treasury and in 1864 he be- came chief justice of the supreme court. 157 Cooper institute speech. The speech at Cooper in- stitute was one of the great efforts of Lincoln's life. He had never spoken in the east and here he faced an audience made up of the learning, wealth and culture of New York. He afterwards quaintly complained to Herndon that for the first time in his life he was ashamed of his clothes. Horace Greeley and David Dudley Field escorted him to the plat- form; William Cullen Bryant introduced him. The Hon. Joseph Choate, now ambassador to England, thus describes the scene: He appeared in every sense of the word one of the plain people among whom he loved to be counted. . . . As he talked to me before the meeting he seemed ill at ease with that sort of apprehension which a young man might feel before presenting himself to a new and strange audience whose critical disposition he dreaded. It was a great audi- ence including all the noted men — all the learned and cult- ured — of his party in New York : editors, clergymen, states- men, lawyers, merchants, critics. They were all very curious to hear him. . . . When Mr. Bryant presented him on the high platform of the Cooper institute a vast sea of eager, upturned faces greeted him, full of intense curiosity to see S53 NOTES ON THE TEXT what this rude child of the people was like. He was equal to the occasion. When he spoke his face was transformed ; his eye kindled, his voice rang, his face shone and seemed to light up the whole assembly. For an hour and a half he held the audience in the hollow of his hand. His style of speech and manner of delivery were severely simple. What Lowell called " the grand simplicities of the Bible " with which he was so familiar were reflected in his discourse. It was marvellous to see how this untutored man, by mere self-discipline and the chastening of his own spirit, had outgrown all meretricious arts and found his way to the grandeur and strength of absolute simplicity. ... He closed with an appeal to his audience, spoken with all the fire of his aroused and kindling conscience, with a full out- pouring of his love of justice and liberty, to maintain their political purpose on that lofty and unassailable issue of right and wrong which alone could justify it, and not to be intimi- dated from their high resolve and sacred duty by any threats of destruction to the government, or of ruin to themselves. That night the great hall, and the next day the whole city, rang with delighted applause and congratula- tions, and he who had come as a stranger departed with the laurels of a great triumph. Horace Greeley, in the next morning's Tribune, declared that " no man ever before made such an impression on his first appeal to a New York audience." 176 Nomination. In the presidential campaign of I860 Seward of New York was considered the man likely to be nominated. Lincoln's other rivals were: Governor Chase, anti-slavery Democrat, one of the founders of the new Re- publican party; Dayton of New Jersey, old Whig; Cameron of Pennsylvania, anti-slavery Democrat; Bates of Missouri, a Whig from a slave state. George Ashmun of Massa- chusetts, president of the convention (whose temporary chairman was David Wilmot, author of the Wilmot pro- viso), in later years organized the first colored regiment and 354< NOTES ON THE TEXT was president of the commission which tried the assassins of Lincoln. In his valedictory, Mr. Ashmun said of Lin- coln: The contest through which he has passed during the last two years has tried him as by fire ; and in that contest in which we are about to go for him now I am sure there is not one man in this country that will be compelled to hang his head for anything in the life of Lincoln. You have a candi- date worthy of the cause ; you are pledged to his success ; humanity is pledged to his success ; the cause of free govern- ment is pledged to his success. The decree has gone forth that he shall succeed. The nomination was well received except by the extreme abolitionists. Wendell Phillips wrote an article calling Lin- coln " the slave hound of Illinois " because Lincoln said that the fugitive slave law since it was a law should be en- forced. The presidential fight was four-cornered. There was (1) the Republican party with Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin of Maine, which held that slavery was a moral wrong and that its further extension should be prohibited by congress; (2) the Douglas Democrats with Douglas and Johnson of Georgia declaring indifference to the right or wrongs of slavery or its extension but claiming the right of each territory to decide whether it should or should not allow it; (3) the Buchanan Democrats with J. C. Breckenridge of Kentucky and Joseph Lane of Oregon declaring that slavery was right and should be extended; (4) the Consti- tution Union party with Bell of Tennessee and Edward Everett of Massachusetts which entirely ignored slavery and I recognized no principle except "the Constitution of the country, the union of the states and the enforcement of the laws." 179 Election. The popular vote in I860 stood: Lin- coln 1,857,610; Douglas 1,365,976; Breckenridge 847,953; I 355 NOTES ON THE TEXT Bell 590^631. The electoral vote was: Lincoln 180; Doug- las 12; Breckenridge 72; Bell 39. 180 A. H. Stephens and the Confederacy. This letter to A. H. Stephens, the man whose oratory had once so moved Lincoln, was written two days after the South Carolina con- vention which by a unanimous ordinance had declared the union existing between South Carolina and the other states " hereby dissolved." The correspondence with Stephens began with Lincoln's request for one of Stephens' speeches in which he declared among other things: " If slavery as it exists with us is not best for the African constituted and made as he is, if it does not best promote his welfare and happiness, socially and morally and politically, as well as that of his master, it ought to be abolished." Two months later than the date of this letter the Confederate States of America framed a provisional government, with Jefferson Davis as president and Stephens as vice president. Stephens described the new government as " founded on the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition." The Confederacy, he said, was " the first [government] in the history of the world based upon this great physical, philosophical and moral truth." Stephens differed from Davis on many points and favored peace in 1864. After the war he served in congress 1875- 82 and became governor of Georgia in 1883, in which year he died. His best known work is his History of the War between the States. 181 Farewell to Springfield. The scene of this fare- well was most impressive. Lincoln stood in the dingy wait- ing room and silently pressed the hands of his friends and neighbors who filed past. The emotion of the moment was profound. When the presidential party had entered the train and the conductor was about to ring the bell for the S5Q NOTES ON THE TEXT start Lincoln's gesture prevented him and, standing on the platform, the president-elect delivered this simple and elo- quent address over which, it has been said, the shadow of his approaching doom seems to fall. His body was brought back to Springfield to be buried 3 May 1865. At the earnest request of the towns on the way the route was the same as that taken when going to Washington. 188 First inaugural. In connection with this first pub- lic declaration of the new president it should be remembered that from January 9 to February 1 of that year the states of Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas had joined South Carolina in declaring themselves out of the Union with slavery as the " cornerstone " of the new Confederacy and had elected a provisional government, and that since December Major Anderson had been be- sieged in Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor after being forced to abandon Fort Moultrie. Lincoln sought the best advice in the preparation of this inaugural. Judge Davis, O. H. Browning and Frank P. Blair, Sr., had criticized it and at the suggestion of Mr. Browning all reference to a recapture of fortifications in the hands of secessionists had been omitted. Finally the new secretary of state, William Seward, was asked for his opinion. He thought the " argu- ment strong and conclusive " but suggested " some words of affection, some of calm and cheerful confidence." The fine idea in the concluding paragraph of the address is Seward's but improved on by Lincoln. In Seward's phrase the " chords of memory stretching from every patriot grave will yet again harmonize in their ancient music when breathed upon by the guardian angel of the nation." Beside the new president at his inauguration stood two old political rivals — E. D. Baker, his brilliant friend whose death was to bring Lincoln the first personal bereavement of the war, introduced him, and the man who took his hat 357 NOTES ON THE TEXT from him as he rose to speak was Stephen Douglas^ destined never again to oppose his old enemy. To crown all Taney, of the Dred Scott decision, administered the oath. 199 Reply to Seward. On April 1 Secretary of State Seward presented to Lincoln a document which all his bi- ographers agree in consideriitg most extraordinary. To Seward's obvious insinuation that his successful rival should practically abdicate in favor of the head of his cabinet Lin- coln's reply is characteristically mild yet of a firmness that Seward was quick to recognize. He wrote soon after to his wife " the president is the best of us all." 201 Fort Sumter. The people of Charleston fired on Sumter after an attempt by the government to provide the garrison with food 12 April 1861. On the morning of Sun- day the fourteenth the little garrison left the fort with the honors of war, carrying the flag that had been fired on, — ^the same that was to be raised over the fort on that very day four years later. 206 Fast day proclamation. General Scott, chief in command, and General Sherman both urged delay and dis- cipline before the newly recruited troops should meet the enemy. The battle of Bull Run, so disastrous to the north, was fought 2 1 July against their wishes but as a sort of con- cession to the popular cry for action. 207 Letter to Fremont. The number of slaves who found their way into the camps of the Union forces em- barrassed the commanding generals not a little. Butler, at Fortress Monroe, had solved the problem neatly by showing that since Virginia claimed to be a foreign country the fugi- tive slave act was clearly inoperative and that as many de- fenses in the southern states had been erected by slave labor negroes were therefore contraband of war. Fremont, on the other hand, declared such negroes free without the per- mission of the president. General Hunter, who came to the 358 NOTES ON THE TEXT rescue, arrived too late. Fremont had been involved in a quarrel with the Blair family of Missouri, men essential to the Union cause, which embarrassed the president; then the popular approval gained by his too hasty emancipation proclamation was dissipated by a military reverse. He was relieved of his command 2 November. Later in the war he was given another command. 212 Letter to McClernand. John Alexander McCler- nand, coming from Illinois where he had been a lawyer and politician, was an old acquaintance of Lincoln. He had been a Democrat but never pro-slavery. His military career began brilliantly; his friends even hoped for his advance- ment to the chief command. Grant found him guilty of dis- obedience to orders and relieved him of his command in 1863. He served in other capacities until 1864. The Washburne referred to was another of the Illinois politicians and an old friend of the president. 216 Letter to McClellan. George B. McClellan (1826-85) was one of the brilliant men of his class at West Point. He served in the Mexican war and studied the mil- itary operations in the Crimea for the United States govern- ment but resigned from the army in 1857- He succeeded in business and became president of the Ohio and Mississippi railroad. He volunteered in 1861, assumed command of the department of the Ohio, drove the Confederates out of West Virginia and aroused so much enthusiasm that he was called to Washington. At the age of thirty-five, 27 July 1861, he assumed command of the Union army after the resignation of General Scott, veteran of the Mexican war. His sudden elevation induced him to do and write many things which were extremely unfortunate. In his letters to his wife published in his autobiography these phrases occur during his stay at Washington: " I find myself in a new and strange position here; president, cabinet. General 359 NOTES ON THE TEXT Scott and all^ deferring to me. By some strange operation of magic I seem to have become the power in the land." " I shall carry this thing en grande and crush the rebels in one campaign." " I would cheerfully take the dictator- ship and agree to lay down my life when the country is saved," and so on. In three months McClellan had drilled and organized the army of raw recruits into a splendid fighting force, but having taken the field he could not rid himself of the idea that the opposing army was much larger than his. Lincoln's plan of campaign, here given, has been praised by military critics. 216 Compensated emancipation. A resolution favoring emancipation on the conditions suggested passed both houses of congress but the south paid no attention to it. The measure was denounced by the radical anti-slavery leader of the house of representatives, Thaddeus Stevens, as "about the most diluted milk-and-water-gruel proposition ever given to the American people." Congress purchased l6 April 1862, at an expense of nearly $1,000,000, the slaves in the Dis- trict of Columbia and gave them their freedom. Lincoln had introduced a bill to this effect during his congressional term but it was not allowed to come to a vote. Slavery had been abolished by compensated emancipation in the British West Indies in 1838. 221 Letter to McClellan. When some one asked Lin- coln why he did not insist on more courteous treatment from the young general the president replied: " Never mind, I will hold McClellan's horse for him if he will only bring success." After his admirable service in drilling the army McClellan's caution became excessive in spite of his superior force. Lincoln's annoyance showed itself in a few curt re- marks such as: " It is called the army of the Potomac but it is only McClellan's body guard" and: "If McClellan is not using the army I should like to borrow it for awhile." 360 NOTES ON THE TEXT McClellan had now begun his campaign against Richmond. He had established a base of supplies at Fortress Monroe but delayed his start towards the Confederate capital. 223 Telegram to McClellan. McClellan took a month to set up siege guns before Yorktown though his force out- numbered that of the enemy four to one. When the guns were set up the Confederates abandoned the position. 227 Telegram to McClellan. General Fitz-John Porter had won the battle of Hanover court-house. The Confeder- ate forces, as the president fancied, were not at all concen- trating on Richmond. " Stonewall " Jackson was prepar- ing to attack General Banks in the valley of the Shenan- doah, a movement which threatened Washington seriously. 228 Letter to McClellan. McClellan planned to make an advance June 26. On that day he was attacked by Lee, just made commander of the Confederate forces in Vir- ginia. McDowell had been detained from coming to rein- force McClellan in order to protect Washington; Banks had been driven out of the Shenandoah and McClellan now found himself cut off from his base of supplies on York river. He set out to establish a new base on the James river and after seven days of hard fighting won the victory of Malvern hill 1 July. McClellan's retreat from Richmond has been called by military critics brilliant in the extreme: it hardly satisfied a country waiting for a victory. On the night of July 27 McClellan telegraphed to Secretary of War Stanton: " If I save this country now I tell you plainly that I owe no thanks to you or any other person in Wash- ington. You have done your best to sacrifice the army." Mr. Stanton, a man of fiery temper, would have had Mc- Clellan court martialed for this but the president instead sent the letter quoted. It was from the Union point of view the most hopeless period of the war. 230 Letter to McClellan. This letter was sent during 361 NOTES ON THE TEXT the seven days fighting of McClellan's retreat ; the following letter after the victory of Malvern hill. Military critics think that after this victory McClellan could have taken Richmond but he was angry and prepared for defeat and left the aggressive to the other side. 232 Appeal to border state representatives. Two-thirds of the border state representatives agreed in thinking this scheme impracticable; one-third promised to submit it to their constituents. It was the president's last attempt to put into practice his cherished scheme for freeing the slaves without ruining their owners. 235 Letter to Reverdy Johnson. Reverdy Johnson was the leader of the Baltimore bar and was called by some the most brilliant lawyer in the country. Lincoln once expected to have an opportunity to cross swords with him when the two happened to be on opposite sides in a case in courts but on a technicality Lincoln was not allowed to speak — a dis- appointment he always remembered. 237 Louisiana. Farragut^ then captain_, commanding the naval forces and General Butler commanding the army had together taken New Orleans 22 April 1862. This de- cisive victory opened the Mississippi which the president called the backbone of the rebellion. It was held by Mason and Slidell^ Confederate emissaries to England, to give the death blow to European recognition of the Confederacy. Lincoln urged the military governors of Louisiana, Ten- nessee and Arkansas to permit and aid the people in electing delegates to the national congress, so that they might not be considered in rebellion and thus escape the penalty of which they were warned in the preliminary emancipation proclama- tion. 240 Letter to Count de Gasparin. Count Agenor de Gasparin, a ^ French writer, philanthropist and publicist, wrote two books in defense of the Union cause during the 362 NOTES ON THE TEXT civil war under the titles (as translated into English) The Uprising of a Great People and America Before Europe. 248 Letter to Greeley. Horace Greeley in the Tribune of August 20 had published an open letter to Lincoln under the title The Prayer of Twenty Millions, accusing him of placating too much the pro-slavery sentiment. 219 Religious views. Jesse W. Fell, who knew Lincoln intimately, has made a long statement of the president's religious views in which he says: "Whilst he held many opinions in common with the great mass of Christian believ- ers he did not believe in what are regarded as the orthodox or evangelical views of Christianity." Mr. Fell thinks that Uncoln's theology was largely that of Theodore Parker. From these opinions none of his friends dissent. W. H. Herndon writes: " No man had a stronger or firmer faith in Providence — God — than Mr. Lincoln but the continued use by him late in life of the word God must not be interpreted to mean that he believed in a personal God." Mrs. Lincobi says that her husband " had no faith and no hope in the usual acceptation of those words." She adds: " He never joined a church but still I believe he was a religious man by nature." 253 Preliminary emancipation 'proclamation. On July 22 the president had assembled his cabinet and told them of his belief that the emancipation of the slaves was now a military necessity. When Lee invaded Maryland the pres- ident, by what he considered most valuable advice from Seward, decided to issue the proclamation as soon as he should be repulsed. JNlcClellan won the bloody battle of Antietam 17 September 1862, by which, though he did not follow up his advantage, he sent the Confederates out of the state. Secretary Chase's account in his diary of the president's words to his cabinet is most interesting. There was general chatting at first and Lincoln read a chapter 363 NOTES ON THE TEXT from Artemus Ward's new book. Then after telling of his resolve to issue the proclamation after the defeat of Lee although the action of the army had been disappointing, he said : I said nothing to any one^ but I made the promise to my- self and [hesitating a little] to my Maker. ... I have got you together to hear what I have written down. I do not wish your advice about the main matter for that I have determined for myself This I say without intending any- thing but respect for any one of you. ... I know very well that many others might in this matter as in others do better than I can^ but if I was satisfied that the public con- fidence was more fully possessed by any one of them than by me and knew of any constitutional way by which he could be put in my place he should have it. ... I am here ; I must do the best I can ; and bear the responsibility of taking the course which I feel I ought to take. The members of the cabinet all approved ; only Mr. Blair thought the time inopportune. 256 Letter to Hannibal Hamlin. Lincoln's vice presi- dent, originally a Democrat, joined the Republican party on account of his anti-slavery views. He was a senator from 1857 to 1861 and after his vice presidency was again sena- tor 1 869-8 L In the latter year he was appointed minister to Spain. 262 Louisiana. The congressional elections so much desired by Lincoln were held 3 December 1862. No federal officer was a candidate and a half-vote was polled. The committee on investigation declared the election perfectly legal and congress admitted the representatives. The presi- dent urged similar elections elsewhere, but congress after- wards refused to allow such representatives to take their seats and thus frustrated the reconstruction policy planned by the president. 364 NOTES ON THE TEXT 264 Carl Schurz. Carl Schurz, born in Prussia, fled to this country when a young man because of complica- tion in the revolutionary movement in his native land. He served during the war and was influential in enlisting Ger- man citizens. 269 Battle of Fredericksburg. General A. E. Burn- side, who against his own wish had been given charge of the army, was severely defeated at the battle of Fredericks- burg 11 December 1862. His report of the battle referred to by the president was a manly document in which he praised the conduct of his officers and men and took on his own shoulders the responsibility for the disaster. The de- feat aroused the greatest discontent in the north but there seemed no man at hand better fitted for the command than Burnside. 275 Letter to Hooker. " Perhaps the most remarkable thing in his letter/' say Messrs. Nicolay and Hay in their biography/ 'is the evidence it gives how completely the genius of President Lincoln had by this, the middle of his presi- dential term, risen to the full height of his great national duties and responsibilities. From beginning to end it speaks the language and breathes the spirit of the great ruler, secure in the popular confidence and official authority, equal to the great emergencies that successively rose before him." 270 Emancipation proclamation. The eff'ect on the slaves of this historic document, to the signing of which the president's letters have shown him to have been driven by force of circumstances and against his feeling of justice to the slave-holders, may perhaps best be illustrated by a quotation from Booker T. Washington's autobiography en- titled " Up From Slavery." In this volume we get a de- scription of that supreme moment from one who was himself a slave-bo}^ on a Virginia plantation: 365 NOTES ON THE TEXT As the great day drew nearer, there was more singing in the slave quarters than usual. It was bolder, had more ring, and lasted later into the night. Most of the verses of the plantation songs had reference to freedom. True, they had sung the same verses before, but they had been careful to explain that the "freedom" of these songs referred to the next world and had no connection with life in this world. Now they gradually threw off the mask and were not afraid to let it be known that the " freedom " in their songs meant freedom of body in this world. The night before the event- ful day, word was sent to the slave quarters to the effect that something unusual was going to take place at the " big house " the next morning. There was little if any sleep that night. All was excitement and expectancy. Early the next morning word was sent to all the slaves, old and young, to gather at the house. In company with my mother, brother, and sister, and a large number of other slaves, I went to the master's house. All of our master's family were either standing or seated on the veranda of the house, where they were to see what was to take place and hear what was said. There was a feeling of deep interest, or perhaps sad- ness, on their faces, but not bitterness. As I now recall the impression they made on me, they did not at the moment seem to be sad because of the loss of their property, but rather because of parting with those whom they had reared and who were in many ways very close to them. The most distinct thing that I now recall was that some man who seemed to be a stranger (a United States officer, I presume) made a little speech and then read a rather long paper — the emanci- pation proclamation, I think. After the reading we were told that we were all free and could go when and where we pleased. My mother who was standing by my side leaned over and kissed her children, while tears of joy ran down her cheeks. She explained to us what it all meant, that this was the day for which she had been so long praying but fearing she would never live to see. For some minutes there was great rejoicing and thanks- giving and wild scenes of ecstasy. But there was no feeling 366 NOTES ON THE TEXT of bitterness. In fact there was pity among the slaves for their former owners. The wild rejoicing on the part of the emancipated colored people lasted but a brief period, for I noticed that by the time they had returned to their cabins there was a change in their feelings. The great responsibil- ity of being free, of having charge of themselves, of having to think and plan for themselves and their children, seemed to take possession of them. It was very much like turning a youth often or twelve out into the world to provide for himself. To some it seemed that now they were in actual possession of it, freedom was a more serious thing than they had expected to find it. Some of the slaves were seventy or eighty years old ; their best days were gone. Besides, deep down in their hearts there was a strange and peculiar attach- ment to ^^old marster " and "old missus" and to their chil- dren, which they found it hard to think of breaking off. . . . Gradually, one by one, stealthily at first, the older slaves be- gan to wander from the slave quarters back to the big house to have a whispered conversation with their former owners as to the future. 279 Grant at Vichshurg. General Grant had from the first assumed an aggressive policy and had won substantial victories that were disproved of by Halleck, his superior, on technical grounds. The president, just then irritated by the indecision of his generals, was urged to remove him but his reply was, " I can't spare this man. He fights." He then raised Grant to the rank of major general. Grant con- tinued his aggressive policy and at Vicksburg forced the surrender of Pemberton with about 30,000 men and 172 cannon. 279 Letter to Meade. The battle of Gettysburg was fought on the three first days of July 1863. Lee had dreamed of taking Philadelphia but the repulse given him by General Meade was so severe that had it been followed up the popular belief was that the war would have been ended shortly. 367 NOTES ON THE TEXT 282 Letter to Mrs. Lincoln. After the death of William Lincoln, Thomas, or " Tad/' seemed to grow especially dear to his father. Colonel John Hay writes: " Tad " was a merry, warm-blooded, kindly little boy, perfectly lawless and full of odd fancies and inventions, the " chartered libertine " of the executive mansion. He ran continually in and out of his father's cabinet, interrupting his gravest labors and conversations with his bright, rapid and very imperfect speech, — for he had an impediment which made his articulation almost unintelligible until he was nearly grown. He would perch upon his father's knee, and sometimes even on his shoulder, while the most weighty conferences were going on. Sometimes, escaping from the domestic authorities, he would take refuge in that sanctuary for the whole evening, dropping* to sleep at last on the floor, when the president would pick him up and carry him tender- ly to bed. 284? Letter to J. C. Conklin. The Republicans of Illinois held a mass meeting in Springfield and J. C. Conklin was chairman of the committtee on arrangements that in- vited Lincoln to be present and speak. In June 1863 a meeting had been held in Springfield in opposition to the na- tional government, as part of a movement to form a north- western confederacy, and this was the answer. Lincoln thought he had written " rather a good letter." Its success was immense; Mr. Nicolay calls it Lincoln's "last stump speech." 289 Gettysburg address. Critics are agreed that this brief speech ranks with the world's great orations. At the time Lincoln said to a friend: " It is a flat failure. The people won't like it." The next day Edward Everett, who delivered the long oration of the day, wrote to Lincoln: " I should be glad if I could flatter myself that I came as near to the central idea of the occasion in two hours as you 368 NOTES ON THE TEXT did in two minutes." Mrs. Lincoln remarks that her hus- band seemed to think "more than ever" on religious mat- ters " about the time he went to Gettysburg." 291 Letter to Governor Hoadley. The president's len- iency and willingness to pardon military offenders gave great dissatisfaction to the war department and officers in the field, who claimed that he destroyed discipline. Lincoln seemed incapable of ordering the death of anyone. He called the instances of cowardice in the face of the enemy " leg cases " and asked: " If the Lord gives a man a pair of cowardly legs how can he help their running away with him?" One of the most touching instances of his pardoning an offender is that of William Scott. Scott was a mere boy and had offered to go on guard for a sick comrade after forty-eight sleepless hours, with the result that he was found asleep at his post and was sentenced to be shot. The presi- dent visited him in his tent, talked with him, looked at the photographs of the people at home which the boy carried with him, then informed him that he should not be shot on the morrow. He added that Scott owed him a great deal and asked if he intended to pay the debt. The astonished boy tried to express his gratitude and, misunderstanding, ex- plained that with the bounty and his pay and the folks at home and the " boys " he thought he could in time raise $500 or $600. Lincoln said that the debt was far more than that and could be paid only by courage and attention to duty. Scott proved himself worthy and fought until desperately wounded some time after. With his last words he sent a message to Lincoln to say that he had tried to pay the debt and thought in his last moments of the president's kind face and thanked him once again for having permitted him to fall a soldier in battle rather than as a coward at the hands of his comrades. 296 Fort Pillow. Forrest, the Confederate cavalry 369 NOTES ON THE TEXT man, reported that at Fort Pillow 13 April 1864 he had in thirty minutes stormed a fort manned by 700 and captured the entire garrison, killing 500. The majority of the killed were colored soldiers. The Confederate loss he put at 20 killed and 60 wounded. To this report, slightly exag- gerated, Lincoln refers. On 1 May 1863, the Confederate congress had passed a joint resolution which prescribed that white officers of negro Union soldiers should " if captured be put to death or be otherwise punished at the discretion of the court." This command was never carried out, and the Fort Pillow incident is the only record of cruelty to negro ' troops. The president did not retaliate. About a year before the battle of Fort Pillow Lincoln discussed with the negro orator Douglass the propriety of a retaliatory measure to the resolutions of the Confederates. Douglass says: I shall never forget the benignant expression of his face, the tearful look of his eye, and the quiver in his voice when he deprecated a resort to retaliatory measures. " Once be- gun," said he, ^* I do not know where such a measure would stop." He said he could not take men out and kill them in cold blood for what was done by others. If he could get hold of the persons who were guilty of killing the colored prisoners in cold blood the case would be different, but he could not kill the innocent for the guilty. 298 Letter to Grant. Grant was put in command of all the armies of the north in March 1864. He was invested with the rank of lieutenant general, before the civil war only twice conferred, once on Washington and once on Scott. Grant from the first was gladly allowed to take matters largely in his own hands. In reply to the letter of the presi- dent here given Grant wrote : " From my first entrance into the volunteer service of the country to the present day I have never had a cause of complaint. I have been astonished 370 NOTES ON THE TEXT at the readiness with which everything asked for has been yielded, without even an explanation being asked. Should my success be less than I desire and expect the least I can say is the fault is not with you." Grant in his Memoirs tells a characteristic story of the way Lincoln referred to army conditions past and present. The president told him the following story: "At one time there was a great war among the animals and one side had great difficulty in getting a commander who had sufficient confidence in himself. Finally they found a monkey by the name of Jocko who said he thought he could command their army if his tail could be made a little longer. So they got more tail and spliced it on to his caudal appendage. He looked at it admiringly and then he thought he ought to have a little more still. This was added and again he called for more. The splicing process was repeated many times until they coiled Jocko's tail around the room filling all the space. Still he called for more tail and there being no other place to coil it they began wrapping it around his shoulders. He continued his call for more and they kept on winding the additional t^il round him until its weight broke him down." Grant replied: "Mr. President, I will not call for more assistance unless I find it impossible to do with what I al- ready have." 300 Renomination. Lincoln was renominated for presi- dent 7 June 1864. There was some opposition from both conservatives and radicals but it amounted to little. Secre- tary of the Treasury Chase was a rival for nomination and a dissatisfied section put up Fremont. Andrew John- son of Tennessee was nominated for vice president. Mc- Clellan was the Democratic candidate. S02 Memorandum. The great loss of life in Grant's operations against Richmond, the arguments of Greeley who disagreed with Lincoln, the defection of Chase who resigned 371 NOTES ON THE TEXT his office and the brilliant generalship of Lee had all caused great dissatisfaction in the country. 307 Re-election. Before election day important land and naval victories had been gained. Lincoln received 212 out of 233 electoral votes. 308 Message to congress. The great question before the country at this time was the passing of the thirteenth amendment to the Constitution by which slavery should be made impossible forever in the United States. This was passed 31 January 1865; 119 voted for it^ 5Q against and 8 did not vote. The issue was considered uncertain up to almost the last and the result was received by the anti- slavery party with the wildest demonstrations of joy. A salute of 100 guns announced the result. 313 Letter to W. T. Sherman. General W. T. Sher- man took the city of Savannah after his famous march to the sea 24 December 1864. Thus the Confederate army was diminished to practically one force^ that about Rich- mond. 314 Peace conference. Lincoln afterwards went him- self to meet the peace commissioners but they seemed to de- sire armistice rather than peace and the conference came to nothing. 315 Draft of message to congress. This was the presi- dent's last attempt to save the south from financial ruin; it was not^ however^ change of opinion but death that put ; a stop to his efforts and placed in his stead men so much less far-seeing and considerate. At the cabinet meeting, according to Mr. Nicolay, " with the words * You are all opposed to me,' sadly uttered, the president folded up the paper and ceased the discussion." 316 Second inaugural. This inaugural and the Gettys- burg address are the high water mark of Lincoln's eloquence. The London Times called this inaugural the most sublime 372 NOTES ON THE TEXT state paper of the century. Exactly two months later this address was read over Lincoln's grave. 320 Last public address. Lee had surrendered 9 April 1865. The president's last public utterance centres around the question before the country — reconstruction — a process that^ had he lived, it is fair to suppose would have been far better and more speedily accom.plished. Lincoln was assas- sinated on the evening of the fourteenth. S7S LIST OF AUTHORITIES Abraham Lincoln: A History. 10 vols. Nicolay and Hay. Life of Abraham Lincoln. Herndon and Weik. Life of Abraham Lincoln. Ward H. Lamon. Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Ida M. Tarbell. Abraham Lincoln. Noah Brooks, Life of Abraham Lincoln. Isaac N. Arnold. Administration of President Lincoln. Henry J. Raymond. Abraham Lincoln, a Man of the People. Norman Hapgood. The True Abraham Lincoln. W. E. Curtis. Life of Lincoln. J. T. Morse. Memoirs. U. S. Grant. McClellan's Own Story. G. B. McClellan. The American Conflict. Horace Greeley. History of the War Between the States. A. H. Stephens. History of the United States from the compromise of 1850. J. F. Rhodes. Lincoln Memorial Bibliography. A. S. Boyd. S74 INDEX Abolitionism, the right way to re- gard, 13. Abolitionist, Lincoln declared an, 90. Abolitionists, southern recruits among, 76. Admission of states into Union, Lincoln's position as to, 117, 118. Africa, return of negroes to, 76, 103. African slave-trade, forbidden, 77, 78 ; revival of, by Doug- las's popular sovereignty doc- trine, 146, 147, 196 ; period of extinguishment of, 154 ; Dem- ocratic call for revival of, 159. Aliens, Lincoln's attitude toward, 143. Allen, Col. Robert, letter to, 6. Ambition, Lincoln's personal, 5 ; misdirected, 12, 15, 275 ; well directed, 14, 275. American Baptist home mission society, preamble and resolu- tions of, 299. American people, patriotism of, 7, 8, 11-15, 191 ; resources, advantages, and powers of, 276, 310 ; loyalty of, 203, 204, 308, 309, 316. Amnesty, offer of general pardon and, 311. Anarchy, tendencies toward, 11 ; relation to secession, 195. Anderson, W. G., letter to, 28. Andrews, , sentenced to be shot for desertion, 291. Antietam, battle of, 259, Apprenticeship of negroes, 273, 321. Army of the Potomac, McClel- lan's plans for movement of, contrasted with the president's, 216 ; McClellan relieved from command of, 260; congratula- tions to, 269 ; Hooker assigned to command, 275. Asbury, Henry, letter to, 136. Ashmun, George, letter to, 176. Assassination, reason for, 163. Atlanta, Ga., Sherman's march to Savannah from, 313. Autobiography of the president, 104, 327. Baker, Col. E. D., Campbellite influence for, 47 ; patriotism of, 265. Baltimore, Md., address at sani- tary fair in, 295. Banks, Maj.-Gen. Nathaniel P., 375 INDEX letter to, regarding impedi- Burnside, Maj. -Gen. Ambrose E., menta, 263. Barnburners, support Gen. Tay- lor, 60. Bedell, Grace, letter to, 178. Belmont, August, letter to, 239. Bible, as authority for slavery, 125, 148. Bixby, Mrs., mother of five sons killed in battle for the Union, letter to, 308. Black Hawk war, Lincoln's ser- vice in, 64, 104. Black Republicanism, southern definition of, 161. Blair, Frank P., Jr., gradual emancipation scheme, 130. Bramlette, Thomas E., governor of Kentucky, conversation with, regarding working of emanci- pation, 293. Brooks, Preston S., on slavery,, 132, 135. Brown, Gratz, gradual eman- cipation scheme, 130. Brown, John, war-cry of Demo- crats against Republicans, 160 ; Republicans not impUcated, 160, 161 ; peculiarity of his insurrection, 163. Browning, O. H., 57, 107; letter to, 209. Browning, Mrs. O. H., letter to, 21. Buchanan, James, Pierce's opin- ion of his election, 93 ; likened to Lear, 94. Bullitt, Cuthbert, letter to, 236. letter to, 281. Butler, Maj. -Gen. B. F., feeds negroes at New Orleans, 251 ; in Louisiana, 262. Cabinet, Seward declares that there must be union in the, 200 ; question of dismissing a member of the, 302 ; disap- proves the recommendation of appropriation of money for the southern states^ 316. Cameron, Simon, suggests arm- ing of negroes, 294. Canisius, Theodore, letter to, 143. Capital, relation of labor and, 213, 214. Cass, Gen. Lewis, invasion of Canada, 64 ; eating and work- ing capacities of, 65-67. Central America, question of ne- gro colonization in, 246, 247. Chase, Salmon P. , Lincoln's opin- ion of, 147, 175. Chicago, 111., fragment of speech at Republican banquet, 93 ; speech at, 105 ; speech at, 139 ; Republican national conven- tion at, 176 ; reply to commit- tee from religious denomina- tions of, asking the president to issue a proclamation of emancipation, 250. Cincinnati, Ohio, speech at, 147. Clay, Henry, campaign work for, in Indiana, 48 ; on annexation of Texas, 51 ; presidential pos- sibilities, 57 ; influence on Tay- 376 INDEX lor's nomination, 57 ; an "old horse turned out to root," 62 ; failure to effect gradual eman- cipation, 86 ; position on sla- very, 115; Lincoln's beau-ideal, 115; on slavery in district of Columbia, 119. Cleveland, Ohio, address at, 184. Colfax, Schuyler, letter to, 144. Colonization of negroes, question of. 76, 103, 114, 233; address to deputation of colored men on, 243. Colored troops, at Jacksonville, Fla., 278 ; their weight in the Union scale, 278, 286, 303, 304 ; employment of, 287, 294, 297 ; the president desires appoint- ment of Jacob Freese to a reg- iment of, 289 ; massacre of, at Fort PiUow, 296 ; the duty of the government toward, 297 ; numbers in the Union service, 304 ; their hope of reward, 304.; attempted employment of, by Confederates, 321. Columbus, O., speech at, 147; address to Ohio legislature at, 183. Compensated emancipation, rec- ommended to congress, 217, 225, 285 ; economy of the scheme, 219 ; would shorten the war, 219 ; appeal to border , state representatives in behalf of, 232 ; preliminary proclama- tion regarding absolute, 254. Compromise of 1850, 75, 82, 85, 89 ; a full settlement of the slavery question, 81. Confederate States of America, desire for peace and reunion in, 314 ; scheme of appropriation of money for, 315. Confederate troops,prayer among, 250. Conkling, James C, letter to, regarding Union mass meeting to be held at Springfield, 111., 284. Cooper institute. New York, speech at, 157-169. Cotton-gin, effect of its preven- tion on slavery, 132, 135. Declaration of Independence, rights, equality with whites, status, etc., of negroes under, 75, 99, 109, 111, 113, 115, 124, 126, 156, 170 ; the negro's share in framing, 96; mutilation of, 97 ; Lincoln's interpretation of, 99, 100 ; its ultimate purpose, 100; called a "self-evident lie," 84, 86, 124, 141, 203; wellspring of Lincoln's politi- cal sentiments, 187; continued the federal union, 192. Deist, Lincoln suspected of being a, 47. Delahay, M. W., letter to, 142. Delaware, estimated cost of emancipation in, 219. Democratic party, vulnerable point of, 25 ; sheltered under Gen. Jackson's military coat- tail, 62 ; views on slavery, 103, 377 INDEX 129-131 ; degradation of ne- groes by, 103 ; exultation over defeat of Blair in Missouri, 130. Dictators, who can set up, 276. Dictionary of congress, brief au- tobiography for, 104. Divine purpose, 308, 318. Divine truth and justice, 198. Divine will, meditation on the, 257. Dixon, Senator James, conversa- tion with, concerning emanci- pation, 293. Douglas, Stephen A., fracas with Francis, 27 ; Lincoln's speech at Peoria, 111., in reply to, 75- 85 ; purpose to nationalize slavery, 75, 146 ; bill to organ- ize Kansas and Nebraska, 75- 85, 89, 98 ; on equality of ne- groes and whites, 98, 102; claims that negroes were not included in Declaration of In- dependence, 99, 126, 156; of- fended with Lincoln's state- ment as to "house divided against itself," 105, 106 ; per- verts Lincoln's position in vari- ous speeches, 106, 112; don't care policy, 110, 115, 130, 133, 169, 173 ; construction of the Declaration of Independence, 110, 113, 126, 156; influence of, 115, 125, 156; position regard- ing status of slavery according to the fathers and the Constitu- tion, 132, 135 ; on slavery in the Territories, 131, 133, 152, 154; position as between negro and crocodile, 149, 173 ; popular sovereignty, 152 ; essay in Harper's Magazine, 153. See also Joint Debates, Negroes, Popular Sovereignty, Slavery, and other topics of discussion. Dred Scott decision, Lincoln on the, 96-102, 110, 128, 156; Douglas's position on, 96-102, 110. Duel, arrangements for, with Gen. Shields, 45. Durant, Thomas J., letter to Cuthbert Bullitt from, 236. Election of 1860, views on fusion for, 142, 143, 175; danger of local issues in, 144, 145, 146 ; use of money in, 175 ; nomina- tion of Lincoln for the presi- dency, 176. Emancipation, plans for gradual, 77, 86, 130, 162, 216, 232, 254 ; Henry Clay on, 115 ; Washing- ton on, 158 ; Jeiferson on, 162 ; effect of, on suppression of re- bellion, 217 ; compensated, 217, 219, 225, 232, 254, 285; mili- tary, 224, 294; appeals to border states for, 232, 294; letter to Greeley on, 248 ; reply to com- mittee from religious denomi- nations of Chicago asking issu- ance of proclamation of, 250 ; its effect in Europe, 252 ; brings on the crisis of the contest, 291 ; unaccompanied by servile insurrection, 290 ; conversa- tion with Gov. Bramlette and 378 INDEX Senator Dixon on working of, 293; letter to A. G. Hodges concerning working of, 293 ; the test for complainers of, 294 ; results of a year of trial, 294 ; its purpose to save the Union, 294; in Louisiana, 321. Emancipation proclamation, pre- liminary, 253; issued Jan. 1, 1863, 270 ; a military measure, 272, 286, 290, 294 ; not to be retracted by the president, 272 ; notice of, given beforehand, 276 ; alleged to be unconstitu- tional, 286 ; dislike of, 286. Equality, definition of, 100. Everett, Edward, letter introduc- ing, 233. Fast day, appointment of a na- tional, 206. Federal Union, Lincoln's devo- tion to, 81, 89, 91, 186, 248, 293 ; influence of slavery on the stability of, 81, 104, 105, 153, 171, 181, 244; house divided against itself, 104; Lincoln does not expect it to be dis- solved, 105, 106 ; threatened secession of south in event of election of Republican presi- dent, 151, 166 ; threatened disruption of, 164, 184, 193; the one thing necessary to the salvation of, 182 ; devotion of the people to, 182, 186; the preservation of the business of the people, 183 ; perpetuity of, 191 ; older than the Constitu- tion, 192; unbroken by ordi- nances of secession, 192 ; physi- cal reasons against secession, 196 ; confederate avowal of purpose to sever, 201 ; its in- tegrity the primary object of the contest, 248 ; the president declares its restoration his sole purpose in carrying on war, 248, 303 ; feeling in the border states, 253 ; proposed meeting at Springfield, 111., of uncondi- tional Union men, 286 ; com- promise embracing mainte- nance of, impossible, 286 ; the president's endeavor to pre- serve failing his re-election, 306. Fort Pillow, massacre at, 296. Fort Sumter, effects of assault of, 201. Fortress Monroe, negotiation for meeting with confederate com- missioners at, 314. Free labor, 215 ; contrasted with slavery, 74 ; hurtful effect of slavery upon, 127, 149, 171. Free negroes, colonization of, 244. Freese, Jacob, president desires his appointment as colonel of colored regiment, 289. Fremont, J. C, presidential can- didacy of, 94; correspondence with, 207 ; emancipation proc- lamation of, 207 ; need of as- sistance, 208 ; visit of Mr. Blair to, 209; no imputation aga^inst his honor, 209 ; his proclama- tion discussed, 210, 211, 294; in Shenandoah valley, 230 ; at- 379 INDEX tempt at military emancipation, 294. Fremont, Mrs. J. C, letter to, 209. Fugitive-slave law, Lincoln's po- sition on, 77, 116, 118; attitude of New Hampshire and Ohio on, 145, 146 ; enforcement of, 184, 189, 190 ; effect of seces- sion on, 190. Fugitive slaves, constitutional provision for, 189. Galena, 111., speech at, 90. Galloway, Samuel, letters to, 146, 175. Gasparin, Count, letter to, 240. Gettysburg, battle of, letter to Gen. Meade after, 279 ; address at, 289. Grant, Lt. Gen., correspondence with, 279, 298, 302, 307, 313, 314 ; letter of acknowledgment of services at Vicksburg, 279 ; his business and fighting quali- ties, 281 ; letter of thanks to, 298; declaration "I am go- ing through on this line if it takes all summer," 301; de- spatch to, recommending a bull- dog grip on the enemy, 302 ; letter to, respecting Robert Lin- coln's desire to enter the service, 313 ; tribute to, 320. Greeley, Horace, letter to, 248 ; attacks the government on ac- count of captured negroes, 252. Gunther, C. F., Lincoln collection of, 137. Gurney, Mrs. E. P., letter to, 306. Hackett, J. H., letters to, 283, 289. Hahn, Michael, letter to, 291. Hale, J. T., letter to, 181. Hamlin, Hannibal, letter to, 256. Harper's ferry, raid charged to Republican party, 160, 161, 163. Harper's Magazine, Douglas's es- say in, 153. Henry, Dr. A. G., letter to, 136. Herndon, W. H., letters to, 50, 51, 60, 61 ; pecuniary matters with, 50. Hodges, A. G., letter to, 293. Hooker, Col. J., letter to, on his taking command of the army of the Potomac, 275 ; plan of campaign against Richmond, 278. "House divided against itself can not stand," 86, 104, 105. Howard, Gen. O. O., letter to, 281. Human freedom, test of a govern- ment founded on the principles of 276, 277, 289. Hunter, Gen. D., correspondence with, 208, 278 ; asked to go to Fremont's assistance, 208 ; rev- ocation of order of mihtary emancipation, 224-226, 294; commanding colored force in Florida, 278. Ide, Dr., letter to, 299. Illinois, election questions in, 5 ; slavery resolutions in legisla- ture, 18 ; Whig prospects in, 1840, 27 ; doubtful for Taylor, 380 INDEX 50 ; nomination of Lincoln for U. S. senatorship, 104 ; elec- tion of Douglas to U. S. senate, 136 ; the president's home pride in, 212. Illinois house of representatives, remarks before, 25. Inaugural addresses, the first, 188; the second, 316, 319. Independence hall, address in, 187. Indiana, poetry reminiscent of early life in, 48 ; address to an Indiana regiment, 319. Indianapolis, address at, 182. Jackson, Andrew, the shelter of his military coat-tail, 62 ; no sectionalism and election of, 92. Jefferson, Thomas, invitation to Boston on his birthday, 140 ; his definitions and axioms of free society, 140-142 ; on grad- ual emancipation, 162. Johnson, Reverdy, letter to, 235. Johnston, , letters to, 47, 50. Johnston, John D., letters to, 70, 72. Joint debates, Ottawa, 114; Freeport, 116 ; Charleston, 122, 123 ; Quincy, 127, 132 ; Alton, 133. Judd, Norman B., letter to, 135. Kansas, bill for territorial govern- ment, 75 ; the slavery question in, 88, 89, 90, 147; Speed's position on border warfare, 87 ; speeches in, 1-5 Dec. 1859, 152. Kansas-Nebraska bill, 75-85, 89, 98. Kellogg, William, letter to, 180. Kentucky, slavery in, 87 ; address to people of, 147-152 ; a vital point, 211 ; objections to Fre- mont's proclamation, 211. Know-nothing party, Lincoln not a member of, 91. Lamborn, , on errors of the administration, 25, 26. Lawyers, advice to, 68-70. Liberia, colonization in, 76, 245 ; interview with president of, 245. Liberty, definitions of the word, 295, 296. Lincoln, Mrs. Abraham, letter to, 282. Lincoln, Edward Baker, birth of, 49. Lincoln, Robert T., anecdote of, 49 ; desires to enter miUtary service, 313. Lincoln, SaUie Bush, message to, 73. Lincoln, " Tad," message to, 283. Lincoln, Thomas, letter to, 68 ; death of, 72. Louisiana, mob law in, 9 ; Union feeling in, 235 ; complaint against Gen. Phelps, 235 ; com- plaints of Union men in, 236, 238, 239 ; letter regarding elec- tion of representatives to U. S. congress, 262 ; the president's desire for election in, 263 ; first free state governor of, 291 ; convention in, 291 ; negro fran- 381 INDEX chise in, 292 ; opening of public schools in, equally to black and white, 324 ; ratifies the 13th amendment, 325. Lynch law, horrors of, 7-17. McClellan, correspondence with, 216, 221, 223, 226, 227, 228, 230, 231, 232, 249, 250, 257, 259 ; his plans for the army of the Potomac contrasted with the president's, 216; com- plains of being improperly sus- tained, 221 ; forces under his command, 221 ; urged to action by the president, 222 ; relations with his generals, 223 ; opposi- tion to army corps organization, 223 ; loss of confidence in, 224 ; question of attacking Richmond or moving to a defence of Wash- ington, 226 ; inquiry concerning Porter's expedition, 227 ; fears of being overwhelmed, 228 ; serious reverse before Rich- mond, 228, 229 ; remonstrance against his demand for 50,000 troops, 230 ; possibility of fall- ing back to Fortress Monroe, 230 ; reinforcements from Hun- ter for, 231 ; thanks to, 232 ; difference between secretary of war and, 242 ; over-cautious- ness of, 257 ; dread of confede- rate invasion of Pennsylvania, 258 ; sharp question to, respect- ing action, 260; relieved from command, 260 ; president's dis- satisfaction with, 265. McClernand, Brig.-Gen. J. A., correspondence with, 212, 272; thanks to, for services in the field, 212. McDougall, J. A., letter to, 219. McDowell, Maj.-Gen. Irvin, as- signed to defence of Washing- ton, 221. Manchester, Eng., letter to the workingmen of, Jan. 19, 1863, 273. Mann, Mrs. Horace, letter to, 295. Massachusetts, free-negro vote in, 96 ; movement against foreign- ers in, 143, 145. Meade, Gen. George G., letter to, after Gettysburg, 279. Memory, verses on, 48. Memphis, Tenn., Douglas speaks at, 149. Merryman, Dr. E. H., Lincoln's second in Shields affair, 45. Methodist delegation, reply to a, 298. Mexican war, Lincoln's position on, 52-56, 58, 59. Miscegenation, natural disgust at, 98 ; Lincoln's views on, 103, 121, 122. Mob law, 7-17. Morris, Martin M., letter to, 46. Moulton, , letter to, 233. Mulattos, slavery the principal cause of their existence, 103. National union league, reply to a delegation from, 300. Native Americans, support Gen. Taylor, 60. 382 INDEX Naturalization, Lincoln's views on Massachusetts' constitu- tional provision in regard to, 143. Nebraska, question of slavery in, 75, 77, BO, 82. Nebraska bill, Lincoln's position on, 75, 85, 89, 98, 107. Negroes, lynch law for, 10 ; their temperament a paradox, 29 ; rights of, under Declaration of Independence, 75, 99, 109, 111, 115, 126, 156, 170; social and political equality between whites and, 76, 98, 100, 101, 112, 113, Hi, 121 ; colonization of, 76, 103,114,233,243; hu- manity of, 77-79, 80, 100, 101 ; number of free, 78 ; status in 1776, 86, 96 ; status under Dred Scott decision, 97 ; position of Democratic and Republican par- ties toward, 103 ; as voters, 121, 123 ; injustice of whites to, 124 ; Lincoln's position between whites and, 149 ; Douglas's po- sition between crocodiles and, 149, 173 ; objection to the presence of free, 243, 244 ; de- clared free Jan. 1, 1863, 270; question of arming the, 286, 287, 294, 304 ; as soldiers, 287, 290 ; Secretary Cameron ad- vised arming of, 294; laying strong hands on, 294. See also Gjlored Troops, Freed Men, Miscegenation, Slavery, Slaves, etc. Negro sufirage, Lincoln charged with favoring, 123 ; Lincoln's views on, 121,147, 292. New England, blamed for John Brown's raid, 163. New Hampshire, free-negro vote in, 96 ; movement to make obe- dience to fugitive slave law punishable as crime, 145, New Haven, Conn., speech at, 169-174. New Jersey, free-negro vote in, 96 ; address to the senate and assembly of, 185 ; opposition to Republican principles in, 186. New Salem, 111., announcement of political views at, 5. New York state, probable vote for Clay, 57; free-negro vote in, 96. New York "Times," letter to edi- tor of, 219. New York "Tribune," letter to the president from Horace Greeley in, 248. North, allegation of sectionalism against, 91,157,158 ; no natural antagonism against the south, 151,152. North Carolina, free-negro vote in, 96. Ohio, attitude toward fugitive- slave law, 145. Ohio regiment, address to the 166th, 305. Old horses and military coat-tails, 61-64. Owens, Mary, letters to, 18, 19. Pardoning power, exercise of the, 291. 383 INDEX Peace, the president's conditions for, 314. Peck, Rev. J. M., letter to, 58. Peoria, 111., speech at, 73-85. Perpetuation of political institu- tions, 7-17. Pettit, Sen. John, declares the equality clause of the Declara- tion of Independence " a self- evident lie," 84, 86, 141. Philadelphia, address in Inde- pendence hall, 187, 188 ; speech at a sanitary fair in, 300. Pickett, Thomas J., letter to, 142. Pierce, Franklin, no sectionalism in election of, 92 ; annual mes- sage of 1856, 93. Pierce, H. L., letter to, 140. Poetry, difference between poeti- cal feeling and poetical expres- sion, 48 ; reminiscences of early life in Indiana, 48. Politics, importance of young men in, 60, 61. Polk, J. K., president of the United States, attitude, actions, etc., on the Mexican war, 52- 56. Popular sovereignty, war cry of Douglas's campaign against Lincoln, 79 ; Douglas's doc- trine of, carried to logical con- clusion, revives African slave trade, 146 ; Douglas's doctrine of, 152-157, 159; definition of a genuine, 152 ; the sugar- coated name for policy of in- difference regarding slavery, 173. Presidency, Lincoln's opinion of his fitness for, 142 ; nomina- tion to, 176 ; responsibilities of the, 182, 183. Railroads, views on construct- ing, 6. Rappahannock river. Gen. Mc- Clellan's plans for movement by way of, 216. Raymond, H. J., letter to, 219. Reed, Rev. A., letter to, 277. Religious denominations of Chi- cago, reply to committee from, asking the issuance of emanci- pation proclamation, 250. Republican party, position on slavery, 99, 103, 127, 129, 157, 169, 171 ; non-interference with slavery where it exists, 128, 167, 169, 178, 180, 194 ; Lincoln's views on fusion for 1860, 143 ; danger in national convention from local issues, 145, 146; mistaken ideas about, 150- 152; southern opinion of, 157; charged with being revolution- ary, 160 ; propose no violation of the Constitution, 164 ; nomi- nates Lincoln for president, 176 ; position of, in January 1861, 181. RepubUcs, is there an inherent weakness in, 202. Richmond, Va., McClellan be- fore, plans for movements and his operations, 221, 223, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 258; 284> 1 N D E :^ Grant's determination regard- ing, 301 ; evacuation of, 320. Right, eternal conflict between wrong and, 134. Robertson, G., letter to, 85. Robinson, C. D., letter to, on preservation of the Union and terms of peace, 303. Sabbath observance, order for, 260. Sailors and soldiers, patriotism among, 203. Sangamo Journal, letter to, 5 ; its editor attacked by Douglas, 27 ; reports a temperance speech by Lincoln, 43 ; article offensive to Gen. Shields in, 45. Sangamon county. 111., address to, 5 ; constituents in, 6 ; pro- test from members for, on sub- ject of slavery, 18 ; Lincoln cast off by people of, 46. Sanitary fairs, remarks on closing one in Washington, 192 ; ad- dress at fair in Baltimore, 295 ; speech at one in Philadelphia, 300. Schurz, Maj.-Gen. Carl, letter to, regarding elections, 264. Secession, threatened in event of election of a Republican presi- dent, 151, 164; views on, 93, 181, 188 ; the central idea of, 195 ; not to be compared to divorce, 196. Serenades, responses to, 255, 307. Seward, W. H., belief of, that government cannot endure half slave and half free, 153 ; Lin- coln's reply to his memorandum, 199; letter to, 229; instructions to, relating to the meeting with Confederate commissioners, 314. Shakespeare, the president's ac- quaintance with, 283. Shepley, G. F., letters to, regard- ing Louisiana elections, 262. Sheridan, Lt.-Gen. P. H., de- spatch from Grant regarding, 302. Sherman, Gen. W. T., congratu- lations to, 313. Shields, Gen. James, correspond- ence about hostile meeting with, 45. Slave breeders, an abhorred class, 90. Slave-dealer, the, 78, 90. Slavery, protest on subject to Illinois legislature, 18 ; negro temperament a paradox, 29 ; extension of, 75-85, 90, 105, 108, 126, 128, 143; Lincoln's views on, 76, 87, 89, 106, 108, 113, 118, 139, 148; speech on Missouri compromise and, at Peoria, 75-85 ; admission into Kansas and Nebraska, 75, 80, 88, 89 ; self-interested position of both north and south in re- gard to, 76 ; Lincoln on aboli- tion of, 76, 90 ; Lincoln's po- sition in regard to slavery in states and territories, 77, 105, 117-120, 121, 132, 152-157,164; gradual aboUtion of, 77, 86, 385 INDEX 130, 162, 216, 232, 254 ; south- ern sympathies for wrongs of, 77, 78 ; the moral principle of, 77, 80, 126; doctrine of self- government for territories but a benefit to, 75, 104 ; effect of cotton gin on, 132, 135 , con- stant source of difficulty, 81, 104, 105, 153, 171, 181 ; world- wide warnings against, 84 ; ultimate extinction of, 85, 106, 107, 115, 132, 135; views, ac- tions and purposes of the fath- ers in regard to, 85, 96-98, 99, 104, 107, 111, 112, 114, 115, 121, 132, 158, 172; Lincoln's hatred of, 87, 107 ; position under U. S. Constitution, 87, 123, 164, 165, 194 ; the Dred Scott decision, 96-102, 116, 156 ; congressional prohibition of, in the territories, 96, 97, 117, 120, 126, 155, 164, 194; condition of, in 1776, 86, 96- 98 ; views of Republican party on, 99, 103, 127, 129, 157- 169, 171, 181 ; Democratic views on, 103, 129, 130 ; a mat- ter of property, 104, 169 ; Lin- coln's declaration of non-inter- ference with existing, 108, 128, 150, 169, 178, 180, 189, 194; Douglas's position on, in states and territories, 110, 115, 130, 133, 169, 173; abolition of the District of Columbia, 117, 119, 120, 128 ; the Bible as author- ity for, 125, 148 ; a wrong to whites and free labor, 127, 149, 171 ; not regarded by Douglas as a moral question, 130, 133, 134 ; Douglas's claim that it must always exist, 132, 134; period of comparative peace with, 154, 160; Washing- ton's views on, 158 ; word avoided in the Constitution, 165 ; likened to a venomous snake, 172 ; the president's position against, 180, 181 ; the only substantial dispute be- tween north and south, 196 ; suggestions as to emancipation by purchase, 217, 219, 225, 232, 254, 285 ; the president's attitude between the Union and, 248, 287. Slaves, contrasted with hired la- borers, 74 ; charge against Re- publicans of stirring up insur- rections among, 160 ; affection for masters, 162 ; Jefferson on gradual deportation of, 162. Slave-trade, Lincoln's position in regard to prohibition of, be- tween different states, 77, 117, 119; declared piracy, 78; re- vival demanded by some, 83. Smith, Truman, letter to, 179. South, Lincoln's absence of prej- udice toward, 76, 157 ; public opinion of, regarding slavery, 77, 78, 181, 196; threatened secession of, in event of election of Repubhcan president, 151 ; numerical inferiority of, to north, 152; charges sectional- ism against the Republican 386 INDEX party, 157-166 ; Republicans never made war upon, 160 ; de- mands of 166, 167 ; assurance given to people of, through A. H. Stephens, of Lincoln's feel- ings toward, 180-181 ; appre- hensions in, regarding a Re- publican administration, 188 ; Union feeling in, 235-238; question of sending representa- tives to Congress, 262, 263 ; al- leged purpose of the president to enslave or exterminate the whites of, 273 ; influence of col- ored troops in, 278. South America, scheme for negro colonization, 246. Speed, J. F., letters to, 30, 31, 32, 40, 42, 43, 46, 49, 87 ; position on slavery question, 87. Speed, Miss Mary, letter to, 29. Speer, W. S., 178. Springfield, 111., address before young men's lyceum, 7-17; dull life in, 18 ; speech in house of representatives at, 25-27 ;Wash- ingtonian temperance society, 33-40 ; speech on Dred Scott decision, 96-104 ; Lincoln's speech at, to convention nom- inating him for the senate, ]04, 105; Douglas's criticisms of Lincoln's speech at, 105 ; lecture on discoveries, inven- tions and improvements, de- livered at, 137-139 ; farewell address at, 181; proposed meet- ing of unconditional Union men at, 284-286. Squatter sovereignty, 145. Stafford, E., letter to, 175. Stanton, E. M., correspondence with, 289, 291. Stephens, A. H., Lincoln's opin- ion of his oratory, 57; letter to, 180 ; at Hampton Roads, 314. Stone, Daniel, signer of protest on subject of slavery, 18. Stuart, John T., letters to, 27, 28. Suffrage, opinion on, 6; exercise of the right by aliens, 143. Taney, R. B., decision in the Dred Scott case, 96-100. Taylor, Gen. Zachary, prospects of his nomination for presi- dency, 57 ; nomination for the presidency, 59 ; Lincoln's speech on his candidacy in U. S. house of representatives, 61-67. Temperance, views on, 33-40. Territories, slavery in, 75-85, 117, 120, 146, 152-157, 159, 172, 173; Douglas's position on slavery, 131, 133 ; views of framers of U. S. Constitution as to slavery in, 132 ; Douglas's position on admission of, on basis of popu- lation, 155 ; Lincoln's views on acquisition of further, with re- gard to the slavery question, 181. Trenton, address at, 185. United States, advantages of, 7 ; dangers threatening, 7-17 ; evil influence in, as a repubUcan ex- 387 INDEX ample to the world, 75 ; slavery a disturbing and dangerous ele- ment in, 81, 104, 153, 171, 181 ; proportion of slaves in popula- tion, 169 ; desirability of peace in, 183 ; strength of our politi- cal fabric, 187 ; state rights, 189 ; perpetuity of the Union, 191 ; hostiUty to, how to be met, 192 ; proficiency in in- dustrial arts, 266 ; population statistics of, 215, 267, 310; suited geographically for one nation only, 267, 268; re- sources, 309, 310 ; a test of re- publican government, 202, 289. United States congress, messages to, 201-206, 213-215, 216-218, 266-269, 290, 308-312; com- mittee from, announces result of electoral count, 316. United States Constitution, au- thorizes congress to abolish slavery in District of Columbia, 18, 128 ; Lincoln's adherence to, 87, 145,164,181, 189-192; position of slavery under, 107, 118, 122, 164, 165; no violation of, proposed by Repubhcan party, 150, 164, 181 ; silence as to right to carry slaves into territories, 164, 165, 194; framed to exclude the idea of property in man, 165 ; support of, 188-192 ; contains founda- tion of perpetuity of Federal Union, 191. United States house of repre- sentatives, remarks in, Jan. 5, 1848, on carriage of mails, 51 ; speech in, July 27, 1848, 61-67. United States senate, Lincoln's candidacy for, 104. United States supreme court, the Dred Scott case in, 96-100. Utica, N. Y., address at, Feb. 18, 1861, 185. Volunteers, disaffection among, consequent on Fremont's liber- ation of slaves, 211. Washburne, E. B. , interview with, 212. Washington, George, reverence for, 40 ; warning against sec- tionahsm, 158; expresses views on slavery to Lafayette, 158. Washington, D. C, abolition of slavery in, 18, 117, 119, 120, 128; defence of, 221, 227, 228, 230 ; address at a Union meeting in, Aug. 6, 1862, 241 ; invitation to J. H. Hackett to visit, 283; remarks on closing a sanitary fair in, 292. Weed, Thurlow, compliments the president on his inaugural ad- dress, 319. Whig party, prospects in Illinois, 1840, 27; favor Gen. Taylor for presidency, 57 ; Lincoln's connection with, 90. White, H. L., support of, 7. Williams, A., letters to, 57, 59. Wilmot proviso, Lincoln's votes for, 90. Woman suffrage, opinion on, 6. 388 INDEX Women of America, 29-2. Young men, their importance in Workiiigmen of London, Eng., politics, 60, 61. letter to, 276. Young men's lyceum, Sprmgfield, Workingmen of Manchester, 111., address before, 7-17. Eng., letter to, 273. 389 The Unit Books WHAT ARE THE UNIT BOOKS? By The Unit Books we mean a monthly issue of the permanent books of all literatures presented to American readers in the best obtainable English versions. The serial is a collection of famous books — fiction, histor- ical works, masterpieces of scientific knowledge, records of daring travel, books of power, books of mere information, technical manuals and the classics of ancient and modern times. The aim of the publisher is to place the chief works of literature, science and the practical arts within the reach of every person. The series is to include accurate texts of the worthiest books published at the lowest possible prices in a thorough, systematic manner. It is intended as an encyclopedic issue of the world's acknowledged classics — those books published more than 50 years ago which have survived severe criticism and remain unimpaired in vitality and in their power to entertain — the old books whose vitality time has touched so lightly that they may be thought of as immortal. 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